1924-1925 Mooring Mast

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Progress Has Been MadeThree New Teachers' on the College Faculty .'Phis Year



Coach Ring�d Hopes' to Be Able to Fill Plae:es Vac:ated tfY Graduates-Practice Will' 'Begi'n . About Nov. 1 .�


U gi ;;��� �I�I���; :�:�II �;e�: recital In the College gymon SaturdllY evening, .:':08, 7:30 o·clock.'

Coach HinJ8tatl thi�klJ basket ball �lr08peCt� for the ' UZ4-192S 8ea80n are fairly �ro"118Ing. A:lthough three of hl8 111111 ,-eur's Urat 8trlng men have been 10llt Ih' ru 'graduatlon, all Pacific Lu't�l�ge formally the olhers are back !!Clool, and opeoed its fifth year. �Lnce re-�rglln- \ Ihere III nell' mB;te"'!: 1 thnt h.a�lon. on Sept, 9, 192 . 4 Du'rlng F ACULTY .MEMBERS may be'IHlm,lmered Into 'jhu�e. Coach · 1920 PacifIc Lutheran A('ademy. �nd � GRA"'S G TO IVE P · RO I" R. [ llg�lad j)redh;'ts )tood year. College of En�·reLt. waSh.,! ColumbIa Wllh the . lOllS of Alfred · SlImuh .... were merged and r('organL�ed as I Prell. 0 .J. Ordal. together ·.rd�h H llo la�t yeur:1I Cuptll[n alld J:entc/ , g le of P . L. C. "on·- O t• i'. 14• ,cail In for handl. the ,music fllculty =;;���za�·L�:: l:ll�!�sCt��;�\! t rorT:� :8 sillting of :\Irs .. P . 1 Hauge. MlslI llh cap. III least dur['rlg the (Irlt- of thO crerliletl high s('1I001, Iqld Junior'l L IIllln l.ulld. !llld Miss Vangie Loef- lIeason l lire to gh-e the enllre ..... hlle luitable mall ill be­ college department fler. prugrft"Tn Ing w�rkiHI Into "SlIm'A" place .. The t xa��/ nJ:Wh�l!�.;:el�r 1t:::'��2rl o ,":� f� i I�.�� :;Is��nhO:I�h:tL����l:: lut yellr's leader ..... all '' 'go ' (lnd �,::�I n a;. � gel'um" anll one of the main sprlng'� 1'. I.. A. faculty. anti 1I0W a W lIh n �n S\ d:�� r-;��. llm. His lOllS hi certain IIH'lllber of the \t'lIchLng rorce. orrl­ �:����r ;. � r!� O�:�I ;� o oftO the le dateCl a!l president of the ne.... Col-: I)reach at the morning III:!s!;IO, Il 011 lIie al�� �:I\;I::II.���n��:Oa��le"!�;;lt�'� l('!:e :�:� ��:d ;�� r:�!;�� e:t rB;�:��� .anglow, ....110 .. played sub-forward . O. J. Orda!. a prominent TaHev. o s e e coma pa�tor. ncreIlH'.1 the position cal' Lutheran church, of ....hlch .. Rev. The se men were good tulfd worker� all president of the college. the fol_l Rarllstad Is pa�lor, and the L�heran ��p\�:at���d 1\��:PI�:II:�\hbe:er�!:��� I()w[n� yeM. At the outset of that President O. J, Ordal Brotherhood. of whleh He,', Hoken- th':ru graduation. the situation 18n'l Pres .Jlrdnl \\ell known In school and church IUalrs. has directed st'nd Is lIecretar y·· All the lIiyll'\g 1I"0es. '.'tbere ;I:::r���el�or:a�r bteh:u�U��ore:�I� ::te I Pres. OrdaJ and,theI mu�lc fac\l"lty hopeless. 1 9 21 College Lutbera,\ a Is PacUlc since He of adml"n,slratlon Ith.' are more flllh [II the 8ea." At'lea8l . .,n expenshe 1&0 A cbeml tr y S !. nr:..t::..�� I man or InqomltD.ble i'"erlty and !nthuslasm The mar�ed advllnces L C nrc also ", give a pro- U'''. r D�'''-'l "L-.llqlL·�"1 I "" I!lUli lI " P�ople e oit"6g . on lo-bls t n e a e due-Iarr;el), il:r� )' neadll lalii )V me ddtTfr� ac 'b ""'by"the du h t---;; : � e�t:;r;:;: ;:'j� ��; r�u-I � ';;d the Lutheran church In Kent, RI�=id�Wl�rr:��}ntOP:��':ftec�ced �nro llemenl In that branch "as af I BOAR)i, OF TRUSTEES ' REV. HENRIKSEN SPEAKS llIaterlal' , there are some plarent wbo ,tec " d. HOLDS BEFORE STUDENT BODY shoulll produce well this aealion. . M EETING. HERE There ....ere. only nine. faculty I , r le gu I S e O c� ;� ·2 � � ;�� The board �tee8 I for, the P. L. C. STUDENTS . :': .lL ��·r�;:;� :�d ;;;, ;o;; I��I��::�' �1;��:;:ntd��� ;: �;� � ee I� t co[lege Rev. D. 8. Roas,' Rev. O. (heme of IIhort addresll of Rev. . forward, ure three the last year'lI " ' of whom did 1I0t teach last year. DISCUSS POLITICS leiter-men who areofback Rev. A. Ramstad. �e\" GeOo!;e Henriksen. who IIpoke be· 'at School Mr. Melvin Holum who bad been E. H�lm,dnhl, Henrlckllen. Rev. L . Rasmu8- fore the �tudents or the college at again, and who uughl to ahow up with the College prel'lo U, to the I Georfl:e . The flrRt m.eetlng of the P I. C better thun ever. That these men Mr. J. O. Ander80n, Mr. B. L. Chap e�erclses lime he a'ccepted a po8itlon with Isen. W�d�esdUY, October :-'I�. P. T. Larson alld Mr. debating 8"Oclety took Ihe form of a are IIpeedy and reliable II shown by \ K.t11lJ1P·S· Buslnells College of Taco. HKlrkebo, be fill enduro political rail) Three partif'lI ",ere their last year'lI record. With them E Andersoll mel !W; the school 22 ��Let the purpose ilia II! no\\- 011 the faculty again g olle he said . and ha\e G od's represented lhe Republican Demo- back In Ihelr .Inces and the holes ..Ii � He Is filling the 'acaney made b} ?�IO����:e�I:S� a:�e�h:n:'O o;:ee�lt�he Ve lll\\S bllck of It He also said erotic and Progresshe Each party tilled up� tbe P. L. C. band of war· Prof Lud"!g I.arson trealurer and.... plan tor getting subscrip ions u. ld make �orlllldlible t lthat � do not I�ck opportunl!) tor had I\everal !:Ipeakerll each allowed rlors sho teacber oC commercial subjects , no I among the Lutber LeagueS At Ihe maklng . gregat[. on ,n 'our sect. emp I o)ed In Seattle Mrs Florence "'- . s uccess today but that fhe minutes to spenk e th l l t g Coach However, I wa� former I> of Pittsburg Penn e Before the dlaeusslon a vQte was a warning tbese HIIII mel.... = � rd �1 t:'I:�:u�:o-\!:�e ll: ::t::t; we usuall;--d lack an aim 'We taken to .... ,..- Is teaching the Romance languages :slve e see tti to In hlcb audience campaign throughout the North aim at nothing a usual!} hit the r some pret(y keen CO�'J.,i.ltloli ': Mrs Walle a81de from having an Pacific In h i d Tb' res 1' to beposltlon8 District for funds for Ihe mark thlOi. year." ' ''Ole'' Ser: of enviable reputation as a teacher College �� ��e ....s�:aw v�t: '11�:\\ed ;hat t��1 for Before the new year he Rev George 1-1 Ilrlkllen., Is the Republ!cans .• wold. a letterman Crom Paulabo tbe languages Is also gifted In dramastrongest "ere Ihe W lll cover the terrHory In the nortbHigh material thst I among I! " " . tic Art. Churcb Democra.ts. lIext and the Progre8- shows up the most the of Trinity Lutherlln r 0 t e dl rlct d ur pasto� ent. proml� �oaCh :.. . t , Miss Lillian' Lund, a graduate of i ;h� .... eakeli the e ... sl aillo Is He a Silverton. t , Oregon. , �o :ths :� l 9:; h! ��I� am.ember of the Board of Directors After the dillcussion another straw Rlgst,ad has his eYe on Ole. BlrDIl�ota Conllervatory. at Fargo, I travel��r:�In the southern part of the of this college and Is very actl'fe In vote wall ta",en and the result ger N' e Ilion w Ii0 won a Iett er two· N .orth 0ak0ta, and 0t AmeriC can O n- dl I I ·lIt f' I h ago III back, IIl1d -raring to go.. lIerva�ory Chlca�o. of Ill., Is teacbshciwed that many In the audle�ce years C s:I::tSe� :yO a:�:�: its Interests. Id:�t :�:e �r��� I g I . ano h II e t l -' . �::o���:;;::dta��s ��O��:88�;:S.r:: � :; :t�I�� s::e r���n: ��. g�:����::, . , t�e beh of bls In College a.lf . lIel . :�/� U nd �� � �\I�� I :� of � � �::: daue8 .HAUGE TO PROFESSOR ��ell aDd Hellglon aa In . 01 · E d D· k AI B ec ec•, "cork , ' asso, bill I The a ty, as I! shown by theo" recom8lve speakers. P-rogre8sive bad ,SPEAK AT W. 'E". A. >' of 'tbe K!J.06�Jl!U' -b!F' t:;. Coltum, Lyle KTledler. ."Rudle" mendatlon g\ven ber by tbese secretar, most Republicans the the �otes Lawr�c, EI1I�g�n,·Dert!' .. - " M EETING next and the D;mocrats the lea8t. San�ef1Jon, scho�ls. In addltlOIl to these Re,·. ::ee�re� n::1 prorf!l: r�t wa: Kragnesll, and otbilrs ..ho�8 ablllSvare Is teaching religion, and 'Mils . P;e The speakers tor the Progressive tles'ca.n /' � n ttlD�:,,:t only be pro"t"en .after 'prsc" teach - �ere GeorCooper "t"Wonl Profe ll, sor Philip E: Hauge, �r o ' g c Vangie Loeffler, lolln and orchH- .oe!'" e Alvar Be k .re- .!D .e for tbe ..c:.ar",\of_ . :tbe er of Enr;llsh, PSY,chology, and Ed- Bert Kragness and P�f!er sOgnere8t' Uce . hu begun. . Ira. IIcbool'8 � College, Tb08e who rep'ruented tbe Democa� 'Coach- RlDIIl8t!ld wlll begin �ork- . It o",bar � .durl tbe ucatlon a� PaclflcLutberan . �-C4ft,aoemUd&. lWrr beAa - - -t d e to,. or ratber neceultated. by�-.. winter 18 to . . sP'eak ...at. tM annU9,1 tlC party -.vere Burton- Kridler, Jver Ing his baaket ball _material abo ut . � ,\ ... . . of tbe ,:Wa(lAlngron Eduw Da'lI.l and Glady, Tbom.u. The Re- Noy. . 1. Prae�lce hi belne held oft � �n c�eaae In the number at students. ca on Thursday publica ll..party -.vas upbe:d by Arnt until tben to kej!lp the men from Anoclation Tbe�lrat year, 19!O-21 WS8' tbe FACULT¥ S·E.uDY CLpB . . onvenThe . October ng, eve HO 'O.�n, Lue U.. , Svlnth, 'Geroge Hel!!- golne stale, aa haa bee�. tbe exper-. .'1� G � EE DS T 30 F 1 IRS M tIN """,jJl ecbool'l!ploneer yesr. Tbere are few ; . . L --_. . . lence In for .yeat8 when tbe .. tloD convenes, ..!t the Unlveralty of G , . mlng and arvick Ollon. . wb 0 II. e.-400' "A ""'" '''v1oneera. c,onsequent· -�!I',culty, Study Cll.1b met �or '" 7a (lhington I n S ea ttIe , M r. a .uge A bU8ln8118 meetlne. 'was held at- squad Wlls calle out earlJer I!I Ihe ,;...... Iy the 1:!nrollmen�' w'u . small. TberE: It!l'The sealon. Meanwb e,.prospeeJlve ball- ....... session this year Motid!ly even. ls t.o�(lpea� be�ore; �he �Depa tment ter tn dilcusslon anq. tbe follow. ke� players are k�eplng'fi�. by ' . has been a slo but steady I.nereaae Ing. Octob(!r 27. The lead'll' fOt, tb� l, of ,;e.\ earch .and .Sch�ol Pro es�. I;;g offlcers "; for.-the tlrat play!"b�lI , er:.e elected . ng ".hand-soccer," a r;ame Intror him by be'�18CUB8ea to Tbe.rsu'pJect ! Protl· "Nitro:. WB8 Ringstad. evening since thnt time. Enrollment during quarte ' . . duce�, by Ed .Arthur, a 'phY8lcal dlge�. flxl�lon'�' w�· hllJ'tQPic, W.hICh/ IS :'Tbe, Ele men}�. 'Whl�b C0'istl.�ute prelllde,nt-MYTO Kridler. � .the tl!ar 1923-1924 sho�ed an In. �IJ. rector .ot the Tacoma. Y; M . C. A. pte8ll0r Of ,chemistrY he Is Schoot Orad�. Q.urlng tr�e spring Vlce.Pr�sklent- Arnt Oyen. crelllle o("nellrly 211 per cent over we a' pr h ls l up P J� l a th·e"_ Jlrev. lo�B ye��, and this. yeiu ��:bl :t�:ydl��ut 8" meet'l : o�ce, a� �a�e� �;1-;::�ga lt�:: , oi �h:�I1��� :;:: :{ � !�:�;e�;: ' So�n .� ; h: n �:� t��r . c'O:��;io:� �e��N:, . . lennls and baaeball arE; helng played. -.t!n be esp�cted to show as large an month and'all th€ faculty membel'8 :1eCt' u' 8lng Uie in-.:e8Ucalion .�s feit. ' Of·th'e de.- Buket batl wlli be IItarted by or[ncreaft..-:l?�er 1923-24.' and as many or tbelr wives as are b aa l' tor b,la tbesls fo i�h�s Mas- At the se�On:d-'m;�t1ng �� . b'!ltlng society on Oct. 17, politiI.'I ganlslng .1'11er-cla88 teamll. Thill I�tere.sted, attend �e' meetl�g, T' he te�a o' f Art. . �eg�.ee. will elle e "t"eryone ao chance to IIhow ."...'" were again discussed Thla time It hIs A ."'ccIeratcd Luther"n Broth. r,urpose of . tbe c1u� ls to corr�i�te ability, and no ooe will be able erliJOI)(l DaDqQet Is to be Irdd 1n t�e interest, and spe<ilalt(es of the S0r-�HO}fORES �IVE �ARl'Y was a tO l :..cJ.ebate on th� qud. to 8118 Congr d ' say tbat -he '!.!.d� pot, bave a the. "'I,. �N"O_qIalil Lath�raii �rloua membera \ Tbe leader or �turaaT 8"t"enlll�L.oetober ,18, tjle Ion "R!:..s Ived tbat Coo. t cbance Some mlChty Inter:-Ung . , 9 _ an .. �rwer� powe t b Supreme nulllf <:harm, 12th and I &rcets, � elch dl llcusa !Onr;'1I \0\. preaent hi. st!ldent( �nd \tat:ulty; , declaloll" Speakefi"'6D¢t�,;&!Cirm t!lUl wlll, OOJou,b{ out ��w.eD the roma, on Wcdneeda), eveD�, f!c:. top!c In a po p d'!;r ab � non-tecbn) talued;l by ,the �plomore cl�, taber 28, � su-tblrt)' o'dO&' . �I form and show 4.0,,\ It applieS rq a Hard Time Party, AD imprompt tlve were Mnon Krldter�nd cl.�ea :TbeM-are expected to aroule �,_ ' Geor�e Hemmill" while tbe ne�atl'l'e tbe r'dltlo�l. be"et ball entbUII· t.stolJl-' c o r wbleb and..modern after lite �,.en; wu cram t; -: .... MI-. Peft)- BM..h of Tacoma t ., • iocla�,tl.nfe'"iwu eIiJoy�� Later I wis upheld br'Bert'K�nen'aDd lum ID tbe- P. �_C_--ft'od,oJ ,body... r ,wflI be th e speaker: or tbe eft'Il. f " . '�' or OIYf1pla, _lX a�h' tbe e'f"8�J regn.laJi·' bard-tlme" r Harry 8aDllerll � ' The jtid� rell' Coach,,'! RjQ," �1 18"t"etVtber e'w. 1U ary .... z:eihtr ,..M Iq. PUtT cents per p"te \ rs K"reld� frubmeptl, doul!hauta and clde dered a < DQaDlmo�") dec:talOD In taT' be PI!!6� f material to t�m flnt, --y-;; Ineton, "!U tti.e peat ofM be �� -or�f tbe .ftlrmaU"t"e... ler dUrln� tb1 week epd ./ weie · , ��- . (-Contl nueel on pa�. 3 co � 'tuIn 2) �d.'· ___ .__--;






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nolO'(' rmtlilt ET BA,LL' .OR 1 AIt),;". . mu,h ,..."..d (,om tho Shr ('harn ....aO STIB. . ·" ... '. BI.N G MA ...' - . . . . �G1 RLS" IS - TO -HE-' . first exeurslon many of the Dorrolk tor Y�8111denl' hlkQ!J.... lIerond �Ime MODEL BARBER SHOP � Pubtllih� e\ 'err two .... .eeks durin, the schoo', y�ar by the. IH\ldenli : ' Pro" W. " "i\'U� 1 GIN ABOUT NOV.·1 <1t Pattflc Lutheran Cotleee, Parkland. WuhlnS:lon. to the mOOlllal: mllli ground!! on ' . \. S ub�crfpllon. ope .dollar per. year 90S rae.lflc i\vcn u" .... ., :i ls--- "ball lIell qn Snturda.y Afternoon j jJ , H"ll"('aUlnl!( " "'pN"tltll)' g r basket \\ S I.:ditor-tn' htef � Pal ma Helmdllhl " )fAn3l1inll: � dltor. _" _ _ Burton . :Kfledler l opens I P I. C Ilntl COllch Ring Mr Ed Arthur" went ..ll:'l a bllSI ItEPORTERS " B C Thu!lI- ....... .. ver i Vanco to trip n9s . . . ",. ... ......" . .. . practice 'tor J call the unds Slad . " ' ' t . l lust)'! .. \ t . .. nera I !'\e ... "llrt:;S h�Jer�:t�� pract II) all iast \ear...� tel1� 'l!ftI. dayoo nisht headln!!;er a bl!!; m h r.la � h ,: S l lon ot one be .... Ith the exeelJ bf �; � � : *;c!:: ST��� ,t� r'!n!t-1 :' ��e:e � �� ,f.:�����d. Locals _ .orltanl�atlon�· Arnt o)'en I A m� g those .... no won Jeller� 18st the �ate, at'the bordtSr lor two: Luella Svlnth �e as ,r nd ... ho .... 111 turn out this,1 hOUT!! Nna Iy over .. helmln!!; the �en- : " j1 �� I�rc IOUS '::-... Sl.gneA�vJ::m���. )earc a Ruth F.adnellll. palmaj. llnels lind proceedln!!; on, to VancOu- �. ."rhl('tI�s. � o eI f. . Geo. He�ml. nr; �:it �' h:! la ::.�I\J'��� �: � u�� :t er ": o;:r t�t:!rl:�:�r�:�"�t :::,: I � S Yd I a f ' . . � par'4 dahl arid Ru'th Rlvlnen, tor le a der e II.$IIe1l l bied fro all m H.e E�na . l �i��:���:l ����1� , .' l'>;�b�' '1�:�:0e: Peder ('Ir('u!atlon Manag�' r Sognefe llt "'llh h an ,array of eXperienced or the northwell·t. an" - e' . Alfred Anderson �::�rl:1 :n ��:h�� W�: h ha�\.:: . ,�(hertlslng Manager . Ch ls : r. a � Re\' . Rnd" l\Il"!!� Hjerm8t�d and {:, '""''' Ad",", ,� 0 , ·c, Tho",o, 'o,m'd. " '"m 'ho" d b, ",d, . ' ,wo """""' .' , '"d' "". Ono , " . Nelson 'nnd Mr. and Mr... A. F, 81 ...- � )ll:::��::� n.J·��;:;;';;n;;�I;r ('11. meel al .. THE MOORING NtAST t ar r o t O Y T�\('rc has ulwuys 'been It �r('ut lleed for a schoul paper at T;H·O�.�: ...�':�,�'� : . te;: ��? t�:\:�� �;:r ��:t ���'� ��� �a�:��:)'�PO!:b�� � l!� :ln�\:: L1I Ihe I� iadfk I.utheran Cullc c. . Thefe hu�''c hef'j,' S:C trnl uupcrs �T3duat , ....·as on e f. the Ited a tthe l.c hooL.....�jHl1 MondU"' ' � pll�ltsl\(>d by the st udenls f.urmer YCl.lrs but they were' only team',. InlolH She ?IURble pla)'enO and The 1,11116 town. of Chinook which "IlIlporur�' projects. In recent �·cur.s thC' nced hAS been i n tens ified . her loss ....·m.be noticed. Coach RIng Is on the Co�umbla �Iver Is rep· . . this year . hopeful that someone will rellent�d'by five studenl9 Savage Scol4:' eId Th Sludcntih �,d): h�l"C desired n tllcamt for keepi ng n rec ord of sInd � mo t a thclr s�'ho()1 rlre here. The people on. the Dlltsulc' \;.·ish tQ . k eep :�a.yr:r�n�o.relt:: ona.r; tb� 1:� dl�l: :�� Herman Holte �nd' Murl Je;:sen, Co. .. in tUlich wi,h.our sdlUol and its pro g re s! A pai>cr is 'ieedcd material tha t has come to scbool both of the.clal\8 or '22 a'r.e Juniors ' also so Utili those who may not be i n terc4red in our school mny this year. take tter place. St. Olaf. coJle«e'thb rear. . Building i\ l uleriul tlntl There Is also a poslllblllJ"flor 1 ;;:========== It'urn of it tlnd know whnt our sehoul is \Ioing . ;:;flndlnK 1I0qle IItellar r))iultbs conl Phone Main 8.'m4 . This �'car IH�. W cnthusi slll and 9{'ti!.rn\illutiun·hu\'e brough t" to the team among the g:rls that -111 : M.Qorill � Masl, which ahoul n menns fi>r fi 1 li n� this. lIec d' J E. 'Ber klteim IU Co t a � I:.:t:l Doc� SI :'.Illin 67() nuw comcs forlh 10 inlroduce ilself to ils rende?!. . 'Ve hope that �r o�� tr'hoo:l: t�:t �cl� O��t :��/::;' a�� Rootl! g. . , l rOAJ, T.ut J'Ron\'('TS . lannin« 10 do so IMs through this paper' (}'l.Ir s.upporters. tht! people of the Lutheran year but nre tl . TACC"'IA ' Churches on Ihe Pacific COtlst, mny hel'lune be .llcr u c uainle d �eallon. PRIma Hel.mdahl .who won f'I. �,= . ,,���'.= :"�('�U� '!"''''''iI .... = == letter on t�e' Bellingham Normal ==== with -'Ull' Pucifk L ulherun COll Cgl'.lllld! Ihl' work t hat Is heill� _ ... ... ... .... h w un ted n j done her.l" We hope also Ihat Ihe a�tln�li �\\·il� . Ihrou �h il keep in ..:. - � ... ... ... + �:I:� l:�1 ��e !l � I::� . l:�� �I:�:; . . 101l('h wllh IhC'lr Alma i\luler lind '11s ,-h d l\ · ltll' S. \\e hql>C thai h er.'j()II.l:on�tance Birkland. G ladys , P' kl an d Barber,. till' yOllng pl'uple of ou��hurch Illa ' lea rn Ihrough 'the paper TborJ H!I. [lnd oiherll lIhow IIkl!-! H�rn-Holmes' ·CO. . 1 . . 8{. , o Shop �\"hat a reuBy gHml school we hUn' "ll t! Ihl' llIuny oJlPorluni lil's �" ll 'of makIng the ...t!Jht for I, Three General Merchandise ' llip, students. ' urlhcrllw rc wish Hllr par: Uerths Oil the team k e ener. II uffers 10 Iht'lll. 'Yl. Stores' Baske"t ball practlc� "'!l 1 !!Ia_rt! and l'nls and friends 10 keep iiI dust.'r lOll h wilh our sdwol, Ih rou gh 1 \ o l lo the papcr, in ortlt'r thl1l they may k . t UW�\'hat wc nrc doi�lg nnd.I :� e : �e; OI ;;le' :�cla6 : .1; 1 a;;1 w�l; �:1 752 So. 38th-Mad. SO Confectionar'y wha t Ihe s{'hool liS whole is duing · 'Ve hope Ihul our rellow organized Ilmong the glr)g· yet. A . f{)02·g Center St.-Mo. �21 ym t the Pacific Lutheran number of the girls are In favor ot hi�l� sd ()IIIS und ctJIIC�CS llllly I � r �, . ' . IIh\'lng them. and If a. 9uftlclent LuJle�c IS H lI\"c nnd wlde-uwnkc III h l uli. on . I'nrklund , urn out Ihe lell.ms "3901 6th A ,,· e.- P ro�)O . 1 lIrc carried out by a gro up .number of glrl8 t The ;\iuuring ?I lnst is a ne"" e nlzed. It all dependll ; · : l 1 . , of sl udcll ts who nrc i ne pcriclll' ed j� the busi ness lI,,�diting of ; r th: �� I�� the stn� }'ill d':l its bQ8"t under till' , a !\chool pnpt'r. lIowevl'r A number of, the girls of II\1It , �lmHIi('ap of ill('xperi�lcc. It res()I,�'es) to· han an eager eye I,or year'lI teRm when . Intervlewed e.eein' . ed to. hll.\·e o.n. optimilltic RPlrlt as rors. nlld crtJ(lilie ....1: ') lo\"(' n'..£.l !t� nnll p r gress. 'V(' offl'r - hesf,. . les for � pO!l8lbl1ltle�. T " ey Joh....a·<:oz arrut:, slepJlIllJ( stolles tn an c\ 'efl grcater oormg Mast. - tlo f el lIeallon SelllHlij1a\"illl� ChCC �� l,nu­ a t S�!:I�le:� /:\ Cy ies '1ne rculizotiun of ou r I�s('nt d i Ode ,; ' Hnt! l i mi la tions : ! : te�� 'ab�: � o , t n I e pOrf!r' or currenl'Y, llnd cun is not expressed as un apologY- 'f,nr our 111l1)Cr. It is mcrely a In. our district can be. developed. sell tlrafts Oil all il� portqualifying word 10 our l'ritics in nnl icipalion uf the judgement BOOUJ)lD\DlS l a t p� iTlts ir ) the Scandin­ they ar:-e 'ikely to rcnder. We rceognize �.le juslificulioll of crit� WINTER COURSE OFFERED ' � . STATIO"", . . . idsm and will stri\'(' 10 illlpro\'c l.ilr papcr until wc havc aVian countrlcs ;t Moori ulol: Mli s l w hich w ill Ir uly r e prcfnt Ihl' Pal'ifk I. ulhl'rll'l pn: I;:c ����e :r!l�lo�:�e:!V�1 't:ro;:� I College. . Monday. November 10 II.nd continue The Bank of California, tor .elghteen weeks, ending March - �UR POLICY 1 27. 1925. It Is a beginners' courlle N. A. I n ' �ngllsh organized tor t h e pur, .A dese.rvinf,! institution is hound lu.sUl'CCCll if it hu� fain in , l itself and in lis supporlers. The l\Iourillg Mus I possesses this. pOlle ot ·glvlng foreigners II. know LIth & Broadway ledgt! ot 11'11.' En"i1lsh IRnguage. ...... 4• . ·'fr.\" a;itn�f -Li'les this faith in ilsl'lf Ilnd i n ils supp0t..�s!. a Bl�es English ,this cour�e Includes TACOMA courReB In arithmetic. rfla(lIn«. spell ,•• Paolfle A..... and til h�\'(' d business J>olil'y�u plun fOr. \-;ttl!izing the re- 1llJ!! trl.�'. l rVnd bclwcen itself HTl!L its supporler�. T!)c prosp erity of ' and citizenship. A large class l!l! Cl: . to enrolt ro� this cour e lIie J..... :�r will depe nd II!' �re!lt cxlenl upon Ihe<flotilltlness of ib �_ policy. 'Vl' belic"e Otlr.s embodies 191e busie I)("inciples thai arc l � S�attre. Wash.. I Mrs _ _ Jo:r�ksel neees�ary. It is a polil'y 1101 of ahstract terms htl:t of·· wor-ktlble , ,"k end,wllh hOc . EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ami feasible action and daughter-!n·1nw. Mr. and Mrs. . .' Boys \\c have them h re everylhlll lol: men wear. \Ve presen.1 this pOI>cr, not with ovcr:..cngerness for its sue­ RlngRto.d. ,










• .I

Wt '











ourS<'l\'es 10 Ihc ....Sim-ple

base our hopes of prm' l>crity.

To pla_ce se.f\'icc


thut theseurc merited.




These principlcl\



arc :

loI:aill; to Hive full �'olue for. value r('� pectcd of liS.

cei"ed; and It) ende8Vtl� e\'en 10 ' ext'_eed what is

T he


e constitule a confession that we purpose. p


resolutions connot w rk ' theref re , to apart fr (� �'h o support us. 'Ve . �i"e as much tiS ossibl e in return for thai' support __' _.


m.n',. wu ...., " ..II· REV. SVARE FISHES'· Th.abo';!t. �ommencemen t Bay bUl l!lg ON PUGET SOUND no .flsh were caug ht . Mrs. 8amuel.

While tbe Shenll.ndoab wall pll_ Bon lI er v ed lUnch, that was 'well reIng over Tacoma- and 'Babe '· RUlh ceh·ed. and. later In tbe day.' a was playing balleball In tbe Stadium dinner ·that w. as appreciated � v ery another event took place tbat was much by the hun«ry tlshe,men. or almost equal Importance to flye The Narrows about Poin t DetlIndh'iduals wbo were Initiated Oct. ance were tried In the aft'eraoon. salmon but It apparently' was not ttlrne lf 0'� 18th to the" ysteries of . ' the flllh to .blle. li owev·er. nO�Ql fishing:. ' m . I r . e a r n n t Wb� �'p� �:� ��:�::� e� t;���; � ;::: � ::O��:!��" ;�� ��I�:: !�:� ·'the..... Pacltlc Ocea n took five' �op!a �o Brown's Point and.as soon. Ihe he . h la ::�e�'�:��D �����&';:f:::' ;:�p���� �::: t� n �: Sl�::;� aa\� The Ray.. T. o:-S..,� who baa juat m�D "!IfereC&l!r;ht.. All "'ho ias.t� � tbem later-.&ree.that It "!Ifaa.e yery Jately come from Mlnneea��the f Ye ....'D4-:-!..UCk ,004 ,calcb fo r -!UCb. an18.teur tllbmOil I�tereated of tbe i ceed.ed In pullin&" ID e, Yer�l ..1m r e m�. ' . _....:.. ... --.. bllilHlf. Te b othat,fou r.. . ruherta e n. ....-... .... � . � 'lll'ere.Rutb �dneur, Rut�,Bull,.. Stel- . . Bn. -:-�nrl�n o f SUy e rt o D. la Samuelson and Eather Sydo'lil'. Oreion.. ,BY. au addreaa to the atu. )vho are all upper cla.urmen at. P. ·deu.h· In the Ctiape�ednetde)' ___

!h o


IT �\'Oll

�tan)' New Members' N nw �howing



1. J


.:... ._ L. C.

__' ,, ',,, ,c �




Books. Statlonery�both Social .. Fountal�ndpe::s�nne:s pen�l1B Main 30.9 913 PacUlc Ave. Tacoma , W ash.

- -�



. :'

California Flori�ts «;:ut Flower;s Potted Plant.· 1 oratlon IO� .p��:;� :: ;acoma' � �� � �;: ��: ...,


. HeedqD.&rten -...... . SludeuuforoTeacbenr f tbe' .an.. d. , Pacltlc_l:!.u.tberan Colle« 917'Paclflc �.. ( T!co,!la






� �11 C �l!l"lyl� ' C- a'-frI' 'a e et "



Ta �"




T...... A..... Good Good. W.1.c. BELL & SONS CO.

4�p;;;;; ;;;;��;;;;;;;;;�j



don't fall to see the It sells 'for



Davis Men's Shop Pl.lcific�A"e.,

a coat







������ ������======== I:��


scf\'ice' to o\lr re ders, our utlv crti�rs. and

p i of we dedicate













So in n s ir t

. ".�............





uur s hool




lts,pr.rscnt l:



.. '!


; oj - ' 1'


_ .


l '::









l'eSl\ and popularity. hul with a firm l'on"ictioll Ihnl il will suc­

!' f



l'ced and will he p1lIHlIar to Ihe e ten





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DRt (;OODS, �O

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To �t-ve

'..,. , Sing' Ie










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, . ,� r : , umni Notes I



The Moorh1l' �as� Offers Att;'active Prize � · , In Su�rlpbon_ Contest Being C ondu c ted r The +dr.C:l!I�tlon manll&er of The tht'! Con8t1tutIO� of 'the United . . �loorlrlp; MaM. Pede; Sognefellt , hal St�tel: and dupllc�te!l the �IIS!l Marie ' Smabe)', '21. Slven lall nct ed, a "lIib�crIPtlon ,conlest, the ·orlgln!!.l. Th� reprodu'ceuetl)' llon has Wedeb�rg. ' 2 2 . "nd .'Il lslI Mable "";�nner of ":hlch will re.ceh'c all at- rathcr long Ilnd In\ o\vei history uli are atten!;\lng the t'lIlverD ' \ c .e ca \ l �; e�:;��ia: Dt: �Sae\'elt ���L w.�\ Ch cann'ot ' be �ven here. Su r- !lity of Wa llh,\ ngton. (lee. It 10 !ltale. lhM It .111 Il copy . number of readers among the �tltllencr of P. 1... C.--the people made fr!lm one of t.he limited nUIl.I-. Mls� M arie Ordal. '24 , Ml�s Berthtt of Ihe Lutheran congregation on the ber of prints made by pholo!raphlng ��::�:�2 !" �::�� ��1::I_::�; �!e� :n� Paclf\(' Coast. prize .-contest for the orlglnal"con9tilutl�n early In the r e tu a led nt O 2 l r I e T u tw:��8��:J�� �:ng�!a�:::, ;!����t:\�o: :�U;:\ ::;er:f:r:: ;�: ;:� t :e �o\�:g:·e:; : e: ;o: ; t , �t�;�� "'_ny Luther or JUnior League. SUII- �t!l0!,lng- Most. thr'! the co�r'les)' of IHchard Jacobson; ' 2 3, IIlId rolonc o o :�.�� ��::�:�n?t�� �: ��:\e�I�' t: c8�:� :�e ���;;� ��rl�r'�;:�)�d:; I���:i roe Lan�lo� '24 , are attending the e a pNe. The ",roup 8ubm.lttln,g the roOm. Unlll the a....anl III to b�.·ma"e: S:t t a largest number of paid . subscription!! tbe prize . Is 011 e:t.t!lbltlon In the �(J.� � �:��ze�� �� 4 �O£!�hi!l- yell, r before December 10 will be award_ li:eutlemen l reception parlor at P. ntte"d�1I. g the WlI,shlngton State ColIege ' at �U l1 man. I'd Ihe prize .... hlch has' been donated . C. . ' 10 Ihis cause hy Mr. H. l-�, And�r. 1.. The' Mooring· �{a�t bUllne'ss statt ,_,'_ , -'--:-!Ion ., a member of the b08\>'d -of III upectlng a spirIted contest 10 , ,, �.. . ' 3' . . ,. ,-;'k '-, " his en h y a tru!ltees of P. L. C, ' follow Its·. announcement made by .!I ���s �:�u �o1..p��r��·, ��4I e::;1 ' MIn The award of(ered Is one tbat Is INlel'!! to the pastot of each congre- An�a KnutEen. .e:t-itormal stud�l;t lhot to be attrat;'ti ". e enough �o en- gatton. A larse clrculal\on for the of lllst year. lire IIttendlng. the Be\en d r s h l t h�O;;����I�; O�gl1��:�:��:� I ::a:ur� a�r:��; �a:;: t; !�ln : t�:� lI � gham Normal School. ��:�� 11 ,� alithentlc reproduction of to rellllllltion, . ' . '







. _ _ _ _ � .

' 2 3.





",:LCa�pus .







During the summer ,neat Ion se\ ernl Improvements were made up on lind about the IIchool bul1d lng� in J,:cttlng them ready (or the �chool The brick l'atllnR� fit the front -;'ntrance Wf're torn down and I b f r ��;' �;::fs ��r"�����:p°l' t t��(� �;::: !Lal'lum were' gi\'en lIew CO!! t of 1ar and the ":oOllwork and desks In I II" main hulld!n..: ·werr. re\'arnl�hed :I1 r. C. F . Hjermlllad from Hed Win :'>lInn .. . who Is SeU!!llIry ror Ill' !\I('morlil.1 Fund of the Lutheran Chur(·h. spent se�'eri!1 dll,y� lasl week P. L, C. on bustnCH!J: U nl I:�htU:II��III�����1 1�:'t�)er�ll� �:l��JI:: �1�� hlld Ihe misfortune to mall h his rle-bt hand II,nd bad l·ill·!'! abo.ut�hls eye In an aecldent on Ii





'�e\'l'rlll usua\. " I'pratn9d wrl�t




he "'II!!



THE 1'1.JlH,1C

' I


THE TF.S ������ntJ.�:ooTS OF

H) (.lulI·II'!!! M St h\\rtb A study of college dailies IIlId -----A �eeklle9 �hows decided Increaee 1 Work hard. Is the - , ga'fdJwOrk o'-llue In Ihe number of �ommunl- he!lt Investment a man can mllke cntl"O;t,. from studeliis ft Is more 2 Stud, hard Kllo\\ ledge enables and more baffling situation whIch a lIlan to .. ark more Intelltgently th,' e,llIor of a college paper faces and effecthel, III his task or Rtlrnc\!ng IInll hold- 3 Hale Initiative Interest In facl a recent ar- dee l>en Into grave� tlcllc' In the "'at Ion reports thllt 4 Lo\e )OUr ....olk Then \011 ",111 o r a e ;1�;�\�:�: �\O�� h 11::: c!� :::::�� t ��t f lnl\ pl easure III nlll,ste�lng II coliese students are not IntereR ted . ;; Ile exact oS I.IVShOd methoa� In anything. Modern st,udents can- bring only I1lIpshod re�ults. conquest. not' be- �hocked or ",on ; they are 6. UII\'e �he 1Illlrlt of hallie and )'OU can succes�fulJ)' pleasanlly aloof from the bitter In- Thus .d lfrlclllties. terelllS that tear the ""orld." The ' uveret?me vate per�onallt}·. Personal('all hal! been sprea-d II,molig all slu- Il lty7 .fllCulti LIlali Whlll perfume lit d£'nt clrdes throughout the country a flo!O Ihe for Imblic utterances ot opinion lHl l lo ' wer. . Helll nlHI share with othen. to the (itLlle" of a ('ollelt!! IIH Per '11'h'e real test of business grelltness Tit,. Wesleyan AruII;�. I\£'II In giving opportunity to others. I e democrat!::. U;t\('ss you f;,:1 Oll\,!! Halhlrd. a sludent 9 . Utnward!:! your lel1uw-men you here \'llIlted Ihe school durll'Lg the ! 11ght ; I ne\'''r be a �uccessful h�a\ler hi week, � �II. n,-\SKET IUI,I, I'HOSI'I-:t'TS 10. In 1111 !hitlgs do your (Conllnued from pllge ' 1 ) lIecond and mldset tea E�E;ryone done lellll than ""111 not hal'e the opportunity to nothhlll;. make Ihe flr81 !Jtring. so the. serond ---



!. I I I


MT\:Il��TK 'HOI�_l)�.:!.�'� EI� ': _"'� '�I,.� L\�-..

,,"EDNESD"}', OCTOB�R !9. ltU



=�:·=':L�t�f;�"'�T�'�b�N '�



1 � ;;;,;;,;;,;;;;,;;,;��

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• .



t}:' . .. �" 1 .I"� I





Frank J. .

' I'n"lr


· r..

� --=. :'_ :" �.�,.: -; :�


Yuur portrait will delight YOIL and your nls)1)' friends If It Ii 18 tllken here-,\II A ,('hrlflllll"f' OUt ' It will Ilrove mOBt sowelcome-I . e your o �\ftW ��ob�:�S.)' u h ,:�:. �� I THE HA;\III.TON STUDlO 9 1 � Paeltlc Ave., Tacoma Fnmell and Frll,mlng

LEE ':!� i:1 l




1· ..n'ojlTll p.... r




NEW FASHIONS Larsen Pharmacy S. T. LARSEN, · ProP. llQ5 So. K SI.

Bring Your Glothes - Prob� lems to Us. You

We Can Show

How to Make Y6ur

Money Go Further,


l'nd('rw()(}(bl. IkmlngConH, &)'alll, Wood8tOCk8' All make!! 'completely rebuilt al big savings o'rerma 'as low all

! �=�=;�:?�;:,::;::::=: 'Vc have never


AMERICAN SAVINGS LOAN ASSN, 1001 -Pacific A\'e. Tacoma, \Vash.



All makes of Typewriters Rented Special rates. to Students

9'.lO I'Bettlc Ave"




M.R. Martin & CO.


.. Women's Ready to Wear"



Funeral $crvice" TAc

Machncke & Co.


Lou Johnson

,,'l.on I�W:OO�,OO per MO,

: I I;:,..,'----"---:--�:--I

Jc ......elc� to Tacoma For ,'.0 Years





919 ,Broadwa,Y ' ,- ,Tacoma

i'�i!iiiiiijiii iiiiii iiiiii ;;;;ii iiii;; iiiiii iiiiii iiiiiii ii : ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;�iI I_ .. .

fl.:=l.�_:� U"':"�:. '. . ,




. �"hool Saturday George Hemming went 10 Sellttle dlLrlng the week end. :\JIA!:! AnlLlI, Erlcksen'whO III ttlach- Ing from 50 pounds to 1 2 5 In,i: schOOl at Wolloche!, Wash. , vlsMr. and Sirs. Ringstad. Sa.tu,r- ar��:r Yba�:e� U�a��e;!��d fOr the Ule �'ear haa not been maped out yet. Blrser Nelson spent the week end However. from all Indications It ""'111 at his home In Poulllbo . Was�. be a good hard one. The men...jnIn the game are alll:lous to :'¥Ir. R. Grondahl of Red. Wing. terelted going" and are promlsln.g to :vIlnnesota was seen on the campus "get meet their whoever they . a opponents. Friday. �e vlslled · Harold Haga. spirit tbat will make the ·:!7 . · ,.."......"oI'!','UI' Run." look like an "Ain't horsel1ack riding run�" Rut oh tb� stUfo-ess the next d:l.)'!. Marl�. Qrdal, Bertha �,a. and rtb;-HJerm�te";d" w�een' horse:u�.k·rldlng around IIc.hool Sunday. MUrer of Orting. W,a8bing.'·· . .·�"'-. -.-' . Bertha ton , waa the guest of Edna Q'F ar r:ell. ·26.�nday. Oct . . �O. . - 1 ... "I Mr. and


"""' .

. ' lege a pep ;ally. 't�e IItllilent� . .. body (l:athere$.l ln_the assenl"'l)'' room J 011 O(,lOh�r -�lst . . ;t 1"l!: 3 0 ."ta l? U!�arJ�".·8\\,!!�.,n. A vO!. . for Ihe me'elln�. George Cooper '. ; ttl . the heMI ()f · the ' . t:etlnk' He prellcllted a" challellle j I oni the boys, to. ' Ihe. girls for the I �':--:;acom l for . of �ubs�rlpt100S 10. ! . _, rell,teu riumber the Mooring Mallt. The losers are ! BOOKS to give Iv'e 'wlnn'ers pll,rt)· on n h ed t Greetf� Cards :��:�::: �I1(�. :ie!::;; �;::� lv:r� Flne�t Stock of Xma� Cards In NOrrwl!81 Ion the leader In the glrll lIub· scription campaign. . -0. Pr()f. Hsugl' lOlloke on IItude!)! P. K. Plrret C hody I)ep. ...SI·un·l � were pulled orr 910' ".rolld.ar Tacoma showing the dlffere'n('e betw�n a' II"e wlde-lI,wake student and a' sJeepv. hlilf-d.ead one. "C"II" Ander- i t---'----�-I son lead --tM studen! body' iI� yeUs l . which proved that nOlle of our Lien &. Selvig stu��: ts�:)�: th nd :�e �oll:.::�:. �: keep ' Reliable �re8.criPtlO� their challenge bu Ihe glrll! are Druggists ' l rl h" th� bO)'!I are lo l t llned IlIll e l g ve I hem a ,, " owe en par,y. · Main 731 ·( Th I loses Oct 11 2 8 l when�I::n:��T�ellr :111 be de�er::; lne(i II Cor. TKcoma Ave.. and 11th st. they will have ample tllTle to' Tacoma plan ror I'hefr Ilnrty. 'REE DELIVERY Ilev: Ordal IIpent �a\'. Oct. I 1 9 . at Stlll}wood. WallhlnKlyn. 1'here 'he preached ' llI the pulpit of Rl'v. I Gco. O. -Lane, In �he evening h(' I preach.ed to the members of the ;.:,. Lilther Lellgue of CillHano 11I11In1l· , . ===========:!' . '.. . ?




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�:�K�::� Ba�tiS;:���: �:�h:�:nM�:� ! . The

This-Sporting Goods Store

. 732



Tacoma, 'V,ash.

Pacific A\'e.

STONE-fIStIElt@ · .

81l0ADwA'r-Ar ELEVENTH -

We're Always. Pleased DEPENDABILITY

men Be't

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'O �§�����§���§§���������������. � ,pee- , =:������::��; Ourlul.!: �C��TQt�Bhe�E�llrevioul R��' ':'�"��'1ur'���1f

�PAG E" '::::::�:: :: :::::: P A C ' F 'C' LUTH




"i pr<!Kfl\n1 ....,.. liven every rourth Better Cloihes For m"",h, "h ' In'''ot'.n '0 Men, \ . _S _ RKLA , ___-_ _-':--c,N � D ::-_N --,E :-,� W __� �uch me€'tlngll Ii. . ('" LI..HON 11: :\ SQl'.lST H Tacoma. o . � . l'RINIT\' CHURCH ANNO UNCE �I f; N TS :::�:�I:r:c:1U ;�� bI7t': II��:� �;;: 104 So. 10th 81. . "For- ' inn not . 8l1hlllllcti or the g()�p('1 of Chr'jst: for it is I lIoclely · eon,l lde[f'd ..thI8 pllm but look Ih�' P HWCr: of (;()(I ' unlo snh'slion .t o CWfYUIiC thnt hl'lic"t'lh;". no definite aCllon. Hum . 1 :�h. 1 r II te October 29 !loe��IY �t '",:I;II�ec�:�I �� ;:et at p, M,-ln<iics' ee e nl n lar .C'nse:' by Stell �� :ember Z;Io�'e;:�, �l ��R:\'e;tu !e:����d :� ;I�� ',C;omplime !'t " !';;IH A. M,--Sunduv School. l\'cu '· I., uetta IIceond llleet.l!l�I , Oc,tober S � 111 ::m 1'. i\L-l)ivill(' Sefvil-(' with CUlllllltlllioll. Frf'nch and Marthn th., �oc:t�ty meet at &:.45 In!ltead of I " ·I :IH) 1', :\f.-.I uniur LCII�lIC: tWllted. "Brewing of 7. Thl!! was /lu!§c!I!ed o".lng 10. 1111": ( ' 7 ::m 1'. I\I.- Di v i l t' Servicc. , Dr, Charles ". ' . aCI piIlY, Luetla Sylnth fart Iha1 1 1\(, ml'mben \"'Iould then NO"ember 4 !lerh' wlltt! Illdy whotll, able to Rlye 1lI0re time ror the " Webster Burritt ' ;::10 P. :\1,- YOllll1-! J.mlit.'s· A uxi£iln:.y,. II> r�lI�h) wlahes to buy braille. She IIludy._ The llune8110n wan , ..No"ember 9 . Ion and-'unanimpully I� wtllin/l: to comply wllh hl8 wlllh H::jl) A. :\1.- Suntlllv Schonl. provided he can !,!,DIve ro ur rlddle9. ) JU::jU :\, · M.-I>i,-=-inc· SI'r'4il-t'. After r<.lceh'lng these he III left 7:00 1'. :'II.-I.uth(,f. 1.('.Ql-!lIt'. IIlone, Now fo:lllbelh ( Martha Hjerm. rCh()ir n·hcursl,ls. 7 :�m 1'. l\I. ('wry Thursday. stnd l \I ppenrs on the s:celle allli" by HE\'. T. O. SVAHE I'nstor. her aOlslslnllce Our)ock solye" Ihe an ncthe nlrO second riddle berore Ihe ed thnt the 20th ",flttlt to prob· principles centur) Itlr) 5 On \\ctlnesdIlY elenln,lt Olt 1 llIe l !ltl ... returns WIl.8 to tl.lr)her the 19�� :\II!!.. Son'" StOrAU�1l of Park lell1� /"l1d thnt Hi e Supreme COIlrt \"hen !!he rCfllllrel(l the ansYoerti I lJue a&rp€!l among lan<l Yoall mauled to Mr Arlhur h,,!:! declnrell I!tntlltl'� unconstltutlo� It becomell e,ldellt that, J.;lshet"fi cOOlllderab]e sum al not because Ihc} contllcted "' Ith tht' third nnd I)urlock himself the 1I0c!ely ench year t S e fOllrth nnl(lWl'r " The wise Indy t hen � I:��l::� �:re :I:�:! lOOk' -plnee In Ihe eOllslllllllon �bllt ol'callse they Illform/! him that, tllere III only" one to .l'i1t.ever ml8!:l10n /!eell18 of �arll1o,n) ",Itll the pre· rec('lpt for br8.1118 Itnd It mnde of l need of help Thl' eociet) :\Ir I'lrkl:llld the home of Ihe hrldc Ol were not only glye!l direct aid concehl'd !4oda] nnti economtc'theo. eqllnl parIs of humb]eniffls nnd seck· to the ml91110nll sl�tl'r "lr!4 Unnlcl!4 bUI ller�"M to n"'nk 'tl�s Sioraasl! ht\'lng .I ttfnd I rit·s of Ihf' JUllllceli lng, for 1 0 .k I1O'AH ourlleJr IItupld en a hearty Intereel In mll!slonK O t lenrn l , I�, , l nmong lhe iJt,udelltll. n�d ie " lII�t�kJ �o . PioU·inC LUl heran ACad{! nIY n 190t, The nel:athe� COI)H:ollon!4 were: run hlghrolul'-to wisdom. I� "',:11 known hy bOlh forlll r IItll' thai the t·(Jn�tltutlun· confer>! . upon onlIewtherl�"ture of thlll so('lely wnll ' IP :I �.,. �I � ° {ll, : . I' I, . JIlt' � ;�.: � :I; :: tl � u ); � I I : ie a " Su,'renle Coutt lhl' I)()wer 0' �"- I t heA Ihree mlnutell ImllrO!?pt U tnlk , t . �·\: . tl1l' 1111111 dedslon In any "nse; by Fdwfll Bec k. The. !!ubject WSII, , SHER\VbOD GROCER Y l: /tl;. !:�a�.(,:;c·��\\;�'; ::; d ,�, 1c\�: l,j I�� lug · p n, I,YIll1l', r?rI�p L tr w r Mr n g 1t 11 In nTu l 1111<1 thnt l IILt! S uprenu' Courtn judge!! �'\'Ol�e f)evel pm c �I (1 11)l-. he· fie· I } ati n l ' ]w c �; ll,,,, !4 b � · ��� ! �� � : � : ::::0: �I r�, ����� ��I:��:': . � 1 1�, : ;�: ( :, r l �:� I 1 �a� lIy 2 befoT!' COll(: lulilngl I n Ih,' rebullal th!; The ]!�,tI"!4' Auxiliary I h I r e ( l L I ' I �;:� i::� �:: ��:��!';�C :I\' :'�'�nl��: �:v. )�l: :: ,;��; O;'��I \�'I;S :1- 1�;: ::I:rI'n�t �l� S, :::: I l n� �o;����� Shaw Supply Co., ed� lon away_ from the Supreme ceh'etl lI)' IheAltiudlence. elmdahl I 1 9 2� In Ih ,' " hurc h , ba e nt. , a tourt Stroud Duo-Art-$750 ErJ1� H dtlltl'n wO�,ld be f;CCllre In 1 of J?kcs rend C d t jlrul:ram \..-11 1 Itl gh'en , ' Inc. the by him progrrl·flJ cluded -e Th'i nk�of a Duo·Au, ' .", the con [he · Mrs. "aug{', :'IIi;',. LlIird, :UHt :\I i"'� Ihe rlght� guuranleerl . , . 1 utlo 01 i ;-, Pal:irje An'. O I 1.llf'ffler, r e(lcher.':! of music al greatest of all reproduci!1g " Iflc l.ut h,'fHn Coll l'foll' "; vt! r " OIlI' I� T he lIrrl rnlall l' l! �how ed great \VORK AGAI,N TA KEN UP TQl'omu pianos, at such a.low price! . n ('ordially In\·lled. T �e��e : ����: for a smaH BY MISSION SOC IE Y I::� k: �� ::::��:;�� th ! nr��: K od � s and o . :\Ir. J. Colton , ror marl\" yenn< I ler of liS own acl. theyI stated. The FInl Ing ' . or Ihe year ....ns , flrlll nl ee!!ng no danger In ioln g · so. cnlled' :1 '·I·"ldcnt of Parklanrl. P[J��d Ilw:t )' '-' There by Mr.. Arnt Oyc.n the e"en· I h Clay & Co., d t s EX!rn i"IIl€�rrn�m, I Finish ' ng i ,{lod d I h e a e . ;��;;h:�l �I�'��t.1I\o� !41 9 ;:�l OIL Ihe � 7h� �I:�/I�t;�I:I:1I(,� :I�r��� �� HI��:;: ��g, �! �:t;:��s �lte:��dg�:l: : .��:� Xu e�tm cost 9 2 R ' ��\ C�;��lway "Ir. Collon wall horn I II .Korwa}' nccoUlitubl{! to I he people or our II grH m wa� much enjoyed, Th �·y 'ITI' the flnnl ar bl - I F'o iowl nl: Ih l! ro rogra m .!!L.I S!i; :1 nC la ler c:t mp t o Amerl t-n, counlr ·· y_ l turned o�eT He mllrrled Elrrhla l'e'ler· lerll. . r wa� The J l1dge� cled�lon wa� ullanl· ilLK �OI1 al., I"nrklnnri where he Ihecl unThe ConKlltutlolJ the former M1.7 mOIIN III ruvor nr the afHrmnlln·. . . Arnt 1 1 1 l ire t�me of his death Mr, :tdollted �'IIN SoclNY 1 �111 �· or KI'cond lime Ihe rad lc:lls de- OYl'11 l " C It \11 Ork ch.oRen president; Mj!lll Parkland Shoe Shop . Ihe cOI�!ffi n'allve� In the In 't�� C�I1���1 �;�;� .lL::\I �\\·�·a;' j an�� renled Marlha H j e rlllllllul "Ice pree�clenl ; ent bod)' l or al PaCIfic LUlherlln (ollege for L. C. !4tudIhe lind .Secrelary; "'erson, Mable MI!'8 '\, .1. SATIIEH. L}r'lp. �p.,eral }eilrl\ \Oa!4 \Oel1 kno\O n b) h ri I r bllsln'·!4!4.!4eKKlon allerI MlslI 1:o:rnll Helmdnhl. treasurer. A :' �:����:t� 'W�:/: � progrnm co�r;nttte('. consisting of Ih,' facllit) and sludel1l� p�:d ��: I�gl� � ] .r IHrger r-;elson, Miss Signe Hler· !o'unetnl "er,lceK ""efl' held al �the . M . dehater!! AccordIII, th new IIIl1lBd and Mlsa Palma Helmdahl l rlnll} I.ulheran Church conducted arrnngemcnt :============ ======= r he tlr!!1 � peak 9 n were appointed by the president. AIJ lI � hI' nt"'. T. Svare. ·" Lead K lndl r l �elghl m.l�utes. orrtcer� are elected to serve quar. � l.·igh t·'7wns !4Ullg hy the (,holr and each1 sid.' h� allowed Do You Know the o p f e I l� r�. H:luge san l:. ' ;'a �e t� Face. " :1"� :1 1::�:d � n��:utSes� �t� ('� ::�:�� ter of the IIc hool ye !,r. _-'-rmenl wall In ar lIl.n cellle- r ' 1 he debate Is 10 he BUESCHER TIWE TONE ailow�,d I t ;;; I (' l I inrltrtlmenlR are played by the very lIeSl prore9slonal� ,\t'r Colton Is ��)ed hl9 1 three mlnut('s for rebuttal , or our CIO'? \\ lfe and three chlldrell, Emm) , !>lTVn. �T'S 1 -\'\IK"iT Here nre a few: Buil d ers Manfg. & n rt l �t d On TrumpelK :f ��:I tl: �u��:�n:�'o:�e�e l� ;&� Demerlts� The word II!-'-. M, Frost, over I Supply CO'. L. !\ellloll, for15 years lit .\f:tle Pantag.es Th('ntre, , A. H. (And),) oYer 25 years with the Tacoma Theatre Jlre{lent time. w!th meaning. -·D.emerlt!. The o n l e t e it T�coma, Wash, u sao "J �� i�:\:r��e;t�' �r���o�ln��?� Jr:�('�'::�of tD:n d,C y. # b n POLJT�CAL ISSUE . �����:\s in t� �:ep�es: n�;�;s. ·�'1 Orcheetra' ' Hal�h Hanllen: of ;�e f��:�s ��i:. Hanfle TOPIC FOR DEBATE word Ie mentioned only In Ilushed I�. Hunter, Dlreclor. Solol�t, and popular the ton'es and Is always followed by an L n ' umber & Ml'llwork Fred Jame!�����;-etr �o� I ���:\eard him. Do Ihe IItudeDlll at the P.al!lfl('· awed IIUence. In the_ bands ot· a Hllrold Bnderwood, known among all the. Tacoma musldans 1.utheran College la]k p011t1cs? Poll· teacher It a mighty weapoi! and one of the very beet Baxophonillts, and formerly of Ilcs� I should Aay they do� But for the deans II means unswervlug Dill Dalb)'e CoUlion Orche8tra, ' Portland. Ihey have ' nnotber name for II. power. "'Vhy;' you lIay? YOII do nOA BUI'lde-, of Good Homes can glYe you many other namell upon request. Line We ' up re n O u h w t1 on Terms t g ::eent!',ell� nd T�:: ::�. th�o rt��n t�;oe�. and the c:��lI �1�7�:::�::. ��::Yt�:P��C: ll� ::o� :�:� s�� ��e �m:� �a;l �e �e��� gre8slYe ' ldes!! of La Folleu� and . of demerlte whal a happy lot Office & Factory Telephone T. i:1�A -MUSIC CO. . would be� B"u� we know too SOV!.CI Russia mix more free]y"'wlth 917 Co 5t t . Repullllc:ans- -and Democraltl with· well thal .a demerit Is a horrible MAD. 89 . Glad ,aeeomodate �r��lth!'"�aIlY pay menta. '' 1 :� n;;.m OU�, hurling the parties c�n!=erned,. black mark agalnet one's good ; well do we k!10w each flem of , The first rupture of frle:nd]y reo � ]atlon occurred OD October 3, at a -long JIst wtl_Icb brings .these marks. And all too welJ do w� . the political rally when the Ihe results which Inevl�ably :cloll8ness of the-' old pay.les was fealed by the young SOY let. a hundred black _marks. Oh, to Spurred on by th('lr "ictory the cape from these. eYer.lncre�lIlng bol�he\'lslS next attacked tbe Suo merlt8 which darken our IIvee! preme Court of !he United States. by defending In Debating Society, October' 17 Ihe afrlrmaU"e side the question which read: lliat Congress should ·ha,·e power to cO� rE ilS /, I ·���w.:s°U:�he�:CI;;.O�:��� F=:==:=== ,=; i I .= ,,= ,..= , ,= ..== ,' , I ' ��� y= 'ron ��II��� Kreidler and George & Loney ,: • Haugen whereas lqll negall\·.e were preeenied' by n�rt I ' nnd Harz:y Sannerud. - Tailors :.:. Tbe .chamJll!l,one lor �j liVe ell pial ned Ihp.t � �; : tend 10 altac)!: the {.;, �.� :�u ���� . . . , \ �nltcd States but wlehed to cor· " • 8000 ,N"U(at:( '\ "'-....:... . . ' rect abuses committed by the Suo kinds of In-' " �.rlJ" a• . ,..- raeltk "..... make 'Fire. In'preme Co'urt: The contentions �ere; · ":"'"': :-::--:----:-" = t�at ou'r ' ju'!-ptfe a).e of ....an earIler s�rance our. spe�ial(y. Jak= :r;' .':II!-�" :: . . Foe � From .....50 to . S65 .. T.·.I� The ' '�8t IIchool 01 aoclaJ and economic phil· I � H � � O � -" : P � IN � � &�C�O�'j l ",""�o;;;i�""'=��.;.������;;���;;;;;=�=;..��'��'� -.- ' :-- oiloPhy ' and' ofte� apply iSth' cen- � ���;;;;;�



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Fiut Tryoul8 Gi�e Coadl. Rin stad Idea of Material to Be

Worked in During Com· Ing Season










. A coll�tlon ot new books re· cently added 10 the- Iehool IIbrar1 ' marks tbe be�lnnlnA' of the sYlltem­ atlc p�n that II being worked out for the Improveme.nt o( library fae­ IIIUel, The , " mental workshop," pollseulnl now about 6000 volumy, . bas been In�reued mainly tbrnulb donlt�onll, both·.of books and hndll J tor the purchase cif books. Plana ba'l'e !)een made by the fac­ ulty library committee CO!)lllItlnl of Profesaon Stuen, Xav. ler and flauge, to purchue as many · ot the moat neeeflaary book, (or the dltterenl departments of IDlltruction each ,car, aa Ihe IIbtuy fundll allo,,", . While all the departmenta are In­ cluded, sP.8c1al attention. Is liven to one two depa.r�meuta each lIeaa�n, For e.ample. 0 a the present time the ficHon and ducatlonal departmentll . will receive e larlelt ' number of books. .Slnce the flcl!Dn library haa nO.l been IncreaMld for a number o( tbe committee thoutbt It ad· to purcbase a reprtlllentaUTe from recent and near·r... l h t t er �:�:� l =I'lIat! :;:stl!��e; :, :II I1�:� teac,berl. A�onA' tbe fort, or more new novels purchased are the ' (01W �It" "".l lowlnl tltlea: The Rover, Joseph Conrad ;' Heart' l De¥re, E. HOUlb: Helen of tbe ' Old Houlle, 'Wrl,bt; Tbe ' Depot . Maater, 101 Lincoln: Scaramouche, R. SabaUnl and Tbe Brlmmlns cup, DOrothy Canfield. These booka are to be kept In Profeaaor Stuen's and Xavier's of· d l �::: :::ts �:. r:��I��� a�d t���:! may be taken out for one weell: r e l at Thl. 1d11 ��:� ::. b�� n�� .,::::: The \lb"rar,. commt'ttee has alao cOD'eluded tbat (he edo.catlonal ref·

10, Burton Kridler, P. L. In No;'ember At an aasembl1 of the C. IItudent' was awarded the IItate ' prl:r:e fo-; hili epay enUtled: ' the Collele chapel Monday, ber 3, Coach Rln«lIiad outlined ball. Addiction"· which he submitted ket ball acUvltlell for the year and the essllY contellt held by the ' Worn8treu�d Ihe following thlnlll In reo Chrilltlall TePlperance Union. SlIrd to trRlnlnl for athletlu: the Mr!!. Beniamln and Mrs: Hawthorne, lI11e and care oj proper equlpmen\': bOlh of Tacoma, were present at the proper food nnd moderation In eat- college and made the . award lng, plenty of IIleep. an'd carinI for fifteen doliBr which was won .by blillter!l and other allmentll atteD' Mr. Kridler In the alAle contell!. dllnt IIpon "trenuous athletlrll, In lIl ay, 1924 the fJame ,elftay 'won ng I c f t r he e of A:h� C�:8:l l:aC:l: �.:�: c:I:��:�� ��:Isl�� o� :�: '�:n��:t � :� ;h�;e���� They are as followlI : M.yron Krldler'l wlla eligible for consillef'atJon 1 n the for tlte Junior f'olle.r;e; Sidney Glasso, slate award. At the national Senior: Carl Coltom, J unior ; Lyell untlon of the W. C. T. U. whlcb Kridler, Sop.homorell, !lnd Jo: Glall- j lo be held lIome lime \hlll month frcllhmell. Tile captailla were : Chicago, JlI., Mr , Krldler 'lI e y nllille commitlee 10 arranse a j will also be entered 10 the natlo al IIche,lule for Ihe claaa bnket ball e88ay conteat beld b,. the unIon. lournlllllelil to be held ahorlly and BOlh Mrs.' Benjamin and ul.;o to arrange Ilractice IIchedule, lhawlhorne Kave Inalruclhe la'lkl ' Orl!lanlUl�htn �f Ihe leaml It.arted aboul Ute work done by'the W. C: . Immedlatel,.. Tbe 'claasea a,reed to T' U . --1� " - ' "TtI�1 In the cymDuhlM fJi. Ut,L&rter- . : f w o n O�)�,r�:� :�:\Tpr�:;�Ce �;� l:��a , are DEPARTMENT OF' orgaDI:r:ed, one CoOlllOHed u( last aea· 1\11 facull,. members, Prof, Pblllp E. Tlr. Hause. , ENROL�� given tho distinction of 80n',\ letter·nlCn· lIn,d Iqe other ot MUSIC material .lurnlng out (or MANY STUDEN TS ��!lIb�·�:tO:u�J:��al��na�e�::::�tlon. ;::���;e. Durinl th6 early monthl, and on L.a.,t year', vanity men ha"e been working ;;"el1 In �CrlmRgclI wltb the Piano and. lnstrumeAtal Depart- InlO the ,ummc� of tblll yea; Prof. handicapped (\�e," which Is "Hcrub " ment8 Have Hearty Support Hauge h&ll been workln« on an '\ Ia.clot 0$ tea.m work. It evident catlonal problem by hlmllelt. Th" l'u"" "'I> Illru Or Stude�l8, Under ��w . .J la belpleaa when 111111 year'l! comblnSupervisors Ih86e. "Th. Element.a· Whlcb aUOD startll eweepln« down' tbe gym, fler bu n e a en l nt a · Ih :h:rU6111: d:p:;t!:nt ;; I�: c�� ��: �o���� ��t� ��I" ��e r"<ItD'" I ''''' ::� �:th n::!� .�ltt�:I1:(��rt� "Sid" Ola88o, captain, and for- ICGe Ihlll year; Kreat Interest· Is of ArIa desree he had been fr o I mu�lcal ac UvltlclI _�y the f,D: �u.�' ./:.e � ::�h aut: � ."""".11 ',,",, :t;:�t �::r':�:�; a�: :���'ln: e:::�: :��;;nl�� s to . I e ht kl n hl ea rl th ad O I1I I �1� ::�� :h: ;;Oo: 'b:�� ';:y:=� 1 t h: �I1� �:pa��;:� t . �1I 1l: �e; Kridler and Blr�er Nei llon · h8'Ve Olember of the facult,. She hall IIhown liP quite well. Among the IIludled at the American Coneena, ra 'o a o M c Ch ag m l l ' le �;':e" ;�e:a: ah�� �ro!�:; �� ma�� �::� �f U�� k��a �:na�'r�:t:f; :; Annu�1 Com�ment ..."It"I I ··'.II[...... and ' Inl{ a ,all ant fight. for berthfJ on MU lllc, FarKo, North Dakota. Given on Nov. 8 an Inat!uctor at the latter In= Ihe team thla year Carl Coitom, ai- was lltitutlon for a period of als . yea�, , The though a little handicapped throuKh She been a teacher of mu· Jack of weight. hI pla,lng a fast Inbaathe01110' ga.ve a co.............· , •••,.... College . Farlo pUbl.1e achools. t,ar1. concert lame and migHt work well Into tbe IlcMrs. . . rn the added for tbe use of the varloUR PI)Hlp E.' Hause. head of tbe macblne. on the prolram wal 'tbe Inlltruction branchel, thOlle tor the v.?!�e department, haa been with Ilum, Saturda, evenInA', Coach Rlnglltad ba�_lhe material Pacific ' Esprehlon'" American Literature section b'ave ,al· four during y Colle e :l Lutheran and 8. larle ceptlonall g e An on hand and should develop a for; re - e I I U b d de t t. 1 v mldable a'JTegation. Andersoo, '24. H:;!�� r:� �:�� :;�:: �f ����8Ifo::: : ! !: . � nl:�r:�t: :� 'W:::ln�t:� �n� ��� �::c��t� �::��:C�1I :: :::::� d h i��� n Literature." by P. H. Boyn- . f er d�� :.a�: � � n::C�::h ' veatl}' looked forward to UNIQUE MUSIC HEARD �:!� b:U!� "::;�:d :: f::I�!:� � f er of , I ' AT . MISsION PROGRAM violin, took up ber. poettlon at Pa· ,.ca;�; l' Tb re T I b U pro ram waa as tmlowl: . ' ::: :� ��� �.. ::�:'; se��:I �{:er: :!:�. �ec��v� '':'r�: given a �,:�c4. L;�::�::s �:"et'h�1I 1�lm�ar::� P:f:0 Solo: Bal.lad in 0 Tb� Mi8ll1�n Socl,ty dlUere!)t Ource. Tb�e boob Lillian Lund, duet by' Bertba Lero and were purchasedlI last -year by the P. unique mUllnl aurprlae at I� . reg. taught at Nortbwestern Conaena. Gre' s ; MinSololl: Slavonic Vlollnll evening, 'State HJermlltad �as well recelve� L. C. Mlaal$)rf 8oclet1 and placed In ular meatins - Wednesday . lla, . MfnneapO MUllc at of or,. t ' Fadnesa entertained by reclt· t".,e library where anyone ma,. bave November 6. , Mr. Nae8.1l of Fa.Peo. Normal of Penplylvanla, Slarendan Kre,lsler; ' Canebrake, 8pl�a�owllkl ; N. D., accompanied at the plano by Col!�,e, TeulI, and IAIllral ColleSe, M� Van,le J:oeffler. . "Little Orpb"n Annie," Ellther tbe benefit 0 Jtb�m, The ,t)Ue of Mlaa. Lillian Lund, rendered lIeveral TUllcaloota, Alabama: Min 'Loeffler Vocal Soloa: I Hear a Thruah at 8ydow rendered, a plano 11010. Palma tbe booll:a .re tbe to!lowln,: A Hla· "uw" lelecUons. Mr. Naen uaed _baa Itudled at Cblcago.Mualcal Col. Eve. 'Cadmazr; Thank Ood fqr a He!m�abl and Oladyl Thomas, ac· 'tor,. ot Proteataiit MI..lon8 In the anl'!.. lell;e and under the following private Gmen, Del Rillo; Mr,. Philip �. companied o� tb. plano b,. Sl,De Near Eaat, Rlcbter; TIle Zulu Yeaan ordlnar,. carpenter'l . . HJe-rmltad, ,aTe a Tocal duet. terda,. and Today, Hame; ,The )(1... vloll� bow. The music ..as blgbly. Inatructon: Otto Meyer, Pbiladel- Hau,e. · b,. the audience. applauded . pbla : Uratlllisv' Muduck Pra,ue, Plano Solos: Etllde In D Flat, The Llteraty Surprise . for tbe .alonary Heroe• . ot Afrlea', Monlaon; . The Prot. Tbonon , w.as tbe .)Ipeake� CbI�'O, and '"sa.mo Kruty. 'Cblcalo, nl co e a of ev latJId s cont . Ilt. n. !1 e c ; _ Weber-Taujle: � ' �ronea of .rndlan Woman.bood, Valse nce t o tal�ln� the name. of �5' hoo ll;a. ruller; and tbe, Bu,alne .. of lliuloua, of tbe evenlnl and .d�lIvered an I�, ..... To .Umulate Interelt In -muitc Ylaa Lillian . Lund. Wor�. endea'for at · P. L. C, a . cborus and Violin 'Solol: Prelude, SAint. .Within a set time tbe name Of. tbe PatoD. ' , Itructh'e meeaaee On , Gotoodfurnl.h.l n-. an orchestra baYe been orpnlzed �' . Tb s an ' SalDt.Saen.'. An autbor, waa to be added to each .-�-�---�--..., .r.:. 'Tl\e' aodetY'1 otter LDther .moDe tbe atudenta aDd 'acDlty ..:r�'. 8h:be;:,.w'lIbelm ' JI� Van- boo"� relpectlvel,. A prize w.. ot; .Coeeh RI,..aad ..-1aboe. to "':' a montbly proeram.torrlbe Cbun / :b members of tbe scbool. The P. 1.: e ' . . . tered ,for tbe blebeat number of. m.&.d.. � that � to tb.C .LeaP! at 'r.r!nIt1 ��eran ....-tIeit �r IeI' ' . '\ u�on cc:'rrecU, determl!1�. ·Ber· � til. eGUe..,. �b � r1;ed O. accepted ",. tbe C. 'Orcbeatra . 1!� reorla�lsed. UD- III . �tba ' 80;0: ' ATII , lIarla' Bacb. be � fqr tbaI. to w1U Lero :lfo!J .. tbe prlzcl.,be recallid . ..JA&C'te. . tbe dtreeton�lp of Mia VaDcte der M.ra. Philip, E. Haule. aam.ea 0'- 31 autbon. baTe ,...... ...... ta � tIiIdr . tbe .' to. L6erfier, Work t:. already well ua. Obllpto, ilia .lOoe�r. .:!'Ia the coward who. Q.a.!ta The. I..t Dumber on tile �roJTam ' ..b�. TIde .. . I�' ....... .,. ne inemben of the . . tbe . lluleal-QueatioDary. lin �� � . be· � .. IDlarortllne.�obD. ,!,. lIoore. ... der ch-.u GITII me ..... r.!.bt wOrd Dd thi PIlIIIp Hauee pla,ed' ...eral mel� -.tat. MW .t � �... 01 tIae -:.VloUDI: Rani Bannend, ABlOt- ricbt acce"t �:d ] will ..tbe dieS . tbe ..lano, Eacb ,Um.e . � . ft.., but ODr .tie Da1. Theodon La.deea: Ou. •eeua1U. ....e .... WI ' , " . , !. (COD�Ued o� pace S) - . ·...ott. �re ..e-:!:d)_.-:;-U. W. Sbaw. (CODtln,U� on pap �) . ' worJd.--1OMpb ��rap. . -... ..,;", . •.














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:;' . , �=:::,::::5:::;:=:;� , b= �= c� J' fi� p, a= �.� r: Of =s=on�"�,M�em:' � nder A:;: �.E�: � b !!� S �H�.,,Coll C� �T an el': :':":� :"' "':IIA G � ut� :: � :': �. R � . ' �E :": � �H '--r O O N . . , " ge Board, of Trustees, Makes Statement

e ' . Savage �Of�'le,.MI,' · · ' " C:!_ . eeb 'duTi�&" the school Jear by (be students eve� ---t--�-or .PaPublished clf!c 1:uthera � ;i; _ �. P� �:"d�i!�� ' m ere I.n ,Plrkland, near' T:" t . d b. . 'H ' , "' , !, m "JL . " :: '� " '� �...:� brollnI .lbt Ujl ll'� er',;;� ;,;, ,,:; .7 +-__:,,:,:.,,. lla.tt�.bicb.�.l..d_' ' ; 'i:''" ' '..!l , :Co ':-';";'7-....::;: �� Appllca.tlon COr en�ral!:ce as %nd.cla� matter nollo'r penaln«. � .,. - l-_ I t�selfllhnhr ����:��-;: 10 little In compariSOn with t�' � ,conqured, and c�.r.crer IR terinl nnd Buil�ling � P;��� H�I����: merits that you may be quite un- developed. So the .tudents of Pacln \ �����i�����:or n . · SnlWinHies r- � familiar "';lth Ihe- splendid oppor· tic Lutheran colI se · tine all the HEPORTEHS \GeDersl "e ....s. or" -tbe lar�e · bllb 1� Dock 51. Main 676 � rth�stt;.;Ier�:t�� hI.nltlel offered t� the .boys and opportullities M Q l a T as II ria of this community. Ita toeauhool piuS' Ihe work or the JuniOr Campus dysIrenehom �aht tI�n Is · ·Ideal, eiflilpment surtlclenl Coilele and ·tb� lnnluab·· 'e ftdnnJ�a't kland I,ocals ·'TACOl\lA Org"anl:z:allona , ' . ,, ' . nellglous '_ Lue�::\���� to give tU!' ctl\l...r&es of In.tructlon lrJ. t.�es ot tlie s�alier .chool ThJa !M ...> -_ �Iuslc . Hjermstad Sllne bllh school snd Junior ColleJ"e work alolle would eeem enoulb io Inter- '-01_________""1 Alumni Dlf ; !: :;: :: to from 3.00 10 · -408 studenta� and est pare�s ;n -11.lnl thel.r children j :!l Athletics .. . fine In po�nt . Ge.o. H�mmlnl Its faculty unusually to enter Into the bap.py r f ftd I re r t the cbance ' Parkland Barber_ of at�denta.._w�ose· recor"s LJusinu, :'tl anager Geo. �.. c�o�er ::n:;:;lt; a:� e�%�lt� :: �!:�: Financial Secretary r e v e S� op suc show splendid tralnlDI. . But � tine, unusually Is spirit Its p:��� k"a�n:�s� acter. Circulation Manager A�vertlslng �Ianager. _ AHred Andenon the- school. beln, of a ·slze small sdd to ftlr tbese ftdv!lntsles. a and enough to live In�ivldual allent l on thoroulhl), Chr-Istlan atm os phe r e . Ii · knowledl"'" of ·the. Bible trom the = == j ..:: ....:._ .. '-:----' ..,.:..:-� ""= " ."'-"Ad" " o�.--,-...:,.-'-'-:..----' o,_ . -' L"-.-'T� .� ...�.� dealre It; and ,,!?clal _ .n to tboa Who . de. :�:�: e happy e : � �fI��� ; � :o��t' � c�;r::� :n� : :�::.�I�ta: t ;:t :� : L�KIN<? AHEAD , Confectio nary I u t . th \Y g .year .s now half . 111e' first - scme ter of the I�rescnt school , The ac!;demlc w�rk Is very cqm· Gulden �. DOell thla Sl;bOol merit . � � o\"cr. Let us pause Ihercfnre and look ahead. As WtUI so many plete and especially well preaented. your attention and ·Intereat to the Bil l's Pl nce . . Parkland �·OllJlg peoplc our thOl�ghts art' principal ly of Uie · present nn�1 The ph),slcal de�el�pment 18 aucb point Of enterlng- your boy or girl f I. l dn a ern College. ..............� ........ .... ... ... wl�at it I!old� for liS. Hut . tlie futu�e is of gr�ut . importance to ���� P���;� \�:!I. � �:�� �:I��� :h . ark ln ;:;!us�� ��: :s t�hr:U a nti looklll(.l nhend to It Illay gl\"e lIew �ngl�lflcnnc� to the ted play tbat the real nature of the H. E. ANDERSON. , ""





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l pr ' c��� ljl 1ife is f;u.:iuJ.l the futur tiS



Whnt is to I� i� lISlI"n:f Y llI�re·

important than what lSi ' f( r i t (To...,·ns and eOIllplet�s the lat. \ ereflV'l', OUI" prcsent need is to sct tt'r. In lnoking 'lhead, gmtls. ami aims for .our. ·I n's. �ll l!SI kll0W whitllt�r \v(' nrc Imlintl anti with that dearly in mint! WI.' I.'a n better meuslire and · ('vuluale · otJr �'v('l"y tlay s triying-. OUI' work ·bcc()Jues a step


I ,'r-----------tj SPEAKS . OUT . CHOIR Horn-Holmes Co. . ST 0 .


- ' A. Christe

so.n Talks Rev_ 1\1_ to. Students Gn � .NO\". 10

Three Gen ����!erchandise





Pucific, Ave.


�: ,: ::: : : : : : ;::: ..' " 752 So. 38th-l\1�d. �O CI. H:,\'Rt-:ltV,\TI\·F. Sf>:nvl<:f,: Rev. ·M. A. Christen Hen of Port: docs not mtl�e all things rosy. nor rellloye our-sceming Ir.o ubles �1'R HOS!)· nun:RS lnnd, Oregon. vl�lted at the college , . :lnd '"t.lisappOlnltncnls. l hc !JCS� allli ,JrolJably the only manner . DrumheU.... Ehrlicliman on MOllday. Novcnlber 10. and spokc 1002·8 Center , St .:-M. 7221 · in which to o \" I'Colllc · wh a t 1Ip))I.':II"S It) he hlndranccs 1ImJ. dis&: COI;lIpallT to the school at chape, 1 cxer::lses. lie 3901 6th A \"I�.-Proc . 50,. t t'ollniJ,(l.'nwnt�-ill e\"cry ·tln\" lire is to keep looking ahend of I l tll �·.4c..if."l(, ..\\'t-::oo; 0.: I b a t . liH'St, Inwards 'thc goal' we �l.'l.'k and vlan ultimately to ·�1t1lill-. _____-"__+ 1 ..; :�:::II I�ho�� �:;h �: �� g��.l�� cJ��� 1 + ___... cerlS ·In the pririclpa-l . Coa�t cltll!s l i'...,... """"""...."""'....""'�� 1 SUPI'ORTiNG STUDENT QRGANIZATION� R . I n . . Tht, stmlenls of P. �. r..� sh,(� uld supp�rt t h�ir O�l�81 izfltions We offer hest rotes fOr ���!ln :� ::;�ted :: t�� � :;;I��:� r��� John_oil-Coll J Ihesc sc,·eral orgamzaltons are re6entatlve in this gecllon fUr the With a 100 per cent loyalty. l \·hm cheeks, COlt· , . Scnndilll cluing good work und meri t the t'ooperaiJon of eyery student of Paci fic COllst tour of the choir. He Co any ..... pons or currency. and can onr school. .Thc Thespian Literary-Dramatic.. Sodety has a announced Ihat conc�rlll would be s.ell drafts nil import· faidy l arge ml.'lllbership. and presen ts inslnicli\"c nut! eH.ter- given In Vancou,·cr, I:i. . C .. �ellJng­ NDDlS · nnt " oillts in the Scitndin- . tainin " programs e\"ery 1,\0(\ weeks. The Debating Socie ty holds ham.. E'·cre�t, Seattle, and Tacoma. STATlONJlll S ' Oregon. Po�t1and. nnd · well-worked-olil" delmtes Ilt CUdl of ils regular sessions_ TI1C Washington. aviun countries. S O P1UNTDlS M iss (on Snciely- mcc t� � ach �Ved llesd��· e....ening and I>:o�'ides ren::;: ��. ��!f L�;:;:�:� �:::�lre��:. . . . , J.lro�raJ.:ns of an JllSI}lrnllona� ami de\"otlonal nature . fillS year Minn .. and comca 10 ·the coast hlgh­ The B�k.of California. the res'ponse gi ....en by the students to. the endea\'ors represented I), recommended. The choir IK OM hv t hese organizatious hlls b�en more whole-hcnrled iTi genernl of the four torflnlo6t choral organ­ N. A. �I�a n pre\'iously. HO\�....er, what we should haye is not- merely itll.t. lonll of tIle wo,:ld and enjoys not only a national bill. an Internl!.tlonal a fair support but a lon l)Cr cent cooperation. 11th & Broad way ..... .. reputation. Bealdes mentioning these general RECIPE FOR MAKING A COLLEG,E MAN TACOMA · facts about th-e 'choir a.nd appealing Take a simple, gauche, unletter- Talk to him COll6tllntly of brond- to the students to advertise its cd. lII·manncred high school boy mlndedncss. but al90 of Ihe necescomIng .... performance6 In the '''elll, who likes 10 work In a grocery sit), of holding to OI�e's convictions the 9pl!aker paid a trlbule to F. �tore or on the farm. and who la (he will not see the Inconsistency. Melius Christiansen , the dl'rector of 11 10-12 Pac. Ave. ( th!a I s "ery essential) happy In�hla for.hla braln .a so befuddled } ; a�r- the choir. He also· promised fur­ JUST ARRIVED round him wlth,..men who think only ther Information In re,8rd to the 1' Ignorance; A NEW S!llPMENT d e �:dd;:� ;ne : ut�:r, u�:: of ����b� l o� �:� �� :t���s� St. OIat choir and Its perfor.ll1ancl!ll. ord s lm e t rn o mo�; n:; o of TIES ' in ��: ::� ng f��' fash2.0nlng him. and �:::\�r::�e�!�� tahnat.�� �� �i:� Phone -AlAIn 839-1 I �b �elf at· ever)' athletic eve�� . Thenl l llt�er Mfg. Co RoortnR �Subject him 10 a year oP Eng- that he ahou.ll! nGt run the risk _0" QO\L .. TA R PRODUC'I'S TACOMA, WASH: Ush In Grder to rid him of I'Ils beIng thought "different" If he 2928 South M Street backwood6 flavor, taking care 'to re-. likes to browae In the library; W. C. BELL & SQNS CO: TACOMA. ",..\8H;. hIs original "peech with that Take especial pains to make all · place peculiarly pungent college alang; loaves the same. since they look so Give him a taste of phllcapohr. well - when served; r " music. FrenC'h lflne for culture), Bake In- a quick oven, or not at S'WEATER In order that he may at leaat seem all·; SELECT ·YV OU�'CH·��T' M�s GIFT . h c t e a n u b l , . AT ' . C COA !�� :��u:� o� LCat�:�u�r';::.��!��� hl�r c:;r; ;�� h\� th: �le r��[ d,: ' O .� ematlcs.,or anything that tenda to lust ol faculty· and student6 until L SCHO ENFELD & SONS . Many New PACIFIC A VENU�AT ,15th STREET d MCI�'I��in�°V: · ::a�.:£;.�d!:�P;�!;'�l�:'���!:: ', ..:: PULL OVERS . .hlm, 60 much the better, lor they crass · that rulea tlie world; live him,a diploma that he can, ar?d will. will discipline him ) ; Hold before him aAy.ys the·value ·frame; let him go out Into the· Dav)'';IoJj Men's Shop of striving tor · something. and i£ rworld. where ·he will thLnk . Ies�. of , !).;l' �ac ifi� Ave., ·Taeoma PARKLAND , MERCANTILE CO. e ae g e de •-J U I n ���: :�: w��= � �arrage of ��:I��lc�II� �o!� ��:�; l��!� :::r� "Idealism. flavored V!'lth a 'ridicule to a�tend a c1aSB reunion, to tell all CHAS. ROSENBURG FOR YOU ENERAL WA�� " for business, earnl,.ng a ·Uvllhood, and the other college boya and girls or THE EVCHANGE everything · but O·re(!lan pllHolJopb)'; bllt clan bow well be· Is Bucceedlnl, Book6,. BOOK Stationery, both Social . pl�): old looks, tbe nice and .Buslneas Run ·hlm th"!ulh � etatnplng. mill and bo"" " , ' �d ot half hp.ndred profe880�;--. eacb ot and aU the other platltudea tbat •:a��n���n9 pme��3a;�c1�I�n��se.. whO��d� complete aubmlssloll are carried wltb h im . 6lnce collele. W a, Taco b. a s to llis own method ot tblnkln.lI ; days . . . . -Manitou Messenger. ROU�. Verily I propbesy. I r ..L ·HONOR ROLL tive Honor · YE. GQODE OLDE 'l;Iear ye all! WII�t" find thy Jobn· �;�ta:;I!I:: ===I::d· �:ebt::e!O�:u;: �California Florists · . fo�· YO!U" . Ha1?-cOCk on Ye Honor '. Rolle! If olde gan..... tr 1UlB0�t.ted. wi th tbla Cut Flo.wers . Potted �I�ntl-· .DRY O ODS, G, NOTIONS, .Floral·Decoratlons' SHOES, RUBBERS �D by tb ye be luck Ie and art favored � outfit. !'-tJ ye olde �crlbe b.s It. .60phlatll ; yea, verily "B" · 'lll;ay "Belter a wls� rool lhan a Re.Publ!. 907 Pacific ":..Tt'.' · Tacoma ART GOODS come thy way. brother, ' and thy can." ·· ' on ye· altp. Anein ,we have It thal BIS I}oy t · name will be ftx� -...,. , A__aln.· If ye be too ..Oode to" be Hac. will be on ye str911e ana no. 'Carlyle Cafeteria "'\ :'- ttrue and hue .all · thy KC9uala apac� ·wlll be · found fOr more . "liwo Stores· \Vith But A ..�i�gle · Thought" He d e and . . . . . ::� i�ti. � l1i qUs:!�r: aboYe .��.. then · there w-re eolor6d Dinky ElllnPoD.. Selah.-:-B. K. . · n o To S:erve Efficiently ." ,'pel':*Oll In th,. woodpile IIOmewbere Latherila Colle..e, aad thy;""ac .lmI1. -.111 '9,on }'e U,£ . The crea,t"t, eae!l'y_ --to human t�7P.c1f1c �..e ltle Ave_ .T.acoma. G( teaeber�1 darUIlP---.--J - IitattDC- pr:o....-, �. fear.�obn ��"� Inwntd


which wc all strivc fUI·-success.


But idenlism



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\Ve hn\'e n.e"er paid· less



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Organ1Zat�ns Coinpetirlg in Subscription , ' . ' , , ' Contest Urged to 'Begin !'-ctivities at OnC!!

. The rbe lubacrlptlon 'oontest !:1.unC\hed two '8S0 hr;. Peter . og e t ' s n� l . . Ciroul ll:tlpn M�na!er -or " The \oorlns .Matt:.' expected to be taken up enthuliastically .by the various ehurc:h OrA:;anlutlona that t :o::�'��h::'.�:::; lillie _urge t�at steP� �e taken aa soon" aa possible by the orranl�at[ons

\ . m ' ,um









f:YH Examin� RiJ'ht GIatRO RIghi Prl;'" Righi '

(Coo tl"ed 'rom •••• I ) would new,. tune 'lUI IntrodU�d call 1111 number. The .,ttoal number


e �� DwmtO'p ttellt eir.;me. �he nllme of "he ' muleal lIelertlori I ti played. This conlest alao' offered I 18 , OPTOMETRISTS Itl! prize, Slgne Hjermltad, wbo bad conte!lt the the na e!l o( erer_y selection correet, St, Hcle ns -Ave, ' reeeive . the' prile, n r � h �i: �� , ' ;==: c�:,n: : ; T\: � P: ;l e. ,�M:.in: :�:>'Iay:�:;�::r�;::�:�t�:!�:�;,�:,�; ;�:� �t��:.�;f.'�k.� t,·,.'�;:;: �;r:�.:t t11�E�;:::'�:::�:�'r�� � ::: '�:" ;:: to :� It be. re� no.,!!. thaUthls � :: : ErHns Strand 'a nd Ar�ld !tetllns; Ident, Martha H'4ern'lstad� Seerelary, prize d �eldedly "akqctlve and 1&' Cor mer L, A, 'sludenlS, nre' at- Palma ,I-Ielmdahl; Tr.easurer, Anelle I . . . ' W.o . Reports of activities In the coru.- ton, " sUgrestion In ' earryins on the . ,dsts of Marlila'".Hjermstad, �rna work, a hU!ltling contest manager petition for subscrlptl,:ms ha\'e a17' I M,lss Iner. Siniand, ex-a.tudent of Helmdnhl and Edwin Be,ek. The somight be chos.en by each cOTllPCllng ready come from several conrrega- lhe year .of has recently , re- �Iety' further dedded to sell"'Cirhdy at .the next progragJ gtven 10 degroup. It this manager Is then glv- lions In order to be able 10 es-' I lurne'd from. a trip to Alaska, ' .prlies , given at ell the ai d of s�\'eral live-wire .as- tI,mat� the llrosre8ll th�t Is bel,!g Mis's Patrlcla\Egdlyedt ot Ballard, fYII)' expenses sl�tRuts and tbe cooperation of eV'ery made lbe eontesl maft'8sel"$ are reo I recentit left te 'attend the St, Paul the rarlous programs; The c�ndy I J ;;;;;;;; ;;;;�� ;l ;;;;;;;;� j; � committee appolQJed Is Rut,h Individual member of the organlza,- Queste� to report as o!ten�&, �o,!'. Dible Ins.t!t�tel Ct"Mlnnesota. IYer, o,,", s Mabel Kreld.ler:Myron � � �� sible to the elrc-lllatlo.1}, ",anRger oC· LI(ln, , \'er), good showing . should Tbe I a.nd Lyell Kreh!1l!r,' Monrlns Mallt, This courtes), be math!. . ' . .

- ... . "

10. and that aU au,bscrlptloni that are to be counted tn t� cont,est ...


p, �""' _. ""_'" ..

I� " ". ....".. ,.o . .. ,," , .. , """ . .. .






