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M O N T H LY M A G A Z I N E “ P L AT E A U T E A M ” M A R C H 2 0 1 4



\MARCH 2014






Symbiosis >>

Plateau Team

“Symbiosis borns from the hand of Plateau Team with the goal of providing quality information about current issues related to architecture and construction, and always creating a relationship with their project SymbCity developed for the next Solar Decathlon Europe.”

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014



Plateau Team is one of the twenty interna-

It is an academic competition which is orga-

Plateau Team proposes a change in the city model through a sustainable redensification which limits the current uncontrolled consumption of land.

The aim of the participant teams is to design and build a house that consumes the minimum amount of natural resources and produces the minimum waste during its life-cycle. Special interest is given to the reduction of energy consumption and the generation of the required energy from the sun. During the final stage of the competition the teams will build their houses in Versailles, in a public place named “La Cité du Soleil”.

tional teams selected to participate in the new Solar Decathlon Europe edition, to be held in Versailles. It is mainly composed by architecture students (UAH) and Building Engineering students (UAH and UCLM) together with the collaboration of other faculties and schools from these universities, which will provide their knowledge in order to cover all the necessary areas for the creation of an innovative solar habitat.

nized by the French Ministry of Housing in collaboration with the European Commission that promotes research in sustainable and self-sufficient energy housing development.

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S Y MB IOS IS T E A M MAGA Z INE | Editorial













Summary >> Symbi sis



02 06

Symbiosis. The Plateau Team Newsletter The Wood


Wooden Structures


Insulation and its development on Wood



SymbCity House Structure



Aldeia Do Mato´S Nautic Club


The Mo House


APH80. Transportable House


Waldorf School


Tech House Project


Meet our Team


Edit: Plateu Team for Solar Decathlon Europe2014. Address: “Press Team”. E-mail Drafting Articles and Projects: Mónica Solera, Verónica Escudero, Roberto Viforcos, Sergio Hernández y Juan José Carretero. Design and Layout: Sandra Urbaneja and Ana Isabel Urbaneja. Gratefulness: Ángel Cuadrado, Lucia Heras, Javier Núñez, 100x100 Madera y Finsa. Monthly Edition in Spanish and English. March 2014 Free Publication for public use, online.




“A energy-efficient material”

“The energy crisis is a close current situation, which generates the depletion of the main sources of energy; climate change and loss of qualit y of life due to the pollution in urban areas.” This problem causes a series of consequences and reactions. In 1997 Kyoto Protocol is created worldwide to all the countries, ratified by 156 countries and rejected by the largest producers of CO2. In this framework, there are new terms that control, reduce and combat environmental problem as the term “energy efficiency”, posing as a target forward. To sustain the current rates of growth at the global level, there will have to improve the sustainability and energy efficiency, for this reason wood is an important material in this fight, due to a large amount of waste is generated by the construction activities. Energy efficiency is to obtain the same energy goods and services, but with much less energy and consumption, with the same or better quality of life, with less pollution, with a price lower than the current price, extending the life of the resources. In conclusion, a better optimization of the relationship between the amount of energy consumed and the final products and services obtained. Studying the case of wood…Is it efficient from an energy perspective?

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

T H E W OOD | Article

06 First, wood is an environmentally friendly material because it is a natural material that comes directly from the trees, so that production is not contaminated and no CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere, as with concrete or steel, for which energy is required. For this reason, if trees aren´t cut faster than they are regenerated, its use does not pose a detriment to the environment, but quite the opposite. A good wood management helps nature because favoring healthy preventing forest fires, pests and protecting existing wildlife. Thus, if the balance between growth and manufacturing is achieved we could use wood indefinitely, becoming RENEWABLE. Sometimes it is possible to relate wood with the indiscriminate felling. But nothing is further from reality and that all wood produced at European level is obtained from certified forests, respecting the environment. To ensure its origin there are different controls, certifications and labels.

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Wood also has a good energy performance, taking into account the efficiency in two respects: its use to be a good insulator avoiding energy losses and energy consumption of the process of transformation and conservation is much lower than other materials. These features should be added that is a reusable, recoverable and recyclable material. The spaces are created with wood heat and acoustically isolated promoting a much healthier environment; it also provides a subjective comfort with natural and warm look. The fact that wood is manufactured ensures that these spaces meet higher quality controls. With its insulating property and proper installation, no heat loss and saves on air conditioning. In the manufacturing process there have been significant technological advances. Before wood required long and expensive drying processes, which consume large amounts of energy and time. Now, a board conifer can be dried within 24 hours, economically and energetically very low cost, without generating waste almost any emissions.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

“WOOD is a sustainable and energy-efficient material�

T H E W OOD | Article Compared to other materials, wood is more clean and simple processes. To produce the same weight of concrete would require 4 times as much energy, and in the case of steel, up to 60 times also increase the waste generated considering. The forest industry also benefits the community create jobs, and to be native species, use of transport is decreased. This local ownership creates a sense of responsibility for environmental protection. Throughout its life cycle, produces no emissions and impacts. When life ends, new products can be made as boards, use or give as biomass, manure, etc...

