SDL Fargo May 2018

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MAY 2018 . PG 24


PG. 4

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12 28

4 701.373.0191 |

4 Prairie Brothers Brewing Company MANAGING EDITOR David Scheller


6 My Very Own Movie 8 Insphyre Performance


10 Russ Rivas 12 Hotel Donaldson 14 Drumconrath Brewing Company 16 Bird Trivia 18 The Ridiculously Self-Indulgent and Ill-Advised Vanity Tour 20 Vinyl Taco 22 Cottonwood Cider House

24 Job Guide 26 Prairie Rose Meadery 28 Music & Events

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by David Scheller Don Kenna’s first beer was just like everyone else’s: a horrendously cheap brand, squirreled away to the home of a high school classmate whose parents had trusted them alone, and gulped down guiltily. He didn’t like his first beer a bit, but rather than commit social hari-kari, he pretended that he did. Fortunately for us, Don eventually acquired a taste for it.



Back to Table of Centents Don’s interest in beer would stay solely

Don upgraded from his basement to a full-

has Steer Head Pale Ale, light and clean

amateur for a while. Working as a high

scale brewery by Anderson Park at 4474

with amazing clarity and a smooth mouth

school science teacher demands that beer

23rd Ave S in Fargo and started Prairie

feel. He even has Coco Boingo Chocolate

take the back seat to several other things.

Brothers with two goals in mind. First,

Milk Stout, which he named while he was

It wasn’t until a friend invited Don over to

to respect that we haven’t made beer for

drunk. True to the mission, Don’s beer is

help him brew beer in his garage that Don

thousands of years without knowing what

for everyone.

caught the bug. Home brewing appealed

we’re doing by now. Don wanted to rely

to the scientist in Don, and before long

on time-honored brewing traditions to

Prairie Brothers’ taproom is naturally lit,

the laws of good society demanded that

make real, earnest beer, not stuff floated

airy, and commanded by the brewery’s

Don buy his own home brewing equipment

by gimmicks and mystery ingredients.

towering steel fermentation tanks, showing

rather than abscond with his friend’s every

Second, Don wanted to get everyone to

patrons that the beer they’re drinking has

other weekend.

love craft beer. He’d earned his wings

only traveled about ten feet in its lifetime.

with his wife in that pursuit, who had only

A long shiny bar made from cedar and oak

Soon Don’s wife reclaimed her kitchen

liked light beer until she tried his Dreamer

lets Don practice his Western-style pint

and relocated the scientist to his new lab,

Cream Ale (now the lightest craft beer in

slides to distant targets. A projection TV

aka the basement. It was in this crucible

Fargo). Showing people that small batch

the size of all creation means enormous

that Don got really serious about brewing,

beer is better than mass-produced, no

sports nights, and because it is a bar there

realizing that it was as much an art as it

matter their tastes, would bring him the

is a pool table, darts, and cornhole.

was science. “I became taken with first

greatest following.

imagining a finished beer, thinking it down

Prairie Brothers’ beer is now available

into its component parts, and figuring out

“We have complex beers for even the

around town at 15 other bars, liquor stores,

the process to brew it,” said Don. “To most

most meticulous craft beer connoisseur,”

and restaurants including The Boiler Room,

people, beer is just a product that they

explained Don. “We also have accessible

Wild Bill’s Sports Saloon, and LongHorn

buy, but I wanted to know how beer gets

beers for grandpa, who has only had

Steakhouse. They are enterprising with a

the way that it is. It wasn’t just magic, it

domestic and is convinced that craft beer

new canning line, and they’re eyeing the

was the result of chemical reactions that I

is just hipster nonsense.”

Perham area for their inaugural expansion.

could master.”

We had all best do our parts to support the Don certainly has got beer. He has Duck

Fargo brewing scene and drink lots of local

Funny thing is, it was Don’s teaching

Slayer Session IPA, triple hopped and dry

beer. It is a noble sacrifice to make.

job that led him to realize he wanted to

finished with lasting citrus bitterness. He

brew beer full-time. He was preparing a curriculum to help his students identify their career goals, asking them what they would do if money didn’t matter. Don

Using the Finest Malt From

practiced the question on himself, and he had a revelation: For him, it wasn’t being a teacher. It was the far more philanthropic job of brewing beer. He couldn’t very well join that newly realized passion with his current line of work, because the PTA throws fits when teenagers are taught how to make beer, so Don left to found Prairie Brothers Brewing Company.

Taproom Hours: Sunday: 12pm-6pm | Monday: CLOSED Tuesday - Thursday: 4pm-10pm Friday: 4pm-Midnight | Saturday: Noon-Midnight


4474 23rd Ave South, Fargo, ND |


by Linda Lee

For this issue, teacher and coach Linda Lee asked her kids how they would make their very own movie.

Annika, Age 4 ½

Jay, Age 5

My movie is called: Unicorns Love Sparkle Rainbows

My movie is called: Super Chicken

What is my movie about?: That the unicorn first tried to slide down the sparkle of rainbows but two bad unicorns didn’t want her to.

What is is my movie about?: A chicken who fights crime by tooting on bad guys.

Who is in my movie?: Me, my mom, dad, and brother.

Who is in my movie?: David.

Where will my movie take place?: Disneyland.

Where will my movie take place?: Transylvania.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 16 hours.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: One million hours.

How much will I pay my actors?: $15.00

How much will I pay my actors?: I will pay them $1.00 with a credit card.

Draw a special character from your movie! Draw a special character from your movie!

Omari, Age 6

Teddy, Age 5

My movie is called: Strike One Down

My movie is called: Spider-Man

What is is my movie about?: When someone gets striked down across the heart then they throw their sword and it hits the other guy in the face.

What is is my movie about?: Spiderman flying with his webs until he bumps himself on the floor.

Who is in my movie?: A few dinosaurs like a Triceratops and a T. Rex.

Who is in my movie?: Just Spider-Man.

Where will my movie take place?: The people live in India, and the dinosaurs live in the wild by India.

Where will my movie take place?: At the Mall of America, swinging with his webs all over.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 25 hours.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 605 minutes.

How much will I pay my actors?: $0.25

How much will I pay my actors? $678.00

Draw a special character from your movie!

Draw a special character from your movie!



Back to Table of Centents Addison, Age 5

Gabe, Age 4

My movie is called: Little Bo Peep

My movie is called: Dinosaur Land

What is is my movie about?: She lost her sheep.

