It is your duty to be healthy!
“We no longer see the ideal of the German folk in the beer guzzlers of the past, but in men...
And in girls, who are totally healthy and are straight and erect.� --The Leader
“In order to please the Leader, we want to proclaim the year of 1939 for heathful physical training. That is to elevate the achievements of our people through a rational life style of this generation, and you can do this, my comrades, through your own free will.� ---Baldur von Schirach
I. You need nine hours of sleep.
Early morning sports are invigorating and refreshing.
II. Keep clean and care for your body. You need a half hour each morning and each evening.
A bath with a brush provides good circulation for the skin.
Do not forget regular washing of the feet!
The dark border under the finger nails is a hotbed for foreign bodies.
Frequent swimming hardens the body.
III. Take care of your teeth. You can be proud of a powerful and healthful bite.
Brush your teeth each morning and evening after eating.
Twice each year the dentist should check your teeth.
Fresh food and coarse wholemeal bread will hinder the decay of your teeth.
IV. Eat properly. A proper diet is the precondition for your health and your competetiveness.
It is not a matter of how much, but what and how you eat.
Eat little meat and fat, but much raw fruit and fresh vegetables.
Drink milk and eat fish! That serves your health and assists our four-year plan.
Drink liquid fruit! Alcohol and coffee are harmful.
V. Alcohol is poison. It hinders your growth and your ability to work.
3.12 billion Reichmark were drunk in one year! That is 6.70 Reichmark from 100 in an income of 100 Reichsmark.
On the other hand, 5600 of 8000 yearly fatal accidents are the debit side of alcohol.
Alcoholism is a danger for the following generations.
“Alcohol is a pest of humanity; it has, especially in our country, already destroyed in promising people, or has made many of our nation useless, it is in one century a much higher number than the losses on all battlefields in the same time frame.� Adolf Hitler
VI. Do not smoke! Smoking is the greatest poison for our people.
The German folk spent in one year: 2.6 billion Reichmark for smoking 0.42 billion Reichmark for charity.
“Mothers who smoke, cannot raise healthy children.� District Leader Streicher
The Reich Youth Leader: :Whenever a tasteless cigarette ad boasts of a new smoking era, then think about it, that athletic prowess and the enjoyment of alcohol mutually exclude the other.�
Since 1900 Japan has prohibited smoking up to 21 years of age.
The Leader and models of their people! They do no smoke and do not drink alcohol.
VII. Do body building exercises! They keep you healthy and disease-resistant.
Regular and daily exercise steels your body...
Brings joy and confidence to your own achievements.
The Leader: “It is not a matter of how many glasses of beer one is able to drink, but rather, how many blows he can endure...
And not, how many nights he can waste away, but how many kilometers he can march.�
German Youth! “Your body belongs to your country, because you must thank it for your existence. You are responsible for your body!� Baldur von Schirach