:c PA
Member, d Delta Rho ila
org'ani7.A lipn
arkland Denl0. To hleet May 1
Pacific Lutheran College stiva
d Y
£.il'l!I t Pacific uthe, '1 call g TP. bel!'1 ing: pre paratlolU1 or tbe , conr! annuli! May Da� le!!uva to f' lac 1'1 t th' rallege the after· noon of BY 1. M1SS Bergllol 'ogan. pre Idpnt. line Mis� Enid Hutson. ral cbairman. hI' announcpd the fol. , lowlng c'Jmm! ll'f'B to work with dph I' pp I' physical pduc-ar tion director. In pllmnlng lb. pro2Tsm. ,h·mB an1 df'coratlo !l. Flow' MI. Virginia Davis Eliz"bf'tb . Virginia
Dahl, rril:a
F retl-
Elizab£:.th S \len; stage ana q en throne. Louise William I cb�ir man), Marie Johnson, Eula Ma Goff. Ruth Froyan. program, Rachel Flint r eha rman), Eleanor Bud('bau h. Junl' \\ al'prQ Portia Mil (,1" bOl'\th, EVf'ly McCulh u!!h (chairman). l..au,.,1 Haugf', eu hikl Larson, F. 'el 'tl l�·in. ar ver IsmI/:. E; ..1m Eklund I hllirman ' . er rurl Strnherg. Elliff' Ban-eH. KRtberjn� Kltr.hll'\! ; !r ollnrll', tru(je Brunn I (chairman I. ElizahI" h Frli In T hompson . Je
Fl l) l . ",
(!ill Thnr� (' Clark of Ps rklllllti. I cr �n S h ugg(" nr
iT Irs.
'els 101110.
o t ored to E'ltol1vllle Tacoma. \\·ednt"sdlly to ,isit at the home Ot
rm ur Elecun <:of Iho ].' 11" q !'EOn d pi . ce the firll' a t nd 11 ' II l1k part of lhf' week, mdl'r fh" r1i !'c lion ot a commit' "e h (jeri hy Verna Tp.glan . cha�rmBn. Other mumb"rF of Ihlll f'Oommlttl'e are ev Ol�()n, Alice Nolan and
,·0 ,11 Nag I
Motor to E�ton\'llle I.{I, (,
.. , 1'10'1'"
.. w·
prf'l!"nt� M
P. L. C. Singers Home After Finishing
Sinom Ur ," to b" 10, I.'; the' pia\' "f-
Jec 'd b' th!
1 �
l!"r801u8tin� I
n( Paclfi.- I� Ilb<'ran coli g", ,/O!! ph 0 Ed "I\rel". rilr'lC' tor. wh.; IItt ndl?d dramatic school
Annu I Trip
, I
c hn/ll'n Mary ' ''n 8 h .. r 1Il'�I!!l ant. Lp.ariln,- roil'S wlll he lakrn bj' Thelma OanielR and Rolanrl Swan. Othcr member· 0 th" CRst '1011. are Ll oyd RaU, Milton Nexvil!:, Jane \Villillm�, Rhod Hokcnsl ad B ertrum Myhrl' F.... I. n Irw n, Ar nold ,nrie I e j>\ckllnn n. 'Illi m Pflucgf.' l, R,ll:h..1 Flln , an Leuven, EI· LIla Rudd. John derson and H rry don •
ommlt e· to work n con· A follow· play, Itt; th nrctinn ISlllge, en appo nt d: infj' h a\'e Herbel't Hnpp (chairmAn', Ollten mllf\�"n Find Er\ Sventh, prop'I'tiCI'l, 'Ir$\lnlll my Gllbl'rl Ich"irlT I'll Mahnr.k !lNI �riing Larson mll� j lI' up, Portia MiJll'r {chalrmRn I. AJld Elizabeth D, I Preu m 'orgRlU'd; III' l: tick l,. Hflrb(>rl emT':llCI'; publicity, lng, H;orolfl Milton 'c!n t�,
oesirleni,,) \J P. 1. C )ork From Trip
f I
1 arkllUld molhpl' \\ Itl m,' • ,\-e ncsd ly at Lbe horne ! f8. T 0, V",. to orguni7. lI. Ph'. Choul, spOnSQred b' P -T A On committee will b� iT, " Stan! y Rosso, M]' Roy Sw n I � and Mr S" r , Mr. lund, au P -T. A. chai rmlln nne! M,., , Voelkel' 0. Dltp nt w II speal< {reJlhmentll will be , d "l'Vc •
Curl Ost. \
Resignation Of B'eck At P. L. . I Accepted The
m nt
hend of th
(11 Pm'. Al\"nr hi8tory: depart.
ilL PacIfic Lutheran college,
was ac epted Monday mceUDJ!' of the boall' (If tru�. II l t· ':<. Pr r. Beck, now OD lellV!' of
\, The lenve or
0 IlJ T'1'6UII, i1I'ItJ
,·t.nd d unW JUDI 1, anti leave WR!I 8'T"lll j Ludvlli Laraon, Plllunt'B8 snag r, from April Hi to JuJ.. 31. held at lhe 1111'1 tin", \II, Th home f Ulf! p, L. , president ,DI 0, A Tlngelst d. who )11 I'O�. valel'lctng trom on ilIne;!;. Thp. lrmltees urged HInt upon fill) r" t covery he rfprl'llenl lb, cull, 'I th,. . eeond Luthl'l-an ('dueatlonal s m n ,. t be h ld thIS summer U' Lnlvl'rSlty or MlnnCBoLIl. Th( board nJ!;o UllU101·!.z0d D 'an PhIlip Haugfl tu ma){e 31'l'8ngc nlt'htJI Ivl' th ummel' IiC!!BJon at the I'a,'kllll1d coll£'g-', to begin :lun ]0. }<'(I\'()/'ahln p"ogTe!l In 1/ finnn Cla l (' mpnign Ill-inl;' CCl'lJuclt'd b' Ii commlll('c tor Lb Pa ifie dllJI II Jet \11 th 'Ol'l 'g 1 utht rlln dlurdl was reporl 'd by H. L 1'",s , nl,
elma D niel Miss Chosen to Rei n At Festival
chaJrl HUl.
'lsrll'lI, (emilie
E;ng-I "" "
P. L. C. CO- . c to CI ,sh Wi th Junio ' College Girls
lOW 6 IIntl 7
t th :Ime 10\\ he (' r011 IU:llw rJl III th \U1.rl",II hr.'d (\,\ "r ('ulld Ii J I'lpl'I1 IIIf'tI 11,\ to hi ill� hum. t hi hacon h,v ('0I'j1inll' priz oth ° mp rdllllldl ,,.r,,d h�' :.. "UI till 1111 � firm",
Vhen women d"bater� of PI!. dfi Lutheran colJ"gc tra\ el to to "wet the .Ah!' rd ,en Flldo Grays H 'bot' JuntoI' college n dual d£'bnte they will complcte � successful season of for. Micll, 0.1' cOl'ding to Vern Knutzcn, deb!lt� m ager.
Helen Holtcamp all'. !II rgat'et Rorcm, afflrmati 'e, will mt �t the strong Abel"deen n c" tlYe \'ho won the cup at til" To)'th"'cat .Tunior Coll!';!"c dE' at!' meet held II. til,.. CoU"!:"e nr Pur r l .n"I'rh 21), Th'" P L, C n .lln I'gstrolll, \\111 h IIphf'](] b, E11"11 " <1 Thnl111/1 DltI1i .. lr., t nrlt'r learlrr!'hip nf l'f'batc nRch .T. 1", T'rJll"l:: ('"r f hI' P. l� , "ball'r l1fh1 non rlf"I"':lIrm Ir'b;,l, un t hI' qllrtinl Rt'6nl ' rt: Th; t t ], nil tin lloulrl eo 1'1'(> t" pI' -, 'nt h intrrn ... (In 1 shi m ,nt •• C IlMnIl Ilnd munitions," wilh ..ersity nf ,\' �hington (I' hm n. , I \Vhlt.w rt c II g, t � tllt:: Pa 11 h , coli g and M lint \i �I'm n J I1 11
<iOtl""1 c. I1
Unl' l
,.r 'I
,Tnhn \ an Mrn debatl'l'lI weI' L,.uv' , Delbert B!'(' rna n, f· fir'1l;'lU\'f' ' vI GC)I 'f 1 . ' an 1 Vern Knul7.' 11. r 'IV
P. L. C.
J\ll'mb(,l'� nf the clal'� n( 1�, .. "L Pacific J.uthcl'l1 n colle:: � In,-r .. I,.d.. tl Lloyn RIlll, TlICOnJd r( r
�l'ArJlliltl"n, lip nf E' '!yn
P,-T. A. to M et ...
p, l' l'lll nil l'-T
II'Un I,.l'! \', ill I f Frel'mlUl or M hoh!'r or Sunb/' in \:hnrg (th .. 0'
Athletic Le de At P. L. C. Picked
:l 101m
Dau Thter liar i.
'I'll ng wbell h r l'nrcnts, Dr. announce '. A. lIorr! f th I daughter lite n gagem nl II) .Ir. CI fenCe Allr'l1 WinblarJ • -on of 'MI'. ',nrlbJade of William
and MrR
� nodI Ind - iss HIITI'is is a mumb�r or lht adf\c LuthI ran �Ia .. or l03fo I1f rnc! :l Mr. WJnd lad col l('g uAl' d f'u IllillP high Sl'h 1 I allsoclaier) Wllh th We t rn Lt n llnd Bull'!;'} company. Th e w'rI ding ill set for �\ u liSt. -Iv d. �U('8t!l had Aft'r U rlArl'i�u and oj ffodil eOI'. IUl:' - OJ w rl' preb('nl'd, bearing 1 he nHml'1I of tbe twv yll\ln� p oplf' (m h( frts attached to the flowers WIth ;pule grpcn �tln l'i\Jbon, rvIs \\'.18 nSflist"d n Mr ,H
OPERETIA A P. L. C. TO BE GIVEN MAY 24 Pac!flt LUtlLl'f11 Culiege
n embr.1'1I
m a kin g
the pl'f'lIt'ntation Ma ",liRs
Ing lunch at lhl' rlo.qe
pIa ,
24 of
Chert") biD. sam."
