To the biggest stakeholders

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Plain Truth Revolution Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia April 9, 2018 RE: SECOND GENERAL COVER LETTR

Even though most of the key events against or about which majority of the articles within this package talk, have come and gone, the essence of our relentless effort to ensure that these packages still reach you, their originally intended destination since been put together in 2017, can be explained as follows: 1. Yes, most of the physical events highlighted by our work have come and gone, but the burning issues within them still remain active like fresh, deadly wounds on a people’s bodies. For these issues have badly affected us for the past 195 years now, and they still stand ready to increasingly embarrass us full force, for the rest of our national sojourn, unless we ask God for courage to do something more drastic and remedial about them right now. 2. The physical events discussed within a good number of the articles enclosed here may have come and gone; yes, but again, we want the issues flagged within these articles to form the very foundation of our Revolution’s engagements with you henceforth. We want history to judge us for championing the CAUSE of getting all these arguments to you as organic as they are, for our collective action upon them, so as to save ourselves, our country, and our one world. 3. According to some recent US State Department report, the subject of this work, “Liberia”, is so impoverished and unsophisticated to the point that access to the Internet is still a huge problem, with SADLY more than 95% of this country’s population still LACKING access to the Internet in this day and age. Ever since the completion of these huge revolutionary communication packages intended for ALL fellow citizens first, we have been finding ways to dispatch them through electronic means, most economically and otherwise preferably, including use of the email, but more than two months on, we have only been able to succeed at dispatching less than 30% of them, with sadly another 99% uncertainty as to whether these 30% will even be read. We still feel badly indebted and obligated to those without email addresses that we haven’t served yet, and those whose email addresses we didn’t get from the onset, and that’s why this latest effort to reach many more, both domestically and outside.

4. Writing huge communications that explain our country’s perennial problems in clear details, and dispatching them to recipients, our beloved citizens first, then to all of our well-wishers and other stakeholders both within and outside of this country next, in such a revolutionary fashion, is in line with our Collective Action Approach, no matter the age of the issues under discussion; and this Approach is a stronghold of our Plain Truth Revolution. 5. Our determination to attach continuous, unbending importance to issues embedded within the recent past national events, like for example, the past Americo-Liberian 2017 so-called political elections and inauguration etc., not taking them to be belated, as people normally take things in this country, but rather still considering them as issues that deserve our unqualified attention if we truly need change in this place, God willing etc., demonstrates our strong resolve to use mighty History as that final, more powerful tool, next to Love, to be employed in bringing ultimate change and relief to ourselves and our country once and for all. 6. We highly likely, would love to forward this particular batch of communications to you as reminders at regular intervals, depending on how the issues championed within them are being considered or addressed by this society – sometimes probably adding slight updates here and there to match the changing times. For we remain very resolved that the key issues argued herein MUST form the foundation bricks and cornerstones for the new country that we desperately seek to establish as a possible replacement of dirty, old, failed, and bloody “Liberia” by the grace of God. So please don’t get inconvenienced or embarrassed by seeing this package, especially in huge brown envelopes from us regularly. For it is well-intentioned for our common good in the end, God willing etc. and etc. With just these 6 justifications, as we have them countless, we are sure that: instead of unfairly considering this work, or the issues enclosed herein to be stale, belated, or outdated, you will rather attach more patriotic and ‘humanity-first’ importance to every article provided here in an effort to put you in the right frame of mind for the next and final ALTERNATIVE that is now sweeping across our land (“Liberia”), an ALTERNATIVE which is now poised to take all of us (in this place) to our final, befitting destination, as a people, by the grace of God. We hope, as such, that you will appreciate this courageous effort of ours. Finally, because our Revolution, just like all other revolutions across this world must capitalize upon, or leverage the fever of small civic actions to propagate its huge messages etc., in continuation of our many public actions since we were initially [launched] on Monday, April 22, 2013, the Plain Truth Revolution is again, by the grace

of God, on the edge of taking another huge peaceful civic action this April or early May 2018, still in radical pursuit of redress to its very contentious foundation case, meaning the case involving its vision bearing family and the Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, if the current path that we are treading with LPRC for redress to the UNJUST treatment of our vanguard African Kartees’ family, and thus the Plain Truth Revolution by extension, is not respected or adhered to. And as you will discover all through this intellectual engagement, we have decided to accord a game changer status to this badly UNFAIR or UNJUST treatment of the Kartees’ family mentioned above because of how this treatment in question completely epitomizes the everyday plight of almost all Native Africans in this country since 1822. We therefore encourage every interested person across our globe to please grant keen attention to these new emancipation efforts and developments in West Africa. Thank you very much for reading everything herein, and politely relating to us on them. Very truly yours, RSK

Roland S. Kartee Head/Plain Truth Revolution Cell#: 0886761008 Email:

Plain Truth Revolution Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia December 11, 2017 RE: FIRST GENERAL COVER LETTER (Updated) After five (5) solid years of researching the 195 year Horror tale of Liberia as part of a revolutionary search for redress that we fortunately embarked upon in response to some personal ordeal with this country’s excessive INJUSTICE in 2013, as appreciatively explained in some elements of this package, we like to politely divulge to you, through this medium, some of the basic findings from this massive research work, which we are now confident, can direct and influence our true drive for final independence in this country, God willing. Based upon our conviction that this personal ordeal of ours at the so-called Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, including all of its narratives, does strongly represent every vice or evil holding this society down for all these 190+ years of our somewhat formal existence as a people, the essence of this engagement with you, beginning with this very cover letter, is to first of all acquaint ourselves with you, then before going ahead, as mentioned above, to unveil a little portion of our huge research findings about this place (“Liberia”), this place that belongs to all of us equally etc., and then finally, to solicit your input into the kind of solution approaches that our small civic group – the Plain Truth Revolution, an offshoot or product of this 5-year long research effort too – has now been able to proudly adopt for trying to solve the seemingly unsolvable problems of this country by the grace of God. But before you begin your reading experience however, we would appreciate were you to please go through these key introductory notes to put you into the right frame of mind for the sort of issues addressed in this package; and here we go: 1. While the main communication in this package delves entirely into our country’s big issues, and the kinds of solution options that we must apply to them now, by God’s grace, the first few paragraphs in this cover letter lay emphasis on some personal experience of the vision-bearing family of the little civic group that is trying to champion this revolutionary cause, by the grace of God (i.e. the experience mentioned in the first paragraph above) and such emphasis, we like to clarify here, is not in any way intended for personal aggrandizement, but rather to enable you to do the following things, first off, before continuing your revolutionary reading experience: a. To help you discover and appreciate how all these ideas came about; or, to help you discover and appreciate the origin of our Plain Truth Revolution so that we all can establish, or remind ourselves, if we already know, how everything big, or everything imaginable in this life, does start off with just single individuals. For we believe that

