Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2011 | Version 01 | May
ma,Eka ,dxPkh Ndú;h
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2
,dxPkfhA j¾Kh( fmkAfgdkA 285
,dxPkh iqÿ miqìfï ks,A mdákA ^iïu;& fyda ks,A miqìfï iqÿ mdákA fyda my; oelafjk wdldr j,ska Ndú;d l< yel¡ ,dxPkh l¨ j¾Kfhka Ndú;d l< yels jkafka l¨ iqÿ j¾Kfhka ,sh lshú,s uqøKh lsÍfï§ muKs¡
iEu wjia:djl§u mA,EkA wdh;kfha wNsudkh jeäjk mßÈ yd ,dxPkh meyeÈ,s f,i fmkk ing Plan mßÈ uqøKh lsÍu yd m%o¾Ykh lsÍu isÿl< hq;= y guidelines 2011 w;r uqøKfha§ mA,EkA ,dxPkh ol=Kq miska uqøKh l< hq;=h¡
Plan Logo
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyrigh
The logo colour is blue: PMS: 285
Use the Logo in reverse colour when required (white in black background, blue in white background, white in blue background)
Always place the logo on the right hand side (with exceptions with the govt. logo if required)
Always make our logo visible and be proud ofInternation it.
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’ma,Eka ¶ku Ndú;h
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2
ma,Eka ,dxckh jvd w¾:j;a jk f,i ta wi,ska ma,Eka › ,xld hkqfjka isxyf,ka" fouf<ka fyda bx.S%isfhka Ndú;d l< yelsh¡ ma,Eka › ,xld
óg wu;rj lsisÿ jdlH LKavhla ,dxckh wi,ska fhÈh fkdyel¡ Tn iEu wjia:djl§u ,dxPkh meyeÈ,sj fmfkk mßÈ m%udKj;A mr;rhlska hq;=j m%o¾Ykh lsÍu fyda uqøKh lsÍu l< hq;=h¡
ting Plan
y guidelines 2011
Plan name
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright
The only writing that can go with the logo is the name: Plan Sri Lanka (in English, Sinhala or Tamil)
Plan Sri Lanka
The clear space boundary is defined by the height of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Pâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; letter in the logo as shown in the diagram. There are no tag lines to Plan logo and name.
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Ndú;d l< yels ksjerÈ j¾K Print
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2
my; oelafjk j¾K uqøK lghq;= j,§ Ndú;d l< yelsh¡
by; j¾Kj,g wu;rj fjk;a j¾K uqøK lghq;=j,§ Ndú;d l< fkdyel
ting Plan
ty guidelines 2011
What are the right colours
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyrigh
We can use the 7 colours below as our guiding colours.
We shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use any other colour outside the above in any material.
ma,Eka ,dxPkh Ndú;d l< hq;= wjia:d
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Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2
M,l ^bÈlsÍïj,§& wOdrf,i imhk WmlrK ^fvia mqgq wdÈh& nek¾ iy fldä fmd;A" ,smsf.dkq ljr fjí wvú md¾Yj wdh;k$ixúOdk tlaj uqøKh lrk ish¨ uqøs; øjHj, fmdaiag¾ yÈis wdmod j,§ ,ndfok wdOdr ish¨ ma,Eka jdyk à I¾Ü" nE.a wdÈh
ting Plan
ty guidelines 2011
Where to use Plan logo
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyrigh
In Plaques (constructions) In chairs, desks and material that we provide In Banners, pennants, flags In books, files and folders we use in trainings In websites In all partnership material: Plan logo must be prominent along with other logos. In posters, placards In donations and supplies given during disasters In all presentations we make In all vehicles In branding material such as Tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;shirts, bags We should always be proud to have our logo visible.
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ma,Eka ,dxPkh Ndú;d lsÍfï§ Tng fun÷ .eg¿ j,g uqyqK§ug isÿù we;ao@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011
| Copyright Plan 20
taldnoaO jHdmD;sj,§ ma,Eka kduh Ndú;d lrkafka flfiao@
md¾Yj wdh;k$ixúOdk tlaj ls%hd;aul lrk tAldnoaO jHdmD;sj,ska isÿlrk ish¨u ikaksfõok lghq;= i|yd ma,Eka ,dxckh fhdod.; hq;=h' WÞ(fmd;a" iÕrd" ùäfhda" fmdaiag¾" WmlrK hkdÈh
tfukau jevigyka j,g wod< oekqj;a lsÍï" iïuka;%K yd W;Aij j,oS ma,Eka ,dxPkh Ndú;dl< hq;=fõ
ating Plan
ty guidelines 2011
Have Have you youcome come across across questions questions like thisâ&#x20AC;Ś.. like this...
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011
| Copyright
How can we use Plan brand in joint projects?
All materials, publications, supplies, equipment that are outputs of joint projects should carry Plan logo and name. Moreover, Plan visibility should be in events, symposiums, conferences that Plan supports.
