VO\..\lME .sEPT:
~ ~ .19S-7
PJny.z 3~ I~G
Drill Team Audi ions Tryout:s •
Eleven New
Faculty Frosh
Enlarge Sl:aff
Next Tuesday
Iven on October I
F ift v lucky girls will soon be stepping smartly to the music of the L ute band aft~ r drill tcam tr}'outs on Tuesday, October I, Uctober first, next Tu~sday, rom ~ix to seven o'clock in South Hall lower lounge. mark the date of the tryouts for th e An invitation has been given to all PLC gals to tryout for first play of the ),("al" on the PLC cam :he d ri ll tcam. Those girls chosen from the audition will be an- pus. 'Ibe pla y, a coIlledy, is to bc pn . n un(c in next week's Moring Mast. ~t' nted "oumber 6, 7, and 9 as part l ndtr
5kat ear P ty I Tn et .. ' HeIdo I e
dirt'clion of Marilyn.
uf thl: Homecoming ac tivities. As soon as the play is selected, the title will be pla c ~d on the bulletm board in the C M S and copi~s of the play will be placed on r~serve m the library for the use of thmc interrsted • • m scanmng t h t: parts.
Tht: parts are ope n to any m!:mber f the studtent body and tryouts WI'11 (> be hdd next 1 u(' sday In the RadiO . StudlU. . At the san.l!: tmlt' as t hl" tryouts. '> thert' wilJ b.. a meeting of the stu d e nts interested in sta. in!!" makeup,
and Cli nt en.. Wells, the d:iI1 It· I i~ ch~ kd to pcrfonn at Lm ( In Huwl d uri ng the Homecoming fllff
I'.lrnt \w... mber 9. Plans arc; I bt·· ing ~tlld fo r the g roup t~ dIsplay Its pr t'I\lon iUon :mt; nts dUring . h 0 Tn ~ I n, .vi the IJ kt tball season. . . :I 1 , (,r Ight · the local chapter of AP ()
.. !. arc... r ports th a t thIS I IS ,l IS . spumonI . g an a II ·school rol Ier sat· k . f , LrI lvn ' , D np.....rtu m t)· fur gIrl> to ha, e it ot . W ... . ' • tilt party at the Tacoma Roller Bowl. I j n while npannc-'" and l'thearsIng .. . . ~ AdmlSSlOIl Will be 50 cents plus a fee . uiow r ou ti ne' to wear a tnm a n d , f f LS cen ts or rollar ska te r e nta l!> for ,It, I' tl\ ~ u m funll, and to gam a r!:al thuS(;: who du not own thei r own r" p rid e in parti cipating and sJ.: :.tt. s bootllru I C'l-B 1i,C'htin l!, cos turni o)f, or a ny of thc , hi' .tIi . . pil'1 t of our sehovl ;, r,d I T h grou p WI'11 assem bl e at tilL 11 ,1 .. t. tr ams. . . i • r.d will leave at 9 :00 sharp. Students techn iea l staff lIe1:C'ssary to th e pro· \\ lcit n rXI we tk s Mourm\! M ast I . . . . . . . I wlshmg to attend who havc not ob-I ductlCJ n 01 the play. ''-' ' fl' 'l lu uf til e tT\ u ut Judgm g. [ t;> ined ti cke ts !flay do su at thc table .- -- - - - !u tbe lutby uf th e Cl~B dunng the TTF."i'D T HE PEP R ALLY ,lu ncb a nd d in n t' ours,
. I
PL uildin Art: Gallery
- - --_._---- - -_._-_ ..
E LEVEN faculty and staff members have been obtained for PLC's f il ii semester which opt:ned las M o n· day. They are: Dr. Jens Knu dse n. bio log y ; Dr. Vernon D. Utz.ln ger , speech; the R ev, H, M. A n d erso l1, socio log y; M iss Ja ne Smit h,speech; Miss Patricia Thompso n m u Ie: M ies H ele;" En ll er, physic al ed u ca· tion; Mrs. Riel a rd M ayficdd, E n g lish; Mi ss Alm y r a B al.; er, assl5 OI nt libra r i a n ; M r . A g n eli Ku et he. Sout h H a ll ho usemotn er; Harold M , T c t · lie, econo m ics a nd busin es ~ a e/ ml n· istration; and D r, Katharin e or· dahl, langua g es.
ac tivity around th e Southtast ('orner of t he C r B heralds th e dn·d· " pHl<:nl of th e n<:wc'st addition to t he campus: PLC will han: an art gallery. For a l'amp us that has a small ar ek pa rlmt'nt, PLC is distinctin: in hav· in~ many fine- a rtists. For the past SEPT. 27, 1957 f, w years thl·ft has b~cn no place wher e th t: PL( art work could he:
nVI· es In t: eres~L d Men It.. J en Meeting Th ur day P
I ,t o [ UO " fl[ S In 'rcs "t. in ( l lotn tn Ai'II O mega are invited to Juend a!l o~ n m ti ng of the Iota
hapt.:r be held in CJ. 1S-1 2 2 n~ ·r. Th ursda ,October 3, , [ 6: I :; p,m. APO ll> a n ational service frat u nitv with ch. tus on moot 'v
it ) a Id wile
" arnpu
. It ~
- -'- - - -
"5-1 ver C
exhibited. Mahshift galleries wert th, coffn ' shop walls, CUB f0ye r, and othL r plat; 5 . [This year will m a rk thl' bt·gin ni m · (If , n<:w <Ta in t t hi.tun' of th ~ . PLC ~l rt ists . '1 h l'h a n~e d ('\'('ry month and the m a in of the: items to b(c displayed will bt from the ranks of the: "local talent."
am us ulletin 500n Rea y
Occasionally there will be t"xhibits f a more professional nature as tht'y an ' available. In the setti n g of the ,, nr w )(allery, students will Ik able to ,njo.,. the offerings of the a rtists .
oar e
Most e\'ident on the PLC campus i ~ th n 'W b ulletin bOilrd, _ • purp<>st' I' tIi r fo ld. 'T o as (mbl •I ('vlle:)'l' n .,·" II til., fello,," h ip "f t he I now in it... final stages of comr rllcti In. hich w hl n fi nish il c () u t (Jat h .111d L:.w, ~ dt .. top 'ach ab<l ut twenty.' feet in b ~..,.hth. n t neluding the ' t. IU • b O f end Ill p . i lll" tv prolOut, Stl 'ir~ to which has yet to be chosen. i "UIJ",nil\' : I II ur (' :.mp u • I' I l lIl1L,nu" , "C p t('lllbLr 28, th. fTlo. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Started in the middle ot AugusL most of the w ork 1. .. I l id d Welcome to th(: first 195i·'58 I - ---nt·s uul I a t u t sL'u enL~ . iu t. p I(' ) I ', '1 h, Silvt:.C C ha lice," I durin g the 5u mrnC'r. 1 h r board was1f-- 'y I t.·\ Any criticism, sug· ' Mooring. Ma.\t. J th • fl, t'.1 III tnoaJ, ~ Or"[ I W ul t . i11 I sh uwn in th, CB-200 at 8:00 constructrd irl K i o~k styl" w h ich i,1 . t gcst ~ , ;nld oDUuenb will iK a pl"O}U >. p.m. dm illioll to the e....ent, spon· Turk, c>r Iran iF :> ~tyk used for . . preciatc:d You can help make your ']lle tl rt{ I C 4 u.re l l~ ts lor mtm· t. r l C b \ Blu t· Kq', will be :is c{'nts , bandstands or newsstands. , . o\\n pap- r ~ t1« . L>lrship [l r'; , I ) pr \'IOUS trai ni ng m IWll it ., r.d 50 Ctn ts t:oupk. "'ocking with Lea, Pe-arson, and lvutm . · ('! ) sa ti!sfa ctory schoI., stic ~~-.-------------.J Richards, Architects, who also conI,. m l' W. nd (:\ 1 d ,.sin t r~ndLr structt'd tht' dorms and chapd, w('r{' ·,tr\lCt tv uthers, Th" Dlcrnb<-rsh ip is Fro m Mr. G. Roskos, Dr. W. C , Schnackc n. , "inc t; clock tomor T( W • (un ' ne " i"1 Iirm tl d I h~ rdoH th o. st'ekin:~ Dll mberg and Mr. F. Hal, y, who a p pr O\ cd mark t he day o f ju of'mrnt for t hl; I r.,h·p art: urged to a ttend t h e ope n and h(·lped draw the plans and r~pre· d"'d~ and misdl'ed of the frl·shllla. t /fl' tih nt xt Thur d .. y tu I~ar" mon stnll·d tht. colkgt: during the plan. class. The trad itional k; r , :lroo (;0,"1 l~ut tII o r gullization, 10 ask tju ' • I nl n ~ . will ronnn ~ li t Span ~ wa1 I d . th,
at:ur a y
I ---
wtU'unt;/ rilin g the fro temity and it! I;. iii , and to ~, eh (' duk • n int., /" " w ilh tit off ic('[; before Ix !lin· i • i P ric.d o f p ledgc:ship.
Ca I Lea 9 ue rs
arry 0 Long r Foun at Sfuen; Remdell"ng G l· r '~ Cha geAtmosphere
Fr s an
Th( board was built with fu nds du· presiding jus (' , L arry Joh n 0 1 C Iasst's 0 f 1951 . , '' 5" ~, '' 5" " , Attr m ptin( to defend rhr ! rc hr-:.
1 nate d b y t h I'
by Did K raig c r t u t il t warmth uf th l'ntl'riol " nd all and ' 5 . u "" , you ~ an't go upstair. and s'e thr n :sid Lnts a re 100 in g forward to In the futur!:, the board will bt: I Ln,." These an' the fan,iliar W Old. ni , we ,.h·nd when the barbequt. in used for posting the PL( announce· of Mrs. Pete rson, tht' ncw h u,~ - tl e backyard can be utilized. ments of clubs, org,;nizations, faculty,
( th, n ' won' t he Il.U h d t'fi- n' fn shmc·n '.\ will b" . t to rn n D T rO"dso n, and a bl) p ro <'cu tin Frosh will br Bill Ham,fI
mOl her of Sl lI c'n Hall, to ' 1\; I C' IIrIT \ Stu, 11 certainly has a domlitor~' ,te. This yt'Jr somcthin ' m " II", 1' 1 a.<. well as the hom~ touch. Tht:
D ue to th e l outball ~ame beiDl' h i :d a t 1;30 ltt C PS, it i n t'USSll t, h Id
I nuwatl " ys.
Convene Sunday 1111$ bren added to Stuc n . ...>'I rls.
L ast y"ar tuc n was ca m pus huus L:.tl ifon,li.l Di triet PLC'~rs will i in ~ fo r lllm, but now it is home tu r.·t Su nday , It.-moon at 4:3lJ 1D Old 112 wry felllinillt rooJJtns. Despite .1l111 luu n !!' f"r a >1lC'cial sen·ic l: in prtoblt-ms that ot' 'asiollally arise, the tiul . with Cal.ifurnia Dist r i.ct atmosplJ/'rc is .' ' nhaneed.. L uther Lca gut Day. 1 h e program WIll I "ot only al'e the inhabitants Im'e1y, . p.lannc-~ by TIII'm be rs of th e ALC but. also is th,' stri~in~ job of reno. 1.lnl·l ... ffleLl . ViLUVn completed tins summer. All thl: . It.uc.. .In conjunctIOn .. T I,r l'rog-ran. wII roOl " are d onte'm warm pasle Is, an d . C'a I'f . t Iit" Iou ng(: IS . set 0 ff b y a c ream co· I "" ',h .tll the I l' a gu t'~ In I ornia, An· ~ c: Mexico, who will ob. ored, and very homey fireplace. Tn th is day in honor of the fort h · Stuell st:t'ms rt'ady to take its plan
E hil:.it: Worles
Kit leson
f.. . tUI
f-X.'rson p robabl.y most responsiblt: is the annual F n ·sh man· {I homo .t· pi t · the la y affeetlOnatt:ly rdernd to a;, n ir in t r I lorn inl(, l(lp)Jecl )':1. pieme : "Mrs. Pete." Mrs. ~~ tl' is. a waml,
lunch at noun . plt-asant woman who obnously has
- - - - -- - - - 1 1lJUCh expt:rit'nn· .as a muther. A for. ,
well at the Washington 1 mer teacher, she IS p.rt:5.. nt~y ("nrol ~cd tate F ai r, held recently at Puya llup, ", d n '~~lar stud.. ~t, Inknu mg tv pIck w,:re Mr. George Ro~kos and Mr, Lars • . ~p ad~ltl.onal ~"dlts for prese nt t(cach· K lttll'son of the PL~, .facult y , In !\, rc q uI mt' ts. Mr. Roskos rxhlblted the awald· . . So , if yuu han'n't bet'n to Stuen b ron z ~ a nd trpl Tryo uts for cht rr-learlIn Will 1 . . wI·n n l'r,.>~ w~ld~d , \.'~t, drop over, but d on't a ~k fo r scu Ip t un) "Th(. , "-,. • ..... c, '. an d a n oth·~r held r xt Tuesda momin in Stu H arry, he isn't tht' T(' thi · year. ,culpturr uf thc' same mat.. rials called dent b od ) Chapel. .. _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ " Humihty. " Mr. KittklOn , h(>wcd a 1 hoSt" interl'steo m ut art minlC D ist ri ct COllventiun to be held with l'\orth, South and West Hall~ Students art' rt'mlt d d tv use Ihe painting. to I.· if\''' th..ir names at th( luth Hall .Ilnnr, Ih!: Th nh h ing \·acation . with all their cornfurts. One girl com · 1'0 swal -'twill a \'CrI aecidents; a nd . A. PLC. graduate, M. ike Gr.if.fi.n, ex· L f I d <witchboard . Student~ may tr) out in 1 r p"'g ram will Ix- planned '10 JIl("nu~d, "Vcry nie ," and another, It<: th ~ id e ~ alks-' t\,, 1 ,(void poor h 1b It(" d 10 t M pro fUlona 1\"1S10n to
I Cheer-Leader Tryouf Staged ThIS Tuesday
:~ ~~ :~ ~:;I~~~ctt~~ the L SA
;; u::
!:tah::~~ ~u::m('~U~i:tle:d ~::._
.. _ . . ....
i~a~h:n ~~"1v~~.
Slu d m t in I
of two, three or fou r,
Page Two
Friday, Sept. 27, 1957
Know Who
Serves You?
A Speciality, A Spirit
Freshmen Get Welcome In Royal Manner I
Each of us, e\~n th sri rls, knows the ('ouns,.)or of th" fou rth floor { I Bu tton Frosh! Firc ! Fire! Double whistle a s Ih.. hoys par:ad l'd around Old Main, since hl"'s Dav(' Knu tson, Bulton! still ri ngs in the ears of all wilh th(' ir sh a pdy leg5 e xpo.ed. and pr"sident of thl" student hody. Davc the freshmen during Initiation W....k, I\udy 50rks T)rotrudin lJ a bo~'(' th ri r hails fro m Clarkston, Wash ., a nd wh ir h was set aside to welcome and shoes. C omplrti m: the hoys' e nsem J.. for all confused frosh who haven't dehonor the new comers. wI.·re- sWl"at shirts and t it's, cid "d on thei r majors, D ave's been Howcver, as frosh think back O\'e r I \Ithough the g irls sta rt d u t with her.' four r ean a~ a math major and this we.~ k, the is a little doubt in I the long-torso look with t hr ir blouses hasn't yet chos~n a voca tion. thei r minds a~ to wh a t honor n'ally hanging O\'rr thrir sk irts thry rnded .\fln ~raduation h~'11 eithe r ta ke ml'a m . up with a 50mrwhat rrvised "'!'rsion by up o:raduat., stud it's in math. or c nte r Wh!'n th~ fatal hour of an,' o'dock adding .. brlt arou nd the middk. thr- '~' mi ~ ri'. He. s",'ms to be l1IUS~- arri\'f'd last ~[onda y the po~r frosh Th ~y al~~o .rt'~rm~led . pidan.in nys wi th cally Indln...d . h av lO lj pla yl'd the cla rl- I ra thr'T rduc ta ntly donned thrJr at ro- th"lr I) htlle pIgta Ils poktn l\' oul In nl' t in PLC's ba nd frJUr yea rs, b.-ing in rious 'torking caps and breamr ridicu - all di n' ('tions :md making th..ir bt-a n i.· the .\mba.~~ dor Q uarte t, an d playin~ I lous_looking students with cads that : look qu ite weird. somewhat r~$embled gold and blac k · Filia lly on this, the last day of inihI' pia no. Da\ ': was \-i " '-p res id ent of th e Stu- (Jslri r h " !{Il"S. That wa~ thr brstinnin : tialion, the frosh haY!' turnl"d \'f'r y dent Co m: n,~at.io~ a~[ ~.... a r, a nd is a ,' of a w ry humiliatin g W I' k. : patr iotic. in . howin g- t~ c ir ~chool spirit mr mber of Blue K q ·. .WI-d~lt'sday s~w thl' ~amp~ . t' nmc and .'~an b~ sern runnin g a roun.1 ramalive WIth ove r JOO walkin g blllooards pus In thl~ lr gold and hla!' k ulftU and D on- PLC ' s Veep . . ,. , I'IttI ' f I h I CI)I or.- d !'C 'k ., U ' II D . a til D o you l I e popcorn, ne, on , nd whi rlin g dlrnshn enshroudr . . d. ... oows 0 Ill' ,SC 00 kl
C' 'd t d pi 110. w ras,. ~ a nd sc rea mIn g hk., fl rl' rattn g "ach pr rson 5 an "s .
C orne II , "''SPI VICr -pre'l1 e n , oc::;- f '11 h t . Alt ho uo:h th(' rosh WI " p roc alffi n , t. I n fact, h I' 'd rat h er not cat any 1'IH{mes. ' d:J ~ IS lhr ' year. H e was a mat h at a 11 t h IS major .\11 de'krd out in a tennis shoe 11 i tll o: that th,. soph . omor,. , . . d a "D" as a qua rter on(' foot a nd a flat on the other thl!: fw-st of all durtn . ~ rhls day .thry Will II'11 h ,. TccelV . their bl' 'ath. grad r . .,-,ow D on, a pre-semmary stu- students f.. 1t as if thry had . o n(' foot all bt~ mumbhnlt undrr ' , . ,m speec h , a n d pIans on campus a nd the other In th dent, .IS lIlaJOrlJUt . . g.YlIl tha t thr da5~ of 61 far. f' xc..ls. a n)' . Ic _· •m C 0 I um- d urin ~. thl"i r second day of initia ti on. I olh('r cla . s on campus. H a ll the nl l h ty to allend Caplta ,:x:nunary :'\ow th,' -ri rh had th..ir chant' to I frl'shmr n! ' bus, Oh10. _ _ _ _ __ _ . ______
Important people receive special attention. Fer instance: Pres iden t E isenhower's home has 107 rooms. 40 orridors and 19 ba ths-s mew hat larger than the average home. Here at PLC. you. the students and staff are the important people. and you lre now reading t~ first issue of your specialty: the 1957-58 Moorin g Mast. Almost every Friday of the school year you will be getting you r new and better Mooring Mast. in which we of the staff wi ll be aim ing to support PLC. inform you and entertain you. alw ays k 'eping in mind I Corinthians 10:31. " do all to the glory of God "--a good axiom for this year at PLC. I n that spirit. we of your newspaper staff greet yo u--proudly wekoming you to this y~ar ' s Mooring Nlast. --Dave Crowner. editor.
Mrs" Kuethe; Mom of South Hall, Finds Lively Spirit in Dorm
Wit h the arrival of ~lrs . ,\ I{nes .J.tt itud... is simplr wonderful !" :\Irs. KIl.-th r, ou th Hall has acquir d a Ku eth e I:lnphat ica lly d~c red that .-w h"UsrlllQlbrr nd PLC a new fan. ' PLC had the- fin e t dornt anyon" .:ould Ir .. - u('th.... ~ho is tempo.t.lrily re- I wish for. ~11l1I\' M r.. Clara :"lelson. I, attrart-, Thl" fl"ding ~·.1S mutual a t South lit a rathf' r lar,It!' numbr r of fa ns Hall and Mn . K ut' lhc has b",'n wartn h!'od , no t th e least of whom is IlI' r Iy rrl ,- iwd . Sh,. plans to rl'ma 'n until II, M r. J uh n Kucthc. asso.:iatr pro , Mrs. N t:lson returns, and the'n retire. Cornell Works ill l:tah I,' sor uf ('t·l i,l! ion and philosophy. Don sp~ nt this SUlllln.. r as a student Mrs. h ut'lh ('a nt(" to OUI' C.lWpUS I oastor in Sa lt Lake Citro H I' wa. , LOST ! Onl Fond de La.:, Wisconsin. wh,' r ; Pair of .glasses in tan case, on lower iittle out of his habitat, coming origSrnmg PLC
for I }I'al' shl: W all superintendent ina lly from Port Angeles, Washington, throngh C h ri"i n or upper campus. Finder please I H • . . d d k ' " k d h uS(' of £r(''' p r. IIJ M t rol I f tht' Luthera n Hon...s
leave at switchboard in Old :\lain. e s ~ctt\'e In rama an ('meee wor. La5 t Sunday s pICniC mar e t I' lor A I'd. ar give to Andy Nelson, and IS a member of both Blue Key beginnin g of anoth l."r year for PLC's T he chan ge of f' nvironluent gavc L...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - l and Kappa Rho Kappa. I Lutheran Studt'nt Association. This E.DITOR ...... ... .... -D,' VE CRO W tI", : oulh Hall h OllS nlother quit.., .1 , h b h t f a traditional YJIIPn\i_llift, ,h r nth usiastically remarked Want ads run in the Mooring Mast i Patti Keeps :\Jinutcs as . ('.I'n somcw a LS d AI n a tlw t thl" li\" ly spirit of the .a irls madt" for 5111al1 charge. Leave at office by The only student body officer not b,'glnnlng Ll"_achfycadr or A'dad h tc I T __ .I f F'd • . a mem b e r 0 f BI uc K ey, f or 0 b VI'o U,.• I g n"at numu.-r a stu rnt. . atten e , ' "Th'" ,. h~r f ~r I you n'!' a ~ln. elr ~plfltua uCiUay or rl ay s ISSue. . Pt' F' t y I picnic and had a glTat tllne playmg all Fraturc Editor_.... M[nR;i'iD;;~I!. - - - .- - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - - -___. ___ _ __ reasons, IS a tI mn, Out' seere ar. . This brown -.~yed junior has been sec- klllds of games,
R"port~rs:' CoII~11 rNary of her class, \'ice-president of So far e\'erythin.st has run accordi n ~ vraas, Rev. Lutne Ola MathiS. Gina 1 Xorth Hall, a Spur. and treasurer of to pattern. If things continue to do Cunningham. the Student ConJ(TI' l(ation. If you' re so, we can expect a fair-s.ized crowd
Sports Editor...................G ~ wondcring about " Publie Relations," for this Sunday's meeting and a little
.,nd~m.. ~ ~'l!llln Patti's the I!irl to I e . . . she works smaller one r next Sunday's mc:et Rrporten: im son, J erry Douahl1~r Larry ~ V\..... ~ in the Public R elations office for Mr. ing until, by the end of the y~r, there
\... n J ust as thl' old school hdl died out last spl'ing. wedding be lls began to Nesvig. She a b o sings in ~hl." cho~s w~1I be a handful or &tudenls who Published Fridays of tm- school by students of PLC. a.t Parkland, lhilllt'. Ma ny tudents and fl i nds of the college marched u p [he aisle to hI" ~in I and the Studrnt Congregation Cho~r, faIthfully attend I."ach LSA m~e t'ln~. Washin!{toD'_ a fit w Iif,. tOl,lcther. O thers he an making plans as they announced their en- I .\ tru,. frit' nd of freshmen, she diS: That is, if everything runs In the Officr: Colk!:'!" Union Building. /01. ~I·ltlrnt. . likl's intensely the "57" beanies, PattI I usual pattern. Phonr LEnox 7-8&U , Ext.. 4 1. is a chemistry and biology major and '
J ohn F rollllll and Arddl Cund..rson were married Auguil 6. An ne C ydrus plans to be a ml"dical technologist, Won't Follow P'atteru
'iuhsrription prier ~ 00 per ),I"ar, aud J o W hi t man spok.. th"ir \'ows '\ u \fust 31. MaryAnn LO\'etanl( and Shes iooking forward 10 taking her However. it is the hope of the LSA .___ _ _
lSA l eo pi"ng To '57 '58 Act"lon
,ltt 1 r UIl
clinical trair:ing n('xt >. r at Sw('dish . C mmiuee. which work~d d uring thr fe r('nt programs. are Ex-in~ plannrd ftlt C rrrr Ba rn., made AU l\ ust ::!5 their oi day. Barbara Jensen and Jim Jepp tied the knot July 28. ,.\ Sep tem ber 20 Hospital in Seatd.., summer to help reorga 7!r' LSA. that LSA thi. yr a r _ Th rouc:b. t c p{'o edding was chosen by Lorraine Omdal and Dick Gunderson. . . this year may not run trur t the pat- I;rams I. hope to j"", L,)A d p ir;, B"~ Pays BIlls . tern of pre\'ious years. I nstead, we ' and p" . CJna lity of it~ <nl'TI, .with C hr ist Bells chimed (or I./'Ilee Post"nquist and Ray Allven, July 1:1. Alice HamAnd, pre~ntlng James Roocrt BIlls, ho.... that this year LS \ will surge I h f I _
L 1• 1 S II d Bob' I r ' . S 1..1" k , lid the R ...\,. Bob Evans wc r!" married eptelllut'r :>. ,",not leI' " ptem- more commonly t"3 e .•"'s our forward with rcn('wrd stlTn h , bold- I as t (' oea IJOInt..
Iyr wl'dding to Ii; pIaI" th 7th for Paula Tra num and Let' Hill. student body treasurer, he has troubl," n("ss, and va n,.ty, Paorl Herd , a day a • aJ!MJ _ 1. _ I " hIs, . S und a y W I' start our f'I . t 0 ffiI" Although the reporter was unabIe to get t h e d ates the f 0 II OW ing were si."u nin ., checks - he ca n't rcml'mbcr I IWlrried this SUllllller: Dick Patrick and Yvonne Peterson, Ruth Loeffler and h is nam(". He was president of his LS,\ Can Lead rial ml"cting of thr yrar with a n'port ill LSA is at a critical crossroa ds this and dl'sen •• '"0 Ul - < C hrl'stl'an a rra l'rs I'n Ca roIyn A n d erson and class during. his freshman year, and Rus Hunter, \\,'i1lie Anderson and Bob •S tu hi mer, to t.lJ'C_ pr~'~ ' . ~ nt-cf hy som,' of Walt Lin inge r, Dee Duey and Terry S uercisten, J ~n W 1'II au ghb y and J erry now belong's to Blue K ey. Lettermen's yrar. It ean continue to be just an- Europe' . , · h" _..J S an dra Club, Frrnch Club. and Ski Club. He's Oltl f'l' religious organizations on r.am- th-, PLC ,-tu-Z-nts who ha•..· .. J'u t f l' Poenat, Nancy Richard50n and Do n Bohe. J allies F rlCS enll a.... > U" a lso ou.r football Ct'nter, number "50," p Ull that a few faithCai studen t.~ at- turn-~ Jacobs, ~(ary Reinertsan and Bob "I n. fr~ ,_ a summer on the C onti'" unson. and, as wouldn'bI" (,.. rxpected, ('n- t.. nd, or it ca n become a dynamic ncnt- 11v panel promises to be ar: ", Olll~ of th- new ,'ngaaements w(' re announcrd hy Ardene ~Iynllo and d t h t '11 ot onl UI'",C SJlI'C " > ~ '" gage . mO\'em('n t a WI n y., • - int!"rrsting and infonnati~ pros:ram. Douglas Lari.on, Sharon Slethaug and Don Schlitz, Anne Mal'ie Juntuned This summer Bob was a reprcsen- itual nourishment tl> ~'eryone "ere at a nd F ra nk Johnson, Sandi Dibble and Ed Moor", and Charlotte Johnson a nd tati\'e from the Californ ia district of PLC but also beeome tbe Irader and .\t 6:00 p.m. a cost lunch will br K en T a !'\'icl'. the ELC to the Lutheran World Youth rallying point for every LSA in thl' se~ rd in CB-200, foJlowrd by th,. ' · ",,' program. R ,.mrmber, thr IU C.t' of MallY ml~rl.' happy e \~nts took place d urlllg th (' summer mont h s as oth I."r Conference in Onamia, Minnesota, ,,~'orthw~st , dlstrl'ct, He's an cconolllies and business maLSA depends upon you, thl' studen t. . I t was not p SSI'bl C Pacif ic Luthn n students became engaged and marrll."d. P PI ned New rOKrams an L,.t's not fall ~('.k into tht' sam!" old to ioclude a ll of these announcements in this issue, and the feature sta ff J'or, minoring in (for this wr'lI prob1.. d . h M ably he strung up) coffee shop and How can this be done? Many int:r- pattern. l would apprrciat ' it if naml's of the coupll's would"" turne III to t C oor- TV lounge. ('sting, provocative, and we h"p'~. dif- I - Your LSA Commi tt
~ast~o~f~f~ic:!"~. ___::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~---=::::::::::~--_;::~::::::::::::::~::::::::;;;_~;;;;;:::::::::;;;;II..~~::::::::::::;;~~~~~~~~~ j~! 1O~
Bill Johnson
1HE: (,RiND;NCr
pmsu~ (1 MI.~i !I:
Frida y. Sept. 27, 1957
Lut:es, CPS Await: Opener Tomorrow
o ¢ I .
Grid Rivals Meet: at: 2:00 p.m. j
~;:t~:;~t~~~~9~~~t~~d~~:~~;:~1~,~u!~,I ,____ ~ap__'_4_~~~
IISeek Spot:s
_______•___b_Y_E_U_G_E_N_E_H_A_PA_LA __
0 n Squa
nual King's X football game. Saturday. SCPL 28. at _2:00 p.m. Food)311 is the major topic of most colle g' stu d"ll ts as they retu rn to The game will be played on CPS's Baker Field. Bak~r Fidd th eir n'spt'ctin: in- colored walls, and PLC is no exception. Lull' Coaches lS .1 new gridiron. located in the same area as [he old field. ~\f.ll\, Harshm;lll <lnd Mark Salzman 113\'0': been working their squad o\'ertimc Coach Marv Harshman h as \ 3
turnin g lc,tt e rnu'n and :1:) jun ior var ..ily and fn',hmt: n rouncl i n~ out the
."17 PLC football team. 1 0mm y Gilmer, an ,\Il-Evcrg rcen q l,trtrl'ha ck the past three ~('asons, hM hee n shittN j to fullbac k to give Ih du h mo n speed. Rangy (6-3) OpiwIUOL'f· . John Jac:obson, is in the si!.\'l1:l l callinS' spot.
G f on::" Fish e r, another soph omore, i, <1t left half, and anoth e r AIl-Ever " rc" n back, John Fromm.. is at ri S'ht hal f. Ge m : Schaumberg, a fr~shman from F ed""al \Vay, is showing promise co.t ri g ht half. Dale Homestead, a '5l lette rman. is also adding depth t.o the PLC ba ckfield.
Vctn:ms of previous PLC teams are a ddi n ~ th .. fo rward wall for their hard runn in g backs. Ron Mc.\lIister, senior t hr!"e }'C3I' , ·ete ran, and Bob Bills, jun ior, an' the pivotmcn. Dick Goodwin, \ II -En·re, rt en second team, and Jim ..apelli, are the guards. C aptain.ele ct Lynn C a lkins, and L a rry Ross, both 22ll pound seniors, .Irt' the tackks. Sam Gange, Lew Bl:assi, Dennie Rodin and Curt Kal , tad arc hustling for "nd spots. In the past 10 years, PLC has been on the short end in the win column, ha\' in g won 4 and tied 3 in 2ll tries. Tn the King.'s X 1956 game, PLC I J I' rn )ll1 behind in th~ closin g min ut s to tie CPS 19-19. In the 1956 "Game for K':eps," PLC lost on a wa \l' r soa ked field, 0-20. The scores of the past 10 years wne as follows: 19H)~PLC
19 !7 ~PLC 19 13-PLC PLC 19{'J-PLC PLC 1950- PLC PLC 195 1 ~ PLC
PLC 195.!-PLC PLC 195:;-PLC PLC 195t-PLC PLC 195,j·-·PLC PLC t9 36~PLC
13, Cps 19, CPS 6, CPS 6, CPS 0, CPS 0, CPS O"CPS 13, CPS 0, CPS 0, CPS 0. CPS 7, C PS 0, CPS 7, CPS 6, CPS 7, CPS 12, CPS 19, CPS 19, CPS 0, CPS
- -- - .
·~--- I all w eek in p r" paration for the annual Kinc;'s-X clash wilfl t heir traditional , cr05s-tO\Vn rivals, the Collc~1'" of PU ~Tt Sound Log-g eTs.
Last Y" a r" c;ame t'nd~d in " 19-\ ') ti e to spoil the Logger; oth"rwi;e . unddeat " d s.-""on. Both teams lost \'aluabk material via graduation in Junt', but new faces also arc sprinkled h"re and there to add new dep th for both . « rid machines. On pap 'r, the Lutes appear to han' the l'd.~ (' in the backfidd this year a s \T (('rans T ommy Gilmer and J o hn FroIIlm team with sopholl1ore let termen Pcrh', p s the: 'h()t ~t" pro~lX<'t on John Jacobson a nd Geor.lle Fisher (0 gi",~ the Gl adi ators an I'xpn ienced back- t he Lu th e mll forwaJ U IV II is Mike Edd capable of providing an adcquatt· ,cocin g punch. Th!' Lute forward wall 1',.<1 fro m Oak H rbor_ An _ \ l1- Leagu~ should bt' quit e forrnidahk with Captain "Lumbering" Lynn Calkins at ('C'nt Lr in hig h s('houl, t h... bulk, Crc,b. tackh-, Dick Guodwin of 1956 All-Conft-r"nce secoIld tl'am fame, and 'Tkr man has U c-n convcrteu tu L1dde b~ aIlS Jim Capelli, Ron ~rcAlli,t('[, Bob Bills, and Larry Ros,;. c.:o<) ch :"ohuy H anhman. J Im !::sau, a The bi ~ question mark of the Lutt's will be the untried reserves. Another se n- le,· INu r m'!' 'Uld rmn,fer hUIII Au. question mark j , whl'lher lettennan Curt Kalstad will be available for an tclope Vallcy J. C. in illomia-, i, end berth. Kalst3.d sat out the major porLi<m of the 1956 campaign with a I anothtT stand-ou t a~ tht: tackle pust. knee injury a nd submitted to sur S'er)' last wint,.r. Kalstad's full-time a\'aila- , " •. ~ TI'us corner b l' I'l('\'('S t h cutes L '11 i. Guard :--;pot I hreatened \Vl I)1·1'tty C t-}ll I d he I p the I .. utes tll no enu. . 1 I . 19-6 d h d 'd' . , ,\ nothcr O ak Harbor '"'ad Onoll present a lilUe h stronger startIng; c eve n t Ian In .), an t e eel Ing- pOInt ,+', _ ' • • ~~ t '111 h '1 b'l' . bl . d h i d C hlls,[,lllSon IS thn a t ~nJll" to ,""b .. Wl )" t e a\'~\l a l lty 01 capa e reserves to step III an r arry t e oa . 0" I'ROMM BACK FROM EUROPE start~ng posltlon a t .guard fl'lllrt ~orne .. . ' f I of hls upper-c1;Us rJ\'tlls. A llood hr.! Lute ]'lvclm star John Fromm contlllued to make the sports p ages 0 , . ' • . . f h . d I to "rab the other P OSl tJOll .ll guard the country thls SUIlIllll'r as he toured Europe wlth a group 0 ot er mtl' " . . , States track. an d f'le ld stars. Th"IS trIp no d OU b t Wl'11'III fl uence more an d more II sp ot IS the bIgges t of em :1.1 1' .!3U. . . . , b . I pound Leroy H o lmes !Tom Ever..... n . "'. I pronllSlllg athletes to th,. PLC campus. Hats off to John s super ShOWlllg'l W Lute Tldck Coach :\-Iark Salzman should also be commt'nded on his tirC'less ashlllgton. "fforts to help develop Fromm into a national sports fj uTe M a rl" l'lI Joh n Dean Stcks C enter next week. Moving to th~ ce nt ~r slot we find IXTRAMURAL PROGRAM TO START SOON th.. best frosh prosp.rct to be J irunl) Pa cific Luthnan studc;nts will gath Keep your eyes on your residence bulletin boards for the start oi the D e! a n (not of movie famt) from cr aruund a bonfire down on lower I intramural footba ll program, fellas. The intramural program will soon be Bethel.
campus tonight at 8: 00 p.m. for th'~' underway and it is the hope of this department that there will be 100 percent Currently the sole bao;t rated any
opening pep rally of the year. cooperation from the student body. Intramur,ll Director Mark Salzman puts ch ance of r.rackin the L u te:,' ~lrong Players will be introduced by Mr. in long hours to bring about a successful and interesting program and It IS backfield is Gene Sch anbu r g-. n fleet. Milton K e-svig, Public Relations .-\d· only throu ' h combined cooperation of all mt'mbers of residen o ' halls that footed half from Federa l W 3Y vi ~o r, ant! ba nd membe! a nd eheel' he C U I Illak, the pTo g, alli a s u ct~n. I t g n od plaC1: to mak n . l.." ders will be down ;(t th,~ rally to quaintances, F rosh, so don't be bashful~··sneak up to the bulletin hoard (with build the spirit. beanies on) and si~n up for the intra m ural program.
! I
I ' .' ·I
First Pep Railey Set for Tonight
September 28 CPS .. ......._.......... ......___ there 5 U BC .. .. ................... ..... here October 12 Pacific University ..... ... _...there October 19 Central Washington ...... __ here October 26 Eastern Washington._ .... _.there October November 2 - Western Washington .....there *Novemb er 9 - Whitworth .. _.... _.......... _.. here November 16 CPS . .. . ......................... here *H omecoming Game
Tie 13-CPS 27-CPS 2O----CPS 35--CPS 13 ~ Tie 2O----CPS 26--CPS 7-CPS O-1'LC 20-CPS
Galloping Gilmer
1 :30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
(The first in a series of arti es on PLC's football players ) Galloping T )m my Gilmer will b.· t·lI te rin.e; his fou rth S/'350n in l ' L e spangl"s in a pos it ion somt'what re moved from his familiar quart("rt . de w)e . C O~i."h Mar" Ha rshman ha: sluIt I'd Tommy to th~ fullba( k pllSitioQ in an attempt to gain mort' pred irt the backfi..ld.
(All home games at Lincoln Bowl, Tacoma)
19 - Ti,:
Long-Silent ueen ofthe Wurlitzers Finds New Thronein Gladiator Court
Tommy Gilm er
Another champion will soon be playing in the Pacific Lutheran gym PLC students having th eir Student nasium as tht' queen of th .. S"att k Liberty Th 'atec, th~ Wurlitzer·Hope-Jones Ac.tivity Card will be charged 50c; IJrgan, i, slowly b~ing put in tip-top condition. those not having th"ir card will be Most of the work on the organ ha~ been don(' by students, under the chargt'd $1.25. . . direction of Mr. R. B. Fritts, who is the main fa ctor beh ind bri n gin g the . Players workmg out lor team pOSJ- i org'an to the PLC courts.
lIon~ :
Flowers for All Occasions 12173 Pacific Ave. (Foot of Garfield)
"With hundreds ot !ittl.. b.. llows carefully blown ou t and cleaned; with Ends: S. Gange, L. Blassi, D. Rodin, ,witches rebuilt with y:uds of new silva wire; and a gr~at deal of cardul, C. K a lsta d, A. Broke!, L. Robinson, p ipe-voicing, strai ght.. ning and tuning, the 'Qu e.. n' is com m g to lif" ," stated R. Bakl:,-n . " F fJ'tt s. .nr. Taekl<·s: L. Calkins, ]. Esau, A. It se..med that ior the histori c momt"nt of the first sound after un silent Can trell, M. Ted. yt'a rs, a particularly important se t of pipes should be ch osen . But sht:: was a uards~ O. Christensen, J. Capelli, gracious old organ and did not mind playing the harp for the first oC C"3.Sion, 1.. Hom· ·. L. Ross. ]. Miller. D. Good- the ,'xcus(', oi course, being that the harp was hooked up d .e ("asicst and win , K. Ca ll. q uickest, and did not have to be" tuned. ('nlers : R. ~cAllister, B. Bills, J. In :l few wt~eks a~reat d eal more of the organ will bt, rt'ady tl) play.
LE. 7-7863 We Deliver
H alfbaeks : J. Fish ~ r, G. Schaum
h"rg, L. H ill l, D. Homestnd, J. Vie brock,
~ll tchcl 1.
Fullback, : T. G il mer, D. Wyndham,
J. Mirr Quartrrb;\ . strmn.
ja....obc;on, ]. ~ y.
. . . . ' .
L"d by a couple of ! lO·pound ta('klt- prospects, s('n ,r.11 II~W omcrs to the PLC ,:aUlpu5 a.re lhre;1lenin tu break into the Black :lnd GQld .u sity lineup. :\'0 less t har, five Iinemcn and Olle back are included III this :1!.q;:ccgation of fl" tdh and t rufer
LE. 7-8101
Gilmer has bern nameu to th~ .\u. Conf<'ren,'; team the p ast three yr.ilI" and gained Little-Am cTlcan lloQorabh: mention the past two $t"a~L>IU. Tommy i~ a gradualt' of F.:dc:r.u Way High Sch vol Wh"Tt h,! Wil1 ~~ leeted as a m ember of t he W ashin gton All-Stat.. squad, Social studies is T om', major at PL G and he plans to ' II t t'r t he fid d of education upon grad uat ion 'n Jun~.
528 Garfield St.
Formica -
Paint - Plumbing - Roofing Ki rsch Rods - Window Shades
Elec tnc
PARKLAND HARDWARE Glass Installation -- Pipe Cutting and Threading
121st and Pacific Avenue
Phone LE. 7-3T71
Christ', ministry has room, right now, for strong, gifted men of God. Students gra duating from co ll"ge in 1958 will do well to apply now for Senminary enrollment. Write today for catalog and application form. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 Charles B. Foelsch. Ph.D., Pr..,ld"nt
2770 Marin Avenue, Ser k" l.y B. Calif.
Page Four
Friday, Sept. 27, 1957
, I
Th ere's many a talc. to 1)(" told by I run~ PLC students who traveled to I IlTOpr. this last summer: Jim Flor- i cnn:, • 'orm Forness and Roger Bjerk I nn the Lulhr: r:m study tour ; a nG Roy ! Tribe, J eanette Olson, Linda Hurd, Ga.,"" Mahn in, Charles Donhowe and i j oh nson on the First InternaIlOnal E .L.C. W o rk-camp.
Dr. an d Mrs. Schnackenberg led fift('C'n L . the-ra n college students from i rro~s the.- nati on, includin g jim,Nonn ;j d Rog r from PLC, on a study tour in F inland , Swcd en, D enm a rk, Gn many and Franre. U'Rvin l,' for Europe on june sc\" rnth . thc' !l"roup return ed to N ew York : ia !tc·am sh ip on September 2. U nder tht sponsorship of the Ka ti ona l I.u h ran Oll n eil, and suhsidizt d by the LUlhrran Wodd Federa tion a nd th e Luthl'r.. n Stucents Associat ion.. the tta\'r1l"r~ r on' red 20,000 mi les.
ronfu en cl' s, r.n e e t in~ pe o pit, tud yin g h urch hi, t ory a nd tra\, , ling ; bou t, th students have info r malion uvnfl Qw ing, some of whi ch '011 will be· a It- to rea d in the M oor ; nl:
{;, ; t.
W{lrking a t th r- camp in L otcn, ~ or w ), 80 miles north of O ; lo\\', from Juru 14 to J ul y 16, were the other L u tf's .
Twrntv-tw0 United States stude n t$ ram si x Luthera n colleges, under the Jndc;r ~ IUTJ of P rof~ssor nd M rs . A r nold F lat~n of St. O la f Colle ge, teamed up wiill n ft ~l:n • orway stlld ('nts, who wac Una!" f T oroh- Blomstrom.• to help ( ~tnl'l",c t . ,h ap e I on th( , :tmp r round . Vh l'n work wa, through " t the ' ....mp. all the stud..nts wrnt th eir ways wi th m ost of PLC' s young people tra\" di n' th rou~h. Etlrope up until the middle of September. You won' t wan t to m is the u n ralh led st"ries to be, mn in th e M ooring Mast on our stud en ts' find i n .ll~ in Eu rope and thC"ir fee lin gs on Eu ropl. Starts next Fr;day!
Student Church Begins Activities
PLGs all student congregation got ff tn an impressivc beginnin[ with i the initia l wonhip sc-r'vice on Sunday mom," , Sept. 22, in the CMS, with ove r 700 s tudent~ in attendancC" . L nw~ r c:a.mpus was then rove red WIth a ~wa rm of energ etic students w ho !l'allll:d , atr and sang th eir wa y lhrough the cvcning at the LSA pic- ,
he ongregnlJo nal Council, ma de up (If appl oximatdy 40 students, will H·t in motion this year' s activities, bc qin ning " ith a membe'rship visitati on, thr iniliatio n of Bible Study g roups, tbf' all-student choir, student deputa tion. a nd th._ stewardship program. T hr- n("wl y r<'"-o rganized Luthera n tud('nls :\ ociil tion, now spomorcd hJ' the ('ongr("gation, will be in charge r th d , unda . evening fellowship hour, as wrll al the ""Rional retreats and the layin g ( If plans for the International A~h tam which will be held on our C'am pus next summer. T hoM' co nn rc ted with the planning r thl' congregation' s activities hope th t the spirit and acti\;ties of the con <:regation and the organi1.ations wh ic h it sponsors will make visible on ("am pu~ a n a tmosphere of excitement, spiri tual adw'ntuTC and Christian com munity, the lik<: of which has never hrfon: bet'n seen at PLC.
3.95 to 5.95
8.95 to 15.95
Boys' black or white BASKET BALL SHOES
White Lace-to- Toe GYM SHOES
3.95 SOlNE1S PARKLAND SHOE STORE Just % Block East of Old Main 411 Garfield Street
Sizes 3-10
Open 10 to 6
Drill Team, Cheer Leaders Are
h n After 2-Day Tryout:s
mern- I
Fu I)-fh PLt: g irls brea m,. than in pre\ious yea rs, and it i, h oped Iladt'n in Ih,· fn sb n,a" class. brrs of the: (:i i-58 d ri ll learn follow- that the team wi ll Jlto rform next seEig ht Were Finalil>t~ in a uditi() held in South H a ll on lllo te, a t bask" lblt ll games. Ru n nin g i, tb e final;; bc~id S ih e 'J ut,day C\ ~nilll!. Pract ice: <essiuns for th,' furty-five winn e rs werl' X o nnan }vfcG olloue;h, hosen by judges Clintena Wells w ill bc)!in soon. Art Elli cksvn , Jan Sn yd(-r and J<!ck i a 1<1 M a rilyn F or e for Ih g roup arc Aust, Effinger, Reep, Smith Bjornscn. . Ja net Aust, Lind" Effin ger, Roger O the r co nt t"st2. nt s who tl :t d out Ihe fullowing gir ls: M. J ilyn L t:L Anderson, Shalon Bar- R··' ·t·p a rl u" Jo··, Smit!1 hav··, b""n -, nt bod y c h T ues -" chos···n d un' us stuut apt'ion lilli, Lau rie Bee croft, Ba rba ra Bra ndt, a s PL C yell leaders fo r this yea r. This day but w e rt eli m ina ted in that day's J a I k i ~ ~jo rnse~j , Carlen\:: .Cari:iOn, quartet won out in the final ~kc ti<'111 Yvt(' were : Sh a ri T ho r\'ilson, John :\v J.w t C h;ISltl, Carle ne ~ hnstt:ns(m, W ednesda y over four othe r finalists . ba kk e, L arry '"hlt' r, Dolor~s ::'I1 im~, h::.rlvn L or!"y, Doroth y Edstrom , D,- . Thr"~ fr"shnlPfl Ch~~n IS onJa ' J aco IJSOr1 , "'" on na C ' h am, ~, ~ ~ v~ unmng ,'lr tiedril. b and Val a rie Frccld:ind. . ' . . J a net Aust IS a sophomore from F n:d Brewllt a nd M a u ree n Pear~vn. A~o B Oll t it· Gr~ g g Gail Gustafso n . . . , . , " . ' V ancouver, Wasilln g ton . Lmda Eff:nAl so 1<Ia rgu VI, a ,ebt:rg, Sandm D lbCharlene H anse n , BOllme Hanson, . f h f l ' _ I bl C . I 'I' h . J D . I • . . _ . gf' r I S ("{ res man r on1 acom-:.l . anu ,: C', ornll' .,u nan : oe anle son , 1.11 H .. Ike L,z Hcms Judv I·hlde- . . . . ' , . Roge r R Cl:p. also a frcshmar. thlS H "J. r, Ba rba ra J ohn son, Phylhs Pedersen, tn_nd D Ian.' H ollenben!, K a re n JOh n - , . . , . . , v. ha ds from Mount V e rnon . Joe Sm Ith Carole(' ChlTldgren, Jam,,· Eng e 1', un; ~)' Jul~ns t u~ . Mar ge ry Krue g<:r, CUlIles to Parkland from Seattle and I Wendy Cydrm, J ean Trzil a nd Walter un,_ K.; t h y K urtUla . . h h' d f h f II ; H II Abu, Myrtl e Lyuns, Marilynn Me- ~~~~~~=!~_I_.~_~-.o\1J.li ll l·J .M cC a nnnant, V"rmille McLaugh lm, ElSIe McLead, Doren.. I 1151.>0. M :. ril y n ::'I1ickebcn, Riehelle I ( Jldll", Joa n Park, Jtan Peders.:n,
Dllrl("nt· Heitz and Diane Repp. A b o Mavis R owky, Jull e Simmons, M r 'It e Sn ivani c: b, Jac kie Slater, L ct: '\un ' w:m so ll , Ann t.: t t e Syve rson, Kdlh ryn Thurow, J oa n n V a n Lierup,
i>n~:il~~:a:.,:I~~~:;appearance w"ILCI VOL.35,NO.2 r Homecom .I n9 v e n~s, L n~xt ommlti:ees Announce PARKLAND,WASH.
OCTOBER 4, 1957
hom C.Oll lillg fool ball gam e ::'110
Perform During Half Durillg It If t inlt: th e gi rls will go throu gh m o\ em ents learned d unng th· f.;w we e ks . Ma r ilyn Fon ;r:; tat ,d th a t sh e a nd C lintcn a :ir C" plan- I
MARILYN FORCE and Clintena Wells, heads of the drill team tryouts, some music preparatory to choosing candidates to fill the POSI' tions on the PLC Drill Team. Tryouts were held Tuesday evening in South Hall lower loun g e.
i select
Navy a oAppear At LC W nes y
The United States Navy Band w ill present concerts in the , Pacific Lucheran College gymnasium this Wednesday. Ocl ber 9, at 1: 15 p.m . and 8 :00 p.m . for PLC students and the public. The afternoon matinee is bein g p rcs.: nted mainly fo r the ~tudents of the great;::r Tacoma area . Of the 1500 stats. only 300 arC" b,:in
<old to a dults, and
Annua I AW SfyIe St dT ·t OW age
some i~tcresting a nd .uniqu e I Hittin ~ th t· spoll ight in the h ome- ill:' hard to rua kc this year's hOlllc- pro~ram wi ll co n. ist , f po pula r. cla!-I 1.1 r. ~mon nHHcllln g and fOln1at . I an d ~O\'(" It y fUUSIC . sea I! . ~. . lOns. . . t'OIlllng ""'ct' k e n d • 'N 1 TOV . 8 , 9 } an d 10, <: om' n ~ n a Uy ~ ea t. Sica, C"( to a 1 '" ·co rdlfJl.l to M a nlyn, thI S year·, will be foo tLa ll, dra m a, th (' l{ueen's (;u lll mi tl~t" h, a d~ for the homcrom- tUlit- nt ., ud,,·nr. 1 dn ll tea m is (0 b.. C'lllp hasized lUOl e I co ronatIOn . , a pa n-lUC'. -' a nu_I many 0 t'h er ing en nts , r: l< ronatio n, V r n a F..Hon m . g C onent I' reS('Dlc d --·~- l t'vt:nts, dimaxed by an inspilational Robinson ami R on I ;.lie,,; coffee 1.0Ul , At tl1<" 8 .' )(1 p .n •. r rf rm a nci' th,' O~, worship seryict: of th e PLC student Jan Ll h,·lcv. a nd D,'I\,t})1' R Lr:l\l · ba nd will o.!":\" ' ." pro",raUl \.I nt ed 1 1(.[" ".';;ltIlW! 'c. I " j , th e th "n>' () t ht' ;\n OU,,' gn tion. P' wdel' p uU I-f fI Kan n K IllltZI /, 1to\v ,I ' r r'". I 'r,, ] T IIhl i," ,I ! .1 II n ll al r.i~ h illn ,how wh ir h w II II<" pl'l' . I " Duley,":. Broadway comedy by und Ardd l, Du n. an: pa rade, Ri dl IIH" ,," " I ta~ t'"'. I s" n tr d r ridar r\"I'ru n v; in D-20ll. t · . K C. S. Kaufm an and M . Connely, will H"lnlin a nd DOh SI,, ((um' Tt""i ' ll,lIwants SpollSOrs '" I b ' I' k' · --I r ' 8 \ · l o ,~ '1), tlw As orhtrd \Vom 11 Th' f a II senu:stc r' s en rollment be the all:scllOol pl a y direc ted by Miss tio n of .1Iumtd. l arok c Chindgrt' n : Spn'lsnr.·( ,. h it· "r · , .U! U arc a fil h' h f P T L Jan,' SmIth, new est staff nlf'mber uf p ublici lY T~mrs SI< wa n a nd Ali ce: wan; , C lu b, thi! w ill h,' th e finl p I r- S t udc. t<. . . .
IIW II Cd a n eW Ig 01 a CI Ie u- h i d 1 . ..' ." . fonnancc of t h.. a\")' Ba nd in 1'..rJ.. All st. u.drnlS. arc IfiYl.t~d to th.ls 6t .yIe Lh ( II t I f I 104 t t c spree / epartm tcnt. il. so III store J e S~("I1 .ran ..0 ese a s a to a"o :' 5 u- will be the Powder Puff D e rb\', tht" , . ' . land, ;.nd is th~ l ~ r)!c ~t en'nt t V(' 1 ~ ow .... h,eh IS fo r tht ft"lIow .1 .... 11 d~n b beg;H' th e yea r . lhe !reshman .. Uther comrmtt, ,, he1<<I. ar,' : ram pul> a ~ t he ~ ir l s, ;[c ordill~ to Bonn:. anllual tiff betwet:1I t}),~ upper class . u nd('rtr ken by th e lorn I K iwanis. Llau, with a pproxIm a tely one hundred . de coratIOns, Kellh H ft and John 1'" L~ TrOt'd o n, ("nt: ra l I".bai .. man. She stat. men and freshmen I! l rlS . I kets cost $1 .50 and I lay ,..: \Ju r more cmbu s than last year, also set , " " :\mend: alumni supper, 1:. . th er Elli ck c ha sed a t the books to fr or at th, cd that th e silo,", is "'ped•• ll • plann d reddl Gulhagcll a nd Karl Fon wdl SOli a nd J e r i Dubail : half time enter .1;. \'JTl (or t he fr('s hml'n ~ncl TW ..... ~tudl~nts. " I (,Gor d with" tota l of 497 frosh. h d tl h . ' tt d before p"rformancc tim" . f the 1,+0+ en rolled at PLC. 190 "" Ie om eeomtng COJllml ("CS , all ta innocnt, Marilyn Force and Clintel1a T h . st yl... m odd ed } t he )lud..nt . both have hopes that homecoming will . Band Created in 1925 r part-ti me .tudent~ . be ('Ycn better this year. According W ( lis : P. A. systl:lTl, L eon E ncbon; President CalYin Coolidge Ilffi i a ll~ w ill , how the typ('< ( j f ,Iothc~ wom TUI : Is :.ccording to classes a re as to T t:ddi the comm itt ee h eads hav" a"d ad\"ison.. Mr. ~fjlt X {"s\"i g and u{"atcd thl band when on Ma r ch .1, at Paci fic L u th C' ran tht· }'ear 'round fo llows: , . . Admiss illn will be J ( tont' p.. r J 1' ~n Women Total somt" t"xecllent ideas, and a ll an: work- Rhod a Young. . 1925, through an act of Co n "r ~ ss, th, M~ son or 50 tr nts f()r ,·ouples. R efresh 250 497 \\ ,, ~hington iii a \ )' Yard Band wa s I d d ' h d ' 'I·on Fre shmen ._... .. ~ ...... _.247 " IT' d S v mr nts a n · Jn~ u C" m t t: a Inl lucm e d 0 ff :Cla L n lle ta tlS -, a \ ~ Y f 3 12
Sophomore ............ .. 159 153 a nd. I Cf. 270
J uniQI' ... .... ...... ... 139 131 Soloists Will Mood 239
Senior .. ... ~ ..... .._..... ... 1+6 93 Sr ' c ial mu ita l n umbc~ w ill dd t Ur.wu.,te __ .... ..... ..... 35 71
3G Ih ,' theme, which i~ divicicd into ~t'a 1-'i
Special .. .._........ .. ~ 7 son•. J ohn D bon will dc~cnbt: lilt: win·
I· '
nWII; for'
t: ro II men t:
In E
Loss of Mr. Karl Weiss Is Deeply Felt: on PLC Campus
. by Teddi Gulhaugcn t kssly of hi s t ;UJI' ;;.nd wlt-nts to the Many students re turned to th e PLC i growth of the C olle:gt: a nd its musical <.: awpus thi~ fall, sa ddened by the news a nd c ultural d r·nlopmcnt. As a v'lIl'hof tht: dealh of Karl Erwin ''''ciss, di <:1', he instruUe( mall v talented qU rl'c tor of musi c at the wlle~t:. His d t:n ts a t the p iano, ~ha rin~ with th em Bo~es death caml' in a Seattk h ospital Sep h is s(' ns i tiw' nr~ s to alld lon' of musi c. ft tnllbe r l a ft e r a month 's illll!'ss. As a classroom instructor, h e /-!ave !' trUl strt"SS Olive Tra ynor uf the A man loved and ;" dmircd an this his fine arts .. hus,~ a glimps intl' t hr' LU Is tvda y rdeased tht: fo llowing campus for his love of musi c and the world of a{"stheti..: and beaut)' th a l pmtn n t about th t people wholll she beauty of the other finc arts, Mr. was so mu ch a purt of his l i fe~ Iri to Sl:nT. "The y d o not seem to Weiss was a pia nist of th e fin est order, He Gave Students Art realize that th ~ re is m.o re than on e though hc taught more than h.. played Much of the planning of the e MS Jlr~!l in th" box a nd in man)' cases th': instruIllent. Hi" interests included w as shared by Mr. We ISS, and he Ihey d t! nut give their box number to directing choirs, ehOI1J ses , o r chestra, .wa tched it grow for th( dual purpo~ e thost: \"ho write to them. " lecturing, and ucca~ionally he gave of tt aching a nd for p resentation cf T o help gct tht: mail through at a progra ms of readings. school and guest artist prog ra ms . The (ast"r ra t<:, it would htlp if thost: who sucn:ss of tilt" Drama-Music festi vals As a member of the staff of Annie find mail that is n ot add ressed to them . IS' 'r h d was a result of hi~ tirde.s wo rk. and \V ng 1t emmary, ac.ornu, e serve . . ' . in their bux wuuld r e tum it to the as director of the choir fo r fifteen he was a lso mstrufTie ntal 10 sl"~'~n g uux and not d rop it into the slot . When the :\rtist Snic> on camous. ~l\, JO C yea rs. I wcnty-ftvc years we re sp e nt . " it IS rellun"d Oli ve mu st just put it as tht: direc tor of t he First Luth eran j stud..nts an opportumty to see c uhurbULk into t he Lox. This slows down Ihe L hi' h' . Th h al prog rams they may not hay .. vth e1'· C Hun: , a so In t IS CIty . {Ju g a n . . ' '''n'in: . . ' .. M W ' h · d wIse ~nJoyc d. InaC U\T orga Ol za tlOn , r. ("IllS ca - , Sh~ .Ih" rr-qu"sl s you se nd the nurn d h. S c.. r CI b G h It was his d ream to 111111.<0 I'L C a u..r of YOut 1.10>: itl the eV B to your r t e t. e eel:1 ,u oru s, a u ltural center fo r Ibe nort hwc:st. • • \yW113m ensl mUle in T acollla . p.-II-p:th. rhi~ w rll spct"d sen'lec in W as Privilege to Listen that Uliw' will not h ave 10 look up 1 J oined PLC in 1941 We hav 10.1 a gIO t :man Crom lir )OUI :tddn'~s tach lime ont: of your :\orr. \\l'lsS cam, to PacifiL L uthemn c, mpUJ, b u t our hf:arta should t hank 1I1d1l)" l"II~1 ' ()IIII" to 111 t l '8 ill I Y I "nd )in'f: that t 11If: gave' Ilrt- 1God tll t we had 'h~ ch:lIIce to liuC'n
'- , 1'104
He Ip Request e d
On Mail
., .
- - - -1
tel' months w ii h a \ oc al solo a~ hI" DlOd t Is, a nd Al stroot will :;how Lhe ,. t }· lt~ fo r hI! wh ilt: bc sing!!, Tt'd M I'Y' ~ will part iciplllt in the "Prin' s~ason with son)t as he modl'ls his . p in g-ti rnr outfit. Seven H C'ad W or k A ssl~ti ng- Bon nie TrUf dson arc Drn ni5 T n"K'd son , a sis t:.nt chairm3n; P al ti R oth ow, d.'coralion chairman' L m da H Ird, nar.rator ~ M ar), Lull Sw o rd, rdrc hmrnls- J.an R ind...hl, pro rnm, D ick Lundgren, postrfS. Stud,.nts p aIti ip:lI i1Jg in th" :Ln Tl ual S h oo l st lt" ,ho\\ im.ludc Ka ren Sanstrom , Sharcon 51 thaug. J oy. I 1 son, , ' anq' IVeI'lon, D orothy Riarou. Ju li~ Renhart, G rae.. H,Igrr-n, Mcll{:t f uhr, and} D ibbJr-, Audrry H ~ 1 t, T wila Gillis, am I M ari lyn Foru:. Karl Weiss Aho Barbara J ohnson, J 3.nl(:" Ca.IlI to a nd lea rn from thi s mast r of pion, Cn rolee Clhimlg r n, sthcr EI bea uty, for In h IS qW(·t bu t p urpose lid-son, J oan Knopll, D lI'b:!1"lI RillLau, iul wa.y. he h as made P L(, a colkg.; D orolhy H idunan . L,z H in~, P~lIi well n o....n for iu mu~i cal a bir l\· . R Olhkow, G "o~ D ·lIlc ..., Fr.ink 'rV.· And for t h. studC:llts who.!' liws be tc-rworth, l.arry olnid, Davt' Knut ttlUI hf'd, hi< ml'mor)' will alway_ b. 'n, UTyJ T dlO, Ted I'yrr. alh.... for not b..in c:aJ1 t.aJ.t· aw"y (jllll Juhll Oi on, _\1 ( stroot, M"rl Mar wh', h l,e I.: i .,t·n us. r'mon, a nd Dc na.s Tl"ordson.