this kind of narrative too will encourage each of us individual citizens in this place, or well-wishers, never to overlook ourselves that real change can start with any one of us at any time, God willing. b. To help you discover for yourself how excessive injustice can truly lead to ultimate independence, as in the words of the French writer Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A. Voltaire c. To help you bear witness with the Greek Philosopher Plato, when he says, “Excess [in anything for that matter] generally causes reaction, and produces change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.” d. For you to know that the radical pursuit of this seemingly personal case, which is still ongoing, as we speak, is also part of our revolution, as we turned this case over to our country ever since January 2013, when the raw deal in it was meted out to our family, while looking up to this case to be that right springboard for final change, or that ideal launch pad for the final independence struggle for our land, God willing. But its pursuit has have to be suspended a few months for us to more forcefully push the Anti-Americo-Liberian Election piece of our revolution, a much bigger national goal, which has been at the heart of our revolutionary debates all along. 2. While we honestly planned initially that these communications got out before the 10 th of October 2017, the many handicaps of our society, and most importantly, for God’s best reasons however, they did not. The actual story notwithstanding is that the whole idea of doing this kind of massive communication to numerous, if not all of the national stakeholders in this country’s affairs at once, including the process of starting to scribble down what the key arguments in such revolutionary communications would be, as such, was hatched in August this year, and the first draft took its actual form the next month, on September 11, 2017, a date which we vowed to maintain on these letters earlier, with a firm determination that all of them would get dispatched before October 10, 2017, although again, this projected date for dispatch was just not possible. But fortunately, and on the one hand, our country still stands, while rather on the other hand, even though on a sad note, the bad conditions before October 10, 2017 are still the same, and will even worsen by the day if we fail to make the necessary civic and national adjustments, as demanded by this Revolution, and we instead, keep ‘STUPIDLY’ casting ballots. In fact, as we speak, the current stalemate within the Americo-Liberian ensuing criminal electoral process, as it has always been criminal, also adds impetus to this binding civic and spiritual obligation of ours to spread these great, strange revolutionary messages, as the writings on the wall keep proving that God is about to actively intervene into this country’s terrible problems. That’s why our Plain Truth Revolution has mustered the courage to just edit these

communications a bit more, and then finally send them out, no matter how much time has passed, as we are now doing, by God’s power. 3. Our Plain Truth Revolution is a REVOLUTION OF DETAILS. We believe that every group of people, or every country for that matter, MUST first live through their ‘Age of Details’ before ever progressing to their Age of Summary, an age which our revolution normally breaks down into what we call the ‘Elevator Pitch Age’, that must precede the current global age, which we also call, the ‘Twit Pitch Age.’, as in Twitter. This funny home of ours (“Liberia”) hasn’t even lived its ‘Age of Details’ yet, ‘much less’ to talk about its Age of Summary. For example the 18 th to 19th century academician and clergy, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, in giving title to the 4th edition of his Population Economics book in 1824 called it, “An Essay On The Principle Of Population, Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human Happiness; With An Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting The Future Removal Or Migration Of The Evils Which It Occasions”. This book has a huge impact on today’s economic realities. No one during Rev. Malthus’ days ever considered this topic as stupid, as the essence of its length, just like in many writings during those days, and even now, was to clarify concepts as much as possible. This is a stage (i.e. a stage of details, or an age of details) that MUST be lived through, if we are to ever make any progress. In addition, because we love our country so much, including all of its human beings, every detail about our country and its human beings (from the one day old fetus, to the over 100 year old Grand Ma) matters so dearly to us. Further, because we are in this battle to fight the Devil and its deceitful theories that are currently wrecking our lives, and ravishing our future, the details matter to us very dearly because, as the common saying goes, “the Devil hides itself right within the details.” Therefore, every article of our Revolution, ranging from the wordings on protest placards, or posters, to our flyers, brochures, and pamphlets, including this very cover letter, and the main communication enclosed here, require your quality time, and is not intended for mere skimming through, or glancing at. 4. One essence of this massive writing, voice recording, and the huge blame casting in our work is to trigger some huge, constructive crisis of theoretical and intellectual debates and disagreements – both at the national and international levels, that will force an ultimate and urgent national round table, God willing. 5. Most similar to the immediate point above, because of the deepness, complexity, and danger of our country’s problems, we establish that we need to more aggressively apply the concepts of education or book, in handling these troubles that no one else can handle for us. The extra-mile strain placed upon us, as a result of this reality, makes us appreciate President John F. Kennedy a whole lot when he says, “Conformity is a jailer of progress, and the enemy of growth.” Based on this harsh reality, we have come to the realization that without some constructive deviation from

what is considered by many as the norm, or as formality, or as convention etc., we will never experience anything called change in this place. As such, you will discover for yourself that our topics, titles, captions etc., are much longer than normal, so as to ensure that all these strong, timely, and strange messages of ours, are made clearer even from their very beginning, by God’s power. For something keeps telling us that, by always thinking, that our sentences should be restricted to one or two lines; our cover letters must be limited to only single pages; our main letters must never exceed 3 pages; our pamphlets must stop at 15-20 pages, and the likes, is another form of laziness that is making nothing to change in our country; because, when others have burning issues elsewhere, they do muster the courage to span far, far above traditional formalities, especially when they are not speaking ordinary business, but revolutionary or lifesaving matters, as this very cover letter and its enclosed communication do demonstrate. So please brace yourself for some interesting, innovatory reading. 6. At the close of the day, we are so eager to make sure that we send out these messages, as strangely as they are, or as strangely as our approach may seem, or as lately as they may appear to be going out etc. because we are feeling afraid that, not only are we responsible, or are to be held accountable for the things that we do, as human beings, as citizens, as patriots etc., but that we will, or are to also be held responsible or accountable for what we could have done, but did not do, either owing to fear, selfishness, or other emotions. The punishment for such inaction is so huge, as: while God is holding us responsible and punishing us on the one hand, the harsh pages of history will be holding us responsible for damages to our future generations on the other hand. We don’t want to be caught up into this kind of trap, and we equally don’t want fellow compatriots to be, that’s why all this great effort to make these very lifesaving messages spread like wildfire by God’s power. 7. We believe that God will soon strike this place hard through any of His several formulas again, owing to both our lack of genuine faith in Him, and then our collective stupidities, that have become so glaring and indisputable, and which continue to disgrace us day by day, as a people, while sleepwalking us to ultimate disaster. 8. We need real, solid change in this country, and every 1 million miles must begin with some simple, one step. For us, since no one knows exactly by whom, where, how, and when will that particular, true one step be taken, we have asked God so that this be, that particular, one, true step, to our country’s 1 million miles to actual independence, and all of its many dividends, including the much talked about peace and reconciliation, stability, and economic prosperity etc.

