1927-1928 Mooring Mast

Page 1







Large Number of Students Enter Institution on Opening Day;

Ihe .largest since the reopeging or lt t an :::\\�C�::t I :! S t�::I� e Dr�l:���� �:; go over 200 thlll year . � While ·the Normal e-tas8es show the largest gain there Is. a Bl!r· · prislngly large Dumber ot atudenlJ! enterJng trom other iOltitUtiODS In the College and Hlgb School groups. ReglstraUon was quite formal ', ....lth each student In turn meetios: President Orela!. Registrar Haule. and Treaauer Min Knut.en. Mr. Hauge assisted with the s{:hedulea In IIualrbtenlng out confllc�.


frOIh laat year's team 88 a nucleus for '8 powerful team. Omdal. a 190 pbund guard, 18 back and «reat thlngll will be expected of hlih. He Is falll and haa plenty of pep. San-nerud ,18 Bnother. hiS man "from laat the grea1eat group Is (rom \Vuh. . . He 11'111 probably play tackle year. year, IN ACH E T. WILL· l: InltlOl! but there are atudent3 from thlll year and will be a blS aillet Minnesota, North Dakota, South NORMAL CLASSES 'w::n�t�:ti:e ::;:ye�,gr::� W�I:a� COACH BELIEVES In th -a ' !::!�h Columbia, . Edwarda then la Dg a vocal 11010. IN HIS �r����r nd will be back at '. T�la year Pacific Lutheran Col- B�th the 80101�ta w.ere. a�companled Coach' A.. W. Ramltad, . PacUlc thatL ' poaltlon · g;::�:' a�� �: IIf . 'a:al�. .,-IHe il a faat, lege waa fortunate In obtalnln« the by Mr. Edward8, who entertained Lutheran College football mentor 8e�vlce8 of MI1I8 Lyd ia StI:I�lid ali also .....I"l! t�o plano numher8. !'otr8. lias been .....orklns his aquad har� (Continued on Page 3) VACATION T IME supervisor of the normal and phy- Kreidler then Intr')duced Ebby Hoff, for tbe laat three weeka In 'prepar- . . HOLDS NO LURE · slcal education department. MIs.s 180n of Dr, Hoff, one or our faculty ation for the flnt gama ",,'hlch w.l1l MERRY STU'-D.ENTS . "a FACULTY Sthrud Is rllling the vacanc,y ICft memberll" He Hang .two vocal Duma be played here 'Friday afternoon FOR TUE � m· SEE FA ' I -by MillS Snrah Parr who wall here In bers which the audience 'f::reatly with. Centralia junior College. Now HAVE GOO TIME -'Ir�. K'reldler spent the first. 81:1 1926 and 1927. enjoyed. 'he III rea'\.Y for the game, Ramlltad Wl"l"k" of the summer teaching sum- In 1924 MillIl Stl:lrud graduated. Many remarks were heard after- hall confl�nce 10 hia lineup. He· d t h t h s l 18 e te er l l l O r ce s r t o e a in th :� �::t�r: .��:s�\��::�a ���; �:,:�tir: O:':th� fr��nd�· o'IY��\:� � a\7n� �a�gOh; �a:::IO :81�\' ;:r �:�� ;�: � w:��� t�: fa:U lt : ��: de�:�: �: w�:� :�;: ::� !:: !h::: ;��� til.:yallup laat Monday. A holiday p� declared Wallhlngton and with Miss Ryder. y'!'6rij. Atler spending one year In Surely thE: student8 enjoyed the look Is much brlgbter than It was was by· the faculty. The this time last lear. tormer p, L.. C. (acuity member, .!Ihe Canada. ahe accepted a PQ81tlon a8 program. ' , ad , abo t torty tu ent s("{'ompanled Prot. and Mra. Hauge ao I,olltructor In a government' school The chapel roomll were attractlve- Whe� asked hll opinion . of tbe bus-load a merry' timeil to . anIId iftroma , �tbe 011 a delightful trip to the Oregon In the Ha....allan bland8.�n her Iy d�orated In autumn lea\'\6s coming, game, Ramatad said, '�It grounda, the scboo l yell8 beachea. return sbe attended Bellingham Nor- and tlowen, The lights "VI'ere will be a hard game. Neither team whenever glvln« It. opportunlty . oUered �Ir. Stu en ·remalned at borne In mal. tinlllhlaJ/ her· post graduate 'sha"ded and the toliage was well haa had any too mIlCh PJactice. The ' . .... . . , ., .arranged about . the room, ,Many 10- best team ' will win ," )'1 . Pllrkland , teaching summer school couille in June, )927. Perhaps or all the places orrerlng tht' flrlit 8ix week. He repo�ta, hOW-' She 18 valuable addition to tbe. tere,sting game8 were played under t o ng a a tI Io e · a :���:; of enjoyable trips faculty ·'of p, L. C, N - �oo::���� vy �:��::t;: th� . ��� :: �lt. R *;::� . rr o�! �1�:es� :::�n �� DEBATESSEASO . ���. +Merry-M�:I+�p the were interesting pllOMISING ? � < LO everyone, w,ere pl9;yeCl �t rlral and Mr. Ramstad was one of the many CLASSE -_ga..debate seuon prom- and the_ Whip. For lome unknown then new ones were Introduceds'laeaTheto 1be9_7one -S suc('essful workers In the Endow+ GIRLS' of the bellt ever a,rtd reason It w.aa dell«'btful to bave tbtt credit. Is due tbe8e director men! Drive just recently completed, . STAR'f FORGYM Much will have a good deal ot pep' and top of the 8plne and the boltl?m for their ertlelent ability In keep- enthuslaam . His one week of �est was spent lit Phyalcal with It. Plans the heels come' �ogether qulcklv bonnected " " ducatlon. ao 18 which Inand o up every ne pepped Ing , LakE' WSllhlngton. to be �8 �uddenlY p�rted. have been made tor an extensive to the hea�th and vigor tereated In . the games. -'Ir. Hauge ·taught lIummer 8chool essential Is . looking , The art .lItl\d. lo attrac�ed C, L, P. and schedule b . L girl, college hoo� or the of high least, of not coune, a8t, ut ancl after.....ard8 ",,'"'th Mr8. Hauge, will .flnd a more promlnen! Inlerest�d In that are_ who the of one be I!lay what to forward . . pJa&:e the refre8hmenta were aerved They daughter, Janel, and MT : 8uccessful �ea80nll In Its <l;e- work ,a Dd.1t was well year In the 8chool currlcu"ftrnr consisted of cake, cookle8 and I moat KIh",lr reldll?l' spent. ten days at· Ro'ckav,'ayS ofthisPacific . as were all the o" ''/ ''''''u•. bale hl8tory. . College Luth�ran tban cream. and were 8erved by , and other Oregon beaches. . 01 the faculty. Dr. . Hott 8pent pra�tlcallY the before. In place otthe strictly formal ' Whol� summer In tbe Inlerellt!!. or the gymnutlc8 ",,'hlch so otten be(:omE' T ' Endo.....ment Drive_I n course will ra� ltIqn ·F. aSCI-nates boreaomE:" a combinatio . -'Ir." F'reed attended summer be .glv�n,-whlch .'III enable tbe hlgb· Gullible lichuol at the University of Wa8hlng- school or coUeg� «Ir! as well aa the TradiUon! 'Vhat a world of ton during .:,.he summer montha. Normal girls to glye in8truction In Ing that, word holds! What · After attending tb,e lntem'ttlonal ph�alcal e�u�atl�n, This combln- tery! W.hat eXpectation!' But y, P. L. L, CO�Tentl�� at Se'rttJe, tlon course ; wl1l' Idclude Indoor a. dUferent world we enter . . ·wlth .sol?e tormal learning of some, of tUi!. Mr, and. . Mrs, Edwards too,k an In· spo' rt8- tos-ether b er b · .. :�� et��:gfot;I�I:lt,oJ!�8 Mi!��: WM�· ::::::: h:: e:::� ou!:�or W:�� : �::Il�.��. }6�a:a:t l!!(::t�::� Edwa.r�s· parents· In Henntnr, Mln.- ..111. sUbI!tltute tor the tormal gym Bi.c� som�where In t,e' ( began the oldest living P. Dellotl!.. '. n l,,,:terelltlng part of their t;n:lI:. trip ",,'asAan 1100 mile auto trip 'Volleyball, 1I0cc;er," te Dnla, hase- tradition, and t.he through Minnesota and the DakOf�!'1 ball, Inaoor baaehal!,. and b88\:et- " nected therein, (CObtlnu�· ,ball Will. be .Included In t�e sports'., (Continued on Pace 3)
















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, II) &'," OrdMI , The gen@ral ory agalnllt (;hrillt la nit, III that It hall no pO"e K r the C'hurChell mean nQthlnR�d �ome . ' 11:0 e'en 110 far a� 10 u, Iha\ Chrlll I'ullli$hl;( e'·('n" two "eeke durIng Ihe lI("h(lol }ear b\ Ihe �t'l(lent' lIanit) III dead and need" no burial l'aeiflr 1.1 lhera� College Park�and \\ta�hin"ton \\lIh IUlrh loleRII conr. rontlng Ihe !'lubs.:rlp\lon. one dOllar . per year rounji:er generation. quesllons mIght J.;nlf'r('(1 all set·ontl 'claslO mft'tter. (ktober 2. 1925. al Ihe POM orrlc� he b-roughl forth. a8 10 the real Parklo",l . "·A�hlnglon. under Il).@ ACI of 'larch 3. 1879. ,·slue or ha\"lng faith In_God. . ' . Tile outstandlnj!; men and "«omen F:mTolu.-\.I:


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Trinity Luth.,an Chur<h. Parkland. W.,h 1 u tklolK-r 2-�;1 �:��� --" 1 t':�!�!, �ri' 1 1 1 .. S(ln� S("rvl(''C� 7:115 Jl 111 Purim s \\ It II Churl'll the I I I meets October � The I.u(hes' Aul l\Ir� E Antonson hostess 30 'JO ut 11.""C (htoller JI f)1\1IlC. St"r\ _ P: Ill . I'll(' LuUu.'r l.calolue meets III Iht.' e\'l'lIl1l� ut 1:00 s))('uk·on 1111" :'\lr. .I. ZwilJ{lIwyer from Tucoll u . . Hl'furmatiun. · . ()elobl'r· 11-'-Tht' Youn� i.udies' (iuiltl ml'Ct�, .' lur Ihe SUllduy Schon!. thert' 1I.rc three Bible dtl�!«'s; Ult(· IIml U It' mllilis sltJ.d " ill� tile Huuk or He'·f,"!lutinn, one fur' .�Irls

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. . hearls.· ' "I�ter anti brother. Ilehlul nnt! OUo doing feUowshlp "«ork at the .t.nl\"erI J e · IS y<'lu. l. slly of �\'lIshln . d �,�e (�� ":spesel i . O�T:�� , �� 11���� 1;1 a h :�e __ Hanna Andl'Tson --- - ---,,1;\-f."t;:I�� ;-G----------------- MAnAger W ����, · l ('omelh the "orld, e\ell our faith ,. Bill !';>tnnn a, tend ed the racn;\) "r nnd Mrs E Llltthu� of IIrCIlI Ghuh II JorJ(enson :o.Ianager S n e} Dahl :\largarCI J ncobsen Thill 18 ee8entle.lh Irue even In recePllon lind 'Islled at Ihe College eTlon Pllre �ts of J.;lellnore Lori hUll ,I Ihls seenllng Irrele'Ant -age f'l (,erhurd l�"lne AlIsl�llInll! IIlulielit n1 t) IJ C vllllted her $UI1 ou the Snllthl) rollo\Oilllg ThOlle who \\llIh to ' e considered _ __ j i ,l, FAt 1 ,TIII stl'f.U\ ls(lH. day ("e!llnK when Ihey broughl �Iea1 I" otherll mUllt nOI : SI-t on o J Sluen nore bllek from 1\ week-end 'I�II 10 coll"j1(e J.;lde Klnn fenre .-If n rollo\\er pf Chrllli. pro ' The alums lire her home. Inn F'rlc!!lv lJ\"cnlng. ngs � . rl' ler your flllll�. �h 11 11' re!O� . ·lllnJ( •_ . .� laShr (�all I1,C : :er nnl fOrge done IJ) 10 til ) S(' of you . who arc TW\\" 1 0 p al'II H: Lu.Ult'rtlll (.u\lc/-ll', tholle . __ Hurry Snnuerud Iln.ll'eler Grumh". . hl"l"e ,\lcen PTa(> 111(' faeulty, ·th(' formcr' sludl'nls anti lI) c SdUlO1 ilst'lJf \\"l'ilO ' l I 1CS he done. hili r . II mn J () ln�'JII \\"11" vh.l1ed II\" iH'r mad\' 11 irlll 1.0 El1e llllhurK·On Saln , " YUU to its adYanlagcs. \Yc larl' glad to ha\·l' \U · l! 11\',·l' and we !lellHy '!'!'IUlllcd hy Ihollc \\"hu un' I . Ilr"dny lind Suridny J l' l1KOn or I onl!:lbo. I( . , I tl J . �il' U l'rl'ly hopc Ihal your ;Issociat.iolls during' thl' school ye8r ChrlllH�In!:l nnd who rpllow.· flllthfl1l1�· \ \ ��� : l l � , In Ihls b('lIer. will pro\·c profitahle as well as l'nJoyabll'. " . {"rhlll' ·. �Pt. 23. on an :11\"Hutlon . �_ In wt'!l'mning �'UlI, wc · \·� alll y�lll 1 0 kn'\\" and fl'el 1 I llIt you ---------;--. . .p l� of t ll'e"Mld lan ll . The colll'gf' \\"us vl!lil('d nn Sunday. rrnm Ill;> prlnl'l 'lr l'\"('rymll' IS ;rtlur a ..�' a of Ih(' 11Ig P: L �anllly and . 10 the 2':'lh by I'e.!t'r Snt':"nl'fel<l. 10rlll- ScllfJul. Pre�ldenl Ordn\. 61.J(Jkt, fnt'lul III Irollill(' <ln�1 III hap)lllless. \\ (' n�h.t1y ft't'l Ihut. Iwrc ___ of . und hy Tor- Ihelr u!I!:Ielllhly on ··:rhe \ j;!rntlUllte. lind lu(lcl1l .. er \n' h a n ' '�l'Jln.'s� lllaIIYcS of Ihc !Jl'st· of (.htlslla1I }IOllll')i of Ihl ' Mr. itoc.. a 8emlnary sllllleni rrom . " E,Iucu!ion. 1111 Conllnulng . . or ' I IIwmb!!r illi whQ Ellison W I l,,"�asL \\1' h�It('Yl' thaI I!W fl"ll'lHls anti a�sol"lulltl�ls 11.1ll1 . you !'it. l'lIlIl. wI}" ha� been e ln Ihe I motl lI n· l! . l the 1926�27 ahorl rour!!e gi ven III . .... ... ... .............. . ,......, ..................... "••.•.:...... ... . ... . . w!ll ' Huke dUflllg Ihl' {O · IllI�lg ��ar ll<l1ll wllh you. Cromwell. VlIshon and Gig Hurbor always rl' I . . . � � III Ihls sdltu)1 we hadlOl· hIgh lIll-als. Itlt'als 01 rlghl alltl wrong I·m,ji:re a.:ullon!! \hl" summer. '·I�lt('d L. C. . 1 . -- g mtl nnd had. inlaill is for.U\IO Ihl'lll ' 1lI1l ·for you who are . 1\ Ihe ( 01le8(' �11 T llIrlldIlY. Mr.ltoei � M rll. J. J;? A J .'lorence. �j nderl<on or · ( -C 00 Upp leS : � , , 11(\\ 10 '�I)h(lld Ih�l1I . Is lellvlng for on SUlltln). 10;SI)CIII . . . . week end with her duug}l.i � welcoll.l� you.ti) Pal'lfl{· .l.ulhe�tII! Ag.ull . t�IHI 10. complele hilt Yl'Hr at the Semln -' ter r: IJIIllnl,\lllh·r�on. : . . � You \vill find hcrt' lIs "Ipuls, 1 0 lIs InH"lltm�1H1 10 lIs !ttl'a ul Lhrrnlmu .blut'l.l- al"\·. __ . � linn. 'Yl' sinl't'rl'ly 1>t'"lit'Yl' and hopl' that Y.IIII will n('wr hl sl .)rI"Y I M;. and Mrs. ��d. Knutzell and LU-'; cvcI'ything you nel'd � : for �·otlr choicl' of P. L. C. as yqur Alma )la\t'r. :'III�� Slfxrud had 118 tu.'r gnelll.. on 'cille Knut7.('n lslIed Robert Klllitzen � :;\;. S. 1.. v in Salurda�·. SCllI. I). hcr IIl a ler IIlul l on Saturday .. Christine Knuttell . I:..-; '-:' ADEBT . ()\\ \\. brQther-ln-Iaw. Mrs. Hnd Mr. A. B,I graliuat . . : e of ·27: \"llIlIed her· Alma Mil All of tiS know w!m.t Iht' }<,ntlowlllt'ut d�l\"t' wus. All of tiS Tarim. Th('y allen.h.'d Ihe J.·uculty I . ler Slllurday lind Sundny. . I f I 1 I 0 ;�I �I� . :�I���� �,:�: whal liw(' lu till' EndowtlH'tll anti to thust ., who mad(' it Ihc Ihem to Sellllie. ·Shoe Stll"C �� s.it W.lIS? :;\;0 , w(' do not!. . . 11 1t' was a stl�'('l'ss. fhe IS now O�l·1I flrlll .. Amon/: Sunday gue�ts HI Ihe Col. All illnkcs . I A. J. Salher·. Prop. i1llalll'llil baSIS. :,\lullY 01 our .t.'hurch I>t'oilic gasp Ihelr utmost lege ....'.' re: ill Ihl' support of thl' sl'hool al Ihis erilic�L..t1 Shull wc, 1 11C. Sold or Rented :\Ir.find :\Irs, AudNson of TUl'om/\ SHOE as studt'lils, i/-lIHw(' this·.' \Ye l'I.Uinot. �n,lt is for tiS and Altred ·T,tp·· AnderKolI..: a rorm..., ......I 10 those whu h11\"l' sa\"cd 11ll' SdHlO1 Ihut we lire worthy of I I. cr �Iudcnl or p. L. c.: Special Rates to Studenb . c ...... . ... ..... .. . .·, ...... ,..............· ..,......·..··... . ..·······"": � · ' Therl' is hili 1I1lt' way 1 0 (�o Ihis. Thal way is III mak{' Iht� �llosl ,\ndn'w Tlu?1lII1S0n. Conrad Tt'nny-r' . o� for·marcel ,,'Jr. H If h('re III t'H'ry )1 r O year SdH )losslhll' ht, dlllgt'llt way. amI Ton'lIl TennYRoli 1I1HOT � I� of (I- 1 i T : I��l l����I:i·m��� �; f lr trIm � � at h l a I 1 III our StUtilCS, to he 10 wI)rk hurd wll{'1l w{' wdrl-; IIl1d 'C911111 !:Ip�'nl· purt or th;> rillY with " , �1 1 Carson s Beauty Colie � ge 10 play hard wlwll play. . .................................... . 1!� LI'I 's pay dd}1 ill slll'h a way Ihal Ill(' L"lltIrt'h will h(' j:J9 51. Hclc.ulI A,e · .,Maln 916 proud of liS Hnt! proud O )C S wurkl'd so hard to sa\"l'. � The 1I111'lelitH do ><ay they ha'·c I· j:... ....... . ......,........"'............." " . :;'1


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'Ii;:;;:;;:;;:;;��;;::;:::;91 ; valui.� .

form until It reached wbllt we now know .8 8 tbe "Kicking Post." To some It may merely be lbe goal.of iii noon-day wal.k; to others It Is a r .. bl o:::: ,� b�:�O \ b ::e ::: board..Ae Ii little matter: ot itnte-r.· have - found �ut tbe J.rue lecretesl. botbAs:ldea· are very hopeful bu!, tor ·them I t III real joy of a ntlcipa r. _�,...... "tbe vlclor belong tbe spoils lion. and reallz.a lion ot tbelr fo,?-dest . whlCb\ consist In Ihls.case of .& dreams-maybe! 'Thfa�ls·tbe,w.y It III done: party ·glven}y tbe loeers. .. ./ . ...... . ( -;-.. pOllt. tbe at Everyone engaged iD (be fray If ... UPon arrlvln&" .. WI8h for wbat yoti want t�(' most'i e�tbusl8JItlc and Is doing bill or be, A ,entle kick pleuQ. don t fall bit fo� the respective sides. Com I 'tr�, botb ,� b�'I"I(b' 'I'b... ,oun' Tbat', .11 , ' Und�r the leade#6hlp of 5verre Omdal and Arllng Sannerud· the drive for �bscrlptlonll Is o� .Eacb

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Con't. From Page One




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EstabJ1shed 1883

· · .M hn' Ck . e .& C a . ·0. Je".elf'1'8

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1101 be}nTafoma 10 tr they ha\·c:, Phon;> Mnln 2610 Ihut! of til('· pigskin, Ill(' rush of .hurrying hodies ant! � :1 1 raleu Cllrlyle s " DR_ H. L. MONZINGO 11 pilt, nf sprawling kgs 1Iml arms -fool bull is with us agaiil . · 0 aftl'r a 11In� uhs{·cnc('. always wl'kom c roothHII. Tht'rl' I)('IIU"I DCa L_-t '�The . is somdhillg ahout il Ihnl strikcs a rcspol1si\"(' ehord ill ull or Suite II] 4 I'uget Sd. Bank Dld .ll;.� e�er. of � 91 j Padflt' . tis Ihal an\" olher sporl camillI. \ THconHI Wtlsh gaUlt' itself stands in a duss of. its own. Thcrl' is 110 half· ....:.."..........:." ....� " . .... .. wnY-IIO c(imprOlllising ill foolball. One gels in and. pluys the CARYL�'S t:AFETERIA g:uilC and plays it hard and fast .,or he doesn·l. 1)la�· it at .all. ,i LO-RAE'S HAT BOX ThaI is wh\" football is dear 1 0 the heurts of Alllcrlcun youth. . Foothall is 'foutball-no olher gumc l'.an he compared with it. :. ........ . .. .... ... .. . On Friday afternoon, the Pacifie Lulheran College team will mnkt, it!> '1927 dehut, playing Ih(' Cl'ntmlin .Iun.ior ColIl'ge U",.tl".l__ tli �' . lilt Icum I]('r('. T Ile ('oaeh. A. \\'. Hamslui.l, has assured us that the hovs will he in Ihe �amc to win or go d(\�11 fighting. That . should be cnough for tiS. We ,can't hd» tll<'111 play the �ame . . . ' hut we certa.inh· con help Ihem n grl·ut.. dl'al hy getting out there I, �. nnll showing tile tcum thut wc're ALL there whell' it comes to rcul spirit! Let's i,riye the boys some rcal Slll)l)ort this yeur! , , - 1, ....""" ''''''''' "., ,'', .,,'' '' ' '' ' '''" '''' ''' '' ,..,,.....''''''''' 1 , , acquired by some means o r other. _ " . . . c- ...... _It. SMART SHOES Exciting Contest Is a '!.umber of sUl:!scr!ptlons. They .rOHN80NoCO:E--(X)l'lPANY ompet!tfon Is t�e soul· sar tbat \" Interestincr [0 Man � h 'or success nd Ihe m�sl successful � . 127 Pacitlc Ave. . e n s t e SMART PEOPLE I - ed IIgaln!!t Itllelf I'l �.�:�� ;:: � ��: :: A couutry · dI- '-d Pholle Muin'2iilfl �srrIP(IOn? e . cannot sland but It Is not expecte� Pacific Aye. Turn It In!" SAMUELSON & BERG o h h . 932 PIICWC at 10th � l :: t� �b\�;,�:��:\ :t sc�ool Is dh·lded. What! No, It n hh'nI HlIrdwlIre u . . · comIn ; l i� phr&lcall}' possible GocHllI &: "'Is hln " TlIrkle ror Mooring !<.taat subscrlpOur serYil'e is.ulways at your disposal. If we 11I,I..\"en'l ..> ,HOU!I('· FurnlahlnJtll -we know not hO".-g1:�duall look Y


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1"(, Trelll, Wt'\

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Pacific Avcnuc, , ,, ,, ,, , , ,, ,,, , ,, , ,,,,

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Quar(er�ack Is Injured F;'[lnwl'nI







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!h� olher night dUrinjl;



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Illto the M enson So i l! get

lou ched Into tht> qllnrter

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C hristlan i\ll'n'� . This . cluh conMif;ts


' a " uh of Tut'om (I or

WII" hlddlnl':



Ordnl slJokl'







(;erharcl SOI II. . bone of the leg

;1�I'IT1lnt� to the team

(Tal-lUred Ihe



\"Pry �orry. to learn that one

. on '" hun,lred,and



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annex �londay

















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el"c· nutomlltlc



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Main 4978

J. F. VISELL CO. tlf>JWTII ..uk s.-·lh· U r..-.,·St Ortk,' nn l} "hOio...SuI1111h.... :I09IJ.z Pac. ,\\'(!. . Tat!oillU

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p'arkland Cleaners

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NEAL E. THORSEN Ma n :11 1 1 � § 924 1.2 � ' HTa��fl��;.d�\'1��I.i�f�:::' j 1

, , ;, ,:" , l lnd wi thout any OIlt>'a!"1 play!!. Impersonations. . l r n e.. There I" Hlso a ke y.; which will be pr{' senl�d Ihroul1:' IIII{-Tr ' (' t' n b n out the yf' ar hy Ihe mem h e�l' oJ Ihe �:� ;� �'� g lh I;�\!< :�:t e�: ;oOr �:n:�:; t


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The (,;\8e will he of solid oak hlgh-




�'a stl'r



. !lupcn'ising ltie work tooyh;lT�e of the

Pr,,"ldell! Pr�"ldent



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Th,-. 1II1endan,'(> wa� !lpll'n tlld wilh

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\\,,' ,1,,-r-J.Iln ing, Ilrco>ing.

dn'ssnHI�illg. ulleft.!tions and tailoring



(;('rharci Lone. Solicitor


Hot,,1 i'lerce

Students! Don't Forge\






, �""'




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P acific

''' ''','' ''''' '' """""""""" ",,,,,,,,,,.. ,,',,,,,,,,

West Coast Fruit & Produce Co.






�nd D�ck




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Stili . '





" "

Open All Night

il i1 j1 :.r.:.�:.:�.: ',�:.�:::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::::.::::: :::



Wholesale deale III "Fruita and Produce


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Advertisers /



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Bungalow Service Station

Patronize -






T a,comfl, 'Va9h. ... .. . . ... . ..,....... ... ················· "'


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. ."' ''"." .... ''''' '' ' , ....,,· ..,'',, ..,,.... ''..'''''''1'' ..:

13th & Commerce





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. ..

....... .... .. .. .............. . .

Somebody Is Payin gfor Your .EduCation How Can You Show Your Appreciation?


saf g:uar

By mll'k in;: the best of your pre �n, opportunities. "'-

2.' B)'




ding the interest of your backer through.

-i:.tF E POLICY,' ADE'QuAT� ,. /. the medium �alT"


lis4 McKnigh(li.uJrili�g, Minnea�lis. Minn.

� Llithet� B otherhood




P,,".nd.' W.."


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With a �rell.l va'fletr of subJ�t!!! i The sludenta who are ob,er.,lns: eing U'j!:hl an� the IItudentl'! cOnt' bInll Rnd wlde-awake .".1II notice that fro . all pattI! of. the,lIlate an�. 1 'through the 'llummer 8P'e('11l1 palnl e f ' m e I ha�e been taken �owardll 1!llpro.,lnll ::�: a 1� I..�·�����:�:.e���. :;I: ;� I BrinK your ahoea to the college. These Improvements are . have Ileen IIU('C�8.'?u1. conn te Thill course. IItartl.PI J!Jne 13 anti!. C.T� -__ ���__ all mor.e or le,_ tdlreetly � ona educat � a �-" -'F -;. ;1 ' "' � ? . . � g �:, Sboe ;;:i�:�.la� �:�I1::� . :1:�1 t:::8 :���(): pup . 1106 So. 1 1th lit. ;� -,",ormal ,,"ork and fo� iitheu t�JUl.ln brother of one of " our !ltar� of the Flnt come the ,en�u.1 Imp�oyethe neces�ary rredtl..!1 for a-l1fe cert\- Ho� do you do. every"ody! We PI!1;skln was eogaged In the fol- ments of the Interior of the build- ;.' . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .... . . ... ....... .. hOlle you've read the lesl of tbe lowln� conver;!ltlOD ...lth one of lI'Ig- lIuch as. painting. kalclO1lnlng, i" .'i'h'� Q��·iit; '.U·�. ·h'�18tery � . rlcatt'. The IIubJects oUered were: Edu- paper before you tackle thill' IAh. friend,,: and repairing many of the dormitory j . � and Shade cational Measuremen�. Current Edu. .nottc.," how our' mind'" alrea'dy on FrIend: WAlat la .your brother In rooma. Quite a large sum of mon j CUlltom j Furniture DulltSh"d'\! catlonal ProblemII. 'tducatlonal PS1- football""":"o much! 1 becaUII!! If you college! han been spent for n�w furniture for ' Urenlln 11 ..1 cholog}" and PrlncJpletl of &duca. ha\·eh·l. )"0U;:1I probablY get dl,,- Small Brother: A ·half-back. the rooms J.'UrnIIMT6 Rc-pa'lrtn" ',, toj,JN't'l l'ilt,. tloll ","hil'h were y.ul1:ht by Mr' l1:ut'lted tint thing Out 'take heart·· Friend: I mean in· lIludles. · . The furnace has been remodeled 7" SOUlh M,',dlh'''S"1 T".�o'm. Biology ini Llbr.ry M�thOd� your � ;,al� bad all 1OIne. S 8 Oil.. In IItudlea he a way to burn sawdullt In pl.ce o( wood !..: : : .::.:::: : : . . :... . .': :. : .: ... . :. .:: ... by .Mr. X�yler: Normal Art by Mre. If you don 't belleye It. ·try ....nd be back. (o·rme�I;. 1;'hlll wu\ ImproTe the ". . . . "". . .. ... .... . . ,. . .. KreIdler; �ntt .(}eOllraphy. ,",Alura a col\lmnlal. Yea: t", and do' It. y!ltem An addition la be· � Slndy And Ibsen b)' Mr. Stu.n. What's a (ello.. !Janna do when Yell. It', the little thln\J. th.t Inheallng�lI , built In the rear o( the m.ln : The IIludenl!! numbered el,hleen a\1 the }o�rellhmen b�h."e. the .col- tell. , building 10 ac�modate Ihe new fuel. � In !ill . . MI�II Galea ca.me from the .Iege soP�!! don't make imy wlee Marie: t w.nt some .ut.omoblle · The sdence 1 I.horatorlell;. \.u... . (Arthe"t dl!ltance. ".n8&I1. · Those craI (good rell!lon why.). aod wore!! IIhoea. qulrell new 1,;dln" A-� . . who allended the summer school 111111. Teddy EvJenth . la .�n II!-,ch good Shoe �!erk: Y�II·m. W,h.t sty1e' to Mr. Xuler,equipment. Mr . . Stuen, and Mr. �j w('re: Arleda Allen . Durothy Bye. be·havlor! . Which remlndll me-I Marie: Walklnl!"; " f ! ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ) Hamlliad. $76 have been 8pent ror � . \ Th('lm'a 8en1l100, Mn.. Darkemeyer, ·one of oilr old students do:wn. ' for the Dlology laboratory. � . you're an Well. see you. . next MT"II. Outtorf. Warren Do,,·man. !o""n and he ald "So week. All illdea SIOO (or chemicals .nd olher sup- ·i. l)orothy ,"o_ler. Verna ?ano. Mis!! Indoor Avlalo� now!" "Yell." he the sIgn on ·o.ur old Dodge lIet, plies u!led by students In Chemistry. l Gat�. Mr. H.r:rtIJ, Mrs. Meyers, replied mournf lIy. "and .1 certain· "All tired!" , and $200 for" miscelianeoull sIJPplle'lI , l . . cinnis, Roee Pltten. MIllS hy have m}'-ups and downll." ('Klnd- 10 be ustld by the memben or the' � ' . ' 1908 � M I{ollge. Rena Strudberg. \��erle Vet· Iy notice the� adverb-he didn't l '. ..I . "HTOt�U"; Ph-,sles c1aases. l ter!'. Mrs. H".aon .nd MillS Black. !lay !·sure." That'lI whet a collegE! ' Union So. 6036 . . , i Ma·t\: 11 i e u " h ar c n e t \ �"�O:I�' r���i;"�..n'; (�� :: b::; Brook�ale Variety Store·· · i �.::\:::: :::::::::::: :: :::::: :: : ::::::::::::::::::�: :: : :: : : : � ::: ;�\� n�e� S��o:� :;:::. tJh��:�� ��: e t OI o ce t a ol g � �:��:n����:e � �:��Yf�:��ad:�8:�i·:�:�:.II'n�::k� I I : n7:��:r:,:c: :( succesll OAILY DIARY �: �:k: �l:ne �:t�ot�llh :;:te��t The non� of my deV-ends IllglI. notlona at rell80nable prlce1l. j!j = endll and l, . Stella: No: Tel1dL � Meadow On nothln'i elllQ than oddll ,,�"'. J. ,\. Irwin . . se:: . I�:s:-�::IS:;I\;I.O� P��V:t�d::�: Lark III not party tbrown In the �\; h��atl l�:: �::nWol:li:�:t\ �::::hhtl. " ..:::::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,J . � country. " � .. S. .I>('(:II. IIII on l'kuil:-if'1l 111111 11Ian)" do not let 13 Interfere with their A thrllilng �ubJect. let me see. " . . I ; . 'II , ·. ; .. " ... . uth l'r Inatrunwnlll phinl! for this SChOtll,",}�ear. . What coutil I write' It may be . 4-AlrlJ,\dy ""e nO i thai the l ns t I Ck o .. � CU:I�;�: ��a�. ::� � :r:��. a;ode;�1 �h;o��I�e c:l::e�:� d. a joy . grasa t�tween the .m�ain bulldln$ know what one cGold ' Dust twin said At 8el o nd thought I guess I'" not. ' . So. :lXth and Yakilllll Ilnd Ihe. kickIng p.o!'t Is j!:radully 10 the other. don'l you!' " }o'or now my purpoHe �e hI wrougl}.t l Plicific und .Jefferson l U he h to c e t o. I r n : ::: �;�� � !�I� ��: ��:��s� Lux's against IIII! �n� �:; ��::�H �' v:��e��:��:��: SelH. ,15-FlrHt student body meet- Som..e people', Idea of happiness . Mrs. Il. A. Sheeta. Proprietor Ing Plalls were made to attend Is nothing t� do I\nd lotll .of time . thi! Western Washlnj!:ton Fair al to do It Of course. lot de· ()1'"C��s":::t�n�l!)h";:;';:�ln f( l'uyallu\l. Flrllt Football turn· pends upon what they mean by ' . Tacoma. 'Vl l ahlngton Cut . 'loWl"rM. l'ntll ' 11 I'hm'" nothlnj!:. : Tacomn . Sept. 17-The · P. L.·'C. fac.ult�· en- It III reoorted that a ema11 919 Pac. Ave. : tertalned the student body at a·ne .. .::::.1: l �l Maln 2 3 6 1 4 07 South 11th n l th e tl . .. �:����?� �::: il:e ;a: C�:: �� <,-- " ' Peanut Bultf'r-Xonf' Beth'r r1 'illll8hlDC "antl l"rodUl'tll Co. M;�,Sl�:;, -;;:;..:���:: , . Tacoma. W.,h. lllllln will lIerve you chicken din­ s.go: to ;-�:y L the Fair:' I .m lIure thllt nel"1l. IIhort ordera. hot dogs and t'v(>ryone enjoyed themflelvea hamburgers. warnes. cortee c.ke Cigars. r :Ul"Inor)" Uook. Fur You though, on our homeward ,,·�y 1 2 B10cka eal of ",m on· ' ' Kl:cha�' . MI�"et Pholtl Mountllin tbe bUll ..·.11 loaded with so meny· l 12 ror 2tJ cent. al Ihe other ke...·plet'l "that W.ller French MlId. l fI:U·& had to IIland. (;. P. �nudlson. Pro]). (F1-en<Jb Block) . 13th and ,commerce nerud arrh'(>d from ·Bend. Ore· , Will be give nllway FREE On October 1st and November 5th Washington Bldg . Sept. 21-Se\'eral of the woul�,be The Chiropractor Everyone having their p.boto taken t('achera tried tbelr hll'k at the Phones: Res. Proc. 30.f8R; Office. Mllin 3112 Parkland Grammar 5<:hool. The ........ .................................. ."..,.."............'.,..".,. . .."..,.., I i ". ��,�"�:. :,�:,���:... �,�.,��,�,�,�. �,��:,�)�,,. French Bundlng report. are that they were "all ...... .. ,. l ... ....." ..""..".."'''''''.".".."..:::::::::::; \Ve do ,atlsfactory Dressmaking . , In a IIweat:' ......"..""".".."."..".. "."""."..".",.".....",,.,,",,. , � Sept. 22-By the crowd allsemblcd A . lit Ihe front of the building It '::�':J: seemed that aU the Sludent's were PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE Tltally Interested In the Dempsey· Tunney fight. . 00:1 r:.acilic A-;o. - " " " "" . ,. ' .. ....."....''.... ,.,.' .


t:.a!�:;I,e:���:; ! ��::2Gi�?



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.,. . Phone Milin 1484 nt-nl llllf)' nu.l U1dlJ.. 10th flour 11th and PacUle Avenue











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Fraak 1 Lee s


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Yuur lkfJift'" In a.ilf'r)·

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Norwegian Liver 01

' Cur Tacomu An!. & 11 SI. . Tlicollla :VlIsh.


Cli;��:�::ith o .


II � � � IIII ulns. (I



K ( ak . Fih ls. Kodak

FIIlIShlllg. I�odak ,,\1/ ; I : b· Sch en f'f'CI' Founta i n Pens

SHOI� WASHINGTONAthlHARDWARE CO, e ti c 9:.f Paclflc A,(e. T"om•. W •h. .;• . .



AX!) ('AIUSJo."'T






(.aln as

CQA.ST·GROCERY,� �". Ce). "' ---;�.�,- - II ,..."WEST ;� ;: ,�?;�::: . �:.� .�.���.�. �:.��.��:>O: . . ... : ���.. �:��:��: � ..,. ' .,... . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . .,,1..... .... .. ... .. . .. . ....: .:. �

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II I · · · · ·�·;·::·.� ·�·:;·:�� Ii1H! lmporiCoders Oil I:


JUNIOR COLLEGE COURSE �::'!:Ie��:�: I \ � F;�2:� �:: �: : NEW 'BllINESS ADMINISTRATION SEC���:�:� ����SES I " . ... :-: .". ".".. ." .. , ..".., ". ." . ,.,.. .,. ,.... . ,., .". .. . , ". . :::�·�::·;·��· · · ·:·l; li. JO���:STOR� A M O·C. .A T 1?01 Pacific Afenue .



Diamonds Watches


: . .. .



" .................",...,,,•..,,....................



I Mus.1 and-R�edsof' -Stri.� cal SupplIes

__ .


, I,

.. .



. Sp oule's £off�e 1 1 All Kinds that r. Untried . Eyer Piano COa �o�la:��See�� Is deni e d. COW Butter Store ·:;�:;:I; ;�i�>:: : : : �: �:�:;�:: : : : ::�: ; :; ;:i. ;:· · · �;�· ;::�;··; ;; ;: �. ;:·;:·:·:.: . . ; SHEET S , I . a California Florists � �:.;�: 7�·;=.��;,:�: ���1 :·. : : : .·: : :.: :.: .:.:. : .: : :.: : : : : : . :::. . . :·:. .: .Conklin's Marcel Shop Sl. i rber Pr Dew Drop Inn aCo�nhfae:c:tl�o�n�ery · I I. ,. . . . . . .::�::.�:.��.�:=... . . . . . . . and Candy R�ad . , Ladlea'Tobacco HaiandrcuttiChingldren's Midg\it Studio a

�::�:� :










. .




E Conomy� Repairing . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Co. :. . : :. . \V. :" :h : SOUTH . .. .:. .: .. TACOMA UNDERTAKING CO.







�iiil---;'�,-;:--1 ,0 l . .



For Mefl





. �



, ,

!! , I


SUCCESSFUL ' DRIVE I NORMAL "GRADS'; COMPLETED I RECEIVE SCHOOLS , Leaves Dr. Pannkoke Esther 't'dow Teaching In for East; G r e a t e s t,I MissMadison, , Miss In Monlana ' Work Attemp�ed by [i Fowt.r.Wisconsin Lutherans The Normal Department announ-. I

CL,EAN 'PLAY IS A FEATURE . Prot Edwards Annou nces seler-, Encouragem' ent From ' Spectators' lions lor P. C. Choir; 10 Mak. Spring Tou' .to Plays. Adds' Zest MAKE PLANS FOR . SCHOOL CHORUS , '




. Tbe chortl� which hall recently a-htlrd. filA! game. Ih� gra�uatell of been · organ�ted by Prof. f;dwardll "Glp�laying "There hi a lIth"cT lining to tn'cry cell thatI all INormal dlatorll" defeated the Leo'" h a a O l rty I h l O (']ond," C :� t\�:� �re ��:ce� �� �e�::�8 C I��ll;tl:� WI� , t�: ��::�� ;�:�I��- ��e.sco;��I:��R. ! nC:��� . That Is an Old. old saying hut It I\��:� ��::t the . HehearsahJ home 9tale. A few, nre being held ellch with "Iclory In their eyell and minds. I� a \"t'ry true one. nt',·erthelcss. >I.;howhot<�·uiser.Inwere placed In other evening after school with bolh eD' Pll TIl(' hlack clouds ha"e drifted aw.;y nameh' .\Ionla·nu. fdaho ' andlItates. rhups It' wlIs.over-confldence tluH \Vls' semble a.p.d part practices. A caused . and the I1II\"er lining. llnled with ronsln·. Ihelr def(!al for they' had mElt committee was chol\en by the- and defeated Seattle Colle!:e an"d Of o e chorull to Inquire aboUl approprlat!l Chehalill ll A"rleda Allen Is te.achlng High, :::;o�:�t'. D�;PI: �::.:�:;lIlfO� :. � theMisIntermediate coslu' wear fol' m e memberslo when )(��. for the grades In the Con· The Lronll rough� furlo e. It will be: a glorlolll""-day where n :ce u pink douds of hope shall\ ne,'er 'he W[lY �('hool . �; ��r���:� !��."we�e oulclal\Sed �y :�:� �;1I rp�I U ;;��: � : io���� I al dlspellt'd hy Ihe hla('k�)11 of des· . :'lillll Gertrude Diehl III principal ably be choseD. During the Urlll half the Issue was PII�::IE' ChUOI and teaches n t A fine program Is helng arranged In doubt until . encourage.d by tbe ac. to _ the uii"railing efforts of ��e :�p:: ;���e:. . v rI I or to :� � :! many friend!:! and churchmen this :'lIlIs AUce Davie has lefl her -Courtesy Ta�ma L'edger. �: ::de a�o�: ��e ;�C�I� C�o '� I:�;��/rt:e p;�n�. b�.. a :::;:._��� day/ h1!-s been � made pOIISlble for home \ta\e .to la�e up leaching It\e ranging from BellIngbam 10 cltl'es one concerted rush wenl lhrough P. C. An endowment fund has duties at Ch1\ly, Idaho. In Oreg·on. A dennl.te outline of opposing Une for a touchdo....n, Ho. h U IIn l I I o N I o g a later. r lbls Y tou will e b announaed _ .. : . r la o e �� o :� : � :� "� : �� : : � �; �:: had ::rnt: :;:: m��: ::;;ng l�e ��r:� . �::: re:;:::'n��i l c o as Montana. c01l!e.: ;:�This� _�drive whll�;;to:��� She Is leachln'g at Malta. Taking tbe place. of Mlae RiTe' y ::eJb, �::�d.b:'o�r=dl :ta:l�; halt,. wh'!cb left the Icore !t g.Q. , a - ��t����he e:������I/fso'!!�I�Of��� 1 Mias Mar:y Holmes, wln�er or ::::� ':��II:::;,f�;;:�'�: l�:�!nT:;� be.lng m�de: With hard work and lti:�:I�e::�dm:�!' aS�e�::r:lree:�lf:er� scholastic honors of 27, III lor of Seattle ball comer 10 Pacific practice Ila I�ccess will Ile aBSUre�. to gain points by a wonderfu1 . of�n. lon' wa� the work. a *,ptal of $290,- tile had been' pledged by the Ie8Chlng n Olympia. College 10 take over the The m.e Olbers of the chorua are. slve game. They drove tbe: "GJIlClla. stllunch support(!rs of the sch�ool. MII!!I- Qh7 rlstlne Knutzen Is teach- Lulheran tors" back, again and a);aln, But to "\...".;. High School English work, Mra. as followa : '. {'ome F.allt InR near her hom", at Burlington. Taylor no avail. tor tbey were met by l'Ipec-. Is graduate of lhe Unl- First Soprano : he campaign was under the :.tr. Clartf\ce Lu�a la principal of veullY or a-Washington. tacular play" and.' �onderful rUlihes T Samuelson, Stella Towe, Esther a. .1a She leadership of Dr. Pannkoke who Clo"er Creek IIchool. sister of MI:8s SlIxrud who teacbes Verle Laha. Anna Thompson, Gladys wblch resulted In another louchdow!n" tamt' here from the East to plan the the:'1I1Is ma�e the score 14-0 in favor This WeslHelen Trulson, Elna Knul�ell, t�e at In here deparlment the Normal teacblng Is Matllon Ruth work lind lIee that It was carried 51h and 6th grades at the Quilt(!ne. :.the College. or P. L. C. by: Dorothy Zimmerman. . . n t c� rc� e�' Wa"h .. IIchool. e n he le Soprano: S�cond �:� ;:�;ing �:.:�. al���r�: of t : :::te ��:: Pl��re� ln u �:;�:�� !� �::,:up was: L. e, Jerdls :-Ioraang, Gla�ys JOT:�n- . Cham :-Ilna Oksness Is at lhe �IO!JD- TF;eDch Slates. aided Dr. Pannkoke In thls Mis!!View .pagne I LE Chrislensen minor a received ala� and .ot I IIChool',north Puya!lup. taln 01 arson Sylvia Dahl. Irene son, · work lind I[ � due to their strenu . O'mdl\J LT Haines "gr�e l ( Togelher Art. Dramatic In . Mlche!80n, Louise He;nrlksen. ' Is teaching �. OtiS and continued efforts that the the�llsI ,. LUetta S,'lnth Schiel LG Guudelte .o.wer Krades in the l.o,·eland �at�::a�egrl::Chsl�� hO!:�tl�c��� First Allo: Drl\"{' has been so successful. .Knutt. en HeCeconl I J :;� schOOl P m·" 0hn:�:' Bing ',Continued on page' 4 ) Kreidler . HE '�!��h" En�ranl."mOon,'"._," :'11811 Ellther Sydow who was chos- Mrll. Taylor f9110wed up her Tegular V ...t... ' r , G h L ' n Sannerud A. R, '} S alt for work at the University with a post Sophia Peterson, en winner of the 1925 Trophy Hon- graduale nG T. FedY :eefe course at lhe same Inatl- S ond Alto: ARTIS TS COURSE or Cup Is the farlhest from home. dulles !,( Besides as tutlon. a her' !\I · ng eac e. Espeselh, '\'Is on Madl In hi Sh Mnrle s rlle, Hlnd a . An:e��:� �'� . ' . teacher, she will have charge ot Hanna Anderson. Miriam Helmdahl, �:�a:r.l�o ""0 , 'S OON co:s[n� .1" 'BEGIN . Thompeon LH the Edllorlal division or the Moor- Flrsl Tenor: ��:��o Carleon QU" Six Programs of Real Merj't \9 Ing- Mast. Millon Grambo, Harry sa�::::: ) SubsUiuWs i s B ' W . G��i,�� �:"10p�S.::l St ::::::; T��':,�' LO ? ' ' D':� �:� �'"�:t��:rO':�'fO�;;' n ��' · e I gwal Fedt, Greco for Spaltafor, Flynn for Lantil 31 'Ra�::��d H�:t� , Starting October 2 0, tpe ArHst P. L. C.: Haydon for Tbompaon.. Course, under the direction of Ber- _ A \1lfiable addition 10. the bus- The Short Course for the year Flr�l IBass : \ nlcE' E. l\""ewel, will be prelJeDted Inesli Peler 'Gram- )oorWI1� ���n�,"::,rs��, :!�n��:�erf�� a-I P. L. C. la a 1927.28 will begin on October 31. 'Erllng JacobiJon. III the new Masonic .Helllg Theatre I;lew departmenl Simplified Book- This (:ourse, covering five months, bo, Ed ivereon, Franklin Lacy, Schiel. dmlnll:" the winter monlbs. The keepingBurroughs and Accounting Machine, Js given for tbe benefit. ot the Gerhard Solll, AI�red Lund. h CLASSES ���: 'f:::�';:ng" �:,�o,.':,.:::; ;musicians." ��hI�:" :: :::�t �'::':d..�:d ;;'; �:n�,:':n '::-,:;7:n�� �:� ,�:;: s.:;;:: ;,��, Mllng S,"",od, w ;,- VARIOUS ' ELECT, - OFFICERS regular' �bookkeeplng and account- . the English. language. ItY. is a pre. 1Iam Fowler, Svcrre Ol1ldal.. , :'1etropolltan Tibbett. Lawrencq , , 'wtll be given with lbe paratory course for enlerlng high . Opera Company b�rltone will give Inuse courses Socon ci Mr, Haug� Is. Ch the students school and special emphasis Is 'Iald . osenr,b�tuen I�e fi�st conc(!�t. Following hi"? will \.:f rkthisIn machine' Year Stud�n �d . make palrs pronunclo�t a !lpell a and reading, lng, on ",Ill he Sigrid Onegln. the cele- full s of books_ on the machine a[lon. �1;.� ' b� : . � brate� . contralto '. It wllI b,e Miss from the vouchera and papers Jur According to presenl planll, a apeOnE'gln s I>econd a'pp Mix together th'e follov.-!ng: One e;,ra�oe in Ta- nlshed. This melhod. �a, greal clal teacher will be engaged to -co��� QUarl of scbool spirit sa.lIed down English Singers of London :Id:;t::ve'�o�:d a�d b�no�e gel:er. �I�: lak� car.e of lhe sbort -COUfse work' OC�Q9be��y:b:�a�en::�S:�;1I��1�0�� with cluss 10ya�IY, one� teaspoon .of . ., are louring America ror the first blended wltb a pl.nc� ' . leat of lhe Mooring AJast' closes, ocooperallon ·tlme Rnd have mel wllb oUlsland- olflce are 'now taking w�rk on 1\-[rs, Christenson keener' compelltlon and enlhuslasm f Indlv.lduaJlty, and two pounds of Ing succ'i!ss .In alnglng old Engllah theStu��nlS th on also and calculator. new '; -- Bri ngs Good \Vord are . shown by lhe � lwo oppos'lng �:P� �t� t i:�e ��g��: lenl: �:� madrigaili. ballels. folk . songa, and l!i.ultograph. Tbe three dences be ln g the nd e n r In her message to . the student [earns headed by Sverre Omdal and or the school ·year. One 'd¥e is t ua���:II:: a �::gla: :-:::�bl: ��:� ' :e::l:��::t h�-:de�=d:n�e c:���e��� 'bod)', �rlday, Mrs. M . A. Chrlsten- �I:":'�r�:�;e:::� 8!OU ::� �::;rUer::II� surtlcl�nt If'"'not diluted. This Is � has :"peen "ery succeuful becauBe by le·��nlng, the use of them one . !::� t�:\Or��;. �:��:� B�r�:r�� number of s�bscrllllions. Friday's re- �:�IO::CIP�a::elbelh�:"�;;:OI bYt�!� of 'ItII youth. enlhUSI�_and mnstery and ports show 40 subB'orlpt!ons 10 the At lhe beginning . students receive the lralnlng lIwing ' Is. also touring the C�nllne!lt . for the or Fullerlon.\- calltornla" har d credit the- semester of SVjlrre'S teum and 25 [0 Ar.. th" classes met withof much they wfll need 10 work In large con.aenled girls the fur.nlsh 0 the Urs[ · time. 19nai Friedman: office. pep a�d 1 IIng's. � ' . . . c�Ptlon roo.m. This �e Is dOln� I PoUsh pianist. and 'GeQtgea. Enellco, " s �er.e ng of�cer lhe followi and im V . . arled-;;C elec.ted. g la not downhe . Arlin h wife : deceRsed bls of mem�ry . . vlollnls( are botb recognl:ted tbe ' HEDULE SC \ hlttie,t hi maatery'of lhelr., respccwas a very'good friend �nd Ilaun�h He claims, "I am veryr ,hop&fuJ-we College and Normal .Sopbomorea; 15, r. L. c. p. P. S: lupport�r- o� P. L. C. ' ' lIve i!:uslcal medIbl:nI. ( Continued on pa'e 3 ) . . ",etober �hO��;S::; : i�s��s::::: ' Reserves In Stad.l um at . 1-2..:.5..f Such a gathering of fam�u. mus\hls gifl can.nOl .be too blgb!. :�:u��::� !:! The .. hntest. ' hea� and rlnl. NOTI� ' certainly II Iclans '-'? !l, LlncO,l n Hlgb School l appreclale� when one. considers his boon a tober c O. . sludents and If enotll"b �d the ' 01: I v w· The and ie e to clo h er s g g - b b bow much a cheerful, pleasant tbe0 eslde P. L. C. at Parkland. It . ' cutn oflb Mlaa- Stl:uud ' . ' that, �p. . P. S. . Reservel .w deyerve !b.e p ared 'worth while, "P� .tudent rake-. Oc�ober ' !S, room will add to -the com- ' winning . recepllon ·C � � � : ;' ::.e:. ::\!�o':n o esy co�r e t osen. the by elv'!n �arty ' glrIR. lbe of t }l'UI be ·avulabJe. �nloymell and Parkland. , at tort C. L. . P. VI. . .. . . . . . , '.-- , -,' . Sf.






















J� -














d '001, n .", _, A 0", ,'", """d -p, e t ':' B-" Dr ,--: , H� ott-;-' -: ..::; : :: ,,-::::: ",,: -:=; Ord:; .,� ���IJ c: :1::'k �� a:::8� t::� �:p:�t� U O � n 'lt: t;o� of the Qull tcene ,, -:: P ' '' Folio.; me.an"d '1 will make ye ure with '. whirr of wings. L ite! Pore-nt Teachl!rI' . AlI8oclatloo, Dr. . FI�hers of men." Jesus �Ghrillt II ,Life.! III what' we iteaf', to the nlulle Hoff !lad Mr. Edward" a(compao. �!'tng dally for-r<lllowefS. Ho'A' of ,the creek. All at Ollce, It ,,,ems, led by Mr,. Edward,', Journeyed "to many "flll join the Tanka of true we. find oUNIelVe8 Pt the o� our tllat city on Friday evenlnK. October ' :="n "=" , p . u li�hed ever)' two w!,!ck-s dUring tile, echonl year by the Itudentl Christian lIoldler9� Point otit. for ". a n d 6 r I n g s-"The Fountain of 7 10 order to take part h:. the open ' InMtance. I�e men and wom n IhM \'outh:' Itll crb'MInI walerll bubble Ing meetlog of the )'ear. ' of Pacltlc Lutherlln. College, Parkland. Wllllhinglo':!. are admired by all. whoae �chl\rac- forth H,ke millions of ?lerCUry. gIO'- Subs.:rlpUon. one 'dolLar per rellr gave the aln addrell8 n,ered all 116rond dall� matt�r. October 2. 1925 at the .P09t office ten are kn'Own to be o:ut-atandlng. b.ule!:!. ....·hlrl Ilround In the !!prlng. of Dr.the Hoff ualng a 'hls lIIubE at Parklan�. Wai<hln�ton. und':j the Act of March 3. 1879. those Indl�·ldualli. �hle chan�es out bed, and roll down . the hl1!lIIlde Ject the evenln!, : lng "The hlldren of follo,, o ln c �eu.rd the call: ··Fill.- :� h�� t�: �a :� ; III:� : ;�� Today In the. ConlmO'l te � .�ave .lw6 Ilh of To. EDITORIAL . �T_U.'f.' : e�k l � lrn : a a . �:w � . ) Langlo'" " Editor In chief Norrla Peare cannot' be 'ound b) golog No'" "'6 decide,hIs theJ time to morrQw the folfo'" nag Editor offer�d Edwards Mr Gano erna from thJf "o�ld of aln and test Ihe sUlllloHed re u\enatln - tor - :;;:II I ��� plano numbers . VictoriaV!J.aamusaen a"'a) turmoil there "'all no rest for po"'er!l of theq liquid I"t.- Is not or. Iflg n h\ Copy _�nllblnllle ditor ' C de u I-:t. t Staccllto e To Esther uencher 'e are old ' E ", Martin Luther e\en after he en dlnaryha thlrllt - -1 .\JsIII� a l e er t g ba ��:I:t�'tO �:\-II- -��71�- ===== - ==================�===:;;-1��:nck���s :::; �e��:h t :�1 ��:I1:::��n� T:::e I h:::t :'; t ha:Il::r ��� Y;�n��; d�:s �� . ���: ���_- �1::�1� 8S;:t� Irl S Ort Marie Espeseth Joy are found only "tth Jesua aa qptrlt at least If not In form \ hap Mr and ;\�dwartls and Dr � llu P !! h t ll e :t:!tl�l�:'j ::::::::::=::::::::=:::::::::::::::=::::";'-drm� �:h�:O� gU��:=:�:}'II:yh��I�O:�:ghl��m thllt a �:II: !nce�lIto\\;ehea�eIlt:�O�� ��Id�oe:e; ��orrMrU:�d e��;�tal�:�e/ al t tl�:�� neporter!l Dorolh) Zimmerman Elna Trulson LeUIi Grass Eliot Chr\titla� life compllratlvely easy hear a musical tiller titter uo h llie ana after tht meeting the tria :\lIchelson Helen Westb) anti Emily Simon trH\elerll apent a restful nl(rht at to live' bUI this la not alwaYIi the mlstakabl)i that of IIcllQol girl orOI.lnger CIRCl;lATIO:"li Le>nl;,:r t:odge" on Hood" calle There are trlnls and lempta and ele!! lire dm"'n In the direction 'Canal anna ndcrson Manager a ahort dlatancD out o Far from came down It "hence tionll to be met by Christians eH!r) - RTISI:"IiG }J GI,ld.\ }!! JorgenSOn :\lanager ,,1>\ •• Qull�ene The lodge III o\\ned b)r Ihe Ihe on lune see we bridge ' dllY Stanley Dahl :'olargaret Jacobsen These however are ells}, to O\er t."'o forma Their .Icllona. lndlcre Mr and Mrs- Sutterl) (,erhard Lane, AlIsl�tanl!> come wUh the ' afd of Christ to t hllt the \\IHera or the J.'ountilin Mls� tt! th Matson former stll .'ACl IR\ SU,'lm\ ISOl�S \ whom ali cares. and temptation!! of Youth have cerlllinly taken effect llent lind EdUor-l.n-chlet of tlie lIIrs. Bertrand·Trlylor O. J . Sluen nillY on them. Mooring Maat Is ' now teachlng ___ be taken. , Qul1lcene an$! according' to rf!POrlK "S,\IL ON AND ON--;' , LUTHER LEAGUE TO GIVE III' getling along very 'nleeh' Hl Fountain ,df Youth . .FALL FROLIC SA.TURDAY her, work. Yesterday, Oelo!)er 12, \\'us Columbus Day, 1\lust of I!\s probHas G I'ell tYowcr{; C !) W�at III happening next. Saturnhly gavc thc day hilic ·thought. If SOllleDlle me nt ioned it WIIS It! Today day. October 15th? Weli. well. Columhus J)u�', wc p obuhly suid. "01, yes," anti \\'undt.'red if w{' Tradillon and mort\ or d .jll1t!' 25c �ror marCel � '.League Is glv_ Th-is"1 kn{'�\' whnt it wus all ahuut. arri\'ing al some vague clmdusion. 110'1" 11 ambleo down to .t hep .lKicking Well. Thel Luth�r and lcomplimentary , hllir trim at � To he. precise. (:olumhus Ouy com\l)emorat(·s ihe du\' wheil ll�\�::v:u�e::; ru !:r:? o� ��:m a:� 1 e.:err:.I��e Inl� t�:ql:�t!�d �� Beauty College Carson's �:i� :I�:�� t.hUI. h'T'eal .discO\'crer sighlcd lant! after- till' long seu)oitmi.·y from further on. lhe country altent HII there will be enjoyment Spalll, \\ e lake Ihe study of Columhus tiS a Jllutter uf cuurse, but �omethlng 91& � I !es '\beyond. It were. and r a l holle In charge sar. One 739 51. Helens Ave. Matn 'lIIlIch cIsI' hesides fuels Ct}1l he leurlled� rrolll a study 1.)1' hi s life. that ''',::::',::::::,,::':,::,::,;:,,::::::::::,:'',:::',',::,,::,,:: :: ::::,.., ::. .:.;, big feature!! will be the lIal� �: Hnd . It· OUI we shall. ' So after (q�f thel -t The life of Columbus. us a wholc. scems to hu\'e bcen a continuul gently : �rlnglng our to�s In conlact of pie and _candy to "tho!!e ",:ho feel and all his· �(:as lIlet With the billcrest of opposition , s truggle. \\' hile he lived, 1)C(ll)le '4id nol realizc what he had dOlle, and he wllh the long suff�rlng POSl and In n$d of Ilhy�lca.1 .support. School Supplies , all sides, in pu\,erl\:, dis- Imploring good luck In our�lIearch died, ufter pe r cut i on lljld rid ie ille from uppoinled lind brokClvlll spirit. The eontinent whieh h(' discov- from the supposed Genl ther.eln. we Church A nnoun_cements ('red wus not eWIl Ilallll'ti for hun. It is tuking the ' wurld a lon� crossh the stile . and proceed down I tim(' 10 llppreciute 'Christopher Columl)u!:. -I . D. ��a�; t������ t �:r;I(::�Yb;�:;k��:m:;�� TrirlUy .uth���::;ll��:h' [>Krkhm�" 1 Scotch broom and dwarf firs. . I Ii. Ol\'lne service. 10: 30: Oct. ARE YOU 'A BOOSt�R" At the foot of the hilI. a Bight Sunday School. 9:30: Song Service. �.{' havc just hegun whut we wunt.to he t he must sllcet·ssful. greets our eyes . which addll all 7:45 P. M. Prof. J. ;'(nvler wl 1J. STUDENTS thc mosl worth while year in 'the history of tile Mooring Must. A the more ze'sl to our e xplorative speak a� this �ong sen'lce. I puper, suc:h IlS a College newspaper. may 1.».: compared to any mood. Clover Creek seems to have Oct . 11 9. Ladles: Aid will meet greut undertuking. Its StltTl'SS or failure depends nol upon the rllMI allide all ,conventions. and In In lhe chu q:h parlor!! . lit 2 P. M. individuals in chargl'. but IIl i nly upon thc su port or the stu- her footloose wny. literally gU llhell. wll h Mrs. W, J . Dahl and Mrs. J . deuts as a whole. Z'he l\looring :\iast' depe lH likt'\\'ise U pOIl the In many little streamll through Xavier. All l\lukcs the bottom IlInd where (rult tree.a. OCl. �2. The Men's Club will Siudent Body of p, L. C. t n n m br s 'l I P. M e nu su e lI . : L.. or Rented Sold . b O t l . d(J·! \'(��1 i� l�;;t �tl�S�:�Ii :�:�: �)��, � ::I ;n::I���r Wl� ���t!��t;�'::� s��:�'i� �:���; :; �:8 ::� ::r ::��:� ��il�k�� ;�e ::lI :: :e:��!. tor who mukes the paper . It i&.each individuul 'l'nemiJer of tht' Suddenly. a'S If pulled bl 1I0m� Oct. 23. Qh'lne Service with Com- SpeCial Rates to Student! ; staff. Ihat will muke the puper u power., we turn . walk throu gh a munlon. 10: 30; Sunday School. Student Hody, joined 10 . 1I\'lng arch of treell. and find our- 9'. 30 success. Clc·t. 25 . " Young Lndles' Guild 7, :\ paper cunnot he Illude worth while unlcss i t has the' sup- selvell III Lover!!' Lane! Truly It pori of tI� entire school. A student hody organization is'of no 'Is In keeping with ItH nnme. If meetll at S' P. M. & love III anything like we're told . The Choir me�tll with M�S',- Ph\ltP prnelical 't'uluc unlt'ss it hoosts ils own projects, � . • . It is up to you to pat ro nize your udvcrtiscrs. FinunciaJ1y. II I!!. Dut hnvlnil: never experienced E. flauge eyery ThundllY night at 926 liacifi c Ave. e w tl l ui i :'��lI!:�P�'�p:��r���sl;\l�i :I��� ��'� l :)f'1�c�:���1 Ut�:1 ��;���!���;g �i�� �) th: :;�nel')�P���;:d ��:e. ::U::� 7: H. T. O. 'Svare. Pastor. ;;;;; ;; ��;::�;;;::;;� i t i l s \ ouperllte with Ihem . \\'1' :�:� ��e;ls. :n� �;:t:n\ O�:;el:�� F==:;:;:;;====;;; "� r ;;::;!;;;� :� t�!� t ���;h���::�H:� �:h���ti���: Q� ;�' !c ou w e -G. J . no longer In'nocent freshman lad The questioll is: "Arc YOU booster'!" say the other day. "Love'lI a ' lot o· trouble. I'm aHa' women tor IIfe�" \ ' . ACHIEVE!\JE:\T! u lc n u A� Iitl�e bi'l of rrouble. :lc' r e ootund l er� cll " �orrO\�·-lu( 1 f spurre: :� ::;, 't��:; :!!ln,sa we . . Another . ,lrksolllc 1 steps. TOIl. Hard, terrlble tOil. . Life wi th Its cares. pursue the path. We oollce 8trlloge Touchdown _J;ife wil.h its. strict, iron-dad rules� The "straight and na.rro�\'," clI 'vJngs on lome of the trees. Some BUY E\'erytlllllg, 111 fact, thai goes to make up the tortuo�s, wll1(li ng, of l them Io.ok like the pictures on WALK,OVERS ' rugged trail that leads to ultimate success of achievcment ' ' PEL TAL T, 'HE ', -MO KS P" 'o",o '" - ORI'NO M'A ST CHA ,

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. \Ve ask ourselves: . "Is it worlh while?" So many times d \ e I d are d 1. ;:d . \�!�':��7��!� ii��S�Cr���I.!� ,����� e:gr� to ��e�) ���; lol' ourselvcs, What is the oulcomc'! \Ve simply forcC'>.oursel\'cs to place our faith in the old adage: "The sky is al\\'ay� darkest just before dawn ." Nol until this little saying is written on our hearts e i r n and �h�� a�� ��e�l��: n���� ��:'kno\\' success and the satisfnc. N, S, L. ' . lion of achie\ccment! .

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Jiin Wood Hardware

Samuelson & Berg 932 pa �le-at� _. .


n' not b",n to Ta�oma If they have

The studenta do sa), they have




Walk-Over Boot Shop






"? HN8<;lN� �MPANY c- ..... _It.

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1n P.cUl� "'A"e. 917 PaCific SCHOOL : lT Phone ;n 2759 6 i 1 1 1 Pacific A\'c. a greai'-hlle' t� CARYLE'S CAFETERIA Of all the deaa t'hln,s� In ' tbl� apathy ooce IsIn' Indeed Shf'M:I:d '�'���I�::alnt8 l/ad· aa StoaI om.. ....... yell. world. 'tbere II nothing- 110 dead 'as give EgypliliD shaking an baodll with a ' dead IIchool. Why! Because a , ,, ders Hardware ·, The mecbanlcal ·torm Is' SparlingBuil 'school Is made �p or youth -f1!tnd mummy ====�i ==== � j : :;::::::::::, : :, : :, : , :: : ::: , : ::: ' , : :' , : : :' : : : ::,'::::: : : : ::::: : " , ' : :::::::,:' : :' Goods &: Fishing Tackle , : , th ' I I t b t b ca� the n U l : House Furnl8hlnga . nlways at your' 'di8POsa� If 'we. haven't got : t �:g I , ��\OD: p��:: tb lI�e : is sen'ice Our � �;�pe �:u;:�n 0 :� :: ��e:t . ....".""'".".."".....,""..;....""..........."",,.,,.............. . he . aoy Instltullon of learning ,d!!Jl.sJ: \\'hal you wanl, tell us and we will get it". , :..Y�<l2.. IJ.·t 110,'c comes a bopeless prOPOSltlO�. . bU:::: t� �t t�;u:ld:�I:� :ursl�:n! i''''''''''''';''',''':,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''','','� " to send away for a thing; Our pri�s lli id!.Q��f mer- . : Tb.P greatest �In n the coun- crillcal momenl in a game will apur � . .Establlshed 1883 ' chan�Iise wiU surely make you a, satisfied customer try. the most ex��n� �I"_ ,\ courses ot plilyer 00'. to deeds at nlor un· � itWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE �. Inilitruction. and. IJite1ll,sfnt b�dy or .or berore� We )now It Is � " PARKLAND MERCANJ!LE,""",CO. ..LEHMANN'S DRY:GOODS . stUd.enta-tlf wbat u!!e �re they. . l.f dream�d' l£Self noise thll not but1'tbe p Irlt � that "pep"--entbu!!lum, 18 la.eklng! ;'r. determhiallon. at loyalty, . or � . MahReke & Co. . . .. . . .. ... ''''''''.''''' � ,,: ..... ''''' c.: .,....."":"''''\".''''''.;''''.. . . . . ".".""..:""�.....",...,, "-=::"�.;,,..;,.....; Th�y ar4) .lIke the. cburch with a school "pep" that .the noise brln«s ; :aplder. web over._ita contrlbutloq ' It. with � . & .Jewelera bal:. �ad. ; . We h'ave the spiritand, WetOllterh'8.vetbese the � ' Whol I. , , , � To attend a tootball «ame whero pep. Let us- lustaln 'only a tew Itraulen' are 'hair· that we may ' 'not ' become. that � 919 Broadway tlicomp, i Jteam and -Mlli Supplies . � Piumblng� ' � d a at l thln , . ead o a t l a �' Phone MatI) ,176 1908-10. Pac:ifj� .(ycnue . �;: �r:�s: :�::�:se t�!: t::I�· e d��! a l p il � �� �: ; ".. ... ,:, """""'''''' ...rt".. ",,,,..,,..,,..,,,,§



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. (COn l�ue<l (rom paKe 1 ) l Healthy Specime ns ;::::::::=:�:�:. ;::::::-:: ,:::' . Dr. Johnaon of .Tacoma Ipent urer--ln·,w..r "�e(h: 5�rel&rYIWO mornln ll 'at P. I�. C. examln- ·.Walter C hrlltenllon. �olle.lt:e a,0 11 Po. L. C. BOY8 Show' Ability to I1Ing the klr!1 In order lo .deter- Nornlll! "�rt',hmen: l'rel!lllle�t-\� . Pla� Foo all; Hold Centraha mine' who ",ould 1)e aIlO" ed to talr.e lIanl "'owler: Vlce-pre41ldent-�\alto a Scoreless Tie --' l'h)'llcai Education. Out' of II!lOUt ter ":re_ncb: s�ret.rY-Tre..urer-Allah oo\ah ' Aaah Ooo)al\ ' alxly drll. only five ;"ere excliled: Miriam lIelrudlllil. Senior HI!!h ".lrHk Collelle' Boo\ah' A few we-re foun(� to be IInder- School: Prellhlent-Mar/tl\ret .Jacob� f " r" , HOllrll of merrlmellJ. Ilnd ) elIH of welJtht or In need of the renloval son: VI('e.l'relildent-Sylvlll Lanon: , .J.;..:. ..:� � / .... : ; -�, ...;!� of lonlili. 'On the "'nole, fhe J:lrll Sedelllry.Trealllrer- !larry Slln�nctJunlJ:('meJlI sitnllar to this .. ere --promlnt'nl at 'the ojlenlnJ: of the were healthy specimens. accordln,; neruti, J:an,; .. hat do )011 Ihlnk of o\er IQ. · routll.11I "eawn on �'rlda) Sept ourWellfoolball bUI he advl,et1 a The Colle,;e apd Normal SophoHlp "Jiloflln' l This " al' the aal atra'" The ar kegDr.of Johnlon. their ... h('n the P L.. C (:ladlators mel /olood flkhlerl' learn· "Cod-liver 011 for anyone' more8 choae Mr. Hllu!':e ] Vi IIII y:l-morel l181 becam-e enrRlltHt He thre.. nhl IIl'hl !lIe Cenlralia men t� 0-0 pO"el' 10 the-,all!e tl And wellthl whOle W.I beluw pllr. No c1RSl!, adviser. and Ih� "·reshmclI . A ft;'r hili palntlJ and on I ed Ihe Iho l floor � re-dudng . girls ' Drink Cod-liver 011 CoIl"lte lind Normal IItudents ch�"e The lI:ame wall played on Ihe + our .yell h!aden .�pep---pepper ··!..t'R\·e m)' IItud\9. )'oun,; !lady 1'. L. c. (Iehl and hoth.,tellm!! "-ere rlJ:hl ! . Suppole you' noticed the j 'lI ne\'er pRint _another. IIt..:ker for! Instead. . :'llr. SUlen all their cjall!! ,ad\'ller. rt'ad�' ron.1 l'nlter Jor Ihe.fr:1r. :'lll!!!! StllITud wall ('hollen -hy the . " . lt hHI ra,v:s ' f "u�llrellsed 8nlckerll) yuu u!!- long I lIve!"' . , . Senior. . tn High School. TIH' momi!nl Ihe .. hl�lle blew fOr they dillplayt'd I�"I game! Gur)' oe e -- " .. . Ihe k iCk-�ff. Ihe lea� )I·ere at each. the reallon he c rrled th larm One of Ih�se &l1Iy thin';I. a gath- , In��:'t \:e�d:e �� f�;�:�r 2.��u��::� ;,... .. .. ... .....".. ... .......... ." ."... .. .. . l lllhcrtl. Illroall! like . 11,v:e.flI. All clock 18 thai he llhall a C�ooRlld �e erer ff er of Mana the Sta . sendl! In ltd i 1 of sllIllntlcl. lIa),1I It takel IhrOllgh the �Rfi1e c1eal! !!Ilort and . "reetlrifl;l!. . : . "'lIt('II-lt .doe!! not choOllt 10 run . ten ),carll ·for a young that H. O. HANSON i .nl'!-n ICl 1I:8t �ultS.scrlptlon · r . A Ih l'.�c · '16 ; '1 � "8 \. I o I ::;,::',:'.:"':�:' :��� ':;;� :;h;' ,;�:; I ��:).;, :�:� , '�::'� ;':: C::�,��:;' �;:�,' w:h: �:::�'"�I .:::'.::" �:� ��':':;In:'; . h a ' :' h SI. I:':'��I��i,ly :.:�: ::ln;:n�:� . � wel /ltht i :�nll. hl�; rl�� �hea��:�t:�Ia �� ����Ie.�: Kll rten! looner��hat. Ing Mallt. . t ;ldeIIIY IJltlg.1 The gume started ' with the kkk -off I ""�n. on Ihe leg."" We ol'crhcnnl 80lI,leone remnrk r�' Centralia RDd for the (frst Qunrter l Ihll t if people would Itop talking Phone Main 2610 lIh�' ... .... ............ .. ...... . .... ....... �trulI:gle t1u('tuated up and down W(, r('pd phont n I�nfl;-Iell:�ed .aboUI what ther don·t. ·undersland. ·DR. H_ L. MONZINGO ..... ...... . .. .. ... ... . ... .... . th., field. nellher t('a�1I Italnlng any IIh('('p In tbe HI ayall thai was tile IIl1ence would . become unbear· . 1"" 1111111 IJ·-.rt'epllhlc ad\"antage. Yell of ell- ahle ' lO run fori), mllell 1111 hour. Rble. Wcll. JUIII to s�ow 'em we can /:ng .l hC I lItro?,"ci '·(lurn,.;em(,l1 t from' hOlh 111111111 bf the l '\1 whlc.h lO UIe � ne remnrketl. lake,a, h 'OI. we:" QUit. bUI , M '�K i Suite 1 1 1 -4 I'uget Sd. Ilank IJlti/(. . flt-Id DOWSETT STUDIO did flot �eelll 10 haVe any eHert -" Th�I'� Ih kind of a little lamb IT S�"I, , , ITH THOSE sun�. Tncoma. WII�h 763 So. 381h on Ihe It'Unll! and Ihe 'Iua·rterlt'mled 1 10 fulln.... :'lIar), n""taday!!.·' ScnII'TIO�S: .............".".."..... ........................."... Tacoma .... ilh RAin by ellhcr slcl... I . ' T I l Th(' �e.·.lncl 'Iuarler a r" \wtl- Y" II. the \\'orhl Serlell (Jnmes an: ��:�; �� l;"C�;; ! i .. ..\:............... ........... .. . .. .. . .. .....; II.II"kl'l IIo�H' :,\11I11l'Ki'r I'"Il«'O i ;1������'f�!�C��d��:�d ti..n of Ihl! flr�1 bllt a mOre deter· on and l\"�r. \\"�l lch reminds U8 At a meelln1\" of the ktr',,- on ·rt. -i nenl .. ... . · . .... .., � .. NEAL E. ; THORSEN . n o l t f l e a � " �I I'ric.' : ::;:l�':(�� :.!:: \�:r}. :ol l::a.I�:� s:\'er:� :�e :: :·U;·\;I!:.:·rI::e�� ��ncr:a�: :i�:le�ct�::e;ke:' b;ll�a �::nA"::r �:� � 9:!� %1I�lrro��:�:. Hnlr �:�� 3 1 1 1 - 1t . 1 QwtUI, JETLAND & PALAGRUTI al\� n1 l11� ....cre mad';,. h}' Thc GI'llllu· l ",\ny employe'\.6"·I � hinlt .! O - ha l·e Ihe tht! leam thl yeAr. Olga I II ll � i . II l+1rll lO IHI I Ihe bull o\'er Ihe Iln(' hUI nrrernnon nrf In attend hili Hillter ll for....ard of real ability nnd her In· ..... .�::.���:.�!�.:,,���..�::..��.����.�............... t''''''1.II'h' I.ill<" :,\I<'n'" lot h � IIIK nntl Furn Ihl·j· all fRiled. Apparenlly P. 1... , <:' weddltl$: or j;Tltndmother·,,· funerRI tereli.l In-a\hletlcl! nSliurCIl the gl'rlll ll<hhlK Wash. ::i Tacoma. � U I'ac. Ave. Malo ��II� ��:�' \':\Rt�heee:�r;;;il;: �1:��t-:I::II :� �el;��e �::e O';I:�I�ennl �hell.II:I�' oer(fl�: th� �le!�: ��IC: ....�� "'�:�-)��a �:� . . .:.::. :,: ...: :,:...::,::,,�.:.. :. C PIER E BEAUTY PARLOR h I f e nn . . : .. ......; KL· , th� lime. "'"'\ gnmc." ·AR A'N'i> GARAG Athlellc manllger III "ilmer Hauke Hl1JI1'\c' l"l('n� E The kirk·orr hy P. I.. C._ fty- ,hp ke hi fronl Alitorill. Oregon. He .::\'II<I'rl lI,-t'llI" 111111 :\hu . l\lnIC I'P('ond haif �eemed hp !.be�lIllCnnl · Some of our. teA(lherlt prohllbl}' I"!lA \'err much Inlerested In sportll. HOlel Pierce S i g n Flroadway '\Ulo Ilt·jJftlr for a sudden �pllrl oC"nergr on Ihe feel the IRme way III IInlell. eHpeciRI­ '; , ' 'i77:! ';;; ';;' (illl<, Oil... and AC("("'lIOrlcli ...'',, ..''=;C':''=;;��=;c;=:�''2''''';;' '''? '.. ''' pnn of the player". 11I:lIIlanl de- Iy w hen a IHI ,,1I pull� Ihl � old one. i"" .... '..''...... .''" ''' rrn�e and orfellse chumcterll.ed thl� " ,1 tll �book."· A very original J. C. I'elerllon half huf the leams were so e"('nly 10 myhen htle III 10 . III1Y Ihe bell i� 'u::K::' U L e- L e J S :Jo(.O If' 'U E R r P O P U L A K matched that at the end of Ihe Rame l ranR hefore you J:ot there. If Ih(" i Ihc score ,!!olll was 0·0. Ma.t. 1 425 ReI. Mad. 3818-J-1 Is undel'lSlRndlng lind roo i rtf('lal "'orkll Considering Ihe time Ihe leam hnd mIPllcher Unroln !-Ih('('1 n lk. will know yon were 'un- 1 Otto Damkier. l'Top. J:el � rondltlon !lnd the fe ..... , a\·"nIIIalll)"he delalned KlcklnR al the i Skylights. Gutte.r }o·urllacell.Healln!!. tJrllCllcell thnl ha"e been held. Ihe 1'0111. lind will not mark you lardy. � Easy to p1ayl Ventlllltion Sl)oufl!. . done. It Mueller Fur­ ork excepl\onally ...·�II }o:n&lneerl. Agent JRth Shorl !-Olor)" Lots of fun! I� Street. So. naee.-809 as l er · rl I ::0 ('°1:��:�8 ��a::n w�:�1r�h: :o;: � I )��U�;01��2geIOb��.he( n: ����r ! �hould nol capture all other Jtlllllell of ad J e('l l \'cs--ar"e nHed In dellcrlhlnlt 1 "'\...... Ihl' !lea�.o n. hinl. IIlncl' "CollCRe" Ju. !'t about tlt� The hrllllani pluyln� Indhld· (" ·er)·lhinR _'-..... ell. R yonn!: COlleRe 1j ual� and excellenl team ....ork Mho .... n hA\"l nJt heen In school aboul Parkla'nd peaners game pro,'ell Ihal Coa"h Ham- ill month. suddenly . to his J:reat d�- !l You can I n Ihlhall !!-Iad Jud';l'd well hili men and , mar found hlmllelt wlthoul a pen.ny. 1 easily their abUitlell. the following. tele�raph. ' l learn the Enthullasm .....ali roused b)' the tWo C.He sent ,V(' dn d('nni�". I�rcssing. D.: Dear Dnd: �o mon; no j tuning . y,,11 lead('rll. Lane and Langlow" and fun O. : )'o\\ r lion. To "'hleh hl,1I father. l . And playing from a VIC;:TOR their ··kld."· Perhaps II ....a� not the ' rep t l l"d : Dear son : So sad: too j dressmuking. alterations and l!Kulele instruction record coslumell so much afl the leaden bad : Your Dad. by May Singhi Breen-only $1. Ihemseh"l's thai caused all the mer� I toilctring 1·lmenl. I ,,'h)' -\rl.l.�Ctl 1,.('1l\·(' HOIIII' The great art lit paused. br��h Th( l,hwup ' ) . and palette poised In the air. A ( 'nlra.\Ia P L. he exclaimed. Smith . E �rted'l er . master-piece!" A. " "' Solicitor Lnnc; (;erhord But I don't Ifke It one bit. al Tacoma :� �'. �::�:��: lsaldh the beaut .lful cooed. "I'd be !)28·:U1 Broadway Phone 'l\Iuin un:1 �co�1 o amed to have an y 0 f my frie ds BI a k 8h I C JIlCObson I\Ii : : : }o� edt see It. You'lI j Uflt bav·e. to doD It l.."""","";, "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "':: : ::: :::: : :; ' ;....'.. ,:....:.. ........,'......:.... ..............,'..,: Ralne�' LE , .'......................,'................ ..'........,.'.'..:.........'.',�,�'..'::::::::::,::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::,'::::: :::,::.::::::::::::::.:: ........ ' ' .. ..... '',, .,............ ,. . ......... . yre 1 : , .' �:�:�� �� T��:�! GULLBERG.S�FLOWERs Randlett Q CarlBon DAHL GROCERY CO. Tel('jtraph o.'lh'erlt'8 Rucker LH Thompson C;;'n{.rlll :'\1t·r('h.lndl.'W , ,' Open' All Night . Chrlstensoo l Phone Mad: 38t8R5 Parkland Cardwell RH Siore: 812 So. Tac. Ave. ' Olst Gre�nhou 8e at Parkland F Hoban Qualll) and &rvlre 13th & Commerce 'fRY OUR A' ._"-,.1.....' E' ,1'1.'' Th"e referee ....as Mr. Tilly. .. ., , ,,, ,,,.... , '............................'..............:..,'..';' I ;:.:.. . ":'.:":. .'�": ::'. :.. :.: ": ' ..":' : ...:':::::::::::::::::::::' .: :':..:': ..... :": I t :; P L. C. : R. Ko,,· ' :: , :, : :,:: ,;::":':":.:::. .. ' .. .. .. : .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. , ' .. .. ::!� o ::: : : ,,: �:: � . iIROOK �ALE GROCERY CO. TRY iJARU.:CV.� I. (;('II('ral �1e-l'('ha.ndl8e Stal' Basket Ball S.-\XDWICH..�R Playel' Comes Back Parlr.!and, Waab. Madison l 07H For a whole week tbe lIud�nls .",. ........ . '""",." ..,''',.. .,i al P. L. C. had been .e�t}lusl8'Sllcal­ Bungal9w Service S�tion Iy awaiting tbe return of Polly Langlo .. IItar bulr.etball forward, Mad. 194J-l Somebody Is Paying for Your Education 'who graduated from "the Colle� . department lilt year. 'Po�IY ar-. & Pacific Sales How Can You s'iww· Your Apprecw..lion? r'lved on Sunday. October 8th -from a ra m I �:;nl:� t: �el!:::- S�::I!: .;n C��� :··"":'''�':''''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':'''''''''''''m:''''''.""""""'''''''''''''''''!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�'''! 1. B)' Jnaking th.e best of your prese�t opportunities. t t ;::� wb.ICb abe m . West Coast 'Frui� & . TRY :�I� ;!':::�� �=� . Mlu LAD&low grailuitfd from ! 2. By snfcguar(li llg the intcr�t of your backer through Prod'uce botb bl&b I�bOC!I and cqllege t the medil!m of an P. L. c. and . dunng ber time � � ' � , at the Inllilutlon. sbown remark- � WboleBale dealers In i able �'bIlIlY. .I n alblet!cs. 'In tbe � your next luil . F�u.its and FrOdac:e . .ea'aon 0t 1926·:27 !,be llcor,� 70 � .to fafor .. ct-everything in Mel}'s . � . C I . . . e t nl Api>a�l I Cor'ner 16th aDd �k. 8tl. ::::l.8by• ?III: ��OUg:: �t �be�d � . .. Lutheraq Brotherhood . . . i . Polly wilt be a ... Iuable IlIIBet tO � . Tacoma, WUh. ! 1 1 t 8 P�c. .Ave 1254 M�i&it t.Buildlrig, MinneapoliJ, Miiin. . a al tbla r] ' b ketball .. fl .. �."''' ..'''''..'''....,..,,'' ' l ..,,,,".."'..,,....,,.."'''.''''..,,......�,,.�,..:J...''''''''''.:;;;t..''. .. , .. ;.,.." . '... '.. .".; ..,... L"... . "":....."...'''''''''''. �...... ..... .. :. . ., : ,..,.....� I t,, , � ��:r� II � . •


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P.erfection Baking Co.

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Parkland Barber Shop andc Confe.ctiortery :" _

I . Midget Studio � BOOK MEMORY

"��:�:::��:" r:,;:::: ':::::�:: :11 . " " . .. . . . . ... .. ..


P.aCI-f-IC Lutheran· . College

STATE ACCREDITED NORMAL ' and . IllGH SCHOOL COURSES New Bodkk.eeping Machine and 'Comptometer Just Installed Scere:tarial and Business Administration ·Courses in the,Junior Col1ege'· ' ·Write for Bulletin



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If"" Slickers Campus Cor'ds Davis' Me,,'s'Shop

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Phones: Res. Proc. 4 8 R ; iOfflce. Main 3112 . F ch Build . ng ,



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l'our Desire In Bakl·ry ·






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Those who were gone were Evel),Il



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MHl'riClge of Fornler Siudenis Takes Place


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o �ur�:e�:lhe fl����:\ ::�IPp�ed r w\�� ,h. ,,".owm""' Fond grow'''' d dt e l: �����San�:. Ih: ;::�IIl;! :� r:�; ��r�f:;r ;�� ��f�::W \;I� c �::t 'r�::�:: �epl �fi F'lrs m�ttng or the j ' 01 ��lh's :\'Il'bel heNlon and 'Ir pKlgD Is let to be s'larted Rod It I" : Uramnti(' Sodet' t Herger' :-.Ielson was solemnhed 'Ioln- hOlled Ihllt mRny thoullandll or has been I " <::ePI �S �odl1\' eH'!nlnl{ Sept 5 The ('eremony hll"t\ may be raised throu"h lhl>l nther .. Indl l!round this section wall read at 8(30 by Hel· . �1I�lm · phase ' or the work. PerhuPII Ih(' .of the Itlohe�Alfred I.und has re- II yet 11;0 oyer S3S0.0� dalll fit the t�lr� LutherRn , Church . u nd lurned 10 �chool. n � :fd;;�or :;�: �e �:! r!h� lr��n';l;::: nj( ltOVel�e� tl�� :'�'� a or a d I N l n l C na d O e x t �'�� tJ::;ad o Il ('nl�� ::��:p J��:;: �:I� t�:I: f�:! i the honor>l tor Ihe MroOlll BOlh � wherever L l hernn ('Oll�re� m'c II n � brl,Ie lind groom ure alumni Of t lon W1\11 t o he found This StUll","l "��·P!. ;!I. �;crhaps Jt wa� I'he re. ,I I' L C of the Chlll!\ of '25 the ..prk starlet! III ParklatTd nn,1 nrtloll of Or. Lot-a- Pe '!! hmoll� to the North SOUlh ·pliis that ('allsed Parkland wakl' ... pllge frm ,(;onl1l1\1ed }o�llst lind West I t 1Ilelln!l- )(relll up Thur�da�' nl�ht afler Ihe liehls Credit I!l- ahJO due the YOlln� da, ral- the PacUic l,uther,'11 (01l{'1t" wen' nut. Peollle,s I.ulher Lell. jI;ue f� r lIs ,al- j Itlld fo r the ad '.lncemenl of I('llrn S('pl . ' F'oothall )l:ame· with Cen 1 unble IIS!\I�tance . In memherShlP ! llIg trnlin . �. . L. bOY� tou/l:ht an� ' ======;;;;:0;;;;: 'tun'a::lslnlt The) �el usme olle === made l'en �.rnll:i �Ight too-. Initilltion mOlllh tor the pu rpose of can 'lI>1 . Dorm . . �Irls. II ....ould "t new Phone :\1(1111 146'109 nnd hlld co\ered all the Vcon· hll'·e- . he('n a· ('atastrophe If' the 1f .rCII:1I1 10nS ,llong the const .. !tllln , ('at� hnd heen ('orrupled II llh Ihe l Ik'nl liltry I " nt time. , t was slrenuou� work i I o, I and rty pap('r. . - for the call,·ft!lSers blll .lher were ll �'' -< HUllt ' mdg� 10Ih 11,,·or Ort Whn \\e can t hale j\venuc I men wh�. �'ere In!!lllred 'wllh Ihe [ � l llh IIlrd I'adric . I n Ordtestra� , \pparentlv \Ie al . """ , ,, . ,,, . ,, ,,, . . lo\'e ;" "'." I rue Chrlstl ... n 1I1llrit nnd rPMI, ha' c one ror. or rather, Ihe de�lre to lIee the :""';" 0('1. Althol1 h It \\ s a Blue Rrin � your IIhoes 10 �I"nfla y It was al �o "" el" . A rlin ll: Re,·. Geor�e Henriksen h�s re- lhe w.ay !or the campnigil. trll\'el- youn'g Ileoilie hll"e 'u .RoQd ( 'hrl t I n � a nd In�\\'al-[he Dorm ./I: rls certain. 8(gll('d h-I!< po!<itlon her� to return j illig : �grC.Rationll all ovcr Ihe EdILcat !on. l'l )' l l,·rt'!< " I �� o omy to hi!' ministerial duties as' pastor P;U:it.I��;;t . From . north 10 �outh I H i tor n l ln . \ Iy :J1)llrer-iale sweet !l� glilJ "P�citI C ,. IlIlkr.d "paci- . The hl l ory of Ihe I�rive Is "c ry � . ho Orl. II'!, nl;;;o he \awakr.ned o f Phlnney" HI.dge Congregation In he ,:h and U abo.\ e nil he carried ttl int...re1llIn�. In Ihe fall of 1925. � 1 I 0G·So . l lth. SI. al 6 : 1 5 A .. :\1. .but it s 'w� 10 Seattle. He has. for more than a tic. M " ". )'ear. "en'ed tllllhrull�' all f eld sec- the Lutheran people the ntell�age I the Unnl declslon' was m(.tde lilat ,' �."...... . kl'e-I' on lInorlnlt. -'--======-"-_ relar), .and generAl manall:c.r Q.Uhe of helr re�1l0nlllbllit)' to Christ; I p. I.. 'C . should h:l\'e lin Endo�. � ..... ."" " "' ".. .""",,..,,.,,' paclfi(' Luther" n (:oll('/l:e Endow- Ian education. Cl)n::leQlle.nlly therr. I �lent Fund: .Pres,ldent ordal-, wII:-! � r�SPonglh !1 lI Y 10 Pacific Luther�\n Hent men CamplIllI:n . 10 the l.ulheran Con gt".e- I j Campus L. O� 1 · . i'ame to Padfi(' ( ollege. Durln.R the campa.lgn 1\- I galion::l 1'0 ::Iollclt IlledKe!< al\(\ severo' j Hev . Henrlk!<en Henrlksell ::Ielf. Rev. IIccomplillhed " Ind. dollar� wr.re raised In j III thouSo. . from Silverlon. I on o s u e� h .e . e ee j In Augu!!t 1 !l26. r at �:;I:'·��I��:, o� <; I��l ��"I)� �ct� 4�' Or.eg(l n wher(> h e h ad been Pflstor �::/ '���::�I�::��n :all. r d:�a P�i� ���:�;I:::;l �d :I�� \��:. :��. 1:111�;�: ri ILt ..hlll"d I.uella Svlnlh . Hf' nry Klel. of Trinity Church ' for a period of purpose. Olember� of his chur('h' Ital'e their' � nine }:enr>l. A9 Clclf1 �e('Tetary he ptirlc will not realize perhaps .a!!!llslan('c a� w!!il . It .was al thl!!] r Alvar II�I'k and ,\rnl Oyen. put l Ufl lil later y�ar!! whal It owes to time thnt Dr. Pannkoke. was call�d l !� Sunday also brou,i:ht several other Immediately >let 10 work : '· I.�ltor�. MI�s �:Ina Trulson re- Pacific! on a bigger and better nn- Ihe (' o rt of Rev. Henrlk�en and from the "�a�t 10 look o\'or the field ! ! o h I r t n H 1 O g I i l i n( e e Inl"�IIJC"I� 1?����'rvki'K anll ;�C�f��' �� t�' r� �:�IH! ��� f;�:e;:��:�9 :� s; hI9 :r�:; ::I:::� uI �! :::e; ��: �:; ;:r ;;;,. �",!;l! ��;::. �t a;�.' ;;:IS��r(':��; �;; ; ::: 9 al� �m�or::�t . l1n(\t'!rlit�lnK I�at he remal'ned : � her hrolher�. IIarohl aDd Junior In launching lhe.� b Ig endowment an College. P."�f��II(�:� �� �1r��I�n-� � will be Inslo'lIed clIrry 0 ," the �ood ,,· ork. 1'>.Ir. .·\nder�nn nnd hi� son . A I· firh'e thaI maile It pO!!8ihle tor olLr Hev. Hcnrlk!!en 5036 So. Unlo'....'� T� It wall that' during the past I, j: Mall. 1122 of Hldge pastor as Phinney e e to Ihe lscientlously. CO f COll xl�t. )l:6 . { rreo "Cap." Wl're �een on the 'amp. · u� and Mrll. Michelson of Port land enlhu!<lasll('al ly. Rev . Henriksen 10- Lulheran· Church ot S�altle In Octo,\"ok Ynul' Groct'r for . IIpent n couple or days wllh her gether with pr�!!lflenl Ordal paved bel'. Sneve. Anna Thomp!!on. Olad1'l;1 Miss Stlxrtid lind Mr . Taylor at ViSitors d lrln� the wr.ek. Sept Iverson, EleMLor I,ofthus. Agnes I lhe colle.Re . Ia�n Thur�ay.· and Fri· $5.95 _ 1\ . to 0('1. 2. Included: . Mrs. Jack Ol�en and Carl Anderson. i day. Mrs. Tewel Is Ihe sister of S t rl<'kl!lnd who unexpectedly sur- Ed I verson relurned on Sunday :'lIss 5t1 xru(\ and Mrll . 'Pftyior. nl f/:h<. for anolhe� year at P . .1... C. � Lelah Gr1l!l8. had as. her II:llest, ���;el!I :.l e: D"7f1\;Is. A�I;:rg:h �n���::� Arnold $5.00 Thoslenson Is also a late lo"er Ihe.week end. MIIJ!! Ida Tom. lind fUmlly who " Islted Ihelr son. IIrrlval . !<tOCk. I Elmer. Mrs. M. A . {'hrlslenllon visited i St1Ll "nl� Wl'rp, pleasantly Ru r- � lIh !<o� \\'41I1er during J)fI:rt of . ./ ' f. \ , Wede er " of 9 1-1 Pncific tl.�:£.. Ilrl�e-" 1 b r the ..hal of Ida Sohel� t he wher eek . \\' hlle here . she ad- I Oct. :I . Pro r � :'f. n d a d 1 e a a lInUI. Rlltur-Sol!(> ,1f'Uer Pl' one dressed he Ihe at o sludents r t ::�; �: :: ��: ;I::��n � M:�� �.��� ;,� 'I��l l��II,;: .�� .�� a�� ' ��tr:a r:� tl . . �unKh�: ::;."a� 1;�;:��lfl Co. .. . . . . . . . ..'H . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. ... . .... . hOUT,,;'" .. . )l:rcetlngs to raculty and studen lS. ' . . c was a well liked ;orker al ' the col- ('hallel ·. .· . · . . .. .. . . .. I . ' ·' . . · l ::::::;::::'::·:":':::·:::.o:·::::::::·; :::":::·:"::,::��:··:�:I,:;: �::::::::::E::.::,:;::;,::":::::� ff;� sp; I ' .... '' ·'' ' · 12 for 2-� ct'nUt at tho ' . Conway. at leachln.R now i . I O � B � Taylor �pent the week end In Seattle. Mr. and Mr�. Tell'ell and tamllY' I �� ' '. S<:!lIttle. Pncific aTl(l JeffersoTl ' OU h re e o k r h 1 r r ... , . ....,.....".".... ""..."...... a t '� ;I�1 l:1on� ��'·�el�t�!0}��:r Asa��::� � (� _�' to l�O: ,����:. �t:� II:�� I . 13 : ::: C::�ne)rce ;..;".."........"".,."".............. ..........."....".."'''". . ..."....The Shop I�arher \Vhite Itar un<l SundRY. , . ' IR�wal Fedt 411�o took leave. lind Will be given l\W4IY FR}O�E I Perk ills Bldg .. 11th & 91h SIll. with SH'rre Omd l ';"ent to Seattle On October 1st and Nov mber 5l h u nd I hen 10 his home In SUverdale. (!]�iAMdi E e h o n n .:XJlf>rI H..lr Cul llnl( �iir :�, "�Imer Hauke accompanied ·the bOYII �:�y� c���;!�'b�� :�:r �tu n��:: I " """"' 7-"-/ a S ..... .. . . .. . .. . ""... ....... i " ". ."........ .. .. ........".. ':'..............."............................., I " ... . ... . .. . . . :....... li r.:�S�q ��g:: ;��:imstad. Miss Mar. ' '... . . " ..'''' .: . . . . - . . "' · . Iha HJermstad. Mis!! Emily Max'' · .


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K�:�!::�: Albums Greeting

& elr::i . 1 !' . �:::;f::�:�n:;:�::: Im��:. O_f : o an 1 . ." Cod Liver '1 , , , Clinton F. Smith or. ?hoto-Shop �sh. ll . t. . T����aA"�� e T OO:lPac. Ave . . li e . Tacoma ,� .. . ' . . WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. 9Z" c ..... Spalding Athletic Goods ..







Free De v ry



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Paci fi Ave.

' , fill Tacoma, Wash. '

, i1lO-12 Ave_ Pacific .


' .




' '




. .

." .



:" " " " ••••••

Main 16S


. The Store o� �leri Boys , ,'



. """



1 .... .