What is is my movie about?: A dinosaur eating another dinosaur.

Who is in my movie?: Me as Little Bo Peep.

Who is in my movie?: People and dinosaurs.

Where will my movie take place?: In a house by the woods.

Where will my movie take place?: In a cage. How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 100 hours.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 133 hours.

How much will I pay my actors?: $60.00

How much will I pay my actors?: $130,000,000

Draw a special character from your movie!

Draw a special character from your movie!

Rowann, Age 7 ½

Kaidonoe, Age 5

My movie is called: Kitty Girl

My movie is called: A Bear that Eats the Trees

What is is my movie about?: In a galaxy far, far away there’s going to be a girl who can turn into a ca.t

What is is my movie about?: A bear. A polar bear. He lives in an igloo.

Who is in my movie?: Me and my friends. Where will my movie take place?: Execution land because the kitty is being executed.

Who is in my movie?: A famous basketball player in a costume will play the bear. Where will my movie take place?: A snowy place. How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: 10 hours.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: Three hours and 25 minutes.

How much will I pay my actors?: 10 quarters.

How much will I pay my actors? $1.00

Draw a special character from your movie!

Draw a special character from your movie!

Carter, Age 3

Will, Age 9

My movie is called: I love my Mama

My movie is called: Space Diggers

What is is my movie about?: My mama.

What is is my movie about?: Four people sent to the moon to dig for diamonds because their city is poor.

Who is in my movie?: My mama. Where will my movie take place?: At my house.

Who is in my movie?: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kevin Hart, Chris Rock, and James Corden.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: Seven.

Where will my movie take place?: Somewhere in Japan, and the moon.

How much will I pay my actors? A lot.

How many minutes or hours long is my movie?: It will be a series of six movies, each three and a half hours long.

Draw a special character from your movie!

How much will I pay my actors? $400,000 per movie. Draw a special character from your movie!



by David Scheller

Insphyre Performance



Back to Table of Centents When cavemen discovered fire, humanity split into two distinct types

fire jump rope, and pretty much everything else you’d yell at your kid

of people. The first were those who observed fire and at once realized

about if he did it too close to the house.

its tremendous power.

They roasted meat over it, tapping into its

nutritious potential. They smelted ore with it, unlocking the secrets

“Fire breathing is the most dangerous thing we do,” said Ase. “Not for

of bronze, iron, and steel. They would go on to create Apollo 11 and

the audience, but for us. First of all, you’ve got a mouth full of fuel.

Little Boy, miracles and horrors, mushing ever onward into the future,

If you inhale any of it, there goes your evening. If you fail to blow it

courtesy of their faculty of insight. It is thanks to them that we will one

out in a complete mist, there goes your beard. And if you manage to

day take to the stars.

successfully blow it out, but the wind blows it back...well, no one likes it when that happens to them.”

That first type of people are nerds. The second type of people saw fire for the first time and thought “Wouldn’t that look neat if I spun it

“People always ask if we get burned,” continued Ase. “The truth is, if you’re

around over my head?” This type of people are cool guys, such as Ase

afraid of getting burned, you probably shouldn’t be playing with fire.”

Anthony, the founder of Insphyre Performance. Insphyre Performance’s latest innovation is their LED equipment. With

“The truth is, if you’re afraid of getting burned, you probably shouldn’t be playing with fire.”

this marvel their performers may not only perform indoors, they may also clothe themselves in electric technicolor, twirl intricate designs into thin air before them, and otherwise put on an ethereal human light show which, in front of a dark backdrop, looks like the kind of thing

Ase’s moment of realization came when he saw fire poi for the first

Jerry Garcia could only induce dreams about.

time. (Fire poi is essentially two giant, burning pom poms suspended by chains and rhythmically swung around the body so their trails make hypnotic patterns.) Ase knew that he must have it, so he delved into the world of fire dancing. He founded a blog, fell into the company of likeminded people, befriended them, started performing professionally with them, and now heads Insphyre Performance, a hundreds strong community of professional entertainers. Ase and his droogs are well-versed in many schools of fire performance. They practice the fire whip, a kevlar lash that scatters smoke and flames with a sonic boom. They are masters of the fire staff, a rod with

“Little kids always run up to our performers after shows and ask if they can play with fire, too,” said Ase. “We always tell them the same thing: ‘Only with your parents’ permission.’ That has probably put a halt to a lot of aspiring fire dancing careers.” Insphyre Performance has so far performed for big names like Best Buy, Cargill, and W Hotels, and they perform at all private engagements as well. They’ll travel to anywhere in the country, so if you would like to hire the cool guys for your next big box social, corporate event, or party, you may contact them through

burning spokes rolled endlessly around the body. They do fire limbo,











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by David Scheller

Russ Rivas

“I’m the son of immigrants, a true American,” stand-up comedian Russ Rivas told me. “My father was Guatemalan, and my mother was a Jew from Poland. That’s an awkward mix of a heritage. I always wanted to hit the piñata, but I was afraid that if I broke it we couldn’t return it to the store.” “It’s my theory that Italians are all descended from Jews and Guatemalans, because everywhere I go, people think I’m an Italian. I can’t even get a table at a restaurant without the hostess seating me with my back to the wall.”

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Back to Table of Centents Russ grew up in the south side of Chicago. After


When I was coming up, my dream

off stage, I heard Rodney call out ‘Hey kid, come

high school he proudly served our country for

was always to headline in Vegas. And then, one

here’ to me. I figured I was toast, that I’d never

four years as a soldier. After the army he proudly

day, it finally happened for me. I took a limo to

work in comedy again. Rodney was the king

serviced our cars for 12 years as a mechanic. He

the Maxim and paid the driver $20 to take my

back then, and I’d just burned his pal. But when

was his garage’s funny guy, and his coworkers

picture in front of the marquee. It said ‘Russ

I went up to him he said ‘That was good, kid, he

always told him he ought to do stand-up

Rivas’ in big letters. But then I noticed, above

had it coming.’”

comedy. Unlike most people who are told they

my name and in even bigger letters, were the

ought to do stand-up, Russ actually went and

words ‘All You Can Eat Shrimp $14.99.’

did stand-up at a club. Eighteen months later he

made me appreciate that no matter how far I

was touring the country, and now 27 years later

got, I’d always be second to shrimp. I should

we can’t get rid of him.

have gone into the shrimp business.”

