Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly h�' Pacific Lutheran College at Tacom:a. and PilCkland, Washington. Entl:�red "econd-dass mattl"r April 26, 1927. at the postoffic� at Tacoma, W;(shington. ltnd�r the Act of August 24, 1912.
1934 Summer Session First Term Second Term
June 18 to Ju l y 25 -
July 25 to August 30
The 1934 Summer Session ADMINISTRATION Oscar Adolf Tingelstad
Philip Enoch Hauge
and Registrar-Director of Summer School
Ludvig Larson
Business Manager
Louise Stixrud Taylor
Assistant Registrar
FACULTY John Ulrik Xavier,
M. A., C. T.
Nils Joseph Hong, B. A.
Ole J. Stuen, M. A.
Mrs. Lora Bradford Kreidler Peter Jeremiah Bardon, M. A.
Fine Arts Social Science
Anders William Ramstad, B. A., C. T. Mrs. Elizabeth Holm Bondy, M. A.
Chemistry Modern Languages
Mrs. Louise Stixrud Taylor, B. A
Joseph O. Edwards, B. M. Alvar Jacob Beck, M. A
Music History and Economics Biology
Paul Richard Highby, M. A Jesse Philip Pflueger, B. A, B. S., C. T.
Philosophy and Fine Arts
Edvin Tingelstad, M. A
Georgia Reneau, Ph. M.
English and Fine Am
SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS FOR SUMMER SESSION Vivian Johnson, M. A. Education (Formerly Instructor Eastem Oregon Norma! and !Wontalla State Norma! College) Lydia E. Phelps (TeacIJer, Jason I,ee Intermediate School. Tacoma)
GENERAL INFORMATION Pacific Lutheran College presents in this bulletin general information con cerning the 1934 Summer Quarter. The courses are all on the college leve!. While the work is planned primarily for Normal School students, Liberal Arts courses will be offered for credit. First Term Second Term
June 18-July 25 July 25-August 30
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Summer Session is open to all students qualified to pursue the subjects ro advantage. Students who desire to obtain regular normal credit toward a diploma for their work must b graduates of an accredited high school or its equivalent. LIFE CERTIFICATE In order to be eligible for a life standard elementary certificate, the appli cant must complete the third-year course and one additional quarter. Pacific Luthe.ran Co[[ege does not offer work beyond the three-year COurse. LOCATION Pacific Lutheran Co[[ege is located at Parkland, a suburb of the City of Tacoma. Take either the Spanaway or the Parkland street car from the city. FACULTY The faculty of the Summer Session is composed mainly of members of the regular teaching staff. REGISTRATION The registration will be held Monday, June 18. Registration for the second term wi!! be held July 25. EXPENSES A tuition fee of $4.00 per semester credit hour is required of all persons at· tending the Summer Session. Attention is ca[[ed to the use of the semester hour in tead of the quarter hour. This fee must be paid at the opening of the Summer Session. A library fee of $2.00 wi!! be charged at time of registration. ROOM AND BOARD Room and board can be had at a reasonable price. The dormitories wil! be open for occupany. Room rent for the summer quarter i9 $18.00; for one term, $10.00. COURSES OFFERED The number of courses available for credit wil! be determined by the demand. Other courses will be provided if five or more students request it. All courses are listed as semester credits.
Economics The study of the principles that underlie prdouction, exchange, and dis足 tribution. Practical problems, like monetary and banking reform, regulation of railroads, the control of trusts, and the like, are considered. Three credit hours.
Economic Resources of the
IV arid
A description of the earth in terms of its usefulness to man i a conspectus of the world industries in relation to commerce. Three credit hours. EDUCATION
,. Educational Psychology A consideration of the psychological principles im'olved in education. Three credit hours. ,I.
Public Schuol System A survey of the State Constitution and the school laws of \Vashingtoni practice in the use of school forms and reports; Course of Study.
study of the Elementary
Two credit hours. 32.
Educational Measurements The methods of scientific measurement of children's general ability and class-room achievement; application of scientific methods to the study and improvement of teaching; practice in testing pupils, scoring papers, and inter足 preting results. Three credit hours.
Rural School Problems An analysis of the problems and techniques of the rLlral school in the light of modern practices and principles of education. Two credit hours.
Curriculum Studies A brief survey of the outstanding curriculum investigations and practices, involving setting up criteria and organizing units of work. Two credit hours.
Primary Reading A study of the materials and methods of the modern reading program and its relation to other activities. Two credit hours.
Special Projects Students who desire to pursue a special line of individual reading, investiga足 tion, or research, may do so for credit , receiving help and guidance from the faculty member best qualified to assist in the particular problem.
Credit will
vary with the amount of work done. One to three credit hours. 19.
School Administration A study of the practical problems of school administration and organiza足 tion as pertaining to the elementary school. Two credit hours.
