retro video game consoles CHIYO BROWN
1977; Color TV Game 6 - The Color TV-Game 6 was Nintendo's first home console. It was released in 1977, and was only sold in Japan. The Color TVGame 6 had only one game - Light Tennis, which looked and played much like Pong. 1980; Game and Watch - The Game & Watch system was released in Japan in 1980. It was the very first handheld gaming console created by Nintendo. Some consider the Game & Watch to be the handheld version of the Color TV Game series - The Game & Watch also only featured one game for each system. 1983; Family Computer (Famicom) - The Family Computer (Famicom for short) is a home video game system released by Nintendo in 1983. It came with two controllers, and home versions of three Nintendo arcade games: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr, and Popeye. The Famicom’s use of interchangeable cartridges meant that video game companies other than Nintendo could produce games for the system. 1989; Game Boy - The Game Boy was the first dedicated handheld system from Nintendo which used interchangeable cartridges to play many different titles. The Game Boy was affordable, had a long battery life, and could play various video games such as Tetris, Super Mario Land, Kirby's Dream Land, and Pokémon. 1996; Nintendo 64 - The Nintendo 64 was first released in Japan in 1996. It was the first console of its time with built-in four player gaming. The controller for the Nintendo 64 was very unique, and featured three grips and a total of eight buttons. Time magazine praised the realistic movement and gameplay provided by the console, stating that it was the “fastest, smoothest game action yet attainable” 030