Regulars Break With Lincoln Hi

Meeting of W. M. F. I �ii�'I l)r�f<IIC;;;-k -;: 8ilrrr .e",dul I O Was Held Oct. 14 �;��;e I�ru�I�::�1t ";:�e r�. ! �I:I)' .,i: �'I:��

Ilu:l1 Ilelmlt!

h. 10 be held neeiJ<'Iwf';'n the llad,i:t'r 1)('. l' lul> uf the !'nl\"etllity of · K n. nd te l Te cn l l:��: � l : , �� : 'l � He. fortune. wh:lt('v('r It limy he. �� ; i" �:� ::: ( b T : h le� )lll.i:l' \h".r ,,01111 the t('am's cfforl. I)kked frHm - l]w ('o]]�" Ja�l l :»orml\l ,/ I � fu\"nrtnlt the "{ih\tilllt()r�''' .-\ rll: lInH''H:III\1n (']:I��. F'rltluy Ot!l: In tht'lhtn.Jt, with Iht' Ltn<,oln I-Il .II: h ol)(> r :! .� . Tht' 'IlIt.�t!"n w111 he- . pIO;'\...n neillH'r glde W<'II " kto rl"U!; ne�oh f" I : Thill -;;-:.... Inler).cnllon Hard

6 ·6

Fought Contem Ends in l'nllJ., t Tie; S,plendid Tcnmh:U lllII: work in E" jdence A



The '(111111111\ {'onvpnllon of the Women'.. M��"I(Jl1atr ..,I\-ratlon. South Pug"t Sound Clrrult. /""1111 helll III the'(" 'n(TIII I.uthertl't ('hllf<'h (It Til' :'oll�,. CO IllII. t'fhlu )' O(' lober I ; . I.ollille Henrlk�n. of I 'adfk I,ul her' "n C(llle"t'•• I1� 1\ r.. prellf'nillth·" frtlm J the llauAllIf'rlitof th(\ Hf'{nrmIUlon III · It'nded the IIrt\�J:noon ��.."IUII. The Ilflernfloll progrnm c'lII",l�r",1 of: I·�·mn. __




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' I . TtI� 111 h1h\>or of II(;n/(1I I :u Tl.'lll'llrlml 1 ," �rt' .... . ur� hOlng l'lIrtlt..

uttt!Tlloon flnlb cHhl'r nil ur Ilnrl of the d UI'll!! In 11It lr rCII:UlllT pl�lreli

p. Ihlll I e]ve "f I liUm bl,l( n n mht'rll. TIll' "1,lrll ' flu,'. lind . .... lIh III! rontlnllun.·e In II ft'W mUlllhs Ilrne Ihe dmlr ' l IIln lt ln l( ... tIl merll Ihl". lIame III lite· I I l 1I 11 I U I" II f n :»kaTl\I(U" mcnt. 6 S 1 . ''" '· · \ II . ,i. ,·.. � .' ,' b' !'hlnl! are a·foul fflr sTa/llnK 1\ > �P:t:�:t I � f�e:·:�:�o;�. �1�:)d pnr • . " ," , , ,' b ,,. nHI n�hlll and " ll'lln 1.larlnR ....ere I III' I La llI yenr Ihe Inler,('"Ut'ldute I '"rl fw ('''II''t IUII� . Thill .... \11 proh· nhly hit. �omt' time In the cllrly �allt'nr IIO;nlll "f I h,e I(anlt'. The, � lIuad wun four " klnrles from Ihe !!1)rlnK . .... llh NI1� H"I!ln. ;t " lollnl",1 Itnll� ll\lll-f>r� �1;L rl"II. Ihe !tame wltl: . 11:ul ll:er ('Ill b. Thlt I'resld.. nt of tlf hilth rNoKnltion II!! a�",ltltln!t lle\otlon Hev 0 J £d"urlb I . I I I h I;" k f t pr r s I 1\ 1 1 � ' ll I ( l l !!:��:�k� �;: :; 1� : ) ::LULJ�r,:�'; ::�: :� ; : � :�:;:� ;� �}� ��� I':::: 0 I I , de.'n · Lllu·o]n \\"('111 Ihrou�h Ihe G llld' T Ilt' fullowinlt were r{'renlly ('nnt 11lIt te�1I nrc al present makln� Mr. 1I11 Heln l;u "r�· line 't 1l11 l' "flen · duri n;': Ihe l " h ,,�, 'n ror Ih e I I l lt h >;" hool dehnle • Selection 1.lIdle" Choru� 1I"'hdl !" r I n ecllr In jl; t ho Ir t r ' �� l4 � flr!'1 'plarl,'r .... lth aPlJarent ea�,' le" Il Oillf O�dnl. I.e:martl TholllP' 1 NI1t� neln. ,Iromlnent, violinist and Talk ('hrlIlUnn :-'lIrlIIr\' :'oli�� . I:: ::� , :�lm lt :�: ,, � Tht'. I: I.. (. ,' I�',·eTl II�hlt'III"'. 1I1" 'I !'"n.; : :'olar/o:arel Jacolll!On. Slanle�· In�lrllclor of Tacoma:l�ow n I!'em. ""trld l'lIelunti Kent .. Tlwre lire III prellent fortY three · h"I "" \" r. ,turinR Ih., nexi " u ,lrto>r Ih h l I'('t l'r {' rnmho and H urn" her o( Ihe ICllrhlnK IItaU",f Lord Duel. ··!teJoke In th" e . o ln tw nl y. rou l oul .;t:!!J"( ' lIn n hl e " !'(·or... � 1l(' 1 �': lI iL:'nul. Th � 't ll(>� ; 'nn fnr hl l(� �;'·ery Frltl;l)' mornll)JAtO .,dli llpend So:hnerker; . Mre. J. ". }o;. "'lI tjll�. MI�� ���:: l �: d �':�tj tCj � �:� n o r nl . I ' �"O"C ha '·l tL� l d < hu l ( ,'n 'I".'1 w llh no � l l" l ,I" hale 11\: ·· He�() "·c,'. thaI In \'Iolln Inllt rtwt lon at the ,·o\ lcgo. A dNe Bjorklund, T'llcomli. lI f"'!! mad" allh,I'U::h It �el' n1 \'d ,·o>r '· \he I ' r('sh l enl nnll V k,'.l'rf'sldenl nr M r. He ln I!et np ' a IIt llcHo In the Talk . "The F'ellerutltJ lI'", :'o\, ,�t 1 m. M r. J . 0 _ �. d W ft r�". dlrector · of r he nll pl I for the · .. IIl;t'I�' il l linw" Ih ul one I t'am tlr 11)(' I l e ' ·nl ll'd SctnH'1I IIhnuld he elel"te'! Bernice Building of Tacoma ahottt n I")f lnnt Tnl!k:' Mrll. Il. O. Sto,·". IU .." choir 1I11) !!; del)en�1 on Ihe a nllm· ellr Thill )�'� olh"r !'hould IIII�h Ihe Im ll "H. r � u' �" r... a M ln�11' lerm u f t<lx �.�'lIrt<"· ,.Jllr ago. �'or �nme yenrS pre-,.iou !! Botlu'!I1: . . , ' I Rm ber lind (I\lall t). or �olcell. . Iho> I;nf'. Solo. "}o'nlth:' Mrll. . L. :11. 81 ",\"lg. l 10 his ('omlnl( 10 T1Icomll he had plenlled 10 nllnOll llO:O Ihll the chorull Th.. i'le.:ond half IIhowed Ihllt cach " . Talk "Forwil.rd PrOll:rlollll :' Mr!l. "rl\_L'I' Q/ 'lCUd of. Ihe ...folln I\epartmenl � 1II1IISTlell IIIC ln thll! reHPcct. llnd l:on. ( . . CJ l"dll l 1 P rOn I , ()()( I ( ,fI ,, 1" · 1,,, (101111( now 1 ' wa� 01111. It'llm I;; the C·onllcf\:atory or M U lilc In :'01. A. Cltrl�teIIHcn. preMhlent )e mI I l). lan " mak(' a tou..!ldnwn. :\"0 t<rnT., w:l.II :{,': II �:� : � �:�V� ::�c!; 1 .ll l l'I'al·�' :\ l l'lll ill'I'S :'olalllllOlI, Willronsin. lind Inter IIpent W. M. }o'. ; ( :J �� t a e le -\ . t.:nlnl''': hn"·e\·... r. un� 1I Ihe end of 11 Currenl t:vent" . Mr�. M. I.. l'e!j.- � -llon w tlml' tin the ('onrerl atllge. Le <'Oll>lt' citlCll of Orejl;on IlOd ' Il o . Ih� t hird quarter. ( arl�on. !)IIl �inf! 1 T�U' Thel'plan I)ramallt- �odet y I :'ol r. Heln III li n Ilrcomplilihed nr· \.'11:, Seattle . . . Wal!ltlnJ(ton. rllo': , .. h� If. madC a h !ltlan, l . rU n. l or I I.. (' . �lllrtell Ihe tl'rm with II t l�(. all" Rev. Ove, In his mellMlllte Maid. I'ncl rlc " It< ,'x,rt'edlllgly , ' ('untpltll� dalll on Lhe prol(rnm / � � /0:11 n nl: .1 0 rllre If and lrlnl( Ill: Ii II' I lo:o(),' �up"l," or pel) ,�nci enlhu�ltlllnl. fortunnh' In ohtninlnlt Itl� �eT\·lres . "God dej)l'!i'llcill n wnrm hellrt not ror . 1 ... II ll lld 1IIIInerary will he I)ublltihed 1\ !l'tcll"l1' . _____ I'li ll � " ar,'� ' from Ihe II:Olll. · Th .. j Thill W illi allpar(,111 III nil Ihlllle wlL.. time only. bUI fnr I1 . IIY . II luler date. hall "·Il." curried ()\·er Ihe line h," Wt'�t' Ilrl'lIcnl at Ihe (lrllt pre�en ta ' J \\'e should dlll1)� H"e 101lklo!t lit our _ I I. h I l I II" a ' I\ ;eU; n�I �����· :uH I�:e";� Fall Fro l i c 1 )J'()\·l's � . I ;:::. :�d �f �h: ����/��:Ier�e�� �I. I.. '�'� f�;;O���: ��:�II � :�':' �r:��� r:; ' :�: l' : � � � ;h�r . l r I I lta,1 Ihe ael'·anlnge � n n · 0 ",·u'n' . W :l1I 1I:1 ... .. n: The Fit-kit' I'tofl'lIlIorlike /o:ood CllrIMII!IIlII . We ne l·...:r seem . A n En jovah l c Event , • . 6 'lunrtcr Il l ';lllt(\l1l ;ml' : Mnrjl;art" J n (." 0 h � " II 1 The tiny" or the hlln(\.hl'll hll,'t' dc- to rCIIIl1.e· lhlll 1111 the good we have.. " ,\ fn"l. rurlnull (ourth _ ._ rl'"1I1to'd in a lI:oal It,· tile Un<'ntn .\1y<'" ('!I,,"\1(-'r�nn. :'oJnrtlmer LeGure. parI I'd for reglllnM unknown. It hUH hUll come rrom God, not rtom our· The �'al l Frolic lipoliKored by I he ,.;roup In the lal'll few mlnulell or , \-''',11 ".. In IIHrn' S,lnneru,1 ' beell offld llh dll'-carded Illtn Ihe lIel \"el4 God ,:!lI ntll our hellrlll We · l.lIlher I.eague �all .ll: hen In I he ' plA\ allhoulI:h the P I. t' hO}1! IIld Onl' .1 !lad -itea,l\nll: :\I,ln Fo\\ I rl':l.1 11l of hJld drea m", IIhould exprellll our thunkK10 H im by l l' I. (' Aym HAlurdllY e,t'nln]ll: Octo th,'lr �1l'�' 10 prl'len' IT The L�n "' r \Ve Hhould !> bc r Iii 1 :-':0 \ollKer \\ 1 1 1 It� dl�lInlllllll \olre our nctlonll O ll r life The Affair wall well III rohllll'q arrflillpilshe" their purpn!i"{'" _ �IH' \\et\limll: ,\nnl,erllnn- '\ "e 1t ' l r" I.. I ht. litreI'I cllr lln n- Iwo prct<Cllt our�c]ve� II hoi) Ilvlng 1 t"ndec! lind �uccctldul 111 o very re t\ 1l\ " "crle" "f rle'l'r \\ell �Xf'<"u nne "{ speet I ' pl,l' TI1I'Imli Hl'nHlon i.)ell hlo{'k� dl�t,\nl no loltltllr \\111 1I leep) \I \('Tltlce unUl God It'll l..."�e" an,1 hI a hlorkcd kl.k Kr.. hl ....r I'-tllde"ll! pilI' II l1conr{'rIlCdl) ,Ind half, �I r� It 0 Sto \" e of pothel! brought " p,lnlollllme ellelectlonH from Th�) ,11"0 flilted In Ihe kkk ror I Sln,l( :'o'� T.. Sl('('p Sunrille Itt frl !thtened 0111 of bed In Ihe \\ ee ollt the fact thnl pra)er It< \ ery ell- opcrllH nnd olher mUlllcal number! Imlnl nnd n" rllrthf'r !'rore \\11'" made I :-'OOn_\ IOlln sololl Eilol :'ollchel· hOll n of the mornln lt " he � cntlnl to nil "ork or Ihe F..der- "ere prellented nil part of Ihe pro ll thnl h�· 1'II11I'r �1(le. lion. clamor 1M hel(un. The or hell hllll IItloll whethtjr It he III CdUClllloll. ml�.1 grum. MIK� Sllxrlld and the �lll' Thl'· "nllre ! ('llm \\"as In g""t! <,on· A t<ltnrl IJUlllnel!1I mcetllll( \\"II� held lIen'';;1 It� ultimate (Ielltlny and will �IOIIII or chnriliell. For wh�\t 1!l l llentll nll�llIled Ihe I.ulher League tltlon for the !:lIme a�(� mlln), cle,'cr lifter Ihe program lit whlrh .t lte not he henrd from lIgaln. Unl��- prnyer � Prnyt:r IH II commllnlcallon ' ID Dluklng the aUalr 0. succellH by . plu,.� 1"" \.t'd the fllneJl.S of (he different . commlttcclI were elected. Ah . that unless ! Therein 1It�1I Ihe ... lth God and how much can 011111 do conlrlbutlng their work and talentll. fellow". �'owl...r "tarled III Quarler. :'olnrre }o;spe!le(h and Ar!in/o: sanne' 'The Hale of pie. pop and cond)' 'lTnle"II' 114 Huch a big wilhoul God'lI help? difflcultr! I" quit when he waH rud wert' choKcn rnr Ih .. Properl}· hUI wall. rorrell Mrll. :'ol. A. Chrl!lIenHe�. preliident ufler the prOj!:ram helped 10 mak� . word I hal It b, well able to bear . Injured. Carlson tlten barked the l Committee and· t;d ]verson ....119 the evcnlllg very 1I0clllble. (Continued on Imge 21 the welll:h l of t he mennln jl; placel\ , __ . t Cont llllte(\ on I)uge 3 ) elected Stage Manlll(er. up�n II. • Unless-the ne ..... clock ,,.,,.m ,.11, ' " w",k , . <b, ',h,,,. , 0f 0f 1927 ' Ther�-It 1M out at last. . .. ( Continued on page 4 1 un FIUr 1nllrk. K<:!I �,,\. , .. : crew htld fUty nine to Sallnerud'lI ....A mosl In ll'relltln/o: lelter from !I are all different from me. a� thell' , w�.'�;. l�h��t). �tl;t 1'�·1�. ::��;� �:;;"·':t lu,.e. thlr�y.fh ·e. conllequently. Captain " . , itrudUlIle \\'119 refel\·t>d b)· !'olr. 1II0de or 1I ..ln,l( IK fr6 � mine.. b")·� rind t{lrl� r'"r ,.(h� � \j· Sannerud'lI group had to .....alk . the On."erll>tt�n ALENDAR C drt,·,·. I-Iau),:' Inl<! .....cek. It was from Alice :'>IIHs Dill' e had heard .,the fllct plllnk-this In the form of. � Ma'II' Oct. :!�-l)ramnllr Sot'lety Progrll4Jl. T h e pirate chieftains liad tl Iluar' Iln,·'f' who I� (earhltljl; 10 Chilly, the all P. . C. graduates of the Ort. queraae party to the wln.nerll to be .. 29-llallowe'en Par.t). �Iven by . rel . . Idaho . el1l911 of ' 2 had receh'ed schOOIR . given October 29. IOHerll Of the-Subllcrlpllon Cont�Ht. ented the Mchoo] on th·llt l On September I S, the Crew of hearl and com She SIIY" I hlll IIht' Is I The Caplaln" congratulate their Ort. 29_Footbllll !tllme at Park. j the . good ship. Fortuna .... . as dhlded .... fn llIh hearty a She also n�lded <' of Ihe f.ost IH1'er :'olounlalnll of rellpecllve "Sallo n" on Ihe wonder· land "11. C. P. S. Heaerves. , One of these 11\). Ihlrty two miles from Ii rail: that t �e coming clnss "hould be 8J! Oct. .30 ":"'1'. L. C . LatlleS " Quart;t lnto eq ual ,,"OUpH. }o'rOfll ful HP rlt a.nd cooperntlon. groups W!lll led by. the Ilal� lind rOlld and t..... eh·e mile!! from the fortunate. the time the HhipH set saU until the)' slnjl;lI n't NeH\'I!t's ChurM In Se. . hearlY Captain sann• of 'The anchored· nParpltt Jlo�torrlfe. • In lIpeaklng· about the people she . there \\·aK not ooe IIIKn . attle. . , ' ,• . " [ lIkno .....';:.. and the otlTer had as o f mutiny. ·':'>1," school room first." IIhe ""role sars. " I forgol �o mention the fact Oci. !II-Short Course cla1'lsell begin. aptaln Sverre Omdal Nov. • _P. L. C. Male Q ua,tet ItM ' leader � ·The .Hallowe·en Ideli'.---.....1 l J be car· · " I" a one room log �abln In the that the . people here are :'>lormo08 . from . "Way up North :' .DOth , of rled out I decoratlnjl; for the party The clerk Is. presiding elder j ' t�e mlddl� of a PlUllure one mile from j� �In,l( Itt SI. J�hn lI Ch(l'roh , ·Tn. n . pirates, and these Captalns...are noted . thoHe Indlvldualll ..... ho do not the nearest house. I ha"e abso. Mor.mon �hurch , at least I think " coma. anti the cr�WII were blood.thlr;!)" .come In cOHtume w111 not be . lutely nothln/o: 10 work- ,..·!t h except that'lI� ""hat he II!!. allo .....ed Kov I O. l l - !>lId.semester examloa . • Indeed� 10 enler. Captain .Sannerud has the lest boo kll and a black board, I ha,·en:t- had dltrtcultles ' ·tl�ns. Captain Sa o nerud comlllllndeereJi lIelected the following commltteell: .. " 1 board ,,·IIh the c1erli: 'OI'bo hu IIlnce the rtnt dar of !lchool, when Nov. 12-Football game. P. I.. C. the good �hlp "The Unknown " .... hlle Decoration: Vlctorlll Chairman, '·s. Centralia at Centralia: .. t\\"o ch ildren . and one other chlld t l pUI a wrong hlHtory dalc 00 the }o�velyn D�h1. I NO'f'. 1 1 . I 2. 1 3 -S� h Puget .s.tm4. Caplllin Omdal remained In the RallmUIIHen; Irene . ....ho ·boards ,..·.Ith him. In mr �chool board and lost my way· ....hen ortuna:: Theile fllarlesH pirates Sneve, Franklin Lacey, · Erling Ja· "}o� �.y aIlY at Brem. I ha,·e only IIlx pupils. My )·oun«eat lltilrt'ed ror home. A· thousand acres Circuit Y. P. L. _ one ( j� rldea an old nag fh·e .mlles til quite ' a bit 'of ground and . I erton, Wuh . Tbe Sunday pw. .....ere . out to capture slavcs and tbey cobllen. Entertainment: Chairman, Loul. gram ' will consillt of a few num, did. BUI-and h�re W811 tbe hard to school: The oldeat ill 1!J::teen. foriot In which direction I waa" . ben from P. L. C. 'Qae Male part of It-each slave had tei p,"y Henriksen: Elna TrulBon, Carl An- . , and taller than mYllelf. t. t110ught lIuppoied to go ." the !I\xtH!l . year old pupils' were Alto«ether the ImprellSlon ....h\ch . .Quarte r will e\ng, Gerteprd Lane Ii nice ,� hlIlY dollar t� " the erectlO D Anderson , Wa.lter Chrlstenllen, Mar)· • ; . Fowler. now .1 know they MI.!IR Davie gl"ell III that th� school I ")1 1 IIpeak o!!c one ph�se of the o.f the Mooring Mallt. ..... . mere .mnh!l but " J\efreshment: Chairman, In«�al . Both IIchoonerll returnt(d on Oct. topic: "Saved to Serve" and'_ NII really exilt. �n Ch1 11y, Idabo III a · very fln.e one slaTes ...-ere Fedl; GladYII· Jor&en't0o and Olga T.he people are. all verr, "ery which Is ably baclt:td by the friendly l ReiN �III pia)' a few Tlolln selec· 14, but when the . " counted It wu found that Omdal'lI Bellilon. frlelldly and nice to�. me. but they f�lInK of the peov.le to' "Teacher: ' tions.


, I



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Grad uat� y, Idaho; CI N.ow Teach'In� I!, Chill ass InterestIng Work Outhned


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. PII.�te Schooners Reach Shore; "Tlie'Unknown""Crew Wa k Plank . l ;


. ./ .

THE MO,ORiNG MAST1 - Bible �hat-= ==_���!������u��ents-=� PACI-FIC IXTIlEIl A ;\: ('OI.I�EGE. PAHKI.A:'\D. WASlIl :,\(,"'·O:-;'.


Wi! : ; Ht :I:·��m;:;: :�.e� . un to O('L 3'-Di�'ine. s('n�i�e8 !O:30. . I t he"I hili" Sund.l. ), Srhool 9.30. ; from II'helwe ('"ull1€,th m� I . . . At 3:30 p. m.. II �c(ormntlon festl\'a� ,wi"J1-:he obWtrnod. �. helll," g I the Sl llOOI H'U b. the " I u d en t!! I t !.� I �\'Irl durin";'address. . 1'1I1.11slu-d cH'ry \\\0 "cck-�.eIQIII RefornutllOn the J. Prof. O. Ordal gh'es ! Iht' .I)(" ' � ' nl� \' hl 11\(' P;lciflc Lutheran College. l'arldu1i<l . Wlillhi n,l:U)1I 2. -Ladies Aid at 2 rI. m. , u\1l � ld;ln who sIH• •lk� . . " � o but Nov. suh�,·rjllliun. one doll�r ' ller ' year :\'0\', . 6._nj\'ine -Sen'ices i O :30. Da , hl ,' mhl ,:rln ._Ihl' niHnl' � . Sf' ,": nle·r�'d a� �'>" f1nd <' Ia"" maUer. Ocwber � . 1 9 2 5 . at the IIO);t officI.' do�e Sunday School 9:30. In Ill U O . \\ ho tmt llavid . · HI l'arkl;'I1,I. \\";.�hi!t!:IC1Zl . u nde r the .Act or :'Iar('h :.1. 1 � � 9 , - 30 S S . , p��f. O�r;�I ��d:t� w·iII speak on the So�g Sen·i<-cs.·� I ��:��,/u "�\I�:e:��I�: 1);:::::1 :�;'::::I' I:: � ":1)lTOIO.\ I.' ST..\.FP �o\'. it-Young Ladies G ui ld. I I It o I l l ����I���"i�:�" I����I<�'� -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-�_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_�_-_-:_-_-_-:-_-:_ �� r�.:rn� �n�l: ;��a �,::�� ';:�.�' i��::��:lf,,�OI!i:::�;I��I �:� NOl-. I I Ladies' Aid Atiction ·&de. .

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l ) � ()nly too ()ftl'� i · · t I ' -·i ; lJ I ,I I I: i lg critil'ism. :Sol "Do yon' la.ke thl� wpm;11l ill I his l'aSt' hUWl·H'r. S t t!til'llts . you are proud or your t('alll. an' yo u not '.' I .i k,' blllt(,r or for WllrK't ? " their Il:InH'sakl'S of old Ihl'y m t· oul Oil 1111' fit·lt! righting fol' you " 0 . i IH'cr alone. J !l('\'l'r t 1 · l · 11 I I ' \ l allge ne . ��:::.f( 1 �:t 17( 1\ ��·a:� n � 1::t�·ll��I� i. �;!'I��:')I' �����: :��e MnnulIl Art!! \\'ee�1Y I:I.:� 1�:�� "::�hl l�" I �·�:; that rl'l'unl. :\11 uf us art' proud or tllii- "(;Iaffialors." \YP huH' ��������hud rl'asun to Ill', �I.L . In tlH'ir turll, . tilt' I('am is p:'Hld of yOl�. y()� haw SCI far I · t'd WlIlldt"rf Ilf sch oo l SpJl·J! and here s huplIlg you kl'ejl tJ1( �� ��;!? :'I11!1't· (JOWl'!" to ytHI � E\"I'fYl llle al 111(" �alllC tUlIlorruw ! :So S. L. I _ _

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:-:1,,· I wallrn� 1 0 "!lan�" ,,<"II'o,:lu lo" I·i""rt');sor. li:'I: '" " ; ' 1 1 .'" ' 011

· ;;ay . (; cor�e . •1" -I tak.. t h�' frol1l I.·rt. 10 Scaltl("�" · ' CI.I!: ill"� ,l "f'�




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lIu ildi!!1:


Thi" a(1 1'111� :!!",c good for ma rc!' 1 :in<l " OIllI,1111lenl;lry ha1r trim, at

CnrSOf!'s Beauty College �:1 St. Hclen� :\"C. Mflln !1 1 .j 9

I1c: "I·m She:


�Hentof,' H i gh :\'ews LET'S HI:: CII:\SJI )EIlATE (:(Hlrtl'S\" nH'llIlS l·llnsid('ratiIHI. I>" \'IHI l'(Hlsid('I: Iht· ,ltIH'\' I f�'lIow ·.! AI'I-' �:Otl so "T�IPP('�I 'IIP in YO lIr�{;lf Ih,�t you l'allll()� find "\\'hHt a re yon tre:Hin): me. for. t lllll' 10 hl' (·I I UI'I<'II\IS·.' :So� :S (111{' ,If us will admll thai sUl'h IS till' dO<:t�H?·· . " LOSH or memory. yon lline owed {";ISl'. _ . Shll. \\.(' al lo w oUI·seh·('s . Io !J<'l·Olllt.t ('afl'less . .\ casual lUI! a bill of sixl)" dollar!! for two word. A slighting {':\pn'ssioll of o pi n i on . " is nothing. YI'I, f,�1' Yl! ars." . all \,.(' kilO\\". that ·word. Ihal ('xprl'SSiOlI has hl't'll as a . hl o\\" -The �� :"\I a llal Arts Weckly IHTOSS t ll' fun' 1o SOIll�( >J H' in 11](' grollp. I I hUfis. I I l'uls dl'PPl' ".la l l thl' kllifl'-:- �l' an' sorry . . \\" t' hun' sl!"uck dl'l'P a!H 1 S he : " 1 1m\"(-' ,l .:cid ed 1 0 g i \'e u p !!tenol':raphy"· tnll'. \\ (·.hu\'l· \\'olln,kd <lnollll'I" S fl'l·ling. " Ano th l'r She " Why?" Ll'I:s<rl'nH'lllhl'r Ihl'SI' Ihing::;, Think ahoul 1111'111. li e c arC',·a,,·, he" ' [�I ,,[ ", a ' " njag I..ag",·' - Ihey a"' , .,."a,. :\ . S. I.. ,." ". Sh ,

l . rt

I II( 1 �1::n;::li.::��;;I I);:�;II,:II'::�·;h:: ��)


tht' SUllg Df till' 111111"1'('1'" 1 1('1"., it is ' "I'm rill prDII.! (If it. I 'ask Ih,· prof all blllis of qllt'Sli,"llIS "r hi � uw n ('owunlr,.(', h� uwn �mul l. ill class :Illtl Ii,' thild s 1'1Il 111\1' s.l llart t.: . "�. . L (' rl ain l call flllil nl�S tlH'. m.' lI t\lrned ;l1l(I ' It:'ulrZll'd ' · :I I ·I II l ll · l l a t I lin I la 11+'\\ hope .11: .1 p ;'II! ",� r::;�;� k . I��.;. n���l l ' t ;�:�::t , � .I I , :�:� I i�:.tl�i;;'h ::;:;l� � i t� : Jtk,� t'i I dH1 hl� n g l'It' tll In I \\ ,'sl,'1"1I Sioril ·s" 1'141 ]lulling do\\ Il .t!oud grad;'s ri.t.:hl alld kft. i" had €! / hil la Ih rc :,u�':: . � Tt's I s dnll·r 1 l h ' illl·. I wri\t· d(�\\' 11 all 11 11' ill 1por a n l sltlffQ Ol l ,""'t',l him from lI l'r .IC,;lrllctiOI\ f l 111 ' s i l I i l1 �---�) ' · . " i; ';\ I �::_:� ��':' r �: (,)il i f::; l :, · .:l ��: 111I' would-I::: Illuff,.... J:: am�' o( ("olball all ,l till'· \\' hal ir II\(· 1t-:ll"Itt'I'S do think thal lll" s lit,· "hrilins" (If 11 11' l'las� "! pU!The l �' ()f life urc · l'\u�el.\· r('\al('ll. \\'hat if IIll'\" do think Iltat hl" s a !.!1t0l1 st ud 1 I 1 \\' lta l ir th c\" do h"l h o f Ihem I",in J::all!l'� or, han! g g-i\"t' him a good g-I·ade ·.' · \\'It:il i ( till' blufft·1' dlll's gt'l his ",·;I SY· · ktl"t'k �.- William Fuwle!" II ' I l f li I�;:�: no 01 11' !'Ist' . . f i ' • "\ l. �i! � I� t l: d I I :_� ,:t� : · :�· I ::�:; [I:' � ,IJ:�::g 1�:�:I'I\;:!)�;:t�l tOUt' might argul' that H bluff!'!" who nlll "gt'l away wi l lt it"· - Borrolvell ill sl'ltool l·all do Ihl' sallie in t ht' outsilll- world hut this is Ilol so. �� � � Tht' tilll(' Sp.l'llt by a hluffl'" ill sdlool might just as \\"t.1l Ill' SP"ll t ! \\:hal I II '·:Ille'.!.-when ��(\II wei!;:h Ilut digging- dilt'lll's. Thal's whel"l' .tllI' hluff,·!" c\"t' n tually lands. I a ';llh�tann" OIlI tlf w;,tc r !llltl t!ten ill TIll' "gift o· gah" has 1'01lll' ill hand\' to a good IlJ;.lI1\' bl ll fft s . all- wat;'r an d "0 1l1 111lre t he {Urfer n,·c? . uilll'f sad l· in·UlIIstum ,·. �n1t· "hlu(r�'I' cau·t h'lI- yo·u why hl' gUI'S j "�l{)()Jjshnesl<."· �H�-'n{()o III):h �ews 10 st.;hl)ol. l it· iHfS 11,1· ,lllll'I'1 I I view l·Xl'I'PI. [It'rhaps, to IHf\'(' a good timp. ·Twill iml('l'd be a \\,i;llt·\· da\' ill .Ium· whl'lI a blufft'r will Tea.:),er: "YOIl looked nt l·\"t'r a11101111 I to anylhing ill this \�'orld wh('ft' !trains and a will- Papcr. Ihrce Ihne..... "Yet<. MII'IO. hc t!ol'!:In·1 iug-m'ss Itl tfain t h l'1lI <In' paralll ollnt. :So S. I.. Fro!\lI" I )id


\'Oll ,'n'l' I tvar




-- - - - - - - - - ; e ·IIUTI \Tl0:\,

- - - - ----


I� ";"





YOIl will find heft' ('\'('rytltillg you liced ill


School Supplies


TYPEWRITERS . All Mnkes Sold or Rented M. R. 'Martin & CO�


Nov. 20th ,(Sunday) :� p, :\1.


" :::: : : : ::: :: :: ::::: : :: :::: : : :: : : : : ::::: : .' : : :: : : Walk-Over Boot

Snappy Shoes for Me-n Klassy. Kicks for Girls Samuelson


Su. 7th &. I\. 11:12 >udrl(' ,h(',


; 'r.;;;;9�.;;26;;; ;:;;P�UC;;j[;:;jC; ;:;':;;A;;;VC;:;.;;;;;:; ;;; �; .




. t5�* -:;� ..... _k.

The stnt1ent� do "ay they \)a'·e not been to TOicoma if they have not ealen at Carlyle's

c.-s-re !WI Nt Metal ro. ..... .. ,. c-

JOH..-'ISo'N.co.'t CO�lI'."'!'t"Y l Ji m Wood Hardware manhood. 'throngh � 727 Paclrtc Ave'. CO. PacUh: will appcar h cre fronl time t " Im� .... hlch 'one pusses." I smIle In· l 9 ' wlll . he wri tten lJy stu d en ts w ho ar hollc)[uin 27ilH P · wr;tlng these. l nes for. l :l y when nOl on the staff of the Mooring . s a true . example 1 1 11i Pucifit� w_ �YL·E.'sj CAFETERIA .... M · .. ..... . r � II· ... of aforesaid men- � :'Iast. Contrlbullon!! to this column a Steel Office A may be gl n'o to any member of J. he ta l l:lta t� . I doo·· t helie,·� m)'seir to Sll('n�:J� I (' I It1 \�:�� :I::: ::"hltli n g be m : : : ::.:.i :�l u:�:e��l�!��g '\�I:;:r I?Of IlS��I::�� �:)' h��Il��o�::: ;�t �o the menta lly � 'Spo!"l ln!'�!:!��: �tI..�;!��.::,r; TII�kle � i thousht.. Please help us to make It sound man ..... h.o hilS been pl�ced ' n : Our !iCr\'ice is aIw"ys of YOHf disposal . ·If .we h uven't got HOuse Furnlllhln� Indicate on your artlolcs an as}·lum and there trIes to prove � whul you wunt, tcll us ond we will get it. You don'l have :;=���; or not . you wish t hem :.1; ·::�::��ent�.or �:�:In�t ' �: �!� >''''''''''''':.''''''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''; : L to send away for a thing. c1uf'JH:i ces and quality of merchandise will su rel y make you a satisfied custo mer say- will disprove the caae against Establlshed 1883 _



Is h f to r 8-t�I�d t ��� ::: O;e:::n ;::I:; reached fnteliectual maturity would judge me an adolescent. and perhaps be justified In palSlng .IIuch judgment. Be. that as It may. my fello..... adolescents and l Und eonsolation In' the ' rol�owrng dennltlan of the popular matady: "Ado!. esceo.c'e-:-a mental state betweert



1:' .


1 A -· J!: : : : :. : : : : : : :. : : : : : : :.: : : : :.:::_:::',: : : : �=======:==�! _



n e a tes� l:�e: �:���I::;�b::::� ::��:�




'.. .. ... '..:...,." .....'''�".,:'' ..'''...'' ':......r .,. .; .,''' \ CO the asyluni nmate may prove (or ' disprove) hisI sanity. We accused adolescents Who would pro\'e our­ Steam Supply Co. American Plumbin� selves to be otherwise. look for, ho sale word to the time when some far­ seeing psychologist will' give us the 919/ Broadway ... 'fat'oma' Plumbing, Steam an,d.Mi 't1 SupplieS means of escape from our - 1908-10 Pacific " Avenue Phone i\I�jn fiO? barralSing socl.al condition. f;.. ..,..............................,............,.....................,....'. I ;.... ..,....,. ...... ...,. . .......,. ,. .......... .. . ... .. .. ... . ... .. .. ...,. . ..,..... .. .... ..,. ........:...... ......... .. .. : .

� Mahnck






;, ..,''''" ..•... ,..•..••..•,',.".,.....•




.. ..


.•......•..••..•...•..• ....•...•..."

. .. .. . .


The best value ever offer""






.. .




. ..












" 1'

'--, Gladiators Gain , Another Victory

AL ' SECATES· RE SPECIGAMES R FOR . � Throul!,:h the work '1(111 \' wl,l T;u'pumnl ;:���:�I I:�::·(;I:;: I��h:I:·" ,;;:II�..,�l;�llj.:::.Ol:ali::�;l l".t ltr I 11", (ol l � l ( l ( l nl l j! 1,lm"l. �(lln \\ I \ 1:,:1:\\ �1�:\TiGl,. �r�::


',om p',,> " 1 . I hllt ha '·" wlth 'se"cral not been. used "by Ihe boys recen t l of �Ir. . -' : Mll.t an(1 ":1' IInllk·· I'. ,I., C, SIll' 'lSeln" �alled for, ,'.n oth�r .vktory Willi added to the 'I he er l lt t"f' tn !lee I:II IllC.'! II . '·cry den;tt luul ..un\ -Lln('oln .. Th unbrOk en re('ord or the " nhll�la" � III "1I�" Cnl �rlll"", lI)'lIte n\ nr P1II!Se..'1 bill the tll!ly c,1 in IOrll' on Saturday tho;, 1 1th. wh .. n . a, ll Ih�y met ';intl dde:\ted the (:. P. S. :�:::: j l �::.e�:l .: ,,::, r:I��cet:�;I�: ::� He�('rvl:''' hy a of :-. tt> 6 . . The l'.'rh:lp" ne (>( the ,1110"1 eHeNil"l' j.:ofl<l an,1 \\'1 '11 ...·. ... nh ,,(' " l;aUle \\':111 ('ai led -al th .. end uf tlW ! "u� .. delaled PlIo;lI tlult \\IUI 1I"III Il h Ih u�'" tu 11.. 1 11 1\ , ,1 nil l1unl' "III ' _ _ �_ tillrd f! IIIrl'r -� -('xe, lIlt\! h) I llUlI alHI (;llrl".1I1 Ju�t 1��j!"O(t If IIUI TIlt' j!,lme \\ hl[h " 1 h. ""r�1 I � no" lu , um, -..-"I ! >\11 th Ing s hal, their 1)l lr(>� tor rill> I In�\l1.! Ih, lIuml'�f "r , �s S I ,,( Ihe l' I I m i o;llLlpnse luIs "r IOU ) t hln); there lIlst ,u\(. •• u l t ,ou li e to ("(I "b , "Hllhllt� II III<' I uf j! lIn, 1 IIllge " ' I)f I 1 1 I (,Ier- l\llle 1 (, ('r I h., I.· ,('hl"r h ..� I died I t ed l I� j!hlll tn kl'\1> 11 1: th. ;;. ��::�� "ullin 1 h. III> " "r�l' Ill'" tlll n.' �' n .. "� • I. I . !,Ioo< :�<I I ;:.: :(:::�:�e� I h;::���'''U r l !M!! luur h l ll,1 � l ' 1 �:: I ,"t·� II l \01 .11 1 1 .1 1 , , .. h.,� ::.. � In Ihl,. , 0l>nl l �" f o r 1 �-;� j�::1 t /:::\ "�'�:::�I :1',' ����: �',f" . � tll n�{ "r !la , , �I \ll'n: \\"(>ll,· "hy ,1.'1\'1 �'''n "· oo,,"",l.




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.i. F, \'ISEI.I� ,COo





H.·.,I Vu"lIly \





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J"hn�f)n .

S.-pollock fflT WO!lclrin




tir�1 (dr1:

.l.lIok II Ih"


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euuL !luI. hnw will Ih()�c huy" "I •


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ill dejel'lion frum that on e -
















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short .I:;oin!!. 1>11111"11 . thl' L, . I o ln g O\'cr tlH' go'a l li lle ...h('re Ihe noy player ""us t a k lell. P. L. C, In the le,u.I by 2 BOlh Icalll.'! ph,yed st ra igh \ fool- ! hall Ihru Ihe line 011 nearl every , Illay. • ally P. L. C naged to °hreak.. away "d Oil (usi end I"IlllS 'by Tholll[ll!o l allli . Fedl. The gume ended wllh lthe 011 Hoy '/! six luch Illle, for the accurate tim· Ing of H. Sunnerud haIled the l'I�1Y whIch w ould mOIIt · p_robtlbly han! lh c . �Iv;��t .��:�eOr s:�t\:� J��:8.. a SUCCeft8 and helped greatly 10' keep­ the Inlerest or the game,

at r

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. .




THY U..\ ltU..:Cl·f:




. . . . . . . ·'. .:·�:�.... . . . . . . "·'. . ... ..


. .



S� ��VI� Station

: I M :\"I)\\'ICH f.;S ,






Sales, & Pacific

I We�t Cllist Fruit &

. .·

Produce UB ' HE ' T. H " " ". ". . "".".""."., ""'"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' �for your next suit ,'F,ruits and _Pr:,oduce

Another game has been ,8cheduled ... Ith Roy, and 11 s hoped thal the th u d O _ ,�fore ", w" ", ,, " ,, '= " ." Love � Ihe rnseason Is= ..IO'"" = ' "' ::.. '"' "" C"" g .'"" . 1l J� == ;;::

GULLnERG�S FLOWERS Telegraph DeUt'f'r1l'S Slore:'-S-1 2 So, Tac. Ave. Greenhouse at Parkland



In fu¢t e\'.�rything in Me n's _


.\... ..

�pparcl . ,

1 1 18'

Pac( Aye,

Wholesale dealers In


15th .and Dock Bls.


. Tacoma. Wash. ,





1 ��

Parkland Cleaners



\0\'(, do l'it'alltllg, prt'ssillg,

dr(,ssll l �lkillg,,"lh'nlliolis apt!


. ::,:::::.�':::':;·.i".�..';'::.�" '�'�:: .�: ,:. ,.i I: . .


"I .

):,;:e:�Io:?Tr{�?:i�{�;?�:;?} . . . ... .... .. .. . ... . . . .\���� .��.�,��::.����.�. ��> I'l hy P. I..

ll, , [," ';"" ; " Frl':�� �'��;�J, b . ("[[" " .

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k : " �" ' : i� � :' �:� : " I':'= ' "� ' ':� ' . : '"� , " 1 PIERCE


:'::Ij::��, �1\i'� hle�: n�Ub::I�: U::; ;: };�:a:'I�

' ' i, , r r "b"j!"n pl()w fl:






I E�I��I�!:·r�:I��I��;I�· r.�'���I!�� �?��. na ce . - S 0 9 80. 3Sth Street .

;!. I':

1)"1I1'''L rou lld PXLIl,IIl llfllI i me T (,,,';<(1:( , Since I he r{'Kular Sfluae[ ...., � 11 01 Pu get Stl Ban k U!dl:.� S'oh hm.1n refl1�etl 1 0 ,llow J.!"h' Suite /o:1'llIg the m enou gwra f t h pI t h e " , I I Ilrob.lhl ) h e Ihl� ' from sume T a c ma \\ a�h �lIb" of_lh(' o;qujld 1I�'d\l !ec1 HI\� or dlsguq('c! "ould he P�\{h"loloi:l�l-or l hlldrel\ 10 .I tll'nd IIl ltool hf'!R1I!1(> � of " I !llt;' "'mid h,I ' e to PlI\ ultentlon SUIll "I) ln g I� h i d \1 \ t he side , I"" " " " " .............. ·· -He l n III" h :-;ew� : :\'I\�llutl'r lde .1 I\e! he l rlcal CO�- � " lth lltl!' !lelual prattlce good 1 1111(> ,,(,ulti ht' I"n �Ix 1II"lIlh llO!, � ,1 } e.�_ I 1 I r ) I U III I.'S: Tlux edo ���:� t Dre!;s Su its ror ; h . 1 � t -�'le" (. I' I : � ':� I)· l !I:�::: l \:� g rlll real : I k sl on iJu " I d hOYII l �1,'���;};:II�·:�I\.;, :el l J11 I 1 better than the o lh er 9 NEAL E. THOtlSEN .;,0 Ik);III�. I III th I f'<lm� p l"I'l'Y/ P rof. Ha m�la 'l : 01,,( . t�'1 1 111 (' �o me (' � ":" "

(;1\". o;�:I\:'II,�t .�:',:.I.:)<"rlt., ..




'IllY oen


L. e, _ Solicitor " .





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'� 1 I


T R � ��� �� ::T :::C ;\ , I�g ,�

!I L����Y �i�

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��:� .. ., .


P�klllnd, WIII:III. -'

Is Payingfo�


;::;��==��:' :i:

Ho,!, Can YOn Show Your Apprecudwn? .


lly -rtlll king the hest" of your P�SCllt Ollportuuities.


By ·s�rcguor-<.ling the 'iI�tercst of -your boc�rough

... r

ADEQUATE LIFE POLICY Lutheran . Brotherhood Minn�apalill� Min'n . M� the medi um' of an



ni ht


: : <C)










Parkland Barber Shop and Confectionery


WR� • \"ery t'ni'unTIlI!:!nl! . "I!!I 1!1l'"f P. L. c. bR!\kethall dm!J('es II hlg Huuy WtH' ('a ptnln or I ill' llOOSI


Cig'ars, Tobacco and Candy Ladles' and Children's Haircutting

Watches Washinglon Bldg.

! i, �I




j�ractory Dressma lrlin g,

The Needl� A

A l terations



. ..:"

""..................."'""..."".,,",,. . ..... ".. ".. ., ..... " ...----""'....--'...--------....-r,ii .. "\ ."...........

l !'.


Presenting thlll Ad . entl le ),011 � to a �ittlng H1Ui one Photo Fre.e. �• This offer on t he foJlowlnJ.: dale!! ()nl�' ;nud br appoln.tment . No\',


' 1st - to 5th Inciusin

Frank J. Lee

Caltror�la B�i ! dl.u I'hon,_ :\1,,'',1 _0

. . ... ..: . ·,··..·,··.. ... . I 0L·. ·······, ••••••• .

.. ...

•••••••••••.. ••••..••.. • ••

919 Pac. Ave:

Pacific Lutheran College and



1"4ntM.. .�



, Califor;nia Flo.�ists Cut .'oWt'M<. Pottrd



�. :

IDGH SCHOOL COURSES� New 'Bookkeeping Machine and . Comptometer Just Installed . Scereta:rial and Business Administration . .C ouI:ses in the Junior College./

�------�� Wri te for B u l le t i n

. _..


Hemlltltchin g


& Selvig



of Norwegian

. Cod Li e


. Cor. 'facomu A've & 1 1 St. Tacoma \VII I.

'I I

! I' i1 I:1

Pellnu!. 8uU"r-;\"on.e Better Sunllhlne J8m' �rodu('tll Co. Tacoma. WUllh.

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� � OActober lilt and NO'leritber 5th 1 � Everyone h'avlnJl: their photo taken � 'W I b

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.wASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. . Spalding Athletic Goods . . ..

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Tacoma. Wash.

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1 1 10·12



For l\'Ien and fioY.1

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YOLo 4




A\'ailable Ta l ent .-\ t' ­ gues for Team of H<:HJ Fot'cllSic Powcr . J




No. 4



'; . A ppcat':; for First I itiie Oct. 30 at Refornuilion Prqgram in Seattle

' Il

The question for College debate Pacific l.utberan Collese furnlah- . , this year Is: "Resolved, that the ed ,the greater part of the Hefor, United Sllltes al lOuld cease to 1lt?tect matlon Day program «11'lIn at th�� by armed (orce �aJlltal Invested In " Firat Nor.wellan Luiheran Church In foreigl\ . lands. except after formal declaration of war:' This I� the I SeMIIe on' Sunday, October 30", regulAr Questlon"and aha that of the The aflernoon program conllste.d PI Kappa Delta National Honorary of: Debate fraternity, and of the Mld� So.ng-Audlence -. �'e!lt Conference. Prayer Selections by P. L. C. Ladl"' T1")'out, to 1M. H,'111 A ,group of six will comp�se Ihe l" Octette Addrell8. "Martin Luther, · Refor­ mens team. whUe th� girls team mer. .....P....:. rof. · Ri.ma�d r will consist of nine memberll,_ TrY' Selecllon-Oct�tte 0,U18 for the glrla and bora "'111 be Evehlo.c4rOgram: held al Beven o'clock, NO\'ember Bnd 21 respeclh'ely. Either the Oro\lp of songs by audience ,dl"guhtr college quelltion or Ihe (01reeted bt the , Ladle'" Oclett�. Selecllona-Octette lowing may be ,used tryout , apeeches: "Resolved. that the interAddren. "The Fundamenlals of ventlon of the United SIsIE'S hi Chrliltlajllty"-Prea. Ordal. . Odette .. Selectlon.....Ladle.· r\lcaragu a III jUlltlflable.·· Clo.lng Remarks-ReY. Nenlg. Debale coach Ph. E. Hauge Benediction - Re.1':. · Raim.ulllen, ...."... lh t J d I fr Ihe t I j � d . B· " .t� ·"'.· '''· J : . · t.... . d':P;"�" ::d t:7eretlt :b:�n�. :b�� I th.t " ." . - 1 _-, R '. N .It ' m. Iboatd . be lIome sood college tea,ms the Collese ha. sJ1'eu ,the Reformathlll year; he also la,.8 that he has _______ , lion· Program for two oonHCuti1'e 1 ed r I I te s i d STUDENT Bony cv " N .A.GA'IN TRADIT10 yeara, Reform�lIon .Da" ';'1Il be look·:a�::. ;::: :o;:;�tI:n �: ;x�:ct;; SILLY . STUD�NT-S , HAS S�CKERS . GRIPS MINDS OF ed · upon aa P. L. c. da,. at,lbe Firat a{ld everyone la urged to tUrI) out. PRACTICE PRANKS No, T TU G F SALE NOW' OR YOUN S DEN S at •••'.n Luth",. Chu"h Of. . .. FOR FOOLISH FUN Th. f:'lo:::t·W�""d by Mr. Hauge to form the team that Hallowe'en1 What Is It? JU81 a Behold ! The new Paci llc Lut.her· We'll all agree tbat S-ChOOI ha8 , ��e octette II .compoaedn\, E�n. . ea 90tH bold a dual elebate with the Bad- 8111y ezcuae for 11Ily children to do 8.n . College · sticker! Far . and near been golng 'slong prett, Imoothly ���lao;� s: �� ���DI���: �rl�:::� lm hn �:;t��u:n0b:c:r:u::v:;-S�:tho:r ';::�� aomethlng sllly 1 But. "tha8h 8.1'1- may the . name oJ Pacific. now fln� �::;le�n:V:; �:;, ,:;:o:�gl�e�� I�:� Han�l a· An . Eliot Mlckel�n derlOn ·and Ida Hlnderlle·. The accompanl., Loulae · Henriksen. Arllns Sannerud, rlsbt." JU8t think what a bleak Ita way with automobile. lugg�ge, OT forward to conilns Maat soea to , The first, ....hlch ennla, . moat easerly ",al VI�t�..rla RaamuII,en. . Mar1e E8peseth, Erling Jacobaen and world· thla would. be If there waa no mal l; ItAIlatbe Moorlns la . expected tbat. the 1I�I�ken anticipated, by the Frelhmen, II . Gladys 'Jor«enaon. . HaJlo..,e'en, ·no 4th of July. and no prellbe printed and ready f.or dll' Winter\witb her Ino.., and Ice. Tra: D. O. . R. Members Jlold (or debate Is: "Re- Sa·nta Clay.l! We're 't,ulte l'.Ire ",e will .. Tbe...Queatlon trlbutlon. . merlcan Inte:r(erence lh .... . In don't know what tbe poor little boys sOlved.: dltion 'ha. It' that all Itud, perlodl First Meeting Nov. 1 Tbla atlc"ker ..,aa aelect�d �y. the can . Nicaragua II uattrlable." This group In the dorm would. .do . . Why: tbe Itudent !w 'cut' to go out and .plaY In bod.y aa being the belt of the_ano� will not necea arlly (orm the regular very tbought bf such an Impoaalblilly the and make. anow-men . or (0 The first meetlu.. of ,the DauI1;l. · d. e llgnl aubmllted by th:e atlcker debale Iquad as . ·the tryout waa brlng8 tears to the eyea of ea('b and comml The committee wal com· so down Into the orchard a"D.� tel's of the ReformatioD w�. bel� In . limited to mem·bers of the argumen· all at tbem 1 . . ' If we're lucky thlll ye�r, aome. tbe apartm�nta of "'Mrs.. Ramatad· .ttee. of Lyell Kreidler, chalrm8.!1. skate. . tatlon dasa. . . By the -.va.)'. dl.d you noUce that It poaed morning we'll wake up to find t.he on Tuea",ar. No;,-. 1. Election . of . Mortimer !-egore, and . �rene Dabl. .....aa dark· and atormy e1'('ry minute T,he between ) the apple trees filled officers :wal tbe main bue.ln... �' lanea or thll dealsn ...... orlgl· water rtoren.lmooth al Ilaas , thla m�etlng and tbe following · GOES . up. until Thurad8.Y noon! 01'uJ Jupiter nat�Idea PRES. . ORDAL . .. by Mrs. Kreidler, art In8truc- with and· It. la. or "were cbfae.n: Is Indeed a aympathetlc ao . It looka teJpung. . . �AST'FOR MEETING. Some lada bad the mo.at unique tor here at tbe college . . �Iortinier co e./all get a kick ·out of · Pr8lId�n.t, Hanna Anderson; . Bec::' ' drew �he dealgn and �de Ice� Thunday, Nov. '3. presldeut 01'- .Ideaa on decoraUns the front or· 11Idlns, but aome of retary, Ruth Erlkaon; Treuul' e r, akatlng of the Legor� . . ' � Ihe leaa' grac·eful get. a bang out of II Irene·,Dahl: dal lett on the Great �orthern tor campua on Hallo1'.e·en . But It could It reaely for . the engraver. �Inneapolls. MIDn. At" tbe Iut meet- not hne been the College boYI. be- a What co�ld be '!i0nr fitting than: to.o-uk ··e m and lee It you can't . A prOlram comml.ttee conalaUns . ing of the B��rd ot Truatees ·of cause they all Ba.ld tbat they wer� �ketc� o f�� famous Mt. ,Ta�oma. Judge trom ezperlencel. Thll seaaon of Alyce eup.erlOn,�ella Samuel· f n ton l gl u a I eg a d olly Lan . �rt was also r n a ng m e I: :� °f�;:�:�.�d�? But �:; :::' :;Il�t.;t;� ;;o:: : ::e;;�:e:::; :�;cted� P ,::I��� t� �::� �r�� �rd:1 �u�: ��:::st�:�: :::: �r�: b:� :se �h�� ��� name · ' In hlg letter!'· framing' tbe conteI' Wlth-"t.he National Board of told t he T he u� 110. day atudent. on helng late to . . . · Daughtera Of tbe Re1Drma: Education on .Important matters In . Some of the boya certainly were landscape Is th� beat of ·all, . . 8 :15 clulI," " Well, you the tlon Is branch organlutlon fOt tbe· I.nleresta. of P: .L. C. Tbe COll- b�g-hett:rted In orferlng to belp re- . The atlckera wl.ll be on aale at ground Is ·so .alippety that for ever1 the women;a",�laMG'hary FeeleralloD. terence II therefor one. ot great move the' atter-effectl" when they the bookstore tomorrow. Everyone atep . I took � torward 1 went back The meetlnga are helli on tbe tirlt Importance \0 Pacl c. "uelday of e1'8r1 montb. dld�'t even contribute to the tu�·. get...a few and stick 'em 8.round: (Continued · on Pase 2) . ' . ews Cease Battle and .)'oin Hands in 'Dame Fashion Makes Interestihg Survey Of . C LENDAR Celebrating Victory of Good Sbip Mooring M;ast Nov:mbo, O _ F';"thall _ Pa"", The New Fall Styles Ror P. L. C. Students . Saturday OctOber .%t. he "San- Hanna A.Ddenon, aDd.an auto�t?bHe Lutheran Col1�ge 'va. Ce.-"a Dame Fashl�n Imlled .amuaedl,. ahlrt. made a. mad rUlib fnr the perudlana" eb.tert;aIDed the · "Om- atunt by the. Glrla' pep club! . Several Junior College. . To be play'ed ·at aa sh�e enter·ed the malo. ball of atepl and to the prlncy. (!) . of bl.. . b and aolo� ....e"l 'e r�ndered Centralia. . . dallana·· . and tbelr· 'frltnda with a ::::C. : P; L. C. Her f�lr �yea butlly a:c&nn- own roo�. . � . N01'em�r ll:-:-Dramatlc Society. pr�- . ed. ,tbe acattered "«Toups !,bo were Reac�lns the intersection' wbe'-...: ' . .. . . malQuerade party wbk:b proved an Captalu Sannerud "a�e the wel� I"ra·m at'. 7:30 . · - Jea�lng, or t1'8"1'811I1S tbe Ramstad Ai-enue meell ·Main Ha.U ·.1 standlnl", . oUlatandlul" IUceria. . on �ve?,one bloaaomed out In ��.. :::I;:;�e o�:;,:�: c:.::�� :n; NO1':=-�rC��;:;:;:;::�I'1':atC�����: :;o�nh�:� p�::: ��j::!:I"�a�� :�� =::�e�n .;:I:tsO;I��k D�:.h:r!:: . : lI.nd · otberwiH novel costumea, . �� �rder�4 bta crew to ..I.... �. rllllni . ,ct en"&- HISb Scbool aquad. To be slyle� �recePtion (not exception) atePI: "\yhat was the a;!tul Ilare1 Iglnallty ....u dlllpla,.ed on .e1'e r), Ylde. vote of tbanks and a h8:'"rty applaulle played' at Parkland. roo�- . - Blinking bel' .. •,.ea, abe tr.led. asakl. . : nere wen preaent beautifUl I7PeY 'to the' c� . ot the cood Ihlp "Un- November 19-Yootball, Pacific Lu� ' Her e,es ··�est�. tor an I.atant to gase uPon "1'eral youn" meu· . . .' maid•• �Jl.lah maida, JuU.tI"� plr- known," � ..�heran Colles:e �Irat team VB. Brem� upon flye Toun. .walna iii; ' the who were proc�I!(IC �ow.,. tb... · ' . atea,. The. _shelluJ, bums, ban�aome e .... nln" was I�" al!. enjoyed ert.o.D., HII. b School at Brfjmerton. Soutbeast corner ·ot the hall. She Itajn a tew stept at a time. \!bo . . cow-· · . tinYII, ca�lI.n. frivolous would-be Amusement was hR.t at.lts blsbeet �! g�me ·ot t�e a�..on. amUed a,aln u, the flYe hi unllOn e....r heard of rea. blue; cTeeia, . plDlI: .blr� girls or, wbat· ba.... YOu! · The one pitch by .....rloua contests :-IUCb:,,\as Noyember 1 8-ColJe,e delillte teama proceeded to a.dJult tbe· neekUl!I' anel wblte 'plald or cbecked '\.. �� -Crueaome feature of tbe coatamtAl" ,(ndlan wrMtllD... Rooster· rtshla. tryout for lirl at se'fen o'clock. tJiat we're. conlplcuou.l,. not tbere. tbat 'looked' 1111:8 .,..ealer'l but '. - .... ... the "Huncbback olNotre Dame." pul�ln" eont�t8, �ker · I"obbllnc· No....mber 21.--COllel"e 'debate team NelthElr could Ihe reatraln. .a wee weren'\'! "Ju.t an impula. p.r�. . . The . ct {he h�PI'''. I)ame F..bl9� eo�I" ber; proeram' coo.auted ot e!l,. t Jre1y .:nd waterrdrlDkl�I", "Tb� refreab� . . _l,.).put for·men.a.t ae'fen o'cloc� wbeD one l",d;.lIlte laugl! . · . .. 1mpromptu numben wbleb Included ment-com.ailttee�dtd-double"dull to N"o...ember. Z3-Thankul1'lnc · .receu the wbo":'wu deCked lD what $"1'1- sell, "TbeM modern you.c m.. number· . bY tb., bo�I.'·'qn�rtet�. pr�Qce "ea�·" ibat were a.uperb-Z3 noon uutll· Mond., , NoY. dently �hce·u�n a tlm'e had'been a do b�"1'8:· their brtcbt ·(�.dY, -" . ,Noy. . pall' ot.wblte t"rousen aud a deaa :'Wby I· Oldn't ,Pet ' )la!"�ed," b,. aceordlnc to "Tinkle." 28. '· (CoaUIlUed on . . . , . : >, . -'. ' .. ./ . \












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o = ' d ' 'ed P " onD ,. GOd "' Ord " r�' :F.��.,",,'' , . ,,''' ro," � , -n ---.:: To "1,1t the fatherle88 and th� Publlsbed ucr" t...o wee:b dur hC the school year b)' the atudente widows In lhelr .fWettoDa and Ie ot Paclrlc Lutheran Coile,,, Parkland WUhlnst k-e�p� h imself unapotted. rrom the Sub,crlptlon one dollar per Y af world " < Entered as I'Iccond dau matter. October 2. 1 26. at tl,e poat -ortlee The educaUon ",!,hlch we recal"e In at Parkland . Wuhlnlton, under the Act 'of Mareli 3, 1879. at:hool la practically theoretical . It la not ' until we complete our IJChool ' ·h ' · . E lTORI....L· 8Ti\.FF rk that we CaD apply tMa thoreD

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Church AnnoUncetnen-;;:-

. N oY. I i Ladies Ai'(l Auction Sale. . Arl11i!lli� Celc'!rutitHl . No\" 12.. Saturday &hoo' 1.0.. 1 t o·cloc.� R. m" No,': 1:1. Divine Service with Comhl.umon. �9.�. , ::\'O\'. 16. Ladies Aid. Entertained by Mrs. K. K. (!8ont und M rs. ' (�. P. Olson. ._ '. ' .' Nov. 19. Saturday- School� 10�o·.cl()('k O. Ill'. No,' . 20. Dh'ine Sen.it..-e, 10:30. . . . ' ' TIle S UD<iay .Sc.!hooJ meel",,�undlty morlUng at' 9:30 u. Ill .• Prof. Ph E. HauMe. supt. , " Choir meels every 1bti � ny c"eniilJ{, 7:45, With Mrs. Ph.

. ����B�/>;0/0�i����l��j�;t:����.�;:;;�:, l5.�t�¥f;�;; . Reporten: . Dorothy Zlmmer!l1an. �Ina Triliaon. t.elah..:..o,IulI, Eliot Mlchellon, Helen \Veetby and Inez Arneson. . . .S"erre Omda,l Bu.ln... Manllr;-,er------ ________ .- ____-:... _ _ _____________ . CIRcULATION:. .. anna And _ _ _ Ma a e . . onon --. - --- -- - - ----------------n l r .: .,. -------RTISI H . . . . :\'O.Jacobaen, Gerhard Lane, All' Gladys Jor«en80n, Mansler; ADVEi\!arlaret . IIlatantll: Typillt, A:lyce caIlPerao' l . � I'ER\'ISORS FACUJJr� . � ; �", B.",.." Toy'.. · O.·J. St..n

The followlnl dabatera I.�e�t Sat· M.ter for • I few m.illutea .a.turdl)'; 'u rday at the_ S�attle I Ibrar! le::::OI .. Rey. �nd M.r.... Oeorle Hen.rl.�n debata mat�rIAI: �arlare� .Ieo ' ot Se.ttle ylllt_d their daur;-hler. G1adya ·Jorr;-en .lpn , .Elther Towe-. Loulle, for a ahort . (Ime on Wed. Loul�e Henrlkaen, Marie Eapeaeth. nesday' ·ahernooD. No"amber. :2nd: Olaf Ordal, Erllnl Jacobaen and . . . coach Ph. E. Haur;-e. . . . . ' Those who. attended ttle Sta.nford D D "eraull Waahln gton lame. . ,were. Vic· ew rop I nn .. .. ���.�: :� . will Lilli .".. ,"' ,hi,... d '•. WELCOME. QU[�CENE! . . ' . t Sanne�ud STerre Onidal, Elmer nera. IIhort ordera. .hOt .doll. and To the members of tbe Quilcene High School 'footbalJ tcam ( Continued from \ar;-e I ) Or- hllmbn.....n. W.rnN. ntrtee, cak., und coach : 'Ve. the students and faculty · of Pacifi c. Lutheron on� �t : then w.ben I ot b:Ck Hauke Mortimer LeGore, Olar,. and College wis� to '."el�ome you' to our school in the ho�)C that yqur :� : i P�urne: �;;:n� l!;a�:" "'·aI. ed. dal '� T�dta Fedt ' Manln Haulk I _ ' . Fre Bc tel. : ard an :! 81�ka fiaat of gym on . slay here Will be pleasant and profitable. . . Mountain Road Marlaret Jacobsen yllJted relathe. Saturday we will play football . . In tha i game, your team Before we know It, almoa�. ' n e 'HeDrlka Loulae In Seattle while and '.mr team will do its bc;st to �'in. 'Ve �'ant to win.: You want h�ve Chrll,m811 facatton. � I o!w� Mod. 193J.1 to Will: TIle.best team Will. of c�urS('. · wm, If we Wtn, we w�nt UII, tlre o�t ( a lI e ho be' ra:' IIpenl the week.end at tier'" home . . ' , . wmners. If we Jose, W'(! want 10 be better losers. 'ou 110 mu�� ( . I. II: :Yl :g :��it gla; for there. 10 be goQd Lelah Grallll .who haa heen home II an e$l�: : t e feel; th� same woy. l11C prime objcct is goOd sport�11Ianship c the Ireater �rl of Ihe week be· I ; :la�:.IiP �:u:;,.��I;;lI :to p!t a nn �i� ?-.� wish 10 welcome ,.•" in Ihe sincere hope Ihal our ..... '0 .i�oo ' : .'i" .o�. '0 <a�,:,�;,:"n:::.'. :':�'..�.:":;\,. Compliments e a e u re,ationships brought on by Ihis contest ;"fi � l l)rOnH ? te good feeling ��:: �:� ��� �: � :: of y I a �:�:: .Collele ' from Nov. • to 7• .Chrletlne m IJet�'een your school and o�lr school. Hall the wmner of SolllrROB. M.·SMITH ' . until you'.-e beeD without. It. But Knutzen. Ida .Knutzen and Arleda . day s game t N SatFrld.y, on i 19 ,.r a ntale!! Building luellill were Allen , . . •��. It Iln't lonr;- before our happlne.1I II! . ) Interrupted by the--dare we mIQ. urday and Sunda . . ARE �E .DOING OUR. DUTY � •. �' alumnI. ; al .e.-e :::::::::::.::::::::: :::::: broulht ' : ::: Sunday : :::.: Ilo' � . : : : ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Most .· of thc CXal111natlon� ha"e come . OI1(� gone. '� stu- n the abominable auhJect!-le. Slene HJermlta.d, MartharHjermltad, d<:nls have only OI)C chan� when Mr. Exammaho!l com"!!:, a�oll�d. meater uamlnatIonl. Dreadf�1 Ituft! .Nln.a Okatleu, and Arnt Oyen�were Thli ad plul Z6c lood tor marcel they ttilnlll! ' that Joy Kill Would and complimentary hair trim at .Dld you lake ad�'antage of your �hance to make good.� DId )OU �re. Mlu Muwell and Mr. An· prove �o )'our. Instructor th� t you have �n working? Are could be tore" r banished! Intenllhe .hdrel Carion'" Beauty College Andenon we-re olea ,ueltll on I cram"mlnr;-' by !,.:at,mlnute'·' 8tu'denta you satIsfied With your showmg? ' ' . . 73, SI. Helens A.-e. Main .16 facell mllea lonc, blue auna phere Sunday. .� have many urselv Too telhng habit le f of t us th t es � ? � : � "": 'f . Helma Eap aeth. . Hazel Skogan . wlll start studym� next .w�k or tha.1 after-"thls we. Will reall) e 'erywhere, Srlb a . iroana. relrela. e !":::.:::::::::::::::::::::::;r.:::::::::'::::::::::::;:.:::::::::::::.::: ...Ialted with i" Otto Espelleth �tart· to wor�. "e are mc::h.ncd 10 dlsrega�d the faith o� those amid that t"lins of auuranee ;.tt:at and pouell8! Then the dawn rter .Marie Elpaae.th BUnday afternoon. wh � .a.� paymg .Tor our tUlho�.. Those �vho pay for th�lr own ao few. ' atorm. 811 It we.re-the mornlnl MI'a. T.ylor an� Mis. BtI:uu.d were STUDENTS the l'Ca hze t hat they are here to receive benefit for the mone) and do after the nlshtm.re betore-and Ita In Sealtle onr the week-end. so. spent the week- You wiil fi�d here everylhing Helmdahl M lrlam, y all o"er ior UI. Poo t'eachen! _ their I " . It, is �ur .duty to prove J our worth to !hose :-,",ho have such · you 'need in In Beattle and .t her home In expliCit. falth. !n us .asto pay for o�r education. U:t.,s work hard Wont la yet to cotiie. 'But now, tbe end School SuPpU.. and all, we're Fir, Wuhlnlton.. and' strlve for the mtellectual achievements of.. thc real �hoI8r. allnrtoIInlnr;-!tU'chera In his-home at vlllited Fedt Inlwal we the off Mountain! Betore . TYPEWRiTERS . know II, we're In a land ot 8now Bllyerdale oyer the week�nd and � Smiles here, there! and everywhere �t P.. �. C.-wholes�me and All Makes ' . and tun. Tobonan·lnl. Ikl. lipan! Sunda, .'fternoon .t the Seattle laughter as only merriment ca� cause---m - splrtng con-"ersat�ons Inr;-, ' Ice So!d or Renled . hlklnl, and Inow- Mbrar 1... _ and a· gene�al happy-g.o-Iucky athl,ud� among the students! �'hat baUlnr;-sleddlnr;-, Langlow '''Ialted hla c01:l1lin '"-Norman honeil.to-r;-oodnMII amid real ? ('an be the matter W1t� P. L. C. s I�ma�es .n?w . 'Vhat IS . al� deep anow. Thillo M. R. Martin trom route en while week laat Il26 p e i fiC A& traditional ,Yenl P.lma ... . v Co. this talk about a certa1l1 week and .11 s. slgnl.flcance ? Certamly e. a tO;.N .. � " . N" tbe' moat lonllnlly anliclPatPd ' B.; O;; . ,.; �;,; , . :;.; ;' ;; '; .", 'Y ;; ��;;'- 1�;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;; something unusual must be happenmg f�r P. L. ,C'. s.tudents are I. . ;; ;; ;:; ;:; ;:; ;:; ;:;;:; 1 ealerly looked-for l! 1I0t aro)lsed'to such an unusual de� wllhout suffICient I'!?ason. aitor;-ether too IIhort.of all. and '. It I.' � i \ I\lJast the mirth becomes so great tllat the mystery I�oks WALK,..OVER oul. A mi l is coming 10 P. L, C. to find out what the .students lolo,t... to attend the p.rty Wlth no 'The . BOOT SHOP have learned ince September fourteenth. 'Vhat does thIS person co.�whataoeYer and be le(f out ever off_ know about i ? No. he hasn't a machine whi�h he uses for the on ..the other aide ot the . tence" purpose. 'Vht> is this gentleman· anY'\�ay1 No one else: but l\�r. when the Judr;-e proclalma t.hoat Examination, who comes to visit four times during the .tcrm and who are to be al1o:wed to rem.ln "'lIh Hlm"tore"'er and tor aye! is here this week. :... ' He is welcomed joyfully, heartily, and, tnuml)halltly. "Now Which! A St·udant. that's an example of real sarca�m. pra�tlcal all we hope' 1'0 - mate . our education In . the near fUlur,. W.. can- eully' adopt practical r'l.II•lon by" followlnr;- the ad"ke In. the E I tIe of Jamell Certal n'l y w.. 1I�:O':ld ,do lIomethinr;- for th� or. han the poor helpleal and . old :eopt� or.our co�munlt). and "t here. by endeavor to mak,e our religion .""',, as ' w,II · .. �" " II I ' " ".

��: ;.:�:;,:�:�j,.:::::

. ==.=======' I�

� �� �



I ii

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one must wur one!-And prlzea ,. . . I've at an Inrplratlon. I want are offered to the belt cOltumed .," : �=-=- _ . to wrh: a theme because I teel ao peraon .ttendID,. · I ... • lazy. 'The �estiOD wll1 .rlle "How Perhap.l .1 haye no rlr;-ht . to' wrltl' "Can ny one wllh an. IllIIplration t�l8:--perbaps I do not know what teel lazy!" Th,.. · world la tull ot I am talklnl abou�-perh�ps I .m funny people .aDd I'm ODe ot them: 'without prec:edent-I ml,ht e.-en jim Wood . Hardware .!.. d· .monC" . be cllllllltled 48 bell,lr;- ridiculous aud I CAnnot really be c CO; he choaen few. a at the aame "out of place" with my little atory. . Phon Main 2159 tim certain ou't beloD' to tbe But . ·whate"er may be the resUlt 1116 cific Ave. · multltudea. ut .. I continue writ· let me apply t"he Idea-Coltume&-· In" my ')azlneal 'croWI to more 10- to eyeryday lite .. .Ir lIurrounds UII8herw1. WOliUu P.lnt.·. . Iplratlon and my Insplra·t16n � now we stude.nt4. _d VantJabea . , .' deye'Joplnc Into ·.mbltlon and what We are Innted to a .party_ , Batklen &.rdware do you think! It hu 4eYeioped ·nry Importaut party-whIcb we Sportu... Goodi a FJab", Tackl Into an ambition 110 creat tbat I am lhili dealp_te .. "Lite after .Houe � lolnl' up to my ropm ud slndy. Death. .. · It Is to be Ii Coatume Thai la, 1f t d'on't meet Omda1. We ' Party' wltb. each eoatume to. reaem·1 alwa)'8 h....e a lot to talk about ble, . or be. ,our faith ·1n God &lid &ad thl.t 1& Hallow-en-not lut Hia t_cblnp. AU our lite w�' are 'year'l H.UOWMD either! preparlnC tor thla party':"""O)D. . . -'-. ·eacerly. lIOm.neIUaenU,. IIOme. we ' . �TJ0i:8 - � ' . are 110m' to ..,.; DGt' at aiL'"\ . . .... UIC W� 'a"'; I� t�e MUOn moat I'en· What kind 'ot costume are /Yo. .; .k'e' m :.':::. :,: ::�:.:., Jetrden .: -H.nO!"D party b..u It... own G�d· ,M�� lHI&"'!-ns.! . Or � YOU r m t . ;:�;� T: ...",,::: :t• "th:":.. Z;;'u��It:� :":���: �i9 B'road";ay . • . . Tacoma - a-'yoar 'eomame ::....-. the-· bellt ....,..,. e.tI.1n." ""'Jleb · ·em". a- peraoD - �tt opa.rty muat' '''ear a ec»tume. ·E.-ery. could maka It ! ' Or wone ar�. yoa . -.-� . HO\\' TO BE lAZY



Snappy Shoes for M�n . Klassy Ki��s' for Girls

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1 ;;-"

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& Co


The Itu�ents do aay Ihey h....e not been to Tacoma It they haye not eaten at Ca;lyJe;, • 17

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American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co ' . WJaoJea.�

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Parkland Clea�er.8

'Ve d: cleaning. Prt:ssing; dressmaking. alterations and" tailoring Gerhard Lane. Solicitor.


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.. ' . PAGE "



TlChunko', HoUle of 'Floweri

"'o..-e",".d� for .......ery �k)e "� South P"clfle A'f�nue at' &li.h



The Young Peoples' Luther ;,eague on '11"111 hold Ita annual convention NOv lber I1-t2-13 . in , Breme.rlo.n, \Vasb g' ton. T le88lon will Open Friday eyen­ ing lIb " "�p 'rally" and o.n Sat-

.. �


, A college education 1. a . ' If you wanl to . become aeQu'aluted ' th' thlng\ W'e have arrived at this' COD- 1II'llh someone. walk down clull�n arter cooliderable,.. dellbera- Klt"lng Poit. U )'ou aren'ttolufU. preaervatl:"e. yoU kno'lll'''' lion. exlea,lve rallearch, thorough elentty acquainted, go 011 to the knowledgetlcaJ aollylila of .the ,Iu'b· FO'untaln of Youth. If ' you . dOn't Seller: "This book :will do you." Jef:t, , and lastly. Commencement koo" eafh other by that time, doo" of ),our Itudylng 'tor IIpeake� lay '0. During our Invest!- e\'er expe<: get-a M . 1... A. ' ( Mas- ,"�eller: "Give me lWO of the!l1 gatloD, ""e. learned � much of "the ler of Lovet toArta) 'degree. Inside fact�: 10111l01flc801 they may seem· al tlmell: but oh my! What AlwaYlI look_ Intelligent (If POI' difference little tbln&1 can make, lib Ie) tn C1LSI out ' But .don', !-�or Inllance, jUlt think of ho"- Mr, ov-er do It _0 and tbat 'If � Ram,tad'i er-ah-mu,ltache, oh, bappeo"8 to remark "He's but thlt'_' �ettlo« ort the subject. 10011.10& lad", your frienda So for the benefit of �be world, mUlt 8ay, "Yes, thata way gene l which, every June luUen 10011.1" , (Emphlill on the 10011.1), the 'ould·be conquering errort. of col,1 e goodl, 'Tt'e herewith put You ,may 10le your fbfart to forth\ a few hlota and feel our ef, lo�eone alf )'OU wan.¢T ��1 don' I I �:';;��;=====o:::; " , 10le )'our head, And dQ� expect I � /fOrl1 '\111. be J �, everyooe 10 agree with you ,--.f rs....;.,. n ..l�� 1 :-.�e ! , � , ���IC Co�pliments � :I::� :� :��a��: Yb:�t t���:I�t:;�;' I�n ' be t t Ie explaloed bY. the eminent upholder I! love Ilo't blind, Itl certainly of and prolonger of "Two BlaC;k fully misty at times, Crows," Mr. Norrll Langlow, whl> 9a)"lI: I t . YOJ! �ell a girl that time Thill; Is all Ihe Information Olympic Ice ·Co. stands sttll "'hen lOU look 1 t O t her eyes:that's tac·t. But U you �:;or�:�lo: ��II�e \:��t:t �I��� :;� 1 her ttlat kt.r face w!!.uld stop ihls column. But ple-ue remember clock, look out! this: Don't let your classell Interfer'e 619 East 25th ,,' Uh your ('ollege education! Teacher: "Who call gh'e me a '': ' = ====:==�' !lenience using Ihe word "avaunt"! [" = = . RADI time 10 eat onions is when rou Little Able: "Avaunl what avaunt Ko18U'r, SlE'nrt-\' rn �:�e f�:urbl�le'�I�lr:a�� :o:e:t:��:�� "'hen avaunt It". Atwater- . I ROSBO'R OARAGf.: alt.-ay. Sh� ailiO lays: "When In "'III It Irue thai stallstlcs show Phone rd8dlaon l07RI doubt as �o whether you should that women live to be older than send candy or flowers. send Christy I8Ys '8 great deal "'ould be saved by Jewish Lake· Park Cr�amery . . store proprietors n, when lads allk for college ,,'ould IIpeclh' "humorous, 1953 South C or otherwille rldlculoul." �

' Greetings Cards : Christmas ' Birthday '








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' ' Clinton F. Smll-. Photo Shop .

of .


Washington · . ·EngraviJtg Co.

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Home of 'GoOd P,:,lAh1a,, ·

Phone Main 1464

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RUlt Biag:. 10th floor 11th and Pacific Avenue

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\;1.-, �u'canlaIJlJt ' u.tt�rl""OM Mild OIlH I'hollt! )�d, t80I_ 4Oth .a PM", ,ht·

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:I'he A, H. Barnes


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Bldg,Wn. Mainno6-7, 198 1�lIkt'MI TrWlt Tacoma, �

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__ __

and for all: other occu�ions



� cwm pus cordB $5.00

_.J)�is' M·en's Shop 944 Pacific Avc,

w� do. sotlafactory Dre8lmaklnc: Mr, Ramlliad (after Halloween I : While Waiting For. A St;eet Car ,.., " You ,,'eren't at that parly! Whr Alteratlonl and Hemstltcbl�g somebody' told me you "'ere. He Bon Des Lys , Confedlon....'· and I..un('ht � I8ld I;!e ( Ii...... )"011," The Need!.! �rt Shop Ted Fedt: "Well. that wall i50 Pacific t1 bod)' else I ..... him tbere . and I admit he did look lot I 'me."' I f.'or Your )Iemory 'Book Lien & Selvig Parkland Barber In writing compositions, .:xchan"e Mid.et l'hOlo . \ . Shop ,md lise tlie moat Interelting lubject. Importers . �f NOrW ian 121 for 211 cettts at Ihe course, If thll J:!.appenl to be your, Confectionery ., . Cod Liver on . Diamonds · self, ,,'hy be yourself and use discretion. You mlght InSlead. ,.Cor, Tacoma A,vc, & 11 Sl Cigars. Tobacco and Candy . little lise thh� , title, "Pigs . Is Pigs", - or Midget Studio ' Ladies' and' Children's Tacoma \Vash, Watches , "Brilliantine, It's ules and ertects." . . Haircutting (�renCh Block) Don:t . ho lIilly, however, and toll the Frec Deli vcry 13th and Commerce leacher yoU wrote on "Paper"'. V G, p, Knudtson, Prop, Professor Hauge sars that I[ in 1m, W:ishi ngton Bldg. ln o t Ic �1�e�:� !'I� �:w::: :� PlaCt������ ::: : : : ;: : : : : : : : �: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .: t::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :': : ::: : � : : : :: : : : : : : ==�������� =��������=l : PORTER-CUMMI�GS COMPANY :�f;:'�:'::f�It::·, .:o�:::." l'I··i MERRiLL . The c t I o Chiroptactor �:� ��:u ;: �:':�'e:'::�� : :�:e�;::� "Home of the Better ·Gr�de 2-Pants Sui,t" ' Office, Main 3112 Phones: Res', Proc, .lOUR: Frenc� BuildIng (:ollegiate Styles Our :Spec;ialty De friendly with u



FI1IIk J. Lee


SPECIAL PRICES AND ONE · PHOTO j'REE TO . STUDENT Main 2289 1112 Y, ·Paeifie Ave.

California Florists

911 Pac. AYe,








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924 Pw:cUlc Ave.


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Tacoma. Waitt, . .








The Store

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. For Men







G li A D I A T OR S


A L L'!


LEAGUES HOLD ANNUAL MEET , AT BREMERTON "Saved to S e r v e'" r 's Convention T h e ,m e ; Lane Talks About" Pacific

N n s 'Rein, Violinist, Renders selections' 9f. Own Composition Jllti Meeting

TheLuther SouthLeague PUlet Sound Rev. Vlln Ch�rch Horn ofottheTacoma Flrkt Conthe ht=ld II,IlIJCircuit annllandofal . 8re8111\008 gave 1l at the. special theDlly addretl Arml a tl c e Conventlop. on November 12 rllm"sheld In the chapel . Nov. at Bremerton. J 11therclproj!!: . ll. Profes iirdevotion Xavier openedprayer the. G@rhard Lane,shortl�l1dent body pre&lel:and � 8 with and ' d ent, save tllk on Pa�lf'c � Reincompoll playeditl1'1\'on.0 vjolln . LUlheran of The hiliNUll'own con"'Saved ColtoleseServand.e"' advllthentages theme of" Rn. Van helfO'rn' s I talk Wal "Peace, "' r oday," said. \ ' e ntlon theme �nd the speakers «ar· "we hear' deal about theof . rled the- thouSht tbrou,hout. Re.y, 'Of war. great Slory Numeroul 8torl e e :':helpl orbynsfrom many the braveIn deeda our soldiers thO�Jj:BeUlnsham htl In his Sun.'I].d�y.e mornprinted �urrent�Ideof ma�lI ZIhe.lne�,warwhilare1e8 I"Young ng lervlcIPeople e. HII ursileekn thou(t: h the humorou� ot the t lall"allt oul. WeIn moving pl�ture" and In111brousht �torl e ll know that Ihe heroi. h o�sht, ' S �kl n g 10 reclaim!' " m and bravery otbe ouradmired, ,A merland �an "Frlendlhlp with the world II �mlndouShboys are to . lIy."' ReY. Norby dalmed that In w.won e.tulagain ",·lwetb must. their God'lI work w.e lpoke needed a tor,lylns lImpre8ied . ButIs what ftowardIIplrlnow, Tribune -Cut Courtesy heart. wor peace. This Photo F. Lee He also on "'Blandin, Idea about: can not be brousbt by .PAM��'-:���;:'al�� t��:hl: W.1�::'7':d ; K(�=r� �..;)�a=..�: ::��!; "'�:���;"rt�lf'�ftdlk:::�I; up tor Cbrlst.'j The I.eadln, tbou,bt lylnc ""ar, but by Inllyouth tJlllngtheIn fenI!NJD, Uoboan, Cllrl.80n. r lind naf.IW'., hall center: ..nera", row ) : Chris- belnl "It we ... uhamed of Chrllt KColl� ./ltthelor'lmlndfl to hi'll ta('klFcodt,·end. P.cllk!theLat�n otall.American rf!C'ord 'of foar vlcterlt'S, .two tit'S He will. some day be �sbamed of UI." hall" lifl"kllron hf'l'ONl. In the �nd )·r.r of the of horror ot It , II:� ��r���:���: I.;:, ,:;:' . The World War was the sreatellt "nil one defeAt. :: e � ��;�� b O I e moot STUDENTS ' PACIEl£'1A P' L C MUSIC TO ' D�'I" th' ;0",,'"0' two hoo" V LOSES .:08� ��:�bl:��o Me y Yusge:�ra�7:t�m::: u: o�nt�: MANY Klven to thequestions discusllionluehof sev-all wereI ' lroubHnK ROLL . TO BREMERTON " BE BROADCAST era. ' ONOR O H · y . n o ON e �U�r :: � .� ;�:� ���: ." rising senerallon must be better than . "What II b oul d be the· alm·or 1 IN ' LAST GAME Ed d t ' Tk uarettt t of the Luther League?" ere. YoureDl1I the tallk of mak,. -Boys; weIng "'Wpea�e. Girlil Averages' Higher Than "How ,0a; d�s . . ���i a n:' � ili pear a� Thirty Five Make a h g b O U � . C nventio: a thins tbeGodpeace-makere, War"Dl.Iseased ha·tes; he hall" Rec:ords in Grades Luthera ns ' \Vi n �foraJ ::�rlca! ;hur���a��:��� , I�h ;::'Wt\ hyOf Is�t::; said, therapidly Lu'herRQ.Cbur�h Victorv' S trive Hard u e � c I a n e T ar n etdl�RIIare e:o�!:n� 'the n�t to oln, 1 row g O Lend o f. �:�. ;, �����:;:s :f ;�: : p;:a�� :;' 'TO Oye;C�nle :� la:d"We n:::� � :�:d\�a!e ;:���:� ��a�Itudentll lerof P.:�o�: n:��::a: n �:ar�?�:� Ii:a: l .,".rams'In were of ' the Portanee male ell: at dolns qu&{tette L. make uolell e . pear wlli'th�e be Bre nlcrton ian s land, Oregon onwill November and an- ransed by Prof �dward8 and In�llar.Id· ract Is An tntereatln« entthework. 1ns geo·by cell the rl8peace ts, oftoward d ork It. WeInr maklns ll l The quartette al n l at tbe «I.r of per�entase that eratlon un By J.' r anklln � outstandln, than The Olldlatore, proud holden of cult sreater Dual. ofconyentlon or thePeoples OrelonLuth'dr-et edViollome Is. much Honor tbe between creatln frlhOrhendlyandfeeling inEd"ar�I, 101very 011:. NIII Rein.80 Pl0;anumberfl noMIIII10101: 'Inof thetheRot!. elpeelal1y Istudent Thill YounK YII b the tbat nl' o natl with a .. ataPeace clabroad: O Prof. Vocal the. �f 1 memberll The II dorm . of e Lelgue, call true i Conge e l Col Junior t Nortbwell the ';'�1I not �ome after \ kenltad, Readl n �-Ml l s Borgen will Edwardl and andProt.on Frl quartette dlIns- feren�e and undefealed champions leave the ..onorlIerolls: .two the areand It-\( Is the will tlnThere e���eConr.d Oaard from P.rkla'nofd . tor Portl d a� of thll "''muetHornfleekclosed gul s hed co�da' r y. ofUI;Rev. Ood.weVan came back from Bremerton Salurda; s sbed roll, dlstingul to make the with a poem, order was elected dentofforTacoma, tbe comln, 10 week. Rfi)r.,.nlze . page of glory eve'.1ln',..IntoWlththeir a finalsrldlron letoru pute norollsrade to have ItthanII necessary part ot.torm whl�b.androllowl: Rev. EdPrellwardll year, waa . e l c ornl l � e callll pla�e aecondary taken e hal whil B nl a stlon reors' A s w dra' ThrQ' age the sun r��:� o ct 927-the glory of rlefeat. ' resardlng 1 Of qU!l r tette work here at (he an average of B. . on, . :�� ;:o':��:rd� ::: e�:ct � � . coll ese.for Enough t�lent WSI a"\'8Prof.l1· man ot MUlle. . Wbentheheaven find lIearth Thoserollwhoare:made gullhed Victory came able two quartettes andreorgan- vento ' athetter Bremerton For Lord hath ald thatofIIhalihiliSlorlmeel, ous Honor Mrs.the Bernldls�tlenButlorf, Ttse:l ·th:B e::'::::tt t oL�!Le{ ely � r e tl a n,lon �ll"tr� of work began dll r . ' Edw,ll U Louise Hageneaa, Dagmar Dahl, reet. Irene place e h t. HeAndwill make . " 'so:�� Cl O , tr ltit n up""as and 0I10n thatThe. raged fouKhttbebattle Arthur 't,berI th L {'e B other-.. quartette, IUltlon,IIlnSllIn, one Margaret ma Johnlon, Henriksen, GlPaladYII ma" die on the sum- Jacoblep, the sraaa Gerhard. tenor, tlrst ore c II . d l e tl down erdls J Knuuen, mer hili . . OillRon, and Will plied up In' that lutut ten Lane. balecond,antenor, Franklin Lacey :� a�: ::rve: re�:el:�:n.:. Artbur And tbe floVo'der fadeh' bysamethe thro' river,th Nordang,la A.nne Leland, a I But . :.=�le TH·A N.KS�IVING ::��;�: �:er � :I : t �n �, � b nd : ��s �: � :� � : ��:���:� � �1 � � : �:�� :!� :�::e, �;el:! sa:::��� �:� � �� t � . lj y�:r� : ca e I t I h I tint t�n9r, ,Inss tenor, nnetudIIf1COnd Harry. �Grambo ven Milton THOUGHTS RUN And hla word IIhali and .forever . Either tllfa�tlit WoIIn Inlicked, an el" ethat everl Peter lecondar, tbe Alyce eTowe, �hOInelmade tbput8tInu. nealltlns IIIknew RAMPANT HERE SanArllng Ind l, l b8l t n fl Cu9rambo, ll (Qt ArnelGn, 0Tnor�ollroll, 1:1perlOn, l" .... In et t ener and elr Yied the battle nerud lecond balli, ' Wa!ter Cbrl ll t enlOn, Rutb " "fl S ht 0 ' and wbo c 1 1i m l l es on eV'l f ry balfd . , Erl�klon, Mary F�wler, Verna Gano, {'holr to te sattempta for a 1I��re n��u;::� Nlne-:�k!��:':h::e ba��::�::�t unt�1 :�:r!��de�::�,,�w;;�::n:!:�S�jb� . :�withat�:O:�despe :��'P�:':a � b:��:� ��f7c ::�;.�' :: � :!�;: n:e ; � l t n e o a t � : T�::k::::I a't�; l,b. ln, I. n·o'e�,' der ThankllThankl l"lYcomln,! AJ"nesLadelle ' OIlon, Many llpecta�ular pla,,1 were dlll- flItlc'ltlrvelted Nelaon,S,dow, Chrlfl will en choir Jobnson, r which Iecell trom "ov,'Noy,Z3-Tbanksglytnc I. n, �lvl Gertrude Ordal, tbe "ear Olaf tbe concert oyer of 23,8, "at noon, until Monday, Winne, M',.. Mabel Parks, �arle played b" �tb teaDlfl, Bremerto� air .-Iaat station KMO In Tacoma, Oft &cbool bulldlnl rocb wltb :T,leebe vefJ add Noy. 2 Ita brickThereflldeaarewltb llj goodto tackle form Ina December 19 ·between and lItbeeemslaushte�bul,e,It boldl, g runs showl naability v:ceptio u Omdal, and erre . Sv Qu.rtetto slw';ille Ea�etb, 26: Z7-1IaleOrelon Nov.go 26,�o PorUand, "I , l U i end and numbe;1 ' . " PROGRAM "allNIIIiltln,Reinartlflwiltl glye . at Convention PRESENT ofto soo thln,l hatto look sorta t�r. t now sJlppery,,:b·omud-cover. run· aso'cI«k ed only wet and the. cbolr to tbe mUllcal program .D teel are ward 8 'l oleba, the ner, made nd o. l . ,"K t q rtette a Prof.Tbll Edwardl lIeld2-Du': AUCTION SA.LE touchdown In the fracsi on a 35. yard The ')ronelerbapp"tbatOf.Iver,on 10 tbatl clty� broatcast, concert at 'Parkland, courae flmllesL,ItC,.andII noltulo.okl ' '1 over libby Norman andnlnl enel" run' baH' wwil11l1' ....'_alsolponlore '0" tbeOnA'TLaelFriday ,BOcle NQv' t. I1tb 'debateB.d,er . AleI_avenlnl. y the courtel, b d ' ..", u b CI .n Lve.Dl,t,y'yenUI . l" 'of tbe es l ll Bremtbe Ibl ta tbe b were . the Tacoma Cbamber of Commerc:e. at . .present tbel ofrrln.1Imll�but·jUlt ' W ' tro� a ton, .. bln o . f reacb an LutberaD Cburch lei Trinity erton tea�. , � . . S-BecauM of pro,r!, the elebate tbe auct�0ll:: 0. tbe ch�reb ba.. ' . . to earnat.andtbe. tbou,ht 'of aUturkeY, ' told. me tbat a Scotch- ear : .tbe beat , Somebody Drlmat,l c .8oc1,1y m will be menl. Tbe Ie.. 1e be ,u at 8 o'cl ock Tbe Gladiators # pl.,ed ap· �. From ple �ranberrl man's Id!taentol of e..J:tItO?, of tbea..bel,bt " ,lve,D .Blturday.evenlAc, . . and many a 10I ly 'lIl�es"- ofO faDe;. 'same tbey ha!"e played tblfl ,ear but pnce rau.- pearan� tbere ao'mwile dletlo, .e -ralllo r . al b .... ... .. 800n b l the 01 OD. I-Relu,:&r D. O. wof!\ . mad m.embe f · .the breaka were �plnlt tbem.' Fowler, d d I t ao 1 1 , I r · I . is D 1 :�e!:\·rI : t:!::· b4 �Of ;�! .. "'..:�!:�e:�J were .e�y ::�:1; �::�re,!°e�:; ::! fO� �:: � :� �:t�:e:. :�;:"M�=�i:�. .' . ee:�cll:;e'?::I,:: �r:1:,�:::I 'IOcl�Ud::. t I:d b�:et: I:C�r� :�Ulf�:: ::�,:I,�aC:�I�:eDp:; ,:::� �::J::;!:�1: I e I v O e ;=�h\� , . �':!��·:::UK�6. �=..; ;;'� : ::� ��:O,:'e I::;; �D� tt;:a�� ::�. w�:n t��� ��:d�:;�r�a!� ' ' (ContJ��ed. on p�u;;��t!:;� a� ' tlOD, Ing dlilance, ,�bod" to claUy. · . � 13








f1l.l1�1r.; c.pI:.aIa "', " qnllrl.. end;


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... ..: H. �....�• •_..d;'R. ,,-port �,




(Front Il(00(1 N'fII.80n "









_ _ ,_







Qua"t�tte ,

Broada.8t. '

U'I �e,



.Dee, S R. MeeUq.


8 p,

Tea Rooma 7










.. , by ,









Dec, ' p









be proud



p ,

• . .





, "



THE' 1100.1,,0 · IIAS,- i Chapel Talks ·




. � :;: :. �::.:=.:::==:.:.::;:::. : ..c:..:::: . :: .:.. =::=::': :--�-1 ·..... ::: ... :;. -; ·---: 1l7�1.... r i s-l 0�30 A t' tile

Church ' Announcements '

w taken up OuroPension 'cloc,k A,Fund, . Aid BenrlJd entcrtaining, M Mr. T. Ol on and Mr, oun ur ' school-to..l1 ' k A, r HlIz�� , �, �Ser'I(\C� ,, · un , A' m�ts e'\'cry e,\'erY'Slinday 1Il0rninR 9:30, ,h

�t:'\' ices. II : Nov,. 25-11,ank sgjving Sc v ce 111 ,'.'.',' i ,j' ror , t h.a k . , il t be M, No'\', 26---S.§1un:fay �hool.":"" IO-H , Nov. 27-15ivinc;."..Sctvice-10:30, date ......2 p, l\I ��ns Club nleets, ut �:OO P. Nov. 3O-Ladics' 0, P. . s U, g '�dics 1\1, Y o cloc Dec. 3-Sat day

h ",',',' w,·'n " ,'.',' , '"?!,.':,," ,',' ,' .. .. m lady dressed In all the rinery of the tim: and weMlns C;othel up to .... Uh 'paris fashlonl It II aillo quite t he thltl'S to lee Which boy can be tbe mOil "loYenly al the Unlnrlliliel and Colle.SetI of today, io we find Ibat 'EOITORU,L STAn! Edit I n-(:h ___ _ _________ an Io . both lexel are so'ierned by faahloR' ' _________ __ _____ Ma��t�n I�f . _ N?r.tlA r:... 'tll" E yer 10 often there' are ('han ea ____ :-. _ � : n · dt :1::�a� w�::o�:I�:rl::eXo::e : � ;I� I C n I ' :is : r , e k Is t ae Pubilihed every two weeks dur nil the I hool year by the Itudentl of Pacltlc ..Luthe,ran Collese ParkltHld Was fnston Sublcrlptlon one dollar er ,eu: Entered al lecon d Clllll matter ... Octobe 2 19%5 , at the POlt oCflce 'at Parkland. Wu�lnSlon. under . the .Act of March 3. t87P,

· 1

• •


n orrer n

Gu � ' ,1-- £) 1,\ me L i : � : J �9�0:E� �� �������::��:���:���:���:������ :�:;;:;: il '. all one hun d�wn ' Wha did ytAl let fn pl)'cbolol)' ! �:!'I:'t:: �:)�s: -;�r-t��='================�=========�'� �r:;k���s �:�:; � ;� I;;:r :�:s�o �u:.;::�e;::lt�all!' Wbat did set In Ed, Meaa. !" ild




7 :45 1';, 1\1, w t

1 0 ' 30

" l\i

S da.)' School m.�'� . nlUr�day-'

E1Sht weeka left unlll anolber EJ.-� . aTm••".,,',',',',·,o, VA'"••,lon ' t. he.".

Cho!r Mrs, Ph, E ,. Hn�ge. direchntJ· Main- Hall

Ei,�,:;';���·.�· ·__:-:=-��������������:-:-:,:·�:�:::::i.-��:: ;��::� ��:��;!�;��!�:;��::;::,�:;,��: �:,�':::.� :::� �ef�:r;,;.�;' "


. . =:;:..� . ��.��: =. :.':. ::. . . , us ...:: r h m I a Tr on Lelah Gra8l, Eliot ::::d n ::� l �:a: ::d f�;�: .�:� Yery !,ro O�Jed Ylalt'. .15(; ,ood to: ...'eet·l I Tbls '�cd plulmentar I M ICh�::��I�:l�n r;;��� : a!� �::�:;I;e!;. UI� ,. n d b� . f d , rlm at a r nd BUI,lnelS Manaser____________________________________ Su.rre Omdal 10urielt If faahlon has ctusei'your N oy, J3�E�erYbodJ � appy.li ,a Q,PI��! Bo••1ty� � � . il . CIRCl"LAT'ON '" mon, 'poop" T,,' 80 '. .. '::" Hann� Anderaon, Manager that sroplnl ' . 7�9 St. Helen. A..-e" II!_11\ ,'1& i' a ' relilion sre th' s t' for Miriam Helmdahl. MIlItant Eyer1b�dy Cheerful! · II, up tt! dat4!, With J esull Chrllt al AD\'ERTISI�'G b"�� o"� S� '! ==::===::�:; a 'e r: Marsaret Jacobsen; Gerhard Lane, A." the patt.!rn the fellclon · will nOI �D� GladYI Jorgenlon, l'oIi.� IIlltanll; Typlll, A lyce Cas era n. chanse, It I I round ' tb'at there II I= . ireat enjoyment In knowlns tbar reo . F'.-\ ' � Y Sl'."ER\'IsonS . Dew. Drop Inn Mrs. Berlrand J. Stuen 1I110n 'll not Just '" palling fanc)' You will find here e'\'erything ' and lomethlng 1a,l}e . c hansed III will. you necd in but an a.ctuallty"'\A.lteadfaSUy faith Lillian 11'111 lene you chlfken din, ' t al can nOI,...{l r ralher ,bould not, . nera, IIhort order I , hot C!OSI and . Thailks�iving time ·is here, This ' is the scason or the Year � hallllJUI'J{M, warn�. r,Offff, rakr whell the old gobbler holds his pilice or honor 8J the hcad of uur b chansed , i r st l I l\lukes R{)(YU;n CAI>H' IX J)�;)I,-\N() 2 Dlod!1 East .of gym, o� [�S!:�e�I;��\�:��s !�:�h �I�� )t�;c��::� t������, TI!��!���iv�,�;��:�� �; M. ountain Rosd Jca�' th ut. is loo kc.tI fO["\�'lIrti tn. three h undred und ' �ixty rour s'ludfn� body Prellden� Qerhad . M R MartoIn & C·O� djlYS III the �'('ur, " e pUlIIsh our l1I o.la rs and ru Ul our stomachs Lane r�entlY announce(t.,the relult Mod. 193.1.1 in order thllt we may huw uur uPPIT'cinfion to the (ireal (ii'\'cr .of tbe I8.le of t he re-verelble collese' �6 Paci fic A�e. i)f Fcnsts for ull thc �ood thin �s H'l' hns hestowed 14)OIl us during rooter ca pl. He. laY hilt oyer levI enly,rhe were dilltrlbuled the y.cur. n �-: I time that , Can this be a 1I11)(lc of thnnks�h' ing? . Is this thc dev�lop- for Ihe�Dremerlon game and . WALK OVER ment Purituns louked rorward tu whcn they iiHlul-lurah!ll t his many more were sold yellerday�.The The beat v�ue . . BOOT SHOP ' capi were , purchaaed from ' Ihe c us tom of giving thanks'! :\'o-!'urcly this Clinnot he. , Yet. tis look nhoul u.s and study these t1,ill�s a OI)j w hn.t Wheeler ':D lamond Top" Company, ... · ever .Qff_ " key be fiS May your t u r ' nn nnunt do we rind'! A race uf gluttuns, selfishly ('clcbruling tentler us th e love or ,t hose custom ! Thnfs ull it lII('uns 10 tno many uthcrwisc g:� ()C°I·le DAILY D,lARY with whom YOldeast"-Walk 11 I n Il l comi ,,_ . tlH '��tl!7 llS � ,," �U�!U�I I� l���l c�I����111,; wft�l a;·I�.� II��"�� l�fO(f.� ,;" .� ,-s� NH I_-� lH D'm� am�. I ' Ovcr, . , ,_ p ,ty�H .cH Let's all t!n ollr pari �n giving thanks to· our Maker he- (Marsaret Jacobaen alwaYI Inslltl cuusc wc feci 'a nd wi sh to express utfr �ra tit ud{' ror tlm t which ' u t)on �efn.g Aunt A,b ga U or lomeSamuelson & Berg we ' have rCl'l'i'\'ctl.-1\. S, L. ' Ihlng ' equally maldenllke, Baa:aar o� ."a("trlc An', at lOUt r h NO:� ����X�I��:;. �;O�b�:;C:�tne at ''',::::::::::::::::':.::'.::'.:::.:::'.::'::.:'.::.::::'.:::':.: .::,'.:::::::'.::'.:::':. I.ust ,'enr Ihe 1II(,II1I)('r5 or .the fuot hn ll squad nrgllnizcd u le l': 1 Park land-P, L. C, \'e�8ul Qutl- :" " ermell's club, II functiunC'ti ,\'t'ry wcll for u \\'hilc nnd th(' 11 died cene, The)' won, . oul . Now \\'c hu\'e 110 orgnll izut iOIl or thnt ki nd \\'i th i n 'h(' nth- Nov, If-The New The I t d de nt : do !l a y they have ! ar the -.e' ..... ..,. Ictic dcpnrtnl('nt. A le tt ermen's duh is �oud t h in�. It is rull (:lrl!J' Residential DlltrExits lcl are now not been to Tacoma U t hey have � c-. .... M..-.a of good SI)OrtsllltUlship, unt! f"Uo\\' shii), It , hu� been lIlissC�( by a.=�.:.� u nde�tCru ctlon : Cer:taln In� those \\'ho \\'ere IIlcm lK'rs l·nllllul. help hut be IlIIsscd C..... _It. malel or rooml affecled by tha n ot eaten at Carlyle'l bv those \\'ho fl'C1 the necd of sudl UI.I orgullizati on this yen r. JOHN80N..(X)X . COMPANY conltr uct lon hOP80_that they will . I�t's get togcther, fellows, and �et or�unizcd. The girls Iliwe , lI udc a success !Jee no gho!Jtllke flsures 0utUjl'ed 711 Pacific �", 9 1 7 PacHic it illl onr '\'ou \\'ith -'heir slluPPY PC l'Cluh, Tht'), agaln.11 the dark. · uf thci r orgnnizalion, \Yhy 1I0t reIurtJ;u ni ze the oldl Letter me n'5. Nov, 15-I�n't \[ Cunny that ulmO!J1 ;;�::I;;�'�;�:�;mrtsl u ,Art M.al . tt ':��:.:,I:::� �'.:'�. _ ...... S'b."., Ha�e ��u��e� re From th :!O I l !4 ��-;,;�!�- G relg !��u n a a rg�� nh� ���rri�olor�d' .' GIVES CONCERT �::, t\�I �� ;;e� C rC I I . ar - -famous \'Iollnlst an d a�' Mil it y Sl'renade - -got Our se rvic e is ol\\'o)'s at your d ispo�I. ' r h lh I slsllnl/: a tisl 10 Ihe choir. gl!.\·e a �:� t:!�:, �M��:;rl:; ��1�:���� ��7� .(...,. . 9 20 Broad way ' . �'\'hat ,'OU wa n l. tell us and wc will get it"I You' don'l have . co mpll me tary concert 10 the stuprices and quality or m�r� t hi og. r (or a \ O\ 'UV to scu'd � den !!! of tl\e Col lege and members or ��:\J'���ad�- C����;;- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- MUn:II� . -. ----"? _ the P kl d t tn it Luthl'rlW Chur chundisc will s�lrel)' 11,18 e YO\. a .satisfied customer Mr. �tls · neln . . �'ort�:I�:��l ·:��.�:::�I�...,lInd clI la:� ��Id��� e\·)�n lng. An ap-' . ert· Schu k r Hark. l..a the b Hark preclatl\ C audience was very enthusl. - MokreJ,!I '\'N�:��'h' as!!c III ' HI prnl!le or the abtlit�· or Vald k --------�---,,--G04?DS Mis Helell Congdon Mr. Rein. Miss Helen Congdon ' I. t.'("(lt. In("Or, n . es :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;:.::::::::::::::;:::::;::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; �S���dp;�S�:�lP::�:�red follows_ �;rl:� n�I!.:�esa_ _� _-_-_-_-_ ����� � ;:�:�. �-. -'--:--American Plumbing' & Steam Supply Co. ' Stlcklel Concerto 0 Minor :. ___ Wlenlawskl Ma tt lna tla Souvenir de l'oI06<'OW - �\,Ienlawskl . , .Lft ' . .J.lJ!eO , l.._ Moderato ' AI " . M'd ........ ....... .. Phone venue ·



. ' . Canon·. Collotre I ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : ::;: : :::.: : : : :: : : ;� , STUDENT8. School 'Supplies TYPEWRI TERS SolAldlor Rented I
















C ARLY E CA ETER IA L ; E l ='=:It =� Leonarde HOLLYWOOD STUDIO : : : : : :.: : : :L:: : .:,s:: : : : :F.: : : : : : : :.: :.: ·;: :.�I.�==""'==01110we="'0 hav�n' :/: ALWAYSLATE; COYOUR'iJERVICE PARKLANP MERCANTI ...LEHMANN'S DRY.


t J� I \





� · UJST:Tl.r L-y ' LUNDQ . . B'oDle of t���t8 aui""

. . : �::...�:I��:

j.......;. .. ....,..'"'.•;........."'"...."..._ . .". .





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"'./ . ..:1

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Midmcke & Co;

919 Broadway


.. .. :1(.0 " ' V E R.Y .

of fun !


r e ... ... a

8h_ln WBilaw Palnt. �.d


Easy to playl

h one Main 2759 . 1116' Pa�ific A� ..

' ,

s'tore' �ust


" T �'''·· ackle i � r o Ha " · Fa " !'.::" r E ,;l � t'. bt , " r,, , 8'' ' .. " b b


in lan ib e commodit); 8

�lainP:;;bl�::. ���.�.= �.�.� �.�.;�.��.���� .� .�

U· K U L e L e


� �



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studen.t l)8tronage. ..." . ' pa IS, '-�illi �.:����l� . Value . �f two '��its of �

-t hat to. meri t


, ,........ ..... .. .. .".......,...".........., .... ...... .... ..........,' :

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Stridly' Hom.PASTR'I: e Cookiand,ng. CHILI ANDWIGHES, Ne�CdoorM.n. tB&.IlIbOom, o Sather's S�oe Shol,J



'I1--- - �l �n O..IfBl91 I :���:.': . ,. .: . � --r-







ATTENTION LETT�-;EN! last ycur, It


L.:::�==:::: ::: ::::::: ==:::: ::: �::: l l ;�;;;�;;;;;:;;:;;�









+-I '

You can

easily learn the

'OiI1_" II_�



P' O P [J L .I




\ .

·P.O .

. . ... ' FastFiPlealyd;..QuiFeatlc:eunr.eedI.oOnln-. ·Muddy Tae m to e .L ·Cy· . _hen ran the len It" ot the field "tthout man near him, A' palP


•. '

m,o. th,· nO! 'n< Qun, N OF "POLLY " Quilcene Defeats PRA CTICE GAME . . RETUR PACIFlc AGAIN. . lbe onl,.. Lutberan touchdown. '[be ,. TEAM BOOST GI':ES PLAYED By' GIR.LS ,,"od. poInt I., " rv e Rt"se P VICTORIOUS ON . s o. th, . . L. C; . � Qu"�," .., k'. ARMISTICB DAY . !5 . GRIMY GRIDIRON picked up lh!! ball on lila o�n run' 1 a ,beauUful -,..ard line _,nd made Yella, screams and Just plain be IIIbot do.,..n tile sideline and .




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k" k.ff.


mBd up· the" rong,lome,ratlon. Del � Win in Second Ga'm e nolae r 0 d W (t h 'C e 'n tralian8; �RI5: �:ld:.I. ���:I!;:!/rlo1mw\::n��: In Ilea of mud. the Quilcene bl,h a P. L.'" 9. . pye Qullceoe ' the: exthe 1.loe Muddy Field Hampers Ilrls alag their first "game of - tbe achool aQuad handed the P. L. C. oYerpoint tliat ""on'the lame. . Ira ln"' e lected ae":lIon. The two .tea�I 'fere s. 7-6' def�at Relene!l a Sat lalt a J . ' . Contest . fro'IJI the Ilrls ltiat are turning out on Ihe Parklan� Irldlron. Both teami Nel�her .tum was able .l(l 800re . . ' IIPOtt. but Ihe Gladiators would pe.rplayed ellceptlonall, fall ' toollball �hUMlday. NO,.e"ll be� 10 br'ougbl forTllie he , I)Oslllblllt,lea of jl" splend'" haye cbansed the IIcoreboard If 'conlliderln, 'Ibe weather' conditions a�O!h�r �Ictor)' to swell Ihe unbrok_ women I allre,atlon Ire gr�al I. n been aHo'll\'ed twO more min-had. en 'U!!t of Ihe Gladiators' conQuestl view of Ihe promiling material dlll10 play. Tbe ball ·was In the Re.....h·en ttiey deClslye'ly' defeated the played In lhe game. �ecali"e the on Qullcenel' 3 I)OIIe8ll10n Centralia 'elev�n at Noble. field In center liectlon of JacObl!n'l'team ovline .hen the tlnal whl,tle blew . . the ce�ter lIection of that cit)'. . The f1n&\l ico're wali 6-0: er-po"l!;r�d . Although Bowmin, Ja� Wiele. Thoslenson , I!}e Centralianl put up I o I I fl h · ��;� tz��� a good tight, Ibeyrfa�led to gain' ��:I�:'v::�:�' t��e ;�or:I�:I�ed ;:� � ���tr� �r�;:� �� e�::�: � :;��li��rlng � ���I��:�d·��:t ��:,.r n t G t o w "��� .glrls are flghllns ha"r7ror posltlonl . aU,d ' E, Knullen, · C,rl,on, Jenth,. game, the . makhi( a formldahIe �:: �e:;" ::d f�:�� l ��e ::it the. . IIQuad !lnd .....bQ.ever· coaches buncb to beat. However. the flghl- Lanllow'made up the entire Lut'hertermlned flgbt they bave yet Pro- on . will have a bard Ume Plc klng those oot o lll there for an lineup. • • :ere InS" Gladlllo 1 duced. They meant to plaY�off the �ho deserve placea on the. team. !leflrsl tie wJth Centralla and that's cause of the ....·ealth of. material. \I'.hat they did. . The (arne started 1II'lth a aerlell .of The rifllt hal t was a har�-fol!'hl �=:IL::; PII: «ain, by tbe Quilcene back, who (2) Team Z battle on both . sldll1l. nelth�r�m trick formatlone.---=-but the Re­ ga·ln!ng . any advantage ""�I�_��tb �::��:n, O. aoOn settled do n to tbelr � �:���I: . 909 % Pac. Ave.. Tacl:!.ma held their o\\·n. During the second H l - en. ateady brand oJ bali .a·nd held on SC , Anderlon hair. however. the Gladiators set- L:I:�� lI . :.:.::.:: .: : ::: . .,:: ' ' :.: ' ::: : : :. their yard own line. five After Benston l..::.:: : :: .. : . : ..: .:: :::.:::.:::.:: :::::: : :; tied down to sterner effortll and !!oon J-acobsen .0 low. long kick, the P. L. C. ladll Samuelson . had thE< Ce�trallans on t'he Jum�. Jorgensop . Cflne . introducing the tearing through the line for much o� Subll tltutionll: GErickson . ",' I nney their yardag� and more than making and LofUlus. very even and nelth'er team was o n . th 763 So. 38th �: ;:��: Iteferee: niHil Fadne!!R. able to score allhough the goal9 .... �re �:���I1�� :I:�.tedWt�: �:I� e Tacoma threatened frequentl�·. . I t co ha C n ::�Rr !rOIl�O��� �aea�tr:�I� I \:e, F�:��:� TECHNIQU€ CLASS . C. � u::te:� i��k :� ���� �n:J �� ::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::::::':::::::::::::::":::::,;::::::::,:::::::\ who 'dodged the remaining fe,..... yards PRESENTS UNIQUE thirty . yard line and eluding all the . PLANS OF WORK ou o n O 'luto nepalr :� Rlh� ;::l e�' ;,�! \�:. f::' :��.�� Io'or the past �e\'eral v.-eeks the failed. G"". OJlIJ anti ACt:efl80rlea . of .Teachlng ClasR baH Polly" back on the sportl' page . Again the Gladiators marched Technique o. two projectl for again? YOII ure right. II certainly J. C, Pelef!lory-Ilo..... n the field and on Centrallan l been preparing t I w .doea � fumble, Chrl8lensen. at end. !!('ooped , , �::: �! �::e��. �t!!....�! �e :��� Jli p the egg and whlzzed - acros!! the 11 ....��.tla9;�n; ; Into' two ectlon . Th( p"lIy lIays she came bJ,k ' to divided 257 So . flth 81. �h.l��I�:!I� - Sh::'M:�� �!::; l . a.year of Normal hut t ine onl.Y to be called back b)" I he tlr!!t section worked ' PrOP on hanks. finish up ....Ith Damkler, Otto . . (Fidelity referee 'who claimed tbat the fumble l gll' lng . Proj ect whk\l--was Bldg.) Outter le back to Skylights. Furnaces,Heatin . we think thlll she cUT very ap Spout , , Ventilation .....as but a backward pa!!S" on the rrart ! proprlate for ihls time ot the )'ear. ahool a 'fe..... ha�kelll for the lan a" 'Fur-. AsentA" Mueller ot the Centrallane. . ,,; ! :':::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::! ! Enslneen. The second 8ectlon decided upon a on the side. How abollt It," DPolly'! n·ace.-809 ll So. 38tb Street. : h ar la It h t al m tl t o om ol e r e ' : : : ; : ' : :: . : : :: : ::: : : : : . : ' :.: ::: ::::::::� ' ; ' : ; : ; ' : : : :: � ;:: ' � : ' . : ' . . . : . . .::. . ow� :.� l� t�� �:st ��I� bu: :�7;� ��� ����r Qc�lal�� ;:C\.e;e B:I�:�:� �b��:\:� :a·tl-:n�1 �:;::d �:r � � � . the first 8core , they wer� upable to and at 1-he diCferent ' meetlngl of dual 8corliig I n women 's basketball. Real Qualit y RI*ht 61;lOve over an)" more and the game the 8ectlon. reports and 9uggestlom Poliy eaYII ahe hopel· t6 make It betGeneral Mcrchandille T & 3818R5 Parkland euded with the- ball 011 Centralia!!' .....ere given. ter Ihls year. "Maggie"' iacohsol', Phone Mad. omplf�; ��:.e.':���j�� (.1.oth25 yard line. The Thanksgiving project wa� captaIn '7am. hopes so too. 'in Quail !)' anJl FkM'lce c . of the t I �':;k::e:\I: �:O�l � �a:�.-�a:�e!!;��:�: fact we .al i hope 10! h A . T m o tr c e ) fc) REL (0) ('.il';�:��� members. :: ::: :: ::: :: :: ::.:: :: :: :0:: :::.::: ::: : ::: ::: �:':.'�..:" ,,;:....:.'.:': �·.�:�: �.�:...J. �::���;6 -- �:::: ::: : : ::: : :Phone ./ It was 'done In a ';'ery Main 26 1 �"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�''''''''! RTL A. Sannerud Blan enahlp . H. Sannerud' RGL manner. t L eftectlve and attractive J DutltrS Pollard RI;I��� \ ��: rel:�ill:�:!n;leraen: ndlnt�l:r: �:p��; BU!!('rINlon!l:;i �!lI(,ftnlzlnJ( Dentillt ��h�enlutlen LGR ' table PI)moulh Rock and the !'.IS) Suite 111'4 Puget Sd. Dank Bldg. Parkland Cleaners Omd'al LTR Roun��� I :� -10th & p,,(, A'� ented and th( t I'hone flo"" e r \lere also pre s Tacoma, Wash. Christensen LER Fowler . !��!;:sne:;�he:�ehO �:!�gr��: \\�:;: i �:======== � ::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::� :::��::::::::�:::::�:::�::::::: Q ,/ Card ....ell ; MJlsquerade and Theatrical CosAnderson . RHL I Dro\\n l plan shov.ed effort and hard \\ork Cl).ri!lor LH� Rohinson tllmell. Tuxedo and .Ore88 Sultl for Ihe part of the memberl of thl� Rent Hoban . F Oest IIon section. ana much lI:oon I'.:al derh' ell Tell'graph DeIlV('rl�H ,"SUb!!tItUtlons: P. I C" Fedt for from thlB Inter g-oul of , the workln rO d 9 S J\nfu n. Centralia . .Gert!!on for e!!tlng proJect. ' � r �o::�. Hair �;�:, 3 1 11 24 �H�l �1;::�h:!!e �� �:�k�:� Rainey. Ita dlelt for !tciblnson, Rob- A porUon of "The Birds' ,Chrilll Toupees, Wigs, Masks , in!!on for ndlell . Karr for SCOII. mas Carol'" ....as selected Jlnd mem I : :;; ;;; ;::: ::: :: i Randlett fo Cardwell. berll Immedlatel)" aet to work upon! . Main 8213 I thelr parts. Commltt�ea were ('no!!en tor stage, properties, IIc.ener)' \. ENTERTAIN TEAM ! an Dimple Lucas , Re\'. and Mrs. Hokenstad and Mr. , �nco���:de:� afternoon ' Nov. d r f r o F.xIM'rt U)"elng and arcelllll n p M w g t o :�e m�� rSs' �� ���S t::t:al� �::�I� ,::: I :��b:r: J:� � he :;:8!! ::� ��:o Hotel ·Plerce 9191f.a Broad ....ay . Ih�11'" frlenda well as to t.he stu- \'llltors who had heard. about the dents .....ho attended. the game ut work. The caat of the play was a� din· Dremerton ISIII Sal�rday al a MECCA RESTAURANT ner which waa beld In Ihe dining follows: Mn. Ruggles-Sn'a Opdill: Sarah hall of the ' .Bremerton Lutheran C.ornellull-Stella Samuei!lon: Mal:ld­ A Brotherhood mlsslon of that city. Ruth Erikson, Peter-Norris Ladg&; Rev. Hoken8tad said that although 10 : Elly-AI,ce CUlperson: S llan TRY. OUR ANNEX U the have ot lent very many BtU- -A ne Lela d: Clem-Hanna And Zimmer-- ;" dents �rem?rton to P!,Clflc, he eMlon ; . Peoria-DorothY . .:......,\;:; ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::� : � }" from �'-anted thenIchool to� know that,.tbe manri:' Larry-Victoria Rasmua&en_ people of Bremert n st�od ready to Th�Ou gh the working out of TRY �ARUECUE assllt the Ichool In any .....ay they projecta -the Technique Cla'B could. The ents .were very en- th'at tbey have really " ",mpll,h ,,' Ii '\ 8,-\ �DWIPHES n tbelr p'ralae of tbe din- ,ometh!ng. worth while Parkland, Walh. Madllon IOU" ner and Bremerton hOlpltallty. period. \.. at .









