H SC Achievements Highlights &

‘PLC Sydney has amazing teachers who have encouraged and mentored me throughout the journey, never failing to provide a welcoming classroom atmosphere in which to learn, inquire and question
Lily Ritchie, Year 12 2022
On behalf of the Staff and Community of PLC Sydney I congratulate our 2022 Year 12 students on their accomplishments.
It has been a wonderful year and our students have all worked extremely hard, the outcome of which can be seen in their HSC results.
I am very impressed by their overall results and by the numerous students who have earned individual accolades, however I have been equally impressed by their positive work ethic and dedication to the task at hand. Our 2022 cohort made a wonderful contribution to the College. As I look through the list of students I remember their initiatives as much as their commitment to studies. As students they were highly energised and committed to each other and to the College as a whole.
We congratulate each and every one of our students and wish them the very best in their future endeavours.
It is with great pleasure that I share with you this year’s HSC results, some individual stories of success and student reflections.
Dr Paul Burgis Principal80%
PLC Sydney students were in the top 20% of the State
PLC Sydney students were in the top 0.5% of the State
PLC Sydney students were in the top 10% of the State
PLC Sydney students (10 students) were in the top 1% of the State
PLC Sydney School Mean Average mark was 85.93 out of 100
All-rounder Achievers List Students who scored over 90% in every subject
11 Top Achievers List Students who earned top 20 places in individual subjects
7 Selected For student showcases and exhibitions
Congratulations to the following girls who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of 99 or more in the Higher School Certificate.
*The above list may not be a full representation of these achievements as we are reliant on Year 12 students providing their ATAR or other information. Details are not made public or provided to the College.
Thirteen (13) students were recognised on the All-round Achievers List (achieving more than 90% in all their courses ie the highest band possible in at least 10 units).
13 students recognised
Sora Beebar
Jessica Chen
Zahra Kutty
Anna Lee
Olivia Low
Georgia Macdessi
Holly Rasmussen
Lily Ritchie
Emily Roberts
Marina Ruan
Jasmin Usham
Florence Yao
Yvonne Zhao
Proportion of Students in the Top Two Bands by Subject
Chinese and Literature, Chinese in Context, Design and Technology, English EAL/D, Italian Beginners, Italian Continuers, Japanese Beginners, Japanese Continuers, Music 1, Music 2 and Visual Arts. Extension Courses: Chinese Extension, English Extension 1, French Extension, History Extension, Italian Extension, Japanese Extension, Music Extension and Science Extension.
Drama, Economics, English Advanced, Geography, Textiles and Design and English Extension 2
Ancient History, Legal Studies, Physics, Studies of Religion II, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics
Extension 2
AND ABOVE Chemistry, Chinese Continuers, French Continuers and Modern History.
A number of PLC Sydney students were selected for recognition as part of the HSC showcase events. To be nominated for any of these events is an outstanding achievement as it acknowledges their major works and performances as ‘best in the State’
For exemplary work in Textile and Design
Satsuki Ota-Jones TEXSTYLE (selected)
Exhibition for her costume to be worn by Elle Fanning at a launch party for the live-action remake of Peter Pan, in which Fanning plays the role of Tinkerbell. Inspiration is drawn from contemporary fibre-artist Channing Hansen, Rococo Era dresses and English folklore fairies. The costume includes a traditional laced corset, knitting and crocheting with fine Mohair Silk yarn and detailed embellishments throughout. (pictured on right)
For exemplary work in HSC Design and Technology and Textile and Design
Congratulations to our 6 nominees for SHAPE Design and Technology: Rhiane Fotaras, Deanne Kalis, Isabella Chanine, Jacqueline Clarke, Claudia Mortensen and Danielle Sandroussi and to Satsuki Ota-Jones who was nominated for SHAPE Textiles and Design.
For exemplary performance in HSC Drama.
8 Individual Drama Performance
Nominations: Lucy Hammond – Fleabag, Amy Le - Anne Boleyn, Georgia MacDessi
- When the Rain Stops Falling, Lily Ritchie
- Poor Man’s Orange, Emily Roberts - The Libertine, Imogen Sabey - A Doll’s House, Ruby Wilkinson - Jasper Jones, and Bella Yassen - A Thousand Splendid Suns
Congratulations to the HSC Drama Group Performance, Hysteria, created and performed by Stephanie Eldridge, Ava Hanmer, Georgia Macdessi, Lily Richie and Anastasia Vasilaris, that was selected for OnStage and will run for one week in February at the Seymour Centre.