Miss Hope . Camb,u. 'U, and M 18 must be In at that EmmJlllne Quam. '! 1 . aro altendln� Bellingham Normal.. Ibe ' An error crept Into the l!.nnounceMlu Solvel, Rynnlnllt, '%1, II ment ot �he In . Iatt tbe at rrado. , (Iret the teaching , ISIIue. of The Moorlnr Mallt. The Parkland ' Public School,






I ' S ,\ lU"� Ic.; ('onE 0-: t;ntW $1';,1t fite ' dUl1in8 jolks are' rrQmm�d, PROGRAM GIVEN ,\s /n Ilthlete' I am determined: 1/111 '06 ,.onder Idltre rock,., A'T ' BREMERTON! Tn to th� limi t o ( IT'It�re ,.ou. stt a b�t/er �j"!I', (pia): the g:ame -. , � . . I"ou .,.ilI ft/ld tit.. tlmk.! ore III�II,f each ci,etall Alld I h.. "d.lt'I.. Orf' I�." :J _J� Th(> el'(�nlng program or the Lu- '-Y' c:l�a('� �w:!, giving · 'Ilier Dar FI,)�tl\'al was Jl:I\"l'ln b} lU' gr p.8t · tarf! nnd attention. , � �.i1...t. o carry nloT"tl than I're!<ldent 'Ord<11 and the m,!1"lea To :{It(11 11('10' lilt' �ill�'J JmoOlh olld --pJt'II.!Olll, 1 r OI ��;CI\\t��� n�! r/���IfI�O:::�ll;�e:'l \,C ��: ow n l).�"t,� !n. to do a little f,,:'(1:i;"�fI: ':'a;.:r : � �p'i�;'�II#'


my mo rt' l�ot s.'eklng help

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It Is Important to keep In mlnd will add z'est and spirit to the corl· Tit.. ..�s,..roo-;h are (:ro,.,ded; And 11t� "'I,tl TOOd.! are ;ammed: that the. contest closes on Decembe'� test.. . • ' .. r'iL'trJ Tltt P/t'II5an/ , T T S . \ v�


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RF:-:W:F.nnER VS--..:

Best Place In 1:aeom.a for





Greeting Cards

Fine3t 'Stock or Xmas Cards� Northweat


·�·o·� ;li��,e�a��;

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lhan Ill}:..share. ' ,";um 10 like !o drilt (lfollg, ! "... 1 (I ..., IU,. uumbl.'rs were a� (oliow�; I . __ - .JE;n,A�l D, & jlALAGRL:TI ..___.,._____.. \'jnlin f;olos: Prelude, Sarli·t. from ot'i/rs, ' . lJlll ,h .. ..uP! lhril (',"11 1M ('omoN". ) Sac",,: Sw:\n Song, Salnl·Saen!': A\·(' I To',('nrrcet Ill}' faulu, ever eager ' Alld Ih(' I(llk III(I,I ! 11(11(1 to ,10 i: ·Com,lINe !.lne "r ... �h(' pnn /(,SIlIr.! i? ��ory, � � )U:S'S CIA)THI!'OG :'Ilar!a, Sehubcrt·\\'!thc!mj: :>.tlss \" an ' t o le�-rl1 and IlIl lltOn'. llel'cr Seeking , . In ,'O\'er U ll or. con{>Cal ml�lukes ' lor Ille nt'•. ..r "'1I"e"lI� IeI!'. � I\NIJ l'l'RSISIfING l!i" LOf'HI" " . . '' . -Ed , ' V " U , ,for A. r'l1l(,S ,, . .. Pilgrim: M �9, 1 made. I, \'ocal Solo: I'm. a ', ' ; �. Y,' ; " ., . ", ' - , ' '', " " ''' " ." " , To ('''Trl' th,c fight to_th� ol)Pon· 1 HEI'. \ T;\IEST ." ' . 1 I:hilip E, Hauge. H OJ.' )ri!SIC - ,, . fj';-no Solos: F.tllll,e In· H Flat. ent.� with spirit or the "Old Guard" �SHOLI,,� ,�L"S\' STl·UF.!'OTS { �" "" .. � , _ --.:. .�,:� Frank J. . (Cnntlnued,rrom pa,lt'o I ) , ' that dres but nC\'N surrenuer·s. US1.I: Concens \'a[sl.' , "·ebcr·T:luslg: . Corncts: Proressor 'IUngstlld: To be unselfish In endca vor, car:'oIlH!, Lillian Lund. YOII delight" wltl portrait Your I t lon Wi\ ICh c lande Pellet, Eroa Aelm<\ahl. . I n l. (rlends Ir It r ,\lIl1re,;s: u t h e r'" Place In HIS' ing more for the i'latlsfac ' . , Baritone ' P.rofessor Thorson " . . I �� (tI\:{.� h�:� lor)": Prt'slilcnt O. J. Ordal. l cnmcs from doln),:, :a thing well than l sa;o(oPho�e!l:' Dlr,'er 'Nelson, 'Pro" O"o"JIll :..n ,. ', {'�m_ 1 ;\.01 A Girt \'ocal Solo: A\'e Marla , Bach-. or pra. e. "'< ,-"', . ' "" f ' It will I)rove most welcome'lIrnl .,;r""IIr.... nOll norl: :'Ilr". Philip E. Hauge. Vlo· To glory In fighting against odds " ",or Drulll9: Lr,man 6;rlson. II will help you Holve your ..t. TIId.,;, <;,,11' like the l.ace1iatJUlolI.lons who never lin Obligato, Miss Loeffler. . ' problems, I':lft Clarlnel: Walte� FrenCh :asked ot , the cllerny, ho I\' a lY Plano: Signe Hjermslllll. STU(>IO ILTON HA THE . l are there but, "'''here nrc they." M Ave , Taeo� . 915 Pacific 1'ln lll 2280 With Mrs, Phllll) E. Ha�ge as To . hate an allhl. knowing that director and -Miss Bertha -Lero I1s �rame8 and Framl�g . , " ampus oC"a 5 I the I�lan who makes excuses admits accompanist, a ch;rus of . about l � his weakness nnd has a d'l\'ar,fed tort)· '"olces bas been organl�ed at I _ : " soul, Prompt. 'Denvery the school. During . lITe year the . :>.flss Helga Hnnsen, a tormer IIt\l· To rise above ohstacles, to fight chorus will put on three operettas Pholle Main 504 dent o!..P. L. C., vIslteu Mabe� r- h<1rlicr when the game Is going the �or the benefit of the c�lIege.· At present It Is working on a short I'on during the week·end of Non�m· wrong way than when w[nnlng Our cod 'Ih'cr oil is ut­ To fight with unconquerable. splr- operet�a, "Peppery Pa" and on the ' w.ays· f<rcs U119, sweet liS bet . rirst and second. . canlata, "Ruth," which will be gIYen, !, that e act e with h r}' h' It, reailzlng . ,\'e __ cum� r c' Choing by the College man." at Thanksgiv I.uetta S\'lnlh spent the .week-end "deed Is the ",easure or I the Trinity letter ' the 10 according play To Ilt, her home. at Roy, Wash Bring YoUr Clothes Prob­ Larsen Ph arm acy ' --· and the spirit of the ruleR, scorning /"I y sJ T,. LARSEN, Prop. lems to Us, We Can Show Rev, and M't8. C, L. Foss were an u,i rnlr ad,'nntage o\'er an _� I)Pon· I' . OO(: for good b simply not De " � e g ' Tacoma 1 I�so, K . vhlltors at the school Mond:ay, No· ent . You How to Make Your somethhig,-Thoreau. uadlsmayed .by defeat but . ..ember S. Reverend Foss WIlS the with ahe will Mlll)ey Go Further. �dened by adversity r rormer pasto\' of ' I he Trinity l,uth. 1 Sl!ek learn the cause o f the faUT f'ran Church of Parkland, . ' , HO EL, OLYMPUS ure. ::r:nll. 1,jnd r;:rc:.III MOD1·mATJo; PRICl;S To be u�Dapolled by victories, re� ,,_ Mrs, Ludvlg Larson of ..seattle, Comfortable and Home-Like \\'ash .. visited her daughter, Sylvia ,t�lng thllt the brave men are softAll makes completely rebuilt by tha success ther r b ..arAon. '� , who Is a day:student I Y s n, ReM ,FAt ing PI� III . �:;�at. T��;:s :ar�!!!s heri ' 915 ' DOADWAY tft" ob DOWN-t&,OO per MO.To giVe the best that's In me to ma. es 0 TACOMA John Stuen was In Seattle during t he need that 1 may be a bette.r atu­ Ren'ted . Typewriters better a man. citizen, better a denl, and 8 the week-end ot No"ember , Special rates to Students -Ed. Arthur. 9, Ed, Arthur spent the w�ek-end of November 8 and 9 In Seattle. "Women's Ready to Wear"












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M.R.M,artiit & � 926


Lou Johnson


. Some one---was It Emefl\on!Mrs. Kreidler and Mr. Tborsen n rs l eIl eo : le \\;" tch I};l�a�b"JD8 '1\'\11 entertain the faeult!' Wednes- :11�) thl\� t w�'¥��t:r.� d �� ', a :�;: n IS :o ��: �� � day evenl",g. NoveIl!ber 12. I\ p1edlocre, l,es.siy and �nttormly. you S tn.ndsrd Keyboard Mrs. . H. H�endlDg II few r CO ..rd�" rntthr'. world of. n�mlngtpn I'ortabl•. ", . , . plelhorlc days In Parkland" VISIOn", h" so� . ,Aphorisms, We rent anti Bell all euphemisms, .. Harold ,Haga, '2:, of th s S\h00 , stale slang: popular songs, trite bits . -: � � ::ee:rrr:rcHhIJnt�i'-l�'� ' TACOMA Ph-Ohe: ',} . � She bas reeently returned. rom of gossip, plalltlarlzed thoughts and k lnt'J;' of m.C:hl U Pg�a��dnt:ntl -ti�' Alaska, " phras.5,! on every hand, Indicating . paired. '_ _ _ ' cnithlng of tho ord�nary mind. M..i�""'b, ��l I'k coml\. . Hemmtn waa the guest the Q or The ordinary, yes, the ski-track . o J:e �ohn80n at �be latter's borne mind. Following II preor path the ' I : MeMlilan, Wash" during, the ' , , m lim ts of I bl k o un'W�k-end O,f NovJmber �tlrst. and ;� e:�"t��i! IIt, ::::�e�; l�::�:�r tleeond, T,J'ue, such thourhs .are lazily and Jew"elers to Tacoma ' - For 40 Y ars · or Farlo, N. Indolently unl"\lftled, with little . Mr." and MrS. e Tacoma running amuc� on the the Misses snd cbane� D 919 . Broadw 732 pa ve.. , . oo, they are Wednesday, N,ovem�r �:�I� O�!;�I S�bum!e, :��;���:;;I:' , ._ : ' , " . 5 , .uk Y"'r G_r Fer 'B�t oh I the- 1I1wure the satll- € ' � �t b�lngSum- ·hm.I��: th'e )!.-a� �u) Claudl� Gardell� . the pathfinder'. : ner, WuhlnS'ton, spent the week-c!ind � J " t easIer aDd to let some- ; _ bel'inDlns No-.ember 8, T'lIULns Edna I I.. t '15 �!�:ke!�t t�hee:=�m:: tera, b, tho.e who thousht }heir � BIlOADWAY 'AT. ELEVENTH � Man, atten�ro"'ram ctYen own thoushta, aDd clothed their i DEPENDABILITY ' , _" � b, the L,ceum Cou� "Leaiue at •. "" minds � with the lentnp ot i \ , Ta of oma Chureh � E M c , "he Firat . I�ased C're Ahvays p .10 The auldl,? splrftiJ than wIth Senla. ot : the eYeninl' of KO'fember � � _ ane o e their own -Th .lfanltou euenl'er t -. , �ii:���ac�:And :u.� g to th�u:;::;o�,:�:c;;l�r�i�niu.u:eN::; � , � , operators,. n . ed exp.:!:rit;. 4 l i from BQoths-acth LtI nt e r D �tt a .. , 15 , . 8, l t.r .....t _.tt._J(_ ne c , hair c ttin .3 me,n .. .; � & �., % w - ,or "Collien" ·m_dDe, �Ia top)c .... '� a :woin�I}:8 a,nd' �hi!dren's fo!:,' bar�rs' I ._� !tor tbe . t11't1nh,,1' ·w.. "'Lo1'e, )far� . .� · , daYI OD ':"" account 0t j '�.'HIJO: I I tew u .g. '"_�Be.t . ' Kh ' -!A."r. " n ':DVC'l'l:._Co. : , . " J £q , , u . l pment n 5el'Vlce d .1P EWery a Detaj..J.--:-=Balcony ���e. and o�er . PUJla." '. _' , R I OJ�i ·. '� �.:. " � , �,' �A.OOJlAo. ..... B. ' _;:,� \._.:..:.'- ----:--�-_:_--,-.:... -:.:. -::. --:_' ,-\PHORI8)1�

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vilited with Nae88 Lund oi .



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�;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;��;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;:;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;� . Co p � LOVE ELEcrRIC'(;OMPANY' .

Mahncke & Co.




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,! . (OT'' It. IS aaaleel 'be<:auae tb�7 . breatbe not as'lamed of 'h� g�pel. of . Chrlld; won. For a wbole w�k we leou,Hod Salvation to -everyone Ihat �lIe,·elh."- the eQuntry ror '�b.crlptI9D' to . Ron . 1 :16. OUr " Moorlnl Malt." In nln ' Clothes For . November 12 . and tootld. sou,ht �e · .blne \" ·Men 2:00 · P. �I.-Ladies· Aid, MH. Anna Dale, -hostess. week Of anlflely It wu. The ' were lined up tn . eompetltlotl w."'h l '.n�I•• <!ALUION ., AKNQVI8T . -Nonmber 16 . the bo,.., and .Call times . to:3(). K !\I.-DiviDe Service. : Tacom. 10. So' . lOth st. elde knew tor, a c.rt.aJDty 4 :30 P. l\t.- :-Junior .Leasuc. other "u abe_d. --'<nd the' 7:3O ' P. l\1.-Dh'ine Service. " h�ad to- I'Te. a party tor tbe wlnnen! . , November IS The , ' subscription counted SHERWOOD GROCE�Y . 7�30 P', l\I.-Young Ladies' · Auxiliar)', Mrs. A : �!oo.Il1" Each ooe ye.r ... one po t. 'W,h." .'h: .m'n.''. tor_I,t NO_Yem� pro,ram ,I.,e hostess. Prop. Lynne) E. P: ,.� � n ,u . ,n a , . at 1:00 p. m: The pro(rIl1p Staple '& Fancy' Gr�ri" 'November 23 lay f."a;e ot a\l':�c�:d a lO:30 A. M.-Mission Sen-ice "�ith offering. . a�d nl'bts-�e so:O: �:: Ta�� '1421 N�� 1{ St. " Tacoma ' thlllltln, o� more "4 ::10 P: �I.-Luthcr J..eagl,le. suHerrptions. Then .c.me . The f.cult, and 8tudents November 26 da,-end the conteet �re eorColle,e Lutheran 2:00 P. �r.-Ladies· Aid.. Mrs.. B. Dens.on am' 'Mrs� had 'Won! Tensel� 'We t tt d ' ""rhe ad . Bloom. hostesses. ' deelslon. 4nd then-s ,' Shaw Supp1y Co., " ch.li : � " WI�I Sunday School mee's. at 10:30 A .M. every Sunday. Cl')" from the ,Irll, m� centa. Ticket. may be Inc.' polnltl Ph. Hauge. superintendent.. ahead! O�, 'We ' mllht ith(fr from Sydo'W. E . ' "\ Choir Rehcarsals C\'cry Thursday evening at .7:30... 1015 Pacific Ave. Hauge,. director. 'W.ter your bout a ' us See . -'Tacoma SVARE ·Pastor. pr. . ':: AT .PROF :, C:OME obleml. Alent.for . �� KOll.a and ;: t.:;). Mr, and Mrs. Lars Breum of ])uno SYSTEMS ' INTREGITY of the The' . monthly' CO�i:" Stsnwood called on friends In parll:j . Finis ing SUBJECT OF DEBATE o Wheeloc:k Eledric: Co. s �;s tbe a� el ' G � F��! hing . land last week. . . 3214 Main ' A�f! I'a('. 811 :;: :� ; � � : : t : � ��: �: ----re M d l / �a : seems to be contsj!:IOUI- :o .,. 3 , at tber tiome of Pr t.. ·and Arter 'bavlng spent the summ�r at P. I... C. Alain, the. DebaUng So.· No llI. .J, U. xa"Y!r. · Thlrteen. opaeto,. M Sln . t er, Mrs. Inn , Sola. In . Alftska, - clely took up a political question and se.,en parLar', 'Whea 'Were pres\Ve writc all kinds of. J land, sei'mour Samuelson. . Wallace for discussion wblcb waa 'rast ent. Durill'/the hUllness s�9sl�n sllran'te and make Fire 111Ins. Sahde have enougb to InClude the world's cf,:ll- e O n M so surance 'our specialty. e d e �����:d �o �a;:I�n�� lly� ��:r ;!��: t�: ��:!::: 'Iz�tlon. The question debated on ��a & M. CO. HOPPING P. W Oeo. slater, Mrs. slsted by ber Compliment Rev. and MllI. Carl FOBl. · M,.. October 31 read: . "Hesohed� tb�t It of Tacoma. sened a Paul or Se - Is for the be8t\ Intereat of chlllu.- lunch. Ludvlg Laraon and atlle visited their m'any friends In tlon ·that· the Integrlt� of the 1=hln' Dr. <;; harJes I'arkland last :week. {'se Empire ' IIhould be presened." P. L.,C. BOYs. GIVE HALLOWE'EN. and Amorette Day Webster Burritt Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Odder and Peder Sognefe!lt . . son from Clifford. N. D., are via It, presented the .... fflrmatl ..e arsum.enls x; a forfeit for their lOll . In the I ng at the Coltom home. They p'lan while the negative upheld by subscription conteat 'the boysS enteron locating In the West. George Cooper and Gladys Thomll.8. lalned at a H�1l0W ' " P'' 'Y I ' ' h ' :: The artlrmative e.lprefJfJed ,lhelr ttynlDftslum. The : fealure : : :::of:��the The Parkland Parent-Teachera hellef . =::::= In an 'Open Door policy for evening was the I : :� : ; : ::: ===::::: ., ''':::=== Association will meet on . 'J;rtday Chin A : In order tbat the empire �hown. Miss Bertha� Lero and : � I' ''Y&Co. Sbcrm':'.i!l' N",,,,b,, 21. ""1 hm 'h' r""�, p'Mlbl, ,ppo,. Pol'" S..." , w,,, Ju'g,d !J;e�l coslume'!,' And the not but self'development; for tunlty On OctoQer 25, a baJ:alll' was glv'en for the benefit of compeUnl for, prize was a 8keleton-like by the Ladles' Auxiliary of Trl�lty t;lgn poweI'!!. F.urthermore " policy' Jack, The �OYS had Lutheran Cburch In the college of Integrity, and winning the COb· gram of IIluntll: elld .contests \V. A . .Jumcs, Prop, gymnasium.' . In addition to the (Idence of Ihe Chinese Is the . only brought forth great deal o e -' r ln The closing ro ar !loa Pnc.ific ' Avenue . :�:;� ::r� ��:� �:�t�� :� �: ::�::�H� t�ea: n�e�:u�:s :�rT�iJ�� cream. home_made candy. cider. ot conduct should be the Monroe .!l Specialty �aircutling coffee were sandwiches, and cake: Doctr ine and the Golden !lule. .served. Later In the evening pro, The negative, contended that gram, consisting of a reading. and Chinese Emlllr_e wall de-clln1ng, Su.cccss cornell fro�l f1ndlnl one·Il I IIa..................................... number Qf .,oeal 'and plano so108. other pOl\'ers Intervened. To 11Rrllcuiar talent and de\'clolling 1t. 1r---��-:--�--, was ·glven. The money cleared, mO\'e lhe' control mHintalned amounting t<o $290.00 will be used lhe8e go.vernmenta would P'Jln China I fot the new parsonage. heca\ll'e It lacks codefled la"'8� and II Builders Manfg. � lnlelrlty. never existed. PreBent poSupply Co. Arter "the concert given by the' licy of other nallo-n8 Is one of In­ Lien & Selvig mUBI/';al faculty of Pacific Lutheran (l ucnce and nol of army Tacoma, Wash. . Importers of Norwegian College on Saturday evening, No- The negative also 'belleved In . .,ember 8, the LacHes' AuxUlary of Open Door pollc;y as given Cod Llnr Oil' Trinity Lutheran Church lierved pie. Theo"o.,'e· Roosevelt. Reliable Perscrlptlon Ice cream, cider. 'Wood coffee In tbe arflrmatl�e was challenged Stroud Duo�Art-$750 Lumber & Millwork Dru" ilts college gymnasium.,. The' proceed3 that prese'tl.t condltlon.s In' China Thi-nk of a Duo-Ait, the amount'ed to $80.40. . merit a change. The Judlel reno . Tacoma Ave l{ t1 SI. . gteatest of all .iepr�ucing· , dered two to one dec18lon In t�, Tacoma. 'Vash. Saturday evening, November 22. vor .of the negative. at such a low price! pianos, Builders C!f Good Ho!"ea . Free Delivery . a .Lute-flsk supper will be gl.,en Deliyered today for a small on Terms by the Trinity Ladles Ald. "Letse,". WR"l"iTI.lSO 1'1.-\.\' BECOME . ....i . down paYplent. tlat-bresd, meat-cakes, and pie !ire i\l.4,.lOR HI"ORT AT p, Offic:e & FaCtory' Teleph,qne some of the good ttJ.trip on tbe Sherman, Clay & Co menu. Se1"t'lng begins at 8:00 p. m. Wrestllnl II to be added to th.e MAD; 89 \Vhen . �ou telL a �al '2I-ao BFOadway The p�bllc III eordlslly In.,Ued t� JI't of �portl at P. L. C. thll yllar. Professiona1 Ihat· you hoW . TA-COICA, attend. a Buescher True Tone Sa'x­ This 'Wu' decided up<!,n .'-a Tone True other or' ophone aC\li!I�Q� 'faculty, ti?-fl Of . The Young Peoples' I;uther ,ned Instrument. he knows you by a nU�be� or . students v LeaK'ue and P. L: ' C. Mlulo'D ·So- ,Itereltl!d rank with the best. ' . In the Iport. clety met together ror the first \Vhy wait'! \Ve arc .n ,lime 'OD Snnday, November 9, . at . "EY.d" �rthnr. · 'Well It,now Parldand . Shoe S ..10 accommodate you M. C. A. director, I. to have 4 : 3 0 p. m. Rev. Sydow of Taeoma m. terms. . e rk at ' II S Of k " . A. J. SATHER. Prop. , rt�:th�� ef� hll : t:, I:��;� �:.: f!�l:�� . Tacoma Music Co. . ��:�st�a::� s:t:r :�I:: tbe Inl musical 8e1�tlons .ere gl.,en: tbe 'Wrestlinl teams. are to. be. or- 917 Com�crcc: St, ';fllcoina a plano duel by Sllne HJermstad ganlud. .nd Bertha Lero, and a plano solo yvtaen Inte1"t'le'Wed. N,r. A.rtbur by Doro'tby Ordal. M�. Naeaa of fJald th.t wreatilng m�tches . coul" Fargo. N. D... played "SiI,eterJeilt"enl .undoubt�l,. "be 'arrance\!. ,!"lth t�e Jac� ,Tar Togs This. SnortimFml Spnd&s" and Zions · Vaelter." Tbe local Tacoma . hlgb. �chOOls, Unlnr, . InstrumeDf he" Ulled w.s an .ordln- 11l1. of. WublDClon '.'Fl'OIIh:' aDd Y. Crick etSweaters .1')" carpenter's fJaW ''''hlch produced, M. -C. A. tt;.ml. Atter s!sIR&: up the With .a weli 1raiaed...:.. . .,' Jue . Sty1e ' materl.l bere .t iCboO'l he feell aure nate-Ute mualc atafl' of men 10 help Brog . . you Itled your Alb · After the 'm�etl�I ' i-erresh�eni8 ihat the meD: eould be 'Worked. ' leUc Equipment. .Can ,.ba", to b.ndle team. or the ere MrTed In the church . parton. " Oxf�rd� . caliber. and will be of a great. Itrvice to you. We' Tblt r911�C ha" s'lned :. , 0.' Tbetr.� .,. . O&bl, )(elrlD to t1,u,: .. ",. t'Wo' white of ruam:Dle, Speatlnl ' ' ap�rel ro�at�� m::fel'e 11r! ele "8-:A L:Jf� . :::: ue ·.pm;r.� 'Were uncertaiDI1 niner- MOn. Harry. &aDDerud, Tb�, 0111' Catalogue wiD be . In, tbelr ....y bome from the co.nn· �eeu, Bert Kra.&:De". Lyell' Kreldl�r, .lid erleadl;' place to 'abO!: . reoIe.t ' . Arnl 07ea, Joe JohuolI;. �.rold ... try iei.t. .� qae.t. . .. ;'BIn;" ;'14 }t�''1., ''i wan,ha to B"'; ,!I� N,!ao won." r.e.... R aDd. 8enro14 Olaf ' . A be Yery carerUl. Ftrilt think Y�DOW. .,Ured. Alldenoa, D D 1"\ uTAR BRO Lymaa · Car�.�, ..... " ' " ' .. G ' ASHIN ". you'li hu, u 'f'D t�e 'dlteh." �' w . TON � ."p.. " E' 'CO'. " '''..e' .. ..sa BOI la' utoDlahlDeDt, - It, la ho� .that after . "my. AC; j . 10TH & P � . ." Wa.b" 1'ae?ma: _ TACOMA I thOll�t you � ilrh'tU." � �e l ll . . ' · ",. w I a llO � · ma __�";_i._";-;'�II�;"__';;" " ���_;"';'_';;'_.i.,;,�,,_iIIi!!iii!.. . ':L . ..tW:�...... . ' ____ ' .

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,HONOR ANNOUNCED BY P. L. C. FACULTY Stu'!enla Must Ha\'e an Average of "n" to Be on (he Honor Roll; No ,Marks Below "B" ·for the Distfridh'e Honor Roll

On the bula of the grades ghen (or work dODe during the Ifnt nine weekl' df scbool. Reglatrar Ph. E. ," HauJ;8 ,bas prepared a list' of Honor Holl students for .lh�t period. The · Honor Roll affords a means for I giving distinction for better "lilac average . echola8t1c endea\'or, and Is ulled widely In hlgb Hehools aod col.leges. Prof. Hauge expects tbat Ita adoption ,811 a regular custom at P. L. C. may give new. f-"courage.ment and e'nthualum for hl«h 8cholllr�'hlp among the students. T.be Btu dents who have an 8'-era,e grade ot ':n" In all their courses are fAace'd on tbe Honor Roll. Those who ba,:e no grades lower than "8" ,placed on the DIstinctive Roll.

chapel. Tbe book re�ture of ".. ere the seenes from . or nine well.know� books that . 'd'ramaUled by various mem� bers �f the society. -Nothing that could add to ' Ihe betterm�nt of the presentation had ' been' o"!ltted. · participator! were dreluled In


P..ractieing Re�glarly• . Has Not. BHn"Ar· ranged-May Play Spo. kane College Thia Ye�

Resula.r men �or the teaOl bat'enot been I �eled�d .s 1et, but practice proceeds e Y ahernoon, prOmising . prospect� "r\ f�r a team are . I a, positions .on . coml .nS he IISht. Jha � tlie lea: are to be weV contested for ' e�ldent o w s . :: :pe:�:lt T:r p7a:':: :: u

. Ahar Beck, COOper. ·Irene Amorette Day; Fadneae: .-If!.»-­ Helmdahl, Signe IVerson. Lillian Lee. Sylvia Olaf Ordal. 'M!Jrrls Hockness, Peter Sol;nefest. The 8tudents who Rre on the Indications above "how that tlnctlve Honor Holl lire: one who landl! a steady b"erth Helmdahl, Sll;ne Hjcrmslad. ·Martha batt! to work to' keep It. Hjermfltad and Mabel Iverson ,Alfr:ed Samuelson and Ted Stens· The faculty at P. J.. C. In ' land of the alumni have been aSlllst· !luclng this srstem for the Ing by coaching and bel ping In the . time. r�1 that HI! benefits nre r;yin during the afternoon practices. \ ready 'apparent. It haM 8erv�d Offers - tor g#ines are beginning t:rellte a deeper Interest In study. and to be, received- as the' (ootball Ilea· tholle who tailed to reach the goal li� �!..!� ! � � � � � � � son � � � :":"' . --,· {l ra;s 10 a close and basket· ball . -=":"' _ � , � ,_ I ;�:, IItandlnl; ' hard was rooln . {hi!! time are IItrlvlng dillgentl)' to come into Its own. dllrlng the \Sllt halt ot the III beginning bener their IIchohi.rshlp. k ane College, which III mo.klflg Itl' .Tbe members.or the. ca.ndy Sop trl� nnual to · the coast, an.d tba II profit rrom The �'Inter course given by Po.· dining room sod every :day' m"". I "nm,mllle. report a talr CANTATA "RUTH" lth OUgh t.he· su,,_ :t;�:g:I:;alD,����er�o�: u:::/fh::; . cWc Lntheran College opened ' on studentll are nrolJl� . ���JrtPR ��: PRESENTED I Monday, November 10. The num· The , winter \courllc continues asked for games. Too basket ball . III an The Trinity Lutheran Church ber of IItudents enrolling this year eighteen. weeks"\ and h le u o o nt h e' Re since tho> choir. In cQ.3peratlqn with P. L. C. Is grearer than at any time . :�� :1�� ��'��b7:d�: ::�:: ��:. �; �:� Inlt ��C�d��� �::; w:���;; !�' ChorUII. gave the Thsnklll;lvlng Can- reopenl�g ot the scho,ol The �or. Ity ror . �ho.ee Who :an attend , g one.. Interestin o Parkprairies f and roads now almost fl1l� to Its ol}ly during the winter monlhs. Is tato. "Ruth" on Sunday ll'N.ernoon. Ringstad urges tbat the flO pleasure, has mnde Ii . Coach and eV-'lry ava:l1able room offers to torelgnera. a beginners' I :-.;"()vember-6,3. The chorus of s get out to' the gym at' the and II!! now lIeen riding' about boy. put to use. Five long la· course In th.'il Ensllsb,.. language and ty voices was directed by Mrs: . time set for practice all considerable In his new Ford sedan. already been added In the In9t�uctlon for citizenship. Philip E. Hauge. The 8010lsts wen!: t'lme ' ls 108t' th-ru thlli habit ' ot ·�om. ��oml. Mrs. Ph. E. '1Au';:e; ' Rutb. I�g late. -'-_�__ o el ln o e . Paradise Gained By P. L. C. Students � ,-". :r��ds �� �.K�::r:� �h: ;:·i� :r S�H� . CALENDAR .trail was f.D_lrly :well b'roken In slon mu,Sll Informlltlon.. a�ou� .t�e· Or�� was iung by Mrs: ' J. U. "Pile �'Ui. gang. we're leaving." t�e were the words beard above .the u.p palit the toboggan chute, Further Swiss · navy, and JtJf present Xavier. Wfo;DNEliDAY, NOV. 26 . a po s l eca a ng o lng 8 outs. . Detore retlrl? g the b.oys Thlnlksglvln,g recess . berlna b ,I �:ad �a; ��h�: :�:�sh�es .� :: vahntured nu�U;�:a� �7ss ����� 8�;nd �I:;:� �:��d :1: � ber o�;::: :tthe . b:�: everyone m: p. 00 : . tbe moonUght Into t�ok . a c�ance. ( Ca.p. An-. � a. 1 lt�le,outskIIng and· tol:!agganlng. the plano 1010, "Kamea'Ol OSi,row" In the doril on tbe mornIns: of lUOSDAY, DKC, I . Nov. 15th. This lI;ummons succeed· derion's name should not be to�nll for .. by Rubinstein. . 'S 'h . OOI , work resumed at 8:30 finally t clve they A clock 0 ,,: the nl�b�. , (n the list or those who In{ tor Atter the program. refreshments ed In bringing Alvar Beck, "Cap" lackingdifficulty. m. . here. ) found . .-were s�ved In the 'church parlor!! Alfred Anderson. Blrger Nelson, XEHDAV' DlW, 3 W clea next wn · The morning r . Frt'.ncb. and the two elder Four hours of cllmb!.ng brot tbe crls?, Everyone was· up early �. L. C. M!,!-,ion �cletY at 6 : . 5 '. by the 'Iocal Lutber League. . . ' brothcl'3 Into . a state. of party to �arada Falls .whlch are each peraued his ,favorite .."... . .ular1l' beautUul at this .tlme The MUI!!cal faculty ot Paclflc �eml�onI!CIOUsness. At five o'clock par�le . ' F R ,\1', D,...o. fS 0.clook, wben. again of, tbe- f(ar. Here a pause was till eleyen slipped Thespian Lltcrary-Dr,matic SoLu�be.ran Coftege gave a compltmen. "The Prep," Mrs. Kreidler, gave. their feet tbem to 'made to give th"e part)' renewed vlg. of p. "fa'" program Sunda)' atternoon, No. tbese boys starter wblchathad at 7:30 �. " · and, accomtlanled for the last mile and a 'halt snowshoes vember 16 at the Lutberan Church. sustain them until .sup'per Para· or FRIDAY, DEC. US by. Gus and Heinie; ' . f · . of I1s jo�rney. Thls,lalet ')ap went way Rev.. Sneye's charge, Kent. Wub. dlse Camp. . P. L. C. Deb.lf.tlng" Society 'at 7:00. . lonlt hike 40wo to Longmire. none In tact. and. "Cap," with hard tbree Beck. AI pilot, the took it �1l8 'tbe o Hauge b. P Mr. n. Ingt l{rcldler e n' "Burt" and iltO N too spry. any tqlt' fellow8 the of entrance. park hours to reaCh the spea1l:er. · In an hour and descent the stay was only long enough> H'avlng eaten a breaktast" only· 12 the eu. . The "snap:(lhoot�ra". liTe hours ' ·,,1 CVIOUII, ot �ourse; no one Qu�,:" . «ive lime ror applying 8TUDEXTS . after. ilbon lu man most ulleful here on a tug ot war' was hungry. The Count your Tbanksglvlng vaca. chains. :.Fromwas In evidence. .The In the world right then was Gus N� �Igns ofJ fatigue could be UOD a ' flillure' If y.ou return.. 'to with �AYlty at PaJ::adlse. ticed for one'· could . lIterally WOUld' Aot stick to the 'so� Anderson, t-be "cber" achool without hAYing secured whee:ls-..n4�&mp..;and Gus was no pl!'e� either. down th� five ' a�ct"' a Jra.I.l miles. Streets, . Tacoma.' � 8oo"-;-- the 'png-' had --to �.et- ou� After t"":-o su*rl�tlona " for . The M r. otten and' pusb. . . maltln« use ot the fine sprt:,ad. On the .wbole, the o trip wu .quite are: Mrs." SllaHum; COl;ltralto; �. Kut. ll e e n i e u Mi, L8wls'- Nelson: tenor; Mia " Mf1Ilate ',oureelt with ' your I��!::�:��t: a!: :�kl:; Up�:: �:�, �:� :::r::::'i:: fl���S::�� ::::�; :.;::�;:� 'f:D� It. l:.lIIian Lund, plano; " MIH Van· n u e'� storlea; abo'ul .tbe lum .mong tbe other students.. «Ie Loeffler. "Iolln. Tbe adml8�� :� �:-.!:��p��oa: �;�:.�� ParacUae . Traj1 with sn�wshOea on tog to Hein-, . Ipr::tbem-Booet be es '1. for another-trip were planned they Hetnle s. ln« busin IloD Is l6Y8nty·t"'e centll, plde abont wu snow Tbe bacu. tl'l�J.r ��eni! .4 tbree teet deep. at �n«mlre, .bu� to�� Is Swl.., and bu. In hlB .poaae:s.-. the Tbaok"h'n« . bOIl��".:"",":,�. K. _ � _ '"'.,.. � < ,









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�orld'a t1ne'l ma.lel'D.

' ....... e \ ' CONN INSTRUMENTS


Edltor·ln·Chloe ' Mar:ag�l: Ed,ltor .

"_·_�'· I T- N(,.n'H"fES:T


General XCW!I

Campu's . Parkland LoCAlk­ Organlutlonl Rellllou8 ' :'Ilusic

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a a �:�c u�����n�\fl:�::r . Advertlsln, Manager

1'1 5.� Pl\clflc

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Parkland Barber ,Shop"


DUsII\C�1I �lanagcr


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':If anyone shoulcl RiVe rile n dish. of snn(� and tell me were piirticles of iron ill it. t might look for them with lind search for them '\:ith my chlll�sy fingers. and be deIce( ttwm ; hut lei' me t�kc n magnet and �swcc'p through , tllld llOW it would draw 10 itself ·the almost invisible particles · hy rilcr-c power of ntlroclion! The unthankful hca).:I. iikc my . ' fillg�r in the sand. cliS{'(ln:. : , no me-["eies. but Ic', the thankful he-nrl swccp through til(' du, . nild ns the mognet finds the ' so it will find in c'-cry hou some heavenly hlcssjngs only iron in (;()(rS hunt! is l-l lc1." : Ol '('r Wendell Hqlmcs. � y •


. '\'e ha;\!e ne\'er paid less AMERICAN ;" SA 'VINGS &. . LOAN ASSN.

?D�- \��-

Taconla, �.v8sh.

�7�h �r� :�: ������i �� i�� � � : ; �; l: /� ;��� � h(��i; I "";I(,""�I"!.��!'':.'��;'''', '


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ant l)()ints in' the Scandin­


The Bank of CaJj(oraia, ,

and kitchen utenalla .bue also been


th� the beglnnlns of No...-emb.er baa nccee&llated some porehaee. In thj!l · liRe ot-rurnlture 'and dishes. recel,.-e"d by other . Flrlty : nP"" c�� .hue been re� the 'achool. the' cel,.-ed and rlfty more are' on the try laboratorle. .ay. Tbeie ' are elpeclajly ror thtl n�w. a.ppar�tus "", a.,." ••:' , dlnln,s: f"oom, and tlJe ol,der :'cbaln balance , and an . 11'111 be taken to tbe chapel room. h�Te been �dded to; tbe ' enou$b oratoiy. A df"yln'.,o,.-en and Lately f.b� ha"e not tOt\cbapel, Ind It eau,el quite It�lr. . or cb�mlcll� aupptll!a� chalta ' ckem!strT I bit or contusion to' brine them .ptft'claaaea tOf"� thtl· . tor,_ · from" tb'e dlnlo&" f"oom tiTer,. dIY, , Lut sprln, '" Pf"O�. Ringstad Willi th. addition of a hundred ne..... '�I! , the lab­ eleclf"!e-'1!Ia�. an stalled ch a e' tOf" pleoty be '"Will .ibah .. there' . ' oratory tbat II no..:proTlne or UN ' ' room. __ ," es.. emla� c:.1 tb!_ tQ dlsb!!. Of ·ort" ... �� llan o d. tift,. OTero




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J002-8 Center SI.-M. 722\

'Radio by brln,lnll: to communities .tbrou,hout tlwf nation perForm.

. In nur err6rts lu nttain 10 success we arc nil prone 10 negancel o t lhe "reat masten b; tine led the apparently simple and trirting things in lire. We 'would orlullatlonl, II do"lnll: mu,lc to .c· lIt1e.nd only to the sceming liig thing!l that corne rorth demanding quaint Our people ot the beatU.!el consideration. Bu't true S H:cess eannol he attained through a mUllc. ( i e e lake a I re n h t . ' I j ? l ( 'a l I , Yr } l a�� h l � R-aJ��;��I:t1: ��:f� h���b�:� : � o�! l e la 1 l o i ) ou e , ll h : �O �� 'I a r 1 p 1 r�m i; ���h ��:����n:� II) apply the implied SIISf.:estiull unc.:.e more in r('gllrd!l 10 mualcal' demandl or tbe ·pub. ani:! al!lo tn The Mooring Mast enterpdsc, , . There II no' need tor the !lub· ' It is me sum totnl or the grades and impressions made by tor Jan: music becaule It II Ihc !lludent each (Jay ill Ihe classroom th'at will delerm ine 'the the barbaroul characterll ..rc I a a S It Urst pouessed .-Radlo DI· ( r I s !l l a I o e stamp n student ItS being (Jbstrcpe60u!J-evcn when no !lingle , act of his .is { Ueslil)unhlc enough 10 earn the charltt" terization. 'Ve I do weU, therefore, 1101 merely tn prepare for Ihc important final (' xamillati!.Hls IIr tn nrlllor ourselves to resist the great tempi 0l ions, but 10 1)(' (\':ucling in our daily prepnra lions an � Phone �t:aJn 8. <J94 . tment t promising in oUr'"c\'cry tiny dep o , . If Co' ' s Ii J E. Berkhe1 urrai .. "si 1 Ie ( ir II li '� \oD cTS OA T spell continued 'succcss for The Mooring ''Mosl. Fur th!! 2028 Sooth �I Strec'!t not orily . the gathering of eno'ugh Dews and the ,naklllg' up TA(.'O�f..\, W,4.SH. 011\' neces rfort be m st fashion kind in Ihe r or pa is sary. pe , . u E made to Ret �I)ikl news. nnd 1 11 of it. and to mnke up. not a pare, 1 h t,t t the best possible paper, The starr memhers musl not only t.: o\'cr their assignment�. hut IIlllst cover: them ude(luateJy, The THE BOOK EVCHANGE studenls in general musl not only _ look forward to each Bookl, s���o;: ' :�th Social ' �n of the pU ler, hu� rnusl" coollerate in every way possible.to Fountain Pens and Pencils . forlh eac I issue, They must be .ever on Ihe alert for a 913 Pactrlc Ave. Main 3049 subscription, another adv,ertiscmenl. an original idea. and any Tacoma., Wash. unknown bW of lIe\\",o;. G1lr readers are not only to read Ihe . news appearing in the pOller and so cotTle in touch wit� . P. c.. I_H,It should alsu heed Ihe suggestions.. of our 8dver ltseme�t · · coluntl1}; the)( arc' 'scrving us ir tiley , "patronize thesc , lums that f:'lowen Pott�d Planta olko 'sen"e us with thcir suppurt . All or thesc comments Florill Decorations about dijrercnces Juorked merely by little thinS!l. They I;lre :'acoma 907 ract rlc AY�, large whc!i isolaled. yet wht'h t,he total �ff-:c.ls of, them are , .... measured· they arc. all clothed \\!lth new slgnrflconce; they de. ./ termine .success,

J ! ; �� S�\ �)�:�! !;������1 � �� T ��: � t't � : ��� : �!� �� !� � � :t� i� �� �!� ��1 g���II; � ��

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""I;�===::�====� I



Tbt:e� Gen

nos J)

r I Hi

,Horn-Holmes Co.

t ( l l a l n I till ,,� I U; t l \\� nj ) r � tlr I 1 � l ... ,o,� lin more fut ' you Ihan (r('ctlmn frollJ sdwn) and'" work'! All too Is largely riuHlY of liS lonk up{)I1.... Thanks�i\'illg in U' IIH1llnCr Ihat q uite Increased Inlcreat unfits the occasion. Inst.cml (If heing Indy grateful · for th(' f o the generAl public In hlessings we have reccived 311(1 of using the day nationally dcdGive the best mu,lc kll'tccl for t('counting Ihc� iJt'ncfi ls nlld . . r�ndcring tha,)ks for fO rmnnce and Its apjleal them., wc ..r(·�lIy sci n�idc the day'fo� enjnyilllo( morn nn<i>greatcr y' I extended. Most �ong hlcsslllgs. Wlthoul hCfIll: thankful cllher for _what hQs been or about dllUtea music are based upon is heing rccciv{'d. he Stitt', thHllksgi\"ing is 1101 to he idcntiri�d singi ng or playing ,that III 80 poor , gloom one( IIIclanl'lll)ly. for 10 do thai would be to unite With th n t t he - IdeAl of 1M composer incongrolls idcn�. Sincere thanksgivin� on Ihe olher hand must o . n t evident. lX\>altended by praise and r( joil'ing. Our pronencss to inconsisJust as a scratch or loiled copy ' Icncy lies in looking upon all , cnjoyment as' an expression of f n g reat palntlns obscures or con­ o n fitling spiril on Thanhgiving Day. Let us, therefore, be joy- cell!!1 the orlslnal conception. 10 a nil!'! and glad .hecause (lr the grnlerulness Inwards God in o r y played BeetbovjJn symphony poorl u hl'arls, and 1I0t nssume fhut we are rendering Ihunks simply heprevents the Iltener .from hearlni I ('a use we are ('njoying ourselves. tbe lIubllme be.utr or tbe ma,tf:r.


DrumbeDer, EhrJicbman i Cqmpany ,


1001" Paciric Aye.







Ca1ifornia Florists

Carlyle Cafeteria



;ou�'�mhiT';;A� GIFT .

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Gift ' Hea quarters


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; ;;;iiii;;:�__;;;;;; !.iiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;.;';iiii��;;;;;';;;;; a

Headq uarters . tor Teaeben and Students ' or tbe PleUic Lutheran Colle,t!. 817 Pacific ATe: Taeoma .





. " .,

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' , . _ , .



1'�o Sto....· With But A' ,:;i�gIe Thought.. '

T� Serve



... '


,.. '


CasweU .O ptl1la1 CO.,. o· e . enee. . n or or !!en p e .. . . ' 1'\," {rM ernlty at CUIIDlle 1 '" I OU !l.ftend !'I nd ,,upport all "I� I PI;TOMETRISTS , lette IIRm.es. \,pIrcul&lIOn" �an.aler ala In desires boil they CIII; do. Il'wlll be lIe(:elllSllry of Pugl!t :;ollud.· . Imper 758 . SI. 1I('lells A vc. -..: YO , \Ui'IKlrt the 8thool urge the rompetln« otsanlr.atlons (or the VllftOD!! orga'nJlatlons to Ii . utln A" subscrl'P,lliHll'1 Ilrnd ne Main �h every eUort dUffnS"" the Call"8I!! every !louree of . posslble 'A. K. Andenon and Ounhlld An' by Tnt.mHo. �o(n:1put11.,,tor !:"llron In� , Ih� ad'fer'hrerl. I� ho"17!1 0 �kI before the ",cOntest lIubscriptloIJ.S', earty' enous:h to haTe ' �' \Vosh; close,. The Moorln« Mast hal been .thenl i.enl ' to Peder· So«nefes.t, Clr." �er&on. �ormer I . 1 A. it �deDt lJ IF YOU: K�e' studl.oils .'IInd ob8.e ne ' , emthe O lIlted IIchool Tuelda). NT !ltud, hourf!. .Informed of the Inler..e!l{ and elllhulJ_ culatlon Manas:er. all to teach la6m fo'r'�he conl.eSc In many local him on or before I he da.y 0'0. , which be t 1 1 . !he)" have bee� In : Ketchl- IF YOU: ate, fuil .of fu� bul do not . tIes. The spirit· In whlch II III taken the . contest c1osell. T h .'contelll ·kan. Atasil:a. during the lI·ummer. tll.ke Your plen$ure at the ex - _ T E."� ATIO N' S .Ul? �rtalnly au«enJ wt;ll for the IIUC- manas:erIJ should lIee'" to Ite thai he Mnd brought se,'eral new IItudenl� ) penSe of otherll .' ce8.9 , ol tb<:, conl"etIt. ' obtains all. the lIubscriptlons' hi from ther� to 1'. I�. C, IF YOU do no', �Ilt' clhllea. chApel . et us at tbb trme merely offer g�d time and that they ate prop'or. roll room. ) . . . 'rnow.. Wh�t encoura«emen t we can to the erly submItted . for partlelpntlon in Mr. Chrl, Melgare!. a .a;radilate ot H'e:\:�;eI!!-e!l , . YOU (16 not �arllde .your , �roups In competition. Some prob- the-c:ontest. . . I'. '� A. ila� Jllllt II;f'aduRted from' led«e . . My become dlshe:trtened slmpl)' Admlttedh' only oue�or tholH! or� the MtdJcal depart"!lent {If the I1nl' lIerv- H' YOU ar. nOI sno.bblllh or,lmpollt� lI"ln .'U+aco'!l.!. �{;;,..I::lfln fl Ave. because he 8t re se . 10· gunlzatlons ·I;\. the com iletttion (':an verlilly cif OreS�n and III In other words lire, a .Chrl�Ilan the call t wns[!t not llPOIl eSP.eclal[y �'In Ibe Ilr:lze. ·· lIowever. the effort Inll:' hls,..-Intern!blp li t the Kln« gentleih.:tn Ilt Ilii. limes. hopeful. Some . others vert likely put forlll by the. otbeMl . '11" 1 11 not be CODnty Hospital. , .. hR\' _. Th�n yo�e 100 lier (,ent P. L. · � been healtatln! abOllt taklns rru!tl�s�, The . re� "alue of a elr- :. n.:� IEmU�l} ni_ -G. C. C. lltudent. tHlt( al all beCl\llse O!�f leader. (· Ulntlon IIst' such I\ We hope to 11 vel who h�lll been ·'M r. Hllar . I S �'11I be the �'alrbllnks. -- -....Ji.hlp or:_ c:o.nflfl9llce. May .'I\;� hope' oblall! tbru this contest 11 yeMrS ls i ;:: = for Alnska. Be-st Taeoma tor Place-In . ======ll Ihal this spirit of hldlffet('n c�and l'ctl'lce' Ihnt The MoorlnK MIII'It� as now tourlns: California with -.. hls l j = Ahnln = .�'; ;��'·8n�on , H· · �·e���=:; . l>f r U�OKS I!�:perslstence Is not at all s:enerf'l. It �nmell el'er;' t�· o weeks la our family. lie attendee! P. I A. I S and II I\hould not be. E"en now n hU!lt' lItherall IlOmes: rende.....ll to: the Pll - years Ilgo. . He will he remembered I T,\("()�I:\ TITI.f.; ('O�II'.\�'\" . • ·r,·rl : Iln'g !.uther or Junior League could. d r[c 1.1IIhel·lln College :lllli ' to Ihe iJy his ('IIlIISmatel! lls···Klondlke.'· Gr.eeting Car ds I 'lIcl(l" A'·.... gel Inlo Ihl!! r:l(:e lIllIl win. The ('()n�I[tuenr)' of Ihe. colle'ge, Your ' ,� .lh"'ktrIJ1109_13 Trulil IH Id ,.:'. Ur"",,,1 r floo Fjn�'t Stock· of .Xmas Cards I � 1� I II e n e e l ,,"::,,::,"::' ' th .e e I I rt 10 Northwell;l : ""::.":,::: ,":";,,,:\1; ��d:r ��:�h:rW�nl;::'I. Jl �etn ;)� i �i� :� Pt�� n �:t �::�y ��'�:::i·ce. � �.:� � L. J:�. l\�: . hI1: il. �elf;:Il� �I:ar� « I�: �� / ;:.,;,: ucoda. "'ll�hlllll:ton. recently sold' �wn proposltlon. thercfore�a;UI win orgnnlzatlun as 'whol� B hiS P. K. Pir�et ·CO. or . ' . ... I U l)· !Iud went to M;'lrrland where he 9 0 Broadway. Tacoma ,or your org:lnizlItlon l-he benUllful iria-t..t tlUaIlY. bllt nl!!o to The Moorrr[ed. r t e i s IHlW ih' lng I� ' JE';'I.AXD & PAl.A<;nUTI ..__...----�--... . 1;:�I�,,:/el���;lpUC�:I;I;I("�f \\�:�� hD�cI�;� :I��.I �:)I\ h: �1��I;�'i:o���� ����tJl �:I�i ;'.�;Ol::�� I . ...."= . .. ..' .. " ... ...."'. .. ". . . ... ..;. . " ..� t fered as the prize. ." I muilltalns the school:� . "�f.��'.I�t'��I�·;;';..��G J I S. M. Wedeberg. who graduated . . -,\ SI) FrUS'lSlilNG -- . YE GREATER ' from P. L. C. III 19'Z2. hAS recently . . ''''."''' '' ' ''' ""'... ;�' . "i. UNDERSTANDING tim " ,,,, d " 'he "" A'", "" ,;; '.' � 1\'nw It , C:U!IIBt to PHSS that· o l\e frnlernlly the College of · Puget Camp� · LocaIs ;.<" . . l n '. ' I II T �("��lI 1�e/�I� �th: ! so und In !t��_ . Frank J. _ ...._. i, , ... .>.:.� ; .:: � :.. �[n :O �S :of/II:�our::co�llege ;��I l.yman Carlson hil S returned to \\' t! I\' 011 a sunny I M[ss . Bnrblltn Roe. who /::raduilled "�hool aftf'r a f�w y. eekS' absen ee. nnon . li nd th l's mnn. ;':'119 II U lllbIC 1 1 from P. I · C. In 1 9 22 was . un)(ed Your portrnl! wlil delight YOll. , his learn[lIg fur he:: had heen heav)' In murrlase to Mr. Lnwrence A. Mcand your ma-ny friends It It I!! tnken here--' lth toll the,se many )'ear. 9. As Intosh ori Thursdn·y. No,ember 20, l\' Mr.· and :'oIl"!! . J. L Xavier enter, H8 uge at he passed he perceh eth a piece of at tl).�. home of her' parents. 1301 As A Chrbltnll", Olft talne.d M r. and !\Ir!!. Plm welcome-pa ller crumpled [n a ·heap. and he 21st Street. N,. ·W. Seattle. WR9h. itt wllJ prOTe most dinner . Sune!ay. 1\'ovember Z3 , you' solTe your thlnkE'lh to hlmself-perchsnce this hlglon. Rev. Ordnl officiated, �trtW��Ob�:�II. '''Alii'. _ _____ · !\Ianha HJermMad III' leaching a Is the work , of !lome learned COlle�e llcLr?e� ���!!.IO 1���� TI:i I !!hall IIIndent. save them and read 5 On 0[' the December 14th l'r.es. cla8.9 In Sunday School at the Trln. them hefort! the hearth this eTenOrdal' will sj:leak at Rev. lIaavlk'Jf and "'ramlnl!:' Itr Lutheran Church. tide. And cllr6fully he placed them, cha�. Seattle. and ,. the mual'Cal ;.. ......... ... i"rames .. .. .... .., ........ .. ...,......,.... .,;. .... ... .... ... ...., _ . J_ I II Mr. and Mr9. Pho( Hauge ha,'e In .hl� lunch hucket and went hili fa(':ulty -';'111 «he a conoert. r.-�---�-'----, recently mOl'ed Into tbeir new home ' l'i'Jl)Now Pr.ompt Dellvery . hill Wife was a goodly .woworld wil l. furnish the work that has fuat been completed. Phone Main 604 man bellt with hon�st toll . ,and she to The do. but y�U must furnish the NEW FASHIONS her hushand much as do all pluek.-Edsar A. Quell. The Misses Solberg a1nf'"Vt el!llle of lo'·ed wIves. Our cod liver oil is al· She knew the old Auburn, Wash.. sPent Satur(ray night «OOd .9 every mooe! Rnd when , she ways- fresh nnd sweet as man . F ;':ol"emebre 22. wllh Min lorence crea n o e . �humacher. �k\�:�:�f\v'n� �r�:�� �e" h- allt� �:{�:� ' CJ.�fo'W :��. ��n�;�� . more tb a n bare wage 1I thl" d· a y. · . Larsen Ph armacy . Brin� Your Clothes Prob­ . Those who attene!ed the moUon Then stralshl-Wll)' fell to ques­ S. T.. LARSEN. Prop. Mrs: H. Uaga returned to her lionlng him as all she lems to Us. We Can Show �'h'eA do. aboul home In Seattle after � brief fIlay his doings on that da.l'. and he to 1 1 0.6 So. K Sf. Tucoma ' You How to Make Your here. r q uel ! h�r ' war .....hoop unfolded his ',.''�';I� Money Go Further, � � � ' sto that I,, her. was he A II secr to So ''; ''� "� rII�t � Iii Mrs:. L. U. Kreidler a.nd Prot. e withc," a craving, ror 9Iea;nlng. and �������; ; � KDS 'N� �� � � I.. Thorson entertained the 1'. L. C. she. with a nO!le for gossip. took to � �<'! ' �I:Ilnndnrd ' p eWrlters ) bo n r d Ty faculty, Wednesday. Nov. 12. In the H<'!nllngton KPorlable. t;n,dl'rwOOI'IIJ. IkmlnRf,ODs. the small hils of paper. girhl' rCt."eplion. hall In the dormi- unfolding Ro,..IH, WoodstocQ \.0. the content of these crump��ik�:n�::hlln�""I.1 �ll All makes completely rebuilt ' o led papera ....ere . Intleed puz:tll nd . r?·I'�=;.rI I�,r�n�I�. d �·n. Lou Johnson ' g a « � re"" clclLne,1 e ol ga wis lnlLf:hln"� Irue or coull no l .��':�� d e e! h l l d . &", \V T��;� �: ;::! !s . Miss Anne Erlcks�n' of llo et. d r Of e o 915 DOADWAY I) $3.00 DOWN�.()() pt"r �I.O. s an r i K �o �� n: �:::y �n � :� x�:� fAi n 9(j' ��j rT��"ef.0TA""";a. e ��� :��nt �h::.e::�� o:f��\.�� ��; ::��: T�\COMA Typewrl�e�s SR�nted 22 and 23 at the home of Mr. and man's head for he found nOl. the Special rlltes "to Students technlca.1 treatille antlcipnted nor an'y r-'-------:---1 Mrll. Myron Ringstad. . . r IO 9Ig " Wome�'s Ready to. Wear" Mahncke & CO. M.R.Martin & CO. 'Thelma Erholm or Bellingham. �n�: ��: ;���;·n::: :�� frailness .... .Jewelers to Tocon,a and a former stu<k!nt of P. · L. C. of the sweet young thing and the For . <to Yeurs vis [ted here Saturday November 15. "'Take It from lIle·· of the self-proSidney Gla8so And Rudolph San- lnimlng male were evident. .One 9l!) llroodwoy Tucolllu .....!tnese · to the faCl that derllon visited at Roy. "'lIsh .. Sun- 8crap. bore THE LYNN MORTUARY d r a' t ,lay .'\ol"ember 16. ... ... ...."""'Ij """ ... .... ... ... ... ll" 1 :; e:� . "Superior �Fu�crnl S,cri'icc" � l �e;� � r :r ::e ::�h!�::l\ yo�� .717·719 TAC@fA AVENUE Prof. and MI'lI\ j, U. Xal'ler en- things. Anol�er that a Myron person . SANITARY BARBER . and that a affected. lertained at a dlnn'er Sunday ror l\'as similarly Phone : Moin 7745 SHOP ex­ the followIns: faculty members: young thing In Seattle was . not ·Prot. and Mts. O. J. Stuen. a1ld .ctty tiure' of the direction ,of his Uqder Pa�tngeti Theater family, Mlss,""" Netlhi Larson. and' affectlo.n . and thereon branded. him. ' 9th Sl�eel side �'e Sheik:' ' Prof. O. L. T�hrso"t. I Many more IIl1ps were unfolded ChairS-:-l)rom�t Service . . Compllme)1ts of Mrs. Palmer. a daughter ot· Mrs. also and' the wife fearing tha.t they ' I a n ' t D MIi�,euring Expert· d P �::!e�r., �ls��.c�eh:;l ;.::Te�:::��� �::; th�; �: :to� :·I�IC:; �O� _ LOVE ELE C COM <! was besl' the' admitted . H� l. C�nrad have 'would The stll-dents . of P. L. C. were . holiday 09 Armistice pla�e for them had .,.ou seen" them, I!:'lven' a half Taco�a; 'Vash. . 732 Pacific Ave. :And the moral of all tbese words day: . . '. ' .I (s tbls: CUI not thy gems before r Mn. Lora Kridler !lttende4 ' a wise men. Selab·TB. K. " .:.:. . meeting of the American Anoela- . tion · of Unlv�n1ty Women at tbe The .P. L. C. cborus ",ill present lometlme "Peppery Pa"' , Scottish 'Rlte Cathedral '6n ·Saturday tbe operetta r:o:.a"rtei"nOoD, Noyemb6r 16. Tb'e speAk- �rore Chrlstmu. At tbe ..m put - ' : :�aa Profese.cir· E. J. Vlckner, time;' tbe Thespian Sod e O 0 r �a:'c::Of�I�� 9 f_ Pto �.t _; ��e �� . . �� �t�::a:::: Bfa I'll e!lUtll<Cl. "Jed. SettJe� l?:Own." ,The' , ot Wublncton. :'Gre�t Wom� rs of SWf!den." ellt a�d date will be aD.Dounct!d rt�C:�1ar� allout 8er�. lat��. . . � . ' , Lal'erl�nli& � an� E.lleD �er. .'. " . Aa oPen eye and an .atlenthe 'ear' . 'b e ...... j-;;�t pr&iae i; _ o.�iy de�(;-. but d� �ne� to' make life .enjOia . � � . 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the ower of '\ . Rom. 1 :16, p

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141 TACO),lA.





' Phone Mlltn

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W Aij H, ·101 ·


"",AOl Sne.t •

Better Clothes For , , Men CAL




a AHNQUl8�

So. 10th .


. Shaw Supply Co., Inc.

b pe 1 r Tr���J u:.:� l:R� :;I� �..��;::y �T��� P. L. C. DEBATERS : Inr;, November n, was a very sue- TRY NEW SUBJECT, ccn(ul one. The seulng belli" .. ,:00 P. m. and continued uoU late P. L. C. Debaters Abandon in the evening. A large ero:" at· ilit's for "Go\-'ernment Sub­ . en 'in, 7 teti'ded. The .money tak::;. will be uRad Cor the ncw Rnon16ge,. sidv"-Strong . Argument.

problems,. A8'j.llts for







Kodaks and . Finishing


Exira 'Good Finishing. No e}tlro cost

Wheelock Electric Co.

8U r..:c.

PaCif·ic Ave. Tacoma 'I


. See us atiout ' your water

PreRnte d by, Both Sidea



aClliren • llanlll"

'_ _" '_






... ......


Thank� h'ing Day A.� l\1.-Divinc Service . Nonmber 30 I O::lO A . �I.-Divine Service. .r� ,I::ro P. i'l1.-J unior l..ca�u('. 7::«> P. r.1.----Di"ine Se rvice, December 3 7:30 P. :\I.-Young Ladies' Auxiliary, " , .. December 7 lP:30 A, l\L-Di\'ine Sen-ice with l.Ollll1lllllion. '1:30 P. !\I.-Luther League. . December 10 . 2:00 P. l\1.-Ladies· Aid. Sunday' SChool meels at 10::10 A ,M. Ph, Hauge, _8uperintgndcnl,- ' Choir Rehearsals. every ThursdaY - � �Ciii ,l"ijf at -7:30:'-;-Mts. . Ha ge" director. � REV. T. O. S A RE. Pastor, .... . 10:30

C r :� On November 1 4 . the P. L. C. ari:t iv:; �i!lo'�O�:�e �:����:/�� \Ve write all kinds of [n­ So�t(lty abandoned Al3.llka ..here they have been .durlng Dehllllng sllrance and moke lfire 'In­ tlCII, its pet topIe, the summer. surance our sl)Ccialty. IIlIler the "pro" and "can" or. Cl!mpliment O r te t WM. P. HOPPING .& 'CO. :,\1rll. Walte� Is at,the Til- ern men! 8uhsldy ro� our' for diseullllion 1I1UrlYS:��:r ��:1'�:t � ':�:� �r �� ('orna General Hospital ""here she Marino.1 Tho Question bnllball It went Into tbe oppollhig th IIlOW r�_overlng from a Ber[OUI!. ��'{\(:� e �:��;[�!'C!�'t :: ��III��:;I�:� ket much to the chagrin or t �e op- =======::=i:::: 1 OJ". Charles ::1nOIlIl, I}' _ I.ON}>:\' H. SJ)c·y.Tr", . the encournlle.ment aild upbulldlng pOIdt[on 'lI ",guard MIII1'I Helmdahl O�:Q. . HAUGi� � kONEY l 'Y eb�ter Burritt Bett)· Svawls on tho sit'\( IIsl. �: e��Oed:e���,ICa;heM:�;I�::�tI:!a�:: ;;::r����lc:��on;��;e. the oUlsla�dlng lL R High ra' : tO: : OrhllC O n the en"filng or Salurl!a\', No\,. ujlh('ld by Alvor U�c\( and Luetta "Polly" Langlaw' was the ,�� ; ac;r�: �ve �� l il, Mr. and Mrs. I, Strand were ,R\'lnlh while �larthll HJermlltad and Illayer on t�e side of the prcsC!nted the arguments fense, although she I.nade plC!llsantly lIurprlsed at their new "forrll ltheOyennegative. fre'luently sh� did not make home by a number or Ihelr friends. m r ;i ve nt tIO Ul I Y I A very enjoyable �venlng was spent. Go::;n�:!�t ll;:l bSI�� :� �:r:;��� :; I�� l��:d:�� �: : Sh�:tl�; was �t , Prompt Service l le Dahl Ane I M�lrlne Is a 'I\ 18e; pracllcal and deslrtimes a little erratic. . ' . Hf.'v. T, O �'e the addreHs . IlCY bCi:ause other nations ' . ' on the High School sex . at a coneert given Friday e'·cnlng. ublc � . havo elO oycd It with 6UCt�SIl The te��e managed :0, gain a tolal or ;." Model Barber Shop Novcmber 21. at tbe·Bothleham Lu- operutlon number ot polntl!, her IIhootlng �as flso , er. theran Church. 'Harrlson and' East IIhlplI which twethebuiltlarge as ,rtrol · Vl � the war ratle and IIhe missed trequently. \V . A, Jam es Prop. G Street. MlslI LIllian Lund, the re uires more capllalduring , than prl l'u te College played the belli; bas­ J C.. was q 1110.no Ins {ructor at concernll can furnish. ,'Vlth subsidy ketTheball throughout game, not the al.!io on the program. 903 PaciAc Ayenue the vessels will he able to only on thc defensive did they shine cxporlll to every cOUlllry In the. but on the (\cfenslve they RE V T. O. SVAR"E .o""""II!DlI"III!""'''' , Haircutting a Specialty :�..;�:'�I�l. r th ur�l\� bet lcr pr c�. ���::�� � t de VISITS M ENAG ERIE �� �� r pr:� II��: � c�;�� ;or ��e w:�� the high s9ti.o�J .forwards In CI The other e\'(�nllig when nev, T. or , emergency, ....·e 'l1I�ed a Whll.e ' tho' .college O. Svarc . was making lIearch for Merchant Marjn�. ' During the ldln�. the high achool 'IIn addre�1I on one. of thea three "K" II"' ar we were unable to utilile I nO... IItrpets In Tacoma, he meandered l trade pportunillOl'l l be"lIuse we laCk- I Ifr ..................�...... Builders Manfg. & fllr from his destination and Wllll e<1 a oMercbant Marine. And lastly obliged to dismount his '�sftllnter .Q l .ur �hlps, mnst be componsa�ed SuppryCO. Lien & Selvig nye" Ford and seek Information t FNleral 'ald b�use they have byto Tacoma. Wash. 11M to hili wherf.'ubouls. He wall I Ike f'n mPNe with the subsidized . lIhlplI Importers of Norwegian the young!lter who , WIIS not lost l or other natlonM. Cod LiJer Oil . el'ell thoug he dld.cJWt know W II�e ' The negnth'e contended that !!nb' Reliable Perscrlplion he Anyhp..J!o� Hev. Svnrc �'ar' �1'<1y' Is not necessary IfpbulldLumber & MiI lwork Druggists . IIlill able to lI!1k . Qoostlons. Becaulle of our Merchant , the street waa peoillele!t!l he h!ld I Ing Tucoma Avc & ) 1 Sf. rC ! !lnlt or world .... . Ide to go to nearby reSidence. To '" dellre-sslon, shipping Is I Tacomu, 'Vas.h. corroborate her "erhnl In/ltructions etrial Builders of Good Homes "('rr Ilort. �alural nncl thl! Indy of the house 11I\'lted .hlm l cau Free Delivery �ell for decline 10 \'olume of on Terms In to �ee a m;tp of the city. Be- llatlonal trude cannot be overCome sides meeting the mlln or t.he hou�e. If.r hy fi nancial Feder!!1 ald. �OndIY, Factory Telephone Rc'·. S\'are h�cl an oppor.tunlty . to be· IShiI' s.ubsldy sets up a bad pr�cedent come Informally :u:Qualnted also In that MAD. 89 It taxes� everybody to ns­ C. S. BARLOW & SONS 928-30' Broadway with the �ets ot the 1Ioulle, The slst a tel\·. (JnCOrporat�d ) of . ship +-sub­ TACOMA tbme dogs were friendly n.nd caused sidles In pastFallurell were stressed. 'Vhy Dlstrlhutors' ot . slightest . fenr In the pro- subsldlle our shlps� America has a not the fesslhnal caller. The caged mOIl�ey larger private owned Mercbant Ma­ BLOOD'S PAINT howeVer .....as of a dtrterent trame or rlne tbnn ever In history and .It II V mind ror ' when- the unsuspicious In· 1111 bulit without subsldy�' BulMer's Material and Coal formation-seeker :walked bravely In. Itt reply to 'protectlng private shlp­ Parkland Shoe Shop . 1 7 15-21-J)oek Street he '.;as rather t8;ken a.bae� b)' t be owners against ' foreign subsldJzed IInap or this collateral Issue o.r Dar- neel, negative proposed to place an Tac'oma Wash. ,\, J, SATI� �. Prop, wln·s. ... 'liadltlo;al tarift 'upon .goods carried Whe.1l at last the caller had ?b- by foreign subsidized .shipl. 'Thls talned a host ot Instructlonll and was tariff 'would add to our" treaiury making IJave of: bls n�w acqualn- and stop foreign aubald'ies. In refutances, '·i.�It�erto· . u,nobserved par- tat.lon of afUrmatlve's argument re- I ' rot chirped forth In an edgeated garding ships -tor national defense ' s Store This � ...i��ing Goo'd e n e I II I g 181t. oy an . V· . T i d :;� '��;;:�b�: , O;': f!��,�� ��I����; �:��:�an� �\:::Of ':'�bI�.:':" :��� ;:�:;I I �it4,.� �ell" trained takfng the . Implication at all , ser- nee!!ed tor su�h purpose, get them stall' of .men to help louilly Rev. SV;llre proceeded to Ford �d ebarge �e losa to the army and The Land of . you select your .Ath­ hla way to hla IlCfJUnatlon, only to navy." . letic E quipment. Can. . find' that . his' I�tructlons dld/no Iii the rebuttaL the affirmative Wonders and will be of a ' greal I I e m eh en service · to you. We : ::: :: � I : ::ed � . :e � t r��� :: t�!ns�Y';:: :��:e t�::n�::;n: �:� � o �Gc �: e . / -; higheat - handl.... the 'eelslon was 2 ,to ' 1 In .fBYor rlae btgge�� . �'�r;me":t-' oi­ lStood. Judges' d . Toys :·J.Jl be found , !Il:ade "SPALDINGS" ot the negatlTe .. , · . ./ . , Tacoma · f , . Our catalogue will' be ' Mr. and Mra:-Arthur Hinstrom. of . - ·ituden. · seitt · gladly upon re o ChlnOOk./�h., vlsltect the Jatter's A1.lfe, Knutzen: a' former t . . . cousin, Lenore· NeIaon, Suaday, No- qf ·P. L: C., vlalted- frlend'a . here Rhod.es . �I. ' . . .. . It aY. NOVember .18. ' .:.. ��r u.. · . ·. . � �� . " / WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. . Brothe �· Erlla 'He.lm4ahl apent. Uie , weekE.ihta �'F.rrell atsen�ed tbe U. am, e. Sat- end of November 10 ' and �I with. l'acoma__ , , WW__ l fI 10TH ,,,, PAC. ' c of W..;W S. C ..!ootpaU . ·i frle _ In �uth Taco�a, . �'!" �i!:�be! !. � ...-----�-.,.-li.I...-...-...-�...."',�/....--......IIiI--iiai.iii-I,�" �.�! �








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P. . L. C. Boys' Quintet LU"". ' _ . Game to Fife High but. Der.al· ! . >" . Team Saves' Day ing the Feminine' Ho 'o�� ' I.l '� . , ..,,,, Boys. -Fife. 23 P. _L. Girls. I), ' L. C. 17. Fife

"Je�, , SeUles Down" and "Pep· ne:ry Pa' to Be Presented by P. L. C: Studenu -


Lack of team work, poor Ing ability an d failure to cover their opponentll COllt P. L. C. their first game thill ea OD phlyed at the new Fife gymnaltum on Saturday Ing. Dec. 12 agalnlt Fife lIchonl team. by a score of 23 to 8. Getting off with n good IItart. Sid GlnSJio making both trYB on a fOUl allowed blm, It aeemed as though g e w · h ra u . o U ��:� not lon� before perfec pnll91ng and good l shooting ability pu the Fife bOYII to be l d as r s lh ga � o e �:; ::�� lime the Collegians were unable to



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Thn'll. !!lIuient organuatlons Df P;-L. C., 111 glyc an e\'enlng'lI eDt�r· t:\lrI"lI'nt� on \VedneKday. De mbe r 17 ut S II, m. In the collere gym·


ll l

' . • , urullum. """ The Th e p an ,Lltcrary-Dramatlc , SUdl'ty will Ilreltlnt a 'one-act play.

I ." ..."'�;;;;;:;-;;;-;::;:;i

./file cHst IIlllected III aa toUows: .Jad, a lover of lolkl! .nd chUd­ Alvar Beck. 'J.ldn. tb e hlred girl: . a II.verl to� · wGrk. ina Elde, MlIdrt!d. Ilmple. loyal.aftd lovinI'.


I M urtha IIJermlllad. i{ulllll, average yoimg American. :\l)'rGIl Kreidler, Gludy!!. orphMn proteKee. Marl&'� ' (;arellll!, Burnie Grlmel. motberlefll cb!ld. Ca�I' ElJIlIgron. Veane, Bobby Svare. Mil),. 'EIII:abcth Stuen. F'rlltiCeS, Clllfll Rod, ,Jlmmle. Jobn Stuen., On the same everilliK the P. L. C. Chorul will·, prellent "The \Pepper,. Pa" or "One Nisht In Sln,lnl' SchGol,'" a o�e·.<!t operetta by Am,,, I Sanford and Adam! Ge·lbel. The calt , for the operetta will be compoled Gf the followlnc Itudenta : Squire Verd.nt. Blrger Nelso . Fan�y, bla¥ dau,hter. Lillian .



Bowie!!, Jed. the leadln, char­ "r LIH! ' ,�a}'. Is an eOlly-golnk. soul, who a(tcr years 'of .....anderlng decldel to ma'rry IIl1d ,,,cttle down.


Icore a rteld �usket until Myron P. L. C. Students 'Are to . Aid · in lIell by drop· i the Writing or the Manual Krel�ler broke '� 1JIng ono durln'?'i.ho second h aH to . Be Used by ·the Boys . which Wll8 (ollowed by another later. A movemen hi under wnr· fllr Ole Serwold also tias a field goal form in g organlzall(!!nll ot thc youngchccked up 10 hh� credit. Inability 10 cove; the Fife men er boys and glrta of t e I.utherull l'Ost the Lutherans heavily liS did �n�regatlons In the Paclrtc Gunst Ihe ability of the Fife hoys to keep states. The orgaufttltlon I'la n� eall llle�r men covered. l'a89 after pails 1 for dctal l very much similar. to of the oranse aDd black was blocked 1 thosc of Ihe Boy Scoutll' and Camp v,:hlle Fifo seemed to experl(nce l it. F!re Girls. although they are to tie dlHiculty In Ufsslnr tbe ball to ,have no aUllIation wlth'- ose larger rroups. one another. . The first rtHtulrem'ent for me • Teere w aa no lIPcctacllla� playlnr for he P. . L. C. boys tnrt-Ol e Ser. berahlp will be to know the,. T. wold and Joe GlaMo P"yoo' a good Comm.ndmentl!, The more IIdvt(nc� ranks &lIlollg the scouts will be game. -


"Jl'Ii SeltlclI Down." by Ella · Shan·


D Lee

Fife pl.yed gooljl ball a�d their based on larger portlool of , the team worked well al a wHole. In. Lutber Catechism belIll' mal!tered. Sal 10Ye wltb .F�!l� dlvldual honors of the eVel1lns goln! The hlrhelt rank Is rranted for STUDENTS ELECT , le h O C ng a a It t o c . Mike, yell KreIdler. L ATHLETI LEADERS : �:����1� chur:� �1 � !• ��el� ��:� c d a Betay. 0I'ad1( Thomaa. l!lanual which Is to be prepared . . for the prep bOYI. ·Llaa. Betay', brother, ArD� 01ei. Thll hlstorieal .ccount 18 to be Athlelic: �fanager. Captains for Politics Once More the QuHtion , Thll came has Ihown . up the Mrl . PedaKOlue. Waite; ; "ench. �r Discu.u.ion at De�ting weakneSlel or our team and Coach i selected from thOle prelen�ed by Basket Ball Teams, and Mr. SwaIlGw-Tal�, Peter �Ineo . . V 89clety . Yell Leader CJtosen Ringstad "".111 hal'e plenty to do In l ach me.mber of Rel'. Svarel AUSI' .' --_ . � patching up the short comlngl of burg Confel810n clallS at Pacific ' Aft�r h.l'lng .b.ndoned polltfcs , Thursday. December 11. w.s ., the tea,m berore Friday. wbeo the LUl�eran College. and Mrs. Philip E� 'The lummer encampment ot th� red letter. day for athletics .t P. for . month the P. L. C. " Deb.tfnl Profeasor Orting High will bo played ' In the and. Prot r O. .1.. T�o n . with P. L. C._"m. In addltlon the team or�anlntlonl may be beld �l P.clflc I •. C. IUJ the Impor;anl POSItIODI of Eoclety .s.ln toot It u p forcon· 1 Bertba Lero u accompanilt. .1.1 26. NOl'Cmber on . Iider.tlon d In Col Acco 1 9%6, !, � capt.ln. buatnesll manaKer 'D'C the Je&e. at tbat time will be handlcapted Lutheran Tb� e. L, C. Orchestra under' the th, If.tement 'th.t a tbru the' Ineligibility of Sidney Ing to tentatll'e planl the, boya and the hoopster& and ' the yell leaders corroboraUnK Ir tlon of Mlq VanKle' Loel,fler. , , CO�greK.tlonl were fi led. _ habit II h.rd to break". Tbe quel· � CJJaslo. Kuard and Joe Glasao suard. glrll ot· the Luther.n will tornllh kpullul n mber . a week Burton Kreidler. three year lette!. lion re.d : Resolnd. "that tli Pre . . However there la a pOlllblllt that of tbl� dlltrlct will lpend the, United States aH uld of Ident where ent en the at two teamm.tel or bls by campm cholen was 5nBn Joe may be .bll! to re tore his li Yarioul IPOr!l, �mes. alld otber ro-- tG head - tbe baaket ball quintet.' be elected t:y a dl;ect l'Oje of he , SCHOOL CALJ::NDAR ablll(y before the Orting. same.. Ga"lk Ollon an.d 81r r creation will be provided. lIucceedlng Sidney GlaBlo, wbo ad- people, The lineup WI8 a follGWI: , WednNda,.. Dee. 17 mlrably captained lalt year·I·lquad. NelsGn Preifjoted tbe i.ff!rmatll'e ar· r. L.· C. POll. File An Operetta._ �·P.eppery P.... aii'd tbe KUmenta whUe- Artbur Kn'utHn .nd or seloction the baYlnl After Anin ,�peak8 Hendricksn" Rev. ' i F SandenGD .R M Jaukan ch plly. "Jed Settles D;own," one·.ct a defenders tbe were 8�nnerud . Harry tum tbe un. of mana,er bUllneaa. ,to P. L. �. Student Body '" H. TelKen Myron Kreidler . by P. L. C. cborul' and the TbOliplali . . 'der eonslderaUon for: lome' �Ime. for t,be necap e, · . ' Ole s�rwold A. Ander1lOn C Tbf! afrll:matlve cGntell.ded; . the Llterar�- ra matlc ' SocI�\Y In' .the your Decliion Now" wu' Coa�h Rln,ltad c.lled the bo,1 \0e "Mil. Burt Krei dler: 0 R. Andre a Ihort addresl tG tbe letber and "k� tbeJn tG make fact tbat Ibe-elector.1 l'ote dGel not colle,e' ",mnulum 'a� - p. .. Sidney 01...0 \ G ' A. , Ellelfad tbe cheme or Fri�. Dec:. • ' , ... tbelr cbolce. Blrler Nelson' plied rel,'IrI;8ent. and sometimes CG�trldlctl students at Chapel nere!.!" Tu·e ( Contlnu� Gn PaKe 4) Cbrl',tm rtleou bellIII 4:0' that It day. De�. !. by RaY. George Henrl · np , the- mDSt l'otel In tbe. electlGD the popnlar l'ote is. e�den . ) sen. He 1.ld tb.t we Ihould de· and Immediately took G"r ' the 1m. doea nGt Indicate the will of tbe BASKET BALL prol'a hu c.ndldate a If majorlt. GUIce., tbe or and dutiel parrow tant the por lietwetin , now dde . K:JO "C.p" AnderaOn will . lu6-' lb. en plur� of . broad patn... before' ictl too late. P. L. C. Ketl tbe " Lillian PeftllJlyliani putGr or ),ella thll year ";'lIted n t. . Henrl . Wed-.4aT. "..... ��." I aelecUGnl were mad. electoral oUt. while b'- ••-. Lutberu Cbnrch .at Slll'er· r nl Orting Hlp School . C. 111 1011 �Iet)' at 1:00 on, Ore on, He is ':Iao ' a membeJ:' atter try-oUlt bad �D held, �wbo'=b.a" a plurallly ot · e�ni�g Dece ber 19 . , , rd or Tr,oa\eea tor Pacific of The Ilr" alao bad. a meetlnl and Utab receln. 0,11'. " electGral l'Gtea. p. m. 8 P M m Prida,. 3-. • 'uptaln Erna .Relaida1al, Tbo. tb� aleeton are me,.. dumml. w)itch met' �.re elected · . . . . C. .1:11 ot an at t o! _G _ :.. 1.....-.. .. p. nuI .,. ym �_ -.: . " m ':-.....J �b!;: �! . ,

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tbe t ReY t; l the Boa Lutb.ran� Collele, da� b l: :'.��e . .

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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= • dent§ nrc-, n ))·.(Iyl !r.mn sch l)o�� 1ho 'O i§ on,e, duly t � nl w(' sh ould &ll i' . , . Cal l'fo rnl'a Florl'sts not over 00k 19 1§ lint ta�k' t ,10t n('e( IOII� c"'c�r . • ' I p ve linn O� ltut rather �omethinu Ihat Flowe Cut rs Pott d II W. C. BELL & SONS CO. iii Plants � 1}lca�(llIt di\"er�ion. The Mooring Most Ilos by no 1IIC(l � II� Floral Decorations ii 1 1 10-12 Pocifi� A�e. · · Ii . ����,�ic ,� t�.)�����;�:::,s ,;!('o��:}' r��i1I,Wi�;: T ' om · o t ti!�lC� �� I��I ' 0 7 P ' " fI' A V ' \\'D Sh . @iXil8j&..W:U8lllO".� ;' � WI! :: Durin" \'ncoti()f) �uhscriplion 01 the leet of c lleh of us. 1 � ,=� :: �N�,i t��e !iDa "� __ E-.r__ ,!�fi!eo���;����t�i},�O tl�l ����:o::I �:l i:a�hsl���l_- � · / y l Carl Cafe le ' ' te r a "Your Credlt la Good" . dent shotlld bring 'bock sUbscriptions 011 his relurli 10 HeadqU ' . SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT go to C Itlschool . Of cohrSC', casc§ w re ;��1:n:�r o1e���llrs �nd munitie�. the proposition would more difficult: But Othol AT . . Pacific Lutheran College. Hum in our youn� lives. 91 7 Pacific Aye. amounts Tacoma L. SCHOENFELD & SONS eel's hehind s hoo paper in its prcscnt The dolL PACIFIC A V EN U E AT lf)th STREET more than dollars, They nrc 1 �::::::::===::::::� I "- . we hring !luhscripl.joils �;;=;;;_�;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;� life-gi"in" hoo blood. ; ;;:;;;;;ii;;;,;ii;��;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;� 11 "!'.n·KTJo:RU�M" AcnECT 0.' men tioned In religion. when we Sanitary . Barber , .0 (I




��::������;.���: 1 1 !�'�'�'�.;_;";"�"';o\;:;"!!�''�r;_ ;�L,i���T��ca;o;m�D;'�;�;� � I . •


CIUPE•• TA�K BY 7\\·•.ER ;:I�:llo:O �:pe�� tbe t · ' .1.. e r�la�I�� -::t:�:: Shop PA . RK . LAND ' ..MERCANTILJE CO" OwlnR to the abs nce ot na.et:ldent God. the Creator, Ind man , the'creaPanta es Theatre Ordai. CodaY". ember 8, Prot. ture?" ," NiN'E CHAIRS J. U. Xuler nducted cbapel ex- Cbapel talke slmll.ar to t�at glYFOR YOUR GENERAL WANTS PROMPT SERVI CE ereises. " . IUbJect chose� by him ::eb:c:::r e;:r�e�:�:I�:�ducted at ·LADIE.'-'; HAIR DOBBING for the dlictlllion was "Mysterln" . A SPECIALTY 1 arid bued on Malthew 1 3 : IO·f3. Walter F�encb visited relatives In MANICURL.'lG EXPER"t . th d a I the week n nd H. J_ Conrad•. Prop. pr��" ��YI::���:��bat �:�; ::� :; :�m��:S�;_��� , � LEHMANN'S' pie object to the Chrls�lln religion. :;� -; ; .� ; � � ::::; ::::; ; ::::; ; = ; ::::;i; because of my'terles, such u the f"·..·"·:""" Trinity. Vlr«l� birth. and atonement PALACE CLOTHING CO. for Your ...·hlcb It con�ln.. Many 'peoPle l 1 1 5 4 PacUlc AYe, Gift · Headquarters object to tbese. be 'said: because DI\Y GOODS.· NOTHJNS. SHOES, RUJjBEflg. AND , Cloth In•• ,Shoe. 1ad tbey cannot undenitand tbem. Fumt.b1nc for ;1 y r . . <. ART GOODS -: ,... , YI SALE NO� OS ' �u� :;:: ��., a�;:d : ;!;e Pc�·:::� uItdentand tbe mystery or tbe acorn ' . PbODe ..... .... · ME� and oak, the ere aDd the cbld:, _ ·t". ao' ma., tbo•••••• or ot.b.... 1. E:· 1IedIteiIJer Wi Co ·1·Wb"y." · uk�d Mr. : Xuler. . RoOtbac . Davi8' �en'8�Sh.op OO<\L' �AR PRODUOl'8 "Ibould we aeeept all tbese-myster. Tacoma __ Booth II Street 914 Pac:. ;,.ve. IN without allY objections, bu.t ob-. · jeet · at whell �yaterle:s ,_ � A � OOIU � _ " _ A8 H _ . _T .J 1 � ��§",,�"".5...,........!!l li_IIII!!!!! !!! _ ! __�,___________!III.;;; oI_ · _:




!'.r.�� ��� 9 I!�13 ��eI�l� ���. T.,om ' ' W''h. i;; � In the m'o 'wC('k§ during Christmo§ "(lcaliori Ihnt we stu-



Lr"i�f.:��;R�!v!i�;� ' 1.0




Mr. Edw"ln Twltmyer. state In· V spector ot sehools from Olympia I ""..I ' 0",,,,1 vl,li P"trlo l J*tb••on:'CoJt



d. 80

\Ve offer best rules for SClIlldillllViull chccks, Cou­ pons or ('�rr('ncy, unci cun sell drafts on . [1/1 import­ Scu'ndi;,­ .u nt points iiI avilill colll iries. l The 8lDk of California, .


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PAoe s

At�' Note�

. Martin Johulon. tbe



II --;o�klnc

eel"ed a ma10�lty ot


entat �::��;:ct:� �::nH���:c;f :::�e:

·.,5 .

u ';:;b��rme:�

dr.... Jacklon had the hl,hest ber ot electoral In 500 people a �dy Pori'16. "Ot Xor,ore. aubscrlp n c ]Y t:: ;�: M�:�:D; M�'�� '

The OIat Lutheran from S,. Olat CoUtse. Northfield lIfinne­ sota. . wlll make a. Welt ,durlnc �cember.· 19:!:4. and. . at)'. I uS", chinA' �oncertl In lareer cout e1t1es tt'bm Vaneou.er San D�ro.

Choir to'll; or the

yotel. ot t ��:!��::\nt!=;e��s�:li .tObe


. Oertlia and Lo�ralne lltey' I!.leued,; they a,hl The yelr 1913 any"'pOlltlcal convention . u-Itudenu ot coulI'ln Ordal, electors to voto tor .Islted

MIsSel tbdr

the 'Marie '

Helen� Ave. Phoi1e Main Tacoma..

::J��; i �,:�!::!

758 SI.


nonn · I "'.Y «realest In the world and rector, F, Melius Chrlltlansen II 'We Wish to correct mlltll:ke 11l dOUbt'bdly the ,reatest choir le.ad.r ]ast, Jssue. the time. The choir sin,s only tbe Alumni notes M. Wedebers, ':!::!: . .Is not atteni!­ reliKtoul antheml and It, Ilms to tbe Colle«e P_«et Sound, but brln« out tbe wealth or hymnolol Y UDh':eralty of and tbe Churcb. Is attendlnl. TtrfI Iln,ln( . remarkable for Its cloaroesl 'ot 'tone� technical skill Iincerity or exprf!ulon and peelally 80 It II aided by pltch·'Qrk or Instruni'ent, Extract. trom t''''tern .show bow the OIat's celved wherever \[ wordl caa the purity, sln,en dlspl:.y. thing for eyery by Geor«e and Oeor«e 10- obae"e In bope]els. by My• Cblc:.i"o. Eveplnc Journal. Hemming and tbo Kreidler and Bert Ku«neas. "The S1. ollf Lutheran ' Choir At 7 : 00 , p. m: tho. au�lenco welcolma vlaltoy / lo New 'e:!!1 be -' York mUllc ]a\'ers 1Io'heDever the to arrlY�, and by 7; 30,. the bulldln« was , organlu.tlon shall see fit come for 4.lscusslon was 10 the metropoIlS," __N'e"" humorous ono' up by tbe In Eunlng WOrld. . this Jenr, thererore every· IremendOIY . ...... expenIlO. Is certain Chlcngo to avail IilmseH of tbe has heard no · finer choral :.rl."rebuttal both sldos were .In of securlns a hearty ""eak 'O""ln« to tile fa.ct that no Chlca,o Herald and Ezamlner. ' , "No choral body whatsoever can refutations were prepared alflrmatln 'contended tbat hnnd. The negative re\'elved an unucel thom In their precision. which bobbc4 hair crlUe of today la anlmOIlS· decision f!! porfection Itso]f." _ Cleveland ' . women's Declaration of IndePlain Dealer. from tho IIhackles of misOn December 31 the St. Olaf tortures, and dlsc�mfort of I4utberan Choir ""'111 ap{lear nt the Scottlab Rite Cathedral, In Tacoma long hair, Benefit!! d,erh'ed from "obbed hair were enumereated as On tbm-01'enln,- previous � follow!!: "Oobbed hair savel time, IIlngs ' l #. 1, land, Oregon. Accordlnrto tentative makes a woman look younSer aad plans a roceptlon 111'111 be Slven to more ar.tlstlc--sho b,:comes more popular, ahe hall comfort and she thq Cbolr Pnclflc �utheran Co]iS In style. Bo�bed .hnlr Is very the afternoon j�st recedln . ' :mnltary becaulle it Is e3ly-'to waah. Taeom o e �Ick' P , dry , and dress. Snnllatlon �I one :��=: :t.a \ � - concert a�; :: a le a Sh our ,rea reforms. t II seit clay &: Tacoma. · Prof Ph: E . --ltaugo has a block for snle amon g' evident that bobbGd ha\.nll easier to c1enp than long htll( cleanP. L. C . and Parkl en d people, JlI;e:lD!I he:llt·h . The neg:a1h'el contentions were: "BObbed ' balr Is Cll'slrable tD ol.le r """ ·nt ,.. ,I. ,.'y, "m" y-hal,here a few drelllll'ril. In to O AJy--6it�.. auty parlor no 40' :: : : : , h ' 919_ 732 nets Is only s fraction of the amount Mabel. iverson and Erna I now paid out for of (rom their hom·(""·ln Fir. her hair. About 75 pe ot �on; : ���i ;h\:o. ::� �tud�ts IIpent age are the man over . 45 years b n s n c on b:l]c1 or partially bald, Oy bobli ns hair the women mar hav� a Geo. Hemming spent Thallks,lv'. rate ahead of them. Ing In Portland. OreSon, vlllltln,' hlB the rebuttal the aftlrmall.e IIhowed eonsldern.ble more IIfren ,th negative. The aftlrmaU.e Mr.!. Lor. Kreidler; Dean i�d,ea' decision by a


a of·tbe


eon, or












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Mrs:. Lora Kreidler the bostesses' at t ea wbll,b-'nl•• lowed the lecture Of 'Tom before tlie ot University- Women 'on Saturday atter!l0on. qecember 8 In Taco�•.

tbe Al;llorlc:an Alloelatlon

eharch In Seattle. Banday •___ ',,� .�beO:�re�RO!�dln lira. PhI,lIp H."P�" VaDCI �tner ••• ._ ,....d, ••Ie "It> �" dar a the eYft.1 al bUlal�1 1I l �


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� f �;;;;:;;;';;11 , ways , , I.'har�aey ......... ... � : VEtflJIt 8100 �'''��............�''J'''��''''���'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''. .,

Erlckaen: ' former' ahlatteneled t�.!...f' L, Fife Bullet Ball. ' pfne. ·. Satarday ' D.I,ht, .Deoem6er 13. Mia Adne


P. K. Pinet 00.


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�I:�--:'" PARKLA . . �D : ��ws I t. �., � , �.


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P. 10. Q...


Eta.' Helmd.tibl "Olad'i ""r�clr. "ox ,. ' '::' Smar.t , :�I��e"�::Vt JC Boyd R�t b F.d �eIJII 8Q tfarbak ' ....... 0 RuthJ8ull . ihlbelutlons: P. L. ·C.. Blrkl�Dd for D.h�e 'for Bull. . . .. Fife, EllIstad tor Fox,," Coach Todd, WhO, 'bu t.ken o't'er ba,ket �all tbe 'dlltl", " {". ' D'" m"ntor 'ot ,tbe Lincoln "I,b Scbool. Taeortia, an fntereated ,''*(�t�r ....


too i . .., ,'�• ••10 II. l n 1 Tu eld. , enalnl Nom � '"" ";;. ContrOf1a,blfl� HO.tuke ;;=::;:� � ��. ? rN Ib: ;:�;�:��-.�: pea b (or- it is � \ , ; ' � Il. u r t�e �wer of God unto Salntion to cvcryoJll! thai bclic"e lh ,"- :::Ii'.e ' �:n e :' ��. I. )(,E'��= �1r>l'I'8 tbe Norwellan uD . . Rom. 1 :16. Literature." The next meetial will 'Alb_AkER& December 2'1 are -0 T Re... 'b, co cled d be ere In n)lrlcturere end; ''' '10::lO A, �f .-Di...ine Sen'ice, .. Wb'O' �l: not Jet a�no'unc'ed bll "WKllVGa ""0 ' n.�flJ, ... . 4:30 p, �I.-f.uther League, t�PIO, � . .... �m�r 25 , J'hone lI;f.�co'ltl. w�:.[." SU.et 0 - =======::: '==: 8 == ;:= H.�7•. �;.,,:::� n:;��:.,':: " :�y���;'5 ��ri'lmas Progr.m. :;�:: , . .. etter Cloth eS For Deceft(ber 28 he W.I .I:!,�u tb'e -iow, . . .. I'. I C. QUINTKT L08&8 . ' �10:30 A. M.-Dhline Service. . Tbe h01lpltalJty exhibited .p tbe ,, } Men (Continued trom P.ce 1) . NQUJIJ'!' 4:30 P. l\l.-:-Ju�ior League, subltltutlO"D': 10e 011..0 tor , �. refrMbmenta I;eniHI alter .he .ainn CA I..dlMJN A AH 30 December . In th; ne. �lfe scbool 17m waa par. Sandenon. 6:00 P. M.-Ladics· A'itl. T.com. After. the b6j.. ' f1nllbed. rtbelr tlcullr!l, .pprecl.ted by tb'e P. L. ,104 So, 10tl�"St. 6:00 P. l\i .-:-Youug [�dies' Auxiliary. Icr\mma.e the P. L. C. co".eda won C. teama and roOten. '.J . January 1 . cJ,eclll't'e' yletor1, takln� the �Ite I . iO:�nr.--=Ni- !W" Years S rvice. ilrll-�b, a lCor. ot . 11 to '6. ,T e ' -. January 4 «.me waa no · pink tel aUlll r, bu�t ..:::Shaw Supply COo, ." ' 10:30. A. l\1.-Divine Service � with Communion. .... tull of ri.ht and actl�n-trom ' 4:30 P. M;-Luthcr League: � . "" Inco "'{: the Itart. , January 11 . " I t Ith accl . " """ - . '101!i tllll"ifk ,hie. ' . ' 10:30 A. M.-(}ivihe · Service, '����!:I�e'd��n �u.·p��r; he; de:t as o t-'r G, J : V. . .' � -7;30 I:. l\1.-Div�ne Service. .::f':' . ' , ' ' Tucoll'{., . . held a,alnllt the rlnQr. lIoll'{'Y"r " 4.30 I . . !\I.-Jun lor Lc :�:� k n. Dan ce . in ySu:�' own , Kodaks arid . . , ' . :' y 14 '� " ::�'(�1111� l. ''� : ' C l (hAa I:� t t ::. : ::;er own Vic'· 0f I IIe Congrcga I'Ion. 1 . -:-A nnunI. IceI ' 7 :.30 home 'w ';Vour · P. 'I Fl·nlS h l·n·g .trom {he aud n . I I Sunday SChOOI I lC l is a\ lO:::JO A. l\l. evcry S�lndQy. Prof. Ph, , than twen·. ' ' Erna He If I,. . Ruth FatiELes� . trola! MQre' . Extra Good Finishing . Iell(ICli I" .. IQUgC, .superm . . the e ,b ' to pro'f� . Lan«lo .polly and ' \ .... . , ry ffi,odc1s to ( hoose . No CJt"tra cost Mrs. IIla[& of Ule lame. especlilly Polly'. c�'cnil1g at :1:30. �. cvery�ursdny chc.ursu Choir r ..·Iauge. director. � ' �� \ {.rom Libentl terms and ability. to- dr()p field' A'oall dded' I ������ -----<... ...... . �1 · - REV. To.�O. SVAHE. Pnstor, ' � � II be cau trenltb e Lnt�era� to t �. I adequate: V�ctor ,re:corcL . , ,. t se:rvice:. awai. you he:re ," �H ;�':rtl:n�r�o�:: nsa��a �::v.�:;�: WRES�ING M�N . ' . �( Sht;rman/Clay.-& Co. See UI �.bo.ut your wat � . 'BlI ild ers, Man igo & Washlnlton,'spent the Than"'kslh'lng PRACTICE ' DAILY �roblema, Alents fO'; . ) . . '.lIdo,' !OlIb . ..'Atl", At Park· ·Supply.Co. DURO. SYST"". land. Ed Aruthr. Wr:estling, Coach at. a�o.ma, W�h. " ;' . � Electric Co. _�lock Wh>o# P. L. C_Has Wide 'Alhletlc 811 Pac. An. , Mal" . 8274 �� Jess Tegland, Mr and Mrs Experience. Good Tucnouts , Oscar Weneberg and children Mat Aspirants EaCh AfterIsltors at Parkland during the of noon But Men of the Lighter Lumb er & Millwork Thankllglvlng holidaYI Caliber Are Lacking. \Ve, write all kmds of In. �_Mr. and �� Satra visit l � L. C Is fortunate-� bulnl ::an�� ��� ��;lf;.re 111ed friends In Parkland lall week ; �:a�� �uilde. �8\f-Go'Od ,Home; II!7: W . CO. & OPPING � Ur;:; :;;� I b �. Ter.m8 , t;! h�:b o Mr and Mr� C S Petenon were Ictlc career are thOle ..hlch man; � · surprised by a number of their an �;;������ older and better known man � . Office & Factory Teleph...... ; annlwedding 35th their on frtends CO� · .p Sher��?u, be proud of clatfnlnA'� At I ' :;���7' An eIIJoyab!e ' even�g Willi :�might MAD. 89 . !: l t� :�� e t be ge;; u��r��: Lien & Selvig! ��v: a d C 1 ��e� . . ' . TACOMA i . / stationed at San Diego, CalImp4?rt�c8 of Norwegllt9 - "The lecond Joint meeting of th. e Hwhile tbe Balboa CI881 Instructed ornla Oil, Liver Cod and You'ng People's Luther Lealue . . Later In 1918 'wben wal In wre�t1lng the P. L. C. M� Society WESTERN STEAM LAUNDRY Reliable Per�rlptlon at Hampton ' RQadl, Vlrheld Sunda)' , Deeember 7, at 4:30 statioDed Dr'Uggllts ' Johnny Wlllon, Rlllated he J!:lnla, ': Mo to:. "Quality and' Secvice"




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��: ?����:F�::Yi,:��:: �;'::o�;::,::;:�;·'f::':���: ���'�;t. Walblngton; a plano solo by SYIVlaJ li ngUillhed I n _Ie,:eral other tle', dll







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' Muin '7i�' .


