1925-1926 Mooring Mast

Page 1

Class or '2;) Wide!:," Sratlert'rI. �Iany Rcsum': Scho'ol Work Th.> m"mb,'f"


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Is ,!.-he College Standard

Be �t Kicking Ball in the World



o or,. pl''''-,,,ie the hal . (,latter of plait''''' !.'!1I1l. IOIlJ;:ing look,. on e\'t:ry fa!:!!'. A long line at till.' tlinlnk-ro�1Il �:I.\·ory







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dumb ·Freshman to post

lettJ:: r [or me and' he tucked - it Oil on the Campus Dulletin Board.




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Puget �ound Trail"

}'retIbDlAQ Sees It .

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SeDlor 8tood on the rallroai track,

The train was cOll1lng




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. The n'altr got off tlte railroad track:

-The A ttgu»tana ..

let the Senior p�.


Mi rror

C-S��JJ�!!K�·�1 DEPENDABILITY Permanent Wave


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Tn1:"<ITl THI'RCH '\:-;:"<Or:"<CE)IE:"<T�

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Frank J. Lee

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(:ulirol'lliu Bid/.!. TUl·lllllU. \Vash . '111:!1 I'n('. :\\"1". I I :\h;in l'.<!X!.

Ya"'lti()ning \\'ith , Thl' I-:"cuity _,



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By :4-LMA MAT ER (P1tdfi� LutMran Collqo) . Friends: Do you KNO'V me? ' . I ant YOUR college. /"'\. I was born nbout thirtY year�"q.o. 'Vhen I "'n.s dedicated you to this NOBLE. tnsk. ofl l'rinc. some very PROM1SING . were 'said ahout my (iLoruous MtSSION which I was by YOUR COOPERA TIO�. Fgrlunatciy I have �T"Q si8te� ti> rival m� in thi� lurge household of oOr Lutheran Church in the ,Pacific Districl. I am GLAD account of that. Had there been ONE more. our combined stories would be more DISCQURAGIN(i than ', 91ine. . . ' But sOl)1etimes I feci SO LONESO�IE. I am often talked abol l ond trcnted os if I were..cll STEP· CHILD. DO y ou not liKE m . What is WRONG lth . My sole arnbitien h' s be('i;·lo�bc ..n STRONG fnctor in Ihe UPBUlI.DING of· my RENT'S- HOME-the LUTHERAN CIJURCH. ' I have Ilieltered. fed and nouriahed !'CveraJ thouNuw'young men and women ror a'longer or· shorter period of lime under, ) , f:IlY ij��h sciences, histOry· and la,nguages. I teach, how 10 attain stroDE( manhood and womanhood. :1 show them the way .to a clean 'moral life. . , I leach belief in God and Jesus Christ to all in my �amHt-. AJma Maters who are OLDER than I am have helped to churches and more schools and brought SOULS to GOD, . � T�TING K have ,don� my bit .Iso. I have MANY such credentials BEING DO, ' BY engaged some of the BEST MEN a�d WOMEN,!o m O . tl NORMAL-€ ' I h��e :�iedf �� SPECIALIZE in' the building· of strong MORAL character. . Practice reachers Give . Tests I have helil FIRMLY to the Inlth revealed in the Bible. . for Inle n g ence and Achieve-\ 1 havc t01..1�hl all my' children tlll,t un education \VITHOl!T ment to-.Pupils a tru{!'KNO'VLED(rE 'of God and J('sus Christ is NOT a TRUE EDUCATIO�. Under the superv,"I;;;- prOf. · I want to do rnot('. COMMJ� Hauge. stu'denl3 or Ihe Ed'a onal . L. C; GIVES PROGRAM sTT �r�E� B E ' u I . can do it 100 ·if you will give me a ebance. B A TER MENT M AT TACOMA CHURCH e enl8 cla88 have b coo T for . am often reminded th.at a Christinn College, is noton1y' 0 to an s Endrive lIie "A 1925 18th. Oct. Sunday dUe:t��� U:l[pe-;lmeb\al tests t ,th� was Pa- � owment· Fund for P- L. C, I want blessing 'to the CHURCH but is dne of the 'Nation's STRONGEST Parklnnd Grade school. Both clrlc Lutheran College 'day' at Our to. ':"l' that ""e are f�ce to face with \ achievement and Inlelllgence Savior'!!! Evangelical {.utherao become rt'stles."i when I think 'how MUCH I C\)�ld do. if or nel'er". are being given, the ""ork so (ar Cburch of Tacoma, The services the tact that II Isbe" now would HELP" me. too late 10 try having been coilfloed to the ur1it w�re for Ih� purj,ose or eJ:plalnlng It willo e\'ldentl�, ] am st r ' on� and heal�hy witJt a fine reputation and will I m ng t e ye r f the necessity at R L utheran College �UIJ� ;� n �� , 'r:�l[ lJ :�i r��� wo k overt i e if n e lr ,.' and l th grades. ; r a u o , n'ot RCICSSl ' 'ny of n,y The Stanfol"{l �chle"emenl telJt; the Pacific Cout H ,'nY' "H'ORLDI.Y GOODS. ' Ma But l . m the campaign tor an Endow. ' prepared by Educators Kelley. Ruch The evening lIervlcel were given around they'tell me have been in like circumstonces. a�d Terman. III being used, ThllJ entirely by the studentlJ lind faculty : ent ��: d : 03d �:� d; O:tedIt o:ntIIa,kin 'I am vcry poor even ,tbougb [ own my homc.· teBt IIJ arranged as to call forth of p, L, C.. wllh Preilident Ordal u r sc'al . l 1 a hb t I i) ' My family is LARGE and is still GRO'VING.. hI e a e o � � �:�� : s.: �( �tiJ��. � """'v the- pupl1's kn: o,vle"dke tit, lan ,�age In chnrlre. The pragram some mont'v. ' I am not ASHAMED to confess it) NEED I r , .. �;:ell� h;;to:� an: ���e:,a�:��' 1 ::� t l I , ' n ex�scs for m l����nce G:ir ! ,�f� � ���J�� : � :; � �d ro "� Geo klen. 'Rev. Heorl O . ; : ;':: I l cI �' � d tu . I e. Prof, J. Edwardl, ' y o e I p arltbmetlc and read�1;lg abll�ty bot� Serlpt\u:e Lesson and Prayer, o��;:i� �y ;,:��y o p. L c; STUDENTS n � ���� d a: :; Di�HiAI\TENING things ' m ' :or!� r::;: by : Chn;,�;: !;e c!!� �es. 0. J,'. Ord�1 ,REJECT SELF about me. : ." pared 'W!tll' ' swndans aeons, aild· Ncitlces, "Better. sa . D O.,... .NMENT .. have id: nd her . tC? �he POQr HOUle-before ' So� , n y No H 6U" , , , � the ot .t t l tb the educaUon.al ale G l'.!D.nO h h debt Vocal 80,0p, ,"Abide With Me," By' a decliion -re:.C Cb�l� can be e'ltlmated. Thlll. test earls Jlon·day 5 e f"!�il�:ve� � 0 ! if ALI ' my CHh:DREN. and -REkrUpt a E , ause. H I ade p: Yen the 6th f to I F been ; Mrs. ' baa ' mor�ns, �tober 11, tb Itndents LATIONS .in 'this SPacific [)jstrict ",ill.. givc me a Ll.F"I': Talk. "Advan, tag.ea. of Pacitlc b IIarlha Hjermstad and Amorette P. L, C. rejected ,stu ent aelt UD of my ABLE TEACHERS. They HELP and I am PRO ege", Ed. Arthur. riay. '\\"ben the Achievement acor- theran ColI, nrnmimt .· Tblll cond ul on, COMFORT me. . ' lo m T e r I IDI b"" bee:' ' "'..PI' "' � :�� !� �� ·GI·:r��!: Na��.�' p�;;laD� �� � � 'l tll.e result,of'two student body Thev are' SO ' 'ambitiQus and HOPEFUL30r my name ami or .d I e , gence ,. ,l ..III FUTURE 'SUCCESS. "Wby ,I 'LllCl!" 'to' A'ttetld ·P. In�s beld to discuu the . . . tbe same pupils an' d tbe co1'1'ela- II'Ca�: . day a man in Tacoma. rold me that] have about two .. . .�.rttla ,}Jj1t�l tad: tion 6etw'eeu' each �hllds ·edu.cational L.. uet, ·an,d· iut.y thousand relatives in the Pacific Distr�ct. "Watchman., What of 'D quotient wl�t age and Intelligence tOO. :' . ) Nlcht!J H.. ��p�rud, J. �warda. be 'Worked out. . . accompanied. by Mn, J, Ed.ards.. " wouid give me a ni� little gift� my (Continued on ,pap 3) . ' . >liNhl'l<.U\L. ,:;;n;; ; -b,j;;�"would be over. Talk. , Why I A m 'Feacblns ' " , P. L. C.." Prof. P. "E. H,:uee. . PRAY for me. and ' WORK for me. Please' NOTICE " . gITt. Xour �one�' �'ill be 'safely invested with Anthem. "Debol! . Now" FederIe�n. .n..J. "'it:eader: . Cbolr. , ��e you InterMted. in'' Padfk Parkland Ul,i -I..'no. )"Dl.Il No.6. will pay DIVIDE!IDS I":'." Lutberan Collele! Th� M.n4 ua .H .. Benedletlotl, ''Yon keep one dollar and we wtll . , 8D�� u. Pbatlu.4e, Prof. J. ]Cdwant · t�&1UR�W who ?:.�,�U?: u g�� !>S 14Th :.l"��::j poIted' on aU !fur aeth'UleII, I Lutly.-,-I will pay ETE.I,\-"IAL DIVIDENDS. I am· buill ED' on' 'MDd YOIl tbe,--;'MOorlna: JI..t." Yon Prot. ud JIIr.. . the Rock ilf Af!H, l .... CtiJ'l.SL , . . . will cet a aTiat' deal of pledu!f! OU� . ' Wha�� U'f'fil a JD&Ji? be gell, � �UCA�N but ,t' cUnner 8no4&,. Ip; '--of readlDe It. and at the ..�e-tt'lll'";D wll; be belplnl uS ·ad.. Dew fa,eDU,. members u�"'er]LU:>"", O .. . ' .J --4.. A, E.·NAESS, - ' ' -,' ' . ,,'?!. ....i��.� twine ��e ·adaool., .l!e .Jl!8d.�.more· , BaJ�� �Dd lIiM NetUe .,.:' of'. Pa.r��. were �e other , . <l>airuiin. ·Et!dowmeDI fund, Drive., aubaCrlit�IOH�


At the dilltrict meetlnl at SI. Paul In June, ""ben ·It became evident that the cootr.j,btitl�n trom �he gen· churr.h taDd · �ul;d.'DOt bfo suf­ (eral lclent for the needs 'o'f ' the col­ lego. ,It wal riecided ·,b,..tbe mlnlll· en of the Paclflo Dietrlct to rall,. , around the school for Its support, ActlTlg by authorlt:r ot the, P!­ clnc chllrch dlltrlo t; the board of trusteea or tbe Ichool, mel In July and .det:lded launeh a drive at the earliest, poslJlble opportunity. PresldeoLJ, A. E. Naeg urled to take the lead and thl3 he read­ Ily ('onlented 1 0 do. ""all elected to aSllst Rel' . NaelJs lu tblll 'Work.' Tholle chosen were: Rev. Georle H'endrlckllon. Slll'erton. Ore· gon; Rev. 0, E. Helmdahl. Fir. WalJhlogton and President 0, J. Or· dal. Parkland. "'alhlnct�n, Some of the prelJmlnary work haa tbls paper alread)' heen done goel to preBS. A letter has been sent to every minister and olhera hi the dlslrlct olplalnlnll' the necelv ;�tl�O::d t��o:t�� e���'th:' ��rc: llir and pledge blanks, The wor� II to be continued until , a close can· of Ill'ery Lutheran and others IntereBted In �he IIchool has been accpmpllsbed. . 10









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Samuellon '14 haa nlbln, the Co.Oft

,Publilhed every two....eekl during the achool year by the . or Pacific Lutherao CoHele, Parkland. Waahlol"ton. . Sub.criptlon. one dollar per year . !-::ntered a� second ;I� �a; ttl:'r, October 2. 1925, at lb. POlt,.,mood "o,.,�, .t Parkland, �albln«too. ullder·tbe Act of Mareh' 3', ISli. Edltor-In-Cblef Managing Editor


( \




Mlu An.n. Knut ..en ll teac�lnl K",'",,,:I''''' Centralia". Mr. R.lph Knutlen a Iraduate ot '%4 Is'studylnl 'cl"fU enllneerlng at W.. bln�toD State Coile,e . MIN Lulu Cqpleru.d 'U II teach-



General NeW1l Campu, LoCS-11 Parkland Locall Or.I.iltutlons ReU,loul Music Alumni AthletlOil

Facul�y AdTller

on enlerlnl. WHY I ATTEND P. L. C. An uo known member or. tte fe- Games .ere pl.yed for .....blle, · here Pacific Lutheran. College is .!ny colleRc�and that is line lpecles Tlalta· claue and\II'1"11 Includlol "Flylnl Dutcbm.n" ..,. JelW;: ra �-O �::ma reason for 01)' attendmg therC'. !She was founded, and i& dormitory. the couplel �ere made t.O run b.c�f 4 y , kept up by my OWI1 pcopJe. in order OctOlJ:er 18-F�d�y. .....rds. 1I1al I. and. olhers f9c h�"e t. he.advuntages· of higher under Hie Chris­ Pror. Stuell blouom� out !lIn . Then a humorous pro&r.m i of 919 Broadway Tacoma han mfluence 'of our' own Lutheraneducation pair or ne .... sboel. re.d)nls and . soo's :-va IITeo �y · faith. This facL makes P. L. C. very dear to her Lutheran students. students of the HI,b School. The \Ve ha.ve also Illany students. 1\'ho nrc not of our faith', but they entertainment "Wound 'Up" wlth_ a too feci the P�OF.U�Jt �me t�wnrd p. L. C, as we do. \Vhen they I�ave been here g�aod march. arter ....hleh r�rrelh­ �USIC IS A NECESSIT1'" Jor a hltle while they cannot help .feeling a part of the school ment.. AT Y. W A1 we.re ·Ierved. - 'Vc arc not many at P. L. C. and in contact with {,8eh other as we do. day 'uric,r day, in .Bcoming od out of DR MATIC CLU B class and in all the activities of school life. we learn '10 l ow each other so RuaioeM Girls Heaf Speacti. ,HAS FIRST MEETING well that -we feci like one big family. Eachkl"one - . tItled, "Llttl. Tbhip" has a shore in The P . L. C: I)amatlc Club lave the. ()�her's joys and troubles, lind we ft'cl somehow, that P. L. C. is a pt.trent to liS ull-cvcr guidin ' � in the right ''';'ayl ��:ljl)i� �W!�IIl{\r� �e��i� ill �I�I�������\'. i�I�����J���tfe:list�i;tg h�� progress is our progress. This personal element which .we like is ,)ossible because SI&8 18 relaUTe. Humoroul mOl!olo&: LllllaD.!..;::�. Pacific Lutheran College . is u small �ollege. TIli!l fact is. of �:r !�- !�� It I8 I:a� t;:e�n �:�� Plano Solo, Proi. Edw rdl. . r the IU h a Readlnl, 'John Westby. ��: �h�t \'���d. ��th�� l��t��I:\ va�e� :te'::�c�ffh�gu�rJ�rt�'Ti� becomes a 'mere pe�er . cQmpar�d . Vocal Solo, Harry Sannerud. notice this in our clllsses: the faculty hu� each one's special....Ih ....lltare our ."Ia:rlea t .tar. need ancl difficulty in mind. Rnd g-ivc unsparingl)··6f their ti�ne .A.D elturoQ ill InClllltealin.l, ,et it Hu�orou. re.dlnl,. Rutb ·Fadn.�81. and effort to give us individuul help. \Ve pol�e it also in the III � 's�iar system . Tbe �eU 1a m · in­ social li.(e- of Jhe sch091. Every one of" us hus" somc talent. ute, mllllo�s In a CUbl� mllllmeter'. and .�/P. L. C. it is appreciated and dl!veloped. In the llIany yet .u orlanlc belnIl . are built 1 The Store' HETEROD:YNES are ' . ' . diffi!hnt school activities we nrc all caUed upon to take a hand, pelll, and tb� c!lUa of each cr�a� are dlUtlle' Dt from t�e celli of ..-j{nd in so doing we receive invaluahle training aloog many Hnes. sold here on liberal' otber creature. Wltb � e �,�, �'f�" .,. \Ve have. onr Dc bute Society. Dtamntic SOCiety, our school f U termr,. Demonstra­ the Dueleul, .Dd wit � 0 ::e c a d e f l�l t�e�rM��t��ps�� ��V��� JCOOC"_I"�""""' tion at n'igp,t '0 your DI'II. d fJUys �:: p'q� ship:.�'J;�� oqp rc sllQnsibility. o-wn h�m��p'o r t e' ch�rgc or pbFga·tion_ she �yu Y;:�l :�r; i��t�t�fi;)�, �ff�T��.t:Z��d�'���:g�:)�� h��� our IDb�rlled tralta .Dd dlUereocea,. . far .. (lreds and hundreds Of students. But �'ertheJess- we like her •• we kDO. . ].'.f!liic· mfl.l.li t}u .... as she is today: a smull coJlege offCring IfI"Cnt opportunities. Our M.ker ta as wonderfUl 10 tbe �o"" ho.PP;t1· f01' t'f4 . • -M. H. small .. In tbe Ire.t . . . ., , . The ....ond·erful beauty and ,:raryoung peopte! ' lety ot the duat of butterfi'y s THE ENDOWMENT FUN"D ....In', tbfl alm0t1.! uman communl-' of tha .aD BD� the be,e ....ere W .. C. BELL.&: SONS CO_ OClllcifiC Lu:therq.n College we ure i� ten!K'I�· ty i1fetoucbed As SIUdent:1110-12 Patific Ave.. U 0. interested in the dri \' for an4Endowment Fund. \Vc reahze that ontotreeee country. but 1· .. 0little . TaComa. 'Vash. the future of our . sc 001 is. at slake. \Ve realize what a lu o d a bOlt or great .... t the e I work our- co � IIe�c is CUl'rymg on, an(I wI IU t � Iass ··".:.,,:;·-:C:· men' nd ., rJ .,e !'qrablp' at ber t n i i if .brloe 01 bea�l" of .rt, archltec� h��i �:� . ��t:��li�� �}e�n E���\\�;�t F��� ��;l� lure, literature and philosophy . on the interest. and )eu,·c room also for long n�ded . . tI D ments and equipment. cr:.��e; �ne.,t::-d:lt,'���pj::. �:� We pray for the succ.ess of the. drivc,-M. sbe .I.,.e UI Christ .nd Chrl.tt.n. Ity . . P-bone M.lo 1707 aOi-I.O P.acU'lc ATenue The eD�y of V�lenUnlan III .I edl 'stHOOL SI!lRIT School spirit-what do those words mea.n to you? mean yelling at a game? Do they mean taUung up . "Mar di Gras". Do they mCJI:h abiding by rules? Do they mean . 'Giv . b .... f.or sports? Or do !hey mean breaking rules? �o Young pe"p'/!'h C' · 1.lIq1"�1!I' a�d t schopl the against 110 f!8 teachers? Talking , Q ' ' . possible to hatm it?· ,. s�uaent" py p The Church of the Jloly Commuition Many pupils of a school think that'to be a ."p:: T :B � gpo agQ,lp'st all he must go .against all. rules· of the school, to B o ths, Fiih on�, Fortune eUing . of t�lS c1�ss rules of christian man How many peopleth�t 81!rI P��am .' . , ' :, everything .averaging "D" and "E" it! ·.subjeets D�eel . j .ap� such good them g dOl 10 ""nla not 8:00 P. M, is school the that Octo1!er 30 againSt them. AllTlcP.ketl�. C. Itpdents "'''Icome" things? students, ask yourself...t�e.Se. questions �qd � if yo� ' . from :Amorette D.1 . hive the right kind of school spirit. . The spirit of �e p.upilsj.o�. a scb�.l .is.·that apiri� W hi�h'I :=r�����j��§��§5��F��:::1 ����k�;l kee"ps the school sliye. keeps the PJ.lp.I1� mterestep. 10 theIr :� r: work and above all keel?s ·the� happy.' Thil!! is �lfe spirit' !!Jat bri�gs forth winDing teams., 'Y�nDing .not·only in sco� pu� in . sp<?r�man'*ip; This �pirit prompts t�e rooters . �n the staJ;lds to ell. their lopdea� to ch�r t�e�r te!m to yictqfY �alever they. activity that comes cODitecl� with the .sch�l the seh�' spirit of·the studints is U.e 'tfflpg. �!l� hrinp �ac!jy�ty to ., , succeaful ending. -Sc� SPiri!!"!!! � l'U!ti�t.4 ,!,!<!-ohoul �. IX! cultiv.ted by r :;:;;: does not ,h.,·e it� . J� everYone wh'o � �eti� ,� 01]111 f"r, � IIril'iI '!!'1" y��:tljrll PM' �.r .�YI'FY !m!1e, � root: abide by all rules, re.BP!'C1 the t••eb.... - 8nc!. "'IP"fl'II' r II!>P� -all th.t:YQur scliool. ,opm1.m8eJ �.,scli ool",- ReMember thio aDd think it. over:-"What kind Of a scliOQI woaJd this be, if .verybody �.re like ·me.�'�gned XX, '1




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OFFICERS ,ELECTED STUD ENT On :ruellday, <>etober I '

Pre.ldenl: AUred Anderton. r1 1<lel, Mar'tha H!erllllltad. Vlce-t>realdent; Ruth En H3uke; .Carl Collum. U�������. Y;' Lillian Lee, Nina "".Idlfi",.. R

,l.. ,.


Arthur Knutzen and Ed Arthur were t�en nominated tor the otrlee of JlrealdeQt. The namea of . Martba �j�rmatad and Henry ':CIa). Were ;:::::::==::=:=:::���;:;��";;;;;�-;:C :� .fc:�udel�a ·t:!t�iaWt:.frOn�m��:t :�8� I committee. Voting 'by ballot thell took place. e r a 0 (, �::ou �:�t at : 8���e:� :::; :e:� InS" atter chapel exercises 011 Wed­ nellday. as folio.s: 'Presldent, Alfred A.nderson: Vice'

( \



so: sargeant-at-arms, Bert



',I 'I





By, Sealingw<u

Mercantile Co,


General Mercbandl.8e ' and

LE�ANN'S \Dry (ioods.. Shoes. Etc. Two Stores . Alway.s at Your Service·




, CASWELL OPTICAL CO. o..tI�t••-o..I.._..lrl.l.



, '1-,


'''' .. .. ) . .. �Co� ... ....... .Jo..... Oh� ),e.l ';\(e.ar.e aUPPQaed to scribe an'd Jibe and make potent eplS"rams In Ty;oma.. ;�ln!'�,��"I" ·�It':::tn:: l�:-"�: Com.paay about tbe abundant prankst pulled �� schoo,! s-llced. two. of his fingers I������� ;:=:= off by oor, e:r.em»lary studen s. But, Elltabelh tevenson spent a huntln'g knife, which la pre-I� e"en. aCter InstallJng over-sized ears ....eek-end Oct.S at her . � will cause peace ·a.nd qul . e t got1ln Tacoma. and baloon tired eyes1 (Yea� we _A__..a. so many euras that we . look. like Ford) the pithy news esc�ped us. eY'. Ordal Cti"e pulpJt .fllled In JIIIINTD8 � �o. we . went d.own and aaked the ¥r e�ton on Sulnda.y morning, Oct. Editor-in-chief to appoint a com. 1 t} fOTRev. Hokensted who Is in "Can leopard cbange . l b s apota'!" �----4. -1 . mlnee ot four to do·tbo-sbady, builthe Eaat, -ls---t"lfe a;ternoou ' he laughahle deeds .. for every Issue of spoke at the Luther League meet. "Ot "Courae, allly:' When. he geta the paper. Then, arter calling our ing which. was held at the Lutheran Ured of one spot he can 'go to neal QuaUty R�t PrlCtl faithtul dogs, Blood and Sand to us Brotherhood Home there. -The Puget Souod Trail. JETLAND & PALAGltUTI and adjusting our magnUyLng glass , - .. Complet6 Line of lfen's Cloth. we sM lort'h on the' tialr or'l1dveO: Mr. and Mra. \Vm. Lasher an;:l IHI( HDd fo'urnlahlDI' � ........... daughter Mary at Olympia. visited O� "0 OD SavioRI' ture. We have neyer patd leu 912 Pac. Av. Tacomjl, Wasb. 10 our Q.uest we. bumped loto Mrs. Krledler at school and Mr. and In P.arkAmerican Savinp and that class V(hlch cauaea all the men Mrs. Ha.uge at their home 3. Oct. Sunday. 00 land ot Loan Association hopes to lo0.!t eager�y about In -lOOt Paclrtc Ave. dl�r.overln.l: perpetual motion and, I Tacoma. Waah. also,. cause' their ankles to break_ Pres. ldent OrdaJ and Prof. HauS"e 'Brookdale Grocery Co. Yep! you're bright. It'a the gym !)lotored to Olympia In tbe arter· 1 · class. General Mert:h,uullee It was ' the moat educational noon on Oct. 13, In the Interest or l l Madison 107H Parkland, Wuh. school. the we eTer wltneltSed (not tbat J. "f'. VISELL �O. · thing -we .....ant to reflect on our e%perBoo k Seller-statiooel"lJ officiated A Member at e th. Ramstad at PrOf. the requeated lence. but the coacb ortlctl and Photo SuppUeiI 3fT, TACOMA STORES pralae) soc:!..... w.�._ �ld think' the boys I Trinity Lutheran . Church, SUv.erton, 90' % Pac.' �ve,. Tacoma 60 Stores rompers wer.e J�e 4�k�ea� Chln""s: : Oregon,daRev. Hendrlcluion's cha.rge We absorbed the \ S"lrla p'irBlcal "�S�"� , " Read our adda on the market pagt'! In the News-Tribune eyer)" � , � o� '"� l1�'====, ; � violence class, too. . We heartely Friday recommend It to aU I ru�ure ""


are 10 preaent a Chlnenl Oper� �-��� This 18 to�. ,lveD the e...en". or October "21. at 8: Ui P. N., at church year dIVided' HaU at Soutb K and parta lho F6IIUvaf andu N..,.F",,'.I."'O Normanna T· he p.rlce at tht tjckets are val., The pro&u:m w th'eD CODJ6;� ;�;:: Valbo.f' Bailey d o y r �:�: ��:o�I:"�:�'.� � ;���� ��� was given by HarfY Sannerud afler 1;::==::=::=====1 wblch a hymn sunS" by' the ' e Te farkland ���::d �� t� b:���:� ��::�I: !'ow do 1.0u do! . How do you d01 "�e are from l>arkia.lld Who are you'!

- Shoes. and Ships

I I,

mijSlON 80ClETY �lE"''T8

The P. L. C. Miuloll SO�lety' met ),'edneaday. October 7. It waa cal­ led to. order by the Prealdent and by a hymn luns by the'me�­ ben'of the society. Pro!. Ram.t�d «aTe the scripture re.dln�


Dr, n, I� Wood II


I I jI





: �I: �������;;:::��;;:::

,- \







BrCl9kdai. Gasb Market Madhlon. '-166LZ �. A. Ert'��

\�====! Liell &: Se!vig

Spalding's "J5" Football

Jmaortera of l'!o�� Iria!1

Cod Livtt 011 be Internatl�llal. m : l;d� ld �.� ::e �;�V�:bl�� e Cor. Tacoma Ave. & 11 St. ParJd,3. p d Shp . d I lt�� :lr l Ol to , Shop ' the wlahlng sty 'If we wantedSo, T8c�ma,.. Jash. , amusl�g. reallY A. J. Sather, Prop. something . SHO£;. REPAIRING OF drifted ldon't you love' our' on Free DeU!eTy ..... QUALITY " be, the Joke 11,1.1 we.) Meb us. 'the apot was <most deserted. Ii l =:::========��======== = Mebbe not. The step. lI were atlll but warm. Awfully cbarmlll,',.lelf we wish the curiosity collector would return the hltcblng' post,' It Is 1'0 'ch-armlng, ' ASSRfS AND L IABIL . ·'.Qh! It Is e:lcellent To have a giants slf:ength; tI But It la lyrr.anoua To uae It Uke a glallt." 'rD�JY ,Some of tbe Dlanas we e:r.blblt· reminded of the·tact while A GOOD EDUCATION IS A:>1 ASSET 1�' their mlillh t ·on the .campus. 1)&aa the hat . Anybody' gonna IGNORANCE IS A LIABILITY they can bU� some nice lO ft t.urf -,,.' for IT IS AS 'TRUE IN THE; SC�OOL . 4 wrt th� . that ;�' 'k�lt::-: : : � , AS IN COMMERCIAL PU�lJITS rapt41, · nuld bl.-the Ubr.r': t.- lUll "The dtmlllt· ahllll. Ahai who wroteMan, ". AutoblocraphiQtt a StiDD U 'OU: hear c�t811 o�· pr:!! rt�! �,' .moke. the .ee ,au. until don'-t ·run a ra1M alarm.' .AnJ· It'a probable , �D 1-Jl� way. thore:, uIUflly .omeoa. ',., Puget So�� 'Nati(mal � tG"""tOM �OWD' rourth floof_ �'WIIltD&" r TACO� W�BINGTQN a bit 'o,,�';-'ter. .Tbe, han It p.t. up hi' 'baA read, r�� 'Well, Klq .<;:_.tee lt bra.,.l, ·remarll...d, "Thta ta "b"r. . .�tolM''''' I---�":'--_--,,-_--_�_______.J WIlS

.J, A, C


Is the Collt�g� St;lndard ' ' Best Kicking Ball in th� Worid ' �ARI!IED BY

, Washington Hardware Co. lOTI! AND PAC..




L....__ . •.___ _.,-__ ..:._... , _.:...:



. . PACIFIC Ll."-UERAN CO LEGE. PAIlKl.Mm," w.,,"slr...

heck� II qukkf;': On the,- Ieft Is ... (rut conliructlQD of Iteel. It hi th,e ,m'er,eney .dam . . "'In of . - PARK.LA ND NEW'S . need It c_.n, be '�UDI out O'f��)"e . " . bl d l New York Cilf. �8ot�� �� lt: P p��::8 }�: e;:�;:� �:C�!el:�· ;: ;:ie,��lt&e·(. �; TRINITY CHURCH ANr.-'OUNCE �I ENTS . ha d Iower beda. AI we tI.eared well inside of the Ibck thf" ..... . For ] ·am not ashamed.of the gospel .of Christ ; fdr it ' is . Sept. 7, 192(" 8the�lockr - a Iman boat _d�" up ,.tea moYed-a.lQ.wl,. lo;elher. III deare,,' y Mother. :livatioll to cvcrV0I1C that believcth .".....:' .M .1 a]C!nplde a)ad el,ht De,ro"l Itep- a�other minute the' ....':ter be",an to . M-J--.w�a.u.t.lb-.alI..e _ ... 'Rom� } .;.Ui..,...._ . ..-.-.:tvee� . .0 . flI"Prnlitt-C;hvor1.....rrlfl'ii'f" Ie tn o t ·YOl . Eyer,. tim" October 21 I start, I ·b�,ln. to rn.e about tid h,.. ,tbe 10yerDmeDt and tbls It f'Noembled the upward lushlnl of �.adics Aid-Mrs. Swanson. hostess, e , l on another Ind burled ' ';"o�ked "ere We fciu,nWD., rlslnl--=ind w ('r only The. unimportant.. something Met . Odo · satldllcUon I get II In, wrltln� POl' wltb tbe ropes untH "e hall pa,:,ed . the .""er kept c.llmblJtI up t.he side . 9:30 A; M,-Snnupy School. �I carda ....,here. brevlt,. I, easen· thru the last lock o n.. .the otbet; ilde of tbe Jock. ', Inllde or ten rnJnute/l. 10:30 A, l\1 .-Di\'ine Service. tlal.. I I!.UPpo!:Ie ,.ou. want OO: kno.... ot the Isthmus. After a ,reat chain. the .atU'. ag"n becAme cal m, An.' 4:30 P. M.-L"UthcF" JA'aguc. e\·er)'th.lng, bllt' go�h . ·11 would take bad been lowered In to . the canal. other c�.ln IlUI!)k Into the canal_ · October 28 year 10 . tell you. Any"ay here's tl}e ,I,antic . Iate. spread and "GQther. pair oC .atell oP'tned and i:30 P.,l'I.-Mcn) Cluh. '''''!In, our way. OJi botb Iide. oC we 'entered. the. IIecond MllaflorelO the bare outline: · Noyember .l . ' We ,had plelUlant. · ....e.t..ber trom tbe . canal, are tracks' .runnlng c\ose �k. 3 d S ool. 10 the edge, tOI' t�� tUIl. length ·of Jt t.hen CamorDia, �"Wer Frtlto to !,�l llacY Sc� c �" . 109.:30'0 .\� .' ',"II .' � � 'I (Continued In neIl ISlue) . _D I .... . l k n t o r 2:30 1'1 ., �1.-t.onM:ti� ionnl meeting. - :::::::=::::=::;::::::::; ::�: fr�m 1��e: �: :lt1l'�:e '!:��h2 �'':u;e;� :; el�t�lc c �:f!· I:I�� I::: --.-:: N.. y, an4'-t.here ....·e w?uld bave thff sh1lli , In low. T.o .:o� · each. -You WiII' Look Your Be!t ��gg �'. ��i�D���c S:��. to. lde-tbe onel froDt Into It pull II for -bw.t done and .ame tOI the tbe · O. Svarc. Pi.�si�r. ur hair cut ----- I ·heavy rain. We encountered' UTer- the lock. and the re.r - T. --....-Rev. .. ones 10 by h.ll\'in·gatyoIhe -___-___-7___:--_ = ___ ,-a] .troplcni storms. 'Jl4l,ere II not .... .... .. .,..,.. .:::...'''........ ..� t C(fI1( lnued �rom page 1 ) h e e. U ARKLAND' LOCAlS � �bc�' belonl to. the organl�n. ��� �I:�;: :: :�:�, b�::O . ,....,.... Bljrber- . . . , � The conltlt�tlon of the orlanlu- heuy, mist" before It. On])' onc� P !. "...,,,........"', ...""",,...,.........,,......,",......,,",,,,..,f Uon ot �he �en at Y tt.erboe Hall. did I haYe ·t o ro below. and �"�t �l"!dcr PQhtog�s Thcatc.r t�e men . dormitory at St. maC "4'.111 �C:8\18e 1l'I)' ' CoTerlng blew Off The Youn, Ladles Guild 'of the ('OOege .al then relld All. an ex· Soine ' pla�, oft 'lhe,'eIoast of Me:llco . TTlnlty 'Lutheran Chu'rch mel LadieSJ Hair' ,Bobbing a at n.mp]e ..Of....8tudent . co Central America the water was S,.dal y . .ntrol. ttle hoau!. of M.rJ, V!sda!ll. T.�e8day It ...·8S . nnd ' . · decided that the 8tudenls 8S Imooth gla81. Tbe heat beev�n lng. Oc tober . H. J. Conrad, Prop. k onr and discuss the proposl- came more Intenee as ....·e neared .. . ' come the lropl. 8. · Every so oflen we MIIII" Anna 'DaM ....a .. ,uelt ]ast'tlp� aduring nthe week..endmoand '� �nl�g ' to Id C ca o � an:! ��tiat r;: PIlRKI..AND DAR1!ER. S OP ;" a th � H �:� ra��er �:n � s so :::�.al��er:�:_I::'e;:.��;:. �� �:�! ��lh; ma���� y Everything lor the ":.:_ oon'.�CTIONERY AND en r bar. were yel_ \andr. rocka--eome argument ·much Arter and dllcusL. J. Dahl' of Parkland. She II no.... , Hallowe'cn Party .. put to a ' vQte. The low (lata and others ....·c� . thickly returning t-o her borne In California ilion . It ....as a� o� P " k '. n . . .n:; m:; lummer . ,'n ��u�� �:�:�e�/�: t �h�. :;;o;�': :� ��;�:�:� i;'�� :� �='� �S�:�f��� i;· � . ; � rm H r � s t a ���erEa���ln� Ipenr the r L u . l n �b�n the tanned peak of a. "moklng � student government. ' :;;;��;� Noycltics and Decorative YO]ClIllO would tower above the &ea· Members or tbe Loha Society Material h a e d O t e S S RIPTION T e h � �� �� �: ��� g ;;!�I;O ;ro':t u: � �: : C IJB :: 6��Ob �,:1�4� K . :e:��:gp. c���u�=��. P. Pirret & CO. � . . ually to shlps follow, b�Ulk other ' S oner� ' compofMKl,t ' 11IIs' J!,Oclety iJobk'eeller i� Statl'dii�fs'" � -' C ON'I'ES'I ENDS I'\c>rth. Trlnlt)' the of 'girls oC the Junior g' the twenly- Christ mas Greeting' Card. .. Lutheran Churcb at Parkland. It In order. to Increase the sUbscrlp- n Saturd.y: mornin 91 o · Broadway' inth found ui rolUng ·gentlY at Is un�r the lead"8nblp., otJ(tU.Ben- tlon -118t ..r the Mooring Mast. a .an� En graved or PrO('88 hor Panama In There BAY. t c:: Mrs. 1. Strand. and Mrs. J. contest ....·al ]lI. un hed hortly before e Printing .·rud. . : <, " Xavier. the prln�lng of the fl;st Issue helld"- :��; �:��I:go���r t��IPI�C:�otoatlt:�; e o at ' g o 1.109. Co�merce St m Frank J. Lee . . e . :��·D!: �� �:� �� t ' :�d� �� :��:�s� Ii';�� STUDENTS- ATTEND :�t:ri:: ��·La�h O e Mai ' Por it and PLAY,- �'PYGMALION" ;:���ty....�:g���eCr .M:I�� : ;:::��Il� i::d. ls �: ;heCUr�g:tbar�Q:le:u�� Commercial uvertl ot and XormA.1 Dep.artmenta. Anelle cia] bre�k"l'l'atcr, extendl about a Twenty at.ant.· aDil . I the for h leader ahl aa len Photographe In broken several being out, mile r o c D the teacber8 ivllneBlJed ,the Initial HI,h School I �partmenta ...hlle placel by tiny b'lea and·. tall. c,.Un­ iii performance . ot the Moroni Oillen uth Bull , California Bldg: New Fall ·Styles Jead the other al�e. der Ihaped bou.lde;lI . Across tlle Players on Mon'da)' eTenlng. The � The contest �ted fol' te.n �)'8. brea�.....ater: ....lth. red t:?ofa ,]arlng Tacoma. Wash in play_PygmalloD�ta a Geor!e Bet. 11 121> Pac . Ave. wblch· lime there .... .keen In tbe 8unshlne (thl8 .aoun!!B like a nard Shaw comedy. and one of hll c::during O.J· o )' noveL) cit lay the Servieea r two trashy ltlon en bet e e b }fain .�� ompet . 8Idel ble Fo·ot:wear "l'l' t. funnlelt. The scene I� laid In LOD-. and . a8 a boa. 'That I mllht not ml8s an·,..· among Indlvldual6, don. A whining Ih'rlU voiced .flow prl%e alao V E�stman y I m _ e · t�lng t to,?k offered perbeen the. to P had al . �{rees, � er .�r]. taulJ:lt . to . '·8Pea.k. prop- Ion I!oecurln, the largelt numbe::, of ket and climbed to the crOIS erly" and Is tranatoflned Into r::a sUbllcrl tlonll. 'The Ihlp sailed · up a lonc. als]e \" � . We offer 'best rates I.or Hedberg Bros. ' ducheas al tbe n�au]t of a wage MI. e th, OYI rlrst laflores· �U towards . When the subllcrlptlo'ns we're o:ot Under �he, ALllUIl.ceti pJ the Tacoma un 1306 Scandinavian checks. Co u� l.M 'al th"e c1�ap. or the 'contest lock. T.h� land .ll:dJol!1l,ng· the locka Broadway Drama League, ' Ih� O]�en ' P]ayerl eO ;; N It was fonnd that the College. orp n or currencr· 'and' .can hal'"" for levera.1,. seasona presented I ? �, . a�d F,�c::ulsY .had vt'On by many �:, sell audll!Cce8 �ame of .the pmal for Tacoma drafts on aU importI� .olpOl. 'Ruth Bull 'received the best nev.". pl\lSs. · prize or bavlng turn�d In the ' ��· �.,-;�-::-� : � d�-· ' nnt points in the Scandin� t ' tbat ;l p Teachers of the city fee] o e ri-;; C . . ]arge�t amount of lublcrlptlon8. . . ,. E"erything New in . ].'Iorai 'Decorat fona I:,, aVian· COuntCl(!1t from lin educational lind cultural .; a reward for their good work. standpoint thelle pla.)"s are well th A swinning .. Ave. Pacific acoma 907 T at entertained side Y;'as : worth the time a \8lude.�t. spends eparty on Saturday evening. o c to- I ::; ::; :::: :::: ::; ::; :::: :::: . ; Sweaten of : T e In lIeelng-,tbe m. and 'U� tbo.se who ber 17. given .them by the. losers. ' . SUp arc Int"re�d. n play �ir tlon. h ,,: I l. w," on. or Ih ,,,'.'on, or I I .. .�k y."_�,_ Gro<er Fo. . ond. Engl h "h", uk , and Blazers - - -- . student8 to listen refully'to the the contest. . ...... . ..' '" : I . . 11th r dWay ·Men's S o ACOl\.IA )' tJ;IPt.�bC!lIier 91-t Pac. Ave. � Tacoma . , � 21 st. . . '��tJV1iOf \.rrolle·who are lpendlong \·he Holl- , � ' ...-111 look tor- � 1"106 .So. K St. 'daY8 at the schoo] Tacoma ....'ard with .keen :'I!ltere8t �o that :: . ' ' ' " .' : �::.,::':,::,:',::':,:',:,:,:""::'"':,: ''''::':''i'''''''''""""";"""" ; · ''' ' LEGE ' .l,u:.RAN. . COL . and · Mra. Ringstad, Mrl. Kreld]er. . 1'e.,nul J}.t�NOD� Better \Misl Ryder, Mrs. Lehman, 'As:ne8 PARKLAND; 'YASHINGT{)N JI I.� . oSunahJne lane rrool;lcta Co. � Wleraon. Leo]a Hagen. Nina Elde.. �..tve. '.�. . : . : � : . " ' . ... 'Ko-"� 1 .:.._.: _. -._ �acoma" Walh. · EIYera Hoken8ta�. "Cbrilth{a .�

• __.









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o�' :elthe'r ;Ide ' a nd u tendi" . .y . I\IYRON 'KREI D�ERM -.,? Crom them for ,dllt.nee oJ t ....o WRITES P L . hundred y.r.d8. aleo ... strip be· and exit locks. FROl\1 �EW YORK I'II'een the\l .entrance e t


1' �::::l:::::;�1 1











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O ur Motto : "Quality

and Be "'O'




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...e0i4.Rt......... """nebo. : 8ecre�!1'nIU � . an�'..aililrA yl06



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12 So. 91h St.

to �clal I _at No.on Hour4-. _00.5 Bor' IlP.BcLu.8 1'9 8TtTDBN'Ir8 ony crea��� �eo:-a:a:bf::e1' c��r:�& !.tt;:1a!!.�� �-a;: . ::: b :;:t cent.; C.bOCOI. aad �. milt, Ice cream ADd' cottee, & . ... t�tam, fibureen .�" . ' .�



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&....tlng School

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'"\J'v.1I 41nners ""lid

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GWIO, Alfred Samuelaon� her ahl Olaf OrdaJ and Ted ��",jentb � ,



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California ·Florists- . �����������


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Lutherans -Hold ' ���r,OND P. L C. PLANS GREATER MUSIC DEPARTMENT BrotherJtood Ban. ' I FIRSio�?p .' , quet at p. L C th,>Th,;'1'-1,�, ,h "h ''".;'''' '" IMPO RTANCE-OF I -������'����- I DEAN OF MUSIC 1'<':11 for IItd for t?e l'ill'If1<r DISCUSSES PLANS (;rC��ci�i�(��::�:�!1 �?�i��e fo ! ::�:I���,�,:·nlnC������t:'IIl�."� �::: l ::��I;: M USIC,;,':;;�.!��� I U I 1 BY , Th. hi-annual b�nqll .·i of l ilt' �1,:!;(�'�(:. �:��o�e; ��.d��I��.� tl�: ;;,�: P�of, Edwards Writes On Mu· .... . 1


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\\'nrtl� niny UJlreiOfI t h u h " bitt it Ink"II, I1In�kal 111t" h to Rive ·!In oullt' ! 10 cnlOllollnl fCl!lill�. 111 the In Ihl� b"n.tuo'! . On'r ·I're I m n!'f! . l eta l l l r�'l'nn of t he r .....ork. ,::r :11 lI:t rt In l-he i'\lrlrulll tElll('hlng lor 1I111111r we wl"h to til" ....... ,,"n l rn � I tl'" hanq uPI lit hic". · :'Il r. II . A n "r ll ;nt l il ber of I h@ l h srhoo l H lld i f IIIf' *t>:;ent I \"1.1011 a 10\'" fnr 1;",,,1 1I u lc. I IHHI<) who "'," ork.., nntl Il lIm . ..\f!� r 11.". dlim,' r Iw hli-h wn"lco;n l ,., u i t l � w d h of . uwt l r tt. nl IH !h r nl l 'IUl1lnl pupil" wloth !luodI n"I�lc 111111 �...-rl.e,1 h�· the YnUIIO; People·s So,· lelr I r por!$. up 10 Ih pr"Kcllt dale over "rhool !hilY Ill' of rea l� lind 10 �IH' lti"m kuo w lt'tlgc of lhe "l l h Tri.{lity I.uther:," (, hur (""h ) :'Il r' I $ IUII,) has h" .'n sub;crill ed. The be nf' I : 1 0 o ur (,hureh a.nd 'funrlam'.n1·".... tlf lIonl\ mU lll . Thll'. (" Wolfe._Pr"l'Ih'en l of I he Fel\erll' l l)t'OI'I (' ,,' 110:1.' hal. C n.sl){JlldCd l p� e on lilt' I'!l d rl� COlilit n �tlll mor(> al'lll C'rl'lIlell I\n" ",,\·,·lnIIK thl' 101·e IImlh/'rhum!. c.;, l1 ell thl' lJuKIII""sd ·l e r�· w,·It . alll\ :'Ilr. Andersun Is OJ)' I I rlw lllIII pl!lY l l ng "\lias op n I IIl11t�tlc tonC"rnmK tlt e outcome I r'tor., le for tlw ae helir by :qlliealing to ll., m 'tlnl; Th. " I h d(,H�llonal ('x"rrlsetl a t er " h,1!:h Ih" dri\ c far as his o"n lerrofl l II I� the mllllie "hlch has glven the bt'lter . Ihlng!'. III life . . It� be· e t o ��: lIl1n"lIll!: u� ral program ... ail l t"r) !� (QI){,l'rIlt d I h · o ��I,II ��'1 �� U:h=�.�h':r�t; II:,I:S �:P�:� �:: : .� I �.\l:h:� ("����e Ca �:t�<;et8 �a�� 4.�. h.'" of Ro".·� l a klnnd 1'Tlnll\ p' .I... dlstlnrllon of their 1\ .Godllnell!l:"' The ('hid altn Is to D V A C . .1., IS "'ho hale henrd the gre.1I · er('ate An allprf'l'iAtlon ot rIne nlll� Ocll;'IIl! \la'e h ' uth(.ran t hur(' Choi "IlL !lgr<,e Ihul Ihe lie and to (levelol1 pillallure ,..thru It CELEHKAEJ) AT Prof J 0 r.rl"nrd� ,l\re.'lor ';! g r d thel p of renderin b) .all A mcanN �( leU+(lXltrelllllpf\. arh Sa)'ophollP Sol o Prof J 0 �'d rf' C 'r�4COMA (;HU ltCll , bcauHful !I.Ilrred . songs hilS made MUlllc III the universal lanl!uagc WaY'I'''. Auo mpanl"t. :'lI n Ed ·nrd!l. er s en hOu e Sa"J:f"lphonl' and Corllet Duet. Prof FirSl Luth��urch Plans de; ;�t!a:�;� ��:';1I110n. College a a fr nlan In the :��Ll l ht ::�q:e� :; :t ��� :IUdy :� 0 n I e r.tl r n .r und Unve of 19%0 t ethe wltb. hla twin some .for·m or v ther. At Jlrellent we ha ve been consolidated :: ��O� :1I �:�e c�l: ��:;lIeIl8 hlld wllo la pr ent en ug lIave two musical orl!anlutlons, ,.,·e to� can' proceed to h-E'en taken r·are of. Mr. ,\Ifred An· . lUday. .ovember 1 ""as ParHlc helld, work at Stockton. C"lIfor· namely. a m ed Chorus and an or' u p a .atrong rIIiIsJcal center on r!cr�on o t P . I C. gal·e a IIhorte . l)l c/ol1P.tc n lhera SUndaY a. t thr at lhe CoHe/l:8 of the Padfle. chefltra. TheM orcanll8.t10n_ are paclflC ot t COD!!t Q� tbtl [>; L. C! Ih . gliln Luthf'ran l'hut·ch !'llPe<'h plcarlinp: for IIuppOr . l<\or twin cylinders, lhe, worked "Well lIupported 80 notblng hampe Collf'ge, papf'r. The �'oorlng �ta�t. Firsl . , S tbdnd lh t SUI., way: both punsulng tbe to make Pa lf Lutheran College Tacoma, 12 Oll I\ the of " Sila ahl memher ('ou e of BIUd1. Two 8UCceS· a center aDd l\1raw1nl", card In the hi",gton. ·Rt'l·. Olaf Holen. pall' 'STUDEN' TS AND Cf'�I�'al .J.U l!lheran �h llrch or Tacoma. 'Ya� , years ""ere IIpent lor. In tbe BludY mUBlc field. Tfltle did not allow lItheran 1 m:lde plt:'a f(lt Padtle the prescribed courlJe leading to to prepare lhe music curri ulum UII to Ihe :'lIen·!! C lubll and. rof. O. J. O d al preached at both FACU LTY, VISIT aJ!klng Cnll('!tl'. , 1 e s on· e th l ng o o .E.A. �:C��;3�fp���I�:;:::. eturne� �:c��I:ea:::� ;�a�u�::n;:;r t��ae :e:� '�r:��h�:�n�:(' �ol �� e� r :�: ::r� :� :la; :;�cea�1 t�; : ;0. 8:: 1. to hl8 home In E"fereu where he hilt we are prepared to give moet· . R!:!v. Slavlg. p'8�tOr ot Our 'S8\" brrlllKht our ver,. stron g y the siS' as choir di tO and orRan· eomplete list for next year. How· iours Church or Tacoma. s re ed I nltll'() nt'"t' of a Christian e uCall on . NOTED SI'EAKERS HERE I!lt In tbe Central Lutheran ·Cb.urcb. fO"fCr, a Ilurprllling hlKb. a,erage of Ih p I!nportanO£' of ('hurrh s(' hool . so that after the sen\c('5 the ilia. On Thursday and Friday. t e f d d ··'jhe vtlry foundation of t h Jorlty of thp young people had the o29 and 3(). all Normal St dent !ind ·:-��Ie" :�:�: w�t� ��:a��tI9a!n�i �"v:rnr�I�:�':��:e:en���: r:Ke,�ec7t;� chur<·h:· saId Re" SIn ·l g ··Is t he d('!lIr<' to attend the Pacif Luther'! e�cuIl6d from cla CIJ and ""llh I DI�t'etor fn CaDn o n Falll, h h e t Chrl�tlttn roll.('ke. rom Canada to .an ('nllr.j!"(' at Parkland. �;I��. Sorma! Supervlaor; MIIIII Parr, � � ::::�IO� �f .:::�c ::; at���e:c':� ��: �:��ea:nb��:::�)· �; f:'d :n�: The Chu rrh ('.h nlr. dlrectert b; len d('d the Wa!lbington I In the aummer of 19!4 Prot. Ed· � In the Sll8ulng college year I L. . t : a er T n n l iO C �:::� e d pag � on w� onllnlle 4:'" c � o mend ti n from F. C . shal l otf r mu�h ' u · lta P.con· (C' �:�::��� �n: � cU�I� :t . r hrihytl rn ell iI nne of Ihp lar.litelll l'olle�e:> on I he . ( ll ll � (Director at Music Ilhttlllll · wlth two year� ot college. eOfl'lt:· I1 )Scottla In lte the meetlu ded n tfh g for AN "lGH ' T Catht'dral. Ja'on I...e.c! School · and at St. Ola'l') ret'"e cd the P08.ltlOn 88 ThiN hulletill . IlhaU be rea "\. .!. UNUSUAL � E. P.Ioomqul�t. pastor of �'" lr rtor Luth· your rearllnR tile; early months of 'i:mlt\rlln C'hurrh · of Ta· AS SEEN BY. � I ;:;�:7� �; 0��. :::;I::h:�dha5�f':�; eran ehurof.rh.M InlilcToleSI.o Paul . ('Ihn�\af.'ain;! Ohio. Prof. . 19::6. The music ,department sball nd t�l CIH'� of Dlh\ll at P. L. 1 n P. L C. STUDENT IhIUkJ"'h('lpful ·ln till> t('acltinJ:; pro. E�wardll laler resigned. and came otfer I-�lcmentary Harmony . ad van· C .. jta\·p an Iellthusl&llt lt'" 8pee<:� In Harmony. Counter·polnt, I;I lslory h('haU of P. 1... /(,. All the climax . ft-s'Ilon. They eon l rl r themselvea "1.'111 to lak(' up mllltitall ""ork at" c(>d of M"llie. �ar. Training. and Public cf hl� �pt'pch hc rl" l.'nted a r aol u· P. L. C. Students Gh·e One fortlllLal" In ha"ing the opportunity P. I.. C'. Srhool. of \lU81e as well piaDO . l i on 10 ·Iht:' effect lhat being the E\'ening 'toward Endo�flpeak. ot h ln �o many "'notabl(' an.1 "folce. �'or tholle desiring to ment Drive Padfic Luthf'ra.n ('allege III the only era. among whom "Were Harrv : P�L C APPLIFS study of or.«an It Is very probable !C,·hnol of ttll kind on Ihe Pad l Mllll�r. Professor or EduCJ!.tlo� of ' pipe organ will be Inalalled ('O/U!1. Ih:H Ihe .. edera led LUlher an.t A tunny lgh t h right. The other the A R U·nh'er�lty of Wlscon81n.. who F0 ' N TI0NAL IIIth!llthea 1'I'Inily Church located on tb� , the 5Iudenta actually Ilrnthl'r.hpod of Ta('oma support the night I on "How Creative Thlhkln«' campu The tollege p08!1elllle". . a few srt:ool that It might better be ....orklng. You Bay that you don't !lpokf' !! . lE R O n T HONO S C y band Inlltrulllentll Of' Pr/)moted." ceorge Alle an� It Is hoped able to take Ita place 8B one of believe It. "Well t hey were and the MCOayf', Anlsl:Int Pro fe or. . ot Educa. we can commence or· Ih(' Ol lla nd n Llltheran IIchool� of t a her too. State Col. Ington "' tlon of the Chnpter 01 National Forensic that . Wlluchwautan etu· � g"anlutlon .np.�t year Profe1lsor Hauge "lll" a s hid away In . thl! cOllntry. wh('>'''' addr"1 .was "The, Func- League Re�ugnizing Merit lientll to lake their Intrtrilmentll n Rpl'. P. L. Kuozman or SI. Jobo's corne all by himself 80 he le!lf' 10 TCllcher In tbe Recon. in Debate and Oratory ti� of the �chool and lhp. meaDt! Ihall be bere Church made cle�r .."..hy he ....aa glad wouldn't have to ""ork toO hard. In 5tr ctlon . of Society,"' Norman F. Desired . for your de"felopmel!t. Iutp�n;aallon another dlm-lI«hted corDer were Coleml\n, to �econd the illation. Prelident Rt!ed Collete . Tbe moti n was un':.nlmOusly ca r· m08t of tbe lady tea.chen with Portland. ·peaklng on "Test. The High School department hllS al9ng. any Ifne wm gladly be ,I"fen Oregon. s French), d�ln� t.helr· work and tell- Ing (It American Citizenship." and applied tor the. or�anlu.tlon o{, a t-o those Intere!l-.ed. . rled. . Tho chorus work shall Include an The COlntral Lutberan Cb.ureh In- In� them funny IItorles. He WIUI try· MI Mar McSklmmon of :'ofaua. . h ter. at P.· L. C. .of the National ope.retlA a.od cantata durtn,; tbe \.!ted t hl' Orolherbooda to hold. their ing to "quare hlmllelf lor always be- t.h ,::('UI!.. � Ident Natl�nal �dura. FOJ:enl'llc League, a.n honor loclety ,ebool year. Thla Ii."fea everyone Ing late to c1....... . next banquet at II-&Id ch\l�ch. I Auocla on whOle. theme opportunlt to develop In note :'Il r. J: uft e Gen. Secretary ot Prealdent Or.dal and Cap Ander· tiona "Amerlt'"a .a Ch leDge to. Her Teach. tor. high sehoola. Tbe purpoBp of ran�adlng, tht. . !'a1. C. A. ga"fe tbe speech .of Bon were there to � that the work f're:' . rhytb..m and expres_lop. . th(' !lodety I� ad"fanC8 the Inter. tb(' eyenlng on the topic ."Boys." In .'!,u done and tbat everyone work; , llelldcs sttc.ndlng the nlaln· pro. ellta· or I ter.acho. lastlc Debate, Or� All thlll should oUer an Inducemenl for prUlipeCU"f6 BtudeDt� to at(Continued 00 page · 4 ) hili speecb be sbowed the neceulty I gruua encil morning, the 5tudentll tory. and pu�ue Speakin g. An, hln ten In large number at P. � :C .. We uf Ille cb.urch "Working oUI La ..work(Continued on page 4) ,c�ool tbat engagee actively In tor- Invlt.e ali enthuBlutic 10u" g men . . LUTHERAN BIBLE nble plan tor takIng care of the bO C �:=��n:�:���;:�l�I:: P�:�II�;b�! .�nfl�t�men to -enroll In thl.s depart· . �;ter hla speech ). moU;n U. Tbft. �t���E� ';:� �Onf en MANY STUDENTS roaM and. carried that the Executive met In Tacoma for ' slx ·day'8 trom to petlt'ton �19r a _ chapter. MemberJ . O. EDWARDS. PROVIDED , -committee work out piaDII for a Sunday C ober . 25 to November· L w� haie been able 110 tar thlll ship In the society Is open to those required a In part taken have. wbo by iven lor employment furnlab to' co:lterence year year -ThIll e"fery meets I" be to f'lltht>r-Sons BanquetCORRECTION . t the F..ederate4 ·nrotherhoodll aom !n ,orne of tbe center_ on·the Couto thoae atudeoUr .wb.o. wllhed It. aDd nU�be·r of Intencllolutle foren_lc In the I�uo ,,?'f the Moonn• MRll time In �OTember. ReY. Gordon .In- It Is ullulilly'tleld In the app � but we IItl11 have the n�mes of aeveral c:Pnteatll, and they hll"fe tbe O PP9!"- (or Oc,t. alb under' b.eadID� lIaDY lunlty to earn fO.Ur derreea, Mer.lt, Ol�ta �f'CJI'"f,&d, ;.e bad " SUlta Rc?ea, y!ted th(' . Br therbooda to hold .....Id thlll year It "fu .oot. be<:&Ue8 ol)tbe famUlee wbd·wlab:belp, tber dUferent. o nlloDa In the eaat. ManJ' stu. .h&"fe plaeea Ln. b'om .Honor. E:u:ellence and Dls.tln�lon. California., Jle"f ·Shunon. Dorc La· banquet In Central The aim of the. C9�f.ereD�e �. to In· I,n t.he .YI�I.DIt' of the aebool wb.ere The. emblem III an .�tractl"fe ile7 or dl1.'8 A.:I� · U.s,.ctO,:.. · ' .. Church. or pln� plapDum-platerl, tn �hk:b e�erJ . Tbla '�tro)l�:,ba."fJ! "'.!M'e"" "T�e qttr. ':'1r . . C, Wolfe on behalf or the 'lIp!re 'Sf'O!ater �al for Btble stud.y; ·tbey Auial wlt� l.h. e hou&&-wo�k. olher �rotherh�a, thanked the Sc"feral . of. the· t.e,chHi a.nd·' stu- care tor cb.ildren. Other, ' atudenta member III ell,.:lble. Tbe �Iett ill. cas ,91r�...: �let,.. " J&.OO� . . . . . Parkland Rrotherb.ood tor .t�.e :.p�en. ·de�t.B . to(lk tiD)" ,to .attenel_ilome ot .bue pl� _':lere �'ey 10 rel"u- non·aeCT('t. the ebn�t1tut�on prohl� . Tbe; "t�Je�eJJl. ��Ie. A�4 ; #Jo:- ·� ·, tp '.blOb tbe, tound n,.., larly - and,.w9tll:· �y ."[be b.our, or 10 ItI!}&-!!!! c et practk:�. o.r . obIlM: cle�""" ,Z5fj)�l,ot T.o�t '�·4· 00. ,Ie.ure· . !1ld henninl".tl n a ur ed. . . . 1bet lOe('�lI . lion of I5ccrecy upon the members, ez('uae, w,h�n :-,:e� ?!.:.. .� , �I t . rn.i �cl l,:� �,��. I�P�!�t;g:._��� ! , . �� . �. , .�J� � . a�


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�"'-'I[<-"""�.�"becriPtlo�. one dollar per Tear ' - --.-;"-mri-·�iO:;:·::�;,;;:? :;r;,;n.,,::,:,;:,;;, ' \Enter�d al �ond «:1... matt�r. October J, UIIi,- the pcMt at' Parkland, WuhlnltOli D�er the Act of Mam J, '


Edltor.ln.:c.hief ' ' Mana«lns Editor

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�i , 1St_:

Martha Hjermltad HeaU' -I

. o.nlll.ral �.. CAmpul Locals al , . �:;:�::tI!:. s ' RfllI«lo'ulI A Mullic'· Alumni Alfred· Andenon �!���;ea and "Jokec !.eota H....n . IkIllneu Mana er o Melltanu. _ . �tna Elde,. Eethe'r Sydow, At;hllr Knuu�n p!� r ::'e:� AdverUlllns Sollc.lto� ' . - ... ' Ruth Fad,?e8II, R.th B�II FI�1iIt, 'Advtaer 0, I, St.en •

o your arm�, ��::,�.' lonl, a 80111' tbat to told papc!n, be!lent mill ! " ,UP,WillII ,our l�"� �rue I�DtlmeDli of 'We;dneeday, �lober . J�9t. Itud,:*, . ,ente of Pacific Lu�be.ran Hause trYt. hll Enlt!leb 'elau to .Ieu SUBSc.ilBU TO ... . &0 down throUlh tbe ium (�pearmlnt flnor) to aid menMOORING MAST tat acth'lt, tbor,elo. :Cx. tnaht �r I� �nl::�eJ 101;11 to.[ 10�'� l.bat . Hal l MoorTHE la& ut. I'm )'OlIr frl�n�,. , a1lo att n d to b, 8ldne, OI"� 8tudente, and 'Iculty lit do';'n' lnd Anjl will In lbM .. talle 'prld� ::\i ,," ai e 'Tbunda" �tober 29: H�1t a d'�y ::r� ��u: lon l fdr" Paclflc Luther- :1I"'��ln�o�1 ,�:uI��:e�:;:':b.al te �d.. o , o l ct u QutIT 8.o�� . ' (SI,ned)' CA.P. �!.��e;� ���:: ��, ��:",�:O .: �: PtLllUfP.8 of· kn'owledn, 'It Teachers"' I( t!' II J C I S A N B C B S • IT',! · MISSION...$ O C IETY ME� Inetltull". Dld "e ml� 'em? Friday , October I?; rlbl, Tbe P. L. C. M!ell�n�Sodet' met %8, The nerYCII (a. 'well , ' aattn Wednellda, October . meetI'lippenl and nnu:b wladam pined, In. ll opened with a hymn 8Un& I r e t h U n �e:��::. �t� �:n� !�:t �� �::e� .�::d;nU: �:: ·ltl:�: b;bA"nh.... ,�nul_1 lin. Eda . Hauke'. In� I:'er .Dahl " Wl"re IIpeaken on tbe toule far ' .''Ca " ' . eT�nlllJ'l dllcuulon ."Pra,er."' tbe , il' !�p!WO ACTS · ' Prot, 'Ed",ardl pl8Ued the audlA .TRAGE� Y II ' PerQn.. Clp. '" mode:et, etudloue ,nns 'focal duet ' acc:ompuled . b'Y . . HII..en. The mee'Un& cloled b, man, . a ���::� ;o:�: ; el: IlnslnK' and .pra1er. � I e:::�I�' dre=

THE HON�R RO�L' Mid�semester is near at hand. To'-u� that means three things: examinations, report canis, and the. honor roll. \Ve are wont to rcgar.d these !hrce events with a diinishi,ng degree 'of intcrest. Examinations. we arc indeed vitaUy concerned with; repor:� card�well they are n�ssary evil. nothing ' to worry about, except when �nt home to the folks,; and ·the honor that , i� some�hing vague and remote, . decidedly desirable , b'ut "",·holly Iplattainahle. Somet,imcs., y chance,.one happens to be among the fortunate indivi�'u8Is "'h9 :'mak,e" the roll-if' not, well. it's nothing to worTy about. . , I.et me acquaint you "with a few· trut.hs regarding' .the Honor Roll Maybe it is something to "worry ahout." StatisticS" sho� that students retain practically the same rating througliotit their school J,ife. At Columbia. Harvard and Yale investigations have shown that those studenl!! gradu.�ting · with honors from ' School have kept up the same record in College. lion carried 01;& at the l'nh'crsity pf \Visconsin eigh.ty per CCJ:lt of those-stJl�ents ·who bad gnidp'at� . from Higb sehool, were ai.1IK) the honor graduates from venity. Th� receiving low 8!Bdes in High the lower half also at. College: Of the Yale ' six per-'cent are included in "'VllO's \V�o." . . These ' st.tistics &bowd spur ·.us all on to realizing grades and to �trh'e· for distinction . in our school work. Prof. Hauge states thal all pupils with an. average .of ,n ..-ill be plaC'$,d on the Honor Roll; while no on�eJwith·a grade below is;eligible for the Distincti� Honor. The lists will be published' i� the next B issue of the Mooring �ast.-.--M. H.

-::f � :rl:-..:...-:....... .. .: ...:. --,.

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MfR. Joe Hen,,,, ln,...n are pareni.. or a te. a.d· haU &Irl. Mn. Hu.I",,...,,, 'romembered .. OI,a 'Haullill of. ,ear .1111, ' . Mn. K. B. Adami . nee






. •


Place: Mlln Hall. P. L. C. and Radiola SUP�R­ TI,me: iO:!6 A. M, Tuesda,. HE:r E R O DYNE8 are Cap comea Itealtbtl, main hall ,to bulletin .;old here on liber':. _where. he .toP'1 and 100111 cau.rerlll!. Demonstra- ' tloull)' around' tp all Iidea. When DO . one I. In II&ht' he hurriedl, tion at night in your pin, on the �d a Dote. ;,bleb own h o m e - n o ' reade al folln'.: " charge ortbligaiiOli. . TodaT'1 ioke " ' . . ' "We ean 'reter thl1 matter to, }rf'uic . malUs ,til; . the faculty committee," lwm .happi" fl»' the .SeCond Act young P,opl<! Pla� above: Time: . minutes later. 'Prof. openl claaaroOtn W. C. BELL A SONS CO. . : . 1110-12 Pacific Ave. ea.utlousl,. A.e no one II In -.s�cr �a.� , �y & · CO. �-.. he brllkl, walke to bul�etln Tacoma,. Wash. . r d boArd, t&ke, out hw fountal · pen Tacoma ' and dralnl a line .throushll')"t l ::�� . part ������: B of announcement placed � tbero by: CAP In ,'he tint act of I i 923-30 � :=�'oa . New Fall Styles In ' : � : .Footw ear ; W�.: Y��� tbls dr.ma and addl one. Word, F Thill now reade: Hedberg, Bros. Today', Job, "ba' Act


, �,



, . . . �'


LUTHER<\.N·' CHURCH MUSIC ThE:" Lutheran Church is world-known as the Church." beocau� her'rituat is largely made up of chanting sOng. Martin Luther 'was' the :first one to. introiJuce into ehurch hymn si"nging by the conw.egalion, composing and t m �:!e heen !c a�)�!d�::�l�?i�:,!� :iri�h ��o"n!l':rHreds r adwa . hymns; of which 'e havej'Cnson 'tid�e proud, And -,we ' pr.oud f:::: CAP'"���� ==�il;==:!==:===::: of our hymnS--:- . love the stately music, true church music. - ="==:;:� I 306 =::B: . :o,::.=: y:.==�=::,:;:�� and the deep, rev e�� meaning of the words, Each hymn is a JEWELERS sem�: ein�t';�f�: A� =:c.:' Your ,American Plumb� §' � �team �" pp �i, _Co: , .c. the entire chapel period i'"}reqlien\Iy der a L yotcd to hymn singing. Let us make use of this opportunity PLtBlB[NG, 8TEAM AX'D ' MILL 81JPPLJB8 C • & o ' , .. , " , 'earp new hymns:8nd pecome better. acquainted with our · .J:> Phone MalD 1707 110':�O'�Paeitfe A�ene 919 : roadway . Tacoma tllJ'.-M. H. , ,



MadtJson HOI Salee I; Bonlee �l'loon A

�" �oI0r

fItar Motor' Can

. Bl;'�.u:. A;; !iJ.I� '�. TIII: ' South

. ,I



A W�,. '

- ' ';::''



'\ . .

��������� rl�C�·�I.�U; Ac�i; T; H�.RA ;;N�� C� L;.� OL; u;.� ' ����� �������������� ��:::: ���������p�� , -:-t-i STUDENT -·..·-··----·

. �


�{DQn. lb. enjoyable at ....well .. ID'lra�tl"e =teatlH'ft ot the recent W.

���.' L

''.LIfe Is A"k ft.D' one In tbe h'Mbman

I 11S�n�::-�he\p�teuor. . . . . The IDtel II«�n"I' (h�rtlI1) : . nrternOon, ProtHaOr, r O I th �p: ":!�)t. �: ���: �r ;��U��aDk ('o mln&: toda,.� ' (Aha, the, enter. ) . Prot. : Spftlllnl![ , toda,.. I bellne! The Intelllt!:enlla (unanimoual, ) : baTe to ,teach !'o! Orllmmar! '

Raie�ur rnorlte tum en� lar,ed &lid 'e�lor6d for Xmu. . work of • • n kind.

Kodak .


741 8t. Hflt,••







Bond.,. Saneoi\ono .

Loney . 305 So. ,th


Parkland Mercantile Co. General Mereta.ndl.. and LEHMA�'S Dry Good.. Sh.... Elc.


. :MI"�I Normal Stlld"'!lt: t broke

. , - Two Store. ":lwaY8 at Your Service

tipple Into.

PTo!.: That'. betler. \han I ex­ Il{'Cted. "'ow, Mr. Student will ,.ou �IYt' me 8 "erb In the actlYe "olce then chanlJe It to the pa.ul"e. Mr. Stnde: I ' law the man. A­ Prof: .VerJ Soed! Now, the pas­

IIlve! Mr. Stude: Tbe man wu ....w.d. Qunla, Prot. Ye 1J0da ! reto't'ery) The quid . (after a elUI will no"'. nans! Dlncallnc: and brrlns! ]ntelllsensia ,hl"eM! In reller. Bayed b,. thlt. telephone, dlllmlMBI b,n and

Qulek, Quick


� 8elI�� • .



. 01 �



. 'CoaIpaa ,. �


Pac. A;'e., Tacoma- .

:1 c��: li����������;!::=========:': .


fire department.

' Flnla At I..t, a le�timale and ull'''' reuoR' for the , lIbllnlllte.quiel In the lIbl'n,.! Glauo "'Iahea -that dllcreet kachoo! , � t� ' be heftrd by one aod all.

Lien 0& Selvi�

Madl'OD lULl; J• .t. EnJ.


Importers 0' Norwestan Cod Liver Oil


Pbc!to s.ppUea

TQcoma A�e.-4- 11 .St. TacOma, VVash. Fr"e Dell....ry .


ftA� ' �

Real QalItr

.re ·

�· .ood tlm&--& whole e'rf!D1n, for




Maoufa.c �U� bT' .

Mllf.� ·Iit ... Co. .



ii11"',<5!.1 oTfle

Oried. lI.w�c6� IrJrli '

Taco a,.

- ..

..... &...


Brookdale Grocery'CO�


Gneral lIferdumdlile


\Ve have sold"o number or ririe pianos Jet your col�

-..:(m :J J71IUJ


I I��::::::::::::::::::������������� Read .oaf .dd,

8i-oa�'way at '11tirteenllJ


Complete' Liae of Mea"':', ClothJ... aad ,...... ... 112 Pac. . Taooma, W�h.


111m. � A ..&ood tum Ol2t the social. Belld .. auctioned oot: in escellent allo will be proYlded for. . We (llannlng on other · attractions be. sldee the ba,lcei.. Cortee may be 'lad w'ltb the e.�. , Glrl� brln�·your baskets.and brlnr )'our ' mon..,-, ' Forlet your %l troubles 00 �turda,. Nc:'Yember and, reaerve th.t eYenln, to come to. ..... b to om umnul C. the P. L.






.MT. OD'


A Kember of



the, market pal. , 10 tbe Ne•.-TrlbllDe 'e".f7 , , )'rlda,. .

. Spalding'� "J5" Football

Is the College .Standard . . Best .Kickirii( BaIl in' the Worid .

CAiuuEo BY '

Washington Harihnu::e fu . , lln,'H AND PAC.'





' ...- '



'OC?n't'enU.a of


'·'- l .,••' e,,",,,, b"ld "" I .um,.o" dHtded


.. I "• •


tbe erection of

JnaIl4'.c ' ot •. 10 I�dl


Um Valt" Lath; hi �1I...t� ttat. . to r.... .n,ooo admlablr.·




Xonrel(ian �fOf1�&..

, P. 'OSCAR STORLIJi;' , ' Lowei' Ourb.ad

l l U 50st


Therefore 10""lIr prlcu

Mad. .



So. ValoD A't'.


, Yo.' WUI Look Your Iioot by' h8v�yotir hai...... cut at' lh,e . . . •


' Sanitary Barber"




lbe &' 11'18



oQt. ror







" tlre" ,



and .




�ar��r:1�U��::��JU:I� r------� d

Mr. HauK.


the student




knives In th�lr' roo�I ; Mr. · t en . Prayer. make .math. Inter_Un.&" by. furnllb.

Huett .


mOD!:!y for tbe Itudenl;l .to . ' 10 tlcurin« wltli; and "Edward.

In&" rfal




Tbil of co�ne. wUl be

by P�ldent Orda] wbo


. The Tacoma Stationers

EngraVed or Proc� tlD .


Upon arrhiDC there,


no fire to pat oat, bat they IOmetblng




put In.




led ' ibl. Ted.



merce·...SI. ...

Main .2383.-""'\

be won .tt,nd;" ... Id..



name aDd addreu.




Mamma and Papa-Tbe-. &ackl

"II � I ;;;:;';;;�;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; fi536 ;;;;;; �; II

monac· '!



your dl.be.... Frencby






tbe dlsbes



In came


Paola,. T.heater BuJldlDC



Main 1114

Nlntb SL



.. Ryder,

rowed a dl.b towel and elrlOd. . a


Dozens of 'new patterns in .. pOpular · shapes for . young men .

Pbone Madllon "

'Davis' Men's Shop

ham" DIrector , South . TaComa .. . . ...




Frank J. Lee

. ­

Eyea Treated GI .... . Fitted






�.t o i.e ;,;,�;;;;;=mb��=�=���=�1 1 F;;.;;;;�� ' hy w rry W


317 So, 11Th . SI.

Dr. Walter· Schobel , oe.�lcla'n·


Skirt, any otyle H.motl\chl�g 1I.lIo� H.... Butto�� Covered

�................�........��� Christmas , GreetiDg Cants

wbence tbe alarm.



hl. abootlng

. " chlcken dlp­

body; Mr.

�)'8 have

stad l�t tlif>

Rev. Olaf Uolen A �d "Dee,

n.er for



�r Mila �

Milia Ryder '1IT�'\ ' party

Iludents for .a Irlde In


Under' Paniages Thealer . , " 'Lad I.. Halr Bobbing, '; Specialty . H. J. Conrad, Prop. ,-

We offer'.t ra(ea for­ · � Ddi..vi.. · chce4 Co.· pona. or Cllr'ftDCty, and can , sell draft. OD ' all import, ant pbipts in the ��n• .

. avian countries.'

Bank' of California


\ N. A.

, 11th It Bro.dway



. , - :.The- Brookdale Servi(e StatiOn ��dlli1�:-A8s0cia�·. OiI 'CompaD�: Pro. " ' � .' � ,.. duets, is now �df to lle",\t YOU� .


, '

' . '-'

.... ".

' L.




�llerm&7er., �p.

' (I. '


'. .

-'-'�--" .

. �\ .

. I

---�- -:'--�,.,.-,,----�---:""�--:---., '.



DAY "C - '

Jo'" t-..... Claiirdo Of

I.. Set

8e.b�1 1lIor etaa. ·�Ident-Bd. ArtIlar Vloe--PneI4••t-...u. nail &eel.laJ'7-L&wnac:. BlllDpoia · 'l'reuarer--Ollft aaadwtcJr:

ca.. �_")(. Al.

H"'<7. ln...

�hOO1 .1!l� _ � . : PrelId••t-Walter rr..eb Vke-PIwJ4eat-ba. Dalal .... See. 6: m...--o -,J .... w..... . Cw. A4Y11ioro-Prof. 0. ' I• ......

·t�::��;:'''�'': :'Ii.

s-iaJ ....-

AaIde '.

Tu4I. · Bu

P: L. . c. ,

PAoa I


.\ ,



TBB , .�",IU"

OeJIet:al Ne.. Campa., Loeala . Pai'J[.I._d Lonl. Orpnlu.tlo"-





" .



GOOD . It is not cnough lQ do good; one must do it the right �ay. . is very true. ' . '. ,. ' ' , . [')ql!lB good aheuld be done in thcJpl'oper spirit. If one, helps : his' neiiJtwor and does it willip.gly and with a smile. the results will be far 'retter than if it is done relue,tantly. .our gOO$l deeds . not be mani.-d by insincerity or sham. .should M�y: people are too proud to accept chax:ity; if it is done with an air Of haughtiness or as a necessary evil. 'Vhen one giv:es to cl)arltY 'one �llt;ml,d tl118I'd 8�ains� wou.n<!ing the· pride and seJf�respect of the one �ho . receives It. A kmdly word. , . . eo.Dcouragement .cer-tainly is worth the effort. , There are manv, cases of doing good which may ' harm someone. If e goOd outv..eigbs the harm.: it is justified. The abOve ement might be considered to mean that il one d� goOO it 'mus be done.withimt l)anmng anyone. and is not good unless done e rigbt way� But doing gOO<\ even if done. the wrong way ust yet be better; in II!any cases, than 10, do n':! ' :;�(fi. i.o perfcet that the;" i. room (or proirement. Whatever is done. surely could be _doaae �tter. Nothing ',that man does is' perfect. therefore doing 'some goOd. , 'even if ,i, t is done the . wrong way is bette:r than to do DO . good . , at alL-H. K. �


Slou:I: FaU, In


CODllIucted �

�OlleaN .

ranked aec:ond amoDI. tb.e to �DlI unlYe...l.ttes or tbe .t&te� In th•


, Who Are


. '

� ". . J.f U-LUII"�k '� e & � . . T&ooma , 919 Broa�way'�


. 1I;:;;;;;:;;;;:;,;;;t


The Store for Men -,




by . tb,

Arcu':'Leader. Aup,atan&




-.,-- '.



.What are )'0,," serateblnc ' bead ror Wldman.! · h " .O : .lr, '[ _




. do you

....... _, ..

call . them

fii� >

SONS CO. 1U()'12 Pacific Ave, .

W. C. uBLL a


ah• . acoina,'W T


. ·and Radiola' Sunll-. HB'TBRO»YNB. are sold 'h�re oo· libera:. [erma. DcmOllltr"l­ . lion at night Ie,.,... . ,own h b m c - ao ' charge or obligatioa.

. J.�,,,jc ",del " "".

. I 'ho,-:- iapfur for 'M .r' ."*'"

.\ .



. --



He _ftd ..III .0••,. lUI. lut It back to hi, dad at 10 ,.r ..t In­ t.,.L � H. iliad. Ule old . ,at ., . 1004 'eeearllT, .too! - Hi �Id_ .... t.thet:c..uii7� pa� __

Human Tl'al� teUt u tll'at :rear of th" .....Pl't'Oftl of olb·,"j�·-· 11:".,.: ua from dol1l& WJ'Oq Q�D .we. look at our exam TerrettullT aDd contemplate ."""•••• 1. truthr... IIDe by Drydn, the bran d_"�e tall' " , '



And the •• �'Il, wbe.. h. acqulD'ted ,..Itb · lb.. :'..It 111_4e_ III qa.lte peneel. Mea... the.' him' rlD.. b the Job, . Contributed. H�""H. . •'Tllra

Hu' you eTer heard of tn. or an llUltlt,aUoQ beln, parent? No! aDd neltber . Parkland , or tbe poeDd pareDa. of. . tbey would neUter .. Mereantile CO. •. •• ._._ , t Intrt.pme1lo an It Probabl,. call • '" rl,bta. Gea.ra1 Merebadloo Be patient. ...•, • P......... . will ,.t tbe ' LEHMAN.N'S competitors. Ibape or fonn aud Dry GoodS; . from anT kind' of - Two _ ]0 &ruIloDln" ftCht Ahtvo ai You smt... '1I��1r lULl - ' " .�ou�� =:: =m:�1)1:' 1ItOnr to set ....Id compeUt'or �. 4:. � : " - ;��",; �'-b'. ':�t '�011 �b'ou14 ����5���;;;5 �':= =-�� knO'W. It ... .. 1f TOur OWll Parkland Shoe '" J. -p. co. , '�_J Pae.. Ay. ,...00...... Wull. , . 'Shop �; Book .Wler. 8t..� . " 111 ......;;. ::��� �r:y '::;:. ���. o� � . -----...,..... . .... . '1. . . . :L J. Salll.r•. alble for yoar competitor to claim _ . � H:d Photo ..... SBOS OF . your trand-ehU4 ... Its Ow:u:..· ac A P 97A_ · ' tu It how ere · .'H Ii· . Lien .& Selvig" L. C. •."11.0'"A aDd· ��;:;; dent loin, to �. b�PPeb · · · \O · · ; . J1Uifta8 .. T; �.;T; .... ;. 9���i rn� 'nlnc pareDu wbo weDt jl.ere ,or � i ; � � f , Importen of· Norwqlan . of &Uep, to 'the old Columbia yean bacll: In £Teretl. WuhlDcton. COd Liftr on :I1ris .is a stOre. tJi8.1·�wst.with � the city-a are c1attDed by, P. .L. C. &so �Dd. desire 10 mArk: itS prOgieia in-, eh'eD, . . . .. . Cor. Ave. .t 11 51; c� senj,ce . - ��� W�� !t _,.k" •• Waab. u .... .... d 'tended P. L. '0. they . ".,.. ...... Ari.· � :) J".ree DeIlY.1T eome ,c�UdreD or, . � C. aeDd-' their' ellUd Dt" ' yoGr nd the C. P. L. · }' .children. to We .have sOld 'a... pianos d . . . , " . .' . . . , . :�: :::� ':co::,�will �:a �70:� lege. 'Vh¥ �. t�e .. , , creat-erand-cbUdrea.. Brookdale GrocerY ..'�� "� ' . »adlsoD l07Jf Parklaad. 'W:uIa. A Jfembei. or at .., Um. ,;..�. to .0.. ..O,,!,' . . , . .5t O i"e ·1 =:�'::D� to MT. rACOMA STQBB8 a . � .�uh.' �th .1 . ,10 ator. , ::a b:.!. /) Sotge 01 the; lta;4eats .,.,-t."s 'Redo( o.r' add. 08 the' martet .... ID the H•....,.... ... .. .......,. . 10" P . L. C.�D.4 � .dillilru. &ad. btether aDd �" . ' ;;r,. . to th....•0.-0·p¥*ta. ....,...... ....... ,, be brotlIer nd � ti l' __

. and Shoea, Etc.


