3D PrintingTODAY July 2014 eMagazine

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July 2, 2014



3D PrintingTODAY Published & distributed by: Grange Products Pty. Ltd. P. O. Box 254 Hallam 3803 Victoria Ph: 03 9018 7674 3dinfo@3dprintingtoday.com.au www.3dprintingtoday.com.au

Inside 3D Printing - July 9, 10 Evok Thinglab WYSIWYG3D Objective 3D Tasman 3D DGS 3D Stratasys 3D Systems Pro Z 3D 3D Group IP & P What is 3D printing 3D Spacelab Redeye 3D Orthotics CETEC Griffith University Event July 11 Stuffmaker X-Product Keech 3D 3D Printing Systems 3D Printing Studios

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Stratasys Ltd. (Nasdaq:SSYS), headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Rehovot, Israel, is a leading global provider of 3D prinAng and addiAve manufacturing soluAons. The KL company's patented FDM® and PolyJet 3D PrinAng technologies produce prototypes and manufactured goods directly from 3D CAD files or other 3D content. Systems include 3D printers for idea development, prototyping and direct digital manufacturing. Stratasys subsidiaries include MakerBot and Solidscape, and the company operates the RedEye digital-­‐manufacturing service. Stratasys holds over 550 granted or pending addiAve manufacturing patents globally, and has received more than 25 awards for its technology and leadership. Online at: www.stratasys.com or hYp://blog.stratasys.com. Showcasing latest 3D printing solutions at Inside 3D Printing Melbourne Stratasys will be showcasing its comprehensive range of professional 3D printers, ranging from desktop to production systems - including Idea Series, Design Series and Production Series, and its wide range of materials, both FDM thermoplastics and PolyJet photopolymers, at Inside 3D Printing Melbourne. The extended range of flexible and rigid color digital material options for its game-changing Objet500 Connex3 colour multi-material 3D printer will also be featured. The World’s Most Advanced 3D Prin:ng Technologies

KL Stratasys’ patented 3D prinAng technologies, FDM® and PolyJet , offer complementary capabiliAes meeAng the stringent requirements of product designs. FDM® (fused deposiAon modeling) 3D prinAng technology works with producAon-­‐grade materials, including durable thermoplasAcs parts that withstand tough tesAng; PolyJet 3D prinAng technology employs an inkjet-­‐style method to create precise models with smooth and detailed surfaces, and the ability to combine mulAple materials simultaneously in a single print run. Extended Range of Flexible Color Digital Materials With the extended range of flexible and rigid material opAons for the Objet500 Connex3 Colour Multi-material 3D printer, users can now leverage over 1,000 color opAons and virtually unlimited combinaAons of flexible, rigid and translucent-­‐to-­‐opaque colors in a single print run. This provides true final product realism and versaAlity in end-­‐to-­‐end applicaAons. It means product designers can now validate designs earlier in the product development cycle, acceleraAng Ame-­‐to-­‐market.

Please visit us at booth #110 at Inside 3D prinAng Melbourne and experience the Stratasys 3D prinAng systems and materials.

Get 10% OFF Mediabistro’s Inside 3D Prin:ng Conference on July 9-­‐10, 2014 in Melbourne, Australia

Mediabistro Inc. announced the program for the Inside 3D PrinAng Conference and Expo , taking place in Melbourne on July 9-­‐10, 2014. The agenda is set to cover a range of 3D prinAng related topics, including mulAmaterial prinAng, aerospace technologies, the changing face of architecture, soeware, prinAng organs, and more. Terry Wohlers, President of Wohlers Associates, will be delivering the opening keynote on July 9 Atled The Next Fron,er in 3D Prin,ng. Milan Brandt, Professor of Advanced Manufacturing at RMIT University, will deliver the opening keynote on July 10 Atled 3D Prin,ng and the Future of Australian Manufacturing. Also on the event schedule is a session Atled 3D Prin,ng in Metals: Where it’s At, Where it’s Going and What Australia’s Doing About It! presented by John Barnes, Leader of the Titanium Technologies Theme for CSIRO, Australia's naAonal science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world. Other event sessions include Designing for 3D Prin,ng, 3D Prin,ng and the Future (or Demise) of Intellectual Property, and more. Prices increase on site, so be sure to register before July 9. Plus, you’ll save an addiAonal 10% when you enter code TODAY at checkout. Register now! For complete informaAon on Inside 3D PrinAng Conference and Expo, visit hYp://inside3dprinAng.com

FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Milan Brandt, will cover the latest developments in additive technology and how the research conducted at the RMIT Advanced Manufacturing Precinct is helping companies create new market opportunities.

