Official Ceremony

Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
The European Hotel A wards were launched by References Hoteliers Restaurateurs Inter national magazine in 2018 in Strasbourg during EGAST exhibition The 2nd edition took place at the Grand Hotel K empinski in Geneva , in March 2019. The 3rd edition took place in W Barcelona in Spain, on February 1, 2020. The 4th edition was held in Fair mont Grand Hotel Geneva on october 10th, 2022. Chapter 5 will take place in Barcelona at the Sofitel Barcelona Skipper on Monday, November 6, 2023. Once a year, we draw up a list of potential candidates for eligibility for the European Hotel A wards. All choices are made according to professional criteria and geographical distribution in different European countries Thus during a prestigious ceremony dedicated to the European Hotel A wards, we receive the winners, the jury, our VIP guests and celebrities. Following this annual.
Trained at Namur Hotel Sch
r t is a high-level business executive specializing in the m otel industry. From Hilton Inter national EMEA , via the , Michel Stalpor t’s career is paved with success. Climb al Director F&B, through General Manager, to Vice-Pr or Radisson Hotel Group since december 2022, is a liv
“ I feel very privileged he European Hotel Awards 2023. For me, th hlighting the talents of
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
eMichel Stalpor t President of Chapter 2023Trained at Namur Hotel School and Ecole hôtelière de L ausanne, Michel Stalpor t is a high-level business executive specializing in the management and development of the inter national hotel industry. From Hilton Inter national EMEA , via the Walt Disney company to the Radisson Hotel Group, Michel Stalpor t’s career is paved with success. Climbing all levels of the hierarchical chain, from Regional Director F&B, through General Manager, to Vice-President Easter n Europe & Russia and Senior Advisor Radisson Hotel Group since december 2022, is a living legend in the European hotel industry.
“ I feel very privileged to have the honor of being the President of the European Hotel Awards 2023. For me, this is a great opportunity to contribute to highlighting the talents of the European hotel industry. “
Claudia Tapardel is a European public figure, a global public speaker and an enthusiastic entrepreneur, with a high exper tise in european affairs, especially transpor t and tourism. She is the Founder and CEO of
CT EU A ffairs, a for mer Member of the European Parliament and Chair of European Tourism Intergroup. With a PhD in Management and Strategic Planning, she has an intensive political, legislative, negotiation, strategic communication and business management experience and skills
As official Ambassador of European Hotel Awards and former Member of European Parliament, I am so proud and motivated to bring my expertise to hotel & tourism sector in Europe ”
Alber t Rouwendal, a Dutch national, is a leading inter national hospitality professional with years of experience and success under his belt. He was until recently Director of Operation Officer and General Manager for the Benelux of Movenpick Hotels & Resor ts, based in Amsterdam. And oversaw, as General Manager, Sunrise K empinski and Yanqi Island hotels with a team of 1,000 employees. In his career, he has held several management positions for renowned inter national luxury hotel groups, including IHG, Shangri-L a, Hilton, K empinski and of course Movenpick in Europe, the Middle East, A frica and Asia. Alber t Rouwendal is an exper t in the luxury hospitality sector.
“As Vice-President Hospitality of European Hotel Awards and Member of the board, I am very honored to participate in the promotion of ours peers in search of excellence”
Former general manager for 25 years of the famous and legendary Café de Paris in Monte-Carlo, Principality of Monaco, Stefano Brancato, of Italian nationality, is an exper t in the F&B sector. A t the head of the Café de Paris for a quar ter of a century, with a team of 230 employees, in high season, and an average of 1,000 customers per day, Stefano Brancato has proven his high skills in this specific area. Recently, he was honored by HSH Prince Alber t II of Monaco with the title of: Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Charles, the highest of Monegasque distinctions, ahead of the Order of Grimaldi
“ For me, the European Hotel Awards represent a great opportunity to honor the best employees who provide excellent services to customers, in the F&B departments of hotels. This employment sector really needs recognition. ”
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
Guillaume Gomez, for mer chef of the Presidency of the French Republic and president of the Chefs de la République. Since 2021, he has been appointed personal representative of the President of the Republic for gastronomy, food and the culinary ar ts
“I accept with pleasure the permanent honorary presidency of the presentation of the “European Hotels Awards by References”. Paris, March 21, 2017.”
Professional in the hotel industry for more than 40 years, Thierry L avalley is a highly experienced general manager in the luxury hotel sector: Swissôtel Hotels and Resor ts, K empinski Hotels and Accor GroupHôtels Fair mont & Resor ts. He was also President of the Société des Hôteliers de Genève for several years, responsible for defending the interests and rights of Geneva hoteliers. Holder of numerous inter national accolades and awards, Thierry L avalley is recognized by the world hotel industry as a high-level personality.
