Volume 9 • Number 4
Welcome To 2017! Hairspray: The Broadway Musical Coming to GlenOak Read more on page 8.
Just Plain Dance Expected To Sell Out Cast list on page 10.
Welcome Class of 2030! Plain Local Kindergarten Registration Fair
I hope everyone is excited about the opportunities and the future of the Plain Local School District. As we begin a new year, I would like to express my gratitude and sincere appreciation for this community. Becky and I continue to be impressed with this community and the opportunities and experiences that our children have in the Plain Local School District. We could not be more satisfied as parents. Thank You! Included in this month’s paper is an update to our strategic plan that was developed last year with community feedback. My goal is to inform the community of our progress and provide a brief update of each area in the strategic plan. As you will see, the district has made great progress across all areas. I realize that the plan will continue to develop, but I am proud of what has been accomplished in the first half of the school year. All of this information will be available for your review on our web site. I hope you will review the plan and our progress to this point. The district will continue to move forward with a focus on academics, arts, athletics and partnerships. In closing, all of our students will be taking various state mandated assessments over the next few months. This can be a stressful time for students of all ages. I believe any measure of success is more than multiple tests over a one or two week period of time. The Plain Local School District will continue to focus on the whole child to ensure we are preparing young adults to be successful in a global world. Skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, innovating, performing and working collaboratively are essential skills not measured on a test. In addition, I believe our students need to learn empathy, patience and kindness for a world that continues to change. We will begin 2017 with the same focus and energy that we had last year. The entire staff in Plain Local is committed to all 6,000 students and the greater community that we serve. 2017 is going to be great!
Go Eagles!
Brent May, Superintendent
See page 11.
Athletic Hall Of Fame Class Of 2017 Announced Full list on page 12.
3 Year Strategic Plan Accomplishments To Date On page 20.
STEM Team, Ohio Champs, Moves To Nationals Oakwood STEM Future City Team, coached by Vanessa Board, are the Ohio State Champions and moving on to Nationals in Washington D.C. in February to represent Ohio. Special Awards: Best use of recreation, Best architectural model, Best innovative solutions for water and waste water. The entire team is comprised of 34 Oakwood students. Presenters: Landon Sumor, David Wellman and Zoe Rastetter.
Page 2 • Plain Paper • January, 2017
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Volunteers Make A Difference At Frazer Elementary As we have a chance to reflect on 2016 and look forward to 2017 at Frazer
Elementary, we look at the the old African proverb that things that have made us says, “It takes a village to successful. Many have heard raise a child.” At Frazer, our wonderful community exemplifies that proverb well. At Frazer, we have had nearly fifty volunteers serving roles from working with students one-on-one with reading and math skills, to running copies, helping at class functions, making class presentations, or supporting our PTO events. On any given day you can see the parents, grandparents, and Frazer neighbors, who give selflessly of their time, in the hallways review-
ing word lists or math facts. Often times our students develop a rapport with our volunteers just like they would our staff members. Volunteers like Mary Ellen Clark, a grandmother of a Frazer student, has been volunteering two days a week for the past couple years. When asked about the benefits of volunteering with our students, Mary Ellen says, “it makes you happy when you see the little one’s face light up when it just clicks for them.” Matt DiGiacomo has been volunteering for four
years now at Frazer and several years before at Canton City Schools where his mother was a secretary. Matt said, “I really enjoy helping out here. I just have a passion for working with these children.” It is an honor to lead such a great staff at Frazer and their dedication toward all of the children in their classrooms is unmatched. However, I would be remised if I didn’t recognize the selfless efforts of our team of volunteers. They are a big reason we call it the ‘Frazer Family’ here at Frazer Elementary!
Kathy’s Financial Corner
Meet Treasurer’s Office Employees Volunteers line the halls of Frazer Elementary to lend a helping hand any where it is needed.
Photographer Identified
Please note that Brandon Snyder’s name was printed as Brandon Young in the article on page 14 from the November Plain Paper. Brandon Snyder, a talented photographer, is an eighth grade student at Oakwood Middle School. His beach photo of Anna Marie Island, Florida, placed first and best in show in the Quail Hollow Camera Club Photography contest.
Brandon exudes responsibility and creativity both inside and outside of the classroom. He, and fellow classmate and friend, Ady Moore, are leaders in Oakwood’s Photography Club. Outside of academic success, Brandon also enjoys interior design and watching HGTV. The Photography Club is a new club at Oakwood initiated by students and advised by teacher, Lauren Sturiale.
Plain Paper
By Kathy Jordan, Plain Local School District, CFO The Treasurer’s Office operates on a fiscal year, so our “New Year” began on July 1, 2016. This has been an eventful year for my office as we changed fiscal software for the first time since starting on a software package back in the early 1980’s. We moved away from a package the State of Ohio offered which had not been updated with many features we would like to have in today’s environment. All of our accounts payable and accounts receivable functions moved to the new system on July 1, 2016. This was a monumental task as we are one of the 50 largest school districts in the State of Ohio and one of the first four to make this transition. To give you an idea of the volume and the magnitude of
this conversion, here is what is managed in the office. • 359 Separate funds (each one is different now and had to be recreated by hand) • 330 New revenue accounts (receipt accounts all new account numbers) • 4,000 New accounts payable accounts (with all new account numbers) • 8,100 Vendors (all received new numbers) We write about 4,400 accounts payable checks a year and spent $62 million last year through all of our funds. We have just started payroll as of January 1, 2017 on the new system. This was also a major undertaking as our employees are in the middle of their contracts, so we had to manage each contract by hand to make sure they were correct as well as each one of the deductions from every em-
ployee’s check. This includes everything from federal taxes to annuities. The volume on this side of our operation includes: • 1305 W2’s for 2016 • 103 Deduction codes for employees from checks • 22,385 Payroll checks issued in past year All of this being said, we as a district and I as the Treasurer/ CFO are so fortunate to have a group of people in the fiscal office who were willing to take on this challenge and work long days, nights, weekends, and holidays to ensure that the transition was successful. Without their commitment, we could have never been one of the first districts in the state to do this or to conquer the many challenges of adapting this software to the State of Ohio requirements. These people are pictured below.
Plain Paper is published by Plain Local Schools. It is distributed free of charge to community residents, businesses and Plain Local staff. The purpose of Plain Paper is to provide our readers information about life and learning in the Greater Plain Township community. It is not intended to be a public forum. Editor: Mary Beddell, Plain Local Public Relations Director Plain Paper ~ Plain Local Schools 901 44th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44709 Office: 330-492-3500 • Fax: 330-493-5542 Questions or comments regarding Plain Paper can be emailed to plainlocal@plainlocal.org For advertising information please contact Michelle Stahleker 330-323-2993 email: mstahleker@yahoo.com Federal Law prohibits Plain Paper from carrying ads containing offers of insurance policies, credit cards and travel promotions. The Plain Local Schools Board of Education reserves the right to reject any press release or advertisement based on content. Plain Paper logo and design are trademarks of Plain Local Schools. All advertising art and editorial content is copyright protected and cannot be used without express written permission. The publisher and its affiliates are not liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the ad. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY The Plain Local School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability or age with respect to employment or educational programs and opportunities to students. Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Brent May 330-492-3500.
Diane Julian and Christine McHugh, Payroll Specialists.
Julie Glace, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
Kim Hert, Assistant Treasurer.
Beckie Rice, Health Benefits and Deductions; Sheryl Lain, Excess Costs and Tuition Matters.
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Spotlight Shines On Staff Marcus Salmons Asst Head Custodian, Glenoak How long with District? 11 years Favorite thing to to do outside of work? Horseback Riding Favorite Cuisine? Surf and Turf - Filet Mignon and King Crab Legs Favorite Music Artist / Song? I can only Imagine by Mercy Me Favorite place in Plain Twp? Glenoak High School and Community Campus. I really love to serve the Students, Staff and Community. And we have some really
David Thompson K-4 Music at Barr and Frazer How long have you been with the Plain Local School District? This is my 3rd year with Plain Local Schools. When you are not at work, what is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy outdoor cooking on the grill or in the smoker. What’s your favorite type of cuisine? My favorite culinary tradition is food from northern Italy. Who is your favorite musical artist/favorite song? I usually find myself coming back to Aaron Copland, specifically his 3rd Symphony. However, I’d say that J.J. Johnson and Duke Ellington are the two most What do you do when a Nakoul not only supresponsible for shaping my student arrives at school ports the student, but musical development. and does not speak Eng- she builds relationships Where is your favorite lish? At Barr, and other with parents as well. She place in Plain Township? Plain Local schools, we makes herself available The music room of course! have access to ESL (Eng- for conferences and acts If you could choose one lish as a Second Lanas a liaison for families amenity to add to the guage) tutors. and the community. workplace, what would it Mrs. Amy Nakoul is Learning English is be? I think air conditioning Barr’s tutor and serves 7 something that Mrs. in the elementary buildings students. She also works Nakoul knows all too would be welcome. with students from Glen- well. Several years ago, If you could splurge on Oak High School, Oakshe came to the United one must-have item, what wood, and Glenwood. States from Syria and had would it be? For my classThere are other tutors in to learn English. She uses room, a 9 foot Steinway. For the district as well. The her experiences to demy home, a super fancy gas Home Language Survey velop solid relationships range. that is completed at the with her students. Mrs. Have you ever been on beginning of the year, or Nakoul also serves as an the radio or TV? Yes. The when a student enrolls, interpreter for Arabic most recent being Frazer’s is the first determining speaking families. Fox 8 Cool School nominafactor. If that indicates Our students are quick- tion. that another language ly becoming proficient If you could have one is spoken in the home, in English due to Mrs. super power- what would students are then asNakoul’s expertise. She is it be? Superman-style flying sessed using the IPT, Idea a wonderful support for What is your favorite Proficiency Test, to see if students and their fami- sport team? My freshman the students will qualify lies. year ultimate frisbee team, for services. Once, durthose were the days! ing the school year, every ESL student is given the state test – OELPA, which will gauge how the student is performing and if services are still required. Mrs. Nakoul works with Barr students in four domains: Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading. She concentrates her instruction on the weakest area while increasing vocabulary. She also works closely with classroom teachers so that she can help students build a better understanding of academic material. Mrs. Mrs. Amy Nakoul great events. If I could choose one Workplace amenity? A Keurig would really keep me in high gear. If I could splurge on one must have item? Would have to be a Helicopter. I mean who doesn’t need one? Right? Have I been on Radio or T.V. ? I have not yet had my fifteen minutes of fame. If I could have one Super Power? I would like to be able to travel in time. Just imagine what you could experience. My Favorite Sports team? Glenoak Basketball. I see the work they put in while practicing and it is exciting watching it pay off for them. Go Eagles.