“I love being a comedian instead of a mechanic,”

“Rodney Dangerfield gave me a big scare one

said Russ “I still marvel that my fingernails are

time,” Russ reminisced. “I was opening for him

clean now. Also, if I wasn’t funny, how else could

and his friend in Denver back when they were

I have married a woman who’s so much prettier

shooting Ladybugs. His friend was being a real

than I am? She’s younger than me, too, but we

pain in the neck, telling me how to introduce

still share a lot in common. I read books, and

him, how to warm the crowd up for him, poking

she colors them. As soon as I get her a green

me in the chest, being rude like that. So when

card I’m going to have her do my bookkeeping.”

it was time to bring him up on stage, I just

“When you’ve been doing comedy for as long as I have,” explained Russ, “you’ve got to learn


Russ Rivas is an agent with Comedy Productions in Sioux City, Iowa. If you would like to engage Russ or one of his performers’ unique brands of comedy for your upcoming corporate event, you may reach him by calling (712) 276-3035 or writing to

nonchalantly said ‘Here’s so-and-so’ and left. That’s the comedian’s equivalent of not tapping gloves before a boxing match. As I was walking

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by Anthony Chiofalo

The Hotel Donaldson’s name alone sparks inquiry. It’s a unique name, to be sure, and a fitting one at that. Far more than an inn for weary travelers in which to lay their heads, The Hotel Donaldson is a trendy, art-inspired hangout and upscale dining experience located in downtown Fargo on 101 Broadway N. The Hotel Donaldson’s building was originally a lodge belonging to the International Order of Oddfellows, a fraternal organization that is still active today.

It was damaged during the Great

Fargo Fire of 1893, and was eventually sold and remodeled into a European-style hotel. Little changed about the hotel since its grand opening in the mid 1910’s until Karen Stoker bought it in 2000. She took her time to revamp the old haunt, but in 2003 The Hotel Donaldson would again open its doors. It was well worth the wait. The Hotel Donaldson’s décor is marvelous. The bare bones of the building, exposed brick and steel beams, are festooned with brilliant modern art. The Hotel Donaldson is foremost an altar of all things Fargo: Seventy regional artists’ works are hung throughout, and the food is locally sourced as much as local sources permit it. In this way the hotel appeals to proud Fargons as well as outof-towners who want to steep themselves in the local character. Each of The Hotel Donaldson’s 17 rooms feature their own different artist and motif. They’re all featured on HotelDonaldson. com, so you may decide which room best fits your refined tastes before booking. Don’t go online expecting hotels’ cliché paintings of egrets in tall grass, lonely beach houses, or bowls of fruit -the pieces in The Hotel Donaldson were chosen to provoke and inspire, in the way that all great art should.



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FARGO HOME2 - by HILTON Its art is only a part of The Hotel Donaldson’s appeal. There are

1652 44th St S Fargo, ND

six chic meeting places there for business or pleasure. A proper summer fling demands the Sky Prairie, the hotel’s verdant rooftop patio. Winter nights are never squandered at Stoker’s, the hotel’s intimate lower level bar and event space. Whatever the time of year

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may be, however, guests may always expect their complimentary evening wine and cheese. Civilization demands no less. While those popping in for cocktails and live music will love the HoDo Lounge, you’ll want to take a seat in the HoDo Restaurant in order to experience all the hotel has to offer. The restaurant starts dinner with a number of delicious options such as their traditional cheese and meat charcuterie platter, Cajun shrimp, or butter poached scallops. Beefier menu items include Korean bison hanger and grilled ribeye. Although they’re not quite local, Irish salmon and lobster fettuccine will unquestionably please seafood lovers. There are also fun desserts like “rainbows and unicorns”


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(you’ll have to see for yourself) and chocolate cream cake, so plan

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ahead when you order. Words alone do little justice to an institution like The Hotel Donaldson, so if you haven’t explored it yet, head over to take in its splendor for yourself!

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by D av i d S c h e ll e r

Ireland has a history of brewing dating back over 5,000 years. Traditional Irish monks were expert herbalists who could flavor beers with the local flora, and legend has it that St. Patrick himself had his own personal brewer. Ireland’s beer has always been good not just to suit the country’s high demand for the stuff. Ireland also enjoys the perfect trifecta for growing barley: fertile soil, gentle rain, and the cool breezes that waft over the northern Atlantic. That tradition continues wherever the Irish settle. Drumconrath Brewing Company, named for its founder Sam Corr’s ancestral hometown in County Meath, Ireland, began like most microbreweries do nowadays: with an avid enthusiast, a garage, and a lot of trial and error. “The first batch of beer I ever made was with a Mr. Beer homebrewing kit,” said Sam. “It was pretty bad. The side of the box had a guy holding up frost mug of beer with the caption, ‘It’s real beer, and I made it’ and I was like, ‘No, it’s reconstituted syrup.’ So I gathered a modge podge of makeshift equipment and got a fermenter starter kit from the local homebrew shop and dove in head first with all grain brewing.”



Back to Table of Centents “Almost all of my beers use base malt that I get from Ireland.” Said Sam,

The third staple of the taproom is the Saints Peter and Paul Porter, a

“It’s not the base for all my beer, but it is in all of them one way or another.

jet black beer with a rich flavor, light notes of hazelnut, and aromas of

I say we make North Dakota beer with an Irish spirit, and the Irish malt

chocolate and coffee. “The beauty of running your own brewery is that

is that spirit.” Drumconrath beers feature malt from all over the world.

you can offer less conventional beers, ones you know people will love,

Ireland, England, Germany, Patagonia, even from North Dakota and

without having to run it by a committee first,” said Sam. “It means you

Minnesota. “We’ve used local malts from time to time. We use Rahr quite

can let your vision lead you, not sticking to what’s ‘safe.’”

a bit, and a significant portion of their barley comes out of North Dakota, but I wouldn’t really call them a craft maltster. But we’ve also used malt

“The Fargo area is a great place for brewers,” Sam continued. “There are

from Two Track Malting in Lincoln, ND and from Maltwerks in Detroit

a lot of experienced people around to learn from, but microbreweries

Lakes. Just depends on what sort of character we’re looking for.”

are still relatively new here, so there is plenty of room to grow.”

“The beauty of running your own brewery is that you can offer less conventional beers, ones you know people will love, without having to run it by a committee first”

Drumconrath Brewing Company is located at 349 Knutson St, Unit B in Mapleton. Go there any time of year to try one of Sam’s finely crafted beers on-site and take their mainstays or new varieties home with you in a 64-ounce growler. It’s the best way around to get the finest that Ireland, the Midwest, and, most importantly, beer have to offer.