Hysteria examines how the treatment of specific medical concerns, to do with female sexuality, have historically been dominated by male physicians. It is an innovative and thought provoking piece.
For exemplary performance in HSC Music. The three students below were nominated for their entire Music 2 and Extension program, which consists of 6 performance pieces each.
Jessica Chen
Nominated for Clarinet
Jane Ma
Nominated for Violin
Yasmin Yoo
Nominated for Cello
Nominated for exemplary composition in HSC Music
Jane Ma
Jane’s (Music 2) composition, Dune Seas written for Soprano Saxophone, Violin, Cello and Piano was nominated for Encore. This is an outstanding achievement for Jane, who also received a nomination for the performance.
The Gold Award is the most demanding of all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme and is made up of five components: Service, Physical, Skill, Adventurous Journey and Residential Project. It is a mark of great dedication that Year 12 students can balance the requirements of the Gold Award with their studies. In 2022, 9 students achieved this award.
Alexandra Abdelmalek
Jacqueline Clarke
Maia Dragicevic
Sienna Earls
Bonnie Hopwood
Annalise Lygdas
Sophie McLachlan
Olivia Papadopoulos
Marina Ruan
1. Astrid Dickson
Selected for ARTEXPRESS for Painting: Fragile memories
Hawkesbury Regional Art Gallery
My Body of Work delves into the arbitrary hoarding of items we take part in, with the permanency of the pen resembling the lifelong personal importance inanimate objects can hold.
2. Lucy Hammond
Nominated for ARTEXPRESS for Painting: To The Slaughter...
Western Plains Cultural Centre (WPCC)
To The Slaughter… is a commentary piece on the phenomenon that is mass food production - specifically red meat, and the impact that the grotesque over-production of this product has on the global environment and humanity alike.
3. Lucy Rader
Nominated for ARTEXPRESS for Painting: Foreclosure
Hazelhurst Arts Centre
My Body of Work addresses how multinational companies dominate the market causing small businesses such as the iconic local corner store, which once existed as a part of the Australian vernacular, to go bankrupt.
4. Lilian Stock
Nominated for ARTEXPRESS for Painting: Entanglement in international waters
Glasshouse Regional Gallery
My work examines the negative impacts of globalisation on the fishing industry within the politically charged context of international waters.
5. Lilian Stock
Nominated for ARTEXPRESS for Painting: 你吃了吗? (Have you eaten?)
Mudgee Arts Precinct (MAP)
Just like every culture, there are dishes and recipes that are passed down generationally and modified uniquely within each family. Homemade meals are a form of love and bring a sense of comfort that is found through security and familiarity.
1.Represented Australia three times in the space of three months! Sarah was selected in the National Wheelchair Track Team that went to Switzerland to race in the Swiss National Championships and competed in the World Para Athletics Grand Prix Meet. Following this, Sarah competed with the Australian Athletics Team at the Oceania Championships, in Mackay. The highlight of Sarah’s year was competing for Australia in the 100m at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. Sarah placed 5th in a competitive field and managed to set a Commonwealth Games record for her T33 classification in the process.
Whilst in Year 10, at the 2020 Australian Individual Debating and Public Speaking Competition (AIDPSC 2020) Talei exceeded expectations achieving 9th overall and outstripping many more experienced competitors. These performances secured her an invitation to join the Australian team at the 2021 World Individual Debating and Public Speaking competition (WIDPSC 2021) where she was ranked 29th in World, having qualified 16th in Impromptu Speaking, 26th in Interpretative Reading and achieving an outstanding 4th in World in After Dinner Speaking.
Maia has been an integral part of the PLC Sydney Sports Aerobics program since taking up the sport late in 2017. Having represented NSW at two National Championships, in 2022 Maia was selected to represent Australia as a Junior at the International Czech Aerobic Open. Maia placed in the top half of the field at her first international competition. Maia was one of two in her age group, who then qualified for the World Championships in Portugal in July.
