Irene Dahl Clippings 02

Page 1

Weds at Simple Service

A b C'.Bu tifu l mid-afternooll wedding Saturday w as that of Mi5l8 Ellen Monroe Chapman. daugh tet' of GeO! ge Chal'mfl n. to Adam Fl'('ckJeton, recently of Peebles. Scotl anrl. w hie h r callerl th we dding of Mill� hapman's fath er nd motil"r 'tlJe l ate Ann I" Flett Chapman) �'l1ich took pla ce 10 earllel �acom8. day� on the arne d ate at th c "amil old family home at It lett.

old Banquet At WlIlthrop

Girl. of the P. L. C. "'om­ I': oAth] lC association at' rling a cmi-fol'rlal banquet. ur day t: \'cn i ng in th ami nil'y room 01 H tel inth!' Jl al (;:15 ·dock.

For the cllremo y a la l'ge num�r oC g ucstll. Rssembled in the living r Jam \\here palms and hu e

wicker b lll' ket s of glad i ol ii and delphin iu m I(j med "background or the bridal group. Thr oUJ:'hout thl roo n weI' bouquets of mock OI'an 'e. uti t hl' glow of c'J nd l e� In tall





atmosphel'l', while thc VOWII were rf'ad by the Rl' v. H!lrold Long, pastor of Immanuel Presbyterilln lurch eforf' the cf' rr Tllon , . Mj51� Dol'oI thy Lphmann sang " ve Came "lIing." !lnd "j Love You Truly." accompanied by Mrs. MflTjorte ScOtthCll'll. v i ol in rn t, and by til!" brifle 's ,,<)" ;n, Miss Jean "'bapman, pianist, wbo also pIa 'ed the wed­ d ing march from Lohengl'in, Mis!' Chapman, fri v en In 111:'1'11 gl' by her father. wore a go n of shell pink taff",ta fash ion ed In Empire mode. Of fl oor length , t,h" finely plaited skirt flal'ed into th meres suggestion of a tr ai n , and puIfl'd sleeves and a softly ruffled neck ine added to the quaint cos­ tum.... In bel' hail she wo re a bandeau of blue. and her bouque osebudB WII of pin k and white , nd ,;w etpeall. Mi�s Esther sborn. tile bnd'" only rt ttendanl. nrc a simply fR ioned drelll! of biep''' Inr.I', anrl <: rrl d y 1I 0 w roses and I vender wectpcR in her bouquet. The 1'0 m W8.l!l a.ttended by " ! lli a m Smallridge of Tacomll . recep ti on followed th� cerE" mony. I\\'o aunls nf the hridl.' pl'i\Inning, Jnhn Chnp ma n and ir AIl'S. J oh n Fie t o[ SE'aWe. MI' . Yucll \ illiams and M iss GJ dVj; Scott Rssil'lted in . erving. E !ly Elliot had <'.barge of h guellt boo k. and Miss Helen Sc o tl recl'l"cd the gtfts. 11'. and Mrs. F rcc kle ton Il.'f' 't�r the c-rnmon • [0 a motor trip 81'OlI nd th Olympic lonp. Thl' ' will be a t ho aItt'r July tenth i at th ei r new home. 4006 North 27th st. Tacoma For going aWAV MIS. Fr pckl eton WOfe smart nsembl of li ef' blue cl'epe madE' ill cape Ii cl, and white 8rCe!lSOnl·.


pccornpli,o;hmE'nis 1)[ piano I{O to 0 In 'ited r lfic I.utheran cnllc)::' f', Park­




atu '(jlJY night. Ma)' 23. Tliano pupils of Prof. J. O. I'{I� wlII be presenter! in re­ th lhl' followln






KL'\:\O TJ:L'lTl THER.\. Rev L. M. Stavig. pastaI' of 1'= . 0 hn' Lutheran church In ·orlh lielrl. M inn .. will J'I'ach at thn 1 o'cln I{ ,,£'1 V lce ll on SundRY al I'arkIR:ld Trinity Lu hel'M ('hurch (' . StRYig is a [()J'mer T oma PllStOl', hA,Vlllg' sen'cd se\'f'laJ y nr al u. aVlor·. l.ut h ran ('hurch I MI�lI Anna MikkGIsel1. form I' IIcilic LutheJ'an colleg ho I SuJOiBt. who has ret\Jl'ned I' m r hl"e .�' e al·.s spent in 5ltudy and te chIng m the middle west, will ,Ing at the Sunda' services. __ --� ....... -­ r.\





hower For Bride ... Ele c

)fi· fI TrP TIe ; a(hH's�, fl�n('('c nf ill'rn:ll'ri Corbin, wa . honor­ !;U I'pl'i:e . hower at ('11 it h bpJ' home 011 \\ edn ;da)' eve­ J)ing.

.i ostes:; s wer> a glOUp of inbriile-l'l!'cl, 1im<lte fn"nds of th even-Eleven the of members !:'uests were Ail r th c l ub. l' mbled, an amusing ratllo broad­ (alit announced t he pu rpo. e of til ere prc enLed. pal \y and gifts at sel'ved Refreshments wl"r by the I he clORe of thto ('venin 'mmy Colton . hO!ltellses, MI!I.<re.'1 Ruth SW!lnf;on. Emma Rynnlng. Grlebl'oK. .A lice GaarLl. ... race Ral' n Rynning, Ma or e

rj i


. ohnson. -\rntz<'n. Aag-t,t J al. Mrj;. Ivcr Mnb t Bull. Ag '1. Jl)hn�"n and Mrs. La!'. Rynnl ng. G'J'St.'! were the Mi. sell Thorn


01 on. Anna Olson. Bel'dlne I�nllt­ :< n, DIrothy U>hmann. P.u h FIll­ Dahl, Margaret F d71 n • I'ertl'ud �arlson, 'Iady� ll!; S, Solwolu, Ruth M yers. M(')!C'ames li�. ''''ego r. Dltman l<} }{l'ei{Jler. B. Lora r. I<f'n, Ti ng .lstad. V. A. Elvr. Lrom, LOllI

:Marlln Sande, A. W_ 0, H o vcland. Kenneth e W. Howes, Oscar .An­ .Jac(1bs. der;;un. H. . LaVille. Olto Jens n C. G, Roe, O. Coltom, H. 0 r­ Ing. y,,' Ibur Sw n d on, B. K. Flld­ n 'S" Ray 'Mey(r, Ludwig Lnl on.

l' lel·son.

R mstad.


L. Dahl,



tuell. O. J, Gregory, \\. Turner, Georg, ul­ .801. B. M. Johnson G. P. Knudl­ Strand. t.... lIa kenson, I l'nn. Pull.l, Phil! E, Hagu!', Call 0 t­ Esthl r Lehman . III d, A, .

D/lv" . J. M, '!i1aler, .T. P. Pflup Cllffol' Tingelsta.l, A. 0. a II . Preu . T. O. '}:Vt,.

Parkland And ,L.C. News .\\1", Ito:�

Illl� n ton

of lIon IInd�lr, C.l­ hard Haakenson ell((·/'tain Ii ' at til(' Jatt JO - 1\(101 in Brook­ d de Fl'ida�' >nming' ill 101l0)' ,jf �II·,. r enllct h J a 'ob, of l'al',IHlld and ).Jr,. lIen!' Bernt.·en or Gig Ha/'beJl , l!idgC'\\ood<\

A l t h,' ([0




erVl I. huffct .1 p)J l"r W"l\ � Hindl'l'lil' mott ('/' of Mr�.


B 1'0'­ btl'll! •


Ben pre ' j ded t tht' ·pbl I :lui , a 'I '''l'pil'(:e of pinl< roo u blu!' (1'lphirtiul11 [l!lrkl'd .. ctlm'lcH y P tic v 11m Guest.:: w, Mt'�dllm( Tlngelstad, Jolm Sa later, E Ite!.

at Parkland

-[I ..:' Je!lll-Mal'ie Fowler and Mis� ]<-;11(,11 Bergslrom enl,/'tatned mem­ b I'll 01 the Pac; ie Lutheran col­ I go l,mmcr studenl group nd


E. 'I'ing :.stacJ. 01"0, C. Am In And the _Ttl', c.." Dorothy L hmli n. RuLh 1 1 ClIo.! Fadn. � l'l'cidll'l',

1. ud eba ugh ,




Elizabeth tuen, (B/ylln Pflu egpr, IOf. and 'Mra, J. U XRvic , Prof. nd Mr . J .

l'f1u Tcr. D,·. O. ,r, Norlie, Prof. .P. J Bardon. Dr. P. M. lasso,

H"be/·t Monson, Bert Myhre, mold Ander on. PRim r Steil'o, •111hll StUt'n, Jellse Pflueger. Gel'­ hSI'.ll PO ueger , Bert Oien, Rny­ mond lue.l: er , �i1Uam Fowler, n nald • va rd , lerle Pflueger, er­ h'u·.1t SVllre �r d Fr d Hean y.

Return to Parkland

Rnl' S. Hinderli�, H. L.

l{r 1l"1e' h Jacobs, ,J. r 0, S\'arc. Oltp Jensen,

P ul PI'elis. O R� r Anuerson . 0, liovland, A, p , Lrbmann .1. PlIu"?'I't' L, Pete/son. A/'thul' Ellckson. J Stueo, Ludvl g LE I . son, \', A. Elv('slrom. A. 'V. R,.<tn str1 d , Philip E Hau�('. Lura H.

rcu.:ully Th day evening at their IIpartment In arklalld. .{iRS Thelma D iels and M' EI ill 13. nson assisted durin g the upp 'r hour. la I :ue t.s includ d the Mi' Eve-

10nson, lone Mad. en. Eleanor JudIth Benson , Eve­ lyn Eklund, Bergllol Vogan. Mar­

C, ('




,Tolm. OP,

Gaw·d. fargal'et Fadness l"aLh­ I'yn Arntzen. An ga Dall', Be dinp Aagol

Gr .:;

K nulsen , Thora Ols')n, Anna Olson. Ir nl' Dahl Norma Pl'('u.� Emmy C ol t'lm RO�I1IiE .Tt'n!'l'n, EI. Am,,­

lind Vil'ginift SnartE'mo of P8.r� IIl.m/· MI'S. or Haa.kl'nson and [1':;. R ob e rt St. Clair of Ta­ com: : Mn. Henry BCl'nt8Cn ;:tnn Mr . E. B r/lt�l'!1 of GI� Harbor, and Mil'S YJrginia COI'bin of Kno.·­ son

villt', Tenn.

'MiSll Tnga. "flplen/d or Silverton. Ore" and Mil<:l 01' VisLa of elttJe, are guesL" oC MI!I.� Dorothv Lebmann in Parkland, All r;' gl'aduflll'$ of Pacific LutberR.n olle�e. lh vi�ltor� ha,ring rAtUl'll­ "d to 1 ('nt" acq1l8intllnc('s in I'urklan d and 81.'0 0 meet formel' Ia.�matl'� t presPI'lt altendinl!,' the P. L. C. �lImmpr se..,slon. Mi.,s Goplerud. who l aler gradu­ ated (mm th UnivE'r:;ity of Or w:on. I tl'lichinr a' Si lverto n Mis:' VI. ta. h I< e.ttf'ndcl1 ,he OIW'l • v of Wal<hington lind is now leaching in Bremerton.





RJ1d dllugJl. tl'l'. VIrginia, 81'(" Ta .om" visit.,,'", lh il' hom£' in • no. \'111(" At present they fire gue�t, TI nn, • t the home of MI'. and Mrs. B. K. anne!!.'! in PlIf'kIHnrl,

Ilannoml ,'lorAIl Ii '0" 0' 1I!1I1 :'oir�. '\'illil1ln T. �tor:I.l .. 1l "",'I"nlls (;elebrated I'll !'I,hnd, n�t �rtMa .


'Ir. (If



Wedding Is

I ��r' ?,� �nr. � ; of





formallr marring of theil' Jaugn tel'. Paulin to Hany E. Palm r 0 Long 'i!..\\,

I annou n c e


Th .. ceremony loole pI ce Sa t If­ , ully -·venini; in Lon 'I ', \\ Illl the v A M, Kn luscn officintlng-• tl nd u Lar on Mis;; Sylvia i1 rcsenl at ti r l' ! her Sillll'1' Rud lhp wedding were , ISH Elsie Carl,




Mr, .




Ph /lips


"'lc�ay. Bal,rl',






Mrs, P(ll nl"r if' fl gradua c of the Pacific Luthrran collcg;c and of the Tacomlt ("'n 111.1 Hospital Nur1!!.'B Tl'ain lng school. Since lIer :{l'adll:J.tion from tile ho pit I she

..,taft Rl n lIw nUl'sin bas been the Cowlit:>: hO.3pilal in L o ng el", Aftel' l' sho r t wedClinl! trip, Mr. and MI'�, I'nlnlf r \VI\! make thl'lr hom'

in Long-"j{w.

M..r. and fr O. A Haug nd d llIghter, Elllhcl' "1 fadiso n. "'I lire v sitin.., at ltw hOlTICR of anc! . fr�. n. .J .E. ..thl'l' II. Da\'i8


,'l!Jen ,[nel Mrs. or Parkland. Mr,

flilu lofcn. bl'olher of 1o \ II'S, Sluen and .MI·S lJav� i. ('II til !;taff Qf t h� Uni\'CI' It 0( \ 'I. con In Itl and Hved in Tacoma v-


be« IItlluJly but slmpl ted .!WI·vice I'k I W dn esday cv('nin of Miss 8. Fadnt.... u hter of MI". Ml's. B. K Fndncss nf Pal'k­ orbUl of Ta. X. erna.r to

Notes. News Of Parkland

r. and Nl's. B. ,'.

i\[isH BCJ'nadille rnut en, of. Mrs.' �ophia daughter cert'mony look plac e Canby. Orc., and of Sandsness 1.. ",.,,·lnc at Pll1'k la ncJ Tl'inity .1 witb the R v. T. O. Svare I Jess F. Klas�', son of Mr,'. ling In th pl'CSl'ncc of rClaEthel Klasey of 920 '0. 9th I\'( : mJ clORe friend.,. �tu!d a St.. ,,'el .e .mal. n. d . Glv n in mani a'" by her fath I . brldo bea� tfful in II ow� aft 1'I1 00 n In Pa 'kland 'frlTuty whit rocadcd satin. fas hi Lutheran ch urch by ev. T. ed lum 1t ylc, with It SII/!'ht t rAin O. Svare.

that I


vpi!. Bowadded t 1'i11lan f (h(' co tum . Het· wal! of while IIweet pella

Miss Knutsen leJig th drcss of with lri mmed

IP.ITlPlI1Ul1IzrlC· bv the lOng


8treet· lacr, The' matching wall fllshion('d wi th puffer] I1leevcs Rnd hel' hat I She wore · I was of navy �tl'aw 1\ cOI'sage white acc{'ssorie� an white of deep pin It I'oses �nd fleesia . Miss Dorothy Lehmann, hrT a 'dl'CBS of only � ttclldnnt, wo r bllle cl'epe h immcd ",ith ma t c ing lac e . Hcr. ae essorie were of of y !lO\' blue and hcr corsaS' I'DS!'S and pink sweet p ca . Au ust cst f Ta oma acted as : Gratzcr m'ln fur Mr, KIBBey. rpol,u al" Mis. Evelvn Ir �'in of blidal entertained 'inembel's of til thc following party a din £1'



navy blue grosgrain.


erem Latel' In the evenin g, Mr. and Ml's. Klasey left on a short wNl·

M]'s. Klascy, sin ce her gradua­ tJon from Pacific Luthe 'an col­ lege, bas been on the staff of the college as secreta],y to the p rc si ­ trip to Scaside.


Klasey is in bUl!ine . s in Ta­ coma. and the n ew home WIll be made in Parkland.



the eel' mony mOl'e thlln rettended guest:'! the Fadnesl! h me. M s.



illr. and .Mr�. H. E. John:on 111d l'ons nolJerl and Hild emar . left ':'Iond y iJy motor the ir home in alinot N. aftel' Ii :/tort 'Isit \\ it It I'll! ­ ti\'e:, l fl'. and dr�. H. L. Dahl of ai·ldand. and �I I' allli )11' . S. E. Dahl of ' aeull :t. return t(J After the r a m J ly 's Minol,


\lh 1

allli MI'Ii . .lohn­

son are alt rneYlI, HUrl mar will Washington, D. C•• to proceed law school whr'c he Is attendin and working' In the U. S. depart­ m en t of JustlCI'. .

y of Mr. and Mr!!. J !Ill F 1"1 dinnPT gU(,.5tI1 as Pl\rkland had Ta. Wednesday eveninl:' Dr. Bnd O. A. 'Nngeh1tad flnr! Rev. ;lnr! MOl. T O. Sval·c.

OVl'r :W stUdents lInti t('3eherll from P ciCic LuUl(,J'8n ollege wi l l R t r nrl the opening of he pIa)'. "The Leading Man," to be gi ve n 'I' ur�ay ('v'nin'" at the Fpdf'rRII Th(,3tel' LltUe theater In the •


Mi.�s Thel ma Danlel.� Iii spending week in Pullman, vi!lltin� r la­ Miss Danie1!1 will teach this th·e!l. (all at the Pa.rkland grade school a

Anum cr of fl'i ends in P ark l a nd and Tal'oma have I'ee e l ed invita­

tlo II from Mr. and MrR. Olt' Mi-' , h« Isen of P ortland to the weddmg of th('il' daughter }<-;llOl Lllhan, to In E. Morkpn OD 'aturdav cven­ ing-, AugU>lt 22. The el'rem �ny will 'Clock In th � performed III 1\:3 Cpn1.l'al Luth "lIn 'hllrch at POI'l­ l l\nr!

blue. 1O".rln.o .... W01'(' a g wn ot pal pl'int, and MI·II. COl bin . gre.m crepe. Their cOl'sages ,. Tbe bride'S pinl( rnllr!! 0 tel' Ml'l!. R. ' . MeYl.r. d l'e� I'd "tudentJ, hilt lImlte.1 numu I' 01 "eel lace, pl'esided during the Thc sccond term of lh" P L. of refreshment:;. Miss Vir­ llUlllnWl ses. ion 11 ul's.I .. , I'''lll'sr�, will L,' ;;I\"'n nlsn, (,JI' LI bpen 1'<1 ArLo; cl'c:di Cor bin was in charge of the ,lilly 16. Registration \\-ill ur• 01 book, a nd Mra. Lawrence P J·,..qi lellt O. A Tmg ls �" i� <It opC' will classes nd a \VC'dne.srJay, nl or, \ �u II ion. He will IlIlt <tneM, of giftll. clock. 0 8:10 at mnrning TI1Ul'sJa,' cnl !'gc {'.I1 to lh' two tel' the reception the young D('an of absence hI' 1 Uurin!! s ort weddin g left on For going away Mrs . Corbin I hilip E. Hau� , wbo i:; !'lpcnrlmg T the slImmC'J' in Alaska, Prof. I navy bluE" Ill( prln ed with J Hun� will continue to he in w­ 'lll wljite �tars anr! trimme Her ta.ilol·e<1 coat, hat t ye charS''' of l h e Bummcr .�cs­ Ih ·ed.

acee lIoriea were also 0 navy. ake Mr. and Mr�. Co)'bin will








fcond Term To Start On July 16

sinn. r

SubjeC'l. cial

















hu;t.orical coll rt lima of he pro­ olled sqcll'ty "-f'Jecl I'd Prl'llJd nt R v. . M. Kraabel of Portland Wll8 re-el c ted president of the board for the comi ng year. Olb officers re-elected were Rev. S I­ N. Ylvis ker of stanwood. secr e tSI'y, and F. . Ma.son of Tacoma,


F or Expansion

Covenant beach. Des

, Luther Leaguel II



from ali


expected make up record crowd� to .

Puget the

Qund i! l'ell 8.J e

m ark which exceeded that of all

l' !;illll'aUon



yea rll.

P rkla nd win conduct th


worship. The institute rally ice will open at 2 p. m. With Edward W. chram, visiting lecturer from Colum bUR, .. ing on. " The Gl'e�Lt Need Great hurch,"

tre surer. . A. Mykland, auper­ intendent of schools at Iss aqua h , iected ce presidE-nt suc­ was c eding Rev. L. Rasmussen ot Bur ington.


, camp held during the pa",t

S unday' s progr m will open sunrille dec tions at 7.1 a, m. 10:30 a m. Rt:v. T. O. 8V8l'e



Meetings Sunday Lutheran Selliona


board approved the re tenllon of the entlr present statf, and the addition of one memb r in case the pro!!pt'Ctive increase n nroU­ ment should make it neCe8saJy_ Dr . M Norlie, v isiting Intruetor from Luther college jn Decorah, lowf. who Is now COil' nucting r' qellreh WI'II'k in the y,'est. ,.utlined pi n� for th orga niza tion of R aclf'c HiRtnrical Rocfpty to ,: takl' place a: Parkland thl' fl"r non nf August 180, The 1)0ar,I au horfzed thp u of the P. L. C library 9" II depo�itorv for the

CoIlege Trustees Will


Additional board membe rs prellent we re Rt'V. J. Luvaas. I ugene, Ore.; Dr. C. R. Sw a nson . Rl'v. E C. KnOI r, Se tUe; SellttI

M. T. HoJ<enslad, nohomish; I. Rasmus, I'll. UI'lingl o n ; A. R. !II Kf'lt!1(,r. Reardan: E!mt:'r M . .Tohn <Ion, . !ympil1. and L Ludwi . PorllRn t Membf'1 R "Ilo ,lid nIJl 8ll ntl Wf>rp Rev. H. J. Thorpe. San Fnncillco: R. C'. Fti,.kf>lo, Hrrml'rC;, Odpll. Portland. 11'111, RDeI I Pre idenl Kraabpf appointeel . ev. L. Ludwig or orU a n!! R�\.. ; H L. Foss of Seal! I .. , an R e.'. ! . C. A \. Lund f Mt '�rnon a !1 committee on .luuenl !lervice. HI' a lso appointed a Committee to survey objp tivefy the omplete inancial sh'uclure of the oll eg e This co mmittee and ill! territ ry. con8ist.� o f A . Mykland of Issaquah, C . Mason of Taco ma, and M. T. Hokensta d of Sno­

At7 p. m. "W hat With Jesus?" will be the topic th losi ng addres� to be gi by the camp'S v iting Bible er. Rev. CI:ll'enc J. Carlsen, Min ot, N

• usie at the !leI'llOOD , wi I be given by the rus irected by Thoril at ea ttle, and in thr evpnmg representatives of the Sea Gethsemane Ll1thcI'an chlJlch.

!I�iiiiiiii..ii••"••••••• i




XaYi 'I'


Pacific Lu-' the ser­ 11 0' loc k'

thel'an col l ege will prea ch mon Sunday mor'1ing ill

. ('rvicc.· to be conducted a Park ­ nd TI'jnily Lutheran church, ('v. T . Sva rc , TI inily pastor. will r A�h t morning sel' 'if' l' 1 thO' Luth r V2 Ill' Bihlr rn, lit It!' ' DClI Moines.













I _


M i�� '1:\,plYI1 \ rue,_on oJ Ar­ '11m .. 1(' nd he)' fiance, Horlney ('lwlm<1n n[ Silvel dale, werc rdaLi 'e. ( n h' honored fric'nels wlui S!.·a theJ·ecl Sun la' " t h(' W(djl)cJleL ha:v snmmel wine or Miss Am Oil'" 111lllc Hnd .,unt. '\ l'. : nrl J\lr., N. ; "

llar:cIH'. s of 19:J1 ,'0, .'11 ri� (<111 a '0,


'I I


by Jorg n NieJ.�en (Dan ). p, }i idelllRn I Fi n n ) , J, p, P1lu ;::-e r (G rmao), J ohn Ama• lit John. on (feeIAlld'r), '. ,J., liong 'orwegian), E. thul' ( wedt.), and Dr. O . .M, I' on Norlip, sued arl


Coa. t Organizati n to Be Form d at


hunorary, At the ft rst meeting a constitution will bt' pl'esented fur approval, and officers will be, elected rnvltatlons arl' being i"­




n Tuesday



l}Jp picnic rlinltE<I', Mis ( a rganization mpeting An t I AJ'n on wall pl'l'senteti with proposed Pacific HistOlic I Soclet.y r beautiful gift/! for the "un brr al tic Peoples will bp held I1( W home to be I"sta li�hl'tl, I of the college Tues­ the gathering WPI'E' I at Pacific Luther Tho�1' in day, AUK. 18, at 2 p, m, oalSVig' 1' , Mel"in ,I, Mr, lind Although invitation. have been nd . nns 1clvin, jr., :mtl R.Qnn-,, sent out to several hundl'ed per- I P. L. C . Group Will Mr. and Mrs. William Hag-I' D Rno sons, all interested 'n this new v.,n­ William, jl'., Mis� BcatJ'ic� , li n , Direct Program at lure are in vi ted t.o the f rsl meetfl, )::'1'11, Mrs. Osc r Tvrit, Mrli. 11J1I"'" lIml Jacl, Hagpnc.lit of �� Bible In titute During the sum m r, at the eall T ('(>ma: 11. and 1111':<1. N-. T. Hage­ of the Pacific Lutheran col1e �e Mi"l1 Maria Hagene!!!!, Olai e". b ard of tr ustees, Dr, 0, M, NorHe I agrnl''' , :M,·. and :MI lI, Sig-un] Pacific Lulh ran college will b ecorah, 10.., "e Luther col1eg-p in ilc!' u rd, jl'., H � pn snrl chilcln!n, in cburge of the program to b h,,!! bl';>n m,l} ing a prelimina.ry (If , n lta, Emily and Ailcrn "'iven at SalurdllY v n ing ' s meet­ RIlI'vry "r t h t _n i ode. anlj po.q­ \ "olJochct: MI'. anti Mnl. 0, A, of the Luther Leu gu e Bible ;=> g , j h iH t if . ,,1' I<1I1'h an ol'ganiVitl n , , rn s"n, MJs!; InC'z Al'l1l'l'lnn, Mis« oven ant Institutt' being held at lind a f!rrn t dl'al of i n erc!!t 1111."1 F'micp I'neson and \VIllic AI nC'­ beacb Des Moines, by American 1 n !;hown, A.' at present out­ '011 of Artandal('; Signo Udden­ onfe;'enc Luther L ea guer s in th lined, the society will aim to prt'­ �I'g ! 'ig Harbor; :MIss Irene uget Sou d dish'i t. lI.. nl the hi sto ry oC the B altic peoParkland; Dahl, Mis!! Lillian Around the theme, "Youth � , nam 1.', th e Germans, Lat-_ Rnal, \'\ , Fargo, No. Dak,; 1111'. - pl .. _ lll'lstian E uca 'on," Viet r A, vian.. a.nd Lithuaulans, EstOnians q,nd Mr!<. N. N, HagrncslI of Ta­ Elvestrom, field agent, will present nd Finns, and Dane.'<, Icelanders, and the honored gucst!;, c"m;!; tp8cners in a pro­ "ttldents an 'onveginns and w des, in tht' \fi. s A rnrson und :Mr. Chalman. th portr y Aft.'"





H nlm Bondy, Elizab"lh Iln,.,uagC' instructor at r. L. C., nn " group nf thl' ,olll'ge ilum­ mrr 6(,S81011 8tud/"nt�, 'MI' a.nd Mrs. a "ny Hjcrm­ J o hn J oh n son , Mis, stad, and MI!;s Ru th NOI'1;:-aard, m , ( 1I ",(j til Seattle Frid y evenin;; Ir It nd lhl' play, "MII<lch"ll In nifom,' 'i '(,11 in [hI' Sf urli Thp­ . tel' by nh'('1' Ity dl flm;1 S \1dent. In'. Jos ph , F,dwa]'(I�, ;} (, I mrl' taf! II1strtlC",VlI' at p, L,. C" ha(l IJnp , ( I hI' eha I'tlct(,l' roll'/!. Mr..




r-' nn'. f ntl MI'I'. TJ RA('1TIII��<'n ' ; nrt dAW I 1 r V nlll f', of 811 I'll n:;:,. r f' n, it in:::- itt f hl' hom 1,[ r r<-,utl<, Mr. Rt, Il1Ul' r.n' . T. L r�nn fir P11'I,11'1<. Ind. Rc\', ?nll " . iln. '11U, scn, h,,1 (01"111'" turlrnl II i P;)ciilc I J hrr n Ac"drmy IColll'�c, wrrl' nnl1' hon,,!" d by nl"mlJplS nC th Bll rlln gto n ('ol1�J'r';::'lIlinn in .. nn(' linl "ilr, 'h,. t,.\" r t '-(If I anDl\' 1'. r:v nf \' f 'l'lmU-��n'll mini



oast regIon, This region Pacific 0",ill include Alas ka , British t'egon, Cal­ 'asbington, lumbia, itom a, Arizona. Nevada, U t ah , and A l berta ,ontana, idaho, Yukol1. Libru�' J>ropo The Nllablishment and TIl 'into.!­ tlane of a society lib!' l'y, aT' 'hiv , rt gH lie! y and musr,u 111, iIlul!tl'8.­ li\'1' of the !if I' and contrihutions of thrs mel I grouplI, ar planned. . bo rd m�eting, At thl.' 11l�t P C, the t!'Usb Co'\ all thol'lz�d lb ('oileg l I hra ry as a df>posltory. In addition. Ule society will aim hifftOl'ical scholarsblp 0 creat.. at p, L. '. and to uff I' priz, s lor hihtor ical res rch: to authenticate, preserve and m rk memorabl" s pots p r 'ning '.0 the Baltic peoples; to list and commemorate and to Important anniversaries; pul;llish an official magazin e . Seven Classes Mpmbe� e\ en classes of IN'I. bel' re 'octe;ti 't.', propos' d ch rter, llnd .at" Hie, Jlatl'o", COlTt's pondin

gram value

to ouUned f Cbl;stl,ln educatIOn,

and in parti ula)', opportunilils at PII­ Tn addJ­ c1.fie Lutheran coil g lion to student speakers Miss Anna Mikk 1sl'n will be a i at r I

8o\oi.qt all UJe m us i c pron m. The pl'ogr' m at the camp op ..n \\ lh thl' u u 1 t'd th, mlJr ill cll'vutiun Sunl'l:;� 7,15 (,'c\ocl , Aasell oC Vllncouvl' . Rev, A. B. C., spoke during the chapli


which was tollowed by • ot the Bible stud} on by Rev , COJ1duch'd ! Minot, J. carlsen ce

uation -lI l:ont{ "E hesian."



.. '0.

Dakota. R('v, Efl , V\

llUS, Ohio.

ch ra mm of Colum­ a




. L. C. program PI'ecedlng the rou p conlcrenec.'1 eve lng, will be held ,t ':30 0 cloCk, WIth ev, Al n LeWIS 8,' leader of the p, rOl J Junior y o ung pl'ople, Jot'll! ger leader af the S niOl·., lind f Mt Vernon ', Lund ev. C. A. and in ch arge of the pas tu r older peopJe's group tIulI



Pacific H is torical Society fficers Of Baltics Name ampu�,

. C




The r"r k land Democratic clu b wi ll meet at 8 1. lD. Thu. ;day at SIVll!hlnc Commun i t y hall on " ales

-; . .JOn.'1Cll , Utah ' 1. ROI!ok , Ad:,;choc l cr, Uel'n1a n ; J, "0 d n ea r Par l-" avc, \\'. Dou�sw ' t, Latvia n ; K ray. All Democratic candidat havl' been invi ted La app<'ar for i n t ra L.llh llanian · P c.;. ZwtlgmeYE' I , Not'du cUoIl8 an d r i ( t R Il'�, \\' gldn ; " . Klnl Ik. E:;thonlan ; J , lim on n, Finni � h ' Carl FI'cderlckThe P a rkh 'D d cl ub, on of the rmo organi7.Rtion.· in �on, r 'clandl't' ; E. ' icknel', ' weDa n is Pi I·.e county, wi!! he he aded by Srattle \hr l l ifil1. and Harry H i t c h, following thc rcsigcon�1Jl [ n("I U1\ctl wi t h h pn!sicIcn . . "C'nation 0 the prcsiden t. Fos t n' r ' L a r ' 'lnll t r'E' UIP 1" on the board o rri son wh is n ca n dilhte 101' from n! .h ut' Ol'� w i . K. p, HE"ldec o u n ty com Issioncr lh B nson 'l n cI K. 1{ Olafs cond dis trict. m" 1 , son. I ! _ I I I zan,, :





Registration At Pacific Lutheran � College Will Begin On Sept. 14th� e) , -) , 1 , t utll'nt s wi l l

ga t.hrr



n Col l ge a t prll kland . Ml In d ay. S('p t, 1 4 , for Tf'g'lslrn rIon.






fiss Olive B e. niece of Mr. and Irs. S. Hinderlie of Parlua d, mr. rriage to F:d Haley of hOB T cOllla I R coming cven t ;vas th( v at r ) O�t��;nO��n at t rs. E . �ch" e l , 74,15 Fawc ett ave. Thp. roup was "nll'l·ta n�d outnf-dool's unti late afternoon, when IlInchcon WR served "lnd I 'S8 1e pre I'nterl 'ith !rift8 for the n



fol lowing


. n-

nuunCe.s no cblUlge in the lItart for the coming year, Should th exp , ·ted inc rease in en rollment mat rio lize . II may be neee. 'ill ry to add one fa culty member. Dr Tlng lstad re ealed, \V th the Tacoma librat ' buildtng campaign brough to a successrul close, P. L, C. Is assured of a new library b u i ldi ng in the , in Ta coma and Parkla.nd hom s.



home. r.u" l�

Wl'rP. l ice Bo!!. arll,." Icsrlamf's Ste",-nl' B1 .. w�. ' . H lnrlerllr, Ell eoe \Ves­ tl Wl'lIl!, M, nders0n. R. \ 101lin, Comella, C. Y- mbrQugh. L, 1c1\.l' . Abhl It, 'T, fart Mar­ a II fcKpe , .1 C' ot'r, fo . Le­ Bu rn c l l. ,, I 0 'CI'lI, Cudnf'Y, a urene .Johnson, D. MeR e anI!


l\:mlhr�lI� ::>pen

e k aTB"each

on g u ls from Panf, Lu· coll('):p. who spent last WE'pk vp.nanl Beaet1 , Df's Mome thl' Lu her I".onnl'c ion will Bible Instltu were Gerta nbe rg, • 'ol"01a Preus. gel, V i rgi n i a DaVl.s. Elizah th tuell. Cf'rtnldl' Ttngel­ tad, Laura Hauge Mi dl"E:d Lar11 and Margaret L l ; rse n



l h fl


l Oolrning.


I \' [ I


future, Since pi dges to three � were drawn vel' ear peri od th actual cons t ruc . tion will not begin unti l aft r the first ot Janu ry. Und er the NY A sludent aid program the college bas again been abl e to oUe, a nu mb e r part-time jObs to s tu d ents. al­ t h o ug h applications this year ex -· ceeded by far t he number t po si - oj tions available. s. Lora B . J Kreidler, dean of men. has dur!ng the past years established an enviable record in placing o u t- of as part-time worker town gil' ne ar


rof. Luther Pflueger, t e ach l" at

T.ulhcI· olleg , r g ina, a�k. i a visi tal' a 1 th hom e or h.i.'J b" f)tber and sis ler-in - I R ;v at Parkland,

Prof. and " rR. J. ·P. PIlucger. PI·of. Pflueger's visit mark!) the firllt mee ting i n eighteen YCBl"S with his younger brolhel' of Pal'k­ land, Doth bl"Olhcl' ha\'ing s erved at Widely difier('nt places d uring lheir ministry in the Amel'ican Lutheran church. Tbursda.y. the "isiting p rofe 01' _ spoke at P. L. C. c ha p el .:erciRc. , presenUng various phasc of Cao R ­ dian life and I n particul ar the "'ork nr the Lut hl'rll n murrh

Da u ghterTs Born

-lI S. MI. nnd ( Clarn Myhre 1

ol'man F, T\'ctc of • patt ie have anno1lnced t h e b i r t h of a rJo I II!h­ Mr�. ler, AUg'lIRl �, In S(,'l t t lp. Tw'tp w:"!s formerl t hp slaff at Pacifi Ic"e.

! j I



R mp mh(,f of Lulh('r'ln col -

­� �

I . 1 -1. ' I� �

'- �

Henry La V i l l e of l'arkland ' ' i l l iNl "f' '('rtnesday pven in", for I'1!.!!tCI'n Idaho til jOiJ) hI'" h llsba n ci


who ill en r.-3gcd f'nglnecrlng.

1.11('1'" in mi n ing

Mill:" Lillian Roalsvig Of Fargo, No. a k., i R ,;si tlng- li t the h(Tm� of her brol hp.l' and sis ter -in-law. MI'. lit':; ' \"' Mp jvi J, Roa ls\'i� at �n23 So. P 'I,, ;t. ! " S Roalsvig­ will I I'l\vr fo )- her- homf' sl; t· Lhr laUe,' part or t he mon t h bv pIR n" I nc! 1"1'. \ l in " he l' po.:i t ion � !> high sc hllol t 'ach .'I ther!'.

,f i � I 'ri tic L� 1"8"n of Sr'l l l l ,. "isi !",1 a t Ih" hIlTTI" o f h c '/' r" r­ rn [ ., . ].II". " nd MI'� . r . T, La r.�on . 1 on dRY. B" fn r'e rl' I rnlng' I I I )"' \" \\'''1'1, In St' a t l lE' . M i /!p LRl'lm n 1'1 " n. ttl lake lrn -tl"y enli!''' alon :::: th,. Brltlsh nllJm hla coast.

f I I I


I ·

! i To Be Entertained a t Pacific L�theran College te.


pI e


1I ttl'nding the



at fall


the Younebeing

I�I---L�I I�


con­ Columbia Conferve i n ot LuthN' People's nce �agu hl'ld at irst LuU" I" /'an church haw been in v ited to Pacific Lut heJ'an c oi l ge Sat u rda ·· afternrlOD. The group will come to lit!.' COIlp.gc followi b an ftcrnool1 'our f the ci ty and subu bs. . tel' an inspection of the ca mpu!! IlIld build lll j!'S, tea '\vill be f'crvpd In lh reception hal l. mon tllose a..!! iBting 0, A. Wife f tbe p resi ­ dent, 8S will be Ml . Clilford O. Olson. Mrs. J. P. Pflue . I', nd the d an of women, ora B. Kreidl!'r . MJ'l'I.





j N ews,



ates la


' cddipg 11 · a l l " , Boe, llI'�ce of dl'. and 11", , �.

At :t Sa L u nl1l



' cven i llg,


Hinderlie of P!Il'ldam1, iJecalL1p.


I th e bride of Edg'ar Ru.s Hal�y , \\, Ham-- , of Tacoma, Rev ,



I friends and relatives att.en�ed close




EIYI"- 1 the ceremony. held at the Hm­ home at 8 o'clock. and r I derJie o ng The y _� on 8 ' n , Mrs. o of Mrs. _� TingJestad, lela Hinderlle ), rntsen Henry u Ch rc h Cou ncil t Me t f hostesses, floor len�tll go n The Chur h co ncil o{ io e on princcss l ncs f Pa ·'I I"nrl Trin ity Lu t h erAn r h ur r.' i R.� ja ckel. lec ; sho r t puff ch w i l l I ,,.,,t Mon da y vem n!:", 8 p hono . W 11'1' mai Alice At 1 11" pa rsOll a gc. Th(' J unio r GIlli tnn c repe, tunis llly le, anrl l\nn e e ts I TnCS cl a y even jn�, , '311 p, o h MI�s y ou e rj , lyn m., Boe of POl'tianrl. war y e l l ow a W:d �����y nrh:f�:(Ji!� ,' Ai�r���;� I' OI·sa�·es of h hrld!' and her fitluncheo n a t t hI' colorerl I)f , �p tend .nts were parlors, I beginning at 11 :30 a. m I'ORe� frE'f'sia 'nha l r, I I I;�� I " !�; ::�' r:.��lJ1Rid H ��r;�yLe Los I.)on Born I'()f'm the the ceremony For and MI"S. Renr ' Berntsen flow was b,.a u t iI l Hindcrll c ) of Cromwe ll, 81'e by an olr:t la m an l b being con"'l'alulaterl on U wh c a l so ' ' t '-1' th E' Wl'(l of their first c hi! , D' vid Lee d ing of the hrirl" , unci and aun t M I nea po I . M l O I S r Frid ay, Sf'pt mbcr . 2 . at , d . a Mrs. Hind er.t l c . r nd . land. ha r ng i n good wish are As Ch a r ge . T o B e In he began , M I 'I\ the grandpar ents, and plano. Peggy flamstad was at II Mrs, H nderli of and MI'. S pt . 8- 1 3 pl ayi n g till' wpddlng march from A. Bel'Iltsen of Crom we l . Loht:'ngr in , M iss Pauline -1 i TAcoma . ang 'Into the Dawn ,,\,pr�1 h u n,! Y'Jlh You," and "At Da\Vlll ng-," Parkland Church to Be gin n t n('i l1� ! "f' Rl hJp ", urly wf'l'k h" who also a comRams pon�o)'''rl by t hl' Ta o m ,) S und a y S chool Cla �ses &cied Miss \ Valts, I played M nL I tht'r Lr gUf'!I Sep t 8 . to 1 3 h 8:v e The Tri n i t y I,'MI I � n rJelssohn'a W'�ddlng march at h e h, ,'n l:osue, by the p l'e�!ldent, 11,tj np!'11 ,vI! chonl hurch SIIr.(j:1Y cloR� of the Lindeman, tt) T ac'lm B [a 1J t I'm ' d . ' l(l : J ;. f)'plnel" ,vedrling jrueRls went ImmedlL· ague membe rs. Lu ll' p, tO I Rc . att'l y af' e t' th ceremony to the l i l er, de n of Dr. Samuel T. O . , lvII', 111 lnstitut . I h ome of the l'l'Oom 's parenlf> the A . \ '. r:�, rill; t ;1 r1 . 1'111)' 7045 Fawconduct innellpoli':;, Minn . , 1'1 ! n, ;t mCl'tin ;::- , , \ ; !I tl'ndrn avr.. for rcccpt lon, frs, lhu Bible s tudy. s p alting I've ry illY � ch ' i lr.:�ch , 11'1:1 ���I- eett Sehmf'1 prl'sidln . Those PI:ell" n t 7 :45 p. the \'rning '('n in!'. a " ,,0 c ay ,;! " erin \\ Cl'1'3 . Curlnc), Mr. and Il . r t the Fj l',�t Lll th"ran church. I)'cl od' in t h r church p ]'1 ' 11'. . a n ft . ohn C. Ron, Mr. and �� T !'It. H I iiih th,' Il'nt tI anri Mrs, rs , T i fr, p �"l y ea r , "\ 111 ",J1('�V g� ev. and rs. A. Y(>sley, Delo I h Ln, prl of cio el at 1 · 1 ., tly to cit! . (1ire� All e Ram l�d, Miss R mstad, havp Fnrh . "srmbl i n g �t !l : 4 u - Mi ss P >-- in l e a ri "'aUs, M ll'." Allee au([n� "no I n � p,,�t "r in dlRr T >"cf'ci:;c.'I, j, in rJl n for I)'clock p '. and Bop , Mis') Ad('lyn Boc, MI Inllll JlH l' t " � I hI' ," I \ y 11"1 1 1 AiI" r I h !' �pf',,'a l Henry Be-rnlse n. MI', � . , I u r l "lll'n i ng c l R s� 'Yol'l{ , " I I Iltud:n l vII I . f,u "' . C . Winbladc, Mi � f81'Jonc TH' ma 'Itt Nil' d i rectly t o the C h Ul'C1J a u tiltOl'lUl l Di rl-s. Mr. and MI ., " , I gl IPrK , t a ke P ; Ht in 1. h e 111f ll'l1l1 .... 1'\' Mr a rt a l mel', all r l \' (' n mg, �" pl 1 :!. };al u fflllY II (I·cluck. ic ' " Mls.� Paulil !' bllnq u p Pock" ! . Till" Trinity LII, lie.'l' '\ld m�l H iml rl i , Lloy d Thompson a n Ll h!'Id R t 6 : 30 " , 'fhf' r l Ole'" r1 11 �.'I!1H Y , I ::! , ' cJ oc l, fi s I II In h mps on . rVlc" of hI' Blbl .. !llu d y III the l� g.... Th a �t"r',' [ M r, I rs. H a. l ey \{ \'III hi' n n P I nrlOn wi ff'. · · 1'8. 1 . 0 , S\',II'I' , h r lI'. , . t 1. in CaliIol'llia hefore reSl: nda�' " p Tmj:!clsta d nll"l til' !',l 0, Irs , where they turning to A t l IM;.. I l' I·. � ny ( , tnt mrmbrr. of hc Tri n i l: CUllr TUI.wil l make tltci r homr., livtn� near 1'"l eli al'C in vl l l'r1 10 ' be lIesswns. L h"r h tla n P the Su hi ne l �� � �


Establ ished I n New Home

A st rom ha ve mo\'rd mto Ule hom . M s, f OI'lJ1m' l y occupil'd by ill' and


P 1 k [\ I"




.. n




" VI' .

bl' ,








A hun" : n l .1ohn, pv" m ne- "rl'� " ' n w ., l I of

111 1I





rlf'v()t 1rln,� . glvf'n


T!' tJl I Jif'nt I,e8 1:1 /1'




Mrs. S,

M r.


Parkl and

- -

ar k-





l 'a r k l a nd

un a

D n n nu n c rr l ' \'<U'('

_ __ __

by the

'I n -

t, I:;

('1 w i l l bn,�"d


' 1'1)

P VR r-


e s:\'strm �'l1dc n t s !n,

(,".� -

cu� tl)ll1ar:


:leI 'ICC



Wallo; of


!I('� i nn



'�r n


we I'


Mrs, H.





Mf'l vin McKer, Mr.






T o and






St � _ Mrs. , " , 8tu!, E. I

' Hmderlie, e

\ "


and Mrs. EmIl Sf'hmr l ,

0 I


.. r -




se rvice


r :t ll y


I! l



d W81l IIghll'rj bllrnf'd rI u lng

bi rl h














Incr ,

Mr. r Ida



rl of

ng I' si� l('r,

c l u rch




whIte lacc with a i

t e

il S



n d



M Bibl e

c usi


t f' r






dre.o;s B

s Boe. as

f1l . ,





i n vl l , l i , nR

bride wore the wed­


ding 8.<lh


.. r1




spen d


nl Tmgt:lsl�l<l, fu1 un we k's po stili'S to be 11 1,1 III th �"I ! r·iZC ,, 1 t 11 de s of Til V l r . .· u mmrl' I' .� -",ion n l'�'t l h l' [1\'C r � r.onpr)'fi te ��I��� I'fl�nl" ',II�nl)��; Ir\ t h e $UPport and man I gCInent IIf 1 ', L, " U toi ill\· ...:< l A!l 'I n I'nrll>wnlcn ;10 mcnt, I he bOiH'd II lit , :'i I,rd VlCt' h )m(' P pll rchb I" 1 ) 1' the " In Brno\Hia ll'. M m b cl'o; IIf I he exc r livl' ('(1 1'1 tl C' mC'l'li n ;::; with P I'Cllldcn l '1 n cL lad were n v. A I f ;\I KI":l:) hel, Por lla nd, presiden l, RI'\'. S J. , , l' lvlsukel'. Slanw(1nd , s('('!'c ary; Dr, C. n. Swanson, Seattl e, and Rc\,. E C. Knorr, Sea ttl! ,

Por t l a nd, lUll! �rl' I i \\ i l l ul;;o lll R 1 I! I'lan. summ l' Fe' 0<'1 [01

. ' S STAFF M'

increase III en­

I I men l which wnuld Jusli() Ihe dllioll 11 one "l'u[ mrmbel , the cutive cumIui lr , [ t h e Pacific I \I 11 ,. bOl I'll DC tl'Ustees rolle t s ssinll TUI'!;o l ny appoin te d Miss I dYll Gilb rlaoll of • ioux Falls, D. to srrve in the Engl ish til'now headl'll by J ' , J . p trllrl n A n UC1!l' tlng






Park l an d

of • ove mbel'. lans ffjeel'� pl'I'Sl'ntin T lisp Sc aree. pre3idrn t. Mr'l, pres idmt, vice Damel.son, Ralph S herrill. secretary. and Fred Morell, treasurer. Mrll.

jellion man,





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elsta d WA!i hORtaIlernoon at he Tup flay elll' n lertaining ml!nlPrrk l an d homo> bers of the Suburban Study clu b I at their first fal l m epting. 1'.'1. H nry LaVi l l e . prog ram chall·· man . n ulllned thl' program lor Lhl' co mi g y,.ar , a nd yearbooks 'ill 800n br distributed. The l ar'ge l pa rt of th e meeting \Ii'8.8 d :votl' I 0 t iscu sion of e lE,('lion candidates and tbeir qualifications , i, Members present werc fesclamell I, J. p, Ptlue er, Clif Cord Olson, Henrv LaVinr. A. Pr('u9, J. avier, I;fentl U, E. William Ti ng ts ad, ith tpw'l.rt Pa l m r, Thornpsnn . B .arovfskv Howard Doeri ng lind Victor A . E l vcstrom, Mr'l. E. , Knnrr of Seattl w s presen t as 8 gUCSt. The ne.:d meeting VI'ill be held rlTu sday, Oct. 13.

I'!'I .



wall n

were Fred M�. Mrs,

� 0




J\ lI j! u


Youn'" Ladies'


1lXIli a ry of

Method 1st church ,\Vedne<;clay ev e n i c<' at the Mi�s t he p 'esiden t, of horn., cearcc, to 0utline work Fra nces ,[01· the commg year a nd in parli('ular to pI n the annuA.l fal l l'! latter part b to bl' h el d the met




I I 1 1 I I



( il bertmll III a #:Tadllrttl' fJ( L Ina. {:ol l rl'! III Siuux ,'1111', h(,l [athel' is the present \ her 1 1lsllle� 11111 0 <1/., ('1', :lnd has a l l. M. .A. [nln, \VIlf'hln,t:'tun Slat col\l'gL III' nI es tl} p, I,. C' fn'lT lhl ', "" I Lc\ , ter n , Idahll, Stn. I \\ h r lihc lau;:l hl En;: l il\h . ('h 11·1 has a lso served till thc r;ng l ish t lind 3 11 <Irhl\ IIf women 1 l C l i n lfln In\ ' . " Il r lJurg collcg j 'l'of, H'>I1g'l! telw h i n " loal! v· 1 1 a r nmgl'd thi. yl' I " tha t II ' 1 1 1 be abl e to deVOL l i m l to ' I nrw d u ties :U! thr. jll'esi r icl I ' !lr th' I l'l' li lly 1 11'';' ni H (1 Pucl J ie lIi.�t"riI Society 1 11 lhr Ba l i e Peo pl '8. 1'0 HII�· FUl'll i ture The b I'll a u l hllrJ1.cll t hl1 PUI'(IC luldHion I l urn llulI! "lui hall £ l i l i pmen t lul it i. 1 I ')e!'. slI'Y f' I'cslllent TmgclstlU W� � eel a l l h e in a 1I (I represent [ ', I., Iln t tlm of Pn!slcll'lIl C(mrad Bel'nd< rf at AUgllSl l ll B colll'gL no k hc' 1 Ian I, 111., 0 t, 1 . ::lIti II I"" a l Lui h ... 1' c ol i g lamond jubll Elthc" thl' ]1l'e. lillm l 01' t, H . t J l of J , 1". 1 nil ('I \ ' I I I r e plNil t bIen nial (I 1\'l'nthl' co Jrge at 1 t 11\ I If Ih(' J\ I I N'lea n Ll l tiF' ra Jl lurch II I 1'an .A n lo lin, T(,X(IS, i n do I, a l1 d a t h bll' n n i ' I CIIU Ii LUth"l'RI1 " n Inn ur Lhl" AmE'1'1 a t C"lumbull, Oh io, i n I' m(rr(' lC



� �








:= 0 !.-o ....