Barr Elementary Tutor: No English? No Problem!
January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 3
2016 Plain Local Schools Board Members and Meetings Board Members Dr. Ambrose Perduk, Jr. President Term: 2014-2017 h: 330-904-4620 Eugene M. Cazantzes Vice President Term: 2016-2019 h: 330-456-5787 Monica Rose Gwin Term: 2016-2019 h: 330-493-9561 Kristen Donohue Guardado Term: 2014-2017 w: 330-489-3395 h: 330-497-2828 John W. Halkias Term: 2014-2017 w: 330-497-3003 h: 330-494-4719
Meeting Dates The Board also adopted the following dates and locations for their 2017 regular meetings. All meetings are to begin at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Most meetings have been scheduled for the third Wed. of the month. January 18, 2017 ......................................Frazer Elementary February 8, 2017 ....................... Middlebranch Elementary March 15, 2017 ............................................ Taft Elementary April 19, 2017 .......................................Warstler Elementary May 17, 2017 ..................................Glenwood Intermediate June 14, 2017 .................................Administration Building July 19, 2017 ..................................Administration Building August 16, 2017 7:00am ..............Administration Building September 20, 2017 . ........................ GlenOak High School October 18, 2017 ............................... Avondale Elementary November 15, 2017 .................................... Barr Elementary December 13, 2017.......................Administration Building
Page 4 • Plain Paper • January, 2017
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GlenOak Guest Speaker Discusses Food Sources Mr. Krosse, Mr. Ferrell, and Mrs. Barry’s Communities 3 and 4 were treated to a guest speaker. Mr. Keith Allison, an educator from the Ethical Choices Program, came to GlenOak High School on November 22 and 23. Mr. Allison is one of dozens of educators in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, dedicated to edu-
cating the world about our food sources. The goal of the organization is to raise awareness of where our food comes from and how informed dietary choices can prevent or relieve diseases. During an hourlong presentation, students learned about how our food is processed, how it gets to our tables, how our diet can
Mr. Allison spoke to GlenOak students about food sources.
Plain Local Schools App! Android and iPhone users can download the Plain Local Schools application in the “App Store” on their devices. Simply search Plain Local Schools to download the FREE app powered by SchoolMessenger. Right from your fingertips you can check all the up to date information on events, athletics, lunch menus, grades and more! Additionally the new app links to all Plain Local Schools social media account, gives you access to sign up to be on our mailing list, and lets you specialize your preferences based on which schools you’d like to follow. If you want to stay connected to all things Plain Local Schools download our FREE app today.
Social Media: Where to find us! Looking for all the up to date information on all things Plain Local? Here’s where to find us to stay connected. Remember to use the hashtag #plainpride when sharing photos, stories and updates on anything Plain Local! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plainlocalschools Twitter: @PlainLocal Instagram: @PlainLocalSchools Superintendents Twitter: @eagletweets14
students: creating healthy lifestyles, and making good choices. They are reading, “The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make,” by
Sean Covey, and learning how good and bad decisions regarding friends, family, school, health, and self-image can have lasting effects.
mental health, substance abuse and more. Please call 1-800324-8680 for more information or to request an application. Information can also be found on the web at http://jfs.ohio.gov/ ohp/consumers/familychild. stm. Anyone who has an Ohio Medicaid card is already receiving these services. The information provided on the application is confidential and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program official. To discourage the possibility of misrepresentation, the application forms contain a statement above the space for signature certifying that all information furnished is true and correct. Applications are being made in connection with the receipt of federal funds. Schools or other officials may check the information on the application at any time during the school year. Deliberate misrepresentation of information may subject the applicant to prosecution under applicable state and federal laws. Households will be notified of the approval or denial of benefits. Foster children are categorically eligible for free meal benefits regardless of the household’s income. If a family has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for such meals or milk for them, contact the school for more information. Under the provision of the policy, Jennifer Rex will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent or guardian disagrees with the decision on the application or the result of verification, the decision may be discussed with the determining official on an informal basis. If a formal appeal is desired, the household has the right to a fair hearing. A fair hearing can be requested either orally or in written fomm: FREE HEALTH CARE: Brent May, Superintendent Families with children eligible 901 44th Street, NW for school meals may be eligible Canton, Ohio 44709 for FREE health care coverage The policy contains an outline through Medicaid and/or Ohio’s of the hearing procedure. Healthy Start and Healthy FamiHouseholds may apply for lies programs. These programs benefits any time during the include coverage for doctor school year. If a household is visits, immunizations, physicals, not currently eligible and if the prescriptions, dental, vision, household size increases or
income decreases because of unemployment or other reasons, the family should contact the school to file a new application. Such changes may make the children of the family eligible for free or reduced-price benefits if the family income falls at or below the levels shown above. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr. usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust. html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 6329992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@ usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
impact our health, and how to make good food choices for a healthy lifestyle. The presentation is part of a year-long theme for the
Food Service, Healthcare Statement Plain Local Schools today announced its 2016-2017 program year policy for free and reducedprice meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals or milk served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast, After School Care Snack or Special Milk Program. Each school office and the central office has a copy of the policy which may be reviewed by any interested party. The Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines will be used for determining eligibility. Children from families whose annual income is at or below the Federal Guidelines are eligible for free and reduced price meals or free milk if the school participates in the Special Milk Program. Application forms are being distributed to all homes in a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free and reduced-price benefits, households should fill out the application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available at the principal’s office in each school. A complete application is required. Households which currently receive Special Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits (SNAP, formally known as food stamps) or Ohio Works First (OWF) funds for a child must provide the child’s name, the SNAP or OWF case number and signature of an adult household member on the application. Households which do not receive SNAP or OWF funds must provide the names of all household members, the last four digits of the Social Security Number of the adult signing the application or state “none” if the adult does not have a Social Security Number, the amount and source of income received by each household member, (state the monthly income) and the signature of an adult household member. If any of this information is missing, the school cannot process the application.
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 5
Junior Polymer Ambassadors Develop Bioplastic What started out as a simple inquiry lab in the Biology Classroom has
turned into the Junior Polymer Ambassadors (JPA). The JPA started in
in 2015-2016 when students in Ms. Hess’ honors biology class were chal-
lenged to make a bioplastic. As with any new research, students embarked on a journey of successes and failures, but in the end, several groups were successful in developing a potential precursor for a bioplastic. As a proud mentor would do, Ms. Hess shared the success of her students with Dr. Cavicchi and John Fellenstein at the University of Akron AGPA Program. Intrigued by the excitement of the youth, Dr. Cavicchi invited two of the students to present at the District Annual Meeting of Plastic Engineers about their ideas and research. After this event, the students continued to harness an interest in creThe Glenwood Soap Box Derby team has begun construction on their super stock cars ating better plastics. So, in in preparation for the Gravity Race Challenge in May. Thirty-three students have signed a search for resources and up this year to take part in the construction of and racing in soap box derby cars. In groups for her students to the Soap Box Derby Club, there is a position for everyone. Some students are working on the media team – documenting the process and creating promotional videos. Other students are working on the cars and are looking forward to being part of the pit crew GlenOak has made some where they will help with car maintenance and wheel-swapping on race day. Others are changes to the grading helping organizing parts and are in charge of helping the constructors have the parts policy this year in order to they need for each step. This year, Glenwood has been able to get a fourth car. This will better align with current allow students to have more hands-on experiences as well as an extra racer on race day. best practices in the county The buzz of excitement is in the air and hopes are high of bringing home a trophy! as well as university partners. Credits are assigned at the end of first semester and Plain Local students in at a college campus, the Plus can be found on the end of second semesIntent Form deadline is grades 7-12 are eligible the Ohio Department of ter. Each semester grade is to earn college credit April 1. Education website. calculated by averaging the Students must comfree of charge through plete the regular college the College Credit Plus application process and (CCP) program. There are 14 CCP courses meet admission requiretaught at GlenOak, how- ments in accordance ever students may also with the university’s adopt to take classes on the mission policy in order to enroll. CCP advising college campus. will occur February 6-17 Students seeking enrollment in CCP courses for students who have for the 2017-2018 acaturned in the Intent demic year must submit Form by January 27. the CCP Letter of Intent For complete details including the Intent Form to GlenOak High Form and Plain Local School by January 27 if College Credit Guide, they are interested in please visit http://bit.ly/ taking CCP classes at GlenOak High School. GOHSCCP Additional informaFor students planning on taking CCP courses tion on College Credit
Soapbox Team Begins Construction
work with, Ms. Hess contacted Algalita and learned that they host a Youth Summit each year where students present about bioplastics that they are trying to develop. Four teams of JPA students applied to present at this event and currently two teams are on the waiting list to present in February at the Youth Summit in California. In the meantime, JPA students enjoy getting out into the community and educating youth about polymers. They recently spent a day at Oakwood Middle School where they assisted the AGPA Team to conduct over 11 different STEM activities for over 250 middle school students. Keep your eyes open for stories about these enthusiastic future scientists.