9. The great German-Swiss-American Albert Einstein did say that if we really want change, then our tolerance must go beyond provisions of law on our books. If what he has said here is true, which we are confident is true, then there’s a big challenge out there now to Liberia and her government vis a vis our Plain Truth Revolution whose arguments defend a 99.9% of our population’s interests. Everybody in this country, including those holding the biggest political positions and wielding the biggest power and influence in this society knows that the GOL has been insulting, and continues to insult us in the face, unchallenged, in this country; and so, if we have reached a point that all the down-trodden masses of this place, through the Plain Truth Revolution, have decided to constructively fight back, but breaking the mold of always sugarcoating and mincing words, to rather deciding to use the harsh, healing truth, and you, or people in government consider this to be insulting, then you, or they still, are under obligation to observe what Mr. Einstein has said above if we really want lasting positive change to happen here for all of us in the end, by God’s grace. Thanks for going through this long prelude that gives you some of the basic principles, views, and modus operandi of our Plain Truth Revolution, and welcome on board the reading of your actual cover letter. In this package, apart from this cover letter and our main 16-page communication addressed directly to you, there are four separate sets of documents, bounded with paper clips or staples, for those whom we are addressing through hard copies, or labeled in a special way for easy identification and attached electronically for those whom we are addressing electronically, for your convenience, which include: a) Our Revolution’s Anti-2017 Americo-Liberian Elections Materials (5 big flyers + 1 extensive, 22-page revolutionary warning message against standing on line to vote in 2017). *Note that we are providing you Flyers 1 and 4, plus the 22 general warning, and leaving you with the polite challenge of downloading the others from their web locations. This will be labeled Set 1. b) Just two of the summary pamphlets of our over 20 Plain Truth Revolutionary handouts/pamphlets, for your quick perusal. These two concern Liberia’s illegitimacy and the wickedness that characterize its overall civic theory, leaving you with an appeal to get the other interesting rest. This is labeled Set 2. c) Some (between 7 and 11) short communications/documents from among the countless documents relating to the now 5-year running administrative and revolutionary search for redress by Employee Roland Kartee against Employer, Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, for his criminally bogus January 2013 dismissal that has cruelly wretched the Native African Kartees’ lives for all these 5 years now, with full knowledge and implicit backing of the United States Government. This case, we repeat, is a proud springboard or launch pad of our Plain Truth Revolution. These few

instruments that start with the very fake employment termination letter, have been marked in some chronological order for your convenience, and are labeled as Set 3. d) A 38-page warning from our Revolution to the 3 biggest sustainers of the wicked civic theory of Liberia through fake elections and bloody foreign aid. We labeled this as Set 4. Note: Attach to this article are two small communications – one serves as partial evidence of some of the practical efforts that we made against the holding of the past October – December 2017 fake Americo-Liberian General Elections, and the other serves as some evidence of the little gains we have been making thus far at moral legitimacy by virtue of being recognized by the world’s biggest authority and greatest arbiter of mankind’s affairs (Earth-wise), which is the United Nations. e) A 20-page article we call our guide, i.e. Plain Truth Revolution Guide 2, which provides some kind of narrative or walkthrough for all of the various civic actions that we have been taking thus far under the auspices of the Plain Truth Revolution in pursuit of some genuine redress to this raw deal, this proud springboard of our Revolution, ranging from actions taken at the family-level, to those taken at the national level, or with bigger national agendas. Of course, this last one is labeled Set 5. **Please note that each set is attached in two versions – both in a .doc and a .pdf format. Thank you for going through this package to know about the Plain Truth Revolution and to buy into our arguments and debates for the final liberation of our country from the forces of untold LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION and MISCHIEF, to its befitting destiny of true independence and prosperity using God’s eternal principles of JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE, and equally the rest of the other Godly principles. Yours gratefully, RSK

Roland S. Kartee Head/Plain Truth Revolution

The Plain Truth Revolution

Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia December 11, 2017 TO ALL THE ADDRESSES BELOW




Mr. Farid Zarif United Nations Secretary General Special Representative to Liberia & Head of UN in Liberia (UNMIL), with the UN As: The biggest and most reliable referee in all Human affairs on Planet Earth, and the Biggest stakeholder in all Liberian Affairs Or, UN Country Head Amb. Christine Elder US Ambassador to Liberia, with the United States as: The Founder and Sustainer of Liberia, and everything attached to Liberia, And the second biggest stakeholder in all Liberian affairs “ Amb. Tina Intelmann The Head of Delegation European Union in Liberia Mamba Point, Monrovia, Liberia As a very key stakeholder in Lib. Affairs


The National Traditional Council Of Liberia Monrovia, Liberia As a key stakeholder in Lib. Affairs


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf/ The President of Liberia Head, Executive Branch/GOL Monrovia, Liberia “


Hon. J. Emmanuel Nuquaye/The Speaker, Head, Legislative Branch/GOL, Monrovia, Liberia “ Chief Justice Francis Korkpor Head, Judicial Branch/GOL Monrovia, Liberia “



Madam Larisa Leshchenko The World Bank Country Director to Liberia Monrovia, Liberia

“ :

Amb. Tsurtomu Himeno The Japanese Ambassador to Liberia Monrovia, Liberia “



Hon. ‘Marcel de Souza’ ECOWAS Commission President c/o Babatunda Ajisomo ECOWAS Representative to Liberia “



