PlastixANZ eMagazine October 2013

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October 2013

Avian LFT in Australia

The pathway to successful design with LFT Duromer offers a full service to their clients for Polystruct (the unique Long Fibre Thermoplastic product) starting with advice on polymer selection at the initial concept stage







and FEA where required to iron out any wrinkles before cutting steel.

Our ability to identify high stress locations in a part and using modelling to predict how the




c an


r educe

weight, improve overall performance and reduce manufacturing costs. See editorial on page three for more information on LFT and the design process.

Long Fibre Technology Presented by: Jeremy Paton, Polystruct Director 6.15pm Tuesday October 22, Waverley RSL Contact Bill Willis, Polymer & Additives Group Mobile: 0412 879 229 Email:




The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo is Australia’s most established commercial event dedicated to the waste and recycling industry. The Expo is the perfect environment to create new opportunities and efficiencies for your business by interacting with latest technology, equipment and solutions.

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The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo is a strictly trade only event. Entry is restricted to members of the waste, recycling, IT and manufacturing industries and government. Proof of business identification may be required. Persons not in these categories, including children under the age of 16, will not be admitted. Due to OH&S, prams and strollers are strictly not permitted at the event. The Australasian Waste & Recycling Expo is brought to you by Diversified Exhibitions Australia.

Hot Runner Technology for Op3mal Part-­‐ to-­‐Part Consistency By Nick Tanner, Product Manager, Hot Runner Applica:ons, Husky Injec:on Molding Systems Producing consistent parts is one of the core func:ons of any plas:c injec:on molding system. The ul:mate goal is to have a tool repeatedly and economically produce iden:cal parts for the life of the system. Specifically in high cavita:on molding, achieving consistent part quality from cavity to cavity can be a challenge if the system is not op:mized. Part-­‐to-­‐ part inconsistency can manifest itself in a variety of ways – from shorts to flash, to dimensional varia:on, to sinks and warp, to mechanical or op:cal differences. These inconsistencies can limit the process window, lengthen the mold qualifica:on :me, or increase costs associated with poor quality, including scrap rate, inspec:ons, warranty, etc. To op:mize part quality and avoid increased produc:on costs, a focus on minimizing variability is key. Reducing variability in the molding system results in a more capable tool and improved produc:on process. In turn, producing more parts within specifica:on and enabling higher cavita:on molding for reduced part price improves customer sa:sfac:on and profitability.

Sources of Variability Variability in a plas:c injec:on molding system can come from the machine, mold, hot runner, process, auxiliaries, as well as the resin and its prepara:on. How each contributes to part-­‐to-­‐part consistency depends on the specific tool and applica:on, but it is also important to review and address the en:re system. The hot runner is a key component of the melt delivery system. To maximize produc:vity, it is important for manufacturers to work with hot runner suppliers who will minimize these sources of variability and offer products that deliver consistent melt to each cavity, shot aOer shot. An example of one hot runner supplier who has taken steps to minimize or eliminate hot runner sources of variability is Husky Injec:on Molding Systems. Any well-­‐designed hot runner is 100% geometrically balanced with symmetrical flow lengths and diameters for equal pressure loss to each cavity. Channel sizes and layout are engineered to balance hot runner pressure drop, shear rates, and residence :me for the specific applica:on. Husky addresses shear history by changing melt channel levels within the manifold, simply and effec:vely rota:ng the melt to avoid any preferen:al flow to certain cavi:es. These basic features are the founda:on for any hot runner. Hot runner suppliers who provide geometric balance and shear management through proper design increase the molding process window and tool success.

