PLATFORM Magazine Issue 01: 'Portrait of a Girl'

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Amanda Owen Sasha Karelina Shannon Peck John Hill Carolin Lukasz Wierzbowski Kimi Selfridge Victor Habchy Yulia Longo Leslie Niemoller Masha Svyatogor Sveta Gracheva

Issue 01 Portrait of a Girl

PLATFORM Welcome to the first edition of PLATFORM Magazine: a new online magazine dedicated to sourcing and showcasing emerging photographic talent from all across the world. We’ll be publishing an online issue quarterly, here at, with a new theme each time and, more importantly a new set of wonderful photographers to feast your eyes upon. We’re here to try and push emerging talent to the surface and expose work that we feel deserves to be seen. Beautiful images aren’t made to be hidden away in print boxes or stored forever in shiny hard-drives. They’re made to be looked at, and felt. They’re made to be seen. So, here you go... We’re launching the magazine with Issue 01: Portrait of a Girl. We hope you enjoy it. Happy looking. The PLATFORM Team.

Lukasz Wierzbowski 29, Poland

Photography is... the witness of our existence.

‘‘I was a dental technician who gravitated towards psychology who eventually became a photographer. After all the time of searching I finally feel I'm in the right place with my life. I would be the happiest person if I continue doing what I do. I started taking pictures when I was a third year student of psychology studies. It was a good way to relax after day spent in front of the books. I started posting photos from these escapades on flickr. Soon I realised that It actually gives me a lot of joy and something that was a hobby of mine turned into my career.’’

Carolin 16, Germany

Photography is...creating something beautiful

Amanda Owen 19, from Sweden, lives in Stockholm

Photography is....what keeps me sane (when the world isn't)

"I am not a verbal person and never have been. My biggest childhood-trauma is the feeling of never being heard. It’s a feeling I can only compare with claustrophobia. I think this is why I quite early turned to photography. That way I could process my feelings and express myself without having to care if people saw or read whatever I had created. I did it only for myself, and still do. "

Sasha Karelina 24, Russia

Photography is...a nice tool to create your own statement about what you have seen, to express feelings and thoughts. &

Kimi Selfridge 25, born in Southern California, raised in Miami Beach and lives in Brooklyn, NY

Photography is.... a form of self-expression that allows to me encapsulate a moment into one timeless image.

‘‘I shoot to express my personal experiences and feelings that I can’t express with words.’’

‘‘I’m a visual artist with a focus on film photography, styling, and mixed media collage. My biggest inspiration is artist Julie Verhoeven.’’

Shannon Peck 19, Norwich, England

Photography is....beautiful

‘‘I love beauty. So this is what I try to capture in my photographs. I shoot people because I think that their beauty is extremely versatile. I love how the slightest movement of an eyebrow, or the twitch of a lip can change someone’s expression. I rely on expressions in my photographs to portray feelings and idea’s to anyone who might look at my work.’’

‘‘I want my work to grow, and improve. Ideally I’d like to work for fashion magazines in the future, working on beauty, editorial and portraits.’’

Masha Svyatogor 23, Minsk, Belarus.

Photography is...the focus of personal experiences.

John Hill 21, California

Photography is....punk rock

Leslie Niemoller 50, from Germany and lives in Cologne/Germany

Photography is...emotion. Happiness, sadness.....all about life....

Sveta Gracheva 21, Born in a town called Peresvet, lives in St Petersburg

Photography is...the way to clean up your mind.

‘’When I was a child I loved to watch my dad’s displayed film in the dark. When I was 14-15 years old I got my first Olympus camera. I like to take selfportraits and portraits of my soulmate. I think it's a good way to tell you about myself; it's better than words.’’

Yulia Longo From Saint-Petersburg, Russia, lives in Taranto, Italy

Photography is... a perfect medium for expression and communication. It is an art and it's a lifestyle.

Victor Habchy 21, from France, lives in Paris

Photography is.... a way to see the world in a whole new perspective and to appreciate all the little things that make the light beautiful.

PLATFORM Visit for information on how to submit work and be a contributor in Issue 02.

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