1 fr





, ctr-

an: BId""OI.UM. :B4& BaOb. (JIIft. .... .....,. DaIll




store'b' ythat ,\:ac;oma has the ambitionto'andoils patrons., ufl�;;:�;;� "The ;5;to;re;.;t�O "';1�h�'c�.h�Al�5 l �;;�;;;:�����1 Tacoma, number of, fj� to 'your -co�� II�I�====== �==:::��=�������:=� · · ., I - not to, you?. '- c d

;�:��§:!�B£fg�t� .

�1 ,�;;;;�����;� 1





1?��ij�pg(.:J·I· Broadway::Jaatco�Owned��.c

Co: .

';�� I �==�===============::===� I _

.J" .

.\ .

\ .


. . .


Non_her H

c: _

t- �"



Sunday School-9:30 A. �.: . ' . . .• Divine ·Servire>-IO:30 Ii. M. . Luth� League-'�teretained by M.... B. tho a{ �ulb"

3 p. m. de\nce, ' ' .

. . " . . . November zt .\ Subday Scboo!-9:30 A. �I.--'Supt .. Sunday Scbliol.:-Prof. . . . Pb. E. ·Hauge. ) " . .. , Divine. Servi.:es.-IO:30 A. M. , . Divine ServlClO":--I I:00 A. M: . . Junior. Lea(l\ie-'-4 :00 P. M. . Y 9UDg. Lad� Auxiliary-Tueaday, . Dec. I, 8 p. m: Choir" Rehean8is �very Thueaday' at 7:.30 P. M . . ,. . . Men'. Chorus eve ry �!,y, 7:30 P. M. " Pt'oC. J. O. Edwatda, uirecJor. , � �ev. :I\ O. Svare,

Yo'; WOI Locik

; by 'liaVinB your IWr .

' at the"' . '

.�i� �bcir Shop "

Und.. . pantagea n..;iOr

- '-"- �

SaUot: I Jut . ...n .am.� orup i.D.4 ....... �1U ·ftoaUq OD . water, c . ColUlllb..: . Was. tIlere 807 0"." f" . ' iq pm! . . . _ COIum.�1III: 'I"IMaI ... mad be Dear l.he ". W"'t IadteI; tt. eertahl.l7 c.."' -"'''I ." �erIcL�ie : TMchv.OCtD....I '-::;



Lad� iralr' IIoIiIItic .. ' , S-lally ' If. J.. Ccilll"!ld," Prol!<"

r-.,.........."-'i.:;� ;,, �--..,

PLEATING, .1.60 1IkIrf, .." .,.. •

• .•

- p�ticiWII ",-_' � JhIoi


� c..w..t ' BAUEa� '

317 So. lith St .




'Tit..,. morlllD,. Deeember I, at lhe eliapel fizerea.-. tbe at1ldeals and faculty were (nored' with .'leelure on tllbel'CUl�ta ' It,. Dr. OaTis. Dr DaTil Iltate4 that labert.loa" "'u 'Dot .. hered.U.ary d....... al· thaqh at' lbe ace of UTe yean

111.."" of tbe· c'btldren are 'Canten . of-Uti lerma, and at. tbo a.e ot 30. ' '0'lJ are attected b,. . tlila terrible

· d-.e.


Tb, teachers and the parenti ha"tI the 'ruponatbtllt,. · to ·teacb tbe children Uie 'rtabt habits &0 tbat they win be StroD, flaou¥h to realat tbe dlHUe. · III. tbe public IICbb;Ola DOW' tbe,. an bealtb curts . OD wbleb tbe cblld record tbelr. dati,. habits that ten-d to tbe bet·





,un , .'0

..141, "Experience .. lbe mbther of Two



le.mlni." A••ln we ml,bt &Il'" witb Barlloum, tbat. "'Tllere'. oae born .,..ry minute." Whether, 'from

lbe loolll of tbiDP. we are probabl,. mo,e Inclined to .bell..e tbat Ba,".II.I.,,:· · num WAIl rlKht. n..ef.tb�l... ' ��----

lerment of tbelr heaUb. ychoJoC)' teacben at P_ L. c_ TuberculOlis is • dbeaae t at � 1")'loc. to .... ert e�reme c.... ' be prennted If tbe people . e adu· .pfll,.lnl' tbe former rule. ealed enonl'h to ll..o" wbat pre.en· Slnce- eEPerimentatton�"" forml the of Some tl.... meuurft to take. half ot tbe Itud,._ .or meaDl . ot prennUnl' tuberculMb 0..,.. a lar... qauUlJ of ' are correctlnc or: deteeU.... �. for lbe exte.aloa· ot thlll mODth breathlq. under w�t. HI'- beea purelaaaed. AIIlODI' lbe lacted leeth. •nd dtHUed loaltll. nluable- ' laltrumetlla .&7 The lli.DDUal drl.... _ .upenlMCl b,. tbe tachl.t�PM. lbe .t••dl"... ibe ADU-Tubercala.1II Leape ' lo l..ter tbe mirror ..cure moDe)'. ill MlltDc & t&�ptD" bNrd. . The seat. to tako eare of lboee �u,rt'er. Uooed IDllnmenll are iDS trom the ........ wbo tlI.D Dot tor lbe of tie &tr.ord medical ' eare. .t"! 'Of �ICIP' IUId ·th. ' uked, to help ID' lb" tmportul the ....tal tide. lodadlAc work by burmS • of c.ta tor defea.• ' • , . " UO".. mental . ' cone&Pt.. ' .,. . " 00'''' d...............





bead . . , . He ,Is • p-ad.ate He year, detal bl Dot arraa pd " Colle';fI aDd Llltber 8emlnU'J'. pla,ed nl"lll� butetbaU for 8t. Olaf, aDd .1M played d� aDd I!�eb.n. Prot. Ram_tad eoachIJ'I' lbe &tria buttilban.





CbrtatJD� �



DRIVE BEGINS . It .,at .._ .." . _.... . w...lUl TON, bo� . IN SILVER . 'e pea.UIr coaeepUon . PnP!eDt oi4aJ.. relur:Hd to ..... u.. ....... Ud __ of �'-••••_ I.

�p� ���� ' � be -dt,or4ed tU ....atL.....- I.,..""''''-'=i:=ic.F:.:;''''" ; .ii..-.i�n.....I-' "" � : ... ... ""'.. �7 '· RT· ON DRIVE --- ,,,-_



- . ,

---.... _ .. · ... .... .

· ___ 10 ... ..... &iw. �'. call. .... ... • •·..... . al · ..... , "I'rtIIII:F 0.- _, __.. ..... Ia ..... ___ - ."... .. ........ ... . ,.... · ........ ..

- __ to .. ....... to tM ....... !idnhh_ ,... ...... .... _ _ .. ' n-, .. ' .. .._' ..... - . . _ _ ..... 1 .. ...... .. '.

- .. � - .-.. - ...... . ..... '-- " . . .... ..� ...... �l ... I.. M ... .. .... ..... ... ..... ....... _ ...... __........, 1M ....... tbt �._� : U..... to tU p� 1...- 0. .... IP4-, ... lICIt .... ....... u.. . ....,., 0..." 1 " .. � ,... . � 10 .. p L., Co .., . " � ----- an . ..... be ....... .,.... . ... ..iftdGa:" �"""" '" .... .. for _th � .... � 01 .... �. '" !.II · to _ ....... .., P. L. c.



.:::�=' � 'i!":':.il' '::":


... .'!l* ....... wIdr. tile � Oral. 'WI!IO � ... CaJIIGnJa. ..... to � to_III- � CD..... 111.. ....... -'� - �. ,: "'" '-: . , ' �t . "


, I::':�':


....·.·''· .. : ..





·. : T". ·hbl....M •..ery two W'M.... aa·rt.c-the:-.ehool ,..ar by of hetfle L.theraa CoU-ce. ParIr,I.... W&ablDCton, . . per 7Mr nM .ol ' . S.tt.ert.tsoa, • ,





a rlr,la at P 'ndr


as ..eoDill ei...• ...Ufor. �U'I�ctO.� ·.DCl�· tt...


Edltor,ln-Cblet Mana,lns Editor.


;, .

Oetober I. lUI. at b. 'poH . Maull' 1',· U7I.









"'.·" .. ..... . '



.j. A


Tbe-W.,.·· co .......

1Il0e mON lr,i1Id.nHS. little more und,

! �::ill: �e:,..-;.;:'i '.

. A little moft a.Ue. ' •• A. IIttl� ·1... frow \ A little U " Ir,lckl.,. . A.' iaa!i wbea he'a .o�� A lIt . more. "wei'." .


A �tttl. more lall,h, A. little 1_ cry. . .' . A litO. m.ore no�e.... A. llttl. I� . ··I:;





REPORTERS . General He... \C(ampq Loeab Parkla.d Loula Qrp.ialutlolM'_

Rellalo... M.ale ..uamnl �ua..tle. Ezcbacea ap.d .Iok_


'Ottleer (to couple parlr,ed




Every day! In .these two ,,'ords lies the secret of 'all al­ to): "Don't ,.ou )see tbat aIID ·F.IDe . ,J tainment. The trees d!l not grow nor , c�l J �ds, fonn fn ,8 for parkln«!'·' J day. but c�l'y day of matly succ:essive years are needed.. So "Yel, omeer. '1 aee' It and . al� are achi�1'Cments' of the veal of all time are ' the resplts II,. Acree ";ltb ·It." . of 'many a long day's laborious . ruHne. TJle ' mos,. horiest ��I(l...nt View m�n is one who is honest every dax--the . h" R Piest penon the · one who has, for long yean pas)..."-.,nCl iced' being happy� , the he8Jthicst h.c '¥I'ho... every dSy lollows Jhe"- r..itles of health . � E -ery 'dar! There .is mucll mean�g. .fiillow �tudenls. . for . , , p ! Comudel' ci ted on r ' tbe orchestra k dee woros. ·.", ut --tttem. sm you and me m these can:full¥ your past pra<:tices.� )t-· is �",:i�nt that ��t; of us "W�l'. tbat maD ' aba,kln' arc leUlDlI ,slip. da>:. by day. opport�h�s that. !ire gtven us ' ' at ber tor'!" be dem!-Dded Ittck here al p, L. C. Some day we will regret It• .for e,'ery 1 nantly . day or fraction of a day t!tat we squander C!r mlsu� . he� .. b'b " He'a �ot. "abaldnl , bla :,, .. . 'where we are preparing ourseh'es for the dulles of I1fe Will . r. at. . . render us �less Capable of nlJlking good' later. . " Tben wbat'. abe Fellow students. us all' l'es:olve 'now practice our -Tbe school spirit every da .' to ' be kind· and considerate every . day• . to prep&re� our ressons eyery day and . see to it .th�t Oa every day we make the �ilile use of pur. opportumjoy 8. bappieF 'imd fuller ties. Jben., e.,Yery: .one of us will en ]� cl . � an o l� life failure� our teachers ,Y'lIre. Ihe� will . WIth !JS. ' and P. L. C, wdYbe a better will be more · p1a� beca� .us.S _ L _ ,--: - --,-- , " As stude�'ts of Pa�ific L'uthera� CoUt:ge we are inlerestt!d in the endov.'lllent drive. \Ve reahze how "it ally the outcome of the · drh'e will iilfluence our college. wish we' couId.' belp. in some "'-v.·ay. to raise the funds.. . We. feel that we-:caimot do .much, bu._ : :forgot that as . Christians we hin'e at our est of'!_ .POw�r5-;-pray�r,-\Ve �il prar the drive and our prayers will not be. m r t � °her : W-:!:n rn � ""fIl"t", .. "" drive, the 'success of . . it sh all



IN; :11sf� 0





a Strule ... · 1 tOlTuher' tiad 'lbe



. '.0. '.....

seem. a· pbo- ' uraCe to


u- ball a,t.



that wOe are uslnc at, P. encourace tb�. students to

fluenced tor Coo4 In mind aDd acter as ",.U u . bod,. ' Her.e elation Ie 1004. Helit too, ,.nu Will : find a ' fr_bman '''blonln, blmaelf



--:: .. '




.. a" baek,round, aad' bet'WeeD- theu If 70n are' a' flrat team man "ou two· ·extremes datod4' '.0" 'bundred are, n o doubt, to DOme' one, a T)'

bDUD beiaP'npre-nUuc- tba auid- Cobb, Babe Rutb, or a ' Red, Oranle �"!' ' OI&Cl_. and It b ,.our dot,. , to scbool. ent ' b047, · 'WJiat . ..I TI,pie alDOQ ·ua.' bc& 't flll wbUe Ja.. ! � ,.our folio_In; !Jf atlldenw aDd work' .unt 1!Jr ' the. �""" Dee' of ,.Qir team' mat_. wbo depend upon ' ..m aIld -MPM.ri · &lRoq th� :,.011, to tti:bt "-".ur. barct.t at aU

" t ...


' ...de.......




" Tll. · p�otocJ'i.p_� Um._. to abide" b7 tba re_ · ro. or .0" ODe pre- ,-oar cioaeb ijd aebOoI. aad to t.t oD�O:-:-U .· ....... · aaother bqau, 'a a deaD mOral Ufa for ' . II.... �"'---"'....It" ... • •11 0__ A B, A. .

t ,.,.. fo



cOffee; FrUitB, Cat8�p, . Vegetabl�s, .SPj�tlS,.


. �� )

,.o.netr" �

I ',.: '

.EstabliShed '1890




J ����;������il


. Quality ·1s. EcOlio�y .

Replar 'I1m eluau ' and tbe aYenue. of

a bad cue of rbeumatism.. In pJ'OdudDS' tbe .plcture It aeeml after a�' upper 'cluaman,. Tbis .up' tbat it is ' tbe,' cuetomar,. , procedure per ' �I"'man meana eurytbtn" to . for: tbe ·facolt,. to 'shoW' up' 1D "bold t.be. llfe of the freabman. He ' dot� · race tjpe," .... It ' were; 'In tbe fore- on eyer,.tblns' ,.OU do' Mr, Upper · P'OuD' . The 'maID' eDtranee stlryed Claaman. . Help blm keep ' b'la raltb. .11..·. •


sc!�l :::.:r�;�'�::i.;·'��

'pou ... . 'camera to t e P. 1.# C. facu·lt,. a'nd atndent bO lut' week. .i.liboqb Do ' dlre · re.DJts DYe been ' wltn'-d· It'· J.a upeeted. lut tbe pbotOlTapb.r'a · triPod will han


=;:;:=;�����i:==�� �= I


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Puget 'Sound '





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Dee. · • P. ...

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Dra_atie 8ocIelJ'. · 1

P. ...

�J. Dee• •• Duke' all pnlle ..I� Know'•. b I P: M. Olr.. ..d bo,. t...., .�J. Dee. I• .....'0.. \ Soe1tt!lu 1 P. .... _

- ....;.J'. DI!e. I•

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ConfeCtion. ..

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t••t . (and


.coilellne ou u u The

the edit! oler the "Red OraD,..

- Buket6an" b ,bo t the entire . �me. Prof. 'St en I. .. man 'who 'knowa m at\ mat ea and It seem. as

t��i hi. �( It.ole. to had • ttl'" daTI rett. .care tbe eolleslanl, �Id before tbe ,ame: "RC!imember, jOll, are.. !D IPm7 Ens,lab cl.... . ftillo...... Rh tad 0 tbe ,ame ut r.o b o ... 1 of wind 'and It w.. Dotlce,d be was G t no\. Mlllal 11lJI1I�DU t.h..!.. o_eJt da�. . 0 e:r.erel.e Edw.rd., wbo blu b.ad1 pla710, tbe piaoo .od" tr7101 to � d e" 7 a l p .In&:, to u. tbe . bor . 'acuity puffed . up ,fao

c came,

Tbe colle,lans .11 pla7ed a K",•• ,...., ,ame .tban · tbe (acuity.

ye e:r.eellenl

and 01_0 pl. d 'accouDled' for .mOst a,alolt tbe faculty.


2%-U. ' .

Tbe Ihieupa:

PacaI'J" , ,."

of �be





' Ed MlhU Stuen .' � ,' . F , Ramltad Hau,e ' Ed"al'd. . F.eu!t7. Subl: Ramltad; · .tolle,fI,




tender: a• .

Kodak ......... Vile.. "-d Photo M . . U15J Bo:r. SlO J '•

l irr ����ii�; �tl n . Madl8Qll,' 1 5ILJ ' , :10; A. �I.




;; �

Shop . A. 1. Sather. Prop. 8H�B � =1!fa 01"· ,.



�� �paciltic �� ;001

� �

J . F. VlSELL CO. ' Book �tto-n ,

: IO.�

Pac. ATe. ;






and &J8

·· aJIJ .:tP' ,.


,.,.- . ,


. ahn

Wbo AM


", �_ .

'_ , Y ' 9f9 B roe d..,8 Re.J. QuUtJ

BEI;I; • SONS co. 1110-12 Pacific' Ave. T�� W�'





. ,



.11 ptete. pac. ·-::' , CotiI

.... . . .. Tacom..: WUII'.

LIit..oI """ CIodt- . 11 1 ....-"'--'-----........ 1.



Normal" .. Junior College . High School Commerdal" .


Oyeo tor �nder-

The Store �for Men

;::===Jf;WELERS ======� .




,"74.1' 8.t.


M e . � ���������;��rn�;��f� ��i�I'l 1 1�����=:;��=11 !::::�:::::� � I:�����������:�����;:����I

con� :

Krycneal And�raon


KOdak work ot .n klD�


Oft'k:e .... Photo � .


Ha...e your ra"orJte film en­ la,.ed. and co'lpred tOr Xm...

An. T'"'"" ' ' � W � �b' ; " �

Hou� .ot .. ...Ice: wltboa� t1.,. .

Ameri. -San..... .... LoaD ' AIIe••. eWI "




F•...aJ DIndon Phone Main 412 723 St. Helens Av.• Tacoma

Headqaarter. tor tae�lt1 and .Itudenta ot c flf! Latheunt•


. We



�ktI h


I'll. .take


BrOokdale CUIl ' M.r;et '.

e . If be 'worked out bia abota' by matbe u tl - :�: �1 �:: :e co;:. rJ�:':n::;:d �:� I rou.M tbe ' r100r.- oU pouadlol o ' ud. Alit Cas? about the pouD dlol , pu, of It. . the h t wi Ed Arthur who �pl.'1ed .•

Oh, It

, . ,Butkley-Kini '

=� �n":-kr.D� .

Li�n . �Ivi. . "

�. ' ..' ..... . .-

For i�ormaJj.on write ' . . .








. ImJlClO!en ,ef(N..,...wa .



�: T.comil Ave. .t 11 51. T.�;".. W..b.

. Milsie - Seco�d Semester Begins Ja�uary 21th: 1926 . . .' ,:� " , :-


.0= ....•...

· Bf9O\daIe Grofe..y. fAt, . .' '�. JIeId&adIiM

Kadllo� i0114 : ,

, , __



�� o"r:. ��� oa the. '-. '-'-' "




... ., ·ot : '. :


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TA�O::_8TO� .. " � , mal'k� N.��b.�. '...� .


I� the '


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.- P�.

'1 -- - '-"' ..... _ OII . � .... ....... .... ......· .....n ......, eoI.o ai.c.. t....... tMII: ... It orat.re ........ ....... _ III'. �t. 'I'lo1..... ud '" WUt tate.ta lau H��. ,.aIat a•• aGIID.•p". .opport..... we dio.ld .... ' oa too ....� at t-. ..... . ...... or U.e w. w.ow lIlat ":'CU't,'M L7ce•• eo..... '9t' nil.1I1t bel' b7 GIU ·. deedt' bat we �DO" r.1'&J' NO..�ber· · U. Tlta tanti,m�beri aDd �� ...� .tteadecl It Y.J.:7 Ideb'7. t • lb.: "To ,rMI, ,I.. ....i "', ODaeIrt. p�ra.... . Aa God P"IIt .. .

:�U:.O (:;-Bel!!:'�H:,! H�"�

,�..: .

::::�:: '=:;'-Of��=� reeel�e, " H. H. 'wlll ',I,.. .. ,rut" ....

".U l TaCo•• · I1JfDlllAUJlfO ll' CO Qtatel ••m....... . lbUe..tlo 8erYloe P. _· 1OIJbo "--, 'MAD-' U_ 80.. Valoa

. �EA�G · 'l'� Skirt. ail, . dyJo famllY ' lpeDt ThaDue1ylnc wltb lath'es In S!In.na�bIDItOD.

&lDIIl tdllDc DuUo. 'Ro_


B.llo_ CovOrod


Loba Society Be"IOI. Club, Guild) Saturda,:... Dec. .. 5, at


Memben of tbe YoaDC Ladle •

.Auxlliary of the !J'rlnlty LutheraD.

s,;. llit. SI.

8nd Commercial .

Mr. and lin, E. ]Ye"on aDd ao.. of StaDwood lpent7l'tlanilptiDC .... . '���k�o�� :'Of . Mn, J. A. Olaoa 01 a



Callrornla mdg. Tacoma,


ReY. Sure officiated tor ReT. Bo�eDltad at Central va� tJ;ietr " Nonm­ "l&at�a Day lut SUD,da her !to




;0', '& (ut aad roqb came" wu pla,ed between � tentaUye fin' , tein",: of P. ,L. 'C. aad the lCalle BolUme Workl of TaComa OD day, Noy, . 2:7. lU5. la wblcb collellanl w�re .def�ted. Poor paulne lad fambllnl' tbe ball were ' 1111doubtadly the · ior tbe deeeat. Tbe Dottllne played a tAft aDd '. eleYer � pm.e. Tbe nna1 ICOre 11'&1: P. .L. 18; otUln� Co'" ,n. B Sid Olauo " dlaUDplsbed .. tor the �I1ellan. � Warn.lek th� WhIsUen. The IIDeD,.: -'

_. -..... ...R aldoa ." ' P'


· • "Bana

, 4 Parr

� ,.

Students', racnliy memben s.Y8r�emben ot tbe TrIDlty eran cl;lolr aullted In tbe t B ;l ::::; rie, ( . Noyember ZOo

:!:�tt �.".

Treated • ' !S� Filt� , pa�tal"· Tb.. t... B�d1D..

SoDth Tacoma


, Tacoma




Dari!l' Men's Pac. Ave.

Sh!)p '.





We offer .beSt ralea for . Scandioaviuu cbedu; Co..­ pona or currency, and aeIl draf'- '9n aU . ani pointo In the. �. avjan countries:-


Dozens of' new patterns in· ·: .pOp� " ��s ' for �oung men.


.Main 2289.

au Saqth Ninth St.

PboDe "'�dIloD 1 137


,11121,0 Plic.


" relaU"8:I ' tn Mt. VerDOD.


M. 55S6

Frank 1. Lee

Cburcb meet at the home of Mn, O. T,' OllOn Tu8ll�', No", 201:





Cailfomia .

i 1 th .I;



'l'ACOW.· ' /'; .


Br�o�dale �Mc:e Stii.tion ' ' ... .


,I{, .

. .. . f' �:�--�-� "

� .





� .

. ,


' .












' ll · E n d o w m.e n t. . Drlve L a u n c h e d In TWbl 1 Corigregations.

j I





A d,b,." by Ihe Dlbl, It t . . Pro!. J. u . • as ghen In the tollege lluditorlullI - : er , delivered an ' . _ . Monday lng or the MIsc\cnlng Dec H The quell Terman"s Menlal . Group Te'fll , "" /HI addreslI at Ih� . ___ ' lon read: "ne�oh'eol, Ihll! the IIclencc given lo ' ihe high school and college 810n[80clel)' hel(1)lo conjunction wlfh I of medicine Is the one emcient curc l' Hullents of P. L. �. b'Y the Educll- the Luther Leagu� at the Collese Ch ll ll c , SUl!duy December 5" ror" ,the Ills ot hUlllanhy." Debatol1l tlonal Measuremenl Clnss ; The KIJ.(!aker knve a survc)' of rell. for the afHrnllltil'c werc John WelHc morning, December .... . ! , anti f:<1 Arthur. Deil;ltors for nega· . He The results show tilla tlio- a\'E: rAg� &:lou 8 co � dltlon 8 of the �'or]d. ' I th'c were Peder Sognefc!lt uud l ] (intelligence Q uotien t) of th e em ) lhasi' :�d · that Europe ·W!!S n a l • To launch the drive for the En-dow· Irene Dahl. College boy!, ch !,os, I n RuulIl a �:red'':' church . raclnc L:uthernn L: C.' student.s ht lib: points higher _ p-'Dyed and lost their Hrst game with ment Fund ' In Slh' erton, eregon, The amrmath'c asserted thaI 8 ur . ' than that of other IIchools tested b ' h�tI been .e8tabl lsh�d ttl. uproot. reJ lgSundny. Dec. 13, '�'IU' made :'Padllc gory, X.my, radium, antitoxin I1ll1 Terman. Not II. slng]e stutlcnt of th Ion. Perllecutlons had 1!lven aid to Kapowsin IIlgh last Saturday nigh! .Lutheran College Duy," �Iembcr!l of medicine are all Incl�ded In the ! colli�ge and normal group had an the church so Ihat metho� of up- In tbe c?llege IUmnaalum. roollll� religion The game was very exellln,!!; as the College, faculty anll Btuilen \ bod Y ' sdence of Il1cdldnc. h'en up; to Germs alld ' T. Q. of below' tbe The � l tho or place Its charge take had church we�e red nnd sides the both were prC!�ellt determined to win. �as . ellpeclally T. U. was stressed as a median score of each class' 1n High . day's program. which was dlvlde.l danger to society which the scIence School ";lr. Ihun estnbllahed ,to conyert people by Kapowaln took the lead trom the found . to be hlgh Into sellsiolls. The program of medicine Is I!lIcCeSllfUl]y.cOlllbatlng. tbo l� ledluns meu�s of propaganda. A well travel- start. but the college waa ahead at found 'by Te of at half, the acore wall prellented with tin> ahn of lIrin " The affirmath'e also greatly empha. According to the membe f the led �.-rlter has said tbat greed, hate, the end and fear rulell Irr Europe, Ruins of being 9 to 2 In . or of the college. to our church people II N:al\zatiol, sized wllat the Bclence of medicine l Educationa] Measurement thelle . Glallso . ....a . . put ur o�, pez:.s0Dllla II! churche8; and scbools are found ot Ihe. grt!at work carried on by a had done and was doing f�r the testt \\:11\ be of great \'alue �o the . ' a ter. church school, and of gh'lng them lUI school cblldren. In the eastern and south� .the BeC'Ond \l e teache�. They will know If a - stu. verywbere Insight Int� the spirit and life o Kapo.....sln togk the lead tho lut dont III ,rreally wOrkl�g or not. Tbo ern part "f . Europe., . pro.tllatantll The negative conlcnu� that I ( P. L. C. r and .h.lt and beld It through the remain· bave b.e� blamed (or the ... a . catl ablllty student the com of . be l · cine Is not a aclence but uaually a conaequentl> The n.l"Jlt seulon waa held In the combination of guess�lI. ' lIuft�r. Catbollclam Is der ot the . game, tbe a.core was 24 to Statements ! pared with whnt he .ac c oUlpliahes. the 15 when the no�1 whistle blew. . _ morning at SL Johns Lutheran by medical doctors showing ' the de. Partlcu]ar,,",'eaknesses Can be JiOlntell gaining In , Germa-ny becauae ar therans � .not o�ganlze� th�re. Lu Church, Rev. Llndseth's charge. The u Myron Kreidler and Arthur Knuttlc'lency o't medh:lne were quoted by out and the Indh'ld al can be helped e condltlona In A frica and A lIege faculty quartet composed of . R len played tbe beat game for p, L. Special abilities may :rt the amrmatlve The Judges decision accordlngiy. are alao p:reca�loua, aftIrmed t e C., wblte Tunle PrOf. and Mrs. Pb. Hauge and Prot. lI�rred for K a wwall given the' negative by a unanl. alao be ,developed that otherwla6. speak r. " and Mrs, Edwards sang an anthem� ' . lin. : mlght ,be neglected. The .' resulta of tote. Prcslilent Ordal the sermon "'Ve In America can be thankful . T6ttle was blgh ' point mlln for some testa proyod that there are lIome . . of the day, choosing as his studentll of but an average I. Q. for tbe opportunity we bave to tbe Kapowsin and Glasao for the College; ' "ChrlsUan Education." Mrs. Ph. The lineup waR all rollows: that receive high g�adea, while othera .....ord of -God, that· we can worllh lp ., P. L, ,(, · Hauge liang II. 11010, " The. Voice In who are bright receive' lower one•. Him accordln/t to o ur cO II.clen�e. Klpow.ln (4) Collum the IIgbt," 'Command . . . . . . F . . the Wilderness." Prof. Ph. Hau�e ThIB la, due to the application of the Let UII al �'aya walk In ___ es B a f e n n t a a �n ! e . ra a student to hla studies. .A "menta l encounter was launch �d 1I � �a � �I:�e. ���7Bt�:n p .e b � .... ( ) e f t b , blahopa bue today the city la In Crose'tlo . . . . . . . G . (2) M. 'Kreidl er clolled "''1th a dd'bt "'How Long Wilt )" he I�. L. C. Debating Society , . Thou Rem�mber Me" lIy Mrs Hauge }o'rlday evening, Deccnlber " In order ruins as a result of loalng t�elr tlTSt Tuttle (t3) . . .G . , . . Knurlen and Mrs. Edwanls. , to .determfne the val ue of the lIay� the light was taken away from , Silba.-Kapowaln: $teward for them. �o It will be with �s If we. Commantl,; Eugene (1) tor Crosett�. ' The afternoon . progralll was given Ing that "' Friday and the fhlrteenth neglect to walk In the IIg ht when P. L;\.C:: Sanderson tor ��.nsneB8 ; _. in Re \·. HelJrl�sen's church to a are- unlucky." . ___ Tbe question waa . It be- J�. Kreidler for G1allso; \\erscn 0) we have an opportuoUy. "'" The lIame musical large audience . " The old er we get, Illore In� hoovea us · then as Chrlstlana ' to pray for Knullen. . U I)he]d�l r. Ed Arthur and �!llItI . nUlllb6ts. were ' gl"en, wfth the... ad a solo : " DeilB o r Lillian Lee �bile MI�'Luetta Svlnth d ined we a�e to live tbe acenes of th�t .the �o llpel light might not be R€fere.e �\'oody.. dltl n of n Plan our youth again In our mlnda,"' must lots." 'rhe P. L. C. girl ilterally by SI gne HjcrnllHad. Martha preaented tli� argumenta for the have been tbe tbought or 0.me of ' Other numbers OD th� prdkram ran away trom tbelr Kapowsin Higb 1I I-ijermstlld lIp6ke on "Why I Like negative. d 1 c I n op r defea �ota Prof. Hauge The af tbem' 26 ..,,' Uog Scripture po T. to '8. trmatlve began by ex�laln. Attend P." L. C." anlt to reading by Rev. ere: h y t : ��� The 8core at the entl ot the nrst ha .U 6poke again on the sallie topic al at Ing that there are no outward signs 0 Svare and mualcal selections . ... Frldll)" December 4. How bewildered W 8 :!() to :! and Coach Ram or stad courtelY \. l' ltner on Friday u.' on the thlr: by thu n\O�nlng se�lIlon. radio the onr niahed tltey must have been, trylog to . . sent In an entirely new lineup. w i h The eYfllllng'lI program WaR Tender. teenth, b)" which "'e can atlrlbute . to 'Mrs. Kreidler. figure OUt whether. they were awake the eace-ptlon or Polly Lanilow, The ed .to joint IIleetlng of the two ! lt the word unlucky. It la rather or not. Maybe some of them . even Kapowaln gl-.:Ia then lIIaled a raliy, congregations In St. John'lI Churcb '80me ' Inherited fact common to pinched themaelns to make sure but could not bealn to th" -the houae helng filled to capacily. l both ""blch us" some way or . that they were not dreaming. For large lead. The eood checkln, and' Signe Hjcrmstad played a piano snlo other . Among tbe many examples o. be. 8een re tbere not little ,I l excellent euardlnl toeetber with the . ]S Dt!we . rurnlsbed by the ,affirmative In est� 1II'� by Etude" "Concert everywhere one turDed� . nd. were(sat. work of our forwards waa . Martha IIJermstad apoke on "Thei abllablng their CaBe were tbe rol� n't t�ey drease� In clothes that reaDough to dlK'oura,e any te!'-m � . �el l'loua Atmosphere at P. L. C." lowing; "To ��et a' black cat or to --. mlnded one of the ,.ears gone by- . ' . Coach J\amlltad la f rtun to In huln, sho"!lng th�', 1mportance of a Chris- walk under a ladder I" not dll_ ThesplllD i!-,cb eood _ material. The' program glv'.en. by t .hort dr e , big nlh a, hair , rlb� . tla'll environment durin, the c harn . 81terous eXc�pt on Friday. or - the ytblDe F r ida y ebe onl t h a t and ev Club on · Ia Llterary·Dramatlc The lineup wu) :� ter.formlne j,Crlod of the Individual. thirteenth,. " cap" 4Dde�on, our yell � .lI'OwIIlrr : lIttle glrllah. ,, � >ecember 11,: conslated P.. L. C. �venlngl an !'nthem. !be leaite.r. turned hl8 ankle' on faculty quartet une The K . · Howe er, e er . one W":,I aoon re- maloly or }book reviews. n low (14) P. . . . . . . . (Z) , 1; FOE Ruth Fadness then l po e on "ActlTl. th irteenth, the f lnt baakel ball . game· . v v l' red tor the� I It\le IIrla ca taken from dl�erent �ooka wer W A. Wiener. (8) . . . . . . (I) M, ,Wile' ties at P. L. stiowln the part Played by cur team tbl s year waa auu r:: � t o t l s ea e a de by ortraye Knutun . . .· .JC . . . . . E. Olltrum ,. 't�ey pilly I� 'preparlng an Indivi dua . 1011 on Frli1ay, Friday . Is elpec�lIy � : �: p · . d8 ":ho tbla meth a�lou� L. �alen s:� r- �:�: a m . r0uI · . RC . . . " . . 1:. for life, Mrs. Hauge sang a 8910 : unlucky for any butcher .Ince ao ry , . 1.. &0»_ Selle . --= � " , ..�.Q. �: , E _ ' , _ �nt of the klndne� ot th eir bearts J)Oln� of : e �kI. � !.' . lde . . �bl'!!. ��th !1!.':_�er_wblc�O� � . P.!2p.!!- !»e��e of thelr...! �_ . were dolng - thel " beat- to rell�:e The devil (Amt Oyenl . was tent _So SimuelllOn . .0·. ... .. ... , .M. John'acn ' . Hauge gave the eveDlne'i addreal!; lo.ull belief do not ell� Qle.t on that : mono�ony occuloned b� t�e pt e ' Subs-Po L.. . C,: Edna Brot llO.. " The Church Scbool:' He sbowed t day. Friday nlgbt la un ucky ror to remold "Peer Qynt" (Peter Solnon r cI t I mere stu yln � ·· � , ! d c, . fest). The de VII' wore . a sull wltb '(�), All elle Dahl, M.rle Oard'lIn , 'Ruth · how tbo Christian College Is bUlldlng t be Iludenta of P: L. C(: I!lnce they 01 How, well they auceeeded�ls not the pl�ture of . the de't11 on tbe back, ll tbe .church 9( ·tomorrow. , A .' VocaJ must aUjnd tbo Deball D'g iety Esther. 8ydow. Kapowlhi; la not probable bul hll boz:nl cou�d not be, aee;r Ka.&.brlne · J'unND: . 'duet by Mn. Hauge . and .�n. Ed· ' and listen to tbe dl,cuulon of deep ·k'Down here but It . C. haa · leen Ita lut ·beeau.e o( hiS. c:a.,p, nOr cOuld hla Referee-Mn. RlrS,ltad, · ward s cone1uded tbe procram., · ll lca queStion auch a,. tbe. one that · P. . . ;...........!"'__'"':'__...__-on....._...' '"': u. alao ru.mor d hoofs be seen, becauae" of hla' .hoe.. ,j../·:�·..t""-----...'..'..... ..l nder CODalderation and Jutly �l. "Kld'a Day." . at ' �me f'lata!. �d.� ' the �UCq- "8)'D1ld \. ..e SoIb!,.k1:eo" (Mary Hoimel ) • '. d., .. unlucky to .the neeative 'u .that

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On report baa It that . th.... ..... 'out by OIaY Wuth.7. · with To"al of the crlmlnala tn oar atate pn,.oae ·MooRING MAST ,ter - were born Oil tll� tblrteent.h &l!:d. t�e 'nen .ome c�litle fr�l.. :"bo. �.IIIOD � a . putaer, · "8�b� n' ll,ed y other 1% OD )'rlda . and ttt,t, ot p&J:aded .. "k 1ct:'." · True or· nolo BoIlD&rd" (H•.,.,. Klel� wiu It:, ' :t""OTISERS.' AD 11lC lD&Il .ho did � beu.... ,ID tbe fairy ; the malTla,e Jlcen... are obtained tbat fac� d06lD I mealt a . .,. �" 001 (� ....eDtI.ru.). , CUI Coltom, "lib ol le,. fr�le. are only hil:h . . r· ... � on Ihe thlrteeatb,'" · oD """ I) , treal;llee tOQr tI older, __- :..:.::.:..::I (CoaU..� oa pa,. �4) .m___�_ . _,--i' _ _ Coa a .



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" REMEMBERi " Get, Subaeriptiou .


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i ; " .� . . . ..til dlan,ard tba elonp- .... d' riued In a Norwea1an 1:Ostum., i or It. _�ken bu tailed to ap. lI,ne . !. . ii OD.· DON'T �ORGET tiOD 'ot Ita .Iow.r uuemeUM .D.d 'WIth b.r lo." r (.Ly.U kreldlt;r) wtro i . pear at tb. debate:' . . an 'was -.:ery very .hy. !u d�eued I.n ! :!,.. . , I . CoD.l,lde�ble pnudo statllUca appear I� n��kerbocken with ttle . · Do Y�ar �mu tbe a�orl.. that ma� • n hta ab1eklah ,0,( trol1Hn. "The . ! i we �re quoted by t he awrmatt e. Two .t�t,t,. boy. : .NI&!-r . of � Narel..u.... was acted i ) , ou eumpl .. were: . tstaD41i", �OP� .t� �

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hUTIIERA.:'\' COr..CEOE, PAR�I.AND. WASil., . ...

Th-e Coreee at work 10 a Chrlllt. A coDlmlttee meetlnl wa. beld at oC· P.. L. A .re at prelent emp 01"" lan's !He ·fo·rmed the Impor(ut P. I.. C: . December II. for tbe pur- at the �1�fI:' Mublne Sbop. hl, Tathought!! brousht out by Jle". Ram- �ee of fllrt�erlos plaos for l!le An- c,o�a. iliad In a rllc:ent Chapel talk. -" nual I\eun.lon to be held Feb'ruar1 Erna I�elmdahl. Iratlulole of . !Ii, . Publll;bed en'ry t",o ..·eeke d-u rlo« fhe' school year liy the studenta He aald that there 1.Il.. ·good anti 20th and 2lat. Miss Katherftte ArtIt_ ,..fBlted ·frlendl at P. �. c;: Batu .., or Paclflc"Lutherfto -College. .Parllla.nd. 'Yaahlnston, ' evil In the hearta of all Indhltluals: :len. ""ho III In · l'h�rge oC the Re. day. De«mber 5 .. She II In t�aln'ft� These are at 'll'o r. each trylns to union preparatlonlJ. warchaIrlll.o at. at the Swedllh l.uther.a n HOlpltal In . Subscription. one do)lar per ,.ear· conquer men. The Christian rell,- thlll meetln,. Otheri prellenQoirere Seallie. Se�"old. former atudt4\t 'of Entered !t'COnd class mat�t'T October ! U!5 ·ftt the post orrtc� Ion teaches and brln,a to Indlvlduall co-nn,a Gurd. Chalrman' or PUbl iC- u�� C., (; . December here 1', L.' visited, I K n ; ,.r Itt at � s h an, t , t Cha:I'II be�t "ood. III d committee ",,· M o at Parkland. Wllehln�ton, under. tbe ·Act of Mar�h 3, ;879, . reidler. . a . . allhour;h . . the)' rna,. endeaTor to lin: ('halrma.n of DecoratIon ('ommlttH and 6. . accordl�« to God'!! commantlll never and Alrred ADdentOn chairman or · E�ItOr.ln-Chler Martha·. Rjer�stld al laln '. perfectlon ; there.. Is' alwaYI prOR;ram committee. TwentY.leven per ('ent of the col:" Manllsln!: Editor H�lIry KIeI room for Impro,)emeut, lIecularly and Mr. Peter Oillon. former Itullent lege Itudenta . cQrolled In rn spiritually. The Chriltlan re.U«lon or P. L. A, la mem·ber of . tbe Slate Teache�' Collc,tI are ...�� . n� th!,lr "'ay Ihrou«n tot a seJi�J. ·The · Is not tb be condeinned by Jlld«ln� P""tllce Department In Seattle, RErORTEHS· ·· Chrlatlanll. Th.t Apoatle Pa,.ul Is. an . Mr. Eriln, John!lOn, «raduatt'j. of enrolhllent of . the IIchool Is 515 �nt1 A. ,?f lhat number 8C ani · IUpport �� Ceneral Ne....s " Ed Al;thur, Irene Oa.hl eluU,l ple or ooe who IItrhed to the commercial departmentll of p, L,:->11.. themaelvell either .eotlrel,.. or. In par 'Campua Locals 1917 III- A-teller fit PU et Sound Lillian Lee ut�osl for . perfection "ut eve,n · he tlonal lJank. ,where he has· been for while IIltentl.lng Ithoo\. Doroth): lA!,hmRnn could �ot Rltaln It, , ·Parkland Locall'l. . -1 he AUgllltana Mirror. Johanna "'-Rll.!lmuuen To 00 true belleyers men mUlt se..eral yeafl. Orsa:niUltlon� OId Ord;1 tint. haTe a know}edge of re· James Thompson. :latudent at · P. Religious Prot Ph. E, u·a ulII. ! and Pro·f. J'. h o Y I h 1 f SI e j MUllc �����r' �: �;o�� d��: :�o��I�I:�\�e�� °au::!!��� U. Xuler jud,ed . debate at Ka_' ��ut�l �:�:��: � ��:'led,: �i ��ou�� t� alo. 1t Is rtl"port- PtI-';l!lo We!.llleiday ' eYe_nlnl. I>ec. Alfred Ande�on· the Word oL Ood, . Secondly, ther accident a month Z!�::�I�� Leola Ib.sen mu!!' believe and trus·t 'What they ed that he III ·r.ecoverln«. Hi\. 8 ntl 161h. Kapo..·srn debated 8Aallllli tire · E1:cbltnKPII a.nd Jok� Iar hili "The' Is 'brother which Dible l ry. who wal ahw I!:aton.. llle HIAh School on the Child Amorette Da)' learn from:the 8u81nllll8 Manager student at P. 1... C.. at the slime labor queltlon: Nina lo;lde , E�thcr Sydow, Arthur Knutlen T'et�r SognefeJ!t Truth" and "His Word.'; . A!MIlstantli . time. ar� living nUlll Fadness nuth Dull AdverUslog 50 1 IlO� " 11"1 5Ih·erton. Ore· The Parkland Men's CIJ.lb vllyed WedneldllY. December 9. the lin· gon. 0, J, Stue !) Nenll� IIltened (0 a Ihort, Interell· U1r�er N.elaon. graduate rrom the 1':1I10nvllle · Athletlc Club Wedlleaday .'ftculty Advls.e . J��' Chapel talk by Pro!. Ph. E, high IIchool cla!!� of ' 2 5 . J!I 'Worklnl': r:enln�, Oecel"nl)er 16th . . The reo �f)t -.L ' - .., -+-t--------:--� 7 . .. lulta of the lIame "till come In thc uge. In Aberdeen, Walhlngton, . " �e.?"'J. "e �n arth and g� Will en,.. :.s the. hor-"I day I il'llThe toward � t;lken from MIIIII Anna Fadn�!I , '\Ormer P. L. c:'," ctio"en topIe �h \ xtend to our I·eaders. It IS dunng thiS month . ' ' ..., '' , .........,,.. ... .".. , I Vunc. spec· r ;;,,,';.,;!.",...,."", ' greeting _which sccond· ' challter of Luke wtlere It A. student. Is a tnlned : that all -Christians will celebrate the advent of our Lord ·:,"d tel l!! about JC!!UII In the .temple arid laliling at the Mountain View Sanl. l Hllir ('ulllnK . . Sa\'ior-a da\· Ret 'ide to cel�brate the birth �f Chri�t. This ho..... hll IllIre(ltll �·ere · · aJl:llously tArhlm, ,iliuth or Tllco'mll. ! ' I.II,II!'!" IIml ("hll,ln'nll IJobltlnJ( Fadness. ��r.adllate of j "'1",,1. '·Ia:!" 11IIrltl'r Wprk J)one was the glad· tidings' hat came not only to the Je\ ·s. but to the loo k Ing for h i m. .'h!ally after find., .... "ISS Son!ft D . whole world. The ;\i at that first Jule-tide was filled with j�r :�:)"e�'�; t �: 1:��l eA:�:� J:��� a�I� ';;;���I:. c.3!1hler at McCormick 8ro* ·i 1 �IA It: GSt � ' KRU TS�a�kln nd . -angels were sin · "Glory be to God in the highe�t." It IS ered. "'.... llh thou not that I m ust . Mr. Lun 'l.I nnlng Is Prfnclpal of I L· the sphit of the rst Christmas that we \';· ish to bring to ;\11 our be altoul· Father'", buslncu,!d ! Ihe Fife I-Ill1;h �chool at }o'ife, Wl1sh· ,. readers. of ,I'. L, A. ·l The speaker emphosh:ed that the Ington . . He Ie grnduate · 1I111.IIM\" .fI JU; :TI SGH There are many ways in which we· observe this holiday. and bUl'!lnC!:I1I or Chrhstlan (!oell not MlsH. .Emmll . H)"nnlng: a gradUnlC DEW DROP I NN e a h ec r . :::��a�i ��r ������'" ���m\\·7h� ��I;���ll �h��;��:ste�����c\· \� ::�� '::I�1 f=X�;:�� (II�R:I�I I ,�.: ��o��:: �� l �r�'m�;rl!ls��\::�!n�n InTI:�:m�U b 1)llIn/'tI'���I :��III'II 1111<1 "cems to liS that It cannot be an.,; Chrlstma� \\ Ithout gifts tllf'r(,for consider thc cconomlc 1111. 1 1 (;cort;o Grcen'Aood gradllllte or (ulIf,'('tiOllll Chnstmas tl·E'es. "hOPPing, Chnstm,ls dlnller and a numbC'r of IIMtRnce of Chrll!t lanll\ It Is I)oor '2 . I , '" hl .::'= d::� f mp o . .. O" = ' ' = "' = O = = ..=::: '= >=�========= other things that \\e ha\e assoctated \\Ilh thiS holtest of hollda\ s bUOllne!:lil 10 ... alt unlll ""e lire 01,1 '1: 1 ��� ". :�=:: =.; : . " There are man, beautiful custom:) associated \\ ilh Christmas hcrom.' R Chrl!lIl.1Il \\flat busllieK I ' thus the NOI"eglans ale kno\\11 fOi thClr hOSPlt,lht) . not on h l}Ian hen offered opportunl..\.l j \VHEN YOU THINK to human beings. but \\ htch also extend� to a mm[\I s--<lome�t lc herl.'h\ he could make m l-tl'f""on · OP I'lHOTOGRAPHS nd \\Ild A fine expressIOn of thl� SPirit "e find at Chri�tmaq- doll ,\r�, I� t lil· r�l.hnt \\OIlIct""KR \ thAt ... REMEl\IUER In Nor\\ay \\hen bunches of oats nrc placed fOi the \\lld buds It III plent\ of tlnH! aft...r I R11I fIfn " r� . on • . _ ;107 I{u�t nhlg ' _ II T�:S��r�O����·r�;n��:e�rnc�ls���:n�I�\elebrntlng Clmst mlH' ��:; ::;I�d �;�au�l�a!h!l!c��tlnl�:�O::c ' ;". "!.'Itln 4� IIItI� " . . . ,,::::::;:::�.:::::::::," .::::::::: :::::::::::: ;::::::::....".."".." ".."" ....". will not lead us aright' m�d insure propcr attitude of mind nnd It:at when get old yo� WOII I(I I' ,, , "" � hC1u,;t. To give and receive gifts. to han �autifully dec?�ated not make th.v million. .Applylng fir trees in our homes and chu�che� and to Stt at .the traditIOnal Ihll< to the ('hrlsthlll life It III IlOOr � f·hPis..t!"�s dinner. an� other thmgs we ?o and CIlJO,Y c[\nnot 1.)111 I h \l�ln'c"!I to IIcl:1Y hel ll): Christian. I � REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS' the splnt of ChrlRt mto o.ur henrt� . \� e ' h",:e 8. l'Ight to cnJor i ll THI rh:ltwell arc that If )"011 flo 1I0 t � oursel\'e� n�d these pracl1c�s are t�el"cfol"e Ju�tJfiablc ; h�t thC ma k C lise of I he O llpDn unllY when � . n 6Ider. ! ; danger lies In that we may. do a:;. so many do rhus forgC'ttlllg to Hl\lnl;, \"011 wl.ll 10He It \\·h DRANCH SERV icE OFFICE cp.lebrate Christ�as ns it 'originally wai'\ intend(,d-remembel:.ing . . , � . � ...




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the joy that was b,·ought into the \\;oi'ld by the fir�t and greatcs� I� I� Christmas gift. We Rent Santa Claus 'Ther.e is not a :.ingle home. howe\·er. humble as it ma�· be Costumes ,1 � "Jilin :H1HI Thor.-.·I\ but that the Christ Child mn)" ent�r in nI'HI .hm·c a p13ce in the :-;".MI . Tncollltl, \\"11. hearts of �t:( ·membe�s. Then aJ1d onl:-' then can , wc .IJnderstnnd I . ( ·",'1"11111"\ I ��I 1nS�\I; ����s p�II � /;g�� I means--p eacc :1l1dhapPiness-the glad \�·h�t ChrlsUnfls rasHr Tacoma ld:. , '' ' ' ." ' '' ''". . ( j :' ! l idmgs are ours.-P. S. .. . " , �, adlson 1409 SaieA & Servlee ' l --�� THE NEW VENR W NDE � � � �� � �� ����� ��� �__� O R�UI. A� � NEW COl":JTRA� ISSt.l.ED , BY We are ·fa�t appr.oaching the mile mark of another year. This Nielson & ���8on Motor mOVes us to the- thought of self-examlnation�. Looking bark of Des Moincs, Iowa how littl(' we reaily-h ·e accomptished, upon the AId rear we Stllr �ln1f>f Can< � how wc have neglected to make use of our vaJua Ie time;'h e way " Sh'WIII"I.\\·,\rlll·r Illllilo", we should, anel how we even han tram,gressed e law of kind­ 5629 So. Union Av. ' Ta�om3 . !i �rh)'''vnu �i� r'��f!mr�'��'ld���u;.:lo�nt�3�&"�h:o,C��Pf:��;:�� �:'i�·,- 'pi;7: !g..ggg ness. Whtn our :rear's cxpetiences pa�s through our m}nd as a d )· Z � J ):�i n�e ft���"�, �a�it1t,!>'i:" i i��:�f�m h-::�:nt�r��� !;.t�ti . kaleidoscope. let us take inventory of all our shortcomings:- and I ���r."�: rl�T��e�8 �!l��. I\�!. lwm:u�'ir d��alblyrt� ��ll�;;:.O. ::� when we in this way find out the reason \"hy we didn 't get along H Folkestad & son I . New Year we castles should, resolutions the way let-our be not �I('n's Furnillhl nltl'" t e a o u , ' su��; 9a�� I�n\·('=I$ ����S��b·�;�O ��c�� \V� k���' ��:� ��� �:�t !n �u;.��sl�e��! . . of the United States, but we can all be a little more conscientious SOuth Tacoma , Wash. lot,,1 dllllbllll),. TomOr ° )4 in our wOl'k and a little more kind and considerate in Qur assG' � ;P I":{ :&wTOO �te ciations·-f· S. "'? ,, . M. H: Ringstad, D istrict hogent ·· 1 · '1'1 PE P . P arkland, '}K� � . \Vashiogton � . \. � V � � iADf:s�'E CI..o:i �H G t To DlY mind pep means full of life, enthusiasm.- an·d spirit to gs, N�t only ��es pep �eal with int�rput the "go" in thi!l liChlostic'and scholastic athletics of all kmds buL it can be apphed to coUege · studies, business.. or whatever trade one is pursuifrg, . . ;;, :�. " , " Why not · lIIkess 'a little more imporlance . on pep in otlr: ' ii. ., ' '� �o� ' ;...--; ;:. � , .. , 6 " ...Repairing -;"� �ndabl ·" � studies?' Sometimes we may feel like throwing our books aside . · TC ..-!, BROADWAY�' £LEVENTH . DI A " O S DS .' H E8 nnd 'p l!tting our studies oft' but· after al� what did our paren ta· ,' ' ; : = : :::: : send us to college for? Did they sene:! us here to play? Nd1 'S·pecialty' -Of . Did-they send '-us ·here to acquire knowledge and take our 1'1'!8pP.C- . ' ong the· educated ,.'· n tbe world? Wh\,'_. certa!nly! " I've pl"cos am . Let Me Ins.are ·Your AutodieI a�d Chlldr ��'..!...Hair . . ._ -.----l!g .! Bobbl bet's consider our- parents • I lttle m�ho · al'e no--doubt- bi�, Home,-o!''---u-B lineaaMarc'eU.·ngo �crijicing to pu� us th rl!ugh eo,jege, a.pu llUU'pep to our"sludy. ShamPOO "go � M_ H. JI,lNGSTAD












ID�;�;:�;:�: c,E�HS ;:: �::;' ��.;;�,�::;��::::

. : : :I:·:t:���-O::i�;;'...�. . 41d�:r undMstud t.a;'e



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STU)( .·'-'W HILL

8lJPP,LIB8 i �i r e .

, -lIO.'-!9

' ��:�:-�:�-.--ID �;:��� Footwear .Hedberg Bros"

' A�nQtl


' ' ' , ' ' ,, " ' .•."••••.•






;;;�t�\� ��i:�1�f!i; :�!� �;"�;����f���r�� �f�;�� il; ;:; ; �


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Ainefican piu���f��team. Supply'· Co. ..

,. :�OOtl ,



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Bankers 'Life Compl/.ny


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LUT"ERA�' COLL't." �.



.......""........ -........;.......: d.ef'8Otl vlalted ..Cbrl�tlne· a�d �rlh"r Kreldjer. We:atby �or Wer�o a:ad ;._....M . � . i Knulu� .alld Abe Ander-aon here N"yman· (;I) fof Frflncb. " h w . -.. cAl "'AENDAR' d Sh 1 , . , " oo" .....·L , Shoes 'an ' ips , . t:I,' . ·�i1 . CAMP, S tOCAU; �. . . '! Camornla has claimed two of our R. •....J..-- .. or..... ' ;: \ . . . BY •S. � ' l'lng� �-�;�;::. ..;�:�;::�..��...'.:.'..'....,! :.• " . '...'..'.. ; :...._..................... .. ..\....." ......._ ...........""....,..; Itu�ntt. f,or the �brl.tlUai vacation, . : � Leola ' Ibsen 'apent t,he ""eek end " Dill" Hopner left Sunday evcnln,:.. Aa !" preliminary to t he maIn «ame. of ' Dec: S : and 6. with her brother Dec. I�. for his homel In Hollywood.. the Dollr Dimples defe�te.d. tbe Dilly -Chrtstma. Nee.. be,lna at 3:31> 6)' SI'"Unl( \\'�x and Ted EYjeot,h left .Tuesday, Dec. Dumps by a score ot %0 to 8. Tbe P loll "'or education to provide mQre of Pond his ...·Ue in Seattle. . ",o-nda..,. JRfuary , ,, lill incenliv� for the «urn <:he'ffinc Olp Drotno"t' tame to P. ' L. C. IS, for hll home In"-San· FTall�lsco. Dolly Dimples took the lead f�m . ; t :::� i: :�e: :l; �tb e- P::�� :::' S �o :I ll her sl.\er. Edna. for iJotb are t...Yellns b y boat. the .tart. but oever tor«ot that ,tbey :��OO I WOf k II, fes,u.me\l at 8: 1:; ; A �i �� w�e e . d e � m IJ an I ' . had " ,allle on othelr hand, Botb "ibilll),. (It is) Eureme simplicity Ted ErJentb SflCnt the week end FACU aJ. Janua"!'J , DEFEATED . tel.nlS pla,.ed a «ood · b...nd 'of ball• . I�. L.Wedne.tl . .Y C. Mlulon Society at 7:00 ot maolputitlon as. noted In 'shifts of Dec: 5th 'sDd 6th wltb "Abe" , BY IGH �C.HOOL and the. «1i"ls first strin« showed to p. �t. ' IJf Ibe rolle'Se type. whlcb . requires Aodef'&l.}n at the latter'lJ home In ,. tJnly a periodical jaw movement be- Ed.le"on. They nUlIle Ii trlp · to.Dellln«. · F'rlda,. e,'enln«. Dec. 4. tbe !lot". be able op.pone�tI for aoy tellm Ihll .""Iday. Ja.nuarJ S . I w{'en the preponderous phliolOphl., ham and reported a good time duck denta turnea out en ...mallle to watch lea,oo. ' Tbellplan Llterary·Dramatic �ety " :11 thoughts. should Inspire. even the huotlog. ' . ' tbe �acully the ballie tbe HI·School 1 111.l : at ;:00 1'. M.· ·, . , nH�st timid or ' Inexperienced to th� .Qulte a tew ot tbe boya went borae chslllP8. T6e «alOe was tsat. and In The I U II . \ . ' . . Billy B. . .'or the n lt time In lh� hillory �kll1rul operation or caoutCbouc. Dut �ack rldin« Saturd�y. Dec. 5 and had some pl3ccs rouSh. but "the hi,. DoUy 0. f .... hen the cost of the gum Itselt maY a ':snonlo" good time. . . st:hool came out on top-33 to 1S. Polly .Lan«low ( :!O I . . , (6j A. }" Iefllel of Wenatchee. Doy Scouts al\ Illdude the couPOns. the opportunity Ella K nutzen. �ho 1.1 t!:@-ln1ns for The profs. used everytttIog utider the Leonora Lund . . . . -(21 Edna :.brotnow over. Wullinston and. Brltlsb(rt)ln .. r e<'onom ' unltea ...· lth simplicity a nurse 'at tbe' Swedllh Lutheran sun I ry�n« to beat them. , lI ISb point Aoelie .Dahl . . . . . . . . Esther-.sy(l�..... bla will meet t.bere- to' bold-Colum �O) tbelr I II � n Irregls.t 1�le appeal. . Hospital In Seattle. "pent � few hOUrs' man for the high schoo was Sa uder· Itutb .'adned . ,Marie Gar-dlln fI.fth IlnQual Do,. Scoul cOnvention. . \ Ny pronounced Is thl� vOKue. I ere wltb her shller, Cbrh!tlne. on son. for the tacllit )' Kreidler. . -The A�le Leaf, N• Ina Elde . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . Ilul h null --= allil . many are the Variations In hSUturday. Lineup; Dec. Ii. r ...· lllch It I". offered end almost un- Rev. Hoke�stad · St�lla Samueil . on . . . . . . . ,LlIlIan Lee r =====::=::=== High School F.culty msde a call 011 . ..".�.."'. ",�, ' ''' ' ," . " , " - ' . """ ., '" � . ... "' . ,,� . . . �,;" ... _ . �.-. ...... . . I o e u ... . ' ��t': :� ��� methodll , tbat of the ne;h!' f :' ,1�_.." ..'''n·''..'..�..'''·..·O·'''''''·�''''. •'''(' K.c' : : �t : • .. :�.< : . : : i ng attended the plano �l�l::t:�) , u llow H ,' , Inl:\l llue 'lieelll8 10 be m !1! ezt en- con�rt of PaUlson and Mulcr 011 K n utze 2 _ ... ur . , 80 n "I�{'h used Th Ill Is merelO ) a unl- Dec 9 at the Tacoma Theater !\Ir Edwardsn ( •) �. . . GG . . . . .. (2) \}>\,'rench � 50e SundaYIi form perpey.al motiQn of the Ja\O. a, and Mrs J 0 Ed....ards. MIlS Rydt!r. Subll -Faculty Kridler (j) for � Dinner iSs �lIsa EIllY Coll om. Leola Ha«en. Eda £d\Oiards Hlgb School Hopuer for � �1.nc�:��I � re� b�a �t�'.II� t �o :-;; ;:;� .. King . Illlukt! llmJ \\leMlen Agnell f") .. ..."."..... .....".....".."".. ...... .... . , . . . ..... \. teet t ab\.,0Iute IIlck of thoug ht Is ' Pa rkland Fuel Dealer C"mpany U . r Elvera Jlokenstad went . Jb I. her : Camntnl Grou .,' ; ..\.."""............"'...."".."..""".."� .. ." .."..,,.""'''., 1. .... ,. ... . : Funeral Directors. ... I borne III Bremerton on Frldll). �c �� , other nI QUlte 1111 unlversal' Kodllk ' l-"tnlshlnK 1 {".."..."...,;"..".."';"'.........."."...""..'''.''''.. Vii'''''' 4 Phone l\.tain ,112 � : h U I frequent!) ear" trom Is that 1 l\4'Iul l'h910 S4'nlce ' � � (,,\RM-LE'S "\�''';T'mu George An leno f 0 I Bellin I al �� 723 SI. Helens Av., Tacoma <If the mOfe talented Indl' l�un� . • \O. ho ds:te<l Mn. S2'T5J . ,. ", Tu n' :1l Ne�lIo: �I: DeC. ill. �:; ' Box 6.60 h,.� progreQ:4 to the le"('1 o f gUIII' 1 . !l:����:rtoer�l.�oc�fl�ac::�rhe'�::� . n I o th � ::�!�)II) �r pr�;�d��:! ':���s�r n :to l���� I n �t�!�i:l\:!Kllutzen a'&"AllllY" An· ...."........ """'.."...:�,�?�.�...:.".....'''''''':".."".f College. ' Ihit"knellS If the muterlal r" very I 8M % on SltvlllKl' ...... ... .. . .. l'h,eer; .thu.'! detylng the p�overbial ;\'" IIIn'c' ne,'er paid ''''' � ' . ll t: l 1 Br oo k da le Cash M a rk e t . anll ila h •e l 1 tr ' ke t be 1l 0st . A �,!:,��a��:i�fr �nd J I ::o�:.�· :'-ladl.on 156L Ha,"e your fiH'orito fUln en- f i o 2 \\' Ith. Ihesl'! "arious oPllort",nltles ,I ·'ar,;ed and colored (or XmfUl, and 1001 Pacific .Ave. J. ,\. ,Er"ln Kodak ....ork . of ull klnd$ <If lllclodk progrc�lIlons made avail· Tacoma. Wash. . . ' :I ble to all by the possellSlon of one i BOLAND'S I .. A , ; 4 1 St. Helen . :��.I,I': U �;1 �' �J�I!:t!l�)IC\�:��d:� .. OI ll _1 . �Olt �� I I I a a P rk nd Sho l e = = = = F. = VIS = ELL J. = = C = 9: , ITilly a );,00(1 Ilres,-rlptltJll. Tr:Jin ;1\ I , " �('h()ol It\' your !\Jlare moment!'. or ; Shop ' nook S4�l Il'r�Statloll( 1'8 JE'VELERS : ' ;.Ily "ther u no\:I' u \lied time. If YOU ; A. J. Sather. Prop. \';'hO . '\h O(II('c lind PhO lo SU llpli O ' " � \ \ r i ' o.r k " " � ' ·) SUOB lu:rAml:\'G OFare not �ure study :1111\ 1.')(llerll lent · .. , . ,. " O · .� A T ma . unlT'r'-you fin d out hu w you ca n ln nd , ' 'W, C. EL & SONS CO. Ma c I e h " '0' 1 I '; & :; ' �"� �� �.�� a(� \Oi�l��� ;���I �e�·gl �:. :���� c�:cum- � e fH 9 · Ut;.oIdway l, Tacoma · ,." . "u,c ;[\ us']\ ••p t 1 �rOu,c�.: �tllll(,(·. and occa�ton will allo...... \ .... I RHODES. BRO.... ... .ERS �'n _ C hew /lud, ntlain popul u rlty, heed ' This i s a sinn' IIml grows wilh. the cil�'-a stor.e ihat ut :� I ht�::es�II::�!�:�I:� �fetj�;a I�U�:" h i has Ihe amhitioll :ind desire h!...Jtarlt' its ,;rogress by i n· nefti QualU)" �Ight PTloo I • r i '--"'\ JETLAND & PALAGRUTI ! � r l��:'�]] l 0J'\I]!,,']' l'I,•• I]s: · ( ....,]....


. . .. . .



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" ������I . EXCHANGES" ,I :, ;'�,���;;;;;;;;�::::;;;;�';;;;;�;;; l'1'('a�;!It���;���. I;;, �


". .."... . . ..".. .... , . . . .........".., ' lie IIt;t fall", i ll with him,,,' ;', I lind,. 110 rh·u\. .� � ye sew. so simI! y� rill. .


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P� �CIFIC ' ,




ST.\:SIMlln .




I;unv,·"l"nt urm,,­ tteloulll 1)"I","' rll' ru le.

1I.\K�; 1t




Establishe.d Ph one Main' 880 "To see well, aee See"ell" DR. Q. D. SEEWELL . tlp(ODf«rb(-Optlc�1II



Mercantile Co. "


GeD.ra1 M.rc....dIie . and LEHMANN'S Goods, Shoes, Two� Stom Alway. at _Your

Dry ,




Se_r.nee , ,


P':lget Sound

ea Brotbera Optical . DepC--RhO:d . %ad .FJoor


25th, 1926

For information wri le President



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National . ·Bank

Tacoma. Wash. . /'.

9 1 2 Pac. Av. Taco�a , Wash.



11 1 :=====::::;




,� '" _ ,' .1 , , 1iII 1


[�::�=:�::�� Johnson-Coll Company BOOIUIINDDS


. Lien & Selvig

Importers of Norwegian Cod Lh'er Oil


. The . Store· fo'r Men" ( Boys



- ..

Fretl Delivery .



.c""" '\'::'� !;!�••:;:,:::;;:.CI.""

.!,�corna, "rash�


Second S/mester,

'·"U' co.�

Cur. Tacoma Ave. & 11 51.







A rooOlI 1'n",wrlter.



.JuniaI' College


KI·: \'UUAUU I>orl"hl� g"e il:

e'" or "pl'dnL



The ·19:!;.a�d��ns lit 'he l :\atlol\lll Geograph ic �lagazlne htlll. ! I".'cn donated to lhe library by Hev ' (': A. Pellett. "



( ' Huns",


CoedUC:ltional-Day or B oarding School

· .I !lrlled b ! l 1I:,�:��I�llt��:�:��il;.e�;�:,�:i; . When' there' s will t iler.,'!! a j live UlIh to swim Il\r I '',;::I t 't�k�S !.Iream-any deild"oue can 1I0ai down. : fear 110 mUII-lloll't I anti 1)0 right " 'wfit1· ancl fear no wtlnmn. J -The Ilemni<:a.


P,\RI\.I.:\:'\D. \\'''''\SHI�(jTON




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Brookdale Grocery Co. Gl!ncrlll :\ICf('hanl�bc

Madison 107J 4



60 Storea .Resdiur adds on the market pa� .Frlday . ,


,Parkland. Wasb.

.l.be Ne"'-T�lbune e"t'erY _

') �=========;::=� \ -SpalcJmg's " J5" Footb ll a

Is the College Standai=d , B est 'Kicking Bidl in' Jhe ' Wodd

CAiiRltI? BY­

Washington H,;trdware _

.- 10TH AND PAC.










PAOE .. .

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Oar MoUo: �ty and SerVice" _ . . ' Maio 775'1- .. . ;. . 512_So.




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For tDp7., raJIl;' weather,_ It .

Co. J

9th SI.

' .,,,)'�' put







St. Hefena,An.

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--' . ..H . O.- Haugen, SeC.-Treit8�


. . ' . . ..... ? .. . ' Wuh. .. ., . '!!AIb :::===��=�. I . ...,.K .,.. fN�"=' ;t:::;======::;�= WESTER � ';'U � AiJI "' _ LA ·. UND · �H .V .d ;.i .

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s..� 1 �:::::i:; ����;;";��; ::: 14 �·�·�ll -� a






I i.- PJlone Main � j .


Cullum Tailoring

. 942 Pacific



L!..._ .;.. :...-�.....,..,�.... ......... ,f..


A venue •





1 '-======1:1·I ��� 1 ���������!i

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( Co ntin u from--;':;-l ) (Conlinued from-;:,� 1 ) We found out what boob Ihouit! The nfl,IIUYfI contetldw tbat the his red OI)&C, lUll actlnJ: In '"The reId It llle Dnma t I Club probene! that ')'1"ld8,. .nd tbe tblr- I wca,er ' .. . the dillconiented man cram teenth are un\ucll:,.. Is hued on _bo could not �t euouch to eat or Dec. U-)Ionday . \ , • .roundless fancies and alii,. auper, drink lIarry Sannerud took the \we .tt attended the d�bale on !lItIIOO It 18 the.remalna con- part of the flulporn III ":he EUll)(!ror. Medicine The abaenc:e of ',!"O lead.\ . TRINITY� CUURCH ANNOUNCE�tENTS' o t l en aDd tbree .tuden� 'I noticed " For I am not< ashamed of the gos()C'1 of ehbst fur II IS IO �:d ;:;':: �P I . n��� :�yl:r �a:: ��IIII:UI�I�r ;"t��h�:� i:: . I$-Tuetlday the po\\ cr of God unto Sahuhon -to e\cr)une that Uchc\(· th "- to the happenln&s hl4:h"" 1UI now man who /a, explalnhii bls pa.tent � , b ' . rol)m 1 ' 16 ull pro"lden(:e "rholle people hn- medicine to . hili nephew -(Walter tbe eclonen orchenra acaln The Tnnity Lutheran. Church announcements aTe as follo\\ s: R«lned Ibat tbe splf'ltli made rulel. !-�rcnt!bl , In "Tono UUllla),. ' LIllian make. an attempt to set " nole of . December 20--0iyjne sen'ices 10 :30 A. M.• Luther League. 4 :30 hlcb When broken brougbt puul!h- l..e·e look the Ilart o( tbe t"illatlve barmony. P. M , : December 23-Men's Club. 8 : 0 0 P. M . ; December 25-- ment. _ lar,e number o( supent!. Ollt' WOllllln In '''Ethan Frollle". Sbe Dec. 16-Wednelday Chr!stmas Servic;:es . lQ.:�O A . ' .M:�. 'Dec�mbeI;' 2��il dre 's Iious be et!J (ormerly' b�11I to be was 8"lsted by To'rnl Nelson. . .aud' auloul'!. ''Ie all are nervous : C.h nstmas tree Se.n l�c.. 7 .30 P: M.,. December 27-�lvme Ser- Irue bu not reJe4:ted' "(ere ' enumOther numbe... on the pro,ram \\, bo cao .tudy when vacation Is so vIces 10 :30 A .. M . ; D 'me ServJces 1.1 :00 A, M.; JUnior Leal:!"e et'ated ). the Dt'gath-e. -\ (ew of were; Yoca1 solo by A,nes Wlerleu, near ! 4 :00 . �. 1\1: ; -Pcc:embcr 30--�dles Aid; D�ember 3 �-The con- lIolie were: "Sitting bow.lcsged to Violin duet'-:Cb.rllt·ln� Knutlen lod Dec. Ii-Thursday . , . gregallon IS m\,l�ed by �1en � Cl ub for a New Year s �"ake, · .A a.vold bad luck, ebtlng stork's en;' S"tRrgucrlto !-'o!co. accompanied by WII the Englhlh Clus equal.� to' the short: p;('ogr,!lm �'tlll be gwen. III MnctUlu:y 10 :�O P. M.; January cur·e. the drinking habit. entering Leola Hagen, . Ind a reading by Alice luk entrUBtEII! 10 Its bandl! \ ·3-01\,lIle Services 10 :30 With commUniOn, Luther Leaguf> " :30 a house ..... lth the left · fOOl ' brlngl on\' le. Dec. l8-!-'r:lday P. � . ; ' January 5--Young �di�s �uxilia1.'y. A ll ual �Iecting, bad luck to 'Ibe occut'ant., and"i.be . A Merry Chr.illmu aod a Hapl)), election of officers ; January l. Q...D ..,.... lvme Services 1 0 ::l0 ·A. M . ; bride on taking the . groO.m'. hand t' J I N . ew Ye...r, 01V1OC ServIces 1 1 :00 A M , Sunday School every Sunday 9-:10 firsl will be the rullos: power of • . A. M .• 'Supt. Sunday School. Prof. Ph. E. HauJrc , C hO i r Rc- the family." TalkinI' IIhould be aD fu:'ercille �( hearsal�. e\'ery Thursdav at 7 :40 P M ; . Melli's Chorus eVl.::r} The negatiVe furth�r demonlt t· I be brain and not merely an elu . Tue!day 7 :45 P. .M , Prof J. 0 ..Edw8rds, dlrecto!- ; January 13 - ed � substantlathe proof that l uck . j ercl8e of the ·ton,ue. .' . Annual meetlllg of congregatIOn at 7 . 30 P. M. . . 's to be 'ound In "thirteen" and All come b!Ck happy after thejl Rev, T. 0 Svure , Pastor " Friday' II we 1,9,g}?'for It Wa,· Thankl,I"ln, vacation To .ugar _ '--: �--' -' · -O� --: .""� SIU' ''' 'K '-:' I' :" J� ·:: 1·''O -: f - 1 ne r• l.he .-reat German composer, had coat It all the teachers ,ne us the LOOK 'YOUR"BEST � O 'P� O Oru r-: \.j O-=) lC""' , o .n ' thirteen letre...· . In b l' name, he nret t.. _ 'O period. to ' lI�y our for. · elected a. member o( the Board of , g ") • �et your hair. eut at "the V er'y��111ch Enjoyed w.. :born In 1813. be. furth.�rmo�e (oUen leuolU!. trusteee of the Parkland Lrgbl and . compo.ed thirteen . operas of wblch 000. I-Tuelday --- . Water Company 10 take the place tary Barber Sani made Te ni by the reslg�atlon of ' "Whal did that Ilgn ' I&Y." tbe greatest "'as finished on the InlllaUon of tbe Chrislmas monthJA hO III 111. The P rkland "Straight .h�d-sall on!" .f"TI\·.() There were tblrte� Ilie mo.nth 'of snn ...· . (We see only thlrteentb: Shop "Ir. HaIC:, a � to form th rain.) Light .ard Water Company Is a. rolled smoothly alone lbe,rJ;aclnc colonlel which united were Under Panla«es TheMer thlrt�n Dec: 2-We�nelJday United States. There ar �rganltallOi1W!l"lCh b ft!!l--ror llli�h ....ay on Sllturdny. �. ), t:! . a IInrs rlpel l.actl'-", HHlr nub.blnR II HJ�IMI. e I n afld t tblrteen . The .dallr routine. tt . purpo�e the 8ullplylllg"l,O( I"ht party from P. I•. C. ooumi for 8(h'cr ." d ..... ate� It! members. It I� l ion. O,regon. The part)'. lIumberlng Urst United States flag and the Dec. 3-Thu'rl!lla 1)'-'\I!l(I ' �IH� lcurln" jo ; xp('rt ame symbols remain In our prelcnt . � Art Knutren II hhl his fortress by continually eXllandlng to gh'o ser- I WO IlaugC9, 1\1,'0 Bdwnnl!l , two ", H J Co ud , Prop. \'14:8 10 all), resldC11t of the district HJerm!!tad'!. anli onc F�!lilncss. often flag. T,he bnUle ot Run.ker Hill not permitting 11 IIlngle of the . . t) who.) wlshc8 ' to become 1\ member. I became so enwraj'pell . In Ihe !c�nlc occurred on Frldny. And the thl.r. "lloorlng Malll-" to pnu the thrclhold t .: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I�'''''''''''''' .""".,,',,.... The directors alit! trUl!teCd are Mr. b�auty of the drh'c that they forgot teenth nmendment 10 the United ot the office l iefo!!ll 3 : 3 0 P. M . Cons.t ltutlon let the .n�groe8 Dec . 4-Frllluy . ' E. H. ElliU«"!9n. predldent; prof' ali �Ihou' !:tllcb worldly thing! a!\ Higil' Statel . PLEATJ� 'G \ ' 1 �Iong' Mel'relary: �ir. Crewli. Mr. pOsts. unll a! a rtl!!ult. !:lome "turn· free. \\'18 h'ad our Intellect wSlshed In .1� . bUlikll" were nece!:lsnry, but at !('\"en Owing to the fau thu t the nt·ga- tho balallce-....·a! It. found wal}ting! I � .OKtlu;ld und ·Prof. Stuen" $1.50 Skirt, ant dyle . the rebut_ _ _ .� ._ I lhllt ('\·enlng. we arrh'Cll- at our de!· live lacked one speaker · Occ. ;\-MondIlY lal!! for both sides were dl �pen8ed Signe- Hjerml\ad de\"el6\l1l a ):lump Il� At a "tudent"hody meeting Dec· thfalJon. happy nud )lUngu·. - Hemstitching ember 2. 'Llllian l.ee reMIi"ned her We were "" armly receh'ed al the ",·! th. The judges dec!slon ....al .. 'of 1!-no .....ledge In Prof. Ibuge'!! room' � . Bulton Holes position 811 girls yell leader. Alice homes of Re\·. ..1 ln ti!:l ';th lind lIenr \k. ,h'en 1ft (avor of the affirmative by 'CThe ....:Indow paD� raus on lier head . ) � .. Buttones Co\'ered oll\' le W<lS electell to fill the "n- sen. where ....e. did Justice 10 the fine lit :.! to l vote. Occ. 8-Tuesday � · ' . dinners awaiting WI. Then .....e .....ere cancy. \c At the bUllnesa meetlog ""'blch o�e to -lOme InUma�y wltb tbe � o ar ro , O t e e e l elY r o I �AUER'� The as!embly room oy. L. C. ��:����:.:: to\· �� :U;O!�(!:; :I�� :�� !��� ....;:s �el: �� t�e �V III:::I��:; �:� e :p;;!' I� I�:I:e: �it� �H the 10· b�ndaged 'wrist. H :U. 7 So. 1 1 th SI. M. 5�36 wall practically filled to {'a�aclty Mrs. Hans Jensen. loml) to �lrM. and of giving pins W ' debaters when Salurdny evening. Dect!mber S Miss Jorgen80n and Otte to the home det)·. A mOlion was carr d Ihat. Dec. 9-Wednesday ·' · " · ···.� " Ihe Ladles Auxiliary and Young of MI!:Is Lulu Goplerutl. Here we pins IIhall be bougbt by--1 e society I Billy Ramstad ftnnou.nces thai call· I '·: "; ;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:: "; "; Ladles' Guild of the TrinH)' Luther- were shown t.he hl,h�1I1 hospitality and given 10 those -debaters who rUI- 'fornl� Is out in tbe orchard. I e an Church of Parkland ,a"e their and kindness. Durlos � our stay In til the requirements . . ot the !o lety . Dec. lG-Tbursday ' . annual ba:w.ar. Slh'erton, we met many fine people Upon motion a committee was ap-. Myron. �reldler. our Ituden! b:Ody 'J. . � The wonderful dl.play of fancy- who. are Htandlng Htauncbly b�blnd pOlntLd .by Ihe pre.ld� rit to Inter- pres ident, calla the ·,.e,ular stude�t. work which Included band work of our IIchool Rnd are heart snd soul In "lew the faculty advisor and with body nuietln, to order. Portrait and ' . . all klnd" ....a' .. the main attraction. It·s work. We say many former P hili co·C)peration make the rules go"- Dec. ll...!.F.. rlda)l Comntercial� �.................. There ....ere beautiful luncheon setll, I•. C. atudenta, Including John Oople- ernlng the requlrementll to be Cul- =o; PhO"tographer \ bedroom 8ehl. dressel. . Io.....els, bur· rud-P. L. A: '03, Mamie Holden"'- tilled 'by tbe contestantll (or the In fet lIet8 drener Icarf•. and many P. L. A. ·Ii. 'Arthur and Thorstcn plnll. Tbose appointed on the comCaliflll'llia . Bldg. 1I0veltie. which had' all been ml!de Anderson '22 , Lulu Goplerud '24. Ilnd mince are E�a Hauke. Peder Sog- .Dr. Wal ter Schobel Tacoma. \Vash. Dora HcnrJklen, Harry Ilnd James nerem and Ami 9yeo. of , by members ot the t.....o socletle!!. , 1 t12% · Pac. Ave. Oculist-Optician These articles ....ere . on exhibit Thompson and Marie Corhouse. Main 2289 and 1I0id a t IItated' prlcell for a wtllie Many yl1tmg people cxprc!sed their Eyes. Treated during the evening after which 'hOle Intenllon of anendlng here next year, GEO. W. PIPER Glllsscs Fitted Ibat . had nol been lold were IIUC- and ....ere . eager 10 hear all about our Funt'Tld Dlr�lor tloned. During an Interml8slon· the JUe at the College. :\Iany subscrW,ed . Phone· Madison 1137 Pl<nta,e1I Tbeater Building to .the Mooring Masl jn ortler to .keep (ollo .....loS pro,ram wall rendered ; \Vc offer best rates for l South Tacom:!!. %5-1 ·Soulh Ninth St. Two accort!lan lIolos.:...... Mr. Mar- In touch .....lIh the work P. L. ('. III 'Scundinavian checks, Coudol.g. ,I'k. �fllin 3224 Tacoma. "'alb . pons or currency, and can Triple plnno lIelectlon-l>-rof. and :\Ionday morning arrived all 100 ""':· Mrs. Ed .....ardll. and Sll:ne HJermstad. .�oon. lor our Itay hAd been pl t'a:fI1nl sell drans o'n all i p rt­ California' Florists ' Cornel _SOJo;,......Mr. Pellet accom- �nd Inllplrlng. BUI, neverihelelll, wa � I' �uil points in thc Scandin:' ")lanled on th" plano by Signe HJNm- ...... er. lad to get bac.k to P. L. C. . Cut "lowers. Potted Planta G IFT . S for arte all there'! no Illac� like ..Iorlll DecoratlOD3 .. a�;iun countries. Sian. / # FOR The (IIh pondl oreered r'emark- home." 9 0 7 PlICiric A ve. Tacoma 8 o I�ndd�:�n �e;�8� ' MEN ========= i · H·_ The Bank of · -�1. ) ::��'I:� �or �lv:"ce��: "'5 ), ..... � SoUle fillh provcd 10 be croaking L Come in and see our weHCalifornia U",U" UAR r of bo,," w." oth'" • ;7HE KAUf.'f.:n , (;0. wht!. f,og. (ace po .....der. L" n--- -selected 'stock N. A. 'Tholle people who attended ""'ere THE GIFT SHOP fIN!"�:.\TCHES� JEW ELR 1 1 tl1 & D"roadwBy" v is'· Men' s Shop tempted by the delicious lunches o( Da Y SI'!"'CO cott�e. pie and Ice cream which .....ere - ' . OF RELIGIOUS , Rt� TACOMA 9- 1· 1 Pac. A,"c. . Tueotlla served duritis: the evening'. O rv LITERATURE AND ART a · � !\�:n: ��� :��::II�� t:: :�e:� v tooth oC many. � EYES TESTED ApprOllmately $250 was cleared � . 7-19 Sf. Hclens Tacoma GLASSES FITTED HOLIDAY GREETINGS b b ,"".tt' " . , Brookdale Service Station Soulb T",o�, . . "" .'YOW' Grocer For UXDERT.-lKlXG CO ,..."'....._�....".......".n . .. . . . o I '''". .''..''"... '.. ''' '' ''.'' .. .. . .. . . .. ..""""" ,, ,,· . ...,,.... ... . .: � . �����m���: �:�!�c�S r"" ... . ""'........ ·.................""".,,.. : · · ·····:··,,··" ""·,,··:'.. . " G








Tacoma,. Waab..




