Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, Wash. Entered as second·c1ass matter April 26, 1927, at the posloffice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912.
The First 1000
THE FIRST ONE-TENTH SHOULDERS ONE-FIFTH OF THE LOAD AND POINTS THE WAY TO GREATER VICTORIES THE NEXT FIVE MONTHS WILL TELL THE TALE To Our Friends and Supporters: Have courage! We've got to do it! We've got to save and develop Pacific Lutheran College! We've got to do it NOW! THE WAY TO SUCCESS Four things are necessary in order to maintain and develop a Christian school like Pacific Lutheran College: 1. An intelligent constituency. 2. A constructive, forward-looking program. 3. Co-operative effort. 4. The blessing of God. OUT Constituency
First of all, our constituency consists of the legal owners of Pacific Lutheran Col lege, who are the members of the congregations of the Pacific District of the Nor· wegian Lutheran Church of America. About ten thousand of these owners are con firmed members of the Church. From each of these members support may be sought in proportion to their intelligence and ability. In a wider sense, our constituency consists of all those to whom Pacific Lutheran College directly or indirectly may render service. This constituency includes not only the Lutheran population of the Pacific Coast, but also all others to whom the presence of a Christian school out West may be of benefit. In an economic sense, the constituency of Pacific Lutheran College includes all the members of the community to which this school is an economic asset. In yet another sense, the constituency of Pacific Lutheran College may be said to consist of all persons who believe in the future development of the Pacific Coast, and who see, or can be made to see, that an institution like Pacific Lutheran College has a real part in this development. The support which this constituency, in whatever sense, may render may be given in various forms: students, gifts, financial support, good words, prayers. Do you know what Pacific Lutheran College, with success, is trying to do? To provide trained leaders and intelligent and consecrated workers, to build Christian char· acter, to develop a Christian view of life, to promote the highest type of citizenship, to help keep America Christian, to advance that righteousness which exalts a nation, and to make speecially the Lutheran Church effective in its God-given mission.. Do your realize that Pacific Lutheran College, as the only school of its specific type on the Pacific Coast, has an open and increasingly important field, extending from San Diego, California, to Teller, Alaska?
Do you know what assets are at stake in our present attempt to save and develop Pacific Lutheran College? A campus valued at $5,000, buildings valued at $180,000, equipment valued at $25,000, endowment fund assets and pledges totalling $290,000, increasing good will, a loyal and efficient faculty, and a growing enrollment (183 this year, more than 200 in prospect for 1929-30). These assets are at stake because they were secured through years of struggle that entailed an indebtedness that dare not be increased and that must be discharged. The time to turn the financial tide is now. Our Forward-Looking Program We have a three-fold program with respect to Pacific Lutheran College: 1. To sa'Ye the school by paying its debts (which totaled $58,000 at the close of last school year) by means of income from the endowment funds. It is a source of gratification that the endowment pledges are, except in a few places, being paid in with commendable promptness as they fall due. The congregational treasurers have recently received statements showing how the pledges are being paid. 2. To maintain the school by means of an efficient supporting organization (The Pacific Lutheran College Development Association), one of whose purposes will be to prevent further operating deficits. About $15,000 will be needed to avoid such de足 ficit this school year. Accreditation standards make this sum so large. 3. To de'Yelop the school as rapidly and as efficiently as available resources and common sense will permit. The expenditures for this purpose this school year will exceed $8,000, as follows: chemistry laboratory, gymnasium lavatory, and electric heat足 ing equipment in both, $5,500; library $1,000; office furniture, fire extinguishers, and other new equipment, $900; grand piano, $600. In addition to this, a campus survey, including detailed development plans for several years, will be made this spring by architect Charles Altfillisch at a cost of $300 (already paid for by a special gift). These development plans will be made public in a special folder and also in the May BULLETIN, which will be the catalog number. The Need of Co-operati'Ye Effort Our plans can all be realized, apparently, and wonderful future is in store for our school, God willing, if we can enlist 10,000 members in the Pacinc Lutheran College De\,elopment Association, whose slogan is, "At least a dollar at least once a year," as long as the member is willing. THREE THOUSAND MEMBERS MAY SAVE THE SCHOOL; FIVE THOUSAND WILL MAINTAIN IT; TEN THOUSAND WILL CARRY THE WHOLE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM THROUGH TO SUCCESS. Despite handicaps and difficulties, despite the undeveloped character of our neld, the unusually severe winter weather this year, and the ravages of the "flu," we are able to print in this number of the BULLETIN the names of THE FIRST 1,000 members of the Development Association. No high-pressure methods are being used to recruit members. Every enrollment needs to be voluntary. But every member of our constituency should be asked to join. Duty and privilege are here the same. Nowhere has this work of solicitation been completed. In the territory north of the school the work has barely begun. , But two men can't do this work alone. Pitch in and help! The next n'Ye months will tell the tale.
For the'sake of our whole development program, we must make both
ends meet this year. Let Us In'Yoke the Blessing of God! We would not go contrary to the will of God.
Without His blessing we shall not
su(;ceed. In all our efforts, may we be given grace to cast our burden upon the Lord and to turn to God in Jesus' name for vision, willingness, courage, and strength! His will be done!
