DIVERSITY IN ACTION AT SUSSEX INNOVATION Nigel Lambe, CEO of the Sussex Innovation Centre, answers the question of why Diversity and Inclusion is important to business success: Our cultures, backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs shape our thinking. When organisations create a workforce with similar backgrounds, decision making tends to be homogenous and produce the same outcomes, time af ter time. However, when we embrace cultural difference and a broad range of experiences and beliefs and create an environment where sharing opinions is encouraged, it challenges our preconceptions and we start to think differently, reassess and change our approach. This drives innovation, continuous improvement, change management and ultimately, success.
Fundamentally, innovation requires collaboration. Hence, diversity is not only inclusive practice, but a key component of innovation. Studies and observations on diverse work environments suggest that they result in greater progression and acceleration of innovative thinking. McKinsey’s examination of racial diversity in workplaces across multiple countries, including Canada and the United States, showed a 35% increase in potential financial returns. Other research has found that businesses championing gender diversity on their executive teams were more competitive and 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability.
Individually, we can challenge our own concepts of innovation and ‘progressive thinking’ through exposure to the experiences of our peers of different cultures and heritage. This in turn works to challenge ignorance and discrimination at work and emphasises a culture of self-reflection, selfawareness, and empathy. These are all key development points which we at Sussex Innovation aim to facilitate, leading to the formation of our Diversity and Inclusion Action group. The creation of this group solidifies our obligation to challenge existing norms, beliefs and existing business practices which may undervalue or discriminate against underrepresented communities, signalled by the Black Lives Matter Movement in the summer of 2020. We believe that celebrating difference should also be met with acknowledging the disparities of racial privilege in business.