Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published
quarterl>' by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoffi3 and Parkland, Washington. second-dass matter April 26, 1927, at the postoffice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
No.1, Part 1
MAY, 1939
First Terlll
July 14
July 17 . August II
Second Terlll CENERAL 1939 1939
Pacific Lutheran College presents in this bulletin information concermng the Summer Quarter. The courses are all on the college level. On M arch 28, the Pacific Lutheran College Board of Trustees voted to petition the Corpo
ration and the cooperating church bodies to enlarge Pacific Lutheran College i.nto a four-year collegiate institution. In harmony with this resolution, and in view of (he action by the \'Vashington State Board of Education requiring the completion of a fo ur-year curriculum for certification of elementary and junior high chool teachers after September 1, 1942, the College offers a limited amount of work on rhe fourth-year level in this Summer Session.
CERTIFICATION According to the plan of certification in \'Vashington, a Three·year Elementary Certificate is issued on the completion of the three.year curriculum. After Se pte m ber 1, 1942, completion of the four-year curriculum will be required. The Three year Elem ntary Certificate may be renewed once for three years upon the completion of ten semester hours of credit. "An ap p lica n t for the Six-year Standard Elementar>' Certificate musr present a diplo a from an accredited normal school or reachers' college indicating the com pletion of a four·year curriculum. In additio n, the appl ica nt must have had at lea t two years of Sl1 'cessful teaching experience upon a Thre e·y ear Elementary errificate." Elementary certificates are valid both in elementary grades and junior high scho I. REGISTRATION R eg istration will be held Monday, June 12. will be held July 17.
for the second term
FACULTY The faculty of the Summer Session is composed mainly of members of the regular teaching staff.