What will your secemd contribution to our Association be? A lady whose first donation was one dollar later gave four. A visitor to the West gave five dollars and promised a substantial donation later. A Californian gave one dollar first, then two hundred fifty, and has promised a similar sum soon and an en足 dowment pledge later. A Washington member first gave fifty dollars, then three hundred, then promised five hundred more and a substantial endowment pledge later. Mayall gifts, large or small, be given gladly, for "God loveth a cheerful giver." The following have already made a second contribution to our Association: Dr. J. L. Rynning, Rev. T. O. Svare, August Buschmann, Knute B. Norswing, Inga Olson, Bertha Olson, Rev. Joseph H. Berg, Mrs. Norman Hall, C. A. Stenersen, Mrs. T. K. Skov, Mrs. Albert Brekke, Harry R. Larson (three contributions), L. M, I..arson, Elmer C. Olsen, M. O. Hatteberg, and Halvor A. Qualset. These contributions total $580 and average $34.12 apiece. To the donors, our deepest appreciation and hearty thanks! Receipts are sent in the form of membership cards to each donor.
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE 1,060 MEMBERS OF THE PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, March 6, 1929 Their membership slogan: "At least a dollar at least once a year." Their average contribution to date: paid in,
$2.25; including additional contributions promised for this month, $3.00.
Their purpose: To maintain and develop Pacific Lutheran College. Ketchikan, Alaska-1 member: Olav Christofferson. Matsqui, B. C.-1 member: Alf L. Myhre. New Westminster, B. C.-1 member: Arthur Olsen. Vancouver, B. C.-2 members: Rev. O. Hagoes, Mrs. H. S. Tewell. Alameda, Cal.-2 members: Lewis Larson, Paul G. Vigness. Altadena, Cal.-1 member: Mrs. L. G. Engelstad. Bayview, Cal.-1 member: Andreas Pedersen. Berkeley, Cal.-3 members: Albert Arntsen, i\L L. Nybo, P. Terkildsen. Chico, Cal.-1 member: Ovidia Gudmunsen. Eureka, Cal.-13 members: Rev. P. Borup, Mrs. P. Borup, E. E. Budey, T. O. Johnson, H. T. Trollnes, Eda Jacobsen, Mrs. Charlotte Overgaard, Harald W. Hansen, Gustav Gunder足 sen, Ingvald Halvor en, T. Fjeldsgaard, Anna Hansen, Capt. O. Isaachsen. Fresno, Cal.-1 member: Henry O. Shervem. Fullerton, Cal.-1 member: Knute B. Norswing. Garden Grove, Cal.-2 members: Olaf Larsen, Mrs. P. N. Larsen. Goleta, Cal.-3 members: O. Hove, A. K. Langlo, Mrs. A. K. Langlo. Hemet, Cal.-10 members: Rev. N. J. Aadland, Mrs. N. J. Aadland, Hilda Halvorson, Ida Halvorson, Albert W. Eggen, J. A. Neste, Mrs.. 1. A. Neste, Clara Oliverson, E. O. Eggen, Mrs. E. O. Eggen. Live Oak, Cal.-1 member: Emil H. Erickson. Long Beach, Cal.-22 members: Mrs. L. B. Stocking, O. Anderson, Mrs. Carl Lundby, L. B. Stocking, Minnie Larson, Clara Sponheim, Rev. N. B. Thorpe, l\Irs. N. B. Thorpe, Bernice Faa, Fritz Backlin, Dan Larsen, Mrs. C. Sather, Mrs. A. Severson, A. C. Zahl, Lucille Linde, Mildred Linde, Oscar Kendall, Mrs. Judith Lee, H. P. Sponheim, Oscar Sponheim, Mrs. Oscar Sponheim, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Thompson. Los Angeles, Cnl.-2S members: J. M. O. Gudal, R. A. Johannessen, Arthur M. Olson, J. R. Dahl, Della Evanson, Mrs. Anna Rorvik, Otis A. Lee, Emilie Johnson, Carl Strand, Kristie Rodning, F. N. Anderson, C. A. Jacobson, Mrs. C. A. Jacobson, Mable Strand, R. L. Anderson, Mrs. C. D. Morek, Ruth Swalestuen, O. M. Gudmunsen, Bernard L. Goodmanson, Jr., Oliver Haugen, Mrs. F; N; Anderson, T. Ernst; Mrs. T. Ernst, Alice J.