__ _. __


: c






[ I

�ATE OF REUNION Vn<i owl)1clit Drive ' NEW COURSES N otes IS 'POSTPONED " ReiIOtl" .[r,OIll Sih 'ert�1i are very ' ARE O'FFERED To date only one-slxJ h or Wilh Ibe coming or the new semMany Noted Sn eakers Will Hel tnvorllhble. u m h mbers cnn been have esler. Pa cl_�lc Luthera," Co J lege wUJ Reunion' ':'��;d :� n osli m or elghlc.en ,hund- hue many . . Present " atinA:nual new subjects In Its 'cur May ' ! tecI dOlhl.;1s has been pled.ged. rlculunl: The Nurmal course will-




NO. 7



W FURNIITU.RE "Seek tJiy Creiilot In the �aY8 �t ' thy ' youth," was the' topic eni ar!'ed upon bi Ar lit . Dyen 'At the mee.llng Filing Cabinet- and EditOr" or the, P. I._ C. Mission Society. Desk RouKht by Proceed, . W.edne, lld'AY. JAil 6. From Basket Social ' .. ' ' Ifle following subjects: 'Oral '·W� gholtftl .", J!i\ld ;\tr. oyen. 1 , The llnnuul reunion Of. �Iudent� I AI Hev. Holen 'lI church In Tnco. h.nve �il .f.x presl! lo l' ' Psychology uf Elemen· "seek, our Creator In YOIH h becau"!Ie The Mooring M!IIIt otfl� has be�n he . and, alumni of Pacific Lulht'ran n1:l six hundred dollars hn\'e tat)' . School �ubjeCl. wllh rltrnl�hel! two NutrlUon. new arllclel! of I flt. Prln· · thAt Hge our thoughlS nre mare Academy. Columbhl Colle�e anti Pa· 1('lIl1 ecled for Ihe drive. All the i Ies BI P . .?f . ��ogy. ,P�ln �les d( Edu· lIka " hlld'" ' . And rellglou !< lead' ''' '" II.ure. flJlng CRblnet ror Ihe bUll' �Iflc l.utheran College ..... 1/1 be held ler.r Hory here has nut bcell ('overed. e�ntlon . State Ma"N.tiiL R ft(! Chlll'lr�!I- lI'lI-uver th�wor"l Ilftve Ilcknow. !ne !!llIft Ilnd lin �dlt.9r·s del!k . . I n the spring Ihl" yellt. Inlltea<i of he d.rlnl III J ust . now being Literature. These S�cts IInd-lhose ledge" thllt . , peol,le find Christ The, filing cublnol Iii a , flve.C()mp· , _ In Feb rua'ry tbe time lIt which It launched In Rel·. Floren s chutch In Ihl\! ure alreacly I.n Ihe �'ormal cur- In ),OU h., mb�t I men I i\tacey. Ilrovjdln.e:: for a ca,d \ bU:I heen formerly held. . , of lIubscrlbers Tllcumn. Tbey plan to hllve "'I'. L. ricululll will '!lake the normal COurstl' IQdell ' names and{� d':v !' AI I h9 h Th' reaSOIl' fa Ihe Change Is tll C ':C. Day" \ cry soon. u Ie h I drclIges; II very c�mplete o.n�. tor accounts lind IIlso for ' , del!lre' lIeve al i::1t ): ��r�s��! l n JI;� t� mAk e 1!:1Il ji;realer the fe!l' , sto the lind away keeping safe rlng ll" r Junior The . ' ColI�ge Department Is to deprl. e one set o a happy e . , muklng the anuunl, IIPrlng) . tI}"'� numbeu of !!lIch edition 'S [ucmlt.Alumnl piClUe.....M (c�ture of I HYGIENE CLASS will IIlsfj hl\ve lin en rarglJd course 1stence n'o Chrlstlnn elln he founcl of th!Se...eral oorlng �IISI publlllhed dUro ?t !!tutly. College Algebra. Afg\lm�n. who reltretll the years be hilS IIpel H �:g t� �ISChool reunion ' Hnrl by holding these two ! t!lt J�n nnd . Debnte ure, to be addefl In. fellow8hip wll h Ihe Savior. " )ear. el'cntll during the week MIIY 2 28. " IS ' ITS CIT' Y. j to It II curriculum. The eclUor's de�k. of polished rna. :19 . 30. In which the conventlun or Statl�tlcs were quoted to IIhow L Is Ihe I.lltest both from t.be SCHOO S the Norlh Padfle District of Ihe what IImall � percenlnge of the youth bogllny. . of IItyle snd convenience. Y. 1'. I�. I I" held In Purklnnd. of ou-r ehurch Is prepnr.lng ttt�m- IIlllnf�poln,t kind . One feature 1/\ the top . This ..... 111 give ollporlun1ty to tho!!e Normal Students Study th.e Hy· Professor Hauge lIel .. es for obeying Chrlst's III�t com. of whh:';h 1I110w� rtJr a typ&wrlter. . :!ttendln,ll; reunion 10 attend the gienic Condi.tio.ns in School I . alld ) Oyen Mr. talk hi!! conduded . h. . Heads· College . pnr�haReroom or these articles WOII BUildin meetlngll of Ihe convention; ror by spirited appelll to the slude;l!� I mittIThe e ]los@lble by UJe lIucce�1I of the which !'e\'entl l1(lted speakers hltve The �tude,\�f tbeg Normal by. and Norma . ror. a renewed Interen in mllision I . balikEt IIocla) gl"'en earlier III the . been secured. umong them being work. I S lc i o! ..Higher Departm�nts at 'vocal �olo by Elv�r!l Hokensla'f! :C:r:OI t�';�;;1 1 ��e:r:eet{�8e o�O:�II�gh !�e:ilcT·I.\��·h�r��: ������� oef ��l ��\:l�:� �;.�'1:C 1 '1����!I� P:����hU ;�I(�I:;�' ;���UD �;' Dean Pa u e t we e t 7 In Tucomn. doing ' obllervn!lon rrom Minot. Norlh DakotA. �t��e/'n:��!�: ot;:" t:e� :;o;:�� . r Mast. ����� ��e�i�e���:g was . The Rl!unlon committee will be work . The purpose ofh the ciaSII --At this meeting Ihe newly.elected . ' d h t The board ..!!.!,alned . The ���_�T\ltt�e c�n1iIBtl! :�l:lIt��� h: of f lre tors ror Pll' o trlc lo lll of the soclely o ssume.'1 their COLLEGE EASILY .l c e�:��� J:� ����e;� ��� clflc Luthernn College t . . met I oll-Tues" I l1ul'iH:-Tlf' n l d n l fOllOWIJ: e r,-J ot 8 � modern McCaner school: Lincoln day', January 12. The meeting WIIS n Rasm en; vIcePr{,B: TPL'AYS-BltNK. ER­ ��h\:' ·;lr��:I1;�l:� �::�t:�.I::�(��� HJgh p.rcal4ent. Nina OU usa il anti tbe Rotlger� IIchool were a.eUlo Lutl;1enn �Olles& plal'M P derson nnd ",yorn Ifrcldler rd o l Ragen. Eide; Leoln secrefil?:r. . I� C. L. P. to Import that of . one· \'illited and In�ected .. practice game with ' Puget Sound To further the leslloi\.ln . hyglene. Proresso'r Philip E. Houge wall elect· treasurer. John Welse.:.l"ntlonal Bank basketball leam on g)'l11nnslum cla�lIes nt the Bryant ed Denn of College ond Normal de� ' ' Saturdny aflernoon. January 9. The . CollegIan Five cI i e O�:r;:d ��;fte: s:::��� p.ll rtments. AI' Ihe flame' meeting the hristmas Party P. I�. C. fi ...e was working good and C : � :. : � :. : . e. t m p a h t a overwhelmed' the Ranken by a s�ore s As ford Defe ' directors elecled Rev. George Hen· \ .. ' clinic lit tbe City Hall. Other profit'· GIoven Bef. ore or obllervatlon trips �rc ' being 'rJkson to assist Prelltdent Ordal In P. I,. C, 1�. 5 ��'o� �. n. P L C B � te \V'In i able ned l class. Ho,idays soliciting for the Endowment drive. JonDson' ( 2 ) F6 I. R. SRnderson - . H �rd ' Fo�h�l G a!� W ith P ari by the F { oi l W. FrJ9ch , Ashford Team ' ' \ 'LUTHERANS PLAN UNITED SUPPORT Faculty Pre¥nts a , Costumed !i:�:'"::� . .C c n L. .Krledler J. Westby (; OF PACIFIC .LUTHE�AN COLLEGE . 'Pantomime on Christmas Carlton The Pacific Lutheran COll ege,." WhUman M. Krledler G quintet clefeatc\l the A�hford to .....n , in Other Lands Re ]lrellentalh'clI of the . Augllstana L. R Deck of Vllncouvert Re.... C. R. ) by � Sublltltullonll ball buskel of team III a gnme : n �core of 1', to 22. Friday. Jan· synod. United Lutheran Church and Swanson of Senttle. Pre!!. J. A. E . A CJrrllltmas party. given by memo I�. S . N. B.-Small for John �on. unry S . 1926. The game wall played Norwegian Lutheran Church met at ·Naess. Tac,oma: Hev. �:eorge Hcnrlk� her.... or the '!'aculty "'elll,Jing I n"" he Brynstad for .Schnecklcs. Seburg ror In the Ashford gym. From. tbe nrllt t be Tacoma· Hotel on Tuesday. Jnu- Ron. SIl...erton. Oregon and PrCi!. O. dormito ry. PrOf. and Mrs. Edwardll. C'i""rlton . Zlckler for .\Vbltman . . ] 2. to disculls the posslb t llty o f J. Ordal of 1'. L. C. T�e commit· Prof. and Mrs. Ramll tnd. Mrs. Krelcl. P. C.-Krangnes!:1 ( 2") ' ror Sail' to t he lin .t whistle . the game was exc iting nnd �� Io:;e. The collel/:ll1nll uniting rorce!:! In the �UPPOrl of tee wa� III favor of uniting 10 sup· led, M illil Parr and Miss Ryder. was del"llon: ArlhUr, fOr French. Coftum were behind in the firtH hair hut cducatlQn-.!.lm'!ng the Luthcranll on port Pacific LutheraIJ College. and enjoyed by students�and faculty on ( I I ) for Arlhur. Sognefe8t for 1 ng u er o Krled ie Wersen for ''::etb.r. ��:�le�ndth�.l;n �tl��dC�a��e. t l��eS:c:�:� ::�l �:I��!C o� �:�Oti;���;�� :e;e� �r� �:;� :;;:: n p�� be ;::II�'n l:�tl� �UrSday evening Decem ber i7. \'llry bArd fo�ghl and rough P. H. W. Fredrick of �ellttle. Re ... th�hurch bOdle� , reprellented. at tal�mfee:: ����Ofa lheanet:en� :�g�!:1 d::���: DE-BATE SO ETY GIVES . of the smullness ;\1. S.....anllon of Mt. , crnon. Re.... their nellt annual meetlngll. . ' ing Chrlstmlls In �ther landB. Illude � t I A VA lED PROGRl\Al �� ��: ';)���:S��l�;�� . . Hll Who linOWM NORMAL STU.D ENTS. · �rrect h'e. by .:o�!\l mes and lighting. A ahort pt:o�rlim:. consisting or The ][neup�: Holy Night softly played as n d "He kllows a who/ know!! npt Impromptu s,?eechell ond .a drm In' DO OBSERVATION .. \ shfon) . I'. I•. C. Miss Parr .ell'plafn..'t!! each tnblell ull'. Robcrt'� Rules F . W. 'BtIldy j 111111 he knows nOI; hf' Is Ignorant. wall reno . WORK IN' TACOl\IA The n. Sunderson . dered by the P. ofL. Order. nUll} bers follow : . �. D�bntlng SoJ. coo�er t�ach him. J.' . ' All Normal students doing praeC. Colt'uti} . Soctland. a Seotcll mother IIght- clety on Friday evening. Januory S. . . Baril "He who knows not alId knows tlce .. teachlng pent the afternoon C ' S' ('lasso of II Ing a Chrlstmtul candle. Mr!:!. Kreld- T he spe.a kers"'ond . the topi cs they ' G K. Drady not that he knowlI not; . he j Js a l January 7 at observation !I�. �rledler ' work, They ler. . ' � Oke on .....ere 11;8 follows: Artbur . C. Brady rooi. shun him. G A . Knutten Substitutions; P". I C,....K.:. rang "Ho who ir:nows and knows tbat visited the Brya'nt -frade ,school in Rusllla ' !I man comfng· In from �lotre. "How the approaching sem. n te I h rom r g ow h e for e dler t II e r he 8 he !� :: �u:: ::e:�P�I�j(::� :::�� .:::; ; "��:�:�o k� 0;!8 �n� ::0�t �::�:� · Ih;:' e;b�er·\�:d I:e rn:�����: �������: IIl��� ��'���a�� . ��::s!� W��:::7:;'J{;u�:�� hetwe.en P. L. C. and I\'�hf�rd-Thompson for Hl,lrn. that he kn�ws'; he Is asleep, wake procedure !lnd prelll,mtation'of rna. NorwllY. a girl placing grain tor. ba...eI,anoticed terlal' by capable. experience.d teaCh. the' birds outBlde, Mrs. .Ramstad.. the st.. IIchool I attended." John A large group .ot rooters occom·_ blm. ' . . e.rs. 'Clallll�1I .,.Islted were primary Holland. a glJ:1 placing her wood· Stuen. '.'\V�al l..J.hlnk a.bout the h.on- . pnnled t"he playera--io Ashford. ,A " . . ' pbonlcs. music _classes. en shoes . berore the qreplace. Mrs. or roll." . Peder Sognefellt. :'SJ!nsu­ � reading. very : a and "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' " �""�";:�.II hired !::"" big truck was '' . . ' ' .. " � pbyslcal edUcation a'nd' geog:raphY. Edwar�s. . lion o�ou.sed ·h�. me �y m�Todl�us . merry party ·startC!i.. for Asbtord and i 'ait even . merrier part)" came bome. � CALE NDAR � T.!le students re�rt · _mucb benefit Spain. a man singing and playing music. " Arnt Oy�n. "How to become a o y ew Ideaa alned from . od s . . c�::= :� : ;�:l ��r��;m��;�:9�t�llan �N:�I���b��:a �e;�·�·er.7,u���er-S����� ;. f; ..."":'''''.......,..)"..:..} �::-.d�;.� ' � bY :':�� ::ShfO�: ��:��� t�·:a �:;;� L". .. . . Frlda)·,"."";."" . Cbrflltmas ceremony, Mls� Ryder.' "The best way to heat b·utfdlng." .JP_r'7 , lli. . . and rooters J,le1�S I� afte�. . the Llterar�-Dram!!. American <;hrIBtmas. cblldren as- A drill !n_ Parliamentary Ruie8 !c Soclely meets at.' NEW CHAPTER rofL'lED · · ;game: �----:----...... --. :r', 1.1.:00, p. m. · A chapter of ib� Daugbters of the leep In an armchair beside a Christ· followed. 'Henry Klel·and �fna Elde . ornln , I C n d h a le ReformaUon rcanl t a. � ;;.. � � · .� � :e;gy ::d ��ily �!�:t�. � g· :::� . ::: :�:��e��� �:�;t::: != Jo; nt ::e�!'� :;�::r;:.'�� C. 'M ls. �lon Soc.lety and Parkland Luther �lle Lutheran . Colleee on Tp;eaday . . , A . g-.;ou·p ' of Christmas carols l1y endments were 'o,ffered ani rliPldly' ·January ·11. ·Tbl• .8OClet'1:_1I'�icb Js tbe· P. L. C. .chor�8� com:�leted tbe tbat the aClhig chalr�n were Of�e:� Leacue at 4 : � 0 p. m. '" ." : . . - .at·�a 10811 as to the right.. procednre1" a brancb of the' WomeD'I' .Mlalllon- program; 1'7 2iO ' . P." . L.W��y. '''''' · .c,. M�lon Society at 7 :00 a";' FederaUoD, 'Ii u�d�r tbe - su er Can�y' and. ,lfts w�re. dlstrlbute!1 for dllpol�n.. ot tbem� 01l'ln( ,"0 tli �. p o a t. ac P �.: r'7· 2� � .,.talon. O"·.Mrs.· .M. A, ·Cbrl8tens��. �:n:!'. :.::e��� It��::: ;=! . f ::�::s ::I�b: =Ie�: ::re ��: Tbv.da1l l Reunion , . .... !e;�:� ' . .s·ent'the .bu.l �ea8 meetlnc was - ' . . . . Se�ester euma be&ln at 8:10 a. Ofllce� we�e .e.lected &f f�lIows:. : Pre!Jdent. Mrs. Ramstad; .,.Ica pres- ' Mrs. Jeu KnutZen' died on Mon- pone1i to the pext recular meettnc• • . Pospone� Un,til '1 Frida,.. h.� D . Ide'nl: Nina · OJilneu: treaaurer. E�: day. January l1 at ber home In ' The partlclpators on tbe pro..... .· .P. L. C. De�tlnc $oelety m.eeUl tber Sydow; aecretar7.,Jobann8 Raa- Burlington. Her two g.rand&'Udren. enteJ'ed 1nio .lbelr nr!olU paru with ' at 7 :DOJj' . mUll8!'n. · . . '.'- . Art and .chriStine Knutzen. students creat · �al and e·nthu.1y�· · .nd ' ' . at P. L. C. .lett fer ho'me We4neaday showe4 some re.r .cI�ver ..tJllnktn'� . . \ '.B01s It .nd . 2nd,. ·buket ball . " . , �y ' team: play. 'at �orton. .' . . ulend to attend tbe .fu.neral. Fa�ul\Y and on t.beir feet'." EllpecJally tbe Parl.l.L facu.itY· .nd The' student. :. appredate4 '- Mo�)';-,J UI')' . zrs . -1hefi-lIym·p.tby . to� St.Dley . RoUo, studentt extend . their . sym�tbI.. to �entary Rn.le drlll.waa . ,,?" "'.' arkla'nd, .ID· hta. reeeb-t bere..,.e.m,.eDt� tb��berea lfd. ..:.-: _ '-' ReglstntloD be&1DII at 10:00 . � � "':: �x tbe .u.d1eDCe..... --























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, From .the .tori " A Me....e to . MIs8 .Allce Kn\ltlen: . • former Mr' John OOPl..tlfbd ... .t\ldeal �f l' 'C.rt!,la", r�fell.or. XaYier' drew biB It,lIdent of P. , L. C. '11'88 m.rr1e:d L. A: '06, I• .rellldln� la 811"",ton: Noy. I � to "�rll n'k Theel of 11ellln., Ore,o . t �h) talk ·chapel a for text l n _.bere he lI! man...r and day • , . h!'-m. ' pnwldent of the. SlIurton Food . I I . " The man ." said Prof: PU'bUshed eyer,. t�··o weeks du,rfa, the' school year 'by the IIludents J nu . _ P,'rodllct N!I; .. ..,_ '� . . af Pacific Cu�·he"'.D Colle«e, Par'Uaad,. Walblnrton_' _ _"who' at h'll-- comnland�r;.·B . Mr. UiiiI�n l<rlooler·.....6"" II� .. : t· C led a .n�ellliitge safely to umlng hi... II�dlell a; the' Walh· Suba<:rlptlon. one dollar per year Mr Edwin Tln.lelhHI. former SIll, � W QU t a quelltlon and at �gton Slllte College after llpendln. dent of P A . I. " teacber In Entered"alJ !let'ond c1au DlattE'r--;- October 2. 1925 at 'the post office ' ma X ll wllh hi, mother and brothere Oregon Cll)' Ihe risk of his awn life III the type Itt Parkland Wa�hlngton, under tbe Act of' Marcb 3. 1879 P L C. -• of a Inlln Christ wants each of us • • Mr Paul' Denllon. ell· ll ludent of to be Do. ....e D1t':l,wre UII to this Martba HJermltad . . =: ' Editor In Chief Osa former sludellt� ot P }' L A) II the proprietor ot the Mr standard' 11010; do .... e rClLllond to ..r.."fana slng J.�dltor HeRr,. Klel _ ant "�arm In Ore«uII .. A vlllited frlendll In Pv.rkland. ljl1verton Phe our Master lJ C'ommands' Wllllnliv at flnt bl�lng. without IIolJkll\g the �urlng the hol.ldaYIL. He Is a· teachei . at ORk\'III� High �hool. Lero and Ann(Bertha Mlde.· .... · hy or wherefore? Or are ...:e . .the -.. RII:PORTER$ Ericksen �Islted �rlend. at Park· kind thltt mUlJt be told and retold ) 'durln« the ChrlattnKII ·holhlIlYII. Mr Edward A . land' at h!ft�her .. . rntlen . per and . Genera.! �ewe tiaplJ led And coaxed alon� rthur, Irene. Dahl' . Stllte Nor�lal SCh .ool Misl Lero I. a tea .ber at· the Span· Bellinrham Caml)ua Local, I ..ee to cartY ,PII the Lord·.� work! Let us t; . 'Dorothy Leh'mann' all It rive to be all faithful and lpent Chrilimal u hll ""me In sel Hlg� Schoo.l. !)pan,ll. Wa�hinK' Parkland Locals . PllrkJltnd. te.!chel ilt the Erkkllon MI88 ton. . OrganizatlonlJ Johanua Rallmullen )rultt, Ill! the bearer or the me88age Wullochet' Grado School, . . '. l a ." Olaf Ordal to Care· • , Religlou'l . Mr. .1'1'11. Severt Wedeberg . ' \ . HJerm.tad Sisne , MusIc . An �rllShman and " Scotchman ." Ruth Fadnes8 ]l,jrl. M .....-A . Christenson of Port. vlslfed . L. C. during ihe vacallon. Alumni M �. Wedeberg I� teachl �g at .Oak. were walking :on the deCk of It ' . Alfred Andereon land: Oregon' addrellsed the IU!IIE'm . AthletlCIi � 'dale, was�jton . . Dllrlng .hIli YIIlIt, boat., The Scotchman fell oYerboll.rd, • • l,eoil'" Hagen bled.'lIll,l!lwtll I!J!� faculty� at the reS" Exch"nges and J�kell ' ' Amorette Day ull\! chllpel exerCises on TueSday, to l'lIrklll nd he mel II. lIumber of lie Ihouted 10 the- Irll1\m8n ;. "81l),. .. , DUlJlne88 Manager ,. alumni rpembt�rll lind decided on Pat drop ' 11 " Mr8., i\'lna · Elde. Esth�1" Sydo .... . Arthur Knullen, Peter SognefelJt Jan'Uitf'y 1 2. Aull!ltantlJ II . o t ol reunion to 'Pill rep d " a t r ! There Ruth FadTKl!lB. Ruth lJull president of .the North Paclrlc DIIs. P l!l P i lng the . ltunual Adv�r ISlng SolicitorI' . � prlng. , D.trlce . where you're post no ain't r edera' , lI trlct 'Women's Mlslllonary . . . " O. J . Stuen lion, and her talk centered about the goln. --8tate Collegll Teachen Facu.lty Adylser Mr. Mel\'!n Mathellon. "Iudell t of ;rlmel. . . . . . . . work that organlU tlan IlJ doing. ' l I d his rrl nd ll lJchool " :. " .. .. ."" ',. ..."."....."."..... " "...." . . .".., ,, ... "The great part or c 5 ' Y II1 t� ! m6mb'ers," 1926 . " . ' nea day. anuar: 6. He II em· · sald. ·Mrll.· ChrI8ten ��. ,j� �re mothers. Il liS p ( 11 1 :'1:.4. . . . 10 .JOyed at }�e Ste\\KrI and Holme.!l ; and lUI mothers we are---...-'·orklng U� . : . 1'1.1. . ... H••• n.-_....... ea l . Drult Co " £allinet make'l'll. maintain a Chrlstlllli atmosphere In ,



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. . al . '' PROSPECTS ."OR �1 / i' . . N . . ' hel'lI �oll,d y('ur . for ou.r The y('ar that I!as just �9n(' � Ih� u('('relhschool. Many SI('1>5. III ud\,ll,nye hm ' l)Ct'll taken 1 e tt S � tation· of the :'\ormnl l>cpa1"'tnumt. uHI the ...'ullIllwIH:: ing 'of the h n ton f A�fJo:"'ICj\N A.RT c..U.\O·ANl· � ' E ndm',"!ent Fund Dri'·e. ThC'sc Ilrc (�idedly I>rogrcssiwJilcps. our homelJ. To (\0 thllS �'e ' must WllS l g . , l X . ri.l. � 1'1�I.rf'.); 1r�. . which show. us that Ihe school officials arC' wilit, Ilwake IInti arc dalll keep 11\ to'uch wlUl God by M r l om . llJ v lt i % . hlwlng' family devotion. bymn �Ing· J 'hv11' J.1� 1�1r.:2!l0It'l�::.hna. Wn. � plann!'nf:t Il �rcute,r P. I " C. fo t!ll' futur.e. ' . . - . r Ing ��I:t\:�; \ �n :�c::�� �, I t II I J2� l , :�'::::::;:::::::::::�:�::::::::::::::�'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�'.� . ' ' -, i��\��:I� !I� t�.,.\\"{\ �n;I::II� : ���l�'���I�1 ��;�l t�� ��! ��;\ n�ra::r.r� ;rt�llIrC ��:t:: ' C:�I� Mr.. Joe ' Sllnd'o\ , �u�n�� 23.. I, '! lck, .'Illdeni , IIlIngs mu\, he li'ccolUphshcd III the future Ihan III the. pll�t. Ir thC' mand "lo'eed my Lambll." JUllt as attending the . Fairhaven High � 1: ' --:ra1r Cultln" Fund dri\'C pro\'C's II SUCl:l'SS then IIle futurl' of Ole our body needs regular food e\'ery School In Helllugbum. WBllhlngton. 1 .�:::!��=I :!� Endowmeilt . I ::e;o� � ::: � , -J '. this · I, It . . soul8 our do 110 day. Illr�C'r the with l>itICt. L. its P. e tak C. will �hool is asstl�d..�d r-. tood tor . the .!IouYro.. that we mothers Mr. Iver Mestord . a gradullte. ?f. �� __�hools of education in the :'\orthwcst. G. S P" IQJUDTSON . '. � Main t. . � 81.1 ar d �I P The 81atc is cu.ttill� down the allowallce for Ole schools of must lIupply In our lIomell." . P. I•. A. 14,. Is working h>r the . _ . � _ higlH'r learning tli.('refore it is douhly impurtant fur the churches Pauillbo Telephone· Co. ot Pauillbo . _........"....".. ...". ".;. ". ".""" . .",,,,, . ,,,,. .....: ' to support the.ir schools. II will probably I� a nlu.ttc.r of nnly From the many Intert'!8t1ng· ex" all hl t""'. ·.."""· . . ..,,·. ,,· · """·.. ."'''......,, ..,'·''''';· gton. . · j . . � v \ In, that .!Ieemll It view e .... changeB \\'ith . cOurse. ""()lIc�e full n II �hort timc until P. L. C. will offer . � i( I schulastic standards its �rowth ",'{'r- �: ��� ln ���atl�: � :c�:::��� ;:�I� �I r. FcrdlnDll d � ··hrl�ten�o ll. for, DEW , DROP INN . � y . F er t I :! �nl.!::!c!�a!���r:::� !U� I� . me r atu�ent of P. C. Is, attend,. � . � Serves erton. California. III organlling 0 1 IlInnrrl. J.uncbN aDd Ing the University or regon. I . local chltpter of 'the Natlo�al Foren· AT1'ITUDE T'OWARD CLASSES Con �tJons . . i St�ollerel&lI,g�a�go . � sic of s >an ne.\\' l 'Thc- new semester n"ark� the heginnin� of II . ." d ba t ng , . i l a i i n ' ,� �, =�. �. , = �. �. �. ,, : �.:,::.:.:.:::::.,:::::::::::.:.: :�::::: .,::::.::..::.,::;:::::',::';.�}" ' � ���� :f ;��� 1 . . "=. :II:��� n:�lu:n �� =;; ����l� ��O��� ; r�:�r �l� �! �l� ��I�l�: �Ulln' � Debllt· nla r Callro' ' Southern the � . • thing to . slip through on the least possihlt'! prt'!paro.tion. \\'e do not stop to think that in so doing we ure chcatins ourscl ws. ing League wlll hold t�elr annun� i ! .' AmerIcan PlumbIng &. Steam ·· Supply .Co. � LJo: ... . ;S· WHOL. contest. oratorical for· 1 . \Vh(,l1. w� -arc using time and money to prepare dhrscl\'cs . I'CUlIBINO, STEAM A N}) �flLL . SUI'PI.lI-;8 � the future. why not Il!akc the best preparation possihle? !in.lC ' . lias been ' . � Phone Main 1707 c\l. and the hours we wllste now we w ]1I A Mpllt assembly lIystem of lost can ne\'er be rcglll-u 1908-10 acl.f1c Avenue P � \Vallh· Untve�sll)' \ ' adopted by the . sometime look back "POll.. with rcgrl'l. So let us try to chungI' Ingloll � . because or the crowded eonu r . . s �lenl'l'fu th upun them luok and studies. nur attitude toward a8llembly hall. Under something from which to derive the most »ossibll' belll'fil.- dltlon wor the y t t I n ' �( H . . �,.,1' H])rl�� St)'ltofI Arrhlng Uftll)'-<'omo I� .1I�d Ike . ��:Id:: 1�: t��� :r:::: a��� w;�� . Thrill _ . at different times. Bros. 'Hedberg Blessed, indeed, is th-;-p�s�n who is th� .ICaptain of'hls soul" attend aiisemblles . when duty has cancelled her prerogative and handed him over . our adve�, 1�06 Broadway body and �mind to the whims of leisure, which is a time fr.ee St�denll. patronize =:::::=..=; : :;::: ' ==:::=:::::� "= "'='= ;: from occupation or engagement, hence. ease or convenience . . That . l a forlorn question "What shall we _do, now?" expr�sses the -gener . A WONDERFUL ·NEW·· CONTRACT ISSUED BY appreciation. • of unoccupied hours. It is the lexicon of those I�� ,�"��r . •�•."� ��� \\ perr, Ctl)' 'ltIPd bored unfortunates who do not know the value of a hobby. The Banker.s LOt . "Ia "�" I e Company ' musty pedant ..yho continues to browse in the libra.ry when he of Des Moines, Iowa 0. l>�. . D. "'. should treat, himself to a view of the great out doors is indeed' , . ' .. , ., . WI ;'j�r,!:ro��'�:;� Co. foolish; for he indentifl-es work wit4 h-obby and, thlis, desttoys . U��lo�I\�·�Ir�h:O.Cr�p���,':�l p:r,,-:,". ,--,',"o''' J.lltln 2119 ' V: r��emt��d��! �¥ hy�,� ',dbecome the essence of the thif1g. for leisure to be profitable must be . oo'. It lOU t6tall . a d tI dt .. limit who women and men pfiyful The desperate occupation. 60. during lIuch drlIabrllt:�i"�:�t�m �al��� their 'employmept to a fluttering about which suggest nothing t ) ��;��_�����! ��t'��eOIlO f:� .' o. o �"al\��:�� SO much as butterflies, have an easy choice. any slight effort. lJ£�r ����:� he�lrJ' WASTED C -h-'--UO e '---·iii a yen liv yo It n f e bIUl t •• l l b dl the Unde� e w.. thlt t know J,; � o d)' ver�'ho mental or physical,. would be efficacious. A charming pastime U e r l f h er th d tg c:"'��·:": : ���� p � e : �!fr'��� r; t � . fi � n ::: ��� ��3 ��h��� w';, The t��a1Udllfl�\nr:�1II to :-t0u belnlr lIubJect to contiiiiiiiice--ot . Teachers should pr,lictise modified frivol!ty o).ltside of class. It B.ldg. ...�a':.';"a"g"'e.Tacoma Rlh noo�"��n� Jill llIoln a Tom�rr?&KI'" �W a e l m TPO Late e t o d �a��rn ��� Ym l� ��\�g �� �ho� tg�� U;e �:cle�riC:s .�� lei�ure M. H. Ringstad, DlatrJct AgeD·t· is to esU\bliiffi a> hobby Madillon 1409- Salt's oI: 'Servlee learning a more intelligent use of Parkland, 'Washington whieh will p,iverge (rom your normal duties without conflicting Nielson & Hanson Motor with them.-M. F..


' I�










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;'ta:� .



PACIFIC LUTHERAN' COLLEGE PARKLAND, WASHINGTON Coedueational-I>8y orAilBoarding �chool . .


. ,'For inf"'o�alion' write






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Atar "lotor Cars . -Stewart-Warner Radios . Tacoma 5'6 %9 So. Union Av. H:



lien'. Fu'mllhlnp Salt. aDd OY('rcoat.

5239. Union AYe. South Taco!"a . Wu-,:,-.

Norm'al , J uni(!r College High ,School " . Coinmer�lal ., Music : "






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�·�":--·-"-:- "'i. t........-�-_ · ·'!"_;....._i_.....� .-. -� COL���E :g ��ISES I I Essay on 'Man' . an!\�;�y� :I: : �� :�'Ok�:��'I:= Man I. what women marr1. Mell l1I1'ean � 0U 1 dr$Y�Q& him '0 tbe" /_ .ji Shoes and Ships f cAMPus lOCAlS' : Here-1s tbe frank opinion of- a bU,!!! two I i . ' two lep. and 10iD.. devil. If 10U don't approve him r.& O v · ou ' f d �::::";:' " �;:" ;;;; ; �"-�:" " �;' ; �! �����,�"O �l ' '" :':"::, ;O�:' ::: :�::� o ::�ro��;'�u,�::, :: :�� �:;= ::� ��,:,:-; :,"...::.�;. '::.,','" ; , L..:� ,\ �, � �,:,�,:�,:....�"" ..",I Sand . the Iqunre.lIurd o-.: Ihelk t . but at .. time. .... •.



The' hQlldays .re over' and�c· lck .t her·home.ln Belllnrh'm . If IOU are the dlnrlor-yln ) t pe II the expenllon. of an I.th� ete In lbe Chrlltmas vacation. . anlwer. tlcally all .th.! $Iudentl are back at· durl\lS" Turkish C�l.aretlel. men are he doubtl' It you b.lve a brah!. If . to a ��Irle th. t men m...�ke IIILike P. L. c..\ gl·ttlng a rou.ch needed m.de of the lame mlterlal. tbe you aN!: tbe modern 11" . he dou.bll Ihe It. relit. H.\'c you h�ard Iny A"aapa o( AlnetJ Wleradn Ipent. the flnt I�e U.pper iiIwho _ only ! dltreren� I. {jIat .a� are bet- 1f 10U ba.,. a ht\flft. It ,ou .re lilly The !lInd ' Imoke. rlnk "Tbank A"oodne:-s. they are ·over." ....eek or the Ctrrhnnlal vac.tlqn wltb Iwear. dllcultied. . ·thao others. . he loou tor a brlA"ht It\.te aud 'If pet. ne<:k . hu� and pet��me" terGener.li,. ��Ither. ha\'e we. Nlnl Elde III StanwOod nd tbe yo.u· are brllll.nt-he 10nA"1 for ... . spe.klnA" Ibey m.y be playmate. n re tb o . ::�;. r.e ., ': lecond week Wlt"� Chrlltlna Knut n . .... �·' dhl�ed Into three cluael: m.. � � hUlbands. : � �� �� :; : . t go t . � � m y \E.cept from the faculty. Tbey re In BurllnSlon.. , .�'..... lth-; otber b heIOrs, Ind .... Idowers . All ellA"lble Ir you are "POpul.r I l t t el s awfully A"lad �e c.me back to pl.y elor 11 ' 1 man or o·haUn.1!)' en- men be II j..16�1 and If 10U ' N!: not, , -' . UI " ��le I� ::: c::::: �h:: :: :.�: tlba �IY·lurrounded off the chKker t�ament. Leol. H.gen lpenl 'her Chrlltmll by IUlpleion. HUI. he helilltes ' to marry "w.lI.rlo .... I ' h l h. i M ' vac�tloo at her bome ., In �)e�et.. . ndl . are " ee Of prllel tl�l: e "rt" ' lh� er. . � �:: : : � ��e I : ol I sel !1������W ��� l Seems Santa hid hili regular allot- Callfornill. . , and consolation prllel. ' I f y'ou ple.ae him. he aeldom . the A"lrl llpe�kl of belnA" ' Ilow. lurprllel meDt of fetvld neck-ties. Or do you kind. are tbe A"lrll :who . ?alakln k a,.. h uab.nd out of a man mentlop.1I h. but If you don't plellle ' pal. . ty from Chinook. Wllllh.!ng. 'wunpopular h;elleve In the bewhiskered A"ent. one of tbe hl helt lt pillticarta blm, he never ranl . to lei! you-ellll A"et not dnly niy vote. 'but the il , . ton. w.bich conillted of ��� �' �. vote 9,9 out f, ever1 80m.. don't. you kf!ow. o 100 men kno....n to clvlll�.tlon.. It requlrel �I.n)' if 'YOU blppen to be hll of Sevenon, Mr. Ind Mn. o�y ic '. YOII meet lence Iculpture, omm'ftn c lIenle. : wire. IfIC mean 1 ' IItreet. the on , Somebody �a8 try InA" to fllllre MilS Alice I�ec Ind Arthu,.Lee EN-not cake eatera, lounge 111._ faltb, bope. _and ch.rity-moltly Verlly 1 lay "M.ay'la . A"reat erg. n UL ho we. Ihat hi, 56.lInA"wax 11. 1 �':!te: �: rle G�rdl!�1 ;;: ��I!�an 'Mardll, sheiks. but regul.r ·.he-men. charity. . nl.rvel tare." l L dn y, . "If qrA"lrlll �e�erill l daYI ago The o'errlpe toIt 18 Plyc�olo like that could b" l lcal . thlt· "'==========:; lIlato 1Iald \Ie \lere the o PPOlite I Ja �\ Uar} 6 aroand a lVO:""d . of Ibele �en Rnd a lOft. tender, ylolit:lclmted. Iweel t . ",ex nr wbat we .re b�.uae no one 0 n h Id . hi k little thine Ilk but a woman �ould write I�ch J ohanna RII.llinU8Ien and Eda :U!�� h,e;I�?::�etn'h·�f r;:dII:y 'th :lr enjoy kllllnA" a tlhI:. o.w.",;:a rd,'" "'��b_ lyrIcal thlngll er·a. may ' be HII.uke went . 10 Ihel.� honlell In AI- ears would burn with Ihame and .. ...eelly jJ'b •. hy.!c:blnned, and t aceo . . . h� !.ald In effectuaf:' �e ...:ece gonl?-a U : n . ..durlllA" tbe Chrll�' would not think the;-� w'ere the mOlt. IIceol!d Hiliit'like a m�n. b.y-rum . kIck him when we rememb�red that ��� ��t�::· -popular younA" women o( t�elr 8et. It YOU f.latter .. man. It (rlA"btenl . our boots ho.d to Iht IIntli �ot hIm to death, .nd U you "Cheapnell-yetJ, chelpneas II don·t you . former !ltu· back 10_ the pole. INot a horl�pntal Einar Malmberg. P. L. �. on Thu�8d.)', rlA"ht In Ilpea1dnA" or them. Me� bore hIm 10 dea·th. It you' permit Buckley-King olle. either). N".,.. . do YOll know who denl ,'U}vllited . like more thall anything eille to 8ee hlnl �o make love to YOU he getl ..:e. at"� Smurt kld8 aren 't you. Sure , JUII . 7 . "a �eatly drelllle d A"lrl. not dreued tlre� or you In tbe end. and It 10U . Company, InC I au e do e h U t u l l n yn u C �::I � ; S \� nnerlld �!��� :: convalelJcn�w III F ��::ln ;�I���n;- :� /�: ." '��a���\:� ;·ean YOu. don't be- I �arry lI :.: :1::heIl. r:�ge, 51. J OBeph Hos.pltal I n IJwearlnA". . alt.1I rel � �rwPa'r:�;f21 lIeve In such a person. If YOIl d d ln. at Ihe It; A"one for a ItartllnA" bat. be helitatel .. Helens to take i�. St:h:� il. nla after lin opetallooij fO� ap· her. Av Tacoma lI't you wouldn't read thlll colu.m . I Ten wbo If 11. h t were a /l:lrl out ... you out. aM If you c wear a I little � of a re\'eIiA"e n l P I ltlll on Tuesday. J anual'") 5. Btarted 1 0 'light a fag' 1· �ould brown toque and a t.llor-made lult. 1 1 .... ���................ To m1o'ke . More . m�ntlo"ned bird we 1efl him I Ted EvJenth he t.ke.. · you out ' l!'nd Itarel all . . and 8t1!. Hopner went leave pair of Ice lI�atea and bottle of "It'1I all klbolh. aliliers. Don't you flvenloA" al a woman In A"ly c1olb,el, The tore Sloan',. ·lInumenr. Heh: Heh: aB I I? nthe.lcr relpectlve .h�mell In Sail think for one minute you are A"eland " IItartllng hat. ' ) l fort on lng long :IS It keeps raiu he 1 :1�� f:; � :�'!,. :::'�II""�::� ;:". tiDA" by with the rouA"h IIt UU. You ' re ,rouge. ......... ": ........................... ' ,,................... "'''' '''''', I tI . , nOl! won't discover tbe blades are made .... b for Men � rubber. "'More po:,,",er to' tbe girl who � C,\IlL\'LE'S C,U·'.;Tt;RIA ,i: 1'\ormal ' IItudentB, Mine8 Marlha keeps clean e Ind and nl herself � � Headquarters for flculty and and' Boys 'and 51 �ne HJermstad. NIIlIl. Eide , makel;a tellow feel Ihe II 80me- .: students of Pacific Lutherall .. Manners l�,�: te:c���gettl: l .?eaY�rk�::d �:�c� thing rlne Itrl e tor ' and win. � Colle "e. � hundredl. yell, thousandl ;: HOUle of service. wltbout t!pl . There I great a be ng s.ld I c er hel - UPII g Ih There are l men .who lay t �e I�me � l «Iven and muchII thought �� belllA" hy : ����r:� ��;I:�n�II ;rePe an: ;�gil of re'll·-Argul -. 1... .. "......................"...................................... j Leader. eilucators at thill tlllle to the man- JI of candy Just before tile holl�aYIl. Ihlng. ' , nen of Ihe )'oulh or our country. I The A lIl}ual FilII p'lay of Holl"'- Siudentl, p«lronl1:e our a�ver. Who ��JEWE"'�Rs Wort.h� of Your It III lIald American children's man- wood High School. CalHornla was tlBeu. . . Conflden� ners are �ven "'one tban tb08e of prelented tbe 25th of November. � . .. ......... ......................... . ........ .. .. W, C, BELL & SONS CO, l ' Mahnck� CO. . Bn a t t nl d h ro a HOM]';l'IADK If���� �cW����e. � -- 019. Broagway 'T�com�:-;; �:u�� o� �::. �or: :.:�:�:; r" �:h�� )� ��;e: b;· �V;�:�;�1 �m i�= �l m � " 3 Dlnne 51 0melbl'Dg UlulIl be donp. about It � and Jobn HIIA".rd. .SOc Sundayll s n e t '-------0---'" :�I : ��f8 I: c:;: ::I:; :l r�c�I:� The famoas NorweA"lan author I l':�E n::8 . � I rteal QuaUl7 Rlaht Price �oduced In both Krade and hl.gh lianB Seland recently visited Park � Fuel Dealer Parkland � JETLAN .� PALAG!lUTI I � es M s ' S e t C O .comJl �:e l'�!'::;:.C101h� � :��:�! :� pr,: c:�::c�er. ::�=�: j ::It�a�� � �:�y ���:�:I�I�:t�:�:�:�� � . SampWl Groupe than reflect BubmlsBlou. --Ma,pnen held bll audience Bpell-bound by· hl� � � 912 Pac Ay. Tacoml. W·a.h. -+ . ;Ire Importanl. more Imporlant '1 be- I hnmor and magnetic penonallt}·. � Vlcm" Kodak 'l''1nlllhing § +lIeve than any lIubJect taughl In i :: �d I"hoto Senke I h , Mn. 827SJ ; I't'---:-�--:--� I I �� f�:� ue��\:. Ya:� :rc::S�::I:il; �' ::�; ! All a man' th lnketh In h;B . hearl, ! Box 660 . Tacom. unexpected �xamlnatloll. and your 1 "0 I, be. Lien & � . Selvig . . ........ . ........ " ............. ". .. ................. ..;: ,failure to -palB thut �xam m�y mean .)'our luccen or failure In lite. Do 1 6}i % on SaYlnRS Importers of Norwegian e !.e8A �Id nenor ha,.e W Market know I Cash statement'! Brookdale tJlat you doubt Irom obBervatlon that It III abllolute· Cod Liver Oil American Savings ·and ' Madilon .1S6L2 ly true. .Many men. aod women 10- I1 Loan Association �. A, Ervin dlly find IhemselveB plodding along , l� � :��If�.:-;e. Cor. Tacoma Aye. & 1 1 81. about where Ibey Slarted. Tbey Ii �o Tacoma, \Vas.h. - .. lg ce e :0 h et e � ;:�e �: �: h::��! ::t �h�� 8� ;�) r - Parldand Shoe i F. VISELL co. 7.. ...... ·••.. Free Delivery uncouth. 10 111 bred. tflat the' would not fit Into a higher'" pOllltlOIlu Shop Book 8ell�tatJonen 'They are formulas for good manners A. J. Satber. Prop. . Oftke aDd Photo 8uppU� JUBt al Ihere are for olher subJectB. SHOE REPAIRING OF '09 .% Pac. A.... Tacoma Manner il the unconlcloul expres· !lIon 'ot cbaracter. \Vblle genuine Brookd�le Grocei'y Co. <:ourtellY comes (rom the heart. thore Denenl Me�b_dlae are certain definite rules adhered Madison l07Jf ParkhaDd. Wa.b, . JANUARY CLEARANCES' 1j1A" a to b)' Boclety. It 18 ·lIke .... In PrOA"r.1I ThrouA"hour the Store. Remarkable Savlngl machine where every wheel _and co,It Are No Are Ortered on �m9st E.�r1 Itome �nd Pellonal Need fA' Member of' It" place It'l to tltted must be . MT, TACOMA STORES " '0 <un .moo"" . 60 Storel RHODES BROTHERS The �raon 'who IB not tllmillar . Read ollr adds 'on the m�rk t wltb thele rule. III contlnlJal1y �l'l ;:�Il.-U(. �ewI-Tr��!-!ne . "�l"J" into ench , monkey-wr throwinl . l k8 n ��:n:rl a;: �oa/��:1 �::�t:,:; Iro....-and they do a goodly part of that ,rowlol- durln.g tbe &Chool .. . Established 1890 period.· . JUST ONE GAME �f . . . Youth Is thouA"btles8 and mOliUllthe bad m.nners come ou� .In a WITII A SPALDING �O, �" BASKETBALL WILL Kuardad mOp1enta. co.ru bahlta flip ,..a y of lpeaklnc a loud raa�ln, MAKE IT liARD FOR YOl! TO �E AN\' OTIIER M.uu: , · voice( yulI"ar. caret... way of .1t­ tla.&��r etandln& are .crudltlee com­ . are m.nnen mon to ·,.-outh. GOCH! was!ain'gtoit Hardware Co. . to me COIltac1�iae. ·tbou'h· 1t . , lilPaldl•• AceDia , . &'" they ani not quite "Cft�hlD .un­ 10TH AND .P�.C, .', ' had ODe., OYer the Pte- o( lbe . .. -' I,..nlt,.-· ot camhrl4&e. "Enc�Dd . M.��t� this ,motto: ""anDenabout \S'ot Ma�." 'Xorth Uilnkl?;., I\!�ubmltted. ' .














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. ilW ., , .' . . te: -::�n�·;: .t.,. � preule nl ' .,ew pOln"', l,he ra�. " l ' ' � ,. i f �:�.��« :: e�::�ed �18�t' No, . lll 'tudent" the lind 1 y\ 'ndeed. IJto�lell. '. Ch"lJtmiUJ ' . Mon beir t I, , Jan. .. , 1926-Happ,. New ' . , 1'o( �tti8l . and Meyer !feuen, .,.'lr' , ! your E ,Year,:. verybody happy K�p' and � tJO? an� , the �orthern mert\ly the Ine.vltatile. appr?aeh ot But dear II�dentl. calm KnIll Wold ' and Masnus J acoliso.n l!!�eeh. . th u . a h Ilh a l sem ter c Imlllnlf: a your omb InKenulty control wllh ed hearl!!. ,� s a twitchln« � H � l.n 't n ' ell \lk ' y 'III l ' lalll yea'r Itudents ere lll lnK 'hI ' own elr rf len and re tudent hO a d plrallon to O . your ll K learC h.ln« brain , " est you becom� a ' Tuel, Jan. 5 , ' 19%6-00 ll P� t\ I.II . I' s lu k ('r S frlends ' bere Sunday, January 10' 1.lance. . �p In smoke, ' ,. , nuas shopping, early. . 'We laid it IIludent An,other factor F.lnar MallJl or. lW Xtlrat ,be'rK atlastp, year . la'. hypoc;ondri'ic ' of ,thll In{llvldull· The ,Intellee.tual ones ate. In paranoic or 'L. 'c. thll year,. . agaln e,nrolled plly other bologlcal with Ing c I�ale, .CUfllory review , .W ed. Jan. 8. 19 25�Wbat lip ef­ � Agnar Wlnnerdahl. student of Ily IIJ ttle vaslnell! of Teus. Mere "enll·ble.lled evuy l hibX wUI be cl�.ar:, tbe lon, name. ·The f"('uit), Iluurel . us tort to overcome. the Inertia, ot our , "....s '1'IAlI� e friends at lIchool comparisons wllh olher states leave and during vacll' lonly " va,u� Idea of the .extent Of axamination pie. and an A at the teHa will be ellll),. lit tJley bralnl �avln, acquired ;\Ionday. January I \ . ' Iprrltory covered by !6S.i8.o Iq ' , cure�1.. (Awful waste conll�erlnx that h ven't th'ey w\ll. It's cUlltOJllary ). tlon, , . Thurs. J.l n: i, 1 9!;S-F"ormul .tn., �IIII .,,·lIene Cre .... lIj)ent the holi. , !Il1Ie&. 'Perhaps the vaslnetlll 01 Chrl.8thlaw,.ill pULl look 0 nd . ... Ila.slllb�e nleanl ill' . ' ev�ry thing in apc1 about Texas ls I Unfortunatolly, all IItudenls aren t . denill. repair to Taeomn to do ob " fiay" with her nlother :,\I"I's. Forel!t best Illustrated by its rAntheil ofj really aDlbltlous. some of th.flD! h!· s /Cood al alt A frohl a ·dhltance. .ervli�loD work. ' . Crew!'. In Parkland, ' which the f:tmoul! "Klng'lI Ra.nCh" long In the, sud cate«ory of '·�appy. . Three SURene Jan. S, 1 926-Horay. P. Mudents bra v�IY L.'�C.rlday, "Ictorlous In' aame with A.hIt III sald'that., Mrs, l go·luckle,,: !hey \lnow t�!'t " a . lIt. , Member. of "thl! Loa Society III lnan,'uample.. thin forth sebe dangerous to ntured a Salem to arnlng t e · tl l:; far e" too house her 18 thought !(' We . knew we had the bt'st ford, l , e Se.wJ ng Club' were entertained by I'K ' Bertba 0110", at her home Saturday back from the front late. To rem_ but theY' don ' t mind being danger· thelr .faDiOus a,x'f, wh'lchoio.wlUI laken t lell� 11I the country! afternoon. January 2. The ofncen !ci1y thl!! evil. Ihe moved he... .home ou!!, " 'at tootball rootel'll . ' n hale to by lome Salem Rally Committee baa beell ap . elected for the lecond quarter are 10 within hundred and le,.enty- However, the poor' dea coniequently, game four years , ago, Th�. �ys pointed al follows, Ida, Hlnderl\e. President: fl�e mllell o( the gate. Laeklng near !Ixpose tbelr Ji�orancereeeh:lng b. y the SIUdent dy ; . were owing ofr lock on the the .. !l nllm;Xavier r o Profellll cit,., nelehbors. a , DoCollege. built she KingsDorothy Ordal..Vlce Prcllident: Inga Joee . State Tf!acher. San ' c:ompedluhl Man lI Shop wlndow .. preparatory to Obon. Secretary: Margaret Fadned, ,:llle. within her " backyard," The. erous calhl for mlnut", Ineiudell the' major portlonl ot of 'l'Thlnlrll,.- every college and high seizing � axe. when they were'! This Is the tir.lt time the IItudent Treasurer, . IranCh Itl;trc:c large.countlc,1I of the southern I!chool students snould kno �'." Sad · tl\wnrted' by two Qfrtcren, Salem body h8l1 taken 'over the problem of -malntalnl �u?al the Ilxe . win be adv'erUslna; gamel eOlertainlolJ "II. The Young Lad�el! Auxllary of the part of Teul!. T.he King brant! of Iy e,nough, there'lI nOlle such. n r n I l U a e h P -r:OUcl�lIIIbe t:'�;:�c�:: ��:;��:�I! o:II���:��r ':�Ie::;: �tl ng teslU8! �.- �3} lni ' �!M ot U': �:I��:)�b� �:r:� �n;�:: a�:wthle :�:� ' �: �m�o��;e. �:I�� :�! ':::: �� fo:;r:: l;b�� and m\lc� l!�mbIY etuntl al:.. a whole of ;\Irs. Dale Tuesday. evenln�., Jan� llished In a \""ichlta F..alll! newlpaper, aome lJuch a book with the c8l1u.al be made to remove tho.! axe - from :! enthuslallm III dlKpluyed, . to 1IIustrilte Ihe valJtne!!1I of lier three , hundred donRtet! them by It !)erhlIUlent ' \lari' ;;. ' home. " avier. big a Ihat herd!! ProfeSlior p"ckln", eastern . X ' :=:::=::::===::;, r-=:': 1 TIIt�· rrort�!uo()MI W. Starlla" and I cs!mpany S�nt a telegram asking It' Whether or oot examinations are ;\Ir. and· famliy llpent the holiday!'! with r�la·· l ,,'he could pO!!lIlbly !IIh.lp ten thoUS' beneficial bas long' been Iluell!on, YO'leg wife to abnent minded LOOK YOUR4BEST j, land two·year-old!'! Kometlme within ! with' psychologlstl, �cators and professor; "Dcllr. don't you loyl' .Gel . your hulr cut at the tlve!! In Parkland. t..to weekll, She wired ba..Fk : "What of COUl'lIe, the stud�t� any more! You know you -. ;\Irs.. Ollne Tlenl!on of :'ollnot . rth I coP�r do you wlint?" Mrs. King could The following opinions were ex· klKlled me 'lor .,'eek:' _ S ' ni�ary Barber . ejaculated the I Dakola. "IIlted her nIece, Mrs, T. I hl\v�plled the packing company prell�ed by members of ou'r .ta<:uhy " Golod heuveIU." _ Shop )rofesaor, . .then ',IdIom ha"*t I been O.-Svare.·durlng the Chrl�tmall holl· with 10.OUO two year old!! In four and of the student body. I ' ...Iar�. e; Uf f:�: � llIIlng. " ' . , dr n .Under Pantage'li Theater a : . . J " ��\:�� �':�� � : : ��� e e UI I l t ���: l n.;::; ::,x ;or last year al! as 1 b ln a la Studenrs, putronlze our adver. 1 1.1I1 1l'H�Hulr Uo b K SItc(' l . I mentioned In olte of the Te�an and .n�rvouK but they tend to I!how FORMER STUDENT t)',\II1�' �lnn curlnK fo:...pt'lrt n eW�PIIPeno, amouuted 10 over ' halr where the Hudent b wellk." tl�erll. I _ = ! = Profesllot, Xa"ler "E;JamlnatIOIlI! SUBMITS ARTICLE a million dollarll which wall to be H _ J _ CO" " d_ P 'O ' _ �n bY' lhe Admlnilltrative 'tie· show both teachers: and , pupll,,' JUI!! '''''' " ... The roUo ..... lng�lc III a �ontrll paid ==:= � �..".. partment of the present heir... ,?f what points the)' �ve neglected':' . ����� ::; Qli:\LITY ; = � ; = ; � � butlon from (:eor«e Cooper, hUJI th ; � :: ;' � == I Profelsor Stu en finds them an �nyear's Uusln"1 manager of the 1 ll> K ing'" runch. George Cooper. falllhie I\lethod for locating the IlIzy K."'..\I'I"'� PLEATr�G ;\10ortng MOil!' Mr, . Coop�r I� now 1 �louJ\n)i' n d I Of $1.50 Skirt. an) dyle , �11'.e.� :�;I��I�)t�" ���;. t:'I-, T����� i Willian, ' had JUllt , returQed from . Polly" Langlow thinks that there , L'OLLEGI-� .In all the latest should be �lonthlY exanllnation!ll but fo'rom 'the flag pole f the unI- t (allege. rellplendent Hemstitching e a d no I f I I r s T Button Holes t:;(� i:;a r: :�h:: hl! ��tr:; A�II�: \avle .te�Sely. dlHPo�ed of :�: �f ��e ��;t!ll�d ��:�: s :; A�:rl� I::�:�:�II gentleman old The reading. "'all "Bunk:' word one In them , Buttones Covered C:l and the Repu' bllc of Texall, It ill I almost ia£Q.,nlc liP and lIurv,-,>'e(! his son., [ Walter... fo�reuch the laller rlug that sO ably ex.llookedlonger he looked . the more dl�' l hut m.ore lIuperstltfoua. He satd prelllle� the Dlarked Indl vlduuli ly o r ll The BAUER'S e. m he be('a. "EXama are a jinx." the "greatest lItale In the unloD." gue!!ted "SOli," he rlnally , ,�Iu rted o ul, [ John Stuen refused to express nut more. than an expreSllon of In. I .; YOU M, ;')536 , IllIlN, . !teutle at! fool. a like look Saying opinion. . dlvlduallty. It bcspea kl! of Ihe color-j Later. the oltl mayor who lived could not. ful romance. and hlst,ory of the In· next door came In an,l,l greelelt..lhe he Alfred conlllK' speech Anderllon"!! fanl strugglell of a mighty warrior. bo y heurtl!) . "\\, Ullam he $1111 with I ted or four 1,1:luoks, two stars and a ' . It speakll of victories a�defeats; of conquest� al1(1 subJectl�l! ; of :;ad::I�UiSI��e a�.:��atl; � he�·YO��·d IO� � tfUll nloon, followed �y a blue line. .Frank J. Lee : back from I . Ihat sacred In!tltullon and memory. yearll u",o. when he callie . P��rai t and , th.� alamo: of Santa Anna; of her· lIchoo t : " i oell, Huston, Austin and CrOCk!! t! . ] "Y II reprtc!I Commercial with al Pl!l"�and The Lone Star Of , Ihe ria", tell!! the I)l mlle,C ,""�o' ('ather William J)hotograplicr Willi jUlii telling Mercantile Co. story of.o IItate that knew �lx flags : lIme." CaJiforh!a Bldg. the Bourbon (lag ot old . fo' runce. ot -Spokane J:;cho. Schoebel WaIter Dr... Tacoma, " Vash . Spain, of ;\1exlc(I, of the Hel)ublk or General Merchandise Texas, of the Conreder�le IItateli of The annnal HUIIIIl Coming' of C. 1 1 1�% Pac. Ave. Oculist-Optician ' and 1H1 of the United States jI ln �I"in 2289 1 l d ;�I" LEHMANN'S ' ��: :f ��!::�ic:. Eyes Treated � u�� n a :1�1�:'1 2�1:�t�� :1�n!:� I Dry (�oods, Shoes. Etc. It Is this history ;tnd romance I brllliani and weird garment!! -and Glasses Fil led . ' Two Stores thut iformli the background for this J IItuged a parade thrtl Tacoma� Fol. Indiv duality . lIro�e menti,oned and IOWIII;' their progrllm Hom!) Com· Pallt:lg(llI Tlieuter Building Always at Your Sendce 'Ve offer 'J;csl ra l�s fo?> I" 'filrther de· tng· Il�llIllIel wu� held In the ...b. whlt-h Indtvilluahty .I 1 :!:.jJ . South·�lnth St . --"----'" Scunuinavian ', checks, Cou- . I "C M�.. � i § S m -� � " a ' " � _ ' '.�'llg ; Tacoma, Wall �. *:::q,b�e!;:r!���;:I�� ::�::��I,W;�. " ,' " ,, " , ,, �- � :'lI n n �: :� '�pons or ·currency, . .and �nn' ' I:lmollt as much I,estern us IIOll1hern. = =;����;;;;���� GEO. \y. PIPER sell drafts ·on oll import_ t h sl n I fo"un('r:ll ))jN�C(ir � ?�t� : � ,� r : �t ;: t �,r ! : � �IJ' \ "T I \ 'i Utk " f.· l �r:;e ;��t��� !�t S 1I:�:�e;r n ":I�\�:nt: a n t points in the Scondin.. I (' Phone Malililon 1 1 3 7 In lIS n:Hural make up and churac, lH'ian cl.?lIlltrics. South Tacoma � tt'rilltic>! TeXlI1I III nO! of the We�l ��;�C�;I "���: �I t lIO. w l r Davi� Men's 8lrop ===:; � ,,: �U: '� :�'�� ;:dt:"(l�\ �:��r:rn%e l:o� e��:: l�t l I : I += 1 - The Bank of outh d I t ,,, , ,, , "'" ' " ! California .FIQrists " gl4Pacific Ave. �:�� ��ul:�I�: M����:�;;{I� S California UJ n l'l.11 Potted Flowers, Cut or Geqrgla: (or TtlXa-;-11I a . EYES TESTED .. ,!'-Iurul Decoratlonl l N. A. GLASSES FITTED !�:�Io':edb����;yInK�I U�t: U:..... n. CorreCt ! 9(17 Pa�flc AYe. Tacoma I I th .& Broadway Supet..Quality at a popular IIravdng characterlstlcll froIII _


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Main 50:1_ Tacom" llOS So. 'K St,


;. . Pea,DDt l:hittn--NoDe Better

SWUhhte .1.'_ PTo4l1eg Co. .

, .. Tacom.,


73 � .


'�di�J 'G!rI�'

SIKlC'II:I.I Sh�� );II�:I. -::

St. Helena Ave. ... ..





CUr l' ' . . Main

FEDERAL ·.{J1urnly ,

6 Retail Stores

1 -1

Hou.sc-to-Housc Routes,

. 'WES'mRN S'l,'EAM LAUNDRi . < Ou� 1\I�lto: "Qu{oIIty alI� Service" F�RAt. BAItt:R; P��DU<;TS DAILY �< 512 So. 9th SI. �[ajn 7757" ������"",!-".,H.,.".....--.."...,'""="���=""---� : ,.;..,_.".. .. . .."..;..:.......:............,........l.., .. , . ;.:: . , . .; ...",.:.,._,.. .


. _








Tacoma People Eat



.. . ... .

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P. L! C. tU.iD· . Ill ." , d,OM iam� SalOrda;, JaDuar, Tb" pme 11. III the ' colle" �.

J<>" "'"'.'.� d.reat� lb, . of

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P. L. C.

·(I) ' NfIUII. �.) :rreaeb

C (1) L. Kreidler X.alMII. ' . W.tb,. Lake; "1II�.r (I) ' . for Clarke; Clatie " ,. ...... P. L. C.: 1.. ; 1.. r� Knldllir


: W.we " 161' " Ka.tMD ,' ,," '

. .- '

. Re.union pol!tPoned. ' . � �til gnidu�ti� , week in MIi,I .Loo k ' "

. "c

....;.J . . • . - ,--..-. . :. '

. - -: "'

1 ' .



tor date later . (


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.... . '- .



N... camp.. �la Par.tlaDd LoeaJ. OrautsaUoas , Rella1o'; '-Mule ... a..val

• •>

�umDI : 'I.






.o we h� o���-:d �fer to dish... · . Do you know thit Fiftieth. 8oy1· com.. fr.om �D_. There are forty-nine bo)'8 who are seeking jom;. T�q.o'" la. uull, brO", . " ' .aI'" "" .. all ...... lOOks the Fiftieth Boy. ' . · II_ Coutaace Blrklaad "lattH W.ta- •__ .", .'.,� .. ..... ,.....� -.� The Fiftieth Boy. makes glad the heart of his parents. . l'�DUr)' -11. She tur.. "... . , .... coil... SDDd.,.. The FJftietb Boy "moothes the Wrinkles· out of his t'•.eh.r'. IS.·o,d .... ,reHDt .taytae at bomt 10 . HOboe. .",ner . .....r du�pWaieci. f�d. and takes the worry out. of her mind. ' ptlD.ala. All the grouches and aour-:fa.ces brigltteo -when they see lIle Strawkrrl.. crow .�� lbaa Fiftieth Boy .�miDs. for be is brave and cheery. � I U .. Ape. Oluao ...- worklq at oak· � The forty-:nine "dido"t think;" the Fiftieth Boy' thinks. ". T:: �:��::. aDd TeleF ;;';;;;=;;;.. =,.;;=; ====;; pal Jhhia���� Boy makes 8 confident of ,"s nibther and a . .. ...... ... .... ' "...... . He does not lie; steal nor tattle. because he does not rdte to. �... J�1lD. a�d TI�Dd Nih.... Aioiuen AIrr c::JO.iPAlfI' ' \VIlen he '� a banana peel on the, side-wal.k. where , U'Oufld ,_ _a . . wo Btan. • ....... 1·�.,...:r :. .r0a4a: � liable to Cauae some·one to sup and fall. 01' a piece 'of " �d wb·ere.-t r maT Pu.Deture-a- tiie. he.pi . PhOft., llaln ''''. ' 'l".ccima, 'tV.. cks. it up: The IQ'�Y- I1i��oi.i�i-' ��,;��,:;�-;:.-I=':::�" .... ::':-1tO_: � � it's none of their busineaa. - . .," . . ThertIM BrtckMa. atud"OtOr" , . '':' ''nie Fiftieth Boy i" a good. sport. He does Dot whine. t�e cone,. 'rr:ld�7. I.D.- ' iwr � .. " " he Joees. He does n�t sulk when another wins the prize. U. She .. traiDID' at the.v!r-· ·� � � ,..... doet bot cry 'when he is huH. . �.�. l!��I�!. 8u.ttle. w�. 1;�GO:-; �� He is respectful to all women.and girl.s,� , ' ashamed to be d��t. t _:1I�.,s:.�.. " ! : ����. " : :�: ��� � . . ' ;!��?� . :o � i .. ,. :: : . . He tells the truth, whether the consequences tQ him are Jo.. with' .. "1'7 pl&Ja pIeaunt or not. ' PNt�7 ODe wltl. Iota ot .Dl!W .DROP INN He is not a ' prig nor a si�y, bu� he stands up .straight and . , . ' . ..aDla to - marl'7 IDe Wlaat a.n"� ' . h I doT l. O � , F���Y�ven 'out ot the Corty-nine lik'e'-him . .' D� "' . ..arry the ODe yo_ JOTe 1 nt to,"'ard his pwn sister as tow,Prd th� sislers toll... 0", muu, bat Had �. tbe of o::r .ill�e:. ot the otber o...�h Oa R��..'..!,.I block� .... o.t He is not sorry for �iIJlself. ,. I H� works as hard he plays. . Everybody is. glad to see him. . Am�rican Plumliing &. Steam Supply. ·Co. Do Y4?u have that kind of a boy at your house? . . . [(.not, don't complain. there.are not enough of thell\ to,go PIA1XIIINO, IITK&M AJQ) MILL 8�" � . .-' . round. - '(- . 1JJIOLDo\UI PhQDe "ala 1117 :·" 1" ':10 ·�itte .���., . ' EDr'I()RIAL CONTEST . Staff . MernQerSl' An oPl?Ortuoity is now open to you show 'th�t you take a real. live-interest in the...publication of ' ei g ne New �' 8f.�� .&ni"'" IWI�·" gd. 8ee 'nae. ( S���::trliil'o�alA��a�o; ir;. �lricbso!ild. sfIrf t11r::e;�t;:�f th.e ·Lutheran CoUege p ublications are asked to takhart. 'The . . . '. :H�ber':. Br�L . contest concerns itself with editorials-"s model editoriaJ" is 13O(1 .Bl'OI\dw.Bx . . ... lOught-on the theme "Building With Christ as Students'" . The winning editorial will be read the . Conference' and' 'will be , 'D e closes . 'time tol •
















PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE PA� WAS�G�Nc- ' . .,.,q,edacat1uaaJ-DaY or.-""" sellool

: ;� � nEPAATMENTS�"

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. ': ':Normai : " . . :': Jui1i<ii-CoIJege' . HigtI School � Coinriterclal .. '

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B. Folk.....

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. . oal,. c:oaalchr . of dete.., whlcb .....: . the .&Y7. ud tb. ...... ".. 1••,.;" O :·tia::�.:: . . ud �'::·co:�� Nlee damb, daU aad d� , laa't la.'" "t!i.• . couu.mmatioD It? lb�ma art! ..' � 10 . the at tli.,which .AlUlo D. ... ID Pvlllaail the lILU. "powilr or tomorrow," moautatu tnp. �� torpt' to Ga..,. to ttl• .me"'" tbat.1ri>rlaecHd III....... a rood .. .er-ut:ed oftr·tba Ibld.��r.� 111. baUdlD• •p tbe phf-lc:aI, .. ..ta) •• '�. oMIn.­ •• iai.� , .... � ... .� b'7 ........ b...,. .era,... .p aad 1II0ra) pO....� of ttl. lODD' eaa • Parklalld c:tr.. ,..elft are '..wiled to Job.. tra POrUtl9L( � we att_11l perted tODrth It.... .of 1·--'·"'--. ben ....m.rked. "�1. yo... der,,1in ,MClal ..Ill be IpoUOI:M O I e · ... cotr. alZt '8&tai-daJ'. JaDa­ ' , SO. AD ","taUoa haa bMD :�:;L :� �::�:� ::.�Ul�. ::'" areThe.tead� �lIl!lber1I!.ere.uIDI ' ot I��"�la� 'lai� .tr��;: !:O:;I. �� ��: :,::;-; �"" at laUo.' of .,..... O.e au.Dee, of- -'.,· "thlnl .lhat'U .trlke t.a�e4 to faclllt, aad .tudeata. . lac,t. of education. O.e 1ri.D� a.a4 maUODriD • eb,ld. t. worth .. t0D: Aud, aDr , lhoqbb Imm'ed1ate17 .. ..Dl7 tboa..�d 70alb. are 111&1'17 reformatioD la a crlmlul. . of tb. bee.aU': takea &lid tarned to .Do";,bal .. ·tv. t tb. a u f t1H!\ meatal . W. are .polliac tbe YOlln&-. b7 9 n.re "7h..Da' /?�6� 1 eane ••' eoald --ailDc-&Dd' Pro. lae,.... . .UCCfIU theor7,' namelT: "The feaqn' halli. '"Take pain .... ..Id the ..Iado.. ... .,; «!mparID� �D that _u a baak aoeoant or bu . "AI'''&7I'I kMp cool." Bat'. chill7 �baDIr.s of tro.l7 fate! , pa.ratdeteetlYea.,. . ..,,... eolliiderable material poueulon .. The. • •ur,• . 0·1i In a . ...Id..Idtb.:th.caltce. �to lbof. 5o.of� that .�t�ate,·' "Be ..The ani)".. bal.. m.lted before .... ceded. ADd tJo..out tb. . e ••--.tul IDdlyl,dual" "Tbe· true IpaD. tb ' . aTTI..d bome. dar. ' ' to pau pbySlcal . . "Newer 'IOM 7our:1t:aJ 6ad.:,' aa1d. the Free. aD;d unblnderea b7 power w Bal JudC. ma.:· e ,ot �orth d. . And the. ..e remember that bfailed. . War What ...e .... tb.·&lDOIiDt of hamaD ..nlee he maD. fateful. number 13 OD Profeaor Defodre. the World barnl. , . ' . , " !o ltart ollr educatl�1l of caD nlnder � to t� Plllratlo.·. .lth ' . .' "�ake I�,ht. ot eY,rrtb1ric," ..Id Hau,e'l ·door. ()Qr bop-M are ..4 theee 70_C before :tJ;l,J. bora. ..hom he U,...;"-L. A. .D. aDd A. D. Oh. � ....llh I .co",'uld.'.... lD7"U fr� �he fire. and dark,. eheerl_ and drear"J'. c' · P'ree, .. a tree. or bird. or dle .ea. Athlet\a; of the hla;� 1IC.��lI, a�d We did eaJCi'Y ' t he trip . Il&d oc ,bDl.lo..." �Id th We . . . rce Shocke,. Wr,lcht. "Do a�r'iYl ODIC . '1'0 JU(OWLBDGB lecel &r4!:'. Dot adeQut. !or ,a ., Io--to .plte ltie .....tber. . ' col .. ' , � lul: tralolol of the ,.oua,. O!l17 AnDDt, oh k�owlt.dp calned ....' -:-Pupt 80und Tr.all. hammer . "Allil,. , 'to creater. thla..... ..kl The ,Irll oa �e tiNt 'noor. of the aph)'li f a ba op w rt a po 'laU,. to p r- throalb....a. DJ' tortai'M �ar n . Jl'urt�ermore Lodle ...,..- lOa;;:;. "CapP7" lor e In athl.tt e Dutmec. h . th� � ;'! . t�" ' him 'ehailled �JI"IUd a � �tDI' aad .deli: to ,.. IlIla of fa.c::t.a. ae.: up ...bo ,et ·the..CII. a ..ate-l" "J'dOl.....Had belt ph)'lileal .traIDin, euta�.dula.tHeaC41. ed. throach em"':' on. 10" It." ..Id the �lue.-Hol.17"'ood. Hlp· . l and ••er tbl !. .;.; . ezqut.- are '. the onel that a-.d. It I...� T�e tn! Hie thee ...ay aad trouble . OF' NEW :. The tint team picked up . l? bu 1eam ball d, et a llDS fiYe 'lDeD, ' }t m work e ao mon. • " ad dOD TIJ.y •. . ·GIRlB' ·AcrMTY Itel,. 'whea · •• . becan to ,..11 f r t.h.· ba.Mball tMm al'!le aDd the t 1tTUDICNT8 ... more !1 n d...a ., wit. ot t tbem In tbe, 'aeeOnd half , we're tball tea ele n a d '!li7 tbe no loaPI' Deed th....ao . preaenee . li .ofJe�!,.,::L.rd. C, ba NetiatI7 1Cd.r:a n ll 0 CRn . 'th7 oaee-fo� �� conaa call tbe� l'h'-' herOM 'of' a R.�.inber , al..a';' .to petroalM c� 'aim aoeomp.I��rtee! .AlI .ppolDted :r�me".of tb,e' ph".Ic:a1 fit .. picked Thine · ....hoop... . ' . U�!11U. or the .....1,. or- �OO�I;' lIat adyertlMn. . 1 cue What pb)'libl . t�i n- tbroach eae.. Ion, U;&ID did 'OU d · Camp J'1re Girls. =--Eiiiil'iiiiii , i i iii iiii!i iii iiiiiiii iii � la, the rem.laln, hl,h IIChool me--=-aa.ppI7 m. ..lth the pal.. Parllfp . , aN· belill hald ,.we". II aDd colle e Itudeau,cet! They hue upbold ..he,.....lth.....U to do. 1TlI' "dOa� lleetlD� . tbe at· �.: �•. 'Th.·nNt eer.moa'. CAMPUS LOCALS chaDee �f Itttlnc'la the etaDd- th7 ....la DO Jl'rlda,. . a�d 'com "lee. ","ork. . aU clr" become . Offl��1 The ltaad ' aa". lHM:ure their p.b)'lileal mo",! Leaye m7 mlDd Cree for that .' .bea...1 11 be. bald JIB. ,..bruar"J' ....... .,..--.---.. ...,..-'1 tralnla' by prozy. . Tbelma and Alma RUDaln, fnr Men the ..�k..eDd Jaauary 11-17 at . home la Seattle.. . �d BoY8 we







aero," •












fIJ:" .


January 17, " , A party frbm 1!. L. C. attended a n tt e :; ��;:I; o:eC��:e�I����!7::' of tbe MetropolltaD Opera CompaaJ' 00 ' WedDeada7 nllbt, Januar7 10. Tb�ae 'who attendiMl w.ere: Prof. aDd Mrs. Ed..ardl, ,Slln8 ·Hjermltad, M,. J. U.' xayler and MI? Ph. E . -::==;;==�==:;;:;=.,:;�= H'auce. '" =:::;:;;���§:h:=?4 A e,hange has beeD made . In. the t Girls' dorm. Hereafter . t be c:ollece . · clrla will haYe ;thelr. rooms 00 the lrd floor ..hlle the W,h School clrll ..III be accommodatlid· on the � � second floor. Tbe Clrls 'reCePtl D ;;;; room on 'tbe main .,noo� �.!' been ; � arranced .to accommodate the da,. students. ' u



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Mr.: Oeorla RI,I98 'P" '''''"'_, ' Iroup of ladles at " ""-1 ""._1 da,,· afternooD. nose Mr T, O. STar,. ;Mr�.. O. +. Mrs. Ph.. Haule, Mn. O. P. ebron, Mrs. FadDeN, -Coltum. Mrs. LaoDlne, Mr Lehmann, Mrs. Martin Sande ed' the bo.teal In aenilll deUalitfnl refrfthmeDU at a beautlfuUr , apo :� poln� table. •.