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udf.aa fm!oa.,sl wkkH;djh jHdmD;sj,§ Ndú;d l< yelso@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2011
fkdyel¡ ma,Eka wdh;khg iïnkaO ish¨u jevigyka j, ikaksfõok lghq;=j,§ ld¾h uKav,h ;u fm!oa.,sl wkH;djh Ndú;d fkdlsÍug j. n,d.; hq;=h¡ tfia jqj;a" úoahq;A udOH Ndú;fhka isÿlrkq ,nk bÈßm;a lsÍïj,§ muKla ld¾h uKav,fha idudcslhskag ;u wkkH;djh Ndú;d l< yels w;r tys§ ma,Eka wdh;kfha odhl;ajh fyda wod< jevigyk ms<sn|j i|yka l< hq;=fõ¡
ing Plan
y guidelines 2011
How can I use my own identity in project material?
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan
Well, its zero. We represent Plan and we cannot use our own identity (name, positions) in Plan or in joint communication materials. However, we can use our name for PowerPoint or online presentations with due recognition to Plan (name and logo) if your delivery is a part of a Plan programme.
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taldnoaO m%ldYkhla i|yd wka;¾cd;sl m%ñ;s .%ka: wxlh (ISBN) ,nd.kafka flfiao@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2011
taldnoaO uqøs; m%ldYkhl whs;sh ysñjkafka tu m%ldYkfha uqøKhg uQ,H wkq.%yh olajk md¾Yjhg muKs¡ kuq;a m%ldYkfha ljrfha fyda ljrfha we;=,a msgqfõ jHdmD;shg wod, md¾Yj wdh;kj, kï fyda ,xck uqøKh l< yel'
ing Plan
y guidelines 2011
How can I obtain an ISBN no for a joint publication?
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite easy. You need to apply for the ISBN with the mention of the organization that funds the printing of the book. But you can always position the name and the logo of the joint partners on the cover or the inner cover as per your agreement.
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taldnoaO jHdmD;sj,§ md¾Yj wdh;khg fyda ma,Eka wdh;khg ;ksju ikaksfõok lghq;= i|yd wdh;k kduh Ndú;d l< yelso@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2
fkdyel' ish¨ tAldnoaO jHdmD;s yryd isÿlrk ikaksfõok lghq;= j,oS md¾Yj wdh;khka iuÕ tlÕ;djhlska miq wdh;kfha wkkH;djh by, kexùug lghq;= l<hq;=h¡
ting Plan
y guidelines 2011
Can the partner or Plan make project communications focus on their own brand?
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright
Answer is no. It always needs to be joint. That is why we call them joint work. The extent of how the presentation should be, can be discussed with the partners to give reasonable branding to both organizations.
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hïlsis uqøs; fyda úoahq;a udOH wdh;khlska ma,Eka wdh;kh fyda jevigyka iïnkaOj udf.ka woyia úuiSula isÿl<fyd;a l< hq;af;a l=ulao@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan
ma,Eka wdh;kh fjkqfjka udOHg woyia ±laúh yelafla ta i|yd m;a l< ld¾h uKav, idudýlhskag muKs¡ hï wjia:djl§ uOH wdh;khlska Tnf.ka ma,Eka wdh;kh fyda jevigyka iïnkaOj woyia úuiSula isÿl<fyd;a wod, mqoa.,hdf.a ku wdh;kh yd ÿrl;k wxlh Tfí wxYfha l<ukdlreg ,eîug i,iajkak¡ bkamiqj wod< l<uKdlre úiska ikaksfõok wxYh iuÕ idlÉcdlr udOHg woyia oelaùug ma,Eka ksfhað;fhl= bÈßm;a lrkq ,efí¡
ing Plan
y guidelines 2011
What if a media station contacts me and ask for an opinion?
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyrigh
Please get the contact person and the telephone numbers of the person called. Then talk to your PU Manager or your line Manager andlet him/herknow. This will ensure communications department is informed of the request. We will then with the respective manager nominate who will speak to media out of the designated spokespersons.
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cdhdrEmhla fyda ùäfhdamghla Ndú;d lsÍug m%:ufhka wod, md¾Yj j,ska wjir ,nd.; hq;=o@ Contents
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright Plan 2011
Tõ¡ Tn hïlsis <ufhl=f.ka fyda mqoa.,fhl=f.ka ,nd.;a cdhdrEmhla fyda ùäfhdamghla úoahq;a udOHl m%ldYkhl fyda fjí wvúhl Ndú;d lsÍug fmr wod, md¾Yjhkaf.ka wjirh ,sÅ;j ,nd.; hq;=h¡ fï i|yd wdh;kh úiska wkqu;lrk ,o wjirm;%h Ndú;d lrkak¡ tu ish¨ ,sÅ; wjirm;a wod, jHdmD;s ,smsf.dkqjg we;=,;a lrkak¡
ing Plan
y guidelines 2011
Do I need informed consent before publishing a photo or an interview?
Plan | International identity guidelines 2011 | Copyright
Yes. This applies to joint projects too. There is a Plan consent form available. You need to talk to the child, the parent, the guardian or the school Principal or the head of the institution, explain why you want to take the photo or the interview and get their consent. Please remember to keep a copy of the consent in your project file.
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We want our organization to be visible through our printed, verbal and online communications. We want to respect our stakeholders and give reasonable visibility to them as we do for Plan. We are proud that Plan is making change and we want everyone to know about it. You can make the change. Start today!
Plan Sri Lanka No. 110, Park Road, Colombo 05 web -