' . .
Page Two
Frid ay, October 4, 1957
FhA f Soph' ros re DbU 10US 0 s ('Am erl-can Justl-ce' System
"0 or die" is the of r hea r statement: but if this q uot w r : carried ut li tl: rally in every instance , underta king w ould soon , become a booming business. For carrying through on personal goals takes work-hard work. I Ancient writers knew the ideal of ]oyality, and wheth r K 3 ng.uno Court, .the n 'c nt which t~nc d to sit on a cake 01 ice until I Then the re was a regular Jerry 1 called stick-~o-it-ivencss.~eeing tl~ings through, or just plain guts, . d reade'J by all freshmen, is now a court adjournment. ! Lewis with the ha ndle of Roger Reap, loyalty IS stdl the same highly prized character. thing of the past. Howevc\', a fcw Th,' n tI1l' 1'<: was Jan En N , who : alias Clyde, who had charges too nuIf you plan to sing in the student con gregation choir, It 's highli ght s still stand out ill the minds was chargC'd with incitin' a revolt : m('rous to name . Althou gh h,~ luckily loyalty which keeps you faithfu'!' If you consent to fulfill some of m any. ag linst the lOpholllore clas~ and War- I ';sca ped his punishment, which was to one's request, it's loyalty that assures your making good on the The presiding sophomort's on Scp- ren Willis, al' s Henry, who didn't ! be a pi c in th,~ face, he put on a promise. If you make an appointment , it's loyalty which bring" 1 mlJl I' 28, John Mit chdl,. frosh . ?e- have any specific cha rge a~ainst h im. 1clcver act exclaiming as a blindfold you to the meeting on time. fr nM' .ttom y; Gary Keirn" balhff ;! H . S " d Iwas .put OWl' his cyes-"Hdp! You're To continually cross the gap between what you plan to do . d d B II H au tarc e ff h . I' f . ,. . . 1..arry J <> h nson, JU ge; an I anc uttl~,g 0 t C Clrcu attOn 0 my "Y~ - I ~nd what you do IS ~h e difficult Job-but ~'hen accompltshed na, p rosecuting attorney, ga\": many Found I{u ilty, the two were sen- balls. IS most worthy of pralse.-Oave Crowner. editor.
und rdassmen II. bad time. For instance, the young man betler known a:; Paul Engel \'/115 found guilty of not re~pecting sophom ore boys' property, freshmen girls. He was sen-
teneed to a thorough washing of their hair with tarch. Although ther put up :l great fig-ht, they lost, of course, a nd suffered the consequences of 1:><:' ing ullcoopnatiH' frosh.
Choir Gets Wanderlust Frosh Invade Choir Ranks
The Choir of the West is busy get- I Tenors: Bob Hodgc, Byron J ' nsen,
I tin g in shape for il h ea\-y scason Of,' Joe D. anidscn, G.-raid Eri ckson, Roger IScrving P LC
I si ll ~ ing. U~der till' abk and com~c- Olson. 1 through Christian
tent of Gunn.a r J. MalmUl, I" Bass: Pa ul .Cilr lson, Karl us,' oi fret· I th,. chOIr 15 plan",ng smg 1l1 ~ engag... - I Illn Olson, JIm Brandt, DIck GC1 ~ 1', P"E55
trlt' nts throughout Eastern WaShing-I Vince :'\O\-ak, Arnold 0 Iso n, Roy EDITOR ............. D \ VE C R UW!'fER
ton and Eastcrn Oregon plus many Tribe, and Dick Selic who sang in th" :-';('W5 Edit('lr.................. H ~Tb J)em se
I appearances in the loca l. a rca. , . choir two year a go. RE·port.e l'ii : Tedrli Gul lulllF; o: n, ar The pe rsonnel of thIS year scholl' Th e new llwmbers to th e orga nizaStuh ill1i11el', Jaf'k Holl, RaI'Dal"l. . d . . I R'HICSOIl. Di r k Fi sl ll' I·. T oo I" W I II inclu e tWl'nty-nme rcturnm g tion includ~: Sop ran os: G lori:! tvlitch\V t I E:'r. sin gers from las t year's o; roup. They ell, Mary Lee 8k rivani ch, Lon'li e IhlFeatm Edito r...... M ar il n D onud -on arc sopr:wos: Peg Byin gto n, M a ry Lou cnfcldt, Carlene Christensen, B ~verly Hepol t el . : X 0 l' 111 a f'un nmgbam. En gen, Let' Ann Swanson, Lau ra Tip- SC\crt'id, Diana Fuller, Marilyn Tet z, Gina .lol1 e ~, Sol pig T.<f;;J'l1RS , .ro PY pic, Carolyn L ci nin c;cr, Julia Brun- Solveig L<:raas, Di ane Rosda hl, V irDa n ie ison, L an') ,]OI W::;OD . ncr, Mona Carlson, Arlene Hal vor, g-i ni a Dormody, Katherine Knl1tson ,I Spo rts Editor........ .... ... .f.• cn< p: I " RE:' por tel's : Jim K ittelbb)' I i a r r y J oAnn Hanson, and M arilyn .M a rk ert. Altos, J~n(' Ros~, Carolyn Coltom' l Gentry, . Tim '''yn(Jham, H u r ['~.\Ito,: Solveig L pc, ).·larddlc Soi- Pau la Fcn'1i<-r, K are n K ohnson, Jan yc.r Sann€ , l'lld. land, Anudry H art , M.a lil yn Bo", I' ~ I' L III ' d a J 0 h nson, Barba ra J I Typi~t. ................. ..... ..L aurie Beecroft ;; S('\' ,
dll't" ;~lOn
en- I
T cddi Gulhaugrn, a nd L ois Hellberg. scn, Pa tric ia Isensee, Carolyn Bra ndt, Bll sjn€'~s _\J anager.. ,lary Lo'.! - n gpn 1-·- - ..,,~- ----------- Sheila Knutsnn, and Ros!"ln a ry Spit- :\d Soli citonl: Horj f'ati r-r,.o n, ].01.
! STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasion s 12173 Pacific Ave. ( Foo t of Garfi e ld) DU E PROCESS OF LAW brings upon Jan Enger, disobedient frosh, the p UITl shment of a thorough hair-wash of starch, administered by Bob LarSO n, sophomore cl aSS pre s id e nt. Warren Willis, a nother crimina;, a m(lousl y awaits his dousing in the stiff stuff.
R eporter _IVeecls N o
Scope to JdellJij)! Kn.u(lson,
W,~s tl'rn
LE. 7- 863 W e De liver
:===============: I
------= =
Tennis S oes -- Bu ks -- Flats .- Oxfords
Q uality Service
Opposite Po rkland Post Office
Laundry Service
T Ill' Vil:in'( from W'ashin gton lilllprd ae l'os; the ficld. sUdol t il(' sidelines a wcll-arm"d Cbdiator bu rst iorth, charged afl" 1' 1
his foe , • nd sub dued him, Then, towering OWl' the prone XOI':;.'man, he p ro claimed his \ ir t<>r y. Ouly aftl'r the combat w as the idl'lI tity of this Glad- . iator rr:n·alt·d. H t' WClS J ellS Knud sen, a Pacific Luth eran Col k':(c yell lead er, ' and Ih., nC ll t look pl act' bclwt'('n bahT> of th,' PLC-W l'~ terll Wa shing ton fOOL a ll lUll.' . But this weart:r of the black and ~old made time for more than yell , lcadill~ and capturin~ Vikings. He was a collector of biological specimens for our biol ogy depa rtment. One might say h e had bugs on the
brain-not only bugs, but also plants, mice, mol , and caterpillars. He
iound tlu: setting of the Linnt' Outing, Hood Canal, a delightful location for thi.\ project.
W r heal' some biolog)' studc"nts complain about ha"illg to draw what
----"- they rr in thei r microscopes. It seems that this one couldn' t s et cnou l{h d • W lO g In class, so turned to othel' sou rccs. He was on the art staff for th...
Sa • i" th )' _ rs 1950, 1951 , and 1952, and the artist for tht: 1950 stud':nt Center for
ha ndbook.
'Vilh an eye always on the practical side, he selected from aUlO a CAMERAS AND the many feminine Lutes, a wife who was also a biology t udent.
PROJECTORS Aftn gradu;tting as a biology major in 1952, Mr. Knudse n too ' up g raduat. studies at the University oi California, when, he did research on LEICA NOMAD mnr illt' li fe'. KODAK POLAROID Such a rt' a few quick glanct's into the past of our newly-acquiled biol ZEISS RICOH 01{ ) profc~sor, Dr. Jens Knudsen.
Complete Shopping Center
Expert Dry Cleaning
deoiy, from
And en,on , Tom C1J rt i~, Jan ice Fn Jerry Viebrock, Edward gen. L e nn ell. O:, u anherg', l .r n !'l,~ . Scharf. Sonstq:~ard, J err y D ry"r, L,'s Gu lbrath, Sandra Schic nrwn, ~nd Ruth D?o k keeper................. Ca:·ol HO~ Bt'lhow. Clrr'uia;lJOl1 ................ ... ..P atti Finn . • . . \' Puhb, h,.d r rio a ys of tlv ' 5c h.)()j yr. r~ Bass: D ~\ Id D :Jh.l, Karl Rl'ttz, E n e by studl'n ts o f Pl.C, at Parllol1d, OttullI, R IC h.lrd FI,;her, Dan Tlmlo, Washin;rton.
La rs Odman, Bru((, Vik, Larry T owc, n cri",': Collt'ge Cnion BUIltii
Bill Ostr n,on, and Phil M cKinnon. Phonr LEnox 7-8611, Ext. H .
'iubscription pric.C' $3.00 per , c
zero Trnors: .
Mr• . Jo Summer~ Phone LEnox 74300
UNI N STATION I 12th and Park Avenue
Headquarters for:
Friday, Octobe r 4, .1",,57
Lutherans, U
Page Th rae
c To Open League Slate
Intramural '7Iap'4 '71~ Grid PI ay Is,,_ _________
ITGlads Upset CPS, 7-6; Play Tomorrow, 8 p.m.
Hoping to avenge a series of defeats dating back to 19H.
hat a diiference in the 1957 Lute gridde rs from recent years. Last t h e UT' . f B ritish Columbia Thunderbirds wheel into ntveCSlty 0 . week s game ga\'(" the faithful Lute student body and alumni just a preview L of what to expect the rest of th e season. Coach Mar\' Harshman's insertion uteville to match forces with Gladiators at Lincoln Bowl PaciJic · Lutheran Coll ege' s intra- of thre e freshme n into th e starting lineup against CPS no doubt had much tomorrow at 8: 00 p.m. in PLC's home opener. mur"J football schedule ope ned Tues- to do with the impro\'("d hustle and team spirit. A. UBC team has never beaten PLC on the gridirion in seven d3. y with two g ames played oi the CALKINS INSPIRES OTHERS AI tries. PLC played the Birds in 1934 round -robin tourna m e nt. Captain Lynn Calkins appears to be a prim~ candidate ior All-Confer"'. a nd 1935, then some 17 yea pa d E 5t Parkland m e t th e fourth floor ! ('n ee honors a gain as play aft.. r play he made c rushin g tac kks to inspire th e I' . beJ~ort" the , quad< lIld again; sin e of. Old Main. on the intramural field m~~v~ollll' rs ~lId help hand the Logg~ rs th t' ir first d efeat since th e 1955 ca m . , 19:> :!, the t,.a m5 luye llIet a uuu:llly. \"lIb o tlt t r'a m s sco rill s o nc tou ch· pa lgn. . , SCO I'es of th e games wac 5 1- 12.4-1-0, duwn to ti t" (j to 6. E as t Parkland , In h is first sta rting ro le 3,5 si gnal ca ller for the Lu tes, John Jacobson 4 1· 7, 19·6, 6·0, 19-0, and :H-D, w i.1t 5. on·d it5 lo n<' tall y '~ ~ a run by R o y ," nd cared himself to th e stu~e nts, alu ~lIIi , a nd squad membe rs as hc authori. D BC a lw,l )'s on th e .hort end uf the warv . G h uck CurtIS pass to D o n ! to tI\'ely led th e Lutes to theIr upset VI c tor y. Tommy GIlmer ag ain pla yed his ' score. lattum prm-id cd th,: F o urth Floor \ usual fille ga I.n e a nd it was .hiS "magic to(," th a t pl'O\'id.e d th e slim marg in o f Two L osses So far TlU'[I 'lith the ir TD. SUCC ess. U BC, with a n c nrollrn~lIt uf I)\Cor I n he o ther intram ural game billed T o sin ;;k out a n y more individual members for glory is impossible. The 8,000 stud e nts, ' n reCco t yt.·llS bas Tur~d. y, De nni, Tro,.dson' s p a ,$ to I c'ntire G ladiator team tllrned in a n inspired, wdl.played gam e . be(" n the wea k 5ist~ r Ihe E\.'I:rgr en ~ecolld Floor t~aJTlm.l.t(" Gco n:e D oebThe L utes n ow prepa re to take on the role of the favorite in tomorC on fc- rc nce, Last }I t'll I' t h ' Bi rds ha kr pro\'~d to be th e winning: phy as row nil{ht's dash with the Unjversity of British Columbia Thullderbirds o ne win-si" 1055 ",·cord. I n their openat Lincoln Bowl. Will t he Lutes relax with oyer-confidence after last c r th is year , tl: ey W(" IC d ub~r! by llll~ N't.nd floo r Old :\.fain ed ged h -y Hall . to O. week's win ? We don 't believe so. , Un i \(~r' ity of W ,~s t(" rrr U n w.rio, 3l1t! ' I PR EDICT SCORE I' lu st w ,' c k tit,·}" w ete humbled by o fl IClalhlsli fo r th e two :<a m eS WNt" Tom a nd R irh Ha '~ lin . I ntra - I Coac h :\.farv H a rshma n' s past ex pe rie nce h as tau g ht hi m t ht: ca tastroph e '. u ut f" 'l n O rego n, +4-U.
lIl u ral :.pmes will be bi lit'd fo r :":4 0 th at ca ll hefali a t('am swimming in their P3s t g lory. 'Vith complete confiI Bi rds Have Three Ve lC: . n,
Il.m . Mondav tluo ul\h Th Ol~da ' 0 11 1d ~n e III H a rsh a nd this year' , inspired team, this de partme nt will go o ut C oac h Flank G llUp, in his thin!
h.. tnlr,lll' '~ I !cld ·l!,'hi nd I vy ' H 'J ll l OIl a li,mb and predict th a t t he Lutes "',ill come out o ~ t?~ ~7 to fl . . . year at l.'BC, finds thi, yea,' Iraw
o n lawn cam pus, . ,'\ .. a i, ~ ook for C PS to bo unc t:" oar k after thl'll' IIlltl al def",,, t to 'd ge John Fromm , la c kin g in '·" pr' f it- nc, ' .\IId in depth. ' •. . 1',a5tel1l W a ShlD!!toIl C ol\" 3e of EducdtlOll 13 to 12, a nd fa ithful W as hin ~ ton I The undI'rdo~ B i r d .s, howncr, do r o, m" ln'~ ~a nH'S t or 111 1 1:1 - 1, .0 f 11' . Sta te hu mb le th' Huskws Ii- to 7, ' l ,()I a na o wer, WIll wItness O h IO ha w' t hlt" H·t,·r:ws rc tu rrulli\ who re· _".ES _' S IS _ BR,\\' E.'S _ BOOS"rER c..,,·ca me nt IOn " n Ia t ~'raJ S 311-( "n rnurn Sfj tl ilu ,He : I . V·IGN T uesday , Octobe r 8, 3:40 p.IlI ,: Dr. VI~n" ss of tfll' rdI , \lOn d epo r tme nt no d oubt will be hoping- for third fere nct· tC UllI. TI,ey an 175-pound E. 'I n P.1l U aad \ s. 3 ed Floor Old baseman .\nd r Cal cy of tht" N ew Yo rk Yank!'"t's tQ haH' a g ... ·a t SCI it's. Dr. h::: lfback Ja d . II n wood .IOU cO IP 111 11 . V igil"" n ot only h ad Ca rey .1S a stud e nt a t Al a m <" d a Hi gh School in Califor- \ tail." R a y J ol ,ovie~I, n !10.pound ( ;lm·..r C rl'f'k ,-so D eJ a rdin e's Il ia, hut a lso was an ins tru c to r to Carey' s moth er. I tal xle, a nd Os car K n:1l 7.1){f"".I, ISO· D~spitc this dose r ('la tionship, Dr. Vig nt' ss IS roo tin g, for the Milw Cl ukie pOll,nd g·ua n i. \ \ rIDICMlay, October 9, 3:40 p.III.: , d FI 0- Id M . T I Bra \'("s to upse t the Yanks in tht: World S(' ri {"~ . Coach :\-Iarv Harshman of the L UIer. ~n . 001" a In v s. oCOJna. B ),' tI' . . , lIS tl m e It s no sec,',ret to . th , looks for the Birds to .... 51 rong 'In the . ) T 1L Il ' so D l'j;lrdin,.', , PLC ~tudc."t bod~ th.:l ~ th" Ch al 'Plon-, cent. t r th lint , ~ JJ<thl!) we • I Thu -· J lY, October 10, 3:40 p.m ..' I 'II o ur '1n Ia st IS ]ave IIn th rowel J 0 h n year. Although the Lutes won t:ll5ily ro ml\! wh o toun:d Europe last sum· I last year, 34-0, they were u oahl.: " W", t Park land \'s . 3rd }'Iood Old ~fli n . n~l' r as a m~lbel of an all·star cast ' penetrate the Birds' forward wall, so f,;1, t Pal' 'Iand \'S. Clo\'c r Park. . ot track and fidd stars they resorted to paM;ng and running
SC he dU Ie d
Ma kes -,
European Tr l P I Th-ISS U m mer I
Jaco son Tak es
.,. iF
Ctartl-ng Posl- II·On
(Th . second in a .•e ri es of orticle. on PLe'c Football players )
Charm Beauty Salon
However, few students h Cl v e the "low down" on John ' s tre mendous \ pe rforma nce in sp reading the fame of PLC as well as bolstering· his own I t ta 'IOn. n :pu
doutside. The Thunderbirds' line U1 boast no giants, but haH' a n abundanc~ 'If 21O-pound bckI '. Thc line average for both teams will be around 195 pounds.
l'romm Represents U. S. Harshman was well pl .1srd w ith th.· Shortly afte r the Sationa l AAU line play in thl: upset win over CPS i T rac k and Field M eet in June, Fromm Thi s week in practi ce, the Clad]at\> was c hosen to be one of the sta rs to h a ve been stressing oHertst". p arti u represe nt the United States in Europe Iarly passing. in an o t.tempt to promote inte rna· LUTES DUMP LOGGERS tional good-will. underdo g PLC tu rned th" Llbles 00 Fromm Keeps Winning the qu a rterbn r:k pod tion . the experts last Sat u ro ay a s t1u L U1c1 BOOKSElLER & STATIONER Fromm d e pa rted from N e w York m ed ged the: favor ed P S L OS,g-crs 7 to 6 Jake Takes Over 932 Pacific Avenue BR. 2·4629 la tc June with such well known stars John spent last season as Tomm y on the Loggers' home fic-ld . L ute quarTacoma, Washingto n . , . as Dave Simc, Arnie Sowell, a nd Hal Gilm e r s unde rstudy and unproved so () d Wh'I' E F I te rbac k John Jacobson intcrc'"p tC'd :l much that Gilme r was shifted to the John Jacoblon b· I' c r . I e In urope romm ost Logge r pass late in th e second quaMer . . LIt two m eets. Both defeats we re by fullba ck slot thI S season so as to !!lYe was na med to the All Conference foot th· F h . I h . h and strea ked 75 yards to give the: h L d h' h b k . e re nc natlOna c a mpIOn w 0 Lutes their lone TD.
t..cld utes greater ept 11\ t e ac· · ball team and selected as an alternate set a new r ecord of ove r 2. 65 feet.
hAil S d Tommy Gilmer's perfect dropkick f I~ on t c. • tate. squa. ' Fromm and his Americ.a n teammates plovided the Lutes with their 7 t u 0 f BeSI d es Ic tte nng In ootball as a downed some of the finest competitors . G ams H Ig h Sch 00I H onors . . f h PLC J h . . half-tlIne kad that later p roved 10 be l Jacobson IS a graduate of ArlIngton res man at , 0 n earned a var- I In Europe on their tour. . . 406 Garf ie ld St. L E. 7-53 17 the margin of VIC to,,' . . . , . , j g;.:h.:....::S:.:::c.:.:h.:::o.:::o.:.:I._':.:V..:h::.I:le:..a:t::...:A::.r.:.:II~n~g~to:::.n::,~J~o~h::n~ Slt y llumeral 11\ basketball on the Lute! Fro III m returned to the United , ~:...:H:..:.:.:l ' . chan.lpiollshi p team and :erfonllcd as statt". s in August and took t.he a membe r of the track team. step to the altar w her e he took hiS
J o hn J a -obson ne eds lit tle introdu c· tion to th " football fa llS w ho saw hi m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ master.mi nd th e Gladia tors to their ;: _ _ _ _ _ upsc-t vict o ry- ove r CPS lC1s t week. , " Jake" is ent,: rin 3 his , ceo nd season F O R OFFtCE SUPPLIES of \'arsity football, and this year is Coac h Man- Harshman'g choice for Blanche ling bloam
c. Fred
LE. 7-7475
1S Apparel
We Outfit Co-eds I
. .
SHEAFFER ESTERBROOK WATERMAN Choose a point to suit your writing
at .
The 00 STOR
The old adage of football playe rs I being just a little de nse in the classI room dot'S not hold true about Jacob1 son. John compiled a 3,34 GPA hist year in his cho5C n pre-med course.
college sw.,etheart as his bride. John and Ardell now resid e in Parkla n d.
Besides the honors John has gained
fo r his track prowess, he has also lettered in footba ll and baseball.
for guys and gals!
Parkland Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
11021 Pacific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
Paradise BOWL Fully Automatic
OPEN LANES Tu esda y - A ll Evening Wednesda y --- offer 9 p.m. Friday - All Evening
10707 Pacific Ave.
Phone LE. 7-6012
P a g e Four
PLC Clubs
Friday, October 4, 1967
I:uropeau§ ~§k et · Dee Q ue§tioD§ !?A GOl,ng by Larry John8on This is the first in a series of stories !o be written by PlC students who !rov eled . hrough Europe this post summer. In this issue. Lorry Johnson gives uS his fe.lin9s on thp. impressions we give Europeans).
PARKLAND RECORD SHOPPE We Have a Fine Growing Selection of " 33's" and " 45'&' Fast Dependable Service on Special Orders 414 GARFIELD STREET
Student :\ational Education Auo 'eiation, formerly Future Teachers of America. m"t for the first time last Tuesday.. October 1, at i:30 p,m. in CB-200, Meetings schedukd fur the first Tuesda y of every m onth in clude refreshments and ha\'c a time limit of onc houl'.
PHONE L E. 7-0440
Why can't you live with colored people? Why do you perseCule the -egroes? How can a state governor act against federal la\\ ? W hy do you spend so much time o n elections? H w can you call your country a democracy and at the same Camille Emerson, Sl\EA president, l ime forbid communist thi.nking people from holdin g' office, or statcs, "an in\'itation i, giv'!n sp,~ cifi
LEnox 7-3434
'\rn p'(\ Ie whu innocelltly wen' onc.,"\.1 tlmut.-ly conn('ctC"d with something or ' he best induct'nll:nts to anti-American mrMnr (·omlTlunistic? fcelin~ wcrc m.·my of our own newsHow ('lin your gowrnml'nt be d paper headlines, tourists and soldiers.
cally to freshmell and sophomor~s, be cause we do not want you to let O[lC· half of your college career slip by I b l' f or e becoming active in SNEA'I
{relive w ith the ex('cutivc branch of The l\('gro problem in the U. S., on" pmty and the legislative of an- of course, has crea ted many of these o rr party ' bn't there a lot Of. party bad effect producing headlines. And ia\oriLi~Dl shown in gi\'ing offices? the an' rage blazcn American tourist
Frankly.• we're looking for: potential ~=============================== leaders; truly professional teachers; the finest colle ge chapter in this ~tatci LUTHERAN and growth in active membership." THEOLOGICAL
Located in IGA Foodtown 1i2th & Park Avenue
I wCheques ith a t hie k, book of T.ravelc:s' spendmg and talkmg bw
Phone LE . 7-3434
CURTAIN CALL Al rcad'), C UI·t· . ' , . , "" am C a II CI u b'IS p Ian Unlv.rsity-!roined faculty; students from 34 colleges; Bible·emphasis; '!uolity
leaves anythmg but a good ImpreSSIOn, ning ah(·ad for an active year. On Or- i Libro,y; new dormitory; equable climate beautiful campus; modest costs.
Some Soldiers Do Harm tober 9, at 6:30 p.m.• there will be a , In Europe, the V, S. soldier's star meeting on t.he eMS stage, followed THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958
vation pay-check suddenly becomes by a guided tour of the stage, light Charles B. Foelsch, Ph,D., President 2770 Marin A~enue, Berkeley 8, Calif.
worth much more, and m any of thl:" room, sound room, make-up and dress- I soldiers spend it in the wrong way, ing rooms, and radio studio. Refresh- I 1.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' affaln, Few take advantage of the g reat op- rncnts will be served, (,."',.'",",.',.",.',.,.,.',.',."",."""""',.',."',.,.,."",."""''''''''''''1 Youth Are Curious portunities to learn and travel while I On the agenda for the October 23 ~ ~ The re is, esp ec' lIy a m 0 n g the 1 ~tationn1 in Europe, . I mect~ng is, a .make-up d('monstr;ttion, i ~ ~ :ounger genc. .I'ations of Europe, a genInstead, they can be seen standIng showl,ng different types of make-up uine- ruridsitv and intellec!ual inter- on street corners or wasting time in used In drama work; and on Nov, 13, ~ ~ ~ r. t In hoth the internal and extemal bars, ending up in situations which a drama talent show is bt.'ing planned § .. d d· ' f S S • (flnr~ of the U.S ,A. Tht' people <Ire bring dis-reputt.' upon our arm e <I lor Intereste stu ents, wuh per orm ~ ~ int.. r~st~d in America, whose leader- forc es a nd nation, General Mark Clark f'l'S workin g singly and in HnaH groups, ~ ~ :!hip, alth ough wme [('sent it, is nee-I altributt,s a lot of this to tht: large SENIOR CLASS ~ ~ " Mar)' . percentage of men with grade school Se niors held their fir~t class meet- § ~ Hard to Generalize llIenlairtles, Iing last Tuesday night, October 1. to § 11802 PACIFIC AVENUE 'PHONE LE. 7-710 § To go beyvud this point and speak These are. a few ,of the impressions orga~iz(' \:arious commi~tees for ~he ~ ~ C' f E.uropean thought in general is wc as Amencans give the Europeans; year s proJ ects. The takIng of semor § ~ pr rurally impossibl.., bu t I feel . £c- b u t 0 f cou r S', ( th~, I'eal dfeets of these c Iass P!C . t ' d, ~.."".".,.,.".,.,.",.",.,." .,."".,.,."""."""",.,."".,.,."",.,.,.""".".,.,.,~~S . . ur('si wasd a so !Scusse ('ur,. In 5:1.)" nl< that 3 pro-AmerI(,an imprrssions are not so obvious, but opinion is dominan t, will brcomr cvident only through !he I I orn.e n·rd. however, that ~ome of I passing of time, Questions Made Me Think , . and (I the r S like lh.C'm were tltrown at me on several • asions th.iJ; summer by inquisitive Europ,.s ns, T hey made me stop and think and also realize how little I l.oow about the "hows and whys" of Ul)' own government and cOllntry'~ Thr~c qu (~s tlOns
I /1
ermu as
?"_,,.,nr,,,.,,,,,,.,.1""""";:;;-;""''''''''''''''''''';'''''''';'',."""" .,"',.'.~ Lute Ey
0 B»S
~ ~
~ S
() S 'dtud 'fteIte
~ cnt!"
Firestone Tire ~ and Retreads ..
10% Discount
SPARK PLUGS (set of 8) (S t of 6) ......... .
.7.44 .5.58
Ritch Benson: "Some p<'opk them." ~ Rich Hamlin: "Wear them § you're young." § Susie Lanne n : "Yt's, but you ~ to wash your knees." § Kim: "Not good." § Gary Lindbo: "Best ;nH ntion ~ Elvis Prt'slcy." : Gertie Fletcher: "Fin<, if you : 1have varic ose veins."
Accessories Batteries .....
~ The saying goes that anything COn ~ trov('rsial is news. Well, is there any ~ thing more controvt'rsial than Ber § muda shorts? Here art some campus ~ opinions on this national issue: § Jim Johnson: "Being a n ownrr, I ~ have to support them," ~ Tom Gilmer: "Well, th<:y'rc difft:r
w hile have
\ 1 \ \
FASHION CLE AN ER 3820 South Yakima
* 6.39
Prices in EHect for School Term
Unless Cancelled
Parkland and Vicinity
08AVITT HELL ERVICE 133rd & Pacific Ave.
Phone GR.1·3 11
Travelers Aid At last count,
was delighting palates
in more than 100 countries around the world. This
news may not rock you right now. But if you ever get thirsty in Mozambique, you may appreciate the change from goat's milk.
Sortied under authority of The Coco·Cola Company by
rosh P t: lassm n n allot:
Marie P eter s Heads Cast for ("Duley'
Song Leaders Are
Chosen Tuesday
Altpeter, Carlson, Helgren, Jondall . Le nn in g S omir. it ted last W"dn eJliay t \'cning b .' th e freshm a n cla~; for its cia.! Rita Altpeter. Denna Carlson. Grace Helgren, harmain Jon following people, who daB ilnd L or tla Lennin 5.; weI j udg\::d to be t.h h igh-stepping " ill JJ (' ,"oted upon 00 "Vednes d ay, '5 7-' 58 song leader a fter~rr y uts held Tu sday n igh t in eB-ZOO R n Hvlland, band presiden t. brought toge ther a few of the Octubtr 16: . . President: Bob G ro, _, P a ul Eri c~, band m..mbc.-rs to provide music for '" J crry 'ieh roe I:, Y\' ar n :n W illis, a nd I th o song leade r (" ' ndid ,lttc:<. f hc Jud .'- T hon lI<on Jan Snyd. r, J!lCklr BJom' il1g commi ll.et , t L.m p<.lstu f fo ur f:le- Sl n alld J oan T ou5h· '. Art Ell ic b on. 'arkne Cinrison , ,licki .\ndt"rson. Vice-president : D a I e P reun inger, ult ) me mbers and five' tudt-nLl. )( vi(·",...d t hl' c-i rls frolr i: OO I I) 9:00 J o Mn R Qh c . ugh, I. r Ann SIV:.n:on, Ron Soilll' ., K a th y Knu Lson, T ed John p.m., cOlingCth~m on a paint syS lI:m. K a y J nhmton Bird, Sltirky stone, T ed K essel, a nd L a rry Towc. J ud (:,. wcr ~ M IS .'\ nn.' K nudso n, C nstoph('r;OD, ."hrin!!" J ull<: Secretary : M eg U lson, Na ncy Gun Dr. R. Bva rd F ri ta , Mr. ordo Gil- R en haTd. J oy Nd;o!\, u r r$.':, ~lld de rson, M arie P ette n, Betty PatH-non , be rtsOI~, Mr. Th fcodorr Karl, Dave Pa ttIe Bf'T, ' J an( \ C hristo, a d Ard is Arn:stron g. Xnu iwn , M a r. arC' t Eva nson, D ana I Firs t p t'rformancc for Ih. t:i Is will Treasurer: C raig J uhn son, :-; (> r m Turcott, J ( r r . Bn 'm' ; nd \fanlyn I br.: al Pacili(', Lu th.:rtln's (:oIt hOnl<: Dah l, Dianne R osdahl, T ed B('rry, Forcl' . rootball gam,. whid is , gain!' C 'n M a rjorie Hu gh " a nd D ave Savage. tlal Wash ington 11 O ctObcl I~l . Those girh, besides th~ winnu s, ICC: 0 r So n C hristenson, J ackie Till: new song I ~adl r will be tlcl'ked Slat Er, L o ll i e Ihlenfeldt, an d Pa t who tri ed o ut W(, I'C : Jud y Bechtel, Jo out in swc::utcr, p un:h.'llled with UIOlll r Ar. n Apker, M a v i s E v er ett, Shari from the Stud rnt C undl. Student C ounc il: Dave G~ e nicke , "WHAT'S MY LI N E?" is the problem at h~nd a~ (from left to right) ~an L. a rr y G ..·ntry , Bar ba ra W ool y, P a ul T u rman, ass ista nt director; Miss Jane Smith, dire ctor; Rueben .;ahtl a~ En e-t:i Pauliw. Math ias a d Ca rol Go rdon Smith, a nd Marie Peters as Dulcy rehearse for the play, Duley, . , ,, , ,
}lr.· c'nling th
Hro. dway play, "Dul·
h du Ie iII5Ce
A nnounce d
y" a ;trt of th h omecom in g fl:s li\'i t iesi n !\ov he r . he play w I II hc presented on VOL. 35, NO.3 PARKLAND, WASH. OCTOBER 11 , 1957 Wr'unc$d:i y nn d Thursd ay, Novcmlx:r FRIDAY, NOV. 8: . . tJ od 7, at !! :3{) p .lll., and then on 8:00-Coronation of the Homecoming royalty In th e CMS. Saturday C\enIng of Homecoming a t 9 : DO-Pep rally led by th e cheerleaders about the traditio na l bonfire 8:00. AccOI di ng to Miss Smith th e at the Memorial gymnasium. lon.p,my is follows: 9: 3O--Coffee Hour for Alu ms . South Hall . Duky.. .. .... ... ........... Ma ric Pete rs ( Fr. ) SATURDAY, NOV. 9 : (; ordun Smith ........ Ru eb<::n L aht i (Jr. ) 9 :Oo.-Powderpuff Bowl with the uppercl ass women pitted a gainst th e Wilham P arke r.. .... .. Bili Hanna (So.) frosh on the lower campus gridiron. Handsome Harry crown ed T his SUnil. ' t 6 :00 p.m. in CB- ~OO Dr. W alt r chn:lf.kenbcrp:, P L L. R I r Forbcs..... .R ollic Wolff (Fr. ) at ha lf·time. the gue t spc:a l.rr at tht' Lu theral Student .>\!Isoda histOT) p rofessor, will M· . F OI b. s.......... . ..... Joy Price (Fr. ) 10: 00-Homecoming Parade, beginning on Ga rfield S reet, to down· ti mt ' " N II' t tin~ f 'h schoo r . y , .Ma\;~ ~Y' 1<: (So . ) town T acoma. D r. Sehullckt'u ber!,( ",cen t y re tu rned from Eu rope where lit! :!pCJI ~ the 12:DO-Ga m ma Chapter Luncheon. . ~ 5U mm tl' m n th~ a<- the. I('ad r of a study g roup of students from mnny LII S 'hu\)c Van D yke . .L. h 'erson (F r .) , om ~t..rnt.. . . .... ... ... .Joe Smith (F r. ) 1·3o.-Homecoming game at Lincoln Bowl. The P LC Gladiators verSus j tl II tit h lit th ~ll'O . leran LO l' I!C'5 rou 0 ' e n.. n , Whitworth College Pirates. .. ' • Ik ' l be "T h M " f h 'inc"I1 t L ...a,:h .. C huck Donhowt ( Sr, ) Blair Pa tt' r ' un .... Bruct M esrord (Sr.) . T.h~. top IC of D r . ~cl!.na(·ke nb:rg s ta .. ", . I 5:30-Alumni Supper in CB·200. Price will be $1.00. ~~I()~ n II co ' th e CMS . Ch urt' n,' T r purpose hiS talk Will be t d ISrn..t£S the rolt oj t Ie Chute 1 Henry L\'le Pt'arson (·Sa ) 8'DO-The S peech Departmen t ' s presen t a t'I on 0 f "D U Icy II In . ...-.. ........ ..... . ' .
. .In CB . 200. in the world, in /Imeri ca, and on thr ollt'j((' mpus , • s' t Di n: tor. ... ..J anet Turman ( So. ) 9:. 3o.-A !umm. receptIon F 11 wi g Dr. Sch nackenbc rg' s speech the au d i e~ ce will b r ak up into Sla~c T ce ni cian... .Tom Rorstad (So,) SUNDAY. NOV. 10 : Ekclricia n . ...... .........Ca rl Muhr (So,) 11 :DO-Homecoming Service in the CMS , led by co llege pastor , Rev. ix d i ~ ( us'i ()~ grou p so tha t the stud(,nts ca n ,'xam lllc and (i< t.. rmlnt' !h,' Faculty -\dvi sor .Dr. V c rnon U tzin ger R. W. Lutnes. Music will be prov ided by t he S t ud ent Congre rolr- of the Ch ulch for tht.oITls('h (;,s. Tech. D ircc to r. ..... Mr. Eric Nordha lm gation Choir and the Choir of the West.
T he foll owing students haW' bt't"n r losen as d isc uision lc.'i en: D av, 2:00-0pen Hou se in all t he dorms.
Gaeni ck", T ed Johnstone, K a thy Knut,cm, Bob L a rson, Be\' Swan on, and - I ----- T om - -d~on. Sh( ila Knutsm will op~n th e eeting with de\' tioll l. l
North HaII GaIs h LSA Retreat A WS Style S ow ·
EIect Offleers. ITo ' Be Oct. 25.26 D·ISP Iays Fas h·Ion St u d en t Congress t 0 Mee t 0 t b e 26 0 n PLC Ca m p usc 0 r T ht mer tin!!, will be followed b y a twenty-five em! lun h .
R ccr:nl u cc t illnsfour.d thdolluwmg virls d l·l:.ted to the offi ces or North . . H all donnl tory for the eorrn n~ year: P rr)1'd t'nt. Ba r b ara 5 tu hi ml'11 er; ve(;p, Carol Pfao.nckucht n · sec retary Ruth ry ' g ' wing chairm~n, Tell' Boveng, SIUU'lI/'1 abo, D ian e Newsham, Gunnil!
, .I "Born to St' rv e" WIll be the th eme . . . , .j . f th LSA a nn ual area r l.'tJ'eat to b P a n flc Lutn cra n tudent s \.cwed 0 e . . h. eld Oc tobe r 25 and 26 at Luthcrland , . . ca mpus . fash iOns on pa rad, lMt Fnday . en-mn g a t the a n n u a I ASSOCIated Th ,. nin th annual Student o ngr(,5S for high school stullt-nl of WoUh Bible Ca mp. Students from the versity of ~ashington, CPS, Central, ! WOTIlL n Stude) 1.5' <t\ It' how, "Show in ~ton a nd O regon, spomored by Pi K appa D elta, will can... /'Ie 1>n PL '6 and PLC Will att'nd. I boat.' " Ft'a tu r"d W([t IDc n and wom- ca mpus on Saturday, October 26.
Um- I
I..aci5tcin, JackIe Bjornsen, and Lois An opening mixer, Bible stud y, key· >\nd erson' :oc' ial co-chairmen, D dort'--\ nOI" address a n C h ristian vocations, '£ms and Sheri Thorvildson ; publicity discussion groups, rec reation, M om· ha.i m lan, Rosemary Cerny. lIlg Mat ins a nd Evc ning V espers w:ll - -- - -- - -. - - I be hi, g h ligh ts uf the rc t rta t . ~ ., 0 Lutes The cos t is S3.00 This includes reg· d . t ra t'1011 f("e, th re ·1 rst eetl ng u es ay " .Ineals a nd o ..• t rIS :· Fint meet ing of Lady Lutes will be night lodf'i n!-', . Reg·istration muo t be htld O ctobe r IS, 1957, a t 8 p.m., in completed by Su nd ay, Octoocr 2 . the South H all Loun ge. All PLC wive's and wives of PLC stu d ents a re All PLC students are invited to at tend . in\' it to a ttend .
La dY
W II H Id . T
Artist Series Begins November 5 ' illi W an g, French pa ntom imist Iras all ove r th" na tion anti in many aDd comcow enne, will be p resented for parts of the world.
tht: !iNt progrtlI n in the ' 5 7-' 58 PLC Student Art ist Series. She will ap pear on campus 1 llt:ltd ay, November 5, III ber [lrst SUI tllw st n.ppen.rn ncc. Luboshutz and :'IIemen hoff, one of Amaiea', tap pi..no due t tt:s.m~ , will 11<0 tho:: ~ccond ullrnction on December 5. Pkrn: Luho~hutz and Gl'nia • /em nhoff (Mrs. LUUo~huu in prl... k life) ha\(' appeared with symphony a rches-
The Seattle Symphony Orchestra , under the ba ton of Milton K a tims, will bl: the th ird attraction of th e art i ·t series. This fi ne mu sical orgnn i tion neetls no introduction in t he Se atlle-Tacom a a rt·a. A ,;onc",r t by M .. ttiwilda D obbs, colorntum soprano, will of tht' ~crit::$ presented on
the finale Mar~ 18.
Students of ma ny hi~h sch ools have becn in\'l ted to participa te in th IS ongn ss, wi icl i, 5(1 up according 10 th<: ~Iandards of the Tnited StatC:5 u iJ . . .. Con!!",ss. Bill. ill be prescn tl d bv the rep rese nta tives. a nd scnat rs. T hl' I illl: "Th e (!utht ~ moul!t.u by th( fe llows will LI:' d e teu and \ cd <7. in commi ttee, in the smatc a nd hom .., a nd io an d the girls \\rill help c vc rv Ftudcnt . , . J tJm l Sr S10n . at PLC to know exactl y wha t IS III Aerord in !l to D on D ouglas, ge nn al chairma n, a noted public ,,(ficinl of stvle and wha t to wear to p articula r Stall' will de·liver the State of the r nion addrt'ss at the fil'!t <1ctivitit's," sta tt'd Dcnnis Troedson, W ashin ...[on ... co-cha irm a n, when qu 'stionpd abollt joint , esUon. the show. H e a lso sta ted tha t thcTe T e Stude nt ongre; s is an f \·ent a lmost entirely organizec a nd d irected ,"• ,," s ,", lot o·f interes t shown in the by stud Ilts of PLC. _ _____ ._ _ __ _ .__ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ I . b d sty I! re,rIew y stu ents. ln ' styles fllr
C'\ ery 01'
:t$iQn on cam
. . ..
M odeh , pil'kt"d at ra ndom, wore th(,ir own clothes . Fi\'e m en student s add ed va ria tion to the show with se\" e ral musical numbct's. Al O Stloot sa ng "Aut umn Leaves" for tht' fall season ; for the formal win t ~r montha, J ohn Olson sang " orne En chant d E e nin!!,." The infurmal sprinq: months brought Ted M eyers on .Iage . ingi ng " Isl; lId iTI tht Su ," wlJi le, Darryl :lnd Denni Tro«:d50u acC'omp nnir n the bon o d runu. USE THE CROSSWALKS
PLC Board of Trustees Will Convene Tilursday Thursd ay, ( nob! r J 7, PLC" $ (". mpus will be 'uited by n inctclfi 1D<"mbcn . of !l,t Pacific L utheran Oll·gr B I'd f T rustees. T his g roup's fall mcetin~ is scheduled to begm a t 9 a.m. in t he Faculty L ounge. In CU B. Ml:mbcr.s w ill attrnc1 morning r hapel exerci~tB as a group, { Uowi ng: wh.ich Ul( Y WIll th( r for a ( ofk hour. L unch will be served for them al 12:+5 in the smaIl d ining foom. -\ mOJ'gasbord has be n pl ..nnrd for the board for thl' evening . I :30 in the D B. At this lim!' board m!'rnbrrs and tht:ir wives ,ill entertain the fll<:ult~ and wil" of PLC.
Page T wo
F riday. Oc tob er 11. 1957
Campus Draws Students From Around the World
Due for Decision WHA T"S THE BIG IDEA? It 's JU over but the shouting. After two weeks of announce· ments, lryo uts, interest and elections, the new yell staff has jumped mto action. Now at the Gladiator athletic ~ vents 'four ch 'cr leaders c:l n be seen ... come to think of it, why four cheer-
How far did you fDrne to get your C".. ilia Hu, whose original nam,~ in I al affairs and w It a t is happening college education ~ Did you know tha t Chine~c is Cissy( mea ning a 'i!ld of th rollljhout the- world , \,' r day. Wh,.n leaders~ we hav stuci 'nts who have como.: from a ncient Chinesc musical instrumen l) , as krd what he thou ght thro bigl{l's t dif · Nl!ver before has PLC had so many students, and it might tht: other si de of th.' l:arth to go to is a nother one of our forcign stud~nts. [errnce bctwren K o n'a a nd Ameol I be safe to ay, never before has such a host tried out for the .:heer PLC? One of these students is Petn Cominl:( from her home in Hong is, he repli ed, "I think it is the wa) h.'.ad~r posil io ns. Du,ring the short rime between thl.' announcement Wong, who finished his sophomore Kong, onc of the most important com- .-,f living, in that in K o n'a we a.r of uyoucs ;l nd final elections, :;ome of the:;e many students, plus year at Tung-hai Un iw rsity in Taiwar., I mercial ccnters in the Far East, Cecilia ' still li\·in..,. under th... . Id'tn di ional studen t body officers and cheer-leader candidates, suggested that Formosa. is attending PLC to major in mus~c. r' ustmTlS of strict folkway. But, o n thePLC grown large enough to merit six leaders. But that was Peter travcltd to America a nd is As a freshman, two of her hobbles contrary, in .\merica most of th e pto .I week ago . now attendin,.f PLC as a junior major· arc playing the piano and drawing pk lin' at their own ways and al their H owever good or useless the idea of six leaders, the time nec in g in physics. When questioned about dolls. She had her seventeenth birth- own intf'rf'sts. It is that idea of Jrce- essary for a constitutional amend men t rUl:d our any election hi~ childlife, Peter replied, "1 was day on the plane when flying over dom." chang ' an d now the new lea.ders are busy With routtn;s: St.~denr ?orn in Chcfoo, a (:ity in North ?hina, here from H~ng Kong.. Coun ci l ~as gone on to o.ther matters, and students ar~ c:onlccned 1111 1937. B"caus l: of the aggressIOn of After leavmc; h er home m Hau gC- I~J. vlth their regular work. the Chinese Communists a little while sund, a town on the west coast of . '~~7 Ti~ e will pass, a,nother ye~l lea~~r election ~vill roll aroun~; ,aftt'r thc bell toll,.d the victory of Norway, Kari Melkivik has come to and .a g a ll1 someone Will get ~~e, Idea, Why not SIX cheerl:ade~s , World War II, my childhood was study at PLC as a junior. The main I ----l , gam the answer Will be, It s too late to change the I.onstltu- spent under \"... ry unstable and change· reason she chose PLC was because of lion. " . able circumstances. First my family a recommendation of an American . P erbaps the issu~ will cC?me to.J head v~ry soon. What ~o you moved to Hong Kon g and threc years cultural attache in Oslo. Serving PLC. , tblnk? Should PLC have lour, five , or SIX cbeer-leaders. lat er to Taiwan, Formosa. ! Because she wants to g-o to under- through Chnsttan I
Over Rour Score · In · PiLTC Ch orus Slng
An cncrg<"tic, strong-willed, and developed countries and do social use of free press. sf'lf·confident student, he hopes that work, or else work amon,g the youth ! he ca n su cceed in whatever h e tri t"s in Norway, she is majoring' in sociol to do. og y and minoring in psychology. Some News Editor..................Hcrb Dempsey Reporte rs : Teddl Gulhauge n, Barb of the hobbies whi ch she hopes t o ,:onStuhlmiller, Jack Holl, Barbara
PI ayer S ees
I'tinuc whilc attending PLC are sk iing, sbting, swimming, fi shing, and mountain climbing. d' E r hr·· t f· /ter stu yrng "n~ IS It' la ure 01 ~wo years ~t Kol ~ok College of Seoul { I!l the capItal of Korr'a , Dou.c; S . Hou I has come to PLC as a j'unior to maj'or inIJoliticalsci.. nc(' . In February of 1956 he left his par(' nts and broth er and sister in Seoul
Fros h Prof I ''\' ,
\ Valk by t h ~ band room any week day dLlfi ll.!{ n m th period a nd you are bound to he r the 9 t PLC Concert C horus m,~mbers pcrfec ting some of. " th,. musk unde-r the dir~ c tion a f Iva. R, lIyatd Fritts, or first importance to the chorus i~ it p"rfonnance at t.he newly b uilt
Lynn W a ltns, First Alto: M a ry Ann Bayne. R ose' mary Cerny, Earleen Ed berg, J a n!': t As I was strollin/; throu gh the gym . Fyi I'm g, A qll a rtn a fter thrc~ , Emilson, Patti Finn, SylVia Twila ""1" ,,,1 lts, Al11ta G rege rse n, B ar b ara I rt'ally had to stop and look Gron ke. Anita liillesland, Lou i SCAt what's a head of me. Kra a bd, lon e Rodne, Beverly Swa n· , .• . son, and Diane Wicklund. I N ow usually girls don t laze Ine much. Take' m or kt " m Ix C"flttill I~uthera n Churc~l in T~coma Sce~nd. Alto: Lois _A nders,on,. Ja~et . :, , : ': ,.,' pr' as a pJ.rt (.If the reformatIOn Srrvlce to AU5t, Sal It BIe rman, Carol Conti, Lm- , But thts. [ute httl'. fr..,hman h . ( 1)(' "rid on Sunday, October 27. da E,,~finge,.,. Bett y .. Gahrin. g, ~ ,. . arta Was qUite somethmg to sct'. . " G ayc- H ugT h t s, C a I 0 I 'N·I l'utu r/' plans for the singers include H au,,!., " son, Now I'm a man I play football CUTi~tmas concI-rts, a presentation at Delores Nims . And 'I just thou g'h t I'd b e '
to come to Ameri ca to study. His bro. the r is now srrving in the Korean ,. .. Army and hiS sIster IS a tcndmt; Ehow "'omen's l..; niversity in Seoul. Dou g' s chid int ('r"st is int"rnation-
C,"nderella Flees Ha II a t M"d " hI • n'9 !
thL' ucdica tion of Central Luthe.ran, First Bass: Ragner B ens on, Bob R eal good 10 h" r, ~o I walked up and of niuLh inte rest to ma ny. a n orig- Erickson, Kenneth Garnb, Frank Han- To let th.., g'irl meet me. inal chorus-opaa being written for son, :\-filton Jet"r, Gordon Lewisan,·., . I " ".,' thc PLC h orus by Thomas Canni ng, 'I Dave: Lund e, Bill Ormc, Richard Pa~k, " HellO; I sa, ,~.I, pal: scz she . , noll.'d eompo.er from New York . Dick Peterson, Byron Sehner, MIlo I pia) football, sez In!.. Th I k t k 'd ' ht d C' "GI d " h' red f' C OC S ru e ml OIl\' an tn· Voic!:s i n the Chorus are: Scherer, J ames Von Schriltz, Wendell a to mee t you, s t: rep L , d II' fl d . t th d k . h t a d • ., . ' , . . . . "You sec I teach P.E ." e ar OIg n ere a e tn 0 F lTst Soprano: Martlyn Belse, s a n'j Stakkestad, Jam e s Stewalt, Gary was gone! d D ibbl.c, .Sandra F.l'eishimc, Linda Strpmnu:, Jay Tronsdale, and Carl I More than one person h al mistaken C·m d ere II a h a d \." . . .. ajestt c ucen ru I'mg Sonuncr.t, Diana Fuller, Nancy Iver- I Zlllgier. ' PLC's new ph)'sieal education teacher a II wee k' f rom h er th cone In . th cIobb y ~O!l, and r a ~ucas, Sue ~[andeen, Second Bass: Paul Aasen, Ro~ert Miss Helen En ge r, for a noth er student, I of South Hall (previously captured 1 helma Nelson, Sharon Omdal, Verna .Aust , Dick Ballew, Frank Ba rrll'CI tel', so this football n 'cdn't fed f rom h ,' r k''mgd om S t.orage room for . pla}'rt· R obinwn. and Beverly Severeid. I Neil Ber "ner, Dan Benson, Don Brewe r, alone . h · · d ' t' - Ho c omecomtng ccora IOnS). er v rSecond Soprano: E\lcn Brewer, Del- Donald Etzel, Ronald Ho, T ed JohnAs a PLC g radua te, she knows hcr whelming beauty radiated throughout la D o ~ndDff, Ddoris Engen, Virginia stone, Robe,rt Larson, Blayne Pnkth, way around the campus. She wa5 a. Lutcvillc until it weakened, horror of K ildst:u:l, Arlette Knudsen, Bctty Mu- and Gary 10kstad. , songs ter in thc Choir of the West at h orrors, the stronger sex. seus, Diane Newsham, M~rilyn Nick-I Tenors:. Roge~' ::nderson:. Spence r the time new r~~rs were purchased, At exactly midnight Saturday night, dll'n, Ba~bara Olsen,. Jul~t" Rt"nha~d, I Aust.' D:vld Gat.!lIcke, Clate L edum, and on the ChOir s a nnual tour, that October 5, the "Ivy League" marched ! antt R Clenon, Ros.aite Siercks, MI~-I DaVId Ndson, V,lctor ~e.ls~n, Bob 01 year throu gh the midwest, she man up th... h ill to South Hall and seized ram StOOl, Judy Tnnncr, Jean Trzll, son, Jerry Poencet, Dick ~tedtfdd. aged to ,get sick only once. A few th e ir idol of majestic supreme.
Formica -
PARKLAND HARDWARE Glass Installafion 1215t and Pacific Avenue
Pipe Cutting and Threading
Phone LE. 7-3171
See the Choice of Stones Jon Soin..
Following h er last year at PLC, duri n g which she was Homecoming Princess, she tOl) up gradua te studies ,' at the University of W ashington. Now, back to her old stomping .I\'rounds, she's a teacher ins tead of a student, and th... reason football players turn g ray.
528 Garfield St.
PHONE LE. 7'()2.56
Cil'c:ulwtion .......................... P a.tii Fhm
'Published Fridays of t?~ school years by ,tudrnts of PLC, at P a rkland, \'Va.hingt-on.
Office: College Union Building.
Phone LEnox 7-8611, Ext. 41. 5ubsc.ription price $3.00 per year.
8 a .m_ to 8 p .m. I
Paradise BOWL
Fully Automatic
Tuesday - All Evening
Wednesday - affer 9 p.m .
Friday - All Evening
Flowers for All O ccasions 12173 Paci fic Ave. ( Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7·7863 We Deli ver
THE CHURCH IS ON THE MARCH! Wanted: Men of faith and real stuff to heed God ' s ca l l and to prepare for His ministry on the West Coast. THE SEVENTH ACAD EMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 19 58
Charles B.
Enjoy That "PLUS" Service MARV TOMMERVIK'S
10707 Pacific Ave. Tacoma
A member of the Fou rth Estate, she " too much "Ivy" from the coverings of wrote fo: the Mooring Mast and th eir little h~ll. And .please keep her : Phone LE. 7-6012 worked With Mr. JellS Knud sen o n !.he I' out of thc ram, .. pamt runs! I 1950 stude.nt h n dbook.
PARKLAND GRILL Standard Heating Oils -. Heating Equipment Heating Service
Die k Fisher, TOO't.'Ii& \VE'tter. I' Feature Edito~ ...... Marilyn D <;> naldso n ~ 0 r m a CunD!tngha m , , Heporter's: Gina Jon es, Solveig Lemas. J oey Danielson, Larry Johnson. 'Sports Editor.. ..... ... ... .......Gene Hapala Re"orters: J i m Ki-ttelsby, La r r y t' (;'entry, Tim W yndham, Ha r ry Sannerud, Doug .Marttala. I ' f Typ 'st ............ ............ Laurr ~ Beecro t
1B ' ;\:Ia "M Lo E lIsmess ,, ' nage r .. ' sry u ngen Ad Solie.i,torg: Rod P a,Her &o ,:, Lois Anderson, Tom CurtiS, JanIce EnI gen, Lenn ea Os manberg, Linda Scharf. Bookkeeper......................Carol Hou5€1
A mist of gloom has se ttled over otha organizations she belonged to were the Vikin g Club, Phi D elta Kap South Hall; not just lonesomeness pa, and Future Teachers of Ame rica a lonr, but fear that C inderdla w ill (now called SNEA ). turn green if the "League" feeds her
MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
I. Isaaeson,
I I '[' .
Paint - Plumbing - Roofing Kirsch Rods - Window Shades
- -- --
Ph .D., Presidenl
2770 Marin Ave nue, Berkeley B, Calif.
Friday, O ctober 1 t , 1957
P a ge T hree
ladiators Meet Pacific U. Squad Tomorrow Night
---------GRID STATS P.i). Hosts Lutes I For Practice Tilt
EVERGREEN CONFERENCE W L T PF PA P o d ic Luth . __ __ _. 1 0 0 26 0 We te rn Wash.__ __ 1 0 0 20 13 Pug t So und ________ O 0 7 7 Ea,te rn W ash .• __ __ 0 0 1 7 7 cn tra l Wash. ____ 0 0 0 0 0 Whitwo rth .______ 0 13 20 Brit. C olum ______ .0 0 26
R esu lts Saturday Paei fic Luth eran 26, UBC O. PS 7, E aste rn Wash . 7 ( tie ) . Wr:st. W ash . 20, Whitworth 13 . Games This Saturday Wt:st. Wash. at Puget Sound, 1:30 Pac. Luth . at Pac. Univ. 8 p .m. (Non-conference ) Whitworth at C entral Washington East. Wash. a t British Columbia .
Intramural Grid Action Continues The Lute sixty yard turfs have been burnin g- up under the fee t of the PLC touch gridders . The second round of th e intramural foo tl II season has evi denced some ve ry tactica l tra teg y on the part of the intra mura l pigskin cngillcr:rs. On O ctobe r 3 Jim Haaland led the D ejardine's to a 12-0 victory over the third il001" Old M a in club. H aaland carried for one TD and passed to Dick Focgc for the other . On the pa ra llel field Clover Creek over pow cred Ta coma 12-0. Jerry Curtis threw to Lt:O Eliason and T ed Berry for the CC scores_ Slattum Leads Attack Turf No. I is still sizzling from the hot fee t trails of Don Sla ttum on O c tober 4. Gallopin' Don carried for
,~- - - -- - - -- - - - - -
In a final tune-up bdore matchin g ., alT having cud and lineba cke r prob forc es with the eonCt-renct: powers, the lems, Harshman commended the sec PLC Gladiators travel south of th e lond string bal~ kfidd on the ir play in border to ta ngle with Pacific. univcr-I tht: UBC game . sity at Forest Grove, Orego n, tomor A new addition to the team is Keith row at 8:00 p .m . Creely, a fullback-linebacker, who Gladiator g rid strategists don't turned out J\![onday. know what to expect from the Oregon The Lutes expect to be in good GEORGE FISHER ( 42) SCORES in the second quarter of the Gladiator school, since no advan ce scouting was physi cal shap.: for the coming en ecun- Thunderbird football game at Lincoln Bowl last Saturday night. Other don t·. Th e Congregational-ow ned tl:'r, with the c:.xception of halfback Lutes seen in on the action are Jim Capelli (50) and Dennis Rodin ( 80) . school of 550 enrollme nt ha, a fin e John Mitchell and guard Jim Capelli 1 1- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : coach in Paul Stagg, son oi Amos ~Iitchell h as b.-en laid up with the flu I Alonzo Stagg, the dean of American and may not sec action and Capelli football coaches. So Pacific U. should will definitely be in the grandstand not be lackinS' in strateg y. wh en the starting whistle blows. The by EUGENE HAPALA Even Record Made doc tors have: ordcred hilll to star off This will be the rubber game in a his injur..d left k g for the remainder We don' t know what th e officia l attendance for last week's PLC-UBC rivalry that goes back to the pre-war of this wee k. yt:a rs of 1939 and 1940. In 1949 the PLC 's Lutes ra llied for two touch football game was, but it wa s far under the expec tations of this d f' partmc:nt. rivalry was resumed and continued downs in th ~ third period last Satur Aft.-r th" Lutes' 7 to 6 upsct vi ctory ove r CPS tht: week before we expe cted until last yea r. Each tea m has won day ni ght after a slow sta rt against to sec a largl' turnout of both stude nts and local fan s. We- have att(' mpted to find out wh (' re th e- studclIts we re, and it four games, with one ending in a tic. the fired-up Uni ve rsity of British Co Previous scores w ere Lutes 14-1 3, 26-6, lumbia Thunderbirds at Lincoln Bowl, brou ght up a problem that we repo rted at Tuesd ay' s Studen t C ounCIl m" t 20-20, 19-0. 12-20, 25-33, 6-19.26-16, a nd then sco red again in the fina l ing. The a nsw..,. most oitt' n rt'ce i\'ed when qu estio nin g the studc:-nts.u " a nd 0-13. sta nza to win the ir opening confer why th ey had not attend ed th e game was tha t th ey didn' t have tr:1n~'pona tion . This p ro bkm nl't'd ~ to be w Ive d now. P.U. H~ 1-2 Record
e nce game 26-0. I The Lutes boast a 20 record for' The undrrdog' Thundcrbirds twld SOME PAY BUT CAN'T GO the season to dalr, while Paciiic is th ... Lutes scorekss in the first quar . 1-2, bowing to Chico State ,16-7 and t<-r, but early in tht: second peri c)d I W e, as the ASSOCIated Students of Pac ific Lutheran College, a ll <-ontrlb· thl' Seattle Ramblers, 26-7 , a nd post George Fisher plunged over the g 0 3 1 ute to the lany l'. tra -curricula r aetivties throug h our student activity . rd. ing a 25 to 18 vi c tory over P ortla nd from the fiv e-yard line to score the :md other lees, so as to be a ble to compete in or witness a worthwhile: g".lm.., State. Lutes' initia l touchdown. conce rt, or pla y. Yet, we find tha t many of our fellow students are bein ~ Lute Coach i\larv Harshman COOl Tommy Gilmer's drop-ki ck made negle cted bcca use of lack of transport a tion. mented that Pacific teams of the past the scort' 7 to 0 a t the half. Lute Our a thktic teams a re not sponsored for the cnjoyn ll'nl of the lcarn have been strong offensively with good g uard Orson Christe nson t3i1ied th,. members alone. It is your, and mint', and your roommate's team a bo , It I passing and speed. Under Stagg, .'u~y second Lute TD when he fell on a canOt set: a gaUlt:, I feel cheated. So it is with the students that do not havc han been known to run out of as blocked kick in the third quarter and transportation . many as five formatiom in a game. Tommy Gilmer posted the third score PROBLEM HAS B.EEN OPENED UP D es pite th e one-sided win over U BC , in the same stanza on a paS$ from It was the effort of this department to pose this problem to a mem Hanhman felt tha t the line play was quarterback John Jacobson. PLC fin ber of the Student Council in hopes of remedying the plight of the many less effecti\'(: than in tht:: open: ng ished their scoring par a d e in tht' students who cannot attend the games because of a transportation prob game. The centel- of the line h as fourth quart!"r on a pass from Jacob lem. Something can surely be worked out to the benefit of all for this looked good, but, Harsh says, the Lutes son to end Lou Blassi. season, but let us propose a remedy for seasons to cODle:
HOW ABOUT OUR OWN FIELD? Wouldn't it be great to play the horne football and baseball games here on the present field we have, and include in the plans an adequate baseball field? We already have the available land, but it needs to be railed and sloped to provide drainage.