That quest for character leads Drumconrath Brewing to always try to be creative. With over half their taps dedicated to rotating styles, and the ever-evolving tastes of the public looking for something new and exciting, the challenge is not just making good beer, but also coming up with beers that others in the area don’t have. “You have to be innovating, otherwise you’re always behind. One of the things I like to play with is nitrogen. By nitrogenating a beer it changes the profile from how it would be if it were served on carbon dioxide. It would be smoother, easier drinking. But should erupt with aroma.” You can try any of Sam’s creations at Drumconrath’s taproom, a beer hall adjacent to the brewery with 50 seats, a patio, and eight taps. Five of those taps rotate to demonstrate Sam’s latest inventions. The other three are devoted to Sam’s most popular beers. The Ribbonman Red, an aptly named Irish red ale, is Drumconrath’s flagship beer. It’s a malt-forward beer with a deep red color, almost dark enough to be confused with a stout. Ribbonman Red owes a great part of its sweetness to the 20 pounds of local honey used in each batch, which also lends it a hint of plums and currents. Drumconrath’s GaelForce IPA is brewed in the classic American fashion. Darker and with a maltier backbone than most modern IPAs, GaelForce’s hops add to its flavor and aroma instead rather than bitterness. “GaelForce’s intense sweetness and citrus scent make it taste almost like you’re drinking juice,” said Sam.

349 Knutson St | Mapleton, North Dakota @drumconrathbrewing (701) 645-3786

Sunday - Tuesday: Closed Wednesday - Friday: 4p-10p Saturday - Noon-10 |


Bird Trivia by David Scheller

The dodo was very easy to hunt, which is why the Portuguese named it after their word for “idiot.” The Dutch settlers’ name for the dodo was walgvogel, meaning “disgusting bird.” All chickens on earth are descended from the Gallus gallus gallus subspecies of the red junglefowl of Thailand. According to a medieval law that is still observed today, any unclaimed mute swan in open waters in England and Wales is property of Queen Elizabeth II, if she wants it. This is the sort of tyranny that the Revolutionary War was fought over. In a 1981 episode of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Big Bird revealed that he is a golden condor. There is no such bird in real life. Homing pigeon Cher Ami helped to save the lives of 194 American troops during WWI by delivering this message across enemy lines: “We are along the road paralell [sic] to 276.4. Our own artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us.

For heavens sake stop it.” Cher Ami had been shot through the breast and lost a leg and an eye during her heroic 25 mile flight. As they are too light to set off any of the thousands of landmines buried there in the 1980’s, penguins now thrive in the Falkland Islands where they may live unbothered by people. The kakapo is the world’s only flightless parrot. It lives in New Zealand, where it evolved extremely ineffective mating behaviors as a way to prevent overpopulation in a habitat where it once had no predators. Kakapo mating calls are just barely audible, and females are only in the mood when a certain kind of tree is in fruit.



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The plastic flamingo is the official bird of Madison, Wisconsin. Busch Gardens invited male supermodel Fabio to take the inaugural ride on their new roller coaster Apollo’s Chariot on March 30, 1999. During the coaster’s initial drop, a goose in flight struck Fabio in the face at a speed of 70 mph. Poor Fabio would require three stitches as the result, although the goose fared far worse. The American woodcock is the slowest flying bird with a maximum flight speed of 5 mph. Rather than sit on them, the Australian brushturkey buries its eggs in a giant mound of rotting leaves. The heat released via the composting process incubates the eggs. Australian brushturkey chicks are on their own as soon as they emerge from the pile. Scrooge McDuck’s net worth is “five multiplujillion, nine impossibidillion, seven fantastica trillion dollars and sixteen cents.” Over the course of its lifetime an Arctic tern will migrate approximately 1.5 million miles, equal to three trips to the moon and back. Julia Boaler of Sheffield, England drove herself mad when her $10,000 engagement ring disappeared from the window sill she had set it on during a shower in 2005. She looked for it everywhere, even tearing

Providing effective promotions that deliver results!

up the bathroom floorboards until she gave up her search. Her fiancé finally found the ring in a magpie’s nest while trimming an oak tree in their garden three years later. Baltimore Orioles pitcher Kevin Gausman eats three mini powdered doughnuts between every inning he pitches.

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Starlings are not native to the New World. The American Acclimatization

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Society released about one hundred of the birds in New York City’s

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Central Park in 1890 and 1891 as part of an effort to introduce every

• Promotional Products

species of bird Shakespeare ever mentioned to the United States. About 200 million starlings now inhabit North America. New York City is home to a healthy population of monk parakeets. Native to Argentina, these social, bright green birds descended from

3242 4th Ave. S Fargo, ND


escapees from the pet trade in the 1960’s and 70’s.



by David Scheller

I have always had sophisticated tastes. While other kids in my

Now the recipient of four Grammy Awards and biggest-selling

high school were wasting their time on flash in the pan musical

comedy recording artist of all time, Weird Al is enjoying his

footnotes like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Nirvana, I was already

fourth decade as America’s foremost song parodist. That means

appreciating phenomena like Tenacious D, Kiss, and the great

he has earned the privilege of doing whatever he likes, which

“Weird Al” Yankovic. I had all of his albums, his movie UHF

fortunately for us means coming to Fargo. Weird Al’s current

recorded from Comedy Central on VHS, and I even got to see him

tour, which he has succinctly dubbed The Ridiculously Self-

live when I was thirteen years old. Watching Weird Al perform

Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour, is a departure from his usual

“Fat” in full costume will remain the highpoint of my life until I

style of performance. Rather than belting out silly renditions of

win the lottery.

other artists’ songs with the aid of with props, costumes, and video screens on a big stage, Weird Al and his band of three

Back when he was just a shy, accordion-playing nobody, Weird Al

decades will perform their original material in smaller, more

got his start by sending his homemade tapes to the Dr. Demento

intimate venues.

Radio Show. Dr. Demento had clearly learned how to recognize talent back while he attended medical school, because Weird Al’s

“After 35 years of big productions, I just wanted to take it down a

meteoric rise to superstardom would soon rock the world. Weird

few notches and have a little musical palate cleanser,” said Weird

Al’s hit parodies including “Eat It,” “Like a Surgeon,” “Smells Like

Al. “This show will be loose, unpredictable, and maybe a bit

Nirvana,” and “Amish Paradise” are the anthems of our era, and

sloppy -- we’ll be making it up as we go along!”

