Fi laries, .
Cc prodnc ' Single Pi; per
Board of
lessons lowlI1g
REV. B. HARSTAD, President.
CI-IR. .LOSNES, Secretary .
Single . REV. L. TIL fEKKAN, Treasurer.
Board of Uisitors. l'{EV. C . A. SI'ERATI,
Tacoma, 'Nash.
Single J Th
REV. M. A. CHRISTENSEN, Vice- Presitlen t.
L. RYNNINb, Fern Hill, Wash
Astoria, Oregon.
r ~
Akin, I Anders路 Aaherg Anders. Anders. ,\n<iers. Anders. Anders Anders. Ask, C;
â&#x20AC;˘ Instructors.
.1-10N G, B. A., Principal,
Englislt L a1tg'uafTe and L iterature, B ible H istory,
P sycholofTY , Histor)! and Latin.
R efzg'ion, A UfTsb2t1~g COllfession , German , 1Vorweg'ia1l.
A . I OL SON", A ritlt-metic, B ookkeejJiu(r and Commercial Law .
AD OLPf-! HOlVG, P hnz. D.,
Geomei1J' , T r ig"01lO11"U!i1'Y. Plt)'S!'CS, Cllcmistry, Botany
and Pll)!siology.
F JVf. H OL Jl1ES, D Ya'lv i lLfT, La ndscap e and 1I1"ari1le P aintillg',
C1'ayo 1'l, f/[/ 01'k.
Piauo, Org'au a1ld Vo/te Cltltltre.
l1R S. N I .1-1 0 1VG.
Matron .
o mot iol
It and re N
out oh rail TeNn.
Twelve weeks, ope ns Tuesnay , October
T and closes Friday, Vec.
2, 1900,
2 1 , 1900.
St specte,
Winter Term.
Twelve weeks, opens \ Vedllesclay, Jan.
and closes Friday, MMch
22, 190 1.
~a r ch 26, 1901,
E nit ure .
Spring Term.
Twelve weeks , opens Tuesday,
lne n lr.
and closes Friday, June
fee wi damag N.
St ling. ho eating
Dedicatio n Day . . ..... . . Lnther's Birt hday ..... • . . Thanks~ i ving
Day . .
Christmas Vaca t ion . ....
Washington's Birthday
Easter Vacativn.
. . . . Novembe r
.......... . l'\ovember
... Begins December 2 1, ends Janllary 3 . . February
.... Octobe r 14.
be lai d ence i:
anel, if
Ai in chal
.. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. Begins '\ pril 6, ends J\ pril ').
Arhor Day ..
Memorial Day ..
. May
Commencement Day ..
. Jnne
A sent to Exam i
01 awarde s ing le:
· O
1-1 E P ACIF I C r. . TH ERAN "'C AD EM V is located al Parkland, a ueautiful ,nuurb of the city of Tacoma , in a region remarkable for t he beauty and grandeur of its cenery. To the ~~~~=~ west are seen t he beautiful range and peaks of the O lympic mOlln t· ai ns, wh ile to the east ,md south lie the rugged foot-hills and bro ken ranges of th e a 'cade moun tains , an d, lowering far above t he su rrounding peaks, rises the maj e ·tic cone of MOUDt T acoma, o r I~ "inie r , wi t h it s luantlc of eternal ·now . W ithin this mabrnificen t frame lie t he beautiful , park-like prairies, dotted wilh groves and clush'rs of tree at s hort and irregula r intervals and covered in spring and. Ullllller wit h myriad . of wild Oowers of nlmost every 11Ilt, and color. In healthfulness Parkland 'lI1e1 vicinit y Can scarcely bl! snrpassed. It is f:l r enollg'h inland to escape the distressin~ mo rllillg' fogs, an d , a t the salllc lime, nea r enoug h to the 0 ean to havcn mild and equahle t ~mper" ture throughout he whole year. P ur e OIir, pure waler , good dra inage, and excellent opportnnit · forOlll ·doo r e., ercisl! at allllost ,til season s make it an :llmos t idea l place for students .
BuUaing. The hui lding , which co I' in the neighLorhood of $ 100,000, is " massive, five story hrick struclun" 190 feet long and 82 feet wide . It is furnished with mod ern convenien es ;lnct has a water and electric ligh t plant of ils own . W hen fully finished it will he capable f aCCom lJl dating bet wee n 250 and 300 students.
Organization ana Rims. The Pacific LU l heran AcadeJlJ y is controlled and opemted by the Pacific L u· theran niversity ' \ 5 0 iation in the inlert!St of lite Evangelical LU lheran ·hurch . Its aim is , by a thorough , systema tic in~lruction 011" Chrislian fo u ndation to pre p",e young me n alHI wOIllt:11 for~ol1le ust:fll l \YOlk in iife. It will there fore be its constant endeavor to promote the highes t intellectual development of its stud Ilts , to give lhem a sound , religious ins t ruction and 10 surround them wilh such illOu· ences as hest will fit them {or their duties ill life. In. truction in Ihe fUlldamenlu l truths of the Biule forms an int ~grn l part o f all courses offered by tht! school.
S,,~cial j~aturu
FIRST: Its Preparatory Course furnishes excellent advant ages for those who wish to pursue thorou g h wo rk in the English hranch es. SI'COND: The Normal Cuurse offers e.<cc ll e nt opportunit y for ohtaining th e instruction and training needed hy those who desire to teach in th e puhlic schools. THI RD: It o ffers a thorongh Coll ege Preparatory Course , enah ling it s gr:tt luates to enter the Freshman class of any high grade classica l college or school of scie nce ill lh ~ country.
Rnle, CUlltil'
It maintains a Business College whi ch ranks among the hest in
FOURTH: the State. F IFTH :
effort c honl
It maintain s
!Vlodcrn Language Course, in whi ch instruction is
can g , out tl
give n in Engli sh , German and Danish-Norwegian.
S IXTH : It m ai ntains a lIlusical department cond ucted hy a tcac her of mark ed ability and broad repu tat io n. SE V~: N TH: It possesses spec ial facilities for tcac hi ng foreigners, espec ially Ge rmans aud Scandinavians, th e Engl ish langungt:.
EIGHT H: It g iv es persons wh ose ear ly edu ca tio n has bee n neglected an oppor 路 tunity to s tud y jllst SII{/t br allc/tes (IS tilq /Iud.
to obI p"yin
NIN TH: The sc hool.yea r is dividell into s hort terms, t hu s makin g it possihle for st ude nl s who ca n atte nd bu t a sh o rl tim e to comp lete one o r more branches of st udy .
TENTH : Effi cient anti experie nced tcachers are pro"ided, and th e work is !lrrangetl that the stud ent ma y lea,.." well what he nnd ertak es to st udy.
0 1
It Inainlain s a gymnasi um, affordin g excellen t Oppl)rlllTli ty f or
ph ysicnl training. TWELFTH: Th e low rates at whi ch boa rd , room a nti t uition are furnished 10 stud nlS at this sc hool m.lke it poss ibl e for persons of li'mited mea ns to get a good ed ucat io n.
sc hoo t he Ii cate ( teach
for tl s tu Ie s hor t no re
I,,", m m I,'" ,"""" b.o<"
'h, b,,",h~ ,,, 'h'
Courses in their natural orde r. St udents are th erefore required to select and follow some parlicular course of study, and will, as a rule, find it to th eir advan tage to do so. Only und er special ci rcum 路 stances will a stuclent he allowed to omit a study from the course which he has se le cted.
rlrst Ym--rall term. BIBLICAL HISTORY-Vog t 's. Daily.
ARITHMETIC-To compound numbe rs; Southworth's READING-Selected . Daily.
SPEL LING-Penniman's dictation exerc ise,. Daily.
PE:-.IMA:-.ISHIP-Easy movement drills. Daily.
S INGlNG-D riJl in read ing music. Daily.
BEGINNING G R .\~1MAR.-H }'de's . Daily.
GYM:-.IASTICS - Daily.
