PleaseNotes Guided Gratitude Snippet

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This or something greater for the highest good of all involved.

This Journal Belongs to The One and Only

I Am Choosing to use this Journal for;

Thank You! I hope you enjoy using The Gratitude Journal as much as I enjoyed making it! Practicing gratitude and appreciation is something that has changed the way I see my life. It’s funny to think something as simple as showing appreciation for a cup of coffee has the power to do that. The saying “What you focus on grows.” is real, and I hope with the help of this journal, you grow love, success, wealth, vitality and true happiness. Please stay in touch and check out the other magic that PleaseNotes has. I’m all about helping you become your favorite version of you, and by using the PleaseNotes goodies you’ll make it easy and fun. The world is a better place because you are here, and I hope you know that as clearly as I do. Stay in touch, I’d love to hear from you! You’re the best!

Get Grounded in Gratitude Journaling can be a great process for connecting with yourself, your goals and dreams. Many successful people throughout history have used journaling, and for good reason. Writing out your thoughts, challenges, and feelings allows your left brain to be occupied, so the creativity in your right brain is able to flow and create solutions. It’s actually been shown that journaling even has a positive impact on your immune system!

So where do we start? For someone who hasn’t journaled before, these next few pages are for you. Even if you are an experienced journaler, take a gander. These next couple of pages will help you settle into creating a gratitude practice that works for you. We’ll explore why it’s so important, the effect it has on your life, and ways to easily integrate it into your life daily.




How would your life change if you were 10% happier? Would you be quicker to smile at a stranger? Would you have more fun doing your regular tasks? How would it affect your relationships?

Studies have shown that practising gratitude has a long lasting effect on your life. In addition to better sleep, handling stress better and having deeper, more fulfilling relationships, it builds your inner strength and sense of self(emotional intelligence). This is essential when you are confronted with a difficult situation. In continually focusing on the good things in your day-to-day life, you program your brain to focus on the positives, therefore allowing you to be more creative, and find solutions easier. Another way that this practice effects your life is by helping you rewire your perception. Have you ever noticed when you want to buy a new car, all of a sudden there’s a MILLION of the same make, model and color you want zooming on the streets. There wasn’t a giant sale, it’s because you’ve told your brain that this is important so it highlights it and brings it to your attention. Do you know someone who always sees the negative in any situation? You could get free ice cream from your favorite ice cream place and they would complain about how they got a cup instead of a cone. They have trained their perception to focus on the negatives and it can be a really hard habit to kick. As you go through your day, it is your DUTY to see the good in everything. Your car got hit in an accident? AMAZING! You get to treat yourself to massages and therapy for a couple months on the insurance you’ve been paying for years. Just got dumped? FANTASTIC! Now you’ve made space for the relationship you want. You gained 30 pounds? CONGRATULATIONS! Now you get to go shopping for a new wardrobe that makes you look delicious. Please choose to practice this as much as you can, even when really difficult things happen. It can be hard to see any good in difficult times, however focusing on those sparks of light allow you to heal quicker and start implementing the lessons taught to you by the situation. Someone you love passed away? Now you get to focus on what made them special to you, practice loving others deeper, and leaving an impact you can be proud of. Have to shut down your family business? Take a look at what you really love and build again, or do something else. You have to declare bankruptcy? Take a sigh of relief. Everything is getting better from here.

Lets' Break it Down Grat·i·tude / 'gradəˌt(y)o͞od/ noun - the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Ap·pre·ci·a·tion /əˌprēSHē'āSH(ə)n/ noun - recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. Gratitude and appreciation are often used interchangeably, however there is a subtle yet important difference between the two. Gratitude comes with a connotation of relief or overcoming something. Appreciation is simply being thankful, which internally registers as a cleaner energy. Take for example someone being grateful for the food in front of them. That comes with the understanding that at one point in time they might of not had as great access to food, and/or are worried about access to food in the future, ie scarcity. If you appreciate the meal in front of you, you’re focused on the present with a feeling of clear positivity. When doing your practice, attempt to come from a space of appreciation vs gratitude more often than not.