512 So. 91h St.


Larson , and a reading by Irene of sport 'w hile [n tbe service.. p'nf- I = Dap!. Ing b3llBbal.1 and.' football and W8l j , =====�� = E Parkland Sh� op . . TRINITY CHURCH IS . ;I::'��:' o�� �:�:� ::�';!'m�:':; C. S. BARLOW & SONS TO HAVE ORCHESTRA his clall at �.tlme � bls bonor(Incorporated) e hr th e A J. SA�IIER, Prop ..: , Dlltrlbu'torll ot hIP M Mr. A, ;::� :�:� : ngBins�rl::t:" :: ��: T�� O,-"Under the -"-'o. EI.llnglon a ....lmall· orchestra haa. coma Y. M. C. A. . and hOll taken BLOOD'S PA� 'been organized In. ·tbe Trinity LUjh� An ellpedal Interelt In conchlnl box, ern Cburch of �rklancr.-'Nl� Inte�- Ing and wrelltllng tber�n... has �' 1JijJlder'l Mlterlal and Co'ar lIon8 are tbat thll orche!3tr.a II to ideveloped wreatllng \eaml that Ksk for /" accompany the congre&ationnl Iing- ibeen able to succeasfully coml? te # 1115-%1 Dock 8tre�t Ing at certain lervlcell and allO to lagalnllt University . of Wallhlngt n. Tacoma Wallh. furnllh . IIelectionl at the sonl /Jer, College of Puget Sound and loeal , MAIN 21 vl�a to be given regullrly after high IIchool mat "quadl an� feell, Coffee, Fruits, Catsup, openlnl ot the new ,year. The sure. that,be will be able to pitt tbe . ' the memberll "Of t.he 'orchestto. bave met P. L. C . mat me� on tbl" lame plane t - Vegetables, Spices . ' le'fe.ral times for rehelrsall. but In time aillo. their work , bal lieen �tarded be- There bal been a keen Intl!relt Ex�ra!!ts caUIe ot a delay In procu,rlnl nee- tliken In wr!!ltlloA' II indicated by e8S1'1 music. Tbe present mem- 'turnoutl e't'ery attention. WreltllnA' : t e Co!!,plim n benlhlp 1t!Ctudea tbe followlnl: A. which has been Introduced for the � . QUl,llity is Eco)Jomy O. El1Ing�n. cornet;' M. H. RlhA'- rrMlt time thl" year 4t P. L. C. � 8tad. coriU!t: Re't'. S't'are. violin: oHere 'an unusual o�portunlty for � Dro Ch arles Mrs. Ph. Hanl;, f1u'o; Pb. H�UI ,b... "'o«,,I,b '0 . ""k,p." a; 1 ne h h A'J:KINS er Burritt' W�b8t �:a:: � : :7:�n:��d : ih;�::' �tr :r�P�����D°i.��d��:;:��:�;�� :�I� t SI�VER �TUL SAWS . . . .. fore . ...no .. man. III not. i-landlcappe ".. . Cu�' Falter: an� �fer:-Lut Lon,pr. , ' SCARE, EARTHQUAKE . I-y b�'t'lng to f.ce nteran and' e:lWhen YOU IIell Atklnl Sa"II.tO your'eultomen, tell tben there'" AT SCHOOL � J'{ONDAY �iienced ·m�terlal. Coach Ed Arl n e t kl A . I " Id h " :::r; ..tie.: :.�� .rh:Y :r�'t' ��;e o heSa. 7:0:.::: 8tI:rY�r�:�!:r. �4ed ,,:: Monda,. mor.lnl December 15. at thur would like to lee more or tbe about 8: SO t.b\r'�� '111',,: Ire.t ex, lilhter men turnln, out, 110 . far Iteel In the world. T!ilt'l y Atklna, liIaw. t.ke:-.,. . kO�f ed,e, cut . lonA'8I' .nd need leu . flUD' tb.n. OJ'-. . tuter, run euler, ISla, Iba :dlement .Ior Ii teW' mlnntea In the most or the mat aaplrants are In. I I dlnary &aWl. "" - ;ertect s.:� P. 'I:.. C. buildln,. Twice tbe whole tbe heuler elaa. Amon,' lbe A'raP- 1 f� i...er,.· �� , ' blllldlq Iboot 't'lolenUy. T�e �rla pier eandldiltea reportlnA' r.eA'ul�rl' lOt 'Toyland ° Y � . .. . .. 18 In the dormitory ran .out <tnto , the are, Peter SolDetest. Bert KralD.... · C. ATKINS & E , '. ,' C0 "' .. ' hall. The',' thoblbt' It m!1at hue "Cap" Ande}"on, . TedOj- Lun�D. ' · Lan . 'd ;' ' f WA8�NGTON' HARDWARR. co:' �COIIA. ms:rmBUTORS . .T h e _ "er been aD ea'i1.bqa ke, for; "notblDC Amt Oyen, H.ITJ BanDerud,, aa,: V. . ' NO,rd4 . 11'. '. lea u... � urth!lllaki eoa.ld abate nahl. lIIel't'in M.theaon. thla 'lat'le brkk bllfld1q.:ao. Ylolent- I,rom; ,Slpl'd 041Ind, Wal'.!r- . , ly." - PIECE BICYCLE ·c_pa.)a.nf: cc;nll they said, M"':. Kialdler ran Frencb, ud Henl'7 KeD. If do.. to 'tJi. equui rOom to . -!tz::� .:�:;It:����t::.= pb&r bigge;l aM:ortmeni of ibe boll.n �' bDrat, and , -the _en". PreJident Ordal. Ifr. Pb. Hau,e. The aU oth,r ma�.. . -C; y7.eYCI. T.oys to ·be .. found in l1n.eer up to tbe_ thlrd ficior to ,�nd . Yr. O. L: Thonon attended Tacoma'. ' .,., , .::ar a":; ==-'rd::�' . CflP:h;:t� It lb. Chlin:ae, bad faileD d01rD. tbe: proaram aDd loncheon. IlIYen b,. , 4o aot l&at ao neD ' Ute ctr,ll' dlllCo".rOd on. the I.be Pupt Bound 8cbool�ten' c.ttIlo �n borJaon. two hap pillai'll of smok,. ClDb tat tbe J""� 8cbool In' . Rhodes : �_� alowli uctnded akyward. We knew 1'&eoma·oo BaL�Dee. C. -'ben there mUlt ban beer IOma . ./ Brothers._·_. _ / ttad 01 a:a expIMiOD. We bi&til · III'. aDd � .....· w TacOma later ULat tyo Datta of -the Do Pont hUe moYeCl tnto their DeW' bOlDe �_ plut "ad - uploded. ,:t - W'Meb .... ��,. � CDIII,I"'4. •_�"""_itiit_ t ___tiiI '-�_.,=-':-_�'-'="""�_�""=""'�� \.'-;;"'�� •


Free Dellv.er�












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L. C. I



P. L.

"The IItudw�L·. C. enjoyed ! \\'edn�la)", "'an a fe"!' JIUY8 .of 100- "katlng before � I�. L. C. MI8810n Society meet" at gchool dosed (Dr the Christmas "a"' 7 0 0 P m ii6fy the Neatest Floor and '{earn Work of the Seuon 80 calion This Is Quite unululll In The la :�rt��:�r:;Y�"o::mat h So. l�rob far Waa Manifested bv Boys' Team Although Handicapped_ IP by the Absen�e of Some Reg�lar PI�1in. Girls Show "Peppery Paot and "Jed Settles tbis pan of t�t' countr)', therefore dely meets at 7 30 p m ' It was doubly enJOyed. We doubt. tmprol-'ement in Their PlaYing Also. IH Down" Presented" by the .hm. . h.'�"":\ :: :���ber tb.� ....lty ·n',o:: P L C.'tjundaJ . . park-l Ilnd Society Mlalon , Two Organizations F I mYII e. land Lutber Lealtue combIned meel- DATE FOR COLLE GE ., In a faat and dOlle �ame, Bat.. ous reaeon there �ou ' 1d be t�o or jng at .. 3 Dec. 10th, at the Kapowiln Hl,b I An eve!!lng II enterlalnm�nl 'll'1lS three\mtutnlt �o..m each cla�s We REUNION FEB. 20·22 gym. the ' P: L. C, bo,.I' team deT�U�'� .Il1n � .feated tbe HIgh Sehbol hooPlten ItlveD by the P L C cb�u!l J,od arc � sayIng ror lIure but probably I Stlmellte� 1 e�t�atlons begin If Ihe teachen would have held , the Thellplan Llterary-D� allc "'rhla) Jan � ! l\1an)� Alumni and Friends 01 ' by score of ZZ to 17. . �lelr c]a8se8 OD the pond In Ihe tI P I. C Debating JSoclel) m('ell'l I the School T e ylclory came as a lurprise. to Expected Are � dety, In the college cymnaSIUm...:.G;rchard eryone would have been t as SXney GlIlSIIO, guard was unable. p m Return to P_ L. C. l Wednesd�) December 17 The P Presenl eThe 'II l uden ru s lit I leMt 1 n 7 30 l l play on account., of Inellglblllt,, I- C chorus, un d the dt recl Ion hoping that there ....111 �Iom1IIJ, .IJ!IlI 20 I sftUn be an10 the decllli6I n of the and tOle Serwold, IItar center, wu ,\ccor(ll llg --of Mr . e Ph E Hauge preeented the ol hllr slNte uf col�1 weatber thll t iteglstratlon du), ror lIecond lIem· rnculty at 1111 regular bUlllne!ls sel! away. ,rrom the team vlslUns his Ope....etta Pep e P Th Th they may lune more Ice I:Ikatlns ' el:lt er --ilion Wednt.!8day I!venlnlt, Januar) ho�m6 at Pauilibo. With ' the!e men ' plo.n Siciety Pp::sen�ed n :ne ::; felll lvtli hI to be cele ullIlble . to play apd theD ha't'ln«, j II reunion pIa J d S ttl e 0 . ' F I 11.1 I' L C on Februarf! 20 BUrt Kreidler. c��taln and suar.d' hrllted ENT RMER O STUD ;be c:at ;or s.pe;;:�y I'll. ' was ·FACULTY FET:ES � ' and 22 H Definite plans were tn k'en Ol,l� or the camE! In the seccompolled of the following stll� SUDDENLY not I\doPte , 'but a committee COIl- ond quarter on account of ,personal ST OLAF CH fl'OIR I D""Cl dents. . I stsllAg lit � Hauge and' Xa- fouls. tbe Lutheran cause looked rorelillor!! I Squire Verdanl'\Blrger Nelsoll. . Instructed 'very dark �or awhile. O ut good ' Knutzen of . Burhngton l ler and MI!:!" Larsen Fanny, his �allghter. Lillian Lee . P. L, C. Faculty Gins a Recep. II Henry a ch ul arrange 10 t! ror the pro· teamwork. rloe pa�lul , aD;d ablljt,. Dd II .School Or�wn8. Pare!,ls Give 1 Sol Fe!5Jlo. In love ..... Ith Fsn�', tion for the St. Olaf Choir gram or e nta to take place Vf" d urtn lt to make field bask.ell put the P. L. a Memorial of Him at the " Qollege Dec. 31 . J l-IariYSift'nerud. 1 th?se datee. "nnounument will be C. boys In the lead, which wu · . Mike. Lyell Kreldler.� On Ihe afternoon .,�.dI "g Ihe In ·tm!'ftl..or)· of Henry Knul:t clI. m�dt! In late I' ues of � Moorln'g maintained thruout the wbole Itame. as. . Gladys Detsy. student of P . L. C.. Mr. and Mast In regard' 0 the d IIllls of the Joe Glaao Ihe ooly mao remain· . , rot \ A n' concF rt clven by the St' 01arr:h°i�:' former Ing 10 th.e �Iay for P. L. C. tall e. C�orge }o�. KOI!..Uen of Durling· home-comln celebrat.lon. al 'the Scottish lUte Cathed 1 l tMr :.���tlpe���:�::. 1��. r ;�:n��� ' Tacoma on. ve gIven one · thoul· The-Teullion Is an a ual arfalr l eooulth to take the tilt at center ' \\IlS�., i prelldent the a dlli f�c� t: �f II�d dollar� tohaPact a P S e t flc Lutheran Col- and affords splendid opporlunlty on the 10SsUP, did this then itropp:ed . :!� ::�t��: �::� p. I•. c.- gave u recePtlo� n u c - ]ego; �f;� p�::I::t which III to be used UII . a I (or the friends. rormer sIUde'lts.< back a�� played each time after . eon for Dlreclor Christianson and memoriam a f(ulr I and alumn.! of p� L. C.}O return to tbe thro"'up a good dofeDllve same , of a ),oun couple and their of him. . the chOir and Ihe entert'alnment f I l O I I n . m committee o Car ltu Imd, who ad aken the mem ::�� �:�I;h�(:t :e;,�� :� : �!v: t:!=� ,; b l . 1���:�e '::I��"gol�: '�:��I��' I:I�� ! :1�:::S��r: :\l�: wm����d��I:�eh:�.�:I; as:.�� . . 1 Ie uP.'� �f' . too= OY.r . . ' , te; :I�"� , the Ice and ,6 . I'the elt" way. nd In thl case pepper pIaye oors or the choir Ilhout memories, and to learn. by actual the ortellslve dro .... . ned. The , Ihrough I dulle8 of the center . an l " b h th em t ro g . kl an out ar u 10 'In Important pla�n that way n t t h d n s g e f t l . arl Coltum p08ltloll was JlISh thre� o'clock the gUestl belan ;.auliing some amusing aDd som� .\to1 arrive. �a� �:s i�:�� �� ::: , ':h:OI� �: ftJ . :e:� r:�I: .r::� Ol ; .n C he " I ' le::lj � y �::�lI:I� � d � I : : :' They shown the ,,:ere \'ery dlstre8elng IIltuatlonll. , tln\' Dec. 2\. Re\'. Ordul nt{ended dersl ool\ that the 'former aludentl:l : p:T. : �!::k�d �; �: ��: �::��� � ' and the ai\lmnl or bolh �olumbla while :Myron Krledler: and Ruddy ;o.f1I1R Lillian Lee and ;o.lr. Harr� building and then broke I,Ip Into Ih� ' servlces _ groups g thered flre a the around / . 'Siumerud. tbe principal characters llace Three ye�r!! ago Henry Knutzen .College !! nd Pacific Lutheran Aca· Sanderson each have G. Corrteld and I ll, In the rece,pt!oll rooms-or attended demy nre reckoned· all belonglnlt to Tuttle were high . point mon tor , and 60101s�1I are both 8tudents of chatting . graduated He school here merrily In the corridors. A� (rom th. commercial department th" voice at the college and deserve present Pacific Lutheran College. ttill High and performed IIpec!ul mention rO.r their �Ine 8010 tour·thlrty the Ihn�heo!!. ..w�1I sl!'rved, wllh A' large number 1rom these groupa nobl¥-Kapowsin 1922. Many of the :Iasll or their side. tablell. each seat�ng ten belnlt stu dl!1ithe , ex pected to returll to Park land The for and duet work. Mr, Lyell Kreidler eleveu ll P.- II, C' I are attending. P. ,L. C. squad lIeemed ' to now t use. roon d been .....ere hil"'riall8� and frlendll. l hen Ihe Reunion Is held. The dining ga\'e a 't'ery good characterf:;t:atlon In work smoother Ihan any time this ot an old Irishman. In dlaJ'ect. ap· franatormed Into a verlla�holiday liellry Knut�en was brother of : ' and the large tu�nout of pearance and actions. and his !lolo �:!�::;d � (j� �:;; :I� n:!v� �r.e::; Arthllr Kil Utzen 110'1\0 hu been !I I LINCOLN ESSAY CONTEST P.asoll L. C. rooters that Jo'!rneyed to a o� ; h , wall II.llI� fine. and 111 1 here ror two ytlarl< "tllilent Kapowllin were kept ,cooltantJ,. Ol! decoratlonll. The tables were cell� 1 The htlth'lIchool Enltllsh cluses The chorus of mlsed voices was . gniiluate Ihls apring. feet followln8: 'the acUoa -of : under Prot. Ph. E. Hauge, ' and their �ell trained. thelr:-Ilnglng was \'eO' ten�d with � huge ho�L �f , ushlll \ ' team. the Ion reddeet 'Ahl nked apples. II dfecth'e and gave. pep to t e whole Prof, '0. L. Thorson are goln,;:, to The lineup, were : RI GSTAO'S RECEIVE A ,!t... the enda or th,: tablell � ern po ed' � performance. S GIFT particlpute 111.. the Lincoln EfllIay p. L. C. - . CHRISTMA KAp6W11 ln AS SON polnsettas. (p.'� g Tralll vines mll s " of i e � Conle The purpose oLthe !=on- M. Kreidler' , l # for Jed Sett es Down" The F H. Schnell a.dded to the bea� of the scht:mr· M r. aDd Mr�. ' Ringstad are the ! lel'lt I!!!. � to arouse In{ereat In tbe n. SanderSOll F J, Cor field n dows IIn�erln l!;I. were e wl pe . �r p Jed. lover of (olks and chlldr.e urentll or a ten pound baby boy ' !<Tbtly of Abraham Lincoln. Joe Craslo ' . 'GC' Pla thelr /l:lossy Ipheres a�dlng born (�lIpeclally, Alvar Deck. on December 2�O" name ! The lIilnols Watch Company III n K Idl P. MR�d::: a t o. �i o f brilliant co�or. The IIhad- to be given t�e pr0Y'I.slng youngitter ! o((tlrlng a medallion callt In govern_ C: C:I:U;r, " G ' 'LIs!!a, the hard working hired e� R. .Tuttla I� htll �ast a glow over the III :'l yrOIl Henry Jr Ff(j.m the old a-l ,ulclil bron�e. ,to th, hlgJ:t school Subs':' P. J�. C,: L. Krledler gl.rl. Nina Elde. · for . l . I ho v; pupil I repeats who �tell IIlel!, the best essay. O,n D. Kreidler. Kapow,ln: -Behnell tor we Mildred, .sImple and 10\'lng, ?Iaroge that history ' The guests, �lore than a. hUI�!!d can' deduce that: Myron Jr. II! ·golng : ono side ' of tho lIIedal' Is cast the Madson. ' . I hn HJermstad. . ' were r�celved by Pres. to win ronown for himself thru hie bUill o! Abraham Lincoln. tho yellis l.n number llalpb, average young A·mel-lcan, l and a. preceding the boye; Mrs. ,Ordal. members of the mllthtlmatlcal genius. Derore he. Is ot. hle birth and death. and the na,me'J theInP.theL, iC.amco-edl . �lyron. Kreldle-:. 'trlumpbed oyer . GladYlI, orphan pr.otege. Mar�e' faculty. and their wlvell. After the. t.....o nDd a halt he will have ma�tcr· "Lincoln , " On . the, other 1�!8 a l Ui� Kapowsin HISh ,Irll b,. a' lIcore lunch. �hlch wa.s served by a group c� tile Danlten Llke.Co. Insurance wreath with the legend. "LI� or 22 to 15. Gardlln. , , Durnle Grimes, motherle�s child, of college glrlll, ,Pres. Ordnl msdl! l.ables, and by the .tlme be)aSl!.cs fils· Euay Awarded' tq _� _ _ __'." T he ,They · lI taru4. with the lame pep .a s.hort speech of w.elcome which seven he will be able to recite from contelt Is recommended by F. G. and action whlCb 'charactubed tbe <'lIrl Ellingson, responded to In happ� fuMon memory one hundred of th.e com- UJal�, Superintendent of ichools' ln "ycane, Bobby Sure. game, Dec. l�th,. Tbll Iplr!t; by the ch�lr tour ma.naser: Pror. P. monellt chemical . elements, . ,Some lIIlnolll. 'the Intention II 10 hold. Fife. carried May, ,E]l:tabeth Stuen. . rapo.rts have It -that tI Ihl.s contest In tbe ·near future flO and Into thaton thru the w.hole ..lame, f lclal unot .. G. Schmidt. France�, Ch\ra Rod. 0; the bOYI, Professors Hauge and, Thorson, " Rlng'ii" .son wuf be Drone to bl') I that all the el�aYI will be 'submlt- ' 'The girls worked Jimmie, Jobn Stuep. . well toseth�e'r . Jed, the leading cbaracter or the former' St. Olaf men, now members yery busY "and will al�? be . some: , tod b,. t,h.e time of·. J.lrlcoln's ,bl�tii'- and good teamwork wa, el'ldent ' hawl!:. nlltht a ot hat 4) palt'e on. , (Contlnued 12. play, received mu'ch applause be· , day, February Individual bonor goU to Polly Lang.' . ' cause of bls optlmlitlc l'le'A'1I 'and " low, ' whose. ability to m.ke buketl ! I Ipp�n e:- In depen dence D"I�S8�d I·n Debate ' NEW FICTIMl BOOKS F R · tor· the' Lu"theranl made ber the out- ' , ' lo't'e tor children . After manr·yean Ph'l· . Interscholastic Team Contest ed of shiftless. wandering he decides 'Ilandltrg: .Itar ot tbe ,ame.. Lucille LIBRARY PosItions' on .· '" - '. ' .. , . -. .. . : 10 marry ' and settle down, 'LI� . I YoungbJutH. waa the m�lnat�' .or· being the fa.ored one, Re80Ind "that the Philippines tbat will represent the achool against·! ' Durln' « the' IBlt month the (01-- the Kapowsin ,Ir]s, ' . , 'LI�, altbou,:b a . ver)� bard_ .should �. �'nted their ImlQedlate olher. h\S�' schools. T�ose wbo cave lowing ten b Mk, were Ddd�d to (he The �lr]8 hue co��ed b�tb ·Sa.m� , flctlon library, that the,. hUe played ,tbl. leuon . worker who bad no time to wute lndepeoden.ce," was the questIon tor three minute speecbes were EdwlD . ' . on aentlmeat,.. had �u.rlllg the yean. dlsl:ulllion by 'the p, L. C, Deb'at�DI j,.eck, GI,dyi Thomaa. � rth"ur �riut- - The Comln& of 'Calsldy', MI111Cird, ao dare .gellln& a�·on'·ID fJn� IhaPl?:, ' ' Kin" or the Khyber RI�les, Mun- Tbe Lineups: ; gav�d some money, 'Ihls ' she sen- Soclety� on Jan, 9th. The de to (en and Peder SOlnefelt, , . . . , �L, C. ' K.pow.la , oroualy often Jed, w}:!.ICh eDables were: AUirmaU't'e, Luetla Sl'1 /T1iiJ-.o.c ach selected tbe foUowlo'S dy, " F hl,m . lO secure a house befot:e, th·ey. '·and Arnt OYen;. negative, Martha embens for tbe' teame:' NegaUYe, Wbeipi of the. Wolyu,!if,arah: Helmdahl Belle Lan,low ' F · 1:�uDlbl,uth rri"arry,' 'LII�� 'showed m.uch orlg� t1Je�mltad and AI't'or Beck', The lie,· M z:tha, Hjerm'�d, AI't'or B.ec.k, Ed- Skyline of Spruce. Manshall, . JC· Ltn'le� hiallty and her actin,;: --:aa well r&* 'atlve �ecel't'8d tbe j'lld&e." deelelOn n ec\ and .. lublUtute Q.iad,.. Lucretia I;-ombard, Norrll, . 'Dabl · m AflIrmaUye, LueUa S't'lnlh. ,., Tbe �Ing Point, Rhiebart.· FaClne.. SC PickI. celved by the audience. ' , by a 2 to 1.Yote, G 'ChrlltenlOD ". The � Il' �lIot. �0':1Dor: . , . ' Elde ' R'IE!.b, MlldNld'. IOYer rejected 'Arter the relular �ehale ae't'er.1 ATn Ole rtb� _�Dut�eD ' . .. Cullum. Tbe Nl,ht Riden SanwellOn G Rbon by her parenti because he had no I preparedt:t minute lpeechea, 'on the Illbslltbte. eI'· Sopefeat. . ' SUM. p, L. C::.Blrllll'�cf,or un, funds., 'wh�rew.1tb to marry; , IUd- Ame q}�e�uq�!.!.n b,. Dlem- . Lincoln H '- �b�J will be � 'Rani Brinker .ood,e, . low: �apo�l!n: Ta,lor tor LiD,l.y.. ·-denl,. . Intierlta a lar,e sum or ben of ,the loclet,. The object of urat adnnal'7 �newly �Ieet1!� Prldfl�or P«Iomar. KTne, . mOD�l' Aa 'mone,. wu \be ' only bu:l�c 80. .�y ·partlclP,&te- ... -to fors--' wJII meet. Later, cont��' _Thll 'ad.dltlon·· brlli.. tbe · total obetac,le In �fI patb t.belr jo,. la now '.eoabJ!, th. debatlnc eoacb. Prot, 11'111 be acbt:d"l�' .'tb other�l&h iUlmbfir or'·n....·netloD ttt,a:' ,�r up . Tedd,. LDndeen "Ilted ral.tty.. at ·Ea�Dl't�l. d.rlnltb. bpllda,.., . eo�p�e�e. . to tltly-flve volum.-. . �blllp Haue to : Ielect',��e .tea�� .acb,oola. , ---


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PACIFic LUTHERAN COLLEGE. PAR.KLAND, WASH., · l bl�tancy in parndi 1g wllal ·is . �� ow . old to you. limn's society is 'scorned and a\'o;tied: ' .

' . . ..':S T � ' E 'MO O R' J.N· G ,.·.. . T. B 1


of Pae:U!c Lutberan Collece Parkland._ \"ublnS"ton.,



:i�t 1��:I��j)C i����nul

A rccouillnl of othcr b�res would itself


Nat urally, this

be bori �l.�"

\V'e re-

'uys • n.nd provoke Ih � tI� sli ?I\: �n .�h�t'� . ' . I d�truct fron� · "�'L . �pmt . df· humun kl!)(IlIl�ess by 1I'O )l:OSIO" m� �hnoxlOus (> ccuhonhes upon m�: IlSSoclutes! Let liS be frunk CUDI,lOt 011 hove ill accepting the chuUcn�c of thiS query . winning personalities. yet Ctlch of us \.eon sir ,:e 01 lenst 10 make . ' nursc lVC8 just-a' Irif.lc more acceptable t o 0 r world.


=,W_ . . .... O d. liar per year oneclay Application fOr SubecrlptloD, entruce !ad matter now pendIn,. . J SrG�S OF THE TI MES �!�:;i��C�!�:�r . P;���DH:�':I�:� CHURCH GOI NG JREPORT.dtS _ S,.dO", ·1 IS SOCIETY . TO�IC . . Oaya ara dark and l'loo'm,.. . General Ne..... MarthaEIther HJarmlrtad A ,..qrrled )Iook' on tha' face Campul . . of Gladys Thomas "Chur_ch. �ttendaoce" wal the sub- every .tudent . Parkland Locall _ �::ta 8:�� Ject·conlldered b,. the P. L. C. Mla_ A maUcious. Imlla on tb� faw of . Organlullona -:RelltloWl - LuaUa .SYintb. 1100 Society at Ita meetlouc Wadnea- every teacher. MUlllc are carried arou�d, ayall· _ !!Irn�e�l:!m�;�: day ayenlnr. Janoary47. on the SlJob- n·b·UOokl Alumni le tor Itudy at eYf!r,....Ipare.mloAthletici Beck An InterestloC" paper Geo.AIYar Hemmlnc ject·was ;.ead by Min Marthk HJerm- tite. · I h BUII�eh Manager �:;::d. l.n the dorm �YO ��� 8 ; :::8-;: tr :� b S;::-; I b:I:�: ;!!: a l a .:�:�� e I�:::� not attendlnr ' lenlcel re(ularj,.. Eyell_.show....! <;t�b �:So,ne'felt' . Pede.. lack"-of!.�ee�. � �!:'c�� t��n����� ::r AdYertlllnr Manager. - A�(red Ande�� Theile excule.. Mill HJei'matad ,Diligent. allpllc�Uon to dally lelo r Facul'ty Adylsor O. L.elhortion pO��\�:eno;�ua;:ln�II�:I�)Ib::: • ��:� lI r;:�YleW" work III be�uo 10' c1als�, . . .. A COI.LEGE SONG "FOR P. L. C. eXCUIl8 ' for Itll,Ylng ' home 'from TeaChefl are stocking .uP on red .... . Whe-nevcr ' nny ne�d hut! been C�PCci y . e\'ident at ·our church," she a�ld, "think n,flt how Ink. . Semelter examll are approsc. hlnc! i school the st udent 'oody has usualJy bccn cpcndablc in doing I hat ex.cule ""·ould. sound If YJ;l� bad . -M. . H' I tell It to God." sOllletI ling to produ(\6 what was nectIcd.. Right now onc bf . . Hlst is a collegc . A reading b·)' Constance f thc things Pacific Lutheran College I)bedS � r �lf.v ·.... .. . T � solo by g ne f 770 ON SAVIl'lGS I SOIlJ!. · I n order that this sung might h i a pr luet of our school Ia �d and a plano ded the prog:ilm. i�- \Vc have nc\'cr .paid less spirit, . it shouht cOllie from ampng f ile stud � Thc burdcn ' HJermsta�conclu. _ uf the present alll.lOuncement need 1I0t he at all "aguc. Some AMER � ICAN SAVINGS &_ IN C'ASE vnF FIRE ONLY I ? LOAN ASSN. student has to write a_ suilahlc song, whi ch implics that ehch · studcnt has to · try writing.' onc. As a school" of .merit and a 1 The fact I� C now ha,s � _ *!�o���,lf\V;�I�c, I I o aH t \ o I allatge Ure cx.tlnguishers s .... ,.. .. "",.."''''".. ,, .. "".., ".., .. ..",.." " , ���: ��\·sl:�I��� !'i�':���t � ��;����, �'u�� �1��lt��I:�����I�' e��:������ four our school sllirit. J.ct tiS deil'rminc now to do our utmost to trlbuted to the \\:.On<hlrful psghoI"".... 10Jl:Y of lialelmallShlp producc Ihc best song pOSSible The ,hrllnd' ln8talled Is the same Horn-Holmes Co_ 'I here arc Ilrlllcipally..- t",o reqUIsItes thut tillS song must dem .... r the 8pectaculiIn ulled I)OSS('sS In the first place 1t must be murc thll n mere rhynU'- as \las it must mean somcllllng. And if I t IS tu mean any thin" at all, oll!4trntlon of a few �eekll past, the Merchandise nce being that the}: Ilre lal"g- ! Three. General it must harmonizc with the ideals of our schuol li nd studcnt .durtlr�. . Stores ' hody. In t-he .second place it llIust be si ngohle- i t III list hav� " I cr und of anotber type. We h.llve I "taking" mclody and must be casy enough Jor all of us to sing. lIo t Keen the big one work yet bu t 7 .. S a . 80· emclent as 1111 lillie . 52 o. 38th-M d \Vith lhese things in mind let us IlC/.tin to cumposc at OIice . If II III ,By the natural method, thc SOllg poem shuuld come first ; there- hrother wc may UPtlct the Inllllr1002-8 ·center St:-M. 7�21 forc, Ict us begin with that, The musk, will cume once we alice company to ralle Ollr premlum. j � Bnglneer OIl1on received the !arge I 390r 6.th A. ,'e.-PrCJc.. <04 have the suitable wurds. It would hc wel f that this , be done os sOon as possiblc in ordel' that a song lUay be officially odoptcd copper ta.rl\l.'s with open arms. lIe_ by our school at the Hcunioll to he hdd during t. lll! latter part he has been wanting '011 burn- I of Fcbruary. If we set this as our goal lind stri\'e earnestly to Ing furnaces for a �9 ng tlmc and I +;: ;:==� t" ==:;:=== I attain il. 'yC will !lot fail.----_ · By thc way, soml:' now feelB"that he hel lomethlng l tha 011(' ought to g('t busy on a yclJ also, that we might adopt as our hu clln ·ILlle. He alao stated ll Official. ,il... Ih�e\�'O�I�dable :��: �: ::���ng�e'II Savage ScoJield , . Co.. FOR THE HONOR"'()� THE SCHOOL ne\'c� have to uae' thenl. He'll get Thc qucstion has often been r b iscd in re"'l�rd to participll- hllf ""Ish H tho wood pl\o holds OUI Building l\laterinl n�� tion in athletics, whetll\:r thc athlete cntered Ole ficld for hi!'! �ntl Mrs. D�hl can get kerosene own glory I�nd pleusure or for the hunur lind · ,::Ior)' o(J.lu. schoul. froOl liomc other lIource. SI)Ccialties This qucstion CUIllJOt be solved hy thl' observation of � sin�Jc . ! game. It takes the grind lind jolts of a hart! S(�asur� lo�solve it. , Durton Kreidler and Walter Mo. in 670" .1533. � � , r k St. French Ipent four da)'s of their nnd hcrE:'s Itow. . . ' . �TACOMA Te llmwork call1l0t he iltlailled in n sCJuad unless they ar(' I vacatlol l. at' Paradiso Inn.












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playing olle for all�alld all fur one. The te:'11lI which J!ocs thru 1.1 Season of :tlly sport and elllerges with Ilothin� but a lot o� fancy LI}dividuul.stuff has' no school spirit in its- lineup. AilOthel"_ i impol'tant factur tnward \\'inl1ill�. und one thot is hy school spirit, is "the old figh t. ... A t(:1l1ll is not playing fo-r the pleasure of it when hnpclesslv Inst und Again. luward thc end 'Of u...ilU rd scllsnn tbcre' is a tendency_ on the pari of the ath lcte. to ,fl:o "slale." His sport holds Ill" thrill for him Hc has had plenty AtJong with this slump 1n mtcrest comes a Inngmg to Ilreak IrUlnlng regulaliolls If the plavcr (all s ick to IllS tcam and school thru , ttll" then Hrrl) thcre IS no doubt as to "hom he was plaYl Tl1{ for



� - \\'fin IS I t



instilled onhexhaustcd.



that loes IUlt know one or morc I I h\'ulualc: H "hose first clusslflcat 011 IS tht!.LU1CY arc borlll'::: � No one, CCi"taml) , for therc s ir y a �Otlgn Of thc litrc m ,to... know d nlS"� a!' fact, they seem to hc c"e ywherc ohout uS�lf persistcnt in their boredOl as nrc -mosquitoes in thc1r�'PC$tcrinp.. To charactt'rizc adequatel). a1l 4he uncounted v:odetics of "bores" is admit tedl): bcyond our. prescnt purpose and ability_ However, to poi nt out a few of the "kinds�' may aid thc . entir� legion to . sec . themseh'es as others sec them, an cl to ':::I\'l! 'du-ectlOn to thci"r self-improvement. 'Ve do not use -the third person in oral le imPlication,' Wli",e Ihe 'hoc pinches i



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'l'I\ C1flC :'YE�W�

, w. C:�B�LL & SONS CO: l!l'. HeadQII;��e;:n:ro�e��:efl and ..... ... 1110-12 Pactf'ie Ave. • Pactric Lutheran Coliele. . I ,.. ....... An, T...... � . To-2oma, \V�sh., !. . 917 Pacific A."�, Tacoma L�_ ' +: = = ::: ;; = = = = = I W: � :: =::�=��;::!���;=�������' f"

One sor.t of person who causes ongui of spirit in his os, i Under Panl�gcs. Theatre :. 50Ciates and who inrc. cvery .�hool� e class-room borc.. La, an.d· ,'eril)', he kno......s more ·l.h an h ' i tructor�, .and cauNINE . CHAIRS lions ,t he latter to "stop and think ". 8ppe rs to him that . aU PROMP T SERVICE . . (l!eitaUons could be ·given more acceptabljr by himself than. by H AI R n01)BIN G others. -He' wishes. flU"thermore;'. to advertise this conceit, even LA DIE$ t � SPEc A.. ,J '' while the deficicnt r(!citotiQn is being inadc: In ' his iinp t '1: �� �ICURIN E l:-RT contributions he oftentimes depletes his store of informat i� _. , � � tore 'the timc he wishes to utiliZe· is pa!lSCd, and yct goes on in/ H. J. Conrad� �rop. .. ... .dcfi.nitely, or topper, 'by simp� reiterating in .8 myriad of ways some pet idea, He can- det this ... successfully too, for "on the f other hand'-reecurs lUlbitUally in his wont verbiage. - A second outstanding person wh o irritates those obouC her t is the "�ule" bore . . We usuolly hear her before she presents Gii ft. H d herself, lo(she lauRhs h�artily at her own wi�ticisms· and is per-. i>etually tl'};"fng 10 be IUDDY_ Dut usuaUy her humor is nat and \. insipid. . To �rroborote what Goldsmith �as sa.d about tier M1j:N loud lau�l1. it .mav be .me·n�oned th.�t her grades,are usually In . tlie Dod E range. . ' . ' le spi-it? ': lIfay. .we men tion 'one. olhcr type ·of uncomforhili-< n�.Vi8' Me n's Shop . It is the talkative .person who is o"erjoye<t in .his own chatter After the first· dev's ·aCQuaintanCe witb 'thi� cle,;,er p!non vou -' T��Om 9t4 Iia�.' J'\ve. , -_ . J._ . a. -::. hive �ome falll:iliar with the cOJ;np�te role .C?l. his ot'igina)ify . and can· expect no further surprises except Ill . regard tll h l� "



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Sarutarv Barber . ..... Sh()p



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� "J.i. _ ".-fI CtfR�� v�:a :O:'rt::r :·= -:'� r.oo' P' ' t - tm M . - C 88 w e l l O P t i a l C o . , ". Rlnltatad: "What t. denaity!" (lneortHlflltH' gliltana, lllrror ' Sioux Falla & 1 cation "lilt In, .".re atlul In StanA l'JAmple of Lotrtc i Joe .,. . "1 can', define It. but I Ghen A sheet of paper OP�OMETRISTS 1 DRk . The Normal Clarion ' Can "'001I Wallh un elve you an lllultratlOn." To pro\e That It III a lu)'" dOl' I Ion S OItli; . ' The . EI,Ie Sa 'I -j� Si.�Hel�n� Ave. � �In�: "The tlllIllratlon II 1100<1. ('roof A .beet of paper III an l The l ln If ara I IIArry Sannerud enjoyed Chrlll· lilt dO_�:� ' lnkllned plane An In):lIned plane II [ ::�� Ta::� 'walh ' 'h� Tacoma, Ph-ol.lc !\tofu :t Ilope up A Ilo,w pup II a Iny ' :tn�t Gold Burlington, �'flllh , . he \ mal!! vacation wllh hili relatl...el'l In \Vash. 4748 TlIll II an original lentence, dog" .Leell'l'lIIe. 1 Denll, O�' , Dlltf!lIbuJ:g Angle." Righi Old you copyright It! " Tb refore , A IIhee-t: of ,paper III a , Car�; "The Consortllan," Moor".. S ' Yes, he ebpled It rlgbt, a y :o ' head, Minn.: �"The Puget Souli'd Dert �rangnt;llv and Otto Lee, CLOC A .: I ' ��'!-"' p ___ l ,t y R 2,,; \"<!.MI from /li'ow A t . 'O ' , . ,'KB , V 0:... , ' V-E .J.I�V n n . , h'olldays M their home In 1 TrRII :" Tacoma, Wuh, : "The Henl- �trIIi ..... II b Monday: cila'iel period O�I with A a I lI 1 T hThe lnn, MI. VernOli. "'a,h, � " e Red Win" M nlea:' '_ "St 41 m nb:: ' Ilgn pOlted a \'cr;�:Ugh�: 'I\�� ;a: \n1 : C�::'d�: �1I�t(lA ' Te�al; "� ��lta'.J -' , on ��t! ��;..r � car. and kept Inlfrllng In a mOlt an• • utrella," .enenler, Northfield. Mlnn . .,\ SPo - 1 Arthur , .Knntleri Ipent Chr.ifHm811 Tuesday: Students attend cl/ul;es no)'lnl{ ""ay unltl the .....oman (QuId ;,M k anl\ ' C�lIege Echo, " Sp,Okane ·..J»'!lclltl(\ll at hll hOUle III Burllnllon, by ml"ake. Refuse to lea,;e. Ito.,." stand It no longer, Wuh,: "The Marillan:' LlceY ' WH8b , . ' D d bl W h ft I I · " Ro_!'., hay, "� ou . , ","; "•• ever. _ ' �'AWA��8 ' .tt D'l':;crrfD� ' ._ _ ,'1 wU)C Wcdneldar: Fried chreken.( �IM ; she �flnd�. ' va' • l C hrlalm88 Ivt' , �'pahl spent ihe , eerved for 16.nch In the dl.,(lng "81� small bQy looked IH her ror' wltb hIli Idller In' I"tlrlland, l H...I 'l••UI,. MI••t , prt_� but .ludenJ. railed ..a hoyt'! aTid- ile_ [ 1I. fp..... aewndl lu(iI Ihen In 1I. l\.ltl!:nl· l ' .. . Ore, Ulanded 10UP and bUh. � flCd manner. anlwered: JETLA�D & PALAGRUT-l ' , .' Thuraday: Sid comce to Reliltlon " "Yea, J bave; bu� I dOIl't lend II I __ (,;1)0 Ue.umlnc Ipent Cbrlltmu [' I __ M��,�'�J';;:I��O ; da81. . _ • to elranl!:er!l:' AND "'URNI8HJNO llon wllh his parentI! In porl, Friday; Prelldent Itrants three -, The �Iarrla.o or Mlf.!! ""rledll. Skar IHICli , re -and " ' 1 2 " ,,(, � TII('oma \\ uh O �eek vacatl� n. Studl!nlll ObJl!ol::t. 10 look UflOn a race btl o r ( romwell Wnlh to "�rne81 ( Sl1fwoke -- _ Objection o\ er-ruled , and cold . omn wns s0':smnl.ul'keliotie. or 'nl. while NelBoli re Ulrger A'lIi Uhfng " !Saturday: M�•. Kreifller and II', n. "�rlend, thf' agony I fell np' � Ized ,,;llh a,. ""e � d,!p of ntlractl\e TA'!.OItHW ALTEHATIO!'i'8 Tborsen gave the 8tudenIJpern \ll- Can "J'Ie\'er hnlf be ,told. polulment 1'I111r1l1fd'y Jalluary 1. al l Ol&- Senold, nnd Arnt Oyen llpenl !l�on 10 Ito to town nn�1 e,lay .tlll W.' li,\'ed tOIl"ther for 'olle )'el:r, � Ihe Lutlu'tall Churolt- In Crolll"ell �h" !J 'llle.lllon III Paullibo \Vash ...... 1' -o. clock. but evorybody ....all . III bed al �oon it �eemell 10 lIee 1(,,\ I. J "'I,,ren or MJt:klnley 11111 1 I , Hulh H'�\ell "nJo)ell ,lIcnUon Ill , nine. Tllo!lc genII.. h!,ndll uul!!.trctched lind oHI('I,I It'U 1' , l Orf . Sunds}": Even'body 11'1 11 11 for '101111. Till' \)rltll'groom anI! " llIIam l'rln- l" r home In Slivertot • -breakfa!!t and ready, for churl'h, :\lr ' ..... nklnJi: thOIlJi:h'K hnd heen of ' gil' hi !! be81 11\1111 a\\ilited :It Ihe with Nln de pent tile hollday . u �I II ll , � alt:i. lh e COIllII1I1:' of Ihe brlde IInd M:r lli 9381 114 at, Helen, A ve, one , . --Tato",_, W..II. the Iler IUIr�1I111 IIII!I rclath'es In SlanThorson: "Construct :1, selltcnce ! , WhO now !'Ieell ,hllli dropped, �:llIeIHIIlIIIII who entered .:.:. uslllll: lhe word trlangl!" �l ralnll of till' welhllng march froll) wooll . . \\ lIlIh. 'T"\\'IIII hard }O rC1l1i7-t' 0, f�leml. P" . , -c: George �:When Y0I,I are gofug .\Iy InJo:erfiol IlIld IIt@Jlpc11: l."helll:rlll , :I!I IllnYI!�1 b)' Mrll. I., J, _-_ ,., _ (lsblllg Iry angle worOlIl," Flun'll. Elnu1' l'tl�"IIC�1I or Cromwell Tbose who enJoycd Iho holldaYB . I I an e h I w :':l-��n;��iS��l\h�:;;;n���: a� I�II"I�rr;l:I 11100111, the br�dellmnld, ::�o:; ?��·I"�::."i �;II��;� ��! S::ll; , Mrs. Kreld�lItllnfi! I CII�_J Ih ... nol �n\'e you r!'luling no\'els on sun- on lite lillIe bor who Willi :HIPIIOM � I J wor'e In-�Ie �en '(')-epe - du- cblne, IIJerllllltad, Marie Ollrdltn, Jo:stile,c.-l------,-,-, �Iay , M".� ilerth!! I.en), the maid nf hOIl- -Anl!;vlk nnd Olnd'yll Thomas. to hM'I' �walto'l\'ed n 1H'\lny, 1 ' , . __ ('onnle: "nut. thl� onc hi nIl rl(l;hl. l wore or,c hlt! georjl'etle: The)<.Jf. , -y-o_ of .ho,\<, \\'\1- (';lTrleli Jllnk Cllf'natlonll. · )\label IVerll" , Palnla and ,:rnln ... , ont' It Is nbout a girl who ""as engaged I '" �N' )� � their al· 8 be holiday!' C1lt Mr. Jolin �Ien, the brldel! Hclilidalil to three ('Iergrmen lit ullce," ) li a m Tell tlell , " 1 ___ , f:"I\(,-r, I/:ave �Icr III 'lIarrlagt' , Tile homel! In .� � �alh, . I "\�da ya ml.'an!" I "l'ul1 Ihe hoW alld hll �bl.' ;tppll' ," ! I ��,:; I.'�:,o!�::�e, ��::hr:�t:�:e� \�1 FACULTY M MBERS (�,��: a����I�!�X� �������!lIek\ �a1 . Fallln,lt hero ,nd the IIweeplng /\IOTOR TO OLYMPIA ling,, ) "'!lh 11111' you'?" Out UpOIi It I have workf'd ":>io Ihish "," III )' roOIl\I1Hlle " ' Tilr" .....hole nights 10!l;e,iler Ih?" It 110 ron know And U!]'I ll,ke to "'ork three mortl. "('lIlIb go. hll!h dillhell Oil," Ir' I� prO\'eB worse wealher,




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Our cod liver oil is 0.1-

' C rCIlI11.

wuys fresli


aod sweet

S. T, LARSEN, Prop. T�coma

Fr.dk· J.






C.II'...... .....I.

. Com�liments.


nc T1l d,o��'1 b�g In tbe news, . ' of � . ,' , : ' w��: ;aklng ,Jabo� bra.ve . ro- It Reporte _ Phone 'Maln 88fK ' And ,tbe Editors go io sleep while on mance; ' ; It's goln� on."..ar� dellpite de!ilat LOVE RIC J. � � IfI. Co. . 'lay dO� J If ��� BUllne8& Manaters . �, , COMPANY ' ¥- .4 ' . RnotJa« And flp;btlni �taullcbl1, but kee,Pln� be 73'2 Pacific Ave. '. Taco'ma, " Vash. etl lI: rOi' Manager dl�:�Ia.tlon t� An�D talr; playin� It'a , It':�:��� c1ea'o and ,our tbe "papera; TACOMA, .W� 8H. · 1t.'a l!'ucb1nc IIl1:b'U:r at, Dame De- totbelend Advertisers ceaae to ad,.er- I ';;==:::;= , It ;:: ===== " , ,It'sIpalr; ' . __ tille, 11 looking up at tp.e �lall:8' above, flnltln�. deep�,1 �f 'lIfe an4 � :��U�::: A :��ae"to uPP!,rt tbe .Photographic f tb ���:e� . In IU,bacrlptloft8. p , ' , ' �'I .1ruuUo, ' on wit,b tblt ':-JII' to paper< and�,bebrlnt I Moodn, M8I� _Ill Ttlen . o , . ' • . rtraits�-.. " . win, _ .teday. BQ..OAf\\\IIW: I\T FI F.vr:NTH �; ct!Irte to be tbe paper It Is B�.tali;in, I� ·wlth ,. ctte:erful srl�: ,. ' ' DEPE;NDABILIT'( . . '\ Frames and Cih Goods It'a abarlng: .Qr�o". .. a(li ;"ork . an4. � , _ , ' , ' e . lr . . We're: Always �Ple8sed ot Qy'�lity .' . . . • ��":b:�:O�� ,; tbll ,oOd, .014 ����: :: A:n� ::�klD" bettet;. �, ?I �And pro!Jd 9C ,our marcel or manicure wheq we go to . tbe briDe and b,!s7 ,et 110 Mut. ing: ," • !HE HAMu..rON STUDIO ' earth.' ' . , ' _ The FinHt Beauty Parlor in the. NorthwHt. ' _ .. In. SubacrlptiOll price � n'lI senlnr:: strlvlnt', tbroueb ,.tl'ain �1l_rlptt9n . ' coma, . J r 15 � Uractive Boolh& -14 experieDCid' operator-. ' S men Ta, 915 �acUic ,A"�" for· tbe 'nut aeme.ter will be 60c � , and 'lItreu:. ' : _ ' :/ children', bar Ders for, , w9lJlen.:. 'and bair-' eutUng: Be,t ' pha,l;9c tor, any,"C:f tbe bac)t cople,a, � , -, PHONE MAIN 1937 . / . � ' It's 'dolol> ' )"0,"" nobl,est�bat Ia or Equipm�nt �nd' Scrvl� �n �v�rY netail- � �conY' '$1.00 to�_.tbe complete 16t---O. C . �M''''''''''''''''''�'''�MM'''''''__"'''''''''''''''M,,� I -. :J :. aucceu. , · . .,



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, BASKET QUINTET · -.CHRISTMAS AT l'. L. c. ,h. It'h or ,,",em. WINS AT OIt..�.G �rs,.,. '.'d.y the tau day at Icbool be-



�r'l ant ';01 ashamed of thc gospel of Christ; {or it



of God

Hom. 'i : 16.


January 18

to c\'cryone






We wrile all kinds\ot ·]ri:.. surance and make Fi'te In- . . suranee O,ur specially. With Whetln- tore l�e Chrl,tm� .....utton . all P•• HOPPING A co. .

· i(:� Tilts


Lost and the Second Won by reasona, ble dl8tan�e from the eoll�P went hoine then to apend their ,..ca, Two' Point Leads.

rTi '1ftnfe - , · Ofii;RI-- ttrnt


is th� bclic "elh."�






POPUL..o\R PRICES tlon �o,ethrr "'lttl their pal'enlA 'and � n, manlteatlni a marked hnpro friends.' We were tow6l'er rew I O ::W A. :'\I.-- Divine Ser\'ic('. . . In team· work and pau . ment 1:30 P. ;\J.-L.lIthcr J.ClIglit' MPUeS. . « left at tho scbool wh() c()uld D()t on. · · EL -OLY HOT . Comforta , January 20 ble _d Ho_lIk over that shown In Ihe ope I�« I JOY. ·our· .,ac�tlon ai home be(:a�lIe / Taco.... In Plaee !at1aa t . ... i::�O P. , ;\I.- Yuung I.ndics· "\u�ilinry. ne-t . lame of the aeallon when they were we had to() f.r to �o_ . y 25 defeated by F-Ife H 8., tbe P L C W....... h.d Ihe·n to make the IIchoul . ao A. l\L-Divinc �:'�i�:� and .. 8ON8 home our LARSEN" M.. f. enjoy" certainly ! h Ulnlel bring to able waa e ""'�-; t C) -.� 1 0i : 3;;' ) , M ..:...... .l unior JA.'nguc: Ing HlSh team to deft'a' In ounelYell the bell � could A IIIrse !-':�����h:�K�:5. l\1.-Sol1� Service. ..7::l0 I . January the loul gymnaslu::" on Friday eyen. Chrl!ltma!! Iree wall dMorated tor �anutaetur�. ...nd (Ju.lul . 28 ;./ , �. Dec 19 The lame "as char- the o('c'lIIlon .....nd we looked at .adics· Aid. 2:()O P. � . 801 A Street l�rof acterbed by creditable showlnl or lhe well lIIumid. ted Iree we IIIlW f'hone Ma'n S.unday Sehu..,l mcct� nl' �):30 1\. M. �vc r'y Sundoy. TACO¥A; WASt( ' flsH-t" on the p"lirt ot both tMms I many j)lld:altes Wo "ondered "ho . Ph. Buuge. supcrinlcndc!l l . . I . �1. A. ..t�:OO nl Joe G).U80 �.uardlns: and. Serwold'lI , should ,,;et tbem. Wblle we ·"ere ,-"0-----, Confirmation Clas�. C"\'cry Salilnlll)" rs. conlliatent " UlI!:lns·' were larlely waltlns we v,'ere llnterll!-lned by a ' Choi � 1ehcorsal� every Thursd�y c\'c,:!lI1g at 1 :30. , : . cn8lbl� tor . the ylctnry of thll dlllloc.w(hY Walt.n ....reneb and JAye1 11 Better Clothes FOF l Iouge. dlrectur. . " . . HE\ . T, o. SVABE. Pastor. eolles team. · Br. a dburn dl!lUngulsh_ e Kreidler. The powerful . f"dlo set j . -. ·Men. ' ed hlm�e\{ all . m()st .aluable·mem- "'as · "tuned In" on a radl() I l . IIlatlon ber or the defeated squad. nie In California and .."en..were then RoY . and ·Mra. Sl"Ilre were Ple� ' ! NEW BOOKS FOR C�L.AoS " AH.NQU18T en. 1 antly �rprlsed by, members and EDUCATION. . AND �core ot the lII:a me was 2SI to 12. 'tertalned by a number of Chrlatmas [ I O f So.· 10th. St. T.com. The P. L, C. sQuad has aillO I IIong!. . . or the conlll:regation. Dec. : friend!!' played lIeyera� pr.actlce lamell dur- ! Then came Ihe moment we were "b . LANGUAGE DEPTS. Ins the first w k of IIchool alnee all wallin,,; tor. The package!! were Tbe I:atherlng. which took p ce Christmas h�I\�y. Theile s;mell l dlstrlbuled and opened by Ib,e r€Quota 'o'f . Educational the Sh a� Su. n.r; ply CO., . In the church parlors. wae} In �he , Year's ks Have Been w�r.e . wJth ·t;; f:V Wheeler-ollloo!'! celvers a.nd we had many bearty. L . Wor Reference of the Tacoma IIIuSh ' c'HIMed by the AppearAnce ot ! Inc. Qalure of a houlle war.,n'ing. I �i I·Recei ved. President Ordal team , a me Commercial ague. J.n the tlrst lh� j:ontents at these glfta. Nuts· 1 \ 1015 P cif c Ave. family having moved Into the newIY�· Donates a Number of � candy and fruit "ere (lr these lII: a es the ylaltors came "round PAssed Volumes n age fI n I he ij , i �acot1)8. .... llh the large. �nd Of . a lind "'hen tbe party bl'oke pp w�all l T�e ev����; wa� enjoyed by nil. The fiction department of Ihe ' lhrough 3.1 1 0 29 s(,ore . In It;I�nd game. agreed thAt we had had A very rlne Kodaks . r, howev IIme' schodl e together aggrelat· . on ' was e th . =hu already recelvel! JIs quo. and On ChristmAs DAY, Mr. IIntl Mrs. hrnry .= 0-;; "= = =:---0 .= Finishing' for the yeAT, lind 'now · the edu- vlet()rloull In game that ended FACULTY I ..' lldwi, LArllon and fnmll)', Mr. nnd c.taatlonal FETES CHOIR \lilth a 27 to 25 count Th ese are arrl.,ln(. boo�8 Mrs. Augullt Buschman ·aod family, . o (Conllnl)ed trom page 1 ) t E:rtra Good Finishing The lineup for the Orllng same y t tll I nl LA a h N c ra co'I t e �; r:c::::: ��; m�:t ��l�����: t��: "a8Kar:I ���lO!! ., ..", ' ' ... ..___ i !!", ���(;# ��r��'Q1�::e::;d �:�:�n� i w:';� year. ��:�:: � a : h :tnC;I �ru� hel _ �) ; : �: r Sto e eong. " .fi�h on Manitou HeiShts " S _" _",,. ..; accordlnC-tojtha plans Of. the . !tuelltll from Seattle Ilt P. T. L/l.;Sanderson F e orse o y orav:1I . I'IOn's. Their yolcea rising and swelllni like r-.:. . I ....-.:.-----'j �:;:: h:::�:�� �ee: r�:e�,:�. N I Serwold C Bradburn hllge �plpe organ was most {m, cte lIew educallooAI bookll are Joe 01.81180 0 SC�oc l �presslye . . On the evenlrig o[ JRn 1 Mr 11 torThreference . Ufl Jl by college lind oor_ Durton Kreidler 0 Drown Manfg. & � �,,!IS ..... Lanning was m(Lrrle,.�.to �t shi: O ·clpck, both the guests and · Builders claues. They Are maloly book! .P. L. C.: Coltum for IU. Kreidler, I ho�tll Supply Co, �na Berg at Mr. Lanning II home. mal were hur"llnS .away 10 be on psycholoSlcal and educatlon'al L. hreldler for R. Sanderson. Orttbe c.eremon:, . being performed by on the for time cohcert. !. b cle,enlng , lIubjeclS. The complele IIBt 110 tar ·Ing. lIov,'er� for G ruc!!. Grave-II for Taeoma. Wash. Hey. SYare In the prellenc of lIlany con till"" Ihe fol\o"lns tltlell: PlIy- Seoyoc. frlendl!. Mr_'llnd Mrl'l" ��nlng will chology for Teacherll, Bolton; Phy- . Parkl . tn.a ke their hOn htlTe In a nd · I'IIOIOglcal\ PllyCh"oloSY, Ladd .l LAUNDRY INSTALLS C. S. BARLOW & SONS r, --I W d or h P h i .E (Incorporated) f h Millwork & e r Luml), NEW . . N P T M I O . . The Ladles' Id lind the Y U'lg o%::n �r�nCh;:� ;r�!�an� E�;I� : � � . Dilltributon ot ... . . ' . I.adles· Auxiliary of Trinity 1�Ii! h. cationlll .AdmlnIBtrntlon. Stnyer & Tho laundros!ee: hArd pres!!�!1 . Chur�h held joint meetin g Thorndlko: Stud"!t:! In Child Devel' !!Ince the Increaee' In eorolln'trint nn LOOD S PAINT . B ' ��ellday. Oec. 30. ...... Builders of Good Homes Ol) men , H IIAm The Le nln, pr - w.ere somewhat relleyed by Che. In- I Bullder'lI Material and Coal on Terms ceA. �l!Iv �n.. �ow to ,�,,:e,,sure �n !!I'lliallon week o( power ex. Funeral "ervlces j -werc� held frOnl ducatlon, McCall; Public School Ir�r �r last wrlng�r which drlell Ihe l 1 7 } 5-21 Dock Street Llilherlln . ��vllngelh'al ' tratlon. e Admlnl!! ubb!j:rly: What t I'arklanu C � clothe� fat IrOning Offiee Uaftory Telephone Tacoma \�al'lh . Church Wednesday. Jun. for Mr. School� Teach and Might Teach , Mu. filndorlle ' lIt/itea th�t M�D, 89· A. G. Molden who Ila8sed away nt Babbl,t t: ·Youth. Hall: . Delns Well· hl undresses 'hln e ..gJve.n Ihe . )I . UX . 21 Dorn. Guyer: PartN ' 1 & II ot his home here Jan. machine a trial. nnd found . ' It Mr. MOI!i�v:as e)Khty-two yeAra 171h Y eArbook of the Natlonal . So· !!\lcceRllful tlmei"aver. old n� tho fiilLe of hi!! denth lind had ··clety tor the SludY,. ot Education; � ltle nt at ParkJand tor a h�; :h� ���h a �;::y :.e:� h o gl:: ;:::r�'nlellt ,��_ # . /fie 11I··NurJi\·ed by hl8 wife: two sri' received ' several nl':w volu WES;.��o o: n RY are: A8('hellOughs These Mr!l nd tll\lIghteu. 'Clara Molden n . 1I0lis leklilcon. consisting. 512 50,. 9fh 51. Main 7;,)57 Floyd Sather. and two SOilS. A. A . v?lumea: two volumes ot Molden and G. Molden: Polkeevcntyr og , !5Jorn!On & Moe; rien. rJ"d", �at"· 1 I'. L. C BOYS TOUR TO , Ju hnn Falk.bcr.g�t: Nanr CANADA iN VACn.TION vagt gen Diom!:ltrer. Hulda Gorborg. Pres. O. J. Ordal recently 'In order Lo \'I!lt his brother who led lhr, following bo()k!! to recently came from N�rway, Pede.r sen Coffee, Fruits, Catsup, . P library: Junior & C. I�. rnom· Sognefest, logether with his High School Adminilltratlon, tllAte, Iver Duhl ....motored to Canlldu stoo, . Vegetables, Spices Ne Pickell: I and el . .... Sog· !'ond Dahl . . during vaclltlon abou� YOu� . water Secondary Education. Inglels; Ile�st 'are, by the way, Joint o*n· of Extracts pr::J�m!� Junior Hlgb School. RoslI; PedalORf. era of the Ford coupe that they E. Hewett. . . d' /��ey uMed patts of two (taya on Quality is Economy each of' the going and return trlplI: of the"' "":vacatlon Jaunt.' While on Ihe v,'ay to . Canada thcy remained . over night at Bellingham all the ' · ATKINS , g\Je8l8 of Joseph Sandvik, an Lien & Selvig .. SILVER STEEL SAWS !hldent of P. L. C. It w'as at will attend the conYention ot .Cut F.a.ster and Eailer-Laet Longer Matsqul,�"D. C.,. thal Sognefeat .... Dankers' Life Company Insura,nce 'Imported o.t .Norwegi� Ited bill brother. At this pl"ce the agenti Ilt San Dleso. He. will be t I A t S t Cod Liver Oil bo)'1l also met "Ozzy" Ebbellon who away about two weekI. a thr:e�;�I�:y�: ;. ��f:s ::!s �����I��� ::e�rr;; �!� ::����r��. i" cause they are made of t famous. SlInr 'Steel, tbe rhieat nttendcd school bere last year. Reliable PeJ'1lC·;lptlon Atkins sa"a take k�ner edce. cut n wb IIteel In the "World. That's On their retu ' journey lhe boys SVARES IN NEW HOME Dru&cl�ta . faat�r,.rul'I·eaaler, llay "harp onser alld �"d nt m . Ie" flilne than. 01'dlnary · sawa. · "A pertect Saw or Eiery "Pupoee'� :� a: ��::� ��:�:�;r:�: :r���. . Tb'e Rev. T. 0; Snre family are Cor. T�coma Aye &:; 11 51. "'here tbey 'c Id .llIlt former now well. elllab.lisbed 'n the. ne;" I T�coma. :'V�h, . . . E. C. ATKINS' & CO. �boOlmates. �ons . them Insa Ben- parllonas�, wh�ch was cOmpleted Free 06lh·el7 WA8HIXGTOS HARDWARE CO TACOMA. Dl8TRlBUToR8 a t f b a e II ��� �!�1d :�t Jp��� �tl:�t�: �:m� {���;-:c;� Tbbunl,: .·';;o: w:. = ::=�==== i' = · .:� ======== . many u was . desired. : . .r ::"lth� �every modern con.enlen�;. . On the "hol�, tbe .boy_� claim tb ' . . . ' PIECE- �fCYCLE eup. alda. aDn... bue b.d decidedly .',reeable HISTORY CLASS MAKES are turned ut aolld bar ateel cation. The :acqualn�..nces tbey . _I MIN1ATURE AI'HI�N!! I i and ,tempered, wher..- p:...�Ueal� �appeq.ed to mee�. were aU. nr7- hM� .. : . Iy all other make. bfcycle Compliment . ,Itable, .nd desiroul of meeUnc . :rhe Collere Rlstfu}c1ua 11 \ 1rri �...Jbeae� �ep�aen(__t1.etI: tr.om P. Ing .a · 1D,lnl.,tnre modef of the -. " Dr; Charles . : J:;fs{'as� D.���e:�� '::!:r:td �:: �� ��:: !�P:ete:;I::;o;:c;t'tbe turned to school .nd"toot up ac.ln Id�(' He ;"m It ,,�uld be loo'd. Webster BurHtt . WASHINGTON . . wa,. '.tor th1l bllt,ory; e1 ... to Itiad, . ..' ,_, . Ihel� ttudlel. HARDWA.RE COMPANY t f t ·_ ...... ...... · T� ..;.... ·. . . i..' n!:. of, :bo,..' made l*tt!e �b�r!'!::.O :hl-:fd'''J� :!� -:; . ,t�elr It'iij1:Qu.�r�e�·. durlllc� ..<:aUolI : c!� .. � tndjlnc.... tb.i elt,. , .� . � :. . ·".F· .







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L. C. SVPPORTS . 'CORPORATION P . L. C.- QUINT ' Ip· I NEW COURSES . LUTH EJRAN UNION I. E �-=)-:DEFEAtED-IHOLDS ANNUAL I PLANN D ;\T P. L. c. OFFEREp IN TWo- BATILES The I:uth�ran Stude.ts Union . MEETING . HERE �hi. Reunion r';;i�_ o �� NEW'SEMESTim Three For:el�n . In Game Mftlnhun� " . . I Gren.t Su·ccess. Good Pro- ! I uyallup VictorIOUS . d. l\Iissionnrit8 . . . J! ll,oard 1fiilr. ,5-.orporaho . n Meeting i ' I ---: /'::;gram. PIanne Courses Are Ofter�d With P. L. C. ,Low, Ceiling of . } �'. C. I repH rat lo'n ror Ro'l un on 11ft. rar l New'In . Normn l Depart (fym- Undouht,edJy C�use of Clt hern ll StudentI!-" 1',n lon or I ' of �eal .m port. 1;ment.. l kedeeJ O�·.er .to 1.8rlht 1 1111.11 been happy !lu<:cell.t', and� L II Increased Enrollmc"" , j Oerent. 1-, J�. -·G. Loses to l th!! l'orweglail, L.lltherlln Chure}! hrlll . H�k e(i PHCIt!� I.utheun e0lle«1' to I, SUJ11neT 21. t0 1 . 8 /. DIstrict . ooe prqmllle" 10 ex�el . fill others. ! Wt el be«lnnln's the new

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' of. th th ' l �end. .If nO!!lI lble. rhree, or at lell."'t ---P: plan be followed thlll yeM e i a�:� �:ee�:: �� �)a�� ; The n . delesat(' to the el�hth �nual fl T�� t�oetli ��o: 1\'111 be dirter�nt from those �f�e r ) ;:�r::�er� re J:;f�re:� ' TI!:: :�lIt �:� I e I ;/�;c ; b�' :�. '1J;: :�/ 2��:� !1:\Oo;�.1' one llon of III Ju nu'r1 1 ' 1925.�at Parkland. R��. ! )"ell rll. Inll tead of Iha r or.m�� n - ! po fasl me \ ' Ih� l'u)":dlu ll llill:h ! ron;n,n of theSe are ir. the normal rtant uf Ilell!nghnm ('ondu::_ !..qllet Ihere 10'111 be neunlon sup- !department. and Incloutle. Ihe fullowlO be held III :\1 11 r("'h lit :';l adlll l n . J . . fllJor Saturday, January 1 7. . , I"" dDVolio n. , w_hleh tke.. IllCet- l ,J.t>r. ..' Ith .;�hell IIlld the bU!!.lneu - T'-;;y- p.-;Ye(J III 1I-l!;rc.1I1 dl�llIlvun-' .'llnhe�O\a.. · .WIUI devol cd 10 bUidill's�. Hev. rmee' tI ( !he \ l"IlnlllI ,I\ SIIOCIat� , ! In'K lIuhJeclll: ,nY�lelle.' f;tudllnt." ( lo n lI;;;;ort! lar;::e : the l'u)"uIlUI� IlI,I(h /t)" n llHu"s IIf Tflc�nl!l. prel<lden lu m I eliing was 110 low _ th1lt , It t 'of the ' In onnecllnn with It . :"l() In dl vl d uli l .I Teaehlll�. Oral ��xpru�lon. J�lbf{try r h l �II lo� a le� and hllg lIourd of Trustees. pres!!le<!. The illl l'ol!l!llIle tu jml he ell!lllll�ry I 'r ede I h ll a mh tud "'el.ho(III, School Management. and . h ule m(" l l ng W:IS of ' re Imporl . fnr l l n � ita t l�ns w.! I 1 he ,�Cllt o ul I UOIl OIl I It� hall wlLl'n � hoot l llg' f�r l as k UU t p r��I Il eAnldo(',,_la1 I trifrom j -. te 1';ldfk' I.ulhcran Coll"go waN Ih er l ye r bU it lIaskel nil till' 1'. I.. squa.1 u l I " " 1)() "1+'. l r: thllt '":'pIloor- I adl\!tlon ' lIu bJecle the . co. pe o f the�e O\'er 1.0 the Pa{'lflc 11 I"lrir t Ing' Mllst " will s rve their pur o�e . ! heen trOliDed 10 d,o. IInti II;!! ,i:ariH! 1 ea{' h "Otdenl will Nl.. "ufflrl(,1l1 . , (Iecded � b+'en playcd 011 r(' lI l at ion floor ! Leudprl< hn\'e appointed In I1f t he :"lorweglull L1Jlh�ra(l Chu rl;:h : n nd 'Ihat e\'ery render will feel hllll- of the norn):11 work glv!ln at the almo!ll fifly �.'�·':�d l�ml:� t t �ll' o llu:n me l ear h 1 ::�e:e ' I� I' I.. �Ive, UI ��st;ee::�::n::e ,7�a; �;CI��;I ;.��:;:� lIelf'hrarlll)" In\'lled to ltUend. ���::\J l�;elrc l t en t . , ' j I 'rhe order for Iteunlotf"" ftl\YS. F,'h- I and get a 1 0 0. 11I·,.r C'- li t \)1I'lriel III Stanv.:OOd. 1 p · llrl 1.llIeup: '" . have rlU�IIell been added Tw Prellident Urtlal �avf' nnual ] ruuty 20, 21. S1l(. %2 I� I'K follow�: ! to. lheo ner('l(ullit {'ollege department. ... ". ! l'u)'ull" I' (' nt rl ullon frum t ei r cJl.I�Sf'�" Sthllkohl l The leadf'r� for Ih(' d ff ren l r('porl u f ('ondillon!! at the acollege , F"rlday nl l . 20. al 8 . 00 o Sid rilllllllU PlJfehOlog.r, r lIl(l�lion ,nd They F:I � � p " n o { i l Il : work dllrlhg l . thero thCOj :'II. I< re ldler " t (lone f I : e O ' PI �!<c� IItl': ( ' - ' ...fITUumet ! COll pre"- ; clo " k Y{' l� e l on Dubbs. by . I Jdhoo d lind Aciolellcenc.e, Civics. Ule Serwol ,o'lI1i_ 1)!lI't I)"ear. llelie hJshowed '' n cl . SCI U�tud n 21 il t �:: : .::-e {�:���� · � ' mm I� ,��I�:(�� ! ne�. I'/!: llelHlrtlllcnl. !tuth and p m F:n.l:ihlh l hi l ��:H:I ;7() �� �;:e \\ r ���� I:(� :: �: l : flh,)". Fe·h. l . o' c loc k : f Ihreo new �u·bjects 10 Ihe�ryc ul. r I H�nlor" }.rnt O)'I-"n� '� tll\' l<ChqUI ; heen lIuccellsful, bO h I rt('unlon SUPllf'r. � I'eecll of welrome ! are Puynllup: Wlh'y for Stilt I. . l olt m . or De ymellt. ed In the IIiSh School u n I " l n l te a ll fr fo P ro �::�'�l:� r Jl ru I Mcl , I ,Ugll,1I : �,�:�!'.:'�III:I��"...I�:�r�� I �:�dlin. . ���r(d'· l::dH'� he. ����;I�a:: :�II��:�:� ::' :�. ;�s:,a :t;��ldl��: :�:�:; A:::�· l to T;:��:�18�:�:�On:OP �:!� d!;�8ro:l� . preY!��led lind pc��eated,Ihe IIchoOI ' lil!.! lon. BUlllnell-+) meetlntl!: of A I �m·J malel)' 165. I �ablltl� 10 ,.I\fIot , hallk<'t." l· Prppnralory. IfIlUKen. _ ' �,l fe. It fJ..oped. sftld Ires. Ordlll · ' n i A8IIociallon. 8�'OO o'clock: Two l "1I:1I I11 caUIlf'S I'. I:. C. to Gil l ow n . 1 Ihlll IheIlI ,a cl f DliIrTct all ,n whole llllk cl ball gll m..s. 1'. L. �efeal to Ihe SumnN h�IPKlers. . VJt.V I 0 COLLEGE G lrltI.V"II" DEA'C'ON DUBBS J;Cilflfll 1I"'lng now II Ilro p- I bAlumn Haturchl)' Ja'Hl!lr)' 24. on i; ) STU "\" DE.NTS FLUNK. -the team ('rty lind only college-will give I Alumni or P. I.. A. VII. C. I C. VII. Ih,. local (luor. �ho LutJ1!'rniH� had Instltullon U 's ri1lancllli Hlel the bull In I helr Owt;"fcrtllOry IUOllt ! re' ' S n lay Mornl ltl!: }o" 1 "" . Spec, I . --- e .. . TO BE GIVEN :---. t1�� u(I�':;;�I:��::�� t��'I�;�h��l hy\� �:���be r I t IJd()re G od I n l iS pm y_ l Iffl . �e��.on· Ker� l�e ' c;� ln-I;): .I .Ul ·I :'I:e"t�a�:�(,:��'1�:t:;:���' �tl�I��leLl�� C:�I�: I .an;� erlill Church. 1 Thespmns to Present Deacon. I 1"'111'lIth'r�ity !l�' \\'illlll11" .·nt� "f Itf a WiIPIN'. OurI .F�ol11 nil i'l1I h-nll;,w. til e n I t ur.·tl,lIewllhln till'rSHnctunl!< L, C:' ,CO;ED,!, Dubbs,"inga . 3-Ad Ilrnfl'�IIlI I+nil t'lh'ill',1 var· RUSSTAN .PROGRAM i RECITAL Reunion . ' .. hllu)d h/l \'" hi'I'1I1 won lor Ih l' �:: ;:: , i"1:111" Iy "r f+·IlIl.,� Ihal h;"I. III It·;.!'t, BY THESPIAN CLU.B l M ll Signe t' 'I ulnt ' HJermlluul. an ad "" n- ! An evell l of IIpeclal Interellt dinw.:r,' ,point I n i·umn...n: :'Ilyroll I,reldll'r nl,,1 ,I n" G la.�'iu l "II" . On Jlln. 1 6. Ihe Thespian Llter- I) red sludent of :'IlIl<s 1.1I�11l1l Lunll . ! ing n.. unloll week will. he the preall unf;II'urat.lt! 1.ln)"l'd 1I:00ti 11"11111.' fnr t h I ' ..J "U I'�'fT �' "l!"rtl!iI thKl 1 0 IIry-nramntir. Sociely entertalned"b)" I plano Instruclor a t P. I e. �'\ Il g i ve I !!ent allon o t "ne:H::o n Dubhs:' ruI Ufld und Sllro��l" fu r Sumtwr. �('.t 'I r ltprnrt' ry ral rom dy-d ra m In 3 aetl! . lS life i ering II HU!!lI ian program. The , 1 ,recita�. . Ihe colle e bra ae1. . I.. ('. �tllliltl 1lI""!s I),' rtll "r all t" II�$:<' o; tudenl �'rld!lY I e fl; Cll p 1 3 : at , . 30 In .groul) oJ th .. men tally unfll. ,'fOKTrltn ron "I t of I e tollowlllJl: l �he play 10'1 11 be ' given by mem- ' thl' (;01l('1:1! o f PU lI:e l Round [.f)Jl:J:" r� in wi l bt' 1I1i�llItell by Mr. Hll rr)"! berTbe tal d bru\"t�I)", IIllmilt'rll: ll of t e P. I�. C. TheKplan 1.1 IerKapow sin '" /t h l " Fn rlllt'rly:' �lIlurdllY �rU r! . 11 \·oc(.1 Klucient of :'Ilr!!' 1 HTy- Oramallc Society on Iho evenl "" lI hlil t he ", ht·lIer of his u n- A IIrl�f IlilStory of RUlllll1l, P('(le r . Honn� 'lIlin!. BOl h J:lIl111's wl \ J-",' Il la." " ,1 Hau e . The progrllm ""hleh I or ·F'rldIlY. Ye, 20. Uniler the Ill" hrl�ht mindell �"J(nl' fclI l. Uti th'i. 101,:1] floor li t a klan . ' onymil y . "onl)" G rN" . HII l n " I'eller th u l Is expected t'? be Interestl llll: and ' rection of lII f1l. Philip H.ange: Tho 11II1) illl t'Hme In ,·ull,·..-p. Flftei'lI )"tl;.Ir� · , The umner I '. I.. t· . 1I 11 1.l II p: v-arled \\'111 he I.nnounte('] In t e I pl yer nre now working hurd., 10 hl,l(h �1'1iool n'nl "f Ihe four (;relll:' lJIr;:et Ne �on. l ' 1', I j., l'I"TlIIlI' r a80. ( ·uIIU.!1I ('nllegl!; ,now , 1ij;'veloPIllt'nl of Itll�IIlrln :'IIUslf. 1 ne� or the ':';I o�rln lt :'I] alli. : make the pia, a ."uecella.: . Io' Sproulle l gra,luatesIer t:utt'r.'t! tlnl ) l-" r . :'I l an " Esther Sydow. , I \ forI)" The calll cho.en fol!owlI:. SatHlenmll l . 1" . Tllylor f'rotz I come, not II:rllt4P kno:vdedge. bUI "nelill of :';Io,,{'ow:' plano 1I010. ! DEBATERS LEARN I Deacon Edwin Beck. J. (aUlIl!O \ moe Coleman. Arthur Kftul8en. hal : Sisnii 'I jermlltad. 'B i; L. "rcldler G . e II college .. dlleation JIIUlison b('I'ilUs RO ERTS' RULES nnwdon Crawley, Rud.olph-S�nder_ come to lJu considered a 10Cllli .ne· HUUI�"· I.lleratllrc . Rulh Dull . t \, !. ",eld]er G Tull cell,!ll)"." --A IItury. '"The Long ";xlle:' b)" " Su1Jl!: . . I.. C . : IJ Kreidler for Orrlcers (or Next'Quar,ter EJec- .;onMaJo. Ilr.otesHUr. ll"ked If a Leo 1':o11l10y; Clad)"11 Thomas. r lWcNutt. Alfred Anderaon. ("oltuIII. :ii\in"old for �lI n dc rl!u lI. S. 1 hlgh�r IIlandurd of 8ch,j1]nr� hlll ,The rtlll!Jlllln Anthem. Htlnl: hy I· Meeting Deuteronomy JoneH, Cnd Coltu m. ted at Business ,;111 11140 for L. Kro'idier. · --. I.illfan lind IVl!rllon .. ee L ' ROlle Raleigh, SI�ne HJerm8tad�" . Sumner: 1\Iall(,8011 for J umiliuli . I wOjtld h"I\1 relllled: . ' Mnbcl . ' Popo'ver, Etna ' "We I t IIlrlvll 10 Wella Oll. t t . The Ilrogram a whole Willi well 1 II." ortllir to teuch It II mell.hus the "II,,!!" SONG SERVICE HE LD :::(�H \\.':r : �� .:�� w;�o:�� ��\�n �:�:�; :C/�: I;t�= ' II;;:lt:�clllt:�"�ll:lfbe;"��I:�:� II;!;���:a �::;: m;��:I:;r I�e:d��g I� Ue�:(:��IIDllle, :�tll� S�muelson. C req'uired 10 ifHillf), the C, Debutlnt Society. re�dered ·" no- Trixie Coleman. Ruth We lire not tryln'g to raise l enco're WIIS AT TRINITY . .ClI....URCa c.ourse, our SIUDM:6;1}- but to m.ajntliin Ihe musl:: appreciating ! herts' Rules of Ortler" program on Yennle Yensen. ;\Iabel h'erilon, . lIud!ence, ' tor scholarship � an. 23, , ' uf "tllndard!l , hl�h , e Chor-u¥Assisls In 1', L, C. Chorus Work Th \\"h��hot�:�!an:::::n·ta��I:" 8tudents SCHQOL_ CALENDAR J 'r�:d;re;;!�;�f:�I:rt!�n:'j�:� M·ISSION ADDRESS-: 1 ��� ! and Glady. Tbo"mas wltre el;cted .BY P. L. C. STUDENT A�ng, lIen'lce "r1l1l1)" .Ian. held at Ihe flunk wall IlttrlbulelJ to the . In, --Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday ablllly to think conllecutlvel), 0 0 one · Oallke*alJ. P. L. C, y� . College t;hn"lrme.o. . Mo.tlone, all\endments m'enlng, January 25th. Hev. Svare subject tor flye mlnu.t"es-"eyen If qf Puc-et �ound on home floor at I. and ame'ndm�ntl! �o umer:'dlll�ntll' At ti!.e meeting of the P. L.' C, m I er I e 90 I m e ' '1 :��ehl�f::ret�A:It�h:u:�;::!� lt�lt��:�ll ::;:]:f:SI,S ;� I�,'C. !�Unden��dell�:�: :;;�. ; ���;� � : s�::'�:���r ;�rc� t ;::';1::88 ;�� a:!t�!; �:c�o� �:�� . s: p, Hnturlli.;.: Jan: :1 1 Ihe church orchestra render�d a tloned, aa:"lliall the Inclination of a Basket ball P L C boye and l men were often uoable to de Cltie an IDsplrlnS addreu OD "la' There a IIelection He' T 0 Suno aOd SOOd many IItudentll 10 so to col- �lrlS V! Kapoweln High Ichool bo)!l l the correet procedure HO"'8l'er l God ' ��:t P�heE Ch���:e c::�r" aandY�� !��e 1�luns; t���use I t Is considered j and glrl ;,:����� g��b,a\7 30 ! :��:eden/::e;bte a;�I(�:ef::nd\Ooe:I� 1 Mrlt a:,!lgn: f:l�t ;:�! t��8�I:t�ttoO�e�::� I' I� C chorus, f.:omblned. Bang Bel'- The highesl group of flunkers ac- P L. C MI!J!Ilon Sq<:iel)' meete at rmemben are looking for another In , In a God He told sraphleatl,' and ' n h a a tb f r O t r g h e e:::r:h�al �::; .. 00 � �: ��: e��II� :� I!���� �::I�� ��� :IUIDr;e meetln, the :��: :��d :; a �c!e :��:-�::��:; .7Id.)', Feb, 0 c;e�e a��::ms:,I!:IKW�C\��:I:I !: R�Y T 0 SYare !'tIn Ph E Hl..uce too many Jrons In th� fire Tbey P L C. Debatl�g Soclel; mee18 rollowlog offlcera for Ihe next quar therefore to tell them of the true tel' were el�ted Pre.ldent, Martha God fllvered, with a toea! .010 ore the t1pe �bo want to belop,1t Ilt 7 30 ' ReT, Syare delh'ered . aermonette, cto_ eyerr orsunllll.tlon und to haye . 4Mket hall. p, L. C, boye rtnt Hjermatad: Vice Ptesldent, ' Arthur ' �One or the Intere�tlng r.ctB:� n a r c a l n I b g en g I eg f ln ���r: :��o:: �o�:;r:� , �' t:m:�� an:Il�:I: ln::U��:,. ���=tn::��. V ���� '�:��'b;;� �:� :� �!e �:�:�!I'&;I:� �:��:e:t: a� r��YAn�O :e:t� �!�: ; :�!:t��·��� :�:��.';� �:�� ��:l �r.:. ,� ht�nolo«IBt. MIN Lillian Lund and grOJUYhal no' time to .lltody, The selected teams will debate the pie who den, Hie uilltence'turn to at If:OO, , . Lincoln' HICb .�hool In a dual de· Him w,jen In critical daD«er.: ' �e lfJ . BUlb. Le TburtMla)-� Feb, 12 . 10 pla,ed ..,tftI'! phino. -: "While evldehcinl s)'mpatby for : ' the Iludenta as .a Whole:' Ih, reo Dual gbat,e, P: L, C. 1'11. LLDcoln batl}!. at 1 : 4 5 b. m" Fe�ruar, U, told of InltaDc.- at Wbete- he ;; . , . p. m, · n tb,,\queltl�n: ':RHOhed, that the �Imselt bad- w�tneued' �hal l'cry RADIO PROGRAM BY . . Po!,!-er .�nCluded, "Ibe facuity take. HI.Ch seboot:,i,l . FrIday,1:45 ' PhJllpplnee Iho.uld be granled tbE"l� thing. Feb, 18 FACULM" t�� attitude that a{udllota are at. - MUSICAL . , I II A. �!� b;r Harr,' Sa�n�r' . ' . teDdlq W a mette, IBrough thill r PJano recital b,- Signe ....'!rm.lad IrtUlIedtate independenCe: ' . . ' . fac Tbe MUllcal,"by ulty ,Is to CiTe a own' �ol�e aDd If other'cllmes, seem 8I1.led b, Harry Sannerud, YOca'l The oegatil'e ��m 1!1II ,.tr8"fe.L to .r�d and-;- r;.;.i)}. ... JOb·� Wl!e," pro«ram by Radlp:� �t�nll'and pro· rairer, tb�y are free to ' tr.l-D� �!o,ist.. �, 8:00 , �, m,. ln OoIl�U Lincoln ' but -tbe afflrm.atlYe meets Luetta' Sl'i2th ·conel.&dad 'tbe.ato. grnm w1J,l be t anno,unced later, . .. clI�ea."-Pu�et Soun.d Traf.l____ . m. �b ' oPllClnenta at nie !=�I�e«e. ' «ra�. 1'" .. . , . ' .,.








































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Sanitary Barber Shop ,. . .

Thcatr� Boarding School . ' Under Pantages Co-education�l. SERVICE PROMPTCHAIRS ; COURSES OFFEREDTwo Years :Normal LADIES ' HAIR Two Years College High, School . . A SPECIALTY Business' School: Com'mercial, Stenographic J. Cpn�� Prop Music Dept.: Voice. Violi� a�d Piano . ' . Irrr���;;;;:;=;;;;;;;; �;;;� .� . . �. Gift Headquar..ters . OYR MO O . · · Train. ro� Clean.:Str--;n; g Leadenhip ' Day. and

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. : �MEe4 ,-\ �avi8' Men'!,! �hop Ave. Tacoma

secoRd Semester �Ded Jan� 26th, ��o t. Y� �n(oJI �� � �ce �or Work Dur.ing: �he' . 0:' J ·O�·da.l, rHi� � �..hiqcton ..

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·Broadway. I TACOMA


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Three General' StoresMerchandise So. 38th-Mad. 80 1 002-8 Center Sl.-M. 7221 3901 6.th. . A"e;"-', ' ro,c.:. 5,04


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mlrrm' of f!�Ft;; If you do:t )i:;no ;)" hl" ....t'Onllcienu t! ver � llk.. tli(" r e� l f(1t thl' m. ) l1 h urt forIItkelilay' ejJh�g ' IItudentli In b. ed ! �

I's\cholo!!:y :sa)T that \ 0 11 can't do ("aushl!!: .them to Inhili breakf.JII. The i , "" . . .. . .. . 110'" . t .... o thine!! Il\.onee MIl("Cf!l!.lIfll ll) \\e CUI�1t ....c undentaud II u ite ' ond Palma Heimdahl " � r huw 1'lIln" IItudenlll IIchle\� ular with the !!:Irtl , for thul pe rEdltor.ln.Chlef , JJ K l .succelill III praparln!:: thl'lr le830nll Illit urton reldler "Ioa�!!: Edito r them 10 eel an addltlonal i "The .. orI I ' I fI el t muslclall!l " ' nEPOI(T��HS. I e h an r ' , ua: . General Xe....s.J::slb er SydOVi I ���I ; �1� )lh : ::nH.'g Ut�:l1e � u� )e) :� bell I) IIleep'"' �'or thOle Viho don t • MM(��:(h�jrllll��I�� anti ellr" tell us thnl they are \I.!ry k no 'ol 'oI hat tll.l.!. Cfll!; bull II we Ih!!.1 1 Irene Dahl lIuc�\luful t h e1"' ng /l:UIU during the expl,lu It wall use d 1111 It lIlornlng Wh), not' ;ake a d v ntage of ���\l���d I.ocal� _ �t l mu l , l t for Visklng \1 11 �I eeplng ! th"lr experlen<'e and IHsrt wit h , ;:r�tnl st lons Arnt °�e� stud) I)"riod in Ihe ll!Irar} l <,." L e , �. IItudentli --• the BEST.! �lIf�OU!4 Sl!!:n� ��er�:��!d ,\ good I•II111)-M that think nt e d u u ni AAluhmlellcll eAh'tha BI.;ero the cor)len of th e hall Itre Ill/pro Sileaking of-B _ uncroVined heroe!! ar eck . flSY j Vrilitelor usage all .... a�le lJllQer ball 'ole wlib to ca ll attention to our l f:eo J:: Cooper ketll Nurf Sllld , )Ianager rlalng bel" ri nge - t he hero of earl) co' Financial Secretary )labf:1 herson Cor 1 3til 1t hours 'o1iho Vias recent! )' crowned by 1155 Broadway -)Ianagcr (' irculalion Sognelest l'Piler ,• A fred An�n 1;1 There are man) fnulls Ihat 'IIC do an old shoe !& 1\ re..\uc! for IlausAdv{'rtl�ing Manager _ __ . l t n f e IIpllCe he ... _ .'I\,·ulty Advisor 0 L Thorson :O�e�1111�e'ol r:I�I���er- I�� I����l !�: d;;r :� �te:Pi�lt°:�,7�en� r�;: ae IICf a -diligence thot bellove ulwnY8 IIhall , \. HUNDRED �' III lillie. . The COVi bell has beell found By 10 duty will be r.ll ....arileil r. .�I I tJllllg CUIlIC ttl ('IHls�-(" ('1I Stu:I , goocl lU llIgs It'S S('I S(CI S 'oI hom � Parkland.( Darbe " The Dejln Who 10llt I!� K-: K. ,lIId ('XOIllS As \\ C lIullk huck tI' cr IhL' oltl SPIUL'slcr III re i n... . Shop ! ' SPt;F�' \� e .k llo,:,· tJll're urc IlHllly It " ons tlml shoul�f huwjl<'t'n 1 . ! . 7'it ON !)A:VINGS slmlJcd mon' Ihoroughly, repurts IUt shnulcl ho\"e I�een hct h'r l Ph ren'o lo!;>" 11 1111 . tellch : ns \Ve hayc neycr 'pip d less ! nnd pn'pured, thellles tlwl t'IIUIII ! YC I('en llIt1r(' t:url'fully wrillt.n· ,.ou \10 doubl arf' f;u i; �aware of. AMERICA� SA\,1 �tiS &. r . �' .Y� Pussihh' we have Il'l lhings sli ' :.Ill{; vel haw hat! visions 1,( A' s 1 . LOAN j\SS�. Conf�tionary .. , I l l tl e e ;1�ul .B'� cI�ul('.ing . in OI�r h . ciS' Il� ah l t l t u l exam I.illl(� �s . :�v.:n'� �l g w �::; h ; 1:,�;n�:::lI :�� ! �I l001 'P�cirie Ave. . , .ra II lilt· whole . l\l'llIt'sit'r s L l:ol'onHI;. \Vo�h_ duln t fcd {I lilip so Slll'C' '1II111 f.il·d. ,10 lno 1- - r I I ' . Purklantl I BiI1's PI\t ..... .."............... ...f ! ... . .. ... . ' wurk in a fl�w, hours. And WIWIl Wl' saw IIttl' grudcs, C s, n's �o�:ol;n: (:�:�l\\:I��I!:��'::1 �;:I �����II�I:r� (". .at HI sludy har�II'�:" :1 1111 I':�s. \\"(' Iho�glit. :' \\'.hy didn't I work " L........�............"""' O UI hi gh schoo l 'yearll. Then'fore ! .. ..: ...'' .. .'''' ..." .",'' .. ., '".... ........." ."..........,.,"',.......'''' mo' - " c arc 1I0W. h<'glllllll1g a IIl'W St'IlH'Stl'l'. I.d us profit .h� ollr beha �IUrlllg I hls IIlgnlflcnn ' e's Co. f....A..,.",..c���.;�� 11Il' lesson and rcsolYt' to improvc. \\'c will del'ide thai the I VI'. rlo<1 I" IIf h ug� Import;!nfl!. l Ho' Holm I E (.: I �)I\���\"��V � . I All I a lii ntimiiteilly hh:h and lihrary was IIIl'ant 10 flln,,' lioll inslt'illJ .of adorn , tilt' huillli"ng ' ,. ( ,:,l, l�. Dru'mbeUer, Ebrlic ' hman '1'111'1\ Whl'lI ('x:lIl.L. JiIlH' cUllles aro� again t1ll'n' will h(' no' l lI¥ht mln!led. land prone .tor ..peak I . : & Company . 1It·l'cf .I�r tltal "1�ISI lJ)inlHl' lTallllllil�gl alld (lur \"i.::.i ulls of A:s ' �1I11�� ::,.Ih:i!l�e �:r- t�:: �:�ec lltl:���: I :uul B s �\'ill hCt·UI �ll'. ['('ali lit's and think uf all Ihl;- Irllilling and Ilu llllc n;) Q ..... u ori ginal conCC' lltion of ;52. . ' . ....�.�.�.�":�,::�.�.��:��".��,�.�.��......,,J IIlfO['IllIlItO.1I we WII! ttCCJlIl. <'. I el us n'soh'(' Ihut Ihls S('IlI('��cr lhp Ideal lItudent'lI re,acHolIlI . 10 . ' ( ' ' I. ' r " l O f / � , Scl�:� ::l ce� lt ). III 611 1 1 Te qllcs.{illJ; I hat :� �:a:�I �I/���fll )t1�:,( )��t.;�::::r !��,�;!:����I\\ . "(� I\\� �;; :;::�" , ���.�I��'I �� :: i.l � Ifsol llc I hiHJ Ile c1e\'oted tv- slu d.y lng DC) tholl Iikc\\jsc." s e Uffcr IIC I t offerf UTlie lIulljl'Cl!l C he the In tl ' _ O . . -___-)'-__+ Scundllltl\JOIl CI IC(' kS, Couy.ou rl'�lsler u nde·r. PerhnllS !lolllo l ....is OUR ' can and currCIll·). i or 1 I t pot-as I ' I / ";; O · �� � �O Ol ' '' '' "' : \�:I� ut ! I..L Sehoul spirit is thai intan/-!ihlc;!. y('t distinc tly (...· iclc nt S()IlI('. ! !,·.'.:,.�� � l ..� h o r ,'h O" ' ,'f" sell drofts 011 ull Importhing whkh sets til{' stundllrds of till' sl"i101i1 ali(I hinds to- I mc' here' wa rn (he no"icc og�loat 111 the Scandlll' I lOlIIls onl I gclher its Illc,nLers and its adiv!.!.il·S. It is not an irkSU Il1t' 1,,{[llig hili !,�u�Il'1I In lertere �llh 1:111 Sa , . v!ta�_ �I'nfield "' '"n C "und yoked upon studt.'lIts. nur n law isslled frum the uuthori-. edu�·a l lon. \: whic!� !h('y Illust . fulfill. It is t.he spiri� .o.f .tlll' . illstit_u�i(ln lIIe��s b;�::11 ��:c;:l�r::�O�a:�:� ;�� r ' . If whld) l'alls III Ill' pcoph·. II IS the splrll ",11I('h wl'!ghs hav!! nothing eillc ill the 'oI"(lrhl 10 CalIDor ia, mltl halann's justly . .u. ,.plu{"C's study, the (·du("ttlionnl oppor- I elc'llI al i I! that partlculnr prllnch .J ll uildillJlco Matcriul and rhe BOao"'k" o'Cf' lunity h� whkh till' sdl�l{ii OWl'S its ('xist('nn', firs!. It , IHllds o� �chool life " �<).Ultl a d�IIIO IOTdl' N. A. Specialties ' tlll' fut'iHllls logL'ill('r. It mnkes a place ful' ('\"l'r". worlh" I 110':< or prl'ferahl) allsenl'e. 1 1th & yo ud·ivity according til its "nluc. and giws its . suppor t I;J. ('ad;. : thll��I1f;::�I.I1I�II:lbc;�:.:�IC:ul:!·r���a���� 155:1 D�k SI�' M�in 676 ;\!JUYC nil, one ft·cls tllc desire ·to promu.lt.- . tht, In's! infC'rests I lJ1i1r�\I :1 1 Inherent �w'enkness. w hich I TACOMA � . 1 uf !he- :\tu<il'n!s 'and Illuinlaill . til(' hight' s! ' standards fUt' the : . . . school. . ' . .. . 'f eliAS. ROSE�llURG . ---.' . U!..! ._.• n&1IE111r': ._�F-. . A F END THE BOOK EYCHANGE . ' .. .. on l O ial ;. �:iW:� b S C lu ��;:\:I�;;�t�\. l:fl� I!�'If. fL\�;���i(iu�llsi� t��ll�'I)I�Ii"sti(I:ldC''{��rll��I\;.:�;:� � . nooka.n S:�� h T . e . St r.e � und liyc <!lullc:' li\"('· lh('ir own Ii\'e's us IIH'Y say. ljll'Y IIl'('OIll(' ) · )t:�� ��14n9 pe��3 a ��CI�I�n�� . m ....y . . · . , o p . ' uhsorhl'cI in their OWIl inll'f"l'sls lu sud! 1111 l'x h'nt Ihut 11t(·\,· Ifan Tilcoma. Wash. Men . . .. J. � . 110 lilllt, to makl' frit'luls. .\pparl'lltly .lhl'Y un' satisfil:" alld . _ ' I i! liw witl�out illl't.' III.iYc-lu nohll' eompfllliollship IHII tiU'rc �� 'rammnmw' BOO��D. J7H ! . ') r 1 .. STATIoNDs .:::.���. :::� l1(;:;I��::;��"� !'c ali forni a FI«!rlsts . ��(���l' ��h(i�;�INI'��l' I:::�C� <\I:I)('(�I��l'��( !:�I\J���: , Plantl Potted .�Io"era t C � I u)o wurlhlcsslll'sS ant! .!lll' dis.SUIllt'lillll'S lif( and of uppt'ur l r ' . gnstllll,l:. Ii • · ) )" Ioral Decoratlofll , On Ihe ulhcl' hunt! ht, IllUIl whn hus friends is hlcsscd. cxTacoma I life. \\'e nccd olflt'rS and olhers lleeil' 907 Pacific Ave I I. " " . p('ri('lleill/-! Ihc joy of rl'al !'! PJlIN'tEIlS us. Life is IivC'd in its fullnesS" unly when we knnw eoch other IIlul cnjoy t'neh olllL'r. Friclldship should be prudiced . It should .' I il . ht' u purt (If our lives us much us ealin/-! ulld slceping. It should t Carlyle . Caf�teria. . , 1& ...... 4. . • hl' thc concern uf cVl'ry mun to. put friendship firsl-Thc Pncific ,,· Headquarter" for .T.eacherl nnd Homestcad. Students of tbe ' 1 1O-1' 2 Pu·d£.ic T_ 7a. PaeIIIf!I ..••• Poclflc Luther-an College. . . . Tacoma. .;. . . ': ' Tacoma 917.,.Pacltlc A...e . •


Singl � To Se�e E(�icienUy· -



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PAO& 3

Eyell Exa�(ned Right "' Glasses �Ight Prices Rig.ht


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" ornJi.. ••.- c...• ."relal _ rtoOIO-",lIto.... ...., CaUtor.La, PI••• T:tcni(", "" .."i,..