Minimizing Hot Runner Varia3on Complemen:ng geometric balance, Husky’s recent improvement focus includes improved thermal uniformity of the hot runner, precise temperature control and synchronized valve gate open and close. These improvements all strive to eliminate hot runner sources of variability within the molding system to achieve the most consistent mold filling and more parts produced within specifica:on. Prior to shipment Husky ensures hot runner thermal uniformity with thermal finite element analysis (FEA), precise manifold heater posi:on and installa:on with automated tools, and 100% thermal and mechanical verifica:on of the assembled system. These improvements op:mize and verify the thermal design and build of the product. Detailed inspec:on results are stored in a database for future assessment of the system and each customer is provided with a signed cer:ficate sta:ng the system was inspected and is in compliance. Thermally uniform hardware is only as good as its control. It is also important to consider the temperature controller when reviewing hot runner op:ons. Poor temperature control can drive thermal variability in the system, affec:ng part consistency. Husky’s family of Altanium temperature controllers provide precise temperature control – all have accurate temperature measurement, op:mized control algorithm, and rapid reac:on :mes. A control algorithm is only as effec:ve as the accuracy of the data its calcula:ons are based on. Altanium controllers u:lize isolated thermocouple inputs to eliminate the effects of electrical noise and ensure a true temperature signal. The control algorithm is essen:ally the brains of the opera:on and contains the instruc:ons for the amount of power to apply based on feedback from thermocouples. Altanium controllers automa:cally op:mize the control of each heater to a specific opera:ng environment so that each zone receives exactly the amount of power needed to maintain a uniform set point. .. Cont:>>

Awaken the LION within you

Finally, reac:on :me is important. The longer it takes to process a command, the farther out of tolerance the temperature will be once the calcula:on from the algorithm is executed. Altanium controllers use distributed control architecture to minimize the distance signals must travel, so that result commands are carried out in the shortest amount of :me possible.

Yesterday I read the Mr. Brave book to my 3 year old son. And he asked me What‘s brave? I explained to him that brave is anything you do when you are scared to do something, but you do it anyway. And that is a big part of living, isn‘t it? Gathering the courage which the Lion thought he didn‘t have in the Wizard of Oz and doing stuff despite our fear.

In addi:on to minimizing geometric and thermal sources of hot runner variability, Husky has also eliminated variability of gate open and close with UltraSync valve gate plate actua:on technology. Standard individual pneuma:c valve gates provide good gate control, but are s:ll suscep:ble to variability in stem movement from drop-­‐to-­‐drop. To eliminate this risk and provide full control of the valve stems, Husky UltraSync-­‐E technology connects all valve stems to a single plate driven by an electric servo motor. This provides 100% synchroniza:on and allows other advanced processing techniques,

I think Richard Branson put it best when he said: ... MORE

such as stem mo:on profiling, which can reduce wear and increase gate life. Full valve stem synchroniza:on eliminates valve stem mo:on variability, improving part quality and consistency.Op:mized Hot Runner Design for Part Consistency The hot runner is a key element in the melt delivery system and should be considered when op:mizing for consistently high part quality. To get the best possible results in a manufacturing opera:on it is cri:cal to work with a supplier who has made investments that systema:cally minimize or eliminate hot runner sources of variability. Husky is one example of a supplier who is commi^ed to delivering the products and support that will help to ensure customers meet part consistency requirements, from balance, to process window, so that the highest quality parts are being produced again and again.

BASF launches Ultramid® S Balance for monofilaments

Corbion Purac and Innovia to develop temperature stable, transparent PLA films Innovia Films, a leading global manufacturer of Biofilms, and Corbion Purac, a global leader in lactic acid and lactides, are joining forces to develop PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) film that is both transparent and resistant to higher temperatures. High heat PLA was brought to market following dedicated research efforts by Corbion Purac. As a result, Innovia recognized an opportunity to work together to further develop a transparent, heat resistant PLA film...MORE

High performance polyamide 6.10 with unique mechanical properties Partly bio-based raw materials BASF is now globally offering Ultramid® S Balance in a version for monofilament applications. The high performance polyamide 6.10, partly based on renewable resources, is available in various


JELU: new compostable biocomposite The German company JELU has developed a fully decayablebiocomposite for industrial processing. The new material made from thermoplastic starch (TPS) and wood fibres is a wood plastic composite (WPC)...MORE

Regloplas precision temperature control units For 50 years, Regloplas has specialised in the design and production of temperature control units. This offers distinct advantages to their customers in terms of consulting as well as product development and application. Regloplas temperature control units are a quality Swiss product used successfully in more than fifty countries.