GlenOak Grading Updated
College Credit Plus Programs Available
Plain Local Child Nutrition Department Receives Grant $3,000.00 was awarded to the Child Nutrition Department from The Children’s Hunger Alliance, a statewide non-profit organization that offers support in increasing student access to the School Breakfast Program. The award money will be used to help improve the access students
currently have to breakfast at Glenwood Intermediate School, adding an additional breakfast kiosk in the school cafeteria. Money will also be used to provide incentives to students to help bring awareness to the importance of eating a healthy breakfast at home or school.
two marking periods of the semester with the semester exam. Students receive a final grade for first semester and a final grade for second semester which both appear on the student’s transcript. Grades closed for this semester on January 12, and report cards were mailed the week of January 17.
Page 6 • Plain Paper •January, 2017
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Middlebranch Students Give Back To The Community On December 1, Middlebranch Elementary held their very first Donation Day. Each grade level brought boxes filled with donations for local charities such as, Caring for Kids, The YWCA, Project K.A.R.E., Paws and Prayers, Akron Children’s Hospital, and The Ronald McDonald House. At the end of the day, the conference room at
Middlebranch was filled with donations from wall to wall! This event was organized by the 4th Grade Leadership Team in an effort to empower students to practice generosity toward those in need. The 4th Grade Leadership Team at Middlebranch is made up of 11 students who consistently demonstrate leadership skills and posi-
tive character traits. They are dedicated to planning schoolwide projects that promote a positive climate throughout Middlebranch. Donation Day was their first project of the year. Members of the group felt passionately about
helping as many charities as possible so they decided that each grade level would support a different charity. Students at Middlebranch were able to see the impact of their kindness when representatives from each organization
came to pick up the donations and expressed their gratitude. Representatives shared pictures and stories about the people and animals they assist, allowing students to make a connection to the community.
Warstler Fourth Grader Helps Community Homeless Philanthropy is defined as the effort to increase the wellbeing of mankind, as by the charitable aide or donations. There are many philanthropists at Warstler Elementary, but one stands out among the rest. Kaden Stepp took it upon himself to start Kaden’s Blessing Bags to assist the homeless who might be in need of basic personal care supplies. He began this philanthropic endeavor during the spring of 2015 and it has gained a multitude of recognition. His initiative to care for others has been recognized by the Canton Repository, Channel 19’s Ramona’s Kids, the Daughters of the American Revolution and his Cub Scout Pack 127. Most recently Kaden was given the
Youth in Philanthropy Award by the AFP, Association of Fundraising Professionals: Northeast Ohio Chapter, for his over 1,000 Blessing Bags donated to the Refuge of Hope. Changing the world truly begins with one act of compassion at a time. Left to Right: Seth Dickson, Rivers Gayhart, Dominic Smith, Amelia Milek, Chloe Garner, Aanika Sommers, Addison Hamm, Kammora Cox and Kate Oliver help get items ready to donate.
Kaden Stepp
Oakwood Participates in Sole Hope Expires 3-25-17
Expires 3-25-17
Mrs. Caldwell’s reading classes at Oakwood Middle School participated in a community service project to make shoes from denim out of cut patterns. The cut out shoe patterns are being sent to Uganda through an organization named Sole Hope. Sole Hope provides education, medicine and prevention strategies to the people of Uganda to protect them from chigger bites. The flea like pests bite and cause infection. The Oakwood students have produced 50 pair of shoes from denim donated by the Oakwood Staff. Save the date: 15th Annual
Sunday, March 12, 2017 North Canton Racquet Club In Memory of Abbey Foltz
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 7
Helping Hands Community Club Hosts Thanksgiving Glenwood Intermediate School has a group of 5th and 6th grade students called the Glenwood Helping Hands Community Club. The students selected for this group show leadership qualities and the ability to work well with others. The Helping Hands Group at Glenwood focuses on community service projects. Our first activity was a community Thanksgiving dinner that was held at Glenwood and was funded by a grant through the Sisters of Charity to allow
for the free meal for our guests and t-shirts for the Helping Hands students. Local senior community members were invited to join us for dinner, entertainment and activities. We had performances by the Oakwood Step Team, the Glenwood Choir and the Glenwood Arts Cares Club who decorated and instructed crafts with the guests. The evening was a great success with fabulous food prepared by the Plain Local Catering Service. The Glenwood Helping Hands
members did an incredible job welcoming, serving and making our guests feel like they were at a five-star event. We are looking forward to our next community service project with the Helping Hands Group in the spring. If you have any suggestions or ideas that you feel would be beneficial for the community and the Helping Hands Group, please feel free to contact Iman Grant or Kristi Blankenship, School Counselors at Glenwood Intermediate School 330-491-3780.
Families lend a helping hand to wrap gifts for community Christmas at Glenwood Intermediate School!
Glenwood Cares Campaign Aides Community Christmas The Glenwood Student Council continued their support of the Community Christmas organization this year through the Glenwood Cares Campaign. Four families from within the Plain Local School District were adopted and provided for this season. Glenwood students contributed through monetary donations, Giving Tree tags, and during our week of giving brought in personal care items and paper products that were distributed to the families. Student Council members, parents and staff met to wrap and package the gifts, getting a jump start on spreading some holiday cheer!
Historical Society Meetings
Glenwood Helping Hands students at the community dinner they hosted in November.
Volume 4 of “Cruising Thru Plain Township” is now available. This volume covers the NW quarter of Plain Township which encompasses North Canton. There are 24 locations highlighted that will take you back 10 to 150 years ago. Check out the book and see what memories you relive. Volume 4 joins the collection which includes the NE Quarter (Volume 1), SE Quarter (Volume 2) and SW Quarter (Volume 3). These tour books are researched and written by the volunteers of PTHS. So gather your friends and family and see the sites. Contact us at preservingplaintwp@ gmail.com to get your copy today for $10.
2017 meeting schedule: February 20, 2017 – Love Letters to H (in Photos) – WWII March 20, 2017 – Harry Harper Ink April 17, 2017 – Finding My Family: From Plain Township, Section 30 with Love May 15, 2017 –Ohio Barns June 19, 2017 – Genealogy – Meeting at the Stark County District Library Genealogy Dept. and starts at 6:00pm July 17, 2017 – How to Identify When an Object Needs Conservation or Repair August 21, 2017 – Lost Canton (12 Examples of Iconic Architecture from the 19th and 20th Century lost to neglect) September 18, 2017 – Jacob Gaskins: First African American in Plain Township October 16, 2017 – Log Cabins in Plain Township November 20, 2017 – A Visit from William McKinley December, 2017 – No Meeting All meetings start at 7:00PM and are held at the Plain Township Offices 2600 Easton St. NE unless otherwise noted. Come join us! It’s “Plain” History.
Avondale Students Warm Up Winter Students in Miss Dombroski’s Blended 1/2 and Mrs. Mitchell’s Blended 3/4 classes at Avondale Elementary hosted a Winter Warm Up event recently. All students and families were invited to take part in this after-school event on December 16. Students made ornaments, wreaths, hot chocolate, and holiday popcorn that they sold at the event to benefit charity. Free activities included face painting, winter-themed games, and an ugly sweater photo booth. The event raised $650, which will be donated to Tent Schools International, an organization that establishes schools for children in refugee camps.
Page 8 • Plain Paper • January, 2017
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GlenOak Presents ‘Hairspray: The Broadway Musical’ The GlenOak High School Musical Theater Department is pleased to bring “Hairspray: The Broadway Musical” to the Abbey Foltz Stage at GlenOak High School. This larger-than-life 60’s musical about love and acceptance dances its way into audiences’ hearts on Friday, February 27th (7:00 p.m.) and runs through Saturday, February 28th (2:00
PM and 7:00 p.m.). “Hairspray,” winner of 8 Tony Awards including Best Musical, is a family-friendly musical that is piled boufffant high with laughter, romance, and deliriously tuneful songs. It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the lovable plus-size teen Tracy Turnblad has only one desire - to dance on the popular “Corny Collins
Show.” When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star. She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob Link Larkin, and - most importantly - integrate a TV network ... all without denting her ‘do! With the book by Mark O’Donnell and Thomas Meehan, music by Marc Shaiman, lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman, “Hairspray: The Broadway Musical” is based and design team. The show on the quirky 1988 New is directed by Wendy MarLine Cinema film written tens, with music direction by and directed by John Waters Jessica Bell, choreography by and starring Ricki Lake. Jacquenette Blaydes, and cosStudents from all areas of tumes by Stephen Tornero. the Fine Arts have collaboEvening performances rated with the CareerTech begin at 7 p.m. on February programs including 10 and 11. Tickets are avail- Entertainment Technolable for $5.00 each. A 12:30 ogy, Construction Trades, p.m. carnival/ice cream social Business and Marketing, will take place on Saturday, Video Productions and February 11, prior to a 2 Cosmetology to bring this p.m. matinee performance. entertaining musical theater Tickets for the carnival with spectacular to the stage. the matinee are $10.00. Email Mackey Parsons, cast as the Vanessa Board at boardv@ lead role of Tracy Turnblad, plainlocal.org for tickets and information.