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. .... Facu,lq and .ludent of P. L. <:. baUD, lea.,m were held at Pacific bad· aD opPortunity' Mond.y. Feb. S, Lu.tberan CoUele at �be reluler R mee'tin,1 ��\��.n:.:�:: 7��etJ on : · . , ����ea;r �:� Jk:r·1J::':': ��t :;:� r e Church of America wben he "lIlted tor tb_ t�t eonr�rklaDd as pre-arransed. ""III mID"t.r-a rr�eDtaon e�lber Iide 91 the The president ta 'on ,.111t b . Dt l b e e . ' . .peaker. ... uaed Ib.t ::e ��:���u�::-�t pae ��:�: ��: .�ve��t��e and . "T:�:acoma. HII "lIlt to pa,rkland w I����S,o::'o�·��][ur�;���W°clg:': United Stalea be amended .. . e "Y In ll\e Interest of tbe I ' ' · ::: � aad such tblolS. But, ror ehurch reIUl�::��� �::;:I'; I!: [:,�I:t I fifteen yean of ase." The church was well filled MOD. :O���e:nIY,;��ee;��:r::�p::tlvelY Penonl under day momlns, many people fro� Inl!lgnUI�ant th of a per ";::o:tl:: :h�! �=ttment Parkland and leTeral from Tacoma �ent; a11 ollr t�r�-tour. scbooll', churcbea and larse nu�ber of contestant., belns (�:nl�:�::d::c;2::'r) O. J. mI1:1:;0::�.k ���t b: :r�� :n�� I atrom thll number. rof. Ph. fO. ed l I Haule, debate coach, heleeted prayer. " There are," Mr. Oyen .tat- team.s-aUlrmative. · al}d "two klod� o! pra�er, pettt�n . three lpeaken to eacb P L. C WINS FR . OM aed.�d .lhaoli: a,ITIIlI'. or theae w�. aen- sP.8&kers were Judged 00 consider ooly tbe tint. The F,ROSH· OF· C- " P S Lorally powers' . . -ord'a 'Pray�r Willi pointed out .. of ar,umeotl"e aDd ability to. O� of the MOret Exciting Gam�. the perfeet praye7, as a pattern ability . portaot detalla ror aU prayer. of the Season.. Played to Pose the hleb ICbool l _ � a_ CIOtte=- � o� �_ OD� ��J;:le'�h���:;t o ::�:-. �e:· ' . ruerUe Fo"o- a:- C.-�A, P.III"�-Th" I-- T'. �,'J'<I- - o' -,b._ -Commu." '_ .· · einS't hl!1T �'r-al1elc-talt1!1lt \\:o� You. and _I.:' _ae"lC>e r,' . rlfJt.H! o(_t.�e, l . .' ItJOWO" to be a «Teal OOd-'ITe� w taken .uP wltb ' «arne of tbe lIeason , the PacUlc was n.tel': I"er aod . M.rraret . prhllege. . But,_ �! II e"en more, la·cobsoo. . 10�I T. A, report.. Tben ch.rlthe Lutheran Coll�,e lit quintet de- said . Mill!! Parr. It Is a respoDII· Thee atudenta are ,11 Inesper- . or the Co.l!e,e Of . tiel beoeUted by the fund. are .able feated tbe C. P._ S. Frosh, Friday, to man- lenced In matter. of debate--buto elimln.te' .t�e es.peo e. which. was Introduced to the l.uu-ary 29, 1 9 :6 In the P. L. C. blllty,tofor Ood baa left It to. lepar.te drlTeI would entail; plaoll .klnd lipread hlfl ,?,spel thOle Ins neTer tiaken part 10 Interee"ol- erlnl. '.. tbe. spe.ker ror the pm by a score of 17 to 16. The rame was very bard �� �:�e h�:: ;��I:;a::�TIC�. plea wu aulc acUyltiel of thlll kind. with ;::nblll:�:\'!��!�n:ft: l:d:�:;�:n, �o:: 1�:dco��:ftC!:I�rn �� ��t::taw� e OO Of r throu�hout' · Iri tbe 'lrst hllf e Into the ler��lature, wevented. Fln�bermore, the Cbell !::o ::::;:" al lu=:t��:tes:nDe�::� tr�uced . �dang number byon Nthe Frelll1m,cn bad tbe e d«e over �:e The ' 'ollo At-·the coodlllion of hili �al][ bullda community '"plrl� by �e.llns lna :ar' .tea�. �:W I!.IJ · UY8 m�eUo, VOCAl duel Lutheranl and were ahead at the . pro,rlm . was adjourned. The delewith people as oelsbbon .r.ther � ;;: : . tloS 1e;1. catel upon leaTln, were met at the than f1I 0 t end or the period 11 to 6. The see· Elde and Betty' Slephen�on, accom- em of TuloUI creedl . students wlio or c1asles.members . o��. .balf the· Lutherlns came .back plnled at.the plano· lly Leola Ha,en. T:: :IT�:�·�e:laC:: leTeral by oor d · : 'n:�� : b!: d I 11 mllslon hymnl wer\. lunc tea bulle- �urlnc tbe year .- 1915 . the ComIl'IIl not be selected until ;�t�o 16 �Int� �ore� !�=U�:r:ef::: I bySeyerai yet, and mun1t· ��:: ����:�e� �::y :::; members bue Itudled . ' the Unal ':hlltle, when Ruddy San- tbe .audlence, and after ·prayer, all �� T ' . m aldea. ot.the quetltlon. denon IIcored. a free shot wblch thl! pleetlng.adjourned. · .�" lb. Lulb .... a ool., 19d. � · . The playln, of S. Olalllo, wbo G'11'I8 BasketbaII Sh00t·ers Invade. the North and Play Fast and Close Games I h.. boe. "'....... bl, 'o,me< be,rth on . the team. Ilrenc!,.l!ened . The Paclrlo Luther�n Collere1rlrl WooUe>:. The IC!lre wal 24-20. IIM[lJ:si;�:LC4)i1Ei tbe P.' 1... C. Iquad. · The" entire first team'( left" Feb. 6, 1926, tor After tbe same, �he team lltayed team '';orked very hard puurllc up atsbalket ball trip to Sedro Woolley, w"ltb endl of the' colle,e hi the belt p&SIlng Kame of tbe sea Burlln&too, and lurroulldln, coun- Jlngtoo. diY, Saturday. .Iee·-ted .. the Ion. . Coach Ed'Artbur· e:.:preaaea ·tM tq.· They 'pllyed ' 8edro Woo�ley ruary B, the. team playeel ' R...H".·_ I ·-��--·.··opinion that hll team IfI "on. to F�b. 6, _Burllncton Feb. 6 , and two ton HI, �ool . team. Tbt. lbill year :'ThetbemselTeI" .nd ·wUl be tormldable otber ,'mel are t!l be played wblcb was allO marked down al a d�feat presented Glrl." operetta , , . . b.. <). opponeolll the remainder �t the lea- ha!8 not been , de'.loltely Icheduled.. for tbe ,Irll or P. L. C. Tbe col- edy- Io .1Th& tl! ' , arna Dlelo. State Coller8 Rooten turned out In tull Tbe party. ac�paoled by Rn. lellanl :'forked. b.rd a nd played. a .n Ameriwocanacrlrl, conce a" orranlatlon ot Collere who, ' "R.mltad rlrll coach. Pr eeldeot O. Tery ,ood pme. The two foryrarda, Ins 1 0 Europe, eaten h1 . , force. to' ad-verttH �be ,rowlnr J:.,Ordal, and Mrs. L. B. �ler, .nd Aroel �elnon, an ellch� IT8 ,trlfl' acbOoI. Here Ibe . Polly Lanrlow Tbe lineup: . of San Dlero .State Col. L.. . C. . precept real. I!ft rl d ay � Nina n �rnl gu.rd , .E1�.e, aDd Cbr!&t1ne ; III m llltaken to; another rlrl. aDd les� and to acqulot t�e �ple with P (J. P. 8. FTMb ( 2 ) Collum mldlt the oheers o� tbe Itudeolll Knutzen · Jumpl,nr center , all. play· F Kepka (4) lor adno- tbelr . c.ollese. The Boottere, CI�� " full· of ..IUD' and 10.,. fF ( 4 ) Sao�enon Who .were . a�1 out. to bid them . a ad a pme wort�y ot mentJon. T�e belnr Platt ( l ) up to llJe p.rt. Tbe will �old b"n�ueta .nd ,la"lta lIro�· play ture " ' )' OIauo succeufu..t .nd enjoyable trip. flo.l lcore ot thlll r.me wu U-U, IJUnl'olhe C'" I: C · U Roeo (10) l d..-Ic.le.d., l with dea the .m.ny Inent:b�oeu men, localthue ItO Y Wenoa The team wu ,1"'&0 luocb Friday t( was re.�rted that poor referee- hum�u comliUcatlooa tbat G Flu ;.rlie er'll and collere melqben, brl!l&Genr,e Laoe of Stanwood 10' wu prenleot In both pmel from thlll Ilto.Uoo. . Krledler .by Re". Smith ( 1 ) ' G . .bout a clONr rel&t1onah)p 10, patly trom there conttDued played...:...:,. aad SubaUtuUona Co' P., S.: CUUalo bd the8edro haa begun resular amonr tbe co�le,e .tadeat. Woolley for the tint Tl:ie rlrl hue nw.orted huln, 'FIle chorul for PI.tL ::m�� practice on tbe lOOp, whleh .are of promloent mea. . ' m h m e � BONQR ROLL ' ANNOUNP:D In tI�1 pme, tbe rlrll met ele- � :=::I\� �D�:::n t ::;; :�: :=:ra::nth�: ':� :n : , 1 t Te P d t o the �o:r !::C:Ut�:; 't�: w�':: w!abed the belt ot luck I. their yet, bot tin,l tr10ut. tlo d�..:·I� �:.. :: I;' . aec ��:te�: � h.�:t : ��: . · qOblUlCed. tollon: ... unable to curb the .,.Idory ot ��o rem�1 p.m�. te. �� � bee:: " . �r:�r e::rIY P.� b .. Lr.r.ERAR,y 1a belne Ua..W1l by. '. � NOTI�El . SOCIETY . Ed....Irda were weU . !ecelT�.a o .,'luch InterNe =.".:: �y. ' . hO ·· AlIeUe Dabl. -' . GIVES PRQGRMJ �':'::�:!e�:; ' ':��I�. ab rt :! ::�be: :!a�-:n� ;� ;r:. .!!::. Comic Du�bers ·featured tbe "Ora· p�p.crlnl tor. tbe d-epart"ea" �:::.. = �, lloo l ., :. . maUc �7 'prO,ram J"r1d&y, ; -' -, Un..1 u M: Hauke. Reuni�n postpo�ed , ; . B4i .. ......., ......,. ..: A 0.. ... i A- -ND·" . · . Id. B",••dl.. . colDedi ¥8k1t':'. d;PI� the trla.la � C �_ , � . . Pro .f. I. U. Xu..r lpoke 10 Ibe SlrDe lijermatild. or.eoarull" ita,. w.. acted by NlDa i " : ,,' Vef.eran� 8Q1pl1&1 at camp Lew" until graduation · 1I&1'7·Bol..... . '. BId., "olI:a Weise, &ad .Joha Stuen, -:'� Monda1. Feb. 8,. Onlbe �plc:' "We ZIls'eDe Bolt. �I � U Chmt Be II� o! Sboald .,... .DaiaI aDd a-iha . O*n . AltJl,v b*'-. p . . Tb� .1&D Uter&r7·DraIaa� -so:- Wb.....r W. Are.,' , .. uw. IItk &114 act8\l uw... � ':., . " r� from � Book ...... . ; det7 �.'" at�7:11i p... --- -:.. �Oj B.IbMIl IIapIL .- for-:· date · later. . . ,..u.. ...._ . ' '"s..Uq. a ____" . ....... _.- . -, -.. ,• . - ,..." .. u......... ....r.u... - o lac Ute .or ... DJII'OU' �oIfd .... .. f tM P. L. 0, .... plq to .. wara � . N� �. aDd aQ cnate; ..... br a.tIa ...... MIll � � ,lAathr CeIUr4 ilaat Ute PacHkI' � ' :""':::'';'':, . �. ' . � ... _ ,oIJo!i.ooi ., . � .r- � .. - at_ .:" .. .. _ _ _ . ...., _. .. ... .. . ., . <, . , ,' --- ; ,ll- . ,. :::.a:.t�, � " .:� =:::. ':: ;;;; bT�� . . :rb �u...1 t-f,L. ..,.:. I . _..,...:....._.... .., _ ._ �� - "-::'-! 'two � � .. ___ � 1:.... .. ", -� --:;:... �

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THE ' MOOalNG �ilA.T ::�.�!IP1"









P:'� &.�rl85rJ��� of Pac:ltk: Luthe Coil . Par.lud, WublaatoD.

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... "' Qo4 . "';" .............. . .......&an4 . ..... - 'J'qt . .. -.-. . .. . .. .... ... ... �_ ,;." �JiH"· r&. ... � . A .. . ... \ U ed 0.1"",107 " .. . THE... �� R� U ed: � ca� U6 U ...... � �:::�!! .. , .., ... " o, .. . .::±= ." .. eo. d , ... .' ' " .. . c .. A ... . b-:- : ' . ' . .... .. . ll - . ceu .. p ... : ine ll .. seeli. ... l .. . .. c J>OSJ ( .•' ........ .. ............ ..... . . l : : "' ': \\� ..... A. . .. �. bo l . . . 1 ' .. ed..... .b·r I� ... .p la himself � �� a d r ... I :...." " " ,: . .-.. . . . . .. pas.�� i� SOlaU • good d ' ' ' � � . 1!1�� Ir ... � -. ,. ';io Ule l l==:;;;�;;�;;:;;;���:;���:.;:�=� �. . sla qn Jjon ... God, toOk t.;;�;;:;;:;;;;;�;;;; re·I::-!ft! - !. ..... .. n;-.:::.· aIl4-� ...mO��ii;,. . ;OU....... ... " : m hi .. Vietory n i bi and ,... l�!!t7 . -- --- - - - ' t.'.m Un!:oIn bad ... _ hooeety lO���r:-�!':r� 'hia� raitJa, JiP.� �,.='=:'-;-� " " . =:I8..=u. .. k....,...A W;ubIogton u ... �n���=Taeo:=...=ll �:;;:==z:;'�:· _ :n n : d, d. :; �=:;== =;::=� �=; '=��:';.:.."::: ':. ��""�.=� ' . ..... � BeaUty-SuggeStionS ..... .. --8,..kt ... I !: � TBB VT1' =::'::' ::-J.� ...., "';:...,� . _ ;: ' ....: .. . '- ' _ .. ....: � .. � ..... �-= ; .... � �. ..... ":- --..-, --�-- � -




S'�IPUO•• ODe 4011ar .,-r 7M1'





ft. TMr-lllg ot JJ!OflFtpb,. 1,.


�.rlf..d. ·

' Prl.dp!�


adot I_ t�. Educatloa, Hu,'erw.!t. ·

6r1��oI00'. Parmelee.

. ,._. V'e



Etit.lea, B, new., ,aad



1!. .�.







O.r So_ua , 4••rlcan rJel.bbQ",

't, BJ 8o.�....ortb. Entered u .eco.4 d IUtter. Octobel' �. lUi. at lIa. �t oUlce Sla_, Oreat Cttl. of tbe Dlt at Parkland. Wublaato•. ••••r the Act of Karch I, 1It1. \ 5o�Ui." .. Kram.r. .. No'nll"\taerl•• J ' Ru...l 81U'�. · STAFF . Tbe N•• World. BJ Bowm... tad M tl a H\ C &l .

;rcnPblt.�. ���!. t:U : s!:.� l lJe;;:iGel ;me t Myron KreisHer St.� t orJ or . th.· nit .... ' �PO,",� . . , . '\ ... ,JJ 'Ob.ltnJn., Irene I?ahl. /ohanna Rasmussen• Luetla Sv1Oth. E4 Arthur. SIP ',olum �n pt �, y�!t� st!t,.. A?deno�• Leola Hagen. , H0- ... 7 yolu.... DJ Jam.. s Ruth P:-dness, . . . r Ali . . � �, ord J\bod... g ��or Ma��;� A.ssociate. EditoF


· ..






8uuqea l\ fanager Assistant ' - u � �r Circul4Uon �laDl



__ "


. JlV8� STAFF . • .






tni t�e,.


D' tlu'-llr Til. �orJ.

. �OrA:LTY . . . .. ...., ' .; i� fa aimpll aDd -.om••bl' patheUc. It ... . " '�at !� . lo>'aJt�? i\.ccordi�s to the best defl�lhon I . �n conala� or a race. A. onl mau rae••



'�.� .. ' . SOCIETY nv D ATE UDU .. CH()()Sa ! PIN' .

_ ._ _ _ ._


_ __ _ fIIf Htil �

1.:'' bb1.

'; ri

"r. Ho••r4 8o,J'IIf former .tuoat 01 P. L. . t,eadl•• tb. ' Qf W,!lUpat9n. . .,.....--,-IIr. lolni rref.rock. p, L 'A .1JlI- '11- '11. �Ut4 reeflnU, In C.IIJOraJt,. •b. b. Il�' .oae to repia IIJI b..-tb. Hili bod, .u · 'or bu�.1. He ·s.,U" tp t ll • • bro . Ia DUnlyed b1 bla' .Ite an� a �

",J la

b�I!J.1' arkl••





ka. 14 �Y. !�perl�t••••ot I!, Alu '


" at'

_ _ .

• · �•• . ,.. ,D!I u._ �, ult hck'" CD.� M �.pt. W"".ta.. . ' _ .

l ' -, . t,! �mU ' .," uire lPf.u.. 4 � Glvea Peder Sognefest •. he4 q Al'� O �n . a..,.rt tAt s.Olety i. �:;P7: �H ::.: n . A !J'AJL . th THE 1'A'LB / n ' Ar .� -:lQ.8 . 'kde ).ID" /$l tb.t .ute-d.fU1'I• • 10' 'Nte P. L. c. l)ebatl1)i: Bodet, for LlbbJ, �cN.I! ••• LlbbJ' t 0.1 Rulli' Boo, Ruth fadn� � � ' . IUDCl ..ID.11d .ltll tb� '....l�U�. . ' of llleir .y pluta In' Aluka. He . 0. a ta. tly I.d a bllo.cb of � CIlO ln -a pi a for til. m••bln .-.ld• •Iib il .t.te of .dol_. . Beattll, . 10 .i 0 •.tta n certain dlatincUo.. ID J. Stuen JOuo.· colle.e . cbuD! · Into, aome' • .

Adveill�ni. �!��Ilors:

Faculty Ad,iMr ' . . _




!� !Ct"- I I__

. . • . �l.�.�_ 0' It" 10 � (Mf'*l II ,Ill �to � ba" 0' -.,. "b �.o. . ,0 �"r � o.r jejMt!ne t I ael!'n:l�t- to loa. at �1 tnl . �tedl !o9 4��t _�., . � COD-qa_t. ·J.I.t !to. I Ila,!, DO, ,. of M!UUOR-IO loa, u ..e call " '" th• •plrlt or Cbrlat .,Itbla It • . . I MU"e tllat tbe d!J 1a eoml•• •Il.. .�J �, a.d .Irl III tilia Iu. wUI Ila tll. p"n,,,. � ••der .oat ,." ble elroaaatuc;. of '...-pia, ute ° I . oJ 004 ••� OIl!1at "-n· p� ••II. ' .


CtlllJlttttM "',.,.'

�� �

d.�tlnl. A eolll,mtttec!!: tor ���t.1J plD ..qd .•peerf;I•• Q)aaUncatlona. !"8I ,ppot�ted aud tb. Soc:lelJ up. �uJfD.oual' a cc.pted tllalr lubm la. aJO!!-ll: Tb. pin \a Of .t.ru... ·�lh.r ?:ved, 4n OpeD book. on .hl b fa IUI ;pd "�;nl " . l.m. t�. � 111 �,: la inp ot 1�1I Membera of· t�. Debatln. SoclltJ .�� ta).e· part In ,..rloua. e,enta receln • certain rl1'm�r ot . P91 ' 1A


¥r. ':Tbeodor. 1aD4. ah . lldl �t or 'U .od 'J4. �aUJ ,.t.tted tbe acbool. At PNIM'Ilt IIr: Bteula.d t. a\&ylo. at bla r.aeb In Redmond. W••bln. OD. . . . , . :.


,. Img �oyalty IS the WI lling. pract�cal ,nd thOtou�-I{()ms devotion .r . ratb.r; a O,ne do. race. Wltb l when. Il'8t. �e .has. some tbe abaYe meatlo.ed ....Ielo". deof I}. p:rson t.o . a caq�, A m�n .ls l9Ya t . cause to whl� he I� loyal, \\!h�� secondly. he wIll 1l!g1y and lire. !.!Or.ckan:· tbl �e tramp 0 hIS � Use: and ,,:hen. thlrdly• .he dOli ••s u. .arilJ •.��. pleca thoropghly .devotes .hu�se.lf l7./ P'rlend.blp and coopfratlob m�t hea l way. � aec rU' atart .ltll JOII. It'a Jour of strln• •n' • •ood .I� caD .�r. . · expresses, hiS de,·ol!on .m 5O!ll P!8 'fN!re are many kmds II of loyalty. There IS the .Iao d de aelud.. Tba r.ce was .u,. mo•• llrat ' dev�UO':l .o� a patriot to, J'tis countl')':. . de,'oti�n 0f a m�ty� .Dou..h to .tart �.t tbe HDla ? -\,rc.IS fIr ':'l : C,.cke" lot tbe lead b1 .bout to illS religIOn; tlte eJIlP oyees enthuSlaslic d�vohon .t0 h ' If'o cO,Jint Su.cctu .bil. 10ll · tblnk , , ,Ulr� feel acd man•••d to malntal ."�b .. ..- ; ' ot taUure 91MD. Ua�t ,ou will ·be � and the boastful devotiop. of a �tydent to hiS .school. . · _ The wo.rld· �way lIerllbera ' 0, • wlnnln. team In • C U bt bJ t�llure .bUe c.buln. sue· .s rewards the Jllan who IS loyal To Det.ter It to ttle ••d. F ter and ' tut�r . , · Illustrate my 'pomt I'll take a couple e.x�mples from real. life. went {be dOli but tbe c.n follo••4 . d.bate Mcb .et 6 poIDU. · certain young .man was �sked �y hiS master .to :work Sl1Jt· 111m ·lIk'e • •b.do.. �e turned aDd Members ot loslnc tEam -,. . In a . order t sa�d. . e� ployer 10 ys cOrn ... . &D' pl,.oted . t or It was nece� to do so, hIS !l J u m e d cut ej�ll4�lId ,Mr. 13. Orlmatad. J e.lllr, da e:.cb .et S' .paiDu ' ' y'o�ng r.n �n declined rlfteen mlallte•.• Wb. · wa• .th. debate get IhrougJt wit� their exceS!! worle. �e miD, out f,!r • de�te·. 2 pohala. on e Dt .nd 1)...... .; . •QI �� Jb. ��!�p(H·�n lou• •pucb. I ' ont. nMr futllre mo"e Into bls : Dew to �ork 0':1 Su��beca� It. was �gal,nst hiS reli g u:� n. On ae- end ot tbls .race? "Phe rullcer . �d I p , the In coYfll of hiS behef he was ·dlSDllSSed and was forc�to walk trneled mUM, ItIII no .oal .u ton Build· n:tc�t pol��' quaun.. a ml1P.ber quartera In tb. Wuhl•• . . e�ploym�nt . 50mewpe�· el�. HIS �pend!!nt �I.bt. He ·m••\. keep OD to tbe lut for , p�n. �•. el. �tb ,nO Pacific. street to , ' PlQth.�r,�me Sick pt thiS lime and starvaho1,l. w�s faclDg hIm, for Buppoae lbat tbln• •bou d e'r.r . T.elJ�" llOlc,- Q u IUI . . mefD.!Mr J\s hiS 1110ney:-was gone �d he pad almost glvel! up all ho� cat b up wltb blm. To m.te a Ion. {pr lbe ·"pelr.e ot n�cor." . u"p YOJ1& !� - (taU) .hort. .OOle 'Oce CQuid �.,.. l,e and offered .him " T "'!t�J.t h'� �4o�r . . t�� b"nk prt:S!dent o� the town ca!l POJ-9t�qU.Ilt1.81 • . WI!!rrec:rr�rtl f . of cou rse stepped Db. tbe Un can .ben tbe m!!!D�r fbr ' t�e " pe. ee ot .£s.celImn as ��hler of hIS ba!lk. The young man w�s �Ia!!•• ' . · Dr. It. _ IbqnkfuJ for thp. opportumty 10 go to wo� but �d he had no strMk ot Jellow :wu paulc.). tbe lence:" . W c... experience a� Q. cashie�. 111.� baqJc. . p�s..deflt thel! . ans�ered fint place wu .w�&rded. to "Crack· . "�;t7. paln!a QU!11 e�. a member , , . 1�'�_I��:Y .. JJt3t Q� 'Was �P Qr tbe "peerJ8 of DI ' , st the Pll:11,l to fIll thlJ.t pos,tion, �onesty IJ.nd loy- era." .11.0• •t· b. eDd .fn.ned blm· t .tln��t �. . _ . -----;aUy are Jhe- �id cliq.rocteri�tic8 he waoted-hlS: �lI}ployee. to- Mlf-mto:- bl. �bo%- ezb.u. ted -;:- HII · · . • ·or er 0 earn fbr ·Uitr .....--o r . ' J� )D he found ?�poD..Dt �a�I , ·dO..... . b� . •0 to. �en�IlC." aq,d "Delr.,.- ·o{ D�tlnc- .1'-;'"';;;;:;...: ....,:.... _:......"............. ; .......:: ........ poMeU. �tt' l�e :rounS m� had I�en, the PO Slt . · . . op! ,hl'Rl!:gb. ,�d.lrect �lIap.,!e.s that m � conversation J>etween uaak. but �� .pparentlJ 1{orn to ,101':' !let�ra! re.rl pi .«I,.e mem. � '. I ,the bppk ' nrestd�nt !lnd hIS former �mployer tqe laue! h!ld. a fraz:&1e .nd I.,. Just olltatd. ·tb. tIe"IlJp In tbp p.ib.tlc. Society la , . '"'''1" yf�!t 4 0.,-...... ! � __ _ ..:l_ .. oqe wbp .1&11... s�en flb9!!J lltls ,YC;>QQg man tbat h� was 1orce� II? dismiSS box. (�ba boy•. • ent trlpptn. n�rJ . T�e!etor ' ! .)-II:. lijlll. QA hiS hOlllc the bank president. Was thmk�pg about merrllJ to tbelr eI to att..,i!1 oue 'ot tbe · . •oat. Muat. �� �A"¥ i . . s�rt !!-"Iy• •blle In !-J1.t!- Scb�l, Plet.�·lrr,&.::tY --'uta.. i this yol1O, ·DJa . q.l!d. �1o� to the ,:pnc1uslon that th!s .young . ·Phon. vain. UI� 'heoma, Wn. j' Jl18Jl was JJ1St th one he�ded 10 ftll �he vacant cashier s JlO� ru:LIGl9U8 JlIDI!OA.'ft�N aud wort ,alf..lafuJJy a!l'd dlllieuU" �

SI.Dllyln.. ·






·:.!.;.'t�.!""'I't'�...!"!'N�. .'..........."...� E881i""'l'Lt.L TO �BNERAL t OU Ollt t�e year., ot sc: olln• y� . .·�..• 0f'�-.- . ..·....·"·· "It II I.mpp lble to d.lyorce 4' . lit prder thQt '" st�dent may derl\'e the most benefil from . . t, P. L. C. . . c u to ; . loyal be · should he III.enl trom on i cat d e lIc10ua 1 'PJi;W PIIPP pqf . . that · essential yery is it his·.!iChool days f . ' ! liis institution; if not· he will find school wor� a drudgery. cation. for In.tructl6D� In the blstory. · e. o �l"!"'" � . . i ' �� t· u. ea� e.ca� tbe. un h· i F rUles arbHrary• .and wilj make th� schopl life rp.iserable for aud d.,..loPlUar ot lIa. buJUau race .Qp"�11!1 . n u i poyertJ ot l mlDt work .e u e of " Ill. ... h total tb. the ea stren� lru:lud .tlld; of' ' lind his fellow st"dents. Jlistory shows thQt , O t o t j :-1 q,a n IJI.b"� of q. nlltip�d��p4s lJpOD. �� 10YIPtv of Hs people. So aJso wl�b tb. experl�u'ee of all ma kin , .bleb bard III o,!r t!.�IY d.n .n d .pend . .e.e Jm . " C!";tbau we earn. I slashc and, loy� stuqents. Many p,!pils In Itse r Include. rIUcloD." aald ·Dr, I l eQUU a school. it . .. .. . ...... . .. ..,...............................-�. . I al when it comeS to big 'things hut fail to show lQY:- Cbarlea P. Wllea. 01 Pblladelpbla, . .. ... ... . · H ..7'.� ..'!!!.! .-'-.......�..'"�........".... ... . .. . .. .'----· " PlunltJ In· 81 eu · Com as I pi tbe far as ddr . . iries . "student 10y8J A things. . · aij>1e IQ Iive ' up 10 lIle adopled. rules. and never does any- .tltuto on Roll••ou. ""."'U.'. h.,d ! &: Steam' Co• . • . . . . thing to Injure the good �� of hl!� scpoo • even. thpygll to. p Jate In �p�Plber In Rocb�t..�. N. � w"Bo� > ·-pro- Y. ' ' . . IS disadvantage. There IS II: i SO may appeJt,f to be. to h PLVUBUiO' 8TBAH 4lJD I(IJ..,L aVPI"LU&" . "We �u.t .ppl;r �I be!t m.thod. H . 1Qjllg gc:MJ4 abo�t @; �r· verb which Says: if YQl1.cannof tUly aJ1� fJ!o,e ",In 1701 ,,0':.9 p,elrt� :,-""" .e . deplI. Boost! teU the people. Icb ch1IJAtJO, ot ,to4!1 • SQP; it is Jlctter. I}Q� tp �y anythi�g at· 'he school Tel" � the ea\1� 9'. rtl'I'ioU. "' about ·the· good thIngs YQ,u meetl m r.oJJr �h901 life. .l _ ' •. . •.... ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;:; ;; ;:;;;;:; ; � js jy-.t ··wll.t yop ITlUe if. Jt shoulCi be the best perl� of _�0'!l' e4lt. IpD• •� t.or tlJla • ps sha� m borr,!,. 'ro� ltle puJ!JI� � • �l�. life. and if is qp' .1Q ��h indiviclwd st4dent �� �o t If 4,.t� !!0111_ '" .." "',.'rI!e!!o building up a g� !lOP . wholesome .lICboo,l Sptr1t. It means .a bp C9�Un·g.ed. "W. ba,.. �o l)!UI�.. great ...., to the scllolo to have a Jpy� st,udent bod.)' and 11 � Had oar �;ra .n4 1rla q,,� ln�





. . . ..


AJIler,iC:lln Plumbing







�l � to tht stqdent �"t he be 'oy�.-P. S.

._'_;;; _; _; '; _;� _'.;_; _;:;;:;;:; ......;;; __;;;;; .;:; .'; ;;.;:;'.;:; I ;_�;;;;; '


��ks�ZP:'--II ��l., '.!:t ��:ec': '



Jlj!dJJerl Prplj', -- '

1306 B�dwa,y , IlA . cburcb to ' open lor AB BAM . . aj,r;r 'la O� JlP9rpa�g the birthday of one of the world'• •,..... to tu tru� tJl,at . .....r)1,bln. Vle ll rt D Inprimary 1fO tile . .. IlDOn �.pu'" un-' t throuJidr'an 'Y�o mRQ "At LineolA· �tesi ia� ' M� BY tqpUED CONTR4CJ' . m;w WO. A PWUJ. ND. tb. and ..tbe eburc.b . tUing' prt to rue jn. -the worid -md 'to tet right in' tile eyes of .Ututl��... . . . . to rooe ry, e evil. polilk:al ali4 ",On.! " ' , Bankera Life' Comp any. ' l�aI (;Od of ,pM criliing and ' ,n n'lhe m",,1 t of !)!e llll!,"" Slail'l i "fI n.. MQ '. II'<' - W""TED · " . C8Il enter-the pen04 0( mtemal t.. ,my -t a,..�,. to' 'linoW' that . . cal . .. pD . . carr,. ' a compl et. line of Th.a� , . ' , _ st l �o.t\lm... a4. KUq�. tr and cal r .rifeAbrah WI,. '!i;/1.... in 'HiI eer over .:� . . �lp �ved � in . worl!DY a!£:"; to, Him be m.adF his report; fro.m 'm .he .:i:' • . 1'411. .11r-� !�44:r::l .;;r= e .Jbi'oU8b '81th . cam ,to Jl.aJl 1111. I . ��¥ Ta )'..,. u loall :ro. his council; he Vv� f,hankJ to ffiJp,� Pf ' '1 .1 atrength I I·. ·· u••�: r::r4= t.--li·-i9Q-·li;.-T ;.;u;.him and gave hlDl che,er m h� clark.fD� eali. pve , ' . gave im momeQts of deapau. iiir l l,t." � if:: �Or, r r �Il 1401 'sal.-. 8en* . �I T ' , - - - -- --'----'----,--------lJI!IIIy 0II'rIIDII yirI�tieo .. verily, M N'.too _ ll;l'� and . f� I Itrive . ; would do w� kJ ;'r..I: . �Jeo�tt;' c�Dtiw.iiii-.i. �: • - C9. f� 10 b,ja .. 'I'o.orrow "'N " Lata . . put it WU d, �· . "





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....,.. . '""" LIWO . "-- · 0' . -. ., _ ...... B"""". . ... - _ . . . - •. . . · no ' ''bw7 ot, _. W_. • ..,-_ ' .... a.n- ;...... ,n. . .. -nil"': 'I. tIM. 1IaIdq, 1. II. "" �. , L.Uwr· COUep �: ' Tb.� . .

. . ..




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.,. ... Ubnr; "'_ t..a , ..... ' tna, ....,. : .. of Sd1lCadoa. B� . ... ... .......



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�� ' �of��� � ��� ��������=r.� ��theme a� eualas'. pro r.� 11, � oulf




CIa yOU llaa,ial! TIle cODSamDOr.


ary e!TtllzaUPD claM llu two bop I" It �Dc! � [!tt Q' '!rla! E .,er , olber day .!: I: U tb.! Cia..: cpp.i-r!,at.. h: us 1tl!1 lod,. t�. �oor. Tb., d,� retul. t� &1,.. tbe r .euoa - :ur. tbe pr�auUoD. �


�prlDI la. com�l! We .aw pll..Y ...lIIowa Ye&ter4ar-&lid tbree . cOllples Itroll�ol lr.lcklq.;poat-.ard -aod "19!da Id t�e 'e!d"-Jod Iota , Qf lunlhlne.

• �



R'_ :rb� �ld. �rd.r ehajaleth. LIDeo'ln " UB� (0 ' ..alk a mile ..tor .. Ii book: .Yodern l- men .an • 'mile ' for. • C&J;nel. _ ' \Vblela nualnda lIa of tbe that mo.t ..omea keep tb.t Ilrl co�pl.!IOtl In tl?-�I! ",!ail),


Yeti, "''' are soured on this · "'orld. So en�stb the' '!te. .





P. � � � Sa de .o i 4


- �---�- �'i'-'!. � I- Br,ookd�

Co�tu� tl 91uso 11 W.noo Kreidler · Sub.: Ortlnl._ Schrock. ( I O_ • t01'� .' Kkk 'or. Strankma.'.

� . n .. Alao ,., "': � _ �a



¥� Rriler . �pflDI tile "�b. 1-1 �l ber .tio�. ·In 8e!ule,





Tbe P.cttlc Lutheran ColI.Ke flnt team defeated OrUn.J-Htlb School . S.t .• Feb. 6 , IUS • . In' the colle,e IYm b1' • loore of 87 to 1 5. The I'a""o W8.I 1'er;' r"l',ed ---,---throulhout. Tbe bo),s rOnKbt h.rd. RtKb point manVtor tbe Collel. ' J:i"Ck : I'm .fr.ld, R!ltb. I'll nenr lana .... �ad.rson ..Illa 14 polnta lee 1'ou I'D b..ueD. ut ! s;:ott. what h.1'e ro� f9r prUDI ..!tb fI polata. ! be _ : . ,�I:� "It'


;' n4 Aillerl ""rtbar Bru4-; nt�.r ', I\ia"deqtt of P. L. �,�tere4. 'tor tb. MCOpd . .

to relleye "ll I, fOdll�" ... ' made tor .b'O'C . -1'beIP'• •�fl Alma Rup D1nl Tl.-- CommuDtt)' Cbeat • . to ' �\I"_ tbe cbarltr work amone tbe . Ited �b.Jr. JloJD,e I� Seat U , . 'OD . qJ lb. copam"Dlt)'. ' 4-..., .Flll br"ar)' 7' ' ; . . .. P'ro� the "urtoD Krelda,r. wbo fa alt�od" Lq W��tDlt'01J_8�te ColleS•• ' 111 � , .. told � of the "Corlnthlana. Chapt.r ylalUq frlea,.· aDlS feJaUna aDd XU",r took bla text tor a ' f. 4. C. wet)l:. � �Ik On Pr!",�.b. , Tb• from of tJle later. aprapl . the� Jt'ell-kDq�n Qiqn - r.� ,.,ia ducrlbe4 !��er, _Tbe .preP.il'!tlo·� for ' raee-:-the lteeD rlnll')'-tbe eDdur� tbe · hard.�lpa eD" a He�drlcben .of . 8UYert9n � Deceuar)'F.b, 8. eouat�red--and the IN.t hODon • 1'laltor ..t P. L, C . the Tieton. '!Bllt '!'.. .. . • __ ..14 Pr,!f. Xulsr in B. E . _� fl'9� �(;),r.aented bil, eoncl�llo�I, ".re runS. · plct",r., trq� th, �Ibl.... lenerel by. .n In Ireater rae•. O�ra nep. ,,'PeJ !I.� 11.!le and n.tllre �u!l1' �n tb. ch r.d�8U, I,,,d.nt of ..taa I. th� I'reat- prlTHele. .. runDera of _ l!IJ�D!kr .,.el1;lnl! Fetr. J. Colle.§� de�rt!D.pt apo�e qn ' .. Cbdat to brlna. tbe\ U"IDI 1n.P;81 ' USloul .�d Social lAte .' p, L. . We 'h,n • lonl tbo world. She a�0."e4 boW' th�e two pbaaea dirtiCDlt .collne. But .lt ia .tbe collele !He :-•• the .lll�e.t J� bla Iloriolla' of r.cel. " Run )'l?lIr pr.epar.Uoo ,or IUe. . . and �" a»d· ,Ir�. :,,!th . eL.dur.dc:e Tbe Ttlolt1' . wltb p.u�nce and tile r....rd Ib.1I •. Pb_ pOUd or ....r be.youn. ----'--�I",.I" R'P-pIQr, ¥�. I. ¥, anc! ..n_ J. 0. Ed..,r'� 8!DI . 10nltl1l




tit at lbe �l1al.beD �lltb.raD Cb1lreb. 1)c:gmp.. 11;". ' il�I!ID" ��!r.!. o� 8!,JJ�7. l�";u�� ·si. 1:hlll I�"'!! br ' m�bera of 1 'I!d '�1!d.l!lJ o,t · eran Coll.ce. P�dfie' Lulb bod\ . . Prot'euor Ph. E. H�lI!1!I w� prloe1paI �ker for t �. nenID�. ' d r � :, ta I - Bull�ID • . ro�,�, CbU're� ,He .t� tbe l!D' .°r. c:. :o�tanee of bulldtnl a atroDI founa OD f.or tbe eharcb. of t�.orro..-. b)' b\lIl::D� tb. : c ra�ten of tb. � . �r. .God. Word. ia . &rat b.rl.�I.!,. , .... ho.. • uld apeaker, bu.t .... ' "e juat .. lbat It �1Il tHt ,oun r.ore.,.r' are to ·lnaDri! It'. \at.k..pau�IDS ,!C!rk with thl!. ehllrcb ' .01190' f��tor _ ! �.y. In t�e :b : b' f� �n.!J'.DI�. :� o �DJJ mlDiat!n com. ebu.� P h leh0011. . TrIn.U)' . Cburch Choir. . d r:c:!:" .. �d.".rC\.l,




�..- g.,� V.e... .. . ][� � Bald � �




the l_dlDI colleles of' lble aad 'fJ.e· qllotil . 1t a. P 'bH hed ' Chrlatl�D He�ld: "H!!r l �m n'· .ludy. du.le arter four ri l

. ...In fllOU . ""'.... ·


;;;���;�;;!;;;�1I ;;;;�lfr;;; ;; ���;; ��"l rr;;��� Shoe . Parkland





, �U CD,



1 5 1. '.

�. LMe 16 .� =: : .�" : . I

__ __

aOl.b .


KRipe 1




, .KraDp.. . NymaD


_laa� AI.." lbe l'iJ:ht' �o ��l proD" ot :rda"



meDt.. but �1!UIDbei­ � " dolDc





tHt -


A. R. A! DAY SaI!!n' " . Feb. 13·13

FrldllY &iilI



A Savinp Ac:eount iii




Pget sognd' ,


N ti nat-=-· s.nk . E;stablished a


1 890

Tacoma. WasiL' : .

lila :

, � .'�





919 aro�4way

tupt PrIce·



Complete Uae at ..... CIoth� . ... !\'O!I � , .


fllZ ,P!lc. AT.

. --\-'-\ -,..-'

Tbe ImRoulble la poplbht ..ben demand e.lyt No on. 110.0... · ),ollr aaaeta bett.r \baa )'o'lIr nellhbor. h.' IInO"1 yobr But what'l more, . lIabllltlea, .uk h�m .bout t�em lOme d.!l -: It ),OU aNI jeaJblla of a panoD.. It • >

Is the ,. f.ct tb.t )'�u do ·not care to

let tbat persoD become ....NI of It, Tbat prD1'8, ,...lolI.Y '1. Dot .n .d· · ml.r.bl. trait .Dd .bould be &TOlded' .. �ueb. .-.-p:o..lb.l•.

•--'�� �� ���-.----:. I--,-.-:...:-· ,-J " 11 .

•• Wuh.



, lmporte� .,






Fre! 'p!�J"�rr

' .'


'fllCQma, W!lIh. .

II "'t�__"�Ii ' �,


�. '









' Waiwngton BaJdwv-e G.. .


, ,,



. . . . JU8T O� � : ' .






111G-12.Pacific Ave.


fil'",�' ,





� • W. c. .� a- &: SO�� CO.

NO. � MAKE 'iT HAli� F�Jl '�OU .TO SEE




TacOm� Ave. .t. 11 Taco�a, -wash.' .



for Mtm- -'-. . s. an : d Boy' ' ·· ·


. . ' ';,p. .• �lvj.


P. L 0. _




Ii/P ' ''.' . �: I �=�=·��"'�.:::� =:=:::=�.�':..=�:'====�I

O . Knutsen : 8Db. : P. L. y .• J'- . W..tb1' I l"!J)D&Il f�r �opDer, ' . '


Oj)�4wi �ROCERY

w.:: �."...,---�'"

U!4op.��'y t"� �u.e for ·· tbe 10".'" of tbe defeat ... 10, 10 the I7m...,.... h T o ',,:ould not I.t lb. . cell.tomed 9D ·tbe ball In ·lhoo'Ulil. . roult!. pme ... 1',1')' · Th. Uirou,b91lt. lD,dlyidual" ,la1'lnl OD : the part of ��e, QC, t�� ' Lutberan pl.yen ... ..peclallt Doled_ . LlDen..-: ·



ftoUM pf' ..".Ic;.e. wtthopt tI"

� PM rMt9�� flOI lL P. .. . 'I'

::G��j �;;;:;;;;;::;::;:;;�;:;;::;;;!I

P.ctflc Luther.n Collese t.. � loat 19 41J)�r1Cfn \-Alte k! r a e t e . 1��:. i: ;a .::�. :!:� c;o: .

Headqll.rter. [or facult1' .nd L�th .r.o . c •• " ,'0,,. �'t .IIae.We w'd ta

· ..... \.JU �� �=��������·��·��m�a�'� 1 M-".,� , :'I.e & £1;". . Jewelen

1' ;'



_ ........ .. ..

I'.me .... faat tbroulhout. The I Lll tl!.eraoa ;worked 'l"Oletber and i = =. = = = = = = = · ,, · , · · ·. ! . .,,'te able to bit the baa"et· "'lth ,l their abota. BR CO. , Tho II..... GeDehl M� P. L. c. 11 . 8 Frencb �ontlomerY?II.dlaon 107J4 - -� F Parkland. )V.a�. 'F SChouck- 6 , Hopne; I A m.mber ot liT. TAC.OKA STOJt.�s-,.1O 8torMi ' 3 Kransneaa , C Kirk 2 : : .0 Nyman Duthl. __:::::·:,:.; ::::;:::::,::,::,.::,.:::::,:::::::::::::, ',:::::':.:::. ::.::::',::':.:';'::. ::::.:::::'.:::,::::::::':::;:::::: :: ,': : :: : :: : lEUutzon f : :: O . polcrove Sub.: P.. 1... C. C. OIaon lor W. Hopner; P !Jolnetelt for B. Kr.n_l·

Or.tl� 8

. Ama HeD�. a NO�eJIa. b1" birth JI1'8!i .nd ..OD ber lreat_t trh",ID�ba In 1II0-11•Od. 8be b · made . life of lbiMir.'. worlts .Dd loft, Itud1' . po�ra)'I' hJa eber.ct.n. Iln,l,..howlnt - ,reat dr.m.tlqI power .nd , IkUI.

=���l�p=����'�-·�-�·�'���=I-I������i:.����I I,


I .. :&rna


h.' m+·!���J"'-"" ---'U :�'

"�'!&go m�!


¥�rathoa. .-




. .



. .

� .'




"-T C

Knutlen Fadne .. Samuel,on





e a o a �:: �lR� .�::�:. ��.���::� at Nr.. G: P. Knutson baa purchased the Parklaod Barber Shop formerly ope,.t�. by MT. Sam H_OUmao) ," M�. Lnnolos entertaloe / the members 0" tbe Youne Ladles Guild of TflnltJ' Church. at her home on Tuesday netlinK. February 2.

cd Tbompeon and' Muriel Vetten, both • ne_ .atudenb! P. L. C.


Funeral Directors . ' �ptioDe �t.ain 412 7� St:-·HeJehs Av.• Tac

. Se::��l"-at.Aqn �--'-Be�t

. M.bIeIoa. Soclet,.-



- Pr"ldeD t � U c L tia.rl e. _ _ Vice P� lde -M Bide. Tr6aaurer-Peder Ryder. .

Candy, Tobacco

Scoond Year" 'eouea, _d

Presldent":"'SldlieY ·01&88o. Pr d n � U ied Anderson, Sec. "land Treai.�Bltne..HJerin.stad. Clul 1dvlaer-prot, H u e.

let A


r�����1 G.

_ ,



Prop,· .

�h. E.

flf&b. 8cbooL8eDkw •


Clus, :.\d"t1..r-M�. M.

Cahl. t;.


/ H'P'8ehoo\ �more � ' Prealdent-O�� Ordal. Lebma!l'


·��I· FPeWua �


Pre ldent-Thef'ma R-;'nnlllS. , a Ylce Pr.(dent-Ida· Hendel'lIe:

eec..--rr...-8 ... tan.l.j Dahl.

an)- ttyle

Bulton -H.1eo . Button� Covered.


,....-�--'.,..--��" I .�-....::::...:;:.:.:.;;;:..;:��-;. I i 317 S 1137

. •



o Itth









'r.eoma,. Wuh; ..

FioWft'S, Potted PIaJIq · Floral Decorat.lo...




Vice President-Wilbur Nyman. , Sec.-Treu.�Dol'otbT




Prompt DeU"e17


Ad,.taer-Prof. A. W. Ra�-

--:- _.

irt. 111'::=========1: 11 - , 11.50HemOtluhln c


Ad.laer-Prof: O. J. Ed-.


Two�StoretJ � � , Your Servlee




Vice Pr�fden't-ll'ene Dahl.'


LEHMANN'S Dry -Gooa.; Shoes, -Etc.


H. J. Conrad, P�p.



Undor Pal!t.a,e. Theater .

� . �lr Bobbta., � 8�"1.·

. t1'-.\"-o, ....alri�.

1 :7., :::.::==:::g�\::�::::::::::!l fr�������� '11 1il;���


A. Ryder.

Prealdeni":"'Walte� French. See.-Trea.I .-Jobn.




H�b &m�I Ju�r � Clul . warda.


California Florists


Pr eJlldeiit::-Etl , Artl i;:: i , u Vice Presldent-Anelte S«ret'ia'tf iA r n(:'e ' lllng on, � * e: E a Treuurer-Olt"e Sandwick.


.Sou�h T c ll!a

President-Arthur Xnuf.n, VIce President-EIther S,.dow. See.-Treas.- da Haute. E

Clasa Ad,.-lHr-Prot. o.


Phone Madison '

lo'I�t y.,... cOlletf'l· .Dd Normal­ r


, . . Sbe: . "Oh, would .h�Ye to father. Thi. II sudtten! " -The Mirror.

G..ner&! Merchandlae and

Hair Cutting, Bobbing

DCball. iJodeirPrealdeli:t-Aro.t Oyon. ��: =:���U��IDlh' e Serge�Dt-at�Aim�Ed Arthur.



Parkland Barber

�Ian' LtterarT-Dra.uUo. Sodet.,:

· Vlu


-":"'Blue 'an!! G�ld.

Presldent-Johanna Ralmusaen. Vice President-Nina Elde.

. .



'yoU write' 'w

How Sweet of ,l;·ou JOU accept ' •

H : " oul how m.QIlk.a,..f':':

Ir . Ki!O· 18 ,,,,..


a Holmes. Secretap'..l..!;-N na Soperest. I ·Ad.,.r";�\U M. .A.




� Di


Buckley�King COmpany, Inc. . _


P.reeldent-MnoQ Kreidler. Vice President-Rutb Fadness. Secret4ry-LllJiiii, LM. . Treaaurer-Sld�ey Kran&:-

SecretaQ'..7Leola Hagen. Treuu.rer-John Wiese .

Elde Bu l


Studea� Bod)"­



G ."

of Tacoma

-Mt: Halem, member Church, t. a pendlns oper�tlon.


So, K St..

TacOma .

g.� --

, -- - - ' :-:=::-�- '=�=��:;==;:==:::I f'::==:;::=: .

.� ..


604 .


..."".,. .


· Clau Ad_rl.el'-).�: �ra Kreldl�r

' - - PBODUCl'S ­ Perfection in Frun.. V.,.1abIn. Coff� )l:Je. . , - DiItrIbuted by �- COAIIT "GIIOCBRY CO. TACOJIA


': t · ·" .

' Correct_

, FurniBh.q.p :



The Bank

of U

� -. CBlifo�ilia _ •

-" 1 lib

N. .

A. -

.t B....�way. .



- c��.�ittee ftP�lnted · �o 8el�t Delegate"lo Be Sent" to the Luther¥ Students Union : Convention ,


i NO.





�;!:!,�\�f� �!o�S::!:1� ; u Lutheran Quintet in, Lut Game'



The Pil�,IfIC-Lutherall Collese flnt . In a rece�t �tudent body meellns Itrlos' hoopllen 10lt tb.elr. lut. came of tbe leuoa to the Collece of Pu­ -......of Pa.clrlc �u�heran Collese It was . set Sound .F:rolh In a close ·sa"me �d tbat. a d'plesate be sent to , played on the 0jOeUl'a floor Sat­ . lbe ,Lutheran Students Union, to ,be urday, Febru·ary O. . held Marcb 191 In . Moorbead, Two weeki as 'the Lutberans 2 , Minnesota, This ,.dU· be tb.e ninth I olaJmed a "t"1cff:,ry over tbe· Froah here but the decRilon waa reyened a�llual con.re88 of tbe Studenlll In lut Saturday'a 8ltme. SORle claim ·Unlon. tbe· boy. were unaccustomed 'to the At theae' conventions delegatea or ut from Lutheran scbooll from all �:�: �\:U�!� b��e;' I::��:t t�:; parta of America are pr�en� Var­ "juat soins 10od::' loua aubjects Ilre dlacussed · auch as . Theweren't final atrulgle waa wltneaaed tboae pertaInins to religion, !i'duca­ by many ,enlhuata,atlc�rootera. and lion, Ilnd the financillg of MisaloDJI. their cheeta never 10lt Toly-me thru· Thla will be the first t!me tbat P. out the cloaely contested match, The L. �, will aend a delegate to one of these connntionl, p, L, O. . A committee at five students, AI· (Courteay Tacoma· . F ( 4 ) Sandenon fred:--Anderson. Marguerite Folco, The final Same. wltb the Collece at Puget Sound on. "Feb, 30tb closed the suc�t!ll baaket F (6) Collu.m Walter Frencb, Mildred Hanao·n and tbe Lutheran quint. Mucb credit Ia due coach ed Artbur for bll unralllns. Intereat In the C (8) Olasao -Yl!lbert Ny�,!,-� b� a!� led.�team, . �R ... Weraon. lia e l to y t � " t.Qo: confer wltb the lacul. Row OeU to rlcht): Ed Arthur, coach; Bert Kraosneaa, subsUtute center: Arthur Koutl:eo, cuard; Woodlnc G Kreidler ' a deleeate .t.�. J!!... .!ent to_this con- A.rUpper thur Waraon, &1lU4; t.Ura4n.4A4aratUl . -b , ..,a_IMUUIWoaI d�v1ae alia tbe way Lowei , . ' 'rention and toralalos row: Myron Kreidler, pard: ·Carl Coltum, forward: Sidney Glauo tor tet; Rody SanderROn: , C, P" �., MOlicomety t\"lr R.e;, tbe neceasary ward: .Lyell Kreidler, lIubatltute forward: ' and means or , Platt ( 1 ). tor .YIoodlnC: WoodloC money wblcb this u.udertaklng will . for Montsomery 'P L C , L Kfflldn ST�fJ�:reJ� COLLEGE DEBATE �,:��� Banderson, A Knutnn for � ��� T�TiOua dll�a · treuurers b� Arctic Exl!lorer GH TEAM SELEcrED AlthoUlb tbe aecond team bas been Inatructed to collect many Heard m Tacoma h. I t t from thelr c1ua.. to be lent to Tbe 001 .beld a Yery bill:! tllace In tbe , �ll� �d -: p!::� Studen�, �nlon Headquart:ra. �he Students Bear Roald Amund80n ba: �t :�:�:i e�: eye tbis, year .they dMene dent by mak ns "Stunt Ni,ht" ooe Membei'e of College Boys' Team Itudent Students' U �lon :uPPtrt� t r:e .1 u- Give JIlustrat.e1,1 Aildreu on of Ay�gements for. ,,0 1..1 credit for . they hi"'e ....or�ed eTenta of tbe achool Chosen. tberao Mal I onar es n b are Co Attempt to Reach North ' ear.the bluelt hard on tbe tralninc t1oor� and hue Debatei Begl:l R by Tbe· reaent student body t n u h is o r . rlty or confe oU� "fk:;or.s In the maJ �oted, ..t a Papeclal meellng held . Co.ach Hauge �, �� � �;�:te::: gl�� �:e ::11:; � aye , gamel p . � t t r towar4 tbe aup.port at thele mila· Captain Roald . 2 Amundaen, lbe : ; : ��, � [ 5b : O = �� : := :: � . .Ho�ors, tor tbe wino loS at a poal. I a t a bI e r lonarlel. . Moat of t e Lu eran noted arctic e:zplo�er and dlBcovert!r tbe eollese debatlnc team ·PACIFIC· COUEG-E . .under�':ay to m'ake It an even: tlon onfinally Ich�ll support tbese �,drl"fea��. one. of .. South Pble, ,1ecturlnc betor.e oow awarded foua--college Inc of Inappy tun-turnlahlns froUc. were hund�ed per cent. M�ch entbullaa: a the large audience In the Central bO fo I, c tbe decldlnc try-Gut . SENDS CHALL�G� Y onHowln class Is to ·presento an or- held . churc� of Tacoma, Friday S'iEacb' atunt was sbown by tbe "'lItudents In tb ' bruary eral 6th, F e 1 !' S Y nal the . f l The which nnture Collele of Seattle tlu' u.ndertaking and accordl.nc to r&- Lutheran ight.. Feb. l�."r, drew the ,.whole ""Ill be Ilep�· secret until tbe per. weeka of enthusiastic e�4e&"for on recentl,Pacific i!lued a challenp 'to th� porta p, L. C, w.lll alao go over . o�e nhearted adJll lotere. l ratlon l t at and the part at all eolleslanl to saln Pacific Lutberan Collele; to meet . ts mulc fOT anee Pre-curtalo a . bundred per cent. . Tery one prJaent: Regardlesa or and� ' will be other teatures , or a ·PIace on. the t�am 'culmlriated last them In.a dual debate In· .tbe near At this tlme the Studentl Edlttlr- olhe ttu�avy rainfall 40 or ,more tbe enter inment F�lIowlng tbe Thunday wltb the' ano,ounce'meot of tuture. . They aunested a' sublal Association. . alao holda III fourth membera at the student bodyl.J&nd program a e aOd�1 will bO-.held the .winners, jed �'Concreaa Iball hue power to Annual �on"t"entl:n, .an: ,"� M�::� facultY "\,8ltended tbe lecture. inlereat� and many IItrong o�errule Bupre�e. Court · <!-eclilon..a" "Much Editorial will e raa ' and Tbe date of�· "Btunt Nlcbt" 'Has poln ted vividly wltb pboto- been · He deplc l ban been iscovere thru l � . � bu� the Lutb.eranl will rda aet eTenlns, at Sat tu!ed at tbe Lutheran studen� Un. STapha Marcb and a n,ot uneloquent. robusl � the untlrl.nc teaearch of those atu· · meet wbetber them on· lhat topic or' not Ion CO,nference.' Addresaea w 1I be alep' by atep of the liard 6tb' Thle proeee at thae e�enlng dents, . T ne tour beat·'pe_i.: e ra choahaa not The Cblld yet been decided. siven on atudenta' pU��lcatlon�i a� voIce, t u alI. Sb men slon In and at fou th� ��� � �� �! · : ;:�� � ; ��� � �: � { : ,n �be collec!,, by, debat!" coacb, r queatioq . alao Labo may be eon. l work on at C e the n ed Ie the "fit . alrplanea into tbe trozen un. E, Hauce are : lfury Klel, aldered a suitable .lubject tor Luth ran Studenta Connntion Prot.t Ph, dlscualed. . t""'! kn.own wastel above Spltzbersen and. tbe with and Oyen Artbur, �d debate, .\rn '19 , Moorb:':-d, . at March on . th, Minn., . ' Artbur Knut.&en alternative, In Thll openInc of forenllc relations heroic fight asaloB.t �he ;-Ol&- I Mra, Ph. E. Hause entertained, :mtheir ents. to · keep their one remaining cue one . of tbe. apeakera IB wltb Pacific ColleSe fa hailed .. all al her bome . on ,he afternoon, plane ' fro1Jl crushing of srup t!:l e ,unable to debate· main NORMAL COURSE at tbe appptnted other mlleatooe 'fn ·th'e· procreN of : . Fe�rUary %3. a 5TOUP of frlenda In (he Ice. . time alternative will he pre- aebal_e .(\yaclfJc Lutheran Collele, bonor of Mn, Gearse Henrlkaen, at Capt. Amundlen was Intr�ueed . OF C r .S TO BE pared tbe to lublUtute, thua no Croull_d . . 8l1v'erlon. Tboee prpeent' were: M,n. by Gov. Hartley who e:ztended a DISCONTINU"ED Ia 100t thru uneqnal. represElntatlon, Mr. Alfred 'Andenon Ia · back · to ' . q-. .J. Ord.&I, Mr.. J, U� Xuler, Mrs. hearty welcome · .Accordlnc to announcement made' So fAr but one del!ate b�a heen schOol afier a 'w�a,. ��p to . �o tbe intrepid 0, J, . 8tuen, M"ra. Lora B, Kreidler plorer on bebalf of the atate, altboucb It la e:zpeeted Hoods Canal, . ' tbe Tacoma dailies lut 'week tlJ.e arran·ced, A. W. Ramsta.d. and M"ra, Ttle lee.e m':y 'IWell bue �n InColhice tbat aenral to?re will be . schedul�· -,--:.-;,-.--,--:;:---.,.-, of" Pucet S two:-f'utBr aeon. rendered on .the subJect,· "0 Ye of normal eoun. fa to 'beouod 'J\be first OPPGl;lent on lbe · discontin ed. O U I u of e w m . . �����te���:��y! :': ;: �o::d �::: �::: ���� t:� :::: ;� ! . ':�: ��1�n!�6 :a:� ;:: ���:�:m;: " ;'Notb� But th� that, wblcb �.. wltneued by place'nbut It not- untll laat wa.lr: cIa,te hu �a ..t, .. tbe, tblrd weelr: Amuodaen aDd bla pal'tJ, In Karch, ' Tbe queat!nn to be dLa7' that tlilalact waa ad 'in the 'flnt .., place, wben th8J ri.k a •• wWmI.. e pnbllc. coaMd 11: "�hed, tbat, tbe pro­ theDeP&e1fk poled . . - . Truth" were �mpclled tb laDd, ODe of tbelr Lutberanban Cblld 1A;�r Am�ndm\!lDt Np� Collece 1 partn n " :I� :'tr��::. .:�:;'ibe::1n c:;. ::t ::a:lEl�D·ta�"t�.: Il:� ���:'�;::iD' :;:; :.:e:: <;:omedy in 3 Ads .,.ee , sho uld \J!ley C;ru� ' Into an,. ROutbw"t. Mr, R\u.., DeaD of tbe. collecialll. .... ..}ItUe "Wor.r� ed and ·R-eunion :postponed. ' � �lr:. . ' . '. , ' "a�lIlocb �!'. tee � 10. jut at Norm.al 'Depart e"'- .tau. that .a1lle han aD opumlJUe ont J .: aa e p o at Mareh 12 . �t the replat at�4ent �i mMt.J . , until graduation. ' 0::: ,���r :" :: �!;r-c= .:.:: ;: �:.u:. a;:m�U:�eo-:� :t�lD road , ��_ a a�4 1D �Ia tll.,.- Iand- wUl be clad to reeeiTe b(qalriea DO... . �!. o:. .:..� . -:.�:"! :;! :: , � ed Ia. ...felY, aDd apia. bad � !ID- fromaD1 ODe Intereatect la ncb a �lle�, Gym . .. pedaa earned tllem,.0 ·teetrartli� aU ' dodGlta. • lwulfal ot prlDte4 week in,oMa.v. Loo lt:.... .. . . : , . eareb: n"e7' are to ded to th.:,-pIai.e woald baT,_ rammed. � coarse, . .. � d re fo� . d�te later. . Qy ;Po ,L. . G. I?ra�-"- F.:u��::':�: ��: e= ·� : Bo� MEETS: · " ::;:� p��� C� .�:t::L��: BU.. tim. til'" attempted to 11ft " TIle 8o&rd of TrUteae for Pa- palrilalae their Moorl.. ' JIaat: �Ter­ ' til_ pIa.e from the lee ud' 1Ift&D eUlc Latlleran CoUace IDe' at the· liMn.' Upoa the eareb . are �rI.� tic Society tb.,. tailed P1aalJ,. loCatlq Tacoma Botel J'ebru.&l'J" lI :to lIie .... :of , tile ColW., ,of "the . lee field. liear JO •• f.!!! d." � I!!!&8n !. _ �tnc to tlUI �Uec.� aDd • �n)r:.� lor t===Um_ =--=:..:;===j-a it....(ConUnaed . ...,. .. � . _ _ _ J OD :,.,. '.1) lIadoWlll8Dt had .QI'Ift, ;.. . tll. adY coopraiatlOD. ..... , _...,....,. _ � __

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Tb� , ct!fttral . .them,. oi . �ot Piof. XaYlei' A.41t1nM111 �., . Mr\ In'la ...... . Ind.ata korn . �J. .lor· CoUap De 'l ent. '13, . Hao,e',' chapel talk, Fe&. 11 . •••. . of Col. MWoa ' 8edety =� � ' .�b.J;I1.d of the (}os.. . an t.tller Leacae . ' _ .. ,.. �i_ &� luarAl!'ce •••at tor:.. tb.,_ Banll:� J .� . . � :---"\ Publlihed eT�r7 tWG' weeki durln« the acbO?l year by lb. ,ludents ' "Youri, people ' . IS located at Selllel. --.; ._ -� rela�ar tb. Tbe m of JOint o� Pactflc �utberan Colle,., rerkland, W..blnlton. . .eetlns b m. • ' proteuor, "ar,e .waltlns to see 'What : 1 . " . . . __ " . . maJorlt, are dola,. Ubll. e'f. P. L. C. MleeIO!'_ �et' and t�. tbe . .. Sll.beerl�tlon, one dollar per ,ear . ' er,one about tbe,m. II CbrlaUan tbe, ToanS Peopl�' Lather LulU �" . Mr. 'a Dd II,.. , Ted' Luodln of at ,tb" POlt otrtcf! .tblok �be, are Ilsalei It tbe, pro- b j 00' sg�da, . aften�D: . Feb, 14. Cbl il'ook: W."IDIt�., ''filited frlenda �nte.red · .a aecood e1aaa mattf'r, October ,. . �f. xa'fler, tbtp apeaker .fbr tbe ' .t P.rkl.nd, W.lbln.-tou, under tbe Act ot Marcb •. \ . leal thelr Cbrl.t1aolt,. . ' . • . . . . . at · . 'fe 00 brklta a r e talk ,a oon, · ·tbe C�II.'-I durin, tba weelt...end ' · "I.et Iill not be aabamed of ' oar a i . \ . " " bellal: It la a po�.r unto aahatloo, • Criticism ' aboat MiuloD,arl_ aDd �ebr..r, u.li. . ' TH'E STAFF ' Martha Hjermstad rurtbermor� let · Iill reme,mber tbe Their Work." , We. are 'WIIII•.- to Editor-in·Chief J. ' . . Henry .Kiel 'Worda of Cb!;lat 'U ,e do .nor .clt· admit," bll ' said, "man, ' of ' t� Mr. Wedaber,. Pr..ldent of tbe 'Maha�ng Editor ASSOCiate F Ailor . Myron Kreidler nowled.-e me before . men neItber crlUcllml oU.red toda" but look- Alumni AUQClatlo. ba•. appoloted . • _. ; . -I �09 wlll-,.0. betore flald wledp the aDd Mr. 'Arnt o,.en C9rreepondlna It!e- . a lal at ttle wb�la· ml"lo" REPORTERS. -- . '.� " It II a w�a· ' . Irene Dahl. Johapna Rasmussen. Luella Svinth. Ed Arthur. Signc Father. wbkb III In b6&YeID.' Ha did· tbe" man, uaoe -f �latIon.. T.be I�r" . u retar, r�r tbe _. Hjermstad. "Ruth Fadness. Alfred Anderson, Leola Hagen, mean tbat .·e aboDld ,rof... der there are .a man,. ml.loul · . . �ol, whea It II pleaiiaDt aod .e do ba'fe," )fl..tollarl. are mof" me� aecretary w.. 1I1111 . Nettle LlrLiUian Lee. Marguer ite Folco.. ]aIm u . BUSINESS .STAFF e ,. to' do 10, bat tbe ·tlme Ind tall like Iill ...&ad, are tempted tbe aon, wbo · Is �ow at�(blllle Home . , " ' Business Manager .. :r�r Sognefest. e....!7.ber�. reprdleu of wbat otb· same . " wa .re. . "l.t 1I ..., to' crltl- Economici at tbe !tetlln,b.m Nor. � r t e mal Sc 1. _ _ :� �r::;o a � e��n�� � \ on. A �n g r . � . th n .�y.': � � . li·citors:. R th Buli. Rulh Fadn.... Nina Eide. A� erti.ing So o. Y,ld.,. lb• I"�, "',,- O,d., It ra ..., .1Vil>'" • ,ood 01.;" 0' b.lI. 'H." d. who " I..,b'•• . . . _ . to _ .atadenta . at . addr�� tb� ra .. � poor ooe. �t t�a .orat cbapal! _ _ ' _ _ _ ,c , . __ A lice Dev . In Skallt Cout,. "flilited Parkland, . _ l rv' " a&r.a SU wa�1 --A.I:FacuUy Advi�r , 0. J. �uen ohoo\lns Iou 11 . " t be 'lei.t, ....J ..aHer ,rolMlbl,. Cftld.!�-.o �. nda P 1. . _ _ · c. _ _ """ :�';;" � _ � -'_ _ _ ..,,. _ . _- _ -,"-, ' l am tbe ylne ;. Te ar.a tbe brancbea.... a& Ibe POOl pla}"er. Tbls sa�e prlo; _ -.. � _ _ . Tbe . CbrllUan w.. Ibo.n .. a clpJe aJIO . ..,,11ft to "our ' deallnp . BY FAITH ALONE . Clara Cbrls'eDllen Ie teachlnl As Lutheran students we hO cr be weU grounded in that brancb of tbe lIylnl tree "A. lonl wltb tbe m...lon workers It II DomMltic Science la tbe E.erelt fundamental doctrme of our c "Justification by Faith." It a. we cline to tbat tree .e haYe ...,. to .ta,. and criticise but It Hllti Scbool was thJS doctrine that caused the Reformation in the sixteenth abudant lite All tbe iliad brancbM woold b& different It we were In --,-�--c-:--century, and today It IS an \ nt,al pOint al variance between are tut ott Irom tb,� and d. tbe field Sen,.1 facult,. members ud Itu... tro,.ed It II a eat prl.Uele to Some people .11t, ".bat I. tbe u.e denta heard AlIIthon,. Ellwer, tba the Lutheran and aU other urch JlIshflcahon. we leac , was rchased for us by Jesus be a brancb 0 1 tbat tree Jesul of &endlns but ml..tonarl.. wbo are poet, bU rllt, and aotbor, at tbe Christ, by IllS slDless hfe and atomng ath 'Ve have this sal- atand. read, to make eacb .one 01 needK at bome l" But do tbo.e First Ba U8t Cburcb In Tacoma. ..me perilonl b....e tbat Idea about Febru.,.,. a vahon merel): by accepting It ID faith, Nothmg that we can dQ u. Iturd,. 111'101 branch� " 0 s t o u e l t ' e 1 , s s l l President O. J. Ordal �ond�cted �al 17; e; �0�d ��: �:Ju�: an b � tr:'fe� I� :�'f�� ::: e a c �r o t sa t as insufficient and unsatisfacl�ry-something which we n�nst tbe chapel .e "lce . Frlda,. Feb. lItb. 10 enr,.one In bla own communit,. I n tbe United States and Europe. . . enlar,ln, a berore bll fIeld. d .poke or hll t.our In Oreson. improve upon and odd to. "Man is. justified by faith without Durlnl bI. lecturl be recited ·.eyer. the dt;eds of the law," says Paul in his Epistle .t� the Romans. Tbe Endo.ment Fund Drhe I. pro-- If the Apoltlel had bee,! �ontenl .1 p�ml a W ..r:ltten by blmlelt de3:28. "By grace---):e are saved ' through faith; and that not; of Irelll,;,c t....o:rably. ..nd ' Prelldent to work In . one · place, .e .ould Iscrlblnl urloua. field. ot oceupaI yes : it is a gift of God; not �f wo rks. lest a�y .man �hould r a e 0 ::!� ::� M � !e t:: ��en:�,. :� 11 ;' fe of tbe e emi wer�: "The . . ".Go · ,.e �nd teacb all n.... :lOul of th� a"":,,rase 'mau," "Goipel," 1110ugh good works will not save us. they are nece'ssary as. lara haa been _ralled .ln J:te!. Geo.rle cbapter, . . tlon... ThIl II .bat tbe mlnlon- "Wanta ot M, Boul," "Lo.e'. Labor eviden� df a . living failh. "Show me thy faith by thy works." Henrlkaiiil'l con,re.aUon. · arlM .re dolol ln thet!"'Ireat work. Lo.t," "By their fruits ye shall know them," "Faith, if it hath not "JoDeI ' Nurse," "Gold' A yocal '010. "The Croq' b,. Mra. FI.he. .. "CltI," "Mouda,.,'· "Hasu _ works. is dead." WHAT IS THE ·PURPOSE J E�"�lrd. w .ell reeeind. . Holdl .tba LI_ne," "Kltt,. of FranCt! .. The true Christian Wi11 wan.t to dQ good works, but he will OF THE COLLEGE . Hym� ·.Iolin, an prayer com· ana "Tbe Llu, la the Air." realize his own un.worthiness of merit therefrom, and will put '. More than ever Itudents: In Am. pieted ' the proaram, fter �bICh' the . . all � is hope ano trust in, the . salvation bought for us a dea.r price erlca are comln� torward wltb bUllne.. meetlns · the · Lutber Lea"no. '0' 10Te me u mucb u '0' _ 11 x...o ur Savi�r .-M, ·H. . . queries .. to .what is tbe purpo.e q,f . . . e w.. , i ' nro"iii""libollilillrlhlrrrlf--,uA .oclalbeld. . � �-� 11i C01let"e.bour of c�me� w�.. en· , THRIFf , . ..�...,.. bon" . :darl . . , .out 'dlaconr to t elf! , .ea.aameo t . . ._ Thri f t IS that habit or charaeterts�,c t�at I? rompis, one to that tbe "bllher ....Iues are attacbe,. Joyed In tbe ehureh parlon,. follo..- <rJl�tlon. Aln.'t ,.0' .-ot· __ de same Job w:ere �o' .lIul' bad, ,b.oneY-,work for , .what �e gets; to: earn ,what IS paid I um; to Invest ' a to otber tblllSs tban euitnre alld e!1 b, relreabJDenta ! "-JUua and seued bY_M '' . ", _ So_ m_ u,,.o. . us earnln�s; to spend Wisely a�d well; to save � ut not tralnlll� . _ : , . �Id. '., • . _ , " .part of l _. _ _ __ . _ hoard. To be thrifty means not merel) the proper makmg and n 4uc expresses It 0./ ator A. o e e � Presldeot . Todd of tbe CoDe,e ' of . saving apd inve�ting lW spending of money: It means also:. the· " Because ' of the ' - Iene�al . . roper use of hme and. alents; the oh,sen·mg of the comm�m to college ' of tbo American ,outb, Pupt Sound recentl,. returned · trom �En bod 'W that 'Wa �ws of health an<:l hygiene.. the prachc� of moral and SOCial tit or unfit tor Intellectual pUrlultl, tbe East wbere _he atteoded .eyeral - e.rry .ry.. complet. line' of Th.a. · v rtues. It means the !,ee�ed cQn�n'ahon of all natural re- tbe lubJects are learned, and .10 .meetlnp In rel&rd to educat14n � ��C:�.��d¥���eer�. Coetame., .1 . sources, In a word thrIft IS use Without waste.-A. H. Cham- far as ed'ucatlon meanl trained In·' 0'1 tt It_1 E. n-. . ; Tb ' I . ra e t. . ' . berlain';in The �orma1 ' Instructor.. J . teUI!ence, . kn9.ledle and power.. a te d �:I/�:frl .fon••• �.n�••;..:� ·.hl;b�. n r C t,., . PHYSiCAL ED. PROVES AID !Ienlc Iide of Jt,' which tbey cer· college educ.�I?n In America . d� dealt .ltb Colle«e PUbliCity and . ' . talnly need, and poor pOI"turel ar�n't not neceuarU, Impl,. eltber �bor- wa. · aMrea. (.Tom ,. Kbool m.'am diary) I"'V'C Yova ed b men .bo •e�e . , . . With' .� " e'fer given. luch a . t)te worat either . Since tbey ha'fe ougb-golng or intelligence or mal- elpert. alon a' pair ot ollr Wb,. was . , t:at . Une. I . . , special · perfeetly fUted hopelesB looklns sroup of children! nenr had formal gymna.tlcs, don't te;ry of a!rr Importall:t field 01 emPb I. 'W&8 �I'f'en .la.,..1 . ' to the fact that �� • 'Tbey .eem to be brilht e�ougt{' think 1.hey are too younl to 'besln knowledge." . i,.. cO r ln colie«e a a are �:;: learnlnl 01 l n.UtuUonl European Ir . . set· them Interested. But. 'With lome Ilmple e�erc�el' wben e::re ��:: w;';;.!" paid ad'fertlle.h tbey look so sad and dull most of can elplaln and command tbelle 81. take culture and tralnlns lerlou.ly. . n. Bro.(I...,.- nt In «1 I g th.t In.tltu&lon , . at' .� � ' Maln J:�1I , tbe Ume. A�d tbll village at Green· erclse. correctly It will make' tbem {lelatlvely hl«b 'faluel are attached -�� ecu.� publicity:. ' , � • ville hi so plealBnt and aunlblny alert, :reapondln.g quickly an�malte to them. _ Hlgber. educatlo.n tends ! : .. -'................. .....-"'!..".....'..'.... --......�...--: hln g tberetore .to be restrl�ted to peraonf!, one would tblntt IIttl� children In them ( pay attention to e.er,t 0 CloB8e6ll ability and ·earueltne,l. , _', __' .!_ ,...... _ . .•� the 3rd and 4th gradel wouid obe that la going on and also to" d; . --. ..... th relult being tbat .tudent. learn bapp, wltb healtb,. bodies and- Joy- things In pertect time. . ., 'courle, I�hool h.all OUI .plrlts. · ! A..lI;ER[CAN .ART OOIIIPA� . 1 The corrective Iide of course be- to 'Wor.k, and educated men a.re· probe.bly take «Inl with leSlonl In sood po.ture ed CBted. : PlO!taree, r_ . .. .. I JUst .tarted, . wblcb ! . 1147 Broadwa,. i . It Is readll,. apparent that tbere lome Joy a""a,. but that wouldn't a�d elplainlng to them tbe necee. Call Main 2820 account fo! sallow complellol!-B, IIIt'y of It. I think �. ...�,���;.. malte It a II sometblng wrons with tbe .,..tem �.._...."..,,__�........, .... Itooplnl round .bonlders and . slo. lort or competllion among them, or educ.tlon In America. . Proof of It . ... draurn! t"Qotatepl, r wonder wijat's putting ' tbos'e w tio lot tbe be.t I. lound upon our 0.1!- campul. To DEW DROP INN j f THE WH�TE WAGoN . the malter with them. pOlture In tbe b�,beat c1UI, .econd , lar«e percentale �r ·student. In ' BenM . • . Tbo" rO d WiU Deilv r Your i� On Hlsbwa'� " ' bloclta eut o cblldren don't kop" bow ,to pl..,- tb��e as..;.tbey tmprO'fe. Tben. ex- mea� ' 'b�nl' ;_ C0 ,a O,m , la ,, .I0 mereI, den,,p . •'b'.,eo and the,''fe never done any exerd.e ertlaes 'Whlcb will brine their cbesta f . ;,t.................. In tbelr life. . I ' certainly ba'fe .a out, sboulders back, and 'Walata In and. �o make our ,.ounl people � ...................._._ ' -"..,....."':...."......·.. ....·....·_............. ....,_______ . claI . baltertliea tor whlC� our.* col. i · bll Job -cu.t- out for me ,tbls year, will do tbe correcUnl' part of It. Iectlon leles exiat� or la It for tb4!: .� al IItUe &8 "I know about t9O. 10 ; Tbe b,gl�nlc part wblcb 'calla for �. & .. , 1�lnl exen::laeS for tbe ' Iarl"e-r �u.cl.. ·' &tid . tralillns of �ralnal Where �U - § 1 ml«bt aa well. plan 'Wbat • WHOLE8A.LB • . . tur� all� tralnm« In Eu�pe nrc 10--. � to do now. ' ' ., ' .. . ' bJIt,Ipe ';8r, much to . Impro"te . tbe PLUMBING, 8TEAJ( A... .lIfD iIn.L SuWt.D:s . I tblnk tbe ·flnt' tbln« to' do 1I functions 01 tbe" loternal Oriana- c�lI,. estee�ed. ' In .A:,q:terlca -It ,b ;: � only the fact . that .. a pe�n baa i Pbone Malo. " 1".707 .to aet tbem Interftted In doln' lunp and. dlsest!ve s,.ltem. ltOI.lO hcltlc A..... Truni. sona tbroueb 'a certain collale t •ometblne pbYlllcal. · T�e1 baye a b ad and les. xerclaea and piecl . e h&.� .. pl. .. . . . e �.. . -.... . " . . . fine larp pl.,. 11'0une! but not �ucb tants ..blcb require tbe a.. of . all counts. re�rdleaa of bow he ,ot . --..;,.:-_.apparat'll&. on It .- . Howenr, tbe the musei.. &e eral -tImes In lae- tbroasb 0" wba: ab�It' and t�alntn� y be .lho.wl. It. 1.1 coD!,ld�red 'lmart t6 New sPn.. '8C-71ea 8!!bool board prom�ed ma· sOme. I.t ceUlon" are tba beat Do: ..s .See. ''l'bea, '. . . ·b,.lenlc ex·er. ' . � abl,! to t,.... how eaaU,. one Dl&n;, [ wanted It_ So, 1! tbe, come lOOn, elltS. ' . o . fO e , , :o! :! e !�,�;� .� ,! . -� , ,AccompaDytq an t _ of cou� ::r - .... •D .. '. . . - ". lb. ·b,..lhl... _",ro., to de- A....... . ,"""," , . el ':he �uD&" ' capacl17 ..d fU� P Bat Ut.,.. ouabt to ' �n�;, 80me � o th ....� - T"Ilne d"p, Iut c:oaple oat. .1D. � .•o� �rn:ct , brea�, Ma6I.oa HO, a._ I: Benlec o nDalal nee. woDld .att th••. Th.a N w! It JRJ' P..... wlUa ebaftpa 01 • NleIIo• • BuUiOi Motor , · ' m · � e .toJi,P.l&78 eoane, work oat Ut• •.,. I waDt , i coald at... . 'Co. • and r7buD.1c pta,. IuIde. Ut. roo... the.: t.o, D� •..,.... �,oll;Udrea , . � '- ' . ....0 It It .. dark ..d aapleUaDt la .liolll4 U.. . I liT iIs ,.ri p.... &' .a..... t d ..... ,10... W , p �tr. _d�., ;" u IUId bodieI ' IiU. @D• •VaJoa A...· . Tacoma ·U.a:e, II [ .at�b lb'" pm_ nCbt i: . &. •. •, . and .... tllat tb.,. .,. Pta;eC1 ae- IDma.. • . .• cordln; '0 rtil_ aad that e....,.,. one "Papa" Did tb• •mall 1IOll, ",.b&t 1 'eb&DCe&; . tbe cbJldreD eq,... baa "Let Me Iaaare YOm: · h ! bred ad [. ' tMak do tbe]" mea. ·bp....cou.Cti . oUll1ot to enjo, tb.m _ · ".' · · blle, Rome,, ' or" BuiaeM . .. tlod Or � ,It. w01' develop a' I'trlt �oi lair ·pla,. It different lrolD aD)' oth. "J. J , ;:--.,: . JiL; B. �G8TAI,l'. . . and' eOo4 epOrtamauJt.1p ID' tb.Di" as bread!" ' ��oadwt!y . . --: '" i. I . � �aOn." ..14 the lather, "It 111 Park.¥d" '; . W�on .•.• . . . N� . '?r � tha C?rreeUn a� a . four "ear 1a.1.:·-8pokane Eeb�. ' < , . ._ , : ;;:oi;............ .. • looooI .