TH �S�� �u �� �!E� Phone: Main TAcOMA AVENUE RTYACQ�\J\ . � �-� --;;;; -� ;; �;;;; ;;;

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Lum'ber & M,i'l\work





Builders onofTeGood rms Homes

lJu1t�r'� Materia] and Coal


Do� k '


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. Q�ality is Econ!)�y




Coffee, Fruits, Catsup, Vegetables, Spices '





Extracts '




t::u,:Cf; UICYCr.g cup. and cone. �t or aolld' ba ateel . ale t�� r nd �)' ����:a;'O� r-:I�;::;


atamped out'. cupa a,!d cone. ., �lLu.h.rden · oii_heel ,!,��I an ed, conaequently do not laat ' aD lone. 'Wrl;e ror ' cauilo.. al(4. -.... . p�lce. �H







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\\BRAHA�I LINCOLN .:UUl.tK't h &n,r.,h'r ! CIVICS 'CLASS

ACULTY . STUDY· ' 'PACON DUBBS CLUB MEETS Dii<' w<""""",,.. J.;;;,;;;: :s,

II" ,,,. TOBE PRESENTED . . ChtitJ.l.of the � hountllel<8' prairie. MOil . VISITS STATE met tor Ill! monthly Btud)' even. . The lIep,,�er fi'Sr the evening The First .'e:ature of the Reun- of the 'l' lf,;ln loll. CAPfIDL He1'. Sv!re. His subject ..':08. Heir to . tbe bearing of .burdens. .( Program . . ion-brother to t}tem that toll ; "The Church of �or1\·ay." ' Session! of the Supreme on I The next . �llltlY e"!lnllig will he "Deacon 'Qubbs" comedy In God and nature together IIltnlled him Attend Court and or the HOUle of helli February 25, with Mr'. TIhIr- three aetll .,'1It ,be presented In .tbe . to lead In the van. R�presentath·etI · P. r,. C, . � gYln-tD.lll um on Friday In the ItreBs of her wlideat 1\ �llther �on leading with a discullllion ' . HC('hlr St. Joh'n Crevecoour. r�cb�y 20 al elroM 0 '· en t on a e h h I 1Il nat led neel 1l1l " lI clUBB took a day off The clvlc 01.' the TheBplan clock. 1I)¢n�a 20 Feb. Reunion, ·Long Shot Loggers)" Sa"cs GJrne '· I r r e Feb. 2, lind went to OIym, H't slip Ihe yenrs rrllm thel� �tli' plMonday, PIANO RECITAL J. ��: �n� :����:r�:�. . r�" la as rol. Sw , er, cent�rles pa� n brenth', \ to alte�d a lIeBlllon or the IItate 10..... n BY P. L. C. DeacoR ' Dubb�-from Sorgum' Cen. On ly lome lI"eB 'II re Immortal, chal· leR�llI.t... re, !he raoult)' member. In ·� .r;;t .:�:� �; ��rkland, Fri. Iti!lg!ng darkuelll llnll 1ea!h. �Iccompanyhil them were MIBa LII· ter. Edwin Beck. . Jail. 30th. t'h e P I C. ballket buil l ,'anced Pinno Stud.nt Amoll. Cole!llun, hili nephew. Ar· 1 He,wn from the BluH o( the mar· 1 I1\� Lund and I'rorcsaor O. L. T·hor· :�:;ed � r �ak.c'3n I��c ::�� by a AdGh ' atar·duat o Iyrs. n -rlte bill tbe " e Concert. Olh' e rMusic thur KnUII.en. lien: 'tbe cI,.e Inlltructors. ' ' ' r ;; t . Students 'Viii Assist in Itawdon Crn"'ley. from the city. name, The flu cara. driven by Rn·. T, P�m " Iludolpb Sanderson. 0, SYare. Mr, ·Thor8en. Mr. Buli. trunac<t-deUL Jllarnlshed. u · Glowing. O �I���"'�t " :"".:' ICC . ot the hlg�1 011 the reconl8 or ru mc� ' ,P",d .,'" . sO,.. .'.,,..,'" ',,',",,. ,,A "' ' D.','', ,' enemy'lI .terrll.ory 118 often liS C. 1': �Ihlll Signe Hjermllllld, un:�:� ' " , . le d '" . h" m 1 S. aud hud 1I0t hard luck dogged I \'ancctl HludCll t In the depn;tlllent of . .. . their �bootlng. or bU8kets. the out· mUlilc ot P. L. ulldt'f MillS LIllian pr!:�t" r�:��1�01'J"·:,·. 8. A country r . Reunion F�b. 20 ' - ""�'" . ..Th,',',." w,"" ,',,'."','.' ',,',llIl·,',,",' m culife . "'·ould· have' been a different I ,und: will give recital "rldllY I ht s lI tle hool marm. I I a I ::�: �� ;e'::';I��I� ;�;�·��o���:.�; I� �'I:!:���i:(i . l Kt ' P II O�}�'ron Kreltller anti Joe GI1I88o c�en��t'�K�e���l:I::SI��;. �' r�:�IOar;� SI::Miss RESENT TO BE Phlllpena Popov�r. with the n�w capital ',bulldln8" .,. bleh II p!;lycd good b411 the eyes on the deacoi:r.. ErDa Helm· . ' I N belnl erected.. A, the lIun 'wal' out and �mlth for' the Lnglenl. Ph. H auge, li nd MIllS' VlIlIlI: le Led. EUN . O for a rew mlnut",. Blr,er ' Nellon \. ,.he rooters showed the bellt spirit fler. \'Iolln Instructor .and orchestra .of the year and undllr 41e direction ' Ieaucr at P.' I C. .,.. 111 aSlIlst her. Pr�paraUG 8 · Are Well Under '��:=t l:t��b:I�::;::I:: :�:.;f:::� In r e Y e r a I s d (ull of mllchlef. Wtly. It Tbe party tben entered th. Temple . Is Expected to JJe-. a �nd°t'::al� :�: t I���e� ��: 'r�� :;; I :I��: a�I���:�p'r�!��:n �f a :�:�ct�!:� I Trixie Coleman, uth Fadnesa. Great Su�cesa. 01 Juatlce. wbere tbey ati.ended a the Iym ..:!..!!h tbelr cheering. The; program la u followB: .. l.Ye I Ya. s.."e1�n, nnl from Venaon: � lfeflllon, of tbe Supreme Court and. . S. III.enlioD In B (lat. Bach. . bel Iverson. . ' Reunlo'o daya are almollt bere lifterwtl.rd I.ooked throu,h. tbe build· Ginn I Etudtl In D lint. Czerne)'. coltu� l ' F D::�tr;t !':::IOn.:: The �n:1 r��t:a;:��;�Ct:r�bna; �:ctl :� I '?�he party .tben dron down to ::�:�f�� In C abarp minor. Act I.. �' � :;�sl; I Sam m � �le{ �:� " �: Deacon srrlvea from Sorlum Cenler. their Alma Mater, Pacific .Lutheran the ·old...r:apltol 'bulldlo, where. af· Signe HJerm'�t8d , J. UIBleo" . .J;' ,V,n de vanter! state or Weet \:Ir�f'ilny. The Ooa- Collele, Here, (or three day•. Feb· ter some lime. tbe .ellion of tbe Sch .... llru:1 Absent. ""etcal(, . .G\ D . KreltllC«. takel a drink 'ot water. ruary %0. Zl. 22, the will be enter· HOUle ot Repr"'otatl�el wu ope·�: Sub:!: 1': L.. C. : Qu�m ror M ' Drink to Me Only W ith I conAct. II. A tountry weddln,. SlIad· lalned bt" the faculty an(\ studenta. cd. Th'e order a,\d procedure bf Kre-Itllcr. Snnderlon rol'- n. Kreldlf'r. l ";;ell..-Old Engllih' OWII or the pallt, Tbe Dea'col) takelJ and once more ' the,. can meet old 'the meetin, w.. noted with ,reat Logget'll : McDoulall for Smith, . Harry Sanncrud . frlend9 anti c allmatf'1 at p. L. C. . jntere.t� a prilloner: En�chll for Samueilion. Ule\'\II!I lor I C7.!lrtlIl9. Macllo.....ell. J ' are expected. for 'It wsa aa. agr a e aurprlee to Act. III. A country husklnl bee. NOt only' alunlnl .Schwartl. Er c ::r�'Llllzt �:��:d t�:�1 B:Uj!u�� lIlteilt�ary. The l ;�� f;�;I:�� :�� ��::� !:te;:�t:da�� '�!e:st)1:ell�tt:; �IIC et::::t h n e : ::�� P.'-. C, b':: �t1�::t:I�'lntet Pla)'ed � 1'� �H�er'::: I date of pr�sen.tatlon being will be heartily welcome. l'repara· W. J: KnutUln 0111' tbe repre· the �lIt ' game or the. �e8,:l0tl with I 'NI.e -Erl Klnl. In(erpreted by " h""'.",,,•• rught or re·unlon. a IIon9 are well u.I)der' way and the lIentathea. . Jo th'.L lh!l IIjermstati. C, P. S. Jo'rlday evening.. ll cro90'd III expected, so get varlou" committees are working' Aller adjournment uncle , and on tbelr .new rto?r In .Tacoma... � A I Dear Heart of Mine. \Vellr�lul. lurge your tlci�et8 �llrIY. Peter Sognetest bard to make-this Reunion or 1925 nepbelll 1,!W.ched ·gum... that rull or 'thrlllll ' fr m H S � d . and Artb'ur : III In charle of the IIcketl and' they a auccessful one 10 ev.ery detail. ... learned' Ireat togetber deal"about tha Ie,· ttte .�tart and kelll rOOlefli their ! Violin Ob;I�:lO, �Ia:��angle lIlay be pnrchaled from him or rrom' Reunion will open on Friday' Islalure reet wntlnu.By: The Lutber_ squad·1 fler. and IU .;s.iem- of lawDlakAile-lie Du.hl: trell8u�er, of lbfl; Dra· (lven �ng, February 2 0, at el,ht lng, · ...,.. unl Into the-tcad at the belil� .'llntusle IuS mln4r. �zttrt. "'ell .. beln, l<D.troduced · malic $oclety. o'clock when StudtlDtll or p, L. C. to se.eral repre.entathe. anU .Iena· nlng !;lnd malnt.alned It until the Adagio will �resen·t the play "Deacon tOrB. At I�nchftme tbe reit ot tbe 7 end eT . tbe lIecond"" qu'j;ner. the i A lldantino . ·PID Allegro. ISe nd NEW AUTOS Dubbs'· In the scbool fymnailium. On, party sel?anted Into .mah ....roup. 3C<-re wa� 12 to S. O...ril'lg �he lIut ! planO arranged b,y Grleg ) 51 e ,fROFS BUY --SaturdllY at sll. o'clock comeB the Wlth the .alreement to meet at tbe two qu.arters tbe le�d ....·elll rrom HJermstad, , ) '::---- s ' l d o h o r tl be�� ;r::;l�; J�:r""� J:���;�I�: �;r::� �:�.n��� L� I�::: . P;::� A��:�� e;sa'::. ::�h:: ��!Ia�:=a�;rl:�3!e::IO':. "-:::; �� =� 7h: ro�r� h ��: rt:r�, �b:I�·C��: DEBATERS TO MEET Ihe last fllw daya In Iplte of �:l.rd elation and Pror, Xailer of P. L. C. plan was carried out but tbe m"t_ � tie 24 to � During the OLN FEB. 12 ralnq, One. �d.le Sedan. Ie The LINC-busln",s meetln� of the Alumni IIII' o; 'tha .enate was noc,... protracted ntl'ft 'f'he ' bl"lnule ��IOd. C, I', '5, owned by Prel. O. J. qrdal. preel- Assoclntlon i wheu will be conducted In 'and It .·as ellit earll afternoon was' the rtnt 10 drop basket Philipp'ine,, ! (l ent or P. L. <; now away on busl· conuectloll;' wllb dinner. At eight adjournment wi.. made. . which .....a9. evened when Ruddy San cs Th oth a ehe�::.let Bedan o'clock Saturdaytbe 'ty tlleo drove Ollt to Tu�· , evenlnl there wUi The ., "II par ,._'0 � . ..g'.Ioal (or »� " d, pp.' a tiel" e, dlate in dependence �I :�ned �, p:�r. Ph. b.e two Inlerestfnl baaket ball ga,:"ca, water Fall. JUJt ouLlld. Olympia L.. ' t;. ,'t nec�lIary to ('811 a Imme . IICcona Is to Be Diac:usaed ' 'overtlme period and EnO,cbs the ooe �tw!"n alumni atria and ulld 'lIpent a rew 'mlnute� there ad. p, L. C, Ilrll . team �nd �he .�r �Irt'bg tha fa!la. . After more elcht. SCHOOL CALE�DAR of C. P. . .5. manaled to m<ake a . Thuredny. 'February 1 2 . Is looked betweeD Alumni !peo an51 P. L. C, 1!et'lnl, · thc pa:rty turlled homeward. ' basket wJ!..1ch- ,gave tbe game to thel rorward to l\'lth much upectntlon . Th�)·. Feb. 1_ boys team. 00 Sun�ay mornlnl arr"'ln, In Parkland. wl�b no 01'-' LoClen by a. marcIn ot 2 point&. by. P. L. C. .facility, and Btudenta. Dual debate , P: L, C, va, Lincoln tbere �I ba apeclal re'uDlon',"ef- haUl, IQ,tlme lor dlIUler 10 the ••en. But It was ta moral .Ictory ror tbe On tbat day tbe Hl,h School High. School at l ...s. p. m. Icell Ih:.A'rrlnlty Lutberan Church. . lag, wttJ!, ·the f�II�, that tbei had Lutherana. .-b'(t. had 10lt tbe first partment �ebatln.. leams meet P.rld ", ";b, 13 "!pent an enjoyable .. well . 'u In.) :i�� \�e l��e� .p�cvloua by a .ore �:�Il:. H��h ,��o����:a�:�t HJ ' d c1 ; terestln'g and profitable. day. • ; 1111�!�:: �� �a�� =:eru:,r:���al p.erfett teamwork a.c:companled Phlllpplnttti shontd .be granted ..Ith .tIne balkel abootlng .lIabled Immediate h1depeadence:' 1t0101at. at 8 : 00 p . DI, in College' The Mooring :-M Sub'sc'ription PriZe waS ' C)'mnulum, tbe Lu,tberaD� to... 'orce� tb� 'troll, It. la tbe flrBt· t1�e P. L. C, . c. Balket ball P: 1... C. boy, . first ' . Awarded t0 Lu the Leagu,e 0f''Facoma .Charch P; .lJ. .'14u.a.d to ,In enrytblo, met debatlq dnnarles from a e they h&.d. and pro.ed tbe feat·ure. or other 8Cho�l and the Tbt YOUD, P,oples' Luther Lea of Our ·$&.I�n 1:�'llah Lulb..... ...".�!::c�n�t= :: :a�t���; decided bl, one ::I�!�!=�a :�· sue o(Our Sa.lor.'Engil.h Lutberan Cbarcb ..labe, to eneDd lIer.wJtll :le�tL:ebt�Ch D . . In Tacoma wou tbe (lrlse lor It'. bearUatf t"ub, aDd a••reclaChurcbIIi' Peb. .satorda". 1"1 �he bO ' worked y'elt7"\o,etbu I ,pUo!U.o'lor lIq� for tbe :wonderful tro••,. � Baskat ....11. · P. L. C.' be,.. flrit· aecurlng tbe mOlt lubacrl It.): Ole S:;..,old·,aa bl,b � t4ai man. I�de:::: 'lIaat, The prise .w.. na�ed . bl .,Mr. H: '." Anderion, -,10 . aad MICOIIct t._ 'lIIodent WOCHt- tbef Woorhl, a'lirt Kreidler'aad Joe�Gla8l0 play. belli" made ror till tau.. 'rotIIrt•• ,uMtt!t;tio_ .raprodG.cUoa' plLolAlra»Jllc ram.ad. • . Deor ten' t the t.ir. IDc'-a ,nod cbeckto caDle deaene �hool ,team. II) tbe ·*a.et. .J . or thlp �lar,atloD 01 Indepelldtinc�. to 'fl.. �eMUl \\·�T. �b. 18 a�'aJ .mntioll. top it..o.4. . Smlth The . ala .f tbe Coach. W� l.I'e ..,.,. *... . �� "0;'- . that 01 ADuraoa d •. . � at.t· .�r. by aB at ta .... MIa!lloa.Soe.,ty p, C, L. DeNI!q 8t<:letl '- t ' )lard worke lor: C P a. we �.,. � id� te �'I� ��re ,taU t .... / )(�. . TJIt:& Taco... . 1:00 P.; at. · . , ' coach RI�lII tad af�er' l'he 'came' In, tbe major ..t.tl.I�7 t�� .�T. .t.... e1J.!.#ftI to .--eomme��. t� .LUtMr �lJj..tt.� . PrfClaY, hb. tID , wta,.. rar .... . MeD we�J'!.n, · & .mlle .t�at ,.t lI� .actlT;'U" o� the tie �. ato m.�ier lutlc atl_ the , . Lea,.. I C. L. en.llb." b7 "'DeacOD' Play: " , op · n r � ':iN , e .. ,. th. D tM�ttc part a" c A: t . , ...., :t.:. � .''''' .. ..!:ala! _ �.''d th·, � .,., ..�� 'w.I/O,�le� : .._ W1tb � -:lMJ"� (tOl " at 8 : 1)0 , De .. ... ,..... CCIIItt " eq;nt..\. � fo�lo�I�. Ia. a '��ter enr _,�hOI� � .ra� th. . .s.t.rcIa$• ...., 21 deber" 00. tlIe ' wa,.. to .healtlll ... -"rttnIP .Kautattn. _ !,6' u � ,: · the � ·" �!"" f 6f �, flit �X rjcal.ec ,up,"r at 1:00 p. �ila. . ' . . . Anat 01,eo:"." He,aUn: t�. ' �r the a�ard Ud llufir 1D.d .""""' �� ball : P L. C. N,. ..d 'Clr.. ��.r_Lei.c.e. att ho.lui ·liiiliia ·RJerauta4, aaCl Tt.�, P. ·L. C. _ I4Q� II)' �fMr�












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. . . ' TRE MQORING MA ST . KRAlY KRITTIK' S ·KORNER ,;.. b, tb, "�d " ' . p.bi" h�d .;'" two th, ' Kh' � , -1 . . . Pacific Lutheran Collele. rk lan Wuhlnl1on.. e' . lik,e the rll'! Ion hIUlle thent. ) ':�etli'ne"·:;., 7




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� .I . �'ome ::;:"=u�!w.w.)' �. . ll lo�armatter per year Well' of' thl n tt l � Have our \ Appl.. -ication for SUb8crl e ntra nce as %nd no pen!lIn,;. slln-markerll cealled lor. 'e u e a o �!��;i�n�c����or I���: ·�:'!�DU li:tI;'· UO::dk :nd l� :,I:: ;e� The W'�u�rll' of ' the �yel "or tho P����nH:�� , be' Uneat muldlDI S at e r S1dow malned unmarred by tbe pell lied � ahou]d ·p mln nt "on- T world (;eneral Newll REPORTER . ��rri�:d,. �jt;;���� pbr.aea of oYer Imarl · thlnk,tb.t· dl t lopa tllat are harmful 10 tbe eYel Campul . . ' ) of l;d l ualli IIhould be rectU led. Wby not " take "adYlnla", of �::te g;:� the�re l . �;:���tI�:· l1 Sin cr�lI el haTe their experience and at.rt with ���r�:-,ulI sle�e �je:;!�!: Some of the Hleh School Fresh- ce e 'ord :uul dl n r a be l CO�:le�:8�;o�k n :t�::n�I :� ��: Y ;� � ::: : : �:::I ;: � ndo� :: . ��e·�1 l�::�y �lIl !!���lce P.:r!:� �:;k ���ne� ble thll Inlt itu llon baTe the croll ?,ord tiny t� do Imnll .thloe. I. Dualneu Manaser mani a � Ll b r.r� rul e l "ay th t the Flnaricla] Secretary ':.t�be�· I�::� W.,\ \ . . . i r ulat ion Manaser ' Bro.dw.,. Cor 12tb Ad'erti llinc a ger . r�[�:� ��ed���I� O..-yell w& too hue thOle prOCflll- �:��on:��el Ih��flt .��:�e b�h:;m�;:lt� my lell- NOW ,, ?u..... eare we ork ocrOll1 Fa culty Ad..-i80r Tho--;"on tln.torat�moy;rh�oow"�y :�:!- �;:I. :1c71�:II:r:: Sr"r:mn �h;��I ="-----. The fool I' �r r lent Today tln!aen!t A bode anti I, 100 dark. to Parttlatld Barber­ hereOUI" trle.d to ahow �ell.che·r h'ow lIlen· Mile well �here· ·they· Mre. No I .-ht he wall by openl llg h iM mou th Mtrlkel them except that Shop and .-1 "lnc hlmBel r 8waI-)'ou .�e. reach them Inilirectly frym RCfOIN!: n pa t he ba d ' J l r � r.e d \.�80n. the rOOIl1 lind Ihll hlocked \ohen 1 ond II ol e 8tands n front of them. Now We h a e I� ludentll who crlt- work crOBS I word puniC!! �e wtl . ·i II ol )aper but do not h- C\'el In.the facll of b llndne8 c h:e tbe Ich� Confectiobarye tter It In. "'Ulngll mllHl"' be IIlll.de . " t-;lther Ihe a r�l� help.ln.1Il lIto(lldbentll tl flI nlg!l.hltowon-\cry have Illw t.hllt eaYI nthtl dlctlonarlell re- i d. U ' Par�d l r a s ;:��:�lt; :::�:d 1:�Ir:�:' '�:�� e;���: b;�;��,, �: :�1:1�1!�� 0�1:�:1I ;��O\�:d l:: �:tl:� 1 t r th · -- . ' bplraril!!;" slll'1) a<;.e. ThlSavea Is .our ���������� 'the pic�ea toof tbeyouthen"' II � ;" A �';;:t"��r:V.:t���V1C£ If 7,OU .hellef., In I he theory of " merlcn. lIomel ln g to beuer qui n . Ehrlicbmaa g trun�. urlea. light . cOllllltliUls;nround even I� bdeoinnOI-we mlc tterdeu-orcrlnrncterhHles SIIlYl' We thutou-cu ulof',plIctlipun-al I wou ld IIth' 18e I h at you acquire tbe IItll]e pl u ce near &: d churacteriHfTc o[ beln,; ·n dil igen t . wlndow.lI-u tablu tor . Ihe dl<:.tlollI I!D " .",CIFIe AVE�UK Htlluellt , for who Wlllltli d m be urlell and tho crOll1l .....ord. punllMIII. IOn, Mnd yuu mlly . ha\"e_ OUI! lIome . . tluy. , . ' ?'





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O . L. == c..: � :: "'-'� � ;... :.. I,.:.. U .:.. G -=-' '-''' -'''..;,,: ='''' I on a _ __ ._ IORA C O RA E · Murulo- clrurlI/-lC c:ml!lI�I� III tlUIIl/-l "hut I!! rJ/-lht wlthuul l·un· p e .,t'lClerlllg COnst'qucllc;:<'s Thl!! 'Irlue' IIWh'!! It IIIIIn IIlticpclldclIl A nnd c�erciscs IllS tllsCl'rnllll'lIt (If rl/-lhl un.l " rullg A "-3nl of II pUlkC's 11 mUll II shl\'c I)f Ihe piniull (If uthers: dulls his M'nsc flf jus-I Bud unjust. I t is net'tit.' '111 pri\"lIlp lif�. i n SOl'il'ty ulld slutC' . . 11111 :\IIlIlY a mUll Ihrou/-lh Wllul of this " i rtut:' hns het'uUle v B? t1rullkurd lK.'c.Ul.ISC he h ' litl tilt' I-ll Urnl l·t)ufllJ.!:l' til I'efusc tlr!uR . � I fur fcur uf rltllc.ylt'. I' ny nile 1l11m. hns 1K.'t· II· /-lUllty (If IYIII/-l .1)(,CllUS(! hl� WUS t �) (·u" urt1ly fllt'c Ihe COI1S t ..iq UCIIC4...'S "f I Cllil1/-l . . f., � _�hc tr�lth. � II. s ll l lt . ll · l'nle;; :'i�����i" u�� ���� II�. ;�n�:.' � t;�� (��II. : �� j�:!: 1 � '�.�!�t l��� ErI:i l � llIornl l"tlUrill.W. I n Jlolilks {I. lad, (ll"odm'('s slwL'p. thllt is, . n lm pUMl! . ' I S th('se nuilUllls IIlwll\"S i111 whal Illl'ir 1"lidl'rs du. Sif l.".&lwartlly . 111('1) . skip nhuul IH'I'lJrtling III Ilk din'diolls IIf Ihl' Il'ud�rs uf t1!L' . . • . • Jltlrl!t'�. . you of opiniti l. II tuul in trlc Im llls If unyone wishl's 10 he II l IIf hi� fri�ls. Il'I him contil1t1l, in his IUl"k uf IllUl'lIl CO(II·U�C.l llut if �ny UU� ...dl·sir('s ttl I}l;' indt.pl;l1ek'!1l. lu hL' n mUll in whun� l"UIl�ldc!ll'(' IS plu(,:.t,t1 wh�1l IIllythlllJ..l IS III stnkt-. Il·t. hilll ('xerclS(' tillS '·Irlilt'. h·t hlln rt'1111'Inl)('r 111.1\\' IIlIhle' lind Tll'('('ssury i . it is .



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!toned _Ita purJMiae�-T�b�tft';II.".

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��.� : �be .bal;· rmU8,)Cork. her. O'D ·to '1011 .'---.: pe Ao'- '0187 "aiMlecl ap ' (be' weRo't "'-,tb(b011 _B:lte.e . WIfO WINS-WE W�!





Thm G..eraJ Merchandloe · Stores · .

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. 914 p"';:i.,e: ,




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Ey•• E.. ritl��. RI.ht


Right PrieH RICht

758- St . Helens A....('.

Tllcoma• Wash.

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Itl•• " Pr'..


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Our cod - liver oil is l. ways fresh And sweet as �r(,lim.

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, . THE �YNN MORTU�RY . TACoMA AVENUE TACOMA -17,15 . "SuP6rl.or Funeral ServIce



Phone: �Iain

There .re 61w8)'8 two ""8YII looklnt ' Bf er("rythillg, ell"e�lal1r YO ' aT*!': i-rOllI!-eyed. . " ; �-;;"'t Yr08h0':e ' htlre In l�le "Wbat -aTe )·ou . going to do pARer where a man working III a your blrtbda,. Doris!" �Iaugbter house dropped · s!ltty reet "Oh. don't' know. Take a ' a �n : :a::: � ��:t : � ��I;!�. a e -. FiJ;'�t : ' They wue piS" !eet. .l

ou, ' 01 !bl.... .. ,. Ib, .,.w,. .. h. Unlahed the. bottle · •.nd_. then bit the bo�e '!" �he aokle. . I'm gOlDS' tOo. se't an, awrul

: Fi�t



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. '(:ompliments «jf .




J. E. BerkDer If,. Ce. "ala 88H

AL '. T80AR CO' .... T�co�.a. 732 Pacific I · "' I " U PPO'' "" A:CO:�� ;O;;I;I;: T ' ;: l; ::: :: = = = : . : � ::: � : ' : ::: ' � � ����������l �������������������� § .PRODUCTS




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Fra� uKl Gift Good.

, THE.

o· .: :'" Sll'QNE . fl' StIEru.@



Photographic partralts:·-

: Wash: .








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'1 I ,U::h':"'OOIS':' Ryonl , .... 'I.to t TERiii iSCUSS , " at ....... ome. · !\aS recovered DEBA .



• ' k i tid� of Inan attack . or dlptb'erl", ' but' ii UVE QUES' TION \Ve "' � I rfoke Fire I NEWS 15�1II uod('r IIU.runtinc. Mra: Hyo· . :��: � cc;� n· �----_�.,..:.-�-"--,.-:�-----�-_ 1I111 !; anI} I..an-Jr. .bu\·e elK'a�d tbe �'Go"ernment O�nenKlp of . WM. P. ' ",OI)PlNG & co. ' f'pldemif, Coal Mines�" Wu the QuH_





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EXCIlANGE:S .' The oWl'st Univtmlty In




;pccialty. .


............� . �.....,..'1i t�e �:/���;Y (,!�II���r:d ��eC�u:�· 1""........ ·����;::R·� �.1�" world 1$ the While t>eer GrOlto ba mines the..,al dlat "nesolved'" lion: 2 P. :\I.-- Ladics Aid. Unlv�rlll)' In K" fli Province, In the United Slates ahO'uld be US E OLYMP e. L China A. founded HOT �I\ 9 & , 1>. � " oo arid o'peraled by the U�I'te.J . Suulhl'fn Dinlll'f, SCfvctL-h\, Ludics' A'lixiliun'. Atlults InIlIItUtlOn �uhed I II name frot!\ o n L'oDlforl-ablc; _<I HomeHk� StateI' IOVernmenl . " Attlt>retle I>II.Y lk'st I" TRconUI ;;(k:; childn n . Sc-rving frt;1ll ,r; Lo,N p. 111. . tlng a t:: 1 loel. h a LI :0. Wll bf'caulM! I ij n ' ' . d Harf), Sauneru!1. prellenled. t'he ' o�'ned a wblte deer. called "The narnrmnllve ·whlle the negallve wtlll ' 111. , Divinc S<-rvicc Ilt 10::\0 ' , \\ .hlte �r (ieutleman." upheld b)' Garvlk 018011 nud Bert �""'. ' ' 't8EX"" " ·80 ',.S -" Suuth Ptl�et Sound Luther I..cUfltlC Rally, ;\ p. I . } Krall.neill. ' "�lItAblhlhed ISIS Eycning session, 7:30 p. Ill. The Senior Debatlnl Tum of the " e "" conlended, .thai lIIA K.:RtI. February 17 ':Incolll IIlgh &bool de :�ted with 'I, IheThthird flrmatlve In pnrl)', .the people, do su(· }hlnural:htre n and . mOlt under Young l.adies'· Auxiliary ul i ::JO p. Fire. MOllda)', January _ Ii , on the rer. prl""te mannserr.enl "I'RSTS, AW)liISGS �SD i :�II PI . quelUon. No decillf on I Of . M the own· or I becausa coal mi I'hone' : )��c� l:r w�:ll,.... ij lfe1t. Ilivine Sl'f\'icc .ut 10::10 a. Ill.. g:�:�: "; " ::':' ' [ HI Inablllly to avdld·lIrlkes. }o�()rt)" I L�,--:::': =:::"= Sung service at 7::JO 'p. m. ! n��T. . D. SVAR.E. )o: IMhte911 dlIIIQIII'1I1J were ·arlied , :�:e;e:; rl llc�:.\ �� :t��:�:ga::u:I:I� .' � � --., IO .gradulltelJo of the SalUa narbura dowu. Thill labor trouble and I The Soulh I'III/:el Sound Luther ' Tellehe.rll Co[ lcgt! III thtl end or"':t::, /bJ! I ot \er t'rreg rarItI('� Increa,e. Ihe Better · Clot h�8' For . Mh.l ·)l:ea r lIemeller. · lumm'' League HAil)' will b@ held ,bf're I en . (l 11r: 0f � Sunday. Feb, lit. ' A . allo brou,ht. up tlia 1111111, ... u CALt.80S a AH�tiJST ' CilIH1·tha1'he)' he Unl\,erlil t y of South�rn T Frlelld 1\'. At the �nl"('tlng. the top taken not � II be need m.lnes t 0 104 . 1 Tacoma SI: th--�So. , ornln defeated Odord Unh'eralty of I over b), the lovern -..J -at ooce L_Jlhl p. l1li' 11\ be dls�IIl>.sed by four :'oils/! Shee"I Murl anlL :'olr� Tom Enllll,;nd, In .debale 011 Jha (I"ea. 1 bllt II )' «ral1.l!.ftI 81lIluIllPtIO h-o GOrmauy � IIIIIi I l I'lpeall:er�, AUretl S:tIl1UCh!all ' �lllg , :'ola�\: I 11I lion. tJlls e tI. HOll (' That "ltellol\ ' l ck. 1\ IItudent the year 921l 1 : SOUle w�ere cou�rh�II, ; otber hd _ u _ I _ _ !lkue. . _ Ox .... _ _ to Ihe ..pel\ker ror lhe IuiIII h� ollpoled ford prohlbillan." . I ,, ' . l b�' e In u Ite re led w IlIlnCIi Hre under gov�rliment opertt· IlIl1rrlllg · � nl o atflrlllat"'e IIltle or �:o I! lion . ....ere given all example! o( tho. Program!', ..... hlch l1li.' 11 lie gl\'c n In ! :!:!. Shaw Su-PP.Iy Co., ["ooml1ullIl SClltl'mller. They held 1 uej�i . Iho afternoon anI elf nlllg ;trll ILlI are lIIakJliJ: Inlit Iorflclenc)' o( this plan. The. amr· , "V ' their home at South. ' � In,:. fOliO..... : , J math'e tllso ,,,dvoc'uiod Iyn . ate \,t Oth . lind \'nloll. The IJr!ltuatic Clull ot the Col. [ lllan. 1015 Pucific Ave. whlcb \\ould recl ilire m I or . Afterlloon. lege ot Poge( Sound presented the Sa xophone 1010, He", C. A. 1"'11,,1. 'I'hl' Yl'nrll that ulle "pelltl" :1. 1 col- pia),. "Beau Drummel" on ' Frlda)' In Ihe l'�eldent!1I co.blnet. - . !fa.COI n f t-' ), " 3 0 , ' Thl' nl'ga.lh·e 01llelltloni were: In ar(' different frolli' any olh.'r and Satu rday nl«htil, Januar , l�eatllng: :'Ilarlh8 IIJerm,Slntl. 1 l o n e Kodaks and e ' . c n r 1. . ' I ::� l!�:� ����; r:Om �;I::t: ��'!:r:� �;)rCII�� :�::: �1��:�·e��:;I�I�HI�:U·' I 'al' ! :����'; �\ l ��nJl���\�: e\:� I:f:r"l� )td�; 3 Finishing . , Secoll,dlr. government ownership 111lIelmdnhl. alld, J::dlla Q'Farrel' hrlng!! UII memorlclI nUll sllrs elllQ- STUDENT LEADS 1 \'oll'ell 100 much grllfl. InerficlenJ:Y E;<.tro Good Finl!thing tlum' thai III lIIallY ,,{'hool!! of Ihe E\'enlng: wouhl he prevalent 's .all compell· No exira cost· nlake reunl OIl :1 �t'd IClt �'r dR)' ON .MEETING tion . "In'HI MISSI \'Iolln oIohi. Ceor,lll:c Grc(,IIW(Jotl, ;.. _ _ _ _ ""' _ <" e1lmlnatet! by government ' .... I calentlll.r. �chool T'lan" solo. MIsII 1.lIlhin I�Ul1d, I I thl' __oii . j tJ\\ ncrHhlp. ��()r oIhowlng the �ect8 ' \'oeal 11010: Mrs. Ph. �.:.. !Ian!:., . . i ... Mr. George �""U Iho apeak . . U�IICd.. .I � or gO\'l � rnment o .... nenfhlp Ihe II '21. the s ls>I l :'o leryt :'olarl 1 · se�lIlon , After the· arternoon al a meetln� r Statel ShlPIIIIIg Board .....as gt v�1 6thJ to Sth er ' 011'. theL.' evenlnk l ..... I�elldhon�eor orto'ebrullry C. 11111181011 SOCiety. Jun . ' frc�bwent� will be lIervl'd. MllIli 8ul\'el l; ll yn· 1tht 1M), 25. mil lIuhJect .....all "Cun lin)'. : an 1:·tllh� P::buttal the nelCallve made 'Builders M nf & ��n�: ' � g . . n Il a U r U atte� pt to stem· the I ide :' ; ahut- ave Supply CO. . ���l �r�:�':It��o�� ��I�' t�,:z �:��:�: ' Tr7n�:y \�u t�l�ra�;it�e:�r:h ][!�:� )'gj�� H.'retorol·t'. . ulled .to refute · t be strong hoth alulllUi lilld memo �thern-�I)'le" dillner. Feb. 1 3. tum. of the �Iudenl bod)' have help- 11. lat Is lIometh �ng good In - the point advanced 'b), 'the arrlrmalive. Wuh. I . u r o out I p. : 5 at begin 00 :)ervlng bours T ,aftlrmatl ve wou by a una,nlmous . CII make. reunion al . P. L. C. 1 :;�dl'1l�lo� to .�:;:: ��. ��I:e:r:��e. ' dccilioll I • . •. e ..... ant them 10 again ll rll The rCllt at Ihe pr grum conllsted § At the regular meelinJit or the I .· and\\do � H·, mda hl. their (nil !lhnre to IIl11k� : lolo o Pla b' a Jo:rlll\ ' . \'oung Peo�1 Luther League. sun" l it murked lIucceHII thlH )'ear. . ill< - Do you care for DorOlh)'� ",' rea� d[ Millwork Lumber & She: . ng by Doro � hy I.ellmau. l (I�: �o, lIer guardld'n'does. that,, [ "'ab. 1. lte\,. Sta\'Ig o( Tacom;\ ..... , . meelln « nr· bUlllne,� the epeaker. lie lIahl Ihal Il:realer One trouble with allllllni anti 11111_ OurlnK: theram. O !lc r. were elec: I ,--' opportunities a� orr�red 10 tbe rls· delll" tlltke . .....blch halldlClI llS re II' lef t �e pro: BUIOld. er8 :f GC::d H t u ���:�c��'��s '::'; 1011 trom the . start. ilt that alu 111 1 ��,; OIll'�I� I : c:�C� ::, tertll. The I n s about your water. 0 Ter . I g w re �:d: 1 pr::�m�. . ��f�r�� �:����� �h: I l r k o AlenU! for �ldent,· Peter So!nefcst. as tbe wOf'i"d\j, today (acinI/: great· r::;c J :�;:�lr� �:. �",�:), "�: ��� :�I c:� \�re ' Ice Prelldent, Palma Helmdahl. DURO SYSTEMS tlmo olher ' I er IlroblenJlI thun at an)' . Off'Ice & F t ' �phone In hl8l0ry. "Upon the rising gl'ner· �:���nl�:I �r IO:t��r 1Il:��Od 1�: Ino ; ;;;;:�re;: �t;:�� :e�\lt len . Wheelock Ele trfi I r allon:' Id Rev. Sla, !g' "deP cndl' scem to carehe to know . 811 Pac. Ave )\ Alli 82'14 the ludenll I< 1 . e following T h p.rog�um committee 1 sO1 � j 11011'80, ililon 0r . t�- I of rormer, diiYlI. aPllolnted b), , the prel ldeD'·" " ���" s p�;b��m��" -- . Ilelmdahl . chllfrman: M. [ One of ,tbe problems conrronllng ' Hetlulon. F('b. 20·23, can be made I\'eErllll Kreidler. tho churcb Is tilat retiring mlnl!!lers [ real lIutensful Ir .thl! entire student rson , Myron and olher ....orkerll In the churcb are body will behilld Ihe velltllre I;oy : �: n ��. }���� �?�CUI lIall not being replaced r!l�8t enou \h. Rev. enthuslasllcu lly alld unlled ly, Motto: "Quality and town. Thcrc's one ot the n -Ou o clowns�O M i n i5�7. �.:�:ger :e���: !�h:(:er �� ���Cth: h l eg I' d Th O II 1I 0t the grea\ work begun - by our 11l:1l;!�;r���� �_';� l ���� :n;1I :::�; clown. ' ' [ " boy. " " � s ju�t " " I;ollcge thut � ' �. Corerlllhen III to be continued . Be- school It mUlt ha"e the earncst IIUP - ;'I" ' � � "; fo.re deciding our lite worJt �'e mUlt port' of all alUtunl to really grow f ;� ;� �� � ��� ;�� Sk 0," · first ask . ourselve!l, "What hI going aud prusper ),ear'lrtter. )'9r. C. BARLOW & 10 be my attltu&!e toward God!" ! Incorporated" . \\:hat place are you go IIg to glYe Thc alumni or any 9ch 01 arCJ'".its -' · Ged In )'our life ¥<'ork!" Distributors of greale�t all!!ctll. ) g O I he BLOOD'S ... -�: t ...�:�:����;s ;y �:r:;: ,::. What P. L. C. need!! U8 �UCh derson. plano Lola Berringer, anything el�e are IIludenlli of marked Dullder'a Material and Coal a vo.cal duet acr,ompanled by kultar !lcholnstic, linguistic, and athletic mUllc� Ma.,.tln and Albert Martln80n. 811I11t)'. Have tormer graduates done 1715.21 Dock Street I an IO l s t Wash. �r�e; t !: ;:�g��: V:;'r�:���nt� �'���:b��I�t �:::�s t� :�'�:�t�� tll::I� Tar-:��a is MAL� �l . were aened In the church parlora, Alma Mater! Hu'ndreds of brilliant Itudenta TALKING BACK �ever attend any college"':"'largely r , . oa f l t�:: �d ���I:; ::� I . : �: � �!� �;;a:9� n�f:�u:ni told them about Lien & Selvig · I t d It a a SILVER. SAWS . . 1 a tr Cut Faster. and aott anlwer turnetb ....ay '!Wrath:' LOR'pr, '.' . ,lmport8·r. ot 'Norwegian laYs. ,(hfl Whu!i .Man: an....Sllerice la The present atuit)DLfodY Is 'large When you I14J I 1 Atklnl Saws to ,our cUitomen, tell tben.. Uteh'• . -'Ced Liver , On rolden," To meet hUlty, angry I.luougb Rnd there-....e enough alumni a three·fold layln,. �tklna Sawa uve time, eller" nd mob..,.. ,bocause- tbe),.!.are made of tbe famoua SlIVer 8teel; tb. f'loelt ow �ordl, yes, un,klnd an'd unJuat uear 'Tacoma whO' cao attend the Reliable Pef8Crlptlon, eteel In the worl b�t'a why Atklna Saw, take'. keener Mle, CIIt IPeech, . by' �alklng hack doesn't kat reunion uramonlel to make a real Drtl,gilta taater, run euler. tay Iharp .lonler and n!ed I� tiline than ' or· 70U I r.� �4nd In a .boy or clrl. lIbo"'inr. dlnary aawlt. & 1 1 .foung · ·or older, It II mOlt UDbI'!. "A P teee. sa.' tor X'teri' �;, '.' . . " ' comlng, a ' sin to' do so to our .Thl! �:unlon luue of the Tacoma, \Vash_ ' . and .. ' . .... ,TS· &. CO A ' T� ,�n.. �rente or luperlora. It loOkl. llaat Is beln, pubUibtd PTa. D:eUnry .WA8R1N<n'QN JlAJU)WARK 00., 'l'AOOII:& DI8'I'RiBIri':o , lIIOunds bad, au�, IboWI ns sadly lack· that every alumnua ... Ubln n e c ' arra e ::,�� Q�� d:P���ci:f O{ :,: l� ��: :��efeCepr::Ut. a� ha · 0, ·F0l:lrtb· Co,mm.�dment. ., �t bod'� '111 • Pl�CK �CTCt.. tUj. · ...;. �.... lor tbl!l' bO, or ',lrl \lat does ao ,,"alt,. truttlea, .t,dente,'alum, . !lr, lar." Ollf" Jld tau ._1 ' toward!: t.t�.r, · aoth,er, tMe'er, nl, (j:nd tliell" a" a�1 •••• to J�ln .rtd ·t.",p,rft. whar... Pfa.ct.kal.· Oon't, talk. __.e�.-=:.�ou� .P�,I._ :. In. m�I.1lI' rl!uioQ. ....1 bome. I,. aU OUI" 1IlI:". or ' bl eh": com!nl· CU":' aDd . .... � �t ehe.t . m't.1 "Oold La IOOd in Ita ,1& ; Ht . . ... . c&H:.....Nt ... �••atb' d ... �... ' ; lo'tlnl: bra.,., patrtotlc med "t· AIU'\ hamni would be juatltle4 ' Dr CJ.taPlH ... W; _11", �rOf � ."",, : : nllt""!'.: . JOb,.or ter tban. 101tf." · prlc:e. . ..�t ban :A lt�'':,tl(at rlc�t tbe b.o.� � 'tt .�f'J, to­ " power- of God Ullio Sulvntioll to .c,·cryonc th�lt bclicn�th."ROlli. • 1

1 :16.


February 11 FebruaryY()lIn�13 February 1 5




February 22 T. '






Pastor. •



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WESTERN STEAM LAUNDRY Our Senice" 52S s. a ; � 1 �==���=�=�=�==�===�1==.O=�:t.: A f . SONS AMO C ;A·. T .C�ffee, FruitS� Catsup, PA!NT Vegeta1il.es� Spices Extracts Qu�lity Eco.�Omy

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STEEL Euier-Last

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IANS HA�v�E���������;;;"¥�������9:P�.;" A;';T�E�� D ";;' .C;"'.�D�E�B� L"; " MANY VISn'ORS . !; THESP " ,. """ , '0, ,," moi. ""' , ' N N , LI C"'L -HIGH , U ENJOYED TilE " "Deacon DubbK" and to promote h,,,...m ,. mo.. ,h. ,iud...", FRI�A P L ' e Rl<'�. UNION ,The&pla�lY condUcted a . Y 13TH Ie!!!. The r.resldent, .. ,..--=,-,.. �"n ent81. Mwas Excellentde Program· the cl\pUtln of onc I uBe: ... . . UnnnimonJN.og'oti. J�dge8by . '\tLincolR s I>eviUe·"Teum ion ofWon urtha IIJ'lrmlltad. thSe Reunion ' th viceh lloet Rsnln ThO '!' I var Ity ba k I ba II beLIkewise thenl.. klck·\ng" 'fligh ul n I �

• -






1\1 , 3


''', L. O.

� squad w�n .� h�rd t:ught :n� ��::: ��:�: :lkPe:� �:�le home I :::�: :)� I!f\:l�r ��c:. :"on ' · . gllm� :��m��e e::�,''bO ,�.I. · ""': \' ' with nrms9 r�lIt or pu� ""'rlday the 1 :lth': held no �errors iteuniflll: so long looked ror/a rd , margin of o\'er !loven dollar!!. ,ywllloW8. . e , 1tJ " "g, b .. "h \ I r resIIe9l1ncl!. for the P. L. C . Dcbathlg team". to Is uOw o"cr. The 10.!'1 1I1\1� n\lS though 'the contest was slarted at Pnulsbo � hoopatcrs C : � ; �:9:r o 1 � 1... ·cU. hI The negall':e teMUI lira\'cl)' t�a,·.eled tilUl Kone home. regretting Jt hnl \ hi" rather lale both � ld('!1 did ... ,... ung Into t e ' lead 8! the begt n" th Thec Janitor happy school days nl I'/L. ·C. rfC selling m<l0 Y ti cket.!! Iher ,did. ning ll to' Lincoln High 8<'11001 IV meet and "'ere not threatened during r e ti mental report .,...... «lver. l I 'eno.! II .IIC affirmative team wblle th�Llncolll flr!l bnU Durin1\: the next : � Dubb�" whiCh , .. . The. plnY ," Oe:u:CII . tthe ��e lIigns' llrc unmlst:.knhl c. the \affirll1a�i,"e tenm met the [.In· wo Qunrturll. 11 .....a:s nil) and U.ldt.. �Q.�!� m:irk. d�he open!lI!,: of the n"lInlon � c IS t h b t l I e I el t . r ��� c'�e�:�I� n����t��1 t:T(l'no"� .� l�� SI;rln t: I s Corn l n�:- M. J H. �11��t:� :� �:��e91::�1 1�3;�· �:;t�'OI::: �r���i:,tV;I:���' :.�� PI�;:::� < to otJ: I 'HOS -- , ahClld lit the end of the fourth qUllr· ' "ery successful. The colleg? orches· , Ihnl ' 'Ill Philip Ines be grallted . . . P AL ter by a scoro of 24 to 22. . . � Lr.a, under the direction of. Miss A t:)('lr I .n�mcdilite Independence... Th L. 1 HIldy Sanderson and Ole Scrvold Loeffler. 1)llIycd bt!twc!!n acts L. t:. n.efl:3tlvll team at Llncolt\ . ' . ' On SlIt� en'nlng at seven 0'·; .,. 1 tll"tlngulshed then,lseh"cs for P. I�. t:,I- . ' by the.. unanimoull deelslon of "on --- . , . C. Geo. -"=1I3S011 and MyreDou for rlock Reunion ·dInner was lIen'ed In the Judt;ell. The L.lllcoin negallre !'! Kllp4-elnell" a :\orweglan I Paulsbo. .. the college di�lng hall. �t""'l!en a'Tl" otwo I leam Ilt.P. ..I .. C. .....on by a 2 to I acts will be presented. ,ourllt'8 l�rof�!'Isor .Xn\·ler�ave nn pi ) tbe lIecond t!,lanl gnme deChilon. address of .....ekonre . to the IIlumnl , l llf" college lI:ymnrulum on Fr iday . IngIn the H. L. C. ·P. L-. C. first. the The aHlrmlllh'c Ualleu I!telr oflr�u· I r m. h b M p . L. . y and respOnse wall mnd� by 1111 :lhlm· <l c 6. c. l got Qff with good start and man. . I on Iho rOllo .....I�.g hj�.yell: Con· nus Sle\·�rt Wedeberg. ;\lIs� ,Lund. !S'Ud... charncterll . 10 bulld ...ll.P� good �IClld. The Lutl(cr I.l'HgUl'S of the South dment . follo\\s. . . agl!d . ,IS and morur reUHonll v;arr�nt ,Ire !tlons P. L. C. rell' at I)IIIUO of at" rally a Instructor hulll E\ er g went nicely' lIutil QUUllI I'I.Lg�t Souu,rJ--<;(ircult In lle llendence. The Flllpinoes.. tleilire dued two plauo solos. and Mr.:. ! C.l fHain �tOII)f'. �oh .l l er of the wa' K ythln , 1, , pullet,! out In the third f!uurter, I 'lt rkland. S u n�( \}' , Fehrunry. 15 . tJ·c. their Independen�. They have been . Har ry Sanneriltl Sllllg two '·OCIt! t ohl !whool, I ('der Sognefest then I tho ' Lutheran lea cr n I d II� ellterta�(. by Iho loenl Luther I !!d to eXllect their 11)(lel)j:m� with 11010>1. A" nluslcnl' recitation wus Julie. ht9 dau"hter,MnhInle 10\'e Paulsbo up-a go _;� r� �n �e.lgu;.. The atternoon prollram our pobll'C lIellJ \,-od utterances. ;�by ' py' quick I!- I �r ofplied ivel'llon. and htt b)' Mts� LUlld. nccom. ! young lieutenant. 8nap b lum t"hcnnled"I\'en on Ihe plano by Signe IIJerm., Candldat Dog. a lI!!wi)" gradualed Althougb Quam was again i 1� OI}('ned at Ihre� o'clock aud coU' undeveloped rellourc�1I In .�be II' IItud. lo'ollo ,,"lng the dinner. , the l � inlsler . who Is looking for a wl te, thO tinued l:I "tlh..Llve. T!H! 1011ic .for lands are 8ufflciently large for tbe ' ' (Iuart game. the fou r tb eoded Neillon. l.alnten,8nce of an Independent ,OT·. alumni , assoeiolloll held their annnOl lrger During tbe' extra ;1 Iilln. dlscUS!lloll wus ··Jo'rlcndllhlp." The- Dernment. . Lieutenant Somm"",,,. arrived to 'I autetie.perlo� And the only requirement bUllln.ess meeting. Paulsbo dtqpped In t""O mctlting lu.ljourned and the l propolle to Julie. neft �ran,.,.ne68, . :\Iumnl Huslne'S)! )IN:llnJ,:: ' visitors . se} fOrlh In ·the Jone" 0111. tbe 'w g", baskets and on the me. . , :J ���: :v: ��.: ::::�:: :� mpus " ng : table government . e ��1:7S11 : e:����, :: I Ar���y� a.Plllln Stolpe s hired man" Quam. and Lunde�o were .maln. ::�a I !i:� ���n f� fl�e�. t d g ; I . n t el t th�U; �. �� A ' ,s 8er· stays foc.. the Lutheran 8quad 811 LUllch was qervcd III lhe church _ The PhlllR{'hl<l1l- have a go)vern· even IIg, t,ehrUnry " [1'No. 17. �I Ieutennnt Sommer ban1luet Satun.ny � ' \Po ere Rustad and E. Linder for Sunne�ud. Harry :!1 the following officers "ere elec· ul.Isement. The evening Bes�on).open. menl eh:cted by Ihe lIu(frages oJ . ce S P3 ulllbo. In led f ed .at se;en o·<:Jock. Tfo eircult ���. p::�:'lellu::o::�nt:�n::: ���Ir�"le�:�n\ :��: l: ����.e�:��3��e l��� �Itnet�:�� . pre:�d���, ��::. �I\::r�\vedeherg. tenant P IJU"IUetl9 was put tbrough alld When a gove�nmenl 18 capable to . I Vice Pr.I'.l!. , 1'01188 Clnra Chrhjlcn· c appears. A. unique propoSll I', L. f:. I'\lobbo progra n sO i h n e a 1I 80 ' n :: : i 1(l��n � e881 �g IO ' ;��;::1I ttl � ::::: rp .::tV;:OUD l'rogrlW1 f:I';: :n� ;ur�:�;::or: �: ::�:mo:� �.'Treas.. ;\lIss Lillian Larson. P � :� �!he I �:�t�:; M e la 0 undeveloped . «18 resources can cl It 1IL· i'. O ock. Titre l · Larson. Ed Eliason Cor. Sec . :o.lIq" l'etll� C ��:�::�; L� ;°7��e:� b::Pd l: /:� Servold On t 1 t8 n : I v e M. Kreidler I . Executive Committee. I'rof� 0.. J draln. . Lo,'c8 and understaJ]dlng ). b:� 1 l e � � �I ����I��!���� � � ' 1! � :! :�� ���\el:�::� ;' ��� e � :;a��;Il�::nJ:� : b �I.��::�: tween domelltlc and International at� ,���:nQ:ar��rnt Oyen and ;\f!ss Gert· rel��o:.u ���m;: Suen. Inlltructo-r In n. ��:��aUI�-o: nrellM n for Ed. stad. fal 8. '\ . ' l �a�:n' , D eW lIugge9tloll!: I nnd plans l'orse at the college '111 directing E Several Welcome, Alfrlld Samueltlon. ;n r g h ·J ap a . , team : ne t g T I a I e r e : gt l'auMNJ HetlllOnlie. Lawrence Amd8l P Slon I' "{f���a� t� ell Te :�:::d ���:� C . L. .. : C T� -;:t:on n :; ::I �u�: �: de� ��lI�f :"bl!: ��: b� :/v� �:1"e :�d j all danger of Japane&e InTasioD in ralneu RU8tad Plano Solo. SlgDe HJermlltad F In a later I Sue of' the Mooting Mut ! actors have been pul thrriug-h n. Kuam ,the Philippines bave been eUmln· E Linder nail) Topic "1o rlcD<bhlp" F Two exciting basket ball games tens"We drilling lately and great . Q A Nel80n Keynote address' "jo'rlendllnells ated by the. Wasblngton Conferenco "'ere played tn the college gym af. , provements are noticeable both n L .Kureidlern i 2 ae n ng g ng I L r er T L and C p end8h the a d pared.' e F . I, ) l :!I: 9 �ortl:r:�:e:::PlofO: �:::r:�t; i � ODl T:I��:� � �e�::: � l, 1:1:� tbe :I::nt �1�8 �:� �: �:�: �:: :��� as ::t:r�:ln; �, Subs Oen Taft said In 19U that ,ho P L C Quam for ·Krag· Hamllt-ad, Bremerton all Instructive po88lble. and regard. to 26 of score a by �hem :d t d:f: ' ! - , . Thereafter the P L C. bO)18 less of lime and labor nesll Paul8bo Sunstrom for Nellon Saxophone Solo, Rev Pellet. Park· could not tell the difference between Uacano and a Tagalog Tho Wood land �I "' Be pevel. an team challeng'\!d Ihe alufnnl men to You cannot afford 10 miss this John80n for Tolonen Forbes MIs810n further 8tated tbat. "How FrleDdsblp May It you understand Norwe�an play promptly latter. the and game II ha� Bucceeded In wielding the Spain H , lielga oped� Ballard. anson bO furnish ' can they taking up tbe cballenge c�rrled Off P actors believe tribes Into fairly homogen I "E:rampi"es af Friendship In Holy various the honor8 by a 31 to 2 'score: Jf: you a foil evc!llng or" Instructive . IorhlA)'. Feb, 21 S�rlpture." AUred Samuelaon. Park· COU8 poople( . great'deal of enthusla",m 9and 8chool entertainment: an evening ·whlch . MBTtha .�, lljerm8tad . as " the fint for years. 'Fur· P L C Debatiog Society meetll land 8plrlt Wall shown during tbe gaQ)ei you wl\1 .rem�Bmber a h " Te ta t I I Y e o I b n ' nd I ' t m. at :3 7 . 0 ' :a�:��� : :� ��:! :: ����o:: :�e G :�, S ;�:�::IP\{n :�: �:���!,: :p::!:�� te�t ::�l �:� P ri��I::� n b; dru:!� �::�;a �:ge !�n:;�;� aeS:::�a��ee; I 8&tW"dA)', Feb. 28 making this play a su�ceSll . they are Character Building and In Ohrls· FlllpinOIl .hould be Iranted Inde· and plano. IIIU0phone to the 8upport of !very Bultet ball . . 11:., L. C. bO II fint tlan Life " Mildred Hansori, 'tacoma. pen�ence when co.ndltlonB 8hould On 'Sunday morning at 10 : 30 entitled rt::.ad�r of the Mooring �faet �eve� a�d 8etond teamll · vs. ImYmanuel Girls ?rIO. ,Slgne Hjermlta"d. Edna'l warrant It, If th� peopl� tbe.n' dc· --.J speclal 1"eunlo.n s�"lces...ere be!&: to though Farfrell. Palma Helmdahl. RIred it. TJvlt tbe . debate 1i.lnKed h be a hundr�d' �I�ell a",;aY. � T. Rav. Church, Trfblty Lutheran on. tbe Illsuo all to. whetber the Ell· If your unders�llndlnK of the Nor· , Lutheran Cburch.,ot Seattle tn. C(,I. Closing remarkB. o Svare officiating. In the even· !plnos had establlsbed a Stable.1!I0T· am op r J> EnnJng , ; ' ' held, the w�glan laDKuage III IImlt�d don't ,et lege gymnasium. . I�g 80ng tLervicetL were " emment. tbe nOI .,UTO that keep 8evea .,() · c� 1'. M. you away. The P. L. C. ' . thourht not. jr. cb. lb-rch .. ow., W nHila1, -Xcl.nllY. -. ed o 1 -Coller ch�r-u.._aiuL . ha-a;ave a�favorabl•. d8UDIUoD-Ot_& O-:-STar ...--.5'l:'lecQ orehe8tra ·furnlshe8 all the P. L. C. MU810n Society meotB at loyoeat1on;-ReToT;comhlned . renderl�g ieveral anthem8. music. 8 rovern.mont. Rally Hyninll. ReT 0, 1. Ha vlk. la�h' which· the ne,a· Mul Ii one ot the greatest e , 7 :00 p . m: . , , Ive contended' t.he aftlrmatlTe mUM . BUBlneBB Bellion. �J1xers ot IKe. aDp eBpecially the � Friday. M�b. 8 Plano Solo. MlCa ·LlIIlan Lund. proT� e:rlst... ln tbe ' Pblllppines. A PRES. ORDALFBACK melodletL tbls orcheBtra plays· will. be by enry mU81c 10Ter.: . ' ''H�a Kaptelnen" a two·act �Ia, Yoea'i Solo.�l" Pb. E, Hauge. description 01 lbe probable reBult11' FROM CALI ORNIA appreciated ·endered. by P. L, C. IItU. . Come Transporta. one. fC?me an � , bJr . will . If American aid and bad:lnr were i t ' In Collere I1mnllBl�m at'8:00 S�EN cl e a n ·r RECITA4- WI �I�:�'"';e�:n:!u�:: 1�:bn�I:�eake'r ,,' . . C. T!:�JC;�:'::t�/l::r�II�f ;;e�� ��: f:e !�! �n· ::I.::aI::J:cr: Fo·r!: dents , GIVEN or tbe ne,sUn, au,�ellted the "Com· "needa, morDln,. Febr�al7. 26. wben tbe atreel can. are ItIII making reru· p m. ' . " . . " ' � , . . monwealth PI.n." ttra li�:rt tep. Pr., 0.. J. Ordal return�d to tbe Jar trips to Parkland eTu, thirty· . , &ta.rday. Marcb 7 , �1II1f1 Lund Pla�o... l�lItruc· Flut. becau8e the Filipino. ' were 1 aebool atter n exteni,",e t:� p thru . tLl,J: ml.nute�. For tb08e who are Plano Btudente recital at 7:00 p, torMlall -'t Pacific ·Lutherara. College will asking for luch condition. e:r", Call1cn:nl He.bad beeo.,aw�y �bo�� rl,ht In P�rkJa��'we W1Bb to Bta� m. . pre8ent her tLtud�nts at a recUal to. .between a mother coun'try ·.nd"�ber tour 'we.te. . He Tlelt!ld almolt th.t, the ,.po.UM �O�tL .re ':1t;lt out ' . -I . I l r t r m . b u e t w a d u u · �:��L ::� :e c:!:a��i�;n a�c::; :u:� � :!,�: :: ::;N;:r: �9:� te.:U�:� �:�n:� �i'�' ::::/ :� :; �����, �:o:: :�: W�I� �! �= t�: �:�::i ::;: '.T�' -:�� . . . ' . �rt are: Silne Bjeraat&d, Un·O'· It would lHi t�a w.t.ee .tap. .. baek of ou� .cboo1. "Tha ' happlMt yean' �o. Remembt!r" jonr smilln, lattep·... ;toor. . . ' ''arrall. 'l'-uth Buil, 8ylYia LanoD, EdWID Beek . ,aTa .tbe rebuttal ' tlme. of the wbole trip," aald Prot. face 1& upectedJ to be .mODl" those WedD�"! �rcb �1 . I(ue 9'hl, �rtba lA!O, �1e&Dor tor the D...U,:a. He ratuttAKl .ta t.. · -OrdAl, 'i'Ia.comln, �k to P. L. c. w':lo wateb tlia,t.ort.ln' rl.e at .8:00 ' a'. Dahl If,· Dofothr ,�.prdaJ. paJ'ma m.eDtiot tba:attJrmatlYa d i..... . P' . L. C. MIII,lon Soclety Igeet. C&llto,ala Ia wODdarfa! but Po,at p. r:n- lI'r1�,... aa:rch C. Tho admta7 :00 .p� ill, Het �I.�:�a :�el�dab� atOD �Ul. be 16� / 4CODJ�DII� o� �Ia� f) '" . " 80p4. �;ta�': �DDd." '









�'- iL.C. PRESEN-TS '

n;i-lo- LY HELD BY LTTTH'ER L'EAGUES South Puget Circuit! HoldsMapy RulVisit ly inSoundParkland.

Norwegian ' HeTwo·Act Presented by P. PlayC. .to I ·N'orse Students' 111 1 <l l 8 ; 0 0
























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'.", T�.!:'�I!!�n�!'«� >���;!,'l of Padflc Lutheran ColI�e. Pari land. Wublngton - �'









ago Ihrtlllt-:lh '1 11 ('ditorial .uPPl·arin/-t ill Pug!'! Suu nd Trail. ,here r\'{'�� till' cudC' fuilure ul . pruvcn it �lf l. h e bt'l'IlUS(' . t"hin;':ltllI c!f \\ \ � H U sfado.r� . \\ thai 111(' studt'nls of Ihl' (.ullcgl' of Put-:ld SOlllU!. IUWt.· del'isiwlv vull'd fur S('l'II!1(1 lilll('. ' piiTterill'tl tlrtc-'j- lilar IIf till' l ' ui\:ersil\ l.l lirOI)()S(·t! hO l r . ' ' of "'ash ingloll. hU\'(' h('1'1I �xerll'd Iw e( )ll· :\' (1 dou h l mudl timc Utul fat· tllty ml'm!)('rs 'u! the l' lli �'('rsily sl'il'nliulIS ill Irvin/.: hI d C'velop the· l'.o(1l< alHl makl' il functioll efft'l'ti "l'I\'. i i\· Iht·ir the l'lIi�:cr:'ily 11II\"c till' The SIIl�IC'lIts hun' pll"d,l,ll'd Itl suppurl ulld II lu�t1lls, ThC'y ha\'(: 10 lilt' Ihcy thC' stud('nls uphold Ihe it . 1Just Iltl'IllSC'ln's dwat during l'xuminutiulls. t11l' � The truuhlc wilh 1Ill' ft'w dll dlt'ati li/-!• . lIIany mort' scc· tlIShUlIl·sl gOIli/-! !-I1i hut arc afralCl III


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11,,1, 'I,,,g to-:;o ,' {' aIS(�Il'('d \" !liU'l! Pl a<;,e -Parkland ('h"nl. till' A troup tlr IIlx I' L C II(Uli�n(5: JuSJ. 10 think. . no one 1 ) 1\1 abourcl Andenon climbed l Ca l o l'otie l nlAltl r �1I0 to think trust) oltl I.lnle and w�re trllll S' Oughtlittle time t'nch dllY ported o,er 15 000 bumplI to I'aul anil lah(ir , CHAS ROS EN BUR9 m the minutes thro�n llwn, IIbo Saturda) ar(el noon "'ell l � th Fr re studcnl.leaders BOOK EVCHANGE u It rt'om )our �ork or IIIIH, I THE After arrival In I'I\UI ' b O �OOk_. s!:�on::!i :�th Social think nnli Sto l ' \ ' ) Iji. hungry the ,Isked UII SerU'hl Cl.Hle c lItire,ly al n r t�e for dinner IInti Judging fro Fountain Penl and Penclla IIlC'y voted III, �Ialn 30.f.9 913 PacHlc A'e nni1lunt or food conillmed her cook· \ou \litl rlllli (hat... men Who rllil (';'I;ll'lIl tllul t-"HI'C' of Tacoma Wa,h 1)0 not thlnli tin nul . . l ing �u.'! grellll) appreciatcil Dur ing 'tbe nlng (he bO Y " I "'en who rind (heulI lt!h,t!s In Joll !Irises. IIIH� W!lU no.pthlnk. who work umded the I' .� L. C.,l'aulsllo ' games, 1 l)Qf the l l . trouble lhut we sc e. lake Ihe conscqm'.tic{'s (Jf reporting the offense, - It is II knowll where they Wllre agreeably !Jurprlscd ·!JrQ,u brev.'cd ror you nnd me. T 'Ve oUer best I'nles for ' du)S("1I ul runtiolll Ihcrl' will al· Hertba (0 fInd Mabt!1 I\,enon alI(I , fuct thai out (If any large /-trou» If �.d thln k , I si l i iS i ( l. I L ' Scandinavian checks. Cou\ · . '! Wj WUY �r:::: ��:�:�::� Ul.I�:;�U�!I�k�S �,III���'::� i� i�I�;�� ;�� I�!i l )�(' . 1� � !)t l�� ���al)" A � derllon , thoUKh grea :,y SllIrlfwe Jouflley hit or millS: . pons or currency, and c.a.n tll.'nt hus lime 10 ,,"akh Ihe' utlll'r studenls <ltirill/.: lI ,cxllmilluliun hundlcu Plled thru h!lvhlK fOrgOlle U Or IIhnll we thlnk� :\Iorc.'uvcr if ht' does St'e dishollesty II(' l'ulisiders il !JIll newly decornted 'megllphonll Ic p("riotl. sell deans ou, . aU ' import. I.et·s nOl ,0 I10ng by guellll. lIllspurlsmunJi Tlll'ri;>furl' purt un "ffl·IISt· k(' 10 rc. ! the cheerln,; for the Lutherans. ', dlild ish alld , 1 ant point's in the Scandin· mosl Cl.tses sltl ) hy unrc llorkd, Doth th'e rtnH anlt lIe:::olld (earn · Bllt ruther to Qurselv(!11 qln.fell8 .' R\·ian countries. 'riu' h lllllr l(rh� 'is fuil.itlg II�l'tltlS(' . it I.ukt"s a(I�·utllt!/-t1.:. (If hu· Knme� w"re clolle lan t! thrilling, I II would help U8 more or I(!I, . If we'd thil lk! If . 11 IS a fUilure III an tIISlllulll 1ll til(' SI1." (If Ihe thus keeping Intercllt at the apn. lIIun natllrl.'. . -Thorn!'f Pedetson.' Arter (he gamell:," tb�boys (ound. · l"nin'rsily of \\"u:;hingtull it woulel ht.· fllr mon' upt 10 he 11 11s u('C(' ssful ill U smaller l'ollcgl' where' ussul'iutiolls w i l h tl lIl" S b�liII for (he night either at the The W of Califcimia, Thl'n'fore �\'(: f(.'(.·1 sun.' Ihul Itotel or III frlendl' home8. and after �lts url' llIudl duS(·r. fullow stmtt 'N. A, ' lIf Tltl' Culll'ge of I'ugel Suund will ' 1101 �l'grd Ih(' n re�tful night , "Illore or leSI " ate Ihe slUdt'llls " , PARKLAND SHOE SHOP adiull thl'Y huve takell rt'garding thl' hunuT l'odC'. a ,;ood breakfallt and embarked for luti .& Broadw�,. '-'=-= -= -::" :: :.:..... ll I ome. . , A. !. SATHtR, Prop, -= , :-;o· tJmb� were broken �d oulaide SHOE REPAIRING� TH.t; ,,,,,'I,n:sn'; OF IUUlT� I' TACOMA EXCHANGES- 1 �I�ea I:�;� b�:C� �::n�I U:fl�OeI83��::� . ' of Quality " --i The !lln1l1It'lIt way to define hahlt!l l going and bump to tra\'ersed III s · :;I s (o u1� I1 \I'on\!! of {he phihlso ' l The del�aterll <If" the C;ollllgil 0( from I 'nu hlbo , ,everyone d�clRred . phllr. Il'brace )Iulln: "H;.blt I� a 1 1'uget Sound wOn '� dllbate frolll the I they hIl(I a good time. � ' • We�t \'lrl<:lnla Tholill making up the party were , do biIsQ.-eo. Il t!.:!Jf, cable: weave a thread of n each � llehllt i llK team "cap'" \,lIl1nd. Charlell I;" �o,e ' . GII1�lIo, ', The ... '• .Iay lind II Ilccon\!.\,i'I so "Irollg we ' :'!lh'er!llty The �uhjec.t for dellale Jlie and Ed eck, Sluea., Andenon. John o .• Dlpaay clIlI C ,"That be ongr Hesulved, B ,'an not break II." Thl, �tronl/: �'<lbl; !: I\'t�n the power AI B k for " , Men·' overule by a � ' ; iiiiiOiii , !:uldes all ollr ul'tl"llle� In IIrl.'. How '.';; ii iiiiiOiii I . e I §;;;;o;iiii .iOiii Ie , ii iiiiiOiii ; ii OO: 800UlNDDS IInPorUint-it I� (hcrefoH'· l\tat we - :J�':;; :.�:r: u � el'��:.:CI:f �; c;�� 'Boys I �hould rorm �u otl l3a.bl lll. "�1ll 1 "rells uucollllil lutlolllli. California Florists . PIUJriaa -" , Cut Flowera Potted' Plants a good 'lablt ill as call)" !u to forlll 'bad "one, and breaking Kood Tbe Illusic department o� S�ok llne Floral Decorations ,' �iI ;. Student'lI Hecltal 907 Pacific A,e ... Tacoma ,I .I!!I .. habit III dlfrJ('uit a . bad on!'!:' College gu\'e 'J. . t ' I.'! 'he �second of Its .. M• . k ft o a -' . I"!'!!I : ,,1 I ��:� is t:: ;�IV�cebi:h:�n:ne e:i I)�� :�::; :I�;ll ;'r� rormer presidenlll, Wlillam. )lcKlnley " ; II ' . '1 WH ..:S HA.l' G,1-: �..;..;'" THI!-4 has gl�en. ,-,Carlyle Cafeteria , J- m say e ch tin)' ''''hat e"e� we · �. .... . 4. ' A prorellsor � 1I1Inol ; Welle,an tor Teachers and W. C. BELL & SONS CO. II a per· Unh erslty hu an original Idea 'for Headquarters . �omell a pan or, us, Our ' 7" ....... �... Students ot the ' .,....... It 10-12 P�ci(jc 'Ave, o d ct ' o . lI 11 a d u nt t ran O a o ' Tacoma, 'Vash, , ff . a n u� I�:. 91r �� !�n;��: c �:��� ���:n�e :ur ��:el� '� � �;t� ��\� �::::: ��II :l:t!:� I � ���:� thO� with whO.�.,..we come con· :rhe number of .tudents In the clll8�' tad. SInce our hU17tts hove a (re- Is ('omputed; then two III IU'b'tracted n\eodou. benrlog on the lives of I rron). thlll lIod that number ot seats . "h''', ' I. no on obl.... lon >h. '. I,,, I" >h' ,oom, Only Iho", YOUR , . CREDIT' IS ,J-. , . GOOD V, we rid oUrllelves' of bad hablts� I,..e t who come . early get seatll nnd the . ' , AT ' t:acb Qf us lI\'e a nobleAlf,Ue wblch lalt two stand. ·· ResuIUJ are Install. Shop� , 'L SCHOENFE LD & SONS leaves "the tiber of It Interwoven taneOUII, The profellsor says'he hall . . Urider 'Pantages Theatre . �ACIFIC AVEr,nJ Into the fabric of the worlR," Ac· often com:e to ('\P.1I9 an hour early E AT 15th STREET NINE CHAIRS Ol r w s t ��:����:�r���s ':::r�:h�;I�be; r: , , :;�tfl��;:ge�SO ��':��;A I :� . --P.ROl\!ri. SERY.lCE.-�nce .ot ' an exce.lleot p,erson, It '11 , " LADIES HAIR BOBBING not necessary to� him ,to teach or to Mr. Thorsen:' Corl. you may re· · ' . A SPECIALTY -P o AR" 'D , ,ME ,_ mE' co'" . �rea�h: bls sHe'llit pretence I. a lun clt.e on tbe problbltlon article. MANICURING EX:PERT 'h " r I arJ : .1, dldo'f r�ad It, n was , too FO YOUR 'GEN�RAL WANTs . �� � Prop. ; Conrad, ��::�. H J. �! � t t �: C;e�;� �:e:I:� a dr / formation '!Jr· our. habit.., and al..ay a l t=== . �d , ===�===::;, �':D!t;mber �b.t "tbe IInll_, of t�e I ' t I . "--; Iii �. �:I� �n��1 �::� . a�:\� s:!�� �� :: . H , ! -LEHMANN'S, - "om-H Co. ' Gift Headquarters br.o�en.';-;'e. loci. CI!-.D,be that ':excel. ....... . ' fOr' Your and like the MtUlI, IUD. Thrie lent �...on, Gelierai Merc:lutndiae ' , for . ' . storee ' Ie.ye '. - track ot ..iory In 'th'e �1l)" . h�d DRY �DS, N ; Rd�B�RS �o-: N t buf MEN "'��;::DCe:e�=���, ,' 152 �. ��.- 80 ' , Ko Itrea,i9 eTer no�"'4, .....,;..rd ' but ' , ' ., . .. ' , ' '. &O' me land .... r1addened,' ' " , 1�Z-8 .Cellter St_M.,7%21 ' : p UIl ·





It wa.s oil: . .llll\'('r�II Y








-1 ,


.i KRAZY KooiER's ' KORNER -- I ,"HOS �re � Mlf. 'p, C.C" PaullOu, pullon. Tre.�. I. '



I ,


" .• ,

Ult::. ", I don , TTte.� the reflection. change Ib'e)' make a pad:alllt! about the ,II T,", �toroe tot' Thrifl)' 1'?up'" i l them.' ) or pili box. O 1 O 8' a I II , � ...ho obseryt'lJ . M. :.lirfom", :��·I�!at."".)' J .... Application tor !��:��� : !!��ecl�� �a�le:r ��� pendln, ! lie:::: 1:t!� : Irt:: t :!� te : ,: o��:� · Wall led Entered as second dlll 'TllIlHE'r October !9 'i9!� III the PO�H oHlce 1 poll8ea nnd nUI'n lu,... er enalnl), did All the Library rules ' Parkland \\ :lIIhlnl!llOr. IIIUIM the Art of March 3 IS';9 not lino.... Prof Xa�ler ' '-Educfttlon Ilet-ms to make people Th e world'. fln�ur muelclane . -''- . . Palma Hehudahl \\e' wlBh to comm ndIth� etu- carele.1 Editor In Chief the from I:!.f.er we uae Thle Managing'-Editor . . . ' Durton Kreidler dents"upon their (l:ood""....·ork on Cam, obser\'ed facts that the mo re ac,lYft n' CONN I NSTRUMENTS HEPORTERS G�neral :"e ... Esther Sytfnw pU!l. Day. �o� that the camIHi.... ls ced 'IItudentll a�e 1011nJ!: t.he mOllt npt ta\l.e ad..ntai:e of ?tIarri�: ,.�J�;���� clean Ip.t lee "'hat tan be Iione nOlI! b�ks, text booke, pen�!Is, penl. Wby experience Campus . ' and Itart with their ... towardll keeping It In thal condl· �tl'. J"'rkland Locals " d Irene' Dahl tlon. '' , the BEST! ' We re('ommcnd thot t'he atu, Ar-:at Oyen Or«aollatlons Hellglou! a Sylnth dent ()Od), adOl 1l the (ollowlng reso' \\"e hn�e at lallt arrlyed a, the I Complete Stoc:k -: Luell SI�R c : m���: hilionl: . : Eii.Y Term. concl Ulllon that visitors. are worth !'1�I�Cnl . pAlwTai.! ec-k "We t!;e. Allsoehued Student, O l!omething after-all: We notrced NORTHWEsT CONN CO, ' Athletlr.a � the Padrtc Lutheran Colle,e herellf. thM o�er reunion lome of the 11u; If65 Broad."ay Cor '13th Ge:i>ef l��Sl:! relo�l'e ( l ) T� keep the ('ampul' denhl rooms were relllly c1e�n for �r:!�!:'1 M;!���!r�. M , with tra!h: onee Ihlrl�B lht:- l'.WI. . -1__ .lIttered �Irculatlonl Managl'r Peder ' S.olnet� trom becomltlj!: h h ua O Ad,crtllln Managn Alfred,Anderlon �:.�tI���II� :�I� !a�I�I::: b:6:k� �s. W6 wish t� take th!!! opport,u'Il'tyl! Fa.culty Ad ..llor� O. �. Thortlol,l olutloll 1 Khall tasle of th"e .weet 10 exprelll our Ihank, to the Editor· ��� IC�;�: :l� nb� d I!��n��nue ad!l( except by order of the nd· coolrn, W1ltl'rll of Clo\'(!r Creek. So , ltI,CbJrf of the Mooring Maat tor <: Parkland Barber ' " ertl y � by co lector",; or b)'- mall. AddreSII: let it bl'. " , . 'IYlng ; .. such . aplendld es.ample Shop The �1(H)rlng Mast, Parkland Wash. In how Ihe paper ofUce ahould be , ' ' k('pt dean. You ' llee. ,lIl1e' did the college urountl he t student SOllie .... HONOR CODES / and The h Ullhr code{ wus brought III uu r attentiun a short time a rc 'alt 'wrapped .ull In themseylQs: dirty work herlleH:

--(0' -:� '.... � . _-�) . '





, .3ttY1 ', ,� ,Aye_floe;� ,54H

t;;�;;;::;;;;;; :;:;�;;;::;�H ;; � .

-, Da�n's, �,o





., '::.fw6 !lli>ril ""1ti1 Bu! ,

'. ,








,s'�lIje', , " To' �� E'rflCleU!Jy ' . , '

c .,,



.�. .

PAoe 3

E;.. Examined Righi

,. /


St. Helens Ave.




. \Vosh.


ways ,fresh liver and oilsweetis al-'as Our cod




S. T. LARSEN, Prop.

, Frallk J .

. ,LEE

tl'lill ... e... _ ... relal JI!I... • ••••.









the ,hole.

" The rarm,en ral8e grllin li nd hay






of COW8:'

and ' can,tnlns





Lyman. do you

Lydlan: No air .

Idiot Ihen.

Why_ do


hower ll ' s

n :::�� � J( I

, lire leacher bere! Sluen:


. Ihlnk you

);oU nel

like 1111

'''' 'H"' � A "' -� ·-

Tbe head o r R1.. J8la III the Zar (Z pronounced like th.1 . H s wlte, I suppOse, I . woul � be La i



' .

. .

And the c_blldren ThardlneH,


Sidne'y : HRYe )'OU heard the

about the' Petroleum?

Walter: NO,: lel's have II,


Sidney: Wei!. It's prett� c��d e� .


for. a bath "lncon

"The g rmnallium seats IIbou! one


got n wll:ked

line , "

..... . """ •••' ,

the fish, lls he grabbed the bait.

Th{'y al so

nnd pOtEllOe! on the flOI\.



":n"II,,1I Tllt'IIIt'''



ham er. m



8u �e


did get




behoo ves lillY or ' U II . II tmr(l lllJout the reql of U8.

the ' GJoi���i�;��:Y

II.X '' grumbled the �ar. ' . ather got . �8Y with

_� .._ �_



Senior: urnll wrote about the I I . He wrole a lie Ih lll8's In l ire.


H. S.





' Hleh Grade CURtain

A", '

+:=========�· =========� TH: DJ!l1.,LYN · N' MORTU·A·RY , pe-:;'j�� FUner81 �rvicC�' � . 7'17�7t9_1:!\�OMJr-AVENUE Phone: Main...7745 · TACOMA r






F=::':;;� �� �;;;:;;='=11:::::===:::====::;::� SAVINGS 770 ON . \Ve have never paid less AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOANa ASSN. i Ave.

nbout a mouse and about a



Main :1288

\Vasl 1 :==;:::T::.c::om: =: =wc:::.::'h::: ::; · =� II '::::=� === ==== ::': I ��� ��� ��=� ����������� �' -

1001 P cif



Pbo.tographic P6rttd�J·; .


Pacific Ave.



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I uf Chi'isl; fur it is tht.' "For I lUll not :I!ihn nu'd uf . ¥h) S"lnltit')Il lu ('Yt'r�'olH' Ihul h('lit'\'cth:' HUIII IHWt'f of (��'I •


:l:f}() P. :" 1 . hu!<o't t'sSt.'s. .

I.:nlit's· •

Fe-bruAT" 24 .tid. �1 ..�.: SWilil

March. ...... ;J ��::j �:� March ' J.l'O�UC Yllltll� J.l�lll�t�!·h I�uxilillry, March Scr\'i('cs: �l.-d,ctlli'n -March S , :\. ;\l.- ni�ill("- . Sl'nil'l'S, t(1::1Cl A. :\1.-

7 ::\0, 1', �I. __



1 0 ::30



- e�I:\WI:�I�:/;�I�'>I,I, ;'b"��;��I.'\:'l:��I.':(::I��: I �'hur"': , ! ni:!ry or "F.rJ\\lty �:ntlll'ran . ' I l rI e :;ct\ ': " �:\�:: 1 � 1v ; �� , ��h:I ::� �� � ' ��e : 1'<)llllll Thnnmi<. r �hItIY� or JlO!\ed

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t' ,,-�:." �X::�'t�C �. l �h��:�f��� a :;::r�ll:I,:� t II





' 7 :30 P.





Shaw S.upply Co., .


a� .

IOI!) Paciric Avc.


Kodaks Finishin

'UUIUl S • YSTQ)IJij ... . >!ar,j('�'c\:erJt or the Ulll fa\'.)r)" I " "0('11('011 nuhh�" a Ihrel'-flc.t ('<>m- he:lIl\lrleil Ihc l)('rf(l'rni:lllce A! n E trn GoO<I "ll�'1Il " illig 1 \. x . slt\II;S or the � 14 _�_ c t I :':;;�r::)�'I;;:,::::�;1 ��cI��; .:�I('�;:I;� WI���;lIt mUl!l be'I;I\''< 11 to Ihe. lllnJ':e N [! x r� x.. OlXl", .... ..........R r.. 1'1", �tary I.,.nn� Schuul nI'Kn�n.h' j I', m. "'(hlay: "·�h. 20 ullder Ihn IIF lIla'IUIAcr ' In'-f Duh!;. 1.110 l)!! � ht��,. ;" f Prof. al111 Mr�. I'h, E, 1I11IHHIl:Cr , I'i-ilef �O)l:lIero�t, n'nil Ihl) 1 . ChIll will l)rCi<('nt on I'la�' III thl' 1'. ' reCIlO 1 , � IIn\lI/: . -' elet:\rldall Uuqun I<i"rl!ldler, rur their I.. C, grmnallium 1)11 Frlola) 1'\'Clllnl:, I , �I:lrch 6, ull der th.> aU�l'I...'... .,f Ih,· 1 Tbc a � or t'\I:1r:lrtc.-r; Wf're I\!!l wutk III hellllllg 10 make he . plny . a 8�C1'CII�_____. . .J k l1l1lil l'urt'lH,Tl'at'\wr, ;\"�::Ja. I rn\I� >� . ' ,'1 Du'h'hll rrfllll Sor)l:um I'cli' ,��� . ' " .• h,· " ,,· , . HONOR ROLL SHOWS · I I h ' I m , S_ P.L.C. TEJ\l\IS I n __ � I_ ".._ 7 �'_ :H .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :1_ 12 '_ ' I._ _ n \_ l ,_ s I_ . � . _ _ _ _ _ _ Iti_ Ir ��I U��!� ." " : ' , i! I cphc\\' ,\t, l\'I A R ED I NCREASE , z.,. A , . . I'u�· 1\" from \'rawlf'�', II .. II:IW.I TTL SEA IN Y PL , ' i.Hnolnlllh �anol('r!'()II . � A honor roll II udeR t>! l'e��:�():\lf �:�;\':�\: ;"'���I 't'1' IIf tlU) I wurk,,"IllItoutor011 the ba"l� S. ur , gTiult!s " M ,


--- � ".' . .

Church' lBothl.utheran Immanu , TakeseFrom 1'.Games L. C. From j'!







Il.,.:";"':": :';"�:::'::"'o::.,�:::�.:.. E_.. :�.c. .:�,::r:l:::c, �,C::�::,:":'.') 1 �_""", ',,'CIIiI�'t WESTEJtN �TEAM LAVNDRY Our !\Iott�: "Quulity'and Sen'ice"



A k for

AM 0 C A a

. Coffee, FtUits, Catsup, Vegeta.hIes, Spices Extrac.ts Quality is Economy

l)elUCr'1Il0lllY JOlle�. :t ('ouulry . ' ,,,,,,,,, "1 . 1'"',, I'oh '"'' H()�,' IInll'l/o:h , lIul,' !" 'hnul martn, ' II,,,,,,,,,,,, " " ; , I .,,,' . '", .. I ,' , " . I C. 1'. Tho " :'>1 1"" !'hllt ll!' a !'npnn't,. w ith IlIfI:"lI�e o\'cr the Ilr('vlou.s ItMI. b\' : �I'dre down to defeat • . or 3 4 10 1I 1I1,lh ... yl:''' on t.hl!, .1000fl('On. }o;rnll ' 0nl t d I h I 1 \\ , 13. before the slrong Immllnlll'l I Il'ln1<l:lhl, " � _ _ . a,t.:c �'rJ'I� ...�'r '�;r? ::, 'ell;1 ,1� I.ulhenlll ('hurch Rqllad In �cM·(1c i Emliy O:dC', ridll'"l /.:Irl in tOWll. t e P d Friday C'\'o'nlm:, Feb, 131h Thl' Stl'tla �amnl>l�on . �;o��� ll T�e ��: h�::;e I�Qo I�utherans 1'111 up a goof! fll/:hl but Trh;l" ('olemlln, r ull of mischief. 10;"M thKn "U" uro placed a ll Ih (l l . ..,. _ .__...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .,-� '" � C hurChllH ' n 11rO\'('II Inn mu.'h rnr 1lU.I � . ! dn ," : '" �--J '' Uilltincth'u HOllor Itoll. , . _ _ , "'''" "' , :,- � �, � l'b" _ _ _ _ _ _' '_'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <t v ," , \..."" . _ _ � + HOllor Qt u dellt!l fOf the lIecond : +-_ ' . 'n, Sw''' . c nn, , m. quurt l'r Are: Alvor Beck. ' Edwin , Tho P . I�. C. rirlll ' "'am WH! �Inbel h'e rt<on . . ATKINS , grf'IlI \)' wenk('n�d be(,:lu�(' or the I II: lJe:lcon Dubb!\, Ihe Jm'lal old neck, . (:eorge Cooper, AII1l'Iin f)�hl. rormer, who arrh'ed In a. .critical 011/::1 �:1I1ngson, Ihlth }o adnc,.., Peter cli)l:lbtllly or t\\'o or th(>lr ' I \,arliity men. i'!'rliap!l F'rlda�' Ihe 'Illoment, lI ot,911 r,p�e\'(mted the "air Flott, io:rna nelmdllhl. I'AIIIIII Helm· of itolle Uall'lgh II r:lrm but UIRO dahl. Martha IIJ erm tlld , Signe the with rln 13th had �om(,thlng II) When you sell Atkins Sawl to your eustomers. tell then there's found oj'portulllty 1 0 propose find IIjernllllad. Mabel ' Iverson, Sylvia a three-fold !:laving, Atklnll Sawl save time, enercy And money, be­ rtefeat as thlll III :I tillY I/:reatly I ohtalh caul!e Ihey are made 01 the famous Sliver Slee1. the fl nea t saw Iho COIIll!!nt of his childhood I.luson. Lillian Lee. Olga Mageli, dreaded by the superstitious. ' I steel In the \\'orld , That'� .....hy Atklnll Saw" take a keener edce, cut UI'!\-' The htllp.��a I'opo\'('r. fri"llIl P ol�r Orrtal. Arnt Oy('n, Morrl� RockSen'old {Jjlliingul!!hert himself fo r 1 ('all fasler, run euler, !:lIllY eharp longer � neert lel8 (Illng than or· , ' qlnary all\\'8: P I•. C.� lIf1rrls-and ;\'elllOT! for the I m )11'011 mut'h al)lllau�e for 111� a d· neill!, Peter Sognefeijl HIH\ }o;lIther l l � nlfll'! Uel l.utheran tlq uart. . l:a�:�: 1���:�13l1' th e leadlnl/: man Sydo\\', . second �lrlnR men stal/:ed a good hit< rearlcI'snetltl by daring eomeback III t,b,: �econd half, bul shO,,"'!'d anything for HOlle HaJelgh , the i o,'crcome Ihe big \\ ln� were una bit!. f' 'O n h� 10\'ed, Hili earnestlletlll and Signe Hjermtlwd . . lead or t�e Churchmen. The gAme , was \\�"':'n ('worthY nnd h ighly :l P' 1 end'e&! 22 to 14, ' prerialed Quam and Krangnes!I "'orked hard Rndon 8wler;#the "l1Ialn un· I ! rnX'F: HICYCLf:' cup. an4 cone. & for the Lutherans, Murray and XCI- I doubtedly b t.h� hlUde!!t part to Ar'" tUrll\l.1 out or loUd bar ", ...",'1 ' ( incorporated) ""II lemper�(I, wherea" prIlClh:At· , lion IIlarred for Immanuel Lutheran I play but he carried It out to per· Iy ..It other mAku or blcyete r .' 'Dllltrlbulou or Church team, t fcctlon, "Even In hla last appearance (:UPI And cone. are etamped out the IItage wben IIbot and ch ed Tbe IIneup8: or .heel metal and eal-ll.l!arden· ' on by the police hla IIneerlng look \\'u Pint teamll: I!<I, coniequently: do not J...t 10 � o�:� ,write ror cat&IOc. and r mm C9al and Material Bullrter's Il r . l a���:op Pri::t:�on'o my Jonl'8, th'e awkward F C(,):���' C. Harris cou'ntry boy never spoke much but 1715·21 Dock Street }>� sanderson Reel upressed hili ft>eltn�s '10 much bet- Tacoma S�"ol� C Waih. M. K rei dler · G . FOil ter b)' hili utlons, HII good quall-



Better Clothes For



Actin/!as \VH!I::. ,poole.nH Y "'ti , ;


<1II 1 1...


n I I I �::: �::�: �n�::c�::��t�Ir:eC��d ��� ��� : Stl��'I�C�'�;:I�I I�II�t���I����' :::: 51)Cciulty� SurHI)CC I'('ulur('rt out to vdlne�!I' the phi) nlltl tI n!'1 gal(' r(!('{!II\l uf JSO,oo ',�:'UI _'. & cd. co (, I: �,�: ; , I.,'t', orchestra u'mler dl . �======� ' , reel lUll �11 s>< \'t1nltlc l.ocrrh'r tell, 'See till II.bout your. water I� ���IN:I �;:�e;a:h�el�)�:,I)�,I\����'e��,,:�:; proWelll�, A,el1ls for .

