TERMS OF REFERENCE FACILITATION FOR INDUSTRY SKILLS SECTOR COUNCIL ASSESMENT, STRATERGY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONAL PLANS Introduction This TOR is developed for the Project on Demonstrating Innovative Approaches for Private Sector and Womens Empowerment in TVET. The project is implemented by the PLAN International Sri Lanka for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displace persons and Cooperative Development and Vocational Training and Skills Development to support Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector and the Industry Sector Skills Councils (ISSCs) to initiate reform processes oriented to enhance the employability and labor market participation of TVET graduates with a special emphasis on female students. The Industry Skils Sector Councils The Skills Sector Development Program (2014-2020) is a National Program commneced by the Government of Sri Lanka with assistance of the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank aiming to improve the quality, relevance and accessibility of skills training provision in Sri Lanka . One of the major goals of SSDP was the establishment of Industry Sector Skills Councils in four sectors to advise TVET institutions to address skills gaps through enhancement of industry-relevant competencies. Accordingly, ISSCs have been established in four priority sectors namely Construction, Tourism, ICT and Manufacturing & Engineering Services (Light Engineering) to be supported under the SSDP interventions.
Project Background The output 1 of the Grant Project emphasises on strengthening private sector involvement in increasing youth employability through Industry Sector Skills Councils and other skills forums. Scope of the the consultancy 1. Conduct an assessment focusing on 4 key ISSC’s and regional industry bodies/business chambors in Sri Lanka. Deliverable : Four sector assessments and recommendation report 2. Conduct validation workshop for the assessment findings. 3. Facilitate a long-term strategy development after the assessment and support PLAN International develop longterm stratergy for the Ministry to engage with the Industries. 4. Facilitate and support PLAN International on developing operational plans for four industrial skills sector councils to achieve the long term strategy Industry Assessment Objective is to analyze the status of industry participation in TVET sector in Sri Lanka and provide recommendations on strengthening industry councils and skills forums to carry out operations outlined in the ISSC mandate and to become sustainable in the longer run. The assessment will be focused to four skills sectors: Tourism, Manufacturing and Light Engineering, ICT and Construction sectors and relevant industry chambers, industrial bodies in those sectors covering Western, North Western, North, Sabaragamuwa and Uva provinces in Sri Lanka. The objectives of the assessment: Page 1 of 5
Assess and identify the levels of industry participation in the TVET sector in the four ISSC’s. Identify gaps in the ISSC’s in order to increase industry participation and provide recommendations. Identify best practices from other skills committees, industrial chambers, regional industry bodies in Sri Lanka and provide recommendations on strengthening the ISSC’s. Analys the status of the ISSCs’/the possibility of the councils becoming sustainable. The posibility of the Health Skills Comitee to become a full scale Industry Skills Council. How the Industries and the ISSC’s can contribute more towards the TVET sector and support the MIsinistry. The capacity of the board members/staff appointed to carry out the madate of the council
The objectives of the Strategy and operational plan development Overall objective is to support the Ministry Industry and Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displace persons and Co-operative Development and Vocational Training and Skills Development to develop a long-term strategy and an operation plan on engaging with industries on the recommendations provided by the assessment.
The consultant/firm needs to facilitate a 3-day workshop, the participation will be ISSCs VT institutions and Ministry representatives. Provide inputs to PISL to draft a long-term strategy for ISSCs to operate independently and increase the participation in the TVET sector, as an outcome of the above workshop. Provide inputs to PISL to draft and Deliver 4 operational plans (one plan for each ISSC) which will support the ISSC’s reach the objectives set in the strategy through 4 workshops
Responsibilities of the consultant/firm
To work closely with the PLAN project team and design, produce assessment tools that will effectively address the assessment objectives. All tools must be designed and used in line with stringent ethical research principles and Plan International policies. Assessment design and tools must be approved by Plan Sri Lanka with recommendations from Ministry before data collection begins. Conduct assessment with the four ISSC, covering regional industry chambers and industrial bodies to o Identify what are the challenges faced by ISSCs in reaching its mandated functions: emphasizing on their role in connecting the industries (private sector) to the TVET sector in Sri Lanka o Identify sector specific challenges in attracting Industries to employ VT students with a focus on female VT graduates (covering four sectors: Manufacturing, ICT, Construction and Tourism sectors) o Identify challenges faced by each ISSCs on: expansion of the councils, its sustainability, attracting new members, financial independence, membership composition, staff capacity and governance. o Prescribe recommendations to overcome these challenges nationally and with a focus to the selected five regions (Uva, Sabaragamuwa, North, North west and western provinces) Methods include questionnaire , interviews, focus group discussions and meetings with TVET institutions, TVET students, TVET graduates, members of industry councils and skills forums, The Ministry, Industry sector organizations and stakeholders providing a special focus to Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Western, Northern and North western provinces of Sri Lanka. Page 2 of 5
Design project database, data entry and perform data analysis, identifying specific gaps, challenges and opportunities for the specified activity. Conduct validation workshop for the assessment results and recommendations Prepare and present report (max. 40 pages) with findings at an event. Facilitate a 3-day workshop to develop a long term strategy to bridge the gaps identified in each council and support PISL to develop a long term strategy for the MSDVT to engage with the industries Facilitate 4 workshops and support PISL to draft a separate operation plans for each ISSC to achieve the long term strategy, with key activities and timelines. The consultant will hand over to Plan International Sri Lanka all raw data collected in digital format, along with copies of all data collection tools used for future reference.