“Albuquerque” is arguably the greatest song ever written, if not the longest.



Back to Table of Centents



Although Weird Al is best known for his parodies, he is in fact a master musician with an impressive oeuvre of original songs. It’s anyone’s guess what he’ll decide to play in Fargo. He may dust off his subtle, emotional masterpiece “Attack of the Radioactive Hamsters from a Planet Near Mars.” He may remind us all of the unsettling truth with “Everything You Know Is Wrong.” He just may melt our faces off with frenzied medleys of improvised polka, a genre of music which we’re desperately deprived of here in the Midwest. Whatever Weird Al gives us, however, it’s bound

to be great. We may expect no less from the genius who penned classic diddies such as “Slime Creatures from Outer Space,” “Weasel Stomping Day,” and “Spam.”

Weird Al will play at Fargo Theatre on June 6th. Tickets are available at


701.373.0191 |


Vinyl Taco


he best way to make something magnificent is to combine two things that are already great on

their own. Combine milk and sugar, and you get ice cream. Combine corn and the South, and you get Bourbon. Put Paul McCartney and John Lennon together, and you get The Beatles.

Put The Beatles and Yoko Ono

together, and you get a couple of amazing solo careers, plus you still have Yoko Ono. When you combine the two absolute pinnacles of human achievement, and of

by David Scheller

course I mean classic rock and Mexican food, you get Vinyl Taco. Placed on 520 1st Ave N in Fargo, this joint offers authentic, from scratch south of the border fare set to turntable music. “When it comes to music, you can’t beat the soul that comes from records,” said Vinyl Taco’s general manager Anthony Dub. “We always keep two turntables spinning behind the bar, and we only play the best that you can find on vinyl: The Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Steve Miller Band -- if it rocks, it plays. I love seeing people tapping their toes while they enjoy our food.” To




soundtrack for a Mexican restaurant, Vinyl Taco leans traditional with their food menu. All of their dishes are prepared in the same fashion perfected by Mexico’s best cooks. Their pork belly tacos are outstanding, as they use the same cut of meat which bacon is made from and cure it for 12 hours to make one of the softest, juiciest, best uses of pork in the Midwest. Their tacos molcajetes come in a big, pig shaped bowl, prepared according to a secret recipe that not even magazine writers are privy to and perfect for sharing. Their barbacoa, carne asada, and fajitas are also fine remedies for a Fargoan winter. Who would have thought that the perfect food for cold weather could come from Mexico?



Back to Table of Centents Vinyl Taco’s love for classic rock extends to their drink menu. Their Rocket Man mojito is made with Milagro silver, fresh lime juice, mint, and soda, certain to make you feel the love tonight or on any other night you might care to have one. Their Beast of Burden is a mule made with Maker’s Mark, maple syrup, fresh lime juice, and ginger beer -- fittingly, this drink might give you sticky fingers. Their Proud Mary piña colada with Malibu rum and real pineapple juice and coconut milk is good enough that it doesn’t even need a cute joke to go along with its description. Vinyl Taco is a cozy place to dine in with cheerful red brick walls, mosaics depicting rock and roll legends, beaming light-up signs, and a brooding buffalo standing guard over the island bar, keeping watch over the precious liquors within. Their menus are

FREE Use Of FREE Use Of Courtesy Truck* Courtesy Truck* FREE Use Of Courtesy Truck*

written on album covers, so if you’ve ever dreamed of ordering dinner off of a copy of Street Survivors, this is your big chance. Go to Vinyl Taco to discover a new classic.

South Fargo South Fargo 701.282.3210 South Fargo 701.282.3210

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North Fargo 701.282.3210 North 402 25thFargo Street N. 402 25th Street N. 701.235.8719 North Fargo 701.235.8719 402 25th Street N.


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Cottonwood Cider House by David Scheller

Cottonwood Cider House is the child of tradition and innovation. It all began in 1884 when Karolius and Olianna Nelson emigrated from Norway to Dakota Territory, eager to see what the black and unbroken soil of the new world could do for them. Their son Nels would plant the cottonwood trees that give the farm its name today. Their grandson Norman realized the farm’s potential for high yielding crops, and sold his cattle to focus on grain production. He would have the first on-sight grain leg in Cass County. Their great-grandson Chuck switched to organic farming methods and made Cottonwood the first certified organic farm in the county. Now Karolius’s and Olianna’s great-great-granddaughter Stacy and her husband Dan carry the fire. Although reimagining the farm was Stacy’s birthright, it was also a necessity. Her father had sold all of his grain farming machinery when he retired in 2006, so continuing in that vein presented certain impossibilities. Stacy decided to grow apples, so she turned Cottonwood Farm into an orchard. She grows her trees without the aid of pesticides, and lets native flowers and grasses take root between them. “This attracts natural pollinators. Birds nest in the branches,” said Stacy. “Sure, we find the occasional peck in an apple, but growing as nature intended means our fruit tastes like the land rather than chemicals.”

Stacy and Dan plan to produce 6,000 gallons of hard cider this year, 30 times what they did during the last.

Stacy’s decision to make hard cider was natural too. Her husband Dan had always enjoyed brewing craft beer, a fine distraction from his full-time job as a corrections officer. With Stacy’s newfound abundance of apples and Dan’s brewing expertise, the stage was perfectly set for the creation of Cottonwood Cider House. “Going from working with five gallon carboys to 500 gallon fermentation tanks was quite a steep learning curve,” said Stacy. “Dan has the patience of a saint, though, and his familiarity with the process on a small scale was all he needed to master our big new facility. He’s the best cider house manager an orchardist like me could hope for. A match made in heaven!” Stacy and Dan plan to produce 6,000 gallons of hard cider this year, 30 times what they did during the last. Their cider is unsweetened, crisp, and dry as they permit their apples’ natural sugars to ferment until the drink is 6.9% alcohol. This is low enough to prevent the boozy sting from overpowering their farm’s delicate terroir, but high enough to elevate your own spirits after a bottle or two. “I’m proud of our cider,” said Stacy. “We have our hands in every step of the process. We planted the trees and care for them, pick the apples, juice them, ferment them, and bottle it all by ourselves. It’s a wonderful feeling to tell our customers how proud we are of what we do.” “Knowing that every bottle of cider we make continues the legacy my great-great-grandparents began over 130 years ago...that’s a feeling that’s kind of hard to put into words.”





