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So, with the current economic uncertainty in the UK, I ask Andy for his views on how he feels this will affect the industry, and what the trends might be.
“We all listen to the news and hear the Bank of England and the OBR warning us about the threat of a one or two year recession. We have a tendency to talk ourselves into a recession, and people lose confidence and stop investing, so I hope it doesn’t come to that. We have the highest rate of inflation for 40 years, and whilst interest rates are not as high as they have been in the past, with house prices having risen the way they have, as a proportion of people’s income, mortgages are the highest they have been for 40 years. And, compounding this are supply chain issues – Brexit, Covid and the war in Ukraine are all having an impact. While these may be difficult times, Sunbelt Rentals is actually seeing more demand, more projects and our customers are bullish about the next 12 months. We are never complacent, but there is a very optimistic mood here at Sunbelt Rentals in the UK.”
Andy also admits while construction is to some extent a driver of the UK economy, he believes the government could be doing more to keep the UK at the front of new and emerging markets. He tells me that in America, there are trillions of dollars being invested in new technologies under the CHIPS and IRA schemes. An example he gives is the substantial investment in semi-conductor technology and gigafactories.
“I believe there is in the region of 117 gigafactories in China, around seven in Europe, and none in the UK. I think the UK really needs to invest in this to keep us in the game, otherwise we are going to get left behind again.”
We bring the conversation back to Sunbelt Rentals. While being the UK’s largest rental equipment brand, and of course a UK plc, 90% of Sunbelt Rentals’ business is in the States and Canada. Despite this, the UK remains an important influencer, largely because a significant proportion of the shareholders of Ashtead Group are UK based.
“We are working more collaboratively with our colleagues in the US and
Canada than ever before. We are learning from each other, and playing to our strengths, which is enabling us to spend more time together, operate well as a group, and fast-track improvements. In just two years, I can see the difference. It’s a really good place to be right now.”
As we chat, it is evident that Andy has a genuine sense of optimism and excitement, with a clear vision for the future of Sunbelt Rentals. The Project Unify strategy has been the foundation for this, bringing positive changes in a short period of time.
Andy says, “My job as a leader of the business is to create the vision, and to hopefully inspire our people to work towards that vision. That’s my role. I also must ensure there are no barriers or blockages, but with a business of this size, I obviously rely on others within the organisation to do it the right way. I also say that my role is to ensure that everyone has the ability to do their job properly. I’m delighted that our people at Sunbelt have bought into our vision, and instinctively know what to do, because they identify with, and share our corporate values.”
Talking to Andy, it is also clear to see that he is a real people’s person; an effective motivator with the ability to inspire others. He may be CEO, but he is evidently very approachable with the rare ability to be at one with the team – all 4200 of them! Andy is animated as he explains how much satisfaction he gets out of supporting people in the business, and watching them evolve their careers, or grow on a personal level.
“I started out as an apprentice digging holes in the road for cables and now I’m leading the largest rental business in the UK. It didn’t happen all because of me. I had a lot of support, mentoring and coaching from people who saw something in me along the way. These people gave me opportunities to grow, and even if I failed, they helped to pick me back up again. I want to do the same for the people in this business, so that every one of our 4200 people can be the best they can be, and achieve what they want to be. We want to support colleagues to have great careers, and we want our people to enjoy their time here too. I feel privileged that I am in a role to help others; it really excites me.”
And with this same sense of optimism, Andy says that he wants the Sunbelt brand to ‘own the future of rental’, stressing that is not meant as an arrogant statement. By this he talks of Sunbelt wanting to influence and lead the rental sector into a new era, describing the present as “probably the most exciting time to be involved with the technological shift towards eco-friendly products,” adding that it is also “probably the most challenging time”.
As CEO of the largest rental equipment brand in the UK, I can’t help but ask if Andy ever has any spare time for hobbies or interests. He has already mentioned his desire to continually gain knowledge, and tells me that he is a big reader, loving anything from ‘fiction to management theory’. Andy also enjoys sport and getting out at weekends to ‘walk the dog’, as well as spending time with his seven grandchildren.
It was Benjamin Franklin who famously said: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” That investment in knowledge appears to have served Andy Wright very well. The future looks very bright for Sunbelt Rentals; for its people, and its customers. We conclude what has been a thoroughly interesting and inspiring interview for Plant Planet. n