Plan International Sri Lanka
TERMS OF REFERENCE Annual programme and country strategy light review (APCSR) Background of Plan International We strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As an independent development and humanitarian organization, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building powerful partnerships for children, and we are active in over 75 countries Plan, in Sri Lanka currently works in five districts. The districts are: Monaragala, Ampara, Anuradhapura, Batticaloaw and Mullative covering nearly 238 Grama Niladhari Divisions in the five Districts. At present Plan Sri Lanka works with a caseload of 20,227 sponsored families. For operational purposes the program areas are grouped into two main geographical zones as the North-central program area and Uva Programme area. Plan has also moved into the conflict affected Eastern Province and Northern province as the organization continues to cover the most marginalized children in the country. In FY 19 Plan has planned to move to Mullative district as the new sponsorship programme area. Plan Sri Lanka’s five-year strategic plan that commenced on 1 st July 2016, is planned to be concluded on 30 th of June 2021. PISL will work on four Strategic Programmes which will interweave outcomes of vulnerable children, girls and women on thrive, learn, lead, and decide: 1) Girls and boys under 5 years, (especially with disability/development delays) achieve optimum growth and development; high prevalence of undernutrition among under-fives in poor and post conflict areas will be addressed through holistic, streamlined programming for optimal growth and development. 2) Excluded girls and boys (especially CwD/development delays) complete quality, inclusive compulsory education by addressing gender-based and other discriminations. 3) Girls and boys, including those with disabilities, are better protected from all forms of violence, particularly sexual abuse, corporal punishment and domestic violence. 4) Youth (female and male) and women excluded from the benefits of development have the skills and support networks to become socially and economically empowered citizens and gain access to responsive government services.
Plan International Sri Lanka
Background of Annual programme and country strategy light review The Annual programme and country strategy light review is one of the key element in Monitoring, Evaluation and Research initiatives (MER) in Plan’s Programme Quality Procedure. This review covers a period starting from 1st July 2016 to 31 st December 2018. The review has multiple uses and is identified as an important part of the CSP process which informs how the country has fared in the last two and half years and what has worked well and what has not, has Plan covered the most excluded children specially girls ,has plan projects contribute for gender transformation and what are the effective and efficient strategies that have evolved over the period of the CSP. It also provides the CO with the flexibility of identifying modifications and changes to the strategies and approach based on the changing context of the country and the performance of the programme.
Purpose of the Annual programme and country strategy light review The Annual programme and country strategy light review will be focused on the following;
Review current country strategy, projects designs, project interventions and project implantation mechanisms are in line with new global approach “programme influencing approach” and identify the gap between the new global approach and existing CS. Make recommendations to overcome the existing’s gaps between project designs and new global approach. Review projects annual reports, quarterly reports and access the project effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy and sustainability of existing projects. Review achievements against the CSP objectives and the reasons why more/less progress has been made. Review the POs against annual projects plans for strategic alignment Review the sample of project modifications against original PO for strategic alignment Assess the current MERL approach and make recommendation for improvement. Identify the specific lessons from the implementation of the current CS Assess the SOs progress towards outcome by using qualitative indicators. Develop case studies to indicate the strategic objectives achievements.
Following are the key analytical areas (key questions to be answered by the consultant) of the programme
Plan International Sri Lanka 1. How much current country strategy, projects designs, project interventions and project implantation mechanisms are in line with new global approach 2. What are the gaps between new global approach and country strategy 3. What are the propose recommendations to overcome the gaps 4. How current projects applied gender and inclusion sensitive approaches, and how projects able to improved the rights of children, young people and gender equality 5. Whether current project design targeted the right group of beneficiaries and if the root causes were identified correctly (and if the design is still valid) 6. What extend current MERL approach effective with PIA. 7. Whether alternative activities could have led to the same results by using less resources, or whether the same activities could have been cheaper.
