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Create efficient, integrated, and streamlined regulations, policies, and processes.
ɠ Develop a comprehensive, accurate, and easy to understand personnel policy manual.
ɠ Implement a more efficient pre-employment screening process.
ɠ Develop clear and effective Civil Service Local Rules.
ɠ Develop a comprehensive organization-wide communication, social media, and community engagement policy.
ɠ Develop clear processes for routing and evaluating publicprivate partnership requests.
ɠ Develop a community organization partnership policy.
ɠ Explore the possibility of creating neighborhood-based voting locations to improve the voter experience and make it easier for citizens to vote.
ɠ Establish a records management division within the City Secretary’s Office and overhaul records management processes to incorporate up-to-date technologies and best practices.
ɠ Review and update airport lease agreement templates to reflect current City ordinances and rate & fee schedule.
ɠ Transition applications for birth and death certificates, and food vendor permits online.
ɠ Align staff work plans to strategic plan commitments.
ɠ Develop or update standard operating procedures for each department.
ɠ Provide transparent, predictable, and efficient processes to make it easier for citizens and businesses to interact and do business with the City.
ɠ Ensure personnel policies are up-to-date.
ɠ Update and modernize the Code of Ordinances.
Employ fiscally-responsible practices and policies that ensure City investments are made based on sound review and analysis.
ɠ Conduct a cost of service study for all rates and fees.
ɠ Align the City’s budgeting process with the strategic plan to ensure resource allocations are focused on City’s strategic goals and commitments.
ɠ Align capital improvement programs with adopted master plans.
ɠ Maximize resources by strategically pursuing grants.
ɠ Continue to invest in the resources necessary to ensure financial excellence.
ɠ Maintain and strengthen the City’s bond rating.
ɠ Conduct cost comparisons between in-house and contract service delivery.
ɠ Develop recommendations to reduce overtime expenditures.