The Testing Times - Feb 2009

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If getting issue number 1 of the ground surprised me; this leaves me absolutely staggered. A second issue for goodness sake!




Old Skool


Never work with animals or children

In hindsight, the first issue probably wasn’t quite right. It was meant to be "regularly irregular and total crap" but judging by the feedback we've received we're some way off the mark. Our contributors have been severely reprimanded and I have been assured that changes WILL be made, if not, heads will roll... probably mine! So all we're asking for is a second chance…please? I started trying to drum up some sort of interest in The Testing Times by off-loading a hundred paper copies of the first issue at the BBAR prize presentation at the beginning of January. Despite my best intentions to show that we've managed to produce something that is at least on par with any available alternative (and in so doing meet our stated objective, see above) I kept getting side-tracked. I was on a mission you see! "Take your camera and get some shots of the real stars - and make sure they're in colour, not like all those we've got of you" I was told. So, between us we took on the likes of Andy Jones and Kimroy-Silk (I didn't realise he took photos too but after hearing about him on "I'm a Celebrity…" it didn't come as any great surprise to be told it was the same chap).


Dawson, Eyles, Allen, Hamel, Bowdler, Ward, Dorrington, Cammish, Hutchinson, Roach, Woodburn

just enough peas on my plate to be able to use them to tick off, one by one, the number of past, and present, BBARs there…twelve! So, my plan was to get a piccy of us all together….and it VERY nearly worked! The waiter service was such that I was able to meander around the thirty odd tables during the courses seeking out my eleven "friends" without missing a bite. I didn't think it would work, but the idea was for everyone to meet in the foyer sometime between the speeches and the prize presentation. I was sure such illustrious company would have far better things to do than come along.

As I sat down for my meal I got the “If you don't show up, don't worry" seating plan out and as I looked at my main course I realised there were I said, "I'll assume you're not




interested (not that I can blame you) and the three of us (Elaine, Martin and myself) will have our photo taken together" - which wouldn't have been that hard to organise because we were all seated at the same table. Low and behold though, they all turned up, with the exception of Julia (Shaw) who got delayed when she stopped at the bar for a top-up en route. More from Julia later!! Lots of nice people there and an opportunity to mix and mingle with all the stars so don't miss it next year. Thoroughly recommended! It’s just a shame it's all over so quickly! Right, back to business…."issue number 2 had better be good” Ian Cammish - Editor at Heart


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