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. .

COLLEGE. PARKL.AND. WASH1NOTON. \ '. ..... tConilnu.� from P�se ��.e ) . Prot: Xuler II Irateful· tor' fb. m"nJ bright Clint W. Lee Company fllct that he ba. ful. . . pupill In hll "8UIIO]0_Y" clUII: Prot. Hauge, III .B18d that nlne­ . 703 Fourth Avenue. ".eella te.� 00'1)' come eve....o. often. Mra. Bailey �lId Mr. Freed , are �attle · and he I, or coune 1I0t tbll only thankful tO'f the comloB" ' "ftcatlon. one. 'S funD)' but Ifle 'Hulent.' are Mr. Freed. a friend ot the well . CI'UM Hlnp .ft.nd 1" oll tliank'ful for that same' thlo, too. )(00..".0 L. C. Smith ·-1II'd ·N. ' 'ftN'kfJ Elllbl(,I�II' nd uiidoubtedh� the other teacben Palmer, wlth0.ut doubt 18 aile:' saU,. . hue lom'elhlng to . afty thaI lub· tied to hue pena .Dd...type�rlten· ."·nno"n,,!,m�nIM " <�y(�::r ..... ��. allenced (or leveral daYI. Ject. p�no_l e."11 '_..::.-:__ ''::''> _� � �;;;!!��":?�'� MMI,' Kreldle'r and' Mr. Rl1muad It III believed tbat both Itudentt ' .... � ,< : _..;:._ --.---�- Z 1 remind UI thlt HIlloween onl)' Ind tea(';hers will be tbankf�l. If· In,. �:�llons say IIl1ten. J"ve sot'a big prObl�m' " How do you fet!I!" "'e uked. <:om'e, alice a yea-r and that "Uo'IQut �ble to coml! ba(',� to ,cho�I, wl�hou' . ,. There:e !lomethln� I can't under- "Awfully Important." re�lIed ""the ?be81 of dl!<:oratl; g �he �ront °f, �he any lIerloulI �ill-tiaPI .0Vtr �h� vt"c:� . '========== r y 't ca II h t "tand, Uwall)', I , can undenlta'nd e��tlst. ' I a n. . . �:�I1';:::: ll !o� � u::1! il �� .��e ,a�� t������� �a!':·'�::h ,= l(';hOOI' r . ' . 10111 of deep, thln�, �n fact I even . thankful for., The Contempt clau !8 81 P. L, Co. to wblch they will T8chunko 8 House of Flowe 8 think I kno,,' why \erna _"Ighll .10 In 1I0me' old -Greek cities. , ,,'e read gradually tlvlllzed. l,n't gladly return ""hen I band her my Ihtle eay-If 1 .I t was (';uatomary t� �crlrtce that &0, Dr.:becoming ' for Rv�r)' Or(,f"dun. .,o"'e�;\tacta.on C'Ould belp her I....OUld·rDut I he,ar,d that oxen "9" " , next thJng when a citIzen dlacovered . Mr, Sluen Hoff! . "on the prQgram e the v..tThe with onft;nted II lI�me�blng I can t undentn,nd: here a a100new thereom ll be "When do "'e Eal !" )l.niJ "",c . ' Sou.�b Pacific A.-,enlle at .60th Many ,fact that the Moorlng:Mllt II a. bl- ",'111 . gepmelry· ,. hat, Somebody told me 1 W!'I a �opho�ore huIntelt . t thl ' when ' thankfu.l be all ' the...ti' a elesancsl! e a weekly inatead p�per. time arrlvel on the �4th ot ' lh]11 :;;:======== kly of witty. or ('ourle, I could undentand or It all . �ut rew, have been ao In- we Here'l a IItUe lIe'Cret; rn�mbe... ot 'month. l ld e ik P r ' , :-:-1 �:�e. � :rn!:;t It�,� 'I �.:: ��!��:� ::t��� �:l�::� ;. o� E���:r ;::�::�� . ��:relt�lrta a�:rt::il :S:::II:]�� :��:I ___ ___�-'-_�' 1Iretty good. "When aomebOdy behind It either rains. or It doeln't ral�, for tha.. Urat paIl6. ' r Greeti�g8. Cards · ' me '!laid Well he a haU rlllht' It Isn I raining 80 It muat be rain· Mrl Taylor la thankful that ahe :;\0'" jU8t �h"t do )OU aUPPolle be Ing doe!ln't' have to ""rite a book on meant by that" Christmas . "Whv Freshmcn Should. Take Eog ft I) There 1Io"a a lot of nolae In the IIlb " She SlY8 that the booI!. would -"\. , "' Elmer K Sa) I betcha I Ino�� bol!! dorm lUI nile Everybody In be entire]) too long, and undoubt Birthday where )Otl got )0\11' tie the building "'oke up but �I r Ram- edl) il would .� Robert K Where' atad aaid It "'''s only om Nyman AI� E]mer K: On. your neck. n ' h � and for ull other' occasions :".. :: ... . T� :::��I�e8 J��� �:a:\ �:: ::�:e; :: Compliments loudly he b�d to go Int'o another Clinto� ,F. s.mith Photo ShOP Campus Locals :��m ao he wouldn't' wake himself \ (j{� l'lldtic :\n'IIUI' . of . . �=======:::;=:; (;uod . O)yl,tpic Ice Co.. ' K",.k . . F,"'oh'", , UNIVERSAL Photo Service . '









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:�:: :d o













,- ",,/


Mission Socie� CHOIR MUSIC . : Holds Meeting TO BE BROAD; CAST DEC.q9 1....::,><•••�•• _� DUAL DEBATE ,nterestlng Program '- Give. al . --

Badger . Debaters Are Defeated b 'v C I a s' Squads; Boih Victo ies for P. L. C.


Meeting; He•• Ed· " ward. Give. Talk : . Hussian N umbers '



� .


l£JOnL"'A1JI;U BALL- .



Th. P. L. C. MIM,o. Sod." h.'d Feature or M u s i "g.,.. moe"•• Wed.....y Program to "",",.1 1'.'....... enoine. No¥ember 30th wltb the Over Shlti6h Be�{O new -ot{lcera In char«.... . ' ' : conllst1!d o ODJ'--: procram The' A dual debate . was held OD' Frl. r S Dec. 19, b ! ���:::!. wltnen some wonderful basketday enning. l)e(:ember tbe 2nd, be- audience: IIcr1pture readlll:,C-Arlinc On Monday aTenla!, elciu !lo'c1ock tt: At ' prelle�t, the games t""�n tbe Collere . ArJ'umentalloD Sa�nerud : reading-Victoria Rail- tween, Hten and Collece �::'r-e pofls ::� etaS!! Squad BDd tbe Sadser Debate munen ; vocal floh>:-Gerbard Lan�: . PacUlc Lutheran five gaD;1es, two h Lincoln ' HISb of TaC(lma, on'e Club of' tbe University ot Wuh- addre8&-Rev. O. 'J. EdwardB; Bong the Male. Qu.artel wlil ' b"''''''! I'''''''''O. . from .taU'!n KMO, Tacoma. logton, In which the home teaDis and c1oBlng ' prayer'. Stadium; C, P. S, eserves . d·""""" ' I ••• Sumner HISh. 'Tbese Rwill all were "Ict�rlous. The decision waa , ReY. Ed""ards In his tl:ddreS8 ' look program II st'n.80red tbrousb. 2' to 1 In. favor of tbe NesaUve Into consideration the verses 43 courteu of tb" Tacoma - Team ' and unanimously In favor--Cf to 46 Inclusive, o'f Kings I, Cbap· Commerce. Tbe memberl ' of ter 18. cbolr under tbe direction of tbe affirmative. 'an tbls portion of the Bible we J. O. Edwardl bave been ' wblcb "nly a powerful DetNue Slrnultana>ulli)' .Squad met learn th.t God pu.nlshed the Inl.� !lard on the nu-mbera lelected Tb� P'. L. C. NegatiTe can go tbron,b. . ,·"'. their opponent. In tbe chapel. and qultles of Israel by causing . a bro.�Clst. They are. bavlng """' I J'o••'....Ph . Good Matm.l bl ac ot n bt, ng t e d A lr tl d te "We a 'llkely 'Iooklng !:Iuncb' M·l'-""·I,-<..k tbem o�! Btrappln(t," �:: ��8����t !� �: ::ur:�� �!: :::�� S::S\18 . �:rr���: tb�::·� :�:�; :ee�� �::el lh: � youtba judges were: Prot. Hong, h�ad of God 's punls�ment Intllcted on el� part practlcee. The. t o he a great tbe English ."Department ot Lincoln Is al80 terrible and tbe peop�f the cbolr will derlv" Ed ...",. I ',.,. �e�iJ; d�;I� . !b! fO:�;:� High School, Misl Stlxrud, . of the l,srael were' sorrowful. k wae In of beneUt from tbill conce"t juat ended and are In tiDe Education Dep't. of P. L. C., and tbelr grief, that ttiey came to EII- asb the practice and n h are P n t n r R r �:�. ::: �r. ::�:tt:':�U�:'d �:; �b�t ��:n�r. :';:�r �;e �e::I�: �.d :nt��IP��;:g te;;' e:::: by., negaUTe debate. The chalrm.n of departed to tbelr homes EIiJab and The prosramJustarransed be9n WII- ble senant _tit tor a walk, per- Edw.rds bu t'be debate In tbe cbapel . J.Ja1D PO..Itt......4_l,.oula8 Hendrlk- baps to �me fATorlte secluded lpot and la � follows: . - � Mn irif.;i:i' i.i'"'f.it:;;E;;Ii"�'i�.�'F.:'l;-:'Z' :;''::. '.,::::, act� .aa cb�lrman of'tbe debate wHere Eltjah 'earnestly and Pattent- A . C"rOW"D . or�Qrace ,for M..,'-';r..l ii"'i,iaifoi.:ic�' . Iy prayed. Atter pr.ylng be told b.nnes Br.hme. In the cburch basement. Iils lIervant to look toward tbe sea In Thee O .Lord r Put My: Debat'ers Named for any an'swer to tbe prayer. "�even -U. S. K"allnnlkot�. T!le debateM! from the U� · of times be did' tbls and 'on the lIev- ' AgnUI Del-B. l'4'ilnnlkolt. W, are as foltows� Affirmative: enth tbe answer came In tbe · 0 Pralae YlrG'6d-P. Don Thomp�n, SJjbutian Abello, form time, of a small cloud whlcb grew sky. a,.nd Jel(l� Epstein. Negative: Carl and brougbt longed-for r.ln." The chOir will be Ralisted' by Lucll:�rath, Grant �rned, and Percy "Llkewls'e tbeto work ot a Mission popular violinist·, NIII Rein, Sachett. . Those upboldlng tbe af- Society leem a8 small a will present a ' group. of Violin flrmatlve Iide for P. L. C. were: cloud butmay s. tlo when Is cloud In God the o Mary Fowler, Esther Towe and tbe "Work will be a sreat blessing. " The male quartet composed Arllng. Sanneiud. Marie Espeletb, A��u.r . O!lon, Gerbard Erllngr Jacobllon , an� Gladn JorgenFranklin Lacey and Mllng ��: nted the negath Iide of BOARD MEMBERS ne u en e ' � ;::��: VISIT COLLEGE �h� '";.11�b:::n��� G, QueatJOIi -- . . 'It Came Up'on tbe Midnight. . The question for debate wu, Pres, O. J. Ordal and Prot Hauge -R. 8: WIIIII, " Rellolved, tbat tbe. Intervention of ..ttended t a meeting of the State Beau\ltul S�vlor-Unll:nown, d d tlo u l tI In all the. Se&aOD, ���e.�· :�'e :r;:�::�: ;r!lIen!:: !� :::�ay � N: ��� �br:' ����:�:lPO�:� Pacific Lut!Jeran OD band la ,nod botb sides Jlbowed that much time of tbe State ltoar:S visited eaclflc I lOng compoled by J, O. for plaeea will be nut effort bad been llpent on tbe Luth�ran College on Tuelday, NOT. ,will be oftered by tbe Mai. "�ed" Carlson ill abowln. ' , and pent part of tbe mo ing ' lI question. TbR debaters dillplayed 2 9 rn membera . of ' the cbolr . at center. Tbla ltttle fello.. . . remarkable ability In refuting tbe bere. Tbey were Dr. E, O. Holland, wtllT1ebroadeut �re: m t •• ,....'.'.'0.• eAn . ColState Washington of ealdenl r p :; Fir ' at Soprano: argumenla of tbelr ·oppQnent. and t :r'f �:t :���a:�. �I':n:. '; , aU In all, both' debates �ere Inter� lege, Dean Thomson . of tbe Unlver- Eltber Towe, Stella . ta7 IIlty ot Wasblngton, and R: '! Verle Laba, An�a TbomJ)"lOn, estlng and worth lilItenfng to, Hargreaves, prelident of Cbeney Knutsen, BlnaWula.cni, Helen Good SPI?l:Umauhlp p Normal. �, Dorothy Zlm.merman. . It must be said tbat the Badjten Tbe purpoae of ' tbe ".Ialt ,was to . Fo....le;, Ma': Hodk. . . (Continued on Page �) took their defeats In a mOlt sports- InlPect . ' ' . and Kreidler, �'re .workln, tbe. work done by t�e Norm.manllke man�r and tbey certaln- �I department guards but It II too earlJ' bere at tbe Colle(te. Iy ea� be called ".true,sporta" a�eordseason to Jud,e tbe- belt. . Ing to, the code of winning and . '0" ',. p. L. C. t " y be ., d DR. HOFF STARTS of ber' teama which e�ted Friday --:. t, as they ayed wbat'-P. L. . , NEW. CL1\SS HERE A real ve-"Wlre C.. Is do In oratorio Under the . aupenlslon of Prot. ",hlcb probab la' not . . Hoff, a clUl.enshlp cia. bu been tbe Itudent.a Cbonae ReguI.ar SqUatb been ''''''''''."W·-:: , The lrYQuts-for tbe C:olle&e Mens' organbed for tbe ' benetlt of tbe tbls year aDd regular .Debtlte Squad ..ere beld Monday. sbort coune student. wbo Ilnt�ftd bEtlne ' beld eTery other' w••••�rJ �:�A.1. e-fenlng, NOTember 21, In, Prof. to become clUl.ens of tbe ""U nited enning. Tbls orPDlr.aUon . w.. ltarted to foatel' ac:bool Hauge's elasa room. From tbe Sta�ea. - , are alllht. The bo,, ' are aU memben tbat turned ' out tbe nlDe Tbe .cl&18 - meet.a eTery �b�nday and pep' amope tbe, fI.bUn. hard. aDa" Wlab to sbow -. cboaen by M'r. Hauie to com� evenlne at 7 o'clock In' Dr, Hoff's 'called' the Pep Club. Many at,,, a .- � 4 . .holdln.' �c� 18 ' tbe squads. are: Walter CbrlateDao�,: room, Tbe COUI'M ",111 be p!ac�leally �Iea b ve been aponaored D (�ontlnued on Pa.e .) u n · .' ��e::r:oT:-I'D!:en�. � ;:n!: .�:: :::I:y .} �� :�.,�::�':.t " ' . Intenda to pbtaln bla second papen berore · tbe' .am_ CALENDAR · . The tint �ENT8t bUlI:etbaU .ame of .the mu.t pUa' ...co.> xa ml !l a.t o� tbie stUDt.· are .1"0 � IMUOD' wll1\be' played ill tbe CoUe.e eoune. ..'\ . .... ud pep for '. Om" oD. �mbe" U, aplm 911111- Dr, Hoft {j .aiploJed �J' lh, Pa- ...... . The .er �.h. A 0able b..der la OD � CoUt Coal eOmpaDJ'UULstat. � tI.. danaltof"J' ·tlte bill. . Th. 4 Oladlato... are oat thar .... ...... hen wlll'be 110111" ....y piau are to dat..t the· 8paJ'\aD8 to aYaP "a.,t�1lar- to. \It&t ..... . ..bea· he ,�ow .. to eooperaUcn;a .......... . .." I ',... ' . m'••' t t . . ::-:.4;: ::'� *:U':'.,.W�..::: :: ' � ': :c :::::�:.;�: .a �:'j=.t�:r:= ::r�be • p.. ' �' . ·your. aapport. E......�., at' the nnt d.I,. to oble'" their .-eO.d paper., are; - Preatdeat.-EI:ther Towe; '.IJ-DraMat.&c 1IodeC , ....... ." a.� t� .b��, co'nne stlldeDta-!hoQld �tdeat-Olp-BeuOn'; Bee''''' '''''. II '''.... lame' . ::.. . .; -. '",,� - � � _ 8Il"- �' .4atet .:.. �all:e ��� best !?f� �h1a � �rtP.It J'.� ..!:reuurer:r:"": I �rla ��_u.�n" . , ../ ••

:\;�:�::�: I ;"�







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TS• . "OOilING ' MAST ' ,chapei Talks


j .


Churc�; Announc�ents

:� ::'·� ,o-,�o-o,' I �� ---�::�:�== · ::: ':::"�·:·ld ::���-� --� ·; . eh-u-�--h �� in-r· n .Th�'. Mens' al� ub aerves Il&" a lu i.'' w r_ . ua.:'.. par ReT. R� . . ... _ . . : . �n. . -' traUC'f"Malou, He w" brulHc1 ror hbUabecl ",er7· t.o � 4 C the Kbool T_r by tI•• �tQd t.I oar IDtCl u_: tlle eb.uliHmeat of Dec 1��>: Sc.h0Ql 9:00 " of Padtle L.ttt.ra� Collep. ParlrJaiad, W.. DIVIDe �rvlC!. •t 10:00. blDltoa. •• apoD. Him: aDd .1tb � ollr pea . ' Dec. .1 4-;-4.adies-Ald 2 A. .., s.IiKrIPuo�) oae do� per' YMor" . lit. .trl 'we are heal�,"�tu.. iab . .. . . EDt� .. .�Dd Dec 17� !urday �hool. 10 to U. daa lD .tte�. October I, lUIS, .t the �t office 51: 1. 1S , .t ParltlADd, W"hInItOD� lIDder l �e ' Act or Karch 1. 1171. Chrllt h.�&1D& 'on. loe �·ri!/?;:;.: Se.&h:' :':b. �t 9:30 e�ry Sunday mor.ptng, We . . fonaten' anct reJeeted h, IlI&a. ' BDl'I'ORIAL BrAPP . Croaa . , . · . Prof Pb ir H Nom. Laaalbw Oo·, w• •tilp to tblak ot· the .�h·ftua� .�lto""ID--cbler Th=-:t odeDt enilli 7:� with · Mrs.· �h. . E: Cbok. m�t.' ev!� .ld 0 e . v . . ctiDg. di ' aug . H re e . �. .::11:::' .:�;:. t �1!� 111 to����_:::::::::::_:::::::_�:.:::::::: �::�vlct;;�v�:=: 1 --"� --� ' W� U· � .� •• Bot H












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. . _





Th. ROOlers' e1ub o�:. i"�g�!r!� lusI Frid.Y .Dd el""led 'Voitel" Christenson president and Martha Cline secretary. These two, with the yell leaders 'and Carl Anderson, compose a come a o t t m s '\ .lli� �iub.·�jn· a;:��;e %r �t��'��n:��rell� ��d�h�iik;� �r �C Every person at Pacific is a member of this club whe.n he aHellds. the meetings and this he should do. for the chili is organ­ ized to keep "Mr.. Pep" Crom walking out or our schoOt If we are to show real.life and "Z!p.." we must be organized: '\Ve can­ not all make the teams. but we. can help those .!t'ho do . by .keeping in .top place as to real yelling Everyone should turn cut for ·the meetings or the "Rooters" · and make for Pacific a real reputation in boosting, A Student



hom!, ot Cbrl,tlnl!" KnuueD, ,r.dvat,/ot lh' dau 0' 19%'. t. Bu,t, •


Pal'kM 9110


of Christmas Slippers � A Happy 'Gift . . �.





. Samuelson ·. & Berg ' l .. PadIIe An. at IOtb

, '17

for Mailing


-I •

M. MartiJt..&;:;·:C;:;.;;o. ;�



The .Itudents do say tbe, ban Ifot been to T.com.· If tbey bue not � �.rI1Ie'.·

Candy ThaI'. Different She will enjoy a Box for Xmas •






S!:�o:,o�� �:':l ��l ::�!�r��I�.tl�o��g��i;:::r :!dar�r���;i�� STUvD�N!' SoA l' Npl'� .a celebration of the year by a detestable, insufficient slangy and �AI I. N A degraded term, . -. . Christm member this call d and t a O "Ch n e n as r;. s, f a �;I��h�f��. p:�: -!: �, 'l:e: !� ��� and not���:s?







• �'{





�:;'�� : ..u.�taDt COPT Editor .:.. � .:.. :.. EKh.r To"'!'. whn w. .top to . medltat. .Dd• ID,tOD A Dam"r 01 plt.t .�d . w. d� aot ot.lai,. h.ppl.... 'by .' . . � _:_--w.lter .Chrlltfluoa thlat of t�e 'Pfrltual. ald.. of : Bon' Swrta h,. •ccom' ur torm.; .P. L. C, .tude.1II .ttndld .Iql. ,ard Itrtd.o b.t ..u.lItaDt �,.., Sport. In, :. ..: Franklln �e,. W. aa • people m.�e .' &Mat mll· and Impro mptu �peeehea ,t._n b,. pllahln, t� ( .. and lbl . .. the . Pt Clrt.· �port. 0:- "':' : B Ii.rl. EapeMth ta1l:e In that we ac d ' 1 " � - eb. or eoa_t...t , . tur_ tb. 0 e .re the t tbem r tl . t re � t T i�;: ==:�===�:=:=:::=::===:=::===:=:::�:==:=-Pal.! ��b�� :::r:l n:,�:�:De ��. n:; ��I.; o !:!�ed !::: ��� �io� :,��:�: . ' :: Reportera: Dorotb, Zfmm.rman. Elna Tru.laon, Lelab GraY. EUot tbe. Btbl. · .. IOm�& tb.t aPllUea n. ADdetaO. Poil, LaDlloW'e Sopbl. Tbll ad .pl.. 110 &ood lor ..reel · ' M.tcbellOn, Helen Weatb,. and Ine.l Arneson. to 01: .. I.dl'dduala. lr trllD .t ... tal'7 . .. . compllm ' u4 & 01& P":'�::::',!, VIS1'�t;:"rta Ro':���.In&wal CQ-toat. ..... .,.. own namea SUlln r , ..: S..rre Omcb.l Sbould we' no01't· puttb.our· word ... Kan••• . . P,Uece ,. '. ' ....ou�'.' Fedt. ' Mortimer LeGore: :w.lt.r I . . ' " In (b. ' pl.ee 1 ' ' ClJ'CUL&.TlON . Hann. ADderson MaDacer . ' Miriam Helmd.h1 A.l8lstant whlcb I. uud. ' .11, tb. ,.era.. In Fr n h R0bert Knu t'.D,� ' .Dd Simer I . 7st ,St., H.leDa Aft, K.la. t1 1 . . ·ADVBRTIsIN'G J. .. . .. .... ' �..I.h. , . . Kn·u t�e�. lyS Jor&en.lOn. Man.,.r: lIarpret J.cobaen, Gerb.rd .Lane. As ' Gl.. .: it . BeT. 0rda1 llatantsr, TJplat. Alyce Cupenon. ' f'1 · . . ;i.--STUDBNTS · ·SUPERVISORS · We .. a peopl. do. Dot take lime .:J ....�. ! \ nd Tailor PACULTY . ta ou ",). Bertar ' . 'Dew Drop .Inn ·_ '- £ You. will find here everything ' 0, �, "ltueD ::. C':c:.:°�t �:::!. ��� ��:. :� you . n eed'in i c::::: ' brlat r hO I · '. "KEEN STUFF! XMAS IS COMING!" Sehool 8appliH L.l.U!!!Jt'II� eer1'� 1�U cblcken din. i �:: ' ·pe :: -:'-;n:: To � st1!e. it is .rather,premature t� 'be .edi!oriali:zi�g about ��c ::�rbl:: ; Chrlat:o :�:kH.��hUBI .hort ..grden, bot do.. .pd i n, 0 TYPEWRITERS wrl l . h . m e this early. but lI � sp)ration dear�fold·�X��e;::. ChrlStmas out and i eake eotr.ee �nee. , 'bamburac-n. .. wblle Cro . 'tbe' on ' It IS not muc� 'pf Christmas we would speak InnoceDtl, M.r,. HII motber. and HlI 'dlt.lpl.. ��t 2 Blocb EaSt 01 ,,.18 on Ii Set:::�e:ted . , \ MountalD; Road The . S <H:8.lIed '''jazz 9:g�" is res.ponsible for many thing�r �:;d :7:!n� tb:r!OO�D:�a�':DC:::: · c�lOnges I.n.our rhode R. or .hv�ng, Perhaps some of these are good. Je.ul doean't to;&et our hum.n .or. . , I�� Mad 193J4 .. · �;:;;:; .926.";:; . pa.eifie Av. .. . ;;;; In the opml?n of the .1.n.aJorl.�y of tlt�j)lder generation, al� of them row.: He I1rln,. bleasln&1 tor th. . � . ....... are bad: ·Anyway, XttlaS certainly must be recorded as an tiuman loul. W. sbould think of ;:;�;:;;:;;:;�;:; outgrowth bf said pge, �Ve are living a� a lime w�en bre\'it>' ,is ounelves � .taDd·lng UDder tbe ;':=====::::==�"I the s�� �r ea rO o , C \ t �:�i��::N;. ��l���!h���!�� and th.e desire to ab� ll f J � . VALK O VER I The beat value



c- .. ... _.It, OOIIPAlfY




Paclllc A1'1!I.:


Paclflc A1'e. Tacoma '

conlldered an Can't w. all know Is a con· what you want, tell uS·and we will get it. You don't have to tbe .d....nc.ement 01 traction ot c.nnot which mean, I;;;:=:;:;�;;;::;;::==.� l i to .send away for Q" thing. Our prices and quality of mer· contine Itself "Is nol bl�." CaD't has nenr ' 5 PHOTOS tOe chandi.se will·a�ly make 'you a satisfied customer . another bls to oae .m.a's . H••• ,oar 1_lnt pldare perbapa to lak. E� llan, but des .oelet, In many do�e a thin, except.dictionary, ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE 0I0red d Oil C \ different torms. . Tb. torm I wl,b up sPace In tbe . ... tor�rlat� PARKLAND MERCANTILE CO LEHMANN'S DRY GOODS · ·to .peak of .Ia tbat In wblcb . th. Wbere wo. IfJd "' cl1'lIlu.tlon . b.n IiOLLYWOOD STUDIO ., cruel muter fa "caD't" who. barm· be.en c.ocs., If Ita bullde!" bad .'____no Broadw�,. ;�:==::::::::::::;;:::::::::::;::;:::::::::;::.:;:::::::.;:::::::;::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::; . .;.;;�=...;_ · leu ... he appeara to be, can do ; __ t" i · endleu dam.',e to tbe IDdl1'ldual be stopped at thls ,tumblin, bJock. I . American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co ' ; succeeds In makID& bl• •I.ve. "It can't ·b. done"?" W.bat I"tem Who\eoale . . . ' In the 'tlnt pia".' tb, ,10" 0' U8h" would w, ho u,I•• today. WJ!iiiO . , . V Plumbl�, ��. �d MiD 8up,U.. "can't" b.. tbe Idea that the world It Edlaon bad been an addict of 1., ' . . .. owes hl� n�t oDly a IIdD&. but "It can't 'be don.'!''' What klDd . Phone Main' 1707 19()8.:10 Pacific Avenue � .... " ....... . ...... . .:::r ��ID::l :: :e��l ':::\ � of . .. . .. . ' _l. a f'.!.COrd "Would Llndber&� ha1',e m b n 1" a . II KJJ.L .. � L e ' J 8. :t<.0 W V B R. r " 0 P U L .�; pl... b, bard ""ork and ;'s..Uck- "!Itabllabed ' If be had' .lart� . OD , Idea. � with rneT Jo to-It-,.#teu" tbe" "caD't .1..... en': bla ,erno�. . . .-/'" · .. d · Tlea tbem aDd ealt. tbelr .ucc'eu ;'It e&n't be do e'!" ; It tbla tbou,bt "tooll luck...• H•. bimMIt hun't 'had been tore o.t tn bla ·mIDd. oar 1m W0od Har ware_' tb. · ..... to p1toh 1. a. hl& 'amou, ' Co, .. . LlDd.."h wootd 1 to playl .b.r. bat .wlll admit b.'• • rallu ba.e lfeeD remo....d · frOm. .1 . Phone bet�t1t··be becln. aad will DOt e....D tall .I."tted �ItIOD I. : the .t,. i Main 2759 . Loa offun I ' . 1�16 Pacific Ave. " trT. It b. ".much .. lelll .tarted. to tb. r.tboml_ ��f'IO•• ut. tb. I be ,..01 .top .wbere b. meeta \b. .� tor, taatanCe, . WbOM t....ortt. I. 8berwta Pal.te . tI�t obstaeie; .amaU .. �t m�,. be. on alibi la "it can't be",d�ne." . . I I . , .... V� · , Ft.aUy. wb••. tb. · "can't ala.... N' I word ctilsulll ln& is ' B.8den BJn1war'e t. .thb I , 0 . .ucceutul m.. about him. he • thaII 1 8portfac GOOdI a JI'Wl1q Tadd6 !11l. •oi �mit that h.. Ut• .. 'tile :c:a;��1:':� � � Yovca� 0 thls In- i . .... II'u1IabIap ':.. tallare b.. � mad. It. . eaaily .. ' at&mP:ed W'!�b "de1lbl� I -= ' ===::;::;<,::::;:==="""=l l · �. DbaPP,. 'Indeed! aa4 I. ,Uabt dllDnd1l&l k upo_ oar mlDlh. /',..,. ' If learn the t be pitied. II u•• •1a����.:�� . -D&I"m&r Balo.., JCitablllbe4 'lUI ." �



t!sla1'ery, alwaya Impedient c.h"lUratiOD, does not makin, In....

Our service is alWays �t your clisP.osaI. If we haveD'� got '

I.,c61 I � :.-=-� .;... _. =, ..., l�,�'

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... B.rtMldway

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T..,.,.....! .

.Pboao � 99S

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t . lor ." o' • ••_'" ORGANIZE HOOP . ' . .' Girls' Team to Play' , , Nell" File EScapes D nHn I"t..;.;... ... Fl..; " It .. .""'.... ,.. ,.... .. ,.. ' P'll'St G.arne on. Dec.' .16 SQUAD OF SHO• "'00' ....4 ,•• ••".... ...., .... '\(-� y...,•T . Are".NOW' Erected Tbe Unl Qlr�' aa.ketbajl !a�. COURSE MEMBERS _ It ·



..� ' .


-. . Sa" wb... It com.. t w;orll, ;::,, !:: �J�J�.-=�,:���be():�� Coach_. Beware S-ad out yoa.r buketba.l1 .. aotlilq otbero ' thaD XAySer lit. L..d. I!.Illlle tlsne' d�: n:::.Iq II, The P L. C .eouta Put Your tHIll t lbe autl. of la kiDde bel Glrll' Dormitory n b tb. tb. o tcbed. e .rlter Y • .. Pj&1'D thla tint pme of e:oo.d!tlOD for your bour or com-\ l t_pI. I bat I. at bud A De. rJ�.l .. I. Uret alabt fDd tbe .mollillOr ,;Drll r.,Lenore' ab -•• ...Cb.aula 'PUD�ta. aDd ne lIew tire escape wbleb bu ::::t tbetba 8t berbuHbad but a ),our mldlt and YOU aN{ unconKloul d.moutrated. wu "IID-arkabla. But . t.m utl

Modem UiH.Date Jype 01 FtJe EKape LoeatecI OD Side of __


bee� UDder coD.ltructloD for tbe put few \1&11 la 11.0w compIeted, aDd tb.



abort ��e for practice. tba pmal of bla preteDCe Ha la UIIDI your tbe,. like It and we like It 10 Ramltad' QI... me tfl. rormu�a II Iooked. forward 10 wt'!" �DtbUI' w"poDI and you allow It He wh,. complain. t�r wat.r, Ted . occuP&nta of tbe I'lrla dQrmltor,. tum, an��� d u It II tb. opeDIDI' l bouta In ,.our campa aDd yoU toler· j Ted Fedl' H [ J K L M n� nc;t lo�«e.r wor,!'f�r mQuI or :�:ID;t �:-::. t:� �lr�._= late . re! Coacb_. ' Bew It. Ramstad: Wbere In tbe w? ld " b � run�I�1' I�rta ' ''Tluk Wben : . but,. �cape csse of fire. .1 1r�,. .all tbe noise , Do you Dot caD't ItOP" HII &uar� &etuall,. 'dld ,.I)U I'at tbat! . ,lctor,.o . . . ae be t In with n U Tb•- . l.t!uetU7fl, wblcb . j reaUI. that a ...er,. powerful tea.J.P ,e 1' '. D Cl of II m dern . YOU T. F..: wen. ,...tirda,. . . I . Mid H IUr,e e ' . Y him. watchlD, dtSl� � "li up-to date t,.pe. Ia located up ,.our t In mldlt IpruDIl hu at tbe O. to H wu It back . . , tbe buketball team of �be Or,aD' pi..,. a neat, f�t ,ame. .' " "1 .t-==========t IIlde of the ,Irls' do;.mltor,.. It .baa . 1 -- ." . ' ' lied Sbbrt Coune Stud8JItl o� -. " . Loc' als ' nita on botb tbe IecOnd\ and' tblrd C Fowler .man-tbf!� II ' ' . . FAMILY, ampus I p. L. c.r Ar'l'Qu not 'aware tbat About thla rtoors .i.nd la Ufer an'd more nothln,. underban�ed about . hli . JOHNSON'S tor ,Irll tban the "�Id' tfie'luitable II prtlctlclnl' wlt.h pla,.ln, . thl� " team nry STORE of fire . . A pip of tbe wrtlt o..e"f lila ' . 1301 P:acIrlc Eleanore �ftb"':ll ..111te<! h,r aunt! ,.oar .equlpment and �,.�u tolerate Heape wblCh .u �former1y In UI8. AnnDe tbe :'all filM. 'He lleepl bla Tbe addition abould be reprded. &I .In Sumner .durinl the wa:eY-end. �tbla! Tbe,. a!"e practlcln, a lre�t head Ed!,a Brotno1' I, ..llilln, ber llurprl.e tor tbe ,ular lqu\Ld and hatl.d� and bead up a�d pla,.I· real Tacoma. WlI. a Ylluable one. frlendl at �. L. C. She wU� YOU nlten not. -'r"be,. bout and.(iou ,ame Of_b�IIetball. . ." . ' . r ••�·=========� , . ' CLASS GAM� S TO , '1I�:rtu::�:=n ne:�:.m:;=�da1 iI�h�notftO�:t. �:::.ee, B�::::� . Cbamberl·al�. ' Y.wel bt of tbe l n c�nd II ,.... �' , !i, . ;� J� F VlS£LJ. CO. Sunday at bll h�me In Tacoma:. are worki�I out e1'e.r,. Monda,. nl,bt Icbool. II out wortlnl STA': RT 'BIG SEASON and . . compeUlIon. He Iiome boYI tbe In« Prilt. under «:rmnuium tbe paNlnts"ln .her 1'lslted ... Or Lellh Book &eli.... 8t.'...... " I . . ' "-ppUea ,l! and �re putUn« ,reat oJ"'l ill In the practice an tbe Mme and' Otnce Pboto '6!hlI.. Olympia. Ho had aa bla ,ueat I ofFreed. Balliet �lIOn '1:ee'"�� ·wfijTh�open .' . entbUllum Into· th�lr exerelse. �urel,.. wortll bard. '0" � Pa�. A...., Tacoma .... !! . Cbellt r ol um Although &I thl D·L�aYmOndafternoon. wlt the - exerdle la not . reo . . . . Friday Dec. IIb atthe3 :cI45 ISiharp. Four .Soraturday � !f i ' . . . : : . � . '." .: : :: :.:.:: :::::.:::::::.: : :: : :::.: :.:::: :: :::: ' qulred tb1tle bon ar� vev- �uch In- A. 8a�nerud__ tbe l!. S. �. Natoma. ror«ot� l�t.,. football teams are playing the Hllh Scbool Mrs. Kreldle�, Mr. and . Mra: te.reated· and turn out ,10 �%. Ilroag.· Ieason :"&11 O1'er Ind 'rau away with ; . :: ::.:.::: Frelhmen. SOPbs 'and1Senlonl com. Xu.ter ' and ra.mlly enjoye� S�nday Th�lr . hp.rd wort d,ln, the lIum· tbe. boys tbe Urat night. blnlu, In one team'. the HI,h School Introduclnl lbe -rnoon· at tbe home o[ Prot. Ener 15.dlMerent from' th" they lay. . . Junior team, tbe 'Colle,e' FreshII\otln arle 'I STUDIO and. Mrs. Hauge. . . will . DOWj!ETl' and tblll Ia more tun. If. !hey fllh And to .thlnt . th�t tbe. bon and the CoJlege sopbomorea. 7U So.. 18tb waa forced to «0 to like tbey . play tbe flllh bUlln� baTe a Dice new· floor after ·Chrllt- . , The teamll �mpetln« against herMrs.bomeTaylor . Tacoma . The a k Sant� no wu th�re aald Wbo mas: Alaa In extinct be on o .ll wlll nenTuesday SeaUle In . . t�e�e ClaulI! Here'l bopl?,! each oth'er are Hl,h Scbool Freab- In« because of II1nellll.- Sbe .re� barder tbe , •e. tbe better " :: _::::='" ":.":':::":" . ::"'::"'::"::::":: '';''';"'": ':: ::":"::·:: ::''·:':::''·:':::'': ::·' ::':'': :::·'':: ''':':··'' me.D.Sopho'more�Senlorl TeraUII tbe turned $unday afternoon. '"':::: . . boYS like It. .. ' Colle,e S6pbomorell ' HI h Vlctorl!l �umu88en. Marie Elpell- No pre-II�&lon trainIn, '11 ra-: A cood floor will belp a good PA. RKLAND. GA RA . GE. :' - School : Junlora versusandtbetheconei . . : Arlin, Sannerud. Harry San, qulred. - Tbe Urat nl«ht Ild� were team to complet� a good le&lon and . Frellbmen. Winners of tbe two amea etb, A.uto &pair nerVd, ..nd Laurence Hau,e were cbolen and a '�ame or ' basketball we bope ror t.be best. will play eacb other 0: Sat. «uests i. GM, QUa aad"A.� . , ' . . : -In lacked bOYI t"be What p.«an. ot Ry,nulng, g l Solve. MIIIII of � . urda)' anda,alnlt will In turn Tacoma. SundlY afternoon. In .ll).e skill .they made up In fun. Every· ,Betore the first pra.ctlce tb.e boYS i C. Pet6!11on . be played bytbetbewinner faculty. .C�::: ::; Miss Rynnlng .accompal!l one took part and worted. . Prof. laid, "W.by not , Itsrt practlcln«!"I;:::::::::: : :::::::::::J.::::;;;; :::::::::::::::::: : � : : ::;: Conlllderable' lnteretlt Is taken In evening. � Rev. amet! 'lI tbe practice first tbe fter A , working hard a hu' Burely Freed· at services evening the to tbem Mad, 1818...J.l th e e b b bunch. ' . ds Chu cb. · bOYI aald. "Why I� much . �.ractlc. Mad.LIn14 25I fib,Rea.Metal rt�: t::: �l� �: P7C��de�:o:: �:: Edwer Tbe P. L. �C. male quartet - . Tilese little workouts will . conler. Prop.orka � Da. : , �t . vsrlou! teams; eacb player tbereot Artbur Olson, --Ge�hard tlnue tbroug� tbe year and tbe ! tore being on his mettle, 110 to BPeak: p�sed �����':�t?t:���� �:J:��!A,ent . [.ane, Fran�lIn Lacey and Arllng �Oys will keep up phYllcal fllnellll Fur. Mueller The students are urged Ssunerud lan, at the Evening Ser� wbUe they are learning new ,ames. '. ' ' H. O. HANSON 'En,lneen. Street. nace.-801 So. 38th th:;� �:::�. a:11 t�=: :!- 'I�tob:attend !,o. . very ot At a ' ,,,me that. d o C�urch Edwards !. b. ltev. at vl�e ;:" 11 : :;: :.: : :.: :::::::::::::.::: : : : : :1 : . : : : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : 1: elcr �e w w s g t a 2 De<:embe evening. Sunday boYI theae It enlue would soccer ·4th. . r very good playera amon, tbem. . p�or. and Mrs.·...Edwarda allo. auen· challenged a plc};:ed team. �t PrIce. QaaiUJ " St, H Re.l lli7 SO. . poori �L� &fAL��RUTI ' 11th dedG the lIervlcell. . ' the IUd Na�ure Bld�.) ldellty F ( clallll StudY. . ladya. Ivenon, Jenny Anderson tblng (the m�use. I mean1 be· . p�N.·,!O E�TEll . MM'I of LIae Complete . Cloth, -and Verle Laba vilited with friends . ' taa a d FanlIab.J.q ' ' D. . Taco.ma. .Wah. : :: : Pa e ' . " TACOMA LEAGUE In' Tacoma Friday night and Sit· ocame populawr In fleaa. than no. time. ; :: : :: : ::: : :: :: : :: : : : :: : :: : : : : :: : : : :: :: : : :: : : :: : : : : ::: lIZ c Ay :: :: . . . . u TentaUn plans are being laldr by ur�:rv:.s hall JUBt reacbed P. �.. C. � :� �:�C!::: ha:e;tre�� :��� �:� CQaCh Ramlltad to enter tbe flnt , Mrs. Sidney der eYes of Dlem'bers of the Stale DAHL GROCERY CO. ' ll Mr. and tbat r lend f team of tbla college In the City Lea� GIUIO, graduates ot Pacific Lutb­ a d General Merebandl8e gu.!',' the l�ague having given them �h; d:[I::��!��' up a;me peo." Pbone Mad. 3818R5 Plrkland College, are th& proud par. pie Parkland CleanerS Quality and 8e"iee an Inv�tatlon to thtt effect. Tblll eran In tbe morning and not �by and Mrs. Mr. boy .. of ",,ea b entll . ue III �nown. aa tbe othen! That·1I easily explained, ; : r.:: :: "A Glasso are rellldlng In Los Ang� 6I.e : 1lll othen A8IIo<:iation and, accordingclull wouldn't ",ake up If a : :; : ::::::: :: :::::�: ::::;:: :�:: : :::�:::�::::::; 1 to Coach" Calltornla. c�n bah waa Ihot right thru Masquerade and ·Tbeatrlcal. Cos.' We do,cle��lng. hel te -----. p�ssi�·g... the bead. tum�l. Tultedo �:�tDr81111 .SUitl for . :oan�;:::�d� ��� �e:�1 �I�t���:!� . be entered by ItaeJf or' else will be -:=:--7-:::=-=:"": : ::'-:-:'::':-;­ Nov. 30. Lelab II already count- . . . . NEAL E. THORSEN . and lterations a ' ressmaking, d . f:: C�!·I�; U4 � Bri\adwa,. d entered�n connection wltb tbe Mena' DAILY Dl1\R"y: t 3111 Main Club teem. bll offer ill 'conltldered ::; �::ae:I:: t�;��s� e h tailoring ,a «ood opporlu ty all thll 'Ieague No... 23. Why III eyeryone 'llfearlng all figured 'out that tbere'm are �1���!a�;VI:I��ke:' D�· will ,Ive the pi era a cbance to his bes� Sunday Imlle and WhY 'D�' Y ' " OO " O O ·"0Dd'plana,are "�2·� ' ! lecure many ,ood mea tbe,. could baa th'ere been 10 mucb dletlnc ._�Ing. \yonder'wbat bel' Main 8213 not otberwlse ,et. Nothing. bow� lately. Aak another question tor . PIERCE::A� LOR Y PAR the anllwer '!Vhat day II tomor· ;:;r, haa been definUely decided as 'ow' ... . " • and NO� ��;�< 2 � �;e;y�;�y hltber roR.\fER 8T�EN:r �IAKRU;l) .t v_.,. ,. H:�e��IDg � �"J. t It en 0 n the nrOLD Ii Ot Interest to the studeuta and NoV 28 ThOle here noticed expres� taculty of P L C II tbe announce- plump faces and bappy of e1'erybody elae It1 was FUEL .". n.aftnc ment of tbe marrla,e of Hj&lmer K Ilon.a noticeable rAU w.r' .. MECCA RESTAutii\NT I that tbe 00 1){, Johanlen and Mlaa Acnes Marie allO . . waa broken. of Iaakl8u.·The marrla«e waa perform. aUendaDce record . : Night All Open ' . . r • . . ' ad on Saturday e..�nlnl' No... lIS at ' Wbo ,,"1 ,Irll .are arrald . . 13tti .t Comril..':'" ; . . '" TRy OUR ANNEX .Jer broucbt tbe the Ballard Lutheran .Cburcb by ml�r Bill Fowmouly�uay Into ' ''' " " deanet -":Iltt�e ... ... .." .. . . . ..." "" ,,,, . , .. ...... ''.. ' .' ' L, HaUill. It will be . r� �I . D;lember�. "tbat. �r Jo.b.anaeD wu. a tUdent at. P. L, C. dur.ID, the . BROOKDALE GROCERY CO" 1 .7 Tb PI . m��� . xmas Ugge8tio� " . TRY B..umECUE i �� . ....'.. M.;.,........ . . S :!�! 'In :':� w�� . :=:�r ..:W-:-h.' I . .' , . . Jo a Is a rma!1-' 'on tbe ��� 107J � o ��dll; Parkland, 4 ." �It ." ,. . . No� 2 Hawkeye Cam�r8 98c '. �\:at . I .. ' . . . ....... ,..., ,. .... , .. .... .. . ' . i. No. 2 Brownie $2.00 ":-. ' ''.' ..... .. ' ow Bern"'! SIaIiOD RSG B.�P) " i ' $5.�: odak . . . K V �= P m.=!, 1 No, 1 P�et KodaIt. �9,:00,- . . Mad. 1iu:i ,Store: IU So. Tae.. A.... YES! ' .Why_ 9teenboDIfI at Park�ncL., Parker ��8�: Pencils � BaJee A: Pacmc J . . YoUr expenditures (or trivial and vAin purposes, Sheaffer Pens and �Pen�ils ' iI�!::·==1i:::= : =:::;-.:;:=:: : :;:. ::;:::: :f; lj o e i e o ��De �Uac Co.. ,�e. . �a� a� a�:! i���sc::��:i;!��� n: � West C0B8t Fr:;;'��" . 708 Padftc.4",: �ro: 65c . meni6er those who are�backing you? " IIAIa 8TM . '\ ' ' . :-' "1'-Ii &od�ee cO; Fluhiigbla froQ; il.¥) FQ� centS- per day, �t-age 18. l'fill, ";y f.M � . ..� .-.I 0. ... wm. o.n:o ' Ordinary Life $1000.00 !",Iicy.;�, S�ormosuiclea '10.00. I ' . " . . . . . . . W.OI..ale �..� � m




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---. '. .' \ '....." ShAw SiQtply Co... Ine. , 1015 ��ic Ave.




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Luth\ran B;.th�rhoOct




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. C�n.\r 11th &D.4 Doell &til, � -Taeoma. Wull. : • 125-+ Mc�'BulIduta. MinD<opoIlo; .Mlnn. I. . � 1 1 ' p.&ata� 1-:.......:. .. ....:::::= : .:..--i1L.�:../. ._..-:-.,-...:. "'..JI !--:--.----.-....;.�I' I.._-:---.-:-:-....,--,...-. . ----_:'-_•.Mi; :,� ..............�,,:."_ . . • . . .r: ." � " ). ./ ... -_._. _ . _ _



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StatioD P·A-C-l·"·I-C. brod.cUt(Co.at D)leeI frOID Palil. 1) (Co.i.I�"" fro_ Pq. J) I", trom L. C.-Tbe PaeUle secoad 8opru.o: . Will . "'rowlet, Nbrr,,' t.aqlow. CO�l School �t Latberaa Id..l.... J,.1'4" NI?,daa.. Olad,.. Jor.e.- 8,..," o-dal, ArUa• . San.fad.· lkl T llot d.���:�:�:l � ::.::::::: ::"� ::ri!::. �t!�I::"�·.!:: ;:·:. II: �:�: ::-�.=r�:'r.=::�.��r. TIIOM wbo were ••�t91 '0 "oma Seema If 'Old Sol "ere ",rst Alto ! ' . , b....ln ••r a,8101t tbe rata ud . Rutb' Erlc.oll, ·P.I�. Job.Mla, t.be .Irl.' Ir10.1 ·whleb WIU "aiel the� ••• 'doubt tO' the Tlelor," Vletorla RumaNeIl, IAlab 0...... "rld..,.. •,...la . NOTe.bet 11 • ••re . Allee C""�II. Int 0.111. �.r... ..Tb..... e«UOD �or tbe ' eountr1 Sopbla. PetenoD. . GUlO" Ma.rle EePMfltll, )farr ro.ler,. .�alled Partlla6d IMma to be .. raiD' SeeoDd Aho: , , Marie E.pe.e.tb. lA.... He6drlkaen, Olad,. Jorlen·.. relton latel, n..er�llle-leu Lind. H Ida. .Hlnderlle V,etorta R.... . . . . . . . berlll ·coat., llppe"'" and co. (please an.n AnderNn, M!rl.m, Hel.md.hl. �n. Rn.ea. Stra.dIKrl. ' I.-rn_t ot the Col.rnn.lst prOba'blY dlloo,ered·tb.t .lt b.O· It ·� noUee tb� company) matle ••Ib to 1 nT =: BI cbe R.n and :t:.tber . l l bO. H.rr, S.nDern �::� 1 ��: IO s be br e. It'l a I Y .� �:�:�:: I :::t �:mOafn�l: ��:� Ar:t bur r I ' 0I10n.. .L.urence Hau�e: '�(!l I � erI �tl ) r rd'I i:.�:;D� :�: a:d ":�:::l:: �:.: �:c:�:!��:t�O �:er�n.�dTen:�e · Ini.at · Fedt, 1;·: :'."·". :' : :..".....•..: •..•... .. ..·,;...." .., SurchlDS for. an Inlp lnUon_ ' Doe .nd , Duke" 8a,. tbat thla tl " a apleDdld. time for rooUnl-ln .fi t e R.,m�nd Hoff. . . Wben one comes It mUlt qulekl,. so. Ob .... betber !OU ....rlte In pen�1I . , mud. Soft stufe tb.t!" Wblle tbe .0rJd la m.kln.! merr,. Or !betber ,�u write In Ink. .I ' GIm ' i B Lllbt .ot be.rt. wltbout \ .. f;'r . Don't ' ,ou think 1t'1I m.r;...elo I "Aa our S09d bleDd SborUeJlo"" '. ··����. �:s�bllon. Pe'ler ·O� mbo. ·i, -_i Think of me tben.,. Ob ' darlln�. To see lbe tbots 10U tM nkl lo e e u 10 the r D I r n ce ":: �:D� :�...:e ih:: .�l ;::,� ::'4 J;:�::: AI�: �!:d.La '..,:G.� . i A. I lit and poDder ber'? ::�:, I! ' �/ "tEl.e." It'l tiDe weatber. boye..-er, Seeo�d Bua: � , (readlns a se ntence ID ab It mllbl hue been better If .ome. Bowman wben a . fellow b.. to we.r blp.- Ol.t Ord.I, ArTlDI SanDflrul,t. Wlt. i . CHILDRE.N i people b.d Duer been borD but EDSUsb Clalll) ; A aopl;1omore III . booll ...Ialt .1IIa beat Q9n'l ; i . BI'�vcle ' lI then. tbere. .re no lucb people. IItudent ....bc:t ,t . feels like • sro.....� man torset totbe fact tbat tbere a re laiD - lI�m' Fowler. S"'erre �Omdal. "'<I . . Veloei�dea "",V h�n. .dreams come true {or yet beha..es like ll' still, �Y, (.e It he 'bow, 'and a little luneblne to eheer f . .. ..,· ...... "..:....·.. ....... . j ��. i' ' . came) : Arrl,-al or the Ford, wh ich were ItIII a boy,) Now "we know the Iloom . Cbrillty baa a Dew. 'palr i ' I ! ' . WqonlJ h i� I Scoote m 1 3!�g ·d m , ra M . �I:·;.!, ::: ..., o , W :::,, ' ..In.. my ta·emtc�pt�h·O�t", I � d a n p .... h.t tllnd Is It! 'Iboee, .JI.nna; Oh, 2 s ..... dln' lood we.tber here ID Waell- ! · Olt· :· Just .n ordinary �lItype.· Inswat: How;d 10U near! Inston .ccordins 'to P.t ." � .. p(MIillons" � Many oth-er Suitable ' � ' i · t S...e�re; H.d them half·loled. . St.Uon. P·A-C·I- F·I·C:'\.�18nlnllt orr' i� NonIty Chris mu. Card. � .U"-.!if .WI... I, n I,""'h I' ldren' 8· ,i ' "'Veil." s.ld LaureDce Haule, a� he �Id:e� up hll commercl.1 I...... 8 ...la Lar'�n , on re�l(llng tbe :�l �S�D �e7 :� ,�i: . �:n :·� n n:� l 1 . $ 1.00 pe r doz .t.nd up , � i Wheel Toys c !! . be , � book. here I where. J t.ke the law shltyl ement of an ealltern pruteupr tatlo i C.rdl only, a larle uaortment to i . , C � K M O. Tacoma : Into m t o....n handl, hoo eacb f o c. c d 1 e D l i m r d � J. A. ROBBLEE � :: �::= : � : � :: . I Ie :��:, a�I�� �'�f ,;::� l 1 HIDtll tp IJ:ebaterll: The man ,.,. ho ��:� ' & CO. ..".".. ".."....·"·" "......... �: .. . �. .... �:...;...............J 1 b ....e to itop writing. .1 Juat lot LH" at tbe help tbey have." .. .. .."..�... ".........."..·.,.."�"".. ..·.! f e d n be8;lns his speech by sa),lng he Is ' a. 1 "What wrot . read�S 740 PaeUle A...e. th rou lh Tlu�omA's W�I Goodll Rt� no orator ' senerally prove" It be- Tbe height of prelum ptioD �I,d I'm laUlhlng 110 mucb ' l c.n'l .w.rlte i Buy Your Gifts at - fore he alts down. -- mlsreprelentatlon� Ted E!Jenth at any �ore.. l: m not concelled} . . I � a M an·'s Store tbe. Centralia lame sIDIIDI". "Just JUll t;iappeD t.o remember tJlat be i Gerry: When did Eliot lay ahe'd Ll'ke a' Bu tlerf1, That'I' Caulbt In wbo lausbl f1!,t .nd 'Iaat. ulluall)' � be '1:Iere:, Clinl W. Cee Company , Specialist in tbe Rain," 'old tbe Joke." i O o 708 .Fourtb Annue r .�����; �Vnel1� �,� ·egar�y. l Men'. Furnishinp SutUe DAVIS' CIA":' Rlnp am' Plnll PORTRAI S FOR XMAS Perhaps the only true romance MEN'S SHOP an e«oUat ever hu Is falllDg In love 8oc-1�,, ":mblf'ml wUb hlmlleU. ,�..... Pac. Ave. Overheard In Glrill' day·room. Firat Slrl; II )'our Packard friend Pf'l'8Onal Cardll comins OTer tonlgbt 1 , .nd SHOP .SMITH Second Ditto: No, In.ltaUonll A. O. �eamoDI, P r o p . F. '0: Dodge Brotberal F10� for ,, � ... er1thhl" An,1 · 193 ·' Phone Main · 8, 0. ; No, dearl,. '!.oblll la WIllY 1 I.. ....ft")'bod' .. Tacoma Knllbt. . '3().I Rui! Bldg. Cor. 9tb a: Bd ....�. Mal.n . 4978 '''Fooilib Is 'be with aoul so dead � Greeting Cards wbo dares to write what ahould Dey· .W-RAE'S HAT BOX Elr ·e...en be sa\d. "When 1J0m;one told me tbat. It didn't botber me. Lak� Park 'Creamery'/ . Christmas "g.c1ual"e but Not E1:�he" but wben some one quoted LoDgfel· 754 ·St. Helenl An. fow-Sotrow and allence are strong 1953 South C Ta' c oma, Wub. Birthday but -patient enduTance II godlike. D a t o e t � u�t a!: ::::tt� ::::�1yM�� ::-: �� ·L..--ri�����:"j"'---' . and for aU other occasions ' li"ell-LoudeJ'" and funnlerl Yea you .UNIVERSAL are! . Photo Service _Clinton F. Smith ' Photo Shop , At,th� or th.e quarte� some of � �ac:ltlc Avenue ' CoM.�AL JNDUwrJUA1; TECHNICAL PHO'lOQRAPHY The Hom!, of Good 0S Kod.k Fhd.hltlg The A. H. Barnes ' Kotlltt'"r. Ste1lt&rt·\\'.rnt'r Moantal. and Northwest Atw.t�...K'mt Parkland Barber Reener)' PkI.rat ' )fA l' T. WtUT!U!:Y . R088O S GARAGF. Shop and Pbone Madll>OD 10 7Rl nk ....··..'·l ; .... .....·:·.... Mal�� Ba �... ��o=.�wn. �k". �bone M.ln 1414 Confectionery d , Diamonds G. HICKS DR. ARCHIE Dn.!I-ItI'J Tobacco and candy We do �t1atactor, Dreaam.klnl. - S'PORTING GOODS � Cip..., Ladl'ea' and Children'. SWCllt Shlrtlll .n,l Bllckera Watches Ru.t PI<lI . • 10tb . floor &, Alt(!!ratlonl .Dd H�m.tllebIDI HairCqt �ng . an d Paclfle A ....nue l'ttb � ( KIMBALL'S r.."..·"....· UTii-T The Needle Art Shop Washington B1dg ! G -P. idtudtso 1 107 Bt-oadw.y P�op. n, . , A-':"T ACI1M rSO • G CO. i . ERT , : : ; : =: : : : :: : : : = : : =:: : : : :: : : : : ! . � :: : : : =: ;: i: : : �: � =:=� � ==== === i !, UND ABlN !: : = :: : : : � :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = :: � :=: : � . : : : '!be ""PJ1�tco. Jncred1ent" I Lien & �Ivig Iii contal'1-',d In MERIULL h The C lrop'!etor' BUTl'ER" UT . Importen ot··Norweglan· . BRE Pbo'nel: Rea, Prot. 30UR; OWc M.l.o. 3.i12 . . ·The lot ot t!Mf l'l.kt'1" Cod Liver on . ,..,Cor. Tacoma Ave. &; 11 St. ;: i Tacoma \Vash. Fruk J. � . �ree Delivery , ·Pac�c· Lutheran Speeial P:le.. � M.d. uzi ������J











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Free to Stud,nt. . · 1112% Pac. Ave. Main 2289





California Florists ! . .

II '. COt ....;;...., ...... �..


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ACCREDITED NORMAL . . and: . . HlG�HOOL �O ES Short C01ll'8e for Beginners . J'ust iitarting .


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· ·Write 'for .Buftetin



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Spalding At\lIeUc Good. . _ _ ..h .


' . 1UG-i2 J'acific' Ave.





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,.," Llnculn , NOW COMPLETE , lIookkMper haveT",IIc�ed" " L"IIt'd;;;;: dehatell.:;:- '.,.b�th . In I lb l I I!. I led�InIceI Former Yell Kings Tell �:�o:!.���ul�II� I:K�c���,O �o .;;� �'!�� Work of Pr' f e r �:li a:c�ept�:7 'p:� I� I:� :; Freshmen ' Cop In"ihe Flrllt :-;"lIon81 Unnk of Qu"int lfonors; Sophs Pep Leaders ' What's ��:(: II;nllhael :��:� n�n :: I::���'e!l :�: . Here l��ady for ' Are· Next in Fight for What When, Where ,, ,Job".. whll, 1.'''0'" wll' CuIm a tes Three d llon the atrir.mRllve side of the Y " ' Work and How! School Title . (holI UC!!The On'ellSatnrdA) 10lh the f o r dtl b nle Ludvlg I Al rson "r l . afBon WAil i That e Rus8I Collorlegety R n h textbook Khll':o'"l'; G.oltel>rharciltted Lnne lind solved thllt the Il ident of the Unl- I';hle! Ie haa bei'D \\orklng for merl) a teacher of the col\e«e "'rIn�t"'o e8hmen IIwilho\llodl eov�r dgarnet! thelthel theot,8uperl �orrl l! l . an«l the COil ted StRtes I!ho ldreilbe elected a Ireas fur for )ean terved nil I\ lI l1 i1 l taQt fUst I n Ball three k et Bal )ears Is nol'; h er reAdy u rerence ofdethe Southl';ellt ":tl!n hlIllgtOll 8In�h' terlll of )eurI! ' The high the 'pre!!s III the announcement urer Since he lett, In_)924 he hal teamll -tllilt w�ek, ,The first reM (\boYInllilI le � d ofllMn)lI�n,r- Dr !lott lie hl!';1 JustlI com ��I:�e �ha�\:e�te�/�II�:t' :I�1 �';t��: garet for�II, theI herAhl".;llhkll\MCOil hel' games hookkC",eeper schoolJacobsen. SIIUnd14 areLe.COIol flllrdIIO!leTholl had littlebutdiffi1I1ecultyotherIn .telltakltnntk wert! both thla sobeen!'dated nnerh work enildltethesll�eted finished . Rcrlndpthopes HouHe 8t Ol) mpill . ' ey r St r ll ge r . RI n aga, l n st great odd" and the pr to o ����I. �:(� p:::; � �� ��: � I Ibullndlnthse forenoon t h e New Cupl t o! , l s t � :::. : � : ;:;�� ����: . : � t � :;� , '". The OIanuecrl. pt that Dr, Hoff was ono IICnU!lIeteror ot C. P. s. . rI . ,·lsl!ed and Inllpected . . h . o v ;�:et��;�:�l\r�;(; �:�:�: �:;c 'J�\n: ;;�-\�R -\o('� ke ��c Inaddress the SIlItletl Chamber. Theth 20.CALENDAR ('��s� oOlprlr�!ewileli1\�e=n��:� fifty lIlebssonlJ , .e:�:D�n;; ach.pugesof ·�u;s Tile menIIllith·eWednesday ld their In Ted D OloM·lclIenlng oUb, l e hen;der hnl< k etbnll whlr)\ l cover Oillt fhree Sh ' cn'hy Kei llleetlnR gh, c(Jonald cwho WelCr lcialnedM����;;���: l l n . the pur- gall1�. 1'. � C. Knpowl! t 1 I n regul n r-sl z ed bool ! ce The I · jenth' lI roo . Hoff lechotl d Inl n!! I c<:,mp!1't1.! wor,,-1J!l;.-znowl , devoHol1 'and. IIcPTofell rlptureiorreading , t�:�lWllehlnglon ::. ����I �:.�: :� �·nddrCSlI he , J)e��'e�:I�:I���rl�:m�I�: :�l'ICl I��. m�e:LI�I� contnl g l h �; \�IQlII11�:Y�f��e RI��:!�:. ;�::��g Wt :l� ��M�l t:�::�. O?\!:��l ��: :��e�:�;IP��� �;�;�;: :I � � :la R t o r�:�o� ���1H1 Aga in TUCllday, J·I I . :varl or the ��I�I Iettere I\S fered tlhort prayers und Ull Jol:h,u . : � �� :; ;�: :: � :; e t � d ) ( r h n l e ( ' e : reII!porlemanshl ! . leader!!p Ibcln .....peen romotllichool ng s..ll."o�lr.od L . 5 .- l.ln;mlltlc Sodety Progrnm. �; nt:� . Engl:sh :':alc;h�lb:7.- �;::;:I::� In :.II�,g.'."·p::C,-!.erd :;e'."t'::·'1 aro . . McDon , "'n ·my leopini on the Jan. r R, Imeeting lit the In trunI e!atin onf from theI \tuateilin �o In Ihe bo)'l� roome old, ealofdthe, I; lnneoxt:and C:e:tlilrlle!g' mAi n duty :�e l e : �I U ;:; ��� I � � : ; : :;e::en; �:��:��'nS:�� I control the ('rowd yeH and do·aderwhnlIs heto ��:�o� �:���)�::I��tlng .al .. p, :�:�I thethe 'secopd g8me 8of good ·the eteIm-- · "o('n.lmlahlslorr ry for beginners. lIomelHlnbyg htls arrnbe·Dged Frosn-mad., whleh appreclaled theHoUt�xlbegan book hlIIIa Hoff . (Conti n ued on. Pal� one I T(lI)'\'---.'-t:II'''''';>: THJ.:IU:: , ITilt..!ntercall n g. (Jr. . MEAT MAKES ST_ NICK D�EAM ' � 80I,rslu�eenl I:�!latl:: ·ul:ln::�:i�; MINCE :�of�I�""I DELIRIOUSLY AND VERY DANGEROUSLY ellenaively In . RMsl a and t�ere · ij eals ml�mallpie evebe- wereOld· Fordll Prel u de ,.aucll\ lood . time adde" bill ofpracUcal knowledge of afondre golanrcCiulttoantnbed Ni'tc-k.nQUce madethll-lact onnlgChrist · Ihat ther.jtnguage the peopl e , blmare, H�re he <ll ll n h as a !u{ttibt. · Parkot y t l eRt·ll f thei g � nearl it. ,wall nced e eri p :i: e he os dream li RUMlan S.ahinta climbed Into his red aero- land \Inti! he !lpled a huge bullclrnlhe be \lone g t.hat" thehe asserted thi1(orget, sually .� hung li k e a peopie ance, known· tho di. lltCollase" mmar.ree Theuee edu-the Dlnne ;Isled- thecia\lllslees,ot ofgr!1cou· � , Santa·oras lhePa-eltl91de . thealoandairng bitLutheran nghethr�· wasrit flyiorAllChrtttmas" mlthen�lte"Spi In a good cfL'correc, kiTongsm;aandke their ra thought, he· as sad Uew .. eed, p II t Jorms 1 " C8 at the �ra,"matl bul withbeenlaughter building back to thethe "riandckmerfl hili me,"ory 8S a yeara uneducated n�d .theoolehadhimpurchucd tor�1., mentIta fiplthatlledace had. bene·fore ult thelr."..cl·.llUlll1esell· of. dowords rellcontullng .ls, often Beasts of thed kine ncar murmuring Bethlehem, sh«p. aeropl a · Lonl ago Santa had down, In now Itood . WhiUnileversity Dr. Hortof �·Wallas bteaching traveled Incl.lthepplnIIglel· galong h with- over: the two lIurrounded WentBefore .with menas d. . with them '". the na.bylargeme8IImalwhite lerFr.ternl bul· b�"ldllIdlng ntglle8 bearl nurls . otheu8 . theoncel lnngh�O". h'Int' reindeer . (' v ed the Idea of writi g �ItI c e and Inow. Tben came the time of and tbe.JFord every lodles. Even thetheolpath d klcthat tlns man), pOllt. whenatmai he badmornl book' In RUllng iDC_the lau tbat;language . cranked those-kings., ..would m'amoreke Cbrl tbe teachi n i and abori o ull l y had deca)' e d and We know t h beasn:bat v al a couple had .trol l e d al o n« waln't ha practl c al_U!.lI n ' I t e en pre: pulled hlll i -and C() u t. e d down · But ule h!..dIn 19%8 been 8.Jlthere, "That Irl'-a.eropl vloualhe)" h.d ThatmUe w!,& tidnrlme Ihedo war men srowlanell('nuA"t and loJvelt eo)neCol' tifl1ne«eew.once dbacktheEver), ver)'LI:lut!" tom·othedel·oldForcla f.lthful ao), · Through (orget .000d asl«p, actual work, But bad been came out and I n o{' duri n g the l a at the &e. · i t.hre:" yeara' he . book devoted albasi htaat Santa .�ed LI:uleFortortbeon�luott two the down to plaCcOmodate laudboY8 IuS �pace In Ipare trme to.thl rIeW' and brand tl e w cara, tor the a nel. tbat the tdocotampleted·see thai ever, that.thlns .Is I,ttIn ),tbeeara"Spi 00.,ritSauta had.tmatarted. and Ina Santa to IIChooIviu' Ithen, factWhatthatburt·the poor btne <;hrl preHntaold By J. B. Collin-', ma�ulCrl p t 18 h· e deal r eS, better aeropl a couldn't . b!! (onnd, bid to. b, dellv�ed thru -tbe door, have totbem.rk book·et ,publl.hed. and torbut theoevertheteu tbe recepUqn Forde mind you!· · Not eyen' on Pale It: soOd old...)dh·.�,....otten 10nse4 At Co,itference









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.11 the ages, bea.su �, stars (While men a batte d ..; W2 CS and Worse than W2rs) Their holy· scm, hep_ 1(.In











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of God

Over a stable. bleak and dim·

As.s.u an there










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' Block� East �t gym on\ !\�ountatn no�d

M.d. 19.3J·1


SALE of Ch'ristma& Slipper� A Happy Gift



The beat value . . ever �fer""

Mellesdal. The st\l�ents' do say they have car. that he WIUI wallll}� for came. lenn)' AnderllOn "islied her uncle g y h e t � �: �eat �nd s��- not been to Tacoma It they have g I Saturday l ��; �:� : I! � :: � : ! The hu�tlef.!I;�tl��:':tJe 'about the �Ck:� � h J ln y c- ...... _k. IItreets was extraordinary e,'en tho rledly stepped Into t.he car. He was Mr. Holheim had as his guell not ';aten at Carlyle's JOHNBON.coX. UO)lPANY It 1\'0.11. late In the afternoon and now 'slnglng "ery sottly the last Mr. G ammer8\'lk. ...... laborers ,,"'ere on their way homl" Phrssc ot the lIong he had pre- M�. Laha visited his daughter 717 P..c1t1c An. 917 Pacific . from ",·ork. ' E\'ery trolley car was "!ously hummed. " It'll for lIomeone Verle on Thursday. cro"..ded to Its utmost capacll)': Ihe whose hair ill growlog whiter , who', Mrs. Johnson. ot Mlnneap�lIs. lI:uto b"ulises were ol"errHled and the happy bCi:ause I'm on my waY ::::= ::: == = = = = == CARLYLE'S CAFETERIA. � I ...... "1 str'eets .Ihronged wltb people repre. ! home.,· Sc.eI � � "Henling almost e"ery ..... alk of life. , ·It'li lIure going 10 be n. reltef to �f . Men and women ladened with par- get a.....u.y from Ihe ....aler . awhile � "'teJ...1l and bundles varying 10 ellremes. and enjo)' mYlielr . at home,'" h'e � Malone's', . Impirlen y awaited t:onverancM to mused 8S he settled down to a ride Our service is always at your disposal . If we haven't got � c:arry the to tbelr homes In d ls- that rh'al1d the one on a ship In a � .'vhat you wanl, lell us and we will get it., You don't have a 1 ; �h I Candy That's Di!ierent to send a,,'ay for a thing_ Our prices and quality of mer�0� :=�b :�Il} :n: :�o � : \�:: :�:�d��e�heh:::t ah:�t Ihh:�:. h �8n: i:: ehandise will su rely ri,take yo .satisfied customer p081enJ. display cards and electric brietly revle.....ed hl8 earlier. life at o signs. cheerfully greeted one with a home. before his sea-faring days, �:, She will enjoy a ALWAYS AT YOUR ERVICE "!\terry Christmas" and beaming. the Chrilltmas days . that he had � Box for Xmas PARKLAN�"'MERCANTIL� CO. ..LEHMANN'S DRY GOODS bapp)' faces_ smile'll perhaps a bit kaown. the simple bellets that bfs � wearily hut n·el"er-the.lesll graciously . - mother had taught him concernlng ·� �o 'one anolber. Christmall. and the condition that � Coming up from· the wMterfront. now engulfed him. In a comparison, ; American Plumbing &r-Steam Supply CO. . 960 Pacific Ave. III riding wltb a br.lsk and sure step It seemed that ' he was utterly and : " Whole.:..le . . a young Illan In dark blue attire entirely a failure, an ordln.�ry .,.e�: · V Tacoma ma de ",s "'·.ay t0 tbe 8treet car \Ine. goIng man WIt h per baps a p..,. Plumbing, Steam·and .M,i.U Suppli there lo....ered . his sea-bag and looked not a future; something to be l1esP�one Main 1707 1903-10 Pacific Avenu� about apparently aeeklng to COOlUIt Pl.s!ft eyea by hlmllelt: and to his a IItreet ciock and "sound hll way." frame of mind bls despondent soul , .Wben hll. e)'e caught slKht. ot oae he replied in sympathy. Hla mind W� U. U l'L K L . l' 'W I w P S . E R r 'P 'O P U L .A K .. ".i V 5 PHOTOS 10e . sludlt'd It a sbort wblle aod-·then groping and working In such a way Have your best picture IItnod by and w lied . with a astls· when bill eye W&II caugbt by a tatoned C o Enlarged. and Oil lored ) for Chrlstm&ll ned air .about m. He was Ihortl� ��bol -th.at be had see.n more than humming Imll!llt a catchy t�ne, a thousand times before and ' be t._· STUDIO H LLYWOOD Easy to play! he on n d 920 �roadway ' ;:�Y l��!S.::ou�: · . Lots of fun! ee.veral ;�u7ea; :::I: , '7he �r:!::; ��� �:�r.c� . ::�: e .... FlIllh"



TYPEWRITERS AII,Makes Sold or Rented M. R. Martin & Co. 9�6 Pacific A,:e.




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Buzz Inn Stricti)" Honl.�




¥EAT PIE ANV �H ic�EN D��f.:RS ON S 'Next Door to Sather's. Shoe -ShOI) Cateriog i� Parties' . . .


. ,.


BosboOol, Pro». r


" .


Eltabllsbe�.188 3 .


. M.8hncke &; Co. 9Ig' Broadway

' -i.,


. ".


. ... � .



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· pr�io(Contn t r',unnlng rrom . 'up gOOd lcore Gffi' .



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' . W"'SH NG

..,.. wOo willi., to. .0U" . WIN FIRS,T GLADIATORS WIN SOCIETY HOLDS and endure bardshlp, for tbe cau .. o. ·th.' Hlgb ""0001. TO. HI.O FROM SUMNER HI SECOND MEETING or Ih. La" .0. It to wo••,,!ol Sch�1 bon h�d IItt�e thance due , GAME .of SEASON thlol' to IUpport and encoura.." , te m In the nflt , game of the sealon, Fast, -accurate to Imall Itature an'd ""eak . basketball was tbe . , tbem by organlilnl MI..IO� 80<:18-- : ..ork. while the Freshmen puc, l Ice(! the P. I. L. e. glrll ""on a det'leive vic. ord'er of ,the day lalt Friday. when l\-fr. Oscar H,uge G�vee Talk at tiel. The 'work at nrst may ,eem · .c�gl;g basketl from good floor tory �ve the Su mn:r HI Lalll Gath:;����!i:li"� aman an'd Inal,nltlc�Dt but we mUli ies b,: the Gladlalol1lode.,feated the Sumner r re�eJDber that many Im:lll e\ekl . ' ,.,�.��' HIgb ' SChOOl boys must be .score of to"1:!. The �'nme '��s �ell SP::;\�.:;; �� ���." ;�aUy:� allowed up , ghen credit· for their U«ht �la)'ed nd . the. Klrls. · eX�lbttlnll hetter, thnn .hI,' op_ponent and to- "Chrbt t�,ld hilt dl.!lciples to lipread fO ���I';�::r:�lI��:n waa al follow.: l ·ever. T!1'U' tried hard . even . how, , ch�yer team work, dl:wlayed posslblll- ' gether lh.e leam dillplayed a clever the GQ pel. sal4 Mr. Haulle In bls Hynln ' the score IIrew billge·r. Som� of them ·.tles for seMon, .ha l wm ' rlval tha i l game, On the' offensive. "Tlnk" talk at �he: Mission Meetlng:� "�nd . Scrlpt �re Re..dlng-S�6rre O mdal . . ! Fedt. Fowler and carll n. ;�: �::: allhough tbe Chrlstlanll I�rrere� Plano Solo-Either IHe due to pl.a)' on' the fl r:st S Qu'ad of · last y/!ar. . Towe and lbe)' wl.1 1 do tbelr part. This gam� . belng tl:!.e' n. rat· o�thel S':nmn�:. gU�� ds :a.g::d :t were . . peraecut�d. Chr�sllanl�y Violin SOI()--�lIot Mlchellon.. ; ac-. schedule It marks the pow�r o� the� I . e o P I l t counten from and Esther �y llnied com Ihe spread in until ninth sraduaU,y the Spartnn 'of.Higb ,School-II College Frel.-6 � team. for although the.Sumner glrll, �lI angle�. �Vben P _Mr. Haug�. Towe. . 1t came 'to Norway At" flrs( Talk tiff century· . Gardll� ( 9 ) , F (20) Sandera:on were nashy. they c�uld .not break ; !e.n: �:! :�e .!��� t:: i'��t_:;edt ' Vikings the hrlstl n avoided 'th� d C It H � , L. Sandei-l!oil F . ("20) . Fowler through the �,trong -de��nse maln-, (at The Broad-.-J . Ordal a�� were .unabl: tQ break' t'hrougb religion and ...nllllued with their wayDar-otby by the Gladiolas. , . Ordal I . C . (10) . Carlison talned heRthen wo",hlp. FID�lIy, however, . to younS upsta�t wbo Ins.lstl Hauke (2). ;.c (4)tfoban The gUa.rds ,did good work under ' for sb,or.t sbots. there came';"to the throne a Ch,rls' on ""ag/tlng his head" back and Substitutes : High School-Fad: the P. L: basket, and With �larg- �he lI�e.� ' u�t e HI lIan king bo dlscouragei:l the . bea- (orth) : Say there, budd.y, holl\.. y.our ness. H , . Sannerud. CoIJege-.L. ��;� l::CObb:::· n-ib.r��� ��a�Se ��', � �' { () ) ( ) ' S n rRogel hr .b then t e d FO I ( 4 Kreidler. ( 4 ) . T. Fed! (2) , and fensr ....:m ln . M.Sperli g TOcusaytomsI ," . e h. ., m' I - hea.Odd" Think 1 . can aee l ' �ul be strong. The' cente J. Fedt (12) F e !! " . , � , Jacobsen · C " ) . ' ' " · ' .' W ' ! = = = = = � Todd � � � = :::; � � ' were up and at it at aii the lime nl � Carlson' ( 6 ) = . = ;;:;;;:;;,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;=;;;:;;:;= Rereree--Glasso. . . 1 kep't the ball In fast' play." Their T. Fedt (2) G KnQblauch r;; , .Llneup Of . Second Game: Cole passlng'kept Hoban · . the ball In P. G L. C:s . Juniors College Sophl possessloD. Thl� was bard work for , Subs: P" C.-Knuaen. Omda\. PORTRAITS ,FOR XMAS abl (4 I F D Knuuen ) 1. Fedl Ihe Sumner att.ack good, The SUmnet--:-Nelson, J, Rogel. Swanlek, E. F (1.1) (�auge forward; were activewas and few passes I MacKensfe. N. SperHuK. Referee, Joe Thostenson (10) C . (")��da1 were M. Howlck . lost to the Sumner side. ·Glasso. Timekeeper, R. Knut:r.en (2) G ( 4 1 M . �refdler passes were accurate.and many Thelr . . " . ahort l . Thompson G A. Sannerud shots were dropped In for. pOints. stI es: ColieKe----;-Hoft. Chris' Both �eams were in gOod . cO":dltlon SANDE RStON AND . te:s:� ( ��� . · JACOBS «l N TEA1'1 ' a d �:! \I;;!�� ��: �:�I�.speedY attack Referee-Glasso. " Phone Muin .1-193 HURT N S, CAPTAI Tacontl) I L C � . 3O-t Rust m.d�. . 'On Satui-d'ay nnernoon the Col· Pur�;:m;:: ) . ( S � �ng;ow ' runs. ;t runs In . Wben bad IU:k le�e !'iophs and Freshmen Illlyed J Unck ( S S ) o : n ��::� !ltr�akll. At the beglnnlnl of the C l the deciding game. tbe tirst . year �:ve:��IY S. C, . RIlSmUS5ell :���o� �:r� r�;.nd�::n. ;a�s ���c�: l men mnrklng up -i -i pol�t!l to thc 'Weller Lake Park Creamery G Jorgenson OUt of the line with .Infectlon In the Sophs 22 . Both teams pfayed I\ell. GIefer Samuelson. foot. , This will keep Rudy out of G. /lut t.l!.c experhinr.cd frel!hlll<;n -'rue Substitutions: Sumner - Weller -the first game but \te will lIec him 1953 South C «bie to gaIn more poInts hy their r L� u����I��e Jt:��lOj:r��:s��el In nvr ��I� �:�; ls : �a��:�ie ma� and a' bad team WO' k agal "t the weak SOPh-, � Larson for Benson, Referee-Rutll leg DlUllt not keep him out very.long, . nmore derens",. Th gaDle wnt,l ver)- Fadness, MoNN 77"'5 .We need Illin and .....e hope to see him ,., exciting to .....alch and Illllnt)' of , Oil ' soon "ery rl�or tlte . tl , lr a al o no��e ac��;�n�::OOelnc �U ::��'� won roo �C�:�ln�e;�r!�� I�e.page lie) . e . upri)rRrn<ml�'" � 8e!:� ��Cl �:I : ��p: .�� l;Yth: I���� from Ihe HI�h S·;ho!J1 tenm by a! Santa a.....oke to-fln. d hlmselt on The boys are In good condition a�nd t' �o;' '"A eoV: .AS' � , o 2 3 l le he h h fI of wear t""":.""""".""" ���=��� � ���".",,,,,...... ,, . . ,, � .;: �:. 0�h: ��g.� S��lO:1 P::�:. n:.::i :�: :.��s:·, �: :'h::�I:� �'t N��: �:e: t�:� �tand great dea l . ' Right PrICle ' . .leading by fIve points at the, bal� ' drenln and ' , Ru'dy ' back ..tlle squad w.ill ''''''' QIlAHt,· he descended the With but I he Juniors took the lead earl}' stalrs he called ou� to Mrs, Santa be complete . again B1id notblng JETLAND & PALAGRUTI . H. 0' .HANSON . In the second half and maIntained l to put""'ln some extra candy an"d a should slop them. " I 2J . Jeweler ' ' It until . the final whlsLie.'red and green ribbon. "I'm going Captain l'aIargdret- Jncol?son 'of the comp'f!; ��e..:��:�� Cloth.The lIneu� was as (ollow.s: to 811�w those P. L, C. students. a Girls' I;Jasket Ba_ll leam was also m 2�7' So, 11th St. College Frosh ( H ) (22) C, Soplls merry Christmas " hI'! snld and the or the first �aDle with a wrenc::� 912 Pac. Ave. , Taco a, Wash, (Fld�Uty Bldg.) I R. Sanderson (16) F (4) . Fedt rlb,boD. "That fo; the ,VOd'Old klrk- k'lee, ·w hlch she recelnd at pra.ctlce about a w go. ' . �:��:: «�O/ � , i:� �i:�:� Ing post.·.....".." . ..".' ' ' .. ' ' . ."..... ' ' '' ' '' ' . ' : . e;kl 00) DAHL GR�CERY CO. . Gc�erftl �lcrclul:ntUse �O:.,:�I ' " � (G:''s��:�·':�' Phone Mad. 3S18R6 Parkland ·Substltutes: College SOPh!l_ChrlS. QuaUt)· and Benice . Parklimd Cleaners tenseD. .Referee: Glasso t .... " .. " .. " . , .. '' ' . ' ' . ' ' .. ' '' ' : The' llneup for prelhnlnary game: t MaSQuerade and Tbeatrlcal Cos- j Ju'nlors (22) (13) High School I tumea. Tuxedo and Dreas Bulta tor � -Daill (13) F (6) GaroUn will find large ussortment Here ' Rent § E. Kn�tten . (2) F L, Sanderso.1l t , . and men of gifis. in leather for both NEAL E. THORSEN . [ "tbostenaon (' ( 4 ) Ordal 0n,eI" $ome {lriCed °S iOW as. a dono'· ' !t>2.r'% Broadway ' - - Main SI11 � R.Ktrn en (2) G ' (3) Hauke '. Hair. OOodl, Hair Dyes. � Toupees, Wigs, Masks tailoring r\elaon ). G Fadness � -TXcOMA TRU'NK C O . . tes High Schoo tlt San lB 92 B oa a I-!. · ,� I =::; ' ne�::. ) : =::;:;: ::; ' :;: "1 ' _ d _ W _ Main S213 _ y _ -:: :::;;;;; ;; ;:: ; � · = o . ==== PIERCE BEAUTY 'PARLOR T. The Mldllela can get games and '" h Dimple Luua . � e i st ons as Sugg �::\.Se :��ec� t���W:: �� �::f�;' . \ , ' £ Expert i>Jelog an,4 MarooU1nc. J . ers In Ute future. . Get some. gamea, 919%.. Broadway HotJ31 � .Mldgets! No. 2 Hawkeye C.amera 98c l1IE ,Oa.D •.









-_ -"



fl .








. fitfi<

• .


I s












Te I(!grAph .

St.ore: 812 So. Tac. Aye. Greenbouae J!.t Parkland

_ � �.. ' �

.. ... . '

eystone inling CO., Inc. '

lla lll 3737


.1CO MA. , 102

Pacltlc Ave.





No. 2 Bcowni. $2.50 v. P. Kodak $5.00 No. 1 pOCKet Kodak $9.00 .; .Parker Pens and Pencils .$3.00 'up Pens and Pencils. . Sheaffer. .

$3.25 up ' Alliums from 65c Flashfights fcom $1.00 . Stormoguides $10.00, !llan; Olbel' U8C�1 I{lrts . . . Sh'aw Supply Co.; Inc. . 1015 Pacific Aye,

' . ,.

� �. " �'UN 61t-1rJ .1.



I"':"'W'i '· .1



' .. . .. ' ''''


' ' ''''. .'' '' ' .

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I PAClne FUEL CP. J . �' .

' .


7j� ��

, , , ,, , , , , ,


J, 1 6 , ,, , _


, .V


MECCA RESTAURANT Open All Nigl\t .A TRY OUR ANNEX 13th .& Commerce


Mad180D 107,n-....

Parkland, Wash. 11;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::; •. � ;;:� O l � I!ung,. ow Vlc s1tti n. The SC'ason's'-Greetlnp: trom Mad: 19U-} ROBE.RT M. SMITH '. Sales & Pacific � 19 .Pan,tagea Bulldhi,' l . you, ex�nditu,es foc I'ivi� and vain purposes, : ·1 ' h · !t������s;;. :!i���r::n ���:f��\Jh�en�or� - : . - � · West COl\Bt Fruit & I member those who '!ore �aeking you1'\, . � , � M O �. A · .,Produce;Co. I . . F�Ur cents. per day, 'at age :1S, �iIl p'ay' for an PRODUCTS . . Orilinary L,ife $ 1_000 , .00 . policy. . wholesale deale,.. 10 Perfection' in' F�uits,.�egetables, corr�. . et�. . . , Dlstriliut� 'by , Fr�ii. arid' Produce '.' . " . WEST COAST:tROCERY Co. . ' . Conte,' 161� ... ".;;. �... LJltheran Brotherhood . Tacoma Tacom�, Wub. - 1254 McKnight �ding; -:MlnneaP.Olia, �i?n. ...... ..,., ;-"1- -. ( �) � ::::...........-;..............; Ii......" . .. . "".. '" . .. ....., ;. ....,''''',.,.,.,_..".,. .. . -: "' . "' .:..: ... ''...... ,, :..!. .. � � .: �: :; . . . . . ... . : .. .

, "Phone ,and �r Man Will CAU"

• . A�




' ' G"ifts ' That' are. Practi °cal and Beautiful













"" -







.. �''''..

Why · Not�

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. .. . ..

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.'''.,.....''........'''......''•• ...- --'-••'-






Introdutin, lbe


"I .l-




], F,




1look St"Ilcr&--.�IIIIIonc", . Office ami SUppH('!II

A,e. . Tatoma

9091/i1 Pac.


Rei, Mad.

other Quurlcl


up to Loui5C' Henriksen . I ' MClrle . Gardlln,

�: � e.


An Impromptu program W811 gh'cn

��� ��� :� l\ I

..... ho

Y girls

r ndcred the �


Talk OR' " Why





church has Increa1i:ed" rrom $ 2 7 2, 000 v.l\hln leD years.

· I�.

�e\'er Got Mnr­ ; 111 be held at meeting · "' rled" -St�111\ Samuelson: IhlI1ttl"IIO Il- D. O. on J· nnu,r)' 1 1 . nllon of Pat'erew�kl.-Vcrl1fl Gano ' I rene Dahl's home


o n "Why







!Ion of Al lIla Gluck-Anne Leland. the

\'arrons stUllts were pla yeJ6,





UI which II was dedded to have join



pracllca.I.1Y I


for mallY of Ihem to nllend the meet, lugs ."us

th ey



hours on \\"edJlesday'





Dramatic'Club to Present Play Here

"Station Y . Y. y, Y . �'· a· com!!dy In . one ac!, will be the main part ot the . 11(':<t progral\} of Ihe Dram a i c





. 11101, lire

home, abounds




characterhnlc of lon,





that wit




Jorgenson ;



Sollf ;

Hoger' Colby.

. Chanrr�ur.



Anna Thompson.





Koisll'r, Sicwart,·l\'arner .,U,wah'r-Kcnt


Pho'n" Madison







,..:.�;(9� -" -�-I., U\iI"

DAVIS' MEN'S SHOP � 1,1 Puc, A"c.

. Washington Bldg-,



P.'KnudtsOn, Pro�,


Matn .3 1 1 2

Pacific Lutheran · ColI�ge

WISHES . §: jlmp' · �bt�tina� . '

Pac.',A,e.' Main 2289 : .


To'An :Readers 6f . · M ob�tin g Mast








..- .•-

, - ;. ..!1




Main 4 9 7 8




Bicycles Velocipedes . Wagons Scooters · and Many other Suitable lOuts in �hiIdren's ,Wheel Toys J.

:tL-\Y T, Wm'l'NI-';Y M6-1 n.llkct8 TrUllt Blllg. Main 198 Tacoma, WII,


do ..tllfaclory DressmaktnS", Alteratlonl '�nd HemlUtchlng .


7-40 "acmc Ave. \\'h",·1 "i_I... 'Slor"

Clint W. Lee r.()mrHl"":'


70S Fourth Avenue ·

f11H11< Itlnjp4 "nd l'ln" . ,So<-I(>I)'

.\ . �I ;':;: :========,� And Im'IIAtlan"






MaIn 1 4 6 4


BldS",� 10tii



..'. .

Eltabl1abed .110 8

tan ldpte o.I!"

Pri<ft . ,


p , O8OAR 8TORLIE 60U' SO, lut



WASHlNGtQN HARDWARE CO. SPI"diDK ,Atble!le Good, ' ..

P c fle Ave.

- ;"

on e

t> h




,\nnOu':!CClilenllj 1'�'rlIonal ("ur�bl

Needle Art Sbop

�ien & Selvig . I�porters of Norw��an : COd iiiv�rOiI ..cor. Tacoma Ave. &: ti st. ' Tacoma \Vash.









UNIVERSAL , Photo ServIce

The A. H. Barnes · )IOU���':'�II>t��':!We", ,

'I�' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;=;;;�:II Phonel:

SMITH Cor. pth

. .

Bring YOIlt; !!hoes .


A. G. Seamons, 'prop,

CigarS. Tobacco a�d Carrdy Ladies' and Children's . H8.ircuttlng V


"I"w" r!'! fur t-;,·,·r)·lhlllj,C IIml


. _


Specialist in Men.'s Furnishings

Parkland Barber ,' 'Shop 'and ' Confectionery

Diamonds W.atches


· 1106 So. 11th st.




1 107 Brosdway




Shirts and SLickers


UI\l.l .lcl

n large

choose froUl . �c.


Shoe Repairing 1 1 00 So. 1 1th

"nd ,Commerce I Sla�p PhOto8 4 positions Novelt� Christ�a�_.Car:ds $1.00 per -doz and up'. 'Cards only. allsorlment to

Buy Your Gifts at a Man's Store

--Make This �hristmas --A Merry One?

Anita .Wen.

sle:J!I, Dorolhy Zimmerman; Caroline llasm'I.s�en; Vlcloria 'Venslend,

= :==:::::= :;:::;=:=:; I




� --.May we Help You to,



undn y




l ml.lhis is V(JUI" invilalioll 10 l·O!!1.C lI� help you w ilh . your gift SilUppilll-!;. Yuu 'li IUI\·c It, �ofdiuJ welcome hcre wh l hc r YOUf List cunsists uf hilt onc itcm ur mUll\" . . TrrOusull(ls oh�ifis here fhr cho()silll-!;: rC }fCscnlill tt;c hcst n(fcrin g I!f AllIericnn Illllk('rs and l1111lly funi fOfl'ign, luuds, find mUll)" :\\"ol1dcl"ful �ifls-f.l:ins Oil c\"cry fluor yuu'I1 clljuy choosing !lnd giving-gifls will . curry un (' xprcssioll of tlH.Wghl anti ronsi�craliull as a holiday J.lr('l'I ­ in-g.

IItt'ad: S"erre Omdal; Mri!, Wenstead,



. (in!!', 01111


Midget Studio

It's "Christmas Time"

A short bUlllnel!lI meellng W�I� helli

1111)" 8111(1*:'11,111 II b

e rl

p: ::::: l; �l at 11::� :I: I lI le�

IlHLrshmllllow8 were served and Inter In .the ('l'enlng tIle f/:lrlll popped corn III thl:! hulge room,



AUlo �Imlr

S J. C. l'efenon programs g;lme8" �;",": �'�' 1,��;;;:;����:,;;;� �;;:��::


, After

. -� ---'-

,,,,,I ,'c rrc" " "

el er 'Fur· i;�=:"c:',:,c:'::::::::::= ;:: : : : ::::: : : : : : : : : : : :;: : ::': :i: : : :'.: : : : : : : : : Economy n u ��� ��':�I�lr����rka

Furnscel!. Sk..yllghll, Gutter Spouts. Healing, Venti lation Age n t"' M l Street. nl\ (:4o,-809 So.


t n ��I 1��:� . y�l :y \�1:

' Sproule's Coffee'. · ,I . . ' " Untried · Is. a joy de'nied . . . C OW 'Butter 8.tor-e .

Taeoma, W..b.



MaiD 7t18.

:lb. Siore' , .

1110-12 ,


Fl?r ��n and-· .

Pacific !t-ye.


=�=_",-;!:!:-""':' �l

.� �. ,,, . ,_ _ , ,� ,' _ ,,_ , __ ,_,_ , .....


-'\ ,




��==����� ,) .P , RESlnENT O. �

' "l\f.AST" OFFICE IS HIGH. SCHOOL DURING QUI NT DEFEATED PAPERED VACATION DA.ys , ' BY GLADIATORS " Wonder of ....onderll� ', The )toor. ' P. L. C. VictoriousfoIn . I, g >I,,, ."'" h�. b", ,,",I.h.d'" Glad.,shouu of delight ech�ed and

, L J. ORDA ,

,' , ,

REV ' .ORDAL TO " LEAVE;, RE«;O�rr '




IS EXCELLENT , , ," , teresting Game with reechoed In , the cal"!! or the students Resigns Presidency To K a P O W s i n H I· g h they returned trom the ChrlstnHl Accept Ca ll to Belli ng­ Schoo.I; Score: ' 30·16, holid!l}'s. To that the hlcmberll8 hm;, : W i l l Leave Feh . . er r til , 1 st. . The P. l�. C. hasket shooters 7�;��;:���� �,:��,';; i\:: �������� l : . turherl In theIr seeonll \' [ctory or mild. � ere'8 h!}"'.: . , Arler Mix ,I\lId one hnl! S'ellrll or f!lith!ul ·�er\'\ce all president Or.-PlleI, the !l{mllon h�' defeating KapowsI n The E d Ueor (� l� h01 thing -thnl,. he fie Lutheran College. Rev . O. J. Or· IIl�h 30·IG In the Parkl and �yrn.n:llI- I 'i�; n�,�'r;;:� �1��(� �:: l��:�I�:I :::��I'!/\lt� \ .... dnl h!l!l realglled fronl hI" �oaltlon'al lurn'on December ZOth . -. �prea;1 prop'!lgand.1 nmong .he ··hll::lI. l the college In order to !lccellt the . er BOlh It'nms played n good brand 'lI's:' E, lden!ly I�(-r !HICCeedNI In IHI!<tor:He of Our 8a"lour'lI Lutheran or ImlJ and the Gladl:uors could npl l gPlltng Ihe' l'on�ent of Ihl' p(ower� Church In ..lJeJ1lnghnm. He IC3vee l ah l s e rl U t Parkland the flr!!t of �'ebrllnry to � �:! Od� �� e :c: r� -:t �I:�I h:l� �:�! �l��n h;e�I:I:n:�t' l h:e :;r:;�c ��I�� I���p:� take over hill new ehnrge. i g t I 1 h a ln . o b Rev. "Ordal accepted tire prel\ldency . ;�� : �: a Il: � "t �� � n:s�� ���\ �� : l ;f � !:c·t��s " !�: �e:(�t� ���·��l r ��I��: �l �:: I In 192�wlth tbe Ulldorstandtng that I it walll .aper does look bl1��S. like·. at tile end of the third period. In At he IIhould be free to 110 the field this �laJ;e. frequent ql;�';JPI I ..". the last quarter Ihe local!! began ! sued work Itor the IIchool which he tn('('ordlng 10 repor�ln which shoOlin" and gained a substantial "passing I!ldered the' most needed of nit, duro buck'� -t1�(:I,m e � !'('Ience. 'Ing this tilDe. It was at thlll tll1le lend and hnd "the High School .boys One ofthe, the ('om,plr"lGr. pulI('.1 a that the flnanclll condltlo.n of the . off Ihelr feel. . . when he !lr�yNI IIkk. school was at Ita lowe�t . There were �hc rang), ", hlppets worked "·1'11 Sfnst nter!one'· I . well now. )!r. Illnd!!rlle no fundll '�:lcePt five hundred dollarS In t/le flrllt half nnd kept the· hall I walj too sbUllY . The Editor wa;l IIl1anl. year for current ollpenllel received on the offense IHII they slumped In mOUSlr.A'leCled 1 0 .iJUY Ih'! v;,p('r. from the Generat·Church Body. and the third (Iuarter while the Gladla. Hlnderlle IIl1gge�ted [l>l"�rjll� the bnck at th' "1. of the .�hool ,ear there . •,or!:! beeame 'stron.ger as the game numbers of Ihe' MOOring 1\1:llIt 011 the ;a� � d_ e I,C� or· De�al'IY Ilx tbou.and· d.tanc AUemptll "- Inng "bola ...1 1 for ioe>l;l ....color bIll he II '';RIDllRIO�Ufll:R'OI�S . Sings 0 s k a pr cl nd EIVE S I K l or the malt .Important ta�kl �C � ; r �� � q ::;�;��,� : n \ ::;P:�� : i in Du g Vacat on In o�: I · �I)�e :�:W��e:s: :��:h �:d :;:�j \\ n e President Ordal's administration' COACII a \\orry to lhe P L C bo}s In the IShed and the janitor and tl.o! (Illtor wall undertak�n him as lIoon \Ioent do"n and. drank an,1 told _.../ eorl) pl1rt of the game Sing at Program In he was Installed by all president Tbe � ,col· ('nglneer (Olsen . \�h,1I .... ol. 'ler· Hall Varsity The champion Lutheran ChurClose checking "'as neCe Sllar} for the Tacoma Chamber or Commerce had .u pre· Various ) "fter lege footblill paper hangerll conferenCe 'h' tiJl ... ehes During Visit the \\ hlppets were lanky and plaYl!d 'promlsed the college twenty·flve ! lIoe reter to fu r nll l1re) sented letters by COllch Ramstad on lhlng regular the hall o�e.r the headll of the 10cal ever} dollars and a great share or once 1I.Io(31 nl behaU or the school Sixteen .men Paelflc Lutheran College has again thousand bO.)II Fowler and Ted �'edt al\\aY9 IIo;thea s 01In its this amount had been pledged when office looked 1111" It :\I(GHT been well represented In !Jong. this I took the ball from the back board be worthy or the pro 11:(" proul1c€u the coveted , P . and had"1hf' l tl'rne by the lIecond Mal Qu tet In the Scandinavian American a.nk ot failed. On account of thill, on mts.sed shots, ho"e"er. and did l within It protecting walls. We In . or playing on the tirst the . churchI'll of Sllv�rto: O;;gO Tacoma mal'lY. pledgell W;l;re cancelled ' and . .c1olle g�ardlng arollnd the ballket. ,·" football team repre.' The quartet cODlIlsted ' of H:�rY othen e your inspection. were forgoten. A llccond trag· . Capr Hudy SanderSOn pla)'ed his sentlng Pacific Lutheran ColielCe S d :'IfIlt G bo .P edy, tbe Japanese earthquake oc· ....,l.t .. st game thlll lIeason and won high All these men played a1 leasi flV� G�l�ch:. �nd' Arl�:(I' s:::er�d. �;: curred whlcb pre..-ented the campalp hOIlln-Il- lihOOting. 'He made some FacuI ty Honors haI"ell. fOr PacHi and m�st 0f l flrllt . day · of Chrlatmu yacatlon whlcb was being rrom mllter· started neat IIho II and his teamwork with through a h�aVy lIeason found thlll merry four IIpeedl!lg on lalll;lng. Rey. Ordal succeeded. In erend OrdaI thto.emwi,.went Rev-. their letters. Fedt and Carlson kept the Kapowsin l · ;thelr way to Silverton. where they railing enough money pay the , gllards b �'. r of Thill Is the second letler won bY were IIcheduled to sing at the dlf- total debt whlcb amounted to over . The 1�lnellp: II Dinner Pa tv rGiven at Home ' Captain A. Saonerud. Omdal, rf1ld· I terent Lutheran Churche.s during the thlr" tboulland donaMl This be Prof' :..and M s Ph E Hau g.e ' ,ler. I. Fedt aDd Weise. As foot K hall ChrlMtmas holidays. r. I ('.-:10 did Q.\letly 1I011citlng tbe'amount: P � ; 8 Clock re nt d H. 8anderf�on 1 1 0 ) FKH(�� �-::; ;:nrl has be.en organized. at tbls 8chool Sunday evening o� Cbrlsl mall A Junior COllege wall lltarted. wben I. Fedt ( 10) F ( 4 ) Croaetto Re,' . lind )Irs. Ordal were enter· only two y�ars these boY!! have Day, a PacUic �u� heran College President Ordal took office, Tbe C Challe Carillon,, ! 9 ) aeeredlby a' the honor of represent.lng the school progr.am was g.lven a� .the ·Luther- high school department . 8: +Fowler '''oodrlng talned ondl Mondayve eyenlog, O r a l r nd the �: F;:� �:U��h :� ��ICh :n�v. G;: � �::��io t �e atate dUrl�g hllI -lld mlnac he � ��� : � ��: � :: � � �:�� v { 8 1 E . Command �::�:� �rs Fedt , � t; I pl:�:b :� 8:e:;� ; n. . , n e: a It� u e nl a ram O l le t 0 Ot er h n �:::e. Of Prof. and M,rll. Ph. E. C. � ·e�::n.� ;·h:� p:::��:�:::� �� e Q�a;t:t, P::::�. 1I01�: �; �ar�; t;�� :::y :!, ;;o�:!����:;� ::e; . PLAY GIvEN BY , Q cam�lI. the �n mad e Inciudlng.llucb Gram· Sannerud. ilton l a r: a.readlng,by e n Fow.l uarterbackll: M All a tokeh or tbe facultY'1 appre. c r llo:t' � . DRAMATIC CLUB 7 elation '" the honor gU!,!lItll "ere pre 1:I0ba�. fullback: Chrlstenlen. end; bo, and talks by Arllng Sannerud, t�lnlP as tbe Inll,t.(Itat�on or a �em. and · MEMBERS JAN s�nted 'With' a mantel clock. Janet t-t;. Sanllerud. Seheels and T. Fedt. PeteI' 9ramho, and ReT. G!aRl;bo Illtry laboratory, bMut�f"lng grading of the campul. eeGo- In 1 8 3 5, . . guards ; Knut�err and Jacobsen, cen- 1 made up tbe program. , -- . clock the carrying Hauge entered . Statlo.n .Y. X. Y. Y n<l,·e1 · one· -w;hlcb Pror. Xa�ler prCllented. A ten: and Weise. tackle. Mr. · Ram· . On . Monda}, .eYenlng the , qu�rteJ. -( Continued · on Page 3 , Col . 1 ) · \Ioct pia,. tor B oth Tarklngtop, Vt�1I r L rCllponse "as glYen by botb IItad "u presented coachell travel· lang at tbe· Chrlltmas "aCtInl at · ven by mem n Of the Dr.amatlc sho . !lnd Ing bag bi, Captain Sannerud on ' Trln.itY. 'Lutheran ' or SII-.:er!on, or FORMER TEACHER ' lin. Ordal . . �� ub on Sat. enlng,. January 7. In l RevGamel W blcb Re.... fl.. L. FOAII III pastor.. IN ALASKA' and contes... for which be If of tbe boYIl of tbe dormUory the COII : "NOW a��: ' m Then again on W:edneaday tbe .' and t � rootball ,team . . eTatbe ' tII!ed oUered, were prl�es \t "I\ lI :a ""II : . other "Ith IItudenU Paclrlc Q.uartet amlltad · r. made arrange has o lin JobnllOn and pr r Xaner M been report�d tbat one rSt M WI t d GI d JOrCenSOn nlng. bave· Individual .plcturea gave an . Impromptu program .at a b It 'Ibaa won tbe ;'Mlt prlzee "While 3.lre. Lar- menta tbe H�:bert��:rh:d �O��I of p!ayen 'on tbe flnt Chrlltm... �l!!!.t..-' Immanuel Luth· �:II Up�:: h:- ;:::� t:;:e:ro: son and. MMI. AndeMlOn �dtented. taken Anlta-Dorotby Zimmerman � , '. �;:n �h�:c�d )':'t :th=y th: : d�:� P. L. C ".bO III .now .teaeblng at, Carolln�Vlctorla ..I.R",:�muSlleD e��z :e�..es wltb · th' .eonlOl�tlon cbamplonllblp team. th l . h . . e p·� Alaaka. : In a ?aUve na formal appe.rancH .t IIpeelal. Cbrlat- DUll�gham, 'CALENDAR . T.h�e present �des the racult)" t It r l ����n��ead�...�:::�mdal . . maa occulon.. . . ' · Mr. Job1}son, nd ¥re. • • Or ere: 'W , ��: bU���d :�� re::: �� a: �:=� Roge�Warr.en 'Bow�an . . ' On onda, after tbe holld, � YII tbe M Mf1I: Ande�D, Mr. and Mn . Jan. n.-Debate with -Lincoln High and Tbe Cb.urteur....,. E . lmer Hauke r tlon until tbe laU ': De- . . · . Tbe play was peppy and filled to L. �raon. Re.... �and ·Mn. Snn!! and 'at Lincoln at 9 : 2 0 A. M. Q.uart.e t retur�� �? P�lflC to . '·rest cember u It bad t: -tr:vel r:r two , . /'Baaketbal1 games on Friday and �� arter�neatl'!�' e b e. ��':��: �:�� �I,U Mu .ua weeka b� dog team �od t1!"O:W�k' � ' . I�;::::ay�� �, a by bo.t before arrlvlDC 10' Beattie. Saturd.y nl,bl!!, Jan. 13 and !:Iackll :� 0 ba S til "kid 14, FACULTY ATTENDS · � �d �st. • v�� Accordlo, to tbe letter Mlaa Parr ... gt play Jao en Olsen .. ZO.-Moronl ENT D COUNClL S111 c �� t r a lleemll to . l ke .her n..., eQ"flronment. ' at .' H�IHC ·. Tbnt�.. FAREWELL PARTY a�;o'a� ier :�ter c:'rled' 0;:7;:1� MEMBERS 'ELECTED . . "pectan,. I10, wben -Frld",� ennlns tbe P. L. C. Yale ' · . oewa from. otber . I brother and' llater qu.rrel tbat Ir:ept . . Edw. part. of tbe world may be beard : rdl a br PrOf. eette directed Re .. . and· Mn.� Or�l ,tlDtertiLlned (k . g a prog m t1l.e faculty .ot Pacltte Lutberan Col- o,!er audience .mlllac If not lauchln, At meetloc of the Men'l D' orml. ' wllI . tbe . atbe radIO. On. e rhe QC .ba.. . la llt i U a rll. nn l! . n'C, I neb a lIonda,. talt Unlo.n �\� U wblle. Tbe little conlplracy 1017 'II- . 'I. chnr�b. Seattle.; lece and otbere . connected ,wltb t�e listened to a lecture . ctY�� of Rocer and tbe "Jr.ld brotber," t� Qew ' Stlldlltnt Co1lncQ waa ' el.ected· to Jan1� Re..-. NesTlCShowa1t !lr. former �nductJnc of tb" aebool ,with Inaton. N!-w Zealand. Tbe J)eeulI.!! ' : 2 3.-D;r. proTide �be radio pr��m {or the '.serve,-ut aem_ter. Arllpc.- �n- president lIon�". � .. It that. Ia¢ tb. . l _ w. Chene wi of al �� ennlDC: · I'1'I.day on dln�er ll e farlw. l · NOnl ,. ennlDc. open,ed tbe wa,. for th. bud- Benld ..... ree1ec:ted pretldent; . Ed 11 d tbe deDt y r 40 I ' ::�:�bw�: �=�e=.!eO:��p:t: :�:t�:. ��� 1I�� bod �� %: . ::;';��Dr;:;t���r:r.v:,":c: :;:�::": :'..�:'�.;:..,.'''' :�o::::t!': to the bert td atte.�4 � bO,...· camp for the tl'eUUf'II� ; . Wa1� Cbrlaten I o n. JaD. �O.-BeaiIlDIIf�_.Of new acm.. a can t? · Oa_r �a...-tor'. LathbU. lit- Pan . ..ad,� . . . . . ter.· 'Chunb at Ben,,!c�alD. . . ' _tad_ta. . ' ' � , t r n r c . IU.�ID.!r , ..:. . ..:/ ea �� .... �: . . . .