The Head Mano River Union Office in Liberia Monrovia, Liberia “








Montserrado County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Grand Bassa Country Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Sinoe County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Maryland County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Grand Cape Mount County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Bomi County Legislative Caucus


Amb. Zhang Yue Chinese Ambassador To Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia “ Dr. Orison Mawomenyo Amu The African Development Bank Country Director to Liberia Monrovia, Liberia “ Lofa County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “ Grand Gedeh County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia


Nimba County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia “


Bong County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “


Margibi County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia “


Gbarpolu County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia “


Rivergee County Legislative

Capitol Building, Capitol Hill “ :

Grand Kru County Legislative Caucus Capitol Building, Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia “

Caucus, Capitol Building Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia “ :

Rivercess County Legislative Caucus, Capitol Building Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia “ RE: A FORMAL INTRODUCTION TO OUR PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION, AND AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO PLEASE OFFER US ALL YOUR SUPPORT AIMED AT TEARING DOWN THEORETICAL “LIBERIA” FOR A BRAND NEW, AND BETTER CIVIC THEORY Dear Big stakeholders in “Liberian Affairs: Please accept our sincere greetings from the Plain Truth Revolution, a new peaceful civic endeavor owing its birth proudly to AMERICO-LIBERIA’S EXCESSIVE INJUSTICE, with a firm determination, backed by God’s grace and guidance, that has managed to, among other things: (a) thoroughly research the 195-year old Liberian horror tale, (b) detail all of the harsh facts or big issues at stake, (c) draw up some solution options to the ultimate handling of all of these terribly entrenched and bloody issues and problems, and is now finally selling out these details and solution options using different civic and civil approaches, including this very engagement with you.. While everyone is yearning for peace, peace and reconciliation, and of late, election, and election for a peaceful democratic transition in this country, none of which is a bad idea, we, of the Plain Truth Revolution do have a different, very positive, but difficult side of the story, which we would like to respectfully bring to your attention through this medium, as we also solicit your buy-in. For we are of the strongest conviction, backed by every honest source of authority, whether Spiritual, Secular and otherwise, that Justice is the unconditional antecedent for any genuine and sustainable peace – something which is still terribly lacking in our Liberian tale, thus making peace and all of its beautiful dividends of stability, economic prosperity etc. very far-fetched unfortunately for us. But here is the challenge that all of us who honestly wish well for this country, its people, and its future, do now painfully face in the midst of all of our efforts, sacrifices and investments, to see any sustained good coming from out of Liberia’s enduring horror tale. Unfortunately, none of what we are doing here will ever succeed in the midst of conscious, official, and sustained LIES, DECEIT and CORRUPTION, and this is the saddest picture right now of the Liberian tale, with all due respect to each and every honest partner and stakeholder in this country’s affairs. In the words of one revered American Islamic Cleric, Louis Farrakhan

Mohammed, “There really can be no peace without Justice, [and] there [really] can be no justice without the truth. And, there can be no truth unless someone rises up [boldly and fearlessly] to tell the truth.” For this is what God has prepared our Plain Truth Revolution to contribute to the resolution of our country’s very huge problems – thanks to His grace. Before we begin to enlist the major evils of Liberia that are being consciously sustained by its founders and frontrunners for their personal, selfish gains at the detriment of a very huge mass of God’s children, born and unborn here, let’s repeat this grave point with emphasis, that, while it is true that all of you have invested, and continue to invest so tremendously in this country, the honest fact of the matter remains that these are the very cardinal issues holding Liberia down, which, if not boldly, selflessly, and objectively handled right now, as God has prepared us to take the lead in, through His grace, this place will keep going from bad to worse, then from worse to worst, then from worst to very dangerous, and then from very dangerous to a fatal bomb that explodes and spark flames that gradually degenerate into an ultimate world war. No one, including our very selves, does wish for this bad picture, but that’s what all the writings on the wall keep warning and signaling unfortunately, although only for people who have eyes to see beyond the lines with several lenses, including a truly Spiritual one, which we are confident, all of you stakeholders, do have to varying extents. And it because of these many crippling and life-threatening national problems, with strongly dangerous regional and global implications, that we, of the Plain Truth Revolution, as the theme of this passionate communication to you, are not suggesting, but are herewith demanding an unconditional cancellation of these upcoming activities in Liberia, called Presidential and Legislative Elections in place of an indigenously, well organized National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention, or as others would love to call it, a Sovereign Citizens Convention between now and February 2018; that is, before the United Nations finally draws down in March of 2018, God willing. We believe that, just as UN and many in the international community keep admonishing us, including former SG Koffi Annan once, that even if the world invests billions and billions in this country and conducts all of the workshops, seminars, and walkthroughs with us day after day, the ultimate fate of this place will only be determined by us, ourselves. And the fact remains that only those who have the right qualities and virtues among us will be able to help us achieve this very hard-to-achieve condition of true independence because all that this strong message and admonishment from you, in the international community do point to, when making these kinds of remarks, is independence, independence, and independence in the end for us, to be rooted only in self-consciousness, first off, then self-worth, and then strong self-determination.