Winter ttrm. AR IT I I ~I ET IC-To Mensaration; Southworth 's. Daily.
GEOGRAPHY-Weste rn Hemisphere. Frye's. Daily.
I{ EA DING- ::'elected. Daily.
l:lEGI:-.INI:-.IG GRAMMAR-Hyde's. Daily.
PE:-.IMANSHIP-:Vlovement applied to business writing. Dail/.
SINGING-Drill in readin g music. Daily.
Spring tum. ARI I'H ME riC-Men surati on; Southworth's. Daily. GEOGRAP HY-Easte rn Hemisphere. Frye'S. Daily. REAUING-Penniman's School Poe try. Daily. !. T TF.R~'I EJ)(A 1'E G RAM IVIAR--H yde's. Daily. PE. ~1A:-.I:-;HIP-Rapid business writing. Daily . SI:-.IGING-Dri ll in reading music. Daily. GYM:-.IASTICS-Daily.
Second Year-rail term.
PIlYSIOLOGY-Marlin 's. Daily.
OR I'H OEPY-Drill in using dictionary. Daily.
READING-American authors. Daily.
ADV .\ :-.ICED GRAMMAR--Whitney & Lockwood's. PENM ..\ NS lfIP-Da ily.
GY ~11 NASTICS-Daily.
Winter term.
RELIGION-Expositi on of LUlhe r' s Catech ism . Daily. U. S . !lISrORY-ToConsti tutiona l Period; johnston's. ADVANCED GRAMMAR-Continued. Daily.
C IVIL GOV ER N ~1E NT-McC l ea ry 's Da ily.
READI:-.IG - American authors. Dai ly.
GYM:-.IA TI CS- Daily.
Da ily.
Spring tum. UN[TED STATES HISTORV -Constitution a l per iod; J ohnstu n 's. Dail y. REA DING-Standard au th ors. Dail y.
ENGLISII CO~ IP OSfT I Oi\'-D rill in writing easy English prose. Daily. SCHOOL MANAGE~IE~T T A ND SC IIO O L LAW- Bald win 's. Daily, FINAL ORATION. GV:"I :\,ASTl CS-Dnil y. Th is cOlll'se can h(' complete d inlwo ye ars by any stucient of "ve rage abilit y and indu st ry , It is designed to l11 ect th e wants of st udents who des ire to obtai n a second grade teacher's cer tifi cate. For the spec ial accotnnu; dat ion of this dass of sludents a term's work in Sc hool yl anngemcn l anti School L aw h as been ad led.
NORMAL COURSE. (Tl!tU>I'; I' t; AR S. )
first Ym- f/lll ttrm. BIBLICA L HI STORV-Vogl'S . Dail y.
AI ' IT HMETI - To compound numbers; Southwort h's Daily. READ IKG - Se lected . Daily.
SP E I.Lr C\lC -l'e nniman's d ictat ion exerciseii . Daily.
PEC\I:'1 A:\,SHI P- Easy movemenl d rill s. ])ai ly.
SING LNG -Drill in reading music. Daily.
I~ EG IC\lNIN G GR .\\I\'I AR . - Hy dc's. Daily .
GVM:\'A ST ICS- Daily.
ge th e Rald ,\
'1 strug f redy schoo ~l ana
'1 gra ml is con Orati( grn ml
siu lIs :
the iii Greek
o r!-!a n
Wlntu ttrm. ARIT IIMETIC-To }[ cns.lf:ll ion ; Southworth' s. Dai ly. GEO R API I V-Wester n H e misphere. Frye ' ,;. D aily . REAOING- el ecled . D ai ly. I3EG I N~ I NG GRA\IMAR - ll yde's. Daily. PE.'\MA:\,S]-[IP-\lovemen t app lied to business writin g . Da il ; . SI i\'G I :-':G-DrilI in read ing mu sic. Da il y. G
.' nnd 'i
Germ in g c;"
~ 1:\'f\ S TlC S -D aily .
AR rr llM E T I '-M e n,; uratioll ; Southworth 's. Daily. e t::OG R A PH V- Easlcrn Hemisphere. Frye 's. Oaily. R E AD I.'\ G-Pe nnima n '. School Poet ry. Daily. TN T E l' :VIE I)[ATE G RAMMAR--Hyd e 's. Daily. P EN \ IIANS[] I P- l{ap id bll sillt:ss writing. Da ily. rill in rearling music . Da ily . l NG [ :\'Gen"IN \ ST ICS-Du ily.
th e e l avera
grea t
v:\lu c
lic al It inc tiall
Y~ar- iall t~rm.
PlIYS1()J. G V-Martin 'so Vai Iy .
A DVANCED GRA :'>n.rAR- W hi tll ey & Lock wood's. ORT I 10EPY-Urili in \I in g dictionary . D il y .
KEAOI:>IG-Am e ri can au thors. Daily.
A LGE UI' A- T o fra c tions; W en two rth 's. Da il y.
(; \,;\1 :>1 AS TICS-Daily.
Da ily.
lU: LlGI X-Ex position of Dr . Lutb -r ' s :mall ·atec bi sm . Daily.
II [ 'T0 1{ Y U F T Il E . S .- To C onstit utional Period . J ohnston 's. C I VIL G VERK:¥l E T-i\ l cCieary 'S. Uaily .
ALGEBI' A- W en twort h 's. To quadr a ti cs. D:J.i1y .
({ EAD I TG-American Poetry . J)Jily .
GY:'C A TICS-Da ily .
Dail y.
Spring tum. UN Il' E D STATES I USTO R -Consti tut i nal period ; J h nston '5. Daily.
WO I D :"I A LY ·I S - Oaily.
E"G [ S I-! C :\1 POS ITION- Drill in writing eas y Engli sh p rose. Vnil y.
ALG EBKA-Went\\'ortl"s. Dnily.
RE L>I;\'G-r.lnsterpi eccs of British L iterat ure. n "il y.
G \' ~I:"I ASnCS-Dnily .
tbird Y~ar -iall term. PL.\NE
JEO ~ IETRY-W ent\\'Vrlh's .
Il ail y. P IITI.OS OPI I Y- \1ec hnnics · ·arha.t bute's. ELE \ Il::'iT R Y PS\' llOLOGY- Bal dw in 's. Dai ly.
E:\GLI ' 1-1 LCTE R AT RE- Uaily .
G Y ;\I" AS TleS-Dnily.
:>I.\TUI~A L
Winter term. I' LA:-1£ 'cO \ IE T RY . NGLl S ll LlTERATL'RE-lJ aily . I"REE II A r V DRAW L ·G- Dai ly . ELE\ I E . 'T AR Y PS V ' [[OLOGY- Dni ly for si ~ wee ks. N \ TU(' .\1. I'ILO SO PI l\ Qund and hent ; C rhan ? \ RLlAME:'<TAIZY LAW- Dai ly for si x weeks. GV\I:\'.\ STI .. D. il)' .
hut~ ·s .
Spring term. III BLE STUD Y- The .\cts read ""d xplained. I la il y.
:-1 AT R i\ I. PH fLUS I' ll V-Light a11< 1 Elec t ricity ; Cnrhnrl & E:\,GL l'l l L ITERATURE-Daily .
se llo I, MA:\' .-\ GEME:>\T A1\ J) S HOOL L AW-Dai ly .
FlN :\1. OI'A ·I IO:\'.
G n1~ASTI ·S-Daily.
hute 's.
T hi s cou c: cuvers a period of th ree yenrs, and ' mbrncps all the s uhjects fo r n first grade teacher's cerl ili cate. As will he seen by inspecting tbe above out line, considerable time is devoted to the tudy of psychology, meth d and educat iona l lit erature. r~ q \';red
['",CII-I C J .UT II E\{AN AC"'I)J::~ I V
Y~ar -Jall
BIBLICAL HISTORY-Uaily. ARITHMETIC-To compo~ite numhers . Daily.
READING-Selected. Unily.
SPELLING-Dictation exercisc5. Daily.
PENMANSH IP- Easy movement drills. Daily.
SING l !\G-Daily .
