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body - barrier - resist | απαγόρευση - παράβαση - απόλαυση | body - diagram - abominable | female sex - changing curve - peak | person - landscape | sentient - allegory - world feeling - becomes - mine | notion - eye - geotypical - part of | afraid - touched - words | self-penetration - see | naked - mystical non-body - travel - universality | attraction - repulsion - becoming - eternal | voice - language - sense | απαγόρευση ανθρώπινη | egg - transitions - experience lack - desire - excess - signification - impossibility | lack - planned - social | territory - critical - survival | sense - geographical - historical | history - geography - earth | body - order - no sense - lack | differed | lack - error - genesis membrane - deepest - skin | limit - membrane - topology - inside | penetrate - coexist - limit | depth - surface envelop | body - territorialization - deterritorialization - reterritorialization | body - marking emancipation - being - acme - tension | attitude - illustrating | storyline - weaving - unfinish | assemblage - passage - medium | essence - recess - drifting desire - contains - place | ταλάντωση - παράβαση - γνώση | συνείδηση - αμάρτημα - φρίκη - απόλαυση | torture amorphous - fluid | ενδίδω - φρίκη - επιθυμία | artificial - sentient - proturbances | posession - without limitations - giving of cave-like - vagina | tongue - flesh - inorganic - feel | mask - phallus - incoherent | body - diagram | male - female | only - excitement - unlimited depth - parasitic - insufflations - fluid | αγωνία - φρίκη - αμάρτημα | hysteria - shifts - disgust | piercing - slippery fluid | emit - simulacra - sensory body - silence - works | fetishize - substantialization - sense effect | syllogism - conceal - mimicry | depth - value extent | earth - Others | body - object - perception - desire | detour - pull down - relate phallus - without body - insignia | wounded - repair - evocative phallus | integration - projected - adventure - fragmented | risks - devours - castrates | signifier - coordination - erogenous | not penetrate - interfacing - ensuring self-buggery | touched | naked - mystical | θραύοντας - ξεσχίζει | eat - absorption - disorders | depart - dislocation | self-penetration | vanish - becomes - mine | language - fix - infinite - equivalance αθετήσει - υποταχθεί - παράβαση | overcome - betrayal | anticipates - afraid | denial - guaratees | λάθρα - συνείδηση | transit - affirmation - denial λάθρα - έξω - νευρωτικό σύμπτωμα | schizoid - voice - noise - speech | eye - point - dislocation | psychoanalysis complexies - historical | history - foundation - geography - fertile αγωνία - εμπειρία - ευαισθησία - θρησκευτική | entrusting - changing - drifting - variability | difference - overcome rich - world | torture - resist - interrupted | living | symbolised εμπειρία - περατωμένη παράβαση | denial | transcends - limits - restores | language - limit | following - border | limit - dynamic - topology - interiority - belong piercing - organ-machine - interrupted | alternation - hate - love - dismembered - impenetrable | territory - rediscover - abstract-machine - agent | internal - lacking - castrated | belong - inseperably - fragments - perfect - bruisings attraction - repulsion - endless | αλήθεια - κλειδί | θείο - γοητευτική | horizon - sacred - miracle | crisscrossed - life lived experience | self - God - identity - dissolved | body - non-body here - now - being mine | self-penetration - sees | naked body - mystical frame | afraid - touched - put - words | eye notion - landscape - origins - neutral - plastic - context denial - excitement | φρίκη - απόλαυση | απαγόρευση - εμπειρία - λάθρα - νευρωτικό | afraid of | here - now | limits - betrayal

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...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία...

...Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture. In order to resist organ-machines, the body without organs presents its smooth, slippery, opaque, taut surface as a barrier. In order to resist linked, connected, and interrupted flows, it sets up a counterflow of amorphous, undifferentiated fluid... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

Georges Bataille

...the attitudes of the bodies are merely living diagrams illustrating the abominable descriptions... Gilles Deleuze

...the female sex seems closer to the essence of the thing than the male sex. In the continued pointing now to this fold and prominence of the vulva now to that one, now to this, now to that gorge and recess off the vagina, and in entrusting it to the fingers, the tongue, the penis of those she loves, the woman reveals a field of mountains and uneven flesh, whose feeling is continuously changing. It gives itself as the reproduction in miniature of the whole world, as an extremely irregular inorganic nature, as a landscape made of uneven, rough surfaces, mountains, rocks, precipices that now feel, now do not, now cry, now are silent, now they abandon themselves to a tumultuous perturbation, now they remain arid and motionless. But the continuous variability of the sensitive point, its continuous transfer from one place to another, its unceasing drifting through this or that fold, this and that peak, this and that curve, makes it possible for the indication of the place that, here and now, it is about to feel, is at the same time a denial of what it felt in the previous moment and now no longer does... Mario Perniola

The male organ symbolised by persons and the female by a landscape. Sigmund Freud

...The difference between natural and artificial is overcome in favour of a sentient landscape rich with indentations, recesses and proturbances that feels in your place and constitutes an allegory of the entire world... Mario Perniola 7