Self Appreciation The person we routinely dismiss is ourselves. When was the last time you told yourself you were proud of yourself for something? That you appreciate yourself ? That you love yourself. Brené Brown stated something that I found truly impactful. “We can only love others as much as we love ourselves.” and I know that in the practice of loving and appreciating oneself, you make it easier for others to love and appreciate you. In writing your list of appreciations, include yourself. Some suggestions would be to celebrate the fact that you are talented, have an amazing personality, love deeply, have a hilarious laugh, give the best hugs, have a majestic runway walk, are the best cheerleader, or that you make other people feel safe. You have value. The more you see it, the more you believe it, the more you know it.

A Little Deeper I would encourage you to do this every time you pass a reflective surface, even though it can be REALLY hard at first. Lock eyes with yourself and say a positive statement about you. When I first did this, myself and a friend took turns with a mirror and simply repeated, “I love you.” That 10 minutes of talking to myself took me through a barrage of emotions. From awkwardness, to sadness, happiness and finally calm. Now I use the ones in my Mirror Mirror Affirmations or a special affirmation. Saying things like, “Life loves me”, “I am successful.” “I am proud of you.” “You’re delicious.” or a simple “I love you” can change the way your whole day goes and tunes you into self-confidence, love and worthiness.

Keeping Moments We are all busy and there are days that you might forget to take time for yourself. This technique of Keeping Moments allows you to take 5-10 seconds at a time just for you. When I do this, I find that time slows down a fraction of a second, that my breathing is deeper and slower and that this moment was made just for me. This allows you to lower your stress level, feel grounded and one with nature, and helps you consciously choose what feelings you want to take into the next part of your day. Here’s a sample of an experience you can choose to practice today. You’re going to find yourself alone outside, usually on your way to the next task. Decide that this moment is yours. Breathe in the air, notice how it feels as you inhale and it flows into your body. Notice the feel of the wind on your skin, is the temperature soothing, how does the humidity feel? Blink, and as you open your eyes, enjoy that everything around you exists just for you. Look at the sky, notice how the clouds look and relish the particular shade that the sky chose to be at that specific moment. If there is plant life around, touch it. Notice the unique texture it has, the colorings, the shape of each part of it. Think about the individual cells that make up that plant and how over thousands of years they have shifted and altered to create the exact life in front of you today, in this form to be here with you. Take another deep breath and feel appreciation. You have the opportunity to enter these moments at anytime. You could be eating a meal and take a moment to appreciate the flavors, scents, textures, ingredients in the bite you’re about to take. You could be just waking up and take a moment to deeply savor the feeling of your sheets, the softness of your pillow, or the way the sun is peeking into your room. Practice taking these moments and watch how it starts affecting your life.

Lets' Get Started! To help you with a nudge of inspiration, here are some prompts to help you mix it up. Pick the one that resonates with you.

1. What interaction with nature this week are you appreciative for? 2. What part of your morning routine can you pause and steep in appreciation? 3. Take a moment to soak in a sunrise or sunset. What do you appreciate about the experience? 4. Recall a moment that you experienced the kindness of strangers. 5. Recall a time you felt the most at peace. 6. Recall something you read that really resonated with you. 7. Recall a time when someone’s words changed your life. 8. What are 5 things you appreciate about your body? 9. What are 5 things you appreciate about your mind? 10. What are 5 things you appreciate about your personality? 11. What are 5 things you appreciate about your face? 12. What are you looking forward to this week? 13. What piece of furniture do you love the most? 14. What is something you made recently that you appreciate? 15. What fun activity allows you to feel authentic and alive? 16. What author do you appreciate? 17. Write about 3 items in your wardrobe that allow you to feel your best. 18. Write about your favorite place in the world as if you were there now. 19. Write about the funnest night you had out. 20. What is your favourite perfume or cologne? 21. What task have you done in the last 24 hours that you are proud of ? 22. What meal have you eaten this week that brought you the most pleasure? 23. Write about the last time you had a deep belly laugh. 24. Write about the music you’re thankful to be able to listen to and why. 25. Write about one person you appreciate and why.