Hewes <lud Jo n
\ 'ome n' s Athletic 8SSOCi4Pacific Luth rltn college. tlnn Hok(' lilac!. hHII hetooded by Rhodl1 1'1 (' �n the followln!,: ,Ftlrl" tl> � por ta: Tenn "", . f g n ri p o eh&rg Gertrlld T£nlrl Hui.,,,n: voJleybaJ. Bm@; Stenberg: tl',,('k. Jl\ne WiIIi bfts b ll. Ber Iloa. ,"agen, al d golf, Vir Inin Boen. Yollf',ybltll teams ('hoscn by :[[ and Irll. Ad h Dapp er tenber women'!! 'Ph: lchl educa tion dirt�C (lr will phno I a�ri q oC & me l decide th elas champianllhip. :to (-mber. (If t \0 'aJ:loull team 8 will t rn poll'llS tnwll':l'd ll'tte t lIOCIAtI n 'Ill pr whkh the l the clo (: or Its a thleti' pro pnng gl m lbl T
Bet I'othal
Wils on
wllo R('ld, club a.dviser hI! S \\ ill rUr CL the p,rodu ti on, h(\scn Pauline Watts to till< be het', ,.bl"s.SOIIl, and play �)[\rl 01 mp oppo:.<ltl' h r will b.' Rubert in lhe parl of John Hell I" • var �'mjtll. Otht'I' memhf'I's of the csst 1.4rlln. lll mm�tt una l r T lj() 1p!'on. Paul AI'm�trQllg, Cer lIardt Pflu<>gf'\', Mildred Monson an d O�tcn EIlB!wn. T'll' c� .. t will j,c supported by 8 geisha girl!' J�panp& 0 c horu s n g i r l � flnd r I r nd R group ni bn chosl n during 'he co .' m n ln� "'/"'i' This will 1)1" til" second p resen' t· lion of "j\fi Ch('rrvblos.�orn" lOt f'Rclfi e - ulhrra • It hcinp- g'iv"n I II 'I\t In J 921 untll'r dJ 'ceti"n of 0 Since Mr . Philip F Hauge, I peretUle h .ve been J:I\'(,D al thC' ('ollc1:'c sInce 1!l26. Atuclrnts Bnd fri end . e l oo king to '..rd to LIlI. Japant'a m j Ic�l �omcd)'.
nlng l:'ly Mr . . l--l. L. Dahl G\Je� s, many of Whom arll claSH mat. s )1 1.111'.S Hat'TiA, ,ere th !('Ibs Fenne" fo'rpderlka Mls!lC!s !,;chlanl: USCl1, � r1111\ ' . u', El'za belh . ., Bf' ty V 1' , ltv B ,. , oe, Elatnc Elli Cl gs on , 'hal' A lie lot t e Gott_ eha Ik, oris W8kem tn, Cur hilcJ Lllt'son, Milrlrc d M n!lor me 0 , ,nd MII'NdHD1 nn 1 F.I LUll I ' , . T:1 'Ior . nil H. .. DaJlI,
M iss Larson Visitor Mis!' Sylvia LaTliao, h
pervillor lit '''all 'Vall,
hitm&n cnlll'l;''' in il'l IIpp.ndlnlt' thp v'epk
lit thJ> Parklllnn hom" of hf'r ",. , " t.� Mr, and Mr, L. L.cI.rllo form r ft drnl of Mi�. Lar'lon,
pleted her nursell' training t the Se8tU", General bospital In 1 i Rnd II{ 11 II.t Firla d sanator1u t t(l �eattll' until her appo' t Whit IUl last fall Sh will uturn he o ",'8.& 'Valla Monday & clolle of the "\VhitmlUl spring va tion.
'�l tl e
n. K!' hl l pr !lnd M" �HlIIR(' S. Ts 1m ,, ' p" klanll " ,1'8 Fr n k1J1l ("r n It of 01·t 1... "'••. • \ n U' or d In S alllf' Frld tu dUClId II op'rNte, .. he LIlD,j [ DolI:-," b .I� TII'C' "111ed und l! direction nf Mw L"d:n 8. Stilt-u l, !lister or f T .� )"1 od lfl' . L I'Bnllll. MI. Sl .J'uu, f m r nr' Illal !'UI'" \'1. 01' al PaCifIc L1I' th'r n col r-r;e I an .n811'1IctOI' n 'I Wl1l·t school . 1 Sf'Bt' I h' " 110 '11. CrRnliu. 'oun/:, da Ul:'l1t r ,i 1'. IIntl Mrli. Unl' t, s rr"Breri In (lit 0P"\' ..• 11/\ C T, irs. Lora
I '
Sessions Opening on
num'1< ; Mnnn l'
nd '
ChT'iRU8nsrn cOI'lpBni!'d
\ 'l I
'I'lh fr
Many to City
If Su
M"S' IV " .1I'hli on of I'('cf' i v ing- c. ngr tu m"n th,. birth (If Ihl'lr it 6, rver, jr., "al· Bl'e the h r ee ° dt"1'
M y 3 Will Bring
"' ..
in Ger· of
�( ; L. c.
,cial hrlllT
�I"I " Jfaz I II I
M, !nbcr" Qf Lulher Leagues lJl lip e gll.ti nil CXlPJ1C illl! [rom dU, h Col m bi 1. tn outhern !;1D w II gat eJ' in T;"ccln 3 4, and ::i, for the nnua v 'lUon of the Ol'thwest actl' ' D�-trlct of IC Young People's ther leagu The youn p oplt. a v ior ' Luthf'ra ur ) ur 11, of 17th a�d J iltS., \\ here tilt Rev, I I 'U\ (, Lewis is pastor, rc mak hI ,Ian. fo" lhlll Plcclin� n' hich will blll1 �"""ral undred "i:"1 lo , Lo the city (ommg from !'al'go, N. IJ" lht; Rf' , Sel mt'l' E, Berge, pl'c1! l d cnt (l the rnt�l'lln I innal L uth rl' League 'ill h� ll1 2'U"�t PPA kcl. The crm 'f' li I lill'm "P' nJ! I� , , (Jt'ld Wllh Chrll!�," "ill b<' ClIl'. ed b� members, attt'l' tali,.; b" U(>aTl Philip El. Hauge and F' . ,r U. -1H'i�r ot Pael!l( Luth. er n coJleg and Ul Rev, Air M'I ' ["raabel of Por'l nd. he con. i Saturda) eve Ing a � t"'ltiOD b nquet session in lho T . ComA. hott'l, It pl'l)gram will be' r" 'len len y P 'Ific LII h(' n col If'�e. , rlcr ,lh'ecUon 0 ":ictor El 'e!ltrom 'rht> Re . f ( hrlll· tfmi�n of Astoria, Ore., will be t tm1!"ter. Tn ChnrA I Union conc<'rt tid . \Iy Su ldlty afternOt)O in hr Me ',,'cr chool ltuditollum \ 111 mal' { thr: CDRI' of t h e convcntwn Unr!Pl' dIrection nf rof .To cph 1I 1>11 I'd , IJI Chol' I Un I On (;om' Il ' d of choir m thlough· , b" oul lhe district will givl' pro, grll.m of anthems, Tb J Rcif\l: LUlhel"an co r t e r choir w \I also pp ar in 1\ grollp of numb"I':;, Th R \', 0, G, Sill\' 011 uf Sr.· 1I f <11 tl'!t;l Lu er Lc e rr . 1dent. will pl'�llidc 0\'''1" thr mrct '",!8. He wall a Tueomll cali I' I L 'Po'e k, complctin r.lan!l, �
(11"\-j lhC'1
Congregation To Meet In New Church Easter S llda
P. L. C. Pla.n.ning I Summer Classes I
the 1935 �ummer 8f'5Lu he'ran collegE' June 10 to Aug-us 23, r·' being IDIl' e bv l' PhilIp E. Hauge. WhIle the work is planntd ormal school stu p imal'il fOT Litle"ill ... t!" courses w\J1 be rjpn Orfl'l'"d fN c 'edit Besldl>.s "('gil l H courses i ('cnnomk�, educa tlOn. En"f'�b. fin!:' 3!:'ts, he'alth ducatlon, history. libr I'Y soJen(l(', IDRthenlfltlc.. 1 anll'Uae-es musIC philo�nph\' nd sr.lj I'!('f" 'l. llitionni COll �p< w!1l b OffPTf'ri t the 1 e qu� ot f.ve 0' mor tudeDt� Ins .ruetoTs Will be coos"n from I tbe, regulaT 8 J. t t 1: C liege, Plan" (or
On Campus Of
At Sunrise
P. L. C. S uden s Work o 1 Campus Thursday
rt"ude nn
ar '
(Ie Sc ol Is cr of Community Meet
tntll nf 160 pnin t� 35, hI' P rk win er in mpe ll"ltl Par kl and , cnnd, Unl· ntrlll l�rl
helll penman w rt thnse of [jnl PI' lty Plll
rcsp<,,' I
a ....