Deliverables The following deliverables are expected from the consultant: Deliverable / Activities Assess and identify the levels of industry participation in the TVET sector in the four ISSC’s. Four sector assessments completed and draft report including recommendations. Facilitate 4 validation workshops (1 for each council) Submit the final report & facilitate event Facilitate a 3-day workshop for strategy development Support PISL draft Strategy document Facilitate validation workshop for the strategy (National) Facilitate 4 validation workshops for the strategy (regional workshops) Facilitate 4 workshops developing operational plans for four industrial skills sector councils to achieve the long term strategy Support PISL draft Final 4 operational plans for ISSCs
Date Commence Assessment by August 2019 Before September 2019 September 2019 September 2019 October 2019 October 2019 October 2019 October 2019 November 2019 November 2019
Duration of the Consultancy and Lines of Communication
The Consultancy is expected to take a period of 04 months including reporting, anytime between July, 30th, 2019 – December, 2019 . Workshops and key deliverables should be delivered on the specified months mentioned above. The consultant will report to the Technical Advisor - Private Sector Engagement who in turn will report progress to the project team.
Budget and Resources Required The total consultancy fees will be according to the consultant budget proposal and as agreed between Plan International Sri Lanka and the consultant and is liable to government taxes. The payment will be made in accordance to Plan International Sri Lanka financial procedures and guidelines. Venue, refreshments and printing costs for the specified workshops/events will be borne by the PLAN international. Any other cost should be covered through the consultant budget such as consultancy fee travel and accommodation etc. The payment schedule is as follows: Page 3 of 5
Milestone Signing of contract Assessment results and recommendation report (4 units) and completion of event Strategy workshop completed Operational plans workshops completed
Amount to be paid (in %) 10 30
Expected timeframe
30 30
October 2019 November 2019
August 2019 September 2019
Permissions The consultant will be responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to implement the research data collection at the local level. Ethical and child protection statement Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with Ethical MERL Framework and our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured. The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed. Ethics and child protection The consultant is obliged to respect the following ethical and child protection requirements:
Fair and inclusive: The consultant should seek the views of various stakeholders: CSO members, their families, community, partners and government actors and be able to identify and address potential conflict of interest and unequal power relationships.
Conflict of interest: The consultant must demonstrate the necessary independence and declare any conflict of interest and potential biases, including bias towards any of the stakeholders, target groups, types of research methodologies or approach, social, political or religious prejudice. Based on rights and ethics: The consultant must respect the rights and dignity of participants as well as comply with relevant ethical standards and Plan’s Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct. The research/workshops/events must ensure: appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation; a process of free and un-coerced consent and withdrawal and confidentiality and anonymity of participants. Qualification & Experience of Consultant(s): The Company or consultant engaged to undertake the assignment must fulfil the following requirements
Minimum of a Postgraduate degree in Economics, Project Management or related field; Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in conducting research and/or baseline and or stakeholder assessments/evaluations Knowledge and experience on TVET system development and reform processes a must Knowledge and understanding of private sector membership organizations Page 4 of 5
Proven experience and command over research/evaluation methodologies such as quantitative, qualitative and participatory Good writing skills, including coherent and consistent documentation Capacity to work with a multi-disciplinary team, including coordinating technical input into research work Ability to work rapidly, both in person and remotely, with team members in various locations. Should poses knowledge/exposure on the four key industries focused in the activity. Ability to conduct workshops and events with proven track record Fluency in English and Sinhala and Tamil is a must
Services/Inputs Provided by PISL PISL will support the consultant with required background information to commence the assessment on the background of the ISSCs, in addition details of the relevant stakeholders as well as support to commence key activities by providing additional regional support through its staff based nationally and in the project areas.
Provision of information on the background of the ISSC’s and its establishment. Additional field support when required in five provinces listed in this document. Technical support on a national level and oversight into key activity arrangements. Coordination support with the stakeholders Act as the link between Ministry and the project Procurement of workshop venues Development of media and media coverage of the activities
How to apply: Interested Consultant/firm must submit the following documents: Technical part: Detailed response to the ToR Proposal covering: methodology, timelines, CV, example of previous work and cover letter (Max 10 pages) Financial part: Detailed budget, including daily rates, expenses, taxes etc. If persons intend to work in a team, they should indicate the team members and attach their CVs. Clearly highlight the Team leader whose minimum qualifications should be at Masters Level The consultant/s handling each sector council should have a sound knowledge of the focused industry in Sri Lanka. Please submit all documents to, Mr. Asela Rathnayake - Finance and grant compliance officer, Asela.Rathnayake@plan-international.org Deadline for submission of proposals are till 5th August 2019. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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