1938 Summer Session Catalog of Pacific Lutheran College

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Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkbncl, \(fashington. Entered as second class matter, April 26. 1927. at the posroHicc at Tacom::l, \'\Iashington. under the Act of August 24, 1912.





June 13 July 15

First Terlll



July 13 August 12

Second Term



CENERAL INFORMATION Pacific Lutheran College presents in this bulletin information concerning the 1938 Summer Quarter. The courses are all on the college level. While the work is planned primarily for Normal School students, Liberal Arts courses will be offered for credit. LIFE CERTIFICATE Life certificates will not be issued after September 1, 1938. In order to be eligible for a life standard elementary certificate, the applicant must complete the three-year course and one additional quarter. regular three-year course.

Pacific Lutheran College offers the

REGISTRATION Registration wiB be held Monday, June 13. Registration for the second term will be held July 18. FACULTY The faculty of the Summer Session is composed mainly of members of the regular teaching staff.

SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS FOR SUMMER SESSION Katherine M. Grimstead, M.A., Teachers College, Co1umbia University .. Education (Classroom Teacher, Washington School, Tacoma) Marie Malmin Meyers, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

. __ . . .

(Associate Professor of English, St. Olaf College) FI rence E. Richardson, B.A., University of \'\!ashington _____ Elmer Theron Thune, M.A.. (Principal, Stanley School, Tacoma, Wash.)

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