...Unlike spectacle which implies the existence of an eye looking at it, the notion of landscape derives from its geographical origins an impersonal nature that departs completely from the subjective point of view. The neutral sexuality of plastic experience can be described as a dislocation of feeling in a geotypical context. It is no longer man who feels the landscape because now he is himself a part of it... Mario Perniola

...In actual fact, in the here and now of immediate feeling, the given constantly vanishes and is incessantly replaced by another given.The body that I hold firmly in my arms, from the moment in which it is given to me as a thing, ceases to be particular object and becomes, rather a “not this�, and eludes all specific determinations. Its essence is that of being mine... Mario Perniola

“I am less afraid of being touched and even of being seen than of being put into words.” Gilles Deleuze

...Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ανθρώπου δίνεται τη στιγμή που, θραύοντας τη χρυσαλλίδα, συνειδητοποιεί ότι ξεσχίζει τον εαυτό του, όχι την έξωθεν αντίσταση... Georges Bataille

...What counts is the neutral experience of self-penetration. As if a neutral entity, a thing, were excited by a penetration that sees what it penetrates... Mario Perniola

...The naked body of a woman can only be contemplated in a mystical frame of mind... Gilles Deleuze 9

...The body as thing is annulled as body, it passes in a non-body, it travels in an emprty and external universality, of which all that is relevant is the fact that it offers itself to sensation, here and now... Mario Perniola

...attraction and repulsion produce intense nervous states that fill up the body without organs to varying degrees - states through which Schreber- the- subject passes, becoming a woman and many other things as well, following an endless circle of eternal return... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

...The voice, though, presents the dimensions of an organized language, without yet being able to grasp the organizing principle according to which the voice itself would be a language.And so we are left outside sense, far from it... Gilles Deleuze

...Η αλήθεια των απαγορεύσεων είναι το κλειδί της ανθρώπινης στάσης μας... Georges Bataille

...The body without organs is an egg : it is crisscrossed with axes and thresholds, with latitudes and longtitudes and geodesic lines, traversed by gradients marking the transitions and the is all life and lived experience... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze


As Jean Laplanche points out, the traumatic impact of the “primordial scene”, the enigma of the signifiers of the Other’s desire, generates an excess that cannot ever be fully “sublated” in symbolic ordering. The notorious “lack” cosubstantial with the human animal is not simply negative, an absence of instinctual coordinates; it is a lack with regard to an excess, to the excessive presence of traumatic enjoyment. The paradox is that there is a signification precisely because there is an extensive, nonsignifiable, erotic fascination and attachment: the condition of possibility of signification is its condition of impossibility. Slavoj Zizek

Lack is created, planned and organized in and through social production. Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

“Territory” is used in reference both to nations, like nation as a territory, and to animals, for which territory is the critical size where an animal can survive by finding food, by making love. The territory is the critical dimension of your survival. It’s interesting how it could be used as either the minimum space or maximum space in which you move, to feel your independence and to be linked to other things. Francois Roche

Psychoanalysis is the psychoanalysis of sense. It is geographical before it is historical. It distinguishes different countries. Gilles Deleuze

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom History teaches us that sound

which we who inhabit the body lack. We

roads have no foundation, and

give it orders which make no sense.

geography that only a thin layer of Henry Miller

earth is fertile. Gilles Deleuze

The architect works right in the centre of architectural time, in real time, while architects work in the heart of its history, in delayed time. Thus what is called the history of architecture is really a history of this differed time in architecture. R&Sie

The lack of synchronicity and the blurring between the two aspects of the genesis explains a phenomenon like error, since something denoted, for example, may be given in an ontological proposition which does not correspond with the logical proposition under consideration. Gilles Deleuze 13

Membranes place internal and external spaces into contact, without regard to distance. The internal and the external, depth and height, have biological value only through this topological surface of contact. Thus, even biologically, it is necessary to understand that “the deepest is the skin”. The skin has at its disposal a vital and properly superficial potential energy.

Gilbert Simondon has expressed this very well : The living lives at the limit of itself, on its limit...The characteristic polarity of

Gilles Deleuze

life is at the level of the membrane; it is here that life exists in an essential manner, as an aspect of a dynamic topology which itself maintains the metastability by which it exists...The entire content of internal space is topologically in contact with the content of external space at the limits of the living; there is, in fact, no distance in topology; the entire mass of living matter contained in the internal space is actively present to the external world at the limit of the living...To belong to interiority does not mean only to “be inside”, but to be on the “in-side” of the limit...At the level of the polarized membrane, internal past and external future face one another... Gilles Deleuze

A tree, a column, a flower, or a cane grow inside the body; other bodies always penetrate our body and coexist with its parts. Everything is really a can...As there is no surface, the inside and the outside, the container and the contained, no longer have a precise limit; they plunge into a universal depth or turn in the circle of a present which gets to be more contracted as it is filled. Gilles Deleuze

The depth acts in an original way, by means of its power to organize surfaces and to envelop itself within surfaces. Gilles Deleuze