Bible nellt
st.udy Daily.
Winter term.
ARITH~'iET I C-To MensClroli o n.
Daily. GEOG l{ APHY-Western ll emisph e re. \· r}'e's. l);,ily.
RE c\ J)ING- Moclerll Europe . lJaily.
BEG I NN ING GRAYI MAR-Hycl e 's. Daily.
P~ NM .-\l\SI:-lIP- ~l o\'eme llt applied 10 business wriling. Dail y.
o f til<
igno r:
GY M1. . ASTICS - Daily.
Spring term. AI' IT I-I ~'lE l'I C- \l e nsuratioll . I )aily. GEOG RAPHY- Easle rn Heilli sphe re. Frye'S. Uaily. I{ E;\l ll NG-Pcnniman 's School Poetry . Daily . INTEICVIEI)I.-\TE GRi\:\BIJ\R--Hyde's. Dail)'. PE::>I:\oJ;\NSIIlP- Rapid business writi ng. D,lil)'. SINGING- Daily.
GYM:V.-\STlCS- Daily.
throll pe rio l
Mye "
Second Year- tali term.
PIIY S I O LO GV -~'larlin's.
ORT II OEI'Y- ()rill in lISi ll g diclionary. Daily.
ADV \:\, CED G\{'\~I.\,IAR--Whiluey & Lockwood 's. BEGI::>IN I:'\ (J L .- \TIN-·Collar & Daniell's. Daily. ALGEBI{.-\ - WCnlwortl,'s. To fractions. Dail),. GY~IN ASTlC:-i- Daily.
oU llir with izali u '1 C ·IV!,
Winter term.
RELlGIO:\'-E,\positi"n of LUlher' s ·alechislll. Uail)'. U. S. Ill S I'ORV -1'0 Cons litUli unal [' erio,l; Johnstoll". AUVil NCED GRA \I.\t,\ R-Colltinu ed.
A I.GEHLZ A-Wentwurt h 's, To qU;tdr;llic~ . I )aily.
BEl;r~:'-iI:,\(; LATI:\' - Conlinu ed. Dail y.
C; V\1.' ,,,"STIeS-Unily.
thou ~
all e n
U:,\I rEI> ST ATE .' HISTORV _Con sli llltional period; John ston ·s. D nily. i\ LG E8RA - 'o m plet ioll of Elementary Al gehra . Dai ly. E );G LL 11 CO\! POS ! I'IOl< - Drill iu \\'r i l in~ easy English prose. [,a ily. LAT IN- R eview of g rammar and tr ~1nslali()11 o f tirs l book of Ca;:-;ar. \Jail)' . READIl\G - Maslcrpieces of Brit.ish Lil erat ure.
G \,~I:'-i AST ICS-llaily.
ed t( Less
tbird Yur- fall
I'L AX I': GEU:'vI ETRY - Wentworth', . Daily .
:\ Xl' RAL PI ll LO ' OI'HV-~ I cchallics; Carhart & Chute ' s. ELE\II'::'I1T A I Y PSYC HOLOGY - Baldwin's. Oaily.
LXJ'f ?-Three Buuk uf Cxsar. Ihi y.
E ~ ;'I.I.'H L1Tb:RAT RE- :tandard au hurs . Dai ly.
(; \' ,\1:-1' AST l eS .
Wlntqr nrm. E LE\IE:"lT RY P!SYC I IULO(;\,-Dni lyforsh weeks.
"ATVI{AI. PH II.OSOPI I\'-!Sound and Heat. Daily.
HEG I:\ :\I [X G GREEK-WhiLe' s . n ai ly .
? \ RLlAME. TARY LA W- Daily for !)ix weeks.
LATI :-I'- T\\'o orations o f Cice ro . Da ily .
' IVI L 'OVER. ·M E. r T_~ l c '1 ary ' Ilaily .
Spring tqrm. E . (;US J[ I.rrERATURE-:ta nd"rd au tho rs. Dai ly .
[1J BLE ST . ])\'-The ,\ CIS read an d e ,p la ined . Daily .
LATI ~ -Two urnliolls of C iceru. ompoSlllon . /.)aily .
BEG I :'{:\,[" . GREEK-··Ctlllt illm:d. Daily .
N \ rURAL PHII.OS OI'I I\' - Ugh t nnd Electric ity. j)aily.
BO I' A'I V- Daily .
'fourtb Yur--l aIJ
t~rm .
E \' (;L IS II LI rER .\ T ' RE- St a ndard :luthor. . iJni ly.
L \ I' I 'I - Viq::i l, two book> wilh cOlllpo~tl i l)lI . I :1.ily .
(;1' E t:K-]{e,·itw uf Grammar and tran,lntion of fi.st b(}ok ()f :\ ""hasis.
G I~;\lE\{A I. I I I ~' TO I '\'-t\nc i enl; i\lyel'S' . Ihily .
(;1':1{ \ \.\ '\ G I' AMMAI'-Eyscl1 lmch ·s. Darly .
Winter tqrm. E'I(;US II I. [ TER .\ T U I~E-S lnl1 d ,lI"Ll ~lIlhon; . LA 1' 1:\ -Virgil . thi rd n.HI fOllrth 1J,)oks , with cumposit ion . U"ily .
GR I~EK -T w u huoks ()t:\n " hnsis. Da il y wit h compositiolls .
l ;]·:N I'; I{t\ 1. 11ISTOl<.V - ~ l ecJinevn l ; [\lycr.' . Un ily .
c.; 1 ~R \"\:\ -Granrn"U" "lid Readi ng. IJa.rly .
Spring t erm.
1..\ '1'1. '- \' iq~il, fifth ,,,,II .iX lh irouk· . Daily . Ollll)(hilioIlS.
GREl!:K-ll iad . Fi r,t. 1Ie1 S\!l'Olld h"oks.
(; I·:R\IAX- WIlh e lm r ell . C.,lIIPOSltioll. n ai ly.
Al·G";BL'l\.\; COXI'ES: IOX-llaily .
t ; EX!o:R i\ 1. IllS rOI{ \' - \'fodel'll . · Unrly .
FI:--i ,\I, O IUI[ (JX .
Th is COIlI'S" GU\'ers a period of fOll. yenrs, alld il clri~f a im is Lo prepare yOl1n g 1ll t;: 11 all d W' ~llle n or erHelilll!: the Freshman dm;s of the:.: c lassical course of a ll Y lir:;' d ..lS~ cnJ1\;'g"": , ur of the
nivt:l',:,ilyof \V a; hington .
It is, huwe'·c r, l:um
pl"le in ilse lf and lurni shes l l.t! rud llllent· ut" lil)" ral education . Students de 'iring to enler the [ortshruan c1ns.~ of a Schoo l uf !Science wi ll ue a ll owed to su b'tilu te rh"toric, ph,·sical geography, chemislry , hi g her :rlgcbra, solid geometry and plallc u'igol1omctry for Greek ""d the last year's w{lr k in Lat in.
I 12
TJlER A N A C e\ !)E.\I \,
( Pre paratory for l,uth er C o ll ege .) (TlIR lo E YEAR,)
rirM Vear- rall term. BEGI:-JN[:\'G GR .-\:-DIAR.-J-lyde's. Daily. A RIT I·HI ETIC- Southworth's. To co mposite numbcrs. B IBLE HISTORV- Vogt's. D aily.
SP ELLL G-Penniman 's Prose Di cta tions. Dail~· . ·
E:-.l( ;1
GEln IA n
1'£ =' :VI A:'-lS J-l 11> READ l ='G-S elected. Dai ly.
Y M :--I ASTICS- Dail),.
Wlnt¢r t¢rm. A R IT !lMET IC-To Mcns"rolion . D"il)'. GEOG RAPllY- W este rn lI ernispherc . Fryc·s. R EA DI N(;-Selected. Dail), . . 0R W EGl.-\)I-DA l\ ISl l - Sdect ed. ll:1il y. BEG I NN [:"IG GRi\~ I~ I AR- II )'d e's . Daily. GY ~I K I-\ T [ ·- Daily . ' r. ' G[='G - Dri ll in r~ading mu sic . Dai ly.