B. B.


1'1111.1 � -

1 11ft lot IIO (,,! t'd Slc)\ \ I 1::::III�.1 �


Su('j a i cn'uing,



�1 I·s.

Ilj\inC' Se-rvil'lIs ,�· ith C0ll111111l1ion.

l' I \I',=h\t!,li l�� ��:�f.i�'�:�,

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Ylctor (;rAnberlt. rebutllli. We ", UI'" tQUfn "',,, hlly unfortunAte El'l1l1y I)alc ... It ....l'flllt ive teRm .hl Kittle Maullt' , I. ),1, I,,\'\,� �x ",' �:.ltlllltl'h ..,I un ' (, rcJ�lell by ulle • Win Ollnll . Anlll\ Strong reU) Iln(llh('r� ="f,enht> bu tt" l . 1l.."I.",� In .:I.ln';'U rll'\.H.rf'n• • "'. e O r d : rn�; \Oi��� :� 8�::�'1� lin ! The I' L C, flfrlrmllth'e teAIlI ....:�T!I. A W ! U �tj!l ,\:<I'U .�L,ual conBlated of 1.011,,11" }o;,lnth Arthur 'w�O� l SHe�Lt �IIIJ(lr \Ic:-';utl \\ no \\IUI conlllder l __-' _ _ _ -':� Oyen Those _ _ Ih,' IIlUlit ImllOlln'lll mUll In the KmtUt'1I ""d Arlll �.,...,., _ � _ _ were telln\ _ negollvc Ih ; ( L P � RJ" u _ ("UIlt) I t'tt.�lln'' Ihe.l III) l MurthA 11Jt'rmlltad, }o;d ln lIet':k nnl1 , r _ "· IUltllll.lll , ,\ft('r he ll Pllt'lIre.f Oil AI l' h , l1e �u�;�er : �!� \'or B eck , t I �It � rl�:t�:�: �,,�c��� ;I ��t , ) Men . 'lI1uj(lr I'unlll hHrl\l�' 'be �urJ!nll�ert , 111' 1 tl eA fIll Wll" 1I1'oted nellr the fire , '!11 . thnugh h i" t'llumeraitoll of the pro l)' 1 t kit chen IIml 1)lIrrirlK, !. Itlle �gnell: 01\, mAmma: I I>rl)' "'II! 1111111 U\1, \" 1 0 4 So. I O th. St . TAcoma i ).lInllr pltrt! In the' pili)' \\'(>rc '" : " ' \Y . I:lkl'lI b\' olher MtU(lenl�, The)' de- , t���= ' �erve JI�leclRI I11l'nll�lg for the 1









Jule Kreldler 'Q Subs: P. i., c,: Quam for B, Ier. Churchmen: Oillon for ;;� Second tea ml: P. L, cfllo hnmanu('1 F Hageu Quam ' Murray F J(J'iddler Nelson C Lundeen G, Mack Ktlutzen 'Nelson G Pederso n Subs:' p, L, C.: Kran,nell for Knutzen, I, L, : Wastern for Maet-. ETlcbon ror Pederson.


MAIS 21 tlos were duly observed and \'alued by the blr�d 'ilrl, and the conc1uIlo aytt!� :�ded b: �he ����:;: I I �����;; �;; • I :o:: el wa \\'arm-hearted leadlpg lady, She ' & Se 17. ylg Llen loyed' AmOIl 'and' feared Rallo'don. wbom IIhe married to , but iccording to latest Information ·be on, should be dead, She pictured emotlon throuchout . ber piut Teri ap· Pers<:rlpllon Reliable , proprlate for tbe occulon, Dru"illtll Phllipena PopaTer Ihowed that Ave & 11 love neyer dlell. Eyen�thougb dar· lIIant for twenty yean, wben the Deacon appears on tbe!- sc!ene tbelr Free Delhery W1u' Not? cblldbood 100e Is B caln r81'IYed.I �======== � A C'Ouple of �1�.bmeD were IJI!&k. jUg Pb lJpena �lIe,,:ed In ;latln, ; = fello , ���a���: . ' member ���n one :::eta;ht: �::n;;:::::�� �r:�: nol I c ---"" 1 dllllke to' "y It," b@t really Trixie Cole.,rnan won the audiene'll R�,in'ald II the . �o.t '-fo�s.(,n:al heart by..b�r !,Dnoe'ent 'trl�1u; which, Toun, man I eyer met." !;.o�plimelit , ,boweyer" were � , .teady annoya""ee , ",What leadl you ..y tban" ' to ,the loylnl' Deacon and old·rasb· , " .�' last week. on tbe oce&Ilon io""ed ' p,tt.JJ1pe�, But bo.Ullti� of bt. blrtbday lie 'lent .. ' colJ�t l"er:e,'laded by' Trixie In that ' she :Dt. meual'e'coal'fatulat1D, ht-· mother," eoal'tAtalat.ed the 'neaCOD 00. bll � &doptiOIi of a Dew memki- in tbe -New Yort Bun,- , ·W ebster Burritt. .. , ramU,.. .. .g Lucille Andenon,' f.ormer adent, ,Teanie 'TeaI8:D. b&1l' the CrOWd In '�/"' . :,.... ..'. , �lted friend. bere, donne th� week aproar fri:Jat· the ••r7 lHi"hID�n,. 1 end � Feb.:...U.15. '. , : Her :E.a,c:iWa iOtab.lirr,�t;"'''.ef7 1. _ _ ...,. ,... _ .. .,..-_ -:-_' . "i


SILVEand.R STEEL SAWSLonger Cut Faster Easier-Lasl



an Importers Cod LiofverNorwegi Cor. Tacoma Tacoma. Wash. . St:.





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M O O R I N G" M A S T



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/1. '\ PARKLAND � 1� C. -i�I1 Seeon earn l ��'#:.�. Eaton\ e oriOUSd .Tonr 1,


TELLS OF TRIP TO CAL.IEORNIA . Presi dent South Ordal 'inTelBehalf ls of HisJournev e College of

_"'nh '" . :ihuieut R«lIul III ;; 30 p. m. . . - FOR i ", '; , 6'; C· Oo",,"", R,,..''''· ""'eJ� .. . . . , m I'. � u� _��UUl'dll)·. �I"r('h 1 4 nu�ktt ball. », L. C. l iny" flnt High, I I.:!.., and f'econd team �·8. Hilollard ,," rst th 1.utheran Church tn ('oll('�e I{ymnnildm � � j 111 m at 7 : 30 I}.-m. I'rl'!lldl'1\1 Ordal .has recently re/� u : " , L. �. ;::::�'on·��:';;:�r 1�11ltl !'urk . ��:��d h:r��d: (I:O�;ha�� O�II��O��I�: ----.." It rlast' game ''':lI toll\.me,I 111m' Luther League Joint 1:1�lll1lt at ThO:' trill IU"led fho .....eekl and dur o ' ,,'ednelldnr, :o.llIr, Hh, the 1'. C. � : 30 p. \ lug Ihl!! time he vlllited aU ' enept 'Iuintet l1ef'l'att· ,.' the �lronR �:oton- l I g I �'e;!�;::;r!UlW So- �,:I� h�'�·!I����,[. :�:'C:::;1 :��K�: ;.� :;; l'llle 1I1�h teaUl IIt'orwor If.i tO I '" The!$l)il\�!"ht: meets lit 7 : 3 0 III, . alioul our �d1001. Itlld emph.allized . 15. F:Rlonl'lll� wu" In the I"ad I [liety Snturdll)", �"U"1'h :!I fhe value .lind hlesllln« of a "Chrllitian mo'" of Ihe K:ln[('. . At. Ihe "',HI Of�I . ilollli: e t ball P. I.. t-"Ife JUgh edu("�llon "'1 ....."" met ...... lth a hear'l lht' t1r!!t halt. t-;>ltoIJl"tIly .....(l,. . !tllt�lId ; Achool In wllege g\m,lIutlum [.t 8 : 0 0 elconw and cordlalll)' . lhe kindest .h'· " lie-ore (If II) 10 9. HurlnJo; the i . al el'ery 1IIIIce I stopped,"" lIa),1I Pres. 7l.t "TJe3,." "'. ];.4 n�XI hliit t-:uton"Ulti ke llt g!llnlng 'l Ordltl Tht! people 1I1,0wed a ,real e I I y t o UI; I U Itt the la�1 fe..... mlnutell of TWO 1 ,'", :: I .t' .',,", :�: �::�I::��, b:�l�ld �: ·' ,..;>:O.THOUGHT " .,. ,h. H" " "<h.o' bo,' ) ", ,' '! HOS k " , "Ubprlll)er then point". "Ix of ad The flut atop olltde �� P'rel, Ordlli. 1It1ltl �ccd-thoughl tell one [IItY.. ' . 6 fA »Ihutlnn at th., right tlllIc .....on the, I. at San .ranclKCo, .....here he I \nd III)ruuted In my mInd' . D bh E �h�. .di;e,1. gamc for 1'. L. C. Sid (;11111110 i ' I to do a heIPfUI lectured lib timeR an(1 u..e w lae ' In .' h ought In Olt kl��d· He Vi ll lted San1ri B'.rbar� � � by And lilly II ""ort! mOlll klud. "hltted �I:tlldlng KOMd. when' he I CISIOnH and ....'led on paren, II 01 p , L. c. "hnt bltsht from the ,'enl('r of I did, and do )'ou kno",'_hal '6me� . ."rom there he went ' to --the floor. which Ktllrlcd a rllily Ihat · �'n Friday, Februu.-y 27. the .1'. IItudentll. Santa ROlla aDa· Sebaatapal. In LoII� heurt fell oil agio""; ( , �ll{'lI('d ,·\ctory. JtuH litter the whili' l A r\"or.....l!jI\ian two-nct . �omedy. 'I And:'II)";IOW . I . C. De.batlng So.c l�ty Kave t....o . IInli "ngelell he spoke se,.er81 time.; and. " I help by deed word lie blew Elltonl'lII� n1:lIle bItIlK"I. j "H08 KaPteln�n." ' W811 rendered b)' :\lost Impromptu debate The tint <nles· '!HInt day In Pas.- ella, golnA' . everYOnJ I knolllO. . IItudenta In the college ! p, 1.. lion dlscu8lled read:' �ellolved, "that from there to H.emet dand " hUI It wall too la�e, til ;... ,. . d ,. gymnll3lum, III 8 : 0 0 p. rn" Friday, ' And Klnce I have )..he habit formed, the La.nguage nnd 'EngllJlb ('OUneK San Diego. The next alop.wa.on·1.ong ,oor �hoolln on both !Sldt!1I andI M"i\r('h under the .&t-ectlon of l I do It all wJth ease; are more ell8enllal Ihan lilt! Science Beach, then Patlerson, Sacramento ! lind �klnr., b.� P. C. "huruclllr< ( Prof. O. J.. Stuen. Re\·. 'T. O. Sva.re , And 1111 'duy lon'g ' l al.....ayK try .'ounell I.n !fISh IIchool : Arlit O ren and tlnally Orlan�, which was the 11.ed thO:' 'lame. I ' and !tuth ;\1Rtllon. lind Henry Klel prelleuted the 1I((lr- lallt c"Ongre,lIlion he villitedf Sunderllon, Sid �o und QUI\1ll TheMIl'S charl\cters In the play were: 'In el'llrylhlng to please. T. L. 1'" mallve arguments while the negR- "I R trip" " Pre!. mIth S hartl worked for P. I... CIlPtain Stolpe, lIoldler of the ! t1��, opherd by }O;dwin l1erk lind Ordal.had"but fine j. . the besl part of the :IIltl S"'anson ,,'ere hl,h 110!ttt ,men l Ul<l s�h�ol, Peder Sogner�. Luetta svlnth. ...: h ole trip wall geltln« back altllill I un the Eaton\"llle side. ' HOLUM SPEAKS AT Juite. his dau!thtK. In love With , . The affirmative elltablhlhed their to dear 1', 1 I.ln�upll: ! � young lIeutenal t. Mabel I\"erson. 1 MISSION SOCIETY caae by advanCing the follo"'ln, ar.�tun'·III.· , CandldlltO:' Uog. � lIewl)' graduatt!d . 1', I., ,umenlll: High. achool lupllll are not I Smllh mlnl;u�r. who III luoklng ror a wlfe, I "T ' 0i F Sanderson rar enough advanced to gralp the h� A,I,Rn Ch ' l'Ian 1 F S,,'anson I Rlrger 1'\';llIon. Sid GIUlo � ruodamentals Of science. They can (Apolo,les 10 H. W. Longfellow) :Servold Ketrhum Lieutenant ' Sommef, arrived to I Was lIecure science In secon/1ary schoolll Und�r HPreadln, Maple tree. Quam ' S�mple propose to Jullt!. Bert Kran«ness, i G ""ben tbelr mlods are broadened, The old Iron «ute there .II14ndli. Petenon l ptllln Stolpe's hired man Lars, CII ('oltum --G ' . nlded or Lan- The gatt!,foreYer IIwlngln« fre,e ! . liuhs; I'. I.. C.-Collum for GiltS- I Arnt Oypn. "The Alm of The Cbrllltian Stu- ,uR,e bycourse.goodA �nglll\h penon traveling With open and friendly handll, �,!,180n ror COltU�\.·Lundeen for �o. 17 . LleutenH nt Sommer's ser· d'ent. " was llthe suhJect very In a foreign of country knowln, the., 'aut Ihe' creak� and «follns. It mllkell :-."ellOn. .I vant. Harry ��erud. at Dleht . and 'Inlltructlve IlddrelB langua,e IIpoken by 1111 people ma,. trl . le n . . Interestln,Melvin t v he bO h tt n · A·re loud as . lleveral bao�lI. :;l K . :I';�31 : ' tl:a::: � � ;':' Il. i ; HOI Mlathe to um Prot. by : ' ;:� : � �:� � T � : � s�:�:: r : l ta l :::; � t � :Il � [ : J:�" :��: �\� ' I' �a :� ��;� : I ln g oo. , very . well Bnd re:l e vetl ofuch ap-! alon Society. February 25. The dis· ou,ht 10 ·k n.ow In ' order to �rte�t And the students coming home 'from "-m\ rh-"n ."')w '\ I ed. tbat e. a new It happe piau based coune on Iblll BIble u C ll 110 d II.ls lite. All medical formulas are The Pacific Luthera olle,e town ,, . Qulnlets ....ere \,lctor" ouK over Amer. army regulation had bee� I�ed verse, "Seek ye -Fls:s� the Kin,dom written I� Latin. If a pe�son knows A�ter the !lgbtll are out, .. ' Ican I.nke teams In both Kllllles, and the raptaln WIS having consldof God and His RTghteousnelUl and the Isngua,e he would be able to Lift UP . 1t1 hea,y brace" hl,h' l l \!Iarcd 10 Il\e I..cal gym. Friday, FO:'b' :::�!�ts�I��C:��ll'I�� :�::�:;�I :bo�� These Th l ngll .Sh@ be Added U n c r t P e o h O 8 e to :�o: ���\ :7a��:; :;:e �h:t �:i%�:� An: :;t�� �:�r't�r�at�� :::, ::e:�r� . l :!';"tb. , futurtl srI' getU�g more preval· Yo,u. " . 1' the '1 lnk� hall been committed. }<'urth'!'rhear' HOY'S CA:\If' ' enl as old. age II al!p!"oachlng. But Prof. . discussed Holum the tlrsl \I more, Inv.elltlgatlon. made by Har- .A voice all It turnll about. The P. I.. :t". bo)"'� lIl!collIl tt!am bb love for Julie, �IS only child, 15 1 abllence of alms among studenta, vard. Princeton, and other unlverthe Am . y on de<-I!lI\"f , , ·lcIOr OVl!r · hle-h 'Vakon . alwaYII the .... directs "'The almlella aludent,"" he lIald, "Ie sltles have revealed Ihat, Il\dlvlduals They listen for their ma8ler'a ,oke' ..... t'rlran Lakt' quintet., Frlduy, Feb. 1 blm sate .and aound through all dU· I very much like ,orne torlorn ob·· who have ' I�, c,;lallHlcal. course �alllng from !lecond floor. . :!7th. by a of 31 to 13 . .The flculUes. Ject In the blS ocean, -earrled about are far Inlaken , tho e Who "!ethlnkll It wall these words he said,. \ P. C. lIQusd oOllcd ahEZ!d from J uUe. being th� only chUd In the b)' the tide, floating, t08lled about bave only hadadTanCVO( a scientific coune·. "I'll meet you at the door,"" .. , m lne t r I ��� \e;:� i�::ou:��be ;�:�: g:m: �:.nl�:; I;at�:�� :�:e:.��: :���:e�:� :;t �:;eerchgaC::��� any.....here e��t IItu:��n' n:�g:;�Vaege' ��n�e��ed� .....���; BU�et�:;��:ok::;n�:: :�:e.tbe dean. yood leam otk 00 the plrt of the mother hall lHU!'n dead, for .two years.. Alnll,. he pointed out. IIcrve as ot tlmt'.. Wblle we are IItudyln g ' . . ' .....hole sqliad. at"c�lPanled by ex" Howe,er, 'I� rejectln" an Insistent forcn spurring u.a 00. Tbey may a language. we .devote more time to CIln'lbluS, g:runtlng, ."trut',lIng. pert CA,lng b)' Rudy Sandeflloo prov- �Iultor she IIhow. bOlh tact, co.nsld· � s . deserves; be 81 a a It long and than tr. erve way but even It our ladder Up tbey'so on the:' . . , 'ed toO slrong for Ihe American Luke ) eraUon and· rtrmne811. . . definite pa\bway ror UII� There a�e sweet alumber t nl�bl !s',dlsturbed Ea�.�. hand.grlp ates lIome tallk �. bO)'II. I During tb� year prevlou8 to the 'alao varlolls degrees of . stlck-to.lt by visions ot bl ou. .....ord. wbl . . g:up eb,. ."Rudy Sanderson. Quam �nd cOI- llt�ry 'Of tbe play, had at..., Ivenen and earne�tneas. An earn. we were unable t · pronounce du�- EaCh foot'lItep, lIees 1t'1I close, . tum. lead tbe at.tack for Pr L. C, l tended scbool In tbe Julie city and. had est Ituden't. wben he has reached his Ing the day. Forel lansuase ben. But lomethln« attemp�ed lomethlng . . ' aUlI blgher. fOIRLS' G."�I.•: tbere 'met a younc handsome.Heudone , em., us very little at bome and onl,y Th!! p. L. C. (:o-:eds In tbe ,ame ten!."t. Tbe lIeuten�n"t now 'arrlTed aim" ,Mselll,"another be continued, "Ia . said ," small ntimber of people .-re able Il �:!:s earoed a nlsht'll repOH. . before- the b�!J. started the winning for tbe uillcal moment a.nd �I- abO'utucb U uls eU. All a trip thlll abroad. forse lng to take yo -K. B, K. IItreak agafD!t! tbe AMerlC"an La)'e .thougb Julie w�s quite wlll.liS '}O III true, �ut take time of( now and More pleas\1re Is derh'ed !,rom a teams ,,·hlch . carried thru both marry him tbe fatber al� had a tben to consider' youneH. If ,.ou science course tba.n · a Lan,uale MEETS . «ameil. Tbe Lutberanll ealllly defeat· word In. the atralra. , ' . attention 10 youne!f coune. Take for i lll, example a blo. � the ", merlc�n Lake,llrls by a Tbe audience lI,.mpathbed great· don·t. . 00' onepayelseanyWill," IOgllt, he may go oul In tbe woods Tbe Fa�lY, Sl�d)' Club' met Mon. AmeriCAn score of 33 to 1%. The I,. with Candidate Bo,. A proposal' I .and A Cbrlstlan IIludent �n t� the birds IIlog and duy evening, March %, ' A p,aper. . . Mr: Holum Lak� g.ua:rds o�ldom w'ere «lven a Is ,?f courae an every day occur· concluded, sbould aim to help the t'.he hIIsl. hUlo and ch8lle butterfile. wall delivered. b,. Prof. O. ThOraen, e-hance �o ,,'ork. tbe to .rence ball downbut when poor �g propoaed world at large, hl.a community, and to hilieell heart'll content be�ause of his contalnln,'a detailed account of the "thelr for...�rds. The tine' basket he .wu"":blndered by all the nolll� that ."e u . kno·'" the word kno1Vl�dge ot their Uvel, 'A lan,ua,e lire and 'Work� O! St. John' Crne­ e aU abo lse, . a drlllln, ·.recl; ot God and attain to· salntlon. : work of Polly Lanclo ... and Ern� excited uptal,n ��d 1I 1udent cannot o.btaln . thla pleasure ceour, an early lettler � America . Helmdahf gave the L�tbcl;an� big ment can. st�r u.p. . , . lead A readlnc wu rendered by Mr. since. n.atur." blrda . lI nd animals do I snd a writer Of.. IO!II,! ndte. . . t)lruout 1h,e ,ame, . . ' But fn spite of auch bandlcap. Arnt Oyen. and a plano _8010' by riot represent declension aNd· pro. Tb� or the· gamt! ror P. L. ·tbo newly ordained mlnillter. neTer Slene HJermatad, ' . '" no.ulI'Clatl�n of wprdll to: 111m. The HTl'O);ST .KI«"lTA.L C. were Polly Lenglo.... Erna l1.e!m- rslteRd. - And after belns reJected. I An account ��.- ml,' d:week Le�ten arrtrma,tfie _recelied trle judgtl1l de- I . The .plano atudenta of "",.be CoI. ' dahl and aut� Fadneu. Fer;lI,pla"y. hili e.lplanatlon of h l� anotb!r' service., the Mtaslon le�� % t? I vole, will Ih,e a .S:ocle�y !hlch d,lori by. a bllrldy ed the �Il game for tIle A�erlcan 'g1l'1·.ln reaene created much merrl-. meelll on ;tbose .e,.enlnga, will be : The .s&<,otDI (IUestlon . cead.. Re.- I'8Te-nlng, March 1 . redlal from. 7� to 8 p. � . : (ContInued on pa«e 3) (Continued .on Pace %) . , dlacoQ.tlnlled till after Easter.; on pagt! 2) m. In the Colleg:e, ehapel . : ' . , . . (Continued . . _, .'. . .:: '. � . , ;. . : . •


and Lak�: Girls \Vorin' 'Vin FromandAmeti·! I,ose -to Imm . heruns.


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tthe t Stu .' he Ti le of His dent, Address •



























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IMPROMP'.rU DEBATES GIVEN l , , ' Old the .Course .s \and e o e W Fa · re . ,. Judges De









KAPTEINEN 1 GIVEN ARCH The NOTwe,""ia. .n Two-Act Com- I'' I dey Was Well Attended





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flACIFIC l.UTHERAN COLL.EGE PARKLAN,? .WASH.,. fro�.,e 1) . : to tranl to dlltut tow'; for 'TJI'E MOO •.ING M;AST menl. (Conl l u�d from pllie t ) " ' lol�ed.(Continued " that Ford. are more' el' 1000 � lme. thu.�·uoldID' the I,n. . bater for, r1 uen\:e "}r:. tboae" :rhO" Ire � he.r horae.. thll� flentlat bero �hf! 1¥A3 r e omm Ll�utenant. two' weeks durln« the scbpol joe,:r by the" s ud t ' or tne play. Undoubtedly be had he afrtrmative, were,. Peder .e�er}'Colles 1 ".. Soeae· Iu.ardlanl. of P.Publlihed d�lc :r.uthe�an t !. P� kla nd. Wubln.,ton. In.ltloc"" Knutzen Arthur but he fest �nd the hardellt part I)erforni . Th e for H�rll. have 111 manyhone J =" ,, ' H arm' Ted humin life. The pnu' . .,...... � eue. \be i tlnct 0 w� ....tT�t--tt\� .� d 1No'4....uY'&r Dee". hll!l d!h.eT y,,;-thoU atreM Subscription. one dollar per year road e home he Wit!! quite IIUf.8 of ,·I<:l'ory The a(flrm'atl"� � Appltcatlon [or entrance as 2nd class mnller nolO> pending but owl g to some miliunderstanding UPOII the IImall operation COlt , and 1011 the direction . 'Vbat ould Entered a� second class matter Octolwr 29 19 4 at the P08t office I hili mlllfl J Rial Ilfoapect b ame lIouperlorlty In worklnr ability of tbe Ford do It tbe driver let 110 bf lh.· Parkland " 118l11nglon under the Act of March 3 � 15 7 9 .. }�ord comllared .dlb .the hone A sleerlnc wheel '0'1' a few II1lnute,,� rat her c 0 ed for awhile needl <:o nlta nt IIltantlon. It The mOlt .,pillullble answer II thlll Editor In Chief _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Palma Hel da l L.ars 1 t1le Cnptnln- !l hired man horse mUll( be . fed J.hrae tlmea day. It 'would 10 Into the ditch or ellManaging Editor _ _ _ _ _ urton Kreidler mure of clo"'n than a curn-('omboo and harne8soo and deavor to climb telephofle 'o1:ho REPORTERS - EIther. Sydow .\\'otker. a'cled t!hi cO so er or tben· It onl� perrormll % ot the The Jud«es .declslon wat 2 to POll' General Kcw8 1'''111. l\1ar �:d favor of the negative. b y�j����� the leadln� �harliCler8. t;ven Ihough work done by a ord Campus the o c h a n shes on f pe rene c a ahl e I g he lIot Invltp.d 10 rema n In Ih... I n 'WI t ;' . . Pre A: !'of«r.'' ... . ' �������tl�� b LU;[:\II'I��� rOOnl "'hen tlle bride was t:lve!l �Ol��r::. �hne t�:r:;h!� '�a�e:1I.1:�ull� P. CC,. Paulson Rellglou9 Lu. )Paulson Trell�' Signa Hjermstad Innocenl Lars cons ldere blmOn a s �1�S!Cnl D1r��� k:�� ';::!f :tece of Ihe rU,rnlt�re and reo �l:;:}r. :ht:ndFOi�� 'I�ch&1a;OBtabuIn�lsP��p I. nC.Atbletlcs . ln r The 8:;:::e r��'1T�"iultCOPle 'Buslness tlfanager Cooper Ko. I r. LleuteJ.la�tS6mmer 's· ler- :I:�;i� 1� ltl\nhe b�ar�:lll::ch :�e�� l:: G �. _ e 0�vne:;:1� vant. only made his appearance o� well aa t ransporPlng the IIr.OdUCt8 �I' ;;; n t = ;;;;;;;;;; '�'.... ;;;:..;; �. ; ';; .�;;; , ."';; � 'l. ;''':' �;; ""; ;;; �:�C"Ul����n����:::r . _ . - ��� �Anderson the !lu�e tor te��lnuteti and 1.0 town. or COUr9� borses can do I �;;;;;; ;;;;;'�'.�; ' Advertising Mana«er Alfred .. '. therefore hll acUnr� ability "cOUld tbe same bl:t a large nu mbe Is reFnC�1.;Ilty Advllor _ O. L. Thonon ,not be juslly a.8certalned. However. tllerelJy mak ng the e:l,RenliH ca ri age .he helped qulred Parkland Barper:. , IC,,"-We do no t dlssoutln e ads except IJ) order of the ad- by hiT. m grea te r th;1l the proWs. < And In rtl�� � r�t� !l . ��� �� !le-&J� �I ub) collector or by ma.11 . Add,ress : ea y" t llilary t a '� ' f n �� �:� �� y . ears the horse h�s become ew a . ' The MOOrln st kl ld S . . Shop ��s ��a sl:r ! ::���, :: a t � . too old 10 perform any work. es- , men. . . cem .gcttlng h is usuBI share or the ' l- MENDING THE MOORING MAST \\' hdt this wurld nccds. is co-op('ration. "'hat'this country The I�. L: C. orchestra under the oats. ,S tili people are 10 sel)tlmenll,:edSj is . ·u-upcrutinn . . Whut tI.l is .sdmol needs is �o:}J?Craflio1\1, direct ion of Miss Vsngle LoettJer tal .thaJ. they keep horses for years I Corl'fectionary \\ hl,rl till pa llt'r nccds IS l·o-opcratlun. And so Uti lllflllltU-n1':' , 0 renedered several selections, Whlt"h arter their wbrkl.ng capacity and l Yru ", nklY we knuw that there is u multitude uf faulls il�his dld ' much to make. Ihe PIli' " t- cO mme r<:l l \'al ue have- become 'nil. 1 paper. \\'e ant your help. your ud\'ic(', 'your l·u-op('ratio.u. ill tr� ctlve. Crcdlt mus t be . g!ven 10 The negative, Il,pealed st rongly the, butJlnCIiS manager l,,-er....Da'hl and_ lor, thJL sent iment ,L Lhe.-audlence ' Dill 's Place u\"crruming thost' fuulls. ' , 'Vhat nre , lowards the h�rse. ' Old Dobb in i you=-yes. �'()\I. ge-nlle relHler�guillg to do ahulIt- ",Ieclrldun ,D�rl�m_.'Kr�ldler· tor, their it'! Simply this. \\'he-n you stumble on n hit I.)f Ile-\\"S. grah half work In hel ping to muk? I he . Pla Y !WIII Jrecall (o nd m<;,morles through: i ! sncce.9ll The IILay was wci l at out our Vihole life ;omethlng .... hlch :.;JI(,cls, wrile it dow ahd send it' tl1.., quick� C�IAS. nOS�NnUR�T, '! with tended The proceeds IImounting to \\ould be Im j)osslble ' for al� Inaul 1 Help us corner the lIews. \Vht'll Y()�I SC(' a persun �� l1o)c-hook i n .hand. pencil o\'er h}s eur and a far-a",:,)" look $30 ",111 be used fo r b u} lng Not nlllie J.llcce of macbl ner) U Ford !!!;s. 1� ��!er;V���A��;�\ " : III IllS eye be;lrmg·t!owli on yoU. don i break amI run. Suppose IIcglan buoks for Ihe 8chool 1 I' ln the /1fO d old days the talhcr . Duslne.s Pdncils lIouill hlrncb the horse. .J1II tbe FountainandPensand you' han' no ncws for him. Such !'tute is 'simply ubnormal. bran f lIolgOll "'lIh bay nd thcn takc the �I aln 3 0 49 9 13 Pacific Ave l' hul just suppoS(·. \\'('11 •.h � !l, by all Ihat's ps),chulugil·al. whnt Tllcoma. \Valb do YOIl suppose- yuur imngination is for'! . I I ",hole famll) tor a 1Il0onlighl ride In tlle country :-10 sud, enJovmenL At II "cry l'onser\'lItivc estilllatl" t1l<'rl" Hught to· 11(' tW(·ut.s rcan be deriled trom the stuffy }o ' ord or thirly Danks and Bl"Owliings,in this \'('I'Y dc\'cr studt'nl body. ! 1 AIumni el g f t n h I!W;. 1����I.-h(,I·���)y!;� jI;·(:�:� . �) C;.�rb��l gn �:JI:!ld: l : �;:�IlI���:��e t(;���k�'i;������·��i:::\}(���aSr:::I t:� ��r��:� .' We (}ff�r best rates for I ( f1owers·. of IH:r gl'nills i,nto tht , . �toOl'ing ;\Ia�t Ih�x atl�1 st'l' t11('1Il ls mm ellne: Qua?l. 'il�!; at· (lll!. . \\'.e all need excrclse. and us Scantihia\'iun checks: Cou-! spruut ill prlllt. Our {'olll'eplton of till' mlllt'nlUlll IS ' UII over- tending the I<: llem� burg Kjrmn} the car(' o r the ho e ref}ulres work pons or t::.urrency, and can School. · - .-/'" J the horse Is e!; el. Hlal f01) our health. flowing I\looring :\Inst Box. �lllk(' it, l'ume, . ,-Mlsg.Allce nul 7.c who Bllelldoo !'Ord tendS to delllorall7.e the sell dr�fts nil . illllwrtWH.Y ARE YOU ATTENDING SCHOOL? here lasl }car III 11011 at Ihe Del ) o ng people Formerly the )OU� lInt, . poinls i n the Seandin,Jeople IIc re not able get (.Ir . . . Did you ('vel" ask ytHlI'self why you af(' ntlt:lltiing this 1'111- IIngh.1I1l l"ormlll School t l . I It'ge'!" If you ha\'I' it lIIi�ht bl: well II) do so IlOW. COlll !t ncs. Mr I/'red- }o'OIiSCU 'o1: ho a tended I' a\\a) f om home 3ud conllequentfy ! TI\c principal reason is to gel nl�cdu('ation. You have A 1911-13 Is at thc Lake �e\\ \\llhln the rad ius o f 'tho parcnt !! rellli7.l·d the IU'ccssity of (=durutiun in this day und tlutl "I·W· Sanator[u1Jl near Parkhrnr Mr Oh!>enu tIOn. �o� llic lendt!nc) 18 . Prohar)IY'V'Oll {"<lnl(' to this {"ulleg(' ht'cau�(' of Ihe religiolls Fussell ",ho hilS no" been there (or The Bank 0f CaI:t � ! uOmla, --- "h�h���;(itill;gity��tt�:�(:i lisT:;�:�t :�.\I:hl :l ��:I; �Il)��'n .tlr:�I:� �i� �� �.l� ; over a yearI Is slo",1) IlIlllro\lng N. A . ! r In�'tl�n �::�; ��: �:�: �:����IOll"��:�:: PARKLAND SHOE SHOP reasuns sud) us uthl('lies anti the frientlships yuu makl-. 1 1th & B1Oii"clWay ea f I ( g li I I I I ) .i ISI . :\r(' .���� ���·i� � ) �U;f i�·it l�� ����e·I�·t i::ll �·:l ���lI;· �f::!(i���I ! :�:�:. ;��;� �:;����/ �t:� ,��:�����,g�;Ii�� I:; ���l ·�H��/��';�i:��� In king ad,'ontagc flf wh.ut is , uff('!"('cJ in r(lligiuus educution hy Cilleer on the Sleamcr !tuth Alexa_nTACOMA 0f Qua,Iity [o;",[nl atten<inne" aJ 11;1>1" Cia""', Chned" �I;,,;on Sodel)' doc wh',h pm T.,. m, a' .''"'0" and Chapel ' An' ' 1ll1 takIng nn nc1I'c part haskl·lhall. h.lSC- al vl,,11. bull and ulhel' athldll·s. <lJ}d� tll'\ell,.'Jllng HHlrSl·lf ph� sltull) as Mr. Lud\'lg Larson. alumnu!! and 1 ___ .. !i!. �III � . '\cll as mcntalh ) '\n' )tlU mukmg. I.lsllllg frtl'IHishlps umotl!-! (9rmer le cher or the L. C. leavcs Ii (or Quadra. Alaska. the twelfth uf i J�hnSOD·COZ .,• Th S feIlO\v�studertts'! '" • e tore It is doubtful if Wt' art" nil gelling (" '('I"ything we l'Hllle herc Ihls month. Mr. I,ar�oll I!! al prelliii 10 get. The fut:! t1111t our parents '�'ho nmy have stilTifil'l·d lI.weh cnt ' m pl ' bY "" AIII!;k« co" Y Compan to SOIll(' of tiS. 10 give thcse advuntages do('s not a ny . sOlldated Flsberle" Co ml ,Ii for Men . !! , " Iy it IS not Hle·fault of tile 'kadll'r\ for they <Ire doing cverylhing 1 1";;;; ;;; ;;;;iii ;;; � ', ""�_ iii • , iiiiiiii! ,. --aooUIND-. ;. in thcil' pl�1\\fer to h(' lp us. 1j and Boys .. "Ht'soh'e n nw. ft·lIo\\, �h!lkn ISt,.. It;g.N\ntlt flr thi s sdwol nil I � Carrforn i a Florists .ST�TI�NEIUI . Ii CUllle herc to get.· - I.. S. , J � Cut Flo,,'er8 Potted Plantl !. , . I'IUNTDS " ' "'m' D"m"o", i : MIi " � ' : " ; ' 'i , A m. " :: ,:::,:,�:.:, ::: 907 , :"''''' " M ls-, l mo':,::m:,,«:.;:;;::: us_,_Lo_c_a__ _'_p__ , a_m c_ L-_ .,i Parklanli Publl� School. the eyen.. Mrs. Ringstad entc'rWlned Thnrs· . ' �t Iii CarIYIe Ca.feteria of Mauh 2. The feature, plc' dn)' afternoon. )Iarch 5, at a tea. llig W. ' c, BELL & SO� �";::I c'o. " for TeaChen and ture . was e l i lled , "'Vondcrs o( the Headquarters an tu LI II C ' ss. l ' for thc following: � 1 1 1 0.;12 Pacific Ave. Sen." .. T� A..... 7:1.· P�CIt�c ���:r:� 6:nege. l c �� 917 Paci ic A�e" Taco ma :'rs. r : n U I r . f · : I � �� . .� ;� Ilh: ��ma:e�/';�' t�� �as� �; � �:� Kaplelnen" after the play. Friday t · ; ; ":;' ��'�'d Y �';�� "" " g. ��ac<h 6, I� GOOD ' YOUK ;; : : �; :: , " E h ,, alt F c e g I el l k C D ��Cn� ��r:::��,w �::i:h1T��:e=:: act�d :: ::�sC�r::I�.S�Y����� �t �: L.'S HOEtiFEL ·· & Pa tag lllentre AD<;lle Dahl. Lenore Nelson, Marie absence ot PrOf. and Mrs. Ringstad.. PACI,FIC AVENUE'A� 15th STREET NINE CHAIRS Ordal, Altred Anderson. Ted Lun- Friday n gbt , Marcb 6. deen, Lyman arlson Ola.f Serwol!l. PROMPT· �ERVIC.� a o l . e HAIR BOBQING la · Norm'an Langlow, former student. ��.�5 JtI:���ad �� �::�tl:� . s:;::� LADIES j ' �'L'A- N'- D , M''ER"CA'NTIL ' > E ' C'0,' A SP..ECIALTY �JR \'Isltoo friends here. Fcbr.uilry %8: day'. March 7, y."ere J3urton' KreidIllr. Walter Frencb·. l rger Nelson ' MANICURING EXPERT' , GENE!lAL WANTS FOR YOUR. Serwold. Bnd Ole . week· tbe Bpent Gla,dys Thomas, H. J. C'onrad; Prop'. eod or February %7 and '28 'and . .�nd Peter So nefes Harry Sann erud Wi Marcb 1. al tbe · bo'm e of E dna 0'· ' and Iver Dahl spent Satu,rdliy. March Farrell In Ort in&, W�sblngton. . : 7, (Ishlng at Gig Harbor. ,LEaMANN'S' Gift Hea�:Iquarters Man y attended the May Robson . 'play entitled. ':SomethlnS'1'ells �e:" Yq:ur "1:,hose who attended tbe performance ' . for 5 TUBE NEUTRODYNE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, 'RUBBERS AND Friday evening;: March 8, were Prot: Jl.nd Mr8. Myron Rioptad. Mis. Lil­ ART G()ODS ' )V ii i sell at sacrif.ice M�Nl lian Lund. atid P·ror. O. L. Tlioreen, B. KRIEDLER and among those wbo' attended sat­ h : urday. ' March 7. 'were Mias .Nettle Pacific Lutheran "Two StOI'C� With ,!lut A� ' avis' �en's Shop �n8Ie 1'hodght'; Larson. 'Prol . and Mn::1'b� · �. . . '-- _ At:d. I07RS7 - . ' . Tacoma . . -: :,, To. Serve Efficiently . . . MI:�:�:���a :::§. ��� .91� P ; c: Aye, . '�.. . . . � : ��!:� ' . e' . . _-,.--�-:-J-�_ "






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Sa_nitary �ber Shop ' Under n e


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Enmined� 'Ri«ht, ..... Righi Prl... Rltlhl

\EY� Gi

JETLi�ND & PALAGRU'!J. Complete !.Ine of .'"


Tlicoma.W.lh. .

Our cud liver ways fresh nnt!

oil is al­ sweet os


SMu er n I•.


!! "


L. C . : tor Krehlll!r. Lundeen Immanuel I.dthernn Team: Olson (or Mack. Erlck80n for P t rso G G

Nelson Suhl!. 1'.


lemon you ' dig,

Would' you


h:n1oll-ude? Ca.n ·







J ke .


Mode: It Is correct to re­ b'a t wb!"o bavlog your -

balr cut, A


move your'

.. " ,,

f>" Mnk


I1 "1�====:::====�II Horn�Holmes Co


Three Gen.St�

1002:'8 Center Si.-M. 7221 . •

"""- Ave.3901 . 6!b Pro'�. �04


, breatlDI.




....: ��It






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T • "" "" ,' ,',' \" U'G "'EN • L 8 ON'E 'y'" A • "'0' G,a�. �';:�!S al l." .o T

�hon.9U�I:���eTa���a�eW.ah. Pbone Matn 831N

'J. E. Bri6m« If,. Ce. ,





'5�' . �. ':�H'��ee�.?f"com".


, T�'';�DUCT8 ; ��;!� �AS:�

propoeltlo�! ""



Dock St.- 'MaiJl 676 TACOltlA

....J !

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Frank J•



I'o,,'ralt ....










WAIIH. . • Pae. ."•


1 '�;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;�;;;;;;;':; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;�. ;; r



717-719 TACOMA AVENUE _ TACOMA Phone: , Mnin,77·t5

'\ Compliments of roVE ELECTRIC COMPANY '




Tacoma, Wash. .

��������������������� ::::h:::::�::'::' ::::':: ::"':::""'::""::"":: ::"":: :;""':: � ma� -fI l-n'R ·ro. .

. Building ,M',teria} aDd,


Walter F.: -What do , Q•. ,E. D., a mean .,-'tbe eD:CI " air aDd eat. dinDe!', . �

":_-; .:.--;: jr - ./



�=::::=;;=:::::::;;;:::=t1 ;::P t-ogr���;� va,geCo, Sc. ofield ' poorgaits--,"

faculty! '� " ' Fatber: . What was th,at n l le , , wben you came So., I ",.ldD', tell wh.th" " the lili:bt lamag ' or ' tbe day


. .,

, 752 So. 38th-Mad. 80.

, :�:'O�:�:�I ::I::::I I;�:�d�::"t :��� o



this! ubra.)

(Ho'Jdl,ng Teacher: What 1& \lP. a picture of ,. Olaf 'Ordal : A horse In a �tblDg


'7-;;;'o'N"'s'A'v'iNGS"'"'''''''''''' tographN. came t o l'. L. C. For 40 .Year& . . liu%. Main ' /. Friday and took a group plc- "919 Droa4Way TO$:om� lure of the atude.nt body and rae- �===== \Vi! hove never paid less = = = = � -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: -::: AMERICAN SAVING -::: -::: -::: -::: & -:::-:::-:::-:::-= utly on the front porcb of lhe malo ' I.OAN ASS , S b""d " " ' S,"'" diU"."•• N 'RTU-/ti Ry '' 1001 Pacific Aye. of Bchool I� ar� taken every year. . -\,ITH'E' . LYN. N ' MO ' i'l.. :t' " . TUCOfh�. 'Vasil. " Superior Funeral Service" ,


8\1ch n


, Mahncke & Co. th'O,.,o-.-'''''d'-Mr. Lee. a Tacoma pho- . ' Jewelers to Tacoma

to a give him the R�e or

Belle.oned Slory teller that every lime he Spring� a o lO Fall for It: Summer 18



n . West-


h:eybo:ord St:tndard !«,mlnl(lOn We tent "nd lIell llll make" rHllt,:hlne". A l l . TYI'('''' r lter JI; <10W" ,$ month. All klnt1R ot "mAchines cl",,,""'d "nd re­ PIlI'ed.

_ n

ero for I:: rlck!lon.


JUHt to




e e


Matk Pete


Kran,ll;ILCl'lI d


rsen Pharmacy


Frames and'

732 Pacific Ave.



Gi,� �s �

of Qualtty ,



7'e1ric ' A�e,. _T .·acoma

........,........_"......., ,.......,,,....'"




S 0 1� .;



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W �J.. �L


S1 1.1..;1 '-� ELEVENTH .




to Tb�uFi:Htou..r:�;cp:kwm.:u:.reNoni._ go

-A d pt n

We're' Alway,s I'le8sed ,

d f





15 Attractivc lioOlha--n d, �rieooed .raton. ·· 3 iDeD ,. , barbers' jar :women's ,and 'Cljlildren', hair -C;uWag. ' Bat. "


EqUipment and aervice.jo 'Every DetaU-Bakoay. - R


: '"


PAG!: 4




l'ARKLA.ND. �A 8H . .


"�p'J::R: Ar�" I PARKLAND NEWS n US E �'O . ' T L OLYMP ��;.��.m��������;p����'�������f.::.�.�.�.'�.'n7..:�. '"�':'1�1_�;:h��.,��:1� ;: �.��§.!".�.�PI����' .��T'�M�m;.�� ,,::-::;;;-,;�; � ��� ����w�'�.��I� ���.��!. ����.

\. I

';e Senl�r", of tbe 'Lhitoln ' Hllb &hool ",·IIl · prellent Ihe play. "The Romaatle A Ke," sometime Ihlll




)1. - L<',, 'e,;

.\. :\1.


Onl,, !

Di\"i�� Sen-iccs. Pruf. .I. Xu\"icr. 1 ::10 P. � I . -I .u t h('r

2:00 1 ' . ;\ 1 . �1.

Comfortable UIId' Ko_lUte '

:': ::; " K' , " 0'0 ." "KolI.,< , ...... .. m. : . ! plt ller more inlerl"stlns. Hue you HI "how how "hazy" th@r are by 1111n/l: thl'l r IuIllt' al ··Ko�.Itll:· earrled 011 1 any o f my ide"s� ��dltor . Did you meet the oUke. �o llle or tb p' olde r lltutlenlll will boy ..... lth t'he ,nI8le-\lftp(or ,II/t"ket u '�emember 'hE" IItun,'nll!:hl and va ud rou earn u psla ln ! . • l eYille ...hen Ihe IItude.nll! for/l:. OI their ..

March 15 1'(·lI�U('.. !\larch IS Aitl. ' 1 .t.'nll'n 7 :;'U 1'. � 22 .\. R .1' . �1. l\J'arch 2-1 2 �Iarch· 5 i :;\O P. 1.(,IIIl'1I REV.




. ' --Komln,a! Kr..,. Kollele Klda Komltll! St"Iunde Interettln, doesn 't It!



I. )t, I..\ . RIU;: N .. : 1M)N'8 ..ltll,h.d . un !UIl,�."'KI':N� MIIlluf.clur..,. And n�!,lflr. tn "':;�T!!I. · "WN.N(l!il A !'If D ....LAfUOI !'hone ' '''.I" 1 1 1 . '01



I d T ACO M A ' W A " "A ���:I�::: ���:I/:�\1�M �!�·r.tY ln � out" : I �:I .� :;II :;�,: :�ul�"!e.8h�:: ,"-===::: . ::::::::::::::::::::::=�� YOIlr 11101 . vlllue\1 Iden � whIch you al':lIlu, we lin' In ha'!> II IItont n l l!;h . r . !I"nl to II!!. VHudevllIe 11..1111 a · l ive ly ·or('he"lra Better ' C]othes For l . __ _ . _ . ' � ... will keep ihhlJ8 Koln/!: In r way i : :Ul I'. ':\1. Youn� I.lH'ics Auxiliur�·. Men t hllt nllt! wlll ..oon rorget hh �tUdlell HUI" 11,,11 K\'IM'rl"nc,' I nn t, ol her worrlu. . f l . s lad, · the who AI,ISOS .t . -\ IISQVlKT e lf i 'ou o : l!ll n k · ... . .:\1. Servin'. I. mo··)tor-ear hod rUII do"'n· II. IIIltn. l P.n ltuhm. will, bt' IInnoll"('�1. la. 0 4C S 10t 81. Tac ' T. 0 . SVAHE. Pustor. o. h � _ om. J 1 . ._ . "you IIIU�I h Hve betn walk!!.I'" very 1"_ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ', '. _ 1 _== :::.===:===========1- __""'_...._"""__""'I: ( ,\t thl:" J llnlor League lII{'et IDg , /trieVllnCtl nf 111 '·,..-I Ue I� III" tliCt cll rele!l!lly. I alii II. very cllfe t ul . t= ' (I ' !> \\" h�ld SUI)lilir :\Iarch 8. Ihe' tOl lo W l ng l that neitheT 'o( I;',. son� a r� t'lI pable I1rlver. I have been d r h· ln. a car . . I I · •r ,ll. rA m ...· IHI ';1\'1.'1;; of carr�· 'og. 011 IIIY ·tlnh'rpTl8�. They for sevfll ye� r":��/ S haw Supply Co., . . '1I�!llon Inph'. lila I-If'nd{'rlle. :Ire not hi n g but .IegenerAle trlllnpl!." "J.ath·. )'on VI' Aot n Ol h l ng OjL""me · 1 SUrlll t.' ' :II I�Aftlk�\�i � I::: rH�I('C our sl>C�Jn . I nco I �y. · . . I � �-0C81 !Juel. Irene llahl Ao.1 ',Syl- Yl'''. we Hl"" t lal te r h /t I he JUIIJles. rye 'been ... 1I11!.1 n « f o r fifty-four 8 U . 1'111 LANlon. � The more WI' Iry to mllke Ihe world reAr.,,:' & 1015 Pnciri� Ay('. • ;l:�::�I ;� !:I� �:�:rl)� nh ;l mo o e h o o � I : a l/t l'I1. :1::.I�.II� nf. I e re ( n H w lar · The rain It nlnel i 011 t he just" Tnc(uuo t "boul your water He\ lI rtl" lII"e ,ltlllu""ed Iht:! I{)p Thl.'�" Ilre v lulI rCl1l'ii'rk � IUA Y And o n ' t lle �nju.!lt fel ter�. Kodaks and I pr:�iem�� I. !IOU ,ui p t'e"l m l�ll c I" !lome bJt...1.. 11111 But It rallleth 1I10!ltJy 011 the J U III . Al!!:cnts f�r . Finishing \1 II .Iedd,·d to hol d �OIIII I Itot H J!e�..lml"'t fur from �t�\l I\lll For the unJu�)"""Ilu.!I the jll!ll'lI umUlHtn !'oI\� ' J.:�S /til erln 11 om.. a m�n th Th(' flr�t nn o� t m l"t II" .1I�tln.ullllied from hTlll e _ ' . ____ _ l T GOO!.I 'Fini�liing l'etlnl!; �all held la8\ �l ol\lhl\ Elec . n • h ee rf u l hlinl _� � No cost Mr un(� Juhn X I , l er :\.�.. v..........................___.. I\\U' I\UI1I th e j l u/!: I � Boy: Hng unroue Il)�t 0 !Illk � hl rt ! 811 I·IU: . . f.l' l � t ,alned then , ho lr fit thei r home I he "" 'ntll llkeell llt (1 1iI: h l 1 111' /!:)iil1H1@lulU 0( ' C h o rii;-O f bOy�; I h eHHilnt; f MlI nh ; The C\elllll �trulil:.ldl.''' l c' eh l� nur IItrenlotlh "u,1 ' . . -Ine, WlI' spenl In �llll(llig old �onr.:" UIH� l n " ur ,· h! · ll ! I t lll n thN,' are fo u r I n l:\��: ��\'�:; h h��e·s. H .'ullur btlt,Irn . . . lclnl( the Clllltut:a. wh ich I� tn I' �rl'lll dtnd" I" whll'h we UlUllt (Ighl . . ER'� · STEAM LA,UND'.'RY WESrm I", I(ln·n lit F::alltllr, II I" lun!.', Wlthollt anr tlue " f Ihe"e Iln" e you Itot II I)III� I I l I lg I I I , "JOY-RID �' TO THEl �:{�:I::�:�:.�:;:II::I:;:��: M I/ if,:17 �. hat. ;. 1 2 Su. �tli' SI. : 1 � " �llt :� · i ::I IIn:��;. �:';:II 8:���: �()I:�:�}�:� r . . o . \ �n3t Am�'rlC8" ellterlalllN Alld ;I:�\tl O ",:'";';: I:: : ;: th' '!:'h ��II:�'; ; :11;1. h: "_ . ," , _ ' '_ "1:11 _ _ _ II k 1 . _ _ n I r I tll t I l I · Ask for . : ,: .�:�e 1 � P: :II I,� � :�k:t:.� p::� :;:�r �h�:;I:e"�···�;I��ol:l );ln�W:o\���:,� JII. n �Mr Ik kt· 4ir:lnn'.I I11J" j �" lIted In TnCO llla II ectu T:e 011 the ",elll Mnd that ...·t' lIe hl 10 IIUt;llOrl Ja ,'1 har Ikke nannlUlIlII. VI har "Joy-riding bllf'k \0 t he lill.'lI' 111111 our hOlllell wh erllln we Ikke 1181111I<na, Itlal!:. . :-:J. , �uhJcct. I Coffee, Fruits, Catsup, Junll:lc,,:' The following lire SOllie 111:1)' . b" hallPY :Intl h"'!. oth('rll ttl VI har lut�fI."k o g � a II1{'lulIl, / h e al l 1 u I ll I � ::!:tl l =,,): ll� :'''h l��1 °L �:lI l ��;�; I he T�::"'::o:� I�'· .... .. Il.'uI.•• tlllr JIIII.I� !lP �: :11��a0:1I�{':::1 IJm� 8/ia ;1111. Vegetables, Spices IIH'I"I I I. ollr!l"h'l'� (rh'lItl" ulltl �.. t bttck ttl help and vi har /tod IIl1d-OIl: 1llIlntes. Grill I . Extracts p r o du ce d rOllie!! l hA"e ne,'er The I bui d lip (Jur four Krellt cltadelM. ht b og mOIIlIlR(!�. H mcl' ·or IItrllll. \ll'Ollle. Wh)'! Oe- IIII' ,· hu r,·h. tho! · hO Il"' . Ihe ,,;hoo1, 01/ la. vi 118r Ikke ""lI.IIlInn .... \_ 1 " lllll''' thl' nnll"e" are not forced 'n IUld the !.t:o,·erlllll'·"L I I... more. 811(,n I kv_ ehl._ Quality is Economy _ � _ IItrulII:gI" f!lr their exllJtence. �Il f'I'�J1 nlld hllP lllill'101I "'111 he O UT!!. h r Ikke brenvln the) need to d o I� to "'eur Rt311M h ot h n" 1111 Inclhlduul 111111 UN n 1111 I I I mth'er be II co ul d.be I --- �klrtll lind lie nntler .1 ('oconnUI Irt!e tlol1 an nra '\ II IHI Moaner or Illter II. m o n k ... . \1 111 1 .1'1 1111 "'[llmln\.' uurMl.'ivll1l ...Ith I'll �'or IIL (coouulldd benotI� he a mnr.hll drop 1I co('on n ut d0\1 11 L nl O I hel r KU rtl to the UIlI' II:re.11 ,ll1 lur h ll l we W ith n c hance of ATKINS touchln/!: pHr t IMPII There Ihl." lin' shad e froll! IItund ftl r -UH "rhonl ,\re Wl' ra th er be 11 hl16 het!tll Ihe '!.un Ii ra,s gTU1I1I "�� for clu t h flll(hful tn th l' 'trll"t <lur IlIIrt'nI B I dThtill II might h ave beel! l'Jy tar nd 1 0 e :�: a��de!�; \ 1 1 \1 1 I xpe , t c I '�IO �I:�;Il�el:l�l h r ' � �'or �l«hl hllve heen hllH never When y�)U lIe11 Atkl'nl Saws to your clllltomeril. tell lhen there', �; ;I{> I\� K . ;�e I l: : II :I� a three-fold IIAvlnl. Atklnll SaWIi l18l'e Ume, ener.y .nd_money. be­ Toke any t ro ph:H I , oun tr) Ha U " I I1K .�nd lire "I' o heyln g the ru l es BUIt Hl hall b""n \1all Ollce lUI lire caUlle they are made at tbe (araous SII'fer Steel. tbfl flnut I18W for InstAnce. th(' 80 ('ai led I'ar,adlse lind rt.gu l.lllon !! or lt!lll 1 llIlItulioll' Ileel In the world . That's why Atki n. SaWI take a keeller ed«e. cur __ _ _ _ _ faster. run f'uler, Il.y IIharp lon.er and "f the Pacific The aat he Ha\\ al- A re we bu l lt n . up good I: haracterll ( Telling ot a ramlly named Ford) t11ln« than or. . 'Deed len dlnary alWII. 11I nll�are m elltal Intalltll The chief lit our"ehc!! 111111 hel"lng othtlfl ur 'They hlld a couple of I:hll d ren "'" I'rrlec:t s." for .EYC!r1 P1lrJN)IW!" g l he a r t t ru tion 'o E' Itll:: n:: A :�� oe. I ��t·d:.:r�::'tr��gW�,��ll;� ( lll'l (' :O�:I:�� re«ular runabout!! Tb lr ��:�! :k�t". E. C. ATKINS &. CO• . It we ",·ere 10 tak e lluythlllK from."" TACOMA DUITRIUVTORH WA8HISGTOS HARD1lIr lIut join I lIl' race "I IIUPIIOlle Ihal wa" 1\ 1II0tOt 1'------""7,.-'ARIf. Ihe "Jungle .:\�an: · we o llght to lake I that;\"tI.III ....hc. eadIIIl1l1t -:"-CO -.•-:;:: ::--------:-.. for n g t h e Junr;lpII. t�r cycle." Ihe bellt. , \Ve have taken _thelr· "'." lire I!!:olll,ll; to do o ur bellI In C;;=====;;.;=== I ;; Idell� at del:oral in« our6elve.. with r 'H- .ry �"I ble "'ny 10 hold Ihe ban. {'" p�nt. Ulllnl!!: ring". Inot In �r noaes . " I�:('�: Ul \-<'·I.�: eUI'" .nd eo"... church. IIchool, home. & 1'111 our ean) and. 100. we ha"!!- tllk- 11 .. . 8 of the ... �e. lurnedC out Dr oltd b.r .-Ieel nnll.ll1 t#hi/(h lind not allow • ( lDco'rporated) enqhelr tropkal music Ihe "Jau o t Itlindtugon" nnd t"mper�'t. whtofe •• pTJleUeal. b., hJt!!l.m l reh ed h,. Ihe lowelll Iy lilt other mll.ku or bh:J"eltl Distributors of _ I he Junglell: ' We cannot be happy rUI:•• ( \\IlInklnd. _ L. A. I). n cup. and cone.. are .lAmped out ,, __ hy taking thelle Ihe lower results o( or Mh"el metal and c.lle.hardln. ____• their clvlll:r.atlon and tr an splan t !ug l'IUI)II)oI.: ..<I. conReqU"nt y do not I.", 10 \"(H"-JUn':I,F­ tror 1'1I.J.loj( and . them Into ollr life. Hll ppl n ess must IonIC. Write ' Bullller lI Material anc1 Coal hi) earned. nolhlng '\\:�.k;:;J1 1 '''"., Yes. the jUIlf;lell are getting liS, To be 110 . pettcethlll 1115·21 Dock Street of nilnd. lind we srE: gO i ng laughIngly back cau dls'turb your Tacoma w.s. . . To talk health. happlnp!ls and n� did Athen·s And Rome only fuler ros you meet. M..uS 21 ",,' we Ijve In the AA"e at rubber p perityketo leve�yr perlloll r feel hat t Ilr ' ;: ��r th� eont lnued ed�tence ot �h :a�o:n.':t h��; l! :�:�:. I l rr�� ;; � ;;;;�;;;; thlll A"real nation of ours we must To lopk Ion the lIunny IIlde ot II 1 1 1::10 1 :;10

I .utlit>s·

� i





�; ��� Oi"inc S<-rv"icc. Junior L£'ugllc ."

J'[ I



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t:;.ic Co.)

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Exlru exIra

Our Mollo: "Quality and Sen'�ce'"

: · :===:::�==::::======:::====� dIlB1Ij1::: A. M OC AT 1


l it

. SILVER - Cut Faster and STEEL ,Easler-SAWS Last Longer






b e a people atron« I n body and all!rt everyt�l!lg. and make your optl• Lien & Selvig Tbe youth ot ladar mlsm COIIIP true ' . In In telli gence "ould ., c.lled. "Progenies of ' 50-. To think on!y, of the btll. to wbrk best. the r fo' �mly _expect to and clal ButterUle... Men of toda)' pamper their son. and .ay: "\Vhy 1 on.lY the beal. never had thla•......:that:or-·the o.ther To be Just lUI enthuslutlc about ReliAble PentC�lpllon tblnc:' uDleu J h.d to work f.or It the succelil� o( others Da YOII are of and maybe not then did J. get It. your. own. . Cor: Tacoma A,'e &: 1 1 St. the for«et To mlat.ke. of. �he put �y Ion must h.ve e,erythlnK money . Tacoma. un buy." Tben thla -man ....ho and pre811 on 10 �bQ. .(reater"achlev&. .peakll w prlfceeds to lend bla son menlll of. the (ulure. �ree DeliTery , to 'a flnlllblnA" .lIcbool wh,reln h.e III To wear a cheert�1 �ountenance at properly flnlllbed. An example la all tim". and to have a IImlle rea�y · liven of. a multl:mllllona!re factorY for every 1I'flnl creature you meet. . o....ner who die.. The 'actory cloflt's To liTe ao....mutb time to the 1m· for the day. and crepe Is buni on I.'rOyem�nt of younelf that you hne loe door. Alter the funeral the n·o time to C!rltlclze others. pampered Ion �akel tbe "",ork Ol'et'. To be too bll lor worry. too noble Compliment He sl'el It ".blent' tN!.tment." for atl&'er, and too itronl tor tear. ·Soon the monument of the father'lI To' think well of yourself, and l. hl t t h h o l e le , Dr. Charle s . �!��·�� th� ��: !:t �:�th�r;:;.(e� ::t\: ::� •�::;! � t �l : :� . I· . Another slmllar cue _III chen o( a deeda. Webster Burri� "eattby car. buUder, Mr. PU�'fDIID. . To- II�.. "In the-.!!!.th t� the He tonD4 tbat no ear tbat be coul�; ..arId.. "Ion YOllr Iide 10 10nJ .. , . -.' bllU� GOuld :e&rT7 bl� .on tbroach !"Oll are -true to the beat th.t II'" In . J�e.,: PIlUman �,.:. "Tile cre.tes� 101l.�rllOb SwelL Marden: _.._.._7...:::••••_.:......�..... .

"Importers of Norwegian' Cod Li�q Oil




' � � � � Il k Wl\f. ·P. HOPI'ING CO.









oJ I






r� � � �

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ivtO O I U N G M:A S T .J



ruaet' Souiad. NaUoaal &aiik;. " TACOMA, W....GTON ...

�J I i.._�"'--__�...-_."..._��_....!'-"'.�'--


_ _



.., . .

. .. .





�BASKET BALL SEASON ENDS WITH VICTORY �, �, Basket Han Qui nt wrn� Last Game of Seuon. Close I'

,Vith Bal· 'Gamel pJityed d ar


riDi�"iiiiI� P' L. C, I>t;.I!ATE�

RAIN�HALTS ' CAMPUS DAY Initihth'e and Refer�ndum Were A,qI'IVITIES Conslder(d. The Negattve




Won tb"


Faculty but J. 1·luvluA.... Objeocts to Campul nay at C. Radio Weather Forecast . 8atl81ics -Coll ge ClaAAeA' a' h· eFeature rou! Day.

Decillion .-..


The " . I C. OehllllnJl; Socillty t'onsldef'ed I he Inltlallye lIud refer· endunl on 1>'�ltlRY, JIIlarch 13, The (1lIelliun rcotl : nelo\yed. ,·that tbe luUhnlye anti rch;relHIIIIII "hould be -ICenerllliy fldoptetr.'" The "peAker" were: afflrnll,lve, I'e'e� So!nl;lfeIJt nlld Myron Kr�ldler:- n��live , MII.UO.lI Jand !-Ienr)" j{lel. The nrUrmative hR"e<1 their con· tbollon" on four main wlnl". Inl· tlMtlYe and referendum Is prllctl(!1l1 and workuble In all the .!!liltell. will dlsnify ilJr.lawll �utl will recllfy Ihe Inadequacy of Ih'e pre�(>nl· "y!!. lem o'f le«l.latlon.









of ' Preparation


Th ",lfl ' ;:;;;;;-'"'' Coil.., of o'n Tr'� c: ae ro I " r:�;on: � :lnl�. � S.c:� O :;- ' � ; I ttl 26. Tbur,.da,- , Mar,-h 19. The l . Wllh Iho adTent of these, "hull' n l �::'!;l � ;��:, 1;;:'I,,;A":��; :::'�O I�. I:�� ! nice-llome nOI so nloo. lI�rln" dMYIi llw .:olle�_lflnt< Ulldoubt",d!y played Ihe "Iudentll InllUnctlyely antlclp�tll! \ "n� of the ht',,\ II;Rmet< of the yellT. IIIPUII tlay. II . IIJ now �On:I'lered Uood team work an.\ ftne Ila"kel II lell:ul 1'. L. C. holldMY. wUhol\1 work (lhllrI\Cle�lte'd ' the 1': I. C. which your edu�atlon. would be 1,,­ '«I Ulul. Althoulth Illaytng fine tcan)­ complele. It III tlay when eyery- . ""'''rk Ih\! Jal}/lll'ett,. quintet tell short bud,· work ev�the faculty melili . un I","kel .....ork. m\,,"lnll: "hOI dieT I ,.hot and lhl,. IITnve<! their ,lown· 1 bent IIIItI Iht!" ".enlors . . rail. I Someone. wholll we hope 10llell Till" gam!' whlC' h WIU' filII of ' I their Job prophet. plimned dlemenl frolll Ih.. ..Iart WM,. plu)'etl \ I lIuch dAY for Yellterday. It WAil hdore rlne cruwd uf rOOh!TII . :��� n c o lI u : : :�'e IU �·: probl1b y IIOllle Prof. who wante!1 . Ole Serwoll4. Hudv SunderMon :11111 1 � �: ::�� l� a:l C I:: ur b; t :-;1I1I1e,. GIII""lI ,.lIIY··ct n grelll ji;;tme InHlathe Mnt! referendum. lIll! to "ee If hll\. "tuden", ("ould 'III 1II 1111UI\I Ilibor millerably MIJ�menrtlT 1'. I.. arouliC I1IMY the which tholle I TIll' l.ln It Ion· c! th� ople Mild Ih.t' dellili lUl tul I bur. In lilly Clllle 'Ihe whol" from them th" rlghl ' !o r'l/eel. . flHlllr lurned Ollt " Ii ""nal ffillure. ":"I."IU·I I"· I'. I,. 1'1 :\1. J.i:nwazllc : Ore�on WII" flUOle!1 the.l l\ln� e Inlileittl or Jl;eltl"lI;: lI. ehlul£e 10 Rhow ()u"m H. Kon.l : whl'rl' Ihlll rorm of AII�rtMlnffi'� the. Ihe plI)"chololl:Y Pruf., thAl menial anti �.'rwold T . ld h�"';I�:�;:1111 �::hI"III:'� phy"lcul II lreligth gil hunt! In hllIH'1 ' I" 1{0Illl .. : P. L. C. ��:I!" �� :;:::r�:;.8 V�: TakllO"h f FURNISH PROGRAM PIANO RECITAL J , c:t1lS"0 rt·lltj;�red Inl.pollllible 1111 wel� HII 'he 'Ihey t�lId 10 lIurrer 1110 ellll)lIrrllllll8111111;1111,"''': 1'. ( . :\1. Krl'ldl<!r . pn'lIenl I!Ylllem. Urlh- mCllt of hll! torturlnK fillesilonll. MAR. l12 I of"ollr GIVEN I . --r Quam: Sanller"OIl fnr. t'lIl1um. II lohhylutt v.·ollid be eltmhl- A'II Ihl" WII" IIvoldllbll'. the dlll. W ELL A 1t1l11 ,,1 I�"II"'. " lIlpolntment Willi IIltoReth�r IInner.. . I r � l I le I I a I I lr m tIO:: CUltt ��;'��l��� ��(ll'I:lt;�: H��;r�::: :"=:�:. r:';I:. �:\. �:::::: �::h: �l:e� Lu- 1 i.I::'� ,�r:II:· (::III:.��l ()f nrIlU:I�'�II F��I:� ' h o t t y I rl '' It 01�;;l�;!��:::�I. ;h ; :I!:�:l�lI ::: �:::: II wou lll rHlli all IIIIj time: y,:,ung : '' ::: ;�:u��::' ' �;:' r::� ';'4 C:;t5t"l:::';:�r duell. HUl the poor rCI' IIy to luke It ..ver. They mlillt ) Tb,' J'. I , "ttll"'nl"of h;!Illll'e,1 been �cor;. 'o� 27 10' � ', I;�::d Ihlllllll. the rrl!lIhmen. they were tbl' fur, The colleJ;lulI" pillyed II .poor j n"k�·d lu t:ok · " harRI' 'hl� nH:�Mlilllr'l and herome (I�al- on�" to he pltleci. They Iltayed rhe('"klnJl: game llllli Ihl!! lu:companled ' nlllh IIII! elLllre p�,I(rllllL for Slltur- numher (If h('r mu�1c �llIrlcnlll 10 halle"" lIueh nn Importanl Mwltke nil nll!:ht Ihlnkln« how I!:rand Idlli Iloor ha"ket w(lrk I'nUllet! Ihelr tI:I)' e"enlll,l( for Ihe I.uther l.eMKue 1)10110 rel'ltal Thunlliay , COlll·tnllon of Iht.' Soulh I�ul(et :\llIrch 12. The prOl!:f!l1 l w:IM �'Pf proofll of Ihe ,IK�UI:'M fllid 1I:101\10U'; II would oil be. They · .-,Ident. of I OKe eurlY .IIO aM not 10 misl ItnY; QUnm and :i" rw�ld w,·rl· Ihe 1lI"ln. i (·Irclllt.....�("h I" to h\: hill.1I III Tu- III Ihe COIII.ltl' Chupe�t hefore the neKutlv� relnled Ihe !llory a II t t hl f In � l· el rl o b . l h a n I d h ! ;�l 7� 1::�: :�1 h ) T�"_\ :O�:\��l�� I lIr:;��I�:'�e(":::::�:.�I \ldl�lI ce. :� r: I o;. :��:�c �n� l;;:: :�ffr��e ;; i �� t�e �� :t;:)� ;a���:Ie: �f ::�::. ;�:�.; ::d : I1�� ':a�1 e�OIU:�le r� . ' I el (' ur 'I r t : l he nt'l!:ro In jhe Unlle.1 Slatell. pervidlnl!: t�e early mornIn, air . I of the Brownie!! �It' pl tht'.' lhI.'. for P. I (" Ihou,;h I t'ran Churl'll, He". I :\1. SUlvljC'" ; )nnre ;�y made Ih'tO;'rmitlt'II rfllrl 111111 l .-IlIIrl/:". !Inc! Wl]/ la,�t fur lhr .. ""r". mill : �;I,,"lJor Dahlherg. ,," only twenty ,tntell have. ad . I They ate hearty breakfaBtB. They ' ' Aprll 2�lh. �51h a 1111 261h. ' lhe Inlll"tlve �lIti referendum 'ef! home feeling thBt they · werp , 2. On t.he 1II)'"llc I..n:k... alm0lt' u('I'oml"l\I'h,'" it The .\iJII or Ihe I>;�ecllllvt' (·"m- Srh'la I.ar"!ln:II Ill . " �Irong Indication thllt It' capable of the work of "eyerltl I.lneuo,.: �hould "\�o, be I!:enerally· adoPted., Bteam II110yeill and a wrecklnl" erew. 1'. l�, t'. "'1 I.ullwr" i millet' or thlll circuit In 311klntt P. :to nuel, Tlohln·1J l uIlMby. HI!lhop I.. 10 furlll�h Ihe program h. to IIIHn': Irene Dahl nnd Sylvia l. .Arllon . 1>'lIrtherniore. no atate ha� adopted ' They �Ielted hoe". 'rokell,· IIhovel!" F lleHlm Cornell I l!:lv.. the youIII!: 1)'lOllle of Ih,! clr' }o� Vol"e Capr1'ce. :>;ewhlU d ; Ednn thl� mealiUTr! IIln ee. 1 91 8 . MI;III"RChu- and wheelborrows. with all the ' Snnder"on I o l I e1 tO I I r 'r �: (�'I:�O� ' �, ����:;i ���ln��I::�I��f��� ��t��JI:l: l�h�h:�; o'�� ���1. \\�ltchell �lIl!:ht, ltul"el ; 1I(>�tbe �:O;I� �:ly ::presil their !�::��e; :=el;�:�:tl�:s.M ;:�� �:: vlewlI on lail' hy petlllon, rellOluInto terrA firma like 110 many II Erna I nti Palma Hef�dahl. Henllon 1 ov.·n church !!chool. crates G Cullum · l lonll lind tl1t1!,CI) Y Inform their rep· of TNT lind then the heaven. IIhed ' 6. HUllllc nilnee, Howell: SuhSlitutell: · 1111. I utb. Hudllon 1 rellentntlvell. \.fh�lIe -meih.od, tend tears to lee 1II0ther earth beloit 110 ftlr Cornell: Peterson for While : ! P L C BOARD MEETS DRhl . j. Vl!.llIe In II �·Iot. GodMrd: !luth 10 Improve leglillatlon, Ihe reprellen- outr,al!:eoully dldl«ured. The rrellhWhite for Den"on. P. I... C.: M. j - tRtltell see. that the p,ubUe are' be· men were Jud,;ed to be .rreen enollsb Kreidler for ,SMndl'rlIon: J. Clalllo · The DORrd of Trullteell for Paclflr Bull. 8. Vuel, .Char«e of lhe Uhlallll, hind them, The Initiative and ref· by Rey. Drdal IJO he proceeded to for Col!um. . Lutheran College met Wedn· e lltiIlY. I erendum takes lin the power away call them In out of the rain. To TI·am P ' L C Thl . M Ruth UnH and t:dn'lt O'�'arrelJ. ' M cb i l !oM , Continuing Ihelr IItreak of wln- i �e� "'n�r�;nt ' m �etl;l« all ll l� :�: 9, l>'lowcr: So,«, L�nKe: Sylvia I from tlie reprellentaUve. thull le�II' Ihlll they wepl; bltlerly wblcb .only ' first one held IIlnce Prell. Or Lttnon. laut;!'. will deteriorate. Intenailled lt�e humidity of tbe ·at. "nlll« I!:�mell tbe p. L. C. KeCOnd the I quint defeated the Ballard Lutberan 10. , Fltsclnatlo.n. Walt:l:. Wachll. Under t e �r:llent IIYlltem mlnor- ·moaphere. Tbe whole !!!tuatlon wall . r�turlled .rrom California, The Erna Ity III ,dYen clianoo LawB -are de· 1 ex.tr"mely a�gravIUng to lay the lIecoud Quintet by a acore of 14 to dal Helmdahl board members 'Aere R�v a E Saturdav March 14 at Parlt· Helmdabl of Fir ReT D B Roil l 1 1 Pollchlnollo. HaehnlMnlnoff !, bllted In the ,1,lallye cbAmbef8 leaat and It v.aN only the perfect thlll In lIome nlltancetl there are mRlterln� of the situation on the H JermllU,d land, In the «arne preeedinc the or Tacoma. ReT A� Ramatad of Sicne !irAl team «arne 12 March GrotCtlque, SindIn, bard'y any reaemb"nce between the part of the Collele lIophli tbat saved Bremerton Mr Ii, E A�denon of Palma UrAt draft .and Ihtl brill paased D), many of tbe fr"hmen from nerYOUIJ The P L C aquad played fine Tacoma, Helmdahl ,;ame Lundin, Kreidler and VII,md Park'land and :\fr l' T Larllon of 13 Trio From lin Ocean Gnrden, the Inltlathe Itod referendum a eJ:hall�tlon played a �ood game of P. L C Bertha Uro, l'almlt Helmdabl. and bill mUlt bo ado!'ted or rejected all r r e e e w GO TO ABERDEEN �;�e f:;et:h�o�U�hae·ra�.e.q�I:: point L.'JSPECTORS MEET I SI,ne HJermstad I :re :�!:t w�: �,: 'm;�hOd � �::� � Illation !lId Is only an additionAl J>rdldent . Ordal antI ' Rey. T. o. of tbe waa tbe laat same Tbj. , --T SCHOOl,. CALENDAR . . ! bur,den <!p tbe taJ:p""e�. The �e- SVMre attende� Ihe rel"ular meetln.(' lIeHIlOll ror P. L. .C. and CIOIleN a The BOllrd. of Inlpec{or� . or '>' 1 . rendered In fltyor (If Ihe of p�IIJorll �f the South P�«et jcb!lon was IIuccell8ful·')·ear. . The �ltIIl team, I�. C. met. Th�rada1. :>'Iarcb 1 2 , and .-rll},ty, )1I1" h :r. ·· . Soun'! Circuit - whleb wu beld In .5eCon4 team. and �Irlll: learn' clo!le In'pected tbe acbool·'buUdln« and I P 1... C Deballn« ·"SocIety mealli l ne«atln by a % to L vote Rev T. T Oye·" c�urcb, AberdtHID.. I eampua Tbe board membe'rA pi:es. at 7 00 p rtf the lear with Yi("torles March 1 3th to 16th Indulilve Othent '!Iere Mrll H )of Holte 01 .",11"",., 'l,rlI 3 ,,", ! CANTATA TO GI Lineups " BE VEN era wbo went frolt\ Parkland -were 1-'1"" L.the,.. coma, 'KrA 0 E 1ieTmdabl ot Fir, ' Thellplan Llte�a""'Dram�tle I So-I · I'. L, C. Tbe Eaater Cantata: "Crosa and ReT Skattebol and" P T Laraoo Petenon and Re.y A M Lunde of Poulabo defy meelll at 7 00 P m Lundin F Crown." w!" .be slyen at tbe Trlolt1 delq:aletl from 'Trinity CbGreb, IIn� lredQellCby. April 8 lIat�Q Tber were_ye,.,. well sattafled wl�h Kranpi_ F C Me)teod colldltJona at the lIIf:'bool and made Eaaler l'aeatlon bel!:lna a, 4 p m Lutheran Cburc� on Palm Sundat. Martin. repreaentatlye tor tbe local ... .' t.. Kreidler rl bolr an� : :/� �e�· S�,;emo: � r. Or� mendatlon. for n 1 n I nr Clan" ,:r���I�!tl:-30 m �� �l�b!'ch���ac:,::�ne� �u:a:.a � C�;�:::� ::!�I"e: ::d:�::. :;.;.< . \ . , ," •










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of: otsening's in Charke .CnllSacge Stud«;, ay E,: Reli)!. tl(tif at io.t{J8her�l.ntertainment The Rccilnl Walt Ginn ea)!ue Con"enlion














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Edltor-In-Chll'r Editor M,!ln:.glng. Gener.al �"\\'!J l.orll);' Parklnud Local!! Parkland On:anhatlO!l! Ueligloua Mualn Alumni


1 �lIfln"'Vllng ' IIU� thenuich'ell or ' Ihlll OIIPOtll!iill), to MI��upl\1II1I: herI II; Ih� 0011.1 their churC:h 11I:1t001. e,u:h Snlllltrltan .HOllIr:.I!!lng lllt'al nl I.o!:! Angelo,,. rl!8lJOtlslblc 11llulf plcd�llIg !.ocle1y , Athli!Ucll lor one room. Uusln('�s Malinger t � I hH o r, .t.he room!! needing ru.. . (,�,l:\t�·II. "ld.' niNGST,"U n pllir hll"c becn ,nllllcd ·to cn,ch HO- I'fromMllllIt heIreue. f'udnell�Sl!-l.at,.-;rlldlllj(�'l :-iorrnul ::r s come s o M llrch :0, , e '"H:r'c:lhedg )' .aOft as will ProfeSRor M. il. HingHlad, well clet "tanager Ad�'ertlslng����� _1/ be ecket! anlll In, Ihe' room!! klio.wn Coach of PncUlc �kt:lt notices Farul;y Ad\'hlOr publilihed In the " Mooring , 1:"" who 1,IIQte�1 Ihc bn Collelje. Th! IIs\ hi rollows: ' I MUIlt." l\ TICf-:-\\'c du nel{ rJj!l('omhllle u(I", . excevl hy order of tho\ad- telUll1i I hru anoth r � ucc1;!�lIf ul Parkland Barber be �ent In ('. ll cto'r or by IlIaiL. Address: lion ,iesld'lI hallket 'billl he ' ! , . rs. Ortlet!! may verUs Ioorln� itec('lltlon Hoom .MOl!<!. I'urkland \\'u!<b. The Olrl�' Rl'celltl�n Hoom, . Shop [Inri tenlll�, c:oa�hc!l . \ � . 0 0 1 $ Teftcher HOOIn, 8 lc ·M\I elH'hell IUnglltud. l Profellllor ,PATRON'IZE ·YOUR .'\ DVERTISERS ,. JJ, ) ... I\t':!st" rellow UTid sl udl'llf. It)ok hack with Ill(' to tilt' tillll' wil('li lar c:IUII!le8 1'1 n�ut.hcmaliclI, IIdencl' �:.�::: :i:�::��' :�::::: :��jo. try. 'p, tI� sltltll'lltS IIr I'al'irk Llltht'1'1I11 Collq,(,' h uk upon ' Hur- nnd cheu.ll!!--... \\S('h Uo}'!!' Iloom. Stugll! , ' nary pl ' 1 s:ln l htll,t!Ptl or iSlHlilig II sl'iltltJl l'aJwr, Bel'aTI I He ..re c:tlJvr.d.I uncho Uoy,,' '('s tto_ f e on ec � double. $100, Il i I ll � I::; U ijt IIltlOOIIIII. 1 'l ' 1 i I I .r m, � I • lo :���K � �;�I � ::::: :�lI\\�:KI�I � : ' � � l �� : �' � :ll l l lt l l , :1:,�:, ' I.��;.:�: �\\II� �t 'lt" ':'t�\\t�;��)(����::�i ��' 1;��'Tll�'I�I,�\ I��II�;�! � � 0 r IICh�I;'OO fI . l , II"< ��(�ge�.01)01, arklUl d Jji1rs Plact; · , Sl'iClitiolis ('Hul'is in till' tlircl'l.iull ;,r gl rlll " Iwlll-rlllt'lI!. Thl' l l'. L, (" I'ro(('!llIor nlngshttl IIpent IIII} Mechunlcili ' f-;ngln\ler stud,'lIt hOlh', a ll d 0111' oll tside ,rbltl!'rs slIpJlurh'd i( wHh tlwi'r 'hree Yenrl! tlt;llurs: . 1'1'1111' t�1 Ihl' .first issti(' stll.get! " , hig SUI,ISl'riptiuli II all!1 S�i1erlnhHHhHlt or the' Aln.erlcau �UChAn 1I��t l;���tl:�o��I:� ;Itt��e;ell:\,�:: , _ ' __�IG XHilittS>tI!m, l';II��pUlgl1, nlll'lI)g_ !IllS strtlgglt' r�)1' Clrculutloll thl' Studl'll t S . :>:llrOj;lCII \,ollllHlny ·p.lunt nt La o nl ' und �n(Jte , ' 'I . . .n� � nOSr��B ugall1 put Ih('IIIM'h'('S squurl'ly ,11t:hllld the :\Iust, mltl Jlll,tlgl�d I Grl!ndc._ �IAS C ! e , )�o . , suppor t. l m er of th..., ('onld' ,\\'('11 lie 1I11.eil gi e Ih. TliE BOOK bYCH.\NC,F.. I Ill' htH< hl'cn T;,d,iy t,ht, �!urr-�s ,sll l� l)tJrlill,g, .,� It' ":�Jlt'I' liS ardl'ntl�: liS fllt'ull ), I for . rnur }'(,lLr�, �i�:I�lII.ne;I::��Il":;;n:;��k�/;�::I�I�EI;II�e� : Bookil, S!��O��!jn:�th SO ia l ! l�tl1l l you gl lls t 1!t'.nlt'II.l nntl ill Il�lrtlclLlarl)' Iiollulllr wllh the \\ I I A I Anl.'_ '.()l f)(}(:\(" Fountain PenK and Pen�lI!1 1 1'\','1', hut -�lIInll recc,lIol1 roo'm !l IH.'re gu r ll S U1 St l pt 1 tJ1I rIOt, \"011 paul lit tilt' hl'j.{llIlllllg or . bO)"ll, Pacific 'A,·c, 1 " rurnlHhlng!! , , Tllcomn, WaBh. gl\, n would lIPIelUent ' lgh--tn SP(; t lt' :\lu�t through ror 1111 1 l Ihl' l'nll'rpl'isl' is Ilot 111'111' I' I ,. ' 111 th..., roo Ill!l. f!IJn�lIb� I'nlirl' H'ar ·.' . Adualh'; \'otlr suhst'ripliOIl 1111111\'. would' j llst IIholi.t '\' HAT A SO'> HO"I'' ' E nj;lll we ....ouhl I, ke 10 In hOYII I l l . r ' . . , ' , i l I "S II' ' THINK ABOUT �IUh robm-·:\ room �' h'kh would J t � 1��JI\�\ ;)h�:s��:;i;':U:I\H: :',I�' I:� tilt' ('Ittl nr tht" ,"ClIr, the Must's i i lIlurh IIpprec II ll'd hy the e I rinunl'illl supporl "Oint'S from its n�l\'l'rtiscrs ul(>II(', \Ve know I ' hlnk abOlll my IIch�work, \VC offer best rotcs for 1 Ihey hOYII 111111 lo'wh lr h �'e . that ,"uur intl'rest ill the Musl is not (h'ing nfr. for thcre is con SCOlldilltl\'iIU.' chccks, Cou-, , ent tl d. lI tit' the week sicll.'r;lhlt' l'xl'ikllll'lIl U rol lll(1 1I1l' )lrt'SS rlHJIIl fu\' C\"(>r\' issuc, ' Endl rd�t' llUlIS or cllrrcricf. alld, COil ,' Consili('r tli('Il, thu l Iht' mlwrtist'rs ur tht' Mllst hll\'C h(:('1.1 , rur_ j 1'111 For I I do not hl\"c It , e . g I nishill/o-l to you nhsolu ly rrpc I.'ight l'upit's" of tilt' pupel' fur ; te�ch('rll 10 me ijpeak, _ scll dr.afts on oil ililport' p' -� , .����:� I�':n� '!rr:as� r tlwrc hus h(,l'lI tell issllt's, ulid thu·t tlWY un' t'x(l('t'tl'd to furnish u t POIII ' IS ' II}C Scand'InPint. I think of 1,..IltI n ruur lIIore fur the SllllH' pdl'l' hl'rort, til ('lit! or till' sl:hilOl \'('111', I The P I 'In c. aU4S0nS, IhR K so I I , aviull counlries, Alld, us lIt'ur liS I t'UIl tt'll tllt'\'' . will hu\'\.' In lio il hill. ir 'Hit', IIrc I All orklngullge . Tho !oItor.. tor Thrift)' l't'Ullln : t on at e nns , ""'C' VII ('OIlW Nnd giling to gt't the lll , Are ]um:,� my �en�. ' J 1:10-3" Uro.ulwtt)' �f, .2:I� All our ndvertisl'rs UI'(' a ki ng ror t h is M'I'\'il'l\ is .t hut I' . trude with thl'lII-nlhll' ..:iwlI ror t' Is h I'('l't'iwd, II Ht h ing 11101'('. � I Ih in k r Eng11 h The Bank of-CaJjfornia, ,t' (live _tht'lII \'nur Irudc und Il't t l m know YUU nppn'l'iute. If �,;:I;:e n a Ml �I N. A. / :o l're going And t�K� ;lo ��t h:\�e th:�� you dun't kilO\\' , tlll'!11 hy Iwurt writl' duwn \\,hu . '1 PARKLAND SHOE. SHOP' r I�rl :I�� tI:,��r:;��I�::�' ��:�\lill��1 ilt:� \1;;�'� ��ctl :�'r I;�(�::� , \'('0. \\'hnt n tlreftl1 �n l thing, . , P . , A, ro SAT ER J & lith p B!oadway H :l,� ; ::�l�� ;l:I\\� 1 "('sirt" � .ll'ok' tI�l'lII UIP, u!HI tr,u!II' "'i,lh t l H . th? npt't nl d I Th('n my mInd keells lurnlnj;l SHOE REPAIRING ' . TACOMA 0 O �.Ir To History, -in the lo\\'er hllll, e�'r\'(' I, . T l� go « ('II u,�' IS ' (lUI'tll:u,ur y-app tt'll of Quality H,ttlt�I�lt', t()w. r,ds tll!r,l I�t!\'�r,tlst.'rs, �l't s pinTy Stjlllll'l' nnci . 1 )AII; l 'twixt Tt Greeks the battles II ! n c L -l .,. . ,� HO:\IZE ')l n AD\ EH IIST HS, P nlanll I O �• • Anel .",.hell thOSe bullies did rlili. I 1i11 .... . '1l1li11l1... TH E GENTLE ARTF -:CUTTING" ,,�\'�, I�('u�d S(�IlI {)Il� �ay, "'J)OIl't tl'il n singh' soul . 1'111 goin /o-l - C ItIZenllhlP' nexi doell claim pari " Jo.....oa�Co� i � J)'I� next , l u . s. to I call iny mind , Tltl'!'i, w(' snit!. "\\'hut Ull ,"'t'�l ror'.' 1-11I"l' you h(,l.' lJl,I Il' so j IIndoIhenotapace mpa , . y I a o so much " ii i &llllosophtcill thut grudl's don t IIlUI to you uily mor Ah- 'cau!IC 'tl�mindtheI 'quite for Men end ol the dally I Sl'Ill'l' makcs tht' m rk grow round('r \'ot! kuow." Ii . i BOOkBIND... "Dcll's it'.' \\\,11 i'w 'onl\' 11I','n nh: lit rro1n th ll t dass Oncl' grln� 'and 8oys Ii ' I I Th rl! thoughtll oJ SOPhO= I;l,rl '�; ��(' I :! ;� nlltl I,un' SUIll�' UIIS(,Ilt'l'S J(JlUin ," aT'::=;;:re� � c l ! \' ' \Vc fuil 10 get that point or :hu\' ll SOIlll' UhS('IlC'cs' l'OIll- AI!" he�truggles n long iile wo)' Ii Ii i ilg." The h O l c rolks dl('t'rfully pay "flur rees. Iruin rares and To high r goal of rn l n , . ii • huul'd hills, \Y-hy'! BN'ause tlll''y wanl us 10 /o-ll't till Ihe, truin- Than the Frellhle or yealerdny I" Iii! '--. .• h 11 T ing and inrurllluliun we C"lfll pussihl:\" Ul'(l uirc, t urn ,,1 . H. S. Tucklcr. ; right uround lind usc nil our ent�q�ies to dodge the kni:n.\'I('dge 't'1---t! ii , ---:' ' Ii lind ' prepuratioll we cOlile-titicr�" We "cut" our c l u s s, ii - " .. Carlyle Cafeteria It is silh' und criminu!' Wl' roh our ralllili(�s and oursl,l \,l'-:'i, � ... & SON S CO, . ', BELL C. W, -e" and Te"ch�rs for Headquarter!! .... ' "Cuttil-\g" is' us dlildish us cutting orr Olll" S Iloseru-wo,,')itl' one's . Studcnts of Ihe l::l . 11 10-12 Pacific Ave. or..... !!II � A... ,riI face. • Paclrfc Lutheran College. . "'-\.1' Tt!c�ma. \Vosh . i1 Thl' less "l'utling" that goes on in a sdwoJ. the bettl'r the Pactrlc Ave, Tacdma i . scho(}1. �o ting mealls that the students do nol wanl to � �= ��=�E� ��.�.�.. �"_ __ "cut"-thut they ore getting 's ol e th i g in their chisses that .hey J.!o,,', wall' '0 oniss, Little, or "0 ,cutting oncoi�s thot the r fOl'ldiY is gi i n g them Ihe hcst they· have an.d that the stu- Sariitary YOUR C,REDIT IS , GOOD ' Barbe,r "' dents upprcciofc their efforls, ' -, AT .. , . 1 ' Shop <h. boed.n 0'· my " . I l� b. FORTY DAYS ' L. SCHOENFELD, & SONS ov e a Und�;�int��� ��eatrc P�C�IC: AVENUE. AT 15(�. STREET' J) ��:�le��� .�� �:=!:! �!�I� lir� :t I no value to UII. We could recite Why Is Lent! VICF, R SI;: PRO�wr and me�ory .trb� scriptures t�e We :who call OU;lIelv� Christians still b ....·e no ,claim to: the kingdom LADIES HAJ.R BOnBiN G should kn�w the answer to thelle ot, A SPEGL\LTY PARKLAND MERCANTILE 'CO. ' . 'Ve mu,at ·"come to OUfGodand (,,'0 questions. say, tblll meana me. Not EXPERT MANICUR'NG Letlt ,,'a.. the torty--da� �rlod pre- lIelyea ' , FOR 'Y,OUR' GENERAL \VANTS untU we Indlvlduaily aay with truth H P rop, . J. Conrad, vlou8, to. Chrllll's re8Urreetl_� n ."ljen . -----'.:l_ "a m . !linner," . Our Lord was oo'IJed down_ with .and_c:ODvlctlon ' '!I"1lI the salvation of Cbriat be I'll" I � �;;;; �;;;; ; ;;;; ; ; ��;;;;�� th,e burden, ot our alnl. . ton to uI.-Spokane College Echo. I I ; II 'The period ot Lent 18 especially . LEHMANN'S' �t aside In the, cb�rcb' year' bec�uae HI;! : : When do ' yOU expect .),OUf --Sw.eaters . It II the time wlien we Ibould hUlband back! . . . for Your reeos-niu our 0"0 worthleuneu, ' �e: Wten I least etpect' him, Slip ,.-;I\'ell


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Our. motto Ip'r' Lent .hould be the o --S -+t ' ---"---�: ���::��::�� ,:b:.�':;!� I t-'CONN'JjAX OPHONE ' wJJl s�nd out: D ' . ' "Northwesi Conn Co. ' �; ;��m .-resJ)onlil�le tor :_. ·:s·: .;D:erID&s. �1l55 Droac1waY-:-Cor. 13th . cbrl't:��.�tt \4 '""": ' _..--____ , " Since He has�so «:.'"clously takeD_�� _ � � --" _ _





WOJ;'ld�. Finest





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$ 2 50.