Methodology The consultant need to submit the methodology for following main The consultant and designated Plan staff will conduct meeting(s) to discuss and agree on the methodology and approach proposed consultant in his/her proposal. After discussion Consultant have to compressive inception report including agreed detail methodology.
points. further by the submit
Methodology for assessing the project effectiveness , efficacy, relevancy ,sustainability and Child rights, gender and inclusion Methodology for assess gaps between existing CS approach and new global approach (PIA)
Development of qualitative indicators for measure the strategic objectives in additional to existing results frame work indicators Methodology of assessing the qualitative indicators Methodology of assessing the projects lesson learns Methodology of assessing the gaps between present CS approach and new global approach
Secondary data review (desk review) The consultant in collaboration with PISL will identify secondary data for. These will include but are not limited to: Annual project reports PISL Country Strategic Plan Strategic objectives design’s Strategic objectives results frame works
Plan International Sri Lanka
Plan International Child-Centred Community Development operational standards and guidance (If necessary only) New Global approach “Programme influencing approach” Plan global strategy All desk study reports Success stories (PISL Staff will provide the more information’s)
DELIVERABLES Inception report The inception report will be delivered to Plan after the initial meeting and desk review have taken place. The report should describe the following points.
The objectives of the Annual programme and country strategy light review Detailed work plan and timeline and a detailed financial breakdown including the number of days and persons involved. In detail methodology (Please refer the methodology section for more details) Required qualitative information’s and qualitative indicators developed. Focal groups discussions and Key interviews action plan with proposing participants list and time line
The main text of the inception report should not exceed 10 pages. Consultant need to Conduct Power point presentation to PISL AR team with the methodology and in detail action plan .
Data collection tools and related materials The final FGD questions, interview questions, questionnaires, other tools that will be used with target groups will be shared by the consultant in English and Sinhala prior to the data collection process after the tools have been tested and possible modifications to them based on the tests have been made.
Reports a) Draft APCSR report: The draft report should be delivered in a soft copy in English. References should be fully cited after all important facts and figures. The analytical reports of the findings should be presented in a qualitative format supported by quantitative charts and tables. The report should as a minimum include the following elements: Front page with the title of the evaluation, date and authors of the report A table of basic document information on page 2 (format will be provided by Plan)
Plan International Sri Lanka Executive summary (3-4 pages) that presents the key points of the different sections Objectives and the intended use of the APCSR Description of the APCSR Methodology and limitations of the APCSR Findings, including CS effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy, sustainability and Child rights, gender and inclusion Gaps between CS4 approach and new global approach “Programme and influencing approach” Conclusions and recommendations Relevant annexes, which as a minimum must include: Summary assessment format of standard questions List of people interviewed or consulted Terms of Reference for the evaluation b) Final APCSR report (Evaluation report format will be share with consultant by PISL).
: The evaluation report will be considered final only after incorporating the feedback from stakeholders and Plan International. The final report will be delivered in a soft copy and 3 hard copy in English. c) Power point presentation with the main findings of the study.
Raw data Raw data will be delivered to Plan International Sri Lanka at the end of the study: All original study instruments with their recorded field data. Copies of all Excel files / databases used for data analysis.
Permissions The consultant will be responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to implement the research data collection at the local level. Ethics and child protection The consultant is obliged to respect the following ethical and child protection requirements: Fair and inclusive: The consultant should seek the views of various stakeholders: CSO members, their families, community, partners and government actors and be able to identify and address potential conflict of interest and unequal power relationships. Special efforts should be made to make the evaluation process child-centred and sensitive to gender and inclusion. Conflict of interest: The consultant must demonstrate the necessary independence and declare any conflict of interest and potential biases, including bias towards any of the stakeholders, target groups, types of research methodologies or approach, social, political or religious prejudice.
Plan International Sri Lanka Based on rights and ethics: The consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and Plan’s Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct. The research must ensure: appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal and confidentiality and anonymity of participants. The informed consent of each person (including children) participating in data collection should be documented.