Terry Wohlers, named the #1 most influential person in rapid product development and additive manufacturing, will use his expertise to examine the trends of the industry and predict where 3D printing is headed.

3D Group 3D Group would like to introduce the world’s largest fused filament fabricaAon (FFF) 3D printer that is enArely owned, designed and built in Victoria, Australia. 3D Group has been established with a clear strategy to become Australia’s leading integrated mulA-­‐plalorm 3D prinAng company. We recognise the enormous potenAal of this technology, and the extraordinary capacity it has to re-­‐engineer the way industries operate. This revoluAonary technology changes the enAre dynamics of design and development and makes possible the creaAon of products that previously could never be made. We believe that 3D technology will create new business and industry opportuniAes that previously were non-­‐ existent. We also recognise Australia is perfectly posiAoned to parAcipate in this new manufacturing paradigm, and we at 3D Group intend to lead the market to showcase Australia’s skills and manufacturing excellence to the world.

Specifica:ons & Informa:on This Australian designed and built printer has been deliberately engineered to accommodate prinAng with as many materials that fused filament fabricaAon (FFF) will allow. Our printers are housed inside a high strength alloy frame and we only use the best available lubricaAon free linear components for our printers which ensures lifelong efficient and accurate operaAon. All electrical components are mounted at the rear of the machine behind a lockable door with enough room for 6 large rolls of filament at any one Ame.

Our standard extruder is specially made for high volume use with standard nozzle sizes up to 1.2mm with max flow of 80mm³ per second. It is also possible to add opAonal extruders for materials like Clay, PlasAcine, Sugru, Silicone RTV, Porcelain and many more. We have made our electronic system capable of running 4 extruders thus affording the user a greater ability to create with less design restricAons. Computer connecAon can be either hardwired (USB or Ethernet) or wireless, to either windows PC or Android tablet. This system has been specifically designed in 3D using leading CAD soeware insuring the highest design integrity.

Our printers have been designed so as to be future accessory and technology ready. This will expand the uAlity and applicaAon of our printers even further. The below specificaAons can be modified to suit the end users requirements: Weight 400kg approximately. Height 1970mm plus filament feeder (600mm max) Width 1880mm Depth 2180mm Max print volume 2m³ Max print speed Accuracy

150mm/sec (dependant on material printed) 0.025mm in the x & y axis 0.003 mm in the Z axis

Layer height

0.15mm to 1mm

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Additive Manufacture: the next industrial revolution Milan Brandt, Technical Director Advanced Manufacturing Precinct RMIT University, Victoria, Australia

Manufacturing industries make a significant contribution to Australia’s economy and directly employ some one million people. These industries also drive skills development across other sectors and provide major markets for service businesses. Victoria’s areas of strength cover a broad range of industries including automotive, advanced electronics and machinery, aerospace and aviation, defence, chemicals and plastics, pharmaceuticals, fabricated metals, textiles, clothing and footwear (TCF) and food processing. All are major contributors to jobs and export growth. Manufacturing industries in Australia, and Victoria in particular, have been facing a number of significant challenges over the last few years due to the increasing global competition and imports of relatively cheap goods from overseas mainly China. This has contributed to many companies closing operations locally and moving production off-shore. Advanced technology and research are seen as critical elements in addressing some of these challenges to deliver cost competitive approaches to manufacturing for the companies to remain profitable and in business. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is seen as one technology which could boost local manufacturing because of the many benefits it offers compared to traditional manufacturing. With additive technologies, both polymer and metal parts can be built directly from computer models or from measurements of existing components to be re-engineered, and therefore bypass traditional manufacturing processes such as cutting, milling and grinding. Benefits include: 1) new designs not possible using conventional subtractive technology, 2) dramatic savings in time, materials, wastage, energy and other costs in producing new components, 3) significant reductions in environmental impact, and 4) faster time to market for products. The presentation will cover some of the latest developments in additive technology and their applications and how the research in additive manufacture conducted at the RMIT Advanced Manufacturing Precinct is helping companies create new market opportunities.