PI I \,~
(; v ~'J:
L.-\T I PHV ~
Spring term. !.R ITl l ME l'I C -~ l en s urat i o n . Dai l), .
GEO GR ,\ Pli Y-Ea.s re rn H e misphere . Fry e 's. Daily.
RE :\ DI:\'G-Pe nniman 's Schoo l Poe try . Daily.
I N TEIO I EI)[i\ T I~ ·R f\~H\'li\ R--H)'dc's. Daily.
PE)I \ UNS I I I P- D a ily.
G Y:VI N ASTIeS-Daily.
S¢cond V¢ar- rall t¢rm. NOR WEG [AN · UA r\ IS H - Select ecl. !la il y.
AD VA l\ CE D GR A~ Ij\l,\R-Whitll e )'& Loc kwood ' s . J~E A D I:\'G -Am e r i ca n Autlwrs . Uaily .
A LG E Blc-\ - \Ve nt \\'o rt l' 'so T o fracti o ns . Daily. HEG I. ' ' I :>i G L .-\ TI:\"- C o llar &: Uani e ll's. Daily.
Dai ly.
GV~ I:>i A S TI CS-Da i l y .
WinW't¢rm. R ELI G I :\' -Exposili ,)l) of I ,uther ' s Catec hh;nr. Daily. U. S . HI S T I V-To Con stitutional Period . Daily. /\D VA:>i C ED G RA:\I ~'IAR-\Vhitl1 ~ y &. Lock wo()(l' s. Daily .
C I V I L GOVER;.i\I E:\,T- \ tc Cle:u-y's . D a ily .
ALGEBR i\ -W el\ t \\orth ' s. To q uad ra ti cs. I )a ily.
BEG I ~~:\ I :\'G LATIN - Cont inu ed. Daily.
G Y:VI:\, i\ ST 1CS- Daily.
T th e 1'1 course
At ' D
Spring nrm. R I';A I I 'I
'-l3riti~ h
Illasterpieces. Daily .
LAT I 'l - Rcview of grammar and tr :tIl~ I 1\tio" of lirst hook of C,~sa r. A I.GEBR A-Q uadralics . Da ily.
:-.10 /{\ EG I AN -DA 'I I 1I-.'c1ec ted . Daily.
E'IG LlS I-[ C O:YI POSITI0N- Drill in writing easy Engli s h prose.
G YiVIl\ AST ICS-Dn;ly .
GE RM A\, R A'·D-I AR- · yse nhac h. D n;ly .
L. \ T I'l - T hree book s o( c-esa r.
P I. :'\ E GEOMETRy- vV entw onh·s. va ily.
RE A DI)JG- ~I erchnnt of Ve ni ce . On;ly .
P II \ 'S ICS-C arllart c" hute ·s. l\lec hnnics . Ihily .
GV.\I:'\ ASTI CS- Daily .
I.AT I, - Two rati on of Ciccr o mpositiun . I'II Y 'I CS-Sound all d Il ea l. ])ai ly.
GE \ I ETR Y GJ-:R ~I A 'I - G r alilmar and R eadll1g .
READ !. G - ."ta ndard authors.
SI!':G I ~G - naily .
Spring nrm. L ..\ TIN - T\\'o rations of C icero. Dai ly.
GE R iVI":,\ -Wi lhcll11 Te l l. Dail y.
NORWEG IAN - DA NC ·U-Selec ted . Daily .
HI I: L • STU DV-Ac ts read and e xplain ed . Dai ly.
SI '1l:!:\,(j - Dail y.
The studies in this course have been so arranged as to dosely correspond with he Prel aratory De pn rtmen t a t L uth e r College. A stud li t who comple tes th is co urse wi ll he ah le to en te r th e I'res hmnll C lass at "a id inst it ut ion.
PA 11' 1C L UT f-I1!:RAN
CAnE~ I\"
first HIBLl AL Ir1 ST O RY- Vogl'S. AR LTL1M ETIC-Daily . REAl)[1\G-~ elc.;ted . Vaily.
nally .
,'I'ELL I NG - Dictalion Ext:rcises, Uai ly .
PENMA 'SHI P-Movemelll clt·ills.
13EG I. " I NG GR A:- I\l.-\R- l l yd e' s. D aily .
GY:Vl :-l STlCS-Daily .
Winter t erm, Rl'r lf :\'I ET r 'I'll mensuralion ; . oull.wort h's. Dnily . I' EA D l1'G-Se lccled , Daily . BEG I).':\' r l G G R A1\ I;\ [ R- l l yde's, Da il y. PF: :-I MA , S H I P- ~'I ov"mcill applied 10 husiucs. " riting . 1)., iI ... . CO :\D I I~RC I L GE OG H A I' H\' - I-'ryc 's. Uai l y . GY\I:\, .\ ST I CS-Dai ly .
Spring term ,
A RIT II ~I ETI C -\l ensuralio,). Daily .
RE Dli'lG-Pennilllall ' s ."ch"ol Poc try , D .lily .
I N I' , R~IEm X rE ( ;R.\~L \l A R - l lyde's. ])aily.
PE :\' i\I A :\' S I II P-R apid business wrillng . I )" ily . 'O\D1ER ' I A L GE )-rC... P II V- Frye's . D.li " , (; \' \ 1:--1 AS rI CS-Dnily .
S¢cond Vear- fall t¢rm. . \ [)V .\ :--1CE D GR ,\\DI R- \ hi t ll">' ', Loekw l)o,l's. I);, il:' .
13 K K EI, P I ~' - Tb eory ,)f f\ CCOllllts; \\' 1I Iia",$'" Rogns' . !lail} .
c< Yl .\l ERCTA l. .\ RI rlf.\n: !'IC- Dail l' .
R ,\ PfI> C , L LATlO 1'\ - Daily . •
R ·\I' ID 13 SI:>JE'S \\'!{ lIT'\(; - l):lily .
(; \' " I:\, AS rrc,,- I ),tily .
co \ 1;\l l': RC 1.-\ L
Wint¢r tnm. A IZI TII:-'I ETI C- Dn, h ·.
RA 1'1 J) C A I.eu 1..-\ T IO:'>l - I>,.i h·. EI. E\l E:-':T:-i OF EC O:-':O \I ICS- I h i l " .
t\llV A'i ' E O ( ; IC \ \-D I A \{- \\' h i tlll')' &. L lIck wond ·s. n,ti l \' .
1300KKEEPJ:-': C-Conl inu,lI,C>J1 of the fall te r m 's work . J)~ lh· . Rl': l.IG I{>- ' - I~xp()';' ti " " "f Dr. I, lllher ' s "mall C,dccb'.Il1 . I)~ ily . , ";.I 'i .... STI(;S-Vail)'.
Spring t¢rm, BLhl'\ESS A:--1 I > OFFICE P I {,\CT I L' I~ . II S! :-\ ESS L :\ W ,\ 'i ll VQR\IS P:til y. CIV 1L GOVE R \ 1E:--I T-r.h.i l)' . E'\GLlS II C \II'O!'IT IO:-.'- j )nilv .
l ; n l :\.\STICS- Daily .
As::t rul" th c ,l\·cr"f.{c s(u,lenl will r"<j u ire two ),e," · 10 clllIpl(tIC thi , courSe . A stud e nl who has :1 hir kn ow l e d~ · of arilhm e tic, gco~r"l'h)' alld g,alllmar C'"' (;t unpiele it in one year . I VtrcHlgh knowl edge of itr; t hllllti c and grallima t" is a \) ;nlute ly essenlial in n co.tlln c rci.1 educa tion.
Diff蔵Nnt Brancbu of Study.
RELIG iON. Biblical History. One period dml y throughout the fall te rm will be d e v ted to th e stud y of Hihle lIistory. The c hief a im of the wo rk in this class will be to make the stu-' de nt fam ili a r with th g rca t t ruths of th e B,blc. Ca.techism. ne p riOt! d a ily throughout the winter term will he d evoted to a carefu l study of a short exposition of Dr. Luther's Catec h is m. The r 'citations will be c o nducted in th t: En gl ish langua ge .