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" ' �������������� TBE,cMOORINC campus LOcals PAO•

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�'blbb" �",; .w. �.. "b_1 ,.. b, ..�,.... of PaCific Lutheran Colle, •• Parkland, WU QltOD' . . . . ' . SublcrlptioD. . onl dollar r J'Hr ' �lItered .. leeood elaes matter, October !. un at tbe Po.l'oWce at Parkland, WI.bID,ton. under the. Act of arch 3: '1818,


�0��l���l���ft�[Et�f�� !:��t : �t.�t:�t��f:� '


;:�:.�:�� �:'��. �:�������:::.:�::.::::::.:::.:::::::::::::.:�:;: ��l:: RellrloD Palma Jobn_on t m Mleb�:::� ��I�D r:::��i. .!� ::::�:;�e!'::· Trul�o� ��b Gr.... Ello� nnnSESH )JIWARTIlEST !\Iana,er ------ grene Omdal Aul.tant --- - ---- -' :. EII�t MlebellO"n ClRCULATIOX flanlla Ande on. Mana«er Mil lam Heimda\ll. �llstant � ADVERTISING GladYI. Jor«eolOn, Ma�r: Mar«aret Jacobaen : Gerbard Laoe. AI' Illtaotl; Typist; AIJce ca,6er'abn. . · FAClfLTl." 8UPERl'1SOR.8 Mn. Bertrand Taylor 0. J . S tuen . . . -

-:._ _ _ _ L_______ � _____________ _ .: __ _ ______ -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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J r (Ol'{'st prcscn'alion is on importim t i t r ��':Jiri:�' 'J���� );t�d����V���!: :��lf;�U�:!!'t the he.·.t fricnd, They "bite thc hund Ihal feeds thcm i t (e J������il�ER��:���� tI�1ii ;;ru��'���):l ';I�i�\\;;� y�I�1 way, You'don't mean....tb jurnp'up�and dO\\'I1 on a . it will breuk. . Prof. Xavicr has donc anti is· doin� all in hilii VOII students "Iihrar,· conscious" but utmost 'met with tl slauncli iJ1(lirrerem.·c. "hilii 'hat is the arc strcwn helter-skcltcr, furniture is damaged, crully admitted thut few who usc the nhlc to do anv aclual school wurk there. conscious"-tind do it SIlt'. Cdily!

ArM O,ea �I.lted at tbe �lIele Dee. "rlda, "'0101. . you bn. 'a aood. tIme." .8ueb w.� aU G be.rd tbrOlilbout Loul.. HenrUtlen ....at to ber .bout·Han, »aln homt)n 8e�ttle.· . Jan. s-One bJ: ODe ".od octa.lonall,. Alnea Olaon aiidPaim .)o·halOn 1ft· coupl.. P. L. C tudent. re­ lpent tbe weell-end In Tacom t.rD.� to Ichool after a wonderful Uo.l1. HO....Yer 11 .Iree th.t lAi.h Or... ...ent to Olymp.\a . lor ....ea theJ are Ilad t� be back al"aln.. tbe weell-t!od. Jan: S,-EYer,.bod,. dll.pboloted be- . W.It.er French returned. TbllradaJ caule eo m.n,. d....el ...ere ·dls" ,hI a,U'"'e I. nenlnr trom bll Chr'lltmas ....c.tlon milled. S.Yer.1 of tbe .tu!1ent• W';'�:I. ...ent to Tai:om. to lee "Ben Hur." •t hi. hC!'me In C·"IUornl.. . e e . J J ';��;���:: ;:; n�:�I�k ·::e:::; ,.) 1O�':���ec!"'��I�.��I� :a����.J Sun(!ay. ad ph. 26c «GOd ior m.rcel .Thll and ccmpltm·ent.ry balr trim at .I .t b e o we!� !:.�.: M� ;�!��.:h:: O�. ·CulOn', ,Be'ut� Collep . ==:-;-c-;-:::-:-;===::;-:;::;:: I len.burl. wboJ.olendl to attend P. L. �t t...o C. nut-.time.ter aod 'Dorls SaUor ot . 7 U S,.' HeleD' Aye. M;aln '11' ot thell" u ntlrlnl and .::: C. P. "8. ...bo allO Intend. to·.enrOIl I'::�:: . :. :::::::::;�.: ::;:.:.:::::.:.:::::::.: ':;. '.:::.::.:': tbousand dollan w.. here next lemelter. h. . ' ��lu:.t;:;�o\�:NI�oal ot STUDENTS Rey Ordal bel!:an J:l11. aer�lce 1,0 everything here rind will You gulour Our at the ' mlnlltrJ , Dew Dr�p Inn you necd in. LulberAn �h.urch In Bel1�nlham. �e I, B lnl!:bam for ellllt School Supplies . llian L du'rln his stay Ihere tbe i wlll se,",e you chicken dlo· nen. short orders. hot dOIS and Irew rapid y, TYPEWRITERS hambu�, 'I\·.mclI. roUt..'e. cake be WBI called 'to Red All Makcs Mlone!lota: to take . over the Sold or Rented 2 BI�r: � ���1 � :�m on the:e &�;h ��h Jl� e t o ;u :�� : ��; �r n r a �. R. Martin & ·C�. , InRed Wing. he 926 .Pacific Ave. ' Mad. 193.N de t t t!: c�:;�::.tl:� JlS l� o�� WII pr(>l5lden� ot the Na: Luther Lea.gu,!�lor three years he · �11 allO elected a member of WALK··O VER Board or Church Exteoslon and BOOT SHOP. Board or the Theologlcsl Semln•• �

i��==��;;;.�.:=:::::J: Ifr;;;;�:�;;;i


Samuelson &-Berg oms

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. (Contioued I . m Pa«e 1. Col. S) floor -of the General .A'Mmbly and due to the effo .of ·Presldent Ordal .how� the needs .of P. L. C. Tacoma Broadway the Norma' parlmeut. which had ably lbat th'e. followlns year 113\000 alread 'en eatatill..hed ...as sl...en ... approprl'ated for tbe. ru.nnlnc exaccreditation by the It.te. Thll ac� pens� of the Collere. :·.:·.:::::::::::·:::::::::::.::=:::::'.:; . crtl)iltatlcll II... the Collece prl... There h.d.alwaYI been manJ pleas '·::::::::t:::::::::::::; r 1Ie«e of tralninl teacben for the and req'4,eata tor a permanent. Eo­ • elementary .chool crades. Thl.a wa. dowment Fund for' the schOol. Hc...� one of the moet bnportant accom- e...er, durlo« tbe p..t summer month. M!llone's pllshmentl of PreaJdent Ordal's II-d· or June, July .od .Auiust a eam­ mlnlatratloD. When Re.... Ord.1 be-- palcn' for the Endowment Fund w.. "'me p�ealde'ot_ of p, L. C, . �be CO.I- ilitelllh.e,y conducted In tbe North. , ..a. recal.lnc $600 annu.lly ....t under t6e' le,derabJp of Candy That'. Different lere from tbe Geoeral Churcb �y. Re.... / most efflclen\,.and the mOllt Ordal took up the queltlon on the leaders of tbe cbnrcb . .-\1 She will enjoy a


bea...., J�

lr 'we hp,vcn't g�l' what you wanl. teU us and ·w e will get.it. You don't have to send owoy (or a thil?g. Our prices aqd qu.aJity of mer· . chandiSe will surel�' mak� you a satisfied customer

Llttl� Boy: "Look. :'ola. the hilS 'come to town: there's one the clowns." Tbat'e .not Mil.: "Hush. darllol!:. clown. That . ju t a col e e Il '8 e man." v


Steel Shea�

Po.- .....". .--... .... ... IOton at- oIflce-Jr- ...� ..

, o'ur--scrvicc is always at your disposal.

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Establ lehed 1 8 8 3




Jan. h';..-LJiyine Service, .10: :10 a. m. '. JUIl. 17.-Young Ladies Gu.il d, 8�. m. I O 11 u. o a �:t=��!.?��l ����� �'o�j�, �:�: Jon. 2;l.-I..adies' Aid in Church Parlors, 2 p. t;ll. Jan. 2S.-:-Suturday School. 10 to 11 o. Jun. 29.-Divine Ser\'icc · 1O:30. , . Ph. E. Hauge, Supt. Sunday School C\'ery Sunday, 9:30-Prof. Choir meets eycry Tucsday cvenillg,_ i:.j5-�lrs. Ph. E. Hougc, directing.

A,"e• • t

sludents do nay they bave no! been : to T�comll It Ihe), have nOI eaten at Carlyle's


-:'\. S. L







l i l II i u uson .to I>rou�;I�r �:l�i :���u::I�: ill (!I�� :I��i�l�Sj;��i� :��r �;���Iu';� di�lIIer. It so happencd that the deans were ullen�lill� 1111 lamment nnd could'lIdl be .prcsent at tkat lime: - Uul tllt.,�t e U t I ' . �1�:lt� ��������r;�I��(��:h.. ��IJ)��I�:;:K!:� tl�n��!If.!s !:� I��;;��� , . {cet �cntlc·mell. eocle! [or the Advancement L�lIle�c huls should hc ablc tn l>,c l'Otlrte()lIS evcn Ihollgh Stud"y. Hla name no telldcrs pn.'scl�1. I suy Ihcy should hl' uhle t'll. ne.IllCIll - ScandlnavI:n dd ga Ihl; �:�lb;I r "Who' ber Ihis und the ncxt time you hl�'C un. impulse to' 11m!\\' (uod- W hI�,�I�� : � or tt�: slurrs. arollnd, let knuw and wl, ·I1·..·flolify somc sIUp.stll·� t:um- national I8cience honor qoclct)' ot uf your tlll('lI1. l'tiy (!Ircctol' �. S, J.. PI Gumma Mu. �HAIRS FOR THE G¥MNASIUM OR NOT? There's u su��eslinn we would like til mukc l'Olll'emit . Jlurchusc of " 1l1l1ll1K'r of foldill� chairs 10 he IIsed for til(' JllilYs .lInd cnlerluiullI('nts Ihnt IIrc held in Ihc �Ylllnusium from limc tn time, All uf you n'ulize Ihat n �rl'ul tlt'tli of time nnt! t'n('r�' is '�'asted in carryill� back und forlh, 10 U1UJ ft::0, the lurgc " Illllubcl' of scnts ncccssary to aecomodale Ihe crowds. and conllo.�al jervlee 'here is no dUlIhl bu-t whut the l'Imirs ore net·es....ary. If the wrought many'benefltll for Ihe schonl '1I1l1lUI S('e its way clear to proyidc ror these chuirs eilher college. sOllie sc, vice clubs of the school or the student body shollft� d? so. )

. •





•. .

Box at Ar:ay Time

�.o.�t1c A.,. To"'....

.../ '




.\ .

' ... -.rn - PARJrJ' � "V ALL





" " ., . .. " ... " ,u, . ...;. ..,•• '': I T GIRlS DEFEAT .om.tlm. ta Feb, " . TIl. "cut.....I, YO' ,.",m,'''e _"',., 5 W NE TE LA KAPOWSIN TEAM . .U",•. •" ...., .' lb. "., In Brlill . .BY LONG COUNT • . • J tJ Xader ent.'.. and Mn









. •

-Hu'lDC played Qat! Va,.lty Team 1. wbo I, rHlltlln, talnMred Ra. ud 1IIr, J Orda' aad be.t tbem OD� or twice tbe Second Game 0f Season hi'a....po,ltlOD Orda.. pre!,!!\fDt of Pacific at thell' home ., Informa' dlue, Mld...lI ",ht barder I.�M. ,lb.,.. '18 Won by Gir]s' Team Lotheran Conele to accept a ull to held 1n their honor lall T�e.d.' tfueled fir and 1t'oq a ,arne. from by Score of 35- 1 2 Oue.l. preHDt ..er. Mr Bellln,ham, "liI rl"8 bl, r,r."ell ad. tlnnlo,. John Amerlean Lake, a Icor. of H-IT beSalater. Mr. and Nfl and M, to the �tudeutl and con,re,a- Ramltad. In, the rlnal result. lall Frlda,.E The p L. C ,Itll won the JlfOcond drHB aod fIIn Edwardl. Nr Mr In churd! tlon Lutheran Trinh, at -and the hooor b, wert!l-handicapped Mld,etl The and Andenon :0.1.... . on Sunda, afternoon. Jan ,uestl Pacific eontlnued Ita the low dellln,. In the 11m a ad ,ame of the le1800 on Dec 20th Parl!:luul , . recorli for tbe lelloo b,noo-defeat .=======;===. not for,e ahead till the I�t when the, defeated the Karo...sln uar, U downln, could .;:: thji Parkland All Bta,. In the col few minutes of pIa, The Kore WU I "WhIPPtlts' In the P L C })'mhas- At a meetln, of the Dau,hter. of ! . 0f lege " m by a leore ot lZ-!1 . Jan: 17 to a111 In fa...or of theb 1.II:e bO,. lum with a lcore ot 35-11 the Reformation ynterday afternoon. Make Rec:ordJ Your Evening Fun ,.J · u.ary 7 I:�:ellta�:�r �!�: :���! The peppy team work fOnd rlu...er Mn L M Sta.,l, of l'aeoma r.ead ao iI t:! ::I�� e e directions. P.. L C w.. al- ::�!':! ::p�h�h: b:'ICln «;art �n.� ���e::�:!��:ap��n ;!e...l:o;a" aO� :�� I Fluhll,bt PhO!:n;re eu,. when. te:! ::r� -;� fe::t�� y ':0r; lowedIn a 11free tbrow and Johnny Oard· I polllession ma"�nl It I bIJRlblo for thuelutlc worker In tbls (Ield The i Actlno .'1..hll.ht Ca"l'lcl� hani.!leapped by IItte .... tralnloar,�aod �o ' .. troublp meetln« wu beld at thl home o( i tbe acore to a tie ThlS I the torwa�dll wbo had l!ttl ron"'erted lin team Work tbe pla,ers dependln, n r .a&e per box of a: d tl:! ��t��� �!�: lln breaklnl ' thru tbe Whippet lodl... ldual ablllt, �� UJ :��: � ;' � will tell )'OU i and t"'e de- Irene Dahl An Intereltln, prollram � Come ,Inbow th win to an e o ln o T�e team. com))O.led moetly of form_ the point. oe':essary to wlo t"e feole. to llcore Doth team howed , o do It followed i � n Pl e t t h u b e lame a. made eon� � Shaw Supply Co., Inc. I :;d:��:: :�e t��: :p!:�dl:a;e CC:10: h��:; e:I�I� b�:::t7t:tl:�! eNo ,alln-o�nce�w ��, �::,; c P c c r t (I I 1015 PacifiC Ave. ,an tbe eludente a 10;:Cru; Sh:::d :� �� �h:':::;�n::( t:: ��t�� 9iere made on both eldee In praetl- �::;�. �:: :�s� :! :�:� C' �II:: .! �:� and the aheilel 1 D==I=�:" b= The Oladlatotl. al- Gladlatol"l They played Uke ..eter- I call, e...ery eectloo Thle lame a,alo -=====:::: ...... .. ...., . '_"'' . .. .'"... """ ''''''''.. ... .................; ..... .... ..... ."'.. .... ....... though they outplayed their oPj)Oo be,lo the r pronouoced more made ' .. after ana started they ooce bad At enta. did not play their usual � eful aeason for the ppy fitlt nearl, enr, abot waa �topped I nlo,L ofC alalllluttee !:�� ptrhapa because of 'I.e( ,ayies by the c-ellln, or rolled In then out. , P Lloeup. . l' ur o g ... acaUon. Tbelr t'eam " of . The ...Ieltore kept Ilt l I L '�h.o:yk wee. Ter)' poor and many tmell. It thehowebalket' o In-1 a C Y , ' er and flnall, '. ,alnetl . .-33 K P "", 2 loet tbe beacaulle Of po!)r ehou,h points to �'In the ,arne LanKlow ( 1 4 ) a ( 10 1 Wlee paMln,. E...enball · 011 iiIIi ...--...'" the ciolle checkln, of All the player� did ...eJl anti IlIalr Beneon ( 1 T) J.-\ ( 2 ) Plklpl .. . . I one �Iain "4�3 Ph ��� �I!y 5:::�d d!!t nl!:°:e:l;hdeerba\�e� te;�. �w�;rol!:eu:�s rood. . !;:t�!seen -' � J�h�:!� 304 Rust Bldg. Tacoma . tb.elr poUeul.on they went down )Udgct_21 AnM'rl('.lI l";k�17 Jor,enson LioKI,. . ' 0" ' ======== the, floor. The Oladlators can play Dahl ( 6 ) ' Jonee � G ' '' ) J.l ersf'Y Samuelson a far be Iter ga�e thao they did. : P. J,.. C.-Lareoo L. San.denoll (6) F ( 4r�, )Shu fklp ( 4Substltutiool \ Both teama Lake Park Creamery by settln, a verr Tho8tem , ; KlIut,:en. Wlooe), IlInd Cline. "n ( e ) C Durns Kapo"lln-MI�I"e80n ,.../ fall, p�ce. but began the All Sta'l'll were nOt Gardlln GI n C \ u In tralnlnl aod the P. L. ..0. boys E. Kout�en I 1953 South C n. Roth . forKed abead In t�e early part or Ihe Substitutions: P.U L: C.. -Hoff for FACULTY TEAM. IS n �:;� �h��:;�;U�n�h:a�::�ne�T���� ��u �e,(RO�:erlcan IAke-J. Ilu�kle CHALLENGED. BY Fecit ,�'al blgh·polnt mao ecorln, 1 2 SCHOOL SQUADS markers (or the wlone'l'll , Samueleoo the hI,h point mRn for the All Quintette Qw.ns lIefor.e Chrilltmss Vacallon the Stars and scored nine Ilolnts was advleed to gO eallY 00 AI"r F'aCully O h teams dpslre a relurn game Well folks. turkey for a teachen haske" ball If Rud)' Sanrrerllnn hae I the an: � Od e 1 tap J was 10 be organlled "' hen l,...........". . . . .:. ...����=�..... 0 his \iay all remsloln'i ,a.mel will be llteam ��=��� ................. ...i I\hen t::} m:�;H!:a;� h 11 started ap;aln The Shorl plared near Silverton. 'Ve re not I chool Llneupll : fr t r t I . ' ,\II Stllno-::� telliog rh):! I'. L. l·.-3".l \�; h !�t : �e � :e; � :�1I l :l : : : :;e f:; . ��nr�:(��o� l�S/ F (3 ) Collom The team wHl t k I t S tearhers. They (eel tbat In a bas· JETLAND & PA.LAGRUTI � ( 2 �6�1���::: kli ne. �h'at's s�I;le�."ll1�dP n�th�n�; �1���I:�s o�r::engl:��an. haRlv: n)'b:t�:� Carbon ( 8 ) cao keep the bo�a from seeing that I time Howlck (2 91 2 Pac A.,e Tacoma, WllIh :� :� G (9) ........'..�.. ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ..r : Thornberg lllrge metrollOIl� T' F�dt ( I�)� G ( 1 J SamuelHon (Fidelity Bldg ) I The MldJ:etll too reel that they . e -Hoban 5 ge I I I The U of ,,, Freshmen' n re going l are :ntltled to a work out against : _H:u " ... .. .. ......"'.... .. ..... . " ....................... . j ................ .. . . .... ..... i .... to .. . .. "' ready are . . . nnd . . . . . . . . . ; master-minds the n il F'ehruan to here get All S -N)m If DAHL GROCERY CO Krt!ldler theplaybll�kethall out I lYt ou oys their blJ)6 rivals at any hour , ha:e a meel �: n Krel;�:: , ' MCl'rhandlse G�neral e e r t r ahend. �ame � Heferee: ·Roe. 3S18R5_ Parkland � � !: �·a ;� �lp;� :�; �:;�t: ���� Phone uMad . . l l e and . .i � Parkland Cleaners !; Q Ily 8en r There will be a game In the gym sltr . Mter thelle teams have been LATEST SONGS ne:tt Snturdny nlgbt. Everybody be overcome the Fnculty cao challenge ,...........,"'.."..;......,............,;............".................J � an����� AS FEATURED BY, here for another good game. i Ihe talk or tbe times the ,.............. .................................".......,............ ; P. 'L. C. STUDENTS Snndy Claulle didn't b ring any new Facult)' hall good basketball mater- ;�:��I.e��c�:d�liadndT��:::I��IIIlI�:;·i ! \Ve do cleaning. I>rcssing. i : Rent Mra. -"Hull! HaW Thej lia!!ketball suite. either. Some of Ihe lul and could give any team here a Gllog'e Kreidler NEA L E. THORSEN All Here." � � dressmaking, oiiernlions and � played to,eth�r hOYli he took ooe or t'l\'O Ju n... .to good game. The, , i Mr. Ramslad-"Our Bor8 Will get e,'en with us. It·� peculiar how two yeara alO' and showe.d, IIblllty, 9 2\� i�lrrO�do:�: Hair �:!�. 3111 i � . , SJtI>�tToolgbt." , JIIIH. before game. All of lalll )'earll' team are back and lost s e\'erYthlng tailoring � �. Maakll Wlge. Toupee�. J ro � LOOk:lng at the Ullllketbnll Isuits do ha\'e n way of -I f they. ever start pla),lng not lng � ''': :: :; atop Ihem. World Thr Rose Colored Glu!:Ies." hiding Juat before 'a ganle. anyway. can"Mr. :::::::::::::::::::::::::; Old Age" III stili a fong waYIl ;" :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:: Prof, Ha ge�ln the Little RCd l Main 8213 show add F'ocult)' on come eo ofr, School Hou�." . "Ill''''' ought 10 be able to pia)' bet. PARLOR. BEAUTY PIERCE the boys how to play.-Sports Editor. Dr. Hoff "In Little spanhlh ler ballketbllll now �Ince- ' G�hard 4nc. Solicitor Dimple Lurftll . , Town:" . . . . . , ... hae on ur o b effery )' "So J : ·i J.:.\'[N'rt Dyeing ftnd )I.�lIInK een � JUst walt till the Midgets pia)' the Injured ... Mles SlIxrud-"Smlles." 919%, Broad",a, I ,, MI"I. Taylor-"j( They'd Only Urat teamThe. Theo we'll eee a real CQllege!"and Is . comlng . bom� from HOlel . . . . ' . . : Pierce Midgets have a good ;\Io\'e Old Engiand Over Here " game. and are looklog (or IIltfer com. Driggs "Ycs. he IP'rl!oloed his ;:::.:::.::: :,::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:.:.:::.::.':.: ::.:':.:':.:::.'.:::':::::::::::'.:.:.'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.= � Mr. Fre;d-";\Ie 'and ;>'1}' Sha�ow." team ukulele finger." �"r. Edward�-"Wbo Knowa ! " petition. MECCA RESTl\�ANT. I r e." . ' h' -,-nd fell on " ,g'''-''', -These "loving" Fedt brothers- '''came-"�:::: s��::;: �;;...1\I ' Open All Night they surely cao pia)' t aoo.'{/ balketball. tbe P. . . 13th &; eIJmmerce S\'erre Omd41-"Tbere'lJ Be a Hot tbougb. . lf!" e you'l'l "HUrt ANNEX OUR 'fRY .Tlme In the Old Towo Tonight." . Norrlll �oglow-"What Do I Talk about pe��:e::s��t�r. C. · "�o. I fen on tbe soft pedal." Care Wbat Somebody Sal!;!." . at youngsters surel), bave It Eveo I . . Laurence Haule-"Ave Marla." the claea bRllII:et ball ,amel. plent)' BROOKDALE GROCERY"CO. Qerhard 50111 "Ob! Mlea Han· o( IUPPOrt WRlI ...eo to tbe plaYti'l'l. _oah." It the Ictiool aplrlt pre...alla tbrouKhVlcd-"Blue. the aelllon' the team ehould not Marvln-" All ,the Stars Were out ParJr:laad. Madleon 107H complain of the.lIupport. e aod I was the Man 10 ;;: � ==========. i tbe .MoOO) � Anna T.-"MoonU,ht aDd ROllea." � GULLBERC'S FLOWE�' Eatber TO"'e-"Orelon! My Ore- � . � -:­ 100'" � JU 81% So TIc An Cbrl'ty-"Juat Aoqther Day Wh- � Store WIly ,YES! arkland P ' at OreeobbuM ted Away." Baroe,':'-"Tbey Call Him Sam !; : :!�::::=: .........-.�:::::!: the Old 'A ccordIon Man." . . r Your exPenditures for trivial and vain purposes. Eilot-"Wanderlol Tbru Memory Keyitone Printing- Co.; In e , (Lane)." TRY BARBECUE . i���r:::!�:f�!��b; ���: . �h�����r:a;! 703 PacUlc Red C.":"'''Wbeo Irleb Eye. Are Mala 8'1157 TA.COMA�. member tll,ose who are .backing you? . Smllln, . . '. " (Not reallyT) , Four cents per day, at age 18, will pay for an " ..... 'B&lIeY-�'Somewhere Some- ..� aDd Oar MaD Wi Call . . •t Ordinary polic):. 00 . $1000 Life day... (tbey'll ' all lea.ra Ea,Ulh). . .... .. )(a,.,. FowJer-"Sla, "e a Baby Buaplow SerVt� StaUoa , BoD,.". i . . CO�LDlBN'l'f! OF·' .� o • Do Bl e ' ' Mad. 1141·1 �f.� S:�:::..:·C�!.o����·:.. (10 i · \ R9BERT M. SMITH ' !� Lutheran Br'otherhood . . . . hoDor of the TrIa: e1... ) ' . � I: PacUk Sal_ . 11' Panta,.. BuUdla., '" McKnight Building. Minn, polil, ¥inn. 1254 Elu--" A r..e 1D Parklud." (To i � -� . ' . tbe kJ�Jr:lo, PDt�.) ·. -"-:-�33--..' ........ .......11 __j!_ . '.

Both Teams Show Poor Team Work and Lack of Practice Although G ame 1 s F88t


0 J






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R-- O T T E N�GR.A 'V U RE . , RE V U E An

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-AQ-ComedJi' SpeddZ'Por Your. En-rertdinment A'

. FRIENDS; It would have served him i; ht . It Is e..'lIh the s,:neatest, of pleas;ure"' It he' gOtlen ·'Atn " n::jald Verle. a " think :��.t:· YO�����u� :::::�·R;�T�� �o.,..aJaya ,mOBt . · G RAVURE REVUE. II Is seldom e\'ery street .ilI Park A,'en�e." o r e . :���. �U(:I'f: t� �:: ;:��::� p:: :on�� plete "nd de asl tl g a revue., It " yearslof pa.tlent. eftort·and hall taken , sacrifice to ('o,!.!eet the�e hlghl;' prl:r.ed photos, If any complaints " ,' ' , n l ��� � N�;�:;' I: ��:e ;�:�C�)I���I\:'� thank O,u, I " . ' ?, ont 0'"













Girls' �T meo



_ _ _ _








maimer, we fea� his! \�at Is this and Wo- world coming to! A BO I snd Glr18! men! Y You cannot-attord to disregard TIl.iHH1ULJo:? this wonderful opportunity for per­ Bonal ad\'ancemenL!' Every picture ' tells' a 1I0ry! Wonderrnl fields of endea\'or will !nstantl)' open nnto you-your fame alld tor_}une Ilre se­ cure II w, I but clip the (It ally.) and He�dl for our tree (jUllt pay tile )l.ostman .$3.39) pamphlet ' on tile science' or IYen sllnglng� "This Is car and wl!at I say about It goes.'� "Well: then sa)' engl�� I've got to get home sometime tonight." oue doesn't see when one ' 'I� that dress Jean looks Ilk a hallnWhat t a gUll' Here Is Harry. poor beautiful nower " fellollo'. uoh,!g his \'erY best tn abllorll "Yeah, like a centliry plant." sornifigeometr}' and It 18 be}'ond his pn o �ey say ,his gram,-. ��2; l: ::� t:o, T SCOOP! SCOOP ),ou

\ � o .




CO�pO i I





, So It hall 'come 1'0 thll! One Dr the glr'\'.. JUlt on·e .or the ilrh ' But to think! .She II dololl her . a' rather . lackadallcal erclses In. ' cx­

A hom,�r CI�patra. Why ask me another'! . clock as It ; )lIke (In bed, 'alArm goes off): "I fooled Ye that time. . I wailo't asleep �( AIL" . L-L.� '-_ "'" John F. : "l'd ' nHtke a I)relly . , John Wi�se I-uking hi>; earl morn_! typewrlter, WOuldn't 1 �·1 . n i I don'( kno�" eh. o n �e�, �;��s�\·��e:t.� �!I�:�UI��I��1. H \ ne ��: �:l:d I . nre , . Lots of the boy!! around here all wet. I know, heOAuse all tht.' other boys tQld me so. They tho'( the\' were so rle\'l>r-the cute. 'little I \I;lc'ks (heY'\'e been pulllng oft late-I Ir. No, we- can 't tell .you about iI, we nllght make mistake in t.he details. nnd nnywny-:-well. ail )Iorry l st.'z. " �'ou know," Blil then. hoys wUl he boys until they're se\'enleen. -and the.n. the)' W.!HlJ to bJ�_ shick:!. "THE m'::'-\CH t--�-,-.-=-<,�-,"""...--j

. '" L.4.88!



a a e :�;I:' Oar:8w:!:en 'th�� �l1·t�: ��ounr; ladles by and b)', Mati was made b�rore 'A'oma�. When leOd made da O t d �o ��::If� ��\��I� t ;h��:.��




Bora are


b ys e m , o o " �. o> t

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"OR" S�'' '�AJ.:

r ff i���Oo Is the ) '' ouble zero to the lad las- laB�e�'o�l; l� p\��:�;c�� enc:, A ' , ' d the fI�Bt picture avally�:: hard ol1i: It must have Absotolutel Huh! sle who cnn tell us who these coy G r S e r. Ie �1Il , �:��� ;:�::: �� �een written by a woman! people ma� ot YO� w�r� there hut really, , Gt'a duates of (he ClasB ot '94. station and a Pony Expresl doncherknow', a couple ot the relias "How /an)' shirts can you -get them on horseback had It tbe other night dowh liN yard!' " Disgusted lady - "Old school, Powe'r, speed. dura- the kicking post. It wile a Ihame"Depends on w��ose yard It Is." ot he r kno\\ that you were rusty ualb to the first one mIng?' ot'course, for ArUng Twelve encounter, ful together line �f beauty an 'ot our rEt,aders ..ho can accurately "They tell me )'ou are doing setordinary license plateR Is so much larger thsn poor, little guess tbe name of the Individual Small boy-POnes your husband tlement work." would have It out "they but David car, lll t of features main ' b e e no e t es ou out: �::Wo t�:: �;t'�t ��e k to creditors flnallt cor-. . Bill IItarts scooting It n s :�e;r !��dUI:t'�am,: �!t:::, ): t��:�i=_�:�"���' f:�e�: ; :I�, ne��� �e�Y be.








lntroduclng the - STUDIO 763 So, SSth Tacoma

. J. F.



I '-:=�������={ I ' '


Kolster. Stewart-\\'amer . _-\I.Water-Kcnt

" P��d���"f��l. O



d Slickers


Phone Main 146"'


SeII(")'8-St�tloncr'!II Photo SU'pplles


Rust Bldg" 10th floor

�09 t.6 Pac. Ave . . Tacoma II�)(I

Mad. 14�5 Res. Mad, 3S18-J-l � Lincoln )ll!talProp, Worb " Ottoces.Sheet Darnkler, Furna Skylights, Gutter'''' n E����!!�����n�' �i�:N;�t1:'unr_

. lIth and Paclflc'A\'enue PARKLAND GARAGE


Auto ' Repair


GR!J, 0115 and Ace;et/sorlc!:I

1107 Broadway KIMBALL'S





the Se vi lind Sltllsr:u·ilon ,944 Pac, Ave.

-'Parkland Barber Shop and Confectionery I

. Cigars, Tobaceo and Candy Ladies' and Children's . Haircutting . . '


UNIVERSAL Photo Service

Co.'L'U-:Rt:ti\L TECHSIC.-\L





\ �

- .


. . Tacoma








SpeeiaJ Prieei: • and ODe Photo F):'ee to Stud��ts: ltI2¥" Pac. Ave. M.ajn �9


Pacific . Lutheran CoUege SECOND SEMESTER OPENS 1 JANUA�Y 30, 1928 '


�he >laIt�

Fruk 'J; Lee





The A. H. Barnes '

���l�a:Trust Bldg_ Tacoma,

Main 198

3QG.7 BlIllkl'f'1






have some f capable o

J, ::ced, o ln ,)last

�Vrlte to W,

;\I or


students who filling such Bus.



LUTilE�N !=--<>LLEOE

Altera.lIonll and Hemstitching 11 t."".,.""""."""."""":."""""....;",,.,,",, .,, ;.,,",, , I'hone )(ad:

. The Needle Art Shop

. Lien & Selvig Impo.rters of Norwegian COd Liver 011 ' A cOl"� Tacoma ve. & 11 St. Tacoma Wash. Free


9%4 Padf,I�. An.




:'Ilountliin and · cn _ , M. .�?

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"An Informal "�oodbye': ""u SIYflD" for Pres. ,0. J, Ordal by the P. L. C. student bod; on Friday, January to. Plans Complete �I' Th.ls was the IUlt api'H!_arance of Dr. Showaltel" ' Gives . Eastern Washingt'5n Pres. Or�al ��rore tbe studenf ltod)' Talk to Large Body Of as Ita president. He will fake up his Tri p ; Five Game� On djJ.tfes as paator 'of Our S�nlor·. Students Here . . . . ; Enjoys Tap Lutheran Church \at Bellingham, Visit . Wa,blngton 00 -February 1. . Tbe cbapel hour!l wa. slven for a Dr. SbolValter, former prealden't of short program In .bonor of Pres. Cheney Normal InlroduCfld by Orda!. A vocal 8010 b}' �rthur Mr. Fisher, lupeflnlendeot of 'scHOOls I I e y e co �� ::�d� a�:�;br::Ie:�::er!Y b:��� �! ��::�y �:� :;u:e���8 o�e;��� P, . L. C. 'oetelle �Ilde .up this musl· . Lutheran Collese and Parkklnd Pub· <:al Ilr08J;Rm. Arllng Sannerud. rep· lie School. "The general as.embly resentatlve ot the· .!plrft ot the stuwas held Tueiday atternoon Jan. one ot tbe heavlellt IIchedulell a dent body, gAve a talk �xpre 8lng 24 In TrlnHy Lutberan cbureh a' . .. S . , the etudents' hearty appreciation Pacific team has ever carried. two-torty. P�es. Orda!'s untiring, conaecra·ted Dr. SbOwalt�r I!'J:prese� his pleasTomorrow evening the Gladiators Martha HJerm�tad . ot work I� be.halt oC Pacific Lutberan ure at �ng a gueat Of. p'aclrlc DutbMakes· U. eugalte tbe strong EJllenaburg Nor. College during bill term of ottice, . College, U only tor a te." eran mal Qutnt. A victory Is not e%pected -CO\II:.tUY . mlnuh)lI. .--. He IItated that. be ."a. bebut tbe bo Ys trom over the moun ' Word recl'i"red At the C ege . Mon� and wished blr.n God's blellslng In h�1 new work at Bellingham. A gltt Ing Fuber a.» an eduulded talos will 8 bav" to ·" tig·ht tor their 8 day atated "Mat"tba tbat MI!I HJermTEACHER RESIGNS ullonal tourbyonMr. . . counters. Tbey have everytblng ., Willi then prelented to Rev. and Mn, tbe.West Cout, ,,111tto graduate at. the C)us ot ,� 6 , Ordal tram tbe student body bY 'tbe· POSJTI0l':l�lJ.E Inlt and Inapeetlol many IIC�ooll and . lose and not very1TIu"Cb to win In ·de. stad. "'.aa s{'Jltected as one ot the seven "prelldent.�Ge.rhard Lq.ne. that ·be was Ilad to hue tbe opporteatlng tbe Gladiators. . -on tb!a . On February 18. tbe squad �'111 University at Waabl�Iton Itudents Rev. Ordal concluded .the e%er. Mrs. Bertrand Taylnr, wbo, for tbe tunlty· to '�nclude P. L. C.beard ot !ravel to Ellenaburg wbe·re "they ·wlll cholen t-'represent lbat large Inatl- cues with, a spe¥h or reaponle and lut 11% montb., ha� 'been teaebln� trip.fl He uaalde Lbat be..�d away,. �� thaok : :;: ! � : � you " t.o tbe .lt.udent, b.!:!.dY. hl,b a boo�il��U p.lay the Normal Quint In a return, to.tlon I� tbe to.reoale ·fleld tor lb lll " � �� ��� � � � � i game. lIoo"f' t Da tbe ed.torla' dlvlalon o� tbe From tbere tbe Pacific basket leason's debates. Mias HJermltad. . w:2re be' tormerl,. beld . makers will go to Spokane and tbere Itraduated from the Normal depart- M� I ON SOCI.E'J.1Y Malt, bas rellgned be.r position at. talna tbe poalUoD .. bead ot tbe Cheneytangle with the SpokAne Coile,e here at PaeUic. Pacific Lutheran Collele'. Mrl, Ta,- Normal Scbool. He said tbat1be bad ' · . Quint on tbe evening of ,tbe 22nd. menl Many LD MEETING lor will not teacb n·ut semelter. J"eard of the·.cbaNcteri.t1ca and Ideala . and readers at the H � Gladiators will Mooring Itudents . ot recall Maat raduatee g . will tbat men women tbe nd · a l'tJ11I at :': t �::t ';���!o�he Itay Pacific Ibort at D ber urlng : . tb Cc:'l ege team or HJerm!ltad waa very . promloenl In I.!)1eresting Program Is Given by Mrl Taylor has made many frleods the Institution and telt as . lhougb I evening, Spokane and the Collowlng actlvltlel .durlng ber career Members or S<feiety Stu . amo'n, tbe student!! and�faculty The he waa In an atmoaphere or that-eor- . ua;: :�!' �::� :�11 ut=�� ::�lr Ichool Lutheran College. Sbe dent Gives Talk . : �:�� ltaff ot t,he Moorlq Mast wlli mtsa dlallty and frlendllnesl ."ben �e was ' I SI a e I a� Pacific r On 'tbe.25tb the team will trave·1 :� ;:;c� ���bl�. 0';:a:�: b�::3:::rba��:� The Mllslo � So elet,. Meeting wu �e; :;I����: ::anc��a �!� �!': ��I: a �:e;:r�tD��e8�:::�:�; Itated: "�e I : o Cheney Normal and play tb � 'that She held her place on the held On the e"enl.nlt ot January' fl, Iliter are· living In an age wbere opportun­ at Mla.- 'Btlltrud ' the norutal Ity ;::n!: , · �o arrive In Parkrand at duced. fo�en81c team here for two years. Sbe a.nd the program conalat.e!i at: , J; ' 0. to make Uie beat ot our Ii,," fa lor;' c Mrs Inltru· department : o tbe wl'ek ( SUnday) . Hymn: M ' Scripture reading; Hann_ 1 ' ,,1 w I. In .o,rder. to tully' un· waa editor In cblet or the glvell OOrlng Ed poaitlon ards 1 over ..to Uthll, take tbe , . play�ra, Coach A. W. Ram-, Mast for_ lbe_ 19 25�26 achool year, i Anderson ; Readlnlt, "Wanderer R� derstand w;e muAt go back d Nine t H.auk� 11'111 make up aod honor student. selected. by scho ol celved," an arilc1e-w-rltlio7y" Rev:- left . . . tbro�gb tbe pAle�_�t . !!Itory wben - \va.can- by- Mrs' Taylor's absence. �h��n E:lmer . HOVo'ever, arrangem enta mate,. to sttend tbe Lutberan Stu- Moody, . Margaret Jacobso.n; . Vocal · ' telephone., . ." there were no aeroplanea, T PEP CLUB . matcbes or ' cars. We mUlt ar: belne made to ba'f'e tbe men denta Unl,\n con'f'i!ntlon at St: Olaf In solo, Hanna Anderson; Talk. Arllng Gm� 10 back debaUne t m go ealt wltb . the .bll- ! 1.926, and was very active In Dra- SarlOerud ; Hymn. iuatorr American of atage' ' the to G N . �HOLDS MEETI' t m: and, It so. Prot. Pb. t matlcs here. Mill HJermstad's record . In hla talk, Mr. SAnnerud broultht . wben people were burned at tb.e slake'" �et . ball a e nd � . tour debaters will Pacific ""11 one · tbat m'any ItU- up. a very IntereaUne lI Iuatration Pep! Buabell ot It, to.na ot It: due to �nperstiUtlon: . We mUlt ,0 . �! �t: � m t t P lia. to tbe period wben rell,loua str.lve tor. A brilliant person· about tbree younl men from Bend, Tbe Dorm Glr u' ·Pep Club met on back� I un ers.tOOd that �bele dates dents coupled with an energetic na- Oregon. Tbrough . �ndurance and Wednesday e'f'enlnl, January 18tb, freedo waa 'not tolerated. :0-4..y me:tI�ned �r� tentative but th�t tbe · allly ture . ' people e%preaa treely tbelr pol'tlcal won hard for :work thlit her many tbey tbe were' trlenda flnt to trip ltaelt 18 an usured tact.. sbe now hu. Theae friends and ellmb an eno�moue rock about 400 wltb Agnes 0188n !lnd. Eleau�r Lot- vlewi. and rellgloua bellefl witbout many otbera are Jolnlnl In conlratu- teet bllb !!ond were aLaO. tbe tint ot tbus bOlt8!sea. Mldat freq uent" tear or belnl punubed. As an uscreecbee and ¥ea1a of laugbter It .mpl� or lbe IIna aDd c.uatoml. Of tbe lating Mill HJermlltad ·on ber recent" (Continued on Page 4-) Meeting Held by'' wal decided tbat the glrll .bould pe::'ple In early Am.e"rlca� bletory let succeaa-one or tbe many. Tbey are · sell �ot dog. at:tbe Centralia game. Ul take Georce ��lb�t.I'ton. . He bnllt D 0 R. Members bappy wltb ber. . ' �LEivDAR A booster ticket committee 11'&8 a tire .wltbout m�cbea �or tbere · UnoUiclal reports atate tbl\t. tbe . .:C .allo V-to pro'f'lde tlcll:elJl were no.ne, be did �t send telep}aolle "'" Entertained at Home of' Irene 'University at W"shln,ton debaters Jan. 27.-Duketbait ·game, ·P. L. C . to arappointed �ule enthualasm before. tbe mellagea tor tbere were no tele- . Dahl-Wed... Jan. U; ..BPee c h wl!1 meet tbe Unl.erslty ot Ore,oD, ..versul. Ellensburg at P. L. C. ' c o l d w I b ne d Ja t L O rn e �� . . . . . vt:n b?, Mrs. 8�vTg . �::::;:::; :: ;r�!!!; �iu:�: �:� :�n=8��:�e �I��c:���u nCt� �e��� ::�::��6 ::: �a. �:d �::: .: �:: ��� e Sa:: let;e: :,.";�e :;I:� �: (C,o�t1nUed on Pace Z) . , Tbe D. O. R. mel at the J:iolDe ot otb.er leadlng InstltuUoba on ·ibe era Conterence at Firat Baptist by al[" . , . e !::; l��bl on e ar�ernooD of. Jan- hCHlc. toBlt,ln tbe rorenslc tleld. Ja�b�����a�:c:�:;t!OW�;1 �;Dg In MR. �ATION HERALDED WITH JOY Tbe BY W-.t\!TING STUDENTS · m co;�later ot: Fede;- GRIDlROX IlEN"UlJ� HONORED R /HOk;natad'a cburcb, Brem.er- AND PLEASURE . atlon Solla; VlolllI 1010, · Daamar AcUoa plcturee ot" tbe U17 ton. t tbe deiUcation .of. a new . ' Mr. . Examination 'Ia bere 10 "Ialt W... It Patrick Henry wbo &aId . U.,eneaa; · ReadJlla, Panllne Lanon ; Cbamplo...bIR · football . team were or'�n Voeal "'I�, "III tbe Garde. ot To- lakeD Ian weet and are" now. oD JaU:. 10.-Realat�atlon.. . ua a,aln.· Tba� phantom old ae�tI&- ''Rlna out tbe old, rlnc lII tb� ...., .. . r e u e a ot man aeeDD�' to : pe:ralet , Iu e:.lllng :�ll ltr;: ;:bl��b:;: ��::::II:i . I �::;�leR;!�1 o����':;K ��; �:: :O�: O� �lz:: :�en :!:� J' ;�m�� i�· �. ·�::.������� wbere be �n't waated. A!ter bear- tbe atudeDt. will add 'lOme N... ' .venaon '� "'OUllt VernoD. . . nly lood pletar,! ,ADd� the' lara. b, i aoi lira, ·BlaTt, ot Tacoma; voca "In tlae;Oard."; Hanu ADdenon. .framed pletn,. fO.r the lCbool can J:eb. .f._P. T. A. play to ,be' ahou Ing tbat Cbrlaty arld, Bill "owlar Year'. reaolaUoD. to tbe nat· · (IIOW Tbe Cradle RoIJ .... tbe· n....t d.. bf\ clM.ed .. ,lIonab ot at.l bonor In P. L. C. O,.mn. got up a .petltlon to ban' blm e%- sborten8d) after "Iewlna tbe fiul partment, of Hie W. ·11. F. Ud .. tor 'the Leam. . . . .Feb. '.-Butethall pm..-P; L. C: lulled from tbla. "Idnlty ana tbat papeTtl. It'. up to Edlaon to tnTe.t peru.,. tbe I�t kIIo.n. [II �Telllllr, �ia plc!ttr. contaJ... t'he playen ,..,ienna C. P. ,B. Reaenea at cOlle,e the p4,tltlon alan� by tbe lOme· macblne t� loot tn' to tbe "! l Gr..a . of Pu,et Bonnd, mbo. Ballllerud ud red( brotbeTtl brain of tbe llldlTtdnal all4 ... boll' Aluta, ·tbere are two ....om8A III- wltb tb.. lIam.. ot tbetr ·poalUou ..atrucUlla. II cblldren, tbe you....t ulld��ueb.pl&,er. Tbe playertl. are ."eb . . 1 l.-D,uketball ,ame nnua' one "�U!d really s,appoae . tbat be mucb �.. been a:Mor.bed clnrllla. t�' OIlJY· J ""eara Old. �d, Use old_ 8J!1U!&"ec! � �� �elr �laceI UIIIYenlty , or Wublnaton freab� �d ltay .way. �r. JD�mlnaUoa term. (The �nl'- _Iabt p!'OTe .... bUlI;d\ boy of It JeUI. Prom.thal, til th• .It.enp &ad tM -:rraer8 aeem.-to bol�.. awa,. oyer ' a .....t tonndlnl �t. ODi lh.... otller. ll&D4 meb at p. . �. C. Gym. own fnnda th-'" wo.e!' baTe aaftMl taJII tbe �rd tor. th. MUOn. ·� ," b U ...!.P.. . L, C b918. play C. P. 8. number ot ladIYldua!'� . to,- b .' ....I�l wo'uld II.Te', 1 b� tbe ma.eblll••) , r er I t n I ::::......:::;a ';..�.!:.ad::: �:..�� :��:.! ��i:�: J:e���:�;��· p�e Tennai ::� :: �:e �m:��'� ::11:;;:, ��� ��;.:: �:-.;:: ..:!tI::���h�� that their .." . "y 'apui!. � Hot . ' 'fo, UIT." . BpeubUl, ,!" "J:U��,.., : 10111 be ,.......�red ..4 �bl, of co.rtaa, added .. A or 8, ' .. :Wlablq TOn a� a IIMftJ' Nay Ie �,lb� teb, J1 .-:-�. L. C. bo,.a play CbeDey (dreaded). ' .. olll7.' an uae, ' brtqtq th.. e1alld. Tbe/",letaN l:a, ....tram. aIIO teiIoJa.. feet bj>- IOu feat ud wUl be. plae&4 Nonaa, at Cbnq, , ( . ' ·Tblt Tlalt to Patt1&lId aero the •..., &lid ao. aad ,H&e4a -ot tile r.a to Cbrbt bat·t11a7 tumllli of lb. tid. f�r -:.� ..... auml.aUoaa: approprlate p� .Ia the reb. U.-P. L p. Ye,..�. .8po�e iIll.. theta, radIq, w.,..w...: .."... ... . ColI�... at SpobDe. tna:"<1U1�) IlIto a D.. ....,.,. ."';'w"'. erul worldl :b.lld�l. (Coatlanad o� Pace '! .






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ftO\ 1'et1 lupentitlOUI li P. L. C. WOIl an tb.,.. lamM played 00 �.Y , Ihl' thirteenth .

pla"e" .r.

. H.-Good news 1,lln. MOn! ' bi.ketban "Ielorle•. Jan. 15.-� exercise caule ,re­ 10 wellht? 11- 10. the '����.,.I ---'--- ductlo'o 8cal@a .over ·at tbe alate ,mn,. look . tor,..a-:d to leu .ininlloul worll: ior certain Individual. are ad­ h;rllll to' tbo Oall)' Do'�D ll�aD. . u.-'rhe. on,' and only . wllh of a )'ounl «laUe-mlln of Ihla Ichool '.'\0 ITave hili nsnut appear In prlnr. So here·l� II-Ted Fedt!! 1 7..-JUlt • w'pr�! �D cu" you a.r. Introduced to penonl,M bea'!'­ In, IIIC'b �.mM .. ' " Handlome," . "Lln,er," "p,;t". "Tabby" arid ';-Sklu" you .11'1.1" tenO'W' tbey 6ifi ' " 0111" to lOme of the bfili ' Ichool day' Itudflll.tfI. Howeyer, ,od may. find Dot which belon,a to whom. Jan. t8.-crean.�;' da, on the .C.m-

e o I ue :OCOk�:;. .t �;�� :�� c��nll�1. . It Is In this he beltevee that the Alaska. ·!llmlt..r :achool!!. �i6 been education In 1b.ls country establtl!hed but with P.:s.klrilo In'tructon. In order La '"brlnlt a word or .. a�d encourllsement·. the W.. M. tonc_luded hili IlPeech F. each year has senl .hOI&e or ,�he lIte{lll Ihe world clothing. shoes. etc. taken to' prosreas and ,:,-dnnce- In the U:. S. '0 ('I.rr, on ..the work :::�/�:::!�:��c���.n. He gav.e oft�e cra.dl: �OIl ait:rt�:rit :oa: t h a L pe.NJeverance and stlowed In thl. wa, 10 aucceN In life. He the wonderful Itudentll are recelvlns by "::••:�: ;: :::;:;;:;:;;;;;:;;:;:;:;;::;;:;;=, P-acUlc Lutheran Colle,e a days.. we are spendln", here. (he Thll ad plus !.6c A'OO� for marcel . of ."IIII'hlcb w\ll remain with us and comp:IDlentar, hair trim at He a,aln. · mentlone'd bla Carson's :Beaaty Colieg.e at helns a &,ueat or the ,- '''- ...' ''.,...' .....'''. lII all1. . . 1 I "lfil!fd he. h-oped to ;''':.::,::'::.::.:::',::':',::',:',:.::',::'::'.:':,:'::,::::::::.' .:'::,:,:',::::::',::'.::':,

LllnA'low were week-end.



Six long yeurs of endeavor. Years that could not hoast of b.ciltg bpllkcd ",Hit'roses. Enemi('s. All men have enemies-:-Iherc Ilc\'er have been rlOr will then' c\·.er be mcn of strung moral choructer \\'11'0 can suy they hO\'e ,flO enemies. Mistakes \Ve all mistakes. Fe\\'-�'ea, \'ery few nre able to /Joost of a Ih'ed In the early era from error. Tt-iurill)hs. How fc\\- they really are after that was aoon to become r a h ::r\��ndlng. 'le��lng 'power In Prcs tr�n! O� J������!�':�a �� �6'e '�����I �:;�ug�� I.utheran College. Still. in this moment of parHng. can �"I'.en go back rarther, than think oC these thi.l1gs. They Code into insignifica.nc.e as colonial hlMory Let ' us '0 fond fare,,'ells and express our good wishes 'Vhat \\e the time ..... �: Chrlltopher most-the idea that is predomllleni In our minds-Ihe tiling that In three tiny bo_all makes us adinirc Re\ Orclal most IllS <,·ha..racter-and IllS dl�co-"I'erletan-2.\Itunknown land. He record n� had mechanical and . Eificient. I)aihstaking and sin<.-ere. Rev: Ordal has. 'uII<"ons- rfo 1:1. ned .sallors. . Instrumenta. Hla larsesl ahlp ciously. set Up a nbble example 10 the student body he g()\'erned . waa hundred lelll than one feel long A. nllin of rcal ·hitirdl fibre uDlI courageous thought-a 01811 W!lO. a d not 0 ste than mllea ' �8 l' �tpl tl'Cte-n entirely 8�one;- h8s sinL�relv derended his· convictions ' in an hour. Yet Chrl8to,Pher I the interests of the College. The sludents he has associated with. conquered.... ...-4:onquered thrOUA'h . IUs Cello"\\' teachers, his busjne5� associate��veryone he has come severance . an d patience. in cOllhicl with has been inipressetl with his deep sincerity and : ==�:; '" :: ==::::= Take the e:rampl� of the boy hon�sty of tilJrJ>�se. . I ;:= II-;: STUDENTS To sucr, a tnUlI is Pacific Luiheran C.ollege biddin g farewell. dl�co"l'ered I�e mll'tlner·s. nearly hl!t whole I Stilt. we ,q;uh.i thl:'t there. were Ii term which couf(1 be applied This bo,. lived You will find here every(]iirig here- that. (toes not- emllra�e such 0 'ponderous men ning. Yes. without telling any-one of · hili d,.11Jyou need in rt de n much rather we say, " Care thee welL." N. S. L. 8<1....1 Sup(ill... d:��Jn\�� �::��� �e:�lJe::: :� Lillian wlll leh.e you chicken . •



; 1





, necause we I�Jit'\'e that the :followin� editorial e:<actl�: fits u t e h t s O . but tbe world hu i:·� ¥ll�� e�i� �rr�1 �.�s �!�it�te;I·� �t�J�': �r��. ,tlI� ��:::i��' t� issue for p.r�greaS 10 c�me . the i\loqrjng 1\iost last )·ear. and In_the lasl few. yean t.Jnily and compromise � hond in hand, and SU<"cess is· 01most rapidly. Thla 18 Iln lied to both. Fellows who lurn-"u or basketball have 8 goal U in \'iew arid that g08� is a good inc nth'e to carry on the olh- era of adv�nce"!e�t. proA'resa �rid and only by turnlnA' Ie lie standing of the school . 111(> seh I has been having hard achlnemeot ba�k tbe pages of hlalory can we a.p­ 'time trying to I)roduee this tealll fo one reason : the .Iack u'C preclate the tru�h �t thN! at�lement.': u�i ly. So�ne of the pl�yers I)ul the blatile 1Il � t fte coach. others on tbe players. I aTH sure. that 'everyone w,1I agree when I say Dr. Shp"IIIi.I' lter told of hI'S travela In ·that both are wr()n� and that our success· depends on our tlnitin� EUrOPe among the dHferent ra�ell'or �IllJ playing 'Ieani work in other places ·than on tlic busketball people. He told of eeveral IIt4e I fil;>Or. TJ1ere is ahe .way to r:emeil\' our ailment. and' iliat is: cldents In foretgn s�bo_olll where SACRIFtCE and COl\lPROl\lISE� Lrte is 8 cOlllpromise. What- children sboW" their iote . and . e\,er wc. dQ, working together with (ellowmen. w � 'must COffi- ehltloh of the United . ' ·�romiSC. \Ve cOTrlj)romisc often nnd do not realize the Cact. I -:::=========;;;; ! 1 "ont{er a mi�Ute al,1U YOII wiIJ perceive tho't this is the. I truth. r , l d e g EltabUshed 1883 ��\\�t�� � rdi��. �I�::'·t ���� :o!,°����h�in �fu�6. . : . aDd in the· cnd Y,e witt IUlye success-DUE TO co�it'Rcii.i·isE AND SACRIFICE. Anyone can be'8t�born b ui ma�or woman 10 comp·romise!:-J. �. �V. , " Mahncke & Co.












....'7 , .. H.... t:doIdaj IQIA't PIE AND CmCKEN .DlNNBRB ON SUNDAY . . •


Next Door to -, .

� .

Sather's Shoe Shop

Caleriaa · to· PoriIa

Mn: 8oIboJ�. ProP: '..



8"' 1ri �j07 Ii

. .Be. it Any/TIme

P.:eb.i tor � .

�" R'fuC A." . Ta""...

at Y"'� dia.,.;.w. aJDj. U;


wHlIt yoU "'nt. ll lls and we wlli get It. . Yoihl,,;,'! IIiie Our pricei and qtian.y 01 -.. . to oend away for a ibin,. chandise win ·sUrely· mate you �a SaUsfied ciilipmer . oll/- lervlci! Is


. . . All Make. Sold or Rented M. R. Martin & C�. 926 Pacific rAve. .

Sleeks Eaat of PqI 'On Mountain Rnad

�===::.:=1�J4 �=;:==ttrr�:;;;;;;;:; ;; ��;;�;;�




If w' fl�'t

. ALWAT8 AT YOUR 8EIlVlCB . . pA� Mimc.uiTiLE cO LmI� Daf 000'" •

. :phone itain 17Cr7


8uPlfI1 .Co.


19i1A-lb pOdfic .A-a.

Plillt til.; !keUa .. 1111



..'. ..�.on, ORTING, LASSIES GLADIATORS LOSE GLADIATORS WIN , , , HA�D GAME TO FAST GAME FROM , �.!�.c, ( ",, ) ,. :.�;:�:�::! AAE DEFEATED BY fl ( � . CE�r:rRALIA FIVE Well folks, ��at'l . 1088 no,.' a�d P.. L� c. '�GLA DI,oL.�S" LINCOLN Qut�fET �:e.dt(.!) ( . ) �� I���:O� dl . team, o matter hen', We let nnottler Cjnce at Cen- . Friday the thIrteenth mllsed Itll H�ndtc.pPed by nine p�lnt lead Knuuen ' Ulack Q Every how good', t.tral n SalMr taken In the !lrlll quarter', the P. L. T. F'ed"t " III lIabl(ll to dereat-P. L. C. Is no the la tn apIafew.. daY8-an then watch mp..rk' forer P. L. C. whenrt the "Ohld0 . ::�: :th� !:;! h:�ln� !::re�II:: C. re«ulan - tor�ed 10 �"e �Im�t' to' FO��::; {5�' C��ll������d�:I�k (c'i; ex�ePtl:n, and ",'.t Friday Ul,ht WiU bo�'1 , . "'In from �he·LII).�Oln H�. and detea.l. '.nd, Robin. Lln�oln-WlIl!am", MI. the dale. let for hi tlrll� deteat. Ellenllblirs: h! here tor a �ontel to 13. . �Iu�h hal been laid about the thl� week. Theee boyat a reI lood . rrie «ame. thoulh decidedly . In. I'd them 'by I SNlre or Uto !1 In W.smund. Whitman. Wise. "0· I I e nd· o r L. t P. fa m t oullet e or It�:ne: mostly, alalnll' It. But \tb� :�I �:: :u ;� .:r �:� ���d:n: :oe;y� v � b ·c, ! ,! the Park land Gymnasium Sa!!rdai, 1 «an, Oll.er and �ademan. l .r resUlt �II tbe same--Centralla JUqJo Come Janu�ry 14 . The Olldllto� Ilowly . �e.rer�B, Kr�ldler, 'UI :�d che your support ! ::: I l!:: �!� : �� t�/�:o�: :I:!I n . I l P Colle!e deteated In tbe' tlMlt �on -- ' . eonld tbe OrtlnA" ..Irla out. �rl!pl up on Ihe Abel to Ihorten tbe ·"Atu;r III." said Red. '"Iteallnl" terence ..ame ot the lIelllOo with a �he ·yelllli.. of �he gamet! hllif c1lbowe.er, play tbe c1e.,"r U!amwork and 'een lead .to 18-16 at the hilt, The m,b a klal II reilly onIY,pet,ln.. 11�eny." n d I , Icore or 33-16. � ::�ce!'7:e :�I� :�ad:��: lr �::; itiOOlln' or thl! G1a�lo�". and the School tnm .waa able �o; mlke only ' P. j... C . hae to take defeat IIk� do hili! en.�ed .,!Ith a lcor.e ot U·8. on\ basket durlnl I�e qunler. In Make- .Ii. ecords .of I . b ..ccldent, Ibey never yell tor Every member or. th� P. L. C. aqll"d t"� third qu"rter PI,cl11c forled II does victory. . We �an crltlcl:e", Ihem: yel1& thele In .. !oln let LeI'I Your Event�g Fun :� to play. ahead and m..lntalned the lead till ,rIven aD opportunity and all that, but CeDtralia beat I f:� �h:�e:m �� l was differed p n eIIn beltlnnlD« t�e hence bfM!llule they. h'"d a better team o� .;:: �::r.� 10�: nt::� tbe end or tl'le lame. t photo. w eI . ulhiwa�e euy. when �� lly from the ulual. lineup. No l;Iowlck and SandersoD played .. FlaehlllhIhe rlo.or tbat evenlnlt. Ollr team , fluh lensbur,l'l. These boys 'pla, S11I«I'I llaht C"rtl'ldlrN i . w made e r n cb or ubltltutlonl d .. � ! ! lt! ill p h 111'18 decidedly oft: elpecially In the agaln l�\etl"o : ,,: e llJ i .. m an held h h hon C. 7S! ... S ; tbe nll l a er our lame . .�n: of e aD the Orting aide t�rou�bollt the OMIonder s�ond halt and the ulual tI«htlnl and' for.5 the .8...enln... Coacb Beal: Come In"/I.eanper Lo. VC. would jUllt ""l1l II"OOD have l you ;:i ....�tel Li lJame. whole 1 " enUrely la�klnlJ· No mat· them I.ole ;: sptr.lt � ' onl made 1 lubatltutl ' In tbe c0 e row. a n �ames two I do It to how The IIneup::- . ter ....bat ou" team attempted. they � , n' . of the ..ame and hid a stroDl t:... m � were .beaten at It by Ce?tralla. In r. L. r. (3.'J1 (is) Ort.J. � on the floor III Ihe time. � Shaw Supply' Co., Inc. � are In lood condltl.on i Larson F Ola A return'pme II acheduled to be l '. 1015 our ne:lt «ame with them we will no....O.llrforpla,ers : deTbe ·tqo. «ame hard a V ) J Pacific Ave. SteJthea F ha�e to aho..... them that we can pia, reat last week atlrred e...ery player ' LaDIt\OW . , ,=,:,, ,, ,, �, , ,,!.� In the Lincoln Gym Illter 1ri ; b eb I: ' . R� RO��� played --���.= """"""",, , ==,,,, ,;.,:: -,�.. .,--.,. . reven e for tbe nd are g � ���� n � � f n : t D � :'eb�t�7:n;� ' �:III ;:�; :!� u�::; Q nl!pt. Kirk . has been reQ.ueUed by the Grm' Samuelson P. L. C. (16 ) Phon 0 ·t . Centralia (33 ) nllIItlum Lake. Park Q:ea�ery Committee to keep orf the l Cline SandeMlon (8) F . (9) Smith floor before the lames. Lers cooper. Subatltutloua: . P. L: C."a .e�ond F ( 1 4 1 GUDlten .te :Tth them In this for they. work to.! I'IaU line up was. Lan�low, Benson. Fowl1fr ( 1 ) 1953 South C Carlaon ( ! ) C . ( % ) Roundlr ha...e the Gr.m floor clean and we i Ra.amulillen, Le)and. J,?r!enlon, ' Or· Cardwell should appreciate the faci and help dal. �owlck ( 5 1 . G . G . Retere&--Ruth Fadneu. HobaD' ( -I O�st them keep It In aucb condition. -Subs: P. L. C.-T. Fedt forI Ho· ; r «arne. The ban. I. Fedt for Fowler. Centralla- Walt 1111 the ' football ROlues. Gal. en�l� polntl to �op tbe 'blllketball ,/ . ea d pla)'ell wonderful BrO""n (2 , Fisher. Rainey. and lery 18 Bet up In the hall. Talk a bout /lplayln depended boya C. The L: p. . 100kB ! Have they lot. It! No� Orveaon (!). eam work and stren!th ' while . on� ne.rere��rd. .· The picture w ill at least .lake up th.e -Eaton....llle--'. tea.m:- compoaeL ot -;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;; ;� ;; .. 'ALLlGATOR$' W," "'::::::.�:::,::- ...."" ., _ ..... .. . M _ ' S ) .. ( . . �'�".I1I ·F "" c L. p[ 0. HANSON ) THREE; LOSE ONE GLADIATOR WIN . ( ! " . % . 8 : _.Jeweler e 0 :::k:l� JETLAND &: PALAGRUTJ j During- the laat t.jo week: tbe FROM EATONVtttE �:�::� 86�(�1 : ;:�� fO,:r I:�:= a:� In Ihe mOlt eICltln� lame played �:��:� ( ) ha 267 So. 11tui St � ( ! ):��:��� ;u Pa�. Ave. T..eoml, Waab. � b :���;:� :l�t:��!.:! thlll eelnon the P. " . ( Fld�lIt; 'B)dl'. � . L. C. basketeen T. Fedt them. Tbey dereat�d the American defeated the EatonVille representa' ��ubs: P. C.-';,'oban. ( 6lSmllh i': .. ... "........... . "''',''''''''''''''.....'�''''''''''''''''. � . . . I. Fedt, L. . Lake Team .for the aecond time b, a tlvel 28-26 . . , '-.. I �I·"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...·i · a pre· Both teame played wondertul bas· I ,count or 23 to 18. This �AItt GR9CERY CO. j . IImlnnry to �be Eaton.,lIIe. .P. L. C, Js.etbal1 _.--/ Gener.1 �ert'ha'limlle I , , and the .,I�tora were not 'sure · S'.. me. !. 'Lye) Sandersoh and ArnJ T'hosteo. ;�: 1J::eU:;���h:I ::�:o:�IS�::ebll::� Pcjrier-Cumntirtgs CO. � Phone Mad. 3818R5 Parkland






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' ' :�.d:I�,I::i,:,:"ep:.n::.,' ,'I I i 1

r a , · e B:�: T:'p :oat8 i'!:�:NE lame. the auperlor playing ot the tors. Faat pallling of the Pacific ' ."\�C;:;' .,"1 ". : .· ;k� .HT':'.� �.T� '' ·A. L '': � :�t:�� rello"ll.·s entitled them to a ...I�· cagers kept t1fe ball In thet'r ·p06aes· E· ORSEN 3111 � � drcssma�mg, alterahons and I . Main 9!.'� Broadway s o o : 93-1' Paclrlc Ave . H i ' . H 'f ' In the leeond"",« me the Mldl.eta :�:�e�� : h: ���/::aan� 5��:�ter. Th� la loririg ' "I--! o h ' ' , � :", .:�: :;;�'!:: :�:::,:::'�:�E���:::�.:i � ,��::::hurch ::����::��� , ��:;����' :: "ork superior. waa far:� T:;3�p�:kea· ' �\e � , the G1adl.tora we're kept on the 10 .. "'" . , PIE R � U A A R R LO B E Y E t.am has bad nry little opportunity altbouS-h forud to play a datebal"'e Gerhard Lane,\. 'tt'olicitor . for pra�tlce and they dlaplayed .,ery game, , Dimple La�.. ! ball their �onalderlnl handicap. 100d They trailed clOSely until the laat ltd M ; EX Dj t'CellJD . I o ..I, .:::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:=::' :��:,:r �R�;��:�:i;��I�:.::ii:� the ball wal at aU tlmea and waa GULLBERG'S FLOWERS . , I � Ji MECCA R�TAURA�� '. r a a I . TeJee;..ph DeU...erles :; ih:��::�� :�: ��i ::: ::::�� Open AI� N ght Store: 811 So, Ta�. An. . � In, trom all comen of tbe floor aod OJ;eenbouee .at Park)an.d ..ed .19 polola durlnl ui� lame. 13th & GO�eree I . � TRY OUR ANNEX . n �"""".. . "...:. ......"....;....;..."'''''..... ....'''';''''''''..".... "....;;,' "",,,",,, " .----' . ::;1O:;;:IOP:.,"; b�:":r;�t: ;:� ..·""" ... . .. r he waa th� boy "bo ran ap 'polnta Feelln« lood after tour win 10;. Keystone Printing Co� Ine. i 1.. BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. ' TRY BARBECUE 70s Padtt; AYe. i tour camea the little fellowl tru led Main rift, 0e.e...1 Hereba1idh4 . lncol a 1 . �::'t::, L ;'_I��e:: ':::41' 4Ie�: ';Me .ad T=::.' WJU ORII " II P;��: *�.iO'1J4 Madlaon a e at Ii :,::: �::p::;ed tbem from �:: !: ,.....'''·"...... ..''''''''.."......''''''''''''''....··''''"''''''''"1 !f S Bungalow et-viee tion j:!" f'...."·:;-"'.."-.......·..."""'....."......"·''''''·..''·'''·...."''·'':�''·'·.'',...""..,"..".. .. nnlah and had DO tro wlnnlal 'j ! I COMPLIMENT8 OF Theae lItt1e�glanll � ,I"e an1 ,i�. . team .. IOOd'1-un tor tbelr abekell ! Mad. lSIU·1 ROBERT M.' SMi'r.. D · ! Sarb06 for the b!lb ,.cb�1 �Iayed. a i . 'S'. .Wh.y 'N o-t? . . YE . ma"eloua lame .bd aeHriei a I''''� ' ., Pacl l 1t . h. Pintie- BQlld Salea n'!. . 'i II_ 1: , • deal or CTfldlt for illl. �;" plily1... .. f n .. ' · . your�xPenditure8 for trivial and vain LI:c:t�ef:�' ,:�--:;;:� �.:;:: r-':�===:::':::�:'�::�::::: ::;:": :�::�. ". " : .... ..::::::::�:::�::�::::� e ea ' . ' v!h; �:c:. :u:� �a������::i���r�:�:e:f ·=!�t� ��ooi�::- n��et'::� I!:� i k . · youf inff bac are who those men't.ber � , " !O�u marclti .. Tbe tll'bt ... ellhll i . . /"-( · . & . aM O 'c .. . . ' · T .. " "ere out tor . ...111 ,a� t.....o 01 tbem i � . . :..., ,a. ...PRO�U� Four cenls per day. at#age 18, will p"y for au .· . . ...ere "'.lIe� tro. h\y bedia.. of Ordinary Life $100.0.00 policy. rou,l_. Th8J' .,Iared • bard I••• and I. ' ' i . in Fruita, Vegetables, Coffee, etc. �tioD . "' . . rn.tributed. 'by r " �=;�e�:� ,:t��ia !:�:. ��:; i . ...bo toot l*rt . in tbMe pmes ...ere � . · COAsT GROCE�Y .s.�O. r WEST lobllll;' OanUhi. Arny ThOlteuoli. � I ' ;. I Lutheran Bfotherh ood. B.a1_ Bott. 'Stu Dahl, Lyel �nder. � . TaComa -,.-. --",":-=-,,-,, ' J.L . ' 2" '' � , ,_ '''.', , ..." ' . 1 JT 'lVU,;1Io.D .. ft ... .. Ml.n..pol'. DUUalD WOy 'Minn.'." lOll. 'lobn Fadaea aad Elmer Kaut- � • -:-, i . ....,. ..:-......... �.:. HD. .. . �1I!,,..---...;.;..;.�.--:...-. . 0 ..;..; .... ......-----........;.,

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COLLEGE, PA.RKLAND, oar memben. In ""ort, and prayer', ....e can · loot forward banner eOnnntloD :hw yM.r. "ra�ern.lfy youn, CARL O. PEDERSON,

To Play Kirkland



lilarle: Did YOU bear tbe. new ' rro� it monkey! Pulcher eODX! . Baek-eeat Wit: No, yOU -don'( FLOWER SHOP SMITH a raCl. Tell Us hbw It happe,!led. A, G. Seamons. Prop. "burellce: No; what Is It! "'0..,," lor BurJth.... and tetooon and retnr!} Sunday Marie:' Pu.tc�er arma where tbeY '. Tlok: Say, Just because YQu're Mias 'SUxrud and £l'er,.bodJ either belong. . Cor. 9th . Bd.... T. Main 497 S ha y e r. Ra mstad wlJ l act . as ",.,"" ' , . 't . M �: . jg :"'�� �: ::: : r ht s. ��:�� ���: No, Stanley.. tber�...J'l DO tr�th to ones! . the rumor that 1928 . Washington Tlnk: No. but there A.r.mour. JOHNSON'S FAMILY platea are a special P. L. C. order. Q;;l tb� �TORE Their atory wal written In ,L. S� U. PRESIDENT Nor II It a ��at tb� Midget Uo!, Pllcine Al'edue , . t t he cou�.;:::�s I �:a litb�e J�y .. Studio hu put In a bid tor tbe, class ASKS COOPERATION . � T.:..:m:.�, �w�n:': .'_ · pbOlOS 0t lhe I � •·� S graduation cla88. To the 4000 M-.:'..-:'-', J ;"-'Of the Luther- :�d��onllns�c::s:.'�tlstaC;tlOn ?f b'. Studenls' m , . an Union; Eugene: On .the level. Da:ve, ;\1;111 GREETINGS; This statement does not o,nly 'our flivver run. to. sports, In · tbe wor.1I: of. Th'! executive Committee ot the ply Do Yo'u Need A�Y DaVid Well on the leJ'�11 � ,s I...utheran Milfslon Soclet,. there Is a Students' Union' met . IN-DUST'RlAL b�lween doing. the r1sht and ' but you ought to see O d STENOGRAPHERS' O'R uar)' 7th to set thi! date, and to . ,....rong. 1'ho� who want tbe TECHNICAL - PHooOORAPHY �e�t'c::s� � , d1'ftw lip plans for the coming COD- the TYPISTS1 SOciety to amount\' to Its · best . The Convention this r , are }'ou laughing ,.ention LYell; S -teel a �Oy hi doing , their The A. H . Barnes, wiil. be ' held at Lu{�r Coliege. ah Mountatn and Nortb"�t \\:c hll\'C soine students wh�. " m,' mu.·t: ,�·., :', . and after s�cl.' e edins In . corah, lo". ' a, Mnrch 2-4, HI� Mother.; No. but e,'ery time. "theirs la the 'joy M:rnT�..r&�r:'....Y "Wllnesses. for thrlsl." '�l)8�Jc Or filling� '. �Ii } 'lose your mouth It looks like Is, and satlsfac't(on of at hard306-7 lla k s Tr ,O�: Acls 1; 8. The program of the l't�aln 1 9 8' n et . ;:�0�=1{.\Vft. positions. • ,.k . "en.Uon will be .announced at ' a .__--'.�_. ' -: . t, later date. Write 10 W. J, ..�, nus, �J1I :AS niembe:s of this large student eg a ' C.4.UTO[0USI .. oor old :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::'.::':::::::::::'.'.::::::::::::::::: ; ! I PICTURES TAKE� �ll)Orl �; ''''''!l�. ... a I h n a o l , smakln e actory D s . We do sal re � I' ,,,en-'Ie I,UT'Hlm,\ N L'O I.t.EGE . O� FOOT BA LL ME� �:� ��� :�o �er:;loSn �� t�:Wfol�::'I:; n1:n : �.��:11:0� .� � :; �/ , lf Alteratlooe and Hemstitching , J)rogrnm M arv Lel s see I'he cup 0r _ I'arkland' Wn. 1'!Iulle �""df 371 1 To see that delegates are e e l ct- first The� Ne�le Art Shop ed trom lour school Each school entitled to three J. F. VISELL CO, '1'1111 be Ilccordlng to the Please send names of ''"''''t''-to H,-- OO".... ..d-l'h.oto.S.,'pU.·- ---i H --'---_ l.len J!ro JSeJIVJg -- +i!-�t Thla �ame picture can' be had I? a ��I�.la��ue�:n�2����: ��.' .Ize If ordered trom r. n� ol 'I� porters of Norw;g1an . s I:: �:��::/ � �� +� �:u::r� t��� Cod Liver Oil tunde that are necessary ..Cor,� T8coma-Ave. & 1 1 Sf. , Leonard; Did you hear tbe new Ing out <fur progT"8m� The Tacoma Wash, one dol1!lr J)er student baseball sons!, . money thus 'ralsed Is Bill F,: 'No; wbat's It about'! F�ee DClivery Leonard,: Union ginning. C.4...:'\""'T 'MILLWOIlK AND CADlNt1T SHOP SUPPLIES I'm sltll11g here just like a atone WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. . Without a single thought. Spalding Athlellc Good. My whole upstall'1l Is solid bone, . Main 7 6 8 924 Pacific Ave. And. brains theyI can't be bought. ' Tacoma, Wssh. A composition must write "'ltbout .much mote' delaying, b dd d e UI Phone Main 1464' it "'Ide a�d varied choice have 1 p;I��eg: t�:. . �� t�:� ��e ' �: �;b:;C� �� ��s :e::::ta;I:;. .or ;' DR. G. HICKS . ganlze �ccor.dln g to ' . The Store . ARCHIE es o o Dentistry 1 110�12 ' !class being responsible fot. a Ar� for my Inspiration, For Men' and R.usl BidS·, 10th floor . . . Pacific AYc. ' t've t i d�hem a II bot . h great and ,0 . 11th and Pacific Avenue hearty .upport' Boy. S�:II. The great '!bIg . It and the cb u d l ah :; : :: : : SOCIETY .BRAND CLOI'HE8 � ;:;: 1425 Res. Mad. 3 8.t8.J"-1 ·:;::::� M-ad. PARKLAND GARAGE why, :i� : : ::��� � :: : :: :;:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::�:=: Lln��: � :' �b ta � ::.:� j =:::::::::::::�: ::::::: ::=� And If I can't I'can't that 's all. . I� : Auto Rcpa1r Lite sure Is ha�d and that's no lIe' Furnaces, Skylights, Gutter Gas, 00. aod ACieeuorlee Spouts, Heatlns, Ventilation r: o : �:,, �:l���!�,r� Hints l1> deba(el'1l; A clever . r.nd E ::!:� i. C. P te-o' original opening tor speech II '''':::::::::' ::::::::::::::: . : e ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::: roo "Ladles and ' gentlemen-i stand . : . .:..:::::::,:::::::::::::::::::::''��:":.::: ::::::::.:::::::; : before you becauae. 1 do not Itand Stetson : S!=h9 1c h . beblnd you-" . P��and. Barber The Spri\lg Ha.. are He,:" . "Shop and . Confectionery DA VIS' •


---L �







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lf �����f��i l f ��� l



:J; .


for ' HATS

. 1t'1I·t:he 8et'Vtoo and-.ilA.lbtact� , 944 Pac. Ave.



II:: : : :.: : :�:�::��::::�:�: ;�:;:;;:�:;;:: : .: ): I:' : :" : : ��:f� ��ii�� "��i,�:::::: :i




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Cigars, Tobacco and Candy Ladies' abd Children's H�rcUtUng


l'� " clflc - Luthe�an . . Colle .

Knudtson, Prop, .

,FraU. Lee .

-8poeial 'Pri_ aDd ·�..


Free to Stud....

1112'h Pac. ·Ave. � 2289

. ).

e ' . , SECOND . - -�-,�g SEMESl'ER OPENS . . JANuARY30. i928• . '

�IS� NO""

. ;fUNIo'R CO�E, FoR '





mGH sCHOOL CLAsSES . --'-',-'.;.""'�. �,









forget -��-L





· . �.'l· :

Patronize :. . the




'Studenfsl' Don't

..�. t�=::=1I ���='=;��ll





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JUlt lut "'..r·� ,rad• ile, •

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, Ady�rl;i�s' v .,



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-----------�--�--��--�--�--�-------�HOMECOMmG COLLEGE � , TO BE BIGGER MAKE TRIP'; WILL AND BETTER LEAVE O� FEB. 18 FOI'I11CI'

Sllll lcnls " T o Havc BalH l llcl;, La'!'!!c, NUlllhcl' Expccle,d To

, Coach Haugc ' Sanncrfid, , Chl'isl cnson , , FOI' Tl'ip

! "

AJ tem!.

Ie Ihere to be a reunlon� Ther� lao Reunion' lut )'ear was «0011-

Prof. Ph. . E. Hauge.


bounced by the Nallonal

1."ca.t"Y',nta bu " 'lc:ured tbe VI It-

that It .,.all Quite

NEW STUDENTS ' P. L. C. QUINT · MISSION .... Colt... There "'IIL be 110 ENTER PACIFIC DEFEATS ELLENS. ', HEARS TALK , Pt... ace bel m.d. to meet REVEREND STA boob 'th. S,ok , U.lm,It, a.d Se\'era] De etuden!s entered Pa:it.: BURG NORM, Whitworth College In forenalc: I " L "The greateat ceupool at. .' '- 81 wblle o� this trip As thla 11\ clfle .... lIh the coming or the new I I 'be-tb ongelt trip to have been semester Pacific glvel them a most Pacific Stages Sll�pdse l �::: 8::� :�;�e :JJI�:�a. \: a t ,'{!;elcome They are al fol- . To \Vin O,;er Teach- In I_he world, huln� ::::d ''[or:ar!" t� w�;: �;:atl I hearty IOVi8 Normal Department-Ethel fectlon II In India. This tbulla8Iq and will mean much Johnlon Tacoma Irene More Ta erS' Final Score : :18� only a little more than debate actlTltlea at the collel_ coma Martha Sizer Tacoma Mae 21 al our country. yet itl A mixed team composed of Mary Wohhn-acher, Tacoma:, Bertha Rod:. of annual alumni rellnlana -Is 3 1 9 .000, 000, almost three John Parkland: Doria Sailor, Flrwood. In Coach A. W. I at Pacific (.utbllr�n ColRamatad'a Pacl tlc that or the United Statea." year our Alma Mater EYery , leg · . " demoo� � _hoopmen College Lutheran H)lp_ LeU the department, college com a here t almoat la Indla-In College at 'Centralia In a · hal ataled an Dual reunIon "Uh pen of San Francilco, California. !!lrated their actual ,:blll\y buket plete lack of morality ·and the moat a baDquet alanthe Februiry 24th. P . L. C. nU.cleua �f attracIn the High School are Marh?D " hooken" a week ago Friday wheo cruel of customll II that of child be C. L. a tlo , .lan �er career .lth Aalbu. Seaule: }o�red YOUDg Ta- they stepped out and deteated the marriage. the position of .oman_ � lleu. p,lon b qUe tion: Resoh'ed that Elle08tiurg N coma: Klraten Hollan rmal five .lIh a de1lL d . Portland _ . h klod. A phll�80pher of India ll:B an; n: a ;:a � aath ; �:t s�::: armed Intervenllon In Oregoo; C. n. Ellefson. Parkland:. clSlva�-!7 �count. , written 'Parenlll take care of the l Juatlflable. f.. and a Raymond yn nlng. El 18 five ' , : Ellenshur'", the . Because. . D .... W b�t Ood takes care of the j lh!!n .witbout a�ft' dyear reu�loo or ..... boys During 'March t .... o Myhre, Matlqul, B. C. noted for Ita superlative ability . al ",Irl�: Girls are left to shUt for alumnI. 'trill be beld, oDe ""lIb 'the caKe art a!ld also for the play- themllelvea and are 001 ed�ca.ted. i If you have been �omln« �Tery. Normai' and one with hls eM! they . produce, the Ol�dlatora Only: I S Ilrls out of every tho�8- year,. yoU "III want to come t.atcUI� �en'l debate ''trttb 51. year, aDd If you haTt! not been . WIN' 'tI'ere ratber �keptlcal of their chan- and are able to read and tc! '.rlt& tendln .ll08 Iibe1ii"«' scheduled. ., getbenual let-to a heae . � n � . tb ucellent by But victory. for OVER MT. VERNON while e �emalnlng nine hundred .:.. team .ork, a 8teady, ba!f1lnl· de· eighty.two are illiterate. Whep. a t.heo you N EED to com� ,. . ' -. . One defeat CTET GIVES ' T ATE IS MA CH R ' AND D l oor ll lt f d g a r H. � ft!n ? K 3 e1eTer a bout" tho � � "Kli o wu sufficient for tbe . girl marrl�H; which 18 at . . , , ' . . e. PROGRAM "Gladlol88" on 'their trip to Skagit work coupled with ability to tireak age of eight or nine ahe 18 taught THF!'- TIME IS 7 : 3 0 . , -County. On Saturday evenjDg, Feb. the len8burg defense, the PacifIC to look upon her' huaband, the . Sunday, Feb. 5� a P. L·. C. -4, the girls reve"ed tile o,rde! of Lutberan Golleg� m? o inalntalned only god 8he kOowl, In case ahe f STUDENTS TO GIVE . -\� progra� .88 gfTen4t'1be Mt. V,'ew eTenlng befor� a�d d.efeated the a 181'le margie.· of po�, �yer . the becomes. wldo", abe bas Incurred VALENTINE PARTY . ,.. �:::Cb, apon8ore1 �y Re.. D. B. vern:; .::_�I:.r �:!le��I:����':;' �he::ho�80,t ��:u::I�ul�et�:0:ea:� :: ��o:;a�:e :�":::t ��d�e�n:ar:�:�1 T9nlabt at 7 : 3 0 ' a:Le�p Year 'yal� . ''100d a brand of io 7 I� f8TO� ?f the G1a�lat�r'I In-law, The,. deatb rate among thelent�ne . party I. t� be Iheri 'ID the Tbe pro�.atD, 'ffhlch W&8 IITen entirely by�P. L. C. atudeota' nl«hl, but Ellensburg mezr put up a game women of India 18 forty per cent Collele recreation · room-tor ,the fllht aDd did their beat to atop til, blgber than tbat amonl th'e meo." ,tu4e�II, by the atud'eola and of 'the tae.ulty coualated or the lau. Dumbera; their f)04r. two awelllni of 'the Lutheran total or "One' of the thlnla which haTe ItuClenta--faculty InT:ted,-' about It, The "Gla.l;Jlolaa" �ad �Inta but . the Sanderaon, Carl80n , ! �revenle'd India trom' prOg�esslDI Com�lttees I� cb�rl"e : Eliot MIMale Octette--3 numbera. . Fowler. H,owlct, Hoban comblna- I at a be.tter rat� 18 tbe caate IIIJltem. chelson; Bather Towe, Jobn . Wiese, Vocal D uet-JoIra, p, E. the, better team. . 60,000,- and Gerhard Lane' torm the OenT-.lte . llne-up ... aa follows: tloo w� working .to perfection and 'Of the 319,000,000 people and " Mn. · J. O. Edward ' , ,\ocal Solo--Mr. HarrT Sannerud. P. L. c. (!S) � �t. Vernon the . NormatltF:8 'were weak. Eyer), l 000 are �utcasta--tb"t· la, are eral an� EDtertalndlent·comm.lttee: ' Vocal ' 8olo--Mr. Arthur Olson Lanllow F I . N"lsog man IIJ_ the Lutbr.ran ,llne-up PlaYed conlldered leaa than buman belosa. MArie Oarlillo, Bo�by Henrikson, c th had a weather I H I I ward" !:::: � t· · � e . �, =�:: �y� :: �:� :':�e�.II . �1�:O·�:�::�re de::el:;�:e� ap�:� ::;; :h:'::':! �;: �;;:t:n :O� �: : ;�� E� :�u:. J. �.' l .Male Octette-C�rlatlana." mlttee; Alyce CUperaon" Warten S. So , �cKeDlle ' It waa thla Luthe�n .combination Idld claas at 1 numbera: RaamJllle.n. Artar. the prolT&JD, .. hleb G_· , .· Moore lh..t �e.!D0natrated Ita fiahtlol abtl.' "To Chrlatlan 'men and• •omen Bowmln, Dorothy Zimmerman and Lela� J u y on tb , t b o t a:b�7tuta:�p� L. C.-6a�u�:: ::.: · ::� P::Ye:�::: t�:Kh�'�::�!���o:�c:::;I:;.I�b��,::�� �: t; :� �:;:::�=!"·;��I��ee� t · . ' . �be�-alocan ot tb�,pa�'--I': Raamullftn. Mt: vernon-Herrlejburl 4efeo.e, break' their pl�ya and I a cl;aaiJeDP to. Ipread the G�apel of "Ey.erybo�y . on � RaY�d for Plet:ce. . '. (ContinUed . on. P�.e . � ) , ( 'Contlnued on Pal? .. ) ••


· ....




' _ _




. \



�k '


are orlllnl with 'real vim, 1'1110'1' and .,Il.llty for Ihl8 year', reunion .�lIf b� Ileunlon of . reunlootl In ' tbe real senile of the expre!llion . At

Jo:rllng Jacobson will uphol� negative. These men will


\ "













�--------------���--��------��----��------------�- -" -



.\ .

PAGE t .



.\ . .


The student.s do s.y they have nOI been .to Ta�oma If the! bll"e not e�ten·at Carlyle's . 1 Ivlne Service: 10 A. 'rl.i. IFeb. U.-Ladles Atd In Church Ine Servl�. 11 A. M. _ Pa�lori. % P. M. . Sundar School, 10 A. M. Our SUD4!t School meet_ . Feb. I t.-You,nlt �" Guild. 8 Sunday morniirg, Prof. 'Ph. P. M. Hauge. SuperlntendeDt. • • ua Fe 1 t Sat�rday School every :ion 'r:;�:�. r:: . L�D�. ISta� . of Our SavinUNI Church, Taco'mat at 10 o'r.: ��l'� �.are and e A. a ::;::' ���:rl:�U:�1 ,�m_Ot�k e� . e�·��:��d.Y . for our Schools, CbarlUea, Home niDI'. 7 : 4 5 with MllI.I>b , E. MIS!'lon. and ForelSD Minion. ' dh'actlng.

c:',: ;::


. lennIe TennefOM, aIM from Stayan­ ref, wu brld_�aid. ReJ'. �T, g. . of Trlnlt, C�U�b read tbe' . •


SATL"" • .m.-\.Y;ij



�atabUahed 1883

Mah.ncke � Co. ...9� 9 Broad�ay



...... .


,.. ....,.. ....




. 8�.1't' Onld.let! -' Xavier , (>n ,Frlday tbe 3rd of February at On wedn"day,�, blrb noon, Mr. Jobn M. Gamat of U. Xayler raYe a Y8� Parkland wu united In' marrlare InaptraUonal talk to . of tbe "''''' .L,u''· " M;1u' LIII1 TennaCo.. or

< Jcibnaon-Cox Co.

917 Pacific

Ou'r service is alwa� at your disposaL H we haven't got · . what you want. �elf \LI and we will get it. rou dontt have to send away for a thiog. Our prices and quality of mer� 'chandise will syrely make 'you a' satisfied cilatomer' . "




.· .

ALwAys AT YOUR SERVIQ: "\ j PARKLAND MERCANTILE CO. ..LE� DRY G09D8 ! .2:lJ .. .. , .. . -'

. American PluJ;IIbiRg & Steam Supply.

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Phone .




.......•.... . . .." .,.•............_..





P"M1>Iq, swam .and Mill SappUeo ,). Main 1707 . 1008-10 ....:m. . ".. 'v. , . ...





PAC!f'IC LUTH.ER.-\N COLLEOE, PARKLAND, WASHI,SOroi4 . · Th o P&<lfl, .L"!h"," OI'dIOlO" I ...nln� �; ... ." wHi .. ! he I .., FURIOUS FACULTY P. L. C. GIRLS LOSE . PACIFI C WI NS . h . OVER MT. VERNON h." "". ...m.. "m.,.ln, on '" hom. .. m. 01 I . ...... FEATURES FREAKY. TO KIRKLAND HI . their .ballke.tb,:lI . sc"hedule--mOlJt of . . '. ---. . . -'-FUNNY F RA·CAS . T e p. I�. . C. Gladioli!.!! met with With tbe �Ictor)· .at Burlln�toI) tbese to be pla)·ed. aw,,:" from. the. . (ContlnueJi from, Page 1 ) . . . Yell.. the faculty Is the best. No thel . first defeat Friday 'e-,.?olnllt I tucll;ed a ....ay qnder their belts the home court. .:roRlO.r�O'll' . Ihe unlver' g� ve the 'Teac hers luch a lurprlee )Datter �hal · they attempt they al. Jan ad' 21. when.' t�� �lrll;land <';Iadhhorll oext Journeyed to Mt: slty of Wuhlngton .Frosb will lao-,IeJt)a at they we�e uDabl� 10". contro:l . Jr. with our Cft-,ers here at · Pl'lrll;land. their style of fI]ay. ways come out on toP. at leaat the glr I. In a fast and fu.rlous . com· ?rnon ,to play the Mt. Vernon a Colle�e on Salurday nl�ht where Thill \\'111 be .the lalt horne "arne of· 1 dOjJe so far . thl.!! yu r bi!.!! .pro ved bal Iucceed�d �n running up baa�etball al wa.e played that Wa)·. "'h.en th.e . Sbort.-coli rse score of ·3 9�3 6 In Kirkland 's fa· they met IItld defeated them by the the �ea�on. The other 1Ih: .w lll be 1 thatSuchFrida" night wae Of . luch played "way from ho.me. close score of .%6 to 2�. . Students organized ba!lketball tea� \·or.) tho�e who law the garno that' ,;re h nl I of Pacific ' Lutheran College chal. The ." Gladlolu'� line· �p WBtl With" ·tbe ab�ence of "Bill'· Fow. ,Flna_' arr&ngernen.ta 'are being will not soon forge\ It-Ieae.t of all · du�lng the ler from the lineup -tpe boy!! went ma�e rOr I he d·lp to SpokAne and lenged lbe Intelllgenaia ,o. f Ihe IIchool ehanged three tlmel' ... war back In November tho8e wille I\:ame, the final Jlne u" ending with. In to Ught. At the eJd of the half wax polnt8. . Nine buketball playerll, I I.,he 101�ra. . . . lem l:E'pt 'e1:l were reluctan! rea]lzlng OIJl;a B�nson and Ylctorla RalJ' the IIcore ·MoOd 10·8 In . .favor of Coa·ch A . w: Ram�t;'d And "tanager The IIne·up> (21) Ellenl.blll,g per-hapl the oPltOrtun\.ty the �IU. lnuSBen centera, Pauline Lar!U)n "It: Vernon ·but this WI;!· only Iln Elmer Ha�e ' wlll ma-lI;e the trIP. l p. L. C. 1381 den lll would' hnv'e of revenge on and Polly Langl\Sw al forwardl, and Incentive for more (lgWt. Soon a tter The deb�te IIQuad. together "'I.t h s�ndereon 1 9 ) F, , ( 4 ) Lewelltn their lIetterllrBut after much per. Ann Leland and Stella samuelson 'he IItart of the lecond hAlf the Forenllc coach Ph, E. Hauge will. Fowler (9) F ' . ( 1 1 ) ·Thomas . ( 1 ) Je�aeD sua�lon and promlsel of good he. :ls guards. Dnrl.ng the lall\' QUA�ter GladlatOrll":ltoOIl; thfl: lead by a .(ree make the trip. Tlie. : debllte' IQu!'d Carh!on I � I C wllJ also . travel wlth . lhe LUlheran l HOwtck / 1 1 1 G · ( 8 ) Mc�fahon . ha\'louT, the Organized. Faculty of the P. L. C�ls rallied the · score throw and ·a field goal. .(�) Knoll G Pacific Lutheran College consented fQ within one point of the Klrll;land Mt. Vernon was. never . able to cnger's. The pl'lrty, will leave on the Hoban to pe:rtllke of an athlellc eonteat score. AI their rate of speed, three �,,"Ntall;e the leftd ... that P. ·L. C. mo.!njn� of the I.Sth-a�rl�lng home Th,�re we�e nO· llubll�lt.utlona . . W�11 . . referee. ord, f GUU H. week a el!flctly . latE!r. with the afore menUoned short / minutes mort! would have . ended had ·lIartedj' Wllh "\.UOy unlier the · . . ("onrse lIpYII. . the gnme In P. L. C.-I favor. but bMk"et nnd "Tln� '. I �' tl\�e the F,our gamae have been arrang � d � ""'''''''''''''''''' �'''''''''''''''''''''''''' '': ' ''''''''''''''''h':-' ' � te t � 0 s d s r bl al l t ore h he I I a he o ht te he 8 fRINTIN,G i �h:s��a�' �ra�I�: :�! ��e ;�::�:� � l�ki::(� l\:.lrl� :a:�� an:��:: IIh:l� �;: 1 h:� ,,:: �a;d �: �:�I�°:O ::� ��:ln� u; I :� �: n� ar:��:I�:;1I ":: �. �En LOPfNG ' &Service Iaye.� eould b� .p\Ck�d . . as the they will he able to . a rgue · their 1 .Same Day' th.e do:v,nfall of t h,rn., h w.cours�. Ihus winning by n margin of tbree �. star .of the game � but fn'e men way through nts. po . . The ezpectatlon la for time and time aR�. \bese hard- i orders left by to a. m. � , rkll)$" together a.ccounted for the that thes� tVf O'.�eams will eslnblletl l All ready same day at 5 p. m. ' . �� \\"orkln� fellowlI woul(l tarry the �lar�arel Jt'cobson, who has been W9 I \ tory .for . L. C. a " good rd for reco the while school ha]1 down the (loor onlr 10 ' Iolle It u.nahle to p]ay bec!lyse of an Ir' (" � Enlarging, Lantern Slide -i . on Ihe trip. . . by the close tlueklng of Messers . Pod. J ured knee. was� ano�'ed Into the Llnup: Making ·· � �1 2 0 1. MI.. Vernon wards. Lnr�en and Freed. 1'hlll to�k !,;ame for a !I�ort tIme during. WhlCh 1 P. L. C. ,5 26 The team will Jl.IRY Centralia � All W·ork Guaranteed � t 1. 1 F ( 7 ) Marble Junior Colleg� at Centralia �)D ' all the pep out of the a!';l\:reSllors !l h...· pre\'ented numerous IIhots. ndd l Snnderson ' :; (3) Wilson March 3rd. ,Everyone of the slu- ·1 Shaw Supply Co.; Inc. J . . so nil n;e faC."ulty had to do In the on Ihe whole played la. remnrknh]e l Fedt ( 8 ) , , F :<ec:onfl half "'a� shool nt the hns. !/:ame though she has .heen unahll' l Carl!!on 1 5 1 C ( 5 ) Thomplle'n dents Is. ezpectoo to atte�d the U. I � , 1 0 1 5 Pllcific· Avc. V Ha wick t i l G (3) Va]entlne of W. fo'rellhmuli gnme on Sntllrda ), � ket HI hope! thut the ball would go 10 pradlce nearly all �elll\on. .. ;\ · h I \ IS t �. · = :' :.': ==': ··L==='==::':: ��:-� f��O� �w �:n}" �::�II: �::,��: During t�e PR�t two weeks the ! H\b\�:s: P. L. C.�T� Fed t. M���:�� . :������:. I . . hnl·e the patienee t",", wait for the P. L. Mld(::ets hal·e udded three, nu n-Turner 1 2-1. Lake Park Crea m ery olher team to _ lose heart hefore Rames to thelr- long strinf/: of· \"I C': .neferee-:-""n�_haii. demon!!1ratlnf/: ,helr O1\'n �1II 1r, 'I torles hy defeatIng the Roy High: e f e m S m r w 1953 South C ml:� h:��;:�p�:: :�� �he :�)s:�:: I ��I;:tT�l:dl\:S 1 �·1' �� . a�� � e :�;o��� I AlthO�:�e �: B;,]����!:n work� Stuen who was eliminated from LlDt'oln Hlgh_ 1\ndg et�\IS to 12 . ; fast and furious to defeat· the Bur. ------------�-� Ihe R3me for reasons he doe!! not l The rUadlntor bn!ioes hnt! no I lington Town Team on Friday. Feb. de!\Ire to publish. .Grade!! do nJl!.ke R : rrouhle with I he Ito'; Il ulnl. be-� ruary, 3. they received the smallf:r diHeren('e In a plnyers standlnl/: un l c'"lIuse everyth!nl\: e-a1lle fhelr wlI)'; numher In the scqre of 32.14. There the tenm, thoul/:h_. ( We kilO\\" Ihllt! ) 'throug�out th1!" fr,!cas. The Ror fh·e · �·as nOlhlng wrong with the girls Forward Hauge's scheme: of stnnd·l lrled hard to o\'ercom� the lead but Ihey were simply outplRy�d . In!/: on Captain Bamstad·a !!hol\]der l �aken early In the. game hy. the ,. lhe� Il\lr]lngton lall"les. The. "Gladhy. . . ... . dOlle 10 the bllllket and . receh'lng Lulherans but were unsu("cesstul. , Io]ns" ·had no·' hlgh·polnt 8f!orera, :., . ... 'pasees from Joe Edwards was l Dahl. P. I G · forwnrd scored 1 8 , while Ne�ley for Burlington was lOla] fnlh�re. pO'tftts-----eQualIIng the total of the i the' stellar' pl_ayer. Air HRukalle. brilliant de1eD!lII'e It.OY I'Icore . ; The IIne·up was 8S foilow8: JETLAND & PALAGRUTI Jeweler F Ruard, told them he would tickle In tbe second lI:ame. the -paper" Llln!]ow Nee]ey t a th m e I Kn I le \ e h 9 Tacoma, Ave. Wash. ac. ( ��:�: 12 P /�. �::'�I��Il:� ��p �� \�: :·i:� :o ;o��i ;� �l\: ��e:::�t ��:�;:���t�� ��;" � '�:�::: . l m It F� C. tl " I a t �:��. �:��: ��:� ;��) h�:� ��:�k 'l �i �:�(;. �: ; e:�;tnt; n:�l a ;:.: ;\CI::: ��:';r �:��: the Jtnme� were not 8ure o.f the lI:ame until Ihe Leland G C . Knutlen DAHL GROCERY CO. . Th", w." "' """ In !ho 11",1 whI,". h'" "'own Allho",h I S""""''''. 'P. I C.-8.m"I... MerrMndlJ'eo game�no. not one. Hauge dls.Jthey led In scorlnlt throulthollt thet tor Jacobsen . Burlington : Dunlap. Phone(kncral Mad. 3818R5 Parkland ea h O n a I t nut en : Knutze�n for C. ln n r QUl\Utl' and Senlce CO :�l � al :. : nl� �o _ (�I (:! �a �t� : �:�;:�. �:t� nlt ::�lI (�� :ln�:;;e � I::�; �� II :�e: z I. Parkland Cleaners ��:}"::lad; Haml'; but only Mr, IlauJ:e·� �peed nnd tlltht while team.... ork wasl Referee-Mill!! Rutledge. shuts w�nl through Ihe net · We1 some....hnt ral\:lted beeaUjle of f/lsl. �""""''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''. ,:,�,,,,,,,;,,,, ..:-� ., , e n T I c mllsl wrn� up Joe Edwards P l�y,: I"Iose checklnf/:. a�d �;::; �\t8 �:; � �. \Vc do c1enning, pr.c ssing. Inlt. howe\"er. His back JJI\ssinK w8a l The L incoln mld'gel� Cflme !o play � Thill ad plul 25c good for marcel ;���: ����'d� Rent ' .:: super]atlve Ilnd . although serIOUII]Y · their rl'turn �[l nle "�llh the Lulher- � and complimelTtnry hair trim at · hu In lhe early part of the lI:ame' an hnhell wlth confl1ence written � Carson's Beauty �ollege 9241t'�!�d !�yTHOR��� 3 1 1 1 I r dressmaking, niterations and . � he came back strong-keeping l all 9\"8r their Rcllon and style I?f � . 739 5 t. Helens A.I'e. Main 91 6. Hair Good8. Hair Dyes, ! the 'r0rale of tbe team. . I play. Tbe RCOre of the. firllt game � Toupees, Wigs, Mallka :: tailoring . The .Short·course plarers trled l hE'lween the two wp,s something L. their belli to win and they would ] llke 4 0 · 1 2 In fnvo'r of the Rallhewer 1i h·a\·e If the game had ended al the i YOlm,;aters nnd e�ldently they '. ez· SPORTING GOODS J . half. If 1\11 the foul IIhots Tbompsoni pected 10 repeat tbe performance. P rt r C· · a � n SweAt Shl.rt./l . nd 8Uclr . C ngs O. Gerhard "Uine:-soncitor at converted had counled they might However, before tbe half wai!' o"er, 0 � .. umm_l hat"e won. Now don 't get the Idea It wal evident that the . Lincoln KIMBALL'S that the faculty rouled. They didn ' t youngllefB were not able to h.andle 1107 Broadway Horne of tbe rtettEl,r Grade , I but the referee was prejudiced and J themaell'ell nn tbe floor as well al called them agalnlt them. did the Lutheran featherwelghta. .Two Pant. Suits and Top Coats iI ;' =====:::::= : ==�.�: .::::::'::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.::::::::::��::::::::::::::::; L P a t t V MECCA REST.AURA� '\ an� a�;��n alf.r�� p�::� :�al� t:�� P. ���� : (iii So.rboe the raClllty III tbl:! bellI. It ,ut i·he Dahl ( 7 ) 934 Pacific Ave. Open All Night bOYa In a condition to "'In from Sanderson 1 4) F SlmmOnl (4) Glbllon Ellenaburg: It gave tbe Itudentll. n 'Fho!llenllon ( 5 ) C . TRY OUR ANNEX 13th· &: Comme�ce reller rrnni nervous ·Itraln · aftE'r tho Gardlln (2) 0 Bechtol -±== =:::! " .. """".' '''' '''' . ' .. ..''' ' ''' . ' '' ''' ' ;".. ' ..' ''.:. ' ":""'. . : .. ." ''.. ' ' . . .. ... .. ". ..' ezamlnatio s; bu� malt" or all It I Knutzen' O' Topping . ,. .. . u ���coln-pa U lik. ReLeree, fO b b BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. � :::�: �r:::I��� ;:::t� I R�: �:�II :::t1; , b eam 0 1 Pacific Lutheran Col· -----General MerchaftdlM lege and... �he FaculJ;y of Pacific . RF:"IE�lnER 8ATtmllt\\" S n GAl\!E Parkland. Wuh. Madison 10734 ���:;;: c;.�:gh �. -of P. .L.ill·.c). r-.. . . . " "" ... ,, ,, ' '' '''''''''' '''''''',,.,, Ramstad ( 3 ) F Haugen . . · �auge (12) F A. H�;; ( 2 ) � GULLBERG·S ""F�OW..ERS C D. TbompsOn (1) � , .Larsen Fr.eed (l) G � . -' EllingSon ·Hauklle. � Edwarda G r Burton Kreidler blew � :�;�� th .
























;: ,. . . . . . . ,. .,.. , .


I � .: I

Wboleu.le 'dealers In .

��it.s ·�1I: Produc:e Corner )5 .th·and Dock Sla. , Tacoma, Wuh.

.. .


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�lc A.Y� . " Phone and Oar HAD.. :w1,U 0Iill'"




� Dg' C':' IDe.

CoMPLOO!\"T8 '01"


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Bungalow SerVlc:e, Sta:tiol;'

. -.r? �ad: l���l_

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i .... I�


... .... .�.�.�,..:�.�:. ::.��.��,�:.:.. ",,, 11 ........,... .........""......,..". ......".......".,... ,.....,"",..J ROBERT.M. S.MlTH.







:. . . . .�����

Sal� � Pacific'






' '


r::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .: : : : : : : .': : : ': : : :.: : :




___ _

==========;: 1


'Wesfcoast Fruit & . ' Produce Co .