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The Centre for Smart Infrastructure Innovation (CI3) is a public sector entity, general inter est and non-profit whose purpose is to contribute to the development, promotion and development of information techn o l o g y a n d communications (ICT) applied to infrastructure

T H E W OOD | Article

The use of wood reduces CO2 emissions, play an important role in combating climate change. Wood is a net sink of CO2 while the products and structures built with it maintain their own operational life. Further, the process of growth of wood involves a transformation of CO2 from the atmosphere, which results in a positive balance compared to other materials such as concrete, steel, ceramic... In conclusion, wood is a sustainable and energy-efficient material, both in its production, resulting in less energy use and CO2 emissions, and its application in construction because it provides better thermal insulation (average thermal conductivity wood is 0.20 W / mºK). Also, do not generate waste. On the other hand, note that the low density makes them lighter construction compared to those made of concrete or steel.

Photos from: 00maia00, Alejandro Pinto, alfre32, anoop joy, brittgow, Charles & Hudson, Claudio ©, European Cyclists’ Federation, Fotos GOVBA, Jasmic, Francisco H. de la Fuente, SofitelSoBangkok, tamaki, taylor.a,

“WOOD is one of the most complete materials on sustainability and energy efficiency, this could become the material of the future.”

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Structures “The wooden structures have been traditionally used at construction until the end of the 19th century.” Throughout the centuries and due to the climatic con-

ditions in every region, the constructive systems have been progressed of different form. At regions with a cold weather and plenty of forest the structure was totally of wood, and at regions where the wood was scarce only kept it at the vertical structure and at the roof. In Spain the wood´s use in the structural sphere has been drastically reduced in the last century, due to the birth of new materials like the steel and the reinforced concrete. This hand the due to a wood’s regular supply. This has carried the constructive experience’s loss of this material. The wood’s construction is at its peak, due to it gives a wide variety of benefits: its putting on load immediately, its good performance to flexion, the facility that offers to correct the defects that can appear during the realization. In addition, to catch the compromises with the Kyoto’s protocol, the European governments are promoted the wood’s use at construction, based on its great capacity fixative of CO2 and its positive effect in the ecological footprint’s reduction left by the edification process.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

W OOD E N S T R UC T UR E S | Article


Having in mind the square timber and the structural elements’ types that are employed at the wood’s case, it can differentiate three different constructive systems: 1. LITTLE SQUARE TIMBERS. This system is made of structural elements of reduced thickness (36-70mm) put to short distances (less than a meter) and bracing between them. It requires the use of additional protections’ elements (insulations, wood board, etc.) due to, in case of fire; the capacity is normally very short. This system allows saving maximum lights of, approximately, 12 meters. 2. BIG SQUARE TIMBERS. This system is made of structural elements of raised thickness (higher to 80mm); the distance between pieces is bigger than a meter. In this system finds primary and secondary structural elements (the last one can be at little square timber). The possibility of having wood at sight requires that this item complies with the rules in case of fire. With these structural elements can save high lights (till more than 100 meters). 3. PLYWOOD PLANKS. This system is made of plywood planks as structural elements working as plaques. The thicknesses of these planks are usually between 70 to 500 mm.

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In the particular case of single family homes’ construction can be done this classification: 1. LIGHT-FRAME. System used for vertical, horizontal and obliquely elements (walls, slabs and roofs). It is formed by a lineal elements’ weave of little square timbers (from 36 to 70 mm of thickness) put to limited distance ones to others (less than a meter) and bracing, generally for structural planks. The walls and roof’ structures are joined between them at all system. The joins are usually easy, employing, plug types’ elements mainly. 2. HEAVY-FRAME. System used for walls, slabs and roofs. It is formed by a lineal elements’ weave (laminated or sawn) of big square timbers (80-100 mm of thickness) join between them till create a nondeformable whole. This structure gets the stability by two principles: the assemblies at joins and the triangular geometries’ use to brace its members.

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The Heavy-frame system, is forming the structure only, due to the enclosure is formed for materials’ different types: brick, masonry, panels, glass, etc... In this system the structural elements are usually at sight. 3. HOUSING’S SYSTEM WITH PLYWOOD PLANKS. System used as much facades as partitions, slabs and roofs. It is formed by a plywood plank (from 70 to 500 mm of thickness), with included insulation and according to fire or aesthetic requirement, is added protector planks. 4. HOUSING’S SYSTEM WITH TRUNKS’ WALLS OR WOOD’S BLOCKS. System used only for vertical elements. Usually, the other elements are resolved with the previous systems. This system is based at the use of wood’s load-bearing wall of rounded section, the wood’s trunks or the blocks are put in horizontal position.