Submission of Proposals The technical proposal and financial offer should be submitted as hard and soft copies (CD or USB flash drive) in separate sealed envelopes and delivered to Plan’s address: Plan International Sri Lanka 110 / Park road ,Colombo 05. Interested consultants or agencies should submit their proposal in English on the basis of the TOR. The proposal should include:
Previous experience with similar kind of tasks. (Country strategy midterm review’s in international humanitarian organizations) Technical offer including proposed methodology to be adopted in the APCSR and proposed timeline of APCSR activities, including the expected level of effort and number of working days in a tabular form. Methodology of assessing gaps between existing strategies and new global approach Qualitative information collection strategy and frame work ( FGDs/KIIS) A statement on how the consultant will ensure ethics and child protection in the APCSR process. This should also include consideration of any risks related to the research and how these will be mitigated. A separate financial offer that includes all fees or expenditures in a table such as the one below. Extra rows can be added if needed. No . 1 2 3 4 5 6
Type of Expenses or Fees Transportation expenses (If any) Accommodation expenses (If any) Translation fees (If any) Trainer’s assistance fees (If any) Data validation Process Tax fees 2% or 5% or 10%
Total Cost / Fees x x x x x x
Plan International Sri Lanka 7 Total
x xxxxxx
Profile of the organization (in the case of an institution) including experience with similar tasks in the past. Full list of the team that will implement the study, with respective roles and CVs of the lead members of the study team. CVs of the rest of the team are also welcome. A hard copy of one similar report written by the consultant to validate the quality of analysis and presentation of findings.
Qualification and experience required
Advanced degree in social sciences, development studies, or relevant fields. Significant experience in conducting research and evaluations, use of participatory techniques, monitoring and evaluation. Experience of carrying out focus group discussions and interviews. Experience of analysing qualitative and quantitative data. Assessing international organizations strategies and operational mechanisms Proven track record on conducting APCSR for international organizations (at least similar studies). Knowledge of the rights-based approach, gender equality, child rights, influencing and experience in evaluating programmes with children and vulnerable groups. Excellent writing and speaking skills in English
Management of the study Plan will form an internal steering committee led by DCD-Programme with the support of M&E Unit to manage and guide the review. The steering committee will provide operational and technical support to the review, monitor progress through discussions and presentations with the team of consultants and review the inception, draft and final reports and ensure quality throughout the process. The PISL staff will also provide as much support as possible in accessing internal documents relevant to the review, access to beneficiaries and communities and projects that will be subject to the study. The PISL staff will be organized the orientation workshop with stakeholders to present the review methodology and inception report.
Plan International Sri Lanka focal point for contacts
Name: Sundari Jayasuriya
Plan International Sri Lanka Title: Deputy Country Director Programmes E-mail: Name: Shehan Fernando Title: MER Specialist (PISL) E-mail:
Contract and Admin focal point
Name: Sunitha Siyambalagoda Title: Administrative Assistant E-mail: :
Payment terms Payment will be made through several instalments: The first instalment is 20% upon the signing of contract.
The second instalment is 15 % upon the submission of inception report.
The third instalment is 40% upon the submission draft review report:
The fourth instalment is 25% upon the submission and satisfaction of:
Final review report in English Power point presentation with the main findings of the study in English Data collection tools and related materials All raw data and databases from primary data collection
Deadline for proposal submission is 26th of April The evaluation process is expected to start by 6 th of May Final approved report to be submitted by 24 th June
Timescale 26th of April TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
Designated Activities Submission of technical and financial proposals Informing selected consultants and negotiations Signature of contract – Start of consultancy work Introduction/briefing of Plan Program and documents Submission of inception report Share the evaluation methodology with partners Conduct the APCSR Workshop with Plan staff Feedback at workshop
Plan International Sri Lanka TBD TBD TBD
Submission of first draft report Feedback from Plan Submission of final report
iCO-Country office /APCSR- Annual programme and country strategy light review/FGD-Focal group discussions/PISLPlan International Sri Lanka /CSP-Country strategy programme/SOs- Specific objectives