YEARBOOK AT6 P. L. e. ls 0 �he Saga Thi s Yea r Is edicated t o City of Tacoma



Ada, two \' un "On('(' TIl"!"p \Va!l a T'rincp, .q, " irl. J,-. flr!f'Ye!' lhrp -Ilet coml'dy to hI' pre- Fowler an;1 EI"'l1" n. JI � I h. , I n tee! f;, t rday (VI' n:r h PI' ceding h I' rrcscn l n n, Frflhjof Thyc . e l l Tll'('strlen t. graduating- c l ass of Pllci lic L 11th I'ran colll'Jl'E', will hI' I hI' ["al tu' wJII give t he ell om' I'Y wplromc I)f he c lllss niQ'ht e,xerci!'lP!; opr n - fIf the rl asi'!, and !luring lin i nte r ­ Ing in the collegp audi t orium l mi.�"'i on will PI' s r n t. the cla�� gift. o'c lock, 1nei.)"n tll ) JI1usic will b� Il vocal Miss Th r l m a. Da niels, ell: t aA trio by Evelyn, Ro u rt ane! Mil­ rnJH:<P"" Dellator!'!", ]'llaya th(' part m<ired MUll, on , a YIlCA I !lola 11.' t h e leading ch , I' ct"l" about old Andc r,�ol1 , rule! orch s tra H ll m ­ wb m t h r story is wri ttpn. P laY - berQ un rl e r UIC d i rec tion of P'-of. ing oppo!'!ite Mis!'! D:'lnlel, js Har- JOR"pl O. Edwar( . o ld Anderson as her chI dhood Miss Nordl!'! A mell on, :::(,I1<'1'nl 'hairman of the Jllay an. Il�(,­ sweetheart, Phil Lennox, etw(' A lo r m y loY, affa i r ml'nts, hilS name I the 1oJ )owin '








Costumes, NoveUI' -year-ol d Ruby Boyd and M il l on committee", � U'Arcy, layed by Yl rgi ni a Day l-i 'ugel [chairman), Ivan Lan-'ll, and r.erllarllt I:-'I1 u e/:,p r, adds "pice Jol1n Stuen, Itulh John, on ; propto the drama RobertA Tunison r chlllr· I elli ther roles '1.1'1' a ll follu\\,l' ; · m a n ) ay ilinderlil!, Evelyn 'fcYCI'll f"nu t7.en; Uekl't.R. i gn or Moroni , Geol'gl Brockway : rlllloug old pi jn c('ll �, Eleanor Rand,,- Enlrl H 011 I �hail'mlln , R u th Marg" rei Froyen, G trllr1 Un,"nc!', Nf'. 'Il gh ; H�zel Boyr!, ft; M1 5 P Irrinytoll, El l en Ol�on, Eline cnMl. : IJRhet'll , Hoh-

},frR. !';eav{'l', Ton" erla TQrrison, fr ric .10hnson. n; Aunt Ml'ta TrImble, Eulll Fr UI'rikn �Chll\nbuseh' F.-ancis Goff . Joe Boyd. John Drcih- Archb Ir!. H mid Joll n pn , Rob­ ; Joseph ine, Fren h mal -, ert MonRO... . . eanor R' udebllugh , ,knnie ' nd FrithJrn T,,),p[ nn,l MI<11l J an. tram ;


Re u r n f rom Moto l' Trip


Luth eran s oun Con fere nces at D aper- Park


President and Mrs IItad of Pacific LuU_ ran returned


u rday


from i\Yerton, 01' ., wherc th!'y motorcd the first of the w(>ck wit h Dr, Ti n:;el stad 's parents, M r, and B, Tinf:eJ�lad, and his I'll !; tr[,

M i �� Marie Ting('lslad , who "isiled in P�rkland se\'eral days,

5UP1n1C'r ilower show of the Gard"n ,;) u b wil l be heJd , A u". , 3, a t the Bpllis ny I Me tllDo ist church, So 5 7 t h anti ave. Th(' !'how 'iJl be' op.-nec! to 1he p u blic hom 2 : 30 to 4 : 30 o'clOCK in the !!-ft('rnoon , Mrs, C;Cnl-g Mill" I!; f<how chai l'man, .1 utlgcll will b,. [1'<; , Fr. <I R,.i t " r, �fl'� , �. p , ,I "hnS{l1l rl Ml'c _ ThcnrJOl l' �p"'ch t. Tn m � k i n g' <" n t " j e:; , m ('m IN'!l '1 r! "dJ.· "rj tf) fnllnw the cl 1lP:> ' ficatJ O Il� ,el\.'('n i n 1 he prn�rA m �, \\·i \ 1, onr c;,cepUnn , in c i a r':'! 1 2 ny n u m h('" may 1;(' maflt'. DO{'lT1'I "r r ot.ri c close for n tri cs J'l'(lmp l:v at 1 1 AIJ TUefday morni nJ;. u ;'gerl • t o brin::: e x -

O ph c ] h , Gar lc-n C l uh

Ilgust [I, Hi t " dat e T\lel'ld �', nf the n -t n " CU lO <' 1 ( , b,. '1,,\d I-,�' Opl I i a r; rdl'n e1 l l In th e "Ii l hr' Reth � n y �letnodist 1R '\ .1' h H 'C'h , :ii l h I\ n ll Pnrl, mN" I C o l l owlng (l


Miss Berdine Knu tsen liecl'l'lary to President Tingelstad at PacifiC Lutheran ,ol lege, is 'ucationin& ,n to plan M iss I nutse Oregon.

vil;ut her home in Canby and to . pend seve ral days in POl·t! and and t SCBl!.tde, Shr will alRO "isit MIS� Edna Da/:,aland of Sa n dy , Ore" a formt'\' Pacific L uthera n coll�g(' turl n t . ��--��---�-�

P. L. C. Fall Term to Se Hea vy Enrol lment

1'11" open ing of thp. fnlL (('rn I c . le Lutheran coil g , • "P _ is expeded ti) mlll'll a nf'W high in J'{' .. ist J8 t ion w h ich will I�Ad til II c" p a ci l y pn " ol 1 m l n t ["I' \ he y ' u r 1 935-,�!i, BA:-Jlng l'� l clllntl!ln ' I)n the l I ! C"� .scl l lIunlhcr ( i I qll 1'\ hom sludf'l1 t s in ! e Rod, ' ,to 11 t ain nt, I l'1ct espf'ci a 1 J �' i n 1 ' ,T l l 'II, a we il as from tho, e in 1 h� I' c I COBst B ) Ca , Bu si ne,'" Mun' gu Lud­ 11vig La I Sffil h8l; l J I'('Cileleti a n l'olJm('nt o f ;:;2:; 101' l1l(' (,,,min ),I'[n, 85 'OWPfl" l't1 wi h 2 9 1 I . 1 )'1';. 1 . 'ro,1 1 \' m:'IJ'k� t 11" 1'1051' of : col leg.; "I 11111 m .' f' 1 1'1 '111 , \\ hi h bel'n i n ('h� rl' p {lr Pn,f• • ' , .1. H .. n ,hn'ln � h .. a bscn t .. of n I' Ph I I p Dean Il au � .! I'elw'n E, II .. I I I' I exl week fr o m ·\. 1 <1 I,:t Fl'w ('ha n g<"!l on l hl' r"� ' ll l1 l' /It wiil hI' InIHII' Lh l!; J: II. PI or, il II R . B igb!)y, of UF' bi ology , I part­ ml'll 'lnd Busmc s M " q ;el' I .Il Ylg l.r! son, have hecn grant d l�,,\'cll of a bIH'n C'!' for 11 Y('<l l1 1'. Larson's rtuti s \';111 b,. tak, O\'C l' b\' ThpU'l ol't� • 'ellOsnn. t1NIIl t ml'n, a.'<sistl' d by MI , g�lh"l' D \"I1! fi n d Cl iff J/'tJ 0 , O l �lJll . the a t h l l jl' il l'clm .

h r.

will be


Iull -

li mp on t r,-' ct a ga i l l t h lll Y' r_ ,\1 I's. Luni!'! �, Ta vl ol', a�_ ll!lant r < ,,1 ' lr:l/, who lI a R '''' I thrlnn''' to Ilssu me 11 (,) new d u l I l1 � f<S Slip -'1 10t('nden l nf sch o()l � i n PicrC'c <lulll y , wl1 be ,'cp laced In th rr.gislrar'. off i!'p by :M I �" I n'llp DR h l . f ; s " ) \'ian J ohnson 1 )1 m I <;l I r" !"visor, Pl'of ,l nl'lf'p1l 0 " H I US, musi� (j", 'llPI', Hntl , l I S Eli7.a bf'lh H o l m l ind\, . \ ,'a ch(,I' Qf FJ'{:n h a n ci I,j �I ml'!lI. a n' 1'('tlll'ninJ;' fl'om 1' lIm nH ' 1 l'tu rJi"lI at th.. P. o! \\ , Prof, Ke i th Rl'id. IIf th I'Ommel'�I, I I'ctUI I d f'parLment, Tron a su� U1( ' ) ' • p�n t n I tile' 1 fII ­ \,,.riii l,, " 1' Soulhl'l'n Califom ia a t I... ns An o f'lc�, F("dl'ral " i d w It ��l1 i n hp avai l . a h l p for 21 col i c e st udentll II I p , L . ('

Teachers Bein g Trained ,• t Parkland Church )..


Three cl asses of -peica! in rcst adult s are being- offered this

TrinIty Parkland the at Sund y schoo l, which 'Lutheran unday. opcned its fa1l l'rm last cting Prof. J, U. Xavier is condu to teachers' training course open ay th se who wish to become Sund A Bible claP' for s chool teachers. Guard adul ts in charge of Conrad , and pastor T. has been op e class Svare is conducting a B ibl on young people of conf rmat fo


Will S ine ster





. will



mN t


l omes


M nn -

soll'l '" 1 1 1 !ill Pro!. PaUl R. Hign­ h 's place as l "'cher oC biology during thc lall r : lea...• 01 a b o sence thiS yea.. . Dr. Lern . . "'l'ndua1e 0� Luther call ge in De­ CX/r h, Iowa. hall hl'l M. S and Ph. . d g-r ell from the Unlv rsitv of � , Ie blglln. Prof. NiChl)h� 1"1 a-n e1. , frli Elizabeth hI • will assi st I . . Eo ndy all part - time instnlctor n }'re nl h . and � 111 be {I all ble for C.·ttD Ion \ ' o l k in polit iC ('nee nnd related le l d. . • { FI'snek hoJ cI� !I n M. A. degre LCI·a.�,



m('mb4'r!l of the c liegE. I 'cw start wiII I I ntro u(; d b, P eSI- ' d nt TilH!t tad. Dl'. Harol-1 J . dwuds,


g . The --Sunday school is meetin church this year in the Trini ty o lege building instead of in the c l Opening exer­ chapel as bt!forc, in the c ises a Te held at 9 :45 a. m in auditorium. and classes meet rs. the auditorium anrl church parlo I MI . A W, Ram, tad, upertn�.eDdr . n t, "Dli II. st 'f of SOl (; ;.. offlce r teacber. are "prep r d to


lrmal open ing lxer S( 5 at Pa I . ' Cltle Lutheran college ake 'ill I pine. at 0 : 0 a , )11. Tuesday . The Plot" iR invited, P r �:j('nt 0, Ti n ' 1 s t I will speaic, and' a memo· r o t lh· board of t r u stc S WIll bring � gree tln . Special music \vill be g ivrn u ndel I lhr di ec ion of Prof. J • ph O. I


0' 1


S tart


tude nts Invi ted T Luth er L() FalJ l

university . F I n -ye rs he was connected wi the di pl� matic �crvic!'s of Hungar ID Belg IUm an til(" nited tale!! Mrs. Mitchell Nicholas !. ranck (nec RullI Swa nso n) . a 1 0 rmer teachN ill the 'racoma seho III, and a graduat or I be Colleg of Puget So nd, will also be 8 art-time Eng1 instruct r in ]ournall. m Isb 11'1. J"1U1c'r. who hao an f . degree i n jouI'nalism Hom lrom


Y rk

P"I klanrt Tl1nit sp cia I in " I i5 exte nding acifie Lutllcr lHI c o l lcg-e " twl. tn the fir t. fa 11 m e e t i n g- r>f lea gill' Sllnd 'I evellin� at 7 ' Ute T 'ini ty c h urc h pfl l'1nr!l. R()h rt 'vlll'e a nr! O r v i lle buse l1 . r\clcga tclI tf) l h p Pcnplt" /I Youn� inn8 1 LC'ag'ul? cn n vention hclr! th l , 111" 1 in �jOu.x F R IIs , S . D . . will thcir official reports nf thOl (Cl' nee . J evntion s wi II be Rnl p h Bolstarl and �1i1<S J Sv::tre will II'Bd in hy mn A rneson will MillS Els pian solo. a n n a girls' t rio. J"h po 'ed of Misses A I da lr('ne Od ell anrl Mildred will sing. Miss Berdine K n u t� n . p,-e:>irte nt wi ll prrside . a n r! Thelma Ncs1< will be in Chill t he social hrJur f r) l J nwing the ra m .


D rama Clu b at p, L. Pla nn lng ' FO r S eas o

" i l h t Il !! pJr 'linn of n w in t he Dram a clll . 1 I tI th i'nln c"1 leg!' fil l! II d lvil '1 ill crnu p have he t i n 81'n, pl' Jrlrm t . ...· 1 1 1 cr l

lh l'

I'XI'(' ut i \'P '


L"I' In p

.,.j . ' n

olumbi uni\'ersl1y. tau/1:ht EnJ;1 un rl . S!'cl' ct"n , 'I n ti A lvlin n ish durin the p st 51 yCSI" III lr('ll sur!' r ·i t nrh l of hc olle ' i l Y ot New of L I faculty � ill call I n ur liS 1t.ti ark. and (or two oC these ye ra and ilramati c coach . Loui�(' I�o in T I cher ' College, Columbia dnck s n was chosen 1 III versit�. I and Ray Rei , was r' -l'lec LI'!l Mis. G n. Renra " il l re urn t _ stllg e Olana<>' el' hl9to r a nd \. rid l itel The cluh wil l be diVided four grou ps head ed by \.I II t Craf t, E,'e lyn .Eklund ' un lil 8 t rong and Robe rt MI'I lead er�, , n d by Val bot·g ; ===�;;;;,,,, ;; ____.J MA ";:;;:;= _ ,ne HOg'('nl' .. .R . l':4 lir s 'n�·f Tf I_ LIlja,

vic!' pl'I''' i f i ron L ,

' of the Park l an c F:rl \\ nl Svl nth MI , I t. l , . n l tY LU lll ran Trl Oe , 1 1 h R bl'" n . t f()r Ladies' Aid so 1h : , I t will se ,. ., " 'I. luncheon Wed, "rl r:t ma ni \" 1('11 I 'w, ; ' n s ay at 1 1 3 U l l oc k i ll lhc f:I'IIUP!< n l ( H' h J I rn I C 1>1'1'1 I'll. On tb comm l ' t ee ll c t p l 'lY. Dr, m ll l1 i�ll l , \\'1 1 hrlrl . m nn lhl v nll lal;l e M , . T. H. Olson, c P.1I 1 . h all' . ill .n Mr!!, I ngcr 1" in v . tf'rl. S m l and . Mrs P p u ol t T LI!. I lIOn Mrs. '. C . Egg l\/l Mrs ...._ _ _ � I tm::tn Lars ('n . M rs B COlto�' . Mrs. Clau d P UeU I and ·-[ r" TO.

l � I :�n:

0, Svare.



The " OIT n's AthleUc a 'socl aci ie Lu heran colleg aUon of has plan!!! well under way fOt" whll pro mises 0 be an jnlel'(,!lUn� y At -n I'Brl)" rt� t � the first IIr Ill'r � ()( I'\',immlng partir!! will l t h l' pre�!'nt Urn hl'lri nl' ea.gerl)' nntiC"ipa bl.) IIInual gym frol i c lo hI' held ct. 7, In the college gy nil)' nasium In cbarge of W, A, A. activi for tbe ye a r i� Enid H u tson. rlent. II slIisted hy th£' tol ice pres ident, ofCicers : secretary. Manouses; Stt'nberv ; trell.ll urer, .Judy n"porter, Euls. .Mae CoH, and ook. geant·at -arms A " I' '1:anagel's o f sports arc Madsen ; lone ' hall. Edn , Kelsey ; hiking. Johnson ' Marie an uth Froyen ; tenn i!'!. Roberta golf Nes� ; Thelma track, LOuille Hend riekson ; folk Hl")f'n Lilja.

f I,

Registratio'n A t P. L. "'. To t a r t Monday or tng •

a t � a.m ( ,lmmiU",. hI> been R bl e to offp. many more n eed y stu­ for P'lCliic Lu- '11 rl dentll pllr -Unw work at the new school v ea r

Re!i:"lstTa ion \leg-innin p"n

ril l


lh ran col l r "



wh ich prnnH8('1I stanti11 inc r n � p



b n n�


su b -


in . t trnrillIV!f' al' .... 111 �R n ov' DCl'ml'Dl ,Ion" olher line . During- t h'" tw week h... , t 'r n th,. cln . (OF !l. liucccssful ummer q I(ln �nd . h £1'11 or!'n . lng, In' uirie!! an" '1.1 pUcllllo . 10" a<J m i <sic m h, VI.' rncrcl'sect alca(iU I F I n P h il i p E. H ag-up re lu m e ri lh. I� ltcr pall d to hi., o'fl Au u�t, aflcl' II R lIum r Spl' >

Th,.. f i rst meet lng of


[ilenlty. c1Ill ,( on

b\' Prcsiden

�rioay aften t hl.' cl ()f sumr r Iltudy , flcld work , � nci vll ca tioni g pursupd I)y t h (' va riou� m e m ber, nf t hr � Mf, a nd lh(' I'x('(:lJ t ion of im mp(lia t. pre cedi n g phns thl' sc hoo l " 1' ni ng . Tmgplstad


R"" rrn,


iJliss;on Socle y A t P. L. C. Elects ' hc Pacific Lulher ,

fiSSIOn ocil'ty ha VI l'n Ro l p h Bo sl"r1 "I EVFrett 'IS t. h"i" p '( qiticnl (oJ' thc < lllli " H! succeeds Marga r t.. l _. , nll! lL'r . K ' hl'yn .\ ndersoll as vIce CnJ.ft. pl'es i d e n t, ElIlhf'l' Norgaard as ,,1' ­ n.tary, and \,Ya T n Hokenstad 8S treasurer, \VI I n. !list Bol stad II" carry\n;::- ouL the acL ivitie of tho


urlC'nt.s t t rnu"h



been I'e­ ported by the cllmm i ltee m chru ge f)f t hat work , nfll only in rcgard 0 gJ'� du t !\ (,f • his �'ear's IRRS, b u t i n prnm t ions of tea he 's a l read y m I"\'IC"' .

11 ...



college. I<;:..cept.innaI Ilcees, placing nf tl h ; 11 ,.� 11<1S









r", lAl Ta. H. K reidlpr, 111'11'1\ u(

'Yn h n . , of their new :

membpl'!I 0



Dc-Ita Rh



Ie 1',

amma at c are enter­

PacifiC Lu th n n cnl\t' laming ,I t ( inner \V ·>unN,day n in g t 6 : 0 al l he col lege . Ml!!�

Rlcanor Raudcba ugh. prellidE'nl, ill belng Il9si!lled by Mil'S Ulse Hl"ndric:k llon . �iss Judith B enso n ,

1 1-11



Me 17'

8" , l c In maldn ments,

Mis� B tty ge n era l al1'a. nge-

a nd

ub-comm itlers have b('en po in ted a� follows: School initi­ alion, II.rg, l et Ror (' m ( chair-


\\'nl t 'r

t cha i rman ) , RlInl' Benson,

Illdred MODllon, V i rginia Davis ; I'ntel l1oin 01cn t , Th elma. Daniel s I c hairm ll n I . LOUIse \Vill i m9. M a. r i a n Kohl ' l " invi t a lion, \, erna 'I',';;lan' l ( eha I man , F,... drri a

('h, r" rl(' .Tnhnso ' oin­ initiation , .¥ I yn ';! , h irm n ) , Ber!i:"liot V oga n nd Jea .... Ma ne Fowler, 'chll'Dbu



1', <'illc Lut h

" ""

flU' ulty

chl1 i rm a n


J'CI'E' Jltit�ll


c'l.l­ t hl'


'eolng at the "olle!:!' i n

at "" n l l e r!C'

n ew

p r... . irl n t , R'JTl'm, i n char I'llghteTlI r>f lhr R ' , t Pacific I ulh"rRn hoiding t h(' ir l i st "horel t h l.' nl'\\ n[ � r,'crption f) i� a ftc 1'11 oon


N OI'ma P!'E'us. Elizabeth I Fr i i s i dinnel , J oanna ManollsPs c eh a i rma n ) , Gertrwle Stenbel'g, F.:ula Mae Goff' dl'corat i nns, une

, t


ECTIONS HELD AT PACIFIC LUTHERAN ThC' P"P Cll ll'. �n nrgflnizH tion nf � (l Paci fic Lllth ct'itn (,nllc,�" �Ir , .­ l i vin� in till' riol'm i t nrv. r('cen tl y ... l" l trrl R n m " I". R I1�t. "r EvcI'c Lt ;] !l pres i d "n t . I"ai h ryn A n d er. nr Wil" dln!'cn vir.r pr", lrl pl1 t : A lrlA Joh n son [;I'C.I'(' t � I v-lr cas\ll·C' . " n ' j ' p , ,, ' r i cC' Ri(jr\ C'rs, .£iJ'r-chicf. Ma ll"! til'"g rn war a ppointe,l r.hainl1�11 of <I COin m iUC'1' t n :t lT � n ;! e � pllltV In he _wcn h.' ! he �rnur· Reor::; nizing Ih DOI'm Union , rlol'm it ClI V 11\('n a the rnllr'..,c th chfl1\c Harol;l ).;i1sC'n of E\ cl'ct.l p rc. idt'n l.. oy Lundquc ;'l, vicI pI'c5ic\c- n L, Ch(',t�r Solie, secretary­ trcRSlll'< r 1Ind Kenn eth n rnson fire -chicf.

, 1 1 ' "'1', Th pln,l!:!" lnl I'

(,(, m e



t he

I'll t i n/:' from Mrs, D. R d �lsnr, a M i �!I , l've l ' Rc, •


rl'<l.r1 i Tl g

h '

�I'all, Il , <)ng b) II girl s ' trio r.ompflsrd of "M iSS S IrlH .TohnRon , J r�De Odell and {ildl'e<! 101 onlloD. PI n� fnl' lJll' '"O I" S Rr.tlVillcs , II h' rliRC' . Prj t1\i� m(,r>llll 1\ rnmmi t. I'e h:l� hr"'n IIppoint d h\' ' hI' pre I(ll'nl tn nullln" h !lrl tn 1\ 1'­ prolV" m rOt' t he Y ' r l l1n"" i t In t il e -L n R' 'C 1" book'�

M iss

Marg'Il, ret


Rall y Of Ltltl1er L e a g u e s To Be Hel d 0 Sept. 2 7th

! i'k'l Thl'it a " ql I , prC'., i rlcn t I t \1 r. Tll c(lm" t uth"l 1 ("IoI � UC�, U I 01 ' j l I: wit h c" ,n , ' lle£' - in ehfl r�c nr " , rll ll g i n g t hr thlro Illl u a l Ju l l I III In he hrlrl Frida y ('ven l n g", L�rpt " T, :1 1 ,,\ ' J ' e l o c k i n 111 Fir L I 1 . 1 1 \)e1"l1 l1 ehU I'eh A l l A mrric, n nIn I"" Luther 1 f''' ;:: '\II' R in th it ' w II jilin t hi� rai l ) . " I n ...... ag·llc \\' i lll h rist ' j" t h lh!' m c <:J br cl!scus!ied by I h l" f: Ic;lgue r, ('mbrn : I I ) intclll'c tua lh , � J- nhysica lly, a nd l u ) spiri tulllly. 'prcilll usic will be a1' 'angcd, in· Iu j. b omrn unity sing, and the I 1 'l:ng will open with devotion s I :I by a represf'ntative of thl. 'l.rklan d TI'j nity league. Ofilcers of th l! council armng ing thr program with Miss Kra"bl!l are





I th

.... ;; = = = = =-_ __ -;;;;;;; =

of Pllrklanl1 Tril1it� Lllth rail church \ 'ill meet Tue '1- , vening. 8 o ' c l oc k , at th ho m e of M i ss Elsa ArneSon to �omen

orga n ize a junior guild. Mrs. VIC' or A Elv strom will be and officers w i l l be elecl d,



A nn u a l

I'< t l

Ille nts com mittee. '

u t h r r<lTl

forrnli lly th

r;nrlw i n J " ,'('m , vice presid" lll ; I L I tllOrrl � .\'h l"c, tJ·ca!;tll·er. anrl 11'! ' rlh'. G" andf', sccrptar\'. Clifrun l fyhro flllri Godl n nll1 rm will be in ehar�p IlL thr o)cl� 1 hnu r Aft rr t he PI''' rA m with I h " Fir� Lull I I �lJ l h Cl lCl'gu('l"s a. hos " h"o'd " b. ' Lr"l1� rrl . -lI'<f, " . pr('!!i!lent. 1.< ui �c U1' of ReI h leh 111 lcng-uc ill h<l i r m an o f t h e refresh­

lrl cn lt!




rf'c"pt ion




th e

JIII !'lnr o r P rI( l and 'I'tinity r h u ch II I � fJ'clock. M r .!' . Lora B . - '{'id1(,1'. !ira n nf women anr l chal rmflll

of th" {Rcu l l y Rociol commlt l !''' , h " I RI lNI h" in\l t3 tinn whi c.h 0!l1 hl l l1 1 gcthf'l' fnr hI' [ir�t sodal 'I'nl t1 ffl l l the I'lltir!' 8tuo c n t hooy Ilnr! college staff . Pr!'lIir I'nt nd Mrs. . A. Tjn �· I L, rl will hear! thE' · ..eei ,j lin€' ,)f fit, ult ' m l' mberR, DeRn PhiJi I l� H auge wll hr 11' ch arg o{ n program which haJ been a rr an;. rl by Mrs. Hauge and wbi ch 'I open with word8 of we lc om e h I hl' presid nt. 'Thl' {acuJt . lad.l"'� q U I,,·tpt. composer! o f M rs. ,I. U. _ -1\\· i l'l'. ' A !I . Ra mstad, rs.

Clifford O. Olllon, "Inri Mrs. Ph ili p E . H"lu)::"p wi ll Flinl'. accompani('fl b' irl'. 1 . O. Erlwo\,rlll. VOCA l SIII II!! .....,11 h .!;Ivpn hy Mr/!. Ha u ,,1' a nrl Ml "I'i h Rl'in . PI of. T O. FAwAnt �'111 hI' h ca rrl in A �r(lIlJl nf pi no 'II'I cllons, a nn Mr�, En­ warrlll wi l l g-ivI' a read!n/!" N w n hl'r. or I hI' r.nllf>\!" 6 rr whn n ye III rp'lrj. hN'11 In­ trojllcr.rl b, Pr "iopnt Tml:l'latarl , tI Join th" g"rollp hI ani who 'cn i n z a r(' :Prof. � n d rr� "fick"l 'khohtJl Franck <Inri D r, Harold J. ura Rl! Durln� ! lI e !!('1'vmg n f I1l I1 1> , thl' f cui v I dH� M" s J d Il.Jlrl 1rR J. F. Clu g

A f f a i r at Parkla nd Will Be H e l d on Saturd y �aturday ('veniDg has b

n ch09pn

\' Pacific LutherB.I1 ollege .ortu­ tl�nta tor their fint fall mix r. The program will bpgin t 8 'clock . I thn olll'$;p gymnasium. Bert Myhre, studen t body prf'!lI­ tient, has sel cted Mis.'! E l l e n Ber/!"­ IItrom 88 general chairman, With Mis1'I Laura 10nl'\ Mads!'n, • liS!! . Hauge, Arne St rand and Fri thJo f Tavet. 8S 8ssi sta n tl!.

Olher committees apPOinte are : Pau I rmlll�ong Advertising : (chalrm.8ll ) . LOU Ise William8 ,anti Roherla TorrifloD; program, 1 hel roa Daniels (cbairman ) . Emmett 'T'hompson and Eugenia Spl"DCer; invi tations, Valborg Norby ( chaIr­ m an ) ' decorations, Eleanor Raude­ (chairman ) . Ray R id, Stan haug Ford, June Walters and Yema Teg­ lan d ; refreshments. Norma Pre u L. Johnson, Marie ( et .irman . \" rn Bitter, Ilene Od el l and _�r­ IUf Haavik; g'ames. H elen Rolt­ ClOmp (chairman ) , Joanna 1danou11 Lan! , Vern Knutzen ; chalr­ and I'lcanup, ralll Preull man l . r:r(lyrl ThnmpI'nn , Lpslel'


Holt� anrl .Arnp s t r n rl



T o Assemble

Parkl and



, . eDting Lulh






oung lo Otl'l:"on, out h PIIgpl Sollnrl Clrr.u LOA 1;'Ul' will holr! R nntl 1 f 1 1 rally I Pa rk l. 1 n Trinitv Lll t h (' r an ehur{'h "'uno " I � " . m . , prpcPdin t h e ch·· , r onyon tio to take pl ace In &>� tt l O .. lobet" n, 12 , 13. y h l' of' Belhl · he m L B�rt lheraJ1 churr,h, Tacoma. thl' ne 'I (ll'Cted presiden t 8 u c c din corgc Lane of Seattle, will pr sid . The Rev . J p, P!lue h d or tltt! llepar-tm en l ot Chll P cine L u th rail '0 ti ni ly .l \ "1': " . will aped. <In " B�1l1 � Llj(ht . . " The tOPIC w,l1 b e lIl . CII.sed furth. r by Mis.q Sulvel R thp,' ot S !ltt)p a Dd Mr. 'Thl! rlI)I'P I 'PI'II' m r>! Tatom Thp n J . " . I ieh 1 9(' n or the F' r", 1 . '\I WpI:' IRn Lu hprfl n church w i l l It' I n opvn ion , II n ri 1.. R. A rnda l S ... � tl 1e, in ('hArge of a rrn ng mpnl . -ill "pe k all beha l r thp ri c li t . uslc m !libel''' w l l l consi l or

Sf' I ll ,'

plano 11010 hy Mi. Norm" Pre o t Parkland . and selectioDti (1'0 nd Phinn thp Ballard Lulhl"r n Rid e Lutheran church � 1Il Sea tl • 0110 i ng hI' rally prngram 1 J < rkland LeaI' l l!' mf'mhcrs. lind jr ma ns hip o f r' • USI'I B�roi KnU'!le n , pr sidcDt, w l I J en t ert il" Je:1g ue memb \"1\ the c h u rc h p a rl o r .


T ayet Presid ,nt Of P. L' C. SellioJ



Distr ict


Speak" " I

f r 0


Friday Nig'ht large numb.. r oC Lu tlJer In Tacom I' ending de l ega tes to th e annual conv�nUon ul the outh Puget Sound 'oung P eop le's uther u-aj.'ue opening P h i n 11 e y Ridge Lulhel . n chmch in eattJ FI'hlay ev ning l o'cloc k, The the i ne , 'J�. w Only," will be i ntr[)duce1 by Dt.

L gu es

, i c \ bride-!' I'rt

irginia ()( thHI 51'1\'() rma Pr"U8 and MIs!' Frida y pn l prtRlnr hI t t ,. Park!::!n tl home of

'lri ng "




miscella npous

8111 t in� hos t esse s were luI A, Preu! and Mr, H.


Lh,. eVl' ni n g a numhcl of ", hl'rmo • with the; eho � I' �om g 'ere pia 'erl priZ

, Misa Dorta Mi l d red La rt the c Ios" of c (,Y" n l ng 'u e ,ts were se n' ed , It rl

�,,�, ' and


or i


"' II


presented Wit

n[ j:;lfI'" [or the nev. h me, ' II I bl' mild .. i n Tacom a

Ela ine E I · {elba Fenne , He l en 0 1'rtru d l' 'I'i ng ISlad , El n ora r.h er l o tte Gottsch a lk GUIlGon, Do ri � 'Va kem n, R .. t W I'e






ii ses

. ',

M, Ylvisaktr OL �linneap(jli s " ' cll tive sl'cl'l'tary of the Tnl(' lla L10nal Luthl'l L('a";llo.

B rt n l l! vi T(, (Ie t hl' Bp l h l _ hrrn L u l heJ 'Leagu e I n Til. .oma, newly e l ected p e idf nt of the ('ui t , Wi l l preRide at all session.


of the t hree-day convent ion. P roC Theodore H uggenylk, ot the Christ htnlty dpp8l'tmen t at Sl, Olot col-

Milriron Larsen, E:lIz� The ti n a l session on Su nday af­ V i r,g; n ' Da 'is, E l �1! t .. ml'lOn Will bf in the form -of a 1i1' RO(', Rnrl M iss Ha.r- I (' hora I union c o n c ert ulldpr the he r mother , Mrs, N , A. I d l r ,c tlon of Kennet h Lyman Imma nuel Lu t he ran I'h u'ch, sea (" n .


P. L. C. Freshmen elect Office,.:; �

Kenneth An£'Il " on of RUllingl(> � . . ,.,'ash., h[\8 ll<,' en ch' "n by Pq('lliC LUU1" I'On colIe<'p lJ'e�hlr en as cl<l�S PI' • d"n t COl' til c fl ln 'ng �ca l , Qn the, exceu­ ASSist i n;::- Anen > Eu­ Uy ' comml ttc( \ i l l b.. [ I

'cnla Spell er Of L(')n1!"\' i� w �I ll' Sollie, EVI 'j l! \\ ;).T d :spanawa)' }<'Ul':, H okcnstad of Snohon :sl1, R u th

h'r'nal onal " ollng J'I'O )!t" q I.u th£'r

I ge n �orthfield , inn., w i ll bt> thl' convention . peak .r. On Sa tu rd ay mornin� ther will f a IIpl'('ial ae. s ion for Junior L 19ue mrmb r�. At 2 p. m . Luth r Leagu e member!! lhpm81'1\'1'8 will d isc u;" th conven tion

t h me, The convention banqul':: will be held aturday evening. Rf'v. O. G. 81 \"eIlOn, dilltric t lealt'ue p resident, pre�idlng.

Reprpsen ta tivl's

30 /lome congregation f'r:!

II) t: ke pArt.

. . . Dr. ,,>, L Yl\'l�:t k!'r of Iinnenp­ s cr 'li '� ,,[ lh(' In­ uli"', <'. 'cu \' l IE' gUf', will lIpf'a' 8ioll


uf th!; Pug! t

Luth r ll'eg ue

th .. flrllt


IV n tion "ppnm






i ll S at up.


of choir. o( a. ' expect- '

pq rkland I 'rp�chool :\sso('i8.­ i l l J"J1l' ct \\'£'d n eRday a t � lock at the. home Qr "I I'S . F, \\ , Ml'q, H, "' . Mohel-. pt' CS I I, c





l Ie

P uyallup


the aft t'f­ of the presentatio n Thp MISS 1 1'1' "'111 be made by Mrs. J. U. Ida Misa E lsa Arneson will X vier, be tI (.

speakl'l' of

play a piano solo,


The Young L a d ies' tIl€' Pa rk l and mppt Thursd'l

Ml'lI, Sl lI n l f'Y Rt')l'l'n Inr hmr h(,on, Th I' i� a n IInp'll tant mee ti n g' q,G t h I" pr'psi 1 1'I1 t , "ft�

Fra n es SCI'Srcp i n €'nr\� to lit rt a nn ue • F a l Baza ..

plans for th e



_ .� �. _ ..:... ...a •





_0 -"'0"_


� ..7:.� ".

� 0 ..



H I . t ci \," 11 cn tl'r. " th Mfm e , O[ the Parkla nd heir Oc­ Ruh ul'ba n t l ld\' club It ob'" m l'('linj:." Thu rsda.y aft!'l noon I 2 o' d ock. Mr�. Eunice Kellcr 11 t al k on l n teri or Df'cOrll ting, I ./I pi !'! n o (\ 1 1 1'\ will be givE'n by \ 1 1;.';('" Thl'lmR D'I niE'I ' lin d NormR Pr!'lIf', of P'Icl fic L u t hl'ran COl Roll cal l W I l l OC on curren I ' 1', tllpiCl!. r,�n

\ m tlla

R., lph H utchison a me mber of Ihill yelll'lI high school sen io r cia 'R ' acifi c L utt.. eran callegr. , has • l bepn elected pre si c\pn ' of I hr hif'h


IF' J1''iII P

Pine- A PR('iiic Lu

Hp u�en Cl ifforrl grour na med vic(' preslden t . F'rf'rl­

" chool


5f'creta ry­ S cholanb ullch, l/,pIII' U I'(, 1', I1d J p. c]< ",'1'111, , f'q:ean t­ Ge1'h8 1'�1 Pfla e g er l'!'p­ a t- a rn /I . .. \. " C81'n t, t h e I':II)UP I!.S M oo rin g }f Meet i ngs wil l be hrld T port er l'J'ik R

COU r!;1' i n T llroduc­ ,t I;; being oftr rE") hera col ic"e thl!! I 1" fall '1cmester, Wi Ul Miss Geo Re- i nC:1 U 8l! instrul'tor, Tl,e class, mel Thu r!;dll.:Y ('vening to \ 'hic!' n rgan i ze , ill hold it first session ' hi � ev('ni g lit 7 o'c lock a nd w i l l 'TIeet regula rly ach week a th l t ime,

Ion \(I





twice each mon th ,



year'lI co mple te choir pE'rHonn J . Compe titi on lor places I n lb va­ l lous sect ioJls of the choral group , s unullu lly k en , l th the rE'­ ul t thal the members hip was increased . a that the hail' now III 1al ger th n It hllll been for !!Orne tho


j y ars,



Lif'n o.s ,Is tln l!,


Edwardll, head of the moai de­ partment aciIic Lut heran coJ­ I "'e and director 0 the ' hall' of

n OTg'l'nization of The P p club, dorn PaclIlc Lu thcl'Sl 1 LOllege .,mola Rus lory ):: irls h ead ed by pl'esi( en t. is sponl;oring .. SKllllD party at Ki ng's 1'0 ler rink SaturJ be.,.innlnr; at I' day v nin I arr n eIn (' arge of o'clocl;; . Andl'l on Kathryn Hoi camp l'om Bel B r e Oll 11, The f,"IOUp is : Iso Ilnd r givinl' I I Halloween pal'ty, inviting !.he m " bcrs of h(' Men's Dell m i ­ tory union , Rul 1roy eD has been Thelma. with named ch ir : n, rle N ' ! ! , Est hr! NoJ'gaar an


a IIl'rit"ll at

beginn ing with the opening ot school ear, PrOf. Joseph O.




, Ictor , Eh'I'rat ro m, coUI"� f1 ..1d artnt t pre f'Dt in l'o. t ­ e rn \Vashlng 11, i ll n\' t JglI t inK' p o I ilIt1� or a t rip Into !'he Inl nd Emplrl" Bnd per ­ ba pll t o Montana, If tbl" Mon-

tann trip a made fhl: .tour will proh, bl� c, tend ov r t h l'l'c wcellll, hI' i unln, III ,Jan mu'. " 'fhe UlIURI WI' J'-eud trips \\' i11 8 1 0 t k e pia!'!>. thls year, The choir membership I'S It no






S rV(,T�on,

Sopranos :

Mi ldred

La l'8cn.


Thre e-Da y Sessi on of Luth er ns End In Seattle John Kirkebo o f Tacoma '11 elected presiden l of the So,ulh Puget So un d Circuit Young Peo­ plc'jJ Luthf'T league a t th,. t h e­ d' Y cODvention which close d 11 S ea t tle Monday a tterno"n With the a nua c ora) un 'on con rt. -irkebo, B a ct i v e member In the Tacoma Luther J. al- ' , I'CprCllen t­ ing Immalluf'l Luth ,ran c hu rc h . Succeeds Bertram Myhr • al 0 I t Tacoma . Torry Horn of attic vas cho"'E'n a \,lce presiden ' , 1argarct of T-acoma ",as I"rt d 8 retary, and AJ Severts(Jn of S at­ tic was named treasure!'. board m emhf'rl' 81'1' Rc\,. r. L ,N·csvl!.." o( Scattll' , • t • El'icl,son of ca ttl e, < nel l11', Q Ulcl:slad of Seattle, Mr 1'heo, lio k cn s t a d I) Brcmerton was re-elected Junior lcsgu advisel' , Retiring members of t h ex ('u­





inClude, with Mr. Harvey Mathiesen, L, and Rev, Gp,), 0 Lanc oJ Seattle, Clifford Opheim. Tacoma, and Ha rol d U1 1eland f'l1 r nt. A t the Jun; .. 11 lea Gu lie.' Ion 011 Saturday, Carol H aav ik of SeattJ "'<IS elecled resident, Tell Birke­ Jand of Kcnt, t pr s d en t , and Sol\'elg Julne6 of ' tUe, ry-treasurer, The convention ac'" ptu inVItation 'rom tile I'irllt , 'on"'egian l ,l1 t.har leallu" 'n at J t ,j lin oM_-hr n,dal

Sel1;O ' Present P. L. C. Program

fem!')"1 of the graduatin CIRflS pre: "n t<:d a pro!{ra 111 a t the lu­ drnt chapel cxerri�e.� helrl 1'hura­ C!ll1c�p,

.. '11 milcl'<;

d�y morn i n� at

i c l ucll'd scrip. �l\d n;:.- 1 y Rol p h �olstad ; a f'al'iCic


r i c' ; 'ns bv a t rio ('o"'ILoil1MI'd 1':\:(" 1 qnd Rob I' �I np ion on, r a'li"� hv Mi. Ben rm �r:: l' nmpanlp' l ;'n I h by Miss 1'helma D:>ni(')l'I. n ri '0 II solo bv Arn o ] r) A n r!r r'" BI-\ p k l ': , PI nl:" amS I! rc PI'f'�P 1 1 _ ("'I du'mg thl' ('h ap'" 11,,"1' hy t hp -turlen' Ilndl'l' thp dlret' l l "n ,.,r 111 presid nl. of fh !tudent q, lo hy

I i.



Entertai n Lutheran D lighters

rr... Paul A. Preu!! and Mrs. J [ Xavier will e nt e r tain members of th Lu t h ran Da1lghte rs Of the Parkland at Rpformal1on the ome nf 'Mra. XSlViel' Thurscla. ' 1'1 3 : 30 p. m Membe rs of the L I R. sr P cifie Lutheran r·,lIeg(' girls intC'res ed in t.he " ', rk of th e Lutheran church, par­ that alo ng illl s sionar ' , tic u l lHly



I' i

Drama C lub M embers

At P . L. C. Will e in C asta

M i "� }vIa I Raret Rorem, dent , will be in charg of he bllslOesa meeting which will mark the electIOn of additional new of (jeers. " -ew year book. , contain­ i n g pro ramI! for I b e entire 'ear, wlll be dis ibu t('d by th" com ­ mlltep. ],[isse Robert Tonison, Louise H ndrick:.;on. No v elle NaI gel an d Louille "Villlams. The program will consist of a convention re po l't by Mis Helen

pi a no Bolo by ),;!i S 1i It reaoing- by Miss Wadene Calavan, a vocal solo by Mill!! Ev�lyn Syverson and t h e

Holtca mp .


Nor ma Pre u8,

Ringing of thE' roup of girl/!.

L, D. R. song by

ER the direction ot


B I s C U I t 1;,"

.. nd I '

Prof .

I!'I reheal'fnng- for the present atIon This lesslah," Dec, 15. "Th n will be the [irllt for mal appeara nce 'hich W'l.S o rg-allized I of th,. so iet last sp rin!,. Pro!. Edwardll hop es n 01 hest, a ready to ac­ t � ha 'r company I he oratorj o, The pianist3 �rt M I IIlI T h e l m a Daniels and Josunnin;;, . eoph



"The MR.",i RC



m e mhers

Baulthag .



, I� t" on Fr ida . (," eni1\:;


� o ' cl ock in 1 , 111.

' n.g


01 th

O. Edwards, head n( depa rtm u sic lU, rql\ Col leg arkll'l1d Cho ra l society Ilent, the





the rol i egto


onr ac t

cf) meti i


lh( I '

sevel 11 ml..siCR I splection ir. tcrmlssion



I r adrlitlon to tbel'ie f !t-

tL I f'n t gt·oup.


m eml I

TIl(' ca.:.t of "Hot B illCuila" d !l'ccLJ> cI l>y ob Ironso n . ' i d b, Val bor g NOI'by, i ncludes Le Ler Polle, .Alice Cook and

rson , Ell

Arnold • nRoberta

Bel·kstrom .

T ITIRon, • nveJlc ! "gel and -dth­ jl)f Tayet 1I1i II Ma l'gat'pt C)'l1 ft i� (I i l'('cl­ ln� "Til Mllrna g Pl'Opos a l , " ali­ a. ted b.Y F.dwliI:d SVinU1, The eMt is made U ' ot Th lma N e ll!!, stan­ e'" Ford and olph Bol lad. Tn eonnect iotl with the play p"cllentation MiS/! BerglOlt Vogan , III be in eh ,rge of a '�andv s 1 A • i s ti ng 1n(!mb !'. a( her cn m m i ttec are H len S co l t �Jehn StArk and Tri� E · a.n� .

P. L. C. G adua tes, "'Tho Are T chil'lg, 0 Meet Monday

. �'il1 announ"" ( coming Li nfield­ ] n ('o n n ec t l o n wlth th� '" F.. G. Lncl neetings bein� .n Id Man- P L. C. gllm('. ( and Tuc!'llev in Tacoma. PH Mu it" at th III eh ' will c n · C. lll LU ' h I'�n .'ollrgl �r dU'ltt'� ai t o p i·m o �olo by Prof. Jos"ph . Edwa " d ll, 11 yoca l trio by Mislie ehinl: il. Pi" rc·' (")u.1tv \"111 uLh J cob. on, Kat 'yn John. on T on<lay nnon in a l un ·'Ilf'lln . ' .•. FIrst L th 'I"' n llnd 1'1 I C'''1I A n t )"{ ws. and gro Jl Ihc )ladol', 01 t h Sing-in" . In ?ddi lioD, novelty Dum· cburch , ,; th .nd I ·lS. 11�1I P. u t h Falne�R, who wa" b�ls w ll be presented by Lyell Icct('d. b, last y' R I" !! g l'O;Jp, ,,':i1 Kt'cidl('1" a n d Miss Shirle Heeh --h" ohai mll n of (fa '

, I r . ' Idor A,


I I he \I

ft t

'I<' onr of


IW8trom, \\ ho ho" . r. for

IIn'r leu tn 1M! gh'p" alllr IllY Fi,�he r'lI tp'"' ronm und!'r I he

nU�JlI('ca of th,' P:w lf il' Lll th 'nllt'JrP dnrmlto r : II IIlr t,' ,



tl . C. I{no rr of ScaL Rcv ma In 1 Rpeak at t Jw joi nt relor " i e.' be ing held i Ccnt ral Lu' l' hnrch Suncl :\' II t I:! p. rll . (' 1 '1 hy pH!"t Th!' qer\' ic.r III !lp n �or( r! f t I' 11 mr'1 ican Lu lh f' ran Confer­ ence

in ma.

:.1i!iS J'n-

Ha l l ow en PCl l'ties A Col ege

n O I' l •

M! m brr!!

Pac i fic Lut h eran a � ' i h'er tea in t h e tea room, tU l'day al noon from :! Inli! .) o ' cl ock , Pfl uegel', PI' :ident. i'l in charge DUl'ing tit progra m , a ' ph med by .II I I' , Philip E, Hauge anel ;\Ir�, i , . . Berg. 11' , .i\11 kl 1 Luno. past pres ident of tip 1 group, will speali: on the pmpo c or organization and the aims of t h e DI'J]'m i tol'r allxihary,

'V0,.J a'r."

' Ill' un



i \' i ng-


" Hymn "Dann�'






Pl'I'- ,==:::=============�

Ilel[u o n w i ll br " n t d by P eif c Lutheran e' II! students




[(> 10". ' : \' Ic lln " lo!;, '

the " n r!


R i msk \'

Sun, "




M ls�

al r,

In Charg&


1..-._ . ________--==-__--.:

- \'cllr.,

, , I to :<nln A h, • ",ret Mysnl LI • , " V ictor HI'I' hert, Anrl t II (, nll,"n Or TOnI!)! "n\\' , bv Al mll "to)ce: piano D ll lT b, I • "GI'/\ncJ Valli Japl'i ce " n, En;;c l ­ man , :Inri "�1' Da nce ' n. T ry, by Miss Dorothy Ander nn : sopra no "In, . . Inl:" , ing ' Birr!!; nn t he \'in,., ' Nuttlnll by MI.. Romolll u�t : fI' ll 1I010s, "Santa Lucia," folk �ong, lind " Coqu t­ !or II r 8 h 1Mcadowlal'k , ' t l ng La pkc, by MIs.'1 Loi lay Mor­

t'm , PI' SIding b • I � \, Victor nthel' Th ... If thl" collrge pnsed of w o m en f , cul ly H nr! pastors' w ives,' is 1)1'­ � Il D l Zl'rI for the pllrpuse of pl'O­ rnolir .... i n terest m tht' bllilrlm ... or n" w rlOl milolY for g-irlll li t Pa­ l ifir L u t heran ·('nlle�e: All t h os L Ilil I'an PaC![jI' I IntcI ('liter! dnrm ltory pl'OJecl cnllcs:-e, a n r! th in p rtif!lll r. B1'e invited to th!' tl'a



)111 g('�l

t h eran college arc planning pal tics

Cor Hallowct!l night.

The Pep lub f'ompo, I'd of gil l, It ' ing- i n tht> rlonnlt o!'�', has iDylt", j the m('T o f tb Dormi lo[� u linn to b.. their "uesl s , l lhe p� I t\

they al'C gi\'in� in th coile!; 8 ,�d i l O l'ium , M13!! Ru th Froye n, ch'lirman, wi l ' he IIssi trrl ll, : en· tertal nment, Es th r l � I . )' � a 1'(1 ( chairma J . A Ida ,1f)h1�On Connie Clumb, argarct 0- f l ; I I e h· ment!!, Th el ma Nt's!; ( c' hail lll an , Eugenia Sp neeI' , Do ro thy nder· ,.on, I I' e !I :M klehuflt ; '(cctll'a ­ l io " !'1ri Lirn, J,'I'n(' Ode ll, J'��­ rol'l Id To n'PIl I , Rob,.rl." Torri· lion; s i. tanto: A l ma R ( leI' Ove­ dia Haugp , a nd lluth . 01 1 ,1' Mem hers of D el ta Rho mm , girls who aTP da\' stur! nts at Pa· cifie Lutllp nm , will hold a eostUnlll part " in thc COIl E'ge rC.:l'ClI Uon hall, f 1':5 Jl'lUl Marie Fowler IA in ehst' e 0 th .. program, USlstcd by EIl11 Milt" f an 1 EJl7.ahcth Fdi , Ot h er comm ittee:' mclude : d eeo r lion!!, • -orn.s Prell!!, GCl'trllrle run ner, 'o\'cIle . 'ag ) ; l' rf'csh­ O1('nt" Enid BIRk\!, Mnria Ha c· 1 e. �, allra Hauge, G I'! I U'uc!c Stell. ht'l'g : inVItations, Lo u l. e \\' lUiRms, VlllbQrg i 'orln', Verna Tel!;lanrl : fj!lh po nd , Marlp ,Tohn n, Helen �cott, Ruby oor�: game" .To nna . la noll!!os, L " II i ,� H!'IlCh I ' £011, Margaret ROI'E'm, "'�'Jl'n C I \'a n,

A 111utell r Hour At Church. Salurd au Mcmbels of the Pl\rJ,\ n 1 T ri n ­ ity Jun ior gui l d PI' ntinl!' a

on Saturrlny :1.Hcmoon,


M ill .Jl/dU Il Br nson, \\ hn I in chncJrt' r.f t ht' nt l !'r 1 0 be h eld cven in l:' i n thp PaelI c "'atll rdll�' ' · In Dlna 10m 1.U t h I'r n (' lIc

junio1' 8m a t �ur hoUl', SlIt u l'<jay I've i g at II 0" lock in �I'in ty


Tht' publiC' i .. In' C'ntf' rtAlnmrnl Junior G L 1<1 he :;pon or l'd by 1' Dl T.' d whi ch was on l y recen tl y 0 I b,v gir l s of tbe congreg-ation co n tlon \\ I1h the college a ho m eTh " !;enpral committ i ''Omreo MI,;s p osed of Mis:! TznbeU " � liss Fred-....- :Mildred Larl'leD, and erika Schlanbllsch Tn h or re!r'esbro nt" arc the Mi ' Aile

To Presen t Play Friday At P. L. C.

Thc <r ("f>D! fall Pacifi c Luthcl'!1 • �(t,l' " 1J1' � . n n igh t , p l a n ne d I'spe1 I 1 1, • pU l' l of lhl' ho ecoml n'" ,( I I I' ", ,.'!11 ( . kr pIa u 1"1' ds ('vr n 11M. in t h( ctJ l l (' � (' �_ 'l l n'� I1 1TTl ,, ' ( I II I" T11" ul J'I' i, i n \' , r " l r lfll ' t h " d i rct l 'n roe }�\'e yn '; l<l und : nd �Jiss ' n n. I l 'gene s , "C� \\ �', TweJ \'(' B n d F/,pcll1rd" " ti l b e pJ'cscn leu b � ( hI' (u 1lCJ vin;:- t, iL : Ju i tl! Bt:n801l r ;a 'Y Pflu 'g 'I' Fc"(]in. nd Bundy, H II I'l'Y G1'Ibilohm " P i l l " P m on M e " Ie the lit ' [II ' 11 P l,v be n1! stn"'ccJ I \' M t-l Inc: BenSCh and


girls ' oq;'&m2:' Uon s at Pacific Lu·

� Itt' g"




cn 'en.

F '


meis apr


III 101'8.




Jo.; lph �u/lnm" In tN'm i, Ion n 1m bl f8 will also be PI''''pnted, M i ss I OJj(' Mad.'! n 1,- PI'C ,lc rnt of lilt. clu b, and K ,ill,

cid the ld\'l. '1'.

i tf'd

ertrude Ti nglel'l l! . RIlD1st 1 cClan ­ Helen Olson, and DsWD han, Olfic rs oC tWs De ' rganlza­ bon IIH ' pI ,Iden t, Mis!! Norm Prrus; vic preSident. MI. Fred­ 11M erik Schlan bu!:ch : secI' tar)" Virg ini R Da is; trcasunc, Mil'S Mr!;, Victor Merle Johnson , is til

Reside Here





Win Feature P. L. C .' ,; Homecomin g arne

Alumni of Pacific Lutll e " lIn col ­ Icg-e were' W Ico m r d bacl, to the. C 3 111 PUS Fri'lllY as tnC' an> ual H omccomin" pl'O�Tam open... d F;v�n t.a Ul i,, Y""'I will b(' c' ntere ' ;' t'ound t11<' m a i n a t ' A c l inn , th notba ll - " m e 'ith Lirul <'1(\ co ll <'g'e At 12 :30 p. m. Sa urday in Li coin bowl.

of the wcrk be a pcp J''''' '8 'le which ope n s !I t 7 : �O Fri rlay at the o i l ege. M iss H u tson is in charge. T,) Lead Parade T hp rep ba nd dil'('clcd by St. n J.'o d and thre(' sm. II r'lrs hr3.1 m� thr collf' ,,'(, letters viII I",. d I he P'lI' HII' iHd \'hielJ cntl:; H t 9l Brua dway. The ell leader:; , Tr I l Odell, EuS'cnia !'5pcncer anr! Gil y Pfl ueger, will direct cilel' l s and First o fficial even t


celebra tion


Eong .