:. . '' ''




'' ' ' ''

'' '

' ''''


'' '

. . . . . . . . . .. . . "



"IFS" oj Life

your health is . preaerved ' : IF your life is ,paled , " Your financial" prob,elNJ will be aolved I.F

These "IFS" of life cali be eliminated "


PACIFIC LUTHERAN Coi.LEGE, PARKLA�O.. WASHINGTON o"""r back·. ' I ha"e been Mlerl! leardilnl' the flnt Ihot 3 : 1f1 P. :\I. Guard Freea rUlhu la.lll iSlues of our paper "l;Id waltlnl F. some student with' nene enoulh . ftrllt maueloull.' pass 'tnto for .903 Pac, �.,e . . to expreu bls or' her oplnl!)n of eon-. crowe! from under hts . own eeJtednen. . basket . il as arIse. rna, (lueAtlon the. But 3 : �'8 P. !ol. Barney atte.mPIs. lonlt usuall� the eale' around here. "Why. K"dak �ni8hiilg pass from the center of rloor brln, that up!" This II why. We l r e� �! J�·tI as a Whole and a8"1nd1,,'lduaj� 'have Fountain Pens rda tendency set that vaIn eonc�pllon ;:�:rd : !�� :�:� 3:72 P., �1. 'C;enter Laraen touchell of ouraelves or of our accompllahbaH for. first time durlnl ment, ttiai la known aa eoncel\,. . We .... ' . . game. ba.se our'oplnlona mOltly on ImallnInll:"'al Fedt. who was obliged ":\Iy k�d brother Is awfully dumb." . 3:76 P. M.. .Quurter. Scor.e 0-0, ary realonlni aile! as a' result,we £"t'lt lt.. . ..; to ta�e a abor.t lay.off on' account "Ho",,' so!" .or his health because of overstudy 3 : 77 p, M. Laraen receives tip-off a f1atterlnl. oplnlon .of oune.lvel, r e ln n I n me I " I can't lea� h�� �o :��/e�:�� 3 : 8 7 p�O fI . e. u . IL\,UI�N STUDIO -Ttm �l. �:u�: m�ea �;,t wo':�nU�t;: �� �l� �'::::::::I ot t�:� �� ���tn.u:e :.�: ;� t'he �:·rg: .�� Bl y of Q_lIly at Ht·It. a nen'ou, breakdo.....n but .....lth :1 He-"Yea. m)' fa\lier ' has eonthat will lIerhallll' make UI look Ph«o«rii�ha score on long Ihot frorttr be. an"Able prl<:ell Irlbut.ed a great c:ie,.j t� raising the ' . IsmothN;!! care and 'pr9per hOUrs ' he working hind center. Should' hal'e a little outlHan:illlu!- now. but do ao Ko d k Ftntahlna:. Oref'linlit clals." now weI! on hJ.! feet ou�e more, to dan the In UI Injure to much polntll. fiVe leall at t'ramee and Pf1!omlnR . . She�"lii he a Socialist!" · , 3 : 8 9 ..Pcounted . M. Hiuge Ihoola Caul . 916 PacIfic l'e. Main �937 r H · O. he I alt Score' P. 90 : 3 2.1. A H M. �:�: : . C!�' ��� m�,,? � �· . : : : � ��I en ;�:�: :�: ;�:t ��o:��'::'I�:;cin 3: 100 P. lit. Teaml reappear . wrong ., OMII'; lJ?or--Complete" rested. Tun.e ··Let me call you sW<!lethearl" "What'll thnt!" BI/ckley-King Let me cttll YOU' flivver 3: 101 P. M , Game proceeds.. "Why. ....rong. .. o'r conrse." I'm In debt to .you �The Aromaz. 3:101 P. M , Ramltad: makes Let hear you -rattle UNIVERSAL .polntl no one shot. L If YO� :�:�' �: �ead the ' , d O Hauklle ""'Ina a Phf)to �ervic� n KeeIl :'::rY����:I�ht� g��Wlng 3 : 102 P: M. Guard e a d ro Capt. d If �·ou stmply W8nt to paIlS. A.nd your ta.1l· light. too nam. :t:��:�D :C��I�. n� m . CO:U.�lt:f«...'IA.I, IN DUSTRIAL d . . Let nle call �O\f Cllner. ,(ECHNICAL De prepared 3.: 1 0 5 P. ��. T\OmPIIOn mllsel try ·I'HOTOOn.4.PHY There Is one W8)··tO do It I'm In debt t,o YOU, P And rou'l! ha\"e to ga through II. Th_._.WI�hltan. "7_ -__ ��:e, ��:'\e:� :�::"�:� I�::� Don'\ sa): "I neHr knew It" ' -T�ch �:e' :� s062�lt �1()U���.:,�.•����::,\vest · J: 108 P. M: .JQuarter. Ae prepared, O M n STATISTIC S· STU MP : 10 P. M. Kr�ldler torces flght3 1 � �;'!�:� k f-r�\ ��!· -The Oleaner, � � t�:;"R' . �I� � = = = ====�� , . Ing In ce to stop. t r of rln ' n � c :\10111 " n: a 198 STAID STUDENTS Wn. coma , T ' A. smile cnn heal a breaking heart I . 3 : 1 10 P. M. Prot,. Edwards at . J. F, ., te�ptll second back P�SIl and- ',�",::::: ::: : : : ::::: ::::: : : .: ::::::::::�:::: ::: :::::: ::::: '�II essllr as the lun does the dry ' 3: 30 P. M. I.a�t exam O\·er. ::: 1 1 nook St'IIf'n-Sla(lonel'8 : r ' Ihen collides ......Ith.. Capt. Ram- � We do .Iat!shlctory O:-eSlmakln A �m71: :��f p�:;�'e the dftrkesl pnrt 1 3: 5 :! P� :!� �=II�e '\:I:::;e:1 on OfU(:t' Itnll "halo Suppllea g. Ibaskethall ,:tylell. A, a:tfulh III the sun e!oes Cll!!! ,her :�add'm:�t:r w�:�c�o:;. collletes � Alterations and Hematltchlng 909 �. Pac. Ave .. Tacoma : purple hue. 3: 111 �� :\ �:ar� :�e:;� �ecove;s �. A smile wlil tra\'el many miles practice shot. As quickly as the bees do gather 3 : 5 4 P.first ' Joe Edwards mllllled 3:112 P. I M. rCenterh Lsrsenn touchs sweet' from flowers second ' practice ·shdl. ............"..;.."................. "........ "..,,,..,," "' the ball again. A smile can be In aDY Ityle; ' !\t, Jo� Edward, 1111ged . 3 : 1i5 P. !\to Game over. FacuJl)' It will uplift a soul or make It glad 3 : 5 5 P.third practice s.1}.!:lY. win, ,18-13. Laughter tills Lien & Selvig for hours. 3 : ,'>. 6 P. �rt..:rourle the air as e\'e' r yone Is home· -Tbe Gleaner. Haugen. Icored first practice ward bOlled. Freddie : "My" girl rlln her �ar In - 3: 5, p�h�t.. Short.course studt'ni.8 �"'"'''''''''l'''�'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' " to' the rence yesterdo}' and knocked get eye on basket and start � lome of the paint oft .. Introducing the ..Cor. Tacoma A""e. & 11 St. Irving: "Of( what. the cllr or the � : 58 ��I�.I�goelhO�� wards makel T�l(�oma 'Vash. I en th 6 h f t e 7 �aSc�m3a8 , r }o�;:��le: :'Neither. off my glrl.:' 3 : 5 9 � : . ;:::.:::I�!: ,'. 'ppearl Established 1908 . Frca Dclh·.ery ! j�. 08CA.R 8TOilLIE and faculty are ready to play. p 0 d' 1 (Continued from P8ge I ) : , , 3 : 6 0 P. M. Time Ip"\tnt se.archlng Jesua Chrlat." ::: 3 ':: !:::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::L!::':': :':::::::�:::::I '::': :::::::::::::,.::':::::';:::8:: referee. . Such Re\'. Stavlg'lI Interest· I 3.61 P.fOrM. aJoe --..,,, / : Edwarda mllsel an. Ing mellage to thOle prelieUt �lILJ,WORK AND ' CADINt:T 8HOP SUPPLIES other practlt:e shot. Kol s ter; St f! J":rt�WarDer the metltlnK of the MIIIIon SocIeat ly 3:62 P. M. Referee Kreidler ap' held on January 25 . ������:;::G ( Main 76 8 pearl on the floor. The remainder of 924 PaC!lfie Al'e, Phone Madllon 10 7ERI . Tacoma, Waah. 3 : 6 3 P. M . Guard Freed makes anprog�am, conllated or: that e\'enlng's ' nc g e r a : l SO� . . .. ac . . . . ::: s =::�e :: :!� fIO:�� f' .".."'... ..;'���:. �� �;� �·�;·� . :. ".'1 � ::'::,:',:::::::',::':',::',:::',::',::::::':,:::::',::',:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::',::',::',:::::':,::::::',::::::':::':,:':,;':,:':,::':,:':,::',::':; ied ;��:t:r �:�:�n. ' 3 co;;:: : 6 4 P. M. Game Itarta. Readlng�Stella Samuellon. 3 : 6 4 P . M. Faculty commlta rtrlt Thc ·Store . Plano Solo--Lelah Graas, DenUatr, ' 1l10-t2 t I b Ckll au en . �he:e�:��o�f S;:��t� . r::t/::!n on ! For Mcn and pOe�all z: RUlt Bldg., 10tb' floor d ·;�ve ;a�dl� '. . Pacific Ave. 3 P . F ut h d mp lowlng�rogram ""'al given: Scrlp�ure Readlng�Walter : " p .A : j� : SOCIETY BRAND C1A>THES ' 'Mad. 5�1425 lenaon. ) _ 'I , , Rea, ! ' " Mad,· "3818-J-I · �� , .'i'�';�': :.� ;" : I:!:" :�":iD:iU:·i:: : : : ��'?: Readlng�"Better than Gold" ! ),Incoln ''�:'�\'::::: Sheet Metal ���� ��1� � :::::::::: ::: ::: :: �;Worka � t ' ' : E l ,:, , ,� : �:'::::':::n:�' t:� : , ' � G : ' : : . : ;: : : : : : ' . :: � : : � � :: lemeSler look place andr the :� ::::: :::: ::::� ::.::::':::::::::� ::::::::::::::::::; : : : : . :: : ::: : : :: :::::.:: :::, :" : :.: ::: ::: ; Ing "'ere elected:. : ;:::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::,:: ":�; �h"�', :: : ; ��" Prelldenl�Arthur Ollen, Schoblc Stetson Parkland Barber VI" P"'_-EII" M',h.,,, ' The Spring Secretar:Y-E\'elyn Sueve. "· Ht;� ' V shop and " . n . TreaeureF-Jng""'al Fedt. A. ' Confectionery

Ciinton SlJ1ilh Photo Shop .Th.e ho!"e of good




V'C�rde a,entiforne� alandl oC�&8i Greetionngs



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _










. /Y











944 Pac,


.he 81"1'\'lce and SnlldlW'.lon""' "




_ _

u::'n:::I0::': : :�

WASHINGTON Spalding AthlHARDWARE etic Goode CO.

fill . '




,,....· "





P: Knuiltson, Prop. :,




� , REGIST' oER N.O, W ' I , ,, . F R , , , , E, ' JANUARY 30, 1928




ro:o��: ,


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D,. o . -n't '" t' ' ' e ' , r-'"g , ,F', o to ' Patronize _

CigLadlars,..TobacClHuni ' andcuttiChingldren'Condy. Hal"r 1 ' _, G,



_ J.'


' Importers Cod LiofverNorwegi Oil an

�r==:���;:== RADIOS =lll

Pacific Lutheran. 0; � , College ' .

Fruk J. Lee ,

' .� ' --

: '


" """"




' I ;j'll r:: : :PARKLAN i � D�:�GARAGE � i:r:': ': : : : : : ,: ': : : : :.: ': : '�' : :�,' :: ::,:: : : : : :;:l':Y�O:�.:, r"� ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' fffIt:I�i':�r[ I Hats --Stud'e . q' . HATS

S-i a- I' Pr!'"';;j pl.';to � : a:9d:: �::: � , , , j, ,

-T.he Needle Art Shop


; ' _


. Company






The A. H. Barnes

_ _



th 'e-,

. ' .. ' , vertlsers Ad"









: :�i'''''''''.'.''''''''

. '""'''................'''''..''''..'''''''''''''''''..'''..''''':""'':''


No. 1 1

( \



I'pASTOR RETIRES . DELEGATE IS D. O. R. . HOPE FOR BIG 3�ACf COMEDY TO BE GIVEN MEETING IS HELD iIOMECOMING ; , . FROM MINISTRY SELECfED FOR . ' SAT., MARCH 1 . - EASTERN TRI P ' Program Given by Mem- PLANS COM PLETE Rev. B,�, H...lad of I'a'-kiand --. of Society at the Home of R..·. S" are F.b, IS

'Thl'cc Lin' Gh osts" Is Nn I 1H.' of P l ay t o Bl' PI'csentcd hy Socict�·.

Int l'I"l'l' t i ng P l'Ogralil Is . P l anned : Hepo.'ts· A.�c Encou.'''ging

RetJres After Flfty·Four . Yea. . of' S''''lce '

.-\ 1" 1 i n g Sannerud I s

Ilev. H. A. HftrSIQd of I'arll llnd, . f. h osc l1 hy Students to Th� Da:l�r!!' or lhe Rt'formna minister In the A t tend. ;\Iecling at Dchal rlHired �Ion met orr'F � 15, at the home of of the American c � h , 10\\'<1. Norwelliin , . . ' Re\ . Svarp. The following shorl pro- "'lna1 plans are no,,: belnll com- E\'ongelkal Srnod "Three Lh'e Gholts I.utheran Church. lie OI' a . ," a comedy gram wall> gil'en: be�n for what fl l tthful pleted Is hoped il lS to be t· h e !!eryanl ot the At I he re.Rular IItudent body meet. In three :tetl! by Frederick IlIham. Plano · ol bl,.Rellt nnd bellt Almunl Heu'nlon C\urch for fi fty·four years lIervlng InR �'eb. 9. 1928, the f"c'ully pre� o--Elither Towe: .....1 1 1 be pr�flented In the P. L. C. t nl e h l I ' l l 10 be voted AudltorlnDl. Saturday, �'an'h 1 �, at ! do:I':': �':l:;��',� r��:��:rl:n�� �::\I::::� :� ::�I� e��ltlh lln ::al ��h��'ec�� I:�� �:lIc�:/X:�:�! ���DI:�:;. t r . editor. sentedb six. nominees lr hO Ud nt P. Ihy IIpe('1I11 arrangement \'Iolin Solo-Eliot :'Ilicheilion . EII!- wtl\ be In fhe form of n. ban q uet �ev. I IIl1rlltltd born In Krill- ��:�a �l;i:;Il"t� ;o �:"I��� t: t'�: b In l n D r n 1 . n tu W I�h �sa;l :�� 1 w:':I'�:';� ! �;� �:� Y;� her Towe l l rcOn\ll anylng. ' �a':�1\ H�-�:I. Vt :! ':V�{:I�: �� :!: .H;�\�:� ��) ;�)��r�;1l :: d 7�n!::e� ':���h'��:I�1 I� ��::ahu �::� C��:;;� hl ll 1 d d L. A. \·.ignell�. Execlltl.\·e Seere· ��e Mn.rch 3rd. Invitations ha:'e . been Luther ColIl'liI"l' from whit-h he � i'\t< " . 'Thelle "tudent� were;' Walter :-::. Y . City in. 1 9 1 5 un;ler the name ' tar�' of . .L he Lutheran Board former IIt.udentll 'and re- I':rad\lUte,r In 1 8�1 . .lInd waa ordalnof !!ent , 'Marle E;spellelh. Laur. " The Uai;,' Put<heu" which waa Education. !lny� In hi!! pamphlet l pllell tollre1111 o\\' bein g . received hy the ed to the O1lnllllr)' In 1874, ' The I Chrllltenll�n. enee Hnuge Vletorla H88museen changed IntN to "Three Live "Edurlliion nnll. 'tht>, Klnl':dom of conlmllteen In charge. : sl101e- )'ellr ' he Ilreepted call tO Arltng Sllnn�r�d !lnd Elliher Tow'e: (;hOJi<tll.'" A$ the tJme of It!! produc- Chri!ll." During I.he, banquet. :1(ler the MlIy\·lIIe. . :-:: . n., M�'r\'in!: there until The IIludentli �Ialnled the rlll.t te e w n o t a kland, tl . t �::"I::� ��e t�:n�I::;;� b�:e �::� "Our Chu eh n�nlntuln' many ::::::!II' ��I�� :: ��\�e\� -:ln:IO :I�: �:�II�.R ::en ��e;e :�:�� :J!)ce: :�:� �:' ��:!! G::���7�::�el�-II:�.gee�/t�:� Chrlslian The so: purpose hools la to lIome mi l . lli'M1 num!'ers. The P. L. C. r;: li poned until the next day. Tbe next l D lIrR a urln I ife e he part of hi to be the mOll! !lucct'!I!lful r�medr of gil'e our thOIl!lftnd, of young people O1nl� octet directed tv Prof. J, O. hAil been Inll !)i'1uely connected with day. "however, Walter CrfYlltenlon · to a l the sealon. � asked been a Ed all t opportunity l;aurence Hauge. �anded In and � I.!.Tl i \l 9!1 thorougb obtain to II cburch being Harlltad Rev. ch,?olll. Following It the eallt of characlers entertainment: InJhe, reslgnatlonll, on account of their In School Franklin the ur f(luDder "h'en In the order of theIr f\rllt educat ion, under tuch Infillet;lcell The flrllt Alumni reunion of 1878. Brufll! Academ� In ' 1 8 8 0. too much "'ork and outalde actl'lI�hltt the) rna}: keep their talth In Pacific I..llfberan AcademY look and Pacific Academy 10 ' 1894. Be- lies. Tb-e nam� DppearanC(>: ot Marie Espe.eth .'.Irs. Gubbins (known as old i JC�U>l Chrillt . and plnce In 1910. In . 1920, th� A�ad. aldel! being a teacher In these three and Victoria 1l.lImUlllell. their �Vlor wltb· , . .S ..eelhea SI Ii S �::ebI:�: that In �helr Chrlatlan lorally they emy and Columbia College . of E,:' scho'olll, , he h.lI . taught .t Gr-;"nl drawn bec.use It ... . necewere t) . ...ry tbat PeKIY Woo;eQl -_-_��.r:a;e C :a)- �ter be · ln lite v.nd· �n�· ef"'1(t-- �n80Jldat�d under th" n.m� BoardlnA' Schuol and Luther "Semi· they take the �.xamillation In· "8t.tll Boltoo· (of tb; Am e r'lean 1>e.- - U:lion . Manual held at th'e lIame time as tha . . ge. so the n.a? wltnee!les fO� Chrllt. !he tlm�s of Pacific Lutheran ColJ.:tudenls tectlve Agency) _,. __ Elmer Hauke of He ......as editor of the Pacific convention date. no ...... embrace!! " Jimmie Gubbins ____ L}·ell Kreidler are such that nlOre urgentl" than rt�UIIIOn h IC ree The faculty then preHenlett} new·' yeaTl/. eight for Herald WI1Ilam FOlltet 4allll8 Wm. eypr the cause of th Klng�oru of few reunions �ave been All . 1111 executIve, Hev. Hllr!!(lld namell. to the IItude�t8 which 'were: J!Jnel) . _____ Iludolph S�nderson Christ needs an Hrmy �( well-trained The.dr1�81 a!! prellident ot. the r.flnne· Ingwal Fedl, Erling Jaco'bson, Louls� .S�OOfY ____ ._ .... __ .;\"orrls Langlow men and' "'omen 8land forth ��;a�: l:d :il:;:�:f::e I""a��a \ nat: In; served from 188:f-9Z, and or flenrlksen. Oladys Jorsensoo, Arlln« ROle Gordon : _______Ma�y Fowler true Christian lIoldlen In the ';"'el. hll8 been IIhown. This helPIV'�g IIOla Dlltr!ct a Brlgga (of Scotland Yard�) __ . . __ fare agaln8t the cultur�d unbelief about a purpose of the reunion to ���e:. ��IC19�!�trtl�: �:::e;I��3.::� �::::��: a::11 Ec"�=:;n T:;e'a A;��:! I I o dl r ta h Evangelical vote - tM delellate from Pacific Be���;-::�:�:� ����t:g �:co�;:: ��.:�/ 81�: . �:; :::o:� ��� t�: keehp otthe olda students In 1';)IIcah with no� eof the American LadY J.elcelter __ �_Alyce . C&sp;raon source1J fr:om. ......hlch we p;et our ;::ter �:� :�o�:!: 8::::�1 ::I:I� ��I�: ��: f��� r;�es��:::I::!. ::II �: �tut�:;::r ��:�t;e. hH he Convention . P t � t IO 'e s r8. ml!,llonarlell and educated among prellent students. The 1927 elected I hree �ucce'll,e years. The Lutheran- Students Union III dlll��:t �; �:d:� � ��e �:m: :; :'�.�:: de m e maeD, Belview. an Orllanltatl0l!- or all lIudeDtll ot �:� . Hev. .Ml . Y.onMom " Old S"·eethesrl." . 1t la filled ,,·!th To �'or1i for C hrIstian education :::!::�u�'�:\' al� ;:O :!��'::!� the of ch.rge ake �utheran Colleges and,convenes an , laughler and fun Intermingled with Is also to work for the Kingdom the aim of 'the A'lumnl AS80ciaiion =!�:" a� �a:: n� nllall)': Laet ye�r It 1.a. ' 'beld a� S�. momentI of InteJl� drama and of Chrlsl. Alao In thlll let III .dopt thla year la to make this reunion , Olaf College. . NortbUeld, Mlnnelot•. '--_ pathol. our. own woNl� of the' Lord: "I 01' 1928 even �ore luccesaful. Let '. aept as our and Arthur Knutten You .... Ill enjoy Spooty \.. Ith his mUllt work Ihe works of Him that ua, former !ltudents. and prelent HON.OR ROLL SHO.WS Recond delegate. Min Marlha HJerm· "takl�g" "'.)'1 and "Old S"'eet- !lent me while It Is day: tl\e nlglit IItudents: give our I�yal support to D DED I NCREASE stad . Ih� tint deleK.te PII.clflc heart who Is open to "l\lnduce. cometh ,,·hen. no man c.n ...ork." the association. And let U!l "JIrove our ECI I�utheran College I:ent In 192 6-192 6. meD18." Your he.rt ,,'111 ...arm to' the At Ihll meetlng Ruth Erickson loyalty by doing all In our power OVER M I DSEMESTER About four ·thouaand IItudenl8 are erat1fblle Jimmie and ')'e!lrn ror tbe "'as chosen to represent the ,oclety fo make this year's homecoming the . iIl. clUded. In the memb�ahlp of thlll lie. unhappy lovera, Bill and Rose. While at the So. puget Sounet Circuit best ever. Remember :'Itarch third ! The honor roll for the past i( ly tnterelt­ U nion, "hlch II partlcul . which will be A program has been arranged DI�8ter. Just c:.ompleted. IIho...s.. an ed Peg, who puts.her foot Into It and W . .'.1. F. meeting II!- supporting the foreign mil· Brlglls, Bolton and Ben60�,. the de- held at Mountain View on the 29th but II as yet 001), tentative. Tboae Increilse .Of 21 pupllll over the m.ld. !llonary work · of th& . Chureh. It have made tectlves keep you _In. suspenle until of Febr llar)·. takIng part In th'e musical dlvl,lon lIemell!er report. Some d honor' roll which contributes approximately three Lady Lelcelter appears on the scene . ot .the program are all tollowl: the 't!18t1nguIRhethey have . received thoul!and dollars annually . tor. tbll means Lhat lIa\'lnp; the da)' for e\·eryone. Selection, by P. 'L.. C. male octeHe, grades Debaters Meei Bankers . .. above B. It "'1)1 be well worth your time The P. L. C. men'S aUirmat"tve plano . dUet. Signe Hje,rmlltad and . purpose. and mo�ey. Remenlber the. . date. team met the . debaters' trom the P.lma Helmdahl ; solos ...tyt Lillian The dhstlnKu.lahed honor roll: Pacific Lutheran . Collelle, .: fee.la, It �nnerud, Arllns eelectlng n I that Dahl. Irene .Chrhltenaon, Walter ifii. . � · Amerlcan Banker'. Inltltute o f Ta· Lee o f Chinook, M ra. ohn enwlck Marc-h 1 , . coma. In a Don·decialon debate held of ,Aberdeen ' and . Jacob Stak kestad :'Ilarie Ellpelleth, Ida Hlnderlle, Ar· haa trilly chosen well fQry.!. . !!. � thur 0180n. Marll.ret Jacobson, P.I- Irue reprea.entatlve of tbe aluden �R Gn'l-� TALK at the Coliege Tueld.y eveolng. (Coutlnued on Page .: !) . rna Johnson. G1.d,a KDuUen, ArlinK body of a Chrlatlan College. He I. Mr. M. B. Rutherford gave . very Feii\..,uary H. The debate between Sannerud, L.delle Winney, Louille a member' ot the Collelle 1I0pho,!",ore Intere!lling talk In Chapel �oncl the two InillltufioD8 haa become J REPORT LOSSES In many ..,Feb, 20. He _,_poke ?� "The LH Ie an aonual-·aU.'r. and althOUllh It Inc o'mplete data 00 tbe basketball Henrlkllen, Gertrude Sydow, ,Fred ct.811 and II' pro.mlnent ,While Imp"-Ihe cigarette. " :" cannol be rconllld�fI"d ,tTlctly for· tMP dlaelo".., the _ folloWlug; Ellenll- Scheel, Evel)"n Soe'e, S.xh1a Lanon. act\vIUea. He re.elec� pr"l� dllnt or'lhe Studut Council fO!'.tbe _ accompanied Rutherfo r. !Dal forenBlc cla41l. It ne'ertbelen bUrl 34, Pacific Lutb 12: Chen- Blanche·,Hall. Anne U:land. Jrrdla . l comIng semester, art�r senlDII .s d the t.lk ll ot great Interest to all the ey 34. Pacific. 18 ; Spo k ne College, Nordang, C hr� Nellon. who . Hendenop president la!J, lemestel"'- and with t....o· vocal 801.01. Z 5, Padflc Luth·er.n. 20. The team The bonor roll: . . l atuden�. . council. He .. �11I not play Whll�9rt Colleje. Sormal Department; Dagmar Has· mpmber o,r 'laat ye.r·a Is Arnea member of tile college men', BIRT�Y OF WASHINGTON RECALLS PI., tl:\e ' Spokane Unlveralty. . eness, Hannah, Andel'"8On, Inet 4� Page on (Conllnued �) PaKe on ��ntlnuel . ,<o ngood at In ay. la E,eryo"ne � &rd . v;IR:rUES OF 'FATHER OF IDS COUNTRY' .,tloo. WILL ' LUTHERANS CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN George Wuhlngton! Ho� the IIvln� • clean, vlrtuou. l�b1a � CALENDA R BREAK"(;ROUND·FOR$5,OOO,OOO UNIVERSI.TY m""oo of tbat nam. "'lA' 'be r.ltb '0 . "" ', 9h" ,,,••lt{ '0" ';" h ar rl pre.chiDI Chrl'tla�1ty. .' . . _24.--ColleKe Men's afUrmative The 80ard or 8'lreclo.ra of the Lo Rey In tbe hllla .outb�eat of Culver u,: �: .�:: of France ::::t�:':n. I: �t � may ,bOut ot her.N.pol�n Dd' oeuUve teams debate Spo- Angelea Lutheran UniYenlty b.s la- Clty . waa made u ' Sltt by 10m. 'tbe m.D who In bl. 'cblldhood said. sued .the followlnA:' IlIA:ned IItatement: ineo of BDuthern Callfornl n. "F.ther. ·1 d!d It," or becaule be and Rome of ber Caesar. but kADe' ColleKe at Spokane. wu tbe tearleu lene'r.l· who led oDly the' U. 8. ot :...,.m.rlc:a c.n P. L. C. afflrm.tlve team de. "Early In 1928, ground ... 111 be value of the gift. I. ea.timated at a band ot half ' II!t.rved IOldlan bout of a Wuhlnaton. who, thouSh �8I neK.tln team of CeDtraUa broken In Lo,,· Anl8les for. the flnt $500,0'00. ' conqaeror .Dd �mpted ..Jupto� �ol"e«e_ .t. ·Ce�tr"lIi., . Lut.heran \lP lvenlty to be e:st.� Tbe' �po� .atatn ·that whli. o� " .c�' the !rosen Del"�.ref' Th81!18 hallW quall�_. truth .and coDnle, are til. with. I.urela . of ...�lth and ,a.mlr- liar. 10.7"P, L, C. Choir La pl.,o. JllIhed In America. Loa An,elea Un_ eratins UDder Latb'eraD coDtrol. Loa . m.klDp of the m... It Ia true, 'bat .tI�!d retlr. IDto prlv.te life nlos .'" C9ncerl to be. Sinn .t Ivenlly, nam�d for the city .elected ADsel.. Uni'enlty will w.ICo.� to to be Ita home, w1l1 make Los ADI· Ita vartoua collq:.. . .nd departm ta th,re fa aomethin.I Cf'M.ter tbaD [rom hla enlted J)O!I.tlon . �tlll Just DuPont, "ar" . . 17.-Draqaattc Soclet, pre.enla elea the educatlon.l capital for t.he atudenll of every rae.' .qd· bella'.. ' ' . t.haH th.t m.ll. hlm·the Idol ot the true t� h1a Prfndpl_ of moderate ' , ChriatJan Ih1D..-rtlm.'-IDI tp the T!tree ',Llve G�ta" .t 8:0,0 P. " ,000,000 Lutber.i.ns and tbelr af· Amer1eaJ!; , peop).e--that mak_ T.ken' . tro,!, "Arom�.. 60c .Dd fllI.tea fD North Amerltl&. plttt .Un OD throa..b .torm aDd eDd pDre ILDd UDlpotted from the M. ID Gym.- AdmluloD · · Spo'kHe COU.... del · .. P.llaad .t .Ue 100·.cre . A %ic. strife It III hi. .teadtutDHAI ID ."':orJd. --

8 : 00




_ _ _



2. :1 .













•. ,



























u .

•. �



_u .




.\ .






e A!'INiVERSARY. ()('c In there

u red



A Welcome

t.9 All P. L. C. Grads A hint of Spring WC-lllhl'I' has giwlI rist' lIy II :-;t' rit,s uf 'I lit'S-



ai;;C(1 hy !('lInis l'ilth usiusts 1ll'I"l',

III(' knnis l'Hurls !lIIW IIt'il1g


SOliit' tlf till' I/ tl{'stiulIS

IIsI'1i ('\..:'1'1'

going 10 Itt.'

1'�II;l'll�tC( F'"� 2. Arc tlll' l'ourls IIUW- ht'ing Ust'tI :itll'(luatt' (ur Ih(' Il umlicr (If tennis cnlh usinsts '! :t \\'ill the P,'o»oSl'd Ill'\\' 11�llIlis ('ourls 1'\'(' 1' Ill' l·ul l1 pldl'(.t. � Thrc(' perfedly Icgilimuh' qUl'slioliS 1111.11 lIt'I'd a I ISWI' I"S. \\'ill they he. answcred'! Tht'y han'lr' r Ill'l'1l for thl' p" st I wo \'t'urs. It l'crtain ly is most (','i(/cnt thai then' is n'al lIt'I,t! fOl' adit'lI l i n this ' I uarter of the I:UII1 f1llS. TIl(' (('!luis l'our s now ill tlSI' wIHJid 1.1' i l � lPq. ) VCI,1 1I}()'1{, if IIll'Y w('n' t't'IIH'lltt'd, Tllt'st, two l'Olll'ts HI'I' Jllll fully !,uulequute (ur till' I l tJIll hl'i" of studt'.ut s who I'dy 011 tt"llliis fur exercise, " i11 lh£' pNlj)uSl'd 1It'\\' 1('llIlis l'"urls 1' \"1'1' hi' l'oUJpll'h'd"! YI'S, , SUl1lelilll(' . , , , Sllllll'htlw- hul wht'lI ! ,..\ gr('ut Ileal of mislIl dl'rshllllli�lg IlIIII" hlll'd fl'l'lill� ('oultl ht' Hvuidt'd if I hI'S!' nml'ls l'(lull! h(� ('oIllJlIl'h'd. C{'rlllillly lilt' st udl'nts woldd lit' willing hel l), Will







('olh�/l:e . . The

In a


(Cc;Jntillued From P�ge 1 )

Speakers aed their

f�, <;."










Plac:e Among SchOOls

�: ::�:;:�:: �:;:; �: ,


erend O.

of :Pac:lflc:,

\, I

· �IBon.

J, Hon



Rel'mer presidents rdal a re expec:ted to be presN.

shOrt �Iks.

ent and wlll ' oo called upon to



J, Dahl:

"School Paper." Ruth




� r\




'. J

D v� e


near FrIend


�:: :� !�:

real b&4.







ll: .;

t to the Sports Editor of the




/1:0' back

LOII:Ker n.T�lty hr Thnn'kll, anyway.

more and



ow o . It la for .I he l h P. L, C,








rs I


c�n call It my sc hool . It be








rec:ord the s'clual d efea t

1·.'LTHOS I7...:

a P.

I... C.






Two Pant

Su its



iverson, Anna

KoclKk.., "'llll.�hlIlJC, (irt�·lf;IJCt'tu'l.l'"


= = =

�U" NV�A IN . N I AH "I :D

Strh::tl)' H�1I1n Cuok lllg ' ,..MEAT PIE AND CHICKEN DINNERS. Ol"J SUNDAY . ' . Catering to Parties )Ira. B06boo I, Prop, _


Samuelson & Berg o:n PfI,('lfIc .4."c:.







not been to Tacoma It the), have


nnr 'eaten at CUTlyle's

l'Ullrllm.enho, Sheot nus\!: MUlik Hartlo Seta anel



; JohnlOn.C Co. '- m x ;... -.... 'Ma�.

9 1 7 PlI.tlrlc




928-30 8roa(fway


la y & .CO. �

Ma in

Tac:oma. Wubl l1:'to�


Our �n'ice is always at your disposal.

to send. aM'ay for a thing, Our prices and ql:lalily of mer-. ' chandise will surely make' you a satisfied cU!tomer-

iii 9





Btoal'; l ay '

". ... ....... . ."


. . : . : . .. . .



& Steam .S':lpply Co• .: ln��,�lo Ameri�an Plumb·WIi �


You 'don't have


�ncke. & Co.


If we haveo't got

�Vh8t you wont. tell us and we will get it.

Established 1 8 8 3



l �����= ��


. = = :=:;: :: === :: :: :::: :::: ::::

The atudenta do sar


: :.- 731 St. Heleni A-.;e. _.In fl. L..."..........., ............._...,.....................� I ;... ..:........".....





Reproduc:lng Plnnoll.


', " , "' I I

CanOn � llefaty' College:






' Very Snappy



This ad plua UC:..ood for marcel and co� metr.tarT' balr trim -.t



Showing Spring Styles

.. . ..;....":"""..............

. .. .. .".._-__ .._. .

I Lt'lfth"bs.

n ll

Ag e



;'L m·F.H:rtSlms


All anotheT year .rOlla by


Clinton F. Smith Photo h OP .

and Vlctnr RecoTdll, Uund 'and Or·


tak � Its place,


Pa- Thompson,

Jt( In" \.�y was hard


ug e



uthera n College w," are Inter- T,'eter, &dwln . t he OI ' f O 'd' I . that read 10

Stein way

l ed


The dlnneT and proCl"am ...111 begin promptl,.. at 7:10 o'clock and o I a : . ae e be b.ld.

•��II�:Ii'�D �

t he Logger reo

b ' pul k nd PI��:' · I ' I ' ''· :·, �· \\....llk"�,· ' ..'' m .." h b,, , "...,d



BUrton KreltUer; ot her reublon , lakes lIlace. Ibat I cannqt be 'D'" "'-, •• . . • "Clasa of L9%8. ' Norris Lan ll ow; my spirit can Alfred "Cap. " Ande':Hon wUI �I �o Il.ve IIstelh and It hal u IIhort tll.l , the p, L. C. reun lon, A oumbe Of other cradli.atea and , H�artlest .«reetlnl. and former students ....t11 also be ca l upon to Ch� three minute "'oTd of luck for the moat greetlngl. Aa �f these ...111 be reun,lon poulble, AR'l"fruR KN:UTZ called upon .. tJme ...Ill allow. ' MB.tSOo ; �·".Mem"{ij-lel:"




Martha HjermSlad, '' A

OI.D O.-\l"S



Presldent'a We1c:ollltl. Coernd GRllrd:

"Progrelill or P.


"ef\'eM hR\'e just dropped fought ket ln l l series to




.....l o K

IM!Ule o(the Pugel



• 1 1 :()I I .\, :'II. :'Ilurl'lt .1. Divim' :'IIurt'h 7: I.adies Aid, :l:UO P . :'II. ill Churl'l I JlIlI:JOI' Sl :'Ilurch I I . Divine..' Sl'rvil't'. 1U:(lO A, :'II. I I :00 A, :'II. :'Ihll'l'il la. Young Ladie..'s (;uiitl. X:lHl 1.'. :'II. Saturday sd!uul e,'('I'Y Sutl!-nlay lllorninJ,( W:fHJ-l l :1"1, Sun. lIilY SdlOOI ('.wry �lInduy. H1:fKI. Pnif. Ph. E. HulJ�t', Sup!.. Chuir meets, e\"('-ry TtI('stluy (' 'I�i lg at 7 : I;) with :'III'S. Ph. E. I (Huge



- Plumbl.,. S;"m '

'and' 1111\1 ·SuPJIU-.·


. , ,.......;�....."..............."."..".....,.."..,.....,..•...,."..,...,....".."......................".,_,....,_,•..

... ... ., . .. ." . . . . ..,,..

Phone Main 1707

�oos:.10 Pacific AVeoUe

" :-:--;!., __


LOSE T'O STADI UM MIDGETS WIN 'OVER KIRKLAN D WINS GffihS"DEFEAT - ' SEATT� TEAM c",,���r.��I'��I�t� OVER GLADIOL� 'If;'h·L�:::''�·�II:::·�·::'.�'..P'� · "TI-l I:!I:I: an College mld!etll toook � ,hflrd� dC)- Game 18 defeat" 10 their' (orenale elaall with) BY.. SAFE SCORE errought I"' 11'0 contellt Crom the Phinney E��:!i.�� �n Stadium HI."h School Mond.y u&1


W dn

Ridge m'e of Seattle


i Spa�i:�s Gym in nlng.wheo Ihe Tacoman.. tOOk. ....y !

ll l! t'!!d ., Kirkland Feb. 17 Inte�sting G a III c i n e"enln& at parkhl ' The final)' , _ _ ' '_ \V h i Co h �'Gladiolas" ..,,'" W," ' 1 -%5 'rh, P;,If\, Lut.. .. 1,1. o r e Held Lead Is' Ph(ycd :h:�:t:!�::I�a�e!O e �lrll�I�::rl�r b.1I.\ ...m 10111 10 t e KI�kland b Feh. J 1. on HOITl e F'lool' Ho ...ever . they 1I00n fell Into' thelr SShOol girlII Frida,. �eb. 17. · •

det'lllon I their by a . T Pa".II' tum n . . ....Hllh.t rathe...I bonors o tl o I 3.0


L . ..... L f71-l()flj"

",··1d.::. ·�i


;:e �r��d::tes:; ��e �e:�e:'1 by a �� :�:tIIball be elected (or a' alnsle stride al)d beKan roiling ull . the....l'oWl Boo re of 31·!6. Tbe game wal play· Statell ot II,; yean, while tht\. stad' The P. L.. C. Gladlolaa look;· an. Captain John pardlln. Arny ed In the Kirkland Gymnulum and Iterm QmitH. upheld Ihe oe�aU"fe. . o d a t a other Tlctory wh�n they met A od ;::(� ��: � : ���� s:�:���� ):� II: .dld not..begln until nine'o'clock. dU� The t!la U deb "r" e �!J� fo . � �e � o: ::� defetted the .. Sealtle Nor�h Welltern E �er Knn u l.en L p art of tbe P. L. C Lllnd delay to' o the Allred and I . MutuRI Flre'�lIurnnce Glrill' teAm . !\ho"'ed . ��Old GlI.rr:�lIo . Harry SannerUd . . �'A'er on the defense. . teAm. lin the floor of the P. ' L. C. sym· The Seattle team wall larger than . The game from tbe' "fery lJe«lnnlng Peter Gramlio and Olaf Ordaj d&-­ the f Urm.tI"fe for 11'. L. h ts m naslum. Sa�Urday e"enlng. Ftlb. fJ. ��et���; �:t: �:� pa':� 7:'��tft-°e1! wa� f�'Ut. Ellpeclall>: 110 'lll'al Ihe Urlt reod�' Stsn Dahl. who wu .unab]� to s !! . The game. pla"ed "II a �elude th!! Lutheran hair: the IIcore belnl 5- 5 at Ihe attend b�aulle of an Injury to hi!. Ityle of p]ay. 10 Ihe UnlTeNJlly of Wll8htnc.lon Ma!\"clh 17th end of the quarler and tt· j t at the leg. was replaced by Olaf ordal' F-reshmen TerllUII Gladiators com· L. S. U PRESI'DENT'/ close �f .the h alf. In tb e' third Mr. Ordal dlll Piayed real ' ablllty 1 0 l . «alned . (tuarter the Kirkland. luslell hnt . ....as one In which real fighting tRklns . a different IItl!.nd on Ihe SENDS ' MESSAGES the lead by a few baskets but I·h lll Question ' I!.t prac cal l ' the last l , ... . .... . .: !lP�I� wall dllplayed by both It'ams. E�IBER ladlol t . U e prevent S OJ.' : THF) L THERAN did . not h "G u" mOM;ell.t. The Judsell were : Revej.endi� The Seatlle for'A'nrds were be]d M STUDENTS & PRINTING ' U NION : . from playing to their utmoll!. Th? 8va re. Mr. ·Norton Rnd Mr!!. Sydo....! � DEVE'tOPING down hy tlie P. L. C. gunrdll to the To the 4000 Lutheran young men. p l"ylng of the guards W8.8 a re�ture Same 'Day Servi�e ! �� e tent that their ' flnt' hnsket was Bnd ;women. who I!.r e·atlendlng our of the Kame (or· tb.e� did not once e b l :1!dci:�,:!� �;y �t � :: :: � only after Ann Leland "took C� IIcored . h echOolll. I am certain that lose their pep aDd <letermlnatlon /� . q . from th , lowlnl leiter "'Ill bear a me · win. The whole- team pla ed I ' her s pil l " 'lll"hich pM!Tented Lantern Slide I' : Enlarging. NOTlCE ' ot ec I I . Making s Inc It c . determination throughout the whole ltullrdlllK. . sportllmao: true eJ:blblted and game �:: ;hat ��"... �� \ �lre:t y:� ::::" Maruret Fodnesll enter�d the All Work Guaranteed In the-' mldu ot our drlTe to IIhlp. The players aod drlve . b were ALUMNI REUNION � Ul\eup as torward for P. L. C. but. are tbe K�..kland by "feed" a glTen coming th� for rallle quota our SUpply Co., Inc. i.Shaw PAuline Larson look 'her place In \ ear t �t11 lay thai we 11.8 or' glrla In the J home ecoMmlcs de� "101 5' Pllcific MARC H 3 the beginning or Ihe}lecond quarler gnniEntton Rre t hrou l!:h Ihe NOI' p�rtment Ave: . 1 Stella Samuel,son to o lIill.rgaret Yieglan l.utheran ChufI:h support· The l in eup was ... . . .. . Jdcobson s place as guard during the Ing In par tllree missionaries on P. L C --r-Kirk land :=::====: ,1"�h:"�"" 'ln. ,uPp",l ,.... Ih. ::�n�:':I'�. FI��:�n�wn.�: Ih::: .�: �:;:�:w w�����: JC· Lake Park Creamery sidelines added .to the spirit of the Mafiaga!<car. It III.·our p,1an to extendl Denson Le Darr !!"a.me nnd left everyone In ao en· our prOltrllm 10 Include one on. the' itumllssen. It C Reine 1953 South C thul'lol'lttc mood for the Gladlatora' Zulli (Iel.d also. The mellllage frOm JaCObSOn n lc era G j !:Ilme. S Mn a gasca r rt'prellenlatlve reads Le]a nd G . P. .L. C. N W Mutual our' Subs titutions were Klrklll.nd-Irel.'!nl!:low Howard 118 follows'Fort Dauphin Madagascar l "n8" rT r P L C -Cline Fadn"!!! 1"rllllkl 30 1 9 2 7 June efer c WI I l H G uilford . l1en�on A G roff The Students Union of Ihe Nor Manl I O � :�:�n��s!len �:��II � ; eli:lnn 1.. lItheran Church of Amer Win From Ce ntralia M Gro:ff :;he 1 'l 2 7 Conference of-our J acobson -Suhll.titutlons-Seattie N W M "slon here In "'ort Dnll llhin Mod. The Gladlolas again wop a decld ' lI ! .... . .... . ... .. Sunskl and Connor. P. L. C':" Lar!!oo ml ):n8ClI . R yo ",en d you II:reet-j ed " Ic tor ·when . on 'P'ue!dnr even log R .r wishe nnd Samuel!!on.. . Inf/:!!. We wanl t o tbank YOU heartily I they mel the Centralia Junior col. for the l'Iublltnnllal Jld yOU are. gh'' ' lefl:e lallsles and ran up ,a 5 2 · 2 2 Jf::TLAND & PAJ.AGRUTI I-;S(a..ISli .-\S SHE'S �U'OK"; In our work-supporting 11.; score. It �'al uldenl that the. I!:.ftme InJ! U(I we Inllgh In our IIlee\'e y. and ellpeclally for your would end In P. L. C,-" faTor 9 1 2 Pac. Ave. ·C�ulI.e fhe tu'nn), bone:, there ! : missionar prs yeu . We are In great need of "II durin,; the conlest. The clever ; """" When we talk through our hat. slonarles. ut we al80 reallte "Polly" nnd . P�u]lne" combln!l' '" •..•""""""."".•.•..."".•..".. ' ,,. ... ... ..., I � nlls Doell ·I he heat IIlnge our hair! iI cepi)' thal unlells Ihe Lord b]esllell lion !llIltle sltot al most every time Old mnn e\'er do It the bllil was at thelrrd of the l our lITe I aln. DA HL GROCERY CO. \Vhen .we S8Y. "Chase YOll rse ]p ' j . " We wo uld like ,,"k ·),0(1 IItlld-1 rloor. - -' Oenf',.,,1 "ferd",nlll&e r-' And It' he attempted: l en ts 10 remcml�er especially .ourl Although the Centralia d lp....nas . Mnd. 3818R5 Parkland Phone Where begin on. hl ms l f ! ; nsllve oun g people 1\' ho are In , foulI:ht furloual)". the score board Quallt)' and .8enlce When " you're Ilcklt'd to Ileath, : schooill-the gi rls ' school at Mann t-I ticked off a 31 'It) 4 count a«alnst n ... . HO� :�:" ;:�� c���: �\CRJ��e � ��::·a��:nl:;���· ;�:O�lv::;lel�:tr:ta�o:� I ;:�:I �t" l�he C:����]�url;D�li:�e :�I� . .. .. .. 1..:.......................... .. ... . ... . ,: On the tongue In hili head ! tRilled their IIlandlng trom 4 to 22. ����I e���� � n� T��:::I�l 1C�:; I Theologl· the Bnd uphln. D Fo'rt nt I ll We do c1c(,ning. Ilress�':lg. ll. And when your v.ol('e drop�. . , d Ra d cal Seminary at vory. Wtll YOII The Glndlolall were nOI to be out· :; ent ' Are )"ollr' wordl! al\\'a�'" brok en ! pray that the Lord I J ellus might en , played. d careful ho';ever. gu ar and NeAL T. ORSEN E. : I c1r<'s H l smaking. altcrnliOlls and Or Is jllst Eng ish "Khten and guide the heart!! of and atcurate IIhots were nble to 924 � Droad'ltoay Main 3 1 1 1 1 All she's ItI�YS been Rpoken � I hese future lender� or the Ma]a· Ing toll up the hi l to a 65 cOllnt. Goods Hair Dyell Hair . ; Docs n rellow �e�towo tailoring : Toupees \Vlgs. I/:as\' Church ollllltandinl/: feature of the too. .. . " . .. .. . . . . . ... , . Mallkll 'CnuRe he's others to ma �� Again �e �llIh o th"nk }OU for An tcst wall I he sportsmanship (or When he 10lles his he d hat )OU are doing and we ask Rportllwomnnshlp", dillplayed by the the Irony of rate.! the Lord to continue to prosper "nd cen tre llanll SPORTING GOons Is a woman a peach The lineup' Shirt", lind foJlltkt'rtI 'Cnuse the blu"h III IIkln deep� hle'"s your efforls Shlcerei) r.erhllr�1 I.l�. Solicitor at I' L C Pas Centralia Why call man n ,",,-obsler Signed (CoDstance Sloleel ' LaDglo� Baker K IMBALL'S When 'he stkk!! Ihte R. leech � J . t am certain that e nil feel the Lanoo ' Borry l 1 1 0 7 lJroadwa) Wheo YOIl sny man .JII nutty. tI appreclnt lon eJ:pressed but espec Denson JC Van Vorheoll � ::: --: -:::. ::::.::: Can you tell by his hark � ::-::.:�.:.;::::::::.::::::.:::::: .:::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::i : ::::-::::-:: lally should we noto the challeDse HaamulIHen powell' 't::::=::::: SC : When he's out w i th the owls. w ich It placell before UII. In thlll Jacobeon G Almy . Oest Don't we cnli hlnl n lark ! plea. for material and IIplritual IIUP' . J orgenson MECCA RESTAURANT G When an Irl8hmao's dead. porI. Cnn we honelltly hold bnck ! SU blltitulloDS: PLVLeland. Sam. �� Opcn All Night Why make him aw�ke ? CARL O. PEDERSON, ueilloo,and' Knulzen: Ceo-tralla: Mar, � To make ·hay In the lIun. Prelliden.t. I tin. nrown . Will H. Guilford ferer· � TRY OUR ANNEX 13th a: Commerce e a rake ! t n e ba eed. i.. . ... .. . I, � �a� r�I�:� p:::�; Finger Waving Wben he's handed a leJUoD! - I E.IIL"I' . ' You sa,.. " Pr�tt l aa -. " well 1 I �!r�ES . BRO(nmALE GROCERY CO. � . !.Incc:::::� . You mean aogels of heft D. SHOPPE . Fadal8 " _ . General ·:Me�ri_dJ.ee ' Our language Is full .. .1 1 • t ;: " do> W"": 60' . •" n... �'",k ' , II.. k , ".:�:.�.:��".�.�.:.:..:""•.•..........•.""""""........".. .. . " ." .........;""".:,, .:�.� •














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a: B1 btl ptltaODat IIt�. at tbe conTeotlon. Wbo tau«bt tbe little «Irl The tbeme (or dl.lcu..loD tbl. . b. Amoll.« bt.· IUGetatea. The wa1 to wOTk ber cbln, wordl: II«nUlcanl tbe Ire y,.ur m�1 little ' cUBnln« And 'twlil" ber 3. The ull ot Cbrllt tor "lInnel. I ' d l e e -.SUCh_welrd &"rtm8fi.'11 In! The ,,:orld'i neM for .,jUnela' ��r�: :t �!��lt��,�� :b-:'I� :en ;�� The Alill. ahe learned the art at acbool, neuea unlO me." (Acta b. T=:' place of the' lndl"fldull While In Ihe hl&"h school &"[ade: theme 1.-tIl be dlacussed under tbe a world in. wtde mlseloDafr agalnsl the rule" . followln� dhilions and .ubdl"flll� .' . pInro«ra Although U' . Yet she wils not afraid. 1. 'Wltnetui-bearlnl I character- . .t. The joy of ,Chr latlan wltneu .h l li . ;:::;::::::;:::;:::;:::;;;;:;: D� So lei 'UI all . ..dlh heart'a�d �IIl, il e a�:�:I:::/��:�P::: ::�ond bJ rlh. b�� ';::: ': '": . . ... Keep gum on· hand to chew', � b. Oemlmded a fruit :of fal l h. f' �Ir. Edwardll": (As Hohao drlves Arllng hfts a bad COI� lIue 10 the .f-'or SatIn rtnds lome millchief still 2:. The hrilltian IItudent as a . . 'I\' lInells CChrlllt� faet t hat he slepl out In the front .. For · Idle handll to. do.. . ' hla stea,.!Dlog ehlrlot li P Ihe gate) : l Yllrd nt I>hotograllht! or Q_IIt.J at Realalll nlgbl and someone left . ... -Puget Sound Trail. "Is It Iteamheated!'" /IOnable prl� the (ront gate npen. KodAk . Flnl,8hlnlf. -Or-eorllnK Cardll ...rames and l'nnlinlt No'll' I ask YOU, "'II"as, that nice! This Is the 8ea.on for.,J ly-uieherll. c{;MITH· FLOWER SHOP . TInS S I.EAp:: l'E:o\R . A. O. Seanlnnll. Prnp 91:'Pacific A"fe. Main 2937 the ordinary sort but UIOlle If she IIstenll wben ynu talk, laillo . '''It;\\"I'''''' for l;,·l'"t'yllllnjt fuRl Erling. lit the dloner table : Whu't. neces�arr the wel.l-belng 0.( the . IIkell the' way ynu walk, l:"f"r,'b!>tly base ball teams. It Is only a enm' Cn r. 9th It: adw)". Thinks ynur clothes are a",,,"lIy lire \hese. onlnns! mon necl!rrence to see the bo)os and . IInapp)" and you're «reat" . Buckiey-King Plea!e dno 't th hat you're a hit. Walter French .'II.all lIeen pUrlli��g girls enJo�'ll:Ig ' a game nr ba"eball CompsljIY Ib.e cnn't mean It. nnt a bit ! a 'crab down the ball lallt evenlng now. ellpeclally wben the weather III f Funeral Director8' ferer seemll to IInti IIprlng Grnb your hat mak1;l ynur exit from all appearances be hall ' bee� warm . UNIVERSAL' ee�taln Indlvli1uals. Even through the gate. . readln« that book,: "After Its Kind " pOlUle�. . Photo Service Thut'!! nnly joke. Walter ! ' . ' :�� en:�t��� �hne8\:���}�a:.a���:Lt�: If sh'e lIays �he IIkell ynur' clothes, -J>H�U':���L ��-;:;�I� � Kiekifl and l!." a POll y ·ball, to pl . compllmentll ynll nn yo�r nOlle. I � we w01l 1 1\ I l ke to !!ee go' dllwn that'lI QIlite a III:.-rlflce". Oft' tlmel SIl�'11 �'Ollr eyes and hair . are lo\'ely for<llIy � tall lime: The chap wbn Prnfellsor with Edwnrds· may be lIeen I Bucklt'y-IUnjt l<'nnf"rlill Chun'h as ean be, ,ntton Gin I� be"ferage, the rest or Ihe ynungsters' and even The A. H, Barnes PrIlY, d01'1"1 .!tlten that line. It I! thlrhs!j :\loWltatn aJld No"h""�t . Tac. Ave. at So.. lst The fnol who s thlnke bookwo'r"m' Prof. tearing Stllen may be seen anythlnJi: bllt tine Phnne Main 6 2 2 maKe . nice tilhlng ba�t. The across the field nfter snme ,!tr!l Y :\I:Y-��?' �"':;���I':'r Take It as a kindly sign . to. Quickly would man who. asks If Pllrkland Is . In Fowl or Fly. \ 006-1 llallkf'r" Trust. IJItJjt. . tlee. . ' ' , ,, , '' ' . \Vn. ;"" Mnln Tacoma TAt"omA. ' " ��+J---� n J; F, VISELL CO, U she smiles when ynll are lale, tConlilnH'ti Frnm Page 1 � . . . l � .. . . '' . ' . """ . ' Alyce: "Somelhing Is preYI�1ii: on debA te ' slillacl who. made the trlt>' to �"""""""""".. " you 're a fool to grab the bait. nook �l l'rlt-T-Stlllllnncrll I JUSt ::��k fast and beAt It while you Jo ��n '� II�,I: . ·: .and was. also. on last year'S W' do satisfactory .Dre8�mRklng., cWtI("(' ami Sappllrfli � . . . )It .UI tile Spnkane n t \\orr� 1: �:a��.2 ;��I:dt l' en �· �: ;a :��n � n! �� AI ,'ernllon� and Hem"�ltchlng �.� L�....1 . . 909llr Pac. Ave.. Tacoma ;ell he�' ynu'\'; Rnother date and of �t:r�':�lolI." l ootb l a , rlln :roi' e it '� t?O IlltC , J \'alllable member of the male nctelte � � e Need Ie Arl· Shop ... This IS Leap 'ear nnd II s Ill!!o . Prof. "What ill t he mnsl t1e!!trut., anll (]lInrtett.e and the chorull. We f -(f'h � .., .... .. . ... "" ." . ,... .,, i roO SOUTH TACOMA bel1e\'e we hAVe selecled 'a studel!t ;.... th'e forr!;' of .motl('rn ttmes�" ..\[XT ..\ :\1.. UNDERTAKING CO. c!ry. Hrl,e:hl' The I;nln who \\' , 111 truly reprel!ent P. L. C. If I ' happen to faoe)" a certain cIgar. -The LIon ..------------1 A colll1r. a shoe or a hat. Lien & Selvig . Somen persnnal thing whIch I deem I're ucller FAi\lILY . JOHNSON'S . hrl l 8.TORE ' C s �' w ho l' bn e par I Boy. don't )"ou l--ImJjorters of Norwegian There Is not�lng unusual In that. rt!lhlnJi::Ihat."Little n O l Pllcirlc Av('uu(' Ihb, III the day of rell ! " 1 But "'hen I gO '�fter the second knnw t Cod Liver .Oil ('lirl!!ty: But. Mister. I . llln'l tk"ed\ 1 1 ; f Till'oma. Wn. supply:, I ,--} .. Cor.. Tacoma· · A�e. & 1 1 Sf. . And wnnderment warplI the �Ierk 's �" ; matter h n �'}: l lcornn 'Vush: (' n t In\'f'IIIi,ItRUI our :�:; 1 ��l\nn:�II:�e ;�J ! I rll:� ;'� to hea·r. as I offer :o buy ; 1I t 1 . !!: ' ;� Elltab��:' \'I t I Intrnduclng the Ther.e's really no call fnr It nnw. F ree Deli.very � P. STO908 Hl ..: kn��� ��tt!;S l�a�;o ;�:: ,,\1::: O DOWSETT STUDI with Pollr; Bhe·s. alwn�'!! lOlling . \\'hen Hea\' en's Ji:Rle Iwlngs on Ita �nmf!thlng. 763 So. 38th " hinges ror me, Tacnma ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:,:":.:,:::,,J., .:j.,:,:�:,�::�::.:�:;:,::,,:�H,:�:,,:�:,:�:: :.:,::,: :::::::::::: �:: :;: ::::::::� And In thrnllgh the "pnrtals I go, AN'n S OJ' .. Right th'ere at Ihe dnnr dlsappnlnted \\'hn lay� we need a Ilnlv('rllal.\ W ASHING'r:DN HARDWARE CO. JanJi:uage, doean't money tAlk all I'll be ; Spalding Athletic Goods ... Main I o\'('r the wnrld? I feel In ndvance 'Iwt\l be 80. RADIOi! V ... 924 Pacific Ave. -Tucn�a. Waah. I'll ask tnr my halo.. my harp and rn I . . . my wings, K . . . .. "t(' . . . . � f ,, � �:!. . �::I�!·H l'r �o.N" �HEW!N"C; GmH t.:,:, ,:: ,:: : : :::: ::: :, : : :.: : : :. :: :': ::. ::::: : : : : :, : .: '.:::: :. :.:.. :.:: : : . : n e n : ", , : ::: ,:: .. . . .: . :. .. .. :. : . . :. . . : :. :. .. . . : : . ::::::::;. :::::. : : :::::::: little college girl p�����Hd l���HtO��1 t /...." " .. " " "' ,,, ,,, ,, .. ,,.. . .. . BlI� ;���:: ;���h a:Ilc:�;: J.��:8eW�ut, How doth the : : : : :: : :: :: ::: n n O e or-date things?" I I. � J 'fhe Store :.:�1I8 :� �e�l�n �;m 1 1 10·12 . There's really no call for them ll,,'�::�':g WIth all her Jnwfl1l pnw('r. F,ur Men and Pho;ne Main 146� Pilcific ,he, ' . Boys �I,. H. J. How !'lInnlngly ahe wads It I1P, , .0 DR. ARCHIE G. HICKS It I'�rns It o'er, . So\1l; " &)";-.'4.Q.. YOlI knnw th.at IInw Quickly soe .. �y BRAND CJ..or�.;R Ruat B:g�: : ;:� floor f om po o a boa d. . . . . : t he e Is a fast ra lnnll n And back :�;"" " " ... Pael: ":'flc:: .:Avenue onc,e . ".."..."",:'a,"'''''''''''''t ::: �: an •• : lIth ' ' : �:d':�: �'::::�: :: :.: : :::, ::: r---.- ':::::;'.·::::::.::::::.·::::: ·::::.:·.:::::..:::....:.::::.:.: :,:' "more. which the fare IIs � relunded , again, , � o le W If the ,. :: : : : : : : , , ;����� ��;��:�; traIn� Is late'" . . : . : . Bill F.: ""\�n\l dnn'tl say: I'll bet Mad. '1425 Rea.. Mad. PARKLAND GARAGE 1,lncoln Sheet ;\Ielal Works all the ScolchtJ."len are "handcurted .&. A t e . ,T trnm �:ae:l:g: f:� t_ C �,_:_:�� r��:�' (;AA, n:':':",:".��;'�,,", perrCC'ion in Fr _ g .ables, . Corree, clc. 0. . W.hat �au8e� Hh'811 l :. . Questinn: BEES. .. ,. C : : , O: ! '. : :"' :: ::':': i : :: :' ':': ::8 :::::::'::':" Allswer: Distr buted h)� ::::: ':::":::::"::.:: : :::: . ::: : ; :P : , " : ' : :, : ' ::' , : :D . : :: : : . :::::::::::::::::::::', . :: f: :: :: : : : : : :::: : : WEST COAST GROCI!;RY CO. I Stetson n at b Sdwblc O Parkland .Barber: Ih::� IO;��I��� sa�; the ��u�� t:�: Tacoma nil the unsullpeoc:tlng . sl�dent sat The Spring Hats are Here . Shop and dnwn. 'Confectionery




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Free to Stadeau

l112� p�c·. Ave.!...� . Main 2289



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Pac, A

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butter�nut . . ' bread

S�W P.rl_ &ad ODe Pboto



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G. P, Knu


· · FOR · · ·




LLFiG E. .











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-Dori!t Forget to

n, Prop,

JANUARY 30, 1928



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Pacific . Lutheran /C'Ollege SECOND Sb.EiI;ER OPEI'!S . \.







Cigars, Tobacco and Candy Ladies' and Children's , Hair�utting



FraU. Lee




California Flor' U! Cut











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\ No.


TOUR PLANNED FOR CHOm MEMBERS, , Choil" 10 ;\Iakc ·Trip 10 Poinls .NOI'Ih Includ·_ · ing :\ e\\' Wcslllli nslcl', B. r..

The Pacific l.utheran ChOir. under the direction ot '':rof, J. O. Edwards, will hpp�Ar In concert In the I'ltiell of Western WA�hlnKton 'from April 8th· to 15th. An ulenalve Itlnerary"\ 111 pla.nned and arrangements lOr pre· IImlnar}' ConcertI! hAve 'been mllde ror t�e month of �lIIrcl'i . Among the preliminary trlpa lire: LAke Vet�rill�8' H08pif't'1 . Amerli'pn whi h marie WI Sunday, IIno lit DuPont on Mar('h 10th. The C hoir wl1\ be IUI"illlt'd{ by Mr. NII8 Rein. viollnllll. and 1'0118\1 Helen Congdon., Accompanist. On, Sunday. March 11th, the Choir will 81ng RI the Federal Penitentiary Itt McNe1J hiland and on March 18th at Kent. Washington', On March 2.5 t he grollp w ill 6 1ng at the dedlc,alory . -1 � � � M � Tl -t ;R " 'i = = ff A1 � � � � ii � �'iii �'..:.: � � r: � � � � � � � � � F � e r i? � f h nf.ii�� Delegate :�r���e ;l r:l �:�;::J� o��u��� I: ';a� "m., On Ao", ,,,, ',noth" 'onw, 3; MARCH Eastern Meeting t n : ���� t:n�!11 SUCCESS \�'�8���g ��:V::81��v:� GREAT M, --. Arling Sann�ru� Leave. 'Mond�y NaHonal Pre,ident '-pl W, e c e e f I - Fe b. 27. for Oecoia", Iowa; F. Speaka,.t.o...]f. O. R. Forensic Clashes Billed o �� �:��":: 7��1 c8��� �h: ��:�; Interesting Progrmn .of Will Visit St. Olaf Gathering IStaKe, on the trip. The r ,_ For Flltllre ,' 'r e ,'I- ll ..... 111 leave: Ivia Music and Short Talks Arllng Sannerlld, WhO ·..... chosen "' II ; , "Ivlsaker the national nresl- \\Tins FrO l ll C ent r"n l iIa "t �e;�Y81: �:." v ernon. AI'e ("{yen ; �[an.-Y '\' t - by t�e sludent body to represent Pa. ent rs. of the W. M. F. gave an Inter· April 9th, Bellingham, h l I a a F bruary �2-;) , tend April 10th'. New Wel!mlnster (B, �� t�e�:� �:�e��� ��,;: ��� ve:��o� 8IIling and ed.IlQRtlonft'1 talkR. athelda e. O. C D. the ot me�tlng apeC!al 1 h Decorah. College. Luther at eld 0 Mens' Debate �.'" Four of the College Carrying out the theme: "Paclrk . 1t Od. March 2-3-�. left on his eas,- on Feb. UHh, Lutheran · College Through the " a. on rn Iquad tetllrned on Saturclay Feb 1 ;t:,::!::e�:' Yean." ·t�e Alumni ASlSoclatlon and ;�� ;�/,:o�IC::::' �:'::�';!�(r:�:�: . She �xplalned how In 1 9 2 0 she . 25. ' from Sp�kan'e where they had April April 13th. Seattle. the 1 9 28 gr duatell enJoHd Ih. an- able that he wOlild g 8S he h'ad Jusl gan organlling Lutheran girls the previous Frlda.y In a aual de- April 14th, lJremer.ton, et 8 ed In th �king relurned from a debate O trip to Spo. ,aocletlel fo r the · purpole at . . m�t 'Rual an qu bafe wl lh Spokane College. The de- � prl J 15th. Seattle, oombof the Taco Hotel �alSt sat- kane became HI on t'he dB)' he IIshlng a greater Interelt in the wor)( I batera were ' 'Negatlve-A rllng San- Ooncertll will be rl1'en in Tacoma. r�e. u O o W8S10and I�ave. of the Luther.a� Church, SUCh nerud and �v:lter Christenson: Af. ::�t.I:;��;�;e!�� :nd Silverton, Ore­ ��:!s(':��I,:�op�y! :;: :n !a�: e and, true to form and P. r.... C. tradl- I I was ne�essa/y' to hold a .speclal 'societies apr!!ng up even among the. flrmatlve-Sverre and Erling Ttie progra" cansls", ot tbe' fol­ tlon. an enjoyable as well a "pep_ l atudent bod) meet.lng �IOnday after- Lutheran slrll or the state I.natltu- Jacobson, debatingOmdal the following numbe�� lowing noon lect delegate t. anOt1ier o e �o 10 tiona. At. someone'lI l1u ggelltlo� tbey question : " Resolved. that' the InPY" evening ensued. I rl , la e 1. Choir t n h f g e I D t s ta l r a . Brabmll and Ill ves.tmeli t should ' recel �e A 1�� 0;1:1�: �:I::�lons ers :�.:���� ���I.�::I�·. s�:o�� �e�: ��d:d ::�:IV� t� � fa:��t; �:I� �:;:; ::��o�� �bl�n�a !� ;! ��� :I�� :�� select a student 10 represent the doubtedly, become t�e name for' �11 only the protection of the country Nils Rein, accom'panled by Mias HI!t_ nanta. menus printed In IIchool colora to . . school. The IIchool physician · W 81 . the Lutheran tn which the Investment Is made. In en Congdon. . , and daffodils attractively arranged consulted late that attern�on and he Ilrls' socletlea In . The program consllted or Ihort over all 'Amerl�, Choir" that Mr, Sannerud would be abl.e Churches gram o� tbe Fe;deratlon Is both debates the d�clalons were given In III. , speeches and musical numbers. saidmake pro The Thee Oh ' Lord Ka nnlkOf[ trip. the Toastmaster Conrad Gsard called up- to so large, that It wlJI' hold the InterOh Lamb of Gad Kat Dnlkoft on Xorrl8 Langlow to;' represent the . He left Monday evening at 7 ; 15 on est (lof all glrli. eapecll.1ly .ln the Is the longest trip tbat any de· Oh Praise Ye God ' Tscb�Ikowllty class or: 1928. John Wiese to give a the C. M. & ·St. P. Railway He arrived of mlaslonary wor�. Itll main P. teams have traveled trom Deep River Burlellh. autnmary of Athletics, (Past and at Decorah_Jat.e Thursday atterno�n po.se Is to 'Ilve knowledg� ot .1]1. Violin Selectlona , C.. ·_ Present). Alvar Beck to tell ot Stu· and stayed at Luther CoileKe that dilions of the church 110 thai ' Rel(l accompanied by MilS Hel� a . ' ' . dent Activities. Ruth' MatJJon, '27, to nigh t. He reports the trip as missionaries will receive. the Prof. Hauge, coach, I'ald concern- en Congdotl. ... .. . ast. and pleallllllt and .enjoyable: Sary help to make their work the, Spo. k ane debate�.: "While we V. Choir Henry Kell, '27. to dl&Cour on: �"Pa- Friday morning he . atiended tbe safe and-'l8nltary. . Chrlstlan�n ' . not win the' decl81�ns, Our de- All :0.11. Heart LUlllerllu COlle l �lgh;; 'L:��:� ����:�:t�!S:!I�::'�:C�e�nO:f::::� be�\��� :ue�m'I tc::�.n g�n : . a very creditable sh.crw- �:��'c;hd:I��:��r�ot Ou;�:I:�I...nIOD :�e bave e.verY. reason .to b� , keen entbualum fOr laeger and tiet- be formally inlUa e!l Into .the , Chrlatlaqeon of our representatives In thl8 Oh Bread cit Life Marlha HJermstad. a graduate of 'Ier scbool pa� . Mr, Sannerud F. It wolfld be· der'ul If "2 6 and al the present time a' mem· planned to vlalt Arthur Knutzen. fDr- J,.utheran . College. could. I:!e clash." Cbrllt Ed.aret. . G1orlOUII ber o...."-he University or Waahln'gton mer P. L. C: student wbo Is now,at- aented. E(lward. tbe same day a mixed team of S;weet Angel Voices , varsity deb�ttng team. gave .n '·.\n- tending St. Olal Colleie In Nortb:.sQuad CJI P. L. C" met Beautitul Savior.. arran,ed b, F. Mel. debating . teresting talk iii which she expr�ased field, .'lIlnn"ota� As elt�.el;. Mr. ' CALENDA'R oJ un I C II e at Centralia Iu Chrilltianlion . I el ut no t re able 'h, �;ca:..:� -que�tlon: In , �hll tour bu' �en . made pt..�lble ;::UI�;.t:�h�nC:l!�e� �e�!:� m�:: ��_ a:t::d :b:U��m'nt �n'e et I Man::h �lIege �en'l d�al . ' clul}.> PaclUc came ouJ OD top through the .plendld cooperatiol) of rising Tote o!.appreclatloD waa ten· Tacoma Saturday night. th�Y d Ided wltb 8eatt,le Pactrle bere at a. 3 to 0 decision, althougb the choir membenl aDd tb.. en�ur- ' :��e:t �:m!��u�:. the faculty prea- �� �:;�=;::�r';::r!:�: ;:;��':' )bS:�I�!�r"�:�eJ't at DuPont, 1'Brla�::i' � ':;�n�:II� the Judeell' :::��:t ��� :rlt:�l�::,:::;::�� at I , f ect e g _,(CoDtlnued other former p. L. C. student Is all10 )(aft'h lI-Cholr concert at . 'OD page 2) . beiDA' quite evenl, . attending St. m.:f�. .M�. Sanne> s blaad PeDltentiary . . ' ,. Baa: Not Yet Accepted .... .. Sat ' H.rch .U�College · Girl's . expected to retur. Frlda'y or, . '"THREE DIVE· GHOSTS. n " . da,' of. thb WHk. (.dual) :wIth 'Seame Pae"ltlc ' . � .. t.bree � will be pI"'eP" " ,.... '.am 'o uted. of two "h.A·.�.·o�a:o:: gol·M����:,:;� �:�: . ' 8(:bOOI, at' 7;10 p,.m. . ' _te.t, .. tbe P. 1.. C• •..tIt...... �d op.e boy namel, : Iiary «.! . � tad o� Lu(ber COlie,e of Tln tb. Xaft:b 1'1-"THREiC LIVB TO ERECT PARSONAGE SalanIar �t. !ilardi .I,'1tll. at Esther. Towe, aDd JobD pt;ealden;ey or Pacific Lutb'raQ ColreutDc rapldl, hl. tbe ,_at_8�p, In'nmDaaluDl. til prQl: . 8:09· Tbe � of �� .. bulleWork w ith a wa. trea. { �' , Ie,. ba. Dot yet been orr�Clat� ,..:. team lDS ' bf . tbe jaraona� �; tbe :, .iOn SOc:: a.o,d 25c. Drama. batt" at wv.:k .� the pO,r �ad ft. D....t.putor . tbat wa. ported. Aq ,er�oneou �D.O�� and c.ourteay , or ReT, Hantad'. Cburcb Plaf" _ -.;- . ' .... � that It w1l1 be' to tbe . made at lbe Alumni a..qu.t well bere at Parkland. Tbe flnt mldent . apprecla�d. 'reb Ul--b -C olr concert at . worth roar iliDe a• ..-er· ·Be. . debate ...00 0;0'" IItana. witb enect tbat , Dr: Tln,l..tad bad ac:-.; of lhe u"w ' parsoll;',e will be tbe .Wn. � 1'lctorlea and tjro def.." tor. cepted tbe. cal� wu 'd�U !lted _ber the dat�lL\RCH ITTH:" 'Revereod lI'r, .)f.ommaeD Wb<!",!lu te- Mtll't'h 23--Cbolr liD,. at A�" .IIoOc a.tt �. tbe Faculty .COu.ncll b.e�e t��Y;. '--.) �Dtiy accep t,ed tbe 'call to Pa""'nd. -we,la� Lu\ber:an Cburcb, ' . ' .L, C. . c










• • •








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ls� '�HE IiOqRING MAST _C am::::!p:. �� ! Q� .:S ..::: Loc �a_ '



I Cha.�l Talk.s



, " Erline 'Jaccb80D a.od Tbeo ,_.,....0. 1 8. Ruth..tord �...e Feb. !S. I hti IIl ud�nt P'eb; IO-Mr. M., ta1)r ..llIlled their rHPe<':th'. homel at At- 00 Tuesday ' -Kin chapel on . an Inlereetinl Imp." rortuna " 1o, t:.o�JI..' 'eDOUII:b.. h."e te week-end. lUI Silverdale and T,he talk Whlte 1 101100 LIllie " Tho Lo UI8e H eDrIck 8eo •• •• her: their ,".0' M I. D VI I .,er, . ,;;11 Published e.,.cry two ,.-ee ks durlll.l the acb.ool 1ea by the atudeoUl ·home ;::.�:::� In .Seallie over Saturd.aY and of Mlnne.polll, Minn. AI I!).e-Gha"-I· or Pacutc Lutheran ColleA'e, Parkland, Wublncton � :;�:::e:D�"O . little In'plrfn, \ S an ' Ihe hour ' S\!oday. SubKrlptlon, one dollar lH!' )'ear b7 aU. h to \he tudenta, wbltb 1, ·ln bour .11.1 eni07edmena' e Alumni 'Banqu�t brou(l:ht the ,8� tl-n Entered AI lIecond c:1aa, matter, October !� 19!5 , a t tbe POllt offlte f- llTh' Feb. l4--Col1e,� for aUlrma brle '" lollowa : . o ow ln" uellta ·to the tollele: Ruth 3, 1879. MaN:b of Act at Parltland, Waabin,to:J., under tbe 'debate deteam. neiathe nd . . We manel at the ' Tilion of tbo! ·afeated Million,·Hel,a HanSon. So'hel« R7n- builders . CC?ISpoboe at e o �pOlta b7 P. c� W LUlherTorpla lflc ho c . ) l. . EDITORIlU. STAFF Morrl, . nln,. Petllr So,nefee!, C I eo �:��;��;�:{t;r--_-_-.-�_-_-:-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_:':_-_-�_-�_-�_-�_-_-_-_-��_�?r��r::o��:: .:�� i,��:t�:u�::�ten, Ida K nuh · �r:" .:! ��: ;:��Iw��:n��aUt��f:� '� �;;!;e�::d�a:::II��1 ��� _ . Copy Edl�or __.______.:._____ __ __________________ Victoria aaamuSlHlo . Mr. aod Mra, Haulte of Altorla, Tlalon ,of the fOu?der of tbe ool le,e taln IndlTldua1I knQw tb. t to, . 1 wllllnl' to sacl1f1,ee .an,- morrow Boya' Sporta _______ -:__________________..:._____ ___ Walter Chrlltf;DIOn tbelr daulb�er Eda aDd Edwin R wh.� ·thlol to let thl. Icboot upon·1t P�I- -F Asslltant Boy,· Sporta ______________________________ Franklln 1..(acey· attended the reunion banqUr-.ad t I'n r w ·:� �:���:"o�::.; i�;�::;:::�:· �:���='� _-::_-:-::,� -::: �:: -:- .:: -:: -.-:: -::::::::::_ �..:�.!:p',;:� ::" :: ::: .::� :: : h . - - -- : - ell 1 !�::I:� pltai"TlsUtd P. L. C. on Sat�rdar and acroa! Cbllquot Paa, ' ID�o the �r�n� . but" I.' Wa ,real to � bUll ll;��. � '�:�0;t�;;:---n;;;t��--Z-I�-�;;���: -�7�; -T;�il��'-.' �. I== ��aa-4/ dike to leek ,old .for ·PaeUlc. AI-. Fe�f�7-;::, t�� ;��n�tpa7crll1i, Bori Sunday: . Michelson, Helen Weith,. and Eath,er TOWII: · , Erna Helmdahl. a former atudellt" thourh 00 ,reat fortune ... made . Vo, e, Arlin,! . ' DV8Il'll'"E88 DEr.4.R�NT . . . 11.111.0 of the Swedish bo,pltal \!'- by eltber meanl-tbellf! 'plonetlt, �.d STerre Omda \ and Manaler It.td wU·b her .llter Miriam on Sun- the Tilion tbat has made It Poulble ��ee�::-�-;;��f:e:::���ml�o..T��:�::· �Ulst.Dt -:::::::::::::::::��--::.-::::::�::�: -�lIot Mlcbeiaon day .ftero�n. . ror tht collele un,der 10 many handl- ba.m Llo-ectln." lO... . e t I t e II-Tbe· morolar .fter the . f t�;:, �:� ��ac �u���"�'l[�c:� �r J�:� '��d!:�; Fe� 11. : 1 do o 7�� �::;: �;��: �� � � :�Il '! �; �::la M� :�: I r :t ::::�=::::::::::::::::::=:::::::: :: �:��:a "" M before. ' Student. remlTed i baTe Ieft t or a t:'I p to. t�e 0 I II ICh001-10 build " vl,lonary t n e par ' . AD\'E71 Sf NG a nrtflement On ·the considerable h el · JJ I o e Itr�et car_ la.t de�elllDIr' .. C :IC;.�t: the Kr;lId of r04Une. and Feb. ll �·lna Eide vl�lted. � t the tollele, . �f:s�:�a;ts- ����������������������_�':'���-e�h;�d- ���I�: ����e i ';:=�:�: durlnl Leap Year 0.,. All'. Well ! . 9 2 the week end. the leemlnl Irbomenellll of lI·tud les No "Special" announcementll for T\.PING Sund y returne(1 Elna Truillon s make yourself 1I.orthwhlle· . Reall�e GladY8 Knutten Fe". 26. after .,endlns a w�ll t her tbat what you .re dolnl II SCllnetblnl the paper. ,\ Iyce Calperson . . FACUlIn:.' 8UPEIt)'I80R8 l-Came In IIk� lamb .. The . bome .In ;naCilrtes b�ulle of 111- wonderful b�auae you are prepar': "arch Mr�. Jolteph Edv..ards -:-::=-=::-:..,...:..,. O. , StueD apent clean.•D« and Icrapday nelll. ,: ., � :...... a e r i l meet 10 Inc Chrilltiad. .... tennis courtl. . ., :-::had as her ,l,1e81 her 41�e true· 10 the elample 'Of the Inl the . � Knell Oillon . , ? ARE WE LOYAL 2 .-Super-Vanl!, Til. Hornell. le II lster .Clara , for a fllw days. 6asl. Unlelll )·oli ha ve ' Tllllqn Ihe Ma\('h In the issuc uf Fehruury 101h. we I)rinled un l'tUtoriul cnn- 1.ll IMarlon lot 'ltunl . wh� Now home r albu 'flalted at he A Church 11'111 perllh flJId the Ireale.1 ., ('erlling lovnlly to Pucific Lulherllll Collep;e. The first pnrugrnph . In SeaUle Feb. 2f-!.6. ' . orall "lllonll II loyal�y to the Orl-�t �� a;;�m3���:C�'::llIt:::71 ;:;; �hh� of thai a�iide as follo.ws: . . Chrilltlanity of The play "AnTIll. Chrliltle" «Ive'" Caule ATTEN110N STUDENTS ! · . I ·! A Dor�t IIy .OUld lIa"'" · '- ARE YOl' IlEIX(i LOYA �.! Are you d9ill" Yllllr hit tn put by the �Ioronl Ollon playen In T..a���*: EX�MS Pal'ific Lutheran Collep;e on Ihe lUll.,'! Dn YUli "Ilk Pilcific. coma Ma-rch 1, w:u attended br_Mrll. ' MISS MUUSu T.Oo LEAVE Sam e Day only �. m.-Exams all a r \ I . fi( . de nd ucif in f c M�:n����.ah�; �e;l� �lIfll�: t��: Pll��� o ,er. ETeryone enJoyed t �e Alumni II P k- �::���:�;. r.!;�, :�d�I�S;.��:�l :e�: :;:� aII �:����. �:��;!t��ltRE _toT_i ��·i��Nlg i�(�, xr��l ' icof Pudfic ".::'�-�-'-�-""'"f '".:: '";.;:.: B;:. und SHxrud. Polly Lan8'low. Either Lar�on and doing Btenolraphlc work � Again we want to lUakt' 11 plea to the "Iudents . SorrJlI I�anglow. Mu. Balle7. In connection .ltl! Ihe Endowment to nil renders uf TIle ;\Iollriilg Musl: tiE· LOYAL TO �TU)EX'f. Towe. Drlve home her ror loon leave .wlll H UH INN l'tIU II" Myron Kreldler� le y L B, U ACTIVITIES! In lIilnneapolls, ·Mlnnesota. On Tue�!-Wrlt'tI,. {Home ('ooklo. One of Ihe mosl ilHpnrhlilt student activities hcre is the Choir. reldler uod Margaret Fad nen. e e �;�. e th . 1 :! : � \:::e��: M fI , HOllboom. Prop. Patience. !>Uqi'ifke and hurd work on the luul of Directur J. . I'urkland: l ;a:I�: d �ac �l ) n o t e \ 1 I Ie I r t wlve� ent.ertal�ed In her honor at � CHAPLAIN BURR �:�� ·(:I��i:. lt�� �.� �:; �� �f��lI ��t:� :[;-\��I�('� ���� ::!�r'��l����:��� concluded which with part)" theater E TALKS IN CHAP L read TII(, Muorinp; Mast hellr II DrUlllu Cluh piny. \\.(' fnl"j!el rcfrellhmentl at the home of Prof. the amounl uf lime anti Ilihor eX ,cndt'd in /l'arrving on these Chaplain Bll.rr or I he. ""iltleral'Pen !- and J. U. Xav ier, Mila M uuI activities: in Ihe Choir. wc h('ur I Iit! finished prutlud . \V�e t�ntl�ry , .B 11 1I.D,d Kpoke to hall Mrs. pro\·en herleif a I�yal 'pacific at McNell no�hing but a A"rOUIl of fellow sl.udenls nrrllllf.(cd.J>efurc siilf.(iuf.( th@ �lud@lIIl1 Collele wor.ker and baa Lulheran Tuea�n hour chapel l1t �cred songs-Ihe songs w� lu\"('. \\'c furget. "'c do nut realize . Ue emphallited the need for made mlny friends here. Her 1011 Ihe lime o!HI effort nec('ssnry 10 hlliltl ll l) u Choif" such as \\.(' huve day prl aon rerorm 88 regardl educatl on a·1 11'111 . be noted-both amon,. the fac. here at Pacifk. Indu.trlal IlfograDIlI. He told of ulty nnd stlldentll. \Vh('n wl' rt'ad Tlw ;\Iuuring �Iust, we IIlsCl see finished Bnd ---the lIfIed of n, l\Io're nccurate "egregllpr()(fucl . Th(' p'roclul'l of tht' bruins Hf our fl'lIow studc nls. \Yc lion of crh�l lnala In th�rl�on": AcVOTERS REJECT BOND furget. \Ve do nut permit nursel\'('s 10 Ihink of th.l' hiHirs the cordl ng . to Chllpl� blucllt the r. members of Ihc staff spend in rt'curdillg Ihl' e\"('nls 11I.'n' III Put'ifk. .....orlt. of Ihe penit@ntlary tociay II to At a gener ISSUE al school elecllon _held \\'hell we sec a piny prl�hll'ro by the Dnmln dub we l'njO\' it. out of prlaon ga�ell mell. and In the dlltrlct supportlnl the Park­ If it is alllusill�, we l'usuully 1Il(,IIIi'ulI the ftll:!. If it is scri(Hls. turn wo men who are IItron(l:er morally land PulJllc SthoQI. the 'Di w('itre bored. A"uin we furg('t. Again -hours IIf Inilur. Alo(lIin than when they entered. lie al80 anld jected neaaure entailing uers re­ -we arc indiffen'lit. . thnt IIllo'gether too man,,- colielte men 1'5ue� _of $20,000"" to be uled Inbond Ihe LET'S' (iIc:T TO I\.::'\()W A::,\)) TO APPHECIATE THE WORK Bnd women were inmates of the Ilen- erection o · gymn!laium ror the· OF Ol ' R FELLOW STUW::,\TS L\' (�I\'I::,\(; TO Tf-tt:·: m AI.;\IA lIeutiarlell. llll .elected Mr. Graf, former MATEH THESE ' THI::,\(�S THAT ADI> SO ;\ll·CH PHESTH;E TO A ilecond lecture lJy Chaplain Bl rr Ichool l dllllrict. lerk, nl a 'Jlle mlJer of the PACIFIf:! .. LET S BE I.OYAI.! :-\ . S. I.. directly after the chup- Board. of Olre(tors. The elettton was enjoyed b el ho�t by Ihe members of prO·f. .;;; ld= . Y'''' I""" '.;; '�""; ;;: 8 ."" ';; "''d''; ;; .; ===;;;-, . Hall/l:e II SocioloKr clUBB. Planll nre ::".."O";;; Announcements Church \ la a · , ;\Iar<:h 1 1.-�h· illl' St'r\'kl' ut 1 1 1 o'dod,;; Divine.' Sl'rvil'{' til I I '�'�I�� ��;:::I� t:;d s�:�o�o;·; l:t��e;��:� I WALK -OVER dock. The Choir will gl'·e ('oncer t there : . J " . llll'l·t:ol wilh ;\Irs. ( ). SIrund- "On BOOT SHOP Mar('h 1 1th. (,lItld ;\Inrdl 1,1-'. oul Ig I.utlles X P. ;\1. Spring Showing ;\Iurdl I X: ))i\· ill(' Scr"k(' at I I A. ;\I . Luther' I.l'uf.(lIc�7 t. P. :\1. Styles ;\11lrd1 21 -I.atlil's Ai tl--2 P. ;\1. t Sunday SeihHlI ewry Sunday .morning al tn u·dol· k-Pnif . Por er-Cummings Co. Very Snappy Ph. E. Hau;,:e. Supl. SaturcillY Sdlnol ('\'ery Suturday ut W o'clock Home of lhe Qetter Grade Sam uelson & Berg Thc dwir lIIeets on Tuesduy eWlling with Mrs. Ph.' E. II11Ug� Pacific A.n. •t 10th din'ctinp;, I Two Pant �uit'�Ad Top Coats �..,..'"'.on .''. .. '' . ''' ''''., ''''''-".. . ,. "." " ..'' ''''''' (C.ontlnued from ·Pale 1 1 Dabl. '%7, �uth Fadne�, · 2 6., Erltn, . The Male OClene . under the dlrec- Johnllon, '17, Carl Brynltad and Flc: 9 3·10 P.cU\t Ave. tlon of PrOf, J. O. Ed�·. rd� gal:� ��t: �::;::e:tt:�: °ba!�:��.en .�:�� ,The aluden� do lay tbey hue er e I E a, a n fn:��:;�. ' 2 � 2 not been to Taco!!,a if they have ' 0 ::: �I::l ;�I�t �t�:"n:�; ·:n; : ��e;;�e� �a ::ad�y:� c and otber planoll. Duo not eaten at ·Ca,rlyle'l· duet. and )11111 Sllne· HJer Itad · '26 IArr.angemen an.d �oratlonl reo Stelnwa,.. Reproduc , P.lanol. Vlctrolaa red. . ·. Plano ���·��·�u h!,c uded Fruit Cocktail, Art R dll, Band and Or­ Victor and 1 ot" Sbeet. Music a lnltrum 117 Pacirlc Potatoea, Let­ cheltr .PrOf. Ph,. E. Hause pve a ahort Roast Veal, AuGraUn .,. ....... ... . and Mu.lc Books. adlo Setll aod (u.ce, AsparalUI, 1000 Island D reu- Al{Cellorlea talk In �'blch he Itre&sed thl! Id8! of log, Hot Rolls, Garden Peas.. Ice f�ltbf•.1.�elll to duty. and loyalty to Cream. 'Cake · and Cotree. A:n 1n­ ArtM.a1 . CARLYLE'S CAFET�IJJA tacl:c. P o� J H ng. f�r�:r formal reception took place· aHe., - -- ! o; �;� L ; a: :::' � the baD-quet, . ���� I d I . �:� ,a:: a s :::; r ,:: . : : :::: : : : : : :: : : : :::::: : ::: : :: : : : : :: : ::::::: ; .� ; ...,....;...0 . ::: : ::: : :::::: : -: :: ::: . , ' : Worcb oJ e.,MUns,were ,Iven by Yr. . Main PIS 92S-30 Broadway STUDEN� HIRED . . E. B. Haulte of Altorla, Ore,oo aod Throulh Our k"ice is always at your dhpoeal: It: we haven't got ' tbe C?ur, t esy ell and.klnillt Tacoma, Washlnston Mr. Haukalle of Aberdeen'. A tele- of Mr. C. J. Ale:u.nder of the suiii)'· . ....... :what ),ou wanl. lell us and we will get it. You don't have sra� · .I«ned b7 Prof. Carlo Sperat!, Pactln, company, about tblr- p=.,..,,;,,=======W to sen(l "away.for a thing, Our prices and qualIty of iner- .. � Prof. Tln,leltad ,or Lnther, aod Ar- �olnl Pacific, Itu­ Collere . Lutberan ee� ling Sannerud, Itndent representatl.e denta chandise will' surely make: you a sati.a!'ied cUlt�mer aad two fM.mer tu.deota�e of Pacific at tbe A.,�nual COnYeDtl�ll been hired " i Alailla III wor� for YOUR AT ALWAYS �:) � . SBRVlCE . anID!Der, IDQat)1S. Y". �lez. of Luthe Studenta now belne beld the at Decorab. w.. neel�ed aDd 1'Qd lq Day PARKLAND MBRC t;T the Toaatmuter. SeYeral othe., :c- II the General SnperiDter:adeDt eo_paDT. . ' Mahncke & Co eolDm�Iet.t!on.. eontalnlll�...ord. of -. , V . "..:..t. aJao. read. were creeUnc -SUPpl� .�. -I · A;;;eri;";; Pi;;'lIi�·it'& Steam . . The Ezeeutln Board of the Thll ad plul U6cood fo., �rctl i ' . . . . W�oIoulo . .dUc·. Lutheran ColleCe Alumni . i' aDd cOlDpllmeata.". hair trim at ty 11 Collece n Beaa '. ••• S�";';;d MiD 8I11'pll. ·. ,Plumbl . -. '. cano , . �7�::� ! �:;t:: lZ�t �:� Rynnl.n's. '!l,..Nlna 711 St. Helen. An. llaln � Tacon:ta 919 Broadwa.y �����.'!S:SolnIC '.Ilta&.' . 1908?0 Patific "A..�iie<.b Phone .Mai�. 1707 � , """_'.�;: ;., . ... .. . . . '".........,...� .. .. . .. . ..:..-...l .. Elde, '%6,. AIl'ar Beck, '!i, Irene L...."." ". .:..,.....'-.�..;·._ .... . . .. ,! � ...�-;' .











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'- ���� I Athletics ,for Women? I fO� "




GIRLS WIN GAME . Gladiators Will .



· �n End Season

Win Hard. Fought Game Lut Game , to . Be Pl�yH. ' on ,l tUI WIT . H THE tSPO RT. EDITOR . er. -:ne FI�r' Feb. 2-11- ," R helped II!. ' produce "mannilh . .t �. on Hom Floor . Th�rtt., March Athleti s irls G Tea Lea_ Tacoma - . ome . obje th'e'!!. wh,leh we Itne!!. "· The)' belle\'e thl they ban 8th With. BeaUle Five . T ere are t'!O League , alh· �omen ' 'their In UII nd u � help�d . hop: to kee,p .befoN! women In nih· and Itr'On8:. Ihllt tl\eY,hU'e G.rl

Suffers 'Sev,er<1 ' I Team . . . Del eHts on E H S t '(' r n . ._ ._ _ " --- ' . letel ' a .Iove (or dean sports and The "G1a.dlolu" . ','I,'I)) .• •I)-?ecl ." t en b":y Nor- letlc aCtlvltle�. The first and. doub�. thereby de(lltve A tame _Uh tbe lmmuuel Luth.00 ' cbarthe ren!lhehed l I5. have less t e �Ollt . lm portant. aim In"'phy. acter of the indlvldualll under their victory TUHday eYenlft� F'�.b. %1 oyer eral!, Chu're:b .team ot'Seattle ThuMllllal FIYE.' . . . IIfca 1 education departl;flent III 10 pro� ---



. Ihe "Dlanas." Sladlu� Rich POll d�y e\'enlftl' 1If1ll conclude tbe Glad- . . .. duce. alhlallc women and . nOI man� ..I!uldaoce G�aduat� who lead· In Lbe commer· I�tore' basketball schedule for this As ro.. underml nlnl' Ihe health of cia Althou,h the nlllh IltbletlClt--for who 'I\'anlll to Ibe'fslrl1'r "promollns- rbYlllolol" } leal!ue ot Tacoma. . . ' The haTe Ihe traditional feminine cha�m lui ItralnlIex. . . YiAltl�' team . compo;sed us ex- SCl&t't! Iftdl�ate:s Ihat tbe battl-e .was seuon Deno possible and acr a P. de of of fa the or In L. C . . lhe of 11a,.. from the Seattle hllh schoolll pmeot to e decldedJy yelo y that Is U bere k ,win I! aJld IIwaSler. It Is ha.ultlon:·« Ibe 'fee!lnl lImaaculln� on . t h kept the OIadlol .. n has a «ood record and Ihe local ooYIL for «1!ls rast Ojanaa rules overnlns a ihlelles neither beautiful no� becominl! .,to tbe the ball. T.,.e accur- are antleipatinK aft Inlereatln, tUliahr, sufficient luard· aga inat Ill i poa- Job'r-ecoverln, rollt�� core kept .hota fine womanhoo.d. And. now about are the �'t'be .Ola\1latoMl will appreelale the of ftCY promollon of lll-bna1th� aport for 'port a sake. We helleve alble tb� G1adlola. fa. yor until IIU:Ppo�t ot ttl. entire Itudenl hody . 1.oOk!nA' �ck over tbe laat few .InA' up In ended that lotramural a�hletlca .offer��t yearl at . the pme lft h 40.�1I. H a Lthb ftnal pm,! .o-;-EVERYBOOY Co en at e W here. at the �a nne opportunltiea tor enJo)'ahle OUT! Help them 1If1n! REl!6EMBE� t�·enty·flve flJ:cellent women laLdineup: aport aa r!nl Ichool atbll'!tI� could le8llt Dt.�11 ,THU"RSOAY EVENfNp' AT 8 0 lolaa · . produced . .....e been hue athletee F. McFarlane CU>C .K . do wltb lelll phya�olo,;leal Blrahl. and . eann?t aar that any 'aacrltlce baa n,low . ;; ===='1 F;:;::;;;;::;==;;;;= �::�,:� '�:�.: ::�I:::·:.:::n:;·;: :::':"'.�;'�'�::'!�:::I"IO' .. . " ::;:m 7:��. �:';I:',";:�I ::.::!:�:: a en . R DEVELOPING .. PRINTING e n ln a ' er "'lth ttie Playera as they O��:� Saint! Day Service :::� :c:�� R ick,y . H ;h:�. !e ��n:e�:f: ;�·;;eve. la the I:C On the Other Side . .G Aldilch G of opinion her� Ilt Paclfl� I:.elan� C. ,ubatltullons. ' . Loftus a'n� The flrat Itop·olf waa' ElieDsbur T�porta editor la �Onlllantly eon· concenaull ColleA'e All orde,. lett byat105 a.p m. . parthe lnl( rd a . re,B' Lutheran proble� A' n per�leII the trQ.ht�wlth 1 ready same d.y . where t'!ey dropped the lame by Ib! . . . m. .c l��. tlclpatlon by 1Ifomen in Inter-&eholaa· IIcore of 39- to 19 t tbe t m that of how mucb value women 'a Bports tic Enlarging, Lantern Slide have aa newl\. Tbe fall' sex around ath!eHc activity. We .1I'ou'\l. U ke h Dlanas: Oo':' A'lall. Ba(!allch alld 08they had prevloUllly :'ali ea; . Maklng ihe aporta edltor ?!.t �he U�:�;;!� .. Ruth Fadn . Pnrkland court. The te:� w:: :�� �he ortlce u�'ually maintain that It 18 to !'-dd «. that All Work Guaranteed "!as� r helpleS!! a,!Y reA'arda en able to play their ullual brand or ball hl�hly Important. and we muat a�mlt Moorln -----A'lvlnA' epace feminine athle\,c aI'.. Ihat this viewpoint la hard to aee 10 In thlll ,ame-=-belng handleapped by �,=ont PATRONIZE .MOOROI'O UAs'r Shaw Supply Co., Inc. 8-n offlelal who refereed d'Urerently Tbe arA'umOnl la brOuA'�t up lhat tlvI1): . . Th� glrla \ 1015 Pacifjc Ave. arc aa many women all men on pase !!pRce. Ihan offlclala they have been used therecampu ADVEKTISERS a and therefore:-you eee .. to here on the e08ll1. Alao, Ihe play. Ihe , what we mean, ;;;; had had a 10ng train ride And . . !!eemed Sinre the ladlel!- feel that all la . tired. , ,,�leU. e.. "pS . nQ.t J uat. we, wou'1d like 10 oHer a atte r a alll'htaeeing trip In Spokane solution. LBke Park Creamery \\ hy not ha"e Inter·(!ol· the Gladlatore journeyed to Chene where they were defeated by a 3 � �:���:= 1���I:��:e �:r lIe;'I�:lIenO�pp�:I� Sa)'. folk!!: about Ihlll trip to Spo. . 1953 South C to I� aCDre. This .....aa a hard fouSht kBne:-hld . the bOY8 have tun? And . aome�'here. bul �'hv not beA'ln ho A'am,.. apeed. belnl lhe bls factor frOm lion ...... ! Tbe}' can't and don.'t say that a al n 10 overcome 'thls oppoal. cam flnlab. The Cheney lade. lion : tPha � 19. 'If InterscholaBtlc IIIIOrl! P. ...� C. ha.sn· ! been lopd to them ! IItll rt to put however. up a good defenBe and B r deaired . and beII ve tlley r Sent hem OUI on air advertlainA' cam. � � � pal,$} and Ihe�" came home �'Ith they were aure ehota. They were III lk �: Ih u t 1I "tf . Ihe lead throuSbouLand a1 thouSh the out�hh n �orks ean slate." :1 :� �� :t ho r ot �� �W a as P. L. C.. Linfield .and Reed. ��I:�� ��� ��;!'a:I�:� CO �I:w�:� oa�t�d auch I, ook UP. the records of womens. ath· Don'l erltlel�e them severely. gang. Fowler sho:"" ed to ad�'antage (n thl! letlell at the e01leA'" b�fore the ban Ihe)' tried Ihelr beat bu't wlnnln, was I fraea.. . .,..................l . was placed; and I( you think it'll a 'one Ihlng Ihe)' ju.!l( couldn't' do oi-if !1 the third In encounter of the Irlp. good Idea . So after It liard. We can �hls trip7 Forgel Ihe record and the Ylai.ton from the ('OMI loat to assure you that wd'fucn� athlct1c!! think or ('he fUll they had. Spokane College on a . 25·2 0 count. ra ted spaee In Ihe PUlI'et Souncl IIUh. JETLAND & PALAGRUTI The Cblettanll. put a formhfable five ticallon of Ii fe..... )'eB�!! all':o. Speaking of relallonll. there are e fl I f 'Ve ('an offer a reasoll for lns In Spokl'ne more Iha' cou n in any 9 P !l 1 �: ;: la l:�:: - th': ::u;�:, :�:�;e�. t�! Ihls the same argUments ""hleh upply �ther town! ntH Fo.....ler reall�ed l ' 2 ac. Ave. ; '1 ��:I�laal:�� tJ�I��de;�. d�::P '::d ��rt;� 10 , men!; sports. l'nlramuraJ� IHe hl� Inrp()rlance by rememb�g a dIsenou«h. lant cousin In ElleuMttrt',. By the � luccesslve c'ounterl:l the T�tO�S dnch- !file. but ed Ihe gu me and �rrled o rr Ihe hon - Sueh �'all the lrileresllng dl!IC U�' �ia�e f::::a:�C::I:I:�� ar�m�hn� b:;l� �, DAH L GROCERY CO. : ;: Gen<!r,,1 M<!rehandille I d n ..... , ec n I The Spokane five dlsphU'ed some ��l E ; U��� ��u\ � � � A(;��lel �! �:��nfolrh:::�!l in� � sPok B ne Iii a real � Phone Mad. 3 8 1 8R5 Parkland �� 4)�lity ,!nd &nke � "cry fine baake!ball and desen'ed aludenl pulJlication al Ihe College of .Parkland Cleaners more eredit than Ihe)' receiTed. They PUKet SOllnd. The problem here some � "....,.."..;..'''''.''''..''''''..,..."....."....'''''''...........J "ho....ed splendid aporlamllnahlp In ot· presented In such a sensible way Is Some eor the hoys did receive !erlng the P. .L. C. lada the use of cerlalnly an Importllnt one In Ihe' I e-:e:�� l!�:wtl::�'!F:�:. p�rahr�::� Muquer.ad'e aDd Theatrical Coa. �;;e: \Ve do clea� ing. pressing. Ihelr gym durln� Ihe .week·s IIlay In achoo'll loday. tomea.. Tuxedo and.Dreaa Bull!! for iEvans). ID!nt their city. rt-l8 Ibe fond hope of the In .... of l version. rltinl O lr own we � l 31 l1 dressmaking, alt rations and d 1 1, 'P'" '" h �;: po�:I:I� �I:�I:£:� m�'�:.�::o; ,�,:::' "•. ", I tailoring comlnl' of yeare. Some of Ihe lad� wen.t 10 the Dav. ') of athleties for women here at enport The Gladlatora 108t the 18IIt lame true ( l1'� a h?tel) ,. C. L. P. ColleSe. Apparentl Ihe ... . or the trip to Spokane Unh'eraity .... omen·s teama haye ta. ken ,an active Some of the lads ""ent 10 the Y ' \ taklnA' the !!hort end' or 8 3 6 to 29 pllrl In Intet8chol..tlc�activlty ever 1\1. C. A. ' " SPORTING GOODS . S"'C'at Shl�tnd SlIeke," cou u t. Rudy sandeMlOD W811 hlgb alnce ogni led 811 belnA' Some of .\he Ill ds stayed at, ..!lchool rec became it (je �hard Lane, Solicitor point man _!th 16 couotera.' - . proper and �nendal. (tbey liked It there). ., -KIMBALL'S Accordln, 10 remarka made by the . I 1 101 Broad�ay TENNIS COURTS TO varioull r-aculty member8 here. Ihe The fellows did have fine trip .B E CONSTRtJCT� :�:I��:;a��: ::enw::��el�n �������� :;.�p��:en!r�:��:s;��a�!y"�b���I���� ; '==========:.�:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;.� . Pl.anll are now (!omplete tor tbe ) and beneficial both to tbe ,lory entertained the vlslloiI\..J'h the " beat MECCA RESTAURA construction .of tv.'o ne1lf c�n(!tete ten- tory the schOOl and Ite athletea and to atyle" an'd Ih'e lad'i 8urel,. "pp.r8(:lat� nla courte. Mr. 8. L. Klrkebo. Ta- of 'piayera themlelTee. ·P. L. C. .ed It. We 1I'ant to remember their : -:"' tbe Open- All Night . coma Contractor and ��mber of the coaches do not �lI"Te that, In t�rn- klndneS8 and ahow them the ,ame � 13Jh & Commerce Board o� Truateetl of tbe College hu In, out wo. Die when tbey come 10 Tis. i TRY OUR AN�EX . n playerl that are dey- (!on8lderallon enl'-ted tbe ald. or MTe,rat of tbe . , . i Art. -I It 'uI. t e : i:�:�:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::�:::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:::::::::::.;..:::::::......j Finler Wa1'lnA' ;�:":1�� �:: :�t:. ns;::-'e�' �;� �lIlILY . M· BROOKDALE GROCERY CO. , 1 ��t:I�I! :::·!b;·�� .;:.:: 0eaer.1 MercbaBcI.!" 603 ���:; f �2-BIOC k j . when exdusfye UBe of the ne1lf eourta . Parklanjl. Wuh. . i on 10114 they are nnlshed'. �� � . _

Whal luck Dl!.me.Fortune �an deal ou,� "'We ma)' be I....velinl( forvoard by leapll and. boUnds 1Ifben we ma r�('lve a !let back Ibat 'catcb" u� all unawares. It Dame Fortune. be. gina to play'. woe uoto the Jlctlm' l.n ,this calle. the Pacific Lut)era� ColleA'e Gladlatora were the vlcthlla. After It had Htabllatled an envl_ able record at home and In fOrelA'n part!! to the north. tbe racUtc Lutb. era',!: five tranlled a s far eaat 811 Spo. •








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!:;:. ��::

Wboleule dealer-s III

hults s,nd Pr"'�� .

Corner' 16th aDd Dock Suo.


TaCOm.a: Wa"�


_ _ _ _





�� I ' B••p1o", �ni� SlatiOD



These "lFS" of life



_ . .._

... .. _p ••• • • •_• .• .



• ••••••••" ' .••••".•


Let .... ...�w ,.�


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Of Life

IF-your bea�h i, �rHe1'ved IF Joar life fa .pared . Your fillAlleial pr-oblema wUl be 101".

. )lad. 1UJ·l .� I ..1r'_ . �� - SaI �If I d at . p a e..!.- B�u ln "_ _;.,· I I... _._.".".. . .";.'., .... 'wlt



The "lFS" West Coast Fru!t & C Produce o.





be eliminated .




Lutheran Brotherhood'

:· 0

"ftKnigh. BWl<!fna. Mlnn..poIJ., .Minn. ...............,..�;-""""'t'_.�....".......". : .'

".�_ :. :....':H ......;""I... ...

. r.