We do believe strongly and confidently that, at such an all citizens gathering, bringing together carefully selected and well-qualified delegates from all of our tribes or ethnic groups, civil society, political parties community, religious community, international stakeholders, our entire Diaspora etc., we will take weeks of honest and bold intellectual engagements to bring to light and debate all of the Nasty Realities of this place; who has caused these deadly embarrassments, or who bears the greatest responsibilities of causing them, and how; then how can we punish such people through some objective, allinclusive transitional justice arrangement etc. We will also be able to design new civic theories, systems, and institutions, set new general rules and regulations for society, and so forth, and then finally set out on a new path as a people. We wholeheartedly believe, that all this is possible now, with God’s power, and that the Plain Truth Revolution, with the cooperation of all parties to this Liberian trouble, and with the international community’s careful input and advise where necessary, considering where we are coming from, can authoritatively lead this process, again by the unmatched grace of our God. Come to think about it, no time in this territory’s 195 year history has such a mass, allinclusive Citizens Conference ever been held, and held for that matter under a very conducive atmosphere like what God has afforded us now through the United Nations. For the June to July 1847 Convention bringing together only the Johnsons, Caldwells, and McClains, officiated and guided by Harvard Law School Professor John Simon Greenleaf, according to history, which produced some of the greatest Lies this world has got to still accept from a people, including such lies as “All the people of the Republic of Liberia are originally from the United States of North America” and stuffs like that, were Never well-intentioned, and as such, their arguments can no longer be allowed to control our destines. Apart, other national conferences in this place afterwards have all been about warring parties and bloody political power seekers gathering around the table to discuss how to kill more of our citizens (one way or the other), and how to share government ministries and agencies based on their criminal perceptions about which of these already dead institutions can earn more in revenue for them to share among themselves. It was these kinds of national conferences that our beloved friends in the international community were constrained, mainly from 1990 to 2003, to invest over $200 million into, starting with the first, which was the Yamousoukro Peace Accord, held in June 1990, and ending with the 21st, which was the Accra Comprehensive Peace Accord concluded in August 2003, according to our historical research findings for recent years. We are now ready for a true, well-intentioned, indigenously designed, all-inclusive, and well-informed Sovereign Citizens Convention now in this country, to be officiated and guided by ourselves, even though with international input, advice and support, in leveraging this very great opportunity that God has provided us through the United Nations, to do for ourselves now, what we have never been afforded space and

opportunity to do here in 195 years, and will find it too difficult, if not impossible to do, if the UN does leave from here in the next few months to come. With the summary of the theme of this long communication having now been laid out above, as part of our premise, let’s now enlist a few of the major unbearable or unsustainable problems, which, when not immediately addressed, will keep writing disaster over all of our collective efforts and investments for change in this funny Black American colony called Liberia. We therefore complain and argue that: 1. A country is only as strong and sustainable as the degree of honesty, truth, hard work, and justice that went into its establishment. Liberia proves the opposite, unfortunately, with the American Colonization Society (ACS) establishing this colony principally for ridding or clearing the United States of dangerous, hardcore Black criminals, who were terrorizing the American Society, as clearly stated, and sometimes suggested by several credible sources including (a) Wikipedia, (b) Liberian History Up to 1847, (c) the Niles Weekly Register, (d) Examples of America’s Ugly Affairs with Slavery, and (e) The Story of Liberia and the Former Slaves that Rule It etc. and etc. Our Revolution’s 5 years of research have firmly established this sad reality, and we do want a new civic arrangement, foundationed upon productive and morally upright arguments and God’s eternal principles because, 99.9% of us here, are not criminals, or were not criminals, terrorizing the American Society centuries back – God forbid!!!! 2. The stability, peacefulness, orderliness, decency, civilization, and economic prosperity of a country are all directly determined by its level of sovereignty and independence. But 1822 Americo-Liberia has NEVER, and up to this date, is NEVER, an independent and sovereign state. Our 5 years of theoretical and empirical research establish that the United States only clothed her Black Slaves here with some limited levels of sovereignty, which these Black criminals and their numerous partners-incrime use, through their GOL, to suppress and exploit the huge Native African population here for America’s capitalist and imperialist gains. Our many different articles whose links you will receive in this package are replete with countless proofs of this strong claim of ours. Only an indigenously initiated, well-informed and wellintentioned Sovereign Citizens Convention can boldly debate this kind of deadly civic defect and resolve it, outside of the barrels of the guns. 3. To win the very lifesaving and indispensable recognition and favor of God (something no one, or no group of people should ever overlook in this life), and to gain the widespread acceptance, respect, and submission of all citizens, to its governing authority etc., a country, or a place calling itself a nation-state, and so forth, must pass some honest legitimacy test. For we have more than one article on this point, but a few of the several indicators that form part of an honest legitimacy test for a country

or even some autonomous territory, according to our articles from well-researched sources, all of which Liberia fails to meet, include (a) to (c) below: a) The honesty and truthfulness of a people’s civic and founding theories must be unquestionable and easily defendable, but Liberia’s founding civic theories are unfortunately ALL LIES, lies that are badly incapable of ever being defended by any honest person. It’s Declaration of Independence, as we touched on earlier, even lies that all of us here come from the United States of North America. b) A legitimate country must be governed by a specific governance ideology. Liberia claims to be a democracy, running a republican form of government, but we have found out, as evidenced in our many articles now, that Liberia is a very great LIAR in all these claims. The last time we checked our Civics, plus other Social and Political Science notes, we learned, with authority, that the combined lifeblood of both Democracy and Republicanism is the Rule of Law, a concept which has a couple of very key ingredients, including Equality of All Citizens Before The Law, but first, there must even be a complete and objective set of laws, before the issue of equality, can ever come into the picture. Liberia, since 1822, SADLY has no legitimate set of organic laws yet (i.e. a Constitution) that is all-encompassing, honest, and in agreement with our fast changing times. And to add insult to injury, the AmericoLiberians, who are front running Liberia on behalf of the United States, can NEVER do anything in this direction because this NASTY situation does serve their interest so tremendously, and the interest of their master, America. Even terribly further, a Democracy and a Republic are legitimized by how they respect and develop their human beings, their citizens, which in layman terms, are their ‘gold and diamond’. In fact, individual and institutional experts in the field of Social and Political Science, including the very respected Argentino-American Professor Guillermo O’Donnel and the United Nations Development Program etc. do authoritatively argue that the quality of a democracy, and by extension here, a republic, is gauged by two key things, which are: (1) Human Development, and (2) Human Rights. But illegitimate Black American colony, Liberia, has ABSOLUTELY no regards for human development, let alone human rights. We do believe that the whole objective world should be a good witness to these very strong claims of ours by now. For example, Liberia, backed by the United States, a world power that constantly stabs international laws and conventions, especially on human rights in their backs, has, (meaning Liberia has) always too, blatantly ignored international laws and conventions regarding taking good care of human beings, since in the first place, 99.9% of the human beings here, are the huge indigenous ethnic African peoples, which are considered dogs and pigs in the eyes of the Americo-Liberians, or, within