...the reference to the body as a fundamental frame of reference for our understanding, is to be abandoned- language is “inhuman”. The process thus has three phases: (1) primordial territorialization as the “assemblage of bodies” - an organism marks its surroundings, its exchanges with it, in a texture of affective inscriptions, tattoos, and so forth; (2) deterritorialization- passage to the immaterial, virtual production of sense- marks are freed from their origins (enunciator, reference); (3) reterritorializationwhen language turns into a medium of communication, pinned down ...The body without organs is an egg : it is

to its subject of enunciation whose thoughts it expresses, to the reality it

crisscrossed with axes and thresholds, with


latitudes and longtitudes and geodesic lines, Slavoj Zizek

traversed by gradients marking the transitions and the is all life and lived experience... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze 15

To feel like a thing that feels means first of all the emancipation from an instrumental conception of sexual excitement that naturally considers it directed toward the attainment of orgasm. The usual way of representing sexual activity by means of a diagram that measures excitement precludes the mode of being of the thing. As long as we think of sexuality in terms of curve that starting from zero, rises more or less slowly toward the acme of orgasm, only to decrease suddenly and return to the starting point, we remain a

...the attitudes of the bodies are

victim of an attitude that experiences sexual feeling as a more or

merely living diagrams illustrating

less long preparation for a very brief climax destined to participate

the abominable descriptions...

to the zero point of a normality deprived of tension, from which it Gilles Deleuze

seems that one has never moved after all. Mario Perniola

When you develop a narrative you need to develop a storyline. In the development of a story, the intelligence of the characters and the situation validate the story. Territory is a term that is of interest to me because there is a multiple disorder in a territory. It clearly cannot be reduced in one way. I really prefer an attitude of weaving relationships rather than to create a symbolism of the characters. Weaving a story of relationships of characters creates a psychological complexity. And in a project it is the same, you have many entrances, many possibilities of reading, many possibilities to be affected by your situation, and it’s interesting how to weave them together to produce the building, to keep this complex story with all the characters intact from the beginning to the end. And to avoid minimizing or reducing this woven story to one ...the reference to the body as a fundamental frame of refer-

way—be it a technological, biological, or construction

ence for our understanding, is to be abandoned- language is

one—to leave open the possibility for the narration to

“inhuman”. The process thus has three phases: (1) primordial ter-

go further, even after the building is constructed. That

ritorialization as the “assemblage of bodies” - an organism marks

is really important for me, specifically with the build-

its surroundings, its exchanges with it, in a texture of affective

ings we are creating, which try to let the doors open, to

inscriptions, tattoos, and so forth; (2) deterritorialization- pas-

unfinish the stories.

sage to the immaterial, virtual production of sense- marks are freed from their origins (enunciator, reference); (3) reterritorialization- when language turns into a medium of communication, pinned down to its subject of enunciation whose thoughts it expresses, to the reality it designates). Slavoj Zizek

Francois Roche


...the female sex seems closer to the essence of the thing than the male sex. In the continued pointing now to this fold and prominence of the vulva now to that one, now to this, now to that gorge and recess off the vagina, and in entrusting it to the fingers, the tongue, the penis of those she loves, the woman reveals a field of mountains and uneven flesh, whose feeling is continuously changing. It gives itself as the reproduction in miniature of the whole world, as an extremely irregular inorganic nature, as a landscape made of uneven, rough surfaces, mountains, rocks, precipices that now feel, now do not, now cry, now are silent, now they abandon themselves to a tumultuous perturbation, now they remain arid and motionless. But the continuous variability of the sensitive point, its continuous transfer from one place to another, its unceasing drifting through this or that fold, this and that peak, this and that curve, makes it possible for the indication of the place that, here and now, it is about to feel, is at the same time a denial of what it felt in the previous moment and now no longer does... Mario Perniola


...there is an object that desire feels the lack of; hence the world does not contain each and every object that exists; there is at least one object missing, the one that desire feels the lack of; hence there exists some other place that contains the key to desire (missing in this world)... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

...η διαυγής εσωτερική εμπειρία δεν ήταν εφικτή σε μιαν εποχή όπου δεν εμφανιζόταν καθαρά η ταλάντωση της απαγόρευσης και της παράβασης, η οποία ρυθμίζει τη δυνατότητα αμφότερων...η γνώση του ερωτισμού, ή της θρησκείας, απαιτεί μια προσωπική εμπειρία, ισότιμη και αντιφατική, τόσο της απαγόρευσης όσο και της παράβασης... Georges Bataille

...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης 2.

νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... Georges Bataille

...Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture. In order to resist organ-machines, the body without organs presents its smooth, slippery, opaque, taut surface as a barrier. In order to resist linked, connected, and interrupted flows, it sets up a counterflow of amorphous, undifferentiated fluid... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

...The difference between natural and

...Αν ενδίδουμε, έστω κι εν αγνοία μας,

artficial is overcome in favour of a sentient

στην απαγόρευση, τους τοποθετούμε στο

landscape rich with indentations, recesses

πεδίο των πραγμάτων, τα οποία γνωρίζουμε

and proturbances that feels in your place

έξωθεν. Αν δεν αντιμετωπίσουμε την

and constitutes an allegory of the entire

απαγόρευση με φρίκη, τότε δεν έχει πλέον


το αντιστάθμισμα της επιθυμίας, που αποτελεί το βαθύ της νόημα...