The P. L. ' -Lin field ell. h rla . \ ' i l l be th lp s t homc qho illg' 'i lf Ute' Pa r!(!.�nd ; \ arl i " l o l " who ( h i yrl'l' h 'c had hilt on e toucllrlown sCOl'cd a g a i n s the m . 1"01 1 win;; t he ga me, a l umn i h()srd memocrs w i ll hold Hn Ot·, � 3 n izat ion reveting- <i t the college. Miss Hel en Th rane, secrc ta ry, IS c lling the meeting-

i\ ixer urday

, Hturda y

evenin '


will be cn t(,l'taincd by two plays presen ted by t h e ,'ama c:lub i n the collct; ;::- y mnal'ium, to h(' follo\ 'cd by a mixer ,,!,onsorp.t1 a � o c i n t d • tuden ts. ",i tit 11Y' th

alumni 8S guc ts. Mi s. BeOl on , gencral J ud ith ci1'lil'm an. is It ::list�r\ by Ji:vel lon Mr ITlROll. c t, - mA n : I r" nl' Ou"l1 an 1 .1 0hn Drelbel bi!i. enler! illm nl' E l rannr R wI< h:iUgh. eh ' irmaIl : rCl'tl'\lue St nb"r� �nd Pa J Pr('u. I f H'shml'n l" : J(' n-Ma rie Fowlc , hn i nnan : Thrlma "Iesf am A , Strand. df'co r ' tionil.


Firs NOI ........"I n h pl'eac hm� tt a hrgc roup

sel'mon heror d el e ate!! a nd laymen

\\ l:lJ DU G AH DOP

from ('on· grega lions of the Puget !".ou d te rrltorv in Sr ttk. Tacom'l and

hln6t n Southwe. l pea kel'S a t the Ina1 sess ion on ' ION..�. �' c]'e is 'ued 1 0 the facu lt,) and entire student . Lulheran college to att end the w ddin Thursday will be Rev. O. L. Haa­ body of PacIfIc vik and Rev. L. J . Fl oren of h eld Friday at 1 : 30 o'clock of }'Ill is. Anna Stein of A nn A l'bor, Poulsbo. Assi'ltin Rev . O. L. Ha :i\lich . , a cl OJ'. Harold J. Lel'aas of the c lI ege staff. vile. prps dent of th ci rcuit. ar 'fhl' CCl'emOl1J took pl ace i n j he Parkland Trinity Lutheran th e following officers : Re v. Ml kkel Lana of Tacoma. vice pre.�idenl; c1 1 llJ'ch , \ ith 1 y. O. \ . Tingelsta o ffi c ia i ng. The ' couple ,"as MOlTi!. Tro v i k of Scat Ie. corres­ ttLtcndc d 1.l: �l1 ss Norma Preuil and Sta nley Dahl . ponding' secre ary ; Rev. T. 'I he ch urch w he uUf 1 I � dc\:oratcd ,,"ith a u t u m n lc;:.wes V8 1 C of Parkland, financial sec:1I1U el l'Y Ilnth c m u m � . [usic fOI i h c eJ'C l11ony :va� p layed 1 v Prof .To�cJlh 1 d < rrl _....:.= ...; ====·�=��5���==-______<====�



'1 "

brirl!'. ' "h n "rriv"'l ill Ta�n -


)"rJCI:> -


l oUl in$:'

1 f'cciVf'(j

\rbnJ . m



ini"crsll. '





dC'p' ,c


OJ Mirhig a n ,

. nrl h,,· I'''ccntly he!;n a cehnie i a n I 1h(' 'ltaif of thc t. Lawrence ' 110. pib in Lanail f! M I ch .


1'. LC"lln 1 . " ;;- 'adui' c of Luthcr in Decorah, Iowa, received hi. f. S. and Ph. D. d cg1'(�es from

c"l l r�r

h(' Universily of Michiga n . and b('[ore corning to the Pa cific Luth­

c�a col1" ....c wa'" ssl.-ta nt zoolo· J!'iR! at C 'anl\1 nnk 1 n tltu tc of ' rjl'nc" in Blool1 lCllcd Hi l l s. Mich. ] r jClin('rj thl' e01l ('gl' • Instructor In I hE' �Ci cIlCC drpi'l tm('nt · h is fal!. Fol l owin!:' the "erl d ing held th's . ' t" rnoon the [>Ie' l ty ntel·tained ' th II I'ccrpt' on Lot the newlv , dded coupl In hr. church pa r­ lor". Till' mil " ltgeome!' � !< " (.omplrtr s u rp risp - to members of t he coll cgr f · m il".



Lutheran Chur h Circuit Con ention Is Being Held

Re ' . Mikl{el Lon o, pastor of Luther M e m or i a l c hurc h, ,;,,'ill speak , cdnc suay ('ycning at h,. second e\'ening session of the Soutll Pugc t Sound Circuit Lulhenm chm cl cOnVl' nt10n which opened TUC5d 1'�' morning at Trinity Lutheran ch -rcll . Parkland. Rev Lon o' topic, "Fou ' H undl'ed YearA of Light in t h c Eng-

Lut heran church. addl' ... �.'ICd th onvenllon on tbp to ie. "The Ta!'k or Evangeli,;a tion in o ur Disttlct. " Pactf' Lutheran coHeRe tn!ish-Speaking Worl d , " wi l l be a I den and facul ty jo in ed the ., le­ continuat ion of the gcneral theme' getes and visit.ors at lheil OpCDlIlg which wa i nt ro - session "'C'dnesday morning dur­ "Conversion." dueed by Rev. T. T. 0\'8 of Aber- ing the c 11 gP l eg ula ' c hap e l , deen und e l' the title, , Vhat ill hour. Re ', O. L. Ha aY i k of SI ' tle, cI 'cult pl' sident who is pr�· onv!")' ion ? " siding over the mc n· gs li n d for Other Speak!'r'! The thp me was furthel dcvel- mel' PI' l'Oiden t of the p, L C. boud oped y Prof. J. p, Pflueg r of trustees, in t i!uced Rev. T. \' as the sppal{('r. Pllcific Lu theran college at TuesCommu nion ..' f'r\,j(,I'R he I d8Y evenin g ' s se. �ion when !;p �kc on " The Present Situa ti on 'fhl' op ning sel -Ie WII:'! In L(l1'm of th(' Church Today ThrouJ!hou t , of c m munion Be-I' vi ces r"nductNl

JOINT C O N G E R B.I' Lut er League. Wi l l H eard In January The





C l ub to l\I eet P" rific



('P club l C' e ts Th ur.c;da y evening 1 11 th,. COll c g .. elilling- l1 a U , lis RUQt


rI !1�.

Tile pro­

com;ist of a fl ul,.

SlIn bv Lois MBV Morton . 'o 'al solns by M iS:'! Al m l'l Stnlf' accom­ pal1if'ri by Mis� Jl'nny Ba r'i! nJl , lind II rC'llIlin hy ].l . Jl1nc llich('\sen . t U'" busin ss meetln" the group will rJi, l1SS P "ns fnr 8 tea . Host­ F ns V. i l l b 1 · ��,..c; Lenn ,. \Vi ' h ­ l'I'lW, JI (' l en 1-'01 "mI' . J rl'n ' Od I Cr l ErIn Tobia.c; l >n, u rga r and P h r Ton on . .. il')· of Dr l ta Rho Gll m m


IIpc(,I�1 1'1f'f'lm(' '0<1 �- .. t 1';11'111101' l1auclcb" '1[" 11 . Mi d h 1lI 1 ' I , r rlC"n Ill; f r I I ,'''A I'. ('ting PI t llr Luther· an ) . l �htr.r6 "r 1 11 � r: r- f'>rmation �'I I I he h"lri n t t h r hom .. nf i rs. T. O. S,'/l.1·1' " 0 \' m hrl' 2 1 . M I'lI. . ll IAl rs Rynnlll 1')[ Parklanrl ....i 3.


next mef'tin�

111 be held irl th

of the eoune


T com

('hurch SI'I'Vcd bv Rev. r' . ... rthllr Lars(·n. TucSd�y, Drc. 1 1 . om en; will he I clcd .


T' I


gra m w i l l

t .


Of '


n.. '

!hI' ·World . " ant! WB!! conti ued "'eclncsda.y morn i ng by Rev. M, L. 1 'e!;vig or SeatUe sp€a k i ng on "Thc Means of Can v rsion," This B tCI' n on the R t . Re·... H. L. Fo!'s, I bj�hop of the Pacific Distri t


Fra n k Speal(cr

nCk of a F Prof. Arc hc N ' chol , C'nt a l P!lC 1f\ • rlm dl'pa e uag : lan:: the U1C , p(·a k­ be will cge coll n Lut hera mee ting of th , er III the reg'u lar p Mondl' '�r)' land Prellcl1oo1 gToU T. Novi'mber 1 8. 8 p . m., a e venil l ' W� ,. el. th(' h o e of Mr.;, Edwlu'! FI aock. a former Bur op Pro the P L. dlpln mat who joinrd ve a..� . I til " t 'l.ff t his fall, will ha \ arlO HS om p � rl. on n topi C. "A P 'ilIl IV S bool S 'ISZur o e;l n

te"'1s. '


I1t o f pr l • du�e Itro tile . ford Chf , al. m: k, !1nd Fra group of Olson who will _ \'e II 11 mo h"rg in tl' rc ted voca l sol os. ltlanrl ar l wor k fl. t OS!I Boyn



in Prc.'!choo i vi le d to t h

mee ting ,


L. D, H. F nt£:'r t<l i n d By 1\1 1':;. T i nge1 tad

S t nwood C h o i r t o S i n g At Par l a n d Sunday

nf the choir ' i r'lr'c I n tl1"!"1'In t'hlJr('h \\ 1 1 p �" o l II Silt' 'pd • t30 " onrJ I)nccl't In T"�l'kl nr! u ncI y e 'en· Ing In Trini y LlItht'ran ('llUrc The public I;; 1m' i t cd l" th e pro­ gram, which hp!;,in!l at S 'cl<')('k n \' . S. J. N. Ylvisa kl"r, p&:o;tOI" at Stanw or!. iii Ihl" fli!·E'c lor. His rlaughter . M . i"" \'j>1 nrg Y l v i s Jter, ·-cr.rnranJ"1\ tl1(' group The III g­ I ' 11 1 · "pst d . p. [rore I hp t'nn("t' rt m"mh r 'I t f h r'� I'kl� nrl T,.';1 i t \· "-ho i T "'i l l e n · t"rl a m I I,,· I�! l i n ::- " i n g-pra a t <jin' npr In Ih ("" ur h nf 10

Th J r t. ',fi 'f' m 1l1 hpl'� til

'\ lhe :;'1'1 u p. M ISS Mll!'�a l d ROll nl, pl'l�sl' dl'n t, \� i 1 1 cumlucL till.! IIIt'Clmg .

fr,o ikka !cholas w a - el ct�d rr"slri"nt of the P ark l anr! Trln lt L'I' heTlln Ladie,,' Guild at t e 11. 11 n u a l m(>eling hl'lrl Tu eMay rve· ning. 'MI'R, NIchola!':, who wlil tak<:: office Dcc. 1 ( . uceecds Mrs, O . ' resident 'l'i n �(>I[, ad who hal! been d u ri n g th e pa t two years, Mr�. Dltman Lilrsell was lecLcd 'ice. pl'esid!'nl. taking t h e plCl.c of :UF.3 Emn, • CoHnn. Mrs, Gerhard H kenl'on 5 thO' ne. w secretary, sutcee,hng MiB< Thora OlBo n , and Mrs Gporgp TnPso n WIIS chosen tr"A�urer, filling- he pll!.cf' form ly occupied by Mrs, R o·- Boynton, .

I ,,'n in l':' lIcl'vit'clI wi l l be he,}'1 at 11 II . m. Ch I Istma� clay at t he 1 a r k l an r l Tr i l tv Luth!'l' 1\ ehul' h. Rrv. T O. � nll ·e. pa!ltol'. ThE' Trinitv hoir' rlirr'ctr d h ' 11'1<. CHern",] O. Ison , WIll , I � ",' I I nl ' I ::: hl " fl om AshJ o l . !'s I" I t ! , 1 >1 . ' !l illy Ni �ht.' ' Dr'w nrop 11 (' S l i n : n � ' from t h r c n ­ tala, ,,} - in g n r In'" ' by Dan r · 1 Pl'olh r 0<' . a n rl " C hr i stmas Lu l ­ lah ·n bv Chri1>lill.n. en. Miss f l l ­ ([ I'r.1! L; rSt'n W i ll sin::!' he solo in jllnlm <; h o l l ' . rl I�ennct h J R e ob l> . ":llcnt • 'igh l." The

d Is.

l'�ctecl wi l l


P -T

Wrrlnesll�y at 2 : 30 ! I'�. Phiilp E Hau!:: !'

" <:"11

will o' ,: lock rr idlng;, I\n

pro�l':>m 11�� l)N'n 111'­ The\'" ,- ill he �'1'O Up • in� 11)(1 1 ' '"' ' i l l in� Anr! Rev . • J :.. n l '"' , . 'Thr "iVl' Christm ; " Mr Tllp lI�t I:'l"'I rll" rh 'Lhm h nd 1'1 1Y �c\'crDI 'lctccllnn nrl I" r-Iw i l l hI' • Inl!' by mem t 1'h" �irl ' rlpp club A al P I t pi: y, "Cl Ilrlerrll, - 1 <': hI orr,' " I ll hI' p l'I"!lrn l(,rl 1111 ,\(01' · he dirl'clioll n f ,fr!" .r. 0 , Edu.'ards, In th c•• t � r(' \ i r "' ini a Davi5, Jl'net Hau>: 11'1 JUJ1tnl' Da vis. R _ [r"5hm�nt�1 \" " bO' .... rv".:] 'j l h } 1'" ,I , Mc QUit' in chartoe E" t'ryo ne ' wei nl

J an�('r\.


Parkl a n d H o m e

thl' d a y (I f t ll':' i , 2 1 l h w ,I [ I' d i n " n nn i \.'rl'!<:lry, Sa l l lrd y, 1 ,·s. Evan H ; ;;: ' I of Pal k [1J ,I hnrl e n t t:l i nN! a T'umh . r) l'if' r 1 d s 1\ t \ hClr Parkl and h ,m Re\', amI Mrll Thos., i n vitl" I w p r 1 �. Tu--ina M til· T . Svn 1'1' . < 1 . ('''0 .�� 01 . . n . MI'. a (\ MI'. I n gr (', vrg-l' La ld C'rbrct, . :\f1'9 S n la nrl. \I l's. H . !., Dahl MI' l v� AI I'S. 0, J . S tut'n, Olson, Iln


Parkland Church Services Dec. 25

thl' lullA-by .

H n:-; b a t



J unior College Assn. to Convene At U. of W. Several


lill.' in th,' Education Buil ding at t he Univcl'sity of "'ash ingt n In Sea ttle. D r O. A Tin gel tad of Pacific Luthcra n collegc is presi­ dent of the group. DurinI!' morning' lb.' DC:ln Philip E. Haugl' of Pacific Luthf'I'Rn college' , chairl1l n uf the e on st tution com mitt r. WIll pre­ sen I the re-worded dra l flf l b ,.. cons ti tut ion for fi na l approval A t he I'a m � l'esl'ion J H . Binns, :ltnte Y A dircctor, will sp(' � k on " Th!' Pre-sent Strl tul' of the Nl� tion� Youth Program . " Other SpCil kel·· Sal l l l'd:lY mOln­ ing will be Dean Frl'denc , 10;. BaI lon of the University of Was inglon, speaking on "The Relation of the Io'cdera\ GO\'"rnmcnt to Education, ' D" an Cl aT'le� H. LI" -:i:l "r It ""man Junil)!' e ol ­ gi\' i n g' ;l summary of com · activities. and Dcan Er!H. Lauer spE'a l{lng on thl.' . "Va lues in Cf'nnra J Ed uc a­ , W F. 1'.{ar tt n , Ul.'puty su len rJ cn i of til" Slatr BORn! a Uon , w i l l lOlroducc

ddi n .gr-

1.'1'. :' J l o l "\1 r!'. ,A )vil1 n. Lel\ma1'!i1. I " " k l a',, ( , nn' ,unc . Lb e m a " ­ r J:'(' fir cl l ria l �h t cr. T..nul!;( dPl t h . to Br- I1Ja m i n UI ingrl : Bl ck. of San � r nci The we'l­ ri lll l: , whIch look p l l>ce in f'arkla n l l \YI' !l1 r"d�.' I.'vr n in £', com � B.c; fl U , I i1'r to 11E' JUlmy friends of Ule ( mily (ln l-' c)o�r rria J \'es wet'e T're�CJ1 t a t he cr rp m on which wa q1ll " tJ. · 1m !'mnizl'u at o'clock by til . e\' T. O 5; 'n rc . Thr bride \VBS dre ssed

1;00 'n of ()�r cl'cpe. simpl:,' la hi o n c-t] . and wore a eOI'�agl' 01 l' hil.' chrvsa n thrll1 U m R . H r r onl" ' q ! f'nrll1n t Wl Ill hcr .sister , Mill.'! DO�­ olhy I hI, . •PI! . MI'. Bnd M J 'll. B I Rc k left by mo­ tOl ' ThurR,ju morn i n g OJ) a well · d Tl ,., t l'lP to Lo<; A n gp lel'. Tl)('y WIl l rrlur (l f'a.rkland f(lI' the Tha k.< · ;:;I\'i n, '101irl11 ' bl'rorr ('!'l ta l)l il'h i n" Ull'U' n' \V hom" III "'1n Franci sr.o wherr. , ir BIRCk is ell!:F gect in bu. in


Ta ccl)nan s R rr f;C' hr du1rl l

lo lake a n ac t i \'c part in th. th i rd annual convention of the "'allhin�­ lon JUIll IJI' Coll('�� Bll!Oocilllion when it PPl1!l at 10 a . m. S'lur­

I d iscussion . F. B own . principAl ot Slc\\,­ art school. wi l l appear on tb art­ program.

E n terla i n Daugh ter

P lueg r nn I T, O. S\'are will "nt,. l 'dn mern\) r5 or Ih,. ['acIIle Li l t "'ran Col l c�e Lutl1erar DaUE:'hter,. of h " Rcfnrm,l 11 11 :J t til!' home 01 val" Thu r1;<lay aftRnonn � 1 ]\!r



H ostes s to A ll x i l l a rv

MI fl . A S 81"1'1< ent. rlamed members of the PaCIfi c L u l hrri\n col l ege D 0 r TIl j t Q r \' au l I I a ry "'prl nesrlay after nonn at her home al 1 0 1 3 51). 15th at.

M mbPrs n "1'ollrl '-n tn the ·0 ve m ]:I!'r roll c a l l by �i\'in,l:' artip­ tUT(' passa�l'� relatinE:' to Thank a­

gJ 'In�

A I ewing walt given b Mr. E. A r thUr LarSCID, a nd frs. : A h ill r.. Lewis fa vored v,'ith a





Mra. J. p, Ptlul'ger

The �rol1�. made plans for & rhristmB" prcgl' a m lor thl'ir n xt monthl_' lDt'ctmg.

,, -. l�

rri ce-Gr� y

At An In ('rm�1 w('tiding A L enrt,.rt onl\ by clofle relativp:", M i s hli t , ''1 ' wi n . on!'; cm Luci l l E" Pli'ce, (If P;l�a rlen �, ��Iu " I theil "Iln" i " "� ' [1':;, Ar! '\I' <11111 htl' of ngl'l lsl Ch!Hlell S, • 'orlln of P. r} I l1 n (1 �n Ctta i nNl Pne or hat ci ty " (j n esd ay :-I'Oltp of . rl('nd, 11 Il. 1 o' cl n e l, , [tl'rnr;()n brc me th hdrll' of Har- : l u n e-hron at hrt· home S" luruuv C,n'l Y � t the home of hi!' ' aft "n on. th"r prv , F ra n k Gra), re. hhng C:ool ln to ba.11' t il 2 ] 39 Sn L 51 . Tile rites, pl'l ­ \':1 h lll ' h" .(" �n,,,n hv h ... fathE'!' C)f Ulr groom , w" r I" m!! ,�p... cial i n t('I'(!,� \\'111 1 Tacom- (or ! h ... \) h d r of frir'1rlll ja'a il\crl in rrviolls �i I" nI'l e , VI'hilp Mr , -,Hl ,\' i III r,.. � enl a t""l' hr in t hl', Mid! nd JUI1 iM I I I' hr n \ . Th e hrir j " 'or " . rl re • (If TI!� il ' crep" 'Ith " CC) <lJ:'1' nf orrh ­ !;hl' W 8 � � t tpl4l1rri b v h e T !li�­ I Mi n O" i , Pdcf', C)[ Pasa­ 1"1' , Mi, rlen a , "" ht l p Mr I b r " t Knudsnn 01 Sae l'smpn t o q t enrl ",'I t l P J:'rf1om B azaar Af 1' 1' IIhnrt wprl rli n g t ri p t h e r ouplp VI' i l l ,j> "t home at I h l" 'll <1 f' r t he chairma n, h l p of Mrs, Ch" rl1!bc apa rtmentI'!. S o 8 h and Q , .1 . Rtw- n , \"n m r n of t h " P� rl, l a n rl Tri n i tv G 111 a re pl rnln iny I •_---•••�IIII• their a n n u a l 1 ZlI'l l' to be g iVl'l1 hr' church :::R tll rday f'ven'in � in


,l i n n l 'r al I\ :lO "p'mm� of VII I

pa rlor .


wl l

�· IIIIG.!I.tJ.

fnllowed by 1\ ious bnnl h.s with

II f ::I I I'


baza r of t ilr � ctho(\ist church. sponlhE' Y nlln� dll'lI auxil I re. cra l artlln,::'c m ents a re Ii�. 1 11I1) ' WI l l he hE-Ie! Fnc1 a v 1I1 t he \,·tn F: . 1'. 1 , (nrtl O. Ol�nn anrl (!"r1Qck j 1 t ill' fr !11 I r h l l l cl Tin- 18tao, H C(l't ('s�('� WIll b Mr� n nl: un T i l III e tha t 1'\,l'ni It mn ' t m I ., E n t n� " . �! i , � ["ate A M rs. Fl'(,rl c ck a nlel on a v1 [ rEi, zen . "11'11. Lt1ui. Prtpr� .n, MI'�, G. Edwin VprnA M orl'e l l a re in cha rgp o( I In;, n.1 Schlanhuaeh

: ntl I s 'or 1;;1 1 AEsiRting Ml�, Sl u r n

w i th


I thodi st




ChriAt Olas

parkl !l,n<l ",'",.1 hy



arr a nJ:'('nt pn l6 , L IIlcheon w i l l hp 11('1' cd from n ' be'n I h�\'r c:nm m i l l f'('R "'� bl p l H- o'clf) k on thl'ou�h t h l' � !tp rnoon . appolDtcd all (ollows: .. turkey dmnrl' wi l l hf' 8f'rved ran � l' m "n t , ,Ir!'. Cl iffnrrl 0, Olson t rom , : :lO o'clock l'l '1 o'clock bY I l'h/ll n an ) , M rs, Kenneth f11.cnhR. 'Th e SOCle ly. {I� Ruth F'a,itlel;1' , Miss Emmy th E' Ladles' Airl irl soci ty 111 m �0\t'101 M UIS GrRce G l\ a rrl. M t .. s Young Ladles' ( he lunch on. lIFs T renl' F'atJ - charl':'e lI�ol .1ohnson, Boo h!ll will lncluoe 'i<le $lS- , H l" n ry O. n �s . !lalr!'l booth, M r e of t rae Iv a ' ic l cs for H ... nry LaVi llf' , ru m - I snr t m nt Dalp, ]\.IT sa le. 11<1 " hitl' rlrp h an t b I m a ge opt ' . 1 "';;' =�-""" 11 a \ l a ll , Fluet:'rl'. M I'P CIa 11<1(' frf!. J r rtnlJl' Enck on ; 1 r� A . PeJl tt,


r8en : DitT'! R T' b'1oth, M r hl iclL ', Mi�1! 11th Swenso n. MI.!'" Trcne. Farl n l'RII. I n �onnp('tion " t t h the Gut l rt , .1 : 30 an d .I U ll · bazRAr. th" . f llninr i or r... � a�uc w t l l �ACI1 p i 11 Ii hp"Ul !lvp I , fl!lA EISA A rn " on a p r! M ill, food

G U1lrl

rlrannr Pyorr, GertTlltj,. Tmgr l ­ I tarl " n,1 (;rq�f' PanTeo '11 the .Ill lor� -, r iT' chll'rj!'p. Rnp



Jun ior

Gl l i l d ,


!)1 1111 el'

GRI D BANOUE , o WE NESOAY P. L. C . Stud ents Are Tn Pay H nor to The ir Team hA II 0 l"' 11 anrl 1 ell e(IR I'll , '!l r(ord o Ol.-nn , \ 'ill be lhr )!,IIC" nt th r. L, C 5 urlen t body at II hanqu "t tn br hp ld iVedncsda v !'vcnin a.t 6 :30 o ' clock. in the 'ol le�l' dining hil l ] O n I) the out. land I n ,!:' a n I 11'.1 pl ''' - h ollda y even t. at lh .. call '. the banquet i thl, year tll'ac lin.., more than vcr the 8 ttenU un o( the st udent group . follow ing the unull l1P Y fine l'ecur d mil'! dUI'ing Ih .. pa!'lt Rt'R�'ln b:; I h L u l h r. r ll n ' f'11.m. Un Cl' tht> Ical)(" 'f!hip �Ir h hI) 'rl nf om tl'Ol , e la I, 01'A tl' p l ' H1 S !I I' heln� m <1" 'n ..ho t h ,' p. II!' ClP t l ' n "I he tlj(1 n t bor.l w h " t til .. lC" 1ll a noj I ll'! rOlh;h 1trl tht� yell I' i n (01 b� I I t (J hrln P L '" li t h I c- t tl' I t" pu t:t ti"n 11 I .. h l ja'hf' " l i p I hI' l;Hjrjl' T 1\1. ' h rr TOI\ t mR �t ,. , F"0110 � i � !r .. d i tton , t he lurll'n body p re 1" l'nt , Bert ,f\'h !'f'. y.' II I!�t 1ll'1 tOIlRl mllsl p l Wrdn f'.'lrl l'lY ,.. "" king W I th Myhl'l' In P l'l'l'In r � d f' l ll l l � of lhl' rn... !''! m III R b Monson , !llur)r n t vii f' P '('!lid! n ' Oil " of ! hl' intf'r l'!'Ittn g fe'l tur p ) :tnnl'd is thl' showin .. or mnl'in g plrLurf'l'! til ken by Pa u , PI' 1111. coll� e [ 1 " l rl a ent. � 1 thl' Ltn t"ltl pi yrd In L i nCo l n Bowl , "11mI' Cnmm lttcr'l c, 'm m i llee:; h 'l ' (' (en � PPtl l ll tc,1 .. f'1 l 1 nw!l ' Tic:, ('[<;, !lhn " urr ( chRir mw ) , Pau l "r on, EdwA J'f1 ]..f qc hl l' , room A l'l'ang (nt cn t , Brn Joha n �on ( ch� iJ'm 11 ) , HiI\' I'll HlJd, on, Paul X� 'IN, AlviJ1 Leh. T"lIciflC

Luthpr R n

C"llq, r


mllnn , Gcrha l'rJt Pf l uege r ; rl eCOI'II­ l'i, Enid Hu t�on ( h i rman ) . Marl l' John son , Je a - M A rtC J'uw­ n ler, Evelyn Mon�on . Robl' r l a Tor­ ri�on , Roy Lund qui.! . Fmm ' l Thom pson, a H indl'l l lt- \' {'mer


Bitt!'\' ,

mrn l l M �r � :tJ'r Craft ( rh 'l i rm'ln J , E I I' " n,l l n url bau.t:' h, I'rlrll cir t"n bprr. Joann a Man-

o\ l\'onn Arnr , fia" m l nr! ' R('irl, Ll ovd Thom pson, JurllL h Bf'] lion ilt In cha rgr of stuo �nl wa il!'r � n d \\'(1 i tr('",,,,,.s.


n n ual F a l l Bazaar

Women of t h c P"rk l�nd }"r('lho­ i�t

church aTC complet!n!;, plfms lor their an n u a l 'a l l b aza ar . Of'

gi\' n I �.



tbf' church par ­

The hazllllr will opm II.t o'clock in . be n1 ( rnlng, ron t i nu i n s:­ through th.. rlll.\ with a [Mrl lml ... R 'l rl otbl; offerinJl' riiilere n t llinrl l! of han di work.

At nnon mCl'lb('1"1I of the '" o l i n /: Ladlc" lIuxi li ry wi ll �er\"l' I I ml'h , :md from .') :30 ' to j :30 " tu k ... dinner \l'i11 be served by tl P L;oril 1" Au!. ?--I IllS F ra nc ...s , '(,H ref'. prc�ldf'n t of 'h .. Youn� Ladie<,' �u .i 11<1.1")'. 118" appoi n ' �d M . FI·crieril..k Danif'l­ Morr...ll a "on I'nrl Ml·l'!. VI'I'"11 wor� 'it h her "'rn ... n l chairmrn and th othC'r m�mbeTl! of thp "x­ C'cutive committeC'. Mrs Wilbu r Swen"lon . vIce presi drn t : Mnl. R R lph �hf'l·ri l l . l'CCI·"t",.",. and Mrs.

Frank l-l anRIN. tr 'R :<' l I"l'1 h�'l rlin� thC' pr'JgTR ln com m l l t rc 111 �r�, J&m (';< Moo 'l', while Mrs. S nil'" ROl!S( l I " in cha"t:" o r pub­ licil ' Other m e m bers sharing- In the - plan" includr Mn;. W E H�nrl" '�on, Mrl! L"Rlr DRv(r '''In. Ml"l'. " R. Crookf'r. 'Mr PRul Froman . Mr�. GladyI' D i l k. y.'<r", I f'( " I If Ii: .1l'nnie Swanl;on. .Mr� DlI.nic'''on, Mrs. Verne M orrC'\i , Mr, J. "H om cl'. MIS. �;o In Ander­ lion, B.nd Mrs Russell Scearce.

8ho" er Honors B r ide­ E l ect

Honoring ],Il!!!! B eth C' ilflo� ol 1\11'. 8n,1 Mrs. F, C 1 0 11110 Gahrin or Parkland. who marnal:'"' to M r. Ha rry Durant, jr., son of MI', anti .Mr. , HSI ' nUl a n t o f Tacoma . is of inter I'll 10 th mllny rr'ienils or thl' yotlng c uplt', VI.. Kt'nnC'th .la<'oh!i 11 erlam II q t. h r r PArkland h"m� Tl1ursrlay

riaugh cr

P. L. C. 's Building Program Is Considered By Trtlstees

A b u il d mg program Ior Pac i f l p'B Rev. S .f . �. '1 kcl' 0 1 L I thl rBJl c lege was considered Stan rood, Ilnd Prof. J. l' Pihlcger t ' ill w ck q l css,t on s of thc col- of hI'. colle 'I'. J �r board o( tl"uslccs . DetaIls WIll • propo�cd chilli Lr'ip whiCh W Ill wlI lt on thO' rrOOm m ndaUo" ot lakl' 1'. L. (. !!Inl! I t nt " till' I n ­ Pau l A. Pr"lIs, colle l!" li Bel ficlrl ! Ill \ d Fmpl!'r :1 nd �'es t c l'n Mon t ana ... n t . ' a fi B PP\"IWe,1. 1 ' Il d i t i n ('omm i trcp comp(J �"tI To " i.t PI cs ld .-nl '"!'in�cl tal l In la:!ng p l�l1, for' lh .. L ltllcrsn rally of . L. LcknPlI nf �le11\'n ()d �rH! '" bl' hrlrl li t .. collr.!!"c the ftrllt G. H. lIaukr li of A hi' nlrr n WIUJ rpoi nterl. Th ,. n rrl � I VI'RT. t he' boa rd appO I nt!." ! set a 'lrv Jo�l mcr . • 10 nson of Olym- rC.'·ll laT lie lcdU)r of mCl'tin;;�. H f' re - I




,t till'


D cide To

Luther LeagtL H old " Wa tch

Nigh t" Party

M U!I; L ona Lindeman. a m e m - R rickson, sl'cr lIUT, l Ull! Rl1ymon, , treaSUT ('J '. Th��1' officer s IJ"[, ot th" J. ir� Luthcr an Lut he r , Tvpt"J' "'in thell' dutics II t n('e . ....'i l l Il'!!" UP ha b(,pn cho�('n to h!'ad Thr council df'cidcd te, sponscn 'w ' e ll . wa lch pa rt.. ' . Thl� l he rounci) o f Taeom.. L u lh r t a ) 'al: Ll !!, it WIU; q nnou n(�cd lo dll �' will hI' "i '('Il I n the pa rlor!! of 'hulch under hI' She sut: "c.d� Mi a The rna K raabcl . n l m ! uf Lu lh(,I' M pm ul ;a ) l e a gue . s., i!<trd tIlrpc t lCl n (If �e'l IV(,I �on. \ Jl h "T nffieO'T" i('ctNl Wftl'l' .VC· bv M iss 1It:l1'lthll r; " !I£' , j()hn Klr­ IVI R()tl, \ i !'r- fl' �i, ('nt Re a t n e kcbo 'lnu B"a trice Eric l,�on. II T h ·' g l oup .1180 dedd ed , " !!!!!!!!!!•••••••••••• choir {'oncl rt !!L on





pOll. 0 1

a join t

of the year' \ m. on y a rran gemake eho$en to Llo rd John, on. Mi I'C nwnl!' " I'll Raymond a nd J o hn�on

!I ( te l' the firs t


M arS!",ret Rorem Will Be Edi tor Of the Saga Mi !O n1Orl'



MA r"R l·" t

R(lrl'nt . �r)p Paci f i (' Ln t h('t'lIn col le/:, .

hI' n chol'I'n hy th . (llculty as

ItOl' "t

lh ('




!! tude n t

d('pal'lml'n t , iR


Lin 1)11'.








a "'I' dua te


h igh lIehf}l a�tic honol·s.

he h.l.

'ea r-





At P . L C.

T ,� t !". The n�xt <'Qu oci! m t'eling will hI I\,,!d Tu e�dBY. J l' ln. 1 4 . with thc charge . n e w oUicerll i

Furni ture Given To P. L. College M r. 1' n Pal'klanrl

hI! '('


30 pice

fw-nJt \1 1''' to P'tclfic Lu hera n I'nlle1:' . wh lp.h h.l s madr pos�lblr. II I'cnrgani .z tu.n nC 1 hl' adminilil r,)


to bl' a n honOl Included in lhr g U Ll' l ivp nCCk .•t ud"nl. This '1'111' she i' pl'�lIidl'nt · \'P I'C l11 :J hoga y �l lte. s (' n ' n R o! th(' Lu thcl'l'l n Daughte l's (l( t hf' (l . firl' ()pslcs. lWo liMes. and " lar'!\"c RI'Cul'n a t i()n . IS 3 mrmher of th" I1l1mh' r nl ('hair!! n n(j tll lsccllti­ GcrmRr clu b, Delta Rho Gamma. I u r1l�hings. in hO' (' ho i r, :l n h ll � tak(' n par rl"b' , n rl 'ooJ 'n a 1i�tic a c tiv iti!.'s. I conti n ued

n ,. lor r nt \ r'" 1 1l"�11 v·nlL m('('t II ,. ' Till' <Il1v I II -\1'1'11 AIl;:u Ilecr mbrr. a rI I.h" �"PClltr \' J1� I tl ('P i l l 1<'C'brlla ry, ,Iunr thl' �aml' d " y


H un oI'S �I I "\fl"



H A 1 UI<1 of L l' -." ..,liI L. 1 H s of t he biolol'.' ,1f"pRr m· "' l A t l'�cifi(' L U i h(,1'1I n col l("p�. m lO ­ t I , (II 1 111' D (· 1 tII Rho Ga m ml' P f ­ lllinf I a t 11 t II Thu 'sdi\\' II ftu'noon in t11f' coJJ f'�'(' ,·cc. p liu n ruo n . Th Ii fr i1' IV" "Ivcn In \ · plen Ol . Mrs Len! s. fol lo\' n)<' h I' I'ecpnt ffiPr· l'ia g(' t o Dr. Lel 31s 1nd t h t> ('sla b· lishlnjl" of t he ne" PB l � n d hom . Mil's RI ('an al' Ra l l l le:, n u . h. pr s­ irlpr l of 0 I ta Rho (j a m 11 , pr�­ !O' d ell t l h ., t"a ! <\bl sPt. in 1 1.., l'hr· �t m . s mutif. \ nn� th 't.·r n mo inrulpn aj musi . a t t h r rhmn w, � ;:i vl'n hv Miss XOf'll1H Pf'CIIS a nr! :M J . !' Jone Mil dscn. Rc 1 <l in l' \ '1' 1· g i l'('n b,' Mi.'is \Ya (ic'nc Cll l a ­ \',n1 �n I } l i �1; Mad!'rn, R nll a " OC R! " llet by T!li:CR Mi1dl'�d antI En'­ h'B �. 001'0 11 . a ('(:0111 panipd by Mi� A lice R'I m. ta,\. i\t n'. Lr> I R Il S WIIS pI 'Rcn lpd \\, \ l h ;:ift. fr.!· her new hom b. ' t he o R. T. m(' mlle l'�. Gil st. \'. I t" MJ'!'. LCI'R A S WE-I'" Mrs. Lon. B. J'n'idl'l'. drnn of WOlll( n . _ 1 1 r t 11'1' Oa\ll' D. R. G. 1\ <1 " i.< I'r. a l l I . l rs. O. A. Tingelstacl . \ ' ile of thr pre' Id··nt.

Tho. ·ft in c h a r!':e of R lT ll n �in.� th" t" B W(, I'(, }.{"l'ion P,'nni ... . . udith f' n�on. R u hy Mor)) , l " \I t a H;.I l1 � C , A n i ta Br; Tl . En!(\ BIII),p, T-Jccl\li�' Dahle, Ruth .folm>;on E \ I�rn }.i onFon . Alice 001,. F. 'c l yn F.rl Ju11ci, Mildred Mon�on, Val b m � 1 'O l'by. Gel'l ru,f,' S l cnb(,l'g. F:1Slt B[\ t'l" ' l t , J u n t' \\'a l l l',., M a l 'V .. D('r1nch I1nd ./(·an A r mOll

TRUSTEES IN MEETING , , \ l ('�e Thl' Pllr iflc e ,,�­ l tJOl\nl "I' lTl\!lle('� hplt r.lIl hel' �n . thell

rntn� A t thl' ("0 tng Ttll'�r1ny rno k ('\lape l Brl'\' l e "' (' with Hi ,l'<'!oc t Ill' pr� IIll'n t of c n rlllctl'(l by . I I M. Kl'.A boll nl , t he Rev. Luth era ll eh pasl or of Ccnt ra.1


in POl't1Rn 'l.



01' tIll' ::'acifH; Lut heran coll ege �r1 1 n i­ lor� will m et Tut"sda.· fl' m :!. until i) o' clocl, for t h eir ,I � H ual Chri tmas meeting and 1)lI,' i n(,'-R session. The grnup will o'at her at the coJ leg-e l'P­ ion room at t h e i n vi tatl rJll J[l's, Lora H. Kre i d ler. In-. N. J. Hon g 11" . E. H, Bond and 1rl i . . VIvian John on, hos teo ': s. •


Thr ,,"n,o n n r l follow :

8np! a nns : 11-]"5,1 :1 1111' Philip HH ugl' . h.ennclh J acohs. BLlrl Rllv monrl , r E. H olm,.. ,... Ril(1I.

Ni cholll ,

Ro�� Bo 'ntrm. Ditman "n, CllfCo'rl Ison . Llln' R, n n in g, h'in . LI" 'III, Rnrl ( hI' MiR""� M i lorcd MonRon, Romol.

Rllllt, M , ld r,.d LaTeen and 'era \' I'/!'R "I'n . Al lo Mcsda mrl< Viet <11' trom, IiIfnrd O. Olllon am Iltd, . I'nnie G. � WaD/lOB J U, XII 'let', , M. Freeman, Harr y �, H i Lch, H t:'I'm an .MiliC I', a n d lbf' M issc Evelyn Monson , SylVia 1111 Arneson , S l ol ('''. EIRR. 1'1" A i m Trl'n� Orlt:'lI . �l na. Tnbis!lon , 15aliv, Boe. h('l 1 r S ' r'" P ul J Li n k . T nOI, RA v m nnrl , \Y C. .s1"l'g(JI':V, :('I,r (' H ItuRla ri , V :> l t\"1 e · 01 '(," , Em· mdl J . T omps,.,n, obut M llnson, Al vill C•. LpWl". A rnnl rl Anrl"� nn, 1l .• P · The" , M, Dan I,. !.;, ErI\\'. \\ , " 111:'11 " 1 . M ich I N, 1" 1' ;; " k. H ro lel Lr }" P8. Pau l K. PrI"UII. H :1 l'r. , ',

PI' -elllation of 'Thl' ). essi ah" in th e Ruditol'ium oC rtnit v Lulhtr n cJ- urch S unday nlj!"ht. '1'0[. J OlIl"ph O. ErlwlI ·dR. rli rl'c tor of mllllic a t P ·c'fI� Ll l t h rrall CO 1 1 1'$"1", whn or. !;unl �d h .. j!"rou p, " i l l a n d 1l ct.. Thl", will � I hI' flf1II t ti ntp I hp Ha ndr 111 I l' q,i r" e 311 b .. ,.n 'un, In arkland com­ m nil�·.

R"cllu " f)f I.hl' rI 1111''' to include nf "The lah" thRn i'l IUlIJRlh p r e .. n ted th� concert " I I b,. i n 'I t 7 f)'clock. Onl' o f t h t' li tti(' krm" n e horo, I'll �'hlc! P" nC, Ed. wards 1aeltcled i8 ., et Us BTl'ak T elr Bondi Asunder." m part IT The «yaup also will sing all of the finale. " Worthy Is the Lamb." The last part, own all the "Arne horua," u !!uaJly 11 omi tted.

ColI'. A, M. Fre('man. Rolph A ' I III • Prell!!. O. Bol I � rl . Tln� ( stad. T. O. SVRre. Semhar t Broru on , L a \\'iJliam� and , J . A Mool'e

m ol'''

"';ololSlII II rc Burl Raym nd , t('nn " ( omfm l Y I' M, ' Peapl " nd F:vcl y v" I1rv Sh; 11 Sf' Exal _ ('d . M r� A M . Frerman ,

l ra l t o,

"Beho l o , '0

('.oncl"i",.,,, " n r!

Orchcs ra


me mbers


l argel y of students from Lincoln hi 11 chool who ave been undel' t h e direc Ion of Mrs. MarJret Raw­ . on Oh(,Cll . rlil'I'ctol' of music, inc1ud!' t h I wlnl;; V ioll n.� . � H'h n SyVl'1' on, Nc­ "l' 11' Ross, /' o l'g . I ohnson. Bob Brlltlb \ J l ,, : lol li . Mluie Kn iJil h t. On I I I I' H Ol'l t l' lt I Geor c Grec n ­ w 'I, 1"hlllp Wnod . 'Crl l n. r.llldyl' 01"<'0, Bptty Tay­ lor, C"h rlnltl' Bl'r�nll. t. A tkinl!. ::; ln� hAu fortn" �l\1 t ,. : Lot Gl a i m e tl; : Vlrgmi& WuhbUn1, ff Ifmlln, Obo .. : June R r l l o . 8 oon ' (;llllre. r.·" rhc.k Trumpet · L�wl G, Hun t�r. ' I'tneh

,I til" -\

hom :



Pel1('tt Tr Imbon : Marvin Jensen. Caa· .<\ 1 t �.e( Lestl'1' Hal : n t: Thelma Da.nlela,

mE' nbE'rl'

eal ,)\';, fl !l 1" Pflueger will I'r('�i.1 al the bURlDl' s meeting ",'hen n officers wi l l bp el ec ted . A !lomi n at ing (' 0 m m i t t I' e MI' . Pflueg 1 hilS Rppointed Mr� . ! Ilklfpi Lono and . I'S, Ed win Tin elsta d . M " m bl Tship

of the 00 1 mltf)r" whl 11 inc ludes 1 acifl" Luth I'an facul ty women wives l'f fa lIltV me mhers a n d \ 'iycs or · pa. tor. in Pal' - land Rnd T com . ill compolled or t hl ! 110wlO M I S. H , Bondy. M rs. JOlleph (J . rR. N .I. Hnn!:. MI' Edwards, I hllip E . H auge. 1>! I'll. Lud,')1:' I on. LA" son, {r,�. Clifford Mr. PRul A. Pn'Ul', MI J . P. Pi l u 1'1', 1> I . A . \\', m�lil I . . ,J. Stur'l . .Mr� . T. . SYII " . MI"I;. M I'!' . Erl wi n Ti ngeis ltd. :r. 1. O. f\, 'ringl'l!lt d ;vrrF J . U. Xa ' lr l'. Mr ll . Lora B. Krl'i (! l c]", , I'll, [ t !1 Lr I'l'IPll , MI"!', Tlleotlorl! Nrill�on. 1 1 11 . �1. N. ra nc k, M l 'fI, H:ll'nJrJ .T. ; Lr' ra'HI. i nl, . Asper a n rl M 5 '1"':'I'1n Johnson o' P'IrJ;IIl'1r1.

auxil i ary,

Mrs . 'orman nO"I'IIf)n , F. C. MaRon. 11'3, V. E. T I1 "' ·"'I. , r rs, H. E, Andcl"'o . Mr A Rl'rg-, MI. . E. M. HI gj!"('. John A Joh son. I'!<. A. I Larson, ].f1·S. Millk" Lono, . fI ll. el' lha Nelllson. 1rs, " H RCl ll . Mrs. O. Running. J ro. I hur Sydow, i rs. A I \in G. Ll'WI , TI . , .Ml ch f'l�"' n . Mrs. H, P , John­ I' lind Mrll Adllh Dllpp ...r of Ta('0 n :" 1 M r Al lhur !(nlllz n nC


HR 'I n

olo ist


Mon:: liln n

I plc galiwl'c r J


" undnv ;Iighl sup­

[IN' thl' Nil'l101a� hom , II m011" jll� I1\ , Iw mbe1 IlC g'1"l(iul\ I'S � wl 5 1,le ntB Ilf Pac ln LIlU' .... 'l'n ('(li­ I ' ·:rc . .\{i'lS l.11ch('lsl'n ha, In� gran­ unted U'um , he �olJl' N,'ws oC 1 he W I d'l I l l � , wllirh is ct fr l' ncx l . ummel'. 1 r 1 I1tt'r'. t. T\C,l o n ly 1 ( , j [ Icnd f lhl:' cou p l e i n or land fl n d S"; tll(' all,) in the e<llll';;c �roup, but also to fn('nlis b �polt;) e , Mr. �1 < ,r\{en 9 1'0 1.'1111' 1 ' hoIl ll' , IUld in Yr- In lind Ulymp JII . whc1'e Mi. l\ljf',hC'lfi" 1 lau.::; I1 ! II I in!' In accept in ' h�)' PI" con l PO:;I t 1m In the schools lif l he­

Tht' om ncil ;:rrtlup of r h T<1 " I m " I LULb rr L"Ilg-u E's Iwlrl I h r i , nnufli hU5ilJr' SF MlPE'tin g TI ('�( • Yo r\,l'nin Il l . the home "i :vI i. s B all'ice E Ie 1-50n , 5005 So L st. '1 he Eet h. • ny 1�ule I leaguE'. lJ. r League was lb ho;;; t

S t u d e n t s To H ea r S pe ak er


B l 0n50n . of scatl!e, in, r ,UI IJ[ lh,' bass slIlos in "Th fPfl. nh," which .vlU be fll' f n t l' d , t Trin i ty Lu heran ('hilT h. P'1 rklentl, Sunday night ! by the newly organiz,N! Parkl:tnd Choral soelet v. Mr Bronson \ ill In!;' " ThU . ; III th' Lonl , ' , "But \\ hI) l a y Abhk liw ay 01' Hill , l.o ming," " Behuld I TI·II YCJII :\ J:vSlf)'Y," u n" "Ttl ' TI'u lll [wl 'YiLi ollnJ," Th pres('nlation w i l l be uirE'dell by Pr"r. 1. O. Eilward.' . hemi of t hc nlll!lie ci, pilI tm n t uf PuriJlc Luth" I'an cf:lll g... . Th ... hol·II" oi Ii() VOICf'A Will ti, · uppil'mellt tI by .'! 20-plec(' ol'chl'll tra wlll"h include. a n umb r of Lincoln hig-h s<'hotl l mrlslcinns. jp inr1LHling d Ii Pmf. Rd>;\ t�·o churu!' !l o( "Thl' M < Fflia h" nnl : un,l{. I he ronel' l' 'wil l 111'I l I a l ly ; n al 'j o·r.!ol'

. 31 i Ii Ol i ve Chri sten . <'D, m i�­ S l O na l'V to Ch i na fOJ 3d year :, an I now at her home in E ver­ It on a h ort furlough. will

be th.c spea ker at he .January mee ltng of the Paci nc Luth erRn oIJege Dau o-l1 ters of the



i , .


' 0 " 1' .r, \. " t ", nI,r S Brun­ nnlng ltl 9 : 30. Gert rude is being a9si�ed L chairma n, . EI I7.8bcth Frii.� Rnd Mild red affair. l ' �cn i!l an-ang-Ing the .




D l . o n or 1,(, of trlC' l rill ., I{ 1111< l h . on h � �on, ot h' J fitt e(,11 h birlhday , Sa t u rday a.lLer­ The ,.l1est3 in lulled r, 1'­ nnon. hard Svare. Dlmald 'vare, B i ll �dm r F('\\� le[', 8[\1 Ranlsla tl, Ie1'l� PilueJ!:er, IUl,­ 'to! 11: fll! mond Prl u. ger , .Tu lor Ttl .. mpson, Bob 15wanson ntltt'r L mdl', Leo f' hl'pt·o uelma! hllUdL. on, RobcrL Ben Son and LrsLel' stor a�ll.

,j young p .... o­


I tl l


of ':\l j. s

Engagemen 1\I ithebe n

Re.formation TI�u r

n :Y



J� l1ln:;sm', "I !'�l-'a H o len _, �� h . a � tl ' rilasl l . 8al b,'j'lI P"t ' (.· r': R• < l n '. L(!r 1'1'. 1 .'1 Po E l'Ic,,�tJl I l . I'clll'l Ben1 1 1 1.1, Edi t h Sala l " I' lIa.n" D nI1 I , J J r ., and L';Slc r S loraa sU. " •


day afte!'noon a. t 3 :30 o'clo ck. At the invi tati oll of ,\frs, O. J. �tue n of lh e facu l ty gro u p and Ilk . Lora B. F l'eidl el', lean o f wom e n , the L. D. n . w i l l roDe ' " l at . 1.1' Slue n's hom . . •

l1i:'<s Chrill len!l(, 11 i� a ornlCOr �t udt'nl of Pllclt' iC' Luth eran college. and h a s a wid cil't: h' (J( friends in Pal'kl anci Her v is; I� looke d fot'ward t n by fri c nr l � anrl mcm beu of the L. n. R., as till' subject of m iS!lioll � fOl'lns "1 11 i mporta nl part Of the L, D. R. prog ra m. MillS Margaret Rore m wil pl' l slde at the mcel lng. int radu cinll' the speake r, an I announ Ing 11 f llowi ng addi tiona l num bers of the progra m : VoI-'l! 1 5010, Miss Rom ola Rlli' l ; rcatli ng, Mi!;s Mar­ ,l;a rc P arson ; p i R n' , s l d n . Ul'lll Tnn� Mact en and lb L. D R snng b ' thl' grou p .

P. L. C. lris tnla Co nce rt To B G ive n We d n e s d a y

nCRdil ("" '1'11 1n;: onla ln 1 1 ''''in,:: ll11m l., ,,! ' 1 1 '11 Mr . 0 Ll>rd . . . , • . . Nllhlc Cain (InF i l i i cI Fill- . . V lrlwn a i �l- in \·t:>nin/if A�n u ll Dri , . . , . . A u::: W,1 Souprm iln Trin- ClJrii;l ma Lu ll " ily . . mal ks . . • • , • . Wlllf Mlg M02<1 1'1 o SaCI'cd Ht'fI(I . • • • . • • • . • . • . . . , . . ' . P. MI'I I I 1 '; hl'lsli; msC'n Chillun Cum,.. 01\ HI mf' . •

• • • .

phi l .

• .

. . • • • • • .

• . . . .