Knutson, H. A. Hendriksen. Monrovia, Cal.-1 m e mber: F. H. Felberg. Oakland, Cal.-26 m p-mbe rs: Rev. O. T. Br andr u d, Mrs. O. T. Bran dru d, Mrs. Susie Ben· Bon, Harry Christia nsen, H. F. Degern c s, 1\1r. & Mrs. Wm. Fulsans, I. W. Nessa, Edward Skaaren, Mrs. M. A. Sundby, H. J. Anderson, Mrs. S. Anderson, Ge o. O. Attletweed, O. C. A ttlctweed , Mrs. S. H. Buteau, A. H. Fey, Mrs A. Gogstad, Hannah Johnson , Mrs. F. Kioste rud , George W. Krul l, Esther Louise Giere, Mrs. Verne Giere, Rev. Verne Giere,
Mrs. C. W. Christiansen, Mrs. Gertrude C. Lee, John J. Fosen, l\Irs. P. Johnson. Ocean Beach, CaL.-1 memb er : E. T. E. Stixrud. Pasadena, Cal.-17 members : Andreas W. Fedde, MTs. J. H. Hanson, o. H. Thorson, Mrs. O. H. Thorson, A. A. Teigen, Re v. Joseph H. Berg, P. O. Lieber g, J. H. H anson, Emma B. Fossum, Mrs. Jos. H. Ber g, Mabel K. Lien, Thea B. Thompson, Nora K. Kalmoe, Bed a
E. Carlson, Clara M. Johnson, P. L. Soren, Mrs. J. G. Dahl. Paso Robles, CaL.-2 members: Paul K. II. Ei mon , Mrs. Paul Eimon. Patterson, Cal.-21 members: Carl Wangsn ess , Ruth Bernice Towe, Rev. A. J. Towe, Mrs. A. J. Towe, M. B. Chris ten se n, T. J. Moe, Ole Torvend, Olaf Asplund, Martha S. John. son, Geo. J. Anderson, L. H. Locken, Geo rgia Moe, Mrs. Ole Torvend, 1. M. Torrison, Mrs. Ella Elfers, Henry Johnson, John Torrisan, Karl Ingebretsen, Clifford H. Knutson, J. D.
Olson, Alfred Knutson. Piedmont, Cal.-1 membe r: J. A. Rude. Reseda, Cal.-1 member : E. S. Enge set. Sacramento, Cal.-7 members: S. J. Hauge , Rev. N. A. Gangsei, Mrs. N. A. Gangsei, P. Oster1i, Leu Owre, S. A. Wrool i e, Ivrrs. Astrid Oatedi. Samoa, Cal.-1 memb e r: G. M. Gregersen. San Bernardino, Ca1.-2 memb ers: Prof. Benj. Edwards, Mrs. Benj. Edwards. San Diego, Ca1.-7 members: Mrs. Clara E. Bagstie, Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr, Mrs. M. J. K. Fuhr, P. 1. Losen, Lenna Newton, Elma Olson, Lottie E. Johnson. Scm Francisco. Cal.-23 members: Rev. R. U. Evjenth, John Sand, Rev. O. Groensberg, R. E. Aubry, Mrs. R. E. Aubry, Mrs. Oliver Berven, S;-O. Brynildsen, Mrs. Thos. Gunderson, Rev. B. H. J. Ha bel, Mrs. Lillie Marie Habel , L. L. Jorda hl , H J. Nor dseth, N. Nord· strand, O. Robe rtson , K. Saxelid, Lily Saxelid, Dr. Edward M. Stensrud, Ole Thorson, A. Throndsen, O. A. Blomgren, Rev. D. J. O. W esth eim , Leif Klippen, Ted Evjenth. San Leandro, Cal.-2 members: Helen Lund, M. Lund. San Pedro, Ca1.-1 member: C. F. Lindquist. Santa Barbara, Cal.-3 m embe rs: Rev. Ditman Larsen, Nels Br own, Walter M. French. Santa Rosa, CaL.-12 members: Dr. Robt. A. And ers on , Mrs. R. A. Anderson, L. Halvorson. H. Ha wkins , B. Jorgensen, 1\,1r. & Mrs. Karl Pettersen, Rev. Geo. Shurson, Carl G. Sive· sind, Mrs. C. G. Sivesind, .Mrs. o. N. Young, Rev. Christian Stokstad, Robert Stok sta d . Sebastopol, CaL.-1 member: O. Kolen. Selma, Cal.-1 member: Rev. A. P. Andersen . Zelzah, CaL.-5 members: Rev. A lb ert AnJ� on, S. Sorenson, Robert Trygstad, M. L. U ll en svang, Mrs. Ma rie Ull en s vang. Fort Hall, Idaho-1 member: Olaf H. Wahl. MoUar, Idaho--1 member: Arn ol d Thostenson. Parma, Idaho-1 member: 1. W. Lane. Chicago, 1ll.-2 member s : Birger Osland, Rev. Carl Doving. Ottawa, 1ll.-1 member: Prof. H. C. Rader. West Lafayette, Ind.-2 members: Dr. Sigfred 1\-1. Hauge, Mr,;. Sigfre d M. Ha uge. Decorah. lowa-ll memb ers : Rev. T. A. Hoff, Prof. L. I. Hig hb y , Dr. Oscar L. Olson, Rev. I. B. Torrison, Prof. Da vi d T. Nel son, Prof. Wm. Si hler, Prof. Oscar M. Lomen, Prof. Carl W. Strom. Rev. Carlo A. Sperati, Mrs . Carlo A. Sper at i, Prof. H. F. Swansen. Des Moines, lowa-1 mem ber : L. S. Kloster. Story City, lowa-1 m em b er : Mrs. Carrie O. Henryson. Wic hita, Kans.-1 member: Ne lvi n B. Fosmark. Worcester, Mass.-1 me mber : Mrs. Henry Clay Fisher. Albert Lea, Minn.-1 member: Rev. J. C. K. Preus. Cannon Falls, Minn.-l member : Mrs. B. S. Otterness. Dennison, Minn.-5 me mbers: Will. Ramsta d, Mrs. Wm. Ramstad, Roy Ramstad, Henry
Ramstad, Edgar Ramstad.