Mario Perniola

Georges Bataille

...It is nothing outside of the fact of offering itself unconditionally to my possession and control. I fully accept the responsibility that comes from its giving itself, I take it and support it. But I do not have anything definite.It is a matter of indifference that this body gives itself without limitations is made in a certain way, that it presents certain characteristics, has these breasts, these thighs, these hips. In fact all determinations disappear in its universal giving of itself... Mario Perniola 19

...penetrate the cave-like landscape of the vegina... Mario Perniola

...the female sex seems closer to the essence of the thing than the male sex. In the continued pointing now to this fold and prominence of the vulva now to that one, now to this, now to that gorge and recess off the vagina, and in entrusting it to the fingers, the tongue, the penis of those she loves, the woman reveals a field of mountains and uneven flesh, whose feeling is continuously changing. It gives itself as the reproducAnd one has to think of the phallus not as the organ that immediately expresses the vital force of my being, my virility, and so forth but, precisely, as such an insignia, as a mask that I put on in the same way a king or a judge puts on his insignia- phallus is an “organ without a body” that I put on, which gets attached to my body, without

tion in miniature of the whole world, as an extremely irregular inorganic nature, as a landscape made of uneven, rough surfaces, mountains, rocks, precipices that now feel, now do not, now cry, now are silent, now they abandon themselves to a tumultuous perturbation, now they remain arid and motionless. But the continuous variability of the sensitive point, its continuous transfer from one place to another, its unceasing

ever becoming its “organic part”, namely, forever sticking

drifting through this or that fold, this and that peak, this and that curve,

out as its incoherent, excessive supplement.

makes it possible for the indication of the place that, here and now, it is about to feel, is at the same time a denial of what it felt in the previous

Slavoj Zizek

moment and now no longer does... Mario Perniola


...the attitudes of the bodies are merely living diagrams illustrating the abominable descriptions...

The male organ symbolised by persons and the female by a landscape.

Gilles Deleuze

Sigmund Freud

...If a vagina were only a vagina and not an allegory of the earth’s landscape, the excitement could not be unlimited... Mario Perniola 21

...passion and action are the inseperable poles of an ambivalence, because the two languages which they form belong inseperably to the body and to the depth of the bodies. One is thus never sure that the ideal fluids of an organism without parts does not carry parasitic worms, fragments of organs, solid food, and external residue. In fact, it is certain that the maleficent forces make effective use of fluids and insufflations in order to introduce bits of passion into the body. The fluid is necessarily corrupted, but not by itself. It is corrupted only by the other pole from which it cannot be separated. The fact, though, is that it represents the active pole and state of perfect mixture. The latter is opposed to the encasings and bruisings of imperfect mixtures which represent the passive fluid... Gilles Deleuze

...Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture. In order to resist organ-machines, the body without organs presents its smooth, slippery, opaque, taut surface as a barrier. In order to resist linked, connected, and interrupted flows, it sets up a counterflow of amorphous, undifferentiated fluid... 22

Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

Bodies or atomic compounds never cease to emit particularly subtle, fluid, and tenuous elements. These second-degree compounds are of two sorts: either they emanate from the depth of bodies, or they detach themselves from the the surface of things (skins, tunics, or wrappings, envelopes or barks --- what Lucretius calls simulacra and Epicurus calls idols). Insofar as they affect the animus and the anima, they account for sensible qualities. Sounds, smells, tastes, and temperatures refer especially to the emissions from the depths, whereas visual determinations, forms, and colors refer to the simulacra of the surface. But the situation is even more complicated than this, since each sense seems to combine information of the depth with information of the surface. Emissions arising from the depths pass through the surface, and the superficial envelopes, as they detach themselves from the object, are replaced by formerly concealed strata. Noises from the depth, for examples, become voices when they find in certain perforated surfaces (the mouth) the conditions of their articulation. Conversely, the simulacra of the surface are able to provide colors and forms only if there is light, which is emitted from the depths. In any case, emissions and simulacra are obviously understood, not as atomic compounds, but as qualities apprehended at a distance on and in the object. Distance is given by the stream of air that emissions and simulacra push before them, as it passes through the

What happens in hysteria is, to quote Jacques- Alain Miller, a double refusal of the body, according to the shift from subjective to objective genitive :

sensory organ.

first, the body refuses to obey the soul and starts to speak on its own, in

Gilles Deleuze

the hysteric’s unconscious rejects the body itself (the body in its biological

the symptoms in which the subject’s soul cannot recognize itself; second, dimension), using it as a medium through which unconsious drives and desires running against the body’s biological interests (well-being, survival, reproduction) express themselves. The Unconsious is a parasite that uses the body, forcefully distorting its normal functioning. For that reason, a hysterical subject turns away from her biological body in disgust, unable to accept that she “is” her body. Slavoj Zizek ...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... Georges Bataille

The body may, and ordinary does, wish for silence with respect to its works.