J 'ubl


F. M c l i ull Clll'Jslia ns"n

A Iso Hel p<'lh l � . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . J S . B<lch P. a I m cr'wcnl)·- t hr .

gi II! L u t ran ('11 1 1 1 � ma k ing pla ns to organize 1\ \' 11 b which will hay [or I ts


3 1'C'

f pC'r�()nalil3' ludy pur pORe the ll n ci clull m. A ll gil'ls of t ill" �r) llr'gl' Thp a rc c l i .,. i ble for memhl'rl'lLl ip. fin.t iR Sdll'd ul"d [01 T\Hl!l(lay pvpnlng from 7 un t i l 8

1�\ f'!'lIng


o'cl ock


Man To M a "Sa ga" A t P. L . C.

C nlral Lutheran At So. Tcnth and G, the "Cholr the 'V. esl," singing group f�om �a­ ciflc LllthPran colleg , will give tht' new BaCT d conc ed arr�ged for thla season under the dir�c­ tlon o( Prof. J. O. Edwards. head of the college music department. mong thc salois !l will he Mls1! Mildred Monllon, Villo '1'0'111 si?g. t11e solo In the Dr. F. Melius Chnstian ­ nllmb('r, "Beautir ul Savior. "



c ol l ege

. rCCf'ptlOn


Of ficers S e 1 e c t e d Trinity Lutheran

Former P. L. C. Girls W ed�

Worr! 11a5 ('om.' to Pllcific 1.11 h. ('o i l ge cil"cle,� of the holid>1 Y


" pd di n


of h'o formP l' '1hit1" 11 tl' 21. Mills Gladys


S ilverton, 0 'e" and 01", G O rd al f S, 1Ji g.·ha m 'pre marrlr t lhl bride'� ho me. M r�.

Jor�en�en of

Or da l , � J,'I-actuate of th e P. L. C. !l:o r mll l ut'partment and a l o o f J1� nE'ttf' umv rs itv. formcrly ' t ucrhl in tht' social scienc dp­ partm cnt of t h E' Burlinglon I 'h �"' hool. Mr, Ol'(la1. a lso a gra d · ua te of P. L. C. and of Luther co l Ieg f in Dt'co ra h. [owa , is teach·

in/!" 1\t \' H�h

preIt'n t

i n Sou th BC'nrl , hr·... th e nC' w ho m!' ha1J bN'n (st hil hf'd. \"t , ch neidC'r of 1 Ii i · MillS H, 111 � qnd l"rSlnk E lliott of Port Or · ha 'd weti' married at the hride', ho m !' in ): kima XI'W eR r'� ,. 'p. Both wer(' m , m berll of the 1 !l�" la ,;s. Thl'lr P. L, C. , rll t l UE'tin In "Ilkima. i� Lu o

Rlim 1:.1 • Th .. ahov,' offlr. r1l wpr< ,.teetell anull) mef'tlng ' c Ilt t til lle conKl e(YatJOI1 In additinn 1,,181'11 or trl1sl{'e� made tllp frol · I ,)wtng I' ' -lI p Po in t n nls ' organi�t, I i. gmo y ', ,, nn ; hoiT direct"r, rl!. ('li(flJrrt 0, 01. o n : and j ' m i tor. B. B nson. 1fr I -I'nneth Jacoh� JunlOI' ,'h"i,' dlrt'ctor. , ' ewly " I c:t d IJl'psiden(� M t he , a noll IIrgllnizationli wi thm th t'llD gl egll t i l l n hll " I' bep n announc'crt a.ll ful lo\\'. : Ladif's' Aid. Mr:o. dlt·s' _,Ul I , I . M r!lt. I I 11I 1 e Pelt! t , ; Paul A . PII'II ; T n U 1 I-,'aD Brol her. hl'u d , (h'or�e . A rn('l"'n.



fi, Lut hel'l\l\ l'oUc::-e s t udt' n ts vr dIn. "n. Sund ', F'''h. ') , a3 t he I I' f l l their linn' I mClu n h i n I'ir. Th., g r" ' J! pi n� t l , I r ' , \ . ' Po 1'1 ; l a nr\ :-; ' m d !l1l1 l'D ing t h ; :m n' ·1"C' k . "cb u ·" 'n!. I h" l I'vO'n i n>:;. Th n rn " f';I l "fIlll m l t t "" n " m"" II !hl' ; tTldl' n ! hml.V m f'l't i tlF,· t o m A k I H ITA nJ::' 'f1l'nt. rllfl�il<t � ur I"('ref j . n n n d Bonr!)" . r , . pl'r .Tnhnsnn am! H" l en Ho l te m p. ,

Dau ghte r Born

" 1', and Ir)! Burton D. Kreirl l '" ( Louise Donati ) o f 262 Prosp ec Ill... . . Seattle, are rec ivi' g con· gTat u lllt ion9 upon lhe bil'th of tb '11' fit ! ch i l d , a d a ug- h ter , Th urad a: II.flel·noon at the Swedish hosp i t a l in Seattle, The baby will be na me G l'a ldlne, harlng in c oni! l·a.tull1 · \ l llnll a re t he grand mo t hers , Mr/!. Lot'a B, h reidJer, dl'a n of womtn at Pacific Lutheran co l l eg "' , and TIl. Dominica Donati of Sea t t l e . M rs, Kreidler i ll a gl ' a cl u a c of th,' Tltcoma. Genel'lIl h o�plt !l l , and MI'. Krpidl cl' R gr arl u a te of PaCific LJl' h e r n colle�p

t h .. organ ization P elIic rnl l f e '\II'()men in erp ted in ptb,qll, a !lCrleJi of in t pr · 11'�" vir . b" p18\'OO tn rjplprm dass champlonll ()t thl.. �r" , ..... r' mF'n·.. Mr�. Adah H Jucallon d I'l!c tor, Is ph' "!ClJ,! in usisted by Edna Kel5ey bAI' ..tball manall'er The foU!),,· f'


II '!l o n g

ing t eamll prevail Tbl r d· ,e.llr n rm J : ' a!borg ' • ' orb� E \'ely n l\lon!lo , .Jo· ro�' n, Annll l\lanoll!lOS, Ruth Edn Nev a Oaon, Kel�f',\· . Sop omo re no rmal : TheJm 1\ CS8, Judy Benson, Ir !lf' Odell, '''adene CalaVI\ , Ed na ToblMon , H a z c I Haj:!'l'rup, Fre h ma n n o r m a I: Hplen Stark, • lice ('ook, Bt-l1trl(' Si dder ', EI\'a Bergm II, 1\1, Iba Fen ney, Ru b," 1\1001'1', J..I tK-rn I 3rt : Uenrh-lll\ O ' !li p i l , Uut b Solll , Cu nniI' ( 'hmlb, !\l l Id T !.'d l\Iol1�on, Junl'


Ilchl'l!i n , O,'edia Haugl', arul lib titlllf'8 . Eugenl [W"nC'f' r, . fII drpd "en �nd T r l plI�. l"pcond ll'ams: li rd -y ar n ma! ' Berg-Iiot Yo_ n . Enid HII GertrudI'



JohnEo . Thelma Daniels, EI"all Ra uljebaugl!. and subs tit utes, Madsen, La ura Haug , .J pan M

Fowl er.

S op h o more nonna!

lyn S�'v('rson, Helen Lilja, Elsie Ba rre t Hollca mp, cott. l:'Tel!i�!lllaQ Wlilla ms, H len normal ' Sylvia. Miller, Mn ..nid b rg', Norm a. PI'eus, F Es tner NOl gaard and M'Irg81 McIver.



I P. L. C. Cho ir At C� urch y Eve nm g \ H ere Sun --

fOI ApP "(l l lnor in T� ('0 �la hIS st'as un lh .. Pa ('ollc /:< " Choll of

first timc Luth enl n


the 'Iflc



lt \\' . t" " i l l g iv,� a Slit' p�j ('on�e NOl ­ .:'ulld 3.l (',,('" i n '· a t the {< I I'"t ch , 1 2 th and \ " ' I� {1 Lllth pl a n ChUI' r h l s III 1 sl� , Thl' choir pl'p� ('n ts mV I ' Il'" l Tat;o n' con cP l't � t t he i\1 i c11CI I'll , p i1 S­ I'. I�, t � l ion 01' It,; to!' of the host c h u rch, oIld memb E'I's, . () f I n a(ilil ti ull to fiv(' grou ps a fl Lh �acJ' cd songs by t h e Ch ilII', "TOU !} rJC o rg a n sel ectio ns b y etor" \1 1 1 o se h EeI\ 'III rj q , thc d i lS m­ bl' el 1('o I n t h ' prog ram , It � t lh� 01', h� t " resti n� t o npl l' �s play d b) li t thl' Fi l 'st chur ch' \\' �t I Prof. Edw a rds Hl (iedlCo'l lwT ic-,-. h JrJ \" hcn tilL nq�, u l \\ a� !l­ , , PUll FlIdl ru du!'in � lht t i me that J, F;r{wa nls' .-atllo '1, the Rc\' , 0" C a l l I. , .d\\, :H 'd�, now of San PNl ro,






C ho ir W il l in g A t M ou n ta in V ie w·

Pl'rk . , rch cho ir oi Tn m ly chu ull t, in , Mo , the a t 'Ill RI � t: l im,1 ing ' y ev en Tiu m Monda \ it,y, lIan ato sva. r , Re v, T, ' Ilt �I 0 ' Clock " cd the conc rt . ' t or , has I lI l Ig


Annu al Parkl and Churc Meet ing Wed nesd ay

� n n a I -CI1nl:l'r pl () " . 1 i1nj:' of Lhp PA I'kl l'l n d 'Tn�lt � m 1.1Ithr l 'ln ('h I rel w i l l Iw twirl "' cd .. r, m, in til(' ch urch , I r�(la" lit It h R. \', T. n. � \' a rc pa.'lol', ] '1'1" Th



Rumola Ru t. pr('sldt'nt of Pt'p club, and Mis.'1 oro hy A ndenJon, Kl'ne r"j cha - rrna n [fir the t e a , will rec!:ive t he g'UClI ts, assiste d by Mi ll Lenon Withrow IHld .Mi�s A Id a J ohnson, vice prf'lIi � dent a n d . ecrl' Ulry of the Pt' p lli

I th,'

11 �

() r


Mr. , Lora R I t' idler, de n ot women, and Mrs_ O. TingellllAd, wit I' 0[ U presidpn t, hav� bl'pn allked to pJ'''l'irjp li t l he tPR t. hi", wh ich will be s t I n blu A nd lIi l w'l moUI.

rn teJ'e� tillg [('a t ure The I,rog l m. H ) � n n ..d hv ng- of 'Ii�� .1":1 ro'a rl't CI R ft II �!lI"t.�d hv I'Ohl' 3 m W i l l bf' Lhe Singi , lton posi com t lates 1'(iI,' Mi�!I"1I Bell (ricl' , ir!d� I'A anti EdniL , Edw8 T bi3!\ n , w i l l mclude a vocal 11010 1 m 23, ' bv Ii. II A l ma. Stol l'e, II "joli n p b�' .1i�" NevI' 1111 ROllS,

noth l'l



0"P.}l l T

Tt y �i rls at Pac i nc 1ut h era1l col lcR-e c.:om pol'­ i n s.!' t h e " P: r iu . . han' I Sli n i n vi t a t i ons r l' a tca tn he h Id Th u rscla\· a fternoon in til co]] ge ']"Pcepti n hi'! II. he l lH ' � per-i a I Sfl l e. t s \\' i 11 moth er;; o r t i l gi l"l l'I aUenri i ng P. L. ' . and 111 ' m be 1'.' nf t iH' 1'. L. C. Do rm i tory aU ."i!iat.y. D




010 by Miss :\'OMnI' PI' ua, L o u i R P. Preu., a l'P'Iding by Mis/! E l l p n Berg8ll on, daugh of Mr. and Mr!!, Palll A , a plano selection by .Mi. Thplm .. I rellll of Pa.l J a n d , Jeft by t ra in Daniela, a n d num bl'rll by lhf' Irirl.' Monday eVl'n l n g InT Roche"'ter, trio composed of Mi"",,,. .Alrl Monson lI u d Mlnn" aft pr h avi ng spent four JOhnson, MildI' , wl'ck/l d ll rlng l h , holiday at h er Ire e Odell P " r k l a n d home, Mif;s Preu! "" i l l Al sillting Dorothy And,.r nn, (on tinlJe her course in nurllel'l' gpn e a l cha iI'man, are the fo! lflw­ t nll n i n g at the M 8 ' O lini ' hos- lng com m i t tees : Invi tatiOOIl, !",_ pit·1 which IIh!' bej!'lI n foll uwin g n o r p Withrow, M a � 1 Hf'ggf' m, hpr � I arina t i O ll in 1 33 trom Pa- OJ '8 H uj/'o, Val"ria of'hnk .. : r . c Ll l t h f'Tall c o li I' e, r\PCOl'a ti ons, :E:ugeniR S pen c!'r, J ; . \ 'hilt fi " PI "us wall in PSI·k · E\ n, lo�l len Bergstrom , Kathryn lond b w" , Ilte l'tainpd by h!'r Rigg; l'pfr <;bmenu., J.nnie Bar_ friends a t lI"veral 1l0('jlll a lhe"- SOil . Mar<T3ret Melv!'r, Ttlt h i n gR, SUlld v , pven:ng bef('l e l'Ihe : J' ni[Jen : room a rreng!'mf'nt , T , l pfl , a n u m el of friends wl're i n - rl', 8 �ellJII , Jnsepbi on Gjllrde ;.nd ' i tru t o hpr home for S u n d a y J u n e M lch"]II!'n , night UPI' P I ', MI S, PI' us and M i s/! 1 01 mil P I'C US a.�Si R t i ng w i t h the ' ],fil'l!


pla no

. ry




t:'llterlai nlng, Guests w I' M i !'ls Bel'll i ne J';:ntJ t�en. MisR Ruth J.'A.d­ npSI!, Mi�R Ma.rgal l Fad Tl eA!'<, Miss J GI d.v, Swe n Ja n d Millll Anna 01Ml1, Mr. , E t h el' Da \'is. MillS 11' ne D a h l . Miss " l'l ma GUllellon, and MIS Evel.l ll lII un�on ,


P. L.

Colle ge Board


tviee t

;. em bers o C the Pacif ic Lu lh r­ an col lege alum ni boal tl w i l l me l


the <.:ollt:ge S u day all In on is a.naou n('cd bv Miss L, " � I r' ,, 'rh rani'" p reside nt. he gl'OUp \ 'III 11\11. � flO I p lans for Lhl al u mn i l'etlrllon to b hi Id 1·'cb, 2 1 t > 23, , at it

Th lS year In ('on nce L ion \\ Ith the , r umon lh(:re will be a Illrgc I Ity o[ fnend s of Pacit I c Lu t he ran I c"" ,, '

rl'lt t ll r of I hp prtlg-ram be I h e s i n" i n J:' or rro', f,d', ard'" ne\\ IItr "I�('m"n l or "'"lm 23. It wa ' UII/r t h i " 1'l\�(J/1 fur t hp n r t 11m .. at ' hr Chrl tm. ('on " 'rt III ' ' I I I Ii. J'II r kl The fil 8 t nl1mb I' Wi ll hI' 8 R:lch COl1lpo�ili on. ' The Spint 15 Hf'lp tit U�." IIUna b\' fhp double choIr. "0 Fi l i i �Ilia('" t o 'ons and Daught 113 1 by L('IIIrtn g ; Mozarl'� "Ch l'islmll ' Lull _ by," a n rl Sodprman '!I ' He III Blessed, " comp l ete the first g ro u p, OLh" " n umb n Include "Look


Sacn'r! H "

and "Beaulieu



nrgan Lllllun!! i elude " Romam; 111 H aydn symphoJlY, "La

I .. I , '

F I'anre " a.nd a l�nvolte , U 1 l m ant- M a rtinl. SoloiRU! with lh(" l' l llrl!" a l l' �v. I I !'VYCI den",1 A I'nolr! Slolee 80d :Mildl tl






Thnml! O U



d Rllth Jo'H.,j m'ss BI'I{, eo rg£' runqu ist, acom a . ' Hem y Bem tscn. Gig Harbor , -----'� .... a n d I<'rpd SChe el or Spat t le, lal ge ,


l.r-'-'-----..:.;:--....;;..;�- -"'"'!!�--- · Dr, K. S. l\l h:bel"cn, fb. past o r. hn'lt{, Tacoma i d e nt � to come tu the FI",t N Orl\ e ia Luther n " h lm'h, 80. 1 2tJt I lIUI. , ,' un­ du� n ight for lbe conrert to be by t be."Chulr f be \\ 1'11'," m�lng g roup from Padfic Lu-

g." 'l'n



e e Ullve boal'll all: irger . dAuU of Hie, vice pI' sldent ,' Kath r n J ohnson of' Tac rna, secrctarv Carl Colton of arkla nd trens u" (,1 pml thl ( ,l ln m;{ 'mb '\S:/lt :


Ca i n :

' 18

S u nday ,


"0 !'or·,po. i tion� L " t I n t h • 'Ight" S�VI r, "

;.' t

P I !Inned to anwg I I' pro nll n !! of thclll' two c\'en l� to . f, h.,I', A l u m n i \'lit holl l l hel!' u " u' l b nquet Satw'd y even In ' tn e. ael IIl.\;c to be decide d

", 111

1..0 r-d " I1l'istrans II


thl'run ('ullege, Parklu ",!. hi " I ll be t he 11r t arlpe rant'e ol the groul' I n Tat'oroa this Be' on, l1ndpr the d i rection 01 l'ro!.

J. 0, Ed\\ '-trill , hl'lld or Padllc 1 11tht'rIln mll Ie df'\1l1rlml"lIt , t h e ('hoit wID bing s. prllgr:.m whlc'h


1 11(\1' do It, l io n ,

of the n f'lI-kll()wn and modern ('oropo"l­ AmonK the!<e are the some

l'oropo,IUons nf Buch, ).lomrt Orl!'g, l Iardll, ,'odl'rman, !'/'obl Cain and ' hri"U n .. The pro­ gralll III 0 Includf' l .e l rill ,,'s



c-t Flliae" (0 Sons a n 0 1 thl" filiI'. t r the old nil'! la h)'OII1!i, ('om ­ I '", ed I n H ;:n , Anothf'r n umber, vr I"nkd for the fiNot time :it the Chr)stmllll rom'crt !>Iv II h,'


dJlug-hte ", ) , o ll e


('hoir ul Purklllnd.

F.d ward�'

1 " ll 1m '�S,

0\\ n



a r rallgcml"ut


Ollrl n l:' the i n t . rml"�lolI. Dr. , Tl ngel tdd, pr Idpnt 01 l'udfk Luth raIl (' oUI'ge. \\ III "I " ak brirfly on the \\ ark 01 t he IWhool. Including- t h e opport ulli­ ti o tt l' tt'd In the Dill ie de­ partrn lit, Tho hotog-I' llh , how! ('hoir " It h Prot. d\\ .lTd , dm'tor. 0,


ll1'" fnrm ( If t h o, ' 1 1 1111�1 Til 'sd ay � 't" ] n""11 , , ' c l o k, "t t h e homp of ••1 " ' I I �. (, l,ffror,1 01. Oil, M I ' Vii- I', W" Tl , mpS(1I1 , ant! ?I I' \ \' , ,. R , fl, tad act ng a� host e, -"5.



Th ,




•.·t .l .t-�

i l l S i n g H e r e O n S u n d ay N i g h t



- --A.


-= .

�,r.. �

Prominent Lutherans Gather at P. L. C.

,uUl('rt fo I" tl" r past Ofll 'Unll!:'I' th ... au !pic � the A meri a- n Ll.thc l lI.n cenferen , I lann (i for Fell, 20 (lnd 21 <it 1'8· ific Luth )'an college. will brln ' to Tacoma n. !lum C1' of p rom ine n t Lutheran!! f),ont til mid we l '11 :Irlllion to Lutheran pastOl ll o n me at til . f CO • t. Th g 'oup i it t on (,r p, L, C., and the II' i'llI" oC the l'(' t rca t 'ill be th(' , rz" cO I IC'g� ra lly to wh! 'h It fl'J"llda ul th sch ool are "W!· • Saturday , Feb, 22, a l 1 0 a , m Among p( akers from tIle r ld\'ell who will be presen t are Dr . T. 0, BUI'Il! 'cclt of Minnc ap('ll \s prl" iden t <1 th L ut hera n Free c�i�l�c��;P �:,v�I C��i;,cs�:�� s�� t o A uM lnn soUl conference o f thl1 ",ustll na synod , secret lOY of the CO ) (el'Cll c r L lhl'1'an A mel'J ean l Ild c::om missiOJ on hom� m i sslonll ugustana II)' od ch irman f th,

'I'he .spil tual



finance co mm tt('e; Prof. "', F. a Sch m dt of Moo r hea d , Minn . sislanl prufcssor of Christlanlty a' Concordia coil gc and former pl'es. Pau Lutbrr coil "e I den t lIf

lU1 and Dt, H 1""'1' n A, Prcus. p of Our Savl''''' s Lutheran chur h in Minneapolis, O lher IfP cs k e rs wilt include R v S. J . N. Y l v Lukcr of Stanwood, llecretary of thr P, L, C. board of rUl! te C' • and Ploi. J. P. P!lu gel' oe P, L C

Debate Teams A t P. L. C. Select cl I' 0 1 1 0

" !lpriE"s of lr out eam, mrn'l'I anti women'lI debatp al PaclCIc L ut he rR n colleg" have hreD cholle n. Prof. ,J. . P!lue ge r, d bate coa ch , BnnOUner!! lb" te m!! B" Collowl( Women's tram. tar­ :";1 l'I't Rart-m, Mary Machlr, Ellen B "strom and \V ad en >, 'alavan ; ml'n'� team. -;eol'ge Brockway. Vem Kn utzen , Dclbc. t Brellem an n and {<'rell Suttet'. The l l dual d ba e CJ( thl' S ,,­ son will b "It! at Park n( un Feb. 2 With debat n. irom Gray .. 1-Is rbor .f u n l or colle� e a t A bu deen. The qu�tion Ill. " Resolved, tha t con� re1'l1 IIh J 11 ha \'/' POWC1' hy a two-third. votp t ovel rid e " iRionll of thp COlli t de­ Cl ari n g legi.latLon u n co n l i t u1 I(>nll I . " Verne K n l l zl'n i deba te in



Rev. E. "M. cotvo lcl , traveling (. " ng('lt�t oC hI' ·orwf'gian Lu­ t.h -�n C " Irch or A meticn, wh i:: co uclin PI' ,'ic II t h is WI? k Il )ur S, vior'� Luthpra.n church, w !> � tl t sp ..akH at P cine Lu ­ thera n coil ge c"IJart"l exerei eg lond"y, Thl'ef' other gucsL appa 'pra III'P. t till' roi!'rr rlull' l/ this �f' -k l g ,J . J. Handsaker of h Co unci l fcw P revent on J •• tI ,nn 1 oi \'· 81' w l I l lip ak \\ dn e.·d ·"y 11 omi nr. brf<ham Lincoln" wil! be the su bject 0 a tllik o n Thul"riay .y forme r Congrellll­ m n Ra l ph Ho rr, oC Seat t le , 11 Frlrll\y, Capt. M. J . Muckpy r,f Eliw. Rhod' s po. l • ' n. Z. A mp 'iran L f'gion . wil l 'lIrlC'nts II n ri [!I (' l I ) t y.

Edit or of "Saga" Nam es ' Her Assi stan ts


Ma rg MI. em , d i t or ino c hi , [ of t he Pacific L u the r an c l Ie; yea rbook, "The S I " . nn noun c(' d the complelt n o f al l staff appo in tmen ts. The ed· to r mana ge r , busl nesa Lh. tel' pn S ol iI', hllve ou tl in ed their work aod n ppoilltmc n ts have been "p p rovr d N by the fa c u lty advise rs, PI'Of. J, Hong and Prof. O. J, tuen ,

,iiI'S Hazcl Hag emp of Astoria, pa rt- . sopho m ore i n t he normal ue men nd for mer ass!stant edllor o f t he M o ori n g M ast, s tuden t an d Jasper Johnson of weeklv Fire�tl' l, S. D., liberal arts :,op ho ­ a te more have been named assocl I t'l utter, liberal FI'ed

i- I


so p ho more of Tacoma, wil l be adve r U R ing rnanag r. , ThO! compl ete dilorial staff IS as n Berg­ Ell ties, o Activi f llow'J ' strom , Ka.thryn Anderson, R'lrold 0' onnor ; hoys' sp o rts. H Rrold Nil­ ; sen ; girls' sports, Elise Barrett senioJ'�, G ertru de B runn r , soph­ . Lo u is Hendri ckson; fresh­ m<., re , men, J osep'b Running ; hi h school



DaVIS ; school llfe, J anna and Evelyn Eklund

p. !"Sonn!"l, Evelyn s,'v('I"son and ·arl ne C a l avan ; a rlli; s, Robert a Bnd 'Neil Henrietta Toni on , Ma rLyp'!Uo , n derso n ; mold

r and Elizabe t h FrLII!. Busi n e!;l'! staff: AdvertisIng so' and urimst\'Nll C lyde I ici tors, Palmer Steiro , circulati on man· a.g er, Arthur H aavik. a�&i s ted by

gar cl Melv

Ida J ollnson, Ire e Odell flnr! J ean Armour; accoun t ant , Vern K n ut.

Sub urb an Stu dy Clu b

0, S, fl' v'l l l , ti l I'ta ln of thl' Sub urb n St lIdy Jlf'r hom e n ark lan;j

T. n l ( mi)('l's

('I Jh

Jobn Stuen w a s Iprlerl pre.QI­ ripnl [If the P;-trklnnc\ Tri nity Lu thpT Lpague li t the annuli I blls i · ne. s mCl'ting h 1d S un d ay e\'Oning in t h hu 'ch pa lors, M i , Iza ' bf'lI� 'va r i the' ew vic( presi­ dent, . (,cre lary is Miss Fred 11k 1 ,' chlan bu ch, and Rol[ ol1'tad Wi l l . eTV!: as t reasureL'.


Man ousos

Ilt rlay afttmoo at 2 o 'cloc l , " A Worr! and Phras �I u d y " �'ll l h e Jed by Mr/!• .1. U. XavJ pl lilt Ie w il l be giv�n by T H

SflJen l�laln ed Hcatl Of Luther League

Pac ific Lu t hcra n coll ege gil'ls, ith a plan o so l by Al J�", Peggy Ram ­ II la ;1 ami 80n. by thi' gi1'Is' tdo , .N rxt mon t h'� meE- ting' will b M .... h 1 0 at t h e ho ne of :Mr� . Rdw lti Tin� Jestsd.


\ I I

Monson Elected

Dr am a Club Head

P. e� u Itli or t he l\l id 'YI'8 r tll'e­ . ion h e l d by m mbl'r ll of the P'Iclfl c

LUlhe ran Co l l('j!'P Dram a dub hilI! J:'I Vl'l1 Robe l t M(ln�on , jlln iol' tn t hp Nor mRl rjepa ·tm nl, t h e PI'C!'I1 rlrnry for' the sprl n . l' mcl'tc r. f:ti S v ' n t h was c h f)!'f6n 'icC' pre�i . rlr nt, }-I I n !';co l ! lIec re ta ry, Rut h Snl hr t reR,otLlrer, R nd 'o"e l l NaJ:'p l '

libraria n . Prof. 'E< l' i th Pf'id wi ll a dv i se r tOI the c l u b.

An nou nces Rec ital A

cr'n tlnllf'


pian o reCita l by p u pi ls E m my Coltom I' il l be given Th ay eve ning at 8 o'clock 1 Ut�' e p.:n away I!cho olho use. • hoa on " , ;lJ ogr R m are ala,} Snyiler Vivian Han el y. ' Suzann e Sny der, F'ran ees SWl' el1 e ' Oro­ Ih ' Btl! dor! Ju nl or RO hr. Ge orgin a Kin g. T ' _ ...... vin a T,. a rd . L eIa " 'i l l i� Cha rlot te GfPg ' ' orv ' an Mil dred Kn u dtso n.

A s P. L. C. Del ga te onven ti n A t Decorah '

Myhre• � t u dl'nt body . at PacIfIc Luthl'r'ln hal' bl'" n ch 1sel to rl'prl't L. C. a 1 the I.u· !leran Stu- : n 1 nion convCTlli. • 0 hI' held Ll 1' 1' rollege, Deco'a , la., h. 28. 29 ncl March l. �ryhre. wh o co mp (' tl1 nor­ course at the I 'J! llllcl col­ th i" year, hag bepn a very sludent !I u rin g his three a t Pacific LIJ thera n collegl'. [tion to headin g the st u ­ counc! this year as tud nt de t he hfl� held the Office student b dy tT B!;Urer and tTl'. h msn represe n tive- his ' ye I He is a member of

I ,.,



rJral 18 "Iub , Il'ttpr­ thp I r...s t time a tTl lber flf I. taff and the !Uoorln;! )-Iast

choi ,

( hI' c l ub a ha!\ b en

' 11 ',

aT r! Saga

Convention Is to Be Held in Portl and

Early in May annual


arltland Ch ol'al society will at 7 :30 p, m Wl'dne. Clay in 1'. L. C chapel, i t ill annuunced �. M Fr eman . p res lel nt , 1\. Han) C. H i l "h , Ill' retary­ UT C'I". pplil' t1on� (IT mem bl'rl;;hip I I hI' Tprei \" -(1 at tJlis mepting . r ,j t hos wi!Ohin ' to jOlll 1 h.. rnup d ::;:I't in t Oll!' wit h t h e I ofl il'pr1'l or Prof. ,To!" ph O. nl!!, fllrE'rt or. 1I1aH. The

1 £1' wn" al (\ a member • 1en n i s ' e am

:Myhre will leav e th!' lalter part Trin itv Junior G uil d He inVited young of the month for Decorah of thei r gr ou p to B Leap. has been i n v i ted to take !l " r l alentin.' party Frida ' eve - in th e rliRcl�llsion of 'he t htlllt\ "One Life t o Live , " "1'1 w i ll in the church parJOl q 150 at the press Norma "'reus, rl ent. rcprcsl'nt the colleg 8ssist cl b) "liss M ildrccl confercnce held the first day oC . Mi�!! "irg-inla Da vis nd Ule COil 'cntion. •1 11d red Larsen. hosl ss com- ;:o::::r==� ..... I te . Tn charge of refreshml'ntA is . Xavier Is opening MrR . J. -s ice Boe. a -sisted y iss h('r home at Par kl an d Monday hel l e SVRre, Miss Hedvig Dahl evening to members of t he Pa­ Miss Elsp meson DecorI'!0 I I � g e Do"ml­ Cific Lu theran and invi t a Uons are WldE' r and their hUB­ Auxi liary tOI1' tii ,,,etion pf Miss Be ty Svare h an ds . Women of the auxiliary iSR Frederika Sehlan busch. havp set their February meeting ordel to pn ter�::===,!,--""''''_____-' in the ev('ning ' tain their usbandll at a VIl!('n tine party . Receiving with Mrs. Xa IE-r ",,-ill be Mrs . . J P. Pfleuger, pre�i lent n! the uxiliary. On the hostess fil'l agenl at lnrnm ittp.e are also Mrs aulu A, ollege, w the r u , � rs. Lurivig Larson and th Thu-sday ev('nmg 4'( <;. He old J Lcraas. In rha r ::-e h ouse" ga t ('ring f Tacoma r 1 the informal progra m and n �o. 138. American LcF:ion. tertainml'nt of the evening i� Mrs.. grn up mpt 1lt the lymplls f'hUord 0. OIllon . sssisted b. Mrs. r. R. ."-. at 8 o · cl oc k . with 0, Sva p and Mrs. VictC'r A, commander i , cha rge Elvesl'o . c ",'as ' Abraham LinThe . 3 1'ch m pUn of t.l I' auxlI­ !ar ' wil l he M arch 1 7





I ===----=����:


Re\'. R o v E. OI"Qn ut hl'rllJl pr isn n ch arl a ln , lIpnll. , has 8ccf'pted an invitation to b" nnp nf t h e conventinn speakers. Rev Olson wal\ received very n­ thusl8sticall:v Jy YOUll t: penple i n the Clt:v when h e spoke here wo �Rrs ago regarding hi p:·per!�ncp. R. II Tlrlson chapl�in p!;fIecially III connection with his work a t t.h S t . Cloud reforma torv in Mlnn -

_ .... .... =.._ .., _ _ = .... ....-= . =- ,las t y"ar's

(;irl8 or II Porkland


ortl: Paci fIc Distri ct Young Peo­ nle's Luther leagu will be h Icl lay 1 , 2 and 3 in Porl! nd. it hu been anno u nced by the district president, Rev_ A.. J. Towe of Portland , who was in Tacoma Fn­ day nd Saturday con! rring with 10 I Lu her members and p,s nrn. Young people of th e distriCt. . x­ l 'n di n g from British Co lu ro bia to I<ou thern Oregon, - il l go to Port­ land a t the invitation of leagu' m e mbe rs of Cl'nL1"'I1 T�uthl'rlln ch urch, Rev. AU. M. I"r ab I. pas l or.


M. Yl ...isakrr. execuUv .. cretary of the lnternational Young People' Luther leagu , htl hp"n invited a." the nther conven· tinn speaker. Dr. Y1vis ker, many 'earl! in the SeT ' ice of th e Y. r . n85t, 11. L., Is wf'll knOv.'ll n th havinR' \-illited many Ume as a representative of his Minneapolis


"Llfe E te rnall y TriumTlhanl" has he n chosen as lhr. c on ve ntion theme. The two lJPe k ill I, • their addrl'sses n this lhpme . lind will he h ndlerl o hpr topi Luthl'r leaguo member . Hell'ge


Be f\peaJ,


Dr. E. M. Hegge, p as to r of the ncal Central Luthpran church, h8B con­ been 8ske� tn "Peak at th "ention banquet. R v. T. O . Svsrp. r1nlty L ltheran 'l\ill of Parkla :l be the b8J11 'let toastm aster. of the Chou\ nion A. dIrect "· ...... I'D,rT final ,,!'s�ion of the leaJ;:ue vention, Prof. J. O. Edward!! utheran collegr is pr", P/lcific ring tn annQunce the numbcT8 leh win he sunl1: by r:ombined from the entire district.

New Ta lent

th(' tour. 150 \'nief' an d ot liN pt'r onne l t hl're 1 , I:'rrat dl'll l of eq olpment and h:l ,1' tn b", C'nrrlro, i nrludI' (,jail), ulIt p lalform . Ir h ., 1 1 h a loa(\ 1'3 tit 'r onll t ' "n, mu t be takt' n b.·o 1'1 qlll I'd



B normal Ir<"'lhman

dale i Yaki m a was a cr repeat r! req u e t for "ppPRr'lnl'£'l' In t hat part of th" Mc m b'rs of ti1(, choir nrl .!I itC'. 1 hI' management art' hopi g ' hat the we ther w i I nnt in te CprI' IIC'count.

Thf' "arly





" II rd ,


nn hy






Luf hr r ll n "(,h (l l r (If I he WI'Rt," i!l .11 Alma Stolt'f', I'ontralto. \\ h com from \'on('ou"e l', " ash, ,,' he rnl1dttrt n r


\I 11\ he Ollf' of t he "oloi�t. 0 t thp rnr1l'erl ... I\p gll'en b� tbr group 8. L ut hf' r i\lrmnrlnl p ur('h, n. 5tlt and I t"., np.d Sund y night III 7 1·M.

PI ips of cnn certs I n chur('hl'll this ..." ntpf h�" giv en Tac om a a n op p or un i y to become sr.q 81 nled h the Pacific La t hera n si nge rs P 'I to note t h e progress made t IlT"I 1J g'h thE' seas n u nd er lhe ni­ l pct jrm of Prof. Edwards. The Cal.' ; hat membership In he chOIr completely cMn ges every hr ee ea rs a wl tha.t Vfor ra re l ' are mOfe h an 50 pCI' en of old memhers nva ilable w h e n the g rou is org nize at the beg- nning of thE' SChool e a r, getting 'eady fOI hI' spring is a. f ormi l'l a t ou r in ahle lInril'rtaking. Thill · par . how­ e\,pr the h oo l has bern fort! ate lu­ 10 enro hng 8 n mhE-r of npw rI rt ... jth unusuallv "nOd voice!'. R n,l u n rlpr the direction f Prof. ,rl rrls 1 h" enor11 h R s " tlam!!!1 a ,·pry �a tis f Rclory degr e of per­ fec t i on One nf thf' nf'W aCll'li'll l lon t ill � enr W38 , t iRs 1m Sto· 11'1', of Vnneou\,pr, "·a"h . �Ii". Stolp" ha"l a contralto voleI' of nnll u[)1 quali t y and great. l'OS. IibilitJ·. • she I enrolled a




I.' a 'picfl l P T Thill will C: , ronce,·t Besirlps ' �. t In .he ighl. " two other compmnltrons

�l1nilay n i g ht.

Chr !!ti��R!' I . "r,lorifica­ "F lom Hlav('n Abov�." hav!' bepn arl1ptj to the pr rl m. In t 1!' latter n umber the solo WIll be I'U g bv Miss Romola Rust T' Ii'n " an

next appeal ance of the group will be a t h·' rp mion o nc ·t at P ar k land. Feb. 23

J:---==":==::-:====:-::=� P , L.C. A nd



�lr . E, C . • Iachlp n · c om a , for 20 \'ears a ",or U e m is. ion field of ( v. 111 he HlP peal pr "

lImth's me<>tin� of he


exerci�es a he nvitation student omm it tee .



Ru t h



Froyen has been electeo presideD t of the Pacific Lut heran col l e g e dormitor y ;;iris' group. the p,p clu . l\ofi5S Frnypn j nio r in he nor a I departm en . 18 from a rt l' ei iaon . She 811C­ cerds Miss omola Rus of Ev­ er • who led acti iUes of th club thp rirst ernester T mpm be rR cho e Mis!! Robprl Torriso n of Vem " l l . . r lie.. all vtee presi d en and 1>:11:;> Mari Lien ,.. f "lonner• •fon t.. al' cretaI' -treasurer, o 'Firec hlefs" wil I be Miss Betty Terry of the high ' school grnup and Miss R u th Sollie of thp colle!!,e.






fic Lut hel'an college Daugh tel'S ()f t h e R e f n r m a t i o

Thursda y

afterno on,


1 1 S

Ma chl , whose daughte r iii m ember of t h e , , . . and


A vivid gl i m p ae tnto the life of l Abr ham Lincoln was pre se n ed to stude nts and I ulty at Paci! L u therlln college Thur. da y. Ralp S. on Horr. of Sea le. former �l'essman I'poke at student chapel






"hI! I� I' •

rctl'd to be \I itll I h e group for thp ne. t t h rf'p �. I T • \ : 11 Stolee will hI' hI a rd I n thl' 010 in In th ' j ht;· nne of th" Ch 'I t ! I) umbers "'hil'h I hp ('hoi l' Pn \\ ill in al a rE''lue''lt ('on('('r t al Lulhpr )1 o rl a\ .-hurch, � lith 5th nnd 1 t reet"l ne. t


th" ch i l' of

whose son. Ech ard, al {l at nds the colleyr, r hll'l1l'r\ in.

9_9 from C h i na, arl I h · ).e r of interestin to tell after her long the Ori ent, llun

Mr. Vir 'I' . Elvl' 1 �" Cliffo rl O. 1>11� P. L. C. facul ty wi l l e n t e�ta in he L D . R. members m the pa r ors Trtmty ·church. MISS Mlln�:lret Ror III will p 'el!ld cl Jri n g th!' form I m e e ting . lntrod ucing nne of tb!' Inca] L. D. R. ml'mberlt, Mlslt Valbol'g'orby of Belilngham, a!' the !'cond vice p re !l i d e n t. of th Pac i Ic Distri t L. D. R ILl! Norby will giVE' th,. l:u ory ,i, Lh

l of

nrgan lzsUon. Mu ic l l l incluri plano Rola by Miss Th 1m: Dan \els. a read in bl. Mll' \ l rgilli Davis and I! voc a l duel bv 1.1i ' Norby and Miss M ildre d LR rsen,




• �


;:"" - t :.:)

---- - . .. ..


. L. C . Alumn i Are to Celebrate W i t h Banquet He e '/,union acti vities onl' \'(' 'k a hC' a rl, Pa ifir. Luth­ eran c oll cgl' a l um n i arl' in the midst of final plans for a most end centered w('cl{ Inte l' sting " O n. gcn Tal l \1emc, hout th \\,ith rl n n u fl i

(, I u


On . " tor Foll an x cep tion al s('a.�on 'in uf footbal l n d an qually suce 811: ul string of basketball games, mb rll f t h e a lumni board, iSR Helen Thl'an e, 1'1 .ide d bS pr sirl nl, ha c chosen to honor pre'. f'nl and fo 'mer a l hl e e of L. r., at thiR ' 'CU'S ba nquet ....hi('h is C Ill'l lul ed fnr n !' ,t Sa t'v nill� a l 7 o' l oc k in the I ull , II bal l room ot Ule HI,t!'1 "in­ luup,

piritual Re Held A t P.

P it tor from Lu theran pan hpl! a l l over the coa t are expe to g-ath e r t aeitie Lutherlln co)\eg "'hursday morn!.ng a t the opening


ession of a wo-day spht ua l reo trt:at to held on the Parkland campu.'1 under he II llpice� of the Amelican Lu t h eran Conferen of the Lu h e r'ln Church The pelling ses s ion on T hu rs day a t 9 : 50 &. m. will be in t h e coli ge c ha p el , bpgtonin cr w i th reg· ilI a I' studen chapel exercise on· ducted by Be ·trum Myhre, presid e n t of he .�tu ent body . e\', A. P. An d e rs n of Portland will add res the group a that ti m e, fol!'lwi ng a c!come y Dr. Tingel•tad, P. L. president. At th e p as tors ' session imm 'di· lI ' ely oll owing, Dl·. T. O. Burnt\'·'dt of Minneapol is, president of the Lutheran Fre � chur:ch , . �'ll1 spe ak on the tOPI . Today ! VIsIon I ,� or the 1 gd0U1. H � will be In . redu e y th pre<'ld rng p as tor, Rev, .Tohn A. Houko m Sea t tl E', m� bel' of t h e Int�s odlca! co m · , ml tte on cooperatio . Rev S i df'll of �ol't land will connu et ' genf'ral diSCUS SIOn aft e r the ad . j dress,





Will Be Th is Week

t pI .

d Stub of N L. C, eral

and churcl


at 7 30 o'dock In Pa,.klllnd T i y chi reh will bl' a pu bl ic 51'. !;i, Re\. O. L. Ha3vlk nf SI' ttl form !' r P. ' . C. boar d pre!;ident. in c hllrg e . " Lllther 'World ViI'''' ' ' , I)f an addrE'lll! III the tlt.1e t be Ile­ livered by Prof. J. P. Pfl uegf'l . hplld of the d epa r t men t of Chris­ tianity and p h i i os op h y a t P L. p. l'h concluding hour of thl �Cll on wl1 b e devoted to a sacrl'd C( nc t by the P L. C. choir, di l'N't d b ' P of. . Edwa l·ds .



]o�rlday Speakf'J"I: 5p enkE'ra in r l uctE'


�I . Orda! of

Rev. Bellin "h n Prot. W.

of ,Ioo " � pad, MrnTl ., A. Prell of . f i n ncapolis, Rev. S. J. N. Yl v isa k e r of St a n wood , Rp\,. Elmer M, J oh n ­ so n of Iympia, an ri Mil'1' Hp!cn Th ra n E', P L. C, a l umni prclIid cnl Th e elima of t he rl'trCB t w il l be t h e l arge Tall) at 10 o' c l n ck Sat · urli a y mornin !!!, w h e n President Tingelstlltl wl.ll outJinp. the colle!!!'l' program for l hl' immpdlatc [U t 111' Following t h i 1' will be a gl'n di.�<'Us.::;lon and tour of th c a mpu s cond1lcted y Field Agen 8 ViclOl A. Elvestrom a.nrl Pau l A. Dr .

idt crman


A b .. "kl't ball gn ,11 · I . . .. rom r1\ linn apoh� Martin'.· col l e gf n F i day eVt'nln� RI'\' E m i l Swenson. of Minn p - ' II th(' co ll('J.,l gymnasium will t lh pollJ!, ""el e ary of the A,p1erican ! yE'ar b� PlI\>' ('ially appropri ' t fi ll t h!' fi llll PVE'JlL ot lhe alum nI W('I' - L theran Con!1' 'en c e Commission I, on HomE' Mi. ; ons. will sp e a k at I e n d JlI og ram Th,. CHstoma r y rE'n uion RervicrR the afternoon session of the pas- I w i ll be nrld a il a m . S u nu ll Y i n tors on "Home Missions Today ana Ij Trln t , I,llthua n church, Park­ Tomorrow. " P rel' i di ng � 11 be Rev. Preu�. I n , : , I. v. Carl L. p" liS, ch ap ­ I I '1 ' \U. S. Army, now s ta­ t l on' 1 'It \-iissoul a , Mon l . , prl'arh­ 1 er, Ing the s rmon, Rev. FUllS i a a ormer student of Pacific Lllth­ pran a cademy and one of thl' c arliel athlel i stars. Tl-e p, L. C. " Choir of the W�st" oa Sund y will give a reunIon co c rt, the members of all formpr P . J C. choirs join ing the prPIIl'nt chol! in the final numbet'.

Juni G ir


member. ranging hE' entertainme which co n 'luded

ild Pa ty

To Speak at Pacifi c Lutheran College HilS Ella McIntosh, Tacoma

Girl speak on Chal m" t a mee ting (If Pp.rific T.uthel-Iln college co-edp Tuesday ..en In " when the group gathers in the college reception room fnr their l' gular " Personality lub ' �lIion_ 'MiQll Margarl'i. .ralL �nd F:llen Bpl'gstrom lUI hostrssl he cvenmj'" have ask-d Mrll h li p E. Haugwife of Dean HIIIl ,p of the ollel!'e Ilnd ' iSS Ev elv ' n M n­





son nf the junior clas!! to pre s i d e social hour ollowing h discussion open d by Miss McIn­ tosh. iss Elizabeth Stuen. 18 1n c harge of arrangemenfs for re­ frt'"hmen!J3.

at thp El1 im!�on. George

I ....� .. ........ . :

liii�==�=;::=_��::::::::'=-���::":��::::"-_�� '=iI�;:=-"_ZIiI ,

Mis, Lf'..nore Vi'i thr ow. chairmnn

of thp decorat on co m mi lle e, 11M rho!>en a y llow moL.f, wJth d fOCilR flnn ye low tJlp a the te/l. tab. lind pussywilJows a.s p rt of tile ge ne ra l llcheme.

R eu n l' on Set For Saturday

the theme of 1tthletics. carrying out the !lchool colorR. ebony and golrl , MI 11 B· 'd ine K nutsen hal'; assi�ted Mi s K athryn Joh nson, secretary, in thl! work o. pub­

On, Glad; tOl' . O n ! " \ III be the cheer note of Pacific Lutheran college alumni when I l cltv At the bal' quet election of officers ,ard t h e y gather Saturday e \"£ "lin 0' f':e if'W a ' l mni Pres I1t mem ber!! in t h e crystal ballroom of the WIll be . held. " with MUls T hrane and MISS Johnr' , Hot el " lJ!t lllop for t he lI al�- I Sr n a re Birger Nelson. arl Col­ Dual reur uon banquet. the ch- \ tum . RU ' h Fadncss ? rs, Henry max of reunion fes l vities Bern t en. Fred Scheel. George � bo oked for the comin g week - ronqul!it, and r-v. J, P. Pflueger, •


With t.h alun. ni presiden t, Miss Helen Thrane, aclin,:. as to tma.qter, the banquet �rogram will MillS Thrane in open Ilt 'j p. m . t"nding her elcnn1e on beh alf e A l umni I , RlIoci a l ioll, v.'ill form lIy l','cpive th gr'u!uaLlng r. 8118 "f 1936 m t o th all m n ! rank , Frithjof Tayf'f. c1asR pt 1"1r1t'n • wil l rp_�poncl, Presio1ent O. A. TingelRtad will grpf'!t th group on bphfllf or the college.

ll '/V

' been a sisten by ' Kreid)el haVl ollege art cl .sse, in prepa ring 8. :l nquet se tti ng in h a rmony with


P , L . C, N e\t\!s E vents of


I �:::�: ::_��_�!i!-��";'=�:;:=::�-=�� ' � . fa c u l ty ad i er •


Th" program, fo\lowin� I h ... aUI­ lr.t1c theme, hal1 heen arranged to hon'll" pr ent anrt former Pa W c Luth ran athl tel'\ anr! cORrh"l1. h 'sM rl!. Adah Dap per, women' lI lr.81 �duca Ion dl r c tor, aIlri CORf'!h Cl ifford C, Ol so n . heart o{ the men's physical ducation department, WII! be honor"d aJ! pro �ent roachcs. Former athletic din· ora who Will speak include Mll1� L�·d !l. E. �tlxruu, Myron Ringst d and A. W. R'lmstad fo r p, L. C, O. J . Stupn and Ollell r Ander 1n will replf'l;('nt Pacific LuI h era n Aca· demy athle ('s, recalling men's beir ballketball teams who chos coaches f rom their numbf'r or the . first women ' s tf'am to pl ay al a public gAme. H a rold , 'iJ scn, ba...q­ ketball el'pt ain of thl. 'car, and Harold O'Conner, footb II ca p ta i n will rep rpq E' nt this 'car's teams which have ach. vpd 8UCce!!S out­ stanrl ing in athl t c hlstol), of the institution.

SOCl e ty M ee t s ll7 1"1 n esr[Ilay , et,




An orche!'lU' lInrler lhe (lirec' tlon of Prof• .l osepll O. Edwards . will p l ay during the banquet hour, The Monson quarle compos"" of Ev(' l yn , Mildren, Rober' a nd CII r­ nee MonMn, all p, L. C, gradu­ A v io lin solo will ates, will s ing. 1'1' played by L will G, Hunt"r, a gra du ate 0 la�t yea r, Myron KrE'lrllc and M rs. Lora

fills Eve lyn Eklund been h9 nRmE'f1 chairman of the acific Lutheran College spnior p l ay com­ Sh" will b ml tee. 9 . 1. tM. b VI'I"'1 (nutzen anr! Vu'g! n i ll D " s The efwlmll ee WIIS a ppninted by Ih ('I RlI president, FrithjoC 'l"dyet, '"llow 'lg a d ecision of the class that th annuAl class pl ay th s '" r hf' prc.s n ted on cl ss nigh , l ly 30, In s te ad of parlier n the VI! 8S has bern the cUlItom Ta 'et ApPOlnted a co mmitte t If consider the ma tt" er of a class tn the college Shel rlon foe, hair Me man, Roberl Marti , Evel . ullough and Gertrude Brunner. Beth college and hig'h schoo f:!Tarl uqt'�s are havi n th II' pi ur f, Ilowing a sch dul bep tak e this month, Hartsook !";ludin wo: " 'n a 'al'<ied the photngr'lph can fo In!' e Is :IS, S nUH'!! of the hi gh seh 0 g'adua tmg cla.s.'! hn 'e named G r hardl P!lueger. Fr!,rjpnka chi n bURcn and Elizabeth Slu en '\S rnm m i l te to Ian II pa tty to


T o S p eak T o D rama G ro u p

. 1 1" . Juni a 'rodd llall en 1\ ill lJe the ::' 1 t'al,e r at a nweti ng o f t h e Pac i fic Luth enm Co1I t'ge

LflUl. a ,�••���������••••

appo inte,l by Prus. · � m . gvan l'. H all!!'''' : I'l fl " 5hme nts, Iris : l(R l h ryn A nner80n. v ' r!i a H lUge 1'I1. n 'r,ol'at ionll. E�th r " • 0 l' g a Ll'ster Holte , TE'd . Ruth Solli .•

I f' :

rama Nigh t" F'b. 7 . Two on plays w ill be 1lreRe n ted

Ht.' I'I'I"IJ. Tht> next !'ch.d ul d for J u}'alt y

P. L. C. Expects That Enrollment Will Be Large r

'Vith c U1'S!'S �pl'clall�' arranged

tion t hat time under th� dit-ec Eklund ant :Miss M I s EVl:'I 'n Eline Benll m.

Ij;;::=::::._:....:�����-_ -l �


for h igh o;rhool gradu' tes ert€'l'i"lg

collegb at mld-y ar, P ' l c iIic L 'I ther n college is prl'paring open 'l� of the second 'f _ 8Tentative registra­ I" Monday. ion 911 be!'n in progreRs during eek. lInd final arrangements hI" will be m de Monday. with the registrar's office op l' nin g at 9

o'cloclt. IS, acco!'1in� to Dean Ther Philip E. Haug e, e\ery ndication of a mprked incre Be In enroll­ ment th" second !;e• • ·ter, which nrol lment the total will for this . ar th(' la.rg st in the

Parkla n d Demos New Officers

I!I the neW 'Morrison Foster Parkand D moprl"!ll den t of th t· cl'ati club. A reorganization me ng I1l jng WaR h ld Friday eveni

Sunsh i ne C('Immunity hllll C. Harry Ill''' officE'rs Othe" Hitch , fIrst vi p prl'si denl; I'E'lth president · vice second . heldo n, iJ:s. B er t Lair .. secre ry . J. L oy Mr t eaJlurer ; Brnttem. d PE't JOon. E rgeant·a t-p"ms. elect d I 'Jr ' board member 'Mill!' r , wI'r Be t Laird. Lang and ing prp'Il . Bertrand T&ylor as retir of he den t will also be Il m mbl'r a dviso ry board Mrs. Louise

Tayl or. county . . revif'w' supe 'ntendent of schools, offIce pd w ork being done in her reia ed the Iee Is and ob· an jectives of educat ion. kers i n l I)duc" d by ther sp en . J. H . the chaIrman inc luded . G. B. l ·er'lt £·tloror J • Rvan , DJ.'. Dr. De Pier re Hall IUld A. . ne


1 Pre!lident Morrison A ppoint · .M r s K. Damkip.r. Mro:;. Rol's Boyn Hitc h. ton }frl<. , 'ond, M.rl!I . HllT'ry il l r to Rrra n e Bert. LaiN! and fOI' the Februll ry 'nE'et in j: .


history of the insUtu ion. An increasing interest I.s being hown in th� Normal department of the c' III' r 0 lhe three-ven In addItion ' Normal cour 1', P .L.C. oIfel's tWI) years of 11 r I arts and fOUl years of high school .

with "Choir


ET r U E

Ar1 ounc


d ' � . S. 1';. annollnC'p t hI' o their rl a ug ht pf , Dor! . to r-II III' Th .. w('(f.J i ni'.. \\'R ker of SrBtlie. w h i(' h took pillce in !'\rRltlc. cn rr· anrt t o T'lcom� urprilll' /I'" 'l young thl' oC S eat tle fr-iends Thl'ir nt"w homl' wil l be ('ou pl e.