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' rt t o r O --" ",�_M� or�!:t��� 1t� �y � .Pr..pocts. for Good 'l:oul '.Are i�M t!:.e:�o .�::�.p� �� c�'�:� •: �:::PI;: cc::.: m:::: 'h::W . . e f er r b d o t o Proiqlslng; Many' Lettermen F W����'t::�:�:I��� �� L. � � ;:�. 11�ii ::D�:! ��;k :: ���el��ar. �:: ��"�� �. :e::tl::�.:,:;�D�:i_ . �"fo r fr n : - � to P��clpaQ ro �.\1 : ��:�=f .::.=_ �!'iI-:m:;� �n. �1�1�:,� ;c�:: :;'.:D�::�;.� mCl�;tlO.ID���� :-:�'br:b.: .:::�,��' ;:::�w�;tl -::- . February 3. We wfsh to cor�_t tbe . The pUllin, of the h�p seuon pl,aI�r Tlalted :'Ub Mrs. �reldler on matlc ,..ordles. Corned,. "T�e Newly·r.eP, eDted by Chrl.tI.1I Kat' . errt'lr\ and . relle,e your curiosity. hu broulbt tbe In�roducUon of an- Sunda,. February ,!t. . . .eds:· u .cted ' by Peter Flott," Ed- &en. Nina nElde, aad Olaf Ordal. The Merel�a dime ,1b� ablne. Patronlae otber aport. No leu Int.ereat b.s )TeNOn. DorotbJ Lebmann and afflrm.Un ..... Dpbel.d iI,. Alice been abo... to...ard tb� tle..�.mer: Tbelma and Alma Runnln, a.nd.. win our ad�rtlsers. · peter r.mbo 'deplcted tbe f,..atle Da1'le. J"r,�erlte .Folco, and Joba --' Alread,. man,. entbual.ate baTe bee{l E1'el,.n Sorenson ...ent to tbelr re- effort. . bride lo ,conce.I 'rroIn WiNe. .' We resret "Our comment on tbe out ,etUal tb'e "leel" of .. �\lC!!baIL a�tt1'e homes" In Be.ttle o�er tbe ber alafouathe buaband . the' former . Tbe' 'bonor. I,.tem' deUDed comins ot Sprln,. But. aa a m�ttt.r Aa ,.et ?-o official call tor a . b�eball ...bo came to call. . ' .. ..,.ltem UDder ...bleb tbe I!Dof fact. It Is an here enep\ the tu.rnont .hu been Illaued but Olle I� weet end .of Februar,. to, U, . auAIto 1'oeal 010 ..u readered · dente elect their own leaders or ....·ealher. We' call to Jour notice expected '!. lbe near fut.uNt. . 'I Anna Thomp80n spent tbe 'we'eIi: LIIII.n Lee, 1 after ' wblch comm.IUee. to that tbe aebool the blue blrdl (....e. don"l mean those Foaeb Artbur u,.. tbe prospect•. en� of Februar,. JO, Ii, U at ber Jacobagn. In a dumb oraUon. de' . rIIlel .re. .obe,.ed and 1'lolators are ·...ho . n1,1I1.ked .elther) and ll!-e ero,- for . succeuful team . loot proll!lalnl bQm.e In M.rYaTllle, W.llilnltou. pleted l-peater .' . ahe ap�ra to puulabe<!. . e t t f n d rt tI ��;es;;; t:�a�el�°ft: .ln�:�:;e.. :"�� �e�ie:::: :�� . :.�r��n:u;-:� �:� �I; R,.der went to ber home In �n �::o;u::r::���:� :. f:�n�:� h th: .�m·�t�: �:on:nt:�:: �:! IIler....;.n...a d tbe momenta". f1uhel of material, . P. L. C. wnt produce a Se.ttle o1',r the weet end of Feb. hear her. Sbe went �hrou'b .11 \0 de1'elop re.poaalble chl_DI and m te n e �!� ��n�� �:�''''b:� I�OU'::':.� �� �s::����� I:::��:e�'to be ac_ 2 0' 1'1· U: � . : . :h�:s�·��-;:tI:r�:!��� �etlonl "ln �::�i�� ·h;�:·t';��:r:m-:���....:��� IIrbtl,. turnlur to--ob, you tno...! lice tb.11 "Mr are: ald. .Ol.sao. �- Lyman Carl.�n, '!S, "tilted acbool A bu�oroul readlnr "My Follla" wou1d accoD6plilh tbls end bee.un And ....·e obaened tbe. obje<:l of one year letterm.an,- pla,.lnl �ltc�er or on Febru.a.r,..,U: ' wu ,I;t'en b,. Hllm.n Marel! " after placed tbe rupoulbillt,.. on th. Y0!lnr man'a fan(,. rally troddlnr Urat b.se: Art ·. KnutHn 8tuMb rue . •xperlenu In t.be .il whleb El1'eta I-W..�natad entertained abOut In a. ne... cliapeau·. ' 'COTer little player a posl wbo wlll Harold Ha,., former. with . pl.no selection. ,o1'8�nment .nd placed tbe.scbool ' ,. tlon In .t.be field; Art We.non,. ._a a�en .bo�t tbe caW;.RulI on . . .. ' . ba�. ·democratle· ItfieU ' .1nllt I II .... l1'lded d · Hou'alI :A' Furthermore, Bill "Nyman .t!l� beu,. bitter and pl.,.ln& .top 21. ·nel.Un uaerted tb.t P. L. dally mope the tennt� court. -'�e or catcber; .BIlI N,.m.n,'abortf a lpeed,. , .,.�tem e t�' t . amaU--l;h too Llntoln) waa . wu d9n't tno'.-. wb,.. tor tbe rain atlll man boldin, dow� aecon.d. baae: �. . Mn. Kreidler and )Ira. Rlnpt.d of Abrab.m lt.b not worlt auee.afull,. la at.her readlnr Helen pouretb. �a,.be be's .fr,ald 1t'1I flo.t Kreldl � a probable fielder, and Ed wenl to IUeit-da,. meallnr of tbe b,. con dudedwttle whlcb : aDd tbat t.be Itodentl of prorram. . · awa,.. Artbu .nd , Ibe a .tudent-eo.ch mao D aectloa of A. at V.·W. rama 'beld bad Toted a,.ln.lt It. ' -of nQ e.a .bl1�t,.. pitcher: . t!l..e borne. of .Mrs. Frantlihlter at O. A. C. m.,. tate up rowlul " P.'TL.he pe,.the, then. claimed �bat Notice the Itaned expreulon on Wit thll' lI�eup .nd the 'new ·O r....el,. lAlte. Tbree o,nt=.� 1' i lI rn tbe .'ho��r .,.atem' did nol Iq.p!,. l ,. Until u the faeel of ,tbe nutrition class!, .terl&1 In hand a formld.ble"" te,m were rl1'en: The Boot Sbelf n .an Intramur.1 elt IIacU ' .bown Therefore. tbe by Inter the Ituy r ��:�� l:; should �"eloped. ,. T u e n ·beneflt the aebool. I�:n�p� ::: .r� :ll I t �I�m� :!!�� a� :n: ;;he:�· " �. ::��e::� ':8 r::r:::7:It�pu�.:e ��� ;e�� kno....ledre ,aiDed .tn e1ass. So far, STAFF MEMBERS n ea a ec a tu . thell' intere.t lti .seelnl' tbe Iport of m Cuh Markot ��:"I:r:1'Ul ����;: ��e :at� �:fe l:� ENT�R CONTEST. ,,'a�:� �;:. �o�e�:ltM�::ay� �:�� �:7:::�I:e�a�I:·,�:�h·;�r��n��n�· d:l� Madll"on 158U1 chides lIur.r. milk. meat, Ice cream, A few weets aro the Editor of tbe 2l. !fornla haTe eacb "olunt.rU,. candlH and cake. They'1'e .110 deI. A Enl. rlur Mut' re<:el1'ed notice frt'lm . . to lend as a rUt a IIhell clded not to ule Ice wltbout bollln.r J.'Ma:oClif Hen en r Mrs. lk Oeorre Re nd . ford LYl'l 8 n. y Pretldent of .t tbe . , & the requelt O. A. II C. reeel1'ed L::: = from = = = = :::: = :; ==� It first to kill all tbe little lerml. Stud'entl Edltorl.l AlloclaUon .n- and daurhter and Mlaa Lareon ;" ---�---�-" 'fourth SIll-erton, Ore.. were fIIltora .t p. olJhe meellnl the nouneinr . CIOAR�TI'F.H "P[CK UP" RIDE !S. Annual Conlr:eal of the'Alllocl.UC:n L.. C. Feb. U .nd ' Boys who IImoke cI,arette. . [S NEAR 'FATAL at Concordia Collele, Moorbead. ' .' ey or ,. Sidney Glasso. a _.ell Itnown IItu- Minnesota, Marcb 19tb. , At )hla The Annual S�ff Is. bard .t wor� d�nt bere, narrowly elcaped serioul Conlreaa Gu�n.r BJorn.on plc- on tbe yearboolt, the. .�am.na...as, �:f:r: tb� h:�:�:·u::. :::: rare. jury last' Dllht when the car In tureaque editor" of tbe , Minnesota of C P S and the,. ,uar.ntee the I" makeh a f.llure In · f' .er lI(e, Ufbe· In which be waa ridlUI pluDred O1'er Mascot' will . dellTer .n addrelS on bl;cat;on' tbe flnt 0.1 May. d ot h e fte e :���e tt:: ofbe� bO;; a �akln � ff,;o....�............................� a- IIteep embantment near . tbe col- editorial policy. HII edltor'.la .re. pUAlpha Mu Sirma of Ban Dielo hold of tbe world'. w , tbe,. are lele. . n.�oD.I�" re.d. State Collere haa cbolen the Opera co�cerned with tJI.B lexton .nd un� 11II-- L IIIII;;_ IoJ''''-'L' '' � ac pn b h I o d 'm I 'stm .JOj'lrofi. er.G�:�·le f� �7. ·b�::e l� ;:r�I:�� ed�lt:;la/ ::D.t:.�� ��I�b ';.,lII �e�-=- of RObin-HOod-to I)e rl"n 'In tbe mlnate with the conference IIbr.ry. .t Moor On re.ch·S for the .chool · IIprIDS. Botb _The ' Chooolate Sol. . f�r �eD Ing the uorthe t corner or the I be.d. . The e,!ltor apd members of . .nd Robin Hood were . CA.RLYLE'8 OA.:l1'ETKRlA campulI they were o1'ertalten b,. the Moorlnl Maet ataff .re In1'lted dler ered but Robin Hood wal . offered to lubmlt 'model editorial,' wblch since It afford. more .•••�" ..'" I i ����:r,:;. P�O�fI� c and Bo.ys I.dy In a Ford Coupe, ....ho ' · �����:. tbem • ride Joe declined tbe offer. are to be baaed on the tbema. for chorus wort CQUere. bot Sidney, who eX(lrellled htm.�lf "Building ..ltb Cbrillt" AI Studenta " -= = = = = = = = = = :; Houae of aenlce, ...ltbout u;li M.ny ataff membere haTe t.lten t 1."8 "belnl ea,er to reach the ad .n ag •r O I brary." .ccepted . . ' ., ,.1 , . I'm aure tbe ,.ouns I.dy'a Inten- 'h.vY �..:,•• w'h':,1 t�PeP :���I�': :� Dr. WaIter S9.h0be I contest would me.n to �he . I�: declared SIdne1 luch tionl ....ere Ellt��I1ahed 1883 udent Moorlng. Mast, and . Cc::uUst-Optlcl&:n In dlSCUSIIng the acclde.nt, "but I'm / "to P. L., toC.the' Tbe .....Innln' editorial . O ff I u Ide f 'ur " .P- CO. . Cke \v. . D ' Mah Eyes Treated .....11I be publlihed In ' the LU�beran W. C. BELL .. SONS CO. , N!,::er Pb: u:r ��e ;�uns ' l.d,. I Church leweien Herald. were aW.A tb't they b.d pUled �Glasses Fitted . 1110-12 Pacific Ave. the colleie entrance, until theT �''l'he American Glrl." an operetta, Pantarel Tbe.ter B"lidlnr Tacoma' 919 Broadway Tacoma. ' Wash. reacbed the 11m, where tbey at. will be glTeu b,. tbe �. L. C. 254 tbe Soutb JIllntb St. III turn . arouud. to tempted ' ' Chorus un t t of Prof. m.noTerlnl. the br.kes f.lled to I M.in 3214 Tacoma, W.sh. . '!;�e ::t: ;: ::: Real QuUt, Rapt Price function and tbe car beaded down the n.rro_ road way belo..... t��.ym. i JETLAND � PALAGRUTI Lollnl control aa tbe c.r rained ..........e.. Complete UDe of Hett'._ Cloth-­ momentum, the drl"er was un.ble II ina aDd ",,"bJna V1SELL CO. ·. Coaipa� to m.ke tbe Ih.rp eUfTe .t th'e a 912 l>ac. AT. Tacom., Waab. of the bill. T.be car ptunred 8eller---ataUoaen­ pickel fence and O1'8r tbe aDd. Photo Sappllft meat tutnlnl In mld....lr. P.c. ATe., T.coma As It Itroct on tbe boulders -Lien & Selvig low, Glaa80 awoke to find that brotber whom he bad Itlclted Importers .f Norwoc!an bed bad taken the bed 01"."'., · """ 1 BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. bim.-C. ZaU. Cod ,<In' OU ' Geaeral 1I� ----' Madlllon 10714 Partland, Wub. '8TVDKN'I'8! Ave: &'U St, TACOMA STORES-to Stor. ==..=A=member � Mooriq Mut 'AdY� '.: =of=·NT. == ==:;:;:==::::===� Cor. Tacoma = T�coma. Wash. .. e� 9ft o 8ariap .t· ..




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�A�� ' N��'��:::]lt���!��E�::� L nAILY:D�Y .] L.,�����.�!.��] . C ·. PAR� . H.•

. f t r Feb. . ���:::-::Ie�\mf!e� . . . . ' CHURCH-ANNOUNCEMENTS ' . . ' . ' :!d� :':;:II ' !���h O;:I�.�:: .I��� We're all�0IHIa)'. aUD-. 'at Uter tl;1 w plae. our In . ' � 7:00 p. m. her eague Lu lO:20 a. nl.; t L .fter the plane bad .�,lIded . . lIecood MeBasket ball: Glrlll team . .. O'9'e,', The .Ueld wu put In shaPe IMny facell. ...",..._..;,_=4 :30:f!J' lle'8_ -';"-. 0 o -f . " '_ IS " : � Y-f 1 . � ��a:: � Bafh . ..on!L � : � �;; DIr.-� � ' 7a � ::-�lkl n Glrl�'ttY�'� n =hlt;�=�� � or Wed�l.y. Mar.:h II \ . r.farch 3---- Lenten Lrvices.. Re\', A. "'. Rams'lad. 8:00 I). m. ����:to::: ::: r:"::�: ;::� : . W�ft8IbI,. "�b. to . L Million P. C. at ,meet. Iety na.le Alice and Folco Marluerlte ch h i � m. p. Luthera Film� Centr a.l \ l\larctJ, :)--J.,:,t�er " � �tr . :� l� foot IPan of 'water; ,lanced ort . . . March i-DIVine Services. t O �30 , a. m DIVI.ne �rvlces: 11 a bl!!: calle uf Ice on the opposite I f.ear off JH)",der and roule tor a 7.00 p. m. . Frkla,., )",...h 3 side: bounded Into the air. and Irontb, �h.t .Is the m�er� ",oman f!1.; L!lther League Rally ot Kent, afternoon and cyemnl{; . ,�. ' Debatln!!: Society meet,!! L. P. ' . comln!!: to! JUnior League. 4:00 p. m. "one by. . and berl Ice mlned n . at 7:15 P. m. ' . ' . ' m"y� two. Inchel." Then with " . Morch IO--�d!e" Aid. � . p. ....1: . Th..nc..,..:Feb; tl ..�)'. Man:h I� l\In�cI� r4-�lvlhe. Scrv..cc� W!lh commUnion; Lutht:;r Len- minimum IUPply of lalollne they Note of Intere!lt,' Ruth Fadneu" .. ' . rlew thr Ulh a dense fOI �trallh� ' No�bln!!: But the Truth." a tbreegue-l\llsslon Soclcty of p'. L. <:. .8,,:es progrom. . .... for t.be da,.-Blble a.nd act Q prolram presented by the Dramatic play. lUarch 1 6----Young L8dle.� (IUlld. ad to they Splt&berlen, veered' to paake.tball. ' So:c.let,.. March t9--Len.lcn S.crvlces.; . Prof. Hauge. eltber ,llde or Hhad their lalollne , FrkIaJ, Ft"b, 1 21 . . . supply . . ... ' mlnfew " ed t exhau.l! ome be c ., Studenta lelf-l8crlflc�n'ly ,Iv.e up Word haIJ JUat'jbeen r'ecelved her6 Re·v. rind Mrll. T. 0, Svare enprobably would they aooner, utea. ve to mcala the all l today 80 �a i of the tertalned at Dinner on Sunday. ALAS� MISSIONS ' never hue leen Sp'lttbergen or rlv. cook a Of Charlelli Erholm: day orr�lan t that an .u.� promlne�tdeath February % 1 . the college president '. TOPIC AT MEETING iIId..tl�n a!!:aln. bulincq man of Be.llln�O. oJ. Ordal lind wlte.· Prolelaor and ' :'AI�skan Mls!\lonlf' waa tbe tbeme' Captalp ' Az.nundaen t�ld of his Qul'Jlte ple(,9 of· Utopian c:ynlclIJm, ham. '�ash.ln'ton" Thelma Erholm. Mr�. J. U. Xa't'ler and Re.'t'. Skll,tte- for the e't'enlnl meeting of 'the Mil- planl for hll next trip In the dlr)Ionlifty, Feb, 13 daughter of the deceased. Is a bol. gradl$te of t�e �Ius of �923, !!lIon �oclety o� ;'VedneadIlY, Feb- Illbie.. N81',.e, secu'red from the Ital, . Wash da,. ru I hl e � "'rh: �IA)" I run over . ;;�. �:�'I Eachele�an ' �f the Epi&. ��: ;r:: �. �;m: :: �:m:�� :e:� , The he Iht of prec:autlon-CllmbMr. Jens Otfe'rdlll and fatally InJu'red by · .aD alllomo·· copnl C hu�Ch ot Tacoma I'a't'e a May and be btlck In Taco�a' Mltl Ing . In . the flre,�cape when th� bile ",hlle on his way af!e.nd M'r· Short talk mast moorlnll the to up hitched Eplsab the ut telling OP8J1. .Icea at Trlnlt,. �hurrh on �Sunday, coOal '1l I88lona In A: lalloka:. He g...e there Ii,.. July 4th. , .:' -:. � 4loora ar� e �lnN(ba1' 'Feb. . l it Fehr.llary tourteent.h. The funeral an outline ' of where their mllllions ' wa� "aid II I Trinity Church on Frl- re atatloned. who t he worllers are' It WAI with much relret that o� �he campul : "Eee-ah-Qh-ooPuft, 'puft, pufr:' Ob no. ,a , day. feb, U. , Pleasa.nt y'tew lea.rned of Rev., Thor- �ey f.�d what Ihe,. ha't'e done, not a menare to 1I0del,; --e residency of merelyre...members . Buckley-King . Art Knutten read a' paper on son . declining t� , or the O�al ,ExMrs; B. Denson passed awaYI at I .. utheran J1� Ottawa. the Pleau.Q"t View Col MISIIlonll, sketebln� cla�1 devoting their lelau,:e . : Company, Inc. the c�"nty lIolpitlll on MOIyta�' ork carried aska by our Inols. In a Itatfiment ade by Rev. PI lresllon Al In on .'eb 2_. following an operattsm for 0 n Chllrch In Ihe varloua 'phalles of Thorllon he IIIIld he decllll.e�t be- me to beneficial purllultl, uneral Directors . . T�III:11tI.,., .�eb, 18 . canre�. She was an ,arllve and calise he had 10Sl faith In "tlii-lltian Phone l\Iain ,112 fallhful · worker In the Tr,lnlty theTheeld.conrludlng .numberll of the education or In the younl' people FOUl" more days . till. vacation, 723 S . 'Helens A v" Tacoma ' .. Frl(1.,., .�eb. Itt J . Lutheran Church . . FarullY and stu- prollram were two longs. "Spirit or b�t that be felt the wo�k .presr- ' dentA of P. L. C. extend their Iym- God:' and "Norwegian Song" by dent . Ind buslnella manager of the Deep. dark, and det!perate my!' Why do .e.,rtllin ot our LOOK Y8UR pathy to the bereaved tamU,.. Anna Thompso� Rrcompanfe.d, by schnol, together with his puloral ter�el. BEST I' urge UI to: uae bluG books duties entaUed more thall one ma,n teachers Vettera. In exama and �IIIO urld ,III to write ; Get )''Cur . hair cut at the Tne young ..I ndlell Auxiliary of :'olur.lel "tter the prqgrl\ m the buslnela c�uld do called well. Sluce he was A Trinity rhurch IIponsored a WRsh- mee�lng was held and tbe follo'"lnl upon to choose betwee,n the 'school al IlIt.le aa pollalble'! We auapect that lurplUI writing paper, when torn Sanitary Barber Ington's BlrthdRf",.lIoclal In the elerted for tbe comIn!!: quar- work and the Christian mlnl.l!try he tbe and collected, Is very luhln, of churrh parlors on the evening of officers d\emed It wlaest to remain with the out . Shop stailoner,. bllll, Feb. 2 2 . Program. bootha and ter;Prealdent, Anna Thompson., especially had he which for work : �. " Under 'Pantages Theater lunch were feolurea of fhe evening, YIce PresId enl, NIna Elde, ;'''· ''D'''E'''''''·''· '''''''''''''''';: ''''':' p,epared anit 1'1ad aome' exper Ienre :"'''''''''''''·'''''·''H''''O''�'·� i a , . cleverly decor t with a Ladlea Hair Bobbing . SpecS-I.' ve ache me ... '" ..... � ., . Secretary, Alnes· Wler80n. carried out In appropriate motlfa. Dinner 3& lM)c 81l1KlAy � · Treallurer, Harry. Sannerud. . �..tr1. nrectlona � . t)·-..tlao �1CD.rtn. JUpert � LOST! � , DODGE� HEftS . � ' H. J. Conra.d, Prop. Call 1'1811 thlll week been Issued We wonder why Mr. Lehmann of "I'm lost: " Cap shouted B �el " � �::::;.=.==.==.==.=:� for tbe formation of a Community Pnrkland :\Iercantlle Co keepi Ibe Aa he ata!!:!!:ered down the Italrs � Club for Parklnnd Such a club waa door or the room where he keepa I went to aleep In Stuen'a clalll � Mad. 3 8 15J. . : Parkland i f 't "no", lII'he.re I alre " I In existence here many yearl ago lthe scales locked? ''..... ." . " ." . . . . ..'''''. . . .,,:..; don And PLEATNG but was permitted to die away But Maybe It CIII becaule of tbe report l --'-=,---=::--i t__H___...._ tbe many eI.lc needs of Parkland aa that re", ollege !!:Irla are puttlna .. _ _ ...., l I $1.5 0 . Sklrt, an) · tty). f«b qr-de ,Jelll'el� a prosperoua suburb of Tacoma haa on excelS wellht . ,.L Hemetitchfng' alaln made spch a club a neceallty Vl'� j HANSON Oh H The hnmedlato cause for the for· McCormick lAt me hold your . The "eWelet'" ' : . Button Hples i maUon of lucb a club at Ibla time Palmolive ' IIt,. Bldr, FI de .rB �ttonei Covered It f dM I t he e \oj --�---"1 257 So, 11tb St; She Not on your Lltebu6,. -St --.,� a:d mea::e::: o�ta�nlng at��� l ��: � -:-:=.':" ..:. 'O ' for Parkland The trulteet! of the L;;;; = ::::: = = :: = = = ;;;; = �AUER'S � . = -::::;',::::\'� :::;.�.:::: , - - - :-- - - -- - -- , - - - - - - - - , '" �- Uoo ,,- •• _ P . .. .... olltlon. Sucb �",a sponsored by the f Parkland Barber � L.,,,,,,,''',,:.,,''''''''''''',,.,,.,,.,,.,,,.:...,,....,, ,, . ", ...,, ; :O:��= Mercantile Co. lbo e I he BCV8 " nd a Shop il �1::�:b� �he r�:; t:: ���p;�� ::: � ' m.oo � E G � to pled!!:' Itself to maintain , and � Confectionery � General Merchandise Fraitk J'• Lee furnish electricity to lights put up i and Tacoma, W..h, a:,...�w.. 'I U t Porti-ait' and LEHMANN'S ,�. .�"".."..:"."."'''.".".."....".. ,.."..'''' �:Ust�:1 N:I� n�! �::I�e;(�::"' c�!� � Hair Cutting. Bobbing i Commercial Dry Goods, Shoes. Etc.. pany ItrOD!!: enOUllh flDanclalll to ! Candy. Tobac�o Photograpber Two Stores "I, ' tackle such a propOllltion 'wlthout i � too creat financial io�� . Always at Your Service When foa 't�ink of PhotoCaiifo.rnia Bldk. : ' Prop, At a meeting at the home of H. I - ci P Knudtson, Tacoma, Wash: . graphs Remember L. J, Dahl a t'emporary ' organlut:!on 1 .........."""...".",." . .. """", .. . ::,,,,,,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,, 11J.2%· Pac. , Ave: . ,,,,,;= . '\J GEO. W. PIl!'ER WOI effected. Conllallng of Conrad . ' ltfni� �9. 1. , e � r�y-::.. :D ... . ... !'IT " CIINOS." 89(:., i/ Gaard. Pres.: A: R. Lehmann, ' Fa.� DtrectOl' " g d . � . �� O�;I:�dH:: � ���I��e� :! ��: �,__ Pb a 7 r constitution Ilnd by,laws. ThoJJe �;. r�c:r!,\:rfl;�::i' :;:.� ��:::1 3 "'p.� . � � We offer 'best �tes' for present at tbe preliminary meetIn!!: rnle. .tudenU. um· " 'a l �n ef:�.t.ln� �e ""':' ( .Scandinavl.'an check!!, Cou- , A S':: n·. PAKJo:R '* COM•ln 9I! I ;:=====:; 1 � ::!.ol�::: a , 'on • , H. � ., o,.an l, Main 4493 307 Ru.t Bidg. · pons. or currel!cy, and can l l J . ·Dahl. Conrad Gurd; A. Lehmann, F ifornia· orists Ca �. seJi drafts on all importPhone Main 1464 Prot. N. J· Honl, E. B. ElIIn8"8�n. :' Cut Flowers, Potted Pl.aDt4I e J t ! .. DR. ARCHIE. G. HICKS.. S e � Bot".piints in the ScandinFloral Dec:oraUo_. �r� �:�: �, �;���d. �;� cr:�:\�d · . . .' � :07 So. Itb Tacoma ·De.U.try lund. Va,vian ' co.untries. n's s' Me Davi " . ; Rust. Bid!!: 10th rloor A meetln!!: ·for perfeetlnl thl8 or- � ti aa n e ' .. ShOp . The � of . :�:�� �r:�� !::: a� l t�o; '�u��� L.. ".....:.��t� a:'�,'::'�'����:'=:�'''�'''M .r J

February 28--Divine Service. m., Re\', t-r. H. Holle speaks











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OUR ANNEX :: ...

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LUTHERAN CO�LEG�; PAI!-KLAND, WASH., THURSDAY, MARCR 1 1 , UU· NO. 1 1 STUNT NIGHT IS ! P. - L. C. Faculty Melit- 'MARTIN LUTIlER'-DELEGATE'ELECI'ED TO REPRESENT College CLEVER AND GAY ber Offe,:ed FILMJS SHOWN P. L. C. AT Q1I1UDENTS ' CONVENTI ON PresIdency "1'" . Rumors have lor some time lieen Many Stodenta Take Advantage PrHentatI on 0f ComIe Stunts J MISS MARTHA HJ�RMSTAD Ii all II th ft ar nS d h t Tabs Well; Con�ge Sop - p�or ph � Hau;e e;'n�::: �; of Seeing CHOSEN DELECATE ' Historical ed . omores �ln . . . Pietore INY8 PaaUie Lutber.. .colle,;e .( reason ror that tbat he .� Stunl Ight proved a.n nealng I basThe L�UIher1 SI-;:uuents : ' ' 'UpI�n' to " �en aeked to conllder the pres. A large number or Itudentl and r t o Hoid hnna.I ConVfn-tion ha� . th.e el,bt reel moattended"MartlD :�o =::�::d. �� :'ou�; 0;�:1 t::;:' Idene . of one .of our uetern ChUrCh laculty tlon ' picture . Moor ead; Ml .Roy Marc L�ther. Hla . Coli ges. t .. � 19 to 21 ..-' and' Lite . Tlme at wn HII b l tbe Is ' wbo have Irlendl, known � �::aa : � �; · pro . t thll.lor· lome time, hau been Centra� Llltheran Cb � e Friday. =��:!a:� �:�c: 6�' c . -e- al a t,. a al to ur�e PrOI. Huge' too 'MatCh '5. At .'lIp�lal Student Body meet. . ' ,!" t � : :;f:� �:: e l t e �:I���:�: .!�c::TU day, March 9 Martha oii . Martin ot' I!fe unre!lt tron way Luther's and one other, tbe. or � "«btlnr, "ettlng and cOll tUglJIlI'. . IliiI knowln he tar reachtng ettects a Inward, trouble until. he found .lbe HJermllCad "{,\1111' elect� . hy the ItU. well as deyer acting and witty decisionn truth 'hIs then and ll n e on have ml,ht ng l tu· own bll u Pacific l:utherall 5epresent to dentll . .In God a� he carried !'outn hll repartee. Tbe .P. L. C. orchestra . .well Ibat or thll Ilchool. taith College at 'fe Lutberan Student'" played t'hroullhout the ' nenlng. i ture aschii'l l ambition of Prof. Hau,e life work, was Ihown as in reality. . greatly addln« to the' �rlormance basThebeen UnIon conve':l�Ion to, be held . at to build up a Itronr Nor- Tbe picture began by Ibowln'g Ibe 'lIy mUllc suited to the actl. Mil!! a epartmen Moorhead, Minnesota. March 19, 2 0 01 men lick an� lore tried ' at tbe Pacific Lutli.- 1IOUIl relult rn ) n Marie ·Gardlln·. colltumed a la China, eran the of a de low radatlon , Collere. luccess Now the t�at . .. announced each Itunt wllh aUrac-. ot. th!1I department seeml a8lured;. and moral corruption of , Europe tlve po.sters. he believes this field to be lar,e durln« the Middle .,es until tbat At S ' 1 5 the curtat;"wfIfI railed enough to're;- memorable date, Novem.ber 10, HSB. . Important and reveal;n� the HISb School Frolh 1n main and continue hisnou!h toward wben Martin �ber ",as .�,rn at a farce on a mOOern beauty .parlor. the uphulldln! ot thla work EilIlebeK. , Germany. '. department. Their Itunt. as well �s their preln Cllrtsln act, a duet" by tbe Runnlnr . . ' :J:P::: �:YS �:: " : � :pp ea:!::� bl Iwlnl, wal well received. work and all bls · dutiel. His life The HI 80phl brou,ht down the GIRIS-WIN" LAST and bla conltant �n;r;y.rM;'w;Ok"�'iiT-�- 1 . hQuse by their clner .�re!entRtlon GAM'E OF' SEASON .tateartheot University deatb unlU' hll discovery ot of "The Family Alhu� . aa. Ihown --. University tbe In Bible the and dlscuued by the 'famlly nul- Plsylng the ��e or the lu. were vhldly portrayed. ·· , library. . On Sunday, IJance, Helen Wel�by. The typical &on of 1t�6. last the P. L. C. Girls Lutber'I' relUesa an.d peaeelesa dent and album,. wltb Ita old·lashloned COl' Basketball team. Saturday nl,ht lite' at the monastery bls ·.olnlsh ·Pacltle Lutheran . t. 1 " "... � -I� ...m . !�I, J'dlrun--1.7.....• .l.U .....lA.. Ul ...home I!m, ol- .o.I. 0... lib . .a.n ....h....,. tHe � 'Sout)l ,Pucer........ SoUD ",roupa ",.. portrayed by the Tarlo�a deteated the McKenna A. C. OIrl8 of peace with God�.... finally: eulmin- Rally In the Zion Lutberan ::���::::':�n�'. day niemben._ For thel! pre-'t'h:tw, team by a score 'or -43-8. ' �\,i In hll ordlnatlOn .to tb"e ptlelt- at ]tent, Washlq;ton. Lillian Lee, tn . true Yennle Yenlen . The ,arne was Ilow thrOUA'ho.ut. ated .. Thll convention wal elpeclally . speech and re,alla dell,b l!!l,. th� Tbe colleSlana worked nry weU, hood. t'he convention . theme, H dUfr I' the to pleulng and terestln!. Scrip.. the or atudy ent I n,. I an cbatter comic audlenu by il \pre snrplluln« their opponentl In pis- 'turea lOon convinced him 'that many sentaUves rrom Parkland . �repreWith Ch�ltI{ a. St.udents," a use . FollplI'lng this tbe JunlorA - slnr and IhootlnA'. dlscuued .and the winning practices within the church were ot the fact that tbelr Boclety won which was naUonal &ented a comic !' of · the B WlerllOn made 22 polntl lor wrong and Iintul and when one the . dlltlnctlon 01 bilvln, turned In contelt will jan. band .edltorlal Their pre-act. P. Agne a lucceu. conce(ted , be read. C. L. subicrlptlonl ot n'umher the.great4tlt lelling�I:UdUllenCelberan Teh:el, · accordlan aelectlons by Manlck. wa,!.; Tha lineup OWa9: . Speakers .l!-t the 'Frlday .evenlng Herald" a'�Lutheran i the of: and ror forglvene" the " money, sll ror · greatlJ app!eclated. · Con. Hul01V' C.--J3 ll('.Kf'lIna2.-\. C.-8 authorized by the. .Pope, he wrote "!;.utheraneren" ot any society . In and Saturday .Pro�. J�ofN:theBrown. " The Senlon claimed much ap- ·P. P. L.Lan«low 12 F Donner his 'Iamoul 95 theaea a«alnlt<-Ihll tbe Soutb J:luget Sound district. The reslde!ltwillofbe Concordia plaud tor tbelr aet which took ·A. Wlenon 22 F ' Collece, -4" Gamea practice and naIled them to the p"rlze received wal a five dollar � place before a movlng'plcl,!!"e Moot-bead, Mlnn�ota; J Cllftord JC . Lysen, alrkhlad cburCf:i door at Wittenberg. The ,old plece� . tamera. The director, Ed A�thUT;- IC. Knutzen RC PTe,ldenl of tbe Lutheran ' Monroe rollowln, uproar throucbout the 'reallltically aho�ed the ' audience, R.�Fadae_ Students' Unl�n, St. Pa.ul, Mlnne.. Bull G R Martin P'roRrun church, the rile to ot the people In directing tbe actors, bow Itudent N. 'Elde ev. 1'. F. Gulllxson, R G Rev. _ �· ___ on._ l Devo.t ( beginning . the ' and delence hla Barber o Norwegian' Ly(�erau .' C. app�rs. Regla�raror P. L. C.-E. Brot- rell,\ous Ireedom throucbout tlie Local 'Welcome and IIle attheP. L.!'atlng.tlme and various no,.Subltitutes . tlon. ( 9 ) �for Langlow. Samuellon world was' graphically .portrayed. .d Local an .Am:.',".. M.,'nop'.' .,No·,. Do':< ' S otber &cenel were prele.Dted _· Eldtl Iud Gardlln lor Fadnesl. The wonderful aplrlt In the varl- Orchestra Selection � :� Lutheran Cburi:h. Mlnne Tbe Colle,e an.d Norma! FrOlh torSubstitute! tor McKenna--Gold_ ous rta ot tbe : fllin ";'aa really __Pblnny Rldce Lutheran put on -. ahort �nd aoappy 3 act Imltb tor Gamea, Games"' for :Mon- lelt 'b the audleuce tbroulb tbe " Llvlnf to Se�e'" . Minnesota; �&"' gUaiJ aq. , · f��y entitled Le�rlling By Ex· roe, Fitch ev. H, Truman Gordon munen, Windom, M.rnn . and Rey. (2) for Donner. R e pre v ccompaia'. a or,an pipe a .. x perlence." Art 'So,en, Allee DaYle ' Byron,' �Inne.ota. ment �laJ.ed by Prol_r' J. O. Vocal SelecUona ___ Pr�I. �w"da, .J. TC.he,Preul, and �arlllerite Folco played the will develop tbe convention .ccompanled by Mrs. Edward, tbeme . accordln, Edwardl d'urln, tbe entire performQUINTET to tbe. followln, leadln! roles. Tbe pr.... tunt wu GffiLS . ock , O'cl He.io., 7:30 . E"�lrlaic anee. ' out�lne: "Bulld�DC Wltb Cbrwt" . 'a ma,lclan act, clenrly presented . coetumes worn hy tbe. actors nevotlon. CLOSF,S SEASON andTbe. demanda, . ( 1 ) Faltb I", �Im (2) by ATnt Oyen, ..rray� !n the con; m Nora Bloo Mtu ' Readlnc tbe tJPleal of all acenery were ' e c P l l ...lon for Soula; t cballen... III 'fentlonal red ,own He.,. T. O. avare p and a,e. Tbe ' actora. Addr.. . and yello.w tur· bu�e� :.lln��:h:�a�.c20: ::.&1:� tbe &Jme D. 11y th. one PlaY11l;': th.e part R.marlr. : "Llltber �1J1l. Work': . �·The ed a very aucC�ful eeuad aDder .oe.� !:I� ��t�? ;!�'pa':l :��:Q: ��� Colle,e and Normal Sopba. J�1; - -- Rev. O. J. Ct'dal -. . f played Lutber, parla r tbelr Coach A: W. Ramstad. ' .' ,Irla ha.,'; worked very hArd, markably well �D a Way that clearl,.. General . R.markal. ------------- HlI.At..,rvlcea wound aP.th. e,eDlnp prOp am by ' _£ ns'�y ....on, .. the 0 , tbe :,I..ot:al and Circuit OWc.n dlpleUa, the .tory "Tbe Little' Matcb tbeTbe xprHled the Ute ot the tim. and ' tbrou It. d aud:r ethe \, . ��81ft\1W1l1 be dlaealM4 from tbe . Girl." by HUllJ Cbrltl!'-D Anderson. the wben AnDollJ1cem;iat.. people. the ot feellnp :b::-O�.", !c.::.c. v tbat ",Btllldlnl'-'Wltb Cbrtat" . , ' t e - .. . ' . Mlu Martha Jijenuta4 preaented team .eoa . . PIOl'fDa bad .��Un,. "....DI' �Dd . 8N'OBOMIBR lt� to ( 1 ) to bnUd oar owo .' by cuardiul' tb.' story wb� .. enaeted tle .' .. P.t88D . IIJI'I dOWD to a tine, poiDt. Dln � GIVEN , ....ATE . ll''' OD Cbn..t·· (2) to belp InI n lit e . '11?bD L Kala, 00. ot the pioneers Ounce OJl,r t.1l0. ·.b&deDt8 to IDIike AID FROM THE . were ur, . ::�..� � ::: �OWe4 lIany of �b•b.,m"�played t I . ': MOORIN"G MAST ��b;:;�l�� a�:7.:'bo'::: . ;:! : ( Cont�alle4 OD pap .i ) tbe �ItUd ero�ellIq b,.. tia• •tape or :::lr"l!�D�:tLL� ;::- :=:::�,. : " (Coatbaae4 0. pap i) Tbe ll00nDI' IIaat ",k,. · I"I&t eactl. Be· born neer' C�n.tfa..athe t.ea.m 1a tollo".: , .' , aird qo. . .. .. ,.. �,. No",a,.., ' .and: ·Bdlto la. ta d ... that fact th. la I Ap. Wlenon and Palma Laac� PrJ fl forwarda of lIleaD ability;. CIaJef. 11_ lIartha Rjermatad iii to cam. to tbla eo'lintry In 1111. I'or � N_ 0tho . th, . mlruu Fad..... -aDd .cbn.UD� re.pIWeDJ, th• .Biadeat..Bod,.. of u.. maay y;..n h. Tetlded at �� • " . 1 1oWRath ", -... !','."C. .... m ND... Cou.ce .at lloor-- W-..hblcto ll w.... be � . , I KDlIbaa Haten. Tb.,. ..,.. Tery Padtle LlIt.han4a . • . ne· � ".. Be mfll. Ibtaile .. .... _ � flabt to .bWt,' 'llte . ... ha and fUt " - t. .. � Tnth" .. At . � oftM IIOoriac JII.ut .- fllluctaJl, uur-,ot . fIle � , u.. whole ..... t.Uoqk. , Jl'IrAdiQ. 1Iaftb ' IS "NoUahl:&' Bat TIle Tntb," a three Ntaa &Ide .... aeu. aa.1Milaoa 8tafI W ......,...JIaIQ 10th !t h'e' .,.... .�... ,.... �,... to Comedy in 3 Acits 'I ' , aet colHd7 ctnD by the 1'be!IP1u .ri,iaad JthSda tQ o�forwaru .... dedde4 &0 .a� "O.OO .to-- �e·'·eJl1.tcb "�. ibI aeUYlU-'. a. ... ��'foIlDder of Joeepbloe Old ..... tbe ....... or tM trt». ' . 'UtelV1-..... DramaUe 8odetr' at 1:0. ba4 •�..,.: u.. to .... o : II ",,:: u;:.::, :;· :::.s: ���to-;� � � .... .... .. ·P. . �' � ' I' : ' , ' . � . �....�... Mae... 12' . y

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. Boll...... trOll. ...... 'WIll' ,. ,.,...,..: . " P�c. the' ...... ...... . �' -_,-- I.. -.. - d, ', . � . 8pdeb' ...u . . P, .1.. ... eIPtJt ·... .......�.,. P. . ". . II __ .-ca& --. . .. ... __ 'J .bd ,.,.,. �lr. lri:...., � • •.... J:uter ....... ...... at. .: •• p) ,. ua. CUQIM . oI De u.aw..n:r· ot � .... tM � oak � � .. ...a.: 1:11 0itrpL � "� �! �. � .....te. A�.'.

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" '. "II: �·.h,plrlbl lor UI to "Dote'lbat l " ' ' . RIIT',Ram.tad be:lle.'t'� 0_1. �:7�1I. .e ,eauot . full7 'ndeNl�,ad OTA;'· MIA. Help Ha....lI , ', ... ... ... ... . "AI 111 80;", au ,InIU , also reap.. . ..hR. The tilo� .e ,llld, 0,111'- nlth... tor til. Belt U.I.......I. �k . ,:, .. - t,o be a . mOl!". appropriate "te:lt r-or .�I.M. n". moNt .� appreciate tbe Com,..,. 8MtU., W••blair\on: JO P h lt II tbe mystert" C:ODn.eC I�......Itb QA!t pby.al· ' ,iu!:: .. """' = = � " Pu "' b"'IIr.1 .h"' .. .. � .. .. .� "a "" tw" " ...," w'.. ';;; ;eu _ � I't"hI ,,;;::ow;\�� �',;.t �:t =�_� �� k ' ..Ho.Ikt '" ,nduete of r �. P8TCh1Il«1"''!ft..'e.�!tI'r'''t ' , rh..He .r flc Luthera. Collel'e.. Parkland. WasMapon Mareh 5 ;et �ttd from tiii'St�- 12 D our stud,. ",� become l08t la tbe t Colh!,e ID� ' 10'f\ reapa�ut and tut "Thl" �aDd .. at pment .ta,ID� " Sul»erJrttlon, oDe doll.r per year 10' II Inlonded for you youn� folka," �o�Plexltle; ifftd tbe- O�(lQrltlea with h.. folka In Seattle He .1.01 , Entered as second dati m.U�r, October I, IU5, .t tb� poat ornce said Nt R.mlt.d, "bec:aule youtb b Cb IDe Itable .ppear, we cap to attead. tbe Ualnralty Of Walhat Parkl.nd, Wallhl"stoQ. under tbe Aet of M.rch 3, 1871 \ " la tbe lowlo, time of one'. life Old find �oo.olatton In tb., e;t'en.; tbe lastoo of tbloken ,ban betn at • a,e la tbe baneat time I t II tben- dI ee I!l,.1 .eeQ�nttn. tor cllIrtala r.cta Mr Alm �' I• •ttendlol" tbat ., reap wbatuer we hue u.r ezllten� Tbere II .�be 111,.,- . 11 or p . 80 nd he THE STAFF . . planted In our youtb. How do YOll of t y of tb\ or,I,lo . ot life, ' �tb ��' e Ci °t.��:, up :P:aun� I� ""'a ;l� Martha Hjennstod expect to reap kOod tblnl" In ,.old ��aa Editor-in-Chief I - _ . J�enry ,�icl ;::�\�:�::��t :l'�� �h:� I;:;:;: :n �II·:I�e: !�.!�. y,·�.::rea,:��:: time c�mme�ce_. Mana�ng �itor . I f f r . r l er Myron ate y an lr ASSOCiate Emtor w , K e � ' ln t;>ur youtb. Our iOdin .b'oulii"not --:n-' r . Qr. Q.. ��· g . de"'.Io. P!"ent . Ole ' Berwold yll1te4. JI:lend a_t_.:' _ � . n tbe bOdy and m�ad. T be. �Ien� . ... . ' . be muten. oyer us." , the .pe.ller T .chool oyer. the' wee,�nd. . REPOR ERS' . . . .ald. and .bowed bow mlaelT In old Usia can tell UIJ qulte'deflnltely how . Irene I)ahl.'J.ohanna RJ'smusscn. LucUs Svinth. Ed Arthur. Signe ale III i.uled hy yo",tbl wild �owlac. much sucb deyelopm�nt t.kes place, . )lr: MauuI Nordltrom, Itudent l not 10 deVn· l y why l t.kes te It. � . p. ' Hjermstad. Ruth Fad.ness. . Alfred AndersOli, Leola Hagen, "B ut lOW toltlie �plrll and (he.bar- : L. A.,: 1�1I .D� P. L. C. '13 o �ce . Yelt sball be}.If� etel:,D&"I." ... , ' c e ed LiI!ian Lee Marguerite ��lco. . liu� th� ,reatest my�tery III u. \, �:d �!�. �e::n�� . ' uYr�:� f::� ·:"��� . . . 1� ur I. ' BUSINESS STAFF . h��: . I t an wordl "Le: the mouth m>: d of month. 'tlsl� at_ h bome 10 I Altan. ::;, . ��:l:: ��s � Prope�Y.w Nordland, .Norway and- Intendl .' y t to Peder Sognefcst the medltatlonl o my 'heart be al:.- h s ontl nued. 'ulltence. Thll Is 1 Business Manager K. Alalka, th6 _ ln thr Ilc t lJ! 0 Lord, .nly ' : t tch�k�n. In cePta�l 0 to e . o' t en mmor ... rn I A t ) .part .or m.n" Ho ltd;' future. Assistant " '. . . Stren«th, my Redeemer." So read thl. property 'a �omea :( I':llpl.��ed In . . Arllrur Knutzen' Prof. Haule at -chapel Marcb 2, CroOl' CircuJa.tion M,onager �\ how It . a!tects ollr. IIna, - bow Mr. and Mra.: ,Lueckano�te, . nee J,\dvertisin" Solicitors : Ruth HuH, Ruth ,Fadness.. Nina �ide. tbe nineteenth P.alm of Duld. " ?oJany A:1i<:e D�i«;. helpful tbouchta were utpo�.eo:ue: ':.:���� d�r:.�t��e� �:� FrIQJI� 8k.rbo, ,'12. "'e the prOud 0. 1. Stuen roul, 1. fortb by . the apeaker. b faculty Adviscr i d tb t part!nll 0r a ba. y ,,r,. _ "Thln)j:. OO�ore you 'Jle� I. a Yery b::, Itonbe;��'�e:�u�:; _ -'...,...;.. .-\ . _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ..,. .- .-' -, ._ i . . .i� m:l� Mr. . Od e,.rd, who' aUe '.�chel are tel:lea to UI. To our ratlonl .lld.ed the TIle pacific Lutheran CoJJl e g� �tudent -hody is to J)e con- �ood plan. Many . ,� In. 1921. recently rl!lturned caused by careless word�. AbOve �ll the.e mysterk's become darkermind, the collelEt ' J.tI'atula'cd on their eleclion Of'n delegate to be send back to the ' �or ' wbere be spent Cln . from o�r words IhGuld. be I�, accor�!tnce . Lutheran Students' Un�on ConventicJi't-..Jleld the 19th (If this further we dehe. lnto tbem. �, D"I hll folkl at Krillf!l0nt�! YI:!, "Ith the .plrlt of J.e1Jus. month in 'i\1oprehead. Mum. . . X: l'he tact that our OOlo.C II made � A Uttle vene. very mucb to the rway. �e Intendl to ta Uansund. '" u-p of such mysterlou. eleme �o Easl-ihl: aummer. Ne"er hefOt'C in the history of P. 1..... c.. has any stutlent body . . OUlht sent delegate t6 the IlIcCling of the Lutheran Students of po��� waa q�oted : to ca\l�e "U,. to m.nel ·.t 'olr. -Ca�etul with tire hi f!il,)od advice sehes America. The decision of the student boc�y of 19"16. shows thaJ aDd - uy with t.he PNlmllt" Mr Lu.dvi&'Larso, hal purch.aled you know. . the school is pr'ogressin", is hecomin" interested in the doings "1 am fearfully and wonderfully . Careful Wlt�. . warda III ten timel made...· and tben "Ive ' all ' pralle to a �rocery store In the Green Lake of the' other Lutheran scha:ols and abm'e all.' it lets the� other dou�ly 10. schools know that there is a- Pacific l.. utheran. (�ollege on the Him ..... ho endowed. wlib ·the•• �8trlet� In Seattle. . ' ---- . , -- . -things. And Of all the studlel and , "Scrubs" Pacific Coast. � ' , or .San ""Dle«� Stale ColBill's Ford Many people of the Middle \Vestern States aro-uh8wa�e of . theorle� tllat ' men bave' conc�c'ted. l�«e han orc.nlzed . and their obt our existence t>:CC8USC of our neglect in showing that we are in- �III had a Ford. bot l!Inedy.. darb.' concernlnl the t 0 li C e we {luxo aIel.' Dustnber, cam, . jectlve I. �o 11111111 " �In,er" fnto uy wlih. T:>;y:�� : caa terested in the Lutheran' student acti\·Hies. \Vc , hope ·that this de,le�ale t,o be sent hack 10 ,thosc .slates Carbeuretor un tlenlu g, needed .re- "Thoug� trutbs In ma phpod darkly col1e�e actl.vftl�s, arrancln� . �'.ld , klYln� prolram. at 818embly and. pair, ' will convince the >copie that we llre illtcrc.sted, yitall\' interested. join ' . 1 tOl6tber member� of tile Overstuffed p llltOIlS. · fII n on al�. Deep-seated In ou<�' ysUc trame, !::nll� �nd thlli. Pacific I...utheran College is one of the l,est Lutheran e'hman eI••• . •s a wb.ole. e harcer Of,s�lId b.ra lll! a ll' blelll 1 tbe name . Super We yield Schools In the country. ' on . moonsbloe be uifcl. th8 n gas. Of �Im ' that made hem current ' , . \Ve. the student 'bocly uf 1926, hope that we have established Ran NOTICE ! a precedent, that we 'h8�'e t,egun a new Era for Pacific Lutheran �Isllure body. 8tre�m lin (I, eS . ,ad . ' coin. " .. . student hodies will fullow our BOII�hl. cold cuh, by WI.l llam s,dad. lYILBUR H. ROOD, College and that the following ��mple.-A. A. Co�lece clU�•. .' M.nura�t:��rFj·?�h=. Oqodl, C.ould d� seven;y-fl'te .;�hout a . e . . .neer.e, - ' ." : . . Havins been poor Is- �� .'rtame ,T�UP� 8Ra��Pmo�� �:l�nm". Observing 'Lent e r I e U( me d of It. · ·I I .-Ben: · ·K �f P. BldC·. I2Hi Bro.dw.,.. churc�l y�o� ��;:t t! b: ��a�!�u� S;;a;I��:· ��lce, :a : �� -:�: . . . \Ve h�ve no�' ent�red . uPon tt�at I)()rtion �f the I n I. called Lent_ This perIOd especially set ostde for meditat ion On a wlid rampage or ytce. :� !":�:"''''''''''''''�''=''':''''''''''':''''''''':'''''''''''''''''''''"i upon the suffering of ou.r- Savior in the days recedin� I !is final Had Ill:. bumpers, fore and aft, CHf,!A klddln·· now, ab� waS work of atonement, the d);"th on the cross '¥i le suf�e�lIl� �n� "No . i ! � .. ...t.. flttmg trials He endured were for us-for you and .mc-al�d t craft," . . i' ,umRICAN ART COMPANY . t lu�.t out .of love and.gratitude we s.h,ould rell1eml �r: them. Every &pot II ghlll. tall li&hlll,' all tbol� Co. }rna... ... � w�there thlngl, . are s�lal .Le�te.n ser\'lces held at l'rlllity chut:'ch for � ; r . "w�Y m.a. that car had diamond thls"" purpo5e: It !S our pr:vtlege to .be abJ� t�) o te I l � i",d;::o.ma: WI!.. )f:II:\� . Call Main 2820 !1 �} �l:(\i ��i�� ke thiS a Irul) blessed Lenten seaso so, and . nla ringa," "'''' ,,, .. . . . ·and praye�.-l\L H. T.urbo-senerator' on the el:haU,8t. Acee,!orlel! Wbo cares for tbEt DEW ' JNN ! THE WHITE WAGON . STUDENT OPINION . ,.ot! . BerT. DbI���� .... . 1i · . .Another milestone in the ' dc....elop..1(�nt uf, ' "a higger and . Will Deliver Your Ice better P. L . C " is heralded in the decision of the students to Wben Bill had run It about a )'ear, On... H�bw.y",,"2 blockl e..t of ! courts to the present inadcq�8le Tbe poor tblnl trembled a. �.lth ad� two more adjoining tennis . Collen' O:ym I . ,Cear: pair. "',,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,"''''''..'''''''''''''''''....,...�'''.. cro!,k of mal.-nutrld e acuum. lank V .!. is anl nlotto . I Tll� "bigger: and. �.tter," pa'�l of. �UF schoo�'s .:; I I tlon. t . . ifestcd, some thmk. 10 the bmldmg ofQhe' new courts, and h1 I. 8sls waa : !o �ectlc condition. . teriaHy so, bitt the trtlly gre�er outcome is the expression & Co:' J o �ay. e n . Bill . to d�d . student opinion Exptcssc(1. �tude.nt opinion st�rted' the . move- Sa �Ill" , WHOLESALE you away, . . ment, expressed' student opuuop has for.\\"Rrd�d It and eXI)ressed SOD.,. 1 m sendlD« .� . .PLIDIBIN"G ' , STEAM ")Lflin MILL SUPPLIES not promulgated For ,ou.r tIIner yD.Jl. have. dented. student opinion will make it a success. It . " Pbone �79 M.�n · -1901-10 Paeltle Anne plavers but some of its strongest advocates are For your crankcaae I. cemented, OIil),; bywhotennis . they benled are fenders your �or henefit ' mutual forsee\its thru their farsightedness thOse Then' the argument presented is that it doesn't matter. how ADd YOU bave not yet lamented. . . ' . . gQOd your �pinions·may be. or how much you desire their opera,,..... D.JJI�"a in aDd.See Diem _ . 1\'ew Sprtug St)'le. A.m Lutheran College, tioni�if�you. don·t express Ih�m to your fellow students tht:y}�'ill To..: Paclflc me. of great�.' kfowledse. never be realized with the �sult that the other fellows...opml9ns, To tbe !to Bros. tbls shlek out· of t·!i.e soutb· even though they are in{erior to your' own arc the ones that will HOV� ' land,. ' ' , 1306 Broadway. . materruizc': . ea hi. bo b HO e with . . s n p in io o u Ex ress o r - I K ; ; P� ; ; � ; ; � � �� �: n!:�� Ol � � ; ; l.; � . rs ;';' ; ; ; .; � : ':"�� ' --' ' -- , "":""" .' !:: 'i!: .�::�:: :� ��� �e:�:�:: . ' w..n ,., O'm . ...ut ..._'n.. . PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE" . The Fisher .. Co.. &au� Parlor W D . .iamael uI�e ollt�I.lnl. . . . '. ., . PA�LAND,_. \V-�HINGTON � : I. . Expert"permane-:at SPecial . Want fuU bead t10.00 by The reat of tbe poem � ua.ored Coed.catio�I)aY or BoardI g Scltool J

....\Ic.l .





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+:=======�=�J.!::::: : : : :. : : : : : :::: =::::;: : : =: ::.::::::�:. American ·Plumbing Steam Su'pply; ..i


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Norinal ' Junior College . : High S<;li&:'1. . C9rillnerci'iirL . : M�sic

":�. F"'or

inia:nnatioo write



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Iin,£ :H� - AII_·E.perq��raton.

Sba�pOO 'nr.M




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<?:'J. ORl)AL'




Cat�.� " .:


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Ho... · ..e lo�. or �erenlt1 of flOUI. .so ·ftbat 7 .e oo da,. .' re ha �pl t lime of our' Ufe." . ' : \ To ise �redlt of 'tbe perpetually l'I�occurlng houri . .of ,tud,. let It known that tbey make Saturday /' a�d SU!!.�RYII Rbllolut�I_, heaY�pl'.

--�:�:I����:���-=: r�.'<M-��� .,.,..

. NOTICEI cow on a Carnation farm. I, to fotlel. your. hi probably a btl . i Pr.ofellor Sluen haa at lalll .aek­ pitted " .Inlt Bercoune. el... the '"reatett hindrance n McFaddeD clalmll ar to be' , lIowledsed that IIOmetblpl 1.1 and tbe loa1 .... ",et latbe,r of pb.,.ica' cullure. find. In attemptln, to ,0 . Intef"8Uog than Matb! . Wbat! lack of �bfl�enee 10 him- . l�eunioti postponed t;t,' lublcrlptIOD." I. weI ";en� proclaim" :,\othlnl e�cePt Illnnll. We IInp�le feelln« t.hat be 'l, not •• drt'fe ·commen�ed Wedll�.Y I wbWell, Ue back, the new form of cood .. "Iorneone elle: or that lome. be' I! take hh'l afternoon clall OUI ,atned momentum" .. tbe eD- reaUon leeml .. be Salplns Doe el,e can do IOmethlnl . bitter on tbe court. Gee; lome PI;Ople until' gradlllition fol' fI�t hono!1 Illcrea.ed. lulty faii. tl't'e'f'O . n threaten In. tb&.b be. Too onln autO-IlUIIHtlon hlne all the luck" That ..-1\1 cn· la.t lap of .the drlye the balleball . aa one of �be ' w. o rkl In way, JUllt 'Hlnly lult "Cap" Anderson, . . He and thl. �rrorp;ed abead . Ijade that. he cannot d,g.. tbl�• • ,weck in M�. Look outdoor apor.tl. antly �W! 1t�"'p,eJ_I_urp'rlled tbelr pac..· to tbe laP41. IIIIJ'or . "'henplell8 wbole tb1iis atarted Ip tbe a�d tbat tber. ar. people . ,wbo .ean tbe SocioloS' clall came leore .howed tlle CoHe11 cliu", oyer the II l atemt h it-AII for,e abead an� do blUer fur an ailjl�p; Frld!l)' afternoon. with 100% .ubecrl�- ' lome ' women hlye inltinct.. than be. (or <laic : later. Only a spark Collel� Frosb .econd wltb and furrow dleply problem Thll caulle!I can feea and .tart lilc.!h a Did you lillY€!. your fortune told . th� BIslonen elalll third of acratchins bro:"e, , cranium ed a " delponjieDcy .. Slunt NI,h(! We aren't telllns From tbe' ,eYeJl c1Ullell and IIlee�letle nlsbtll of �pllltlt� pabllltiel. wheo resard. either. \Ve coneentr"led on the wall taken In. . · amons tbe sli'le "Co�)!- "'tj wal! ' ranoe� to a flame tbe of ·..11-<, 11,1..." I 'healtly adder until we law Illakell · . on th.elr IIpl. with thll �OYe-- "al the Ilueetlon mlshl have bro....«bl a ,'he rE'llt of Ihe e"enlns In our nlllhi prosr�m. fo"lnally the co-edl Ilunned th by . � pier and more worlb-wblle fee, pie alltl·'ce cream, 011 the �"III1. I and otber Imaller reallutloll tha i it coul!l wal, dubed f floore, t:eIUns-everywhere they It. - 0Mr-are ':' = =��====� Includlog Ih� 8I le of to .Prot for a eo1utlon 10 Ihe theThlok were, no pla.ce were they not. Well. 'rlsbt tbln" exhibit, are ell;- bectltheir art .the Brookifa'f Cuh Market e The problem, pedllolues e lI . 'here,,' to a sraud future. by enable P. L, C. ,to lend a anl"er ran'S like the Decil'rAtlon �our f llow plnion Madl� ' 158ItZ of to the Lutherall Students" Ilf Jndependence-"Ah, Iny children, wortbleY .o A great II!lycholoSl"lIt, probabl)' an Union Cllnnntion at Moorhea�, Mlne youflelf, and If you J. A. Enl. the Inltlncta sbould neyer be mon- alYll; Englishman, characterl:r.eft lome lIe80tn. lelt leanllis away trom · keyed with. Let your I. Q. be your lhe lea<Ung natlunamiel all . dence, ran the epark' of ---'--!fulde." with a . of blsher and An ltallan-a Campa. OroDIM rlye mlnutel later falma ltallanB " (IIMCU81110n, Three . . Ko:d&k Jl'iabhl... h' 1 e ��� out VI�w.. -three political partllll. ELECTED BASE.. t�: ��:� r te e;: 1 :�� A Frenchman-a Hero, RMd �hoto &errleo �'renebmen-two heroell. BAJ;L CAnA.� !:OM��� "(�:�fla:I:�I)r'O���litn. Main UOtl �·.rencbmen-I\ Trla!fsle (lII"n, Tacoma At a meetlns of the balleball en· how and why. �ell, oil Joe thUlllltl held March 9, 1 9 26 , "Olrll lure like to So plac&!!, elected to cap· tlo thlnSIl." Now we wonde� Arthur Werson taln the baaeball team thll year. will bI first to perch on the much hlleball of tlie flaspole. JUII 'try a,nd do' It. had ha. The Store · Wenon Mr A S�'IIIIl-a crltl� Two playlns one year on -=-B. hutel. Three Swlll3-a Republic. Pj!xsierlence, L. C. team and leYeral year. . K'I ;:::;;;;;=====::::=="1 '1 111 for Me..... · A Ruulan-a mYlter.7. Two RUII- . , with Uurlinlton. and resulatioDI baYe Rule. I CARLYLE'8 C�ERlA slanll"-:'" bomb, Three RUlllanl--a Due to tbe 10111 of Coach Ed mllde to sonrn tbe Iemeatral HeadQuarten to,r faculty and heap of �u'nll. . and Boys ot pro· whlcb la forlbcomlns. •� 8a� Itwlea" of PacltlO Lutheran A Dane-an ImfJortanl ell;prellilioo. Artbor, the rellponlllhillty rl1lll largely Collele. Colle,e, Two Oanea-tluIPlcloul. T�ree DInes duelns a ;:nn�:� t:dm and � I = Werson: = == = = = = = = I HO 'enlce, wUbout UPS. n . - ca 1 Ule of -:: ::::illhman_an Idiot. � :� lt:�lIta� bill a;,,'o had bllleball t:ngllehmen-a boxlns matcb. Three eJOperlenee In Ihe college :J,.e. at- Dr.;Walter Schoebel Englllhmen-a «reat nation. 'Eetabllibed 1883 An' American-a dollar. Two Am- , tended. . ' . 9culist-O.ptlC:i'an erlcanl-twq dollan. r:hree Amer- Neyer' ell;plaln: your friends "don:t . Eyes re ted . Mahiicke & CO. T a Icane-three dollafl. . . I need II and your enemies won t W. C. BELL · . sbN8 CO /. ' Norweslan-a drink Two Nor_ cye YOu.-HubbaJ\!. 'Jewclen ,. , Plosscs }o�ittcd 111()'12 Pacific Ave ",'eglanS-leveraY drlnkll, .Tbree Nor- beli r . . . 919 � oadway Tacoma , , Tacoma, ,\Va.b. weslaM-prohlbltlon. Make lure you are rl«ht and. Pantasell Theater Bulldl", ,k Swede---,-a IIwear worll, T,,'o tben�so ahel:d.-Daolel Boone. 254 Soutb Ninth St. II. Three 1J ev Main 3224 Tacoma, Walb. �::�::=: l�;::e; :::���� Real I Th'e cautloul�m err.-Confu- ' IUcbt. P1-tce -_ElI;chanse. JETLA�D " PALAGRUTI "� U'� ' ...........Co. . Coml,J4!te Llae -of Me.'. �u.ch Inlerell and entbullaim' 'II ft , IDj( 4 FaraJ.b.baaCloth. VlSELL CO. . ' dillplayed amons the Ituden1a of 91% �ac. Ay, Tacoma, WUh. .. � Canton Lutheran Normal In a' Nor:'" &ell�tlonel'l ""eglan Elsay Contellt lIe;:ently beld. ,!ad Photo 8upplls ----­ If proved 10 Bucee8lful another conPac. Aye., Tacoma lelt hu ' been opened on · the IIkl ftA�. · · . -Liim & Selvig lournament that took place not Ions ., ago. Prl:r.el baye heen ottered for tbe belt eaaayl, $5 being ·the first ImporteR of NQrwegian BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. I)rlte, $3 and $2 for lecond . and Cod Liver 011 third prius rellpeetiyely. .Ge�rai �en:ha"dlae . Madllon i07H . Par�and. Wub. . Cor. Tacoma Ave. ,& .11 5t. !'JeYer Ik�e thin . A member of MT, TACOMA STORES-b,O Storell dore Evjenth. ... Jacome. \Vash. , � . ,v _· � A." Free DellTer7 1. We "h



' V"II�









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Oil. f

. American Savings and n · Asso<latio. . Loan ' 1001 Paclflc, AYe, Tacoma. Waab. .

you' i��ted ' in '..�­ " iog · money·; on a plan .

which call'Do) be defeated? U oo, _




Puiet. ·Sound�

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Re�D d . . s.uu Life CO, .

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DeS Moines,



, National ·'Bank , ," ·Established 1890 Taooma. Wash.





. Fo�AS��


. A Sa�g8 Acc�unt � . : '< a Life Preserver: ' . ' ;;' 'y-



,� "

·· Washington Hardware ,Co;· . : ' , ExefuBive . . . '- SPALDING AGENTS, : 10111 AND PAC,.


J. W48H.

PACIJ'IC LUTs:&JL\N cou..o..

PAoa . '





Divine Sc['\'ices' 10:30-Rev. O. J. Edwards of ' 'MARCH 16 ' _

== z ", _ "", " """ ", __ \

- , '-J'


, I (. J


�verelt preaches ' '


r:cnlcn Services-7:30

MARCH 21 Di"ine Services--10:30 Divine Scr"'iCCS---:l 1 :00 MARCH 24_ _ , .. P. M" . Ladies Aid....2 Lenten Senices--:-7:30 P. M . .

a . o e b :��:es r:::: :el: \r�:. . tu�e:at . Trinity Lutheran Cbur�b for :!drs. D. Benaon who dled ,at tbe Tacoma General l;Ioapllal, Feb. 2%. "I I:\now The openIn,; hymn ot a Sleep In Jelus Nam� ' lliati,

' H ueltr�Gpa«� : )-,( CO�J� a rellI Ye-II t b OU8� tryI her Dumbed (lnlera by uiatches. 'The Ino'", fell t�rou&bout tbe act. while blue Ing made the seene efCecqye Their DS '

""'11"' .

HOI"''' When the hor�e s:eta flalltol)s And the nlte owl tails allee�. When the chickens blow their noses. Mr. Edwaro Arthur, IUISlst80t And. tbe -beau bes:l� to peep' -- I ;:;=======;;;; 1 The old buUdlng which rQ rmerly coach at P. I C" lett.. �choOI eaTly HQ)IE�LtDR week. The 108.8 of Mr. served al a gymnasium for the 80c Sunday DtnD�r 8&: . paat� nteellons Parkland Athletic Club Is belns: torn · MRS down and hauled away. DoDGE . Fuel alen The bulldlflg :was purchased Mad. 3815 . . parkland ' Mr. Corney formt'r baker at land.


. High �rade J�welry tlon, and etc., '1�11" : ' '''II'''I''������ and eoml;!arln, wIth lt ��� ��;I:� lion religion. ven r O In ��:n� �:: : �:�:: �;:e;�::.'l : Top'le: Lenore Lund. Irene Fad­ Deas. 'and 'SeymOUr Samuellon. P;U:kland B�rber Vocal 8010: Solvelg Ry�nln,. Shop aRd · Readlbg : Margaret Jaeo!)lOn. After tbe program and business Confectionery meelln,. lunch wall lIerved I"ft · t'he church parlors. . Hair Cutting, Bobbing Candy. Tobacco ' The re,ular .P . T. A. mel!t l ng will March be held at 'the Public -School '

I I�;';'::;==:::;;':;=:;;';:;;";;';��� I




12 .




T.rlnlty Lutheran Congregat n, Rey. T. 0, Sv.re·. call put an.ioofCerlD&" of $586.00 01'1 tbe aitar' for tbe 'Natlonal Church Bud,et,' Sunday. Feb. ·21. Rey. L. C. F08S, fO,rm. tI tO t :�e:;::�dethe :er!:n��� �b�I::::� ·lIlon. A ,-.






General Merchandl� and

I)'-A� MantcuitaC


$1.5� Skirt,

an) tiyle Hen\stilehing . .Button Hole. Button. Covered

,BAUER'S 317 So,Cllth ,SI.



Frank i. Lee Commercial .

Etc Two Stores : . Always, at Your service


Phone Madlaon 1137 South Tae�ma

BRKA() IS \'OUR' RKST Jo'OOD J.:.-\T )lOR.: 0.. IT

. .

� Mo�el nakery


Mad. 28G

;¥.:���;�����:tti��������1 '1<4�=======�=:!I i 'Shop � ��: � � dl ���=���� C�lIjjfOl�ia Fiorists



H. J. Conrad, Prop.

Portrait and

LEHMANN'S Dry Goods, Shoes.

W. FaDeT.!1


Under Panta,es Theater S�lal.·

LadIH HAtr 'Bob� •



Prof. and Mrs. O. J. Ordal 'and Mr. . and Mn, Sal.ter- motored. to Stanwood Thursday, March'., where the,. "lilted wltb the 'LeQu",. Deat.....,. Prot. M . .H ol u m prea hed Le h � Id Pad(l c. AnODe n. ten aenlee In Re.... c VlIlea"jek'. and a U ;l � B� ' ":� '. l� r m•.' Thureday eYenfI: OO��':::: : : � � �::. C:\::b . ;:.:: : �: PHARMACX LARSEN · Rn. A. W. Ram,t.d condueted Prompl.· DeDftrJ . ' �"rY�cea In the 1'!lnlii LlIthe� ., ---- <rhureh:-: In -P.rlr.land, Wedllesd.y M.ln- U4....:.... .Yenlae, lI.reb 110� So. K "St.

Sal\itMY Barber . Shop


�����¥o'�����'It�-;;;;:-�-;;;; ' IPER P Dlf't'!'Ctor;-�l G." P. Knudtson.



Davis' M�n'8

' 94 4 Pacific Ave.


�ornia Bl�8: Taco",.., Waah: If12'h Pac; A.e.� Main 2289

We 'offer heat

�tes for�

. sCandinayian' check8, Cou-:. ' ��s or cnrre.ncy. aod ' can IeU draft. on all import':

an'" .,obits in . the SCandfn. . avian. countrieS. .

' -The Ba� of California


',P. L. C. DEBATE � SEASQN OPENS Several Debaift He14; p, L. . Debaters .Win Two and

�. Two�eet8 .

fM.-dIam Take. Ftnt. �te P. 1... C, Hllh School afflrmatl"" ' team eompoaed. or Edna Brotno".

, Hany $anne,rud , and Peder Gn.Dibo met the nelat e team or Stadium Hllb �hool sr nled 'by Clinord Dunleatb. '"wriD'� e Lelh and .Fred Taylor, at Stadlu.m H. S. (Tacoma, ) The time aUowed ' for ea�h de· bater wa!!J" ten minutes" for tbe con· atructhe ' Ipeeches ' and .n"e-ft'llnute .rebuttals. Tbe debate W&8 Ter}" Intereat­ Inl and the arlumentl were a.bl� presented on both side. The decl · aloD rendered ...al two· to one In e f.,.O o t UnOOln1aa. ' . The nelatl"e team of tbe bllh IChool -department ,at ' Pacific Luth­ eran College met the L'lncolo ScboOl (Tacoma) aUlrmaUTe trio In a debate; TUIl,day, .March 16, at · th" Lincoln Fllih Beb601.


� ��::


·Nothlng. But· the Truth, Ia jIl& ­ · S...... ; $19,000 DoUano Wo�·tn Wapr Tba 'Ttl_plan Dra.=aUc Iiode" , p,resented their allDlial pia,. Satllr­ da,.. tbe- 1lt'elEtb. Tlur pla,. .U II comed, In ' tbree act.. eatltled' "Nolbll;ll' but tbe Truth;'" . ' The Itory deat, . with �b•. 411•• tloD-I, It· p o.. lbl. to· tell tb. trutb ' ----eyeD for twenty-tour 'Jlouri. hr tbe ordlury . m.lI� It ill Dot-but Bob Benett, tbe herd of lbe pla, aceompllllbM tbe -{eat: . Rill 'tanOH, . O","od,ol),,, Rallto,n CI".1 ' him $10,000 to double 'or charity. .. . boN, , Gwen', fatber., Dick Do Ie,. and Clarence Van DnleD bet Ii tiO.t n e t b to � o ' liou"� t�8D. the �med,. be�ID'. RtI ' l'utlJ.I Ral,tou', bUllneM b, . teUJu, ' tba lNOlote trutb .t tbe ottlce. dHtrori bl.' rrtendablp . wltb DIet aDd Van . IltlDI bti ' Qar..."•.! th�m�' ilulen ' Ow-iii'. and' ConieqUeDtl1' Own­ , Il"r that' b"r' TOke a'Dd ._. ,._••,• . •• - to cap ,lb" cU·

�:t ��� � � ::r:tt;�: ::

�E ��=�=�fi �Kl�=� �� :=:::;: f�--=�:::t£!j� •

ar&,umenll of tbelll opponentl, In rebuttal the i:lel�tIT" �how"d a perlorlty over the op�IUon carried ,. the jude". · d'eclaldu • 3 to 2 .ote. This Is the lecond year of alc relaUon between Lincoln the hlih School department of . cUic Lutheran Collele,'· Lut ' the bonors ...ere eTenly tbat ",;ch school ...on ODe .






' " " l 1,,, . . -;Mi . ; � ::=


T"'-;;E. MOOBI' NG U " -T" !," . .

�ARKLA.ND: WA,lll,��'

, H'

la, la'. buht ball p 1ut JMr.. ;".t.t. _ttl. to:.... an .. ___ , ' N" , ,..." CIIAPtl �__ � ';':'Uon,'.Mareb. lt• •t . t�. ·8f�ttl. . . . " C:kneral HOIpltal; ' ... .. � ..f, LL.. . .. . : e . h I . b l�;� �.�� te� ��D ���:�r:J:�.: .� Mia Help ft...... '14, .lalted ... �h�I��1 �: r:���e:t ,tad at Chapel Frlda1, Mareh·. lI. lit. V.moll, W...bl.�oll. tbe 'C�I16p BuD4&y . 'Mareb .si . � Publlsbed 'ner, two w�1I:s d"urln, tbe aclftlol Yf!!t- by the ,tlldenta T�C�e::clr::c� :�b;e.�;,uI8��O�r Mr. Metro�d ArdtaeD, tor. m er .h.� AaIM Itudenll of San . DleeD ba."e ",nn;:�u �n.eflD--Coff��.blla �r �_�the de.D �.... .,.. .. '.......,.. ....uc UDln!lcr-""� � . . ' r.::tu ��I��! :: :�• co1!.lIoenatory III Cb)c;q� nllD· 'tcIp rdln, �e' �bman · p\lbll.hluK' , . Subscription. one dollar per "�l' :z!: �: ! � . ;�S; h . .. ll c . .n edltloD of ,.tbe co�lele paper. �" office he ash. "'Ybat mUlt I do to be . .Entered .. lecorid clue maUtor. d:�ober J. lUI». at the post� .... . �ved' Then ' he I;IndentoOd that Mr, Erik 8. H.Uk� dll.t. rro1P h�Y ,u.Uy cl.lm .th'� ,lbe �llfI r at Pu"klan$l, Wl.lbln,tou . ·under the Ait'ot Marcb 3., 1M', . ". ' tbe thlnp of. this world cannot .....e. P. L, A, 1911, ,t. city' treuu",)" oe. .Tbould reprellent tb. entire colle«. uie ,poltle replied, 'Selie'n on AstoriA, ,Ore,on. He yt.lled " tb! &lid �ot � p.!2!lliutJd,... t.be_llM. oL. _ 'THE SfAFF lhe......Lord. Jesua.-and-. lhou--ult-M. �ltq:e, Salul'd.,.;-Mafcb-tO:-=- F-'-'-,In81e --c.I.... - , . �, , ' , '- M;�lha Hje-;m'st� M,1'ed!' . " Editor·in-ChicC r r l o o Henry i l Monog1t;lg Editor le: , Oee!� I wish ;the, would An � � � :�y'; � , Associate F..ditor �e � � f .:I : � : { .. t �:a�� � t l m ;: : 2a:, �::�: :�. ;w;� e a R . '.Myron" Krei�er rUI1 out ot cbeeae! cb'Pte7 three.. of tbe �n, .t·�ol'bo. W...,bln,ton,a Art K. : . Why! We only ,et' I� " REPORTERS �:I�il�la�:. . Mr Melvlo rQu.mln.lI tudentarot on�el:lew:::tounded) Once -;!\feek ' l, rt'n�. Dahl, John nnn RM1l1USse n. L uc'lta Svinth.· S igne Hjerm"'Ve will find," o,aid n·the apeAker n U I �Iad.\ Ruth F.�dn('s.o.. t\lfrcd · Anderson, 1£010 Hagen, Lillian �::� . �::: �n; ':..:o��Q�o ;;; �ndL 8:nd�� M��:' ;l"ll�� �lI :� We let It � Suilda,. . . � ; . (.('('. ,ltlurgllcnle Fflco present workln, at Kina St. Post r contemplatea eyer suicide �hrlalla1l. . NOTICE ! Waahio,ton It 18 the man who haa many mater· OfClce. Seattle.-BUSINESS STAFF.... .J " 1.1 rood. In tbls world .nd loYes . N-i B. Tt.o.,b . • Pede.r Sognerest Dus11lcSS Manager t Mr h em. Why t,ben are they not con_Burton Kreidler. '15. wbo haa M.D·uf.ctun,r of H.lr Quodl. . , � �.!II. .ttend.!n . .-!h�,-8. .£:.._ !� 'T.oupeM. W.t,.m tnd COlltum�. - Arnt Oyen tellt with tbelr fOt! It Is bec� A!l.�Jslanl ' '- . Ha,..- OTed t they h....en·t toull.d Chrt.t They Pul man had . to dlecontlnue ,hla Artlipr Kimtzeo ma,. Circulation Manager ha.... enrythln, necess.ry for- studies there on acc::ount of hi, � or 'p Bldt'� .14 � B1'O&�� Eide, pbYSJcal NlOa \dvert:��nJ) g Sk(ICIton . Ruth Buh. Ruth Fadness, , enJo,ment but within , t hem. knee .whlch be Injured ,wbn� .plai. . AI av . . -..·.,·.... . . ielns the, ha...e po peace," . . c...� O. J. Stuen Fac�ty Adviser ' f"" The APQltle Paul .was cited ..., ...... f;--.... . "'... · · J·'i . Ptala _. fta. 0......:. g. · who . forsook ID e'XAmph!l of ol1e. . " j� I 111 'worldly «0Dd1. tlien went out EASTER " . OlYMpic 'Ice Co. ..uOuuCAlf 4.aT OOMPAN'I' F 'Ve are now approaching a day that is an anniversary bC one Ind ,tro d�lIpDtly for bt. maker' "" �ce, i "�"" l�:::,.�tatai. � or the greatest, and most .y,·onderful events in'all ' th,e history of Ind foun<\ " Phon.' lIaln 5Ua Ta..coma., Wn, � the. world:E:- aster. It wns on this day ,. that our Lord. as a �-===:r::=========tl Call Main 2820 :.,....................,............................�. .. .. . .... . .. . . suffering on ·this . ellrth for ' o Qr' �ins. arose fr:hm limax to fils !" ' ."..•.. .. ...Diw .·DiopM·iiN ......... -· c . �t PIice RMl QUUt'J :. � � . I the dead and completed His work for OUf salv"alion. g Easter comes in the season or �the year when' spring dis- JETLAND a PALAGRtr.1'I THE 'WHITE WAGON Sen_ ' , penes the dar�n� of winter. 1lie sun shines ,thr,Pugh the Complete u... ot �lIea" � . DUnN!N, Laact* ... \� clouds. flooarn� the ·earth .with its life giving light, bringing " lac iuuLJl'ara biq lll '. WiD DeI1�er Your 1_ On HI" "C,,,o�� forth the wonders of. Nature. So the resurrection of Christ ttz P.c . A.... ' ;,·aeoma. �"'b . �....C. .... --t .r � " . .. "Ir ,,, t I s w Collel. Gym hafu�:: t��: ::;:�a�J :lll��e:;:i:��. �r!��id :�s ����:k= l t======:;;;:;===:t1 I 'EataIiU.sbed· 1�;3 ,n�ss, .everyo[t� was a f{t� sinner with�ut any ho� of having r e e , ��ud�q�/�:�k�:� a�� J(:�: t�� :�;:h :�!� ;N:�f:C::iV:�: Mahncke & Co. .. , A�erican PI�mbiDg & Ste.am SUpply Co. ft l

... � , --c-'r----.,..-:..:..-,----"--':-


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,. WBOLIC8ALB r , light. the light of the \Vord. \Vhen He was re!lurrected from . PWlfBINO. 8TBAH MILJ,. IIUPPLIE8· the dead. the light really came forth an� .the I>t le wh9 want to trust in Him come into Ih(' light and their Sins re forgi'(en' 919 Broadway Tacoma PhODe Main Pae;ltlc '.A.Yeu",... they are sure of eternal.happiness. , and \Ve === are now near the end of Lent. a .£Cri ,or repentance == leading to Easter which brings the realizatlon that our sinS ate. ;; n._ ;; ;; ;;;;;;::; ;; �; �;.LAND :; ;= 111�;;;;;;New'Spriq: ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;�;;;;;;;;;� ;; �;;;;+ ;; � �aDCl' ;.;;Bee;;;; "forgiven through His: surreri. and � and' we· are ,happy r= K� PI.."", ' 8tJ":' AntYtq DaO� la.'agitin; joyful from this knowl ge. � ... OD� '.. Fram� Of All Kla(J. ' . \Ve mortals upon this ea th� gross sinners that we are, Hedberg 'BrOs. should show thai we appreciate. what He did rQr us. in that we . S�. Helens �3U8 believe in Him 'and that wrl strive to 'carry out His word rully . and U:y to live to be bet,fer men. ond w:omen.-A. A. �;::;;:;;;�::.:::;;;::�I'.:� . :;;;:; ;; :;;;;;;:;;�;t�306·.;� ... - :;;; ...... � '''..,... � . . :: ;o M'�dW r Madillon 1409 Sales . Sen iec .... ::.� Y ·:;;;:;;;�:;;; . :;;;;; :;;;:; ;; ' �;!I . !jCATI'ER SUNSHINE ' " Nielsen & .'Haneen Motor . thought CQIl- ' m 1 r i a whicl\ �!r � , Co. :t� � 1��' � = . Th� Fishe. r Co. Beauty'Parlor . t t,tine�: l 111ere ain't no use I Rtar ·Motor. ear. " crabbin' friend \Vhen things don't come �iour ,,!,ay. S�lalby Expe� Perman�t W�...er full head �O.� 663:C;. � ro�. �oma It doe. no good to' gloom around i And grumble night and day, Shalftpooillg',' MarceIUIlC,'.Bair CuUillC · The thing to 00 is curb your grief, �our Auto-Cut out your little 'whine . Let Me btiure AU E.� 0Pera;torl bile, Home, or BUBineu ' And when they ask, "How arc you?" . Jest say, �'I'm feelin' fine." M. H. RINGSTAD , 11 th & Broadw.y " . ..... Have you ever noticed the mimbe.r of your friends tho! are Parkland Wasbi»gton . r.s giying a very w� "Fine," 10 your query, " How are Mad. 3 111 �Rl . � � �. o . \Ve all seem to get a satisfaction from' unloading our little upon sOme one else. it seems to reliev� our. minds. But, w t good does it do? II makes tveryone else feel that there '1tmERiCK STYLES . ARE BEllE, FOR EASTER ' m t be something w.rong 'with them, 100. , so. very soon every re or another. ' onp. has so�ca , The PEOPLES STORE Co. a jolly place ,to Jiye i� if e\'eryone followed . \Voul6't thi5Itbedoes no good"'to gloom, why not say, "I'm little verse. this . feelin' fine." no matter hpw you reel and watch bow e"!',e.ryone , EoIabliolled 1888 Padfle ATe!l1le at �Ievell:th Phon JI!AIa 1820 �acts. yo� will see. 'tha� they soon forget th�ir, �" . J"-'t try tl once.-A. A.