New ENGEL microsite and app



Always up to date – efficiently informed Efficiency is set to be the main theme at K 2013, and it can now become a key part of visitors' preparation before the event as well. Through a new microsite and an exclusive app, ENGEL informs the international injection moulding industry about innovations that are on display and activities that are taking place at K. Visitors are guided efficiently to the ENGEL exhibits which are relevant to their sector and applications. K 2013 has already started at On ENGEL's microsite, there is now a preview of its stand at the fair. All 12 machine exhibits can be seen in action in trailers, while further detailed information makes the company's upgrades and new developments transparent and is already offering the public an insight into the future potential of the innovative products, technologies and system solutions. In addition, the microsite provides a schedule for machine demonstrations and an overview of ENGEL injection moulding machines and system solutions being presented at partner stands.

Well informed before and during the trade fair: ENGEL's new microsite for K 2013 is now up and running.

Also available “to take away” The new ENGEL app for K 2013 is available free of charge at for Android and iOS. It means fair visitors can quickly access the descriptions of the exhibits, the trailers, the demonstration times and a plan of the company's

With the new ENGEL app for K 2013 fair visitors can quickly access the descriptions of the exhibits, the trailers, the demonstration times and a plan of the company's stand at any time. stand at any time. Once installed, the app does not need a live connection to the Internet to work. Christian Pum, ENGEL AUSTRIA's Sales Director, says: “With the exhibits at our own stand in hall 15 and further exhibits at the stands of our partners, our innovation density at K 2013 will be greater than it's ever been at a trade fair. Our new online services will help visitors to find the innovations that are important to their field and ensure they don't miss any highlights.”

New milestone in automotive lightweight construction

The vertical ENGEL insert 1050H/200 injection moulding machine will be used to produce brake pedals. Images: ENGEL

A total of 25 ENGEL exhibits open the door to new applications, set new efficiency records and provide answers to the big challenges of the future. The manufacturing cells on view combine high levels of process integration and automation, strong performance, sustainability and process reliability. Also on show are several new injection moulding machines (ENGEL e-speed, ENGEL e-motion 30 TL, ENGEL v-

duo) and the first composite brake pedal produced in a one-shot process. With the geometrically optimised and stress-resistant plastic brake pedal ENGEL and its partner ZF-Friedrichshafen reach a new milestone in automotive lightweight construction at K 2013. The concept for manufacturing a hybrid, organic sheet brake pedal received the Composite Innovations Award in 2011; since then it has been consistently enhanced by ZF. ENGEL offers a first glimpse into the efficiency of the manufacturing process from its stand. Using a vertical ENGEL insert 1050H/200 injection moulding machine with an ENGEL easix multi-axis industrial robot and infrared oven, continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic semi-finished products (known as 'organic sheets') will be heated, preformed in a mould and immediately overmoulded with polyamide. The system produces ready-to-fit components; no cutting is necessary. Inject the future – with ENGEL at K 2013. ENGEL


Developed & manufactured in Australia Moulders, do you have any of the following issues: • • • • •

Problems with black specks? Reject rate too high? Colour changes too slow? Polymer changes too slow? Screw pulls too frequent?

Then do as many moulders do and use PurgeX® to reduce your machine down-time and increase your manufacturing efficiency. PurgeX® cleans metal surfaces using a unique scrubbing action. At the same time, it does not abrade the surfaces. PurgeX® enables fast purging of process equipment at very reasonable costs. It can be used effectively between multiple colour changes. It can also be used to clean badly carbonised screws and barrels. Our customers find that they save on machine down-time, also on polymer if they are using natural polymer to act as a purging agent between colour changes. Grades of PurgeX® are available that suit injection moulding (both screw/barrel and hot runners), extrusion and blow moulding processes. Find out more at or contact NichePlas on (03) 9887 2844. We will be only too happy to provide more details and let you try out a sample quantity in your own process.

PurgeX®T – for injection moulders 21

PurgeX®S – for extruders and blow moulders

PurgeX®R – for hot runner systems

In a field of infinite possibilities

Used Machinery for Sale

XINRUI 150T Vertical IMM

Model: XRK1500-DS 150 Tonne Machine 45mm diameter screw Mirle 4000 PLC

Make us an offer!