Light nd Water Co. At Parklan d to Elect

Th on llal mee tin g of the Pa r • land Light. ana Wa er Co. wlll be h,.1d il l £< p. m. · TUe!lday in th,. public school auQi torium, N. J Hong-, prl'!udent. , p c�iding. In R<M i tio n It') h ee r ng r epor from t hp presitl"nl, O. J. StuP" tre!,,-u rer. and Burt H. Raymond , mRnaJ:'er. IT f 'll bp rs will elect one t rulltep fol' a t m O! five year�. ncl' . J. S Il'n !i t"rm xpi rps Othpr m mber� of t hp board are If T•. D h i vicl' pre s i d ent arMy Ro . t'), sec etarY, and Iver Jo h • lion, mt'mll<" · ·a -l arge . An im po lumt ltem I)C busine!l� will be the on!! iriera Uon of the pM!libi l i ty of dlg-ging II well which 'ould supply wa te r for the com­ pa ny In pia e of purchasing it from thp ('ity of TAco m a . It is expectpd lhlll thill plan will be p rps e nte d. a.n .,vill be d iscu8St'd bv thp member.'!.


1 ,lhf ral AI' l lI c lhe rlln collp� p.


(' at Paclfic Lll-


If -B .nquet of P . L.

roMlp in . eattl . M r�. Walkpr ;,t.ten d d R o. hi h lI('ilool and PAcific Lutheran 1'01lpge .

Alumni to Be at otel Winthrop


: Will Fol low Retreat Of Pastors At P. L. C. .

Lu· themn college alumni re uni o n fes­ tiviti es booked this year fo r the week-c nd of '�'a shingt(1n's birlh­ In connection

N it h


MiBs Helen Thl'ane r ef i len l the P"cifle Lu theran Alumni association, announces thl' the annual alumni reunion again take p lace this week end of 'ashington's day. Feb . 21, 22 and 23 i n February h as .become tiona 1 as P L. C. reunion


end. Foremost on the program is al u m n i banque which will be at the Hotel \\ illthrop Sal eve-nin Feb. 23, a t 7 o 'clocl< . the past six yeal's thl' reu n i on quet has b ee n held on thp

day, a Pacific Luth'Cran co lleg rally will be held, preceded by a re treat on t hp two-d y pastors' campus. The rally will take piacp at college Saturday morning, Feb at 10 o·c lock. 411 those intt-restDd .n the col ltl-ge , it... activities lind

campus, but a gn)wing cnc ' has mad" necessary mo t e


a t p f a r:ilitie.. . The baske ba l l go a m e F t 1 0 Feb. 2 1 . a t Parkla n(J. when P . L will mee , t. MRrlin'� c oil marks the ' I'ginning of hI'

prop osed program of are invited to attend, The pasto r ' re treat, open !lurch, p to! s of the Lut heran 'ill be held Feb 20 anrt 21 with essions al 10 . m., p. m. and

Pn I K l c m l' t PreuA, Ron of 1Ifr Preu!! of nlf M r!I . Paul I nd. )l"it by train F r iday evel Inj:'

(, r D corah. Iowa, whel'P he W i l l VI' J . Dr. c n !r'I' Luthpr I'ol\,.,ge. I'othcr of P a ul A. Preu)'; II . 1>l'l'u. of Pil l khmd. and formerly paslo!' 'J( OUI' HaviOl. '!J Luthl'ran ('hurch, ecorah c I ',r("�idpnt of thl' i Thp youn g m an who Wlll I g nf 'J' Lut hpr iJ /I. graduate oC thl'


' k l a nrl


mo rn ing he ld at Trin ity Lutheran c hurch. the afternoon the 'Choi r of W' p. tn will present a re unio n c rt .

.ervices will be On

7 '30 p. m. The B lu mn i reun ion banque I' en i n g of Feb. 22 a.nd t he P. C. hoir concert th e afternoon of


Feb. 23 will conclude the program for th week e nd.



Union Concert Wil l Be Hel A t 3 P. M. Feb. 9

wili bp of music at Pacific L<ltheran pas- ca l l ge Th�e conrprt , which takes p l ac p tor of First Lutheran c h urch , Will ' In l' lt s t Luthpra n church a 3 hI' t he spea ker' at the Choir nion r. m . , Fe b . . is tor the benefit of conc"'l't pnnsnrerJ by t h e TaCOrtlll till' Tacoma Lulheran Welfa l'e Luth r League. Sund ay, Feb. II societv of which Rev. J P. Pflue· Reveral Lllt h r:tn chOirs in Ta- ge ' of Pal'klan 1 ill t p npwly re oma Will ... hear·} in yariou M'o:, e l ectl'(\ pre�ident LeoIL1 num bers. and he final a n hem. Lindemann is he presidpnt of thp Rf'v.

'arl E. Rydpll . who

in .. ta liI'd Sund y all thf'


Sflvior," by Christian\'1 11 b sung by the com bine d cho �u!<('s un de r the dir ion of Pro! Jose h O. Ed ards. dir c to r "Beau �iful



g-ues. pon - r Taco ma Luthe!' of the a rIa l !' Ll yd J o hn son , .-rill Nora Johruio n qnri Raymonrl T 1'­ IeI' are in charge.


t: l l'i s vf D lta Rho (' Collt e Lu ther 11 PuclIic hohllng' U " p' l l uel I\Upp r" In t h eu newly d ecol'lI t d c l u b l oom T1Iell­ day v e l i n g. The a ffa i r , pi nnet! .1. a housewarming, will a1110 wel­ c u m ! ' neVi stuuell tl'l Into the !!,ruU p, Miss E\'<lyn E I, l u n d , g e ne ra l eh O J'1ll :1 n . ha,� appo interi Ills Mi l ­ dl'ed Monson i be HI charge of the d i n n er En tertai n m pn t an ga me.., \jy MigI'! 101\1 wi!! he directed Te lau, Vprna M i ss M adsl'n , 0 heads a ct,mmi' tre In r: ilH ti; gull'! fol' t ' f' club l'oom Miss Jo llna M ll n o uRolI , a.� b Ca lavan , Miss Wadene No '(dip N,, !!,p l , Mis!! Vernl!. To _ l unci 811 M I �S Manp .J ()h nson nRlI sup l\'j�" d t il,. 'I'df'corll t io n o f l hl' IJ,.I l:1 Rhl' G u m m a rnom. A , ()Inr Rchf'rnl' in gref'n , cr e s m li n n C h i . n c � (' rcri h a ll brcn ca rriprj nuL i n !um ilw'/! li nd the w a l ls, floors ,

colleg e n ght pl'('scntat i on at Our S a vi or's Lutheran chu r c h, So, 1 7 th and J :;ts, Th e are "Glorification " and "Fro m Belwen Above" by Th e rem ain der of the tiansen, prog-ram wil l he the same a, that ,:;iven on thc last t hree prevIous S u ntlay nigh tl'! in Tacoma, One of the popular l I u mberII 'roup's r('pe rtoir(' is ill the t e G rellC ('o mpo i t ion, "Dr'lI Store H\"ld(' Floc" ( The G reat This numlwr " h l te HOllt ) . mal r , p rticujar app:,rl t o 'C'a nd lnavisn back­ tho p o r J: round. A II 0 t h e r e ffc('f ive "p, aim 93," li n ar­ hpr I II rung-pml'n t IJ�' Prof. ,J . O. t;d('hoir \ 11 rd , ci irl'ctor 01 the Pal'lCic t he of head a lld Luthl'rlln mmllc dellartml'lIL For varic t �· 1 hI' ('hoi r �illg!l t \'0 plrlt ua l - "ChlJlun , Nl'gro CClml" on lIorDp, " and "It' 1\11', 0 Lord." bJ "'obll' aln, Sol oiat.'1 Su n d ay niRht will hc Stole!'" Alma Syvers o n , Evrlyn M i l rjrcd MOJlBon A nri Am ld An­



I Anno un ce .1a rriage

T r . an rl Ji.lrs, F, C. Gabrio of l'ar lend announ ce t hl' marnage , r t heir " � '1 htc" Beth , to H a rry DIII'n.n t. j r. . of Tarnma, Bon of The uran L fr. nnd Mrs. H, at urday pl'lce marrlr � � took ('ve:l ing- J a n , 25, in Tar.oma Th

, estabhs le' have YClung ('ouple their hom in Tacoma.

, 1"mi;., rs C � Delta Rho Gam m t PacifiC' L UW"I\D c ol l ege hay,­ pl �n d Q skating , arty for , FI , :

0 : 3 0 clock, at Kmg s 1:1 I"� Helen Scott, ,'ha I'man, is bcing aSSisled by 1iss 'i rgi m:J. In Sv lvla 1. ill r 'l.nd M is Prizes will arrangc mel1\.<; , l ' kin evening, I inK,


" ill hI' nn a d m l sllioll Tll('I'(, cba rge hut a liilver ocr!'1 ing will i Followin,; tr.e con- ' he J'ecelvcr\. c( l'!, m e m bpt·s of the ,h oi I' Itnd ,. rnt rt81nr1 t lleh' frienrlR will jn thp ch ur ch pal'l a!'!! by members of t h e "'om pn 'R Boeirly.




.""�"'�_"'II!"!��"--.�= thry,

!'t ,

t stCl't'tal' ' . TIl< M i . I;iull �ucldy, (,ldest ol'g-a­ lIization uI any type a t p, L. C, " Ul;vutes I ts p r-og nl111 til the study and suppOl l ut rniH. lon , Onl' 01 projects il t he j ls Oil sl� n d i n g :;upport- oC II. oy in the Ma d a '<lSCUI' M is, Ion fields. Rev. J . P . h!'isllanily P,fl ul'gel', helld of the departme n t, is the advlspr, ,



. L. C. Ne ws A nd Events K:.. t ll1'\ I

The P. L, C. Ger m n club Wi l l be hl'nd d Lhis RPm . [PI' by V emer l3itt"r, MI'. Bittpr, lreshman I n Ihe L i b I'sl A rtl! d"pa rt ment , W I l l b . ,' , 'i teo. by Miss Eliza bptb Fl ii , and J ubn Sturll, vie� }>rpsirlen t, H, li: ] iza bp th . 1 1'" lr,oRs uH r, Bund\', head " f th ' la n guage de­ Thl' Pil l t lll crlt. i1l t h f' cl ,b Hdvi 1" 1. .erman In lI18ge a � 'our pili lS pl" y "Y-,Ir t I t a t Z� h n!lc hm pl'z n , " P I � n s Ior " 'l p t i m I h i � spr i ll � . ISf) bring manl', d u b hi nqud I Ri l l ! UI < 1 J.. u " , T ' , wIth I I. II \ ' I'll 'r B , tlt'1' JI(I . J I)I1n90n

not h e l' D ram 1 ' isrh t PI'( (' n tati I I at Pa rkland L u I IH' r­ an call ge j� T h , n lll('u 'rida e\ ening. Tw l'oyalty plays w i ll be pJ" ,'en t ­ e d i n the college audituJ'iulll at 8 'cloC' , spon,'ol'eu b ' l h p Drama cl u b u nder t h e )(,�ld('J'­ s h i p of Mi:-;s lone l'Ihld. en, Pl' .' ident. hy Ly I of " 'I l a, " " 1'U:liv " cho. n pla� Ir I Ri g� . i. th.. �lurl('nl Miss ElInf HI u!<on. 1'E'r.tor , In hpl' " a st wi l l hp il. 1I [ildl P,1 Mo nson , Mi.�s R u t h !':n)lj , A nri Flmmcl GRry Thomps o n , r

\pagu e

. . --�---

. c. W i l l G i v e P l a ys


r ita Rh Gamma Sk tin g Party cia '

ChriS- I



II � F:'\ I'IY11 F.khmd, rlll'ec Llng "Thp Th"Pl'!hnl<\" by ('hll'icr Val­ hf'r ll'lle ]'lc('-lIlt Y. wili 111\\'c I MillS F:J"anor R lid b ugh, c

Ja:::p er JOhllll1n l{IM All/a. JOhn. d. ntl John Dl1g I In t I·m. sinr num berll \\ II pr('sented mem berll at j' Th e public ill .inviled. c l u b.




Rev. Sande e Is Heard Ch ape Exerci aes Re\'. EnoC



Club At P . L.C. Na e ffice 5

of Seattle ,

or lh· "Cc l u mbla LU ' hr>rlln" thf' of PI' slden Corm!' IInri of Distncl Bakl'l" t Moil a Tacom ynod, was t h e thl' A ugu!l 1U'\8 "peaker at thf' ('hllr I exercise!! a t Pl'c'fic Lu h!'1 n c liege 'Tu!'sdey .

('oi or

H ill subj!'ct wa " Prayer." nurnh"r oe other pastors of thp

A ugus ' sn




t he Tuesday c h apel p rese n t t o visit the colleg'e hour. sta y l n mong th ese vi�tors we re Rev. . vdell. .newly mstalled r"I E. pa tor of Ta coma Fi.r t Luther an R. Swanson . pastor ch r h. Dr of Sea ttle G th e l ne Lutheran . c hu rch . R EV. E. Arthur Larson, ev . Elmer M . .Johnson , 'Tac()�s , C. A. Beno-tson , Olympi a. Re,' p. _ tor of S ea ttle Emmaus L ­



Exec utive Comm it ee Of P-

Rev. J. Tr edson , l h' ran p a tor of th" C lumbia C- onfer pnee ('hurch.

H n nlf .or the _ ged in Sea t l lp . T�lIn·jher . '1ssistant and \ . I t N ' Geth!''' m a n e Ie at pastor , u t ilf'rA n c h urch,



nli. 'sion Soci ei, J� To View FUnl

T h e exe,., ti- (' comm i tt ee "

Paclfic Lulh ran

collep;e bo


Trl of

trustees m t lI"ilh Pre�ident () 'Ting\I;'stad at thl' collej:\'t' Tuesday mor tng qnd itemoon. Those pre Ren t were RE'v Alf £1". Kraabe l of POI'tISnel. resi nt . Dr. . R. Swanson of S ea t t l e . 'lIld Dr. J. "'\l. Y lvisaker of Slunwood eer!'­

t s ry.

The com m I t ee mad recom- I mendatioDs cf'ncl'ming ph a s es of coll' ·l cLivity. 'm i mmediatl' pm('r!!."('ncy pp ro­ �1) t" ticm of 5110 to he libra ry and litho iZl'd the presiri nt to �llPpo t Ihf' Llne'oln Bowl l'ro.]f'('\ RI . P H L. FOll. . rrl'l'idr.n t I of th!' P � cifi r Di·tr kt of t hI' N nr "·.. i '1 n Lut hpr n rhurch W 11 v!�i L C' nn I:' da ·.

Allen To Speak At P. L. C.


omm itle e headed by Bob ers' onson. Tacoma O ther speakers at P L. C. wlll f' w ill speak lit chapel exerci ses a t be J . J . H andsaket. P rtlann, Pacifi C LutherflJl college Thursday Feb 12 ; tty Ra Jph Horr. Seat­ moming a t the Imitation of th e 11 , Feb. 13, ,!inn Judge Card . Ta­ eoHeg and the st udy bod y speak- co a. Feb. 2 1 ,

Harold Allen, pr!'�ident of Chamber





The P cific Lu t hel"ar Drama club membf'r1 will officers Frida), CI'1 ndinatt's for t hI' r irlency are �Ii!;!! Evelyn Ekluncl a nti Bob I n rm. Th fi n a l d rama n lt:: h i n ' bll r f I h" rp,""nt exeeu 1\' cll m m i · t £' wi l l hI' Frio'lY c,,('nmg wh w two 1"(\ I ty pl .. ys pre presented in the cnllege a ud itorium at o'clock, "T{le Thresho ld" by CIa 1 ice Vallette McCauley. I'n I "Knlves of Sy{ia" by ynn i�g will he given 11Ildc-r th dir _ clm ­ s h ip of Miss EVj!lyn Ekhnd !iss Eline B n'!loft. A peeial fealure 01 the

program I be a usi!' 1 directed bv Mrs, dah Dapper th women's phy. ieal ducatioll de-pal't ment. With Th· Iml. N 88 , H II'll Lilj , lane lad n. \\ ad"n r I<>van. Jo<' nna Ma nouso s :- plrr 'l XeS8 taking part.




Luthe ran Stu d en ts Are to Meet At Decor ah Lu heran

coU ege


Fredenck Wall' , Jo.eph Runmng

At the

c n Ius ion of the In ­ ('holr number" th'"

Kroup wHl unltf' fOf t h e Lu­ ther ('ompo"l tl o IIndpr 1 he dire('t1nn of Prn( .108ep Ed­ wa rd , hI'li <1 o[ t hI' Pltc lfi(' Lut hernn , 01lell'P music p. llartment and conductor of th col le ge choru.", d i v idua l

There will be no adm ission : charge but 111 off eri ng will be t al{c n for the uther League wel­ fare work The pro gr m follows: , Prelude - "M arch Mrs, Karl Lutheran ch u rch .


RelJgieuse, " First


ProceSSional - "Holy,


John B.

Dy k el! .

DevotI Onals - Rev, E. Lc r�on, Be th e l Lutheran

k Dates For

Bible Institu te

angemen ts

the for . hl't' League Bible Institute American Lutheran Conferl'nc r' wdl u d r wa y . with the daLl's k of .A u ';U!lt 2 10 !I. ! l . r th f' f�c li t i"� a nd grD u nds f)f the A

Bparh Bible ConI ff'nce, ('3 " Di ne " . ve bl'pn �t ' n c Lind . 8('cordlng to



Til '

r ! �ellltJe , in cbarg ..

of pub-

annual Bibl . tn"titut� em- gue members 1 1 ace. Luther Pu ge t ound a rea. BIb] lectures inspira tional er­ discu sian grou co nfer ­

types a1' a nd

outdoor recl'eation of Included on the

i the L"'mb." " For vpr 'VOl' hy ' T�ch!tll\ows k ' . Ou r Sa vior' s LuthI eran ch u rch c!loi r, Von Zannl'r ' or�anis t and conrluct r. "No..... thp DRv ill Over , " l o!' BRrnab�'. Dani sh Lulheran chnir, l aurie A. PP\Jptt riirpctnT "G l o r\' Be Tn God," Tschaiknw ­ �kv. B � t h l ph p m Lll thpr n chur('h

trio - Mis�I'R Consta nce M a rlin " Dnro t hy Toll rfson, Treva prague. I Mrs. O M. Runn I n g , accf)mpa11I!1t. . " A birJe Wilh Ie," from A sh - ! forrl'S " Cross anri ero m." Park - ' land Trl nitv Lut heran church ' ehoi ,.. Mrs. CUfforll Olson, dir ec tor; MIl'S Emmy Ca l ton , accom­ pani. "' rl , Rydel l , Ad dress-Re\,. First Lutheran chol"ch An th e m , to bl' �elrc ed. Cpn ra l chOir, Fre<!en ck Luth('ran chu"'c , fiss rphll ,V. W all ill, dlrl" to) M ORPr, accompa is' Offertory-"Adagl o " G u ilmant ,!\fr Karl ·W<f' iM . 'Jesus Is • y Loving Savior, '





' Duet Dash!'!


church .


]l; orep n Johnson anr! Lillie Ruston Luthpran

to lh!' Lord," from 'Mpn­

rl el ss nh n ' s "Hymn oC Praise ," First Luth"ran church cho i r. Karl


of the l u ther "'eliare t 8t he "'i'" t Lutheran , Sixth 8\,l'nUe and I Btrl'et. ( � y '1[lprnonn A' 3 o'clock . n '1nt al pVl'nt '!po nsorr.d is I � . the Luthl'r L " liE' of Tacom: . T rhoi n of n'ne chur ch l's , hic'h ,neludc n thel" membershIp some of the wl' l-known Fin gers , will ('aeh con Ibut" one numb er t o the program. Dirl'ctora of th Inrliyid ua l choirs inclurl/l Karl \\'cls , Von ZannC'r, Claud/' A. Pl'lIct t. . lrs. Clifford 0 1 on,

Arthur church .

' c omoa ni.!n , \\'ciss.





G l o i�e:' Smart. L theran church choi r, , Ba.rton Dahl dIre ctor ; Helen 1- ' son, accomp;'lnlst. d dress- Mis!l Leona Lindeman ,, ' p ffi dl' nt Luther lPague Council. t igh t y Fortress J Ou 11 el\ Cncl , " Marlin Luther. holl1l u nde r the direchon of Prof J, O. EdwardR, Pacific Luthl'ran collf' e ; Joseph Runnin,e-, sc eo m ­ L il t h p r 8 n parns1, thlehf' Rex

. -orwegi: m

P. D. C. 's Alumni Banquet SuturdalJ P. L. C. Studen ts M mb rll " 1. thr- Pacif ic Lutllion lumn! C()l1 Hear .Mini sters I" n


bAnquel at

SaC \l I'rlay ilh


as s oc .

the Hotc I In eveninA a n n ual 1 -

umon . • 'P' 1,( R Tin1:eIslau pr irleD l of p , L. Mis. Hell'D Thrllne pI . ide n t tlf l I unn , and Fl'ithjor Tayet, til!' r,liOI' c lMS pl'eSidf'nt.



Ivin G. Lpwi�, palltnr L th ra n .or's

II In th , no or thc Lutheran ch u rc h jn thp 11iddJe WI' t snd Pa 'inc (;oa t, aTf 'Ihol Out t a nding J('o ' "plritu ,I rene 1 will photograph taken at raclfle Lutheran CJUe ge. Pa rkla n d, where a th ree-day abo\' be coneludell •' aturda� . pa tor In the I F i r t 1'0\\ : Dr. C. R . • \\ a n 'i Oo . S('a ttle . m(' m oor of the 'P. L. C. Board of Trll.!ltee n ml oncard l a ' . .-\ . Tingelstad, pre Ident DC P. L. C . ; Pr f. W. F. Schmidt. i\ul;; lIh tan a Lu the ran .:'Jllod: D r.

College, loorhead. Mill O..• and Dr. T. O. Burntvedt, . finneapolis, na t i onal pre i dellt of the L llt hl'rnn Frpe churdl, m erh'a n , '(,I'ond TOil : Ue\,. 1" Lud wi g of Po rt ln n d . me IDa or the r. L. C. oard and p tor t Boar : PrOf. J. P. Pfluegl'T of • erllber f the r. L. pokane, TO chup!, JAutheran C'hunh ; Ur" .J • .'U . P.· L. <.., on ('ommlttefl of 81'ra ngemen1 : nl" . L. Rall m lls en .,t Burllngton . \\' h.o ,·lce pretlidenl 9f the P. 1" ('. B(lard. and RI" ·. S . • J . N . Yll'l a k r oC t:.oO\ 'ood, ecretary of th P. L. C. Board Rnd on t h e ar­ fall g ment, ('ommltte .



Retre a t A t Parkl and Will Preced e P. L. C. 's Reunio l


nf meetillgs �on, loiinneapo!is, of the Synod.

Lulhpran col·

an Retreat

P . . campuo. conduetin� a d, n t of tbe P. L. C. boa rd of . , Iri tual Telrea plann ed 9 t the tJ·ustees. ThHI m eeting, open to i 'jt lltion of the colle!!e, under the public, will be "0 el u ded with Am rican Luth ran Confe r 'nce a co n cert by the P L. r: choir. Retr£'3 sessions Flit's) v;1I . y R(·v. O . .J. Orris I " vcrI" clude talks thi s morning Bellingham, Pro! . W . F chm'd t J nrierson of PorUa n d Rev John A, Houkal11 , eat t! ; of Moorhead , Mmn., Rr\,. Samuel Dr. T. 0 Bu-ntvedt, Minneap olis, J. Hansen, Eugene, Ore. ; Rev. L. n RUnn 1 pl'1'slrl('n of tht' L ll l hel·s.n ; Lurlwi . Portl and ; Dr. Herman A. 'FI'e' u rch ' Re ·. r.... R9 1'IIl ll�!I"n, i PrnUll. 1finnE''1polis, Rnd PV E, K B r'i n �l ()n . . nd Kl'ebs, L,,\\ ist on, TdR cv Emil R " U.\· On FridA' pl,pli m inal'Y ral l y WII\ be held l\ - p . m . Friday at he college with Rev. R Bogst ad III Eu,:: ne pl'csldin�. The III J ml reunion L. llsketbal l g a c bt'twe n ann 5t Martin'!< will be in gymnasium a t 8 : 15 p .. .t 10 a. m . F oJ]owin� the rallv ' Saturday, t here will be a tonr aC I h,. c'l.mpus. banqu t will hI' , beld at 6 ' 3(\ p. m alurd�y lit ! . he H ot el \ . in throp. '11' On , unda. marniD� her" h, Trunian servJres a' thp Trim! . Lu h r 1'1 church nd $It. 2 : 30 p, In . c1Jl.lay t h!' P. L . C choit' ill in

R.'v. 0 T. Ordal of Be l lingham . I' 1'-1 I jf' l of Pacific Lu- : �I . () It IOI'lTlf'r · coli �e an I1 t O ur S8.vior·u Lu I..'!.n III Taco W !I t h. speakqt c h a pe l I'xI'fciHI'R marked the op en ing 0, the 'lay's elIS IOn s (If the spir I' treat being h I d on thfl C. Lampull y pa turs rl'prc· Paei!ic coa t congl'cga-

Immedia t Future." At 2 p. m. Fl III A gent ll Paul A . Preu:; an d Victor .A. EI" st rom will conduct II. tour of the campus.


durted by Bcrtruni. Myhre, prf'!'i­

Heard at Lu her­

/lumnII ry of the fmdin during the retrea t mrctings R 'Y Elml'f M. Joh son of O lym pi a will pre­ lIrnt "Ton, o 'Tuw':> Pro ram," con­ Cl" ning the "'ork of th Lutheran chu Tch on . h, Pacifir COIIRt. R v. R. ogs ta d 01 ugel'lfl, Or" . ill pr£" ide. Th fin 1 sr sion of lhe r treat, ublic IlUlering in the '· 1.'0 a torm of 2 P . C. rally "ri l l be held III 10 ? m. . Saturday. President O. J . Tingpls tad will speak n The allege Program for the


PfluejrE>r to !Oipf'D Pro ! . J P. Pflueger of tne ('nll('ge wi l l sppak on " Lul h('rnn 8.6tors from \\'orlri View" Thursda.' pvpnl nf:'. " RI'! Ull ('ongr(' a ti on s on the coa. t Pre,<;iding ' i ll be R ' O. L. caWe. former presiwere merling Thursday on the H a avi k 0


during the day', 1I 3· Dr, C, R. Sw n.(lfl of Prof, W. F. Schmidt of , Minn" Rt'v. Samu I " , Eu ene, r . R v. L, L 1 Ig. Po rt l and Dr. Herman P , "UlI, flnlll' poli nd Rev. E. E. )( 'Fb , Lcw ton, J I ho. The public Is ,m It£'d to a ral ly t'" coli ge cbapel, II ';' p. til. ' od ;" " hen Rev. S. J. ' . Y'lvl­ sal' a 5tanwoo , secr tary of the colle!,:, hoa rd, will rresenl a

p"n m�

Ith " udE>nt chapel exerr\f'es ron -



1\rorp t h,1I1 ;10 Lllth�ran minI t ... r. loll",' ing A ll I nvltntion b.Y l:'resid nt 0,

to Ii OgtOIl .



th\\ e t a �I'mhll'(l • f I'll i rk Lot hf'ran ('ollf'gr , Tln gpls l a d to h ol d l h( ' 11 (' ' i oll untler aU'IllkP<l o f


f he

Parkland t hl \\'pel, for n plrlt lllll rl't rf'nt, !\ 1l1!'rican Luth r:t n {'on INC'Il(' , llf.'fuJllIg

pa!!tor '!howl! ol!o\'c are : Fro n t row-Rey, I" C , 1 !III, Seat tle ; Dr. T, O. Burllt YI'II!, l\fl n nealloll l'l : Be,'. 1.. Ra ml� II, Bur\\ n h . ; Ro,', i\f , L. 1' C'�"ig. - eat t le : Rev. H. .1 , \, 1 1 11', ,, 1 1( . Sea t t le : 11c\'. Carl . J , Ben lt'l �oll. Sl'al tie ; Rev, S. ,I . :-; . Y h'l�a ltl'r, .' hUIWI)!ld, • C'!1L'1I1l rOIl -Re\'. ' lui E. flylle I I , T{\('oma; Dr, 0, R, S"'I\ 11<10 II , 'p.utt le ; Pres i d e l l t O . :\" '.rhlgl'l!ltlld, t'. L, C, ; fir" Palll F08.'lel. Ch i nook, \ 'IJ, h. : t!'\· , 1'. , Brllll.lntl , P u r t J a l1 d : Re, . O rville Rlllllll ng, TII('oma , T h i rd row-ltC\', N , Co. ,A nder on . Tacoma ; Rev. (. M , l \'erl'lo1\, Bel­ linghl\m : R('\', O. L. I r l l ( l . Clar! tOIl, 'Va'!h . ; R \'. Pi• • f. !I 1,rl�f)n. oltoll. Or . ; Ttl' '. .p, A, Bjl'hl , rll II Pra.irl(', W � h . ; Rf'\ , Thl'II, n llllmugt II. ' ol l t h �l' lId , Wn h . J(('\', P. ' !"ell, • a t t l f' ; ourth row-Rr\'. John . IIouJcom, . ('att le ; Rl'\', Paul V, Randulph. l'o rt hlnu. 1'1' 1:'0 1 1 elf ). O r.,. . lind D r. E , . T , Hegge, Tuconll�, n \'. F. , j , (1I I lI' r. ' 0111 :011\'("1" . B. , ; R,· \,. I�, G , "·\lI'"t. Fifl h ro\\-Ill'\ , l�. H, Th 1Il'r , l'u) fllluJl; R('\'. K B, ' I e t t 'dah l. , a U k ; Ill'\'. L. Llld\IIj{, 1 n rt hml ; 1l1'\ , '\ 1 , B. Toller. r�ld • . polcu lII : Rf'\', Pf'tt't S k a r t ",'(It . . eattlf' ; R('\', 0, ( nu (,lH , II h . n r r!'" " "� t h ro\\-R \'. 1':. R. Fhwger, :Sl'att l c ; fte.... , k , UU\·id."OIl , Port l a n d ; Itt'\', E, 0, nel�If'ln. Port nl'e� ; lV\,. E, G. ' c. : ltil \,. E, ., I r('I/ ... Ll'w,,,tOI1. Idaho ; He,' . • 1 . Hle l(f', l . el1e"el', Jdalto ; rtf'\'. • ey n t h rrm --' , L. nil ,'Ik, att l!'. 1_1",0 0 , , 1 I \'rrt o n . «,\'. , 'S, f'rJ:", T'\(' om,, : It"" Oiuf "Tlcr, l'n rkh,nll ; Rc\', � .J . l utz. " po lm n e ; Prof. " , F, Sehmldt . "oorhc:l Il. I t \', M Uck1'1 Lono, Tal'oma : r�ij{hl h 1"11\\"-1<('\', \ . \\ . ltlln1stad. J>arl(lnnd; Rc\', .1 . r. l I u n . ; Il�'\' , r l h u r J, K llul7. II, ( t i l!' I l » rhul'; ar\', ,I , T, } · n '·b�·. 8('l I i 1l fum. " , rl l.l1l1l : J l'\', ,I , '1 , (; " "I\\' h lll" , - ,,"�.on" : 1 1' \', n, , ' , ';ndm u n 1" ' , II" ",'11' : R(' \ , • • 1'0 O. 1 1 1' . Sca l ll!', ''1 l1 r 'l' l



or \ 111' no


Celebr te Weddin g Anniversary

F ne nWi of M r. amI drs. A. I' l l ' ng� , I gat h I'e at U,P Elling­ �on h m e, 50:.! 0 , 56th st., atu!'­ l''Venin�

wl'ddi Jl place

nnivl:'r ary, whIc h \.he plC'ct'tiing da y , to



}<,('b. 1 4 . Millll 1<: t a i n l' T', l in ;::llon , l h l' only o Iall"l1l r o f Lhr f mi l y, was ho�t­ CSII "til lh,. � rnllp, Ih gathcrlnJ:' h .. iny in t hl:' 0 nI of a "lII'rn'll' At I i'll' rlose of th f'vl'ning', lIpl'nt , ef r llmpn l' w p I'e 'nfor-m Iil)', " nd thc hOllorc! j coup le '( rv! ,j ':rec pl'Cll('ntpd wi t h a ch('�t of ., ilv , ,rv 'T', O. Svan' of Park­ 'ld peakln f r the group. Both r. anli MI' . Ell ingso n }' es p o n d GUCl<ts who came from Park­ land, whl:<l' e t he E lllngsons fir. t l ived alter coming flum llrshall , D" J . se e ra l yeal'!! ago, 0. d t ool

from moved,




were M I'.

Three Wi I Be Gi ven A P. L. C. On March 20

Rohprt Monpol1. l1l'wl. ' ple(·tpn p r � I d pnl. of tht' PHofie u heran 011l' P Drama dub. has announeeri Ihp next drama night rIate ail ill reh 20. At this ti m e th l'ep I1n('­ , r l playl' will bl' present<'d i n lhc co li""''' gymnasiu m 'e ' grau I{'adt'r� ha 't' he-en na med by .Monao n 8S follow� , a d e n e C a J a va n . aSlIis ted y A rt H aavik : Helt'n Li lja, assistpr! bJ .. oF<l>phinp Running , Rolph Bolstad. q� istl'd by Louise Hendri[' k!;on � ,'I> n rmour, a sis ed hy Laura

J. W. L. Mat·­




iL'Dono u�h MI. and M ,'s. vin, M r amI M l·S. Theo. Fleming. . fl'. anti Mr . :. E. Dah l , Mr. and 1 rs. A, . .T. Mon!lon a.nd MI'. <' nd r�. T�lI l't ' " I'ng o f Tacolna. M ,'.

11111, }Ir. :m I },Irs. I I . L, [ I'�.. .hn 'ah t r. Rev. and ]\,1 1 . . '" 0 Svare, Mr. and Mrs. _4 . \\ , am"ltll , Mr and M rs. .T. Xavier of P!l l'l la nu . and the i�� F,I;ot inf!, Al ton. Nr.t·b'�rt ,InTI. Byron a n d M r. nd 1.1l'1I. F.'n ing, o n . ;>nd


. L ague Conventio n t Se ule In Fall



1 i



o\lnrl Circuit The South ut er Lt'l\gue board Rt:t October 1 6 1 7 nrl HI RS tl'nta tive dates tllt" r RlI ('on "n t ion LJ hE' held l' First SOl'\\'l�g lan lhi 9 " A I' r Luth;, n (1 urch, Seattle, RI'" M.


L. NI' VIIZ' . PI' tor ThE boar<1 , h Olll' II with siml.A thl'

C'W,t uOI nf •. \ ­ Prof. ,I . O . 10;11· wiled , ('omll ll' t or, \\ ill I n \ i t e rorn1l'r " holr I I I mut r I CI )0111 f hl' cllllP in illl:llI , r: I lI umlwn., \ h h' h hll\ I . n . IIn � .. u,·h .' ,., r. 1o'ollu \\; E'

eru l

� .. a !'S ,


Th'" date of the lIt'xt COoc r t hall n ot been fixed but it \ i l l b a nnounced in tht' nf'lir u t urt!. FUI this co cel'l PI·uf. fo;tlwa , lis hop.·s Lo ha\'e reau a I·tl vist'd II l1 mb('I' f hL� compo�llion, " '1'ill a ( .uod T hin .. . " \1 dlll'n fu!' Ihl' C hh'ogo tmll' in 1 31. On. l o l ly " I Iltl'11 to be SlIlIg with 111 t rl l 11lcnl I aoloa s nd oblig-atol!, it hll� been c h an ge d so tha t thp. thcme i8 car­ ried by the a c p lls choir a l on . The melody ill onf' 1m l i a r t o t h I. r. acquainted w i l h Lllthpl n h ·mool· Thou gh p( rh.. p ogy m J cur j. ..: u l t than some olher t!Om po.i t h n f Pruf. Ed\\,S IUli. H ill be ' L m '

aditHm tv ti1€! ..:onc I t prog l·alll .

M an y G ath er F or e

, now Ilu rril's at ' nter\'� l during the ,'\ eek-pn d f;li i l'o t Pre vent Paci fic L uth e ran col­ le$l;e "l ! u .liT.' fro 1 1 turn ing 1 0 their a m a mater for reUnIo n I festi \'i t ies or to l'etract from t h e beauty f th spri ng et ­ nt'al banq\lel , l ing foJ' til , hl'ld Satur ay en omg in the l l,'stal b l I1'Oon of the W1n­ tlll np 1 I • el. c t lh JJt t hill ye ar ' r " l d off the campus f r the firs t hm in sever t years, and bccau."e of w('at PI' e ndi t i(ln , 1 nse in chll rgE' W nnt on t'r!'I" ' thi rl'unie ,n wo ul d b ndpcj qthoR Du to t hllnquf' W'�

hi Ids walls ""fT!! lh fo rmer ('oa he� and in : llo),. � indows were larg flgur� s or lh Ie � , all done u ncr' the dll ee· l ('I'l of lyro Kreidler.



of the gam The l'puit I'mphll!;ized by thc "time Kl'eOjel'!l;' Myron KreIdler and Norria low, whe eff cti" ly held n t by l theIr ,lme alla l i m e clock R large Bo wlrs" gllng.


P. L. . N Of ve

lIlhlt'tcs, r ferre<1 to the history (It thP a h lc t

more recent


me, Miss 'rh ra n.. the a l u mn i i n lo l a88 of 1 036 rank . Frllhij,.( Tayet, class prest-

c o l l c 6e and tJuml<erj the alllrr nl d . tu ent" Cor the i r support f(\r the bac -g-I'ound laid by former iI.'nt rp, pond('d , 'N g Is ad in IIthleLl's and coache . Prp idenr O. Du r ' n g he even i n g a o�chestr words at welcomp on behalf of h c . the leadenohlp Prot. n der co l lp ge rt'ft'r·ed to eariy d lly'! 0 A Edwards p laYf'd Lulheran I J o. "p h O . Paci c t a thletil'l! by the ]( I • Ion !longs Ac ad e my, a the sC'hooJ Wrul kno�'n group of . a t omposed of Evelyn ,fit- . when t hp PI' !dE'n t was a Iltudenl qu l't . ll" Mo n n o larenC'e and ed d b R . · . . P. of L His rrferen c th e re. I a nd -101m SOIOS .by ew " rT. H d II nt: IlthletiC!I was cRrriE'd nn by Osenr t he L owar th - er wert' aI "0 g1vpn J, Ander on, torm er P. L. A p ro!? r 11 ' t hr Wal tcr h: n ' mE'm bPrII of rlo.'1(, a I te Rnrt O • .T the ( hnstensen of A!itorla l"d _ and tormpr the college fAculty yplls, and , col­ roup in P. L. toras ell L " as . A P. a � Lhie II 1 ge so ng IF by Prof, Edwardf', mer coacb II tbp a cad(' nw ('on ludert b<'t thp e\ ning with the ' c nnrl P. L. C. inging of he alma rna er song. nother "''lsl;o,rl Prof A \� arl L, Foss of '!J,fJ;Cbap la in r "ch "t P L. (" and � t.I1 a mem l!Olll'l, Mo n t , a tD rmer student, hI' facu l ty , dls �ussed the ber (If aslol in 1'111 kland Trin i ty for mel Slrly .oetbA I l tPaIns. HIS remarks church a nd al so formerly a m em­ wr re brought down 0 ri a e hy h!' t of h I' P L. C. church, p reach­ Ruasf' l Fry" . football capta in-elect. ri th(' �r " m at p l u m n i serv ice'! Hilltory of basketbal l wa s b rou g h t i n 1'n m • rh urc h. President Ti n to the presen t by H a rold . 'U - ' , " I' I t 1 (1 con rl u cted the l Iturgy, 'I nc presen t _ e pl;tin . tntlRi(' was S!'iven y the jun io r c "\ MI!'Is larg-ar(' t Jacobson ot S e - Ren lDI' ch u rch eh[ < l rs, rilrect d by a ttie, a (orm!' r sta r on p, L. C. ]' r Uifford O. O I�(Jn "nd M rs. tea ms al thl' t i me w h en m Le r" I-p nneth .J acobs. , coli glat gaml were played, repConcludlng the re-unlon . rpsented th(' wo m en athlE'tes of ittes , as he P. L. C. hOi" Dapper. An.ab Mrl!. days. (ormer cprt Sun II" aftem on at Trin ctor e ir . d alhll't1c prpscnt women Pflueger, P. J Pro . church. way in wblcb t he alumni advi ser , I'" tbe lolr! oC in devot on . physic I educ a t i on department i s nunng the Elinging of fou r WI> I . r ert on 8t p esen ' , ntrodtlcmg Known nu mberll the preF' n t chOl!, A thl e t c was au g m ffi t e r! hy fr ner Women \F' flr� holr th associAtion prc:Ji d cn ts . . Miss R hodR me m bers. a t the in vit ation of Prof. Hnken!lta'" nf Snohomish and fi�s Eri 'ar d s . an



las of '36. Ison . as tM Coach Clifford O. he outstanding representative of

EDlrl HutMn of th..

Waffle Sup per

G I' Junior


01 tt e Parkland Trinity h o ld ing a w Ifl !; gU I l d at Sun,l: v e\'erung' from :) to I

T IJdJ!'

E. f. en I'd w i !! 1'pea k th chap" l exprci.'ps 'It Pac i fic Lut he! n col ieg' Thu l'8da� mol'D­ tng', Tn thE' abscnc o ()[ t il e "'tu­

riP t wi q

prpsid " n t

i.' S t udent

Larsen, Mildred Miss pre idl'nt, will introduce th rl ·tt..d preSi de nt, V'llIer Bitl r, t urn w i l l int rnduce n who i (Ithel' n p w offic( rll of the oI'gnni­ zalion. Miss El iza beth F 'ii� v ice "1'1'''­ pI' sic1ent, a nd John , tu en , Eliz beth Mr�. tal'v - rI'I1II1 U' P l', Hnlm Bo nd y as club a d \'i""r \\ ill as�ist in the in. t � I\; > tion of t l(,RI'

. officf'r�. 1.1usic ()n thp prng!:'� m Will I'on5ist of songs by A q ua rtE'I frn I the S I'I " ngprb mel. vocRI I'<olos b� Mil'<s Milclred L I'�pn, a group Of < piano !'Iolo!'l by Gernlll n cor. l p" by iss 'rhelma Da niE'ia, Rnd vionp




lin 8n los by M18� S yl via Mill,, !:,. MIss . 'orml'l Pr"us. III ehar f' ist prj s b ei ng deco ra tions, n la rga l'pt Larsen in pia . by Mil'S nin� d "ora ions III harmony wi t h comOther setling. "rm m it t 'es appointed by Miss Rut h .Tohnson and MI�s Laura H au"'p who are in cbergp of Lhe blInqul ' .Iiza beth Progra m , a re : Flc : t icket s, Gertrude Br nne r ' t llbl, s n nd serving , Vern r Bi tt f r anel .' Lou ise Hendrickson. ass i stoo. Stark. Helen Thompson, Lloyd {elba Ff'nne , lone Ma dsen and J an- Ma rie Fowler.


Judge Card Will Speak at P. L. C.


-:== -::= . =-_ �____........

Fre Diehl, p ·e. ident o f t h luI. ,.aen gerbund , Tacoma in 'ited as the gue bee speakf'r at the annu al a nquel to b held Friday evening b) the Pacific Lutheran Members G erman club. gather in the parlors of college chapel at 5 : 4 5 for the affair,

1'1 hrp. Lu thel'R n Df'cora h. III b In

Bertru m

II ttrnrl ing

cnnvpn tion in I owa . Alvfin n Am.. c harge ,c t b p program . the

Forensics at Pacific Luther College will be officially op <:l Fri day when the men'� teams mpH Grays Harbor Jun ior college from Aberdeen ha , !tl'l'noon ill doubl·· debates at Pal'klan . til te junior ('011 I' qUf'R' The con . tha t "Resoh d, tion . ·h." t,,'r­ shall h ve til/" p WPl h1l·,.ls mp jOrity tn ovel'rirll' t h tt""m� c un" i� being Jphl'ld rn IItt I hv Fr rl th l' affi r m a t iyp nri. np bert Hresemann Com (IS the ntgath'e team af€ Vp r and G E'orgp Brockw�y.

1111 - sch 01 ... -: d 'ltJ; :


"1 I

Lu 1'1 n c ollege Fr PI (ifi ciilV t'vmi g 8 be i n g kept a m). sEllen to Miss te;' Y, II ccl)rdin� anr Roberl Monson , Bergstrom hI' III (' pi nnin!! the aliair. hllve been instructe Stud nl "to weal' old clo' h· s," bu beyond t hat , no irll"� of t he U1eme to be e known until c " l'l'ic d lut w i l l ga l hered in the hay the gues

o'dock, collegol' gy m n a iu m at Miss Viliborg " 'orby is issui ng plans program and invitation!!,


y ]vIis.'! c a rr I' d out cb rge of In raft .

bei g a' •Ii! rgG re t

rntertsinmen t � i l l bf' Miss Joanna Manousos, M iss Thelma Daniel ,

Harnld Tn ha nR n a nd Ed Svinth. o in ed in­ Other cr m m i lte " a Rrfreshme n ts, Ju d i h B en ­ r lurl e : Preu8, Norma. ( chsirman ) , ,; n ob Martin, Ches\ trla Johnson ,



, oli , Palmer Steiro ; decora ­ ( cha irman ) , n lfu Lions, Eni Ray Reid, S t a n l e y Ford , Verna Ha zel Valters, June 'T"e�la n d , aagoer p ; h n l t a r rangeme nt, John ( cha i rm a n ) . Lloyd Thomp­ •)wen � 'n , G erhard t Pflueger . Alvfinn ! ·'r

'De and Obert Ha!lvik.



P . L. C. Alumni Group's Memb rs Named RequI t

neet on


I'let'tlOns tho'


ad d ,

hl "'e



wi l h




Sa llJ J'd�y

a lu m n i






c hose

m e m ber :

Paci fIc

a l u m ni

n l' \ '

Sl l u m n i hoa r'l


held in ('on ­

� n n 1Jal



hanqu rt


f l lowi n g

Pm!", J P.


thl' facully , 'IS a dvisor; ORC �U J, \ndl'raon, repn'sen ting ' P:'\(' l flC L u Ilcran l\ cArlem\ alumni ' MillS Berdin e K n u t 'n, '3� Park land ; J o h n G V a n Lcllven '35 Tacomll . Myron KreId ler, '26 TR� !!'er


po m ll :



'32, Pal'khnci Mem berR �t!linr I U f! : Iil'l'l Ka l hl'.


en of

Ipha Bda alumni III Delta Kappa

dmpter f Phi lDeeL Thursday evening at Lutheran college. The group wil gather in the college dining room ann ex for a 6 0 ' lock dinner at the invitatIon ot the fraterpity mem­ ber; on th e college staff, Dean . J. . tuen, of Phi l ip E. H uge, PrO! i cnt 0, A. Tlngleslati. PrOf, . J. Edv.1n Tinglealad and Prof, H ong. Cntvin J, l icho�. newly appointe d inst ructor in civiee at Li ncol n high IIc1'l001 anti all'O a. tormer

member ot the Stewart IIc h ool .taff, will speak. Durin g the ast two yea l"S N ic ho ls served 8B special Senator N. ' for IDves 'ga or appointed to m1reRtifi:aLe.;I' com mitt In the mun}'wns md ustl'Y. ta lk he w ill tel of his experience th this work. in connection Paul A, PI' us, financial agent at p, L C.. has been Invited to He will be fling at the meeUng. accompanie d by Prof. Josep h O. R. F. Edward., director of mu.slc. Bown wJll preSide.


P E U S L CT D e publ ica n Club F o rmed By Parkland Voters


H"r man A, Prcu s, p ... . tor of avio r's L u t hera n col!e ge d u r­ mg 1 he l' cen m 'l:!tin g of Pac ific pa.'!t ors, relU Ml Pd to til ('01ege 'Vcd n esday m ornw ., to lJpeJ Il In .chap I . tol l o ing l !<hotl tr 'p t n \,v BnU sh 0IU l'1 l:n8 bef r e h i s rptu l'll to the mldd l wes t. His subj e t , S.... "Chr lsLI!' n Joy. " The spea ker u; a b the r of Ptl u J A . Preu!!. col l egop finan cilil "






r s







Birt hda y Pa rt y for Da ughte r

Mrs . Art hUr arlin of Pllr kl nu pn terta ined edn esda y with R bi rthday pa rly for her daught er Beverl ey, Wh o was four years ol d W (,' re Mrs. L u ! Guests invi ted , Pete rson . and dau ghte rs, r:aro l : and Bar bar a, Mrs . Art hur E 'ic� _ : 80n and da ughter Lorrai ne , M � . i\ t h u r Hol m and da gh r a " M rs L, Dah l and s n B'lll •

u t




Scholarship For St u de n t Offered

0 P r esid ent 'rhrough 8: letter Tingelstad, a cific Ll I lherpl" . college has been otie l'ed a gifl Lo h l" collpg be used as a prlzp. I student a a i n ing Ihl" lug-he!; arship du r i g thf' l'Chool 'ear Leon .r -Jeiner of the Pacifi� Av€'nue Lumb r Co., !!tatrrl m h i s letter that in apprl"ciation of pleasant relati nshlps a n n of the I ype of work e ing done h.' • tie college. the com an ' desi rl'.1 10 (1(. O. A.



m ncement award i to





rpl' some enco studenU . The n a turF of wi l l not be made



ichols to Tell About Munitions I ndustry

Lehma nn

J f) son, '34 . Tacom a ; C'ld C'o l om . '26. Park­ laml ; Mrs, Hl'nry Be n t e n rId!!, Hlnder l l e ) . ':n . i11.' HarbOi . an I Rud o lph " ndrrson , '20. Oh m pi? T e IH hoa I'd w i l l hoI" II. ) e­ organiza tion m�rt.ln g t n elprt 1flcl'rl'l .q'lme t i m r hpfc. c om l ence. mcnt whrl'l the t ermR 'f the re­ l i " lUg memberR E''' pi re. Th ose J e t i r i ng- are Miss Helen Thra n e '31 • Tacom a BirgeI' Ncl�o n, ! a t l l€' ; :Mis� R u h Farlness '26. Tacom :t, In.! f'rp( SI hepl, '10 aU le.


Dr. H. A. reus Speaks A t P. L. C. !

; i

age m e n



P Jii ft pro bably

k own unt i l Com .

ev ni �, be mad

Rev. Anderson to

\', hen


e Speaker

.'orman Ande on, plI·jnr 0 thl" Lu h e a n Free ('hu 'eh n Tacoma. WIll be the spca er at the \Vednesday m ee ing oi t h e PariIie




c ol l e g e

Mission !!(lciely 1)( rh a i rman Johnson thf' pro/:;:I'ilm com mittee . has I n ­ Ol!u:m to lean r! vo­ enl' " ted of a will ('onsis ' ion�. Ho l l e and a vocal '1010 by Lestt' II pi ano 8010 by Peggy Ramstad. Under the a U!'pi ces of the MIs­ !'lOn 1I0ciety. 'L le� tFl" MiNing I h E' h 'n;; taken to be and 1 to I . ( u n r! ' hleh I S s n l I r la a ca r

Lutheran Jas per ,



v e n ts

O f Park land A

St. Patrick's

al'd party

.an d dance is being giv n by the Parkland D mocl'atic club

t he Sun­ Mem ­ her:, and friends are in ited n lhe gath ri ng which is

Tuesday hine

veni n g a

ommunitv hall.

:che ule

for 8 p . m . U der the direct ion of MI' H arry C. H I tch. several . I'd will be played. In ch arge of srrangem e n 8 fOl' the dance ar 2<1 J !Iller, Joe Lang. Mrs Roy P('t.en! on , and T. Selden. Music w i l l bl' furnished by ud y Bei . '. arche1:ra. Fo t('r Morrison , club president, a nnoun ce s thal the next reg'u lar meeting of Ihe Parkland Demo­ crats. following this March social (un c io • w i l l be Apr! 9 . he Sunsh ine hal l . Parkland Tri nit La dH�S ' Guild t the 'ill mel'l Tuesday evenmg home oC the president, Mrs. Paul A 1'1'1111.

The Trinity Ladles'

ml'ets \\ ('dnesday afte rnoon at t hom p or Mrl!. 0 J. Colton in Brook all' Th rp �;Il b a mid-wP('k Lenl en t1l'votional hour a t Trinity chu rc h . Parkland. Wednesday al 8 p. Dl Rey. A. W Ram �tarl will speak. : Mrs.