A-Ids Football Squad
With Sparkling Up-Front Play
three TD's of the 48 points collected by fourth floor Old Main as O.M.! bowled O\'l:r West Parkland 48-6. Neal Wehmer scored the lone 6 points for the Westerners. The III n of Ivy Hall One main factor in the early sea and the Tacomaites held tight to a son su ccess of th e Lute eleven this fall 0-0 d raw. has been the " cxplosive" play of M a rv Curtis C onnects Hanhlllan's rou gh ' n' tumble linemen. On O ctober 8, though in a drizzle, In turn, ont: of the key men in the Chuckin' Jerry Curtis connec ted with PLC forward wall has been guard Leo "Sticky Fing~ rs" Eliasori Jnd Jer Dick Goodwin. ry Viebach for the Clover Creek 12-0 Weigh ing an even 200 poun ds a nd win over th e Dejardinc's. Simultaneously J;]rrin' Jim Van towering 6 feet tall, Dick is returning Bt:ek sparkt'd Eastern Pa rkland in the for his second year as a Lute gridder. trouncin g of third floor Old Main Although he won all-conference hon 30·0. J im packed the pigskin for two on a t Shelton High School,Dick chose D's and passed for a third TD. to stay away from the gridiron during Glenn Campbell scored t w i c e and his fr eshma n yea r a t PLC.
The eost of renting Li.ncoln Bowl surely is not making PLC wealth y. L et uS look a t our cross-town CPS rivals. They have a re-built field this y r that has untold advantages. Just compare the number of fans at the ir ba ll game1 and our attenda nce last week. We venture to say they had twice the (' owd we had. We belie\'c that a new field could be built that would be an asset to thc PLC campus.
\Ve nt:e d not venture illto the thousands of dollars in cons truc tion cosu immediately, but propose a good turfed field with prm'isions made fo r u tiliza tion by the baseball and track teams as well as the footba ll team. T emporary bleach ers would suffi ce \111 til the cost of the field had been rDC and then plans for perm a nent bleache r facilities and iield lighting could be drawn up. But until thi s is donr., let us all tr y to see that the fellow across the ha ll has '-' ride to the game.
Lates t word that I ha\'c from th.. Student Council is that the p roj,-ct of setting up rid("s for everyone has bet'n turned ove r to t he ~ he r-Ir.ade~ and song-leaders.
Dave Be rntsen picked up the other Turning out for the squad last year ,:ou ntcr for th e Easterners . as a sophom ore, he soon found him-· self holdin g a. starting position a t I
Thirty Glads Enroll .gU;:~~cntlY, someone besides the PLC In Bowling Class I coa chin g staff was awa re of nick'$
Be sure to watch th e bu lle tin boa rd and the Mooring Mast (o r m ore information on tht' subject. And J ca n put in a plu g now tbat you (, 1J0w~ and gals wh o h ave cars, be read y to sha re rities and take a .n ! Id 10 our next homc .<;- ame.
. .
. I talent a gain st opposing lineme n, as h > fhlrt y students enrolled III the new- ! rece ived sec ond-team a ll-coni~: ren c ' ly formed bowlin 'g class which was' menlton . .III t h l' E " e rgree n C,on f . renee ' 1 • I . h tn ~ ot III t e gym area introduct>d Ihis semes ter as a re gulal' last y'a r. Thus fa r in th t: cur nt ea- . PLC s par.. I L _' f d d h P.E. c.l ,~ for thost: wh o h ave fulfilled son, Dick is living up to all cxpcc ta lS present y uclllg rcsur ace an te '11 b e d ou ble d III ' SIze . by the ot WI tlt..ir rr-q ui red yea r of ph ysical cdu ca lions · d . . b I a n I~ provlllg to e one ot I he latt..r part of next week. I! Lutes' most depr ndable linemen. hon ac tivities. This wurk is being done in COll M .,f'ting once a week, the class goes j . , . ' B i d th I d h' , DIck s plans for the future ll.elude junction with tht: new county road t " P a ra.dlSe ow un r c ea en IP 'I elementary school teaehin !O( ulJon grad- that is now under construction in ' I d af • 1n. R h ocl a Younl{. P h YSlca e u-I . . t t d th th t ua tLOn from PLC . Gladiator fans ?lso I tlOn tn. . rue or, an . . 're . e s u- ho e that Dick' s lam includ e a n E,' front of the ' ym, and which will soon be re dy for p:wing. A face-liftin g job en ts recr-Ivc expt rt tra lJlUlg trom Mr. 1 p , p . . (j rd J - tr I th II a grecn Confere nce champLOnshlp for is a rso in store fo r the ground$ arouI\ on un~, IllS uc or a t c a e_y. l hi~ 'ear"; s ua u. Mon' s cllons of ,,,ling .lass WIll ) q h I' H a ll a nd t l (" olf course eI b be aclwdul next semesler if sum- - - - - -- - - hOU5~, accordUlg to iafonnatio re· USE TH E CROSSW A. L KS . ,.i\.. from r. public relation QIIi ,. rit"lIt iutac: t a pp.n·n .
Parking Lot Doubled C
TWO FOR THREE We' re pa cking a .667 average after st:colld-gut'ssin g last w ~ck's ~l'Id re sults. Only the CPS-Eastern Washin gton 7 to 7 til spoiled ha' uthc-rwise would ~lave been :a pe rfect day. ~LC came out on top 2.6 to 0 (we predktt'd 27 to b ) and the hapless HuskIes took another drubbtng loUt week at the . . hands of th e Buckeyes from OhIO Sta tl', 35 to 7, ait..r we had pr..-dictcu a l'i . l to 7 Buckeyt: Yl ctory. , T h i s wl'ck we'll take PLC 19 to 14 a gainst the Paciri~ U niveflJi ty Bad g- trs . Th e Ba~ gc rs have failed to impress us, but the L u tcs w ill hn e to play ~ mo rt: inspired game than the y played last week to eke out a will.
! 1'
A d.-fini te In - of d rive was noted in the Lu lt' ..kven hut w -k a!O<lin5t th.' Thu nde rbi rd s ompa red to th e fi r d -ll p dub they were whcn lhey met Coli ·> of P ug.:t Sound. I look for thc Huskies to have sln th.. therr losing oSt!'-, to thn' :l fter a 2 1 to 14 loss to U e L, . PS will .uso have liut" t o ,' happy ahou t :Jfter II. 20 to 14 Ju. s to he WcstC-Tn Washln~ton V ikings. The "'Iun', po ted an i pr...i, .. v ir torr O\'er Whi tw rt ll \:tSl \w·,·k.
Pa ge Four
e e £h Harri e r d 8 To T ip
F ri d ay, October 11, 1957
by "Dick Bible r (Secon~
art.ide by larry
J~ h n.on,
hIS trip to Europe this summer).
HId k -, O\~' many anguages 0 you s ~a ' . If vou rc an avera !; Y\lun Amen can ,th; t qu estion lea,:ps y ou p u ttv cold ; b ut t h to aVl ra ge European ~tude nt wo uld a nswer with "two, three, or , four." Certa mly h e has a grr:a ter need for them because of th e meager size of his own count ry and th L limits of hi ~ own la n gua g' ". Also if ht· wishes to t1 avd or hold a good job h e must have a w0rkin g knowled,o;t- of two or more basic lan gu a~cs. It is not u nfam iliar, for c" em pll:', to hear a Swede a nd a F' rcn ch an p I a king En glish or G erman to gc·the r. En g:lish is bu ni' used mOI' C and m arc a~ a. un in:rsal lang uage in Wcst C1'n Europe wilh G erm a n :Ilw much taugh t and used .
I I "
P owder P llfE Start Train in '
Ihimself frantitall)
recalling ewry fol'eign word and p ile c he's ever heard in a film or r('"ad in a book for use . m a railroad stati on, restau r:lnt, 1>.uber sh op etc. ); at beine:: able to n,a <1 h eadlines concerning you r home stalt', 01' high ! way directions on' a confusin!; treet I art: frustrating expaiences, but it' s also fun, for instance, to try to read a Mickey Mou se comic in N orwegian. Forced to Learn " . . . . Trawhn li( n a auto- stop (hlt ch-hlkI I~g), ~o they say, I was lorced many times to karn words vcry fast and try to answ~ l" qll esti ?ns-:-u~ually the same. howewr , thus :;;lmphfym g" ma~ters. It was worse when I w:s a skm g the qu"'~1l0 ns and then trymg t understan d the a nswers.
Which Way Out? Scandinavians Proficient The Scandina"iam ar'" proficient :\n lxampk of this wa, the hour linguists; in ?\orway one out of four and a h alf I spent trying to fin d the people speak English. Th e Dutch a nd way out of Genoa, Italy, to tht road I G erma ns hold their own in this r e wanted.
Sp l'ct. too. Here again the F rench Pc.oplc Still Friendly ~how their notorious indifference, not But this langua ge ba rrier never held bothering much to encourage learning bac k th e fri endliness, hospita lity, a nd l a nguage~. Ita ly, too, and other south courtesy of the people. Everywherc, 1f1ft 1/ ern countries have a small percentag('" 1/ 'Yf!~ £ -76 help and direction were at hand, a nd = ---:-~. . -~----~~---"'=". . of English speaking people. - - - I readil y Jea rnI'd the value of askmg "Good morning, Professor Snarf!" English Prefer En ""Iish !questiOn> a nd trying to ask them in Strangely enough, the English, with a ny lan gu a ge-. their highly g raded education stand ards aren't especially good language peopl e. They seem to prefer French Follow thL mt ~rc stm g stories bei n g Are you a good listener? The aver the battk ," they say. "A good listener over German and their own En glish written by thuse PLC students who age per.on is only a "half listener." fi ghts distra ction. H e will dose a door ove: all, particularly over ollr Amcri- !toured Europe t hi s summer . Next . ,. w l't'k the M ooring Mast will publish Ln-n wht'n 111: t ries, he retains only .. . move closer to the person talk camzcd vetslOn . about SU pl'rr<'nt of what h e hea rs ing " . . in tnrupt only when it is Visitor !ries ~~membering . an article writtert by a noth er of these nece ssary to clear up a point. fhe Amf'DCan VISlia r soon fmds travelers. rjgh t after hc hears it. But there are adva ntages in being " O ne of the reasons for paying close ' - - ;a good listcner 5ay Dr. R alph G. attenti on is simply that it is courteous • • • •1!11• • • • • ~ 111[1• • • • Nichols and L eona rd A. Stevens of the to do so. But then~ is a selfish reason, IDivcrs ity of M innesota in a n Oetobel too. I n telligent listening on your part R eadcr ' D igest article, "Arc You Lis h elps th e speaker give you informa tenlng? ' It is m a terial from their hook of tbe same title being publish ed tion that yuu m ay ne f:'d . How you lis
Plan wer drawlJ Lhis Wl"t k for the .Powd ..r p.uU I~lb~ g~ wlndl w,ll be h eld m onl un~t)on WIth the" H omecolmng festivities on -0 .1111: u ,11
~o- ("hail lDm Ka ren K u uv'cn andAr I d clle Dunga h a YI ' na med Bub R oilto and ?\'ea l A rnstQn 10 coach rh~ F rom squ ad a nd R I!"er Ive on an d 11m V an Beek to h~ad th e Uppe r OJru;. " gir:Js.' · C oa ch Roil: o s ern ed h ighly optimistic of n. r ro~h w in when h e wa q ueric: this week. R oik o promises "som~ t hing diITer t' n! and tr ,cky" f r om the l' rosh, hil... l."pper Cla s~ ,o;lt h R oger I rson w a" worr} ing abeut t he poor ondition r hi squad . Iv! tson ,wd Va n Beck bo~ [0 t rim th ir p n sl' nt mammoth weight problem down by a con!:enlrated ef fort of m ore p ush-ups and k nl. ~Dds .
T he game is Fchedulcd for Satllr day mornin~ on lower campu. "hdorc; the Lutt;-Wh itworth game a t Lincoln B o w I. Following the Powd.,. P uff !!ru dge battlt·, the an nu al Frash - Soph om ore tug-of-war will take lac, on I wcr campus.
IIBrigadoonll To ni~ht a t 8:00 p.m. in CB-200, "Briga doon," starring Van Johnson and Cyd Charisse, will be shown. Cost of admission to the event is 35c for: individuals and 50~ for coupl . The 1II0vie is being spon sored by T oa!.tlll<15ters_
How Are Your Ears?
by M cGraw-Hill "COlluntration
ten has a direct bearin g on what you morc than hall learn:'
lAURINAT'S Apparel
1!1•••• •••
We Outfit Co-eds
406 Garfie ld St.
L E. 7-5317
OPENI G SOON Look for the New
College Drive-In 123rd and Pacific
IGA FOODTOWN Complete Shopping Center
Quality Service
--- ------ ------ ------
Bucks -- Flats -- Oxfords
Opposite Parkland Post Offi ce
We Feature •..
With a Typewriter! See the new Royal or Smith-Corona AT THE
"In re this matter of Good Taste," said
Mr . Funk to his secretary, ''take a definition'"
"Taste: sensations ••. excited •.. by the ••• action of the gustatory nerves ..•"
"And add this," put in Mr. WagnaDs. "Taste:
the faculty of ••• appreciating the
beautiful. _."
"That," said Mr. Funk, "m aps it up. Mr.
Wagnal1s, will you join me in a Coca-Cola?"
"So good in taste ••."
"And - •• in such good taste!" SIGN . ) r 80Hled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
ue n
Names Due Oct. 26 Saturda) . October 26, i; the deadline se-t by the Homecom ing Co-Ch ai rmen, Teddit' Gulhaugen and Karl Forsell, when all petitions for Homecomin g Qute n must be turned in, Every class, organization or donn on campu s has been invited to submit the, name of the; junior or senior girl they wish to n ominate, A petitiO! with fifty ~ignature s is required, along wi th $5.00 whi ch goes toward payin g for Homecomin g ex~nses. The co-chairmen, T eddi Gulha,uge:1l and K a rl Forsell, remi nd the groups
to \(.'Il 't th eir irl fo r brr h Ruly. pa is.., and p< rsona litv, The r- :trt: t.h< ('ss('ntial qualities fo ro H omecoming Q UI,(" n, AI J a td ine the only orjtllnization to have fil ed a petition w as Pi K app. D<:lla on behalf of their 3rtdldat,., 1Jan.. t Turman, More groups, re uCl!Td to parti'lipate in this import."l nt part of Homecominjl!, Petitions mu st he re turned to Teddi or Karl. Campaigning begins Monda)', 0 tober 21, with prelimina ry votin g on October 29 and finals on O e toocr 30,
October 25th, 26th
Marks LSA Retreat
This year's LSA Area Rnreat w ill be held Friday nighr and Saturday. Ocrober 25 and 26. at Epworth Heights. Theme o f K nee lin g In front are the song girls (left to rlht): Rita Altpeter, Denna Carlson, L~retta Lenning, Grace the retrea t is "Born to Serve." through which emphasis will be H e lg ren a n d Charmain Jondall. Cheer leaders standing in back are (I. to r.) Linda Effinger, Roger Reep and on Chrl'stian vocarl·Ons. Jan et Au ,t. Cheerleader Joe Smith Is not pictured. , Mr. Vern Rcike. professor of law at the University of Wash ,
FAMI~IA~ FACES AT THIS YE~R'S a thletic .conte st;s will be the new cheer le a ders and song leaders. '
to, n, P astor Hu ltg ren, LSA Pastor ~Ir----------------. Ii atin gCPS, and Rt·v. R . W. Lutne~, PLC
Marienburg Will Be Site of Work Camp
Competition Begins On Handsome Harry
Student Congrega tion pasto r, will be' featured speakers. j
Bound for FraI,cc and a four-we ek pe riod of concentra ted work and study lin t ~llInmer will be 16 college youths from six Lutheran culkg<:s thrOUgh- I out Am... rica . Their dcsi nation will be lh e E van gelical Luthaa n Church's VOL. 35, NO.4 Intt rnati onal Work Camp, at M arien-
It's almost homecoming tim e a gain, and time for each camp uJ organization to sponso r a Hand· some Harry candidate.
Students from CPS, University (,f Washington, Centra l and PLC w ill join togeth er in a m ixer at 8:00 Fri i day ni ght, led by Mrs. Rhoda Young. R ecreation Saturday afternoon will be OCTOBER 18, 1957 led by Miss J ea nne Rdl\...inkd, LSA cou nselor a t Ihe Univcnitv of W ash ingtoll . Cost Totals $3.00
~~:~. near
Strasborg, in Aisacc-Lor-
b" group uf - tud ents, mung which U' '11 1"\: ...... ~ nt<:J, will 1m,'
~~~n:r~~:~~as~~~): r~~~:Id~~g E~'~r~~:li~~~
Play Cast Chosen for I 1<-FI-hb 1 ert ygl-bbe t' Story " _ .
" .
As in past yea r s, Han d ~o rne H a rry ill Ix- cho!= from the r. k, of til , Junio1'. stRlor u assmcn and crowned a t halftime of th e Powder-Puff gam e on lowcr ca mpus,
. $3 00 ' I d ost 01' t (' retrea t IS . • me ling r g i~tr3tion f e " l odt?n~ , nnd C
! t h n '(
nl! ? is, . "
One-Third Due Sunda)
I ~rc-rt'giM ra tion fee r is $ i .00 to be
paId befo re Octobn ~ O; Ih<: bala nce
to be pa id at the, n tn'at. . . *rekased later conce rni ng th,~ story and Ea ch pnso n IS to b n n g hiS own author, a ccording to M r. X ordhoIm , bed din!O, sport:; doth es, a Bibk, a nd Th e kad rolt-: "Flibbertygibbet," is a n ot<:, book, 'T' . b Y, PLC b use; WI'II p I a y e d by Dalt: Pn::uningcr, and J ra n' po rt a tlOn H,' ath" , Stroup will pl ay ~anni, ' be a lTangcd for a nommal fee.
\Vork on f·hbbertyglbbet has begun. Fhbbertyglbbet IS .m tbe" site has been used as a barn, t~e title. of the PLC Children' s Theater's. fou.rth play producand WIll Ix unce; more rededicat ed as tlOn , a tantasy based around an old Scottish talk tale. •.• 1 pc.l followi ng this summer's work, Since the rehearsals just started. more information will be .\cadt"lnY a nd Blbk C amp. The: chap d
Ol'ganizations should p lan thf'ir campaigns and turn in name of th eir Handsome Harry eand id.1.tcs to Al Dungan or Bill Newcom ,r.
Th... Hud y program oi th ose w orkin ~ un the re- in:at will b t: si m ila r to Wl'tl k a t th e Eva n geli ca l A cademy , !tu l('ht, fr om Europe chosen for this .....mp will be speak ing, in addition to Em:lish, German and French you th . " R t' I'.glOn , . Ih e tOpIC f or an d J azz'., IS Pa. wge for th e trip is planned tu ' d this Sunda y's Lutheran St.ud ents. AsLI(' n stu ent ships, soc ia tion m eeting whi ch WIll begm a t I T he: youth participa ting w ill pay 6:00 p.m, in CB-200, their own expenses. E xa ct dates h ave "ot 'xc r, dt: ttTmin ed- as yet , J u ry Bayne , D a\'e K nutson a nd l-1t' Ulben; for the s um me]' 1957 San , G an,!"ft: will demonst ra te so Tn (' 'II up will b ' ch ose n thi s fall. An yone modern mu sic. They w ill also j in intl"r< stcd in sha ring in thi , cxpeli- , with Meg E\'anson, 'footsie Wetter, t'nee ill asl1ed to ch ec k for details oi 1and Proft'ssor R, B, Fritts of th e PLC pphc.:tt ion ;It tl,,: Stud.::nt Con ):'t't:ga- music d ~ partrn t' nt in a pan el di sc usLJor office , sion of tht: topi c,
V otin g fur H a nd (1l11e Hi IT) will I", hdd in the UB, an u lle vole may be pu rchased w ith a penny. A n ; '01'1(' may \-ote- .I.~ Ion a.s his or her ....raJ.let holds out. TI! monl."'f from the votin g w ill ], lI~ed t r~pair and purchase w,rn" room eq uipm('nt ,
Jazz To Be Topic For LSA Sun day
It i; up to the orga n.izoltion t o O lh e r chara( ten a rt' : G avin, Jay 1 Stud(' nts an: uro' cd b,' those who " J u sc their own method (Jf choosing C.; lah alIl. Ada m , T~d K ess..! : Bess, Su- ha\(: " on e in previous, )'cars to _pl;>.,.n " , a Handsome Harr y candid dlC: . II' Lannt'O' Katt, Jane R ms: P eg,Bar- to a ttend fo r an expe nencC' of C hn sb a ra Stuh Im l'I ler: and Gra n< Ipop, Bob'' tian g rowth a nd sharing through the Last year's kin g of Iht' mpus F'me h . Some , of th e cast ha\'(; had pre- Bible stud y" d iscu ssion g roups, ; nd II was se nior Curt K alstad .' \ iuus ac tin g cxptrit: nce, whik :;orne fe llowship ,
WI'11 p cr f arm f or t h C f'Irst tllne,
Th e fi rst p erfof'tnan c~, att end ed b y ' n\' itation only, is on :\o\'emhl' f 20 at !l:30 p.1I1. Followi n?' the pI' \' icw, oln t'~ pc,rfo ll1w nch wil! b - giyen on the ~ 15t a t 1:00 p .m. , and 22 nd a nd 23rd at 2: 30 p. m. ,-.. - .- --- --
Second Radio Show from PLe Now Underway In Radio Studio I
-- -- -_._- - -
e aters Host econd A nnual Forens·lcs TOU rney P" dfic Luthuan College will host ill ,,·cond. anll ua l practice de-bate tourn.um nt. !\oH l1lber 1 alld 2. A ccurdin g to Mr , r. 0, H, K a rl, dIn'ctor of the lourname n t, th ere w ill be 15 gehools pres n l, rrprrcsent ing three states, .\. ' ~is ti.ng MI'. K a r,l with th e tourn,a mr-nt . n: J a net Tu rman a nd Dl'. Ver~101l ~t~i " g(' l', in ch.a rge of rooms and pd In • '\Iso h elpmg are professol s flUut f O U l uf the compl;' ti ng schools. AccoTdin'," to M r. Karl, M r, H, A. n M. H Y of L infid d Colkge, Mr. H. jfinf;8to.n of Pac ifi c Uniw.rsity: M r. I,.ul Rlch.LCd ~lr the Ll n ll'l "SIt)' of WOl~l.i llgt(Jh anJ i T. Bell P ad re. of Port13ncl Stnlt: Unin tsity hay e all I I tv ,'erk fi n tb e oum<1mc:n t (Ufllflllth"!', •flu:rc: will lJt' oIl ly fac l.it ~· xperieJh'l-Q judvng this yt'ar Ther hn uC:l"n a larg IUlIlout o f
Ifr~hmc ll
dcbatas a nd mc,st of tnt; followi ng people will sec action in the prac tice c,'ontests: Tom R eeves.• , Don i D ougb., H erb D empsey, J errv Olsull, Ri chard Kra iger, lkttelou M a cdonaid, J eris Randall, C a l C a pner, Jim ITrayn or, Ori n Dahl, D a~e , S tewa rt , John Olson, and DI ck H alDes. i ~o b Wa ~n,.r, R od Nordberg, Bill W eI nel th, G ord on Schnell, D on .-'I.lne, J oe Smith, Luuis(' K ,-aabd, V erna M at: Rubin son, Jud i John son, Delores ~ims, l ont, Rodney, C a rolyn Bloomfidd, Joyce Alton, and J ack ie Sla ter, Bonn ie Hamon, Arc is A rmst rong, T<'l Bov'nll;, El mar it L oop, J oan ne \ an L ierop, Sh ir le y Pearson, . ari lyn
UIJia p , L ~ rry
CI (,u'j',
Jerry Krt·,s. Ce It! Ri tv'r, Warrcn 'ill',. nd Klt-nc: Mil !Ilium
A lso, a 'pecia l performance wi ll be " in n a t. 10:30 a, m , (}l th e 23rd, . p onIsore-d bv the Amc-ri can Associa ti on of ( ' n ' n 'rs'it y W Omf' D, The Children's Th eatcI product ions 'tfe mainly given
If(·r ~hildr('n of th" ~u,rroundin g area,
R.-ders to
Gh t entriti to
();,t root. OM
" B-6.
H i!!llligh~,"
a weekly ra-
' rescntation prod uct'd b y t h r. radiO sp"f'ch class, will soon he h t'ard
1d iu
o\'Cr? local T a coma [ .utio st;)tion, :,('to l ding 10 Don D ouglas, P L jun-
T hose not hadng rides to thc' PLC- ! 1OJ', th e a nn IInceT'. Ori ginati ng in ~hc rad io fac ilitics a~<1 tho~(' ha\'ln ~ can a nd room, for i of th e C MS b~lldm? thl' ~hQ\v w ill nd el'S WIll me et on front of the: C U B I p resent Il1U~J(', mlr rvl cw', Ulmpus tal· ' a t 7: 15 p ,m, tomo rrow. ,'n t, and .news of inltrCllt tu thr g n An yone with a car and room for 'I eral pubhc . S,OI,ll[, Gla diator root.cr is requt,s ted to Th,' m,"TD b:-rs of hI' ladio 5ptech sl g-n u p wlth an} ot th e chen k a ders class, wh Ic h llIc.l udcs Lu th O' J('·T!ltad, or SO ~ ~ ka ~~' rs , Those who can be Don D ouglas, Brya n ~ all, D 1 W!l (o ntaded <II' , k(' n, and Herb H "uhlt'In, UTIcjtr M us 1 R o3'l'r R ,··('p, OM 20.5 ; J oe Smith. ' J ~ nc Sm ith , th e facu ltv advisor, arc I OM 218 : J a ne t Au st, • 'orth C-20 ; d ](:dulin g m. ny thinJ.l:s for Ih show. . Lin da Effingr ,. West B-12 ; Rit.J. ..\ It- In t( ,,· iews of sludt:nts. i ute-rpretativ 1 p~ lr r. South A -I ·'\- ; D enna C a rlon, r :~di ng5 , an n f'WS .of I ~\' a~l(:tic ~ (\rth B-15: G r;t c(' Hdgr 'n, , .... ," s I t~'a ms arc.. slat d for In IU~I(\n 1Il Lh C - :!~ ; Cb a irm.1in Jon I, ]'(on h B-19' flftr-en nunute shoy" and Loretta L ennin!!" West B- I 0, "(.:l1npns H ill:hlh: h t,;" will he Llle If ),011 hlt\ t' 110 n d,' t tomorrow' cOl1d radin program to lie: prescotrd gam!', vou are ur~!'d h~' th,. rally \\,C' .. kly frcJln PL G, the other being quad 10 1"(1 10 the (olkgr nion to- " PLC Chap,·I .' broade'asL over X1'AC UIOITOW night. at ':30 . undo r !,\·I'ning<.
C('~tl'al foo l bal~ gam e tomorrow night,
for entries for the Student Arti~t Series program design contcst. Winner will recei\'e, .00 and have h is nam p rinted on the pro~am.
" C ampus
To M ef: a.~L CUB
. b~t 111 t Ilt: p ast h a n : mit!' sted IT.any aa uits . I n 195 0, in C hi cago. th IS pla y was premiered, Because of the technical diffiW.lties. thi s play is rarely done by IIroups who d o not ha\'e a sla ge t.h a t ,,:ill, be a bl ~ 10 hll nd lt: a ll of th e problu lLS.
Page Two
Friday, Oct ob e r 18, 1967
Gilby', Group Gets Going
HERE WE GO AGAIN! If I were in this editorial to begin xtoling the virtues of PLC, telling you how good you have it, how much you sh uld appreciate the the school and Christian we are, if you f~el as some PLC students do, you would mutter to yourself. "Oh, n here we go again!" and wish that you really weren't seeing what you see. Why? Because even if you have tunnel viSIon, yo u can still see that there is an amount of dishonesty, poor instruction, and non-Christianity on our campus; maybe you k now of vera) students who drink it up on w eekends. So, some of you say: " PLC is poor because it has this fault or that fault ." May I ask , w hat part are you pla ying in the cor.· rection of this fault? Some of you say : "Quit being so optomistic. " M ay I ask , what would you be instead ~ Some of you say: "Our Christian faith isn't expres lve enough. Here we are pampered." May I ask, how do you com promise Christ and the world ? D v Cro wne r. Editor
L'nd cr the direction of Mr. Gordon O. Gilbertson, the Pacific Lutheran College Concert Band began its re hearsa ls the first week of school. T he " cne ral obj ectives of the ba nd ca n pe rhaps be summed up best by the usr of thr words, "musical activity and Sl"rvi~t' to the college." While then' is never a complete scparation of the two, th.. re may be a shift of (:mphasis. Activities Varied Purdy musica l a ctivity comists of thl' reh ea rsa l and study of sta nda rd mu sica l compositions, the search for n~w materia ls, playin g to relax, a nd givin g co ncerts. The se rvice, or fun c tional usc of the ba nd includ es play HAM MI NG IT UP with impressive looking radio gear are, seated, Jack Gjov a9 and Jim Cornell; standing, left to ri g ht, are Oliver Larson, ing for games, th e homecomin g activi ties, pa rad e work, a nd a ssisting with Pete Jordahl and John Amend. colleg" cere monies of v ariou ~ k inds . Social be nefi ts, while of some conse qUl'll ee, a rc in cid en tal, a nd a cc ru e fr om the trips ta ken by the group, Teaching While Playing
Agent: Suspect:e y Spy from Sput:nik
The y :llso try to ac hicve a standa rd of performa nce which will se rve as a guide to those goi ng out into teachin g fields as dirt ctors of school bands . At present the band is engaged in .collaborating with the Speech Depart ment in providing band music for a series of broadcasts. To this date there h be t h e 0 d' g sc . ns ave en wo suc r cr m ~SIO. N ext month, in addition to the homecoming kstiv iti t's, PLC . will be host to a number of publi c school band
T o the Director of Sputnik Spics in U SSR: Upon my p a rachute des ce nt to earth, I found I had landed a.top the CMS building at the Pacific Luthera n College. I entered the buildi ng through a window (it was good I took acrobratic lessons in Moscow ) and immediately encountcrcd a m a.n who is a supreme dan ger to our cause-Professor Verno n U tzinge r. He is a staunch supporter of th is Ame ri ca n ideal of democracy. . f h d' f This man seems to have planned a campaIgn or t e sprea mg 0 propa ga nda a long th e entire Pacifi c Coast, After a ccomplishing his mission in Glenda le, California, h e swit ched his location a W ash ing ton a nd began work on the PLC campus.
Radio Hams Make
World-wide Contacts
by Joey Danielsen C a Hi n .\ustralia , C a lling Austral ia, H d Jo Sidney ? To the novi ce this may sound lik e a j ok . but to those who know, it is n o thl· n ~ ,_ . TI I~ ca ll of the. ,uI'ld, wI'ld ::, . north, the ec ho of the sun-bak ed south, th e music of th e magic, mysti c Ea st, the: lud icrous m canderings of th e wonF
O livt r La rsc.: n, sophomorc, h ails from P asco, Washi ngton . At the pres ent time his equ ipment consists of a N a tiona l NC·8 rece iver and a H eathKit 120-1 50 transmitter. H e h as h ad his ham li ct' nsc for two yea rs and has been working w ith radio for three and
I a half yea rs. When asked what was th e fa rthest
by Solveig Lcraas
cirous wes t are a ll in a da y's work for point h e had evc r received, he a n d irectors in the area in a Musi c RcadAppa rently finish ed in thr. immediate area' o f his Parkla nd residence, he th ,s - 1" 11 . Who an: they? The hams, sW' red Seattle, beca use it was clear 'In « C II' n I' c sponsor"d b y the T ed L k is ... " , buildin g a new a nd definitely Ame rican-sty le home in the nearby a e· o C cou rs ,'. M I'e Comp~ ll" of Tacoma In around thl: world. He has also h ad B . .. be1 t he ChrIstma . ' wood he disgui A ham in this sc n~c of the word confirma tions of conve rsations with D rown e.eem1x-rustherc WIll sarea. . Now, in the midst of painting, , . h' ses hi self in old ov rallJ . . r SC h so e\'cn hIS own colleagues wouldn t rccognIze 1m,. r "f rs to an amateur radio ope rator. oth er ha m opera tors in J ap a n, JA 3BB, C oncert at the R :llnIe 00i 'm . . . ..
M a k. I· n g a caII anywIlere, perIlaps a nd ,\ ustra I'l a . B UC" kl ('y, . a s w e II a s a t rIp ' t0 M C.!N el'1 I He has e nlisted his entire . fa mily . in . the mfiltratIon of. hIS theologIes IOto
. I san I d s, I d . Th e b an d' s a nnua I to ur IS . s·t the minds. of youthful AmerIcans: hIS WIfe teAches school the Clover Park Jim Cornell hails from Port An gc I san C .111 , . to Japan or the Ph I' I'Ippl11C long thou ght and still imagincd by les, Wa shington, a nd is th e younger for March 8 and will extend for about district, his f~rst son teaches part-time ,in ~ , t u e and ~s wo rkl11g to~ard h... . no ch I d many to be an absu rdity, IS a - broth.:r of D on, vi cc-president of the ten ' ays mto easte rn W as h'm g t on, Doctor of PhIlosophy degree a t the U mverslty of W ashmg ton, a nd hIS 3cc.ond It' n a t all for the cap abl.men. student body. Jim has been active in Id a ho and Oregon. son is worki n for the g mIl .in thc army T h e six ham-operato" who are n ow radio for seven y ears, a nd received Band Roster I find Mr. Utzinger himself has held a government position of great ,I t PL arc as follows, with their call h is ha m radio lice nse three years ago. responsibility- that of handling United States mail. Evidence of his politiCAl A L t a t'o OR ' g 0 f two T acoma P ost Off'Ice SU(J-S letters: 0 I i v e l' Larsen -- W7WI ....., Since tha t time he has conducted In s and ..... .N'a mcd to the roster of this year's influ ence is th e h UI' Id m ' d UrIng . h IS ' term as ac t'm il' pos t ma st er of Tacoma . _ '. P ~.te. J o_r- his own ra?io station, the la rgest a ma ba nd membership arc th e following : a nnex p ost 0 ff ICC J ames Corncll.-'.·V. 7ZGC H e, as a speech professor, h as now returned to his task of prop aga ndiz dah l-W 7WAH, J ac k G J 0 \ a ol g tc ur one 111 Port Angeles, h as pur Flutt' and pi ccolo: Ann J ohnson, W 7 KI, J ohn Am(' nd- W7UIY. a nd ch ased th e la rges t tran smitter in POlt Jud y Nt'vel. ing A mt'rican you n g p eop h:, a nd th ey see m to accept his teachings. He planb J I H offm a n . An gt'ks, and at present has the only E flat clarinet: Connie Thompson. the s" cds of fa ith in man , God , a nd the United States government.. This , 3.S -----. one a t school. B fl at clarinet: J a ne Brev ik, Hildred you know, may become extrem ely da ngerous for us. . J. His equipme nt includes 3 H alli · H a nson, Larry Iverson, D avid Knut D o n ot let his countena nce dcce ive you O utwardly lit: m ay d ispilly no cra ft n SX-IOO rt'Ceiver and a H eath lon, Lorraine Kositzky, Jerry Kress, emoti on. H owen :r, wh .. n h e spea ks you w ill Jea rn he r:on t inu ally ughs in"it AT-I d o transmitter. H e has Sa lly Nixon, N a nc y R einvik, Mavis si d e himself. v
~ ,.
tra nsmitted a ndrec ived calls from all (\ O Wl' th~' w orld, especia lly So u t h S rving PLC q.(<' AIIl<'ri c-an a nd South Afri ca, ZS4DG ' through Christia n ~ John Amen d, fro m Seattle, h as use of f e press. ~_i:il~-.V~~I· bcc n ac tive in radio for five yean. H e PRESS rece i" ed his ha m license f oUl: y~a rs EDITOR . ............DAVE CROWNER ago and has spent mo.~t of hIS tIme
Rowley, Edwa rd Seeber, Ala n Stang, Yvonne Stc\'('oson, T ootsic W etter. Alto clarinet: Arl ene Glasow. Bass cla rinet a nd oboe: Jean Vlle 1 la nd . Bassoon : Arle ne Kin a red a nd Roge r Wes tberg .
E flat alto saxophone : Marianne ews Editor ._.......: .......Herb .D empsey sinc~ the n t::Xperil~e~ti Dg with nc~v H po rters : T eddi Gulhaugetl, Barb equIpment, a nd bUIldIn g mu ch of hIS Christensen, Sharon Hagen, Elyn Ras S tuhlm ill e r, J a ck Holl, Barbara ow n , musse n, Rosalie Zchm. 1 a a cs o n , D .i c k Fis her, To<rt.sie H e won nation al recognition w he n B flat tenor saxophone: Donglas We tter, M eg Evanson, nAl D un gan, D ick Kra iger, N a n ci Son: n on, Bob h t w rot e up his circu it conelrad J ohnson, Coleen Therriault. Wol, nn. a la rm, in Q.S.T., the amateur radio Baritone sax: Robert J eskey. Feature Editor......M a rilyn Donaldson Illa gazine for world-wide a mateur ra Trumpets and cornet: John Amcnd, Reporte rs: Nor:m a Cunningham, dio enthusiasts. C cr.ild Ba ync, Daniel Shaflund, Allen Gina Jones, Solveig Leraas, .Toey Jim Hoffman comes to PLC from Wahl, Ron Weaver, Roy Will iams. D a ni Ison.• J eanette O lson, Mr. Gil H orns : Elmer D a nielson, G r a c c ocrtllo n. sunn y Salem, Oregon. He has been , ·port.> EdItor......... ........... G e ne H apa Ia a ctive in ham wor for fiVl: years. H e Enge n, Elaine W ac.ker. Report. 3 : J i m Ki-tteIsby, La r r Y h as done most of his work w ithin the I Trombones: Rodn ey Berntsen, P a ul (kntry, Tim 'Vynd,b.'l.m, H a r r Y confines of the United StlI tcs. H e h as Hinman, Ron a ld Hyll and, R obert 01 Sa nne Id, D ennis Mu r tta la. had conta ct with W5B.PN, Eastern son. Typ ist -:-La unc: Beecroft, Arleen Hix- , T exas, W7 PQB Sa lt Lake C ity, :md Ba ritone: C a ro l Johnson, Pett' l' Jor .flfl , Guw JOlles, J a ne t Yer gcll. W7TJ Casper Wyomin /!. These are d a hl, L ind K a rlse n. Bass: John Bu ckner, Al Dun gan, BlliIln ltR ~rallagel' ..Ma ry Lou Eu.g ~n onl v a few 0/ the place ~ h" re:ce ives. J'ac k G j ovaag· com es from Marys- Norma n Fiess. d So1idto~ ' Rod Pa.tt erso~, LOIS And l'son. Tom Curtis, Ja.m ce En- . . S trin g bass: Olive r Larson. g n Lennea O s man berg, Linda \'lIlt.:. W asilln gton, H t: h as been w orkP ercussion: C a m e ron G a lbreath, h~rr. l ing III rad io for ten ycars and has had uookk p eL ........._.......... Carol H ouse h is ham li cense for five y ears. H e h as Shirley H age n, Sigfri ed La rson, Billie 13/1 1 n ..._.__........... ...._._P a tt i F inn bu ilt a ll his own equipment, and h as Ph ipps, Schirl Ri cke rt, M a rtin Schar C irculoltioll assi: tant~: T ele Bova ng , spcnt much of his time experime nting fer, JoAnn V oldal. \ rdl A rm strong, Earl!,ne Burr h am, with U.H.F.. I P ete Jord a hl came to PLC• ovcc t h e ,J oy.~e w i , K a re n Kla n.' Thdma N, 1'0(1 Del . . D o rcndorl, Ba r b a ra. p apoose hills of Parkla nd a nd IS a kn~t . P ub ish ed Fridays of th e sch ool years sophomore. Hi. equipment includ e:s Flowers for All Occasions by stude n ts oC PLC, at P a rkland, two rece ivers, ~ational NC 57B, H a ll
T his man bears wa lching. a3 he , ta nds for eve rything o ur cause does not. If many Americans b ccome iike this V e rnon Utzin~e r, we will have diffi cult y carry in g out our plans. H e appe.ars quite popular with his co workers a nd d e clops thinkin g in the minds of h is students. Thought i . dangerous thi ng. But, p ka se, may I ma ke one request? AsJi l(n this d u ty to someone elst;. and get me out of here!
IGA FOODTOWN Complete Shopping Center 112TH STR EET <Airport Road) AND PARK AVENUE
Make your Homecoming la st with t he
W:~hington. . . , orricc: 'OUt'1; 7-86 U llIon BUildIng. 11, Ext. 4 1. Phone LEn.>' ~ b~ rlptIo ' :!u pn'ce S3 '00 . .-- r year•
Flash Bulbs One-Day Developing Service Albums - Supplies
Or any Photo Equipment
crafter S-76 and h e has a H eath-Kit 12173 Pacific Ave. LE.7-7863 h am for •__<_F_O_o_t_o_f_G_a_r_f_ie_'_d_)_ _W_e_D_e_li_V_e_I"_1 L_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.J
Itfoura nsm _ ltt .... H e fhas" .bee n a r a nd onl"-1Ial ) e:us.
Friday, October 18, 1957
P age Th ree
Lutes Seek Second Conference Win
EVERGREEN CONFERENCE STANDINGS Pa.cific Luth. .... 1 0 0 26 o C,'ntr;! 1 W ash ...... 1 0 0 7 6 Pu ge t Sound 1 0 I 20 14 East . W a.sh ..... .. I 0 I 52 13 West. Wash.. .. ... 1 0 27 26 Whitworth ........ 2 0 19 27 Bri t. Colum . ...... 0 2 (l I> 71 R esults Last Saturday CPS 13, W f"stt" rn W as hington 7 Ea.,t-. Wash . i 5, British Colum. 6 'c'n t ra l Wash. 7, Whitworth 6 Paci fic C. 12, P a cific Lutheran 0
Gamcs This Saturday
C ent ral W ashin gton at Pacific Lu thera n (S:OI) p.m. }. CPS at W hitworth ( 1:30 p.m. ) British C olumb ia at West. Wa sh. Carroll C ollege at Eastern Wash ington ( non- conference )
PLC, Central to Clash I n Tacoma Tomorrow
Don' t bl~ surprised if you r Nick K elde rnm n's name in the Seattle sports pages soon. Last year's L u te bas ke tball capta in is n ow doin l\' rluduatc work at th~ University of Washing ton and has been approa ched by s"vel" 1 coaches of th e powe rful AAU circuit in Seattlt-. Keldn man's absence will be noticed as the Lutes begi n th eir 195 7-5S ea ge w as on next month. T~e TAC tournament is Theduled .~ o r. N ov.:mbe r 29 a nd 30 lit lh.e turnm g lettermen, st:rvlce men, Ol ud n - -..- - - - .. CPS Fleldhollse, so our b asketba ll seaso n l~ Just a round the corner. PL I junior college t:ansfer s, is the dark Lut:s' passing attack. . . tarbbe? as the thir~ ~ trongest college ~agt". aggre~atio.n ill the state. O nly the horse of the conterence. FIve Lutes an., on the d Isabled hst, " ashm,g ton HuskIes and Sea ttle Ul1Ivc:rslty CIllcft a ms 'a r'" pIcked ail d of In th eir 10 confere nce game, they the result of injuri es and the flu. Dick the Lutl' S. L ocal basketball fa ns ca n look forward to a re al battle betw~cu squeezed out a 7-6 win over Whit- Goodwin and Coach Harshman are the Lu tes and th e highly tout ed Chiefs on February :! S. Th.. J ame is 51' hed worth, pla cin g them in a tie with PLC thc flu vi ctims, w hile Sam Ga nge, uled for the; Sea ttle U niversitv fl oor, but n o d oubt will dra w llIany P L for top honors with 1-0 records n :- Lynn Calkim, and T om Gilmer are stude n ts and Ta coma fans. spectively. In non-confere nce action, I recovering from injuries. The latter HERE GOES th ey walked over Whitman, and fell three, all first-strin ge rs, are questionMy mother warned ru t that there would be weeks like la t week . O nly befor~ powerful Montana Statc by able starte rs in tomorrow's ga me. the faithful Washington Huskies came through to lose their third iOIt raigllt only on~ touchdown. Tommy Gilmer is currently leading . game 19 to (we predicted UCLA 20, Huskies 14 ) to givo: us courage for PLC and Ccntral ha ve clashed an- the confe ren ce in punting with a 'W.S I this week 's prognolt ications. nually since 1930, with the exception ave rage in eleven kicks. Tom is also Pa cific University comple tely turned the tables on the stumbling G lad lof the war years of 1943-45. In the fourt.h in pass rcceiving with fiveliators as they handed thelll a 12 to I) defea t at Forest Grovt: after we had 2+ games, PLC holds a slight 13-11 ca tches good for 70 ya rd~. Sophomore favored the Lutes 19 to 14. CPS finally got in the win column by defeating ed ge in games won, thanks to a seven 1qua rterba ck John Jacobson is fourth the Western Washington Viking" 13 to 7 to spoil our 20 to 14 prediction. game winning streak starting in 1950. in passin g, having cornpl('ted 11 for We're going to pick lhe Wildcats over the Glad iators this week 13 to 7. Last ycar PLC won 19-1 3 in Ellens- 32 for 115 yards. CPS will run rough-shod ove r Whitworth 2 1 to 6, Washington will be burg. The starting lineup for Central: treated roughly in their 21) to 6 loss to Stanford, and Western Washington , Halfba ck Lon Bridges and quarter LE-Joe Komenski . will defeat the hapless Thunderbirds from British Columbia 21 to 12. back Bud Snaza, an all-confe rence LT -Gary L ec 1 With the Lutes minus the services of Tommy Gilmer because of a k nee LG-Darrel De Gross injury and many of th e team members fi ghting t h e flu b ug, the edge m Ullt choice last year, are expected to spark the Wildcats' offensive attack, while I C - Gary Fredrick go to the Wildcats. Gilmer may "See some action, but it is doubtful if he Joe Komenski is a standout at e nd. RG- Dale Lanegan will start. The situation could suddenly chan ge, but as we sec it now it's 13 C entral has experien ce and good RT-La rry Maguire to 7 in fa vor of Central. sizt'" in th e line. Offensively, they will RE-Mike Finnegan At press time, regulars Ron McAlliskr and Dick Goodwin are fightin g probably run out of the single ~ing or QB---Bud Snaza the flu along with Coach Marv Harshman. Lynn Calkins is still assigned to t~e unbalanced T. On def~nse m preLH-Lon Bridges
limited duty d ue to an a g-gravated ankle injury and reserve center Jimmy VIOUS games, they were USIn g a 4.4-3, RH- Dan Sch wisaw
Dean and end Sam Gan ge are nursing injured knees. which may be changed against theFB-Jim Thrasher
Gladiator bench strength also took a setback this week when freshman guard LeRoy Homes withdrew from school. Homes had seen limited a ction, ~~e , I ~~e but his bulky 230-pound presence will be missed in the Lu te line, ;;J W.: r.:ceived 3. lot of comm ent on lan we In prop03 1 fur the- possibility of a long-ran ge renovation program to provide the Lutes with a multi-pu~e by Jim Kittelsby
Striving to ex tend their seven game winning streak. against Central and take over sole possession of first place in the Ever green Conference, the league leading Lutes play host to the Central Washi ngton Wildcats tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Lincoln Bowl. Coach Ab Poff~nroth' s aggregation, bolstered by several re-I
Eastern Holds Lead I In Intramural Play
W L Tie 0 'J Eastern Parkland .. ...... ...... 3 Hh Floor OM .................... I 0 Clover Creek ...................... 2 1 0 Dejardine H ouse ... ........... 2 2 0 Western Pa rkland ............ 1 0 T acoma ...................... ........ 1 2 2 Ivy Hall ..... ....... ...... ...... .... I 2 0 2nd Floor OM ...... ..... .. ..... I 3 0 ' rd Floor OM .................... 0 L ute intramural pigskin packers .lIld to.sscrs juggled their leagu e st a nd ings consid erab ly th is pas t week. The lower campus " twin 60's" were being to rn up (literally) as all but one of th" teams were in action . uri number one evidenced a Ta coma 6.0 win over second floor Old
i ['
'Me L....... Ign .. 1"
Earns Week's Greld Honors
on O ctober 9. Bob Mitton threw Gt~rald R edburg for the Tacom;~
w·n . Lo w ell Sheldahl a nd Larry "The bigger they are, the hard~r Fl lTnoc packed the ball for two Ivy they fall." That's the motto of the Hall TD's and Dick Clare's effort in TD pass to Tom Sahli was not ,tlough to equal th !., Ivy pun r.h; thus, h y 12, D eja rdines 6. T hird floor Old Main e ncountered 1 reviwd Western Parkland team on etOber 10. After a heavy loss the WI sterners had last week, the 20-6 ': iewry over the m en of Old Main was \ rry impressive. N"eal Webtner intercepted for the \ · tem ers for one TD and took a
Lutes' hustling sophomore halfback, John Mitchell. D espite his small stature, 5'S" and 1 155 pounds, "Mitch" has proved to Coach M a rv H a rshman and the entire Lute tea~ tha t he can't be . pushed around. HIS frosh year was marred by injuries most of the season, but thus fa r this season h e has seen a lot of action in PLC spangles. Mitchell is a 1956 g raduate of Marysville high school where he let-
~~:;e~i7o~~:f:~I: ~::~r~i:~t~~~. s~~ ~~::~ ~:a~o:~b;l~a:::d ~::e~~~~lrsf~~ _, >rdie Soiland-Gordie Gradwohl pass baseball and a single numeral in track. "counted for th.: lone. third floor He was named to the all-conference co re .
O c toba 15 was a brighter day for th e two -timed D cja rd incs, who, ~ark e d by Dick Clare, knocked over cond floor OM 12-6. Meanwhile Ra y Schwarz k cpt the Easterners in fi rst po~ition with h is two TD passes to J a n 'in ' Jim a nd K a rryin g' Kall
to be in favor of the proposal.
IBadgers Upset I
1' '
' . I
.. John M itehell
Paradl·se BOWL
10707 Pacific Ave.
406 Garfield St.
LE, 7-5317
6~3· ....'"'~~. ,;. 2L~.u", ,.~. _"";X~" j :I~~d~~~u:I~I~~~~ !;~:ill:~~r:~~
L " "..
Pacific Uni,'eI"!!ity's Badgen h a nded the Lutes their first grid IOS!I of the season 12 to I) la st Saturda y night at Forest Grove in a steady downpour of ra in. Th e favol'ed Lute~ held the Badgcr< scoreless until the second quarter
We Outfit Co-eds
Lutes 12 to 0
. Jo~n h as ~Ieked educatlO? ~IS Fully Automatic voe.a t IOn an. d IS pr ~c.nt Iy. mal.orIng I.n I d O sOCIa studIes a n mmonng m phY~lPEN LANES ca l education. . . . Tuesday All Evening I~tramural actIVIties kcep John ocWedn e sday _ after 9 p.m. cupl{:d afte: the. football season as he compe tes With hIS Ivy Hall roommates Friday All Evening
field to a ccommodate the football, baseball, a nd track teams. The f inancial problem appea rs to be the only drawback as mo t ;tudents and faculty ~ ecm
second team in football during his sen-
011 the twin t.urf Jarrin' Jim Van ior year. Bf"t'k w a s at it again and led Eastern arkland to its tS-6 defeat of Clover -ck. C .L M d 0 be 1" b I I 1 on a y ,. ct? r '1', rou,g It .t Ie I., \\,ue kadlllg Easterners out agamst Tacoma in ;) hastle tha~ ended in an IS-1 8 tic.
h II
0 n mite e
mit e
i Lute line and raced 65 yards to score . kick for extra point wag wide
i and the Badgers led 6 to 0 at halftime. I
Bob Burnside scored the se cond Badger touchdown shortly after the I' second half kickoff when he d rove l over from th e 3-yard line aftc!" a con sis tent Badger drive . I
Phone LE. 7-6012
932 Pacific Avenue BR. 2.4629
Tacoma, Washington
Ir""""" " """""',.""",.",)"""",,"""IT"'" """"""
By Bernie 8rotman Ex-Franklin Pierce High Sehool star Bruce Alexander will no doubt see a lot of action in PLC spangl ~ be for e he graduates. Alexander turned out late, but turned in a very promising performance in the BC· Lute game two weeks ago. Again last week at Forest Grove'., Alexan der came in to help spark the Lutes' 12-0 los i n g p erformance against the Pacific Unive n ity Badg ers . . . Lynn Cal ' ins, Lute cap tain , j, doing his student teaching at Puya llup JuniOl' High . .. Dale Schimke, 1957 PLC grad and track man, is now teaching at Franklm Pierce High School. Franklin Pierce was Schimke's hi gh school Inla mat'~ r.
'[Rlff£ .ROTMAN
1130 Broadway
A ma n w h o has a good mind a nd body and soul, devot e d to His
S a vior, can have the time of his life serving in th e
ministry on the West Coast, THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 Charles B. Fo e lsch, Ph .D., President
2770 Marin Avenue, Berkeley 8, Calif.
Charm Beauty Salo Blanche lingbloom 413 GARFielD ST.
LE. 7-7475
Page Four
F ri day, October 18, 1957
Acti"ities Vary From Music to Greasepaint
H08teler 8ee8
h i
(by Je.anettc Olson, who shared in the work camp in Norway and then traveled through Europe t his su mmer)
Expert Dry Cleaning
Laundry Service
Delta Rho Gamma hdrl a candleSo you're a tourist in Europe! "Why did you come to Eur- light installation dinner Wtdn aday, I Ope? " was one question that shocked m<- into thoughtful reaction. IOctober 16, a t 6:00 p .m. in South 1 T he answer I gave satisfied the situation; but u pon later refIec- Hall lower lounge. Gues ts of h onor I really did not know what I w anted . wcrt: the followin g- recently dected Ob, to see things-meaning famous museums, important his- offIcers: J oan K r am e T, secretary; torical landmarks, c.athedrals, the peo_";'- -_'_ J an e t Haley, trea su rcr ; Marianne Ie's h omes. True, the old buildings sonal l:xperience whi ch crowns h ostel- Gregerson, historian : a nd Mal'garet told ou . ~1Ue~ of past life, but peo ing as th e .b~st way t o see. Euro~e. I Murdock, I.C .C. represen ta tive. pie are hVIng m the pre nt a nd hop- ha~ the privIlege .of t.ra\·e1lllg with a L a~ t spring Marilyn Stolzenburg Ing f r a better future. ChInese nurse whIle III Scotla nd. Of was elected president and Carol Mor This thr ee-fold respect is conveyed course, we used hitch-hiking and cn-I ris was elected vice-president. to fhl" hosteler. In the cwnings you joyed it. .ather toget her, usually in some hisFinding the hostel (not the one we MUSIC MAKERS ELECT Epsilon Sigma Cha pter beg~.n its torical pIa ~a castle, an old manor hoped to reach that Saturday ni gh t) " h Oll e, even an old mj)) - m ec ting w~ had the climax of our hosteling musical year with the initiation of four
ouns people of that country Qr your d ays. Everyone visited that evening ' til junior gi rls fol' membership on Octo-
cigh bor from home. our "papa" chased us to bed . I' bel' 17: Peg Binygton, Mar Lou En The opportunity to ge t a better un But Sunday was not a usual Sun gen, Sandra Lu cas and Sandra Schierd entanding of our fellow men is much day; however,. o.ne that sho~ed ~e man. gtt'ater here than in some forma l ho the essence of hvmg together tn umtY' Risa u c Spcciaie, National First t I atmosphere. Hostels feel like a The 40 of us young people had a 1 Vice .President of M u Phi E psilon, will hom!' where you havc come to visit Bible Study together out on the gree n ; be on campus October 26 to inspect ith cveryone. M any timcs you find then we walked a mile to the stone the local chapter. I 0 n th e.MPh' u I E pSI'Ion ca Ien d ar Yo urself conversing with a few and countrv. church to worship our Maker. gradually your group increases to a Christ unites everyone the world of comin g e\'en ts is a "rush" party for family circle. ovcr-only if everyone knew the Sa all girls interested in music. May I be permitted to usc a. per viol'. Officers include:: Mona Carlson,
Mra. Jo Summers Phone LEnox 7-4800
Don Cey's
I r 2th and ,Park Avenue Headquarters for:
president ; Janet Emilson, vice-presi dent; Sylvia Fylling, secretary; Mar dell Soiland, treasurer; Betty Muscus, ward en; and Lois H ellbe rg, h istorian. Miss Patricia Thompson is th e ncw a dvisor for this year.
Located in IGA Foodtown
112th & Park Avenue
Phone LE. 7-3434
'-=======================:: OMRICRON DEVOTIONS MU ALPHA ~
Off campus men arc invited to cam- ' pus devotions Monday through Thurs day nights at 9:50 p .m. in Old Main ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 17.
ART'S SHOES AND REPAIRING Tennis Shoes - Bucks - Flats - Oxfords Qua lity Service O pposite Parkland Post Office
IPHIGirl.DELTA EPSILON int tcd m ch
•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J '
FREE movie tickets wit h ea ch five gallons of gas purchased during these two days 36 MO. BAnERIES as low as $14.95 exch. Free Ice Scrapers
ork ar<: to meet every second Wedn sday at 6:45 p.m. in Miss Wickstrom 's apart ment and every fourth Wt:dnesday at 5:30 p.D!. in the small dining room in the CUB.
GREASE PAINT Rod Kas telic is giving a make-up dtmonstration for all intt:r~ stcd in the radio studio at 7:30 p .m., cl obe r 23. His demonstration will include some wo rk on the Duley cast and .. a rious types of characters in dram.. ork.
C u rtain Call has a Drama taknt show planned for November 13. Jane R OSlI, ptt'sident, invites anyone inter ested in skits, dialogu or a ny phosc of drama to begin now to plan to pa rticipate. Sh e says, " We aren't look ing for profp.sionah, so dOJl't worry a out bein g criticized:'
irestone Town & Country Winter Tires
New a nd Retrea ded
"Guelranteed to Go-Or We Pay the Tow"
$5 .00 paid on the tow bill if you become stuck usin g these tires before May 30, 195 8
10 0/ 0 OFF on Shellzone Permanent
A TI·FREEZE Firest one Deluxe Super Champion Tires 6.70-15....._.......... _.. _....... .......... __ .....$1 6 .40 exc. plus tax
7.10-15........ _..._..... __. .............. ...._..... 19.65 exc. plus tax
6.00-16_...__ .. _............ __. ..... _........ _..... 12.95 exc. plus tax
3820 South Yakima
Retreads as low as $12.75 exc. & tax "ACROSS FROM BI G BEAR"
13221 Pacific Ave nue
LEnox 7-9997
OfTwoM- d
FREE PICK· Parkland and Vicinity
Phone GR. 1 371 i
On the one hand, y ou have Thirsty G. Smith. Good taste to him means zest and zip in a beverage, sparkle and lift and all like that . _ . On the other hand, T. Gourmet Smythe perceives good taste 118 the right, fit and proper refreshment for a Discriminating Coterie. So? ... Have it both ways! Coca-Cola • - - 80 good in taste, in such good taste.
Bottled nder outhority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Million Dollar 'PLC
Rules Are Defined iosk
Expansion Okayed
l:,rt,npr·dl.r' h~ Ix ... , t. t th postin", (·f lilt nt in tl.( K i05k.
A new classrsoom-administration building for Pad f; L l! ~ theran College is to be part of a one-million dol ar r xpansi n program which was voted on by thc board of trustr at its a n~ nual fall mc('[ing at PLC, October 17 . Included also in th is pn)· gram will be [hr conversion of the grou nd and first floors of O ld Main into dormitory rooms for 80 men students, and thl.: rcm()d
r t • uk is te- m..l.t· <u rt tt ,It the , .' r t to ht- a nnOUDH' h· OCt. n p r p tty ", h~ du k 2nd 1I(t'd!'d • rrange It nt5 lur f' c ilittcs made before po t t h p uLli,j!y.
lit fuT~ tUlIling in any I ti,. , tht l'f rson su bm itting th 1(1 IKf' me III m u st r ill I. is name and rOQfTl 01 phvnt: numbu' (.n the bad: , ·1 tl. (· I,otic~, plu~ the naffit of the . po"" ri g or~ ...n ization, if any. Thr hut:l n,ay then bt" left a t tl.e Id M ..:n ~ wtithboard, th( ."'.S.B. of- CAUGHT IN THE ACTof acting all co ngre..io na l leade rll are (I. to 1'.): l,c£ u ring (h t: regula rly scheduled J an et Turman, Jerry 'Olson, Cal Capner, Don Douglas, Betty Lou MeDon· u!fic~ hou n of the. ICC president, vr ald an d Herb Dempsey. Th eBe PLC studentll make up the steering com rroittt:t: for thE; Hi gh School St ud ent Congre.. w h ich will be he ld at Itl. the fullu'\'ing students in chargt PLC Tomorrow. , f d,e bulletin hoard s~rtion : "'P~t h "IIC !..fusic-C12.!l. L ed um'l '~" )' 1 "- - '8 • 'uux 30-, . APO to Gerlll.." Club-P:..t AllIem, ..,.. th B :; . 1;( to V iki I,' Club-Ka th· Aim· .; 0 , SOUI~. A 5. a~ 'I I, .~(' ~ludenls will po,t :.n n(.uoc~ • . . " . . m('nt~ and !'t'/n O\'e them after th e Tnc ninth annual sc!>s~on of the \Vashmgton Statc Hlgh ·;·ht-uul. d twnt has tak er. plac~. . . 5 hool Student Congress wtll meet on thr PLC campus all day . t ... d.-r;I.~ ~hould b~corne farm har I tomorrow. According to Don Douglas, general chairman from PLC. .tll t hf ~(,c:t i os that pertajn to tht:m ,d (vr"u!t thun uftt·n. ! ;.pproximatdy one hund red high school students from fifteen --. --------~s('hooh in Washington and Oregon will be. present when the CongrcM officiall), o pens with the first joint 'ession witl. Congressman Tl)or TolIdson dr\i\'ering thl:. State of the Union addrUiS.