Farwell, Minn.-1 member: Mrs. R. C. Brul an d. Henning, Minn.-1 member : M. S. And erso n. Kenyon, Minn.-1 member: Henry Ramstad. Minneapolis, Minn.-ll membe rs : 1. K. Stensrue, Rudolph H. Anderson, Rev. N. M. Ylvis aker, Mrs. Guri Stensrue, Karl Hanson, An ni e Wang�ness, John Wa ngsness , Mrs. Ch ar lotte Gor der, R ·v. H. J. Stolee, Rev. A. O. Aasen, Mrs. A. O. Aasen . Moorhead, Minn.-1 member; Dr. J. N. Bro wn.
Northfield, Min n.-l member: Dr. L. W. Boe. Red Wing, Minn.-l member: Rev. S. M. Topness. Rochester, Minn.-l member: Gudron Bolstad. St. Paul, Minn.-3 members: Carl E. Lucky, Dr. O. E. Brandt, Mrs. O. E. Brandt. Willmar, Minn.-5 members: P. B. Hong, Gertrude Hong, Edgar Hong, Evelyn Hong, Mrs. P. B. Hong. Ethridge, Mont.-l member: Reier Torgerson. Newman Grove, Neb.-l member: Helen Qualset. Oneonta, N. Y.-I member: Dr. O. M. Norlie. Fort Bragg, N. C. l member: Mrs. F. H. Canlett. Clifford, N. Dak.-2 members: Hon. A. T. Kraabel, Mrs. A. T. Kraabel. Fordville, N. Dak.-l member: Oluf Loken. Park River, N. Dak.-l member: Mrs. P. A. Nykreim. Rolette, N. Dak. 2 members: J. E. Myhre, C. Oscar Myhre. St. Thomas, N. Dak.-2 members: T. A. Torgerson, Martin Torgerson. Astoria, Oreg.-9 members: Holden Hauke, Johanna Rasmussen, Thora Rasmussen, EI· mer Hauke, Mrs. M. A. Christensen, E. B. Hauke, IVIrs. Joe Henningsen, Mrs. P. Hen· ningsen, Mrs. Ingeborg Rasmussen. Aurora, Oreg.-2 members: Bethlehem Ladies' Aid of Yoder (Mrs. J. J. Fosmark, Treas.), Mrs. A. L. Widstrand. Bend, Oreg.-l member: Arling Sannerud. Canby. Oreg. 2 members: J. J. Sandness, Mrs. Sophia Sandness. Clatskanie, Oreg.--4 members: Anna Aamodt, Lauritz Aamodt, Martha Aamodt, Martin Aamodt. Coquille, Oreg.-l member: Mrs. Mamie Miller. Corvallis, Oreg.-l member: Mrs. Emma Holman. El�gen e, Oreg.-fJ members: Rev. R. Bogstad. Mrs. R. Bogs tad, Cora Lucke, Rev. B. M. Branford, Mrs. B. M. Branford, Rudolph Bogstad. Glendale, Or c g. 7 members: Mathias Olsen, John O. Lystul, Mrs. John O. Lystul, O. G. ether, Mrs. Clara Sether, Alice Sether, N. E. Stuvland. Hubbard, Oreg.-3 members: H. M. Magnussen, Mrs. Anna Magnussen, Christina Magnus· sen. Independence, Oreg.-l member: Rev. Wm. Schoeler. Klamath Falls, Oreg.-l member: Dr. C. C. A. Jensen. Molalla, Oreg.-l member: S. Westbostad. Portland, Oreg.--41 members: J. M. Johnson, Rev. Alf M. Kraabel, Andrew Wogsberg. Rev. A. H. Thorsen, Ole H. Westby, William H. Wilson, Oscar Lindquist, Jalmer A. Ellison, Mrs. O. Hagedorn, Elma Funrue, Laura Norgard, Clara Knutsen, Mrs. A. O. Grirustvedt, A. O. Grimstvedt, W. C. Schneckenberg, Osborne Bruland, Eda Hauke, J. J. Evenson, Mrs. J. J. Evenson, Mrs. G. Blyberg, A. J. Grande, Mrs. Jessie Sawyer, Eline Kraabel, G. W. Xavier, O. Michelsen. Eliot Michelsen, Eva Knutsen, Berdine Knutsen, Edna S. Dagsland, Warner Quale, Mathilda Geffert, Mrs. H. Smithson, Martha Geffert, Hazel Bodding, Clyde Grilustvcdt, S. P. Ness, Adeline Soulherg, O. P. Hovind, M. O. Nelson, Mayme Ahola, Sara A. Xavier. Rose burg, Oreg.-l member: Mrs. H. E. Coleman. -
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Pacific Lutheran College Deyelopment Association This is to certify that the above·named is enrolled as a contributing sup' porter of Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, Washington, with the under· standing that a contribution of at least one dollar be made to Pacific Lutheran College by the above-named at least once a year and that the above·named shall retain this membership and be kept on the mailing list of the Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin one year from the date of such contribution. Signed
_ _.__ ._. .____ ._._ _....__ ._._. __..___ .__ .__ ..__ ..___.______ ... ___.. _.