“ The European Hotel Awards are a great initiative to highlight the hotel industry in Europe. Since their creation, I fully support the institutional spirit of these awards. “
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
Ten to twleve awards are given each year at the prestigious European Hotel A wards ceremony. The winners previously selected by the members of the committee are contacted for the organization of the ceremony and their attendance at the event.
The European Hotel A wards are given to establishments or individuals in the european hospitality industry.
Among the main awards: Hotel of the Year, Historic Hotel, Char ming Hotel, Spa of the Year, Hotel Restaurant, General Manager of the Year, Food & Beverage Manager, Hotel General Housekeeper… and the Millenium Recongnition A ward to honor an entire Lifetime Achievment.
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
The landmarks of the European Hotels A wards are based on individual or collective human qualities, confir med professionalism and great respect for customers in the rules of the ar t. Individual or collective, the prestigious European Hotels A wards trophies highlight the high quality of the European hotel industry.
Michel Stalpor t President of Chapter 2023Thus, the European Hotel A wards are given to women and men who, through the passion for their profession, the excellence of their work and their human qualities, sign the letters of nobility of the European luxury hotel industry.
Trained at Namur Hotel Sch l d E l hô liè d L Mi h l S l r t is a high-level business executive specializing in the otel industry. From Hilton Inter national EMEA , via the p, Michel Stalpor t’s career is paved with success. Climb al Director F&B, through General Manager, to Vice-P or Radisson Hotel Group since december 2022, is a liv
“ I feel very privileged he European Hotel Awards 2023. For me, th hlighting the talents of
1. The European Hotel A wards annually honor outstanding personal and professional achievement in hospitality, gastronomy, luxury tourism and other achievements as provided for in these rules and approved by the Board of European Hotel A wards
2 The European Hotel A wards are presented at the annual award ceremonies, which are held in different European main cities
3 The European Hotel A wards are given to 4-star, 5-star and 5-star luxury hotels, also in the Palace categories, as well as to hotel restaurants, renowned gour met restaurants, hotel spas, or individually, to women and men with a recognized function in these hotels, restaurants or spas All must be located in European territory for the main awards
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
4 A f ter being selected by the Board of European Hotel A wards, the future winners are officially infor med of the granting of a European Hotel A ward in a category that concer ns them. In order to validate the granting of this award, the future winners or establishments, represented by one of their leaders, must also agree to receive it and at the same time guarantee their attendance at the evening ceremony.
eMichel Stalpor t President of Chapter 20235. No financial contribution is requested from the winners for the gala evening, cocktail and dinner. One night’s accommodation is fully provided at a preferential price by the organization in the par tner hotel of the European Hotel A wards
Trained at Namur Hotel School and Ecole hôtelière de L ausanne, Michel Stalpor t is a high-level business executive specializing in the management and development of the inter national hotel industry. From Hilton Inter national EMEA , via the Walt Disney company to the Radisson Hotel Group, Michel Stalpor t’s career is paved with success. Climbing all levels of the hierarchical chain, from Regional Director F&B, through General Manager, to Vice-President Easter n Europe & Russia and Senior Advisor Radisson Hotel Group since december 2022, is a living legend in the European hotel industry.
6 The European Hotel A wards, in the for m of a prestigious and honorary golden sculpture, honor each year the following categories : Hotel of the Year • Historic Hotel of the Year • Boutique Hotel of the Year* • Green Award – Contribution to Sustainable Development* • Hotel Restaurant of the Year • Spa Hotel of the Year* • A wards Special Ar t of Receiving * • Reception Manager
* • General Manager of Hotel • General Manager of Hotel * • Director of Catering * • Executive Chef of Hotel Restaurant • General Housekeeper of Hotel * • Millenium Recognition A ward – Lifetime Achievement * . Other specific categories may be awarded* to honor contributors of excellence in European hospitality, gastronomy and tourism These exceptional categories are decided by the Board of the European Hotel A wards in special consultation.