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. _ ch o.! .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

110 1\


and' JUazers


Davis' Meh's Shop

· 914

Pac. Aye:

DRY GOODS; NOTIONS., SHOES. RUBBERS AND ' ART GOODS " ' ' .. , " , Stores But . A Single 'Th ought"'. , To. Serve EffI.:i!iDt\Y.

Ta"Coma, .




,""''-'---- ./_.-:�









Casw�lI O�ticai CO.,


i58 St. Helens (h·c.

Phone Mllin








IluHI�u nd;


Wife : ' WI;!H whut DO J-I1u.hllnd: I dUllno. luk"M .:\b"ll!



He: Why 1M a ero\\-! �. She: ·ell","!!. · Larsen Pharmacy' S. T. LARSEN, Prop. It'll eas)' enou/l:h to be pleasant, Tacoma 1105 So. 'K St. In <:oupe all warm aod Jolly. ' In these daYII or IIlmplifled Mllell­ BUl.the girl . ""ortb .....hlle and Imp.H,ed me/wlngll, It Is ;\111111 Palma Langlow entertained ill the onl;! .... ho can amlle I to undenltRDd fellow I Mondu.y e\'enlng, :\far.ch 1 6 , Ihls day When you're laking · her 'borne be '8 he had a good date. I belq � her birthday annlver!Jary. trolley, Frank ,J. ordlnarY .lllrap.hllnger hall 11: Prof, Myron Rlnglllad. Joe Glull80 h III a prelly CUlitom to tip ! and Sidney Glas�o motored to Bell· LEE " hl\l to lady these bright ; tn.ham for Ih,e w�ek·end Murch, 20· 1 t.====:;:::===:; 1 daYlI, ....",rel.' Him :, I like 10 be alone I\'lth illY 1 22_ '-. This convenient courtesy ......a... lIerCa oughtll' the eY'CII and enables one to get t�'Her: '" Callf.r.l. Don't you J(l!t lonellome Arthur KnUCten !lp,enl the, week· better view of the co.ed In quelltloJl, rACOMA; WA.", cud March 20·2,2 III hlK hallie at , U12� Burllnglon, .... 7%' ON SAVIN GS New definition of a cynic; The M..tn 2288', guy · who dlsagreell with the theory \Ve have never paid less :>. I rt und Signa Hler,mlltad o.p. a hn z:========:.:========�� . or evolution because he thinks It AMERICAN SAVINGS & peured on the concert program gl,,· � r InKultll the ape, " ' 1001LOAN ASSN.Ave. en at Re.v, Floren'lI Church on Mc· ---Pacific Klpley hili, March 6th. THE LYNN MORTUARY '''Elmer: how do you 0.11 do on dat Tacoma., \Vosh. === "Su'perior Funer-al Service" =� f = = = simple lIyrup (Julu for p08!mans! " i ";:: =.: H, HAUGEN = "'nay, I refused, " 717-719 TACOMA A�UE 'OJoi><:e.We��Y Sec'Y·Trea. "Why tbe first Quellion am, How 1 1 Phone: Main 7745 TACOMA H.AUG¥fILtR�ONEY. • fab II It trum tbe eartb to , tbl! · moon 110 ah told them If they gonno Hom-Hoboes Co. H1eh Grade Cu.torn TallOrinlr gtve me that route: a.h didn't want 9t! Pacific Avenue . Three Gen�ral Merchandise 'Phone Main 1000 T.eom., Wa.h, the Job, " Stores, ' COrnpIiOtents of One lIummer ' day an old ma� Phone Main 88M . 752 So.- 38th-Mad. 80 dr�pped upon the Iide walk, -":"eople ' •

























ibOught .it W8JI tbet effect of the It was only the moon· ' .unlblne, shine.

Him aald blm didn't love


. , Him even m,ade we crt; And 10 us tbrew .he o,ver When him delerted I: A .YDODym fa a word you •


' the -.!,ben 'au can't .pel� .


Chapel 'peaker: Wbat la It .. when a eoUece man '�eyer' anytblnc! : '.' , , ' . Back row: Poor table D1anne�.

. , ' ., of

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: Yo,u meaD to \elJ me con,y!':.t . lind.

, .I.




1002·8 C.nler St.-M. 7221 3901 6th Ave.-Prot. 504

1. E. Berkheimer If,. Co. Roolba", PRODUcrs M Street



Photographic Portraits:'t

Savage Scofield CO.

, Building M;aterial and Specialties 1533 Dock sC 'Main 676


.Tame:. aDd


Gift Good.

Kuter Cardil


Ay• •



Pacific Ave. '

Tacoma. \Vash,

'. STONE�fIStlEl\f§�· .






'Your Easter.larcd aild Penaeuut Wa'f,e . The

PuJor hl.


men L� ����Bea:::::t�.) ,-':'_ .;....! I -':";:::::""' --:'-r:r-...,.l l "'--:_--'':' "HG

Taeoma ' Pbo_ Ha.1.11 28S7

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PACE ... .


ListEN HERE --- OL

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PARt(�A�D. :




W · OELl-ADD SYDOCHAPEL VER·ERED SS ..,,: .,. Sydow. I stor of SI.


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WASn. . .




y kn()cks. but once. r � e I Ul'lI . l.Ulherlin Ch�rch r r 1 e of 1'a', H OTE L' OLY MP US I .�" . ;��l< �����e :I:; ::. R:�(,s:;:: f::; 1�IIomll. �:!�!'.!'.!!. �:m;!.,!'!"" � ��Ih·ered. Ihe . W!lshlnglon r bolltcht. ('otn �'our "'hat �\Jn.-",-,y-:-t:::· . " get 01 er,I'Y . ....."""'"' ... •••biI&::::£::sa; d:o'L � _ � � _ _ .:" �_ " 1!i< � -_ ;;;;_ ii;!;i ;'; _ !i;;;jk �,"" . Kt ot �_-.,._ _ _ � one �Ilenl. E\'er done II. before ; m, 1011ir \I·lfll. "Iulle,,;, IYl to::Ul A. :'\1. -:" Di\'ill<' s:.��f�� 29 , mam A Well Hillen-here how . 1'''.l't alll n l Sacrifice Xe'" grelll Ihe P. :'\ 1 . . t. lllh('r_ I .('a�ll(,. Rl�\·. T. I Inllk(,llslml uf Url' IlI ' ! :\:o \\ e eed the !:IUpport ot our ad - H'.. "ho_ ed' hOil'!' Ilfll!t� typHled Christ I Better Clothes For t'rlon SIX'uks. . 31' ' 'March 't'rtiller ror Ih(' MOOltl�G M,j\ST� !t!l"lhe \!.ncrlrl� at n onI ... �on by Men'.' and tl\ v naed tbe l!IupMrt ot Ihe lovlnll: �'ulher n 7.::W P. :'\1._ Youn� J.:ulies Au...... iliary 8ub8U enl to just ify th1! e.spenlle of R..,\o, �Yllo'" l l ted Ih" KtlllKton C"LL80S " AtfSQU18T . Aptl1 5 e o IO ::�() A. :,\I. - ni\"j m· Scr\"itc. ::�I�e���lnp�Il<:e�:r:� :;e"':II�lhp s�:!� l 1 ' cl l" , whl t-h I � ()Julucled bv Rel 104 So 1 0t l\ Bt T�to.mll p�il lire 1I11O)1I10rlng n�conle"t "hlch will SVllrll :.!.:(N, I'. [\1. I.udil'!' :\i(; � � ._: -: � ...,"net 1I0mc lucky alld 118.I.rlo tjc IWIl or . . ' · cooed ot. I.... I.. C. II lIum o�rlV\l 0 SV\RE Pa,tor REV I 'IS'' 'T · · · " . buok,. Th, ro�I�" w U' . . FIDELITY RENT & COLLECT o.N CO.. · ·" ' \)O(· 'tI· �: ..\H 'I.I;�T>'·'.., ":f L" ... test or a Know Your lin lo'-,mollon TRl. ,T I T H.· ;.\ :.· ( m.'Ren' I ....... .,." . . ""lCII, F· I II I S , ' I n�urU IWl� uf E"I'I'Y nll\(, tellt e h T EJ:amlnatl()n.' AdYerllsef'll . Carl Cohum· Officer of Court ' �lhr't�uJ..'C· I .OlII1S . a h fro I t en 8 on . Ud l 1 1 1 So. 'I Oth St�'t.·1 . ; ��() f� a n� The III_wyer. Lyman Carl�on. I ;� ! �:l'.t:�I�1 CO�I:: 'or ��e���::� l�hOll(' �llIill l)t� . t�;" �n t:"�1 ;to �;:�h\�� f . Thf' CI I n\ Rt'fay �. nderllOn. reKardlng those bUillnella house, who :llrll. O. J . SI,!en nn(� t � . little _ _ _ _ _ _ ..! Ollr paper all a, adverlllling me· l ___..,.._ __ __ __ "on ot Pruf. and ;toll"'ll. ;tot. tl. RlnK- Mhlll C).a,... a {'rlmlnal. John Stuen. rtulle )<lIId "'ere bnptll�. Prof. and Mr�. , The "I'ene openll "UIf the jUI!Ke JUril. The 'qul'srl6ns will be ot IIlfch 1 rI'h. E. Hau\te llpon,",� tor 111 ' f)jmn.linjl; ,.·lth his I(ll\·d and catlinJ : ;;;re �!:;' :�r c:a�;:: t� �:� WES / ' TERN STEAM LAUNDRY I un w l e r a o�r Q �\�:I1�\�;t �f'� ;�e s:::n /C��1��!';:��!<1I:� ��:I 1:l !�:�ln:I�I'.:aic�:;. �lIn �:II\I:y�:� m�de hlmllelr a{'Qualnted with t h elle C·la,·. The dl!llWlh'p enlerl'. II lId I n. ellta bl hlhm..ntl!l. ' �lIr Sed: The only .\lyrOl lenry RhlK!Uad J"r. . � t 2 S o. 9 1 h S I .Mllin i5a7 ' ... . __ ____________ ___ Aft Ihe chrl�tenlng PrOf and Iro ;;II(,(,1I hlml\4!l f. M IIII'. Clay "Kllln requirement 10 entertll!g the tellt h. !-...._ ;tofu. Stuen. an(l Prot. ".nd :llrll' hell:ll)tO 10 fplHI!r hut bt!alanl rel/Cnll thlll hy the lime of Ih.:: t1lntelt you �-..,.,.� .. .... � � reor blltll � . e la mUlil u m u cc a hll\'c � n�tlt d enlertalned al dinner . Ihelr a,o. t h i' COU l pru\'e. dlnK�e hln_.... ue�11I helng !'rllf. ,lIld :llrt<. X",·i\'r. ,Ierell hY the dieTlI IIntl :.ft1�JJawyer. cepitll of pllrl'hnse, frU!ll the!:le lui vcr:Ask for 1 . ;tolrll. l Ia ll ll: '. Prof. Ortln i :llrll. Clny no",' en lerll and the !ll<en. amountln�. 10 or exceedin g Prot. art.!:! . when you II:d ThonlOn.�L� . Kr('ldler. ;tolll<" Au- jmlKe ('alll< for orll ..r. I n the rourt Uve dollar". So. ()n,elhln(l; It from all . l1dverIlRer. h1lrll:. and ;toll�" l.uIIII. . I IUIII a... I.:'; !;tolrll. ,lay .."IIt,;�'·. :lWrT�,.' I<It'\I .h.{111 wh re you are frolll. /ind IH.'r hon I � . offee, Fruits, Catsup, i ('1:\\' r"')I1 ('"] how/!; he bl' I<u.rt! to Ket' 1\ _bill or receipt Th(' Trlllll;>' JunIor 1.{'IIKUe heh] hroken 11 \1 . urln I flood or All righi-hop Vegetables, iSpices II" u 1I 1 1 mcNlnK Slinda.r. :llnrdl ! O.nd Ihnl her r�nl !lam l' Wll� ntH :llr". wllh1 I t.: n lAllnHlYdel\r� th? hl"l<! n .... :ll tl ll . .. Thl.. I nformn-' 1 - l l ��� The fnlluwl� I"ro,.:ram \\":\,. ! Cilty hili ':' E.��I;�;I'.:. I lion re\'('nled Ih.' flll'l Ihllt Ih.> ,.:: 1\"1'11' Extracts MIU.lolI .Tnpll'. Il erth·a l)\�on. I jll,I!:I' wa� l\1f". ('Iny'" hUMba � 1 11 111\ "oCtiI !':.ol .o. :-;yl\"11I I :lrl<on. i'tlte flilher of �fl,o." (,11I�·. ...... Jlm. 1 their CHOIR SINGS AT SPANAWAY Cburch The Trl n i Y LUlheron Quality is Economy' Junior Toplr. "In the ('ro!'" .,t I lillie ho�' who 1I1�0 hUli"'"bi'en ... sbwe Ihe drll:l.�lrou!' flolO(] prn\"<'11 I n (,holr nnd' groull ot MlnKerll trom '-_-,..._'-__-'-____________--1 ('hrl�1 I Glory," Irene Dahl. h.. Ihl' client. JII,o.1 .. Ihe curltl l T\. the C;ollelte {'horu� ItCCOlllllllnled Plllnn �olo. Ilulnh Dnl<('miln. lt r o a H" III\t n "lk_01"nn. . l re a . I ���I;:M lh:.e�::I;: ;;;�:�dl�:�� on o =���::; t ev��I�·g.o �;�c� . �? :�:��� +-----�-'---.,.-'--,---_:_-'--'-t n� � . l greatly hllrmon· Ihey hlt/lt..hed mUII�"!!! numbel'll :11 1"- 1 Thl' prngrllm The me" linll: or Ihe P. I ATKIN,S wllh l<nxopbont' �oln� rt'III\Nt!d tor the �ef\".IC1!� w hich �e". O\:lIal l �I()n S!'det y llll<t )'oun1: Penph" " SAWS t"tlh('r "�eato:u(: o n, Sunday. :l1:trch hy I.ymall ('nrilion al'('Omlmnll'lI nn ha" heen " ondu<"llnll: I h1e In I h e t Cu Faster and I : WII" open" d \I· lth ,.nll)\ur(' rl.':trl - Ihl' plan.o. by Sl�n l' IIj" rm"t.:III , who I'ommllnily hall on SI!.!).d1ly When yllU 111'11 Alklns ,l?aws 10 y()ur I'u�tomel'll. lell then Ihere·. . . I I I: I r::;·:;;�iM:::��:� .''' I h ..::C,'"'' of ;\hHh'r; .:n.cllsh .d :�::. I::�;d:l��n���a�::::: �I�'�/���:r. I��� ;:��:rll:: . I ��: t:I�:�i�;e;�Ogr!lm wa� gh'f' n : :� . �II�I��P.�-��! . Hleel III thll "ll"orld. Thnt's why Alklm:l Saw� t!tkeie!:la llkeenllr edge.'cut ;l 1�1 ,pl :l rt�r w" re �;nt: li"h lellcher : !'>"cllI1l.'l. wh.'n IIfth.N" fOI' . Hl.'adlnK. Hnth ;tolal!'on. filing thlln ur· h:t�·,. finl"he,j you nla)' r('))('1I1 \1'1\111 �::�ne;; ��.�.":II�.ler. IItay sha rp lonll:er lind lI�ed Planu Iln l·t. Irt'11f' Ilahl llll.1 Sr l - ! tlurlng I h.. hnl<lnl�"1< nl" i'llnll:. . n 'a n . -\ .�'·rfl'Ct S"W for .�ver)" .·UI"JKIf«''' i · ��W� � s:��� ;IH' ' :�� p� ; ;;t ' � � d:�.I:;���()T;:eHltu TOllle. -,\ rn ! Oy t' ll . �:�:; I��;��..�;(:.:;'t�ll�t� .�.�.. . ... 'OW "". . , ,,. Ih, '''W ' E. C. ATKINS & CO; 1" ,,,,. ... , .. ,'",,,,,, H,·, ... " "h l . . , :-:1{,lh. �'\llIu.·I "on . \\'.-\!,(HIS(;TO:"\' H;\UO\V.\UF. � · o.. T.-\('O;\I;\ ulSTIUnV'NJI\.... li n, (.1111 �1H' rUlI .1" t 1,,1 a� I h. ,' "' (I'f tilt' Ilr"Kr:.m r(:rrf'''hn\l'nl� Tr('"" . ,\11.·11.H:thl · hor,.",> :"\n �he . Innot run III< tnH I 1 4 ---�-----_:_--'-----------+ ",prl' �i'rl'l:1I I n 1111' "'11lr"'l I'arlnr�. . ]'rO,ltr:.OI ('<>mmIlIN ' : 1."1 II I 1.1 t' I" I he hor�" "10 10 ,., ' ''''P . . '''" "10, . ,10, -e<,.;.,""',.;,.,"""_ooc"""".,.""'''''.",-''".,.'''----''! ' 'E ...... .""."., "·e,.::,� '\�"'''�.'''k. l'H·ESPIAN·-S·:-G- IV I helul� KIn dc ( 0\\ hU�II� 1011.1 rl. '0' , ' , ' 10, h",.,' ,,, '1, T'" . , ". ", Th· " ;. HUMOROUS PLAY: '{flldII..Ih.· Polle,hnl< lit· in )"Ilur Io.f ( h in d " I Ihl'" hor�1' -, ITHI IIIi cnll i r I n '''Uf rlIChl "<1111 \. An Inlt-re�ting 11111.: 011 " su.·,·,'",," ! "WIld Nell, (he Pel of t he Il , r 1"' 1.: In I hl" f 'o llu r .tn ,1 rlln Plains." ourt House Sce-ne. A. 1.011:1"1 of 8*"1.1111:' ' Ih lpre ."nll I h.. !Iv o,.t'r Ihe \\'11" Kin'n loy � and 'Musical Selections 111 ch�I Pel a( SP kltne COII Il:"" In ril':hl \I'ilh Ihe h-'f! h:tnll. ,.11'lu]yin tc Ihl� � "ucI I h rlJ:ht "1,,1 with . 1.llk the Mpl<. Program .�l ker anal)7.ed thl' olh ..r haml. l n n I .\ \'err. In t:'��1t- pro�r:lm '1';'" I :�7 f:'� I;"I�.I:·�' I: h�n'��� I:;ItI �:::::� I::� �:�;n:���.:1 :I\::t ,�::;,� �1: r���,,:::��I�!: I r"ne.lp.r;.(" � r,y the Thellp illn l.ilera p· l lh f' rl to:hl ' " lui wll h Ihe Je ri haml. InK Ihl' IIld ..." of Ihe' IrlanK II'.- SlI0- 1 jlralllatk �o('(ety F"rhl llY t'�'f'nln J:�. !<(> f'. an ll pk k li P 100,,(, kalH' ('ollt'K'.! Ec.ho. t\\lurdl :!tI. A hllrle"qu.e on Ihl' end r Ilh hanll II!.. ne:...e�1 hand. PUll i F=====4 IIIm'lt' "nlllle,1 "Wild Nell. Ihe Pel 1 Ihl" II Ihrotf):h 10011 \\·!tlt the . . . ' Iht' I'IHlnl<" WHI'. given by the unenll:H�ell hll nd lIhe C: S. BARLOW & SONS · l l1d Rqul!e1.e-lhh. T'hl" bK lI III I h Ilen�Rlloli 'ot thl� )'ellrll pIny-with the 10U · . ( Incorporated.) rn1Jo ...,IIlK CharHl'ters: CI!I ,·ove.r kn()wn' on ba1\ebull. 1o;lIpeclntly adltpted 10 Pln:l1lc Ihe ties bOW, AI'I n tlnillhinll: 10uI'h I I>el ()f the Plalnll. t e ("OII�t Ohllllondll: . IRngl(' the hllnd�.- Scrlhe New DI8trlbu}or" ot We make !!peclal J,lrlcell III dozen lotII 10 orglillhed team�. " t;I��;�I�1 ;:!�H :. ���;. We 1I1�0 equip the l, e amll II"llh every Itell! neceBKnry tor ' . \ Sitting null. II1111nll. John se bert . f= . ====:::==t BLOOD'S PA[NT hll�ehnll . Bull I)urhnm. hl8 accomplice. Hcnd( Uurtcrli (or " I '. Oint Ordnl. Bullder's Material nnd C()al rite. all kind� of In. Hula II�IIII. '.he .Indlan m.edl CI Re su'\Ve rn nce a nd make Fire [11.1 7 1 5:21 Dor-I.: Sireet , Wllnlan. Berthll O l son. s our specially. Wash. Tnconla I ��:� d�a��re. ! he . Ell gllsh Wurance Hardware M , p, & CO, e hC :;:�:. . ;toIAIS ':f l 10th and' Puc, AYe. king nnd o arry ome the f H e H . __''''....__d ,·(lwho)'tt. Lillrr,. Sannerud. I' See UI ab() ut� your water I..nlly Vere de "ere. visitInK In problems. AllIericn. llU!ell< and tall!! In love Age'D>b for ,---. o e Lien & Selvig DVRO 81'8rE;\I� �Hc:::;e� :)� Ih�M���'lan:�:d I�:�' I ' .. -"""&' · C-- . AND Wjlee k '" medlc:ln!' WOllIMn . pronounces Ihe ...�. ...... L.IAB ,. SSD a _ . 'Cod .. �('Iltellce ot death . However. Wild 811 Pae An. Mahl 327" :-iell the capture and Reliable Pericrlpllon . IIl;'rry a bout It. W\ld: Nel( and -\R8EN' • 8O!'i8 r. l'L L. Dru",',lstll � n on r n U I ed .���!.��h:�.:�:' . 0' ·f Cor. tacoma Aye &: J t. St: . �:an�" b��h �; ��f!: ::� C8�:! IIln� · OOOD ;BUCATlON .IS AN . ASSET the Indllln!! are tins.!ly la880ed by �1lI,!ufl\(turer. and Dealer" tn A a Free DeUYery IGNORANCE' IS .A L.I�BILITY !{t'4r�' :;:0A �I�:' .: � �:�� w��� dha��!()::PH·:r';y. :�:�� ;:�:7;f::: '. TACOMA, WASKo the supreme sacrifice of IIlylng Har· ." , IT IS A:S TRU.'E IN JHE"'SCf{OOL ry to Lady' Y�r(' de Vete and ·went I on ' h. coo. 4t ''''�ltr. AS IN COMMERCIAL PURSUITS · Sh'aThe parttclpatof'll were dUlaaed� In. . ,... S·Upplv , CO., .,. . \ m o ! Inc. '::�:: ae:d Y::��'::r:��::t�� .�n��I�� : ', Compliment Slttlnll Bull dEl88nell. apeelal' men1015 Pacific Ave:,..-reeemblan� to (be' '. • . . . ' I " ;:;:tl"!m�:ic��:. " Dr. C.::'r harles . . A � �urt b()uae lICene. waa' nut 'Kodaks and , .... et ... ..,d NailoaaJ .Baak ·' ee t Webste·r. Bqrritt Finishing . T� WAIIIINOTON . . . P�';:1:�ge��ly:� �:k� � : -

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R ONOR ROJ"L SHOW S DR. FislI ER VISITs 1'. L. C' GRA DUATES GAY EVENTS' . PROSI'ECI'S OF -DUATI ON , . GRA ' INCREASE nf ' '''''''f , ";""'S!l" o' Ih, Il,II , , " 'pLANNED FOR I DECIDED BALL SEASON . . : The thlnl honnr roll fo .. the [l1llhnll1 StIlle i'Ufllllll St:hool, 811el11 Class Pin I'hoto�raphs and ..· n � C'ulIl lllelt'd ' by prut the STUNT NIG H', T I �ItI �on] �'(,;lr ARE TRAINING t rll 7 dll)" TburiltiHY. . '\lI o I�. . Announ�emf' n t8 ,, (, Dt cidthlll 'l I ck. The honor roll ,l





' . I e n- b"" I111.'88. ....... . tI t ilt' third " lIHlflrr !lhoW!! n de. ; " . .u En rly St\lnf..-' P.rij?'Rm. I thl",\ In,e r('lI!<e U\'('f lil" two pr�[ou, lt�t�. to, The hJRh !li·hool "ell lor chtli". the ' . _ t n h . R ' l'ullejlte �OIIIICJ n)ure CIzI�1I .Illul Ihl' on1:�: ���:::�. :o�; �!:: �\�:�I� ���:� ." . \ nlt�elJ(j 1l !JrU!!I)e(" " i"hill sellson lire cOllllllt'rcllll ('"O.url<e Itrlllluothljlt elIIIII' Ihe lJeH I>. I�. C. hUI!' h,ad In ),eur" In ' rcla� COlllllctltlon ill thc mnJn Edwin . Bef'k. :'neJle Dabl .IT ...., ne he"l II joint meetlnJo: recently III ' . I /\I,d every thins pollilll to a luccet".fe ure of �he Ilrel,a rnliotl for !'tunl . I)ahl. (. eorlte ( onflt'r. Olga F,lIl11jlttI llllll f ___. fr..qnunt I son. nUlh FadnclIlI. !'('!er Flott. 1.11- . ' ful )E'flr Tho mound pq.Hlon III night. CIIIIl�etl lIHfI �'i�::�l<e�� l t :�A�����:�� ��l\t The ' \!Iq" "'h l�or� ! I� an lIandel!ard Frna HE'lmdllhl. 1111 '\ l{nI::l h) . the one worry of Ringltad lind 110 �tnlHhlrd pin fur )he college, de for no IIUcher or IIblilty 11M RP­ Irt.' COlll lletlng n11l<ll1g tll('11lschc� 10 1 tlm l Mchnduhl \Iurlha IIJerlll1lU141 I p� "lJ(n�d bv Mohl1"ke & Co of T8COIIIII IJrolhl(�e til(' IH i�e "Innlnl:" 1IIIIIIt 51I:n,· HJerlllstlHI M 1"('1 h Ulltln be IIcceptcli u nci (jr('scl1led to the l,en red There 18 !!:Olp!!: to be kt'ell .md Olllpe lllon for other POSitlOllS lind If the effort 1)('lng e:u·rt¢".1 III the lIeur,1 Id,'1 Arthur 1\ 11 11\1.('n 01,1:11 r l IItudE'nt body for approval I'holo l1re llaralloll:.- for the IIIRllI I� an In \III �eli II\rger [>;�I!!un 01If Ordnl Jl:rll!Jh, allil f'l""11 annountemcnt" as a rl!�lI 1t the tlrllt leam 1I110"ld O'en Morrill noe"ne�" I't'der dlcalion of Ihe .tullllt) of the fin ___ The follo wlutl: IlrO'le to be R formidable.. Orl!anl111 upon ded.led \II r(' e I"h('/I nrot1uct 111-'11 th(' ' , .rogrll l So!!: (!{.(>at E�lh('r 8\,1<111; The I hunt" of !'nclfle Lutheran conllll lll(,\11 \IIenl RIJ!Jolnted rolor lion Tht' stullent" " It o ar(' 011 t hE' 0I1!!- ( ul le,t e li nd the ( holr of Trillity lind "'Io,",er Commillee � !'n lIllH Tlt e fille l'lI rl ), "prlnr; .....eather hll� "III b(' the cat II llleO\ll ,\� 1\ �Ide tattf}wtlon \\e .ar(' \If i lin. the honor rn�1 lire !'lIhna lIelnl Lutheran t hnrch of I'urklllnd cOI1l- l l hdllldahl lind M ll rthn l I jerm�tad. h{,fo n n boon to hllllehll " prnrUce 1\11.1 . f\.!rlnJl: II larl!e 111.('('1111 orchelliru j IInhl. �Iabel .1I11'noti. Arnt O)en, hluE'd II �[��recl Ensler cautaln "Thil ' Motto ·ColIIlllHltle. : "...thur ' K nlll' " fine lurnollt of !!IUggers lIave il l!. : whlrh will renlier ninny eI(lslIlcnl · IIn�1 E!'ther 5�\lo"" , • l'r@slI snd Crl)Wll." Ity Allhfonl Sun- :ten, "':rllll lIeilnliahl li nd. Siguc I I"'u r!''] (I n t he dJnlllond every t.!II" ,.flernonil, (\11)" ('venin!!:. Allr\l o. I� t 7 : 30 1'.>101. IIJerlll�tnd. Rnd popular plee\'!11 {hrl10ul 111.1'' pro-, , �ralll. Comltlernhl(, fIUflrul �� WI\II " ALL ON ACCOUNT ,n Ihe Trlnlt)" church. Mr.s. Ph. E. The officers n f th(' grllilunting "·ullowln.r; ont Coneb Rln r;stm\ ' " pollry of o,tltlellcll tor eTer),olle. he ""to "n"". ' n .h.. 'n '" Ib , :;LY" C ROSEN ". " .. , dc!' n of .the M UHIc �Pllrl - clllillei llre: . F O POI l ' t h f l r n e lt P l. lOlr l ;"�:;:eO f;:l flt :;; t���;;1 a��\e��:�:.::: : AS SENIOR PLA.Y· :,)��; , � n� �:�:C::;o :!:)' ll ' Colle ge SO IJholllore : I're�ldent ��In ;:/:{� u r:e: :l� l�:�er���:� l� ��r: II CIHs Adv�!lor, �" t whelher they hnve hlld baleball l .flilly appret'iHte 11t ... lr effort!l-ill-thlll i ) � ,\s�I!lllng In the 11010 �II were �)I��� �h.HI��:::�· ; e I I . tor o ln y \ ur(' 'Senlor .c.tall� : !'rellldlm\. UlrJl:er :�P8:��;�:r�:IHl"�;� rn :�e .... 11\ filll"w the IIIIIII I ! tf'\' T. O. 8 · . IHiiiI t 1'r U I t �: I�:c�· I':.:�� n;���ID�·n: ��:�0�;��8��:. ::'ellHllI: ;lce i'rellident, Martha eplcan glIme. the pre�elltallon of: Ilrogram 1IJermshld, Se;cre!ury,"lid Treasurer: In R meeting. WednE',dIlY Avril I . the prize. Joy an.1 mlrlh w\l1 be t • . K IIJ.1ule. &Ollrnllol: Mbl8 Angn Dille. . HJer m�lad: CIII.� · Advla.or. CORc'h Rlllr;,lad urll:ed the bOYI In • I h "" pre"aillnJl( mn-ndll o f Ihe e\'en' l Prof. anll !'lin!. P h. ..� . lIallll:e, Meno tOprano; Mellrs. Strand nnd 511!De , liB-lIKt'. InA". Come \II'llh the Idea ot hll1"- j dUll a(\\'llIorll of the lI:r:ldul&thlK 8annerud""'"tenurs. Mlu nertha Ler'o I'rot. rho ,E. ��ftr:(:� ',"'."<" " :,� I " k. m " ,h '' f . ,' , D�. II good time and )"011 ,k tll" ' . p , , 'n ,. ' h , p, , :'\11 not b", r.11I1I8ell Of. P. I�. C. have r.ho�en 111:1)'ed (he pluno n�('OIll!JallimentR. . ' He 111110 IItrelllled the "fllct thaI good fO.r Ihe clalll pili)" . " All on Acoount �lll.IIaJlPOIDted. ennura progmm: fielding wall nUl .11 I�at wag nec. The program alartll 111 8 : 1 9 p. m ' Of 1'01ly," n Ihree-nl�1 ('o/1ledy by "ThOll. I .. onl. Wilt ArIRe." Chon.!11 . nn Ihe enlnlng of April I ; . The Hnrry L. Newton . . Thp 8tory of the pillY 1\1 brler all:� MI8S llynnlnK. " • . . a(lmlslllon prlCf! .,·m be u..o hit" if The Templallon . Chorul!. Misli \'oll're smlllng:' lllore l( you brln!!: In III: The Deverly fn mll)" Is. spendlnr; lIIoney fll!!ler than Ihe hE'ad of the it)"lInln!!". Mr. 1':1Iefson. and He'. of the tellm la8t year �nr �Ioom . · '. -�. hou�e can earn It. An atmo�llhere Svar( . _____ 'the "ollid be bllg. , '"G�� Shull Charl!e HII Anl!tll Leplllnty of attention 10 of lIelfl�liness. deceit anti faille aho"" pre\'atlH In the Beverly home. Inlo ll lonll ' Trio.. Mrll. I hlllr;e . Mr. SanHev. Sjelde. a mlsolollar), from thl9 almospllere comee 1'0\1), Pt!r- I IIl.'rull IIlId Itev. S'lare. , ' lo annn In ,the Highest," Chorull ' a n dn d Madasa8car vl�'ted here 'Iut "\f\'eek kiIlR: M llI. -&JeverIY'a ward , and a • " !, ll · " ",· � ·.' m "'.'•:n'. SH'ORT pROGRAM. BY .·"� . ., .ny p, l n ::11)(1 dl'!'Uvered lin illustrated Ie<:ture modt'sl belrell!l. 1'he Beverly mode and Mlsa Rynnlng. ." n\Vn'y an"d ,·,� . de 0 Hauge 11. Mrl!. Klnr;:' "Hi 0 on "MI��lolI8 In Madar;ucar:' :'olon- o( living' on Long bland II In deTHESPIAN . SOCIETY , '"Gethsemane. " Men' ChorUI aDd dlled (""ontrallt to the Ilmple l'ew day evening, March Fot over tw�n't)' years Rev. BJelde EDgland vlllal!e life 10 whh:h �he Min Ry. nnlng. A. " ho.z.l program 11'" rendered' b� " The Shado" ot tbe CroSI." Rev. PUI day. Dul her bu w�rked -In forel!!:n mllllllonR and ha;- -...b..e..� accuRtomed, the T'helplan Literary Dram.tle So. I� . -Cell acqnalnted with nl.18�lo·n heart an � Understanding ore blr; sv�re and qUartet. y .. _ A T T e . Pa��over. Chorul. ChrlBt pur oul tQ lake the Beverand "he ""ork abroad. ��� '·.:�c�;�:� 'a �;:�n3� ::e�� :; the ground!! lind ,lIettlng the "There are: ' He\·. l1JcJde pointed I), family conform to her o""o"allln- MlBa Ryonlnl! and Misa Dale. Sl,ne HJermitad and Palma HelmAbide With Me, Women a Cho " - In order. Sucb daYI come but : OUI . "300.QOO,000 nativea In Mada· dnrd� of II�Pllclty and happlne... " d.bl, ...... bl,bly apprec.laled and . ClUlcar. Moat of Ihe�e are unt\vll· Throur;h_ her Influence their better rUII. Meli S Chorul!; Obllr;ato. MI_ a year and muat be enJ�Jed .n encore wal required to apPC.MI .. Indulged In to tbe fullelt Ired. Comparatl'el), little ill known Inltlnl':l.JJ come 10 the lIurface. El'en RY,�nln�. . . Come. G raclO � Spirit. Chorul The students were divided Into U.e tbe audience. ni about the ,aat field uretched before Baldwin, Beve�IY'1 aon I� chanl!ed Martba HJer .tad ,••e a reclt... ale. nllon and MI I D nd en squads each a roup , 10'e for . Pally. . He· acn Ihrour;h his UI " li « Kh lion entitled, "T'be Soul of tb. Vlo,�And I Came .to P , .. L t p . U U certain portion ' of the ' campUI to liD " The II t Ull t Rev f;:Iok�tad IIceordlng to tbe tuany goh to "\f\'ork tor the . flrat b ' ed ''' l Cborul. care for. T�ere "a. Gne ,Iquad .Id�rable unea:I�::' IPeak';" .....88 t ;e fllllt mllll.lonar,. time' In _ hili life. pony flndl her Your Headl," Jo ! at�e;·the ::c�: . to . I�k atter tbe baleball ,dIamond, tatlon. Dot on account � sent to Mada,.aecar by the Norwe- O",'n happlneH In tbe 1!Gad: Ihe hu l.. of .....rln.. one to set In ord.er the croquet or dllfe8pect but 'rather Jfllln ' NlaaloJ\ Soclet)'. The Luther- "\f\'rou«ht and tbe true love of Bald- SPRING VACATION courta• •� pDe to repair the teDnl. ,loUD's aoul bad communibecau.. the' anI bave ·been ClveD • definite field win Beverly . cated with BEGINS APRIL 8 court.. nen. there �u the Oen- their OWD Prot. lind Mra. Pb. E. H.u,e will Ind are re8pon,lble for the Ipread· aoul. an Impromptu , e�al CleaDup aqu.d whlcb had 10 I!.peecb ArthUr direct ,the pIa,.. Fln.I tr,-outa for In« ot tbe «ospel .there. Studenla .t P. L. C. •re anxlou.ly KnutlC!D mad. Pllbllc Jobs and hi, oplnlob on tbe The 811dea made by Rev. Bjelde char.cten_,.re beln, h.ld .nd tbe w.ltln, tor Wednesda,., April 8 to loolc. out for the odd queallon: "ShoUld ' 8bowed Madacascar .. It reall,. II. cut will be .nnounced 10 tbe next arrl'e, tor on that d.,. the aonual �lean tbo.e parla �!�e c,mpu ll Dot a ' child be tau,ht to belln'e In . •peclfled In tbe other -committeel. Santa cl anti our .....Ion. eatabllebed ther.. edition . ot, the Moorln, Maat. 'It aprln, nc.Uon beg1ns. . .u.. . . He did not dlacuA The Itudent body of P. L. C. • t· II expected that tbe play will-' be -Yae.Uon will btI,ln .t 4 P. M. t...at. but by . no me.nl leut Wlta tbe quetltlon In' minute detalla but p�nted tbe llrat part ot May, Wednelday .nd continues till 8 : 3 0 �e. kitchen aq.uad. The,. or.dered '1r;n'pIT atated_ 'tbat ,be tbou,ht . . tended the lectore. All and p are:J the. tood for �he hU D- child .hou.ld be tau,bt to bellne In' A.· II. the ' roho.lo, the at� Santa ClaUI. A .ocal a IItudenta i.re expected to return b,. ITY cre of work�r1I. olo by Glad,.l · e Itudtlbta were .�ne� TlIom.. accompanied that tlme ·lD order to r�ume <;1.... ternoon PASSES on tbe plano ( , coffee a� unch .t , tbe Ladlea . Aid by Berth. Ler.o concluded ' --___ , promptly. . _" the pro: r . nlty eeUn tbe' of m Cburch. ! r l(. A party" of ploo&en, Includln, . A Iprln, vacation at P. L., C. II . ,ram. Mia Ruth M.tion receIYed.' the The Impronmenta r�ultln.1!" from Prot .nd Jlra. Xal'ler, Prot and Mrs. gr.nted Itudent. 81'0"" year, It II .ad ne•• ' ot ber -brother orll are many. the da et The ' • • deatb. Monday morninc, M-,rCh ·S O. Hau,e• •nd Prot. Shun' .utoed to the flnt ·••catlon sllice Chrlatmaa ,1 � i1 forw.rd baaeFII diamond ·h.. . smootb day mucb looke He h.d been III tor almo.t • ye.r. HooU C.nal, Saturday. Marcb %8. . .nd tberefore lur�.ce; !he tennll courta .r� bard . . Despite untuorable .eather pre- to.. Sbe h.d recel'ed. ,;ord • teW' d.,. Wed�J'. A.prU • th, and .re .portlng" new mo .nd � o befQrt! thla of ' bll ImproYement.. dictions tbe d., proTea '\.0 .be a . Tbe d.te b.. been .rran,ed lo·.a ter on : m. ilarUn attended St.nwood HI,b very: ,..orable 0015 for the trip. to liTe Itudent• ••n opportunity to wire . teneel Uall leuon; and tbe ...E&\I . !,acatl be,lna at 4 P . Taeeday. API'U ."" ot tbe wbole camPUI ranc ap . Tbe left Parkland .t ":30 reaeb bome before Euter 'and en� � School and- .ould b.n graduated. CI.auea be,ln at ' : 30 •. m. A. M. an,:l reached th.!!r · detltina- .blel · tbem to lpend th.t d.y ,wlth baa' beeu temporaril,. b;ettered. In from 'tbere this .prlll,C. conclualon we . may ..,. tbat uader ' lamll, or frlendl. 'uon belore eleno o'cloc.k. W�,.. APril .8 � tbe supenliion 01 . CoUe,e SOpbl . Senr�1 hours were spent· · h!.!1 LOTS� GIVEN 8oc et;- ' meell P.: L P'. L, C. tbe studenla .ceompllahed mucb.6" I Yarloua 01 BXPERIE;"iCED rialt1DI . • ·pl.cet dlmbln" .t 7:00 p. m. DB. L HEKTOBN . Dr. L: HeJr:toca, wbo Ia �llIlected' haw..t and cUusnl" rhododendronl (West $G.ttle Cblnook) JI'r1daT, APril ...'7 ' Henr,-: Ola m,:,.., 1;11 t..,. out.lor .� ��NTt:!, wltb the National Renareh Coundl &ad otber. .brubbe..,.. , Kruy I(:olle,e KI� .Komlca. I'. ..t. delaT 11'" caused on tbe retu", tbe dr.m.Uc aoclety .here a.t ·bl,li. 8el'en bon r.r. Whted � b,. the 01 W..hlngton. D. C., 11... .....n L C . ' � al,x Iota In Armour addlUQSlto the trip wben It beeame DeCeAaZ"J" to - . Ber t:· · HATe ,.o� bad . any e%per� Llonl Club to ,boof. m.rbles. 01 , . •t�ot nl,ht, at �: .16 �. m. ' e 1I . we..... . docto.r lor Prot. �ner, Jalice? . ! FridaJ'. AJ!I1J. � . Coll�,e. ' . . . ... .:-: �. ::rck':t J:::e� I �e��:�:� P. L. C. /DebaUnl' Bodet,. mMll Hen,.,.. J b.d m1 leI La . a east l: Dr. Hektoen' 11 ooe 01 L,,�., .Iao eDt b�- .�lat qlllte badlT dorlq will eom"'" and tbe .Inner will be at· 7:00 p. ·m. ODce. c!o!..�·1 moat renowned IIODI. tbe da,.. •••rded & prl., . . ' _. .•

cinn Chance_to 'Sh�' H'<;;('� Gh' tl:oriJtina y i r Spc('i OrcheRtra ured Be. i! ��� ;i ,







nChoruM "ThePresented Cross hyand Crow "· 'Vas I1 L, C, Trinit) Choir Under the l I Dir('C'lIon or ' Mrs_ Ph. E.' I Hague.

� I



I r��'e a��a8:lr�!���r�' ���ge. Direct the ""Ia)'






W;��� !�I�










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tll��:���:hmellts .alld

ookout Dri.stht. Sensnn l.Strong �c:�!?t��e:l���eon't Co ors ComPetition Year This


th."Uies Resu!t In Campus Dny Acprov Many Im . ements















> ;')



of! I







WASH., ut I t '::lc:eattlel . ��::e: E�j,I�a�: ��de� �: �;:�:. � . (ChlDtr . T�IFF -WAS . r w ..did you . find th,.In f1uCI�.tIOl\ tbe to Owlnl �I�� :n, tb:r:=c: " ' money Itlndlrdl betwMD Europe . Miry: Oh, I had I hard Job. hu! BY DTI:!"'USSED � . Published eyer,· t..to ,..'uk. 4uriPI the school y.ear by .the studenlt . a.nJ:o.Uec.e.....e:�"\Y.H.!'-lln ton. ol...Eaclu.lie...L t.b.eJ: ll.y dMonred Il behind lhe .lUII! � �., Europe can pro- lIu ,.,VDQ ....·� - ,fJD-n. -t_lJn. ' :r.i.D1'l. I.1 . u : v.n du te l he ume .. .� . . � underaell . . ' markeu,' own our In I U . .. --' ' -=-l!"'="' . 100 you know ��,at It \JJ to fO The Ncgntin Won tbe Deel.ion C.-rried to Itl 10ttcI!" eonclullon before I audien . . �� ce . n. on the Qut'stion: RHoi\'ed, the time la not tar dLatant wben Subscript lOll, one doll"r per year efl "No. I lpoke before an audle�ce Application tor entrance as :!nd cllu miutl'r no ... pendlnc, "'That Tariff r Re\'enue ()n� Europe "nd other toreI,,, countrl once, bll t mOlt of It went befo�1! Benefit to Ina)' be' Ible to Iwarm "I I In&u!!trl•• at �b-e pqlt office Iy Is eof Gre ere U. Entercd aa lIe<'ond clad matter, October %9, " · I did. -Th 01. '"kw.'1. S. Tha" b, . ..,b ,b••p "od"to 'b.. · ••".., 'he p OPle . " P,,",nd . W�h1n.'nn. on"" 'h. '" nl )lmh S. "'.. -a Protedh'e iff:' . . the worker nor the mlnuflcturer r c UI Hl P n o n n :r�I���: On ' M�r�h '27: e qU e��IOn ' tor �� t:; �r::o:; ��y ' :::1 c:un��; ml:�� D� !�1 t� �:;i� nJl ��I�::ah:� �:���i� �C���[or J!�: REPORTERS l e " le e apo ermany G y � t mel a� 'c tfia., _ Eltber Sydow' discussion by D\elJllben - or the P. needs 'protection todll, more Gel!eral r-ie."s 'a olle.e, Rock IIIand, Ill. lad L. C. Debatlnl '9oclety read: Ite. e..er berore In It. blltory, And the AUlua . Martha JiJerms Inkwell. BII -The. , Parkland Loul.. n �j reYenue only fllrmrr needa protection aI well ��!�e D lohed,c 'ltbatr tariffeffor' Parkland Localll fa f t e t ' t Or«anlutionl Keep the telepbone of Jo�r mln.dl ue�:: s���� �f ��e �e.a�. I::: ! :;ot:!:IY�:�� ���er n;::r�:tc �: ��e �:I�ed �:.;;:� fore.ter Rellclous ].. bUI, traumlttlnl" tboul"bt Hjermltld Uf," AUlrmative debaten were: Here he 111'11, per cen1 o-f hll M"" lc ".: Sicne Alumni - R��j::�d;:: A:rtbu� Knut&en and Lllila.. !..ee. p,roductl. Hen' .be make. proeper- � �:yed :::�J· �::r:;d :uel�t:� ���: Atblettrs l b l an ot o t �::��:�: Alvar Deck and Glad,. t ut w.ill· alwa,.. (et ,Geo. E. Cooper Uuslneu ldI"M..-er �:m:. �:�e� o: a r. ,:ic :t�:d:r= call b10U u P ' they a w.h,en ,b ll com petito.... Ibrold !:I�I :::,::'��I�rAf�:�:'���D��e:.. P:���o�:e:;:s� . The aftirmllt,h'e bal�d tl!!!y; con- buis �:'eu�!���nSeM���a::r ', bued on Adyertllllni Mana,er Alfred ADdenoD 'lenllonl on two luues, namel)' tar- eend the,r producll0 here Ion I I I�e FacultJ 'AdYllor O. L. Thoreo: �r:r"rl�;;��eVnetn�� �hn�Yt::u� , ;�� ��:I� �:��;s ;1�C��:�t: ,11 Parkland Barber ur o .· ' of prosperity The except 'wonderful OTICE-We by order do of DOt tfle dllcontlnue adad"., N Orden may be sent In .by collector '01' by mall. Addre8l: t"�ltr ror revenue Iy takcs Into country uuder vertlsen, protective tarlft' '1, Shop conllderatlon the d of the whole The Moorln«" Mut,t Parkland Wallh. the people. By J Icldus arrangement 110 m('re cuincldenee, DurlDI nd s 'me�nt " t)'rlff by ""hlcb the lOv, last yean the' lIvln,,, bankl.mde( _ EAST R . llrn lent recelyea Ita dues without POSitli baye Ins:reued from a....ln.s 'Hc is arisen! Glorious :wort.!! Co"nfectionary The · to bllllona. liona !� 3 I burdeDII. upon tbe people. lI{poalnl ' A N ow recondletl is God, my Lord; � ent the proa- I Under New Manacement ' . The forelln buyer doe" nOl' piy Irr�8nks deposltl tepres / ," of hl'u"\"en urc'open, TIlC pies to come In and credit nr· In tundll. he pa),l , In pl'rlty of the nat lOll. "\And tbe We Inviteletyou i\I�fius died triumphontly, Icqualnte d loodl.. He must &4111 Ih order to .tartrr bu been an Importa'tt 'factor . And Solal\'s urro.ws hroken lie, The pr(l��rlty. thl� cre�tlnC ') ll. I mealjl that. . buy translated This Deslroyed hell's d irest weapon. . park 'f'!- d we mUllt .Iniport If we wdUld Uport. �q:a.tlve 1I11hI 1I\\'urdcd �� judces' li Sam HoUman o hear what cheer 1 " "" _'I� _I ' ,.._ d�c:.l l0 _ r t Christ 'lctOrIOUS 11,"" " , \lor' o" ,. S no:�l ��:�( O� ::l��;n:::;,"I�:\ w;:= .. Life He gi\'eth- .... Dlltloll!4 lind delltro)1I 80und reclpro A colored farme r � I burnlnl1 r CIIAS ROSENBURG � II... "as dead, h.ul S<.'c, II� I l\et h I cal trade relallonll The tarlt( dead craas In p ,",Pllratlo ll for plant- THE BOOK EVCHANGE" . , both. Social promlsell lIuch prottts tbet capll,,1 Ing A city " "'I.� �U) puaed an4 Bookl, StationerJ gOME THOUGHTS ON SCHOO'L SPIRIT andp Bu8jneu �lId I\lth excitement busl_ stopped lonc enOUkh 10 lay becomes t: lun n c\"ery halld \\'e hear mm.-h aliuut sclwol s t To e nC1I1I III stimulated O reac· : You re foolish to uo thll t Ge!lrgl' !dFa��n!�.ln9 e;�3 a;�cI�l�n��� "\ct til(') often lion lIome!!. prlcell , falluntillindthefailure l;CJl �n its display is the ambition of 'e\"('ry dass hy, )011 II muke 111111 I H't 1 'w as ztloma, Wllb. spi ri t . disagree on how to shu\\' a proper The rountry bla�k nil )OU intnngihJe IhiH!--C.' SOillt'tlllH's t lunk: b the 10gJrai rellult dusin', )_ ( "'hatit isIIntithl'hoast --..:...----� Don t ....orry . �Ilh. reJ" ed the r-,of i ts Posscs. .. we ha\"e ion n nd Ye t \\'(' Illn" nht h un' IN I'nrulyzed with o\·erproducllou.. \\'41 mu!\!, estniJllllh n tarl.rr tor rey good natured , dar�y .. " Dat grAIIs'1I t. 10 the mllze uf idle Ihuls I hl\\"(' (III(: wh ich tdilVllIe just enll.e iwhnt a8 green all IIKln .be row owt an only lind �eck r.elltore con-i\ . it is. ,Vc offer hcst rates for �fbu III:" l"olllp()si ll-, The uuter ridence. ..School �t>i"it is nut otlt' liling I� ut The AUKlllltll Mirror. Scondilla\'itln checks, ,Cou. TarlH ror revcnue only t�kell I pnrlt ons wlu�h arc uncertulIl CUIISISI of much "rool j n gs, " tlr . pons or currency, Bnd can '' ''' '' , V to conllideratibn the I:ood "tH thc " 'rI.lTs III UIlSCl'lllly p c . .. t SS l1ullu Illany Sl lcnwllll':: c1:. The call for hlgb' P. C. Paulson, Prea.T � Mcr, "� sell draft!: on all importd times und hudly pr('pun.·d I(,SSUIlS, lmd of malam'esni1�fof tIlltttl ls ili- whole people. Moo I w O f d lervi t t I fu�_" �i,. ant points in the Scandin���: !���sc i:�Il�:l ���::�;1 of iL takes fOrJ�1 fl' gi stcri ng ::; �:h:! :.��t�r:;�: ;O:I� �: �� B\'ian counlrics. prepa �ed l('ssO �s., nc rcnsi n .:: ('tlrnestness., and loyulty produ (!Ohs. Ullually the Irea � ronfuithfully:��:, The Store for Thrift, I'eop1o l . Come and Sec V. 10 duty. There IS shown IIlcrrnsed devol ion 10 studen t activities Humlnc .daliH Is Itllt a po....er ,ln the I. 23'.= Jl3CJ.38 Broadway � The ex. came 04;118111rlll e:tc�llnle ' I � t: all(u...bct.t � r �(l(lrcc i�tion of fUl' lIlty c�for ts. ntil t \ ry e he . . l'entcr\p f It IS found the hetl rt, hctl ling sleadih' thro ugh Ih(' p�ms ,lind Jmport]J Ie beneficial to The Bank of California, Yl'urs in love lind \'enerutinn for Alma Mutcr. . :;:I�I�:�lt;e8 1I��htb :xt;�::re"TOI cu �: Ir--------"" N. A. IPD..r IS UD S O ' E H H S ' -..... " O IlI\JUJU1 the deprive P Unlled the of peQple SLACKERS! J. SATHER, A, 1 1th & Broadway Irin g the wu r. States of their nlltural richtil and . . " Th,c wUl;d sltlcker ca�ried an awful wollop "!-hc're . prlv lecell. I hut some ,�'ord c,!-" honestly be tlPlllieti to those, ACOMA let their studJes get the best of th�n thc sJlrlllJ,l"nt school, The! nerath'e ar�ue4" that th'e lallt SHOEofREPAIRING "hO' Quality du)-s arc getllng lenger, brlgh ler, tl nd \\ urlll cr election ,"owed, tbat protectiYe the thot Ko\\ \\c ha\e more h,me for c\ cr�tlllng, inclUSive of "ork. The tariff had' bec�)lne a aettled policy proposItion <loesn t �vork that \\ay though 'Vork and ploy arc of tbls country. It hu been clearly J!! 1Il"\'{'r�ly 1 f( pOrI J onn l tn ttlt: t � lllr><; rUI�lre, . :\fullY who duril� undentood that pr,otectlon III elthe wtnt�r ,mOl�ths were maJurlllg III ChCllllsty ur English are �al to the proBPcrlty and main- Joluuoa-Co"" � .. Store The • ... Bcnow maJorlllg III ha.S<.'balJ and h tll.null nlliure stUdy. Legi limat(' .cnance' of ·Amerlca.n standards. = . fore the world wllr Germany under duss work tlnd e\'elllpg study receive ollly struined o ttention , C·olllpaay Vafter -':rh� Ilite of ndone work increases u): -I.lI e dtl\"s J,l"row longer the protective ,tarltt modeled f Men or' . ' ' · wa.rmer, unci brighter, unt il. we. find �u rSCIVc .. :V..amped. Ther; Ii �_ we flunk. ttro put off workmg 110,10 IlUt off J,l"ra( alion, ,a.nd · Bo . ya n feel in the Spr�ngl Industrious! 'obH w then. nATIOND8 H,ow do y.nu California' Florist's . . Oh, kmd of core' free. �r(alllly, of course, po'sitl\"ely, yes- Cut Fl.owera, Potted Plurta -PIlJN'TD8 hut don't Itly down and {I UIt. J?on't he a slocker, Floral .Decorations . ,1; I! tlet. spotted neck wear to knit o Tac,o!DI . PaCific A;..e t WHAT STUDENTS Ihnlle "'p81111"' turkey red atraln. " . I I : n lt a e ' __ -:; h. N�� S,"d'"" I� ." . " .f' an: !:::I�::� =::: :� �::; :�� : 10DI time tt,inl to d�clde bow a The crowd. haa no Jdea ot how Carlyle · Cafeteria ! . ...... ... C. BELL .. • S N CO- • (ollele atudent clothes the Interior much lenllbility and .Intelll,ence It HeadquS��:n �roie��:erl and . • . .;... . ofrahla �ead. Tbe (ollowlnl" Ire lhe require. to enJOJ the perfu'm e of' a Ave, 1.1"10-12 :r.-.. ..... ... _ Pacific Collele, utheran L U t flndlnla In an Inquiry as �? rOle or tho .mlle of a woman . .. ,. the elternal ....earlnl" apparel: Remr de OOUUDont. . · Unlnralty of Florida: As a Iymhoi oC maturity, 'learnlnl and dla- There .. none In'aU thll cold and ry ' Ba be tinctIon, aell-Iora at tbe Unlyeraity hollow wor!d , no Count oC deep , Sam-.;";' y " OUR CRED ' . . IT IS GOOD r r LiI Itrool", deatblen .·Ioye, . uye tbai . of Florida wear b"wn derbies. ' . , AT , -, . . a motber'a heart.-Mra. H&- " . Unlycndty of OreCon: Sopbomore within Shop . U�d��a'ntacge�'ITheatrc L SCHOENFELD . & SONS " ' men haYe adopted blue denim trous- mana. � CIFIC:AVEN � A ' lpth STREET era u' thelr oUicial wearlnl apparel. E H RS Labor II dlscoYered to be the The trOU8era arc 'of a bea"y mater- aDd conquerer, enrichInc and PROMPT ,SERVICE i lal aUd arl' rut. In the mOlt recent Cbulldlul" UP. nations more su'rely mode, LADIEs HAIR BOBBING A SPECIALTY Jobns Hopklnll Unlverelty: About ��:n. the proude8t baUles:-':CbaD_ PARKLAND MERC E CO half of the �en .on the c:;ampua co 1". MANICURL'lG EXPEFfr ---.10'- . FOR "OUR GENERAL WANTS IO d r I J. Coprad, Prop. And �. tbou ' m ntry, , ou �h�u c ;abalt ��::, ;��, ��:l� t b: ':�b!� �::; neYer fall but thr, chlldren._ "re conaerYatiye lind wear clothes William' Culleu "With Bryant. -' . of leaS audible colora. ffr lJnh:e�ItJ �C .W..blnrto�: A race �UCh. hath It been-flh & LE�N'S . al. b -be­ ror maacullne 'clotblDI" baa pouesaed neath .J , the aun, fhe Dian! ItllI must · clrt. of the Uulnraity of Wllh'the Ineton. it- orl,lnat� with the ad- labor for the oae.-BJrOn, Q)n: G00I?S, · NOTIONS. SHOES, RUBBERS AND .-===:.: ' ::\=====::: Yent of tbe .blnlle bob wblcb .� . many necka to the· Wubln,- tART GOODS I. an Cb�'De1! color, ..d .t)·Ja tOD. ...eather and neceultate4 the CONN . weariD, ot Men'. ahut., cbeckered World's Finest . ' ' .. . o r Jja�' Men�8 Shl/p .j "Two Sto.... With,\ But A Siggle Thought;' '�oriltwea 6.nn Co. �::::t�a ::.n: :::�� ::,:, !:� . . 91.4 Pa�. n.wt' , ra��a . '. Serve Efficiently' f 155 BroadwaY-Cor._ l3th I , ::�l;d�'t;yr;,.�:::�·, f�:: ' �,�; :7� ,1, "AGB J




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IIfflpe or II Jit...fm · H....�bft..tl f ('are, ODe ,la'll'! kind

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t wllh Selheart. ec

"Shall 1 hue Tour lun('h b;�ulbl One Iher, rM and lood. you on deck. dear?" "� l lltr.tll'l , 0, love; liili"i"l '\11 anybody !lhould. o,"erboard. It will sa�e time." "\. Add twent)' i�lnlll or ("Ommon len!'!!, Antl I\\'�tnel!'!'l 10 )'our ,'ltlle: ' ( T'une ; What 00 You Want Want In Make ThOlle ";yel "'0 ' . "'resh all' li nd 8 uoAbIne neYer "tlIII '



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. DEW DROP Home 1��"lnl Wh_lIdya Wllnl" foco1 I ("ouod at �:�(! l:·';lt� �.:r':n(��:���1 u;e. ' · arhool for h l lt . They .Rrrh'et l . i n l « Rt tile. foot a ll T ,Ing three," 1:'!" When ),ou dodse . clallll II)' by tillY! · ��u� ·e r::rt' :� ln ".. In �mC:�1 1:;I !I1E". You think you're glftd,; You'J1 �e If YOll brlnlt 10 a boll . Pat-Ille Ih'e, ' ,: �' �� htll I � t.h(' !lcore !" he' Mked l :!lh\ ' . � ' ld ; ��� �::n � �:n ) : e� your -Floren ce R. W�de, , !ll . I . eY l At IU r o t I bellteK' OI(l1kl ' that Yo :\: ,, " �olhln� I II 110Ihlng:' wa� Ihe i He; Mine don ' l, but rour's , do. � �� : r :II ; · rn CI.o<.: �'� I.���1 � �A.D �. �� J:f: . . � ".J.�,�":i,.!,�:.!> . lI . t · ' oea ' " :. �h, I{ood.:· Iltlhl l'l he , " we ha n' t , T.ht;;'kll to the· l)hYlI.lcal educallon \\· . . ....-: . • 1III,{Id' YR wanta wUllle )"ou ra )'011 re ., ' . Itll�!led R Ihllll1:. dE"l)arlmenl!l, ror lIu( h wOUlen all , on Iy I II the. ....'a)" •. Ihese: " Two )"oung h)'l!ltel"icRI ....·om· ., ... ;..... ""$®.n e. • 0 ork you' ol n' I l ' I I "1Il!t1 . �1I1 �he nene In t'n �l I.'_ \ . _ ) !l ('I �hP te_ a� � h��� �I :::::; ft ll l !o � �· I e , l "���Ht::la �'a lch :Jr:::b Ih���;�� �. th ::k�e��1 n/OfJ . ' ":!!Iher: Then til walt outsidE". Ii "'Why do trH!), cali thelle denllsl l And , ",h e your place 1 0 !lomeone allie "IIIIUn« at the home of Or, who'll make ulle of. it. 11,'\'er could bear beln&" "round wh�n I oHlc@s 'Dental l'arlon'!" , '"' Alld !\Ir". (:hr!ltenllon . r h �, n )· thln\k 1 100:��I9('n�un�: ��:I ��:a !�n�h er.;!� . ��· · 1 W I � 1 ..� nl a wa"" yo � r !i f. Those who the pia)' I &: PAI ----«I.'I"en b), Oils Skinner In the Ta· . ."Cft IlSf! loaUn' doesn:1 pa)', ' Teacher DOell the moon � C:mplele Un. of I The En«Ush ciu.' had beel) l"I'Kd· 1 Ihe Ilde· coma ltiule; 011 Monda" March MEN'S CI.oTHINO AND JI'tl'RNI8H1l'fU "Iudl'nl \lerl'ly th" lntlde 1 I1I('n' !WIlllt' :\ .. l i ng Tenn)son " Sir CalahAd 30, were: rror. Thorlen, Mrs, (1'-. Taeoma.Wuh. Tea cher "1'01, IIptrll breAk !! h�r , ,"he I" a malden beauleous Kr�idier and :111l1-li Lu �d. �KlIll"e Stud, Slnde,1 Do lOU l lllortlli bArll ..... hal tlO4.!IIo thu t IIl\lllll· 1 Jo�or Cklei! she hAil none. . " k hem off with lenlon Juice lo.no ... Itll dAn"'l'l"IlUfi, to .. � on Ihe , Pupil I . suPPot!oe It 1111'1111" he I She 10 rrof, And M rs, UIDgstad, Mabel ' TAII.oRTNO 'T T ATI � ' . It. . I!:n Iverlloll, Mrs, Kreidler, airier Nel. P·RIII!. reaks her . rlm. .. onl of Ihe Illn. : ,\"11 J .j " '11011, "nd Arnl !l)'en �teh{led the , c:urlous Frollh : \\'hy� \. . =". S. S,: ne�'II I1 �e t hi!""--..t! ltllleM Mall Y A mall hall been robbed �f iler hn lr III J et ' bta c k liS t he �Io ve. pl,lI)' entilled "The Cat and ' he Canary " ', :whlch .,," «I"en at �e, fame becnulle hll dilln I l HUI 011'-""8 IIhe wall Il blonde. lIliRhl ('ut yuu. . ' rYerlll."tlnll ' ----'---dlt' !loon enou«h . , Tucon;a Ihelll,er o� Thur"day. �arch 1 I"r erebrow,," all!1 her laahef • ----- \\ etlk thinK!! unitl'd lH'coml' "live changed to l'orrelltJOnd. , '2 6 . -C. I , IIlel'J) with my "t'r IIplI nrc JOIII of crimson �t! ollg ' �h.jn un .. , 8t. lIalln. Ave. . \\ h) don I \OU get mllrrted�" Till' follow"llI people atten�ed lov ell 011 anti Ihll t Is the relillon ' lI e leeth pll re rows of pell r l/ r the Jl'('ture ItIYl lII by 1.1lIhrop Slod·1 --- ---i n" htlrul8 arc BO 110ft I But hO\ll on earlh am I to kno.... , \011 mUIII �Ieell .... llh A._ 1' ••, G.--., r., dard III Ihe Jo'int Met1t>dlst Church f t m an . Hc� �lll.r(' !lefore I be«ln talk· lr t hl" cftme wllh t he glrl � �' Ill):: there are lIeleral thlngll 1 }Ollr hat 011 too _�____ In Tacoma on March 3 1 Arnt Oyen ;: � l , , - ----",,"ld Ilk.. 10 1111' '''nurs for 1\ Ill)eedy relurn !tuld D lr«cr Nellon Prof anti Mn Xa· � \ a ml' 18 m) nOBe Homlln� - - -- ,.. I IJII� lenni!! plll)er Il';' he lobbl'd the "Ier, \\In Kreidler and l'oIyron ' � ' Kreidler Thill leclure concluded no, �" It ! statlonar) �rna I .... llIh It. a�k ,I qllt'�llon c::: 1 hall o\('r Ute net ". � " . T""ltilrdlnl: :\ tra )::l'dr. _�____ the LyceUm course for Ihlll year, � . I . , eJ;plalnlolt Ihe rule" of I "auge : Yl'lI� HO!lh : JU SI !law a mftn with hili and, " "ery good coune la promised � , It I a hoped that ,� Ernu: "' haCI< my fl::rllde� baseball: '"l'he runnl'r III out If he arm orr nl I he �hould ..r I'Il J tln« tor . �J;t year. nu\n, Ihe 'ahnlentll. wtll nttend , f � • "' . ' '"' lonche!l Ihe balle ht'forr he Itell ' wooti. -- ----. ..'rr W.' Inl.'I1IIl"nl '! ' thl' r... " I "'rollh : 1 10 .... did he do It! I . •\mong thl' IHartllng ne....· facttl reo j nl'l�h: Hf"" held Ihe handle In h ili ear""mll Lan«low vlll\ted wltb I'U' ' , ,"'aled by Ihe Inlellil/:ence tellt tllkhI u ' : "'hat'� Ihut doIC of munth find t urned �omennult!l. cllle Andenon In Seattle, t he week- � . end of April :J·G, " n b)' the f;i!u('alioll rllycholoU )'''Ufl�! ' Pr••• , B.U.r-N.... _Uu , , co, . -- � . con ll u , pt h' (' . ,1 ' """'htll Yo'ould ),011 yo If you ,.'flre . t . , H O ·· " I�. IJ. C, wall visited by 'Re,!" a l� .h., " • • p" I . o Th",, , , 7.,.1,. , • .", ••• I ur netl ... I I� . Lundu of Poul,bo, 'Vllllh. . Ihe e"enI Jo�lveo mlnule� P.ll"�. mlill. havln.r; tronl f!lur 19� cl�ht 211d G u : s pI, , " . • ............----• In; or April 3, 1f')l:lI. "O"Itln'l you . hellr ml>-"!'" That a dlctal)hone I!I utlulllly an When dlmlled InlH Ihe The .. llInln: Oh. pardon me, I Prompt Deliver, Witbout la�or therC! were no calle. mid Ins maM\�. 1 1111)11",111 you were IItldre811ln.r; lhe I I chair, ThaI Bombay hilS been ren,oved ' lar nel"\'e� were III 1\ figel, no reat se-nJllch all concelvnble.Phone Main 504 i lUi!! IIRlic . ' . he den til! �ouldn 'l crowll her , :- :fmOl IlIdln to Chlnll or E«)'Jl\ T . - - '--- C��I"le, . toolh, p r � : \'ou T'hul emerald� nre ret! or bhie y Our cod liver oil is 01. d ., r . �o he pro�osed \0 '" Bridget:' ' �11� : ��;ne�s�� urten 1111 they rlre gr.. en. tn waY!l fresh and sweel as Almln I.•. 9wlt".un H, A. Miller Mcc'y, I'r�... crean}. That Ihe ll1 uIII;lIl bllllJllon Is nl; ------'. RUlh �'ndne"l\: II walln't my fault. :���!�III Dorm Gi rt,: \\·hl'r., do The hell rllnK before I I/:ot here, ' m' I ' \ " '� ::: �� ,�o:�' bl:��\� ; . J yo d I f l h a \ Embarn:!$lIed . �"\\' t.:OIllt'l" : Way I ha"e been lin Indian. " \\'hy nOI keep Ihat school«lrl Ill\nker�I�;!!t \����:ICG:a�;'-ti ttoor ' r omlne north on l road. e 1l (' Ch('vlol tI'I� �l 1l1 Iw an automo· Ollt < That Ih cOl1lpiexlon.'" the YOUIIII: man p �:'coma TACOlIA1:hon.e Ma in :UI " \,A 8 H . . � bile. 1 11.<1 h" bru!lh��d off Ihe tapel of hili '::=========:::: Prof: Whal I I a dr)'.d.ock ! ThaI turpentine III ahra)'11 pro· S,andard I pi l A physicia n ""ho wnn't tlllCed from petroleum. em That Plnochl'e I. pillyed Wllb. plnl. glv8 a preaulptlon. ' A lot'ker full ot bookll .II I blghl �� � !:�:o:n;'::��b��i makemachine-, All . c That Suoo&"e ... as pro!)atl' �'orle l lll Ihe IIludenl'" nell;( day .ly lbe J, "She flopped b"'�Is:.... hrother of, Henry IV , "jlgh!. kind. of mach��::�fe��:�nl:n=7�� paired That Bud Fh,hPr I" II. lamoua! I nl o � chair; I 'nut If thll.l locker empty be, Alas. lack, # , Thl' "lory changea, 00111'.8 me. ba�eball player. 0 Bud. � »aln ,,1:. D. Was already there. That Rou. Bonhcur was a 111 8' P.rI��= C__ tue or something pertainjnll to art. Diner: I WaDt an I'",g b iled In o ....1...... . 11.... . Th�t Hawthorne or Klpllnll: or Sunday School T;acher: Johnny IWO mi nute", Sir!

b ' !



E- l


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aHe('1 I










do bOY8 go tbat 'smOke!


ON SAVINGS ",Ve have ' n�ver p;;id Jess AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN, 1001 Pacific Ave.

Heal K"um, nood gUIlI. stick gum. I know, !lut down beneath the ('afe IIhelveli It reall)' ahould not go.


Hom-Hohnes Co.

little &1rll, blS slrl8, nice K"lrlll, a.Il hark, Don't leaTe your Itlck,. «urn about. Find an'other place to park, -Tbe Week-Iy Meuenser. So

.- -





Three General Merchandise


" ; �M. 7221 .

75% So, 38th-Mad, 80

, said

"Tbat remala. to be Hea, tbe Denou. Itudent .. be .pl.lied bottle o.f Ink ,on bill table In t�e I1brar,.,

Prol: AI

a failure,

� lJ,!cceaa )'ou bue'been

Student: Yel, Proreuor, but iallure, l bue bee� a IIU�.

Teacrer: • How many bllibel'

1002-8 Ce. r S

.3991 6th Av.�Pro<, 504

1t==�==;=�1 S8'\;age Scofield . Co.


boglb8ad.1' �o",: tbat', a, .eOlllbl� beeauH a ;f'"armer ,mlchl • problem , ' ban a hoC.b�d,



all' a


BulJding Material an.d

�iaities " t� Dock· 5t. ' Main 67f} 5




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SU!(SIll1t:A�;:. " �"...�':.��




L.Q.rsen Phart:nacy

110SS�:, �:�.8�N'

������� '. Frank


M'ahncke & Co.

Jewelers 10 Tacoma Fo� 10 Years ', Tacoma Uroadvi'a.>;


TACO"", W".H. . IIltl"" .... .... . . .....


=::'==========� I� I , ======:::;� 919




HAUO :N Jo Sec'y·Traa,

H , o.

VNN MORTUARY THE·' �!-' . '"Superior Funeral serviCe" .


HICh: Grade Cu.tom ,Tallorlo .. It:! Pacific A"O!!nua ·, ..h. Phone Hal n 1000 Ta coma, ,,

J.[, � ICc. Co. Hoo n... COAL TAR 'PRODUcrs 2Q28 8oatb. M IJtI.eet TACO�, '!":8H.

� .��






717,719 TACOMA AVENUE ���i_n 7·745


, _ -1


PhODe H.dQ. s-.

Ph�tog�aphic Portraits--,-- :

"r�ruet: ant) Gilt'('otOOdl or

� c.... Qizallt)'



\�:;�=�:::::;;:�� �::�� ::��� "';;' .


Mill. ,Lund; Now, Ednll. what key III thla In ! Edna: Fou'r aharpil. MI" Cu,d, Now, wh.. tim. I, It! Edna: Nearly three o'clock,

' Han,e: Ho·w 'map,. 8I1bJectl ' are l 813 PAt'1ttc A.�, L Taeo.... T ACq� . ZR'7 .: �o_ )Wa _ y�u C&fT)'lnc1 ': . .. . Sid: J'p carr11nc one and drac- t_........_...._...._ _ . .. I'-�" ..,__.._-___



1 - 11


OEd.""LoSET J>ra.ldeot


" , ::W:':"'::_==:; ,-:::= : =::T;",:.m::::


Walter; Jeuah, 1t'lJ /)1' rE"Rdy In one HeCODd. II.llh.

Tacoma,' 'Vash, l e8llI n K" 'l.\' hlte palnl, c1e11l palnl, i ;====:;:::==::;; 1 1 '0 tbe eye, '" Out wltb lI ule wadII ol' «urn about l'he ",bole room �m8 to II«h,


'� .






Stevenlon ....rote .. Poe'lI '"Raven' "







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G� �:ltd-GGUUy);: '\ y Bridget

s I



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I( b ",


1- STONE fI SI1EIt@ -














," Eq!':ipine?� and eervi� in Every

barWa, for ",",omen"s and-childrtil .

De , '



aithng. Be,t " .Balcim!, ... "




YOII; Eutei Marcel .ad Penie.w Wan : . . ' ne F1.00t"Jle&aty Parlor III tile Nortbw"" 15 Attractive .BOOtbs-14 ex�rie�� ��rato� " 3 men •


Tacoma, Wa�,.

732 Pacific Ave.


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Lndj<,s' !\id.





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'���':,:". " W- ' " . N STEAM LAUND�Y "I . h(')· ' l : ' .:: and Sen'ice" . . � � Motto: "Quality OUT 7 7 ;5 .1 ' O l !! ' II ·J� nnlc wholt do rOU hlnk f"\Old Mnin : ii l 2 So. 91h SI . Alu. mni --r ....J � .. ca:�:;; ���();·a"r:er (rom thc well : .... ______...1 ''::(' n:�;:��:'�:(.;: t�o:;l!�ln,e�!O :- :;Thl �nl h rell In Ih(! , erept liP rrom � :'ol l�.� �:Jrn nun lel�on .r�turnc d from l '� tlushbrow � � ' � ___-::---:" · or w�cre r('fr',�hnH'lus :"ew York ('It r where IIh(' wnM em- j .,J�JronzC d , churCh par� ASI\. 1. f0r Ceil. W\'fe �('rI'e l\ I,), Ih� \\'onwn of Ihe , p loye"d �M " tl1'd hls.c}'eRhehnlfsaidbashfully. IIbrarinn. i g n mi o c ' lind was ··It dwlr. \.. nl':lr . · �"r several , 'Mr, 1::. O. "ou�rn workln.l{ tofl :'oi l;" l.ero hn hee . Ill! !4lllil/l('. and IIlooplng �.ow., n('cnn1l1anl�t for both Ih" l ll IIr,' I n!O urnn re f'fllllpllny In !;e-I . rl'arK Coffee,.Fruits, Catsop, . t..:ltI'If"Il h('r cht'ek-"TII'II!1 Ihls. that (· hnlr nnd s('hool <"1lOru�. In IIPt'r-c- nltlf' . ' · you were I clation or hpr work IIl1long Vegetables, Spices . Lero In e r i w dearcsi Ihe lind best The i (' e I� ohn�nn I ;-' !he m" mhers !lrl'lIl'nlCII MI�� r. Erlinj{' J l ll r ! l'ug('1 Sonnd f.lllnlt: or Tncoma. 1 town"· will! :1 j('nthl'r h:tnllha .'!;. Extracts . :\1 ;\lls�l'lI l'O � I�;-;:;- I.YIIIIl Hn rSla (1 1'ht' .rarmer went baek to the field: Tr�;;-J lrnl/Jr I.ea i:u � : nfal the wife, �und:<y. April s. t"�' rollo,, lng " ro' L; cturned rr�m ' n trip throu�h t h.t. . Quality ·i s Ecoraomy · a:ram gl,·clI: ' Ealll . Th\:,1( IIp('('lall�('d In nur�lng I n Bmlling a.bsent way. _ ___ __ __' - -. rle\:otion . Stanley Ilahl. the Ma}lfi 1.lro�. Ho�plfal. Iloch . !'\nng. snatchcs oC t�nder little ·songs She·d not !lungheror many a day.· topk Beulah 11:1!!.�lnnn. ester. ;\lInn(,llpoll�. Ch lca l;O, Sew I '?'() :'o11""lon . -:head wall gone. ! "' 'II -'-tr l? , InRa. Anna an 1 nerthn ,"ork . :In,1 \\'n "hln.l{ton. D. C. l a � � Anll ��� --1 ��� !�ot h:1I : l_ I:�:� AT K I N S \\'cre �· hlle a,s the foam of t hoe n( l I� t :I� I �:;"('� WOOd d c . SILVER STEEL"SAWS ... a � u���; ����'\ :�II�'c' ;:....�� �;�t and S•11- d('�:the�leI;�ln("lIln;::! \Hlllh,, . 5<'hool Cut Faster and Easier-Last Longp&'. 11l 1-1'""011 Tueo 1I" r hrend was light and her butter "'hen you sell Atkln� Saws to your cUlltomCl"1I, then there·, was sweet, mn Junior topic Alton Elllnlf:son · Anrl as ,l:"olden It ("auld De. \II�" Mmnle lIuli wlln altemlf"d P The Junior 1A!lIltllc �od81 m�('tlng �ft���e����d II":e" I�It�d:t��n �h�a ��.:::: �17,��r"��;:r. �� ���::'I:� \\n� held Monduy menlng I ( ' III 191.1 1M I rJlnlnlt for n - sleel ln the world. That·! why Atkins Saws tRk.e keener ed';Il, cut - --'--"harp longer and need 11'111 flTlnlt than orrun caller, faster, c.hildren 11 1 1 called nllrse II the TII(,o/O Generul If dlnary sawII. 11 .. MrK Sluler till !! lIurOhl�ag;\ hU\IJ " A Psr'ect Sft"' lor EY�y PUI"pO/O()" ' ·To m Wood hall run Orf to lI(la! Idl ror -\lr Sidney Jnhn"on. tor llwr P. He wouldn't I kno" If he'd only had E....Q.· ATKINS &,.CO. � e o I\ ��," Enllter prORrllm \\111 be l I.. III now. runnln lt n � I �:�fY : � .�: a � :. �� I T c m d h Od wife . _ �:'�\;�lI�"r:�l ���I�r ��l l!"uf' at the i laundry In' H.OlJl1�. 1 ::UI



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.!InJlled To her·selt, .as she ,!ottly lIald: .o , lIl!en<icd IIchool Ule- H)"�IIl)"re MC!lSrM. Palll und Edgar Larson hrrl' �oml' t in\{' Ilfil:O Willi II r('c,'nl '·Tls 110 sweet to labor Cor those we l v Ilre ,·hltlng a t the hom(' .o r. their f'arkl. and vl�ltor. It·s not lItrange that maid!!. grnndpllrenh" 1'. T. Larson·lI. wed." ChrlM Melg:lrd, III nOli' II clo t p #"� -A Student. lU the meetln« of the Trinity for Klnll\" ('ollnly IIo!ll"lllal . YOIIIIIl\" PI'oplcli Luther L('ngue Sl!nstu­ per cent I.. :'lngnul\ �;l'an...on. II (In)" Mllrch 29, Senator .nul·ls !!poke Unlv�nlty of N. D. are A. �tlldent "':I� i!l�t reporled work . rlenl" on Ihe '·('hlld I,shor Question.'· Of I,utheran talth. lu.l{ In a Se:lttle Dank. thl.!l quelltlon ha!). IIllhl not �hern nIl ahoul 400, J;relllly mlsunrlerstood by many peo_ In Llltheran F'erdlnnnli ('hrilltenllon who pi1". Some of the chler. would de- tended P.....I.. C. lUI Yl"ar III III the eran Sp\rlt. --Tb� Big Inkwell: the nre:-'I l ) r n n t of he r rlghta. (Z) prt'sellt time �'eyed prhfl l d Creamery. awa, ",'ollid & C. S_ ----'---" the the atates' rlghtll. ( 3 ) ( Ineorporated) ee p Ih& au.n and llIoon Q. would Inw


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oC the T"·enatIY .!lb Ihe number They but of are work or Luth- active at .... That -Ia<or by ['or - r;:;;;�;;;;;;;;=;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;�U pa (! t� t i lake Tsome of a1l Th.t It \ BARLOW SONS at This ball II the aeo.eatlon at this yearll ·pllll..-with tbe �OU'h­ b 'be '·unconstltutlonal. fro WbI atI k s eet cover known on a buebmn, E.!IpeelaJly adapted to Pacltlc Coast Dlamond.!l. e b e . Dilltrl.butors of ;1�e::h�r:�:e �l�t �·::r��Ylt:(y [a:It:' A� ��� ��!ms.�LI9COln New!. We "make spectal prIces In dozen Iota to organiSed team. sillo equIp the t.eama with' ever, Item neee... ;, for BLOOD'S" PAINT._: Into the matter or who for aelfub ha/leb�lt feMOna are not In fayor of , the . Headquarters for Builder's Material and Coal · '. wrile niLkind" ot Inbill. TENNIS SUPPLIES surance and 'make Fire InSenator Da,·llI also 11I'Ild that "a 1 7 1 5-21 Dock Slreet · ' stfl'"ancc our specialty, republic reatll · upon Ihe · lntel�l;e nce Wa sh . Was h IDi;dt�."D ·Ha'rdware {'_, and ylrtue of , Its citizens." Children W WM, p, HOPPING & . CO, Tacoma who have been fa ctory workers all 10th and Pac. Ave, ! he lr Jlvell will nevel' be d lrable H := == = = = = = = = = � clt n a ou t your water If �.� �� b l b�m�� pr : l nlt. III nev�r flettied till It'!! I A,ent. ·tor settled fl,bt" saId' the aenator. We . . Lien & S�lvjg DURO 8Y8�EM8 t I t e a . , ""�::e l�� �t:::\.�n,b� �Il!" t:: ..n!:� . ·Importers of Norwegian - - Wheelock Eledric' Co. · · pie, after buln, stndled the quea au Mala D AN ASSETS • .a. _ILIT • ---Cod Liver pn will aee that thoroulfhly, more tlon It.la ratified. ' Reliable Per.c:rIpUoD A youl 1010 by Soh'elc ·Rynnllll Drug"at. i::fltabllllhed IU. : b Tacoma Ave &; 11 SI. Cor. ::: "o::::: �Dr:e::�a:1 :n�::�: . )I.nur.ct·u�:�·:n�a:ale,a �D . EDUCATION, IS AN ASSL"r 1:;. , Tacpma.. Wash. A '""' uvv the pro,ram. Phone ��:;o::l DellYery .... IGN.o�NCE ]S A LiABJ"LITY . Miu Nettle Lanlon apent the . week-end In Seattle IT .IS AS TR�E IN THE SCHOOL .... ... ·:..l ) . : v......-... Uey AS IN COMMERCIAL PURSlJITS . .i'�I. (aol s' Co., upply aw. ·;.k I. (!eat"'. . 1 1 In�.. i! Mr: !l.Dd Ynl�fau",. and Mt:, . Compliment and Mra. . J_ Xa.yler, motored to . 1015 -Pacific Av�, il Hood. Canal Saturda . ,March ,18 :ra,cOrna . Dr�... Char�e8 Ardent Sullor: Madam, . I Implore . .Kodaks aild . . I ..... ....d Natloaal .... �;u,::, �:� m. 10 " I�"'W' . FinishingWebster 8urritt " 11 TACOMA, WMBlNO'I'ON AltracUY"JI Widow: Yoa cab't be . Extra Good F�g� i � No extra � .�nd , �I . �-�"--:��-;-�--..::�,��';�JIl': '�b�1 • 'c::-l . r · -. former I'.