Warld Literature Selections from the great writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen· turies, including some of the most outstanding books of Germany, France, Russia, Scandinavia, England, and America. Three credit hours.
Children's Literature A short history of children's literature; a study of the literature for chil dren in the lower grades; story telling. Two credit hours.
English Grammar A study of the essentials of practical English grammar.
Special emphasis
will be placed on sentt!nce analy is. Two credit hours. 32.
Shakespeare A reading course in Shakespeare. Two plays, one a tragedy, and tht! other a comedy, will be studied intensively while several others will be read ClIrsorily. Readings, reports, lectures, discussions. Two credit hours.
Ibsen A study of selected works of Henrik Ibsen. Two credit hours. FINE ARTS
Art Structure Application of [he elements and principles of design; arranging and com bining line, mass, and color to produce rhythm, proportion, emphasis, and good spacing. Original design; simple lettering; color theory, with application. Elementary art appreciation. coal, pen and ink.
Mediums used: pencil, crayon, tempera, char
Two credit hours. 4.
Handicrafts Various types of handwork, including basketry and reedwork, will be taught. This work is excellent for all children, but is particularly valuable for slower pupils.
Rural teachers should find this course especially helpful.
will be given by an experienced teacher of this work. Two credit hours. 10.
Introduction to Fi1le Art.r A study of the technique and provinces of the several arts. Three credit hours. HEALTH EDUCATION
Hygiene The hygiene of the school child; hygienic school equipment and environ ment; the school a center of influence for health work in the community. Two credit hours.
Nutrition Tht' functions of food; conditions affecting nutrition; the composition and nutritlve values of food; the nutritional needs of school children. Two credit hours_
American Histor)' Emphasis on �he
cultural and spirituill factors that contributed to
American political and social tradition.
Three credit hours. ,0.
Current lntemdtional Problems A study of some of the major problems confronting the nations of the world today. Two credit hours.
Sociology General survey of social relations; rhe principles underlying social actions and forces; modern social problems. Three credit hours. LIBRARY SCIENCE
Library lnstmction Preparing books for shelves; care of books, accessioriing, care of shelves, use
f catalog and reference works; classification and cataloging.
Two credit hours. MATHEMATICS 2.
'ollege Algebra A continuation of higher algebra; progressions, binomial theorem, complex number, theory of equations, determinants, and partial fractions. Three credit hours.
Principles of M athemdtics A thorough study of arithmetic as a background for teaching the subj.:ct. Three credit hours. MODERN LANGUAGES
French Pronunciation, grammar, oral and written exercises; practice in speaking; the re ding and interpreta tion of easy prose. Four credit hours.
German Pronunciation, grammar, easy readings, with practice in reading, writing, and speaking German. Four credit hours. MUSIC
Fundamentals vf IUlISic A study of the piano keyboard, including notation, rhythm, intervals, keys, signatures, and ear training to prepare the student for sight singing. Two credit hours.
Piano Development of touch, technique, rhythm, expreSSIOn, and interpretation. One credit hour.
Music Methods Special study of grade-school songs, use of phonograph records, rhythm bands, school orchestras; a comprehensive study of problems, methods, and materials for use in teaching music in the grades. Two credit hours.
I utroduclion
to Philosophy
The scope and meaning of philosophy; discussion of fundamental problems, such as mind and matter, knowledge, cause and purpose. Lectures, readings, reports. Three credit hours. 2.
Ethics A summary of general, individual and social ethics. A study of rhe natural as well as the divine sanction for all acts of choice. A careful evaluation of the theories of ethical vallles. Two credit hours. SCIENCE
General I norgarzic Chemistry The fundamental chemical theories; the chemistry of the non-metallic elc· ments. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Four credit hours.
General Biology A course in the general principles of biology, with emphasis on the appli cation of biological truths to human welfare. Four credit hours.
Geography An intensive study of geography as a foundation for the teaching of the subject in the intermediate and grammar grades. Three credit hours.
Nature Study A study o f objects, forces, and conditions that will function for the teacher as material for nature study. Two credit hours.
The Saga
A biennial publication for students, alumni, and friends of the college. $2.00
Orders received
The Saga,
up to
P. L. c., PaTkland, Wash.
SPECIAL NOTICE In order to make certain that our Summer Session offerings will fit the need,
of the majority, we are asking all who plan on attending to indicate, on the blank below, the subjects they would be interested in taking. It is necessary to bear in mind in thi, connection that twelve semester hours constitute a maximum load for the summer term. This is equivalent to eighteen quarter hours. Courses other than those ,listed in this bulletin may be included if desired. Please mail this blank at your earliest convenience to: THE REGISTRAR, PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE, PARKLAND, WASHINGTON. ''l! TENTATIVE REGISTRATION BLANK Term
<Check one or both)
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