TCL Hofmann - Melbourne 150 Woodlands Drive PO Box 392 Braeside VIC 3195 Australia Tel: +61 (0)3 8586 2900 Fax: +61 (0)3 9580 8322 Email:

TCL Hofmann - Sydney Suite 3.7, 54-56 Delhi Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 PO Box 6479, North Ryde, LPO 2113 Tel: +61 (0)2 9870 8644 Fax: +61 (0)2 9870 7442 Email:

Machine Specifications Model Screw diameter




(Injection Unit) (Clamping Unit)











Screw rotation speed



Clamping force



Top platen size



Bottom platen size



Slip board size



Rotary table diameter



Mold dimensions (L*W)



Minimum mold thickness



Maximum Opening stroke



Maximum daylight



Nozzle center dayleight



Nozzle center distance



Ejector force



Ejector stroke



Maximum injection pressure Theoretical shot volume Maximum injection capacity( PS) Injection rate

Pump/ motor power Hydraulic system pressure

HP(kW) 2





Barrel heating power



Total wattage






Machine dimensions(L*W*H)





Oil tank

Machine weight

XINRUI 150T Vertical IMM

New 6-Axis Robots from Sepro Developed in Partnership with Stäubli Two new lines of multi-axis robots – the 5X and 6X Visual – specifically designed for injection molding applicationsDeveloped by Sepro Robotique in partnership Stäubli Robotics, these robots give injection molders new choices for performing complex part manipulation inside and outside of the mold space. See them at Sepro at K2013 in Hall 12, Stand 12A49 “For years, injection molders with complex automation requirements have had to make a difficult choice,” explains Jean-Michel Renaudeau, Managing Director, Sepro Robotique, La Roche sur Yon, France. “They could choose Cartesian beam robots that were designed for their applications but usually limited to 3 primary CNC axes of motion, or they could select a 6-axis polyarticulated robot designed for general industrial applications. 6X Visual lines deliver new 6-axis solutions created with the needs of injection molders in mind.” Sepro and Stäubli have been cooperating successfully since 2006, with Sepro integrating the Stäubli multi-axis robots when those capabilities were required. Now they have taken that relationship a step further. THE 6X VISUAL LINE The 6X Visual line of robots combines a Stäubli 6-axis articulated-arm robot with the Sepro Visual 3 control to deliver a general-purpose automation solution in five models to serve injection molding machines from 20 to 4000 tons. The 6X Visual range is capable of performing almost any task from simple pick-and-place or complex path tracking applications thanks to the powerful and user-friendly Visual 3 control system. With Visual 3, Sepro’s proprietary and very adaptable control, it is very simple to program a multi-axis robot on an injection-molding machine. Many 6 axis robots require outside programmers, Sepro Visual allow that to be done in house at reduced cost Visual controls make it simple and intuitive to create almost any program, even complex cycles requiring path tracking, flaming, part outlining, and so on. Processors who are already familiar with the Visual control platform will find that very little additional training is required to become proficient at programming multi-axis robots for injection molding. Small and medium-sized robots (6X-60 to 6X-200) have a fully enclosed and naturally clean structure that meets ISO 5 and IP 65 standards for clean room applications in the medical and electronic industries. The largest unit, the 6X-340, is specially adapted to service a large work envelope for molding machines up to 3500 tons. The arms can be mounted on the machine platen to minimize floor space requirements or next to the machine to work with peripheral equipment. Most of the models (6X-60 to 6X-200) can be suspended from the ceiling and the 6X-60 and 6X-90 can be wall mounted. •

The 6X-60 is intended for use with molding machines from 20 to 100 tons. Maximum reach for the standard and extendedarm versions are 670 to 920 mm (26 to 36 in.) and maximum payloads are 9 and 5 kg (20 and 11 lb) respectively.

The 6X-90 serves molding machines from 80 to 200 tons. Maximum reach for the standard and extended-arm versions are 1200 to 1450 mm (47 to 57 in.) and maximum payloads are 15 and 12 kg (33 and 26 lb) respectively.

The 6X-160 suits machines from 150 to 500 tons. Maximum reach for the standard and extended-arm versions are 1710 to 2010 mm (67 to 99 in.) and maximum payloads are 34 and 28 kg (75 and 62 lb) respectively.

The 6X-200 is sized for molding machines from 500 to 1300 tons and is available only in the extended-arm design with maximum reach of 2594 mm (102 in) and maximum payload of 80 kg (176 lb).

The 6X-340 is designed for molding machines up to 3500 tons and has a maximum reach of 3450 mm (139 inch) and a maximum payload load of 165 kg (364 lb).