Milan Brandt — Keynote speaker Inside 3D printing Melbourne July 10

This huge GIS map which measures over 500mm x 600mm costs around $100 to print. Our unique software allows you to slice up a file and add connecting dowels at the design stage...designers of all types are very impressed!

What is 3D Printing — source Wikipedia 3D printing or additive manufacturing[1] (AM) is any of various processes of making a three-dimensional object from a 3D model or other electronic data source primarily through additive processes in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control.[2] A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot. Early AM equipment and materials were developed in the 1980s. They were expensive and most required special handling.[3] The names 3D printing and additive manufacturing did not yet have currency as umbrella terms for the field; each AM technology usually went by its own name. In 1984, Chuck Hull of 3D Systems Corp,[4] invented a process known as stereolithography employing UV lasers to cure photopolymers. Hull also developed the STL file format widely accepted by 3D printing software, as well as the digital slicing and infill strategies common to many processes today. Also during the 1980s, the metal-sintering forms of AM were being developed (such as selective laser sintering and direct metal laser sintering), although they were not yet called 3D printing or AM at the time. In 1990, the plastic extrusion technology most widely associated with the term "3D printing" was commercialized by Stratasys under the name fused deposition modeling (FDM). In 1995, Z Corporation commercialized an MIT-developed additive process under the trademark 3D printing (3DP), referring to a proprietary process inkjet deposition of liquid binder on powder. The term was later applied more loosely to distinct but related inkjet material deposition or drop-on-drop technologies. AM technologies found applications starting in the 1980s in product development, data visualization, rapid prototyping, and specialized manufacturing. Their expansion into production (job production, mass production, and distributed manufacturing) has been under development in the decades since. Industrial production roles within the metalworking industries achieved significant scale for the first time in the early 2010s. Since the start of the 21st century there has been a large growth in the sales of AM machines, and their price has dropped substantially.[5] According to Wohlers Associates, a consultancy, the market for 3D printers and services was worth $2.2 billion worldwide in 2012, up 29% from 2011.[6] Applications are many, including architecture, construction (AEC), industrial design, automotive, aerospace, military, engineering, dental and medical industries, biotech (human tissue replacement), fashion, footwear, jewelry, eyewear, education, geographic information systems, food, and many other fields. In metalworking, AM found natural contrast with CNC machining because material is added or joined, rather than removed, as the tool or printing head moves automatically through the space defined by the model. The contrast inspired a retronym, subtractive manufacturing, as a logical shorthand to complement AM. Starting in the 2010s, machine tool builders have developed machines incorporating both subtractive and additive manufacturing in one work envelope.[7][8] Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) (c.1990) and some drop-on-drop processes (c.2006) also incorporate "subtractive" cutting or milling operations. In 2005, a rapidly expanding hobbyist and home-use market was established with the inauguration of the open-source RepRap and Fab@Home projects. Virtually all home-use 3D printers released to-date have their technical roots in the on-going RepRap Project and associated open-source software initiatives."The RepRap's Heritage". In distributed manufacturing, one study has found[9] 3D printing could become a mass market product enabling consumers to save money associated with purchasing common household objects.

3D Printing allows you to rethink design for manufacturability rules For years, design engineers have been bound by design-for-manufacturability rules for injection moulded plastic parts. These rules, although usually resulting in accurate and repeatable end use parts, have restrained design possibilities.

Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology has changed that. It allows for production without tooling which opens up doors for complex geometries, organic shapes, hollow interiors, negative draft and more. When designing for FDM, the following design-for-manufacturability rules no longer apply in most applications: Forget shrink factors When you are designing a mould, you have to take shrink rates into account to achieve an accurate part for your application. With FDM, shrink rates are automatically factored in to the part when the CAD file is analysed and processed in Insight (software that communicates with FDM systems). Often RedEye engineers will adjust the default values to fit specific geometries depending on the part’s intended use. Don’t design to avoid warp Thinner areas of an injection moulded part will cool faster than thicker areas so stresses build up between them and can cause walls to warp. Since FDM adds very small amounts of molten material in a heated environment rather than all molten material at once, warp is a very uncommon problem. Size is no problem Every injection moulding system has size limitations. The biggest FDM build platform is the Fortus 900mc which can make single parts as large as 915 x 610 x 915cm but even larger part designs can be split, built in sections and bonded together with the same material to achieve consistent tolerances and strength. You can design with undercuts and overhangs Undercuts for features such as o-ring grooves and overhangs can’t easily be achieved through injection moulding. If the application requires these features, an injection moulded part would need secondary operations, increasing costs and production time. FDM, being an additive layering process, allows for overhangs and undercuts to be built into the design with support materials. Supports create a base to build the actual part material on, then can be removed manually or

dissolved in a water-based solution after the build process. Don’t worry about sink marks Sink marks are a localized shrinkage in areas of an injection moulded plastic part that not only create an uneven surface finish, but also hinder accuracy. Sink can be caused by a number of factors, including design, moulding conditions or ventilation. It rarely appears on parts produced using FDM technology because of the ability to add support structure for varying wall thicknesses. In fact, it is unnecessary to reduce wall thickness of a boss, rib or gusset in FDM parts at all. Drafts and fillets may not be needed Incorporating draft and reinforcing fillets into a part design aids mould ejection and prevents the part surface from getting damaged. When designing for FDM, you don’t have to sacrifice design to fit the mould —you have complete design freedom. However, fillets can be applied to increase overall strength if the part application involves high-stress concentrations. To fully leverage the benefits of 3D printing, you must embrace new ways of thinking about design. Challenge yourself to break the design for manufacturability rules and find ways to maximize strength, combine multiple components in one design, lightweight structures, etc. and then decide how to build it. Contact RedEye Australasia to speak to a 3D Printing Engineer about your next project. RedEye Australasia, Web: www.redeyeaustralasia.com, Email: enquiries@redeyeaustralasia.com, Phone: 1300 559 454.

RedEye Australasia 3D Parts RedEye Australasia is the leading 3D printing service bureau located in Australia offering a full compliment of 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing technolgies and digital materials. The Australasian division of RedEye On Demand is powered by Objective 3D, a proud Stratasys agent. Formerly known as RapidPro in Australia and New Zealand, RedEye Australasia 3D prints your parts, prototypes, jigs and fixtures to the highest standards and strictest confidentiality, using world leading additive manufacturing technologies and materials. RedEye Australasia offers Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Solutions for all industries with a huge onsite capacity of 3D printers including Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), PolyJet, Selective Laser SIntering (SLS) and thermoforming capabilities. This local 3D pritning service also offers additional capacity with 3D printing support from RedEye's global 3D print network including the world's largest 3D printing centre in Eden Praire, Minnesota. The new Australian based Additive Manufactuing Factory of the Future is located in Carrum Downs, Victoria, and is the most innovative and modern 3D Printing factory in Australasia.

Thermos has been with us for over 100 years and they keep impressing their customers by streamlining product design process through innovative technology, such as 3D printing. Read how the research and development department at Thermos uses 3D technology to verify product designs with better prototypes and speed up the manufacturing process. In our case study, “Airtight Performance,” by Thermos Research and Development manager Matsuyama-san, you'll learn about: •

How Thermos traditionally created prototypes.

How 3D printing technology reduces turnaround time and cost for product design processes.

How engineers with less experience can optimise their designs with simply a few clicks of a button.

Other ways Thermos uses 3D printing to create innovative designs

If you'd like to read the Thermos case study click here. Contact us for more

information or to talk to one of our sales team on (03) 8587 8200.

Are you listed in 3D PrintingTODAY 3D Printing Industry Guide - View here

Artec 3D Scanners available now Objective3D are now a proud distributor of Artec 3D Scanners Artec 3D Scanners offer high quality scanning solutions for applications in medicine, design, media, quality control and heritage preservation. Hand-held and easy to use, the Artec Eva and Artec Spider offer: - High accuracy and high resolution - Quality texture - Real time scanning and alignment - No calibration, no markers and only 1 USB cable

The Artec Eva 3D scanner is the ideal choice for those that need to receive a quick, textured and accurate scan. Eva doesn't require markers or calibration. It captures objects quickly in high resolution and vibrant color, which allows for almost unlimited applications.

