Legion condor slideshow

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Picture Book for Training in the Hitler Youth Program

The Leader on June 6, 1939:

A terrible, threatening fate has appeared on our continent.

At one time I sent you out,‌

To help an unhappy land‌

to support a heroic man‌

Who, as a fervent patriot, wanted to save his country from destruction‌

and has done it gloriously.�

“The German volunteers o have accomplished admirable things!�

German trainers instruct Spanish volunteers‌

German tanks proceed, followed by Spanish flame throwers‌

In untiring service with light weapons‌

and with the most modern German war equipment.

A warm friendship connected the Spanish and the German

the German legionnaire and the Spanish soldier and thereby created

“Whenever the struggle became the greatest, the ‘Legion

German anti-tank weapons protected the retreating infantry from

German reporters under the hot skies in Spain‌

Light anti-aircraft cannons supported the attack‌

Heavy cannon batteries in firing position‌

Faced with the determination of the legionnaires and the superiority of the German materiel, the enemy counter attack collapsed.

“For the first time the young German Air Force appeared as

German dive bombers attack a Red Spanish harbor.

With the best machines in the world‌

the German fighters‌

in silent fulfilment ...

shoot down the red opponent.

The Legion continued the tradition of the World War.

German bombs brought confusion and destruction‌

And into its impregnable battle positions.

The Leader to his legionnaires:

All of Germany greets you‌

in proud joy and in heartfelt solidarity‌

You have now returned as the brave executors of my

I am so proud of you! The entire German nation is equally proud‌

“They have fallen, but their death and their suffering will


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