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For as long as there has been alcohol, there have been people figuring out ways of making it. Many ingredients have proven themselves worthy of the sacred transmutation: barley, grapes, corn, cane sugar, rice, apples, sorghum, agave, bread, and even yogurt. With its sweetness and purity, however, nothing calls to be turned into a libation quite like honey does. Even the ancients agreed -- cave paintings show that we’ve been gathering honey for at least 10,000 years, and archaeology proves that we’ve fermented alcohol with the stuff for at least nearly that long. Could it only be coincidence that “bees” sounds so much like “booze?” Almost certainly, although that doesn’t detract from the fact that mead is very good. North Dakota native Susan Ruud is taking mead onward. She has studied agriculture at NDSU, her alma mater, for the past 27 years. When she started there her coworkers got her interested in homebrewing, a natural pastime for botanically-minded people. Susan quickly found beer, cider, and mead in particular as the perfect distractions from her work fighting canola ailments, and her newfound passion brought her to a slew of homebrewing competitions which she won. She would soon join the governing committee of the American Homebrewers Association and now enjoys good company with their 45,000 members. They inspired her to found Prairie Rose Meadery.



Back to Table of Centents


bees there gather clover, alfalfa, and sunflower pollen to make the perfectly spicy and pure honey for brewing mead. (Whether Kindred’s bees believe their honey is best suited for mead and not, say, bee consumption is a matter of opinion.) Prairie Rose Meadery goes through over 600 gallons of local honey per year to brew 19,000 bottles of mead. “My mead has a nice balance,” said Susan. “Its alcohol level is on par with wine’s, enough to elevate its delicate flavors without overwhelming them. When you smell it, you get the gentle aroma of honey as well as the different fruits I include in the batches.”


made only with honey, Susan creates a variety of melomels with fruits including blackberry, apricot, plum, cherry, strawberry, blueberry, and lemon. She also makes metheglins with hints of spice like vanilla, cinnamon, mint, star anise, and ginger. Susan is inventive with her recipes. She brews a pineapple chipotle mead which has a touch of heat to compliment its tropical flavor, and she uses her neighbor’s own maple syrup to make a sweet, arboreal mead. Prairie Rose Meadery has a tasting room at 3101 39th St S, Suite E in Fargo where you may drink their meads right where they’re brewed. Try a flight of several different kinds of mead there, have a whole glass of your new favorite, or take a bottle home with you. It’s a cozy den with a bar, leather couches, television, and a light menu with all the snacks requisite for fine drinking. the buzz is about?

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• Mugs

Dare I ask you to go and see what all


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addition to traditional mead which is

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ND for all of her honey needs.

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relies on Sperry Apiaries in Kindred,

• Announcements • Banners • Booklets • Bumper Stickers • Business Cards • Calendars • Catalogs • Counter Cards • Door Hangers • Envelopes • Event Tickets•

busy academic and brewer, so Susan

• Table Throws • Table Top Retractable • Tote Bags • Wall Decals • Window Clings • Yard Signs • A-Frame Sidewalk Signs

Bee keeping is out of reach for such a



MUSIC & EVENTS MAY 1 Front Street Trivia 7pm-9pm, Front Street Taproom, Fargo

Froggy Fresh 7pm-10pm, the Aquarium, Fargo

Musicians Open Mic Night 8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre: Murder at the Banquet

Under the Streetlamp 9PM - 8PM, Belle Mehus Auditorium, Bismarck

Opera Comique 7pm, Dakota Stage Ltd, Bismarck

CDCC’s 2018-2019 Auditions 5pm-7:30pm, Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex, Bismarck

MAY 5 20th Annual Kite Day 12:30pm-3pm, Lindenwood Park, Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo


MAY 7 Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet 7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

I Am, He Said A Celebration of the Music Neil Diamond


7pm-11:59pm, The Fargo Theatre , Fargo

8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Wish Fast: Superhero 3, 5 & 10K Walk/Run

The Dead South Essentia Health Nurse Recognition

Under the Streetlamp 7pm-11:59pm, The Fargo Theatre, Fargo

Escape from The Zoo+The Antidon’ts W/ Mr Meaner.ptf.SuperCruiser. GermCircus

Meat Raffle

8am-11am, Urban Plains Park, Fargo

9pm-3am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Tribute to Rage Against The Machine: D Mills & The Human Element

8pm-10pm, Flatland Brewery, West Fargo

Variuos Times, Central Dakota Children’s Choir, Bismark

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo


6:30pm-9pm, Santa Lucia Restaurnte, Fargo

Trivia with Two Lanterns Trivia

CDCC’s Cantus Unabridged


Musicians Open Mic Night

8pm-11pm, The Aquarium, Fargo 5:30pm-8pm, Avalon Events Center, Fargo

MAY 10

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

9pm-1am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Vogel Law Firm: Employment Law Seminar

Flatout Fargo

8am-4:30pm, Hilton Garden Inn, Fargo

Bloody Mary & Mimosa Bar


Friday Night Salsa

11am-4pm, Pounds, fargo

7:30pm-9pm, Fargo Brewing Company, Fargo

Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre: Murder at the Banquet

8pm-11:30pm, Radisson Hotel, Fargo

Bismarck Bucks vs. Quad Cities Steamwheelers

MAY 11

Leadercast FM 2018 7am-4pm, Prairie Heights Community Church, Fargo

7:05pm, Arena, Bismarck

6pm-10pm, Red Raven Espresso Parlor, Fargo

Thomas Rhett: Life Changes Tour 2018

Opera Comique 7pm, Dakota Stage Ltd, Bismarck

Secret Recipe w/ Dextrious, Lick Narson, New Reign

NDHSAA Class B Music Festival

9:30pm-2am, The Aquarium, Fargo

7pm, Dakota Stage Ltd, Bismarck

Various Times, Bismarck State College, Bismarck

Meat Raffle

Dacotah Speedway Season Opener



CDCC’s 2018-2019 Auditions 5pm-7:30pm, Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex, Bismarck

6:30pm-9pm, Santa Lucia Restaurnte, Fargo

Escape From The Zoo+The Antidon’ts W/ Mr Meaner.ptf.SuperCruiser. GermCircus 9pm-3am, The Aquarium, Fargo

MAY 3 Vogel Law Firm: Employment Law Seminar 8am-4:30pm, Hilton Garden Inn, Fargo



