WHAT CAN WE DO? It is time to stop waiting for politicians to do something about the environment. It is time to stop thinking that someone else will sort it out. They won’t. It is up to you, me and every other human on the planet to act. By Maarten Hoffmann Not by being an idiot and sitting on the M25 – that is totally counterproductive and results in 30,000 people at a time hating you, your cause and your blind stupidity. Making people miss births, deaths, weddings, funerals, meetings, vacations, hospitals, birthdays and more does not help their cause. Sit outside parliament, MP’s homes and surgeries, government offices and the like. The law makers, not us poor folk just trying to make a living. In addition, the hours of static traffic is actually increasing the pollution issues ten-fold. Rather, donate money to NGO conservation agencies, use your vote to throw out any MP that does not fully commit to change, cut down flying, driving, buying new clothes, buying plastic crap
❛❛ We can make a
difference but it takes sacrifice – a small sacrifice compared to the planet becoming uninhabitablee ❜❜
and eating meat and fish, put a sweater on and turn off the heating this winter, stop wasting food, insulate your home, throw out that log burning stove, up-cycle, stop drinking bottled water, fit solar panels to your home, obsess over every drop of water you use and teach your children to live differently. These might feel like small things but there are 67 million of us in the UK so that would make a significant difference. Then if all citizens of Europe followed suit, that’s another 447 million and so it goes on. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE but it takes sacrifice – a small sacrifice compared to the planet becoming uninhabitable. Sadly, in my opinion, there is no stopping it. We have done far too much damage to reverse it before nature destroys us all but if we can delay it, that might give technology a chance to catch up and mitigate the worst of the effects - possibly.