John Knut�on 'n If nd' � 1\1 �r Al'mesUld P"l'kland. Cla.s :I-Morrlb Arme. tad, P arkland; LyteU Ll oyd or lane! G�.t S e�rtr, P rkland. IJr'ln tl .111 ttl}) - RO) Ino, I-Gerlurdt �r , FHkl�nrl; :y,,· ,t •. I i'HklLlntl, Bill Gron� l<\( '1. ';
Verner LIlr.on (1.1
Onl1lt Carl�Oll.
Armc lltd, ParfSt�1I eoom'
"'h , r
Pn klnnd: rtbUl'
PHdllntl: Ph" ...
Evelvn '
" -n , \ 'III �cho,,19
Scout Troop 3? To Go On
'cmbc 's of B'JY scout Troop ,33 . at Parklan d arc pl/1nnlng It cruIse on tbr Sea, Scout bOAt "c'ut rl'l It" Salurel? " _ " 4 L<:,s.vinl:' T'lcnma iT, the p�l'ly nVlI'ning the troop remert"n nllVY will visit thl' the S und . '8 I'd!; llnd Cl'ltiRl' a 0'1 .J A, • roore, Ilcoutm otf r of Lhp teCI Pllrld"n d t:'l'Ollp. FiniS p. tr{1j j"aclcr. · Bill 5 n' (>1' hall, oc. Ramstad, "cI'lbr, ",no C. '\ rhairmnn of lhe Boy Scout corn· mitl e, Ilre making arran ement • .
I n�'1
Quee To Be Crowned J{, P. L. C. y Gov. � artil1'
May At
all1erm g (If vi I' r· i A I&r �-"pf'ctrd at 'P CJ{ic Lulhel'ln 1:',,11�l:'t \'tdn �dRy IIfternoon '·hr·) ·l V UI annu I 1-:Iy 08 . C ,tl ll .'pomsored by Dc l l a Rhn C'lImma. G,,\" lb,' May ern a,' Marlin will ('I'm'n I Day Quem, fhl8 1 poP\l 1U' mempM' of thl� ycl\.l· 1 aduallng c If;. uiac All maid (II hone,r Mi. � JrLck on W il l l<'prr, cnt Ibe ilberl, m!' uat . �1! "Ill ?>it malti, Othel- malo8 IlT� MIB:s Mar-
' l r, 1 net Q lu lIuge, Ani and B rbal8 Xavl�r. "r�r� Olhers In th drillll arc D nee, litl n Lilja, Enid HUWllI, Vlr�ln BO<!ll, Thelma ' !Ill, Rhodll Hokenslad and '-nne Johnson;
'rh"lma Oanlel ,' DrCJlm
Gale, ('Ir OAnet or th Fh w1'8, 8ula Mae Goit lfutbblt) .AIda ,rohnson. "irglni!t BOl'n anli .1 Canlebury Bella). Helf''l William Li lja rGcnetiane), Marie J"hnsoll lind ' va Aillon rPappi ) En 1 n,1elionj, Bergli t VoHut· an n rm "I"'homore William" l(if el, d Loul Craft �3r" Enid Hutson; nc ay PClk el ss: Miss Eleanor H uk£' _I' sh · ii I circe! {oDRcm, Dane , Ltl Rudd, H.1 n Holl m n t'l0) maJ, MI. Brie John on Oillon. r:\mp, � 1 on h'e:;hman Liber'll A t. Vatt, \' r¢n1a I) \'Ia, hlj:h chonl d part· h 'elyn S\'vel'60n, E I .r r.. f, Eline Benaon, II �n" mC!1! ' A j;1'oup (If PRl'kla nol childt'II'TI Ocl('11 Jane 'lad, pn, rhoda Hoken wlll complete th" c""rl �'lUp. 'lih I'tol1. Th 1m 'lft"!I , !laroe! Hegerup. nd Ht.! n R uth Lydia R ml'\JId, flowel' , abr! f:l g"£C11 1 n.. WilliR I"ll'n 11111'. M rylyn T' uc!"( and Bal gtrl hllr Pf' TliI'ln, IrBin bellrc-T" an I Oil. II f!:1w I'd , ctoWn hI' �r.r. T Hold Drill 11 '\t ' '30 (l' tocle, 10 tne Arain!l rol frm ers o! the rystal Spl"in!;'s I nl11.lc. thl' rnurt gl'olrp nr. h�' (,n de n .·Iub 'III meet Friday eve "PI r 'octed to t he '\lYrr lJron uis ning aL th£' home 01 frl'. b n alh hI! huge. old maple 1 Ihe Petpl"son, Parkla d A � ,t Ing colic e en r nce_ Follo'\>,nR" th I lw�t('s.qes are r . Ross (;lookl"r r.rownlng of t··· I)l1l'pn by tbe gov· I PI'OM /I. number ,f 111'1\1 lIrTSn I'd ilnd I'. H. L_ J. 0 hI. The 4ldies have f't I hi !1lPl'tln il' tbe ..,,{'. , h\ Ad h n"Pl' 1', rll',l'Ctl'lr of hei h ll�bandR, :'Ip c ning so Lha n'1"1 hYlltel!.J ('rlucat,">n, wi1l ll\k' itol �, ..ats, will be able to IIlten" pI '"' !ulic: will Include �onl' hy \Ofl 11 aT one of their prog r 'I ms, �l II!' qUl!.rt 1 ('(In I line nf lrrne Fo! 1'011 "all th ml'mb('r ,. 1 1 1,.1d II, ,Irl.ll ,lnhnMn. E:llpn Berg ll' rc·pnnr 'ilb thp nfl.mp of II u'om nd F,r'l 'robl , 11 m a l '\' hot To f\( In M>\v" \a f1owe,rl' " t "'lD i" ti D I;" 01 j rnrll rl An till' t.opic to he rji�Cll��f'd by _fr rill., Emml'tt 'rhomp on. O�t II B. O'H �t'On. • frl'. L Ivi" R. 1.... t1- ! r', "'n iln{i RC'lal'ld MlHtin. anrl m n , 11 givE' q W story of l\r \ 101 n num I'r h.' EII�en� BlIrD'l.)" anil r D L. F 1\ Will ta> go 'ne. Mrll. Rol' �nynto)n on "Pe /01 s. Rlbhnn 6 .r. r will inggmup of �p In �ong�. R1bhClD b arl'I' fnr . h� prl'ceB-
PaulIne •
Cr 'sLal Springs Gard Club
IIl0na) ,'111 1
\ ' 'orb:. Ger-I
'albo1j; JO,H)/l � nOUIi", n"mk H1 U and If'rrc'( rra r.hlnllb ch. I:"fOU)\ ot younf"cr Parkl nr! glrl � La king" pan in "LoUlpnl' Dance" AJ"" ).1, bt!1 Shf'pr I ! Cal nl Pet r�r, ", Ilnc ChriStiOnnnn j.n r tor n, Edtlh
Co ege Net Teams See Actio Friday Pacific
an c lIeg..
n tm('1l
tanGle wi h thr St Martin angers h� ill'l! haIr nf a two-match riP , on th Point Dcllan e 'parJt courts rrjrla TI,.. el'CI)nu In" r. 1 11 b pi n the Rang In
L C . 1'1( Cnor'h 'lIffn n<1 m. n Jl'nm lhr. aclfl' Ll tlt""'1 collp!!"f' lett lua -' rOt 'i kima tllke part in the Rt"te JUDlt1r 'ul leg., lraclc meet Friday. ",
Golf Teams PI ying
In the 5e('ono rna ch of br,n �.nd-hom.. ,. IF' , lb� P""if c Ll1th"'11 t'nIiPIr" goll "qll�r mt!pj t"t P"l1 in�ham ·C'rm I V l't" . orl nn he Pa rl IRnd 111 " Thl' I klnl:' took II 0·6 decision t Bellingham lIUlt mont
It Opheli.a low I�ho
Garden P·cked
high: 1. Mnl. W. R. Jenkill". 2 -.f • Ire. PaUl .KIl!l e M P. Howard. 3 ·.. r S"ctlon 4-Arrani!'ern n' of any rIn t)'anBpRl' nl con aloe)'. &t. 1 n ranll'ement to cou ' 1 Mr- F. R"I \ ('hardl, 2. Mr F .lenkln , Ml . G_ H. M1l1 r nn r Ul" " f I"n 2-. 11 I Vile or Clll!e lull er: 1. r. . R J : tl 1'1' . Srctl on 3Any IlIP of Il1U1laLure plt( her: 1 Mr/;. G H I 11l!!r. 2. M . . R 1. Imrr DI 'oro' J ,n, Section 1 - A I'"nllernen of H. !lOW<l1'l' In palr ot �e ' J Mr,. Ska�set. 2, fr , A. Harris. Sec tion 2. 3 Mrll. L O. Waters. S etlon 3. 1. Mn. J, W rtle). I G H Miller. ,fl' N. A.. Har.lf, fllY ('10:-" .J I - Ja ;;.nl'� al!den: 1. lllr
DH 1'-> 1 0, ' I 1l G "f!ll?neo u� 1. Mr�. . Lo"elRcP 2, r:!<. 1". R lcl1RrdT,. 3, Mrs G H MlllpT. on 1"10 I. &cLlon 1 -- Hobbles' 1. Mr,. r. SectIon
Reich rdt N A !-Ianl
M1'15. G H . M1Iln-. �,
JUNIOR COLLEGE ASSN. , WILL MEET SATU AY RepcJlenllltive of the Wuhin at le JUntOI' College oda tlon will hold their apring mcctg " Yakillla VaJ.Jc ' Junior lon
collf"J;, Yakim . Saturday , In cluded In he aeUvltlt& re It lunch ('on at noon and a <Irive liro u h m·Char(I�. th
M11I Elizab th Priol', pl'lnclpRI of lhe YaJ(im Valley .Juni..,t' ':01lege, Is in cbarge of 81'rangcmpn s. Dr. , A. Tingelstad. r('�!dent ( PaciIic LI th"rlln coll!'gc, is pr �i d. t oC t t Wuhln,ton Msocia ,Uo"
lJhelia M .. mber�
arden Club
of the Ophpll l.7A.n:len club will meet Tue day at 1 0 clock at the B than..,' Methodist church. 0 ark 57 ve . and R t 2 n ' Clock followed by (hI' p�o gl' ''m & 2 '30 o'clock T tL bo l-ti will hole] a 9lmrt 8e8:l1011 t 1 ., ' clock Mn. J_ E, Dallon will giV6 I! t Jk on "Campa nu �"i Mrll. C .1. " � the)' will (lI�CU"R "P ntll Pmoll" and <l t1lfi(,II"�lon Itnrl dl;;plil' of "111 b gtvr.n h .frs. E. cacti Boycl' I'.n I Mr� G. R. Skau�tlel. I'hnrl 1" t tAlk \',111 he Riven h' Mrs G, R. ,MlJIl'r. alO � cbairm n. HOlll(> "8 for Ihn Rocial hour will be Ml'J! G. A. SI' land. MIl!. F. F. H rllllg and Mrs. L, L roe.