Idealism denies that sense-effect is an effect of bodily depth; it fetishizes senseeffect into a self-generated entity. The price

Gilles Deleuze

it pays for this denial is the substantializaThe body is a disjunctive syllogism; language is an egg on the road to differentation. The

tion of sense-effect: idealism covertly qualities sense-effect as a new Body...

body seals and conceals a hidden language,

Slavoj Zizek

and language forms a glorious body. The most abstarct argumentation is a mimicry, but the body’s pantomime is a sequence of syllogisms. One no longer knows whether it is the pantomime which reasons, or reasoning which mimics.

The solipsist sky has no depth: “It is strange prejudice which sets a higher Gillles Deleuze

value on depth than on breadth, and which accepts “superficial” as meaning not “of wide extent” but “of little depth”, whereas “deep”, on the other hand, signifies “of great depth” and not “of small surface”. Yes it seems to me that a feeling such as love is better measured, if it can be measured at all, by the extent of its surface than by its degree of depth”. Gilles Deleuze

Heidegger was right to emphasize that only humans exist in the mode of “being-towards-death”...human finititude emreges against the background of the small child’s narcissistic attitude of illusory omnipotence (of course, we do indeed say that in order to become mature, we have to accept our limitations)... Slavoj Zizek

The Other appears as that which organizes Elements into In short, it is the Other who has imprisoned

Earth, and earth into bodies, bodies into objects, and

the elements within the limits of bodies

which regulates and measures object, perception and

and, further still, within the limits of the

desire at once...

earth. For the earth itself is but a great body which retains the elements; it is earth only

Gilles Deleuze

to the extent that it is peopled by Others. Gilles Deleuze The Other pulls down (rabat) : it draws the elements into the earth, the earth into bodies, and bodies into objects. But Friday innocently makes objects and bodies stand up again. He carries the earth into the sky. He frees the elements. But to straighten up or to rectify is also to shorten. The Other is a strange detour - it brings my desires down to objects, and my love to worlds. Sexuality is linked to generation only in a detour which first channels the difference of sexes through the Other. It is initially in the Other and through the Other that the difference of sexes is founded. To establish the world without Others, to lift the world up is to avoid the detour. It is to separate desire from its object, from its detour through the body, in order to relate it to a pure cause... Gilles Deleuze

For Heidegger, “the body phenomenon is the most difficult problem� : The bodily in the human is not something animalistic. The manner of understanding that accompanies it is something that metaphysics up till now has not touched on. Slavoj Zizek


And one has to think of the phallus not as the organ that immediately expresses the vital force of my being, my virility, and so forth but, precisely, as such an insignia, as a mask that I put on in the same way a king or a judge puts on his insignia- phallus is an “organ without a body” that I put on, which gets attached to my body, without ever becoming its “organic part”, namely, forever sticking out as its incoherent, excessive supplement. Slavoj Zizek

Castration is the very gap between what I immediately am and the symbolic mandate ...As for the wounded body of the mother,

that confers on me this “authority”.

the childs wishes to repair it, with his restorative phallus and make it unharmed. He wishes to recreate a surface to this body at the same time that he creates a surface for his own body. As for the withdrawn object, he wishes to bring about its return, to render it present with his evocative phallus.. Gilles Deleuze

It is nevertheless true that direct and global function of integration, or of general coordination, is normally vested in the genital zone. It is this zone which must bind all the other partial zones, thanks to the phallus. And the phallus, in this respect, does not play the role of an organ, but rather that of a particular image projected,.., onto this privileged (genital) zone... the penis has known the adventure of the depths in which it is fragmented, placed inside the mother’s and the child’s body, being victim and aggressor, and identified with a poisonous bit of food or with an explosive excrement... Gilles Deleuze

Slavoj Zizek

...The phallus as an image at the surface risks constantly being recuperated by the penis of the depths or the penis of the heights. Thus it risks being castrated as phallus, since the penis of the depths devours and castrates, and the penis of the heights frustrates... Gilles Deleuze

In this precise sense, the phallus is the signifier of castration. Far from acting is the potent organ-symbol of sexuality qua universal creative power, it is the signifier, organ, or both of desexualization itself, of the “impossible” passage of “body” into symbolic “thought”, the signifier that sustains the neutral surface of “asexual” sense. Deleuze conceptualizes this passage as the inversion of the “phallus of coordination” into the “phallus of castration”: the “phallus of coordination” is an image, a figure the subject refers to in order to coordinate the dispersed erogenous zones into the totality of a unified body, whereas the “phallus of castration” is a signifier. Those who conceive of the phallic signifier after the model of the mirror stage, as a privileged image of bodily part that provides the central point of reference enabling the subject to totalize the dispersed multitude of erogenous zones into a unique, hierarchically ordered totality, remain at the level of the “phallus of coordination.” They thereby reproach Lacan with what is actually his fundamental insight: this coordination through the central phallic image necessarily fails.

