All Enrolment Fees are non-refundable and are not credited towards tuition fees. The Enrolment Fee is payable after interview and place confirmation.
1 This fee applies to children who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, from low-income backgrounds, with a disability or special needs, the higher-order multiple, or EALD.
Fees are supported by the NSW Government Start Strong programme which offers rebates for the first 600 hours for each child. Start Strong Fee relief - A declaration by the parent must be made authorising PLC Sydney Preschool to receive this.
The following additional fees are charged:
Late Collection Fee
$40 for first 15 minutes $5 every 5 minutes after Uniform Please visit https://www.noone. shop?collections=pre-schooluni
Students who have sisters at PLC Sydney are not entitled to a sibling discount at the preschool.
Subscriptions to the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) are optional and encouraged.
Fees are supported by the NSW Government Start Strong program which offers rebates for the first 600 hours for each child. This standard program fee includes the Start Strong Fee relief - Declaration by parent must be made authorising PLC Sydney Preschool to receive this.
It is hoped that all families will support the ongoing development of the Preschool through the contribution of tax-deductible donations to the Building Trust and Scholarship trust. These contributions are especially appreciated and essential for the future of the Preschool. The suggested amount is $300 per semester.
The withdrawal of a student requires at least four weeks written notice, otherwise, four weeks fees in lieu of notice will be payable.
A student may only change their program once per year, and is subject to there being a vacancy on the waitlist. 4 weeks’ notice must be given before a program change will be approved. If a student is changing programs from 3 days a week to 2 days a week, they must change their program and days, not just drop one of the days.
Transferring a student between the PLC Sydney preschool campuses is subject to availability and there may be a waitlist at the other campus. A minimum of 4 weeks’ notice to the current campus must be provided prior to transfer to the other campus. For a place to be offered at the alternative campus an interview is required, a new letter of offer will be provided and a new enrolment agreement is to be completed. Only one transfer is allowed per calendar year.
PLC Sydney has partnered with Edstart to provide additional payment options for school fees. Edstart is a specialist education payments provider specifically designed to manage all educationrelated expenses in one place. You may package any educationrelated expenses including tuition fees, uniforms, textbooks and extra-curricular activities, which can then be paid for up to five years after a child has completed her studies. You can choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments on any date in line with your income. Business owners can also choose payment structures in line with your seasonal cash flow. This is an optional service subject to approval and fees which will be made clear throughout the process.
Applications can be made at
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
• Services must record Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status on the child’s enrolment form.
Children from low-income backgrounds
• Children from a family holding a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Australian government (where the child is a named dependent on the card).
• Health Care Cards issued in the child’s name only are not means-tested. Therefore children with their own Health Care Card will not be eligible. This includes Foster Care Health Care Cards and Health Care Cards for children with disability.
• Services must keep a copy of Health Care or Pensioner Concession Cards to show proof that they were valid at the time of the preschool census or for a prior period during that school year.
Children with disability and additional needs
• One of the following must be provided as evidence of the child’s disability or additional needs:
- the child’s NDIS reference number or a copy of the most recent and relevant report,
- assessment letter that outlines the child’s disability or additional needs from a relevant professional. Documentation must be on letterhead and signed by the relevant professional.
The Higher-Order Multiple
• For each child from the third child in the multiple onwards (i.e. not for the first two children)
• Only for families with triplets or multiple children above triplets, i.e. quadruplets, quintuplets etc.
• Only for 3, 4 and 5-year-old children.
• Must provide the below evidence:
- Same date of birth (copy of Birth Certificate to be kept by the preschool service provider enrolling the children)
- Same address
- Enrolled at the same preschool
Families receive an invoice each term detailing new charges. Statements are sent monthly detailing overdue amounts.
• Fees are billed for all weeks the preschool is open
• Families are billed one term in advance
• Fees are payable to the Preschool for all enroled children including sick days and family holidays. If a child does not attend the Service as a precautionary measure, payment of fees is still required.
• Fees incurred for casual days for existing students will be charged as a once-off payment.
• Families should notify the Preschool via phone or email to advise of their child’s inability to attend as soon as this is known. Full fees are payable on days the child would normally attend.
Fees are to be paid when due, either:
• Termly – due in full by the first Friday of each term; or
• By instalment – by automated direct debit in monthly or fortnightly instalments. Please register at
A Late Payment Administration Fee is charged at 0.5% for each month an invoice is overdue. This amount reflects the administrative and financial costs of collecting outstanding amounts. A student will not be able to commence a new term whilst fees remain outstanding.
Bill Date 17 Jan Due Date 31 Jan
Bill Date 17 Apr
Due Date 1 May
Direct Debit Dates Monthly: 3 May/31 May/28 Jun F’nightly: 1 May/15 May/29 May/ 12 Jun/26 Jun/10 Jul
Bill Date 10 Jul
Due Date 26 Jul Direct Debit
18 Sep/2 Oct
Bill Date 2 Oct
Due Date 16 Oct
Direct Debit Dates Monthly: 16 Oct/13 Nov/11 Dec F’nightly: 16 Oct/30 Oct/13 Nov/27 Nov/11 Dec/25 Dec
Provider Code: 02280D