H·Ig h SChie 00 ongress T0 Convene L PLC
t-lin .c: of th l' prrsl'nt cl;ts~room build- , . e U St. by th': science: dep~rtm('nt. I ministration '~'ill ~1a.H their Authori7ed by the boa rd hn been rooms and offICes m the n. w plant.. an apP"al for onc milEon dollArs to Pla nnt' d a ltog.·thcr aI'(, :!5 d a 'rOOl' • financt· this t"xpamion . Th,. ),tar 1958 , and 30 offices for prok~ml'S . will S(·t· the prep.tration of tht appcal. · A Icclun' hall, counseling and f _ ",hid, will b~ dir~cted to fric nd~ of cep tion room s, a . "isitor:s loung~ , fac the ('olleg( m PI"r I County and ulty loun gt', a vlwal :...ds r oom, throu~~\Out t~\(. statl', and to the a puulica t.io. m and m ..iling center . "'. Alunllll A~soClatlOn. to be ad dItIOn al fe«tu ffs f thr bUIlt V 'a, Pearson and Ri c hard~, T "'- 1in!;'. ('oma ;< I-chit('cts, h a, (' been (ng. ((cd to ~fon Board. Decisions plan the nLW acministration build '11 . I In accordance with increa~ir\O' mg, whIch WI eo\'er approx Imate y " c t! 16 (),000 squ a re fed, ,1nd i~ to loe 1(. of living, the board vote d tn rail"" fac-' catt-d octw('('n 12lst a nd Wh~cll'r Sts., ulty salaries beginning in $/'pteI I1OCr, and Park .'\vc nur and Yak i a . Pre- 1958. To financ( this incl'(' ~, tuiti r Iliminal').' fl oo r plans may be seen in will be rai~ed and intensive ltppeal~ the kiosk, and the propOlt.d exterior will be directed to cHporation~. : \'iew of the stnlcturc has Ixe n posted frie nds, and churches. . I in the C U B . . .Prr.si~ent Eastvol rrport Ii til t ! Offices of tht:. preSIdent, the dean thIS fa I . student en rol me nt rcached (If the colkgt, the registrar, the:: deans .. new high of 1,427, which an of men and women, tht, department of th~ t(,tal for the acadcmir ycar w ill public relati ons, and the b u siness of- I be over 1,700 students. H e also fice, all presently housed in Old portc'd that th e coll..ge budgt't fo r th,' Main, will be contained in thc pro- y .. ar would be about $ 1,500,000, a il( po,,:d huilding. that the total ssets of th~ ('ol lt- ~e The depArtments of cducati n, art , reported by the auditors July 3 1 W ;I' nUl'si ~, ,·conom ies. and bllsint.s a d- ' $5,4·6 2,19 2.
Iing for
. .
th:rh~o~;~~:·cs;f i~h~:t ;~it~~a~!~t~:: \ with the di"ision of political power
--------------------------1-9-5-71 ~~~~nc:;~e~o~~:s.in ~ach Committee . VOL. 35, NO. '5" OCTOBER 25, I
Cross-W aIk, 'Par k·In9 S·19ns Go Up in Move for Safe"'~
~7 Following tht joint ~tssion the Con" . Xo P ark'mg signs an d a nr. cross· no-pa r I'nll; I'l·.trict' ons and J', v_",:Uk I g ress will bual. up into its "anom for nt - walk lil(ht will mark thl to I,tt 011 0 ' tl . 11"'111 " n of a newer ill the S.' L Y ro~r .1Il! ~ I tiun of bill . ( , ittel:s tc he repr<:- ._ , on Whu·lc r ~tr(:e t. The loca tion of .te· s f In a ~ u r\'{' y of tI. ....ct) Iqenkd arc . d Means, Foreign th(, si TIS and li,p ht the- al,a pos{'(, l " wr.Q o\ff.. irs. AppT(. I~,·, . tion . • Arm{'d r r,·" , illlm(;di~ t,.J)' in front of t.ht CLll. ill front of on<or i,,!; r . fr o ·tud /.·n t C(,uncii. 1 hat from all Ices :'nd Pubhc \ .or).... k h d _, T,. o ne . H~ ngin,1,; 0\'('[ thl efnlC r of WI r d-I t"'..... n car- pa r .~ on t . 51 ! II< L .. tt rI S et: em Bu d y C b nsti tuti fA Ir} uut, th is co n unittc will 5(, Aftl r tltl CO 'Hl! ittc<' nlect 10 ,Its, th!. 1'T Stre<:t in front of th e CCE ..... ill bt \\Thede r Stref't. 1 h,' ur" y ' c 1 .1' bHou gbt 1...·101'(; thr studtrlt~ a t ti r htcen peop k to COlllpete bl scss;on of tht Hl'us, . ,.f Rc-pr~scn~a- I a li[;"htl'd p' dcstria n sign. Thl f( w illl1lu('trd by Pierce Count offi('~:tl aII I~ll' ye , tl'rda~ . du 'n!" tilt lirst offl' ft. r tilt studt-nt bod y.
Il i\{S and the Se natl WIll convent. WIth I d ' 1 !, ( Ihe ' ol k<;e n·qllnt{· :I. hght b " r, st"rn n g as . be no MOp a n ~o si gna s. I .IlIstalled at the cro~~wal~. I 1 p u il .t· Urt"t" li n!; of the.'\ 0 1 tl d
.. ' Th~ numbt. r of cht-t.r kadcrs 'r Olll R~(;n,s, PL( ' st:ru shall ktc ra ise d from the p resC' nt num president of th S.· n' tt: and J an et ! :\ ftl r thl light is in, t h" f{ "ill All wor~ on tli[ proje. t i.~ hcing ~ropost'cl - mtndn,e-ms :<. PJ't - , I.. , "f fl.ur, tv a tot a l of six,. corn- I Turman, PLC ' h iOl , .1' Speaker of a t1!!htcnint;' up NI t: nforer nitn t of the dun t b}' the cou nty .
,,'r·d Ir. C I < pc I TI u rs ay c: I . ~ C r thr N bovs and thr~e g irl . tht.· Houst:. !
Y I be
I To Go Be1"rore Student: Body 1
·rb.. t
., d imil ution LOIt I 'ttc, fo r t:tl fur th p lX" of • •11 l 'com c_ndld at< s lur c eer leadt'r. 'fh..( tI ·t!t·t- will ( wnpos( <tud "pp un c by
inemascope film
I , <,ti ag will tak t
Willis Elected Prexy Of Freshman Class W a l n 'n Willi~ wa, I'lt-ct..d p res of Ih t Fn .tu • n d a~s after b. IUli llL <,n Onollt"r 16 al .d 17. .... r ; h !; on the , bi ll (·t with him .... ,11 be: Ted JuhnslOn l', \'icc-pl'l'siU. ,!: Anii. Ann q rong, sc·cr.. tary : D i••n ,' R o d ah l, t n ·,lSuP·r ; Onon C b~iH c ns e.n, ICC r.. pn·s<·n t..ti\"e; . I'"ul En ..~el, ;tudl' nt council
.. I I.. kl b< wi ll lv hDw rt tum ght . •. "l..-r ~.'i , i!1 Cn·lon a t e :ulJ p.m. A .pt " i., 1 p roj. ctOI' an d le'us will bt ". H p ruj, .-t thl fil m on twv I /l UI. I ;.. ~ d, (' ns. AdlO i s..~i ll i~ 50 r pll $On r 75 {'('n ts pn cou I. i 1,J(!liuLti m. i. .. nR 5pon• If J h~ tht· • nio l' (;1 ' I .
0 lbl' r5 on the' final ballot were : p . u l Eries, ru u nin. fu r p resi de nt ; K .. t I,} Knutson, "icc-preside'nt; • :..nq Gundt"rson, <ccretary; ~or I/I_ n Dahl, tn' a<urer; Jackie' Slater, ICu . eprtst' nta tl\·< . and Car 0 I stud.. nt council rl"pres{'n-
i I
T , , ,(.nuw n i ~ ht, Octulrer ~(j, :. l'0v~ , how iJ bd n pre ~ .. ntt-d by the unTu' Cia . I'ht lll Q\'i" "Abbot and l -tdlo \rI., t th(' !\o{umrny," will b~ _"",'n a t !'!::O! p .m .. but \'\· ~· lly H ' I\ . r I , ,'vmnu ttt have u r d td that . h., L r uf borro l ~" I(,ust h, f(Jl ' 5t1 ing' thc filu .
, f."
dl '".r pta. I
rdy : 1)0\ I·, ' .
11 be :3 ,)
Gu• ~
~. \
The conI< will bt judged on tlleir pt-dorlllan c. in committc~s as well as in the ~e~ ion uf the Hou se :tnd Senate.
b,.1 I
son. g{'n~ra l an . n ., me nts ; Lin d a Hurd, resolutio ns' Ja n!'t Turman, a1 lots : a nd D ick k r ige r, in cid(·nta ls.
All , i :tOl , £ w..-leo e to any or I ,"ll of th,. t <siofl.<, a nd Don Doug!:.. Ure t a nyon~ intt n :stcd to take a d- 'I . ,'an t, gt of the. oppt:rtunit y to wa tch these outstafl( IIlf! llI: h school \'outh i putl m " d" mo, r It principic-s a nd I ideals into practi I
Eastvolds Plan I Half.Ye r Trip Ea~I\'old
Dr. S. C. alltl his ifc I han btt:'n a uth/): " 0 by the Pa(,ific Lutht'ran Coll<-~ boa rd of trustees to mak< a six mon t . trip around ~h{' worl d f(ll th p ' r pose of .tudym, hi .!.\lwl' l'du('atiun ; "Iitlltions. :,t tht" ':nd of th...
Mu Phi Initiates Four Juniors Mu Phi E psilon national music mrority on campm, rr ntly in it:at. woown into its Sigma Chaptl r. T hosr h 'I1PT' d wcre. I ( I. to r.) Mary L u E n gen, ,'ocalist ; Sandra ~ch lrrmall, violi n ist· P u : Byin . I ton, vocalist; and Sandra Lu('a~, pianist. Tht qualitit·s which m~,rk eli gi bility fo r member. hip in II ' ,rority include rnmirian~hip, scholarship, lharactC'r, a 3. ' . r point ; vrragc: in mmic, and a 2.5 c:rud r. po int ;wcrage in a cad t:mic c u r c . G rrl lI TC I hos m a t diff"rr'nt tim' . du ri n/! th .. .'I'lir and an: pkd ~I' f t tl , \I r.1 months hr(or
IfOUl" juniOl
1958. Tn , two uf . tudi t'
p., ra t t (~ t l.J
i: ( Of 0
o. in
\ t(
no , ~
Committe chai mlL n for the affair ilrc: Don D uug\a . ' nl'ral ('h..innan ; , C al Capnt-r, n ~ iH ' tion: H('rb Dtomp Is('y, p ubli rn tion ot boo let; Jnr)' 01- [
S ook Show Movie
Set for Tomorrow
I I - ___I r------..,----------,
pl<l.ct' at th(' secvod I .....A"." 'L.. L usm~ . 5S m ~r \l. nl! now s(' h e d u Ico1 '. . . , 10 I u,··.(\ay, ~ow rDbc r 5, d urI n ). <h I i.
sTonight, 8:
, 01
he~nnint<: in~I'n
P:age Two
Friday, October 2:;, 1957
Vive La Hare!
ARISE, AMERICAN YOUTH! PcrhJP ~ you b ec am e JS worried as i did if you read t h~ recent JlStu rbi n g news f r o m M os.:c w wbi.::h .lnnounceu that th.: youth Jf Ru s i a .He b.:ing ~ ldi,t<:d and enco\lTaged to raise rJbbi{~. This '~ part f the C.lmpaign of Nikita S. Khrushchev, First Secr-:tary of the S viet Communist Part y. to catch up with (he United States in meat production. Khru.~hchcv lu,S said th,lt when t he Communists can produce .lS much meat as the U. S .. it will be lih firing a mighty torpedo 1l the foundations of (,1pitalism. \Vith this in mind, I beIie\'\~ it . our duty as routh of A nH:rica to rise in this hour of decision 3n d pCO\'e to the world tbat Communism cannot outdo democ ra"y . We may not be able to aid o n diplomatic levels : W~ may n t be able to has ten our missill' d-:vdopment; but we nIl '[.lise rabbits!
"KomsomoIsk.a}'.l Pravda," th.: Young Communist League '''spa ' ' ~ per, d e\'0 t e d a t- u II pag~ t 0 ex t0i l Ing th e virtues 0 t' ra b bi ts , and exorted its re.lders, " Young rabbit br~ders. l e t each col It<; tj e farm h.we its own rabbit farm ."' Russian youth were in .$pired by Nikita Khrushchev himself who said that rabbi[ meat i. ra st)' and tender and that many persons prefer nbbit to chicken.
L e t us fi g ht fire with fire. Let us be the guiding youth of -\ nerica and begin raising rabbits heri! .n PLC. Thl'r.! i'i plenty of r oo m on lo w er campus for ;} collective effort of ;ll PLC stu den ts. and it has b~cn rumored that thi: money for the miIion lIar expansio n program is g oing to be diverted to t he n ob le i :lbbir raisin g project. Let us beg i n now ; and may ollr efforts multiply:
DeEd. Jve
us)' Doc
B ugs
'Ilo c
rowne r ,
----- --~- .
~--- .----- --- .~---
Honored oph Gals ·' ~!~~,t~~:::;~,~~tp~~~: Are mili 9 Spurs
Baker and Books hrary .
.\1:1) " B" ' r , ' h,' '1 ...... ;\> sison[ lih 'lfi"o who h;), found th~
libr", y n 'l im'1(,rt.lII t P" rt of h. I' li Ce ;i",'" sh t" ,.,.o.l"d :1 ; • ; tudcm librar ia n in hi"h ,.h<)ol .',,~ h D ' k 'f' B k .B orn In _.... ort ..t ot:l , .\0' Iii,; . a tor boast, th ... bet th t she i, .l bnn gi rl. But thrn . he mrK the city .. . ZU1llbrot., . :\[innesota. to Ix: t"xac t. Sh•. ~ radu:lted from St. Obf C.)J1egr and th.. n b"gan he r t~ ac hi n ll: ca n 'cr,
Is a Bit Shl' d a r s haw "
W et'
t l ---
It ChI u n pr
Ewr,. ::;>r1 in th .. rlass is .:arct'ul\y :\IId p ray.·r full y co'nsidncd whQ ha ! p,o"..d ~ h., has ~ood " ' hM>1 spirit, charactl'f, pc onality. is in tc restrd in t c ,c1lOol, its acti"itles and policies, ;l!Id maintains a ~rad[" point '''T r. '•. of 2.j. , I t rakes n la ll\'~ month s to srlc!'t th.· n ~ w e;roup, n o onc knowin .: lh .... choin" . !
1\"" 01 I e
Only ;OphtJlllorl" women .or,' ' Ii"ihle for rnt m h"r,hip in this natiOlul o r ~~ni7.ation, of which there arc 3 ~ ·haptf.' in t he t:nitcd States. Herc' a PLC. :':O to 25 womcn art: t:\ pprd :H ' h,: a nnual Awards Tea in the ,pring f tltdr f""shman year. Thi~ a rran~" m (" ot . <'rmit the new 100'mbcrs to or an i7 ' hdolt, school is out , 0 that in L'l" f.. !1 they Can b .. ~in to wo rk imlllt:diatd cl
Seek Top.:\'otch Girls
bit of .\'or. LI ~ _I .. 11 f fh d w" ~I:l n O. O I.tO. :-1, d.J our 0 cr ~wn t I' ,• . r" J.KITt· f) 5 Call1(' ronl .. ,,()r\v~ \' . l\~ Y(':lr.'l . t I I ' . [h t" r c· I :1 ~O ,..; tH ' ,Pf"rl ., \,' to " )!r. ,r o \C"r "jmt h:l\·;n·" tun." Sh" Fi. I..-d, hik,·d nurse, on hi " h mo u n t un" a n d ,t.· Ih"ir ric h a half foud ...\'., h i~h hn'" o r lipst ic k fur in t..ed Il ll " , on"\' II... r(','· ',n JlUll net'r! ~[i,s B'ikc r, "bllt I wi<h r""1 Ll k" n iL lllore (·.IS~· by th t:! nIl [h., food. 1 C::lin"d :l f, 'w !l,mncl, ."
~nr , k
Ii ~ in. th e.. l1pp~T r(,5~ir~t~r: s.ystem' j ~'i':l lt~ rcot" r: it n~u.s~ he fullowed. H;tS Ple nty to D o Rr " Its an. headacht,• 1<. \i e I. son 'Don t kt ~' 01'1'11 "CIl\'ltl l.s come ...,h"ad ' k' I' IrUfr wTltJn~, . . ... HI ' lfl ,t.!.', tr:ln' l n ~, If It tou!;h and l/ n~ c e'. D r. R anu · ., If . and pt'"opk an' I lirf ,h:l t (I"llIy p' t lo; , . , r .e· . ·n r .... J II" t I, a. I' \I Dr., : . R:ndolf~ 1··:lI.lIp~lS :h?'slclan; I ~I" . ~(i) , will push pi n ty of pills up her <"aI's. .. 'sid, hOD' • tha t is. ,'(In h "'gll!;sts st Idtl~b 1l.tt a lot tJ '1 un ~'ou If th... docto r ordt:15. hut do ]\[:wy fri c nds k ,'('p h.·j' I, tn , in the t. L:llo d food n nd lOamtam the bes t Y'lU r hnt to (;oopt:rate with th" health mail almost comt.:..ntlv, Tr''''e1in<; includes 'dl'i\'in" h t r I)\\,n ,.-ncrd l conditi~n po~sib1c to combat. , t:lff by t3ki"g them. An ,n'crag'e of h uni..no..-n nru s. . 50 io 73 patients a day is kct'ping c:ar. ,' h",'~ \ ',d four: ,\mo-" Carl"tt.:.l On!"!' thl' , }ltlptOIllS .In: re C:Of.(niud t tH'rn hoppiug . Better yet, don't set ( lots of p",s" n,::c r, rod", with hn ) , .tuOLnt should te , e !).spirin a nd sick! Good h ealth cOlldition ' indud~ H,me y- lx'H, ;lIId 11<.'1' pn:ien t one. \'ilk - - - . - wrarill g- coa t, when it- cold and kc:l'P-, (,.ft, r :1 .. h.ll " e t' T a nm" I wh o J. l'Mn~ I illl; the ItTt d ry. an old ,hn'\\' ... ,h.' h" Il' l b,'ell ~. t·
Spurs. Man)' qf you m:\y Ix: " onde , inC!; :lbout thi ., ~roup, a king w hat , ' artl~· dof.'S it lIleans to 1)1' a !lpur. It mrans m~. ny thin ::;-s. but h en: a n' it I ~ I h;~hli ~hts of the OT!:(:lni7.ntion .
P I-llS Phd
. US e I lte
Gut th,' bilK ? If I1l)t, sv nny. you're .~!.I to b~ d. :\I rs. l'~g ~(ik" ,u t of it! Of cour,,', it you h.in" it I a dds. this docs lIot m ea n ['Jr \'/1 ' \ ... kinda. out of it, 100. lour. but t.lke :lspirill and sray Tht· bll~ goin?, around campus. i~ ill ' till yo...·rl' t:ompit-tt"ly wr:ll. Ie lon n of a I lrus that cau. s ml<:cOne,; nlt'dical 'Id\i.,c i (in:n
\ In
.\ bright mi lt-. Ih willin ~n'" ) work. and a ,..hit ,: uniform .1r ' tlu·. t1n~ tell this call I'U' ophomor' woman i> " mj~mber ot
~ h ·, .,·.lctcristics
whid, indurl...d libr'l rY w')c!.., s a unit. Studied in Min nesota Primarily " e'Tie,' on::"ni]Jri!)", lhis ; wup of wom.· o ,tar, ri qht out 1during' Urie nta t inn \'icek to sc rye it, ,chool and it.> , tud e nl' , not stop jn~ . . ' Th,en b:. rk.to). ,,,hool " lo r :1 . I ttlc. un til . 'thr .. haby" Spur' arc 'appr ~, c Iwxt sp nng. . l1lor~ ..ducat lon. 1 he L OI vcmty 01 . MiIllwsot:l was the pbc,; 0f he r ;; r.\d- I Lon; Li"t of Jobs llalt' work l nd ~(i " Bake r ohtain,..d .\nd thl'lr li , t !)f :ll:[ivitin i'llmo,t liOlitl... ~ • fo r thr: Spur< en: .l.~' - d h .... :\b)b r d" ~ n'" from Ihe Uni"' r ush~r a t concat~ ami pJ:.y., TUn t he drction booth) for crta in . l ud 'm ,it)' of ~Ii c higan. boor ,·ot in.::, art .1, Aujd~s fo r COl'" ntiolls o n carnpu;, se ll uch hi n ;) Back to [he traching prof",;ion, hn' m,"n<; .It HO((l"comin,<;, 'po osor the Lucia Bride F"stival at Chri,tmas, ' ',.1,,"_ on Valentine' s D a y, a nd tak e pa rt in the Saga Carni,·a!. To q"l all work was onCe as"in "'r\'in:::- in .. c - ' '~T I ondary schools \5 li"rari.lIl , 1..1 r, , Unl , hest: thin.':s cl')O!"", it means sacri fi ce hy each gi rl, and lots of it. mcr ~(iss Bake r took ad\,ant;H:" "I' a scholarship to th e University of Oslo, No One ~all App): !\orw;)v, .:in: n tv t\l'1' by SI. Obf Cql.\ ; tl ... !':unpus look. on th. · . 3 1 r I~ wcann" th.; black ,lIld gold S pur I .: ~ . .. t'rnblcm "hno<t ('\ ci yo",; " ks : H o,,' 0 thry Ix" ' otnl: m~mb"rs? f i · t lh,op b{('. ;)hc , tudlcd Norw c'"an htcr:. , • t " f '" ii n.. W.I ), yuu ca n applv or n: qu,.~t, 1lV'lllhn,hip, f'Jr the Spur. den tn' . • t Uff", t IH ~ ('I,.JUC;ttl f Hl . . ys ' "Ul l) _",Ol'W "l j I and ad\'anc•.d \'o rwe :';'i:m.
j fp',lllll'lli c:: irl, thl') wi,h tl~ follow lhem.
,- -
B -
by T ·ddi Gulhaugeo
.- ---
LSA Pa nel Gives
Iti ,, ~ ~,,,,d I
lni (, ;I..['·
,\1 ii' Ih k.. , h." two
d. y tlllTli
' ~ ... ith :'arh ~tl~cr .. I.. ~d n~ost ~f '11i: l in H,s ." n "h'lh tv th.. PLC
.-x~.~ri~llCing. t~e pUb h
joy of "'orkio~ for GO<! mo t Importa nt .
I , i
F?r Your Chl)ice In
: I
Jon Soine
Authorized PLC Rings
" t :-;ilk ). \'------------------------------' ~oll n \!'t" r ,i,t<'I'
w hO'll" ;rad\l3tt'l1 fro m , { Olaf, ~ ncl , " don't COl ~d," ,I.,. 1dd" "my to'Ji· .
ILatest Info on Jazz Ij ni,''''s :~{WO n~ph. \, ... ·_ _ of Lou i, \ ;U on:; . I J:t", .~g~1o I:.lod R.· Iy Gootll11"'n 'IOUIII ' d out of PLC's Christensen, Q,
flfr nl' w Spnr, lIntll th ,' TC3. S urs is ;t grou jJ of PLC womcn who h~ \'l: the chara c teristi c, of jin err ity, purpose, undcr.tandinll', res ponsihility a nd ':rvi c,'. Th ' ' Hmwn oitt:n do jobs that are n't n()ti rr d by th.; "tndents, a nd m~ny tim.. , th,'y n :e"i \ .· lit tle n'ClH(n~tion for th.. ir con tnnt ac tivi.ty. Thl"i~ reward lies within th':.m: ~" I\'l's, kn(l~':m ll, they hau' don" n .,;~oo Joh, .shann.~ thr work and the tun
""l' :
\ 11
eckner Get Awards
LB-:WO hI' " \ ("lI in!,; of October 20 RI ll I (} ......... " ... D A Y'E C R O W NER luri n' th.· LS.\ prog r:1I1\ on j .• l7, and
rdi~ion . , Ibrbara Becknn .l nd ~larian n.· 111 Guill m~ tl, '1'1 l f tl I J I Christ.. ns. n. t wu P:.cifi c Luthaa n ] .\.Ck Holi. 1 rb41.ra Il 1I1l'1 1i )':15 0 It' JI. an _- I'ny ' . ' Is " r ' h 01- d last we,·k'· nd b v I .ll C ,m. D i e e. on . . - . : I k Fll;uer, T oot.s1e Bayn.' , :\rl'~ f.\·;)lIw n. Dan' K llut.m n, \ " tr, \'rl "1. "1; LV. non, .'\ 1 Dung n, Sam Gnll){'·. Tootsi \V tlt' r md Tom th.· ~x("c ~ tl\.c t;OImmtt(·.· of t h r Ca\:· f)' ek ' r.t C', . .mci Sore nson, B b I R. ('\'l' S, with Pastor R. , ... Lutn , ' as forlll a Dbcn c:t L·,th,"\' Lt·a ~u .., \LC, \"a~n' . modt"l ... tor-t>III~ !II"mh"I oi the ~u-I wlIt'1l th.. }· w ... r~ pre,,,"t("d l1 ;ft~ IrOG] tli nee' carri("d o n a dis ussion on jazz th ... Gt" ncr~oI BO.1I'd. The ~ifts, in apprec iat ion fur ;cn.: a nd its place in our society. Docs jazz brin~ out the " a llimal" larial WOT' which the ~irl, rt.:ndt· rt·d ill m ~ I j :\7.Z illllllor",l! TI.. ' .lnd last Yl':"ar work in::; for District Pr",i thr. ~Udl qU~5tiuns were bruu!!ht up. d,;ot Bill Ra y, wr-n' pl'cscntt'd h y Di:; ,. tri ct first "ict:-urcsident G e or~(" D oc I hen .It the close 01 the pro 7, '1 m, the c r ...\1 so prr.:.se'ntf rom C'DL"\...0, . a t I h ... rhythl s could once a ~:Iin . III: ard , llIecti n t; w ere Barbara 01-;':11 ,\nd Bar , in the b uilding. bara }s:lanoll.
LIfE INS U ANCE ;s for Y
ART'S SHOES AND REPAIRING J ,k k e lIer ...._.... .... _...... Carol House
( h ul l1i Llon ._... ....... ........ Patti Fl nn Ic"lal lt n a i tants: Tete Bova ng, \ rnl. '\ 'Tllstron ~• .Earlene Burcham, 1m' N c .. i~ , K a TI''l Klan, T helma "Ison , .. II.... ~orc ndorf, Barbara
Quality Service
Sh ') s -- Bucks -- Flats .- Oxford
Opposite Parkland P05t Office
11 ( Uln.
Comple te Shopping Cente r I
112TH STREET , A irport Road) AND PARK A VEN UE Ii ~--------________________________________11 \
Fri d ay , Oc tober :!S, 1957
P age T h r-ee
ladiat:ors, Savages Tangle Tomorrow
Fourth Floor, II
njury-Riddled Lutes Leave Today for
i Eastern Top
Dorm Play
Flu virus
a mitting. t he PLC GladiJtors will field 1 { I!..l fll I a big, experienced E Jst"rnWashington W it h tll,' b' lttk fo r fi rs t p b ..:e SlllWChen l!), in (he first con te r~nce gJ me Iv na rrowlIlg to .1 two-team la.Ct', COnt o n the road for the Lutes. 'r::titi o n still r ~i rtb "ho t and h t:a \ .n At last count, the hea lthy utnumber the .lfili.:ted 17-12. P .!; ') l'1C\.'~n when they meet '~ am tomorrow night in
',u t th t: fin :,J tabulati o n could go il h", wa y by "p m', timt'. Th,' Lu tes' ~.<rly wct' k pra c ti c"s wac limited to e liist lw n ti l'$ , since t h cr ~ "':lSn't I br~l' (, noug h turnou t for sc rimmagr , E\"t: n " h..a lth y L ute sq u :!d wo uld fi nd t h f" g- Q i II g ~x t r,: mely roug h 'l l'a inst :1 n 1':3 te rn sq' lad 3 v ~ ragi ng 2 1 ~ poun ds from .... nd to "ud .lnd 19') , in !h e bac Hi d d .
i G r id IIl,'nto r .Ed Chissus, who ,il- i rrtrd t h,' Sa va[l"es to . :; -2-1 ' ecoml I plaC, " fini , h last y<"a,r, not only has h.· hi r:qe, t :lnd m os t powe rful backfield in lbo, c unfe rt: nct' in Jim Ball r, Ci.lrk \[ yrn , D ew,' y Van Dintc'T, a nd Pt'l · .'elson, b ut prob;,bly th e f 'lL'sr: 0 " th e line, Eastrrn has tw o of it" fu ur a ll- c onfer ~ n c," vc h:r ans r<'lurnin .:; in cen te r D ick Hu sto n :I ud guard R un ~ I .,singer. E..l\te rn, prin1a r ily a runn ing t e~ m "''l r kiu out of th e split T, i. u n " [ca r d in fou r 3anll:~~. 1 a e Il ly ')I... nish on th eir n ;co rd is <l . j -7 tic
with CPS. Th e}' rolled ov~r ha pk' L'Be -15-6, ed ged a stron g' C olltg·: of Id' ho team , 13-7, :md a nnihibterl
in t he m "n's imr:lnlural foo tba ll loop. .
W T L -PF ., 0 0 27
C"a lr:! 1 W;"h. .) C . P. S. E.I, c....n W~sh . 1 \V,·'tt'rn W a \h . 2 P. L. C, ....... .. ,.. 1 Whitwo rth .. .... .0 Bri t. C vlulJI . ....0
:J J
66 26 :J I I".,
0 0 0
P,\ 6
-I', .)
.•3 _0 ~;
11 0
R esults La t Week C PS '.'! O, Whitworth I~ . C,'ntnl Welsh, :! O, PLC O. Wo·,ta n Wash. :1~ Brit. C IUlll. 7. EJ-> tc I'll \VasiL 59, C:tlT•• ll Culle;e G ( n o u-co n fe re n ce). Tomorrow's Schedule
C c n tral W.l:;hiu lj(on. PLC a t Ea :; t,' rtl Wa3lring tlJ n. Briti.; h Culu!Jlbia at W hitworth . Hum' o ldt "rJ. t,· lI t \ .... <:5tern W,Hh inlito n ( noll- co nfe rence ) . . It
Cen tiT fa akes
ICo nfere nee lead
Chu d; C u rt i, kept his F'o urth floor . . ' , squad <tIll HI cOllte ntlOn (or th .. title '" h t" tillli"d two touc hdown; hint ~df
L3st w,·..k', hu m ili.1ting loss to Centra l necds no It 113. been h.l, hed and re-hashed. W e need to 100 - a head to tomorrow' game. Ye~, I . 'd \ ' \ . . , " .. ' sa l 'i E , Vht'n the team IS Wlllmn.' W e say, WE W O ll, Wh e n they 10 c: " Th f b II I " ga Ill t: ~ve say" c oot a tt;3 ~1l 0 5t. • • La st wt'ek s gamc was breWIng before th e LBC-Lute gallle thn'c eeL I " . . • I' ag o. \Vh:!t have we ;lS the stude nt body dono: to Instill a WIll to WIn? J. o lh . " mg, A p ep r31ly was held before th'~ CP:s dash ;l nd look at the re sulh ( PLC 7 (' PS 6) 1\ II' . h . be' h Id .' , >' . , 0 pep ra les a',1t c n e , met. , . We, the stude nts of PLC, ha ve elected what we thmk are able ch t'" leade rs to instill the proper wiuning spirit into the athletic teams. It is o u.r duty to back our team, All is not IOKt, W e have just bt-gu n the conferc:nce season. Th e fault of last week' s game dIY-:i not rc~ t soldy on the squad 0 the coac h. How m a ny of you rea lize tht' injuries and ill nr s< that plagu..d thr t('am all b st .....eek ?
a nd p assed for two othas in :l '2ti-6 win ow r CIO" c r Crc~ k last TU~5day, Dua ne :\"w10 11 ~nd La rry G olni c \vere o n th e rec~ivin b· r and 01" C urtis' s.. orin ~ :ri ri Gh. Clova C reek's unly tuuchdo Wll c;imc wh" n T ed Bt~rry Many Lut.'S Were Out cunnn: t,·d with D.-all ~[,~ rri son for :J. C oal'll Harsh lll:1Il hi mself w:!, a yi c tim of the flu-bu g a nd was bcd-ridd.. n .ix-pointe r. The vi c tory ti .~ht c ll,~ d th e t it!.: r:, ct: bc tw t·t'n "fourth" and East most uf last w n' k, Di ck G oodwin, Tommy Gilme r, G <'orge f'isha, O r) ... Chri, tl'nson, Sam Ga nge, a nd L ynn Ca kins a ll wr:n; nursing' th~ lu a n n P 3l'kbnd. :!,s"rted injuries. It is tru e th;,t so m e of th ese fellows pbyed, but why? Ttl,' In "Hotlwr Tu <·sday afte rnoo n ba t got up Ollt of t hei r ~i c k-bed~ be"ausc they had to. rl.. , l ''- Y H:oII rom ped U\','r ,m undc r \rhcrc w"re ' we to instill tha t ~nc-ouraging pat on the: back, that o 1ll .lll nt'u ~ 'iua d front \V",tc r n Parkword of appreciation? Way out in left field, This can' t happen again. la nd, +'2<!+. .ht ~{'fht'illl of Ivy hit , We all, and especially our chef!r leade rs, hu'e a job to gr:t the Lute back . ior fOllr :;roring" pas,,,, in his squad's . on the winning trail. Let's sec something new. A pep rally ,a bonfire, a os(' ve n touchduwn assault. L:l rry f la- , . team ~nd-off and meet them when they comr: back; win, 1(]6I:, or draw, IUl)e' and L owell Shelda hl <';Jeh p1lll,'d Student> Jlave to Work ; in tw'u six-l>o int ~ aials whi!.· Ru,;.-r . 1'1" d 'V I d h' ff 1. . I d G '(. . I d .J C I llS IS :, 1,:00 kam . r t.: la,·" a goo coac rn g sta . h,'n' IS not h ,n < I I ' . \11 ,·rso n. :! r y ,,1t' ;1n :, n" > ' r I' I k d .. I . d ' h d bod ' • ,S . I d I I . wron ;; ,ut t It· :'I e ':1 a lsl ca ;, t.lltu e 01 t e stu .. nt \. T"Sltn g on t h·1.
..-:t rey co mp ete tI t \'y .>co nll., . , Th,' ' ·'Jlubin.ltion of G ary ~irl. to ' :\:':11 W;, hlllt'll :!cco."nkd .~or CIght~."lI u l W.. "e rn' , 2-f pu",ts. KI r k a lso ltgllrcd in the otha scurr: J S he ,:on
post,.riors w:'l itin .~ fo r th e di~its to be added to th e win c~lum n. Bdi evr: mc. we wo n' t ., ~.: any wins c halked up with this attitude. La§t Sunday you rc ! o n tilt' ba rk IXl gC of YOllr stude nt congn:;pt ion bulle tin that, "The g reat fi" I,1 I' t,f ha tk is in th.. Iwell't and mind of nt:lH," That o:xprt'~ses what wc netd to .' now .
~e.; tL'd with D~nlli, M a rtt a h flll' the Let's get behind our Lutes and let thr:m know we apprr:ciate their hard work, ForjC~t lout week's gam~, TOlIlOrrow is anothr:r p me. and . fln;,1 tally. LEAGUE STANDIXG..; remember, Lutes, we're behind you one hundred perceDt from Coach W ' . n til<' two te ~m s smc," 19 J 7, PLC . s i" t he w< n co lumn 8-7, two C .. n t r a I Wa,hi ngton's \Vild .;a t, I .t T i Hal'SJu~n down to the last DIan on ~ bc.ru:h. Euu:.ru. a 1_ tea.I.U, n m{' resulting in tics. Last vca r Eas t- . rolkd t,) a n easy :2lJ to I) vi c t ury o\ "c E :lsk rn o but remember, they have to pull thdr panb on the :same way you, .... ......,.. 4 " r n 'as \'ir toriollS '27-7. ' j , lt· lTi. plt'd and II -bi tte n Pacifi c ['oun !. n FOUR. FOR. .FOUR. Coach ~,bn" Harshll1a n L, ho p in." L ut lll'ran Gb dia turs last 'atllrday .tt : T ar'om ,1 .... ........ ,.... :;
I 2 O ur football foreerut prodll ced a p e rfect four for fo ur a flrc Ia t w ee h,' flu rloes n' t cbim any 1ll000e vic'- L i" ,'o in Bowl to t3 k.: oJ\ or svk po ·- · h y Hall ..... .. ... .. ... . '2 ..! football wars we r e OVe r to r:lise o ur a verage to .700. This wed we'll b e if'" to ha ndio p th e :l ln':ldy injury- '<'<'i~n of fi t plac ' in the E\'c r.;-re,·n C IO\!'r C r Cl,k .... .. . :1 ~ ) bn:ath e r :lnd not d {'I\'e into th e c rystal ba ll dll e to b ck of 'pa l.'~, - - - - - - _._- - - - - - l'id d" n tea m. Tom Gilnu:: r, Lut e full- Con k renc . D,' ]a rdi",:s ........ .... 'L \ck, i, \~ o rkin ~ ou t bu t ;uay no t be Lu te C o;,ch ~lan' H ., ", hlllan fid d - : W.. ' h'rn I't for a n ion. Fr<"shllla n .:n d L ou I" d a 1ll.lk,· -~hitt lineup th a t ,aw tht: U 1.,.. ,i ., \ <' rdy sp m ined h is a nkl " in Wikk "t~ ;.;orc touc.hdowns ill t h.: fir; t I) Th ird __ .. .... 1 h " n l r:,1 ' a m. a nd will d d initd y :lnd ,('Lo nd q uart r:; to ~ lt jo y ;I 1:; ·0 .,. out of a cti on for a couple of we,: k5., h.l lftim e )..-ad. Th ,; inj ul Y I id d kd Lutn w,'r~ ab l~ tll h,) !d the Wild,',l ts ~corel e s, in tit R a n gy Curt K:lls b d, thul1g h hawV third p"ri,)d , but again in th l' fourt h nl'd b y iu j uri...; l:r , t ~T. ·r, h 5 hUIY/I I j t:l ll. I t he \Vild , a t ~ prod u ced .. > j 0.; 1'<' ; ' t impron-i lll'nt in h is fina le 0 t.li ll l' d. d 'i\'c 0 st te h :heir k 3d t o PLC football. As :l sO'nior, ( ur " PLC\ TOlllmy Gillll r c I :IJ, th .. I '20 tu IC,' t he )tall Ie . lending h is ability :lnd infl u,',·,c.. to PL(.' , L d t, rnl<:I1 ' ~ C I,b held its PL C W:IS minm the 5rrvi ccs of hal f E\",·r.~ r("t"n Confert'lIl'" p ll11t"rs with ::l ' pa rk th ,' Lut.. ' In Tn f"~lIt hi i ri.. ht +0.8 y:!rd a ,,(' r:11;", a t: t: o rdill ~ to Llltf' , ,r I mrl', ill l( of th,: it' :lr T ue:;d a r h:.ll·': ,?,'orge Fish"I' who ",:t., bed -rid .. nd ,I"t. nl,hl. Pn'l ill1 in:J I,)' plan; w..-n · 11wn d t'I< WI t h t he fill, :rndlullback TOIl1!ll}' , t:tti , tici:>n Loui,' Spry. Th .. Lull" s C urt c. une to l'LC in his oplto· . h 1(" 1 t l .111 d e n d S'am G a n~e wltnessc . d .;p ni o r fullha ek is well Jh, ':.d o f quar , t.) p r~sent :t mi nstr d sh ow III t t' 0 >l lIlon' y, ';, r aft.-!' a tt f' Il Jin~ Y~kiuu l nn r l utu n·. P r" sidellt C urt ' ::rlst"d' till eoJ n ~ , t frQIll the siddim', with tf: l'i,ac k F r e d EIIll'rson of \V"s tcrn J .C . :I, a fr",I11l1an, At Y.lki ma ht· let · . r,·d ll ~<" . G !Jard S .D 'Ie,;I. G 00 d W>ll ' Was h i n :~ t'J Il C oll,.,,,t· who has com '" '(,:d t klt this i, to b"part 0 f tI1" .II Ju . ., _ " t"rl'd in fuothall :llltl t ra~k. fi o,'1 to rr ll 'W int" rest in the .L r le r- Cl nd U rsun Ch r istl:'ll, en "aw ac tio ll d e piled a . , tJ.J ycl rd :l\·c ra.:!t' I,)r 15 .\ g r:lduate of Y.lkillla Hi " h (.h("11, 'p ill' nu ....ii n~· t h e flu-bu " , u s did c,'n- I punts. - n\ :Iub . C urt lUod,·stly sp"aks of his scict'tio " [n t h... past t h~ IJl'tten~ ~ n h:1,'e t<' r , ~un ~I <":~1l~ 5 ter. ., 'J:he ;')P "· ~·<'ll . r~ul.'t"r;..in tl,,: EVt:r · as an honora ry c<lpt:t in of th, : Y;rk :, ' 11 . " III attl'lldln..,; mectlll ){> ,uld I f 1 I ~ 115tl <:.) ho....,. I tllt~ Lllto's .. rtt ll Conf<'f' n l< ludlld ,. 1. Ill" t"a ln whi c h took the (,., lumbi I , I '<~ p in ~ 'In a c ti ,'c int ere~ t," states Ka l- , with '1 minu s I:.! yard~ :lnu four fir" I'unts .\...~ , ; Basin Confne n(:c c hampionship I~ h i. , , d , " hut in th t: futur.... th, 'l''' will be' d,] ,."". T ommy Gi lml'l' ...... .... .. .. . II W. S srnior yea r. Thi s WilS :I n u dubl., dri, l' tn make tht' club Hlor.: ac ti ve ." : Fred E rn'-h on, \Vest. ..... .... 15 :Hi.:j :lchi ~ \,"I1Ic nt , since h.. turn..d /Jut fu r Bob .\u stin, CPS 1.3 ::5 .5 ,\ p rllposal to dis('oura t:,~ tht~ wear- I football ill lti l(h school that o nL yr:lr. in~ 'If high ~choo l nu m e rals 011 swea t- . C o r k y Rridg"" Cent. .. .. .. .. II :H .J . Curt h:ls kttnt'd ill ba r. ba ll .1 ~ W J ; m ad ('. In th e future nu on·: W:IITC II Llshu,1., \Vhit'th .. .. I:! :;:0 ..1 : PLC th p bst two p ·a ls. In hig-h ,houl ... iIl h,' pt"rmitt"d to wcar it-ttt'Ttnan ROll Sp... rb,· r, Ea'ltl'fn .... .... 7 '2 7.7 Curt t' 3rlll:d OIlC I('tler in t r:lck and .., aten with J n y hi g h schuo l ktte r Look for the New Bnl(' o: .\I l' C :dl ulll, l' BC .... II '25.9 / Curt Kalstad two in both baskdball a nd b "b. 11 ,n it. i ~"""-"""""""""""""""""""""",,""""""", HI: i a llIt'lllbo ' r of ' ~F.A . th.. ttl \ U kttl' nW' 1l wt' !' ur <,rt'd I" wa tc h dl'llt cO ll o,: rcgation, ;llld is JI£old t'nt oi !h,' o ll lk tin board fur futu r e ntt'" tin g- . 123rd and Pacific tlw Lute L t:l tl'fnt" n's Clull. CUN ;, I,··.. .. 1lI:·,j o rill g' ill ph ysi c'l l educ:ltio n and I h"" l1h with a lIlinor i n the b iolo gic.ll LUTHERAN I leh .l nd C
rol C olle gl' o f Monta na, 59-6 .
I.n the
ga,lIlc s
,Veteran Curt alstad parks Gladiat:or Line Pun ters
League Led by Gil mer
Hold i I First Meeting
Beat Eastern!
College Drive-In
THE CHURCH IS ON TH E MARCH! Go ",petent teachers· growing s t ud e nt bo d y - Christ-devoted program · hi<:lh standards - attractive campus· low r: osts, TlfE SEVENTH ACA DEMIC YEAR
S. f oeb
• Ph ,D.• President
2no Morin
Ca lif.
PHONE LE , 7-7100
. 1\'1ON DAY THRU SATURDAY 7:30 a.m. to 7 : 30 p.m,
3:!8 Garfield St,
LE ,
7·99~ 1
P gr Fou r ,
Frid a y, Oc;t ober, 25, 1957
-=oreilin __and l'Te", -=rien by Linda Hurd
1 al w a ys rh ught tha t a E uro JX' a n tra\'c1rr would nl" ' C'r hav c
Clubs Busy with Organization
ACH! LES SIE! U ndt r r. k" d' rship of n ('wl) , I,ctf'd pre~ide t Da w La It' r . th( C nL.tll lub is mak lh>{ pl ans fOI' an i ntt~ rt:~ t i n g se ries of meet ings during the com in g year. App roxi ma tely 100 nltJl1bers will be karning more abl'ut the pcople of Gc' rmany a nd the land ' g Germa ~ I itsc.lf. as w('11 as expe n'encm n 11-- di tiom through son gs a nd gathn.". ' ch as 'the an nua l Ge rman ! (lI~hg~, , u " , , n~ tn 'as party ,
t r o u ble makin & (onvc rsa ri o n ; a nd ' ct I ofte n f i nd t ("!li ng a h ?ur my Su mmc r c xpc ri n ccs vcrv diffie It, P e rha p bc.:a usc C'vcr y time . atte mpt I f d t h at I can n e ver qm, t da r J11? co unm ak 5u(h an • h l ' t' , Cl or [ c p eop C .IllS Ie\:. " , I rceall{'d many won d rful t h tn £ & a trc r r ,a dmg a n t~ld le rter . , d 111---- -- --- ·--·- - -· h.ld wnttt.1l thiS ~ummt';,?n • f '. ~ .J J <1 h tha t \\ tli nrsd a" O c tobe r 30 ha s been would I .( te. usc CXCt'TPt~ rom I, to m<:-:!I was so ~OL'U " t( J lr I " , , ' . h ' I' f t J . t ' :d' ch SUI as tht' da te fo r tht fall med ~'I\' yo u S()l1lt lI1" g.t JIlt u I e l f .; .. I , ' " ' ,' b' . hytt ~, L u ten, · ", orw,y, .. ~ 'f I Coo un) I r.~ club ' whi ch" \~ ~ d\ \Sed \. Rudo Tu n~t nc3UU U ' c,f the . b
. ,
liaum f< n'mon ) f Itow d b ~ I h p it d!;. l.I rt~ h. It! 1 ;\ (lut {'a mp on Brown's P , int. Tht pre' li t Iota Btt~ nll'mbc:r ta kt thi s opportu n it y t( publirly s; " "wdCOlTl e ,
to a, good ycar, t~ge:'thc r In APO, with ~ .. P"' C(: to the .ollege a nd commu. 1lI't )., " CONGREGATIOX CHOIR ~t'wlv ticc tc'd offi c<'rs of Student , C~ngreg' a tion Choir arc Pr('~idt' nt. " Bob Erickson ; \'icc-prcsid en t, frank , Ba rnrci tcr: C haplain. j oe Dana'lson : ' . . H' clI.' ta ri es of til(' ha ll~, Lonnie Ste\'' . ('mon, Carolyn Erickson. J can L-llc-
wbrr~ I sl'rn d .! t th( Lul i1 e:'ran " ou th Wt h,,\'(: ha d the opport unity to I ~{n, Llttl~', ~hc m('~tlng wlil t: a t " worlo- tamp II I< I t an d wo r J.. WIttl w e le rn'f'I e"' QOp.m , m, Xorth H :< II lounge , QS7 ' I d ' h O tl' ('r ofhn'rs recent I" elected are : I ~Qr"'( pan ~oun s peop C, a r. . In t t: ', ' , ' J u IY 9. , I ~ ' Barb r Ol- Stuhlnu lkr " secrctary-treas· t . t h(m'l('~ we h a\'c \1"~l tt d wt:' v( b een '" t, IUf' on ou r Iast wee k h (' f( . . 1 II I Id d U ff'f a nd ICC R r prcscntatl\'('; and ' d ' . . 'I I d · , . Budor, n :t o('so t Sf.( 01 PC'!M) t tn a t coo rOYIl y, cou go on n o n , n h b ! b ' . f h' · , t d R u,'b<: n L ,htl Sandra DIbble, and toda) IS J uly ~t , a m: t t 1(' eauty Q . t IS cou n ryan · ' " , ' I h f h I TAnl' t ~{cnsch. SOCI al C ha ir me n, Tht. wory. h" s bten h rd but fu n, . tht' C ~, rm 0 t:'r peop f' , . . \"', h ave sp< n t all ou r tim digging h . th e mountains and fields the:' PHOTO PHANS t.he bas!' ent a nd the progress ground is cm'('fed with the most beauCame ra Club rec('ntly d ected Don bt, u vcry sic.... cue to the rocky ti fl l w ild flown's imagi m.~le. It i!. so I Schu~tze as ~residcn t ; ~fart i n Scha d g round , If you could ~t t: me with a pt'acC'ful , and w', e ( n ha\ c our own n, \'\ cc-prcsldc nt ; j ean Ostra nd, sec ,hm'd you'd III \'('1' bdic\'c it. I'm ' rry special ba ckground ffiUhic- the retary-trcasurr: r ; a nd Stan H askey, r l ally lookinr; "rt·~t--scrape~ up k gs, SGft ti nklt of cow bells in SlImmer ICC rt·presentatin . e' ut hands, and 1 m dC\'dopmg som pastuffs, T o c reate intl'rf's t in photogra phy Il' u~c k~ that are ~o ugly I'll probably J wish you c Id hay" M en is the p urpose of the C ame ra Club. haVl to \H a r long den TS fo r the rr t mouse in tht: corner a t ou r Nor· So far it has 12 members, but Presi "r my lift'. wt' gi;lI .•Amcrica n fourth of July. We dc:- nt Do n Schultze invites anyone in Si nce a rrivi ng I ha n gotten used tool.: tax1s into Ha mar for a second terested in photo/l:raphy to a tte nd the 10 man . things, Fint, it ne,'r r gets ra te American movie. No ....onder our m t ct ings, which arc h d d every first dark, and I st ill find myself wakin~ Norwegian friends remarked th at "you a nd third Tuesday a t 6:45, The place 'J p in tht m iddle of the night th ink Ame ricans a rt:' crazy but wonderfu L" will b..· posted on tht" bulle:'tin board. 109 it is tim e to gt't up, FO<>d i· r. I'm loc.king forwa rd t o D f' nma rk, I Programs an~ being plannt:'d which rasci natmg topic We'\'e had ~om!' G erma ny, Austria, I ra ly, . witlula nd, will aid photo fa ns in taking Uer IOH'ly concoct ions , ~u I'll list a {('w: F.;mcf. a nd G re?t Brita in with great pictures and learning of dark room tm Whale a n t :('ip~ t i(!I1 , but I th ink you a n see pro('(.durc, which will be prac ticed in P Whal{ meat, oa t meal soup. fish p u.d w i Y it i, goin g to bl' w ' ry I a rd to the da rk room of CB. D on urges all to come, " r-;-o matter d'l: g. ~p inach soup a nd puffC'G ri(.{' ~a )' goodbyr te> Budor Tu risthy rt a nd ror de:'ssC'rt , Bw a ctua lly the whale :-;(1rwa~ , wh at kind of Camel'a you ha\'c, if a n y,"
LEnox 7·3261
APO TAKES PLEDGES A PO ;;, nn(, unC(' ~ tha t twt"in ; n t'w plt'd gts werc r"ce rotly rc<:"iH:d into its organization, "It p roves to be one of [hI' 1,. t group' of fello,,"' thi r hap trr ha s en ' r had , Ir. re ga rd s to scou tin g back!;round and leadt:'rship a bility in h igh ~ehool;' says Hal B ken. APO p residen t.
I ~===============================; ! Formica -
Paint .- Pl umbi n g Roofing Ki rsch Rods W ind ow Shade 5.
P pe C
Installatio n -
in g a nd Threa dinQ
1215t and Pacific Avenue
Phone LE, 7-31 7 1
~ ~,
3·IN·l TO BEnER SERVE YOU Standard H eating Oi ls " Heating Se-rvic ~
Thr' pledges, Bob OIH'n, Ted John sronc, J:'r,'d Miller, Ch uck Larson. Rill !\'ewcl.mtr, C raig jol'ch!cln, a nd Si fi R a li~(1n, finisf. a wt. k (.f init ia l pkdg ing tooa y, Mt mbe rs will be. taken in in the m idd le of ~ove:'mbe r at the {ornlal ini-
Eq u ipment
PHO N E LE. 7.{J256
120T H &. PAC I FIC A VE N U E
field riLiJ!
" ,,",. art the h :h t c>i th ( " orl '( know th way; th rd OR. ~ l (' hl'lp in the ,~rt" t cOJllma nd (lur ~ord of ma k in,~ d isciples o~ " n",· 110m: ~ut a "':ltn"SS of ~hn~t , n u d t(1 I:, \\, II I CJUlpp' d . Bt'sides h I pro fessl,o n , h( n ( t d s , a ""('n0 1l.1 back. I f!l'Ound a nd a workmg knowkdg r c! I God'~ Word," R c\' , Landsve rk add f'C
As ~I id('s 'of his mis ise' f1 field ",etc
Ishown, R C\·. Land\'(~rk p om ted o ut the n('cd for w('11 educated peapll' , , I d' H' d . n la., U)J~ I('oneH'ryo f \'Ol'atlOn Id cst b e Iie f s, l~ ' tht worI d ' II'.
la nd. K a v R/:ckord, T w i I a Gillis, great handica p to Christian wor)..
4{)6 Garfield St.
STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 Pacific Ave. ( Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7'{)206 We Drllver
I , d ( L • jo(' Danit:ison, only tw ent y-fl\ ( thouslI n aTC n n~. , [H:ry Thunday th t chOi, r merts In tian , ' , , , H e compa res th e red, whIte " nil titc eMS .,t 6: :,0 p,m . IIndtT tht· dl, rt'Ction of j erry Ba yne fo r rehcarsal. , ~r('en striped fl ag of Indl to d.e . ., MISSIOT CHU RCH ES rdigions o f the coun l r ', R ed ~hO'O.'! R e\', Obtrt L a ndsw'rk, miss ionary that Hinduism is tlle lar f: st reJigi(,J1) to th e Sa nta ls in North east I ndia , was today; white portrays Christialll t~ , th e guest speake r at Mi3sion C l usad - I green indicate·s M ohamme danism, t h o en last Tue~day "n:n ing, sel'olld la rgest sec t , H e explained to the group tha t, I T ht'se colors af(' also used as < though it isn' t far to the fon'ign field m,ot,to of, misisonarics: R(;d,,, H ah' from (.ur ai rport: today, we can be \\hllt, LlsIcn: and Grec'n, '\-\ltn .
For the Ghollls, Goblins or Witch s on YOllr List
Look first here for your choice in
What is the relationship
between Lutheran Brotherhood
and the Lutheran Church?
F ort y year~ ago, at a L u theran C hurch convent ion in St. Paul, .. prominent lavma n sto o d up to persuade the grou p th a t Luth erans should w~rlc. together to h elp each other in lime o f troubl ,
A few davs I, ter the org anization n ow called Luther n Brotherhooiwas incorpora ted by church leader_ . It p urpo were "to aid the Lutheran Church ; to foster justice, cha rit) an benevolence: to provide educatio n , . , to encou rage ind try ~avings, thri ft , . , to f urnish re li ef a nd protection to its me.ru. t-ers. the ir dependents a nd I-e nefici a ries , through the payme n t of be nefits in case of death or d i a bility," While its prim a r y purpo!Oe is to give protect ion to meml rs bu ild c hurches bv lo a ning m o ney , , , helps train church leader~ h) p rovidi n g s~holarships , , , h e lps churches g row by giving mone} , n d s upplies .
of t be Lutheran Churc h. rhe Brotherhood al ~o he lp
The Lutheran Brotherhood is a worki ng p a rtner of the hu rch , m ffed b y L u theran s to serve members of all Luthera n Churcbe~ .
lutheran Brotherhood 70 1 Second Avenue South • Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
LakeW"ood Ice Arena
~ Call JU. 8·7000 ~ ~ ~ ~~
Fully A utomatic
Li'/11:ng bt M/ i ts for L1ilhera ns throuuh life t:nsuraru'e
Tue sday -- All Even ill9
Wednesday - ofte r 9 p,m,
Friday - All Evening
10707 Pacific Ave .
Phone LE. 7-6012
, Toot.~;(' \Vett er. Arnold Ols In, and . th e th rcc and a Ila If ml' 1)'IOn . a n l-'" .....
and her children. T hat would be, in effect , an insuran ce contra ct."
We Outfit Co-eds
S 0
At that timr, many still thought insura nce wa!> un-Christ ian,
LAURINAr-S Apparel
rrL"ic'n~l i rs n a miss ion h rf' a t h ortl. ,
So to make his point, he used a very simple illustration: " Suppose two brothers made an agreem ent: he said, "Ea h romised that if the other died, he would provide for the wido
E n,io y That "PLUS " SerVi ce
fe llow~ , W t 'R 10~k in ,'I' forw~rd
............ .'
isi: Wang
rles T e •
o l 'll' l. \','ni ng of Tu es .>o y. l 'o .oT ber 5, al :30 p . m. in [be I C" . . . , Lh( fi ~s t p~.o~r;::111 of (he s rud~nt artist sni.:s will be prc- I ~:. " nft:d hy ;vhss Ctlh \\fang, ). , il L ,Va n g ( pronounced '} sii! i \Van g) is a smal: Vi ennese pa nLOm inllst who, perhilps, rin G; the d<'s igners of [he Sputnik ur ~.'" i m. Q \ IOl i n ~ fro m th(' :\ ( w ~··V a 1. )~tW ~3 "~1i ~ "\' a n~ j ~ a p ~- pr uph- ~I . ( n d \ tr ti .si n ~ !-!r:i rIl(Jphul l.'.' 11,,/{. , . ' 1 ff, . O il uwl, il pail' l,i I, ('f' rd , . ,! u a t ir,~ ill front of art o ld- I , crollat . a flowe r pot a nd two ,: i\·.il - ::J ,r.;OCII d [~, ! kin'\ mal'hint·, ~Jqt :, .. ,,1- 1 .11 Uti cun " Orl l l l ! lg fur I J1 ;~ i. · Y o f trJ t:" : ud·d u\! lJ .;; t t !lIn g- to Irlv d c f n raJ !o I W JI<I. A HI. I~r l1f l0 tU JIlL :H1 r1 ~illl· 1 and {"r flI llIa t i n~ a n o pin ion of h :s I lIIick . h. is " PUPP,,[ witholl t " ri n.L I U\, 1". .. nu \, i,lt ;~ ddi1!htfully \v ~!c hy 1.min .\ ft t J I I i n ~ thi " littlr' actH' :'o-~ c .. in ~ ~ ill 1I ,. he.,tL I h' ":o rld a nd its folli es as 1, " raw C ' ll i \\"" ll~ will tell a pt rso n th a t 111111"\ id. 1. thr' pun led spcctatOl' i, b T \."kn t fil >t bl/lllll in hrr p Iay ,u )JOll [, J tl' as k, "'Vhat ~ hall we ('all I d til cl . SIt< lJ"'gar. by sa t il fy' l, \; lilt th i. [" li n of a rt :,,, All he, tricks arr' Ut ' JI' to " n form fai r y ta les and the' hr l . <; [,<1 I,,' r comic dfect is l3r..,ely ".y'ni' cili ld has t m a ined th e sp•. rk p m GlI c, d by th t' unexpected-by that lJf !n p lr;,t:on \\-'ithi n tht- (' o n ' e ~(Ju f.l" which ~"t rlls to contradict the h~\\ \ of na rur.... t in !..! ....·(.J nan.