their social dictionary. Official records substantiating this very deadly claim, date as far back as 1822, the very beginning of Liberia, but as early as 1857, the AmericoLiberians went beyond just suppressing and oppressing, to selling out the indigenous Africans to foreign lands for profit. According to Professor Dew Tuan Wleh Mason’s “In the Cause of the People”, in 1857, just 10 years after Americo-Liberia’s Mickey Mouse independence, Steven Allen Benson, so-called 2 nd post-independence president, began officially selling us, the Native Africans and legitimate owners of this land, into slavery to the French, to serve in the French West Indies and other parts of the French Colonial Empire. This very dirty story is so long, coming as far into the late 20th century, when Portugal even had to disgrace Liberia in the early 1960s for badly treating and selling out her own subjects, the Natives, according to Professor Joseph Saye Guannue’s narrations of Liberian History. As we speak, this 2017, Liberia still even insults the United Nations for commenting on how she criminally, carelessly treats her human beings, beginning with her very babies. Everyone recalls for instance in 2016 when the Americo-Liberian Education Minister George Werner, counting on their US backing, bravely insulted the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, Mr. Kishore Singh for criticizing Liberia for ‘criminally’ delegating or outsourcing her most fundamental obligation under both domestic and international laws, of educating her babies or providing primary education, put simply, to an American private, profit-seeking firm, the Globe School Incorporated, which has now changed its name to the Bridge International Academies. According to the local FrontPage Africa Newspaper, Americo-Liberia got so mad with the UN that Minister Werner went as far as referring to the Special Rapporteur as a “Stupid Guy”, who should have known better. Even more terribly further, Liberia has failed so miserably, as yet, to honestly implement any count of both the UN Millennium Development Goals (the MDGs) or its newly-designed and more productively aggressive Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs). Just Counts 1 each, of these two instruments, instruct all UN Nations to “End Poverty and Hunger in some honest and systematic way for all of their citizens”, and Liberia has shown no honest efforts yet in these directions, and she feels so comfortable this way, all because of her explicit US support for consistently behaving in this kind of very mischievous and unruly fashion; and finally for now, c) A group of people or territory claiming legitimate sovereignty and independence MUST be bonded, attached or integrated by a common national identity, or a common set of national identities. For this is a very key requirement of legitimacy, or we will say here, national legitimacy. Liberia is completely out, when it comes to this very significant democratic requirement, and Ellen and her current government, in 12 unbroken years, with UN putting up an honest support, refused to do anything sincerely substantial about this crippling national defect, which is a recipe for

continuous chaos. National symbols and emblems are the most important tools for common national identity because, among others, they do the following fundamentally important things: 1. They embody the principles and desires of all citizens (not only Americo-Liberians) 2. They engender the commitment of every citizen (not only unconscious Natives along with all Americo-Liberians) to unanimously pursue common purposes and goals 3. They hold the mirror to the values of the country 4. They propagate the messages from national strategic plans to each citizen 5. They steer each citizen in the same direction 6. They ensure the psychological integration of each citizen into the national whole, or the body politic, which is the first step to social cohesion and national unity 7. They make all citizens to place justified confidence and faith into their country 8. They create a complete sense of belonginess in every citizen to their country 9. They are a reflection of how justice is dispensed to each citizen and how the opportunities, wealth, and privileges of a country are shared to each citizen; and finally for now, 10. They improve the performance of each citizen in all of their daily affairs etc. and etc. But sadly, both after, and in the midst of all the numerous, trenchant criticisms of, and red flags about, Americo-Liberia’s proven segregative and out-dated national symbols and emblems, including such authoritative observations, concerns, and warnings coming from different individuals like the 4 examples below, Liberia has unfortunately deliberately refused to ever change any of these very NASTY, BLOODY, and DIVISIVE symbols and emblems. The 4 selected observations and warnings, among many, as such, include: A. Dr. Abeodu Bowen Jones: that all of Liberia’s symbols are full of very divisive and segregating ideas, for which President Tolbert had to set up a National Symbols Review Commission, which no one knows how it ended ( B. Dr. Elwood Dun: that Americo-Liberia’s national symbols and emblems side brush or neglect the interest, and even refuse to recognize the huge community of aboriginals of this land, for which, they are a recipe for continuous chaos and bloodbath, and as such, must all now be revised or changed (Independence Day Oration of 2012) C. Augustine K. Ngafuan: (a): Referring to the mess surrounding Liberia’s current symbols, he said, “It is difficult, if not impossible, to unite people around symbols that ought to reflect their nationhood, when in all reality, Liberia’s part of symbols

do not reflect their collective image. (b) He also said, in this day and age in Liberia, there can be no room to wax in self-denial and make-belief, that the current Liberian symbolic mirror omits an image of shared national identity etc. (, and finally, D. Justice Gladys K. Johnson: that (a): The phrase “Brought Us Here” or the “Here” in this phrase from Liberia’s current and only motto since 1847, which is “The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here” shows no sign of conviction from the Black American returnees or criminal returnees of their original attachments or belonginess to this land, with the “Us” in this fake motto also dangerously meaning that the original inhabitants of this place, which are the 16 communities of ethnic Africans, have no national identity as we speak. (c) She says the lone star in the Liberian flag, according to Liberian History, represents the only republic on the African continent at the time, when the real truth of today, is that Africa has 50+ independent states, most of which are republics. So, as we tried stating earlier that both after, and in the midst of all these, and many more trenchant criticisms of, and the resounding red flags about AmericoLiberia’s symbols and emblems, Liberia, under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, did pretentiously set up a National Symbols Review Committee in 2014 to, in their words, renew our national identity, and to enhance and promote national peace and reconciliation. But very SADLY today, the whole world knows that this entire project was another usual Americo-Liberian scam. 4. Last, but not the least, is point #4, which is about the issue of a Social Contract or a National Contract, or a Civic Contract, or a Citizenship Contract etc. and etc., which by some definition, is the body of arguments, such as a constitution, a Declaration of Independence, national symbols and emblems etc., claiming that individuals have agreed, either in writing or in some willful cooperation, to surrender some of their natural freedoms and rights to an authority or a ruler, or a majority, in exchange for the protection of their remaining rights and freedoms. Wikipedia says this is the political instrument that defines the origin of society, and validates the legitimacy of a state over individuals within its specific territorial confines; and that, in order to be called a legitimate state, a country, or a democracy, according to other authoritative sources, there must be some social contract that binds people living on the land to one another, and to that piece of land itself. Because a constitution, the organic law of a land, the supreme law of a land or a democracy, a written document which explains the high values to be cherished by all the citizens of a country; a document which explains why a nation even came into being in the first place; and a document which shows how the government is structured, and explains the different responsibilities and powers to be exercised by

