1 minute read


ɠ Replace the video and audio system in the Council Chambers.

ɠ Develop a Smart City Strategy.

ɠ Continue to invest in the resources necessary to ensure the strategic and effective use of technology in support of performance excellence.

ɠ Enhance the use of Microsoft 365 to promote stronger collaboration among City departments.

ɠ Replace police and fire mobile data laptops.

ɠ Continue to invest in the resources necessary to prioritize cyber security.

Make strategic investments in fleet and equipment to increase efficiency, capitalize on technology advances, and improve safety.

ɠ Establish a fleet and equipment sharing program.

ɠ Develop a program to improve employee accountability for fleet condition and operation.

ɠ Invest in the continued maintenance and replacement of the City’s fleet and equipment, including the implementation of the Equipment Capital Improvement Program.

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