26. Who is a mentor you appreciate? 27. What television show are you appreciative for? 28. What is a challenge you grew from? 29. What comforts in your life are you appreciative of ? 30. What in your living space are you appreciate the most? 31. Who is a person you see the least that you appreciate deeply? 32. Who is a person you see the most that you appreciate deeply? 33. What do you appreciate about your telecommunications company? 34. What do you appreciate about your neighbors? 35. What do you appreciate about your best friend? 36. What do you appreciate about a person who has left your life? 37. What do you appreciate about a person that owes you money? 38. What do you appreciate about yourself ? 39. What self-care ritual do you appreciate the most? Why? 40. What is your favourite way to move your body? 41. What film are you appreciative for? 42. What is your favourite thing to touch? What does it make you feel? 43. What meal makes you feel the most satisfied and why? 44. What quote, verse or saying brings you the feeling of calm? 45. What are your 3 favorite childhood memories? 46. What completed (finished) friendship are you most in appreciation for? 47. What about your mode of transportation are you appreciative for? 48. What is a smell that transforms your mood? 49. What animal do you connect the most with? 50. Who is the most annoying person in your life? Why are you appreciative for them? 51. What was your favorite gift giving experience? 52. What is your favorite part of a frequent commute? 53. What spiritual figure / leader connects with you the most? 54. What post online did you enjoy this week? 55. What is your favorite new friendship? 56. What piece of jewelry are you most in appreciation for? 57. What flower brings you joy? 58. Remember the nicest bubble bath or spa day you’ve had. 59. Remember the last piece of art that really impacted you. 60. Remember the last time you felt treated and taken care of. 61. Remember your favourite day at the hair / nail salon. 62. What teacher are you the most appreciative for? 63. What challenge in your life are you appreciative for?

64. What new obstacle would you like to be in appreciation for? 65. What previous manager/employer do you feel gratitude for? 66. What romantic relationship helped you see your value? 67. What do you appreciate about your current job environment? 68. What do you love doing alone? 69. What ‘failure’ or ‘mistake’ are/can you be appreciative for? 70. What person at work can you show appreciation for that you normally wouldn’t? 71. What way did you show kindness for another recently? 72. What do you enjoy about the weather today? 73. What are 10 things you are proud you achieved in life? 74. What do you love about the country you live in? 75. What situation at work caused you to grow the most? 76. What’s your favorite movie scene? 77. What athletic pursuit can you choose to be in appreciation for? 78. What ‘negative event’ can you choose to be in appreciation for? 79. What is something that you do easily that can be seen as a talent? 80. What is your favourite dessert? 81. What is your favourite part of the day? 82. What piece of technology are you the most appreciative for? 83. What can you show appreciation for in this moment? 84. What do you love doing for hours at a time? 85. What work task are you appreciative for? 86. What new experience are you appreciative you got to enjoy? 87. What boundary did you create with another person that you are proud of ? Why are you appreciative for it? 88. What was your favourite vacation? 89. What recent non-essential purchase brings you the most joy? 90. What fear are you working through right now? How can you be grateful for it? 91. What beverage are you deeply appreciative for? 92. What do you love the most about your group of friends? 93. Take a dance break! How does it feel to enjoy your body? 94. What form of play have you practiced recently? 95. What book helped you see something differently or impacted you greatly? 96. What new exercise regiment brings you joy? 97. What part of your body are you grateful functions well? 98. What wellness practice are you appreciative for? 99. What meal did you eat in the last 48 hours that brought you joy? 100. What routine are you grateful for?

Ooh...Activity Time! Watch out for these pages as an opportunity to take your practice to a new level! Enjoy these exercises by implementing them with real people. Some of the activities may involve relationships that are tricky, so use your own discretion and decide if sending letters or messages is beneficial to you instead of only writing them down.

Lets' Do This! Alright! You now have all the tools to really dig in! One thing that will supercharge your writing is using the PleaseNotes Sticky Notes to set an intention and add extra positivity. Practice surrounding yourself with reminders of who you really are and where you’re heading. Check out the “Mirror Mirror” Mirror Affirmation Decals and the “Label of Love” Water Bottle Labels to help you do just that! Want additional support in getting clear on and taking action towards your dreams? Check out our new courses and coaching programs created to help you get unstuck, create new powerful beliefs about yourself, and feel clear and confident as you move towards the abundant life you deserve. Visit today!

Happy Journaling!

Date / Time Location

My Affirmation For Today Is;

I Am Grateful for;

Life is working for me, not against me.

I am in love with life, every minute of it.

Activity Time! Call a friend and tell them how their friendship has helped you grow and why you appreciate them. Write about your experience.

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