LU HER LEAGUE! WI L MEET HERE' Annual N. W. Sessio Starts Friday at
O. S. L. Church A larg
delcg tes
Lutb r league,' in representing Br tli'lh ColumbIa ,"Vasbington and rel!" n Is expected to arrlVC in
, Iv\! urmg .bis
tile annual ae rna Friday ftll Pacific tion of the 'lJOI' c:om' uther leagues op .oing Dis det l< rlday evenIng- II t Ou)" �uv 0)"' Luther.n church. 17th ond So, . lIt"-, wh('rf:' Rev. Alvin G. Lewlli 'i pllstor
an,1 rlrl�ga t l'� Regil'ltratwn or '1'ltOI"I< "'Ill be In ,1 t " o'c locl·; L 7 O'Clock an organ rf'<ltfol. will 1= ;'cn I)y Prof. \\ a It r-;ichin ,. Th(l g 1', organist Itt Our 8a\'\ "The nddr� c.n'\'l ntl n key not \Vorld We Fa c," will e hen t tho 0 0 clOCK c sion by til Rev. .·c mer E. B ·'rge. ot 'argo, 1 • D" I Internabonni the ot Tlrf'sldent I,uth" 1 Il,:;ue. lIIusic will toe fm nl, bed b' tbe chvlr [rom OUI" S , "hurch. Following t.he opening "ession, II. flOI'm) bour WIll be h el d jn tho church parlor8 a t tho invitation oC th� Imtet'taming league, J, 'on V nner. prc.'IidenL
WilJ Continue Informal Dinners At P. L. C. r Uie Girls' P p club \1"embeT!! '\nd Il'n'l; Dormltory unIon, or
, galll :arton Of dormitory stll'1entJl t Pacific L u thcrs colleg IU'I! pllUlnin,.. a serle.. of dinner hour PI' Nr rns to b" held c\· ry oth r p I{ in the C'! Il g dlOm bAll, 'lcC(ll'din� to liss Louise .lack on nnd Iifford. {('fifOI'd, pre.�lrl nt<' or 1 he two roup/!. Th rln III mltK,. sllcll din.oer� mHol mal aft rs, "111' fh'Bt pmgTsm 'ItS hl;M \\ Nln ..dllY 11\1 nlnS'. in C'mT�(, ot Cliff'orrl Mesforrl. A to"st WM gly the • fa '0 Q. , . n MI:I Tbelma Da l'!lR, . P cl 1 gUI;' , lhe .101' itory group. A plano �In hy Mi Ir np 0,1(>11. a ,"ocn !':oln b 0, (In Ellasen. and F 'of. a111 Hlghby's own UlterprPtaLion oC he Ma' Ds)' driJ1!! m de u 'hc pro gram. � t the dOl'" of the hour t" Lurie t.s jol t'd in slnginf!' , PI' i'''ct. Day" au t h e Alma Maler /Song.
Tel' J-l) " I
molhe.� ,
1' flcl A t p , L . ... .
Ollught{'r Pa ifie
lh 11' mo th " 'II anei the gil'
clas . ",
Lu t ('Tan
Rt-to 'IT'StioD ,.o1]('�
al lege ,...,c /' t nn b l' l l ,\ sppci!. ' invlt.A t l n n h • bre-n I' 'tE'nlil'rj l' ):;n lo ml'mh('l's ot tb� P L. (" rlol', j . ton' Il mdJlarv . 1f!'ls M n r�9 rpt
sol o � b piano And/' nn, v'JCRl sn)OF b ) Rom<l!ll Rtl�l. II rl'adm !!' by M. � VI I·"l n i n D d!<, �()n e:� by t h t' �trlR tno con s in !!, nf , fif'5CS Aida Ilrlrrd John/IOn . I ", ,. Or'!, II, a nd Mnnso"1 wi �. 1\1i s Edna. Tohi, 0 as a(' omp i st. 'l.nri an in trumcn . II I E' " by �!ss Marjone Meane and b r sister Mi ss Dor th Mpsde. Mi.� Rhoda H okenstad . president of the L D. . , will welcom the gu e. ' cd Mrs. A, , Re s 'ad will rc p ond on b eh!!lf of th i mothers, Mra Mikk 1 Lono, p r e s , dent (./ t e dorml lo , " lXi l iary. will P.p . sml that j!'TOUp. ut A d nI'3 'j 'f" schpmE' worke hy tl1(' committf'p In chll rge of :'li s 0 f'Tta TorTiann � ·' 11 fall v. 11 !I)'I tln/., tl r. \'10 11' cor R'::; f' rN'''" I I'd lo tbe �lIest!! will bl' In lhr IN�('lving line- w!ll be Mrs "Panl A, . I"r1l • • arlvis"T' til • . I\ R. , M,..... Lon, R. Kr id l N ', riP!!n of w'lmf'". n.n . the- prf'sidenl nd vlC'1' I"l"cqidrn If lh!' L, D. R. , M issea Rhorla �ol{".. "t.ar! Bnd :Mll rgsre-t r"Rft. r :- 0 .J . S� I"" 'm il .1 P I'fJuege or the racl l l t;y roup , will pou , !'�I�tJn [i);!l H okenstad ali geneT 1 cohalrman a�p I h(' 'ollow, In ,:: ('ommtt e '" : D (,Or? 'inn5, Ron be ·ta Torrls"D cha.trm ; n. FI''ld rl'jka !'=.ChRI. nbusch , orms. Preu!!. H Ipn HQI t '1.mp. EJ a "1' allk!" , n t. Mary N she r.hllir rpfr sh m an, Louis" J8"kso n and G r· tr u rll' I De-eistad i ng ('010 n nt! tarrll'd mlllchinll' RJd11l rd LILLI tloWl'r. , m uffs �,'ar(', dressed In whit . \\ all I'OWn besl'cor, anrl Helen Ram t d, in IC'sttererJ ttll I rl'am f1ower< beror!' [iss Oanlel VI llb �d lIt "oft. white tR.f!eta. puf' It' ve!l. It&ndlng coil r d long tr A coat chsln 0 pc 1 courlllocs8 of the added [0 lh b ar Icd I!. bouquet co tum e. o( pink snapdragon , pr � nled by D Ita Rho Ganlma members, 'I'h
t rltarf't
'h irmlln for I
I he
program . If
10 be
Lutht'r n O'lUgbt r&
"t aUI tlon,
loul hera n
Cmlt, AU\"('f ridl\y
hn ll
ftemo(ln the Pile; fie
A B O U T-'
�'I A RTS flan lOr!
) ,
ing tb. pro ra m
;';�;%n.,o:�hl �,;gv���l��: f:I��,�
' J.rain bell rers, Barbtll'll RDd ,1nt!l n PJlu colored
�----���� �=:�����-J. llln� �lmn.n
II d r
J •
",Ur.·" ro\\ /I .. \ nu'r 1 0'11 ' , 't r lh rou c Id the throne !lta"'e. I rnal ll" <:l\:1 ma. II uven ill d and GO" e'Dor tlon o( th cl'(. .... 'l1 in II '�r (,l'own pi ceU the M artin blond cllrl , upqn QIIN n TIldma \. day of lhi a ving In part . you t IIncl -bp.8 n ty. ' 'nd typ rr lhal " n H . plpDrior o[ IIun' n 1" pll IJ�etf to havp I' lin,· a ' I hr op Ollllnl t.V of a t tt'urling' an e\'en l I l k ... lhil!:' which toll owed m The p conall led nll' nb, r of dances Onn Of frs . .Adah Dap und r rlir pl'r, girls' phY!llcal educa t o n cli· "0. I ctor, 8nd mUBlca) numlleno, Peaceful Night .. b� �rmR n, WO. �Ullr by t hl' n Ip qu rt t consIs t· In ' or E In ' t ompson, Arnold Andt<r n, IIteo Elia3en a n Bob by },fl aeeoml'anh!\! Mon on, ' f ,y Dny 0111'11. 1ren W88 . unit b, ' Ronah: Marlin, ac· ompanle.l by Kei th Rt'l d. Eugene !lO)D. played a violin BIll:;'oyn CCOffi .. "(11 ," by Feli. A rndl, dpl\, l'flnll�d 'j' , IiJ T CIOAinll' of the I.. thaI w " d h,\ t. p M vp 1 rhncp. p pra l En i<l 1 1I 11;on W3!'1 n y P ' II I p lI 'R I Irm n for t h j 1II1!' .M r� p,. pp
Carol", I,
Lutlterr ea tte H ea d Will i Add res COllven tion Bod"
\ ode! W(' Fa c ... " " 1 1 1 he On �Ilnr:l a", unlr!n ' ''' , 1 nf the R!','. . , A . rally r h('11 lO t 3 ' BE'rge'. kevn ot.. ll r:l d re�� fit $I I o'clock Fl' ld ' pw' ning 0 deJegR tell , • � tIle openiu/!, sel);<ion of th" Nn I" rieL Luthe)' Lca p H l cn VeTI· I t i on . Th" m(''' ti n �s ' ill he nf'ld " OUI' Sav i ol" !1 Luthera n ChurCh" So. 1 i th IUld J !'It s , Rev . Berge, preil i d e n t of l h p ] n . tl'l'natlon I Luther League, comes , herG from F rg'o, N D. Registrn tJon of dclega.tell from Lilther LCR '�1H!!I in British CoJum bi ;l , 'a shlngton �nd Oreg-nn WA S tr, pm l' l b o'clock III t.h chu rc h, P)'nf. 'II' Her Eichln .. r n[ th C. P S, tneult. R nd nrganill t a t Our a.vi t>r's . w i l l nff r lin organ recJts l at 7 o'clock foll owed b r the firs t S�SSj Oll of del !'!:,,, leI>, A :'!orln l hou r In I h rhu f'h PUI'lors " 1 1 rn n clud tl1� even in . . Spf' Y .. s tf! flPP 'II I' on S tlll'- I dAY'1I convention pI'O�'rA m . w h i c h , "pens A t II 30 o ' cl o c k, will bt Dean I P i lip Ha u j;'e and f'roL .J , U, bot /1 of PR cific Lu he ·;. n . ' A.vil' .111 0(1n L<'c !I u d ·o r i um . ev Alf M. K 'I\ 1.- o·,.,lock i I'o le� .. , II (I the \' BC'rgl' " iIl 'I'e� k gain . b�1 ..,f Pn · t l a nd .