.\-l i, s \V:lIW will be co-starrc1 on
h 01lC of hl r lill m be rs. ' H i~ M a~, lit< C(o rgt: Gobd TV Show, :\BC I. I \'uiu ," sl... purtray ~ not th·. p "p' T\', on Dr ternhr r 3, 1957,
~t .d·
• QUITE A TABLE SETTING are these ten PLC junior and senior girls who w ere a mong the thirte-en to be nominated by various campus clubs an-d organizatio'ns for Homecoming Queen, Seated (I. to r,) are Barb a r a Johnson, Bonnie Troedson, Georgia Lee, Barbara Ristau and Marilyn Force (finalist), Standing (I. to r.) are Patti Finn, Esther Ellickson (finalist), Colleen Therriault, Janice Rindahl and Janet Turman ,Not pi cture d. are A~~rey Hart, Patri.cia Ahrens and Twila Gillis (finalist)" .__ _ _ ._,,______ ___ _ _ _ __
Elliekson, Gi iii 5, Fore Com pete
1_,1_"' 1
PA_R_K_LA _ N_D_,W_A_ S _H,_ _ _ FR_I_",N_O_V_, _VO_L_,3_5,_N_O,_J.;;;,.6_ _
PLC Hosts Debaters In rac L.e e TodayI SaL "&;
:For Queen Honors in Final Vote i rt d t Bd I I prli~ram, ~pccial J U en 0 y.Hea d I
junior and st'lliur
PLC p.m. Studtnt wlt-nt will plTfonn at ~'-
were numin"ted for QU('t'n of tht' .19~i Homecomi ng, "Say It With MUSIL ' .. . . I h .. y , n I'atnr::o Ahn"ns, Esth~r )',ni d"ulI, p"t " i: T 1" Il, M:, rilyu Fun,., Twila Gilli" Auclry Hart, Barbanl Johmon, G,·urt: i,.. Let', Janicr ~illdahI, Barbara .R i ~.t a u, Colleen I hnnault, B li II n I(' 1 roc<1son, and J'llH't Turman, O ;..:o..Ulx·n ' "Ill10tH1CC d r' rJ'd ay WOlllell
I t":lt and "\'.I'nt' will' be included, such. as the k"i~hting uf I th .. football captaIn for tIl<' HOll!t cornInc ,,;n ne the "na cia\'.
th an way "nd tomurrow m ol' a C omp(·titio n ruunds will ope n d)/" I! ('(JIlt- t' deba.tt squads will be ' to t l~ g-<IH:ral public, and stu d •• I S 1 . . . <:illl1 puS fur the s('cond annual P L C w i "L,,~ tu ul),U\',· dd.';J tc tlf '" /:_ Quecn Crowns Harry fJ rac.:tict: d"b;l\t" tournament. :\Cte r iu)! ruu",l, can dete n ll .II" sp".I..iog :\Ipha Phi Ollll' g<l has ha d its anr ,:st",tiun this morning at 8:00 iiIIJ('; "nd plac es f!'OIr! tilt' buIlt-tin l "llaI ., ·ketion of a Handsollle' Harry . d l1. , the, fint COlllPt' litiw.. rou nel be· bU". ni ill .th<. CCB. [ WhfJ IS, t.o bL .cn:wnC'd. b Y . the H. omt·· W !IS at 9:,;0 and "vents WIll conclude In :,ddltlOn to Mr. Karl, till' tOllrI' "Imnl.: QUlC. n .11 tbt Powd."I" P~ff It Ili,~ht ; t 10:15, ..teordir,!! to the lit l'olllrnittt-e " :1U l(mrnted by I Bowl gam!' on S:l t\~rd3Y mornmg, I\oAct Ion ' a ,iI .IL!!J.f 1t l ' urlnan antI D r. \ i crnon Tl nrnbn 9th . Voun1;' was hdd .on ., lll . u.£UlU .••.• t st''h t" J U Ic . ~""\ 1Ou up,-n II,; t'. t. D'OrI O ,,", a t 7:45 a .ITt., and ttcnoin' l zin".... of PLC, M.-. H. A. M~Haift- y FIO I11 the aboH: list, F thl'r Elliek- Wedn(:sda~ and lhur.sd~y at t,h~' proce ;.t · w l:h :lw:rd ~ a t 7 :45 p.lI!. , vf Linfitld C ollc.·g;. , M.-. H . Hin gston "" n, Marilyn Forer and Twila Gillis uf 1. II ntl·l \ot( . 1 hl' mon.' ~ .\PhO ., " . f p. " f' l ' ', . <; • , .< ~, 'I R ' 'I . . n"n'I\'cs WI I ~' O loware 5 repal!"!n)! t c Prof. 1. O. H. Karl, dlrt'clor of the jl v all It , flO\( r. .n·, l Vlr. G.ll It 1· w('ft· ,·!t-ett·d as tilt· flll:' h~t~ un Tul'~- , , ,.,. . d f I L" . f W ·1' old n en'attOn a l lmltalals III the CUB 1 ul11'llartwnt, ". y s that th(" fC;renSlc.! :l1 (0 t H' lIl\'n "ty 0 as l111 gton, d ;,,' with c, final vott· hdd on W 'dn,'s- P , ;" w, II a s pur~hasing new matt:ria ls. ' 1110'( till~ i< bt· ing ht:ld a l-lnil this ye ar l " I1 eI .,IL Ben a(in, of Purtland Uni· day to d en th... Quet' n. :\0 Olle will The junior and senior men nomi,t tl!l' H'y""t of th~ s,h Qls partie i- . "'" ity. be inforlllcd ' " to who was .. \eetcd nat..d w (. r t': Robert Bills. CharlLs l).l till ~ :: r,d rr ~istration of schools (I,]Y ,'xpnil"mTd or Y1I a I i f ird (2un'n until chap..1 tim (, un :\lwcm- Donhuwt. R 0 ~ e r Iw'rson' Rud><: n I •, h ools· 'It th·· pr"st-nt'l jUt.! !; ., will be .ust·d in thl" tournam!"llt,ocr ut U h " I · n(ls ·,t u " , Lit' f I , 'lV·1ar t'In~ a 1 I, (".ral- Y L'In db 0 ,. ' l\' t'I" f.' "pn" "nti ~ th ~t;> <talt·,. w ith a. few , [ Ill . ), (' ;'1', to lllSlll" t h e g-n·:tl!"st d t', C l-h E . .. . ere.lJlon), at verung ,on, Don M a ys, ilnd Gene Rei,ker. 1: te , !'ri\'. I. I xJ)<'ul'd . "n, of f"i m,-ss ill decisions, Tht.' PLC Th a t "" nin~ th,' queen will be Hand,ome Han'), will be ,,,,nounced f ll nal ic'n. ol d t:b.ttt tupi c this Y'" r ' pt', d , d "lJartmr nt t' xtends a ll in\'i nowlwd at th .. curonation ('e n mony to t\Ie ,tuclent body at. Tup.d::ty chap .s. Rt ,' ull d: 1 h a t tht;> 11 quirelfwlIt of I to t io to a n\' stlldent who wisht..s to todd in th.. eMS :t lldi((;riutll a t 8:00 el on :\o\Twbcr 51h, .__ _ _ _____._____ _ _ _ _ ir K' •• Ll'rship in :t I bu r or ni L~tl iun ul" ,.r\'(· any uf tl,.. ,'venls "nd [xr ., l'onditi{Jrt (,i I . t h· 1<1 11, ,111; k a m ;o onethin~ about th e labor • n ip uym(:n s uu I, it ua riun. bt illt- ~aL This qu. , tiun emGudil S lh , 'I'll! . choo\., PH'slTitly Iq!,istl'l'cd for I "'T " t Ii L/h t to wOl k I(·)!,islatioll a nd I tl1l' tOllm an wllt, acco rding- to ~fr. I:.bor COITu lJl iun iteItls which han ' i Karl , an' : Lewis and Clark, Purtland; · ;.... I ,atl en t'·Ivn , In . th c n ('""S ,I En 'rt'tt JI. Cullt'g'l', \Villalllettc UniIIt- Id na t lor ' . h () f d d b i \'to ity, St. Martin's, Whitman, Gon- , The Reverend Rubert W. Lutnes, I into mO\'ie form so that it may be I II a dd Itron tu t!:' X ur < .Itt', I T " , f () L' f' Id ; . . i . , .. . . . '.. ' ' . " ' . za gH, '- no\'('~s~ty l: reg-on: In It , I PLC student pastor, '~ a\'c.s tilts Sun-I StTn by all lell'al congrl'gatlons ~f th.r th .. n. be t H nts of mtuprt'tdtl\( I S" a ltk Pac,fl(' Coll!:'g", College . of I d"y n'cning, followin g tilt: Student ELC and be pn',,,.. r,,,"d as an 11l ~ tort· H a dlIl E;, 0 rat 0 I' y, eXlt'mpora ncous! PlI!='l t Sound . Idaho Coil" ' e, Pac lfl( ' Cun~rt'gation COIrlmuniol. Sen in'. for cal dOl ument. ~( ,11 in<- . alld imprumptu speakin. ! Llli\'t·,"si.t~, Uniwrsity of Washington, I Minn(' apolis, whert· he will cunkr, Not Certain of FOfm --- ---i al!(j p , Clf" Lutlll'fan College. I with Dr. F . .'\, Shiotz and Dr. O. H. I As tu th" t' X;,,"1 form of the pag'
n' •
"Jump" To Be IlIuw, p,,:,stelt-Ilt and sec~ctary, respe~Skatin9 Party Set ,IIWI)" the ~\'angelt~al. Lutheran • hI: I ChurCh., con. c('rt l1 n g. prdLl1l1nary plans n ym onlg Fo N b 15th T I G r ovem er I for a pag-eant whleh Pas.tor Lutnes
cll:11 ('.
the Studt;nts: During the next w 't:J.. m anY f inal plans will be made, plan~ t at h<1"( progr . scd since the beginni n g f th, y('ar nd plans that have lxhind thrm '.1' an Jnu u tl ' OUS, \,,'or k'Ing group. nn bdwlf of the ASPLC Student Conncil I invited YQU to pa rt idpnte in th e 19.57 Homecoming Ft· livitit· " to bt- hdd No\,emb"I' 8, 9 and I ll. . . . I O~r m~ltatlOn dot's nut ('Oll l' ttJ manner' II yo u m tln<" , that you •<ht'uld ' come to Homceomin.c: fee h ng an obut' t 'th t', th t: St u d ,'" t 1)~ '~!y we- I "g-a Ion 0 "1 fan" or to the Hom cl' omill' commit ., t d tl k th t t h h p 0 (TS an 1 wor' a r y ' \',. r duc('d . No, rather comf' I n au." "\1 fed that these events win I, ,'nu'r tainin g, "njoyablf', and of intH!: I ttl you . Wilh th i ~ in mind, m ay IJ , I 57 Homl'com mJ.; offn to you, t ht' Alu dents, a maximum of q u. nlit quality of entrrtainmcnt. Sincercly,
DAVE K~llTSON (si l;ncU) ASPLC President, ____._ _ _ __ __
Spurs to Sell Mums • Dunng Next Week
eanl, Pastor Lutn('s is no t crrtain, althou~h ht, feds that if tht: pageant is Homecoming- mums will be; sold to a ccomplish its purpose, "it will denext week at $1.25 l:al:h by the Spurs. Ola nd not onl',' a ."rasp of the ,"enious P"ddy O'Callaghan, chainuan of " " I f has been rtqunt,·d to wnte for the of th .. ELC as we think of it rHophet· I I d h d PI',lIb, ' lrl' I-,'ng rnad," or th,' t!C' sa I"S, announce t at stu ents ~,' ~ final cUll\"t'ntiun of th .. ELC before I II I I k . I did ically, but will also clnnand a severe rnay plac(, thr'ir orders allY tim.. nt;xt Its eurnin~ IIH'rll el' with other Lu ,,, ' s.: 100 s 'aung party sc I~ u e fOf :'\o\'crnber 15 at the South Ta- ,,'kction of materials, and a creati"t' weck at th," tahles ~et up in th t ' UB ! COli.;, Roll.. r Rink. Tht' p" r t}', th,·mn bodit'5. Ilnpulsc as wdl as a danng a d" mlnI- or Old Main, or hy contactin ~ indi~pt.mur ..d by the wphornurc class, I':IKeant in l\.finneapolis "trati\'!' or,(,(anizing of subject m atter." vidual Spurs" wili b.. fro", 9:30 p"m. until 12:30 Th.. pageant, to be giHn next JUIlC. BC8idl's having written a full length ;, . l1l. in the Minneap01is Auditorium to an nonJ, "E""r One God," and being ......--~----......".,..".,..--......- - 1 I ' 11 JI{:ar compktion of a second novd, ANNOUNCEMENT - The Monday Tick, (. will be ,uld in titt: C B audit:ncr of ten thousand peop t:', WI Pastor Lntnl's wrote "The Eternal chapel program will be a chalk talk I' louL) , with rates at 50c pel' perdl'pict the forty·year liit, span of the Sian:," a pa!!eant g iven on the (' cca- by Michelangelo, He will be draw on plu~ 25e fo r shoe skates. EL(: <ince its b gi nnin!i in 1917. Dr. ~i on of the sixtieth anniversary of Pa- i ng on the ceiling. HOH' plans to convert the pageant t:ific I utheran College, ul
"CIIII J U/. l1>," iun night in lilt: ... ) '''":lsium, is being sponsored b }' ~orth Hall tonilltt, :\Q\'ernbn I, at •no p.m. All :. Iud.. nts a re invited to attt'J1~, r tht' rntin' 'H' ning or for just a. ,hort while' . Tht' a. ffair is trietly inforlIlal vollq ball. mix, n, J;amt'~ _ so r«'&s wi ll bt:' pedal push,' or jt:am . Food \ \iIJ ht'NJ , and there is no ad-
Past:or Lut:nes Will Writ:e Pageant: of ELC Hist:ory
Issues I"' t' nVI a10
Page Two
F~iday, Nov. 1, 1957
An Observation
You Name It: and We've Got: It:!
Tuesday's Your Chance
by Solvei;: Lcraa.;
nl'lit Blar k, and Delbert, Jim a nd fatal. Thry can bl' trans forDl"d from ' T e ' I T \ , ' Brown arc the sole pi" fficnta- ma~clllinc to ft'mininc o r vi'-I' \cna ::l I f l ' . I I t . tinns. But WI' can rc!'ulate our wea th- by a revolvi ng of their ca tnl's. or (l'C(>r~ tlon" CtTt;lln)" Jut 0 .;:,
, ctlstrnU:UI:S :.. . I1 us t' ron} I'~~C I1 ot IH·r. '['I1;1 t" ~ ,'I', if th~t's I)Ossibk in Washin~.ton, I, Wh'y' h.H' some ('wor,I<- IIch I· rd ,
~ .,1 II f'tnl' ' COil( . I (an I d y. , b,\" "It.. rnatin;:!, T{')otsi c Wette r and i to-rc·ml'nd).','r nalll'" ~ .Wh.Y ·.",-n ' t thr~' But ",hcot of thl"" wh>.},,' names arc C.·ny Dry.·... "II "'''y, I", ... John Johnson ,1nd R ob Seven Bergs , f'ft Roh"rtson? llll' sa Ill' . For ",:all:pk, Ted might , , B U HE" <aYo "I'm taki ng Car\ronc Carlson to, Of our s<"n'n sturknts llarn,ll erg, Snabblc sing ng ( . h thl' qa nl ~ S;ltu rday ni g ht::, Inull.edi- ' OtH', \Va ynt' B,.:rg, Ct)In,'S from, :anI,t .•.v..ould be int('f(.'sttn,~ t tJ SCt' ' I'" at I d f h I . atL'ly Da\'" will xplode With, "But "da. But n:adllnf!; ,:\Tn farth<:r Is th' ,rldlllltions O IlC could liS up o r t r sha ll consist of one h undred votes, sill' >;Iid ,he'd .go with III"!" I n this Hanson so:!, ten' ill all, drawiu,,- /rOIll ! skill 'En g .' At PLC on" cO!lld put SO, althourzh an overwhelming number of students may think th ~ cas... thcv'n' lllcky hecallse Carl,'nl' Colorado to Al aska . sUl' h kn owkd gc to us ", Runnin ~' " it insane to have m ore than four cheer lea de rs, one out of thir C I· d K I c-' I '11 . , h Pi C f h I "rSOll a n a1' ,' n,' ar son ,pc Only Twenty-four Johnsons ' campu, a r,' f 0 u r Engeos- ·D dun" , teen or to~rtcen pc pie e~e at -,_' ca n v.. ~" . or t e pr posa tllI.ir n:lrl1 h dif fe' n ntl " This do, :s n't To demonstrate lIIass mO\ "ulI.'nt Grace, JaniCt', and ~fary Lou: wo h f h ) J d H'ld l n d have It p a ssed , Or, ,'JSICr Y ' t, It only htty-one of you stu- I I .. Id h . b d h d I 10 l oug oe t t· two u V I " just sland up in c hapd a nd shout, Eng.'rs- Virg-inia and Jan ic.t ; a M ar} dents are agatnst the amendment. rOll CJn an toget er JI1 , I · 'I I "h' - h . I . E ,. h PIE PIE I ' d i )(ane 5 , )ot Ir(,s rll l'l l. "!-ky, Benson, J e,hnson, Christiann3'<1;,:' au ~n g, a au ', n~ , vote It own, d L' d E l i Just reme m ber: ii rOll don't li ke Tuesday's decision, you Name's the Samc SOli ! (;('t Ollt of here! " and you'll have, ~1Il a In a ng\i\,
h Thnc an', howe'\', r, Son1<' on this I'i ght Bensons, twenty-four Johnson., He's a Fisherlllan
b d your c ance, Dave Crowner , Editor ('"mpus who art' dOOnll! ti to constant 'lIl d nilll' for Then w,' han' those namrs that Jr..
- - - - - - - - - ,cunfusion with othns of the sallie th(' door. self-cxplarI<ltory, lik e Di ck and Georl;'·
"all1,·. w,· h:l\t, two Ken Olsons, two The chapel will still be far from Fisher and ~faJ'\'i n Fish erman ( th," I' Jim John sons, two Bob Johnsons, two It' mpt y though, Twdvc Pctersons, ,2D . ha\T h Tn pns of the truant uffictr "' I .-i Boh L,: cs, two Boh Olsons a nd a Bob I I I Larsons and ,en:n, En,,· sinn' kindergarten), Bdt Ball, D o r Th\: amendments raisinQ .... the numba of cheer It'adus and ( anging the method of cheer leader dection o .n . , 1" willd' be 'voted I an next 1 uesdar s s ru dent body chapel. hIS e. trona com~s • ' merely as a herald ot that fact. the ' reason ' I to-WIt: d I n order to pass a PLC ' constltu(tona amen ment a twothi rds majority of voters present. is required, According to my c unt, those 'p res nt at the last business meetinrz, held October ~ 21. numbered approximatei v 150, SUfJposing the sa m~ numba ' . to be present for nl' x r Tuesday's session, a t wo ,thirds maJority
\\'hy do
W /.'
h~I'\"f: n.'lncs~ ~ot lllf:l'l" - I
Christianson~ ht'adin~
i e e rale C I b Why Do ':~::l.~an illla .~int' A R eif.0 r n l atl-o . 1l Fe"·S tl- v(,ll?.. I~:I:~;~ T~o,,' TY7e
with half,alike th clmcl\-.., lucky: those Irk., Lois aile! Loui,,, :\,.jSOIl, Mary and ~larilu ~Iilll'r, :111<1 ~'larik<: Andersoll ; 3nd "'[aril"n L'T .\nderson...\nd WI' i mustn't OI;,it the thirtl'cn othn And"nons" nd the thirtc"n :"\dWIlS, In one SCIlSe PLC isu' t a terribly r olorful place, Georf!;e GnTn, Kell-
Y"sterday was the day. which is dnll,"ed indlll?t'f~~'~ ,a nd, ,p,.:"~nce and I lo.l'li forward to by all Witches and .:~'~tt d ,I:.'lth,",," \ a pal~ ,of l,wI" tats in th.. coulllr)'. Howt'\·c r...1, hl .~lnnln~ 01 the ,,1t.aL t rllrg-It ntalk.. d sOlllethin\( far g rea te r for : iou~ !t' fnl:l1 a tion of all (inlf'. lh.. 1I1t'1<lI )!'rs of Prott'stant churches, i 1 he ! d~nllatloll_, h,,!pcd rl'stor~ t~l' t l"LQh!'T J I was :1 time of n'joicillg I t~'Ut' It' :u: h,lIlgs of Chr~st to th Chft.i tlan rdl,!{lon and bnn~' tho: church . , R eforma tion Dar· , . hack to th t' . PI'Oph-. It made possibk. 011 t ht" cve of All Samts Day. Octo, i1:1 d' I'IH'.d th ,. transb tlOn of the Bible so thai. h, r :~l 1.;-)17 :1 1lI:U1 w h 0 , '. . I' Tl'n th e lowl's! pe";;Jllt could read with ill tl t prole'ct"·,, wall 01 a mun- G' d' d " I d d .. . I d' d 0 S \1/01' a no Ilot l;'l\'{' to epen stery fo r lour years unobtrusl\'C y I I . ' . . , 'I h k d h ,on lh e tra nslatIOns and t(,3chln({s 01 nm",t h mq wh Ich at<'r s oC' e tel . . en taln IlI'ads of the church. riti7.t'lls of Wi ttenbur3 and the p eopk III the R.outun Catholic C h urch, LuTod" Y, ~)c·ca u, .. 01: ~la:till .Lllthl'1' tll'r nai led his ;'\iindy-fin: T b,;ses t ,'nu IIIl'n hk c hml, tn" Blbk IS eom " I Ch .,t , 1I"lIlly found in hOlll"~ all O\'e l the, tbt, tloor 0 f the Cast C U I " I. I ' ' . , ,,otld a nd Chnst 15 t he \<Ty ce flt e l I II ,. Ibe~..', which mainlr con, 1 01 tht' C.hri,tian bith,
--~-- -
% -
Fuily Automatic
l ~t" ~dol1!l .. tion i
Tu t!sday _
We nesdoy Friday -
fro'shman . y"s, we ha\T a little of cveryt hinl! ~t PLC, We're IlOt all :\orwcg'ians by a lonl[ shot. W" range' from Ingnard Gjov::t~'l and Paddy O'Ca lla o:(han to i Mik.' Czyhold and Chun R I' Cho. ann we mustn't skip th" m t unusual of all, a fdlow named J o,' ' h II S ' mit ,
Complete Shopping Center
All Evening
after 9 p.m, Ail Evening
10707 Pac ific Ave. Tacoma PhQne LE, 7-6012
U I' m a
tu ltv,'
f eti d! GUl haug n, B arb .' Ihlull\10r, J:ll' k Holi. ]3.,'\!"bara J:aacaou, D j K F i.s lt~ r, Tooi.Si eo \Ve tt"r . { 11 E , an on, AI D unf!an, DIC k K , i ,,. " :\, 1\1 ; Sor~n~on , Bob Wll:n r. F('~tul" Edllt)l. .. ... ~liil·ij rn Donald 011 ,-
I Jl1't i th;)t ",til
E.O ITOR. ......... ....D.\ \'E ~RU ' NER :-.It ws E d,wr.. ....... . ....... Herb Dem psey
" .kiJl.ltl'~
,\Iways to beglll th,. school year "-,re sOllle stubbor~ proks~ors .who inSIS! upon confusmg onc s fIrst and laSt n"rnes. i Who's \Vho !" ' In some cases it's impossible, but in oth'TS like Diana Paul, Bru ce Amy, VlTa Albert, Darlenc 3nd Marion ' can b e K- elly, :mel J'1m FI 'OlTI1(T, 11
CO'1tIllU~ /1 '.."" ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""" I
ten'in ,. PLC throullh OhmllMl Ibe of i .. press,
TIllS I, th.· R f.'fbrll1 atlou
Paradise BOWL
J. IMn"l
Olsons~ tht' poor ~irIs ; ~~~:'[w,:I~ch~~~nts:~~o;:v:I~:~d\~~~h :~~ ~:;. '~'~~~:' J::nn ~~::~, F~~~}:.~~G~a:,:: nallles sho~Id ; ninety-eight stude~ts. , and Bill :\cwcolllel'--Qlwinu3iy "
JonE'., , ,o l" ei L e i'alle, .To~y D.llIit·! "', Itlel .J " nd\( tlL-Oli.
ports. Edihl _ .... .. ...... . G ~n' Ha ala. fl"'lIOrI 1'S: Jim Kl ltelsby, L a r l' Y I
fi1'lllll·Y. Tim \Vynrlha m, H , rry ;1110 Iud. D" lin' · M a rttalu , T pi t -1 un" B ecroft, Arle n HixHI, 'ill. J >n.' ·, Jan.:l Yel':,en, I
;\I'\Unt;eLj~ HY l.ou EIl~en
d SOli It l.: R od Pa t t er<> n . Lois \lIdarMIll, T m CU I' Iii, ,hwice EIl
~~.h' r~an.1
"r,;. Jo Summers
Ph ne LEnox 7-4300
u\~ae ['/;t'l'u .""'d "''''e''''n''''t'ls'.'''''''.'''.""'."'''','''''1'''.'''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''..' J
.-..;...~ .... fi-.. .........,...... ...·. ;:~.'I.••
wan he t'g , HLir O '
'ookke J,lu......................Cal'Ol ~ ~ t.:lrl.l'1lllllUon ......... ....,............Patti Finn ~ ("n Ilat· '1 .1 iSistants: T d e Bovang', ~ \ rdi , ,\ muLr nt;', E arlene Burcham, ~ J ') [WIS , K'l r n K lan, Thelma ~ 'rL Ill, Dd la D orc ndo rf. Barbara ~ cckncL § P'IU\. hi'll 'rid.),s of Ihe sc hool F a ~ by tud nU of PLC, at Pa rkla nd, § W ashington,' § l )ffiC'C': CCllleg Union Building_ §
Phnnt LEllox 7-8611, Ext, 4 1. JII p l'ice $3 ,00 per year,
Sub.oicr p '
:§ ~
Ch rm Beauty Salon
I§ .\
It's been said that the atomic submarine "Nautilus" stays submerged so long t h at it only surfaces to let the crew re-enlist. Perhaps for this reason, th e Navy has taken valuable s pace aboard the "Nautilus " for t h only soft-drink vending machine in t h e en t ire sullmarine fleet. Naturally (or you wouldn't hear about it from us) it's a Coca-Cola machi ne , And n ot u nexpec~edly, re-enlistments are quite respectable. Rugged lot, those submariners. Great drink, Coke!
Ice Call JU.
~o o d
r ena
$25.00 Flat CharCje
~ "
We dnesday thru Sunday - 8: 15 to 10;30 p,m, IIla n,h. Lingblaa'TI . § Saturday and Sunday Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m, LEo 7-7475 -Il l GARFIELD ST. ~____________________________~ ~"" " '~/"','~'IIJI',""""""~~~~",I""",,',,,,~"""~",II_ I
up r Subl
Drink ,
~~ --, .... .' ' •
BOlllltd under authority of Thlt Coca-Cola Company by
Friday, Noy. 1, 1957
P age Thre e
WWC Host:s Lut:es Tomorrow, 1:30
,;:. ,.
G ladiators Seek to End Lutes Stretch Gridiron Losing treak Losing Skein I
[' oo r pass ddemt' pron-d the down·
A homecoming m em o ry of the past should be .1n ad d itional ' {,.II for the Pacific Luthc l'an Collt:ge ince "lt" vl! to win this veekt'nd when the Gladiators invade Vik. l l~bd lators ,IS th.t'y dropped the ll' thnd in g t a rito r y to mJtch (o rees with Wesrun Washington. Satur· str'l ig itt ga llll" , this tim' to tht' Eastnn day J t I: 30 in Bellin ha m in Weste rn's Homecoming, W:lshin g tnn Sa"a ges a t Chen.. y last Th.: Lutes h o ld J dl!~is ive 14-5 edge in (he ga mes played Saturday,
Wha t a difference in the Lut e; lin l' p ia ,' :J!{a inst W e' lI·tre ,ompared to th e i!' bck·luskr paforlllan c,· in Ih t' Cnn m l cl as h. T rul', the Lutc~ 1000t. 16 to 0, and thereby strl'tchl'd Ih..ir , trin !{ of ~('ore kss t;dnl (, j to IM'e, but on th .. otht'!' h and they prov ed to th,'ll1,c!w's that thf' y could hold the higlL scorin>:,; Savage a tta ck to a minimum, •• tw ,'~ n t ht' tw o s(, hool ', but one o {-,--- Tht' fiu, anJ injury' uittl'n Lutes Lutt- Captain LY1\':\ CALKI1\'S showed th e sa!ll':~ hard c-Iurging tn"tic, !\c'sc f u loss('s W;)S a 17·0 , la ughte r ""Tk' , g=l<' bccalJj" of injury, B~ck- held the powerful Savagl's to a sc.ore- , that he displayed in th e season's opener a,~ains t CPS: M IKE TEE L pla~, .. d 1,,(Ot " PLC HOlIlt'CO!l till <:!' crowd, field ~ ta r Tom Gilmer still is a au es· less fint half until Eastern's Ralph i a steady ga lll!' at the o the r ta ckle- position: ~'nd ," u;:,rd DICK GO D W 1N T hi" ~,'o.l' the worst def'-a t in Lute ti,)ll a hk ,tana bt'callS(' of a I,.; in. Orq' kit-b'd a field goa l with on e I broke into the Sa"ages' bac1.:fidd time and a~'ain to halt Eastrm'~ ~rounJ hi torv , 'H,d tbis will be PI. .'s oppor· i:~ry, P r:lc t; ct: t his weck alllou nl<'d to I min u te remaini n g in the hali to !five a ttac k, nih to ,:w'n the ,co n' . littlt' mor,' than drills hecH"" of th t: E :lStt-l'l. a 3 to 0 halftime lead, East· : Eastern's inability, to score a '~'D in th e firs.' t hal~' (>ro," thr (uel rh,,' flu , . all .~aincd 23{i ya rds " j" the ail.' lanes, I tl)!' Lutt's \\",'re a dllferel1. t tt-all~ I rom, tht' we,'k lx' t on:, , C 'MI'lII:S M.-\RV ' , . " Vi l<ings in Third Pla ce , ' Coa c h ~I ~ rV H ars hm:l!I. w h ... 1\ whde PLC cou ld garner but I h yards 1 HA R SHMA:\ and MA.RK, S:\LZM:\l\ had hlll'h pra. Ise for t h,c 'ffiprov("d T ht It a ppears little cha nce o t a "sked what was bl'jn ~ str(,,,,('d this paSSIIl , , 11 W Nt rn , I I k' \(, . (l ay a nd arc 00 'Ing optllll!sttca . y toward tomorruw, ga lll!' W ll h B II' h r ut" Oll<'·., ided "ictory thi. \"<':1[ , h ow· ;
W t·,-', in pra .. t ict', said,. 'W,,·r..- loukin g Ron Spaber hauled in a '~8·yard at t' lll,!{ ClIlL Th I \ '-T. :~in\ (~ tIl(" d a r k hors e \- i -tll gs~ un "Y wel should, as th,' flu·bu .,,- s('nm to be ,'acatin g tht: ~qua and for a w ay to make a kw fir st dC'wns," pass ill the I'nd ZOJ1( ' from John Sande, dr r J o In Kulu"tskP, ha n' pro " e ll
' . lib at' k· l. ' l.),...... GILM t h " return 0 1' lu .YUH Y , ER, hal f back GEORGE FISH· H :lr hman wa, wdl pk ased with to tally th " first Eastrru 1, D in the II)rlngs thealS" ,. , to be one of t it" ka din:;
E RO th,' performance of th ,' Lut,; line- ill third period and again in the final ' R, and end DE:\NY DI1\'. SAM G .\:\GE may also be on the tra\'dinl;\' conte nd I'S in th... con Ct' rt'nct' , They tI E :J.!I ttTn garllt', partl' c u Ia r Iy L't' • 111 ' "',lll' .'~, CI',lrk '.~\' l"I.' r-.., pun,,· h,'d (,,"'r squad. i t' ~... I .... I u rn':ltly occ upy third plac ..; with a T di" idual play of g-uard Die!, Gf'od win, froIn the one yard strip" for th " final he nightman: of injuries and illne,s that h as pla.li;u cd th.. L ut('~ thJ: ~. I u 'cord , and "rc :1 ·1 O\ ·, -r·~l\, La :; ~ , East t; nt tall y, On'y made th c place- past thre" weeks has produ c{'d one bri!{ht spot insofar as ft ltshnl('1l halfbacks I , I BRUCE EX ."" \"DER S(',H . I BE' R G han' g.u' neu .\n\ aJ u..hl week' th" .. wnl' sc llr'd ul"o to lac" I, PLC' s ban d Ieaves sc h ' 00 tomorrow l1lellt "ood an' d th,' Sava''-('s hdd th"'r A I ,~_ ~_ an d GE" "E . \ U~ ! rumbold! ' out wh en ~ O Vik in~' carne mornmg- at 8'00 1 ' ,~ L Ish'r tht, (]~ I' ' dc r of the , a.m. f or t h(' f ootba1lead, t'xperll'llCl.' to ,,0 adlator back f', ~d corp> ror the remain !/\w n WIth tht' lIu. t h.. ~anl1" w a s go a III e at \,.. " ,
. ,estern. Th e I ,ute ra II y P I~C had a couple 01 opportunl!tcs ,e~tSOIL ,'~ll('d oft, , squad expects quitt· a fe w r~tus to to sea:',' in tlte fourth quarter, but , ':ol1lorrow's f(~I," (, '~ill fin~ the Lut es. ill bette r shape .than the y ha\e. hl'~n Short on Defense makt' the short jaunt to BeJhnO'ham. co uldn t break mto tit" e nd zone, 'II s In ce the PaCI f, c Unl\Tfslty garm', Only freshman JIMMY D E '" wtlJ :\ 'lllltipk offcns<', led b y a hu g ,: - - - -- ..- , ----00 1I1i" tomorrow ' s gamc becau se of an injury. DE'\.\1, incidentall y.. will br Ott(
I "
I '
J-1m Cape11-. Prove, des HUSl:LI e In • GUar d Spot:
fo.- th" rem 'linclvr of the ,'-ason because of a broken sternum that occurred in Ia,t weck 's !{amc, With this rosy outloLlk on tomorrow's gaIl" we will p ro'diet a 11- to 7
li ne , ind ud in g a nO·pound tac kle,
, nd a )pc'r:dy backfif'ld s park,. d ,by a!
' n i\'(" it;- of W <l]h ill\(ton Ir nsk r,
ha"c c;,rri,'d
h" Ill 0 ,·ino ri <,s, w hil t ,llOrtcomin33 h,\\'", p ron'd to Iw Ih..·i r big pmbkn ,. Jun ior left halfbac k Fred E.mrrso n, ,\1Ihou<;h hc' is ac tu a lly listed on :0 t ri p le· t hreat star, is c llrt't' ntiy k a d th,' rost,',. ;IS a reserve, it ;!'I: ms as if : the conkre nct' in ,c.x in;r with:) 7 i': nior '1U;] rd Jim Capdli ca n always ip. b : llt; d o ffclls,' wi th 5, 7 y.nds: 1)<, spot it'd in tht' thick of action bnd i pil~sin ", ",-pinst Lut l' '-'ppom'nts thi s fall, Hciorc .col1l in..C{ to. tlt e GI:Jd!ator J 1,1t, " it ua tion ilI . t~" G ladiJ t~ r rall~p I ' ~m IIllPT "rd mudl m.-r-b" " ,~" w mpus, 1 m l W i" a ha,lb;l ek .It Kent \'\1th a t It'a~ t three Lu tt'3 to miss ln ,S ~r.:rid ian Hi !{,h Schou!' DUl'in ::; his first tw o ~q'al'S on the PLC squad Jim !.lYc'd at th,' ba.kfi, ld position, but fa ilr-d tn earn his I..tler. Tit bi ' sw it ch was mad,. last St'a· io n in Jim's j unior ) " ~L Th e chan:>,' to Ih, ' "u~'rd slot pro,'eo to he' prof.t· L::,7·531 7 -106 Garfield St, lhlt, hut h to Ihl ' squad and to (\l fll'ili , '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1:1 .; lit' tu rn "d ou t to) b,' one of tl,," i
rj ,'fn"i,,~
Lutl' "i cto ry OW'I" th .· Vikings tomorrow , W ashington should win th<!ir \rr.ond g-ame over th t, Southe rn California Trojans :!O to 13, Eastr rn will polish off Ce ntral 27 to 1·1, an d CPS will ed gl' Will:lllld t t' I:l tLl 12, I ELON UNDEFEATED Did you notice that Elon ( North Carolina ) is spo rting a foul' wi n 3nd no loss football ITcord? This is th,: sc hool that tht' Lutes beat c, II) 1 in th.. NAIA basketball tourney ope n e r at Kansas City la st wint ..., INTRAMURAL SPIRIT HIGH You wouldn't belicve that the Third !-'Iom Old Main trJn! " :l~ till sporti n ~ a goose·q~/l: in tbe wi n co lumn if you saw the hi~h spHil!; disp1a~,·n on the f,eld, Sixtl!l' n Third Floor m en were on hand last w", k ~o 9;!Tlicip:uc in a gam e agains t Easkrn P,ukland, CHUC K M YKLEBl ST, GOR DIE SOILAl\'D, WAYNE CA);{PBELL, and D,\ VE G ,\BRIELS O \ h ' p~J sp. rIL tin- Third Floor attack, 'I
ILAURINAT'S Appar~1 We Outfit Co-eds
Located in IGA Foo dtown 112th &. Park Avenue
Lu tl·.' most dq>c ncb bk linerfl{ II, C :tpr!l i h· S Sf" n a c ion in a ll of t he PLe " ~"!lU this ,<:Json and h as be" Il I i ~l d .b d l\.' st<) rt ing gu ard in o ne
t.!a IlIL
Jitn i.s pn'~ t 'ntl l~ doing hi s stu dent t,·" d u n. " nd p bns to t('a c h next. year I Jim Capelli in llt ~ I n ' ;J of industlial arts and wo rk - - - - - in t it " eo, chin~ fide!'
I 1903 Pa cific A venue
Whip Western
FOR OFFICE SUP P LIES I,IFI" / ', ,(,h rw1arv Harshm an
lJ~ ·
IIlll ,. hp 11),5!< ()( tr,,:im, J Jim· m y D e an wb Ilr o lil' iti . "re rnu m , 'he f"\~ ern g ilIIl ' Dean wa.:\ t"tilI~ i1i ~ linn ga Ill!" au d had
rIllY" "
,.. It ill~l)i r e d
tra nl€
C. Fred Christensen BOO KSELLER & STATIONER 93:; P :leific
AyenlJ ~
SR , 2· 4629
Tac:ofn'l , Washi ng-ton
Ilrar land Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
~~~i~: Y
11021 Patific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
Rugged Christ·devoted men are wanted, to prepare for His min ist ry on the home m iss ion frontier.
f~ r
All Occasions
12173 P ac ific Ave. (Fcot of Garfi e ld)
LEnox 7-3434
10:30 a.m· to 11 :00 p,m. Week Days
Charle. 8 , Foalsch, Ph,D" President
2770 Morin Avenue, Berkeky !i. Collf.
Week Ends 11 :00 c.m. t., 1:00 a,m.
L E . 7·0206 We Deliver
Malts Coney Islands Floats
•+ ~ ~
College Drive-In
l.. ......................................-.......-.......-...........................
1130 Broadway
Len x 7·326 1
I ~I========================~
U{l tl!
hp I lIll" o f h i~ in ju r y, Ted Si~k. st:II' 1115i Lute III i ! L" r alltl .J.Jso ,\lo(l t'lng ~\r ,,~i 6pons edito r, \\,:-1.;; rlloli ll ';;' "or t he Lutes at Che;;ey l a~{ .5alllrclay, Siek iii no '.,' rt ing cl"hl IHlIf' '.H)rk 011 a ~d! qlal':lhip i'l 'VS r. Jack Sinderson, g uard 011 th e lilij i Lu te l'h a ll\<pio ll ~h ip " 'l~ " " ag r ega t ioll. is no ',\- t.loin~ h I., !lLU. ! nt te a(' hing,\ \ I \\' ill ' I'l rj>g n hde p e n llen t ba : ·" tba il n iH)' ;hh wi nt er. Sinderson used 'jP Lis e li~ibili t.y la st YP.<l I'.
Phonr:! L E. 7-3434
French Fries
19c Burgers
Page Fo ur
_ P_L C _ _M _O _O _R _ I_N_G_M_ A_S_T_ _ _ _ F_rl_d a_'1_,_N_O_V,_,_,_'_96_ 1
p eiA
CIare Le ads Team in Win I h .. f.a I.n p Ih, i.·
JII"r havt" 1II.U1""'.·d to "olumn el, . •1 .lnd ' n
By Chllck Donh ow". PlC ."nior. one of thp alude nts at t he Norway Wqrk Camp this n 'in" on flil" t u !' of th e- m" n's 10111 1-:.1 lootl :\\1 !fag ot· u nd in !!:, summe r, who a h a trov.. led in E.. rape follow ing the ca mp ).
intra T hr' As I I ok back o n this summer' s exper ience. a multiplici ty D,.ja rri i," , who mO\ ,·d up a lIutd1 of pl.lc's and {' ven ts (a mes t (l mi nd . To confine these to a th l. wcd., lOrn, dllM" to Ea 'r rr. un fc\\ ~'or ~ in n ~ wspa pt'f co lu mn is almost impossible. T h ere- I th, .:?3rd a ' Ih,'y knlcd Oil," ;11 ,"1/1, r ~ re. !i 'ketion ~e(r.)m {'s necessary , and the probabil ity of ge neral - i ~I 6-6. . za I 11 creeps m . T ht '" ria l ;l tta('k~ of D"". , - M'Jo' l ~t m ~ p reface my r~ m J rks b sayi ng- if yo u ever ge t su ch to Di , Fo(" ~r fo . Dr jardi ne- " nd UaH' I • "PI' IIU ity to tr 3\'d , T .\K E IT . ' • - I Bu nts!"" to j il1l \ 'an S' l" k fQ' .a.l<.Tn h,r,' ',' ilill':; tha n tbl Louvre in with a ," a n and h is wife, ~'I lai n I lIi"hligir tf"l! tJla t ~alll' " :1<'tion. 0 11 r ri, or r1, mn" nifin 'nt ,t. P"" 'rs in tltOll ch ts a nd illlpn·. sions b"j'"a n tu i t '· twin t urf T al'Ollla ('d ged t~ (· \ V, ~t Rnrnr ' IIlOIl' a w r Onl l' lh.m t e fj ord f, 'rrnulatr allli yJlth('~izl' in nw mi l,d. ' rn "8" (a full fo rce fo r ann ' ) 12-6. 'ullntl') uf :'\orw!l}' or Ill!" n1'ljes Lic q ui, t mOIr", nt in a "at:wdr::;\ in Gil. y K irk' s pass to j im G ibbc'I'" I Ips; InQrr .timuhlling th a n ' Ill .l· 01 : ;o.[i\;m , a n owd ... ·i It'ain ('0 ' :'-, ,, w1" nl , put W.'s!t·rn in thr' kad, hut an int .... - I )..~~:.2d~~R cc plion T D by Lynn La.. o n and a UNDERDOG SECOND FLOOR upset previous ly und e feat ed Fourth Floor the' 111.111 (HI... r tuuri t a llral'!ic.ns arc tIl<' l.lI"gga r of Paris, th .. upP" r . ' 1.1 ,lit. pC'op k yo u n\(·,·t in tht'S, coun · h m . in ()xtr·d, .1nd thl' a l'tllr In Lon pass from Bob Mitton tu Lln yc. 1-: .- Old Ma in 14-6 in int r a mural a ction on October 24. Identifiabl e players uin. don addl·d imp'·tro . to th!'w m "nt:tl I. ndson ga\ T acoma the w.. ar e : Don Slattum (left foregrou nd ), To m Sa h li, referee ( bac kgro und , To t:J lk III t h"1ll (as IlI.H· h :I, lan - pund.... in!{~. Ch uck Curtis who shO\Ho t", it" tow el a ro u nd neck ), T e~ Joh nston e ( b e lo~ Sa hl i), Blay ne P er let h (r ight k h . ' d 'd ' foreg round) . and De nniS Troedson (far right ) , . gl';'~ :r llaws) , to set: h ow tlJ n ' kl'l \ T hr nsult : all ,"l' er('a turcs of God ; t h I. WIT l' IS goo on the gl! Iron . • nd think on cn ta in i ~su"5, to try to all han' sinned ; not all arc in a sav a~ wdl :\ un the ba~kt'tabll CaUl t.\ ' .' h ' I' . I . I ' h' . h G d 1h . d h . k' f h I 'rD 1 Ds and rN','I\"'d a pas, from La rry un d c"tanu t ell' persona Illes: t H:St: III;; .T a tlOns lp Wit o . ,. :In· r.a rrllc t e pigs III or t e onl" ., , 0 ? . H ,. K irk for the third tourhdown. . h FL oor, ct. _ T. own er.
cn,'Il"nl'·I' .U T most m,:mor:lblt· to lilt' , ~W"l to cn' ry man's need , be he tra\, 0 f F OUlt Whilc' wal l-ing th,' stree ts of Ge- d n or sojou rn"", is J~sus Christ. T o a fi n ·d-u p Second Floor tcam handcci Gl'or).:' · 11o..hk l' and Fra l1k Wa ll
nnil with" " 'ra l German youth a nd know H im is to tak!' a n " d"I'n ll, l(' 4th its fir~t loss as it overwhdm('d pat'n! S"fond I'- Ioor to vil'tory o\'el"
I ~ th, H to 6. T hird ,~'Iu~r on O ctul)(·.. 29, 3 1-0. T he wh.l .. "nj ,yi n\( a \·i(·w o f Sal/burl!; wit h God . .-----------------. 1 • 'IJ>;U ITYIII..., D 3 \ l' Haaia n d scored i ut. hn... 60 .,wasC' hth ('k pl"rforma nrc sta l{e C . h . I 10 1' EV ERGREEN CONFERENCE 1 b '11' f ') d FI d 1 C a !(ry . uc" urtls, W 0 Wil l o n a n lan t run or ",n oor, an W T L P F PA R 0 1(" " herson, Don Slattu lll, and I " pass fr om Frank Waterwo rth to D .... I d ., h ' f I ' " ' a-h . ... . 3 0 0 52 13 ro • • • f I l" ..t to Its ourl' l ' , . •• 1. (. " al'Y K alllitn alon A" With a a ety to- I 'uancf "h"wton, , "
E,, ~t. Wash . .... 2 1 0 68 13 IWill U t t' st'Q.lon. .
takd thl: 2nd H points, 47 51 T";,0!~1a, . u.nde ~ th ~. rl ('~cl grnt'ral Pugn Sound .... 2 I Simultane ously, Ivy trounc,·d Third Floo r 20-0. Ar t " Th(' Ann" l'Ie rhcim Bob J Itt'hlll Mlttl'n , Mitton,. took West. Wash .....2 0 66 33 O nl ' T onlm} G ilmn and Joh n J a P. L. C . .... .. ...... 1 0 2 26 36 p itched twin' to Lowell Sheldahl a nd thr short (' nd o~ a 24-1 2 cou.nt III the • obl'OJI Cram P LC a re Ii te-d in the 53 ont'('o to La rry Flamol' for th(' Ivy ,·nt·ou llt .. r . .Bob s perf,·('! pltl'hel to E\I rgr("(' n Conf('rence sta tistics re- Whitworth ...... 1 0 3 85 FREE PlCK·UP ti .r-d TUl'sday from Lute ta tistician Blit. Colu m .....0 0 4 19 164 TDs. A safctv ac<'oun tl'd for thc final Todd C orlllsh and Lloyd Erlandson, Results Saturday th ree poi nts. ' though in \'ain, kept the gam(' spark- I Loui" Sp ry, G ilmer still kads tht· Ira!(11 punting departmc.n t with Q. Ea~t"rn Wash , 16, Pac ific L uth. O. De-ja rdines wne out to hI'lIer their in~. DELIVERY SERVIC E "0.7 ) II rd :lvrragt·. J acoblon is listed C(n t ra l Wash. 25, Pugd Sou nd 7. leagu e standings o n O cto\x'r 28. AI LEAGUE STANDINGS a~ 5('VC'n th in league passing with 15 W L Whit worth 54, Bri tish C olum, 6. 'I thou gh they m(·t an undennannc.-d ('ompirlion in 45 au('mpu foJ' a .333 Games Tomorrow
" a1C31ll ) W I'$tt'rn t(,am, Dcjar d incs EastlTn Pa rkla nd .. .. ..... .. .. .. of (I ( t h IS Pacific Lutheran at Wcs!t'rn Wash
.. ' ('ra!.:". imprl' I'd the- 5JK·etaton (thru wc.-re Fourth Floor Old M ain ... ... 4 I Wl'stcrn' FI'r d E r5011 continul's ington, I :30 p.m. ,oOll') wit h a :i6-1 8 O\"'rpowe-ring of Ivy Ha ll .................. ... .. ....... .. 3 to hold :I monopoly in almost c" cry WiIlan1l'ltt· fi t Pug,·t Sound, 1:30 CI""cT Crl"('k .. .. ............ .. .... .. 3 th.. .. d si :' I othl'r dC'panmt'nt as hI' is rated fir t p. . (non-r onfer-cncr) . H omc- Dd a rdinc House .......... .. ..... 3 .2 'l Di "CI y Ian put 0 a orn' in ('Oring a nd tot31 ocrl'n c, !r('ond in (·ollling. Se-cond Floor Old Main ...... 3 3 0 n n ahow b~ running fo r two T D I, sing and punting, a nd third in CCTr t ral Wa h, a t Eastern Wash. ................................ 2 3 .2 Tacoma pa_inlt to Jim Haalamd, D uanc Moe, Lewis lllld C lark a t Whitworth nlsh in/;. nd M c-rl,' M artilUOn and ree-d ving Wt stt m Parkland ................ I 4- 0 (non-c onference) . a pan from M . for th(' sixth Dcjar T hird Floor O ld Ma in ........ 0 6 I ! TOTAL OFFENSE Pla y. Yds. 1 Br iti. h Colu mbia at Portla nd State d ine- TD. Neal Wehnlt'r c nnrilted 1. F, Errll'rJon, Western .. ... . 73 59 7 I ( non-confen 'nce) . wi th the Kirk twina for two Western 2. (;orky Bridg("s, C ent. .... 11 4- 549 SOINE SAYS: :3. Bob ust in, CPS ...... .... . 92 467 of. V ic Frrguson, Whi t. 78 4 16 HAND-TOOLED PURSES, SHOES, BILLFOLDS AND BELTS
5 . J ohn Sa nd ", Eastern -46 409 FRIENDS WILL NOTICE
n. W . .\ikl:n, Brit. Col. 76 338
I I I :\
Gilmer Leading Pack in Punting
3820 South Yak·.rna
a nd
11Parkland and Vicinity ;1
Phone GR. 2-3372
1. Bob Au tin, C PS ........... . 9 1
2. Cur • Br idg(' , Ct·nt. ...... 3. F. 'r on, Wl'dern ...... ... J im Balli , EaJt('rn ........ 5. D i k Pruett, CPS ........ "" 6. W. Lashua, Whitworth .... PASSIJliiG 1. Ff'n: m CIII, Wh it,
rso n, \\' (·st. J. a ndt", Ea~t. ....... . D . Prier, Whi t . ... .... . Aikt- n, Brit. C ol. .. .. C. Bri m'., CPS ..... ... j ac(,bson, PLC ........ f
6. 7.
88 46 52 55 H
Yds. 467
405 269 228 2 17
Tennis Shoes -- Bucks -- Flats -- Oxfords
Quality Service Opposlt. Parkland Post OHlc.
• • •
for guys and gals!
All , Camp. Yd&.
61 27 28 59 37 23
26 12 18 22 9 12 15
463 :i28 3 17 292 261 172
P U l\TING No. Av~. 1. T ommy Giln1l'r, PLC .... 12 40.7 2. F. Emtnon, Wrst . .. ... ... 15 36.3 3. C orky Brid ge-5, C ent..... 18 35.9 -t. Bob Austin, CPS ........... . 19 35.0 5. W . Lasha u, Whit. 13 33. 7
TD PAT Toe. SCORING 5 7 37 I. Emtoon, W..at. 4 34 2. J . Baur , Ea5t . ............ 5 25 J, " an Dinter, East .... . of. 25 4.• 'iksieh, Whit. .. ....... . 4 1 19 5. h ua, Whitworth ... . 3 18 Bridgr-" Cl'nt . ............ .2 6 16 7, C ranston, CPS ......... . 2 4
Don Cey's
I 12th and Park Ave nue
No. Yds. R ECEIVING :~OI ~o I. Dan . ' ihicll, Whit. 6 170 2.. am Ma rti n, Wcast. 3. B()b AII. tin, C PS ......... .. . 7 162 -I, B. Me allum, Brit. Col... 6 143 1 S. Rcm Spe- rbr r, Eastern .. .. 5 132 6. Jim Ba ue- r, Eastern ...... .. 5 126 1 7, Bill Turpi n, Brit. Col. ... . 5 11 6
Headquarters for:
~ STUDIO {3tved4 THEY'RE A RIOT! Check now the choices of GIFT JEWElRY
Magazine Subscriptions
("Say It With Music' Theme for Weekend Festivities'
Crown Will Grace Queen Esther I st I
Homecoming Schedule
EVEJ\'ING 8 :00-CofO na :ion of Hom ecom ing roy;;lt y in C-M-5. 9 :00-Pep R ally k d by the d w erlead e rs a bo ut t h traditional bon fire, a t Memoria l gymnasium.
.. , , , I crown thee Quee n Esther' 1.." With thes.. ...'o rcis Ihe 1957 Homecoming, "Say It With Music," will i be o fficially ope:n ed . MT. Fred Mills of Kt.nne:wick, W' 'I.in g-ton, will ervwn th e que('n at the }Jl"Og ram which will b~ hdd in tht: CMS tonig h t at 8:00 p .m. Mr, Mills I 15 a prom ine nt ch urc h layman and a long-tim e friend of th e ulkge ,
9 ::l0-C offe (' Hour for Alums in So uth Hall. SATURDAY 9 :0 Powd e rpuff Bowl wilh th,: Uppc rc1as< women pitted agai n~ t th e Frosh on the 10\\'(:1' camp us g ridinm . I1andsonI Ha rry c rown,_d at hill t.ime.
On h a nd to "lltertain the quee n a nd I"".' court will
l>c a varie ty of stud,m t performen includin g Hazdddl H amon, Bill Onne, th e Ei gh t h N o tes, an imtrum e u tal nacmble led by J t rry Bayne, a violin quarte t, and the 1 r oU ~c orche , tm led by Mr, Gordon Gilbertson,
I O: OO- Holl1 ccom ing p~<r a dc, beg in ning on Ga rfidd. st r<"C'1 tu downtown Tacom",
Past Home.cuming quee ns will be on hand to help I In,,] e th is coronation a fes tive occa, ion, as will be Mr, Ron Do ,!!Ias , pre&ide nt of the Alumni A;sociation, who , will bring . grce~il.g from th: al~rns, Anoth, r highlight r t h( t:\'enItlg wIll be th e kTIIghtmg of the foo tball ca p tai n, Lynn C a lk ins. fo r th~ Homec oming game tomorrow,
12 :00-Ga mma C h a-pte r lunche on , 1:30-Homccom in!!; ;!<line a t Lincoln Bowl. Th PLC Gl ad ia tc.rs \ " ' rw ~ ,"Vhitworth Cullt'gc Pi rat s.
5: 3[I.-;\lull1ni Supper in CB-200 (fo f' r Stude nt U !lion Bldg ,) Price fo r t.b (· h uffet i $1. 00.
Aftu th e
or na lion, the quec n, princesses, a nd Knutzon, Merle M:il tinson, a nd Darrell H im: will a tt,"nd the r;;lIy on lower campm a nd th e alu.. ni r( ct: pt ion in So u t h Hall.
D ~ \'c
T onight' announcer will be: Ca l C a pene r, who also t1id the a n noullcin.g of th e qu een ill toda y' ch;;pd pro g l . Tn, Verna Robinson "md Ron Tally ar _ the co-chail' JDrn fOI the eorona tion a nd Eri e Nordholm was in charge of th e . taging. Ad mi bsio n wil Ibe fte e.
3 :00-- - Th t Sp c,' c!, Dl'pa rtm ('nt p n:'st:nts the " Duky; - in the C- M -S a udito r ium .
IO: O(l-Alum n i n 'rrp tion in CB-200,
SlJ:\lDAY 11 :OO-H omecom in" Se n' in: ill th.· C-M-S, II·d b y [he pol k g(' pa tor, R ev, R, W. Lutm's, M usic:: by tit" i Stude n t C ong-rega tion Choir a nd th.. hoi r of the 'Vest.
Es her I HasLed Active Cam sL-fel
sv d w bate ro hi
(Ju ' ,' n E Uler E lI icl<5b n I will n:i , ().... r th " H umc:roming 3(' tiyiti "" fo r LIt, ,,'ar 195 7, Dr S, C, E astvold awa rded nin c ~ Born in ieitartiton, N o rth Dakota , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the: possible 18 first pl.1(', III th' til pH tly ~!'/, i Ctf i\ m aj oring in dt: VOL. 35. NO.7 n.<llt r , , UIJ a ti n . M. \' nl tll ::.,_ PARKLAND, WASH, FRI., NOV, S. 1957 two-d a ' lun d i, tourn ill I nt h 10 <I !I ( alllpu < last w, " kt ud to p", ifil L uli\'ili"1 UII tll C:lI11 PU lO 11:< "'" a t un t: tillll u b ud, d Hlt' lnb tr the I the ntn r.ollq .;· d "Q::. tor" I, Fift, '('n ('011 g" s from th lee no rth- I -.;; lrirl wh u no w is a wa rd ed th!:' ti ti t". "Ht r e gal M aj c;t y," wes t sta tes, mad e a~I, 'lgg r ega t.e of I ,Tomo rrow a t 8 ,00 p .rn _i n the OMS. il IO n : t ha n 200 pa rtI Ci pa n ts l!l the WIll he the last opportulIlty to SI'( th, 10 fOUF ye;;rs, she: ha~ bee n ~ , to urney, In Ii ' ht of thi s cumpetit.ion Honl er:omin,o. nlav., "Duk ," , th e past a('tLv(' tn: " l a y Fes ti va l, HonH'comi ng " r thl' wo rd , of Prof. T. 0, H, Karl,. The: setting of th.. play i. W es tl hdl('hai n nll n, LDR" F.T. A" Curta in Call, I S"'ga, anel t hC' a 'tivitil' of the Asso M erl,' M a rtinson has b':<' n chose n I ,p':I'l' h d"pa rtnwnt he ad. "W.- cap. tel', - 'f W York, The k ad Qf t h t ph YJ outl" , \Yom ~ S tu d e nt s of wh ich -he to rei:rn a s H a nd solm: Harry for the r(, ally be proud 0,[ th t' PLC ~quad," w r itten by G eo rgI" S, K aufm an aDd nuw pr<:sidt:nt. She: \'Iorked in the I Cl 5 7 H om (-(' l.m in g, IIp will follow the LaL. ' o n rea l m ea nm g-, I l\hn:: C o nnelly, is played hy PLC Bu>i ll<:~$ Offic ~ dUI iug her firs t three 1956 H a rry, Kurt Kalstad, int o th e F o ur T ake Six for Six . frosh Marie P ete rs , ycan a t PL " . position that is th.- lIlak Coulltt'fpa rt Donald D o uglas a nd Tom Reeves ) Dilley is the stercotrpt of the s<: t '-f ari ly n (lI n, a junior born in &f thl' quee n, I of PLC won first pl ace in se nior nwn' s I, rbra ined socialit(, and humorous mo{a l im., lIIm ois, will om f t Hand soml' Harry will be crowned i el l hak with a pl'ri('c t rc cord of SIX m"nts stem from th t: a ntics of tilt" prm n: of th court, Ma 'Iyn i. JIla at th~' Pow dt-r Puff garn.- tomorrow wi ns, J a n e t Turman ~ nd Bettdou wh ole cas t. ". , . Dule ha~ no t yu jllri n ' in d CllI C'lJ ta ry education. m OTOl ng , I Macdun a ld of PLC copped first hon- learned the difference betwt'('n a SUITh~ third mem be r of th t court will E ~ ~ort to th e 'Ju t e n at t~l' offi cial l ors ill th t se n ior wOlllen' s divisi on with pris(' and it shock." functIOns of th... Hom t'collllII g wcek- I be:- T wi la Gi llh , ~ ho a junior in "perk,' n' cord also, Sinct the {'aH was rde::lS<:d in t he.: Haines, Olson Win ' Doring M ust of Octobe r 11 , 1957. DltT IMy educa tion , Twila wa~ burn _nd , M .. rk will occupy the positioll ! of king of tht' PLC stud e nt body, Richa.d H a inr's a nd John Olsoll fh er e has bel'll on e change in t hr in Po rtland , O regon, M erle. from Grct: nacres, \VashingWOII Illen' s junior di\'isio n d ebat, for ra nb , Melvin Jangard has replaced «,tI, i~ a philosophy lllaj Or. Activ(' in PLC, a nd Orin Da hl a nd Herbert Bruce M esford a s the d lUfac tC'r 111 I th e \\lo r of tht: student eoug regatioll Dnop" : y, PLC, took ,,,(' olld place in Blair Pi-Itt<': I'SOIl, I ;,nd th r:: jun ior class, Merle is a dl:'a scnior lI1e n' s d,'ba t", T h l: ca st,. whi eh h;u; hen. pIa led cull of t he student churc h a nd viccby tht' flu , and Miss mith art! hoptn~, Ree\'('s Cops -fhm pr( sid u lt of the class, M e rle is a lso A thnT-timc winner for PLC w as i the la,t ni ,~ht of tht: play will b. Ih R d I f' , , ; bc.st yet, J im Bullock, SAGA busin.. ss rna n- , ac ti n ' in ; purts a nd play, for th,. I t TV( "S, who ad f~ l Ii-,H S In senIor a"c , al:noun c s fOI the be nef it of juniOl \'a rsity baske· tb.11I ,quad, <" x tl.' mpore and imp romptu to his d ~ nrw -tu d e nts a nd spec ial we ek -end batt: win, Douglas d oubled, ",king ..u~ 't:,--Ihc a llllllS-tha l ther e IS a fil'st in seni or ortatory, . ' . li m ited number of 1957 SAGA y ear Others Take f irsts.
boo (s a\,a ila ble fur purc hasl'. Miss Macdon al d a l ~t1 collected fi rs t I Tho ~ int tr ·sted ;hould contact Jim
in se nior (·~tn~po,r" for \\'ur~..-n, a nd On sale now in t~c Pacific Luther l in R oom :l::l4, Old M ain, or a t the Dahl was fIrst In JUnIur llIc n s l'xtem- College Bookstore JS t h" n e w St u AGA offi ce in the C UB, . F loat ~uildin ~'fol' Home eomin g b<. - \ it~, f1~at ill t,h,' D~jar~in"',s g',lrag"' 1 ~orl'. D ~' I11~"-Y pla,,('? seco nd, in Sf',I1- d c nt-Facu~ty D. irccto r y ,p ublisht:d b ) ! g ills tO~lIght aftn tht: pep, r.llly and Sn,'ra l of tht floats WIll be bull~ un lo r m e n S IIltcrp. rda U,'c readm g , cal l Alpha PhI Omt'ga, men s campu 0 [· ' curcma tlO n , And tOlll ght IS t h one lower ca mpus around th e g ymnaslUlIl, I Capenc r (~onn('(~tcd twice, ga rnning ganization, ni ght (If th e year t h at PLC g irls arc A defin ite timt' that girls must n:- firs.t places in both ora tory and inter- I Scllin.r.: a t the nominal price of Mrs, V a lborg Gl c': tn Holstad, th e allow ed to stay out latC'r than I a .m, turn to the dorms has not been set as pretativc r eading for junior division tw('nty-fiv cents, the book indud u studcnts' name.~, borne add re~ 5, a nd "LTIIder e\'e ry li ght-post a roulld the dean of wume n, l\1iss 1\<1. \Vic \;- men. huuse rnuther in Old M ain for t e ll Others w ho placed for PLC were campus room numbns. Alw in the ),C>1 rs ( 195,..-1955 ) , p as!>cd away No campus" it is expected that floats fo l' strom, has b(:'(' n out of town, Th,: \(:,n bu S at a Minneap olis hospital. the m a ny organizat ions will be deco- hOuselllOthers advise girls to watch L ou i.., Kraabd, who t.ook third places book will bt, informat io n on t h ,. fa~ I nlemJ(~n t w ill at Madt:lia, Min n .• ra t('d a nd made n :ady for the Satur- donn bulletin boards for a nnouncc- in junior womr.:n' s impromptu and ulty of th, collegr cxtc'm pore; Joyce Alton, s,' cond in Th, re al 31 pa ~s in tht: boolll"t, lud a y, M rs. Holstad was 75 ),ean old da y 10 a,m, Homecoming par ad c me nts concerning Frida y ni g ht. T aco ma , junior irnprornptu ' J a mes TI-aynor which is similar to last Y" ar' ~ diTcc rut h act bC:t"n hospit;;lized November which will trav.,) th r ouuh <> In tht' p.a,t ycars the n : has been a Th e Spurs will work on their float - . , 51' cond in junior impromptu and third to1'Y. also publis cd y A ,P.O . N ew :l rd. h" s"n:t:d as p resid ent of tb" Wom en', M ' ionar y f 'ed ration of in South Hall lower lounge ; Curtain cmtom that the gIrls check out of the in ext'-mp on" Dahl and Olson tied ideas, how" va, ha... t: b cen i n('orpoT thd'.vnngdi · I Lutheran Church for Call will ust th e r oom behind Ih" dorms and check III with someone :U for th ird in junior impromptu: D; \id att>d into this booklet, and only ' 50 m,an Y Y (lr - , CMS Stll!.t(' : lilu r.: K ey is construct ing ~ t' float sit!'. Stua r t tlliJ'd in junior ("xtl'mpo rC', ill ~ so ld.
