The Power Of Apprenticeships 45% of Invotra’s workforce are current or qualified apprentices ”The apprenticeship scheme at Invotra offers an incredible journey, one I am extremely thankful for. Not only are you supported to reach your potential, you are also put into meaningful work situations to gain vital experience. To now be managing the board and the direction of the business is a true reflection of how much the apprenticeship scheme has had an impact on my success.” Billy Clackers (30), Managing Director, Invotra Invotra Limited, a leading provider of enterprise intranets based in Surrey, has been championing the UK Government’s apprenticeship scheme and nurturing homegrown talent for over 10 years. The apprenticeship scheme is available to school leavers and young people as an alternative to going to university or sixth form, or anyone of any age wanting to upskill or change careers. It follows a learn as you earn approach, giving apprentices real work experience whilst gaining a qualification. Back in 2011, Invotra made a decision - in order to get the best talent, they would not recruit but instead develop their own. At that early stage in the growth of Invotra, the notion of hiring apprentices was one of economic necessity, with the high cost of recruiting software engineers or Drupal experts.
Driving a culture of learning and development Invotra is incredibly proud of the results of its apprenticeship scheme and has seen it drive an enthusiastic, energetic culture that has learning and development at its core. This team culture and work ethic has allowed Invotra to achieve incredible loyalty and retention in staff, reflected in its 77% retention rate for apprentices over the last 5 years. The scheme has also allowed Invotra to overcome national skills shortages across roles, but in particular in Software Development, which ranks in the top 3 of the UK’s worst skill shortages.
Today, 40% of Invotra’s Board members are qualified apprentices.
The BCS, Chartered Institute for IT Award for’ National SME Employer of the Year’ at the National Apprenticeship Awards
‘South East SME Employer of the Year’ at the National Apprenticeship Awards Listed by the UK Government’s apprenticeship scheme as a ‘Top 100 Apprenticeship Employer of the Year’ for two years running.
Fast forward 11 years, Clackers and Dube now sit on the Invotra Board of Directors, as Managing Director and Technology Director respectively.
Monica Rowlinson (18), Digital Marketing Apprentice at Invotra
Alison has been a driving force behind Invotra’s successful apprenticeship programme that has seen the business recognised through several awards:
“Lifetime Achievement” Award at National Business Women’s Awards for Alison Galvin
Utilising the apprenticeship scheme, Invotra took on its first 2 apprentices, Billy Clackers and Nqobile Dube, both aged 18 at the time.
”I instantly felt like I was part of the team, being pushed and given real tasks to do within the first few days. It’s clear to see that every single team member is treated with equal importance and value, and this has really stood out to me.”
In September 2022, Inv Group’s Chief People Officer, Alison Galvin was awarded an Honorary MBE for services to education.
The trusted provider for 47% of UK Civil Servants, Invotra provides services for organisations such as the Home Office, Department for Work and Pensions and Department for Transport, as well as local authorities, ALBs and private sector organisations ranging from 35 employees through to 100,000+. Get in touch today at to see how we can help you to transform your digital communications.