Oakwood Middle School To Stage ‘The Music Man Jr.’
“The Music Man Jr.” marches onto the Oakwood Middle School stage next month. The show, based on Meredith Willson’s six-time, Tony Award-winning musical comedy, features some of musical theatre’s most iconic songs and a story filled with wit, warmth and good oldfashioned romance. The story follows fasttalking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa, into buying instruments and uniforms for a boys’ band he vows to organize. The catch? He doesn’t know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marian, the town librarian, whose belief in Hill’s power just might help him succeed in the end, in spite of himself. The production features 8th graders Dominic Gemma as Harold Hill and Claire Monnette as Marian Paroo. More than 100 Oakwood students will be participating as members of the cast, crew
commented, “It’s so great to have the opportunity to not only meet but work with students from all of the different areas of the school. From the sets to the lighting design, I am so amazed with what these students are able to contribute to make the shows here at GlenOak so successful.” Artistic director Brian Kieffer is proud to collaborate with a staff of 15 directors and staff members to create “Hairspray” with talented students that represent the rich diversity found in Plain Local. Kieffer commented, “This musical is more than just a show; it’s a musical with a mission to promote peace and tolerance”. He explained that although the racial tension and civil rights movement from the 1960’s is central to the plot of the show, the theme of embracing and celebrating our differences as the human race is timeless and crucial to the world we live in today. “The directors and the students have it in our minds and hearts to
continue in our school and community a movement that started many years ago.” Reserved seating tickets for GlenOak’s production of “Hairspray” will be available for purchase online only mid-January. Box seats; $15.00, Main Floor seats; $12.00, and Balcony seats, $10.00. Go to www.plainlocal.org to be directed to on-line ticket sales. Here, you will conveniently be able to select your seats; pay for them with a credit/ debit card; print out your tickets or store them on your smartphone ... all from the comfort of your home! For an insider’s scoop and weekly updates, be sure to check out our video blog series entitled “Hairspray Highlights.” This weekly documentary program is produced and hosted by Bailey Board of the GOHS Video Productions class and features co-hosts Tyson Upshaw and Isaac Temelkoff. This special glimpse behind the scenes “teaser” can be accessed on the Plain Local website; www.plainlocal.org.
Dominic Gemma plays Harold Hill in Oakwood Middle School’s production of The Music Man Jr. GlenOak Choir Director Brian Kieffer, and the leads of Hairspray have begun rehearsing for the February shows! Photographed left to right include: Brian Kieffer, Heidi Fawver, Tyson Upshaw, Jaime Hunter, Colin O’Connor, and Mackey Parsons.
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 9
Business Courses Help Students Prepare For Life Did you know that business is the largest major in college – with more than 22% of students choosing it as their major, according to the
National Center on Education Statistics. Business Education prepares you to succeed in college, the workforce and for life. In the latest survey by
High School Of Business™ Seniors Design, Run Student Companies
Through their partnership with Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio, GlenOak seniors in the High School of Business™ capstone course have been working to design and implement 3 micro companies that will be in business approximately 16 weeks. The companies have been assigned a community mentor who has been instrumental in entrepreneurship development and works to steer and guide the student companies. Also, former graduates of GlenOak and current Walsh University students have been influential in helping to guide and shape the companies. On December 16, each of the three companies pitched their ideas for a group of potential investors in a process that is very similar to the popular tv show Shark Tank. The goal of the pitch day was to help to secure up to $600 of start-up funds to aid each company in securing supplies, marketing, and other anticipated initial costs. The students will run their companies until May 1, and will have a chance to compete with other local high schools who are also running companies through a trade show at the University of Mount Union in late April. Check out our student-run companies and please consider utilizing their goods and services! For more information, you can contact Amanda de Fays at defaysa@plainlocal.org.
GO Connexions
GO Connexions, a Junior Achievement student-created business at GlenOak High School, is excited to help connect you with the talents of our amazing students in the Career-Technical programs. For a nominal fee, we will connect you with qualified students who are ready to help fulfill your needs in the areas of photography, video production, graphic animation and design, marketing, and horticulture/landscaping. All prices for student performed services will be individually negotiated between the client and student. GO Connexions will ensure that you receive the right service provider! If you are interested in learning more about how we can serve you, email GO Connexions at goconnexions@gmail. com.
HASO (Help a School Out)
HASO, a Junior Achievement student run company at GlenOak High School, is looking to help promote school spirit and unity in grades K-8 through their unique design of a GlenOak t-shirt. This shirt has a special message of unity on the back, and will be offered in both short sleeve and long sleeve options. Representatives of this company will be personally visiting the schools with order forms for students, and the school with the most orders for t-shirts will be awarded the highly coveted “Eagle Spirit” trophy. HASO is looking to make a long-term positive difference by donating 50% of all proceeds back to each school to spend to promote school spirit. Order forms will be going home with all K-8 students during the month of February. If you have any questions for HASO, please contact them at gohsbhaso@gmail.com
Premier Plaques
Is your team, organization or business looking for affordable and professional plaques? We have just the solution for you! Premier Plaques, a Junior Achievement student run company at GlenOak High School is launching our plaque making business. Premier Plaques offers a variety of customizable plaques to meet all of your needs at only $12 per plaque with a quick production time. Contact Premier Plaques for any of your plaque needs! premierplaques@gmail.com
the National Association of Colleges and Employers, for example, 63% of companies said they were looking to hire business majors, second highest after engineering. However, business courses are needed by all students because of the rapidly growing and changing economy. Students will need the skills to cope not only with the complexities of the business world but the practical necessities of saving and investing, handling consumer and credit issues and operating a business. At GlenOak High School we have a nationally accredited College Prep and Career Pathway Program for students interested in business known as the GlenOak High School of Business™ program. Here are the top reasons to take business courses through GlenOak’s High School of Business™ program: 1. Develop skills needed for college and the workplace which are necessary for economic success. 2. Providing information technology skills related to computers – our program utilizes 21st Century technology that industry and employers are seeking. 3. Expand your educational opportunities – most students learn best in courses that offer hands-on experience - this is exactly how business education courses teach students. Business courses add new dimensions to learning through applied activities. 4. Develop marketable skills and habits to apply to any career – communication skills, self-confidence, selfawareness, good work habits, problem solving, critical thinking, punctuality, reliability, teamwork and leadership are learned in business
classes. You will feel a sense of accomplishment, which will instill the self-assurance you need to set and achieve your career goals. 5. Acquire international business knowledge – in today’s global economy, a familiarity with other countries and cultures and their impact on American businesses is essential. 6. It encourages creativity and entrepreneurial thinking – an explosion of job growth has occurred in small business. Business courses prepare you to work in a small business and/or start your own business. You will learn to meet new challenges with
creativity that results in fresh ideas and will develop an entrepreneurial attitude that can make things happen in any career. 7. It can help pay for college – the skills you acquired in business courses in high school can help you obtain employment to finance your education, and students who complete our business program can earn college credits! If you would like more information about enrolling in our exciting, hands-on learning business program at GlenOak, contact Amanda de Fays at defaysa@plainlocal. org or Robert O’Donnell at odonnellr@plainlocal.org.
GO Cosmetology Prices
GlenOak Cosmetology Menu of Services Open weekly on Wednesday 11:30a-3:00p Call: (330) 491-3990 to make an appointment. Hair Services Shampoo/Set/Style.................................................... $8.00 Shampoo/Thermal Style........................................... $8.00 Braid Styles.................................................. $10.00 and up Up-Do’s........................................................ $15.00 and up Haircut........................................................................ $8.00 Chemical Waves......................................... $25.00 and up Spiral (long hair)............................................. $35.00-$45 Chemical Relaxer............................................ $25.00-$30 Decolorize/bleach................................................... $30.00 Decolorize/Toner.................................................... $15.00 Tint Retouch............................................................ $25.00 Color scalp to ends.................................................. $30.00 Foil Highlight/Lowlight.......................................... $40.00 *each additional color $5 Cap Highlight.......................................................... $25.00 Conditioning treatment...............................................$12 *deep conditioner, Malibu, or Protein Nail Services Manicure.................................................................... $8.00 Oil Mani................................................................... $12.00 *includes hand and arm massage Pedicure.................................................................... $12.00 Gel polish................................................................. $12.00 Facial Services Facial........................................................................ $10.00 Spa Facial.................................................................. $15.00 Brow Wax................................................................... $8.00
Page 10 • Plain Paper • January, 2017
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Friday, January 27 at 7 p.m. GlenOak High School Theatre (enter door 17) 1 8 0 1 S c h n e i d e r S t. N E , C a n t o n , O H 4 4 7 2 1
Join us for Plain Local’s very own dancing competition! Come and watch 9 acts representing the 9 schools in Plain Local compete for your votes! $1 =1 vote. All proceeds raised will go to the Plain Local Arts programs.
VIP $15
General Admission $7
Balcony Seating $5
seating utilizes the first three rows of the theatre for a VIP event experience!
Lower Level and Balcony Box Seating
Purchase tickets: www.plainlocal.org under ARTS
Performers Team Avondale:
Student Choreographers:
4 th grade student, Gino Contrucci
Kailey Weisel Kynnedy Smith
Student Choreographers:
Style of Dance: Charleston Inspired
Lauren Franz Sydney Weiss
Team Middlebranch:
Camille McCraney Amanda Collins Victoria Newkirk Sharon Burton Andrew Meredith Mary Angeli
Glenwood: Dancers:
Plus surprise student performers!