Under the partnership agreement, Sepro will provide installation, start-up and repair and maintenance assistance through its global service structure.

Stäubli Robotics is part of a Swiss group that also supplies industrial solutions to the textile and electrical-connector markets. With 4000 employees, Stäubli is present in 25 countries For the past 30 years, the main Group site and head office of Stäubli Robotics has been located in Faverges, France. Stäubli robots are designed and manufactured in France and used in many different industrial sectors and applications including plastics, automotive, machine tools, medical and food industries. ABOUT SEPRO Founded in 1973 and now headquartered in La Roche-surYon (France), Today, Sepro is one of the largest independent sellers of Cartesian robots and service hubs that extend Sepro’s global network to over 40 other countries, The company’s global turnover is approximately €55 million, with 90% of robots exported from France and 40% sold outside of Europe. Sepro is the largest robot supplier to the automotive industry in Europe and North America, and has equipped more than 25,000 injection-molding machines worldwide. Sepro is represented in Australia and New Zealand Mitchell Industries Mitchell Industries is not just a sales office it’s also an engineering company too.. Its Profile Solutions division makes world leading plastic container leak testers which have been exported to 34 countries. With this capability we can also provide conveyors, comprehensive guarding and other automation to go with the Sepro Robots. For more information contact: Thomas Mitchell Mitchell Industries Ph: (61) 1300 5545 99 Fax : ( 61) 1300 5545 588 or Our Website – is being updated, so please see and Our youtube channels: MITCHINOZ ( Mainly Sepro )

F O R PL AS T I C S P R O C E S SO R S, S T R ATASYS I S A G A M E C H AN GE R . Fortus 3D Production Systems from Stratasys are changing the ways plastics processors do business – cutting costs, gaining production floor efficiencies and creating new sources of revenue. With a Fortus 3D Production System, you can create critical components such as end-of-arm tools, jigs, fixtures and even molds for prototype tooling. For Matt Hlavin of Thogus, Stratasys helped redefine his business: “Now we can take a product right from the beginning, through prototyping and development into production. Stratasys helps us get back the one resource we can’t buy – time.” Become part of this remarkable manufacturing revolution. FREE offer for MAPP members: Send us your part design and get it back printed in 3D. Visit

©2011 Stratasys, Inc.

Save time, buy online - Plastic Welding Tools Pty Limited Techspan Plastic Welding Tools release brand new e-commerce and mobile interactive website. The new domain name is easy to remember and its designed for use on all mobile devices. Plastic Welding Tools & Accessory Nozzles : A complete range of Plastic Welding Hand Tools is available. Manufactured by BAK Switzerland, the Techspan Plastic Welding Tools and Accessories are fully compatible with the following welding tools Techspan, BAK, Weldy & Leister. Plastic Welding Kits Plastic Welding Kits are the best way to get started in Plastic Welding. Chose from a wide range of Plastic Welding Kits to suit your specific application. Plastic Welding Rods A range of Plastic Welding Rods are avaiable in a range of profiles and colours. See the range of plastic welding rods carried in stock here. Extruder Welders & Accessories Dohle Extruder Welders, now branded Techspan, are available in a wide range of outputs. Ideal for plastic welding of large wall section materials, pond and landfill liner fabrication, and for fabrication of containment bins, Water tanks and more. Automatic Welders Automatic Plastic Welding tools and Accessories. Overlap welders and Wedge Welders for all your Industrial Fabric Welding requirements. Industrial Heaters Industrial Heat Sources, Heaters, Hot Air Tools – for process heating requirements. Drying, activating, shrinking - what ever your industrial heating needs. Spare Parts Find spare Heating Elements and Carbon Brushes here. Techspan heating elements are compatible with Techspan, BAK, Dohle, Herz and Leister brand hot air tools. How to Weld Plastics The new website will also provide you with instruction on how to weld thermoplastics. Watch a range of video clips to help you get your welding technique right first time. The new website offers a range of payment options. Credit card payments, Cheque payments and even Direct Credit into our bank account. Save time, buy online. Too easy ! www.plas;