Bible Study. The work o f thi class will consist in the read ing and " x planation of the o f t he Apostles .
Augsburg Confession. The Augs burg Conf ssion is a trea. 'Ilre of whi c h no l.uth ern n shou ld be ignontn t. On e peri od dail y for t we lve week s wi ll be devoled to t hi suhject.
Unite.:! States History.
A clnss w,lI be o rgani zed a t the pe ning of th e winte r terlll a nd will continue througho ut the spring t~rm. S pecial au nt ion will be g iv en to the constit utional p eriorl of our history. T ext-book , j ohnstun' s.
G eneral H istory. Three terms will he devoted to a brief s urvey of the history of the world . Myers' Gene ra l lIi story , tex t-book.
Civil Government. Besides tea.c h ing t he general prin c ipl es on whic h our gove rnmen t is basetl, ns olltl ined in Ollr co nsti tution . speci al efforts wi ll be made to farni li ,uize t he st udent wi th t he org.ln i7.tltion of towns , "i llages, c il i . alld school distr icts; a lso the rgan 足 iz:lfion and work ing- of the! var ious c urI. w i thin the st ntc a nd na tion.
F'isk e's
C ivil Gu vc rn 11l nt, or any t{'x t-hook.
ENGLISH. Reading. In tclligen t reatt ing li es at the o:lSi s of modern educa tion. rt is therefo re thOlwht we ll to rlevo e consirle rahle tillle to , hi- bmllc h . Th rougho ut the cOllrse allen t i,," is give n to articulation, pr on ullci a tion and to thought ana lysis. Selcc 足 tion, tHe cOlllmillcd to memory.
Spelling. T his consists ot a ca rdul study of wo rds, and tlil' tntion
xerciscs .
Beginning G ramma r. T hi; is a b:gi1111 iug cl ass in Eng lish gl'Ummar. Th e work is e pccin ll y adapt足 ed to the n"eds of those who are sturlying' gr anlillar for th e fi rst time. lI yde's Less"ns , Book Sec ond, is used .
Cl YI C L U T H I.!IC-\N
':\UEi\I V
Orthoepy. It is th e special aim of this suhj ec t to make th e student so f amiliar with th e diacritical marks of 'Webst e r o r W o;'ces tcr, that, with a diction ary in hand, he can in a moment assllfe him sel f of th e co rrect prnn unciat ii)lI of any Eng li sh word. T he stud y Can be completed in one ter m .
Advanced Grammar. A stuclent who has completed tb e work in Beginning and I nte r mediate Gram
mar, o r its equivalent, may take up th is c lass with ad van tage. ne y and Lock wood 's.
T ext-hook , Wh it
English Composition. T he theoret ical knowled ge acqu,red ill the st udy of grnmma r is here pu t illln praClicaJ li se in writing easy Engl ish p r os~ . Some a ttention is give n 10 l e lt~r writing .
En2lish Literature. Tb e oll jec t of t his s tudy i· to acquai nt the sluden t with th e productiolls and characteristics of th e most pro miop 'll writ ers in the realm of En li sh Ii te r;llure .
MATHEMATICS. Arithmetic. In a rithm e tic the aim is , fir.t , to mak e th e s tud e nt fully understand the prin ciples under lying every operation thnt he performs, nne secon dl y to acquire speed nud accuracy in handling figures . Short methods are ,"ade use of whenevt!r it is possib le .
Algebra. The stud y of a lgeh ra will be beg\\ n at th " opening of Ihc fall term , ami will con ti nue thr oughou t t he en tire yea r. ';V ent ,'onh' s Algehra, text·book .
Geometry. T wenty-four weeks will be cievoted to t he st ll d y of pinne and. olid geome try, begi nni ng at the o pe ning of the fa ll t erlU . Text -book , Wen tworth 's.
SCIENCES. Geography. The work in this subjec t will begin at the open ing of tbe winter te rm, and will continu e throu ghou t the eotire spring te rm. A consirl mhle portion uf the time will be devoted to the study of physical geog raphy . F rye's Comp lete Gcog-ral'hy , text- book.
Natural Philosophy. The work will cun sist of recitations, experimen ts an d the solutio n of prohlems, T ex t -book, Cu r hart & tUlLe ·s. E (em ~n tary
On e term will he devoted to th e stud y of e leUlenta ry c hemistry ; Shepard', helllis try, te xt · book .
P hysiology. I nstruction in human ana tomy wiil he: includ ed untler thi. brancl.. Spec ia l :ttlent ion will he give n to the functions of th e hod y, and their relation to hygiene.
Elementary Psychology. A urief tndy of tiome of the phenomena and laws of the hum an mind, to g~ t hcr with lec lllrcs on th " principl es a nd lIlethocis of teaching. T ext -book, Baldw in 's.
School Management and School Law. Th e chief object of th is work is to aid young me n and wom e n who are bravely struggling to become educa ti ona l artists . Princi p les, illustrations and resluts are freel y gi ve n. W ith these ai d s each teac her is left to wor k Ol1t the problem of se ho I managernent for h i rn self in his ow n way. T ext -book, Bald win 's School Man agemen t.
FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Latin. Two terms will l>e d evoted to a tho rough st udy of th e el eme nts of Latin grnmrnnr. F or thi ' work ollar ,' Uani Ii': Begi nn er' s Boo k is use d. Wh en this is co m pleted t he s tll len t takes np th e 'Hld y of C ",sa r 's Co mmenta ries , Cicero 's rat io ns and Vi rgi l's IEn" id . F r"<luer,! exercises are gi ven in comp sition and on gramm :.u ica l forms :-Iud constructions.
Greek. In Greek the student spends two ter Ill S in bcco min g f:ullili:lr wilh the declen · sions an d cunj uga ti oilS. H e is then p"epa red to read Xenophon. Of thi s author th e fi rst th ree books are read , a ll d of th e Il ia d , two books. Whit e's Beglll lle r 's Gre" k Book is uscd as a tex t-boo k.
Norwegian-Danish. A cl ass for th e read ing :Hlel stu d y of Norwegian and D anish literature will be organ<zed at t he ope ning of th e fall term, and will be con tinued throu gho ut the whole sc hool - yenr . .-\ ' L,SS in grammar and cOlli pos ition .." ill be cond uct ed throughout th e win te( amI sprin g te rm .
German. T he course ill ';er ma n includ es one ter m' s work in acquiring the e lement s o f G e rm a n gramma r as outlin ed in oll a r ' s Ey ·e n bach. and tw o terms' w rk ill read in g e:lsy G e rmall p rose alld po\~ try . Th e con versa tional met hod is employed.
COMMERCIAL. Penmanship. I n pe nmanship the rif.:llt rno\'~ln cn t is taughl, and th e s tu dent is made to see th e er ro rS of his Ow n \V ri t in~. Speed, foml and movement are clevelopp.d at the same time. By correc t traini ng throug h a well .g raded and systematic cou rse , the a ve rage pllpi l acquires a neat , rap id and legible sty le of wri tin g , which will be of g reat belletit l<! him in nny voca tio n in life.
Bookkeeping. A kno wl edge of bookk ~ep in~ is generally conceded to ·he of consid erable va lu e to nil men, n maller ,vh a t thell' occu pa tions may be. Aside fr m th e prac lie ul ut ili ty o f th e science, it ul 0 a ffords menta l discipline o f th e h ieh est order. Il tllcu1ca lt:s nea tness, accuracy alld sys le m-a"'lu irem en ts which a rc very essen · t ial IOrsuCI:c'S ill l if~.