The Artec Spider is a new 3D scanner designed specifically for CAD users and perfect for reverse engineering, product design, quality control and mass production. Together with Artec Studio software, it is a powerful, desktop tool for designers, engineers and inventors of every kind. To find out more visit our website or request a call from one of our consultants.Â

Streamlining Manufacturing 61-Year-Old Company Re-Invents Itself With FDM “We save in excess of $150,000 per year with FDM. I can’t imagine not having this technology in a manufacturing setting. It is as critical to our business as e-mail.” — Matt Hlavin, President, Thogus Products Streamlining Manufacturing Established as Master Mold & Die in 1950 by Jack Thompson, Thogus Products (Thogus) is a 61-year-old manufacturing company foundationally rooted in injection molding. In 1997, 56% of sales came from automotive clients. A decade later, feeling the pressure of a poor economy and recognizing the threat of limited diversification, Thogus decided to search for new sources of revenue. Finding Stratasys By the time Matt Hlavin, grandson of Jack Thompson, became president of Thogus in 2008, he had been following Stratasys – a maker of additive manufacturing machines for prototyping and producing plastic parts – for nearly 10 years. Intrigued by the product development capabilities of Stratasys technology, Hlavin had found his solution and a direction for Thogus. Hlavin decided to shift Thogus’ focus to smallvolume molding and highly engineered materials using Stratasys Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) systems. Moving to small-volume production positioned Thogus to compete with high-cost fabrication shops due to its new lean, nimble manufacturing process. “One of my first major decisions as president was to purchase two Fortus 400mc machines to aid in product development and provide more value to our clients,” recalled Hlavin. “Stratasys technology uses the same thermoplastic materials we use in injection molding, and we can produce product parts in small volumes until our clients justify the production tooling, which is very expensive.” Before even having his first Fortus 3D Production System in-house, Hlavin’s vision had been validated by Stratasys: “We had ordered an FDM machine, and Stratasys agreed to make parts for us before our machine arrived. One of our clients needed a part made for a customer project, but the part could not be manufactured as designed. So, our engineers redesigned it. We then built their original part and our redesigned part and took them to the client. They were floored. When our client’s customer came in from out of the country the following week, our client was able to close the deal. Which meant we had won a $600,000 program. Before even having our machine in the building, Stratasys helped us close a program that paid for our first machine.”

Quickly realizing a return on his initial investment in two Stratasys machines, Hlavin went on to invest a few million dollars in advanced technology, capital equipment and automation, including two Dimension SST 1200es 3D Printers, a smoothing station and a Fortus 900mc 3D Production System. “We were so confident in Stratasys, we purchased every material that Stratasys offers –ABSplus, ABSi, ABSM30, PC-ABS, PC, Ultem 9085 and PPSF/PPSU – in order to handle the concept ideation, functional prototyping, prototype tooling, filtering, end of arm tooling and final production demanded by our clients,” said Hlavin. Success is in the Numbers With FDM Since 2008, Thogus has grown to 86 employees, 31 of whom were hired in 2010. In 2010, its revenue increased 76% over 2009. Thogus largely credits the drastic growth to Stratasys FDM Technology, which the company has used to develop a manufacturing solution that streamlines the production process, passing along those savings to clients. The philosophy is simple, and universal. “Low price wins,” said Hlavin. “We’ll give away parts with quotes, which is virtually unheard of for an injection molder. That’s how confident we are.” In January 2009, Thogus didn’t have a single engineer on staff. Today, the company employs 15 engineers in the plastics, civil, mechanical, biomedical and chemical disciplines. “By bringing engineering into the business, our clients develop products faster and more efficiently,” he added. Hlavin envisions Stratasys’ FDM Technology as the future of plastics processing, manufacturing and product development. “We are at the dawn of a mass customization economy – have it your way, in small volumes.” Unconventional Wisdom Vitamix, maker of commercial blending machines, was purchasing SLA prototype parts from local service bureaus when Thogus introduced prototype parts made with real thermoplastics. “We showed them what our machines could save them in terms of time and cost,” said Hlavin. “They loved it because the parts were much more robust, and they could do functional testing with our parts.” Hlavin even encouraged Vitamix to buy its own Stratasys FDM machine. And they did. “Every project is urgent at Vitamix, so now we handle all overflow orders the company doesn’t have capacity to fulfill in-house. Since the machines speed up the manufacturing process, we’re actually getting more work from them than before.” In addition to revolutionizing his injection molding business, Hlavin has found FDM to be invaluable on the manufacturing floor. “A lot of our work is in prototype development: short run, fast turn over. Stratasys FDM Technology can take a CAD file and build a part in hours. We want to provide our clients functional parts they can use for testing and validation,” said Hlavin. “But what we’ve found after bringing in the machine is that there’s a far greater purpose to FDM. And it’s in our manufacturing process on our floor.”