•• -, ..-.:.... , .., ..-"'..... """'." "



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To Assist Choir

J�._ •




. CARNIVAL TO BE SCQlTILLATING SUNSHINE STARTS . . STUDENTS SHUNNING SANE STUDY . GIVEN BY STAFF ' . e .... ·ere Ihe .... r' hdrll Ah. terrible! Just' when · 'Pardo!;" � dldn ,t {'(Ik.nntow ent-ob. FRIDAY' .MAR 24 lettlns the poetic ineplratlon ner-ell- me .-I · Ihllt aar,Der


sar)' when one dlscounlf',1 on tbe �nored: And here I .. all let lOT � benerlt afblnl. ...1II be ,'v,n by bf:autitudea, of Sprin,:. a101l,' t,;ODlea poetic dhl(�uulon on tbe (r'!&-aa .' Ih,e :\loorlDI' M....I Staff at the Pa· 01' �ulle Pll1vlus' .nnc! !llarts 10. @p'rln- harbinger of Sprlnc: Het'lor! (and. cltl(' LUlheun -<:0Iler;8 11m. March kit! the «arden. Ah. terrlblt'! lAnd other eJIlT,,"'on, of-profanity). '4. . The canlnl IMludea nblhl· oth(or �exprel!8lon!l of deep dIAgUII ). There I, no trulh to th� rumor j tlona of v�rloua �Indl, ,Iele .how. Ho",,'ever, e\'�n If "'e 'are all wei. we that Ihe f8('ulty Coundl I� lettIn . and.L p.erforman,·el. The ,..ud .,lIIe In.lat on .crlbblln� an InslgnUl(A� Ollt bid. COnlrll.do �. for paTlnl will conilist �f .,;klts. by Gerhud Soli. . a?Tlele an� Co .. N. S. Lanllo"'" and Co. and like expre��lolIll derived Ihe palh the Klcklnl Post ! .. from ""'If(and IllJeriorit1 complex) on the one .....ho thut tltory.IllI.r1ed IAny" �i1 le�eral n,umbt"rl by the Male (kItHte, b'eaulltudell of Sprlnl. Heh. heh, Ixed lIP : The fo�acuhy Is ,collsldersave the dute!.- �lIIrch H. The cu*ue" that'll hold olel Hlram,! .ng pU\'lng the new tennla courll-. D.I.,.I· ....·I�I· be ""orth .....hllt. . . You know, whell tbe .Iudes arOUII not .Jhe far·famed LO\'er'lI : Lane. .Gerhard Lane. t,:thel John.on .nd here ,Ian .HUn·1' �p night.' jU8t to Re..lly: tltnd other expr"slon.. 'of ESlher Towe ""'ere cholen the ...·alch Ihe moon by (e8pechllly j6y(ul exuberance: ) . Executhe Committee In eIIarle ..of. �lar)'1 aD.d miss 'thelr be�ut)· .Ieep We have been tr),11I1 to tell y�U, lhe c.�nlv.l.. one JUSI {'an'l help but know, .fe,,1 aD . 'readerll {and other frl�md' and ene- ' . . s O I n n e L S v :��;y;�: �::��j�� t� :! ��I :�I�! : ,:��� \�:� :�I:: ;�'I:eh!��'i8��\: 'IO� V;�:�II!h ' L��tl�;a :, :�u�:� �:; the year. (And. like expression's �! !JOI bUI II took thr� d'a" of .re.1 .(;Cepled a can to St,Johnl Lutherao pr�J'arlcatlon.) And ho"'� . SlIrlu, ",eather to lb.... It out of ttie Chur{'h; Northfield. )(Ioo"ot The �o loolln'-the frols have a hl,� upp"r extremity (aDd other e.lpres· eonlre,atlon Ihere Includ4l1' appro.l· nl8:ht-illn,lnc ... ·ay lo slons a old time at Ind\('8I\o, anatomical parll). Imately 1.000 8-iudenhl of St. Ola� . ' . Collet" 40 Collele prores.Orl and enator. s ' IN . e 2.0 retl;e'd minister I-�e haa .e�v�n.d ATION . , EXAMIN e ) Plan for. a�endlnl! the Sla t his pres"nt rhllrl!:e about four 1ea ( ' A N A U IS STATE M Conetltutlon. .L : He .....1I1 be InR.l.alled In hhfnew charlte 5. Ou line briefly Ih" e rl y'hleiof), i n J u � " of this TAKEN . SAT.'. AR . 3 of ""'hllt iI. no'l\' the S:ate ofl .Waahlnl-:f' --= .. '= . --=..--=--= .--= .. ......--= . --= ' :== ''..''l Pacific ton oamln": Appro�l�ateIY fl.n C1lJegeI\\'ent)'-Uve Lulher Normal atud"nU m. ( 8 ) . Thr"e of the earllellt 8ettle- .� i Introduclnl the IS I e vue:�:g �:;:;: t:e ::; 7��' The flret Ameri('an lIel1l�ment ! � DO\VSETT STUi>IO i::te :; : :tr:: .t p 911 Puget 50untl, . j 763 So. !Sth the State �Ianual examlnal\on given On" of the first whit" A"m"rl- . Tatoma :� under the suPt'rvl8lon of the COllllty can'(c)settler". Board of Educatl,n. ln Tacoma la,t 6. Name 1... ov r ors hos . Saturdav. Xo C!8sualtlcs ' wcre re'" name. ·0 G ...e marking o ... twoe .. . ......."."""..."..".........".".."",,......,,..' :..... .J) R8socillled � Ma.d 1 4 25 ported. ' The list of Que8ttons 101.- dlsllnctareperiods Res. ·Mad. 3818-J-l In the uriy history j ' Lincoln Sheet 10....8: · · Metal Worlu: 1 0110 Damklet, State five d' ties of the �tal" of Wuhlllgton. P h III the. ermanent School 1 '�:!:�I1�"� :� ����:Prop. �t?I:{�:� BO:�d of Edu{'atlo;. " I "l .<' . 2. Briefly outline the plan provld-. FU:d�\' I . ' What I!:! the purpose of k!eplng � E�:!:�:o:��t . 3��: ���!�.r-r d by la...... under ...·brch tholle ...... bo the8 teach"r, ' register! ................,.... ... ... ... ""' ... ....... . ... . . ... .. .. .. h ve noi had an opportunity of lak- 9: O'ulUne the main requirement.. ¥""'1 g a full hlSh school {'ouree may ee- of th" Compulsory Attendance.La....... r cure a state high school certificate:. THE H ....,bLTOS STUDIO 1 0. State the citlzensblp and age 3. (a) In what {'ountl". In Ih" r"qulremenll J PhotOgt'allb.a of for (eacherl! In thla , ltO_ble priON ",tate Is the Count)' Superintendent IItale, . KodakFr-::,: ':h�!d G;:��:e Canis r"qulr,,(I .hy I"... t� .hold thre� day teacher!:! ' Institutes! The Ta('oma division of the Lutb- 915 Pacific AYe. Main 2937 -- --=--- ---- S".C'" '--;Lo = U;:I�e:---;-; 'n'.- -H::C ':: n:' ;;::C:: .... . - (b ) Who must a' !lend Ih"se Ins. tl� "ran Brotherhood I. sponsoring a '� CON F'ERE NCE M EE T n . .- t .� O t m h tutes! mO\'ement which haa all' its 'obJect '" AT . HAUGE HOME th�:e �1�;:; ::U�:;�ba t�lI �.�th :::I. 4. Give the substan{'e of the' State. the ' erecllon of Lutheran hospital r------.,---....""'I _ ,n I" ' ' " '. On Monday afternoon of thlll ....eek. Ingham Normal. which will un· CO�:;lt;�I�I�t:�� 5('al. Buckley..King ;;;;;;;;;; ::;:;;;::;:;;; Prof. an.d Mrs. Ph. E. Hauge "nl"r· doubledly be the mOljt dlHlcult match (b) Rellglvus Company ' lol"ratlon. t =======;1 1 taln"d' the Tacoma Ministerial Con- of the ""ason. EXllct dat"s iL'ld (c) Pardoning Power. Funeral Directors �I n e t c:�;:::�l h n : UNIVERSAL � �:�� a later s .... 111 ut be unnollnc"d (d ) ElIglblllt)'_��!:.-;,ruce or Slate �:: :x: m���::g � �h! . Ph oto Service . will be b"ld at tbe home of R"verend � .. ... .. ... . ... . .. . . ....-....,. ...... .·.... .... .... .. .. 'a . . RADIOS ' . :'���so�n �::�: T:���: �o a�:��:�': . . . . ·"1 t���!� I�H�U:1..�L . ' I "r, duties of a call 10 Sllv�na. Washlng- . (on. Rn. RDtls .Is a member of the . rfA1 a l 0 n e s ' Funenl CJ\un'h . Th� ' A. "H. B¥'nes . . _����� �GE Board of Tr.usleelj at Pacific LUlhPhon" Madison 107Rl Tac. Ave t So. let �loUJualn and NortbWHt eran Coilele. A suc{'e88or to his Pbone Main 62:2, �tA�nj?' ����.t:\" . position on the Board hn not yel CANDIES We.-'7' ISAnkcor,. Bide· heen nlm�{'. �!altt 1 9 8 , ' Tacoma, Wo. Phone :.Ialn 1464 :..,,<"""" J. F:VISELL CO. . that are different DR. AR CHIE G. HICKS M£ -- � bates . This month Dc>ntlslr)' wll� \be a v"ry a{'lIv" Book 8e11en---8(ation�N Rust ·Bldg., 10th floor . � � We do sallstactory Dreaamaklng. n n C l Ofl�e and Photo 8appUe. :;:w �h::����� ��;I'�: �p�r!�,��t:� 909 % .Pac. A"e Tacoma Iy t...·elve scheduled deba'te ('lashes <!Made g;resh q)aillf ;.............�.�.�.�..�.��..���.I.�.��..�.��.?�,�... ........,1 Alter.tlons and Hemstitchlnl: durinl Ihat time, . The Needle Art Shop PARKLAND GARAGE The n"xt debltte ...... 111 be Pacific Ttl. SUllie Pacific. Th" afnrmallve will SOUTH TACOMA '!}HO Pul'ific ,h·c. .-\UIO R4.-parr be upheld by WUllam' Fowler anel l . UNDERTAKING CO Gil!!. Othl .nd "'alter C�rI8ten8on . th" nCgalive by . Rust Bldg. Laurence Hau(l(e and Erling. JacobL ien &, Selvig J. C. Pet"f8on len. " The week fOllowing ......111 f""lure a I ,f'- :::::: :::::::.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;,; m I porters of Norwegian I:Irl8 dual debate on the Xlcaral:ua Sehoblc QuestiOn also with 'Seattle Pacific. . Stetson Cod Llvei OIl . Parkland Barber The affirmative t"am conslua of The Sp!,ing Hats are Here R"na Strandberg and Blancbe Rail. Shop and . .. Cor: Tacoma A,,·c. & 11 St. the. ne,.tlve team ot V"rna Gaoo Taco!JI8 \Vosh .. Confectionery DAVIS' . '':;;;:.'' .'''': ..1'..'' '.... ..... . 1'.... . . for F� Delivery ciM T�baceo and Candy I California�ists HATS L8die8' d Children's . H catting . o.cnt otted Plant. Tacoma Prop. n '"




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'Quallt, at Rea·





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G. P. K u




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I Missi(m Program

' PLANS FOR FESTIVAL �F�DENIAL , COMPLETED. � Vaudeville Acts to Be Presented D. O. R. MEETING On �:::-;mi �!dF ���� and . IS HELD MAR : l e , 8--18 Talten Old ..... e h.ear \'olee In the audl- Self-Denial'Offering District Seereenee �arlng the :'Ilooring :'11881 1111 Meeting: tar Gh'es Talk . y dead? �othlng cOl1ld be farther

, WILL ASSUME DUTIES, AVGUST I Given March 14 Dr_ Tingelslad Returns to Alma 88 President; Resigns Interesting' Pr�m Presented MaterPosition at Luther' by 1\!e:��!8 i�' �OT��Vi QelG e i

Dr , O. A. Tln8ellltad: head of the ,WedneSdaY 'evenlng , :'Ilnr.ch t,4 th. d.t"p,·orr� mO·t"'Pho,t' o,Eo".Oh',·,tlO'O" '·.nn.dd "ho,.' at 8 ,o'clock the mlll!!lo!! lIoclely , m et from the trUl1!. than that. That \'olce A meeting of the Danghlen of pro(ellllorahip at Luther ' College on In the chapel. A ver�' InlareaUn} Mal;ch b h d s n f 8. to accept the call to I,he r jr. .... n t e �'as prellenlell which c()n- pres idency ���pe:8 �� :it;·�d ��:��r��:a�'o\�a�� .�� of Pacific I.utheran Col- " t : ::��t�:��: �;J I b of: . urda,' night. for a better show of �Iarch 14. The program resl«natlon' Is .to be etrec_ The . lege I llfe--"Iove�"-and general merry of Ft'derallon Song, by the «Iris; ' Scrlpture Reading-Waiter Chris- live August 1, 1928. tenlen. making cannot be found. Or> Tiogeluad recelYed his call on plano 'selectlons by Verna Gaoo: A paper on Foreign �lIl1SlonR- January 18, and since that time has . The Car:nh·al. Which Is for the!,'ocat duet by Dorothy ' I Victor-Ill Ra8mu88en, considered every detail C$retully. !)eo lieneflt of the Mooring )Iast. Is an and HannI" Anderson, Mrs. "In the Time of Ro�e!f'-Vocal fore making hl8 (�1810n, be made,a entertainment that has not been l the District Secretary for' the special trip here to Interview tho"e 8010'--':'Gerhard Lane, equaled for laughs and for talented , Denial Offering Jl:'1l\'e a paper on performer!!. The , program Is leng-I "self Denial and LenL" A paper on "A Life of Tremend- In authority conqernln« the situation thy one which wilt seem only tOO ·'Usually a Self-denial offelj,ng III ous Posslbliitiell"-�rthur Ohlon. ��:btW::� . ��:�e�!�:r�aetl�:: �:=��' flhort fOr the number of laughs given during the Lenten seallon l1eArl,ng , Sannru"Lld gave a brief , weeklJ In studying and .welghh r th� re t �.·;·l.n, '"sOo''"n,,',d . _.," " '" l, se e s talk on his trip to the Mlddle .wesl sevcn Ing the problenl. and on March 8 he h: o r n o O I :�� m\�:: �:elfll n����� t:: S:��:�� gave some Interuthig tho!l ghtll announced hili dedll(on to accept the ''111 gallop an'd caVort around the GOd giVeS un�lIIIlngh': For GOd so the mission socletlell and their call and on the same day filed hls IItaltt. hoping to give to t'he audlen.ce loved, the World J)lat He gave, In other colleges. T�er6 waa resignation (rom tbe Lutber_College . Ihelr Impresalons of Pavlo,,'a and only begotten Son that e b I f I P b It U t I t. :::t�:S. :J:�::;d �!:� .::, �:!� :�� �:tl,e�::.! �� �!� �:� b:�It::eve �:ve�!:ln:h�;:e. �ot ' . � ?:�/��:! �s :�7� a:! ��� b�::� ;:Ir"The tb: tolof. Ihe dolxola«J and clslon Dr, TIIi«�taa' ll1"de' entire Bible mllY btl summed or , brup.ette or a r�d-head you rna)' CAl.!ENDAR . the Lord's: Prayer . ' lowing statement: trY your best 10 find them In the up Into one ·word, namely,, GI"". (Taken from College Cblps) chorUII. , The management will be ,But It must not be one-lllded Mar: 22, The Mate ocj..<{e IIlngs at "Luther College exill ts to promote pleased to Introduce any aSPlrantll l lng Let UII pra) Ihat our hearts the I bsen .NenfoT1tO held at the the ume cause all Pacific Lutberan to the hands of theae falr maidens 10 become \\ arm to this Idea of EUROPE College. !'I:ormanna lfaJl under the aUfplcell namely, Cbrilltian education. --the Jilrlll of their choi('e-atter the denial Let us I Ut up our e'es of the !'I:o rmanna Singing SotTety In choosln,. between the.two Inlltltu_ show I!:el God II vlllion of the needs of the Or Vlckner at Ihe head of the Mrs L B Kreidler Dean of lions, a teacher mUllt consider not Then 100 Illere ..11\ be clowns In \\orld and then ",llh the spirit I !l<orse Department of the Unl· Wom"n here, was. the recipient ot a only the generai of usefulnells letter,,..-wrltu;D' from Je�usalem by of each. but alllo" llphere abundance. Some- only have to act lof �od's grace bring Christ's mes- verslty will give the 'll.ddreu, the Immediate need, Hope to natural, while othera have been jsage of Love. Peace, and Mar, 29. The Glrlll' negative team MIIIS'�lIldred Hanllon, a former IItud· as rela-ted to the particular type of ent WhO, Is ·now lILa�ln, �our of lIer\-lcell tbat t'b,e IndlYldual. may· be found who are remarkable actors. I an agonizing humanity," meell t.he bellingham � Europe. Mr, Gerhard Solll famous Charat P. L. C. qu.aUfied to render. After careful aCler arou�1 p, L, ·C. will display TECHNIQUE CLASS ' !'lI ar, 29. The Male OClette slnllil! " E)(tra:cts fr�m. ihe letter follow : collldderation, extending oyer a perPaleltine, JerIJllalem, his tnlenls I� ' L. C . gym, In WORKING ON SHOW " a sliver tea given by tbe lod of linen ...eekll', I, have come I'D 2-::-1928. lhe conclualon tbat the ImmedJate of St. Paul'lI ' Danlllh Lutberan . .performan('e ent led "OlauI Oen , Sterkke" which lIoun I \'ery lotereat- The Pre_Technique need of my flrat Alma �aler.-Pacltlc , ' of the Church on South 13th and , L, . Dear Mr!!. Kre�dler: . --30. Men'a Dual Debate at Well, be' r e I am on the other IIlde Lu�heran Collelle, for lIucb lIenlcell Mar, In� to the rep,ort�r who knows !'I:orrrial Department la c1au preparing � . Martln'l College. the world. Have been having the as I ' may be able to render, Is 110 nothing abollt !'I:orse, 'It probably Puppet Show under aupervislon 0 of my life seeing thlogs la all greal; and the \rospective sphere of Baseball game verllUII sounds better, yet to those ..'ho �lIss Stlxrud, the !.tacher. Comml - Mar. � American Lake Veterans lit . "'adelra IIIlands were a usefulneaa out Weat 110 large, tliat I know whal he I Ikl g abo t a real paradise of nower�, cannot with an approylng COnscience Not '0 be out�o:e b�' vo('a� �rtlc- �:esar��:: t:e:: c�h::enth:or D;:I�:�: erlcan, Lake, , tbe call: It hurta to pull and Cadiz. 1 enJoyed, my· decline Seville III )Ieany at ILlations. Ibe p, L. C. 'Octette will sings , Chorus The 1: Aprll PU t d Hall, U'. of W. Seattle, !leU most thoroughly-you mlg� �!�k:\�! m:f s:;:;I� �!:e�::I;;Il��� give a grollp of 'numbera n con- ::Z!: :�� Sc:;:;y�how ��\e ;;eo Murillo a of why-becauae know vetteam nectlon wl fh a very dramaticI heart_ entedPuIla aon.scene from afflrmallve Clrlll' 3, rll AP "The Three I Yy h , ' e bl h Lu' h' ' ." �ears" and wil l be complete rending skit entitled " d In a , RUS Bellingham Normal at Belling. p�lntl�g���:lal �nd t �=e' '��:�:t:: eb�tc��:II� ... The 8:V�II: ;::�p: ::e' to :h� s performance of the octeUe needa couple and t e .' " . ham. . weeks, of ' ' ' I have been called pon to cb�lce no comments and the,, addition ot -V make, and I foel'tbat 1 am�ea't'l�g the playlet will greatly enhance at [;llIb1lOI1 p." heart my hal! . cess lIe, . s ' S oy the enUre vaudeyllle perforftUl:ce., �'Three . Live -Ghosts',' . EnJ' Or., 0, A. Tlnllelstad waa ,'r�duated In fact everything ' Ia golnll to enfrom Pacific Lutheran College In hance everything eille 110 .much that, I 1902, Jrom Luth ar College In 1905, It III going �o �e I�POSSlb e to min and from't.:uther' �...lnarJ, �t, Paul, thla Carnival, �Ich as as been Mlnn . . In 1907, He accepted a call said by Sverre Omda\. I� going 10 ' to Ballard and was putor, U07-09. b e talk of the IIC and, town of Zion' L�theran....Cburch at Ballarel, fo!, at t se\' days, and POrt Madllon, Orllllll, and MUTbey aay that mu�lc haa charma, ! , lerll �ay congre«atlOnll, In 1909,he . If 110, the Carnival Is a very c.harmo received a �all from Luther Colleje Ing p-t�!ormance. A, 1IJ)«lal' ore�ell- l 10 the chair of psycbOlogy and edutra composed of Dorothy Zimmer cation; before enterlnll upon Ms 'du� Iman, Erling J�cobsen, and kline;1 .tles as profelllor }:le IIpent tbe autu:mn n e t f 9 �auc�:lIeh:tVetObe:I:)'"r;oc�o�:e e::�:� i ;! �:: 11:��:ruor';:�� Yh: a�:!���: taln�en't of, the" audience (pr"�m- ! tt!liiled the Unl't'eraltJ of Cbh�ago,-al; ably bet'tl'eeli acenes) and ' the m U1l1c In 1912-13, recelyln« bla M. A. de· ther play will cbarm' any beul«ree In lil3. When tbe re'«latrar'. however wild. HC'l"e·1I your chance , oftlc� was created hi·liU; P.rofe�o'r glrlll! 'Bring, tbe �oYII over, they'll lTln,ellltad .a pPoln ted to'that·, poR. . like' It 'Itloo. and lIe.ned In that'eap�lt"for , thirteen 'J�arl, beln, relle'fed last t.1I Oh, 'yea: ..'nd\h� �arnlval pr�p;r by Prot: Carl W. Strbm. Du rin, mUI!t not be torlloUen, Caudy, Tea lill·lZ and 1917..1, be �u aetln' .Room. and Hot Do« atabda make -:... principal of lbe Preperatory Departup the "eata" part of tbe pro«ram_ meat and It ... under hla principal· It baa been rumored tbat Walter .h� thaI. tbe prBHnt or«anl:r.at!on pf Christensen bas ChaDSed bls natDepartment -Into Led,er the Preparatory Courtea!�� lona-llty tor tbe ennlD, and wiD ' ..... Junior and Sealor "blab .chool .aa � ..Jlmm'---dut ...· 1UrpNC.. \ beeobre a Degro ot the t'Jk'eat "a:le .. , Metilben at the east of "Tb� LlYfl GhoMa" (lett to rlabt) Io,ell Kretdler m a f O d j.t any' rate. be III pair ot .. bootb :.:::e�'::a::..� ":�:�=:..�;,: ��". !"U�coba u:e.'ier'.'Jh =.kti:::'I O� yei�";t�.!� :: wc :: ;J'� � . whlcb the barkera ao.nounee aa "Spoor)" and Stella &"DD�a "Old 8weet__rt." )(1aI L. E_ 8d:trad' dtr«ted the pia)�ancl .laced by :�e::� .. a ge. 2) � (COntinued on P. "' (Contln'ue.u on Pale %) )lrtI_.Krekll-;r. II




r l









CQurle_y 1'�dRrr l'












• •












- THE . MOORING . MAST L.-So. U. Convention N e. " Ac:rlC t.XTHERA .... COLLEGE



PARl}t.A:-;D .






�.. ··�

M.nt" �,I': ':d�:::: �··'

. t nu" ."" >!HtI.. . . .. n<d .ro., .the . n repreRell,lon DeP'lrtment �Dd the 9atlou. 1 � :�o .. -=-K"":"' . , al. lentathe at the I�uther.ft Slutlpntl dele,atel of the Ichooll ..e"rMaoled' l . preon at Puul illhed �!e ry t wo we�h dUrio, the school year �1 lhe 'IUdBnUl t:nlon l'Qn'ventlon. held II l}(kll r.h. and NteOmmend tbe appolDime.t 'of fled that -the " udent dele, ! ,If Pn('ifle Lutheran Colle�e:. Parkland , WalblnSlon, ·_ It h �he de,ns of IQ_'" reatl the . follo.... !lIg report In a member r�m t heu IIC.hooll lo i lent: tOlethe� . . orj!:anbe . the _orll of the . . ' Subscription. one dollar per year lillie care of the work of orlaol.lo« relilion ('h',pel Tue"day mornlo�: oo�pe1 Teaml In t hei r relpeelhe En ler!,d u �et'ond class mat er. O<-Iober !. · ,US. a t tbe pOll olUce nu"h..;"" . �..It)� . �lu;"'III:1 ,\lIl'r. Sludent GOIPel Tea�I. · . O at Par.kland. \\. ashlnglon. untler Ihe Act o( March 3. 1879. h " ,\lo tloo m.de. letonded . •nd rar. C �:�:� 11"0'; . )(lIr. 3. II "JH, ml�'e. lIeconded, .nd c.i. . PrAyer_Dy Prellident Of \, S U r .:DlTOIUAL 8T.u�..• I �b there be • report I!:I"'eo of that rlea lo I:: C���f Edit . read eport lli ry h - '- ' '' - -.' ' ·.'.'•• • .:••:: • •: • • • �or�'� �:n��:: I he h c h M ;1 III H I lI �:� : :; : � 70�� :: ;�1 P �: :x Yc ��:�� ' · -:" .dJou rned til !l';:;�n!tt: �:�t;r-'.'.·.'_ . . . _ _ . . _ . _ . . eetl • •_ Rn r l c o l o I . o pe •• • • • ' E� ltor -.- - .-.-.-- ---.-.-••••• --. - ------_ Victoria. Raamusaeo The Trealu rer a report w•.a read MeetlDII t�OD e t aft�r h Called n lnf'S(l 'If'C'tlnll ��PYI Sl orUI .• ______ • __ . ___ . ________ .... _._ ... _.Walter Chrlatenaen by !loll ard rlet h, 51 olar Collej!:e Ull Motion made "e-c:oneled and car ul.r 8If!MIon Satanl• .,e ..enh,.. ..• ,..... AMI�lal1t 110)11 Silorts ____________________ • ___ • _____ t-�ranklln L.rey In the bacnre of the relu lar Tre I� that the L S U let IUl:lde . G lrll Sportll . • . • _________ � ___ ._ .• ____ .. __ . . ________ �Iarle Eap'lIetb urer RIl)mond 1t1!lnholt:r.en ' The lubject of equll llution of ;5 00 t be uaed for the purch.l.e A motion .....11 made leQ5)ndeel lind ratel Will dillcuued A report of t1\e l f � ble 1,l nre for ne " N M t-�o;'atures - .....____ _ ___ .,.__ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Irene Dabl Itellglon _ .... ______ •___________________ •• ___ • ___ Palm. Jobolon carried that the Chairman of the 'E.-e-c:uthe Commi ttee on thll prOb-[�I"�I:�erlII s!cretary, MI.. My1lal . Reporlerl DorQlh, Zimmerman Elna Trullon Lelah Gr.u..;Ellot Pr�1 ASlloc\IIIIOn be dele�ated to lem wal prelented by Raymond ann all a mean.I 0f abp_lnI our ' 'II. hcl-on Helen Weltb,. and i-�sther To,"e take care of the publlclt to the neln holt:r.en who It.ted that tbe 1 e 11 l :':: preaent plao of payin, 'one· half of 1 1 �: �; :;P;:�.: O�h::�a Ilt;SI1H :SS Di-:P \ItTMF.NT ' paperl eo ':: • - e e�:: 7: liven ��: 8�:P:;:;: o �:::ld;I:::t:: cf::: the PrSIealdent of fthe I� S �U .:�: Carl l · ; ;� �!�� 'X:�lI b ll 1 ;:8�:t���1 ������������:������::::::::::::�:::::::� EI!: r;�c�:::� y e n n mt e ede :;�I��n�a:�f:��� CIRCVL,\TION Olcar . Enllebret8on . he done n�tler present conditions President �he :�:n::;e�: : "81l1l�pr . - - . - . . . - - . . - . . • . . • . - . -....... -.-------- Hallnn Anderloli Lu·lher Theotollcai .Semlnary. Suggesllon wall made that t here r II . ' . t U J\�1I1I1t8I1t _. _____ . _._� __ . __ .. ___ :. __ .. ___ . __ _ ._. _ M lrlam Hehnilahl Vlca.prellidenl, Hannah Qulen, h� . B rolat lon of r.rel pAid t. ..e.: al_ �� L' ' ' . I eet Ins •dJ 0 " ' ' 't1 ' - I'". .. .. G '\ U\,ERl' . , t rnate "monll Ihe' lIrhooll dll.WonllY l . AUllulllana Coifege. . • ,, ' .... . .. , , , , , , . I -,,-,- - - - - ----G lady!! J orgell,JJon Secretary. "au l ne . . FI.ten. COD' I()tuled. · - - _ -_--"-'\ , ',',,',,' . - . - - . . - - . . - - ' ' ' • ' ",,',. � 8-,., ..... ..,. __" _ , , , ,d Lane. Elhlll Johnson cordia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . • • . _ _-_,_-_L A Colle�e . Motton �ade. eeon ded. .and car· . ,. I T\'PINO urer. James Twlto. � a ' deal W ith V �l dorf ed ( Conti nued From P"lIe 1 Glad}""!! K?utzcn ,\l� ...e CaI! ll!:'r.'!on ' ) ;: �� . �:::� I �:le . co : _ _ _ , Fr\Cl:(.T\· Sl'I'EH\'180ltii MOllon m�de. sceonde"(i, nd f'RrModon made, le�onded, IIn� �ar' � · tQ 1.IIIt.- tlt.... . D�u-- bab� RCe l p a O. J . Slulln nl�eI that we Ilc�elll Ihe repoh .of the j rled Ihal Ih� President ot Ihe L. S. l Sldellhowll of' pI! descriptions are . . Com m it tee Illl. read. t l�. lind ";x eeull ve Secrell'L r),. be u.r/(ed t o he- I n e, ldtll'lce.. Siunt nooth. Fllh PACIFIC'S NE\V P RESIDEN T ·l\Iutjon mad�. l!e�onded. on� �ar· 1 0 visit all mnny A�odemlell ond III IIItkr 10 gl'e OtJI rl'lItk'rs a Illlltl' lOIll I 'Il'le " lilt! l)llllII l' nnd a Kltrhen ' Orchelltra. ontl l I \ I III/.!llst.ltl \\hn " ,II I ('place He\ 0 J Ordul us nrcst rled Ihal t he Ser,el�ry be I nl rucl: College!! nil posll lllle 10. eXllldlte" lite SO\lnd� rnther Interesting. doelln't • •• ( Ilr . "' 10 Clllt a uns!llmoulI ballot tor., wo rk of t he GOllpel Teama and the lil'lIl hl'I'e, 'Y" ha\'t' tak('fl Ihe liIl('rly In I'l'prinl )his I'XI'pllt'll ! t·tli - ed . It! It II. . . work ot the Union In !teneral. anel l Then. tor Ihe Urlll time. the P. L. Chi l's- till' sl udl'lIt puhlit'lI' Ihe aforementioned nomln , ll. 1 lorial which nppt.'an'cl in Ihl' ColcJ,:t' . In"lIallana were presented, ��om Ibal Ihe�' ha '·" their expenllel C. riull al I.ulht' r (.UIlI·!.W: pennantll will he on lIale--al AUfI;:ufltann A�atlem)' at Canton and h)' Ihe U n ion. �anes. Theile f'anell are q uite "colleg' . --- , . , ,




Ar ll nfl: Sanllerud

l II (1


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paid I


Sugse"llon .nlp de I.h lll t he I. •• S. l · . l .ulheran College. ·Iale" anti nOI \'ery expenllve--only . O llo made and seconded Ihat \\ her�ver po"slble IlIke every oppor· one lone dollar. r ' A lt110IIgh Wt' IIn'lIul't'ti (IJI' i t . Ihe IIl'W� Ih lll fl!-. Tin .L!l'I·. . . M ' pacl tic t u n l t y 10 take care of tile ....ork sh o d.:. e ac�epI Ihe In ,· ltatlon Tlcketl will h�old at both end!! has n' S iglll.t! from Iht' f;H'ulI\' of Ih(' l'ulkgl' � Ollr d.lstllnl CollegeM. . 1 0 us. the stutielils al 1,lIlhl'I'; as WI' sillp Itl l'OIlSitll'!' the fu ll L ,. l h eran, C ollege: l of Ibe ,l[ym. and no money will be , )I ot ton ma tle. IIcconded . amI Cl\rMotion mn de. Mecontletl li nd �ar- taken In al the re "pe�llve booths. t'OI1 SN!l1t'IIl'cs \\"(' art' kft wilh a (t'dill/-{ of Iwwilt!I'I'I Ilt'1I1. wc scnsc rled Ihlll, the repre�entatlve from I F.,·ery hody f'omlng � · Good. ed IImt wo IIl':cept the u,vlta tlon II \'oid and wont!t'r nilllo:-:.1 IUllwlessly how it is t"it he filktl. , nd f h L ' I I r I 1 , ' . .� , � �I1�(����e:t:�� t:m�e �;el� :t ; h:� I !;:I:I:�;I .. :;l�I I;:,�� ('(IUt. :)t�, tine rt'('uJ,:lIizes; IhuI he is. ll genlleman. allil whul is l\Ion'. II "'lIly p la.�e next year. with the �ODdltlon on the Wellt Coall to ,·Ielt SpOkane l take care Of Ihe ....ork; Chrislian gcntlcllltIll. u1l'whu hu\'e t'OIllI' in {'tIlYlud with him ill Ihllt the delegates }eport .the Iltvl. any wuy WiII . teStifY, And fur Ihest' ('l'!lSIIIIS we SUI' I':> " ,lO r ' lallon of Pacific Lutheran conefl;:6 t.Of orgallf:r.a tlon on Ihe West coalt.1 . - 10 Ihel.r Itudent body tOJ conald. otl on made. seconded" aDd · car-: thall we sometimes ('ure to show, thllt lit' is h;u\,in.H-.lls. , l'hcrc ort' other thlll� s. hhwe\,cr; Ihul he tlt'e)ler' uucler lilt" era l l,," Ihe fo l owl n ll year. Ihal. the rled ·thal a copy of the hU lln elll; surface. lhat, are by those illl.imlltcl�· .t'UlIlll'(.·lrd with opinion or eneh student hody �@/C.lon h@ a@nt 10 one or Ihe dele.: Sl'hool, and wh!�·.h ure fllll� as illJporlulIl us Iht' t'uusi�It'r!lliolls : , ilia)" he reprelented. . , noled allm·c. Dr. I m .wlslutl IS a pnrl of Ih(' tint! soul of . Mutlon mode IhnJ we \'tite $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 l D I . . l.ulhcl: Col.legc. (lilt:' o r hc� gt.litlillg �ighls all lim('s . I l imsdf' lo Y . P. I•. I •.' a� former Yllur". 1'"(0: uf Ihe PI'IIl�'lplt's, hlld do�\'I' IJ\' :I hl' .r0IlIl�It·I'S of Sel'o i�i ed nnd paM�ed. I:'"r )·uui- tWIliI' (,.Uk ,l.d hlllclif'lt 'I /' t Iht· IIlslll lllloll, II(' hus h('t' ll I IlS l tU l 1 l11l1 hoitllng II slnl ll\' 10 :corrc(,ei. IIml IIhllll'rJl 'M t lon mOlI e. .'Ieco ' l I an l pass· Pa�trles a Special t y Ihosc ' principlcs 1I1uI h,n'C gin'lI .I.uth('r Collt'gl' its tllIlIlill,lIlt CII I IIH we ext end our :\'II� loo�ry I 2: Blocks En",t Gym dlaru('\crislics, Ihrou/-fh \'elll'S Ilr clirfit·ul!\, . ;\1 Ihan Ihul. II" I to Inc l ud e one )ll�S'Onnr Y II _ _ his J H;rsonal " .life 'untl h\' j)n'l't'pls tnughl ii, Ihl' l'Ihssrotllll lit' ha's proJt rnn� e l lu field. a."�·ays 1)('-C1l lin inspiruiitlll .to 1.111..' I�I(,II Ihal sut a.1 his ret,t fur l'ighl l O ��: 7.u _ __ _ . _.__ _ . _ _ _ lon nlad . seconde� anti ('ar• ""_ . i� . ' 't '·I \ I lIIg l IIltl c1�ar t urn'd Ihlllkmg all . lrll l phus 'S or lifl' t . ! " � . Url">ll'll'l-· the L. S' ! , IIII1.nrr) II is Ihc kuow)Nlge u( tllt's(' anti olht'r similar fllds Ihlll lIIala's liS. I r�t!d t hllt Ihe . reilldent I Orlh'r \\lIrk . I x ..lulkhlK . . 111111 wlicil we st O\) lu think. wonder how his posil iull till our flleull\, ' 1.; •• tolCelher .... Ith Ihe E ec!!tlve Sec· .. r o n t e r the DeanlJ of the II "(,' \ i' our "�I ... ' ('un I)()ssibb' I(' (illed alId uhout :lilll il'ssl�' ill whal W(' (('(,I s � 0U .c ng , .. SHEETS' tI 11tI ,c1 ss seurch for a stl('t'('ssnr ...... Tacoma "o6 ·So. 11th !h. '. ;: : is: llU wc" cr, Il('rhups b('(';l tIsc of llil' gl'l'uh·t· i n l ('llsil y or �t1rro.w rll'sN thul th��� fedings ure Stl slr.l.lIlJ,: ill. us �ltIw. '\\'t' f! "pmplng , III AI\ -------------.) I . Nl'cdlt:'work kilO". at leasr. tim Dr, J IIlgcisluti has unseli lshl\" l'ClIlsulert'd Ih(' ' "I; o Ortier I S t-:t-:III.E· ,'it,\J-T SHOI' 1l t'('�I� Hf holh Ihe ill titutiolls Ihat �\'allt �lim lllld ihlll.hl' mlllic liis q r.I only urlcr nruycrflll consldera�lolI III Ihe Ihrone o( God. EX�'luII I" c Line of " 1 3 50 1 1 th St. I SJ;)01 IJed {iooli" Tacom!!. Wn·t This lust is cspcciull�' c�lIllfurlillg. for we (et'l lhul ir it is the will BOOT SHOP " uf Ihe Lord to tuke sudl II IIIUII (rom us it will be His clire thllt ••. ---- ------.,. J




l'III1l(' liS U



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\1\'\111 rera,r r. � ;;; ;:;;- --�· 7� ·;' ;-;






his position ulllUng liS is IIlsutfilled again. Pllcifie f':ulhcrun Cul� 3lege needs Dr. Tingelstatl, and. we feel llsslIred. needs him mote Ihat� \\'C" here do; so \�,ith Ihllt Ih�ug�t in ·mind ulong with the . feehng of our gret\! loss. we llld hIm .Gud s >ced in his new wor k ' �:�d l;��: ��l.at. he will cherisl� memories u( Luther College lllUong d s --• T0 such a man ":il.1 �8c!fie L utheran ColI.egc soon he ex lend· lI�g a welcom�. Paci/lc IS IIId�d fortullute securi ng the scr� O� ��' Tmgelstad, May (Iud blt;ss llnd prosper hj� lerm Of e .



Church Announceinents




I�C5: ����:;·L.:�?;���7�� �r.

April .....:.... Ladics Aid; 2' P.




i n the church I)orlors ,

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of .Ihe Detter



P,"II< A",



'HCretary oJ ttll Younc People' Lutber. Leacue. From 1117··U .be



. 6a.rioD'•. BeaUty


COlJec'e .

aDd . alDce 'U�3. he bt. �en. l&cre· 739 St. Helena AYe. Main US tary of tbe �ril oJ lr�.tees of LU·I L_"..;..__' .-...._::.. --�_..... ..__........J .•

. . ,-


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Un / Se\\' · tf'r H'II ,rIt l


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S lelnwa,. ""ind o� r p' lan·o� . Duo Art Reproduclns 1'101. VlctrOlal .snd VIClor .Recorda. Band a'nd·Or· cbe.t ra Inltrumen18 'Sbeet MUIII� "'. Mu," Bo.k. Ra " se.. AcceaeorlH . ' =:=

1 '........"....". """ ....... . ..


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. 5herman �lay' & CO ' 'If. . 9115 0

919 Broudwl!Y -



t? t-J1QUIlU (01\.1

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Main Iber ·Colle1fe; He II oin t editor of 928-3 Broaaway (CoDtln'ue!1 from Past:! 1 ) I@ave of a�ence to coDllnu.e bls "Norll"esfaerden." 1914. "Cbt1st la� TII.�m�Vublng(on Itudlel at tbe UolTehity of .chlc,so. Keyser Preu8!' 1921.22. "Wbo'a .·bere. ·atter Itudylns 1I1.ln tbe lieI" Wbo amon, !l:orVo'@,lan Lulheran ond sem�ter of 1924.%�, b'e received Pl8t?tII." a�d ' ·:J.u.tber Col.lese E,tabllabed 188-3 '. $1ecrt;e �n ,ed ucation and ::brous� Sixty veara. ". .1 :9)U. :�c=:io��, Durin.. bit; prof@Qot1llip at Lu- .PATRONIZE 'MOR O ING II48T · . • tb�r. Dr. Tlnselltal hal t&llIbt: ·Ed· ADVEKTI8� · MahnCk� & Co• ::: :::::: ::: ucatlon,' .h"ChololliY. Cbrl.ltlaDitY' I :::: :::: ::;: ! Pblla.opby. Latln, Greek. F'reaeb. l ::: __: < :::�=_ ...... Clyles. a.nd preparatory Tbt. ad pluli Ue ck tor �reii � H:- " '. I weier. · � A •' � �,. ••4 eom�lIm'Dla" ha', "'m ot ! �


. 1' : of �!2l!!!.!.�T::'�


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. Divine Sencice....l0 March �Fiflh Sun uv in ... A. M. ..(No ) . Divine Ser\'icE" - I f A. . M. (English ) ; Sunduy ·Sehool ot . , ]\:,, ' 10 . - oUllg Ladies Guild meets with Mrs, \V. L. J �Iorch . . . '. Wahl at 8 P. ,M. ' March: 28--Mission Society at Pacific �utheran College. The congregation is invi ted . l M Sun a y . 1.1 A. :'�\: Sd,.!r�\ l�-



o I 1�r-:\�· PUl�:I� ISS'

-Imi����iiil .

Showing Spring 8tyIes Porter-Cummings Co. Very' Sn ' ppy Home Grnde Samuelso ' n Be'rg Pacific: Ave. at -

I ·rwo Pant Suit.! a� T�





I �;lt:er8:CI�� �:::e���ta��:�� : Cullefl;:e lind I




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not been to !acoma ·It · no eaten at ca;lyie·. 1 1·7





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. Pri"tWS-f"gr4Hn



726 PAancAVE.

..-..·..·.... ......·..-....:..........·............................................__......... r........"·".."..·..":::;·�·�.. i , Our serviee is always at your: �isposal. lr we ·haven't ·got i ,vhat you want. tell us and we will get it. You dO D't have � to send ·sway for a thing, Our grices"and quality .of mer· ; chandi.se will surely make you' a satisfied customer \ ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ! i PARKI.ArfD MERC�ILE CO....LB� DRY'GooDS l.1 -.---_....._.............._.......... · . -_........---7.........._·

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. Plambin.,.


. Phone Main


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�m. aIld. MiU.SuppU..




1908-10 pacifiC



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BOYS BEGIN BASE- GLADIATORS ADD. -Double Header Is . Lost to Seattle �.:;::� ',�; VICTORIES TWO--BALL PRACTICE' .




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0 ( 8 , " J,," H.w" . , t t Real Pradi�e Wi! Btgtn Nut Win Both Games on e. L. C. Game Playtd at Seattle Manh I T Fedt ,0 . ( : H Thompllon Week ; Four Lett rmen From Floor Thursday, Mar. 8; SCQres 9 In Small Gym"uium.r- I Subs I nl Lutheran-non. ( ilHdia tors -XVin EIc,ven Last Yur eturn ' Are 42-21 and' 5t-31 . 81."0r" 1 6·24; 20-28 I P L C Fo";h'r 1 % 1 : Knul,ltt'n: --l �loban --� Gllt of T\\:cntv GanleS: Baseball hall beltun In earDel1 at Tile Pa(\flc 8u1o:et ShQoters end- Oil M arc h 9 1h the G111dlntof,3 tntV � . Clean a nd Good �. L. 0" af t.er II. 1I10w Itart tue 'to ed their season wi th ' a tOlfr IP\JIHt eled to S�!U l le and drpll�d a double I T h'� -tpn....r(1 po�h lonll were . Plav well . � . S' 1 ) i J'i t Sho" 'n unta" ora ble welther )tondltlons . . lierlea 1I�lllnlt Immanuel I uthera n bIll to the I mmanuel' l. utheran \al\:en rltre or . by Rudy Sandef �O '\ . , . <;:1I11tiUn. and Tlnk "�edl. with Hau.e , �he boya Ife takln,," t he Bore IpOtl\! ·Church,. or' Seattle . Ill.l'd II pli t tbe Church.' 2 4 -16 and 2S-tO. ...T�:1��nl.. �.Tt·hh:I���:; I ��::�; :�d�� an� kinks out by pl er l y exercille �D setlee. , wln�ln�. two on the home ' 'The churth rloor Will 'the IImllllut :�lIre9f1::;:: . 81:�\ �0:���tl:�\m: l:� r:: H t 1 ' ""'n,, III Iwe; , ,)' .�mes. The season the tleld .�nd the material at pres.ent tfoor and 101l1�g I WO In Sealtle. they 'played' everythlnl 110 he hlitl to 1)lay tie b01.1 had ever pl�'yed 011 and· a;. a whO le ,,'II!' "er)' lIuc;e�srul. Iince looks very promlllnl· . ' I n the tlnlt two games ,Played rould "not let IOtarted allllMf t�e that too. Om l and HI,ule. Itl­ h' CO Ramstad. baa tour of !lIIt ' the learn h�1 PltlYe(i lIome vel',y �oo.d get Inlo "'ltny C the P. L.-C. flO.o r the Glaillatora rhtlr�hmen who were usel ' to the though Ihey .d ld nol s� IIqllad back 10 rorm Ihe nllc, on . ' games. · ..ere rl'lId)' at all tlmell altd ·Jeorn� Il.nd hilS demonMrated great l year ' ,'ells of a tel!.m. "Tlnk " Fedl Is out bad IIt,tle dlf:ICUIt : I n 8Ubd:)uI ng th e s ms ll spa('C Rnd knew .JulII how tO j � v� pl &nty of �ork 10 be on Ihe ' ahl i it y !l�aln n th e m all� 1. 1 and e s t 1 le Se a t 3 . 5 l H �.• ... . che-tk The Gludtators ('ould nOl l ie8m ,,:hlch rep rellented P. ·I•. C . . :10 Thl!' (;18dlatol1l were very succeS!- 10 hold down the short patch tf!Jrl. ful al the !!tart of the seuon wln- ,lory In 'J!,:rRnd. 1I·lyle. His rn"rirll ns Every ml:!'mber of the Iquai! took p!,,,s wltholll havlnK the ball l aken . . I Hawick and Fowler p�yed the nlnl': f rom teama of equRI Rtren"th male. R�dy Sandel1lon• . will be III par i In Ibese ,ames. The l«Ir!n..r away by th e ranKY opponen \ll 'It ! t'R�"Y. When Ihe boyiJ went I n tor !!ei:ond ba8e 8J!,:s.ln Ih ls year: ArllO� trlO SRaderson, Fedt. and Carlson . aeemed ; and try II �tbey mla:hl tHey' rllttfllng �uard POI!lItIOrf·c�everly. Bo�h . • bl,t,ter gRme. ho ..ever. the)' received I Sannerud. catcb�r. R.od Arn,: Tholare · falll on Ihelr feet an� n Kettlns Ihe toult! not dribble.' Nearly . aU IIhotll these Dlen J: ea I hl re had "lillie ' dlffltulty I. al . ha b u ::� ��'i �: -::C��e."� l f�:r:n::e 1: 7:; nl 80 - rnnKe ot the baaket aDd acored a:t by both .tellms were made rrom the �:r:J!,:h '�Il�I!I�!�'�I�; a�;et\::' PI:�� . fO; ;:!:��:; will, The Seattle IK!YII did ool ahow mlr!dle of the 'Ioor. "fle of the chool II. Lo!lll�1I t o teams . AS' ."el . the bOY� h�ve been kepi ! ed tor �ard he I howed 1'118 relll clad !'urh U� t.: nl,e ll y of Wasblnslon bu?5'1cbllslo, tiles around . the lot the tlau tbe! . u"ual,y. ha"e and The IIchooloo,.II rllllied In the� Iilst III . �ua rd"nil. aDd o h. bow he cHd FreRhmen. Cheney and El1en�burg bjt ��Iua l play will bf'lln sometime were «ImpletelJ out-pla�ed Ih rough few nd nutes of the' last kame .and I demonlllritte. . the KltnU!I!I. ...·ere t� he upec ed . for Ihe�e leams thlll �eek after Ihe field has' be'en . ml'lde II .li:r nnd try for a win but .the e are real ';lacblnell I!.nd pla y hallket· rolled and �atthed lip. ( m. L utbe'an-2; OIarKln "" U I too blfl: 10 ove-r('o.me and ! Vi vian I.•a rllon ot TarOOla Will the �4 ��� 2 P . ' bOYIl had to be I!atl�tled w.llh an guest of Mile Fredrlckllon �urlnk halt . e(IUal 1to the bellI . Only a te... men have .been out s�n�e r�on ( l S I F ( 8 ) \lu.rray the eve.n br�8 k a Rlllnlll Ihe chu rthm en . t he week-e n d March 1 7 .18. ,\\ In or 0 e. ou r b() y!, �ave dem - lIerlousl.y and Coash Ramlltad aska f.' ) U Hagen nlll<lrallon" flf fight ' '' e'ery game th'a t all the boY ('orne out at' o.nce I ' edt (.8) - J F Score: ! "farle El!peseth "hllted at her home ) jlr lI n H I nnd no team with prohahly Ihe ex· . he wllnts ;; IIlart work .at once �m! � ( :M ) IlIlnu"�u('1 I n 'Kenl o,'er the·....eek.end. ( ! : T��::�: T'. I.. C . ( 1 6) c('pllull ot n�o.l1eon .M utflr� of Spo- since to get a 1'I'00d learn rendy for Ihe S llpde r�on I I � .( 2 ) "'furTa)' 1 SoPh le Peter!4Orl IIpent the week. . H � k ( 7 ) G ( 'J ) Hoft o 8 w c knne, " {lInW'lIed of former IIt tll, . \ . I S ) Hllgen l end 111 her hOllle In Burlington. '" . . ) , Fo - I Fedt J. C Hau ge ( ..w Subs-P ,"(\Ul<l d:t l m :1. w8Ik·1I,\·ay from our ('omlnl': ' .. "'owler ( 2 1 C ( 1 ) R teda llcJlo i -::: = : = = = = fln-. ler ( 4 1 Knunen ' 2 ) T Fedt = . ;:::= = =; . o :; '" Th . G F d � ( n 1m Luth -Klonllle ( 2 ) ' Larson � md: l ( . J 1/1 rhe /Carnell ...... lth te/wI!! of equal . I( I O ) ��:�� � Thf' IIOlI\e of :3 P'U'IIII Sulill G ( 1 1 Weelern rmlnJ:. Ihe boy ",howed real c1aSII · � �ub!4 P I.. C.-Carlson ( 3 1 Hob. au d thf'lr at te m pt III real h u ke hRl l f ' • Referee J GlallSO Rn J�TLAND & PAI.AGRUTI Will! �u('('e�dul. the h a rdes t atru;;·. Score-Second Ga.me: 1m. l .u lh er ll. none. . glQ uf I ne !!eR"(ln for the 1(1":11 lad� HeJlo Folk!>: The �ea �oll s al\ o\'er. P. 'I•• C.-51 1m. Luth.-31 · Hereree: R. ' Nelson. ' \\ 1 , " Ih" aile IIll:nill�t Elle,,!bur� ;":or- .t hE' !!ults a re packed "way lind every. Sanderson ( ; 912 Pac. Ave. Tacoma. Waa b. 13 � F ( 1 2 ) BllrdoIl Rcore Mecond gao\�; �"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.s,." ........ ; "." ."" .. ..... F' (5) Clark mal . ...hich the G lad ia to r.'! .....on. Po\'- bod�' is ha",p),. The hOYM hnve V!I f . wllr ( 10 1 ; t'ry lIlan pla�'ed to hili limit ill tha ious ollinion!! of the {'nded !!('/lson hUl l ca IlJOn (16 ) C (5) NelSOn ---_., . /tame lind t hpl r .E',.;hlhltloll of rE'lIl !hf'Y ali seem well !atl,.fled. ,,: ver "' ( 6 ) SolberJr G " 1 an ( 4 1 bn;;kelhalJ WIl.S $trellt . l flne out regulltrly earnl'd a lell e I Ho w lck ( S I G CO Ho.tf .. , In Ihe J u nio r C"llel\:e !;('hedule' whlch rell ulreg five h"lv..! of �IU� I Subll : P. I•. C.-I Fedt. Ha ll,t", which .....ag lIot t:olllilleted . lire Gilld- l Illayl ng. so they 1111 r(,(,ph'ed II Iltlle ! Knu uen. 1m. 1,lItheran-Murray ( 3 ) t 1953 S�uth C laWn; wnn three ,Rllmf'S nd 10llt o ne. l for Ih'-'Ir hard work. Referec--J . GlalJl!¥. .' . . t ____• _ --. • __ -----J.-.-.... The,. won froql C. I�. S. He�ene� ! _ ;;;;; � � � � ;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;:;;; ;;;; ; ;; ;:;;; ;;; ;:;;; h k e e l ol the high POlnts_ . __ ' rr :;;�:�. 1I/��le;\I:'he� �:�I" I�:; l� �:�� l eo��!nl:��i�; ��� l�l: I�O:� : ht�. �!II� I . Irulll1 Jr. Uollt>lI;e I h e bOYIi were un - son. They were well on Ihelr WilY Hoban. HO"'lck and Fowl er ",ere IIble to scqcdu le the return gllmt> 10 a I'I'rnnd re('ord lind II W(lS un l y he- aleady Ihroughout the aeason aM bile r hn t Il:Uard". ... hl,·h ;"1I1! � U III IO.'!Cd 10 hE' pillyed for cl\m<e Ihey bit orr 100 biK Their positlonll were well i Ihe ch�nIP[onllhlp . , Sllwe p, L, C. I l hey did nOI rOllIe thron�h wllh more filled by Ted �edt.and Bob KnlllZ�n " a,. l!u b� l l tu le�. mer Centrall" In o n ly one tlf Ihe two . willS on the Irlp. -,l!Kme Aer�es which waH IIcheduled. our, . f'''..'' ..'..''�·''' � ·'''''''''''''''''''''''' ���....''....·..... .''.. .. ......... .. . .. ..... .,/ hopi Clln c l l l part o"'nershlp of Ihl' [luri ng the Iwen t)' /i:1l11l(>!\ Ihe bO)'11 l o. ba n Hnd -T. I"'e"d1'" hulII . low re. t Chllmlllonl!hlp In Ihe ;o;or l hw t' J Un_ ] !!('ored 53S POint." tn the opp on enl,, · tord tor polnta. nut "ay rolkH� you DAHL GROCERY CO. _H. O. HANSON i.. � 54i. lor College Con rerllnce. ought to see thell) play. Not many .. ndille ' �rr�h. lr � ta l e .Je",�ler · I . h them PhoneGf'nerft Mild. 3 818R5 Parkl�nr! th : �;���: o� �h: l�I:�:;I:��er� :I�:: Ru(!y Sander,.on nOI only led hi" ��:��'u t �:��g ::I�eea::;�l: f( • QUftUlr and Service: : feel" !hltt the learn has made II good leltm through Ihe !!Iea on fI.'! cap la ln I hul In pOints ft.'! well. makl nJl( 1 4 8 refonl for Ihe.llchool lhlll year. 11'11 fllnny but Red Cl!-r18on . lo He Ounlers. followed Those Who "'ere oul regularly wlt,, ; C "'as c sely It he III onlY . lve fOOl len. out J um ped ,( be 8Qund and are en ti tl ed 10 a wa rds I h)' Fowler. "'e dt . and Cllrl�O/I. ! p,ery centerr approximately hili Hlze. "'" squerade and Th.eattl cal ' Cos- .� _L..."......'''..'''''''''...,..,,:..''''.'''''''.....'''''..,..(..'''..;.�i lire: CaPla!e Sanderllon. Bill FO"'ler. ! l it was o?ly ..hen the boys bell:"&n to tumes, ·Tuxedo a)l1J DreiS SUItI tor = ,.. ..........".;...."........................................... ............. . -- '-' ' R' t . Hed Carillon. �an· Ho ... lck . Wilfred ! Points II ren t .t.he "'hole thlpg In ,gro,," tall that Red wa!!i outJu mpe d . NEAL 'i. DEVELOPI.N'G '& .PRINTING ';�. E. T"HORSEN Hobon. IUKWIl. I rCtt I Ted "'edt. Laur. ! Basket Ball. Eve r y man dellervell a nd In the few gam.es he made liP far roadway Main 1 1 1 3 4 9 n rr e d or m a kl g the winning pOlnlll ! en<!e Hll u e. nob K n� f n his IIlze by 1'1111 good checking nd :.> "" B u zen lind Sverre � Same Day Ser:vlce ; Hair GoOds. Hair Dyea, ! Rudy. Tlnk . and Red 'were helped by' IIhooUns abllliy. Gh. Red II Imall Oll1dll\" I ��! O;��t.! le�� b�/� :: :: every -man (In Ihe team to make up b�t he'.!! blk In baskelhall. ........'''..'''��.��,�.��:,,��,��:..��.���.�''''.''''''..J ('ulllpfttllthe lW!k� l bll,f I Srot('" l e y d ! ·..·"··...•..•...... ..·''''''....· ' ...... ....· ... ..·'�..·""··"·..·......·m...................... de ' E I la pnrk ;








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P. C ....:..2 S [� 1'. L. c .-2G . .. Lln"l" HI-2I : [ p, C.-26· rtft. Vernon Jr.Coliege 20 ! l P. L, C.-38 Elleflllburg Norma l-2 9 � � Centralia J r. Col.-33 ! ;: I C.-16 P. •. P. L. C.-29 C. P. S. Reeervel-17 ! � 1'. J., C._ 8 U. or w. FrelhmeD-32 � P. r•. C.-33 c. P. S. Rellervea-2 ¥ P. I.. C.-12 Ellenabur.. Normal-H � P. L.· C.-I8 P. C.-20




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!leason. ' UlpS . 1I . ulntette Q Q


li ------�_-----_-___ " Lake Park Creamery I �

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P('rfcdion in Fruits, ' . Vegetables. Cuffee. etc.. · V Distribl lied by ._ . Tacoma


� · ImmaD.uel

L.u lb.-%S

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SHOel'E .


We/lt Coast Fr it & Produce Co.



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:�....lc�..;t!H�.�·H��.....DoeH••�·HS_I&H· �_ _c� t...�"' FraJte �nd Produce

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All Night


'l�th &; Commer� .


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Ii BU�pl",".ds:.... 19"! 1 !i



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ParJtlaod. WUh. adlloo 10T14 ..-......�-........... .. �.................-.. ................ ............... ................." ............_....-................, . .


;' . . 8'737 ' _"C07�.Padf� A:re• tl �::-. WUI Call" :1, a.ad..a.

. "Pbotrae


::'::::lJ:::: ::


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Marcelling Facial.

6'18 �f:I� �5�1�'.




Petmanrtnt WU'ln, Flns-er Wulng.



.; . Shaw Supply . Co., Inc. ; KIMBALL'S lOt� Pac.ific Ave. 1..1.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::':.:.':.::'.::.'.::'.:::�:::::::::'.:r; : : :====�::::MECCA .::= : ==:.� §[II ' RESTAURANT

a I "') I '_ I_'_ 4 7 ,',... ._,.... ."",,........"''''',......,,',..., ''........... ... ... "� -.:;;_ ;- T_'_ T_ ",_ 7 --:::;;;::: _ .


SPORTING GOUDS Sweat Shlrt nd SlIckerw





P. L. C.-ZO

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L, L.






.. Station .


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I)' you, Iif. & spared Yoar fbiudaJ problems will be .olvri .


These "IFS" ....,. .'?' .. ;li....... . ' '




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�::�. McKnJaht J1uildin:Mlnna!"1)is.

. •..__.• ._,:.,.. _ ' l ' <" · II ; ... "' ..�_ " P_ .... l...._



. 'Lutheran BrotherhoOd


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" PARKLAND, WASHINGTON , G IRLS; PEP CLUB , , m'" . , " DAILY Dli\.RY " , SELLS .CANDY'' AT£"'� oThf ... ... .hOUM _,nd altho"«h ther G M ERAL SEV beeD oftered havt!them. won ' «I ' l& ator. from :\Ial"('� S.-lorl" P. c." GI�dl . .I�aI 'mlllloD not putdol'Imall lth ' 'I'lllrl the,eeet. \e.� QTe, theChur Y\eouel uther.� dro':ned ' aa tor a ameli t�·e. muterpl 1 Se--\.. IrlaA ' dor;orlomhory (mm,, (' � , . and lower tHtttL i ' l , by Reuben, which amlly", "Hoi) T d n �ttl�.9. lde. �I.I�Y tbe Immauuel Tllul'tld.,..ll,. The'lud, bu e coul.d "ardly. 'te.r m"aU , away Tolcel, ll!:.�kitchen were �I'r('h -E' ther�', nOIMn,; like direction with bU , . and to ,et. plAlatln(tli 10 Itom�. I aOliloulAngelo' ll forBivithenI' from. te""eltln,; .u tlo lUila believe 1 e� AOMichael t!ven"atforSeattle. they "woo bOlh candy malElnA". ' me to el n ma. a Alh�ns ,Amell played D�.l deglrlllle aDd �eredl.,IDlt)''' maklnl hact never plet'ured aoytMol on alI�uchI P. .bill!:The."bat.PepchesClub e' PAcific. IlI Seattlteam bAt�l. y�flJl of fud .('rllnl( Ihat every time be The habY'1I rl..:ht. hllve wand· lye lcale, a ,masiltber� but t 101l , aW�malh'e l , , Ihat were toIIchedujed be IIOld forthe'thatbRsket w.� ThO acenery !l;t'ts an InllplratLon he iookl In the The lover'a privilege. torcouldI could ered the negative team �Ictorlou evethe lee .-\ell:erfln ne l. ,ran p mirror lind then .1t·1I -all off. The hYPocrlte's mlllk. ( ,; ' �, t���:1 �:';-,!� ,�; '�uCholrD gaveatI�eal nlnalll{,'!lillRme8 cli cand dea home-made i the e a d t I Id, ::Ay :D �:e :��:rt SI::� :r:�' :;; OUDIli wo·�.n-FAlth. .. Ind peanullpro.:-flt'Oeof�threfl tl:' KUru ):J . r�:t \'lr::� �arThe Syerre 1"forllll� u!' thnt Ihlll well.hear A'rgordHuh!Is ToTo aa Ymarried woman-Hope. March girl. made ae. Th. e pro , m)' frlenda: -The'a out the member!! of little ScandlnllYllln tllr. I aa r e on Ih To ara II 0 an d old maid-Charity. .logether wllh former . tUDdll 11'111eM.1!! . . MI]dred'. "1ianaon.' lOme of the oth r uudentll IJloll.ll:ht -Exc�e. Chand:Olr,(rlenda and or the coll e ge 1101he1\.111r Mia Hanlo�, . friendGleln:of h,.a�com p fO� tbe Ksold lrh,I\ �llAIdred IlI,mgirl. uled for buyln, We. Admire vlalledblanthed, reception pure llirltdiscover And all ItIhalIn Svea , ( ln Tethnlque· of .Teltchlng Margaret Jacobsen �.njlnK have The room. don't like t� but )IcNell l a . Prlson Federal trip.a:lrll. Both the travelen. . . o.? .lTIIIhle�oma tellln« her IIlo.rylittle candyprOtat:eedll former basketalllO and 'The Choir rurnlahed part of tt.e the · ban «lI:m�lIbe. are t'be ClAm Chowder. looked of ·whlcb . torthethe �o) : They boy. looked They pro«�am «I.,en tbere. ed uled to buy the lamp under I there and "er" he ll � el[ {Inal I:IPmlnatlon Are like - IItt]e boy ""lI.IIn't "Girl"keep rumor recent la Ihat Bob March I:! _The " fellow allthennl,ht the)' SHOP hili!! rp.ad LOWERProp ed There'vlsltll Mr SMITHG FSe.monl, Knunen.Floyd -- dflsalfylnj!:, toKnutzen .iJrrylnJl: n Geo Verne ll a andMrMrllandEdMKnutzen, Ola ..the about them and aak .. mon BlAck er I Nutrition In ( Xl \' hln h ll fooll mOIl que8t1onll.-HlIltop 0 e on " Rn(1 all ofAndBurllng1'1 ,11('"" ''' O�;:��"�; KnutzenRobert herrlell are--oraogel' M:;:: ;3 �Hornetll a-.:aln attack and The grapeJulce Crief. . Elmer ",,. Glad ltedSunday n .,Ij..eucllle IKnlltzen Main If'rttU.s): monll. and d 9th Cor )!' ? Now Va who Super ity the n March 11th --llioes ....rong- with l stung' lrl adoellfooln t said 10the"pendfalher her Prof "t- If anything life'"M) "'llhJl:Intended �1 ie �1:1���\nl�IIS�::: Mh�1I Evelyn Sneve vialted at her h >-;o/:l A;:cretllr Ihlll chemical ,mixture It 1li 1 l1 blow The (, r oom ' T hen let 1111 � ky high Nov. f/:entlemen If the JOHNSON'S FAMILY me tuke her ort }Ollr Ilandll H&G class d a::�cl home In Kent durln« the week end STORE step I1P you can i ;: I � ::J I�:e �neflll�; :�: ���:A ::�n:o�:I:�t�d her home In foilo'l'willme kindly mOr�IY 3 01 P:l.clflc Avenue 1 I \>o � J'�r!-:; 'r::!;'��%�der TacomM 15reprelJ College -Pacl, Of lJummer I �larch 'rhe�Klrlll J)urrn qulel 10 30 The BronteOurAKe-Lllst entel.dc Lutheran at the Philpott,; was Johnny Wlese-:'; o l tltlkll1 g McKee . m eetlng". ·BUZZOIll�:INN .·rench-t'rom -Wlt U25 SheetRea:)fetal Mild.Wnru 3818-J·1 e"nletiIn . �rl('U Leai g-eueG. prell , . Canltda. ... ThenH·stlon. )' HProp. (;ookln,ll' d Mad.I.Incoln Iron Age-The nell dll�: n fter )lll rch 1 7·a.-. 0rama Tedn lter .:.-Short ho h Mn. "osbourn. Parklan L a e!i y a ha Damkl.r, P"rop . �: Olto �� � �� :;: . . : . ( -t'�f/: �� ::Y Th:· o u . Furnace . SkyUghtl. Gutter �:· one J{ but not � for. . s Ventilation . ;� oI�t:':Ip]aylng hookey. Spoull Heal\n" gotten. IIIr� .'.�·oFO""ler...;:'.le��T-:-; 'R�I�IMr>' Englneeri.. M)Jfll1er T Age-God help!! them tlm EGULAR MEETING TBlI Ibl.Mnd dignified. ThehelpSteethemseh'e", nace.-809Agent. 38th StreetFU!i: . . ' )1I1Ia nnd Sthrud-l50 Parkland Cleaners ) OF FEP CLUB IS j The olden prefer Age-Gentlemen � 1I= t o :'; Marlen�d a for lng 0 , , b'ood", And Pressers ELD BY MEMBERS R.O\M.I.LTOX STUDIO )Ia:w,lk ,:�:. .and Mort-With, Itralght B.oy-Say, do you know thnl , The Pep Wednesday. Club of the II)Iarch chool Pb, Ofo[l:raphA HIt Girls' meeting held 8Oft.hleQ_1I1, NO::�SObe�. Oon't take that :7)�ue: h;.:� � nlef lI:olng around ! i. In the dormltopy: . Kodak In Cardll Sewing o f all . Uescripiion FY-ametJA'Ie, Greet Fnaml" . A vcry clever atont was put on Girl-No. It! Is whal, 915 PActfl� Main 29�7' a "Make Chr)stY-Not nolae ying. a !l hy llae Fredrickson ..nd Lillian Roy-M)' arm� IIki! a .f.lsh." pe n the . Different nooll I Over e hmllnn· l 1I Dry G�od!l . Store Iver�on-Talklng the girls. �targaret . JB�ob!len: a ] k t n g �Anderson. portrayed thepose. "sll� ,::=::=======::.: .ChOO]Mcreen ."'e�� made for the PUI· ahout Buckley-King ' play practl<piny.'e l: play, All plAy!., I've «ot lerMItTlon '"The,ne\'llpIIer thlll touch liquor. shall A. ll lbu Bnd Verle l...a on my mlnd.11I Company . touch mine. '" zest qultp Mr. I-·reed: That'lI you ye been PTl.'scJlted a Rhort but �lever pieceh8 . So sal\ 1 the mail l en with ' UN'IVERSAL of ever Hlnce knew )'ou! a\IIo. 'dh'responded lne. Ihe man with wlck- thinking _/ . Photo Service . Then,edell . 'l R.l e e RADIOS "The ne\'m�ldll Knlilter: .rt·\V.rner I er IlithllslI l me.klll"ll! poodlell aha\1 _c1. 'VTL A a L o n e 's t The" H, Barnes BuekleY'Kf pb���e����CE e beeaull dll'!lbe a1 ham \l\'ouldn'l and. Xorth �t at ht Tac. e.Matn ,one !IIAdlson lOiRl J . MountainA: ::�Yuu' :e . rham couldcallbe I n ' CANDIES , )L�Bank! T?'rll���!' .!::.�\" . T1ow.t Phone Main 1464 MAin 198 , Tacoma. Wn. �!n �===��==�==� iltal'her nlltile brother were that are different G, HICKS DR. ARCHIE J. F: VlSELL CO. and .outARnell »ntbtl')' %) . They In he country for a atRY 10th floor Bldg· . Rust makln atlafac , aroun�' a longrunning time tory s g We do ·hentheroamed ...had Agnea lIu"Mother ddenlyfor'came 9091A1 Pac.Phnto Ave., Ta�omi �ade eFresh ;f),ai/If �,.' ,: : :: :: :: :::::::::":': ,P , A , u : ': . and Hemll"etitcblng Alteratlona a houlle give me the ::: ' : : ' : ' : : " : : ' , : : : ; : : , ; : , : : : :n: : : . ' : ' :: : : : ; i: W"''''''''''''''' 'o,,,,;:;l'l-< ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' , , Llcaugh, 81erltne.the" cuteal cried she. "J 0 h n n y I PARKI:AND GARAGE The Needle Art Shop , IItt�e black and Pacific Ave, whiteofItnlmal. t CBse h:a]ttolllaJ'but he has bad � :ni ':-c:!sorletJ . o�: Rust Bldg. I lt !�� : �:: �� " :: r I , ' ' , : , : , : :, : , , : , : , : , :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: " ll r pr blillltlOns toro r ""..""''''''".........".........,,..................::..::,,!:i ::: ,:::: : ,: : : :,/J:,',:::C�;',�P::'::":��'':,�o:o":: :::",::::,::,,,::: ::,:: � I Lien & Selvig kl to one. yeluI absohlte not\l\'OAose , , I mporters of No!,wegian . Iman boy gelll II for nolblng. Stetson Schoble i: FountaIn v' . and Lunch The Cod Liver Oil e SPri,-g HalB Here I The young man h " all to steal It. St: ..Cor. Tacoma Ave. Barber�hop The old man has I� buy It. t""""""""""""""""""""""'" " DA VIS' I Our Xew Bootlul FOr \"our Huf - "' ftl UiahrtJlc� California F rists I�"'rs . �� ��. r �"�:,�:"' Kn��tsol1. �ro�. G. P.o;\ nnd &attar.ctlon It'8 t!ie � 919 Av�. Ta�oma . . A�D MadlsolJ 16. 1 R3 Pac. .. ,� : WAS , C t p" "" A ::�!��:t��:!tn: O i. 1O, 1 : ' Ta�om., Wa b. butter.nut" I j a Do N�t Fail To, Attend bread











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. . . . . SUCCFSSFUL . " PaCi/;L>_ L�tlr.eran Collelie" Acanetla Choir Will . "" CARNIVAL "IS . . . S DEBATE ';/"'-' SEASON " . . ." " r . . •0 . . BIG SUCCES " . Leave Sunday Qn F"rst Tour of Northwest C"ttes " M. M. BENEFITs IS NOW ENDED . . ' ' . VOL. 4





" n Sunday. Aprli 8lll, the P. L. C' to tlltl" ullllrltll 'etror'ti or Mrs.- Ed- V I. Choir I et o r ' ad Sq� la.(l s \Vi n Ei gh t O llt �h"!i� :::: �;::'�I I�/6�: : n� ��ii;r:: ;� :l :'r �::8:::1 ��'� �:: ���� n��';:I: -�I���nU:r;u� �� p�-===�h;��l:)�;:� \':I I'ic t y-all(t Clc\' e r ncss . of F'o�l I· tec l� Deh a l es ; entert l n�d by the \'Ilrlou� ' congre_ �lth Ihl� ellterprhle hall ( en upon Bea ut iful Saviour ___ C I� rI8tlanllen of Prognlil l Pleases gal lons. . her all or which IIl1e ha� �ne will· . QuestIo n s f or Dehate h c Cro\\"d IIlllerary e h T e haps the mo�t lIucr.eHdul and.. I � l rc1 P he b al tlc u u nth e aud Ingb � l\ follow. all Is ' r I'Y l n terestl ng � Allr!! 8 th-M t . . \'ernon. W8.!$hlng- «'88 of theJcholr so fa-;: hus IIhown enJoy'able concert given this Y,ear b} The ' 1\Ioo'l' ln "' lIIallt l ives on ! The " --IlIulI Prof. Edwards hll8 �r;al uIlI11l)' the choir W!\I\ that given on April 1 With llit'. concl usion of Ihe college Concert: !\II. \'ernon High School . aa dlrec:tor und with his ht!rp Pae!_ at Meany .Hili!. U ) lver,s l \)' of Wash- Moorln� Mast . Garnl val at the P. L. debateR and the deila te. �eason III 8 : 0 0 II. . . sponsored hy �'Ir and :lIt. f'lc J.,ulheran College. In the yean tlngton, The occas ion wall the All C. «ynl on Slltul'day . March 24, wall . ':; L I e " �:���l�::��::. co e t o a ln recognition .In U nh'ersl ty Chal)el Se�\'ke IIponllo,ed a great lIuccellS and j u dging frOln rera \\����:� g � .h t a e ����d : : � er�:o� �;:�:I �hI . .� :I� ��� ����a �1 n nu :�e �:��h-: : ��:If- . bY d l. . ! porI,! "a good time W88 had by, flll.:'The Ch91r wlll lle alSslsled by NI1� ;�: � :�;:�l ,\�: : f:I�:;: ' _I'. L. C. may' well luke II \'acatl0lli tors, O.r1e of the peppiest carnh'al pro: � r from "l\lcaraguu" lind " Foreign In Allrll 9th-Bellingham. Wa.s llll1g· Rein, d�l Inh l und Hele n ,"A Crowl! of G race" ___ � __ Brah ms grams ever given at P. ·L. C. starled accompanist. ,·t'lIlmenta." The fJUe8l10n3 have lleen on the COII�en:' RH', J . T. :-;ortJy'� Churct The Choir progrllm I� 8S (ol1owlI: "Agnus Del '; __ : _______Kall n nl korr the 'evenlng ,,,.-Jth b�ad sm llea and Pral e e God ': __ Tschal ko""sk)! bu rst,, "of laughter. . Dor>o� hY Zlmr o h��: ( r t' tl o e l r I wn o G a e ____ _ _ 8ra hms "0 I riJ Y '�;. :��::� �:r('� :�i,� a������ :;:� :aOnO/R:v'" �� ;,S��:�b��' I�\;t�;e�ll' I. �\'Jolin .������ h orcbestr� �dformal dec laration of �'ar'- and Ihe C hu rche,,: :::;;: � _���������� �:��o� �:::;: merm an and e� rtve prohlem of American Inlenent lon In April hllh-\'ancou\'(·�. B. C. ' Concerto I,n E Mitior _ :ll endels!lohn Of(ert� ry _ _ "8d flc Lutheran CoUeg" die". the octette with their campfire Xlcaragua, The qlle!Hlon� "er)' Concerl: Orange Hall. 8 : 0 0 p. � A nda nte Idea-a Sweetheart ·th� and songs, Choir. I . I C o ��o;:�.�e�k�}� ��: t.;;::\�: � id 3 oC!�'J 1t����� . MOl tO VI\'lIce ' . ____ ChrhHlal!sen revle v.' o( pretty: itlrl! from the I Su\'lor" "Beaulltul �:: I � s t \� �: h r re �:\h:� e e :��/�a : :� :�: day IIweelheart to the bride C presented In the debates. llth-Stanw,;od, \\'at!hlng I Agnua De l ______ B. Kal lnn lkoH "0 .B read of [1 fe From Heaven" _�_ so(chohis�l dream,! Both quell_ April (the lucky man was, ' ' Christiansen. 0 lord I Put :ll Tr I-' lion a t be f:c t r�� :�l� :� I n v,TI) �e rl lmer LeGore) were "Glorious Chr hu" _ _ _ = ____ Edwllrdll byomethe ofway.theMQhlgh-IIghlll qln('ert! IdeJI T.heatre. 8:uO p. s . ' Ka(;nnlkorr� . bOil: :1�:: :it �here P�: 'e t thaI Ilro· !:l Add ress ________ L. Wt!udllll Fi fie ld good materia l to be found 011 all s ponsored lly LUlheran Church-;-- Rev IV. \'101111 Uced the smllell, Norris . Langlow. M ilita r Serenade ___ .\. _ Leonarde " W halt' Ca ' the Unl\'erllily SI Udent dRnd phases of the question. Lane, pastor, as· danc· atarred Kreldler Myron ll \' Today?" Believe J lm he l l W t r e u h SC _____ r ee M Am , oll I t g n l h a \ J 1I any lntere tlng pieces of cla la AI)rll 12th,-EveYetl. e'r LeGore, in,; partnen while Jdortlm ha...e .b�el!. ga,thered and' used h)' the Concl!rt: Centi,al Lulherull Chllrch HU8l1111n Alrll ________ Wlenlaw8ki Benedi ction , the e�tranced channet, snake lady &l1d pt;alaed 'hiahty ·was y Choir Tbe . Reln the b __________________ IIjlouliored .. m Re"erle p U 0 : 8 r I ll mUch clebater8, and vai able nfo ce h a l ��atll��er:�;;�ln!::r:dI:�:l\� �\reor\;:�:: ('h�r:r�1c ��:��;:� t�I:� \�\�� S���I:tr�i{ V . �ehn:I�CkY �I �morle� - -- -----U� I II ;�:��Im���:� ��eIt;o��:� to��:ec���; :�:::� :�: ��lt� ��!U p::s�n�:�::: flag IIQW riles. hall b{'en Imparled fll COll ce : Spon�ored lly Lut he ran Come, Thou SU\'lour;tfOur HHce_ ·enJoyed ' lhe hOllpltalLty of the Ink- of lhe Ihow troupe.. aa reprellented well · Soclety at the new Ellgllah Luth- by the faculty, the pleuant sm iles . . Chrlstlanllen----Chur('h�Re\'. Xeil\'!g, pa!llor. Ihe Audiences. ' Competltloll 1[1 the detJale� hall The Choir memberll are louklng 0 B read of Ute Frllm He\!!en- eran Ch Urch, 50th and 16th St., -Rev. Quickly developed Into laughter. Mr. Christiansen Bremer, I)alltor. A delicious luncb Haug� the head of the troupe be�n,. keen, .bul the Pacific �q uads forward to tl1i� Il'lp wilh a grt!at deal was served and the choir Will'! roya lly with hla' unique genlua,ea featuring were abl.e to take more than their of enthusljl>;11\ MUch of the credit All My Hea r. t Interltli!l!llon ente,talned, 111 1". Xavier all the stron� man, Mr. �hare of v cl t;lrles, Out of debates for making this trip possible III dlle tu a �il�::I C �::!:r, ra· at w cI es , : c��� . :�:a:: :::I� ��:�� �' lc\�:le� Girls' Reception OCIETY !ar�: :n M TEAM WINNING � clderilJg �('oll S ION ISS wondefll, Mr'h. Kreidler aa opera the faCt Ihat the sc-hools � debuted are, as a ....hole. ore active GIVES PROGRAM Ringer, Mr. nainatad aa ·the · monoRoom Is Read.y IN BASEBALL. IS h' Intere!ijed III debate thall were log ar lst. Mr. Edwards as the meeh_ ,--Iholle debaie; 6f yesr, the ��'hool man, and 'Mr: Hauge as Imon Reception Room 'Is HOPE OF-COACH Speech is Gh'en by Re.... Thoren anlcal ./I.hould be proud 0 the gO'.od �howlng Work personator took th� 'audience by C Mission; the of Lutheran ompleted; Girls Appreci�te J , , made. made one ot the blggeat and IItorm Sings Edwards o J\ofr�, I' ) ( F specls .Good Norswing Pl' Gift of Mr. a na l � te n h "u��:edi ;�;� t�: �i��t!;e�� ::�I: l �: A complete �1 'Of t he glrl �' , \Vi n n i n g TeaI l l ; B oys The program of the Mission Soc- ::�:/;1 t : th:�: ��!y o� �u�t�:���� . �:;:�e: �� : ·o. �I!.��;Ij I�· �: �1� ��' I\::� re('eptlon room has takenI place dur- Tr'y Out fOl' P laces On lely meeting which �as held on strumentll, dl"-efs, dishpans, Iron� h �d :e I l � e e March . 28 conslated of the following : Ing boardll. oetc. and lastly the pre({'w rracaHe.�. Thl� wall, dlL� to Ihe �:!\,��enltaS! a��·��:·: �:�I�I� � rea l lf. Hy mn : Scripture read ing, Peter �'����:��:ell ;ier�e�� �;dswe�� 1 acldltlon o( lIew mal erlal which was generous' gift' by Mr, Knute B. \:.D ors- iaae�a ll a'ndid t s . h e b N w;� ��: {;ramuo �d Vocal solo Mrs Edward!! could 11ft ",lIhou,t tIInchlng an� 11-oz fro � m altover the L'l)ited � Fullerton, C a l ltorn l a . ng w of able to turn � u t ro� �ractl:: on ; ��e: I . on In tbe field only t '" Ice In the iallt week du� �ccompanled by Prof Edwards. Talk weight tbat wlI:s marked 500 pounds,11Il p{'r� :: �th�r :Ou�;�e:�l e�1I ��: The artlc � of f�rnlturetapelltry topped ,Off t�la most remarkable pro- , . whole, howe"er. the Interpl'eJatloli of room are aa folloWlI, two to wet gro�nda. The dam�ne811 of Rev , Thoren. of the Luth�ran Com- gram . \\It� a, hang, c8,'ered chai , a rocking chair, a the atmosphere I)as kept the boys PIIS8 Mla.alon. Tacoma, Ibe fJ ue t onl\ hall been the sa me' booths! "ihat an an and da\'enport a table. library IIbould Thence t? tbe, :lt uch credi t Is due.Mr. Ha uge . the overlltuffed . cbalr. �be wo,od In In tbe gym f.�r tbttf pra ctic e while "The �118slon Socletlell · Slx shota aYChrllltie c08\'h, for h'ls u nfai l ing (und of ex- these artlclea of furniture brown the '(mprovement of tbe. !Ield· 110'1 \1 center their work In w'lnn !ng Amerl- opportunity. II be Impoaelbl.� untll . tbe ground dries. cans for Christ. r::ach man ha.s some for . ten centa. F�r once ' Christie perlen('e and facts which were grate_ mahogany, -Among the turn.i-,!blngs Twenty men have been' enthusl- kind of a God tbat he worshlpa. In u�ed hili. head and AI Hauke can_ fully ulled by the debaters. vlnced t�e crowd to make tbe beat wlnfor the drapes re and Ithades !i �1;I � A co mplete rOllter. of he debat hUC over baseball 110 farRd Judg- ur ' own home City there are many of es. Cider, soda follows: . �adw ' Club. ff. team , dt?�_s, Tbe. general c,ol.o r sche,me of Ing from preaent dope,' the prospectll heathen temples, . many chllrches t..helr opportunl . . � l w: , �:�c�Og�� cannt,y; Ice-cream, tea g09 � '::: . !olar), Fowler, Estber To e, A�lIn� tbe r:oo m III a w lir� old .rOse. Cl tba deny ho Son the Is rlst d team are bright Coach for attractive teaa S:lonerud:-:negath'e �e , Marie The- f100ra and waUa have been namstad-;- bo ver reQuesta . that of God. T here ' are mOJ:e dlabelJev- garden,. fortune' Jelll'!J� b.)_' Velli ' th, Gladys Jo ao.�. .Erllng Improved upon aillo. Tlre floor was more boYS lur - �ut 'for exer(flse era In .Amerlca than In the Orient Thompson, tl s h=b"ond, a real th debatfll ) ; Gen_ sande.d and re-v�rnlshed and the made po nlble b playlog baseball, and �e as a Mlulon Society have sld,e �how midst showersand Jlcobsen, of strea�er tralta Junl?r College at Centralia, .waUs were re-papered. Thla work If p , L. C. Is to ve a good team more work right here at .home' than confetti chll:racterlzed the- -;,ema.lnder .Iff, team, ��ary FOWler" t,:sther was done at the exp'enae of the ihere. musl be competition tor poal- abroad, . Towe'\"fohn Wiese' .( .'on); Spokane !cbogl. ThE! walls are pa�ere� w,l,th tlonl. At present tbere a�e plenty Our MI1810nary Socletlea .aboul� of the evening . . ( COI�ege. Aft. team, Erling Jaco�en, paper of tbe Indistinct bl� ·ot. paraof openings for tbe fellows "ho want carry out ' mlallion war In the col", ' Sverre Omdal--;-Neg. team. ·-t\'alter dlse pa�terD., The floor boaa� of t9 try hard (or a tllac·e on', lhe team, leges We do have 'some sucb socII . ar , Every one muat· take exerc.llle In letlea. .organized Sa n r.u n c d ' s�ude�ta but they. �::��:� :� s��:!e. I:�f� s!�t;: :�� ;:e ::o� �,:s ::�a;;e: :; some way during the school year for do not �ve abydefinite �ro�ram. . Pacific Colle� boys' debates (at cutt1ng an ar�bw.Y between It and that American colleges are turning out The Firat Norwe,lan Luth Seattle) Bill Fo"ler, WlII'ter Chrlat. a small ante-room adJolD1ng ' Mrs, It l,s .reQulred ,by law and naturephyslhuman Church of ' !I'ac;oma, Rev. 0:' J. !!rd. at Instead anlmala educated and wake l .I be,rwlde students . ensen, Ne�. team (Ioat) ; at ptfk- Kreidler's dtfJce Ed: -cally fit. Since tennl. and baseball beings.' !Ve. are atrlvlng loa much "ards In char�e, et:llOTed tw:o featlve lalid ' Aft, team, ·Laurence HaUge, , ' are tbe two aporll!l now: comln� I.nto for the almlgbty - dollar and, are ,8I:-vlus 8und�y, H.arcb 25th, wben Erl1n�'Jacobsen' (,,!on); Weber Col' we � leason at scbool: the �t�dentl ahOUld getting ao educated tbat we think . ,the new pl� orlan wil. d,edlellted . lege of Uta:b" a\ Parkland-La,,�o out (or th.eae teams rather th�n are GOd. As the Individua la, so and take.n Into UN tor tbe tInt' ' , rence Hau�e. Erllnl "acobsen. Att. . time. Prof. Pbll. Rauie or PaCIfic depend on-tbe usud dumb�II-:,"lnll- Is the Nation. , team (lost); St. Manln'a Colle�e, at ' . . better J..utheran Col,.,. ...... tbe .PflSt Parkland,. Ne�. .team, Arllng San- The dedlcat.lol! nf a new Lutheran In �, I� the gym. Ever1body who lit Tbe ,C, burch II:Chool dIs Innaare of '_ er ao the tb l u ,pbyalcally n ul �, bo pQaltto take to for a it ' , · ea tbe e....n lnl_..'. Tbe ch ur:c olr. S!, t �o � II w P. nerod, Walter Cbrl:aten!en - Aff. unl,!erslty took . pla� Sunday, !.Iarcb . . . Wben the ?ppor� T?lcea re:D. der�'lMTel'lll blnlch ' t�e e.choo1 as �qod a�te h:lstltutlona. le:'om. (trneled ) ; Srerre . Omdal, 25. "ben. ii ppr,opr late exetcls� �lIeball to �Ive mben. The . � .' - o tried w� IndivIdual, as w�D� ua to ' b�bal� 'ol'laD com. ne" a lty n haTe tn(' In ",-t _ �? • LM . Jobn Wiese, (both debates wer.e mark� tbe fo�dlng of the Dt o b .. to be ml"lon�rl" let 'US" lake a.d- ·p-eat..t "U'af&etlO!lt I .010 work W?q ) ; Seattle, PacUfc-glrls' de- .Angelell University at Lol An�elett, �.ade . ·In' otter �porta.. --. put�anta�e o� the opportunity. . At present eo,cb Rams�d Is . and with hYmn '.tut.... aD,-d _bat{'�:. &!_ Seattl�, Ne�. team Verna Cl!lIfornla. panlment. ·PrOt. 'IOH'J)h JCd...�' .. � Gano. :-r:0ulse Henriksen (WOlf); at The new Institution will be the tin� hla trull In SoUl and Harry , her completed Henrll!:�n Loulle IJ')J� batter. tbe behind Blancbe Stran�ber�. Rena Parkla,\d, SanDerod Pactfl�ast. �be on kind. i18 ,?f. fIrst dean of roule at P. 1.. c,'fa �1'. ..4t:) . ' . Rail, Aff, team, (Iolt),; 'Bellln�bam and It.s p�se Is .principally to ac-' boye do ' tbe' 'recelvlng from Bill two-year colle&e cour" at P.... L. C. and 'ebolr dlrertor OYer olea p' eople .(Contlnued on fage 3 > ' (Continued on Page :n . (Continued on Page. .t) Fr.I<I.Y: 'M!,r.ch 3· 1: at!,!nded . .�.:. --_











1. 1 I J I J











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to atl�s of lif� you lurn. . Slill its pl" etters deep wIll burn In your h�art when you once learn' Pucific Lutheran Spirit! It's your heritage my kiend. \Vhen your work out here is done. � . May God gra"ol that you'll ha\'c wo'n I Pacific hutheran Spirit! ' .


VfC- 1

-D� H. Z.








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Tbe studentll do sa)' tb ey bue not be.en to Tacoma If they. ban

.Sherman)"I\lY� Co II ::. :.::::::':'.:

.••..•..... (Continued Fro� Pace I) \1 • 1 T bw ad plaa UC'cood for' marcel Normal, Neg. team at Parkland, aad complimentary balr, trim a( I "torla aaamua,en, �utae Henriksen, (lOlt)-Atr" , team . 'at Belllngbam" '"739 ,St, Helen Te, Main lIS Alyce -Casperson. l'ol le . Espl!ll otb - (wonL . :.




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�et �Olll' .

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Steinway and olherplanOt!.

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Church Announcements


April" 2Z-A cantat� wILl be given by the Trinity Luth.eran Church Choir.


. I


.. ..



......... ......... .....,•.




c · veri ue . ,.. ... IO.. p,;• .."" .�1 908••• . if � "" . ;.,...,...",";. ,. j .

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I Technique . q�

AfsBut��� Am.ric7Y�P�� �:.��� l 'GOI���r:.e:�;�h.S��r: ar. Tb � Preeenttd BeBy, TI�� De:�reat�ng . Techn



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t , . . :� w!lb .a - deleat rileD bu. haa "perlence at other IUMt to oDly Seattle . Le�ter . FrOlll Centl�a liH clflC� Nine, at ·tbe handa ot tbe PIiIDDQ' Rldu .cb�l. but thl. I, �helr 11,,\ tr1. ,., .II:IUe Class .Pa_ . ChurCb. This .Teoed lbe ,am �- a Position with tbe Gladlaton. Cl earS Doubt C 0 11With "ery little 'praeilC'e ' to -rely Tb'at the .puppet ahow Is !Jolo. to' � e : d o a ort ' Le o ' ccl'lllng NOI,th\\'es t J: .�pon, the G ladlato� Jourll�)'ed' to be a ·�a.lhY · la readily underatood �:e:D t , a :��� ;;: :�a� ��de�: 'M � a� ;:d�: �I:;;�::' :: . t t c C. Ti tie . �::�� :.: ':.��I::�I�b� �:� �I��� wheD ODe looh at the tahllHl 10 the bulal bee " Ylctorlou. 10. a ilr&- W:r.:�l� la tbe Infield' but more ' playen are nec-ellaary �o live .the vloua !am e played at �. �, C,\ 0"1 "Ir]s' day sJudeo( -room. Th�t the Paettlc Luthera� College outcome was� 15 to 3 .ln faYorlard' The lIa.OM! ends 'U ie aeaaon fer competition oeuuar)' to make a This rOOm haa been the scene. of buketh Veta bu our lails trJed .GladI8l0rs are now undhlP:ted ball- tbe no are. Al lI. .olta the mach1ne lI'ork�ng �mbln.tlOn.. .. w; t � the lame to. hold' the uotold activit)' and agoy for tbe . ketba- I champions of the Northwll!:U throullhout I.undered . atter a 'joyool and Since all hut one of last yea,.. \ opposition dOll'o. The tll'O teama p�1Jl two lI·eek., Activity u r,r as belol ' I lone. plac" In th..-happ schedule. outrle )' .lde" aredl't"lslon. Junior. College Conference lI'as the I cann�t elllllily be compar,ed since the the actual lI'ork , la concerne(r: and' W,lt tll t oe:u'. Issue of )'e f.IY chulnl , ahould cause announcement of\ Coach A, \V. R�n.. VeOl squad Is comQPsed Of. former illony . for .rear thaI. the dolla' won t paper and' aeetMwbat the. boya did I� k�n competition. ArDy. Tho.tenllon haa Tbe last fact · stad as he)landed UB .a letter "'hlch big lealuen and· produce city lealUe hold together. as a pitcher how. out ylng taklnS::A�d }s �' ho also tr boon helped .ame by th.e kno"«.-tedlfl the line of .pIcture he received fromrCoach O� J. need I pla)'ers. . ft Ie verytlJAtevident to. the Jaco�. I. ....orkln. In . the . ootnel�. . they wete up ·that there ....\11 .be strlnl. attached . of Centra�Junlor College re entl,)' \l P. L. C. pa.Limera Hlllh �OOI Arlfnllton from atar BOn: (Continued Froft! Paie I ) .also lobklo. a nine tb.a�ne.... how to PlaY to various partll of t�e bodlea and The lett�r. In part; fOUO";!I; · a,alo.1 ID. lood . I. )'ear; last Jt: t H -Man ht . . rl pu owlck and , th bas belnl ball }'owler , toare that doU. e " In re'l!'rd to the b"ketball 1JChed_ l N�elther , team haa . had practlc.e gether I.n. a manoer wafraotlnJt: con· haDde�I. . and Erllnl ·Jacob.on .. port tbe outer p.atch. Lyle· Sanderson.. ule It hI perfectly all rll.ht with U!l enOUgh ha't"e Chrl,tllnsoo a nd . Orambo. Milt will rtdeDce. work· .moothl)· a produce to probmeD three sider. These for YOllr 3Chool to claim the champ. 1 mAchine the weather. conditions . .o� trt�d with . . the pitching staft thl. aiso been Illed . In the . The , how to be Pre.ented Is the abl)' co mpo.e · lohshlp even ,tho we defeated you In , Ing taklnl a re.t ID . ba \'e beep very unfavor:able. . How_ dramati latroD of the "Three Beara." year with each ha't"lng hie chance OD l the re!lef hurlen the one lame we pla)'ed. t made ! ever they when outfield the on nO 100 .Ide. ere errors both l , � .do not pitch. e ' d I w . . ' It wlll b given by the embers f the mound All bree are Aeveral eftor:t. to .chedule a game as numerous from I••t year'lI team as was expected, After the . Method. and 'Technlq ue :f baseb.1I. men and will play .ome l walt ,.'rencli or games with �he CPS Res�!I bllt l a oor ope lnll. t he la �eav- . bu. out turnlnll wl he lklng ch ooe been S hl\. Y Di n b' . the whether " . tea � a the OD � place Jl . wal unable to .chedule . aJgike or up si run• the lad o 8 .ettled Teachlnll cl s• •om lme thl. week. ing .chool earl), and will be unable G ho� J' .hard . even get an an"Wer to my i nQUlrY ' down xand worked The d'efln he date depends entlreiy pitch 4i' noi. Ted Fedt aild Arllng l to lame... . to keep their scheduled any In play \Ve beat Mt. Vernon here and th'ey for Nllhllng out It are Sannerud the amoult of pracUce necfrom advanch." �he score. upon , for those Thi. Is the olltflt from which cancelled our game at. :\tl. Vernon' opponents �f the manipulation first ba.e. 80th ' have baseball ex- l Coach Hard as they tried. tI,., tll.llk was easar) bund a to hope. Itam.tad In well ' showing are due to conflict with High School . ���\ and parlence c the -'until do Is l are �mmlttee. . ' !cha�Plonsbi P ...·Innlnll team. f.A!t·S gamell. Since )"OU played more e oh,o.�:I:·;I!:. .�hE! Vets Iwere J ust fr'nlshed. thl. greup can do nothing the practice so far. �amell with conference OPI)onents However,. a d'e feat at the hands tow"rd their par.t In the final At second baae. 1�lIdy sanderson get �b,ehlnd find support t.he� and .e I ...·e realize thut you chuD ges ��r thtl hold" a ' hlgh hand . Rudy p'tayed hoped �het h weather , Vets does not dOllnt . the. PII_ product. m;:.:== ,:;;; ��:;ab�)' h� :� " claim to the champ- cofflcthelad" "', == = ,,:;;; :;;; .,:;;; ;: :;;;" .: ;;;:; In the play are; this position well last"year and I. K::.:;;; . because. even with a dis- the'r.hebllcharacters l t"OROfJOhi p even tho our percentage Is fresslug the middle·slll:ed bear trying to maintain the 88me. •tand- r' lack of' practice' they held lind the bear. 2 IO"n{JJ Suits of !lome TIll ; ' season thl. ard "Goldilocks. and bear!! baby \ets to a good margin considerI f l l e e 'Oll n the Ing the comparative ability of the The head. of the dolls are made of Captain ' Ttnk" Fedt holds tlown � the nc;c;�:I:; o/�et :� g :-::�::!:\ a� two squads The ouclook Is good fine grade of plaster moulded the short 'Hop position vdthoul a � JETLAND & PALAGRUTI tlvell of the confere.nce schools 10' for our thl!:! )el\.r us plent)' of and pall!.ted to represent the varloua douht IJ'he little flash Is marvel : get her Dnd forming the sched�lell material team Is on hand nnd I f 0'1 Sol chl\. racters The bodle. of the bears In the short patch work and will . 912 Pac Ave, Ta$Oma. ,,:a.b. fo tl e po b e h a 1111 condescend to come out anti are of ""ood. padded with cotton . be big factor In the team 'S succeH .. st:rh/ I: ��:kel:��� w; :e:: ::� drhe rlllil off the Ita!l"�all din and covered "Ith bro""n cloth S abl h d:Ie ��� n l�t mOlld the wlI have Brown cloth eare add a most lffe- ------------------(ello,,"11 the so I S�gg�: l :�a7 e ln l\�::"°n � :_ ha � 4 tl h e n r tl e ge O CI I Lake Park Creamery n��g :O��b�I:::�O;;hO:�� �: �:�d l�::k:�: �: ��v: t�!:I: e: �: ;e:� �:d :: �:��. ;;;d:��e c�I�:::����i ��:� :pro;�: eral structure of the bea n, except ' thle yenr: whether they ....ould en'l Por·uce'.. L.' C. : Rudy . dress gingham brllht-colored a that ,2b. Sa!lder!!on 1953 South C > tertaln the proposition or not .1 do C hrl len On h. JII b l P. I. !'ed � will. repl,ac;e the bro.w n cloth. She ' 'i not know. Vnlli'ss the schedu icli are l j S 3 CO SOI � \\ 111 ha\e a sunbonnet over her ----ff � -� ������� · ������--made before the Benson lItartll the r:�lIb:.. C fH!�,�:��hPrfTllIl�e�� IbTh;1." fo:olden curle T[UI"HPNE "'l/IJN 77"1' conference v. III never amount to veryl! �:lenson c lind Curl:>on If This puppet ·sho .... la the project much for there will ul .... ;) !! b<l tlis I Por .JItheondVets Teumnler liS Ren \\ork b) the stu dents E\ery one pute!! If each team does not have a 1� Sk ' �� �o�S cr In the class hu had .ome part In -un!form scheciule. It mlght.be POll' I tr A�;er:. :n :� \� a ac b H:�!� r!' the . . v.ork s:ble that St. Martln 'S would en.ter I fl () on P. and Ennl!! I ''''-:t ley wcr·e approached on the lIIIbJecl. 1 J hns" I�unll t. ,-Pd t. ".......... ..... ....... .., ,,," ,,�c:",.. ",..n-:-"...', '',,,.. ''-:-, ::' '-,. It ",eems to me tho! that only logical P L C by Inning!!: " ; to bu.lld up the con(e�ence III tol \'�t!l ' _�==::==:=� � � � � � ��! �:Illt�'e��:t!r;1�:r��:t C��e·b:a!!�::I� ; O D h o t ""mood " ".. ","'" th ' ".d,n" �!t: . t ��;. j:� p:·': I :"�" �: ::":,,: °1 e m" ,o-Joe ",.". ��: will lake enough Interest In the Phone,��!;,?���! Mad. 38-18RS Parkland for the competing 1teams and the In�! r(. Service And QUAllt)' terellt may .be rallied to a hl.l.: her ;INTERCLASS MEETS II pOWe ha\'e plent)" m.aterlal In each I ARE DISCUSSED.' clalll!. or lev.e l. " In ' two un lled classe . - t() I .' : this leiter was recel\'etl b)" 1 PROSPECTS GOOD torm Until : :::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.:::::::.:::;:.:::::::.'::::::.':::::.;:::::: team which will do ....·o�nder.1: a . Mr" Ra!""stad. Ihe Challlpions 'he l , With a little practice. , )lasQllerade and. Theatrical Cos-: � .. .. . " ." ."' '' ; ; , .... . "..,,,",,.. ... .... ... ,,... .! ......orthw66t Junior College were un.' ome tume. TUledo ,n,dntDre•• Bulla for :.:.�""""""""""""""''''''''''''':'''''' . . walk. fre5hm�1 d e college The could tormed learns be Rood S I certain to who wus eligible COli' In the �arlou8 R claH�es III baseball 8\\a) with honors In bnsketball bllt >tender tor the honor NEAL E. THORSEN 3111 � � DEVEL9PlNG & PRINTING � this lear As vet) little Interest it Is up to the other claeee8 to keep � i Same Day Service, i has been taken In track too. Ilome l them ftom winning the bueball or 92-1 �H8Iro�d�y H I :aln . � � AU Orde'" left b, 106 a, m.' L ';o�pee.; �Vlg:' ;'a:::' 0f the t.1I0\O;B feel that ao Inter· track tournament Tec Ique CIass same P s e t ""O��d ;=::1 the materlad :hl�k -�� o:�r :::�:� \8��:IO: :�� . . ....."..."""." " ." ." . ..."" "''''..'.. '.::''..''� hes Project �!:� ",,: � ave s u tal Finis--n rn �l:e. � 0 S ,n rrinliaklng workoutS Interclass some hn\e to meet A series baseball a or could ! . � I SPORTING GOODS Publicati on of First Grade Book ' easlt} be arro.ngeci the same as In to ghe the rest of the stude�te i � . All Work Guarant.eed Sweat Sh�rt.t and SUckers . to be jealous about . Is Completed; Dedicated I baeketball and ever)one would ha,\e something t e on t e t.o Class Instructor � �haw Supply Co., Inc� i :th����c.lI;oeUld Kb:encr�:�:�et�!�:e�: re: �� u;:/a;e� : ::l: !�::� :n: KJM:�LL'S . � _ � ' 1015 Pacific.AY To complete the quarter e v.ork classes with a few track meets and out fOr some form of "thleUcs . Broadway 1107 . '''e...... :...... I '''.."J �.".. the Technique Class has been work· baseball Itames representing the 8chool In one sporl (0. Ing on a project, This project ls i At present. track practice Is at a or IlD0ther. tI g f a de o "\t' MECCA RESTAURANT� :::d7:� :�l:b C�;:!I!;:s t�: �.�;� book "'aa "publl.hed. " �owever: In reading done last semester and Mlu Stllrud' took no actual ' res- ' P.�TROXliE 1I100RING Open All Night ponelbility In the production or the thill. ADVEI".rISERY 13th &. Commerce The b"ook was Illustrated and primer.. TRY OUR ANNEX u d a d h .. .. .:.,.. . .::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t .�� � !�It::: : : �::��:�� �b�;as� i t=:: Permaoeqt '':avlnl flnt crade hll cou.ld undentand E)UL1' ln BROOKDALE GROC�RY CO, , .and empha.llI: a certain IIr�up of �:!.-r�ES .. : F K�a��:�!:: ----... words. su wordlS" as were con. SHOPl'g Factala . General )it'l'Cilandieo . , 618 Fidelity Bldg, ' vocabulary tbe cellaary to ' � . ¥aln 3562 o[ a tlrat . grade child. Parkland . Wa.b. The book Is ab01Jt- 8 Incbe. b7 I 4----;'"-,, .� ..... ,.-.. .. .. "" ' ""\-.,:. IS Inche•. typewritten and Illuatrated , ,... .. '' ' ' . ' . .� " ' In color. The IUu.tration. are .GULLBERG'S FLOWERS .' mainly bait-pale ooea. but there are some that are lal-ger. . . Store: 8IZ So. Tac. Aye, The book �.. dediCated to Mia. ,' Greenhou.� 'at Parklaod L. . E. SUxrud. .Normsl Department �nstructor yder whOle direction tbe :.� ................ .. , IF your heallh I. pr...rved .



















.. .. ..... .. .. .




· w.eSt Coast Fruit & 'Produce Co. ... W.bo1ea.le dealer. In



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.. . .

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I ::���::.:�wm I,! . _ i.2 ]�:�:�::.:�_..:

KOptone PrinU,1I..Co. ..... c ,&.,e. '1021 �I - TACOM,A I ,

Hata 8'75'1


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; and Pt;ocIuee �_ __ 'f,, ..-_c. .� ·h S_ k,_ _�_._ rn _ �· ,t:: _ .�_ __ __ . � Fruits




















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BDn�ow Senic:e Stat�on at







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. IF your 'Ufe Ie spared. . Your fi!laneia! problemi'w.ill � I9lved



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Us aho� y.ou h.OW.


't.!! .

These "IFS" of life can be eli m inated . . ,




Mad. n41-1 sa'.. ;!, l. .. .. � p•••••',"' : .. . . .. .. . , . ... , .. . .. ..... ... . . .. ..:.. . ... .. .. ......,

_ •• ..... .. .

"IFS" of Life

. .

Let .



... . . . .








PAG& • •

" When


I I 11 I

tighl! hl!\ , hloumlng ��xceI8Ior!




to 25 000






' lyre.

IImote Ills





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Ted f.;.-Glmme a I�blet. K.-Rut





wrlle a leiter,

111 1��1I1t1l I "'1011.- IIUIU nl, wayjl 11l1e rnnr nApkin. 'Vllller, " \\·.alter: , am ullDg It, r"e ..




�: ::l you n tlte 1l1(llter with Elfl'et�lur�

���r��e����;:\\�� l e e,







"�" hr t'on!lldere�1


M ..


,.. ,;, :,:::: �

It Ihlll Ihe facully Ilophillticaled!"

-Tn TIlt' IkI,'jI

Crackers lied to the tRhl� leg • Keel' Ihy bleuhllt. lillie hor. with II. " :'olother'lI pride and Papri'� jo�'. . With Ilty !lldelol.'rlill IUlTill:in� low, ,'nna: Laughln., '"


J:��I t ;� ;nklng

h t e l ����� � '�,,�: �\I:�� Hanna-Ha! HA! ThAt






While drl\'lug Olle nigh I

('an �ear a pin drop,

!lite meanl a rolllnJt Illn!

Quellllon-Dld YOII r8('Oltnlle I

fMIIIO' Saturday nllthl! Add.ed as an After T"'",""-O' I

, a l1�' of the ,.('ene,. I'roCesllor Hauge?

- '-l'ihnl !loun.\ ('ome",

IlOrlrU Yl'd






The n,.I1 Ihlnlt' Ihe ProfeslIorl! will




Ihat Gnde Sam 1\8 hili panls on "'ItIt the corn


tell '

Gues!! this ona-Whltt kind or an a.olma" hall rur . l'Ia)'1I meo"'-,

, nnr!

haM kittens! Itt'! you


What nlgbt?

can't gllells . :�("('h!lor makes the maurells




MI!lM Sllxrud BaY!! It .. Is �o �oll1ellm�s In studr hall that



!-��=.�R::.�:� .:� . •


Bone Dry Shoe Store



).,.,lIor ,

, _






8�n,. F·.orists Hayden-Wat . 1.lllt'11 .





UNIVERSAL Photo Service

1425 Lilicoin Sheet

Outter Fur­



)lAsrnj?' �:'!ll��to;\'



And FnmlnlJ Are,



o u aln and


{'t Rea· PhOtOlTllphli of IIOnable prlCH CliMb . 'Ftnlahlnl!l', .......ml!ll Main Z937. 9 1 5 Pacific

===::::===� I I �:::=Buckley-King

The A. H. Barnes

CO.\LU};JU .. ;'A.L

r '

Rea, Mad, Mfltlll Worke Otto Oamkler, l"rop, Furnacell. Sk)'lI�hts, SpOUIt!: Heatlns, Ventilation Engltteeu. Agent Mueller nace,-SOI So. 18th Street,



.. .





. ·..

.. .. .

,\ulo fl.-llalr Act'C'!IlIOrles

(0"... Oil!! And

on . . .. p .......'...................... " ... .' . .c ... ...J ... . .. . .. .. ·



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Fountain Lunch and· Barbershop


\,. .t



944 Pac. A,·e.

8er,'I('e And Sntbll'<'lJOn

Tr)' Hot '

OUr X'aw BoofhtI .'01' l'ou alld Culd Saladwlcht'W and . , .�QDt.(D J)Q�

K�Udlso·n. �rop, Madiaon IS,lRa '


,' ,

· The .Pacific Lutheran College ' �ends � its Friends. .�




.t�t .iSbt� ·






BDCkle)'-KlnK Funeral ChUM;'h TaCk A,,'e, at So. ht 622 Phone

XOrfh"'Nt '

1 8 '�nkf'rs 9



Truat BldlJ.

do .. 1I,r"to"


:: � :::�:�::;:: �:�: J.




Free Delivery

\I ::: : : ::: :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : :: : : : : :�.: :::::::: : 5: '



WASHINGTON HARDWARE CO. Spalding Athletic G,,?,,' .



1 1 10-12







. lIalll 715


The Store " For Men and� . .


, ,





Rust B1dk.








·J � : :� � � · ,v" .!.I.",!":.. I "_�II_ "I I.,_, . _'_ I1 T_'-_.�o_n.:._ ,, . . .' •


"'rll, �ol!bolJm. Prop.




BUZZ,' INN "'ookln&'


II" , ,,,

rlorl�t Tele,raph Deih�ry A'IIlI n rhone Mliin 300 III � Pacrflc

..= 1 ! t:::==:::.:::: · ======:: II I

2 l tl , v6nd Pacific Avenue

.. ..

The Spring Hah are Here'

It" 'lhe

Special Pri_ aDd one P.Oto Free 10 Stude.1a 111214 Pac. Ave. Main 2289





' .... ""'''''

Hu�t Dldg, . 1 0 t h floor



. F.'v.ISEL,L CO. . J r· t I . ·. 1 :::::: :::.::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::; 11 Book" ��iler__Statklntil'll ..., Photo : ------------------.------ 1' ; 1� ' ·· OO ' 0 " ' �A" ,J' 9 A e e p :;:: : : : : :.: ::; h ; " ' I ;: : : : : : : : : :::u: ::�: :: ::::: ;; II CANDIES THAT ARE DIFFERENT 1,, 1 ;'"':::::::.:::�::"::.::::::::O:.;::::::.:�::::D:::.::::::::.:::::::.':�:::�::.::::::::::::::::::: \ ·UNDERTAKING CO. . I Lien & Selvig She Will Appreciate a Box for Easter I ! Pacific A..::._____-----� Pudfk An'.