After impressive results at the Oceania Junior Championships and National Relay Championships in April, Emma was selected for the Australian Junior (U/20) team to compete in the 2022 World Triathlon Sprint & Relay Championships in Montreal in June. Emma continued on with the Australian team for a European trip where she did more training and racing, placing an impressive 6th overall at the European Junior Cup. Upon returning to Australia she was crowned the 18 years NSW State Champion at the Cross Country championships.
Charlotte started 2022 training and competing in North America, competing at the international NorAm competition in Canada, winning her moguls events at the NSW State Interschool championships and then second place at the Australian Interschool Championships. The highlight of the year though was the announcement that Charlotte had been selected for the NSWIS Moguls Team and the Australian Moguls Team. As a member of the Australian team, competing at the internationally recognised Australian National Open Championships, Charlotte shone bright with her performances and was named the best female Australian skier in both the Junior (U20) and Open categories.
PLC Sydney congratulates our five Year 12 students who represented Australia in their respective curricular, co-curricular and sporting areas.
Bachelor of Law and Business, UTS
What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?
My fondest memory at PLC Sydney is the strong friendship connections I have made with my fellow students, that will last a lifetime, but also my teachers, as it enables me to feel comfortable in talking to them, asking for help and being more involved in class.
Events Captain All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Science, majoring in Biotechnology/Genetics, UNSW
If you could offer advice or a tip to someone about to do their final year, what would it be?
1. Have confidence! :) My journey at PLC Sydney has really tested my confidence and my self-belief. Being in a school with so many talented girls can cause you to have self-doubts and cause you to question if you’re good enough. I really struggled with these doubts for a while, but by having such a wonderful support system around me, I’ve learnt that almost everyone, even the most talented of girls, have these doubts every now and then. Sometimes, you have to fake it to make it!
2. Really try to not dwell on past mistakes. Everyone messes up sometimes and has experiences that challenge them, but what differentiates you from everyone else is how you get back up from these setbacks. Never lose sight of your goals. If your ambition demands you to go through all these challenges in order to get there, then execute all the steps with confidence and no regrets.
3. Being very organised, setting out clear goals and then executing the necessary steps to complete these goals contributed to how I approached my final year in school. In addition, surrounding myself with a support system of friends and family was just as essential, they gave me the confidence and assurance to jump back from challenges or setbacks I experienced.
Bachelor of Science, University of Sydney
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
That supporting those around you may also benefit your own doing. I have learned many leadership and teamwork skills at PLC Sydney through the many opportunities I have been given. These skills and attributes have helped guide me. I have also valued the connection with my teachers and peers throughout my schooling this is what motivates and encourages me to be the best person I can be.
School Vice-Captain International Blazer Recipient - Public Speaking
Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economic, ANU
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
Starting tasks and revision as early as possible helped me implement discipline and structure into my routine. Due to my tendency to procrastinate and my busy schedule, I really needed to force myself into working. I used the mentality that I deserved to give the HSC my best effort considering how much work and time I had put into my schooling; I owed it to my friends, my family and myself!
TALEI CHANG FREYA BUSHBY“What a privilege it was to conduct the PLC Sydney Symphony Orchestra when the conductor needed to step out for a moment. It was so special is be applauded for that.”
Jane Ma
Music Captain
Cambridge A LevelsCambridge IGCSE Computer
Science Grade A, Cambridge
IGCSE Physical Science
Grade A, Cambridge IGCSE
Mathematics Grade A*
Bachelor of Medicine, UNSW
What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?
I really enjoyed going away on camps with all my friends. I particularly remember Year 11 Camp where our year as a cohort all bonded together. Apart from my studies, I loved all the co-curricular activities the school provided. I have my Bronze Duke of Ed Award and also played Badminton, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis and Volleyball. I also competed at every Mathematics and Science competition I could, from the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad, to NSW Schools Titration Competition and the Australian Science Olympiad and everything in between.
Productions Captain Bachelor of Oral Health, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
I think the most valuable lesson I have learnt is that ‘this too shall pass’. The phrase came up during the last United Day we had this year, and it made me reflect on its truth. Sometimes I think back to when I was in Year 9 or 10, and so stressed completing a DT assignment the night before it was due. At the time, it seemed like the end of the world, but it wasn’t. Everything works out in the end. Or, in the present, I’ve failed things before, I’ve stuffed up greatly - many, many times - but problems are usually temporary. And I’m here, I’m happy, everything is okay, and this too shall pass.
