The Scope - The Social Issue

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Introverts v Kaitlin Imagine you're at a function. Whatever function you want it to be. There are lots of people there; some of which you k n o w. A f t e r h o u r s o f n o n s t o p socialising and action, how do you feel? This is a simple test that determines one thing: if you're an introvert or an extrovert. You may already know, but what does it actually mean? The idea behind this test is where you get your energy from biologically. Extroverts get their energy from their surroundings, and when there is more going on and more stimulation they are more energised; explaining why they would be ready for the afterparty. Extroverts can feel pretty sluggish and bored if there’s nothing happening. On the contrary, Introverts gain energy from calmer environments and feel more switched on when there’s less stimulation coming at them. When Introverts are in a full-on situation, their ‘social battery’ can easily drain from everything going on, and need to charge with some down time. It’s alright if you feel that you like alone time, but you also need people. A lot of you may be thinking, what about ambiverts? Well, according to the Myer-Briggs website, ‘Ambiverts’ as a separate category in between Introverts and Extroverts do not exist. Here’s why: everyone is both an introvert and extrovert. Extroversion/ introversion is often compared to being right/left handed. It’s a part of your DNA, but just because you’re dominant with one hand it doesn’t mean your other hand is completely useless. Introversion/extroversion also changes depending on the environment you’re in. You may act more introverted around strangers but be completely extroverted at home or during recess. 026

Th ere a re pl e n t y of my th s and misconceptions towards Introversion/ Extroversion. First up is myths about Extroverts:

Extroverts are bad listeners: E x tr o v e r t s t e n d t o i n t e r r u p t a conversation more than Introverts. However, in order to add in a little extra to the conversation or agree on a point, th e y m u s t b e l i s te n i n g to th e conversation. Extroverts can easil y m a k e a c o n ve r s a t i o n l o n g e r b y paraphrasing and asking open-ended questions, and from this, and sustaining a conversation, Extroverts can create or strengthen bonds with others in the conversations. If Extroverts are bad listeners, they wouldn’t be able to do this.

Extroverts are happier: This myth ties back to an age old question of ‘What makes a person happy?’. Everyone expresses happiness in different ways, and different things make each person happy. Extroverts may just express this happiness more th an Introverts, or make it more obvious. Introverts thrive in l ess buzzing environments, and so they can be as happy as Extroverts; just; nobody is around to witness it.

Extroverts are more social: The basis of this myth is the assumption that Introverts are antisocial, meaning E x trover t s m u s t b e th e o p p o s i te : sociable. As outlined, Introverts and Extroverts can socialise, it's the tolerance level how much socialising they feel co m for ta b l e wi th th a t m a ke s th e difference. Because Extroverts get energy from a buzzing environment; then of course they will appear more social than Introverts in most scenarios.

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