Slavoj Zizek

...the phallus should not penetrate, but rather, like a plowshare applied to the thin fertile layer of the earth, it should trace a line at the surface. This line, emanating from the genital zone, is the line which ties together all the erogenous zones, thus ensuring their connection or “interfacing” (doublure), and bringing all the partial surfaces together into one and the same surface on the body of the child... Gilles Deleuze 27

Sade once wrote that the ultimate sexual pleasure is for a man to penetrate himself anally (having a long and plastic enough penis that can be twisted around even when erect, so that it is possible to do it)- perhaps this closed circle of self-buggery is the “truth” of the Hegelian Circle. Slavoj Zizek

...The naked body of a woman can only be contemplated in a mystical frame of mind...

To eat and to be eaten - this is the operational model of bodies, the type of their mixture in depth, their action and passion,

Gilles Delauze

and the way in which they coexist within one speak of food or to eat words?..spoken words may go awry, as if they were attracted by the depth of bodies; they may be accompanied by verbal hallucinations, as in the case of maladies where language disorders are accompanied by unrestricted oral behavior...the phantasms of the surface have replaced the hallucination of depth; dreams are accelerated gliding replace the painful nightmare of burial and absorption.

...Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ανθρώπου δίνεται τη στιγμή που, θραύοντας τη χρυσαλλίδα, συνειδητοποιεί ότι ξεσχίζει τον εαυτό του, όχι την έξωθεν αντίσταση... Georges Bataille

...Unlike spectacle which implies the existence of an eye looking at it, the notion of landscape derives from its geographical origins an impersonal nature that departs completely from the subjective point of view. The neutral sexuality of plastic experience can be described as a dislocation of feeling in a geotypical context. It is no longer man who feels the landscape because now he is himself a part of it... Mario Perniola

Gilles Deleuze

...What counts is the neutral experience of “I am less afraid of being touched and even

self-penetration. As if a neutral entity, a thing,

of being seen than of being put into words.”

were excited by a penetration that sees what it penetrates...

Gilles Deleuze Mario Perniola

...In actual fact, in the here and now of immediate feeling, the given constantly vanishes and is incessantly replaced by another given.The body that I hold firmly in my arms, from the moment in which it is given to me as a thing, ceases to be particular object and becomes, rather a “not this”, and eludes all specific determinations. Its essence is that of being mine... Mario Perniola It is language which fixes the limits (the moment, for example, at which the excess begins), but it is language as well which transcends the limits and restores them to the infinite equivalence of an unlimited becoming. Gilles Deleuze


...It anticipates what it is afraid of... Mario Perniola ...Around her have been placed not so much boundaries that she could overcome, as limits that are the conditions of the experience of betrayal... Mario Perniola

...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... George Bataille

...Do with me what you wish... ...Paradoxically, it is precisely denial, which does not stop before the this, which guarantees and protects the infinity of excitement. Mario Perniola

...Πρέπει να εκλέξουμε ένα από τα δύο, είτε η απαγόρευση ισχύει οπότε η εμπειρία δε βιώνεται, ή βιώνεται μόνο λάθρα, παραμένοντας έξω από το πεδίο της συνείδησης, είτε δεν ισχύει - αυτή είναι η πιο ευνοική από τις δύο περιπτώσεις. Τις περισσότερες φορές η απαγόρευση δεν δικαιολογείται από την επιστήμη, είναι παθολογική, αποτελεί νευρωτικό σύμπτωμα... Georges Bataille

...The here and now of excitement never stops, it is always in transit towards another place, cannot recognize itself in what has been, and can only preserve itself in the form of an affirmation that denies - of a denial, precisely... Mario Perniola


...Πρέπει να εκλέξουμε ένα από τα δύο, είτε η απαγόρευση ισχύει οπότε η εμπειρία δε βιώνεται, ή βιώνεται μόνο λάθρα, παραμένοντας έξω από το πεδίο της συνείδησης, είτε δεν ισχύει - αυτή είναι η πιο ευνοική από τις δύο περιπτώσεις. Τις περισσότερες φορές η απαγόρευση δεν δικαιολογείται από την επιστήμη, είναι παθολογική, αποτελεί νευρωτικό σύμπτωμα... Georges Bataille

...In the transition from schizoid position of depth to the depressive position of the heights, we went from noises to the voice. But in the surface sexual position, we go from voice to speech... Gilles Deleuze

...Unlike spectacle which implies the existence of an eye looking at it, the notion of landscape derives from its geographical origins an impersonal nature that departs completely from the subjective point of view. The neutral sexuality of plastic experience can be described as a dislocation of feeling in a geotypical context. It is no longer man who feels the landscape because now he is himself a part of it... Mario Perniola


History teaches us that sound Psychoanalysis cannot content itself with

roads have no foundation, and

the designation of cases, the manifestation

geography that only a thin layer of

of histories, or the signification of com-

earth is fertile.

plexes. Psycoanalysis is the psychoanalysis of sense. It is geographical before it is his-