W OOD E N S T R UC T UR E S | Article BIG SQUARE TIMBERS’ STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. They are usually used at roof’s construction. They can be divided in the next order: 1. MAIN STRUCTURE. It is formed by the beams, porticos, arcs or trusses responsible for save the principal light. Depend of the structural type the maximum light that they can catch change. 2. SECONDARY STRUCTURE. It is formed by the eaves or bearing sandwich panels that save the distance between principal pieces. The eaves allow saving lights from 2 to 12m. The bearing sandwich panels can save lights from up to 5 meters.

bility to the principal pieces reducing the lateral buckling. LITTLE SQUARE TIMBERS’ STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS. In this kind of edification can be differentiated the next elements: 1. MAIN STRUCTURE: WALLS’ FRAMEWORK. In the light-frame the wall makes the load transmission through the elements that forms it and in addi tion it serves as support to the exterior and interior facing. The whole have to be complete with horizontal pieces such as beams and rungs, as well as with elements that bracing the whole for it has a great working.

3. LATERAL BRACING. It is formed by a bars’ system at the roof’s plane and at walls, making a trussed girders for resist the wind’s action in the perpendicular direction to the principal structure and contributed lateral sta-

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2. MAIN STRUCTURE: SLABS’ FRAMEWORK. At light-frame it forms a series of joist that must transmit the inherent weight of the structure, of the partitions and the service overloads to the vertical elements. In addition, the slab collaborates in the stability of the structure. With an appropriate positioning of the chunks can be reduced the indirect acoustic transmission from a place to other. 3. MAIN STRUCTURE: COVERS’ FRAMEWORK. The covers’ framework with little square timbers is often used at edifications where walls and slabs are

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built with other materials. It can differentiate the roofs depending on simple or compound elements. a. Simple elements. At light-frame covers of wood is employed a joists whole put in a limited distance ones to others. We can distinguee two types of roofs attending to the eaves structural function: - Rafter and row. It has to put special care in the horizontal charge that the rafter transmits on the wall where they stand. - Rafter and riding. It has to put special care in the dimensions of ridge beams, considering that it acts as main structural element.

W OOD E N S T R UC T UR E S | Article b. Compound elements. It is formed by little square timbers’ pieces (36-70 mm of thickness and 70200mm of height) and the joins are done by nails or toothed plate assemble in plant. These trusses rest on walls or beams and stay separated between them a distance from 40 to 120 cm. At this case there aren´t neces¬sary the eaves and the lights are saved directly with the cover’s plank. 4. SECONDARY STRUCTURE: STRUCTURAL PLANKS. The structural planks form the support for the facing and they go fixed at the wall, slab or cover’s framework. In addition it serves as protection to the insulating material and contributes to the framework´s bracing. It must be affixed correctly to the framework to make the bracing’s function.

JOINS IN WOODEN STRUCTURES To design the wooden structures, joins are a very important element to considerate and must be taken into account their limitations. Due to the anisotropic nature of this material, the resistance at its fibres perpendicular direction is shorter than at its own direction, it produces a capacity of charges’ transmission defined.

The joins between wooden pieces are usually articulated or semi rigid. Types of joints: BONDED JOINTS Fitted of large rigidity they permit unions between totally rigid pieces, but they are breakable and have a useful life time limited. MECHANIC JOINTS In this category are included all the systems of joints that use metallic elements by way of cotter pin and plates, so it is necessary a new contribution material for the load transfer. They are divided into two groups: pin type (nails, lags, bolts, cotter pins and staples) and space type (connectors, plates-nail). This type of joins is the most used nowadays, sometimes, the most complicated solution, which requires the use of a lot of metallic pieces distort the wooden formal clarity. Ideally is generating joins with the less possible number of metallic pieces.

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MECHANIC JOINTS PIN TYPE: • Nails: they are the most used method light-frame systems. They are used to join planks and wooden pieces of the framework and the own pieces, too. • Lags or screws: they are formed by a shaft with a threaded space in the end (thread) and a smooth section (reed). The mechanic capacity in the present of shear strength is a bit more to the nails, but the bigger difference is its capacity before extraction stress is better. Before the existence of oblique tensions and if isn’t employed bolts, it turns to moorings by lags. • Bolts: they are formed by a cylindrical shaft with head and nut. To have a bigger diameter than the previous permits it a charges transmission higher. They are used in the join between wood-wood and steel-wood; and also combined with other join elements like the space joints type.