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,AT MUSIC C.II.! I..'CloSf·Es�l1ver. GU�',I''''� H.I�... nU: 'lgk .R BY STU D ENtS Orellon, a me.mber·of the Board of TrusteclI. spokn lit C�apel eller· . fHURS. APR. 30 . ("I�t:. on Wedlleldn)". ,,"prll . l &. The "' . tl\eme of "his ill.llirel!! ....· II! "Sin!! of The. Violin Vocal and Plano De. Onllulon lind ...-o 0 �." lie. pRrhrienls Will Be Represent. IItreue,1 the Importance ohl,llIg lIyell In I\ccordall(,c with. ChrletJall ed. prtnc.lplf'�, thereby letting n good 'A . mulilc recital ""III . be given Thursday cunlng,"Aprll 30. ft 7 ; O� · . m. by the aludente of the" mUllle Purine 1,\llber.an Cullege - epartment ot J>. L.' C. The 'flolln, . utal and pla.no depllrtlnent under ""II I " hR\'C complete charge ,e direCtions of Mlu Vanslo LoctIlrognnl SniurdR)'" eninlng. fler, Mrll. Ph. E. Hauso and Milit 26, :1' the l.uth(,T .LcII8,ie Conve�- . Lillian I.nnd respectholy "III be lion. to be held In Our Savior's Lutheran Churl'h. Tacoma. This The 19 0U1 for the Blg,ald Quale repreflenled. F1nal (rraull! h:,,'e been" hettl. ('on?ention. whlcb 188t for three Medal was held In the college ('hap- The (oJlowln« program ...·iII " bf' PTof. and Mr�. Ph. K Haugll, dlt. dny". Allrll , ::4. 25. And 26. Is the Tucaday. A lrll 7. l given: �t�of the play lind f"laslI ad"ls- tio ns Strong. first one given hy ' the I..uther r-;orse atudents IHl lrl 1clpll t�"""cnt-flve Out of . :\llgnonelle, Dlluman: ()rC�elllra. onl of the grnduatlng dasse8. hn\'e I.entit'll of Routh Puget SOllnt! Clr- thlH number te .. "ere ('dh.osen (or . Vocal 1'rlo, The Woodland SprUe. . ehollen. the. f911o'Wlng characterll: Bal!cbnll pracll ce 1 1111< been eon · ('1111. and eyl'r' effort Is being made A�rdtll: ...kUHRn Lee. Bolvelg n,.D ninl:". Ralph Bever!)'. Polly'lI Guardian. IIhlerabl)' hindered during the PUll! 10 make It 1Hf('ceu. a r�al In· UI�::I�: t�:c�onl� s�::n t�:n�, olr� Anjlt8' Dk . ... t y aPi t L t e a �: DUrlon Kreidler. t .....o \\",:�h be�s,,"e Ihe c��ual ;.� ��:h�: t:�s I�r::;n�� Vocal Solo, '"T",'o noM:ls." �ber. �� �� C. the nellr future. Rald""ln, his 11011. Gcorge Cooper. downfall of rain an.1 the "pr�va. hopcs to get tl; '"The I.ovely �Hnay." J�r".: In touch with .tbe "iOIl lelect�d for Ihe final j'on. l a CHIIOIV 1'he God Plu\'hlll seems to Young people ot the circuit 'and tell! are" "o������a../{���I�'!�.h GI""1l 1l0. 'I R ;�:n: :I :'II��e .-ountaln, Bobm: I a n n t e I L t a n n S e Hjermlltad: PrHtens . 1�le Ir�ne Ollhl. Abe Young. a moncy lender. nlr. ��"\·:3�:� b:tv:�I I�:: rl:I::�l �.:: :�:: ��:�:� �:;�I � .����I� ::: n I� :er � e b rY e t ld lIelectlon. am be by '"{I Sl' are the hi!! · a preclnted effort!! t p n:t: ;:�;:;,..� l:� vldt berellte de:,�:;w�:�'2.\:�IO d ��� lr�e�, H���� '- J: �a�:::'.' a butler. l .rman Carl . !Jnonsebalt """lllra lltll. because piny .on �;��er�� ����I�r�1I ��d,o��:���' flon. Snlve, Whllhelm Krill". �ones. 3. Sleep Sonll, ' A. �elwyn �}.. Olga the dlnmoml hall been IIIIP09Rlbl�. Marcbe Mllttalre, Sbube�t. Stella SamuelllOn; HYldnis, 811'- Har�t; O ladys Thom8ll. Spring "A�allon alllO cut In on the tra. Violin Bolo; Humoreake, DTorak: urd Falketltad. . Polly Perkins. a IIn1311 town girl. practice, nil moat of tile baaeball Openlnl:" Prayer, Rev Erna Helmdab!; Smed�n 01" Bal� Tf'd I�und!n. Ordili. . I a I ment' �pellt tblB p�rlod 'at . their Hymn , Conl.relatlon.' eren, J. H. Weuel. Vo!!al Solo. I� If Happy Fortune. p �::e ��=the wife. Rulh Dull. homH Buli; Fornn SydeM KI!'liter. nounod. 2. . ny the Walen ot MJn- ' Scripture Ileadlng, Arnt Oyen. D. Ruth Hortense, her elder dau lJhter, The lI"t of clllldlthlies turning oth H)'nln, 8JornllOn. netonka. Thurlow 1.leuranoe: AnlJl ConlJrelJatlon. Stella g.,\muelsoll. the different pO.llltlons on tbe "Hnrk, Hark, My'Sou!:' Shelley. �Ullan Lee: 1oIa",,1I Vile, 8. OJ· Dale. Geraldine. her youngl"r ' nine makes the team'A prOllpecta Cbo.:u, Plano So'I �: ' Rondo CaprlcclollO, and Itev. T. O. SYRre, Barl. ornaoD. :Martha HjeMnatad verr goofil.. . Ole Senold .1l�d Art lone. Martha f!jermltad: Jull!llfien. H. Mendel"'ohn: Palma Helmdabl. I w.; 1\r�. Herbert Feather·Stone. , Wenl<"n ar.: conlpetlng tor the berth Plano ergeland. W Vocal. I . The Rain Sini. Brown· Solo, Rondo Caprlcc\ollo. the "400" Ellther Sydo"l\·. Sid r thur o as Gla Ed catcher. A. Vaa. Elde: Nina Welhaven. Dyre ; lll lIfc ell. 2. A Little Pink ROlle. Carrie Palma Helmdahl. I " A snd Ole Sei'l'old bave bl:!en warming Dlldel8aobn. uet. "Jelull tb.e Very Thousht of Olga ElllngLWn: Fa�dreland Sang. Jacoba Dond. 3. RoblD Bonl, LJonel I up for the mO"Und 'pollilion which Thee." B. Djronlon. . ' C. A. Curtl:l: LIllian Lee. ri Anga Harry Dale d MlslI a . IIhould be ".. ell cared .for between Bannerud. BirgeI' Nelson: Fanltullen. Jor� Duet. I would That· M,. · 1.oY8. Min Rembrandt. thc!e three. The IIhort8top will Addrellll: "Tbe Call for Christian MoO. Mendelallohn� RynD!DI and Ruth Riyenes. probnhlr be held dow,� by either Leaden," Jo'rlendH or tbe IIchool bave prom- Nettle Lanon. BoIYelg ( MIIIII Ruth Matlon. hair 1\1\1111 BU\lhn611. Sid Glas80 or Ecf Arthur 'When they "Abide Wllh Me." Ash'tord, Cho- lsed to donate " 60.0 0 to be IJIYen Violin. In.R�Dduft, Gua. Luella Svlntb. lire not In the p�cher's mound. Joe rUII nnd Min Solvelg Rynnlng. 8010- out· In prlze8 at the final conteat. tal' !"r Swedeb : H"ry. BPriDce annerod. Pudgy. "'ommy'� stllter ,. Glasso an d -�:n ne� rlvln to t e b te 0 . D I. n M . lilt. A · . Ordal. capture the t al:" \ . ... l� �on. :een 8010 : "Oh. Muter Let Me Talk !�arl.a,� :: t�: :!�:at :0 �o�� t �: ·.t•••v""' H ., . "R.,'. ' '"""' . .. ".,.n. •,T.· o-:-Bii .� '! rivalry ror lI�ond promlll In 8U�b Wltb : .W.Coneert final 01 aoon the promlaee are ....Z: Plano. Etude,- Mari�l: . candldate8 Pete Dor tb, Art Lee. Thee," Oley Speak••. ' Lillian . materially realized. . Particulars will Sipe REV, SCHOELER. TALKS Wenen, Hjermlltad: :!. Ed Deck and RU"d. ON "EVOLUTION" Ion. Third forlhcomlnlJ _In._ the ....ne:a:t ,luu Addre8IJ: "The R'ice for 881.-0- bote the bue 18 belDg · Morrlnl M�";' e George Cooper. ' ElllnClIOn, Carl tlon" Rev. SclIoeler of Aurora. OreJOn for _by LawrenceNyman. "LIJt Up Your Heada,l.! Ashford. The Ugbt Chor{is Bill gave a lecture on· ",E,oluUon" Sun- Coltum and and Solo. Mill Rynnlns. DAvID LMNGST.O . S Alumni day April 1 9, IbJh8 P. L. C. cbapel. for outrield pO.l!! Ibow . as much Hymn, CongrelJation. TITLE OF ADORE S �---�------' DenediJ:t1on, Pre.. O. J. Ordal. �e said tbat ""'e must meet tbe �::I��tJ t �or� a:u�::n;n f��� ��e ' nr evolutlonal!! on theJr own . I Herbert TI;tjet.... Morrill .. o....ld LI..lnpton," wu tbe lub- Th��p�n :�e O:g-::u!.�:r lIlil: :::� Man,. acce�t evolution as a settled field. and Quam. Lyman ject of an addre •• elveD ·b,. Henrx ler,. . ..J. -htnl. To be !'eally true, .evolutlon ness SCHOOL-CALENDAR Wa ter Frencb and Ganlck l t b l n I nf m mu�t, aocount for four tblngs: tbe tor center. The rllJbt field �!� ·:�I��/·;::::::�/\Jen�n:' " en�: .;. � �� :�,: lI�� :�IC�:{ld� o ln I r n � Frida),. April z.& are Art Knutwn, Alo't' P: L. C. DebaUnlJ S?clety meete David Llvhfgllton, It ...u 'at.ttid, cir Be.ttle were: peatIJ at the borne �I�e� t:! �r�g�: :� S:�e��e: :!� t:! anta an o ","a born In Seo,tI"Qd, At tbe alJe of Prot. and Mn. RIDptad during orl�ln of man. ' at 7 : 00 p. m. � °1�t b�V:� tbat better of 21 yeara be went to Soutb Aftl· tbe .Euter bollday Saturday. April Z5 ReY. fkboeler lectured SUDday on ,..111t preyall ao tbat practIce O H I rn f u r r tbe orillD of Ute. !IIa" tbcorlea be · carried on and tbe lint Od dll. ��:e�Z, ��edae:!:II:o �::! L. J(� !:u�:� :. ::::hl:; �: t:: ;:� =: P:� n: �ln� p��a�� �::�be orilin for e a the advanced b ve be n Coach ' Rlnsatad la plu Lutb9r Leasue Convention at a IItranse Influ�ee o..er tbe n�tlvetl B(>JllnICbam l Normal Scha;ol. He will ot lIfu. Wells bellevea In Unitarian sel�ted. for several ,oU atlDI lamel �",:, succee•e• In ap ., � th � goa- aI teaeh . t.ere durI DI th e suma,,, hypotbeelll tbat tbe lawl of tbe uDI- plana. to line ' up tbe fint ODe . Our Bavlon Cbur:eb, on 17th 'and J pel , love. of mer 118l1lon. : Tacoma, at 7:30 p. m. . P vene hive al,...y. been tbe sa�e. aoon "eather permit.. ln ac I t --,--__ D I at 'Ve b.ye- found that wtJ.erever tbere . L.��I�� :!:y�eeta at �1�:: a�:s!,..: �be :e P ��:: ·.!� at ;� ��1�V!l ����� ;';s ae �:�:'�; II "te It Cflme from a:ntecedent EXCHANGES :� ' v ta:ade . al carried on .at· tb�t �:s .w�� ra Bullan announced tbat be. b.d _::�e� l :el� �7;-!';:; In�;:U"�'::: covered tbe origin of A plano solo...b,. CODlltaDce Blrk- Frall'ililn Hlgb SchOOl,. 'Beattie. AprU 80 �:� '1�;::er�l:p��:e:rll:lt:r�t . of(erell 10 .tbe IItudent.a a� tbe Unl� Recital'J'huMJday. by tbe IItudenta of violin. land, aDd a readlDC .by Ma�J . her· Prof. Bar.don former p, �. A. . . but venlty . of California during . Yolce and plano teaeber, I.·tb� Prinelpal of a "ICb son eompleted tbe. prolr,;am. at 1":00 p. m. lancou. life' on tbe �ean bottom aummer lIeulqn.-Spokane Cc.lleee . Frtlla.y. MAy 1 Scbool In Bellln�.�. : tbb baa lateT �eD. dllPrOl'ea, �ho. . . _ Tbe _ Tbe!lpian LJX.rar,..Drama�l� S'l11 . DENT-ALUMNI . Protoplum 18 tbe unit of life. ta'at 7:00 p. m. . ... . . . Pl.. CNIC. MAY 23 moYer!" Son: "Wbere I. the paint reo Protoplasm bas 'tbe AQ,..er to ebRDge A;ter c�apel on Friday, Marcb .20. SocletY .Frida,., · . y . l'la US anytb'DI into lUe ,..blch- toucbes It. prOf;. Kvaale , ....b�, b . prlnelpal of . Tbe' Se�ior PI.y wut be IJlven In The ann al atudent and A,lumnl Mother: "Wb;;, wbal. do� ,.011 ,..aDt . Ma,. %3. AIumDI. It tor! In IIplie of tbe fact tbat tbe Folil:ebolllkole In So�e, Nor- the collece IYmnulum� 8:00 p. m. po Dle ...11I . be beld . . the lime, . br�ulht lTeetlD � �o tbe .•tu.· toplum 1lI al....)'a trlends are co.r.dlall1 Bon: "Slater ....anta IOmlrtblD&:" to • •tu Dta . 8&tarday. May .'" aDd f.cult,. ot �utber College. . Tbe Benlor " p'rotoplum or�an ape will o."ly oat n'lt to ueeed '1.00 ,.. a ', h ��r face "ltb. --... 111 be �ven In PI.y ro""" Do 'ducfi· aD ape .and· o!ltalde . I-,-<:OU.,.. Cblp.. · . NormanDa H.ll. Taeom., at 8:00 p. per peraon. Tlle· putt will Ie.... . � �banl! It.. J'OP' Boat at )tfotb�r: Hou�. � Tacom. "'Yil. from dear, 'our ·tather . · preceded Ufe dmlt a to ' s.tuday. JrIIiy .. 1.0 00 a m ETer,.oDe'. wbo I. ,-In- .nd I.tlnt met at a dance nae: Eneyclopect.ia .Br!t.antca terellted ID coin&:" aloPC ,will pleue Boy. Ob, tb.t ,• •h.y h'. atwa,.. Alumni d p. L. C. student plenlc: The party .1I�leaYe Fou Dotlfy Pr.ot. O� J tueD, Parkland, �Inl Ifle to keep away from , ::�:I� �:: .::: �:�':;.. ��D.ce b:dl Wub �fore: lIay. If. boit Jioue' at 1�.:00 ·a. m. . time qo. But linin �I. can �
























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" . . ' , oo . ' stUN . T NIGHT a . NO . MAS T T HE .· .. ;;... � � : ; . . �t· 4 K 14":' WElL

..;. •• . '""'.. . '0 be ....,...... .". or hI.b "booi ".'0" ; "ot b••aatu�. .erioul Money apPrOprlatlOn,_ lopbomorel: third, coll�«e frelhme�. I lut penn accounted for to the Refr;.bmentl were Illned ·ahE'r W&1'.-... . ��htt . "iSfUaitilT ',:"'''"Pllblllh,ed ntlr,. two .eeh durin, the, lcbool yeat-b-,."lh" en��le tim hotlstr-a-ttifli••__attu.jik... ..."';. tbe�t...... anoi � or rPaetric Lutheran �Ollele. p�rkl.nd. "'..bln,ton. "'d 11'� � .. p o: � w e b t or re b�lIdl.ni C. L. P. WITH PUBLI\)1 i�� carried unla,lmoully without pened about 11 p. m. The: procaooR r"om ttli pro,hm 1111 be -u led ro r . . -=-K"='"' . dl&euulon. '. l The Judges Gale First Place to e Intention . A .drlll In renned' ,;multlca tile Moorlnl" Malt. la/ltTbIl.Ine . ' " . the High St' OI Seniors. Sec. the or _the ma.ke to belo, college ��IlIb.man tbe g a by Snblal"rlon. one dol lar per yea� hen l ""' . Sophomores. ge Coil to ond . eztra thl' ar rtor Y. and r e p Application f�r. entraoee as 2nd c]ln m..tte� now pen.dl.ng Eaeh member bad . on , a pa , from theI� rke College FTesh. -claMi. Third rIQu!!. .. contalnlnl-plcturel hla or part baek oto.e ol filled mask I!!ntered all second daslI mat er, October �9. 1924. at the POlt officI and l men'" " . actiyltlel. at ·Park]and. Washlng;ton. under the Act o.t March 3. 1879. Ichool march o� tlmEl \. heatl. To the , , uP " ylttroll tbe cllll Thankl ar.!. due. to George COOller Palma Helmdahl An ' exe�dlngly ,.. ell prel�Dled Ind playedthrough. Edltor-In-Chlef be YI��OUI �aneu1'l!r!l Mnd, Lyman CI.rlson for their unt !rDurtpn Kreidler entertalnln« IItunt prOgram WII' Ily. �eol mllltary. "anaklng. Editor rill. Th&-..ma.tt,kI rep- log effortl 10 . mlkhi" the' StU!H en hy the I�. J.... . C: IItudenll. ·" n of ... 'REPORTERS l Genera] New, plctlJrEt Night I IUCCesa. . . college ltfD"\rulunl\ on Friday. r��ntetl' a :,.cryW ludicroul M ;rth� t�;er�:t�� .the - --.--while the c1asa AI �!ng throueJl . , LIllian Lee AIlrll . 17. Ea('h c1uII,e In the hl�r""h the Parkland Locals drill. bwlnl to the fact that .ttauee:· Why lire YOU "I.aflll II\I!' trene Dahl �cho�1 and coU"s-e dep rtment8. p P.ar\:land Lorala . ' the partlclpatora lurned tflelr backll t clfln! to ��fl���Z:: lon' ... �et;:l s���� dueed a stunt.. c d l n I, ,hRY� I n U n r l e · to h - Slg c I �������� re\:��II!�1 5th� (Jfn�::::�� � �\ l�ll:;� ;:: ello���:: :�Phomor;.e1 presented p�� �nD�:; ::/�e:e�_ s �1�II� nl :�A]yar Deck Irel IIholO'. A_ me nber Hllug�: Whflt hal' thRt to do with Athletln of t� clan .Norw�8Ian wedding proceliloo. r . groom lind the blrde Wlllt III It! Geo. E . Cooper 'save II "oeal solo IIi . th� openlng The Uulilnel58 Manaser by Sid: Why It allYII. "School Ahend: Mabel heflloo nUlllb�'r- lor the frosh . After the lhe foreground cloaely followed �'1nanclal._ Seeretary e O I ne s I :��:�'��sder;�� . :.Ph"oOI �I�!(�e����:el� ��;: I:�:r::�l�;�: :��aeO.�fe: ���w�:�� : e:��:; �n� I "� ��::����n� �:�:!!� O "" S 'O"." "'";;;;:;..;;;; . ;;;; ;; .... ;; ��� . by rl!. scene N tho 8Ullg behind was , eompany enterlalned II1lnllltrel the ' Thorson L. 0. fo�ac:.l ltJ' Adyillor Philip E �auge be �ore the cu rl aln Spri ng­ nnmber of quaint negro NOTICE- e' do not discontinue ads. . except' by order of Uie ad- by Falaed. Dllrlp, the IIhllll: lol of vert!lerB, Ord a nlay be sent In by collector or by mall. Addreaa": l li g�II' !\'ext one of tht' gronll sang waa aweaten The Mooring M t. Parkland Wasb , a ong nccompon'lcd ,In the chorl)!; the next "erse Ihe proce8Blo� reo n o h t e . ::11: 1�I':n / � SEI�F.C.ON FlDE�CE . . . . ,- �e ct �! �a: :��� ; ::�ed:�:!i 1::tf:I�; �:� �:c:��:��1�8 o:I�:r �o���I�. :��:�i . .. \\, I,�' do su � �y thll;t }Hn:� to :� ppcar 1.11 p�lhhl' fall whe,lI, "i"ter�. 'l\'ho were, 10 len"e the IIho",:'. trees. and rockl rn�do In III t.he new oolorll I.od It)'letI for II , . SI111'pI� ·for tI�l� r(usOI� Ihut Ihc� The S'O II iOOI ores thtrc IS Il�Cc�lt) 1ns8 room Ilion "ery beaullful and r Illilllle, c �lII�'e nol ctlllfulcn.cc cnuugh III. t1ll'lr OWI.I ."!ullly . . I� IS Irue Ihul SCCII"f) :11 the col-lf.'ge. The SU bJect' Entertainment bet.""'ecn IItlintll had . , It IS nol proper, In es�eem olle s own ulHhllt�s 100 highly. liut a WIIS Worlll llistory, ACcord�g to also !)eeil »rovldt'd foi'�by the CO fll- DaVIs M en 'S S�l OP mUll ough! 10 flll� Otl� til SOI�le extent whut he ('�It do. t�nd Ihe.1l Ihe IreQ,l,l of the rce\t:ltlon the In- , millee ]n charge, Mabe] h�erson pre, ll he IS h(' erlu IS l SO OI much III hllnself tIs I e � l w k !" 00 per cenl 'so·nled "Y':l� nie Yensen In ' OOllslp;' 91<1 Puc. I.} Ave, . JUs Tacoma 1 ne . :::�k I� ���I���� ) \ than !hC b'lg�ltest 11 U1111. :'I.IIl;h a, lct ure of our"' VCij [IS. othc "' I Tlll,lre arl' 1I'la'n'\, Jl('rsoll:ol� I-lI'('aliv, gifit-'ti and \�'ltn. when 1101' l1I�re n us. A voc� ,(ue, WA.tI 1,ven bY �tres!I WIIS I) !ICC U d Il nvent O It S. p =� = , = = O r In t I�(,Ir dl�;'ovcrle!!.. ,�OI'erlllllenlQI , "Ualrs Palma Helmdahl and Rulh RI,.eneFls, ::,== ==::: " .. pru\'(' Ih('tIl�{' Ivcs stlp('r" nware tlml .I1ley art' waleIIt'd � ' f('lI(lw-I1I('I1 BUI rts soun .Hs l l,!SY know Iha l a ny Ot iC IS luoklllg :lIld -1111.'11 , I II Ilccordllnce with "That I!I.Georgl�." Lillian Lee sall"g . THE CUABOOK S, RO·SEENB GRG VCftANGE at th£,�I1l. th£'y b{,C'ollle... �IlIt. rt'ly Iwlpl{'s.'i: I<lIch informallon the world'!!. great- the "slI"J!etrl"al story ever lold." Mnr- Dookll. s o e!�i tb SOCial ". . : 1 he re�Sl)ll for thiS IS: nn une hkt·s Ill. he I<lu�hetl _al or est ,dentist 18 an Instructor at he Ih_ HJcrmlllad [lnd Mar!e d'ardlln !:� � n:l� . ' rHhculed, 1 here�ore �hllS(' Ihul. II:£' nol l·ol1.ful('n.1 . thul they ure college Fountain �eDs and Penclla . Cleopatra 19 In our very ' presented drill entitled " Chlnese Main 3049 9 1 3 Pacific Aye, n,l a�lers of I'he sllual.lon arc ufnlltl t1\('y Will f,1I1 nml fenr Ihe millon. IllId Sir Walter Halelgh hlnd- Girls," All the mU81c was furnilihed T om b. ; ndlcule. of litt' muss If the'hshould .tlo so. ..:; ..;. w ..;. . ;.: ..;. -'" _ . .... .Orcheslra. Cnrlsonlon the· by D�who at eolony Engllllh his w]lh. cd . .� Tilts thot . pOSSt' ��'s ,,htlm enllrely. and .llIkes away their Iroll loUI lat('r slliled do'w.n to Pe�lI� gencro,us])' lent their arllstry to the prc�llc(, nf Illlllt!. 1he),. fe�1 Ihal {'\'ery eye IS upon Ihem .(Hltl s)'II ---. -,r--pertormanees. ,ht0 of 'alnll1, At Ih(' do"e of the per-r-ucces!I )I r I n S n( th od t.he clUI<S was dhlllliliseti al.Le1' The Judges appOinted to decide \Ve offer best rate.! for ) S:�n� (;��:IC( ::� l��):� �\'ilh s. d f.confidl'lin' and Ihis goes ,: lr:cC!vllIg 8 merlt of the alunts rendered IOllg way towards covering up Iheir--- deficiencies in olhel' re- I " . chapIN;;.tho . slIIall all�lglUllent of the �lIelr decillion as followlI: firtH place. Scandint!yioll checks, CO\!SIK'c1s. In nil clllcrgcnl'ies Iliesl' seem us collected llnd' cool as A ehlsl< : cel1e from. a COUll- t· pons or currency. and can ...... .... .... . .. ... ......... .. .. though they. \\'l'rc standing tin a r('frigcrulor; hut ifI Ihe end Ir� choo] as � presented iJy the � ....P. C.....Paulson, p.r ea. &: M«r. : those Ihal hv nnturl' htck self-<'onfir!('!H'l' \vill hv- p('rser\'crullce C. L, P ulson. Treas, ' � sen drafls on . nil import, high school juniors. The . 8chool � make \tl) wh"at nalure has rcfuSt'd Ihem, was "js[lo,[ by.Ja member. of the � , 'Inc. � nnt Iwints in th� SC(lndin· A lCrsoll ollgl,.1 ,nnl �i\"C �IP I}("l'.a ust I�e is al first lIut bonn] orB. C�nlle(I Ue nI IY Ih� � ThoPaulsons alih!,toI have confa1( llcc 1 1 1 IllS own . O)lIIl1UI!S Yilt! puw".rs . lItudent.0: dl��ect, Store lor Thrift)' 'I'eople � ' oyian countries, eXlleCled to sho", e c � ; Come and Soo tIll � , \\'llh olld sclf-confltlellC'e huve lu ou�ht h(' thnt Ire s He must he l go.od heha\'lor. However. lhelr mon- � M. �2 U30-3R Broad...a,. j some experience. self",,·flilfidell(.'(' will appear in limC'. ' .' .. ;' ' ' ' . . .. '....: but ap.�ro- ··'...... �.. The Bank of CalifOrnia, Bt,lt nne Inay huv(' 100. Inudl or-this q uality and h('l ie\'e tuo lIe�s were . el''lr)'lhlnlC I . te I li t l i ll l i i -., ..� -. 'D" O.... H N. A. �,r�::� Ih�O dl�:�to: :I�:�����;:P:���!� t-O.�p-' I H' ·.... S D E � t !?t,l��. ��\l� ����'ic�t�:, l(�. d;;���· \ I :� f:';��' it��� g l�::� }�!����ll�('�lt able p IlI\aLI\l1 errors In his shorf speech. AfS . )nfidence �dr-(' way. l'OI)Ceit and scif-confitiencr'; hut in �ell('rol ( ler few gamell had been plated A. J. SATHER. Prop. 11th & Broadwayutlracls. while sclfc..conceit is quile repugnant . ' Th(' sclf-t'onc('i1ed SHOE REPAIRING lire usuully if(noront while Ihe S(tlf-confilll'ni ha w IIrri n'd III by-'" the IlU P.us the class was dlsPA.ql: J






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·e'_ Ihl'ir slale Ihrough..�rs(,r\_ ' ,_lr��I��tul e"pcricnce , , lltl_"_ facu lty meeting The mlnules from the U R S TEP \VATCH YO meeting were read and apof previous Youlh is ulway� illlpulsin> . Thin�s- art' done Oil Iltl' spur S('. pro\·ed. after some ridlculoua cortil(' lilOltll'lll. with no Sl'rinus Ihought of lite ' prohable con ·re ct lolls had been made. D l\rlng q.llellces. MUll\' in'noccnt I>ranks ilia\, I{t' plu"ed by voung slud- th meeting JUS_lice ",:as �·lItS. !Jul is there hoi u danger lliot s;ntle' 'l' \l-be ('urried 100 fur� Et.., business out -to all orfenders. In meeled viollllipns all proper COIl- spite of the 'rltcy mllSf no longer he jokes. hul . fact, that some !llllttetl duel instinctively you haw set for yourself (erl' ill stu�dards lIy t i m l 'i h I ::> :f,�S::°,�l::l'�,i�,;,�,;,� I�o ���I ,�:", (�r"����� ";�Iil/�nl �� ��'i��: California Florists whieh violates til(' rights uf individuals about you, and ell- Cut Flowe;s :. Polled Plants danger� private. or public. properly is 110 loilger an object of Floral Decorations jest. It is. a blot on yotlr -dHiract£'r, degrading mark against 907 Paelflc Aye Tacoma you, Therefore. lei your conduct in anti nbout lhe SChOO" t1 ded by les i prin \ l �hnl p c � � � � � � �� � I.' : �� � : l� I ���::t���:�o \�� \�'����v (:f �::i�P'���;-The Augu,'ana Mi"o, Carlyle Cafeteria

piiiiiiii iX iiii iii iiii iX iliii i iiiiiiii i iiii iX iiii i :1iX





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..,... •• . Headq uarters for Teacbera and· .... . W<: C.' BELL & sON8'\:o. 1 "Uow dllre rou come h9me so Bobbin: Whyfore? . tu Bob: I wanna ,.,··rlte my girl , l l t lO-12 ' Pacific Ave. lale? i' T..... · �.. ..... � . �:lIege. Paclf�c �:�:er:� note. Tacoma" Wash. I 917 Pacific AtIt.. Tacoma "Why my de�r. l I ' s not anywhere near so late tonlgot as It was last First Ac;:tre8a: When I came out . l ========= I · == night 3� this tl lj,.e." · � = ��� =·�=::::�1 the audience limply sat tbere open- ': II lt cle\"t'r or a hen to lay mO��:�d ' 611 YOUR 'CREPlT IS GOOD ' sanitary Barber S Actr 8: Oh. n nsenlle, 311· · !�:;: . the most clever they never yawn all at once, (' ' ��.: :::s�.� .. th ��� : un er TItealr.e Kno.....lng what everybody ela( ClFIC AVENUE AT 15' h& TRE ' NINE CHAIRS Voice from tbe Synagogue: "I th lnka about us �akes life more ' PROMM' SERVICE .t tnlerestln�; 'not knowing' �akes . . \'anl It some peppeb," . . . ' . et life. mo:e eDj�yabl�,--- � - . �A�I�S�:t�.f':BING . a k" pe:u:� . y::h:����::� , �:�e:�: BOD' ',YOU·,. ",.. . . . PARKLAND · MER.CANTILE, CO. . MAI!IICURING EX PERT 91". , . . �� F�:��h.: : "I �ant It' lOme writ· ;�('��: '::��!"I ' blre� you. you FOR YOUR GENERAL ·W.ANTS· · H. J. Conrad, Pr:op. ���" me you w.er! a collece cradu. and -' , A de ' brou�b bll motbe� . ' Clerk: ··And :".bat makel you I , , the... college and wll$I!Ib .01l1nl b.er tb..Ink 1 am not!" Parkland Barbep.' L HMANN'S' , lbont. .Tbe dear old la.dY �wu an- . Boh: "I Juat onrbeard you tell . . . "'Shop � . :lloUI to rfUe ber b�Y tblnk Ibe BroW"D, ,here) that 1 knew aiore . �or Your , and un ��::O��:;:� I - , � �:�er. said' the about �Ia:tiualn...:thao )'.QlI dl.d.'; " 'ORY N.O'pQNS, SHOEs, RualiE!iS . . .,. , Confectionary . .--.� .. n . tlelda". pol� won4er:fnl our are ahn. ', ' ART GOoDS ' "Ah". sl'bed the 014 .ady. .. hat CONN SAXOPHONES · . t$ d er.-N� ... ManagemOllt ' ·flelc1s and e 'l'!.t· o ''' la tb-ere tliat Is aleer tban Wdrla�i ...... . . ":�.IDtlt., t - .t."'••. in or ,';",�(,po,� . .' "Two Slo;'" N.�wiit c... Ce. But A sui� . Tholigbl" ' Sam Ho�fman . Parklaad 'T,0 S:e�. �ticien. i1 . 1'l5� Broail..,�. i.. .y. "-'. , Bob: ' Gi"mme' a sbeet tit mftle . -... �pel':- �I!I ya!. .,-_ · __-'� I "_____"",,-iiIII!�,,:·�-->fl. -'" . . ' �' . . .


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on a .Ipubllc oeealion we "cboolll ..."."",�,"" admit thai there mUllt be of It . Daniel Weblter on'ce l'Illld: ,;It ' lIeem" a� If the ..Jl.. ltopllt wlInt 'no order toda,. , "hene"er we let! tbat an, orlanl:a­ Whell a thlp II in a ' storm the tlon tr;' lul to 'Irohlblt the pro· captain takea the chan to- find' out II:rellll of the pubil(' IIchools then It where hf' III a�d then he takell the Ollt bu"lne," and dut, to'step In and Arui OYf':1. Ponillbo, W�hlnI'IOn; romp8J$..s and' te'ers accordingly." to It that our free ' In8tltutlonll , E'ina lIelmdahl, Palma 'Helmdahl, So, frleudll, let 1.111 take tho chart, Otto Lef', Mabel hi"rllon. bert Kr8:J' the c!:lltaln ot that ship, n nll b, an, kind of circum!ltance, or per· . l-:dr;nr UOnlOql, Fir, WuhlngNtn" "�Ide,' St.n .....ood. WaBh,. :lnd the go"eflHllent offlclab deter· stndr It IIl1d find out .'here .,e are. 80nal billS" but that the, can '-ork. In the PL'I(. So. dear. CO��13UC(, Ulrklaud, McKennl. mined ,the II:lnd or education the)' Ur- tbe tlrst place thl.; our public at thei ha"e �houhJ red!h'e. TIII';y did not Iler- schools fire fnlfllilng a very Import- frlends. ......e Slana for liberty for tbe Wallh,: �lIss Mar)" JacobBOb,. Henry it'"t{ q.�Ut,. � mil the homl.", so. to IInY, to ....ne ant mlui6n. do IIOt gel the Idea that Il\dlT\dllal, for Ihe � " munlty for Klel,' !-'erndale, ""alh,; Arthur JETLAND & PALAGRuTl !II;)' influencil to speak t)f. o\'er the U lere is ;any 11I1t8gonilim 81:alnlllo the Ihe Chrhllian. and for tbe nonchrlll- Ilnuh'lck, Ballard, '\'uh,: Tedd, C.om lete Li ne I h · "rl�l;at!:�n��::e f:hrnd��:, Ihrlstlan �:�::;.e :�:oo�:- th:� C;��lreDnre �:�: :�a:I :;:�o;u:ht:I:���:;! :; ��� ��s:�����/�:���� ��'�I'I��;���l� ���%� :;�'�'Vc.!�m�� {'hutch to ha\'e 1111 eyes o��ned 10 enough. I:rIIl!lIaled from the ("Ighth the nellt M ig we "8nt to 1:Iee KNit,I ',"ash. 9] ! Pac. �T". TAcoma.w.ih. 11.(' /",lI.lue of Ihe CI t" t,at boyt grade of Ihe publt:: flrhoo1 . 1;lId I I atblsm tha A l '� fhrIStlnn8 have as one I Harry_Sullnerlld ....orked . at. Ihe HfflI girls urI! the �: ' of God, Ihe think th:lt �houl(l, "rove thai we lire I i of li fe lIonlethhlK m re Ihall Thurston CUUII I), Lumber. Co., ,neflr r r i e acatlon , a t e I t �t o fI l IC o tl�tt�t ��SI:I;�� bl�;I.;:i� r:IIICII��g lIl��::: �h: (��:s l ��� n;:�l: l';latU�� � �;II�:: : ��g�;: �II:lo �:�' i:�� ;; :\ ;�e w:rd� �h:��� esvec- II\ IIS "hould bl) lIatillftetl ,un" reilt j and geogrull h�\ The air .or- Iife at·· IryllJg to IIpcak 10 day, I 17:19 vlllltin/( ut the rally proper And ti lting that we' may with that. For in1:ltAllce we have the ro rding t o the Ilian of <;od . 111 some- hotna at Qlympill. J -----he able to emph'lI l1lze and u!ldenll�ore opportunity of sentl!ng our chlldrell l thing \'II)1tly blgger·greater� I o t c s l ln I l b 8 "DarUII�" he crlad, " M"·""""·II ����::I �:; :.�I1(�I;;��l ?�o : ��!�l� i ��e �� ���� ��� :��:���::� :; ��: I :�n �;I�(.t:�t��::; I:ll� nc ��Z:�u�:t::� Ihill. I r('nllz(' I n lCpeaklng on suh· I�ubl�c Ichools, but 811 ,Chrllllian lIeo' which ultmly lind e_lItlrely. excludes j,'ci (Ienllng with �tnte educatlon'ulIll tIle, we bel ieve tbllt a,Chrlllllau edu . rf'lIglon. While he trIes to do hl� calion fo! our cllildren 1.'1 necessary" dU I)' I�'a rds God, nnd 'the instltu· fortune:' IIhe whl�l1ered. Chrl�Uari ("dul:l1llon of our The publi,', IIChoolll In thlll lind other tlon " tha i God hn" gh'ell U8. UUI ."No . but It wll! look 1.3rger be. IIlales . nec('s"lIrllr. du not lellch rell: d u!)' as citizen he has his other sld� thost' tiny feet." I)ermit m(l then to lIay at . lo:i011 , t�n(,!('r th� constitUllon of thl! \\ 'hY III thl " Irue: tbn f�lhe church a"� Ite won h�r, Ihal In IIpl'aklllg of Ihe . tlic-y are not ermlt- , ,e are separate(, . JeIIUS lIa , (, '" _ . gil'en In our polillc �chool!<. alld I Uilited .,tutCII ngl I l olll Is II�I of thl!:l world to do' so. ', W � bt:llel'" (l w \ NI "' :\1:11': JAck y "i'oIf col,)lparlllg It to that liven In our I n "tlerl . . b, tw1 men. : held p Inst nlsht chrl�tllln l'Ilurc'h -we do so: not In for our�f'h'es; do we not also be· The future of our country tod3-Y antajl;ontilm 10 either olle: but to l Ie\'e In liberty for the other fel- rellts 011 he christian Instruction <If Fay; \\�ere! ' " I<lre�s the dllty of the parent 10 the low ! "'e belle\'e that "'e lire t!u' our chlldr('lI. It would be much "'II�n the ""11' home. .' "" religloull trnlnln,; of Ihelr ('hlldreo. thled to ('njor IIherly 1l0IiUl'ull)" li nd ,l '" It'r hum:tlily KpeaklnJ:. 10 be some· ane� . This dllt, hllll llOI' tleen plnced upon J reJi�lousl�·. I b l e"e there Is lIuch t. , ul: e,�e thAn 10 be !t Chrlllilan. I'rot.: What happened 1 8 5 4 . . UI; by any o, ;'t human Indlyldual.I :1 thing as equality for nil, and be- I Do rou , knol!-' It wOllld be \'al1t1y Stude.: J- don't know, 81r. bllt by Jellll ll. the blessed It"cdeemer.j ll l'd ng ..'hal you ..'III, under the COli: callier 1 0 be 1111 A\'OWe" i?fld�l? Just PrOf,: 'Veil, where shotlld you P..... :nld tbe t(,llt I h:II'c chlll1en today ill I Kl itution of IllC t:nitec) StateK you lhink I' ...(' ('ould brazenly face Ihe to when you \Vllnt to fine a date! atll'l'lIHINIt "AN� . .. ..M..... ... ... . u,,_.................. , Stlls.le.: To t� e IILJrary. '�\'Iden<:c enough thnt Jellull expects I urI' entltl('d to life, 1It1('rly :lnd the wurld :Inc! IIlI r; Jllst so � get tbe .. alld get satillfaction Ibnt Is . . . .. . .. .. .."err Chrlfilian an lint! women old pursuit of, hltppllll'111:1. LJe protect· money "t\ough to Un\T'c" arid, to go ..... It I'd lu I h. !lllllntenn�l("e and 'e3ch�llg my rel ig ion: th�t Is my, pr�gra�; "Her('� Whnl do )"01.1 mean by l ................___..._'1 1 ::' fe a I e k ' t fr m � IJrompt DeliTer, ::�u�o;::;!I:��:��U�otfll���'O��1I t�:lfll��: I ��U:� 1:1:Ic-:��I;,n:lr�:�::� :::� :��\:���� ���I�� :� j�� C����l���:: f���y cents ���mg���;:h t: sO�:t��, t:\.e�:�lI be 1I0methlllg . of ",!lie and 1 m trylnt to ralS6 Phone Main 6 0 . � nd constitution of Ihe United State�. l l ha t real lr Irr H ntl at fi ll tlmell preaching the dough,'" The publl� sc ho oljl, are for one lind seek t? )f'u\'e behind !lomethlng who Huffereci and died 011 the , ld money a They of . pilf' n g or lillie erectf'(! rH been ot i l hav,c or f iL IIlns, their fronl peoille !fa\�c the Our coo liver oil ill _81I th r t t �����n.fresh and sweet as �e�}llI e r �n�� ;:h:e:I:':III���:;:"'�:!�ci:S� A .mln �:r�,!� na<l" ��! :�I���S,S :�d ��; :t hl)�;8�::�:, O u�h�o:'a��;;�C;;1t'� t I���� : ��(\:;;'I . �:� �:!I :�V:�I�I' t O e a I l t t l t s t e re ':��ij�r::� �: �n ' r��i a:c:�� :'7t : �:� �:�I::e:C:;:I: n;I(�� iI� ��. ':�:� :�: l� : ���(� :: ��e IiC hrlllt7a� Larsen Pharm acy . teach fln),Ihlng th·at ..... 11I 111 all Y The liuly rltl:enijhlp I\'e must ne\'er Dankera ;:hroll.:! �:��; �r�� n<l floor Chrl!itlan chllrch nnd fl,!)... Cbrlstlan nOI S. T. LARSEN; Prop, way favor one fallh above the other. I ghlrk - but the bellt Christian III the . il program. . . S -W A elll citlzp.n� So In c!olllng.)ust Ihls Tacoma l l OS SO, K St. I ha\'e an t:dilOrlal taken a few It Is not necellllllry' lind 110 10llg ali i hfacl. r thll !.I rll ago from one of the I�rl'e the public school !:ItD)''' ..... lthln Itt : ' w� know Chrilltianity hall r h of e e: ::I:ga��:\�I�_;� l�n� :� :;:��(' l'����1 H:I;:ee�S. i:!:���i�tlo:� a:s�:::��:��ecent�i t��:� �::C�� the teucher!> In our �C ChOOlt I lhe Chrlsllnn schools from the "estlgate defeclli 111 cf.lmlnal law In and F";';'k J. public Institutlollll a e 10)&l l1mllll SundAY IIchool to our Ihls country Its chntrman made cerI 10 the stAle Jau!I and COIIII lutlon parochial school and. he tttin recoOiOIelldatlona the ll.!!..!Iocla- and lleg-a lIucceeded have r co the perforlll wor tbat �all, the recognl:e -i to them lion urging to do-then .....e haTtI lIevillfl; IIludent comes pur !'erlousnei'ls of conditions fou d ' hey are hired P.rt,.u ••• the hesl schools tha t the state at lall collitge and In a r� This Is ollly onlt phalle of the ('on· anv .... can time 1111 But the min- montlls thAt boy or girl llilions 0.8 Ihe, roncern liB He lIa)1I ute thnt the glTe .... .I�, & Co. Mahncire � tp8cher ill dlflhoneBt, changed by . j UHt · being connected it hall b;ell estahllshed Ihnt U, S, e e rACOM"". t er de " Is the mOllt la ..... lells c!\'lIlzed nation F=;;;;= ;;; :;;;;;;; ;;: � ;;; :;:::� :: =:::::; :l ��I��e�:�u�: ����I���l _�I��\ uence J \\;�:s�JQy�:��mn 11I�D.P��. :'.1 ��7 :'��1:� :�:� :�� �:�: 7% ON thnt ite turnll out to' be a Christian , n19'Brondway Tacoma 0S \Vc have never paid less M God ay richly tb btess lll eooven_ I:======= =::!.======= d In eTt:ry pbale pro the AMERICAN SAVINGS & lion. Christian education ===� hall Hls l , ;:::; ::;�� � LOAN ASSN. promises for thlt life a.nd for the The prevnlence of crime agaio9t 1001 Pacific Ave, life that II 10 come. TRE L · l ife aad properl, hatt centered In the ;=== T:ac:o::m::: a':': 1'I::a':h:_==;Ij����;==;���� �'Superior Funeral Service" larler cltlell w\.'ere It ,bu become a H. �ecl;l)�¥��:, menace 10 so �t )" The editorial 717-719 TACOMA AVENUE °'f. �e�� � ';,f'( them&o;s on to lIay that Ia-·y. Phone : Main 7745 TACOMA HAUGEN &: LONEY lIeives have laken up the matter TAILORS and bal'e taken steps to eliminate Horn-Holmes Co. e CUUom Tallorln... I&' h Qra<l H :�� th(::,U,�!C ::A� re;::���� Three General l\lerchandise rhone·:l.I:���Jc�.����ew.eh, :::e . 'Stores which Includes ,"...." ,,,-".lId" '1 plinients of .. . r n d Phone Mala 88M So': 2 , 38t.h....:.M.ad. 80 75 ; :: J�::��;:: ::a:! :: ;�e�:::IDI w ·LOVE ELEcriuC CQMPANY 1. E. BerkMi.er· Ift. Ce. crimea In the {lrat place. 1" ant to CoAL �r�DU� made b, 1002-,8 Center St.-M_ 7221 read from a statement T 732 Pacific AvC. fortner. Vice-President Manhall. Ta�m�. \Vaah. · , 28Z8 ao.ib H &reet lIlya that one tbinlr tbat 1.&. w.ro�, 3901 6th Ave.-Proc. 504, TACOMA, WAsH. wi th the Amerlcao schools today tbat tbere too 'm ueh ,e1eoce aod NoW" pl�a.se too IIttle'Ood Almf,hty, . p 'notlce that I am l ln� ' our quo ta- . Sa- · Sc · Id '·"'-1 '�","h1•• really back




















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. The HA"'ILTO.N 8'91D]0 I . m Fiaeet. Baaty Parl�r in ilae· NortJnr. , o l lt u . &t. . �ain 676 15 Atk:aclir-e Booth';"1'" e xperienced -openton. 3' ,men . ' . dl�:t�:;' .,,:: t !� :d�:�IO: ::; 1533 . � :: t� \ IU5 !"��� ...,Taeoroa barbi'" .... for women'. and children:. hair cutting. Beat ' TACOMA the youth', And J think, dear frleD�'. , . ipment 'aDd service 'i n Every ·Detail--:Ba1Co0y. . � .�...�._ ..........iI\.:-Equ :.:.:::....:. .. _ .. ...:....:. .. � .. ...:.:...:. .. �:...:...:._ .. ...:.::;,:-= .. .:..._ . .:......!) .��reslrienl Mar�bal bali don� us t--:...-...,.---......,....l I!.......- ;. -... . _. .•










. PAGE 4

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"��:::R �'R':(�" rlJlII: their freedom tn their wild In enctly the 'IIme way we may . stamp out the dlst'ue of addict ion by scorch tor . ensual pleuure. ' an to plant poppy �he Thus far we 'hue alned more 'or ro tl n HOTEL OLYMPUS ---''---------�=d+� !tC� Llhat 00 more Iban la n!5�sb omf!ll� addict II nlilled. The queiIlQ..0· wh leb g ry for medical pur s Is !;ro;; CHURCH A[I.;NOUNCEMENTS n�,... ....o. f""'' ..' ..���� � ."' � · ' · AP il 26 " , ,.• 1 , ':- " " ''';'' follows In. nat ural I!:I"QUllnce ' I II. A l , from thiS sou \'ICe de'pends on the .... ., , , '- n, �- "How eftn addiction be suppressed!" II I "" " " S " " 'I " ',. e.�..cl , 0< ' 1 ' :l(.th;m 01 the Interoatlonal Opium uf tlte I:ulhcr T.cllgue CUil ;, (, llinll III be held in Ttll'onm, There are t ....o. ethOd� I).el t he of ' l\pril 27 ';"hlch I� strons 1\0 USh to comb t Conftr.en�es,-DU , ' Better· Clothes For ' ,RTON KRlpLER. 7::l0 P. l\f.- AII I 1 n' of I h(: l'ollgT1'g'1lI i�II ' wh l· l;le('r . fnr t he the e1'11 810Ile :- !I C Y mus fl�t}t In plll'pOl'C of urgarui':lt1g 'll'II's Cluh ' parallel. . .1'he�e torce� II.r4.'. leduca- Tti" above, calmy :on IIrRl- place Men May 3 liun and leslsb.tton In the 1 9 'Dope ' ESllay contest CALLSOX It A IDiQU IST II 30 \ :\1 -SUlld!l� $('hool F.dllC'u tiQn I!'I tHai becauM' It hIlS C onducted bv the W e T U of 0 I ·UI .\ M -DJ\ IIlt.' Str\ I<:{' a ces!! to the c1a ss ho mOBt urRent ' hlngtO 104 So 1 th St 7 :.10 P M - Sung Scn Iv need lII arlilng St,ltltltlcs IIhp\lli '� u Il HEY� '[ 0 SV.\RE, Pnstor thllt S en t y per cellI ot u e er n F IDELITY RENT & COLLECTION ·co. .\1 I he u�u,tl llIt'etln g or' h.r,,,-,,-,-T-Ilklng dope ,to tide over- �l��:;r� ���b�: O� t :� ;;;:I��: �\:� II} Junior l.eague' Sunda, April 19 strenuous ph)SI�1 and menial per- II) Ins t!rul1(,c of E\ch KlIld Renl Estnle SlIlc·s • Th t'y al8.o how that se enty tht' (ollolll Wg ro gram was render- lo th per cent of the ,.heroin addli'ls .Are l\Iorlgnge J.onns cd }oun!; bet ....een the ages o t twelve ( 5 ) And through Idle 9u'loslty P h ne Mum 668 « I So, IOlh Slre<>l . i Delotloll' S\l\la 1.lIrson :;) fifteen alld up to t .... enty We It III estima ld· Ihat Ihe war left and ! Voctll Sl>lo. Syhll\ 1..n r�oll. .....onder when th� educators_ �I u- !I S O 00·0 f c�� !j�m� a 1I1t1� r spon slb ll y �fur lI'hat t .Jl �d.tillion : Teddy Tholllp�on. � rollb:;�; h�o:�t:dddlb;t�dh� cTh no a t f'il'no, stolo: Be�l;Jh M assma n. words . .dope. llend.... "hop head." or Is begl n ln to look 1 1\1;0 ,.ross neg11I Vocal Solo: .Irene Dahl. �l'ERN LAUNDRY ....snow bird," The lIurrerlng. which sellee. H ow: .llI t Reclttftlon TrHVe Bne �ta:""'Y t the harm l r he ls ::t ����e�� 11llrcotiC'!' stj.ved them would have . Our Motto: ".Quality a�d Servi;;:e" a Junior topiC: f.�onowlng Jesus In been ex n lea an by experience; re Ins · r , v l unb;eflmbl.e : many would h l e Sen-ice." Stanley alII. bl t eHecU.ve method ".Ill Main 7,557 , 512 So. 91h St. dicil without thefn, It stopped the IJensive book!!l say nO.lhlns of It; eyen l t._ ___ _________...._-�-..J In sassed s'oldlers which textslologle� Mr. and �1M1.\ T, C. Satra and coughing taking the fill\jorlty or . would ha"e cau�ed h:emorrsge!l, and Mr. ;Jnd Mr;l A . lIali .elebrated r"IILured Ihe heuling sas I!ears II' N�Jl . do not mention the fact tJiat their sll!ir "PII In !:" Il nll h'ersary helped 'h Im !; rln and bear It wh'en a 1ln rcotlu f ?rm hil blts , at �Pdl :n Ask for SC�.OOI "snow part e� ar�. Sunday., Aprll .19.� melilber ..... as amputated or when High !IIr. and Mr8. Carl Sat rn and SOilS. shrapnel g more common .. . dope 18 i ked from his ku ll. 'bcomin eln� peddled, In o u r ' . colleges. lIuward and NornHII�. of S n wood. But, 'hlm a tlend, a hola hlp anti a.thletic� are �u�fer­ 1 lin d M r, and Mr!!. Meh·ln. Su tra a nd crlm ndidl ? ItNo.make c fl! Ilothlng Coffee, Fruits, Catsup, . a sillve; !!lng, and In "hort our {'nttre Y tem I . family or Shelton " I�lted relnth'es II he "puilll througb" but . he i!l t....lce education Is eing I!lowly 9untlCr- ! here Sunday. �egetables, Spices'. hero. bUI If he does not he can't of , The responl!lbllity ot warn_ h"lp It. Let liS nbo"e !Ill nOI per- mIned . Extracts lng re�ts :-vtth suc h national orga?" UOPI'::" "'I)DICTfOS secule him. ' Ilnt-ion!l as Ih� Woman'" Christian Speaking' or the se nd source of Tem an Teachera r e Purent t;nlon e p ' l"" II ' . (H r>Oowhere In the 'Category o( Ined Ille 'II we need only ny tha a iation Young. Men's CIJrlstinn Q'uaI·t I Y. IS Economy Ical science can there be round ·a ball)' horn to an "dlllci nI. othe 1\'111 ' A soc O t I B t I d lse�se more enl!lIy contra t d hor ��� \�:;� ��l � c::��I"S:e ��r�� g�: l ��� ��� t�: �:�lp �r!C��r l: ��I ��:��l\h olle renderlns Its victim more help- · d ldI. -IfS he l iMk bOllle ted he will at have a«el!s to the youth. It'ss, thlln dots the rnvll!hlnc dlse8llo on ce !l h",,,, " w llhdrnwal symptoms." The s�eond �.eat fa tor to sup Is legislation; .no.t leglll'laand If t:lken frOIll the mot her and pression ot "dope" addiction. ATKIN ° S �1 1:ltl (Iw::�! I::�n::1 tl�; I;�ftfl:�n! h�: cauRed by nOllrlsh<;d normally' "'ill d ie II! dillea!!e, Addiction SILVER STEEL SAWS the continued use or opium and Its Patent medlclnel! Is Ilnother recognlze!l addiction as a dlse� Cut Faster and Easier-Last Longer tl hl l I l l m h When you aell Atkins Saws to your customer", tell then there'. I ::����,le�u;�:'�m aO:: �:;�gO��C�O n, �:���l�e t����:�e�·, ��:t;�lIr: I :lj.:::�� ��:I �� 1���:8c��:C�� eor8���:; a three-fold' lavln!;. Atkins saye time. en6t,y and money. beas ' lg h b� : u� !��:n. we:� �Ve�� c\lul!e tbey are made of theSaws Silver Steel, the Samuel Hopkl.n� Adams. olle or lInel other quieting ngell!S hn"e naw r: � steel' ln Ihe ",OO'ld. That'l �hy famous �� 1I 1 ( Atkins Saw9 take a keenp;.rIInest r i the paregoric cut drops I c- �� a n ro h by �t� eS8enc,,: the more progressh'e writers on the I f8Rter. run e8l!ler: Itay aharp longer aDd need less fIIln, ed!;e: than orIl re ot' opium) yet many parents 1l' subJect. explahls the nature ot the ::; d i n a ry e a W l s t wa t t l 1 : :l1�n " t;: t�;;; � Inocently IS nor�1 � � l ll l ����i'!'!' t :I�� ��e m.��dl!; diSease thla way-, . ,"A Perfect. SII. lor E"erl PIlJ1)08e" r t lr ct 1 nd When morllhlnl' ( I am laking be glyen �raduate� doses lastad!lge. "once an ad dict , 01- lmllst E.HARDWARE C. ATKCO_, INS & {;o. ��:����ca l 0 �� o�:�:: :��� � ",aThe e r a period g o ulated of time re o y ) u ' !; ... WASHINOTOS s n a d i ct hlch TACOMA DISTRIIlU!ORS bas been . I l t 1: e . . r ln hy I l re e e uaed ) III adm in ister o ver a period ��:rsh:e:I�lr9d t;��d �Il��� :� ;::d���; ��1:�19 �:c ;I�� �a�l l� C: c :�:� 70r �------------'----'-----'--'---4 . r. or time vllr)lng with the Indltldual I!hould Ills reslstence be ome weak... _-""'/i the body resists the poi on b} gener :��:d b�ll:r:�:ll : in�;el �h�rS��aIIS ov:� lined by continued mentalc or physl­ aU!!!; a poillon of Its II milch as It thlll time the old antipolsonIy takes cal exertion even nft er a conslder­ curet! itself of pneumonia or dlp- ad\antage of Ihe wen k ened body nnd nble Perlod .!!.f abl!tl1lance the ol d the ria h) manuraeturlng It!! o wn 8n- 1 reasserts IIl!elr III the form ot wlth- ,imtlpoison "iii take advantage of tHoxln This counter polson balances weak.ened condition a nd a gain the morphlne.� But H. doel:! not . a :: ras71��eR:�Il�tor� ;:nd �;'Ol�!d ')o:� c�.� his forte him Into ery. f mor hot t o relle" e rallgue and 9teady If the evil Is lav d l � en t treated In this light II " / ' ;��:e i: 9� �p:�h. l t �:n�:I:s� In t�\ls remaining It sels up a �;8 ati �!;;:u:c:::�II.\�;:I�ruc�� P�: lol� ��:BI!%:st �:Ilo:�a:�c���!��h:�. 8U �; on s r g"'lng his very self to . hu man y a nd we were to0 stamp out ma aria we �::! llo W:!��n1t� �: ��:I::un� must fer � he tortures o( hell would do 11 by, Bpraylng the, swam · bl;od{ cells change throughsurthe that" the very . 'atije e he contraCts In with oil thus deatroylo g the dilleaso theIr slfucttlre under i ta I D t uence. and the enti re mechanism of tbe ol ng so. s c r d r e C. S. BARLOW & SONS :::�o!� :�: �' e� ;:� e:!::. T�� of I:h:� �� :�: :� ic7:��� �e�� :I�� . 'I'llls ball II! tbe BElnsation of thll Teare PI�1=Wlth the tou,h-­ Incorporated ) est co�er kno....n on a baseball, only antidote fo� this disease II! those wbo ac uire add ctioo t rou!;h EllpCclally adapted 10 Padflc . makell -...Coast D amonds, more of the .drus. whlcb throwa the Idle cur'fslty, Thla group "chain Dlstrlbutora qt ' We mall:e special prices In dOlen 10tll to or,anlzed teams. up but a\ email part of the I I We a l o equip tho· ·teama �: :�: .... !th every i em necesaary for­ . � :�:;�� BLOOD'S PAINT Ue;��: �:r:��:e ��e balleball. :erat' ed antipolson takea poaselslon 01 Hcadquarlc� (or Bullder'l Material and Coal the whole b9dy. becomi a syslem\Vc..write all kinds of InTENNIS SUPPLIES atle dllea e ; the 'agcinU:ed -body pro: surancc and make Fire In1715-21 Docll: Street testa tbr'Jugh sympt.o mll known as surancc our specialty. Tacoma Wuh: . . ,,'lthdrawal 8ymptoms," In thal, H"'''' . ,"dware ' , w. · ,,� . MA.IN 21 form of lgen ce which' Is 'called WM. P. HOPP G &: co. V . It?lh and Pac. Ave. u d an ra �:;I! ·': ;;�!��e _ :bl!� :��e:' e::� �=:: s= .. = .= . .b :== O.'=,= o.=,== w:: ,,= ,,� fatally, " probleml, If · Agen ts tor The di ct dOIla . • not set pleaaure . . . e t Lien & SeIvlg o ' :: rn::��:::: . �I! a�� l! ::!�e:. bll: Wh!= S;�� � co. l�p6rters of Norwegian

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Phone MaIn A · Slreel voluntarily . to be cured of hla 111TACOllA, W�SK neas; hut tbe c i minal does not l );;;;;;; ;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;� leek' to u e himself by goln!; to a penlten�lary. The drpg addict III. nOl l l ' Shaw a de!;ene te They · are round I.n . Supply Co., . ·all walke of life. many holding: I)OI!I.Inc. l n 8 and. having peraanallUea com1015 Pacific Ave. mand n h l �l c _eateem: . ·How do th�se people. be<:om';l: ad. Tacoma . dicted we uk!' Kodaks and There are five ptindpal avenue.­ -�-contractlng the dfaeue. D�mely: Finishing , ��(1) :o;.latea prescribed, by phy': . ' Ex� Fitiishing IldaDI:, ' . . , No exra t cos -! ( ! ) Il}h"erttlng addiction: ( I ) use of �t "'.�" 'n.. • ·




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PLANS ARE Dr. J. A. 0, Stub, president" of . 'TO· BE G� held May 23. ; Instead of the usual lbe- Lutheran Brotherhood .of Am. It n.1lS been decidn( to HERE MAY. 15 .laullch. anparty . . BEING MADEerlCA And �pa,uor of the. Centrll.1 1 automobile trip to some . h n o ;�� ::'��;���':�. ��, .. :" , : :,:: ��: I : r 'b":� ':;:� I moht :�',',�,�' '��:;":i, I�,:: '�'.'::":";:: � �;!� '.1'.� p . , terests of the Bnllherhood, vlsUed " Jell bring them to the c::olles:e lc Lutheran C.ollege nntt-'llpoke ��:}' that the �row!l may be han.dled. ;\lu><lc recitt;-::: gh'en Tburll- toPilclf· v lG. the asse:lbted students on M o}, tbe stud n � o�the P. L. C. mu�lc dn . pr B . 7. Dr. Stub Is a cia. s- J Graduation daYIi are agajll drawXOTICt; . day en�nly. AI)r� 30. P. M . by ,y �of Pre!lident Ordal and visited ne;l r. The graduating· c1a�a thla At 7 : 3 0 II. m. wed day. :>tlay 'ing "All 011 Account "Or ,Polly" del,lartmen!. Th�dents ot .the mllte year III larger than any tormer P. ; Pacific Academy Lutheran � � e last, three act comedy ;,llI.be 13. TlifOre will be a ' nle ng at the plano. \'0("111 nnd \'Iolln departments I tweh'e years ago: The SUbSUl.nc L. C. graduating c1alll!. Twenty-five ,the graduaUng class o.r P. . A'iumnl, students and f;r l�nds at P. eX under the dire�tlon of }lllIs Llman I or his address wall, "Keep Alivee , by llect to graduate. The c1as/les a.re F i the ror r day May 15 .at the cotles:e r �: J purpos of organizing bus'y maklnK graduaUoh l.und. :>tlrs Ph. E. - Hauge and MIllS plans. connection betw.een faith and naslum L, C. Club. e-' P. Saturday May and 16 at V(wgle L�errJer TCspecth·ely were l the The first event given by the class that whh:h,thro the church generates Normanna Hall 15th and K Street re e d . Ic the Senior Play on Account I faith-GOd " He urged the stUdents "All ��; ;O\�o�ing program "as given ' not to take rellglou acatlons s . Tacoma Pol \) ' This "III be glveo 1'!lay "-Iarehe Mtlltalre Schubert � l n The piny Is under tbe directiOIl ot TENNIS. BEGUN ' of5 III the College gymnulum U'nder manv are prone one do to No r.of P and Mrs Ph E Hauge, ho chestra the direction of the c laall advlsore . of &ivi ody a v a- are I ...�,. also the cla88 advisors Thoae \ ocal Trio The \Voodland Sprite thinks Prot and Mrs Ph E Hauge Th� . :; b� !Ion abstl trom eating ut nce \e " to ho been take ha elected care ArdUI Lillian Lee Solvelg R}nnlng many neglec to feed the ir souls ' pia} will also be given In Ta�oma' . stage and the advertlalng are An/m Dille at Normanna Hall May 16 III of Importance not Only_ for otthe'thefollowing: Alvor Beck, atage Vocal Solo, "Two ROEles." Gllber- "hlch Rae" The Baccalaure�te Services will this lIfe but for elernlty. manager: Arut Oyen, allslsted tl; "The Lovely Nancy," I-Iertberg:' be held May 2 .. · by Rev. H. A. ·L. Harry Sannerud. H1ermatad of Cblnook, Washlng�on. ,"ertlslng manager. T.h� art Plano Solo. The Fountain, Bohm: I STUDEN� GAVE Wlt.b the advent or all this fine J'hunday evenlnK, May 28 , the under the direction ot Mn. . Irene Dahl . _clallS spring weather cornell great wleld- Senlor8 �UI ·glve tbe annual ' t O Ii PROGRAM APR� 25 ha� b:e: n:;k!�g ::s�I�� or racquets on �be p, L. C. day program. h to la-t Ga�:;�� H���;t. �'. '�!;d ��l :�ea, �� n nc e T t I . Iowa: ' w. Jones. 3. Sleep Song, A. Selwyn C:� ::v� �" �� �=dl��:: t::n Ct�:�8h::: erc�s:� ;'�I'l .:::e ' Fir,�:I�Wash., At Garbet: Gladya Thomas. give will e�mdahl ot H hope we and tor yean, many aHalrs ot tre Beverly Violin Solo, Humoreske, Dvorak • N the Slyle, ot plaYII1� will be .,corres_ the commencement addrella. have reached a critical Tl?d Lundin pondlngly better. So far there has Those who exp�t 10 graduate are: . " Beverly a man ot large Vocal Solo I If Happy Fortune been good .deal or playing and al- Norm!,1 and Junior Dep!lrtment: 8. New York Cltr, Counod. ! By the Waters ot Minth!>Ugh Inte.real In the'ap$)r.t seems ijuth Olave Malaoo, ,L"III lan Aamortwo extravagant ne.l,Q,D-!Ul, Thurlow Lieurance Anga to be general among tbe student..u eUe Day, Palma Helmdahl, Erna t en f a L U :� :::g:��n' a ;:c���s, Da�� ),et : ���a� � o:«e Ern�st Cooper, a WI �:a Solo, Rondo CaprlcclOHo co�::e!i ;:t : °t h: ::�: ln g��:r J o ��f �e o S d 5 ::,.'�: �':�::h�::�,�:����:�:;. .. o tI � � c!::�" :: ;.�:� �::" � ; b ::���;; ;�£'��t�;� ::y��:: � , ;� K �: rt ��: Lutheran Church, Ta· spending money taster than' Jacobs Bond. 3. Robin Song. Lionel Our 'Savlor's Samuelson, Alvor Beck, Ed-.vln_ Beck, The p.rogrnm wall as fol- head ot the house can ellrn It. Coacb Ringstad, and Blrger C. :A. Curries: LIllian Lee. Arnt Oyen, Blr«er Nelaon, Edna 0'Beverly Is b,eaet with credltor� who athletic manager, The list DUet. I wou.ld That My Love, loss: Farrell, Lyman .carlson, MendeIH.sohn: Solvelg Rynnlng and Or�h.estra. Mignonette, Bouman. even tOIl�W him out to hisd au�ptutries was completed today e a lan h "';ettle Larson�. .. . Opening' tho�gh· not a. s large .as It haa Pr�yer. Rev. Orda!. ;�:C!:d��g!� :1"l t��: �: �:�: �l: l avV�: I��::e:O�:�r:rtsn�r�:��d�us- Hymn, Congregation. family see the necesalty or economy warns them ot the Inevitable Plal'lo Solo Concert Etude, Mac- Scrlpt.ure Reading, Arnt Oyen. and cra.sh Impending. Instead ot head­ Hymn, Congregation. Dowell: Signe HJerma�ad. Ing him, however, his warning Is "Hark·, Hark, My Soul . " Shelley: greeted with -sneers and 'crltlclsm OIasso: tall, rangy terrific drlvea, Chorus a��v T, O. Svare', Bar'" �n QUALE -CONTEST... and bolder \. �o :::�' decIde that he III an old, accurate place�enta, , g O Q Plano aprlccioso, Solo Y ndo 9 E HELD MA T . Ro t lnto �bls CloUd�d atmosphere or rlrsM',."!'n"Ko,n.,.u,,,'.': ",',,'I"Om,',." " ....n . Palrrla Jielmdabl. The ·Slgv�ld Quale Medal conteat Mendelssohn, 3 on page Continued ) placemen�. and chops: mem�� or COACHS PICKS ( the of "Jesus Thought Duet, Very 1 Hall, and th will be In Normanna . las� ���'!! MillS Anga Dale and Harry South K Streets, Tacoma. on5 Friday Thee." n ��::i/r, :;;; dy . servlce, r r ar g a I a P. L. C. NINE . : of·la.st year's team, ::��;: ��: '�h !\:� 8�e�:er� ��� s ���r���: "The Call for Christian Slg"ald : :;:"c�� :�s�Normanna membfr Lyman Carlaon, fa8t all around MlslI �uth., 'Matson . . Auspices Sonll ot .rN-or- game TacolnR. SU�Ylv.ed the tryout on April 7. Lea,.ders." !fall. good "k,1II stroke"; Th1llr n.ames and 8electlons are as Abld'! With Me, AsMord" Cho_- way. ·$50 In pri zes. Good program. ber ofw'lth rus and MillS Solvelg R)nnlng, 11010' laat year's team.speed serve, tollows: . · SUIlfIH)', :'I1a)' ..JO . Langlo, rlat of P._ L. C . Mls- fastPalma Signe HJermsrad: Preslenll tale 1st. " meeting .:(olnt and accurate return.!!, first place After watchlnK - the candldatell tor So16: ··Oh. Ma'ter Let Me Talk ved Kruvell. H. Ib"sen . Society and Parkland , With Thee. " Oley Speaka, Lillian sian the te8m during the lut two weeka, Ruth Fndness: Den vldt berelste Lee, Peoples Luther League ao( ,, : 30 p. on ���:e l �se l�:(, 2.4g'ood Coach Rlngl!tad made bla tentative ay l Sah·e. Whllhelm Krag. :'I . Wedne-sday, game and lob. . _ Address: "The Race �for Salva- Baaeball. selection of the vaulty n.lne, TueilHigh Puyalfup School Stella Samuel.son: Ih'ld"elll, Slg- tlon" The complete entry lI�t tollows : day afternoon, Apr. 1 7th . George Cooper. unl Falkestad. .. p.P.m.L. C. on borne diamond, at Singles: ' WIlbert Nyman, Harold. . Th� cho'ice �as 8S followa' . Ole "LUt UP. Your Heads," .Ashford, vs, " Erna Helmdaltl:.,-Semeden og Ba- ChorUII ElUngson, Lyell. Krel�ler, Walter Servold. catch�r. Ed Artbur PI�cher, and Sol�,. Miss Rynnlng. geren, i. H. Wes'=tf. "'rlday )I"y J� lver· Dahl, Nels Quam, Jo'rench, ld, 'Pet6 BOnleth and Bid . In man Huth Bull: Foran Sydens Kloster, Hymn, ·Congregation. Senior PI�y will be given .Pre9. O. J. Orda!. ' the" Thecollege Denedl�UoD, Carison, Arthur ,Knutlen, . Ole Servo. 0 0 BJornson, p. :· gymnasium at w1ll act aa alternatives as 8 . Rudolph Oyen, Sid Lillian Lee: �!lIrlta Vl,se, B. BJorn- pO:lology. In . son, Gladys T omall, Pet,er Saturday, MAy :90n. M. H. RID slad, 0: J. Martha HJermstad: Juleaften, H. The Senior Pfily will be given In fest; I Myron Kreidler, Bu�ton -at 'Vergeland. and Nell Quam, Lyman the Normanna HaU; Tacoma, erv B · Ole .old, Altred Anderll.on, �fw In 9pectlvely, Nina .Elde: -eyre Vaa, Welhaven. Aahort progTam was rendered by 8 p. m . and Pete .Borseth will hold ' Deck, Dert agnes, Blrger : O� � Carlson "[ontlay, l\lay J8 Jeft, Cenler and right rlelds- reapec- , Olga Ellingson; Faedreland Sang, the Thespian Llte'rary:Dramatlc So· c e n b � y ' ( cletr on FrJdt!y, May I. �h� open- Baseball. . Puyallup High B. TJjofllson. . ,. :: ��:;t:'�LIIII!� �!: �::tC�ltU:l ' tlvel. . utleD. ' was. given , 'Blrger "';elson: Fanllullen, Jor- Ing numher was a plano aolo by va, P. '-t.. C. at -Puyallup a suit and Dorothy' Lehmap,' and Ane!le Dahl_ willA rtactKnas on b va e le utility the tor outfield , Sanderson: . Carlson, �u Doublea: �t;! �� mnl . s �'f�: dollars have been donated ��� !Bn.La�=�h' " ;���e�� �;�e = . P. L: c��'::!: Ot. . W�dneadaY'a ·Iame did by the'· SOilS ot Nor-way, District reading. " Bear Story" by James nlc. The part.y will leave ach'ool. . Dabl, .Sogner ,fest:: Helmdahl,n Langlo: P ElAltl! li,ough -' ' �� Lodge No. 2. Thill amount· will Whitcomb RUey. I:.lllian Lund en- 10:00 p. . m. gl\e 't;e nc ��:�, :��::::, 'T�!:: �Belson be divlued 'I'n various dlni.enal.oa"s terlilned by a plano 11010. "Rlgeletto Sunday, :'I1a)' :.l& he :1:��� :U{�I1��; �b�; N ; Oyen, Quam ; , and gln�n Ollt aa prh:ea to the par- Pa.raphrase,'· .Llst!. Sbe also gave , Baccalaurea·te Service at 10:30 a. Sen'old,Rlngalad. smoothly and sbould shapt . Horse"; ark D "· Dahl; , 'tlcipators: No admission ,will be an encore,. "Valse In E minor," m . In fine order. Mixed Doubles: Glaaso, . Wedncedu.J', :\(a,' 27 \ charged but · tbe audience will be Chopin . will haTe to keep Og' their 'Kreidler; B" Helmdahl, . IJ. permlt�ed to show 'lIa ·appreclatlon Tl!-e. literary aurprlse or the even- Final El;amln&llona l5eg1n S.: 30. a. C"'''',. ",,,, lear_ to.. remain OR.· the aa a' collection will be taken. . Ing was parta Of worka from well m. - Collch Rlngatad warned known authors read ·by · Myron Th�da", 28 -o Ter-eonfidence .ot/. lhe part: Mr. a';ld M;s. P. P. Lee.announced Kreidler. The audience was to guesa Cla88: Dar 'exerclses begin. .a t 8 Thomas. any ' of lhe-plq.enl aIId laid be -""'--';""'--''the eng;agement �.f their daughter the names of the authora as the p. m. r, liad material to till . four.. of t�e' Alyce June '28 t.o Mr.:SlewBrt Clark, 1I.��cctlon was read. Erna Helmdabl FrIda)', �ta1 29 poliitiona ·OD . the leam,_wIUlout'J!.Utt­ and ao do their The date · tor the . wedding hal!l_;not gu'CSlel d the greateat number, ' Commencement eXercises . begin at college. In� th.e errtclency ot. the nine. " . ,re<'Jly. . 10;30 a. ·m . ' yel be�n. arranged: '. J.

Th:rtV,;:��::sY����Iire·�.and J;.



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Thadu�'1nling n;1FClass r Grn








Courts in Consmnt Use at" P. L, r esent on C Outlook P quet Season Brigbt >





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The Saturday Program l1tion Conve the L. L.byEvening Was Furnished P L C Stut den


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. MaterialPro.Chosen mising Looks


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"u" � at p,.L, c: ro, ,bl ..m,"" a",d �P' ;' n";, o � ea,.e for , .AI',"k!\ In OCal5 ' ampus C ' L t. h ar I th studen by b', n. ., u" u , tbe 1� �� ,:: ; , II: . . N�I.�ve4 � ��bee;ae:"c��:.;·, e;:;�� r l · �f�� MI"I. Hau,. anteft_hled tbe le\\"' -�-c::-�--- 9"p , 'Ma) t. Tills .8....2 . PTo!. and Mra. Haus'e, Milil Lund .C C ewlns club ba. beell mefliing for lI Green . to d 1 Tbonouolore and Prot. . Rnd �.rt::-:: River Gorle ,On Saturday, Ma, I.. leYerMi y.ean. Mr!.theK:refdler , --only Invh ed \ .t(,lnal n was �he subject for 'P. L. C . was vlil hed by S: Kvale . Mri. RIt'.piad '_'ere . Subl�rlptjon, _ �e.... dO,"'" H.ar per ye.r discussion . ruembcnI 0(· the 1'. L_ 'a �uperilltcntlenl of .hlgb . school &:uests who we.re not mell)�er8, Application rOl' en�r.Qc:e as 2nd duss mutter now ·pendlng. , ' Entered as eecand dass matter. October· 29, 1924, at' the post oUke C. Debatln Society on Ffitl3)', April uoar Chrlstlanaund, NorV(,!Y, He ' at P&rkland;/,Wash\ngton. under the Act of Murch 3,,:1879, been tourillg 'tbe U, S. to see. Religlon- never puta a mortgage 24 Th.e uestion iras sta;ed: RI!'- hIlS I( he can' fal.se 11%0,01>0 which Is to upon t man'. bU81nl!6l1, nor trouble� sol\'ed, "tbat vacelnaliol,l b benetl. Edu.r.in.Chlef '... Hl P f l a �l��!ltl::;� :11:e:nactence ""hen he lies dow(lLl o Managing Editor :��� n �rr::I����' c'ai to ' h.u'mfnltl-," he �ffI;matiye �� �:�� :u:;��. !:�:r a -RR"PORT�RS Eather Sydo.... WI!.8 presented by Arnt q.ren . and go to Norwa,.· 'for 'a one '- weeks As precloua stoncil are but \lho General !\"e .....' Martba Hjerrn8tad. Henry Klel, wb'Ue the negative wa't course and then give leetureU.D ,qur tearl of earlh that hllv(J been" turned Parkland Locals ; Into er18ta\B, 10 Go'd'i Jewels are the ��!�en' D��� upheld by Pedtlr Sogne!eet and Mar- cOUlll r)' . I�rkland Locals Tho follo�lng sluden18 Ipent th.o i loull ot men and women made per· ��f����a:to,ns Arnt Oyen 'tha HJermslad. , The �tflrmatlve baS:d' the;r COho ������nd �:y ��:�:;� O � b ��::�: feet through sufferln&:, . l S � .�a:�l _, Sli�����er�!�!� . 'MUsic RU1� :;ad�::: tent ions on the follow lug Issues: SOil . Arnt' Oyen and Dlrger Nelson. Prot. Xavier: When you examlnell �:���i�S _ v . Since the Intro\luctloo of \'acclua.. Wllile there Ibey �attended the Sell- Ibat dog IUlll!" . under the micro,(:oPc ' r b r UUBincS! Manage:I,or ' play given by . the Senlo Nl of ..... lillt did you I�! J f'lnanclal Secretary �f�be�' I���!: ��e�e�:; �n· ::��::'� f.�� :::��p::� ' th t h : The Itlilt ' ot h�!I �::It r lv�:�:;I. : : ��a! ,dIP�erla aOd _typ�Old. Stnce Intro· �::�Ukl�: t X�:�·���o with her .pa . : � u � ��::� ��;�:�i�.I�� ���!�!� . e � duc o� o( vaccination there h311 II ilo;lqilhtm nver t{le week- l i;;���-�������, lster 1.3, I c ht p�ovcn nc�ense ' nd May lI'acul�Y Ad,'lror - . _ _ 0, L, T.horaon been no aciennUe !r dn not dlscontlnue . ods., enept 'by order nt tbe ad- any dlNesse becaulle of va Ceinaunn ' !\"I na E lde mott'red to ' Stanwood NOT CE. -'Ve verUsen, : ;rders may be lent In by . collector' nr by mall. Addresli: A brief sqrvey of the �e�re:l.l!e In with the Bulis on Saturday M�y % . tleath,. Jrom Ima.l1poJ; was .gh'en, be· aud �pent the :""eek-flud at lUll' borne, Tho Moor" g Malt. Parkland \��Ulb, . Slvcalera ' .tl ginning with EurOIJe In the elgh' l n U lnber of the students enjoyed I Slip Ona ..""".. \ ALUMNI , teenl)1 century and clo�lng wl�h the lheA ev �ning of Saturuay April 1 8., i .t t(l� le fh(' nrnllllleni of 111l\' 11I'i,'ntc sl'iwul is altered from . I\UlI Ilhucra last �evere epldeml\Of_ SmalIPOlt 111 l at the home of Alfred Anderson In ' ' ; to:.ximc i J� the illlpression uf thc' school l-li\"cn uul h\' the IllCIll �troit, Micblgan in �23. The bene. Tacoma. Thcy U'Y: Ole Serwold, l In 1111 I he ne" 0010r8 I\t.d Ilyies .... hers of its a Jllili. A prospcl'li\"e sludcnt alwa)'s fecls thut fH ot vncclnation as a pre\enthc , ! !\"el�on Te"\') Lupdin Ar he. ('nn gd in tOllch with someone who has heen a student he against dlptherl,� ,-,as IIt,reS9cd ell I Blrger thus Knulzen :'Ihroll Krledler AI I {.tIl get a better nll'a ()f tilC :-;c.;hunl. Ihru hllll. than he CUll Ihru j per.itllly Ihe ellillemle at Nome AlllS' I vor JDcek r.)m�n Cllrilwn Marthn I Davis ' Men '� Sh-op the school' s catalo<fuc kn last ,-,Inter Stathllics I\ere , IJermslnd Signe Hiermslud I enore I The IIIfluCIllC "'of thc :Jlull1nus IS "H .'al .tIlt! far rC'udllng; It br ughl to prove thnt t,phoi(1 fever I Tucoma a ! l'O ijO , Matiel hersoli Anclle Dahl 9 1 1 P n,e \\' IUlI nn alulllllus had IS pl'lhaps nWlc limn It{' IlIlllsclf n':tllzl'S completcly romo'ed from MelUrien Ordnl aud �:dnl 0 �'Irh'll tells h IS frtlnds ahout the :-;dll)l)1 tht'\ tell Ihl'lr frtends. l , Illl so the U?een S Arnn hy 'acclnatlOu • Doroth� I�ehmnn ga\e a Ma) un unt! 011 ,\g,H Il, tht" ill h.l\ lOr of -I he gl adultt!.! ufh'r II(' 1'.ls C I I AS R OSENBl) R G I t h.ls been demonstrated that IlMI) on "�rld'l) :\1<1) 1 Thl?,sl! llres .. of Iho:-;{' \\ho kn!.!\\ : . \� ll l(fI h IS sdHl�I .llul rl' l urlU'ti In tilt' llm.lpi u e and ph) slc it nll In 'ijffi .tllpox ent ....ere Mane G.mllln I{nlit 1 HE 13001\. EVCIIANGE hUll In'fon:' ht, atl�'ndul s,,:-hool 1:-; .t sll Oll/.! fadtJI III I n fhlcnclIlg Il rs !\ llI? "Pltals C,II1 be completelv Ilro' HJ,e nc>! F�sther ,\nj:: ,lk Pllma Hooks, Stationery both Social fOI or .Ig lln:-;t til( sdl\lol I tcc{ed against smaUpox bl ,"('cina I 1.111.1;101\ .Ind Agile/:! i'!!])I)er The \Ytth the lent! of the still)ol \ l al ne.lr. \\t' " ho h.nc IJe(,l\ , n ialld Buslne8s tton The ,I tr! rnwtl ,c galC much gI rl>! lh;tenUd to r.ullo ton('l'rt� rroill � � I ,�,l: �� l� pe9�3a�'�CI�I�n��� dt llClullllg thl tll)UI Ih" \ ('.1 1 , sllO,lIlt ! Ilf'glll 1 0 .1;ltll l l).\l(' Ihe 1 I l . l cr('ult to !hlnlt ltton hut maintlllrleli (),lkl,lIld aud San �l l llCI�('o Tacoma Wasb jll l'SSUIIl \\{' .t t C gOing to gl\\ ()thl l s of llu' s{'houl thru our t �u n l ta llon could not rellla('(' I I'rof. .. ud �Irs. X,l\ler. Prof. nlHI, splel h .l1ul l)eh.I\ IUI, \\1' .tll glllll.,( to gl\e ull llllpresslun, l on_ tl�a • ·acclnat lol1 . I firs, Huuge: lind Prof. (Jnd �Irs . . Sl"iotlsiy 01' UIiCOIlSl'illusly, wh it-h I'l'flct"is Ull the sc110ol--wl..' , The negativc c6ntentied that: Yac' St�lC'.l dined at P. C. un Thurll' l' an ' t help it. Olh('rs will l').l)l'l·1 1lI00-e (lf us and wil1 lnok ror it. I . 8e Im� it.Y to I dilY APrl� 30, It is l"olllpantlin'ly \'llSy to cOlldut"i OIlC'S self �Il II CI,lristian . d natlou \loe!! nol CI\U for \\'c offer Lest rules , '. . , . u rather ,!preads other ] :'I rs. hreidln . lind .,LYle hreldler llIallll('! hl'l'l' tit p, I., ,I ., .w!le!"t' all ntlend dc\'oltoll. dally ,a,nd I � sea !<e. lllimu, Cou checks. Sca. I Se_attle. In May Saturday spent e death l the Incrl'a�ell eS nd : I he i t � ll.8 I are SlLrt'tJlllltll'll hy a LhnstlUll atmosphere at" all t l)I S, t'I pons or c'tlrrcncy, ond Th" ' l'OI"'O" ,_ "nd ! le,1 is ('o,m;"g wi",,, you Ie"ve "",'kl"nd, SU"""!!1,Ung' may he " s u Y' I u l e gr dirfI �; I t I e ir" P. �, �� ��� is��, � r�a��l . � sell drafts- 011 lill impor_tinto ! ��� �����I)�: l �;I�\:���:���I�I" , T �s all then, r{'sol\"e to curr\" ihe st.:hool's influcnee Inc. l nnt points ill the Scantlinu The n,-all\'ll tint ' proved Ih�.t I� Chri::;tiull d t l{'ution I our rric.lltb km",'· what �H1r l �ull1cs umi lci lhe artirmntJve had .lIl isinterpreted �§ TimPSlaurl'lsons ror Th:Ul)' I'(.'o lle ' U\'iU II countries, IS dUlIIg for us un? what It can do_for thcm, ,' U-" i "\ . I he qlle�t1on hy Including tYPhOld � Come anti I . and dljJhthoria, "acc11l1l110n tor '� )1, :!:J!! 1 1 30·31( Hrll-lltlwfty . , ADDED FUEL FO� AN OLD ARGUl't1�NT ' Educators cun gencrally J IlSlIre a \\"ann session IJy startlllg smallpox and inoculation for typhoid Tke Bank of California, �'an sO.me o hl l ant , lli]lhtheriU are twO IIWltl dlrte" all argullwlI( ',1Il trw Illcrits Of 'l'()('tl tICaliot"l. So N- A, to tra\,,, 1 III a clr,ck. llIHI Ullt processes, ,\' Sctillntloll has pro\'. fulks . The arglllllelit has a tl'lltit'IH'y . i y IIOW complete failurc / In Ja lJan, 1II PARKLAN'D SHOE SHOP to stich a rut Ihat l en l thl' rim uf I hl' l': it'de is worB , I G('rmanY A: J,.;;A·TIIER , Prop. 11th & thet'l� is little likclil1l)u(1 that till' pul'lil'ipllnls will dimh out Phlllpillue IsJan(\� a.nd , and Blaze a IIC\\' palh, The Easl will 'contintle to edm'ate its wh('re It ill cOlllpulsory lind has be.e n l SHOE REPAIRING yotlllgskrs in l'olll'ges in \\'h ii:h Ih�' .S<',,,s arc k('pl "iSt!�ld, c�'ell allplietl ext('n� l \"e1y. TACOMA of Quality 'Thu best way to uttack a disease 1 1iullgh tlll'Y lIIay ill' 100'all-d ( Ill ail�olll l llg ('lI mptlst's. I he \\ I:St wil,l i,.'(intin tH,a lll pradkl' COedlll".a t � ( ) I I . . .,I. t�SI It,) 1.1:1", , 1 0 I he ':�l a- Is t o ('limlnale Ihe ('a use and not f �------l , o st l I I l l It IS of tn . � :.c�.In Ih(' errect. j)ise:tKCK may be pre· ) h'l'IaJ fOI" t il{' nIt! arg tllll(,1l1. hO" l, \ l.,r, 1' I,jj.�!1.::rII II.".V ."".._�_••E._! I\ C rs � t� , �� YenlCd. not lert ror treatment aHer : t � u ' nllIlU�l�h}'II�('nl . I'c�'{'nlly elll:tIl:lllIlg . f.rolll , � he � 1� , II� thc cIIse , . th(>�' hll\'e beel! estitbllshcd. Smu ll· 'Jobnson - Cox: ,iii -' I hit' 11IStttuilUil \\':.1S foundt·". I � l I.Xhh, .�s " ! . ansas. 1 lIr stale sdlOol� of tI ..!"c \� l, � t , s .l tII ��I� ls ��\ arm t !lr t� pox lind other dlsen�es ure ! I!! l.;;� ,The Store � )f mos l or ( \\ flllh dlsel!.se�. therefQre if �he eom .l' stl,lt , ' . II ll S l lll . etlllllH S ' .: " �Cl , I :'\ 0 :\ great IlHllty , ' s oursl l It , t Company ' C t11 t�" �Il. t1.lal� �H:!I, � Ii I mun!l}' we 11,'e in i" ke,,� clean l l'()llt:l.'s �hl' dl'lII� uf WUtllt',Il, with 1I,Ie :'iifl� iii, for Men , , , nre II veal's SJ lll'l' I Shh, uf the lHlIulntls uf lIl.t�rJ.lgCS ({m lt .H. ted 11 (.- 1 anti prOllcr sanitary proecauti6nll , .OOItBINDERS Ihis un ivcrsily, oll ly �JIl ' has ndctl III �\ t! 1- applied 10 ltw body or the indh·ttl· 1 i wcl'Jl students �, .. !! and, Bo ' s Y !!I Is . this heCll\lse Ihc p.artll'S I t) these m tl:r HlgC' s ual. we necd nOI rear smalllJOx' l Iii \'bITe cO �II'I ! STATIONERS ltl \1 fou�HI�II�JIl 011 JI1!<t I�l.. proportIon . us in r.ccel1t l � P! ' huve hat! �u.l Ilclhl1l.g (If a �!)IlII1l�II,1 1�ltl'lIe � : hut! h Ihe l !! Isc � hec.l PRINTEJUJ t !.'X(>.!l1ll1lons from vaccination � \� � (h IS . It ",h idl to 1Illtid thClf hOllles . I� £uJlr y{'ars of �()m.r�\Ili(ll1s�li l? i ll �\"h�lh I:) g:H��e .t �l � !J � l t h.�(�t.� ha� J;ulie . UIJ. so de.. ths fl'om small',1 • . " : the c_ollc.ge IS I,n Kans.l s . pox hall declIned. The negallve re.� of Illutual I\upplllcss! Or IS It ,hel' ,l tIsc , , � ( ) I""' wil \" ·.' :\1 any rate. dmlllpu)Ils uf,.C(l£d !lc !�I i�n w! 1 I do well cei\'ed Ihe Juuges declsio.1l ily a 2 ; � ,II '" !II ,-l he Chnstmll Century. , !.'t , " �A �' C L to rcfet"I'Il vClte. future 10 We 'thl' fa�t for I. , _Charged l admtsslon of 10c waa towards �'ox Island. The commit·. forAnthis . Ttie net procecus ! Ii . SENIOR I tee 111 cllarge ot tbe· supplles played amountingdebute, ANNUAL !I! H 1 & SONS CQ• • C. to $7,&0 will he- used for i , � ... "u In pro· I •cbating mnterI I ror r II.ture " part y tbe t ant por v a ' J\ , , rn pr 1 1 1 0 12 P ' f , 6 buying 7:1_. Pa�lo . T____ .. DCI IC • , K Y MA , SNEA duction of "That Contented -Feel· P. .L. C. debaters. TacQma, 'Vasil. Ii : ; tW? meal hot dog comedy. � = ;:;; ;; � ;; ;; � ;;:;:; = 1 M. l11g ' 11:1 Leave the p , C c: -c� Ir.,�1:Ei:m:.J.':E-<! ----;"." j ....," � ,,",0 anxiety was expreS"!l*,:d, by any r:: the Rest O?C . In th(> jJ!Hty" for coml�g borne, Lut+h a d , ' t .lb. So "" "," I,"och COll"" , "' YOUR C,RE Launch Party , DIT IS , G ' ODD , Sanitary Barber waters of Pllget Snund till ' moonlit . ' AT . ... . Shop , late hour:. "Everybody happy!" Wednesday dawned, brigrt and a ·ea, "\ L. SCHOENFEI.:n & SONS .heatrc cleur at p, L. C, E"Nythlng look,?d "Y bO!'). Under Pantages T I lust fine, Stili there was some. \ PA�IFIC AVEtJP� AT 15th STREET NINE ' CHAIRS e g iS g . . i E PROMPT-SERVIC Carlyle ,Cafeteria !.��� f:; :�: '8Ch!:t ::: :::: a�� ;1 Headq ua rters for'Teacbers and ; LADIES HAIR DODDING lifeless, Why! Simple', isn't i ! ' 'b� or, SlUd.n� A SPECIALTYl ' To b, "" , ,b, ,n,w" I ob, ;( , PAR�T,At'AND" 'MERCAN'TILE CO'. ' L� �an $:ol1ege, Io If at lIuperflous, · The .class .91P7 acific �rANICURING EXPERT Pacific A � .. Tacoma \ The \. :r �;ent}�nve wall Dot at home F( iR YOUR GENERAL' WANts H ' J' wise old birdij Who have been the life ' and spirit or the college during ; ti na' " � , ·the year liad taken to. the air and C F i orists g 09!1t In �be beltry of Cutaliforl'li� Flowel'8 pot.}.ed Plao'U' Parkland Barber �J:d�: :� p�/ . LEHMANN'S, ' Floral Decora�ioDi Sho� ' . .The &:raduatea left early and l A om . , .. . Iai for Your ., '!:::�l:, :!��::! : V :�::t 0� a�:J , � fr 7 \ P 'dr ,� � '' � ' T. , ' i , �'�O'� � �� DRY' GQO\'l�. ,NOTIONS. S�ES, RUBBERS AND � � � ���� ! spirit In the f,?rm of p�ID� .m a &:'1 � Confectioriary ' �I '� ART GOOIlS ' deface the, f!»lIele: to . 'CONN SAXOP�O� . At about aneD dcloclr. �.y . TacOma �aest of port ' tbe ' 'barked from . '�o Stores D I Northwest Coan Co. . \yifh But It �iDgle 'rbousiat" !�r� .:;� !n ��: C:-��u��e�t;: . Parklaad Hor�mau 8;am � To , ' 13�b . serve r. Efficiently 1155 tbe : ,put . bon 'Illan)1 &lid tben Oyer . .Narrowl at Point Deflance, 'and out -----.1 ____�!p___1 I ..