Gilles Deeuze

torical. It distinguishes different countries. Gilles Deleuze

4. Our aim is to articulate antagonistic forces and to make visible their intrinsic nature, both on their own and in the way that they conflict with one another. We are pushed and pulled in many directions. We are both hostage to and dominated by the multiplicity and the arrogance of disorder. We can neither reduce the noise in a fake reductive strategy nor increase it by cynicism. R&Sie(n) is a tool of permanent negotiation between Faust and Mephisto; it is a tool of the illusion of power. Francois Roche

Gary Hill Annete Messager Catrin Morgan

...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... Geroges Bataille

...the female sex seems closer to the essence of the thing than the male sex. In the continued pointing now to this fold and prominence of the vulva now to that one, now to this, now to that gorge and recess off the vagina, and in


entrusting it to the fingers, the tongue, the penis of those she loves, the woman reveals a field of mountains and uneven flesh, whose feeling is continuously changing. It gives itself as the reproduction in miniature of the whole world, as an extremely irregular inorganic nature, as a landscape made of uneven, rough surfaces, mountains, rocks, precipices that now

...The difference between natural and

feel, now do not, now cry, now are silent, now they abandon

artficial is overcome in favour of a sentient

themselves to a tumultuous perturbation, now they remain

landscape rich with indentations, recesses

arid and motionless. But the continuous variability of the sen-

and proturbances that feels in your place

sitive point, its continuous transfer from one place to another,

and constitutes an allegory of the entire

its unceasing drifting through this or that fold, this and that


peak, this and that curve, makes it possible for the indication of the place that, here and now, it is about to feel, is at the

Mario Perniola

same time a denial of what it felt in the previous moment and now no longer does... Mario Perniola


...Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture. In order to resist organ-machines, the body without organs presents its smooth, slippery, opaque, taut surface as a barrier. In order to resist linked, connected, and interrupted flows, it sets up a counterflow of amorphous, undifferentiated fluid... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

...the attitudes of the bodies are merely living diagrams illustrating the abominable descriptions... Gilles Deleuze The male organ symbolised by persons and the female by a landscape. Sigmund Freud

...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... George Bataille

...Paradoxically, it is precisely denial, which does not stop before the this, which guarantees and protects the infinity of excitement. Mario Perniola

It is language which fixes the limits (the moment, for example, at which the excess begins), but it is language as well which transcends the limits and restores them to the infinite equivalence of an unimited becoming. Gilles Deleuze

It is by following the border, by skirting the surface, than one passes from bodies to the incorporeal. Gilles Deleuze

Gilbert Simondon has expressed this very well : The living lives at the limit of itself, on its limit...The characteristic polarity of life is at the level of the membrane; it is here that life exists in an essential manner, as an aspect of a dynamic topology which itself maintains the metastability by which it exists...The entire content of internal space is topologically in contact with the content of external space at the limits of the living; there is, in fact, no distance in topology; the entire mass of living matter contained in the internal space is actively present to the external world at the limit of the living...To belong to interiority does not mean only to “be inside”, but to be on the “in-side” of the limit...At the level of the polarized membrane, internal past and external future face one another... Gilles Deleuze Paradox appears as a dismissal of depth, a display of events at the surface, and a deployment of language along this limit. Humor is the art of surface, which is opposed to the old irony, the art of depths and heights. Gilles Deleuze 37

...Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture. In order to resist organ-machines, the body without organs presents its smooth, slippery, opaque, taut surface as a barrier. In order to resist linked, connected, and interrupted flows, it sets up a counterflow of amorphous, undifferentiated fluid...

In the famous Empedoclean alternation, in the complementarity of hate and love, we encounter, on the one hand, the body of hatred, the parcelled-out body sieve: “ heads without a neck, arms without shoulders, eyes without a

Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

face”; but on the other hand, we encounter the glorious body without organs: “formed in one piece”, without limbs, with neither voice nor sex. Likewise, Dionysus holds out to us his two faces, his open and lacerated body, and his impassible organless head: Dionysus dismembered, but also dionysus the impenetrable. Gilles Deleuze

...Jerry Aline Flieger...reinscribed-retranlated Oedipus back into Deleuzian territory, (re)discovering in it an “abstarct machine”, a nomadic agent of deterritorialization, the supreme case of what Deleuze and Guattari call the “lone wolf” who stands for the limit of the pack of wolves, opening a “line of flight” towards its outside... Slavoj Zizek

...the wounded body of the mother is not only wounded by the internal penises it contains; insofar as its surface is lacking a penis, it is wounded like a castrated body... Gilles Deleuze

...passion and action are the inseperable poles of an ambivalence, because the two languages which they form belong inseperably to the body and to the depth of the bodies. One is thus never sure that the ideal fluids of an organism without parts does not carry parasitic worms, fragments of organs, solid food, and external residue. In fact, it is certain that the maleficient forces make effective use of fluids and insufflations in order to introduce bits of passion into the body. The fluid is necessarily corrupted, but not by itself. It is corrupted only by the other pole from which it cannot be separated. The fact, though, is that it represents the active pole and state of perfect mixture. The latter is opposed to the encasings and bruisings of imperfect mixtures which represent the passive fluid... Gilles Deleuze