- 1707









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M:�.:�:. J


,, _

Pumps in Graceful New L9tes ' Here at $7�5

.Tailored 'and Dresay PIlII\Pt for every hour :of the dtY..:..r""b.rini the Patenl , Fumpo

,thai himg 'oul the palel' co...... or


..; SmartlJ.

Al!d rememl!<r, . � Sl<>re ShOe is . 'gciod sbo.""'� of price: Three slyles ... sketclledl and the", are a D..;m,.r of. olber"smart modeIa. . -' . ..- : '-'-. .' . . An gi'" Y"oIt ••tiia- V,Ar.UE at "".96.

No. On!

A GREAT ��ERY �' c·

�es_Brothers ; '"..�


..... . '2





74 1


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the 'fI'ln'do" abo't'e 'and punctualed hili grins with urlous mlul". Cap lind Sid atarted a bon.Ure behind , "soc:' hooke-poor ' deara were ...hll1ed� 'Pbe reat of tbe c1... ·.pent l!\,elr .spare momenta cuUnl' rock. eac:h other. ' All ncep! 'Pete, he's IIlrO"'n, up and admits It. , Mlu ll'ydci' IlA,A It'. tM b'Ulldlny- ror .tfie I'c�l of the year. She baen't time educate them and protect Ih'(lS and tbe school .proPerty. \\,ho dldn't enjoy the pl�Y! brollier. ...� 8at and held our e\'cr)' time the bero took orr oC tharl'lcioul Hanna, wonder wbo "ould so out he or tbe cisar! , lit




On' lenin"" InlPector Rounda ell.­ preue� bimaelf "'flll. pleased with 'he 'llfork as earrle4 ou In tbe Hl,b !kb�1 Department ot P. L. C,


)Iarch , April, May then l'acatlon . Watcb� s�nna do durlns l'acatlon? . CARLYL£.& uiFtmmiA The. proflcl�nCJ .ot 'our etudent. Headqaarter. for facalt,,' aDd In o.8soc�aU� wltb �ne8 tempts or Pacltlc Luther Itudent. to remark tbe' ;n r u � ban been Colleee. born 10 barn. B ut thal's a I.nlce, without tl,. or Houae dll!:. We &polo,I.&8 a�d admit. tbe, It ITO'.I double are denr. ETer; da,; wortby k. �arl. When we .Jaull'h "bout our Who ..,.111 be tbe [lrl!l� to cane a dllar . , The tno' Brookdale CuIo .Marke\ Tomorrow there Ita . bU�ble Frida,. eyenln, 8eulon 1 .a, their Inltlala 'on tbe new kick loA' balun th.tee leulon., a II,IU-ueto& .. Blown awa,:' an address ot welcome Madison ' lULl Remember ,coUeman you are b . N.wlibrown banqu... with t" many A ' pr'ett, ."tbou,ht .t'bat-a D , Prelld,;ot ot ConJ'.::J !uppolled to have your name dalotJ, cordia J. A, J:r;.. of Inter.eat Olio. Suric\ay too, Olio. to pract�e 100, don' t Colle,e. . Tbe apeaker ' of tbat the nenln, Interlaced 'llfllh another , Ia certaloly heln, thh:ik! When one muea on one' BJornwhen you are old, crabbed ' and on tor 'llfasbeMr.MGunn�r � : to" me and .1 hope . .... troubl" tblnk about � tbem.' pille. 1 'llf married you can �re.r your , C : ����� 'llf��c� la �::� a�::�� ln so e f bl a o a ea..,.. aro.p. . to a romantic paat. . kno'llfn and quoted for Ita i�,mark- : 'llf1�; ,�. � ,.� a� :ra:t���! �����t:�:, �o�!��, �:a �u�:���:; Kodak J!"laiIbJaa able editorials. He la a l'ery force- you all for makln&, luch a "on- ho" ,rtiat onet� iroubl" ,rO'llf-bo" View. OUR DELEGATE RM4 Pboto 8errice rul apeaker and held the audience derful trip poialble for ,.me. . ma,nlfled tb�y . become. I (Continued from pa,e 1 ) Martha lijermatad. beeaUIe I'l'e. tried . "_." '.'.'" " lIaln notJ r tree In light-bad landl of rocky spell-bound by hll -emphatic urnrltcl!Uleta-and tben the Taat' alrelchel ne.. an4 �ccallou atlrIClI humor. . around about mt . Tacoma ' of North Dakot,,: prairie 'llflth not a He dlac.uued "Edlto lal PeHlcy" In Albert Tansora. "orld's cbampl09 and you'd be lurprlled , � o li�;;;;;;iiliiE;;;-;;;'" al,n of Ufe. It "as 'acrou th", the effect It has on eade � of 'our typist, holder of an official record the depth !>f despair Into "�:.� � . myself. prairie tbat I bebeld one J?t tbe oollese publlcatlo as 'llfell a. of Ho7·"ord. a, minute for an hour, kidded ' re;-: before. tbe Itudent. of San . And ' tben anotber time t mOlt b�a'�'tlful Icene. of tbe 'llfbote the dally ·tte'llfspapera. "Moat o� The .��tore and ,an 10Ple unl- lali,bln,. about "my atmple trlp--a sunset. . The wbole ",eater!) your reader. read tb!l f�1I -� , tint e:rhlb.IUon 'con- troublM and ,rienne. and ��y .aa ..�IO" ;'Wltb cofor, ahaMn� I porta In preference to edlt.or�all Men' .y t8lt. tbat -It Is ....y to lau,h Jf trom tbe brl,bteat yell�" to .crlm I r!lll,lous artlcl",," aald · qU8IUons�from ' It'. �OD. GraduaUy tbe oolon taded_ "Tbe tbln, f,or yOU to do the make eirort. and be a't'era,ed l i1 , . of ' attltude any"ay and and' 'llfltb a .to atart your articles . tben darkn8U. . minute, �altln, :rwo daya pr�edln, tbe conTen· oU"-and you'U be baTlne .. . ,. " a. well ,0 at tbl�" In Nut he added a tlon I ,'apent wtl-h rel�tlTea 'In WII- read." He denounced t�e attllude .. to ,0 at 'them conaln. While tbere .1 had the "rite-ups of nrlou. "orld" .i.t'tltud�. opportunity oC TlaIUnS" Oale Col- our papera �s "uaDed le,e" and met a8l'�ral membera 'of and ursed tbat"""e l'a.ry the faculty and lltudent-body. Tbey -make tbem catchy and " In" were nry mucb Intereated In P. L. C. . Ing about our ·P. L.' C.' ' It 110 · mine of coualn a tbat Pened W: c., BELL '" sO!'iS CO. · delegate from Oale. · l1 U)·12· Pacific Ave: The conTention opened this ..", 1 ....... Tacoma, 'Y�. o.:allat-Oplidan 'Doon (Friday) "ltb an Edllorlal Confer�nce . led by Mr. Gllitn Treated 'Eyes Sandro, Editor of tbe Mirror. Tbe tbeme of Panla,. Tb..ter 'Bull,dln, ' J......... a;. , 'J64 Bouth Ninth Bt. Main. 3�24 Tacoma" Waab, CoIapa.i� . . / ",pc) e 00' combl-lUD" lhnMI' campus , Book � el'lIl1---tCJ.uanderln, oC . time and OfIJce aDd Photo s.ppUM -, money, purpoaeleaanet-8 In our work tol % Pac, An., 'Tacoma and a lack of critical Jud,meDt. Re't'. B. ' E. Jor,enlon, prealdeDt, Lien & Selvig Red Win, Seminary, ..how" how j" o!tr coll�,e publlcatlonl oould help Impoiura iif Norwegtaa BROOKDALE 'GROCERY CO., build for Cbrlst by ·.treqln, rellliCod Liver on �aI � oUa articles and preaenUnc In. an h n o an ' ParkJ&lld, Waah: ' IOU.. . Kadlaon . Ave. 4: 11' St. �!:�� ��: ��tb!�=n ���h. ! 'Tacoma ''Cor, ' A m.eIllWr -of �: TA._CO�TORES-.. rol . II .,y, .. un• tabl '''---'0' �..-. , T.com....Wuh


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O � " 0. Sanaa.' We bani Hftr pUd ...


�d , Amerlcaa BavID Loan A.oc&tiOD · 1001 - P'&dfIo, A:t'e. Tacoma,

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; -;�;; " : .-:� : kSa�g���tIS ' .. .




GoLD� ROD: 'BirrTmt




SINK OR- SWIM:, , ;; � 7. " ';: _ _

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. BaDker Life· Co( " . po.

'MoiDeI, IOwa

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. 'Y�gton �ware Co. �elusive' . " .





Elvera Hokenltad Ipent tbe week on', Mmh 19 ao. %l h" home tn Bremerton. . -


----P"1 1!k �

l\nled M'arle Gardlln . ma and Alma Running to bome tn Seattle and IItayed them durlns tba week-end; ' March

I! and U.


Peter Orambo, It .seeml; pTorrilaed to let. Martha HJ�rmstad, the Itudent body�elegate to " e


THAT !: ���::� =: :!:� :�'ed :


f I r o , A thot, t�at brat m)d. (his alld th.t, Remembrance Or-(H8 gTabbed bla bat) ,



e tti

·, ' TRA'

'T , KOD�

:"UO ' Into · 'hla Ford he Jumped aTlght, EIbaust It: .pu.fted with all It'l might. �nd Ilke a ·.�m,: cn' · J1ke a myth, H� tore a lesa wlt�, D "No shortcu�"'"' iry;': · Ills consci(mce




saId, .. "Or Boon you'll find younel� In bed, WIIJ1 many broken . bones to. mend, Then how tbe world· �re you .to _ sen•, '

· " •

T �: ·8=�:�'II·


aeware •.an'! Beware or gravel and loole aan!lt" wu tbe 088 Man's lut retor·t, voice �repfitd.:"'!{ww.·'W,tloi!le and Ino�t,

" TiiA�·

:�7���� � ;:�


A·nd breathless duhed · down many . fII,hts:. • Across the yard and o"er pipes, CODduCtor salt" him, Opened gate, . ;...ith bls leapJ!d. OJ;l And . Pete



Thl8 poem 18. J:(luCb· and needlll . ·patr. ·;.l iid -IQ� dld Pete when' be ."toot, lh air" the






Buckley�King Company, Inc.'



Have YOu ever ·mountalns?

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Phone Main 412 Helens Av... TaComa

723 ·8t.

' LOOK YOl9l G.�U�


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P: ·Knudtson. Pr��, :

;::,;���I 'G.

"· Two AI�ay.". at YO.Dr


' 317 So, 11th St:

. �=

Frank J Lee

r--��������ll �=�;;;;::;;�flll faD"". �.


·Phone · Jiladlaon 1137






:'BRIWl18. )!',Q1m-BM;;'�I:> .


;;;�� Ml)d�I Bakery \: III �_-.;i_; ''

•••�'" •• ,

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.- , �--, -�. -


S:c8ridinavian cbecb,

W� , offe� beel ':'1..


Mad. 2M

' �tlr

ant pp inii fn,"the. SeaD�. avi ' coU;fltries. : " " � . :

Shop "

. Tacoma


.CO. . pons .or, ctirre�cy.. "aDd Can sell on, 8iJ iDip.;rt�

Men'8 . ' . Da� " "

��.·,JIIJ �; 94tpacific A;e.

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EA� i.o�:dF,ji

li�;;;;;;�;;:;;����i lll��- :'.

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. 'J'�m., Wuh:.

GEO. W" P-1Pl';R '

._ .�. _. _ ..so\1JJl,� .x'l-C.On;l'

M, 5536



==::;::;:===� 1:1 I�=== California Florists


. 8uttOn�. tovei-ed·

uurS .'



Button Ho'"

Bid" . Bt,

aod . LEHMANN'S ' , Dfy Goods, Shoe.. Elc..



H. O. HANSON The ·JeweIer �

. .

�c-arlq ElI:peR

!I, J . .Conr"�d, J7opo ..

' Hlg� Grade Jewelry:,"

Mercantile· Co. ,

" General Merchandise .


· t)'-A�


!:�;,;����;��;'� IJ==��=:=�:::::== l Parkland Parkland

� Nq

Uc:der panta e. Theat�r · . 8peda1� JWr &b


._ work, · . Dinner· 3Gc GOO 8anda7 urlnl a cIah lectuTe one of the 'haa ' been . D . Pastry. Confectiona n l h Il DOOOE . tO c e t o e �( . Fue l Della. ) Su'",",0',-",<,u",9Y, a I Are YOU leuDi.Dg anythIDI!�' Mad. 3815J3 meanl be · O·1'"6r- " t : " ,,,,,..,,,,,,�,,,,,,,;..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; . ,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, . Inr, In

� ::K:; : ::;� �:; ::t��%ti� .I;:���

halr. . en.t at the . ,

Sanitaty Barber . Shop

The '

�: ::! ;�� ;� !�:! ! �


Funeral Dired.on




tiODS, . ' .. '_. ' . � " "' I ' .. Caus!=d many thota and . tlons, . , .' . , And finally u , tjle wh.latle · blew '"Before the · station .door, he drew,

�� � :e��8

wlnl the- debate wtt� bat mood for the remainder of the nco n. � . nonlu. entutalnln," f«ncltul ' . remar·h, • iuch aa tbls: . "We don't Marcb . � . expect 'you to know )'our lessons ldrJL KTeldler . &aka the, boYs to Tw.enty-three art student! , under today. . realised bow Ured you set lo " and (m. up " tbe modO � ; ' ere �I&bt... In tront of the late. Goodb)'8 � ' ! ! r 'c I , " boya, we .knew . Jt would come to ' .J " -v' laited" Rev, . . Durlnl the Sprlnr : Quarter a tbls. '\ , course MOden)." Problems ,. e:arryla-LTb th.e well known unda)' , . . , Inll" three credits will, be II"I:t"en by , Campus , day, work.., play, plctur� Williams o[ tie Social Science ta�ln�, and. . d�ek.lnls In the creek of W�hlngton. State . . anil�b! luch .eata. •.

��:: :� ��: �����At�t,:�: ""'''''' .1 '.'.Ib'

ed that "Pete" rorgot all tUl a raw mln.utes berore time, Now Ir you're a good word punUst you· can draw the eventa . .1rom the rollowi�1




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, , ' lith:� Bri:.adway' · , ". rACO�- ' .. . '� ... , . :. ," " ;'r'






Meet So 1': C. in Dual Debate 1'. L. C. DOfeat> Colleve '" of ru' PUclfic Lll theran Collell;e Debllte'u Sou"nd 9ft both AU irmawill meet Seattle Pacific' COllege In . gee t e i\' �-�b��gQ�;':t i��� hi ld dU(I,1 .debaJ8 .A llrll 30th. ' Debale Coa.en Ph. E. Haug1;t ball C l ::���;' � lt � ��:�t 1I1�le;::e o': n:�:tt�: The taclflc Lutheran· College olM!n· ed foreri�IC:' �eliulon� with ·tbe Co,· "RCUIe' College.' ,\nhu ;Iolln. b)' l rayer. r led of I> ' on ' a . Capella the Puget Sound, (I'rlday, April4 1, ) April . wedn� 0. '{he negl\J"'c team IrR\'els Se. 9.leltew of er l rn I o Jie� a clual debate 9o'a\ held ' 00 will have artlrmath'e atll,: the while I: t;�I I��:;\I::n�II�:I��:� ;�o�: �a�l� �'oD�: ��:ta� �:� e!�: :;'" f�:IO:�: ttle' olloortunlty of allllt!l\rlng before tbe proposed Child' �bo< Ameot':lolI . . with election of ' 1 atlonal tertalned by PacUlc Lutheran Col. !!e»!l " hOllle audience menl tl,cer!' for, lhe coming year \ (01. lege at a luncheon 10' the school din. or The C P S aWrmative team met W President. lo Rindahl. O. . �: " III: ing hall: The dining. hall was . opponentL I. C) Audl P lllelr the n I CLASS PREPARES ','ua; t'''' ' d.' '"'' ' ''' 'W.,tt,'.' ·,�eener)' �u':���r �:::��cll rYI;: ��:1u !) re cK;�1 �g','!. !. lorlum C. P S ",aa repreaented I l U I bo . , " , . , ,, , b ' m I TO GIVE PLAY I by Maynard fo ' aS!! e " tt DrUllaen Madltlon ecret Jorgenson. t O,lle The Senior pillY which \\111 bel n 1 Arthur AJlllworth R9l1 P Smith President Ordal ""ho at 001' time S l Rry !.;?rmal; r (� C Tre,a!!ure�, Ita)" . n! Lu herall given by ..... bc ,.graduating duss thlS hy attemletl Auguslana College whe.n IlI mond . College; SI �Iaf He,lnholtzcn. . Legs a four Arthur KRutten Hen � Klel and I ear Is Daddy .nll� was called( Canton Normal School Col ege ) . Mrll �ere Arlit OYl'n The JudgeR l I.n"KII �ell1ber. Cart,. �\'I'dt, act con�dy "rltte�1 by Jean Webster Arthur S!dOW of Tacoma, Mr E:--G a fe�' wordM of welcome. and gu � tana foollowlng the bUllinell6 The ClIst as �et hall not-. been Fowler of Tacoma and Mrs H S nev. Svara gave .the aelllrff!!S of wei· All I!esslon. came Ihe . morning to by meeting lected but It will bo announced I n a IF'l:lher Superintendent of SchOOls of comc, which was Tesponded Iheme· "Build· . whf!'/'e the con'·elltlOI1 later la8ue of the Mooring :o.lal:lt Prof. J. G. Berdahl, tho. buslncss man· h�g Wlih Chrl�t as' Stt�dent!!" was Th�y ",111 be directed by Prof Pierce County The jmlgea decillion Ilger Or tho chait. Rfl\· · O. S. Helgll{ad ICUt b)' Courtesy of :racollla. News lind Mrs., Ph. ' E. Hauge who pllln: �'aa rendered � to 1 In favor or . P. Dr. Carl R. YOI D)::,dahl. dlrf!ct.or dll!cus!<l'd. .) C. we hat wl Christ how build d to Tribune lh � l' !< h I r d r presentatlon li L.The of Ihe choir wa"' the I nOl:t speaker I ust h r debate. was very Interestine ll :I.I. � · r aith - fai t h In I lls Son · Mr. Arnt Oy� n hss recently been ��e r�r:�. p:rt :: � a:� II rter �'hlch the cholr a neg-r�, shIp. , . closc. The cluh of o�lnton . , , ,.. " ' not .let the modernist . so we do & , nUl L " I I the . It that ClaS8 Will IS en III)1r 'ua b R. ,� . expected Is Il S Vlce'Prellldent chosen of National I'I ha l was marked. from the. very begltlOlog . the J..ambs." -the precedent set by formeri and �:_ (�� l� l�v��s .;::;ln:!��. the LutherAn Stuc.lent's Union at the follow col!1lnued 110 throughout. N'ucb Arter luncheon. the choir memhl'rll ��II.::I n� tho gniduotlng class, c s of uxkndlng �'ere taken on a IIlght·seeing exenr- ��� �l�a� hs� �:� ��P:�\';_II�u;' !�:�� annual L. 51 U. Conferenco �eld In proceeds from the �enlor play for p�,�s: stud,. and th�ught on tbe e f n I e Moorhead, M1nnesota. M�, Oyf!n has gUt to -be presented to tbe sello ol material and deUvel'Y, wal . e"ldent sian to ncarby,polnts of Interest. t b r h e 0. ' both at.dea. �o 'lhll rna, be add. The concert ' ""hlc.h w88 giNan In!I :=��..s:'l: I C�:�T'rJ 7: h! :r������!� e� boon an actlye ';'orker In all ra- at .commcncem�nt. e n , o I . - . :!;::; t�=IQa�ti!�:�:.Dd ' Igl0'us a�tlvl tles a� Y. L. ·c, ami flu . �:�::sl:t::�d:� :� � �:r �: ��::� He,'. L. A. Plc;son prese��eJ dl8t RANK HIGH IN I ta11 Iee three mighty challenges tha� come lnguiShed himself as sludent and. STJ]DENTS of students as well as by...a grea�'l110 . THE STATE MANUAL TEST 'Ihe Chri!ltlan' sludent from God;' !1t;lbater. . C. ·P. S. debaters ahowed' tbat number of Tacoma j)('ople. . . wh� tOOk oC ;:eeratiOO and fair pia, wenl Wc of Pactflc Luthcran College The aNormal Students The repertoire like that or the St. thf! chullenge to carry on the work a:d�:;��: ;rt h�t,a t:j mOnerSM t which the, 1'8lu�d Iilgbl,.. ll i �: ��:;�� �: :' � one-fronl hayo glad "ery are our Olaf choir, consisted of sacred hYmn!: q :�orl��S th�ln::;k: olrn thl:ede��� t �en l e r o v he L. C Is looking forward to a · , . lthout accom1). jnstltUliQn chosen to fill the port or their grades: To the cre el \t P. !nroad!f.o f mo ern Ism 0,," our and antbems, sung ,., . ChrIst- own forensic relaUolt with C P S anlment. Tbe choir II known Ian positIon. of tbe. Ichool may It bo saltl that future faith. To' meet tbelle Challenges and conslden the 'openlng States-it's Unlled the tbroughOut . every one passed, 76'70 of Ibose tak· er the mOlt· pleasant comb�te�co�nt� we mu!!t prepare ourseh'es dlll- i. of tbe. and tone Quality gent . harmony, precision, Ing the eum recehlng .grades of le8son .. l )' by pra),cr, study ot the Word The P. L. C.NOTICE . .' being declared perfect by. criticS. �, and annual reunion picnic over- 96%. Signe HJermfltad reI training of the work. Team. ColI. e Glrl8 e . with pas8ed -bonan highest celvlnis g . Mny 29, at Saturday afternoon tbe delegates will be held. Saturday, . The P. L C. �rrtrmaUve team. VISITING. PASTOR were taken on a sight-seeing tour to I Spanaway Park, which Is situated a grade of 100. , , compo�ed ot college girls, met tbe poin ls of Int(''I'('l!t about Moorhead two ' miles fro m Parkl'and ' BRIN GS MESSAGE and n . e ea COIl \'�dnlt)'. . Mlnnea· from ReY. T. Thompson The afternoon will be ' spent In BASEBALL SEASON �:�:t :!:�� o! t�e o:fi.me :::nl:� t f s s nt Our 5aYlour's Lutberan Churcb I( polls, �Innesota was tbe bearer Of p ���·r :; t;� a� �r:::: se:�:n ' !:d playing games, Qoatlng, -and ,swim. SWING FULL' IN , the Inspiring message gh'en at t ,e l I:IIn:IIpea·king on the convention theme mlng. In the evening lunch will The Unt baseball game, of. the sea· In' Tacoma. mission Society program at the he showed Ihat building with Chrlsr be served In the park:a �urJng on the P. L. C diamond, The IIneuplI were as follows: tbe son played l.utb:er League meeting Sunday nfter. hal enges UII to study hls . .....111 and 27, resulted In D. victory , be- P. L. 'C. AtrirmoUve; Martba Hlerm. iC l the Alumni Association will March meal noon, April 11. ing chalke� . u p for Kapowslo. ,The atad, Mildred Hanaon, and Alice ./. o�der his to build bave Ill, annual bUSiness nteetlng. In He apoke on seeing and preacbl.ng heed we'call. was ,·4. Art Werson aod Carl Davie. C. P. S.. NegaU"e; Jeue mUllt build according to W aI wi8 to. note- , that the. score Je8us aa Paul did. Meeting wltb ! rlghtly ttum both . pitched a good game Munger, Maud HIIo,lue, and AII�e " Co His � will. �nd that may know His . Jesus will cbange our lives and give will we must study that Word ....blch Luth:r :':a e on their Ga.r:trell. " ;. hl� for tl,l� P. L. . C. slugg� �ut us higher ideals. Jesus Is al....ays reveals It� As stl,ldents we are la held in ::r:lan� ��:�u�� runs. all The debate wae apirlted and Ihow · . n ' InS ,;�: support wall very weak" .,beKapowsin , 'ben e crlsls'a pend. t O l ae I Tbe 1 0 on errors. came I'd , tlTe tbat stu4, aD. �t all � �rlIou· " !v::::g ?7�; ;9 ding characters for Christ. moul bave we e that e :�t:�!,: � o� re:�� :' good game, ;:::Jesus a very pitcher, ::trew pbaaes of tbe que,llon had been m�de ;:;� . . 'of Holman the Rev. Deacuness · for minor thln�s ot Lutber La'ague8' dele�atea and · vlill. neglected al 0 lacked suppor�. I by bo� sides. . Tbe. Puget- · �UDd tbls world but tben ""1' also see tbe Home at St. Paul' presented the tors will al80 be at tbe plcolc thus but be. game showed. the . we.aknessl debaters seem�d tak«:n by surpriSe �t love and .klndnell8 ot our Lord. tbought that bulJ�lng w-kh. Christ maki ng It. 'a Convention-Alum�1 at. of Tbls the team and Coach IJ,amlltad will ! �y the . P. , .J...;.;,. C. metbod of. attack, demands a passion for �oula. The talr. , �Pra,lng la talking with ' Jesus. It value bave hla hands full, patching things aod showed a weakneaa 10 Tefutatlon.. a t It inestimable Is for soul . a Ii.: Christian the ot prayers Is the ne� f.ell�ws bave turn· The dec.IIIOn wu given uD.&?tm.olUll, " I bee n purc�ased by the � l�od or ' The Luther Lea.oes of tbe South up.. 8.IISeveral theft!; and motbers that build ever� bas st. d a change In th e. lineup will � 181'or of .Paciflc L.utheran Col�el" . t i ll.i1tv l�g attained aat1'8�lon Pug.et Sound Diltrlct will hold a Con.9 out CbriaUan school and churcb and Chr .b, t..b� Judle_, lilT. :4;IIJSQn, deba,.te , ! prohabl resuIL ,. . soula s to ould otber we Iead �eI: � � 28, 2 sa/e many wanderfng sons 'and to Him. He sbo,...e.d .,that tbe Dea- Tention at Parkland coac h, at Lincoln Hlgb , Scbool, ReT. . , . , May' 27. . ' and 30. . daUl'l:Iten. The more .Inllgnlflcant Episcopalian putor au4, . " MeQlnni" rr ,s TO L�UGI,I · souls r for con n ues paaall?, a haye e ce tain 'mOTe , the e we feel Onl'll611'8II All hel 8 be ll w loD tor In the of s Ray ot Tacoma, . mind be. t : In I. . t queetlon A e:� . 8 86 Mr . 'o enter to wJII . be and !urged . . women we are that. ur pra,er nOOD and a fternooD owlnc to �e ,tudents of �. . L. . C. Tbey :ant to "Ii.. 'Jobn . : ,oung , . . . . �ut a eoa�h iii at" . tbla leld team hean!. tbat the PaclJlc LutberaD.CoIl�ce know-"Wb, doea enr,.bod, Iaugb ellt u in 'wltb eve.Dlng tbe conven- tact arm wJtb'ont a eDeraL PaDI al80. preacbed. We don't lionOn Saturd�� baa Ita . anDu� craduaUon. !,nd. . :wtieD the, co In� the, Moorini' Mut bThe r waa treated by Itudent cene at : 1& tbe" C lCJJ · need to be eloquent..apeaten to, bring �pe.l.ttbeme . same datel, room!" . To t�o,e people who are . progra�s �� the tbe .oldlera ::1, C.rr:a:�tbe en, . H. O. Blrke trand . ot union • menace. conrlnc all ot forttlD&te eno1qb to 'enter. tbe owhITe A complete rdera. Thereto-re the Tletor of' the; . J)f'Ol1'&mprinte Lutber SemlDar, consldere It's &8- three Other numbel'S OD the .program th In e"e will e ta domalna of the elaff room! team. are creatly 'due to tbe 'nllrl " . ..ere!!want d.. be · M�t. of , Inyitlng � to build ur lives· next I�ue�al the M'�rtDI were ; Scripture reading-Johan.na. opeet we � . publici, anlwer ' tbe ,...ork 'of Prof. Pb� E. 1Ia':e, ' t� In� Christ., ,T�rougb baptl8m, RUDl.ll8aen; Reading "Faith and Rea t1Ul!nCP . . . . queition. rlatlan Col- ' . . O! home and Cb solo-frene VocaL O,.en; .on"-Arnt . m'Cmbera of tbe Several taculty room . The bu heeD drelsed up, debate co&Ch. . lege tralnfog we ha ample opporn Daltl. .' tbe a few leestudents end heard. to apeak, a pair ot curtalnl. a foot tunlty to build wltb and on C,brlst, ... ture on IDduatry_1 R.elatJotl:s clYen .by long, bave been bung OD tbe huce nONOR ROLL � tbe�flrm ·rock. and need .' build ;wblt1n� Wllllaml, TUesd.a" . Marcb · . not wlodOWI. by our heauty·loylnc editor. ·The Honor RQil fQr tie Pyt nl.n8 , . ' . � on shJlr.lng ....nd. ' Church t t s at t e ret In . In an Interview, Mlu HJe�mstad w.eeks haa ben announced tol. A� all: .0'eI�clr. 'the delegates and 39� h, Fi �. �, · i ALENDAR C . . ,aid tbal ebB purpolcl,. .made them, lowl: Nina 'Elde Zelda OelleD*'" . : cOnventiOn spulrere were guest!l ot Tacoma. WUllAma .tated: "Tbe ' foundatiOn 'sbort 'to contrail with tbe artlclel 'MIld'red Hauo� ' . Ida HIDderu.': ,.. ._--.,.-€ hODor at a nm.ptnou." "banquet ·chen ...-.,_ by tbe . ItUdl!Dt bod, of Concordia ot , our . tndual.Ji,al . deY�lop�enl II .handed Iq by tbe reportm,·a�d with lilcn� 'HJeJ:1Q_Jf,d, liar)' J(olm... Bert . . itrrluy, April �I� .! �': Pe'der Sopef"I, Artbur P.L.C. DebatiDi: SocJet£, �eet . at Collele. , 'QartD" tb.e. meal �e CoD- bulll O!' the' analr\IJ� laborer.- Tbere. the ·lenl1& ot time nlden.U,. apent tcJ'a.!lgD�� We�n,. HIIEZleft Mage.U,' IiIUl'lel . Vet. 7:15 :,:.11. It Ia the wt debate ot cord�lf&I. quartet &D.II tb. 'Pr· t�re,.lPttlp.lr a job Ia ot lTuteat 1m· ID wrUlnc. them. rdan Arnt �eri, w1 d Dt e lec pr . ra e . wJt . : :: ::: =��. be ;ae ;�e::. lra,,�� � �: �� H . :r:-: :���W:�: U:�I�:!i ed::r'e :a�do� r:;�meo:�o��:��::: �;:�k�:t;� rD�; �: 80 ' that ih� '�bo��. � co,ues to tu� C.UrtaIDs, �pace a � ' t lcle Tboll6 Lo .T abo ' 1 ·S � t � recelYI� dilt1uetl"e bonorl! (the. . t. IntIa all 0 yal D · JI'�D�-,t· A.��,L ... " ot the .occupies ts Iaraer thad the curtiIaa) are:: Artbur Boc'th, ·!.awreDC$ EI· .0�Hlta ed out that lbere ' are thi'M: archl- realfuUoD of the' imPOrtance �he American Girl -:had to "anlwer the qaOUOD UnpeD, ATlhul' - Knutsen, Estber ' n we do promot th work bu.t t c J In peretta lq i. Ji6 . i The o our of choraa. boUdlni ,the for . the: b,. blddlnc tecta eD' ' ih . · e 'mlnda (1) ot the atu�nli. Sydo;,; ' .Gertrude S,dow, Johann'; "wiD be . slteD in · tbe coil. Umn' lives. Woi'ldly plequre ICnda J' I,o the malnte"D� ot �e aoclet, al 'In . (C;n:�.!lu� �Oi !ale T�.ee ) . ., ._ wbole." . . .I�-·at �:.� �.J (.... 011












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. a e t L L U c��;��lon. r ' Augustana, Lutheran" ' College . g t Gi:es 'W;ltt�n Choir 18 Enterta� by ----r-,r. Students and Teachers Saturuay morn lIi&'. the �arl r th en t a � a� P. L. C. 1:��;:te: �'8S��1�':�' ���\Va q��:� 8e8�


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Publllhl!'d eyer,. two weeki durln« th",-"cboM ,.e�'�ti of PacUic Lutheran Colle,e. Parkland. Waahtnl'ton Subscription. 0 !' dollar per year Entered a. ucond cl... matt October J. U,2 S . at tbe 1>011 oWCtt at Parkland Wallhln&ton. under t e Act or. Marcb 3. l S i ! ...... �



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Editor·ln·Chief :\Ianaging "�Iitor Edilpr




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TIi Olrl.' . Club wblcb utertalaed lhe dormtlol'J ud partr were-cb.,mla.I, deoorat,. qrlnl comb)nttd wltb lattice .ork bod ma to repreMnt an outd ilCtIne Tbe (ollowllil' comic pro",. was Ihen by the Ilrl.· Openln pMeh-LeoI. "qen A aona-by tbe Dormitory Olrlll



Martha Hj m t d ,.�. - ... Henry KieJ : l\lyron Kreidler �_".""'''.".".".........;.. ......_; . ... .. .


and win

yeslerda); (orever', Jesus said ·t Pharises : •• lore -.A brAhAm WIlS Am." Before' hill a9Cen8ion he told his discipleS: " Lo., am with you alway, even unto ·the end of I'he •. .Donattot)' · ' world:" And tn the AJX\8t1el " Creed . we read : "He sittetb 'on the w�. �QU:t o"uiHd. right hand o1 00d tbe fath er Almighty; From thenc.e He Ilhall l!:ome bo,. tac:ultJ' at -. d i to l g Saturda, 'fI�eDI�'" Mart.. 27. • jl�: Ch��;i�� ��n�I��t!�!e ��:'�apers in Christ 's vineyard And "receIve �r,ends. The rooma as reapers' '\'e receive wages In thiS hfe we floods.. U"Pfl.��8-"d """tl�- ��nd JO�rvmg U_ _ b·..,...nery-- aDd n • •� SavIor cnnnot he mellsured oor .. BlIt the hlggest and beNt part of the "'AgeM we reeel \ C lUI reaMI'S III "'hell we JOin the band of reapenl III the great bar\'e8� re.stlval and retelve eternal hfe Then "nl� servant8 shAll .ser'·e him and • • they l'Ihall l'lee hl� face , anlt h s ame .shall be thetr forehel\ds ' . �. r.....'n'."'"'_ ....-

-1\ 0



lf Al_--a ---- N ew � "Thanka tor lhe BUllY Ride" wu . Bromo1' . . . . ..................: I_...M.....................n .. ... ......... .'J.......".,;:;....... } tben portrayed by r Edna bo RUD-


Prot. Xa1'ler"ullually IImltl hla . a modern y -:11.).. Lil· Mlb. Ma,dalene. UllllnllYans la drelled lIan Lee. drher. marta on "Para.ltlllm" to btl blolo" tralnlnl as nune at the Callrornla � . Fleetln! Hour"-.ol!« "One bJ" £1" cia , 'b u� APril ? DIIW. phaae ot the Luther.n HOIPltal. .. . elyn Soren.lOn and �na Brotqo1'. . : aubjeCt The cbapel .... al preaented . .t . ,Mr Einar Botten II workln, on Rutl� lenl,ll to tblrteenth 1'eralll. chapler the �I1'er Itumer 'Lilly" at Stan. "JUII Plaltl Font." ... IUDI b� Asnell Wle�n and enacted br pony . tbree, ot Pau!'i Eplatle to lhe Tbea· '''ood Walblnlto�. choseD a. acripture MI�. El la Danlellon II employed aa (;&Dllow Nina Itld!. ·Anlllle Dabl, ..Ionranl BUSINESS.J3TkFF OU"e Sal\dwlck. Edna Brolno., .nd � . rudlo,. l i brarian at Mercel. California. "Her -" n�l�inesS )Iansger Peder Sognef�t T�e ape"akf\' ahowed lio,," para.ltea atlter Jl!ne la a ecbool Durae In San .Luen. S 1'I.nt�. . '. ' A Aadlnl' 'The cat came .Back..- . Assi:danl-'" . ·.·Arnt Qyeri exlat tlaroulhout �IUt!. amonl planta Lula OblaPo. C.lt(oJnt"a. Tbel weNt . Joh!)ua Raamulaen. . zen and anlmal�.. Circulation Manager both tofmer tudenlll of P . L. A. Knut Arthur . . "We will notll."" said Ihll profIl1l80r. Mr. GilbertII Bull le. t TueldllY April ' Violin lIelfK:.tio l2-Chrlltina Kn�t.en :\ �1\·�n:�l� s�rlcltors: ' R ut h Buli. Ruth Fadness, Nina E ' I ;·that a parallte lapa the. Itrensth 6. for Ala.ka ....here f he. will be em. accompanied by . ASDea Wlenon. a�. . of tbe ho t and. depneratlpn re- ployed by' I he �Ialkan CO nfloll dated A humoroull readlns "5hl�t \ But FactlHy Advi� O. J . Stuen lI.ult.. ['''''I'' ton�"-Marth� �jerm.tad. . . . . Company, � "Tbe human paraaite .dOllIL not bet· M 18II ' 'Edna O'Farreli '2S - who I. �0110WID� ' the pro,,.'!! la!1Jel BUILDING WITH CHRIST liS 'STUDENTS were played and taety refrub!ll enu leaat. Iety Enn In the the attendlnl the Waahlngton 54te Colter The f...ord ·Jf'1I;IIS Chrj�t presertts himsf'lf all; the olltstanding ex- para. 8 ..blmaelf desenerat",. le,e 'at. Pullmnll vlliled the collele were lened . .,mplc or �ofdl'n OPllortlllliti(>lI; in the ' I ife of Jl;llIllcnt9, ITe invitCiI . "Th Queatlon concernln, ua as F iday. April 9. . " ' us to huild nur liyes 011 him-' priyilege wh ich we must " at (lnd stullentll II: A e we paralttel or r Augultana College ball s tarted an r MilS Sylvia ' LaMIe !) vllt ll ed the endowment ' . 1' ,lllre not 1H'g-lect. drl e Qr $5 °0;090 , to worke2- Paul'l worda are . a warn- school lI�d frloods In Parkland . lea or . dur- further Ihe education faclllt, .\I though Ihere is coneeplio\l amon:: IIlllny ' stud ents of the In,. [At UII do our work t9 the be�t IQI &Itar 1'Bc&tlon. Collel�:. prcM(>nt. timc that 10 lin:- a Chrill;trn.n life ilol to depriq� oneself of a of our ability and ....e "III gain men· MilS Inel Sinland� former .tudent Ausulltanll a � h t m e t .tren,th and relll hRppy exiNt�nc�, we fail 10 fir.1<1 Ninl-de . indiYitinRI. who ,.all; tal. moral and pbyalcal ',he Tacoma General � ��� :e !�c:. !::m :l� kln4-::� 'or 1920. I . "'ome to th(> r(':l1\7.atlOn tlf Ih(> f9rg"n·cnes.� of !u nl'l. who re�rets rhe' will be a beneftt to aociety. HOllpltal reconrln, from an opera- Wi h •ucce.s In th4tlr drive. . ' :!.enl in fellowship with thl' �,\\"ior. " tlon. ' .\'('Rt"M he hRs � . . I On April 8. Pl:ot. M. Hol,:,-m chose Miss Lillian Lanen, former atudent In the huirrling with Christ as stnllent.'! our aim should Ill'. ' t o nourish and Mtrengt�en '"he faith of ollr rlltll!'rs. alpt Price firm ' helieF ' in the lI.btb ctl apter of GalaUan. for hla ot J>. L. A. Is lIecreta.ry at the North. Real Qu.Ut.,. '. eru Pacific Yard omce. South Ta· . JETL� &. PALAGRUTI Christ and Christi8nity. , thus l('ndin� h1\11(1 i'� fulfilling the dillcoune, The.- versel read deal th with 'the coma. <' s one ami propllCcr : " Ther(> shall hl' ani\' one fold h phercl . ' · nut" Christ· the comltJI':l8 .!.';! : c:!.!. e:;:.�th. b! or the IIlnner . e'q,-lJ in order to db our shaJ:e in thfs mission work we should l'repare �::�lment Prot: What'jl .arulte! ou�el\"(�s to the IItmo�t of our /thilily . We inrl\1 tr:lID ! . A1' Tacoma Waa 912 Pac . t lh h i "" tenderly Deal e nne wi b ll r, Enock: ¥e! to become ehriFiliall leaflet'S /tnrl .lo mir miAAion wftrk whencvl'r and ' . a . o I whc�ec�'c� o.pp�rtu.nitics ar� ,o�ercli. .-/ : �: ::: n�� :�:e:�a��� II�: _:�::�lI ntY���...n��a/. ame u nother.. c:':: m . , � :: _ NOTICE! .Chrlil� � lIl\"1tll�!On. was: . · �. ollow me.'- lie talked IIltle nbout liberate. We arc not to look tOT leadcrslu Jl but thiS slUgulllr thmg happcned ; lhosc_whohecamcthe taws, Show him bls mlatake 'wben r , Neal :Ii:. Tbonea Teacher: �Your t'hemeil lhouid be Iruest· and most 10?'al, followers became till' lIIost �owerf�II leader�. llll e,.l tenderly and don't a ry but -:,r d nece ltteD lio tb.t l11'en the mo.t atup Id !II aoutaclur,r of 1t.1.1: Good'. We m"tlllt let. C�r�st � "Way I I �e�ome 01lr w",�. HIS .thonghts ?ur rebuke. '. ' TouplIeI. WI... and Co.tum.., people can undentand them . . l our wll�. 1 thoughh. and: illS �11 \ \e mllst gl\'e Chrl�t ��pre!l.'uon 1'8 m01'ed to . . "Tbe best metbod or correction II R. T. Humbly): Yel . �bat part K or :Ii'" HII, through our In·,es. By I!H fMllts ye shall 1cnow �he tree. , U'}lcIIS by bu good example. Alwaya be Bid... au 14 Broad....y . don't YOU r underatand! . have "orne IDttmate. pel'l'lonal knowledge of 111m who In'ed :lnll nner; for all are hu· . al the to kind -Tbe HemntC4.' .. ......... ... ..... .."" . ..... ..-.. ... ... ........� died nnd ill alh'e forevermore. there will he no particular rca!JOn why man and any one of UI may be the . "hould carry' what we may ehose to caB " the G ospel " to the , CRIIIA. nel:t' one to need reliuke." f " i . uttermost parts of the earth. ...t.' � .... " The Son'on.lan came not 10 be mioilltered· unto .. hut to l1I\nister . :i AME.tIC A l'f AR'r ooiIPAJIfY . i P. L. C. UNDER A SPELL � Olym . and g!ve his,life a ransom for many," Therefore. in like manner, pic Co. Ice· . ..... l:r,�-;:J'.:.� i n a a l n l teriall o r 1' r ;;;o;�� :� �:h ��tof ;�;:. \\��� I,� �:t!���: rh:.. �el �� Y. by u I �e:: !: �::Uc:hm:b: :n:' I�� e�; J Ta�m.. � , Phon. )Jain t C&l1 Main �820 0", mi",ion.,,. .ffoct, will he moe. eiT"'iv,, j,," in p,opo" ion .....0'..' 0' P. L. C. h.. ,om . lI.it we �hall. rendcr them in Ihe tlame spirit or brotherhood ·.n,nd \kl i "';:;11 ' IItrange lhlng . the and a ' der ' '''�'''' f�"""' DE D ROP'iNN' ' '' ''''''''''';� charity wludl mllTked thc wurks or JCIIU S. Like the q ualit ies .� . 11 THE WHITE WAGON . '1 h .�',. of mercy, renderin assist/toce to othenl is not stminetl hut twice about It hJ that tklll ape came " t � Dta .... . .. / �!! .. _ .... .. .... � g . blest. Out conduct toward others should mllnife1l;t love, kindness, tbe rlrHt nice aunshlne or the IIprlng Coaleetlo_ � Many couplea aaunterlDIf kick· ('onslderRtlon and faltb On HI'h .....y-l block. Will Deliver Your lee or "The ha"e�t truly IS j..:rent but the lahorers Ins-po.tward. we saw BII.'unterlng. or The Lord !iald Collese Gym � It werc . by In the plainer 'angua,e or 'Xebaler prohahl) are astOnished. h.rc few " As students But -wanderin g about , ldly In a lazy i'''..........................".. .. .." . ... ..... .. ..... . ... ... . .... . ... ... ........ ..... .. .. .. .. .. . ""' ...... . the ' astOe.sH of the field nnd Ihe fell"" IIC"tIVe "orken; In It . ..�,;: let U8 not be dismayed the Lot'll has 11190 tnformcd us how to seeu're manner The atmospbere about P � Am erican PIum b'Jng & Steam SuppIy Co. �! n hiS ,meya�d. " Prny �e the Lora of the har\est th t �e L e is one of laJ:lness and n�t a � � . WHOLESALK Christ has asked us soul Is Immune to tbe dreadtul laborers .into hi� harvest. " And � PLUlmING. STEAM A.lIlD MILL .SUPPLIES . . � for laborers we. should faithfully ruage. or tblll frlghUu! pe.. "pray the L<.ord of the Harvest � . r � Phone Main 1707 :: :lvail ourselves of the pri\·ilege Furthermore, we have tbe promise . The protelliou are rac � . . 1901-l'O hctfle AYelUle \ ' from Jeaus : \�hatsoever ye asketh the Fat�r in my n.ame. that :�:��:��r . ;' -:::tll:n :o' � l.... ..... ...... l� . . l r mor b whl � . . : . . . t re shall recel\·e. tbe 0Id uItom I As students we encounter difficulties in our work .!"abolll our pered about that ....... ===";= =::"'= · ==="'; lo'ather'lI busines.�" but they arc only stepping stones by wbich ot tbe Pu�ltanl. tbat 0t �a I I Irr ON��,;,,,==�==='il ) ..NOW . ":' y t' perfection is attain.oo a'}d Irue success is to labor. Thetefore. we ::�:ne �� �e:�' �� �:n:;:'�� � SALE OF WOMEN'S HATS :I ' WI b yl Kbould Dot be eaally dlSeouraged tl."e.n though the result of our. ,14.45 and 7.45 roo'ma Ilibor as Christ's followers may seem meager. Probably we are only I " e uel I " h t ia tbla R'HODES BRO the planters anr! others sh.aU do the har\'estiD�: Let . us r eme m bet a ��.�I h� n�t �:� .a:':ered. w e l �========= . th-at the arm. of the Lord � not shortened, he IS the Slime tod:ay as h:e . an Idea tbal It I. pure lasln"I. ===5 ________..!J 1�



Irrllc \ nohl • .Tohonn·a Rnsnllls.. . �en. Luctla ·Svinth. Signe Hjerm. � :oI!.!!d. F �dne!is. Alfred Ander!'on. Leola Hagen. I .llhan 1.('('. Mnrgtlctlte Folco. . .










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plaiD. ".prlnS te!.er." It may be. ....ho kno..... !



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;:: �:J.� =;��:.u����::::.�:� Eatabu... blllld 1883





Wn. ••._..•.•_..





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . _._._ pt.nI

GROCBIl;r co.

P.AClf" IC

Rev. M. Eawards Gives.:.r-Lecture .. . .


... •

o( the l;utheran Studen... HJerm,tad.

Inlemti'ng Lecture '

by .Muatc . Given Putor

� ��.,r-_i!l:.i;i�d .-' liii.j- :

for M�n arid Boys

Ire.au,res. ... . . nlHtinll' , '. locla' hour mUlllc, next to lbt!OlolY, the laUer. . Ihe moat «lorIOIlIl . t;:1tt of God,' ' . The lbaaeban team of P. L. C., 111 ��p.-; l � ;a��::��d��:r:�mU'IC 10 . -o ' omenta darkest hl t be d comr f C thrOU K h t.h� medium 0(' the ' M '¥>rln c W88 furMahed � Speaklo, of tennls oc the orebefllra from his� 80ul with 80011' and pI8ylnsO·" ! M ut, wlahell to clPreu Ita I,bankl Flrlll Lutheranby ChurCh) ralr co-ed'e adm.tUed tbat abe Ancients cODsldered lJIualc of and appreciation to Joe G lauD, who Min Lund, teacher ' of "'�r,o. pla1 bee.llle abe ""as little of plano at dll'lne orilio and today. the �etlt althoulb not cono'ectad with P. L. (. C i st Shortneu, ' certainly has It, 'IIt'.,. to eip�elll our ,deepest ,con- C. I ""'ay, baa sinn' his wbole- ' . � �;e :e':�r�ndot her tw�.: any vant.acea on the courts. n vlc�l : nl I ' clolllni le�lon of w. C. I!ELL· "' . SONS co. he,arled Inlerest IQr tb.� development Th.e . t!:a���;ui'��:�": :nU; \.r_ Oli We wonder-It tbe women jU11 na· monyt were 11.0.12 Pacific 'Aye, '(entlon was beld on Sunday not beard durln� beath- a luc�e..ful balle�1I team.. turally ba'(e . mO«l "Ic�ool Iplrlt'.' en Tacoma. \Va'sh, . . In Trinity Chllrch. · Hon. R .Umes herore tbe comlnl 'of than. the men. Ther ,!et1l tbe onel ChrIIUanltr; ; i � ..t . the ' R.�I"OR.T Ol\ OS"F:STIOS II'(en ' baa .... ... ....;...................."",i!l . Churcb to fis up the remalnlnl court. . (Cotft. \,I lued from p.,e 1 ) UI prelerved ua ou;. mUll,! and �hen. there la vanity to conllder. The first schooll: or Ilh,ln Wall the lowelll bid; but It hullds poorl,. Thol� IImacke certainly dg make a rounded b,. Amb oee In tbe 4 th and cannot wlthatand· the elorm. or world need and a Joy of ler'(lce. beautiful aplotch or color. hive tried to: build up the century and the alxteentb century lin. Worldly willdom, the eaey·�oJbe bertnnln,""of a new era of in" luk�war� attltu�e . towal(4 lite, ' but they are neYer content . Jo...... ·eo. No� about "anUy-We wonder church plan tlufUce--they try to The bid. second luperthe in lends mUlllc-tbe era o.r m.usle of COmpaay J do It! Who an� What! how �y . All lovernstructure 1ft impreulve, bUI Luthe;.n You b�ve no doubt often studied theLuther \vIS Church. llldan,Ro '(dtb roundatlon III wea.k. , Jelul Cbrillt the Iplrlt or CbrIIUanlt,.. mU tho/ plct�re. A�ut two o·c1ock,.. they the aid of Waltber complied and II the tblrd bld,der. The cost Is y�ture \ortb the c)'nolure of m�ny bllshed the fif3t L utheran bymn- great. but life built with Chrllt . has a firm fou,ndatton. and can. wltheyea. Se� hours later, the,. book. wh ich contained onfy . turn with only three' hairs out of hymn!. amon«" whlch was Luther'lI !talld all atorms. · .�ortreas III . Our Mislt. Frelcla N·lia-:n place. - No.... what a wron«" with own "A ' :o.1I ,hty that picture! :Wa]kln«" II aupposed God." sister of Min . Nllaen who waa a n I n. d rl m ;or��i>� ��e� :=:IIC:::Il:!�,::� .U? WI'��;t:: :�� ;�o:�� l:1I ::��: ���� !::�::r�j:�I��p�r�:n�:: �� ;bl��' direct and awlft Instruments In tallng 10 the problemll encountered Clifford Olsen wllh�s to atate that In winning sou]a for Ch'rlu. - .. thla Is espeCially nice lI;eather for Sunday morning the lIeSllloli was c1aaa,tlme, a]eeplng. For further on'e of dh:lne wo�ahlp at Trtnlt� tlcularll send self addreased. stamped . KO<t..k J"'I�lahlD.. Lutheran Church . Rev. T. F. Gul: Vle�a f'n'("elo6e. The music of the Luth�an lI,;on. vice-president of our LuthRc.d Photo 8en'lce Church Is unlqul"ly and peculiarly eran Church body, basing 'hi' ler· Bos 660 Main 9209J !lf1ll8 Ryder Informs ua that a her own; It aurpaHlIes Bil like It mon on the cOllnlntlon theme, atrellot a people paned her s·ophomore In the world, lIaYIl Schoff. ' ====Tacoma . sed the fact w.e �u8t .... orth o�r l � =====� clan when they ....ere . outside and Mellull Chrlatlanson Itaya that the banner of Chrls(tan confesa ns and , not one ral,ed' hi, head. Ah, such I II . Is m\!'a�c O;�·t:h�:: hn:!:� vo sacred Nielsen & Hansen profundity o( aleep. I. otten nothln«" In tbe Re- l r�=======1 Motor Co. Cbu'" mu.'� InUrn... 1 COACH RAMSTAD Market I :::� ��r�a.Churcb, mualc, e:tcep� GIVES ·LETTERS . ;A E Madllon �56L% At chapel exerclaea March 31.1 Our h,.mns have IItately I Three Gre8� .Cars 58-70·80 I. A, EniD Coacb Ramstad prea�nted the (irll with a alo,.,·,h dlr;nUled he I�: � : 8 Ac:c:essories-P- R.m and Re­ . and boys vanity haakethan tearna . . ;�; :n: a�0�� ln o b \ pairs of All Kinds \ "'llh their letters. they have not learned to ' under.5629 So. Union Ave. Before the presentation Coach �m. stand ....,� , epth and haye no� J. F. V1SELL CO. Tacoma "Mad. 1409 " .. stad pralaed the playen for the hard learned to love thf!m. "I)ook 8e1l�tatlonntl' n " 'SlnK with pralae In your hearts OUietl aDd Photo SlIPPUe. . work they have done , . 'for the succe , to the Lord" said Paul-tbla we of the teams. He aald, " AI20Ugh .9 09 � Pac. An., Tacoma tall to do. Ihe eeason had It up" and owns. j orten " ': " '"""""""""""".,,,,'''''''''''''''''''''''' Dr. Walter Schoebel the teama IIhowed SP6rtllmaDilhIP' i."M """ " "" � and cieaD. p�aYlnK. and a�ter all, that j � C .utLYLE's CAJo�h'TERIA . ' r' OcuJist-Optician I · hit o tl th I torles " ' Heaijquartera for faculty and ,�_ STOP E.)'cs Treated I� ;:t:e� or PacUlc Lutheran ::re :�::ent::: :o� Ru�b I ,i atudenta Collese. Glosses Fitted at 'adnesa (captain>. Nina Elde, Polly ,; Houae I .am the ' . • wltbout service, ot tlpa � . . . Pantagea Theater Bulldln, SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. �I��::: ��:���� s�e��z;:�u�::� �" " " " " "" " " " " " " " "" " " " M" " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,j 25' South Nlntb S� . . . And Hear tbe t y w . Main 32% 4 Tacom� , Waab. . ,. ::�:�ne� :; ;he���s �:��;;: a :: P rkland ' Shoe NEW of tbe mens team-Sid Giuso (ca� I han been copyrllbtei\.. by Shop talnj, Rudy Sanderson, Carl COItUQI. the R. A. Pilcher Co., and will A. J.: Sather. Prop. ELECTROLA Myron Krledler, Art Weraon, Lyell be tbe symbol of courteous SHOE REPAIRINO OF Krledler. Art Knutzen, Bert Kran,· QUALITY trealment, bl_beat qaullt,. and & Selvig Lien best prlcea. You wlll'lIee me Ig nesa. my compaliy' wlndow. nery . The second team playertl did I j ds. y and you caD relt lIIured Importers of NQrwegian not. re<:elve lettera but t.hey were tbat 1 will do all I can (or yoia BROOKDALE GROCER� co. to make ),our . ylalt a pleasant praised for the work and uncomplUn· Cod Liver Oil one wblle you. are '(1.ltlnl' our in, ·way In wblcb they turned out. . Itore. 1 am & cute little fellow Parkland, . W.aab. and watcb tor me wben. you Cor.. Tacoma Ave . 4 1 1 St. It I, la,,�I,. to their falthfulneas Madison 107J4. '\ / are Ihopplnl". My Tacoma bome A member or MT. TACOMA STORES-SO Stores . that the aeason wal a lIucce"sa. t 'TacoJ!la, Wash. . �e:a be�1::;3:d:,'!:?�!in �-:: ' .... &,. .. at home. OD S.ylDp Free paUyery DeYer paid leu �e

fill :



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April 21

April-28 .

surprised to hftVe a ture silfies shown on the Myron Krelfller. number ot "t�ke off's" on the pi::y finfl on P. L. C. ';'atIC werc present'a nd al!o 'the Prc!ldcnt lite. u lvertisements were :: .J or the ,DIstrict. Rev. A. J. Naess and . Some populfl !: Rev. O. Skllbred, president of Home- then acteu .1 n penon as foilow!: Old DutcJ:l Clean8er "Chases Dirt" · Mlselo11�. Next Sunday. the 28th. Prot . .-by 1�IlHao.-Lee. . Palmolive �oap " Keep "that School· Ramstad ",.Iil deliver the sermon at The ser- girl Complexlon"-Rildy Sanderson. the Bremerton church. Slills-Polly JantzeN. ' Bathing vice!! are being held . to Iledlcate the 1 1..anglow. !lew church furnishings. ' .. (;olgat('s Tooth Paste - John . __ f1 'tJt Initiated We.lse. Prot. u nll Mrs. Ram their new Dodge Sedan. when they 1 Flllk Tlres..-"Tlme to Re·Tlre"'. Billy Ramstad . and children Billy llnd Peggy. tored to Seattle to villi I relatlvet. i Camel -& Chestertl,eld Clgarettll Mrs. Kreidler who had vlsHed her j "They SatlsfY."-LyeU-- Kre\(]l�r I;on Durton . .i n the !;eattle Gener'al Arthur "'otre. • Hospital returned with the Ram- ! Sunshine Jane Peanut. !d S }-'r � �:: 11I � :e. h h :� �ew �:dg: :�o:: :;:y ::t I : � d Collars-Bill Hopner. � flu·lory. Holepronf Hosi�ry-Ednit.

:'IL-:'\Ic n 's Club. . ' Prof. Eihyards, :'II .-Choir PrediCt' c\;ery ThllrsdflY. , , . director. .. 4 :00 P. :\I.-Childrcns ChorllS (" 'cry ,VcI!nesday. )of rs.. ·Ph . E. . . - Hange,. (l ir.cctor. .

S :oo P. 7 A;", 1';


I) : I

l ot P L C 8(hool ..d'aY8 Peter Flott portrayed the woe3 of masculjne element ot P 1, C lUI) c p . 1'. )t- Ijadi('� A�d. )Ir!>. F.lslll.· ...... lIml )Irs. TTo\t'Il. II m:t('sc<.: by rnlng sto kin April �5 LII tta Svlnth rClId an • A. :'l1.-SmidH:" �l' h ool. \ liter on A. ;'I.t.-Ui"ilJ"(' �r-\'ic(!,r.;. · � !lhOrl 810ry ""al feB.d bY k 1'. :\1.-1.1I111(l r !'I.'II1!,ue. R('\', C' 1. Fo!'<.<;; \, II I spea Da l. . April '1:T . A' \'ocal 801o-...,,', a!J rendered by . P. M.-YOllllf! Lndirj; Guild. I r(' ne nlltl Sen'nll Fndncss, Thorp pson accom ttanlefl by hoslesse!;. ._ Wlcnon ":\I\--Junior L�a�ue.

. , . ' M!8S. 'Sylvia )..arson , ,'Islted friend II and relatlTCs In Parklanll during 1'!1.' oaUon . . . Mr. A. A. Fangsruu, antI early plan· eel' of Parkland anti res(de�t. bere for rna�y year� Illli!sed a�ay at a loca1 bos�a l Friday, April 9. ¥rs. O. J. Stuen Is "Isltln� Mrs. : • . Jers;ensen _ or Everett. M�. and Mrs. S. Hlnderlle antI ram· 111 �ototed to Grahflln SI11\(I ij.Y to "Istt �"es. The losers of tbe church pllper subscription contest which was held by the Young Peoplea Luther l .eague entertillnet\ ' the wln.ner� Il t n f�on Ite\ party Tuesday e v('nlng AII.ril :'




,1110- 1

The Jun[or Gull� .,HI gh'e an ouL· door Ma'y Fesllval. May 15 . Cand),. I a p Apropos �� Ivl �%gr:� £:���\eW �\\.: 'Dear Pa. The principal· of human also. The festh'al will take place . Please send rjve dollars; on tbe campus. a new Greek Dictionary. Mrs. O. J. Stuen e'ntertathed Love. Sroup at friend!:! at her home Your April I) In honor of the blrlhday an· Dear Son. Enclosed find (lve dallsrs; nlvarsary of Mrs, J, U. Xnvler. y.ou cn�oy the t;ODcert. Lo-,e, Following the publication of a . YOllr Student petition asking for an 'all -Black .and Red. excellent barmonles. Bchool Instead of the faculty abhored ---snealr.day: the request has recently I She: I Ih�uk you must be a .....on· ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' been granted and preparations for the evenl will be madt> at the Stu - I derful basketball player. denl nody meeting next Thllr�day. He : What make!:l you think so? My foot 'work? . Re\·. and i'll I'll. Then. HnkenS"tad She: �o. the .... ay 'you dribble c re d F', n. HILI. &: CO. your foot!. ;s�:� : \ �� B�:�e��: IJOI RUllt .l1lulltJlng -Augustana Marcb 12. ', " , Nina Eltle and Christine Knut7.en Parkland IIpent the week-ena, March 13 and Parkland Barber 14 In IhiM res'pectlve h-orne� In Shop and , Mercantile Co. St�nwood and Burlington. They 'Confectionery dcove up. wltb Abe Anderson who spent the time at his home In }-;(\I· ICF: ('RK.\�t



��IC�: �!:8!��

General Merchandise and

c.-\ sny

Keith Blll;kley and lIugh Enw!:I of Seattll! i'vlslted MI!:Is Ryder, , t1 day. March l S_




.-\ sn CHII.nnF.S'� HA.lm:UTi'ISG


P. Knudtson, Prop.

IN "back 10 thl! Junlles" mo"p._ ' bas lately been exblblte(l by

Ing. This fad haa been ('arrled ' II() rar that II. new IIOCr.J)' hall been lor. laken tbe nomenclalure of. f" �,;�-7.� Ihe.,�-;riTlirr.-t'fl =-: ,& , y= U 8ele-,�

Thill one sUpped too \larch 24th-Wednesday Notice atl the new spring about the campl,IlI ' • March 25th-Thursday b�::r� ����8 ���-1 h-' QHIce u a. �Iarch 26th:.....••,lday Dorm girl" extend Invitations their patty anil tomorrow I.1lght

avery thin, a.nd [II _!>r.d('r to become ' a member ot the club one nIUS! ' (ir!t sit on the to'PTl)�st ·branch of lhe 2511·fOOt".Ffr·tree at the 50utbern

up 'varlOUIi ch,,," to a tlolli 1011 • where . the 'trea�ure: boxJ . wll1 be uncovered and among. th'e searcherll.

S. ·U. conveRtion. March 30th-Tuesilay I .The girls turDiDg out for are worklR/t up lIome. hea\'y averages as ;well as� appetites. March ""3ht-Wedne8daY �p� vltcatlor.-::::-honle · tor "\. holidays. April 6th-Tuesday Back again. Seen e\'erybodYIl ��II�ter . bonne�? April 7th-Wednesday 'Ve entertain the 'Allgustana at lunchC<l� and hear their concert: � April S\h-1\hur.sday DldJa see 'h� new curtains In Pu.rty Mooring _)�fast office? they, but so�short. But thon Is the note or ,the season AP�l 9t:;-::�da:O][ ' eg debate th ......1 .from C. P. S', Hurray for

Buckley· King Company" Inc; �1�::::I'l\Puiii��r�8

723 SI. Hdcns Av .• Tacoma .

Get y.ollr .flalr Cllt a� the

Sanitar), Barber . Shop


. U�der Pantages Theater �I"" Hair lkIbblng " .81»«..1-

===, i rI ",,= HOMF.M,\OF.

.\1110 Manicuring Klfpol'rC .1),· H. J. Conru.d, Prop. •


lSOc SlIod., J)l"hner 3Ik Paslry, Con ree.llons DODGE nROT�ERS

"'uel DeaJers



O "" """"'" ':''A""P"'P""S ''''N """":;::;�'''''''''''''''''''''''''K MODERN



T"eoma, WUh.

I " Frank


Anna Thompson vllllted and relatlvell' at her bome lo'\\·n. Mar,-lIvJlle. Ol'er tbe week end or ' M!lrcb. 19-2 1 .

Min Nettle LAMlon, former teach­ er at P. L._ C. baa returned . from Belllngham Normal wbere ahe baa been IItud,ln,. """ On Sunday aUeruoon Marcb H, Prot. Ramstad weDt t o Bremert�n . to take part In tbe ' 40tb anniversary seri-Ices of the COD�gatlon there where 'he had served ror one" year. Nearl, all of the

===4111 ���====;;;;� Caiifomia Florists ;;; �� 1�=== "F


Main 1 4 6 4


_.....,. RUlt ·Bldg., 10th !Ioor Pacific ATCnue' ::::::::::::::r.::::::::::::::::�'l::::::,:,,::::::�; I I

Cut F1nwm. P�ted Planta _..... LIIlleo





i,;;,;:;::: ,:,::

I1th .and


Model Bakery 3802 So. YAKIMA


'�, '




Lee .

PortraH and Commercial' Pholographer

· California ' aldg. Taco'ma, Wash,


r es for


avian countrie�

The Bank of : C8Iifomia"

Tacoma '

N. A•

] llh cl Broadway


Correct ,F�ishings . .


' CARSON'S :-'�

COLLEGE' 5'" �8"Dl""

� Oc·

". Marcel - &IJ Curl . .-. .' PIioe" • r-aeac. Wa...e 'to,�N__ New_ Prcic-i . A,,:e. _ lIarn 11' •

.J . ',


'-0.0 price for au-An fOr

,m " '. " � STEAM

' '��a1n n57 . ";


/ \ .. -


Motto: , "

. . ..



"qualIty ADo!. 8enlee" "

,12 SO. l!th


Open'� Night






ant points in the Scandin� .


, I ,

P�c. Ave.

sell dr,aCts on all

Davis' Men;s , Shop '


Main 2289

\Ve. offer: Dcst at Scandinavian checks,

Mad. 283


pon5 or currency. and can



M. fill.36

:117 So. 1 1 th SI.

GEO., W. PIPER South Tacoma


;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;� ,......., /!'� I




"�.":"';:::""'"':"' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I

Funeral Dtrec:t.or


S�irt. �an) ,'t,le Hemstitching . BuUon Holes Buttons Covered

25 7...; oI,-____ _ S _ O, _ 1' _ '_ h SI � ".-. i

Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc.

Pbone Madison 1137










-The Jeweler Fidelity Jlldg.

Two Stores Always at You� Service



13th '"







Fir. Summer SeUion to Ex� Gradualion Ea:erdlH anti the" Y. tend from June 14 t6 August . P. L. L. Convention "A dd 27. Many· Counes Offer- . . Attractions to_Home­ ed. Full Credit coming . Plane now completed fOf the Dear Alumni: ummel' Se881 0n of the normal de· Do YOU remember thoee" ple.lUlnt parlment ....hlch will be held �ltlll daya that, 70U Silent at PacUlc year at Pacific Lutheran Collese. Lutheran COlle«e! Do )'ou IItlll reI The 8e8810n ""Ill open on JUDe 1 4 E!m.ber the once-tlo.f.�III.r-campU8 and extend to Auguill , 27. - Thill theold time frlenda. and thOle . I masnHIt!ant lIuris8ta ",111 be a re,;ular Quarten work nnd when t.be lut wtll , eDabl� anyone 'havln� a lI�ond I heama the aetUnl lun would y e t . r �::::nc�r:!rIC;:�If :en�:(�ra� C:�: k a lnl I :::a k :; �:::: �:e; the ���I� h O f PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEG E. PARKLAND. WABHINOTON · o " :�;,:��,::�� O. �� H._ m._o_ h_ o_ h P_ a_ f_'_ . N_ L_O��h_ ; ';£�::�� on__ .._ L_ fO_ I' O_ 'l_ oIf,..."� o� "_ o._c_ ''"__ "_� ":._ .. ____�_ ::If: you '..:I.:. Ordal, A. B Pr�flldE'nt , Pb. E· _________ can recall ,!a part ' ot wbat e ma I e le , has been enumerated will 'yOU be �::. L!� A..�. O :;el��e�� :e:� !� Conveiition �'- � m ,- . .PrOur, ' .IW,"l1nl to' refre.b your me�ry by ' ' Women; and J. U. Xavle-r, A. acceptinl Ute Invitation for " hon,,! p. m. tq.l permit an delelaln over to tbe Choral Society. North Pacific District LUthe Librarian. y s and 'd«fi' a. .m: . ora to tate part In tbe Sunday, May 30, 1 0;30 �� a:�:��:i�m�� p;!:�c '11' 1 11 bl! The coune. which will be orrer· League Convention Festlvltlea duro DI.'ne Worablp . ed are ·Normal Art, Prlnclplea of Parkla"d, Wuh..May 28 to 30 ..Gommen�ment Inl the b_alaa«l of the arter- . Llturlleal 8e"I�: Rn. Theo. !�:' :::i,rd:; ��t:r�:::. 'I �" 8�ua:� J JDcOllomlea MaDual State Ed.catloa, PROGRAM � ad nl :::�··t R�.� ·- ��I; Norat�cI. -:'nt!I-'�h=ec:h!·· ;::�I:vr4i ::�l::;� E�a��;:�ft�;;;n . Science -:�:J:!-S�!:!�in:�:-:ele_ :;;��:���.� - ser,.Ice-pres ldent National Luther �eaUnr will be bald. for Upper Grades. and Library In· Devotional gates IItruction Other lubJecta will be Opening de\otioAal Spanaway Park la only 1"1'.'0 lIel 10 minute add�alea by the three ' uLealue h from the acbool. and ezcelloll� fll.�o:!:n��o� ��:�I�; U nion �!:: In calle fI,.e or more dellire Prelldentfl addrell" Circuit Preflldenlfl I le f r a l BuslneflH Beflalon Reportfl ot"com' Gran Reporta d Concart tha Choral by �ri� :e �:r:I�:�: A�:ae :!�I� :� mltt�ea. election or offlcera and Election of convention comlttees U nIon Tbe Daurhtera .ot the Rato:rma- riday varloua klnda will be arraulJ.d for 8UC,,"' other bualneflil' may 00 u 2 p 28. m May Addresa Rev F Noratad Martin and recently C met L P tlon of come before the convention Devotional Approprlat� mUfilc will be render- In : :;�h Paclrtc 'Dtltrlt't Lutb�r elected' Nina Okflne&fI and Johanna Greetl ngfl and addrelll: Rev Mar· SRturday. May 29. ed at all leafllonfl Convention Will Lea;:sue R'aflmuaaen delelJatea to tbe Fa· Gon.entlon 18 hoi" at tin No tad Red Wing Minn The afternoon will be , . 28 n siven over cloae with tbe Choral Cancert lhua Parkland. durin .. Maywblch clflc District meeting of the Woto 30 wi ll for the outing arranled b� the permlttlnl aU wbo desire to Iea.e Join VICi! preflldent National Luther men'a MlfIIlonary� Federation to be hands wltb ' tba ahlmut and League Local Luther eague. con· la for attend. MI�ncapolla L tbe ,en �n to . held In Rev. Sta,.le'a church tbe picnic a memora'ble e ent. Junction with the Alumni ot eJ:l\1 meetln, of our chu"rcb_ to' da, make Convention addretlfl on Convention Tacoma ora May 1&t. The Dlfltrlc't meetln.. ot the' Tbeme: "To Hold and To Win" PacUic Lutheran Colle��. flO. without mlaslnr allY of our con- cburcb will Tbe P. L. C. Daulhter. of the Convention ' open Wedn"d�J morn. will adjourn at 3 : 30 Saturday evenlnl w1l1 be ,Iven .enUo;]. Inl. May 2S. The Youn, People'a' Reformation bal a membership of 30. Each member paya 10� per Coa,.entlon bellna Frida" . mornlnl .. . at 9:00 A. M. CI,au da1. nerclaea : ,.ear toward the upkeep of the On To. The Convention ' are e' I b: I ' ' :�::a 0!ortur7�:,I:.nar'� The �ettlng for our Dlfltrlc't Luth- call ' from' the Forel,n Minion will ne.e�· do thlll betor: (hey be- ��/ .:::��� ���nc��:: t !�:::� 'tt League clfles 011 Frida, ennlnc and lh,€: er fi convention oard thlfl t o year ome la I ac· , emmlsar no� Ith have ' � Although e lrl y "' come Intereated and they :,; 1II oe.er . � its _ ';e:PII;: e: ::'Chr: �::: t: ::o:c;:: ���t �:���I�h �::mp�a:; :� P:��; :::C �o��� .peoPle ·a work, u hlfl become �niereated berore th;y have �::�:� ���:� : 1II �Ive a concerl n e e I ed . r r e leen the Inatitutlon and tbua liven Dear Alumni!' With' .thlfl varied . active work next "year. They plan to· educational Institution our church cooperate with the Mlaalon ;:;OClety malntalnfl on, tbe Pacific C.oasl; The convention theme: "To Hold . an opportunity to vifluaille Its ponl, and excellent p;olram b�ore )'01,1 are YOU read,· to accept our beart, In eivlol programs and al.o Intend tbe time Ifl Immed,lately after" tbe and To Win," 18 a theme tbat lemb bilitiefl. . to .,-al� ,.Ifllt 1.our Alma to correlpond with Dauf;hters ot District meetlnl COt . our cburch, hllel! mOflt admlrabl� tor Inlplratlon This oppo�tunlty Ifl offorded tb.la . invltatlon Ma ll n e h t a kl O nt r . oat s orlanl atl on!! In I e lon e �:�Ct l: con7:::�lo� :�th �:: c:�� :1� �ln; ���::���� �h:��� � :�:h�hU�:h ,��t!�d·��::e��:nDI�� ;::! cam puI' lfI larce and �or tboll4) � . :��er �:��;�� . . trlet Conven.tlon of our Lutber who wlah to �brlnl' the.lf (('nla, e ment ezerc!eefl' of Pacific The officers are as 'followa; Ad.· menc will be 8; Irea� pleuure, . . The bll 'tuk of the Pacific . Dla. Lealue rlcbt In . conJu�ctlon ' wltb camplnk .leer and preflldent. Mra. Ramltad; �utberaD College. . -trlct of tlle . Norwe«ian Lut�eran l.be · Commencement . ezercl.ea. The . You will be hear�lIy. wel'''med Vice-presIdent. Nina Ottsneaa; Secre- Rev. Martin of Red. Church of Amerlea. �t tb�a th'i�'�/ lfI YOllal Peopl� ab.ould mate use ot and accomodated by iltudonta, fat- ). tar'J'. Johanna Raamuuen; TrelUlur� Wlnl. Minn ou.r Noratad conve�tlon apeat· to pla� P.clflc -, Lutheraa Cone,e \hle - opportualty to vlalt our achool. ulty and trlenda at P . L. G. 10 pJ:ln j') er Esther ·Sydow. . to come .afid �ate tb. 1 U. __ ar le tbe .Ic&-prealdent of oW' Inter: at �.rklaad, Wuh. , upon a 'sound . TeQulres Tbla baflla. firm and hu He I.eaeue. . Luther N.Uonal . 'adewatch ;'ord tor eve�, Luther union one of the' bllefllt 111 the hla­ :rbe DUAL DEBATE ON taten a moat acU.e part In tbe quate financial lupport and an a�· Lea..uer In our Dlatrlct from- DOW tory or Pacific Lutheraa� . ('ollelo. FRIDAY EVEN�G Young Peoples wort and. .. much tenduce .. lar..e . tbe aecomo- on abonld be: "em to P.rtlaad tor ' . '. PREPARE Thla comlne Frida, ennlne ' tbe 80ugbt as a conTeatloa speatGl" and d.tlona will permlt .- Both. tbeae reo �ur Luther Lea..ue CODuntloa ;and SE�UORs ,:, . . P. L. C. debaUol' tea� will club we are Indeed fortunate to h8T"'hl� Qulremenu .re perfeetly wltbLD tbe O?mmeacemen"t at Paclflc Llltheraa' ' . ·FOR �RA�UATJON . Graduation plana. are now In t.U with the debatera trom Seattle P.- with t our coavuUon. Added ranle ot .poulbJIIUea. but 0 w_ben CoUele." cltI.c Collele on tbe Queatlon or a flicaltle..ace .to Re... 'N.o� com-Jour. peo�le 10 concertec! actio . eet , ReY. Tb�. �oke�tad. . awln... . . .Tb.� lellior play : "'Dadd, Labor, Aaien�menl. The debate inC Ia .that b� baa JUlt .oeepted tba baclr: ot·.tbe eDUre propoelUOD. Child They --.. DiIItrlct Prealdeot. I:.one .Lela will be presented Ma, . 1.. Clau Day baa bee. an,lIoullcM: w1l1 be a doal m..t-4).r atUrma. . ; ·.. Tbllraday. "a, 17. on tbe eY. uTe, Maitha HJerm�d MOdred .h ,___�. . . ......__ . ·. j-Iv. "E' J�_.b.:I � n .", eu.:v...... W_ J �.... "':" Io�Dine' of ...:lakb. tbe Cradutel �m Ha.DHa aod" Anit Ojen' ilebaUoc' . ..:1_ Tri . Arthpr ... ·ot tbel, tar.wall proP'8m. team. .. iaepU o¥, aad bere, \, ur KDatMa, Haar, K�I ua -Alioa The l"�ther Leap, or the .Trial- Fnr_ the benefit of th� wbo .,.. 041 la the �lIel41 dlnlol haU to Commencement ex.relto» will .,. �Iday ....a... , .y II. �1'1e. traftllD& to Seattl. The op. � �atberu Charcb at. �1r:"Dd _�. comlo, we) &1.,a , the fO��w1�. la- .�I'7�y for ...hleb :. ebar,. ot tlela U cenu tor laoeb � 50. ' ceats TIII� anaoal 'Senlor and Jaalor'poalac . team, accordtnc to. re�1'!. tends . a ' cor41a1. In1'1tatlon to au �Orm. a.tfOD .. to accollloda OILS. . ba..: a�ken or DO a lalUt7 melD""" of -tile. Y. P. L. L. to. attan4 Senior eveote �htCb terinloatcf" til• �� . will be made.) " aeeomo,AaUoaa la ror dlaa�r .IMPllle":� .oc::lal lite. . 01 tllle yMr .... ' bela ad with conalderable aperlunt: the' No, Pad.ric DWtrlet C?a.ea- prlf"ree ..te hom.. aDd ,dormitOry 01 the For the: belletlt ot �bOM wb'o planaed and,promlH to. be'a aoarct to hold. Qilu;th· UOD to � The d8bate promlaea ' be Itel4 �t �rklaJul �a, JI P. L. C. wUl be _proYided tor del... come "'It� tbelr ��D : campla& �ou t-. or Inle,.t. and ptet, darla." tI•• 'IDter_! - ;." . �. -Iton re�ter. who· ptel aad' . to !Otb. M- tits , a part 01 the eampua . 01. tbe remalolne 1Jeeka: ' ' . Mr. Wm. Neeley aDd i1r.\lIl1ler. Anaaplheota an. belae made to tore ', � ooanntl0!i ope... <}t Pacific Latberao ' Collece wlll be : .. \ . ..... . . SUpt. or .choola or �berdeea. both· accomodate all till;ie wbo wtU .t- co..... w. lwlD· .trJ . to. a.ecom�ate aaed .. . JI"r� Auto Camp. uree ..: A tint .eta.. Uader_DOd t,pe..· �l�:recIateJ:. early. �mmllolt7 .ton. with tree woodl writer 'w reeeaU, been added io � . 'or the state' Board or l:daeattOa. tead bat we_. 'uk thOM ' who ptb nerybody bat .peat cia, at tbe cOUe.e laapect� 011 comiDc to DOW,. the DWlrIet Free i"...trut ' ,wt11 be· &1na � wJII be ·...i1able: -TabJ., �water ui ihe eQulpmellt 'or 'n.. .. MOorinc . ' . or Ilfeeta la printe h01M8 , uc:' lhoee 'Itcbt . will aa.o be pro1'14ed._ A ...... office-. lac the DOnnal depaJ'tDleat aDd. Pr-eaIcIeDt BeY. T, Rokeut&4 . hea"'" ritc:om�---caDYea.!.. loa _�� m��lae;� pare� '!O"--- y.iUq the p�UCa ·teaeh'.e �ra... B�m.rtoa at feut oae .... . be- la llI:! ·COllep .. �onattol'7. · -'. '. �01i �unda"l �prU 16, tore �e .co1in�UoD· U. �bJ. '. H �. �ter I: Co' . ' . ,.... � . L ncb aDd dlaDer':;. .e.:t be . CommU:tee. . '


ffi .




















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• . .

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WASH .••

C .THE _OORING IIASTrc�EL TAui-l Ea...it. N� :�E�:��A,� .� PACE !