1 '0 U 1c ' FIe I I a aLur day Eve
Mer Ie MartI-nson Vote
i (lH d H ' 1957 an some ar ry Ii
'57 Year b00 k
Aval-I a bl e Now I
Club Float Building ProJ- eet I IC T - h I T o E 11 ] I V en .amp us 0 llg t
Former Housemother Dies in Minnesota
IBeing Sold Now
0 Directory .
Page Two
Friday, November 8. 1957 CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS
Lutheran Church Votes To Issue Encylopedia
Tune in "Campus HighJjg hl3" Thu day at 6:45 p.m. m'er KTNT. The show deals with vari ous phru;es of PLC CIlmplL\ life. C~mpu~ Highli ghts will feature a cuttin.I\' from th Child..- n'~ T he atr,' production, Flibbertygibbet, on the next wee show, ThuRday, at 6:lS.
Th Lutheran hUl"c h i, p l.lllni n ' Ho: h'~ n procc'cded to comple te the to i ut' a " Lu thc 1 E n clopcdia." \li'; [ of wpie; to be can ed in the ~ccordin~ t PTOk 'sol' J. BodcMiec k, ,""cyclopedia a nd secu red prom ises of t'ditor of th,' book, f m W' rthur ' !eolbbol".1 tion from Luth \' ran perHJl1S ~' 'minary from all O"l"r the world. The phn to issu a n e nc yclopedia I In :Hld it ion to t he work on the at t he Hanover As. book, the editor has the demands of was inaugurat 5Cmbly of lhe Luther-.m .. orld Fed ~ ['- hi it'aching activities a t the Sem ali~n in 1952. inary. For this reason it is im possible few years lat"r the eXec utive to work on mOl e than a narrow field commiuee a ppointed Professor Bro- oi a rti cle, a t one tim e. Thus man y PLC p rofs arc on the list of those who d nsled:. a.. the editor. The rece nt will b." asked tc1 contribute.• b ut the r' nncapor Assembl) f the I.WF. nam'" arc not a vailable due to the wa y In whi ch 1. work must proceed. allproved (hi'> appointment.
PLC Phonetiquette
Chapel Vote Raises Yell Squad Number From Four To Six
The switchb<>3 rd for PLC'a dot.ni tor iI's wishf"5 to mak," a public tr· ment to its man} user;. First, it wishes to thank tht>l1"l for the coopc. tion they havc giv n ~o fa r .. Then it ....ishes to cnumeral(" a ,erics of rul~ !.hat will get bt' tl Pf (Tvic(: for a ll con ('('rBed. Do not ask the ope rators for heir n"mcs. They ~ . not pt~rrnitted to Icns(" thcm.
but. don 't ry The ooard cannot :\c. n'pt collen c II. mad!' 0 your I'O\>m D o not "isi t wti the operator! th,' board or over ,be p hon.' is agai ns t the opera tOR ' rulr~ .
D o not 1Ir. lie me.Hage ....ith the 0 " rato r to be del iverrd a t a lat':t d te. D0 it yoursdf. Be origiTUlt.
In Memoriam:
We make your
Homecomi 9 Mums
Coffee Shop Schedule 'rvin~
Friday: 7:30 a. m. to 12 midni..h t. Saturday: 9 a.m. t<> 12 uoon and 4:30 p.m. to 12 midnight. Sunday: 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
through Christia.. \,-e of f~e p~s~ .
Article V, Section I, ori ginal : T hc 'election of four cheer leader., and fi\'(: song- leaders shall be held by no later than th e seco nd Tuesday in O c· tober. Propos ·d amend me nt: The clertion of six cheer leaders, thru oys and thre.: gi r1~ , .Uld fi,'c son g eadc rs shall b,: held no lakr than the second
For All Occasions
12193 Pacific Avenue (Foot of Garfield)
PRESS PRESS R EL E \ SE ..- In commcmora- Tuesda y in October. 'O \ ' E R OWNE tion of the 1957 Geophysical yea r, \ Total Yate; cast: 26 l. R ...... .... .. ..1). C ·.R
...,D 11 Ed ' H b D Lh (: Unit"d State.; Government will TW9- thirds majority: 17 "ew.l • Itor.•__ . ........ · er ('wpsey I 1' .. K) te r : T C'ddi G-ulhaugen, Barb ra_____ unO: h the __ K_J()>k _·__··_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l_.::y_t'.:..S:~ 2 .:..1l:..:il._..:;.;~·.:.o~..: : 4.:.7~._ _ _ _ _ _, :'ituhl.lltlUer. J k Holl, Barb-am. . 1 a' 011. Die k 'i.sher . Tootsie PlC BOOSTERS ALL W· tt( r. M .. ' Eva nson, Al Du ngan, D",1o: f".rli r, and 501"l::1\30n, .Bob '
The Ultimate
* Shop for Books *
Wa. !leI .
LEnox 7-0206 WE DELIVER
for Reservo on" Phone GR. 4"()SJ5
For Gifts
~en ,
e1/··t.- -..........·.. "'a.ro! HOWIe
~k k
ulli\:l I . ___ ......._ _ . _ .. PlliLlI Finn ul;,lion IIi., nls: (Ie lIova ng, !\rd , m\'.lrong. Earkoc Burch~, Joy :-.lewis, Karen KLt.n, Thelma Nelson, II.t orendarl, Barbara Beckner. ublished Fridavs of the &c.hooI v . " by .tudents of PL ) at Parkiand, W.5ltin ton ( I I {jet' : C,)Jlege Union Building. Phon, LEnox; 7-861 t, Ext. 41. Subserip t' on price $3.00 per year. i
06 Garfield
LEo 7-5317
Welc me Ba , Alums
to Pa cific Lu the ran C olle g , it
and alumni our sincere wishes fo a .su c ce ssful 1957 Ho e coming.
Drop in and see s
528 Gilrlltld St.
:30 a.m. to 7 :30 ;p.m.
M y yo ur Homecomi 9 be a ha ppy ,o cca sion
~------------------------------------------------~ I ~~~
PHONE LEo 7-7 100
or v r Be
ur Hear
"True May
Alums Dwell In Old Main; 'La ..,' .te S ' tu dents CI-1mb Ivy
IMouse ~i.ves'
Friday, November 8 1957
• • •
All In A Weekend
IIIJorda hi l1ews
This I. Homecoming ~
The ,accion {)f wa chi ng J a ke shoot pa 0 Rodin : or Gil l\'c had quite. a nomadic existence h' kl ." . While the carlter Homecommgs may not haY~ n qU1t(~ so . I b r . 'th M m r t rowing ~ uc ' e ... • pm>&ive as ours in 19 57. they certainly bred nama nt of l:Kc~'nhs,~c(; J rdegha}n ,"!vmg ':11' • ~ T he laughs g lorcat the :ow der Puff h assle. ,. . 'I 'I at enne 0 a . I ()U 61:.., m JI,.,. T L~ I ..J d t Y>r f ~ · drCltnnent equa to t 1C m ore recent ones. I an ordinary mouse' I'm a French U\:' sp c n uur a n pa~ n~ l coro "on . . • For in p~oo:s years the .'week: nd 1l1~ s mad~ them. Iv e t mous.... I met Mrs. Jordahl the year T h e plcasu c of r ·Iaxi g and drif tin g f into the laRd of home on(c more Itt Old Mam. Reservations were sent m. 9nd ~he went to &Chool in FraDcc, and "Dul . . . . . room pnpurd. 'Consldering the num. - - - -- - - - sort of . ged alon g with btr f rom The bit :f x citemen t hen p ' ning be tif , s t PLC ber 'of Stlld~l\h wh6 }i\;ed OIl campw out two girls from north Ttcoma u d th mum to t s pe ia l outfit for t t cia! t ••• . " h . h lit t en on. The: j'oy in l' r and ting le in your s nin.. ..... n t Ori<: )'ear boiarted thiMy m n nd wehre on t e_l~ d-Yh to ht e ..stet: (]llr I ~ w,,' born ill Indiana as Kathr ' ... t L : nine woi1i1:n) one can r~adily ee w en one a....t l e ot er, ay, ' at gather and sing praises t o God at student - n gregation J~ , . ' h .L_ I'd la _.1 e,mt: Stout, but be~me Mrs. 01 S d lM re ample space. ComtDg' 'by ~J>(:nt more tOnl~ t u ... n p nn~. . . un y . . . . . !OOde Do you suppose you could Joan ·m e JoMahl !;liter a time spent at the UruTIlis is.r 195i Pacific b utheran Col H . St~ca'r, the milln of transpor- . ?" vt"rsity of Wisconsin. Both ahe and .. S J W' h M . ., e ome«mJlJlg.
'!~, = e in
h: ;~r:~r
5Ui:~ Iflf~~: :::or~;~a:~uth
10rdhahldl.eecivedhthci~ DMOCadto~
t~~ks ~~c'T'f'ddi
dropped Mp ' hri!' ()f! ilY nCd Gulhaugm a Karl F o 11, home o~op v egrees t ere In lSon . h' f k IQ~ ' . g, ~DOY'ib music and he gasped, "I _~ jUJlt ing to •d ' . d' '. commg ( altmcn. or t rhri lltn unn!: thr- eprtSSlon. ' bl " The H . , a ivi - eoasIst- 8,k you lh e thing." They ar - ' . . e.
td·of a or play I 'ri y t rived safcly back a1 Old Main .. . ,.t ~e. pent some tl~ III E\-anston, _ _.____ ~ __._ _ _ _ _ __ _
dl 'l)"1li, n excursion by strtttnr 15:00 a.m. with sore fet-t. ~lImOis. where.they added to the fa~, y 3ftel'1lOOll to see the big Of couest: then h VI: always been Ily. By thc tum:. we rcache.d Park- ,
thosc who ha\'c let the dock beat, land, t~c:re w.eTr-. Ifve ~f us. il h~d a game, a party Saturday evcning · ill the gym. and services Su them. Some climbed the. fi re cscape Im~st rn~~t('nm: "~~~ClCI1CC ,:hcnt':vt!I' ., ~. ow~en , ing at Trinity Lutheran Church. on the chimney. One girl went to he Illm (d. She nCHr planned room Halloween ntght can be r 1 fun. L ooking back on 1t, man y · The Homecoming Queen tradition c\'m grc:lter l'xlr..-mes and used the for me. , and I always ~ad to sneak of us sec the joys ,of an evening s pent ru n ning aro u n d enjoyin g didn't begin till 1941. As for the old I ivy that used to CO\Tr Old Ma in as a i m:-sclf In s~lT1cwherl' Just as they 1oursel~cs and .thinking up mischi ~f. N?w consi~er the Hallow n · ~ym, it was a ~ place. BeUdca tho laddu·. wtnt ou.t tht: d(){lr ) . of a hfe devOid of the fun. ConSHlcr. 1 you Ill, th Hallow 'n Qbvious use, plays were given t here, I Soon our college grew to such proEric, her old"r son, is onc of the ! where there is nO running around. T h e Halloween wh re- m isch ief a nd all-school parties. The basemen t I portion.~ that it couldn't house aJl it~ I first tw o ,students to complet(: their I will be met with punishment. If you will. you will ~'t som e hdd the chemistry and biology labs. ,students in Old Main, and the girls first three years at PLC under the idea of the true value of a task u nd"rtah en by som of the W est It hurned to the ground in 1946. took oVt'r the entire building. You can 3-2 l'nginecring program, and is ill Hall girls and PLC fellows . Th st.reetcar gave any.thing but in~i~c Ihe excitcme~t the day a rat , his..fi,rst year, at S.tanford University. I nto ~hc lives of the kids who are k ept w it~in t~ · walls ~nd smooth Tide. It W. 1S more ilke a stump- was dlsco\'ered on third floor. H(I S( cond son. p, ta, IS ~ sophomor e barbed w ife fences of Remann H all, Tacoma juveml e det n tto n dc.d gr.r than a car with "mooth ~ow lh.~ feminine percenta ge of the I at PLC . : center. come some of the old fUll of Hallo w een-from t h ese did t ," The last faithful, or more cor- stud enl hodv has outgrown even Old Sh",' s l\ol'wt'giall by association ! PLC students . n:ctly, fa teful, t ar for Parkland left Main, and is straining the sea ms of only, and j;, «Iway' busy. She', con- j We w ould lil-..e to thank , through tht' pages of this papt r. , 1("WI1 at mi dl~ight. T th e thrt t: new d orm:. , I tinually k a,\'i~g horn e to. o. tt(~l\d ,\rncr- [ those who gav~ of th eir time for others on Halloween . Ride aDd ' \ aIk . With thl' expansIOn of O UI' SChOOl l tcan .\ssoclatwn of Unm:r ty WomThanks : Carol Ann Ness, Bev Swanso n. 1vlanlee A n derson But at Qn~ o'clock a "Larchmont" has COIltI' an (·xpansion of Il ctivitics. t n activities. In 1955 this organiza- Shirley H a r mon, Es ta Swanson. Phyllis Fiske. Sally P iel . h i rl cy r a r (' rot as fur as eight y-fourth street. .'\ dded to th e Homecoming a gc nd:t i tioll n:,m('d its , ,,hola .ship fund fo. Christopherson, Shirl e y P earson . C , \ KI a Ld. a lley W . lkt:· . If on" neglected to watch the time he, hnvr bel'l1 the Hnmccoming- courtJ ! h.·c ' B o nn ie Hanson , Ph y lli s 'y b.1kk c. )rna ones. G.ui Ha , • ' ane}, a qui tl " ,, ;\1 ah ead of him . Powde r r uff D erby" Homecom ing pa- I lIer Ph. D. ;n French w<.:ll qualifi l's I R e in vile. Sally Bi erman, Maureen r us , ~ ilol> 2£. Paul It W U$ qu; tt a w l , too, as, two fel- rack, Anrll: a l Pla y, and sej'vi ~(:s h.. !d i tu t c ~,c h F r~' nc h, :IS wel! ;-I S Span- , Sig ueland. J erry Scheele, Roger W I1 g , an d J erry Crabtr ~. loWl! adl cl , 0 ·'·I'(·d . They d t .... ken by our own student congregation. I I~h. at PLC. ' H -rb D empsey, news xhtor. n:
Play iD GYlll
,m I
M d H II H II a .ween. a
ood luck onyo r Homecom'ng • • • I• LI FE INSURA CE is f o r YO
Laund y Servi e
Expert Dry Cle a ning
Ce tre CI
PHONE LE. 7-4300
d uel il
• • •
To AI..... a Mater, PLC
PHONE LEnox 7-0256
4'~ r F il ~
• • •
Page Four
Friday, November 8, 1957
.Roy I eauties Active, as ell
As eing Extremely Attractive
Float-Worker Gets Wrapped Up in Work Writ r\ note:: Ii}' receiving brain .... ...'le5 from a busy float -maker, we: prt nt to you th inside story f Ii 10 • I (?) Pacific l.uther·all Colle~ gal working on a Homecoming float. T ime: 12:27 a .m. Place: behind the PLC gym ) . . " H ere's some more crepe paper. Don't you want it now ? ( Uyou don' t, I'll bash you with the box). "My :mns .aJ'e getting tired of holding it." (But not too tirt'd. to m lWi this box over your headl). I'ni AU Sbook Up " Hry, grab the paper! The IItep ladder's . tipping. Somebody h e I p! Ec: tk- l'm dead ! No, I'm not, I IfUC:SS." (Nu, I'm not dead. Ob, no. I' m just sprawled out on the muddy, cold Old ground and entangled ill bla k and yellow crepe paper strips. nw is fmc, just grrat. Crepe paper around my neck, m y legs, my head. How dandy. All I have to do is un ....i nd myself). I'm G reat At Floa1:l . "Won't someone please hdp IDe up? You what? WeD, that's j ust too bad. It's strewn all uver tbe ground. Wh didD't you takf' it whm I tried to hand it to yll\l, aDyhow? Okay, okay, I'ln piclr.iDg it up." (They w ed 'would you like to work on a float Friday night?' Su I would. I'd be happy to. If oI1Iy I'd knOWD • • • ) • Here's Some Pa per .'H ert's your loury crepe paper. It's .ill di rt y and wrinkly now though. What ? You don' t WaDt it? You'd bt·tter take it anyw:ry . . . oh, tha nk a lot:' . ( It's about timt' you took it. ~ I l o w It on flOll Fri d y nigh t ? Would I like: to g t sid? "00 you WaDt mt to help you .
Paradise BOWL
Homecoming wt"c:kt n i fin ••lr upon and everyone i IIXI ' n~ f rward that win-? What are we going to do to thc grand caron tion of the royal with it? Ouch! I'm stabbed! Stop pull court whi ch will be h ld tonight a t ing at it. You're snagging my sweattr. 8:00 p .m. in th C ~{ . Thr youn g Eecek! G1=e, dad. it was a sweakr. ladies who arc specially excited about Oh WtU, it was aD old OIIC. 1 never the coronation are Qucer.-e1ee t Es did lilIt it." (Never liked it, huh! I th er Ellickson ; Prince ~ T wila Gillis, ollly got it in Septmlber, aud blue's and Princl"8s Marilyn F ret . always betD Diy favorite coIoI'.) Queen Esthtr Hey, get off my foot. Awonerful, Esthe r Ellie-kson is well known by awonerful, my poor big toe will never all the girls on campsu si nce she is be thl:' same. Moan, groan. president of AWS. This senior, who originally is fronl Ob, Tomorrow! I'm getting sleepy. Aren't we al Albany, Oregon, is majoring in ele lIlost done ? No, it d n't look very anentary education and is student finished. In fact, it looks terrible." (('aching this 5emest~.r. She teaches (So will I tomorrow for the: homecom speech and drama a t Clover .Park in)lj activities. I'll be all baggy.eyed. high school and fourth grade at Park and I'll have to drag mysl'lf all ovcr Rid ~e elem.:ntary school. the campus). Some of hu major activities while Oh ish! Now it's beginning to g t attending FLC have bem that she has damp." (My hair's getting all straight. worked on Homecoming for th ree P ooh, who cares? III jut it into pin y"an , was Student Council Represen curls when we finish this. Oh, no! 1 tative for h('r freshrrum class, has ~en can' t. I loaned all my bobby pins to in the May Fl:stival for the past thIee Carolyn. How charitable of me. I yC' al"S and has be n a member of wish I'd kept them myself ) . chorus. At Last Es th ~r was also treasurer oC A WS " You mean we're actually through? last year, was fine arts editor of the J. it p<05sible ? It really looks like Saga whilr a sophomore and has held something, but what ? Er, I mean, it's office in the Future T ache of Amer just lovely." ica and Inter Club Council. (Never again will I work all Dight All this adivit)' didn' t top E. ther on a float. I on't. I WOD't! I won't! from holding down j i the Busi That is, not tiU Dext year). I n e5~ O ffic.... wh irh . he plam to do
Formica -
Paint - Plumb ing - Roofing Kirsch Rods - W indow Shades
Ele ctric
Gla !>s Installat ion -
Homecoming Congratulations from
LEnox 7-0440
lGA FOODTOWN Complete ShQPping Center '12TH STREET (Airport Road ) AND PARK AVENUE
PARKLAND HARDWARE 12 1st and Pacific Avenue
again next ~c mes tcr when sh i n' t I tend ing PLC a nd receivt: her degree t("ach ing. in elementa ry ducat ion. Princ:eA Marilp1 P rinCt'SS Twila Twila GilIi ~, a p~ rt 5-foot, 2 1h -inch ) Blond!', junior M arilyn Force grew junior with sparkling gree n eyes, hails up in Minneapolis but grad uated £rom from Silverton, Oregon. In her fi rst a high school in Los Angeks, Calif., two years here at PLC she has kept in 1953. Following high school she qui te busy with extra curricular acd\· attended the Lutheran Bible Institute ities as well as her studies. in Minneapolis for two yean, gndAmong other things, Twila has uatin g in 1955. Her .presc:nt home is " 'orked in the library since her fresh- l in La Cresce nta, . Ca~f0rm:" . . • man year, was vice-presidt'nt of Spun Some: of Manlyn s actlVJtleS are. last ye:ar, was treasurer of her sopho- Spur as a sophomore; yell leader last more class and a member-at-Iarge of year; M ay attendant fTom the f the studt'~t congregation last year. man class; member of May Festival She also is trt'asurer of A WS and was for two yean ; and a member of the an attrndant at the Lucia Bride Fes- chorus. tival and seerctary of Curtain C all in ICC representative for her freah man class and working with the chill her fr...~ hman yea r. Twila sings fint alto in the chorus te~l are also included in Mr past and student congregation choir and at PLC. This elementary education major plays flute in the orchestra a nd band. Camping, sewing and playi ng the works in Dean Hauge's office and in piano arc listed among her hobbies. her spare tillMl lilu:. to sew and go out Twila is engaged to be married in with ASPLC President Dave Knud February a nd plans to continue a t- son . ~tude nt
Pipe Cutting a nd Threading
Phone LE. 7-3 17 1
Welcome Home, Grads .. • I•
Fully Automatic
Make Your Shopping
Tue sday - All Evening
Wednesday - after 9 p .m .
Friday - A ll Evening
10707 Pacific Ave. Tacoma Phone LE. 7·60 12
LEnox 7-8101
8:00 o .m. to 8:00 p.m.
W. provide Check il . .. d
Savil.s Ace. lllts
GIld all oth.r balk services
for (. II. g.
Find your new souve nir
Gift Pen
Expert Dry Cleaning
KSTORE Laundry Service
l'''': OIlL'"• • "'&JID LY . . . .. 'M ( Cull A II."", ........ .
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Phone LEnox 74300
LambdaOme a Some fraternities get athletes. Some get brains. This fraternity gets virtually everybody, including omen. It has flUlatica1ly loyal members in more than 100 countries around the world. It baa no pin IUld its only ritual is t he simple act of enjoying Coca- ola every single day of the year. Its name? L 0 R-Lovera of Refreshment. Join up today.
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE &om.d uncI.r authority of The Coca·CoIa Company by
Frid ay, November 8, 1957
P age F ly
Glads, Pirates Play Homecoming Tune
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -·--------:
~4p'4 ~~
It won't be 10llg now until we will be reading about the selections of • ndid,l l\;-; for the all-c;onference team, inspira tional award, most improved p layer award, next year's captain, etc., that always iollow the grid seasoll. ~ot all ~chools go alon g with th" policy of electi ng th eir n~xt ye~ r's cap tain by t('am voting·. H e re a t PLC it is the policy to d ect t he captain by the: team members, ;l1ld well it should . T he' pla ye rs all know who has th e leadership a bility and can lead th em to gTe:l t r feats of perfo nnance on the fi eld. In th e past the selec tions have ·llways wu ra nted praise and this yea r is no different. Of COUf;i e , there is always the f who turn on the captain and coaching staff at the end of a losing ~eas o n, What these few do not realize arc the sc<:nes behind the scenl'. Injuri c~, illhess, a nd lack of ben ch $ta :ngth .ire what hurt our Lutes this season: not lack of (fo rt or knowledge by the coaching staff or C a ptain LY~N C ALK. i'N. db sive tape and a pirin have pb.yed a dec isive:: role in fiddin g a full (,-,am a t times. W~ would lik e to commend Coa ch HARSHMAN o n his judgement o( \x'n clling pla yers who were nursing injuries, yet w a nt,~d to play. A few of !hese men m ight have made the difference betwee n a win or a loss but in th p roe; s r o uld ha\'e suffered permant.: nt disabiliti t:s. HARSH us ed 'his h~t judgement a nd was looking "Jtcr th e tea m, not the win or loss column. The late Grantland Rice's (the g randdaddy o( all sports writers) classic ,.ayin!:", " It's not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game," ,:.;an c.a:>ily .fit into HARSH'S coaching philosophy. Hats off to COACH H.\RSH M!\N and CAPTAIN LYNN CALKINS for their able leaderllhip and judgement against insumlOuntable odds. When next year's captain is an nouna-d, look up to him as a kader. That's what he is.
N~.R~~~~LE STARTING LlN~:!:,~ " IGridders .Take 86 DAN NIKSICH ..... ............End I
71 67 50 64 72 87 10 35 41 34
On Foe ·In Tacoma
DARYLE SQUIRES ........Tackle BILL SLEM KO ..............Guard i ' ROY ZYLSTRA .. _..... ....Cent er !
Whitworth '$ puzzling Pirates. featurin g f o u r o f the top md i GARY TURNER ........._..Guard PAUL W ARD .............•Tackle ! v~d ual ~ rfo.rmers in the co n ere.r;ce, yet able to rewrd but a ingt~
DICK BRA HAMS ..............End I victory m SIX games, w dl provide the competitio n f o r L to VIC FERGUSON .__... ..Quarter ! m.orrow at 1 : 30 p. m . at L ine In Bowl in o n~ of [he hIgh ligh ts.
WARREN LASHUA ........Ha lf: of the three-day Homee m ' g f s t iv lties .
BERNI E RAKES __ _.. ___.... __ Ha If i Th ,~ J.ir-mind ~ d Buecnnc': N, " halO'-- -- - -- .
RON LOCKHART .... ._Fullback lead the. confeITnce in. three p;1Ssin.!! I scon: five t imes [his yt,ar. I ts ofi~rue
I .
Na me
Po. ilion
80 DENNIS RODIN" __. ___... _.. End 71 MIKE TEEL ._._._.__._.__....Tackle 60 JIM CAPELLI'" ....__ ......Guard 52 RON McALLISTER" .__ ...Center 62 DICK GOODWIN ___.. ...Guard 75 LYNN CALKINS* ...._...Tackle 84 CURT KALSTAD* .____ __ _....End 10 JOHN JACOBSON .___ Quarter 42 GEORGE FISHER . .- .- Halfback 30 JOHN FROMM" ---. Halfback 21 TOM GILMER* - . - • • • -. Fullback .. Starting Sen iors _ __ _ .
Oorm Teams. T-Ie -I n F-In a I5
DEA.,\, STILL BEDRIDDEN W~ sopped in to see ce nter JIMMY DEAN aga in thi. week. DE ,\N is . h a h ro k en st ernum, 111 . f'hCk d during the In the last round of th e Lute intra· Stl·11 con f'tne'd to t I \ C 'III f'Irma ry W1t Eastc m.PLC iootball gaIe two weeks a.c,,". o. H e would appre,".iat>·~ visitors, a nd mural ~,ridiron conksts the Eastern "'pecially m embers of th.! football tea m. It is not known hnw long- he will Parkbnd tea.m scored a 36-6 win over . dn· den. '. I' its West side foc, the "sad six," to 1><: b ,~ Lcin ch a first place tie. Simultaneously TH I llD FLOOR NOTCHES INITIAL WIN . .. "Iv}, and Clover Creek, realizing their , Th~ Flour's "l1e\'tT·say·die" foothall t eam f!nal1 y .dd ed .a bJg one ,Iea~ue sta ndi ngs were a t ,t",k~, ha tIn the W1.1l f" olumn a~ the b oy, d d eated Tacoma 12 to 6 111 theIr last sched tlt-d to a 12. 12 ti" . uled g ame DC the first round of football pla y. All team m~rnbcrs unanimously In the Eastc rn-"Vcstcru <rame, East· ~ ;.gre.,.d th:t t th,: y couldn't stand an')ther win this'season after all th.. cOllg ra tu. .: rn was It:d to v i <: tor y by Roy l.ltion h~d been poured OD them. Aftcr the game the boys announced that Sch warz, Jim Va nBee k, and D ave the gam~ had bt'e n their " Iittk home("oming.'· and GORDIE SOILAND wa s BnllS t"n , In thl! Ivy-Clover Cre k (,) reign a, their "little kin!:::" from Third Floor to ~ o rth H all. frJ.)' it W::IS D ea n Morrison passing to J erry Cmtis for Clover C r~c.k and for ON MOR E We-'ve tmded in uur battert:d old crysta l ball a nd ac cepted ddiv ery of hr, Art " The Arm" ;"\;t'rh" im con· 3putnik type sphere that is guaranteed to p redi ct e\'en the route through fll· ctcd twice with L{lwen Sheld;) hl. the Kio k ( don' t bet on it, though ). Anyway, we will try it this week in i ApP'lfently th e bewitchin g ladi ' hopo's of r coveri ng from th e horrifying results of last week's pLOgnosticat.iom. i on the broomsti cks removed the he); Look (or th e I .utes to end their losing str~a k with a 20 to 12 vi ctory 011 their day to ride. Third Floor came ov r Wlutworth tomorrow. C PS has a n open date tomo rrow, but. Washing· through wi th a 12-6 upset over 'rd· ton'. Husktf will chalk up thei r sixth loss of the Sl:ason a t tht: hand. oi the coma ! Bob ;\If itton's pa~s to Llo yd E r· agu -k.1cl ifl: Oregon Ducks 1 to O. \ Vestern W1 hin gton's Vikings will la ndso n was all Tacoma , though un· I ,1\e little troub le with British Columbia tomorww a they roll up a 2 7 to 6 dc rrn a nnt' d, could score. O n the other . ictory. a d in the b ig ga llle on lowe r campus, pittIng th e uppe r class girls h ~ nd, Gordie Soiland', to be exac t, { ? .:I.g3in~l t it frosh : irl ' (? ) , we' ll gin' th e ed ge to the u pper class women. Soil a nd found Ri ch Hamlin and Dave H~Vl' ~llly of you not iced' the fi nc display of pictures uf th is year's Lute, (;abridson for I'D pass recci, ers tbaU pll'lyt'r~ in til 'find ow ,)f M cK,.wa n' s Stud io in P3rkland ~ A fin e T hird Floor. di~pla~ .1 community in tere3t to PLC. Fourth Cinches First On th" twin turf, Fourth Floo r wa trackin g· its wa~' to first plaet: under ! the sure a nn 01 Rog r Iverson. Iver· son p it ched to C hu.ck Curtis once ami i L.nr), Pete rson tW Ice as Fourth ove r· powered D eja rdines 18·1 2. D u a 11 e ~Iot" s a nd Di e k Clare' s passes to M erle M~rtinson a n.d ~ick Foege. ac· .:uunted for th e DeJ~rdllle 1 ~ Pl.)llltS' . Passers Gary Kamlm, Denm" Troed· son a nd Bill R a y a nd r eceivers J erry I Scheele a nd " Hurryin' " Haaland bolste n:d the win of Second Floor vel ~ + Clover ,reek 18-12. R on Lerch, Jen 1' Viebroch. ::md T ed Berry led the CIO\'er C reek scoring. Roger " Jump and Throw" I verson 123RD AND PACIFIC ~ kl"pt F outh Floor ,In th... victory tmil ~ i..................................._ .........-...........................................i
which cin hed the fir t plnce tie. Fourth bowled o\-e r Ivy 28- 12 o n the la.5t day of contests. I v"rson r:w on~ TD a nd passed to Chuck Curtis, Don Week-ends Week Day s Slattum, and Larry Peterson for 2 ~ 11 :00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. 10 :30 a.m· 10 11 :00 p .m . of the poi n . Th e last four points w ert' collacted on two saietv traps . gain>t Ivy "The Arm" Ncrhcim's T D pa5 to R ge denon and Dave .lVage were both i vain. Western flop ,thoug oDly three
a:e lookmg for. , h.·'I wa ~ neHT stopped cold, but ddentivC'
tlmd straI ght W1I1 over the GladUl lO , w,:a kn"ss 5 , p ri ma rily in the Dtel:' of
who will be physically fit for the first the line, p roved to be its downfa.1l.
! time in fiw weeks. The Bue-Lu 1t: ser- i Scoring.wise, Whitworth is averaging
it's da tes back to 193 1: PLC swept the better tha n tlm::e touchdowns ;l. ga.Dlt'# first nin: ga~es, but Whitwor th has ! There j , .1 look 1)f optimis m for monopol~zed III t~e last thr.e '. Last cha nge in [he Lu te piet re. Til fill \ T ar a fIdel goal III the cI 05 I1l g Ill lll ' jsicg .l llpears t o be over and th~ utes b~'at the Lutes 23-:21. . ! lads sLould be nearly a' hei r full WI~Itw~rth h:~ a. n~w I~entor tht, [stre ngth , includ in g the 10rtg.aw:J. iled yt:a r III "31Iy Uph otf, who Introduce retu rn of star fullback. T om C limer " nn: system at th e school, the spli t.T. J Gilme r B3(;k · t in . ID espIte th... 10" ·1 C' ·lilIl,:r, d'm the Pa'lfl' .. U - . . . of thln~ all.confc . illJure encc stars, Wh:tworth retalllo:. - d all· gam e, unuO . 1 ub (cd Iy WI'11 see much c-. conferenc e halfback a nd capt aIn, Ber· t Ion · t olllOlrow. "rh C trip ' Ie-threat sen• 1 Ill '.' Ra"es, halfback W:llfl'n La; hu a' i ' . 1 d' h f . and tac kle Paul Ward. ~or lS • e.a mg t e COil e rt'ncC' In P\.W.t, I109 WIth a 40.7 average. H is prc-~tn(' fccJ;:uson Solves Problem . th I' '11 be . III e Illel.\p WI pa-n1llular v no· , In. the pre·scason outlook, the ' a bl e on p as; dl'fr-nsc . chief t IC Whll concern was the lac k 01 d ' p th . ' a t quarterback. T acoma's Vic E·ergu · Three GI. ds Out son has more than solved the quarter Larry Ro!S, Jame- D ean, and Curt back problem,· he has developed into K . ao l s d ere the onlv L u tes on the one of the outstanding passen in the mJure d. I1St a t p 55 ti m , K als d lu, confe rence and holds a substantial a possIbl e br ok e n h and , b ut x-rol y lead ove r his nearest rival in passin " ha"en't detennined the cxtenl or the '" IllJury. . . off"ns e.
. I
Niksich Leads Receivers / The H omecoming committee is I ho . th 9 Wh itworth has three of th I norl 1 47 Lut e ·h seven score rs in Dan Inosbnta, a :0 7 ~\ ent undefeated. M anv of the a lumni speedster, L ashua, a nd D an N ik5ich, lrom tha t team .. re ..xpec t d to'" 'D I tt d h a thrce·yt>ar vderan a t L'nd who It'.l ds a en an~", at t e gamc. In last 'a r's H om c ming gam.,.. th': conference in pass receivin g. . Whitworth, in 1900 a cross·town Ea!lern trapped t he Lu te! 27· ' :n the rival oi PLC hen: in T ::Ieoma, h a> only H omecoming loss dl.\ring the found itself on th,~ short mel of t he H arshman regime.
Letters Four Years
............. . . . ......................................................................
I College Drive-I" I .~
Iht' ill g
f~ w
lt tt ~ r rn:l ll.
SIc.\ l1":itn , bt;!tCI 'mown
35 'Bald )" n ;l sharp offeIUi,'c bloc ker and l S . nd-out at hi ' defe n· in Iineba .. post. Stand in ~ 6 f"r' t, '1 indln md 'ipping the sea It-, a t 2 14, Ron' , !ize :l ml power ha \ ',> tea '-fl"d hiIll a lut I")! • I CS p Cl:t • :.ll th. pivo t position.
Ia rou nd
R Oil ,Y£ t'.\ Ui· r i U!lr .,i Lu tt' :;.-nior! who will be .-nd PI.C !rid .: I~' r .I~ :l rUllr-ye~r
<":u,l<' r
McAlii fer, , enter,
Ron McAllister 1 - - - - - -..- - - - - - -.
W L Fourth Floor Old M a in Easte rn P;trkland .- ..- ... ....-.. Second Floor O ld M ain ...... Clover C r ek ....-.-...-.........-.-. hy H all .- .... ......-.--..-- ...-.-.--.-. D ejardl ne H owe ....-.. -.....-..-. T acoma ........ -.. .. Third Floo r O ld ~bin W·.'ste rn Pal kia nd
1 .) 5 ~
0 3
- - - - - - - - - - - - --
~Ulp l1, ,
At Lin coln H illh SdlOOI in SO:;\Ul~ , M C.'\llist(!r cI rned I 1I r! in football. blUkclba ll, an d ba!e all I n his c.ni.or year he was honored by being Damed to t he all·.:-ity and a ll· lat leJlm.s in football and baseball. Mo mg to the Lute campw, R on though o nly a n "eshman, lettered T sity in th~ ,a mt two ports, gn:ining <l starting p osition 011 the diatO.r 31horsehide squad . H e r epeated th.e l eal 0 I in his sophomore a nd ' ullior years and :': 1earned startilig p ts in both ports . .! Ithough he is a talwart at h IS cen. tC'r post, last !,<oar ". c" took .l brief .! wing t the end p ilion. \ flU s rt ! tng the firsl two ~:lmc, uf the season I I nd, hI 1\ s ·itch..d b k t eCI Ie I' wh~" hr wa "1Il,,'drd thl! DI t."
~ h<"
'* U -
""'cst sickrs cant(: oul to W1tlJes into the ccllar slot .:u it forfeited 0 'cund Floor. 1 lit "no slww" of Wes · em pu t Second in the thu d place !Iot fOT the Qll;on
\n J ur at ion majo r,!\<I( ilLtr.r i.~ concC'lltratmg on lIOcial studiC'l and mlnorang in ph)' ic-.al c:duc3tion, Upon gmdt.l, tiM in J I,UlI" he ho~ , l enl"r Ithr tc:ach ins profession.
Page Six
Friday, November 8, 11157
W T L Ct- ntral Wash ..... 4 West er n W ash . ... . 3 Eastern W ash ..... 2
Married Duos W es t ern Du mpS Eat from Pot IGladiators, 20-13 ~~i~:,,:~~nd.: PHI DELTA EPSILON
46 Tomorrow morn ing, the 9L I of ' o-I lkttc Lou (Bop stcr ) 33 ,'('m r, footba ll hist ry will be made MacDonald ........ .... .. C
Tne Western ":a~hin gton Vikin~s P. L. C . ........... ... I
:~gl~~~ .~~:~·~~I~_::~:no~f~~~·u~~~I~a~l;~lt~~lap.t~~~~r.)
third period on a IO· yard tou chdown ....- - - g a II 0 P by Vik ing fullback Denn is
; ... . .
Sh(·pard. Emc lO n 's
I -
. 0
Thin ~s arc relatively quict in the ," Pos H gt Wgt . \ frcshman call1p. Coach Hump Am ton . . 194 rcfu sLS to givc out any vita I de tails Cammy Emerson ..... F B n·1 Rip And erson ... .. ..... .... Q B 4--3 123 10n his squad, except to say, "The J ack ( Rou g h.neck) Girlics hav~ all the curvC's and the Bjornson ............ ...... RH 5.9 201 coach has all thc angles."
ca lin this wl'ek by jump will be:
Darkn.. (Sock 'em) Kdl) .. .... .................. LH
Helene (Biff) Neilso n LE Barb (Ca t) j ohnson ....LT Rosakc (R od.et) Z chm ...................... .. LG
T h,' frosh will probably fitld their 5- 6
5·10 2 19 th ey han ll)'thing to match th big 3 ~ 0 bO/H·d bonn i(" of the Wonde r-W omen \\'(-' 11 h,,, to be at th.. "S' ga c: 6-0 265 I tomorrow.
LOfe Insurance Company LE.l·0826
P. O. Box 275, Parkland
BR. 2·3211
Jon Saine
Th Lutheran Church is on fire for the Go. pe l! God won.. men of mental brown and a le rt spirit to serve Christ in HIs ministry on this West Coos, home mission Ironfipr.
BUSCH'S BASKET-for rE-OI convenienCE: and for extra good eating, have a BASKET AT BUSCH'S
ZT70 Morin Avenue, Berk.el<ry 8, Calif.
!...~-z-z-~,,-:--z-Z-Z-~.,I.;-Z-Z-"'-"'-;,:;z ~!T.,I.;-Z-Z-Z-z-Z-Z-~.,I.;-z-:;,:;-z-z-z-~,,-z-z-z-~-:;,:;-~,,-z-z-z-z-z-~,,-z-z-z-z-:;,:;-~,,-z-z-:;,:;-z-~-z-z-z-z-z-z-,'I
§ §
a '- II
Walgreen A gency
Garfield & Pacific
~-=--. ~ ~ ~ §~
~§ ~ §
Lak eW"ood Ice Ar ena
§ §
Call JU. 8-7000
§ §
405 Garfield Street
Baskets filled with French Fries, cooked to order, and Toast
BUSCH'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT OPEN 7 a.m. till 2:00 o.m. weekdays; 3 :00 a.m. week· end s
Tacoma, Washington
Welcome Back, Grads
§ ~
Hand-tooled Purses -- S oes .• Billfolds and Belts
elcome, Alums ..• to See Your Faces Again
§ §
$25.00 Rat Charge ~
Wed nesday thru Sunday - 8:15 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
~ ~ =-~ ~§
Supervi sed Parking Lot
38th & South Tacoma Way
't,.I,.I".I"".I.1.1.1"'.I.11.1'.I.1.1',.I,.I",.I.1"""",.II",.I.1" .1.I1"""""'.I~
It's Good
'I Student ... !
Box 144
LE 7-7135
TED BROWN MUSIC 1121-23 Broadway
Pacific Lutheran
u~llal strong team, but to find ou t if
·6 ..1
Ma gnavox Headq uarters
Welcome t o
Th," gaml", which is schedukd to Hgt. ,Wgt. start at 8:00 a.m., should be a thriller. jan ~ t ( Whispering) Aust .... 8·9 I II Th e W onder-Womt' n under the Kitl'" ( All Around') Murph v 5-7 44 ' T 1 abk coaching of R og (Jump ) h ·crson. E\'('I'n (Fox) Hyder .. ......... . 6-0 233 a>sisted by jim (Wonder-Boy) Van 1'wila (T iger) Gi11i~ ......... .. ..5-3 87 Beck, will fi Id the strongcsr and bi g· \ C a rol:(' ( Cowboy) gest team th.. y haw' h ad m m:my Chmdgrcn ......... ............... 5-3 88 sputnik. jerry ( D ,"amite) Dubail .... 7-7 112 Camile: Emerson, thl' a ll American These a re only approximatl' heights girl, will agai n hold d W I1 most of the .' and weights as the actual one! are pa~sing chofl's whilt- Mal'il~ " (R ip ) hard to track down, but most arc :\nd,:non will. be doing thl quarter· within an inch or a pound or so. backlrl" The: Ime.'-l\'t'rages an astund· R og an d j'1m we re q u o t ed a. say. " ,. in" ') 50 pounds all muscle . " 'f h ' d' t · tt ~ lilt!. c y n : roun l!l g ou p re y The tentati\'t' starting linc-up for g~~d, but if they d.on't corne through.. th ., Wonder-Wom<:n, as announced wc'll sell 'em for SIX cents a p o und.
Chari• • B. Fouch, Ph.D.. President
annual gridiron clas£ic, the Powde r· Phyl (Philp) Pederson RE 621 ' • Puff Bowl. Ddt'llsiw' ('hanges will inUude:
I ..
...... ..RG 6-0
56 cbss gll'ls Will meet the Gallopm£ !\ancy ( Mauler )
164 Girlies of the fn~$hrnan class in thl:' I' Rcinvik...... .............. R1'
. D I E 'I h II' I plchd up two qUick touchdow lIJ In Brit. Columbia .. .. 0 + 19 Ph " ta DSI on e ( Its ast . II d' . tht' opnllng quarter and a.nother TD Results Last "'eek . . h ' meet'" \:: Ul t e ~ma lIung room 'd l) be '>3 t 5 \\0 In tilL fm al frame to hand the PaCifiC. Wt·st. Wash. 20, Pac ific Luthn;Ul 13. W e d nt·s :1I:Y' c\.~~ L I' - • a. k:' p.rnj'·1 Luthrran Gladiator th(~ ir f u r t h Pa~ tor R o ,crt 'W. ut nn po 'e to tie . . . Central Wa~h. 20, East. Wa5h . 13. "S h straight loss before a VlklOg hom ~ - W'll 35 CPS 6 ( f ' ) ervmg t e cOlllin<r crowd at Bellin~ham by a I amette, non·con er ce group on tl)(; t.hem e, " " " Portland State 33, British Colum bin C h ur~ h . ' ')0 1'3 13 ( non-codncnce). T he club will be in charge of st'!l ~C Ofl 0 1 - to " i ng onu t and coffee, Friday evening, W, &t('l"n"· Frcd Emerson scored the Games Tills Week !'Iio\'cm r 8 to those wh o will be init io I tally for tht' Vikings a!. he Whitworth at Pacific Luther an, I :30. w or ' in on th,; Homecoming fl a ls. kick<·d off into lhe end zOJle and ...ced Central W ash. at British Columbia . Tlit' !lI~ . ·t meeting will be hdd on downfield to drop on the ball fo r an Western Wash. at Eastern Wash. , "dnt:sday , :'-lovembcr 13, a t 6:15 in t'a'Y TD. The pla('ement was wide of Coll~ g of Pu g!"t Sound, open date. All glr . IS tht ri~hts and the Vi ki ng) we re off - - - !"Iis Wick-trom's apartment..~ intnt:, tt'd in church work are COf and running. good. cl iall y in\,itt'd to attend. Th.. Lutes WC~l' unabl~ to ma.k.~ a Lutl' ,fltshman ,nd Al C"ntrtl~ rJPLES fllst down after' the se:-cond Vlkmg on
a \\ estt'Tn fumble on th Vlkmg " . l\[,\RRIED co e: 30 h ki ckoff ;l!ld lost possessIOn of the hall "",·yard lin .. in th t' fourth stanza to "Iomonow night at u : . p .m. t e on their own 30-yard lin It tOQk the' _. (,~( n thl' Lutes' fim,l scorin~ drive: married coupks at PLC will have a H ome om in ;.: potluck dinner in the Vikings just thl'c(; pia to grind out FIShel and Fromm h elp d move th, ana her TD with menan a gain sco r b II h d r d ar t Trini ty Luthnan Church, Whe.del' a to t t two ya r me an q u cr ing on an II-yard run. The conH;r ba ,:k john jacobson ran around end and Park A\'('nu~; and after "Duley," . d h" d h V"k h L . Th : t 10 p.m. "off, (" a nd dessert will be sia n was goo t IS lime an t I ' to clos ou t t ,. ult stonn '. c ,' on\,('rsio11 wa~ wide to maJ..e the in gs led 13 to O. M' 'cc. "0 t ." T Il!' l'ommi tl('(' working on lhe: din 1'~l' L'~t<.~. put up a sub~tan tia sco re - 0 -). 1l<:l' is Mr. and :\f rs. R ay D easy, Mr. sconng d\"!\'c m the ~co~d penod aft, The Lutes Olltrushed the- Vikings - Ild l !:Or john J acobson h ad Intcrc ptcd a J 66 to 142 w hile both teaI1l.\ wen' a n d ",,·.. n. B0 b S par I'109 a n d MI' . ... ., F' k .i.M al·k ~ (LE . • I 0789 ) . iirst dowm. 1\'1. )1; , "" Ian , Vli·: m j)'. us on the: We5tcrn 30. John pickin g up II __________.___ i frurnm romped around end to rack LSA TO MEET 'up the L tes first TD since th UBC WELCOME, ALUMNI . . . M e.· tin e; Sunday C\'tning at 6:00 gam a month ago. Tommy Gilmer EDW ARD FLATNESS, General Agent p. . is th ... PLC Luthnan Student A drop-kick ed the extra point. sociation. Cost lunch will precede the W , tc-rn a dd d the clincher in the I Luthe ran Mutual
I. . .
Phone LE. 7-3833
Tennis Shoes - Bucks - Flats • Oxfords
Quality Service
Opposite Parkland P.
Frid ay, Novc,"ber 8, 1957 PLC MOORING M AST P ag e F iv --------------------------------------~
PiratE!~__Play H_~~ecomin9 Tune
1 Gre.dders DAN NIKSICH .... .....".. ."..End I
No .
86 71 67 50 64 72 87 10 35 41 34
e:uily fit into
machin g , phil,oso,p,h y. Hats. orr to
Position ' tim.: in fiV(' weeks. T he Bue-LuI': 5er- Scoring.wise,
Na ml!
D0 rm Team 5 IiT-Ie -I n F-I n a I5 I
.. '
I~ th,~ ~a~t lOund o~ thL L~ltt. Int~:l-
ImUl al
g .. III the IJl1cup wlll be panieu Lar)' DO tht p~, ·season outlook, the dud ! ti ceab l on pass defense. Whit conct:rn was the lack of depth I a t quarte rback. T ac oma' s Vic FerguThree Glads Out I' SOli has more than solved the quarter· I Larry Roo], Jame~ Dean, and Cu r back problem; h" ha s developed into ~~Istad :-"ere the o~y L utes on the one of the outstanding passers in the mJur~ ~ lIst at p re. ti me. K.illst;ad Iuu conference and holds a substan tial a p osslble bro ken hand, bu t x-ray lead over his nea t ri\ I in p assing ha\'en't dctermw ed the cxtent of I"
offcnst" injury.
I I~)
3nd Judgement against Insurmountable odds. When next year's captain is 3n· , nOllncoo, look up to him as a leader. That's what he is. I DE AN TILL BEDRIDDEN . We . t pped in t~ s~e center .JIMMY DEAN aga in ~his we,-k. D~t\~ is su ll con f,n..d to the mflrmary With a broken ste rnum, InflIcted dm'lllg th l" Eastern-PLC footba ll gafe two wee ks ago. H e would appreciate visitoD, nnd ";pet:ially m embers of the football tealll. It is not known how lonll' hp will he bed ri dd ' lI.
¥h itworth is a"cragin!
H.'\~HMAN and , CA:TAIN LYNN CALKINS for theIr able leadership
80 DENNIS RODIN* ... ..... .__ .End , ies dates back to 193 1: PLC swept the be tter t ha a t hr " o uc hdowns a game 71 MI KE TEEL . .. __ .............Tackle first nine games, but WhitworLh h 5 Thcr,~ is d look of optim isnl for 60 JIM CAPELLI'" __ ____ .. __ ..Guard rnonopol~zed in tI.le last thl'.e~ . L~3t chan~e in th~ Lute pic tur . T he Ilu 52 RON McALLISTER* __ ... .Center , year a fi eld goa l In the cl OSIng mIn' 'l iege appears to be Ovt r, an the 62 DICK GOODWIN ... .. ...Guard ; utt'S b.c-at the Luks 23-2 1. . i Gbds ,hould b nearly at their full 75 LYNN CALKINS· ...... ..Tackle : WI.lltworth has :l ..ncw ~I.'nto r thiS streng th, incIuri In.g the long-awa iled 84 CURT KALSTAD* .... __ ... ...End ! yea.!' In W~lly Uphotl, who 11ltrod~(;=d r turn of sta r fullback, Tom Gilmer. 10 JOHN JACOBSON ....Quarter a new system at the school, tho: spIlt-I. Gilmer Back '\ in 42 GEORGE FISHER __ __ ..Halfback D espite th,. loss. of three Gilm a , injured i n Pa i!ic 30 JOHN FROMM" __ ..Ha Ifback rn cc stars, Whitwo rth I'dall~"d all- game, undoubt~dly will see rou h ae21 TOM GI LMER * __ __ .__ .Fullback c~nfertncc hallback and captalll, Ber- tion tomorrow. T hl' triple-th reat en " Starting Seniors flIe Ra kes, halfback Warren Lashu a, lior is leading th onferencC' in P\,LDt i a nd ta~~~,-, !:~l S~:::· Problem I ~ng wit~ a -to.7.average. H iJ prellencc
Wh.) t hese few do not rea li ze arc the scenes behind Ihe scen.. . Injuries, illhess, a nd lack of bench stre ngth an, wh a t hu r t our Lutes this season ; not lack of ffo rt or know ledge by the coa ching staff or Captain LYNN C ALK. IN S. Adhesi e tape and aspirin have playt d a decisive role in fiddin g a full tcarn at times. W.. w ould like to commend C oach HARSHMA.' " ou his ,iudge ment of lit I.hing p Ia 'crs who wen' nursing injuries, yet wanted to play. A few of these men m ig ht have mad e th e differenc.e between a win or a loss, . but in process could have suffered perma nent disabilities . HARSH hi s bes t iudgem nt a nd was looking afta the tcam, not the win or loss column. T lu! la le Grantl and Rice's (the granddaddy or all sports writers ) cl ic ,;tying, " It's not whether YOll won or lost, bllt how you played th(· game,"
Take On Foe TomorroW In Tacoma
DARYLE SQUIRES .,.__ __ ..Tackle e BILL SLEMKO .. .....,.......Gua rd : ROY ZYLSTRA . ...........Center II W
GARY TURNER .__ .__ ......Guard . hitw o rth 's ~uzzling Pir les, featuring f u r o f the rap II1di PAUL W A RD ... ...._...__.Tackle v~dual ~rfo.rmers 111 the .co n f er en ce, ye r able to rewrd but a ingle DICK BRAHAMS .___ . _____ ..__ End vlctory 111 SlX games, III ~(ovide the com petition for PLC to · VIC FERGUSON .__ .. ...Quarter ! morrow at 1: 30 p. m . at L~nco-l.n ~~~I in n e 0 [he h igh ligh t'l WA RREN LASHUA ..__ ._._Ha l f; of the three ·day Homecon g estlVltlCS. BERNIE RAKES __ .......__ .__Half '[ The air-mind,"d Buccanee r<, who.l;t--- -- - -·- · RON LOCKHART ......Fullback k ad the co nff:renct: in th re'~ passing SCore five limes this yea r. I t s oCIensc ' departlllents, a n ' looking foJ' tI\i'll wa~ ncver topped cold , but def~ive PACIFIC LUTHERAN third straig ht win ove r the Gbdiator ', w<:akn,;s;("s, prima ril y in t he cen . of PROBABLE STARTING LINE-UP who will be physically fit for tht' rim th.:: iille, pco\"ed to bt, its downf lL
HAP ',:, R \PPENINGS It won't be loog now until we will be r eadin g about the sd"c tions of ~~andid.iI.c s fo r tht, all-conference (,: a01, inspirational award, m os t impro\'ed player awa rd, ne-xt year' s ca ptain, etc., that always follow the gri d season. i\;ot all oc hools go a long with the policy of electing their next year's captain by t • m -oting. Here at PLC it is the policy to d ec t the captain by the team m embers, !l nd well it should . T h e players all know who has th e h:ad~ rship a bility and ca n lead them to grea t'r fea ts of perfonna n ce on th e fi eld. In the past the selections hav e :llways w: .frJ nted p raise and thi s year is no diffn ent. Of course, there L' alwa ys the few who turn 00 the captain and coaching staff a t the cnd of a iosi ng season, No.
Na me
" ndlron cont. sts" the ~ as tclfl Pa rkland tefl m ,c(lrt'd a ,6-6 Will Ovel' its West sid e foe, the "sad six; ' to ('inch a first place tic. Simultan e ou ~ ly
Niksich Lead.~ Receivers Th e Homr.comin~ commiuec 1 TlUllD fL OOR NOTC HES INITIAL WIN Ivy and Clover Creek, realizing their Whitworth has three of t h,; to n honor' 1947 .loUt rn ' h Thir Floor"; " nn cl'-3ay·dic" footb all team fin ally ~dd f.!d a hig "one" league standings were at sta ke, ba t seven scorers in Dan In ollta, a 9:07 we nt undcfca tL"d. M a nv of th e 3 ullmi ill th\; win rolumn a s the boys defeated T acoITI:I 12 to 6 in th eir last sched· tl, 'd to a 12- I 2 ti c. speedster , Lashua, and Dan ik.5ich, from th.J t tram ;',1rC: "xp cd to ill ult'd galllf: of t he first .round of football pla y. All te.:l rn member:; unanimously In tht: E astern-Western ga ITIr, East- a three-year vetera n at end who kads at tendance at the game. •lgn:~d that lhey couldn' t stand another win this 'season after all thr eong-ratu .-rn was Ic d tc> \' .let 0 r y b y R ov In last r's H ome oming- giUlJI", lat' n iud bee n poured on them. After the game the boys announced that S L J" v B . k . the conference ill pass receiving, L-d b . " I'ltt Ie horneconung . " an d G <..·)RDIE SOIL .'ND Whitworth. in 1900 a cross·town Eastern t n pp ed the Lu tes 27-7 lD the: th ['!: <l uu c,; n their ... ! was Bc uwa rz, I 1m h an Ct:' and D ave t.... ~igJ\ theil' 'little king;" from Third iionr to :-<orth H"IL ! c rn stcn. n t t: hy- 'Io\'er Creek rival of PLC here in T acoma, has only H omecoming 10" durin!!: he fr :.ty it was D ea n Morrison passing- to found itself on the short end o f the Haaiuru regime. J erry Curti s for Clover C ~ ek and for ON C E M O R E in our battered old tT ystal ball a nd acce pted delive ry of Ivy, Art "The Arm" N n heim con putni' t" pe sphen : tha t is guaranteed t o predi ct even the rout e through n" cted twi ce with Lowell SheldahL th ' 0 k ( 'on't bet on it.. tho ugh) . Anyway, w e will try it this w(:ek in I Appa rentl y the bewitching ladies ho 'S of !eCOvuillg from th ~, horrifying results of last wee k's prognostications. on the broomsticks removed the h e." Lor k for the L utes to end their losin trcak with a 20 to 12 victory on their day to ride, Thi rd 1'1001' ca:u l.' \" r Whi tworth tomorrow. CPS has a n open date tomorrow. but Washing- through with a 1:l-6 upset over T a · ton' s Hu loe will chalk up their sixth loss of the season at the hands of the co ma ! Bob Mitton's pass to Lloyd Er- I I Cr' nk r Ron .\-I.\lIi ~ r i. or· Jf lr.,\gu.c:-letl di ng regon Ducks 14 to O. W estan W a~hing to n's V ikm gl will \;llldson was a ll Tacoma, though un ~he f, w L~ t l.' senion who wi ll be end ruu-e lit " trouble with British C olumb ia tomorrow as they roll up a 27 to 6 dcrma nn cd, could score. )n tlw oth (' r Ifl '.! a PLC q n r.i '·.l reeT.l a four-yt:.:Ir I . 'i tory ,\nd i n the bi/f game on lower C3 rnpus, pitting the uppe r class girls hand, Gordie Soila nd 's to be exact. I l d lrn na ll, ' ) g~in t tilt" fr ~h ,,' d s ( ? ) , wc:' ll give the rdge to the upper clas women. Soila nd found Rich H a mlin and D aY<' M cAll i t, ·r. betl~ r known :u 'B dr' H ',' ~ n ' of you not ie d the fi ne display f pieture~ of th is year's Lute, Ga brielson for TD pass n:cci,,:rs I a.rou ad lh mpus, I be: 'n ,h, rp football playe rs in the 'findow of McK ewan's Studi o in Parkla nd ? A fine Third Floor. oCfcDI\[\'e llocru. nd a 5 nd-out at di~pLI\' .f ommunity int e~ t to PLC. Fourth C inches l!irst his defensi, linebacker pOH. Stand. On th e tw in turf, Fourth l!loor waS in g' 6 f<"e! , indll,'s 'ln d tippitlg th" t racking its way to first p lace under s.- Ilr s 3.t ~ H, Ron', ,i7.t' ami powu th e Sure a ln ) of Roger I ver,on. InT' hn,·..- ,-'a rn' him a lot t· rope ·t' at s n pitr hl'd to Chuck Curtis once a nd the p imt po~itioll, La rry Pct<:rson tw ice as l!ourth ov..- r .\t Lincoln H ig h 5. !tool iu 5 tlle powt' red D ejardines 18·1 :!. D u a n e M eAlIis er .ea r u:d It tiers in football Moc's 'l nd Di e k Glare's passes to basketball, an b;u a ll In hU .senior M'Tk M artinson a nd Dick Foege " c I year he was honored b y bring named R on McAllister counteu for th~ D ejardine 12 point to the all-city a nd all-s te tcams in Passe rs Gary Kamlin, Dennis Trocd football and :\ScbalL son and Bili R a y an d J'eccivel1! J er ry INTRAMURAL FOOTBALL M oving to the L ute camp 5, un Scheele and "Hurryin'" Haaland bol LE AGU E ST,\l'iDINGS t~ou~h o nly a freshman , le tte~ vu th ~ win of Second Floor o,"er stered £ i L T SI Y U\ t he lame two sport~, gaming a C lover ,reck 18-12. Ron L erch, Jerry 1 1 starting p().$iti n on the. Gladiator Vicbror h, a nd T ed Berry led the Fourth t ' loor Old ~bin ...... East"rn Pa rkland .. .... ......... :; o :i horsehide squad. H e repeattd the feat . Clover C reek scoring + ;. in his sophomore and junior yean .lIld Roge r "Jump a nd Thro .. Iverson Second F loot Old M ain _ ._ 5 i~ 123RD AND PACifIC i kept Fouth floor o n the victory trail Clo\er C reek ............._ ....... :3 '2 3 tUned ~tarting post in both sports. + + /\lt hough he is a Jtalwart at III c~nwhi.:h cinched th e fi t pia e tie. Ivy H a n ............... ................. :5 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... ...... . . . . ._ . . . . . . . .40.........• •• • . . . . . . . .•. .• ••••••. . . . .• . ... - Fourth bowled o\e r I vy 28-12 o n the D ejardinf.' H OWIe ... ._... ........ S 3 ::! t",. p ost, ast y'~ ' I' " M:lc' took a bri i ~ 21s\Vi n ~ t the e nd po iliotl. After $tartlast da y of eontc.>t.s. Iverson ran OOe T a coma .... ... ..... .... .... .. Third Floor Old M ain r) 1 ing lhe fiNI tw ~urnr.:s of the 3eaJIOn TD a nd passed to Chuck C urt is, D On Week-ends W~k Days at ,' ud, h~ W~ wit.:h·d b ·.k to CCII' <;Iattum, a nd LaITy Pete n on for 2 4 Wl'stt:.rn Pal 'I ~ocl 11 :00 a. m. to 1:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m· to 11 :00 p .m. tel wl wre h!' " ol "J1('cdc Ule m t." f the points. The last four point.;
,McAliister, Center, ILetters Fur Years I I
- -
..... ............. ......... ...................................... . . .................