different authorities and parties within a state or country etc., including outlining all the rights and privileges to be enjoyed by every citizen – big or small, poor or rich, educated or uneducated etc. and etc., is, (meaning the constitution is) a very key component, and even in the view of our revolution, the Constitution is the very foundation of a Social Contract. As such, we are going to close up here on how this Americo-Liberia’s part of Social Contract is so messy, flawed and bloody, for which we don’t even want it revised, but instead, totally rewritten before anything called a general and presidential election is ever held in this place again, by the grace of God. First off, our 5 years of research have overwhelmingly established that the current 1981-1986 constitution of Liberia, written by a very bloody military junta, was written under terribly intimidating, fearful, and unbearable circumstances, which by itself, is a good reason for thrashing this constitution out by now, if we ever respected JUSTICE. Apart from this appalling reality, we have established that it was written by predominantly self-seeking and criminal politicians, and blood suckers, like the junta under whose gavel it was written, just to satisfy their own selfish ends. We also found very biased, inimical, and disturbing arguments from the very beginning, to the end of this document. But some of the added impetus we have gotten to seal our ultimate resolve that this document be completely changed, and not just revised, owe their source to our little knowledge from Law 101 that contracts, including Social Contracts, (as we are discussing here, which in this case must be validated by a Constitution), become unconditionally voided, or voidable, or invalid etc., with the discovery of any one, or a combination of any of these malfeasances or improprieties, which include: (a) chicanery (lying or cheating) (b) Fraud (c) Misrepresentation (d) Undue influence (e) Duress (f)Mental inferiority, and (g) Age inability. We are pleased to substantiate our claims about Liberia’s voidable and invalid constitution, taking into account only three of the 7 malfeasances above (i.e. considering only chicanery, fraud, and misrepresentation, to whichever extent one understands these legal concepts), featuring 9 of the very messy articles of Liberia’s 97-articled 1986 military junta constitution, as follows, with our short revolutionary, and disproving comments attached to each. In layman terms, these 9 articles below are either outright lies, or they highly promote indecency and impunity, and they include: 1. Article 5 stresses 3 things in summary: (a) the government should design all of its policies and activities in the spirit of national integration and unity, and it should promote all citizens participation in governance. (b) All positive Liberian cultures should be preserved, and (c) The government should always take steps to eliminate all forms of discriminations such as sectionalism and tribalism, including such other negatives as the abuse of power, the abuse of national

resources, nepotism, and other corrupt practices. – OUR MASSIVE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTIONARY WORKS HAVE PROVEN ALL THESE TO BE VERY GREAT LIES, LIKE THE GREAT LIES THAT ESTABLISHED LIBERIA, AND CONTINUE TO SUSTAIN IT. 2. Article 6 says, for the social, economic, and political wellbeing of the state, the Republic shall provide equal access to educational opportunities and facilities for all citizens to the extent of available resources, and shall provide mass, quality education to eliminate illiteracy – THIS IS A VERY GREAT LIE 3. Article 7 mandates that, for the welfare of all, and the national economic development of the state, the Republic shall manage its economy and natural resources properly – A VERY MISCHIEVOUS LIE FROM THE DEVIL 4. Article 10 – The Republic shall ensure that the constitution is taken to ALL, and is taught in ALL institutions of learning. – GOD WILL KEEP PUNISHING LIBERIA FOR THIS VERY GREAT LIE 5. Article 11: (a) ALL persons are born equally free and independent, with certain natural, inherent, and inalienable rights, and the right of pursuing and maintaining the security of the individual person. (b) All persons are equal before the law, and are entitled to their fundamental rights and freedoms, including equal protection under the law. – LIE, LIE, AND LIE, AS THE AMERICO-LIBERIANS ARE RATHER BORN BIGGER, AND DO LIVE FAR ABOVE THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF THIS LAND OFFICIALLY!!!! 6. Article 20(b) Justice should be done without sale, delays, or denials – VERY DECEITFUL PROVISION THAT THE U.S. STATE DEPT. ITSELF ALWAYS COMPLAINTS ABOUT 7. Article 26 – Any person feeling cheated in the application of any of these laws or provisions by a government court or authority shall have the right to sue the government, that court, or any authority. All such suits shall originate in the Claims Court, and appeals from this court shall go the Supreme Court. – THIS IS A BOLD FACE LIE 8. Article 27 (b) To preserve the Liberian culture, only Negroes, or those of Negro descent can become citizens by birth or naturalization. – TOTAL DISCRIMINATION, MIXED WITH A LIE, STILL BEING MAINTAINED 9. Article 97: (a) everything done by the PRC prior to the coming into being of this constitution shall never be questioned or challenged in any way. (b) No proceeding, suit, or whatsoever action shall ever come against the PRC for

whatever reason, including: (1) the overthrow that brought the PRC junta to power, (b) the suspension of the 1847 constitution, (3) the act by the PRC to establish anything, including itself; (4) the imposition of penalties and punishment on anybody by the PRC; and (5) the establishment of this constitution - A VERY BLOODY PROMOTION OF IMPUNITY, MIXED WITH PERVERSION OF THE LAW, ALL BACKED BY AMERICA, ONLY BECAUSE THESE DEVILISH PROVISIONS SERVE TO WORK AGAINST EVERY INTEREST OF AMERICA’S ‘ENEMY’, PRODUCTIVE WILLIAM TOLBERT etc. and etc. Before we close, as part of our firm backings from the Word of God and Inductive Statistics, and as a strategy of our revolution which you will observe in most of our articles, we do believe that in order to effectively reinforce and quickly escalate this debate for final, positive change, God willing, we must now stray away from the lazy culture of laying general blames about this country’s seemingly insurmountable HELL OF MESS, and begin now instead, to lay some constructive blame on those who primarily, have caused our lives to be so wretched like this, on this Planet. We believe strongly that this constructive and objective blame casting will yield for us some serious benefits, including just these 5 below, all of which will highly help us in this process of now striving to solve our outwardly unsolvable problems, by the grace of God, and these 5 benefits of casting blame, in this kind of situation, as such – like for example, saying that America and her Americo-Liberians are more responsible for all of the MESS happening here, and thus, they need to be punished now, include: 1. When we cast a constructive blame, we prick a wrongdoer (the United States and Americo-Liberians, in our country’s case here, for example) to respond to something that they have done in the past, and continue to do today, and such response, in turn, will demand or require something from them, including appropriately addressing our sense of feeling all this hurt, by their deadly and mischievous actions 2. Blame will help us eliminate any existing desire or tendency for continuing to do these wrong things now, or, it will constrain every bit of disposition that we do have currently, to do these wrongs, now, and in the future. 3. A casting of some constructive blame by us right now will spark some huge national debate that itself too, will make room for some family get together around the table, for us to discuss the issues that will arise from these huge debates. 4. When we constructively and seriously lay some blame now, and this blame game fortunately culminates into some roundtable discussions, many benefits will accrue from such debates/discussions if responsibly and honestly conducted, including: (a) a clear understanding of where all the faults lie; (b) a commitment from wrongdoing parties, or one may say, largely wrongdoing parties, to change course; (c) a recognition of our full rights by the wrongdoers to better treatment henceforth, (d) an