Flecknoe-Thermwood announces the arrival of the new high-performance 5-axis Model 77 The Thermwood Model 77 series is a heavy duty, high-performance five-axis CNC router specifically developed for three-dimensional machining of non-ferrous metals, composites and other advanced materials including Plastics and timber. The first machine has been shipped to our Perth facility as a demonstration machine. This means we can cut trials for prospective customers right here in Australia. The Model 77’s applications range from machining patterns and moulds/plugs to trimming and machining production products for the aerospace, aviation, boating and military/ defence industries and any other industry. This stationary table, high-wall machine starts with a complete working envelope of 1530 x 3050mm and can expand to larger sizes to fit the application concerned. The M77 was designed using advanced 3D software utilising finite element analysis and is inspected and calibrated using a precision 3D volumetric laser system. All major welds, including the base and gantry, are stress relieved to provide long-term stability. Standard configuration for the moving gantry M77 is a 9Kw spindle, 915mm Z clearance, full working envelope, 10-position, automatic rotary tool changer and a patented impact-resistant head. Also standard is Thermwood’s QCore control which is a high-performance, easy to use controller that includes a huge 1 terabyte hard disk for program storage and is enclosed in a dust-protected, air-conditioned cabinet. Additional options include the base table for moving in/out large fixtures, liquid-cooled spindle, continuous C axis and more.


The winner of the prestigious Harry Lovell Award was announced during the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) 50 Year Anniversary celebrations at Chapter House on the 12th of September. The AIP established the Harry Lovell Award in recognition of outstanding achievement by a student in the final examinations leading to the Diploma in Packaging Technology. The Harry Lovell Award has only been presented three times before - in 2007 to Sarah Squire MAIP from Recochem and in 2009 to Nina Cleeve-Edwards MAIP, Packaging Ecodesign Specialist, Nestle Research Centre Switzerland and in 2011 to Misbah Khan MAIP, Packaging Technologist, PZ Cussons, Melbourne. The AIP is pleased to announce that it has been awarded again for 2013. The winner for the 2013 Harry Lovell Award is Maria Indrayati MAIP, Packaging Technologist (Applications), Parmalat Australia, Lidcombe NSW. According to Maria Indrayati MAIP, being awarded the Harry Lovell Award means a great deal to her as it is a very rare opportunity in winning this award. “I am very humbled, proud and grateful my hard work and effort in undertaking the Diploma in Packaging Technology has been recognised with this award,” Ms Indrayati said. “Graduating from the AIP Diploma in Packaging Technology was critical to my future work as a Packaging Technologist. I gained thorough detailed knowledge of all packaging manufacturing processes and uses in various types of industries. Most of all I gained great confidence in having this knowledge behind me as I am introduced to different types of packaging with my extensive projects,” she said. Maria’s advice to employees and students who wish to work in the Packaging Industry is to complete the Diploma of Packaging through the AIP as it will be very beneficial to a packaging technologists understanding, confidence and future growth in their desired field. Mr Ralph Moyle MAIP, National President of the AIP, added that ‘It is apt that in our 50th year of providing education and training to the packaging industry that we recognise a packaging technologist for their academic excellence.’ “Packaging Technologists play a significant role in the industry and awards like the Harry Lovell Award allow technologists to be recognised for their outstanding contributions to a company,” Mr Moyle said. “The AIP National Board commends Maria Indrayati MAIP on her academic excellence and for being the first candidate to successfully complete the Level 5 Diploma in Packaging Technology (QCF) in Australia.” he said. The AIP National Board wishes Maria Indrayati well in her future endeavours and hope that all of her hard work in an enjoyable career in the packaging industry for many years to come.


Plastics Color Corp. Announces Mi Batch™ Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies for Plastics Polystyrene lids eliminate burnt mouths Have you ever had a first sip of coffee from your takeout cup - and burned your tongue or lips? Well that might be a nasty surprise of the past with an Australian company launching its smart lids. Smart Lid Systems, a division of family owned private business Noshmell Pty. Ltd., of Kensington, New South Wales, has introduced its award-winning heat-sensitive coffee lids to cafe outlets in Sydney.