. t
College Drive-In 1 ,
:; :! ,
- - - -.-- ..
we re collec ted on two safe t y trap' Wcu sidl"r~ calli out to vit it, 'ain t rvy " The Ann" Ncrhrtm's IDlO the liar slot as it forfeited to T D p ;B s to R oger ,\ ndenon ll1ld "(CHId Floor. T he "no ihow" of West· D ave SlIvage were oth in em put SeCOtltl in lh third place at W ~ lC'm flopJl d, though onl) thtt fOT the Cil.on.
uca ti<lII 10. jor, M l: AlIi t~r j on social sludi~ and nUnorin~ in phy u:'al ·durarion. Upon 'rad ul tion in J n h hop . 1 \ nt r tht" [ ch ing prorc:'~:!ion . \n
Page Six
Frida", Noyember" 1"7
EVER-GREEN OONFER.ENCE W T L PF PA 25 72 ntral Wash . ... 4 0 86 46 W~st~rn Wash. .... 3 0 33 Eastern Wash. .... 2 1 I 81 51 Pug~t Sound ........ 2 1 1 4-6 53 Whitworth ... ....... 1 0 3 85 P. L. C............... 1 0 3 39 56 Brit. Columbia . ... 0 0 1 19 161 Results Last Week
RECORDS and PHONOGRAPHS Mag navox Headquarters
f or
ItTED BROWN MUSIC IL1121'23 BR.2-3.211
LE. 7-7135
Br oadw ay
Box 144 -
Jon Soin.
e t lltheran Church is an fir. for the Gospel! Gad wanb men of mental brawn and a lert ' pirit 10 serve Christ in His ministry on this Welt COOIt ho.... mission fro nlier.
BUSCH'S BASKET- for rea l convenience and for extra good eating, have a BASKET AT BUSCH'S
7770 Moria Avenue, Berkeley 8, Colif.
Supervised Parking Lot
v,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,.,,.,,.,.,.,.'--'''''''1 W elcome to
Pacific Lutheran
~: ~ -<
'I Students· • • ! § ~
~ Lake~o 0 d Johnson Drugs ~ Ice Arena
Walgreen Agency
Garfield & Pacific
Call JU. 8-7000
Wednesday thru Sunday - 8:15 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Afternoon - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
38th & South Tacoma Way
Tacoma, Washing ton
OPEN 7 a.m. till 2:00 a.m. weekdays; 3:00 a.m. week· end s
elcome Back, Grads
Hand-tooled Punes -. Shoes •• Billfolds and Belts
Welcome, Alums ..• It's Good to See Your Faces Again
405 Garfield Street
~ :==================================~
Baskets filled with French Fries, cooked to order, and Ta ast
$25.00 Flat Charge
§ ~
Chorles 8. Fo. lsch, Ph.D., President
Studio Phone LE. 7-3833
Tennis Shoes • Bucks • Flats • Oxfords Quality Service
Opposite Parkland P.
'F i re
Pay x W e kend o
} li b bc nygibbt t. a fam a s from a Sco tc h fa tak will b~ l' I CMS T !>entcu In t le n xc h ursday Frid ay and S aturday. N ,'ember 21. 22 Jnd 23. in rh i rst prod llct i n of (h 1957 PLC Children's Theatl:[ ea s o n.
Pn f rrnan( t"~ will be "I J :00 p_n..l;1 ..._--.._ - - • o'lTnbu 2 1 and :!:30 I d f.. UI lhe Pre mir. gu, F libb.-n vgibbt t: J ay Gra'.!nd a nd <';; I'd , with tick e ts :i\';;il.. ble I I • G' \'i,, ; 1 td K<·~,elI, Adam ; u- ' r a r<:.. nvw fo r:' 5 c.ent'> for children ' nd 0 SI.t L a rlll.-r. , nCorp" Ja ne:. R OS5 . .... l ,J!. fo r adu lts. i B;.rba r,,- tu hlIT i 1t"1, Plg; Bob F inch, . I r' - IT] Ix I Gr~ 1 pop: "ud H e,, ' lw r Stmup. Sa,,'p('ua 5 lOWIng ot ') ~'~ Iu- " " . IW I ii! I,,' sponscllt'd by th e T2.L WD~ ~I a g" mana l.:(. J ~ Arlene H a lvo r.
a ud 1:00-4:00 p .m. OIl Friday.
I be ttn membe rs o f the PLC debate squad .
Tlw eLH w ill lJ, do s~d during " a la tiun, 'NC/pt for th ', (~fe teria IJcinl! open f r m('al , fo:' the Wa sh· in!!t(,n State D iabe ti c. Associa tion I.,n F ri d.) \' " 'cn iW' , Saturdav and
' l r fc.r til( _f~l1la~)', undu .Ih di · ~ ~ andi l1l!" of lo\' ~ Iv ~ umanity. The set- i I.on of M:r. Lnc . onl holm , I~ : D ak IHI " J< ~,mo n. col li I farm-foil:. I I
Those earning: the honor of attendi n g the Calif. r fila m\:cr arc: Orin Dahl , Don D o u g las, Tom Reeves. Cal Ca pi! er, Jim .'Tray nor, B, t t ( Ma d nnald, J anrt 1' urman, J' . ' rn bb L U nOr 0 e ns R a n d a II, L l1'~ :md l'krb Dcmpst'} . ! lisinK th e sta ff car a d ,)nr: or the I PLC ('arryall s the te am "i ll n: l uru " y (;UO d wrn - S PPll'·t'r. 'J' arom a II f[{Jm th e 2200-mik trip on D ecr," Dl'lt ,\...itn, will hold all a u to!(ra ph p ar ty 11wr ]. . t ] H' PLC.' n0 00 k·s torf' to d ay f rom -: 9 00 In .\(' compa nying- the lcn sl ude nts Iii ' W 'T'r)u : _ ,p.nL Sh ,. w . ''11 ,a,.,:to ~['ap.h caples lw ~fi,s J ane Smith, (If t he sp (!
r)I 1le, i - 1If'\\ - - \\01, - k rf B B\
H' . Ig ow dep a rtment. ~v1J·. T. O . H. K arl, dl' l :P. " a ~.:-or:- eonl'erning .the .~l'e, t b.. l!· "d"iwr, will be unablr to tr:w d
t G·l ye
A utograph Here
Th<: nr,, ! issu e of the M oo rin g :-'1 as t will be publ i,h" d on Dect:m h,r 6. D,, ~ 1,0 th~ coming ",cation an d ttl<' dosing of schoo l no Moor in ~ ~'[a ,b "ill bt priIlt"d on th, ~:':nd a ll :!9th of X,)\·tllwcr .
('h:.pt'T ,:of th" American ,>\s'" _i."1 li or 't; ~.t t.dmi ciaJl if R od Kast(' ll•. and 1.. n l\lCi lY W om n at 10:30 ' ,lh. df Lt riLian ~ R on T ally, uri a t urd a y mc,rni ug, ~ owm~ r 23 . llibl'rtygi bb"t i! ~ n ,Hin ehara ct< r t, [UJ' IJ il h\ !\l' VI' Iha tlc playing I n rt u n salt fl Jl a no t!.,-!, " 'orld whl..> is ginn 01,',~ ' . ' fI(-IllJ,' rs on y. IJan chan e" to brin1o( th (' tru e undc r
L J ving Pacific Luth T'J n College on Friday. N lVl ber 22 for debate compltition Jt Pcpnt'rdine C o lleoc in Los A n ,des ill
;, r,d 1>< c1t,:"d until Vl onday mornin .". ' "'" pt ff n ~:(JO-l~:OO a .m.
r v • In o mp
; t thl' mel,,1 tim' un W('dn,,"~day
I •
Aalen from Norway"
~Ol' tll,\'(:'~t ti re Q: J!J1J9 \\',h lCh Wiped CIi I'; "Io'H!ra] ('omHHlllities. Th" writn spot,· thi s murning a t th(' V.r ashin~ton Conference of th e Prof. Dr. L ei, :\al,n, representing .'\lIwri,·an Di a bl'li r s Asw iatiol1 hen' th,' D epartm en t of Edu ca ti on of Nor- I on c~mpus.
To Speak Here Wed"
I to C . lifornia heca use of • fa ull : BIn ti n~ dt:rin!l ,-acation.
C a l.l'~"rit'!, of rOll1p,·t ilioll will b,.. "xt empor:, n" olls "lid in, p r m I u spc'al-in)!" o ra tory, d..batr· ;. nd interi pre ti\'( n ·ading.
SIave A UcL -10 Prece des I Roller Skat:ing Part:y 1 ~~~L,::' i lln~~th(~:~~;:ll:;::~: c_~:~~:~:: I01 son alks ext: e k Probkm~ At: Co cordia olleg lm 1;
D r. Aa kn, from S orway. will speak T o ni g ht from 7:00 ( 0 :10 p ,m, in CB -200 fr eshmen slaves \' i ll b ~ auct io n ed off to t h e h lghc _l hid dt:r~ with Linda Effinger in cha pel on "-Princi pa l of d Bob JWSS wiel ding au I - neer 's gavel. 1' ,,'sm t D a y Scandiml\ ian Theol g y" .'o ll, w ing th l': slav auc(J o n will be rhe all-school ska(in g ar.d w ill aho s a.k in some classes un W dne day. par,y l th e Tacoma Ro lle r Bo"1 from q.) 12:30 p.m . ~, (\ ie,·s tiC frcsh rneu fellow! Dd.t~'------ ~ •• I rar th h un of I U:OO t,_ ! ~ : OO I tumurro v. ,
Girl. e ll ;shu buy k\low~-j u t ,. t ;: party tllni ght-- ;, nd "
Pasror Roy Ol so n. PLCs Director d Public Re1 a ti n' will b e o n ~ of the tw o featured speakers at the annual S p iritual Em phasis \\leek at Concordia College in M o rhe a d . I 't m n('so J sc heduled to begin Monday morning. 10 vcmber 1B.
VOL. 35, NO.8
Hauge in Minneapolis; Lut.es, Deans Re
DA Mee s 0 n Cam us
N om in ations Ope n
Sharin g the week long program of preachin g and cQun!>c1ing "ith P",to r Ols on will be th, Rc... er- ~~'---- end .\rndt H ?ln'(son, pastor o f Uni· i licit,· will b,' thn,. aI m, ,r-rsity Ll1th, ra n C hurl'll o f Hope in I D"an PI,il ip H au!:(' lefl LC y" ~\'I iIln('a pllli s. i I , nlay to ;J tt, nd a ('on!, r~ l\ cc [0 the I',"'to,- Olson will sp" "\: for th, " th-ans of the ELC .: ollegl~ togethtT ' Iurninl.: ('h pd r n -it:n and Iht· ~\'l'- with the: D 'Tla rtmt"nt f E d u!3(jun FRI., NOV. 15 , 1957 . n~ v. Ir h P Sl n : (' I , n ~ tl ) . ith' r th , rlHlt! :n : ,.,., 'l!lC 1,
For Lucia Bride
and fent I( lav,' will b ,' o n tl. , blO<. f",r th. OQ\b., lJ " a m .. tOlJlOlI UW. . . D._, ,I nid: e is Lha:lmall of iht I D"' tmbt r 6 " , ll marl: th.. I.:Jn .tunion, wit h l:k lly Patterson pul,. ni n ~ uf tilt Chri,tm"s 'r-a,on on cam ' ! I S" I' f Dil't itiaus (rom in stitutions all ovn ' lic'it}' , h l1i J[ );HI. fJ U", WIt I t"lt· pur s pr e~l:'n a tLOn () tIll Luci a llr id . F"stiv;JJ. tl ... s!dte will CL,m" f\ '" Oll rampus to 'OIJlwl1Ivrr du~' is spons(,rir, ~ tlte . I' h 'J" _ 'J !1i," ' ,_ ,'lr1 .'l rlrlual Sw~d'."h - " c··.., I,'U ra d ;-, y an d tomorrow fo r tlH a nnu ~ 1 krll\[\~ " -nH [lInI!! 11 III , oul . . w hICh . ' B n'd c i!' t ra W a' h i n ~ ton confcr"ncc of the Am cri · , ma . T iel.l t, an 50 Clnt~ and iU HVTI In th e- L uCla
P a HOI'
H aln-rsvn w ill condul't n gubr i !h confcr('l1fl is slat('d for IOd.'1Y. d" ,-o ti ol1> in the colk )!;c resi- ' F "day, ~ l1d th .. d · an w ill tum on
ct, "(,(, haJJs.
H a, ·in!.( l.we n a li f, lorl)!; fric'nd of ILO\ll'!.~C' Prl'siJ,' nt Knut son and a freqU"llt 'p,·ak,.,. on th, ' camp us durrn gthe to 'n un' of I' n', id u 1! Brown, Pastor Uison l'X!J<' cts th~t th,- Cum'o rel ia \'isit ' WI'11 IIt' "n ,.xtra p I "asan t "XP' I'I< Ile,.. Followin l!' thl' stay at Concordia , ('au Dl l'lt~ tic~ }\sS()C ialioo . M,. Olso n will go to :\1 inrl('apolis for .\fi ,~ Flurt"l1re Qu as t, dirl'ctor of , ;) nrw -dny "onkn' nrC" all Friday, :'\0[uot! MT"i(n, ( is in ('harge of local 1 w lll h.-r ~:!, of th,' directors of p uhlic 3 r~ll~ ' n,,'nts lor the concla\'L. rr-lat;""~ of the fi, c ELC C"ollegt's . M r. Ft":tlurnl sp,·a k,.,. will l>t' 11rs. Be5- . :-.r iltof1 .\,, ·s, -i<\ , PLC Director of Pubsi, Brool:s \,\r"H of Kansas, o ntinuing: ,dtll'atiol1 ,,'n ·i... , eli, enOl for th (' .\DA . :-'ft'l11 b, n ol tht lo,'.t! t:oInlllitlu in- I
day m.t"ht. .\ttC'lIding ;, ..onf rt'nn of t II men's a nd wO/llc n' _ deans an.: colle t pastors ~nd h c ad~ of J.. lr g/( u '"Pan men!', \\'(- 1'(' Mis, M. ' Vi 'l<~t"OIllJ Mr. L. E klund ;ind thl' Rn·. R . L utnt;8. 'rh e con ferenc, w; 3 I1C I III M'IrII,f. np oJis o n Monda,' and 1 u~.u v, N ,. In cmhn I ;rnd 5. . I P urpo,,' t)f tht C"onf··.. Il~' ',U 1 : cxch~nl! l. compa rr a n <ilS('uss ideas 'D nd t go "\t'l p robh ms in"ol\'ed in th e celli , c,' wor k.
IJ" . , ,il. bit- ill th Ct.· b unt il tt. ' iI , ",1I~ a young d au g htt r of th t' tum' of Jq,.lrt ur<: a t 9:00 p.ln. 1 i.tIlI ·1 • who, with a w th uf randl~s · '1 h t ' 01 n 'r to th t parly. ' d t (" I..-r head . ta k s c Hec and ca kt"s to · n d rivc-r 8rt' to meet in front 01 I vtl.... 1 ll1t" l1Ib , r ~ ()f t!, e housdlOId ..arly ' thr b ,It tll .. t tirn.. . i ll th' JUorn.n g, (, 0 \rt' H i . \ik, .. h airua n ,A IL.~ PLC' , LU l' ia Blidt :tnd two a tt tnd · ff•• ir announ cd that, "If you sltls" Ill; wil l Ill' r 't il kd 10 the public a t ",Int a d· 10 £0 1 th t: l:atir. g pi"t ; pruf! ran , in the CB n .... ~ h uy tht lJ' ,.l tilt sian: lIultiun .. ~, .. ntr na"lar. ,ostUII illg, fooJ, .w el 7·(1(1 ( .!tTl tma~ n lmic. ' .r . ' _, , . " I u d , MISS \fnrllLa Roll, r , p", 's,d tn t l,n]('ral Cha ln ll;W D arlenl' Ktlly vi the TacvUl~ Di t: ttli Ls Association: . tlrat clubs, cla ss e s. 'I'h~ I dd ene d b y the death t- DC of a 10 r OG cas~ ,' rfllnd u , 'd.. !Ud'-n~ I II I h ' Mr,. M., rk HOWtrs. program ch air- I c campus was rece nt y sa ;1.11 . ) ,. ' 1. ' li Co' la. ~rt to e e~t l ell' . . , _ , , _, .. ' ... the sophomore swdents. Alll?n Schackel. On the ninth f N em1. Ul'll Bndt candidate:> a nd b""In pub- m.In, ]1.1 1>. L~ \\IC. lll J. MI)n, k, r"g-: b ' Iy 'In t h e morning, . Al E verett Sch ac kel d lc d f h I ateGlI I'" " _ 'bl er, ear len U . TI d ' h Ity ~: almv I m as uon :5 P OSS! ' Ie. isu'ation: ~IIId Mis, Quast. lobar pnrumonia . Funeral services were held yesterd a in P Ort • eXt tun a v . q ua rt er our MJ T" Ir t XCl'pt an au" e :Spu r I' 1 _____________ _ pu H '" 1li~lolS radio progTan, ,,-il fe _ \ ' illi ,- . C .. ndi .. te~' naru,-s must be sub II ~ngelt:s. Act ing it PallbCi rr r~ w .. r . . 1 M d " I • L' I c·· L annen, C',- 10" . , f,H' PLC 'Iudtnt~ • nd on.. fonurr tu r n. crt: eriC,' II ,tt,·u III "'U >It . " ortn I1(' ~ rnl\ lU !!: (, · Iwnharn of th.. PLC mu"iL d<p,ut- I ll all, U\ Saturda v, =" oncrnbl'r 2::;. If a ny kind suu l who has an exPtc student. lilt. It. II;) army bl anke t would donate it Born in Pa k{ r P rairi.. [ innrsot, T it, \"1'oad(" . t i, on sta tion KT~T , tl, Band Director Gord o n Gilbc rt on LIl y 2 . 1~:;8 , All! n ann lis par UO. fruw G:'IS to 7:(j0 p.n ., will .'lIn for L1~" in the band and orch".,"nts ,onn I/I(l\l'd to Port .'\ flg I , n E rit: kw:1 ;,nlloullci, g. Ir" rOCHn, thti r ,,,[\'ice would bo.: W ashin~[(lll. WI iI, in hi g ~rhl)l')1 All, n bt" ;uw iot< i" sk·d in thC' work 'ItI( p r 1!rJ m for Thursday. S on'm l! rea tl " appn-cia tl'd. 'I'h(' mon' thL r _8 w ill bt a shurt Tha llk ~ i\"ill of th(' Lu tb"r 1.1'''~'' f n I ' oon I l.J<' ttt'r.. \bou t fiftt'n, or twenty are De oJ th' rno l activ(, members II< l'(kd to soln th e acoustical pl'ob III p ro " "uteu by On Sunday ,-n n in g, ;-';ow'mbn ~ L of th, k n!(11r '1f H oI) T rinity I 'huTcl I, 1fI, ;H' , ordi n" to CilbO: ltso n . J ohn Jo.\I<: th(· n li '!:iuTI profl.:. 'ur, ",no lhr Coll'l(l Choru > will prt'sellt a pr 0 in Po rt i\n gdt~. tire l hVlr l'f th,- W 'l l am of a rrcd rll ll, i<: for the d ed ica- I .\ cOllfinm d L uther"n . "' 'n Imd l i(.HI uf tht' ( , ntml Lutheran C ltul'c h , lon g l' xpn_ ,'cI h i \\ i.h '0 . Ilt·nd P .. cifil L.!t lr ('r~ n C ,II, ,. nd in l' fj as a f '. hru.\l1. . ,. 'ordi/ll! to Director R . Hyard ' 1'1.( ' 1«.1 adru ini ,,,tivn Fr itt,. th,' "arid), IJf ,"]t'ctium will 1n ."ho ut 4 :10 T aLon!a a rl'a Boy Scout~ 1tl"II~' _\lId wi ,,' t~ n h l"'l1' U r . Pau l Iu d, , i 17th ('ru tll" Ita li a n cornposi ' will, b, on campus Sa turd,:t y , "!'ovc'n1 III! P hIl u- ~ I"U : "H,jH My I'r .. y T . by M cr.d J b,'r .~O, foJ' a patrol I, " dl'1> ('onle r!:n" c I , I I", I W tl R I \' . . I d:.. l, t n',r ' 010' pOII.o n .:d y tb e M II II n t R ai nit·}' i , ,,.. tl'fTipor: ry '\lJ1CI iean uLic Coun('i i of tl.. Boy Scouts ot Arnrric.<l . I I «('>lI1llOSl ti(l!1 h) Mr. 'n" '~~iuns "III b, held In Mrmol'- j hv J:,nl" \'\'.ldol1 i I ';'Dwu_iunl, n<l the wul~ will ,'11 , \, illl "U[ lUur thl' PLC ., IllJJUf. J I'll UtI , I mrr~tld by John IIIoon,
· J,,·'·i~1
d.l. R d• A•Ire d Th rs d a ys
A I e n chack I, Sophomore, Tacoma I Passes Away ·I
Donate Blankets
Chorus to Sing For Ded"leat"lon
I'"'" .
'-----------------..! T coma Area Scouts eet Here Saturday
StaH Invited to CPS F r Lecture Tonight
Pag e Two
F rid ay, Nov , 15, 1957
A Pre view
Cilrist' Will Be Given At L'hristrrlas
Students Speak
Questions Presented
c;:.~: .':~ ~:~:~:~.~ :~:~;·;7,:~ '~ II ~O~V~~~m~PI~'~~~~,,~~!~
T ha ksgiving, w hich seems to be turning into merely the h raid of Christmas, but which comes .1S a short pause during the yea r to ponder and give than ks to God for all o ne's blessings, is Yl!t a few days off However, we can still do some preview pon de ring, oratol'lo hy En CU,rtlS, It ",til b pt'r-I can we Lmprove school spirit? Is chapel r.-ally worthwhile? What We think so much of ourselves and take so much for granted formed by the chOir and chorus and I do you thInk of the Kiosk? t bat many times we shamefully can think of little for which we th,: PLC orche, : ooth nr«an a nd T he answers to such questlons ' ' [he , b I' . " , could be forthcomIng, s hould be thankful. Oh, perhaps one's Thanksgiving thanks will plano an: to t: ea tufI:d ~ M ' M 'IS (onSI'd' , a senes , of student-facul ty " . 11 oonng 3st enng running incl ude: for hardy, Christian American pione,~rs, for a nice mom Vocal ,~olo ~arts Will be p,: rlo,rnrd \ opinion polls in th" ne a r flltl1re, .\;-- - - -- -.-..--.....- ...- nd dad, for school. church , friends, food , .. by ~Ir. I" L, :\ewnh3m, h;us -h3 ntont: . ".., ,() L b' f h oYS n. glr ' I . 10 Itnd out lust w it ;,t ;tudt:nts tacI n tile (;U vet 0 s, Well and good ; but this Thanksgiving, and beginning nDW, an d R c\'. R ne ben R . . d al, te no r: chellr . '. . .' . adrmmstratlon art: mtcrestcd two people expresser! mtncst. Two . . lIlty :Jnu why not do some real thinking on your blessings ? Raise yourself rncrn IlL'" ::1IT panned I tor th e ~Qp rano I.n, thiS rqlOrtn took ~ poll ot 72 II sturI . ent,' ' WI sh, 'd t.o he ;, r I. d C' a. s on above making blank statements that mean in effect, "It's fine an d alto ;010;, C'h' . , 'I' . . Innnb("rs of our cn ll c~c iitrnilv askinrr 1 • n~tl ~lnlt.y V:'i . 30C la actIVJtH:":S.
that I have this blessing." Instead, make your thoughts on l11is . concert will lIlark the fint t 11> questIOn: "If t h ("· ," 'I oonng.. ' 1M·' 'I' h" chapd tOpIC . abo ran h~ hrokast Thanks-giving leave an impression upon you; perhaps cause <1 A III C ric a n performan ce or "1:be ' 0 f stu d ~ nl- facultv ,"n down. as two w anted to k u . to run a ,.:nl's change for the better in your life. For instance , be thankful that Christ," The work is 90 minutes long w,'rc.. II s. w I,at ~ll I)Ject< . , I' ahout (' hapt· l speaker:;, two thought It . . . . opllllOn po or top"" you can be thankful. There are some people who are never s3tis and Will constltute the enttrc program Id YOll I'k db "
. .to, . . ' WOU I '" to n:a a ant? proittable find out how to Impro\ f' fie d~ould one of them be yourself? on December 13, ,\fternoon and c,'e.. .
. f ! 1"ftY-"lg ht of tht: <J ns\V<;'rs co\ered ;Ht('ndan('c at stud ent ch a pel. and OIW Take rime to become a better person; take time for real nm!.: pcr ormanccs an: planned. ' . . ,. . ;, \·arwty of 17 sub"'n; with I '~ of w!sh"d a poll on compulsory chap-I t han ks giving, Curtis from England I " ' , . " .' Ih,' pulkd havln" no opmlOn, Sub aUen d ann', Dave Crowner, Editor
I' ,
II'. .' j
~Ir. Curt" I;; a natl'·" 01 En g land. jcch sU.'(l!;('st,'d for pollin g indud cd. in Th,' thn'''' divisions in the Wodd and has been cO I~duc tor or. SYIll- l o rder: social li fc- 19 , a 5wirnmin,,· Affairs topic art' Sputnik. NATO. a nd i phonv ~ r:-h estra I~ .\ustraha Las~ pool ilnd football fi l' ld- · 5,. 3chool spir ~ third world ,,·ar. Likcwi 3c tho' far: :;""1', a lrlf'nd of hl5 hl'ard tht.: PLC it-.~4. chapd- +. rnisrdlancous-1·. ulty-administrittion clas. can ll'" di concert here at P:lcifi c Lutheran a nd \vorlci "t"[,"I'I"," - ,')', "o<t ,"1' sl"hool-3 vickd into tests. most difficult suoj en• .. -d . . I b h'nd US I t tit I • , t 'UI III passing cave e I ;JrOUIlL t: g ass, ,u~S.. st<-d tl!!lt a ('opy of tht , work be ki()sk - 'l f~c It . . I " d ' · ·t .. t' ' l oo t print:i in t lte sands of time." !\111.'11 did not want 10 die, Xot be .. "a.1l ~ am d ll11nl., rit IOn ;md chp,'rfuln('ss of faculty a nd arl .lent to the colk~t" , 'J d .. () ld ., -Long fellow (';lUSt' he fea red death, but because o f . . . . ._ ': stu r n t gO\Tntrn(,llt-.). mlllistration .
T wo 0 f t I1(' pol I"cs WIS ' h ,.:d. a po II on 1 hus bn;an a ll ,'"ten. 1\' 1.' ':0 [[1.'- 1 },1aln-') honl" con1 l' n" float5-" and -, ' . ~ , . -, t h ,. t: ff eet on ot h <: rs w I10 must b I.' I c f t I ,. . . , Now we sec through the glass behind. . ' polldcnlT bdwcl'n the composer and I maturity of , tud ~n t '-2, tfll' 't re n~th of student gove rnment. a rkly, then face to face," - St. Paul , !\olr. G. 1- Malmin. MI. Malmin l'S- I . 0 d d k h If': " :\lIen knew h e h:ld left hiS m ark on d h' -'h · · ! The d cslre for a poll on social life n'~ stu cnt wante to now t (" _,C , II Th,. mows of the d ea th of Allen ' . t ,' SlnCCl'e L l'l sttan \lCI'I" Y notc tllllt: and that ht.: wos now to mo\'(: humilit v of the man in his kttc rs. ran way out In tront. Fl\'(' Wished a position in student go\'crnmrnt. dl:~c kd left all of uS with a n cmpty fOlward to some thing betkr Allen I " • , poll on ,ocial life in gt':tlf'ra L Ten dt' ( t hn;; rr'c<: iving singular mention fedmg, Some of uS b,egan to ~eep. kft his mark on the hearts of m a ny. Story of Chns.t, 1 sired a poll on dancin{(: 8 Otl dancing' wen-: a home economi cs course, a dcfIII'n' wlOro:' empty ci1all's a nd solitary IThev ;,rr th e ones fol' whom he felt The preface .to CurtIs 207-page I in "('nnal I folk d~n cin<T I for ,I i!1iti A n of a bin- word, current prob . h H _ . , .. . f II "ThO k I ~ -, .." . nla \.' ~ wal s at mg t. c was a m ce guy sorry. Th e v must be left be hind. composItion IS as 0 OWS: 1<; wor - , d"ncin~· , krns in ,'du c~tio n, and "iris' .;mokin~. ;\IId we {...It the loss because he h ad Allen kn'ew ht: was gOi.n!! to die. H e is Iht~ silllple and sublime story of the \ -- - ' - - ---- . _ _ _ _ . __________________ h- f' hi s m::1d, on 311 w ith whom he told m~ny. not with f~a r~ and trem life of Christ, set to music. that ~in( Ill into contact. Some began to hling but with a fa te -the-facts atti cerdy endeavors to create a lI11lSleai ; \v " p Allen never a I' tltat h" ha d tht' sickness unto setting whieh, while never intruding' jl ril:mcc tu hvc , H e died at only mne dt'a tho He ha d lived his lift', but he a I way s su gg-csts. a backg round or t, .-n . worried that others would not see framework for the 1111l1l0rtal story. I h., port p ictured life as behind a that he was not being destroy~d, "The words arc adapted from the 11oIn" of !(Ia ss overed with frost. W e . II ... wa, only to underg~ a scpara Nc~" T .CSI.ament, ~llt , unl~kc most ?ra Sl':rape 3.t the fn>et with p uny human (IOn Irom all of us . H e did not fear ton os, thIS story IS told III II contlllu , {, r t urltl , W e' , inall) 5tt tn ,is nifi th, $r-piJration-w did . Allen asked Ollli. UJJhro\..e n n:nea li,'c frolll hegin , nef;' of lhin vs behind th e glass. tha t our world not he allowed to stop ning to end, t)l1l ' f.-It Allen had time only to beca use h e- wa~ c huse u to leave, Thi "The comp r h a.<; tried to place d,'~u .l sma ll spot of the frost. There faet hecomes one of till; most import the ~lllsie. within the rca? h of 'E"c.ry . ~ Jrlur h ",('{'ping and ;{nashi ng of ant lcs.c)lls of h:, cl('a th, L et's not f o r- man, As IS Ihe story, so I t h!' mUSIC, " ..-tlt. Till'\' arc those w ho have foc gL'l tht· h'sson he w,lnted us to k"rn, 'not for the r" w, hut for the m y'," <>;uttc'n that Allen was able to stt:p I - H erb D cmp"-y , Ori~inal Par L~ U cd 'vir. CU,ni; h'IS ~t' r~t: wi l ho_"t CI> t . J. l'Mn~--, 1 '"<xal cd ltlOn s for I'L ' u C' , fh o: Of
._- - - - - -
, ,
tll.cl~ ,
('('Meet the Author" Todav., amy
this afternoon will visit and autograph your copy of liThe Big Blow Up."
~ .
0(jJl' 0',..v;r~t I
('heslTatiun i., not ).,.\ in p n nt and lhe \nstrufllcn l a li;lts \viU 1.".. u in~ th,· ori!:( inal orchestra pa rt:; .
S m n PLC through Christio n .~
'OR ..............DA V F. CROWNER
Schad r.
ports E dlW L ...... _....._.....Gene Hapala UepOrter s: ,Jim KiUelsby, La r r y Gil try, ' 1m Wynd ham, H a r r y SllnnC:l"l.ld. D .:nnis Marttala.
HiX_ l
urie Beecroft. Arleen son. G ina Jones, Jane t Ycr gen. l: llSille8" . f aIlllger..Mary Lou Engen Ad RoUcH j ' ; R od Patte.rson, Loi5 I Andl'u-oD . L nn a Osrnanbcrg, and L ind Scha rf.
Bookke IleI·...... .... .... . ...... . Ca rol House Cl r ,uln:t o n __ ..__ .........PaUi FInn l :irculaLion :lSsirt. llts : Tel Bovang, , rdis . Iflls tro Og. E arlene Burcha m,
Joy LeWiS, Karen K lan, Thelma
NtUio u, D dla Dorendorf. Barba ra • .. .•.... Mr.
M, Ncsvig
i I
Pub lished Frida)'~ of the school yea y 8t d c-ot of PLC. at Parkla nd, I Otlir.. : ColI~t. U n ion Bu ild ing_ Phcw.. LEtlox 7-80 1 1. L '{t, 41. Su\),qcriptum price $3.00 per year,
rfl!' LOJ r cl!1 r)r.l\ y, ·r - ·
I ti nco:,
;to'y ' "
fo, nUege
';~I"II),wrr" .p ""'''''f!lQ C-OtII""'DA ATlo.I ..
_.,. ...s;:
NOW $1.00 and weights per wheel O~fer good only through November 30 1 1957
on 10
11 2th and Park Avenue
LE . 7'()206 We De liver
:1== I ===========::::==: F OR OFFICE SU PP LIES •
el Balancin
Regular $ ,1,50 and weights per wheel
Flow ers for Ali Occasions 1 " 173 ?~cific Ave. ( F oot of Garfield )
found in ~L L"k," , ~, -
tist. Pa rt II d':als ·.vi 'b t h ' ll· rtI~l. ty,
d':al!. ~ nd rt ,urJ" 'l, t ion oE Chri I , I Th,' L ord', Pra;-,. r i'; Oflllln SUl]!1 a I
,.In epilogue, thi, tinlt' ill J p"·....... rr,t1.
majestic ett i n~ ,
Cu rtis' rnusi c [$ roman til in spiri t,
OC"3,ionall Y d i,m n" nt b'J' m 'Iodi,)u:; ,
:lnd sin ~ab"' . It should prow to b a I spi"itual b ln, inlJ and 1 r 1 musica l tr,'a t f~r all who h ea r it, ( InCl d .:'n ~ll y. M r. ,lalmi n m £n rm. us th .it thr: lllU'li c wa - , hip p' her. in a numb" . of packa l!~ ' ; i\' t ,\. Zr aland H.lm p all:: a \·;ul" oJ,. in his oWec for ,t hc ;-.( w'ho a rt" in tt"rt'~' ed \
~:;~f r
:\o Lr'yn
st udents
Wi" l I ll'" L h rht
We pr vide Checki 9 and Savi ngs Auounts and all ot her bank services
... . . . . . . . "i.DIi....."'....... 0
Part I 11,· ,in
11"" 1; it f<l llf) w ~ t h e Bihlie-,ll ,' ,' IlnU li p 10 th.. p r", ~chi nc; ·)t J oh the Bap
" Books Ma e Lastinq Gifts..
O p ens w ith P ray er Tlu' rnu~i'·.ht: l{ i'" with ;, p l ob<\uc
I rn as
News L dito L. ...... .. ... _.. H erb D e m psey H~pOM.erH ; T t:'dtl i Gulh a ug en, Barb f{ 'Ll1hlm lllet', Jack Holl, Bar bara r~Ita '. on, D i e 1 Fi sher, 'rootsie
W,· w ·r, Dick K raigTI', Nanci 5 0r-, LAKEWOOD "nson, Bob ·W:' gll p.r, Larry J ohn;on, BBAJICH Fe-atu r Editor......Maril yn Donaldso n !{t"porte'r. : .'W Jones , Solvcig L e r
aas , ] OC!y Dani elson, and Martin
.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
usc of rn:c pres"
k el n 1. \dvi. UI . . • __ . ..
GOOD SERUI E•• rlt(Q.a'l4 PHONE L·E. 7·5951
BOOKSELLER & S1AT/ONER 932 Padfic Avenu
SR. 2,4629
F riday , Nov. 15. 1957
Sen iors Lynn Calkins, Jim Capelli, Curt Kalstad, Tom Gil mer, ohn Fromm, Ron McAllister. 0 nnis Rodin, and Larry R o <;s w ill be donning PLC jerseys for the last time tomor ro \' s the GI.~diators, trying to break a five gam~ I sing streak, emut:lin th e noss-town CPS L o gn, in Lincoln Howl at 1:3 0 p,m, ' in th,' nIlllal T ;)t,'m Bowl ga mt'. Thi~. the season fina le- fo r the Lutl's, will b.. th" 35th meeting betwee n the two an'hriva ls, CPS has won '10, PLC 10, with four ti~s, For tht, season, CPS is :2-3-1, while PLC i~ ~-5, How 1'\ c r, a n t' of the Lute WillS Gallle at the l'xp'~ nsc of tht' Logger ' earlin in th.- sea.:;on in the Kin,t (s -X battlc, 7-6,
th.. coni.. ' <'IlCt', thr Lo:, ' c rs h ave ... hard runnill ll' uHe mi".. a ta ck p; r t'li by li. o f \V, tr;\I1skr Bob .'\ ustin, who is among- tht' cOllfcre nr e k adns in pa>5 rec"i\' in),!, rushing, a nd otal offenst' , Th.. Log!?" r, will stick prr d ominantly to tIlt' :;round, althou:o:h Gary BrilH~S h:l s thrown well 011 occasion:;, Oth,' r individu al sta ndout ' for th e I.ogg-(' rs includ' h a lfbac k Dick Pru ett.
W T L p}' PA Central 3S :5 0 0 liS by EUGENE HAPALA Western . , ..... t I) I l\.l 52 C, p, S, ....... 'J I I 46 51 ! '_----------------------------------------------------~ ~ot cw n the return to action of fullback TOMMY G1LMER or he I ~ 87 60
Easl " rn ........ 'J Whitworth ... _ 2 I) 3 10+ 60 large hom ecom ing crowd seemed to awaken our stumbling Lutes last - atur d::lY, Th c Lutes just plain didn't ha\'c it. The only bri g-ht spot wa, the inspir p, L, C, ...... I t ~6 75 ") ational playing of TOMMY GILMER, Wht'tha Tommy will be 'h n tu U, B,C, .... " .. 0 0 5 ' :!I 0 the ;)11-confl~ n:nce tea m a ga in th is year is a nxiou sly a waited, Results Last Wed; Ce:ntral +6, UBC 1:-;, GILMER was sidt'lined for th c' bc tt<:,l' part of thrce conft'rcncr me'S \Vhitworth 19, PLC 7, due to an injur;'d knee and this will no doubt rdkct on wheth er he d oc'S or '''e stern :n, Eastern 6. docs not mako.: the squ:ld, III our e ye~, GILMER is the outstanding fullbac CPS, opt'n date:, : of the EVl'l'g ret' 1l Conference and ~hoLlld !ll<:'l'it ro'C'ol( nition on this y e a r' ~ tt!alll Games This 'Week . t'\'l' n thou1{h h,t: has sel'n limitl'd action, CPS and PLC (S:OO p ,m" Lin BASKETBALL UPON US I B I) co n ow , BI-fo rl' We go to press a t:ain th,-: Glad ia tors will have pia r ed in th.. 1, C Wrstern at Cl'ntra l. Bas kctball ToufIlan1t'nt (T acolT!:l :\thktic Club), The Lut.·s .un t'd :w 87 to 75 loss a t th e h ands of th e Bucha n Ba krr< 1;1>t vea r ill their first llu·!'tin' Ea tern a t W h itw rth, , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' in the TAC tournt·y on tho: PLC floor bllt Cam,' b:lck to upset the 19:i6 '\,\l I' 17':t7titOolli7.II.Ch:tIllPS in their otfH'r two m,:,:tin~' s dUl-ing the sea;on 80 to 63 ilnd 1 '
Coach Harshman dot's not 'p(h'n.,tlcyl"'lR",ti",.h Hamm.' rm:lster, ;ond <' nd [.·d th,.t this upsd win over CPS 1 . howed till: Loggers at their prese nt Loltgc rs Seek Second Place tl'eng-th, "1 don't think tha t CPS was John H cimick's club was firrured
r~:t dy
to play, beca use they wcn~ in poo r shapt'," ht' COllllllelHt'd, a nd as sis t:lnt :Mark Salzman added , "They did n't run o utside to OUf. weakne.ss, but ra n outside to OUI' streng th, .. , Biggest Conference LlDe " rwa rd wall 111 Led hy the bigg-cst lo •
Page T hl'e l:
inal Game Tomorrow
Lutes Seek Grid Win After Five Game Drop
Twenty Men amed Dorm Itory AII-Stars
This y,'ar Ih •.' TAe tourney is sc h,-'dukd for on,' gam!' at tlt;- CPS F 'eld
house. a nd on, ~'"m' o,~ the ~L~ m a ple, ,It w ill he interesting to see how the to be a kad ill.., confercllce contend,' r, hut injurir-., and .ic kn ess at crucicli Lutes and Baknli fare In thcll' Inst IlI e t'lIIl~ , times dilllill3tl'd them from the title I , ,.. ,I PLC will has" thn:.: of last year's starters hack in tht: line'up whtn it rwo ,' "tll'kv-Ima:ered '~ nds ' J.m., Van b" glllS pract.ce play fo r th.c 19.)7-.)8 - - cag,. scason !II ' .-:I' , E,\' ('r8Tte: , rac e, although by SWt'eplll~' two ~3 mes ~ dl'IlSe 01, Its P L C an d "BC ' I' CHUC'K ~ER IVERSO'"-', an d JIB' '-' , t h ey CC>U Id w 'illeI Beck , 01 Eastn n Parkbnd. and , Chuc C.on ferCllC(' Gh arnplOlIS "P, ' CURTIS , R() l., ,,'. t'rom " 'f CurtI., of Fou rth Floor Old Malll head , . .. , , 0 up WIth undISputed possessIO n 0 c , _ _ V AN BEEK a n :, tl,, · n ' turnllH( starkrs alan": WIth h-u,' rmt'n T M S HLI, PLC, 19!J 7 ,-\II-Intra lllural lootba ll BOB R () IK-0 ,GLE" "T C '{PBEI J 1'1CH H\"ILIN [)nd pl:t c~ , A1V ,.," " v 1, LU'I"E JERS""-AD .• , ,
sq ua d . JOHN JACOBSO:--';, a nd CHl' CK GELDAKER, Sophomore lctlt'mlafl R Ro ~,' r Ive rson (fourth ) and Roy DEE~ IVERSO;\ will bt: forced to ~it out tht' first part of tht' mpaj~1I Sd.w:rz (Eas tern ), runnin g matl'S of b('ca ll~e of scholasti(' ineligibility, ' Curtis and Va n Bec k, also rcc>:'in:d ___ _ ___ ____ . ___ _ _
Meet the Team
George Fisher, Halfback, Bolsters Lutheran Backfield
I:~,':.tTl,strinfr honors I Du a nt' ~I o(' .wd
Eastern Wins Grid Crown
on the mythi cal
Dick Clare, both of th C' powl'l'ful Dejardillt! s qua d, ca rtlt'd top ho nors as did Lyn Larmn o f Tacom::l, and Frank \Vaterwonh , Fourth Floo r It-d the list of s<:cond I t.·a m honorees as Don Slattulll and DIl:J nl' :\.. ",1011 w"n' hoth u.;o ... d to tht' sqU;1 d, Oth.. rs n'e" l\ 109 seco nd te'<1 "1 positions wnT: J e r I' y Curtis ( CloH'!' Cn:t'k), G a ry K:Jmlin ( S"c ond Floo,' ). Lluyd El'iand5011 ('1'a('oma ) , :\('a l W ehme r, (W,'stern P a rkland ) "n d Gordi" So iland (Third Floor ) .
Playoffs 01 the intramural pi,«skin Fourth F loor's pow.: r in the 1 ,sue: ka g l1 t: g-o t underway Novemher 6, was not to bc- denied as th e ID " froul George Fisht: r is a good examp le l1.- -' -- - -· - - -- .. ' Da\'e Bantse n led th e Easte rners to top-side o\'crpowered t it' D ejardin" of ehe br-J in with brawn >(ridder of 1 " IS-I'L victory over Ivy , Dan: pa.s.-:d 30-12 , Rog r-r Iverson, thl r ifll<'s, .•tld .- ~ll" l;i alt' foot~all" George g raduated to Roy Schwarz twice :lnd oncl' to Jerry CUl'tis, twice , ,'ormtcled with wIth (;o-\'alcd,ctonan honors f I' a III , ' Jim Van Bt'ck, Art Naheim and Rog Chu(,k Curtis, twiet , Eu (ne H PIl la . E\"ergr t il High School lIt'a ,' V.,,,lOU-; .'1' Bak kl'n pitched to L a rry Fiamot: onct:, and Don Siattul , twice, fo r par n ' r. H is leadership w~s appn:ciated and C a rl S.'arc), in th e h ' y a ttempt. I dirt p igskin passes, For D e-jnrtlillc's hy his fe llow students to hIgh school "Cagc'y" Cnrtis found Roger I"" ,r counllT-punch it ,W 1S tht: arm or '\ he wa ' ; tudt'nt body pres idl' this . son tWI Ct' ~~d Duan.. Nn~ton onc>: m Duan.. J\,I~e throwlO<; t u M arve 01 .:If"nior yt'a r. I ra n!!,e for ID pas~es as I' ourth Floor la n~ a nd Jml H aala n d, Fisner, who displa yed hi5 athletic .'d~·,'d a spunk)' Clovt: l CI'l't:k t<,am ~ovt'rnbe , 11 (.t is not 010\ r a bility in th,' hOl:nc,"omin g S,H1It' Last ~ t-IS, Ro,!,cr chucked a fin a l Fourth Creek 's numbe r ) Ivy WOn ()n I tr't Sa tll rd,l\ , 15 :1 de! 1I11 tr" IW , ' rt In the Fluo r score into tb,' ha nds of Don feit by Clover Creek, E:lst(:rn a ain " 1·1 ' E:1 rnln,t.!" hunura) " ilH n tlon \V'c n' " • ~ " . ~ ~ ... PLL: hac kfi d d, H I kttt't'< , in \ ;J I'si ty " I' (I H II \ -I'd B lattum, Dean M aK e "111 hu,tlr: led by fuu!' Dave Bc: rn ht'n I D P,l,SC: ,\rt " ", r ll' lm \'V a ., l' c-r r y . I ' 1 (" 1 \ ' d I ' , . rootb~ lI L"t yc ar as a fl'o ., 11 and in . , C ' "k) 'B I 'I' (1" ' I \-l o nlSon p ac", til(' C O\'c r .. I','C ' continue t \l'lr wm <If< k uy tI'Oll"' I C IOHr Itt , OJ _vUU OIl aco- I . TD h r d 'lllg D' d' "0 JV h.. k, t h"l1 as wL'i1. I 'nn ) D aw' B~rntse ll (E·:tslC rn ) :llld 'F'Il ~' S atta k With trw to t' i ep r 1 1I( ~ ,) -1 , Stars in High Sc h o ol , , H i d ( D' d") BelT) Ta r), Cu tIS, a nd LO'O Eliason, Dave P ,I, sed to R o v S hwur;.: twin; ] :nnt' " :1 3 an CJar lnt' . J • • _ _ _ ,_ : \' 0 \ cmbe r 7 (no t a lu ck, nUl be l' a nd o ncl' caeh to Larry ('ntry ant.! ( ;('or",' .,. \v,.s . a left hal fback II. h i, , I : for W I' st Tn ) Second Floor put an- , Jim \':m Bn' k, A TD i'un by wi" Li 11 I h,..-,I g rid car.:cr. At h::tt po l nih ,... fOlf" it under th t>i r belts beC::l Us'-'j Kallbcri' accounted for the final Ealt tion I Ii £\'(' r g rel' ll Jim'up he w a~ I (Of Wes te rn ', "no show," And "up- e rn TD, Duane M oe, K t' ith H odt , ,kct"d u S a Clark Count' All-St::lr and-at-'r'm" Third Floor bowlr-d over! .lint Ha,aland, and a <lI f. ty ~ th Tacoma 36-12, Dejardine 14 points, B asketball, Track Also ( ;'ordie Soiland put on th t' hno's Chuck Myklebu st, ,\ 5 a flll vard h t: w as capl in of the _
hat ,,,fte r running one TD and passing' run, scored tht: "lucky Geo rge Fllher
k..tn::lll t"am that 'i '.If a nd w:u' to n ·c.:i\'(" Dan' Gabrielson, Rich Floor as the thirdcrs u!Jstt nam .1 Jlle mb I' of the Southw~stc rn \ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Hamlin, Douf[ Ande rson, a nd Wayne Floor 6-0, W ~sh ill .. ton All-Star sc;cond team, ln C a mpbell. Dave Ga r idson ran the Eas tern a nd Fourth Floor d his prep ) . lI S hl' ktt("red threl." years I fina l " 6." Bob Mitton pitch..d to R og- ' ' ght ra ct' until Dave Berntsen " Grid in foothall, two y,'ars in b::lskc tball, By Bernie Brotman ': 1' J oh n on and ran a TD for th,. del' of th.. Playoffs" in te r t <'ptc:d a ;lod !wtl years in tla ck. Tacoma scorl'S, Fourth FloOl' p ass a nd turned it int Gl'OTLI;C' - objecti\"(~ i3 to ~ontinu<,' GIl:l l'd Dick Goodwin and l'en Eastl'rn, showin;; its suprema cy, a TD, Chuck Curtis too tlw kickoff m tel' Bob Bills will be t h e only re his! .I ill in:-: in his 3-2 ,'ng in ('c r ing p' - ' t.llrllin!1,' senior lettennen on lle xt ,o\'l'Twhelllu'd CIO\'cr Cn:ek 20-6, No- and ran it fOl' it Fourth floor SI On . nln t Un ,I\on tat" C Ollt'Sl ~, lter I n',II" 5 Lute football team, , , Jim \('lI1h<' r 8. Dan' Be ' nt"e n, Jim Van: as tht' top-side men l i lcmll~ dear h is Jtmior ).......1 ,t PLC, Hi.; prese nt I' Van Beek helped ,-;park t h e F.las't Bt"" , Di ck Ol;;on, R oy Schwarz, a~d the field fO,r ~hc fket ~eet oCC urti' , , inte f(' t j>; nwc hanica l en~inct:rin~. P l'll P ;u'klantl intramural football The dccldmg TD II the I h II .llln Johnson sparked th~ Eastlrn WIn, . ,\ nllabl ,. Fishe r is I?C, n:prl'Sent::l~ team to tile irrtrarnllral ella pion s hip, Ea s Le rn Parklancl had only TIlt' IOllt' TD fo[, Clove ,' Creek W3S was a perfect pitch b \ D avt' to L , rI) 11\'" fo r tI ... Le ttt'J'Jllt' n s Cillb , nd he th re" ties to hlot their record, , , nn ::t pa .. ss frolll D eJ ll MOl'I'ison to Gentr), who w I' nt tht n H of thr. wa~ ~m d hb wttl' a n; me mbers of the ~farWa I I y St encel. 19ii; fres hman .I.. lry Cllrli. , for th e 1:!-6 E;Htnl'l 'iuof >' , ri..d C o u pk, . ,llIb, L ure baseball [li tche r. e nl'o\1 e-u a t Clark Junior College in VancOll yer, \\-a~h ingtoll, t his tall . , , Pa u l Templin, varsity athletic man age r, is wOl'king a:> an a 5 ' ist aut PE in srnH'wr at 1.lIe Ptlyallllp Y~r CA in the ""'?lling.,;, Fu Ily AutomatIc From a Juicy Hamburger to a Broiled Steak Dinner, you
South Ya ima
have your choice at OPEN LANES
Parkla n
Tu e 3day - All Evening
Wed ne sday - after 9 p,m ,
Fri d ay - All Eve ning
10707 Pacific Ave,
Phone LE. 7-60 12
and Vi cinity
-BUSCH"S OUR FRIES (cooked to order) -
h ne
OUR SHAKES (thick, creamy)
For Real Ea ti ng Pleasure, Dine At
. l~
-----------1130 roadw
32th & South T aco ma Way T a coma. Washi n gton
Supervised Park i n g A r ea Prompt, Courteous Servi ce
Pag · F our
F riday Nov. 15, 1957
Upp rclass Grid-Girls POW er ros , 12-0
Der ungry Five lay for Su per nd Spre dCheer ,'I
The oycr pow crin g stren g th f the \Vond(1[ \V .m ~ n pro ved Was in da, ? \V,s da," Del' o f a ch allen ge for th t: game Gorgeo us GHh~s In .la st I Hu ngr y Fi, c of PLC, cia, ist was. aturday " P o wder Puff Bowl. as t he upperclass girls defea ted the I n th eir pr':m i('f •. p('rf01~naJ1cc ~c~a'
100 m 1 h
Frosh Frills 12 to O. ~ \Vo nder \Vo mcn . L 11 (!
bel' 3 1, durmg Gm n< r In the CC B, . mlSSID O
their o rea t fullback, Camm y thr: n<cwl y or gani ze d G erma n b a nd <>
' pl ayed such cIaS8tCS as "s tewe d a n d Pi ckl E-d " "1) 0 \\' n i n t h e Cella'!"." ' • . " .. " Hf'" l'I' . H ere . Come w ah t he. , C h eer, • .. .'
£rW'TbOn ;Iud thll r h3 ~d n:nm~g h - 1 ., , '_ Ii'll k J \ k " R c,uc:h-;\" ck" BJ or nwfl, outstand In g tras h bo th on offen s-c a nd • , ha •,i n" " wtth . the £iu, t ok dd,,,,,, . She passed f our tt"mo, CDm "olh bout rr Iwo : "and ~" c-n · th f~ ,l! (anl ...... at~ Ri p plet l1ed 4. 5 )'a l'd s ,"(lffiJ'Tlu n d (.:at Iv 10 . t'n t. .... •1 . ' p( !'' ~arr v' wi :\nuCI n , prm tc' d a' , foun d left l' nd fo r I . th tilt·' ball . H I-I' defensive .
I~ nd
ar, Qcc a~,(m,, 1 splmkltn g
polka o r wa ltz.
six poinl§ On a t" n y:rrd j a un t cul- " ark wa labu lous as '( " !.'fal tl mc-s ~h t , mirlilinl!: t!' t W or,drr ' ""omen'. 65- was t ~(' on ly one bt- twce n the ~"'~n_
Five: Member~
:\ot wish ing to do a h a lf-way job ,
"ard d ri"c. dfl' '\o m (' n all d p ay-d Irt. Her dTl v tn ., till fi \'L ll1cmbe r> of th( band, ~ o nn
. The . iri ies mad e O:l C ~usta ill("d deflTbi\'(' p lay h~d the older gals .com- riess. tllba; ] l' rry Bayne. tr um pe t ; AI Suitin g up tomorrow for their final f Qot ball ga m e in PLC uniforms are drive down to the ' Vond er oml'n's ; plc· t< I)' h~ ffk:d th rou gh mos t a t Ih,. ~ t3 n g, cla rinet ; R o n H ylla nd, Irom the followin e eight seniors: ( standing, I. to r.) Tom Gilmer, fullback ; Larry Ross, tackle ; Jim Capelli, guard; Ron McAllister, center; Lynn fi,'C:, but wen: un able to push th e 1I 1 ·~r:lrn(. . bonl': a nd D an Knutson, c1a rin u , Calkins, tac kle ; Curt Kalstad, end; and John Fromm, halfback, and O"U·. Anderson Stars h ;1\ r obtai ned costumes conslstm g o f D en nis Ro d i n , en d ( seat ed, I. to r., respectively ) . The ''''a nd''1 W om!' n' , r c'(md TD \ . ~r ati h f ( Rip ) :-\nd p rso~ "',as. thp l hl'rm u da sho rts, h andl: -bar suspt nd . t h ~ II u' roI aua -\n- hll£ 4" am In _ rt er wh en • .t" UIl for the: \'\ ond er \'\ ome n.. he r " ('!' , k IWI ' Ox. . a nd a lpll1(, h at ~s, com LUTHERAN Iffson p ass,d to K itl y ~{u rphy w ho ~a S5w <: wa s su po b, a nd 11fT pl a ~'-ca ll- I plde mit fl"athcr. THEOLOGICAL 'rt d ~"oU n d I,.ft lT,d for s"v,' r, "ard s ' 111 (" was o ne of t h e m a in fac t ors 111 th e P layed f or 0 pen H ouse ~ k 1 t' . u . . THE CHURCH IS ON THE M ARCH! nd th t· TD. g m e Kitt y MlII ph )" t akmg 0' cr for . . • E ITw rson , prot'ed hcrs<"lf \'a luable On T h, y pl a ~cd a t ,anou ~ places on PLC graduates now studying here salute you fondly and i n v ite Thernan Outstandmg I,.ffens, a s w ell as defense by havin I the campus dunn g Upen H ouse on you to co n si der the Holy Ministry as your life work. C anad a 's Corn ill Th erl'lan wa ' tht I ('\!Ta l good runs a round cod , and: Sunday.. a nd ha,'e a h o been ~s k ed to
Dt·c, 2- 1',-\(; Tourn ey, CPS, DN·. :;- T A C To,lrney, here. Dr .... ·I- Seattlt P acifi c.• h ere.
o (',
7- Buchan Bakers, her-e. Il.·f'. 1{)-Pu .!."el ~ (iUnd, here. Orc, J 'I ,I ~ - H umbold t Sta te, he re . D ...·. ~O-2 1 -(.onza _ , a t K t' nne
(1\'(' 1' the pl ace. T he outstan cl lnl" play of the g~ m(' "'H, O L"lurl's intl'rcepted pass w h en sh e rom p,:d +0 y a rds before she W ;l S ca u g'ht b ~ flw rna n. . , f '11 h a., ·c a ro u gh I .\ ('fxt. yeJlbr s rosh WI h II I go 0 It , ("cause 1. e>,' WI ) ,'c t o b h d • d f wo rry a ou t 1:1: sta n o ut~ .. ,n er son a nd also Thcr n an.
LEnox 7·3261
'1 2TH STREET (A i rport R o ad ) AND PARK A V EN U E
~, l't'L
,ntrai, hr n.
Ff h i -W r tun, Ih(' I'(·.
r, b. 8-l'BC, t1w n .
leb. 12 PU!l 'r Sou nd, he rt' .
F, h. 15--V\'hl " OTlh. htre.
J , fl. 2 ~C ('n tr a l , the re.
T"l h. 2~ -ERS(c: rn , the re.
Feb. 24-- 25---~{ QI1 t. 5!a te a t B
Complete Shoppi ng Center
I-BII :h. Ii B;, kl'f> ht· r~ . Jan. W- 'Be. h u (' . J; n. II- W..-!tC'l'Il, here. J. n. 1 ')-PIl 'f I Suu nd, th er'·.
J.IlI. 17- \-\ h t"'Prth, t h ~n
",sit J n ,
J:. .
play i n Stud en t . C~: pd, a. , u b]ec t sllll i Chari ... B. Foelsch, Ph.D., Pre~ident u nda d e-bat e b~ G r n na n). I 2770 Marin Avenue, Berkeley B, Ca Uf.
A fi ne >oun d in g grou p, the Hun gry L....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. F ive " 'pel't o;r" r <lng<> f rom w ngs ta k- ! i (' n O llt oi Broad ay sh ow's ~ uc h a s "Dance 1<.{(' Loose; ' to p opula r songs, " D oggie: i n the "',' ihdow," to classical waltzes. such as L d lU' < "MI'H Y W id . ow '''''a h z,''
I 1903 Pacific A ve nu e
" irk. c. lfi.-O"n\t' r ·l.b ic? go 1 ruck .~ ( \ A l. hl'TI' .
;::.=====:.::;:======~ ca tch ing P<lss{" s .a ll
FI b. 1-
Tenni s Shoes -- Bucks - - Flats -- Oxfords
Q~ality Service
O p posite Parkland Post O ffice
~======================~ OP EN S I X DAY S A W E E K . . . GERRY'S BEAUTY SALON
I t'
hb. :!1I-- 5~ .. ltk
c., th er.
Charm Beauty Salon Blcllch~
LE . 7.7475
We Outfit Co-eds 406 Garfield St.
LE. 7-53 17
:==============~ A PLC RING IS A LASTING GIFT see Jon Soine
11 80 2 PACIFIC AVE.
PHONE LE. 7-7100
I; ;~?~.; ::?2~~~:?2~&~~~2..2_~;.?...?_?'~~~:8e8?.?'.?,,2:_~ !
1fIeded! !
Frida y and Saturday Specials November 15 & 16
Tale of Two Cities!
.Among Western Hemisphere cities with the largest per capita enjoyment of Coca-Cola are, interestini ly enough, sunny New Orleans and chilly Montreal. When we say, "Thirst K nows No Season," we've said a cheerful mouthful. So don't take any lame excuses about its not being hot enough for Coca-Cola. Forget t he temperature and drink up!
r,.. · -,.':.
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE 80ttled under authority of The Coca,Cola Company by
- -- -
Traffic Safety -
Traffic afety -
The Problem PAR K LA N D, WASH.