M usic will be furnished bv �tJJ ­ de"t.'! from the col l e ge . inc'luding , Ml8.S Alma S t lee. vocal . oloist Miss Loi May r orton . f1uti t. Bn d nro th. Anderson. pianis t. . rl 'in Tinglestari will en­ lain ....omen of the Pacific Luth­ ra n coJlege Dorm it ory auxi lil! rv at her Parkland ,orne Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A . W. Ramstad will VI' a review of lIome recell book. A group of VOC8 I sol05 w ill be given by Mrs. Ditm an Larsen. Mrs. Clifford O. Olson and Mrs T. O. Sva re are in charge of the program. with Mrs. J. P. PfluegE'T", preSIdent, co � ctueting th _ mee ti ng. of at

Miss Louise 'Yilliams. president the Sophom ore Normal c l ass eifle Luthf"fan college h as

appoIn ted





Kat h n nderson, Miss Maripn Kohl,.r and Palmer S tet ro all II Cflm it lee tn arrange a thell ler p rt ' for the class next S a t urday . e ven ln "




Eng agec!

Prof. J. P . coJlegf' L I the ran mcm bers of thp lIughn P.-T. A. T 1 ('I'da)l eVf'ning on t he 5ubjI'Ct, "e.' ·ract e r Education."

M i l t on

NCR ig





lasl vear from Pacitic LllU1('r 11 'liR oolinlJi n;; < ,,!lPgI'. v h n I:; educa t ion al St. Olai r.o l lrgf' in ·orthfll' l rt . • Tinn .. bas hl'''n M O'll'ri R

nc 1 ate pdi lo l' nf th" "M;, n i t.,) l l pu b l i c- a lion 8turien t

l(,pl!! e n�er," LIRf . at

te rt a i n the Monte Vista Garden c l ub at hl'r hom(' At Sl'nshine IIta-

Ion Thur daj tern er8 wfll . a Il"r al 1 o'rlocli' for a dessert lu ncheon instead 01 meet i ng later I In the aflemoon 811 usua l . S vera) talks will be given by club memb r8: "What t do In the Garden th is Month," Ml·s. .Tohn Hotc l! : "A Flow r Topic," Mrs. no be !'lheppard: " hrubl! for Rock Carrtens," Mrs . Otto Damkier; .. l'Int1l That Lh'e i n Pool. ," M 's . . E. Wegner snrt " Pl a n ling Ga dens for Coot in uou 8 B loom. ' 1f1'S. Irv­ iny Sl'ldf'n . Mrs. W. R. · H enderson' clu prceidt'D , will cor, duct the meet­



Ni gh t At P. L. W ill Be On M y 30


M I �. Adah H . Dapprr hRII b(,pn I'ar's :"rniol' r.ho .. f" n In O tH'ct thi:; play to be pre. pnt ed toy the P a ­ rifie Lutheran ('nl leg-e g ra d u a l ! n ,!; {:Ia. S on c l ass nigh t, May 30. [,,�. nR ppe ·. w h o joi n ed thl' . L. C. teaching stafr 1\ vear A n d A h a l f ago. ha� h � d milch ('xpell­ pncr in cil'a mali ·S. a l though hi� hI" fir�t work in this ficld a l

. L. C. A l'om m ltlel' compolIl'tl of Evelyn E k l u nd. c ha irman. ViI ' inia avis Vel'll Knutze n have been a p- I presid('nt, ntt.'d by the r i a. . rithjof TI'IY . t. and are work ing I on thf' s e lpC l 1011 of the play 'i t h d rs. Dap Pf'1 and Dean Phi l i p E. Hangr. las,. a dvi�er.

r ll1urh inte rest In Tacom, the announcement of the el "l men l of Mis..q Ma l'garot Jacob· , of Seattl e tl) '...·ieb r "'yns ra, 11 ('I of that city. M*ss





P a.c ll'I.c Lutheran c oll e ;; c , wa� sec­ reta !' q.t hp colleRI' Cor two 'C rs a\ m� for her pr esent po­ bdore SItion in Se<\t tll' Shl' is a n\(oce of ]\fr�. T. C Sa LT" of P rl<lanrl 1' h werl/Ungf't io!' . Il" , wi th rlRn.� fa!' aIT ex tend e d tl'lP throu h Callfornill an(j nthl'r ""llth'....('·tpm Illa If' he fore til" new ho111' tabl her! in Se W "





Prairie me


Of Pa r k l a n d

The Lutheran Daughter!' of the

Retormat i on

at Pacific

'011 ge


Luth eran

·m meet Th urs ay aftel'­ 'loon at t.he home of MrlI. Edwin Tinge lsl ad




hostess .

Parkland, as s is t in g all


Hrnrv C. LaYilJr wi ll bl' �'1J(!!t spea . er. 1usic w i l l of a p i ano solo by Mi6s " on.qis Do 'othy n d erson a v i o l i n duet by Miss N eve l l a Ross a nd Miss Sylvia M i l le r, a soprano 8 010 . by �i " Alma S tol ee, and tbe smgmg of the L. D. n. son g by the g l·Oup. A ews l e tter �'i11 be re ad by Mill Lenore V.rithrow, and a read­ ill be given by M i ss Jean Ing .. 1'5.



The prellidE'nt, Miss Margaret Rorem, will conduct the meeti g.

Mr and Mrs. Dani el T. Floll' . iUng are a t t h e hOIl1f.' of Mrs. Fl otre 's parents in ParI land, Mr. and M,·s. T. H. Olso n. They ar­ rived Sunday e 'en l n g from Burg ­ dorf, Idaho, where MI'. Flotr e is m anager of tbe Gold Run Mi ning compan ·. They I a n to rE'turn to the mine loca tio n withi n he next


fi ....l a l

'igb t " of Luth­ enm college is scheduled for �ri­ rlay evcning with the pT('sentstlOn of th re e (lne-act plays in the 01lege au i to ri u m at 8 o'clock. Robert Mon on h eads the P. L. '. club unde! who!;e ausplceli these drama n igh ts have been given regularly (juring the past The

I son \vith p lan

include Mesdam . T. Smi th, S. J. Horner, John P. SWanS(\I1, E. J. Scott, Anna Pu" ill , E. F. Bm vn, E. Scearce, J. E. Erlen, and Paul Froman. Mrl'. J T. Penn an d "')'s. R. Aljo are in c arge of publicity.

: '1\ .


the sch 01


. . MI·s. J. T. Pell • president of the lolet PraiIie Garclen club, pre­ E'nled an article nn the California Redwood tre s and exhibit� Mes ·nd bowls of redwood at the F,'i'v m . e t i ng of the c l ub at the m!' of Mr!l. A. M. Freeman in ·ool{dale. A round-table discu s, i III on trees fo l l ow ed . A naper on forsythias was gi v en

meeting of the will be April 1


Plays Be Presented P. L. C. CI

. . A chicken dinn er will be gi vf' n i FI'id ay eveni g al the Pa rkland :1. •. hu ch by w oml'n of the LadiNj' id und er thc d i ree ! ,on of I the prf.'sident, Mrs. W. R. Hender­ : 'Ion 'I'll public is im-it d. I Decorat ions will follow a St. ; Patricl,'s day m tif ! Mem bers a ssisti ng ].{rs. Hender­


shipmen . The next Prairie club









bers h

Tu esd a y and a sccond meeting after a luncheon viSIted the plant of the Mutu a l ProcessOl'S and Dis'ibu ors In the Perkins building. were sh own how they where shrubs, trees and fl wers are pr!'­ served Indefinitely for f a r- awa )


ye!U' q


year. ' In

Douhi Abou t Dllis�'. " by Gf'rmaine Haney, Is the pia :" to g iven und l" th'! rlil' c to rll h l p of Helen Lilj . asslsted h ' os ph Run ing The plo t. f' oncc rn th diffic ulties of a country boy ;tnll girl who vil<i t t heil' friend in till' cit" I n tne cas Me Elizabetl



by Mrs. Geo. A. Marshall. and one on violets an vio las by Mrs. F. Da nielson . A report as given by Mrs. A. E, L. Hardy concerning the juni or garden club recently Nf''l.nized in Parkland ' nd er her I ·eetion. During the business ('eting 111 ·S. Hardy was in- ' : ' r ('ted to represent the c l ub I n cooperation with olher ga rd n I c l u 8 [or the nnu a l daffodil ! til.

S�uen , Evel�'TI 1lU.onsrm, Bealricr l..cland , ,\talter SChnackenb(, 'g , Robe rt Martin and EdwarrJ Svmlh. " 'adene Calavin aid"d by AI' aavlk has cho3cn "A BlIrgRin's a Bargain," by Larry Johns�n , for her group, Char'aeters WIll be uisl' William�, AI' old Ann r­ . on, S s n l ey Furd, Enid Bl ake Alicl' Cook and Harold ilaen, "Whlle he Toast Burns, " a nl v 'on�erning a old fashioned fath(>! who is moderniZl'd by hIS by col lege children. IS directed holnh Bnlstacl J.ssisted by Loui!'!!' 1- ndrick!" on . Pl a y ing the 1'01('0 r� Jf>nnif> Bard" n , Eugenia S1' ('nne I n"nsn , eh tf>r m: .I:. " H u '·"on.



. Adalt H. D pp" r, jeal ('du atlon Jor


.lI r('/'t o r \I

" I th,. Pa<'i fiC'. Lu ltll'rll n ('011"' 1:: 1' Thl I her se cond YI' r 011 I hl' ('01- . 11'1:'1.' /ltarf and undl' r h r I hE' Wnm tlJ' A thlet 1c 8" D<' i a t lon h hCl'n orJ:'lI ll i z�d. '-Jr. . Dnp p r In I'ha r I' or a rrangl'm en t for t h e Ir" mnasium dem on trllti on to I

g1W II "t thl' colle"r. Frid a,

i nJ:'.

(lml' n

"""II ­



FORTY-SIX members of the Pa-

? ����� � �! I

The a! u I�cs under lh


aUb p i c e s of t he Ta­ coma Luther pagues WII! held a.t Central Lu the ra n churc h A p ril I 12, accord i ng to It. rlec isjo n of the Lu th er League ccuncll, it i s an- ' i n oun c ed . I Th service is planned for 5 : 30 !t. m .. with Pr ot. J. P. Pfluegcr head of t h e departme nt of 'hriStillni ty as speaker. A choir com­ pOlled bf representatives of va rious �hOl from tl1P League


W) I !


congrega tions of smg undCl direc­ lion of �laudf' A. Pel l e l t .

Luteran M iniste s and

Brnt ht'rhoo rl (,f which dub il'l n nll'm UPI'.





. }. l aska

Lu­ forme" :!!tuden t a Pa cific. ess the lher� n colle ge, will addr t he colle ge t ud!!nts and facu lty at Ryn n i ng


whe)'e :!crvlec!l L, wll', p o t or of

Members o f the eran col lege lass adopted class rings and pins with the Luther coat of arms insignia which hav been u sed during th{' past live years by graduating Irtu­ dents. he design wa.'! created in 1 930 and m become officioI through continue d use. Becaus e or thL'! fact, members of the class ' f 1930 ar ' especially in re.•'lec in knov.oJng 'ear wh� lher current graduatlng cl ass e:! dep (rom the d esign introduced t

c h urch,

I h 1'8n

at mornin COm nlllnlOn C. t\lv i n ('v. a v i o )' g Lu0 1 1 )' '


p rea c h


.. ions eaer wi l l b thn'" st"s.. 10 ·:m 8. m" 2 :30 p. anti 7 :30 p. nl . . a I at Out· Savin),'f! Llltheran (hurc h In Bre.n E'l'lon


oay. at

The) e



Thu rsda y morn m g. conne cted 'tr Rynn ing, \ 'ho 1 indus try indeE' r With the orne of his ex­ A lasl<a , will tell the north . periences in his work In

opt Rings and Pins

wi t h


n Rt;'v. Theo, Hok('nstRd, P ll s t o l onouC' lt'd by the ci rclill prt'.'lh.lent, , I Haavik of SI ·i L Lle. Bath R \ atlfln in th� d l' lit 15 to ('on "' ) t wo 18\'011'n t represented bp dl'lc"'ste!l in add l ion to lh Ir


pa�lor!! . A�lii. line- Rl'v. 1 'aavi\; w i t h rr" n menl. fo)' th, ('onvention Ill.; th", convention hust pa tOT', R y. fwllcn!'! act of I'emerton, Rev. Mlkkel Lono of Tacoma . vice pl' Rldl'n! (If the c ' relli . and Morn. R. To rv i k of SI'a lll . • ('cre t a ) '. A <l tl rc�l!e� du ring the conven tion " A Sm-Rcnouncint:" \"i l l incluct I.i t . " b�' Rev. 01'1 Asper (If Park­ : lan d ; ' The A on ' ,. hnst. · by F v, Arthur J . Knutz' n 'l [



if! . "






Theo. IIl h ,'u".'n "ChI i. l's P e t u l ia I

of !=:ou t h Beno , P opl , , " by RI'v. A . J, A rlskim of �eatt1f'. and "A Christ- Dedicated L J l('," by Rr v, A. 0 , Ailsen oC Van­







ill be given a

'\·a.'lh ingl

LCY'j ton.

. tat .

I) t h


pan ied




Torthwe t tou-.

F om there th y go


I'a�lo i·.!I An,l la 'n "n or lor'll L i­ til I' '" c h u n'h, ' b lon& in� to t h(' ol ti. II'CUI Suuth I'ugel So un d t'\ . L. r'. '\.. a l t' makm,:: pl a'l s fo/' t he nnnulI! t \ ' o - d ,j , ron 'enlion 10 be h i !o ne .1 wt'l'1{ in B rem er to n ,

cattl !'

ynn ing To [.jar Ad dre ss Stude n ts.

F rid ay




1 0 : �0

'i s

I ma.




Ed\\ a rda,




Laymen Going to

b giruung'

Ft iday morn i ng. 8!i 1" '0(, 'ring 1. tad Will lIpl'8 k eran !st ric t Pl�'n 01' the Luth


t hl' i l' an nual


Hllollu 't l t l " ,


ra n

esl " a nd their co due' or



­ PII.)!. Y.;dw i (1 Tlngelslad of Par\( t!l ­ nd, t!dito r oj the Pllc. til: uth t lbe Herald IUld II Ulem bcl' !It II.ff , L ollege Lutht'l'dll Pllclflc .It a ape ill I \'. i l l lit! the :!pel1 lt e r \Jlu ' in the 11 e. ling lit t he M.m · Lulh "I',U < "hU l'<:!l 1" I I'IIL l'd

rifie Luth

nf thp



group will



pa rt be

Y a�­






1 r



th cn f th


E l ve st rom ,

t our manage r. and Mrs, Elvestrom, can of vomen. Announcement of the to ur has bf'e n delayed owing to u ncerlam weather and th b'ansportatlon The- si.ze of lhe ch 1 1' pr .bll'm \ as in\'olved , and 0 co mple te (lIT nge enl<i it was e e ss a l'y to rrrlucc thc , tZe of t he f:'rou p and se lect 46 voicc!I from the chOir o rg-fln zed last fall. ThOBe self'cted for th e to ur i c l ude the followi ng:

Tone Madsf'n. Ellen BN'gst.rom, Ev lyn S yverso n, H el en Ll l ja, Ida


J oh nson .

E u ge n ia Spenccr J u dv Benso n .

The lM8 . 'err a

1<; 1'1'.' 11

Prc lls, Mildred Larsen, Helen H ol t · camp,


ra f t,

Monson ES lh er Monson. Mildr �pl'ga.ard , S 'Ivll� Millet, A l .n.1 StoleI', Val ria Moe hn ke. Virgin a

avis, Odel Nor by,

E oa


Eliza eth



Val bor;,; Ca.thl'rlre

Novelle Nagel. , J en n i e Bard n, MarglJ_ ·t H arem , M a ry Machle. Ke nneth :o\.nen son. ern KnutZen. Arnold A nd e r son. Robert Menson. Clyde Grimstvedt, Li Gran de, Gerhardt Pfluegcl', 01 \ l I Ie Schlanbusch Edward Machlc 'al_ ter Sum c ke n be rg. B e r t I' II. I!l Myhrp, (;eorge Rusta d. A lvin. i S t ue n, Harold 0 Conner, Ro l ph HoI sts , Ray Hinderlie, L1oy·J Th mpson. Following ill the intinerary : March 2 7 , Y a k i m a ; March 28. Pasco-Kennewick ; �Ia r('h 29, L,'w ­ j� ton, Idaho; and Endicott. ·Wash. ; March 0, La Cros s e ; " J rch 3 1 . Mnsco\\ , Ida ho ; April ] poksl1" : ear­ A pril 2, Newpo ' ; A pri l 3. don ; pri l 4 . Davenpor t ; pri l Ritzvi l le ; April 6, Everet t : A prIl 7, BellinO'ha m ; April , Mt. V rnon ; : Apn! 9, Lakewood, and A p ril 10, Stanwood K itchin

V ari d E ve F t i l Pa r k


Intere t alen dar

Of d

Mother-and-Daughter Banquet to Be mart Affair of Week; Informal Affairs Honor Mr, and Mrs, Boynton; "",;/ Recent Bride Entertai ed �

WOlllcn 1 )1' th� Parkland Tri n i t \' Lu thf'r;1 n Lad iC's' �uild x lf' ncl i n g i n\' i j ; l i on.' t o t l I e annmd �lo1.her-]hughter b: mq llct t n he h C'lrl in h e c11tUt'i1 parlor. J', 1'1 lay vel1 l n g a.t 6 � o'clo('k. Th is \' ea rl } aU; ir ha, hrcomc 0111' 0\ the outsiancl l 1l�!' ' C\' n � (Ill t h e guild sncial caJl'nrlar. and Fridel , ' s Lanq uel i : L ' i n g- k nl� aT t i c i pa ed b) mt.muers and �ll e:-; t s . � [ rR. ;\ J ikke] Lonu w i fe of Hev. 1.0110 of the Luther ;\ r(,ll1ol'inJ ch l ll'l'h . 1 i I ('en il1\ ited a ' t h e guest Rpeak�l' u:v . 1 1' . Phil i p 1.. I Ia u gt' , pro Tl:I 1 h a i l'man , �he w i l l be mt ro­ d \ l ced by Mrs . J . X a \'lel', toa�tm :ter. Il l'l!

---- ----The Guild pre-Hl r t, Mr . I' ul Pl ells. will l nil a " 1 Icom on Tt'i itv Luther lc•• , Ill'. Thl' I OllP I half or th oil !" ·R. amI l\( i s!! m('t i� Tr i n ly ch u n; h parlors. with J'rcderiK Sc:hlnnbllsrh has b en Mrs. O. J . Slue I an d Mrs. T. O . ked to l' . le Iud or the da u - Sva1'e as 110. • ('lIll eR. t(> . '" gl'l' cling \ 'ill be giv('n bV M I'. J. O. D avi s ot Tacoma WIl. 1\1 \ . T. O. SVIII"I', wifc of th thp speaker. with "As a M an TJ . �' JlII t () . Thinketh" a.... hil' topa'. Devotion!! On I lie m\l�!c ·1 Ilrog' !tIn It g-roup we1'(, led by Edgal La lIei hymn of I'hjJrltcn's . nn�" will hI' sling iuging \. is conduf'lt'd by M i ss · hv a moth l' • qt I ! t �ompf)scd oC Jwovce P!lrrlao, and a rI'adi n g wa� • II'!' . •\ . W . n- H1 t: d . M r�. Clitfell'd g . cn by M i �� A lice Boe. A flut n. 0 1 . nn. drs. Ph ilip E. Hallgl' so by Mis:. Lois May Morton fi n Mntht'T. · � and M r . .1. 1 . . \ viel'. 'e I nUl't by Miss Mildn?d La r­ r>TIg' will S T." by a gil'ls' t rio s n !Inn MIl'S Mar Pl't orRen omposr.r\ r r PaUly Boy n !.o . H('I n ('onc\uded the p rogr. m. r !l mRta d ,.nIl �Iorla Cb " ·tells n, A t tne busil1eBS ml'pt in,., Mis� . t11(' . Rrd-H, .• ct )"\0" com­ r.e!'tr lInll ·ngclslad . dc ; '1'hardl ' posell of Miss 1 7.abtll(' !'\'" I'I' , MllI� rfllll' r and Paul Larson 'el'e MlI lrf'rl lon.'!ol1 Iln<i .lisR E\'elyn appoi n t cI a commi t tee t o plan the 1\1l1nsoll . l iss F'I I \. Cvltolll will next II 'II affaIr of th e leag ue, Cavor w l l h a pi. lln " , ]0, and a IIcheriulto tor March. piano d1 1ct will l)l' pI t" (I by Mi " 'lJfma Prrts 31 1 MI.·s Peggy El a n o r Hagl'n 1188 been I • 0 ")1' IrJent I1f thl' Parkl anrl 'll i I jl'ai 'll ' of f l "' ,, ',\ng .1 Im or L th 'l lNll!1Il'. 5hl' a hI' 'he )1ro.·�·Cl1 tl,t I n '' 1 ''''I'CCCO S Jim "'11 ola!!. lo thl' old,,:; 1100 h 'T ( t il!'!' ofti Cf'1'1! aI'\' Bil am�tarl. " iI' " pr' .o;;r\(' nt . fl'rlr Pfl uI'g" r. �ec· r.r thl' �rl \" l np, 31'­ ' ( tllT\ . and r. 8ymomt Pflu' ger. is ho nqu\ t fol' til tI'N."1I1· ... 1'. Hi�s B"r,lfnr Knutsen is lhl' new , l aking tl pIlle nf i u n ior Brl' i.


Miss Mild ","I Larsen

The juni ors plan tn "P('nny 1;'11.1 1'" MaTch 14. "avler aud Priscil l a PI'CUS W re l I med a commiH I' to p l an the c\' nL

To Live



r. an d M rs. ROj;s Boyn ton ann d!lught('r. Patsy "re 1l10V ng f 'om their Park all.' home to Tacom a After S a tUl'd ay . Feb, 29. thf')' will be at home lit 1 1011 idgewood II \'!',


=====��-=���" d· l n� 5t� :: e r� rr====�============�W i ans-t-o�B�e"iir� n· e� � O rn e S e r v i c e Theme of Discussion In�i���I� ��� t���� �;'�����





Normal Dept. Thi Year at P . L. C. l lc

o lh� of meeting Th ursday Da ug h t p1. (,i WSl9hlngton PI on'" s I Prilr to 1�70 1 I bein g p l an nf'd . Thp member. ;\ i l l mf ·t for a 1 2 :30 o' clock breakfa.�t in \\ , v· rhaeuser' hall II! the Y W, C, A



Ally will speak on anu l u(' of W('Rt,,1'II Int! an., Mi�iI Sally Sil'adn of Puy; Ilup "'11\ sing a grou p of Indl, .n ll O gs, The Indian motif VI i ll IJI) carrie nut in lable appointmpn t!' an,l d('cora tionl! plsnn'ct by Mrll, • . A . Ha rris and MI'I!. T . H. Cro t hf'rs. Re!<Elrvations [or thL' breakflll! t sh oul d b mari e with Mrs. Geor �e Gilb rt (Proctor :!·193-M I , thc presiflf' n t. or wit h Mrs, Arthur Clark ( lain 1430 ) , c')rresponding !I ereMrs, Gilbert is ca l l i n g a t ary, lhl' executive board m r t ing of i m ml'rlia l.ely p re 'erl ing thl g-en e rn l

M rs. N .

' t he



ls Charm ing

\ ;-; 1 ri l1gt i l l " \'Nl l i n of :implf' ('harm u nclny a 1 r­ 'won u ni fcd in m a rl'ia rp II . .� h irley Swanson. c\all ght ' · [J [ i'l L I'. and i\h·... , Will iall1 Swall­ �on of G raham. anti C 'ol'ge ' Howal'd I ml':oll , S O l i ,)f i\1 ... and .\[r ' , ' l!org'r Imeso)l u f G raha m , •


mf'Clm g,

.fay 1 2 .has bl" n cho!; 'n a dale for the annual sprin g ('on­ ,' n t io n 'It thc South Puget Sound C,rcuit \\'omen 's 1.1 if sionar'V Fecl­ I rltiull or fh" Lutheran chur'h. 'I'll ('unVt l l t io l l w i l l be held In Se• 'or weglan First t he at ttl( I.ll l h' IUIl cl urch Rev, M, L, Ne5-



l 'uyallup,


Annual Sprin g Convention Of Federation


pel'f nn rl i n The ccreJllu ny W th e afternoon ill lIle pIesetH:e IJf latiVf'� anu fri'llu, ga the r d ilt Ule Parklanl hornl' of thf' brio ... '!! unele Wlu a U I1 L, Prof. and Mrl!. Philip Mil'hel N FJ '· by R. ' H, Rayn. olld, . I ethodist pa.qtor of



Th .. rooms wen' II('cor , t " l WI h Rpri llg f!oWf'rA an r l hud I"pf'rry ['I','n . Thf' bl'lIlf' �nwn"<1 111 "'1 1 .; il vrr-p' 'Cl'll C !Tpr morklcrl 'l'arIng a. i n tUlllC fash in J l �nd cnrs Ige uf gardellia� en tel'ed wit h

h(:1' taUter. WIIIl H er' at tend3.l1ts, M i�s Enl'l son, s sister. and Mi l! Ro (' ed FI'anich Clf Span wa y, Wf'l'e Ill' in Jll'le yel lo orguudie and wore rose MilD' LeI: • u [ ton of 'T'� om Sh l' �<l.S dl'l'l', , - 1 \\ 8 S fl;Jwer girl. In p a l e blur and c a ni d jonq llil!'! . 1 M, u'vill Davj� of T�com!l COU�i ll o f L1lP ", room , p la y rj oCt m usi c on the Vi o l i n b!'fore the Cf'rl'r nony . fJ'fl. Franck p n ��i ,] r d ar I hl' rc­ wf'd­ cl'ption which fol lowpd th Shf' was a�. istul by Mrll rlmg. M r�, Cllthcrllll! ' o rton , al •'o r Lrona l'd H l l u ]1.1,', . A IPfla Chrl Ie ot Ta com a , M Il'. Gi l for': Park", nf Gi g Harbor. ,I nri Mi.,", Thpl m ll • -Iscn 01 Gl'ahllm , Mr . a nu M r . Lm::! !'on w i l l m a k � their home t G ...h�m.




STEVENSON SPEAKS Pfluege r Speaks TO P. L. C. S11JDENTS A t Oregon Stat

Entertain House Guests

:Mr, and M s Arthur Jessen an naughl!'r, Dicky, who have been visiting at the Parkland home of Mr. Jessen 's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Philip E. evenlng Hague. lcit "'pdnesday (or theil' home in Camp D ouglas,

ta l k o u t l ining hd fly but th growt h nC T�l'orn a !'lirll' '' t h days wh n the :� 1" . f I'rm inll� " a '! h r ,·, 1It::! blishrd St.·w'nson, t'xl'e u t iv' s" l' T. r '"'I H ry to th Tacnl1ln h,l n h,' r I I! [n I ri hl l tr: (,. �1 lI1 IC I'CI', pair! h l uh ... th ' pion' I'. hI' • 'ort hw,."l of \l'1I"n hI' a d r ! r>!8�,'rj faculty li n d !'ltw l f' n l" 1\ t PlIcifiC Lu tllcrall col­ In




l eg/' '1'h1JI'sd>l Y. Arne, l vf inn


' '

Prof. J, P. Pflu g r, hen of t he of Chrillt ia ni ty and

cirpart m f'nWi

p h i l. ophy r(

1 11'),;1'.




P n c ific

L l l t hf'ran

1:1Ir1l1 SPI'S k(' r at cnll l'l:'''. H I' � 01,1'

Olr):o n , ta t r 0,''' . TIl('\sday. . Phil, "·"ph.\' nf R!'l igion . "

_ _ _ _

W 8l!

i n c hargl' of th� ing, Paul A. PrcWl, co l l E'ge nnan . CIiJ I agen t introduced lht' �peal;�" an,


P. L. C.'

Summer School On .1une 8

Summer 8chool at Pacific Lu. th e ran college Parkla nd , will .It; rt June 8 and conti nue hr 11gb Iwn se�sions of ix e s . th econd on e terminating Aug. 21.


P. L. C.




Ga ins

Since Reopen ing In a l l o f ' 20 ow rnl 1 f ge raciif e Ll l tbE'ran 300 � t nd('nt!! nro11('J, i t ha by P h i l ip E. rnnmJ ncE'u Friday J I 't:1ll", de:m aud rpgistl·sl". Thia

l i" ure

peak III a th l"�pn>scntli leady allll uu l gH l n $i l1(:e Ua' ,u1Jt'g� was 1 ,'oJllned In 19:10 wHh ,R

stu" nts. The lal'g est pa rt f tb present t he thl'l:'e-yelll 111t,Il ll l en t Is In ' ol' m al 11 'pw lment, w i t h �luLlt'n t A.rt� Li beml two-Yl"ar or t h e ('und a nd t h e ,""ur. P!! in divi!;iull schaul J OIJI-\ f >1 1' hig h p, ing thm\. lif) p, f. From T·u,., llla �nnll' in lPre!!tin g �l! n ., un y �t l t' �t il' t 1 ' 1 A II' !'l'v(�If'tI rntnJ ' i l ' ill thl' H'<ri�'- " ;'l1" lI offi\!{' . tile st udpntll ::;1 1\ P''' cpnt of BI't! ( tum )'<'g st. red aL P. L.

.nd v i c i n i t y. Tacoma , vrn ly-seven per cent of th!' • Iuclent!! pUllle (rum murt' dillt<l !11. a r ts of VI'a rying tun, Ilnd the r('­ I !-prt_ ellls maining 13 Jlt'l' cen t tuelf'nls from otllt'r sla les, ill­ "I I'lln ' Ort-gol1, Cahtorniu.. 'M o n · t a n !l, Ala!lka. -' 'orth Dakota , 'uuth U . ko ta, Minn ut and New YOl k �IlIIY FaJ t h" Hellrt'M't 1 t.·cJ

ael! be a R su m p lion that all re f Luthl'ran college s (udent� ill qu ic kly {8i t h the Lulb " an shown t o b e inCOl l'ecl whr·n figur'NI

1 hut l 'i u t h. r den ominations the .stud nt 81 " l'''pr''1'ented in Ut lH-I' d numi natlons r pre <Iv 'at11ooman ;< ·ntt d are Bllpt I' t, G 'at bolic, ' lln l. JI C h rJ 'ba.n , Cong-reg _ SCIPn ti"t (' h li ' jan t ion l , -pi. cop a l . First Inul'pl'n unt, l ot rn t ion a l BIble S 1udl'n l�. l e1 hod l t Bret hl en !ol -nnonl! P" ol cos tal P t esbYll:ria ' v .�tl'; Day A vent is ts an d Swe d ill h l.lisTh e Buddist fait h is alsu sion. l' eprrlle ot ..d . . e 'en pl't' c n' or the SImien!!! ,. . •:.,ill t!'l'(;t.1 'I U ch rcb pl'elc l·ence.


o1'J;an eledr ic pip t th servic <; a t 1 1 e hea I'd Trill­ a . m . SUldav a t he Pa ldantl i tl' church lIuditi un to the ol'�nn 11111. jl', '1 A



-L .

�lr�. J. . Xader, t 03 t­ mi t l'es::-, presided at the spPakers' table a the Mothel ­

Daug'hter banquet given Fri­ day evening bj t h e Trinity Ladies' Guile! in the parlol � 01 he Parkland Trinitv Lutheran ChUl'CI1.

eness MOlns • filch Furgiv ' uf til ' Sunllay t he till wor ni ng .- Cl·mon to b( d divf reo

b I'.

ueh LO" e" ill ..

by t he 'pastor, Rev. T. O . S vare, ,

Two cou rses o{ sp c1111 intl"t'cst to pro:lpect i ve tt>achel's lire being offerNJ lit Pacific Lutheran eol ­ lege f o r th e first timc th I S s c m s­ I p!. U n der the ellr, dion of the Pierce Connty Boy Scouts, T. G . Rli . h OOn e is conducting COIJI'se

In Boy Scout lead ership, meeting e""h Thursda y a t 7 o'eloc,,- Spon­

sore I by the Pier County Red Cr "5, a course in first aid is belD" . · Iven by Dr. Harold , Clay berlY \ .� h mee ings each Tu�s(Iay ;t ',,0 p. m .


arir!ing a note nf I'nd pi Y enlor to thf' mom.



hlO ,

'\ I ' .

e (i ' t r o

ta n d ard .

s�l'a k f'rs a

Sch rnm m,




Luthpl I n

WII! be on" of thp gllPRt ,a t t hp. LlJ l hl 'r L<'8lnll' th

Blhl " Insl l t u te If) hI' helrl t h � yea r . �a 1l1 II ef)V

:r.rolnl ·

nant A 1J�IRt 2·!I.

chra m m �rhmmm n

i s the



snn nC I r. , " F:, BUIlpr, PIL w h ( ('.lime

th .. rOMt (I lng two pre\'iQu1l of t he . Bible lruttHute as on .. of th(> pP ,,� I!. •


.. .."Inn!! -


-� I.._'..



Mikkl'l Lono. ....' !C nf t he M "m of thE' L u ther church spes ).-E'r of the rv nln , pnlll ';'rJ out th e irJeR,l motb"c and Olh r d 11 u J:' n t e r relat ionshIp. T. r a p l' a k p. rs werp Mr ' '1 , r9. Paul A. Preu., lind }.1i or F'rpd Mr, . Astor




For this annual evellt, gu ts r ange d in a es from tiny dautih- : t r wh" !l ppea red in a t ri o sing­ Il !Jtn el 's lull aby . to the sil, in ' !:Tf'Rt - g ranrl moth , v' ' - h , H wlI g th en! M,·!!. P. T. ( IIrRII ' ] )res'>ll lerl wi It who w as th oldest mother prp. enl. Tllbles wer ,1£coralerJ In n mod­ Il\'l'rl'd pr nist l c spring Rt�'JI' with l eav ps >Jnd pu. S)'wil l owl' 1I1I c nl r• nd can rl]p!, nt pRI� iO'

Two New Cour ses Given A t P. L. C.

- -�"T'II' � " ---... -' ''''. � - � - . . � . . -

Banquet Is Gala Affair


An t h n s by th junior choi r. <H­ 1 , . K nn('lh JaC(lo . I pcl -rl bv niol' chnjr hea rd . T h <' \'ilI b will a lso sln/t. nndl' t the rHrccU lin , . Olson . " Gon ' of MrS. C!iCford I sider and Hea r Me" is t h e i r num-

S lnw

H a mn.ond



Songs nn the pro�ram werp. g1\,I'n nf by the girl ' t O. c<>mpnsed Rl'ltnS4ItI P al sy B"ynton, Hl"lcn and Gloria Chl iatensf'n , anoth I' i tr ie, b ' 1Ias _ lldn n Monson, nr! fIss Iza b J � EvelYn }.. >nson Svare ' a n d by a mothers' qUllrtrt \\;!.h Mrs. Philip E 1{ u� , � Clifford O. OJ.on . Mr. A W, m­ , U. •' a vil' r 41 k i n g stan and Mrs. pe rt. Miss EmIT a Colton p layed a plann !lnln, Mi� Tor m a Prell! and .>fias Pcggy Ramstnd /I du('t, and Mi!'8 Rosalin ,1 nSl'n sang.

. ' ... .-�.-4��"�-='I � -

. . T ii .... � -- . , .T""'W" "-" - "� ... .... , .. .... "'!:.l� _ /r.. I'- I�� �.'--.,

- J-_


land ' s G. O. P . Cl b ay Ni ght ue o


wUl alnc!'

l <:

Porle!' rrl :R I b U a n duh it� f il's t oJY'n m eeting uy or"'ani7.ation Tu

he l ei

ning a t the Par! land sehu

lu rlu m.

at ::Ila l·tillg prugram The (,'duck wi l l prcs n t tu rnH'I' S t a l , nl1tol' Henry l'LI�. , MI'!!. Gill'/' • (·om Ol i · It'W', ­ I" . ,"'a son. �tal ' , Fn \'1,' ' m n n ; ann fl r, 1:1 I'old


( nunty I'hn i rnw, n . nil .p akerll. will i n ­ I�l\tertainmE'nt ie ture Mr!! IUlle V(leal S leell!)ns by lift rd O. O1llon ant pi: no 11 lrc ­ tlonn by J o . Cprl O. E,I' , rdll. Thp P rl !and c l ub i. Iv· ade d \ • Pa u l A I rru!! with A rl h u r VI and He)J., vi


•r==---==�====:::==I'� Mrs, F , Jeffords en tel' Crystal Sp ri gs Git 'den club at hl"r P ar l a d home Friday, beginnlr>g with Il noon l uncheon . Mrs. A. Hardy was the speaker of the day. ou tl i nin g pro posed acti\'itie or a Juniol' Guild arde rganizpd in t he comto be flu

k n

A papr "\Vhat a Do in I.n it\' h- Galden in th S ring," writtl' bv M rs J effor I, . WI\.l! presente b ' M r!!. GE:'rharcl Haakenson. Music wall furnish d b) a group of gil'l s from Pacific Luthe l'll Two piano I os, "An college. Olr! Tryattng P ace " and "To \\ ilti Rose. " bath by E . lofac-



Dowell. werA played b ' Miss El sa soia. "Idylle" A fl u t Arneson. by Benjamin Godtiard. was gi ven ace om hy Miss Mary Mo rton . panil'rI by MI!;s A i ce Ramstad . Miss R TlJstad was also heard in a plano solo. GriP .� "To Sp ring." ('se n t al Lhi!! meetMembers re Mr�, Al ,n R. Lehmann . • ng irs. Y. G. ChrL tensen. Mrq. K. Dowi .., 'Mrs. G' rnllrd H ?kpJ1son. ::-.1rs. Louille PetrIson. Mrll. H. L Dahl, Mrs. W. T. Sloras.s!!. Mrs. . Har Iy. and the hos tess. Mrs, JeItor Is.



Thl' Junior Guild of Pa rk�and Trinity Lutheran church w 11 m, P' Til sday eveni ng at the home of 1)809 So. Puariea Joyc i.!\S P r k V". me t [ond." , Men's c l u .. Th parlors. church In the evcnin H. L. Da hl enlel taill in g Th c Lars Rynning of raker Wl\.l! to i c waR His •'orne. Alaska In Tn d ustI Y Reinoeer "The lRJIka ...



uon ,,'a. re cnt y "' , de a m em ber or thl' W este rn ou ly of Physic Eoucll. I(\n. the HI'st t me that t women of the college. ol ,., an zed n th is wny. have be!'n lI'fIliated with a group ot tha t kind. ecti on with 'he In co rogrnm the as.,oci thm is ring "Posture college. w:iUI Anita al l and M"roo , nchle in charge. Rober Hager. ('ad oC hysical edu ca ti o n tieR i n the Ta.coma public schoo's. will pe ak ()n this su bjec t Wl'd­ nesday at II !! t uti en t assem bl n connf'cllon wit the d a ily c bapel exercises.

I p . L . C . Event I nteres


A n interestll1g program of e\'enl ha been scheduled by tho�e In charge of the annual Par fir Ll th ran college phy ical education demonstration program -. ponsored by the \'\ omen's thletic associ�rl)n, booked for 8 o 'clock Friday e'vening.



·th a grand In reh d St rling n I M a rie N eva Olson reeled by ' Johnson and conclunfng' wi t h the b asketb al l , champion!!h,p ann u a l etw('l'n t ams reprrs!'n ' n g . game Rho and. Delta cillb Pc th nt ami dormi­ r;nmrna, day s t u t o rv 01 ·anizllt ions_ lh(> prog a m III plllnnrd 0 sh ow j U!�t wha I s lIC­ the i ne of physic/! ('nmpll�h£'tI i eOTJcq ion activit es b) t " gill!' of t h .. rnllegp \moer the til pct ion D ,,-pper, ·omen'. OJ , f rs A Rh




Ie ( I r· c l or. a th s. an Ttal lan Thn'" Cnlk dan . " Tarant Ila ' 9 Swp�ish " Reap the Flax." an "SPven JUl\1ps." a Danarranger! arE'O beln Ish nu m be nd cot t by Melba Fen ney. Helen Jr IS n In!l.h Watil'ne Cal!lvan. of Anita Ball and ch a r�e 'n



N ew s Even ts Of Pa rk Ja nd


Of w teresl to man.\ frie nd" In Tacoma and Parklan d wa the rn c.rriage Feb 20 of Jen ni


ella tly S \an son of Pal' klan d and Stewalt Palmer of Par k­ land , which is bein g formally ann unced today.


The bride is llJ d�U:ghler ! 'Mr and ra. v; , G.!latly o f 'o vallis. Or - T · ceremony. qui et



one. p('rf0 nl solt � Iud by

Par klan d. 'was ,. J. A. �foore f lhe Me '.hod . t e} l ,. h. snr! c me as II, great Rurp . to the Crl nds of the nupl p wh a establ ish.n g their n r'\' hon e n Pa l'k land , Satu rdR.Y vpnl ng M r. anrl 1rll

The rna Daniell', ' mp�. wedish Two Bin glng "Guslaf's S oi " and "Carou al." a n d an A mC'rican singing gam . "Captain Jinx." are on the pro�I'am , A t a p routine will be pr/'-


direction of the nller �entpri f i l ler. Thelma Ness and SylviR {annllsos. a waltz cl og Joan IInriel tnf dirC'etion or A ida John son . .Judith Benson , Enirl R u tllon. umb"n d "" arlene Ca J av ll n. Ilocl lin/:, unr!f'r thp d i rec Ion or Thelma ,Tess an I F red eri a SChlanbusch· {emhp1!1 of the te ms playing lor the 'omen's cham ionshi p a t



� rc

. PlIlm pr weI' hnnnrerl a II part . III t h p Ta coma hOrt!" of Mr


and Irl;, H "rhp rt Cott ier. \\.; t M r. ano Mrll F prj [l8n ',pl'i{ln sr _ nl:' a.'! joint hn.�r and host esses Tl It'Uf' ts spen the eve n i ng at brldgf'. 'Ind lat"T re.� nted the coup le wit g-Ins for thei n • ho Those In\'l l ''d WE'r Mr, the colleg-e. th final eve n of thp an Mrt Sam n ier 'on Mr. and Mr even ing. will be Fre der icka Schlan. "m Hen derso n . II' 'toloyd Mon�on, Evelyn . Ha/:, n ai pt a c bURch. u M' argarr· Johnson, Miss Joanna Man ousos. Wadene CalaFI:' Sc�a rce. Mr. an� Judith Mrs, \ I\n. M elba Fenney , and \\ IIbul S ....a.nso n. Mr. an Mrs. K W. Benson for the Delta Rho Ga mma, BUc kley and Miss Ru a lrJ R lh Sal lie, captain. Thelm. h Palm er Sunday E've ning Mr. Irene Ode ll. Ruth Fro; �n, Te and rs . Palm er gav e a unda ' nIght idders. and Edna Kelse eat r cc per at lhei home in PIl1'k �Ol' t. Pep club . a n um ber of re a ti ve "llbprs at the \\ omen' A - I I . GilI' l Ill c lude rt MI. a n d Mrs . Rnb I tic. /I..'Isocialinn execuLi 'e bOR ri e ' ' 'trt MIS S Marian who \\ith Mrs Dapper are In Stewart., . '[I: C'ltheJ'lDe S te wa rt. c ha l'gA of arrangements: are Enid , Ml!;S Ellz ahe th Stew art. Hu tRon. pl'es ld nt. Joanna Mr. Rob Stewart nf Se Ue, Gerlrurl Mr. ax 1 M I'. ou�os. vice preSident . R. J. Palmer. Mis s Rut h Pal mer Sten berg. sec ret ary , and Judith · The associa· Mr. 'Va l a ce Palm er , Mr � reasurer. Ben:!!o n. �d M �. • rs , \Y' . S . Palmer, B nd BC\'erle and Jo hn Swanson.







I !an- ,





�� �t

P. L. C. Choir To S tart

,,:.?,!!� �t


Compl iments R ecent Bride s


;f:'��K't� I

FriC}ld" of :Mrs. Da iel Flotre (Bertha Olson ) and )11'5, H J1l' T Bernt!'\cn ( Ida Hinderl i e ) ",ere invited t th e I Par} l and ' home o� l IL� l ' ne

m ,��� ��.�:�ytw bl'hlnd J"m 12 members of the wic k an d PIl�CO, anel a t Lewist on , T' aci fJC Luthcl'an co l lege "Choir OJ 10 Lho, all Endicott, Wash. , Sun­ fhe ,,"ClOt" will leave Friday 1100n day . Mon d ay t he y Wll] � ving back for a 15-0 ''I concert lour in WlIsb- to Idllro f o r II concert ' 1 Moscow, Inj:!ton amI Idaho, The si n �e rs no> omlnr- bf.lck to \Va ' b on they aC :(tmpl'!Iled 1 y Fmf. J, . mQ- w 11 stc P 'It Spo)"'one, Nl'wporl, I W II"" conduct1 1' IInLl helld of til Reardon , Dtlv"npor1, Ri tzviUr ;Jnd col " music ell' !!rtmen t ; thI n go to the wes sid e, where . Elvl' hom, ' ou mAnager, and thl'Y a rc booked to appe'l r fit Ev('r101' , Elv", l'nm, d e "n of 'n m en , ett. Belli n l':'h a m , Moun t 'ernon , The f'j 'st top w i l l f' " t '{nl,ima, Lakewoorl pnd S tanwOt)rl. They where thp choir flin.g Friday night arl' xpl'cted back on th c· mpus Aprll 1 1 , The pro g ram for th p lOllr in1l"!'It sec t ion , t h (' I cJud �s , in thE: . , ach n umber, " Th Spirit Iso m Parkland commuruty, H lp th Us ;" LEoi sl'ing's bright and , whIch has a large r�presentatuneful "0 Filli e t Filia!' ; " Mo , ' I. on of m USicall y consc IOUS fO l lt ' tzar ' t s "C h ri st mas Lullab v ' " two , l t here ha.· been qUle � y devl'lopmg lUmbe rs by oderma n , -Lamb of rrou p �Ir youn g s ingers J; �o wn . u , " nd " He Is Blesseo." a d th e Jumo� chOlr of Tl'lnl ty For the s e cond sectirn there w ill . Srngmg a t the Sunday be tw o!Dposlti nns by Prof, Ed­ . mg w u r�h lp and takrng P� I t I wards, Psa lm 23," and • 'Tis a the sen.'lcl'!I " I' h he s emo r Good Thlng : " anrl wo spiritua ls J Il , n nd I g ug ( n OUI r o cca - / Cain, "Chillu n by . 'oo orne on , the g r oup has o�ne to fIll Home" le . nei .. It' � M('. 0 Lord," USIC Impf'J" nt pl1e(' I. n . h Th( irrl lIj'ction includes " . 'C III c,0m munI, y Sa c red Head," "From t'ltvl'D � , , (' ,,1 S,u mla;\' c\'enl !lg, at st In t he Ti ght, " " GIn Ab o e, " , .311, undt r the dl rf'c.hon or rificatinn" .mel " BI"I \JtifuJ Savior' " ' r �. I . •J. A. .J at'obs, th sc all by Dr. F' MelilJ S hri stian scn. � " !III,A' . i n ll'c will bl' h Ilrd at In commumti � wh! re the re arp TrIll Ity ch urch In a Lt>ntl'n a 1& ge n u m ber of G I'manll, the . . ('ollccrt \\ hi ' h " UI 1I)('lude ", will add to th prognm a eral group, III anthem WIth Ge rman l u l laby "Marienlicd • " by 11I �ld uta l �olo and ducts. I A u!('ust FI cher

Dahl Tuesday e tening to grt'et he two . oung rna rons who, with their husbands . have been ,;siting in Parkland.


Mr. anei Mrs Flf)tdc It av ' this week again fOI' their hom£' neal' a b ri r aLtel Idaho, Burgd orf, visit at the home o f fr. . J:o I n t re's parent.a, M• . and Mr . T. H . O1S01 If and Mrs. ECl'nU'('n . aili'r a . few wee ks a t the home of Mrs, . Berntsen's paren ts, Mr, and 1'1 . . S . Hllldel'lie. are r"tllrl1ln � to th eir





garet Fadness, Miss Ar na 01 0 , Mrs, Robert St. Clair, Mrs. Her­ Esth'.�r Mrs. S c hnuggcl', man Davis, Mrs. K, ,J. A. Jact,bs , and i the h on o l'ed guests, Mrs. Flotre and Mrs. Ber nt sen,



jUn ior,

'o rmu


ni�( Th pro,g' <Ional .

Preus. be the





m follows : '

, Pre u , Sllellce Bdore Him . • Shep�rd " 1 Splr t " , . . • , • . • Handel Junior Choir Love to Tell the Star), . W il soD j D lIet hy Thelmll. Asper and Norm

RO>!� lip- ,leI �en, the Lord " . , ' , .


.Iunl or hall' 1.8 Ov 1' ,

il� b}


rio Ima


,. . . .


W dcrmere A- per and

osaUe Jell 'en l Unto . ! " . . ' . , . . , . . Hea t n � Lovl'o he VI orld , • . , h awker Heen or God , , , , . . " McAfee ry D, " Ii ' Love Grow DplU'er . . .



Dr, O. A. Tin el tdd , pl'c!'lrle nt of PaCIfic Lutheran coll e;e. will hI' the l'pcnker at thl' mid-week t Park land Len lrn d{'votio n h oul' 'T'T'initv Luthi rll n churrh "'!"dne�­ T ' " I� on e of d v at 7 : () p, m. �anged such �ervlc(> s :\ !'Icra.R r

Wll son

. . .

(Solo, Norman Jenccn ) Ju:, or ChOir

KU1� Drew' Npnr • . • . • . . Over " . , • . • • , . Yr 11 .. KI gdom , .. , . Jun toI' Choir




E, Hau g , re pre entln LU+.heran coll ege. W1J l l It The devotional �ervice wl.l cor dutlc>d hy Rev, Olll.f Asper,


special preced ing Lent, durin g seT 'i c es nuring Holy " eek, 005 Pacific yn ' n g, Dr. J. L Prof Lud"i� Lal'�on, .. nel AVI Parkland, we re chollen t I t'pr esen t

Parklanel Trinity Luth rlln church at the South Pu�('t aUDd \.ircuit (onv nbon or th e I"lItheran ch urch, 'h ell (J1'll'Dl'd Tuesday a' Brcmer1

h ortl y. omwell home in Guests at the home 0 1I1i.8 D a h l T u esd a y evening were MI. s BCI­ I�O'I. Knutsen. Mi ss Thora din Miss N elm a Guileson, M iss HuUl Fadness, Miss Dorothy Lehman . hss Mar­ Mis G llldys Swcnland,



nniversary !r




Mi, s Thom p son Becomes B ride of r. Reid O · to

Jensen 0 land were no lOred on th(,1 l 5th wedding 'lD.II iv, I 'In b ' frIr.nd anr) neigh r. wLo g ' lh ­ Jensen ome Friday ('red ft' t h The gat ering came as yening II ij\ rp rise to the honored coupl e. Toward the c l m'le of tho even­ Ing. whicb was spent Informally. Mr. and Mrs. Jen�en were present- I, o wlLh a. beaut ifu l set of rystal goblets. Mr. G, E. GuUberg made lhp. crystal wedding pres n ta.t ion . on behal f or the group, E'xpressm g their neighborly es tee m and ap­ pracia tion ot ).Ir. and Mrs. J('n s('n and th e i r f t H A Sf't llf cry. LaI


vasca was gi Ve tr e couple by M r , Jensen's mother Tho�e present Ilt the celebration werc Mr. and Mrs. G E. GullbeI'lf ])in. F. Pepper , Mr, and Mrs, PI­ r Np lson , Mr anrJ 1>' rs . Morton uth Anrierson An Ie on, Miss fl'. and Mr!l. O. �"r A de son , MJ awl •h Sj ogren Mr. amI Mrs. VaJlil Krutilla, Mr, and Mrs. Fl"lnk Ah'cs, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. F red Jensen, and the honored co pie. Mr, and Mr/!, Otto Jenll<'t1 . and children Rosalie, Donnal)cUe, olo1'es and Norman.

Th e wedding of Miss Sophi'! Thompson of Parkland. daugh ter of Anton Thomplmn of MiIwRU!cr. • WiR . and D n ald James Reid n 1 ,.l! . \" H R id of 801 N­ , ki m a ave.. was quietly 801 1"1n ized at Parkland Trinity Lu t 1er an ('hurch Wednel!day ev e ning in the prPllen e of immf'dla I'ela­ th'P!! an.:! friends. Preceding the "eremany. which 'as pf'l'formed by ev, T. O. Sv; re, II'. Arnold Anderson s/lng "I Love "all Truly," Mis, PernY R mstad pl ayed ' the weod ng m 'Ch a :< t he bri dal party " o , k I:'el r pl a('1: at he hig h . candle­ Ii hted al tar, The bride was c a rming in a y outhfu l gray suit with matching a cc esso ies. Her corsage was of r ose s and frep�ias wilh mei l enh lli r fern . fiss B i l \ Deschinglon. th bride s a ,ten tin ' . war Ii suit of S;Teen Her COl ­ e wa s of violets and free!!ie , Th groom WaJI a ttended by his hrat r. Robert ReIn . Falla,. ng the va "II Mr. llder�on SA ng, " Promise M"." M ' . Rpl is a graduate I t'ific Lu h el'11.n co llege. , . rs. Rei also flttended e sa me institution The young- cou Ie are n ow rec('i\ mer calleI'll at tll ir home at 02 So. AlnE1\ 'ort

Dr. Norlie I s Coming

F or Short Course At P . L. C .