Amount paid_
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Pacific Lutheran College By
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Salem, Oreg.--4 members: He!.cn Tingehlad, Marlin Tingelstad, l\Irs. M. Tingelstad, Leona
Tingelstad. Silverton, Oreg.-110 members: Rev. J. M. Jenson, Mrs. J. l\I. Jenson, Mrs. Gu.ri Fjelde,
Gertrude Tingelstad, B. Tingelstad, Mrs. B. Tingelstad, Marie Tingelstad, Harry R. Larson, L. M. Larson, Mrs. L. M. Larson, Ethel Larson, Mrs. E. Tingelstad, E. Tingel. stad, Hon. Mark A. Paulson, Norman Jensen, Mrs. Hans Jensen, Hans Jensen, Elmer C. Olsen, M. O. Hatteberg, Samuel Torvend, Peter Grambo, Hanna M. Olsen, A. L. Larsen, Henry Torvend, H. S. Hanson, Mrs. H. S. Hanson, J. 1. Byberg, K. Jenson, Ludvig E. Moe, Mamie Holmen, Josephine Brekke, Conrad Dahl, Albert Funrue, Walter Goplerud, Mr . J. C. Goplerud, John C. Goplerud Charlotte Goplerud, Inga Goplerud, John C. Goplerud, Jr., Hans Siverson, Otto Mattheyer, James Holmen, Arthur Dahl, Ingval Torresdal, Elmer & Clarice Johnson, Rev. H. L. Foss, Mrs. H. L. Foss, Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Esther A. Towe, Carrie Larson, Mrs. Ormbrek, Selma Jorgenson, Mrs. A. O. Legard, N. Digerness, Thea Jensen, Cornelia Goplerud, Jocobson Sisters, M. C. Storruste, Mrs. Marie Goplerud, John L. Anderson, Halvor A. Qualset, G. T. Hegtveit, S. B. Tor路 vend, Alf O. Nelson, Mrs. Elmer C. Olsen, Thelma Olsen, Robert Olsen, H. P. Hansen, Mrs. Hansen, .Mrs. A. L. Larsen. Sylvia Larsen, M. C. Thompson, Victor Madsen, Mrs. O. J. Moe, Mrs. C. I. Benson, Mrs. O. S. Hauge, Oscar Salem, L. G. McDonald, Mrs. Tone Qualset, Mildred Lee, Althea Meyer, John Eklund, Lewis A. Hall, J. J. Moe, Lucile Larsen, T. M. Lee, Marie Buness, Sylvia Haere, Andrew Hacrc, Mrs. Andrew Haere, J. Iverson, Lillie L. Madsen, Henry Hjorth, Ole Satern, Mrs. Ole Satern, Mrs. M. C. Storruste, Alfred Jensen, Wm. Dybevik, Mrs. H. N. Rindcm, W. T. Hatteberg, Anonymous Trinity Member, Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson, Ed. Overlund, Mrs. Ed. Overlund , Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Steen, Mabelle Towe, Oscar R. Overlund, Beanca Jorgenson, Viola Taw, Evelyn Solum. Woodburn, Oreg.-IO members: Chris. Ramberg, C. E. Engemoen, Rev. H. Rogen, Alvin Rogen, Carrie Engelien, Helen Ashland, Mrs. Kristine Rostvold, O. Moen, Mrs. O. Moen, Mrs. H. Rogen. Howard, S. Dak.-3 members: Esther L. Hauge, Dr. L. .T. Hauge, Mfi. L. J. Hauge. Aberdeen, W n.-2 members: Mrs. A. Tenwick, Alfild Turska. Auburn, Wn.-l member: Mrs. B. A. Jensen. Bellingham, Wn.--8 members: Rev. O. J. Ordal, Ole Aadland, 1. O. Gulbransen, Gena Opstad, Mrs. 1. O. Gulbransen, Mrs. P. P. Lee, Dina Moldrem, Olaf Orda!. Bothell, W n.-2 members: Mrs. Hannah Schrotke, Kurma Hoff. Bremerton, Wn.--fl members: Rev. Theo. Hokenstad, Mrs. Theo. Hokenstad, Elvera Hoken路 stad, Eleanor Lofthus, "Miss Jane Doe I," "Miss Jane Doe II." Brush Prairie, Wn.-l member: Luther League of Bethel Church. Burlington, Wn.-3 members: Mrs. L. Rasmussen, Emma Kaaland, Robert J. Knutzen. Chinook, Wn.-3 members: John Gardlin, Mrs. Randi Olson, Marie Gardlin. Concrete, Wn.-l member: Jack Lisherness. East Stanwood, Wn.-2 members: Albert Gunderson, Hanna Aasenhus. Edmonds, Wn.-l member: C. Solemslic. Ellensburg, Wn.-l member: Rev. A. Mikkelsen. Everett, Wn.--fl members: O. M. Floe, Ingeborg Bolstad, M. H. Forde, Mrs. M. H. Forde, T. T. En ger, Mrs. T. T. En ger.
