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The Social Media and Rotary’s universe Part 2
After we have completed the first part of the Public Image Reformulating Plan, involving essentially the visual realignment and the unification of institutional logos of Rotary and the Rotary Foundation and their programs, which correspond to almost 10 to 15% of the Plan that derived from a joint work with na external consulting company, we are going to start now the most important part and which dense content includes the public propagation of our brand, programs and projects and to effectively clarify to the public who we are, our purpose, relevance, values and principles.
For this new step to be effective, the social media must be wisely used to spread these themes to humanity, particularly to whom they are mostly unknown.
These focus groups must throughout the implementation of this process, recognize the Rotarians, as leaders with well defined purposes, available to join available resources and that are engaged in contribute to a positive change in the community to which they serve, producing impact in the local and global scale.
For this to be viable, the several communication means must be set in motion in a coordinated way, for not only speak the same language and transmit a coherent message, but also utilize some fundamental aspects, common to all media, through pillars of content, which are:
Rotary Headlines - with focus on what is happening because of Rotary and Rotarian’s action, advertisement of important projects
completed and Rotarians involved, using the jargon that applies also to the external public;
Global Impact - emphasizing the 6 areas of focus, the global causes that we are involved and acting, the intelligent partnerships we have established and in what is being done and that have multiregional, national or global impact;
Community and involvement and impact - Telling current stories on Rotary’s achievements (involving clubs, people, and initiatives in a micro level) that includes community involvement to the continuity of these implemented projects, in particular those which involves the leverage of resources coming from The Rotary Foundation and their value to that community (not only their cost);
Enrichment of the audiences - With focus on the personal, individual and professional growth, relevant to the Rotary public but mainly to the Non Rotary public;
This content should be developed for the effective use by the media, prepared by professionals of the area of social media, Rotarians or not, as part of a Communication and Marketing Plan. They are needed to promote Rotary’s action with the firm objective of, with the better and amplified knowledge of what we do, who we are, turn it easier the recruitment and engagement of new members, adherence of new intelligent partners, contributions to our causes through our Foundation, the support to the final effort to polio eradication and the development of new and continued projects in the six areas of focus.
Besides the systematic and frequent action on the virtual and published social media, metrics must be used to determine the impact in the amplification and propagation of the Rotary brand, its comparison to other brands and the repercussion of the content of these messages.
Our communication professionals from the staff and the Rotary’s magazines, acting jointly with this process of the best use of social media has a fundamental and important coordination and professsional role in providing a viable and adequate content in their respective areas of action. Also a main role should be reserved to the Rotary’s districts in this important strategy of communication and marketing with qualified professionals on their team.