T' ', I sfleci� J ;' PP'Jintml'n ts ha \'c been nHtde for t h e l'Ium m rr �e"S\fIn :It Pacifi(' Luthe ra n coll('l::e . open­ \\ ith l'!'gistraUon Mont.lay i n ;;

J u ne �. Dr. Ola lfnrg, m ·01'11 1'. prof s· S(1\' 0 psycho I!»); r r t L J h cl' 011I'g'(' Decorah, JOWfI. '''i ll teac'h ,·ychnl og' . I' l -orl ie. who ha hi" degr£'c of docl." n r p h l luso l h\' , IrOn! thc UllivC'tsi Ly of Minur> t, ; v. ill rr>main in till" w j' st d uring Lhp


r l l m m I'

\ 01'1 , .

."1 1'..

of the Paci fic Luth colle"' e Frencll cl b, und er , the rlirect fon f Profes.sor M ichd ichola s Fl'anc k, adV1�o r, are plan­ ni n l!' to prest-n t a French plll ' La SU/'pri lle D' ISBdflr e." l\.fay " . ' 'T'h(' pl'l�' "'ill be givpn i the co l lege gymnas i um in the afternoon . The part of Isadore WIll b tak!' by Kei t h eicl, Dra ma club ad\'i�or ther membe rs of the eRst A re Josep h Run nin g, Beatrice Slclderll, Helen S tark and M e l ba Fenney Memberll


I f. i

To Give Pie Socia l The Parkland Trimty uthersn Ladies' Aid soclt'ly mem ber!; ar� \ giving a pill Aocial in he chllrch , parlors T11UI'sday ven ing. t�gln­ ' nlng fit 7 30 ,'clock. Mrs. Claud!.. A. Pellet t iq chair­ man of the affai r, w t h all mem­ bers assisting The p ub l i c is in­

Knt hcri n c

ther J1]C'n1bl'rR of t he faculty fnr the s u m me r w i l l 1" selecl d 'rom the rcgul"'f' 1 ('1chlng staf � . (our st"s nffCl ('(! csp cl a l J y 1M • 'n r ma l Schor I II U rft'1 1 t ll, but Liller;) l A r t !; co ur::;e!! R'" n. 1sn in­ c l l ld cd . The �umm I 5 Sslnn bulI l ' n wh i ch v'i l l be fire th� pl'ellS t h : ,...·ck. nuli it1 �lI eoursc� In th (1 ,'pilrtm!'lI l. 1'\ ( 'J(, Lion , .f;ng-lish, f'l r rtl', p,r'O�!';' "hy, h a l th ",luc• . Ii .n hi t or" � d l:inci� I rien , l i h n ry S C I r n C (' mn thpm tlCl!. F r nch, Germ"n . J 1u!lie. phi losophy,


ed for Tuesday evenLng lJas been postponed. Th club's nl"xt m eeting will be el A lil 7. when the program wi b jn chary of wome n of the club. leetings are be Ing held in the school auditorium at Pa1'k -






M . (';rimsle d , at the H o racl' innn iJe, I. hrt!\ bcen 1'0-' cd to teat h tJ special C0ursc in It 'Ictlvity prQ.,rim' F··am. �Irs. d re· wed h r M. . d('�n'N' ,01 T h IS (,f, [ l e-ge, C( lu mhi ' UnIvel tty, IOllt tl'HC ('1'

r--""!!!!!1!1!----_1III1 Rep ubl ican Club To Mee t April 7 F)..el Ch CI,U b W1'll ' ul A. Preu , presiden of the Pa kland Rf'publ ican d b. . nno fices that the meeti ng origin G P. L. Cr. PIay IDe ally sched ul I

ca rr 'wg


p,,�'chology and 5cit'll c!', Thl'l'!' wi l b(' tW( , 'rm '. the t .lllly 1- nnrl "iJ' t fn'n Junr t I' �(,cflnrJ fron .T 1I1y 1 :'i t ust 21. D ?o ll Philip E. nug. " S U Tl1 1n 'r session dirrclnr.





Gil'1s of the sophomore no mal ' Captained by adene Calavan, class at Pacific Lutheran colle"'e membt>MI of the winning squad captu red the inter-class cha mp ion- Wi're H len H Iteamp, uise Wi] ship in volleyball after a aeries of l1 a m. • Hazel Hagerup, Mary Jane games concluded l a st week. This edrick, Louise Hendrick.lOn, J'IJ]P sa me c]ru;s, as freshn1f'n, last year Walters . Ir�ne Oct II 'ntl K ' t ill'y n took the champinns hi




Studen t Recital To Be On May 22

" I" · rl hRt Zahnschmerz ·n" is h 1 '1 11 of the Gprmlln play to h gl 'pn In he ori·;:-in al bv mpm­ h ra of the Parlf lc Luthe ran Col­ leg!:' Germ an cluJ) nn T'lesria\" eve­ nln .

The play is being presented

in the SamE' m anner as the Pen t­ hOllse produC'tionq anel memb{'rs or the fa u l ty and stw.lent body hay been sked to gather In the

college reception room at 7 o'clock Mrs Gf>rtr udf> Brun npr will Rh' /I !!hor. r{'l'u,n p o f the pia in Eng­ lis,", h\ WIIV or introduction . Mrl<. Eliz'lhpt H 1 m Bondy , head I hI Ia.n� age depar trnent 01 the (111f'j: and advisor nf t he Gprman C'l llb, is d i rpcUng the prnd u etion lnrl'ln pd in th" ca:;t Rr" red Sut ­ ter, Th lma Danipla. torml!. r"118. Ruth ,lohns on . Ma ry M a chlE'. Will­ m Zier anrl Jack FIsch er.

ill ' n ­ . . ,um d b.\' II\( d il'!'c fnl', P ro!. "ph I) Ed �'a nll'. Til,.. �m llp 1\ 1 1 ,,1' t h"�,, whl) wi l'lh t o join l hl' .. I t�· tn be p rC8l'nt. \ �h (>rt o rA orio, "Thl' S{'w' n t \'I ords of Chri� l " by DUB ois 1 bf> in t l'mlllc"" 'ur prAC ct to I b,. approval of tice: tbl' mbf'I'. . Mi. l< ThE'l mll Da niela 18 IIl'l'nm pan ."l




sl .' reCCS9 at Pacific Lut},. college 'ill com m ..,' . 30 \", rd ne. day, Apl·iJ fl. les�� wIII b rf'"um ,1 at 8 : 10 Monda) o I ' n n •.. rn . r.� = h "� '� ��� p� r� I � 1 ���.. L ('ran

E nterta ins for Iowa Visito r

Honoring Mrs. Martin UnIOn o( CaJlendar . Iowa, .Mrs. J. P. Pfl ue ­ ger of parkland ntertui ned at her home lVedDesd ay a fter noon. Mr. and Mrs. Larson, parents of M I • .

number of frten ds of rs· nu dtson of Parkland George P. honored h r with a lIurprise part · recently in th e parlors of Trinity Lu theran c hurc h . In charge of ar­ rangem nts were M iss Cam 1Il a Ben l'ud and Mrs. H. L. J, Dahl. At the close of the evening Mrs. Philip E. Hauge presen ted Mrs. Knud tson wit h a gift, on behalf of lhe guests present, and a lovely buff et lunch­ eon was served. the ta.ble gay wi th daffodils and o the r spring flowers, ligh ted by whi t e taper candles. An informal program was given alSO. ha rin g th {'vcning w"re Mesdames O. A. Tingelstad, E Tlnglestad, 11. Fjeldc. E. Haakenllon, G. HlUl en on, H, Lanmng M ande, Herm'1n Hovland, . Jensen, O. Hovd, H. L. Dahl, E. R osso , tt;nley Rosso, Clifford 0, Olson, E. rI. Bondy , H. Doering, John Sala' er Lora B. Kreidler, M . S, Andersen J. 0 , E wards, Alvi . Lehm ann, N. J. Hong, V, G. Chr\S'tensen, W . T. storaRslI. Ing' r Si n land , T. G. Sinland , Dltman Larsen, O. Holen T, O., Oscar Anderson, 0, Coltom, ElneRs, K. K. Gaard, E. e� 0. . Stu n Esther Davis, T, H. Olson, G. rneson, K. Jacobs, Philip E. Hauge, Vic or A, Elvcstrom ppter VelBvick, H. Turn('1' B. h. Fadness, H Bone , Paul Preu , P. T. Larson , Henry Laville, Arthur Erickson, E . Antonse and n L, PetersL n. Misses Glarlys A.rl o n Vera "Vegqt .e , Irene F rlnells, Bel' inr n I u t 'n, G race Gl aT! , Thora. 01. I(.\ t " m' z"n, Ca mllJa Bcnru(I



A8� -=����a�n:f�I_:: �ot

o n h�� so :: n� ' __________




P I'klam l .

" h ve spent the: wmter 0 the co )Rking theil' home in Tacoma , and arc retul'ntnr to luwa ag in who gatb rell to bid Mrs. Gues

arson fil l' well '.I·ne ,h . T. O. Svare, lolrs. J oseph O. Edwards, '1 Mrs. Paul A. Preu'! Mrs. E I 'I n Tingelsta , Lnrsen, Ml'S. Mil l . G. Fieh.le, ?l l s O. A, Ting 1stad Mrs. J. U. Xavier, 11's. Vic­ arofsky, tor A. Elv<'st, om. Mrs. . J . Stuen. Mrs. Morgan. Mrs P. T. Lnrilol1, Henry J Irs, 11' . inland, La JIll? Mrs. I nger A . W. R'Itn H L J. Duhl , :Mr


I ".

will appoint tudent committees to talte charge.

P reus, J08f"ph Running Peggy Ramstad Dorothy Amicrson . Geo Brockwl'IY , Dorothy La rson <\n,! Arthur Larson.

Last n i g'h was sp n t �t t he 'i. I. and y, ''' . C, A . I n Po rtlA nd no at 6 ' �O S" turda .,. they starter! thl' 3.- '- miJ( drive tr; ·ennc·

The p. 'klaml Chol'al SOcie ty III m (:e t at 8 p. rtl. \\,pd n sday in ' " P. L. C ,' happ l, it

pn:siden t,




P. L. C. I�uden ts have c hosen April 17 as th d ate { the a nnual crt pus day , Bert Myhr{', stude nt

Prof. Joseph 0, Edwarda ha:l lected Friday evening, May 22, liS Ihe date for a stUdent recital a t Pacific Lutheran college, In­ c1uderJ in the first of a serlell ot recital practices Wednesday w re the fol Iovo'ing stUdents : Norma

go nn and the con�crt, tOI) Friday m Qrn ing 42 m !' n berll of the Pacific L\l lh ran co\1egE' "Cho;r of the West," th{'il' r ( Jnduelor, Prof. J. O. Edwa ..d�, an members of the In f. 1L'f PA rk l ll n rl fo!' Krnnew i c l" fIrs stop n fh�ir 'orlhw s t t o u r . Jl.Il1t be, o [nr· they l'!:3chcfl th� summit, SlInw. lides th r" n lenrd Snoqualm i e par.'. Their hUll w n s t u rnl'ri h k nnrl thry r('tu 1"11 f'rl to P 'l rklll nd IIhrtu 4 f)'cirlrk. At 5 : 30 thl'Y 'rl'P nn t h" I'flflrl Aga i n , hearlI'd 'o j· K e n ­ n ('"",irl< vIa Pm't Jand. the Colu mbia hlf!h wa)" Gnld e ml;] l!'! ) Satus The 'bow

stad and MI'8. Clifford O. Olson.






club membel's have cho-. the two-act comi c opera. sen ".loan, of the Nancv LcE'," fr)r tllci r annual p 'esentation ne.'t The m u c Wednesday, May 27 for the opera was written by L\1uis drama

\Voodsnn Curtis, dIrector of music s Angele/l Public schools. in thl' The l ibreLto i. by Ague!: Emile eterson h."i th Reid, drama club

wil l direct. The long list of haracters will affortl a fine opporlunlty for xercise of the cl)Jle�e musIc and drama. talent. First. tryouts arc being held t his we k.

advi. 01

Several y ars ag opera, lInrlrr the direction of M . Philip E. Hauge, was a featul' of r. L, 1;. music activity but Vi s omitted [or i' lew yea·ls. RC!vlval of int r· c�t was evident last spr g w hen till dram a club staged t opcretta. "Miss Chenyblossom " An equally PI success 'uI n U this year w ill mean, probabl)'• t h � t I.he opera \" i l l B.,g'. BI·n I """'m v " an a .' lnu, ,1 \'enl a,' t.h� · l'um ' an'" , l \I mil Ie stud .. 15.

Tra in i


School For

hurc h Choir Singers




ing el' moth r , )11'5. .J :tm�� ,Je!v'm , who l eaH:' UE' t \\ edllesc!ay for Milwau kee . \. i .M r5. Philip E . 11, 1) ( entel'lnined recE:ntly at her Parkland home. lIon

. •

\. n um ber .f tl'ienci8 of 1'1' . .le" n. for l unch wue i n vi t e r�m nlng through Ule afte rn oon lo viSi t baOl e bid di n g th hon red th guest farewell and sendi n goo d wishes w i th he r. 1rs. Ha uge pre::ided at the 1 n­ c p-on tabl e e utiful with B I.,"n­ U rpl'�e of daffodil and apring M iss Re n a Jermstaa g! ' nery . in m \ l I Iiston. No. Da , e , aBsisted :Mrs. 11 uge in serving. G ue s ts w re Mrs. James Han ell Mrs. M . Lake ; of Gravelly ct18. MOl'ten!!en of Gig Harbo! : Pe ter Nplson, Mr J M, alate!' ot An dersen and Mrs Mpl'ten Parkl an d ; Mrs. Chri� Jorgen�n. K. , [rs. Olaf Jorgenson, Mr. tJlnksen, Mrs, Heide , M r Pet 'I' J eneen. Mr!l. Andrea }. nnKowsky, nn 'I Mr�. Ove K udsen f Tacoma ; Mi.,s JI'rm. rI and th", honor gU(ll t, M rs J�'nsen.



. .

Mrs. Adah H D pper. head of he womens phYSical educa." ion department t acific Lutheran College , wl11 prc�ent eighteen members ot the physical edueajon clll8.'3 in p rogram of ml siesl in­ tion terpr p 'I 16 at the co ­ l eg gymnas i um. The numbe r 0 I PI' sen cd arc typical of the , 0 1. c' r ied on in this el/l..'1 , th" pm t' , 0 t (' ent rt inmen t �l g to oYo this phas" of the WOI k in ph , ic ,I erluca tion being ca·ried t t hc col i ge. on , I ' will be furnished by a orc h E.q t r \\ ith Norma PreU8 it the piano. The prog r in lUrlil g numbers by the IRSli ll..'l whol!' by I!TOUP, and by in rl ' ,i d uals will in cl u p in t rpr tat i on s ot holli cor"lic Wlrl 'lE'sth etic character


. .

Gu est For We ek

of and Mrs, Ludvig Larson



st have had as their gue


ladys t week Mlss du iIlg the Larson. Torgerson. sisler of MI1I, be en ,:,- tten Miss Torger on hILl!


Was hmgton, ing the Uni versity of to hel home and will soon return in Et hridge, Mo n


rys t a I S p rln · g s CI U b


Cr ys tal SPl'ing S r. llrdl'n club of P'ukl and will meet Thul'�dl y w it h a o'clock l unch eon at th" home of lh" program chair-

C lll; �tensen, , MrA, V, lack of Tacoma was Mrs. J. he was 1 n trogU"st speaker. duced by the president . Mrs, 1(. J. a b C , ; ;;; O � J� .;� -:;

p ROF.

::::; ::=�� :: � �::==::::


RDS, dir ctor

0, ED\'"


of �uBic at Pacific Luth cran

co l I e C, h

8!Ulounced May 2� as

, A mon g the adva nced stUdents prcorma I I'celt.,l llTe for th rln d at e

t1 ,


the student reCital.





G eorg

Broc l{way,

m8t� ,


Runn ng,

0 t h y


. .

P 'ggy n<Jerson,

D o r o th y

I son and A rthur Larson.

unfavorable ",'{'alhpr And c'h n g ( ot itine! 'ury d u(, to , transportation d iU! ul ti .-'s. Pa"Wc all ge " Cn!)!\, of tl1'" Lutheran "'est " h all rompi,..ted H successfuL tClUl' n lo:fI tel11 \"lBSbingl on H n t! ·1 ud 1, Ill', the sing'l's (' 1'0. '1( m"lUn llln f<>1' tl1 west SIde (' loU l' to word l'N'''' i w'o 1 rom "-cconlin " ictur A. £Ivt" b:om, tour' J anR 1'1' lhl' rroup hits been cor Ually I ecrt . ,I ano at S po kane :;ang to •� .. j , I( n e of I ;)00. hOll' !ling!! twic' " mda) the L u lhl'I'llD Fi rs t at (:a l l l e In church in the morning- and In , manuel Lulhe-ran in t hl' E' en1 n � . v, 1 1 l he i 8i 1 9 rr, h Monday F' '(1' t l : '1'1l �s. l)"un t




ll ; TL (j y, Ii· woo I ' F 1[1 '








cnte:­ Mrs, PhIlip E. H uge n m tllmed Tueaday vith a l unr beo honor of her mot her, M rs Janzy week , JeSS(l n, who is l eavin g this ! for her new h ome in Milwaukee, I Wis. Guest were Mrs. H. E , An­ Salater. I derson 1> rs. Olson, Mrs �trand('. MlsA Ren a Jerms tad, 1>11' J , Stuen vier, Mrs M q J. tJ and Mrs. Ludv ig Larson.


P. L. C. Choir ContInue l ' s Spring T our p I

nter+ ains at luncheon

\ I








Mrs. H. L, Dahl of Parkland unday afternoon in en ter tain ed y oun g 80n , Hans honor of her Leonard, jr , who was five years old, Since 'he young honor guest wu bnrn on Easter Sunday, an Easter motif was carried out in The l unch eon table decor tion , WIIS set with yel l ow and lavender Easter cloth and napI<inB, wi h and candles. basket centerpiece Places were marked by tndi v id u al (,Il�efi In the form oC candy-filled nes . uesL'J were Ed it h Salater, B a rPetE'rson, Caro! bars Peterson, SylVl a Sto l'aasli Lester Storaasll • I Orville 8toraa811 , . Ri hard Svare, Ruth '\-elsv ik , Olson, Yvonne Esth e r Velsvik, Bevcrly Norlin, toraasl! . Lorraine Erickson, Dale El mer Trolseth, M rs, Inger Sin· l and, Mrs. Frank Pepper, MI &Jld ..frs. L. Peterson, Mr and Mrs. r th u r E ri kson and M r q n d :M: j • T, !':toraasli.



Sele t Cast Por

��! - �! :��;



three act comedy by J u l a Wil-

bur Tompkins. is the play cho en

Pa Hic Luther8J.l coll ge gradl UB play U the ir ann ual For the first time theC presentation this ye ar will lake pla ce class night, 1.1 y SO, nstead ot at the u su a l ea r ' er Um , eThelma Do. lela has bee n ! lecte ll to 1 lay the leadin g :reminlne rille, th part of the pri ncess pposlte WIll be Harold Playin 11'8, Anderesen as Phil Lennox, Adalt H. Dapper. direc ·01', assist (I b ' Kei th Reid an d M rs . Lora B . hosen the followKrei d l er, has ing additional member Ot the cast· George B rockway E l eanor Raud ebaugh. Marga ret C ·atl. alBergs rom, Ene Norby, borg Enir l Hutson, Virgin1 Dovi . , E 1 Mae Goff. J ohn D rd bel bi s anr'! Gerhardt Pf l ue g e r.







l'_� lE!:::::Ii:';; tnn w''r"l. i "'iW_!::iIo::. IIiI .... ... -,,.. .... .... .. --. .... __... ..



Recommend s Program f or Pris on In Oregon P a u l A . P reus , p, L . . f nan iaJ re t u rn e d to the c n l leg:.. T ues d ay followillg h i s a pp eal' n c In Portland n Sa t u rc\a ' bf'fol' the sp cial In terim comm ittec ap P I n ted by Gov . a !'tin ot Or g�n. This '.. mm itter, which is to I'ccom ­ ml'�d to he ne.·t session of the legislatur an md ustrial PI' O'l'am for the Salem pen i l en tiary, he I'd Mr. PI' us' l'ecOmmen tialiOi s bas rI his survpy made laB t mont 1I :\ '" n t ,


I nn


thl' SAl" m i n s Ut u tJ ' l)1.

PI' I cco�m e n d ed an indlUlt)'i�.1 program in ha rmony with t he gcn"rlll program for s u indus. tries as favored by the A rn e ! ic� n

Fedcl'atio n of La bor, which \ im i t.� j.>"lson prnductio n to art icles re­ qUired by the state and its i nsti tlJ­ . �."s. P re us made si m ila r sc i n 11 10 Rludics in thl� eas t J st y£ r a nd .t Ip prog1'ams for th .. stateR of ' ,y ' r;t ont a n cl Mn ine which arc n( , "'C Ing carried OU t .


C011J.munity Club To jJfeet April 14 Zire The matter at formi 19 district and plans for t he spri f{ clean-up day will be d i scusse d at the meeting of the . arkland Com­ public seh �I munily club In th

audi orium on Tuesday evenlr!1' flueger will April 14. Prof J P preside. Rev J. . Moore for a speak er and Jack S lence will provide music. Assi s t ing " i hJl" nn arrangements ar'll A. R.

and J. L. Brottem ot the

The Violet Prari('

Garden club meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Em ma Brown, Parkland M r s . S . Pal me!' will peak on "DaisIes," and Mrs. Hoh e i m will speak on "Dogwood." Each membCl is asked to bring i SO il to ha ve ana l yzeu, A n Rnaly Ii'! of this kind will enable the m n bel'S to kno the kinds of pi nts m ost suited f r their garden , and the care that iE needed. I The May mee ting r)f the c1ul will be May 8 at the home of . l' S. Pal m er.







M i)'s Ol i ve Boe. who

I formull�'


bt'lng announced by

Hillderllo of Parldand.

to Edgar H!lll'� of Tacoma l!. and aunt, �I.r. and Mrs. S.

her uncle

The we dding

1. planned for late


Olll d,



_ ..., Attrnda _

. _ ;;;._ =

N ew s A n d E v e n ts

Delta Rho G a mma girls at. Pacific Lutheran co llege are

' chwanz. William Earnest F. Re lmholz. F. Walk. Paul Mr. . and Ir. " mest Pau l V.' alk, G eorge "'1\. helm W:tlk, Arlene oulse \\'n l k, Mr. and Mrs. William ' . Schmec k ­ el, WlI lism Carl S hme ck 1. Ernest Robert chmecl e\, Mr. anu Ml's. Charles G. Schwanz, Evelyn Vio Schwanz, Chn J'lolle Anna hwanz. _ Mr. !Lnd Mrs. E, C. Sc hw an Schwanz, 'Mllrlallne Anna Eman u e l Sch9.'anz, G T'lld Peter Mons on , Schwanz, Irene NorulUlg, Mabel �ordang, Mrs. Arnold "!:llin 1.11'. and Mril. W. T. St un !III , Sel via Theodora S toraasli , Orvi lll;. StOTa ali , Lester \\"iIIillm tMlIBSU, , · tol'a I i , D Ie Ra ymond Mr. no Mr , Howard A. Do,'ring, J� n FJ ln!' Doer ing. Bernice Ev • lyn Doering. Melvin Louis Do.. rlng. H el ga J. Ols on , TzabeJl e SVRI'('. MI s. Emma Rohl'. Mrs . ]1Jmml\ Fl'Omberg, Bertha J esch k e, Glady Hovland, Christine Hanna Je kIln,

c alTRosl'. Kltc h­ Hen 'ietta O'Ne il, Cathenne Prop-a m. Evel y n Eklund : Ion ; Hele n Judi th Bons on. chair man arie Fowler, Joanna Scott, J .an. Ianousos, Sylvia Miller . Melba Fcnney. c halr­ Boot hs. e, Bl an ele Starlc, Enid alt n m ; H , LaUl";! M ar i e Joh n son : Gr ou nds V irglnl � Cll! Hauge , chairman ; Ellza ebth ton, Mary Jane Dedric , ce '

I ma n ; Elsie Barrett.

age .

ire � illa

making plans fOl' their annu' I houseparty to be he d this ,.1) I. . r<;. I ge, Stuen Mon a B ;.,. t y a1' at Hor sehe ad Bay �irls of \May 15, 1 6 and 17. a'urcce H Allge of P or'l lan . 1 , L R . ':" r � M I � the dor itory group. the Pep is vlsitLng- at the home of MI'. and ' club, will be special gue t ' . M rs. Phili p E. H a uge at Park_ _ _ _ _ _



HendI'ickson, J u d i t h I l an d . Mr . H auge spcnt a few Louise Wi!Hams arc DC hcr days i n Kent 8t the h om ch ar e . p ar e n ts, MI'. and 11: ·S. P e ter H. the gen e ra l comm i tt ee J , Thf'Y have appointed t he foll ow E speseth, befol'e oming to Pa l'k­ P ro · i ng Il!l.'llsting committees : Sh e expeots to re tu rn to l and. " rams; Novelle Nagel, ch ai r:n a n ; , P o rtla n d th e end of the week. • Henrietta, O'Nei1, Doro thy Kap p hah"!. Verna T gland, Marga ret T nr!' 11'\ T.U1'I lERAN De m! 1'8, E ve lyn Syverson ; Discus­ f'rviet'1; s l Parkla nd Trini ty sions, Ellen Bergslrom, chairman ; Lutheran church will bt> at thE Margaret Craft, Joanna Man ousos, Ullua l morn ing worship h our, 1 ] 'Vadene Calavan, lone M a dsen , ani e l s : Rcligi ous activ i­ 8. m. Pas to r T. . Svar wil Thel m a I "The Ri en Lord." p re<tch ties. M garet Rorem. c hai rm an; UndE'r he oire ction of Mrs Lallr- Hauge, A lice Cook , N or dl s Clifford Olson the Trin ll) A eson, Mildre d Larsen. , enlor choir wi:1 ing two n u b 1'1 I i t i tion, Junc '.Nalter • �ha i r­ 1 rom Al<hfor!l's a nt:> ta, " ros� man ; Ma ry J ne DedJ·j cle. Eleanor YCIUJ "p rown ," "Lift End lJof'baugh. V i r go i n i a D av i s : G ' "s, " and "Cilr i t H rtdS, 0 Y \ , Marie Joh'1 on , c ha irman ; The junior choi r, ur Pa�qo v '1'." 1'lylvia Miller, Ruby Moore, Doris Olson ; Meals. R til Jo hn son , with " l'S. h. J. A. Jaco bs direct­ ing, will sing "His Conflic t O'er," hairma n ; K a t 11 r y n Kitchlon, by Wilso n. Eve y n McCul l ough, N C' rma Preus : Al thl!l mo rn i ng East l' service Party, Valborg N orby , chairman; I he follO\ ' i ng new m em ' rs wlll u tllon , Nevilla ROilS, (UlU Enid be rec ivcd mto the congregatio n : Mo nson : Tran porta.tion , • { i l o re d Mrs. ThaI'. E,'smann, • 'am�y Ess" ', )jnl" Benson. chairma n ; H -d 'ig man, Mrs. Aa ta Andreason, Lindy Dihl", Ida M I' Z , Mari e \Venbel'''-. Louise


. Ia







Election of the M y Queen nd ('ourt attendanLq i l l take p lac e t ( latter 8 1 t of A pril. Mean,\ hile a. la rge nu m be r 01' commi ttces are busy m altin g pl a ns �Ol'

e M ay Festival which will be h..ltl on the front campus t h e aft .. 'uoon of M ay 1 . As of last Yf'll r, the May Qu en wil l be a senior girl. H r at endan ts - 11

be selected to represent the vari ous !'Iassc of t he colleg e and high sohool

Andrea on,





unOay ,'" (III) Trinity Lutheran Proccss iona l. Scripture readi g an d pray r, Rev T . 0, Svare. , g, "O oyous E aste r Mom­ i g." S un day School. Prlmory tlellJlrt mPlI1

WE'lcom Olor io Christensen and Dickie Hutoh!n , Song. "JP.S\1.t. Loves Me," Pl lmnr)' ()


Lera,as, Mr. and Mrs, R al ph F. Wolf _, Jamell Rll iph Wol fe, Ralph Gordon Wolf e. M r. and Mrs, Harry F , WuestT1<'Y . Mr. an d Mrs. Kristlan JOI'- , on , Mrs. E ith L. Fox. Fl orence Vi rgi nia Fox. B et ty Ann Fox , Mr , f,nd Mrs. Frederick R . A hrl'11 s, Loui!!e Berlha Ahrens. Margaret Ann III·ens. Marie J lIhanna Lily A hr ·n. , H.- le n A h r 'ns, Rose Fred I irk Rudolf A lJerns , Mr. 1UI0 111 1 11. A [hur G. Schult:! , A rth ur G,'U s Schultz, jr " Morris Mel lin Sl'hultz. Mrs. Bertha Schultz, Mr. and fr!!. John A Jecklln ,

Comm! tC'cs appoi n ted by . liss Mon:;on :IS f I lo .....� · Throne, Norma Prl"Ul!, chairman ; }<'r Chrutine Jeckl h., Mr. 'lnct I'rlka Schlanbusch, Verna T gian I!, Mr . nton R. Schwanz, William Marie \Ve n berg : FlowC'l's, E ul chwalZ, Ma ri sn Elizabeth B. Ma Goff. cha ir " '1 ' ; Al ice ('OO ci h� k l,;.· ..I;� ;!!l! iI � ;: w :J ·,.. an ,._.:, 7.

�s ,'

Tnde Woros of Wt>II."OJnl·, Sv 1''''8 cl . "Chime Y Bell- ,)! OlliS or Ol'udt J, Ml Cultom' cl "Little ChlldrC!n. C n You 'I't'IU� Col ton,'s (·Ja , Orade J hIl, Sonl. "Trust III Ood '. 01 Dr Sou," oyce Ta�Jor. Rf'cltatlol "E ter." O ,'Rde I. MI Mon Oll'S cia. . Son . 'When He CDme�h. " Oracle II• nIt Arnt:t�cn'J-. ("l:l� . "Jesus alld the Ch J d ren, " Or dp. PeJl('t t � and Mr' Mrc

M s.

Han� Jacobsen Mr. '\ltd Mrs O. P. O l son Rudol h N. 01 () Joyce. PaUI lea. E l eano r Ryner, G tr ude te nbtlrg , r anti Mr . Ha old J .

Day at Pacific Luthe\'an coli ge is l.gain bei ng plll nn c d by members of Del t a Rho Gamma, under th( d i rec t ion of M i ss Evely n ,onson , pre� i dent.

in land.

T. G.

c l;"\�es4

Song, "TWo Li ttle Eyes." (' "se (Klnder(:arten tenchel B 'nton , MrE, Eri ckson ' nd We l'J)l C I· . "W

l n l Pl'mt'.1 I 3 I ,· " p part Illfllt • t C, u I Olv�?'- Or de ITT, Mr , . ________ I ::s (;:: :: 5.:...

,le-n eD •

--=:���.liiiiliiiii� ii :a:!!!��:m.�ci.i.*:s::::::::...:..:.:... .: ..= ..:


L u t h e r a n G irl T u r n I T o Voll ey ball Play

of l h e l'hy ie'l l Ad uca \ O\(.'d ia Hau�(", ( �on n ie {:l umh, ,IUIII' ' l iehel e n , Terl'';a Sell", t Oft ( I as!l ;; II Padfi Lu n r i � t f tllel'O n Cullt'gc c 11o", 1 1 ell.·s . 1 .-iI'" Broll( , O']'\ril, . l iltlrf'd l lftrum ll ; . 1 1 11team:; ,II vollev ba I for n s C I' ie. I of games to bf' p laycd 10 decide II, Eu�titllh'�, Mildred the !'ll('J"-rlasQ r hampionshi p, I:'l'nia ,�pcncer, { nrl('r the dlr d lon tlf M rM , 1'1' ' h m n • O l'm H l : Alice Fennr , Im " R B" l gman, .\(Iah H. Ua P I}" r, I l h �';,h-t1 l ('duM Iba 'alio dit dltt, I he. r i r ·t /If r':mtl Blakl', HI le n Sta rk, Ma r· srrir Beal "iel' S,dd Ih; 1\ 1 1 1 h . " on cl;l�·. rt , · t ArlvPI' E�I ht; [ , o rgaa n], I va J�l1utson ; ,'brl \ 1\1' Fr! ,"mel l _. o r o al f''"tm OIl! I , t ill' • 'onnal '01 111uh, l i t u t s, Sylvia Mill, r, Norma I Prcu�, Loi ' M y . 10)'1 '·'n . ' 1 1 ' ,r '. F 11011'1111:' 1 1101 I I hI' , I . h : ' , I ,\ rl .. /:,roul' w .i l l play I Sophomol'(, Normal : ElSie Bar­ f hr J i /:, h chool. o nd t hl' _ -lIr' re t, \\" orne Calavan, Mary Tane m:1 ! " li n i n " will pla,\' the . ' orDerlrick Lnllis! H '11(!rickson, Thel­ mal Fr .,hml'lI. 111 " I'\C:1. Jutl v Benson . JUlle Wal­ Th... pl .) 1111 S ril's w i l l ('l1d t(, L Lou is" " i l ll a m s ; subslt ut Ii : Thlll'srJay, wht l m C' I()] the 1 ,'('n(' Holt e'l mp, : H l 1cn Od('1 1 . cham pionsh p wi J bC' docided, H uzrl H ag-o l'up, Third-year Xor­ Ruth Rl'o),en, vo lleyb a l l d i !'l'ctur. ma l : J oan n a Manonsn::;. Valbol � lIns s u pe n'i s r,j tlte> appoi n L ing of NOl·b�'. G" l'tr (\. t c n b e l'g', Dc' Uw [.,110\\ I ll" If' ! li S : T va t \'o":on , Enid Hu t.son , I'hnol ; i rl:' i n i a na, H i�h, Olson, Ma r � e .10 .. hl\50n, R uth Fro. ', , lsc , \t , F, 1 1'I: a h. lh Stm'n . Thrl lJl:L • ubsl l tu tl's. 1' ; Edna I �c \ "per, l<'rl'df'ril,,, :chlanbllsl·h. I The l ma D a n iels. Ey Ivn Monson .t\�ncs Lllnc\f', Mll rgar,'t 1 a rM' n . Y l r/:" i n i a SmU ll. Alire u y . an noe ; sui I I I lit 1', I'�"ph n D. i I . club Wi l mee a t 2 p. ftl , Tue day n t l I_ Ii _ �__:-::L i b� r_ =:;o l'_ a_ 1 :-=_ .\_ ,_ t_ . · __ ; _ U l .. ' O_ c' ' t the home ot Mrs. W T, Stor---l ____ as!!l!. f rs. A , \V . Ramlltad will pl'P Ifid during lhf' program whil'h Ride o �." will o p en with 1'01 1 call of Cill ren Bong , ' There Is Il Gree n 1-1111 Away." Ir�. Pe -ConU rmatlon cIa. . lopi is, A book review wil be K at the (;1'0&13," Gra de III, " Ph g i ven b I'S. J. p , P !lu E' "''' er. MI'" Irs. Jacobs' cla�", Why T, 0, Svar" and " rs, E. Ting�PB66alle" Showing ScllptUl'e UtI.' Innocent Son of God Su !fered stad will play a pl a no duet. lid Died Boys, VIII. ir. The next me e li n g of the club Hong' , ilr RynnlUg'" and Mra. will bl' May 12 at e home t Mrs. Kildc's clr�"4e!. PaUl Preull. "Th .. Re..urrectlon Story , " Grad








a itn:i" r-""!':?�1ftii"",nm� ;,,,,,.rur"tl1rife""'lsn.·.�


Ir L r" m ' !; c\alUl. Son . "Christ the Lord IB Risen In , " Sunday School, A Angels I n White, " Virginia Duet,





SchQol E �er School.

Kl Ide, "Beautiful MI8!!lon


rkland P.-T.


Offering - Sunday

n eo onr,











; A, R.' Lehma nn, shooting darts ; Mr . O. R. Herma nn, fish pond Mrs, otto Jensen , candy, pop-co rr, ; Mrs Eric Selden, ice cream, pop ; s; Mrs: E, " . \Vegnel', decor ation Mrs, Helen Turner, program , D ors

, I'ulllr nl"pllrtm "'nl Introduction, "Back T h r a U i h the

AI( , Merle Pflueger, "We Carry On," Bible P ieant, teacher; Tea�her 1'1 SII , Rev. Svare, 'Im lnllllf clabS. Prot, Xavier. teacher. Chamcte1'8 are: Mnry. the mother nora Asper; ElIll.!lbeth, ot JI!lIUS, XI 1\ malden o f the ltOWl hold or Jo n, Lar n : Mary M agdalene , I <' t G rLrudc Tingle t d; S lome, Babett� hrlatlnl! Reed; Jolt tem: Dr I I omns, Ralph HUl.Chlnson ; Mallhew. Robert; John. Knttdt50n: Geo, Nathaniel. Joh1l8on ; JlIsper P W, P ul XavIer ; James, Norbert Elllng -


onnection with annual spring e '­ ommittee ch a ir hibit of school. m e n : Mrs. Violet Cluff. white ele­ ; phant· Mrs, J, D. McGuire, lunch



­ -

-�_....'-'-n _ _ .... ... ..c

OnriJle fiunning. lM ­ Belhlehe m Lllth 1 a l l in 1acoma, a :' been peak W{'dnE'�d;l' I invited to even ing at th meeting of tlH' Pacific Luth era n Coll e ge Mis­ �ion :"ocietv at 7 :30 o'clock. JBlIpel' Johnlioll, "ice prc8id ot



the program , which

pian o solos by }'hl!5 nd scrip ture Dorothy Andel"llon iss reading' by Pa.ul K ath ryn A n derson will presi de . A H na l report w I l l be glY n c n-







d,ng wold M iss ion ""roup to r lhe purpose or supp or t ­ ing a na ivl' Christia n yo ung m an In t e missi on fi el da of Madagall' .


rai ed by


MeMber., of the society are al!lo spons ori ng t he annual clri e at the coil ge fo!' members of the l'ocket Tell't ment l eague, a world-wide CII I',

movem nt with nearly eight mil· l ion memberlJ whn hll ve agr , d to rsrry a T tament with them anti t o rroacl R cha p ter dai l y . Mal'"a,· I

!'aft IS •

cha l'g-e,


ew officers w i l l


bl' e !'ctcd b;, rk l 11 r ,.(' .

t hey n eel Sl'h , I ", 1'OUr da Vl'niog a t n'clo ck lhe home of Mn• . "', \V , Lowrie, c o rn e r of P o l k and Park ave . . , Park l and . En ter taining w i t Mr , Lowrie will be Mrs . A, L MorriS. I



the P w h l' n


which will be conductf'rl by Mr!'l. OSS Boynton, president, pl ans D urin g



mee ti ng,

ill be rliSClll'lS(, concerning he , mt:cting y P , -T, Pal ktand, A group 0 1 piano �olo, w i l l h' gl (> by Mr�. Lov'ri , Mrs, � VI

coming COUll to be he d in


gl'am ill bein ar Cli ford 0, Olson Seld!.'n will


a g d by Ml.

papel . The pro

Electea May P. L. College

:hllss NOVflle N g�1 hall elected ay u n !Or the PacifiC Lutbpl'I!n College 8 Da y fe.�ti­ val to b g i ven tbe coll"gc th 4' fi r sl nay nf Mav. Ml'!8 MlI'lr 1 Monson h s b en chORen !l the !\ophorr. ,'rP mai.1 <:Jf honor �nc1


. t('ndRnt w' ll be M . II Seo t Rnd � i. s Edn 'I'chia. '" Fre bm('n Rttendant WI 1 bE' US! !'I· orm!!. Pieus and Altc Cook ar, high school att!.'ndants to th queen, the Misses Virginia Davi and Frederika SchanduBch.

H en rlMckson, ' ''re represent the college group al the ann u a l cireui· cun ven 'on to e held Ma) 12 in Se­ attle The L. D. R. convenE on that day m connection with the \Vomen's Missionary FI'derlltion

. L . C . N ews A n d E vents


on ' 'nUon at tbe First Norwegian Lutheran church, Rev. M L . 1 -e5vig, pastor.

The annual :\Iay day festival at Pacific Lutheran colleg will open a month ero\ de c­ \\ it pre-commencement Ud! ies at Parkland. Plans having been clefini tely out­ for thi.: delightful aI­ lin!' fa:r 'cr \\·hich �Iiss Novelle -agel will rule s the Queen


The coll ege L. D . R. ha" qJ 0 been i vited to send deleg�tp tf} I the gener"] national conventiol to I e held


Ka pphaan,


Teg lun d,

Ma.r 8ret Demenl, Novclle Nagel ,

Dct;.i1ed preparation" are being made under the sponsorship of D Ita Rho Gamma to make th e festivClI l!. fitting beginning of extrabusy with Wind month •

Sy vl'rson. M ildred Larsen ; <1 i. cussion. Ellen Bergstrom , MarJoanna Manous os, Craft. 8 r.. t Wad ene Calavan' Ionc Madsen' Ds Ills tran s por tatIon Thelma Eline Benson, Hedvi g Dahle , I d

urrl cular l!.cti\"ily.

a t M nn"'lpOlis in JunE'.

Members of TrimLy church at Parkl and have design ated Thurs­ day evening as "Trinity Lu theran n that evening Chu rch T ig ht · , at 7 : 30 'clork all the members of th e congrl'gation a re lllvite( to t he

R udebaugh, Vi rginia Davi s ; program s, Henrietta O· eil. Doro-

01 May.


homp!! of various families o[ th(" gro p. t h e purpose bemg Lo h old a number of sUlaJl gathering:> th same evenln instead of the IJllU s l

. largE' congregation ps'ty. Victor A. Elvestrom hila 15 t he ..1 n, Marie Wenberg ; k it chen, ' m;,kinl1; a rMarie J·ohnson . Sylvia M i l l er , R u by I gene ral committee

wear Miss N � gCl 11a ch osen t n co It gown of white. Tall and

t tely, with long, wavy brown I II eyes, this y Ill" !' nnd UI n will be a fitting fIgure 1'1 ,·ound which to a rrange the bea u­ tIful May :ty fOX r eises. Her SE'n­ im itt" rlant�, " vclyn 10nson an d M rgaret Craft, will wear gowns [ blue ' op h on •'res, H elen Scott anc Edr'l Tobiason, pale grecn : fre. hmen, Al i ce Cr,ok and Norma Preus, yolJow ; high school, Vir­ l'ini'l Dl'vis and Frederika Schlan­ I t:. e h. each. LI Ie Eugene Knutson , son of M' IUld 111 1" eorge Kn utson of I'arklllnd. WIll be crown bearer. T 'ain bE'arer'l'I are Mailyn Pflueger nd \n namarie Calavan, and flow er gIrl. will be Gloria Ch ristiansen and Mar 0 son. all dressed as old-fashiolll'd a ttenda ntH. R bbon bearel . !;enior gi rls who wi!: wear rai bow past els, are to b Evf' yn Eklund. Ro erta Tor· " qon, I!;velyn {cCu lough, Mane .1 hn�on MiJdr"d Monson , Hedvig Dahl e J ohanna MR nou s0 8 , Eleanor Rat I b ugh. Eline Ben on <lnd Ruth Frov n . i1; Judi Ben son ,," been n mf:cl chai 'moln of th pngr m. will be hI ssisted by Helen !'<c( " t. Jelln- Marie Fowl er. SV]viFl I l ler and J oanna Manousos. Un­ dpr the dirpcti nn of Mr . Adah pper of h phy 'cal education Ilrtm(' nt IIi numbe� will bc aesthetiC by m' II



Ison , food , R ut h Moore, ons chion, Ev _ lhprine .Tol.1nson, McCullough, Iyn N otll!a. Preu ; albor Frid ay 's p a rty, orby,



Enid Hutson, Nevel la Ross. MiI-

Monson ; Saturday' s a rty, Jean-Marie Fowle r, H ele n Sco t t , F red erika Schlan bUBch, E ula Ma d eco nl,-"off, Bergliot Vogall ; dred


Enid Blake, Elsic Barrett, Eklund, Elizabeth Friis.

Among th.ose wh angern en ts. r are op e ning their homel< I r th occasion are � r. and 1'5. J. Xa vier. 1\1 r. and Mrs. Paul Preus, Miss A agot Johnson Mr . .T. K K. G aard, Mr. and Mrs.

S tuen , ' ss Camilla Benrud. Mr nd all d Mrs. "E. Tinglestad , Mr. Mrs. M. G. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. i Geo. Arneson. Mr and 1011'S Ylctor . A. Elvestrom, Mr. a.lId ..II'S. L. Pe erson, Mr. and Mrs . T. H.

. . Ison, Mr. and Mrs O. 0 Hagen , Luther In C Il ege ; Mr. and Mrs. B . K Fadn f'ss. and . the . R�formatlOn, l ' M . n r d Mrs . E. "'egner oi Park- : · gIrls organIzatIon on the I land. r. and Mrs. Claren (" .un d has chosen Friday . MI'Y of ,Jl . M Col s and Mrs. G , N . annual Mot hers tf' . Sore n "lon f Pu.vallup. a n rl ' . anrJ this afternoon all the g Irl of M r . J. L. R� n ning of Tacoma, school are InVlted to come with their mothers to this largest of the L. D. R. SOCIal activitics. Members of the P. L. C. Ladies' DormItory auxiliar ' are al 0 in­ vite . P


c U·II.'


Miss Helen l:.. i Jja an d Miss Lenore Withrow have been a p pointed by £ iss Margaret Rorem , preai­ dent, to be in chargE' of general arranging. AsSisting committe nre lice ook and Ma r ie 'enc ger . d e oration ; Margar>t Mel: 4: 1 and veida Ha ge, luncheon ' . and orothy An r8 n and Gig

, .

Hugo, i nvitati ons

t L. D ?":l J'



recen t



Ulf' p resi den t.

of the iss Ma r-



Will Speak

P . L. C. o Concerts


To Entertain Gard en

fT8, i\'. T S toraa, Ii 1f v.11I enter tain I h. Cry t�l Gard en club E t he r . 0 e begin n ing wit I ncheon at 1 2 "Arranging t he Gard e n " is title of a. pa er to ht> r"ad by Mr. r G. Chrj Le" en. Bola n '" . names will b disc u s ed by president, Mr . K..nnet h J Mr&. Stora asli 'ill spel1.k 'Wha t To Do I� May, "

Be Given There On Week-End Colli Luthera l J been i vi led to 1'01 tin in c(>nnecti oTl with two

chulr h



iug to la rge Lu theran 'onwmtions uled t h e re the w e k-end ot

1 • 3,




According to Victor A Elves­ tl'um, chulr manage r , the group I will go to POl'tlan Sa Ul"'- y, 11a � :!, and w i l l .ng tbal e v t!Ill nl; . 1



arge C rowd A

May Day Ceremony

f th,' North two banquets, that P, 0111." . oung acific District Lu tlJer League conven ing Il t C.-n­ tl' I Lutheran c hu rc h , and the ban ­

to be he lei by t he Lu thel'lll B roth rhood (Of tIll' CO l u m b i a erm1 r< ne ' a t th Augusl.;1na c hul h On ,'un duv lh<. eh If wil l Min�

qu t

at mo�n illg of th e LutlH'r

!If·rvicf'!< In


cony IItilln ague. in . the Luther

wi t i t League Chor..ll Ulllon, anu in 1 he evening both conventions ,,'u l join I in sponsoring a ('oncett ill lbe hurch. A Ug'Ustana the

aite moull

., e rs on ality Club" sponll­ scifjc Luthel'­ by a group of cnl le;ge girls, met \Vednesday

college, MlsR Ma.·­ ·fSft "Ind :Miss E ll en Berg­ t the


arpt �' rom. hos tCSl>t!s, �'ere assi. led by Mr' T, 0, Sva re . wife of thf' col­ I .e pa..!tor, and i s u th Froye n, residen t of the D l'lt a Phi Kappa h e tea table. .TOUp. a t MIss Ed i th B Ramsey of t he Linc ol n high school s taff spok e on t he subject of "Proper Cl oth es for . II Occasionll." Miss Hel n ('lar k, edllcallon I nstruc tor a t hYlllcal "Posture a n d on Lincoln. spok Health." Saylin of Ho lIy'ood , .al.. gave a demonstration lecture on the proper use of cos­

metics. .AF i sUn g

with arrangements tor the affair we re Eleanor Raurl e­ Iva Torrison, Rob rta ba ugh. en,

Ll'1an d ,


ovelle N agel LI lJa,

and Hell'n

Be ndic ta

At P. L . C . Friday

Rev, Roy OISO�, of 1in neapoli ?lnnn . . pri on chaploin in the Luth8 p. m. eran church, spe a ks a



i Lut he r'ln





T he ];



Rev, Olson goes

from Taco ma to Por t land as one

sp akers at the P ac ific of th oun� I s trlc t convention of t he People's Luther League, opening enlra Luth­ Fri ay evening at eran ChUl'ch, Portland . Rev , Olson at morning Wedn selay spok(> ' chapc l exercises , P. L. C,


Special Meetin g of Pioneers

li bert, prelli dent Ml'S, C;eo r�e [If t he Daughters of Pionf' r. of Washington ( prim to 187 ) is cal l­ ing a "p ec ia l meeting of the pxecu­ t ive bOBl'ri for 3 p. m, Man ay a.t

Fisher's. The- meeting

Is an i mportant one, itS the , roup will c1iscusl=t next week'/'; m I?tillg in Sel't til' wh n it Is hoped to Ol'g anize a tate 11 board mE'mbcra are c hap ter asked


be pre:


t h (' ran

c o ll ege



c'ro wn ing

A nn ual

I'owrl cv e r to at feCltlval at Pl\.cific


1\ �ray Day

F itlay







G. A . S m i tley . As the orch estra . unde r the l'l'c tion of Pl'Of .Josep 1 O. wa l'Cl�, began Lo play Datfodil� . " Mayo! and �rrl' : Srro I cy, P!'clIld('n a M"h and 'I' ingc i stad a Hi Bert l'll Jll Myh Ludent body prcllident, tool< t plac/!! neal' the t'al Ld t h l'one await the queC'n and hel CO lll ·t. an '\!I)'hr p l'ncl m a t io n by Mr t 'le ·,und f trllmp. ·l. summon . he r h'�[Jn bearc l . w ho lormr· Th th ' al I ' t o lh' throne, \' rc J, Irt.. in pa.<Jtell' , B ns( n, Elene Dahl/!, Jm nr

Ma 'OJ'





ceu l!:velyn :r.r::. no usos. Nrva Olson EIl'anor n uri b I J o h n () 'tl1 II Fray n, Ru h Robe l' a �o n so n a n t E\, p l yn 1:> l un d. memb!'rs of



To Meno£'t.sohn's " ,l al'c h


Marylin P[)uegel' and A C lav n , l i ltll' flow"I' gi l'li! i n (II · Qses, sca tt el'ed f In\>, o:r11

P ri ests" t he procesl' i on

d l i n ly May ask p l s A t t"nda ll t � \ p proacb

n t v rg ilia Reh l Jllm


The queen'll aU('nd ant!! lhmn the pl'o:,ched

I ', d Fl 'etli�l gown - d in pea c ll 0 1 ".an dy green �allhe!!: Norma PI U� A l i ce Cook in ydh 'w : \<';rll1I:l ,. , lion


H e len Scott in green

�R "-::' 'Y


o r

( " > r OT

n a


1 1 111 1 , ::


0.:J 01 lUll/>\. I 'il-ll <lp II/nbil 4 1 ! '�\ .\\1 l U'B,\\ �,uua UIlWOM 82upn 'J1ilSAW 411·\\ l!liluoq pUll o.{ 4 1 !.�\ ilq 01 w2 'lA,l 'illild ',\\ o u :I\ lsilUO aw n 1. uop I.. 'P!1:u; "f.{s ual:{J..

iI!liln,g I.. " poo/n.\: IOH 01 'Bf.{l



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a .10J -1i1.\\.IlU'B 1. uP1P 'Bpu. 'I I .,'all! .:Ino,( 01 JiliolBUll 3�n 1 f.{1 1,US'! p u'II • (\ ;lW .u.llItU 01 .lJUJ02 3.113 no.\ -wrsa P11111 il13d ,.'lIpUn '1ng .. ;)q h8W • ,'aJ3f.{1 1 UM01MJN UI lO U 81 ilJ![ E. n


Ja.I<\llUll "til 1'8[[ 1 I F)J All·\\lll ilAUt{ I oil Al1unl .\oddo 341 �J! J JI T:�:: -Alll ilt. .IoJ .l3AilU P[n04s I. . P!IIi1 liP u n ,, 'ilWd '02 01 lO� 0, ,J .. .AJ nlUao lltJiI.\UIOWIUOO l ' I"t[



.OU!l !U.1i lOll.qUOO U !ieln .I.1ill n rUIn 1;)1:{ ", Uma1 ' wua j;)l1'>[ "l[1 u af.{ :n lp.laN .l<l 410ua IfU:n 1 1 pOO.'n JlfJ.. -All H It! t I:{ 1lI11.111. P1P ' i.! ;) Jill{ ;)Aa![Jq 1 , u Pl nO;) UpUI'] .. i. pOO.III.hI\OH U! ;) W 1 U �. . . 'J 'nl;)!d .1f.{1 , ,'MOUl! n OA WI n.a. s'lloa aln 01 "tuO;) i UO '{-10M. pUll 01 no.e lU'IM\ AIq'Bqo.ld l l !AI ,{!Iud -WO;) .InO ' ldTJ:lil 2up\Jo.'A al:{l 11 l'll l:{l AdA UO:l 01 nopwll ;).1,,,.\\ UO JnOA JiI!4:l 10.1 iI"}OU.l'8f.{;) UU ..101



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aop 'P3lfilU VPU!'! • . ' U'Baw l llt1l l1il(& ' • • MOlO[ 1 !lol- I lng,

}{�.lll:l '



-a:l� 3\11 JO 2uPllJacfu pUll 3t!l 'jumolq 'pp;:s ;It{ . '\1 ldltp'8




b..... r'(')'. l i t l i e Eu­ ral<scd in II " hit tir he!', tj ' s . II i t and plump-s. 1 Il(,k his plac br�id· dayor Sm it t rumpe 11 annOl l l1CrU the en­ " " ; nee of Miss 1 'Oycl lr Nage l. the B au Iful in a fi tted, White .. 11 , Q 0\ long t r'am CIi:' ­ !noir£' o\\'n W!I 1101 Ch l'i!'tensrl" by Glort lie Mn!y Pflu(' r in ." ello\\' 0 ga ndy, the q u e e n W� - t t�Jv as sll :lsc('nrlpd 1 he � l " p , A l-tigh (,,,1111 ' . long' wh i t l' bloves an ti a n an tiq up hl(lc cicl adUNI to tl1r' q u eenlv e ll!;­ tllnIC. Hc!' bouquet wall of ,c riel ml •

' lb

�cn '

Kn n,








IQaqoJd 1 l .tl:illl.L .. 'uu UI.{ Ja2BUllW


Alv in G. ewi s Nam ed Pre side nt


At Por tlan d

I at

( · 1 ·1:


f the L u t h

r a 'n

Daught ers of the Reformation �a

Invitati ons h ll ve been issued ny Olga Hugo and Dorot hy rRon. RefrE'shments re pi nned

Miss Margaret RorelIl, eultor of he 1936 P , L. C. yearbook. the · . Saga," has announced that this 'car's book iR to be dedicated t o th Tacom a Chamber of Com­ ml'rf'e. The dedleation is in ha.r· mony with the theroe of the boo In pOI'lrayingacttie Lutheran Collcg as a pa rt oC � reat e r Ta.coma. . Thl' !iubscriplinn (' a m p a 1 f!. n c\osI'Cl last .f'k, and the I:)ool( 'Il l be published .... it bin the ne t \,/) we XII. Using '! new off set type of


Ou standing on Ule May le oar Of social even tl!l a mon !; girls at Pacific LUlhera n c oll e IS Thu rsday . ivlay 21, when gi reprf'se nt ing Tacoma nel o th nearby hi gh sch oo ls will be ent" lainI'd at the ollcg under t auspice ' or th e Personali y club, nP.wl y organ ize d group w llch h rhe' 'cn to close itll year of 'lcliv til' I n hi" way. . �n ior g'i rl� ar(' invi ted r<l\l1 t high flchools-- tw. from !'aeb t.he Ifmalle l" sc h ools, ntl ./lccor in


'i lk Lutheran 011 ge are gh i n g hei r annua Mother's I Day tea. F rida y afternoo n at I :30 o' clol:k at the colle�e,

Ho n or guests w il l be thE' moth­ ers of all the girls in school . and women or the facul y and Lailles' Dormitory auxiliary MISR Maro·aret Rorem, L. D R. I president will welcome th(' guests MI', . C. J. 'ells of Lon gv iew has u,.ie on been 9.!Jk d to res ponu Ulf! program will Ilr a piano quartette by Thelma Daniels, Norm Pre us, Irene riel! and D rothy Anderson. a. vocal 010 by M J ldred Monson, and a manm­ ba lbone solo by W ad ene alavan. Readingll will be given by Ellen Berg-strom and R oberta Torrlaon. Du r ing U:1 program, aa planned by lelen Holtca m p and Lenore \ " lthrow, Mrs. J. P. Pflueger, on h eha lf .or the Dormitory au;'tiJiary will present gift bookmarks to all ' ratlulltl ng girls. Alicr Co k and Marie Wenbe charge of decorations, h ve a color schcme of pink ..I d te c a ni ed o u t in :;prlng flow-


printing, thi year's staff is find In it possible to use more r"c ure . The art work in th is conn,l'!.ion I. bein done by H e n rie t a O'Neill and oberta Torrison

P . L . C. A d

Ovcdia Hauge



Th lub V iolet Prairie G ard en will meet Friday at the homE' f Mrs. J. P Swanso . Broo ale. Mr. . 'Vi lliam Kerr will r ad a pe r entitled " The Ll!e G�ving More : Preci ous Than Dlamnnd s. Mr A. :M. Freeman will disculls the iris, and 1fr . F. W . Trail! will speak about the wregella. Mrs. J'. T, Pe n n, president, will eonrluct tl1e meeting. The June "Tlee ting will be a.t the home of Mrs. H. O. Lanning.