FDM touches every aspect of business at Thogus. “We have automation, robots on our machines. Rather than using a steel plate or aluminum frame for big, heavy end of arm tools that are expensive and take long time to build, we can take 3D geometry and print an end of arm tool that weighs 70 – 90% less. And we can do it in less than 24 hours.” Hlavin has found that this advantage has taken direct labor cost off of the manufacturing floor. “I don’t care what industry you’re in,” he said. “FDM will impact it. I don’t know another technology that can do what FDM can do.” But to Hlavin, benefits of FDM scale larger. “I see Stratasys FDM Technology as the future of manufacturing,” he said. “We are using FDM Technology to accomplish things we never could before. “We save in excess of $150,000 per year for factory automation, fixturing, advanced prototyping, product verification prior to tooling and more,” Hlavin added. “I can’t imagine not having this technology in a manufacturing setting. It is as critical to our business as e-mail.” When asked how FDM revolutionized his business model, Matt Hlavin answers simply: “All manufacturers are looking for ways to move products to market faster and compress their production development cycles. One resource in this world you cannot purchase is time. Now, with FDM, we’re essentially able to sell time.”

What You See Is What You Get In 3D! Wysiwyg 3D ® is Australia's leading 3D scanning service provider. With experienced and knowledgeable staff and the latest in 3D scanning technology Wysiwyg 3D is able to scan any object for a range of industries. WYSIWYG 3D specialises in 3D scanning services, including • 3D Laser Scanning • 3D Measurement • 3D Inspection and Analysis • 3D Printing WYSIWYG 3D can 3D scan objects from the size of a building to a small coin for a range of industries and software programs. Visit our Faq's for more on File Outputs. WYSIWYG 3D staff have significant experience (over 10 years) in manufacturing, tooling, composites, 3D scanning and drafting. Our professional experience includes 3D scanning people, automotive tools and parts, packaging tools, vehicles and composite moulds, teeth, jewellery among many others. With literally thousands of scanning projects under our belt you have the Wysiwyg 3D guarantee! WYSIWYG 3D uses 3D scanning technology that is mobile so that an on-site service is available nationally. Objects can also be sent to WYSIWYG 3D for 3D scanning on our premises. Why settle for 2D when you can capture every detail of your part in 3D! Goal: To ensure our customers see the world in 3D! Read more

Based in NSW, Wysiwyg 3D was founded in 2003 by Owner Operator Shane Rolton. Shane first came across laser scanning whilst working as a Mechanical Engineer in the Aerospace industry where laser scanning was used for first article inspections and reporting. After quickly realising the benefits of laser scanning it wasn’t long before Wysiwyg 3D Pty Ltd was born.

3D Stuffmaker announces Launch of EVOLUTION Gen2, a new 3D Printer Upgrade Press Release: June 19, 2014 – 3D prinAng technology company 3D Stuffmaker, recently announced the launch of 3D Stuffmaker EVOLUTION Gen2, an upgrade to the exisAng popular EvoluAon. The upgrade offers unique and innovaAve 3D prinAng features including: •

Advanced tools & customizaAon: Personalize the EvoluAon Gen2 by tweaking, modifying or calibraAng to your heart's desire.