I the
I Luther
eague Banq I t To Be Held Sa tttrday Eve IIing I
l add re88t'8 by D�lIn PhTp E H1'1l (' I aJld Prof J. C-. Xnvle of P L, nd by I aPort/IUld , '\b -\. M, RJ' bg 1al Qr .
banquet Ih" Tacnmll ho el _ s turrJAY pV" ing \ 'ill he onf' of the pnnc lpa 1 1�!!.tllrea of t I1 '" OJ tlJ, " : Pacific '\' o u n g People's Luther LeH �ue. conven tIO n , which opened Fl'lflay a.l tIl.' hOllt church, U ' Savior's Lull!." n, at tll an quet wi ll to th P. . mrl Irs. L. C. Foss III S ', ttle '\'hnse golden w eddi n g I nniverFlll ry W8S m .. rkerl Ma.y 1 . The banque t has be"n '1lTa n ge d '...·Jt h the �oJrlf'n Rl'nlve l'l'l\J'y t1,em, pre'I . ITt I n� I
"Hor: r ���l'l!ls
To HI! d P f!�m
, The ",,' !d A hrislensen (If A.!ton � , Ore " wi I be to; st m a s ter in\oca Unn will be rerri by Rrn:. J P. fie gel' CJf Pa .!fic Lut ) . "ran co li ,1', and the col lf'ge or· I ch qtl"ll , tll 'lIlt) l .d lCF' quartet an d ' Ina! - qUllrt, frnm om tor, re., will r rO\'ide mll!!I C , A poem • ' \,,1 ten bv P\"nf . J li n g. in hOT -" or I h" n, c � (I ,, ' 1 ] br" 'r rl nc! eong', wri t n by R"v Chrl � n� n "no ' '''II � I to R",·. and !i''I � , wi l l n e lntro II d . �I'! i ll , II l da ' at Ou vi ," 11 Lutheran churcll ind ld '
wall t n
" I
"� • . m('c
fu lly !It ,rMO t S\lnd a y'� ' J'ngrc. m t n c l ud,- ('('In rnunion servic s at 13 : 30 't. m . anti convention worShip �t II A , m , 3 o'cl ock in J Ron L P JlI tn ' u ' ? c horl\l u n ion A.n'] r'Il ' ill'. -io w'JI be h e l d . The p 'n rlpnl !'p \< "1' 'ill e th,. RI" Selmer erg£' 0f F ' a rgn, ' ' n" PI" " l'I! knt 01 t h h, Internationa l Luther )tague, was " Iso on Fri IAV'R '1p"' n l ng proja'J·a m. He will r.lo thF �()r venti n tr"nlP 'Faclnr the Tn In Wi t h hrist," with addrp::os, "The Youth ifl' Tha t "'inR." n. v, 0, G, Savles ol'l of , eatU e, prelli r1l'rlt " f the Luthel' I ... a U " i n hill dlclt 'rt wilJ rn' �idp. T I' rh0raJ u n ion, rn pn.r·' of chni ' !TIP) ber� from Enti h (''1lum' ill , ,. 2.shing on u n ci Or"�o n , wil l he riirecterl by P l'O f .1. 0, ,rl wards nf P. L, C, )1 'C'l1oil' n t he ", ,,,,t' (I P L, C , ' I t (I t I p ch , I l n l nn �1 1 1 1l1 0 n1Jp of
H I 11 U H L
h" « m Of' . tPI"' l f 111(' [)}l lll!h . I. r>f Piolleers of \ a!< l i n gton pl io t 1 8iO when th". Pt Th l l r�r!(n' "1< r-n,)on n t lJ.t A I Port '1')1'1<1 I (1n of MJ � A. • }1"H i!>. Th p n m b" 1<,; JP l tf"" i 1)- " s:: r'k of I.h", H'I r- I r's homl:' fn - :] flO lu('l- lunch",." ul' i n /!, h I' i r t prll- t «f t h e m ""t in 11' The (n "I' pl'''r;irJn' t , !vft,!; ,r. 1 . 1 i V '!', p "rfnrm erl 1I1 oc i nst� l I allOll 'Icr'ire fOl' the follol -in g' nffI Cf> rs : Mrl! ( . W. Gilb"rt. pl'esidlmt. , . !i . Ha.rris,
I I l pn
l u g'''
M a nOIJ80S c balrm n, S tenhf'rg And F:mmpt l Tho mp:;:nn hll V*' h,,"n n a m p ,l b. Job Vqp f'U ,pn, � udnnt pr(':;i drll t, a. a committ e in �harge of nange nents. 'l'hc 1011 OW! Ii.' grnup cn m m i ttel'l'I ha I'e bl'cn '" pp ointed ' Refr,', II m e u t" lone Ma,j5en, " ' orma P CI1�, I Paul ine Kuhn, Harold . robansen , I Judy Beruon, Entertainm f'nt, ! Evclyn Irwi..n , Che5 el' S" J('\' , Harold O'Connol'. Transportation, M i l ton No:::svig, tanl py Ford. Don , Phil l i ps, arn lrj 'it'rson , I
cnul E LA NN 0 I --
m cr U "gs were scher!-
A! FIIR P��� m:!!���I� I .