Rinco Ultrasonics introduces new ultrasonic pouch sealing system for flexible packaging BASF at the K 2013 with its First Tape Demonstrator Part NIVEA GOES FOR RPC EMPRESS JAR The latest globally-available product from skincare expert Nivea is now available in an Empress thick-walled jar from RPC Bramlage. The jar has been selected for its ability to deliver a high-end image and user friendly design. It is being used for Nivea Cellular Anti-Age Day and Night cream, which promotes cell regeneration

New polypropylene addresses needs of durable injection molded applications Global Agricultural Film Market is Expected to Reach USD 9.66 Billion in 2019

Plastics Color Corp. Announces Mi Batch™ Anti-Counterfeiting Technologies for Plastics With the recent introduction of its Mi Batch™ line of particle taggants, Plastics Color Corporation (PCC) brings over 40 years of polymer expertise to the fight against counterfeit materials and products. The unique taggants in Mi Batch are compatible

Total`s HDPE is Plastikpack`s material of choice for the new Uniloy Blow Molding Machine Total HDPE 51090 has once again demonstrated its quality and versatility: it has been selected by Plastikpack as the material of choice for its latest all-electric blow molding machine - developed by Uniloy Milacron - to produce specially designed 10-liter stackable UN-approved jerry cans.

Objective3D are Australia and New Zealand’s leading supplier of Stratasys 3D Printers, the world’s largest 3D printing company. We have a vast range of industry related experience in both sales and service of 3d printing and manufacturing machine technologies. Objective3D have local representation in Melbourne, Sydney and Auckland. With multiple 3D printing technologies at our disposal, we consult with prospective customers to analyse and unearth the most appropriate solution for their business. Getting this right is crucial to a successful 3D printing implementation. From entry level Concept systems, Functional Precision Prototypes, 3D printed jigs and fixtures, all the way to 3D Production Systems (producing production parts without tooling), Objective3D provide professional solutions for all your development needs.

Applied Machinery have available for sale in Australia a world class BOPP (Bi-axially Oriented Polypropylene) line. Ready for immediate removal and installation anywhere in the world, this BOPP line is sure to impress. Call David Macdonald on 03 9706 8066, or email for more information. An extensive selection of photos, along with a complete walkthrough video of the plant is available here ...

3500mm wide Bruckner BOPP line with 5 layer extrusion, 20-90micron at between 550 and 850kg/hr. 120,90,75,75mm extruders, Kampf slitter rewinder. Original installation: 1989 5-layer extrusion upgrade: 1998 Kampf winder replaced: 2005 In production from 1989 initially manufacturing 3-layer BOPP products until upgraded with 5-layer extrusion in 1998. Complete 5 layer, 3.5 meter wide BOPP line with the capability to manufacture transparent and white opaque films for sale into packaging and label applications. Typically, the line has been used for the production of white opaque products in the gauge range of 20 to 90 micron, of physical densities between 0.50 and 0.96 g/cm3. Typical figures are listed below.

World's First Plastic Engine Support in the New Mercedes GL Class Daimler is installing the world's first plastic engine support for the six- cylinder diesel engine used in the new GL Class. Compared to the previous aluminum support, the plastic part offers improved acoustical properties, better thermal insulating characteristics and a definite weight advantage, while being able to withstand the same load. The part, which supports ® the engine with the aid of the engine mounts, is molded from Ultramid A3WG10 CR, a highly reinforced specialty polyamide from BASF that has been optimized for high mechanical loads. Joma-Polytec in Bodelshausen assumed responsibility for designing the injection mold and producing the plastic engine support. Engine support functions and requirements: Static load, continuous load, crash The torque supports that are already used by various automakers in versions of Ultramid transmit only the tilting moment of the engine. In contrast, engine supports are subject to a permanent load – the engine's weight – while absorbing in addition the entire engine torque. To date, they have always been made from aluminum. Acoustics, heat transmission, weight To replace aluminum in this challenging and also crash-relevant application, the plastic must fulfill demanding mechanical requirements: while Ultramid® A3WG10 CR is very rigid; it was also necessary to demonstrate that it exhibited sufficiently low tendency to creep in the confined space of the engine compartment when subjected to a continuous load. Furthermore, depending on the installation conditions in the engine compartment, the plastic engine support must also withstand high bending moments. The good acoustic characteristics are the primary benefit of the Ultramid engine support over its aluminum counterpart. Thanks to the damping behavior specific to plastic, the new engine support contributes to a more balanced sound. An additional benefit is that the heat conduction of the plastic is considerably less than that of aluminum. As a consequence, the Ultramid engine support provides better protection from the engine's heat for the natural rubber engine mounts connected to it, increasing their service life. In the context of the CO2 discussion, a weight savings of over 30% for the plastic part versus the aluminum version is an additional plus. Simulation for optimization of crash and acoustic behavior The multitude of tests that the plastic part must pass successfully includes the so-called repair crash, which replicates smaller crashes, and the massive offset crash (offset head-on crash). In the first case, the support must remain undamaged; in the second case, it must fail quickly and in a specific manner to prevent the engine's entering the passenger compartment. In addition to checking these requirements in crash tests, BASF already incorporated both cases into the very early development phase of the complex-shaped engine support through use of its Ultrasim® universal simulation tool and predicted the part's behavior: Ultimate (breaking) loads, strength values under dynamic pulsed loads and crash loads agreed very well with the results of testing and achieved the values required for the aluminum predecessor. It was thus possible to incorporate ribbing to withstand the high loads and satisfy acoustic requirements early on and reduce the number of prototypes. More information on Ultramid and Ultrasim can be found on:

Ambassador Travel Travel to Trade Fairs Around the World

Event Calendar 16-Oct-13 23-Oct-13 28-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 13-Nov-13 14-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 15-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 15-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 23-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 23-Nov-13 24-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 27-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 07-Feb-14 11-Feb-14 23-Feb-14 27-Feb-14 03-Mar-14 05-Mar-14 03-Mar-14 05-Mar-14 11-Mar-14 15-Mar-14 07-Apr-14 11-Apr-14 08-Apr-14 11-Apr-14 23-Apr-14 26-Apr-14 08-May-14 14-May-14 03-Jun-14 06-Jun-14

K 2013 CeMAT Asia 2013 EMPACK Madrid RubberTech China China Foodtech PROPAK Indonesia Plastics & Rubber Indonesia Christmasworld ProSweets Ambiente Gulfood Sino-Pack 2014 Pack Inno 2014 METAV Hannover Messe 2014 FHA 2014 ChinaPlas 2014 Interpack AUTOMATICA

Ambassador Travel (Division of Passport Travel)

Level 1, 12-14 Glenferrie Road, Malvern 3144 Licence 31054 Phone: 61 (3) 9500 8355 Fax: 61 (3) 9509 0111 Email:

Dusseldorf Shanghai Madrid Shanghai Beijing Jakarta Jakarta Frankfurt Cologne Frankfurt Dubai Guangzhou Guangzhou Dusseldorf Hannover Singapore Shanghai Dusseldorf Munich

International Trade Fair for the Plastics Industry Int Trade Fair for Materials Handling, Automation Technology, Logistics. The Future of Packaging Technology, Materials & Services International Exhibition on Rubber Technology International Food Processing & Packaging Machinery Exhibition International Food Processing & Packaging Machinery Exhibition Trade Fair for the Plastics & Rubber Industries The World of Seasonal Decoration Food Technology Conference World's Most Important Consumer Goods Trade Fair Food, Hotel & Equipment Exhibition 21st China International Exhibition on Packaging Machinery & Materials China (Guangzhou) International Packaging Products Gala International Trade Fair for Manufacturing Technology & Automation The world's most important technology event International Food & Drinks, Food Service Equipment, Services Exhibition 28th International Exhibition on Plastics & Rubber Industries Processing and Packaging Leading Trade Fair 6th International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics

BOOK with EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS A wild west show in Hungary ??? Who would believe it? On a recent visit to Eastern Europe, Graeme had the opportunity to visit the Equestrian Show at Kecskemét on the Puszta or Hungarian plains out of Budapest. After a lunch of typical Hungarian fare including Hungarian Goulash Soup (you have just gotta try it, this is amazing) we were treated to a display of great horsemanship and riding. Riders firing arrows from horseback, displays of carriage driving and the fantastic balance of the “Hungarian Post” rider controlling five horses while standing on the rear pair took place in the beautiful Hungarian countryside and was wonderful sojourn from the busy city of Budapest. The visit was an optional day tour on an Avalon river cruise from the mouth of the Danube River on the Black Sea to Vienna, Austria.

Call to talk with experienced travellers on 03 9500 8355 The Hungarian Post at Kecskemét.

For more information and expert advice on ALL your travel needs, call Graeme or Paul on 039500 8355 or visit our websites or

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