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Volunteer Opportunities
Bay Bluffs Preserve & Chimney Park Cleanups:
Join the Scenic Highway Foundation, Ocean Hour FL, Earth Ethics, and the City of Pensacola on the second Saturday of the month at Bay Bluffs Preserve located at 3400 Scenic Hwy., at the corner of Summit Blvd., from 9 am to 10 am for the cleanup of Bay Bluffs, Chimney Park and surrounding area. Visit oceanhourfl.com to sign up.
Bartram Park, Graffiti Bridge and Wayside Park Project/Greenshores Cleanups:
Join Ocean Hour and the City of Pensacola on the third Saturday of the month at the Pensacola Visitor Information Center, 1401 E. Gregory St., from 9 am to 10 am for the clean up of Wayside Park, Graffiti Bridge and surrounding area. Visit oceanhourfl.com to sign up.
Eagle Scout Projects:
Are you a scout looking for a potential eagle project to help in your community? With ninety-three parks and green spaces, eleven resource centers and six athletic facilities, the city has endless opportunities to get involved! DON’T FORGET TO BRING WATER AND SUNSCREEN!
Are you looking to get more involved in the community, accumulate volunteer hours, or simply want to help make our parks and recreation system be the best it can be? There are a number of great opportunities available throughout the year for friendly and enthusiastic individuals and groups of all ages to volunteer their time and talents to the Parks and Recreation Department. You can choose whether to volunteer for one of our Youth and Senior Recreation Programs or a one-time special event. Want to be outdoors? Volunteer to help keep your neighborhood park safe and clean. You can choose to participate in a one-time project or one of our ongoing projects and programs! The gift of your talent and time is appreciated!
Paul Pipes, Outdoor & Volunteer Pursuits Coordinator (850) 516-9382 ppipes@cityofpensacola.com
Sign up for volunteer opportunities at playpensacola.com