' " e

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Vote.by to Judges' Dtdsion.., . •

" .- .-."••• •"












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C0l:nplel.. I.olnO! o f

C�IlS80. Stel�a Sanluel!!.on. _ �Iartha 1}.J�ermlltad. niT �r :\'elson. "alll,lft Lan gl�W. Rut h Rlvenen', Geofllle Cooper, t::=====:: T,:,o::m::,: , ,:. .w::,:: .reidl(,T. HUlh lI�i; 1:�'�uetln Svlhth. E�t �ytlow. J)urothy Ordal, Pa.lm;l 1191 11111;. hl and Olea EmnJllllon. r I brlng" dllltant- obJecls Rnd -rnr' off l IImull boy In 2chool�' II I \'(CO-n till1l<!(1 from -paRe 1 ) ar. LU(ltln Svtnth . .1".....; heuT I "ld!J grandma �Ily: It going things of. the world \'t'ry near. �how Marie, IImid, ,\morelte Ou y. � hn('�!;, deceit and fhlseel'erly thnt we CRn lice 80mcthiug , of their I to rain, I can feel It In my bone8:'1 rom"II Pullr Perk.!ns. 'Ir, D 's ;\1I�s Ilembrandl. lIlimicurllll heltuty lind Imvort,ance, i One (�lY, whcn IIlIked whcre, ruin war,1 und a mod,est helre�s, The Huth nll'ene�s: r ' "I g dresser . �hl�'e 1:�):e,I:�e U�1 ��e��u:�-�J:�:bl: :�::�nJ�I��r.:eb;��!��.d : "F rom "my I 11,��;:; :,:' 1; 1�O :�ec�,:I;>�: ;��I:;���t�) t �� I:a��il:� r�:::�I:,es�, a hair and us",rul thing!!, and which ure 10 !<lmVle :"\','w �:l1lo:land " III:I);e" IUe 10 o �;::\!I�Y, Tommy'a siliter, Dorothy he had without mO.;IC)' without ''Hcl'' S�flre: lhc stullen{;I W'h" . ==== ===:: whkh !<he has h"ell nC('1l810med ulHI r I IITlce" fire not Ilcre IIre- nre,b,'arfor a monH:1lI i'h., ll)""�-'hl'r I�' ::::= 5. It III 1l 1;e .1I deep, broad . cull, Bright s'tudent: "Absl'nt.'· In);". But het hfarl and undetslund. ' I .\:'11 ' (',\1.1.1SO \·OU: flowing rll'cr. Ihe lJ!1nk� of which ' iul.; lire a!J hl� a!J all out doofs .and green UILt! flowery: where bird� If al fin;! )'U�I ,10 look, I Ill ' I am the \)('''t frhnd of llllnkind III'" fl r (I tn I !lIn); nlHI laml!!1 piny. 1I1lti .Ihe Jleur o ut� 1 . ,� L� .,, ,, " " , ,' . . ' .., ' lhfl mlln \\hV 11�11' S � l It l l) liUle rhlltirell llre lovIng lind Iiillll'Y, ' n "hh lite f 'I,lom and frngrmc{' lJc I<efuln,'�� ]l u re mln.le,llleS!; soclul -Anonymous. " \\'Iwi .l!plpudld fll.·' !laid Ill� "f Ih(' S, ,, En);1 11ul Rerk."hlres nnd i ll d l nK lind lunge\ll\ 1 11m II l!I!l a!! the e lllleptic wh.� rilrrled ' 11l�1' III of ... I1 ]'tlll l: h"r"...l r to h{,r l1e . , . , ".. ...".. ....... " 1 1nHor Oil.! u f Rho/!. : Il' " "he set9 Oil! to �e::lllt �IUng nhullt "' llh s"cel n1l'1ll �1 � 1l: "'I..a), dOIl' n, 1'1111. Lay t1o"'·n. litem , onfurm to her u " n orl{'$--nH.'lUorie!J of llwmorles I That n good doggie. Lay dol'd'l; I . "1.ln,1 ,, ( �!mplkl1\ and l"Ippl I lO e O� ! '". " "....."......... ".......... ........ lell t� u.:: . H er I � I \ prescnce (Il rlfl{'s Ihe \ ;!rl� :I��l:ISorl��I'I�;rl\�: 1��e�) :s I'I,I:� '" . ' h�e to SAy . �l h;l�r, )oull 'tmo�]lhere OU I .(fOnt ate a rabbit; now . UnBo)clown . ,!; the sh .ltlo" I grope their \\,IY dO\\11 10\ . Ileg educnted. . CO!ll� lI t Il ith perforllllllg 'h"' l decked ", Ith lng 1{',l r� tiwrC !l har.... In thu _butter �" ,'rll huu><chold t;he goes Into CTCI"'nl!(/ bl ln�JnJ:" h.lUds and helrt!' ! t i. Tcncher , ha t Is there here ." ,'"""""."... . ;;; . ; ; :.;; : ::....::. .;: ;::. :"" .. t t" [loor d h t rie l" of Lhe I lllage aud III I h e mind>:! of the I-:reat;>l:It men \\ Idter In Geometry clASS ;\l r ' substantLcte Ihe opinion Ih.11 len there Itt'r " lIlnJllg \lel"!!onallt ) 1 011 c,lTth 1 find constant d"' l'lllllg Rllo gtAel how do IOU tlnd I!I)ear� wall a prophel� hlJllc�IJotnUlIIS Of right triangle? ' JUIlIQr lie .... as foretelling the \\orl;� ll11rhll's Through her klnd.j Place ragged unwashed I I he I II Ihe lives of the )oullg of helt! Prompt Delivery �rcshmlli In case of a fire open l o r home bre '" " hen he ....rote that . fiTrirrl!n .He in l roduced I nlo high I m!1 In the ci n'lI l11l1 of Ihe old Phone Mnln 504 �OClel' 'll"lng jO) ClHllllcrnutloll l I llafeguArd nMn "'ltll frlendh the "Indo ..... und see the nre eqcnpe recipe (or the " It ches Droth In I llll co",lcnllJ.llloll .cmllll); the larl- h ind to the m,'n In flnc linen nnd Our cod li\'er oil is al· II lie AOlll�' lrouble� on� nhlnb�r� of Ihe �OO lhe nMn In honW"Il111l ways fTC'sh and sw�et as (' �(>�'�tll (>r ""0 th.ln k s J"'" h.1 I1 [<ome l ::: e �: ll re l\�I(; n� fr;) I: l:le :�t \ : l � ���� g �r t: l �:t �o l � �el n" �� ��� l� I :,l1 fa h no r ul l l l n !l , e l l ) , A young' and Coolish malden mar- I -T\t,"O:\I \ TIT!.I-: CO'II' \S Y l)ro�llect of mOl"lllK Inlo a Harlem ell frcell' to HII who H�k. Larsen PharmllCY arms tied a Dlltdcmall thinking IIhe would I' or thinking I mee-t you willi ":I;���II�l-::1Il"h: �c��.: ���',�:t-� fI'l! . whkh 10 their hl'collle a I)ll.-Jle�s, s. T. LARSf';N, Erop: i" worse th"n lieath. At this junc- an,1 \I'lth sOllg� (If gladnes�., � I '� . T.-\I;OJoI.thouo lion. Polly ('O!ll�'S to the rc>:!cllc atHI Some time�sollle d:"I}"��ume hour Tacomn 1 1 0a So. K �t. (,,<l' llI'r : Gh'e me l,rOI'erh. wllh HI1IJl!Illt' bil hfulnel!s (Ilace's her �ill Ihe IWHr or fllr (uture you will ) TPupil: All I� nOI goIII thllt glil ]{'I';an' , whkh r{'l'n'sellt� ;>\'ery penny )'earll tor Ihe touch of my friendly,- tCT>:!. , . "he has III Ihe world, lnlo hand" h81)(1 Teacher: VIlTY good. ;;I;:e lIle an of l'!'r I!l1artii;cn hell' him stem I am rour COllltorl('r lIIHI best i; ll1CHtrrtllon, , Frank J. t-hc! tide (rlend I alii Cililing rou� PUllil: . The Kenlor (;11I�s pins. In Ihe mt:'antlme Del"erh�'I1'-"80n Church. the nm I ' to el'er,. \ lIalwln. who llI:1kt'!" love Mr, HingHlad: .... t:nder what " -The Trumpet. ]lr�'lIy fa";> he meel�, has tll11en , 1,Ination I>:! gold most quickly ••• de:<IH!TIlh)ly in 101'c with .tQlly: I t I leased? T "'IiE? UIIII,I-:; .. H IS . 'l'III :;':��l0�� ";Iorol"('s Ihe mllklng of him, . HI! IWtI,\T M1Irrl�g ;;;;;:=====�, I Mahncke & CO. ==.:= It like large, beautiful -:;;" ;Durton C.olu",.ta D"�; to work for the fi�st l tre-e.. whteh ;,,'Illallybears sweet frull . rACOHA, '''AUI. ; lime In his IIfc. Jewelers to Tacoma those that Arc hungry. and_ affords i�h ' SAVI:-.IGS F'or ilO' Years 1112% rae. Throuj::1i Polly'" influence we See j shel on for pilgrims r hade and M \Ve, have nc\'cr ptiid less looe . Main 2289_ �, the hett'er ill�ilncls of the Devcrl I their wily to the kingdom of heaven. tacoma. 91!) BrO!�dway f:lll/ily unci their [rlcnds come 10 :!. It Is Ilke c�bllle.t of Jewelq AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN .. realize t!:tal i 'fhey Ih,.'- su·rface. h es ec u 1001 Pacific A,"e. .��:lle� i� nn L. �:�:�thflr��� dl:n�:o��� � �::�y Pt� . !: �O ��:�l �t Wa�:_� a ��� lr��� T o V h it l n THE LYNN MORTUARY bU U , d n�lk:or ll. n , m ":::: c::::::: " ,:: ich ,,,:==:::: :: ' : eonstitu happineSS and thai Polly ,�, �� l : :: :::: " ::::: .= =:�YI wh "Superior FUlleral Servicc" r I ::B wonderful little penon. I 717-719 TACOMA AVENUE . and ruin : $:a��e':f.?�";,��Y 'g�;��¥���:" N �8rKhUl Is saved (rom TACOMA phone: .Main 77 15 Hhe finds her own hnpplne!ls In the HAUGEN & LONEY · .... good she- has wrought and the true Horn�Holm�s CO; TAILORS IOI'e of Dllldwln Beverly. ' The cast of character Is as fol­ Three General l\lerehan'dise Stores . lows: . Compliments of Ralph Deverly, Pol\Y's Guardian, f>h9�le ')faln 831).1 752 So" 38th-Mad. 80 Burton' Kreidler. LOVE ELECfRIC COM}>ANY Daldwln. his. !Ion, George Cooper. , J. E. Berkheimer Mfg. Co, 1002·8· Center ·St.-M. 7221 Roofing , Hartlelgb, . Peter CO.\L T,\I� ' PRODUCTS To�o q. \Vl.1sh. 732 Pacific. Ave, son-in.la...... 'Sldney Glasao. m SlIa� Young. rI money le,?-der, �Ir- 3901" 6th· Ave.-Proc. 504 ���l� �{,:��t ger !\""eit;on. = ==== � �������������������� � I: . ��:�I: �:�If1e.�' : � � �: SO ( ':\!lW�.rLeftI� t� 1<) rlj::ht sitting: Burton �









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Photog�aphic Poitraits

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1 �=::::::::=::::=== ;::==== butler, Lyman Carl- 1It boy. 0'0' Savage Scofield· . 1 1' � �L ' � ·,1 \EI�:il�on�er�lnl!' a 'JI�aU 'to..n �rl; ...- . Co. ' B'lOADWAY ' AT ELEVENTH Palma ·He!mdabl. r J<'r.�bd Oirt Goods . PEPENDABILITY RdU::,:'t:I:: . :!::i-��:� l�'e�he e7�!;; . .. . 0.1 �.,. .toU. _••,.... YoIr EasterMarcel ad PerJlellUt Wave Geraldine, ber ,.ou�,er· The Finest Beauty Parlor in the " NortltwHt d 15 Attr.acth'e Boo t h8-14 - �perient;:ed operatOl'8. ' 3' 'men Jd.�� �:;:;� j.�ther_StoDe, �f barbers for .women·.. aod children:a." h.ur· Cutting. , Be.t . the ".00," E8tbe'r 8,.dow. . a Every De tai· IMr.. C!:l&reD.tle Clladrleld, ellmbC I t.._:...-:___:..._......l l ;..;............"-.-....,,..".."...._:;"�� .:,:,"...i l-.:�� · ��:�...�d� :rvI �·�ce:.� .. lD· �� �:::2 · ��;:: BaJcO ��D1::__ . :.:_ _�·:..' :.,. j . ' -:- . Ha'rklns,


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est I�' rellclon whkb fir . some rea·

MORE NEW BOOKS son or a�other tbe)' ar\ a.ba:med to FOR THE LlBRAR.Y ublblt. Many or tbem are recular

baye recently cburch lben and IIIDee tbe,. '0 . lInow what tbe Is about., Man,. otben mllht ' MAY 6, e n flv' the nloney coilected by chMe1 , If they did not have the exCUI. 2:00 ·P. l\1.-Ladies Aid. �nts a week for tbe . u,," !!.f the otrer�bat · they had tbree d. lel r-------.,. May 8 , ' other fiCllon books. · ot It a week. One volUntary Oat. 6:00. P. :'.L-·Ladi.es Aid .auction sale. . The ' ne,w bOOks' ar�: Butt, A C ol- te.ndance a mODth · at ap. bour h es For tt r '!\oIay ·10 lie, Terhune: ' "'an to Miln. Grelor},: vice II of more benetlt to ,tbe In- Be e Clot 10::10 A. l\;l.-D.ivine Service. Men . . ;. ':ilan for the A«ell. B...-:helltlr : dlvldual than tlll'el\'e luch ch!,-pelll ·1 ::30 P. :\L-I.uther League: . 12Rev. C, L. Foss;Speaket. ' e �la���� ��r�;h����'()�� ' d ' ry where tte d ce May A A HNQt llRT . :� �!�Il: :e8 :� :�::�;t\ I t I I\ � ll: h F c p i ::tO P. :\L-Yo�lIlg La(���� l�¥xiliary. 1 0.CA��� . St, ' . T�eoma I er Th. Tuft �::,ncpe:I:�; B�:::�UI��:� :dY��: � : � � : : � : : . W:;W A. :\I......., piv"inr- Service. ture Enlenon., HoU'K h: Man trom r _ J..� " . :1;3() P. �I.-.lunior 1.<�f�� · I Ol,�g""y, R .h C.n.,,, Oh",'"' 19 FIDELITY RENT & COLLECTION CO. : Ferber:. Snow 2:()O P. '[ -I.adlc'" Auf. u ��statc S ll's \ Insunmc�:or Every REY T 0 SVARE, Pastor :�oe:;��ji�\ta!::�L K���� . tga Ld�ns lrook Re:lew �1:e:� �� : 9 �;. has Phone Main 668 M '. 'S CLUff�LANS .' . 1 t l ' So. fOlh'5trect r e I ra also bee� � Frldll)·. �fnr I . Ihe Parkland PUb ! EN BOOST PARKLAND j __ . _."PEL ::e;:l' h::�k h���le 1 �1:lri��n��� ,�:::, , The PUbl!Cl�r Committee of t �e , �OMPULSORY CH Qxhlhlted, The exhlhltions. r a rkill mt.),�.e.n II Club, Co�slst 1D g of AU over staid old New EnKland, · . ahl, · Arthur en Stu and J. O . J D H. j . � ,J. " AUNDRY .( WESTERN S,,"V inrlUiled ftrtHleml" work lind th'lll ot I olle8"& atudenta I!.re In, re�elllon ' 'U :\lll nu,,1 Training and Dom('stic I :��?�:IV:�� �U:. y �:�:���lngt PI�:: 'o��! n� �.:e :!� s�:t�: ::���i ls n P k t s. �:: e t s Our Mott�: "Q�!tl. and Service" . !k��;"'t lr'l!t en'nt of th� ev('n ing 'll'(,11 decided assist the col lege at \viI I la �es Record . llns a series of Main i5fl7 centenllli .exposilion In Mlrrnea\l. Articlell . on Ihe b..!sysl . 5 12 So, !Jlh si. motion picture �how given in l Ihe m . and In - I !__________...._� e JIJ. In Olls materials for and I' ---.....; � Ihe audllorlum. After Ihis. he l ine a di� � vhes an op('n forunl to discuss the � pO!Jlllble are bf.)l ng subjecl I I ' d 'h exhibits In' the gr th ed. Pt:�' la!!Holmes, Record has received r----:--:--:--------:'"---.,.----:--tilf!'_ 8tU!lt hunc!re�!! The N · f l\�(J , s;:. 0; :djOUrned 10 Ihe en iding ��ft,wf:::;/': /� ot lelter9, nlany ot t�em ' . . kland. t Pa has ot red a s � r r(' o m Ihe fac tJ. lly members, and l therf' were various , r rge hR menl Ask for · them condemn the n pnlnllnl of �he school wllh nfr('nrly �,th� ·\ 11 reporled good Ilm('.. , lthe all of . a!J a back.ground . "Ir"." F"�((,�I Crews spent Ihe afler', wh hmountain chap.et !!ystem. The l(' Is 10 be ll"Sed as centerpiece compulsory nOl,n of ,\Pril 24 \'Isiling wllh ' �Irg, IIround body ot Brpwn recenll¥ which scenes trom t·he col- Itudent .I Coffe�, Fruits, Catsup, L" 8n overwhelmlngly for obolltlon ��. �nd Mrs. . John, Tenwlck-'of leg(, and liS vlclnllY are be �oted f the syslerT\.. Dartmoulh gels along .Vegetables, Spices AI>f'rdl.'"en vllliled wllti Xavlerll dur- I �:I��P�: ha:h:on �:�nl�:en �a ��::� this year .wil? volun..tary chapel ' . Extracts Ing the .we('k,end of "',ay 2-3. photographs trom the moun , .servlces. . 'AI 'lhe m(M!ling Of , the Trinity tlfu! " lent. Whnt '18 wrong wllh st � or the rond 10 Ihe.moun laln. with Junior I�ell!l(u(, IlIlt Sunda.y Aflernoon talnIn and undergradl chap('l. that t!le. ­ l addition Ihls, a pamphlet lin! tollowlng program.. wae seltiug torth the ad\'anlages of ate!! of many of .our ne'�hbor'ng loll.,. Qua lity is Economy liven: unite In condemnlnl Ihe cus· '-------....,.-Pari':IRnd Is beinl!: prepared R nd will /!chools �---�--_,_----.J Plano 8010--S111'111 lArson. �m usel�s and archaiC! The be dislributed '�t the exposition. tmodern Miuton 1'Qp!c-.--lnI8 Olson. youut Is criticized un- r-----:---�-,..--t The committee feels that Ihe school relilioul . who thua CrltlUedlallon -Irene Dahl. those n r nd :hi:h Ihl: clze ' nndwould " 'A no � Io-Joleph Brye. I ��ml;� nl��. :: be�:;1;1bUIII seize upon 'this ! h ' that n Th", unmarried women of the . ATKINS Indicative of bls det O ' s('ho�I Is a boost for. ·movement Younl Ladles Guilrl will elve a �:�: �� ; the SILVER scent. B u. �s that the'trouble? l . part, for the Marrl('d women be, Cut Faster and STEEL Eaaier-SAWS Laat Longer AI regards the religious benetlts. . or e, Ie When you sell Atklna Saws your cusUllnefll. teU then tbere'. I ' e . I . ::,"IM " ,.: ,'f!�I\�: ::�:�,� H:�; 'FOLLOWING JESUS' ,t.. �,." 'h",·.·k,·,. .. "·h. t"." ,�,·, · .',""',.� t� a three- fold savinI. ).,tkln.' Sawsto.aYe .... time. and money. be. cause they are made ot the tamous Silverener,y will be WAS MISSION TOPIC u e a Steel, the tinelt lAW e w . n e ��::-:I::�'�, ;:: /a�ty t ' } s :�; e � � !� :�: ��;:�: : ::���� � ! !�!/ r�� ;:�r!�: �t�� l r l ': :�:-I����rl. · ::: D!:: l:ask���:� et���'��� t h h·�7:IIO��;:, I:! :,�." : �:: h.,?:";;� ::: ':��,:":� ';;:�::,:";:;��" ::;� d .1; : � ', � ,� A �::::; �;F.:�:W " P...", ·... t.. "•.., Fa",.,..... . t p w . flveftln.. flertba, Anna, and In«a I Church Herald for. meditation by Ihe pulsion. Gifted Indeed would be E. �RDWARE C. ATKINS 0I110ft IIerv('d. & CO. j Mission Society at ItI meet- the chaplain who.could �hree times Wj \8H[NGTO� H �., e TACOMA DISTRIBUTORS,-' n r e 4 _ _ _ _ _ '--' � . _ _ .... _ '-''_ � l _ thirty-five for weeks. t c week. sele. a f"ld: l�: 1!��Y :: �.:.tI�� ����u��� Inl/: Wednl'lIday evening. April 29. tor hllj;.,8ubjecls wi,lch youtd InS lre l )la, 1 3 . at 4 : 1 5 p. m. organlU! The topl� was divided Inlo three .hls unwilling. liatenen-. It I P. too li _................""'IIIIlI.... II .... .... ... ... _ ... _ .... parll tlrst, Jesus," of Tbf' Service 1" s wln .... .... .... _ Benr uu 111'111 waM . explained by" Arnt Oyen. It. milch of la k . The present cbapel a PI' �, .".,·. " :r ���bie"��:' was shown how Chrilt"s life waa one lIervlee� has 8b-6come so stereotyped Sv l Y a h or er ce �:�edT. n��n t::\I��: , of s('n·lce. �;IOI'Oeon,:�:� MI ' Ser- ����r:e� �r�;: �t :�� �!al� :: t�: ..t bora al Ihe Tacoma Gea- The second topic, . . Samaritan "ral tto.pltal on Tiaeed.a" April U. v!�e" In�erpre�ed by Arthur a81emblafl;e looka bewll(lered, and Ttle pmd 'alher reportll . that the Knulzen. The speaker IIhowed how nOI 5 0 per cent e\'er remember Ihe 8ervlce afler they have reached tnelr ,ounll Ulan IIhoWli Itreat vocal abll· ehrlsllan>! Hhould lIeek every opfirst class. II" botb to quanllt, and quality portunllY for servI,�e. men are. not unrellKloua, &t lone. lie III Impatiently await· "MIssion Service. as expl�lned .by al Colh"Ke hea�t' W" h many ot them Ihelr 11111 tht! da, when thl. voice may Marth8 Hj('rmslad waa the thld ;ndlfference a'n d callousness Is'merev u I Men hi. r.� " 'lI ��:��·wor:�;s. �:!�u :ln� �::el� :::� Iy' a ven p.� 10 �ov r a dee�r Inter, �&r::�'� � � � \ slonarle8 . pastors, churCh goera and I 0 S. .BARLOW .. & SONS PARKLAND WINS 1h�',::.; :�:';.;'�; �::t ��::; A . Tbls . Is the sensation of thla years (Incorporated) I1lay:"""wlth th touKh_ eet cover ball known on a baseball. Especially adapted to�Pllclflc . OPENING GAME :Iar:�d���o :: ;;�:aH:le��.:��1 wae�: CO&!lt Diamonds. Dlstrlbuto�s of the other numben of the' program. We make special prices In dozen lots to organized teaml. 'We also equip the c..t.p Nine Defeats Fife High teams with BLOOD·� PAINT every Item . neceBlary . baseball. ' tor .. L«.I Diamond b)': 14 t====:;::::;====1- 1l . Headquarters for Builder'!J Material and Coal a t. 5 Seol'e T�NNIS SUPPLIES su���c;��� �:���j�: 1 7 1"5, 2 1 Do'ck Stre�t . Till " J'. I. C. hU4!b.n team won' �uran.ce our specialty. ��: .Tac0n:'a . . Wa.sh, p';'" from the FHe Hllh WM. Hardwar.e· CO:. .P. HOPPING & CO. er )'lUS .;." I I n P h t n d ). e ��� ·.tW;.�;�::� �� . O;;;r: :r !�= ==� == !. � , ,. I... �. �� I :.:::::::I:O::.: :p . �V See us about your water Ii ������� ::.:C:':{\:v::: r e e s re prob�em! . Agenta for , ::::::� /1 �::.. ;:: e;��;" I::� : :� t� ht� Lien & Selvig ,..Y4Mi tnbe..wa,I'. tor the: Lutherlln. vlcDVRP SYSTEMS L. C. nlnt! played a. Wheeldck Electric Co. Importers o( .!.Norwe ... gian luod "ame all around, all hough 811 Pac. Ave. . ASSETS UD LIABWTIES I Cod Liver err 8 u � ;� .�-:� w:::e no� ::;�Sa:�e, Reliable Perscrlptlo •. "•• 1 .. -\RSf.:X .!l soSS .,....iftl or' the .qu�d 1'141 esp�c· Drugllsts LlI.tab!18hed . I .. "II, ..U('dlore. 8AIL-MAKER!! . lfll.nufaClurer. ... Cor. Ta,comn A.v� & 11 SI. Ed " rtbur III t e mound..Ro.sltlon . and D!!Iale�1 In h Tacoma, \Vash. _lIled 10 experience lIule dlrtlculty Tl=�,T!I. A\\,�ING!! ASO FLAG!! A GOOD EDUCi\TI0N. IS AN ASSET khfi..... (bof hlkh, schoo! bo?'s In ' :rhone Free DeJlvel;"Y . IG.NORANCE·IS A LIABiliTY ��col:L' w��fl, ..�. III. pilchInc .as-one of the W. f6!... u"rH of !be Kame, Lym�n IT IS AS TRUE IN THE ·SCHOOL carlton pLayed . ·flne fielding l3.me AS IN 'COMMERCIAL .PURSUITS Shaw Supp]y Co., :�Ii!:: t..;;: ��,!!:!D�t ::�i;� . "j �.. !:DUlloD for bla .!Jeld w,ork. Inc. ! ' 'TIIe' batterles. ·tor P. L C. were . " . ...... Com p1imentE4 Artbllr �Il.d 'Ole ��old. Ka!,,, 1915 Pacific A v'if. I . ....0..0 aDd' A.ndre .. . .�rked for rife Tacoma . . ') H.... . . . . ',".! . · t I 1 Dr. Ch. a rles . . . Kodaks and I ' Puget �""" Natloaal llaak · . ··U ...� ..... "'.... 1&.'. 0' , Finishi�1{ s . 1 Web ter �rritt : I . I· , . wa�. IIow '4.0 10U ' "J cr� DC TACOMA, WAaantOTOI( . ExtraNoGood ' Fini�hjng." iI ' ', . ._ .. ' . . . �. ' extra.:t1ost ! ,_,_ _ 1. '-_'�� ,. ; dOQ't lIDo..... " . �-"- _ -=-"':'';-' -:-__ -. ' _ _ -:..'.·�.boobOo." Ila__.......__..._..... . ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"',,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"' ,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, � . ., Several new

----,I;M!oe -�:....-'----�--="""=====tTh.ese!.-. .�""-lb� wltb.tlU'L.. service 'CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS .�ok!J were purcb&lIedi.lI. ,






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('o.n;nU·II('t"Oll'nt ' E:<er�i8es. fot' . It h:"� hl'�'n math' tIl nrd.'r ":\'1;'11 the I..urgest p. L. C. Grnduntin){ Class 10 he Held Fri� ' /' I' ' I I I " 111(;11 1.:\ \1": IIF:Itt: 1 n III th t l . ' ::llr:�I� IJ��: ����� l;, �l�'I�' :�'I: t�� o t hl' ('nll;>):l' ,linnlol1d . �Il'r I G , day En'ninj! 19t "\ the ,P, I., C' lt'lIm' tonk. lhe I ,I!IY w,' IWII onr :IhJ !ltn I Ill<'nk 1"0'1· ;1/1: hllrhor nine into {'aUl Il ,bi a 7 1 ('(ll11e!\ I 'l� �un,�"I Ill', ('nhlIlWIH" 'ItI" nl. ex.'rd�ell III 1'. I�. I fl l ,,� Th€' Ah;;'llnl pl('nlc I" �II annuli I ( ' "'ill h.. 1I.'ld' ":rl,)II�' el'enlnK, ·MII), · , ::r;�: �'I�: h��;:n �;::��alr(: �� �;. ::� , arfalr IInl! I� r..alIY l(lfIkell forw:lr,1 ' '+ In Ih.. r'ollE'lCe lCymnoslum, �111; 1 1 ,;n(fII� tudenl". a� :" InIl1l1l:: 1C:l1nl' h�' :I :l I" t ,,{'ort', but 1 1 0 by bOlh Itll . TW"lIlr fl ...• �IutlellU e:rpN:t 10 ) 11 <;1 d ;<'I�I\'I' I'kt"ry 111' 1i!u' ,,(e-onl , II . � � 'I , ", ' , � ' : �, ' , ' � , � ' : ".... :..::' �,\ " ,",JOY"","",",',',','',"" ,. I:t;Ullll,IC', Tilt,. " Ia�" I.. hlrjli;('r· than, lOI ' lI r mol'" 1 I,I nn 1" " ' 11" " Ill(' �"ri",.. I . I' I. G. graual!on clasK. "'PI'\C' ' ' B"r�r:h 1,IIl'hiu,r; hi� rlr�t ' thE' cur" ht'JI;R n ):HII\{rlrll: In rro;l; I ;OilY forlUer I'rof. " , A �IYk:l!IIItI, ttU llerlnlelHI.r;UlUl' of th� n'lIr WII,. H'r�' ('HeNi\''' ' . ('If I' I •. Co, ":lId ��I ..n (I 'dock en! or Iltl' "�ri"rSI.anwoo" c,,/II �o'hlal1<lIowln1: . nuly four hlt� COII�hl"r. tht!rr were aboll.I rar!l flft,,(!h flUel . ed �choolll, "'1\1 ICII·e ..lhe comlllencein!; the fa('1 that !t.i�'Th .. flr"l .r; u n w ' Top row, I"fl I n rl .r; hl , A mo ret te U:I�', SI/l:I.le HJ(lrm�lad. 1)01'(11 h )' aho', .ell':hlY IIcollle .ready \0 MUtrt mell� IHld�e"to. He'.. 0. F. . � lIelmtiahl till' Il('rform:lllr€'l!, It", "" t>r '1lil{'hed on �he dlly'll olillng. .. AliI. be fnre of �Ir" \\ [lI<h .. will �pcak , In hcll!rlf I.enhmnll, Hlllh F'l\dn�. HIke on urlded vnlul' .l.'mt('h IUIII1=' r ' . \ l ielille TO ...· ; leaving. cvery cli "'11>1 dC('(Irnie(I \ s ub " IIJ IrenE' llith!. Luella Svlnlh. \ , Iarth erm tlld, ' l le of Ih� bOltI'd of IT'l\!HO!e�, ... rad has no.... anolher ,1:00<' Il!tcher l IVl'r�(}n. 1.111-1:111 1.1'". f:"ther �yclo"". . wH ir al 1{'IIIII.one L'Rrklllnd pennnnl, HI'atlnhl(' for dull' Th!! gralluatea ar� : :-Ior l�tlt l and Bottom row : GeorlCe ('Ooper: Burlon "r�ldler, 1'IIIma Ilelmdnh! ' n� eVer)'olle wall proud of bellli Drulllmond, f;" ji: IIlIrhor pile-her, ' hlenllfled as belonglrrg 1 0 the l'a_ I J u rUor College l)epKrtmcnt: Ruth . • , �' nol IIffl'rth'� In Ih" 'I)inche� altd .\lfrl'd Ander!'.�n, Arnl. 0yflu, O. I•. Thor"on. ·\trtUOll. !'..J llIan Amorette Oay, Palml'l rtfl(' l.utheran ColLclte. , . '1 I-Ielmliahl, ":1'1111 I elmdllhl, G'eorge wa!l 101i1'ht'd for hltll ' when thev' . 1 "1'011(>,1 hoy who -dine! the Iden 111- ' Th t c I I et ' 0 l I. I!'. "u ll ilorl wa� I�o SENIOR PLAY "I�I{ fl In h,l m hut � , : 1 I!'. k4l1g" 1 pin "�h':r� 7:: ��rs� m��: ,,f:� 1:1 ' 111:; , Cooper, liurton 'Kreld'ler, � lI�erlll) w(lrk ,' ,It ..�· , "arn , 0 ' ,,0 er TIl IIt , , I I� ' general Oepqrtm\:!llt. S{'hool High JU" oul Priest Park, I lit ealen Polnl '"lIAS E N 15 �plt e of hi !'. m :III)' ..tatf11 � Allld"'ln O l+ Il Behind IhE' rI"�",, I'ite-hln!: � <If � ere Ihe enllre plt rl ), CO)lr!!e: !tuth IUveneKIl. Henry Klel, of lympl . Uor�elh ' lin' tealll 111I' ''ed �ood Imll \\;on what he J" enl after by Ill" en jo,.ed ·l hem 8e' h'e� b)' va. rIOIl" 1'1I ' Arthu.r Knlluen. Siel hl' RII01uelsoll. ' HERE MAY . _ • Se'rwold and Cnrlson- I�d Ih.. hallln� --, I h0I1��1 lind IleTl"�tcnc)'. . t"Ttulnment¥. hOT1Jellhoe Ileemln l!: 10 I .(\.Ivoll !leek, "�dwln i3!:,c k. Arnl OYen. I ""ark of Ih .. 10{,1I1�. ;:�:I,�I1�:,. I;�;�II �I r:�hetrhe lle�:�:�� i ha" e .lh.e. prefere�ce of the,m al i, ::II,��e�a���I�."' �:dllil O'��lIrtell, Ly· l n of Polly.·· Pren �urn;nar�' IIr (;III1H' IH/ . H �; : '"A I n edt�ccount . Jlt,"g hY he r d one o 'clock . the gong !'oulHlqd se� 4 , :t ·4 tH� l Iarbor .? Modern Lu ng'ilage Coune : Signe J':lrl I n Ihe family !lhe had 10- " hO W ! forAtIUllch asses \�e � �one �nd el'er)'ime rCllponded 1 he p I•. �': . , 7 �o 21 r-,,1.'I!er wi,li I' ""US the proper t vlllth, Ruth n a IE , _ . t relldlly 1111 the word "eal," sounded ����. ���r� ; �J��::;ad� I l l .\I.I.I I' HII.II (.,\:l, ... M l 1hlnK to do f UrlhE'rmore � pros et A d ' II a bout Ihat . tlme, , · hlt�tI � cn un a' h;�\ :� I V� o:,:/" Bu!!lnelllliCourse: Palma Langlow, \ The 1 '. L. C, :"\ Ine 10lHhe .IIPlIYI11 g ;�:1I �; ;h� I" " 'J l\'e hus'hu nd waM 'mllk ing 1 1f� I:O(ldf er fOl1ght Im�elmll I:llme tu I A t a K umptllOll 1l repa ",! . the en - :'l - ! I:TlI (II1K tin g chl�" of P ad fh' l .ulhNRl \'f·ry IntflrC!lllug. BUI Ho rtell �') "' a. lvenon, · I ' IIHIII IU (lnll came out Ihe "" I nner on lire parly Jeft ' for Ihe city of 01;'m. - abel h�I' IIIIC I lOlI!ler!l. W!'(llIe�dll)�. �Irt)' Eo,IIM.-'ltOl,lfUI::.ElIther 8Tdow,- C FrIIlH)', �Ia\' I � . ! I I Ir I l e ollege. e-a�1 " or r:�:: t :o: le: u :l�e O�e :h:II:�;lly b�,��� Scien'''"t Uh Course : Sidney GI��O 10 of e-h � r f.. r" w a � a� " lI ;:��:;: I��:,, ' "'1'" �; : ;\I�, . : k II ui �y .. r t' ne nin " " �� f I In It 'l'd o lllck (> ' , fUI�::g: ''',",, " ..,.... C ,,,,, '':::�� A 0,"" m 'mb", or 'h, r'm_ I ' h 'O"'" < b, o'd <0,1<0', b, ""'"" , R.,O' 1<""" " Polly ', G,"""" ,,, "ii,"', "" ",,�::'�,;�;,''';:, h�r:' " L, ,�� '�;;,P�::: : ,rurlOn tJ H:II'lng IIpertt ,some lime In Ol)'mlHI1 �h� had. good rl'a��lI!1 for I Kreidler. nlnl: wllh IWO rlln�, hut up until l li:tld"'ln, hl� �on. Gporll:C ('ooper (I oln g �o. She WHIl rulel.! over b)' llin the proce�510n 1"11' again on H '� OR CL-ASS. D '" Ay ,'. . Ihe �I)llh InnlnlC It .... 11" 1I1' YbOdY'II "1 Peler �IHr t ley, II pro llpeCIII'(> �on � 110'1' nlder "llIter Rnll her mOlller l WHY. thlM lime tor Hlck ' � I,ake, II SENI ' GOES OVER BIG h"ll galnf'. The �core III Ihe lallt j In-Illw, Sidne" Gla llso. plurE'd lillie conrtclence In Gerahllnl', rO\lVCnlenl and pleasllnt camplnA' -11 a, si bOu lle. lymp 0 o nr� lh .. rUM! "'liS rivE' 10 fh'e. There Peter I nother Mpee-Imen s Y " � i II lI_ of Ihe !lHC u � x Di 1, r O Sila Olln , II mnne lender. Blr. " w a�. u n ellrE'lIenl chane-p II> wIn the J:f!r :-':elllon. ' born rich never had , to work AI Ihli'! place a greal many went Class Day Program Succe88ful • . . I, Event ·tor Graduates j;'IIInC III 1 1118 time, bUI falillre 10 ' Hnr'kln!<. a hutlPT. 1.)' 1I111n c.;lI rl�o ll group, " Love !Oa klng lI.nd Idling �wlmll1lng", while hoall�g and "Aarn· ' h ,' 1111 H I rrll 'al periods lind errOr� 1 Tommy . "" 0nr lillIe ho I'. O;�a hnd heen hili chief actlvlt!€'A l1'hi ll �'at<1 Gol' lIerved lUI the other di, . &enlor Clall8 Day '11" obs;;:;ed "'{l . ('0,,1 Ihe , LOlherKn� the game. ' he bee-arne eOI\,'erted by Ihe Bever. l ,'enIOltll, I f:llIn!l'ston, Ed :::\ r' hur, plt('hlng for P. L. 't:;... 1 Puilr PerklnM. a small 10,, 11 girl. Iy:s, It Willi v!!ry dl�flcult for Pe- I Supper ....1UI Ken·ed. 1'1 6 : 30. Ev. Thurllday evening. May 28' by' a ' ter to rorget hla, el1a!�ra ted accent erY(llle' had had time to work up pro«ram gl .en 10 the colle«!! gym'3Played a great gil me. Il�rlklng out Pain Htlmdahl. · " I!:lu"en men. However. !'.upport by J lln Bever '. the wire. RIllh Bull. 1I1ld peculiar Ide:!!! In' regardll to :tn appetite by then ;nd ' Ihe -"bot na.ium by Ihe .raduatln« cia.., The 'honor student addreatlea : will be 1 l }�I� tC/lm-nl llell 11 IimeH wa!! poor, HoI' enllc. her elder claugh t...r. ",or � , ' But h," applying w!11 po,wer' doglt" clisappeartd taill. Afler ealEd Arthl�r 1M Ihe only one on the R tf'lIa amuelHon_ he finally decided to lIecure a pOBI- lng, preplirationH were made for tbe KJven by Senlol'll, chollen by' lhe faculty, 9tho took Into conllideration 1'. L.. C , nine deBcr"ln/l: !lpeCI81 Geraldine. her younger daughter. tlO.", Peler drew mll'e-h applaulle lIome""8r(1 'ourney. both' grades aod Il'ftgth or ' attend- \ . ! 11e lon fro�.. lhe audience. . AI nine �lol'k the cars V:ere fe- I ance at p 1 ;'� � rlhur and Ole Serwod t I Mlirlha HJe rmBtad . ' , I., C. The pro«ram ....118 oung v n mi the . appe on e L.. Ji ' lC e eryone 1 lurnln 10 C a , I :'lrII. Herbert F'1'8ther-Slone, 01 walll verylI brief!\'tabutc from th�1I('�ne . I . L. (. . In Ih .. baiter) ' lhe "400," f-:athl'r S,.dow . for > bit rf'ported .II happy anti suc e llfu l as tollows; . ' Entrance M� r�h _ �_:-: _ _ _ � MIlIII !..und ·, ' ;:I���I:�K wh humor h ch n we ! dlllPlaye� i a . ' lIh e . t u pll or aCcidenl pIcnic w th no- m I M ..". OIarcne-c Chadtlel{l, cllmb- IJ� , Klelll), that he pos8.e�lIed, higher 1 0' m i\J' the enJo 'niwtll of Ihe -day, Chairman __-_ _ _ _ _ __ _ B rger Neltoon UMII( . (,,\)1". :\T (,. I( •; H,'\ I . er. Lllettll Svlnlh , ) Salutatory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E.ther Sydow . _ . Idealll In life than only 10 hoard ' MHTle, a maid, A morette Da)', toll' The Pacific Lutheran �ollege Plano Solo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lgne HJermsta� HeTll I,olll a clolle 10.lnnlng game MIIlII Rembran�t. a manicurist . mOltey. We.can only judge a , totrang- PRf.S. . ORDAI. TRAVELS Reading _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S_Mabel Iverson ' er by his appearance and rrom that SaturdAY. Ma), 9. 10 the Union High Ruth Rlvenen. IN INTERES T OF P� L. C. CIISII Wtll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eroa Helmdahf , 1 "V · UlI oung a been have must b l real .Y School III GI, "arbor. by a score MI88 . . Rullhnell, a ha'r dresser, and Arth1r i Knutzell . • DurlnlJ t�e mo.nth of May Prelll, . neu rna'.', . or 3 to :!. The n Ion High bOYIi Palma 1:.anglo..... e ry b e be er n S: I�_�������:a�t::'H��r��s�:: . r g r gy, Tommy 's Si ter. oroth)' on �:::�n eU�a!: H a:�, h e; a ';�h: : �I:;'tn?:!:� �:�� � ��: � � :;:�e: :o ;:rf�:�I a ' � , s ;�: ::c:��lIt�n� :� !�: t�lr: I�:�n:: Or��I� speech of tbe ".00." Her part lIeveral !rlps and atteoded �ome Im- Plano Solo __ _ __ _ _ Palma Relmdahl The_failed to again untlt" tbe I��t 1 Polly Perklnll ""as lhe ' Ieadln« nod Sunday·. May 10. Propheey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Ruth .M.taon 1'1!rr limned but oeverlhelella portant at!aln, of the tenth Inolng. wben a home lady ·of tbe play, To brlo'l to the ewallentl.l , a Ed Beck . ' he Flnt Nor"eclan Lutheran ( In tbe play ;°nd llll· run ....81 brought In by Drummond. lIurfaee the better Intotlnct In a apprecla ' 9tall bl!hly ' Church or Tacoma. 1 2th and I St&'" val,edlctOry ---------- :.. Arot Oyen, • . the t.... lrler Cor Union HI!b . "'ho .... hole family la Indeed ti difficult t,Clarence ed. by all. __ _ _ _ Palm Ret)ndabi Duet Plano celebrated P1t..tor, Rolen, Olaf· , .. p_ Chadfleld, who re ....on hili o",n_game ",beo he knocked talk. Rowenr:' Polly with the �s- Mn. aod Slloe HJerm.tad resented the .oclal climber, "'•• Ita fOrtieth annlvertoary. Pre.. Or' . the ball clear O\lt of the-field. loto alatance of her money flnt rid Mr. pro Class of ,1ft Pre.entatloo ICrmon tbe teaUnl at d,al the: 'fe T .bly tbat one the the recel S ed · . Beverly of h18 credllon .nd tben the .... jX)dll. " . ------.---------A,morette o.y att�ntlon. Not be<:aUfJ8 or e'fe g s�nlce. � rt We�oo "'on tbe honon of r:oade tbe B�..rJ1·s a thoroughly le.lt .�IUIY but rather owSund.y mornln," :\lay 17. ' Prel, Retipon.� _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ Prea, Ordal • the dlly for tbe.Lutheran boYtI. Scor. happy. and conte�ted family, Polly lack of acting -- - aa run bo I n .nd played ��� :o tbe fact that . ber p.rt :aa �rd�l P�:�::;: t�: ���I:a: :e��:� ;�::��:t�:n or let;;;a�������� l r. . n .u tte '::de �: ::8. fo:r�� �::�In g w::= ::: ;��: �:::�I��t�e elf PrOf Rlo,ltad ' . e a v the e Sneve J. t�e m.ld• . wu the ready' or "'hlcb la R , 5, he t09k'.dv.ntage of . sacrifice by Burton Kreidler taklog the part r.l p . ---- .---------;---Yell Kln'g - oJ Mr, Be"erly. Ih�wed that he u�. h!lper of the f.mlly · nOl 'only In Pastor, Ati 'thls ",as II. celebration SYelltl • Ed Arthllr 'on second bue; bls lIec _ _ ______ _ _ _ _ Studeo� abor . but aillo In her ready In honor ot the Norwecl.� ·natfo..!J81 ehool ,Son« ood In tbe elJhth Innlnl evened th� dentood h18 ,p.rt as a iyp' lcal New pby.lc.1 !offerln --'�--c- 'Buc.-e.Uonll, . The holld.y It "'811 .n .U day affair, ' York butolneu man o.f today, He "',. y of score, • hot dinner was served. S�LENDID RESPONSE lIt1teners will long remember the �t noon " Sid Gluso pltthed the Urst four b.d bltl part well In hllnd durin, little girl with ,he Irl.b brocue, At 2 p, m. Pres, Ordal gave .the Preilldent Ordal reporta a-apleodld whole perform.nce. ' The f stlv.1 respooae from tbe Ladlel' Aid to · loolngs nnd lbre"" " ',GOd ball. 'but the)frl!. the ler b •. b H.rkln. .ddrea ltb May of 17th £DIll . .... t ' u :.,. : 'III i i Benrly e they eu that ht 80 brou field pport" I.cked rlklogl sb acceot aod , U ,m fled, 6xpre181on "'.n m�oaged for the beDent of P. tbe , apPial for furnlllblpl' roome. .t a<:ored two run. 00 hJm, . Ed Ar... �nle. tb.t "'heo • mother'. In tiel t.be .audleoce I� , uPfo,a r, �ot i.. C:' the' .proceeda C!t tb!l day belo, tbe Collele, tbur -pltcbed the rem.lnder o� tbe IItlocr !a 'uocovered all 'e,,11 thouChll .... lthout. dcll, b er.�e nd palolllaJi:e!l ulled ,10 rurnlah • ,.m'e• nd he held them IIcoreleaa and rllltllrbln, hlndr.nces .re o'fer' " ' a room at our drllllnl' cOuld !luch a' per(ect m.n- !'choot.' �bort-"Igh'ted Lady (I�rocery) : unt!1 tbe lallt.-!!l tbe' teDlh, "'ben come. Mrs: Reyerl'·' part required ner be ! elo�, dt! But· ;'peralateocy 'i o ' . . y. Ma1 21: ' Prell, Ord.l · "b . lhat tbe head cbeeae over hursd • t\l.e ohme ru.n, was m.de, KoutJ,u'l much stud;' .nd ....orlt: • whlcb tbe r�lt.. . od ....!l�q Harkin. rot made a ahort butlloea••rlp ior the. there !" .shoe .�rln, · catch n.d C.rl t'Col- act�eaa IIndoubteoly had do�e jud�- brln" th'-- lIste",� aO' completely 00 b -iebool to �u«ene. Ore, .� rllltur��d S.�eam.o: "No m.:.m;'-tb.t·� one tum'. �pect�cul.r �Ieldlol �ere fe.- In, Crom �e prefJ8nt.tlon, . " �t his auilltD,Oll," Fl:lday ,morn.ln,. Bald,!"iD Iho"'et ·�b.t ,-ve� • . .,. . .....l.v: �Dtlnued. Oltl p.,� Six) • tllr!" ot .��e-- '.Dte.

PacHit- !.utheran Colle.l!e



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"t od. ':'���· ':':':: �. M"""." ; .. Hj..m...ofd .Ihe ' LI(JIl , SI,A".llenln, Duet: . P.ubll�hed· �et1: IW'O 1I'HII:. dU"rlnl'" the I('.bool . year by the Itudentll 'hl and EJ,ne fljl'fm· . . or Putrlc Palma Jlelmd. Lutherall Colleee, Parkland.' Wuhln,toD. ' . ---. . . . . Ittd Pre The plaoo etudenl. ,were pre. Four Loving .Cups Were , . r C' � the ..mod ;!;; "" "'d... � �lan..L�&L.. ---,; 0 '" r'"u --;r---;-� CI1 ... �r. 0 111 \.. , 11 . ._Q . •� l MID. How . tna . redtal Monda, u enl n• . May 16 , Loca . \� � l�1l1 �.Ier: He tried 10 ull " SubscrlPllon. one dollar, �er ,.�ar . ApplleaUoD TradJtlon In 'II @ochoai la the' at. in the Collese chapel . The follow. ' . '7:000 .ur to Ichool teacher. fOr entraDte as �nd elan matter no'll' pend Ins. 1t can mO.!lphere pro or the Ichool. E'n'terf'd a� second class matter. October 29, 19�'" at the O r Ice mote reeard and 1'eneratlon and It Inl prOKum wat II1'en·' . ' . at Parkland. "3.hlnl!'ton, um.le r the �ct or !olarch 3. 1�79. P llf"". ' cancan torm reKardtul and law- 1 . T,he Butterfl, _':.______ Merket A I I!t1e" el�1 ean1'l.ulne . a IImall Ruth Hull ' town tor .ub8CrlptlO�. to� a mftlftftbldlnl lIu�'en, t ll. The 11ft trom' tbe Edllor-ln.Chlef --_ . - __ Palma Hel abi clal8 or '25 wu prelented to ere.. 2. The Fountain ___ __ _____Bohnl line, u.rrled a umple eop, on,whlrh . ' _ -. _ Burton Kr dler '_ Manallnl Editor flKlired lored .bawlln babt a REPORTERS •..l C() , ate and pronlote tradition. ' Dablber Eleanor G�neral Newl t ilftl . are four 101'Inl cupa 3 : Duet: March _ _______ _ __ _ _ _ _: promlnentl, u '\' '�ront C01'er 1 1 1111M';rthF;: �ner��t�� T� a on rl k o - _ ��!�: D��� :=.: r"o� :�::��:;:I: ;:;:�t:�e:t :::. �:!�.�:�k�a��.��r_i_ �,:�_�:��h:_�;:�! �,:�! �he K;:; :;r!e��\, :=tt::� -4;:��=::�� t:CC:II: ��a tlons a I K a t o o e I · h I a l n e��� ;:1I �;e! �:: E��r! . il ��:etielr�!�!� �: b: 1'�w(::de� �� �:�;I .� :a:I��I��� �. April S�:e ��e �� _ _ _____ ___ :; :;u � t�:��1' s:_e : pe 1I1:� 1 a e r �� : : �!���I�' HU!�1':r �::: l ;�� ��YI are 10 be chosen by the 8 . ' Con A�:r: , ?��: - ��Deaumont ;': y ant to buy � tbll ! " "r.cuILY who l�al1 urdefltan� the and recelred tbe reply Dotothy IOrdal ""'t Bu.lness .Mana&erG'eo . E. 'Cooper _ /o·LawIlY. no chile, lI'e KOt a plent, 1'ersOD lerm, fair play and dean aports- r Duet: Val.e _______________ F'lnantlal �retary Mabel l Peder man.hlp 10 Include not alone tbose Q ladYII Thom-u and Erna Helmdahl or dem already." Clrcul.tlon Man.cer __"" .: - Alfred SOIDefelt Adnrtl.ln& 'ManaKtt A�:rIOfi .qll.�. and ctiara�terlltlC8 that S., Fleurette _______· ___ Welle.ley Irr;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ""ffi ;; hue the finest (yp� of ·;; ;;;';; ;;;;;;;; Syhla !.-arson Faculty Al11'lSOr _ _ O. L: Thorson wO,rk toon dotbewltb athletic Ueld but. the 9. Juba Dance ___________ ..-Detl! 11 . lng . NOTICE=-We' do not discontinue ad , flIcept by order O �; ad- fa t . . . I al.o c nslder Spr eU! ,.. IJ, 1 Ihe It,!!i\ � Helmdahl , 1'ertlser8. Or-ders may be .ent In by coll'«tor or by mall. \..fdrfl.ll8 : deD�'. record or·schol.rstilp ind his 1 0. Vocal , alma The Mooring Mast. Parkla.nd Wash. Dais; Son& ____ I�. Lund 8'11'Mten - ' ' respect for aufhorltY: · his &enulne MrR Ha l&e l . . 81 1(, Ona . . Interest In, real lire ?f 1be sC�ool; 11. Phllopena __ _ __.- _.:-----80hl,n ONE . �._ VOLUME NUlUB ER . and Dluera . Irene Dahl This issue of Thc l'loorilig �Iust is t � fuurtecnth unll h la de1'otloll and loyalty to tbe beat \ finnl elUtiun of the 1l<1 !>('r fur this s(:hool' r. Therc huye traditions and the le.J.I Ulne . purpO'� 1 2 ' Trio': Fire Dell. ________ ,. ___ 1 l.n ftli the new eolon and etJlee or Pacific Lutheran Colle e . � ) \ 1K't.'1I guod issues "lid butl isslles lIIlIl nlnIlY'J? n� f�llrtK�r(' numbers. l!' Olndys ThomB!. Irene D.hl and 1 I rls are 1.0 be cholen' , \. Hud even' one 011' the stuff done his best for� Ml.er\' issue, .in- byTh..8he &facult / �t('ntl ur I(.uving hnlf ur his wurk tu the two or tlm�� who were n ! , "'ho .� all con.lder. 1 8TUE�' nEt. · IWTIO� I Davis' Men's Shop rl'ally tloing more thnn their shan' ulrt'udy, thell ('\'('ry issue II y girl of he.alt � and 1'1&or elilible ° e, of Ihe clolln l: events for this , ' g (.I Pllc..ftve. Tacoma a . l h woul t r n e n ���e :I)I�t:�· ;: n�:::�::��I�ItS c:!s�� .��;\; SC :::1 :!:� l��rl:ge :,�os�U�!�� t} 1�:·�'\�k� ill�:�'��;lIIside�'ntjoli Ihe rnds III'nt thii i� · tI:� tellt :"Inst's piillle('r yt'ur;' !jlllt thl.' starr was lluHlevu p. elltirt'ly uf hall libend unhones� ,work. Wo!nanl!neSB denl /l .at the home of Pror. and Mrll C H AS . ROS�Ut;RC1 �lood to Im p ly modes- Stuen Oil Wp.dn�da)·, Mliy 2 0, A de-" l Il a 'rial whkh wus gret'n til ('wry phuse or juul'lmlism ; thnt II , In Ire stlernd ) I !' li generll l d emeanor. IIclou8. luncheon. wall lIer1'eti o�t I THE nOOK EVCHANGE . the ('lIrt1l1ment ur thl.' Ctlri(o�(> hns lIut becll greut. whidl menns IU\'e the . beautiful. the goot· �he on the sp�clous I ...... n of the Stllen Books. "S:t.Uonery . bOlh Social Ihnt 11(""'; Tlml('riul wils n(fi tiny tuu plelltiful; thut few tuuk Iru of 1I1 helpfulness a to"'artl ln nd olhen. home. TholR'! present . were: Anelle illl('r<'st in tilt' ':\I;ist; ant!· thnt the publi�t1tilln hll� been ; ; e your �e:�' a::' l'enCIiS . (,udin' 0 111\' lI l i rl'ly S('1f. SUI'fltJI;till,!.!;-then we uppret'iute tlu' filt'! Ihnl IlI lne upon one of Ollhl. Lenore Nelson . Nina E lde. Ed. �lFounll1l� aln 3 0 4 9 91 3 I.'llclflc A1'e, ,ltn' lng cupsI Is -a 'i0lll , Ihllt win Bett Ellingson: John Sleubert tilt' youngst('r IIltnlc a pretty good showing ror itself liTter ull, Ihese Tllco' m a, Wu h. , \\,ha.t the stuff It'tI" nl'll this yellI' it lelll'lH'11: in lilt" sehool eI \'I!r:' s tu �{ ent shou ld stri ve to reach, Krll l1ltne!ls� ,\\fred Anderllon. Myron , ur ('X IK'rll'llt:e t "ntiltJveb e 1111 �ollor to be II repre- Kreltller. CRrl Cult�rn: N.els Qu.a m. anti hard klltl(:ks. Many or tillS )'eur s staff senl of IIlcllllJ('rs will h(' IHlt'k nl'xt n'ar and IlHII\\' who hu\'(' hud un )our cotfe��. your 11Ig}! Schoot or li nd the h09t and ho!te'lI. as an all around :\Ir !'ltuen has class ad1'l. H tl\(' IIlt('rcsl III tillS \tur's PlIhltluliun " 'I II return 10 sUPJlort �entlemlln or Class \Ve orrer best rntc�or girl III: lth true \Oiom- !Sor for these twoacted da8.es during the the 1 !)2fi Mast St'flll dina\,iall checks. COli' "' hl' \Iust or th(' flltur(' hilS tht' rlHlIltlnlion estahl l shed I" II nliood the asls of her character lInM )ea r tins ('{II 's ('XPt'rt('I1l'I' ttl hulld UJltlll, thererurc Sl't' no rt'li" ." " , , " . " " . " ", .. , ron� or currency. and can son \\h\� flext \enr's PUhltl'UtUJII should nut slll)\\ Ull tlllplO\e- h se1!J.o r Can )011 t'lilI reSII )Oll r � P C Paulson p re �;�'r sell drgfls on nil import . C L Paul �on , 'r!. e,� nlt'Il � e I 1 I ��,:tor No UII . I)oi llts iIi the Scandin\\ � \� 1����tll' ��)n �� :�tlr nutSHlc. suhst:rlbers t;nd our (her� ' tisers ror fhl' support tiJt'Y ha\'{� givcll the first \'olullIe Jr The :Senior: !:ientl It by parcel post� ' . � . �aulsons, me. l Q"iun counlries. l\looril.lg Mast. nut! we hope that· it hns he�ll- .a 'scr\'ice to them Wehn do leal'es commence tO � The H��:e':�}I�IJ�teoPle � turn? itlUI Will he' 50 fur nluny Yl.'urs 10 rOIlIC. 1 ' �I . 2:12 JI36-814 Ilroadway � I.




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n lilun alntlll,!.! Ul(' larg(,r ('lIm'ational institutiuns uf thc Ptlcine game?" y :\'orthw('sl. ?'\otlling St'r\'('s to (,lIt·tltl�ag(' our growth 80 much "Football."


favorite wild t

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BaDk�fA�n:.mra,j Broadway TACOMA .

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as til know t1lt1� ollr t,(rorls are hein� uppreeiot('d. lind that the c-::::::::::::::=::::::::==:::::t I------�---J .'" peopl(' of TReol11u l!r(' interested in Oijr progress. i ... _IR��" Tlwl'{,ror('., W(' t!l�.(, this opporlullity 10 thunk til(' Lt·t 1w'r Carlyle Cafeter,i a . "ur th(' full(}\\'ing k ind l'Olllllll'lIt nil our schoul whit-h appeared Headquarlers for Teflcherl nnd Johasoa-Coll Th Studentl of the in thC'ir papcr Sunday. 7\lny the twenty·third: . e Store , Out at ParkLollul till thi- soutll(.'rn ('dge of Tnt'ollHi the w('ek Pacific Lutheran (Jollege. . Company . .. .tI]>(,lIin/-l tuday will IK' rill('t1 with IIIUrt' than usual inter('st in 9 1 7 Pacific A1'e, - Tacoma for Men . fhut I'adfit- LutherufJ l.ullcge will /-lradllatc a class of young ' IIOoItBINDKIUI . men and WOIl1(,ll . TJl; xerl'i� .of ('()Jllllll'nc('lllcnt week will MilW' � . Boy.' "t'/-lin today . with' the hacc luurcutc !icrlllon preuched by an . ' IITATIOND. . ('minl'llt divin(' and during '-t e rcn�inctlr of the \wck Ihe '�\'. CalIfornIa. Flortst� , ' ('ral t'Wllts incident tu the ser,rdin/-l nut of a class by Ull inslitu- Cut Flowers Potted Plant. I PJUNTDS lioll of high('r I('urlling will lake place. I iii Floral Decoration. Pncific Lutherun ColI('ge is olle uf the later t'duculiullul 9 0 7 Pac,Ulc A1'e...... , Tacoma \ Ii institntions or IUt'OIlHl hut it has cOlU l uered un im l �II'tnnt .pklce III in the city's regard. Sturting as nn nCtidemy or the -Lutheran t r c h c . �����\t:�!\ 1��lS t::� �:���fi� NoC�I����st� ��:�:l ��:: ��s'i�'Us������� CONN SAX'sOPHONES Ka 4. W. C. BELL & SONS CO·• • troth ill its· student hody' and .i ts.je_uching faculty. ulln,when pIUIlS , Worl Finest d \ I I k( c i .. a Conn Co. I 7a. . A... . :r...... . 11 =���;�. tfl�r.';�����t!I;;n�11J��;�c ��:t ��ti��� �f ;��/s �ct���� �: . I Northwest . B o a a o . . the country. ' r d 55�:r'���W�� Tacoma is proud of its educational facilities ranging from ���I: y;,: c �:�1�3tIt �V�.'I ;::::�::::::::����������.�" kindergarten to collcge. It has sevcral schools of exccptional hi�h class among which arc )wo ioslitulions of hiShc� Icar�iog. ' .YOUR C , RE . Drr iS GOOD ' Qanl·tary Ba Pncifjc Lutheran Cullcge And the Collegc. of Puget Sound. In , ." . rber " '. AT . . .. the list Pacific. the newest ofr them all. is w_orthy or praise and �SONS' SitOp Tacoma will take great inte est- in walch,ing i ts-dc\'e)opmept in SCHOENFELD &: L. e Under Pantages . 1 11eat strength and importance. r PA.CIFIe · AVENUE AT J5th STREET. . . ' }H ". "··"·....' '·J'' ·..·.. ..·' :· . ..·' E '.. ?me on4! bas taken p:��� CS���I � E\ . m� �:ld :;�1n�. . "Maybe ·1t,",,·as vanl.hlol cream." LADJES ..HAIR B08BiN� O: . A SPEPALTY ' _ _ ._ , . PARKLAND MERCANTILE C(l \ Dentist: Pardon me, loll ... Jut. a "Thl.h ruat...�on· t UK.bt." MANIC.URIl"{G EXPERT . FO� YOUR- GENERAL WANTs moment. I m?lIt .hue a·drlll. "Wa!ba. �adda with It"" . H. Conraa, Prop. Patient.Less Patient: �or beaven'S "I 'dunnol-Il lit all rletit a mlnSIlke. can't J ha1'e my tooth ,tUled ute' 1.10." ani:l ;::;=;;:;=;::; ' =.j ,. w'lthout a reheana.I!. Parkland Barber , The avetli. ��n ,, 'proot noulb , 1XHMANN'S. t>o<-tor: "Have� you taken e1'ery ,that a' woman ean take a JaiCe. ' Shop . precaution to preTent spread . . or .f�r Your dod Local min: You dlaebarced )'('lIr conta.&ion in tbe famll, ?" . R tu.: Abaoluteh�, .doctah. Wll'1'e ne uleaman. . DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. SHOES. RUilBERS' AND C-Ol;lfectionary . eben bOUl!'ht sanltar, cup u'. we Local Dealer: Ye be'l not lulled ' . ART GOODS·" to tbe .utomoblle bUllneu! ali drink from It_" Under I . New . Mallarem'ent We I01'lte yoU to eome In and I!'l<t acquainted Little M.rlOn wu trave_Unl!' ·.Ione Jo, on. Jog on the aame old way. -, "'J'wo Storcs WI�h · But A Single Thought" on �be train f�r tbe flnt time. Tbe And keep thy.elf 'In atyie. }:Io�. . Sam ' H Offman .p To serve Efficiently . lOll . wlth .... COl,. e.rt b . 'of merry A l.a. tI�et her dem.nded· conductor· 'tel' bey came, . d'own tbo--a;lSle And one Ilrl e1'�rT mile. bo,.. <



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that, ""'e !hall mill the old . tom)lanlonshlp more Iban we now rell·


_ _A t IU! whe. we are too rar apart to 'Polly Helmdahl _____ n=:.:::::::::��; :: t:e:}I_�����r_�:��:�_==:��'����I�-::�::::�:::::-:::::_ � �I:;:'��f�1 1l511 �-�-I���� Ruth lIoIallon _____'_'-___·_________ "1 beg to dlHer ';;'1111. you" ________ Argulng __ .:-.__ � J ___________:__:___ On hlKh �eel9 "'-----�--J. or'�����= . lI\('ellul8 faculty At __________________ ll Pnn"k Boyish Burian Kreld'ier __.. __ __________ "!ley Polly" �-!'-_'------_________ or fit lome other InstitutloD but for

I '·


mall)' It is a 'Pirtlng word. And al "'e IInler tC;IIIJ lht upon the thruhold of actf\'e life. the Que rloll arises In the mln.da of every one. of U'S,"" Just wbat are we .Iolng to let oUl of life!" 'i.here II on on'e sure and satisfactory Answer to Ihut Question, We a·re.., gOIDI to eel out of life JU!t what we put Into It. II aU reBta wltl;l us, We canllot. g'a ln one ad\'ancement without loms rime or another, being cal1�d upon to pay every . ounce of Ita value . ad y ou w "ro� v:I:: r:��:�8�: P���I::, t: par!" From our teachers we have ree-eh'e{l (he value,· the e.act lepl



Blrger :Selson _.., ____ �_'"1___ ______ . That·8 a fact" _________________ Bt'lng chairman __________________ Girl'� reCeption room n h

�:�..� ;�/I,��_ =::=:::::== ::�:::: �;;::�:�g :�::=:::�:::::::�::"::: �10' ����, �r!�;�er's room ' ���:; ;:����n_ == ==== === =::= = ==..=_ ::"You see', It's this way" __________ Rldlng ln the· bll.ck. seat _______ Deck of' Slunuelsoll'6 lliunch •




Ed Deck ______________________ . er a a d �tt:�:: ;��:�:�: = =: == = = = =�==: :.: ::!:O:� �l::n�l� _�l���_.: :=: ===: :=::: ���:�;�gd::�S.:� h;I; :: = = =:= = =:= === �:III: pI�:�\�: Ed ) gate X!wler's t �_ ___________ -; _ . ___ haDds lloldlng _______ :. A ,Henr)' Klel _____________________:·Scalldalous" ___________ Art Knutzen _. __________________ ." Word9 fall ,lI'Ie" _______________:. Riding his motorcycle ____________ 'A t · the klckhlg post . Palma.. Langlo"!' __________,_______ "Ho·\y :'>latkereV' ___ � ___________..:Baskel ball __________________ Fjnd Sid l . ta l �I�: � H�:;�ft'a�: :=::::::==::==:: ::� �I::�: �;d'� -===::=========:: !�!:,�.:�: ;l���-:::==:=:=:=::::=:: ���eW:/)�r? l� I class . Ruth Duli ______________________ "Well. I dOD't know" . ____________ Woman, suf1!�e _______ � __ . Edna O'Farreli __________________ ' I \'e lOst a pound and a baH" _.:. __ Dlctlng ________________________ fn the. pantry _ .,,



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he 10 earn a living In this w.orld mind!:! wll1 turn buck In gratitude but nlKo to pay a (';ertaln Henry Klel' ond Luetla Svlnth are . Val ell . Interest t y for Ihe fHulhilanCQ you gave, Dear I:I pocHled In the note. . l coming bUCk, ' JOt�l ' �r . C , � ; tor Satuta SYDOWy facuity. out O\l.XT to , � a� pertorm I\ we push UI going hill and are dwln � e £-, 'we Ah'ur great. C sm:lt realize H . fo� BY \ we hOI)e that you will c�8 ot thl'" i.nterest whenthe -- undergradu· our ml�"'lon, . \0 Inke a �Inrillme �lIIlz:!j�rce Course ,"'acul ly, , classmntclI, we chole . \ .IIT orchid nnd Jade. the 91gnnl n-our . , O ·see Stella S. SamuelHoll l C and above ,"Service o, . moli ' · clall9 I , . . ! ' . "elcome� That wOTel has double I)T?ml'1.r rom n ('las!:! nl!'Ye r afraid Self. " Thl6 motto will never let menn ror at this mllestone In l ��ttl�Olng to train nur.�e .�l s:. •!I �:'e�.I:�:o r��::�:� tlng Clasl! ot 1 '1 2 1i, of colors. I� Khow \0 In' life-not or cost the torget us . " I!H·�. We welcome you this I I.lYllIan ' ('Ur!SOll will . prolmbly . have {lllISh�d the cour.se!l flnlllht!d Again we thunk yon for what dollars and cent�-but In sen'lce e\'enlng to the 1;lst ' progrlllll given 'work In drue store. th CourlOf'lO or, High Schoor or Jun. you have� :lo cheerfully 'done lind and fnlthtuhH,'SIl t� the :world at n liNe by t,he clasij of 1925. SO will go to C, 1'. S, lor t'olll'J:e and are !IOW rcudy tu tried to do for eZ1<.:II· of us. And we I.uge and to the Institution from Howe\'er. the word welco tne me�nlll Si� n('y (;[UIIan grll!unted \\'e must ai­ L /: lo will be buc k at lOtl'!) 'forwnnl along the !Iathwuy. of hope that t�le leaTI to come mllY \\hlch more tha n that to us tonight. "'e i a ndL.P;llma lif{'. Tht' \"oyllge ot IUe .111 throul;h delllonlttr,tte th.,11 )O U were reall ) \\UYII remembcr Ihe Ib tty Ideals C. 1'. , , , nrc iI'eJcomlng ) ou now but. tnr out her A ngvl k w il t finish . her IllIlI Y deep and ·l.!uknOwn cha)lnels fuccl's»ful III turning whldl hnve beel'" Instilled In us at teat�r tlt ali that: we Wllllt a ¥:'el- ! b Est g, ome l trom you. " A wei come ' to l U.':l lnl'lI� courllel at, llllllng"l!, Montana, containing "wn,. rock>!, rcefs and �'orth while men' ind women. \\'e thlll Inlll!tutlon; ,110 that the class ' !t uth Hh'cnp is \11111 take a !>1ormal !Hlbnu'rged wrecks, Therefor-I.', It expect great nlln&>! of oUrtwlYea, and .192 5 Illay bring honor to the whu t: ' you ask ? We want a wei- I ur at. the El lensburgY:lle Nor· behol)\'e� us as the Captalnll of Ollr ,we trust . thllt.you too, llIay expect Pacific Lutheran College and cause come to your life In the world. We" "{) �t'School. �hl!IS to know the lIafe navigahle great things of u�-lInd� not the In�tructors to feel proud or us. II beltered who bave been living be dlsallpoll!tt".L remember the command, Let O'Farrell will nthmd W. S. ('ourso.': scb� li�e and will know \·.ery lIttl t' EatdnaPullman. The outcome of our jOILrney will Frl('nd� auti uJHlergradulltell, we "freely ye have ' received, freely a�it things all they are until we C. uth l be a most are fuce to fact.' wlt'h them, want a I 1'. HL. Bu l Pinus on return.ln " to tiepl'ud eutlrely u�n the founda· arP. _leaving yuu In the belli and gl,\'e � " To UII thl�. should 11011 whlt-Ii we ha:�lald Jlere at mOll! capable hand:l we know. Nev- Inllplrlng thought, for It sets abBo-";::;' welcome to this workaday world of of . l t l possibilities the ' o h iO g I w l n s g t d t s� ll U:�e ��;� �� : � �� l�::� : oo r s O hI C' l tan t , � �: �' rn rl�:�ln� � s �� �;;�b i� ::����::l �ed � o:�:� t. h� t :� r2! ;:O� �h::e �� y;� ���:�:v:.! an� ;llIr�:::n���1 �: ��:·:'!� �. �. J�� �building walk us let classmatell, Therefore cru.cifled "Christ is by oubenof1t· to will �'ou experience our Knuuen Arthur lastly And l labor, and life w1th had eX!le;ience our parentI! and frlendll, our pa.!ltorS I I'Cl urn l.� P. L. C, In September, uf- ;Ilolled for nil sins." Indirectly thill' We have i!'uttered our !Iunlshmentjl out Into lhe world bravely, with n.nd tcach{'rs, we want helll · to be- tl'r a vC.ry IOneiy and , thoughtflil &;:I[t Is from our Christian Church and earned our rewards. Degglng fun realization of all that IB e.­a ptrilQu . for t,he si !ln& expresslOll, IH,!cted of us, but Just aB full come beltt"t Christians and better I·acatlon. Foreta�ts are that th� hut dlredly from our te8cheri, dtl:tens'"1:io that we mllY fortify o�r. mililmen In ll.urllngton " and Chin· Denr teachers, we cannot pass "\\'e got whnt wa'lI coming to us. " realiZation of our own ability to s('lvf's' agllinlil lite's lroubicli aud i ook WI}I work o\'c rtime this sum· ,!rom th is P.eiu:dul )l ollle I nto the ' ily d il igent !!tudy we Inastered meet ('\"ery r,eQu l re ment. Dy tlddlng our beloved motto. "Serhardship�. dangers of life. without· thanking mnn) of our 1(:!lSong On the other viceslll lle'to I llleT. above Selr," we cun overcome :\1) duty tonight though I� to )O U from the bottom of our hearta hand for e�ery wasted hour our dlrf)cult1ell In our ,oyage "'elcome you \Ve are giving a pro 11,\1 GIo: nlo( .·PTIO:-i tor the prl�llege ot bcglonlng our grudC:I hal e suttered and Ihls neg- any life. gram thlll ctenlng that wl!l be part- Another milestone in the h lator) vo)age under )our guidance )ou lect mny hamper us during life, through \\Ish you to profit by " Smlle a wlllleI)' humorous alld partlY..serlouS It O ! the graduating da sa or 1 9 25 h,\ \c carefull) "dheltered us fr�m "'rlends And when you smUe another Yo m reflect our work together as a I, the dellghtt a l reception g hen e,er) .! d crse thought and wurnt'd our t'lipulence Now Is your oppor- smiles. class nnd our life here at Pacific a t ler the lila ) Frida ) Ma) 15 for us of sh0811:1 ahd rocks In our path tunlt) to secure knowledge and Lutherlln College This Is oll r class ; the class and the facul l) by Prof \\ e realiZe that ) OU hn\e made It Illellse remember that ' time lind And soon I·here are smiles and miles of smiles, dlt} \\hen we as a clasJ put fOTth 1 an ,1 Mr� Ph E H ,\ uge "' ho were Ilos81ble tor ua to start life right tide don t \lnlt for an) man our bl'st l'Horta 10 sho '" what grndu- Jlrectors of the pia) They are And In da)s to come "'hen we are ClussnJ.ltes In our work here to- . And ,life's worth while because ate� trom a Chrl�tlan school caD .dO· 1 n lso CIUSH IId\' lsor�" All' there wall thrown upon our own guidance our gether have shared s. oU you r 6ml1e." , plea, Thef'eCore. representing the class q ulte Inq;c group the c ia i room of 1 9 25, I welcome tonight the l of the Church wus used, nnd WlIS r---- ----------:--�faoult}', wbo has worked fal�hfully cleverly decorated with the ,.]!'.1I3 --"'---.., with �s thrOugh success and rallure. I colorl!, Jade and orchid. The chairs to _ prepare us for this, 0"" en- I were arranged In a large circle tied trance Into the w0.rld. our parl!nt.t!..t.: together with .crepe pUller. who ha\'e gh'en up many "'things so Partuer6 were found with cut pic­ that we could ha\'e a'n education at es and/fn.s PrOf. Hauge explained, . a Christian sehool; our. B ...�ol�ates tu th�Y were arranged with bettl'r Who have aeen ,us at o\�est and ere PARKLAND, WASHINGTpN than the Juniors seemed to our worst and whoUl we wJlI mlsa hal'e , ve'ry much; and all friends aDd Mrs. Hauge, assisted by Mrs. aCQualntanC68 who have. been In- XavJet and Sc�ool Year Opens September 8, 1925 Miss Larson , sen'ed deterested In u's during our course at ! cloua refreshmenls conslsllng of 1} , Pacific Luther.nf College, 1 .Ice cream, cake and . coffee, Prof. . wercome! \Ve bid 'you ' Huuge a led as master ot cere­ Coeducational-Da , or Boarding ,School C was ' ably assisted by monies und Open to Any , v at u d a ''25 LOOKS AHEAD . :;kS;d �;U!:'ke � :��ec� and :lm"�:� . ii't AR�Ht'r lNUT'LES ' -"'/ What are the gradunteH going to e\'err one responded wonder(ully. · Offered: . Courses �? next year'? Herein' Is c.ontalned Se\'eral. Instead of milking a speech, ttie things that each Individual clher!y employed the use ot" an Junior · College-Normal. thinks he will do. We are cert.aID- IlPPFoprlate line trom the play. At It glad that they have all lesrned a, latE' -hour studentfj and faculty High School to think and for the reason' are said goodnight to host" and' hosle!18 , graduating. with mllny expressions' of gratitude Comme � , Excellent Music Department ing the list we will put Bur- and apprecla,lIon, . .tonHead Krel�ler, who bolds the disVoice, Violin , Piano , tinction or being the student wbo P.ICXIC ,, . Bible Classes, ' Art hns 'attended this' college the long- The graOnDAL faculty and class uatll;1g d . est since It reopened, He has at- membeTll were entertained at a ·plc­ . Strong Staff of Teachers te�ded for five years. Burton will n�c supper "ied.�esday evening. May go to , Pullman \V" S. C. , at Spanaway Park by �res: and George Coop'er will ·attend the �Mrs. O. J. Ordal. Fine :6uiIding, Good GymDasium . . University ' of Tens. hen the , plcnlck��� arr!ved at ' W 9 ; Ruth Matson also bas le'a ned t Park abOUt 5 : 3 0 the:y round· a ' OUR MOTfO:' thlnk-ihe. thinks that ...sbe ,will the ::;�� ��I�t�::e: :� �h:· �OS:�::�!�· teach. o e n Clean, Strong Leadership" . for "Jhiii LIIII.an Day will teach In Love� lielpers were busily engaged pre-. land. . paring the aupper, " . Make. Reservations Early Erna Het'mdahl will train # 'Whlle supper was being eaten the nurse at the ' Swedish Hospital 1I:l. guest'S Were entertained by radio 0: ,J. ORDAL, President Seattie, \Vaab. . music. Parkland, Wash. , Blrger Nelson wlil take aviation. After supper a ple8.Hunt bour was , , from Henry Ford wblle'Mabel-her- 'enjoyed Visiting about the park and. �" son II a 8tenolrTaph�r In Mt, Vernal!, .b.oau�g'on the lake.

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Pacific Lutheran' College








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been un illll�\lrtant year in .th(' histor:r of our school; it It nnd most slIc ssf ul ,yca in its history. hos been Ihe, gn'lItcst It has morked the l'urollment of the lar�cst number of students 'since tll(, ulliull of 1 9 t i ; it has \\'itnessctJ the cmbQrka i n. of.that student body 'upon -enterprises IH!"cr hitherto attempt d Pcrmealin� IIJ� there hot> hecri a niarked spirit of progrt' a fecling thul IIOW ollr h()ol is t\,cfinitcly on , the wa.y. 1,0 the ccOfupli!'hll1cnt of its · pUl'POSC lind the Ilttainl lcnt pC its ideal . . \\'ithin the Ilc'xl fcw da\'s.. 011r 'studt'nls will be: scattered tu the four t'4..Irncrs tlf nur (iistrld. For period of monll)s.. we wi ll bt at home in nHlR"regations sprt'ud from Southern Col ifornitl to the Cnnudi;1Il huundurx..: Men 8. nd women will look to us os reprcst.'ntuti;.-C's t�f our l'(itk\�e. lind ,will on the l basis of whut the" St'c.. decidc whell\er thc" orc to further support ·our colleJ.:e. . The.' reputntinJl of our lI;slitution. th.e good n.ame of Pacific l.utheran .CoUe�e, and Ihe pro�rcss'of the work carriCd h('{',·, depends UI)on our speech and upon our beha"ior ond II!)(I/I u�r adivity. As we are u1)uut 10 'go 10 our homes a chaltc�ncgc is hurled n�llinst us thot we cunl lot fu il In heed. ' It is the challenge uf th(' (,lllirc field of. ed lcution There ru �� I �'W:: 1����,�,'��c�;·,u��:��r'i��Ui�lt��'�·1I ��.� � �:!:! leal'lls through . experience, or u mun Icorns in school. He il i ('('







�o. Carl EU loe_on . Burton " ler . edltO,rla' abfWt)',' . ehman: . L 1:' on;0 . Dorote�, M ata , , wonli. rful form-of cou f1Ie. . :1. ....To. Ed ., rthur : A'mo,retle meekncu 10 that he may have a IImul l w. �.'1 th,e dignity that u senior. c?mell TO ; eld Ier, . Palma M'IrO � -t. Helmdabl ,I ab�Itty to a�pear on th� d'�:�.�'ve �:::;S �O� uth I. �ua dab;'I Ii)Wlh. . : 6 , To Cap Anderaon: George . Top rOIll' ;, left to rJlht: Edlll\in Beck, Blrler Nellon, Henry Klel. cooper�SUrprlllng, 'nlen.Uity. 81 �!�e:�;�:�" ���: n�' F�rrel, Esther .Anl"f lk, a e er 'a e C:!::��:;!Jln ��;'S K e � ;o ca�!� �n:�: :I�I�. . ��:�I:yMlddle: 10::II--:b�lItAnelle row: Philip E. . Hauge.. senIor od"'�hT. SleJ'a. SamUlllson, !tuth Dab!: Palm&.; Lan,. 8: To a ( ;:.�� , LueltR S"fillth , Elllher Sydow, Ruth Itlveneltll. PRlmu . 10�:K u b ;:c. ��;�y:� ;�����:� �••�::'; �=!'�,:. !��/�O K g O I O ���,'; �: �:7:.,,:h�' E��: :.��,:;��, �m::;:�: ;:y���:th"�;:�:�" �:���; �,� ! ' to .) rl t ' ;:�e. To Syl"fla Larson : Efllher �:s�:;t::;e �::l� � :';::I�� ��: A.g,"',- ,,",,,", oat.". ' , , ,. ..".".." I.d "", to " "PO" I, '",d,,, . . ' 1 2 , To Marie Garlln Luetta T� , �eanlngs that commencement faitedlllly ou. It must be borne 8v" nth's way ",lib the men.' h311 ' the feelings th.ut it brings to aloft, upward,. and onward. 1 3 : . To Nels�: enore Ruth ." Ye are uK.,... 01 nllyn ,worlel T a� yet and many. arc �heartll our L Dull 's part. a sOcletY ladY. we think UPOIl what It menus 10 UII, tile �hOllc or thll world "-the crellt 1 4" To Olga' Ellingson: Martha we 01 the 10renl0llt ",ave on the' Uood e w . while even leJolcc bU connot " HJ;;�'t;: '1I �;�:� o� :�'I� part with our frlflndlJ and leave our or · lIfe . · We tIlUl:lt lead the stream r I r: ' for ..... ard. II:""-'e direction to It a course. HJ:��I�:'���:�;�;�::� Itral£hten �tll eddies, clea.r the drUI.lI, d: r tI o n Riveoelll' natural curly hair, 11:1 ::��d ':::;I ��::�: ��,e a��Il��: :e� now and : !! thought. 11. To Ole Serwold: tienry of race relay the In team sen'e to promise a make to Po�'��on :t �:;:;r� ���e tlult we 111' 111 abide by life. It II your. to clallp hindi a �Ud: Artbur T and generation IIrrlvlng the with become they until "fblonlngll Knut:ten !aasell on his hot air and of us Comll"lencement-to' us carrY On the necessary dutlel to fish storl S ICh were bequeathed graduating It brlngll untold op· ",Qle waiting to receive them-4rom h �� ;;om 0ssle Ebbelon by portunltlclI for It III greut crlllis you You mutt Improve, recon��8IS our IIvet strucl brlgbten and cnrlcb AI 'IOU 19 To rtha Rbd Stella Sam- In Mlnlled mln£led JO'ls and go You must not fall It III a sorro"" uelson1-" vamp-like waYI mlng'ed hopes approuch �orrowl stralght .....V No link cao �e 20 'Po RudolJlb !;andeuon AI. we are lea\lnl fore'Ver these omitted The oourse Is continuous. . vO B k ' se I s Ie a and are ps rtlng It must 10 on Indetlnitely, 'J'b e lI<.'enedear , own �I� � T; :;t� u; �\'eraen : LI Ed ' frlendl, Joy sbleld of bon or, the Iword of JUl' our ! Be; k':::� whI e prellIdlnl at t�r- tba,t we have the educa- U�e, lb.e badge or purity, tbe attained ar S I . And hope&- blem of truth, tbe flag of llberq', haye. we l!blch ion l To Herbert TietJen: Arn! multitudinous' hopeK that In the tu- the cfluallty of humanity, the bap. ' Oyen l position on the staft. I ture we will find .a real Christian ner �f chlrltlanU�-the8e are yours 23 To Wulter Fr�nch ' Blrger that In to carry on-carry 00 for ye are and IUe III minion like ' Nels�n s score keeping Obill�l" 0'- following that mls610n we will Hope of the World. This Is . Edna . bapplness. for ourselves and giljln the To --Lillian. Lee: f.or lhe meaning or Life, o.t Education:. Farrell's cackle.n . What an Inspiration Commencement. love of we tholle . 25 . To Ga lck Olson: Lyman Carlson'. liking for "trains lolng r====:::===::; nortb " I

i'�i,:e ,\��:t,:i, :�:��� �� 'i���itc���� :: ;:tt�:; : :��'E� � �� �:�!L� � � f! �, r ( �;;:\k�::: e\'er fllrwurd 'lIlo"ing ('nru\'ull .uf his �enerllt-fO'tJ. He who at· \


Itlins his knowlt;dgf' in Ihe school mutlllls)hhyscJ( upon the / \ shou'der" or ',he gian' II"" ',ep,re,"'"'s Ihe ,UCcu 11',, u'or'io11 o� i1le, ....s.. es ; rom , HI , \'un ,uge IMHn Ie l)CCrs I II ,0 Ie' ulure OI1( from thnl puinl 11(' tukes his star! . The Illborer ' eorns his $!) 1 fl ('uch ycur; /-!i\'c him u tr:ule st.'hool truining tlnd Ihe same ma.t1 is worth $12:iU, Send the SOli of the Inborcr to hi1o:h school and· he is wnrtll �1 :;:l(); 00 on nt! put him through collegc und thc SUllie hoy nwttllls in eurninJ.!n "ailic to *29·18 per yeor. Studies in ""'hu's \\'ho" slurtlc us wilh the information thul Ihe l·"IIt'gc �rodll!.lte hilS eiJ.!ht hundred times the cha.nce lo utt!.lin . tu the I)rolllincnce rcquirl'<1 for a. place ih that \'olul11e, thut is gi\'en_vne wilh lillie or no trainin� ..o ne IX'r cent of our t�� :;:;1 ,I;�� �ri���d ���fo�; i�·eA.,tI;: o;� r: c��: p d l eJ f 1:�ui�:!��h�;1 ( of our S('('retllries uf rstat�. on d 69 "icc presidell�s. fi2 per..,.£.Ct1t per ('('III of our Supre��C{)lIrt Justices, The greuter appreciotion (If Ihc uf>portunities of life, the broudeninJ.! o( inLcrests, the bulunL'it�g of intellcd; join with the more material gains and (:ollltX'1 ollr attention. Our inslitutiun does this .....ork. Can we, throughout ollr ,"Dcntinn p�ri(){I, do uther thull foster the good . name of our Cnllegn? It is a e;hullenge from the church nf Jesus Christ. Our stule schuols ('allilut teach religion .. Our luw f·orbids it; our wh?l � syslt'm (If gOn'rlll�lenl f.orhi<is it. Any ond ull . religious Irullltllg must (·onw...lcom outSide the schools sUPI)Orted by our s�ul('. . Ollr dlllrl..'h Ill ust � ro\'ide . ,lhe rc�.igio�s training it jlc. sires Its youth 10 ha.\'e,-:-· or do wlthuut It. �\'e l�ty four per· cellI' of Ih� men grud�tallll� from' ?ur theological Seminary ·are grud unt s uf church schuol a('adellltt's; less than a per cent come from ally cnllege. not maintained b.y (�ur . chun:h. l .utheJ:Q..n young. pt'oplc , WI.lO (.·ollle frohl any IIIstltuhun ()�hcr than ou? OWII, a IIltiJurlIy of l'OseS, arc unly l ukewarm III devotion !pe work of local �·ongrcgati(Jn.s. If Ihe �hurch nf J�sus Ch rist IS 10 have. leaderslup. not only the Imlptl, huI ulw the pew, it must be truined in SCIUMlis such us ours. Unless our in�u· I r e ll i l I � "�li��:'t afl��\ t:�er (;��f :)�:�!��r�����nr.J,i:�n��! �o �:� \,�u �i� u�:���t BA CALAURE.ATE Poll cannot foil. Fur whcu you foil, yuur church is s�uc.k a BY REV. HJERMSTAD J\\" Cun WC, the fact' of such u SitU8tlon, do The Baccalaureate service for tbe -.: I e I . not graduating class 01 p. L. C. wal (;/ of ollr time- iann d energy that nur c()lIe�e Illay ,� �I��� �I���� d da l a n li n T I nl::' ) .i ' . . B ut 'itc�)� �) �:;nn;nl��s��;':'iallY from ull r, church on the �,:\ he��: �� u�c: ��t� ·��:. ;. Pacific Coast An elrl ilire is being huilt here The l)Cople of Svare . officiating . Promptly at . America nre fI(�..ki ng to"'"--n l nd us ries ure being develul,cd ; 1 0 : 30 o 'clock tpe Iraduatel marcbed \

' ;0


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��r)�tn ��� uiar;to� }��� ��I/ �it �; t;' ;���r;:,el�����O����r:u�m� �: ��: ;r:�:::� ' �� :h:�:::::'l� R�'V�





Complements of

Men's Club of

t n e s h c s S TRINITY LUTlIERAN CHURCH afforded by great metropoli s are ours. A line of cities- o. J. Ordal. Ttley were seated In a eig� l t o\'er 100.000 in population, score of o\'er 15,OOO. .. ore ,roup dlr�tly In front of the pul. \ already here. Mountain runges behind. maki ng for differences pit. in climate, diffic ulties in automobile transpor tati on, and dh'er- .The ser�on Willi gl"feo by Rev. sity in interesls. set Ihis rel,rion apart. Our pr<;>blems arc our H A. L. HJermstad 'ot Chinook, own; our opportunities nre Qur own. In the midst of such a Wa h. He spoke of our' commence. ' situation, our church js' still in its hcginnin"s; Ihe multitudes mentll a crisis In our IIveH and tbat today- ore not being reached. Tacomo with i ts 20,00( '- unchurch· from tbls point onward we are ed of Scandi navi an uncestry, Seattle with its 50,000, are typical strlvfng·.toward Home goal. But '1M n to le t m p Io r:ol�! th� ����de�b�t��:�:� ���e ::� d��'���h��. r� �� �:�lIra��:�. ��" :I:m;�e :s:� �� 'sedion of our church is there such demand for intensive ae- 01 St. Paul tbe apolttle who thru bill livity and consecration on the part of the layman. And in no birth could bue cbolen to .call hlm­ section is there less facility" for training them. -In 'nll" that lelf Paul: tbe Jew, Paul an 'Israellte, .. sweel) from Vancouver, B. C" to the Mexican boundary, 'our botb names ",blcb' would require Pacific Lutheran College stands olol1e ns ' the., one Lutheran honor and respect or be could .slln " n u e re a a e t t t e lo s I tr ������e ;;��7:n!�l J�� !;,��t���� e!:'I!?r��i!) n�e r::. �f s��h :: or��� :: �a�� a ��!�I��: �c� :! tb8le namel belnl equally dese In" p c1 H�J1enge, we cannot hesitate, . Our. prayers, our . Y&!, he Cbose �to be called Pau . a our .h\·es, nre 1)ot too great a price to pay. It is the I.ervant 01 the Lord J8IUI Cbr (ind's kingdom thtlt is at stake.-H . E. Anderson. our lI'Ves arfl ...e. to be .loOkkno...ledte belnl!:" In cOnSiderable we !.nlIn for,.-ard t�' bulnl!:" attacbed to , name a Illnlfleant ' of dllponl no make 11 111' tbem In 1 will , .' CIau WW ' . onr title Ibowlnl thLs BY AR�HUR KNUTZEN A.ND . or are ...e In our station enlted an . We are h,cre - to serve you wifh infor2. ' To tbe Prellden.t and faculty !I"fU to lenanl.ll of the Lord � )�RNA JlEUIDAHL . .. . l : &lid deepelt Je.UII - Cbr�t! ak 111�tion · ci)ncernin,g - our coinlll�nity. our ' We tbe cia.. of 1925 ot ' Paclfk w� UJin 0. '" tba e t n LUlh�ran Collel!:"e, �Inl �f 1I0und �� :::e::�lo� :: :�r'�::le! .:; congrcgation,Jai'ld , our progl'essive school. ' . RINGSTAD P.�CIll',�_ a m orl d O l'Vltie. UiroOlb.out tbe year." :� tIl�:: :':: :::re ��hl ::r l:� aCtTo Lan,Palma and Rlaptad fi. M . r. and MI'I Haule, w,1I and Testament tor tbe pdrpOM tacoltyMft"fIaOI'B, 1fe Ji"fe o t disposing' of , our' cbattlel: op lelt for tbelr portuntjles and adnnta,es ' an.,d be-. .betp.apprecla.t1on . . . ' . queatblng our caret and responsl bllllies .aDa. burdenl lO our suceet- t. To cla..es ...e bequeatb tbe 101Burton Kreidler, Palma Write O. J. Stu n. . Committee Men's· , sora, Ind to tbat e�d do colJecUnl, lowln&: · Lanllow. Sidney' Glano, 8",n8 ' · , aol.emnly I!:"I'Ve de"fille and bequeatb To t�e dalll of '.2:1 : Our abUlt, t.o HJermltad, Myron Kreidler.: Erna ...._... . I::C b CI Wash_� ; U tb e utile as f�IIOWl, to-wI t: \tcon du�t c" asl a tralre and stu,nl Helmd�l, Gladys ' TbomBl, . Marle. 1. Our acquIsitions In tbe way- ot acUvl_Uel. GardUa .ad Coutaaee_Blr lanlt. : . ---- '------'--:- ---�-. ' --I . l






P,acjfic Luthem College

•. .




e Secretary, Public ty Tr_inity �utheran «hurch., iParklan,d.


\ .

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���� � ��P�,InA�C�I'lh'tlr l t ����c;�� Jnt.rtst .

Almln 'p��

;:o� ;e/r,:��'u!1.i:� . Tb� jud�ell were,Prot. N. N. eness ot Tacoma. �1r. Tryve �Ir. Klrlr.eboe or Puyallup. hu been �a"chln�


\ !! "...


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On 'l:ldlloY,. ·May !!, th� SI,vald '49 OF l U eF . �t R�or�:::; a�a����:�::.!I · ';!: Slippery Gu wasOFthePOLLY" hard�t. h'.h l';HIIc;.lpatOfS. len -In n'Umber, were :'III from the Pacific Lutheu'n, Col- ho nest. and dirtiest han«-out' ln all leg{'. . Flfly dollan had ,been do- the bald hllla. II was Ihe-refule of n�ll"d by the Sona of Nor..... y . 011- Black Jean and his' lay-out 'or eattle Irkt l.odle NO. 2 . Thl!, amou�t ruatlen; of Danny Holt and his mur_ divided Inlo two $15 . one $10 two-sun, hll!ib,way men: al)d !lnd IWO $5 prl!elJ. The flni -'tlrl!e Inrlulled both the ·medal· and $'1 5. 'itev. O. J. Ordal, acting aa cbalr-



- �

"OIIole . ��lq

Hot. _d Cold J.a.ft('.hM I�· er-m aM c;.ndlH . - PKlt10 n.. I-



('reflUn!: Interes! In our lonJ!;ue and of presenlng those Prof IInd�rs Hause ))Ian and hlglily treuured l!iems In ;' l!gendlnll the l5ult\mer tisln,; up Ihelr ",..gilln ilterlilure. and thai P. L. Pr..s 0 J Ordal will do mUfh new home They will IIo]SO leach '( . in Us "'ork In . leichln J!; the. re l!i- Bull Durham, and' his Bar L boys toward ndv\'rtlslng P L C Ihls the Parochla] Schoo] In ' Parkland ulnr required subj,cts. also' finds from the range were pslnllng the comlnll summer durlnll!: the monlh of June and i e to llllY ttlbule to Ihe herg groggy week.e�d red. The He will lea�e June 2nd for �Un' l bn�s' take trip to South . IUJ!; C which mlny �f UII learned dUSI �' splintered floor of Cohn's nea�oll�, 10 all end Ihe I�uther l.ca.l somIHlme In J�]y: . . r� 1 . heglnnlnai!f6Hake on the ..ue Convention to be held June 6.! PrC?f. Thorson leavtos a� lIoon w�o r�dted. IIsnloon)"wlls ull nce of a S.J1I1�� cheese, 9 . He aillo planll to be prellent at .�chool III o\"er for bb home ppe ) \;'lRrthn byfl jermstad. Julenfien H. Werseland. received to the e Horli< of the range boys to the :-:nrll� een'tennlal Convention I ll1Ino·ls. He will fttend the St. / fir�te. Juleaften Is a difficult t:ecp up Ihe excite men I by care]e9s lime. Pres. Ordal also ex· I Colle,e AlIh Ann l\"ersary �elec-tlon 10 render Itnd can only be manipulation of tbelr . 4 5s. .Oft to pthef'C"t!Ssame to attend SI.. Olaf College tlon. and '\ ter allt'nd . the a ln e ' �!d: o� t: � : a��� ��or� nnh'erll ary celebration �une (f Chltllg�. It 6�S �;:�;to : .:; !.�� :::'�r ���t;:le n�: ��;Il f l] r l , g tr:�:�; . a. 8 n 1 l l e h pr e u r o h : ;e:�'I �! (':0��I�'!r�� �1! d�a�:t7c aIl6�� :�i r�t; ':n�V��e ��p��: :::t �f :: w 1��'��;re�:n: �heF.����I�r���I�;:aa� :�:� w�!lar:' ; �::;leg� rl I itr . almles!:! six IIhooter. list Danny Mc· Chuf('h of Parkl3nd. lit ihe Luther Righi down .the middle nf her rnr- l : na went 1 The second prl.. 0 E, Grew. his �harp piercing eyes watch- Church COn\'cnllon I'll SI. Paul. "t head. , H('lm(fahl. Her' f!election was S}lle- Ing e \"ery chip on the ' board and Inn. June He Inlend� also I When Ihe lIun . �hllfe!'l e k l n y n m e �� s:�!; ::::y :'�::I .J!;H lhered- round hili :�o�: :�:;e �:- �;I:!�o ��.� � !����s 0;; I ;�� :�:11l :�!� n;;!· ��;mp II am �:��e� \"�Sl����� �: hfts a general easy free 'fY l hem. II horrid. old. was the performer!! tint appear· "Ih. he will SIJefik at ;-':oflle IInce III delivering Ii lengthY Nor- COlt"K well known otrllprlng to Celebrat�on In Kltitas An. excl ted Junior �ntered the es I e f i e 1 e e n t l. i iu l r ;: �!:T�o:���:;d ::( h:� IlU��:::� ��� :II � �:::; �� u��b� Uf;�� �y ·\\�:;���n�:: ;:��C� �i: .8�I:t�I::' �reldl :· "'I: rt �:' �;:n A:�t:�:! .�1 r a ' , he I H��mS;:� �e�� ln f.. ::�� �runken reveling at the bar. shook I fo£ IIludents fl n�" -wJI leclure lind AI len"t on�m)' lire I � I , , en Icn��:le CJ t Ihe old shack ot a IItructurE' knO¥l"n "peak whenever �d upon. 10' bl' down find out. ' m In Norwegian IIterflture. reo as Cohn'S Saloon. Prot. HohIm expecti< to ottend . glad" And ..n wall lhal!" .� --cel ied Ihe third prlz�. The !!elec' InlO Ihls clouded atmosphere of l!ummer schoo] at th.e College of " Afterwh"IY nn flf�t trip In lion Is a maKterple("e of fll ner!!! 1I1n. vlce,_ wickednelll!, ('arousing diS· I/ugel Sound. " !<�rmon and retlulnnl buth time a�d 1Ilpatlon. Inloxlc-atton. p(lliulion and · :\Irl!. Wade will be at her. home phlne · ' =========1 " .."'. .. .. ........ .."."."""""'. .. .. .. ."""....,,.. .., work to be mastered. The winner degeneration hailed IIWeel. mode!!!. In T!I('omll. lind will tutor French, l t -== ' "huwed perfeci mntllery In her In· dainty. cultured, virtuous and reo ,.spani!lh. History and I'�ngllsh. t n and l IO I k Horn-Holmes Co. Prompt Delivery :/::�! �:::�II�:: !::::r�:�� r�:1 :;i� In P;:��' I:���'n will be at hili :1�::�:;:� � u:� o;;gln:��t :. t$ The fourl h prize was given to zona . 'Phone Main 504 Prof, Xavier lind fnmlly will Huth Fllllne88, who rendered, Den i Cohn wall the flr8t to lIee her. make lIeveral camping trips IO-lhe vltll berel�te Salve, by ' Wilhelm The resull wal! lIupedluoull. Dumb beacheK lind mMmlaln.II. He will cod oil "' rllg. This lIelecUon ... the mOllt founded he stood ' hraclng hlmllelf IIpcnk In Tacoma al VAriOUS church 752 38th� 80 humoroulI ·and lUI ('onlel1,lI" of IIuch all!:A lnllt the bflr. hi!! mouth a/l:&pe. cloln/l:�. hut Inlenda 10 spend the nature til3t \I ""ould be easier 10 Finally galnlntp; ('on l rol of hlf! !!enlle,, 1 j!;reater part of the lIummer at hili 1002·8 St.-M. 7221 ' he bellnwed with horrow.,"�ly be tp;lven by a boy than a " Irt. dellr hOme In Parkland, Larsen Pharmacy However. this hlndrHnc� wus hR rd- I can never forgive myself for ai-' A� soon school III ov�r MlsII ! S. T. LARSEN, Prop. 504 ly noticeable durin!!; Ihe lte}tvery lowlnll!: thlll unfortunate afflltr 10 Lund ¥I'11l leave for h�r home In 3901 6th f I 05 S. . K St. O y I I k I I " I fII ' �' ll Z �;;:\� ioa���� : he 1:� ;� : . :��� a C- ;l, ���::� received � �:I�I�)�' n� :�:;�" k n :r : and M . l ora (I s!:� ffflh prize, He, IllecE' Willi. Hvldve hl Cohn. uk your Indulgence jUllt !{r.,ldler have not made definite ar· �������� de"scrlhe for a momen I longer. my dear." He : rangements for the summ�r, but h�' Sigurd I"alkelliad. Mell to peo',)Je your lon.l:lng for u �lower j)leatied earnelltl)'. " The floor and proba!.Jly wll\ be' at their homes in . :;:;:.. f;:;£rent : ' : �£�:�� Fr&nk. J. . bar IIhall be �mmedlalely cleared. . Parkland. on .!Itnge where no flowe�B ....a� I reo . I)rellent Is "cry dlUlC"ul1 at any time. 1:1 a YI"g he whipped out IWO 45s Parkland will alllO claim Prof. I f O t th la t l ea d ts f d f I ;I��. W�: t :o :�o���I g�� wa: :;� �;I 1 i��; t�� : k� O� ��:����h:: ne::; �I�ok:�� t�: �::�er'. : ' even In SUpper,. ,,\11 Increase his actjvltlea l'rellC:ontallon Ihal. the flowerll be- bee seen before. cntn� an enlarged picture In the lis· Gulch. Bankers Life CompalO'Y. Mahncke & Co. e te ke e l n;�: :;�:�II�h.e studenLA wblch par. th:Vr�:�,�: dC��� of ��:�:: :h��:; ""'=�=;o;;;:;;: ; = ; �::::= : :;;;l o ey a e e a le d h ����� �} :11:::� !�:: a: �:I���:� ��I�: E��:� �;:;! Sa t::n:�orl� :t�:�I��:":��d::; 919 & Dyre Vaa, by Welhaven. In tbe face of ever,. dance hall girl Olga· F.lllngllon: Faedrelnnd SaDg aDd cow puncber .present. The 1001 hy 8. Bjornson. ,gIrls wept; the bOYII looked all I:.nilan Lee: :'Iarlls Vise by B. 1I0iemn Ilke and bit their lips, eacb THE LYNN MORTUARY Ojornaon. looke!l to the otber wltb a lump In '''Su'perior Service" I J OEO. r.oNEY Ruth Bull: Foran Sydens Kloster, bls throat. 717·719 Pruldent ' by U. Bjornson. Phone : Main 77"15 81 ,.., N. " , F.nltull," by g.., lifoe'. I eu.tom TaIJ9rtnc Between recltntlons. tbe one .nd un III.'b........h.. Ph�ne 142 PaeUlc Avenue .,.,... entertained "ltb Toeal and I comeottolo"e lI"e 'ID tbe no sololl cl"en by Mrs. Pb. E. H.ule bill settlement and Cobn. Compliments of and Miss �IlUan' :Lund r08pecU"el,.. come the president of the' Pbone MaID 8884.A tableau of a weddfn,g proceulon IIlnce' bls reformaUon w.. . LOVE. �LEcrRIC COMPANY J E. BerkIIeiI Ier lCi C. c. . In.,Norway ·."as II"eD by six students to Miss PerkJna-ll1 OD CCOU Dt from Ihe college. Tbe "eddlnK Polly. . . ' €OAL T�f-;�DUcr8 mnrc.h was !lung by Mn. Ph. E. ' 732 Pacific Ave. FIDla. __ 8oatb. H 8Ueet . . �1;U:�158 a���I:�a�::d.�n T��e plano -:;:;:;:;;;:; : ::;;:';; ;B;� urt;:.;D�K�':�I:.,�"�.. :==:: TA:OO ::;..:A:.:W:::A:8:H·==� . =:::�=�=�===:::::::::;; = numbers w�re tbe singing ·or t!:,:e !'" 1 ; :;; D . 1 ' Savage ofi Sc ld . . g w , e . 0."QI ..... notes' .Dd selectiDI tbe . wlDners Co. short speetbes �were CIYeD ' by Sam 8JtOADWAY ' AT ELEVENTH Strom, presldeDt of tbe SoDa . of .DEPENDABILITY Building Material and F!-aJqe. Good. l . o� QliaUt7 .��;;�:'ta:. T�:�:;;k.lte�:b ,The Finm Beauty Parlo� in the 'Northwm ' S�ialti� RaY. T: O. Sure' of. ParklaDd. TheY 15. Attractive Booths-14 . experienced operators. '3 meo' all streDed tbe niue- aDd be.uty .1533 Dock St. Main 676 . The HAMIL�ON' StuDIO' barbers 'for womeo's and children'; ·hai.r cutting. l,leIt ··.oilS ��A�D ��aCorna �u.ipment and ,ervice 'in-Every OE:tail-Balcony:. ;�rttl��pa�%�el�I·�b�·:�:�::� w��: . - blkbly �mrende� on tbelr. eD��&y. J t...... ........-___--i,,_......._,....,,,; ..













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pPh�g;ts-ap'hic 4GUt


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Hatn .000 Taco ma, Wa.h.


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waysOur fresh liveandr sweetis al·as cream,

kinds or machin e. cleaned ..nd . patrnl.

��v e I� �ess \Ve, AMERi<=t�� l����GS Pacific Ave.· p:::==::T:ac:om::::a,:.:w::a::'h;:= =�lr HAUGifIL�R�ONEY


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Thr.ee General StoresMerchandise So. Mad. Center Ave Proc.


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STO.Nrfl.StIElt@; ./


This ball hi tbe sensation of Ibhl years play-with Ihe lough­ el!l cover known on n baseball. EIIPeclal� y adllPJed 10 P¥lqe Conll Diamonds. 'We make special prlt::es In dozen lOiS 10 organized nt�ml. , We 11.180 equIp lhe teams with eyery lIem neceBiary for




1 7 1 5·21 Dock' Street









Hcatiquuriers for SUPPLIES;. TENNIS

Qardware Co Washington lO!h and

Bullder's Material and Coal

Puc. Ave.

• . .




- -.� .





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