. /I'J ca '0 . ) dll" "t lUI Pl' · hlent I ol til, .A m riclln Luth ran due UOI) I OCIII tion, nln at th 1�lr t I und y . n f'hu 'eh Il'ndid c one rt " Il!" glv n by r.II Luthcl' n "oUe ," cho th nltera, known liB "th choir uf lhe Vol t," dlrected )l Pm!. J , O. F,(J. 'Ard
oocer- I
I p, L. C. Grad uates G oing On Ou tca lt Th ursday
b l'a du tell of Pac:i flc Lulh'�l' n I I e 11 8\' ch:u-t. red h , ' Cit I Seoul hont , · ' O u t 'alt." f r a clas8 1 Il! fty t llrsday evcnin'i. Th e groun p lrl1lB to I cave the: docl, , . r; I , p, In . . cruiBp about (11,.. S. un�, nd Ilnr�h 'H a nne (,f the i I' ncl:; for BUpPI'/'. Arrlolr1 Andrr�on , Eldon Anc)('r son, and Louise Jackson Rr i chat'ge 0[ benel'al II rrangezr e ts, Di l le QUfh�. }.1ary N ab , find {Ill" guerile BodrcI'o Will I) sbt Mi .TacJesoo as a refrel!hm ent com mittee, Milton Ncsvlg L'l chair man of a tieket comm i tte ,
'f) :'PREU
stu -
Jna l1ll ll
f i rst ¥ic"-president ,
" crlrurtp
Fa ' l
I ulrrl, Ih f i l'sl nl1 F' t" b,' in Oct.o hpr I t h(" D i rt :\h I IT'lV jloU1 !; e a rl nf!P L n ·�I a nrl, h o m !' 'I f Mrs, D . F"II, n rt t (' �('c"nrl (11 Decp m oe ,. l n ,.. home of Ml'c " P Br)J1 ney. m r m b("rs \ ill In "fq l'ch I b(' J:3l h r at th" T' coma h i) tp l f or. t he .nn l l " , "rI"l )rr� ql. il l1 d t b p j t n � 1 mf' Ul.,. 1 I �ltlrl "IE' hel I l' s. HR " ri '" hr m n MI FJk-, 'nf'SI,n, p i ;> n ist, and soprano, 11�s " T l lo 'od l\1 on�oJ'1 80loist, st.t Jdcn ta ilt Pa.cifie Luther· IJrni !=l1prj til" mu ,lea l 11 e,.,n "j:f' fl I't {If I h r pro)il' m, ueF tF fnl he (jay \\el'e Ml·s. l ' C. I]; B l a u It, B H , Brom'I', J Blauvelt • I'S. Mrs. p, S, Buchana n, Mrs P. H. Crothers, it s M l'ilyn Cr'other. , M:l's. W. H. 1:l's R r.. F ry a r . Mrs, S. W. D 1\ , " , Homlng, M r . Glib d, I , , E. Hill, Mrs, J 1. H' im'll M r�. Harris Jlills J ll l h Ha rr! . � lS� \'i rg-lm8. Harris, • "6. , 1 J . �lp"'T , 1 l'. , .1 L Meel'�, ' ,. " T,my Rnlpl'fPf', J',J � H " ei nel . Mnl. t t i.- W i l l i rn l! fi n d M �, K. Bp �
Luth eran
. den t!l a nrJ r R cl � l ty ill ,., . thor " pa n" wll v pll rk F rida ' li fter n 'lnr! J"V*' i I:' fn ' p "nol.llli �ol l 2'(' ric i,'
(''' ti1rr, ccond vir€' rll-F'�i<l('nt, Mrs P H Cl'n t hl"l'lI, ('c" T1 i Clink, Cl' . t, I"Y, I ,� corr"spl,nrl in !i, crf' l�ry, Mr:;:. K Bf't -Zimml:'l'DlIW , trcll�lIl'er JHrs. Godfrev Bil'ltil', l1 ist o ria n, "1rtl. O. C. Bar s os, a u d i t r, and :;\Irrs. W . P . Bonney, Mr�. C I'.: , H i li " nei MI'S. R. G Frya , tI u tef'l<. Th 11nl bCI � discUSR,'d 11 " i l,' ctlvit if':1 fo\' ih ,' (,Cl m ing' yea r, Ir!!_
I I Ij
P. L. C. Picnic Is S lated Frida y At Spana way
. Park a HI Presch 01
f'J f · rece U y Mem /'1' /1 of t h ganized Parklnnd pre1<chool grouI wi l l hold Its first regular meeting' �' rlnpsd�y Ij fb'rn oon >I t 2 : 20 at the home of Mrl!. Stl' n l py �()!Jso, Mrs, BuTlU' :\!<;isUng hostp<;� '(,'lidpnt, . rl!. ROB Bo}'ll ton, hfU' II. ked Mr!! A. C Voelkler and , \V, GrpI'nwell to he pr('!'Ient I k s o n rp" hool wol"k. to glv '1 Ilege r, oynton, Manlyn PI' sy Ran' tan, Jo...·cc Taylnr and H�I \'o l lng preschof\1 of ri B ghler� III /lIng t wo ;;C'hoolday .. mb!' II i 0' g . "1' ,. Cr w" anti " Butt"r ,. CIlP All t hose intere!! cJ n pre C 00\ arkla.nd community -"rk in hI' In"i' Ii to . tt rI,
I n sti tu te of L u t h e r League. W ' U e August 4- 1 1 L u 1.hrr Lca ;! u c s nf th
Lu tillll'a n
c onft' l' nee
tllf' Pu d, Soun d
a r ea
rueri 'an
will aga in
Join togr.thc:' for t h II' fou rlh an
Lu theJ'a n
i IE' In
be held .Augllst 4 tr. 11 (' Rc b
park ,
P. L. C. Student O f f L.er To Be picked May 1 5 P
cII, 1
I.{ !
1':- 1
Mllitin J o hnson , ot mcla �'. I in st lttl le business m nRIO t, is c!'iv ing reservations fot t h i s year'Ii
Il <ldi tion to ih!' pl'l')gr m lhr. i n ti tute oifel's ,"trI ed recreation 1 It cUl 1 ll"activl! I. ·cl viti II, U\akin \s ,-,a L on pot fOI Lu thel Lca;:-ucl''ll , lnCa f'1 f.m(nt.
]'!'gu l !\T
I clJglous
New ']' 'uslee For P. C. Is l\7anleri The
Olympia has he n
a lh\"(' -y
' 111
Joh n on of
r ll'rm as II
c o m in
�!l.n<l ldatl' fOT p !'sld nt r' yhrl', AI V ern -nu LzPIl, Bert r uru f�og nd Ed ward S\'inth, Harold And �on, Ell!'n BE'rgstrorn pnd ,he leI' S 1\(' hav{o een n o m in atea
fo the vice l' esidency . Margprl' t ra..:.t, , {urie Johnson nd I nc MfI. 'on lor secretary. and Stanley (It'd,
No y and Frithj of 'fa.yet for the o Ice of tr Murer.
A_ commissioner ot athlet H anv Gr bOO h lind John Stuen have b en non Inated. Enid Hut- I :>on is the only csnd i d"te for the I comrnl!,S1oner ot adver'ising, as prop()�ed The C1RSS of 11'136 .) O:UIl18 Mannusos "s represen ts tt '( ; J d th B('nso and Mar Rrl.'t
r. candida te!! I r pho rep ' fntll li·."e, and Gerhardt POu e er hilS bren omin ater! II � r rprPRents tiv(' o t the high • chOO\ mnl'('
Rev . Szven Oil To Speak A t College
'The RC!v. EmIl wen (In Mlnncarnl 3, eha rman r.! the finance ommitt"!f' of the AUi'\I� t ana Sy od, \'111 spPRk durin tll c.hapel services at . PacifIC Llltbl
eran co l l�ge TUl'sds"
9 I'i
in S" HIe Tuesd, n wil l C'lmt' l TI (I wit Dr, C. R. !::w on pas or Get h - 111 :1.n - church ID ' tlc, Be n rc I'e IIrnin.z to the nl1r1dle we be R�\-, S 'el'1Fon , 1II vis t losli lull n o! th(' AuI:' I Seattle. Portlanrl J n S 'Mrld 1'1 and Everett, mon:
II r !te lflt; I. l l thel'an 1:011 ge oa rI of tr u bt('4'�, It wes nn ou nce d lu day by PI .'"lden l 0, A , Ti nge at. d, R, S ...·anlH 'In r , i lh D en-ttll and Dr , Joseph nder n Sedn:, \ 0 h Y t h e Rc\', J'lhnso r 'pr ft ' 'I lhc Cd u m b ia conre, (IlC 01 th '\'U�U!llftlla . yn d, one o{ h Luth�I a ud i 1< sutJportin ' lhe col l '- 1' ,
st Ident body for th will be !'J ecte d ,
\\ 8 �b , A t " l' e.'nI mec tl n �· CIt thr instilut hn,u'(j or co n t l QI hcad>() 1) ' t h e P f"v . H \\ . LUll fjblRli Sf' lI lUl! h l"u , It \,1111 'L l(lunccd that the inRt'Lutt? sp"akcl's " Cluld b" tl " oll tslan d tns:;- B ibl e men hom 1 1 1 (" " a t, t h l nt'V , A l bE'l t LOl'cf'n ( 11 nOI IdOl rl, til" rep J'ell"n tln g the . A ug usllinp ynnd , nd Dr Ca.rl M , Wcswi '" of Lut]l{'i' emmary, i ' n , 11 1"H f'1 Ii , Tbp institute th('m • Fac 1 g Lif W i t h J (; !!UJ Chl'i " i l l bl' ( fc\'elopcd h: t h' Rev. Lo 'CCIl , , ' cs vig, 11 Bibl " 1r lcacher , wi l l lead in II. �tlldy of '''l'hc Boo) nl A mos" Rnd fo r hi.; 'v"nin� vill sp,,,k on t,) , Tempt; tum/< ..