• Cotter pins: steel bars of circular section with the bevelled the end of the tip. With these elements are got a visual results more depurated because they lack head. • Staples: they are used to structural joins and generally they are employed to the plank fixed to the sawn timber pieces. Thanks to the Mechanic joints pin type it is improved the performance to structure whole before dynamic actions. They obtain lightweight constructions with wood and in addition present more resistance before short time actions that helps in front of the effects of the seism. But at many of their mechanical properties (flexion, traction) they present a weak performance. Nevertheless, this kind of joins provides ductility to the whole structure and like this the general performance compensates the fragility of the system. The metallic elements get this effect due to their plasticizing capacity.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

W OOD E N S T R UC T UR E S | Article MECHANIC JOINTS SPACE TYPE: This type of join is usually called “of space” or “of less penetration” considering that the connectors and plates-nail are elements of attachment that transmit the strain through a bigger area than the pin type.

base. They are used at union of pieces of wood with reduce thickness. They are usual in the prefabricated trusses that are employed at light-frame construction.

A connector is a circular or rectangular piece with snugly form inserted between two pieces and they are affixed by a bolt piercing the pieces. The charge is transmitted to crushing between the wood and the connector. •Connectors: they are classified in diverse types: ring, plate, toothed and of wood. •Toothed plate connectors: also called “plates-nail”, they are elements of attachment form by a metallic plate with extracted points by printing of the own plate that are bended at perpendicular direction to their

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always around you

Heating and cooling radiant ceiling Zehnder. “The good air comes from above ...”

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W OOD E N S T R UC T UR E S | Article WOOD-WORKING JOINS This type of joins is done by boxes and assembly following traditional techniques. The strain is transmitted through located compressions and slashes tangential tension.

“To catch the compromises with the Kyoto’s protocol, the European governments are promoted the wood’s use at construction.”

These joins have higher load capacity the larger the diameter of the element. Due to the difficulty of find craftsman that did it and the work elevate cost, the wood-working than the pieces that use metallic connectors.

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Insulation and its development on Wood “The first use that man made of wood was as insulation material in the wood frame cottage, where branches were used as an element of protection against outdoor. In the nineteenth century sheet cutting methods and twentieth new glues and adhesives that allow the appearance of chipboard develop..�


ood and its derived products are used in all types of insulation: acoustic, electric and thermal. It is within this last type where wood is more often used. This is because wood is a cellulosic material and, therefore, its structure is not favourable for conduction. As thermal insulation it has multiple advantages because of its conducting properties, which are the result of the union of the solid material with the air of the pores. The most commonly used products derived from wood which are used as thermal insulation are: cellulose, wood shavings, wood fibre and wood wool. Natural cellulose insulation is composed of recycled newspaper paper and boron compounds: borax and boric acid that act on the material as protectors against the fire. The ability to absorb and transfer water vapour in the wood-based products is linked with the good behaviour of the structures against moisture.

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INSULATION AND ITS DEVELOPMENT ON WOOD | Article Natural cellulose insulation acts on the structure of the house as a natural regulator of moisture because the hygroscopic qualities that it has got. Natural cellulose has a high resistance to fire, it doesn’t melt or burn at high temperatures, but rather it chars as if it was solid wood. It resists loads of fire and protects the structures against fire, so this way it obtains additional time for extinguishing and rescue work. The ownership of the insulator of natural cellulose as absorbent of moisture also contributes to delay the activation of fire and its spread. Panels of wood chips combine favourable and protective properties of wood. These are naturally sustainable and have the same durability as the building in which they are used. They improve the thermal protection in case of fire. In addition, its porous structure ensures exceptional acoustic properties.

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The reference in Sustainable Insulation

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Panels of wood chips, when associated with mineral wool or polystyrene, offer an unbeatable solution against high and low temperatures. Furthermore, they have a very attractive natural appearance and also great technical properties: excellent insulation and sound absorption, resistance to fire, easy and fast to implement at the construction work, durability and reliability, natural appearance and resistance to humidity and fungi. Wood fibre is a product derived from waste from sawmills and other wood industries. Through the application of glues and pressure with hot presses, or other methods based on mixture with water and conversion into some kind of clay, it’s possible to get a board with some mechanical resistance which is used mainly as thermal and acoustic insulation in new buildings, rehabilitations or renovations. The resulting product is lightweight and easy to handle and allows the diffusion of water vapour, preventing condensation on the walls produced by completely waterproof insulation such as polyurethane and other synthetic; its high specific heat regulates temperature changes making them smoother and more progressive, which means that they retain it during the day and transmit it during the night. Boards with high densities can stand significant compression loads, which makes them very suitable to place under floors or in other places where mechanical capabilities are needed. However, they have a lower thermal coefficient than synthetic insulation, which means higher thickness values for the same comfort. With low densities they expand by the action of moisture, which disables them from being placed outside. Finally, the wood wool offers as main advantages the ease of handling and the equal or better results against fire than traditional wool.

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S Y MB C IT Y H OUS E | S tructure




“Symbcity House”

Plateau Team’s Symbcity House prototype was originated with a clear intention to solve the problems that modern cities present and, specifically, to solve the massive and critical territorial expansion issue. The project offers a renovation of those buildings that, by some circumstances, do not accomplish the energetic demands we have nowadays, since most of them had been poorly constructed between the 50s and the 80s.

