Approximately 300 business leaders, The Grand Brighton
The most spectacular business event in the calendar is back! It’s time to put the last 18 months behind us! And what a better way to do it in the business world, than to get together with 300 business friends that we meet on an annual basis (apart from the year that shall not be mentioned!)...?
helped develop new professional relationships for over a thousand decision makers over the years.
This can only be the ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION! Normally held in the spring, this year it will be held on November 9th 2021 as they refuse to go two years without it! The ACUMEN BUSINESS CONVENTION is an annual event, held at the luxurious Grand Brighton, and the 2021 event will be the 11th year that the event has been held. As one of the largest business events outside of London, the convention has successfully inspired, educated and
Zebra dancers performing live
“The last 18 months have been challenging to all us of us, both personally as well as within our businesses and we really want to make it an event of celebration!” says Penina Shepherd, Founder and CEO of Acumen. “We want to see people laughing, being inspired and making meaningful FACE TO FACE connections and have all this sprinkled with some Acumen magic”. Being all about celebrating the local community, the event not only supports a charity every year but also brings local heroes to the arena stage. Our local heroes share with our attendees how their businesses can thrive in the local community so, as a guest, be prepared to learn a lesson (or two…). Overall, the speakers year on year have left guests moved, educated and wowed.