The work is carried on accor.ling to the so-cal1ed class plan. E ach st ude nt is required to learn thoroughiy the lessons assigned the class from day to day. T he length of the lessons wil1 be determined by the average ability of the class. It has been found that the principles of hookkeeping can be learned most effectively in this way. This method makes it difficult, or well nigh impossihle, for the student to rush through his work So hurriedly that he does not get time to assimi late what he learns, or to idle away his time, working- only when it suits his con venience-evils which aIe very common in schools that employ the so ·cal1ed in dividual method. The class plan does away with these objecti(~llable features. By this method the quick, active students who are often tempted to do superficial work will be forced to master the subject, while the slow, plodding ones will be incited to study more diligently in order to hold their own in the class. All points not understood by the student will be thoroughly discussed and ex · plained in class, and no part of the work will be considered finished until it has been completely mastered. The course is based on Williams & Rogers' New Complete Bookkeeping. It is simple and systematic as well as comprehensive. Easy transactions are first taken up, and, step by step, the student advances to more difficult work . In this way a number of different sets are mastered, giving the student a complete view of th e principles employed in the various kinds of bookke~ping. A sufficient nllm her of c1as"es will be conducted every term to accommodate all students. When the stud.. nt has completed the theory of bookkeeping he enters a course in Business Practice. Here he has an opportunity to put his theoretical knowledge of bookkeeping to a practical test. He is requirecl to write out a great variety of business papers ancl documents, such as notes, draft,;, checks, receipts, hills, Ie·,s<s, JIlortgages, articles of co·partnership, telegrams, etc . In tact, he carries 011 busi ne~s just the way he should do it in actual life. It is the aim of the school to make the course so broad and deep that a stllclt-nt who has completed it shall be able readily to aclapt himself tn allY ordinary syste", of single or double-entry bookkeeping nsed in the husin(}6s wod LI.
Business Law. A knowledge of the laws governing commercial transactions is of great vnlue to anyone, but especially to the business man. Our course aims to give the student such knowledge of the Jaws of business that he may transact his husin~ss affairs in an intelligent manner.
Rapid Calculation. A short period during each day is set aside for drills in adding long columlls of figures . This is particularly for the benefit of the commercial stuclents, but others may avail themselves of the opportunity.
Commercial Arithmetic. During the second year of the commercial course two terms will be ,Iev,)ted to a careful study of commercial arithmetic . This is nn advanced cl ass and is not in tended for students requiring instruction in the more elementary principl es of arithmetic. It is presupposed that the student has become thoronghly acquainted with these before he takes up commercial arithmetic. \Vhile this work is especial· ly desi{lned for the benefit of commercial students it is nevertheless of such a na ture that it can be pursucd advantageously by those taking other courses.
MISCELLANEOUS. Singing. Five periods week ly throughout the entire year are devote d to si nging. pecia l effort will be made to teac h th e stud e nt to read music a t sight. C hurch music and horus wo rk will he a spec ia l feature .
Parliamentary Law. Th e last half of the winter t erm will be devoted to the s tudy of R oherts ' Ru les of O rd er. Til e stude nt wi II learn hy ac tua I practi ce" how to organize and cond l h.: t IHt bli.,; meetin gs, s uc h as cau cuses, sc hoo l mee tin gs, conve nti ons, e tc.
Freehand DraWing. Th e impo rlance o f th is s tudy in tea ching habits d close and correc t observalion can Sonree ly be o ver-estimated . D a ily lesso ns in this hranch will be given through o ut th e wintcr term. The wo rk will c o n ~ist mainly ill ,"et ch in K fro m objects.
GENERAL INFORMATION. CONDITIONS FOR AomSSION. Yo ung men ancl wo me n who are willing and able to do the work required and to o bey the rul es and regulations of thc sc hool II-ill be admi tt ed to any course upon pa y in g the regul a r tuitioll . As a rule, applicants unde r 14 years of agc will not he ad m itled .
TIME TO ENTER. Th e bes t time to en te r is at the begin nin g of th e f,,11 term wh e n new classes are o rltanized . Stud en t ~ will be r~ce iv c d at a n y tillie, howeve r, and generally li nd C"lSS~S adapted to the ir need ".
T uit ion pe rt erm of 1 2 weeks , SI S. OO. Thi s includes instruct io n in a ll branch es in any of the courses offered by the school (except m usic and painting) ' it a lso entitles the s tudent to the f ree use of Ihe li br. ry a nd gy mnas ium. All tuitio n lIlu st be paid st rictly in ad va nce for at lenst one tcrm, and a certifi ca te of mem be rsh ip obtain ed from the prin ci pa l, whic h must be presented to the tea cher in charge of 'h e c lass th e student d es ires to cnte r. A studen t who lea ves sch ool before h is tuition expires will be given a due-hi l! fo r the unex pired tuiti o n a nd roo m.rent. This due-bi ll may be used ei the r by the student h imse lf o r by a brother or si ·ter. In no case will a due-bill be is ued f r a sh o rt er ti me th an two weeks. A s tud e nt ent ering one or two week' "fter the open ing of a t erm will receive no reduction.
R00M -RF.NT .
Room-rent, p ~ r tcrm of 12 w ~cks, 56 .00 . ROllm -ren t must he p~id in ~dvance f o r at least one term . The rooms tlre heater! by st"am . lighted by electricity and furnished wit" hairs , t:tbles, bedsteads 'In <l wardrohes. .'LUdents furni h thei r own towels nnd bed-c1othes_ · uitabJ., mattresses llIay he procured from t he janitor. The Pacitic L u theran Academ y is a uonrding chool, and no tudent will be allowed to room outside without pecial perm i. sion . HO A RlJL G .
Th e Pacific L ut hemn Academy furnishes b()nrr! at rrc/I/rr/ { osl . D uring the past yem' the students. under the supervis ion o f the fac u llY, have con d ucled a \)oard ing club. T he club w as ITmnaged by t h e s tude n ts them 'cl ve" who met " t sta ted tillles to adop t r ules, e lect officers, henr reports , d ecide upo u th e kind ' () f food ",anted , a nd t he li ke . T he club h ired ils o wn cook , wai ters , etc . l\ ny studen t may become a member of the club by signing its cons tit u tion a ncl depositillg with t he lreas ure r the sum o f $1 0.00 for the cnsh purchase of prO\'isions for the next fo ur wee k. Al the end of every mOll th of fo ur w ~cks lilt! actua l cost of board is ascertai ned by tlte officer of Ihe d ub, the a mou nt clue from each Illl'II . bc r i ' deducted f ro m his d ' posit , t he balance slan d ing to his c redi t for the next mon th. T o lhis ba l an~e musl the n be added ,,'n amount ufl'lcienl to make Ihe re quired depusit of 10 . 00 at the begi n ning of the lI ext 11101lth , a ll d so on. Under Ihis armngem n t good a nd substa ntia l boarcl was furni s hed a t the t:xcced in gly lo w a \.t:rage price o f S I . 75 pC I' week, or about ' ce n ts per mea l. During t he coming school -yea r th" c luh will hI: conducted. on the Same plan which gave snch ge neral satisfactio n last yea r. Each membe r of the c luh will 1 e req ni rcd 10 pay 5 ce nt s pe r week for the lI ~e of sto ve , dishes a ll d o the r kitchen furn ishi ng .
SUMMARY OF EXPENSES. Pe r T erm of 3 1Il0mhs.
Tuilion . . .. .. .. . . ' ... . .. . .. . . . .... . . . ... . l :tOOlil . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .
BO:lrd (eslimated a t
1. 75 pe r week ) ,
T otal .. ... . .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . .
SI 5 00
21 00
' chool Veal', 9 months . 40 00
18 63
00 00
$ 121 00
T o th is lI ' II 'l be added the Cc.st ,)f \\'fi hing, "ooks allrl slationery . The cost of washi ng canno t be accurate ly determined , as it varies to some ex ten l wil h Ihe tastes and habits of t he individua l. The cost of books depends UpOIl t he kind and nllmbe r (branche - tbe s tu dent selects. All necessary texl-books lIIay be houg h t a l the school. ' tudents wi ll do well to brin~ with them u h te~t - b()ok~ as they posst'SS.