-·-"-��-·-·-_·_"_�'; .I2Ht


Fruk J.


1t U

kff'f�'11 .t

R�"fI. ':;'lIt. r ('0"""." " , Member or. the ;

. �==:= Pt ·": ·i:: ' '.:':: '.C: - :-= r

I ·:·:·:·:·::·:· ��:�::::::: :::::::�r:::::::::::··::: ::·:::·::::::::: I PARKLANf GAR AGE '

( ""III

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OVer l:ehlJlunn'II Dry Guotis


........"..' '

�'.nu,r t" '''ii�''

1 1 21).2 '

Sewing of

����� '�;�:;� .�'�.�.�'... . ..

f . A� ' I




Parkland Cleaners And Pressers

,' twater·Kellt , ROHHO'S OARAGE . Phone 'MadisOn l,0 7Rl

plealle ollk :'olr, Darned Lillian', curl ll There Willi II. rOll118 n H e \\'l1li JU l t � � ov w� r e wllh hefldlJlrhl � r oo ! 1. ,dim :

If he 'borrowed :::;, �����r�:;' :I�� t.' t< ", M

11Ina ,h!





!l 5 , rearl! one location

\Or��l�!I��� ��;: III funny, F lnptllng like IhcJellllell!! title: . what fllI'Pperll lIeek You nil')' Hart)' S,- "Y.-allhlngton III ' dead. HilI to me ruu're jU1i1 a !!helk: r hurl. . l"apoleon III dead, Lincoln Is dead F ()pl roy heart Ihe lI'ordll ' Glad I h A t Willi born II girl, !In d ('m nOI teellng .... ell myself."


Men's CIQthing ·Furnishipgs HatS and Shoes

,I p'==;::;;:;::::=:;�i::=t

Becallse the)' k,!ow lind no � "




unit , '





( lolhl'1l

; 4 ________ ; = ; ::;:==;;::;;;::; :;; = -:;;;:;;::; f F. SMITH CLINTON (�vt ""f), lOS Euter Gr'ee.thlg Carda !�!





Easter. Greetings II Hub Clothing -Co. I



smule shredded In "Ienty of time. or toAea"e home What Is the IIt'lff lI'a)' 10 ranle, one: minute hetore the fral n H"avell! wheat! '"tIlan,- "\111100 111m pie Boula Escelalor! I.)'I� S:, 80th: If )'OU ca,tc h It! ha",,,.. tle"er heaid hla name. \\:hat II! the pad e"er�' leat! . tConl ln�ed F'rom Palle I ) Whe� �;�e Ruth smll" hll bloomln' t wraps aDd 'chl�a. �o �l n�;:I�te �:�:�al:� �: �::, : ��: . I a � ar U h co , ' ' And II o'er the fenee Escellllor! , academlp!! throu�houi the country, Hill Uon'u�r mak" Ihe Grecian 'one ADd lI'hat'" i ha fU ll), IIluft called althouj:� atudenl!! of �I racell M nd Ilellemble thlrt), canul.-QlrrupUII, l.reed8 are eUglhle for "�mlftllon. .. 'hair! ' . ' Tile IIchool 11'11\ be CO-!HlucatIOnal. · f.;.Icelslor! �tr, .HamMad , cheml"tr), lea('herof bulldlnllll' will he' r O N li'. , that ll Ihe motto of e ery , Constru�tlon Tollar lI'a thla. summer, and t!Paclflcatlona take hrilrllchlorlc acid !lchool. And , 1I'hat fflla ihe head of con· And Friday a �_ are already In. the . e l , fool! of LOll I Iracton, . According . f:.Icellllor! Ue RUI


bulldln.& with dorml- l quadranll. t?rlel athletl<: n�ldll and 1ym nu, , men and women, a both for luma -stadium "Ith a 'ealll1l capacll y at Solll how near are ��u F'reed I aM homel for' the (acuity flnlllhlnl a('count ln!!: let Ihe ..ampul> The !lite selecled T. lot r Freed, '\\ eil Solll • beautifUl Ul.o...c re nat'! located II 1 done bUI�nllhelnl • otl • hili ot"erloolilnll: the city of . and halt . mllfl from Lo. dllleDn· PaT In advancfl-[ ... The laud wltb J the "aclflc 0«," Iinue dl�llof!: .ra...e!! hereafter un- an appraised ,.sluatlon of am paid promplly leu Wall donatfld by publlc-'plrlted cltl-.enll of the chy -Taken froUi Luther 'Inl EthUlrds \\ hat Is the beat College ChiI'll honH� 1I'ay 10 catch II Iraln. To He mel ' truek .. lIb ODe nrflthreD-lItn� Ihe nut hynln'-EJ:

' Main 1493-Phone �

', il?ya .

Tacoma· .

.� ' - ,/\:, . '--..)



.\ .

The last meeting of the Ollugbler. Reformation wall-held on April 16 I the Girls' Rei:�Pllon Room. It The P. L. C. Respells mainly bUllillf'811 meetlnl. tbtl feature 'being a reading -by Mar· jUll cCI(lpleteo 8' auccessful 8f!d ene t e ad n . Joyable concert tour. ;:�et r:.]: :r 1�f': ye:� C h:��: l �:;l! choir, wllh Nilil Rlcn. viollnlll!, and be held on � May I. Accordlnlt to Helen CODgdon, accompanlat, travel · IICnl plana thlll nlecUng ",, 111 be a ,ed In one larle IItace. The first connHalr, and the officers 'or :\tlailonary Federation SOUI,h Puget Sound Circuit wl!1.

MEMBERS OF U. sTuDENT BODY. CH()()S� .s Acr W._ FACULTY YISIT PARTY WILL . BE ....i.of PhYllea, LangU..., . COMED - Y AS ' . PLAY. Hi,tor y Department. of GIVEN AP·a. " . 28 , of W. Villi CI..... .

··!t'fc!ha:�!:��I>af��!e�hre;; Doc:tDr oSborn. �ead of 'the. PhYlic, Ai� �o �����U�; ;' rJ:� n p e P-Iay; Will Be Ginn May 25 department at.. ·t�e UJ;lh'enity of Arranged by Committre. Wallhlnlton was a P. L. C. villitor "




PrOf. Hau,e� Stb:rud h�V1! Thursday. AP�U 26. He visited lIe'- Phtll" have !Hien completed 'tor a ,an� M��I -DaY" "M�rtha-By-The .88 the eraI claMell all through'. tbe day' and litudenl party to be «IYen $iturday Senior Play fOI 1928. The cast haa ..... npeclally 'Interested In' even InI. The purpole of the. party been choaen a��. rehearsall have �- 'lIclnee , and, matllem.atlclI deparlm�". IS" ,p raille funua for the &ludent bod� / . gon In earnelt. Tbe p.y will be Dr. Frein.' dean of the IAnlOalte treallory. Therefore. a pial} 10 ralle give", Friday evening, Ma, 25. deparlm4l,n l of the UDivenhy. vlsltell "JJarlha-Br-The-DaY� Is a corned ), aeverBI etas.fI. on Friday, ' April 27.. In three actll. written by Julie ·M. Dr. M�Mahon 'Of the history. Llppmalln It lit Il_n �Ptlmlstlc com- ment Is expected next ...eek to vlliit .. Arlin, Sannerud w cil.lredy full of quaint humor. old-fashand the committee Inelude. EveVernon Htgh Scbool. loned- homely sentiment It III tbe FriATERNITY n CLUB Sneve and Oerbrd Bolli Arter kind that one will recall and chuckle hO P ' BY HEA several conaultatlons tbe c6mmlttee 'h""' h"O',',"'."php m,_""' �," ,�"he,o'�, '''''' V E . over tomorrow and the next day HUMBLED .., "h!" BOYS WILL T��M. .. . , ,r ,� dect8ed that a pie Ie should be InHITTING PACIFICS -Lippmann has herself .daptFin! Methodist Church under the eluded In tbe eunlnll's round of fun . uJASKA ed Min aUllplct'l of the Lutberan Cburches of SOON' FOR � A ',man admlllion fee. w.. . Iao deher ,·erY.llucct' l sful book tor atalle o. isme In third seaao tbe the of which Rev. :'\'orby and Rev. Ordal are . . lIervlce. and In doing this has selected the Gladiators larnered a one sided elded . upon and several commltteee I he ne la G e sel t v e e l her novel the mOlt felllnl In- t :::�::s'Lu�bera n �b:�:�� R:�� S:�'l�: . d:�t8 �r::t �! :Pe�d- ��;�U. from ��:;: o; l�e �� IV��� :f��lIb�:;: ;::u ::��:� ::::I�':�e decided' - bred In chari�. lponlored the choir I mer on Northern Coast · cI.denr.. . I�re�t10ul .�omedY aod leotl- tOn. ell.<:b Ilrl lbould ..k a boy to· 10 Unal IIcore ..... 18-3. ment for the play. and the reamt II lame The conffrt liven at the Oranle Hall. wall played on a dry her to tbe partoY. Tbe younl On April tbe 11th the choir Bang LaBt Tuesday marked the begln- thoroulhly d#!lIlhtful. pays twtlDt,-f1"e cents " adIII Stanwood at the Ideal Theatre nlng.Jof the long' trek to the north. The Clllt In order of appearance II: Parkland on Saturday. c:h.ree. · Howe"er. If sb. , lIllder ·the .t&uaplce.l of tbe LUth�rlul Every lummer m�ny of the P. L. C. Francie-Alnea Olson. Ihe ill requlNd to PJ.; boys gO to Alallka and other north· Cora-Palma Johnson. Chnrch. Rev. Lane. palltor� ern polotll to work Concerti were al,o liven In Everio that they mal' M,a Slawion-Eat!:ler Towe. f'1I at' the Central Lutheran Church. I;ontlnue their educa.l>\on In the fall. Martha Slawllon-Jerdla Nordang. He\'. Vlnle's charge an� JIl Ballard at Peter/'lol,t. the (irst to leave. Steve �dy-Peter Grambo. Rev Howlck's Lutheran Church and hili departure Tue"day. He CllI.fn!" Lanl-Vlctorla Rasmuasen. for a I!;pe@ch in S�at�le lit Re\·. :\'es"lg'lI church. I The chOir royally entertained ��:n: �::��2.��;r�! ::�·IOW. UrI! on an error. atole secon4 a.n� . :ll n. Allen Sherman-Margaret came .home on liacrlflce and Iteal. The Gladiators IIcored two m"·'''' I,·om,.'",,,, JMcobllon. Amy Pelham-Dorothy zimmer-.l ln the s��nd on two hitl and that It wall a very errors and from then on IIcor:ed man. '. ev l and the Irlp will be remembered as Evanll Carlaon. William Fowler. Jlfne ���:-;�;���:��rllng san.oe'rud.·l �:e r:!::��r 'Hall ladli were Entertalnm.ent:· Ethel Johnaon. . . ' f(reat 1I0urce- of experience and pleas. 6; Ed h·erllon. Walter Cbrilltenllen. form and especially ao In thOi! I Dorolby Zimmerman. Inlwat Fedt. ure. Sve,rre Omdal. Iqgwal �edt. Rod'olpb HONOR ROLL FOR }ng department for the P. L. C. Refreshment: Sophie Peteraon. --C;;' r concerts ....111 be given In Sanderson. Alfred Lund. Carl Col· . seemed 1 0 clout the honehlde at Ma,rle Espesetb. Peter Grambo. . StenQUARTER IS GIVEN . ' Blg Bill !o�owler pltcbed atP,ady ball ley Dahl. ' Mil},. n the 18th concert will be tum and Norris Langlow,' June 9. . . --' . for the Gladlatora and grew atrong.er The tint named on each committee given , n Silverton. Oregon and on Som� of the bOYII v..tll be near Bell. the 19t t.be choir will sing· at tbe Ingham and othen wll! be off the The honor roll for the flrat nine all tbe lame proceeded. He received III cbalrman ot tbe committee. . l.other League Convention in Port- coolit of Alaska. The :lloorlnl Maat weeki of the li�olld liemester bout plenty of lupport and .used It to lood \ . lan�, Orellon. The plans are not takea: .t.hll'l, opportunlty to wish the� a total of 4 3 memben. One atu- advantage In certain Itagea of the REV. ·CHRISTENSEN· definite yet as to the time of I the bellt of loek and safe dent. Chris Nellio� by perailltan� ef- tracBl. This waa tbe flrlt game Bill fort liecur�d all A II. l!;lul placing hu pitched . thlll ,�ar and 'ea\' lng bot It III thought that the back to P. L. C. ' TAIJ{S� 9 HAPEL ('holr� ...\11 leue Parkland Friday himself on the hllheat poulble bon- tb� firllt tor P. L. C. �ev. Chrlltenllen' of Astorla. �Ore. inl: and return Sunaay afteror ;���e wbo made 'the .Dlstinctll'e an!�� �a:�:t:b��O!:�; gon. gave a splendid talk . -at . chapel :::. exerclsell Monda,. April. 23. Tb! We feel that the P. L. C. cbolr Honor. Roll ...ere: Ruth ErlckliOD. Le- ensue between them. A Imall lab Gral!! . . 1da Hlnderlle. GI�dYI of lIudent. were the only IIpe�tato,.. main lublta�ce of his talk ".. aa a Ireal future and lhoul'h thll la Mabel Pa.rka. Eatb�r becaulle the I.me "" unannounced. f�lIows: Urat ye�r of actua� cbolr Proapectll for the two new tennlll Knu-t�6. Mra.e Winney. B r d f h J b he you work, much IIUCCess haa been . courtll Mrs. Buttort. Lineup; . ...e. Ladell. alongalde tbe old on�a took i'o 7t :: �a�te� :�;at °theWjo: may....'.. Palm,,: Johnllon and Gladys Jorgen- Pa.clrlc: Sande taloed. due to the eUortl ,o f the I a hard right to the chin that decided .raon. 2nd: �here are two educ:atlon�du.rector; Prof. JosePh Edwardll. o o : o n a c tbe count at tbe lut Board gained th'roueh books and Tbose . ...bo -mad'e tbe Honor Roll � h.�st����n� c ; �� ;�d�� lIt: Inl. It wal decided not to and education In character Anderaon Inez Arne LJn � n �ere: � Fr b If H ba r �nc ; 0 n. c . . ZATION . TO t.he 'new courtl thll year Both are essential to .nc�, un : L d !On. Syll' LarlJOn. nore ,Erron. t· Bult the tennlll enthulialltft . oker .T' Wasblnlton once Nord�n... �n- . Lander �all: Aldrlcb.. c; GRADUATES to Jerdla Nordang. Mabel� ,:ereu- . 'OOntent tbemael'fell with � p\I n'ot to be.altdarkle r Dorotb n n. ll o l n. A n U; r O son. ss: Wilder. d; Wyncarden. a: �1 O �. u at 6:00 a. m. and playlns wltb a dal. laOr rdal, pu tbI} -;hlte"aabln' en' ,Appointment Commlt- lI:bt al.a7s o:� Blanche Rail. Gladys Henry. 2od: Klel, . rf; Beott. 3rd; on the ball. That .. a tallt. 5_ln nd.O Gertrude e as been orlaniled at the acbool. on l but .to . tor tbe Interlo� Sydow. . Elna Burlew, ht; Bennett. p. Errors . . h h . 6.' b ' the purpose being to keep the lraduTbey �Imer T"eter. Marie Elpe- Pacific: ' Rahw��� remarkll bat the Trulaon. �� :�I:;·!:C;r:t�; n lite teacbers lofol'med of the vacan- new;; th � beat Cbr1stenMary �alMr Fowler, setb. 0 . uns: ' he t a! earwill b.e giadect . � collele lbe mult des In·varioul Icbonll. Notlcel hue Uellt courta job. lllta: al Fedt. w ' pe�on. riii . tlmQ ao tbat tbe Iround Ion. Alyceano.C.. d 1l'en9n FrJlnklin .Land� 1 prepare bllD elf that be been lIent out our tbe stete aaklng .wlil :Nlble . Q , E r Hall: ready nas haoon .. -the new Verna cooperation In tbe placement of P. court , .s can may be auperlor In :1I wOfk and to Lacy. Anne Leland. Arthur · .01l1on. Runs' 1 0 2 0 0 .na ce . be d L. C. graduares. be 16 tlnllbed In bll edoca�lon tbat .' Victoria Rurnuslen. ArllnlJ ' Sanner- Hlta:' 1 0 2 0 0 .Tbe tennll playera bue been nd be will soon de't'elop ' trom the orGerbard'"solll. Leonard Tbo� Joe 01".0 refereed b e e : dina..,. wblte"uber to the Interior ' dat bue umpire. :;::��&:::e o t th,: �Qr: :;:::-;- !: .l0� . and Erllnl Jacobson. '*NEW BOOKS Accordlol' to Proteaaor 'Stuen's re- "otee. of the lawn .port tlaYe 'traYport-. ,reat nnmbe'r of ne� h?oka eled to Point Defiance ·Parlr. In TaCALENDAR .. LATE BULLETIN' . ba"e ..been' purcbased and placed In �a. to play on real courta. Sucb P. 1... C.·puUme� d��eated the. f{t.: U-with 8t. .� tbe I�brary. A coml)l,te set of forty entbuilaam polii�beated eoa;ape- A�1 ,7f!� pme touan of Tacoma In • beated yO\uIpFP. 9.1 .l�e fI�.ry�rd Clualcs by Uon .hen the ...rlou, slnl'��: dO_u� . Leo,a. (bere) .... at Edward' Bob Knutsen. Peter riott ••,,1 ."'''''''''' to take tbe lonl' !lind of a C. ·W. Eliot b.n beefll add� 10 tbe, bles .nd mixed .doubles .ll bool A�� � . Cbrls N'eiaon ba"e been dolne coun� � d :f ��:= library beeld"_elebt :,"olnmee of nc- champlonshlp ,1.I played .ott � durln& Ifa,. 4--8t. �' ;;:� �� ��D f s ret';' Pme (here) crou-eountry runDhlo1 I.t�!� tlOD aD� Itx voham_ 01 Enl'l�h �t- t.b.e mon,tb of Ma,: ' tor S't: Leo's .bUe J.cob­ M.,. U-Bueball p-.e willi ON, aeem to enJo, I . t ImmftHl,. battery · eratu!&; . The :N.uonal . GeoP'lPb4e . pltcbed .Dd Bolli, Tbo.teuo. !lIce thlDe abOut rUDDIDI'.,tbey . tnlIa (beN). ' :=:c.xlDo':' :;e.!::. �"':''::Q:�II·':1 Ibe npt '_ luu e ot tbe. 'Wparld;' )Ia� __ prepara� fa beIq fa tbat It ca� be dODe ID all . 1 "edt cuebt tor ·hcltle:. .Pa: r.N:ord DO� ·�,��d�: �t ,�w� W�D' E. Ph. Plot. by ..... tor . . ...... � t9 w."tlter ",bleb ,It:.. tb.t al"Jrt edited be will Jirut 1rt1id D ' \ he .a..n�-Jfl , - ' pt H __ two .lcae.. . ..�,/'\.: beJIMW la the 1IiIdIDe ,...... 01 ....'. elded ddts·tbl.l Iprlne. - ,. :�:;:!ltl eoii;i; 'EneUsb cI.... :i· e .�l: . . ';uJI � ' {' '1·', ' I : . .. � . . ' . . Il




























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that tbrt .roup 10 - , The tenth I.DDual cODnntton of 1 Requialt.. tor true wltn...- It'wa. r"olnd on �fI('Ord .. fa.,orl.. .. '1KMltl'la �.n Stu�e��a un�;� bea.rln� Lutheraa Stu· . the whhlQ Publt.bed. e.,er)' two week. durl•• the achool year by tb ,tudeQt... �he�d Luthe monmeDl .t h ut . !!lr 0 e,e Student opportunities ot le.r�l-deDta· Union to e'nc:ou.rale mlato ll o Pacilic . . LutheraD Cctllel"el ' rarkl.Dd W.ablD,ton 10....., ,Marcb ind/3rd Ind, t�b, .�tU. 'hi.I. tbe . worth and cblraclerlatlu o( I ;�tI � lt,. amoD, the atud'Dt IrouPi OD Sub.crIP l�n: one d�lIar per ye.·, The CODyentlon tben.·e : Wit· true wltne..", tor Chrl.t. ' Enter'ed I., ItI(Ond cl... matter, October t, 1115, .t tbe local campu. rafllel'- tb.n �'I.· . the OIt oUIe. ne..e. (or Cli,rl.t." at P.rkl.Dd. W"�hln,ton. under tbe Act Dt Mareb S; 117.. opportuDltltlll of wit· th'ely DppoM tbe .."otk 0' other It,U' The Con.,entlOD tut, "Yr Ihan ,be ntlllS.lln,Campul for Cbrllt. orl".D'u.�lonl. d.Dt witnel8ea UDtO me...· Act.. 1 :S. t. C.mpu. dlftkultlH 10 be·o.yer- Oro.up. No. I : �L EdItO�'�-Chle� __ � _______��_�_._ _��___ ��_ _� _ Norr an.low Ope...... 8eMIo. come .Dd ho· .. . . . Arllnl" Sannerud, 10tr.odu�lonl: dt I t co e P.clflc LUlberan Collel"!. ,::: tlo�li�rO:p:: �:.":��� �:e �.f �� •b.. Indifference �::;'���;;,! � �::.::�:::::::_-::�:_-_-:::::::::::::-vic��;I.V;:�� , .. __Wa1ter Chrlstenaen ' Ri d icule P.lrlclr.. Lather . 1'1&0 . . BOTl' Sperll ____ ____ ·________________________ Mr Le4der. P.reul ·O,.mn..lum Frld.y eyeolnl". c. r-lellect o( Colle,e t r ' f I f o I �::;::II�� :;:.r: C . 8. Y l7laaker. �:��:: !: �;:a�: 1:�:::'C:r power -_ _ _: :-_ �_ :_�_:_�:_: �:��:_� : ::���::�� �: � ;: :�:O !i � O': :.��:� 3. �P r IUel of witnellllni CO h ; I ? II RelijloD ________________ ____ ..,.-. .. _ ____.. _________ Palma Johuon Two ,elecUoD' by ttae ' Luther \�� �� T e PN bleml under ,coollder.tlon !r r . R,eporterl: ·Dorothy Zlmmerm.D, Elna Trullon, Le,l.h Or.II, Eliot le,e orcheltl;i, und.er the direction u.t Ullnl ID the' .roup were:' our opportunltlel. . MlcnelllOn. Helen Weltby .nd Either Towe. . . Yrot. Carlo A. 8peratl. . ' 1. The De6d ot Chr'-tlal' wltnelHII 6. T�e ChrllU.n Itudent. •nd· the ' . BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Inyoc.tloD b)' Ru·. AII.o Nel n. ID ·ordID.ry .,oe.tIODI. for Chrllt. M.n.,er ________ _ _ _ _ _ _... _________________ _ _ _ _____ i:herre Omd.1 Addre.. of Welcome: Dr. oae.rllOL. world . 6...:Hneed Il r . r wlto u e tr a . n· ", � � U , ow Ih. the Chrl,ti.n ,ludeDt . . I . 'C.D· ' mode�n AHllt.n, E.\lot Mlcbeleon OI�:' ::f!�I:e���:: • �e ��,.. o· lh 10 CiRCVi:}\TiON :� c:��e ��nrlk learn to tlnd hll pllce In " prOlr.m accordlDI r e try����:: O OU b Mao.ger' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H.nlll. AnderlOD Bel,um, pN!IJldent Luther College In.,olvln, . world redempUo'n! !! I t �y�':n�:�� n ';"�Y . __ 7. Beln, "l1l1nl·to heed the Clil. Mlrlam Helmd.hl "naillnt ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________ StudeDt Body. or life. AUVERT18[NO' Reeponu: M... Carl O. p@(!erlOD, 8. !he call to the IDdlyldu.1. t . To ,wh.t e�teDt Ibould we min· d J ' n�n prelldent Lutberau Student.' Ynlon. •. To win • (ellow.l\udent (or .Ie "ltb IOClflly, aDd It we mln.le. M:..'••'.'." ·- - �- - - - - - - - - · · - · -·- · - - - - - - - - - - --0'- - - - -- G " .' ChrtBt . , r-d . . n E',·h. '°J'.h'n""� n . 1. WI\nell·beylnl" Ch.�"':clerl -A- n . _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . .. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ o'rti� exteot IhoU1d be enter Into . b To ,Ive a life win a "'orit] for. ' "to·wh.t Tl·t'INO dc of � Dlac�lellhlp. . Itll form of .muaement. Chrillt. "lyre Cllperson 01.d)·1 Knutten a. Foll�'11 wltb Second Birth-&' . we to take the It.nd with Are 5. . F."'-CULTY 8UPEI\.\'SORS Dr. her I.,erson. Au,ultana Colle,e' 9 . Wllne..lnl a lIfe·work. tbe reformed church.. ot le.ylnl· h S'_U_ '"_ Followln, thlll pr" ram wal .-cen· I. Wltne..·.he.rlnl . characterilltic "to ' ':... _ " n . J O ; ':... Ph E dW� d._____________ _ _ ... hi• •ulde! indl.,ldu.l tbe ' 1 el'al IItu.dent dlsc:uSlllon led by Retl. of True Dildplellhlp. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. It It poilible t� m..ke a nul..·oce o( Faith; a N, M. YI-.II.lker, EXeC-uthe Secretar,: , b. Demanded , RESPONSIBILITY or ourllelyell by witnellllnl" to 'the ex. . or the L S. U. Quelltlonll luch AI by Dr. yer Iverson. t!"eme! Single out the student who real izes the vulue of taking purt the fol1o�lni "ere .Iked (rom tbe . The re,�I.r bUllne.. meetl.IIK 7 ... When IIhould we not be.r wit' in .outside adh·ilies. TOl-{cther with the curricula kn?wledge he floor,· Ind theile, to,etler. with a pOltponed uDtll H:30 P. M. nfllil to Cbrlst! ' .. Afternoon se.lon ubsorhs.. that student also receh-es in\'uluable lracttcol exper- ,roup of IUI,e.ted topics- were kept \ . W ' II. Wh.t m.,. I 'do .moo, my (.1_ d n ' ;-h�:' ' ' "' " " !;:.::,:�::�::!.:� ,::::� ::�::�;�ou: -, �: ,: : , t b,. Rev. 9. Will petlon be .ble to leltlfy \"ocal wHnea.·hearlng In o�der to be b. Among hi. Illlpcl.lll: the journalistic uctivities of their high school or cullege days. T. A. Hoff, Luther Collele Young business men too. owe their .positions to the excellent conllidered . true lIylnl (alth! In tbla world'� In· etrectlnl,. training they recei,'cd in outside activity at scl�ool . meallnl The Ihen WI. . . 2. en IIhould we not bear wit. to four dlllc\1l1lon 8"fOU�1Id\ylded Oroup No III where the Introduction. Such practical training means the IlSMllllpholl of responslblh - nellll to hrllt!' . Ernelt Nyb.kken , queltlonB prevlouI),. Itated were con· ' lies that many students ure afrllid to shoul�er. In 17j�cting fhe 3. Ho or may a Itudent Colle,e. III more Intenae dIIlCUI- Concordia ol)l)()rlunity Ihlit comes .through extra-currlculur u�h\'lty, u st�- keep ' he ' lurface behind the lamp" Leider: Mr. Mainul D.hlen Luthilion. The (ollowlng a .brlef reo er Se'!lln.ry. ' �ent is .ignoring a !ra ining. t.hat �as been pr�ven an m:voluable ,�ld �rl'.ht and ahlnlng. . port o( wh.t occurred �n e.ch ,roup. Coulellor: ' Dr. M.rtln Hell.nd, holdmg responSi In the outside world. OUf od\lce .t. Can !- person be lIatl dled ble Group No. 1: to our student readers is this ; . '1'nke lI(h'anlage of your YI>por,.·ltnell.bei.rl�1 or IIhouJd . he! followlD' prob1eml ,come un. ',Introductlon, Hannah Qulen: Au· derThe (unities !" 5. Doea the Lord rieed -f.N,.S, L. dilcullllon: gUlltana College". bear wltneBI! 1. C.mpul dUUculllea be o.,er·. L�th. Tonlk Kenneth I\Ir. LeIder, e.. . proof or wltn e· . 6. Ghe come and how Church Announcements from the Old Tett.mllnt or e.r The?lollcal Seminary. ) ______'--___�-----_,_,--..,---- blirIDg Counsellor-Re.,. T. A. Hort. Luth . ..b, Indlf(erence l before the tlm& �f Paul. . . ' 2 . . Ridicule Mol' 6: 'Sunday-t O o m. Serviccs-'l t u. m. At i::lO p. m. i. Can a true wltneu-bearer Il"t"e er Collele. The belt opportunity for a 'IItU' , to modern waYI In thell "I:he (oUowlnl quelltlons we.re dll- dent to wltnell ror ·Chilllt. ALao the Trinity �hoir gives, the "Holy City" Oratorio b\' Guul. Mrs. (ollowlnl the Introductory other opportuDltletl or wllne..lnlI tor Iryhfl; Ilmel! o( doubt �nd IItrlte! Ph. E, Hauge, director, . . Ladies Guild meets with Mrs. Edwurd ANton8. The Student Volunteer ..,.{ove. talk: . May 8: ....oung ' · . ment. What atlitude IIhourrwe lake 1. Sh.1I we dllcusB rell,loul prob· Chro.t. son at 8 p. m. 3. When and how'ahould a atudeDI I.,e mll with tholle who illIte ot wlfilell' loward May 12: Saturday School-tO a. m. . . ' for Chrllt! . . Sf:'r\"ll'(' 9. Shall ",e dllCUIIB rell,loul prob- lIP!rltull unretlt! - I t u. 111. May 1�: Sun�.ay �chool-l� a. m. 01\'111(, 4. Can pdflloo' i>f!come ..tllItle4 lem" with thoae who are a stale 2. When ahould we not ,bear wit· "'lth May 16: I�dles Au l mfCts church I)urlors. hili W\tnetlll be.rlnl. ne�1I to Chrlllr... of spiritual unresl, . S. Give lome proof.of,wltnelll.bear. IIInellll 110111 su er. , 3. Can a true wl�ltell8·be.rer lIve . 1 0 . What may I amon, my4elInl from the Old Te.tameDt or be. Jenl Rlkshe�m. a IIhorl courlle to create a IccordlnlI td modern W.)'I In theBe fore the time 'or P.ul . Campus 'lItudenta --'----1 dent or 1927·_11. villited al" I. he col· s:10w :...:._ .. _weals reater Interelt I � t·hem for rells:loull trylD, tlmell of doubt and Itr�fe. 6. How do we tlDd . the w.y to' lege Sunday. . t. T,he Stu dent Volunteer Move· Stella Samuellon A nna Fred Scheel will leave neltt Tuel' Icllyltlel! t: and religioul tolerance menl, . what .attltude ,hould we take JetUI Chrllt! (To be continued.) . Thompson Anlla'\I1�� MarYII' da�' for Aluka. Walter .French IDd andI ItIIClyll , bearlnl On actin, all wit. , ville Saturda)' �Dday. John Wiele 'ill'1II leave for Victoria oe..e . Captain KlInleD�erg 1 2. b'lt neetldlary. IO have telt M.rle E�peseth IPent the "teek.end WALK-O'VER Frldar. _ pefllOnll call In order to wllnen for her In Kent. SUIld.y ' 'YOWl' Chrillt! . BOOT SHOP ternOOn ber bryth- ! I wtll lrud" lng loog. Ion, 13. How can we know the lire In er. Otto, vllllted with . at the col· "Aslane, . ' Chrll�! le,e. I With pa dre.ry. upon ..my back. ' Samples i t . How do we get 'thlll life ck of &sther Towe .p_ Eln. TruillOD . Chrlllt.' " pelred on lhe musl<: pro,ram ot the 1 and feet we.r,., Sizes 6%-7'h The 8us:geated t"oplc. for the con· North Pugel Souod Dlltrlct'Y. P. L. I met the .udden flllh $12.00 Volues for' $6.00 terep.ce leulonll ".ere followa: L. ConTentiOn beld I� Everett, Frl- IImlle! to Sunda,., April 20·22. ArthUr It shrink h�lf t=::;;:;===:=�: i 011100. was 11110 at tbe CODventlon a mile; osa hettlc A.-e, at 10th ' e and appeared on the progr.m . Aw.y WeDt that Irkaome load ot en • b&� f)' IDlItr t� . the aDd.um()ft.hNtra • ::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: M.rle Glrdlln yilited with Beulah car&-- . . ' ;::: : r. TAC OMA MUSIC CO. CODley .t Olympl. Oyer the week· ID leu tbln h.lf mlnute·1t "".ID't '\. � there. encl. · 917 Commerce The Itudtlnt.. do aay tbey b.,-e. � I at.red .nd Itr.llIhteD@(!. It bad Palma Yished her a come·eo quick, . not been to' T.coma It tbe,. h.,.,e � ID P.I1Jlbo o.,er Sund.)'. . � ReY. C�'latell8On of A s toria .,1.1 . The cb.n,e 'had . been .ao lIunny .nd Stelnway .nd o�ber pl.DOI, Duo not eaten .t C.rlyle·1 , d b w e enln 10 slick' � ADd then � i;"mped onw.;d, IIlniiD' :!�. ����::':i�;:I��II. �!��robar�' :!d �o=:= �� :.!=: :: t:: lr.l Lutberan urch ot com. ·1I the W�II� ' 'b"'" ', '''rume nbl· Sh ' M" c JOHNSON-- COX COIIPANY " 917 PacUlc Sueh a woodroue senle 0 , comr. e- .nd M UII c Book... R d 10 ,, "" d Sunda,. evf"".nln., Apr . 'Prillkrr-e_gn.-. Acceaaorlea th'e� la 10 jUlt . amlle!" . ahlp , . ·Marth SI.ne HJerm ti.d, . HJerm . •• Itad .nd· AI"'r Beck .,lalled .t the r _·.. ..... . C���LE'S C AFETERIA 726 PAan: AVI. _ lIAII e eolle.e Suoda"'�:lprll 15. .d plu. J6e � for' marcel " . IIr. apd Mn. GUlt Werner ADd I Thl, • atid complimentary blr trim at Sherman, ay.,& CO.' t.:::::.::: . . r" " . : : : :.:: .." " .-...".... ...::� t n . C College �:: :::.::::::i: ;::======::::== : ��:�:f. :��:.r�:::: o:��: i .. .;..o " Bea" y us-so Bro.dw.y M.ID 116 day. lin. Werner w.. tbe aurae ';'bo � 7St 8t.·Releu·A�. Ib.ID. .11 i Our service it always �t your disposal. "U we haven't got Tacoma, W.lbJD'IOD eared for Mri. Ramltad durlol" ber L_....... � what you want. teU us and we will get it. You don't haft .�;l. .J.... _ .. .,,_ . ... .. . to sen away for a thing. Our prices ancl�., Of � i d d chan is. '""' Ea�hlta... 'U• . : I i i PARKLAND MERC� CO. ..� D.Y GOOD8 � I D ' ' .M .. . ,., z o.,U . I . Mahncke & Co. i ' ·1 -



, hot ' d 'UI,"":" ��: muttlbturmount, N ews '.;��: to' II.,. a ' ,he ttudenl on i�II L. S. U. C'onventt . life' an Chrttl t ----.;...---...,















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1908-10 P.cjflc ·A_.




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MAN AND MAID COlldu�t and ""....101'. whether It be BANDS III . coa\,UNtlOQ b,. ''''0 popular at Icbool or ,. from Kbool..That 0"'-..11&0,.1 ltat)4ard ha. luf· 'I .... .-IGHT GAME WON he.rd to' re- flee,", UPOD tbe character of our III- . (ered devadaUOD '- true. It iI allO C6n.p' II.rll, ODI t;� t.hat tbt. 10w.r mO",1 .t�Dd....d mark, 'But. m,. dear, ba". 10U l:ur Itltutloll. .Are JOU doln, .II )"Ou cao BY CE.NTRAL IA . ' u be4!n �lIi.d by economic cbaul. nollred her uOII,btl,. bencb. lO:uphOld tbe hODor of tbe .c:booi III fftpect! Dt�U1 cOllfteetioD H'!t'DALL CLUB Parkland Men', Club and St. hwblcb -haa followed upon the beele rou.b. red, .�rr·.d. Tb�,. fatrl1So 'tbt. B·� n tHIi Leo', to Tanale with of war Ind scientific denlopot:.ll!llt. scru.m of the dlsbpan and dom"tI�_ wnb conduct and "bn �b --u P. L. C. La • I b la d« I �n!�:�lt��n-:�tJI!�I:t�:� '��:b� ��� I�:e\��n:�!��� :a:; :I:I� :����:e� : : l��::: eale:�' b? :':� T.hrills"Fe.ture ll-lnn- Tbe Gladll�or- ",II play two �; !� a41KOvery 10 lack-uleful. and ' ". .l UVC! '..I...I!a:l S'LATED ' G.tI.:1. - END FOR WEEK .






.Aga ' .






unaelflsb baada," -for capability' IDd cbl�lc{er of II ItU. Iount!on Ing Fracas; this "" eek, meetln& the St, bind baud :"Ith cI,.llIt:r" Home Run �I!meea team It II pitiful '10 moll�ef'l ...ieh- deols. .1�le ,. eapecl;' lI y true' of . "On our field at 3: 0,0 F.tl- ' Tb:uI we ba,.e a problem; our la r dllhel. mendlol boslery lod Ila...- &raduates. ,E,.ery IeboOI. tlkes Ireat Decide's Coun� day and the 'parklaod MPJts' Club on IdentUlc renalasance has meant mor_ Inr "I dl141reeable housework thllt p'rlde In Ichol..tlc 'recorda made by Leo



. ned &aturday. �1.decllbe. and a check upon·ci,.lIIia- their daulhlen' banda may remain I�I Itud�nte. Hue you done your Tbe J? L � a I the baaebaU' le�lon A:��ra::i: al Tbe GladlatoTl have been 'playlnl tlon hal beln e.tab�lsbed, It y�u ...llIh unbh',m labed, Little dft .the�e f091 11111 partl 'Have 'YOU dO!!e wbat Plclflc Nohle Field. Centralia. Tbe r�me a Ireat brand of baseban .. they to tl,ke It· that serloully. t;nl.eu 1 mot\fora realile the harm Ihey .u re LUI,h.eran Collelt! elPecl1 of yo,, ! I � reflulted In a pitchlnl duel'bet"een exhibited to the school l..t Saturday, have, mlsJudred Ihel� IntrlDlllc A'uod- dolnA' tb�.lr d.u·lbte,.., How mu�h not. y�u Itlll' hue one Quarter left Howlck of p, C, L, a�d Klein and for: tbe f1�t time . . The team haa ,nejJS , It III woma_n'll duty to IInrt, us more fup • Ilrl'll life I, whe& Ibe in wblch to redeem youTielt, You Blanken,hlp of. Centr.lla. Tbe (I:�me �n blttlD(I: well. Ind the tleldln" upon our "'.y a(l:lln ; .for with T� n� perfOMtia thOle bomely little _ tuke : 1 �.y tbln\!; that IOU bave donII your . ..win I. bou.llde.nlnl. �okhic, p�r- belt, or thlt you .are not up.ble of ",:eiu eleTen Innlnlll ""heir W.,per aver.,eII 110 fir look lood, The men nYIOD1 "knew h.plI- her bind. do lutter II • resuh I dolt'!1, bellet but do �ot forre� that to keep hit a homer o"er .:enter field fence. now ba,.e plenty competl�lon , , , them 1I'orkln& for poaltlonl mon.ter un more SUbtle Of no , .d l!r but what doe. It matter "h,D Ihe pertectlon can leldom, It ever. lle wInn' I nl th e lame _ . , -Llooa' hue .a -Yery lood o'i?! he.nn h.. ,done 100d to heraeif aod to attained, JUst thin'). of the maTTI'I. The QI.dl.torl were tl�t to IIcore thlaTbe year It I, reported Ind the I.oeal Tban Is the m.lden p!-ulOQ for .. otb-en! ' 'oua prolre.. of the world �url�1 tbe ' _ e Uru lonlnl when SaodelllOD I will b.Te to do ,some hard 1I'ork _ mild. . WomaD of ellbty, I18t d8cad�, Tb�1 pro,real. I. due I�o::Ii- on • wild thro" to tblrd, . lads � 1I'ell-known Friday afternoon If tbey wlsb to NOl onty to 'keep- down tbe basf! In �hlle e to tbe fact that lome people .were r cently lpeakln to . A'roup Tb.e _ Oladlatora were a Uttle eldt- chan,e the s.:ore trom that of otber m.n. content wlth' tbelr tlral rellllltl, ed durinA' the tlrat Innlnl, and tour I yean, Tbey .111 put a peppy team But tea.:b hl,h tb.ouA'bt antt amlnble o'f' Collele ,Irll., beld !p ber blndl not They atrOTe to bette.r the thlnl" .nd aald "Olrl. la It not wonderful ' ' erron Cost tbem tbree run, 1I'hlch on tbe f-Ield .nd tbe IItudenta �f p, word. ' they bid accomplished, 11.1 the 1I'hlcb o think Of tbe bUnJredl of co kies mlrht haTe won tbe «ame �or them. L. C. ,t A'et beblnd tlielr team to And .:ourtllnefUI. an;d tbe de81re of to i.be-e baDdl bl,.e ma.de.! The pies'! same ".y. It ehould be tbe endeaTor . Tbe nut run for tbe Gladiators ke e." }1P old Iplrlt. �he team fame. PJb.t .! .ot .,'ery studeot tl! ItriTe In ettort to ' The The stoeklola d.rned c.ke.! ume In lbe. fourth Innln« "ben needs tbe .upport of tb-e Khool a�d ·And 10Te of truth. aod ·ali thal makes Tbe dlsbes .;...••bed! The reller' to· better hi. preTloua recordl, You stili Smith erred Jacobeen's' A'rounder. every one should be out to see this a ,man, 1I'eary bodle.! . I waot to leaTe a have ODe quarter left In "hleh to do Fowler ,follOWed with a two-baae hit. f1r.st real tuuel of the susQn, at . mesuA'e , you: ' useful ha �d� 10, You will prosper by It .nd,lo . . Klem ·....]ked the next t...o and Jacob- home. Some folks "ould rllbes blow make ·fullwith . . IITell.' It I. the factor will tbe .choo!. Remember tbat you ' /Jen w.lked home, In the lalt of _the On Saturday Ihe Gllj.dlaton will tbelr own ' borol, than IIsten� to ... hlch makel :It ellbty. a happy are a part of the. Institution anel aro me. fou,rth Jo�o"ler robbed Wa«ner of a .:rolf'] bll.ta with the h.rd hllllnl Souaa'i band. ." and a young woman -M . F, responsible for ItII luccelf'].-E, hit by the most '�e'D8Itlonal cat.:h of Mens' Club. Wh.t Ihle team ]olel on , J, , account of lack of practice. It makea A IOod _way to' make a man keep the day. . THINK IT OVER Smith added another for Centralia up In uperlen.:e., The te.m la made bll . WOrd Is to nOI tak:t I�. . Tbe, Home ot 2 P..... SuUa 'Span aoother su.:cel fut· year In In the leventh wben he douted the up of fonner III1(' ker� aod the team , a Never meddle wltb a hornet or II tbe blatory of· P.clflc Lutheran ball ovu the fence for fOUr ha8es alw·YI makel a A'ood .ho�lnl. ColTlnk -Fedl atole home In the eighth Th ese two A'amel will tellt the real m.n who Is mindloA' hll own .bUII- leie will bue been completed. AI II JETLAND & PALAGRUTI Innln«. tylnl the Icore, It wal In IIlrength ot . Pacltl.: and every one nell. '-student do you realize the relponll. thlll play that he apralned his foot Ihould be o11t tollee both gamell. bllity you clrry In makinA' thll the 9 1% Pac', An. . Tacoma, Waah, and ""·.a forced to retire from the The field will be put ID ,ood order Nel'er Judge a man b�e oPlnlon " " 1 '" " ' ' " ' .P. L: C. ' Y '"' tbe gamel for and f.at peppy r baaehal hll' of belt him. A'irl � game: Fowler replaced him at �hort ==�== .���;;;;����=;=���; • ' ��� ==== ball II promllle(t the Ipeetatore... and Frencby went to the Udd . Follow the Go]den Rna,d to Betler Hellth JUIt about 'the time you think you a o F ca9 �e endll meet. lome one. monl tlo� :�� f�;:�e ;]:��:t::::�:: the endfl.______ tinA' twO hlDA'Ie.. Fo...ler rot two _ Jacoblon f>c.� a single be Spread It on thick . One of the heuleat ]Oadl to carry ::: ! �o:::�� II,II hUDdle of bad hablta ' . HOTlck on the mound Ilicdled ;ood I --r ball and after the firMt ' nnlng ...as Tbe oral e.lpreilion clalll under given alr-tlgbt luppnrt by both tbe the InBtructorahlp of Mill Stlnud are now at work on a �ouP of cleYoutfield a;"d InUeld, May 9tb ""e play Centralia 'on ('ur er one-a.:t pl.ays. Th�y 1'0'1 11 repre­ home dlam'ond, ' and with .he /Jame sent qU,lte a Tarlety of plaY!! Includ­ fight and pep we are IIUI'a the team InA' a little .:omedy. of philosophy, and of pathos. wilt turn tlie table. Lineup: The plaYII will be given durlnA' ·the Centralia: the cbapel on the tolIlb h po a claiil' perlod,..In DAHL GROCERY CO. R.andlett. II •• • • _. 5 1 2 lowlo« datea , General MerchaDdiIe Tbe Bishope Candlestlckl. April 25 Rainey, 3b _ • • • • • . 5' 1 2 1 Phone Mad. 3U8RS Parkland . The Aunt from California, May 2, . Oell t. d .:• • • • _ _ _ • 5 Qualll), and 8enlce In 1999, May 9, _ \liiif"li�'"il. Arvellon, If •• �• • • _ 5 1 '2 Tbe Skeleton. May 14. WaA'ner . Ib _ •• • ..:_ 5 2 19 May 16. Smith, 2b • • • • • • _. " 1 1 1 2 Sauce tor, tbe GOillnga, _ CabbaA'ee May 23. � 1 Malquer.de .nd Tbe.trical CoI- l "........"........."..,"'""""...1". . . "".."'"..,,",,.1'"1". Pumphrey. c • • • __ • � . tumea, Tu.:edo .nd Drela'Sulta fOT :; �lankenBhlp rf p•• ,4 �"'.i ' : Rent , ;: And who letll down and out ofteo KI.m p . NEAL E. 'EHORSEN .l DEVELO'PING &. PRINTING !_ er tban Col Llndberlb" ' Drew rf 1 11 o 9U Same Day Service 3 ��� :; "' , Hair H r � � -; ;;- -; It you would have a friend. laulh Toupees, WI'I.. Maaka • i e b�/� ::"In at his Jokes . Pacltic Lutheran Collece : ��!.do;,!:,!� :�, m: a r' S e d n r Enlai:ginli �· �J Sandenon, 2 b _ _ u : 2 � E)ULY Permanent Wuln« a 3 GO" DS SPORTING ChrlMtensen. 3b •• 6 DAVIES FlnlJ(!r WulnA' : All Work GQaranteed j.: .... aD• •"" eR ••a' .hI ::��"E . M" :�I,:,: ,&o.b,... " _____._ 5 �






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Store: 8U ·So, Tac. An, Qreenhoule at Parkland




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All Night


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These " IFS" of life can be eliminated - aho'" 1�a �w.


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. PAGE t.



Words Of WisdOm ____ririi _


c(\1a l o n e 's ,Our Idea of an optlmillt II • rna!! April l "�Tbe P. L. C: Cbolr returnwho takea a !rylnr.: from their tour of tbe couto . pan on ' '1Ihln, ed trip. What La tbla we bear about Van· . coUYer belo, bard" on.. 'the memo A second·ha.nd automobile hal"iLa ben" er o I b Ya t 1 5-One. b, ontl .tudent. ;:rge� :�I�: �t�ne: ��;:I:a�"'D � April turned t� school and .ork� , i April l I�bool commented at ' . ee Ilnle: l The map wbo. "m.rlu! . , . . ! l. tboulb ootblns .ad ba . ;b; ::�m.n ·1 Home Companlon_ or bea�tltil.( noble ' �� \.Inobt_ to dom makel! any other m._rlu. �! d� . T . e . our life I mooument. . . : : 17-Sp",lol b.. ;.pru�11 for Cheer up� . The 'es, "U hue'the AprU The CO,untry Gentleman-Wilter Snook Ie and Marle.apent tbe after. in�re ,there III I� i Chrlli�enson. Paciric Ave. 960 THE: P TH A nooo PICkl1}l .Iole, t a. ' ,-{ I .!!ball 1;0 for!r'an:l, Collet'e Humor_lng"'11 ' F�t. i. Rust B.ldg.. Look pleuanl; somebOdy III a1- April 20-1.0111 or'thlnra DeCU,fred on ThoUlh the ...·ar Is Ions ; The Eye Opel).llf-Harrx Sannerud. tbls day: Firat. 'the doctor dewayi taklnl Jour pltture. I shalJ go forward. True Confessions by Peter """Ott. c�·· L...,...,.......................................................".........! e t t . On my IIp�long. Child Ufe. port!!}'ed by ,Agne. 01! Noab 1If:c hundred yearl old ��:rl!le:d t:: ro���n!:'e:: M::��r 1 . .. , , :. . .. .." ; son ! before be knetll enou«h 10 bu!ld the et'l race fa tbe Mumpl! The baaeI shaU gO fortll.rd, "" ark. '�n't 10le your(Krlp. . baU team 10lt flrlt �o�ference � SMITH �lterary Dlgellt-La ell \Vlnn'ey. On my IIplI a pra.yer F W ER , :. SHOP LO . � KJ:l.rne at Centralia ·6·... The ..boYll The Salurday E" .I-, " .' (kl-kl.,) Thai I may keep A:.O. SeamoDs. Prop. I The lellll a mao kll�ws the usi.er are b.rolr. en up Ol'8r tbe Itru «le. . l'olH-AIf and Lillian. �Ir feet everywhere , !' . and �:I:I;.hl� � ' ;; . .... .'10"": Fedt II It Is to convince him' thllt be 11. ' ;0\\'1 Tlnlr. who es�lally limp The American-Fred Scheel. e all . ' al. th�! a! u:: = Main 4978 � .l Bdwy. 9th Cor. '1 1 : "· i�:��a�:e:l:e�� :� : �: : a : li � nd u AP��� :��Table. turned. Henry Klel y �p ; ; . He II mlaerly 'man who hili a and hll Lander Hall bOYI were Ily. ) ,f hl.��F:.�,· d, Thill I, unfaltering . lOld. toC!t� and \\'on'l give yo,u a en the Ihort .t!nil Dt an 18·3 score. ..0 � ;;:: Opinion edited by' Arling :'\Iay'ever k�ep' ' Sa � �� uf "\ IImile. ., Needle Cratt-Ann� Leland, " AP'�l :3�:;"erYO�e set for Campu MA y goal. upon'peak ' . Keeping on )lOur toell \\'111 prevent ... 0 . ' �EWELER I h e It IIP�Ued by Cal· tr ' mountaln . your gettln&! do ..... n al the heel.. Dorothy Z. saYS that It doelln 't' :o.!Il}· no height. he ' t: �: ; If�:n�: ��:th:; \\'atchrtl, l:Hanlont"· ' plly to be a lold dl«Ier. Wblle In Too great. too fllr. 1 Tacom Don't think p!;!Q ple jud«e your len· Everett lIhe took GI« to a Ollnanll on. the aandl of time' ', wallhln«t�n Bldl. :..!. eroRlty by the amount of IBdvlce yoll; IlreFootprints Fearleu and lau«hlng �llInd Ilnd he wouldn"t' even get her not made- by Ifttlng dowl\. ... . . .... ...... . ...., .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . , . . .. , give. away. dale. On and up I «0-1 . , Seeing the blue sk,; �our own w6Qd a?d It will Ma��::I� 8�:·M��d·,::rl!J. l o t n a n eat o w Chop . )p.. IIt'n" H On('- J.'I'Ot1l Chepchllnge An t{ nO I t��:��:: ���O:.� m y U . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<;;:;;:;� Otto Dllmkler,"Prop. : ,,;;;;:;; ' ;;;; I W;;!;; '';; 1 A farmer riding on a certain ran; el!�on. pe::I ;�� :; �h�� l��� "'�:rd I: �: _;; t . echo: t" ��:�:'a�iie��I����:�t�:�::: rORIl . allked tbe conductor on Il reo Engl,peen. Alent Mueller Furcent trip: "How often do you kill Ii Too mnny roundB of plellBure I t ngll m e . weaken Ihe Illdder or lIUCCeBII� mall 00 thlll 'ere Itne�" . ."'''...�.���:=.�.�.t.�.: . �.�,�.�"�,�.��,��:" .. ,.... " 10: !r �. � u w�� :n:: !�t ;;: : ::� "Just once. replied Ihe conduc· . Relltlng on one'H la!1fe� IIhouldn't walt, �THE HAMILTON STUDIO mean lellnlng on thelll. ) , . Slllnd on ),our own feel . If you DedJrall't1 10 BIll ot Qaaltl J. at Jkw.. ( Pbotop-aptt. .a_ble pri_ don't some .one eille will. HEltE·S TO �IAS Rlcket}'. Rlickety. russ. Se�lng of all JJescriplion Kodak FlnlshJn.. O.,eetJntt Card, And we're nOI altowed to CUBI!, Here'lI to ,Ihe IIte'ildfll3t. reliable mall. , . Tamea _d ...... mlnc There'll Uve In the front lI.eat. lib: The man with the tongue that'lI Because they are fluent talkers. 916 PacHic Aye, . Main 29�7 many young men �et the Idea tbey Irue on the bo'ard, Here cornell 8111. with hlB old wbo WO�'I proml�e 10 do Il ny m�re ore n:ltir.al ,born '9ratorll. when na· Over Lehmllnn'!I Dry Goodll Store ture Intended them to be bl\rberli. thlln be tIln. , "French Ford." Doi who'll do' what he lIayiJ he ' lI l _: -==::�� " ��=l l =====:;:=== �=� PrOf, H...uge: "Mr. Howlck . give UII do. 1 <;:ompany JOHNSO 'S FAMILY N a gootl definttlolJ of delayec,l IhlltlnclI. He ' llIay not be clever. he'lI often .!I i STORE Mllrv!n: "A S<:olchman reaching quite bluni. tor pay check." Without either poJillh or Itlr ! 1 3 0 1 Paclflf A\'enue But Ihough U'II not I�'hlm to up , /I!.coma, Wn. ....;RQ'AJ, INI)U8'l'IUAL O M 1 ' C ,-\ Sma!1 80)"1'1 \'I'ndu!1 �f Iht' [)o'\\,II. Il (roUI. " E TECHNICAL PHOl'OGKAPHY . " ..... . ............. .... ,..11 of Rom.': \\' hen you nee� him he'lI al ....Il)'1:I Ihere. Brutull came home one night 1 0 ' The A. H� Barnes find Caesar robbing the house, Bru· So here's 10 Ihe mlln on whom one RADIOS 8aclrle)'·KJn« FUneral Char.:b .MountAln·and North'lll'esr' lUll rUllhe(! hi. In a fury and IItabbed CIln rely, Tac. Aye. at So. ht n KOI st ,, amft r n h I al g o g e a e, Phonlll Main 6%2 ;?, �:'�I�II:Y . �t �e�:;I� '� '��lI ::;�. ���!�� �:l!�,e�� :������ �r�� C\1��. � IH :�!:�e� c:I:�!I�I��\: n���:! p'I',!. 1S06-7. n.ankerlJ Trut Bldl" ROSSO'S GARAG.� i lUll:: And 'hls IIhado..... never j/;row lell! Phone Madllon 107Rl Main 198 Tacoma, Wn � lI The killing ot Cae ar �el Samson -Author nkno n. . J. F.' VISt;LL CO; wild autl he rUl:lhed "from the hOu!le l ::--------)V �.. 1 U -...:. .. --...ouly long enoulh to pUllh Book SeIIer.-8tal:ioDers Phone Mllln -.1 46 .. -i!ll"WnIItopplng We do satisfactory Dreililmaklnl, the pillars thus cllul:llng the We Examine Eyes Office and Photo S.pplle. ' DR. ARCHIE G, HICKS do ..... nt..' , 1 1 or Rome 909 % Pac. Ave" Tacoma Alteratlonll and Hemltitchlng Don"'''1 _ I Ruat Bldg" 10th rIoor Any I �ay the flfteen·cent !HOrell I The Needle Art S"op � II th and PacUlc Avenue were patronized \\ hlle the choir t "' SOUTH TACOMA me,mben were on the trip I ':::::::::::::::�::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�,::::::::::'.:::::: ::::":"::"::":':"::":.":::"::':":.'::":':'::":."::''',::':'':.':':'':'::'':.'::':':'::'':.':'::"::"'::.":::":':"'::,":::"::':":."::":':: ��\ .' DERTAKING CO. ... ... ..



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� [ Dedlcaled tol ��I�;: IIhe sus she 90 6 8rolldwllY �, Gu, o::c� � ;:..o ri e. . ltk��;:�t� ICe cream growlI 'on marar. 1 Importers of orwegian 35 years one location I· N on! trees. J. C. Peterson Cod Liver Oil W ' nd e d ' ' ' ' ��e��::: lIaS:d :o:: w�:� ��er. f''' '''''" ... ,'', ...,''''''"........."...""..;..""."." ...''..''''i ;:::::::::::;::,:.::.:::.: ,:::::::::::.:::::::.,::::::.:::::::.:::::::.:::::::::; 1 :.Cor. Tacoma Ave. &: 11 SI: , shoell �chobl.e �: Tacoma Wash, Sle lsQn Th�t's when I \Ike to study. ;":'� -1 The Spria Iia .. are Here 1 g . ' day we Ildd somethlng-ur.:ly � Free Delivery, i Each . ' DA VIS' �:::::::: :: :::: :;:: :::: : ::; :' � ' ou e O N u w Tr)' Bootllll For l' r Ii::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::: :::: : ::: :: r for : � Hor a\.11 Cold SandwJches _d, � I = . HATS . Jo'oupmln mllh� MlLLWORK AND CAmN�T \




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:1I' ' EXElfCISrs. toJIE-

ENTIRE SCHOOL TUR,NS om ori i (CAMPUS DAY : S.Jde�ts -Desert Class I Roo��o Participate In Manual Labor On; May 4






Rev. ,Ordal to Give Ad­ to Class; Largest . 1 dress Class to Receiv,f Diplomas " . .



, . .. I

�-c-:. -1

Old. J. Plnvlnll has been weeping The BlIecala-:':::- " HerV lces \hllJ year will be. held on S�nday June .!to mu("h lately that unll� last Frl- i cla� all- hopes_of a bright and shiny 3rd. Rev. L.. M: Slavlg of. Tar-oms, ('a mpl�s dar were rllm. But 1.1 seems Wfill known to the students of P. L. C .. wII1 �rellent the farewell iler­ the old bo.\· holding ont on IU! . 8ervlce8. AlI .ls perbaps mon at (hese JUIII for Ihls cerlain Friday and then' ,already ...kn'call own, Rev. Stavlg .bR8 ··ac­ put e"erylhlnK he had Into It to cepted Olaf and I plan8 to take. uptromhili SI.eburch make '11 a "UCCaIl8. Be that as It ' w�rk may. O\lr nnnual clean·up ..day did there, so 'thls will be . perhaps the lut opportunity tor the _students to gO O\'er big from the first JIngling hear him. The college deem8 Ilself of the rising bell until the last · . fortunate to have secured the serKTpfln of some> weary lnme·backed ria-hI f;1'ltlrlt-\\'allf'T ("hrl"'�nHC'n, ..port ",,110·, >4""M'1" Ontdal, Kart MJf" N()""" 1�lu'IJI()l"', Ed._ln� vlces.of so excellent n sp�aker. to l.l'r, toller. . ("hh" . OI'rilHnl l.oIIno'. allv , ,.'r.nkHn lAc,.. ....1. aportll. " ,' l''.hllli cal numbers will also be preU � . l'O py �; GIadJ' "�"lIOn, adv. mer·; �1.rI" I'!MJI'I'IW!'I. h , .rep. : DorolhY "IC'1orlHC,Ra.8D1 Seven.thlrty n nd we heard thaI , 1 ( 'rlllllttTn.nlw-t,\I,'f'r sented at this service. allpt.�, 1)'pI81; ·I�. lIIk-hebon Miriam Hdm.d�hl" .Mt. dr.• PM�"", .John_. l Thursday, june 7, the trad�tlonal merr,- "'come and get It" peal of �,::,ur��� the brea lr fut bell. A Vis itor. al �UIII��)� �:;:;:;!� n�r� �c':�l":.II:�i'fr=·; n::;.�:�t r:��h �=.or.!:p�lh:!n!Qhr:': ,..:.s:!..,: v�kO��n�1 ��a:�dt:�:;;g;: :�mb��li . :. . ' . ' ,'....-a..by Uie ,:n.utl.,e�. Tbe --- Ih� college--unfamlllllr with the . l ,'-4:UlJComs and lfadltlonl ot campU.l N.ormaI Stude.nts . . tS U ,.. � �� cl!g�..o-�O!!- !.a,!� !- . � "';, ;,,: ' '' �'... !!;- ___.,;' .. . _ . j , ,,Ib,d ''''', •• , ... Ib, . day at 1'. L. C. mlgbt bave ,.e· TY- . Course. . Offered announced at tbls program, and Sign Contracts . -- .. , ceh'ed shock had he been at Ihe I This afternoon' at three-thlrtyll " / -- . . alao · those havlns · the highest ral· foot of the stalr", I�adlng from the The grn�lIatlng normal 'studenla o'clock l The �ummer normal. llchOOl lng In schol'Tllhlp. The senior. ' . the Gladiators will meet the girls dormJtory when thllt b�1J rabl{. aided by the Teachers Appoi ntment '. I coul'1le, whl,h will eAtend over a also will present their gUtll' to the bueball Junior entra la College .l (or do.....n came tuml-llng what look· Committee have been bUllY seeking C period of six weeka,�.QJIens June 18 college. a� hall been th� cUlltom the ed like n bunch or rural scl)ool pOllltions for the ne xt schOOl year. team on PacUlc 'a diamond. O\lr wllh regular reglatratlo.n. ' .' lilst fe..... years. . �OYII starting oU on flahlng trip . .some of the graduates have mel bOYR haven't (orgotten the heating The' summer session Is open to all I The annual Alumni Picnic hi to In fact,. the dean Of womEln, Who hall with H u�cells aod already have toelr given them two weeks ago by the 'studenlll who are gradUiHe" of an aC _ take. place Sat.urday June 2. Thill III s t e h I b gl Iv l nt nn others have er ' Centrall s and with the support iO ��:n::;::�al };::�Sfo;�:t�:: :f ��; :�:;� :;QS;����� � ) �, �:��:i �!�'::; t��I:I��S �:; . . :lth �� :�:m:l ��. :�;:�lIy .::;tui �lIe��� Klrl" Into boys. says she received . Svea Opdnl was Urn of the grad- of .the student hody they are going M continued or begun during the one and theJr frlend,1I to. attend. The Se\'eral shock! . during the day on uates to ijecure position. She waa io 01lt hll; out�run and ou.t-play their summer. All persona. attem!lng must· ! place an,d date. howeller. have not d l8coverlng_ U;\' eraJ\ clad figures In 1brJ...unate In Se Urlng a pOllltlon In r oppone!lts-thlll aft�rnoon at halr� pay a tuition fee of u.oo .per credft beelf\ definitely deelde� upon. ' ' pl8�el:l where no overalls belong . a sChoul. near CPouillbo. where sfie l paRt three. 1 June. 8th gradUation exercises . hour. ' . n'umber of cour.a es aval-lable will mark the completion of thlll But ca�Plul day .....ould not be cam· hliR forme Y taught. .she will tench I . VE�T. forThe .credl� will be determined by Ihel y.earfi work. Forty-lwe; Norma] . , C"' pus day If th� I{lrll! could not ull eight . rades. iCO R T G 1"-- I dllmand. These eourseij. which 'are JUnlOr College and High School "wear the pants" for at least that The dlr clors of the Lackamus ' . N � t er g b te e a ea I g be CO I Y on :� : n " � v h: dignified dean henelf �C::;Ip'�::ar a:{��h:a::a:�e::edo/��: ! IN TA ::� ::l �at� :::r:� l:e� :�: a:::!� ::: ���s 7��r. T�I:��R :h� I::;!�; B MA \ follows Edy.catlOnal M�88urement� I c1aI!R ever gradU ated from InC 'L C CHO . p : · masqueraded In a nurses uniform first four grades. · I.V, Principles of Education, Sta'.Ie Man. stllullon. Rev. O. J. Ordalthisfrom i on cam PUll day. She reporta that , ltanna Anderson will teach the . . . j. -ual, Technique of Teaching: Chlld8elllnl{ham. tormer prellident ot _ ""J medical aid was ' not 1I0ught till · the : ...... primary grades In the Sterling , Art' P' L. e. wllJ.dellver the grad�atJon Normal dl\Y following when she treated l s�hool . �h lcb Is In Skagit Co.uoty. Last Tacoma Appearance Dur- d ren's LIt�rature, .E,".'l,l�� G:.ammp:'·' �..'gletl'.:. !-:b"'Y address. several SlIn (not soo) klased maids. . Blanche Rail anti Ruth Ericksen i Pr esent ool Year; SCh ng , . . a t G u l I bY tIU Y M,rs� Peterson. ·our cook, started I ha\'e secured p091t1ons teaching Ihe . ed--.!... Ass1St b _ . N.lIs Re i� Sclence .tor. the U.pper Grade8 and In-. · us off wl�h' an extra good break· first four gr.adea In the Jovita and IOg (Continued on Page 3. Col. 3 ) i Edgewood Public J to SOCI� Yi . Ot�er Schoola, re9pec- Last Tuesday eve.nlng the Pacific . troductl�will .. . be prov �ed f fIve or . II veIy. Lutheran College Choir with :"\ll1I\at- eourlJes the· m . request more I Mrs. ,P�rka secured a position t Aa a gart of the chapel exerelll8ll Ins.. .aTtlsts Nils Rein, �Iollnlst. a�d ' " . AsbI.e ury · to'. G. lye In the Morton School. leaching · on Tuesday" May 1 the coachell Still:I RIl8mU9Sen will spend Helen Congdon. accompanist, gave D O n.,' ° e b D . Or'gamz . cture May 17t . h II he.rVictoria time 'e�'"�la.:nng "the ' ho,," and a local �oncer:t at ·the Ce.Dtral Lu�h� .. •· I::!r:::�:�l' ;::::�I�e t::�:� • For Conung rear �:�I BQth of t�be coacbes ' gue a·. abort 9n May 17th. the student bOdy why of thill" In he EMt Stanwood eran' Church, Tacoma. " -:-� will have the privilege at listening School. . The ·cbolr�-recelved . Us usual held (belr IlUIt m·"t_ l.talk beiQr� the letters w�re preerton . Public Schood laurels. and Mr. Relll was lauded for -'-IngT}lot 'heO'' ft' At the to a lecture given by Mr. All!) y�ar In the Glrl '8 re- lIented, a�d -the' c;pta.ln of each . ner, Jerlhl Nordang Will ble ezcepllonal talenl a vtollniat. 'ceptlon ?:Incl".al of Gault InterJl"!edlate oom, Tuesday, May 1.. At te.m .thanked tbe coaeh. the .student . L. L. Clemans. musical . le�cb the IJnt four gradea. · . St:bool ot Tacoma. ot thla mtle g tb'e Ilrla. prellented body and their -team�m.t811 fot the Tbls, talk III being spon80red by Th� nor!'lal st�d.eata aided hy tbe Tacoma Dally Ledger cnttc ¥d' the Mrs. /lamatad' wlth a '. il:w.. aa a part eacb played In tbe succeu of 1�!. Natlooal Good WI11 Society. w'bq the members of the Teacher8 Ap- � �oll;e n ot apprecl.Uon for"Yer ser� the haaketbail seallO� . , to allY of fhe 'con"Cert : ".re eettlng aside that we?" 8! a pO.lntmaot Committe'!. b:Dpe to bave l foll"Twlng he choir in ItII� entirety. d8llplte vlee8 as D. O'. R. advlllOr. Mlrl.m Those receiving letters were: positions by June. . National Peace w�ek. . II.a �ewlleu, sang like- a .veteran or- Helmdahl wi.. ei'ected preJJldent f!lr Glfla Team-Polly Langlow. Mar. Mr. A8bury . Is a very . capable . ' iaret' Jacob80n' (captain), OIKa Benganll.Uon. the ...olce. . blendlol" tbe coming year.' aa ea tb a .. ' ·sm�tbIY, .nd tbe �ttack tbroulhout The program conlliated of Ipeelal �n\Stell. 'SamUflI�n , Pa�·lIne.. Lar,;",:: �:;�rm��io� w�i:... �e ::q�:::� Trinity . R Ch' oir. gl","en. son, An�e Lel.nd, G1adYIl Jor(eDJlOn were Talks numben. mUlllcal as pitch, precliliou. to th . and'true. O '!J "I -d.urJng bia wo�k aa an American ..yletorla R.ae�uuell.· end�r Oratono eYery wave of tbe dlrector:" baton b)t -"'""'Mn. Pb. E. Hauge. Sec.-Tn8ll. a�dBoys Conabl. Eyery Itudent .should at. flnt team-Inl"Wal Fedt. ' . Puget South tbe . ot F. M. followed deelng b W the mlnuteat of tbe to ' ' t�.d hia lecture. . S.ndenpn ( capFedt.-Rndolpb Ted Tbe P.�kland Trinity Choir un.der tall. �ready tbe eb'olr bas 1"�lned Sound Circuit; and b� MH. 'Kreldler . . tbe)eadeflblp . Manln .�owlck. of Mrs. Ph.. E. H.uge. bonor tbroughout lhe�bwellt and "ho IP:O"e 011 the Deaconeu ProJ�t. lain). Bill Fowler. . ' . the c._nno\l' be too. bllbly pralled for. ill yet to vl.1t Longllle,,' �nd �0r:t- PI.anl . for ·welc�mlnl. tbe new Syerre O�dal, . Robert Knutzen,. IUCC(!:. It achle"Ved with a . dUficult land. The P. 1;. C. need� make no ilrlll next year were. 11.180 diaculeed Laurence H�ul�, Lyell' Kreidler, · ' . Wilfred Hoban, an!l Evana ·Carl80o. en- ·.t tbe meeting. ' . ' ' - ' , ' o.ratorlo "Tbe .Holy City." hy Gaul ucuses tor thia spleDdld ' . Ilnl"lns . I Mldg�ts-Allred. Lund, Jobn Fad- . .: ' The" Normal pre:,tecbnique c1au-b wbleb was given laat Sunday 8"Ven- .semble. Tho... : . . Pb. Mn. bt'ed' ,!ere E \. The 'cbofr :... .a iu 9D ttle pro- Tbe oral e�pr�lon clUe wb!cb n.e&!, Lyal Sandenoo, Am�IdGardlla puppet ,bow for tb8 101"' The 8Oloistil 10 p" .eDt 8011lels_ RTD�lns, "�l l1'&m wJ6 t...o srouPi ot "Vlo�ln au'!', m¥lts at i: 05 � Kond.!' ant\:Wed- I te�o; Stanley Dabl, John. .Kp�.:an. 'Parlr.��d P. -T. A. lut meetln, ot. Hauge, Mid H ' E!mer .Dd;. cap�ln), ( and ( ��. one on Edw.rda. Joe. . M Dale, puttlpl" been· .rt�try whose Rein. �11.a by beH Anita �da, III. n"day.baa . . , &h,. year wblch fa to be �eld . arte�oo� ...., 11, at tb, par.kJ.and Bvare, .nd Arthur OIlan. M� n· ...ell knoW"D' and needll no turtber two plaYIl a ...eelt: dunUI clUII time.. . Public 8ehoot "tSa Ladel.le Wlnne,y my Collum, ' at. tbe plano, and Prof. pralle than that be played, In bls There , �.re . three , plays .yet to- be Tbe' d.te ; of tbe aDDual H1DIO,r �Dl ..plaiD tbe "Value of tho �uppet J. O. Edw.rda. . ..t the organ, were ueual (ine form. H�COul"don :!,&I .&tver:" t�e tut of 1!blch . ..11J be gillell e1;U1 P141 ..�artba-By-'the-D.ay" baa 1�.ceo�p.aIlIIt. .tor Mr. �In. . sbow, .M�J':8,ards "'pr�m�TY education.. l aecompilolitll. . on May n. .� , . , ' �n Cb�nl"ecrto SaMrd." M.: U. . . , ', .' , ' I



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M""� ET rLADIATORS CENTRALIA A . "TOIr • .,.1.' '''8.;







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An: �Acq�intan�e



·IL.S. U.· Convention N ews

(A Short, Short Sto'Y).


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--. ��- .


. ' Th. 'y�",; :::;;-m.. or "'''0. fr.llic appear�nee ...'ho �t ' In tb� ( ·ontl.....etl.f"Otft lUI Ul8ucl "The !�J of Obrl!!lan ' \vHf:'1!I . eve�� 'f!�IO� opened �e.rIDJ[. Dr: Martin "1,lund P ulJl I!bcd �l"c ry '''''0 "'t'cks durlns the ('bool year b! the tUd�DlI;, ded' ch,lr nl'lu " P mine. produced w Saturday L nt .Pn('irtc I�ulhl!ran Collesl'!, Parkland. W hln!toD, . ' . troU! In <Inner pO('ket of btl ""ell.1 \.l h mu,lcal prOSttm. T�f! topic the. apeaket. SuhllHiptlon, on,f! . dollar per year . "The of Chrillt fOt Wit. 011,;rile bUllneu lenlonl "'>ere . held Call ""U i dl-nner Jltcket ob onI Sa,t urday, Mareb 3rd, Reportll }o; ntered as �e<'ond c IU matter. ilclober 2, 19:!5, at tbe POll office Ill!lored , h d ' s II . I lte After nese8":" parkll'nd. Walhlnl!:to�1. under . the �ct ot Ma�b 3.-...181'9. . I �a:�:. O::;h:I:=;I: lle�::��d and De H.lo ni.1 meeUlltI' Sunday� m.orn- :;;t:t:� . I: ��eth�r��"::t.\�� O�:�;:7::. IIl\:hted a. . cigarette. he caaually Inl with a' .ermon by . Dr. "\. Martin tee. T.,�II.'OIt\"\· !-IT"!'.' The PreM OonfereoCi! met ,"'r\dlt)·, ,":l1llor In l:hll'r ______ _______________________________L �ell KfI�t.ller cro ued hla le811 and reclillell luxur- Hasluod q t S�. . Olat Colll;lle. _ to J ta Arternoon seuloo opened wltb :'\Iart>;h :nd,. Hev. N, M. Yl"lsaker �op' f.dIIOr!! ----- - ----------.. --- Sverre Omda' and -ErHoS JacobSOn lousl) hI hi" chair 10 e1JOY concert by Lu'th�r .College · B and. p,,"ldlo The loplc dlscuMed ""'aa . fnllesl uteul Ihe �ratlf, 11I1 lIeOIa- Dlacuulon 00 "T·be Call -ot Chrlal "The Colle,e HepOrler;j -n('nll &Iranherg, Mary Fowler. . Betll,. Jane Porlel:. qerhard Solli . _lion Paper aa a \VHoes,!) which acromp.olea. an Arter dln- for Wltaeuea,S led by Prot. A Christ." The ,;eoeral problems B. tor �������nT�L���r�;eL�!ti t�I��.':n�. C��r::I�.d !,.ane, WlUred ...Hoban . William oer 'smoke', . YlvlsaOt.!r. At the c.I?sloS sea.loo 'ot a school paper Yo'ere- alao .dlll' My' Illteotlgo lett the fall t idloull Ul"SISF.SS UEI'.-\RTIIF.ST geotleman al aide. bu't waa ,ooq of the couvenlloo the. �.Ub��l .wa, cuaa�d. e __ r�alled by a perpetual aod Irrltat- I �:S�:I�I!:t �::::::_-� :::_ _ __:________: ____:__:-�-:::::__:_____��I �� r�I�C�:::oil� Ins Iprlnkllnl of lobacco .uh WhiCh ' f:nti:ULATI S b',_ my d''''"on ,my 11m. ts ' ChUl):h Annoullcemen Manager _________________________.:. _____________ Haoua .t\!,de",oo e:lIravatantly lapped the sl<l.e ot p m the at m a t l y M unday_Mother's Day Senlc Divine 13 S A!ll!latlint __.- ____________ . ________________________ �Irlam Helmdabl hla cigarettt' Not . Ishlns to 10- lt he I �:rt� �� prosram Mra L J ;" yna ln � e I rb _-\I)\'ERTISIXG . , : : : ��::: L:�i: ; �pQe� k p o v I J �: ::� nl::e ::���:� l �o �e��ealtractlv'e Manager - - - - - -- - �-- -. � - --------.- ___________ ___Gludys Jorsenson ���I:more Seml-:Annu.al meellnR ot. congregation at : 30 p.. m. cha.lr on his op- I May 16As!!I!!.!an!s· --------- --· 0. -- - - - - � - --nerbard Lane: Ethel Johollou the . maneuver May 1.9-Saturda,. School 'at 1 0 a. m, poslte aide, Noticing my . � . ' T\ I , , the mao made. an apolosetlc remark :'Ilay 20_Dlvllle S.enlce at II a, Suoda,. School every Sun�ay moroIng at .10 a'. m'. Prof. Ph. Po. Haulle. supt. Callpereon Gladys Knuuen and � converllltion ' between us �naued In which ' discovered that lilY Choir rehear!!al. every Thurada)' evcnln,g al 7: 45. Mr". Ph. Po. Hau�e . . F.-\CtTl.Tl' SVI'J<:HVISORS . dlrectre�II . O. J. Stueo deck a('qualnlal�e. was none other ----------------�. , h:n! :�: It\I::tr;;u:' ��d �:::"I'J�l�· The Young Peoplell Luther J .eague �I Y � I OTH EA.,..11 R· ,,,,.orhj ' _· -· h l r t. __ l of . the Jo'irat Norwegian Lutheran ten. Granville ,was returning to · � ::. ! �1�l�t�:�tl�:�o���'e hi o.to �;�r:181::�t � �. � .:o II would bc impossihle for tnc" In u\'en'stimule Ill)" 1Il0tilt.'rs l..ondon after a months viAll with a .:: i!ltrinsie \'uhl(, as dlild ('tltu.'.utur and us a womlc"rf,ui mother. Chbl�l tew of hls · American . frlends Math. 1,9 to 21st vet;.lIel.· ' The actors have � chose� ihe M�I k l ( l e t I :: �:J\d�:o�:. re! u��O m;�;�i�:r::n.: Je8us sal� unto him . . I f thoU. Can'er lotermedlate schh l for Ihelr �/r �:.��i�.�:�IH��o:l\U ��c� �l:�l�:I�:.i �t�I :(\��l�'� ll �:�i :1 ::;�J:�!:�ebc::�;. forcls d rl\mutl�atlon which w i I besln at wilt be .perred thKt i go and 8el . 1 . .n Ilssoclate for th Syodlcate. Ihrllll�huul ll\" life. I ha\'e ulwuys bc"en fond of Ill\' molher uud 0.clock Sliturday. May the Becau/le of 01)'" poaj�lon eail a neW8- thou basI. and give to the poor. elghl justtfiabh' St.' - She is i'\ll'Ili�(.nl Wlllllun. hul ,ilOre, slw hus paper man. Lord Granv.llle's atralrs aod _Ihou ahult have tre8ll�re In J 1:lth. ;$}m �s:� n III flfteeo and Itt'H llly or th(' IY I)(' whidl l'un helong only 1 0 a lady of q,lIulity ,, ;; more to me tban my unsus" heaven:. and come and follow me. i�(� ,,�y-�r� . '� ;.; �.�����qj! ;.anti breeding. Her ttndershtndin� of yOlin� pcuple. is, uniq ut'. meant pecllng vl.ctlm · Imagined. I n tliCI We find here a youog man whO ! 1I1lt! t fel'l il i;; heclluSt.' (If this flJl'I thut sIll' helic""(,s in Ih( IH .. She the .h ea Syndicate would be very much hus alwu\'s u('.c'·cptc,'(1 dtun..::in..:: customs in a wu\' tfU shuwed . . i , ,!ieaaed c e {p receive any oe�'a or· hll her wholesome upennlimledncss, �I� r��: t�� !:�IO:S . ��: �e:; ��:� . W�.lch would prov.l.de nlater. :1portant . :\Iy greatest uspirutiUll � 10 lin' up tn Ihl' hi�J.yi( euls my L1110rdl!hlP hings life had e bUI of t the for I l{heet. l scanda ly C'sl IlUllli f Il . . become puuled. In hl8 perpl"exity, tl Iuth('r hus. ..::iv�1l �� H'; for through su doing t hu pe....tu Atter we had arrived In . London 11e.cam� lIulIIIIl1' upprt'l'mluHI for her guudness. 10 Jellull with lheKe wordS': i I kept my weather eye on Granville . "Go od Master. whal good 'thlogl . Edul'ut()rs realize thai Ihe ' n'�isl.tur·s record is no true and In_lh� course .ot Ihe following shull I do .that I ma)' ha\'e eternal ! .o monllall. ha1:l te�tured hiI{l a lUe?" Jesus replied . "If thou wilt! meusure of a students merils. l pun whut basis then arc cullege elshlee score O.f tlme� In the SyndlCRte. and enler Into life keep Ihe command- ' re('oilt1l1c"ntlaliulls �rnded � There urtt uf ('ourse ' numerous . cle­ hall Inc Ideotally ruined Ihe . mall's melllll." Thea"e the' )'ouos man tRlth- I I ments which enter intn such �radalion, but we'shail ireut with sdda) position 10 . both New York and tully unly two_ ' kept trom his youlh up but he I As compensatloo fO.r thlt!: . The first is cupacily as measured hy (he I. Q. and the second 1.oodon. telt that something was lacklns. taak . I wall called back to sllII is util,izalioll of thai cll llacity us measured by llC(,UlIlplishu1l'nl. �enlal to';'ards his Salvation and Jeau!!; : Tuken togelher Ihese qualities t'ompoSC,' the tlesin·tI i'Olllhinution. N,r-�' York and made Iaasodllte editor. replied with the wordII tound In the'� : I te Students. who hun' Ihe inhurn ('upacity fllr Slll'l'eSS, ut(� you O z!. �: ���r���;yV A �:I��:.eoclal II making pussible u n'c,'olllcndulioll which will incltlti(> u slule· hf :::'�ez his hi words Dr. Hoft I i: n taodlns for I li cl081ng regained -I.. C. K , hendwall men! of 1.II'c"omplishlllent"! "Do nOI _ torgel that 10! IItrolilog. c�e In ha�d. down remarked. every phllllC ot human exlsten�e .1\ " a ponnlar Parielan boulel·ard. From .e Is necessar)' In order IbRt , ! DO WE READ LITERATURE? his hlgh.crowned silk hat 10 hili 8acrlrlc we m_lght gain our goal. your . suede spats. he was a "'tale- holce early. bul do nolMakeoeslecl I i i u I 1 ' IIpotien : picture ot blending dlgnlty. - His .cIhls the �!:��1�:::17 �} t'1\�W�::� :I�� ��·i��� �il.ly�l ::; �:.);�. �:t i�� c�::���t�� IywelJ:}'roportloned . question It your leacher. s or i . tlgure . t�sethf.' r . (l .o�her 8 u per Iors �re unable to alV! - lind instind-uPlx>uling ('()\'C'r cjesign. is being sc"\"('rely criticized'1 with natural eue ot manner. e tt U . e' ,. II I lit ! - " m re I h . d cu l a as uneduc"utiullul nlld en'll iVnpious. ': The rl.'l.,din� materinl GD d · t " have reference tQjs Ihal whidl (K'l'upies perhaps three-four!h:o; ��:: J���r1����e :��:�:��a���snc:=: ��� ...�OnU;. :�� :ll� a��:;8 :::e t� ' 25 6 I �ih Sl. . . prOl!"ress aoI u�lon tor your trou bles, '"o f., ... u . tre'CI curner magazine slund, eommunly dussified tlIuong chanced to Impede hl8 __ Iilerul llS ..trash:' . alo .. ' . .. .... " ..... . .. . ....... .. n " . . .. . .. . . . . .. ... . " .. . . . . .. ' b TI.l re is n pro"l.'erb to Ihe effeci tlll.j;t man Illay lie judged l ::��:d �nUI;:�;lId·J·ullt, loog enoush !":.. IIY his Fhnice of reading .mutter. \,"ere such j tld�menl In he (0 reduct' him once more to aoclai � pasS<'d u»i.Jn this ('ountry. it would he sufe to suy withoul oblh'lon. WALK-OVER i t ( sl ' ti t r n 'YOWl' ; i���� l���n��� �: �;�:� ���e����\;S.� )W�1 t\�;\ I�r�)\�;l:z���!r �1I�: e ��ir�c��:eel�t. 1 �we;;n It u;:: d ti l le a�.�,·:,;i� the man again. W� were In C�lro ! · §"aJu'o.lio,\I :::�J:i\�:,,� ��� l�;� �ll�;�:;jf���;�r��:;U!d:�!�:�I� lt;� e f II I Ip def��mine what is and what is nol good �iterutllre. . eb: :��: :;�c:u:f� at:lt :s::� ��� � Young People :1 ![)lam.., t'w.clo, E\"Cn though we ma� not be a colleg�al pr�luct. let t�S !��e � registered 11. 1 the s Like Zippy Styles me hOlel I a uS(.' to the best 'of our mh'antuge that educallon which we hu\'c t G v IIIe In Ih I bb ' Wa Ik, 'I o h il u s g ����II J��l��n� !;} ldl�r��lI�·:f;o� �� !!�:; i�h�i�eU !� r���l�n� r �:nosl::�y upa Io e.me� h: ada ��lIted hlah ! 932 Pacific An.&at IOtb J � materlUl -L � K :� t��aJ��h�r1 :::r!� �:��:I:!� � .. '" '' , .. . ...... .. ........ .."""""'''..''....'i� I ..... s u purt of Iht'lr sI U(�). tillS Issue of the M oorlllg 1'11181 I!O n::ahh ::;;lveY:u te�:::,rl�::IIYcll:l� A I published h) the college En�hsh CQl1lpOsliton c1�ss u�r the topper II was ' altosethah unlntensUI>Cr\.Islon uf their le�t:her. I ruf Ph E ,Houge E\'ery mem.�r 1I0nai that I sprinkled you ""Uh that The students do say they b�ve, !Iil ('ontrlbuted to the. p�per 5 contents, and we 5)n·of Ihe class IUS i clga ell a b '" ?ercly I�OI.)C hat � ur ulll,;l11pt has no! lowered Ihe pUblication'.s A: I h: �o'nocle dropped from hla not been t�' Tacoma It they . han ! I Jourl1U hsh landlllg. . ' ey . i l 8 smllc'erept Into the corners 01 not eaten at Carlyle'a · o effOl;ls' have laught �s a great d.cal. but perhaps the hla outh. aod he rbched for. my . lesson ha\'e learned IS to �ppreelate the . w?rk or the band . � ' . r 9,11 Pacific . �t�l:���t�ft��,.�fs����s;��: M . trl�::. Lord Gran"l'\IIe Is �,. closesl ' ��i��r :�d�tC��u:r �t��,���� [�.= '" = "':: ."':"": =''� '''': ""': ''''=,.:::,,= ,"': "": ' '= ""= "":,;= ':,:: "":,,,,::�I; ;:::::==� =: � . �. CARLYLE'S CAFET�RIA i ' ns PAOF\C AVE. ·. PHONE IIAIlI 49 The �ome or 2 Paot. 8oJ,. � � 'Ttill ad, plllil 25c cood for mareel i_ ! r � and .co mpllmenl.arJ balr I.rlm at .; ' JETLAND liE. PALAGRUTI ! Cqt Flow...., Potted Pla�t. � em:son". Beauty College ! j39 St. HeleM Al'e. )fUD U' hc. An. Tacoma � Our sen-ice is always al your disposal . U we haven't got Hz Pac. A"I'8� Taco·ma. WU.b. , � , o t hat I, an il it t e doo't nd ou g , , have Y y . " " .." '.. ... ' � l " w " " w w .. . . .. w ' " " � " . ' .s " eli , . u " , , " :: u Our prices and quality of m� i : : ::' :,: ::'::'::':::,::' :' ": : :': ' '' ' ' ::: :::::: �:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:':::::::::::: ::::::�L'::: ,:;. to .se nd away for a thing, : ::::', :::, :':'::,:'::, :,:,:, ::, :::::: ,:' :, ' : : ,: ::,: r : : : : ::: :: :: :: ::: : : : : �• i , . chandise will suz:e1y make you a' satisfied CUltom . ! ·Eltabll . bed 1118 . 3 . ! ALWAYS AT. YOUR SERVlCJi: \ ' . -; . . U-z z' n.n ! PARKLAND MERCANTILE CO. .LEllMAmni riRY GOO " i . , . :.. .,_,,,,,�",-,-_. & Co. ' I ..,."."";"""".."""".""""""""""",_",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,;,,,,,. I i"''''�A;-�;i�;�'' pi�rt;bi'ri'g' i:'ij;;;'-;-:-S ;pIY . ,...I� _ . ' . � . i ' .. . . . ' Who...... · . /\. . P u mbl ••• S m and MW s.. p pD.eo parkla�d l Pele� 9!9 Br.oadway. . Taeomy I I . . n_e_ �I���,:�,� . " " '" ''''"..""...,."';" :_"....;.''_ .""..,.., ....,.:1,,,,,:::::,,'''''"'.:.".."."'''..'''''..... '''''�,,',,''''''''''''''''. '"_"" " "" "" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...:r L�:"":""",,,,.,,,, , ,,,,,::,,,, ue:.,' ! Ph _ o , ,,,.,,,�, � ��,,, � _ . .



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Mahncke· .


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PROSPECTS . t �m us Locals - G)adiato� Splii· . . [COLLEGIANS WIN · TENNISENCOU�AG . ING C p . i\RE : · nes I .. . Se • · W·th L'IOD .FROM MEN'S CLUB . .



' , Play Real Ball in the F.Jrst Tilt. I brand of baH tb), n tber eX hlblt� l teDnll teaml ar-e very btllht AI- hotne In t Edllon �.,. 5tlt and Ith Her bro her Aruty ADder.on and But .Lose SeCond in .caimn St Len I on Friday Ihe , tboulh the weather hu preunted Nell MODI' accompanied ber on ber Coatest ' the racket we lder from pr tl \U .





II '







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The · "IFS" .


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tis. McKnight Building. Mlnnd.pollt, Minn.

. .,:,�................:........... .. ...:.. ...........,.... .....: ......_.... .� . .�..,,�...

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KeyRon,� Printing Co., Inc� i l A'fe,. 703 .


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HARDER'S . Apparel Shop

i �, 87G7 I '

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I 51






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Yo, ,," " h" ..,--a." .. ."'1" " . with chen. But wbat will you do tomorrow Tb" It tbe ollly.ooe day of . 10nl. lObI fl.r W e.d trettb ou ( �I::.�� .l �:to���y ��: wh e the kind word IIhe III Wil Iontlnl to hur • What about Mother tomorro.... .

Raged Gladlato PQ'lnded out an S 10 l l'll n't (' I return to .ch aO! Tbe P L C bneball telilm ....on Vlctory ver the Pat"kland �(ms regular\) plent)' (!f warm wea ther Ellen Andenoll-Qt MarYI,,111e 1'11' their lIecond j!:ame of tbe lelllon I from no .... 00 II eJ.peet� team turday afternoo� . Hed An!,a Thompson April :9 and In de fealln,; the 5t !..eo Lion!! bl �Iar n Flo.lek for the colle«-/ All bUI one of la" year . menl 3 0 . I loore Of 7 10 � , The Sallus 10 Ichool. the only Utland 'bad her �I!:uell' lana pitched lveo team are. back fine ball and « , the Ie,.ad early In the ,«ame . took ' �ut air tight IUPpa,'!: ,'hrouihout the' one to Itraduate being Al Beck, tblaAnne wMk end. Olga Benlon .ad TlXIay ahe Is readln, that leu"r Irom ' 'Ihrou,h Iteady pla,-Ins a�d timely 'tire ,.lme. For tbe ' losers , Coltu rp The lettermen Sophie Petenon. repOrtin are for who hlllln,' the Gla.dlaton forged ahead en g ' you-;; , 0'"Itched ateady ball unlll' the Ie_nth Inga 1'11\ted her. liller, .... Denlon • � . duty thll lIprillA: are S tan, ey 0ah' . ' 81,11 when 111' 111 you write .anOt.her ! ' '�� n;I,elh:�e p�eodre�p ��o��� . Ira:�11 i �� :� :�� w��: � he ;�7:1::�:' W�I�:�:t � I �e thl ug you ve forgot , a;�I/:� Lyell Krledler' , RUdy San�rson �u d Ol�:� :� u;::;, n�: h� ' f r . n f o win" , d; ' .. ' heodore Fedt third victory fo�' p, .L , C. tbll Olaf Ordll. All tbeee lIIen , .- haye y,'ere weal1ed home Erll�g Jllcobso n, IItarred for,' �tbe Sunday ' lIIorolng "'III you lelye her to yearn the lonl,.) P , Rl /' I,howo ' improl'em'enll In forlfi Oyer l., C, when alter a ratber bad' l e lon, due to the delllfh 01 (belr uncle, d'n throUlh. Summary : R H E la'lt yelr ' and Ihould co'm pose a Ruth Matt,Ou 1'1,lted at the .Col. For your melUllge of" 10"e to that atart. he I,ettled...-:-;do.'n an� Pllched l P, L. C, 8 ,8 2 Itrons all'lI'reqtlon, Tbere are alao fine glfYIe. alrlklng out len men Satu�day and sUnday, May , heart 10 true ' elub - - - - - 1 .6 � a bon or new men who ' have had lege li nd allo .....lng only five hIt li. �e I Men'" WIII+ loniorroy,' be Ipnel), for and fith. .' ' Ballerlell: P�..i. G.-Howlck. t!xperlence, the :�O8l promiling of 5thDavid , Chamtjerialn visited ' �hJO �Iade two hltl all did Chrllllen- Tbo, li lOlh,er ! here f! ten " on; Men' Cluh-Coltu .. I m. La HaUge. whom urence are Jobn Ma, _" . and we can Iruth _. Notblnll' but p-Iaudl ll , for MO r t;.O� �::I·;� :;! T::! �e�� ,Ul1l ' Fadnell ,and Gerhard �1I1. ' , Friday. u I o 1i for ;he Swlnland. Hoyt, Kittleson. , . . rully 'iy ' that he p!,r.f.,Ic,lpated In ,tbet day- .. l.lon>l gelling fifteen atrlkeoutl, The annual p, L. C. tenrl'l tour- o n r I r l . anti ,allowlnl nine hlta, Ja: �!�n ��e" �e on:;�me=:::: :; C·�: � 'Ad::: : : e Q�t :l. ; how will It be tomorro.,.! e lted a ber hom nament I. DOW weH under WlY, Sey- la&t yea" glrll ' team who 'are OUt Summar.y: , R H E eral Will ' the linUe you h....e ,. I...n, ber '. ot tne prellmlnary'matcl)el ha1'e for their ' po.ltlo"1 this aeaann, In Gig Harbor May Ii and 6, �' L, C: - - - - - - - - - = � 9 ' Mr. and Mr�. Hau,e. Elna Trill. I lighten her way 3 been plaYed off: Due to the fact tbat However St, Leo ---'-----� ---) , with them, nu;:leuJ a aon , Eather Towe I!.nd Dorothy Leh! Or will your. neglect cloud h�r lIun', �J I 5 � there . are 110 many partlclpantl It -Earnestlne 8chu-l brlgbt ray ! -la urged that -' " . be com- l'gooda "learn ,.eIII elOpected all ther e ' III man heard Madame herThe 51. Leo Llona Inv.ded the pleted al!' loontbe'alc�teltl mann Helnk 'lI f.re....ell concert. I TOday you tell her ynu love posalble, Prot. ple t of n w 'Dlaterlal, ' but u)'p, L. C, diamond Friday and deC' Stuen. who la, aupervlalng tbe tour« Amon tbe 1'\lhora bere on camfronl page I ) , tomorr Will heart break y,' YOu h�r fealed t�e Gladiators ' by a ",core 1 nament. wlahea t,he lecond' round to' fast. ( Continued Day ere PUI Steve Pelae. E8tber ow ! . 'lth Sydow. and Jam and at el ven o'c1ock-. of II to 5, es Flits. who , all t �rlY a player on the p, L, C., bMe. be aUir�ed by ThuMl�ay morn InA:, . t,he efficient"" h�IP of Our kluben . helped . Whh the sting of defeat stili with ork, the 8q uud. Ihe fed the )Gner man with Capt. and Mrs, J, 5, Iloblnaon. I lIall, team. he 8pent aOllle Of, his h\trtlllf\:. the Lions played good ball, CONFEREN aucculent At three . . Garnering two runs In the fir" PASTORAL bU1. recently returnel\ from l tlme ,turning out ..... Ith Ihe a.quad. , �Ir, and Mrs, A. W, Ham8ta�CEen- o;c1ock the hambutgers, made thel� appear- .... ho have IlI;nlng. aeven In the third and two tenained the T�coma Fastorlal Con- ance' Yell. 400 HawaIIan Islands. vlalted their! Suntlay AP-Ilil the 29th; MA, <100 tllg. fal. lugared the i� the sixth. the Llooa tOlalled fere�ce Monday Ma,' 7 , , ThO! faculty friend. Kreidler enlert�lned Mr. an,d , MI'1I. Mill I , were deyoure,:t and milk lallt SUn..dIlY, 5t1uud. a' " Ihe cOlle,;e l B, enough counters to wlt!!ltsnd L, Sacre or tloll),y,'oo"d. and Mr. the memhers !lnd their .....ivea .....ere also dough�u(s and coffee flowed freely, ' John Westby a former P, ,I�, c, and Mra.. Truman �archllr of S.Parklandltel ninth innlnlt' . rally of present. , , Arter the bal l ga�es.s�pper wal " , four ,runs. and to cap die cHmalO at the IItudeut. spent a few daya visiting attie, Both ramlllC1l are relaUvea of 51. Leo displayed much better 'DRAMATIC SOCIETY MEETS lIerved, bonfire In the ev.enlng "hot friends, at the College, Beln« ' torm- the. dean lJaliehaJI than Ihey did a .....eek pre- The last program of the ' Ltterary big dog8" were roalted, ,'iolla ..... hen the Lutheran. took their, Dramatic Society .... III be· given this Oh yel. , Incidentally . there wal a Foltow t,he Golden RORd to ·Detter. Health � , measure 8even 1 0 four, QUinn the c?mlng Friday elenllfg,\at elg�t lot of wo,rk' done , Th"e teonia � C,OU,rtA. , �alntll pilcher had the Gladiators 0 clock, J baseball diamond and the cro, . 8v.-tnglng .'lid until the ninth Inning �ItS8 ZlnlDiermal1 la eblng Ihe tbe Quet ground� are all In apple·ple t ' ; ..... he n he wall clicked for rive hits pr<!�entatlon In orde�that Misl order, t a the ' hardest w ork i k h ' ri whit'h netted· four runs, Stlxrud may de"ote h.er lime more was thePerhap SP�'';=d=� � � ''� ""� < �"�� �� -:repairing of Ihe driveway .... �� � = Jacobson stl\r�ed on Ihe D,lound fully to the Senior Play. , which haa been In miserable con� =j . '!:I for P. I�, C, flut .....u relined lIy T[UI"HONE 77"" I , 11.11 , WI�ter, ,.Peter Grambo "Bill" Fo..... ler In the third Innlng. The Young Peoples Luther League dltlon hauled _..l�e gravel. and two Bill pitched good ball. regardlesl of the / South Pnget Sound Circuit truck big log. were. placed 110 aa to' preof the handicap or a strained .howld- eld lUI rallYoSultday April :!9 In Tent cars frQm driving on the lawo er and back which he received , a Ihe ,First Norwegian Lutheran betweeu school ' and 'the chapel. few days all'O, He struck ,out ten Church at 12th and 1 St .. Ta('oma. Yes wethewaited a long time ,for a men In the allO Innlngl he hurled, j Washington, day but: like most 1I'00d thlnga. The p, L, C, bOY8 were unable Both sesslo!}. of th!!o,League were good It· fln�l1y came, Whlie lipeaklng of to do their best. due pelhaps to the punctuated with aeveral beautiful DAHL GROCERY CO. H: O. HANSON thl �' we 'might, meotlon General MercliandUe hard wor.k of le"ellng the diamond musical numbera, Rev, A, M, Kra', "good nret--'"' J'e",..!..r , t hat Mr, the Freed Parkland :l818R& ! abel_ spoke at the a,flerooon session report for duty campuadiddayIIOt Mad, Phone In the mornlnj!:, Quality anti Bentee r and Rev, M, Vinje IIpoke at lhe Summary: I Iruly a f\:ood thin·; for a "slout" L ... .. R H E evening BelUlloD, . 11 9 A great deal of Intere!:!t and e�Leo · · · P: I." C, 5 10 Ihuslasm wal aroused at Ihls rally ; , Batteries: 51. Leo-Quinn, ' I n f t . n I 0 be 8 · Spadarore, p, L, C.-Jacob80n.I<' )"FO "�: I "";d �: ,;� r\��� tI c���; \ ��2 0� . . THORSEN 1 DEVELOPING & .PRINTINU NEAL E ler. 50111. Tholltenaoll, i Same '.DaY Service , I �2 � "2H�lrrO�do::�, Hair �;!:, 3 111 i � i C�r���:U�IE c��lo!!!E w�I�E�� b ! nouncementa for 1928-1929 Is now L ":",..,..:�.�.�.�.�.�: ��.��:"�.���.�" ,,..,,..,.. ;�!do:��r!ele!�; ��l g :: :: � l in the h{lnd� of the printer, Arcord \ Enlarging, Lantern Slide ... 1 ' I g: ;:e :�gl:�:� : Here It) Is flve-rlfteen III the morn - \ Ing M king � � V la. Ing and I 81 It) hll\'e t.....o.hundred_fUlr [ the :�a:;:: :�� SPORTING GOODS · All Work Guaranteed r Swent Shim and, Slicken word� to w� te before thlll laaue can Ca\:lol�: :�� f;�� , ' cataloK i h h at the .t ue gO t i If�: ::It�r�ln�;��:t�old me to ata,y wilt be distributed ao�e lime d,�r. KIMBALL'S 1015 Pa ific Ave. � up all nlte , In order to finish my Ing the month of May, 110 Broadway work, ''\\ ell. he certainly ca.nnot ac11,. ' .... .. ' '" , ... ....,""..........., ",......,..":",, 1 7 r.. , .. " .,. . ... . ... ." c�se me of· dllabedlence, I Pn · P"h.p, low tondo'''o" wo<d, to the young apprentice y,'ou)d not go Jl1[ , unappreciated. Open An 'Night My adylce prlmarhly and II)'mpath�tlcally II-get )'our material In l 13th " Commerce . ...� tRY OUR ANNEX r e an a he :� �;�nl �O �:�: an;��:� ::;c� :� ! I am at�emptlnll' at the Pf'EllIent mom· j . ent. 'Ladies Ready-to-Wear BROOIillALE GROCEllY CO.. Secondly, do 't trY to wrl,te C!ver! your. head. Is la, If you are BUlI.j In tbe, elcen,t "horseplay" Ita,e! Parkland. Waab. Madison 107H e dO nol attempt to be phil­ osophical; psychological or �oclOlog­ ... .. ....... .... .. ....... ..... :... . .... " . .,. -; . ...: , ,.. , ... . . . .. . .. . .. ...... .. ........ .... ) lcal. Thirdly don't use toO many bl.. 76·t-6H Broadwo)' words. No� that yo!.&. don't know what . i Opposite Hotel Winthrop they mean. but beeaule tbey ollly Broadway 2012 count for one word, DO matter ho.' many lettera� tbe, co��ln, • ,·.. . .. ... . . .. .1 , t, r::.-... .. ...... .. .. ... ..... ... ............... .... .. . . ...j . your health ii' rved



Hanna AnderlOD �I.lted at be,

.... pt.)lnl an eQ.tirely . dltferent l Tbe' prOI tl tor.- -tbb y@a,',

I. ·

PAoa .