expression of some remorse from the wrongdoers, accompanied by some apology, and (e) the making of some restitution or amends, or the payment of some reparation by the wrongdoers etc. As we close, our respected seniors, masters, great international friends, proud regional counterparts, and fellow compatriots, as this message has been addressed to all alike, we like to use this time to admonish all of us, including you who continue to pump your monies into this place, that we should never overlook this firm exhortation from Norman Cousins way back, that: ‘History is a vast early warning system’. We should remind ourselves with emphasis that in this life, if an entity, an institution, a group, an individual etc., proves never to be a good example, then that entity, that group or that design etc. automatically fits into the category of a “Horrible Warning.” For this Liberia has proven from the word go, and it continues to prove so, over and over, to this date, that it is Horrible Warning. This is without any prejudice to our many good human beings here, who are only victims of circumstances. For us, the true citizen of this land, we are praying, and now working, as evidenced by this kind of unprecedented communication, so as not to sadly wait until drums be beaten into our ears before we wake up from this 195-year-old slumber, and begin to smell the coffee that “Liberia is an evil American and Americo-Liberian design which must be completely dismantled theoretically now, before anything good ever works for the vast African majority of this place. Let’s use this time to implore you to help us peacefully break this massive kleptocracy or unspeakable Tyranny of a huge Ignorant Majority” that the Americans and the Americo-Liberians set up here in 1822 under the pretext of a sovereign democracy, just for the sake of their economic and criminal capitalist gains, which the duo is still dug in its heels dangerously to sustain in the midst of all the bloody writings on the wall that this cruel, criminal arrangement (remember in theory) can just NEVER work. The way we are demanding to do this civic and theoretical breakdown of Liberia so that we once and for all gain our true independence, and begin seeing the light of life for ourselves, is to unconditionally hold this demanded Sovereign Citizens Convention now, by the grace of God. Please help us in this process, instead of keep promoting and sustaining Liberia, an arrangement which everyone knows by now is being chiefly sustained through fake elections and very-difficult-to-understand-foreign aid. Finally, while this current effort has led us to addressing more than 400 national and international stakeholders, with all of these communications systematically organized into some categories and posted generally at, which you are encouraged to review and find out for yourselves what we are telling the other stakeholders about this same subject, if you will have the time, with some of these communications however having the same content almost etc., in order to narrow your

research or review scope however, we have decided to set apart 6 stakeholders’ communications or stakeholder groups’ communications from among the more than 400, which we want to believe will be of great help or interest to you than the rest, and have thus placed them at a separate Internet location or site. These 5 communications as such, include those we sent to: (1) President Trump; (2) the UN Office on Indigenous Issues; (3) the Pacific Garden Mission; (4) the US Congress; (5) the Security Community in Liberia; and (6) the Radio Stations in Monrovia; and these 6 are being posted at To get any further information about us, or about all of our documents and articles, please proceed as follows:  To find out every major step that we have been taking in search of redress for the personal ordeal of ours that we mentioned from the onset, the proud springboard of our revolution, we encourage you to please go to what we call our Plain Truth Revolutionary Guide 2 at or, which, in addition to giving you some detail on each civic action we have been taking thus far, also gives you a detail listing of every article we have ever written since this case surfaced in January 2013, to guide, inform, and execute our revolution for Mama Country :  To find out every major step that we have been taking in search of redress to the personal ordeal of ours that we mentioned from the onset of this communication, a personal ordeal that deservingly qualifies as that proud springboard of our revolution, we do encourage you to please go to what we call our Plain Truth Revolutionary Guide 2 at or, which, in addition to giving you some detail on each civic action we have been taking thus far, also gives you a detail listing of every article that we have ever written since this case surfaced in January 2013, to guide, inform, and execute our revolution for Mama Country :  To get a summary of all of the basic debates we (i.e. the Plain Truth Revolution) now have on the table for the redemption of our country, the summaries that we refer to as our 7 Great Revolutionary Summaries, please go to  To get some of the many artilcles that we have done to articulate the current state of affairs in our country, please go to: Our 5 key Anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 Elections Flyers at  You can also go to our Facebook fan page at for more information and links about this very nascent peaceful African Revolutionary Movement.

 Googling out “Plan Truth Revolution for (Liberia)” could also be of help leading to our Guides and our many articles. Guides 2 and 3 in this series will be too helpful for you, as partly mentioned earlier. We entreat you to kindly follow these arguments and developments now in “Liberia” with the keenness of your attention and interest. We can be reached at any time on cell numbers 0886556498 (Pastor Kringar); 0777611656 (Z. Kartee); or 0886120985 (P. Kartee), and we will be glad were you to call us any time at your convenience for any clarities or inquiries. You can also get to us through email at any of these addresses:;; and Our twitter handle is @plaintruthrev. Thank you very much Madam Sirleaf and all of our many big stakeholders, national and international, for following our endeavor with interest, and supporting it where possible, not brushing it aside for its many harsh truths, all of which are intended for final healing and our mutual benefits, by the grace of God. Yours respectfully, The Plain Truth Revolution Signed: _____________________ _____________________

Approved: RSK Roland S. Kartee, Initiator and Vision Bearer of the Plain Truth Revolution

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