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SimCity House intends to become a real, social and affordable alternative for the construction industry, an industry that needs a total renovation in their proceedings in countries whose economy has been sustained by it for decades and that have been dying out during the current recession. Our purpose is to be more environmentally friendly and make cities sustainable through urban rehabilitation and stopping the territorial growth. We operate on housing blocks that meet some specific features. They should be 4 or more floors high, built between 40s and 80s in the suburbs of the big cities that had been constructed without energetic technique and with not enough efficiency and accessiÂŹbility. This is why Plateau Team suggests increasing of the height of the city, doing a re-densification of the existing urban fabric, using the ruins of those buildings as new urban floor.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

PREMISES OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN The extra levels of the proposal are added on top of the existing buildings. These levels are based on an external structure that allows a flexible distribution without intermediate load-bearing pillars. This allows us to transmit all structural loads directly to the ground without support and without overloading the original building. Moreover, this external structure would help us create a second new façade to the hosting building, one that would increase of the living space and, above all, that would give it a second more energetically efficient skin. So, this rehabilitation is not only in urban terms but also at a housing scale.

S Y MB C IT Y H OUS E | S tructure Another of the premises that SymbCity House has in mind is the assembly process and industrialization. For this we thought the best idea was to use a structural system based on prefabrication and industrial methods. This way, we could transport the structure in little sized pieces and then assemble them in an easy and quick manner. So, because transport is also a main issue, the structure must be as light as possible and also resistant. The pieces’ dimensions must be able to get into the trucks that will carry them having a minimum cost. Budget is one of our main concerns. The last important premise is creating a sustainable structure, with reusable or recyclable materials. This way, we can disassemble and reassemble in a different place, if requested. Life cycle analysis is another of the tools we had used when we choose the material, not only for the structure but also for the whole building.

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MATERIALS Following the method applied on a real operation over a building, the structure is formed by four braced wooden trusses. These trusses hold the deck, the enclosure and housing envelope. The tensors make the structure lighter and thinner, which is a structural and constructive advantage. The tensors are properly connected at the required points in the ground level, where they are tightened. We focused on a laminated timber structure (or sawn) based on some porches that have the help of a top bracing or “hiperstrained” based on the traditional “Fink-beam”, thus avoiding a central pillar on the porch. In the prototype of Versailles we must add an extra wooden frame to meet with the foundation proposed, one of the requirements being that the building cannot have any type of excavation. That´s why we must add intermediate support pillars.

P L AT E AU TE A M | SD E 2014

S Y MB C IT Y H OUS E | S tructure The proposal develops the idea based on a metal joints details (on plain sight or hidden) between timber elements, so operations on-site are minimal. It’s as prefabricated as possible and has the capacity to be quickly executed by an unskilled worker. The installation on-site of the porch begins from a lying position. The upper beams are placed in joints and are joined by bolts that are able to pivot. The tight joints are produced in fabric, this allowing a certain freedom in the assembly process on-site. Finally, in order to be sure that the structure will not fall down, it’s essential to develop some brace elements. Instead of using the traditional crossedbraces, our wooden walls will help the main structure to maintain itself fixed. It’s explained more in detail in the following paragraphs and drawings.

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Plateau Team

“We launched this campaign to get funding SymbiCity transport from Madrid to París.”

TAKE PART NOW “Visit our website”:

S Y MB C IT Y H OUS E | S tructure

EENHOUSE/COURTYARD ASSEMBLY PROCESS 1. Installation of the pieces in the workshop. Two main cores embedded (overhangs) with joints to the lintels. 2. Installation on-site of the frame in a lying position. The two beams are placed (upper and lower) at the joints and joined by bolts. The tight joints are produced in fabric, this allowing a certain freedom in the assembly process on-site. 3. Final steps of assembly, the structure is stiffened with wooden panels.

“The extra levels which would be built on the top of the existing building are hanging from an external structure, which allows a flexible distribution without intermediate load-bearing pillars.“ Sy mb io s i s | 32


Aldeia Do


The architects “Cannatà & Fernandes” created a self-sufficient prototype for Concreta’03 exhibition commissioned by DST and CAPA. This project was the starting point for the Club Náutico in Aldeia do Mato, located within a natural park. This module allows efficient use from an energy point of view, respecting the environment without altering it. The choice of material; WOOD, allows you to seamlessly integrate in a natural habitat.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014


The plot on which the project is situated, it belongs to a natural reserve so no change is neither required, nor environmentally constructive place. This requirement is met by the structure is pre-assembled and moved to its final location by truck or helicopter. The module is repeatable, associable almost indefinitely and self-sufficient, so they can be implemented in remote areas that have no infrastructure of water, electricity, etc... The module structure is made of steel profiles and also built on a base of metal profiles and sheet on a small area of anchor concrete. The base module separates the land, isolating terrain and moisture and improving energy losses.

