dear past self… Makenzie Robertson and Seraphina Katta
Past PLC… PLC is known for its vast and
two sister schools as they still are
adaptive school rules from having to
wear a kilt with brown shoes to now having to wear black shoes (and we
The college has always offered a
think that is a very good decision.) It
wi de ran g e of ex tra c u r r i c ul a r
was founded in 1887 and is now in its
activities and continue to encourage
134th year of educating girls. The
students to have a go at creative
l o c a t i o n of th e P LC A r m i d a l e
arts and sport. As a regional, all-girls
campus has changed several times
school, PLC Armidal e plays an
and in 1960 the starting stages of
important role in the community by
building the current campus was
providing an exclusivel y female
initiated. The school wasn’t always
education system. The school’s
called Presbyterian Ladies College
motto was originally Lux Per Studia,
and it wasn’t until 1941 when the
meaning ‘Enlightenment Through
Co l l e g e wa s o b ta i n e d by th e
Study’ but was later changed to Ad
Presbyterian Church of New South
Astra which means ‘To the Stars’.
Wales that they changed the name.
The school still follows this motto
In 2005, PLC Armidale joined in
and continues to remind girls that
alliancewith PLC Sydney, making the
they should “reach for the stars” and aim to fulfil their dreams.
“You’re going to have so many people in your life and they’re going to come and go. You have to accept that you’re not going to be friends with them all, but everyone is your friend for a reason and each one is in your life at a specific time for a purpose, don’t push them into a time in your life that they are not meant to be included in.” “That kid you thought you were in love with when you were twelve… girl, what were you thinking…”
“Don’t chug lukewarm tea” “Don’t reject great opportunities, just say Yes!”
“Don’t be afraid to do things, don’t let the fear of failure or rejection hold you back from giving things a go. Sometimes you’ll only get the opportunity once” 010
in the school