Boarders’ and Hockey Captain
Science, University of Sydney and also won an Elite Athlete Scholarship in Hockey
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
All of the support from teachers, parents and peers. The reassurance and motivation to keep going has lifted me and encouraged me to continue being resilient and determined throughout my studies and sporting commitments.
NB You can play sports and keep on top of your academic studies too, if you use your time productively and effectively. Tip: use the extra time to finish homework in between training and school.
School Community Prefect
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), University of Sydney
If you could offer advice to someone about to do their final year, what would it be?
I was lucky enough to pick the subjects I love and am very grateful that I did so. Therefore my advice would be not to worry about the scaling of subjects, but rather choose what you are most interested in, so you will put in the most effort. It is also very important to keep organised with both notes and time and cherish all the fun moments.
Selected for ARTEXPRESS
Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Communications (Social and Political Sciences), UTS
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
Honestly, attending every study lecture you can, asking teachers for constant revision and wanting the raw feedback for tasks I had completed were my keys for success. Ask lots of questions too - your teachers are there to help you. Taking on feedback, and learning from it is the holy grail of HSC studying success. To find where you went wrong and improve on past writing etc, regardless of the subject, helps construct stronger responses for future tasks. I also found having a monthly calendar really helped me when putting things into perspective. ALWAYS write down tasks you need to do, regardless of how simple they may seem. Ticking things off too, always gave me a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
“Volunteering encouraged me to look up and outit’s always a rewarding and humbling experience”
Jasmin Usham
Wilkie House Captain
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Medical Science, University of Sydney
What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?
I have so many fond memories from my time at PLC Sydney, it is too difficult to single out one in particular. Some of my fondest memories include Grandparents’ Days, Open Day and Fair, the camps, the musicals, the choirs and various other events. Year 3 was wonderful, whether it was picking strawberries from the garden, cooking with the freshly grown ingredients, taking care of Mrs Mitchell’s worm farm, or our class pet beetle. We also had a little take home toy dog which we would all get to take care of for the weekend, meaning it was our turn to write in the journal about its adventures. There is a wide collection of beautiful memories and moments that come to mind regarding PLC Sydney. These are all things I will never forget and will forever cherish.
OLIVIA LOW School Vice-Captain All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Bachelor of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith University, Qld
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
To have courage. From the opportunities I’ve been afforded, I have learnt that taking a leap of faith is incredibly rewarding. I feel so grateful to have met so many inspiring teachers and students who have encouraged me to ask questions without fear, to audition for ensembles/co-curriculars and to push myself in all aspects of school. I think this has really helped with developing my sense of self and confidence.
Boarders’ Prefect Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies), University of Sydney
How important was it for you to balance your academic focus with other activities?
It was really important for me to implement sport into my life along with staying focused on academics. Through engaging in term sports such as netball, water polo and soccer I have had the opportunity to be an active member of my community. It also gave me the opportunity to get away from the sometimes overwhelming nature of study.
Nominated for ENCORE, Music Performance (Violin) and Composition
Mechanical Engineering, UNSW
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
1. That confidence is a skill that can be learned
2. The importance of being comfortable with yourself
3. To never compare yourself to others, but only to your past self.
2022 School Captain All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Selected for OnSTAGE: Group Drama Performances
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) / International Security Studies, ANU
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
I think the most valuable lesson I learned at PLC Sydney was how to feel confident and have faith in myself. Over the years I’ve learned lots of different things, different life skills, that have contributed to who I am. Now it’s just a matter of trusting who that person is. I’ve learnt how to be honest with myself, how to recognise my strengths and weaknesses and how to use them to my advantage, never being anyone else but me. And the biggest lesson that’s come out of that, is how to be happy with that.
“The first time I entered the boarding house at PLC Sydney, I remember feeling really welcomed and that feeling has stuck with me throughout my schooling”
Emily Lye
Bachelor of Arts, majoring in History, minor in Archeology, University of Sydney.
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
Something that contributed to success in my final year was working on my timekeeping skills and planning out all my tasks to keep up to date with what was coming up and what I needed to do, especially as my days got busier.
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Bachelor of Science, (majoring in Earth Sciences) ANU
How important was it for you to balance your academic focus with other activities?