t control b8JI
Ill!' da
]ues l Fr
1 1 1" ansa s I \" ( 11 oi r6 C. l t 1'1 \\ chits, 1... a u , �re gllc t s I Ulm E l- beth 1r. home o t 01 /lnci Mr an d '. III D. rk l a no r \ I ' " Sn {o :,w(' ! l h3 'e !'pe 1 ,nUl R u i (>nrout r t" , "l ' f oml f 1'5 t I)r 1.. ,,�,d pperl 3 1 B <>i t[,f " u� Bondy M xw�ll Dr
, I
Choi Of West In ncert unday I
'1"11 P i n c L u theran cf'll1 "ge " hoir r ttl" ". 01 " wil l a ppea ' ompco :nlng cnn ual tn I hr r 'I llnd'lY p 'cninl:' 8 n 'el rlck, at c<!rt ulh"ran J arkland Trim ty th church, Dr. F.l M. Hf'gg" . pa.qlol' of .'n r nd tbl' , h u rc h lral L H hl'l'an P. L, C Fac uJ ' y Ladlt' , quI' 't,!' L I' g;r�"" aa wt'li Will assist in th 5 aa lhe Tr:nily chu r b ehoil' lil voicl!'� w ieh witl io n t e 50 -vr'lIC d I , ludent choir to 11(' l'entleoriDg lht' "L nd!ll ghlinf, , " cln 109 an th by Grit' . Edwa rds l'rot, JOI!I�ph 0, rtit'rctor n( th() choir,
New H e d Student
N. orweglan Supper Th urs day Eve n l n g '/' ·
!lupper '" I I I b , rv ( I hv m mb 'r l' n i ty Ii£', ,, I ( 01 , i 1 11 t HITeh nu l' I ' I T�II I n I v,'nllll; h(,,::' l ntl ln .. n I 'rIlle, , T hcm rcn lrrin /:' , " l I l ( t c' " j , tl ; 01 f ll)' ' ' n r t il, NIH "inti' Ni, n � ,lay" will bl I' l l I.' I
I" .-kl
Nol'\ egl I(
B I l! m 1<1 h " iF l.hl' rplSld�Dt r t the acifie IJutht'ran
body ,
.John V�n Le uvpn, Ilno e ll tiler " fficf!/"S of t o", udy except vice
PI' sidr n re deter'mtn ('d 'n 'OD" ,;qucnce of el('e io held Ia. \VedD_sda :v, be vic.. pl'pstd ,ney
'as to be dptermin ed ill � final vall' ThUl'l'Id(l}, atl rnoon to drcldf' l)(>twecn Hl' l'o1 '] An d.'r'ion end eb".!! CI' Salle, slIrvlvor of the pl"lm ary ve t £' \\ l' nesdav :M1!.rgarct raft wall ChnSl'1l �ecI' tary and SlAni4"y F'orrl , reallfiicpr t!r tlH'!' '1 cd ther 811 ((llIo v Cornnl i�.!Ii(1 to r or athl ie Jo hn S IJeD commissioner adn'r tisiD of nid T urj Aon : gra d u a l in..e l MS t'CPI'P.s n t tive Johanna M'l n 01 !lo : !'if phnmOl' cl � '11l ""pr scn t.P t1ve , .ludith BI'", BCho _ I t'cpr lien \( , flul g I
I ,
Th.. P l'kll1l1d Co IllUnily will hold Its la, l mel!tinl> thl. spring Tuesday eVl "lOg at o'c1CX!k in Lhe pubh r, IlcillJol Rud! lDl lum. .I'1'Or. . r, P. Ptluegt' I', pl'l'sldenl lllI n ouncr·, 11 [.hI ,'pl!ak r .l l\d Fr ri C:, e lnann ot Tacoml'l, usinv 3" hi h.plc, "'1'b,. Cf'lm munily sn d
I t J: �u It .. '1"hrrr will ,, 1110 be � IlltJf'1 I program Plans foT' lhf' Rnnllll i �I ,&nU ll ia J l be fl n n ouncen anrt lhe Ip t!' ,,"t. Th
O'l1�,clOBOCk club
Subu rban S udy III me�t Til da ' at " t th _ h(lm (It Mrs, How"In . , 01 1 c.. PUg' CL o u nrl
Pa rl!lan d
M, L, Ne vlg, pa for 'orwegil Luth ran aa tit'. will be the
church 10 sprR k I' at the \Vedncsday ev ening mecUn of the Paclflc Lutheran Colk;;e MJ�::i,on lw ciety, Rl \'. viI:' \VII I also flpcak a.t lhp rno 'n lng I chllpe service at the coUege, Mills Romola u,<;l, voce I SOIOl l, dIld ,M l!ls L<l u r a HaugC', vio lin I L, viII fuml h mu�ic at tl E'
I',I.1t- ,·
n n u a l Gu ,s t D a y
' he 0 ThR annual �· est ria Cryll al S pl'lngs GaJ'den cluh " m 2 h ,Id FI iday afternoon " ,. Fra.n k ' o'clock ",t lC hOUle of Mr3, Kilia.n .rcHord s, Parkl" n(J. ",rpi ler. president of the S I! ' e, Fed \l N' eration of GRrtlcD cluhll" aker, r,.porlln g on her trilJ -I; 5 to the "IaUo 81 conven tion of gar LOll Ange l e!' n den clubs h eld i Jo. rril PrE'Bi df'!n t n( l' er 'lA com G a Tc\lm cl llb!! ",,[11 )-If' spf'clll i • " .. ,, " 11 1I frl('nd of lh I loca l . r mbe, . �
I '" I
I Pac ifie
p' l'
Pho Ga
Ll the"s 1
log a hOUFe
. 41:.-
1mll m.mh<n .l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
college ?re holil· ,
this we<'k
end ,
Bay L ire. M mbers l of the P p clUb: dormitory at Horsellead
girls, ! I
been inviter] to pa1· ti ·i pat('. I'R. FJ�th DAVis, advise r of DI'I � Rho GA 1'1 1'I 1fl , wi l l a ccon' · p811�r IhE' g i 'Is, '1 0 will 1 " " vO 'fl!. f1 lJI'(IR� coma by fe rry PIU Jy morn i n g . retu rning Sun d a y n·('n· in!!' . 11 s E l l n rgFl rom, generAl c'h'l ll' "H ' n , ' i t h A rom i ttee n n cl nf 'orms Pre S , Loui!'
com. ,
an d He1f'n Lilja bQ • a 1 inte res tin g program of
'I outlined
. acti 'ities Incl uderl are two SI'YE:l1mil" ' \ies , initiation of nt'w r lcm. ber., II marshmallow l'Oast an' i "lImg-s on g-" on he beach. aJ! well as swi mm mg-, boa t ing. and flshing.
viII be group discuasion"
Sa turday Jed by He l en L\lja, Th 'l m Dam If Evelyn I rwin , a nd , Irene Dahl unday morn in,;: sc rv · ices wl 1 \ .?" held in th p "Cathl'dr of Pm es . . lf rj (;nrr' 1 1. t t eq h<lYP f'1) arpnm t ol . ' 1\ �v be �enfl'a J c h a i rma l owil : Pl'Qgta ill s, E canOl R aud P ' . bAU2'h, cha I rma n, bel' Torri. I 0 " Louis!' Willi" II ; r<l l'ty. Ka lil ' r n Andrr. on. chainnF 1. I)anna ManoUSOl>, udy rDson, Hell? Holtcam o ; initia ·ion. i TOr l11 a P · e u s lrir, Ev an s . • lahl!' Heggen, Paulin( Watt s, Evelyn Eklund, l ovell N'1/;'1 1', E1i7.abet Dahl, Lpnore 'ithrow ; ki tchen and transportA' tion, LOlli . e Hend r i c kson, chair 'n il " . ruchel f'lint. Por tia. l Ie r F,lp3 o r H " " l,.... Virgi n i A Dllvi.s. ·0
1 '1'
mee ommi ttees Mrs. Ro ss Boynton, preSident of the Pa rkland Preschool gr ou p , an nounced tho following comm ttees at tbe meeting held \V edncsday at the home or . 1's Stanley Rosso : ' Progl'a m-.ll's. Del Shepl'o, Mrs. S, Ros. . pu bli c i ty and scrapboo]{-· 11'5. Clifford O. Olson ; hospitality !<, Roy 'a n son ; m'�m ership -.�i rs . lver J o hnson and Mrs. F' Tral l1. Mrs . Swan �on, Mrs. SIdney S Iden dnd 11 s EriC elden were app,)\n ted to make plans for a pi " . Ilie to be h e l d for th e children in .Tune a t the Clover creek borne of : :r. 1's. L. S m i t h . At tha t time the group \ 1II rccel e th e i r ch l\ rt"r ,I I'S. D 1 Shepl'o and Mrs. . W, \� cgner r e Ul e chRrter committe,
1\111' Elku R ...· J:.· t r<H"l. �I'nl'r ('ha l rm', n ()f til' . IIOU"P nu , . r t '· to I' ". " .. ,I ,1 f ,. " �'" /:,h (' n m' ,. fhp he'lld 'l ,' lodg( h, ' f n 0o>1t Rho (;ammo Il lf!mh .. .. , 0 t tlI' P"dlj, T,nl b p r 11 ,'nllpv:e,
-----�-� ---
}' nT r PL . E of Trinity Lu th f.>r choir, Pa r kland, art: spo l'ori !; .. :<Jkating party at King's rollc!' link. Thul'sda�' evening beginn m g at 9 : 30 p. m. The
I n Play Comedy
resented To Be A t P rkl nd
" Tilly (If F l o o lBbu ry , " � tb.t ce act comer! ' by Ian H n y , 1 1 b,= 1 r('�('n l"l a t Sl o'cluck th i s pvcning in thf: Paclfic Lutheran college
cl"l!'�. rrl1. JnM'ph O. Edwards, olii C'-.:to h � � br.:n aSRi<· t -:d by P " ')t .:'.'11 R . H lghb . a n d 1 y :Miss Mar.1 � ·"' �h . The S L 11' 1 - c n tr' rrlo " 011' Til l.' .. " n o!' gol J l Tom n 10 l ' London r - 1 1i l::. 11 Die), . Il'inwarim : . a n of [1 Bog' h 10 'd, t I"ir mCl'ting' l the ODI""8I i 'on 01 Djr ); ';> p:ucnts' l " " r/ l ' H h 'lpl' , " �re"lllen t 1 fimlll� �cJ."" rl. Ti ro •
.j I
\ T i n .. ···lsla I reP 'lid n l i I..U 11 1:11' collee-I! turncrl to Pa It l' Jl nthug' Thul'S<ia.y ('v 'nil' a. we It 011 whlit he � rmcd his first Dr . caU,," In lUX years. real tl May 10 ng I'll I leoft Pat�'1 wiUt rl"or , ml motored into') the mounta.inous region of Washing rl C;lU 'e\'ada ton, oregon, •
P. L. C. Coach A nd I Family Go East
CO A c h Cl iffnrd 0 Olson of Pa' i 1 � lJ n Ci!l!' LlIther� n coll� , E'. Mr�. i nli rl Ught"T M1 ry. i " f b" h'1 i n T u -da ,, ' i n g fOl' Ca 1 1 (' (1 r, a. , I whrre h"," will visit Tcla es, Th ey I'xpccl to t ,wei in th middl , W Rt b"C'lrp returning 0 lhe COil I b� mot"r •
I Rudltor- I O'CI O Ck, \
TO !\oI EET IN � n K LAN D The Parkland Townsend club wIll meet a t th public schoo ium TUI''l,lay veninI' al' 8 II Mallt'ry W i l l Rpeak. ,J us ie. :r inte esled rc invited Lo " L tt'nd, "I '0 Fur t"! ov. r', 'l'ursd y f ' b a l l.