...attraction and repulsion produce intense nervous states that fill up the body without organs to varying degrees - states through which Schreber- the- subject passes, becoming a woman and many other things as well, following an endless circle of eternal return... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

...Η αλήθεια των απαγορεύσεων είναι το κλειδί της ανθρώπινης στάσης μας... Georges Bataille





γοητευτική πλευρά της απαγόρευσης... Georges Bataille Battaile’s ultimate horizon is the tension between homogeneity and its heterogeneous excess- between the profane and the sacred, the domain of exchange, and the excess of pure expenditure...a miracle is no longer ...The body without organs is an egg : it is crisscrossed with axes and thresholds, with latitudes and longtitudes and geodesic lines, traversed by gradients marking the transitions and the is all life and lived experience... Felix Guattari | Gilles Deleuze

the irrational exception that disturbs the rational order, since everything becomes a miracle; there is no longer the need to asset excess against normality, once everything becomes an excess- excess is everywhere, in an inbearable intensity. Therein resides the true transgression... Slavoj Zizek

Thus the personal self requires God and the world in general. But when substantives and adjectives begin to dissolve, when the names of pause and rest are carried away by the verbs of pure becoming and slide into the language of events, all identity disappears from the self, the world, and God. Gilles Deleuze

...The body as thing is annulled as body, it passes in a non-body, it travels in an empty and external universality, of which all that is relevant is the fact that it offers itself to sensation, here and now... Mario Perniola 41

...In actual fact, in the here and now of immediate feeling, the given constantly vanishes and is incessantly replaced by another given.The body that I hold firmly in my arms, from the moment in which it is given to me as a thing, ceases to be particular object and becomes, rather a “not this”, and eludes all specific determinations. Its essence is that of being mine... ...Η εσωτερική εμπειρία του ανθρώπου δίνεται τη στιγμή που, θραύοντας τη χρυσαλλίδα, συνειδητοποιεί ότι ξεσχίζει τον εαυτό του, όχι την έξωθεν αντίσταση... Georges Bataille

Mario Perniola

...The naked body of a woman can only be contemplated in a mystical frame of mind... ...What counts is the neutral experience of self-penetration. As if a neutral entity, a

Gilles Delauze

thing, were excited by a penetration that sees what it penetrates... Mario Perniola

...Unlike spectacle which implies the existence of an eye looking at it, the notion of landscape derives from its geographical origins an impersonal nature that departs completely from the subjective point of view. The neutral sexuality of plastic experience can be described as a dislocation of feeling in a geotypical context. It is no longer man who feels the landscape because now he is himself a part of it... Mario Perniola

“I am less afraid of being touched and even of being seen than of being put into words.� Gilles Deleuze


...Do with me what you wish...

...Αν παρατήρήσουμε την απαγόρευση, αν της έχουμε υποταχθεί, δεν έχουμε πλέον συνείδηση του γεγονότος. Αλλά κατά τη στιγμή της παράβασης νιώθουμε την αγωνία άνευ της οποίας απαγόρευση δε θα υπήρχε, αυτή είναι η εμπειρία του αμαρτήματος. Η εμπειρία οδηγεί στην περατωμένη παράβαση, στην επιτυχή παράβαση, την οποία η απαγόρευση διατηρεί σήμερα προς απόλαυση. Η εσωτερική εμπειρία ...Paradoxically, it is precisely denial, which

του ερωτισμού απαιτεί από κείνον που τη βιώνει

does not stop before the this, which guaran-

μια ευαισθησία ανάλογη με την αγωνία που

tees and protects the infinity of excitement.

θεμελιώνει την απαγόρευση, αλλά και με την επιθυμία που τείνει να την αθετήσει. Πρόκειται

Mario Perniola

για τη θρησκευτική ευαισθησία που συνδέει στενά την επιθυμία με τη φρίκη, την έντονη απόλαυση με την αγωνία... George Bataille

...Πρέπει να εκλέξουμε ένα από τα δύο, είτε η απαγόρευση ισχύει οπότε η εμπειρία δε βιώνεται, ή βιώνεται μόνο λάθρα, παραμένοντας έξω από το πεδίο της συνείδησης, είτε δεν ισχύει - αυτή είναι η πιο ευνοική από τις δύο περιπτώσεις. Τις περισσότερες φορές η απαγόρευση δεν δικαιολογείται από την επιστήμη, είναι παθολογική, αποτελεί νευρωτικό σύμπτωμα... Georges Bataille

...It anticipates what it is afraid of... Mario Perniola

...The here and now of excitement never stops, it is always in transit towards another place, cannot recognize itself in what has been, and can only preserve itself in the form of an affirmation that denies - of a denial, precisely... Mario Perniola ...Around her have been placed not so much boundaries that she could overcome, as limits that are the conditions of the experience of betrayal... Mario Perniola 45

...Do with me what you wish...

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