Ray Frisbee Nicholas Hepner Patrick Wendell Adam Steiner Kurt Jarvis
Student Choreographers:
Student Choreographers:
Jordan Williams Kari Hufhand Ashley Hamilton Jenny Dobrea Lauren Graham
Madison McGuire Sarah Reed
Madelyn Votypka Jorden Dell
Style of Dance: Line Dance
Style of Dance: Pop
Student Choreographers:
Team Warstler:
Team Oakwood:
Grace Orwick Holly Long
Megan Cordell Payton Fox Sienna McArthur
Nicole Rozich Jenn Ondo Bethany Cummings
Style of Dance: Swing
Style of Dance: Pop
Plus surprise student performers!
Team Frazer:
Team Taft:
Student Choreographers:
Nathan Rininger Wendy Royer
Michele Rivard Anita Harple Heather Phillips Tonya Rose
Tyler Adkins Annalesa Anderson Lauren Sturiale Kevin Allan Anthony Beitler Jeanette Garcia Sarah Pendleton Allen Meffan
Style of Dance: Hip Hop
Team Barr: Dancers:
Andrea Michel Adam Black Student Choreographers:
Faith Moore Maddie kieffer Style of Dance: Modern
Student Choreographers:
Hayleigh Murphy Madelynne Ayers Style of Dance: Group Number
Team GlenOak Team 1 Dancers:
Nathan Bodenschatz Courtney Breon Student Choreographers: Hannah Boerner Skylar Keirn Mackenzie Davis Style of Dance: Jazz
Team GlenOak Team 2 Dancers:
Dori Hess Denise Ryder Plus surprise student performers! Student Choreographers:
Meighan Hinnebusch Emily Krynicky Style of Dance: Pop
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 11
CLASS OF 2030! Kindergarten Registration Fair Join us for a wide variety of resources from the Plain Local School District, community partners, agencies and organizations available in one convenient location to assist you in preparing your child for Kindergarten in the 2017-2018 school year!
No sign up required, come anytime from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.!
Saturday February 4, 2017
- Register your child for 2017-2018 Kindergarten - Meet the staff at your child’s school - Sign up for a tour of your school building - Fun interactive activities for children while parents complete required paperwork
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. GlenOak High School 1801 Schneider Street NE Canton, Ohio 44721
Thank you to our sponsors!
Avondale Elementary PTO
Middlebranch Elementary PTO
Barr Elementary PTO
Warstler Elementary PTO
Frazer Elementary PTO
Taft Elementary PTO
Questions? Call 330.492.3500 or visit www.plainlocal.org to find out what Plain Local Schools has to offer!
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Page 12 • Plain Paper • January, 2017
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 13
Alumni Association Cooks Up Bish’s Dishes Stark County icon, Jim Hillibish, wrote various columns for The Canton Repository. His most famous column was “Boiling Point” which featured recipes that were accompanied with antidotal notes, the story behind the recipes or a review that local foodies would revere. Known as “Bish” by his co-workers and friends, Jim passed away in September 2014. The Repository has recently been re-running some of his most popular columns to the delight of his fans.
Jim graduated from Glenwood High School where he was a publication editor and photographer for the school newspaper. He then went on to Kent State University before beginning his career with the Repository in 1974 after serving 4-years in the United States Army. The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association will be hosting a special event to honor Jim’s legacy in our community. “Bish’s Dishes Celebrity Cook-Off” will be held Satur-
day, March 18th and feature local chefs and “celebrities” cooking up some of Jim’s most favored recipes. The event will also feature a special induction into the Plain Local Schools Alumni Association Hall of Distinction to recognize his impact in the field of journalism within our community. This event is being held in conjunction with the Canton Repository and their premier of a commemorative cookbook featuring Jim’s cooking
columns and recipes. The Repository has pledged to fund a $1,000 scholarship to a 2017 graduating senior from the proceeds from the sales of the cookbooks. The cook-off will be held at the Kent Stark Conference Center beginning at 6pm and will feature a chef’s parade prior to the sampling of their culinary creations. Awards will be given for overall Judge’s choice, Peoples Choice and the President’s Award. The evening will culminate
with a program honoring Jim and his many contributions to our community, along with his induction into the Hall of Distinction. All proceeds will support the foundation’s mission of growing our endowment fund to sustain our educational program support of the Plain Local School District. To buy tickets, sponsor the event or donate an item please contact the foundation office at 330-491-3870 or foundation@plainlocal.org.
HOD Applications Accepted The Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association are accepting applications for its’ Hall of Distinction. The Hall of Distinction is designed to recognize Plain Local Schools’ alumni and community members who have distinguished themselves in their profession and/ or have made significant contributions to Plain Local Schools or the Plain Local community. Nominations and supporting material must be submitted in writing to the Plain Local Schools Foundation
and Alumni Association. Application packets are available at Plain Local Schools Administration Building or at the Foundation / Alumni page at www.plainlfoundation.com. If you are unable to pick up a packet, call 330491-3870, and one will be mailed to you. Nominations must be received no later than April 3, 2017 for induction in Fall 2017. For more information contact Diane Pilati, Executive Congratulations to the sevDirector, Plain Local Schools enth grade Oakwood Power Foundation at 330-491-3870 of the Pen Team for earning or foundation@plainlocal.org. 1st place out of 17 schools attending the District Tournament at Mount Union. Power of the Pen is Ohio’s InterIf you are getting ready to plan your class reunion for scholastic Creative Writing 2017, consider hosting it the weekend of the Alumni Tailgate Party. The tailgate party is being held on September 15, 2017 and can offer another activity for your class to attend and to visit the GlenOak Community Campus. For more information contact the foundation / alumni association office at foundation@plainlocal.org or 330-491-3870.
Plain Local Alumni Reunions
GlenOak High School Class of 1987
30th Class Reunion Friday, July 21, 8pm Informal meet and greet at the Ignorant Owl Saturday, July 22, 10am-3pm - Golf outing Saturday, July 22, 10:30am-2pm - Family pot-luck and GlenOak tour Veterans Park, 1714 Schneider Street NE Canton, Ohio 44721 (across from the high school) High school tour: 11:00am Saturday, July 22, 7pm-11pm - Reunion! Courtyard Marriott Cost: $65 per person in advance, $75 at the door Checks should be made out to: GlenOak Class of 1987 Contact: Kristi Barker (kebphd@gmail.com)
Glenwood High School Class of 1967
50th Class Reunion September 15-16-17, 2017 Follow us on Facebook @ “Glenwood High School Class of 1967” Friday, September 15 – Social Gathering – Location to be announced Saturday, September 16 – Tozzi’s On Twelfth, 4210 12th St NW, Canton If you have any other ideas for activities for Saturday or Sunday, let us know; we would love to hear from you. Send email to glenwoodhs1967@gmail.com
Glenwood Class of 1974
Looking for classmates contact Robin Howes Kratzer at 330-806-6020
Oakwood Takes First Place At District Power Of The Pen Tournament Program for Middle School students. Special congratulations to Elaina Norris, Abby Podis, and Rinoa Chech for earning 9th, 5th and 4th place trophies, respectively. Lauren Nieporte earned a
standing ovation for finishing 1st overall at the competition! She also won “Best of Round” which affords her the opportunity to be published. Congratulations to coach Allen Meffan and his dynamic team!