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Since surround prototype DST is wood, it gives different thermal characteristics to CAPA, and has a more natural look. The efficient use of new technologies and materials achieves better energy management and infrastructure empower. A production system uses energy through solar panels combined with batteries and light bulbs.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

In addition the water supply is performed by a prefabricated container which gives three days autonomy to the prototype. Also planned are the removal of water and the location of facilities making use of the basement. The facilities incorporate the newest materials and systems to improve energy management and solve energy problems.

A LDE IA D O MATO´ S NAUT IC C LUB | P roject The prototypes designed for the company DST and CAPA in the exhibition of Concrete offer a wide variety of applications such as temporary housing, bar, kiosk, meeting place... It has an area of 3.00 x 9.00 meters long and an area of 27 square meters.

The coatings of the modules are different according to the company: DST in wood, metal and CAPA. Both materials are combined with glass windows. >> DOCUMENTATION AND PHOTOGRAPHS THANKS TO THE ARCHITECTS CANNATÀ & FERNANDES.

This small space distribution is modified to suit the different programs and to respond to their needs.

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Mo House


The Mo House project belongs to a family of projects

developed in the office FRPO in 2005 in which through a combination of simple elements are achieved complex spaces. This system offers a host of solutions, based on project specifications.

P L AT EA U T E A M | SD 2014

T H E MO H OUS E | P roject

In 2010


the office received the commission to design a single family house in a forest in the outskirts of Madrid. The presence of trees and the intention to integrate the project into the environment led to a disaggregated solution.

The program was transferred in a very direct and natural way to a number of simple rectangular pie-ces. Having in mind the environment, the relations between

the parts and the control of foreign relations, useful solutions were made 24. Finally the optimal version was selected and the plan of the MO House was this way defined. The final configuration raised two technical issues to be resolved: the high variety of angles in the joints between pieces and a penalized shape factor that would result in a negative impact on the energetic efficiency.

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Architecture: FRPO Location: Madrid. Spain Team Leaders: Pablo Oriol, Fernando Rodríguez Collaborators: Pastora Cotero, Cornelius Schmitz, Cristina Escuder, Inés Olvarrieta Consultants: Alter Materia, Miguel Nevado Model: FRPO Photos: Miguel de GuzmánFotos: Miguel de Guzmán

Furthermore, it should take into account another key issue: the proximity of the trees that should be respected when consolidates. It needed a lightweight system that could be assembled in a very accurate way, therefore, the solution adopted at first: steel skeleton with concrete slabs, was not viable. It had to be simple and thermally favourable. Finally, it was proposed a structural system

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cross-laminated wood panel by KLH. This product meets all requirements: solid structural material with high performance insulation and prefabricated CNC cutting. With 72 mm thick walls and slabs from 95 to 182 mm, the total weight of the structure would not reach one third of a conventional system. Therefore, the foundation may be of galvanized steel micropiles of 2 meters long.

T H E MO H OUS E | P roject The panels, to be prefabricated by numerically controlled cutting ensures precision at all angles.

of the work scheme. The installation process would be fast and accurate.

The thermal insulation of the enclosures is 400% higher than its conventional. The structure is insulating, continuous, lightweight, precise and extremely thin.

The nature of the project remained intact and its technical requirements had led it to the discovery of a new project matter. >> DOCUMENTATION AND PHOTOGRAPHS THANKS TO THE

The floor of the house could be a direct transposition


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APH80 Transportable House BY ABATON STUDIO

A balon

Studio proposes in this project a housing model for two individuals with capacity to be moved itself. It is a prefabricated house designed to be built between 6 to 8 days, transported by road and mounted in a single day.

P L AT E A U T EA M | SD E 2014


A PH 8 0 T R A N S POR TA B LE H OUS E | P roject


The objective described by the architects is reaching for

peace and tranquility in rural areas through a fun house, and for a price of 21.900 euros. The rectangular floored space is divided into three subspaces containing the functions of kitchen, living and bath. The house seeks symbiosis with the natural environment, so it tries to realize these activities on a sustainable way, through the reuse of resources while it’s operating and the recycling of materials during its construction.

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The main material is wood, in structure and also in insulation and cladding. Agglomerate panels of wood and concrete, with a thickness of 10 cm, are used for the isolation that covers the structure and give the grayish exterior that can be observed. This type of isolation is a key in the project for the implementation of the architect’s speech, because it makes possible the sustainable functioning of the house. The interior is made of wood from fir trees, in contrast to the exterior, to give the space a warm and pleasant character.

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“100x100madera, company dedicated to the construction of design houses, energy efficiency, ecological and salubrious, presents a low consumption school in Madrid.”