lj WIll Uc \,
Ther" GOp]
WI l
May Loaf Satur t Parkl d
III br n 11 IT rIo 'ed thr. PArk l and eomm un l ty
'aturday, Tf th"TC an" the C'om nunll) cl l lb tr�asu/'y ill In J casc o r S!l t urd !l\' h ,.. been 1rl aside lUI hf' ann uliI CJC1Inlip day . and R il
·iIl h
Leoll "- l II ppoln cd
fined a nd b rou g-11t l'Ot tem
�cncl' al
lth Geo 'gc
J1 S!' bN!1'1
(' ha llm an ,
'iII outlioe 1 t VO k to be dnn . At fl o'cl ock all 'csidents a rc to I'cport lo l he punI 5011001 , worl,!!1 I cadqu81'tcrs
O lson
bo�f' who f II t n Rppe�r will be .O ll t by h�' polIce co�m!tt.-c 0 0 sl st mg of T, , SV8 1 c , Mrs. . G WaOa [,D, lind 1'8, J U. �ri r . At 0 on [I· ...� I l I nch w i / I be ('ned to lJ \" 0 'kel M · 1\11'l/loRhan , I' , Hopkin , and Mrl). aul FromRn arc In c hIlT!:,r .
t .uth r·
I'D t.', taln-
�T.4. J;!:�/1 1off Jtltfc
Lulhnan o1Jpg'e . Iall ·('s will re· i h.. · thp r ctlpl m M at the Inth rommencement t o hI! be l rJ nndlty """,nIne', JUlll' 3, a t u'clock in the < 01 g au\lllorium
1, I
r 1>1'1 (.[' rlnrk
MIa. A . \' R� ms d . ) cha t:''' of Ihe p ogram. ha " i nvited M rs . hr 0 . , C. Voc>lker ('If D upon t Mr:<. O. A . Tin � 1t he peakeI' slad, prcsldpnl. will w"lcom t £ gutr.t�, 111'11. O . .J Stevens WIll speak ' m h ha If (If t he, moth!'\', . nct M1R� Ir'" " D hI Will • '!pond t('lr the daugn .�, Mu i C' ' 11l inclu 1� Ta '1 ' a Joy _F' vnCR 1 '1010 by violin so lo b,' Miss Lau rll. H � �n ' c: b � �roup nf moth .. ,. q (j d l! 1I 11 tel's, li nd !' VOCA l .rI o b� .fu!,! Ida Hiorj e rJ i I' MI'R, , .r stwn AMr1 M I''', J unwig :..a l'l'Inn 3 rr rna I n l': "-.I I n::i An ql lPt, nnr! WI . ment� {nt' the LOll iF P"h"" R O , }.f,' Arthul' I F.rkk. 'In, MJ'l'. ' r o n ... t h .I A ('obs, " ' il l /feen. � nrl Mill l!lrnmy C It
1' ,
Lut h eran To M el'
tgh ter
o\ t II) fir A I ml'eti g or rh yPAI' 1>0- hpj I 1"hUl... .j ll y l a ·30 o ' c r w mpmhr 1 - of l.hl' Lulh�ran Daugh ters ot the Rpforrna tion at PacifiC Luth"ran coJl"�" ..... J\l l nLerlain . 'omen ' If Lll... 'olll'g'p fscully. , MiB8 R h oda HokcnsLa . p " N, i .lent ,,£ t he L. D ' . j. arrartging I hp pi !trAm r .,' . C1 to, Tingl e · '>l4ri will I'cprp, en t. hf' faculty Iatjie.� in a g r "tiQg, a nn Val bor� 'orhy \Vii i tr 1 Ve a to l it, uslc wilt incllld '! planl) sol I) b� Mis!' E l ine Bl'!l.!'l'n, � vf\I'RI linIn lw M Il'lo P IInp VI' t" t' dal i " t sr In h} d"iffl! l\tarr r p Me"d.. anrl a " ne I trio eo slsting 'f }. Isse lria l ash, Mildred Monson and Irene Odl'l I , accompan l ed by Mis!' Fld n a TObiason.
L_ _ _ _ _ �L-�..L______i
I U- I
l U,I19 last meeting tile new I ) l. 0 R. for nexl Y"Rt I w!l he I", ted . C;mrllch I.es are I MIss : r ril l' d ? ISS Rnr m t ry 1 cllk.
Al1 l1 ('unce En gage m e n t
A n � ltrllc th'c part" (1)1' i nli ma' " fnt'ndll hpld rer:ently t h t' pngag m p n l 01 M l o.� � 1.v n O b (' , r!auilh t,,�r nf Mr nr! r� n r/ rew i Olsen, l� M , �\ ' frrri E \n(I ArSOn , ,.lue$l'· n "t II'. lind M I'!! H, E . A 11 '11' "0 ,, . " fl ' ::I n n Cl l l n r"rJ Fnrnu!1 !:,R tl1erPtI a t t \1 (' nl".. n h me .1 " 1 .R " l oU �l . \" h er� l ' thf' t hey \'p rp '" t' l'tllln.-d brtop n-b <' molhl'l And YOllng!;'r sistel', fiss th'len Ul!l('[l . TowsmJ I h p. clnlll' ,.,1 t . f'vpnm lh l' gul':!�1' .1 h 1'{'(l p t !' IIPP ! tablp, h(> Ilt lilly riel tIr� t{'rI \'!th pi n l( W'- t J l each PI' "l and pirk tapers, pille' W(,I'£ fOllnd l . ny flero l l " con Llllnlng t h e nl\m p � 1)[ I.h p el" ga gl'd {'.,uplE' an,l pink lr::! rlJar� all
1"0 ' 5Pgell.
M i � )!;\, I. ·11 01 p n , 11:l1Jg ht� r IIf I\f r, a n d �l",. A n d rE" 0 �l , ' 'h()��
('u s'a Kement to "-lfrpd E, .. IId!.'r'Ion. son or lUI . Qn d M r.. H. E. ,\ ndf'rsn n, \ ' !I!'I fl'cen1 1y lJ l1 n ollDce d.
}' B i rth of S on
r, and - Irs, 'W'III m T S tnra '3.sl i Qf Par klnnrl 81" rpr."I · Irth the 1 g ('ong" atul3t1on� (l S11(l t I g it n n , T urs rl a y nf a the best Wlsh 1I are the grandm o ther, Mrs. Inger Sinla nrl and a si ster Sylvia anrl two brothl'l!'1l Orvill .. � 11r1 L� r;t"r.
I =
AY 3 0
.f'alll i n ,· "·a t t N. \I hll hu \'f' l it JI HI 1 0 ,.... prf''1 nl d :I t l'a('lfi(' LII 1 h l' r311 ( Y 'h oto of , ' ,';I re h� I I.I T' �uol{. ) " 01 , "
�, rnll�j" Mi � ( 1"'1'1'\ hl n!,;;(l '1 , " (' I ,·nm.-d. i n ' th r>'- lIe l 1 odA" It rl .lohn \ ", on w i l l bl. p l't'sentpti by lb' l ub ( , f IlcB It' Luth , " i ll I·'ridll. I PDlng M y "t, 'c loc k tIl tht! (.ollfOg " a 1(.1\101'ill m. 1'he opere tta, tllf' lI nul pl'cfI(>nwtion or t he clUb. is dJ 'eel ('d hy l "eiUl R�lti, aQV ser, Thp. I('ad:'! 1Il'E.' ta k 'n bv Pau l in \ 'olt as he ybl u8M� and by Bob . \'!lre 118 John H mJv Sm it h, I hI' \'1' Ilhy , merlClln W 0 [fll l:. in lll\'� Will] lhe r,elllha �rJ 'I I 0 � 'l b<� n !!leI c n , l It " bo I J /lp' ne. t' hokl' brou ht up a. /lth ' I', .vl� hes mo, lhe foat,-r <':h('rl'\'bl ()s�om to marry a. we3 J th)' pulit icllIn, To (J, Thl} pI!)!. i n -
Dedication President s Residence Pacific Lutheran College Parkland, Wash. September 28, 1 930...... 3:30 P. M.
Invocati on-
Quartette: " I Have A Lit tl e Cottage"
G. O'Hal'a
m . A . W, RAlII STAD, M R S . J. U. XAVIER
Dedicator ' Address" I Mu 路t Abide At Thy Hou se"
Luke ]
The REV. 0, L. HAA VIK, P resid 路n
of the Board of Trustees
S 10G.
l\1 R . ARTHUR . Felicitations-
" God
Shall W i p e Away AI! Tea r s "
M R . p. H. HOLM-JE N S E N
Response a n d AnnouncemelltsPresident, O. A. TINGELST A D rJ oxol ogy-
" Prai e G od From "Thom A l l Blessings F l o w " Benedictioll
Cora Roma
January 2,
Hello ,
Stan !
Many thanks fo r letting me read Irene ' s s c rap book fro Li ving early PLC days-- it brought back a lot of memories . here at the Lutheran Home apartments also co njures uďż˝ a lo t . of memo ries . There are many here who have connections pas t
or present , with PLU and PLC . Olga Kiel Will iams ' 31 lives i n the apartment below us . Inez Nelson Ande rson mid thirties
is also here and her husband is in the Care Ce nter .
Mrs .
( Mi ssouri
Pastor Emo ry Erlander ,
whose child re n wen t to PLU,
father of current PLU congregat ion
('51 )
pastor, are he re---and many others . Evange l i ne Rimbach She is head of the was here from her break o ver Christmas . mus ic dept . in an I41 . unive rs i ty- --had a go rgeous voice and sang for us every even ing in the dining room .
We are fairly wel l settled after two months---as se ttled as o ne can be whe n moving from
rooms to ) .
It was a very
frustrating and chal lengi ng job and i t just about did us in , but i t ' s behind us now and we ' re
we made the move---i t ' s
a good place t o be for o ur remainfilg years .
My brother No rm . and his wife Ruth , are o n the same floor we are . Right now Wal t is downstairs playing pool wit Jorm . Now that we are gone ,
we ' l l leave
it up to you to take
care of Paikland---iÂŁ you ' re eve r the re .
Pastor and