Students work to organize donations for the new donation closet at GlenOak High School
Page 14 • Plain Paper •January, 2017
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Gifts To The Plain Local Schools Foundation
The Plain Local Schools Foundation was created in 1989 to help ensure quality educational experiences by serving as a receptacle for special private gifts and funds on behalf of Plain Local Schools. Funds have been established to benefit innovative programs across all disciplines of education that are outside of the normal operating budget of the school district. Over the years alumni and Foundation friends have contributed more than $1,000,000 to the foundation endowment and scholarship funds. Over the years, the foundation has supported the district in the form of capital building initiatives, program support, staff grants and scholarships through a variety of endowed funds. The long-term goal is to grow the general endowment fund to $1 million so that a sustainable trust exists to serve the students of Plain Local for generations to come. The foundation continues to collaborate with the district to address needs in program support and scholarships; and it continues to facilitate strong and effective alliances in funding between academics, athletics and arts. We need your support to continue these efforts. Donors support these efforts through annual contributions because they entrust the PLSF to be a community steward of private donations to benefit all 6,000 students in our community. The Plain Local Schools Foundation thanks all the individuals, community members and organizations listed below for their contributions from July 1, 2016 – January 15, 2017. Their generosity allows the Foundation to support every facet of the Plain Local School District to enrich the lives of youths in our community. Gifts to the Plain Local Schools Foundation provide the opportunity for every Eagle to achieve his or her highest goals. To establish an endowed fund, give a gift to benefit the students of the Plain Local School District visit www.plainfoundation. com or contact Diane Pilati, Executive Director, at foundation@plainlocal.org, or call 330-491-3870. The following gifts were made to the Plain Local Schools Foundation by:
PLSF Endowment Fund – Giving Tree Donors Kristin Sadler Barker, PhD Richard L. Dana, J.D. Ken McPeek Thomas A. Schauer William and Candy Wallace
Staff Payroll Pledge Jennifer M Austin Erin E Barr Susan Barry Donna Bates Mary Beddell Anglea Beshore Megan Bird Kristin L Blankenship Annual Campaign Tina M Boerner Victor and Darlene Drenta Deborah A Boron Greg and Sara (Benz) Josh Branch Godfrey Jerad Buck John and Gerri Humphrey Tracey Case Christine Kellamis Tara C Cerrezuela George M. Kelly Elizabeth A Conley Edward Levy Darla J Coppa Denise Nielsen Amanda Defays Bob Schaffner Allyson Devaughn General Fund Lisa Diloreto George and Barbara Jill Downing Bowers In Memory of Larry Lori J Eckelberry Morgan Scott Ferrell Terry and Peggy Craig In Marie A Fletcher Memory of Larry Morgan Rebecca Foss Willis and Virginai DigMatthew D Gagnon man In Memory of Larry Linda Gambone Morgan Mary Gidcumb Victor and Darlene Drenta Andrea Gleason In Memory of Larry Morgan Heidi L Haddad Rebeca Ducat In Memory Randall Hahn of Larry Morgan Ashley Hamilton Anthony and Sally EfreAnita R Harple moff In Memory of Larry Janeen Harris Morgan Erica Hershberger Philip and Argery Giavasis Kimberly S Hert In Memory of Larry Morgan Dana Hill Pam Goudy In Memory of Paula Hinchliffe Larry Morgan Ann Hite Eric Henderson In MemoMeghan Humes ry of Linda Cohen and Larry Christopher B Irwin Morgan Barbara A Ivan Larry Horton In Memory Nancy K Jordan of Larry Morgan Dedra Keoshian Michael and Jane Jantz In Gayle L Kimbrough Memory of Larry Morgan Shawn K Kimbrough The Robert and Bobbi Jo Tricia A King Kintigh Family Charitable Lynn M Kovacs Fund Grant for GlenOak Audrey Kress Choirs Andrea C Krynicky Neil and Elizabeth Martin Michael Labriola Jr In Memory of Larry Morgan Gerianne Lane Middlebranch Teachers In David Limbaugh Jr Honor of Mrs. Jill Downing Christine Ludwig Dorothy Neuf In Memory Madaline Mackall of Larry Morgan Micki G Marchbank Lanny and Bonnie Ross In Jeannene C Mathis-Bertosa Memory of Larry Morgan Brian D Matthews Karen Spidel Darren Mayle Richard and Kathryn Victoria Mazzaferri Tebroski In Memory of Larry Pat McCann Morgan Eric Mckinney Jeanne Mcneal Staff Donations Jo Anne Mcnew Rachel Buzzard Pamela A Michel Mary Frisbee Michael A Milford Jack and Julie Greynolds Amy Miller Deanna Harris Mary Kline Mohn Carol Lenartowicz Thomas G Mosberger Brent and Becky May Jennifer Mutchler Deb Nicodemo Sharon K Novak Kristina Radigan E Mark Parent Penney Rante Kimberly Perduk Brian Richeson Christine M Perillo Kelly Smith Traci A Raga Shelly St. Clair Jennifer L Rex Amy Schweizer Cynthia Ringer Ann Wacker Christie A Risaliti-Hansen Kristin Wellman
Linda E Roberts Denise E Rose Lindsey Roth Nicole Rozich Linda A Rusu-Ramser Laura Ruttig Patricia Ryter Ann M Salvino Nancy J Scheiring Stephanie D Seccombe Kelly Shoemaker Tenille Shrock Sarah W Shumaker Laurie S Spangler Ingrid Teaford Elizabeth Tillis David Thompson Joshua R Tolbert Melissa L Tolbert Tamara J Traut Jessica Tsoufiou Denise M Varavvas Evan J Veldhuizen Angela D Wagner Kristine Waldman Julie E Werren Elizabeth A Winkler Nicole Winkler Nadine F Yekel Mark Yocum Kristen Zurbuch
Alumni Associaiton Jill Berkmyer Bernard Bresson Pamela Downard Huggett James R. Skelton In Memory of Leanne Skelton Egner GW ‘65 Donna Grinstead Spengler Alumni Association Memberships Jill Berkmyer Ruth Bohrer Bernard Bresson Elayne Conrad Dan and Dianne (Cope) Digianantonio Del Fawver Sheilah Teolis Flad Pamela Downard Huggett Dan Lowmiller Lifetime Membership John Orr Nancy Parr Saulnier James R. Skelton Donna Grinstead Spengler Lifetime Membership Ron Young
Eugene and Robin Cazantzes Michael and Carol Shaheen In Memory of Judge Harry Klide Sadie Shaheen In Memory of Judge Harry Klide Timothy and Michelle Shaheen-Wires Gifts to the Abbey Foltz Memorial Scholarship Fund (Established by family and friends in memory of Abbey E. Foltz, a member of the Class of 1999 to commemorate her love of music.) Thomas and Elizabeth Douce In Memory of Abbey Foltz Anthony and Sally Efremoff In Memory of Abbey Foltz Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of Abbey Foltz Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of John F. and Sylvia A. Wood Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of Mary Ellen Jacoby Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of Mary Smith Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of Jeff Sarai Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of David Bernabei Jeff and Nan Foltz In Memory of Bruce and Lois Sands Gifts to the Bill Mease Memorial Scholarship Fund (Established by family and friends in memory of Plain Local career educator, Bill Mease, to recognize his unwavering support of public education) Victor and Darlene Drenta In memory of Nancy Kibler
Alumni Association Tailgate Party Kohl’s Department Store Associates In Action Recipient
Gifts to the Mary Tydin Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund (Established by family and friends in memory of Tydin Miller, a GlenOak 2005 graduate to celebrate the life of a young woman who helped others, worked so hard and never gave up.) Anthony and Sally Efremoff Gifts to the Plain Local Schools Alumni Association / Drenta Family Scholarship Fund Larry and Barb Morgan Nancy Parr Saulnier Ron Young Walter Van Orman Jr. In Memory of Larry Morgan
Gifts to the Peter Cazantzes Family Endowment Fund (Established by family and friends in memory of Plain Local career educator, Peter Cazantzes, to recognize his unwavering support of public education)
Keeping our donor records current is very important to us. If you would like to make us aware of a change in your personal information, please contact the Foundation office at foundation@plainlocal.org or 330-491-3870.
Alumni Wall of Pride Dan and Dianne (Cope) Digianantonio Dan Lowmiller John Orr Donna Grinstead Spengler
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 15
Foundation Offers Graduating Seniors Scholarships The Plain Local Schools Foundation is pleased to announce scholarships available to 2017 graduating seniors set up in memory of and in honor of individuals who made significant contributions to the Plain Local School District and greater Plain Local community. Contributions to these scholarship funds support graduating seniors in their ongoing academic endeavors. Copies of applications for all scholarships listed below are available on the Naviance system, download at www.plainfoundation. com, or by contacting the Foundation office at
foundation@plainlocal. org or 330-491-3870. Florence Elizabeth Barr Memorial Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: March 1, 2017 Criteria: Female GlenOak senior who has a minimum 3.4 GPA in college prep courses; total of 4 varsity letters in at least combined in two varsity sports Procedure: application; essay
School senior planning to pursue a degree at an accredited college or university in the health care field; minimum GPA 3.00 Procedure: application; essay
The Peter N Cazantzes Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: March 1, 2017 Criteria: GlenOak High School senior planning to pursue a four-year degree at an accredited The Brian Beck Memo- college or university; no minimum GPA is rial Scholarship required, but applicants Amount: $1000 must have displayed a Deadline: March 1, commitment towards 2017 Criteria: GlenOak High academic achievement. Heavy emphasis will be placed on the applicant’s community service and outstanding character. Procedure: application; essay The Thomas Filicky Memorial Scholarship Amount: $500 Deadline: March 1, 2017 Criteria: 2.8 Cumulative GPA in College Prep Demonstrated excellence in Academics, the Arts and in the areas of leadership and community service. Procedure: application; essay
The Abbey E. Foltz MePictured on the left are 10th graders, Tristan B, Adam H. morial Scholarship and Alaiza W., thoughtfully planning out their second email. Amount: $500 Deadline: March 1, 2017 Students in Mrs. Herwhich staff member they Criteria: GlenOak High shberger’s English class at were paired up with! School senior planning to GlenOak High School are One student, Adia Willock, pursue a four-year degree gaining electronic communi- commented, “Awesome! My at an accredited college cation skills with the help of a email buddy was my English or university; minimum few buddies! teacher last year!” GPA 3.00; member of voWhen the request went Another student, Freshman cal music department for out to the staff at GlenOak Aiden Hobson commented, at least 2 years (one year to be an e-mail buddy to a “This is the Animation must be senior year) student in Mrs. Hershberger’s teacher right? I can’t wait to Procedure: application; English class, the response take that class when I am in essay was overwhelming! Nearly eleventh grade! I’m glad she’s The Matthew Fox Mehalf of the 40 spots were filled my buddy!” morial Scholarship within the first day! GlenOak The plan is for students to Amount: $250 staff responded quickly and e-mail their e-mail buddies Deadline: March 1, with enthusiasm when asked. once per week in English 2017 In an effort to encourage class. There is a guideline Criteria: GlenOak communication with othand focus for each e-mail seniors who have at least ers beyond classmates, the allowing students to genera 3.0 cumulative grade experience has proven to go ate conversation more easily. point average and plan both ways! Once edited by a peer and to study in one discipline Students were paired up then approved by the teacher, of a music program (i.e. randomly with staff from the students click send and anxinstrumental, vocal, combuilding and then instructed iously await a response. position) at the collegiate An opportunity for e-mail on what it means to send an level are eligible to apbuddies to meet is planned email to someone else and ply for the Matthew Fox the importance of profession- for late spring so students scholarship alism when communicating and staff alike can meet and Procedure: application; with their new e-mail buddy. generate real conversation not Students were excited to hear just “electronic conversation!”