P L AT EA U T E A M | SD 2014

WA LD OR F S C H OOL | P roject SUSTAINABILIT Y AND RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. M ATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM: Finnish red pine wood is used in its construction, a recyclable and non-toxic ecological resource, which has a low cost energy in its production, and also warranty seals certifying that it is taking advantage of managed forests in a rational way, according to sustainability principles. All materials used in our buildings take into account these principles of sustainable construction. We use materials such as natural cellulose or fiberglass wood for insulation, paints with natural pigments, vegetable oils or pure silicate for the finishes and Cork and natural wood for flooring and interior finishes.

coefficient (0,15 Kw/m2 º C can reach up to 0. 09 Kw/m2°C) that prevents cold/heat transfer, contributing to energy savings. The woodwork of the buildings is made of laminated wood with triple glazing with low-e glass. The vegetation of the garden roofs will be of very low maintenance, using a drip irrigation system that will recycle part of the discarded water by the building and will recover rain water. The orientation and arrangement of holes as well as the cantilever of the parasols cover shall foster the energy exchange with the environment, allowing solar radiation in the most unfavorable months and avoiding it in the warmer months.

The construction system of the wall allows that it to have high thermal inertia and a low transmission

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Whenever the need arises a temporary structure ... Rehasa Structures specializes exclusively to the design, calculation and execution of special structures, prefabricated buildings, front stabilizers, propping, shoring, etc. dedication company.

You decide, we design and build your home ... Wooden Houses of ecological maximum energy efficiency.

The importance of a healthy home...

WA LD OR F S C H OOL | P roject

SALUBRITY IN THE EDIFICATION. QUALITY OF THE AIR AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY: In addition to respect for the environment, this type of construction has the added value of salubrity for its users - in this case more logically being the user children-. Not only by the nature of the materials used and the construction system, but also by the quality of indoor air that will be continuously clean and renovated, filtering particles such as mites, pollen, etc. , and thus avoiding the stale air, which increases the risk of continuous transmission of diseases that emerge in early childhood. It has a renewal system and passive air-conditioning which extracts stale air from rooms as bathrooms, and insufflates clean outside air. To avoid energy losses, they intersect without mixing in a heat exchanger by heat transfer from the air extracted to the insulated in winter, and vice versa during the summer, thereby generating the renewal of air in all rooms but without energy losses. It is therefore a system that allows acclimating the building in a sustainable, economical and healthy way with very low consumption. The elimination of thermal bridges and leak control in air in the constructive system employed, prevents heat loss, avoids pathologies due to condensation of moisture contained in the indoor air as fungus, etc.


BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE Following the principles of the education and health method of Waldorf pedagogy, an organic building is proposed, in permanent contact with nature, sustainable in its construction and eco-efficient in their maintenance, or what is the same, a passive building with almost zero power consumption.

Functional solution: From the functional point of view, it’s trying to generate a healthy environment for children, promoting a free and creative atmosphere, in constant contact with nature, and in line with the pedagogical method Waldorf. For this end, classrooms, distributed like petals, open outward in search of light and contact with the environment, creating a diffuse boundary between the inside and the outside.

Formal solution: As if it were a flower that emerges from nature itself, it’s designed like an organic building, looking for its integration with the surroundings. According to sustainability criteria, for its construction eco-friendly and recycled materials such as wood are used, from the structure to the exterior finishes and interiors.

The central space, the generator element of the whole project, stitches all the rooms and becomes the nerve centre, from where all access, movements, are articulated. The sinuous form of the external roads, simulating stems, help to create the image of living nature intended in the building.

The vegetation also will be part of the skin and will be integrated in it, it will be employ in a roof garden, turning it into one of the main materials in its constuction.

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Tech House

IT IS POSIBLE TO BUILD A HOUSE ON TOP OF ON A BULDING? “Finsa shares the Tech House Project experience” >> First house constructed on top of a building roof in Lisbon. >> It’s a passive house built with wood.

When there are few months left for the Solar De-

cathlon 2014, Finsa as our sponsor wants to share the experience gained by the House Tech project, the first house built on top of roof of an already existing building in Lisbon. The idea comes from Mathieu and Lucy Gerardin, the landlords, who managed to make it possible with the help of João Gois of JAG architects. Gravalima, of the Group Granifinas, executed the project by using the Finsa SuperPan Tech P5 structural planks in the Granihouse Passive House system; that was developed by André Vaz and João Carlos for ecological building with high energy efficiency and soundproofing, fire and seismic protection.

P L A T E A U T EA M | SD E 2014

This house meets the passive house criteria, with very low energy consumption. The Passive House system is a standard to improve the energy efficiency in buildings that achieves up to a 75% energy savings compared to conventional buildings, and according to the regulations.

This House, located in the number 33 of the Avenida António Augusto de Aguiar (a privileged place in the heart of Lisbon overlooking the outlet of the Tagus and Marquês de Ponbal square), expected to be a point of reference for future constructions of this type, since it has a very low specific weight and it has taken into account ,from the idea to its execution, the modular construction and transport, specific techniques that allow a rapid execution on top of the roof of an already constructed building.