High Performance Filament Extruder: Precise fricAon-­‐free feeding that offers simplified changeover, QuickChange connector for easy extruder exchange and maintenance.

Nozzle fiYed with 3D Cooling Kit: Improved tolerance to filament variance extended print Ames, improved extrusion accuracy for beYer prinAng of solid and complex objects.

Quick Change Nozzle: Quick Change connector for fast and easy nozzle replacement and maintenance.

Print Plate: Heavy duty aluminum, resistant to warping, conAnuous operaAon, easy removal and placement.

Timing Belt Assembly: FricAon-­‐free movement for improved print placement and accuracy.

Wiring Hardness: Improved wiring connecAon for error-­‐free operaAon and reliability.

“Few 3D printers today compare to the EVOLUTION Gen2 when it comes to price and support” explains iPrint Technologies founder Rob Grosche. “Our upgrade is unique because it has been designed by engineers, with engineers in mind.” 3D Stuffmaker printers are used today extensively by inventors, designers and educators and are applied to roboAcs, toys and model making. “Our ambiAous agenda for 2014 includes plans to expand our 3D Stuffmaker printer range with even more dynamic product offerings that exceed the capabiliAes of exisAng printers.” “Our goal with the EVOLUTION Gen2 is simple -­‐ we aim to conAnue sezng the standard for 3D prinAng. Every purchase from 3D Stuffmaker guarantees you affordable 3D printers in a variety of assembled models or in kit form, which is very popular among those who want to learn how to built their own.“ About iPrint Technologies, manufacturers of 3D Stuffmaker iPrint Technologies Pty Ltd is an Australian owned internaAonal company dedicated to providing the best desktop 3D prinAng technology available. Based in Australia, the company is commiYed to making 3D prinAng faster, simpler and more affordable so that the technology is accessible to everyone. For more informaAon about 3D Stuffmaker EVOLUTION Gen2, please visit: www.3dstuffmaker.com/evoluAon-­‐3d-­‐printer For more informaAon about iPrint Technologies, please visit: www.iprint-­‐technologies.com Or contact iPrint Technologies via: Phone: +61280912050

Visit us at Inside 3D Printing Melbourne July 9 & 10

Pro Z 3D Solutions is an Australian company formed by professionals with experience providing 3D technology solutions for applications in medicine, education, defence, mining, architecture, design, science, forensics, biomechanics, automotive, aerospace and animation among others. Many products claim to be the fastest, most accurate or most detailed. At Pro Z 3D Solutions we invest significant resources to benchmark 3D printers and scanners for different applications. This experience and the knowledge gained can help guide you on which 3D printers and 3D scanners are right for your application. We cut through the marketing hype and show you the facts. Pro Z 3D Solutions has a comprehensive range of 3D printers and 3D scanners from medical grade 3D print materials to industrial x-ray scanners. See for yourself the quality of our 3D prints and performance of our 3D scanners. Contact our team of specialists who will listen to your needs and develop the right solution for you.

Four years ago, a week after purchasing my first 3D Printer, a part on our 10 year old dishwasher broke. By the way I'm a self confessed gadgeteer. I contacted the manufacturer, but the dishwasher was end of line and no longer supported. My wife was happy as she was finally going to get a new dishwasher and showed me the brochure on a shiny new model, and price! At that exact moment the lights came on and I said to her “I'll 3D print the replacement part!” Well, the look on her face was a picture. Score check, 3D Printer: 0, Husband -1 .... I attempted to CAD up the part using Sketchup. This was a bit harder than what I thought it would be as I'm not a 3D designer. It took me three print attempts to get it right, but I was determined to prove that this new family member ‘the 3D Printer’ was here to stay. Finally the part clicked into place, the dishwasher whirled into action and out came the shiny dishes. No more was I tasked to hand wash the dishes. Score update, 3D Printer: 1 Husband -1. Four years on today, every time our now fourteen year old dishwasher has a broken part , I simply measure the part, print it and then it's back into action. These days CAD'ing is much easier, due to great software like TinkerCAD. This dishwasher story is a symbolic reminder to me, it changed my career and my life, the one thing it didn't change was the state of our dishwasher. The current score stands at 3D Printer: 2, Husband -2 Bruce Jackson 3D Printing Systems

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