2 I
GENERAL REGULATIONS. Only such rule s have .hee n adopted as ha ve heen found necc sary for the pro· motiou of the hi ghest int erests o f th e sc hool a nd of th e s tudents. It is an impli ed con trac t tha t stu d en ts will c hee rfully comply with t he rules and regula tions o f the school in every re pee l.
No student will be a llowed to drop a s lud y or be absent f rom his classes wilh . li t obtain ing pe rmi ssion fr om Ih e prin c ipa l. The yo un g ladies wh o hoard a t the school arc not allowed to receive gentle· nlen into their rooms .
Studen ts are re qu ire I I k eep t hei r rooms cl en n and tidy . pecled d aily.
T he rooms are in
E ach s tud e nt is h eld re s ponsi bl e for any damage done to his room or it s fur n itu re. An inde mn ity fe e of $2.00 mus t be tl epos ite I with Ihe pri nc ip al. T hi s f ee will be relu rn ed 10 thc sturlen t when h e lea ves. less the cost (o r repairing a ny da mage he may hav e don e to the property of th e school. No s tudent is allowed to use tobacco in "ny form within the bu ild ing . S t ude nts who parti cipa te in dancin g or card· pla ying:, or visit sa loons o r gamb ling. houses , d o thereby sever their con nec tion wit h Ih" school. Th e use of intox i ca ting liquors, no m attcr ho w ohtain ed , is stricll ' pr()h ih it ~ <i. No slu dent is a ll owed to leave Parkland to J::O h ome or to any neig hboring to wn or village wilhout pe rmission from the principal. A t udp.n t who neglec ts hi s work, who wilfnlly disobeys th e ru les whic h shall be laid down for the gOY r., me nt of the sc hool, from time to tim !'. or who e inAu ence i, pe rnicious , is not w:lnted, and will nqt hc retain ed in the inslitut ion , and , if expell ed, torfeits the tuilion atH! rOOIll-rent pair\.
. II stuci e nt s a rc req uired to he prese nt at th e (ia ily ckvot;')l1al ex ercises h eld in chape l, un less excII d by . ppcial a r range me nt. RECORDS AND REPORTS. A record o f attenda nce , rec itation an d deportment is kept, a copy of whi his sent to pare nt s or g u;]rd ia ns wh o may desire it, at the end of c ac h term or oft e ne r. Exam inations are hel cl at th e close of each term.
Only such s tllcients as compl e te th e full work prescrihed in any COn rse will he awnrci ecl a dipl o ma . S tllclents no t pursuing any of the regula r courses hut selectin g single stllo ies fr01l 1 one or mOre wi ll hc classed as 'peeinl slUden ts. ~uch will re ce ive 110 diplo ma.
P AC [n C L U Tl [ ~ I{ A
MISCELLANEOUS. SOCIETI E S. The Ly reul/I is a li terary soc iet y ho ld in g meetin gs tw ice a mont h . D.:Im /iJlg Socidiu are orga niz ed 'very yea r. 01 IIft/.,ieal Orgalli:;atioll J the P ac ihc LUthe ran Acad emy has a ba nd and o rc h e~ t ra . .'lit AI/l/die A SJociation. has been orga nized a mong t he st ud cnts.
LlBR.ARY AND READING ROOM. Th e school has a li brary compr ising ove r 500 bound vc lumes. Addi ti ons a re mad e fr om li me to time. Du ri ng the yea r va lua ble con tribu tions have bee n rece ived f rom fri ends. A Readin g Room is maint ai ned in connec ti on wi th the li hra ry.
FIRE COJ\1PANY. A tire cll lll pany was organ ized a mong th e s lude nt · d llr ing t he past yea r. Mone y was collec ted hy the st ucl ents a 11101l l,( th e f rien ds o f the school for t he u(!CesSIl ry ho e a nd ot he r fi re appara t us.
Pacific Luth era n Acad em y has no w a la rge a nd com modious gy mn as· iu m. Effon s will be lIlade to make menta l and p hy~i cn l cult ure go h a nd in hand . (" reeh a nd gym na't ics f urm a pa rt of a ll cours~ s offe rcd by t he sc hool a nd are requ ired of a ll stu dcuts .
SPECIAL COURSES. MUSIC. T he P,\cific L U lh ~ ran Acade my recogni zes th e im port ance o f lUusic as a mean s of cu lture a nd re linc lll elll, a nd ai ms 10 furn ish such inst ruction as best will nit! the studeLlls to "cclui re " taste fo r true m usic . It will th e refore he the onst;\nt ~n dea vor o f the seho I 10 " ive it s ~ Illd e nt s su ch a train ing as will lay a good f .. und a· t ion fo r a Ihoroug h I1IlI Ica l educa ti on. T he full ow in g courses a re olfered: PI A N O .
Fi,..,t Grndt: - ~I t he ws ' l;raded Stu d ies. hooks 1. nnd II . Gurlitt, op. 10 1. T echnic. hook 1. Ea~ y ekc ti n ' f rol1\ standa rd ulllpose rs for llI e lll ory a nd nlc l· orlylndies . St:t'ol/ d (/ 1'fl,/~ - ~ 1at he ws ' ( ;rncl ed Stnci ie , buok 11. nncl III . lI elle r, up. 46 . le ment i', SOnat as . ~ o n 'Ol ne 's Etlt(its i\lelo· Maso n' s ['<!c hnie . bouks l. a nd 11. d iq ues. 'e lec ted stu <ii t!sfo r reci ta t ion . Th i rd (" rn dl!- 'clI l" co ns tr uct ion wilh writt e n wUl k p r ~pa r a t o r)' to , t\1 u y f ) f h. ronon ), . T ech n ic co nti nued . ['l e ll er' s Phla gi ng and R hyth m ,Stu dies . 1';t\1 de5 nnd T r il l S tu dies to mee t uhili l\' of stud en t. St a lll ~ "' s H ar monv Prim er. P, clud es nnd V\l g ll es . Oach. Se lec ti o n. -f rO Il\ Sc IIlllll 11 II II , Schul te and , ~h n rwe n ka . I{ul>e n "lC! i II il ll e! i\i ozn rl.
r im rt;' (,:r nr/e- I l nr ml1n)' ~tudi cs onti nued . L' 1erny ' : ~c h oo l of Veloc it y I1 nl1 O~tave St ud ies. :\lnson ' T c(' h ni c , houk IV. O ll cel'l I'.t ud,s o f C hupi ll, RII I/e nstei u , '"h umann and ·ralll'r. Sona tas o f Bee t hoven a ud :'>I ozn rt. Sdec ti uIIS o f :'> l enddssohn and Von Ruin\\' a nd others ,
A 'D
'1 ' E S' C O LLE GE . ORGAN .
F ir st C,'rlldc- \'1alter La ngdo n 's Organ Book s, I. and TI l' with ensy vulu n taries, hy m n tu nes and fu gues . Schmiclt' . Techn ic. Stfco lld Grade- Menddssohn's Songs \V itho ut \Vords. vo lunt a rie s and fug ues. VOIC E C I.T URJo:. Co ncon e and R and d egge r's Books fo r Beg inners. Mada me Yla rc hesi for tone, product~ion_ S pic her's Ligb t R ead ing, hooks 1. , II. an d Il l. T U IT ION .
Si ngle Ie ·ons . . .. .. .. . .. . ...... $ .75 Per te rm of 12 lessons . .. .. . . . . . . $6. 0 0 Pi a no ren t, one h ur daily, per mont h, $ 1. (,0. Orgou ren t, o ne hour dail y, per month , 50 cen ts . Tu ition, as w e ll as re nt of ins tr um en t, must be paid invariably in ad va nce.
LANDSCAPE AND MARINE PAINTING, AND CRAYON WORK. iVIr. F. M . H olmes, who has hi s ·t ud i" in th e school buildin g , will give pri vate lesso ns in oi l pai nt ing a nd perspec ti ve dra wing, ei the r c rayo n or penci l, on th" fol lO Win g te n ns: OIL I'A1 NT I:>; C. S in g le lesson ..... " . .. . . . . .. . . . $ .50 Per term of 13 lesso ns . ... .... . . . $5 .00 PERSP 1~: C T I VE
DRA \'" I NC; .