Dormitory girls of the Della. hi Kappa group will meet Thursay ev en i ng in th ollege rec ep­ t n In Alte an informal pro­ III t. I' ·rved ' refreshment!'! the lIean of women, Mr. . L "'a. Kreidlel', and Al ma S toleI.', Hageru p, Thelma Ness, Rust and Esmeralda Torv-

(0 thl' enrol l ment. Lincoln , Puyal l up,



of Stadil u b ur n . SUIT ne! , Olympia , Roy and Elma AClrr regis rat ion a t 3 :30 p. an outdoor tea n a ' tbe lily po on th fronl campu s will honor tI: vl1!ltors . A tnur of the grounc will follow. A t 'eV(>ll ill the ev('nin r' 1 1\

quet will be given m the recl'eall hall. under the dir c ti on of Mi. Ruth Froy e n, pre IdE' of n Del la Phi Kappa dOlnl i ' Oty girl _ t this time group leaders f PerS01l ahty club for next year w b . annou nced, succeedi ng M

Marga ret Cra ft anll M i s. Beri!ltrom of this '1.'. r

Miss Mary Jane Dedrick Miss .Tune Walte rs at assi wi th <ietnilcd pl an s for this .

I . I


Pa rk land Trinit y Lu lhE't m!'mbrrs arE' h n ldln� their fl lIpnn.!f mee ti ng- Su nday ever lng 7 : 30 o'clock The meeting w i l l opened with de 'olion conrlu ctcd MIl!l' Helty SV!l.Tr, anti Pastor . Svare will jpad in hy mn ai


MISS Mild re d L1Irson a nrl J Johnson, d e leg ated to the Pacif ic DIstrict LuUler convention held rut week POl' l and, II give their

centered about Life to Live."


them e

A vocal solo will b iss Alm a Stolee, a "Mot her," by Miss Marg aret and a sldt by Bob Svnre and ford H ul;"rn . A social hour f oil w.





At Exercises In Grade School

Twl'nty-five I'tudentl! recl'iv('t1 thrir p\ght-gradn diploma:- a l til Parkland gl'ade Rcbo!)1 gl'a d ufltion exercIses ThUl sday even i n In t he p. •. C. gymnasium . Mrs, Lo ui s a . S. Tavlor , c01lnty uperintemlenl of schnoll,. ave an C. G. Roe lbe pl-i nelp, I, add l"efl.q prellt:n te' \ the clRl " to Prof. Philip E, Haug • s chool bORrd h1l1l'mlln. who in t u m 1'1' sent rl diplomas_ A t the b ginning nf t h e program OrVI ll e Critch ley inlroducf' 1 th claRs. The welcome "'as given by Avifl Hrwland . E li n or Birch read thn clasR propbecy and Raymon d P ' l u 'ger gave tho lass will. On the m u ie-'ll p ro gra m W!:r selrction, b,· the f'1 hth grade sextet, Il pl�no rlupt, . . larch of the PUPfWts " by M i,�s A I C Ram­ lael lind P rof . J O. Edwards 01 Pa r iIic Lu lhf'l'Rn college . R v or.a l /Jr,I,) hy Mr!'. Cli ffnnl O. Olson, I iann 801(1 , ' R igo l dto" I Ve l'!h ­ Li .Zll , by Pr(ll ErlwarrlB. and a piano duct. " Danc e of the O ra n ge Tgrt� " h) Prof. Edwards Rnd M Dorothy A ndrrson. Mi. !I A iis Hovland led I hI' cia In cholarship with , 1\ �"( rage , r n(, -9'1" Raymond F 'fll "I'r was second with an a vera,,! " f ,j 5-9' ( and Robert Benson WIth a ,j l-{lr,c average was thin!. Other l11f:'mI'S (,f the cla�s ;1l'e Lois Dl'hm'r, 1" ny OIRon . nil' Grcco, Rosa lie Jen n. Rosella ,tce1l1 e, "'Ill J' n

Jjvl' Erlrn, Durolhv F r(,Hoyt. ' ma n , ida Mav Hal starl • . E m r Rowan . Rogel unde. XUI'm n

Nelso n,




Lonergan, 'a l te r Al'n rslad, A nnll Jllcohse n , \ nona Shi n d l , l)nn !' hl n d J e, On'Inc C ri l ('.hI y. Elln l' Bil eh . /I ln • chols and Ad Iyn FrN�man, DUfln,e- he past year MI', , L p , Greg-ory has been clas.� ad VIlIl'r.

Clasa of ieers h VI.' been OrviIJ Cri t ch ley. presirlent ; Dnn n l l �hln­ ill , vice pre Iden t : Arlclyn Fr man . s{'cr!!tllr ; R{lbel t B. n B O O , t reasurer. and l..ewis And raon, !!! can -at-arm .

arkla nd A d P . L . C . N ews

P a rty at Pa rkla nd Mrs . L. B. Kreidler and Mrs Philip . HllgUI f Parl'1 nd

terlamed at the home of �ltll HBug recently I ho nor rof Wieber Wynstra ( Marg el J a cobson) of Seatt l e , whose m a r riage took p l'l.ce m that cit

.. 1iss Norma Preus. mem er ot the Paci fic Luther n C 11 ge cia 's of 1 9"7 . as lected pres­ Ident of the Luth ran Dau li­ of tit R formation at tel" their fmal m eeting of the ye�r held Th u rsday afte rnoon In

May 7. The pa I'ty In j he tOl'm oC sho 'er, " al led to"ethf'1 oyel Cl)r" of fJ"ienrJs of M1'8, 'Yynlltra lor mrr Parific L u tileran CalleS'

the girl:' recept'on room at

t hf' college.

Hie . next reus will tak . ucc eed ing M iss Margaret I, tlIlS year orem, president or III b� lected thl'r new officers , t t h e first fall se si on .


Mr!!. J. U. XaVie r was urantof mOllsly r eel cled as the advis the group


This Jast meet i n g honored I di lle the facult. . Talks concerning' the work of the L. D R. d urin g given on the p a t ye a half of U1C mem bers by M 55 on behalf of the and


r were


A. 1 (lies by Mrs. faculty . Mohn Agnes Miss Tingelatad . spoke on what L. D R. m embers are exp cted to do by wa of con­ the h ir work in uing A report on the



through rec� nt

FederatIon Missionary W m en ' s ' convt'ntlOn held in Seattle .all "Jv�n bv one «;If the delegates, MISS J .ou lse Hend rickson. M usic consis ted of a piano 11010 b" Miss Trene Odell and a voca 1'010 by Miss Evelyn Syverson.



Mr!!, lh

F R. Jeffords, prl'S ide nt the Ladles' aUldliary t

and BlOther hood of Carp enters entertained Jomers of America officers and committee chalrm n at her home 'ruesday avenin . The gToup dil! cussed their g enera pTa ­ �am and made p lans for the com­ l ing month.


}, r. and Mrs, Gus

S tol'a asli and former Tacoma residents, hllve m oved to ParkI. nd,

I family,

. frs. Louis Ppterson entertained l th a l uncheon Wednesda y in er i honor of th f i rst bi t'thday of ; nephew, Daic Raymond StoraasH i son of Mr. and Mrs. T. V Storaasli Guests included Mrs, I nger Silliand. Mrs. Oscar Ol son , Miss Edll:l. Olson, Miss Sylvia Sloraasli. -' rs , H. L. Dahl, Hans JUnIor. C 1'01 Peterson, Barbara Pcterllon .

the cl osp. {If the Bchool year r f at tl e where Mr W tra I leaChiIlg', thE' y ou ng coup le wl1 go to St!lru I'd Tniversily for th Ors summer tel'ro. and lh. n tr •

Boulder, Cn\orado, irs "'yns '., former home. During the eve n i n g lovely gift' were presented by a messenge boy who caller! at the dOllr ti mE'1l with d"liverie s f(J1' t he gm·st. S ev r a l a ppl'opria te



c l assmatl'1I and Il.ssocialr" whl wpre i n terl'sted in Ilparlllg 01 p l ll n!! for til" new h"mE' whl t \ ill bp pPl' manen Iy pstahllsh p( i n SPlltUe this fa ll, foJ ll)wl ng lIummer of sturiy a n (\ ravel A

werl' played theme, anrl



around th a l ad i s' qu Irtct j th group sang II group of w"d dlllg song• . \''hE'n refl'cshml'nl!l wer'

' M rs, \'Vynstm prl'sirjpd at I ' b r irl f' tablp a UI c i 'p WI h of Mills ",,01'111 ' P rrU8, daughter i whi e cu twol'k c l oth, whitE 'li p 1 I I r, a III I '\I n.. Paul . . P reu of II centerpi ece of mock l'arklam J, nen'l.' e.led e pre,,"l nt and a edding cake w1th a mini of the Lutheran Dau 'hters 0 th e ture bri de Rdormation at the Pacific I,lIth' uests WE're psda m !l 0, u� eran ('oUege. l\liss l'reus, \\'h T i ngeJ stad, J, U �3vipr, a Marga ret Rorem. Will ceed� Mh S luen , Est her Davis, Ln rlvig La tal(6 (\ ice In t ilt' fall. The L. D, son, , ''', R a ms t a d , Clifford R. is t he l a rgest gl l1o' organlu tlon Ison, .T. P Pfl uegr , E. Tins;' at the school. stad, Bertrand Tay lor, H . L, ...----or-r---.i Dahl, R ob ert "; 1 . Clair, J Salab T. Yare, nssps BerdinE' en. Thor Olson. nne Ruth Fa dness, r ne Dahl, M garet Fadness, Gladys Knulzf 'j mIl' Fe)! d L1[ Everett \V 1l IJl Irene Fadness, OI'othy ....." ...., ...."1 . It minced !1I' the n pw student p '( i­ d "n t a Pacinc Luth(,l'an culleg(' t tbe last I'l tur j{' nt body meetin " the veal', he ld in connection wI Lll I rhapel E'xcrcises at ti le collrge un '}'hU1'5uay mornin g . Mr, Forcl, m· troduced by U1C reti ring' pi !'. . i fJronl, aN tru m Myhre of Tacoma, w i l l Miss H zel l JaO'<'n p of A!'. 0 !'! ruduatc next year from th e lilll ­ Or... . , will retu m to PaCific Lu ma l depal-tm nt. ('ran cotleg l his fall i/,S the Othe r new nffiC('I'!I , :hli�s 1\ ar. ('(l ito)' of th� �tuden t Ili-\\ g<lrct Ror,.. m (of T�lI:om'l . ViCl' pl'� "The Mooring fast." MISS Iden t ; Miss 'Vad.'Il · Cala vn r "f lip was chosen at n jomt ,'umncl'. ('eret · ry, and Ll l lyn f t h e o l d anil new studenl n. Thompson of Parkland , tl'C<lHlI',('l , WCl't intro duced by t hl' l' c :,[lC'cll \. I '(' ti ri ng u[[icc-l's, Rohrl't Monson, rrt Cr aft 0 11(1 A lvftl,n

Thelmp Dnnl�ls and MiRa


,.[nnousos 'i ng part . l"'rof. .Joseph O. Edwqrlis will p l:01v a group 01 piano 8010s and vocal rl'lCls will b ,, [\'I'n by Mrs.


E. HSllJ:,l and Paul Link. New . -T. . officer , Mrs. Philip E. aug�, prrslrlen t ; Mrs. J. • Speuce. vice pre .den t ; Mrs. B . B. Laird, secretary : MJ',. C. Bal'l'Ow� sky, treasu-er. plan r.o un ty con­ vcntion to b(' h Itt April 23, Trlni4 ty Luthl'ran h u rch at Parkland. P.-T A., PreschoQI n .. "sociation • . joint h osteb"' · .

PaUl A. Preu!! , financi al ayent for Pacific Lu theran college will be t h e speak!'r al h M o n d a) lloon meetin g of t ht' Un i t C' d 'Vo­ m en's RpJ1l1bl ican l u b a t Fishel· 's.

work done at sch ool






Bert :r,·vhre.


rlpnt, ha


m it t ees to arrang(' til" dlvisionltl e)Us


b u ild m<;. ,

ounrts. lrl




va r ­

Bernice Gregory






Pacific Lutheran

Drama. cluh, Parkland. prom­

i8e an exceptional mnsie entertain­ m ent in the pl'c.scn tat i on of th eomic opera, "Joan of the Lee . '� in the college slIdi Frld y pvening, May � Keitb ileid. drama cluh 'l.dvi. or III rJirectUlg the op er a. He is !lIsted by Mrs. Adah Da ppe r . tbe physi cal educe tion rlepartm The cast and ol'cbe!ll ra, i�





l\10N DAY Preschool m t t e l e c t offIcers at th home of J>.frs. W. 'V. Low ie a ssis ted by 1frs. . D. o ri5. Offi er . Mrs . Harold

k'trhf'n C1enicc B J[J � t he

u. 'I I h � cha11 ga mel'l I n the' " J' grm 1S haVI' 1'(' ­ a,' "1'nOO/1 l It ' " .lort ce; their " n k fini�h('(l -peeted t h a t t h e tl'adi tion'lj tugf-war "nrl c ,'r Ii ducking for loaf·:il l h·' ' \:IS '" '1'01. e l : '01 p 1 '1I1P •hat ha'f ht' -I lIrpO.l (.-j inc l ude ,� Iph Bollitad Ford. Stanky . l an 'l . D I"hn a y m onrl Ho!,enlltarl, ' Arn'n r.. . . Lloyrl 'T'bomps n and Jasp'" Fac u l t ' rnl'JnbErq 8p .1 olmRon. It'! poil rr' "Iclur SUPl'rv i!:.OL p " hj )0,. IT lIg-e. J. P. Pfllle<>cr . W. c I . " i ffnrrl 1\ th I 'nn , . ;tarl . •J T '. • h . In anu Jns! p.'



nrovid e tbe

and meal".. clNl.n-Up, eneral I b, Spl clal WIlI'k rlone heJ'p on 1 hI! tPnni!! COll ' R in prepara tjnl1 for the <mrna ents schedlficrl for next wee l;:, worl, in the g) Ill ­ na i lllll aurlit nl'iu m. and � rr In�e m c n' S " ' , < ling the May Iesth's in l h(; "ven ing w i l l tonI iI" C ' I clur (> tl ( ri a " s pro r�rn. a I ter


department. educaticn physical Enid Huson, Miss ComBe Mis: co t, :Miss Miss Helcn Clumb,

presi ­

ppoin :ed various com­

" ork on th


Anderson a nd Harold Nilscn. Two numbers " i i i be given by members of the P. L. C. gir l. '

Lq w'l1 blwe campus day Fri · ri a ' .

in roo m s and

Larson. During the ev en in g the various rooms of the grad e school wJlJ be op en for inspection. y members of A one - act pIa Colleg Lu the ran Pacific the Drama cl u b, "A Ba rgai n's a Ba r­ irected by Miss gain," is bei n g Wad ene Cslavan, assisted by A r­ lhur Haavik. The cas consists of Williams, Louise Stanley Ford,

And Clean-Up

Luthl'rA n

I'S of the PaC1Iic utlle ­ e h ard i n college eh r)lr will cone rt Sunday evening at l h e aptist churCh. starting at First 7 : 30 o'clock. an

C. G Roe, princIpal. and the fo l ­ lowi n g teachers nre in ch il.rge of xhi bits : .1158 Ruth S wa nson , MIss H. Greibrok, Mrs. Hclen Alic V r Wegsteen, Miss T urner, Mi Gladys Carlson, Miss Irene Fau­



Mem b

I 1r�:!!!IIIi !!JI ...._______..,;__...,: op n 7 p. m. Program tor ch il ­ dren, 7 :1 5, adults, 8 : 15 o ' clock. J.L--==:;::==:::::::=:...-... . ....-1l . Exhibits arranged to show type of


P. L. C. Choir To Sing Here SUM all


preside nt ;

M I·s.


McCun e. vice presid en t ; Mrs. A. L.


I Skmner,




secretary ;



treasure r. Mrs. Clifford 0 Olson and !rs. Vernon Morrel l will plan summe r "Health

Roundu p." when llealth xamina tlOns wil: be given to Chil­ dren planning to enter schoo l in the fall . . C om m i t tces apPoin ted to work WIt h P.-T. A. commI. tte!" {lUI; g the county conven t on i n cl ude Mrs

Boynton , dinin g hall ser'\'ice decorations, M rs . Ba rrow sky ' :Mrs. Iv r Joh nson, Mrs. JUc Spe nc e , Mrs I�alpn Sherrill, 'd s


n eth Jacobs ; tab) s, K esdaml'." ,' lewllrt Palmer, I ifford Olsu. , E. We n r, V. Christen sen, Rob­ rt McCune, Floyd Skinner, }. . B u rns , E . S el den . A. L. M orl'ls. V�rnon Morrell, Sydn ey Se lden , W , �r. LowrlC, Harold Kcl l e l',

�------====��� ���


r- ........... . -----. -

A H !1 1'!ltlli:l will lear a II s ­ . L cllsslon on "Civic an d Geographi C There will be a roll cal l Surv J " Mrs. Stewart Q c urr en t to�ics. Pa mer will sing a group of songs. The ' une etlng will be i n the piUlic. June 9. in the orm ot m th wben o. Mrs. W T. _ rI I cl on of I)ffic:ers wi I take pi ce he members wil: be ChIldren of ee t in g. guests t


To Entertain Daughters Of Reformation Mrs.

PhIl p

. \\' E. H

Ramst'ld anrl


m mllers of th


Pacific Lutheran

college Lutheran DaJS"hters of th Reformation Thursday ot



at 3 : 30


their o'clock


meeting at



R orem, p res i­ ' Uss Margaret dent, will introduce Pl·Of. ,J. P. Pflucger, head of the d epartment or r" ligioD and phUosophy. as h"





d " n t wil l b " f!lcc ted ,

new pres i .

A( Ie Llj·TBER. :hi mber of th e P 1...

Frith jof

P ark la nd A nd p, L. C.

Yuung eople of the Park­ ) , d Tl'ini y Ju n j o r Luther I I t1gue entertained their moth­ er. at a supper • unday eve­

lIpon ded ; Mrs. Dltm8J'l L Ilpoke on a topic in hp rmony the Mothpr's Day ' em and "Molhl" r or Mine" w a :'! sung by RosaliE" J .,'n and BBrba ra Xavll'r. The 11'I1'TUbel'S p rese n ted cor­ ges to the h onored guests. Miss Ruth Ha 'pn an d Merle l>nul: wer in c harge of the pmJ:'rrun . 1m lations were issu ed by Bill Ramstad and the co _ mil P on refreshments includpd E lsl f'itzler, Barbara Xavier, Ray ond Pflueger and Bill E'owler.




aul A. Preu. wil enter­ t a in m em bers of the Par k lan d Sub­ urban S tudy club a t her home \ 'erlnl".sd q afternoon . 2 o·clock. .




preS iden t '

hOR appolllted one Madsen, Georg lonson and BrockWay. Mildred N rris Lang low to mak 'lrrsnge­ in is Transportation m nts.

0. 1



C . O"r duat· Ing claa. have pl'lnned a cruis nc: ea c h p r ty lor 1> onday p ''''n ­ The group will le' \'!: Ta co m Ing. a' 6 o'clo ck on the " G llant Lady "

n i ng i n the church parlor at ·1 o·c1oc],. Miss Ruth Ha ge n . toas tmistress. e:'<l nded n. welcome on b< hI! If of he ,I uni o r 0 gnni:c:ation. Mr T. , "'r, wifp o! the p1l. tor.

oan of Na

P. L. C. Offering On hursday

sp ak r. 010 Music will incl ude n. vio li n by Ev e lyn Syverson. and a vocai Mildrcn Mon on. El ean or solo b R� ld baugh will a ive a reading. The last meeting of the g-ro u p lhl. y ar wlll b in MA.y w 1.'1 members wi l l give a re cp tlon for women of the faculty who as d l:I'OUp enterta in t h e o rganiza t ion d thE"ir homes d U1;ng the year

At thi/l lime





cherge of Harold Johanllen , Jo h n Enid S luen and Ray Hinderl ie. Hu tson, Eula Mae Goff nri El Int' Renson are serving on thc refre commit ee. met Thur8rif' Y to semOl'l1 Thl' Ior the compl etc a rrangement... 'scuss grarlua ' Ion ou ting and to Eleanor Raurlebaugh and p l ans . 'lP Roberta To rri on h"ve bee: po in ted a nmimlte on announce ­ n the apoointed Those ments. cap and gown commi t ' e arl' • Teve Jaspe r Craft, Margare t O lson. JOhJ>"oIl and Ivan Lar:sen.


Miss Julia Mahncke, audebaugh. Mi

Iss EleaGertru(Je Je n- farie and Brunner Fowler. P. L. C. stud"nt , entel t8In"<:1 guests at a theat' i' party and dinnel' Monday evenin g Guests were \liss Alice Greibrok and Mrs Turner of Parkland, and A M elen Lei! � J Mrs, Cecil logi>' of Tacoma,


e Wed'aul Estl'e m spok at of the P. eello e day , ve n i n g His talk . Mission SOCif ty L concerned the mission wo rk and leo. th r el i gio u condition in 1\11 The ml'''ting was o pe ned with i MISS devot io s by Rolph Bolstad Romola Rust san g a gro up o[ solos .




Porldan d Prp "bool m�t dRY <,venlOg a the home of MI' Clifford 0 Olso with MUI. Fl"

faIT 'n a.qplsting Dr. Wllllan Smith Ullk " on f'e h probl ' r _ of thO' preRcho I (hild Rnd rl'por

were made of cony n Ions.





G1b LS' e 'n ,





havi ng



PacifiC Lutheran col lege, the firs t ')f a series of games was playcd the

Je!\\'i ng


nonna l

high th e victo!'!1 juniOl s over 4chooJ-l lbl'ral a r t s team' Ln ll " lse f iend ric\umn , bllReb a l J m an a g E'T , haR till'ecte!l t he following tcam J J nI'-Ups: IfIgh

I'hool- libl>nll





Ded lic k , I enc Od,lJ.

JUnior 1'1001'0111 1 : Ruth Fto 'en Berglio t Vogan Ed n a Kclsey �JO: nnna Manousos, Va lbo rg r rbY, ie:-trude StE'nber , Neva Olson , ld


I. Ii

f'n,ka Schlanbwe ll, V i q, i n l a Da,,!!• • ,lIza hl'lh StllE'n , \'erlill H U£:'f' \'irg 1 i. �r l ' h , Rult • ,lit . Agn 1 .11 \, 1', ,Illnr � hc,hf'I""n , Thplm:t A 1" r, (' (nl'll' r. l I m b : lI ;ubsti­ ,, ) T.n i R S f' Inrton , Tfl'nri"tla N II, Ell r.nia Sfl neer,



Ual'ie Jo hnso n h l, T e m e , ( substltutes ) Julla uahncIte ... E l eano r R au debaugh , lone MadRen '.__iiii _____ = = = __




•. orlllill T " I'(,� Inlll' n : A I i " e C. . ok, .;nld Blllkt', Elva 8('rg­ m a n , n atri('(' 'icld"to;' Ill'lt'n s.l: rl , . 1rlhn l" l'nnco�, E�fbcr N or�nurtl, \'il hili B II n I' S , l ull,. 1 1oor�. h'Il Knut lin ; ( . u b tltut ) l'tl nrglltct Id­

Foreig n Language N ight At P. L. C. On Monday

Fo l o win g II II lies of l'lmaller dur ng 1 hI' pro){ra ms prrl'll' n l d p;Jst yl'lI f by lrrnup" nr thl' P'l(, ific Lutherlln collf'!rC' l"rel� I a n I': 11l �'1' n�U;Jl!e Frweirn RpOnFOrl'r1 bv t hf' E:rt)u ps at i 30 ' p, m

,Jepll r t m l' n l, n ght

wi l l

comhlncr] l onrla y in



(' ol h,'!!"

rrcrell \ion

roo m, ' LA

� u rllriRp rj'Isa doJl'." 1\ nne­ om('(] v, wi l l 01' pre­ lict F r..nch • n , d by ' h I' F re n c h club under t hr riltection of the IId"i cor, Pro[ 1 (' , N, .' ra nc k , Thosp akin� par I will bc Prof Krith Rei d a� fllRdnrp ; Josf"ph h(' Rl: .ni n " , I r n lRt. Dr Picard : Beatrice i r! ­ del'll, the' �er 'anl, HI'I!'n S ta rk

Duva l ; Suzan nI', b� 10c',OI" s wife. Melba Fenn v, (;eorgl' Rustad . r pre cn tin!:' t 1-)" �OI'!' ri ppa rt me n t wi' l ':: ]VI' Nor!'" rconding' 'I'n n('rm � n cl uh, 1111 If r t he d l r ctin n of II'Q, Elizabdh Holm 'i l l , " .pnl thp Bon, ' , advil'nl', T' " y .. if n, Il tschl' V rein, " in P' nl nl !<1' t ' J . , 1"1' (I f; u ' ... 1' " 1 P fl ' 'h ,."I( ,r K a r l , the II':ldin rnH I ; ct, r nl hpl'� i n I hl' (' aM R I'" Rulh In n on . 1h :1 1 \ l : IR '' . MachII' G" \ n l' n , I hC' ('ook ; Thel m Ina , Norma I aniels s ifOlt r Fn nil: II!!, ' i!!t, r Ecl",: uri S1f'hl f, Hprr K rSl �P lh r!octol ' ,Jnr' I, her frif nd J hann , Thp puhllC' I� lO\'itf'r! In prl'" pn l ::l t ion . Madame

ve r, Norma , :Miller,



Normal Sophomores : Judy B en­ son, Elsie Barrett, Wad ene Cala­ van, Louise Wj J1iarns, Hazel Ha­ geru . Helen Hnlteamp, Agnes


f'wk"on tj

He l cn Scott, L IU ' e BendThelma Ness , r substiItI:> John(lon, M'll l' .Tan e

Girls of P. L. C. Pla n Annua l House Pa rty

Girl of Pacifi� Luther an colle;; lI"sving FI iday evening fo 1 Horseh ead }?ay l o dge wher!' Uteir to he h c l d annual h ous cp ar y i r



auspic es

of Dl'lta Rho

Gamma., day student gl'OUp,

Mcmbe l ll of the dormi torY ' or­ ganizatio n, Delta Phi Kappa, ha e w e l l as Mrs, as in l'fted, been , Esther Davis, D . R. G_ ad v i s e r


nd Mrs. Adah H. Dapper, phys­ ical ",ducatio n <.Urector, Miss Louise Hendric ks n, gen­ ,} Mis, I eral chai m a n , assisted Louise Williams and M iss Judith Ben on, has a poin ted It large num­ ber of committ 1'.9 to ca rry 01lt the program of th ree day center­ ed about the gencral thcme of In i tiation, two eveni ng "Pirates " unday morning sCI'vices. parties, groups - are being a nd dlacussion Co mm i ttee heads are planned, June W al t ers, HClU'ie t h O'Neil, Marga ret Rorem, Ellen Bergstrom , Johnson , :Marie Benson, ine Johnson,





n nd

' o l'by,


Hen drirk on , gel1 of th hOU8 ))urty arranged fur the wC('k-end I . mrrub r� of hI' D lin. Rho Gan;­ IDR, dar �t lIdent I!' ro p or t ill' Pa ­ Lo ui�p

1'1'1 I ('b a i l'man



Luthera n l'OUrg ,

To Entertai n Garden Club

Mrs, W a l d o Seld 11 Will en te r ­ tain mem bers of hI' 'lonl l' Vista h , Garden club Thu rsday at hOinc, l02d s . and h ri da n a vc ' he meetinf, will be n ou t d oo r pIcnic beginn ing at 1 o'clock. 1 W. R. Hl'nderson, preslri ' t, Will c on d uct the mepting \II hich will b e d evoted to a tUdY of f l owe r an.mgem. nts Rnd hnw J1Idging in prepara t ion fol' th sfll' ng f l ower show to hI. arranged at 'he BamI' t i me


Ch airmall

Ga r s Oratorio " H oly City" O p e n s Week' s Programs

Po p ular Sacred Production at Parkland Sunday-Voice and Instrumental Recitals Announced-Legion Spons rs All American Program By WPA Musicians 1


t; . T,

' UOR'!

The "re f' n t ' t .,.n i t it!' rl' "ni t or a nllnlbe r or !' )'og-null (" chang·/, h('lll !'('J I tbe ,·tun " ootl and ru rkland ('hoir", TIl(' III"t of lhe ,. cba nKe pm­ grum" WII thl' Stu wnod fholr' nppellran('{' " t ra rt.­ la nd ,':lrll" r t h l year \\ ith t hl" p;t tor-conductor, .Rc\' , :0;, , . • ' , l ld�al(er,

I f'onTA. T among t he cuming is


pre. • nta­

tt"n v the oratono, " Huly C i l ," at Pa rkl a nd Sundn · n i"'ht hy tho ch" i z·s Ill' Slam' ",>r\ Luther<l n h U l'ch «nd Tr nlly hurch, Park­ ' d choirs of .. p land Th,' c um b m : pnl."".alely 1110 vU l ces will hI 0 1 l'cct"d by .fl'S. CIiHol'd O. 01. on . . ccompHn l ,'ts 'llnday 1'\ pning­ " H oly City" is the most popu l a r i l l b.' MI II Vnlborg Yl villak!'r, of (Ir lhe compoflili'Jns of the En g ­ 'lan\\ool)d. a"lcl M i�s Emmv Col­ l!. h l. h oi r oil'pctor aUfl COmpos' r, ton , Par k l ntf. The pl'ugl'ain . b A I I' 'r! Ro b" l't C; ... ul, fL wa,' w ri t­ gmning III 8 . o'duc k, w i l l include t n in 1 8:l ;l nd I'anks among lht tile (,, [ [ uwing . gr a . CllUI'ch mu s i c f • !lgli�h Pa I't 1 P ia n u solo. "Conll'm­ \\'1i tel'lI. plaliu 1 , " IIIH Ylvi " kel' ; "No ;:olhn clowR 'Y om.le . " Burt R. ymlJnd and ChOTU.· . . v So ul Ii Athil'st . "r God." UII Link. trno)': . t 1:;. nUlll' It S haH B!' Light," Mrs , M rs . Ison , Mrs Phi l ip E. H a u J. Xavi er ; "They That So �' III .. " ChOl'UR ; " Eye Halh 'ot T . S!'en,' �II'. () l � on ; "For Thee , 0 D( aI', D ea l' Country, " and " Thine f s thl' K i ngdom, ' "horu�. Part II - Plan solo, Mis� t l vi. ­ A lr/'r . " ,\ " w t " ,'en a no <l • "PW I'lh," Rev. T 0 SVRI' an d rhol' u : "Thl Lo)'d OU)' Gaol . " M rs. un avmond ; "Come YI' BleBS­ I' d , " ?III'!!: l�nn " "The F i n ing Pal l l. Fill �1 l\' ''l','' chorus; 'Th, . p Are They \\ h i eh am' " Mrs. H augp ; Pacific Luthel'lIn coll ege stUdent " They ' hall hun g!'!' " 0 .don�," e c tions are bein held this wepk. �frs. aymoncl ilnd Mrs. H a u gt · I "c tion WiU1 the prelimin&.ry " List t ilt' ChI' ubie Hw<t," ladit'. ' IIl'hed ul e d [or \VI'orl{sday n orm. en"emblc ; "GI " a t a nd Mar\'l I{)US Nomil"ations made thl' lugh 11 tt­ Arc Thy Works. "' chunl . tion s have bct'n 9 nnPltnCerj and ---.., p.,. tld hy Prcsirlent Bert Myhre IInrl the secret a ry, I I i !!s �I!H'g'1I1'''l May festival ( Norse CraIL p ndenec da ) i� being I<ponso l'cd Vernl'r Bitter n l' or ' ' ) I n a n n d by wom en oC the Parkland Trin­ I' Stanley FIJI'd of EvrI P t t , . i tv Lutl (, 1' 3 n Ladirs' Aid M on Olhc r ri n • evrni nl:' TIl<' festiva l w i l l h ­ proP i d t'n tia l no llftl. inatlon, aI" g i ll with R r; 10 dinner of .' 01'­ Iarg ret Roren: s('cretary. Wa­ prn­ \\'eJ:ian rlillhe , (ol ll1wed by dene Ca l av' n. Golriene Gerritz. id gra m bein'" ;I TI ,mged by the ' • n r g a a l' d ; t r, 1\sul'CI'. Es the r proPslfl t, :air!!, C la ml e A. Pe l l et t. Thompson , Lloyo "nr] t ho paslor, T 0 Svare, en manag r, Helen Ho ..p : sl'ni"l "'iIl b songs by quart et. cIa S l'eprl'$enlativl', June ,,'a l t " r, 1", l so l os bv Mi,·" Alma Stolee Louise "'llliams : so p hom ore r"p­ , and �peoker l1igb , n tnlive. Otis G rand !' ; Mrli . T H Olson is m c. arge of et'l,,1 r pre.sen tIlLiv(', Boh Svarc. arrangem ents for the supper, asOther slurt t officers will be slsted by Miss C a m illa Benrud and t'l ted in the fall, Mrs. K. Kittlesen, M rs. PaUl A. P reus, Mrs T, O . Svare and Mrs, .... in o Collom 11 1'




Tacoma Girl Running I E, A gainst S t a n l e y

lUi,", T o n e l\flld ·en , Pacifi c Lu­ the ran college grad ualf' of I is � ar, wh III ch' irnHlII of arra nge­ ml'ut!I I r a banque t t Ill' gi 'I'n Thur (1!1;\' e" clling by gi rL or the P. L. C. \'olDcn's A t hlet ic a'lsocJa­ tion. The affair is to h held at t he HoI I Winthrop. ManOlisos. . A Joa n n a Miss ' ;;w i m m ing' jrlea" is beiJ1<Y carl'lrd m a n d IIl B0 in . o u in Lhe pro g'l'a decorations planned by Mis:; A ldp Tuhnsoll ( chairman ) . M I SS Thelma �ess and Miss \Vadene Cal van. lh/' hearls oak lie Mis. tick t ('ommitte . 11 sistF'd by Mi: •


Ford o f Everett

MislI Helen Stark. �cott. MIss and Miss June dichelson nescl'vD,tion s booked 1rl'n(' Ode l l .

H .Ien

In cl udc

ay Festival



;;; ;; ;:...: ::; ; ;;;; ;; ;;;: . -==::;==;;;;:;::::; M-....,.-:-


arran !!e 1£.1 "I>.





dab nap­ of women. Mrs. prJ', and Misses Valborg Norby, n u tll F roycn . Edna h.el�c y . Ruth Esther eatric(' S iddenl. Sollie, Eula 'orgaard. Virginia Davis. Mac C'of(, J udy Benson, Ele nor RauoJebaugh , lune Malls!?n, Eline Gel t rudl' Helen SLar\{ B(nson , Marl Hutsol'. Enirl Stenberg, Johnso . I t'ene 0' cl I, Thelm ' gg-(!01, Loui�1; 'ess, Ma b,,1 Louise lEon. Williams. Neva Hendricl tson, J oa n na 1II anousos, '. I\Ia Johm'oll, Fr('.j T" 1 Schl:lTI­ h usch , 'Yad('r e Cal, vun AileI' Mar ar . O v i clia Hauge. ' ok Conn · June • i ch� lson ,1I'a n


Novell e


• 'a.gel ,


Dalllci A,


Chal·.g�e�O:f�ta:b:l�e����i!!::i.::II!!:�!:!.ii!!iW��.2�"-.1.-J _

j 78



P. L. C. Stude'nts Will eceive D · lomas June 1

I'adu SCI'enty-'iJ,"ht student T acom : ... Jle E. Na�cl , ; ing this year from aciilc Luth�nn No rby. ill rece i a 11 cr Hell'c m; Be lling di plomas b g . OD ner ' va l "ommencem n t exerc ises to b e H a l d . Auburn ; . p . m. Mond y June 1, Ann ' Olson, Tacom Marion H. h"IJ }>pnnle, Ta oma ; Eleanor Marie in th ud i torium. Ir nc McKenna ; Elmer M . B eck m ' , 'racoma Ral eba ug , viU GertrudE' St enb rg Tacoma ; Eri­ of superintendent Fl'i thjol S vinlh. Roy ; commen cemen address. ward N . give Barcalaureatc .ervlces will talte Mdvi n TaYl't. 'Taeornll.; Bergllot regan ; Parkl l.ll d Trinity Lutb- Agnes Vogan, Portland, plae

at college a

or ro

a ,



6 p.

at chu rch Sun day, ev m., RighL

, president ' Lutheran

I Sf,'l11on , !


t May 31, H L. FOll!l,

District pl'eachln-g the

of the Paclfi ChUl ch,

On Clus!! Nigh t, Friday May 30. 1t � 0' loc k in t he college auditorium . the I!Md ua tes wil l present

play, I PthI.'illccs�,' ·

Vas a " Once Th ere ullder the directorship of Mrs. Adah Hele n Dap pe r. the! 78 graduates , 15 Bre from Ih- nor, 11' I de partm en t , 1 6 from lllc Iibl'rlll a) ts departm en t an d ..

'vis! n . I. f' om th e high school he candid a t e . as announ ced by uDl'an Philip E. Ha ug - e are as f l luw!t :


Harold �orUlal 1>t'llllrtmE'nt . M�rtcn An d el 'on, Taco �a ; Tacoma " FranciB A. nd(,I'f<()n 'I J ll-'\'ph AI' hbold Sumn�r' Nordls , 1 1.''''001 , ·"(' , " lIeson . I ' 'Oreuon � b'hr' Gf' r ha nla Benson Parkland ' B rn "' R tro� ' Tacoma : 1'�l I t'n M"ri ;v ay' OIym: f:arcU!; Ceorgc !. 'oe k . ' ., (, Brunner, Marlc pia - e, .truol ard , Ta\ 'm loc k , GI'; e Evelyn ft' Mera ( oma . targ ret esrl . C ' . I MY , Th ehl1U Geral m e Dan). Is, I

' II


c h


r schOOls, t


V al­

I Nov



Haro l d Cliff reI Votaw, Tacoma; Phyllis Elkington '''ynne, Tacoma. rne, II A,·ts : John Alvfinn lJ b pokan ; Rolph Arthur Bolstad, Storlie De lbert Melv in Evl;re tt ; Ig aw y ; H e B"l.'sl.'mann , Sp North Oa­ Elene kota ; Cl yile Jerom Grimstvedt , O. HaaO io ; incrnnat Harry Johnviii, Seatt! , Jasp akot ; South iresteel ,


an a Dah le, Nekoma,

Arthur r



V em

I d Kn u tzen, Burlington ; Evelyn I 'an M ild r-e 'I coma ; H ou gh , Me Al I na. Monson , H zel Sell Lon gvi ew , Ollver Sluen , P k land ; Fred J Sutter, PortMari e Swanson, 'l'a land Oregon ; �obe�� M�rgar t : . s on, VernaliS, Califonua. TOll i D

Larsen ,


oma ,



d Parklaml ; Teresa. John

m 'b chool.: Al ce Irene Boe , Tacoma ; Ferdmand Holm Bondy. . Mar"IOU V'I l· gin!a D 8VIS, lt' ·' Parkland ; Erne t Joe Ha gen,


a John



rornn' eom




Parkland '

� H ,lrry


busc h

coma , Par Pa "k land ; r


r a





e rl Y,


Roy Lort"ne Lund qw8l, Pe.lrDaugbtt , · nf Washington Pioson : Norrrs S. Lan low, Tacoma : I n E'rll ( pri nT to 1870 ) wJll mce Tone Jos phJm , dsen, Taco ma ; Th lll''Iday, June t, Sf thp homE' of Joanna Manous08, Tacoma ; Ro be rt Mrs. P. rothers, eilacoom • lorr!.un }.tartm, TacomR.: S held on Lake. beg-mn m ... i lh R pot-luck .roe, 11: y l y n lmch on Bpllln ham erl'ice will be TRbl M lhllr Mon fln. P I � I , <I ; Rob- fu rn i shed

pia ;




was honored at a shower party given in Parkland F r i d a y evening by Mrs. R i k ll:a Nich­ .Miss Michel 'en, who olas. Dean Will be m a r r i e d t . :'IIOl'ken of Seattle durin U late summer at h e l home I n Portland. i ' a gracl ua' Pacific L11 th eran col l eS!" ' a 0(1 th grouIJ c a lled togetht>l' Fl'i­ day e venin ' " U !' composed largeJy f college fl'ienrls and . I, as ·oclate�.

iIi s Eliot Mich elsen


Gifts were I bride-ell' t by


prE'lIentcd me ns of



which the ho tess the guest 01 honor to find, aske Be­ e e h time reveal ing a gift . fore the p re en tation . Mrs. Clif­ . Olson sang two songs, and ford

of clock alarms a







group by

of son gs were q u a r et.


also given

A buffet luncheon was sen'cf! from a laCf"-Covered ta.blc b auti ­ white ful with pink arnahons Assisting



her daug hter,

Iris E\'ans.


Poulsbo ; Ralph Wllson Hutchl. n, Parkland : George Pal mer Knudtson , e G unhUd Na ' L rson, Parkland j Charles Ralph . Leask , Metlakatla, Alaska; Al in Ch arles L e h m a n n, arkland ,' Parklan d ; M ry Crnnefleld Dodg A Lun?e orm P�rkland : e o. , be Dr S. lbis T ei Tacoma . Lou McCormick, 'lacoma ; Ekl und Vernlce E llyn : corns ...... f ' ' HE'nry Ge h rdt Pflueg-er, ParkF 0 W I e r, l ne] • "cumu . J an- iJ1E' ' FredeI' a kB. O lrude S ch i an_ Portland. Or '01 : uth Henr ette ry E liz be th ' T Port Milu Ison ' Eula " M e � Mari Betty -lnnd; Slu n, ay Ha uge; Goff, Ta<!OlTIR ; Ln I'll. S T Be tty ai l!, T _ H inde l'l 'e Tr Rny 8 Tacoma : Esmeralda Ovidin Tor­ , . Enid Lor�n Hut �n' Taven d, Be kel ey, Cali ontia. com . Hnl ol d (' ]1lT,'nCe Joh�nse n , ouiRe Johnson, 0 M'ln " I..awl'enrc Ta om , Ru th Mal'garel aug te rs on. Tacom a ; E Inn Irene Ke ls, y. O lym- I To M eet

omplimen s r i d e E leet




Guests included Svar' Xavier, T. O. H u , A. Vi


NicholRs Miss


Mesdames ,





Ramstad, Clifford Olson, L .11. K re idier, of Parkland; Mrs. Georg e McKenzie and M rs. Axel a rlson of Ye l m ; !.riBs Nora , Johnson and Miss MlI'ne Johnso n, a

I Tacoma;

Misses Berdinp Knutzen ,

' Dorothy Lehmann, Emrny Coltom, I Irell,e Dahl, Iris Evans, Pltrkland,


and the hono sen.

r guest,






cond ue t th" mpeU ng wi ll includp the I", ion n !'� officers Mrs. A rthur Cia k ( 14:10 ) ,




lr'lnspnrtation c ai rm an , an­ n"IIDel'l' a bus will I"ave Ath li n d Aeific a t 1 2 : 1 5 p. m. aiiest8 a rc i nptl'llcteri to . get nfC at Hol­ m n 's lore. wh�rl' will m e t em


a h





Ente�ajn " Members ridge Club



ark­ . \ . T. S t oraasli of land ent rt a l n Ii members of thl'

Highway Bring club a t her hom Thursday afternoon. The gl'OU cam fOI" a (J 11 f'rl lunc heon , and bridge follower!. Mrs. Bob Stewart taking honor�. Gucst8 M(,lldames Rex 'ere �t1I 1 , Dp.e Fawver, Vo- Iter Denton Ted Lewi s . N ai gle , h�ter Royce' J a mes \ i l ll, ms, KI!Uie lle, J' n I.nsm re, Bob Stewart of Taco­ I , and Mrs. " PetersQn of Par kland.


Leade rs � ampd t" Head Club

ThE' Perl';ona 11 tv cI orgariz ation girl. a L uthrrllJl oneg , ,,;11 hav c three new radel'S next yeat'. II" s<; . r­ �' t Rore", 1 T'U:oma Iss H len Holtc' mp of Sedl'o Vooll v and MII'� Lowsl' HI' d rlckson Q Tacnma, Thr'l Icqr:!er ' ucc(,NI the oliginator!l (If lh., cltlb th 5 ye�r, Miss El l 'n Bf'r"' strom and MISS Marg'aret Craft, who are graduatmg The cltl ha., een a n interl' ,t , , mg, wlde-a a J(e group, lind n � sel"Ved ad mIrably i u i b ng d a� d dorm i tory st uden in to frJlmdl y, oope rativE' group. N£'. I year e tIngs ill b , held mo t!'lIy, some at lhe co J legl' , '!OM i arkland hornell, a nd largl r fttr (tlOn s downt . The c l ub pl ' D s to b egi i u work 'h' fa l bv , makIllg spectal etfort.s tn acquain t Incoming freshman �rls with th I de e c o lleg student".




Supt. Breckner Wi I Speak to P. L. C.'s Clas of 1 936

Commencement exercisell at Paeific Lutheran colle""e will be held In the , L, C. auditorium Monday evcnlng at 6 o'clock Baccala ureate

.ervices will t a Ke lace Sunda\ ev" ing at 6 o'clock In Parkland Tri n i ty Lutheran c bu r(' l , Ope[ ing the r 1111 mencem en t program, I' of, Joseph . Edward ''' i ll play the processional . flV AIr M. Kraabel of Portla nd , president of Ule of trustees, w i l l gi t he invocation and Prl'!!!, Tinglestad 'III g ive a dent

formal w I comt', Til .. main ad- ' dresR wil l 'be given by Elmer f , B r eck net', Tacoma Fuperil'1 tendent of hools, RIIlV, T, 0 Svarc , t hc ill gi\'c; ' he clos­ coll"gc pastor,

lng bcnecnction, A eature of th program Is the u nveiling of a PlctUl'C being p resen ted to the college by the arlfst, F , Mason Holmes, entitled, "Lei Ericson Discovers the A merican Can tinent. " At Ba ccalaureate srniec, un(lay Rt R v. H. L, Fo s ol caUl" pre�irlent nf the Pacific D i8 trir. 1 n he ra n church , Will pI' ach. TIle " Ch'lir of lhe Wesl," directed h I'of .dwards, will sing two llum­



CAll A F irst Of P. L. C.


hI' ron­ Rev ntl'cn pN'!! On, Will p l ac e at firllled at 1Icl'Vices La mg ­ 1 1 1\. m . In Park ll, nr:! Trin i ty LutJi

Rev. I'ran • hu rc h Su n d ay morning, unCM. T, 0 l;; va n" ''Illl tor, ann r choir At thes e service!! he senio lann din �led by ' I' . liUord 0, WII! sin" ·. . ·:ite " i slOn of Chris l


tiu'! ChnB tian!; en. srl"vices for thr , Comm unio 1 I /ZTIlUI' viII b held he following .y




On Thurs


f 1', ( pal't ot PRcific Ll lh rolle-;:;!' ('\!lR� xel'ci�r III be presen ted a t a s l(,CIIII nl'� moly In thl' collegn gynmRsillm Th ulR day <tHorno .n a t I ,,'clock. ThL aflQlI', pI! " n ed din etI · II '0 mil ,q lutlpnl intcl'!'s(';, wi l l b followC'. hoy thE. mllin parI of h rIa. 1" R('.nt'l tin n on SatunlR) Yen ing. whe n lf� '('nHU' Ill ', "On c ThN'(' '''as R Princess," Is given lind. r thc fI rec lion of Mr., Adah II Th'"




CTvi c 5 At Tri n ity to Hel d On Sun day



OapP" 1 '1'i lhjM Tp \ f'la Fowle n J .Jean --:\{" i I'har" of thl' aSR('lohly

pl "




p rogrA m .

I)f t h ruUzabctIl. Stul"n. of th!' h l h sc bool senil' rlas.�, wi t h Cl'tl'AlI Myhre, " l udellt bod presl! n ' , .. 111 ::- the I \'y " at (In fiss ' Ev('lyn ""und . • Ll"R Eline nl'lt- 'I'l '11' 'PI�qnn 1 I Bemoon. , R al ph dutchison \\'"ill fl'l en Lllc lass "'I l l . A pro ecv will hL I [nnson gh'cn by Rohel't \' rn Knu zen, M ISS Fr 'd riltll , t !-In­ hus ' h and Miss Ev{'lyn c u l­ Thc



tl'll di tional

"'- I


c' O'1 '







loug'h . !I ss • 'OI'dls Arn Son wil! plRv Il plRno sol and Arnolc! nOl'I son will


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