I found that playing sport gave me time away from school and an opportunity to clear my head. It helped me to perform better in my studies. I also participated in the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. I found that this gave me an opportunity to expand my friendships and also gave me a well rounded Year 12 experience.
International Blazer Recipient - Triathlon Sports Scholarships to Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina USA
If you could offer advice to someone about to do their final year, what would it be?
Balance and scheduling: I do triathlons which is three sports, therefore I spend a lot of time exercising. Balancing my academics with sport has been very important for me because I use sport as a break from school - a chance to go into a different type of focus. Sport has also helped me to form more strict schedules and structure my days more effectively.
I also learned the value of service to the community, especially those less fortunate than ourselves and the importance of having integrity and purpose in everything I do.
Top Achievers in CourseJapanese Continuers - 2nd Selected for TEXSTYLE & Nominated for SHAPE
Taking a Gap Year
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
The cohesion and closeness of our year group made a great contribution to my success and the enjoyment of my final year. Everyone was always so supportive and easy to chat to in the common room, even if you never really had a conversation with them before. Because of such cohesion I think our year group as a whole was able to succeed. I collaborated with others and the HSC became less of a competition against each other, but more of a race we were running together in.
Service Learning Captain
All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Selected for OnSTAGE Group Performance
Bachelor of Medical Scienceleading directly into Medicine, UniSC (The University of the Sunshine Coast, Qld)
What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?
My fondest memory of my time at PLC Sydney was performing in Black Comedy in 2020, playing the character of Carol Melkett. I found that this production gave me confidence in all aspects of my school life and it was such a joy to perform on the stage. Being part of a small cast was such an incredibly special experience as I formed strong connections with girls in many different years.
“Co-curricular activities have always been a huge part of my life at PLC Sydney. I’ve developed strong friendships and learnt invaluable skills through these activities.”
Marina Ruan
STEM Captain
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
Top Achievers in CourseJapanese Extension - 3rd All-Round Achievers List
(ATARs over 99)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of Biomedical Engineering, UNSW.
What is your fondest memory of your time at PLC Sydney?
My fondest memory would have to be the Science Festival celebrating the lunar eclipse last year. I loved talking with the younger girls during the night, and watching so many people come together to celebrate science. I also loved my physical science lessons with Mrs Bruno. My classmates and I had so many fun times and I was really inspired by Mrs Bruno’s passion.
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award
Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Media and Communications, majoring in Interactive Design, Macquarie University
If you could offer advice to someone about to do their final year, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid and worried about marks, a mark doesn’t reflect who you are. What matters is to choose the subjects at school that you are passionate about and work hard in. If you commit and do something you love, you will become not only good at it, but you’ll thrive.
People choose subjects that they believe will get them further in life and dismiss their natural talents. The best advice I can give is: don’t waste the talents that God gave you. Everyone is gifted and beautiful in different ways. We are all unique and sometimes a singular mark on the page cannot calculate and reflect who we truly are.
School Community Prefect
Top Achievers in CourseDrama - 4th All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Taking a Gap Year
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success?
I always treated co-curricular activities as a breath of fresh air amidst intense learning - they helped relieve some anxiety, renewed my concentration and rejuvenated me throughout the day. Volunteering encouraged me to look up and outit’s always a rewarding and humbling experience. Looking forward to these activities allowed me to be more conscious, wise and efficient with how I used my remaining time.
Maintaining a solid work ethic. I tried to hold myself accountable with the hope of going to bed every night knowing I had achieved what I sought that day. Establishing study groups not only helped us hold each other accountable but also deepened my understanding of content through discussions and having to simplify concepts to their nuts and bolts when explaining them to others.
Bachelor of Business, UTS
What is the most valuable lesson you learned at PLC Sydney?
To be extremely appreciative of the resources around memaking sure to listen carefully and use the wisdom of others to grow my own understandings of not just academic fields, but the world in a greater sense.
Achieved PLC Sydney’s top ATAR of 99.85
All-Round Achievers List (ATARs over 99)
Top Achievers in CourseJapanese Extension - 2nd Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine, University of Sydney
What contributed to your final year/and or HSC success? Revising and doing work on a regular basis, even if the teacher didn’t set any homework. This enabled me to be less stressed and feel more prepared when exams came around, since I had spread out my workload over a long period of time.
“Everyone learns and works differently. It’s important to find out what works best for you and to stick with that.”
Halle Smith