The Situation in a Nutshell We can have a Christi3n school like Pacific Lutheran College out West only on the following conditions: I. That the endowment pledges be paid up promptly. These pledges will furnish the income from which our debts are to be paid and, later, operating expenses to be met. An unpaid pledge furnishes no income. 2. That $15,000 be raised by July 31,1929, to meet this year's prospective operating deficit. Five thousand members of the Development Association, paying in the present average contribution of $3, wi/} meet this requirement. 3. That a reasonable amount of constructive development be carried through to success each year. This year's program could not be postponed for the sake of accreditation; it includes a chemistry laboratory, gymnasium lava路 tories, electric heating equipment in both, 40 fire extinguishers, office furni颅 ture, library improvements, a campus survey, and a grand piano; total, $8,500.
Everson, Wn.-l member: Raymond Syre.
Fir, Wn.-l member: Miriam Heimdahl. Gig Harbor, Wn.--4 members: Rev. Raymond Overgaard, l'IIrs. P. P. Overgaard, P. P. Overgaard, Inez Arneson.
Kelso, Wn.-3 members: Antone Egberg, Ole Halvorson, Mrs. D. R. Stearns. Kent, Wn.--42 members: Geo. C. Henriksen, Astrid Ulleland, E. B. Birklid, Gust Dahlberg, Rev. Almer N. Eggen, Orville Eggen. Iver Ellingson, John Ellingson, Peter H. Espeseth, Mrs. P. H. Espeseth, Mrs. Geo. C. Henriksen. Emil Indrcbo. Svcrre Indrebo, Gust E. Johnson, Ole Oie, Abe Olivers, A. Ornas, Wilma Otterness, Tim Swoen, C. N. VIle· land, Mrs. C. N. Ulleland, Harald Ullelarid, Mrs. Harald 1lI1eland, Julius Wahl. Alma J. Nesland, Hilda Anderson, Jens K. B. Anderson, Mrs. J. K. B. Anderson, A. A. Bruun, Mrs. Dagny Bruun. 1. S. Lee, Mrs. 1. S. Lee, Mrs. O. A. Oie. Einar Hansen. South Puget Sound Circuit Young People's Luther League (Harald Ulleland, Treas.), Hans J. Moe, Mrs. Hans J. Moe, Wendell J. Eggen, Bernice Eggen, Mrs. A. N. Eggen, Sena Johnson, Christine J. Johnson. Keyport, Wn.-2 members: Norman Hoff, Iver Hoff. Lakewood, Wn.-l member: Erling Jacobson. Longview, Wn.-9 members: Rev. Joel E. Nelson, Mrs. Joel E. NeJeon, Mildred Aaberg, Olaf Aaberg, H. E. Erickson. H. E. Jacobson, Nils Larson, 1. Oien, I. P. Wick. Lynden, Wn.-l member: Ruby Loreen. Marysville, Wn.-l member: ;VIrs. Regina Sather. Milton, Wn.-l member: Dorothy Ebersole. Mt. Vernon, Wn.-2 members: Mrs. 1. G. Nyhus, Wilbur W. Siegel. Norman, Wn.-l member: 1. O. Stubb. Olalla, Wn.-2 members: Mrs. Johanna Brune. Oscar Hendricks. Parkland, Wn.-186 members: Iver Hanseth. Kathryn Arntzen, Ben Benson, H. 1. J. Dahl. Mr�. H. 1. J. Dahl, Irene Dahl, Orwoll F. Dahl, Stanley Dahl, Prof. V. A. Elvestrom, Anna K. Fadness, Irene Fadness, Peter J. Flott. Prof. W. J. Freed, Mrs. W. J. Freed, Conrad Gaard, Grace Gaard. Mrs. Christine Hagen, Even Hagen, Mary HaIsten, Ole HaIsten, Lawrence Hauge, lrIrs. Lora Kriedler. Ludvig Larson, Mrs. Ludvig Larson, O. O. Larson, P. T. Larson, l'IIrs. P. T. Larson, Pauline Larson, Thora A. Olson, Alice Ramstad, Rev. A. W. Ramstad, Mrs. A. W. Ramstad. Wm. Ramstad, Lydia E. Stixrud, Prof. O. J. Stuen, Mrs. O. .T. Stuen, Rev. T. O. Svare, l\Irs. T. O. Svare, Mrs. Bertrand Taylor, Albert Thompson, Dr. O. A. Tingelstad, 1. Bogstad, J. 1. Brottem, Arthur Coltom, Mrs. Elfreda Coltom, Emmy Coltom, A. 1. Ellingson, Mrs. A. 1. Ellingson, G. P. Knudtson, Turina .l\1artin, Clara M. Myhre, Geo. J. Olson. Mrs. G. P. Olson, Mrs. Inez Peterson, Mrs. Rangdi Roe, Mrs. Inger Sinland. T. G. Sinland, Mrs. T. G. Sinland. lngvald