“ I feel very privileged to have the honor of being the President of the European Hotel Awards 2023. For me, this is a great opportunity to contribute to highlighting the talents of the European hotel industry. “
* Are not given every year. Check our website for more details:
2022 Winners - hotel partner - fairmont grand hotel geneva
• Ezio Indiani, Dorchester Collection, milan, italie, general manager of the Year
• Casa Fuster 5* luxe, Barcelona, Espagne – Vintage Boutique Hotel of Hotel of the Year
• Polonia Palace 5*, Varsovie, Pologne – Heritage Luxury Hotel of the Year
• Hilton Amsterdam, Pays-Bas – Urban Lifestyle hotel of the Year
• Shangri-L a Paris 5* Luxe, Paris, France – Palace of the Year
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
• Groupe Millésime, Bordeaux, France – Innovative Hotel concept of the Year
• Palais Ronsard, Marrakech, Maroc – European hotel know-how
• Fair mont Grand Hotel Geneva, Geneva, Suisse, Green A ward of the Year
• Mr Michel Stalpor t, Radisson Hotels, Bruxelles, Belgium – Lifetime achievement A ward
• Mme Amandine Chapignac – Fair mont Grand Hotel Geneva,Suisse, Front Office Manager of the year
• Madame Claudia Tapardel, Roumanie, European Tourism development Contributor
2020 winners - partner hotel - W barcelona - marriott
• Anna Albuixech, Ohla Boutique Hotel, Spain for General Manager of Hotel of the Year,
• Anti L epik, Executive Chef Special A wards of the Year, Tallink Cruise, Estonia
e• Daniel Muñoz,W Barcelona, Spain, F&B manager of the Year,
• Ferran & Alber t Adria, Ibiza, Spain, Most Innovative Restaurant of the Year
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
• Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa, Estonia, Historic Hotel of The Year
• Monastero Santa Rosa, Conca dei Marini, Italy, Hotel of The Year
• Fair mont Grand Hotel Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, Urban Lifestyle Hotel of the Year
• Enoteca Pinchiorri, Florence, Italy, Restaurant of the Year
Michel Stalpor t President of Chapter 2023• Georges Blanc, Vonnas, france, Millenium Recognition A ward 2020
- hotel partner - grand hotel kempinski geneva
• François Delahaye, Dorchester Collection, London, United Lingdom Chief operating Officer of the Year
• Stijn Oyen, W Barcelona, Spain, Marriott, General Manager of the Year
• Luis Casqueira, Memmo Hotels, Lisbon, Por tugal, Hotel Manager of the Year
• Christophe Poard, Chef and Food & Beverage Manager of The Year
e• Jacques Chibois, Grasse, France, Life Achievement A ward
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
• Helena Nascimento, Grand Hotel K empinski Geneva, General Housekeeper of the Year
• Esplanade Hotel, Zagreb, Croatia, Historic Hotel of the Year - Ivica Max Krizmanic
• The Europe Hotel & Resor t, Killar ney, Irlande, Hotel Spa of the Year
• Regina Hotel, Wengen, Swizzerland, Welcome A ward
• Hotel de Paris, Monte- Carlo, Monaco, Hotel Bar of the Year
• L a Maison des Bois by Marc Veyrat, Manigod, France, Mountain Hotel of the Year
Trained at Namur Hotel School and Ecole hôtelière de L ausanne Michel Stalpor t is a high-level business executive Inter nati is paved General since
2018 Winners - Partner egast - gl events - strasbourg
e• Thierry Lavalley, Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, General Manager of the Year
• Hôtel Aria, Prague, Czech Republic, Design Hotel of the Year
• Grand hôtel Tremezzo, Tremezzo, Italy Hotel of the Year
• Hôtel la Maison des Têtes, Colmar, France, Historic Hotel of the Year
• La Villa Loiseau des Sens, Saulieu, France, Hotel Spa of the Year
• Sven Elverfeld, Aqua, Wolfsburg, Germany, Restaurant of the Year
• Café de Paris Monte-Carlo S.B.M., Monte-Carlo, Monaco, Historic Brasserie of the Year
• Romain Fornell, Caelis, Barcelona, Spain, Cook of Hotel Restaurant of the Year
Each year, the selection committee, made up of European personalities, hospitality and gastronomy professionals, validates a list of potential candidates eligible for the European Hotel A wards accolades. The winners are recognized professionals from the world of hospitality or tourism specialist.
• Skylounge Amsterdam, Nederlands, Hotel Bar of the Year
• Florian Muigg, Bristol Hotel, Salzburg, Austria, Chief concierge of the Year
• Marie-Fleur Raynard Laude, La Réserve Paris – Hôtel et Spa, Paris, France, General Housekeeper of the Year
• Albert Rouwendal, Movenpick Hotel, Amsterdam, Nederlands, Life Achievement Award
• Miquel Gotanegra, Roses, Spain, Tourism Contributor of the Year
• Pascal Silman, French Cook Consulting, France, Food Consultant of the Year
Trained at Namur Hotel School and Ecole hôtelière de L ausanne, Michel Stalpor t is a high-level business executive ag n Inter nati t e is paved a ic General M en Ru since december 2022, is a living legend in the European hotel industry.
n f o r m a t o n n o n c o n t r a c t u e eo r g a n i s a t e u r s e r é s e r v e e d r o t d e m o d f e r o u t e s e s c o n d t i o n s d e l é v é n e m e n t a v a n t a d a e d e l é v é n e m e n t p a r u n a v e n a n t c o n t r a c t u e