“The use of wood also contributes to the reduction of the carbon footprint” says André Vaz, one of the system designers.

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T E C H H OUS E | P roject

This constructive system breaks free from some traditions of modular housing. First of all, the house is not completely assembled in the workshops in order to have bigger modules, and an easier way to transport them. The Granihouse model develops different walls in the workshop, that are subsequently assembled in place, and with that it’s possible to built larger surfaces from 29 m2 to 300 m2 on the same volume. The time of construction and assembly of a 100m 2house (completely ready to live in) is between three and four months.


Plateau Team

Project Architect

S: ÂżWhy use wood structures over other materials most frequently used in Spain as concrete or brick? J: Currently I think it is necessary to redirect the construction industry towards more sustainable development. The wood and wood products are one of the most suitable materials for this purpose, both technical and environmental qualities; it is a durable, recyclable, lightweight, durable, insulating (thermal and acoustic) and allows a fast construction. The growing innovations in wood industry and its merits, stimulate to rethink conventional building systems as well as promote a more efficient energy construction and more sustainable, as it consumes less energy in processing and produces less impact than other materials over the entire product life cycle.

S: How the weather influences the wood? Is the climate of Madrid a suitable climate for the use of wood? J: The design becomes very important when dealing with climate actors in a certain location. The main harmful climatic agents are the sun and rain, acting on the wood surface and surface protection thereof. In the design phase should be sought protect the wood of both agents as possible. In our case, all structural wood elements are properly protected (by eaves, waterproofing, finishes treated, arrangement of parts inside) being exposed to the

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JesĂşs Morales


weather only structural frames. In any case, in a climate like Madrid, solar radiation would be the most disturbing agent, especially in the summer season, but with proper treatment and eventual maintenance of the same, we consider that it would not be a crucial factor when choosing wood as a building material.

S: Being exempt and outdoor the structure that arises: What measures have you taken into consideration when it comes to project it? J: Wood as a material has natural durability, i.e. an intrinsic resistance against attack by destroying organisms. The first thing that is done is a defensive protection in the design phase. This has been taken into consideration to avoid, insulate and protect the boot of the structure from the ground to avoid wettings from soils. Also, eaves are designed to protect the facades from rain and direct sunlight. Finally, have provided ventilated air chambers and vapor barriers to ensure fast drying and the appearance of condensation. In the freestanding pillars seeks to protect the ends by a metal element as this part is the most susceptible to degradation. Furthermore,to be a outside structure, will be performed a treatment by autoclaving (empty-empty) to achieve control the amount of protective product on the pores of the wood and ensure better durability.

ME E T OUR T E A M | I n terv iew

“Wood is a material with very good resistance capacity and works by section according to the efforts that it is subject. “

S: Why did you use a tensioned structure? J: In our proposal for urban project we will confront many different types of buildings. We must be prepared to undertake and be conformed structurally to the different dimensions and corridors. Wood is a material with good resistance capacity and that works by section according to the efforts that it is subject. Faced with large lights (10-15 m.) the efforts that would require this material, would be high and would have to use very powerful sections.One of our main, is that our prototype be as light as possible, therefore, the use of tensioning allows us to reduce around 50% bending efforts. Also, cables have become an industrialized and widely used due to its simplicity element, versatility, resistanceand economy. Steel and wood are two materials that complement and work perfectly together.

tain elements that are not limited in cross-section, length or shape. Thus, also obviates the difficulty of obtaining large pieces, free from harmful or undesirable defects. Laminated wood is a more homogeneous material that sawnwood because of its production process, the thickness of its foils (less than 50mm) allows more efficient drying, the bonded foils possess a greater fire resistance and resistance is up to 30% higher than that of a solid wood of the same dimensions.

S: What type of maintenance required this wooden structure? How will endure over the years? J: The wood protection should be considered as natural, not to mention that almost all materials need protection. This protection is chemically and focuses on introducing the necessary amount of protection product, according to the degradations or risks to which they may be subject (risk classes).


Thus, cables only endure traction and efforts to “pull” the center of the span and overhangs, transmitting these thrusts to the pillars and significantly reducing the moments generated in the beams.

S: What benefits you obtain with the laminated wood regard to other woods?

J: The Laminated Wood is a versatile material, that is formed with pieces of wood together with adhesive at both ends and sides, so that the fibers are parallel to the axis of the element. In this way we can ob-

In the circumstances, with significant demands, we will go to a mechanism autoclave (empty-empty). This consists of 3 phases: initial vacuum to remove some of the air of wood, introducing atmospheric pressure protector and final vacuum to regulate the amount of added product. This type of system has very good results and greatly improves the durability of exterior wood.

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Symbcity House

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S Y MB C IT Y H OUS E | S pon s ors

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