Strand, Mrs. Ingvald Strand, M. G. Swanson, Edward Antonsen, Mrs. Ingeborg Antonsen, Lena Antonsen, Mrs. Howard Doering. Ida Hinderlie, S. Hinderlie, Mrs. Mina Nygaard, Barbara R. Xavier, Mrs. J. U. Xav·ier, Rev. John U. Xavier, Paul Xavier, E. J. Anderson, O. J. Anderson. Mrs. O. J. Anderson, Otto Jensen, Mrs. Otto Jensen, Sylvia Larson, Dr. H. J. Hoff, A. M. Anderson, Mrs. A. M. Anderson, Mrs. K K. Gaard, Janet Hauge, Larry Hauge, Prof. Philip E. Hauge, Mrs. Philip E. Hauge, Mrs. Tholo, Mrs. O. A. Tingelstad, Mrs. Anna J. Dale, Esther Davis, Prof. Joseph O. Edwards, Mrs. Joseph O. Edwards, Mrs. Anna Fenney, O. E. Gilman, Carl Kittelsen. Helen Kittelsen, Mrs. Marit Kittelsen, Lyell C. Kreidler, A. R. Lehmann, Mrs. Hilda Ostlund, C. S. Peterson, Mrs. Emma Peterson, Mrs. :M. G. Swanson, l\Ini. Amanda Xavier, Inga Olson, Bertha Olson, M. H. Halls, Mrs. Olette Kilian, Paul G. Kilian, Mrs. Martha Larson, Clarence Lund, T. H. Olson, Norman Peterson, Theodore Thompson, Mrs. Tina Thompson, Prof. N. J. Hong, Mrs. N. J. Hong, Chas. Matson, Mrs. Geo. Olson, Anton Larson, Mrs. Julia Elness, N. G. Eggen, Mrs. N. G. Eggen, Clara Fossen, Andrew J. Midhoe, S. J. Samuel. son, Martin Dale, Anga Dale, O. P. Benrud, Mrs. B. K. Fadness, Sonva Fadness, Ruth Fadness, Lawrence Fadness, B. K. Fadness, Thorwald Peterson, Agnes Lunde, C. W. Lunde, Gladys Lunde, Mrs. Hilda Lunde, Rodger Lunde, Ralph W. Hutchison, John Salater, Mrs. John Salater, Ole Buli, Tony Brottem, Mable Buli, Laura Benson, Lawrence Benson, Alfred Olsen, B. A. Swanson. Mrs. Ben Swanson, G. M. Peterson, 1. H. Johnsrud, Mrs. 1. H. Johnsrud, Anna H. Olson, Aagot Johnson, G. Haakenson, Mrs. G. Haakenson, Mrs. Ole Buli, Peter G. W. Jessen (In Memoriam). Philip Eugene Hauge (In Memoriam), J. C. Peterson, Earl Brown, N. R. Hong, H. W. Hong, Evelyn M. Monson, Mrs. Grace Monson, Harold Ellingson, H. M. Xavier, Ernest H. Swanson, Myron B. Kreidler, Burton D. Kreidler, Edgar Larson, Margaret Fadness, PaIma Langlow, Dorothy Lehmann, Mrs. H. C. Laville, Paul Larson, frs. Borghild Pedersen, Elizabeth Riese. Edna C. Brotnov, Louise Greco, Gladys Swenland, Carl Coltom, John Fadness, Forest 1. Crews. Pearson, Wn.-2 members: H. Haff, Mrs. H. Hoff.
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Port Blakely, Wn.-l member: Rev. Peter Skartvedt. Port Orchard, Wn.-l member: Hannah Norum Langer. Port Townsend, Wn.-l member: Mrs. T. H. Baker, Jr. Poulsbo, Wn.-17 members: Rev. A. M. Lunde, Arnt Oyen, P. O. Johnson, M. J. Jenson, Mrs. M. J. Jensen, Mrs. E. J. Sandvig, l\Irs. Albert Brekke, S. i\fartinson. Olga Teien, A. H. Norum, j\<{rs. M. A. Borge, Ludvig Langaunet, Steffen Larsen, Aleda Seierstad, John Seierstad, Mrs. Petra Sonju, j\'irs. Gertrude Lunde. Puyallup, Wn.-30 members: Alfred Berg, Mrs. Alfred Berg, B. Berge, Carl Berge, Marie Berge, Mrs. Johanne Docken, C. H. Hallen, K. O. Lee, Hans Mickelson, E. Nestegard, Mrs. K. A. Nestegard, Nellie Olson, H. Romnes, E. B. Semb, Mrs. E. B. Semb, Magda Sivertson, O. Sivertson, Mrs. O. Sivertson, Sigvard Sivertson, Mrs. P. P. Thoren, Einar Williams, O. Williams, Adolf Winterhouse, O. O. Lund, Mrs. O. O. Lund, Mrs. O. Wil· liams, Mrs. E. P. Truedson, Hildur Truedson, B. 1. Kirkebo, Mrs. Ingeborg B. Kirkebo. Raini�, Wn.-l member: Oscar C. Solberg. Seallle, Wn.