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Encourage high-quality, stable jobs and strengthen the sales and property tax base through business retention, expansion, and attraction efforts.
ɠ Update the Strategic Investment Zone program and establish a formal return-on-investment assessment as part of the grant application evaluation process.
ɠ Develop a prospectus and marketing materials to promote economic development in Temple’s Strategic Investment and Opportunity Zones.
ɠ Update the City's Economic Development Policy.
ɠ Actively engage in a comprehensive business recruitment and retention program.
ɠ Continue to invest in the design, construction, and maintenance of high quality infrastructure to support economic development, including the implementation of the Reinvestment Zone Capital Improvement Program.
Facilitate high quality, safe, and strategic community growth.
ɠ Develop a Comprehensive Plan.
ɠ Update the unified development code to ensure community design standards and land use regulations align with the Comprehensive Plan.
ɠ Implement a Business Navigator program to provide increased support to small and start-up businesses.
ɠ Establish an enhanced certificate of occupancy process to ensure that development and construction activity are consistent with adopted building codes and land use regulations.
ɠ Update interlocal agreement with Bell County related to subdivision plat jurisdiction.
ɠ Explore an entrepreneurial and small business support program.
ɠ Develop policies to establish a comprehensive growth management program.
ɠ Coordinate with the City of Morgan’s Point Resort to develop an FM 2483 Corridor Master Plan.
ɠ Streamline and enhance development review and inspection services.
ɠ Promote higher-density, mixed-use development in targeted areas of the city, blending residential, commercial, and retail uses.