O h t III..... RuU, ftl,..." .aul Ead'.; :::�I� n�-;:!��� � \ �·�/�·�n f�� · both ,..aduat.. of ' U afe Yor of tbe aUlrmall", 00 tb� qU"­ at ter or ' '»ro1'erbl. tor CO'b.Id.er�tlon a .. llI: An firm ulloNI b a tor Chapel. April %0 . 'alenolraphen tloo, R�ohed: tbat, Tacoma aboultl . ".4. ,000' name," .ald �he apeaker 1.0 lPortlaod. 09:••00. • adopt .-tbe cit;' mauI,.r plan of . , . . ' . PU"bll.bed .8'1'UJ' t.o weeki durloc tbe.cboot year by tbe .tudfln� 10 part. "II, as our text " today teU Mill -. Ruth Mat.oo '16 "'lilted io Y.rnment. : � _��tloe of P.ct�e�lltb·enD- Collep:- Pan:I"d, ", btnctdu, · . ' en r':t �� �_�flDdi· .D�� ( ' P' - � � 'P UII:�i'ia� �""" U . Sbe Is a� pn!8' n.me rl�h'ee de . But tbls soo<l · . . . Su April C nday. , ..,. ,aret Jacobtoa, LilaU': S'flnth and. . SubKrlf)tloJ;!! . one dO� I�r ..per rear 'lelops .radually. What you ' mar ent starlD, at her home 10 Stan.- Olaf plln this tbat fIODteDded Ordal. Enter� lIe'CODd 'cJua mlttn. October · 1. 111:5: at . tbe POlt o�nce do tod.y may set you d0 ' " a ";'.00<1 . .Wa.b. . of' ,o'fernmeat for tbe city of T-l.at Parkland. W••hla,ton. under the ·Act .of M.r�b 3•. 1879. . . " I!«!I""M)O of dlebollor. �emem ,. ��at Mlu Eath,r Gu'ndenoo la. nun· cOma would be _IH. pr.�t1cablt' 1Ioml Irule �arelellll tbinp are 00 form-, 1110, . at Klnl cOunty HOlpltal. .ae. luccflMful. The .ne.... tl'fe team. ..� III . . . . tar a uso la, your name. . . . "au.ke. 011.,. Sandwl<:k and .TNI · . e. Walb." THE STAFF cI�tea and teac�en ..here �re con· atUMr'. Elde fl)rmer atudent E'flenth. oppoeed the plan Cor .th" Anden . . .... ce d s a e art H Editor-in-Chief M- � J rm �� ��;!; ld ' a 'ood' name al cOile,e. of -P. . L. C. re«otly 'flitted tbe f�lIowIDs .reuol.l.: :be dty mU""H Henry Klel �fanaging Ec;litor· 10 Seattle. !!IlaD Cflntrall... power In �be ·handll . you lea.,. colle,e ypu �olle,e... He IIJ ... dentlat . ot too fe,.... people. MyrOil Kreidler .ndI when ASlOCiale Editor find h of �real benefit io "'uh: .. Of. U) th,.. city ma�a,er plan would . �� student Nelson: Tbeodore ; . Mr. :� . REPORTERS onsh'e p rtlll Dot In c... ult r 10'fe�.DmeDt ' %3 ' Is utendln, tbe' Collele of H sh people. Irene Dahl Johanna Raspuussen. Luetta Svinth. Signe HjerOh The story of the "Te-n Talen�" Pu,et· So�nd In Tacoma.'' Walb. t-o U)' cltr _.·man er plan _h,'� tbe, �� lOt of 'U liud D. o Matbfll !ltad. Ruth Fadness. Alfreci'l\--nderS()l1. Lt'oia Hagen:·l.illian WUll P-roc. X'ulen thorne .t cbapel. • Nebln t IO ' U .,Islted friends at tbe colle,e i )�ndar. April ZO. :::::'�� Lee. Murgu�rite. Folco. · ltI::�� ::�: It�::� \e�:: . "God 1i13." the spe.ker . uld, April !S. ' rl . BUSINESs STAFF "ch:en �to e��h ot us I�me talenb. '::"/ J �'e ne,aU'fe presented ,004 �o�To one; .be ha. ,h'en .many . . \� 00 IT WELL Peder Sognefest another Business . Monsger atructl'f ar,umeats bttt th� afrtt:D1-But. tbole or UI no It �eJI. "'bate'er rour. dlft!. ath'e ;:'OWed ,reater strenltll In Ar� t 0yen who havebutthe(ew. Assistorit " as reo Make Of It . .tblal'· of beautr : few Ire rebutt.1 . Arth':ll� Knu�n spon.lble for tbese few IIJUlt Circulation Manager II be who Thou,b. the t••k be mean .n d....h.um- theTwa: ' Im�roDiPtu speeches were Ad":� U�n & ���citors: .Ru th Buli, RUlh . Fadlles� Nm.a Etde, ba� �: �:e t� :;n:' b :re ;ou e .hould Oo ��, .ell and Be'fer 'rum1tI'!. . ����ze': Peter f"lott and Cbrlstlna a ' I: ' leDta ,I'fen u Great In�our tollln, and your pl.),ln, O. J . Stuell de'felop Ui l�acuJty Adviser The chairman. Arnt ' Oyen. an. .\ .care sbould takeD In their use. It'a YO�flelr that ),ou're' portrayJn, nounced . , th.t twenly mam�ra have . Our praye I"bould be tb.t .,e may In .1lJe thlnllS you're called . to !II) ea med debat O.N W H THE PICNIC ' .. e plnl durin. the year. of the DriU)' lUe dlllCovera you. Cooo �'felop our -talen� to , In former "eat,:iit has be en the custom to hil\' ..·� an annual dour p08ll lblllty or earnin, thelle . , he com -:o unlt)'. ou�..el'fell. and' to . �a� h.. been an In�entlye tbat hal!' . "sneak day" ot·i1acific Luther \ College. This do wos so called tbe Gloroy , \: ounll. matt' Into battle or our Qod." startl .nll , 'r red the' debaters on to milking l»et'ausc all the students sneaked awa..- fre,uu sdiool, and ,,:cnt . '. ' . I(eed, t�elle simple· wor�s at par t,lnr. spu \hIli year a suc'coutul one for the on a ·Iong. hike to some place of interest. By so doing great . I.f ),ou-d rise to rame .nd Ilory- s�lety. dcal of ill-feeling was created. -The faculty would not permit . . If success sh.ll be )'our s�9.ry- . such an offense to go unpunished, so the entire student body Do your b mbl� duties .,lad Y. T Jlt...I 1. Sather. the Park.hllld was made to suffer. 'fh� " sneak �uy" itself 'was not an enjoy� Arnt ! d e able day IK!CBUSC t;'� the , hrt"�tne hl��, nel meol�, and J�� resent� llhoema�e�. recently. accordlnl, to �.:!:" ::d �:;:; �:\t ment of the facult). the onl) fun belllg Ole tllrdt of excitement. "The American Girl" all operetta �v:� bls year'" custom; turned oyer Until YOIl have done. .1,our belit. TlnS]1"ear a school picnic wus provided for in plal::c of the In two lela p. 1..". C. a sum Of' money which h' by Ihe "sneak day". The s�uden� and' faculty uhrreed on. .day hefore- girls cho�us underpres�nted '� lIupervlslon l.et no heedlel8 meihod c1aJm )'ou, t ce e th : ., ����� ���it��;:a�.I:n:C��� �l1 ��� �:� : i���I��I� I����\' � tf�: �el� �:e ��u�::�: ::rl��g the Saturday ds r . . O dw ' Let no rtolshe: labor "�ame- you the !yea�:;� r Nr Satber donates thl� �� t/r ( E: ll � . s e ie d t S It t or that eues your n at a rea�Dable price. and enough food .t-aken . along fO \ \: O - T�e Ope�ia tells the story of o. un �� .,: ,Ut a II,D ot appreciation for meals. Tile results were thut cveryone cllj.oyed Ih�n �sel�'�s,:.u. nd B'fa Hope. an 'AmerlCID ,frl wbo Is some:hl S ' f )'ourself 8tlll IInSers. tbe patroaale of the .tudents. Mr. .allt�ge Sather Is a Mooring Mut �d"fertlser. the day .�·as spent l� a far ix-ller Dd .. .than If It had be e t II Enll i iand with her raveling I &. e you punu F me or sh me-ar nl a men: sneak do): . . After the school IUCIlIC �tudents and fac- father. 'Wben he Is called to Ger- Tbrou,h t tuks wb'lcb you are -t::::;;:;:� l l!ity ahke..were satts�!e.d. for . arrangell he . business on maD) . . ' In,. do . . . ' Real QaaUt, ru.bt. PrIee The snea,� day· d?<,s not provide any r�al eIlJO) n . . � ell t be- En. a�compl\nled by ber. maid to BY1'our toll .you rise or f�lI; cuuse tbe . students �on t ho..-e the opportulUty. of gOlll@ to a sta JETLAND & .PALAGRUTI y .... Uh bla ·slater. Lady Melto. Do It well or_ Dol at all! g� amusement place, no mealls of. transportatton, and I�O pro- n\ Belford H.n. By aom'e mistake Com...... LbM, of KeD.. CJotb.; ��ty ' . VISionS for, meals. It �rco.tes !he ath.tude of lawleS8�eS8 because Eva comes to Belford 1I0uae. • Do It well! whate'er your loC .ad ' FanaI8bbac .' of the p'umshmen� w�lch awaits the . students on then return. . lIummer s�hool 1I:ept b)' Miss C.rew. Make of It a tblnl of be.uty. _:1 1 2 Pa�. Ay. T.coma, Wub. The on.nual PICIllC creates a fcchng o� mutual understandmg who Is ,e:lpectlnc a new pu� from SI,b' not o'fermuch for pleasurell helwccn faculty and s�udents, and provides for a. d�y ?f real land. Eva 'arrlves durin, the Take no pride la b.lf-way meaau�el. NOTICEl. fun .on� ":holeso�)� �n)oyment. \Vhen a school day tS given tQ Ire· temporary absence. ot Miss Carew. SIiSht no task hOl'e'fer humble Neill ;8. Thone a , ptCIllC It '?C�ly IS spent.. to a far . .�elter adva,n.tage than and soon discovers her error but Or wltb creater tallk. )'Ou'll. stuml o a Wilen taken III the form of a sneak da� agrees wltb two ·.of the clrls to ble �::: ::: U;I�i �D: goS?u°:!:: , Let"s abolish sneak da�' for the school picnit.· ! stay for a day and Impersonate F._me· i'ttd clory sh.1I b� won Ha'fe mO'fed to -H. K. the Irlsb, ,Irl. This leads to amu!J' It you leave your work well done. K Of ' P Bid,:, ' U J,W Bro.dwa, e w I g 1 I n -,-;Ed,ar A. Ouest. .' STUDENTS. . WILL 'YOU PLEDGE? . ...... .. . . �. .. �I; �:e:: 1� S:o;:te' t:�y :e�" � � 1 11 t: t Fello��ude ��s: \Ve ha ..·� hcard a ·great deal about l}ht Be. . ( S)wJl1en.t Ive t liS year, an( we wh are so� ne�r to . . . �elved .Ruth Fadness . ,a'fe a reallst"le ... i. ('on reahze probably more than 'anyone else how '·ltallY-the sue- Interpretation girl of the ' A merlcan AMERICAN ART OOHPANY ' 01 o or defeot of the .D�l'ive will .affect .our College. . Realizing' and wop mu�b appl.use with her . t.:� tim•• we should be spurred to ochon. \Vhot ore we as students SODI Von Chleaso'. merits. Irene ..... 1�;-'B�oa::�,............ I. willing tQ give to help insure the fulure of P. L. C., �·.hQnl we Datil aDd Tbelma Runnln, were Tacoma Wo' J i Phone loIaln Can Mail" .2820 . . ot � ; f c ' I: :: � :" :."·i �: s ��;.'::_:i::: : : :: ::'! . 'C" : : � J ! � , . ! � : � . dents, how 1.11uch THE WHITE WAGON .. will you pledge1 One hundred dOlla '! A I ier ni lsJO(,erpret.tlons of remarks . . .. ..... .... .... hundred and ' fifty? tlShow your loyalty, �'our interest, our made to ber. Sbe was c:apabl{ al' .. .. school spirit. your gratefulnes.� ! Several of our costern coll ges slsted by. Nina Elde who hud the Will Deliver Yo'ur Ice ' f On H'i,b...r-I blocks .. eailt 'of . a�: wotkin" C,!r an:§indowment and there we find the. studCl.nt� role � a8119tant. RU th BUil of he i ' Colle,e O),m � - gl.,vmg loyal fmanci suprrt. Let us not be a whit behind took tbe p.rt of Ev. Ho�e'lI Aunt. +-�'"-: � _ . r._ ..... . .. . .. ... . . . . ,.� th eiu in backing our schoo . . Lady Meltoa. Lillian ,Lee u:,.Brtd· n o f f e , br ing !:����.� F�;'��"U �h�u'Id � ���. �� II;a :' ���c�:�d�� i;n�, ::�I�·�i�:r·:nd :���� �17: ��� & . year or two. Others can perhaps pledge to pay within five constant humo�oua .ntlcs. . . 928-30 . Broadway years, by paynlents of twenty-five dollal's a year. Surely, Some Th0. L: c. O,rebesfra .dded way, somehow w.e clln mon�g�, ond perhaps, (who knows'! ) . ,reatly 'to 'the evenln,a entertaln­ KING BAND IJo/STRUMENTS oth�rs, by seeing our. ��rnes�ness, may be inspired .to act also. . meot by furnllblnl' .muslcal num· Sl)ould a sub;scrlphon list be passed around In the near bers before the pro,ram. between. . .. future �i.1I you be willing to· pledge? ,Think it over. -l\-f. �, acta .. U r ... : " -�: ... u."";'-.�..�.;,,.... ,.. . . .... ...,;_ .. . . . .. :. .....� and a er tbe perform.neCl. • • & I m. ••• I Co. i Thb I. ,010, 1o WBOLE8ALIII . f fine pickle. said the c�cumber u i' . . PWllBlNO, 8TEA1f .AND lOLL 8UPPLDS i · . Ylnelar.-Col tbe nto I !l plump8� . J PACIFIC LumERAN COLLEGE le,e Cblps . i Pbone M.ID. 170�� �IO�-to PacU!c A"f�.a.e . I,>arkland, \Vashinglon !._.. .. .. . .. . .. .. . ....... . ,----.--Eltablt.bed 1883 , ••




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IPACIFIC ,LUTHERAN COLLEG�. PARKLAN'D; WASH, _J.,"'''! ........:_...---....._:-.l...''1 ... �"' 'r UAL � &":u" home. The �n« it"ld ",Ot ih01f -tb(l: THE BEST WAY TO : Due 'to � .mil!e.l�u;latioa II.. A _ .l'1.J.U I tllle Od':. nam• . ••• ualatenlloaally . �1' r..an. ume old- pep 'or. len bou,n berol',! ,"- " SUNDAY . omitted ! " tile '(olume or· thfllr "ol�.· Joel ' USE'OUR . ' i Shoes and Ships i . I. S BIG SUCC� bu. r.ro� .l�e lut bon�� roll. ru,t lII they apln', Home orce. f ?O . --...!.-' � �II SNlingwdx o� . � Ied _10 the dorms a: 'h· �:r.'·.n,', '",The ButISWayDISCUSSED \ to UIM! our 8uo- Re l'lfem . ' ."."' ..... .... ." .� ·Student. and Fac:u ky For"t ber the Senior pia, . "Dllde- ot. ('ausalll� 113 , ho'n h · n da, ' tbe . topic tor 'the MIMloD ' . . . In Pepp nd oi Sne'ak day: . Hdh(sneak da.y, to n000. 8 B; J � y morning' . .f8 bUSIer!!. U brUllletl. / Sot:leIY beld Wed,nead., enn l dy. Lon.. Lep," M.y U. ,.. n A�rll U. . 4S bumPII . on the kn�lt and brou«ht tbe f.eulty .1011« for JaQnt J.o ,Ameriean take . --:: _ _ _� _� bumps eillewhere. I" Btat it 'III.!l. lear: of cbaatl&ement ...... Tbe Scrl�letIIIOn waa read· by . Goln« io tbe lecture lonlte' S�da¥.. Dl�.. l4oo-. tJu:u,ls .. - -- Artbur Knutaen "her whlcb a paper "Yep " n n JUST A PART OF THE JOB on he 0 l ' ,1, '0' Ih. ...nl•• WU 8etl" '01, It . ool'K '0 he o n �:,,�:, ':' :;;'::::, '�:::; ��� ,:.:"�,�":: P�; :�:��: ':::: ' h :k:"� Prot Stuen wa. home In bed wUb \pr."k ot dltchln«dl and profl, w0;� T0::r:· �:a�II��e I�t tb:�: �:dp:;.�:� :I!:1Is:.e t�:o::�rtlt::� .wful bore fhe flu or lIomethln« Of al\ the a,nd adoPttn..- tbe cI� ' sate better be 'Que.. I can't I"el out of h. l'JD .Iumb daY'll to pick to be III than sorry" plan students .nd fac- are any forellt Ires to t1«ht,., Thl. need tor reat ,n SUD�, ull ��n �!1� -,-rand ":" .neak": ..aa the ott-h. nd Je1!1ar� one d!y J�hanna �muaaeD th,e� tU��be.t:. the leet�rer �nt View Star :-',�nei'i'7-=r will we eat meat to. r.,.Anie.rlc.n Lake on Frld., April of Foreet Ran.er Saterbo and For- dlllCUlJfled the topic. She said, We , ... ngaln Bleedlns «ory ' putrefyln.. 16tli A flpeclal street car w.. hired eat not m.ke our Sund." Suaphonlat I beard lomeone Pumfrey .nk G.rrl�on should bed' Pete So«nefeat worth, de- tor tbe -day and hutnr loaded wheDGutabrda mu.lc lo""e you Ihat me tell rather but daYfl dreary onea happy � overw ns were ey ed m I Ii bel ; <"Ip]e �f Bernarr · McFadden haa the. car wl�h .pro""lslon8.. prof., kldll. ! . . I�which we rat · trom dally t�na. Srie: Oh, . but ne'l'er mind, "ho...n ua the e:rron. or our animal (Ice cr.e.m) and .mlles we bid fare- I with worda of rratl.tude for their ehrlat · aarw, 'Is it ];l-wful to -T:hti.. .' Trumpet. mODrinr h.bI . We moat a...old ...ell to: Par�land. ·Altho the rlde ,parr. In � mo�nt.ln tr.Sed'� . . rood or evil!" TbOlle ,re wordl Jor keep on. pl.ylnr. .:... . . . porl( It'IIt we ·Iook like plrll. AI w.. a lon« one I,t oenr�ame B. Spark., wltli a �Oy ua all to 'Co�fll�er beeauae we re.lI, .: Mad.me X :, So you.ve �en to p.roof. conalder. l-he .lIm .bape of the lireaome on aecoun! .of the contID� l and.H.arold make Sunday . a day , K.Iwafl cllmbln. Irl friend . cit re�t .nd .1 I h , · pork abat.lnln« .... We hereby, do ual .�ren.dlni and tbe ·ap'".lnslnl Peak, hl«h on th... flu�m,lt ,Iadn�. wben we make QuraelY" e�:; a:�:�:�. A�.d h0 did you ,"wear' otf 'all '"1ltealfl� lellt. 1I'e .. d\e of "...Ise cracks.. Perbap the most eentan of Wuhlnllon, 10 and. others b.ppy. "(he definition of the· C..cadell . . · �� "It b ou.r�lnsur.nce u�pald .nd rr, I�rl?... e:u.mples �� over.ia Uberency �he SnoQualm Foreat. The o� Sun�.y II 'a da, for re.� and Tou!l.t : Oh , jUfll fine : but little Wobe on "'Ol"'lblp. ' We ah()�ld remember dl- Willie would e.t too. much .nd �et that we will IlInlt our dle� to beans wltne.fled are t.bOlle of the bo,. "ho" rest of his. leparttlonal y ha · S mkl.lI. , pork. our krout without to .atlaf, their luit fO)' amUIle�ent e · ·· somehow ..Ine flen-leee. We .bould IIYe . In al!=k.-Pu.et $(lUnd Trail. the· weenl.efl. Oh dH�latlon! And broke a couple �Indow Tbe · .headoft 'lllthel"h ntraUthestoetti�tbree aummlL The, fello....blp �lth. our Lord enr,day . onions · .w1thout the .motbered beet �ere /lutet when they had 10 cblp .oon reall�d tbelr ml.t.ke, and but �peel.lly on Sunday." .� for ,.teak. ,Ah Peter, thou hut done In an "Iron ma,n·· apiece. . tried . sbort cut aero.. the tace · Hymn No. ..... _dye ' "0 day o'f. rMlt thy work 1I'ell . 1\"ever a,aln .wlll 1!"e At,t.�e j.ke the bunch .oon broke of a cliff to re«nln the rlibt route.. an"'d sl.dne.a". was sun« In cio.ln«: � he l«norantly, rt h.pplly earnI.. up, some hit out Immediately tor �park3 ahead, fllowly wOrkln. ...... . . "'0 ' . " lfInIhrop c:so.t.. Sbop d b b _" . ::: ,�:"::,:::.: '::::n":; � ;::', :: ::�:;::n:��:��d'�h:::' :�� nO��:1'::;:�:;te:�� �::/1�I,h:�� � a;:-=.;;;. = We a e 0 h,ppy +-ou[ .own BIllY Of...haaebau or honeahoes. The ' In«I..hlly lower !lO'lllDl" aDd bu.y ·look- Arthur Br:udYllt .: Beeau.. Taft SundaY ,a urea ��, that be detHt. committee worked f&llt .n� at ·Suddenly, ..ot the I.rgeat nUmbe Of Yotell. (or tbe neat atep.· out the goo '«OodY. � .sk why the had the tablea set and dinner read,. out warnln«, Sparka flllpped and \ . elation. Only thla, we would haye And, Ob boy! Can·t YOU flllU taste with tell. Do...n hlfl .body plunsed . What became of tbat hired m.n. him adcre· us at!.d poor Sealln.....a·a tholle 11I3<:IOUS beaTlfl-and welnletl- feel, 10d�lng on a Bteep ·sJope. you. got from the clt,! Great Sale �f c:ln neyer I:e «oad. But, can and rolls. topped o f ...Ith cottee, Horror-fltrtcken hi. com'Pa.nlonl:!l, Aw; he u.ed to be '4l cbauffeur repenl beautifully. noe. that .en- cake and Ice crea",!"t unable to reach t�e bO'dy, hurried. and the Idiot craw� und1!r a mu le ,at $5,55 Mminery a ap title to some Uectlon C � I · a II Rang back to tbe Dtulhy fternoon rlnk_ Creek n tbe the kallnl l!� to see why It wouldn't IIO.-The . . opened and Ihl, held the main Station tor help. ·Wltb Lewis. and Echo. . ... . . for Satur·day O'n.",. .",",tlon '0' I h' d.y. Th. O""HI B?"I, oth.. m.mb", 0 ' lb. ,,"y, ;::::; ,:. . . . t............ 1\. " . . .. ... a e e C.m�1U EXCHANGES �U";;�� o� I ::�":e:e�:tl �r�scc���e: :��, r:::� O!tlll:nO:erckro�:: tr��: t Kodak · Fbl�DC floor hard enough to make up for and In the night reaching Malak'lllal" � Vle�. Rhodes Brothers. Ben-Ice RNd , several spills Even Ihe profs en- Lakea at 2 a m , though Best had j Photo Dr Fl F Nalder of the ViaahI: ? had.. lfl w Le. and ankle hll sprained them of many and novelty the Joyed Slain H3� ,; l\lillin,ery -Qept.. 3rd FiOO[ Ingto� State Collelfe at pUllmaDI ! were' to be .eeD atandln« or sitting made two trips to Denny Cr.el;lk. � BO spoke 10 Ihe seniors of Lincoln on the t1oor. The bell for flupper They finally reacbed tbe· su t E g T.coma � High recently He told of the . counel: oUere� .t W. · S. C. And j :Oa:�n�he�nl";;S��Y :�� :::::rafJ�:;: H��::a:a::e:.l :�n7�'. �o bouquelfl r---"'-----"! . ·sal� tbal last year there were l l ng In, Saddtnly It . · . tbey ob onr or iced that "It I� a. part j ," Nielsen & Hansen The Store ,.omethlnl like freshman .d- epidemic 6f lamenes.not.was com·· . mltt!!,d to. the college and many I an -. M0tor C0. , ·That·. ! l tel"' . BII them. amounl mon to e:lP�ted are to for Men . · : the anllwer. No one was. reported. Brook.dale Cash Market enter next Sep�ber. ., CIIBYSLER r- . I Dot hanns been aftected by the . SALES 158L! & SERVICE Madlflon and Boys The chutes had also caused You've got ·to go If you want to malady. much excitement durin .. tbe !lfterI",..A.. Eni. -Three Great carl 58-70-80 get there. The tortolfle won only noon. there somelhlng of by the d!i!fanlt ot the hare. Tbe . InterestIn fact Paris and Re': e"eryone available at !;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;,;§§��;;;;:�I A�cessorie&J110� hafl· a slow and flteady pace, all tlmeq. toAfter pain of All Kinds hearty me.1 1 rr but the man that .uaually 'llll"in8 b had been done another 5629 S!>; Union Ave... J. F. VISELL CO. few a with . away the man ' that . lets there and mln'ulea were gil-en for Ihe exerting Mad. N09 Ta�oma Book· BdleMt--8tarJonel'8 RUNS.-Augufltana Mirror. , of any remalnlnr ambition. Llt�le Office .Dd Photo Sapplietl All aenlors In the �olle�e of I "'sa l l" a 'lll ear the soon and ·found Puget Sound 1Ifho are 1n lood reloaded and we were on our way % �ac. A.. e TacoJDa W. C. BELL &: SONS -CO. n u e d ::======== Dr. Walter Schoebel ll = �tt:: ::�s :;y�h: ;:cu�;;. �e:is :���:! r;."." . .... .�"'''''''''.. lI IO-I2 ,P�c Ave. T�c�ma Wash. latlon �ept I�to aeffect after the 1 � C..\RLYLE'8 U.U'ETERL4. � ! , .. .. O�uli8t-O.ptieian mid year e;C8.ms nd. II In ac�ord � He.dquarters for facultp and 1 For the Best · with Harvard's program or a Irad- I � stDdent!! of Pacific Lut.heran i� Eyes Treated freedom. of u.al extension. I � Coll�.e. KODAK' J;'INISHING Glasses Fitted . � t In . � Panta..e. Tb�ater B�·lldIDC.' . ,:,�"':�::�:�:..;:�.:�:,��. .��,��".J :" : , � L, i ".........c.. �� ! h: ':� ���:: � ::'�;�: ':; ) rr .254 South Nlntb St. . =='<"'="",=;""=;'1 1 boys.1 =""'� lele. conDectlng the ,Irla aod deaD . Tacoma. Waa�. dorm Wltht1 tbe The Parkla d Shoe · thato.trlce to take down ",ariy I�arned �.PHOTb SHOP if3 .. , S lOP. re� the rece�'l'er. Uflually meant adorm Saftler J. A. Prop. . queat to flpeak to ODe of tbe alWe pay return postage OF E REPAIJUNQ O .B B . will fly.tem t!:-' tbe b· t u I;lrlfl, D ,."..- " Q \ �ALlTY levlate auch· difficulties. LieD, & SeJvig · 10 eduIn t�·. m.ny place. e our a Impomn of N"rWeP.n \. .. BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. �iltioDal ·flyatem the pon .lon of Cod Liver Oil de.rH �Ia too oftep. reprded·lonwltof.b . . Parkl&nd. Wub. bl«her C.yor tban the po.aeaa Madlaon Cor. FloodTacoll)� E. Ave; !l U st. red�rlk · ,. .. ...:. abJlIty the Stores A member ot ·M.T, TACOMA .. bridle. . TlIco;;\( :w..b_ ,. " " '' ' ....�,.'''''''''''. ''''''''',,! I

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ilL B. IliapIM RO_�

Parkland Mad •IUR·l Banker Life. Des · Moines. Iowa DlJilrte& •.



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W�n Hardware eo: . Exclusive 'SPAIJ)JNG AGENTS, 16TH







In the . public ocO",>I,au""",um, one II urced to come. Websler. PO;:;�)'�e��e :;n-::' :::n!�= At the meetlol of tbe e le from an, orphan'. bome :�:, �. �U:l�: �:: o��t�e , ,,",.... The pial La rich wltb wit, of Paul: I h."e fouShl the flSM; 1 have tlniabed the I bue. kept tbe' fa!lh. '�We 'Iii youos people .. Ill be JuatHl�d We can 'truthfully say these wordl, Pendlelcn-Lawrence' EIUDe- )1l1l1eball: p,' L. O. 'fl. Sumner' elpeel,lI), tbe 'aflt onell, I ' haY" 3:30 P. M. at field �ur .\fcBrld�Myron 'Kreldler� . Itept the faith." F'rldllii "ay 14 W)'lr.otr-Alfr� �DdeuoD Le:� '''�I���:: ��:� ;��:!" The ottier numbere ot the pro­ Par1lona--:h'er nahl «ram wece: Plano ·1010 : Emmy Col­ Abbott-Mart�a HJerm�t.d cymnulum at' 8:00 P. M. (om: recitation: Marilltet Ja('oh· ' lion: vocal duet: Mrs. J. Xavier "n.1 WITH ST: �r. I. Strand. Pen¢e¥n-Slgne HJermltad GAME LEO'S MARKED AS McBtlde--Rutb FadJ;leu . Followlne tbe . Pl'9gram a 'SLOW . Semple-Ollve Sandwick hour ""al held In the church lore. 1 C'''',--J... "o Foanell ·�rn:�y:lc��rr�l �vr b�}·a ':�: e COII�,e of Ah! the Sad Awakenl.., ri�a��nd. Two o'dock, the blUest 6i'leball :;:U:d Art wer-orr ..... J Ult and M"I. Edwards In of the leuoD. wal abont to coverl�, from . anwhoattack _"' . ments. ' Art .Werllon 1a In «icltll pitched very good wlrmlD.1 up wltb Cork I wltb 13 Itrlke ou�: WerlOn II Durlng-the evening a group of to play beblnd the bat. humorous readings In ·Norwellan dialect by Lillian Lee ....s enjoyed. �. well the . "Nice cat'ch, Bill. ole bOY," dainty lunch lIerved by BIU la overjo;ed 'at hOltNI. He p;..ces lalllDll,of th, day wb�n May 8, Ihe Camp Fire Glrll, leacue manaler Iball 18Y del' the direction ot MfII: J. O. He lleeka .ba�k bls ball', aJDw. ...ardll will prelent "The Call mltl and In Irue blC leacue Wohelo" a comedy drama In >·"'" ,,,," .0. apili.' a prodlgloue lob on. crouod wblcb 'air" Ij>ouoce�, The cast of charllcten are: "Tbat lIure oucbt to make me look ?-"=======:;;;;;:; Ellen Ferrie Leoore Lund a I . FOR RENT-Feltke Blue Bird lda HenderUe ��:!\' ::I� b��11 b�� �:��� :.1ic� farm ot 30 acrel % mile Wah·Wah-Taysee {Firefly) of hll head, and be wa_es up �o Eaat of Parkland . on Lincoln· �L!,Ilae Lehman find that he had bumped bls head Avenufl. Sylvia (Wayaka-See Beauty ) on Ihe bed POlt and IIpll all over Irene oabl bll chin. nbo ., ::O�� :.;��dJ:· A ��-��-��������� - ;r=:� �rd�1 i""'===:;;;;;';=====;:;;:; r=:::::::: :: :::: : :::: :: = :: ==::::= ::: ::::4 Marian (olly.dl-Moon Mald) Parkland Barber Marcaret. Fadne.. Parkland EmUy (Mlnnebaba-Laulhlnc WaShop and ler) Clara Lund Mercantile Co. Confectionery Constance (C.oh-Splt+t of tbe Dorothy Lehman Wine) General Merchandiae CA..lIiDY DOrothy (To he-ba - H u PI m.1 n and. Bird) .=._Dorotby Ordal CIGARS , LEHMANN'S The play JI very Interesting II:nd I..-\DIES ASD. CHILDRES'S Dry Good.. Shoes. Etc. a th b HAmCVTrISO. Two Stores ·�:::�:�t ;::t' :�I�-:-,�:p �e:�tt�� G. P. Knudtson.. Prop. botb by yO\&DC and· old. An�oe In. A:lwaya at Your Service I e re tb :� ::� ��fe :a!::�' ;;�::: Ot� ;:� �":"';:;;;;:;:;���""'��;;;:;!! I �====� tbe opportunity of leelog tbll blih GEO. W. PIPER grade presentaUon. Fa._erat ·Dlrector .,...-prof. H.rold C. Rader ot Lake-. PhODe M�dllOn 1131 /vIew, Michigan balll been .�cUred Soutb Tacoma permanent preald�nt o Pleasant View. He' lllI a lTaduate ofr botb the I l academy and tbe collele depart- I C�i(omia Florhrts Phone M.ID UU S e DR. ARCHIE G. ruCKS Cat FlO��. Potted P�ta, =::'�nl:�ed �1 ��:he��� �:� ti�:: Deau.t:rt 'school In LMkevlew. bll home town: ,1"9 Pac. AYe. Tacoma Rust lIth , l1O-OO Canten: What d·ld. you do Dleht. Doc! . LARSEN PHARMACY' Doc: J. B. and I ..;ent coupe,.ln«. Proaipt DeUYeI'J' C....ten: .How'd It «o! 504 . Doc: Fair. She di� the C?OiDg il(�5' SO K"aln' St.. Tacoma, and· I did . the PAylnc.

I__ ���<����U_ <K"'U� [� Bend.

__ __



Satu.rda),. MaJ'



� '-

Bu'ckleY�Kmg: Company, Inc. funeral Dlrecton

Phone Main 412 723 St. Helens Av.• ·Tacoma





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___ , __ _ _ __

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. Get yoJr hall' cut 'at the '

you. �

Paatr,-, Confectlonl · .

Dinner 85c


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DODGE BROTQR8 Fael J)ealen



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Model Bakel1'

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Davis' Men's Shop ,

944, Pacific Ave. Tacoma

Corr�ct FiJrnisliings




OW, MoUe: :. '- .



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512 So. ,9th


BAUER'S. 317 So. 11th ·SI.


M. 5531i


J�e p

. �hotogra her California ' Bldg.

Tacoma, Waah. 1112* Pac. Ave. Main 2289

We offer .beat �ates for , �iltlinavi.n check� 1:1111' pons or currency, 'a,nd


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IIth . &"Broadway ·


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C�ONS The Th... �.... . , -

..� ne..o.d.

Hutto,:,s Covered


mew LOCA.�ON

WuhlJaCt;!ll ..J!!.lIdbt�_

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Portrait and

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Henutitchlng Hutton Holes




Unde'r Pantalel Theater Bobbbla Special. ty-Also ·ManJc:art.a Jb:� H. J. CODrad, PrQ.

'1.50 Sktrt; lUi) ttyl.

�Ilgh Grade Jewelry



'sanitary Barber . Shop

t.dl� Hat"


___ _

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prIoO for .u--.tD .... OM PtIee" • W...e 'IO.�N""'" ..........- . BOb Carl

.: Kaba. Il'




-- :

Mi. Signe Hjermatad Wins lilt Priu of 15 Dollars and Sliver MedA .

Commerice.:nent., Baccalu.te , and Clue 'Day EJ:-erJIIe!l Plannod

ci.ASs" Gi.;rlsi';NTRA�CE

Tile finale of SI,vald Quia :-';one Or,torka' Gont�81 were held In Tria_ . Ity' Church on Friday eYeDing. May 7th. Thla III the rourth of • BeriH of tbele contestl beld annually. at \ Pacific Lutheran.. College In \�--..... lion with the Noue department. Those participating In tbe tlnal contnt were: Ruth Dull, Huth Fad­ ness, HllmAn Mugell , John Stuen, Sll:ne HJermlltad. :->Inl Oklnesl. Ped­. er Bognete8t, JUdith FOl',neel, Marllneon und Dert partlcip.ante evinced a wltb tbe 'NoNle lanluale prellentatlon eho'll'ed that and stad,. IHld been Ijpent ,The Jud«el. Profeasor N. J. of Lincoln HI.b School. Ref. Sfare a...arded flnt prile. vald Quale' Memorial sll ver .;;;�


Archway of White Sand.tone ' lo ' Be ,Eroclod

't.hb groduatlng clulel 01 1!I U hu'e announced their Inlentlon 01 lea"lnK, .. . . ,Itt to PiclflC: Lutbar­ an Colie,. a Itone entrance 10 tbe �rnpu. r;round. The eDlraore will be of white eand�tone. allowloll' for ;I;��:�':�'�:':I�: ���Br:��I� :::::. Rnd .electrlc flXluf". The ,Itt in­ cludes an Inlaid flower plot Iud luUabl, shrubbery. U'epartment .If! II. «rllduate of 'Na�VO�lIk �1�e::;It����;',.,:�� :C'�; College. He later obiAI ned will be completed by tbe e't'eDiog iteJl[ree trom the Unlfer- ot C la&ll Dat. ThundGY. May 27, . ot �luJhlnkton. Prot: Hauke. at : 00 o·dock. when tbe cltt effort on the .bu Ud- ... 111 7·be apent much formally prHented to tbe aa a member of the up o� the. Normal Department Colle«e by Ruth Fadnela. ' Prea. .0. He la a Lu tber r = P --., at . L. C. � , t =", :'-' � J. Ordal· ...1II accept tbe .� 00 be� � •. f 1 f 'CmLD LABOR" en," b, Iblen. ::� d�I:�tI: ��r:�:n� ::� ';l� Iton eaUlnr or much eloqueMe AGAIN DEBATED ...lIi tbea be Duelled by Mr. H . 1:, dramattc ablllly. In addition to Frida". April 30, the colle&e de� Anderson, member of tbe BOard 01 Medar. a prize or fifteen d911ar1l batlnr teaml' met · the Seattle Pa- Tiulte8:' , " ) ---1 . E. 1"� .O D - C� awaraed the -winner. . .°0,111"16 lu dual' debAte . Til. .:JI'<)Uow1at: t!tf' o.ldeo.. Pabllc to A«end P...,. Held c. !ltflrmatiY,e team compotied will be the relUlar Clan 0.; eur· Ruth Fadneu took lecond In C.... HJermltad, Mlldr6d Hanclaea I n the Gym. berlnnlnl at' I:IHI by khlnr "Oen Vldbereilte . Arnt Oyen met the S. P. C� o'clock. tbe procram .. followl : by William Kral:, Tbll la a e Oral EJ:p'rellllon elall conduc.Ieam upheld by Jamell Orcheltra mualc, Mr. J. O. Ed";.rdl, ous solectlon In dlalec.t. A cuh' prlzoe tedThtheir cla!!11 In 'tbe rym' Mondai Markaret Or!, anl,l Paul Director. Addrefll of Welcome hJ " of {Uteen dollar1l was "awarded all e.. Wright· In tlie p, L. ' C. Chapel. second flrlte. �hlrd place and a enlnr, May 3, at which time thoyl 8 1«ne.HJermetac1 Song, "Long Ago-" The' P. L. C. negatl ..e team con- by Olrie Trio. .Martba ' HJermltad, ten �ollar a.....ard ....4S won by . �ohn preecnted four one-act phlYIl, which eletlnl: of Arthur .Knutzen. Henri Ni na Elde and SI«ne HjerZIJ.lad: \ . Stues for bl8 pree.entl\llon of Dro· they have 'been IItud71ng, Mr. Haule ad e to AI a A drone" by Jacob Bull. Peder · Sog- had Invited tbe puhllc to come and ����' ':�:re !�:y ��:��e: ;�tb th: !: ��� O�:��l� ��I�'r ��;:etD.��� hl e n ed �no:�D:!�:n /�:�er:a��� �:: !��: eee thla preeeDta�lon of ,the work oppanenle, Ruth Elklnll, Alice Cary. Claude Pellet, Song, klrla quartet. which marked the culmination of and Wilbur McCormick In the eol- Nina Elde. Martlla }lJerm.tad. Rutb nlng a (lfe dollar prlte, etudy. Fadnes., Ruth Dull, Cia.. propb"7. audllorlum. . :->Inll. Okinollll ";11.11 «!ven fUth the he T fint play wae entitled her (or quellUon tor tbe debate was: presented by Martha "Jerm.tad and prltc place and a ,I\'e dollar ·Chrla'· Artbur Do«en and that the propelled twen· Carl Collum. Mind qliar\et, MJron Interpretation of "Min Brerne." by tRecort. deeene epectal menamendment to the conatltu· Krledler, Nina Elde. Hutb .Fadnl!lM Caepsr! The cuh prltel . an\9untlng ina Knutten for their eplendld Interpretaor the Unl!�d "Slatell ehould a�d Dert Kranrneu. . to fifty dollan ..ere donated by tlon of their rolel: Others taking ratlfllHI." Eight mlnut,ee were Fol.1 owln, the program will be tIM tbe Bonl of Norwa�. Pacl(l� 0111· ptloartTi In the play were Bett,y SteYen- !drs. Lora 8. Kreidler. Dean o{ II. II0wed ,for the C:onltru�tlve epeeeh- announcement,. by Pretldent Orul, 1�lct, and were prellenled��he win· �obanna Ralm:luen. Nina Oks-- Women and tnstructor In a�t, etud- and four minute. for each llpeak- of names to be IDlcrlbed upo� the ner by Mr . . S. Strom, pre lird�nt of lion. neu, Leola Hagon and Anna Thomp- led �t Carleton Colle«e. Unlverelty er In the rebuHII.\. 10fln« cupe tor t be year 1.21, the chapter. \ ot Mlnneeota, and for three The (Jebatea were mar.ked with. A plano .010 by Sl,ne HJerm.'tad Much credit tor the sbowlng made son,The e nd play entitled, yeara a atud.nt at �e Mlnneapoi! pereuael..e 'ability, and .ex· and eln,ln« ,of tbe. cIa.. tonc will e-co · by tbe partlclpante la due to )Pro- "The Cenella Taker."' In tble pla7 IIchool of vt, under the well known ar«umentll Indicating that conclude the exercllet. {euora Holum, Stuen and Rametad, etudy on thll popular Luetta Svlnth took the part . of the American Artillt Dourlae VolI" Mr�. teachen of None, under wbose dl- La of Y d . the houee. Zelda ""GelleD- Kreidler bOl been at· P. L. C, Iinee Comm' ." ,m,'" .,.,,0....' been made by all the .. 'wIII place, . rection tbe conteet took lU the par� or tbe ceasul I. debalors, clude ,the rraduatlnl: eventa on In eluded In the eYenlnr's pro- back took Um. vary a taker, bard bad wbo r O The COID.tI!I. P 21,. e-.enln, by May Friday talka ,· ehort "a cram were P. C. debatore sbowed . e tracting tbe number of people In CARLO SPERATI "ddr.eu .,..111 be ,hen b, dal, Prof, Honl", Mr., Strom. He. . J: eplrlt accompanied with mancement Re .. , Martin Norat�d 'of Red WiD&:, Floren. Re... S..are and Profeaaor tbe bouee. and Iincerety In reVISITS Mualc b.. bee"'!...!! ran,tId Ramatad. a ..ocal 1010 hy Arnea In the tblrd play, "Wledom and their ar,ume.nte The Pde- Minnesota followa �ocal 8dI0 "I do Wlenon. and a plln.o duet by Prot, Wealtb," Betsy Jane Porter took Prof. Car.1o A. BperaU, n�w w .. rendered two to one . a the rOllnl" ps � .man who 0 Lord Mrt Ph E� -HIQI., :A had to ll:ne .HJermst�d. ;S, 0; Ed",!"arda and- S . I:et marrlecror JOjfJh!.;nherlta�ce, Inr tbe Welt, ' wae a .Iellor.v't....P. In each debate I� f...or of tbe s� Ask I Antbem ";SUit Aa I Am." �J mt.ud. ... P. C, teama. L, C. , M.., 3rd. Prof SperaU The judlee at Park quartet.....,.,... Hau,e, Mr, Edwardll, , . profeuor Ph. E, Haule addrets-' Murial Vetters w.. the Jounr lady nd were : _ M� Oerr.�t .�I.�;r �r, Iln a tormer teacher h�re and bla � , Ed....rd. and Hn, S"ar.; Forum .audlence In Tacom', he wisbed to marry, ed . ' er, . ow Mr. .n MInro, Plano Solo,· Kn. J. 0, Edwardl, Konda, e"f8nln" M ., . 10, on the 'The e-.enln,'s entertainment was ..lilt was of special Interest �o .Thl t tlm In e tlrst tbe Is b . � a resformer p Indudlnc ..oclat_: Anthem by Ladle. Qu.rtet, Mn. ' top1c "Pt,.;bolocy of Public SPeak-' concluded "ltll the preaentatioD of tI u O Of . . ler, Mn. flallle, �.M"'; ��ta4 ' In,," LIlIIa� Lee apPeared on tbe tbe "�Io"!,"�r' of yedde.. · Tbe acen. Ident O. J. Ordal. ! �e� ��:��� h!�: X... :: : he i :!�� l&Ule prolTam In number of was laid In Japan at tb. poet �M.ra, Ed"ardl. PreHntatlon Of aDd Facu.lt., �Dd Itll.d.nta "er. fa"Qr- Colle e :n the akl�g platform 'in tha pr� dlplom.. wtll �Ddude m.'s hOlDe. H. ".. ill )0". with ed by , .n addreu ' at 9 bour. bUIDOTo.a cbaracter .lI:etebes. . I: II ' po: debat I "ho JOYed. blm hut . de- HeY. Ord.l lp�ueed . the ape.&ker ::. 1r;!��:C C;o'r':ard to �'ut::: (:r� 'poam .. "' . manded t.ted Jo.... The plot as teacber, and dean ot uale at enlle relaUoDI "ltb th. S, P. c. Th. Ml io . In..�t..et; 'the' pro..11I& of bla aHee- Luther Colle,. and dlroc . tor f t�e as' "e co'n.lder this openlnc en: Remember ! lll o SOcIa�, ot P. L. C. tlon.... Doroth., Fowl r ud lIa'7 t&�OUI Lu,htr · CoI_ele Band. connter tb. tint atep toward that tooll:t cha.r,e tof th. ....UID' .e�oee a a o t relatl ablp. ' e!l��, ':::rt�a::�y�:u;:� :�n::y �:U . · ou : ��'''I�I� �::!:I::�:: i: �!� In I;a��. �I� �: &::\:�;:.�. ':!: future Long In 8e�tt1. th� neg.U.... t.alZ!! and .«Bm w.. al ro11o".: Scripta,. dlence. Tbey were eapably. support- Lord., Tbere . Is no pleasure · · UIl.' ,tbe coacn ,Pro.f. Ph.. E. Haure, .nd readm, and prarer by R.... 'A, W, 'ed by .Eda H.uke and' Either B7dow. .e'"lnc Ood. Wbat Is Ireater th.n , . or LUe to bun- 14.... , Haul:•• were pleasantly ,enter- Ram.tad: An odette eomPo-ect or brlnrlnl tb. Btead ' .Daceal.ureat. "nice. . .for ', tbe Sty .taiDed at lin, Tltf�·.�.: ,bopui "bere Alm'a Ru nn i" AID" WlenoD, An· " . souu." , C�niody A 4·Ad they enjoJed a Urbt l pper. " na Thoippson, Rutb Bull," Nina J:t4e craduatea 111 be Ile�d at Trlnlt., Mu'cb atreU ..".. /,,�ut on the a. ReT. Ramatad.! Bert Kr.p� a84 Cbu�h ,?D Bunda.,. lIa7, !S at ':00 tboulht tbat each and enf)' one ot. Ttl. P,:.. L. Cr-nln. dHCendC!,d upon HalTJ aanDend. Nndere4 SOnlor Play P. M. The apeek er has not .. let ban a mlaloB.ID life, aDd th." " not be a preacher to fnl- tl1e Ea�on..llle. arrreptioD Wednu- lectloD, been ' IDnOllDeed. but tb"i' .ma.leaI on..... FrIday EVOD'D� ' , . , . '. da." Ma., n, and defea�d them �� Peder ·SOpef"-t p,.. a 0:',-10. "\. . .procra� 18 .�mpl.t. .. toilo..: rill tba m1uion, . ' Ha t er " V�I 8010, H_r. y� Not Ob.. :r.. . w.bkb lAola pa '!-''. ;' '-1. Art W.nen, p.incb lI ltt.r In tb. talk a'. May'14th E. HaOle, Trio: Mn Pb. lIfr. �mt� .peall:JD, of ,.ltb In 'nInth Innlnl brou,ht In tbe "lnnlDI ed a plano 1010. Jou.... Ru...... )n ' b l i e e t a ed ;:b � �aJ run, Th pm. ".. 'rarr� throu,h- ;.: �:�.��a;; �:-od.=''': �r;::D�, r::'J �::e �:� . :: �!::et� :atU!� : C�1Iege Gym ,. "1;101,., Holr. HoIJ " aftat "Idt. "irarr.ret dreamU., aDlll'ered, "Tbe oat Stare. Antbem. "In Thee 91'- Lprd" '"'" Collum pHcbe<! a err load rame made a few eI.ID relQ;8rb Ark " : L "--��-----'.,,J �., �Ulli�Otl, Trlnlt7 ...Cholr �

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' I � . E..- ! r.lnt Ll.l. •t.'"befau tbureb- 'n T�m. f delhered au. '".pltlo. add'.,.. at tb. , . . . "We are God8 Salun,an" ... The Dau,bten of lbe Reforma- )oInt ,.;..'1", of· t.be P. 1.. C. lilt· ' f n I r k d L U. O . M -=-lr"=" ���_Jl�:. p�;�: ::;:e.;,(·:; ·c::;:� tI('D of ':er,U8 -."alll. innesota :� �-:�:�'s:��.t:. M�: ;�D � . • L .... ���I pro.r� 're-: ••• �I.k..o. � ; ....-'--� ....� _ ---.� ..:r. _A4£ �"""' _ Pu"bUlbed eTery two weeki durln� tbe. I<:bool year by tbe student. tur. re.�. "We:.' ul,d Pr�t. '(uler, cently. A 'former le.cher, Mlu Qt. topic "Youtb "'I tbe .prln, tllll' of ."are Gods dle8n1en,. hts co'Ia�ore",. lelie H\llJelin ane an il1ltrlldl't'e our lite." .. Id tbat a tlclr.et fa "'v.ed ur recltle Lutheran Colle,., P.rlr.l.od, W blo,ton. partners. An e.rt�IY ..Iellman �II l on ' .the worlr. of the Inoer '10 \la on bapU.mal 'day 1t'hleb. beafll . .. Sublcrlptlon. one dollar per ye.r 't'ery dealro�� .o� ��rlnlJ e\ttta. tMlul�n '''Not .ood If de· and the reauJt of the. 1t'ork the IO;IUlptlon. .-" Entered 'Iecoud' c1_ m.tt.r, October t, 1915. at the .l offlee men; He haa a ..IIDe ind .pard io tacbed. " If 1t'e thro1t' .....y the DO �(fort to pralM .nd 8eli hit Ihe Iluml. · ' . �.rkland. ·W.. hlnllon. under tlie Aet of Marcb S, 1171. 'ItMtowed, purtbereb7 on aee r IJ '1t'ares, , . , Llzw:oln ' Hllb Sebool Boy'. ran chased by tbe b.lood oi. Cbrl.t. then . "D�,---- w �a,! n.ot� \t.rtbly. .We are conllder . of tbe ticket. lue a 't' .lhe rorfek we In fortunate tbemRlutl THE STAFFDot servin, a "1I1tfa.n master. ha't'lnl an electrical Ihop '1t'h�re they The Ileke.1 ..lao bee.ome , ,.. Iuel... .:en a . millionaire.. . we . . a�e. ?Od:1 can Martha Ujermstad eI�lf!lll Editor-in-Chief learn the electrical trade (roni. we are iletached from the cha.rch. III Chrllt line our a:d en. m Henry Kiel Managing Ed�tor the bottom up,. Under t'he 8uper- On conflrmaUon day tbe ticket HIm crucified, . .100; of ·Mr ' Mann they ' are strea;lhened b,l bela, reluued by Myron Kreidlcr an� Wbat As..�iate F.dit6r kInd of reprelentatlon. are 't'1 tau,Kt to m.ke m.ny Ih'lnll lucb II the . cbureh, , 'thrllt hal put lote "'e m klnl or 1J0oda o\lr r.ther hili eleetrlc REPORTERS buten, touter., salderlnl the churcb Ht. mun. of IT.ee. tbe , lent )nto the world 10 reprelent. IIcrament. and bla holy ...ord h'Cne Dahl. Johanna Ra8mu�n. Luclla S\ mth. Slgnc HJcrm- he 1t'ay we acl the' .".y we talk. Iron.' radio set. moton, etc qualtrlcatlonll Ilaml)8d on stnd. Ruth Fadness. AlfrejJ Andcr!,;()II. Leola Hagen. I.llIum decided wha, our reprelentatlon Is Canton Lutheran Normal 1t'1II thtl'Other ticlr.et are ( 1 ) Dedlaatlon iouis or ordera loalnl 1t'e Are .Lc<-. Margucrlte Folco the l'fe.. Jeru.aalem� (I) fa 1t'hlch hereafter coune ,ear rlYe a h.n or Ood b, our bebulor Thla Is a They 1t'1I I ot er a four year academ,. Our o... n II,nature, Include. .Il � t ,.ear coune ludln, promia".. made. ( 3 )that BUSINESS gTAFF !!toad thln« to thlnlr. or. for we are ""Th� road ... Uftb COllnle. � Ind .ctinl our to (flnt ,rade certUlealea It.nd a !ire lolPI to t.ke, .re ...e .l()lnS the Busmess Monager Peder Sogne(est F8,....hen t.lkln line of u'lnelIJ., ·We ar commercial course, The enUre corti ...I�e or narro... patb! -- ' . Arnt Oyen � Asaistdnt b t t: haa bun re· "Ther� are atO,P'o't'er pll'cea--our Arthur Knut7.en ��r�a��e:: :�:e u: ::���:�IF;nl ��� Oftal; cedolle,ie J�lIr\lctorll Circulation Mano'gcr tc p n o e o l work. l..et \la «et down �o bUllln8!ls . " n "fOf..,.�e�;� Eide. Nina Fadncss, Ruth Utili. Ruth icit6rs: Ad\' �:'t'� ���o ;:;:!� :a l!. '�h��rw� ::��; ex U�� Bo�?�. T.lae �c.demy �nlora of SIOUt 1\ot ItOp too ionl, We are required , rof, Ramstad chJ)le Hebrew 1 2 F..lla. P 0, J. Stuen Faculty' Adviser Sout,� Dakot. hue ael�cted to «0 on, H01t'ever. we .bould 0, . consideration at Ch.pel April 'he play. � ...!.. ------- I Cor L.::!. -'-'T.b.e Tbree Oracea .to m.ke . the mOIl of our Ito))-O't'en," so "W " b e 111 "Ilk e ' th be ,hen &oon. ,�-------""", The play I.. a- U't'el, In doalnl Rev, Bloomquist rendered Welcome. Friends! . ' . Ch'rlstla:s ��:e to a s;.c�, The l': r: and comedJ peppy of .muslnl .It.u- TennYtlon', beaullful , poem. "Crolao 1t'alCh�1: wlinesMs ' many Ire.1 . . a . atlona lI nd a dll.lolue. Thc studcnts and fa"cully of PaCifiC Lut�leran Col.lcge extcn,d tbe ra�e we are unnlns . ) . ' .el,. In« tfe Bar." -f m.y run IYCsinccre wclcomc to thr many f-riends who ('Ian to \'isH us dur� , " In order lha' Jwe � Other Ilumbera on the procram tl O . ing the lasl day� of .l\1�y.. L�lhcr Lcof{ue COII\'el�tiun spca�crs ceqful!'" �e IIhould lay aside e.e�� or:���l: a � t��:::lnLo��l'hFuS;:�n were: IIcrlpture re.dlnl: by AODIl b o a s c t t 2 4 for the purpose of help- -;' ��:� :�rd:, :1::ale:!�O :� :::r� . :�i� ����� � ��;ce\\�} ��:�nJ�l�i i��;�i�:�r::n ��!1 )'���si�R�It��: ;';U: n�'b:u.�u:::r,r:�:. ;:I��e� :�' MInsay , st1 9dt!n 10 rlnlsh Ichool by SlN\ner-ud accompanied by ' A&nH h�pe that you. by coming hcre wil,l n;ccivc a det; )Cr insif.l;ht in!o our' f�lth, Je"au. la rea. to help ut borrow��I ,:oney from thla fu.nd Wleraon, aDd a rudIn, by Dorotby thc great work of our collcgc. an IIlslRhl thai WIlI slrenf.l;then In Bnd If ...e .tumble a.nd brulBe ouru e ' your hcarts. thc CRose o( the church �h()ol. . . ' aehel we deserve It, ' :::�' !::: a":: , �·h� :�:. Fowler. , ,A,lullllll. we wclcome YO�I 100, hack a�ulII to old sce,nes and " Our race Is no l a lwnylt ph�lI.s. ��q;�: d.ent. tel ninety !,Bfter da t last old (fiends. 'Vc hope II! see llIan�:. TIlany uf.yl)u .�t Bcunu)fl. und Itnl, bllt Ihrough �lIfrerlnJ{ Ihe fin· day ot the 'BChOO? y'ear In hewhich RJabt Prtce "-I QllaUt7 we sta�ld re�dy to recclve yUII �\'l th the sallIc killd of WC�C()l11� est t,bln.,s, In our life are hrou�ht to p'ay their loan back. .Thla ,IVH . JETLAND .. PALAGRVTI . that we som� day hope to rC'Cclve whcll wc rcturn tu p, I., C. out.. �any of the sweet"!. Ir.lndett them the wbole summer la whlcb «o-pIet.e r pefll�nll are 80 beeaUle or. surfer· to earn Ihe money aod . prO't'f!. , u.e of Jie.'. CIodlfor hoouccommg. of \. ... Bad .... . .. Fricnds. one and all. welcome 10 ollr �rnduatioll acti\'iti�s--- IOIJ. .1.0 h!n the race Ireat benefit to th<Me wbo need It. . 111 Pac. A't'. . Tacoma, Waab. to the l3acculaureotc serviccs. Class ))ay cxcrcises Ilnd Com- dlll" L�6:B Itrlye an etern ty The St Olaf Choir recently reo us. A rlcartv- ...ltb�tbe Allthor We . want menment. Attend , ,,;th u!'; .. Bnd cnjoy with . i-and Flnl,ber iof turned wclcome, all 1-1\1, H. from a Yery luecfllaful trip Orad___ GlIt. lbat � �:: !:�t� �11 Is wortb...hlle Just �:;y ::� e ::��:�::U: t I iI. o. IlA.UOW � t �� :�� ::: m f o Tbe "ewe� CALENDAR e e e e Fldelit, Bld� :h:;: t:!; �n:���� BASEBALL GAME r:"�bl::�� Friday, May 14 %57 80 11th St Unl't'enU,. the of b Clu Pbllharmonlc . Thc Senior Play. "Daddy Lonf.l; Lc�s" will I)(! rt.'iulcr('d. in WITH ROY IUGH of C�lc.IfO, the ,;ollcge gymnasium at ,8 :00 P. 1\1, AND F.AST CLOSE d b t 5 l I;� t;:o ::� ;� �: ] �� r: �:� . lk a h 13aseball: p , L. C. � �a l�:�V�I�Y()�1 Bit-k Ridg(' diamu nd Ilt t1t': 2:30 P. 1\1.: nln"(h Ion In, and tbe BCore 6 to 5 Olympic Ice Co. � A."\mR.(CAl'( ARr OOIIP&!IT i : Baseball: p, L. C. !s����:lc�I:� 'J��tcr's field at :l :1 5 p, )1. � :� :I� a �:I!:: �tl � : Call Main 2820 :... . . . . ...... .. _ Friday. May 21 lanlnl: rally and de�eate� tbe Ro,. <'·i�-�ROP OOi-'-�·"i�. Icore 13ascli'nll: p, L, C. 51. I .eo·s Ull our iliolllOlul llt ;1: 1 ;"; p, M, HI,b Sehool anrelatlon' b,. aPlaYed D THE WHITE 'YAGON .. .. Sunday. May 1 6 . .I. ..,. :�tu::'�,'��; :," , , TucUll1a ut 'X:no �� !o��,ame , P. 1... C. Day at Central Lutheran Church III an i.lr-Ucht att.tr. Tbe � Dbi�:r:= '" P. M. Ice Your Deliver Will Tbe !tood. workinl teama � both On HI,l1w.,.-1 . � 'b!qc:IU ...t of . i . ' spcak. . Rc\'. 0, J, Ordal Will ' Lutheran nine ibo1t'ed up about tbe oltum t , Jear. 1t'lth c.rl C l � � 'tbl ,"" � --I bes � ... """.,." . 23 May Sunday. , ..... � �,� :!.�� : : . ...,.._._._I. .. pltchlnlJ a good ste.dy lame wltb r-.:...----�---'-'--.--., BaccaJaurcol�'icc8 at ·1:00 P. 1\1. k 13 Tuesday. May 25 SHERMAN, CLAY .& CO. T'�:� :I:��� walt cblLnled lomeBascball: P. r.. C. Eatonvillc P. L. C. uinmOlul tit ,1:00 whal. two second U!lLm Men I'olnl In 928-30 Broadway , I p, l\I, and dolnl 't'ery well. Tbe relular are strllllJ 'men In those polillon8 he Thursday, May 27 BAND ,INSTRUMENTS V' KING I be h e w ror I Class Day Exercises in the gymllasium, at 8:00 p, ltl . :::: �fva� ln ��: ;le;d� ,. Friday, May 28 t Commcncement E..xcrCises in �ymlla�ium at 8:00 P. 1\1, Rcv. But��tf�ald my fourtb � , .American Plum,bing & 'Steam Supply Co. Martin Norstad o( Rcd Wing. �linll will .delivcr the commence- d.Mildred , " . ..... . WHOLE8ALB 1t to the beauty abop today, menl address, Jean McLa,.: Str.nle you CAn't � PLlDlBINO. STEAM AND MILL 8UPPL1B8 ' teem to ,et ....Ited on, 'dear.""""":", � Bascball: P. L. C. PuyaUUl) on our diamond at 3:15 P: M. ,Chlnoo , U(I' � Phone �aln 170.7 nOS-10 Paclflo A....e }J Saturday, May 29 �� Y�SC�C� ,

i � - :_. ... ..._._..__.._ ._.... _.: .. ,...-:-,� � -;",:",, .



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. a IOgton C�ueatio�-Day or Boarding �bool ". . ... " .. ..

Parkl I

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Opens June '14; ends Au«ust 27 ' Regular School Year Opens September 14·


State Accredited. £,


'For iaformatio� 0. 1.

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Frolh (at �rary deak) : . Have , you "Lamb'l library, not Mlla 'Lane: Tht. la ' Ir., ' . ·Pleat 'ma'rket!-Cbln �IIGHT HELP " Reporter:' It'. !unny-l let my ..., ..... .hU. ... h'DC my h.Dd,. ' Editor: 1 IUllest, you u:y. lakin, , ' batb.---=Spectator.


WEST ·COAST GROCERY. CO. .:!� 'TACOMA =�.:=::::=-''''''''''·''·''·''·-----'fi . i:============i�I:,�:::.::: -, ::::::== ' ' ' ib OIStr uted


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Special by Expert Per_I w.... f10JJ � ....00. '" " .

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The fuher Co. BeaUty ParlOr .

gI-,..l· I lith.t � ;;s:!iw,_'�_on M.�:;.;·.�RIN;.;.��;;�AD

1I�d. /==.!J1 L...;Parklan =!"'deIi ;;;·;;'I= ; =;;;;O;;;;;= 1\. ;i; _ ;;; �...=;;;;Preoi ; = ... Ii _ , ;;;;i;i;;;


I P'RODUCTS Pcrfection in Fruits, vegetables, ;:� i Co�(ee. F;tc. .








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__•• __ _ .

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'. PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEO�. . PARKLAND, WASH. PAoli I ............ . ._00;0-........-.....- on� mor�. . A phooocnph· nd a "ou.ld hue wben - tb� . ....ol�,.·· T o A ilu � TE� NIS OUTl.OOK GOOD . H. . tnilln' ro"boat .dded 10 tbe ' en- ebould try 10 cet mat of their. rooml. AC M C RC ' Pl'OIpeeta tor a I.«euful ten.o� · TO FEATtJRE o.r the day. .. did lOOp and Very loon It 11:1 o'cloek .and no A . �Il are 'tery ,ood tbll yur w)1..... Shoes .and.· Ships. Joyment IlorY-lelHn,. . . . II,n of "tbe antlc:lpatln, eaddaclioll L. c. DAY maDy entbullaell of -botb tbe ,Irll \ P. Co� At ennlnr the p.rly lan�ed a,lln of their well rormed pl.n. Then r...u&e lAIt� �. and t�e bo,... Tbe tourllAmeall are . . ' .... . B.¥ 5eolinawax on IIm.H. 1,II.nd .here a bonfire "a., heard l0ru@ mor,.. wblaperlnl t."ESTR,\L LL--TH";R.4.N CltVRCH Ilm?lt pl.Jed orr wltb much �ood a Hurrah� JIIIl' one more__ I,,"e O o . ' 8."y� SIai foil for-only one 'more cOlumn ��-. :n l:-�:�!:. ·��r:h::::�. � ���� .;;:� :::, :�:t�'::' t:�::\=;;;�ln��! :.� Prelude i p:-":,,;z��:::� .�-:: will m6e!' COI--:---� Sel�ted lere of Pupt Sound till "I.th ohlnhsc:lent "Iletle.. Then. .... ,enJoJ.ed. eacb. other with their .leep; eyea FrOlh team lof-. bel'utirul. I.nculd. lelllllre- The Irlp home �III mlde throulh RII they would aeeulle �;ne .nother HJmn PNorof.. J. O. Edw.rdl hU�d�J. May n. on tbe colle,e . - II courtl. . Tb.e . four men 'plcked, to I,. repose frODI ·I.bor. No more moonlit wlte.fl. The e!lme. aul. for foollnl them out of the bedAudle.nce . ...rlter·e cramp-no more !!lIhaulted oUlly dUI and cleaned by lIome were the he.nn on earth"' for the "elrJ ' p'la, are: Ila,lel M,rOD. Krledler read •nd Pray r In«ellult)'-a reprle'te from nenoul fried .nd the!r fluor thor uShly be.d-tlO.'e.rly and looee at le.ll Scripture Sldn...." Olauo. and Clrl ColPreelc]entI!!.•.�; J . Ord.l� . t.nd �m and Wllbun Nrm.n w�1I pia)' t'xh.llltlon. Ati: Naturf: Indeed enJo)'ed. Iwo houn of. precloul lleer. , ' . "Ca.t Thy .. Burdea Mendelleo n " ' 'Illalcb. Thl. L. tbe kind when Ihe ordil. n ed lummer The crullers were met and .,el. doubles tbe . . P.- c. C. Vliad OcteUfi:-Lllllan flnt mateh ·qf corned bat'k to P L C wltb open .... CIRCUIT CONVENTION and II Lee. E�'ter• . Hokenllad 81,IIe looked for••rfl 10' tbewith),ear At lall. we h.n unearther one armll. b,. the undercll"lmen al)eln-�ucb laterHELD .d. EIther Sydow, Cla.�de est. . ,,·om.n'l Ideal. We "onder If .U fn 0 clock or thereabout So ended An Inlplrlns.....well-.ttended can- lijermlll ' . Pellet, ,H.rry. er Saanerud. h . A .Ilrl·1 tennl. team "m be orour co-ed'lI a5ree, a perfect dlY nntlo� of the Women'l. Mllllon.ry I want. a min· who' III l?y.1 alld i 11�1&ed alld "blch ....111 be a 'tery . Dabl. pert Kr·lneu. . Myron tormld.ble Pu,et . Kreidler. Federation Of ' the South , IItroDLIl;. SulklD5 darllne&ll. hlllln,( owill. Sound .one. Matchel for tblA . Clreult. "fill held M.y lit "Pollchlaelle" , ":Se�ce Rachm.nlnoff tel� are pendlnl now. ' .... « uncanny b!t nolles, ely lIut. be mu�t be jUlt little br Irl the . . PI.nllt ., ,Shelle Hjermltad. wron5. cqntlnued ber walk do1t'n the b.1I In Re't. Sta't,lp Churcb la :racom.. SermOD . ' .. Educ.tlon'· CbrtAUan bllt-��ddenIY! Like • fla�h lome_ Th"; bUllnen meetln« W.II held . iitabllihed J,ill3 Pree. O' J . .Ordal I "arlt a lIIan who has mlu;oh com- th'f'iil descended onr her head .nd durlnl the mornlns at "blch time .. " �d�-s:; �� Reu� l e .Ihe W l r�1 were «i.en by the preel- � �1�:r:tH��:n.t n r o Mahncke &. �O. . nu7�: ::��. kllOw It all-for that �1:�le� k:.f�rfJrI�:: �rl=�·n't.l . · il dentl MflJ. H. A. eattle. Siub of "In 'I;' h ee 0 Loid" . I-!ohlfeld � an offenle. "Who Ibid!" tbeY�lked; applyIn!!, the .e�retar,. of the feder�Uon, Male .-Quartette. S. Otto - I�kn Sannerud. C. hit pl�ere to her thumb,. Silence. .nd A. Pellett, ,Rev. T. O. Snre. J. 919 �roadway' . Tacoma . • delel.te trom each of the I .,;ollnt a man who will love Ille for Ominoul lllence. "You'II tell or die." varioul O. Edwardll . lOCAl or •• nlutlonll The;le f.lr they alll'Jured. IItlDdlnl her on her Ihol'lld dearly wh.,t re.1 "�rk Student Spee h.. - - - - . -c time" he mlty be' as cro" a head to make the _orda IIplll . out. all women of the church are dolns "Rell.lo�1 atmosphere .t P. l�. be.r. And yet 'Ihe' remained "lienI. Mid the "prea.dlnl the 001�1 In the C."- Martba Hjermltl(; :·Soc..1 fllfe nllnutfll of "oflly InKlnldom tainted arter on eD:rtb. Jobann . Lite at P. L. C:,'-Ruth Fadnelll. I ....nt • mall-not too roush ;lnd Crylul{. "�lfortJ- Hold 'er:t," all IIhe Ra!mll�_Qhere J .. Granier \ sa'te tbe report trom .. HOUDna " toppled ott Into dre.mland. ,\. ;';otre.dYP. L. C. Daulhten of t�e l.. . C. A. Pellel. Cornetl" too iIIplc Rnd ' lipan-What I A few dayll laler the Seniors !led the re· " . t II Thy Lo'te Carl Bohm ReformatloD, Nina. Qklne8ll W.I the � ---... ....ant III an ordinary man. from the, llcene of the'lr crime. Olrll' Ses.tette. Lillian Lee. Leola otAer delec"te. ' · Sisne Hasen, Velten. Murhi'l ' .S" was 'pro.)am afternoon he Au" thl� from the l:Ipt'ed IO�lng l t SO! LAFF! LAFF ! . �Jermltad. Nln. Elde. Ellther S)'- " Rhodes Brothers follo"l: Serl�t�re readlnK' .nd pra),- ,'dOw. rtapper. Wllat'lI lilt! �orld coming If one II of the "easY-lIleeplnl ar . " . Trade Extensions ' Lunde of �oullbo. Ad· by Rev. 100! . . one would heRr qlllet.�-T-liltScbool" by Mllslonllry Tof'tl�k of Mad- Add�e!l1I Pr .f. P"TheE.Church We are gitld to lIee Art back type Hauge .. ling down the hull of the P. L. C. drell Sale •calettr. ' lfe IIPok'e of the '1"II.lInl- " � � asal.!J. An4. 110 hi Olive. .Woudn'( It do : Un�to Me _Coenen-W.rhurst Starla S8tur-day, May 15 he .wflil if he had hl� heart reo rmllOry early TueJ:lday , morning nelll of true dllclple! to Af,crlflce Come Faoulty Quartettfl., Mn. Ph. E. and ut five o·clock A. M and If one even Ihelr lives for· tbe Master. mo,ed Instead of hili np!1endlx!' Ends saturday. 22 . Mrl. J. 0, Edwardl. Mn. Huntlreds....of ValuesMay IIhould talte the trouble to wrelille Incidents from hll mlllionar), work . A.Hauge from \\T. Ramstad. Mrs. J. U. Xuler. At last. th� Senlon Ine£!-k. The the I/.Ieep from 0ne·1I eyell find were dted examples. every DcpnTtmcnt . a re Of­ _ fered in this Event-New Junlon have been watch Ins Ihem ··crawl o�t (rom the fetten" to Addrelll:. "9uT Church School and (.) "Bleued Are They" J, O. Edwardl quite dOJ:lely hut lome ho� or see wbat the bUllY. whillperln5 P L C Prof Ph E Haule Rfl­ r Spccia) ore Featured Every . . otber tbeJ are uot quite 10 ardUOUI ! early.blr"" were dolnl In tbe h.1I porlJ! Of t varioul flnandal 18(:­ (b) "In Thee 0 Lord" Day � S. Kallnnlkotr In tbelr quellt of Informutlon as at that hour one would be gre.tly retarlel "er tben ' elven A 'tocal Trinity Luther.n V.Choir. Parkland (bey b•.,e been -Perhapil Mildred lIurprlled at the beh.vlor of the 1010 W&l LIl;I en by Jlme Larlon Ooxolo,y .nd Benedlel.lon u n f UI �:: explain why-or Profellllor HO- ! " y ty bY Sel�ted :�e; �h:: t�: �e� ,.o.:� :::y !o:�: !��:� Of � � C roIr: ��-:;" Poatlude hold their Index flnlerll for their "Tralnlns of -Women al Leaden. The-Store ' moutbl Indlc.tlQ-1 that slrlct 11- by Mrs C.rl Co...erly of Sea.ttle Nielsen &: Hansen LalIt 'Wt.-ek"1I T"'If'."I.I, Seniors IDltak. Love and kl..". lebce W81 dellrable. and tb". would Thll W.I followed by a Toeal" solo . M otor. Co, . for Men JunlOflJ peek-They set hillel : 10 on with their woMt IIlretchinl by Mn. Sta'til of Tacoma. The '81t ropn aero.. the ball. flltenlDI tbe num�e;r on tbe prp.ram "al a�PAP- . CHRYSLER I "Senlcell for In.tallatlon of endll at tho opposite door.knobl 10 er: and Boy, SENIORS ENJOY . SALES '& SERVICE o oe t t fI ' SNEAK, ��v: r��� ;�,��;�e �n���e 't:SP:;; �: ��:� �:�e:I��� J:� ;:e�!��n� . not long out. . " Thr.. Great· Can 58-70-80 Tueeday mornlnl. Early ANNUAL. Wben tbe)' had flnllhed thlll ud He­ after tbe h01,lr of Jour lome ealle- lalk they went down the h.1l to :o.llUqU��.d.. <:;olltumu tor Rent. , Ac:ceuor-I�Par1a pain of All Klnda n h ln d l la o nt. O O Re �II��r � :: · I · �rC':.h�� ·TUllId �: 5629 So. Union Ave �':: :� � \ t T � � s::�:� �:tc� !:�.a�al t e a u be�·;�c:::e� f�::����: :�: . Mad. 1409 Tacoma steallbLll; cautloulIl)" down tbe droinl- bappen , . AI they lIat Ihere with ' ... .:T��I: �.TH���d... .'Ioor. old In the t.le wal lt tory balli-and � 8!t% Uroadway Phone )fain S l l thelr ch uckle Inhibited tbey were e Th l they ' Hair GOOdV;.I::lrlo.'�:::- Toupeu, w. C. BELL & SONS CO. :fi':�et�:e 1I:;�u�'i sn:a�t �; c:;.: tblnklnLll; of how much ...fun ..... ....... l t lQ-12 Pacific ,ATe. the cbarrlnned Frolh, S.ophs. and I Dr. Walter SchoeJleI Tacoma. Wash. -Junlore. "ho ",atcbed from tbe Win_ CARLYLE'S CAJo'ETERIA � r '. Oculist.-Opliclan do1t'al tbe trlumpbaat. unhindered Headquarlen for f.culty .nd . Brookdale Casb . Market departure of the gra.dl. tOlether studentl of Pacific Lutberan � �yes Trealed J4adleoD lULl [ o Pr. advleen s elall Colle.e tbelr wltb I . I A. Enba ( Ra;:: Ml �:::tr; re Glasses Fitted tlPI . i he I;IIlIe : .......�oule of lenlce. wltbout :I�II h: J ;;:;;:;;:;;:�;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;II PaDt.rel Theater B�l1dIDC ......... .........,. � � ..... .. Cb of laUDch "The CbIC !li4 Soutb Nlntb St. look tbem crulllnl about- �po�Jbe I Main 3U4 Tacoma. Wub. Parkland Shoe Ii J. F. VISELL. co. waters of Pucet Sound. Steakr ,,, Will eaten on the deck-co!!ee. baBoo k 8e1l er.-8ta tJooen .Shop con .nd e.CII In proporntDi \lulted A. J. Satber. Prop. OI� aDd Photo 8DP� to appetites arouled by a ';':relh, SHOE REPAIRlNG OF ·.ftA� . 909 % Pac. AT� Tacoma .,;oblpplnl eea breeze. QUALITY I t n Lien & Selvig b " JIUNftU ,. .. ,.....,. .....,. ........ .:....................." ..,. . ... ,..... ,. ...... ................,.:.. ............... .. ...........: lal! ����� :Or��:I� w�,�:e :�: t t Impon.1'o of Norwegian BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. ::::� e�j�;':d :�'t�n;I:�: 1:��':l!� � Cod Lin. OU waa Geaeoral H�ad.lM E In tbe cool waters. DlnoermlndJa sened ber�hlcken dinner Madiaon 10U4 P.rkland, W..w i waa pulle;cl. Cor. Tacoma Ave. 4 11 St. -and tben the anchorlellurely � A membflr of MT. TACOMA STORE8-60 Storea � i - .. up .and tbe party TacOma. Wuh: . .... .... . e � " oa. S ..,lnp We bani Deyer � l.. """-_ ;




















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Amer-lean Savings and Loan AlIOciat,lon.

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. ... nrc a�bitjous to �Ionte 'day own u .busin�� of .


their own. or to hold an intercs( in' one alread)" .

.Slab';"'... ·



:rhou$O.nds a� fulfilling this 8mbition e�ery year. ' ... Most of them a�rnplished it 'by .accu·m�8tiJlB a reaso�able a�ount in a savings


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. NEWS. ,


' .


· 9:30 A. !\1.-SuncJay A:. M.�Engl..ish 'A. M.-Norwc,gian

1 0 :30 .1] :10



J . C, Xavier Rc\' , A: 'V,

' P. �I.-Jullior League. . 8:00 ·P. 1\I.-P. L. C. Da... at Central l .uthcr8 Tuc()ma. Rc,\,. 0.. J. Ord.aI speak: "_



·�ay 21




. Joseph' Olalllo, R� 8an� Arthur Coll0ne-rotor." . :,� ..:��,:���:,.,;:; Callada n.d_ w"'�--."np,y I

Men's Club 'nll�1 Guild Illrel in Church Uoscm nl (or . _ grogl. D �� E� J. �ckncr of U. of \V. will be" the speaker.


9: 30 A.

� 23- --


The middle of and solely.

M.-Sulldny School. _ . . 10:30 A. M.:-Pcntecost Services. special- music. ) ·1:00 P. .M.-Baccalaurcate Services (or P. L. C. gradt�ates.






11'1 1



The District 'mecling of the Pacific District lasts until Friday noon:. May 28. • " at




. \



\May 28


May 30

�Thc North Pacific District Luther League Conventioll meets r 9:00 A. M. ..<.:.iL ,t


' .


1 0 :30 A. M.-TIlC great Luther. Leagues . Servlces In _th e co1legc gymnasium. lbe ·speaker � "\\:ill be. Re". i\.lnrlin Norstud .' of Red 'Ving. Minn.• vice�president of our Inter-National luther League. Liturgical&rvice : Rev. Theo. Hokenstad. In the afternoon tile Choral Union gives a concert under- the .. direction of Prof.-J. O. Edwart.ls. God bless these, our cOO'o'cntioIJs, (or Jesus sake.' T. O. SVARE. Pastor.

nt the BunS"alo'll' C.,ln.1 In Tacoma. ' Washlnlto •.

Chrl�tlna and " 'Arthur tell IIPent' tfie .week-end, May 7 8 al their' respe<:tlve -home'� Burlington. They rode lip with Anderson who went ' to. h13 1n EcUaon. . �

May a-Monday , The- O�al �J:preS8lon' class gives U8 an evenlllS" a! delightful en­ terulnment. .f.-Tuesday EnterprlsloS" Junloril arise at 40 : .3 0 A. M. to catcb the SeploTs" on

I y on t la g�: S:IS�:; �;: H�� k�lI. �: . o\'er May 8 and . D . 'coh", W''''n ,,'u.n,d " ... GRADUATES ENTERTAINED BY H.",,,,, M.y 7th. '''f UNDERGRADS, AS P'-:R CUSTOM see Art back agarn. \ and one sma.1I cookie or The graduating classes of Pacific nnd that d�licloull orange-ade! Lutheran College were 'entertalned Ryder: J:o.fyron. are""i'ou the /'t all disappeared 'and .....e called by the Frellbman College nn.d Junior more ot tbe Student Boa.,! 6-Wednesday which wall cheerfully-,uo. I '· High School c1ft.!1sell on a launch I U rlen nad,·n?thlng! parly Thursday, Ma)" 6. At 2 : 50 plied. .-J · wa�t�:: k\:�� � �e PI�a!:: ��. ��� . around fun more followed Then rented car M. the specla! IItreet . Pto take UII to Point Defiance. left the blazIng fire. and all too 1I00n c��lnet members'! ·t 6"'-Thursday on a . ..Junlof'B and Seniors Parkland after Jia\(lng been boarded .....e had fa re-e.mbar.k. well. our turn by motley crowd of college and �We enjoyed immenllely a lelsure- bel��SSta��y�o,ve you' an eJ:cuse tor launch party.SaY.Ohwhai:s Joke the coming! Is. d e I r o O c e u l b �ldSC!:c��:�e ���· :: ��':O::�s;" we � th�"\IL�p �it� I:O �!:m::I��: Eugene: Y�II, was late. certainly dbJ. And certain tndlvld· lIinglngll and ukelele music adding HOMEMADE uals discovered that Ice can be used to · the enchantment. The� we re­ Dinner 3lSc ' 30c Sanda)' Campus Group. 'Pastry, Contectiolla for �ther purposes than free:r.:lng Ice turned to POint Defiance. Kodak F1nIahiBS OODGE BROTlIERB cream. Ask Mid! We spent a jolly halt hour there Fael. DeaJen � Pttoto ae':" l ce In due time we reached Point waiting tor our IItreet car. The cen. Mad. 3816J3 Parkland Main ?.f035 Detlance and boaroed tbe launch ter at attraction wa� a con!Jplcuously :.............. "'''' .. .....,....,'''''''.. . ....''' .... ..,,''''; whlcb took us to Sunrise Beach. placed peanut machine. . The company soon scatlered m the smooth sand beacb. Those, who �. � I:::=== did' not have to perform the labor­ High Grade Jewe.lry . SoU\b' .Tacoma ous work ot prep�rlng food enjoyed UNDERTAKING cO H: O. HANSON themselves In various waY!J. Three The .Jeweler lndustrlous Individuals lltarted a Fidelity beach Ure. others demonstrated how 267 So. much similarity ' there ' Is between men and crabs when tbey tra\'el on :: ========1 1' tbe 'beach: Stili others went. rO\'lng I ;:;:;.:= hardy took a dip In � and the most KNA.Pl�'S ' I tbe. refresh lng water. Oh. DO. It MODERN Parkland Barber was not cold. I should say· not! nUSINESS Parkland Bul all sports wer'e cut short by Shop and OOLLEGE a call to .lIne liP for �refresbments. Mercantile Co. Conf.ectionery Who wantll to eat 00 a plc�nlc! Well. T�ma, Wub. rio one was missing. even the col­ Im� CREA�[ General Merchandl.ee lege freshmen came on time. CAS»\' and Almost everyone was willing to {'WAits LEHMANN·S quit after the 'fourth helping of real I,AJHES A.SD CHU..DRES'S picnic tare. ecullllr is It not, that Dry Good.. ShoeS. Etc. HAIHCV'rl'ISG , there III alway oom left tor Ice 10.