7:30pm-11pm, Arena, Bismarck

Opera Comique

Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

6:30-10pm, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, Fargo

Peelander-Z at The Aquarium 6pm-9pm, the Aquarium, Fargo

Afroman LIVE 9pm-3am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Brewing Up Laughs

Free Truman, Hangtime & The Deal

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Boomtown 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Back to Table of Centents Peter Pan 7:30pm, Northern Plains Dance, Bismark

River Paddling Excursion-Red River Trivia

Bootcamp on Tap

6pm-8pm, Hjemkomst Landing, Moorhead

6pm-6:30pm, Fargo Brewing Company, Fargo

Nerd Nite Fargo

Bismarck State College Graduation

7pm-9pm, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub, Fargo

2pm, Arena, Bismarck

MAY 17

Band Night Parade 6:30pm, Eckroth Music, Bismarck

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series

Fargo Marathon Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

Sista Otis

Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

7pm - 9pm, Junkyard Brewing Company , Moorhead

MAY 12

Outlet: Open Mic Poetry Night

MAY 22 Musicians Open Mic Night 8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

FM Welcome Party 6pm-8:30pm, Sanctuary Event Center, Fargo

Williston Basin Petroleum Conference Various times, Arena, Bismarck

MAY 23 Nikki Lane with Carl Anderson 5pm - 11:59pm, Fargo Brewing Company, Fargo

Williston Basin Petroleum Conference Various times, Arena, Bismarck

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

JUN 2 North Dakota Softball and Baseball State Tournaments Various times, Main Ave and Broadway N, Fargo

Daniel O’Donnell: Back Home Again Tour 6:30pm -11pm, The Fargo Theatre, Fargo

Good Morning Bedlam

Prairie Business magazine’s 40 Under 40/Top 25 Women in Business Celebration

MAY 24

9pm-12:30am, Dempsey’s Public House , Fargo, ND

Fargo CoreCon


Various times, Holiday Inn, Fargo

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Various times, Bill’s Gun Shop & Range, Fargo

5pm-8pm, Avalon Event Center, Fargo

Williston Basin Petroleum Conference


Fargo Birding Festival

MAY 18

Various times, Arena, Bismarck

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

7am-12pm, Forest River Property, Fargo

Fargo Marathon

Junk Market 10am-5pm, Scheels Arena, Fargo

ND Class I & II CCW and MN 2 for I, Fl and AZ Training

Great Strides Fargo-Moorhead 5K 10am-1pm, Oak Grove Park, Fargo

Cofresi 9pm-1:45am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Boomtown 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Peter Pan Various Times, Northern Plains Dance, Bismark

Home Free 7:30pm, Fargo Civic Center, Fargo

North Dakota Department of Transportation Expo 9am – 5pm, Exhibit Hall, Bismarck

Bismarck Bucks vs. Omaha Beef 7:05pm, Arena, Bismarck

MAY 13 Junk Market 10am-5pm, Scheels Arena, Fargo

Peter Pan 2:30pm, Northern Plains Dance, Bismark

MAY 14 Fargo Marathon Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet 7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

Arc West Central Dances 7:15pm-8:15pm, Ellen Hopkins Elementary, Moorhead

7:30pm-10pm, Fargo Brewing Company, Fargo

MAY 25


Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

Fargo CoreCon


Various times, Holiday Inn, Fargo

North Dakota Softball and Baseball State Tournaments

7pm -11:59pm, The Fargo Theatre, Fargo

Meat Raffle

Jennifer Lyn and The Groove Revival

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

10pm, Sidestreet Grille & Pub , Fargo


Moon Hooch

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

8pm-12am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Billy D & The Crystals

Meat Raffle

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo


Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan


MAY 26

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

CDCC’s Spring Concert Various Times, Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex, Bismarck

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

MAY 19 Fargo Marathon Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

Nature Adventure 12pm-2pm, Rabanus Park, Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

WQ5Band 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

CDCC’s Spring Concert

Fargo CoreCon Various times, Holiday Inn, Fargo

The Body w/ Lingua Ignota and Still 8pm-12am, The Aquarium, Fargo


Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

2018 Worksite Wellness Summit 8pm- 3pm, Bismarck State College, Bismark

Death By Chocolate 5pm-9pm,Sixteen03 Main Events, Bismark

MAY 16 Fargo Marathon Various Times, Fargodome, Fargo

Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet 7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

JUN 5 Party in the Park at Roosevelt Park

Steve Earle & The Dukes 30th Anniversary of Copperhead Road with The Mastersons

8:30am-4pm, Fort Abercrombie State Historical Site, Fargo

MAY 27

8pm– 11pm, Belle Mehus Auditorium, Bismarck

Fargo CoreCon


Various times, Holiday Inn, Fargo

Happy Harry’s Ribfest

MAY 28

Various times, Fargodome, Fargo

Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet

Musicians Open Mic Night 8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

The Black Dahlia Murder with Homewrecker


FM Welcome Party


8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

12pm-2pm, Scheels Arena, Fargo

MAY 21

2pm, Belle Mehus Auditorium, Bismarck

Fort Abercrombie Opening Day Events

MAY 29

8pm - 11:59pm, The Aquarium, Fargo

The Okee Dokee Brothers

Musicians Open Mic Night

MAY 20

Fargo Marathon

8:30am-4pm, Fort Abercrombie State Historical Site, Fargo

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

7pm - 11pm, The Aquarium, Fargo

Fort Abercrombie Opening Day Events

Billy D & The Crystals

Musicians Open Mic Night

PJ Masks Live! Time to be a Hero

7pm-11:59pm, The Fargo Theatre, Fargo

5:30pm-8pm, Roosevelt Park, Fargo

MAY 15

Caroline Smith w/ Eric Mayson at The Aquarium

Nick Swardson

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Various Times, Frances Leach High Prairie Arts & Science Complex, Bismarck

8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

Various times, Main Ave and Broadway N, Fargo

North Dakota Softball and Baseball State Tournaments Various times, Main Ave and Broadway N, Fargo

