Old Skool
RENOWNED TERRORIST SUSPECT ARRESTED A spokesperson for South Yorkshire police has informed us that following a series of dawn raids on several houses in the Cudworth area a notorious Yorkshire man has been arrested and is being investigated under the little used "Prevention of Sporting Terrorism Act”. Police were remaining tight lipped about the exact details but were rumoured to have received 44 complaints from suspected victims of the alleged incidents that all happened in the space of 48 hours. One who wished to remain nameless but is widely believed to be the so called “Ginger Avenger" claimed to have been "brutalised beyond belief”. Many of the other victims caught up in what is believed to have been one of the worst sporting atrocities seen in recent years were said to have been so traumatised by events that they would be unwilling to travel into South Yorkshire for years to come. Rumours have been emanating from the region for well over 20 years about a bizarre series of tortures inflicted on victims including "Sid’s Sykehouse slaughter", and the particularly gruesome onslaught on innocent prey known locally simply as "Red line Randleisation”. The accused is expected to be released in the
following hours and is already looking to the future. He is unrepentant about the abuses and says that Randleism is a way of life and is going to continue for as long as there are other unsuspecting victims that need to be punished. He has also taken the opportunity to release details of his impending and soon to be launched website. For training tips, blogs and regular features such as "weak as piss that kid" and "future flandrians" and all the latest news visit
SPORTIVE SPECIAL TESTERS WHO HAVE DONE TIME— Wayne’s top 10 Sportives Who’s been locked up for what! BRADLEY JOHNSTON’S SUNTAN SECRETS……. and lots, lots more! S EE