E-mail Buddies At GlenOak
Criteria: GlenOak High School senior entering the field of education; The Haws Leadership student has the personal Scholarship attributes, character Amount: $500 traits and dedication that Deadline: March 1, would deem him/her an 2017 exemplary teacher canCriteria: GlenOak senior who has a minimum didate. Award is given upon acceptance into the 3.0 GPA in college prep College of Education at courses; demonstrated respective college / uniexcellence in academversity (typically junior ics and at least three of year). four areas of athletics, Procedure: application; leadership, the fine arts and community service. 3 letters of recommendaPreference given to Kent tion; interview State or Walsh University The Glenwood Class of 1962 Scholarship students This scholarship is Procedure: application; 2 letters of recommenda- established by the graduates of Glenwood High tion; essay School Class of 1962. Up The Bill Mease Memoto two $500 awards will rial Scholarship be given to a deserving Amount: $1000 GlenOak High School Deadline: March 1, senior entering college 2017 for the first time. No one Criteria: GlenOak senior who has a minimum shall receive the award 3.20 GPA in college prep more than once. Awards will be made to the stucourses; demonstrated dent best exemplifying excellence in academics and at least three of four the following criteria. The members of the areas of athletics, leaderGlenwood Class of 1962 ship, the fine arts and feel strongly about giving community service Procedure: application; back to current students 3 letters of recommenda- in their pursuit of higher education. tion; 2 essays; interview Deadline: February 3, Plain Local Schools 2017 Alumni Association / Criteria for Selection: Drenta Family Scholar• 3.2 GPA or better in ship college prep Amount: $500 (up to • Demonstrated exceltwo awards given) lence in academics and Deadline: March 1, in the areas of leadership 2017 and community service. Criteria: Awarded to a • Applicant must show graduating senior of Glen- financial need based on Oak High School or any low family income or graduating senior attend- hardship. ing another high school • Acceptance at an acand who is the child or credited college or unigrandchild of any curversity. rent dues paying member • Financial Hardin good standing of the ship: financial need, low Plain Local Alumni Asincome and/or financial sociation. This one-time hardship. award will be presented • Leadership: demonto the selected recipient strate leadership role in upon completion of their school activities. Defined first-grading period and time periods served must the presentation of a re- be noted for each role. cord of passing grades to • Community Service: the Plain Local Schools demonstrate a comAlumni Association. mitment to community Procedure: application; improvement through letters of recommendavolunteer activities. tion; potential interview Applications are availPlain Local Teachers’ able on the Naviance sysAssociation--Harry tem, www.plainfoundaTimpe Scholarship tion.com or in the Plain Amount: $1000 Local Schools FoundaDeadline: March 1, tion office and the win2017 ner will be announced at the Senior Academic Awards Night in May. letters of recommendation; essay
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Mrs. Newkirk poses with the newly formed Taft Elementary Pep Club!
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GlenOak Welcomes Lacrosse As Newest Varsity Sport The 2016-2017 season will mark the first year that Lacrosse is a Varsity Sport at GlenOak High School. GlenOak started the Lacrosse program in 2014 as a club sport and has seen the participation of both the boys and girls program expand each year. This year GlenOak sets it focus on developing the program for the future and we are inviting the community to join in. What: FREE Stick Skills Clinic - Lacrosse Who: Middle School Boys
and Girls in grades 6th, 7th and 8th Where: Avondale Elementary School When: January 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm Students don’t need to attend every night. Come once, twice or all five nights! Either way you will learn the game of lacrosse, get to meet the coaches, have a great time for Free. Lacrosse has its origins in a tribal game played by eastern Woodlands Native Americans and by some
Plains Indians tribes in what is now Canada. The game was extensively modified by European immigrants to North America to create its current collegiate and professional form. The game of lacrosse is a combination of field hockey and basketball in the sense that it is played with sticks and a ball with a goal and basketball because of its offensive and defensive play. It is a fast paced game with nonstop action. The play consists of nine players plus a goalie.
New Taft Pep Club Has Spirit To promote Eagle Spirit and support our teams, Taft Elementary has formed a Pep Club under the leadership of school community liaison, Mrs. Newkirk. Fifteen girls are currently participating in Pep Club. The purpose of the club is to support our female
athletes at Oakwood and to introduce the ladies to Parliamentary procedures like how to take minutes, make motions, plan agendas, etc. We are proud of these little Eagles for getting involved with showing their school spirit!
There will be an organizational meeting for all boys interested in playing tennis for GlenOak this Spring on Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 1 at 2:30 PM in the Main Commons. For more information please contact Mark Jelichek at jelichek@ neo.rr.com.
Boy Tennis Meeting Planned
Girls Cross Country Finishes Strong
The Girls Cross Country team had a fantastic showing at the State Championship meet. The Lady Eagles finished 13th of 20 Teams and moved up 5 team places in the final mile of the race, running a great race plan and competing extremely well. The girls were led by Grace Werren, 12. Also competing for GlenOak was Hannah Werren, 12; Megan Wertz, 10; Taylor Brightman, 11; Kinsey Knoch, 10, Emma Harmon, 12 and Ciara Janssen, 10. Congratulations ladies on a fantastic season!
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January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 17
GlenOak Swimming Poised
Adelman Makes All-Ohio Team GlenOak Senior Michael Adelman earned 2nd Team All-Ohio honors in Division 1 Boys Soccer this fall season. Michael is a 4-year letterman and 2-year captain for the Golden Eagles. Congratulations Michael!
Scotch Doubles Fundraiser To Benefit Softball Season
Cabin fever? Please join us for an evening of fun. Don’t like to bowl? There is still other fun to be had, basket raffles, 50/50, awesome people and great memories. Come out and support the softball team as
our season is quickly approaching. The cost is $40/couple. If interested contact Sara Rante 330-354-4566 rantes@ plainlocal.org or Cheryl Morrison 330-990-5374 morrisoncheryl58@yahoo.com.
Softball Youth Clinic Slated The GlenOak High School softball team will be hosting a youth clinic for girls in grades 1-8 on Sunday March 19. Grades 1-5 will be held from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and grades 6-8 from noon-2:00 p.m. The cost
is $25 for early registration before March 11 and $30 after March 11. Registrations will be accepted on the day of the camp. Please contact Sarah Rante for details 330-354-4566 or rantes@plainlocal.org
All 7th and 8th grade girls who are interested in playing soccer at the high school level are invited to attend our open gym Futsal Nights 2 days per week at 7:30pm 9:00pm. All current 7th and 8th grade girls soccer parents are encouraged to join or sign up to receive messages from the girls soccer program by texting @gsp1 to 81010. There will be a 7th and 8th Grade Parent and Player meeting on March 22nd @
6pm in room C112/113 at GlenOak High School for all future girls soccer players interested in playing at the high school level. Any questions or inquiries, please contact Coach Walker at walkerb@plainlocal.org. Girls Soccer Open Gym Futsal Night Schedule: Thursdays January 19, 26, February 2, 9, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, April 6, 13, 20, 27. Mondays: January 23, 30, February 6, 13, 27, March 6, 13, 20, April 3, 10, 17, 24
Girls Soccer Futsal Nights Set
During the final stages of last year’s swim season at the beginning of 2016, GlenOak was in the process of graduating some tremendous talent on the girls’ team, while simultaneously struggling to put together a fully functioning line-up on the boys’ team. With only 24 returning swimmers, the program had fallen in numbers and performance, and the team was succumbing to general negativity. A lot has changed. In November of 2016, 63 high school athletes came out to compete. The swim team more than doubled in size. The girls diving team more
than doubled in size, and the boys’ diving team went from zero athletes to 5. There are more Freshman on the team now, than all returning swimmers from all grades combined. Most of the returning swimmers are as fast, or faster, than they were at the sectional meet of last year. The fastest relays on the team are made up of predominantly Freshman and Sophomores, many of whom will be attending the District meet in February. With faster practice cycles, more strength training, and two-a-day practices, the team’s peak will be absolute.
Confident leadership from captains Hazel Smith, Conner Kimble, Sam Santavicca, and Stephanie Sprague, keep expectations set high. The eldest seniors on the team know what it takes to come back from a disadvantage and what kind of will is required to achieve greatness. This will be the most important lesson learned to power the ambitions of Justin Knoch, Delaney Ferrell, Hannah White, Kinsey Knoch, Ryan Meister, Jacob Boyett, Hershel Chenault, Braden Knoch, and Carol Maag. Stay tuned to see what they can do.
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Scholastic Awards Presented Since 1923, the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards have recognized the vision, ingenuity, and talent of our nation’s youth, and provided opportunities for creative teens to be celebrated. Each year, increasing numbers of teens participate in the program, and become a part of our community—young artists and writers, filmmakers and photographers, poets and sculptors, video game artists and science fiction writers, along with countless educators who support and encourage the creative process. The judging took place on
Thursday, January 5 at Kent State University Stark. Over four thousand works were submitted for consideration. The Gold and Silver key work will hang in an exhibition in the Kent State Stark Fine Arts building and the Campus Center at the Kent Stark campus from January 17 until February 3, 2017. The Awards ceremony will be held on Saturday January 28 at 10am in the University Center on the Kent Stark Campus. Students in the Animation and Graphic Design program receiving awards are the following: Kenneth
Brown, Gold Key for Silhouette, Calista Muller, Silver Key for Innocence, Rhiannon Gingrich, Honorable Mention for Steampunk, and Kyle Mayle Honorable Mentio for Parts Foregone. Commercial photography senior Tia Williams received a Silver Key for an individFiona Szeles, winner of the Planting Seeds of Kindness ual photograph and Alexis billboard competition, has her billboard displayed in Stark Mayle received a Gold Key Portfolio, the highest honor County near the Canton Akron airport. of the competition. Alexis’ work will compete at the national level competition this spring. Congratulations to all students who were recognized!