Weird Al Yankovic with Emo Philips 7pm-11:59pm, The Fargo Theatre, Fargo

JUN 7 Happy Harry’s Ribfest Various times, Fargodome, Fargo

Park it! At Clara Barton Park 1pm-4pm, Clara Barton Park, Fargo

Restaurant Week Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

JUN 8 Happy Harry’s Ribfest Various times, Fargodome, Fargo

6pm-8:30pm, Sanctuary Event Center, Fargo

Meat Raffle

Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Meat Raffle


5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Restaurant Week

Senses Fail


Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

6:30pm -11pm, The Aquarium, Fargo

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE >>


29 Dakota Dirt 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

JUN 9 Happy Harry’s Ribfest Various times, Fargodome, Fargo

Share a Story 9am-2pm, Rheault Farm, Fargo

Fargo PrideFest Market Place 10am-5pm, Holiday Inn Fargo

ND Class I & II CCW and MN 2 for I, Fl and AZ Training 12pm-5pm, Bill’s Gun Shop & Range, Fargo

Fargo Pride PrideFest Glow Party 9pm-1am, Holiday Inn, Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Dakota Dirt 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Buggies-n-Blues 4pm-11pm, Mandan Main Street, Mandan

Restaurant Week Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

Fort Abercrombie Opening Day Events 8:30am-4pm, Fort Abercrombie State Historical Site, Fargo

JUN 10 Fargo PrideFest Drag Brunch 10:30am-1pm, Holiday Inn, Fargo

Billy Currington and Drake White & the Big Fire 7pm-10pm, Bluestem Amphitheater, Fargo

JUN 13 Yoga in the Park 6pm-7pm, Island Park, Fargo

Restaurant Week

Moon Hooch 8pm-12am, The Aquarium, Fargo

Various times, Edgewood Golf Course, Fargo

Moorhead Farmers Market

Free Pool Day at Northside Rec Pool

8am-5pm, Moorhead Center Mall, Moorhead

JUN 14

Party in the Part at Osgood School Park

Big Screen Movie Matinee Park it! At Village West Park 1pm-4pm, Village West Park with Dog Park, Fargo

Dive into Summer

8am-5pm, Osgood School Park, Fargo

Musicians Open Mic Night

7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

5:30pm-7:30pm, North Elmwood Park, Fargo

JUN 26

9am-11am, Rheault Farm, Fargo

8pm-10pm, Sanctuary Event Center, Fargo

River Paddling Excursion-Aviary Expedition

Tri-City Soccer Tournament Various times, various place, Fargo

Midwest Kidfest & Teddy Bear Parade 11am-5pm, Island Park, Fargo

Meat Raffle

Community Paly Day

6pm-8pm, Hjmkomst Landing, Moorhead

2018 NDASRO-CCUSR North Dakota School Safety Conference 1pm-4pm, Liberty Middle School, West Fargo

Nerd Nite Fargo 7pm-9pm, Fargo Billiards and Gastropub, Fargo

JUN 21

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Park it! At Elephant Park


1pm-4pm, Elephant Park, Fargo

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Park it! At Bennett Park

Restaurant Week

1pm-4pm, Bennett Park, Fargo

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

West Fargo Cruise Night

Gun Shy

5pm-9pm, West Fargo, Fargo

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

PBR Bull Riding Challenge

2018 NDASRO-CCUSR North Dakota School Safety Conference

7:30pm, Arena, Bismarck

1pm-4pm, Liberty Middle School, West Fargo

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series

JUN 22

Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

Har Mar Superstar Sings Sam Cooke

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

JUN 16

8pm-11:59pm, The Aquarium, Fargo


Tri-City Soccer Tournament

Restaurant Week

11am-5pm, Mandan Main Street, Mandan

Various times, various place, Fargo

Fort Abercrombie Opening Day Events

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

8:30am-4pm, Fort Abercrombie State Historical Site, Fargo

Gun Shy

JUN 11

Junk’n at the Junction

Trout Fest

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo 9am-3pm, Buckstop Junction, Bismark

5:30pm-7:30pm, Woodhaven North Park, Fargo

PBR Bull Riding Challenge

Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet

JUN 17

7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

Various times, various place, Fargo

Restaurant Week Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

7:30pm, Arena, Bismarck

Tri-City Soccer Tournament MercyMe with Riley Clemmons 7pm-10pm, Bluestem Amphitheater

JUN 12

Restaurant Week

Bark in the Park

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

5pm-7:30pm, North Elmwood Park, Fargo

JUN 18

Moorhead RiverArts

Movie Nights in the Park at Island Park

5pm-8pm, Memorial Park, Moorhead

8pm-11pm, Fargo Theatre, Fargo

JUN 29 Meat Raffle 5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Honkey-Tonk Stardust Cowboys 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

JUN 30 Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Honkey-Tonk Stardust Cowboys 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

2018 NDASRO-CCUSR North Dakota School Safety Conference 1pm-4pm, Liberty Middle School, West Fargo

Dacotah Speedway Mandan Dirt Series Variuos Times, Dacotah Speedway, Mandan

JUN 23 Bingo 7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Boomtown 8:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Sugarland 7pm, Arena, Bismarck

JUN 24 Roger Maris Golf Tournament

12pm-5pm, Downtown Fargo, Fargo

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

Johnny Lang


Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet Sundae + Mr. Goessl at Junkyard Brewing

7pm-8:30pm, Trollwood Park, Fargo

JUN 28

7pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

Various times, Edgewood Golf Course, Fargo

7pm-9pm, Dempsey’s Public House, Fargo

Concert in the Park


5:30pm-8pm, Forest Centennial Park, Fargo

Restaurant Week

8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

JUN 27

5:30pm, Post 7564 VFW, West Fargo

8pm-10pm, Island Park, Fargo

8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

Musicians Open Mic Night

Meat Raffle

Party in the Park at Centennial Park Musicians Open Mic Night

8pm-10pm, Trollwood Park, Fargo

Wild West Jamboree

Monroe Crossing

JUN 15

Movie Nights in the Park at Trollwood Park Jazz Night at Dempsey’s featuring the Max Johnk Quartet

JUN 20

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

Various times, Northside Rec Pool, Fargo

8pm-12am, Sidestreet Grille & Pub, Fargo

6:30pm-8:30pm, Moorhead Municipal Pool, Moorhead

Restaurant Week

Roger Maris Golf Tournament

JUN 19

Various Times, Various Restaurants, Fargo

1pm-3pm, Veterans Memorial Arena, Fargo

JUN 25

Streets Alive Bone thugs-N-Harmony with Naughty By Nature 7pm-10pm, Blustem Amphitheater, Moorhead

7pm-9pm, Junkyard Brewing Company, Moorhead



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Fargo | 701-264-3667

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Fargo | 701-566-6421

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