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l P�RKLA:-\U, Ll TIIt.RA� "\.· t..: LLl:. a:, o




Leap Year Party ' mOl w.o." d. , ••,. .... t' '0 DAILY , DIARY' re,lew tbe ' new �n!lllh.tIOQ. · An Great SuccesS pro.ram •• . he.rd The

lon Society of




P. 1.;


. .... . April !7---G I.�il.tof'1l· down 1,-100', Int:re.Unc . Toda)' . we are In a period of ""'nIoe,." dMeru,; our ninl" and SYerre Omdat . aDd Arl �Dr Sanneru� I I ( onlrl ijuted to the entert.ln�lIlOt. equal rlghtl 1&r men and . women. leav-el fot tbe. frOleD Dnrt.b . It nol 101i1el' then .tha.t the Ilrll I April !!8-Hoora)'�. the leap ye.ar Sc.rllHure . readln, .a. read by IO\'lle the bO).I' . to the Leap Year party ..... ..' -r IUl!ce... ' Ask tbe Gerhard lAne. The new .cotlll titU' Pan)'� Saturday. April 28th! That'." bo),lI. tbey know., 11011 Wall read a04 accep\ed ,fleT ' 1 euclly ,whllt was done. It waln'l 10 Apr;, ! 9-The P. L. C. Choir la.n,� .JI�bt mo:d Ulutlonl had been made. . hard was II. «Irla! Tacoml. n \, Lea«ue LuCher the al AI ' 8 o'clock there was an awful April s�-Campul Day a���n POII_ .... e NC!rrle tv �Ile Fredrlrkllon "Who II . we Iph to rol 25 mUes bark I� the commotion In b bal . Th . It ,Iookl like mlLlltlcatlng 1I0da c.racker: ":-'ow timber. I gol OUI. of ft· wlITm bed pall�'ord Will.l �,Get.1 you� B: . 8 ��� . ponelYepEvidently 84"nlor Cta" 1"bI)', M.y ;216. It rained 1' kno,,,· .....hr Iher call 'em sno\l\·· at 2:30' In the ·�'Orl"\lng. "'put on . With all rel�t to t�6 boY�, we'll Ma.ry'aln�'-\\ '� this ' 'Ibout ' May � .rlakes :hat " ;;; ======:::; my track uniform . fo,r illY' hunting have to admit the «Ir� are Ih� more b"Ikets hi the Glrll' dorm, We'd.!_."==;;;;= . . ' -c10lhel wer� too heavy for fall..t ag«rellalve alon« thll line. .However, like 10 kno�'. ' I _ ".J liM!, 'Edward8: "What �'III I get �ra\·el . and ran U .m·lIe8 with only l' was a great nl«ht for the ooYI a8 . 2-"!i#ce' weather tomorrow If If I'cook all �OO'd a, meal s!! Ihls-twery ' I�e :-'orlh Star .lor a ","ulde to the th.e ,1I'ls du.g down In, their peony MayIt doe� ,n't rain:: , " rained. da)"�" ! l'ery IIPOt where the remaining gee8e banks and paid expensel at the May 3-"Speak S ' e ' n 10 Aa � _ , or fore�er hpld now \..:,. ../ ".J. Mr. EdwllP(f�: ",YO u 'are liable Wllh,", h,,"a"" "" ' . ..... Bu" <he bo," w,," '", b. 'h,- .....:. La,.., . a..ouu,•• � m� life Inl�" . ��:���eB�� ptl�: I:e:rcea�: l:��:� i �!=�p�:� �:!;feh::e.t:ve:�;g t :e�� ::::=�a�Pd:aea��:'r��:o . l ��,::' !�� � How Cl'ln a lad Of, tender, year8 l MIl arm.lO{H� of "pitch" ....ood . . tO j ftgg,rehor'" pie. . didn't rain Ca,Dl Pus Day . ,� , . The. room Wll8 yfry de!erly dee· :\1&-1 A-It compele ...·hh Of the the . lItart .the fire In �he morning." . goea . oTer' M,: . Llona wln< In h!t i� Fellow atudent". thln k · tbls one l orated and the_pu��b "'-as 8erv�d I � a,nd run contest. ..... orld In the 'wrltlng of autoblo- over: k " I k grsphlell! ��e o;���nr:lm �: 't�: :\:en��C c��. M��b:e-:;:tr�lt1A:�!�S sou� on the . ." . , Take fOr eumple p'xlr Iltlle We the faculty and Itudents of 1 IIIIIed 'The c.M.ade Fr�sh C])atly aklts clever three of O e 5 e n r d 0 l :� � fl : J:: I! � o o � Pacific n Lutheran sc College, Ihare :li l cGrew Vilth :� , ' Shootlng of Dan ) r H � 9 OmIe '1( I were related to you S l � \\'ordll 1Ioorth telling tndtrhft l s the M r T�ompson the remOf3e a Dd em- In : �:ot::r��� St;:�� � ;)n� � I d :��ot,, �Y":� ' didn t I would In T I IO I'S t H60 Pucifk Ave. bllrraament which mual be his l penalt) vocal aoloa ' -===========; li\tmberl .,.ere While Itt the "ame time our uEI· Tommy entere<\ the beauty conteat I ::;�IBlllon Arthur ) Hust Hldg, \son Tru Elna r Oillon and b I g S �:CI;� h :::: w lIelectlld ome hand the hiCh mOllt ll RADIOS �::��: \\ I Of �:��e :l� ! accompalJ.led by Esther To�eunder but a Tacoma by In loal Iceman enJo,ed were dan�1 J lk l �-' l hi" mnde �o let �Im aUloblograph\ Kolster, . ' ''''Gt: A f,,,"'tewart-Warner a•l<�GK'RA 10 000 "ords long beeause he cun. t narro,", mar,ln. :lilr. tho,mpson e. thtl leadenh '. ,o MIS8 Stl:r.� d Th' " • DOV flo'O:'" � Mad. u25. Rea. Mad.. 3818.J- 1 \ �Madison e\'en fill Ish his little ufttllr ..... Ith plains that a dangling lIock ......aa res. .I :���,o::,n�ll o, . "h. :,.. . �e.,, ,b,, I Phone lOTRl I � l U cream w Sheet rud )lcla(Work8 � � n in . . e Y sann Anna �:i�: D w In ponllible for. his def.�at. He III lIue' l an\!. .coffee rrwere 1J0ld, After the �--':-, . :: 7 e�:;�:e�: lima II � . Fur����8?��I:l\�hl!:��tler . � ' .porllon of Mr. 0Omdal 's llutoblog- r2� .��: �:%:g�:.rlerlt C�;P��:;o::� . lunch a IIIHI.PllhO� of �ftch IndIV!dUa� �pouts \'entllatlon Heating. , r:.pll,. . In whiCh the rimous Aiaskull that �Irll. ThomPllo n purposeIY . was collected and then. dl8trlbute ge t el E so� i��h ���e��,.r�:�:�:o: " " . 0' h',.o"', h.-o',., ', ,9 ,Il:arter be· I "';,on s I hose. "",sent. Thla wa8 a � " " " .. ,, ' ... . . . ... . . . ... . . ; ullhand O{)Se h ed . . .. . for ftndlng a partner nov!l-I ..;'1\111 IIltl; hu�tlng trip' look � . . � � for Ihe Grand MarCh. �Kn ' l It a place lall year. One day while ort! e tooe: I e 8tage. . I T'RE HA:\II1/fOS S-rUDIO ' wailing for the fish 10 get un· I " Spongen," are .t. . e found- �hflme 008)". that Leap )e.8 r come8 tungl('d In our trap. �y pllrtner 'and I I but once In tour years ? �'hotograllhl!l or.Quallty at ar..h � er I took our shotguns and , >;et out In t �l l:\\: �h d� l l�·: :lr rt}�� t r '"'�$ �� T�����: I � lt I � -;;=I.g Card. Kodak Ft'::��:� Sewing Of . all lJescription h f n w I entirely n too much ,Slf":" the attitude I ' Jo'rftlllt'8 and ..Framln" ;� uken by Illnn :���� d:f).. ;:�:e ;�:\e�)� :(:::e: ' odd Main 2937 YJlf U9 Ii lal If a cert"in ' I . il 91"[; Pactflc Ave. {act we had walked twenty IJerSOn 'Is willin;:: 'to IO�ld him. or " . ll e o ng . Over Lehmann'lI Dry Goods Store JEWELC·R � Igl: n::�Ii �� 1I��ei rl�'eb/a:� d. Thc:: j herself. with w:"k .we !j h ��ld al � �e� l l WatchCi!!. DiHmond� t t h or . you 1>elleve It . the side . hlll Wll8 j;���l�� dO� lf :: dC:�' t{ g!:tso m:. 11 \�'a81iIngton Bldg. . TacoJl)a " rO\'ered with snow, But my good thlll done Ihllt ' we. should have we t ------------+ i i.. .Company Judgment and careful observation flr?tsllog our 'shoulder!! and 6ay- . Funeral Dlrecton ' . told me thb coull1n'l pO!llllbly Qh well . .ao-and.so will do It If we ' The Perftct Gift-. on lIuch If blustering dll)". So In Ihe "don·1. : I she I>; rool enough to ! Interest of science I In\"es:lga:ed do It It'lltO.heK.orwith me." I INnUS'I'RlA-L Ludum·('Y.-l.L r ve u And Ihat 80meoQ'\' Is fool TECHNICAL PH�RA.PHY ::�'th)�: w�:�e ��I� e....!: !� SO�� to see thaI what 18 necessa'ry is done lRoca hJmond � of Canadian get'>;e. · that s' omethlng else won't . be u partner realiled our �ltuallon The A. H; Barnes "nop . " · America's Finest Confection Buckle),-Klq Fancl'IIl Chun-h em piled both harrels Into the !\Iountaln and Northweat '1111 dny ubout your prate n a t: You . Tac. Ave. · at So. ht . :'II )' ahots were Juat In time p. L. C. spirit, hut wonderful Phone Main 622 . M.��?' �:i���Y , when .the flock took ru ,hl. Some one wants 10 know why § lW6-1 Bankers Trust Dldg. H,\I.f.:}', &. BROWS I they completely hid the sun und ....e. Dame ,"'orlunt' has slIch an un pleas· Tacoma. Wn..� Main 198 U. S. A. Tacoma. . timely . In utter darkness. My ....ere . shots netted U9 thirteen' of the It nt daught er a MIss For tune.... CO. ;::::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;, : BooJ.kF.St-1!VISELL ..; �!; flneat gaoder8 In the flock. These ....&.tl en...oneFli Phone Main 1464 , \fe do satisfactory D�easm.aklng. blrdl:l weighed fifteen pOUnds ench. Otrlce and Photo SupplJes at the very least. As luck would . . HICKS ! DR. AR Tacoma . ATe Pac. % 909 Hemltltchlng aDd Alleratlons � �� � II my parln�r had developed "ch8' lle horse" or a bll9tered toe. Rust Bldg., 10th (loor The Needle Art S�op .. IlDd ,� uld 1I0t pat'k one goose. Try Pacific AVenue aDd 11th ......·:SO·UTH .�ACOMA ·"·"........ as I dId m,. auperlor s:reng�h would . .. .:...... . ..: . .. .'........ . .... . .. . .. . . . . ' ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :. . "' UNDERTAKING CO. .. . :. . . . . ... . . . . . .. . ... .. .... olily allow me to carry six of our kill. Atter a hear·breaking Journey PAHKLAND GARAGE KACHLEIN BROS. we arrived at the flah trap at 2 ; Olllldan$ r a en 906 Droa!!wa,. ��:�:c:n� 4bl: � U�d:O� :�n ��::: t-Jorwegian of Importers 35 yean one location to l-hlnklog of the six . fine geelle



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-1 The _pupils . of Mr -�dWllnb will ICast Is Well T�ken ; Cha�­ "Louk O!II boy!'! There Ihll)' �u:·· C ha ' ua Plans . presented fn ronc:eri the eve.nlnlt !ll n y 30. 'n the P. L. . I acterizalions and Plot , And unother IItarted ' ' " or I :he pro«ram Is . ' . 81 . M d f A t ugus -,Are Excellent ' fronl P. L. C.";>.Iolldny. 1IIIIy e I h eu ln 1I01llt' of the boy!! IInct ,;Irlll did nOI That a Chllt:;:':-: III be hE'ld on I:�� �� I:d� �: ��I�· �� ha Ye Inl�h ' li n ellsy time In I':e lll ol\': itd fh,' L\lthe �Rn College Ca m p- ' !l ull; Eel:lOIlS by A : M. V lr.tll. II wa)' for qultl" few were found I n Ihe 111P the Itu!lhlns . Franl'le-- A.li:-nell Olson anr;ouncement' of Rever. -!lIsen: 8nd hy The Waters ofl''',,'''''nk'.� "lIrlo\l,8 odtl predll'lIment ll . The Jun- pnd SVRre. This Chala�1U8 '1;:rR�:MBI:��:��:;� Towe , . �leRnor lore "'ere what Il!'kht be called been piltnnell nil 18r�e IICRle RodhallI � LeUrEllleel MMrlha Slawaon-Jerdl/i Nordan! "foxy" for they only keJlt fe'll' PlI llel·tf'd to he the large!!! of 11I' e,�8 tl n nl! . And SteYe I�un{b-Peler Gr\lmbo Sen�o,.. from geltlnJl:' II."'.Y early, bUI kind e¥er held fnr members ot th� l \trSl�la Lou· , HarriS: RomanceFrlml. . lind Patriotic Bofs�Grlelt. Cla�re 1�lInlt-Vlctorlll RaBmuuen they al!!o round t.h� plaCe ot the Luthem" Church. I Franklin Lacey: Grandmother'II·MII)_ " Sam ·SIII"".on-lnjfw.' Fedt picnic' ' Frank Ronliid-Norria L.nglow Chr l�i;: !!pent the night 10 R Jl(TII¥el be:nh:;.tU�:�leOfrn:����tm!:;�n��� �ndM;:��� Aalbu; . ' )fn. AII"n Sherman-Marira.ret bed nllRt Steilacoom �hlle eleyen In,g' which hlbl,e. daMe!! 11'111 be held 1101011 by .. . JMcobBen members of the da88 Rilent ,the nllthl every morning tor 'both adults and' Dance :\'0.1.lIlIan Amy Pelham-DorO. thy Zlfumert:: ::: �:�el\l Other lectures of " Ital l{ellO"� ,� , Tomblow...d--: :: rl t ( h:: ���I �I::; I. w�; j·hlldrE'D. m.n Importance 10 all ,will be given duro Paul ' U "III Stella I by Shaw-Olaf Ordal r d e a a ��!�er� :� ;:� IAs::�O? l�\ :d t�: �ng the mornln� hou n while th� ! I-: llI de� lml. ,Sol!tude- ' I . Sherman-Arlin!:;. Sanner. O nl I tlernoon w111 he· conl!:ldered ffee !In c! Coun ry Gardenfl-Gralnl\:er by '"' The tennis COllrlll O orlllj))V rdal. Tlc-Tock, and H�PPY �"�llt mlx·up hUI all I� well thai ends (pr recreallon. PllcUlc I.uthiran Colle,e P�eparatlonll for the Sneak. which ;:�I::;a; r��e Wtl!1 ;:;.h P���I:. I ��� ;;�.�er-Schumann, by Ed,;ar IA-rc") na will pre�ent Itl' 18 an annual a(falr. had been made attend "Martha-by-the-:>a,." on the Chalaqua, May 21, In the colle " �:r �Om� �I :� �:� �I:�"y:' �� :·::: Arrangementa have h/c"en. made to l\l te uI e erect tenta Oll Ihe balleball diamOnd ISSION SOCI ETY" ' . . co I II ( h m and amon", the Ireea at/the back . ELECT OFnCE1lS . ��r:e::oe� �k: �aa chosen u the of At FINAL MEFr place (or the annual meet and It the Campus. Theae "dll be used provltd .to ae al1 ,hleill loc�tlon- ::I�::r;�:� : u;;;;rtllI;:� '�::t be ;:� ' ot the. Minion Horee!!hoe. 8""dmmln",. and 1'arlous college kitchen wIll Berve m�al" In , T.be I.Bt meeting b ee n wa e . Thla play offen a y�rlety ' tliat style, � �0:;��Y7. ;h: �:�:7a; :rdeYr �f �r:� �:;:; r;Coh��Bh�:t :�e�:olth!ee:r:!�Y:� cafeteria , would plealle .ny .udlence. The YII_ and lI::I rlll of the IIchool uge cedure wall' followed. the maln..,.Af em �he day, G�od eats and p!enty of areBOalso hamel), philosophy of thfl ' leadlnl In all. It la ex- of bUHlne�!! . beIDr; the -elMtfOn �f them made a perfect end to a mOllll, pecled thatInvited. Martha. b In It � plfl8� nearly 800 �'III be round o�flceM! for nest year. The followglorious !len lor Sneak DIU'. of lau,bter. teaM! .nd I on the campu!! durlnllt thla .....eek In Inr; were elected: Arthur Ol&on. s I bI t MIB!! Ul1e�and of Kent will prealdent: Elna TruIB,!n. vlce-preBI­ Thill a ('ompltmentary plaao re.! Aur;ua!. : M�;t�: Y·,e� .��� :��� comlc charlee anJ In of Rev the girls. . denl; MIriam e lmdahl, tl. dlal , ls be gh'en . In the cOlle",e l � A Stub of Seattle will be mentor aelt .nd her tamlly Into other Hoberl Knutxen. treaaurer, , . Gymnn:o.lum, TueBday evening, May \\ . the people'. trouble. and throur;b num­ , ' of Prof. (or boyi. . ..... 111 be � 9 " la the announcement erou, compll�tlonB, .nd tben Ironll \ ll\duy I'ervkes Hegulnr � JOB. Ed ....·ard!'. . all tbe troubles out I)laJo, Deatln)' nil ('huTl'hU pnrtlelpatlnlt The recital Is to featur(> the pIRY-'I h.'ldIhewIth brlnr;a tbe BOrrOWB and JO)'B at 'Il . ..... ork. It ill hoped that thlH Ing of Illano duetH�Z Mr . H, n, 1>'lInn ata(IIJIl rich younl .laid, hla Blater: and hi. willII prove a Itood WilY of and Mr, Edward!!. 'F-hey, will play C�pending the Bweetheart to Intermln&le clollely . Re, va,'ntion Ulllmer , l three numbers which Wlll � : Duel e n:ember the d te-Ault. 2� with thoBe of the scrub ,woman, 28. b)' Christian Slndlng-Fen� !toulanl o who,. to support a crippled bl1,llband " I t·lre�..heel) br DU\'ernoYrDnl1fle l and her family, 8"oea out by lhfl Ms('abre by C. Salnt-Saena. day "maklnl thln"'B clean wbata W U.. L I S TOPIC The tWo grand plano� ....·111 be by GOOD dlr ' FOR ASBURY'S SPEECH Thoae elected to tbe council are: �� Ihe courtesy of the Shermnn Cla" uAtea Into the Alumni .Erlln.li:- Jacoba.en. president; Lyell �� e IB 'not a dU\. �oment In Co" of Tacoma. The fact that good .....\11 18 nol The price for \he entire Kreldle�, Manln Howlck, Lief �lIp- ��:h�:I:yde��:ht�:,c�W��a�:c:e;le!:;: Ic 0 t I O e ���· :; �� V�� dlng'wh ;" 1 � ' !: � a ! . be one t ' doUar � IS a to� U ",,. , llue. lon ther but an I r a na 8II ln� I t. : Il n t : d . pe Dd �e: a ;:!s�a: \poke to the stu- Iy written plot, groups of ,'ocal !iumbefll. M;. Ed .! ��te;;r� tl�:�� r;,n: f ....��: �r::I�h�n��� :'��' ::� ;I:r;;�\:�y IItudentli. . a-tld tbanked them for the The different manar;ers. that are give two grllllP8 of � edlale "ch'ool la8t Thuraday. He , All I hale Who are planning s aid they have given the faculty and taking charr;e of ,the ·work are:. ;�:�� n:�b:::� J related \'arloull experle,nceB whlch , nllend are uked m�et at the council In " enforcing the d"le- Sverre Omd.l , BUBlne.. , Art OIaon, The ('on('ert Is to be at 7:45, he had while a member of the. Municipal Dock. at 1,,'eI'YY ('Ipllne I,n th.e Behoo! . Erllnr; Jacob- Sta",e: E� Ivenon. .Electrlc1an\ T daY lca o r; e e a e aen alBo ",ave a ipeech In .blch he Marie EBpeBflth. and , Hannah ADd;/'t II has been announced Ihat Doro , :�I:� :�r: �:� I�ngs :�:� '7n /�rn:�"1 �:��� n �II:·�: w:it�:g �: expressed the dealre to tbe council rson. PropertleB: Walter Cbrlsten� Ih)' Zimmerman and Palma Johnson donal peace and good will. 1 group to CrosbY·s Landln«' for next year to bold up·tbe Bland- "BeD. Sophia Peterlon, Mae Fred­ have recel!w sch.oola. DorothY ,"'11I AA part of the 'pror;ra-m, tbe ChOlr on 1.land. This boat will ard aet durin, tbe pre1'loua yean. I rldl80n, .nd Syhla Larson, UII.1'Ier., teach the 2nd r;rad!! .t Edison. w�ne (ang "Ob, .J1 read of Lite," and Dag· the plcnlcke!ll at elr;bt or Palma will have the flr.t four gra es l m.ar Har;eneas presented a ,viOlin o'clock that eyeDlng. . Fish!, Fish ! From lhe Far Nbrth Comes at" Tracerlon,. near Poubbo, solo. "Rosell of Plcardy ": ' , , . - . Plana are beillr; laid tor an ' 1 tertal� day for ' �e . NeW!ij 'OUr .Boys' Having a Fut.e Time f" . d the gathering. Buch I "Rugel Sound Mlat," Yo bo, Yo bO, Yobo! and varlOUll aort raCeB, aWI�lnr; ' A-llahlo", will ",0, , Fred Scheel clalmll tbat frNb AS Baseball, �oys, Beautiful Maids M"!et reiays. , . . . t B e ' ' .nd ber n em date blm all't'e, durlnl ' tbe Blrawberrles �z: � WELC�ME MERRY SUNSHINE! tbal durlnr; thlB time of tbe year ' th. e one)'1 lea� �e:� �:; �b; ::�� B�u m!:� the !'rIp ,fromllept Seattle t� tbe n�rth. , , . \he' u Is a certain ep, l deml � to which the Esklmoa In tbe far north. ; . r a d u o Indeed It s a pleaaure to llee �Id mOllt of us are ' not Immune. namely. h e b Sol'a face once. altaln after 80 many tbe aprlng feYer, Teacbera will ��x g:�t: t�: I��� �f �:�l��e::� �: ;:� �:� ;:�l: :�: bO:! CAUNDAR twelve more wlil leaYe 1Ck>�' after plenty of .. lood tblnl. tbe trip days" of , doubtful �eatber. A� ,the ple..e bear lu ' mind wben pupil. the completion 61 '(be ,�boot year. nortb. . old �;I�" ",oea, "Sprinl h.. are lat.., to school, that tbe weath'er Slay '26-Senlor .J':1ay, Theae boya are fortunate In let. Jo�n JObn�n, wbo alr;ned u,P Bpr�nl. , and a wlBe �r80n. will is ' reaUy' mOBt tempting-the poor .the,Day early Jobs tbroUIb' Peter nott .ho wltb a Portland ComPany. .lett bortb '. . not queatlon ' the fact. It. that In- atpdentB are mallIn", ' Jhe mo�t of May 28-Llterary Pror;ram, a eertaln number to work In May for a DOlnt fartber .. ld tb n a o s n I o nt:�. 'I� 71�!: M-:��:-u���I . Pla�o �u.e� o s���:e: :�: l:�e::'t::� :ad�:�c:�:�e plctg� of ' JO'bp " ��: :':�I:: :; t!: t� �:� ��� .�a��):� ::�h:: :: ct t a . from Alulr:a, and from :What W.... aad Wah ,,"Dcb mak.. ODe "In, lbe sprt.C' a .youn; man'a f.ncy of tbo boyl hau been ,.ritlnl May / 30-Memorlal ha �DOrt.. tbe boYI will ban' a Une co�d'! Thne iwo 110,.. are 'beaded ' Uabtly lorna to tboulb,- of' b&ae. poetry I.tely. Wby. only tbe otber ' Student recital, time In Ketchillan., Pete la ' work· for the Melle Oeean. They will: be bait:. te4n18. -the old 'Iwlmmtna ,pool nlabt one 'of tbe boYB wolle up at Juae 1,-:.tb41r Concert. la New, ' and ,..110.. 'de�ICbtrDI .alk.... EYe!?' mldnlcht an4' witf:1,tbe.' ea_ll·of aPrrra. ,hne !--:-!, Ipmnl Plcnk: .....t,<Inl now at tbe eaane". .-tl,. l.yIDI IOOD '.Dt .:,. ready for �be bi. rUD ot.. flab t� 'Westmil18,l-er. b�pID' In tbe pr......80me '01 tbe atr1. bue abaDdoned In b!-l eara made up VJln.1e tba · Landini.. ' , . ", ' : tor, tbe trl�. '�b , bo IS es:":d -tlo:n tbe bablt· ot walkl., to tbe klciling was equal to .ny Sbakespeare or June 3-Baccalaureate Sermon. ' . DOI�at noon !ond are n'o w , playln" Za.ne Gr�y would �8Ve co:�posed. June 6":":'EI.ma be..I., . ' . Mn. Kreidler r�ived a 'letter, 19 � ba ll: a.,t Kbool for tbe am tram her I!on, Myron, leillo. of the year batc tbla «I;e�nb OD the ba)l ln tb�t ¥erlod, " But we .on�er--doea tbe SUn-·aI-. Jqoe 7-Ctt.1I Day. une I-Commencement E:zercllea. tI�e trip wblcb wa DOII�d by weather and aucce. �t the' t!lp. : � 0 lt la. a taet lC?nc to be remep!.bered waYB ablne! ../ . , , CIU



II Wft.y Xu",-
























l I

' 10







I �


T�'� -MC)oR.NG · M�STI ,DAILY-DIARY I � C_ hQr:h A�nOUIicements . . . ' Why .1I ", "mmo"on . I up In the boyll dorm· The Junlol""ll I MOV ® , thu thev woultl prevent a Published In'cry t'Wo weeki durlnc the school year by thejIttldents l'Sfeltl'nlolure Pacific I.uth·era!\ ColI�lI:e. ,Parkland, Wasblnll:ton. .r IIn�ak. S,lee�le!l8 nlll:htl don�1 ,. .I'ACiFIC Lt:THER,,:-; COLLEGE. PARKLA:-;O, ;,lil!'O\JTO;'\ -






\\ ....

. 27.--P·cntccos, · Scn'11."'C Il' 11 a 1,1 . . Progrum gl'ten bX the Sunday &hool , al 10 u, III. Tbe S,mduy SChOOI PI("l1ic Wl11 he held uncr the m-r\"it'(·". . 'h.e. cI�I I,tlrcl1. I' I�rintl y�ur lunc� olld be w� . . Jhne .1.- DI\" me Sc.rnl."'C n l 1 1 u . m, Bal'Culeuurnle Scr\"ict'� for the gradull\ing class of rudfit' . ! I.uthcrun COlll'ge Ilt J i p, nt_ Re\"_ I .. M, Sta,\'ifl . of Our Su\'ior's LUlherun r.hurclf in TnC0 1\1U will prcuch tht'· " Bacl'uletlurllte Sermon. '


. . I!eem to, al"ree ..·lth Rudy's. ('opIPIU- . Subsl!rlptlol\., ·...ne. dollar per year Ion. 'eh� E!ltered !!e<'ond daSllunder malter, !. day stll.'Jt:nta Iitpic: lrlll Ilt Parkland, asWubln·l"ton. the '.letober l('t of Marcb 3, at the p t office �laY I :! .'theT�eDorm I"lrls . Iente;rtalned 'hlc at Spanaway .....ke. everyone ' U · . .. . I "an l olb ... won·t, Th11 II The .on "of P rof. nml M Ph, ' an enjoyable time. Edl In (' or l n hadM4y··13. I;. c a · 0"" by one the Se'�lorR read . Supday mprnn� ���t;r-�-_-_-_-_-_-�-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-.--_-_-_-::_-_-�:_-_-:_-_-_-_�� ��rn: �:: �;apy��;�Editor a �.rnlnc· �hat II Is �he .time Hau«e wu, baPtl�ed Just birth. «0 to. showl. o t scbodl left leD ______'__________ _____ . ______-,____ Victoria Rumus dill' parlles, etc. At. last that Im to quit Cu If this fairy tale· I':'IJI! by .Rev. Svar.e. at Trinity L.ulh· 80ys' grortl __________ � __________. . ____________'-Waller Christensen port�nt day. the Senior S�eMk had- ,doesn't IreMdlnc l eran ' Church, The ('hlld ('hrillt· you. a('ey e Asslslant HO)'II' Sports ___ ___,-____ ___________ . ____ Franklln fU l�rif;�,II�:: i ���:e·IntereSt a pL r . e � �� e�' Laurence Jess�n HMII«e,� ; �: :�:::� �� y lh ���:�:t ��:::___-�-_-_-_-_-_-_-_;_-:_-�-:___-_�-. _-_::::__::______�-___-:_�_ ri�e�: �:�� ::;('\"er�'rlnlk ��::w ;�::: n I II t o w et dl a C lfter It ....1\1 arrlv� or not . Out I i el lt l l�::o;t:;;:-- -��;�I��.- -Z��-�;;I��� E;�;-;��i8���-�el:;I��ns��h;�I:� :::;�. :erha�:� t:�l :;��et�;ng :��: . :went Rft?r It. I was bemoMInll! the Michelson. Helen Westby and Esther Tv9l'e. M ndvnntn!{e1:I of n grnvel bed. �·alln·t enough. ne,·wlIl while the police torce of Ta('oma fac� lthat there W he P omdal· . �:UI:iH:��II��.bly add fev.' "Intereat- :�:l �e:eIl ::1I a ;lc:ur:�:� mJ,:�el� ! S.,'erreMI('helllon �Ianager AulAtant _______-_____ ��������.,_�'��.���I���- ________ ----- Eliot this lealon. I to be In Mbo ay 1 4, Arter a 10nK. hard chue and ;Sorrywalked uP. ,lIt len mil· (,Ilrefully the' :'Il JUilior su('('..eeded, In . ·captl,lvrln« flnal-! letI�-alid or lIlore atep!, lion Ke. Sneaker"' (he of few a Anderson. Hanna ________ Manager . r H _______________________________ (\ A�sl!Jlant __________________ �-- --- - - - -- -- :'Il Ir!am Helmdahl shoe Lake hud been ch,osen all th IY arrU:.ed -at the New!I-Trlbune ofo b e nt I j;l \ �:: Wll IChdl:;'�h:: �O ::�C�ord�:: I . °:: ��d�:lI n ��I�:� Mannger _�_____ _______________________________·__Gladyll Jorlen80n :;;\/:�e::::s:I:7Jt lred article. YetdenlI ofactually . of playln« . .hor!!f' hoe. iIln118 dCll '\... A8slstants ____________________________ Gerhard Lane. Ethel Johnllo�1 noon «reat On 10belng� o�nd. after uniors el 1 :;hunted swimming: the Jball anODe perll from \he Seniors returned gOO to old d other. thnt there wall ope man ....ho' Glady, Knut:r.cn P. rJ. C. '. J ,\lr«' ClIsper�on �Ia; 15: ,MOllt of the ('IIl1l8es .....ere ·could tell me anything IIbout the l · ,\''t. :'I1r8. Joseph f>�d nrrl8 O. J, S' llcn dismissed earty be< l use everyone pfc('e 0 f� etal t hA t was lIo . l lnpprt: l Inllisted on' IInorlng 'so loudly thai anI to me. Thllt wall the City. Edl· . wllh(Jut ctIMrl(" Ihe leathCrll /lImply ('OUldt npt lec- tOr.;\!<:. e' �rel1ow.' that Editor, ' He B1NYON OPTICAL (;0. GOOD-BY . ;:!O Hroadway I llmbed Into theIhecut.t'ellarI dldn el!:an nnd, .b""vy Phone .Broadway 1421 . May The P. ·L. rho r letl · looir f�r 8 fo.... Ihelr trip to Ore�on. l 10him-Ihe Joh for I had JU!lt renched .in he top or tholle Iltalrtl IllHI knewllil"""'''' 1 l\lISFOR'FUNES FAJ,L what . Iloor llIan 'had In "tore C!N THE PASTmERS , tor him . He came back empt� ht\ndmy heart �unk (or III .It . The P�r'l yd " --.-- · 111 meet !led-Mud ....·.ard!l� I get the cut Hnk, Mrs.('3nEdprobably Ihe L,y w.c PK!5llmt'fs Frosh. for the flr.8t Ihe"'1'01.1 11('<'11 tomorrow mo�nlng," II�e. tomorrow. on �he laller'lI field ald flrllthlt !! thing chul!. '" cnll·1 obligingnow."' 8 t locllt� re('ord of the Gyellr-- !!e('1U In Seattle.far,The good yut! It It Is dOl,t'� ling's. o �o III and· 91f'ug/li lad I 8.0 Ihat Ihe lators are In for. p,hard le. , Ar::cor�lngIs Ihe SPORTSMANSHIP I . Sverre. Ihls little The I"rQ two l errort Is JU81 10a rliler. III, bUl games P.and 10llC.t fiveU . hasWith.wonleams and SothaltIt'mi it. III true lI more ea.I, ' . at nnd' the IItandlnl" equftlshowed Parkl orhoy.'!'anhaye SC.h(H11 be caD n. mOll than for silid l very up wel . hut so. e . . -V, E. (i. In ('ontest!! With teams of more SISG ri('e. the reHulta have not been perte as Thego�liGladhllor ' SIDRTS · LOOP UP THE CURTAINS the foolish world goe", wrong s will . hack eltj)e"r When' And ·e,·erythlng . begins to ring. For All om Fowler. E, Ja('ob�en ..or....o.-f'f wlP Ick duty on the mound. Soli I ·Anltlry J�8t make up a cheery little !tOng and . for Tho�Ien8en will s('rap for the - to be happy. Slnl": ('han('e to let the ball� that are mill.'led by the batters. Singing I c'·er �hurt you !et e l O o d Gaudetfe"s tr h r: � y::�l 1 � s���:'1 "�:u� ::t: . �:;: ll! 8� �::I\I� : � �::n :�0:�RI.. f rln ;��:c el��;" l'!� !:�:;.t I�: 256 11th St� moon, the to Sing 1I0ng a - \". E . (�. Mall staff were WO�klnll! under --------------------.:..:::.. mlsapprebenslon. We thoul"ht onlyl ;:::;=====.:::·=::::z.:===�I�k""'''''' '''"'''''''' ' ... ' ''''!!E ' J1t gaileys of. proo'f wouldw.bewenough ORAL EX CLASS AGNES OLSEN HAS I Ih P" " h"1 ." TH LETTER FROM . 'CABBAGES' GOOD �.::; U' WALK-O VER !oIHOF.r; aid Inenlerdispelling any . doubts The taM of the p ays pre..ented To may as ' m O 8 Into your mInds. an� s�r:r�:: :o �l�n:: ��:�n IXlet:� l he a P .l c � o that R, O-K t a g h form a letter and p,,-ckage from ::cted �: �fI�sJ �;;:;�:. ::::edt' �� �ot�:; :;ad81�::n�� �n: §�ad�(a:tio",\ .t :n ll��:�e�� the faror north. Both al en('IOsed v be a delightful · farce. "Ca6bal�II · E r t e h I uab.le treasure!!. The packal"e ('on· had an ell('elJent plot and the ('har- III Y:am: 1I�:D���a��: I:a�:: �a�� lalned 'Olame- e".. d", two Ivory the pendantll; let. .. . ere well taken. It ..as Ilv- Inc of this piece' of paper for it ter brou«ht new. from . Petel" Flott. eDactersWednesday make, IIla�ell of the edl- Sam ue]son & Berg I I Peter III now hi Ketchikan, Alas- class period. durlnl" the rellliar certainly tOfl! . 'Althou«h they do not have to 932 Aye_ At 10th ka. boat whllle they·m are chained. . ... for tbe Goslings,"t «l veD.1 row f vowhere b the weather III quite stormun.ll, last Sau('e to a.a plank al la It had a ost . very also was leverlv Monday . 8 I: �a Iea dU� toI h:�VY hall r f The, must row th� pal?f!r -flt,.oU!f , . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . th: t�m: ��e� f:Oml1�:r ::(':: �TO: presented, tbe dltrl('ult ('bannels ot edltorl6� P. L. C. "Will be aeen along the Then complete. listm ote the plays l northern IIhore/l. ;:� � r a:i:anDot Jay ba�k to rest n The student. do lIay they· have �� ; � ;: � e �:!�You . eMoon. !��: C:���::tI���Rlsln« know. In story ot this not been to Tacoma It t/l�y.Jla"ff! of the The pia,., "Peg O· My Heart·· . wall TIn etheu CI�lIet; t t al f u('e r n b · L 1 IIOt eaten at Carlyle·a ��:wE!�a ��;:� �:re:«::: �'ut�'e�'n c��r��� \ h� �o9�ln�:���� ��::�:��� O May ·1 2. The part of PeS takeD . Eac.b member of th� claaa had worda u "1 " "Our'"' and , " Now by Mrs. an opportunity to portra,. hi s dramat Ie EdWAr ds of e Padrlc I JOHNSON - COX COMPANY wa t t0 I a II e r n t!c ability In at leut one pia,.. , P. L. C, fac�It,. ofI m7ne 'Prin1ers.-E"nt!IJveN . ,::: :t yo�U�a . yll :: :: . 726 PAaFIC AVE. PHONE !lAIN 49 CARL�E'S � The· Home of 2 p,,�t. Balta This d fortrim marcel plu, 25c wutihair California Florists and adcomfllmentar,. al & PAL.,(GRUTI . . .·. . . , , , , , . . . . . . '' . . . , . . PIowen. � � ,. i 919 A"e. Ta�oma r � I Pac I Wa.h. A Tacoma. . 2 ve, . ....:.�:. �.�:_::�:.�:. :.:::. �:��.�,�,�. j 91 �� us will � .



-----��-. . ' . TE'U'On,..\Rl-. :-OT..















F,\CUIJrY st: rNR\'ISOR!oI



To say fUN.'\wll is ('wr u difficu t task. bilt it is PartiCUlnrilY lure. l hard at lhis timC'. Bilt the scvcring of uld UC(I Ullintances means l lIlere l�· the furmation of new ussociation�_ To the se.niors new d[l�' is dawninJ.!. They nre stu'rting anew-sQH\e far fields. olll{'rs dose at home-hut C [\ch pcrson will he surrounded with ' a vllricty 'of H(,\V unlicctistolllcd ubjects. Al th1)lI�h they IIllly hc ICRving this school- possibly rorever tll ('Y Il'uve hehind them memories thllt nrc verv dear. ven' ' which hav-(' sucr<>d tu us. Thesc arc the trllest memorics uf duvs . full "f trtl(' whol.csollic fricnd' ·lip. To yuu, thell. Seniurs. whn have shnrcd this "ear with tiS, nil. he hard knocks Illld work that mak"c ror SlJ(·CC'SS. WI' wish •

liood-IJ\' rllld-" I iod hlC'ss VOUr' •











. I r�lHl till .,ndvc.rti��·lll(, ll t . the ()th�r: dllY thut wus heud.ed .. ,\s It hnppens. that space was deuling. tht: LUrtllllls. . I:()op with windows lind the ud\'nntul-!eut-hu\'ing the curtui l � s drnw l.l hack. But th�l"E' nre ' other windows from which the t:urt llins should he luopt:'d. bat·k. 'V mt abollt the windows of nHir abil il tics:' .Are they (,O\·C'f'ed . l>y n shnm of falsity ihat blocks out thc S u U i iti( . wi ll ' l .. s-: i�;� �:;: ���; i l;��!. t)�� I�r:�:��� {f

� -




A b'Tcnt dC1l1 has been said uhout this subject b ut therc is yet :lIl uthcr version of it. Summcr is coming-visitors a re and the campits hove been c1cOned rel'oming. The ('(·Illl�·. SUrl'I�' it is only �o()d sportsmanship to . keep it


invite compurisnn of quulity. ��\'ice and I)ricc.









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PAOli: i

" Campus als ! dro;,:,�;,:o�:::,:... ," ",,,,", d " In Uurlln&ton Wednllld.y �..lmer Knll.tlen and- S.,etre- Onldal I l erti home returned I he follow\o.. day. } the twenty flYe girls who "'('nl to their- reel>�Uu homell IO J an £10.1l0WO bout The Pacific Lutheran Col h"8;e I SU waa the burden or flpeeeh al l llturned rJlturued to achool Trul ftl r ballehlli l Tuellday Il f- DurlluI)oll and j!.2w, the week-endrwednelday lon She had been at her Choir tirought a succeuful Year rl Spana ., Park on Saturday v.)taJ l lernoon Tr)ou� were held for or April 1 1-13 Wblle there. theYl home In Anlicorlei n the Dormitory ,Iris ere I! her mother concerI v.ork to a <:\oae v.lth a weelt0 I en enpol!Jtlonli on a leam to meet C aHended the Tulip FesHul Bell 1 hlu beeD recourI nl'll'hlle Ined al .. beach par. ) b\ thel trail!' rrom an oper· ' end tour to LObl"vlev. Wash anct Da')ert tudenta Junior Coile,e MII'Is Stltrud . In ,ham 8 leDty of good coa h. 'ha . na Ponland. Orego.n . �p I · Lillian .Anlle·reon vlalled .. at �e�j 11:��t OyeD ';'Ihed al the Colle,e The groop asaen�bled aboot 2 : 30 1 1he r . ' . . At noon on Fr�da)". Na)" IS: th� �t Mary Fo'wle�, home' and Ipent l �:�al �:y �::k (t:�de ��I!:e� ni�:�' home In �ast Stanwood lut 'lirl'!ek· o�er the week-end. · ! Abe Ande'l'1l0n of Edillon. a . tor� \ f�rt.)'-o ne slnJ;ers aC('o mPanled b).l lhe arlernoon sWlm rn l�' and plaY- ' ablllty In' plcki n, up ' fut · blllJ�. end. um A games. tng colle,e the 'llt (n dropped atudent. er l I . 0 Anna a the ·Thompson atlended the Lanon and L lah OraM n lstlng artista. :'\'iI!I Rein and ! boa.. were seen ��g� .' out InI� th��Illke paUIID9 themselvell F "good Con(lnlullon 'e:terclsea at Rev. \\'. on _Thurllday . while enraute to' the Hel�n Congdon. and Mr .. and Mrs Stub'l!: churCh' 111 Seattle. sundar l Y. p. L. L. convention at "ort· Edwards. left the school amld'. lhe'l most of Ihem occupied tly the girls. proved . . ' hli e G rIespe9'ally e h d t e d S d were SChool �he from boYII fev. A · 13. She spent Saturday at j land.chee� and rood wl!!hes of thoRe � A:lbll Ilr: ;:e "h�a�; ��t- May d n �a�lan'l'1l Irene Dahl III al ,hOm? wllh the . . ! :��O ln :��::d�:C:'t. . her home In lMar1sYllle. Who remalned.\ . " . of the te.alll .. ::�:�::� ��y �f ters" c mump8. . . Eleanor The CqmmlJ�lty church at Long- the 'a"eal ' The followl: as was lineup Agne8 an� hofthus Olsen Cat" ll that were served Ollt- cher Anne Lane le�t for, Stllnwookd view sened i"Unch to " the choir doon lale 'Leland; pltcber, Polly were al their homes ' In: ll;remerto'l �rhl'l'd , In tbe afternoon' It .anglov.-; 8 , wI I be bac ay evenlnlll. whlc'b a�peared In concert at eight ., pa �t)' were !st :base, Lelab Orass: and Tacoma. r.espectlvely. o'l'e.r sat_ Stoll. 8C�OOI I :t..o/be Judged b� the .2nd nellt tall. urday . o'cloclt that evening. . They ti�n lf the Sunday. and 3rd Lanoo: Pauline balle. Tiobe 11 \as a -succesa . . hefore a large and app�c1atlve aud_ bue. . Hanna Anderson, It. ·S. . S.. Ev�IY!l SneTe, M I.rl.a m �el mdal She: .," What '/II the. . �latler with ' lence In . the beautiful new auditor· Pbyllis . Grande; L. � S., VerDa and OladY8 Knutllen ' atle-nded the Ihls car . 11 1I(IUeakli d�ead�UIlY;. . . . ' Gallo; R. F.. fo:lellllor G1RLS ENTHUSIASTIC tum of the Community ChUN:h. LofthulI; C. 1>". grad'uatlnn exerclsell at the 'S w�dlsh I ' . He: "Can'\. h�111 It; t ..ere P I . . A fairly large crowd atten(\ed the IN BASEBALL TRY Marian Aalbu: L. F.:, · O\ga Benllon. Hoaplt'af In Seattle. alt�rnatea w ere Marie Ellpeseth attended the Iron in tlte a':'�lnnIlAI Arts ,Veekly. . reg\illir evening concert III portl ll nd ' 'BellTh�seJane!lctlng . ' --;:ZPorter, OeTt�ude S)'dow , graduation eJ.ercIB� �' her sl�rer. At the S'unday morning · r,·lce or l The baseball lum out . held durIn, Ordal . and .Martha. ClIne. Helma.. at Meridian.or ,Vednesd Ihe Dlslrkt ,:. P. I., I�� .g¥entlon the fln.t l)IIrt of thllJ�v.·eek proYed to D4?rothy ny ""'0 words are lIudder uf tongue Ihe evening. M IlY 6,' for the! The glrlll were . . ready to meet the ortl'Tton· . "0 \"ondfo:; ��T)"pe" l be ont.IY �n added l!lcentlve or pell. T d bt 1 MUng b' t,he chOir In the Rfler- r��:1g : :�:; :��e:;!� : s � :ell:,�I ��j�:�lt;a�:S g::up d :�rll �� ;� �:; ne ri). . u � "Than thelle. e�anl8 mUllt come ' E Olga speseth nd Marie o rt 11111de ersona l\& 1 et R o se h nOOn th e l I. C choir R)lpellred In ' ..:.u :� � sgnln. " I P I II ou at onll cat pp "III be D1Ado thlll abo on TuesdAy Olaf Ordlll aud EIjoint choTu" \\ Ith the ('holrS of Po t )Rcls and tbe Dorm Batll engllged In I arrangemenls -The tll-l.lre -' land and Sihertoll In the Jdorlo:s a bloody contllct on the ballebllll ,ear I number h) Chrlstlanllt'n '''on - dlumond last '''ednellday afternoon f The studentll dormhor l were vic· } �rolls Thing... the I.ord Hall Done TENNIS IS .GIRLS :hl� ::i� directed b) Prot EdWllrdS! ���/O �'\�:: t :: :..:: �t:�::� ::I:l :�� FELLOWS SAY elliE-NOT' BOYS l b a o I l r a c ' Ihl\e JOU seen Ihe 'II.ew HOllYWUOd model� With double.breasted of the,m" clalm thAt Anne 1 TI,�' .'.." '"::-• • •.••" '_,' " ' ,,_,. Tv.o "'p6(:ial " ,._" 1 .'ing'too""ollt , Velll French plca! In trollllerll 11'1\ 11 hot ne\\ 9t)le.. vroPoBI "P s than lin) other more . '" �!nd berore girl on the (eame at least she IIc_1 11l lhe enlhullhl�m tor lennh th lll l ion COllie- In and 1Isee It b, t he c ho Ir from "Par the)" IIllIrted the homeward 10urne)" ' 1 cnlllulllled 1lI0Te dUlIt and dlrl Iha-11 year. . The girls have' at,relldy run l f( the ('harilplonllhll) gallIes 1 0 The�' arrl\'ed At the school latJ! �\ln- an'. other one member Lund.'. quis.t-Li11y • day evening. . The final s('ore WM· 5 to, 16 In 0doubles and In single!!. .".hlle the The trip on the whole haa been l ta,-or of th'e Dorm hl ne2n . j bOY8 arc atlll on the second step In I RUst IlIdK. 1 11h & Padflc Home of Two·Panls Suits "uccellsf\ll. and has beet:t..a means �r ' ThOse on the 1(>1Ims ' ' ere: D()rm their tournament ladd.er. Only one 1 C Introducin g the r.holr . to many music Bats: Marlan · Aalbu. P�II�Langlow Kame hu.a been pl�yed by each .con. .60 -·-Lovers outSide the stille. It III �l lrllim Hel in dahl. OI Ka BensOIl: t.estant and helldwa)" seems very . r------------------h ,. I hop(>d that this will pave the waYI Sophie Peterson. Gln.!ll>< K nl1t �en IIlow at present. ''' I lcn,',t "T 08dB,O "T "' "K " h· GOpIdA ".·.' ' O'Y K tor 'a bigger and better choir. U. ! EI�anor LorlhulI.�.elah GrASS. lofll� According 'to game!! Illayed 110 fliT. ER R LA E not sce does will i.:. L. one P. that �. I : F'redrlckson. A nna Thomp8on � e g GLADIATOR S HAVING i :��I��-�:��; n:f�t;s: n� I:;:'�o::; :;a\� :::. c��:: :�d :�: 1J':o�e� ���: :-. �_�ead It on thICk_ . . , . H the IN BALL : Ben y Jane Porter. Phyllis Grande. been hJgh. It Is n�ce8s.nry Ihllt i '·erna Oano. Bertha Rod, ,Anne gamell ,be piared off soon 8S pos.... 80 thllt a t�am mlly be . chosen In (he ir la..---... st two starts the Pactrlc l l�eland . Margaret ·Fadness, Gertrude . slble wi th whlcll will rCllresent Pa.rkland ha.!L ..!.!:tlsllI. hal'e had g�aj. mls.: Sydow. Ruth Erickson. schools. other fortune. i upa'"i«RIiK'rnI�"" the douhles tournament The baseball enthUSiasts were ' Slnr.e the cleaning up on campufl rQrUnless Is IItnrted soon It will TACOMA WA.SH. · treated to a disappOintment Mal lO ! day the r.ro q uet COUlilt hilS enJo)ed havetheto boys ye r. this b for orr ed ..''''''.",,'''''''''''''''''''''''' '''..''''''. " three ·weeks l!-In �"';"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''�' ; :.;::only when the Gladiators droppt'd ·thel � ! n wOll derrul rest. No one has used I i� second game to CentrAlia J Unlor l the I.'ourt 119 yel. el'en though It Is TherL!!J play. to which � H. O. HANSON DAHL GRO�ERY CO. � College by a SCore of 9 to 5. Padfic i ready ror service at any time. The It Is hOlled lhat. games will be . ;:� ' General Merchandise rted tlle IIcore in the nlneth on two "turlenls did tine work and they arranged In the near future \\·Ith Jewell'r h'lls but wer!;' unllble to count the ; should be compensated by seelog other schooi�. Mr. Stuen I" plek- Phoo.e -Mad. ' 3818R5 Parkland Quail!) and Senice winning mirker and the Junior Col."' "rowdlJ hovering nround and on Ihe, during esent the p lea . uet cro � uare one �ees d rou l\!ge boys ran away In the t enth. j q q II � I �1;:I C�::. rn p ;.:... .. . .. .. .. ..................... ... ..... .. !):corlng rour runs on three .hitlJ . Il; the tennet.ls court. . ' ''. '''''..'''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' l1I o er t a · Masquerade an'd Theatrical COBga �: c\: all . a:d' ::�:CI��� �:I\�� · ;�:;e:::n "'��r%:�I'9;heJ ::I�:��. IIf:�J vltlng tum�l!I. Tuxedo ��� DreSB SUI�II tor '''.'' .. .. '''.;,. '' . to Ihose who do n I Wish . to the Gladiators while B1ankenBhIP ! t O tennlll a d Klem pitched. and Pumllhrey , wait . In line to. ulJe the THORSEN E. NEAL & PRINTIN(; : G DEVELOPIN I courts. One ean get the balls and Main 3 1 1 1 9 2. -4 � Broadway . ('aught for the winners: S'a�e Day Servic.e Hair Goods, Hair Dyell . malletll ,trom the . Phyalca'l director . On M )' 15. In the first meeting! any Toupeea, WlglI, Maskll All orders left byat 105 a.p. m. time a game Is desired. Let·s In years . P. S. won easily from the� .,see m. ready same day some playing on the croquet · local lads t?y score or 1 1:1 o . 0 1 \Enlarging , Ll?-ntern SlId._ 1 the Loggers' tleld. The I�sers'l courtll. . MakIng were 'allowed ani), two hits by the . l SPORTING GOODS � .\ All Work Guaranteed tbree C. P. S. pltchen. Bill Fowler: Bwca.t B�Irt4 and, Bucken � und Man- flowlck pitched good ball ' al . Ready-to-Wear Ladies : In." Co" l Shaw Supply . . for PalNflc but received no .support. . . ; KIMBALL'S i . Th081ensen was on the reCEl. I,.lng ': · 0 Bro HARDER'S end. It",:.,." '. :"�,�,�.�,.:.�;��.�,��. . �.�.�;·:" .." '" "" ...� 1 1 7 a�
























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' moe K,."," "�",,, I'" "om .".










" 1

___ __

711·710 TACOMA AVr:•


-ii��iij�iiil ..



Apparel Shop


langulI,ge program wlll be pre-I n b be 764-66 Uro�dway �� ;�: �r��::' I:::U!:� :;a�s:� �� 1 Opposite Hotel Wlnt�rop will consist or a solo In No ne by 1 B oadwaY 2 0 2 story. 1 · Milton Oram�o:t e a Spl!-nlsh !!,!,!!!,!!!,!! !!,!!! !,!1,!!!,!!!!�w e t l m' !! �n! . ;; �;b l% :�h�:: -;!" :�:: i �!! _! _ _ Opdal: Spanis corl!edy In one act: ' Keystone Printing Co.. Inc. Verna Gano; Germanl Plano 1101 702 I'adtlc A'I'e. In one 'act; Norse o�e-act �laID.87G7 TACOM.� I!ia}' ; Song bY' tbe Norlle clusell; and some, Latin ,rlU:l�tlons, ,�II" "Phone a n�1 Our �ll'm Will . A

' I ;r . n .

. .

�-r:-:oTt::�--' . THE DEW DROP INX For ?'our al;tnod�ln=ed ��CbM

· 11


\ .

. ..



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Bun. -low. Servlce'Sta,tion

. . . ..


Mad. ' 1141-1 .




All Night

13th &:

BROOKDALE GRO£ERY CO. General Merchandbe

Madillon 1 07H

Commerce ..

oj Life

i :..... .. .



ow :you how.


Parkland, Walb.

IF your h_alth I. pr...rved ' "IF your �ife· is .par� . Your financial problema will be solved


..''.'" " ''''''' i

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TIw . "IFS"

." .........,..._.p.........'..�. ...........,..........;......' I, ,.. ....;. ........ . .. .................. 1 . ... .. .;;......."01.: .



Pantages' BUI.ldlng

PRODUCTS - Perfee.tion in Fr\nts,.- ·Vre�iahles. (;.offee. e�c:. . . Distributed by R RY .,CO. ST

.... .E..... ....G.... l......:_ �... ...... .. .�....;........�..........W

=;��;;;;:��_! :.

_ _



a Spec alty . Blocka' East or iOym · Lillian Bulb. Prop

P8II t.riell



. . .. . .

.. .. .. .














,'I "


"IFS" of life can be eliminated.



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•h L LeI WI









In his ba�c,!. A dub ---'� �" '\"�� (.�'!t · �'.ou.r l'u�hC:-" Rll!:hl OUI �here. qulle before him . tiOI1 1 ..". U The victim 8eemed qulle ("onlenl "!!e ." Lu·� 5 � �, 'Cor �dua . '�"llng awaJl 8,1 his le"sur�. \... . . GUts ' so,ne r�ort for I1()Urlilhmen , 'I .- ' . ' " , . Men'. Clothing. ) . I' Slot'l·�· Ihe. figure "'e l forward Furnishings a n �::� b�::� :::::I�� I :;h danny .....: .: , . H;�o:� .� . > 0. ;>!2&20 .'.� .. . ....I "'u helpleaa"-Io my- despair. • . lie I YiISh' �ou 'Aouldn I che\li <.;he red II cans and boards e h ,:um Don I )OU kDo'A il l made of ; ; '��d :h:: �� ��:r:::{�e �1r� C k, hO�:: hl'J�f:; n rnlng Ihere ca.me from Its W DiCKSON. f" """""""'''' ''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ""::Jl ith a Ilcke.nIDA: I hud , rhe rl ub e I hat why 1 set O l� r�a� . CO. a kick OUI of h. . ume dO ...·D -Echo A bUn('h of 11111 fords And Ihe vJcllm lay dead In the � 1 1 2i1-2:.! Puc:i.fiI; A\·c . . . 'i,i. ' Profe!lSor Xavier In' OloIOI!:Y: I ;'IlarY .had a IItUe sheep muck , . l:,../"A.'"/f J. a l�'n e 's "Where, do burll go In Ihe winter " ·T.Wlls alwlI YS ..u.!and frisk):. . _ : . Man'lll : "Search -me: leacber." The wondroull �e('ret �he won', keell The man turned round lI,n d. I ' i �i!e mh:eQ \III food �� :��::k�'� ". �:��t' C i�" :ad a� u{ly mill!: I T1H' 1',·rf.'('1 l)onn . w He " And �:::c. al his fE'E't, dead and \\on I lOU h�\l' a clgarettt' fel·1 n '''(IOR THI:'<i(, ' "" " RADIOS Lay.a-poor POllilo bug. I hu \ e IUslllratlol1 0 t in ('horus) : ""wfully �OrT\ but Thouj:h II S. no d e f K u it of mine we don't' !lmoke . -. - ),i To wrhe a little pnem Koister, St�wart .WarJ'ler .:� cMade FT'esh CJ)aily I "ou )' �lInd" Uk" I'. I�. C. th\! '('me ' hUng t�OIl1 the And pas� Tht' blankelll W"s Atwate·[,.Kent ·i window With care ::�: X '. '"oni\\h !It}(1 Pucific i\w, ...... _\nd the palllll qle end dlln,t.:led ��� �:a�ed�ll s'c,a�t::' ;���ll) .. l a hi,:;h. in the air. "Then let'r,:;o to c1a!lS.... Rust Bldg, , ROSSO'S GA�AGE The 1Iiankelil \lcre knotred Itl 1I\lilm_ The faul! :11a) . DOl 'A' holy mine -Coll(,ge Chips PhUlIl' l'ludison 111inl JU�I lIl ame lI on thl!! pen minK Iwol �t\ Ie ' An" the trou�er" \liere �Iuffell in II �···I ·'·" · .,·········" " ···,,·····,·, "Thill Ionic I; no good/' \\ e hum.111I1 nrt' queer crelliurell mllnner Quill' \ile "What'!! Ihe mlliter? Rea. Mad:' 3 8 1 8·J·l \,_ And ali like pendulum 10 lipon this grant! old eurth ( 425 '�II Ihe dlrec'lilIns 8re for Iidultli 1,llIcoln Shl.'f!t Metal �flrkA and fro The blullderll Ihat \lie somellme :l nd, I'�'e never hnd lll,em. r----�--_; Otto Damkler" Prop. tn firsl of ;'I1I.y brJ.eze IIl1d th" mllke F'].lrnace... 5k),lIghll. GUller -The Aroma" I Spouttl. lI�allng. Venlilatlon Englneen. Agenl Mueller Fur· AQ : � r " returning " from ::.�� d '":.�:':m:':� n&ee.-S09 So. 38th Stref',1. ! --J-OH O 'S FAMILY " I Beheld rrom ufnr lind loud wall hiH f � , 1:II,g; U rlll �nd . UII � 1l 1 0 1 �a��I�lt."ue An I hi I b:� �1I11 great an II rar '1 ..so THE Hi\)U�-':OS STUDIO 0; �:�t li '\Ii aI h � r ei� do tto t :e :i t 3 Tacoma Wn A n '\Iii perhaps I � ;m) Sewing of all Uescription Phot0lfin'llluI or Quallt,. at �a!.jlllyins wei blankets len men had IIOnahle price. . " pulled tl,ll; ht. Kodak Flnt..hlng. GT'Cf!Clnl{ Can" Xow let us cha,!ge b (../' e subJect : . f.'rHmee and Framing -Aroma7.. , e , ever Lehmann's Or! GOOds SIO"re 9 1 5 Pacific .t . 9 ain ve. M 2 A 37 ;;:P:II: t r:7:t: ; ���J::�lng l:9l'1ihHAL;;;;;i PrOre�sOr '{In Oiology d;er writ· I , saw. once. In dr ea m. /" i J EW ELER . ' Ing a 1I�1 of Questions . on the . board) ' "Now studellts. watch ,he The night waM coming on WaCchCOl. Diamonds ' hoard �lIrerullY while I try to run A g{oom lipread o'er the sky W'ashln,;{on BId,;. Tacoma t -----Company through It." -----� 1 It ,,;ave one an un('anny feeling , Director. ' F As If deatb were Quite clole by. " Marie (after chlcke� dinner ) : .The Perlfc� "Laurence doesn', need any chicken. OUt iI. Ihe gloom 'tf,lltl a figure J'" Gift_· ,... ...... L'., .... AL INIIU8T.UAJ. ....... .... .. ..,.. _ '_ Hl' ha s a chICk_ "_ '_II the lime." The figure of a mall TECHNICAL PHOI'OORAPS:W /' I saw th"at he had weapon . . ShN·.' ! The A. R. Barne. -= ---:Almo, n d ROed = = = = = = = = =t Pauline L. (In Spanish da,,� t' Mountllin and Sorthwet'lt I Rackley-KIDS Funeral Church "We get WOod trom the sheep." Seamon's Flower Shop America's Finest Confection tac, .An. at So. lit , )I.:r��?' r.:'��)o;\,' . . ��I . :�!I::I:h;l� h.� �! :rereDre b('!ween Succe��orM 10 Zenith F'iower Shop Ph_ e. ..... '6 '_ _ _ ' "_ _ .i, ._ _ _ O. i !\'fMl�9�. Ballkr.rll Tr;:�o:=�WD , l I t ._ nRO�\'S &. 1I..\ I,f.;,· Tacoma. \Vn. ..... . "" ...;. ... ." ". .. .",,, . . . .; .,,.., .,,,,,, (,hYlllcal exerdHe Is nOI ulto. B roadway \ � .... . A. Tacoma. ,::ether unknown to Ihe choir. ";\, ery .. , ..,....c . . t l. F:VISELL CO. U. S. : . . now and thell we ha\'e our liule . '-'-W -E--:----E---r ; "·"""""""·p��·��..'�;;;t�·�;·�""".."....· "'}, We, do satisfactory D�e8lmaklnl!: :: I i :;:;;: :l�e�t;�;�:I�1I ' 'e I and " Alteratlon h H emstitc lnA' ll e xamine yes . T 9 0. 9.� Pac A ye . TacomA <h' ", on ,"n' t DR. ARCH'IE G, H-leKS � ' ' !lum lire lon,lo:er than WlnH'r -lr",dRYlI, "no "' ","',. The Needle Art Shop � ", ,, . ,"'" ", , " ", ,,,,, . . .. , " he(,lIu'te the hent expnndH them. , RUllI Bldg .. 10lb (Ioor n � . . .." .,..... -. , , • " • """,,,,,,,, , • • ' '' : 11th and Pacific Avenue I • ' � " . , ' . . SOUTu:"TACO M A'" l Q-What Ie the ad\'anll ge of hiH'. 1 I_ UNDERTAKING CO. ; �':�':�I I;:� keep your sock" up PARKLAND GARAGE ACHLEI� BROS, & wllh.. Ihumb la('kll. -H. Optlcl!,nll l I '_�, I . Auto I\t!palr 906 1lroadwllY : ,' . I GUll. Oil.. and ·Atte8sorleli WII.·\T Tllf.: �.-\T · 1I f.:RIJ' I Importers or Norwegian "Inry hnd a little goat / o . 3 0 . Cod Liver 011 . :.:C:. : ••:p::,.:••" : :::::":::.:::::::.::':.:'.:.::'::'.: ' = : :" _-::: :: 5_ Y=":::':':: : :::0::: "'::::: '0::: ": ::: ":::= ::_ ::: Sleinv.:I1}· and other pianos, Due f'� _ •• . . Cor. Tacoma Ave. & 11 SI. H : Art Reproducing Pianos, Vlctro!a!! . Ta oma \Vash. Stetson . and ,, � ..



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CANDI�S 'tha:t are di'fferent

' I "



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' I I� I I :-:' I 1I �

UN'IVERSAL .Photo Service


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Lien Selvig.


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92S·30 Broallwa)' .Maln 99 5 Tacoma. \VashingtoD

i' I. .:

H'g 1fJ.e S:-r\'lt'e and

'I _S:;i:to�!"!�-:t�\ · : ", Students .


. Fraak'J. Lee Free


.... .. . .


t p 21,6 Rae. Ave. Main 2289 S

... ...... ........ .. .. .. .. .. ... .

&C"" aellon

9·14 Paco Aye: . ,

butter-nut . bread



r TJ




Our t r New Boo hll Sand"·lehl." and

lIot and


Jilly . 2 7


WASHINGTON' RARDW ARE CO,. . Spalding Athletic Good.


Tacoma. Wash.

. . ...

Main 768



i . Ii . '-_ Boys . . SOCIETY BRAND cu:iTH.x8 '1 .. �� "-,

TIle Slo.... For Men and

fjS( .

Paeific A\'e.�

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. .



11 10-12


...............:...............�.�.�.� .��.:..��.��


G. P, Knudtson, Prop.

Pacific Lutheran . College N0ial Departme�t Announces SIX WEF:K�' SUMMER SESSION - ... . June 16 to






I �I;II ;:::5:;:;;':. '::::.:::'::'. : :iI O u � � j bJe Sl...'1l F u ta n L nch and ��::�:�:f.�:��:�:�: . The spri:A ::' Here Deli,ery Barbershop . ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::: .... ::::: :::::: FO Your P:::::::?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fAor : : Cold, · ; I � & CO, Jo�oantftl,! UilIb.w · H TS ll�n,�lay ....



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T_ACO�!� H�=t_�,N_.)K__CO_.



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Please write for: jnformaiion' � Phone Main 4493 G . . 4 � ----. �"--� --_�--'-.; _ -..I I +_ _ _ "" _ .. -'""'-""""_ .. ... ... ., .... ..



. ..r




.... _ . - ...


������������� CLASS I' .I . I I Traditional Iv�; �ntlng Gives Rev. O Orda� Former.·P.rnI· PROGRAM GIVEN THURSDAY JUNE SEVENTH

. Jmpp� 't� to -


of 1928 apiJH.red- ln class 1


The cl.a&s d.ay exerc1ses at the gY,mnulum Thursday evening, June 7.

�; I

wttnH.II1 .


A:ceordlng to the old tradition. the! clasa met out3.1de the main buUdlng IhortJy before the exerclse3 to the planUng of the Ivy. . ThiI planting done by Gladys Knutzen and Walter Chrls�naen. Mr. Christensen I in hb ivy oraUon said: . "Just thb Ivy cl1np "to the rough-j d ��t� :e:� =ale::b�t. :: ;:! I the .ey� of the world upon The ' It Ls our duty to i was








J. de.1 Is. Speaker; Largest CIUII .


Clau of

""...... ',.. tho'

be held t.hlI eventhe coI.Iece Auditorium.

1i211 are kI

q. PrtdtlY. In

Porty-'" iradual.ei � the I&rtre* class ever cnduakd from' PI.eWe will rl!Celve their dJpl� 'tr}- . hi,h school , COll* -.nd ' normal

p&rt.menU. The pi

'1t _� ---..,.

I !::d=.:o.� =b�f�

ThLs scene was stranrely Impmatve � expresslng in one sense a portion of '

���=!:r:'�;,:��:e�I:r. :; ad �Y. O. J. C>rd&1




gn,duatee w1l1 war d&lnU'

s1lk iOwna In puteue abadet: , C&J'1')'lDc , . oorsaceot the claa � wen, aweel peaa and �uda. Tbe colOI' ICheme ut In






now. of soUth Bell-

:!e::,O::�J.b�. �:����in;e� The prorram

Commencement driaa.

HaavUr: wlll live a short sJ)H'!:h ' bethat loj8.Ity keenly felt by all �_ 1. half of the bOard of trustee.. Musleal . uatea. 'numberw t.o be liven are: Piano 1010, ':Kolod1e It&UeaDe" bJ � Immediately after, the clau p� ceeded in body to the l)'D1naS1um : . Was 8Uxrud (adv1aoz'), Ed Ivf:l'1llXlo Rorria Lanl'1Ow. AI Lubd., Waner Prof. J. -0. . Dlwarda; "Oreat Ia Thy . Arlin&' Bann�, Elmer Hauke, Olaf Chrtstenson, Mrw Pub, LaWl"ence �ure. Elmer Tveter, Arthur Ollen, 8ven-e Omdal. IIan'J � JOh n 8tuen. Love." �y �� qu.artet. Vo­ wbeft' the rqul&r clasa I1ay exe were held.;' The prosram wu u� a'i:ob.on,-J�_� �, Ph. •. Raup. VOcal- dWo(., fol- ' 7lgnes BOIT�oii': dylm t.raoD., Rut:tr."Itn-ouon, B1aneJiiC �.Ah&rfoiii,-.".uier Tdwe;-Karpiet, Iowa: Gladys Knutzen. Mae Frederickson. Palma 'Lanc:low, Lenore Lund, Anna '1bompeon, EVelyn 8neve Betay Jane Pot- MrI. ·Ph. E. Haup!' and Mrs. J. 0, EdI ter. 8vea OpdGl. Mrs. Jeanne CO'Wan: Gladys JOf'(enaOn. 8opb1a Peterson, 8tell.. 8&mue� Victoria Rum_n, Pal- ' warda. , With' the preeentaUon of d.IProcessional :!�� b�l�l��taE���th: �: �: :m Casperson. � ma Johnson. Doroth), Zimmerman, Alyce)*Uperaoo, �lp. .Benaon, Anne Leland. 'Marle Espeseth. Jerdla N�. . :o ! �:;-�::e 0' the 1no"'uUon of<I1pl"""" C"", HUIo'Y-<>W ","aI. s..u. I ILLUMINATED SIGN lBACC LAUREATE ALUMNI_ENTERTAIN " . 't. c. "" , Th... ",,1 Samu'''''n. Palma LanaI.... . . I GIFT OF '28 CLASS AT ' . IIIrb 8ebeol . ANNUAL PICNIC ":;ocal Solo-Arthur 01lon. SER CIXl r.o HELD tJ Agnes CIa.sa; ProPh�--GladyJ JOl'(enson. ; order to show an apprec1aUon of 1f"(\ �e annual Alumn1 Plcnlc waa beld BoITeson.8,h1& l4arp,re . Gladya Knutzen. l.&raon.aoobeon. Lencr& Anne Leland. Olga �nson and Mae the Pacific Lutheran COllege, a school ..: yR� GRADUA� J.. � at Crosby,a Landlnc. Vashon Island. Lun� hter Gr-mbQ. Elmer Hauke, PTedrlc1r:son. which lralna the student not only ¥red TveteT, El.mer, f3a!me�, liarn' mopUni !.he In' 2. June Saturday, on uartet-Arthur O n . S&n- ' physlca.lly and Intellectually but �Iao Special Services Conducted By d o� �, Ed · 'lveraon:. Jobn neQ.rod. Peter Orambolsoand Harry Arlin&, Ban- ' spiritually . I t has become the custom Rev. L. M. St&vig o� Tacoma; at eleven o'clock a melT}' crowd " ot 8� ) 0 uen and A h . nerud. i Specia MU8 � Given alumni and stud'enta bqarded a specl.al , rt ur .. of the graduaung claM to Qresent some Baccalaureatel ·services J...... �p � for the' class street . Class WIII-;-Betay Jane Porter, Sylvia ' token of remembrance. , for Tt.ootn a A boat . l . n. Laurence Haup and SophJe i The Cla.s.s of 1928 real1Zes what an of '38 were held , 8unday. June 3. ' at I.npald �t., wiJUna; at th Munlclpal Dock read , W&!Ulr Chrliterwen. \� ..ure, Ipulse HenrtDen. �teraon. . in the chapel of �:lfIc to talr:e the p�cnlcken. to their der;tI: IA� H ,.tmmense Influence P. L.. C. bas I:Wl on 8 o'clock Coll�. Gladys JorgeDlOll. 8VUTe OJDdal, Ar, I Vocal Duet Hanna Andef$On TIte proctSS1onal and l their Uves. It bas taught them fait Lutheran naUon: . by o play . Rev. . bad Dorothy Zimmttman. J.J.na: 8&nnerud. Enlyn Bnevel � � Pr f. EdWU'da ed Unfortunately the da) ! play and good ,portamanshiP. has .... rather 4-..ua ther Ton. , PreeentaUon of Class GUt-EImer helped to form a firm foundaUon for lAurence 8tavig of Our Saviors LutbH...... De�t . Hh poor start... On ' the way to the . \!: . Church sermon the eran deUYe1'ed . Hauke. them shoWn �� their cl\ar'ac;te� and has a ay pl na w Johnson, � Andel"lOl1, Palma �own utl1'ed ru . me, on beUe..veth text wu, ,"Be that Vocal solo-Ruth Erickson. how to aer.ve the eommunlty the him i.h.au O� ,rivers of Ihina stepa to the dock IIt.:r1k11l( se� on MrI. Joyce B&rkemeyer, Olp BeMoa. from Farewell Address-Victoria Rasmus- church the naUon and oM ' path. I Marie Ea�th, one of �e loin, Bem1ce Buttorl, AJy� Ouprenoa, ta comprebena and torcetul . water." In . . C . That' lluch an education f�r ChrUhurt and, lmme- Mrs. Jeanne Cowan, Ruth Erteboa. nJ,. Announcement of of (rBdu- t1an service may be made tnown to slve manner he. drove home a mesUge: P L. . senio en to the hOilpttal � be Marte Eapeeet,t\, Mae Predrleben:. Nor�' at.es to be, placed on 1925 trophy cups I more people lhe &'f&duaunB clau baa that wu an I.n.sp�UOD to all present. d..Iately talr: f minor ' rU Lanc:low, PtJma L&na:low, Anne LeI.njurle.. treated or I raised tunds and chOlen as Ita glJ't an He decl&red 1Jl&t the world was tWed l ConUnul!d on Paee 4) Un... p1a.oea such as :war, greed. D��k:.t;:, =o:erz land, �erd.Ia HordanI, 8vea � I illuminated II&'D' bearing' the inacn'p. with p�eaert , v O . ' Mabel pVb. Sophie PetenIOn. BdQ t poUUca and w:mappy homer;. Lutb c � of he eran Uon. I Home "T I an ch wu ctoria Vi l n . · Id Ral.I . B1anc;he · ta .� .Jane �, oR e Namego For. Lovmg . CoUege "'........ Th� attrac�wve of younc- -men a.nd TIt , beach ' _ In' every; . th IfOUP -..I .. be - �� a__...._ 'Anna . uuen.' ..... ... ere .. same wbo Will tor a ',p1c:n1c. Witbin a IboIt' time Rum AU · oJ .. 101 arch 111 to be bullt women the form . CopS Announc-ed l! In l . __ above the M&1n 8trtet of ParklaDd and =: �nsoU: �of ;::-�, !.t U:::l n � boa -:' .!t :;. ; 'I1lomJ*)tl ADd porotby. Z1mmermaq. near enouah to the Mount.al.n BJ.c:bwa, er A iood pic:n1c lunch ... prepared • Honorarr Aw ud. Begun By to make It Lmpou1 le tor aD, tn.veler � people ahould flow riven of Ininto the deeert placea ot ..,u- by 'the cook, JoIra. �. and DIOr CIass Piay ' . b helplass of :25 Ie Part to pua without noUd..nr It. alumni the It hal been amonr mora11ty In nationaUty, and ltua.Ut)'. Of Final Exercises " May the clear letters or t.bLs ....ft lUe Dramatic Succe'88 reported. that the: appetltel -brinl many a student to the COll t.o J4n 8;tavtr aana a solo accomp&nJ.ed rood that there .... oothInc tM,!.t An ewnt which 111 atwa,.. looked for- I be tauabt the same fundamen a·By.tbe·Day"-II Spee... "Marth t o carry bome by Mr Edwarda at the piano A mu- d1shea W&Jd to with a put dtal of antldpa- truths which bave had. such an in sleal Saeeeu TbroU,J'h Well number wu provided bJ the f&C- The cradU&teI 'ftl"e welcocted into Uon Ls �e &nnounoement of the nuence upo the Cho.ea ea.t Lwb1le Prof xavier the Alumni Aaaodatloa at a mee� ulty 1&d.Is· quarte � of 1928 the or the (rBduatei to be enf held on the be&cb In the a ternoon. ' -. . . l ied In lnYOCatllXl." . 'JI'&'iC!d on the ..Clau of o,a.... '0< uio _ . ""' ..... On ..,....,.. .�. ... .... . ..... .. ... Trophy JUNIOR.SENIOR , . CUpo' I .





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HELD P L. . LETfERMEN �= �,":;...��-: :..:.::.::=.":.:

C , and ODe Early In the rnOl'1llDa on the · 3Oth of . ' · ANQUET V1c:e-preaideDt., Norrta La.nalOW; 8ec:- edy ..1tarUIa�by-&be-D!a7." The pia, "tirl � ODe boy troa1t.be B1ch 8cbooI )lay a IP'OUP Of tamlabed Semora LD . B 'retary-'I"l'tUUJft'. Ruih PadneIa; P'ac- ... counted ·.. � of the pea� HO De�t are cba.e:n by the ',acuIty. IeDlbkd at Spanawa, lAke fO: break. . ulty RepreaentaUve, Prof. Haute. ·Mr. � � MDkit- plaJI; at p, 1. O. bad p �ea . The students p1eted are t;twW Who In fut. The Juniors. - them Debate and Baseball L,tten Conrad O&ard I.. the re� prestdent. .It W&I well �iecl and well recetftld already hard at work. For t.be eyes of the facuIty haft � at and , ,etUll( 1IW1)' , " rood ..� from UM ' .Are Presented; Interesting , ...._ _u.. to ...... ,.u... ...., ...,. ...... U)e ... 'y ol. ..... <I1anot .. . Speeeh .. Given . . Jml1I , "�., u �, In the, �raem. � clraW J� '!1aht. dent&. ' � live . .'I1le LetWm..aD'. buquet�.... n .. U... tho .... ., · tho y.. ..... . . .to tho ""'- ...... ball. .... ..... .... tho ,.....,. ,..... .. un. .... .. ... the I..... . . . kID4. IliI:II&UDt moIiber wbo '"Weal out usually d1tDcult ,t.o pk:k tbt 1rUmen "A Uftly p.me ·of bueba.IJ. started the 1lI.nC. J!&De 2, In booor 'of Padtlc alb· · BREA KFAST

. lege:.HormaJ. . �\&'






STUDENT'BODY ·"""'· E;LECTS OFFICEJ,tS ....... ,.,.

Tbe 8tudeDt Bod7 at two f'eIUl,aI' due to tbt � that to IIWIJ' ''' ..u l d&)' a1f 1D � �. oDe-CUuatty-1itet. 9*tori. aDd � -memba'a. quaI1fteJ for' U. bcIbcr. A1W ....mal ... reported. ADDe l..alaDd and Cbrta- After a r:bkbD. dI:DDIr .ned � meeUDp: dec:ted. \be tolJowtDt' ornoen Ue � tblrd bue. Anne came MrL � ..&.ted by atudeo-. Kr for the 8Cbool year 01. J.J2I...a � the tOllowtD& .... • � .. � opeDed � � \ �Bz11Dc .T6ccbon. eo; Dtber Ton ADd ArUDc 8aDDer6d on � mlnua ber heeL" . Vk:e--pralde:Dt-Kuiba eua.. ban the eooe.e-Normal Depu1meDti . �'" bUDp')' IlaDci Was cnft.cted pun. ' and JiarI&rri JaecDotl aDd ltdwtii I-f. �� tram wbeDce came deleet.- One ' apeecb � anotber followed.. 8ec:retar7-KIrlam Be1Iu4abL ' �"""'J:d lvenon. and • C&Pt&ln football �rud. Arllna � At � (r)'iDI : Of � er.::u tram � H1Ib 8cbooI 'Depart- able ' BIt. at anns-RobeTt Knutaen.. • . ' (CobUhued on pare 2), " � (�ued OIl pqe: 4J _, �L . . ..J"





by thli day . '1CJ"I1bbAn' " � her-own IdIDUlJ IUlt iDto tbt t.cqround. lDpal Peel.. .. tbe d18cc:Iunpd but-o bud. ftIma JohDI9D and AII* 0.. ".. the' CbUdren aD � \belr JII&I:W well and �t.I)' l«d Ronald. �: 10 �tably bJ N� ', � (Oon�on � �) '. .



® . �

. OU EVEI\ FORGET? I MAST STA FF " • ST Choir ApPears In \ W....ILLY MA ING . R . ,"" .. . T"E · )(OO ..... . ENTE�1'AI�En . . Final Performance llll.e a flah? ' .. . . --9 PAClrlc LDTHE�N C04LEGE, �ARKLAND,

",,,::;fl,lNGTON o


..., to


That SverTe. .hatft to hue his picture The MoorlnI Mast . Stan were the . at " lunct�� at th� . ':" "='"" ,M�.i(. Dun and" Puplli. Appear taken? ' . ' rortunate 1\Mll9ftti;the . , �.. afternoon of June . In Seriee Of " The smelJ of rl-yln, bacon at thtt Bruen home Published eTery tWo weeks durin I Jhe Ichool year by tbe IItudena Mu.h:a1� BtKkful 'at 8p&na-1 -t. Mra. Stuen ... 'IftlUnl', with de· Junior-Bentor g (It �1l lflc Luthera u���i ll��n�a n n ;��. · I1:;·8:�: �Oe:r . " � ; : �e:� t!e: !e:r: Prof. ;. O �wards. Dean of MUsIl" and the res�nc.·ra"-:rt� .ppeU�' . :�.� 'Entered ae second dass matter, tOM'I' 1, IUS, at . t�e ,post oftl� at p....L. 9. assisted by Harry it. Nunn. er�he yearly epidemics of Sprit\f FeV-. \llldft' the loc�t trees, �rovld1n1 an .a�, at Parkland. Wuhln,ton. un.der the �ct of March 3. 187.: for the entertalnmenl.. . �1an1st. f� Tacoma. pve a �pU- The tJ.me nnkl� d1sco�red the �k t1'at:t1ve EII�r :rowe menta:ry �rt at the COUqe Gym- "dress" nO-tina out oh a dormitory Editor In Chief CLASS SONG . Mr 251. May evening. ' Tuesday d :'1n , ? w o _ naslum Bneve Evelyn ) Copy Editor ' Water all hall thee overholt, a well-known tenor rrom Ta- All 'you have lrirrie.:\ about forest . Alma aE'POaTUtS AlII queen of all the land. to give groups of-voe&l solos fires·.around Ben.d. 'OrcIon? . A lfred Lund. Agnes Borreson. Lenore Lund, Mrs. Buttorf:- BlanchP- Rall. Mrs friendly . Itudent. ·rJl Where . Cowari. Loul5e Henriksen. Palma johnlon. Victoria Rum�n, Mrs M. Par·D. but was unable to ,ttend. : The evtninl or CampU:" Day, 1921; And for thy honor st.ahd. The . Elmer Hauke and SV'N Opdal' �'hen couples s�lIed in rrom·the new- May thy Uh be ever ,torloua prorram W:15 as rouo...... : 8US�SS STAn' Iy-painted ItIcking post wtth tell-tale And always to the end. ,.J I " Bu.stn� Man.gt;r - S streaks ot p&1nt upon thel� clotbln.s? . Re.lID o'er all viCtoriOWl Binding . CruhUan .. . : ... . ... . ... . .. .. oueih� n!� � �r:: � AMI.. H';'na �:�; CJrcylaUon .... How.-the ltory' of. a certain Bernor'S Our Alma Mater'friend� Gladys J�nson; AMt. �t Jacobson Feu Rol.$la�(:'����).,.�vemoy shirt-taU Adve,rtl3inl . --Blanche �Il. helped to .ij)se. one 'debate de. p Typists : .. ��n . . N�_� :!lad.:rs ' _ c1aion? , ' -;: = ;:;; 1 ;;:: = = ==;:;;==, Ha-.. �fIi.or, Ha Harry Nunn and Joseph Edwards gWJU". ClaSs Advisors ' l The wu , buSstul l _k'when Arllng R1pudon . ...... ._......... ....:_.._Oriec not makIn, anY announcements about Keyatone Printing ·Co., Inc . 'f � APPLWO� ..Beethoven h18 lost, st.ra�" or' stolen property? . . . '7n Paclfl� Av�. . su l I h t e\ery begl "lng must en<I True. the career o . 8tacatto Etude .... ....... .. ..... ,..Rub1nateln· walll:1ng to the city Umit.. on rt Hal- �la1ft 813'7 TAOOMA l�8 t t h f th e nd b I CIa a l Joaeph Ed�'&tds IOWe'en Nllht. ��' . "Pbon� and o..� Man ",nl C''''I�'' �\\�I a b:;�nlng :�J� ;� �\ e r:C���,: �t p:clfl�\�':n� to a�b ;�'t:the:1 .Jr4elodle Italtenne ..:.. ..... .......M'o.sQ.owsld Norrie r.n,los musical. laugh? fe . end unless v.e will It so If each student Will retam sh . . on U :::�c=;"le���('er of LouIR . �==::::=====� � In �ou: a.""ps spir:it o,f P. L. C. � !� at cert�in "someihing" in a!ld about our cOnsoIa H t}'28 may IIve ?n for�ver. If a km�1 word wHl Butterlly Etude . ......... .... .. .........lihopln Doroth Zimmerman'S "Terrible" c.olIcge, .the c1as�rpf..(, J. 0. . EdW"a1'& . live on. 1O the memory. or a song hv�' on lIl.the soul,. Will nqt then ,. ;. othe� paCifying ex;>ressioM? ........ ...........t1alnt-5aeM and and cpn- Danae fortv-slx young men and \"omen with educated mlOds . Evelyn .B.neves' sch ool-girl complex1..."'.:/ "'/f i a lo n e. 's � . . ,<Pol' tW'O pianos) centrated spirit live on. c\;en into etern i..ty·l Joseph ....rds an� Harry �unn '��en Cafe. Vancouver, C. (only . The spirit 'of P. L C, we kn.o\\' will survive. The' fe�lows�ip. The-two Btelnway Grands w ore rur- choir mml�rs ca�' appreciate the demc,x:racy that seems to reach to the vcr:y walls of Its h\lllld. . this ing!], i'annot help hut find a permanent pJace ih the hearts of its n1Ibed by ,llh,e courtesy of Sherman . and on:: . students. The�e is 'hat mysteri C? us "something" ' in the s�i�it Clay. � Opdal .as the college napper at , . . plano um f. . won t n bers t hat holds us an a kllld fellowsi l ip that words cannQt e xplain. The ,.� S\,lI!CIal the Cantlval Program tn\1928? ) ;'., live on . No favor with the audience. one of Such a bond bv sheer force of its own inJ.ensily will tohm.n ,and hls sudden � w: . :: v end er the th� ot repeated at, . beI� \ �� ce �pirit so deeply impressed is . ea.sily rooted out. th ed n ' Yes. spirit i8.essential l�ut it is not all, ' The class of '�. must .r= ct' lI$� d.�ts rm:�� e;- ' The P. 'L. C. boys' conception of the i c.Made 'Ppesh CDaiZy ! Ih'c on . in achievement as well as in ' spirit .in order to he .:a true :nce u:u.� .;,� the f:"';tU I� �hooUng of Dan McCrew? � Ye old lovers' lane and the fountain ; monument to our Almo· l"ra�er. That mysterious. powerful !\ome- ' Ian torte m c. ' wJ of. youth and aU that. goeS with It? : thin�(' must find its way into the aim,S and purpose,s pf each and p. 0 000 Pacific. Ave. 928 � Sophie's straw hat and the big smUe � <l Ma 30 every one. As it has the �ower t.o hold a grouP. of st U(�ent5 toed We n as night 1 It has the po,!,er to. hold ny Rus' Bldg. gelll£'r in perfect fellowship I� un. derneath It.?· . i � � m u ai a the fO Colleae mnna Y � noble man or woman to a lofty purpose. ' If he WIlJ to fan<J an Im'd I U ' e dl nce. Prof J 0 The' Bun-Kist Twins-Margaret an . porton! place' in national life. education. or refigio that "son�e:.. :wa"r:�1' f a��c presen�' ten" Gladys and rJl' 4le rest of them? . .."....."'.. .".........''''' '''... ....."..,....". . ' ..' '...''.. 0 . No Never1!! thin�" Illust be there. If he wills to attempt sonIc eat enterprise puplb � pIano recltal . . which cails for courage and conviction. tlJ.pt something" . must �-----�----1 w r be there . Sl:���rge asb&s�= :�n�= CO�fPLIMENTS' OF \Vbat is it. this' mystcrious power'! Failh-i h oneself. in �o Steinway Grands were ' used for �I ones fellowmen, and abovc alllin ·God. "Faith is a living' power the -concert qu-ough the courtesy of - ROBERT M. SMITH ' . from Heaven ." I t i s the "something" that hol'd!i the students of Sherman Clay CO, ' ! , in grasped if ·that ihg someth fcllowship;j,he ·and loyc in P. L. C. 'llS i;'antages Sulldln, . §.· I I .ime will make us rivers of influence flowing out into the desert The chotr of Pacltlc Lutheran Col.. .... ... . ....�: I . .....".."'.....�"'"... plal'cs of Iife:· t1l(� one great something that will make the c1as!\ or lege of Im�28 madi! its last public ap- . J H)28 live on in the minds of men and in the autograph of God. pearance in con� in the audItorium ' . -E. T. . on Friday. Jun� 1. The student.!! do say they have N� ReIn as asa1stlna: artiat with 'his wc dread that \\ ord We iea'c With regret ... Farc\\cll....ho\\ ,t,efluJ Idll O th ua] not been to Tacoma If tbey have : nil that. hos made, hfe �o full f�r us at P L C. �Ve cven Wish. we great �av �r � th·�:I��'e�ceusand .I . could live over some of the l_tIIc troubles agam that we might was clapped �k _vera! urnes In en- not eaten at Clrlyle'.!! show oui' Alma Mater that we would and could surmount any- cores. � thiqg for hcr. A�d to our .schbolmat('� we can !illy only this- tha t . The complete choir program glv917 PaCific \Ve ' invite ' comparison 'of those P. .L. C. friends wc have made are truly grappled, to our en in full c�otr c:ostum�, "�auUfuJ quality. service and price. I)e.arts wtth hoops of steel. To thc teachers who have becn .such Savior." the closing nll!Dber bf ' the E.xaml_Uon wllhout daarp friends nnd hclpers to us. we can �ay a hearty thank-you With a choir. especlrJly appreciated by CARLY E'S CAFETERI :�_" A BINYON OPTICAL CO. L · sincerity that knows no words . . those present. ' ' . no . Broadwa, DurIng the Intermission 'selecUOM To Pacific LUI�eran College" thc AI�a Mater of our drcams. '� I the closs of 1 928 1)I(Is her farewell, hopl�g that p, L. C. may 01- for two pIAnos ' ' ' y special teq,\e5t.l '' ::. :: :::.:::::: :::::::::::::.:::::::::::::',::::'.:, : :::::::::: ::::::::::,� �. ways mcan .to hcr futurc students what It has meant to the class were given by Mr(b, Harry Nunn an!1 � .:: : , ..: -E. T. �f 1928. Prot. Edwards, Our service is always 01 your disposal. If we haven't g�t� ) (COnUnued from page 1) .Those of the girls' .!!quad receJving what you want, fell us and .we wiU get "it. You don't have : e p o to send away for . a thing. Our prices and quality of mel'���Yex=�e :!:ce : :! =:uas::�:M::: �Es=�. vl= TIlE �� PD�� [N� chandise will surely m �e . you , a satisfied �usto�er sportsmanship in athletic:! and their Henriksen. 'Alyce casperson. Gladys For YOQr homf'l cooked luucbeIJ n appreciaUon of the teamwork in the ;'orge'nson. Blancbe Rall. Mary Powler. put:I':! � :;:lalty ALWAYS ATYOUR SERVICE . ' h � � : � : � UI : ���" �m :::�:'·I=· �: e:u:e: �r : R P RCANTILE E o t :: �n;=:.� �:a A A N K EBMANN'S RY --'them MIss SUxrud. 'girls' coach, Mar- ot the boy!. those recitvinB' debate �;.:=,:���� . ������:�:==� :: :::�:�:::�::: L� :�:::::::�: '::lI:.:� I �:���::�:;�:::C�"�O:;..:..,;:. garet Jacobson. Elmer Hauke and Wal- letters: Walter Chrtatenson. Arllllg L D : �: ��::::;::;::�D�::;�:. : : : : : : te J. F. VISELL CO. ���:�:;tlng for coach Ram- =;����V;:I5e.O:� �La=�:' . . 80011: SeUer&-St.atloMn stad. then presented baseball letters to Erl ing Jacobson. Barr,- SannUud, Pet' WIloleu.1e �=� �� �a�=�;;eod�::;::;. �!=. Ola! Ordal � . LeoIiard , <;'::c: a;!.�::� �:::!': Plumbing, Sta�'llDd MlU,l�ppli_ ,. Phone Main 1707 1008-10 Pacific ,AveD.ue WU1lam Fowler, � Howlcll:. WU, - The choir which hu this year inade ... .... .......... . . .:::: .:: .:: .:: .. : ::::: fred Hoban. Rudolph Sanderson, Erting a suocesafuJ "debut.. as a concert choir . :: · · ":: : :: .. :: :: . " ' ' :: :: : .. · .." '' ..... '.. '. .. .. ...... ". ":: . -!,aeobson. Milton ' Grambo. Gerhard -----resented by Prof. and loin. Ed- II : Solll, old Thosterl.son. Walter, wardrep 5 and by one of its- members, FQUOW the Golden Roa',l'to Better Healtb :�h. and . the manager. Elmer Doro�y Zimmerman. "'-, Company . . Flmeral Dtre:Cton· actin.. Mrs, Jtretdlu' and Norrta lAnai e of »acUlc's outstanding . had """ ..,. "'" HaUl' mad. U... nam.ly •"'''.. .... th•• ...,... "'" . Spread It on thick . speech with a seated by brief speeCh� trem t:.wo de- the �ostnc iood the second team, men 'theandsend · b&ters. Esther Toft and ErllnB Jacob- ott �. ' . II. . . druilaUc clll;b. , . _ son. ' . of . Mua1c and. yells pro'l1ded other enAt t.h1a time the IIPftteet numberbt.t.e , joyment for the · occu1on. Mr. Edeuned de debaters that · at the ptaIlo. Barry : .,·�;�.I:.=\��h henan dur1nI one aeuon In the b1ato-' warda performed�ft1e pve R)'IlDinI' ory of Pac1flc; received t.bdr . letter Bannerud. and Pbone Main II! . :







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MaIm Ck . ,_

1 _�1 9 �""' dway . .


In a great varietY of style& and modet:Bte in pnce . See Ihe newest in wrist watch 'bra:t:e1et&---l2 to ".50 Age�cy for the famoue.Longme. �alory y.'alch�. •


,"0 _=-

.: .

� _

j �---:-:-:-�----��-'7"'""�-�

j '


• '!" • .



Hanna Anderson Walter Christensen



Evelyn Sne\"e


Margaret Jacobson

Glady!. Knutzen Olga BeQaOn



Alyce caSpe�

Oladys Jorgenson . Vlctorta Rasmussen .;- Marte �peseth Anna Thompson Mae Fredrickson

Happy Vltty """ Eo,y

Sttililll' LJvety -=�oInIY Witty

, SPorty TalkaUve



Tall .Red-halr UUy


01, Cowan Buttor!

COm"" QuJet Good-natured


John Stuen

Dorothy ZIrnm.erman

Louise Henriksen Mrs. Barkemeyer . Agnes Borreson Lenore Lund Sylvia Larson

Rlckle Bankle Tellle Johnny

Dlgnltled Sarcastic Prim lunuslng Witty PaUent sarca.stl.c


Larry Bobby Barkle Aggie No", SldM









Ave .

. ·��i�t�I:li�Ml�:


T\ ," \

. ,i!: < . 1




� ��


Baby talk .,. Ea tilll' P1�. lA"",,� Tom"" State manual



. .. .

Tire trouble Manly stature That she's Irish To · go to cla.s.s .

'''' ."


Young People

I /Llke. Zippy. Styles. i--SamuelsonAYe.& Berg loth 0lIlllI �.' . . 8n Ctt �



." ..



don't want to What's It th you?_


9 2 4 � · BroldwaJ Main Hair Goodl. Hair Dyel, Toupees, Wlss, Masks



hirt. and



� ���





Enlarging, Lantern Slide ' ' Making AU Work Guaranteed. ;, . All orden left by l O a. m. ready same day at 5 p. m,

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13th .\


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PUllI!Ir' Prop.




8e-:Ttce Station '




. Bal_ I:



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These "IFS" of life can'� elhnina


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Parkland, WUh.


Pho�. j;wn.1911


johnson,-Cox Company

So. 11th St.

Stude;.,, ·


. .




Thai Last

ANNOUNCES The OpeQing oC"a Po�trait ·rkpartmenl in ��nj�ction �ith"­ , present· Con:un�rcial Shop. ·' . 'or About A� ·151h, l� ' On


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"'''''''''''''''''''''''''" .. ,,



. .



.. . .. .

11;===:::;;:======; 1 1


. -Ra� O.

� 1':..... .. ... .. ... ................. ....... ........ ... .,................. !


n ���� e���� � dn T�;:::ISul t C;:; d a d . la


Madison 5149-Cenler ·St::" Tacoma, Wash.

. .. SchOOl . Ii;';", to

Let me see­ How 40 we know? Hello. old sock! Now don't do anythfng I wouldn·t do. And 50 she did. .. Where's Marie? And then the shovel btoke. M-y ..... EI-



Fish Cakes. Fish Balls, Fish .Loaves




ti A � .I () � · .1


walk?. N,,?

Is that so?

Marie Her walk State Manual


Established 1908

I1lcil:ens, you!

Ohl Vlcey. Want to' 10 for a Oh, boY! 'Take A walk!


t To straigh en his hair Falling for red thinp



5ep&rate WI.

\ Well­



that to

I'II 'raise you live. be right over. Well, r1l tell you.

Quiet attitude

Dealers . Combing red hair Her stUdies




Ford roadster



0000 ' Oh. you Uttle Ham tgpl

Ability to J:llay Bast.etbatl on the noor We mlY get some money out of It. Bouquet of Sweetness. Long. hair Playing Hookie Absolutely! Weight Never In a hundred years . � ride to town R&nutad said : .


_.... .... . .-:: '-'= � '_-�

_ _ '" ... ,.,. ... ...



. , ..,,,,,. , ,, ,,, ,..,,.,,..,,.,,..,,.,,,,,,..,,;,,,, ..,.

" ." ."

out 1000.

It takes. more


TO teach Asst. cLS�er 01 Astoria FIsh Corn!t Virtuoso To be a nune



No. street .can after one O'Clock Moorilll' Mast Can't use his, dad's car



For cying

W""",n . PsyeholOlY _ Blg � volee . Olrls Enitne room '


�:�d�gers club ��.::r;: o� �


SiZOSCAR 8��L�� Union I I

�:: =;�� �:��


To get a gocxI grade In, �lology TO teach school Te educate her son To keep �t. school-glrl compte.:don To teach school' TO ' be all. art15t To be head-walter "She won't teU" To get a J06 In Washington We all lcnow

! I��r�:::,�·ily

.............................................................................., ...........

every plaCe To discover told 'fo be a teacher. To gain weight e I .

To be


Opposlna l'Deas� in eIus meeUna .� Knutzen pride. Ob. fee dar halt I don't care. Scandinavian loot Ya duo .-rm sick! SUperflOU3 aTs:ument.i:�on 'That's bad.

Wholesale .t1ab. 4e&Ier Learn his lessons In detaU To ro bact east

76..&-61i Broad\\'ay



horse-back-rtdina a I'OOd wife Jl1l'@n1tY

NI_ No-honest? Well. you. dori·t say? Oh m, t Oh. my r

. Y�Uow

'To ret .,-mPSth1 To be an enatneer

HARDER'S Apparel Shop


Potted Plant3

�t! :!: To' 10 To ",t

Make a nobe I1ke a flah.. The air. 15 foul In here

Ho� temper

�� :::S:�Wben1�

Ladle� Ready-to-Wear


. California: Florists Cut Flo....en.

Quiet OeottOU3


,-- !-B�!!�. Hauge


Affl!Cttona� AmblUous?


Stella Samuelson

Poo. A".


Norrie Al



IloutfuJ Manly Inde!lCribabie

"Poor thins" Ed El

Betsy Jane Porte� Svea Opdnl Olaf Onial Jeanne Cowan Mrs. Buttorf Mrs. Parka Ruth Erickson Blanche Rail'



'Tinkle Ointe l;'uster


=-hlJm� PI�t


ArUng Bannerud Harry Sannerud Edwin Iverson Elmer Haute Norris Langlow Alfr L Peter 0 -.I Anne Leland Jerd15 Nordang

Pant ..



Ingwal F'idt Sverre Omdal

Til,· flolne of 2

Swe:et ·

DimpleS .. Cappy

Est:her Towe

I i

S�rn Ba¥ttuJ??? . "Sweet Laughing

.To be a reformer To' be all. e�eer To get a' Jot) MoVie act.. � To be all. ..thlete , To iet an Inch off her heIght You never can tell . At present. to slltt a eontr-act. TO �p h�r pride We wooder I haven't any To be d{gnftled To write a boot on etiquette

... P.&.� .


EPrUfil Ohl worae Uu.n �tl

Dirty cords StudiOWI loot R1s ro� No job

To be. dlgn1f1td

QuJH .

Joe ) SOfa

Sophie �terson Palma Johnson

1; ��=us


S n ee Pol ly

Palma Langlow

To· � up



Elmer T\'eter



L!K .' .ow .10�"'OW. '


. .Lutheran Bt!ltherliooct \ •• Mmn. ".' 125<1 Mc�Il' t BuUdiD,. Mlnn �Ii ••




.... C�pus Loc 1

. . COlll�ON �YINGS t'!'l AT P. i. c.' �n. ""'dltt-ClUUU'. I wbh '


I :§


l '



r. L. C. eHO'" &HTUTAINSD Xa""


....,. .... Mn. J. U. . a s - host. at. r.it Informal. rwc:epUon honor"..ould not 'IIt'N.f )'OUr best c1o� �IAnE .. BY SEl'!IORS ___ . :e:ry ':lay. There is, such At an ' attracUn. Inlonn� par1,y lnc the: P. 1. C. �r' and I� dlree\or . • .. thin& as --- . The foUowina iDtI!.ored down to alcould The other land. non of In a Of h�e X.�r Park the at MIL and PrO e p esda a apt e: 4e clus ' ed , Ule Ed. f. y, Ju e . �nd the: senior pla,.: Mr. on W n In.r \00 �� bou , your Knu n, la ly after the l he:r Ideals or more .rorU).y amh prarance. you know. ' and Miss SUxrud e:.ntert.a1nec1 aClalr wt.I p;'en tmmtclte ChrlIItlne: Knut2n, John wiese, wiJ- sve b ( Haup . blllOl1$ tI}an that � of "T'WentY-E1&ht CODcert., on P'I1da1. June. I. choU' Arllr1l'-WW you tell . VlckJe that . te ch.,.Andrew and Jo,..en Kiln,. , It deUdOUl lunch Wu Krved �y the hich Is ��t1ni from the heine ,the If'&dua� . dott't, care to _ her today? I'm too ! e and Helma ani:l ott6 'Espeseth w C9lleae· Perhaps it WOUld The entrance waS cl�verly deco(a� hostess asstated by J4n. ' Balley. A bu.iy. ' ! Ev1i.ns Carl.sor4 wllltf'Cl Hoban. WII�. Lutheran , • most pleasar:lt even1ni ..... lpent" th be In�Una to � what some of the "'1th lhe class colors. Mr. Edwards-Every one malr;e . It a ! l am Fowler and M� Howick saU. , , ..re. . na' novel runes and IinJlDi IOnll· ayt l Belore refreshments ""ere served ea.c.h IjI point to be late to choir rehearsal. I ed lor Alulta Wednesday momlna 0.., plana , I Arthur Oben. Elmer Tveter and Ed ......... ate had an oppo- AI' to d'lay .. .. .. :·.. . It really doesn't matter ' : . the AI1m1ra&. -.:__.t "� "...... "'.....· ..:Uu ;� � � � "" � ; d 1es ucauon In n�v y. �, Steve Pet..Ie, i lveraon hope to rqtster � ln the Col· 'e ; ;: M� ' &:meuth_La��nc�, I' ",""ish you l .Dorothy z� e C.' 1 * Department of p, Il. .pmes. A deuclo was · klnc:heon i . : llI1d "!-yce Cas�n atten,e.ed a ""eek � i Gfo.r.".l Merch".�llilJe To take up bulnesa y,oQr� in some served by the hOllteailell . asstat.ed by 1It- i SUN! I know noth_ end pvt.y given by U),e FQwler famlty In",... F'ed t.-I . l oHlc:e are the amb)Uona o! Evelyn t,e Janet '�aU(e and Lenl?Te �UI- ; Phone Mad. 3I18Rl Pa rkland i Inc about It. I nei lady'� man and at COpaUs Bea�h, June 2-3. . alsen. , argattt J�n. Friday evenina . ' Quallt, ••ul 8e"I�e i . �ne Leland enter- SneYe and M ! . anyway I am too modest to talk : . I tatned at her home, Olga Benson. �Mu- th�Ulh Ma.r-garet says she would Uke _ about It. " . :..... . :!:".....'..'M . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . " . . ... ..".-J to plan on returning to ·P. L. C. next at the Uolver:slty 01 Oreron. C.lp BensOn-I ' Just love to get up ·. laret Jacobson. Evelyn Sneve. Stanley . Dahl. Erling Jacobsen and Elmer year. Undo btedly most of the rp-ad- It b not cert.aJ.n .whether SvelTe 'om- ! M:l d. 1 4Zf> ·'Rel. Mad. · ,8114. 1 n.ly In' p1e morn1l!1. don't you? � ,,"e to plan on thle same d� will attend the .' U'. or .W. or 5t. uata wClUld U Llnool. Sheet Metal Worle:. Sverre Omdal-I most hearttly � Knutzen. ! Olaf but It t-,. eertaln tha,t he will· con· � : SalUlertid �d IOn. tblni. ' Otto Damkler. Prop: '. Mr. and ....�. . 'Aith you. You are always rtght. . Furnaces, Sk,II,bta, Guller . � SPQuts. d . Oregon. came Friday. ! Laurence HaU(e 1n� to return to Un].le nt• •tudy. Alyce CUperaon-No thankS. I dOn·t Robert of Ben He,atlnl, V,DlUaUoD Elmer Hauke 'w11:I be worttna in h1a ,; " Tht'y are vtsIUna relaUves and will be South Dakota .to ....orL . ctIew gum. . rather'.' store .In �tor1f.. . here to see their . two IOns, Harry and ru.t: and wal�r Un 8& Harry Sannf'r'-'d-8UN!. I feel flnle! • , nne , Ar . . A es and "::'.:........M"..''' .. . .: ... . :.. , � !"" ... " . ........ . . .. . . uate. Borreson ' -:-' ID LenOf'e Lund Norns IA.na:low-1 accept the respon- ArI1na:. if'&:d tenson will raume lheir stud}es at St. , :lb��Y wt! pleasure, I have nothing Olal or Luther COllege, · " . .. " . on tt..m to . t f O u Ing In the General Hospital at Be�� : Dorothy Zlmmlerm ' . Ma�n. Oorothy Bye, ' Esther Sydow. I �:: ;: lence. . tl Pb.otOgrall� :f Q...utl .t Re." iatUe. a ', � ' ry Holmes. E1�el Nina M Oyen. Amt ' nec'o a ! _ lvlerson-Hey. Ed C ve me a cl, r h. . Johnny and make her home In I. 1� Btu�n is· not exa.c:Uy sure of and .NIna Oks.n� Kodak arette, will you? In c.",� . . what he will b!:· dolni but he hopes to }""ramet ,!d }�ramli�iIC ' . Male FredrtcksOn-That's all rt,ht' I Mrs. Ted �erlcltson b vlsltlng her " Th�re twenty-one girta gradu- go on �Ulh coU*. daughter l Mae. extended an after 915 Pacific Aye. Main 29S7 . trip boys, It "''as p.ally my �ault. . , • Department. all , au� Normal from'fe . . '" AcoonUn:l to the latest plana 01 Olaf 1 In the East. . Jerdb Nordll.ng-Yes. dear. . . Rev. Ramstad and Rev. Svare. mem- ot whom 8' �11LIlll1nir: to teach next Ordal and Norrls Langlow they In-' (' ArthUr Oben-Aw. Quit ct\er klddln', Anderson. An- tend to work and When Nome says 'Fhey year, are. Hanna ben; of U e -Po L. C. faculty are at 7YOU ,I1ve me a pain! We do' aatilitactory D:ellmaklne. ! na ThompDOn. Marie Espeseth. Sophie work he m�a� work. . Mr. Hauge-I want to complIment you ent attending the ��ral convention Peterson, Olp Benson, Palma �gIO. .It � the sln.cere hope that Success, Alteration!! and Heml�ItChl�1 on your good behavior in the hall.!!. or the Norwlegian Lutheran Chl;lrc:h [ rdang. Blanche will be the trtf'nds 01 th6e graduates, Paru. Jerdls Mrs. No which b held In Mlnneapolb. WhIle I parttcularly In 'thle study haiLs l • Ruth Eric�n. Mrs, Barkemleyer. whatever vocauon",they may chOOSle. i n Ramstad (: t Mlnnesgta Rev . · Art attended . . Mr Xavier_If you want to do . us a . r", .co,,":an. Anne Leland. Mrs. But· . . � ..... favor don·t bother abOut brtnging the graduaUon f'xerc:ises at St, Olar torlt. .......,',.. .. .. ... ,. .,. ,....' ,. " " . ,' ',. " .,.. .. .,' ' .. , Mae �rtckMm. Vlctot!a , I and . .also visited hb home In Cannon nctlon boou bac�to the libra.ry on Falls . . mussen. Dorothy .zlmmennan. Alyce . M. . time. I .Casperson; PIIlma Johnson. Stella . M1ss Stlxrud and Mr. and Mrs. Shoe Repair Peter OrambG-FQr crNlt. this way. " Hauge entertalntd the Seniors Wed. &!Lmuelson. Svea O�al and Betsy Jane . New Soles and Heels 1l.50 . ple&&e. . Porter. . . Women's Soles & Heeta 11..00 John Stuen-Clear out 01 the library nesday alternoon at a UUle Intonnal l Parkland O�ys Knutten plans .on entertng Cleveland 8t. I am about to bur)" myseU in a book: party, A most delfghtrul time was en. bus l •\ • joyfed by· all. .ness college or taking a course In • And so on Into the night. . S",",,,, Admin tnUon at .... UnJ" • �page verslty ot Washington. t COnUnued.J!:Otn tConl1nufed lrom page II M. 3817J5 . I Sewing of all iJescription Lan,low. can weU be ror'given lor hb came the ca�to breakfast! There was Olactis Jorgenson and Ingwal Fedt Baggage, Interat' ln M1M Claire Lang. thf' de- a mad scramble · for the table..:-oone: have decided to attend the U, of W. ng. tc: mure, s�t girl. played ' by Vlctorie was the lauded dlgnUy of the Seniors! i Esther Towe ha.s been ' thinking Of J. L. Brattum. Over �hmann'l DfY G90dl ' Stofe Par.klal')d Rasmw.se;", One of the most dIlficul! �ewhere In the front line trenches finll�ng her !fOrk at Bt. Olaf, ' yet lDt.e-reaUna" roles of the play. that was Mr, Edward3 with Mrs. Edwards Harry 'Sannerud .may take ·a course I of Mrs. Sbennan. the d�onest abler �ot far behind. of Lord Ronald. was c:arrted off to per- .' 'Am and ens with a prelude ot I . fetUo", by Margaret Jac:ob5on. Playing oranges � A breakfast fit for a hUngry ! • . & J' Ij J opposite her was her- hUiband Mr man and a Senior. Yet a deep. dark • JEWELER � . . Sherman, 10 well portrayect by ;"'lln� mystery sWTOunds that breakfast. Does W.tch"", Diamond. Sannerud. Esther Towe as old Ma any one know J'lhat became of .the . Importers Washln"ton Bid". Tacoma I . Slawson. Dorothy Ztlnmennan as Amy jelly? D Breakfast over. the sun oollglngly /"r-A oca il �lham. Olaf Orda! as buUer. . and ..·...... .."·....""""""""� o d n te ra e d rd America'� Finest Confection ..Cor. Tacoma Ave. & 1 t 51. . : te :k:,� Ea:;�:n� =�� _ ��:' h : b s::: t e �� ';: � '!es:= Tacoma Wash. . isler. Stewart-Warner : With Its contrasUng scents of sorrow. the lake. There WIUI swtmmlng and twate - ent dlllCOa�ment, anxif'ty. . PhllOsophy canoelna and boat riding: s�oot-the:\· .... WS It HA .I sh dartna: the lor oots row old stout, a cleverness and humor. the play offered �._�J · Tacoma. U. S,. K. ') to Its audience a comedythat was not boat lor the timid : fun tor all and lor one moment dull or 1aek1ng In some more of It. .. . .: .;: .:,::. . !.�:::::::::::::::::::::;:�: :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::; .. .. � . worth. r P b one ID us. Music durtng Intenn1ssJons pro-


\\"�d�� ·









, IConUnued from page Class Song_ M1ss' Vlctorta Rasmuasen sa1d In her e . �: ��:=�ed here the wondertUl loundaUon tor our lut\lJ'e$'-bulJd· Ing for and on such a

O�,.�,�;,:;,�t:��:;�,i �,:� t snd. Vlcror Recordl. Band and Orcheltra Inslrumente. Sheet M\lllc BOO�I. Radio sets aDd


� & CO an¥'lay

B.o.o w.,.






Mal'; ... W.. bl" ,on

butter",nut ' ' .1 --', -"bread · ""od!:. -, _.


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FraU: J. Lee

and .", PIt.... Fr..



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p. Knu;so�: p�op,

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Parkland Cleaners And J'res�ers .



Lien Selvig

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RUll Bldl.• 10th floor llth and Pacific A1'enue

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r j'f Ko A I rK BRO ROSSO'S GARAGE 1J:=��:::����=�mL ::,.;::..::.:,:�:.:,�:,:�.:�:::.e..:::.:,:�:.��:,:?:.�:I�.:�:,:�:.:�:,:�.:::.:�:.�?.:�::.���.�:..:,,:.: :. M� Al


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Taco�, ·wash.

cA I ;::'::. :'::: ':.:'::.�::' .::':.::':.::::::::::.::'.:.:.::'.::'.:.:::'::.:.::':::.::.:'.:::::: I . C �_ �\Fountajn Lunch and ./'I The Spring Hat8 are Here Barbershop il;=======8OOJ �� ::=ETr =;BR.4. ==ND== CLOTI = ==

basis ! �; :::: : 3f>:::


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II we Ex�ine Eyes I '









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For Men and

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Ph ne I ' F=====:;:::'= o Ru sl Bldg. = ======±==�


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c5earnon 0Flower c5hofi 9th & Broadway




We extend ' our best whet! to the. ·grad"'t"" of , th� Pacific Lutheran CoUege aho to �e 8lucJentJi _ who will. co�tlnu� .th� year.

'A .IvIay.


'comlDg Your sertlr.,.,. JVijIa


MAla 4978



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