Billboard Promotes Kindness
Student Art was on display during January “First Friday” in downtown Canton.
Oakwood Student Works Displayed At 3rd Space Oakwood student art was featured at the 3rd Space Gallery in downtown Canton for First Friday as part of their Middle School Showcase. Seventh grade students created artworks
about real or imagined 3D spaces using cardboard, paint, and chalk. Each student created a place where he or she would like to go, or a place where they felt the most safe.
January, 2017 • Plain Paper • Page 19
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Library Branch Offers Something For All Ages Join us at the Plain Comtrict Library returns. Listen ADULTS munity Branch of the Stark to stories accompanied by Knitting Club Needlechat County District Library to live music. Every Wednesday Feb– enjoy great programs for all Picnic in the Park May, 10–11 am ages. Some programs request Tuesday May 16, Join fellow knitters and registration; please call, stop 10:30 am–12 pm crocheters to work on in, or visit StarkLibrary.org Let’s have a story time and current projects at all skill and choose the Calendar tab picnic at Plain Township’s levels while sharing tips for more information. Veterans Community Park. and tricks. Early Learners Bring a sack lunch and Thursday Night Book Club (Birth–Pre-K) enjoy stories and activities. Thursdays listed below, Drinks and a treat proStory Time and More 4–5 pm vided. Baby / Toddler, Every Enjoy lively discussions Wednesday Feb 1–May 24, ELEMENTARY with others on today’s most (K–5TH GRADE) 10:30–11 am intriguing books and topPajama, Every Monday ics. Listen at the Library Feb 6–May 22, 7–7:30 pm Feb 16: The Travelers by Wednesday Mar 15, Preschool, Every Tuesday Chris Pavone 10–11 am Feb 7–May 23, Mar 16: Sworn to Silence The collaboration between 10:30–11:15 am by Linda Castillo Canton Symphony OrchesIntroduce your child to the Apr 20: Sidney Chambers tra and Stark County Disworld of books, music, culand the Shadow of Death trict Library returns. Listen ture, and play. In addition by James Runcie to stories accompanied by to being great fun, making May 18: The Unexpected live music. story time a weekly habit Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy encourages social and emo- LEGO® Club Gilman Saturday Feb 18, Mar 18, tional skills development and starts your early learner Apr 15, May 20, 10:30 am–12 pm on the road to reading. Imagine, create, and build Children Learning with LEGO®and/or DUwith Technology PLO® bricks (provided). Saturday Feb 25, TEENS 9:30–10:30 am (6TH–12TH GRADE) In this session, we will be TeensCREATE demonstrating some of Messy Hands Wednesday Feb 8, 22, Mar the options for children to Registration for session four 8, 22, Apr 12, 26, May 10, learn while playing with is open. The cost is $41 per 24, 2:20–3:40 pm today’s mobile devices session for ages 2-5 years Hang out with your friends including Osmo, Tiggly, and must be accompanied and make new ones at and more. by a parent or guardian. the Library. Enjoy activiProjects include paint, Listen at the Library ties including music, art, stamping and imagination. Wednesday Mar 15, STEM, snap circuits, and Classes will be held Mon10–11 am more. Each day will bring days from 10-11a.m. on The collaboration between something new to do and January 30, February 6, 13, Canton Symphony Orchesexplore. 27, and March 6, 2017. Regtra and Stark County Disister at Plain Township Hall Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
TECHNOLOGY Windows 10 I and II Thursdays Feb 9, 16, 1–2:30 pm Whether you purchased a new computer or updated to Windows 10 in this two part series discover new features of Windows 10 or revisit some of your old favorites.
use the computer keyboard and gain mouse skills to get you on track. Please Register
Google Earth Thursday Feb 23, 1–2:30 pm Google Earth offers a tremendous amount of geographic data. View the highest mountains, tallest buildings and busiest cities. Android Basics Look at stunning imagery Tablet and Smartphone and share these views with Thursday Feb 2, 1–2:30 pm your friends. Please RegWhat kind of mobile deister vice or smartphone did you buy? We will be discussing ALL AGES device types as well as the Meet Plain Local Author basic features and availSean McCartney able software for Android Sponsored by Plain Commobile devices. munity Branch Friends of the Library Basic Computer Skills Monday Mar 6, 6–7:30 pm Series Are you interested in learnfor Seniors ing more about writing Thursdays Feb 9, 16, 23, and adventure from a Plain 10–11:30 am Local educator and author? Having trouble getting Meet Sean McCartney, started in the world of author of “The Treasure technology? During this Hunters Club” series, at the three part series learn the Plain Branch Library. parts of a computer, how to
Register For Township Winter Programs
Stark Parks Launches Cache4Coins Geo Tour Stark Parks, in partnership with Visit Canton, is kicking off 2017 with an all new Cache4Coins GeoTour! The park district has placed 20 different caches across Stark County. Travel to peaceful reservoirs, surround yourself in acres of trees, stop by tasty and artsy attractions, and take in some local history in Stark County, Ohio. To get started, geocachers can download the Cache4Coins Passport at www. StarkParks.com. Discover all of the caches and record the code words to complete your passport. The first 300 participants to complete at least 17 out of 20 caches and redeem the passport will receive a commemora-
tive, trackable geocoin. In celebration of Stark Parks’ 50th anniversary, a series of ten additional caches called “FeLeap’s Favorites” have been hidden in park locations. Expect more challenging hikes and venture a little deeper into the park or trail. When you find all ten, you’ll receive a 50th Anniversary pathtag! New to geocaching? Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game. Using your smart phone or other GPS-enabled device, navigate to the coordinates and find a container hidden at each location. For more information about year-round programming and upcoming events, visit www.StarkParks.com
referees directly at the cost of $12 per team. Teams can pay in cash or check at Plain Township Hall MondaysFridays between the hours of 8a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The league will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays (Times tentative based on registration) on January 25, 26, February 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23 March 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2017.
$55 if the parent volunteers to coach. Participants can pay in cash or check at Plain Township Hall MondaysFridays between the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The league will be held on Saturdays (Times tentative based on registration) on February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 2017. In person registration will be available on 1/21 and 1/28. K-4 will have 2 practices and 7 games, grades 5-6 will have 1 practice and 8 games.
Indoor Adult Coed Soccer Session 2 Registration is open Indoor U12 2017 through the end of business Indoor U14/Rec7-8 Soccer Registration is open on Friday January 27, 2017 Session 2 through the end of business at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $660 per Registration is open on Friday February 3, 2017 team. Also each team will through the end of business at 4:30 pm. Cost is $594 per be responsible for paying on Friday February 3, 2017 team. Also each team will referees directly at the cost at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $594 be responsible for paying of $12 per team. Teams per team, and for individual referees directly at the cost can pay in cash or check registrations it is $82.50 for of $10 per team. Teams can at Plain Township Hall the first child, $71.50 for the pay in cash or check at Plain Mondays-Fridays between second child, $66 for the Township Hall Mondaysthe hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 third child and above and Fridays between the hours p.m. The league will be held $55 if the parent/guardian of 8a.m. - 4:30p.m. The on Friday evenings (Times will volunteer coach. Also league will be held on Suntentative based on registraeach team will be respondays (Times tentative based tion) on February 3, 10, 17, sible for paying referees dion registration) on Febru24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, rectly at the cost of $12 per ary 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, April 7, 2017. team. Teams can pay in cash 19, 26, April 2, 9, 2017. or check at Plain TownIndoor Rec K-6 Soccer ship Hall Mondays-Fridays Indoor HS Coed Soccer Session 2 between the hours of 8a.m. Session 2 Registration is open - 4:30 p.m. The league will Registration is open through the end of business be held on Saturdays (Times through the end of business on Friday January 27, 2017 tentative based on registraon Friday January 20, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $82.50 tion) on February 11, 18, 25, at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $660 per for the first child, $71.50 March 5, 11, 18, 25, April 1, team. Also each team will for a second child, $66 for a 6, 8, 2017. be responsible for paying third child and beyond, and
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The year 2016 has come to a close. As a district, we accomplished many things, most of which are a direct result of the Strategic Planning process that took place last school year.
Below are some key accomplishments we would like to highlight.
• Awarded Straight A Grant for blended learning • Every student in grades 5-12 have personal Chromebook
• Superintendent meets monthly with all partners in the district
• GlenOak High School is a Candidate School for International Baccalaureate
• Parent Advisory Council was created and first meeting will be held on February 4 • You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram
• 17,000 meals were provided to the community in summer of 2016
• Unanimously approved strategic plan
• Counselors from Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health are available in each building for students and families
SAFETY AND SECURITY • Installed blue strobe lights at each building to indicate emergency • All safety plans placed online for availability on any device • Instituted yearly meeting with local first responders to review safety response during emergency situation
• Approved district appropriations to support and guide the goals and objectives in the strategic plan • Clean state fiscal audit with no recommendations or citations
INFRASTRUCTURE, FACILITIES AND GROUNDS • Purchased 4 new buses • Improvements made to 12 athletic facilities • Surveyed students in grades 5-12 about home internet access
STAFF AND TEACHER DEVELOPMENT • Advertised and conducted district job fair to recruit new teachers • Awarded two Straight A Grants from Ohio Department of Education • Partnered with local colleges and universities to provide college courses at GlenOak High School
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