S ingl e lessons . .. .. .. . . ... .. . ... S . 50 Per term of 13 lessons . . . .. . . ... . $ 2. 50 The t u ition is pa yahle in advance . ~~
GRADUATES. 18 9 8 . K OR MAI.- Ettie C . Kma be l, Park land, Wash.
I' REI'A RATot,Y - Ama nda [\.1. Swa n, C h a m pueg , O re.
1899. P REPARATORy-·Anna C. Leq uc, S ta n wood, \'1ash. CO M ~I EHC t i\ I.- 1\ell i ~ l. P. Lee, S kag it , Wash . Se na O lsun, Genessee, Id aho.
1900. :-i ,)R MAL- A lln a M . Tenwick, Roc kford, Wash . f\g n es Wh it ing. Tacom a, Wash . CO M ~I a:;RC IAI.- SCIII' T ingelsta d , S il verto n, O re. ' . A. Andersun, Red mond, \\lash . An gust Busch ma nn , T acoma. Wash. Ri ch arcl Tsac hse n , E ure ka , Cal. ~
Stud~nts, Ak in , D ..-\. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Wasil. A nder Oil , C. A. _ . . . . ... ... . Wash. Aaherg , Ra ll d i. . .. .. . . . .. .. Wasil. And e rson, Hjal llla r ... ....... \'Vas ll. And e rson, Gilhert .... '" ..... . Wis . Anderson, F. C . . \Vasll. Anderson, Jo hnnml. . . . . .... ~ W is. An d erso n , A ndre w .... \'1ash . And erson, T heodo re. . . . . . . . \ Vis . Ask, Ca rl . . . Ala ·ka.
1899-1900. Rll sch llla nn , Augu, t. . \Vas h. Brown , (;. W . . ~. . . . . Ca l. B ~ rrllm, Ma rion. . . . . Wash . Brotlem, I.eonha rd .... W n~h . Broll !!"" . l.oul sa . . \'V a h. . W as h . Brown , George . Berge, Ma rt ha ... .. . . . . .. . . . . W ash . Co mstock. I .ena . , . . . . . . ... \V ll ~ h . I urh a lll , I. . . . 'N ash . Oave npor t, H arl ey . .. . . . . " .. Wash .
STUDENTS - Continued . D urfey Martha . . . .. . .. W ash . Englund , Lud vig . . . . . . •.. .. . W ash . Evense n, Ellen .. . . . . . .. . . . .. Wash . Egge, A nna. . . . . . . . . . . W ash . Engelsen, T heodore . . . . . Wnsh . Ekberg. . }<- • • • • •• • •• • • .••• Wash . Eric kson . Louis . . .. . . . A la kn . Fornia. ~essie . .. .. .. .... .... W a h . Foss. Sam uel .. . . .. . . . . . Ore . Fossen. lara ... . ..... . . ..... W ash . l ;dger, Josephine . . .. ........ W ash . Grp.gor y, .'\ Iice .. .. .. . ... . . .. 'N ash . G plerud . John . .. . , .. . .. . .. Ore . Grollt: , . W ash . Gla.so, Palma . . . . . ... . . W nsh . Harstad, Geor 'e . . . . . . . . . . . W a!;h . . . W ash . I farSlad. T heodore. . J larslad , Marie . . ... W as il. H agen , H . N . ... . . , . .. . ..... Wash . ll owick , A . . . . . .. .. . .. . f\ ln .ka. ll ong, ~hrie. . .. . Wash . !l adi , 1\ . :'1. . . . .. . Persia. L~achsen, Richard . . . . . . . a l. Iverson, Am leta... .. ... . Wa. h. Johnson, George . . . . . . . . . . W as . Jensen, L ars . . .. . are . Johnson , Frank. . . . ... . . W ash . J oh nslon. F. A. . . .Wa h . Krmthel , Uie ......... W ash . Kraahel, Luella . . . . W [I h . Klosle r , J. 11. . . . . . . . 0,,; . LIU'gsjocn. JUlius . . . .. . W ash . Lee. P . \V. . . Alnska . L ee , :\'e11ie . W ash . Larso n. L~ \1 rit z . . . . .... W ash . ~to;cs. ~'! arie . . Iowa.
Malhiesen. Co M. . .. . ... . . . .. . H. C. Ne lson. N . . ... . .... . W a ·h . Net",n, Nellie . . . . . . . . .. . . .. W ash . Nans, Gunder . ...... . ....... W a h . rt> . Iso n . scar ... . ... . . )L<;Qn , Martin . . . . .. . . . .. ... . . W a h . Pelerson . Peler . . . . . . ... . . . .. \'\ '[lsh . Rolla t , II. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . ' . D. Reilan . . P.. . . . . . . W ash . Skjervem, ~'I a r y .. ... ..... . . . 'N ash . Sluen, E. . . . . . .. W ash . :' leI1Se n, Cnrrie .. . \ Vash . Stensen. John . . .. W a h . Sat re, Aug . J.
. ..... H.
.· l1Iil h, R ay G . .. . . . ... . . . . . . W a. h. ~·milh. Add'e . . ... W ush . ~llIilh , Bessie . . . W a~h . SUlhra, T hen . . ... .. .. . . . W ash . Simonson, Sigurn i\ llIln . . ... W ash . S iubh, 0 110 . Skrond,,1 John . . . \V a h . . ·loraas!i. Sophie . . . Wa h . Sloma.li, Oscar. . . . . .. \Vush . \ Vn.sh . S \\"enla nd . :. E. . learn • A. . . . f\ lahama . '",mlh, 1-1 . . \ Va h. T hompson, :idrrey . W ash . . .. W osh . T enwick . Anna M. Trogstaet , :-'ora . . Wa ·h . Thompson , J ohn . . W ash . T ingelslad , Oscar . are . W an!!"Sne", . B. . . . 'vVash . . Wash . W ilson, W . D . W enlnc!r. l.il), . . ... W n~h . Wh iling, Agne ' .... ·Wash .
ebndr~n' D~partm~nt This deportme nt receives ch ildrcn bel ween six and fiflee n ye"r~ of age . The work d one inlhi s elepartmen l i' esse nlially Ihe allle;1' tha i pursued in Ih e common schools of Ihe lak wilh lhe excepl ion thai acerlain pOl' iOIl of ench lay is ~el n.sid" for Ihe sl lI dy of Bi hle history and relig,on. E xcelle nt oppLr!un il y is aiM' .ffo rellli for I~:trning th e )lorwegian langllage. In sending children to ou r schonl , par·nls will elo well 10 SIUle wh"lher lln:y desire lhem ltI r ceive their religions inslructinn in lhe English or Norwe~i:tn language.
,\ rmngemenls have been Illude 10 prov ide good hom es for lhe c h ild,· .. n in hristian families in lhe imlllediate vi illily of lh" sch(lol ,\I a very I1wdernle expcnee . Children from six 10 le n yeal'S ot age pay SI\.50 pe r monlh ; chilliren f rom lell tl) fifteen years of age pay 10.0 0 pcr mon lh . T his includes lui lion, l'"nrri , Ind~ · ing-, w;'1 shi ng and care .
Re v. B. Harslad, lhe paslor of lh e Evnngelical LUlheran - hllrch of lhi~ pine' will have l he )::'enernl sliperv i 'ion of t his deparlmenl, Rnd nil mnll<:rs pennining 10 i I should 1.><: add "eS!;ed III hi 111.
Parkland is a I'Ujrw/J of TacomaTo reach Parkland take the Edison electric car which connects with Lake Park motor. Trunks had better be left at the depot or wharf. and the management of the school will ~ to it that th~1lfe brought out to the Academy for about So cents apiece or less. All correspondence re1ati. to ~e school should be ad drused to It. J. 80JjGt PriIIeiJaJ. P""iItlrul, J'ilrt8 â&#x201A;Ź'Gilt)'., W lUII."gttm.