. •



"" " "




G. P. Knudtson, Prop,

"My soul thl.� tor God" the topic discussed .by Peder Sog· nefellt al Ml..salon Society. \Vednesday evening, May 5. Mr. - Sognete�t In dillcusslng. loplc said that scienlists after !�:a;:v�st��a\I::, �:�n�ba:h:� bas n t I a �:lIt �: � d�:oD:m ��: :�� amplee ot m.en In danger turning to God. lbat were hrought oul In b iS lpeecb. ' In elosl.ng he llated tbat men al'O created In the' lmlge of God and that 'lIfe l!I e"t"er cbanS"·. nl. but our .God alone II I cbanllng.·

1I��I �:di� O

Model Bakery .


'south Tac:oma


-Remember the Senior Play. ··Da · dy Long Lep", · to be Ihen In d collel8 lY�nulum. May U. at 8 : '00

Aft.i, · "PIU NTlN& .K . ..,... . . \ro�.3� · �. Y. " �


. P81CEd �NADLE ·

"HA W SUPPLY come. .

. WOK .�;...... ".TURN POIT.Ae&.

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DR. A�


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LOOK YOUR BEST G6,t your hair' .cut at th. .Sanitary Barber Shop

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Button Holes

Buttons Covlred


317 So. IlIh SI.

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Frank J. Lee



Portrait and Co.mmercial Photograph..

California Bldg. Tacolna,: Wash. I l 12'h Pac. A.... Main 2289


We: offer beat rate. 10. Scan4inavi,an "checks" C0u­

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I llh ,,; Broodw8Y TACOMA


512 So. 9th SI. :


(:ARSON'S BEAUTY COLLEGE . . Bham"",, ' 5 .. Th.e Tbree..> Eele nUala : . - l Mareel ( . . ', . Oc Bob Curt � .. ''ODe price tor all-All lor 0_ PriDe" Per'maDellt W."e 'to,�N_lDII Newe.t ·ProeeeI . 739 ,5t. Helelll Ave. ':KaID�t.l I •




Buckley-King .. Company, Inc.

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plano and violin ob"- .



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MAY., 28.


.... 0. 1 6


" Daddy Long Lep" Is Given in ·College Gym by the Grad, atin ClasS""'Of 1926

'a g "--,Jruuant. Jlalh� "wlttly Jla"",ln� ,from the palbml of edllleoee In a cblldrt'n'8 home to the IlparklinlJ foo\lshneu of a col11',,1"�tl atmo�phere--"Daddy, Lon« all I t prellented by th� Senior �lallll �8)" 14 In Ihe . colieKe r;ymnaaium 'wlllI the outltandlns lIue_ cell! of thlll year'lI dramatic ''IIi'ork. :'Oaddy Is a dellllht­ �lor1 of a nllmelell1l orphan , hlu� Ir.oow.n no otber than' the milierable John· Grie"!; Home for I r:hUdren; other clothes than . (hulle callt off by the vllliage «11'114; and no other family than hun­ orphanll who mUll be dred-odd . mended. and fed. and. the ..·al!hed, crabbed old "tn!. Llppet. matron of Ihe 'home. Suddenly, thru the klnd­ of ah unknown Irul'tee, Judy cocoon and me.tamor­ I'bed,,.,.he; phases loto a brilliant butlerfly, Gay rolle,e life, beautiful ne... dothe!, sueeellK .., rllln8' younl{ e lIutbor, and tWO ellslble lI.!'!ault aery' to erase the scan of her early year!! from ber.mem�!y, And ....b�1l tbe we find that the lIuceeSIJ­ ful IO,yer ' IS the orlgln!ll of "Daddy the magnanimous truli­ I..ong lee. we feel, tbat Jt'rullha Abbott Indeed found the KII�er IInln,g to ' er doud. . portray· ably characters ' ed,bI tbe followl'3,g: bene"olenl A unanimous decision rend­ .Je'nl!! Pendleton, the erell In tayor'of the Pacificwa&Luther_ , an Irlll!llt'e, Lawrence lj:lllng!On, College by the ' j ud,ea:. Mr. A, coll�8'e , James, Mc Bride. a young 0, Hurmellter, attoraey, Mr;,' Scott q"hap. Myron Kreidler. '" Alfred Henderson _ . attot:ney, and AIII Irllllte'l! a Cyru! Wykoff. lion, debate coach' at Lincoln I-Jllh Andt'l'I!Ion. School. of Tacoma, , trullte another Par!lOIi. Abner May 18, Is a mile POllt In the , I"t'r Dahl, Paclfle Lutheran " Collese �forell!lc Carl Grlgp. a "ecretary, Peder field. It III the Ont time \VaHerl!. a butlflr. o y t e ' e8' at In8 the '. " fellt, �!�� , r: :!t : t::� :ro t� U��� , Judy" the Impoverished orphan, verslty at Wnhlnrton.!! Arran8'e:-,Iartha HJermstlidd' t lend and h#:n- First row. left tG "'lght�Nlna Eld�. Martha HJ�rmatad. Sl��e Hjerm"tac:!.. " made fQr fllture .plea8' . . l r ant fore·n8lc. relations "'lIh the. UnI·' !!fa:ft:: :r ���;.� Nln� Elde.' Judy , �hi�:rlr�������dB��::fcs:.nc�����!:;. ����Y��J�::�; !:tll�D:hJ�i�::YDanbJ�rie(,ller, venit,. of Fnn·tlt i Ellingson, Judith Fosne", ' Julia fPendleton. Claude Pellet; Olive Sandwick, Peder So�ete!J t . HJermlltad. All l!l the tint row Signe riends In the lIecond" roY; and MIS3 Io'lidnes8 II row Commencement eltarell'" will' congradualell. The remainder are lIel1.ool. graduates. S:il�e Mc Br ;de . another college . ' elude the graduathig , e�entlJ on chum, RUlh PRESENTATION OF Friday evening. May 28. The com· " , . W I Add V , Adm1ttance to Forensic League e c�me ' ; Mrs. Pendleton, Julia's other. ss GIn TO SCHOOL . mencemenl aIJdre811 will be c1.!�n by ./'l paper went to Rev. M�rlln--No , J Kt bflfore re ,By 'Slgne HJerRUlt;ad Anelie D�hl. _ (By Ruth Fadness) : ot Red Wlnl. 811 ' Ihe re p repo r ler ' w as nurse. informed Mlnne80ta. MUllicl'l!lt�d old, It III pleuure this to �rll. Semple bebalf·of hall the . b een �radul\tlng arranl �la811 bid you all welcome to our Class by tile debate r.oa�h. Ihat the High ed followa: Vocal Solo ':1 do Dot- ' dWlck ' .... OI��"Sa�IPpett: School department ball c. M'atron of tbe. Jobn 1926 I .... t? present thlll mllll- I:'ay elterel�, the last proc�am to cepte� 0 Lord" Mrs, 'Pb: � entrallce to pO. L. C. We \vllih which we, the Class -of 1926, 1\'111 , as a chapter In the �"�- A1Hk ; 'H e Ruth Bull . nth m "Just As "I Am"E.byHau� mixed l O n c t h ' e able to welcome you·.JUdlt� � In ',Demory of � ;:rrle:: 'maid, artet. u rs. au H !. Mr. , �dward 8'E!' · M . q· �:� ;� � � ��:��:�' h . :i:��en� �� H! Impreased the IIchooldays here and In 1I0me To ua thlll eyenlne Is ell lally Amonl tholle ,.,.b� Interpretatlon ""rll. Ed ....ards and Re... Syare; PI· ltionsl Forenllic Leagu: markll alsnltlcant" for markll � the cui· t�elr ll little 'way IIhow our deep appr�lawith It h!nce ad ano Soja; Mrs. J. I i J9.�rm: lion tor. ,all that the school has mlnaUon of the ,earll, rlth In p- '�rent' forwari! IItep In t.he forenlilc �nlhem. of tbelr charactera. Marth� by Ladl� Quartet. lin. tbe I,eadln« done portunltles and , hlat/slngll, wh I �ect��ltle8 0,( Pa�Uic ' Lutheran Col- Xa\'ier. Yrll. IItad Jerusha Abbott. Hau,gb. Mrr. , to u�. Tbru Ita lates- we l tand . I lady·ett tbe play � ��ltJ y r_'::�r::: ent,red lome years past 8nd since �:lI:;:� lI�nt ,at Pacific Lutheran coming 88 a �onclu810n 10 ' 8 ��p� :::' ���ar::� i:(::en::�lon :� played the roll' °rf'ect�o: ;ro� tbe tben wet. have come to reg8�d - P. ' L. c pr �' haye been f,eaTtl of work-, Intere8ting aebatl�g le�on, It gram, rpba� 'Ir� to ': { act IIbe held C. Ol. r colle5e Here ...·e. Thell Q ca�n truthtully be saI� th,at nlneteen' . he�lnnlllS. f tb int . vlvld praen- c�lv� OIIT lIec:ular, anti. Christian work ,Inlide our claases an d outside twellt) been a sllcceflllful Prot. Edwardll: (Reading the audl�nt:e: ';'lth ber character tr�lnln,. , It �a.. formed a firm -In Ichool activities. hut:"nevertl'ie- year In'-�h:the debat.lng harmlnl field for the nouncements ' In Chapel) lilt: lain. work 'trom whlcb we have de. college. t.a� �f ::-�I�lnpon tbe phll- ::�:e���nw:o�a�:r C!':::c�: !:: rlvedo w n keen enJoyme'nt. "Durin, theae , of Colleie Sophll Be· utb,ropk: truatN .upported" ber ad- motto "Build for Cb�bar.cter, not yeari ....e ban !ormed 'laatlnl frlendnlorl! In ChaPel." 2nd: "�eeUng TIME mlra.,ly well tor fame. " In the future.-otber Ihlps amonl( 'fello"'-tltude�ts . and �llb·.Scbool Sa":" Salll., and make tea to arn tbe mOlll of life Le Tb lIelJe IJlr1e lulia atudents lull eDter thr� tbell64atetl e ther. alike, U�etle trleJl,dablpa are Loae no happy day, actede :; Ralb Fadnen and Sllne we an atmelphele whleb shall bnlld .P,8Clall ar to their character, not only for bay. been ore or leu like , " Tim' will never gl..e thee .back NOTICE TO \ yel'}' H er lllStacl-rea�UYeIY were Chances IIwept away. ADVERTISERS , / I rid true to Ufe Very tbelr fame. We want to leaye thllt lar,e fa,m y In' which" c. we han Lea ;e:���:'tile bou¥, cleanlnl entrance .. a symbol of -!�e cbar- known �)Ue Bnotl\e.r .. we are,- ie no tender word urill8ld TIm Moor.ing Mol wiahelJ to' , Kene Whtih Ibowed' the results ot acten that are formed. here---'t-:- P with our fBulta .. well,as our ,ood Love while love� last take this opportunity 10 thank - ' 1I'�1{ n!ver srlnd araln. ' some ract1�1 experience alonlJ tbat C. Like tlila. eDtran�e ti�lIt" ,0.' quaJltlea....s.a. ll:d .haye shared one an- T�e mill all ,Ilie Mooring' Mast Adycrti.s. . . on pale 6. Col. 1) (COnllnu� Dn pale 6._doL IT C.olltlnul!!.on pare. 5._ �01; 3 ) ,\\!th the waler/ h!llt hK!! past .C� for their potrono�. .:'w, ---- '0 ' , "'" I

















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PubUsh.ed eyery two 1I(eeka durlnl the "chool . .... �n-co-n �.riMid:=w � s�ln�lb n . .....c=�;;;;;;.:4: . . SubacrIPSlo!,. one dollar per year Entt'f� all se«)nd cI�1I nl";·tt�r. October 2, i '26. st tbe" C?Ulee II Parkland"" Wuhlnclou, under "the Act . 3. 1179. or Marcb . . .

EdItor-iLl-Chief Manngin" Editor .\ssOt'inte FAitor .


[10111 -


Dahl• .Iuhllnnu nU�IIIt1�CII\ Luella Syinth. SiWle IIjerm­ �ta!.I. Huth Fodnt'ss, !\lfJ't'(1 Anderson. I .I!.1ilitI.illian L("(', ;\�nr�t1t'rit(' Fulco. -



Uusincs� Manager Assistjlrl1 Circurutiofi Manager I iciton: Ruth Huli, Butlt '\�'\· . A�l�� Ba��. Facull • Ad�'i!SC1'


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The sc.hool year is over....:.... endcd. W:c.. ca 'e with regret our man): friends.'the old fumiliur scenes. our ber&,'oo Pacific' LulhAs· we look huck over the school .year u f100U of memori('s nssails us-joyous nnll glad memories-sad mnybe biU('r-yel all of them marking ' experic.hce� whi\'h' h<'llX'd build our churllclers. TIle , meillories make the \'eur very 'denr to. US, al1d it . is with regret Ilnd manv . huckwur�1 J(lsm,-cs Ihal we lea,\·('. TIu; 'Yl'ur luis st.-emed so' sfwrl-so shnrl-=-und yet it has influ(,lH:ed the liws of each one of us. Xot mlC .of tls, leav(\... P. L ·C. exadiy th(' sullie l)Crson us ('ntered; dlunJicd in soine wqy aU of us, either for the hetter worse. (iod grant it "is for the hetter ' u even' l'Use, ' ns we ha\-(' Ix-cn ' influ(,IlL'('d by our stay tere, so ure we now.on �oing to illflu(,lit'e P. L. C. Arc our li.,\·cs goin" to _shuw th(' IdNlI� fur whidt our t'ullt,�c stands'! Arc' we ' glling lu he sudl pr()(lhcts of P. L. C. as will t'lleOurll�C or discouruJ.'C othc'rs In aUenet"! Will we show thnl Ill'rc we have utluilH..'C I· sollicthing which stat(' institutions CUIlllui give. IHlmely a revcrcnl'c fur Ihe. \Vord of God. n grounded faith nnd nuurishment fur uur spirit-' unl lifl· .... \ViII we lu� active work�rs in uur hUlllc churches? Will we join .others in' lI1akin� light of r.cligioll, or r:ise to its defense ? TIle wav Wt' '1IT1!'iwl'r t1wse (JlIl'stiuns il r uur lives i!! the Wll\' in whidl we . will influl'Ill"l" the rcputution lind future of -' PU�'ific Lutheran Collcgt,. I Denr frie'�I� .Jet US relllizc how truly im»u.rtnnt and signifil',lIIt a reSIKlIlsd)lhty Wt! us students an.t! �Iunlill have, ·and as we w farC'",!'!1 this Yeur to the SdlOOI ":c love ' so well lIIlI( from s : WilOlIl wc hav(" r�t'civcd su lUuch. lei us rcsoh:e tu str.ivc alH� strive- that we limy nen'r he ullwurthy of P.ocific I.utherull CulIpgt'.-:'II. H .

� ('ran coneg<'.

. ,



, \Ve hun' rt'uched the It'rlllillatioll of alluther �huol 'Yjth tht' c10sjng of the s<:l)ool year 'con<u!s the final copy :'Ilooring Mas.t. As we look htu'k and consider the hy 0111' S('hool pallCr we n· rtuillly have cvery reason to rul. \Yc arc thankful tn tllU�' who gave tiS f�lIunci'al assistance. tu ll I s lI l l �!����[�IIA'3vi���. ls����fl l� ��� t:::�m,�7�r a�e 'J.�,i����l in behalf of the Mooring- :\lnst and its rel)orlcrs, J wish t9 take Ihis opportunity to thllJl� Prof. O. .J. Sluen. "'c tirt' thankf.ul for . his ullliring work, for tht. inspiration which. he has gin'JI, IllUllnCr in which he has ulwUl'S and the fricndl.\' alit COII"cnial '""' til(.' stuff : mcmhers tlf the :\Iooring l'Onoucl!'o himsclf tow ' :\Iast. ,Yt· fuJly reulize tht' rf\spollsihility and dis4:tlurll�emclIls . of such 11 position. ,Yc kntlw · that it iSll"t always pleasant to hreak:in 'green' memlx'rs of the staff, und he constantly 011 the ulert SO thHt e"erylhing is being done promptly and timely.. . . 1 also wish to thank nil thc staff mcmbers for t1icir kind and (,lIrncst help at all times, and all thosc . who· lIIude it possibil' for the i\lOOrill� Mast 10 hovc a succcs�ful yt·ar.-H. K.



4 \

work required to make each i�"ue a fit repre�nlalion 'Of the scho ol. But Ihe time hus bren' cheerfully given and the wor.k wUJingly done". And thCl etrorts-i!a,'c not been in vain. ' .C. daYIl. SpeCial credit· is due to Mar�la ' lijermstad and Henr\' Kit·1 . Many of lbe old claRa a nt IJC&Uered hu\'e' borne the brunt of ihe literary part of thc w(lrk I t .' . 10 their 'cffqk-1:4 Ihut thi! p oper has alwuys heen (lut 011 fAr. and W!de. CI�ude . Pellet la dolnlt i " and has contained u "reat �11 "slonary work In MaduaSCl.r and ' . been lIeut Up lK'nril . . worth readillJ:(. ThC ""ork (If Nina Eide' as u . tYPJst OI lY� Sandwick la a clMconea. at the same MllIlllon, \ I 1Ia" jhelr picture!! been. vcry '..aluuhle. ' the ·l\IoorillJ:( . Mast has ">Cen Il fioam'inl success is I n the "laflt Lutaeran Churcia flerald. to the spleAdid wt!rk of Arnt Oyen and his stoff Peder ' liol!:ne"fe"t and her Dahl snlkitnrs. · On the wbolc '"the staff. hus reason lu ·have gone Into parlnenhlp u. jolnl ' look hat'k on thi!! �'eur's, erforts . with pril!e and $Utisfactioll. mayors of Tllcoma. They hue 'reo -0. J. STUE:\. duced the street car fare to a alckel. und hH ull the pUllen rs to Park· Allutlfer4 milestone ha!! lX'en reacheti liy the students of the IIIli d ride. free � class tlf lU2H Thc�' ha'\c l'omplctcd their. )ears at Pacific MyrOl� KreI'ller Is edll or thl;! Luthcrnl colle�e amI \\'111 go out to their rt'sl)Cctl\'C homes cur- LieI;! ry 1lelll lie him�I;! f drawli 0 r)mg With theni, the leurllm" lind the trudillons (If thc school a II �� e l�rloonK wrllell, tile Spkll l Many wiJ hc the \\alks uf hfc the" "III enter. und man) will 0f Ll II n( pnlnea tile coverll 110 you f he lilc-&ihulatlOlis th('..,. will ('l'Icntlllter but it IS the hupe of thc 1Ie Ile ;II eJLttued tor Ihe poeltlon faculty of the school lhat the' trninlllg and Icarnllll{ they hll'\(" be:ldne,... � o all� atullled medlcln� r:ccel\'cd willie at P. L C Will hear them up and he) l) them came a physiclull He III DOW a PUclflc Lutheran College has also reached llnother mllt'us heart 1IlM:<'lalhll In I'bllatlel � stone. The school .is sen.d,ing f'!l'lh a·c1ass of gra.duatcs who v.11I ��7a be the. represcntatlvcs, who w�1l carry the n�me of the schO<!I That all h I know about my oid i wherevcr they" may go, N'orlh dr South. East or 'Vest. P. L. c.. ' is proud to send this class out into thc "Yo!orJd tor they ure conn- clas!!! o( 26. The olhenl I hu, heard . dent thut the personnel . will he an hunor to th,: name. of thc nothlllg of since wo parled.', Tiley . !lUlY b� at Ileuulon "0 Iry to locate < . . . . . sclmol. . . I Q\l Friduy, 1\111). 2H� the grllt�uales Will rL'Cel\'e their dlplo- I l hem, will . you! Their: uamea ar.'. e�I" ',"."",, ulll e i ' l ou lifc h ill · h 'i ' e wi b ." r illis n . ,E.lu nJ!l:lIoli. .. "'. ', 'hw.'. ��H�s � ' I � � I\ , " , !�,' C r u ,: ',he' bc s, �e�. " "C c . " ,n�" '�e,c, ," ,aSc \ " ,. ,, ,,',' ,l ' " I ,'' ""La s o o .., e.� I b o 'k . I' e. l schoor .and now it is wil l regrct . thar the Seniors think With 10Ye . uf com lellcinJ( the real work of lif('. through ' of Mo�er:. It·�sons. lO t. o.nly by studyin� hut _al�u Carl Coltum'. Iluth Fadnell8. , TI!UI . , lind cX lx·rlencl'. AI. limes they have l)C("n ths. it is all about, hut W8!I Ill Y mother's malden nalll.$!l. She , whal wnnc1cn'tl huve.., �';;u;;;;g.�d:· �,·�i alld Dod eloped the day after Itradu of their school life thev look forwu'rd with 'in- �1I0� and moved to Montana, lu!re· ' Ilnd e'\'en eagerness to thc life thai will come without the h WUulll JIve o� a ranch.' . An· d In . �u�f don.t "widing hund uf . the fucully. lI�melimes e,\:ell ' frit;nt!�. YOU kno �'_he operate!! , times .of discouragement lila)' they 10010. huck · It, their, school the ' Madam tb 1,\ Shop Rll Modiste � )irit. S Cuffel{c l.utherun I life the Hote Wlntbr;op. Haven't you . nnt! ,bc hou)'cd up hy the Old .Pacific -ALFRED 1�f)ERSON, . lIeen her atJYertl"enlentll In Ibe 'Moor. . he I" un�arrled and IIv�1 a IIOlItuy: IUA" Mast! r.. rence EllluII"INlO, 'yOU Ch.iss Prophecy uiet lI�e In (.'o mpany .. . ..Ilh nil booka. know him of course, he 'UII the oll ... . IIluce I" p. q The uRte I II 1946'' the Speaklbc .o( boukll remllidl me, hue who �llYe p. '1.. C. the EndOwmente I�. . C. · at lleunlon ll�.e. Two "lu- you re�t Iate"t book. "The Trl- Fund. . He II ' Ihat feeb \e



'old man dentII ,.III1(;(lYer l hat, their parenta aOKle," by that_ Temarkable a�thor. who la to speak at the � nQ uet tblll evenlo.. , were clRII"U1lllell In 1926, ./The IItU' Judllh Fo"ne!l!l!. 'J§he Wall a lTadu. te or '26 . too I am readl�I[( . t.he .M�rtha·H1�rllllrtad : Oli yes ! Well. den eK li re Carl ·Collum. Jr.. Rntl 'utory !)Y Instaliments, In lhe Ladles' l I must· write t.o Mother ' about It. M u r l h a Krangnesll: daughter o( II I Y r 1 K ;e so anzJoulI �o ·bear. So As faculty ad�'isor or .the Mooring l\IU!!t 1 wi!!h to ex press ;I urthu I IJernuHud -and Bert n ng· �::II:�a�.o�:�: . Of t!�� ��� 1::;'I�r� 1 h:'D� �o talk to you. Illy appret'iation for the spll'ndid work done hy the slaff during· nells. Marthu reatlll a letter "he 11811 frIend N ina Elde In the SOciety Sec- See :ron �bec " oq.ue� this eYenill l". rect!lnd 'from her mother : _ . lion �f th'e Ne"; York Worltl. She' So 10iTl"! the year. Dur Dll.uKhter :!olartha: y� are III now Nina Vanderbilt. hulol mar· _ tusk to do the large amount of · I t has not been an eos), J';.., now 11I'1:he mljllt of Reunion ey'mt.. rled "tnlo tbat emlneot ramlly. I wonRJcbt . .. Q.aU', ' P:rtce RftlI .... . r�epll:e to tlelco would been IIhe If hne tier cOllJd I wish so o d I and Ii tbe� tbhl year but the twins haye Ihe old cluamatell now! JETLAND & PALAGRuT.. whooplnl-coulh. . 110 couldo't leave I Lult night we had a lIurprl"e part)'; Complete u.o fir Hea'. I ' a e r 1 t e I,. aad' � W �� :� �ld :�:S� !.:: :r:'���� ;:� ::tI �n� �'rt:�: �;�;YI� r:��' t�:;� ' ' l Z Pac. · AT. Ta", ma ,... . . . , W . Parkland, \Vushi'ngtoll lhem 10 "ye sons. 1 knew he w." my Old l = ==== haye heard me speak / = often, aDd have seen ,thel plclure. 1 F:: ' . - 0 ..... ..00. . am. 1b.1 Lut 10 YOII mUlt try to lIod t m and I 1 . : CMdueation-�y or' Boarding SChool . BOLAND write me .U·abOut utero, .wa . youT H, O. ILlllf80X • . & letter trom Yelterda, I recelYed 'rbe leweler NORMAl, COURSE your AlUlt,lflpe layrq that ber bu.. io"I'aplJ.q or All KlDda · _ TtdeUty Bid... . ed a b 1I:h:8 <. :': . AtalD SU' . Stale Aeer<d'IteCI 7 4). St. Heleu :: ":be -':::: w;:: t::Cb�:: IchoOl. : I hue been 10 upaet eY"er l j' =:::===== == { 141 Iince. Tuok IOQdneu, Ihe -hu' ber l 1 . calli. -1 . 10 .be Ilo't deetl· !t.eacta.er'1 peulQn. ' Pla•• � ...... ...... . .. {ute. Sbe �utlo�ed �inl 'oU,r old •...."!".., -.AI"",, . A.d,,,,,., I. Chi· ....., oo...AIIY ' ...... pI},n· of l Profeuor be.--iI wbere . cqo 14 �

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. OpeQS Jqne ends AUJ,ust 27 . Replar Sehool'Year Opens ' . . September Fot. info�a�on write'






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. Arthur W4!lr1Ic,ul..,Art Drud· I I . ;��k!,,::� :�b 171. •�Ip ('I . ud . . Fa\·orite .Spon . J1uorite .ToP.ic Aim 1n 'Ufe ' :\ina Eide . ..........,.. .......... ......Whcn �hc will cut her hair Teaching Geography 'To �'ome t ulJity Sup't. Ii. To Olaf W tby, AU�ecl AJIi� ����.a� Oer vocabuIQr)'_ I 4.rSOD" B . riti n l r r ss . of captain. INote: i <?lat mUllname . ��:�. F��n·��· ·�·_·-·· ···· ..... .. .... .... ...:::.:::___ .�:�{O B�k::�rl +��� ��:�:��l1.e; h���l O keep up tbe ,ood repu- . .... Signc Hjermslad .... ... . ..... : .......... Pcdagogy Recountlllg b" gonc c'ents To r'enuun single tatloo of Cap .. fa.. al Itudylnc .... ;\lorlhll Hjcrmstlld .......... .......................... Pacific f:.utheran ColI�ge I iounttitlg rep<.rten ,To .�l\'e pe nsion' . ' ,�, or forfeit fhe uftle to -ome SChool Spirit {..:utting· out stud�' hours Ir we . only kncw ! =="",, .."" AJf.rcd An�rson ........... . .... . ...... .. ... . olber �ue ·who 1I In,cllned to IItudy. . .y'Nm�rcldle� � �tufr.�. \swW.J,�b.2!JY· I1lt'Ctil l� . To study Art � wl.... ._!.._.: ..� : ..&:::� . :: ........ r iE IS \1fi Sidney Glas.so . . ..... ... :...........:........: ..........:\'o Will Power Theory" J.olliilif'iilioul the holls� �ro >e ' ll II r. ;¥��4f-Bui H9 P..... . '�o he a heart-breaker ' Be,rt �I'l'ngl�cs.'i ..... ......................... ............. x�r"'e . h Bos:cbllll Going home ,\\·C(·k -ends , one. who d�ll..el .tbem: .... .. .,I"eTo·SIny ....... The Seriou ncss or Lire. (iiggling, To l>e dignified Oh"e\SandWlck ld'. pipe. .111 Ihe ,1""1 memo ..... To be a lad" or leisure ............ . ......... : lese Boys !" 'f,ypcwriting Anellc I>ahl ... nd .mli OY other bother· · �� �;� · To bob her hair J.uflith. �osne.ss : .... ............................... .......... Literllry igcst T,opks Ridiilf,l: thc SplIlHm:ny l'lIr � e :,,� To he u Big �a.gue pllly<;r ......Anything c.· cel)t .hims:clf 1: � II,!,in'g 'cm" oul , ' . Carl Co lun.l: In . witnesl. whereOf, we." tbe el.1I . Happy Domestlclly h't'r n��,1 ............. ..t.shl ll� . � · ' . ' .. ..... ,...... � . :...... ......... HIS TrillS f or lih 6, do herebv . . '"' " ,d . . To be 11 hutcher Peder SOJ.{II«::.sfclit . . . .. ..... .. .. .... . .. .. .... ,........., .. .llac,k to Nalurc J:.xprcssmg IllS Views �n� leal unto ·thl. docume .. nt thl. To lIttain wisdom Arthur Bqulvik ................................. . ...... '''hy 1 Use' Polmolh'c" StU(�ying his lessolls , t wen 8e enth @ da, In th 'f year ot . �. . . . Claude 'Pellet :... : ..........· . :................. ...... ............., ... Thc Y. �l, .c:, A. ' PllIyintt> hi� cornet Tn rill his collin� T9 fOUliel 1111 orphoil usyhtm. I.awrence 'Ellin�son ... . .... ... . .. .... .. .. . .. .. . : ...:.Girls Play PTndiee . :::;dr�..d;.d0U;we!�y�::.nd . Nine allked 10 Ihe w!!ddln, ) The Ciao ot U!Ii . THE MOST ESSENTIAL SUBJE(;;T AND WHY ( crL ASS WILL . . ! I!. To Arnt Oyell. i�wrel\('e ��I. ' ,,'IH("h subject III schoul curriculum IS thc most I mport\\:> the rlau ' ot ,19 2 6. of PMcUlc I IIna.on·1I ' captlvMtln, '4'ay. or a 1111 ' 110\\ OftCIl flll\e \\C argued tillS poIIII, and how often husc '. . ' .. onclmnon ! But now Jet us see. IS Lutheran Colle,e. r:ealllln, that we ' Iov� on the IItace. and' off. \\t' all come to II dlffcn.'llt K ETT · II nol Irue thllt e"e��:wbjetl tau�ht III school should be justlrled are about ' to ventu..e lorib upon I I J. To Alice Oule.· Mar,ue..Ue . L ' the s .. el Thomp. Ann,,: Eda Hauke. "�ol<'o. relie,e and lire ot �a � c . CJI!/)' it (he first71�OC5 lcasl:t a �� Ii('ads � or Ihe, f(�I�owi l uiuler ' . ' . u\,('r trallung or lIlformq hon. h('lpru1 or necessary III Ihe study wo..ld ot HII C&rft!; and Mel the ma' llInll tllld Muriel \'elte�. SIKne . · ..,.dpe to.. keepill, I Senral Speakers StrHe t �e ttf other subjects; und second-'Will' the. currying o\'er" or the ehlnery aright. a.nd · believing thai Hj�rnlll(lld� l a S n h rts C we e sound n or are lp mlnd. high Inlelll· r;lellilt'r. Shown' Irut.nillg hell> th(' 'slutlent to do oolter things he .will do un)·way. In AthletiC' Work ,ence; .. body. and or a 8uperlor. : 14, To ':". l1l1a nrotnov alld Ly�lI :lIlcl l�el» �lilH . tu e�ljoy lifc .more. llfter. lea �'in g 'schoul"! . doBObe . . ' . ace hereb prhllege unmolellted . . an ·rK ledler. herein. and ) UlrcC< I two whom to . Show lUt' a slIIgle suhwct thai will rlt these ' I ' All �he letter fo.. the yea; . _ llIcnt J>etler Ihan' urI. This with the possible cx("cption or phy- 1.1 ma y concerq. declare . . thill to be tlo roam abOll t the rampu� at any or 1 9 2 G'%f were men ,Iven a bAnquet sical ctlu("ution shuuld · he at Ihe tOll br the list. Ole study of our last Will arul Teatamerll. by ! lIme or the day. l b .t he IIchool , Sa(urdlY nl,ht, May' )' 15. To Jolm Sluen. Carl COllll�'s color harmony. manual which we ,...glve iI.evla , will and be'. " uri. porticularl�: the hrunt,:hcs tlr d!;'s' \ . n t ile col 1e�e dlnlnc "oom, , 22 I nd industrial arts. carr\' queath all oU .. 8Chool 'POs!le8slon !hy :Inti altruilltic waYII. uris. hOllsehuld arls. commcrcial . \ Th./ll III the rlrin that Iln atb. " 16. To StMnlllY Dahl. In'" (�\'cr ilrto �hc lire o� the sludent artc� e l'll�'es scll�l into . the ou .. sianding wllh 'Ihe faculty. al; , bl�hl;1I Ietlc banquet bas year been held all the . /: re8ponBlbJlltlt\I and th IItren Itfe of Iht' ('ol11l1lutllly,"TI'ftu l'ulIllllcrcllll and .mdustrllli hfe prob- ou.' carel alld dOlin, feature . of' lhe leIIlOu', su .. :0.1 ou all II� fluou8 . pe .. dis('haracte. -to I person a hclps cs It to IIhlv more lltan UIl\, other sul1j('cl. T I dt1n. 'Ruth leo� lcA. but Judglll, r"o n the ath. sue. I ,..l I �'e . ro.;m�� erililitliltc ill Ihe sciel'liull. purchtlSt' and usc or .1l1Ullufllcturcel the ' rollowlng n entloned perllon,:' n ;�; bll.llket �all celis l It III . not . the last. �Prot. Stuen. l ' To r t ' . 8 )1 ( !r 9relldent 1. be and lhe CUlly � into m'er carri('s It r usc. IlI;rsulllll or hOlllc his for articlt's 1 l00 . , Ihe toaHlmaa ter. cllied on Rey. Or. l'OIltIltUllily ,l ife in it.s · hellulirul hOllies, yards. parks. puhlic l ....e. g.'ve our Ihankll lind IIppreciution . IS. T, dal O CII�rOrd O\�ol1 . Pe l e SQK� ror ,the openhl, addrell.' Jtll'f. . . huildings. lind' e\'crythiltg thllt l.'(Jlllrihulcs lu civic �lIut:r llnel for their heart.relt Inle. ..elll In' 'our I l1efelll, H III!e or Hlature and cou"' I O"dal 'IIt ..elllled the ract that' lt .....elta..e . ....·hlle .....e .....e. e allendln pridt, . . g l aKe ,�o l1rh:le ell rly and 111110 copy�wall udmlrable the way the teama . It t'lIrril'S '()\'('r inlo Ihl� l·Ullllllcrl·iul wurltl in the g()(HI lasle 1�111l ,chod!. . ' ' " O I I nice b8ve. Iret t had up clean In thE' aportllmanshlp ! . and � c ad\'erlis2. To will(l�ws�' III!d uttnu:li\ I arli�til' sh()\� MillS ' Ryder and uf Sldcs ·1>t·uVI(' Mr. Hau e. mor �lnlt. I)tli It " ulc�r to lie In a ( ..ut' Pacific Luth�ran COllette ' . ing. II t'urru's ()\'cr mlu II\(' IIldusll!:J1 hfe 1.1l t1!C ma!lufacture of our claKl! advillorll .... e extend :ur bed;. A�lrll in all their athletic work. It'xtilt·s. w<l1I papt·r. curpds. Curllltlire. hghllllg fixt ures, lind Ihank. for thel .. 'coo"Jleratioll .1 n OUT 19. To nezt yesr'lI ;\IOorln 1t MaKt �ollowlnK (his the team captalnll · , . lili mana,erll were called on to uutullwhil('s. All n'quin,' arli�tic d�signt;rs. �nd crllflsn�en who clsAII actlvltlell. r , Marths l-!Jerm� tarl , JOU"'la :I. T9 Ihe .8chool. will. llluk4? .tht�S(' pnH.lucls t'n'r .llIore . 1K'�uhful: It �ur�lcs .o,'cr allil mn�. ' �:����: �earnlngll. . Im�fOmll(U Mpeechel. . Illustrnholl!i lIlve. · desrgns. lis Impoalng ent..llIICV. inlo tht· prltlltllg IHISIIU'SS ('SIK�cltllly. III :W. :.0 Palma !. . anglo\\'. Ramatad. presenied leUe'" . the Spea .. . . . '4. To Ihe claAa of U!.- our la.ct ml llt ('U�I Faclory. . Coach IIrlislic IIdn'rtising. ullr!u,tin' lul)("ls. pnsll 'r.:-, ('k. the bU8ebail tee.,$!. Th08e recel".. able. to �et. away" o IIr eak 2. 1 . To John Weise. · My"on .Krled· 10 It l'llrrit's uwr init) the pruf('ssiolls in 1I1ll� the Stlllc · 1.1CCOS .o them we..e: A..t We"lOn. cap. . InK archit('cls SUlK'n'isurs alld 1t'lIehers ' uf urt fur hcr clenrcnlnrY 1 d,Y nd alao ou,. places 0 n :�e � Jer pall��11 on bill ability to appea.. taln. l. Art 801l;f',I'I, Art Knuue,!!!.--: It curries 0.. 011. and ou.. name rar '. on Ihe S(·huols. ·l�l;in·rsi!it·s. l'oll('�('s und normal schouls. g be�: Ca dlllllnctive . honor rol1 . 1 Coltum. Which "'.. y..on Kreldle... 91af . . 8 onC udurns b e .10 folio,.,' ()\'cr inlu UI1(" S mosl inlimuh' hllhils. nnt! iil nil thai . tbe ru If'!I 0r Ihe ....aH . bequeathed him 'by Ibe cla8H We"lby. Cllt-re..d 01.on,_ Ola..o, - srhool "--"" � Ho'ner, lK'rsol1. 1925. (Note: 'MyrOIl does Ihla l l\'lIbUr(. \Nyman . William I chlillengc Ut\\,Utl(' 10 nalll(, II schoul subjl'Cl nnd prove .that 5. llt'allzl:: bth:t �:he s:;:o:;;�: lorbecause he flnd8 he can,not make and Wulte.. "�..encb. .AU..ed Ande ... it carri('s ovcr inti) tI)(' Ih�es uf II grcul('r Iluml�r of I)coille. in hR Ve now r c e t lion all: uae of II ': l O received l,ltte.. 10.. the . docs they can think on the I It grealer Iltllnber (If Wll\·S. oflt'r the\'· leave school Ihan 22: To �rothy Fowler. Nlna , posltlon 01 mailage.. for the ath. ��:II II�� Elde 3..... arl, dl.'sign. hurmollY. and ueslh�lit; SCilSC lll!d fl.'CI!!)g, �Ve rccl Ject for . cona�utlve m . letiC team8 ot the IIchool. ' . ll .long hal... ' that Ihere lihould he some (·ffort madc 10 mfnrm und IIlstruct give them 'ou.. Intellect whl h flw e�tu..1. beln, .Intr,. � P�II:: n�I�!' �� hl�lve�a �O�en9 tad ' A n- '('IU��I�t � r ;oac the puhlic liS to Ihe' real \'alue nf urt in .Ihe ;;Cht:l.nc (If , puhlie I lIble8 UII to fathom deep Phll II� now. e ,e 0, the d ( y h.�-nlm8�a . t.,e ('eluculion a'nd' In eleillunti l·olll.'ge . and ulllvcrslty enlrllnf:C cal boob 'Which we h V r:�; world. electing of �a Pl.alnll for ·t�e dlt,ecl. �: h �l:� � � the To olher G. any wilh j j ! pilI' Ull ilrt rreshman e \ crt'dit for Sl'cCllldnry u ferent team, �or !,text year . 2 at thhl . T� Ted EvJenth. De .. t . . 4 ..&. Does art pay '� Lusl y('ur !f; l ,:lOn.Ootl,notJ wus. spent on mh'cr- ,.Qur wo..ldly K..:nltneSli Il ability t� IItud),. banquet. The captalna .Iected·. were: 7. Ihdlvlduil ly We' b;Queath .,tli e IisiQg in Ihis country. One may t'tJ1 some idea of the \'ust ' SU�l Palma I.&n.low. ,Irl. · Daaketball; -�. To ChrlAt!oe Knutzen. Ruth I tIllS p[,(Klut'ecl followlns-: puicf\- tO . chll1lllt'rt'inl ':IIHI I.UlwrtislIlg nrtists who ng walk to IIchool every . Carl Coltum. boys basketbili. aDd I . . 7. .To Mildred lIanAOII jutllth ml\·('rtising. n�n= ;� ====�== r= : b.�. b.' . l i:�� 'Oh "'�� K " "�"�."� Thcrt;f�)re It'! fhere I){' di�('ov('rcel a suhjl'd ,,'ilh sU?h, wldc- i �O!lnellil' IItudlous natu ..e a'nd quiet � I A.�§ �� � � � ��� ' .' �'crs us u.rl: A suhJec t I.hut dll.menure. May ahe make u lle ot spreud �t1llhly lind rt'nulll('roli\'c_ I suiJ I A 1C:-·: . them, J('c t.'fftClt'I :x, huslllc�s as .wcl! llS lIlurnl 1 . will huild til' Art . 8. To Johanrul Re�Ullllen. Oll"e t'hut will ht.' an e\�er inl"r('osll1� pl('usurc tn the- .mdl\,ldual. VIRGES 'DRUG CO - Sa,ll:l wlck'lI childish ·actlons. is nu lunger 11 lII('re aCl'(ml l}hshme�lt of the 11IJ.(hc,r clusses ot n('('('ssity 10 (·ver:-:· I 9. T9 Walter French. Sid Olasl'Oo'l sucicty. hut it hus I){'('olll(, un t'sst'ntml und -;\1. K. r ay wltb Ihe ralr 8ex. ,TAcOMAoS une. Agnes Wler,on anti A ... Ro./I.�I. Ruth Dull 16 Intending to return to " 1 0 . To '21 LOOKtNG AHEA:O nut "e8 hili . l Rev. zen ,1 K Pel et � I : Normal the In enroll � and C. I P. . Drug Stores We, the repo"rl" of IhlA article, I u..ch. thf' O ace-- Ev.angellra1. I.uth. do hereby sel do..... n t the best of 1 courlle. . Nina Elde. who li88 \ttldled olonll: . Cburch. RUST BLDG. our ability and Info..mat n wbat the ectugogit Svlllih and Hen . line.. IntcmIH to tench I 1 1 .Iel.ToweLue�t.B. worthy membe� of Ih'1 graduating: p 'al . coming give them � ou .. Wl8hel year. WINTHRO the P HOTEL during fu·l the In 110 to planning cln.lll are I ;�r o �:� d happy' married ('m· he will Elllng!!un I.a.wrence i times · ture. liCe. (:.l t :�. i ployed In Tacoma. To bCKln with. Rulh FadneslI wlll •. nttcnd C. P. 8. She hall attended p. 1 . I r . . at home. ·CHAPEL TALKS I. (' ro.. "ve yean. ' ;\I;ron Kreldler . hI n nother one who 'I p:ro{ xav�� cholle Lhe. third �hap· 1 Am erican Plumbing :& Steam Su p ply Co. conA l era, WHOI.I!:SAt.t: . alloull fo ve Ie of l,te H . live -DEI·,.:N·D .to. a degree� e for yean here uttended 111111 , IIO II I>1.UllUl:\"G, :TI-:Alf 1\:\'1) �11I.r. 8UPI"J.";S . uP ..... 1\1 either altenll the University or! , , D:�I�� :�� l'o::r.�: · he told on the trjuipmml . I 70 7 e 0 8-10 Pacilic Aveaue Phon Main 1 19 Wallhln,ton 0" an nrt IIchool where "many . decorated for brave i . �'ere he will .tudy a..t. . . . . :::.' .. : ... . .. .. : . ... . . ... �., "... ...... :. ... "...: ..... . .. �f your' ho�� for . � y n l t .!� e�p��y:I�� d ...o":�: : . .: :: , ..,, .. . ." Ju�t .t hat p.urpose. : :\1 ;ra����Il; "....: .:..�:" . . �r :�:; . : t . � � ;:;�� " " :�� � � � �:: t' a a W lri o t� � . . .. Wuh. .; .' . . i , In offering the 'those who have been ' will teacb at the ' "God.. 8&YII Martha Hjermlilad ' . e Ifl d d h e be a d . . n·tion:illl'-kDo�"l!-' . . Ecerten School. Ohop va!!ey: He.. �:�t��� ;O�d :t th�V�amb :..:U;�or_ ' . j .... .. . IIlste... SI,ne, will teach at the Lake -ated. Their' ro�s 'or white are � . AUlopiono for $495- · J:lROOUCrs· Camel Scbool. near ADacortes. Waah.· symbol" ot purity and of Innocence. � . a sum far below what ' Peder Sognefeat. A..tbur Brud'ft BUI the name' ot thete el�t 8hall - Perrection i n: Fruils. Vcgelohl('s, '� . and C�rl Collum will return to 9. not be fo",otten; "'111 ne'fe.. be � it has ever bd'orc been · Co(f�.· Elc. C. in · Ihe fan and re�ume tbelr 1 blotted out.' %1 . olTered ·oo thi•.co.,,:.... Itudlel In the Collere departm.�t., .1 "We a� chlld.ren who . Itumble Distril1uted by � are- maki g �i lYer Dahl Intendl to . attend tlie and tall cODtinuall,.. , but God Is WEST . COAST GROCERY . CO. � we Jl o 1 t ,Bu.,IDe.. Colle,e . Seattl:, :!"lIl1n,· to help ua. up. We ean aU possible for many a TACOMA. Y'aab. i . liOIarch thrODch help or God :wbo . ::. �r:�';: :l! .·tte,n�. ,Ihe Itren&thenetb D;I'" . home to equip' itself' I .:._......... ...: . . . :.......;............,,::: :::: : ::::::: :::::�- . for r9111ing good ti mcso hl n U ' A;:::,�,:��I be 'a 8teno(Tapher '.,.� �you io!erested ' in say:. . In . !I The Au.topi.n� Co. 001., : ....w" . ,.".d. . ..,. / ing money : . pn a . plan ." � ". c�-be bought. on . which eon not be defealed ? \... . __ . more k.n�wlecl,e at I?: L. · C. . p . Speeia. by Expert'Permanent Waver full bead 110.00 :Sldne, .Olaalo will wort urinc th� If 5:9, � terms. I . convcl11cnr , too . ' ItlD,' , lI,:,t meater .D� will.. attend C. P. /''' 1 " . j spread �v.cr two' i l lid ' Sh�mp.qOing" "Marceqlnl'. Hair Cutting Rlqstacl . M. S, lbe NlUlnde.r or\ the y�r. He . . �ct Repr:eaentative � a half years. alao attand� h� tor lYe yMn. . All Expert Operators �!tl.-od � . . :Ja!llth ro.Hu will 'attend- Knapp', Mad. )811Rl . . ' ' . . ,. " i ' . .. Bualneu ·CoII.itt la �coma. ' I .... .11 th &: Broadway · n C Ban ' k Lit 1 er e· o. . . Mail'! 6.:;1'0. . i ' . ciaode Pell will, contln e mIn· � · -.-. - ,'� �;:" �: �!"" "'L"' h".;n". �h.- .i � _ i!iii oeS,lf� : ..:...:=:�..... : : : � . '-........." ........ .. J







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Inr.: clap>"!8 of Ut6 !I �I r!,. IQ £a�!qc ,butb- ' n lr Itr:u�:� e T�� :I:��:n: � "nlld�U1n�. al�\to' in8 for ,Kale I!nd two ""Iall, one8, . I�Hl!l8tve plll.r�, an arch. fixtures. The «.Ift fn. Inlaid flowt'r POI ' nll(l l . �hrUbber)'" I � O!I eh'lIl! D.aY. Thunday, May .:!.T. 1 , : 0.0'-0,clo�k ...lhe gUt "'IV! for­ mally pre"eoted", 10 the .College by HUlh lo'sdoeIl8. Pre O. J. Orllal . t t I O ::c:.:;,-: :--""'-'-=�::::-"-,;C'-'-,-:",:,::",,-'-'-:,--'-::..:,:,,,,=: :::,.:c�,:-:..: ���� :�d ��e: ��r�rmll::�/�e �l'd�� ' catilYI c,eremOIlIE'8 The «,Itt was unveiled b} Mr II ,.� AnderKon Be Engraved on-LovlI�g Cup I tn order to t feBt€' .,lind Ilromole Ollr!ng the Il:\'" schoo] ) ear he has plel,!.lber of the Doard of Trusteell � J IradHlun the ChUHt of 25 Ifft'lIeme'l l held the IJoOliltion as l)l"ellhlcnt of the #lo\l:lng I hl1'l outdoor ceremO]lv 10 Ihe Il<:hool four l' o\lng CUllS bear !lllllh'lIt bOoly an (lmCC \l h\(oh he hap the regular ClaNS Day exbrclse8 In lIle gYlll, began at 8 :00 o'clock with 1 Ing re"p«tl\e honors. ThE'rc ilre't\lo, IUl1nllll;('11 \lUh mllril.cd abUlt�. for tne hlglr schOOl lieparlll1ellt �UI\l1 1 :\I!�rthu IlJerm!:lllHI \l HI rellresent the program .!l!:l r�lIow8� 'Orclte8tra l t\\'o for the colle,;e department to he , the girl III the College and Normal mu�lc, Mr. O. J. Edwardll, Director. ot Welcome by Signe I a'olarU('d to a ho} ami girl reSI>Co.: rdep.utllIentl' , :\1111" IIJerlll!!tud en Addre811 HJermlltltl1. Sonlt, "Long o'" b)', thely I lered I he �u� I.Ulher�ege In Olrlll' Trio, Ruth FadnesAlt ll, 'Xlna l , t In be to Ihe are hosen boys The the fall Ofel {l She has mart(' an Elde, and Signe HJermlltad. Read, \ far.;ult) \I ho IIhall IInderMalil1 the ('nvlabl . de a or u on ns e IItudent � 1 Inc o t Clu Will Alfred ll �nder�on i. term fllir Il]ay .. and clean III)(Irts , hat . Although e h d ne r de, and. . AnelJe Dahl. Cornel Solo, ' w� n \ll : N fore � IiIl1nllhlll. to Include nOI alone IhOlle glrla ' oo entering. the college, she Claude. Pellet. (IUallllell and. chnra("\crlatlcs t hat ha,'c ! batell l"Ilosen a lll':'lI1hcr of thc. inter, :-'Ina Jo;ide . . Siltne , to do with tht' nnest type of work was holntlc high dlo�J] teams which for Fallne$$, Ruth Qul l. I I Olt the athleti,· field 11\11 the fao.:ulty !cthe rst t ll11( rellresenteti. P. L. C. pliec)" presented by. Martha shall alao. ,'ollllldt'r the stll,lcn\"" re('- Thl\! tlyear sh .. .:-aptained tile 'Collt'ltc itad and Carl Collum. Mixed . orll of I II:holarshlp a�,.l 'his respeo.:t; ,'or uillhorlty:. hill �enlline Intere!'t 1:lh�:::;I:i \"� ;t el:�;;SI;���;n�t l�r rol;:!\s:� �ltl'lh i\�:��le�sK;��.: I;� r� �I�: ng��das.e , , Lett, tOlfto bottom: MRrlha, flJermlllail. Clllltllin of a(Urmatlv{' (earn' III reat 1I00e of I h... 6d1OOI; hili ,levo·l relations, ' the prog�am, .ev� or- Mildred · al"l'ePI!ng only one dt'feat. f.ollow'ng .Hanson. and Arthllr Kn\lt�en. ... . tlon anli loyalt;,...{o Ih� bt'�t traili. �ItS!:l HJ('flllsta 11 also rellreSented da!. anno.unced the na � to be In� ' Right, top to bottom: A II.<:c IJlt,·le. Henry KitH. alld "nil Oyen. caplions anll the genuine "jmrpolie of! t e le taln ib I u t t lhe h a Ilg for pa I I .' . :::tl� ;:� I�;. , ��: )�:ar ��� 6. . J>ocltk LUII7'erall Colfege. ��n�:�� �rOf . ��: Jo�. HUUK�. conch. c� ?' ��: �\� :t . �;n l�O:l !����o�(.��: The glrlll arc also to he c-il0!!en b>' . :\l ardl 19 t o Zl,. '()urillg the IIchool A Iliano 11010 by S'lgne HJermKlad ID T INTER-CO F YEAR OF S LLEGIAT E" ..... the faCility, .who S,hul l (,on!llder any rel!-r IIhl' has also been the 1';,1!tOr-hl' and IIlnglnlt ,ot, the clalls song con- l� . , " �Irl of heaHh and ,'Iltor ('lIglble rorl Ch ll! f or Joe ('oileg-e llubllcatlon. The ;Iuded I�El exercla811. 'D EBA TE AT P. L. ·C. SUCCESSFUL the uward. Scholarship shall be In'i Moorinll; :\\asi. It 1!:I 'due to her un. . The. p,6?Uc Lutherau CoHe�e h " sognetell� ' Ll1Ilull I..(>e, alid Ir('lle . \erpreted lIIeali earnesl, consistent � tiring (u! year In the Duhl. -...... lIue<:e/l.ll ver,. a had ' R A work thul this I)aller hUl! been BAC U EA , TE . debating field. It i8 Ihe first ,.ear and honesl �ork. WomanlinellH shall i succe8� . A dual deltate wall . IItnged with In Ihe fllllellt sense ot tlte bl' understooll to Imply mollellty Int word; that It has 110 ' rorCl;!fully . . VICES HELl) the school hall lurned OUI college the' SllItilum High SChoOII. The . I'' , dress and genernl demeanor, lo\'e ofj brought to Its readers th'e school's !i-e\', J. A. E. N�eaa, pre,ldent debaters. But the pleasant , rela. I hl;! beautiful, the good, the true aml ! molto. .'Traln fcr l"ieau. !:!trong lead, 'Jr Pacific Dilltrlct, delivered tbe tlonl formed with othl!� colleges 1.. C , u:flr lll� lh ,e I·eam wal! c�� 01 Ihe' Bacc:: alaureate lIerV'f(ea and debating clubs' durin. the year \ posed of Peder 'Grambo. Hllrry San� ernlon 3 hclpfulnell$ towflrd others. ! (.r!!hlll... · graduating' Clll;88e1l dt " .2 6, bu ',aroulled ao much enthuaillllm ! nerUd, and 1-:t1na Ilrotno", aud Iho The followinlt Sludent!:!. will ha"e The boy chosen from 'Ihe.· high (or thelIer,'lceK were held at the for deb.tlng, that the forensic work jnegatlve lelllll of Pede.r Sogn'efellt, their names engral'ed on the lovlng l "iI"hool dePllrt1l1C;lt I!:\ Peller Sognefeilt The _cIIIIS for Ihls school year: Myron l whO has neen Hludeut at .....he rol' �hu� el , al 1'. "I. SlInday� May. will be greatly atres8ed I n yearS' LlIuan Lee, and Irene Dahl. The 0 c.ome. . . Kreidler has lIeen I!elected for the ! l�gl' for the pasl lhree yea.r�. IIiB 3�he graduates. toilowed were evenly divIded IQ Ihla by tacul- 1 .The proposed c�lId Illbor . alllend� honorll onor I.n the College . deparlment. rel:onl Is. worthy of com·. The negative tea !hI on �Iyron thee student body marched ment haa been .tbe toplc . ot dI IlCIl S- encounter, . K rd�l� er . hRs �ttencle.�1 the ('OI' l llIenl. The lIame may also he �al" I): n' and both IIldel gelling 2 10 .1 deI un ord rly proce8slon to he h��� �:: /�=� II � !:: rJ�loll . ut )e , e I arl O I: 1 ' . 1 I l ll I hurch ::;��� -l.The church wa" er"teeth'ely e o e to ::�7ngr �h� ' Ch:��� !;�1 . �: h:� . ! :I :i:l� l llI;;o n r:, "I::lt�!� C �::.ri ::; 1�: de These debales ha"e meant an ell-. liled for 'lhe ol!caslon. with .the B'ankers Inslltute In {hili ormou" taken' a "ery actl\'e part In athletic" school year he wus (':Illlain of the cEorI·h!'lIlnnll 101 of \I ' ork 1I0t only'. for 1 6 3:. "'Thai he w/Juld ror ' the full five' years he bas. 'he('n , lIlgh School negative Interso.:hola!!t\r grunt you, IIccordIlig 10 the rkhell fjlebo te the eollege upheld ;he negll- the debaterll but elipecla.lIy 80 tor e :��� :t ��e �U:�t��t1 ��� ::�� the coach, Prof. Ph : lc��e:;;a; c;: �t�l� �a�:::��:: 1�:�::� leam and �1l11ed the !!ea.,lQll withoul o f 1;111 glory, b t' ��'" to Dy . e Jo�. d �tren,then r t his untiring worll:, he' hallHauge, h nll ea l a Ilefenl. i\l r, sognere�� l� Ihe hOllor with might hy hla flplrl( .In the In� lI prey e developed Klel, Oyeu, and enr The Arut . "tlUlent of the J"gh Sl"iHIOI "('llarl· ner llIan" the. te:ll dwell up- llankel'l:l received Ibe j udgell ' decl- fronl Ine:lperlenced mllte.rlal a tRlrl ' . Iy IItrong debatIng agltre,.tlltlon, on by Hev. Naetls, He spoke In- sian 'hy a 2 to 1 vote. " I ! I\\ ...nl. . D:lh1. th,� girl �elcl·te,] for �l'lrlng])" to Ibe c]all!:!, Of. tbe la-\ April 9 , a ilual debate was held During . the c.hapel hour Friday, Johnsons Family : lheAllelle High S("\lool. has taken her fnll tent IIO!:!lIlbllltle!:! ea�h and every wllh ' t he COllege of .Puget Sound, i\lay .2 1, Ihe debate coac.h, Prof, Ph, I tuur yenr>l of high ;11 I C. one of Ihe: dall!! IlOsst!lIsetl and urI'- The negative tfla.m, Arthur Knut_ F- Hauge gave out letters to the Shoe Store I !-;he 111:1)""d Oil the. glril,' hnllketl,all !d that. good tl"e be made o( their zen, Hen'ry Klel; anti ATIlt Oyell, Interllcholaatic d�batera both In · the· I l t�am hlst year. hm was hindered on Ih'�II. met their OPtlOllenls 0}1 the home collece and the high IIc�ool , depart� " , 1.�O 1 Ptll'lrll A\ (' )TII( I of ..lckllCSII from Hiking a PreH. 0, J . Ordal preli;lded at floor,. The BfprmaUve wnli compoll- meDt. The letter given Cor debate. Is , \ I , a.-eoIWI th . e l e eral Inllplrlng \'I'ry Rctlve I'url in alhlelics thl". yel�r. lJ lI n· cell S " English d�sicn on shI41ld, of !Ifarlha n JerlllHt �d , Mildred Bt!;lne old letter be.lng hlack lectlon!:! were rendered 'by the Trln- ed -- --Hllnllon, ' and Alice IJllvle . - The PII_' of . on field Johnsons Variety Stor�.) . · "Art Knutz(' gold, It)' I.utheran Choir, A vocal 11010 clflc ' 10 Art said tell l i . College \\'fllI vlctor. I: I Werson thUI Art ilogen wall In by ,"Irs . PII. E . Hauc�,. and a vocal loull IIII..; lltberan both the combatl!. The uf- "'uch. enlhulilaalli ant loy wall :\:110 :\Id\'inh'y An', by a tr.lo conslslln, at fl�mattve receiving a una ulmoUII de _ dIIlPlayed durinc the dlst�button . ot Art '!!. room" I<IIlrl Art Jo-'ol.tee . to M!ofielellllellonRynnillg. Mra: flauge, Rnd cllllon. and the neKllllvl. a 2 to 1 ! the letterll, It 18 the lIrlH time de--1I Art IIrllth·lk. '. . were.,\ addltlonnl mll�l� vote e Svare . ( bate lelterH have been ghen by the , H ,· = = = = = = = : ::::= ===1= - ��� -� . cal nu�ben . · In a dual deiJale with S,eatUe Pa- ! I'lict"tlc .�lItberan College,' Nineteen::;t s al e f ll On ' TlleRday, Ma·)" �8, 19 26 tbe :�::p�e� �: ::r:�Il!� OB;�: �c1�io�� ! ::�:�:�� ��u:�c ;:ba�e �:� . ;hetlr co�� i . e.acJfk I .utheran Colie,e nine de� bel ae 2 tp 1 In favor of ihe op- lege department, the. hleh scbool I cilllvely de(eated t he Sumn�r bo,.lI. pOsing te�ms. In :order to comply' open In. rorenllic 'relatlons lasl year I & al Sumner by a , lIcor� ol\.l" to with the lI,ne.up ot the Seattle Pa- wltb tbe Lincoln High . School III ./)') . 6. The Pacltl� Lutheran <:ollel: e. c' College I't became necellllary 'I'acoma. . TYPEWRITER DEPARTMENT hoy!! kllocked the pill �ver tbe field clfl 10 make a shift In 'JIeI regular I Il1e- Tholle rece,h'lng letters were: ' · Exceptional Values- on ail Standard Makes. Und,r to thh� defeat, Carl Collum pltcbed up of tbe p, L. C, for thla ' debllle, Collece� Martha HJermltad, Mlld­ . Guara�tee S·�O.Oo- tlp., " . \ nve IlInln,1I and 01af Weatby affirmative was pr�lIented by red Hanaon Alice Davie, Arth� Plt,ched '''0 Innlnll Tbll la weat- The artha Hjermatad Mildred Ha.n- Knullell, Arn,t Oren and �y SPECiAL RENT�L PRICE.S b) flret time .t tbe pltchen po- M and negative Klel High School Lillian Lee, Irene Arnt Oyen SOD, sltion and he sb.owed up ve,ry team, who met their The 1 1 09 Commer('(', SI. oPl101lents In Dahl, Peder Sosnetest, Edna Drot. of Hcnry nov Pl!der Grambo and Harry o 8 Seattle lpolled p . "8 CKnuU:en, ':.. San� "\\- '' Klel Arthur � and Alice nerud .. All but one or two of thoae wbo _ C--, DaYI� The cloalns offensive or Ihe ' 8ea� received letten Inlebd ' to rellume ' ..who Wins the MOst Appla\IR? . 1t01l� w� launcbed M.y¥ 1 8, wben 8tudlell at p, L, C, nnt year, .con­ colleie afCIrmaUve team: M.ar� sequentl,� Itron�comblnatlon IR tbe AT THE baseball Pm.�th. "cal Amcrlcin national tba Hjermllt.ad, Mildred· Hanaon, expected In' the deballng field In .;port-who iI it t!at me teeming: thousands cheer; the I t Nlnel.�n-t.".enty�!en. 't;. ' .�t: ��;.:= �I:b� o( l�:�:�:o; ' my the publ1e_is'jusr 'u ready to acclaim. another player the alt" of waablncto� � ) Tbe' patlflc . Abe: -My ' bOy, where Lutheran 'Collese �team recehed a' Staue8! next minUte: Met" all, ,it is the consistent worker that ' . I e;· · On "your nOle, father. "'­ reail-,:. councs-:-thc one who can be 'C:Icpended upon. · In �nl:nlmOu.1 decill i on In Ihia <debate , the end, the; public a'ppm:iatH it. · The HICh 8oJI,ool, department de� Abe: Don't -be_ IndeflbJte, . batid . two ' achoota thta year.- Child -p, V, Star, . We havf no unwual saID l;Iete. We live the pubJk: the benefit ofthc lowest prices andhoncst�.t aU , ... : �!::'I::' . a o· tbelr IInbj�� . .ro.r p;�t, ( In .c�em·lairY) Wh!lt '1.1 and �e k.eep .everlastingly at it. " } . , . . · In a' debAte with Lincoln HI,b H!8 Of, IIi, Ho.....rd! School. Ihe " collel"e Heu-red a 3' to . How.rd: '(IJeepl1, ) : 1 don' t, R.. A. PILCHER CO;, In�. , n w w t ·tor-" _-" cho Jl� 'B��dway !ne!:�I:��:'- r�p�;.e�::::!n�e�:r � � b�. n., be E . , . "' .-T-��--'�-:-""""� .7':L :::" . == .-= . .= �==_ "";' =�� -,. " l. .!_



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THE TACOMA. STATIONERS Office Furniture Stationery












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COJ,..LKGE: • . PA


lI�ul"r education, . · 41 Could turther' duelop In the ebrl,UaD talth and lite to whle.h\you earl, In"ructed UII. You haye. ucrlCke$l· mu� In or10 «h'e UI the!!e oppo'rtunltlee--

' I Conilnut!<I from_ �f[e. 1 , other'lI Joys u "'ell 81


welconle 10 )'ou, palllo�. other rrlen'�1ou the' congre,atiolll and �agua8 on the . couto ' We especially ,Ilk!. · to Hae 10U here e1'enln,. becaull6 we know that YOU are 10yal ' lI\lpporterli and that . you are Intel'1!'8ted In tbe w;rowth and weltare ot Pacific �ulher.n Col_ . It'ge'. . We -bid. }'ou all • hearty wel�me�

Stnen. It hit,!! been a pleuure 10

" I)IUmD on \'urloull nnlullpeellng In. ,lIvlduais. I apologize to" Alice naTle, Leola Halen . Pe4er Socne­ felH, "Cap" Andenon, .... and Ruth FadneelJ tor the many timell tbelr have been ot use' to me,. . Marluarlte Folco.




Mahncke & Jc:"�






Opp?rtu�lity Day

. yelir. I Clillnot com'eh'e of It ali Fri�ay, May 28 at • helng natural devt'loll mell.l . l 1l b n e , I -�-' -,:-y.::Id�, :": -': �'::":-Y�' . ' �": e;: � �l;., \ h. �lra ��..t�� i:�I lll ;. hi� e Rhodes Brothers athl.·teft"' <llel. \\"'1 know why� we glad over the tact -that ' we' are .;Iart� the ;o.i-;;orlng �Iu�t In 192r. Our ;lml probllbly dlel a few other. wor · II:"le��thl;l !lny bt'fure t�ll' alhlelle hlln· faCing the future willi. ' characters Buddey:King �1:1; Don·( Mi.. Ihe Splendid . __ �lundav. thy thlng� but nothing IIlllrtllng. �ullt UJIOII a �o!Jcl foundatlon_ of tl o e f l COmpany, V.lu•• of the CiI'ilh:u tlon �:; I�:II:�I;:., ���CI�::a8 8�1��en UII In (.'::Ur: c� lilt;::t 'y h���l �'l�rk e�: :�: T he lJJe,nber� IIJII! lul a tle�IKhlf!l1 two hourlj IIIr'engthened F;I�:�:Il\Pailr:��2s . IIIHlt year a� one or unprecedented l:hl"" Pac1!lc . .Lutheran .;:;. " I Ofl � tiltH !!UlU their ITUllllferrlng wilh hegln weli Co leKe. pl'ogre8f1 we might i23 SI. Helens Av.• Tacoma k IlO::ltldge to .1IlI1It· r. Now IhnLJ. II , l'eulhe more fully l11entloninj.: " ..hllte. DurlnK the yearll I .Mny _.•--TueHdll}. . !I ' \ 9 20·24 I dn not renu.lmber Ihat . ' . n the IIIJ>,ulflcllnce of our .CIIlIiIl Day, Kulh "'ad ue�s b heard l:nn H.tit' · l nnd what It IllCanll to us , the '" graddehnllng team was formed and lf l .Iloll The Stor� �ly orating .her iJre,.;cntatlml l untlng clalll! of 1926, .....e hope that Nielsen & Hansen i<l '1 1 did not compele in Ull inter· e h l a her on le . ..... y 10 ,1a.HI!.e�· I YOli will more truly ft'el ' the welco\nc �p ho la� tlc dehart! This �'ear deilat· ,,�)I!' d . ..... � Co. Motor . for Men ' C!!. �ltre l� n gr!!lIt rU"h. I. II I It. , we extend to you. inK !foamS han� "ompeted wllh high ; I e d ( rt · e we��o��: y�u. dear . CHRYSLER . . �;�;lIe:: I O ·C:�I�::\ :.�;:; ! \. I::�' �� '\\:etlllcs,i:IY. . ;'�111�1�1. ....��I�;;� I lJa:�I:�!'�y�:11 . "�hO h . S,'\LE.S 80' SERVICE ,tllty. More tlmn that, ! . Senior boy" anhlllllllly wO T.k on , lo Heu f! UH on to II or no m...an "l I . e e fU I 11 l Three G'l'eat Cars . 58-7.0-80 :: "' ' 'd:: " '.= :: h' W:: "==== :::::=j ' .. . :::��:' l�;:�: ::111 ] ��:(:st��:� �" I Y ! �h:�� 2���I:'1�;�dl;Y. ' �::: � Accessories-Parts and -Re4 , " ,h-� ,'-. �• " 0" " , h,-� • n.. , " " gh' (;IUIIII night-the chl�" of 1.�1::6 �i\'e r .\t"�'"t<: r;t., I I,' 1'''�lumell ror• Helll . pairs of All Kinds . lel I , el r 56·29 SQ_ Union Ave. . 'ru",.,t0,pj ",1 tI JI�·�t �ull�llfor Hent. ;;h� ��� :I� M;:�: ;s�;�����. :::" I��:��\';I�:I�1 ";�Ht::��el;'� -; : . '�;;t> I� � � ' � ;\;' ':I �� 1409 Mad. Tacoma . .-r,.n Student II Con�en(lon: an a�· Grltuuutlon� Our year is over an,1 -t I I ,· nmplishmt;nt whi('h wu� mude Hole· 1 our work Is ,lone. "'arewel!.· Daily �:,,; �; "I�'r"I.i·:'�:�".'·i,���·,��JI�lr"h�· :i'.l'�ri .•. ,' Tou�" = k lr)t�:!' � �,, � ;uud� 11:1'" :1I � HJer -Slgne 1. Jn t ' Iv by the IItudentH" lind Olll! which I OIlIry. ' w. C. BELL & SONS co: 'I . _ ._ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ ,'hould proH' or j.:reut value 10 the l . II Dr. WaIter &choebel Cj,lllege. . , ba\'O� heard the· IIludent I C \RI,YLJ.:'S C \Io'J·:TEHI:\ prc!:!ld"ntl'l or four previous .Ii,uly Oculist-Optician ... ;I· r� ml!lIttnn mil k ing thli'! a reulitY' 1 Headquurters tor raculty and Brookdale Cash �arket students or Puctrlc Lutheran ;.,,11 e\'cry time the IhinK wall IIUKEycs Tr.cfi'ted Madlso& 15SL2 �tlted II received only IIneer!!. II I College. GI�sscs Fittcd \ �. A. Ervin was he- , House of service, withont (.Ips money, � foOl'll 100 much ." (lnd our wllde"t dream!:!. Pantages ' Theater BUlld.lng .Joluuoa-Coli The morale "r Ihe athletic ( - ) 1 25 � .Soutb Nlnt� 81: e l t e t Co.....any Main 3�2" Tacoma. \Vash. J. . VISELL CO. Parkland Shoe :11�\:tm,��r. I�"l�e ��:�rin: r�II\�;� ;::, F . .Ien·loped InlO II relll \ItllHO'r this nook Seiler80--Stltllonel"ll Shop � I�. J. Sather, Prop. Orrico lind Photo -S1:lPPUes '·car. The normal de\lllrlmt'nl. heSHOE REPAIRING OF ;'ame fully ill·cr..dlted thl!:! yellr. and .-rATiONJalS Tacoma 909 1", Pac. lite College w!ll have II Lien & Selvig � .�f!II"lon tor teuchers. I tell �'Oll It·s :. better nntl bigger Co1iege 'ull Norwegian of Importers II.tound fhull It hllll ever been be­ BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. tore. Cod Liver Oil General Merchandise Thill prOKre!lll. I bellel'e, hilS I Parklan.d, Madison l07J4 the rellult ot a determlnt'd.· "or .Tacoma A,·c. & 11 SI. A member of ,MT. TACOMA STORES-GO Stores " OIlSCIOUIi' effort on the pari ot ..... ... 1I1ly . and I:Itutlelltll---cu9peratloll TacOma. 'Vash, mutual Interest-a greuter PaII ....... .... . College. Lutbera;; cific Free Dellnry . The stone gateway .....hlch .. ..., ----�---'.J.I--...........--.......-.,� :...Il graduating cluli8 has given to ' I a tban ... M Coli... mean' a 'ot. Mos t Young Men an d Women beau'tUul piece · of work, It marks . . a yef!.r ot real progress and bette�ment. �t U8 say .it ma�k� tbe be­ FOR BASEBALL ' to ' progre811 greater a ot glnnln« . . of . ' :rc anihilious) tu son�c day OWIl U �?u!lilJcs. . . come. Next year there .,.-111 be more their bWIl, . or tfl huhJ an intcn;sl 'in 'onc ulrt·ady students arid more to accomplish. -." � Was. hington .lbrdware· Co. The· corner �one 18 laid-LET'S estublished \I\:EEP. ON · BUILDING. Exc;hiiIive . . -An Aiumnu!I. · . "Fhou�l.!ds ut:'C 'rulfillil�g'this a.inbjti� e\·cry yeu�. . · AGEN� SPALDING t­ nlnteres a started hu S. C. P. �Iost of them uccompJishe<1- it by acculiiulutil f.[ � limI AND PAC. . " lil� art.lele on "Someone's Alma - a .�asonubh� �lUount in a suyings bunk. wll,r print from ,t,'lJ'e Mater." They ' . IItorles ��ut to time a lierlef' !,( � other COne�e1I and the [ll'IIt on� waa"" on ,0. A, C. written by C. W.\Hub 'bard. Pugi!t Sound National Bank . , '-:-




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Manufa(:tured ,by

. 'Miller Bros. Co.

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Honor St�dents

'0( 1926 Gt�duating

29' Officer§. 10:00 A. M.-A�dress by , MAY 30 . ]0 :·30 A. M.-Divine Services. ' . Rev. Mal'tilJ No�dstad. of B.ed Wing. Minn. Pres. of Luther League. delivers sermon. L�turgical Service by .Rev. Theo. Hokenstad. 2:00 P. M. -C;rluHt ChurnI l'nioll Cunn'rl. PrJ, .1:' 0. E.I\\'(lrtis. �i rector: . . ) MAY 31 9 A. M. to 12 M.�Parochial school starts. Prof. Hauge. teacher. This ' is paid for by the con·gregJ!.tion. Will you o R ��J��th���r� :f1����"�eS::�f��0��em ;;; '''bhserve all things whatsoev'er [ 'have commanded you." Classes ip... forenoon only. This !'\Chool . lasts for four weeks. . JUNE} 10:30 A. 1.l.-Divine Sen·ice. JUNE 14 10 :30 A. M.-Divine Service. ' JUNE 2i " urTH t·AUXt;s... . K�UXJC IUI.:tL\l8TAD ' . I'.mlnt HQGSJ.;n:HT ( 10:30 A . M.-Divine, Servicj� NE 27 D l lud nc In I" �harced Th.... IlOe:II Into t be trea.. entertalnnlent co a AIJ out. NOTICE School Come School after the�Rehglous Sunday uc piq K . \ the 1J0ciai fleallon of the. Iratluate. Graduatee You will fIOOn be leu' UI'7 of Ibe ANOClatlon and I. ulled out with us for an ou� \\ at Jhe lI�hool KOme activity upo���rl�l!�: f:,s�:�� S���I� �tu:�e l��� �a�rX����/�\�'�"k�\t or, 1926 they were pleallantly en· log tbe school and be awa 1 fr�m for o o ) tertalned by Prot and Mns Hauge aeh other. away from I he plea..Dt the membens ded de of the service s. � care _ .:::. -' . -'----'-----'c· .. J the Sophomore Collele adyillors. at urroundl ngl ot tbe lI�hool Natur.. ' Another way 10 keep 10 louth ,.,-,(Continued Col. 1) He "If I "all a mOMquHo do 1 thelr hon�e Monda1 evenlnl. Mar �a1l1. you will lIaOI to �p In l'....I,h the, ,chaol III to IIf!oCure lub. from line. lalned perhapil from durmllor) lOU k now "hat I d do" 1 %4 An enjoyable )eyenllll "'-'s toucb with your old cla..matell. and 8�r�ptlonll to Ihe :'Ifoorlnl »a81 The i .l!lpent In which Ramel which called Ihe way to do thlll II, 10 Join Ihe l IHe. �he: "'.Ko. what! '" ""'I . ot th(' AI . happy.go.lucky· college IIhelk. H I!; "I'd bite yOIl ." ...J 1 for Ihe u"e or the brain "ere Alumn i AlI8oclatlon The AlulUnl l Mall' hll.8 nall tbe 1alelltn b�WII It to you Mrron �reldler. WOIl l�urehl In his She ; " Then you'd whnt the , ��:;�� erW����I· c��:t1 �:;�m.��;: �a·:��lal l�heln��_�I��:�oto n��lno�:· ::::�v..era y:u "�:Ie bri g natural. eu}' renderlol!: of tha t char- mOlIQullO would." !BItll were keep!! >,o�u In touch with the IIchool., .. I Followlns thla refreshme . H� keen wit ' and orlslnal He: "What!"' !!erved Rev Ordal �nd MI��. Ryder. but It helps the �chool to weather PRiNTINe l p She; " S l ap ed .' " Set\I r Clt�1I advillor "hared Ihe the financial atormfl that beaet It � ::��:ci:tl�:e: n�::.y lauKh� from sn ENLAR6IN&o -Spokllne College Echo even�DS t lhe sraduales I o I I or ��\.� :��:nId��� I�;e j����,,!:: PRICEd' � .. .Rutb Dull tbe "haql. IIhrlll r·.. ..""·"·......·..·..�....';... .. ... . ... .........g W'. ���J,,:����� voiced MrlL Llppetl. Matron of the : . Campa. Gro.� NOTI.CE John G,'" Hom. po< th" '('( i.1, Vl.... I\oda , . F1ol.hl" : ;.· Parkland Barber ' "HAW SUPPLY I'nDi �_ C dlsa.creea.ble character III a "ery ll' (ira(( uating CIHSS � d I'boco Schlee . A C O M A. �: r..'........ ...T Shop and able man ner. i Box j.&a .""'..,.." " , , ,,,,,.... , , ......, , Mal� j 4 35 . �� 0f Alfred AnderlMln-rotund and C f f on ec lonery I >Hc i fic Lli t h el�an not unlike a une crot�bety, l:. .. .. .....'.........��.��:.�......:....."...........�'" PLEATJllG ' . . bug m ullelodu king all U;1o! GfU�.UI·· with bls temCollege . C,",X()Y SI 50 Skirt.. an) dy,le permental outbunstll. Alfred. r I Scnltb- Ta�oi:n.a . ! I. i, cm.ARH ('omlc chara�ter Is alwaYIl supreme. \\' i s h l' s to c...xprcss UNDERTAKING CO � Hemstitching · The old punse, Olh'e Sandwick. In- ( K .",XU CHII.IlRJ.;S Quiet aurroundl...DC, � 1,:\Un:sH.�IRCt;TI Button Holes qulsilive but kind hearled, who al- t lcil' thanks t <) \¥,alk.� 8"'ltematlc Senice : 'IXU tI I'. 0-1' BCorlic Buttons Covered � l� G. ·P. Knudtson. Prop. I for Cut CO:. er .Stone :: :1��� � .�0:":1 �::




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BAUE.,S :�:::��r �:!::.�;:, ,:h' �:::r '.�� the stone donated toM ..." i:::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l w m ard, the Grad uating I :117 Suo 11th oS . · :\1. 5q36 KNAI'I" S jfreat facility. . MIII!! Pritchard, one w )IODERX well poruf Pudy's benefactor� Class Gift JU;HIN.�H Parkland trllyed' by "'-Ioa Elde. l ,L··· a O h I Mercantile Co. Itt::; :�er� :��:: �:;t·tr:I�:d. '�ld: ��bInn T. n . . , .... Frank J. Lee . ...... Mh. _. _ U � 90 on tMt1'IDJtII Hlnderlle and Hllmun' Ma.gely win . .. t\'e have never p.ld 1e811 General Merchandise praille for their realilltic IlIt�rpre� � ..'' ..... .'' ''''. .' ''''''''''''.....". . �ortrait 'and . '' ' ' !Htton of child lite In all· orphan and American Sayings and Commercial asylum. Loan Association LEHl\lANN'S > ?hotograpl1er f� :;�· I�t hi dn�e Mtor !�� ��tI� llug eff;:� Dry (;ood� Shoes, Etc. 1 '- " 1��� :��J o a ' r ' . Califomia Bldg. Two Stores i :U�h i� K:·��e8: . �he' ,:ia; Tacoma, Wash: AIWl\Ys at Your Setvice 111 appr('cls(lon or their IlIt� t and . 11121;2 Pac. Ave. ;:'::��II th: �IM!u P�:::I:�edb;!I�: d�; The New Corona Main 2289 tI . ��palrlntt ��!:tlt:�:rebwl; GEO W. PIPER . rate.Special , ' . rlil 'D!r('("tor t'lInl rental Mode� �akery ' ol. l ( a udenll. -, Phone M�d180n 1137 1I1 �;I:� t ��I�d rr��:e�IIK�l1I� Cll r�r�1 t \Vc offer best tales for . U. "")(,Eft .. C:�ln .... �Iad. 286 . South T��oma workmMlillhilJ so IHt\'e oll r� Ihell ' al , " I:K). 1.'.4.KI)IA ' P. I.. C. be�1I moldetr: . Euell Mione Sctt" fldinflvian checkS. Cou� in Ihl� hoJda all Imporlslll plal'e III · "' · ' ' '' ' ' pons or<cul"'re . r I e o O " � : """"� """ "� "" " "�' �·� l ncy� 'and' caD ; ;� � �' '' ' '' '� II �' � � · . ·· '' ·"· S � : . �� a :�e �;ul��::i::n :at�� l ... = = = = = = California F l oris . [ dra�fl s l'on a'·Us.im rl , ts O :�I,ll :, CK S " H G E I H C R D A R e a e e J cu� J.·;o\\'(�rll. POIt� � s 'I c anPO din.- ' �1:;�·II;��lebYI l��II:l o;d ��� 1�:;tJ I �� :�; Dentl!ltrJ n �ol,n l:iC! : .s', Men' .tralnlnx. DaVl RUlif Bldg .. 10lh floot: s 919 Pac. Ave. Tacoma Our charncten han! I huJi been 1 1th and Pacific Avenue Cormt'tI IJere 81 the I!chool that we ..................... ,"".."..........".................................: I The B�nk of e efo e t�: r....: '..'''.: '..'..�..:�........: ..........:......:..'.........': .. I e. t Allk '·our Grocer For ����U:�I�I: da�: :r .��·2:· ��:h 944 Paci fi c AVe! California lell.\·t! thlll elllrsn�e �hat represents � .LARS�N PHARM�CY � Tacoma Prompt Delh'eT")' ' � tbe lal'ltlng tone" of our character � N. A. wbleh have here been formed. � � Main IiOt 111h & Broadw�y Correct " ���� �; ::�,��'d,��h'�,;�� TACOMA Furnishings ..... . ... .. ..... "... .....;...''' ''. .. t'lo�k throUlh tbe window:........: -Coll ece Chip. ' NEW LOCATJOX · · .. r � •







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l!nder panta&ea����ter


Ir�:�� � EKperf'i't ' H, J.




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LOOK YOUR �EST � Get ):ou.r hair �ut at t.be Sanitary Barber Shop ' .


AH� 1t

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-lAdl..H Hall' Bobbhlc


J' I"�"'.,



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