-----tiO members: Rev. O. 1. Haavik, Gustav Shervem, Reynold Jacobson, Mrs. G. Shervem, Adolph W. Stixrud, Chester R. Stixrud, Mrs. G. Tvete, Norman F. Tvete, Mrs. P. J. Myhre, August Buschmann, Robert Shervem, Mrs. Mathilde Buschmann, Ora M . Campbell, Leonard G. Larson, Mrs. O. 1. Haavik, Rev. 1. C. Foss, Mrs. 1. C. Foss, 1. W. Hansen, Gladys Larson, O. A. Larson, Mrs. N. Anderson, Christ Berg, Paul Birkeland, Mrs. N. J. Ellestad, H. 1. Erickson, Chas. Fatland, Charles Fatland, S. Haak· ansen, Christ Halvorson, Fred Hansen, Otilia M. Hansteen, Mrs. Anna Johnson, Miss J. Johnson, Mrs. Mari Kittilsby, Mrs. K. Knutsen, H. H. Mork, Rev. M. 1. Nesvig, Mrs. M. 1. Nesvig, Ben Nordahl, H. Odden, A. O. Oien, Gunhild Olson, Miss K. Rasmussen, Mrs. M. Richardson, N. P. Rockncss, John Rone, S. Skrendal, Mrs. A. Thompson, Sanna Tranaas, H. S. Wold, Conrad Kirehhof, Lydia Ramstad, Cora Vista, Fred Lee, Oscar Hauge, Edward Liverton, Peggie Harvey, :Mrs. Thora S. Stixrud, Peter J. Myhre, Mrs. Anna Evenson. Snohomish, Wn.-l member: John Wiese. Spanaway, Wn.-l member: Cora Ormseth. Spokane, Wn.-l member: Rev. Carl 1. Foss. Stanwood, Wn.-5 members: George Lane, Jr., Gerhard Lane, A. 1. Leknes, Rev. Geo. O. Lane, Mrs. Geo. O. Lane. Tacoma, Wn.-135 members: Nels Fore, II. M. Larson, Emma Rynning, Dr. 1. 1. Rynning, Mrs. J. 1. Rynning, Karen Rynning, Solveig K. Rynning, E. Haakenson, Elmer Haaken· son, Mrs. Elmer Haakenson, Mrs. Ida Haakenson, Mrs. H. Hovland, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson, H. E. Anderson, Aslaug Pederson, O. O. Hagen, Mrs. O. O. Hagen, Anthoni Olausen, Hugo Winge, Mrs. Emma A. Keil, A. J. Keil, S. A. Larson, Melvin Olson, O. T. Olson, Olaf S. Olson, Gust. Schlamhusch, Mrs. G. Schlamhusch, Anny Stromsness, S. S. Oksness, Mrs. N. Hall, Bertram S. Horn, E. M. Colbo, Bernhard Olson, C. A. Stenersen, Rev. J. A. E. Naess, Mrs. T. K. Skov Mrs. Henrietta Buth, 1. Gammersvik, Rev. O. J. Edwards, R. A. Mahaffay & Co., Mrs. Anna T. Sovik, Rev. Edward Sovik, Rev. Ernest G. Svenson, Mrs. O. Hagoes, H. Hagen, E. H. Engley, Howard Wells, Howard J. Fisher, Agnes Olson, Mamie Ramstad, Arthur O. Daniels, Mrs. Harold B. Selvig, Norman Hall, Louis A. Petersen, Erling Petersen, Janna E. Ramstad, Ida Wood, M. H. Royn, Mrs. R Hegland, Caroline Miller, O. C. Wollan, Mrs. Emeline Kirkebo, Berner E. Kirkebo, Wm. Andersen, H. O. Hanson, Mrs. M. O. Larson, G. E. Langseth. 1. E. Burkee, Elmer G. Fowler, Mrs. E. G. Fowler, Evans Carlson, Ladelle Winney, Phyllis Grande, Leona Fors· berg, Bertha Rose, Edna Erh, Frida Tayet, Harold V. Johnson, Irene Diseth, Margaret Holmberg, Fred Walter, Jr., Grace Card, Anna Mikkelsen, Nelma GuIleson, Dagmar Hageness, Geo. Cronquist, Margaret F1int, Theola M. Andelrson, Gertrude Sydow, Esther Hansen, Mae Keith, Carl Anderson, John Soley, Mrs. M. D. Wenness, l\Irs. T. C. Pochert, R. Abelseth. Lars Bakketun, A. M. Colbo, Mrs. A. H. Eklund, Kermeth Eklund, O. M. Grything, Mrs. Anna Hall, Mrs. A. Hallingstad, John Hilseth, Mrs. R. C. Iversen, P. J. Pedersen, Rosa B. Peterson, Mrs. J. G. Rorem, H. B. Selvig" Harry B. Selvig, P. M. Alstead, Carl Boe, C. H. Brynestad, Margaret Ekre, H. A. Ganes, S. Grimstead, Martin Heglund, I. A. Jetland, Erling Johnson, Geo. S. Johnson, 1. A. Johnson, Elizabeth Lam son, C. E. Langlow, Della Larson, C. E. Lindquist, Freda Martinsen, Robert McLeod, Martin Moen, Anton Peterson, B. H. Raymond, C. S. Risvold, H. N. Romme, Marie Snartemo, P. B. Solberg, J. Strand. Vancouver, Wn.-l member: Sigurd Bjelde. White Bluffs, Wn.-l member: Mrs. R. S. Reierson. Yelm, Wn.-2 members: Lelah Grass, Zaida Grass. La Crosse, Wis.-l member: Rev. H. G. Magelssen. Oconomowoc, Wis.-l member: Rev. Chr. HOlIgstad.