VOl. 35, NO, 9
The Solurian
FR/., DEC. 6, 1957
C ebalors Show make 1 957 Among West's Best 'Who's ha'
PtC Dorms Form Plans w nly S'rs IP '1-'0
Assist Santa Clalls West Hall
North Hall
With the appl'Oaching Christmas According to unofficial estimates, PLC accumulated th(' m ost st'a:ion, th, air is fillt·d with ,'nergetic : points and took the sweepstakes at rhe Western Speech A ocia plallnin fu, a Christmas party DeTwt IIty P" cifir Lulher~n Colk gt: J I.ion Tournamen.t ,at Georg~ Pepperdine College in L s Angele (. C'mbcr j4" The 'entire part) of the", nio,s h,,\(. h«'n sdcctcd a~ "Who's dUring Thanksgl\'lng vacatIon. E"'ITtt l~ llIldrt'II's HOIlle wili be th,' I ' • • PI C d f h f I f h . h lundwoll g Ut'sts of the ':\orth and ,'\ ho ,\mong Students In Amenca n emerge rom t e Ina ~ as one 0 t e top rig t co ll eges Uniw,rsi tics and Colkgl S." The indi- I'll th,' 'V(',l<'rn Unit,,'d Stat('~. Indud·... ant! is for the underprivileged ehil Stut' n Hall girls ; a pro~rarn and light I dn n .md the junvr:nik !.klinquents of n frohmcnts will folio\\'. ,iduals in thi, brollP were chosen by in til<' tournament wCrt: IIlost of ' preliminary round, the rumpC:lilon "'re't , C-.·ourlt\'. a ,'oIlJl/I.itlt',c of stud.' nts , a,"d faeul,t)' , the school, In the ,",';'stern 0, s, went into, the flnal rounds of th r tour PI , Chainn('n for the party ale Lois 111<'1/(1'>('1';, and W"rt' cOIISldntll lor I 1'1 C" " ' k :l 'b '. D 'I d Ilament. When qual'tcr and semi-finals Hdping- wi th a nd attending the :\ndnsoll, Corm' il Thl'Tri t' ll, and Bar- t h"I' I qua I't'" . (LIt a to", 0 n .1 ' I .Sd I l('atlOlls 0 f S'c holarshlp, D T " R , d h 'a d tnmmed the contestant' to lll~ party wili be : P atty U 'CaIlagan, Di bara Wooky, . oug as all om Ct" ''-',. score a . " _ M ' ('haraekr, alld ('an,llms kaderstup, as f' hi'" pom t whe re there could b, a sin"lc: Irst as t e top d.- )ate lea rn m :SenIOr . ;,nd Ekn: m, Sh:l.lon Uwdahl, ' ar., e II ' I d I' . I , ' .. Rulh. Pa t TllOrgildsun, Salli Biron-a n, a I n " ' " as lutur!' ea cn; IlP pot,'nlla . 1vIen's division, Janet Tnrmal1 and fmal round of a reasonable nu mber in '-;hir!t-y Harrnon, a lld Phyllis Fi,l...,;, This ChristlClas, '" has b'Tli till' Extrl'm<'iy active in music activities Bctte Macdona ld copped fir~t in the each section, the PI.C finalis ts were' Bette Macdonald a nd J and Ul' Alst.o Ona Kroll, Carol Cont i, Jo tradition in thl' p'"". Ihe Int'l, of Uld ",hilt- at PLC has been GERALD Senior '''''omcn's D"batc, . , man, Senior Women's Dch:> te' D on ' .... . .'\rd,'II<-' Dungan, Harrit,t Main will sponsor a pany for a Iwed), B,\ Y:,\E. Ht' has partiripal ~-d in band \ IndiVidu a l hOllors went to Cal Cap- D i ., d h f 1 'h d T R S ' , SIt a Wl ~ :-'["'1'35, Ric It t lie Obon, 1\<[arilyn fam il\' . Th ere will I,,' an ~nformal IT· an ure ,'stD or" y('ar" wa s III r 01' ' J ' 1\<[ , 0 ' I ou g as a n om ~ C\'C$ • • en I 0 . h ,II't's'lllr"'11t h e,u r ,v,tl .. I f '0 'I, and Choir of th" West, and is cur· nn 111 UlIlor, en, ratory will" Men's Dpbatl' , Cal C'a nrwr Juru'or l\-f our .. , :\fa r.~ a ll I 1 hieson, H ea t cr I " l a ul t ' pt gralll ,, tl ' d t l' " t' Id ', . St CI' ,t'con d p an', a n to Be tt e "[ n ' ac d on~ Id " ," I d',.....~, d ''. J,"n ',. BI'k • •-.'I'.tt' St.'lr,'_' '.,n.. d I of Ch ris tlnas Carols wll<'r~ the famih,' ",'n y • u ,' 1\ .OngT"l(a IOn IOIT , , . • .!\'~cn sTnterprctatlvt! rca IOg.ln r . . , I With a s<"('on d III Srntor ''''omen's Imi , 'l. ' 0 J T JunSt rOl' R J I ' and tlt t' IH t 11 will h a w fdluwship to lITetOr. rof ,n cn S rator}' ; anet .tmlarl,
r , _ _________ _ )_ ' _O_ l_ t I_S_Jr__, _ >!I'thn, . ;"L\.RILY:,\ I:IUE h", also b.-:en a'.' promptu, Senior Women's Orato ry ' 1:1 ttt" ::"f:H'~
(. 'b " "I h ti, ,. in the Stude nt Co n~ rcgation, The group of d('bators from Pacific donald , S" niol' Women's Im promptll ,
--:ontTi utiOrIS an' g i'Tnflo"I"IC 'It t,', wo,king as it; s. en:tary ,htT junior II LUlhl'rall Idt for Los Anl(~ks on Fri- and Tom Reevell, Senior Mcn'~ 11 purchase uf I( ifts fur th. allll y, h.. , . • " ''('ar and S"I\'1n!,; as I:II !Jh, study It-adr r day, ~on' mb"1 2:!. Aftrr two d a vs of prOtnl,tu, ,~ ifts . 1(,' put IInd,.: the trn' at tht, ,til I wars. She' was p n sidellt tI f Phi part v, D..t!'1 Epsiion, :IHd has for th,' past DON'T DRIVE HOME FOR A FUNERAL (YOURS I lwu \'(~r, h'Tn a Ill('tllber of th... C h oi r THIS CHRISTMAS!
Following an "n n u a 1 t,'"dition. (If the \\' 'slo This ~ "' :tr\ Student Body "i('('-plt:s \ SOllth n ail will play Scwt" Cl<tus for I th" Tho rn psull d,ild1l.'1l 'I ~ai,! thi s id, nt and pITs;denl ,)f ICC is DO.:\' '! I ,dit ional Lu cia Bride h sti":;11 Christmas , ,\s in past y(,ars, th,' tTS' C( )1/.:'\ ELL. He has IXTn a lfit ' rnbtT of wiil hr ~rk br a,t< d tunil(h t a t 8:00 dnlh of SOlltl. Hall will contribute s., KRK, Blue Key, a m! is a p ar ti ~ ipant Jl ' I II ( : B-~nU, .. dnr i , ion i, (jPl' lI W that 1-!ifts lila' he ~i\'(' l1 to ,'"eh oi the in PLC', <lrall,' tic IlIvd ll'l ioll', in ,til tud ell l a t ",.) n 'nls lor a <in e t~ ' 0111' dllldn'n , duding ",\ Ch lt. tl nas (.lI d , .11\<1 hI) r en~' per ('ouplc, 1)'1' id. D. 'W, P ;lII wi;, , ,Ind Bn'}..), ESTHER ELLICKS(l:'\, tht' i 957 l u ""\"> t Ile n, CI d ~tIna s i"i c~: i( uratc:d Ii, (' with the ir lI(1tIH' r, Mrs. Thon1p HOIlHTI J!lling r~u (-'('n, h ns h" ('n .lcti"'t> 11101ll Dt·,:" ll1b,'r 13 throlll!h J " nuat'Y ,o n , In 1' ;t rUalld , !\ofr. Tholllps n w,,' ill LUll.., alld was a S a~a st'ctllJIl .-di · J I' , Th. ~ l1 \'al i, h,vw!l " " til " f' t ... (Ill h .. I'L l: fa.-ult\' wh .. n he died in tor. L,,, t y" a r Esth .... \Y.U AWS l1 .- ,\s · 1I. I lJf Liifht {ro lll tIll' L .. tin word 1954:1,,, t " Idt ,,{ " n autolllob ik aCl'i uro'r, and I . tl o\\' '' I'\'ill ll Jl ' ,\ WS [>1'1" • Luc.ia for l i~h t. Lu cia occame a di nt. :- il." th: t ti lll' ,' ullth H:tll itil'llt. Sltl' ha f OI th. [;.st thlt:e Yl''l' , th , Chrislrn:" t /l't p~lrti('ip'lt('d in d.... ~lay Ft stiv ~ L Llu '1i,1lI and I,du,cd a P;,\{a n ,,,itu!'. It" Wa nt<nl· ,'d tv bl' bu nled at , fur Spur, hn sop hmnon· y :I", She has th t .tU.kl', At th e fc sti v" l th ' ( b!:lpklt 1..,;1; will he 1" ':; <.1 bY .l :\r .. R 05S , b·"" in II Il' chuJUs, choir, a nd orches .. tr~l, ~:nd is ciJ r n'ntly vicc-presicirnt. of U llt . r th e tI l"" trirls wh<J m adt.: l b, fi nal in , u tilI' ('ompi titiun , Tel e :"[u Phi Epsiloll, .Ian"t is a llwmbcr of T;1..;sd s ~ S('n in,2,' :lS s('clt· t;~ry. Eo'·(n!.!, H ta tllu SttuUP, or H azel Dt:!1 SuphOill or., cias' presi dent Jnt! pll~S R a m on . will UI.: chosen as th~ LUl.:i:. idt'llt of ()ld Main:ll among the Ht idc . he ,viII rr-p rl:')el! t Sai n t Lu(' ia . :\ t :1 l'('Cc ' nt Pn 'ss l'Onfr lT Ilc(' ill offi"", held hy ROSS GOETZ. He 1-: " , t t- I n W",hin~' ton Coll l'g", tht
I Hall will sponsor' Chri,tlTlal party for the youth at Remann H a ll 0 11 December II. Gam ' will be playcd .:uld nl,eshments will be ~erved du!' ing (he eYt:nin , T ht H a ll is ncar the :\arrows Bridge
Old M .
"on Ton"lte, Celebratl Festival of Light To Honor Sf. Lucia
South Ha ll
oorl"ng MastRates High inCompetition
Linne Ba nquet Set for M onday PL( :! ;tu drll t body i ' invit ed again LU lhl tracl itiulla l L i n n <.: 'ocicty's <;h rnll~ Ba nqud .It the "Viking" " t:'UI.ll lt this ~louda)' .-vtn in ', De t'rnlb.-I 9, at 7:0li p .m. ~I I IIl:1sbord dinner will he en- ell; ail u Gin t'at wi ll cost ~ . 50 p er f"..-'!ClTI. Ti c kets wi ll be s Id in th e CCI:I thi, noon and l ve ni ng ami n exl :-.1ollday noon . T hey n lllY also be PUl l !I a~("'tl frorn any Linne 111Lll"tl.tt:r. E:wl. ) t':L . in add it io n to, rra ngi n g' t hl banquet at om- of Iht' fillt ' (t~ I.t 11".1Itt;; in th" area, the Li nnL Soc illy p rnt' o ts ;j~ till.' main speaker an outI.\ndin~, ,:ltlthorily in somt: iidd of > ironr, T h is yt'ar, th l' weir·t), icds fort a n_,I", In ht'in!l, able tu plf'M,nt Dr. I ( m a Id of the Friday Ha rbor fi sh 1_a boratory, I n past years lh" speakt'r5 lIaH: i.u n li d . lll('n as Dr. H. Stanley lk nnet, l:;xr r utin, Ofti('(~l' of the D"partlTII nt o! Anatomy at the Uni,'ersity of Wash lIl ~toJi S hool of M edic ine, and Dr. R ic.htU'd J. Bla ndau , Assistant Dean of th.. School of MI didne.
~"lo(.)riIL f! ~·I.!;-, t
d prals t .1S nnt' \':a~ a
11olncTornin;~: Con1mittce co
oi IIIl' tor 11\,' lIt' \\ 'p.lp' r" of til< (L.t:! 1ll:1t1, and has ht','n n rncrnbc l' of 1 (f . II glUt K," his junior and ,ellior yenrs., ... . \ t'rt;.n! ' n .on ron n('t' ( ' 0 n:.!,C"'s. . 1 'L' h" Id , . Ed'" f h BA, R BAR,\ GRO:,\Kr~ ha, bt;'r n <1C-1 , Itor 0 ~ to E~( I Itc lIt' • . "l'W ~ Spohsman Revi ,ew (,)ne of the:. I~.. rge,<t ' ll\ t ' 1« A \\ S, WOt king 3.' Its pubhrtt) I
of the Ea~~!'rn \V:!shington and an',' :l
. ,
nS"t':~Jr'\" ~dl,l t'al'5J Upllullb'''I'ic','i't' <y''<' r'(.'hllaldirrsrh,a"nh"o't:'
', '1115"0'1 a
' L
S d t: U en LS to 0 ec rate 0 II ege For PLC hr·l stmas Season "l;
paplrs) .. did Cl'itiqul'S ior all the pa p, '!'s .a rid had h i,d , pr"i,,' fo r Ill'. l'horus Old M ain, R:llbaro i, " thl't'LO'fYh'.·',lJ",' ' 1I 1l~rIl lwl"". wa , ~(,(Tt'tal"y ~.{UOrJ I IJ_ 1-I;1~t. an:ordlnp to W. R. . . . . , t reshTllan cl::;", a n,d IS activo.' m t h e , . Ddl of £ :.st('I'1;, ' Stud~Bt COll~ ... '~:ttlOn. Angels, Chnslm as tree's du:oralcd . ' f' , f' Scures tor tIt f" l l-:- t (, ' t' p a p t' l ' ~ wc te : . . . . '.. ' . ' ,. . . , ',\',M ' . C 'f') , £"\' " ')'F, "\'1' ," L Actin", as a Spill' :l1ld preSid e nt 01 With li ght s, balls, tmsc:l, stars, au<l all \ ,C" LJ _, l~ , __ J, llt\\Ortu" L h I' h "h ' ,) (' L''1:1(-' ,', '17, , :I 1'1 ' . ,)(,' U llld:\of al « her sophotrlof(' ""<II', OR- l at ,s ymoo 12<'S t ee nstmas season, _l.!,, I ' '." L 'I '• anl '~C, [ '_.'t,' f n DE ,TTA I-l OVLA?\ D was also k ept W I'lie h'IS a ImoSI upon us, WI'II bI' sn'n tht., JU( 1-!ln ~ 1)~,t1~0ts , th 1'" (IOnn ,e, J . v a s . ' . btL'S " With orchestra. choru a n d chair arou nd till' canlp"s wh,' n the studenls . ,h ' ' eovemge. " , , " , \" f . U 'Id' w as Illg" est III m, ws _____ _ a ct'~ ItICS. Shl' " prcse ntly a llIc.trtber !oln ore.:, to d :'c,oratr: till: , "I lngs ul I :,~sds ,Hid Lady Lut C' ~, In Ihe hullday splnt on Monday night. Lli"D.\ IIVRD w,'" also a ",('nlb(', Dn'(' rnbn 91h, Tkginn ing :1 t 7:00, members of tht' uf Spun, She panicipaLPd ill dcb:1 tt I. l' !' fl 't·shman y,'ar, and was last year! Bit... K t'Y will b" stationed in tht' "i('('-pn'sidcnt of Pi Kappa Ddt". She eMS. library. CB·200, !<ci('l\ce hall , Mich••d Griffin's " Eagles D iffer- ha s wo .-], ,,d un Student COn gIT~s , the : a nd th.· filst floor of Old M a in to i (nc,," a nd J Danit Ist n' s "Despair.' Arti,t Series c0111mitt('O', a nd IS a TlIeffi - i hand out s\lpplies and or,~ il nize the : sludents in Ihi< a nnual Campus Df'Cwt" I'c :tmon the poems. written by 1:)('(' of FTA, FUlll' )f,'an of drama participation oratioll .:\'ight. stud,'IIt, and .<Cet fl ted fOI public '<l ion En-ry ,tudent on campus will b,. as in the :\n tlu,tl Antholo,l(Y of Coll,,!~t in tl .. l pacitit's of adoI', director, and staW' manager h ave headed the acti,'- .ill'rIt'd a building in which to work, Podry. Th~ Antlwlogy is a. c mpi lation of it" list of ROD KASTELLE. He has and Ihe l'O-chairmm for Ihis event, Ihe fint'~t poetry written by th e col oc('n OJ member of th r chorus, and now Bob Bill> and DOli Hall, have anlege men and women of Amerirn, rep belongs to KRK . Rod wa~ Irta~ur"'r nounced that the assignml~nt shects post~d in the CUB and on the resentin g eveI)' section of the country, h i. jUllior year IUld is now prc &ldt nt will Kiosk this wcekl'nd, The list IS alpha S{' \t-t.: tioru. were Jll.\dC' from thou- of Al pha Psi Om~ga, ( C onlinupd on page 4) bt·tical, and "''''I)'one is to report to antis <>r pOt'ms submi ttft!,
Da nielson; Griffen Rate in An th ology
Ith e two o r ilirc c Bl ue Kl. Y
ICUli" rs • . ' . . In charge of that partl ~u\; , r l111IJdin~, f I ter a .l tlte work h a 1'1' "" ~on ' p Ietc d . all arc inVI , . ted to <".o-~ n ?t.lO for . .~ , , ldreshmen ts eonsistul 01 CC)(Cl:t am] ' d ou gh nuts, an d some enttrUlnm',lIt by the: students, I ncluded an':: o\udlY Hart, N orman Mc Cullou gh ant I Ful ton L t ic, a gi rls' trio consistmg c Gloria Spoklie, Joann R olubo.lE:'b, a nd Sue Mandeen, a skil led b y M k E vanson, an group singing of Chri<l m a r.al'oh led by Jerry Bayn e. Jf~ rry will also act as rnas tror oj ceremonies fol' the evening. Heading this committee arc: C:uolee Chind gren, chairman ; nrleen So~nson. Barbara Johnson , Bar am Beckner and Helene Nielson. Christmas trees will Ix: "l up a nd decorated in the libra ry, C B-200, I nd in the eVB patio, TIll: s. n ior c1as.q will d,·fora l., Ih .. C.UB.
Page Two
F r iday. Dec. 6, 1957
Mistakes: Necessary?
s . • • Death Comes Driu h g a
W at's The Resul' Everyone mil k ~s mista kes . On~ mi sta ke mi g b t '\:' Ins l nifi c, nt. on.: mig ht be ruinous-one might mean d eath. One mistake migh t be u ni ntentional. o r it mi ght be intentional-but either mIght m ean death. A mistake m ight b~ your own. or it might be someOD\: d Sl" s--but ('ither m igh t mean d eath. In 19 '56. 9 5 .000 peopJ ~ die beca use of mi stakes, or what we call "accidents ." and s( a l istic ~ proved that the auto ag ain cau ,.ed by la r the 171 os [ acci de ta l rl eaths in tbe U. S.: deaths by Jccident--cieaths bv mistake!
Th ,· hiuhw;IY was :.\ ;,t rili.t(h t nlac-k li ft ,. I n'l l' hin ~ .. ndle" l,.. i.nt o t r r<oaches o f t he w 0 rid. T h,: el rin-r tho u 'h t to him sE"ii "Wh~t ..\ fin~ l ift:' H ,' ('mild sn: th,. wonders of life, 10\'1: , pro.ipni ty stre tr'hing out before b im on t ht' bla l:k trJP·
But everyone makes mistakes in drivin g, so al l, who have broken traffic laws at one time m arked up as traffic fa[alitil's ;ll1d laid in our auscwe haven't made enough mistakes? Is it lakes arc not deadly enough? Is it because our q uite gotten the best of us yet ? T
neglcct to signal for turns.
why haven't we or anot he r. bcen grav'l:s ? Is it be bl'ca u s~ our mis ·· mistakes haven't
S" d(k n!y hi ~ V("f'domctcr n: r;i,t,'rcd 85 mph, but h,' didn't ,n' th,' li l.llt Vol ksw3'; l' n move nut on th,' hi g h "a. I ' n frnn t nf hi , bi.:: Po ntiac - h " hit th .. hrak," h~rd bu t it wa too late. In o ne sin [! lr· sl"cl udc d sec ond a ll hi, dn';<"" o f li ft·, lov!" a nd pr05pcrit)' ou t. Hi s jife w<\, go n('. So it ~() CS.
drive at excessive speeds and
p s t pone mechanica.l repairs can become dangerous habits. To '
jay- walk and cross against red lights can also become tragic pract ice'S. Perhaps your week ly total of driving and pl'destrian misrakes . is an a r '~ o mL' number, but yon go on unto uched by trouble. The ques tion is raised. when wIll your mistakes add up [Q an accident? W hen and when:, will you m ake perhaps your last mistake: in Lro n t of tll" PLC CUB . at one of Parkland's famousl y danger o us in tersections, or n a highway on the way home for Christ
In 1957, rlri\' ~ r' 2,1 )wars o ld a nd u'nrJ "or hel d on ly 17.5 pn ce nt ()f the li e,"",," s .1 m0 J1 <:!; t h,' drivers c h<" , kcd, I but they ....ere ITs ponsiblc for :J6 pel' ('<'n l of thl' spet'd l~ w vi:Ji<ltiC'n5. I If t he' people In thi S g-rOllp w en: m Ot<' r~ r,.fui dri~'l'I'.,. TI"arly half of th,' traffiC :atahtl ~ In any on(' year
Or !ked your mistakes ever com~ to a climax of tregady' Do YOll hav e to nuke rnistake~'
- DJve Crowner
T~'o Headli"'ht~? "
WQu id !,.. d o n' a way with. Fifty p~ r
('I'n t o f lh,' traffic violators stoPP"d Hl 19i7 w nc under 30 years of a gl" .
.."., II
In Dcr,' m hn of last yra r t hr prc·
I domin a nt rlrl\ c r \'iola tiom wcr'·: 1. E:{"' r ding rl'asonabk safe "fl" "d, 25.h IwrrTm .
2. Fail in ~ to yi dd r ic::ht flf "'''Y·
I 13. 1
:;. lm p rop 'r hrw
F')II Qwi n~
:J. Irnp f'o jll"
1,.;1 \'1·1 ,
1:c .2 Iwr
tou e1m"!y, 1 1 'I pc·\" P""" " ":, .1.,1 1"·r('<· nt.
fl. F ~i lin l; to si ~ na l s!t!,na l, :=. p tTr c nt.
or ilnp n p .. r
7. Dis n <::I rciim: traffic control ,, (!n~ o r IIU'''!. , :(,:! p, ·n·' ·n t. I n thr state of Washin ~ t on in 1')5 1) th,',,, wr'lt' ;:'l:'l proplr' ki lled as a di · n 'n r, 'slIlt o f hie;hwa y accid ,'n b , a nd '!~ , ::! 8 2 p(·ropl · injured, 7ti,nfl:! t/jta l I ,-il~ ('id nts re ported, t! nd an C'ron~Itl ic : I,,,, of ~.') :.,'lr,7,9fiO. In our own Pu·rC'· county 28 rwopk w" re f:1tally ,n jul'/'cl in 19 56. ' IS w t i st i ,~~ don't lie ', ~Cl don't b·' FAILU R E TO STOP at a stop sign caused this accident at Park Avenue . conw.J lat i... tit bv IYIn)! do·.... n on ur and 119th Street h ere in Parkland. Four people w ere injured in th e tw o. I job." Dri ve s" rd}" [h, l ife you SilV' car crash . and dama g s came to almost $ 1,000. ! may h,' min r .. or yc>urs.
O NE STUDENT was covered with a white sheet and carri e d away de ad trG m tI pile-LIp, nnd two other students were injur e d, Tearin g down e Ea tonville Highway, the dr iver lost control of this '39 Plymouth and hu rt led into the embankment.
an by Solvei g Leraas
(Editor's Note: \Ve transport you 10 classroom 462 in Hades l h e;:! r t1 lec ture ('ntitl~d: "And it's all my fault! " delivered by SJ n hi mself). "This week we'l! study th e cas,' of Otto \V reck. . Otto was gene rally ;l cut-up, so I had to make him thin k he WJS getting with somr thing . I wa s alrt'ady ~ --- --"- ._.. in h~' fro nt ~t:, l t of his Ch \'y wh en h " 'Illd ;]c(deratl·d. That's when hl' saw o t in , bu t -ali i.llwa ys with humans- tn " oncoming logg in g truck . hc' Willi t<>o P II:oc c upicd to notice IIIl'. " It wus hila rio us! A regular h ell on " In , hi, type of pnson I plant th e ea rth - splendid! Otto swenTd off the d, sUI' fu r n f,',· ing of power. It was road, slid ovn th,· left sho uld,or, and I wh<> " r gt: d him to lay rU!Jbc- r <it th e mlkd down an embankme nt. firH .lOp s ign and to ignLlfc the sec.' "Patrol ca rs, spl'cta tors, and wouldond. H f' made troubit: at a yellow foe help..: ..s swarmed almost immedilillht, thoug h . H e I\e:trly stupped, but ately. Otto, or wha t was kft of him, I I.(oaded him throug h by pointin g out wa s peeled from the stcaing wheel. ~h.., absence of patrol carS. COllllIlcnts lik e, "Crazy teenage rs!" "Finally, and most thrilling, it was a nd "They rca lly Oil tghtn' t allow these I w h 0 cO:J xe d poor, unsuspec t ·lIIp () t t 0 'pee d -crazy k'd '1 s on t h C h'19 h w,')'s, "
illto it ganlr of tag with a sharp-IookV·U. Wha t a joyful rid e that w a. "Then we can", to the open road. Eighty m.p.h.? Don't be nain·. We \,,"r..: just approaching 110 whcll we C',UlIC to a curve. But stubborn Otto could n't bear to have that ernptyh"ad,'d V-8 wax him. He pulled out
it " Ii t1
!Traffic Problems Around be iSI: sse By Highway Palrol Sgt., Deputy h rift I
(Problems of pedestrian and motor traffic at and around PLC are diseu e d herc in p ar of two interviews takcn by Da"e Cro wne r . Watch for the coutinuation next Friday in which till: two officers report on solution; to the problem). 1 wish you could han' b,'en with me a t McKcwcn's photo,~ raph y studio a "oupk days .las t "'... ·k when I inter\' i... wecl S,: r gt'a nl Rob<: rt Rupp of the Washington S tat ,. Highwa y Patrol and Deput y Shniff John Lawkr of th e PiaCl' County Sht:riifs D epa rtment. On" oi the first questions I put to Dl'puty She riff Lawle r w as, " w hat do you think of th e pedes t ria n r.rnifi c at PLC?"
w e re musi c to m y tars . It was truly "That foot traf;1 delllon', paradist'o fi e i~ t~rrible," he " Th e satisfaction I get from bt'ing a ns .....ered .."E.v!.: n respunsihle for such an occasion is tnotho u g h It IS a lIlt"ndous. After a few practice Tuns s c h 001 Z 0 n e I'll scnd you up to earth to try your jt'~ ,till a fast street. hands at this project, perhaps in the An accident isn't far from h appening \'icinity of Pacific Lutheran College. either." I call it 'Opcf;<tion Collision'." Before I had ked Sergeant Rupp
p"d"tl iam I,,· Ir pOJ t, d, ",\, I f(JI th, rnntinuin g ... nforcemrnt this fa r a, th, colk,;:, " o nu'lrled, t he \l·ar. worst thin.~ is your pedestrian traffic. , (n he pa r king quo'stion, Sn'V;/'ant Thcn: arc proper crosswalks. It' s hu- i ' " R u p P d isc'J st d man failure as far as tnt' lwdes trians." rest.ric ted p ar ' H .. said that til>' on,~~ wh o l)ff~'ak thr' ing on Whee\t- r law art· those who have n' t been propst reet. "Jt\ th t: "rly trained. only proper thi ntr Questioning th e deputy further, I ! to d '). 'frV h Y ask("d him if the student p edestrian sh0111d we aUr, ,. problem was rcally a d a n a:r r. "More cars to park then' tha n they l'I;a lize," h e said. "As indiso m uch public traffic? viduals it (jay-walking) do,'sn't m ea n is not a wid," one. It kr, much," and he told how he has had visi on for Jlcdestr!am and ca rs Co t() stop the patrol c...~ r to let groups of. cross at the sanw lime ." pedestri a ns cross Wh('dc r street ilk- \ .\nother concern is for the ::tco:ss of gaily. He rcrna rk~d tha t the cross. , f'l1l('rgc ncy equip ment sue h as fire wa lks arc conveniently located, but trucKS to 't he college buildings, and "there th ey si t." ! for lo;)din ,~ and unloading at thc I Sergeant Rupp thumbed throu gh a I' (GrillS a n d C -B . bookle t on Washington's traffic ac ci- I I h"d heard that the intrrscniolls dent statistics and informed m e that I her" in the Parkland area :lre (' spe I th .. n~ we rt: 1,623 r/, ported pedestrian .-iaily dan,,!.crous and f?u~d out from I accidents in 1956. From 1953, this the two off,ce rs that thIS IS tru .... Law· , 'J 7 d . T Ir r sai d , o'The Parkland area. is terriiic ,was a _. percent rtrease, a SIg-III 1- fOf accidents because they (drivas) cant figure, for 1956 was the year in don't yield the ri~ht-of·way;· and which thcre wa5 an enforcem'~nt of R u pp SUFll:Csted. "We nCl'd t ra ffic pedestrian laws. That is one reason 'm lrol d evict's out hert' in the county .
F rida y. D ec. 6, 1957
Page Three
r -- - - - - - -
------~-- --
all uintet
• I
IHarsh Tri 5 iGage oster Bl'~i(ks
tlll' \('n returning- I U('nnr:n
[mIll last yl , ,-' s championsh ip lad!· Wi th three wins already under thel[ brlts. the [ut b sk t :l tor bask f'lball team" C O:,cll M:I r . bailers take on the Buchan Bakers in the PLC Memorial G ym- ' Harshman enlisted ~w ("h-e n, ' " In nt· nasi u m at 8: 00 p.m . tomorrow night. nUl' champion L u te bas ketball quint is off "I nd running, b 1'5, Pa cific Lutheran 's Gladaitors opened what probably is the a noth"T ",a;o n lik e last p':} r whe n th y r"ck <: d up 1111 a m azi ng 31-2 r ecord? Tho:ic h ead ing- the list. after th e fina roughest schedule in the school's hisrory b y taking tw conv\nc Th,' Lut<' s aI(- uncouhtedly tht" st ron ~ nt quin t\·t in the lea g ur, but to ('xpu :t r <! s t-r r t r immin g i-ndud,' fre hm~ It in ,,, vin ~ al. th, · ... xpenSe of the Bu-J;!.
a noth e" nc oI'd !il:e Ltst yetr is a lot to ask . Let's la' ep our fingns crosse d as Bnrc., Akx3nd,.r, l';orm D lIhl, Ralph (' han Ba k('rs and th l: 'Vcstc rn Wash • th ' Lut 's play eac h galllt' . t"s tod:l\"s gallw that counts , not tomorrow ' s, Carr, Ron HO\T Y, Ga ry Kam hn, L ynn ins to n \ ' ikin ,l,'S by the n'specti\"[' scor", R ESE RYES DRAW PRoUSE Larson, D'-an 1-lorrison, K('n II ag,~. 7fi-fi5 and 80-67 in the TAC tournl'y. Th,' 1')5 7 g r id scason is hi ,tory now as w.' read of :III-confen' nc,: sckc ~LJ1(.1 C;enc Schatunherg. Thes(' ga lll l"S wac part of the fiv e tio"" nt'x t year's ..,aptain , dC, but how m :l!ly of us !'L'alizc what a ll important Sophomores still turni0 ll' out includ<" t.i'; UII tr1\ itational \",,"ann-up nwet held ,ole- th ,' rC'f'l'\TS ha ve pla~ t: d thi~ seaso n withou t g" tt ing- a w o rd of p ril ist" for Todd Cornish. Sam Gan gt:. nd Don :I t CPS On ~onday c\TninC( and PLC Carl S(';H('),\ lay-in with fo ll't t'Cn " job well do ne , Lut ~ r~ ' '';''5 RUSS R.\LISO:--l , TI~{ WYNDH .'\ M, WAR Schultz,' . n n Tu "by, Colle ge of Pu gd Sound s('c onds kft to play ,.., \'t' h y H a l; ' ~ REX WILLIS, K E.,\ GA,\L, JOHN K ALIV .\S, and JOHN ~lEYERS all Coach Ha r~hman and juni o r H ll'5il)" 8 mj Fort Lewis wefl' tIll' othn tcam, "B" u'am a h a rd, fa ul(ht i9- 48 m n' ,icser\'!' a Pelt o n t h e hark for thl'ir const-i"l1 tiou, effort" i'\i~ht aft, ... ni g ht coach M ark Salzman will be c1 03d~' (om r,· t in \.(, tina' \ 'ictory 0\'''r Fifth Floor in an th"Sl" [[It'n ,"'1111<' >ut to prat'ti,'c in rll'i\-ing rain and Illud to oftl'n form just watchin ' to see just which two nc:w Tlh" Lut<'s blew a six-point lead with Intra-Mural basketba ll thrilltT as t t" nou ,>,; h m Fn to a lluw :l :c rirnmagc for an injury and flu-rid d l: n ,'arsi t)', L as t COtn'TS will be m ow'd up to tlw \'a r t h re e millutes r(,mainin,,, in the Bu' y ear th ,' r,. w:1S little h a lfba rk JOH N MITCHELL who took th e knock s on sity, "han \til lllt', and had to rally in the Ttwsday. \{Cll 1I0t makin g the varsity will ,-losing moments to forc(' th t' "a m !" Fifth Floor , pbying' with o nly four the ' ·[[V'.tt squad" and this Y"'a r :MITCH w as one of tht: mainst a),s in tht" into O\'ertimc, Despite tile los s of m e n, led Ivy for most of the Il'a 111t: , l.KH:kfi"ld. Thanks, fellows . --\, ou·!'" an impo rtant part oi our Luk griddns. compet e Oil the PLC junior varsi!) vhieh is again clltcrl"d in the it}' Chu ck Cmtis via the foul route early h oldin g a 24<!O lea d a t hal -lime. A NEW SUIT FOR H RSH? in tla' fi n ' -minute overtirn,', PLC Ll'aJing the potent Old ~1ain atta ck How many of you noticed that Coach M.'\R V HARSHM,"S wore the L ague after <I second plae,· finish la~ pu~ "d through 16 points in the ovC'l' w:)s Vir.~ Hunto fte , who t oppe d :\11 same suit to ALL of our b~ s k('tball ga n",s la.st yea r? Doesn't he h'N(' anothlT yea r. City L eague play is s(h ~du1r.t1 powerful Bakers. scor",!'< with 28 points. Grabbin ~- ,cor suit: Yes. hI." e;o t other d othes, bnt 1-13rsh stic ks to thl' sa.nlt' suit as long as to gH undnway n ex t weC' k. Gallle t ime to top Beek Sahli Score Hi,..h ! in ,; h o nors fo r Ivy W,'rt· D on .\r<t('in th e Lull', h an: " winnin,I!' ~ t rt" a k goin g-. L e t' s hL1pt: his wife has to p atch and will usually pn:l'l'd" Lut t" v a l It)" \"()n Buc h a n's,' th e lcadin,<; '.~~A.U cage,' with e ig'htt"l"1l and S~lJrcy wi t h S<:"['[l n '-patch that ~ uit. -------- .. - - - - - ----------; '1 u :. d in t: )iorthwl'st, eve n with the tl'e n p Oints . In tft<' season's 0p" ne- r tl1L' day bl' " dditio n of SHc h ,tar, :.I S Larry Beck' r orm ico - -- Poi nt ~ Plumbin g - Ro ofing El ectric " i Wo:> _, D irk :Stlicklin o f Seattk U., io n', Ea , tL- rn Park land's R oad R un Kirs ch Rods Wi ndow Shade s e I f Btlldt of U, o f San F anrisco, and 11(' , ran 0 \ '1' 1' \Ves t('rn Pa rk land by a Zip RllOck-s oi Nl on ta na D" could not sc o t'e oi -7-3+. R o>' Sch w a.-? and combat lbl shootin .:; of Ji m Van B" l' k .\ rni., Kallbn,« hcad('d the E J, tnl1 Gla ss Installation - Pipe Cuttmg a nd Th reading dri"e, colle c tin g fou r teen d thirt n C hu c k Curtis Itnd Jim \ an Heck I 121st and Pacifi c Avenue Phone LE. 7-3171 points, respcl' ti v(·l y. :<\1 . \llf e ~s \\' JS tht' ~ p.] cTl! l'd t~H' i.ndi';idual ..'tt:.ol in g k ..t.dt'rs top scanT for thi: JO:<ers w, t h twd\'c ' III thc' 19::>7 Illtramura l l ootba ll raCe, --l
adrunners, Ivy Post Dorm Wins
~- -----
Curtis, Van Beek; Led Grid Scorin g ~
poi n b, Tht.' scorin'; for the LUll"
V a n Be,' - and C u rtis both had thir touchciow ru iollowed closely by Don Slattum with dc\"·n .
punch, \\.'i th eY{'rY!Jl1f'· .~e l ti n ", in to t h t· ,r OrLrl" column, was too mil c h for th,' Wr te- rncrs,
G ERRY·S BARBER SHOP locat d in IGA Foodtown
112th & Park Avenue
Phone LE. 7-3434
eep ChRist . r1- y,-'lUR CtmistfllOS PACIFIC ~
First-rate L u theran min isterial training; also courses for coll ege
grads (men and women) leadi ng to Master's degree
in Christian Education.
2770 Mari n Avenue, IHtrkeloy S, Calif.
Charies B, Foeltch, Ph.D., Pr81ident
We provide Checking and Savings Accounts and all other K·STBIET bGllk services BRAHCH ~ for college U LlllCOLJI stud..ts BBAKCB
WJr ~
LEnox 7-3434
ART'S SHOES AND REPAIRING Tennis Shoes Quality Service
.. Bucks·· Flats •• Oxfords Opposite Parkland Post Offic.
YAC. . . P...............
"t( Cw'a:rolotUt p~ ..... " .1: . . . . . . . . "'..,. o . ~o ••,
eM..O...' .....
See a ll[
in the true spirit of
P age F"Our
Friday, Dec:. 6, 1957 err.
~un r. t'niar d a·5 pl'T . drnt (0. 1957 is
continued from page 1 CE.·f.
PE ISK f. R He was . Studen t " ng.r~~:I ! j(1n d("3ton his soph<Wlorc I gn·",.tion, ~" LI in ~ a Inl t I: f r twu and J UflIO . \,1 ai', :Iud IS II " Pr:ry r yrnl>. Ro) lIas pa.rti,· ipalcd in int.,,- SI'f',' in k a d! r. .! 11< is II nll'mb"r of muml sports, an d is " member of th r BIII~ K , y, a nd i , a ti\ e in K R K, ~t'I'VLdt"!' m'"i's Club. , in K ;;s \'iu'-presidcnt his junior )'car. D :\:\ .'\ TCRCOTT has sernd PL C ; Outstanding in the fit'l.d of s?~cch as a son deader. ch" tTlcadu' and Spur. i~ Pi K appa Ddt:, pn'"dcnt rOM Sh e wo;·kt:d as ' a Saga section editor, REEVES. He ha~ parti cipated in de and was sf'cn·tary of her junior class. bat.e for four YI'ars, wa. C urta in Call This year ,he is ac ti\T in L ady Lutes pI<. side nt when ~! wph omore, a nd has and TaFM,I<. a role in "A hristma s Carol." om Pi Kappa Ddta \'icc- pn'siden t is is a nwmlWl of Toast~nast~rs, and was .TAXET TUR~{AN, whe, has b ~ e n ~t'creta ry-tr~as urt:r ot thIS o rga11lza ani\T in drama and debate. She wa" ti on IRst year. a Spur, m.:mbn of Curtain C a ll, and . JAXICE RI-"DAH.L ha s been. ae is n ow a u Alpha Psi Omega membt'l'.1 tnT III LDR and Ph. D elt a EpiIl lon. J anet acted as Student Congress diree. She is presently t~("asur(' r ~f T assels. tor las t Y Clll", • .T nn was Student Con greg.atlOn .LCrl' S( n .in <r PLC last y,' a r as Student I ta r), during her sophomore year.
.\l so :, mrmb. l' o f r" s~cls :s BARB \ RA RI S AU She hll$ worked on i h ' Sa!(11 .taff, and is a member o( FT. \ lind L D R . Balbara is now plcsiIl'nt of hrr d orm itory, South H a ll. MILO SCHER ER has b.~cn ac tive in APO all dlLring hiB college career "nel has b~e r: vice-president of thi" onraniw tion ho th thi year and last. H ~tarrrd in the Children's Theatre produ 'lion :md was class trt·,,~un:r his junior }'t'ar. Milo is a membt~ r of KRK dnd ..rv S (If! th e Arti,t Scri,'s cornA 1m' K ry rIll'Inbn sinn· his soph ronOn' ) "a r, R Y SCHWARZ is now d ec· president of tbia organm..rion:. &. ha. he n acti",: in th e Student Con-
Body trca5ur('I',. and t. his yea r as ASPLC pres ident is DAVE KN U Tso.\". HI' has b.'en .H:tive in th( b;wd
was a member of the Ambassador Qu"rtl'l,. Toastmast~rs, and has for
two years b""'n a m ember of Blue Key.
I D ,1\T wa s "ic(,-president of the Stu dent Cnn ,,;n'gation la t y<'ar.
through Christian usc of free press.
I :
("m ng PLC
DEA.\f LIBNER ia a member of KRK, Blue Key,. and is currently scr\"in!l on the Student Corigrcgation Boa rd of Deacons. La£! year vicc-pres idcnt and this year prcsid,'nt of ToastIIlastn,. D ea n is a lso his scnior da ss
EDITOR .•' ..... .....DA E CR W N ER 'cws Editor........ ._.._... ,.Herb Dempsey r eaturc Edi to r......:Marilyn D onaldson port! Edltor....................G ene HapaJa
I i
Parkland Cycle & Key
LE.7'()206 ,
( Foot of Garf'ield)
We D ellver
Charm Beauty Salon Bla nche Lingbloom
C O LLEGE DRIVE-IN 123rd and Pacific Avenue
C. Fred Christense BOOKSEllER & 5TA T/O NEIt SR, ::/·4629 932 Padfic Avenue Tacoma, Washi ngto"
Standard H eating Oils - H eating Equipment Heating Service
MONDAY THRU SA TU RDAY 7 :30 a.m. to 7 : 30 p.m.
528 Garfi Id St.
LE. 7·9987
PH O N E LE. 7'()2.6
120TH & PACIFIC AVENUE See Jon Soine
Box 144
EE. 7·7135
for guys and g Is!
W e Outfit Co-eds 406 Gar fi e ld St.
tE. 7·7475
to the new
11021 Pacific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
Flowers for All Occas ions 12173 Pacific Ave.
19 57 GRID CAPTAIN Lynn CalJ...ins (center) con graru\atcs next year's Co-captains-elect, Dick Goodwin. and George Fisher. Looking o n are Freshman Award ' mner Orson Christenson and Inspirational Award winner T om my Gilmer.
LE. 7·5S17
Par Fully Autom atic
OPEN LAN ES Tu&sdoy -
A ll Evening
Wednesday Frida y
after 9 p.m. A ll Evening
10707 Pacific Ave.
W hee l Balancing
Phon e LE. 7-6012.
3820 South Yakima
Driue Carefully
Good Only Through Next W e ek
NOW $1.00 and weights per wheel
Christmas is a time of giving Don't take a life ...
of a
Regular $1.50 an d weights per wheel
R mi nding you that
ey s
112th and Park Avenue
GOOD SERUICE •• ,,4~'4
PHONE LE. 7·5951
SPECIAL ~,_","
@Pdrt! .
• •
••• '
.1 •
Phone GR. 2·3372
They kept warning me this would happ n if I didn't think of some super way to describe that absolutely unique good taste of Coca-Cola. So who's a Shakespeare? So no ad .•. that's bad! But, there's always Coke ...
and that's good!
Bottled under a Ulhorlty of The Coco·CoIa Company by·
TOO Y·S ISSUE: Traffic
fety -
The Solution
ee Today·s Advertisements VOl. 35, NO. 10
FRI.. D EC. 13. 1957
, ris m s G I' I I 'The Christ' 0 ai:or·o Premier
Far ad e da Bighl In y nasi m rid y, 4 p.m.
A new .lnd Jiffer~nt effect will be seen on the C'vlS ~ta5(~ This Sunday at 4:00 p. m. in the PLC ;-. \ '01 rial ym na iu m ~I;1-- when th e C LlClJin Call Club presents irs Jnnual production o f the [be College Choir, Chorus, and Orchestra will pr ' TIt. til Am eri . fami liar stury of Dichn' s "Ch r i ~tma~ Carol" on \Vedncsda Y CJn prcmil'rl' of the oratoria , "The Chrisr." co m 0 05 d by [ric ighr. D c e mb~r IS , at 8:00, Admission will be 25 .1TId 15 cents, ~ Curtis of ~ c w Zealand. Admission i, free ,
CU B Sets Up
' £11 "
a uni t
ue used
I' CI<.l union uf the ,play, ilnI,lOUnl't:d , k\Jd B." , bon', 'U[Jt'f \'l\Or of d,r e tor" " , curt,.1I1t w ill be, pulled throughout , tI <'(jIll " prl,du f'l lOn ~'I1d the 'c, W e • t. al1~'" will b., 11l~1(k 011 a totally h
l l.u: k ~ t:.t t;t" .
• .. H M eet T rip to .... A warde d 5 tu dent ' I tres llTJalJ
D OI1~ Ia', J (J Iloson, at '" L utll: I 1 an C 0 II t".~.:W-" fL'lUITl Cd Iast nfl(' ~-l (Jor!a,' f, o ln th e :\:uional 4-H Club Cllll ~ e ~s hdd in th e Conrad H ilt on Ho lel in Chicago frolll :\on'mhf'I':3 ll throu !.; h D,," 'mo,"r 6,
' tlu' " lci! " ,(' nc wi 11 I.... 'lu ilt 011 I "' I t, y.uyin g hli g hts JlI~ f< d in d ff H'.t IJOSItlUl1S on th.. Uk'( " , "Ilt ll Olll s<,<'rlt' curI1~~ UB, ' " , , I' k ",n , a ward r t! th t: tnp fur I llS um\' th"t , I,,,d :!nu pall ut tn t: stage h l uut't;' nd1l1 ~ wo rk In th ., H orllt; Im"lit br h j/, trd , ll t tw, 'rn Sl' nes, [ ,Il " " pru' "lJwIlt Project and wa s offlCla l IV'., wil l u. contInued b} the l(~dll, '.", ,', . II ~1 u"t. ,n., dd ega t!" to th e Congn ss. R d K a t<, " " pomo l' " I I )y th .' Sears R Ot'buck FounEn ryc:ut: w h u ,knows CI:fi,trlJa, tfa ti<J n, tOrH ' WIll b. falfld,a r wilh th l< popu :\t th, ' 11,. 't' t in~, t he th"rn:' of whi c h lur nt : ,n oo1'l., b:. l-k rb " ,' rMni iy an d ComUn"~"" " Ito j" ,t" C .. ns tlllll , ~nJ a 1\ IlIumty L I\'IlJ~, hI' I'u,np.. t ..d fo r on t: 11 it 'l"nd ~ fur In lon' an d ,,"'lng , (;f th ~ " Ig-h t ,.'HJO , s(' h b .rsh ip, in th ~ Cr. tf'il it, L yk Pe:lr'Ort, i, S iUo!Se'\ fldd of HUlIlt' I rnp,O\('"wn t. Lu~inr Iw l)Jt"C who i im ll 'Uflll'nt al in v, lIill~ S C'l OIW t lu d l ni;t' Iti, ru incl, .• nd t1l , h nsts uf C heiq rnas P a 't, p" "1'1. "'Id Y t to Corn, .relieve rOOI(! ()f I" br it tl , shc ll <I S till-y n ,. } , ,I P' <Jf t h" P, ISt. Iud .It th ,' t ... net c ,.1 .. w i l ~ pp n in (U llII!' if li t.: ~ r ps u p th" seD ilL . rtf ,()Jllt" t iI !l~ uf thi -uUi-"' a f C'hin!;" I,. ;\ t urT! ,d (J U l ' ( agai n inlu :t hUfrl:J.I1 I in" \" itl! " Iwan that is w aLl" aCId f II f jO) ;It lh, Christlll:!' s,'a ><JfI.
1" " ..dr. t
.': f
I " _', .'j
A pploxi ma td" 150 singe rs, d irec ted I by f'rl)f~s,ur Cordon U , Gilbc r!.w n of
, -
tIl<' PLC ~1 usic D ~parlm e-;:ll, w ill pn-
See Ya
s, fit th i' mo,' i n~ wry in song 01 [he lii,' of J" 5US fmm birth to R l uI"I'('('
ext Year!
"e on the ~Ioori n!.! ~ Ia, t ta ff wi~h all of '. au a happ"J and ~afc Chri~tnoa.~ and ilic\\ \','ar', holiday. Yacation bc~i n.s next Fri day, Dt ('(',"ber 20, after classt.~ and ends o n ~londa)', Janu ar)- (), Your next ~roorin" ~Iast will be :JUt on Frida,.' morning, J aouan.' 10.
,Th u rs d • y tVClulIg oardinIf _, ext I h f (' II. o v. \ VI'I I \,"ca r ~lJU . 3nd 1h c l iuIl. Cli_' " irI s tin 55\ dn'ss.' , for the :lIInu:!1 Th,' ,oun' ' ' J( - JI pa gt' UI. ton"o w a', C hri,t m3~ ha nq uet w ~h I h will hr. " 01l1[K'S"d hy ~1r. Curti- whi lt- :1 pr is st'l'\'<:> d at 6 :no p,m, l!J th 011,' g" orl<'" in :, :\t"W Zea la nd p' r..it" n tiary cafe teria. for [\v,'n t\, \'(-ars , "Thr· ChI-i.!" is dt, 7 In ord n to ,,,',;onl! ,od: tt all 11 0 'nilwd bv thll'" l',hn '! part in it :.5 11 r k ,. ," , , "',' ,'boanit-r, or the roa t IU ,y ullin r
fJ O'''l'l'ful work rdIe",ti-w til< '11;ritu al , , " ' " ' ' ,,'atin~ will b, ,'''t<'nd cd ii'll tlar ~mall
,'IJIOLlon ('xp',[I t'nc('d hv th,. co mpose r I ' , , ' • u.inins n l<ftn and tht: coifee ,hop. dillOn ,'"~h" urd,,,.t ' . , Lirb " ill be ;(,f\ in!\, punrh :n th,. Snloi ' b ror thr l!.atorio a n ' ~.f' r- I ' stud e nt 10 nge from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. ",rd Byin'"ton, sop,a r",: ;\ udr" H art, ~f ('n (If Cirrll' K ~ nd ,,00lI'n v.h.. rontt, tl W: t h ' , R,,', Rrda l" i , olu n tl'Cft"u. th e-if 't' ' i( t' will b(· ",·rv· "II (II' '!Ild PruJnso r f nderocl L' ! i in c at thr b n nq u('( , .,lt1l(>u~h lb.., :\. '\\'nh:'.'~L b,llitOfH' , ~f3rd(' l1 Suil:Jnd , Rad i,o St;,lio ... KT ,\ C ",i t b~oa d c"'l ~ r:1;lin rour _ of ,Ih U1';.I " U hr. ~iv"n 'f th e P;:llIlH , Il\ l' t t olll th,' 1(1)1> , (,f lh, " ' n ti ro p IL \1"t.1 " ~t~ lC'n " sty le. H(l t d in T :lcurna a it"l f h Ol r hri,t - I \ fllo.,: mll1 . '\It \ " r short hI'can,,' !l1a, conl'l rt by t ill PL( ' C hlO tt' of th e; r Th llcula a l d I',dOl • hein/; rt'~III:lr , ,"v r'" rH Xl 'T'h'H,d :,y """ni nl:: , D eccm- ! ~('h uol <I.:,," " will h. IH,'Sf'Olcd: Amollg I I)(' r 1'1, fro m :):00 lIntd 5:3(1 p .1I1. th e h onC>J','d ,~Il<:'t< viII ~ Dr. . S. For the s., (' n Ih • 011 (,{,(IIi,'! ye a r East ,'uld. pr·, ld ot of Ih 11 g •• ml KT\(: ' ,v"t1 ,<.I i ,, · . ,.. " lon~ ih' " i f. I. ('on, '11 . tht hot! I r .• till i n~ hi~ h ~(h(tol "nd ,ull I( c hoirs f,'OJ'" t h, f a COlli a art:, This , " ':ll S 5' , '",S ',£i ns next ~ hJ:l - i
Ch olr t0 Br dcas t I!
Ch rlstmas . Concert
R' ~h,n
iOpen Dec.
d" ... wi th the e lmlI P~rk H I h S.-hvo l ChoiL follow ed b)' the- C olI",:;,' ",f Pu - I " ,'t Sound ~{ a d r i ,tl~ 1 ~in.'!('[ ,. th" L in- i
Dlr ,: lUl: fur tho' ,' y, niu)!' " per forlll am" ,Ire K alt:n KlLU tzL'n, l'a triej,oJ. Rull vW, ,;uu Rod Bas('hure, (Ir.l} Ii\ ,,' VI .. h_,,'a,'ll' r w ill iJ, see n OIl ta~r i } r;ll', .tor th e r t uf th~ ca.>t \\111 lh.. ,ltrJ{ ~ !a l year. As tlim!: W IW lian' IXC ll to tI p rodu ction be f, r W Il l ,11, u:JCt u pa rt ha, bu: n :, t hat II, ' I huId th e part t ac h ,.~r t.I 11 ill~ hi s ur ro n coile!!e It-I'u.vn\, t illl' Iudn:
Sp J n~ r,' i q ,H i, n
p,., irk L u
coIn H; g~~, SI':1OU! C hoir "n~ fa, i- I : i; (l'." >iud , 1l ~' 1)( ·il with Ih - ,i~n I.'" ak PL{ , C}'(>' l flf l Ilt' \ "' .. , t, ,'nd t n ~ lll' (Of JUno v". ' " mel ',radu dose'S wit h St. L co's H i it S('h ool G lt"t. 1:'11' q"elt'fI t frull ~ I(jnd 1\ D,-r.t"l1Ii'It'T Th l! pro~ram " ill .J,,) r" Lroad hTistmas 1 \ ( : nd ( hrjstm 't" n y,
Saga Progress
10 D,." rnb, r '1(1 S"plwlIIolt w ill "1 '('r h .. 1\ Jall ullr" 6 to I I , f r"hntl'u flUJ! j,nu;ary , ! :I- ! 8 ~ nd 11! w stud tits troln T','hru· _I 1-1, ,Iud, n ts ,bould (,ODlpl~te : rn ,,(ration (illl'lL! ing d. aranc'" th... hu ,, ' u' 'S dried . " ('('lint :-
~ uti .. t,lIl' , I ' adcl'; Hl'l'b " ,. II, 'L~I P' a'(~0n, C l atchit ; ' .T ~, nuill".. '!5 ,AI.,tcrr,iwationfcr.will L' I, t il k~Ol1, Coll rClOl; Jerry K rc~s. : IIH' rh" IJ.:(' d ;,fl,'l' t'l. I , IIIC. ht"d' D OT! C rn 11, :\1,Jtlr y's GllO, t: Jim Bu llock, bu in', ;:n,,<: r ,> F;, .. u h v ad \' j,or \\ 'II null . " il RYd ;\urdlx r,~, Ghl!, t of ChristI" -- th .. Sag., P"c: fi, L utht' . n Yf'a bock, ahle for re llistration ['onier n 'es hr. I'l.'!: J an"' t Tu rnlan , .b.,lIe; Th umas rr' port, til.·tt th e ~a~.l i.e prO\(rt~sll ' , t\\ r n J anu a r ,' 2i <lnd 'HI (fin. I .-); f{.,(\ O , \ vl n ~ $UU()1-; " : William Hall qlIi tl- \\ l' il lh l. ~ ar .llthoul!h t hfr I" ,u' m, tion ",u k ), ;1\. ilabl. . "", G IIU,t uf Cf ns l rn;" PI t'St'Dt ; Gina an , f, w problt !TIS, kc g-ist mlinn <. rd ,
"h ' Y \dl lint tr
.I ()nt·~ , Ghu~t 0 e ...: n tl1ms l't to Thr bi q< cst traubl, stt in S from til _ _ __ CIJJn fa(' 1 lh a t th e book h ' b,'r n Ill llnin C' Jan< it i_. C l~ t"hi!" \'~ife ; Arkn~ \' " T it" Fuur FI' sh me n,': yocal a nd I h,l\ t ' \.;, t'll clo osen b y b,oth D ownbeat in the "reci" for " Cltll h, r of \'f.,1 rio, Ii. hI , ~fallha Cl'a tchlt' C "rol Hurst" Ifl' tl urm'nt.,1 $tars of C? p'tol R n :Qrd" " ltd ~re(ronollle .'vIa).'.allnt" a t he' tnp In hop,:", of rum in u o ut from :oodtr, IS r uda Cl'ah:h it ; Marilyn Anderson , w:1I "ppea r in till' C MS of Pacific 'oca l ,tlrOll p ill tht na tio n, th l' S; I , 100 d, br rrom I ~s t 'Ulr, tit" ' h ! d,' wif" :, ~1avi' E\':'r~lt. sist,<:r ; J oe: I Luth~~~tn Colkp;t" J anua: y 9, at 8:~O Th," Frt', hllll'n h3'-'- btT!} associ"t.l.'d ,taff is plannin g- to :)('c: omplish s,'w ra l , \) ld un , ll>pp( r. 1 hI S yea r S chII- 1 p,m, Ill:lets an- un sa lr: 1rt th" Pubh c with tilt' Stew Alkn , T e nnr'sse .. E mi t thiu."s, I () "l' r ,lOll ,ud rnts and \'isl\l\n 'It' p a rt s lo a \' e not bt:t:n cast ye t. i R d.li oIl> officI,': $ ~,()O for rr:serv(..d h"J and S t ,, 'n K (' ntun television '\ ' " I , , ' , b'O', d " , t',nwdld th· Cl. «mom Building F ri· _ . _, r ' " ", " , " " mOil", t 1(' ~ 1,.< I"g~r an , t I I ,. ,,' , D I G 'I I ,tv l. and ~l.:JU 101 ,,('ntr,ll ,ldnnsslUn ,!" .h(J\v, frorn •:\'\' l"rk ',nu' wcr<,' Ica- Sa .. g;. C,<lrnt,-a, , ' I w hi C h w ill 1..'.I", on ..\ pt '1 da} (, Hnll1 l'-, , tollxr . ' I :iZ[' v < Each lIlt'mber of th e combo servcs I tured in tht :\1-G-M production of 1 18 and 19, 1958, Jim said , "We a r c Dr-II H anson! a J,d ll<' and Jow'ly blu , in " t Il"l.> t " dual capaci ty Ross Bal-I"Rir il Youn g' and P rt' ll\'" The\' wc rt' b ' I'wd blond lrom ' ; nt~ R a hfor· .. ., ' " " .' , n(,!;otl a t!ng to nng ro ou r campus : d PL(,' L uci B 'd bhLlr plays drUlII. and dO\1blr. on th,! aho I",:" d on th , so un d track in t h t some fille (lut of state l' nt('Ct ~inmt nt nw, was crowne to lJ I' llUlllpt.: t. Don Barbour, Ross' s I.>ro Paramount picturtc, " Lucy Gallant "las pa rt of tlr" Carni\al, " i e ! 1957, , , th('1' play. gu itar and sha rt's yoca l s tarrin ~ jan( Wyman and Ch a rlton ' As Swcd <h -r 111111' d • f \II snll!; Albl'l" who ha ndks Hr,Wn, Editi n); the book i, Du a n(' Moe, " Sa nta L ucia ,' H a7. 1 Ddl and at· , l r t.1a n Hmshfl13n, head athlet,c ' <;010; w ith llo,l' h <It PLC, will be pc e ntin, a trum pe t, bass a nd m:llophol1c, and .'\ mo ng their list of best sl:lIers is t he with a~soc iat<' editor beint.: Tcddl Gul t"ndant~ H ,:lth.-r Stroup ami Trlr. r Irlll -Ill;lIut, tt'k\'isioH sports broad- , Bub F lani ,gan plays bas. and trolll :t1burr. "Voi('('s in. MoJ..- rn": "Day by h a ll ,I<"n and ~ d mi'nll~('r,. G e 0 r 11; ' Bon'ng, clad in whitt, walk d down ca I nTry olhn Wedn esday nig ht at I bo o", D:i\'," which sold ovet' 350,000 n :c DOf'bkr. thl' a islr. a ppro..1.~hing a festive. f "d II "() , ' I 13 1)t"glnnln~ ' ' g 1 '! 'Ilt y Wt' r!' "disco\'c n-d " bv] Stan or d ,". "Charma ine'" ) "In This W hole Steni on ~ dito" art' : fa ult)', M .-l\• a ' throne, OWl' whi h w. ' proclaImed "I'" p . ll!. l ' Ui.! onl' . . , I , , K, nton whil.. book t'd at th r Esquir Wid.. World" ; "Angle Eyt')": and Fuhr : cl"ss('s, Liz Htins ; sports, Jml "God J ul; or {rr bnstm, S III n, xt W~d rtt'Jday , Dt"ct'rnbl':- 18, L OU IJ ~e in D a yton, Uh io, Kt"nton took "Lon I s Just Around the C o rner , Haala nd; orga nizations, P a t A h r('ns' ~wtdi sh , 'I iF Ill-w d .l) show will Ix: a part t!arlD to Hollvwood to cu t th IT' first The J.ew( t F lJe F r , hme n alb u IS rcl it.;ion, DiAna P a ul; acti\'iti , D or Da\, - nuf o n, ASPLC p r.... identJ f l 12." Huntitlrton' , rt l!'ul.J r 5ehcd-, id ~ f r tht, Capitol labe l. \ <OF ~ u frl' n1C" n and Fi\', orn oth) R i~ tau : ;,nd fine arts, J oAnn lit t h( f.a ndll'~ n tbt: crown of the For thr.... comecutiw:, yt'an t bt'Y L uria Bridl', the " Br ingt:I of L igh l_" 1 r ( ," Apk< r.
'Report Given
resen an ua ry 9
H I aze Dell Hanson N d Lu . Bride a rn e cia
I "
Harshman To Give Bi-W eekly Telecast
P ag e Two
B AI rt. Save Money, Time, or Lives? . e e. I What: Price Safety? FI rst: Need ! r Drivers · I' I O
F rI day. Dec. 13, 1957
We didn ' t learn until SI X h o urs later that ni flL how it h p pened , for three bloody bodies could tell u~ o nl y t ha t somebody I or something had g o n e wron g . At the hospital another o ffic e r and I g o t t he story fro m ttl\! drive r who miraculously esc aped death a nd fin a ll y re g a in ed CO :1· sciou~ness, H e told us that h e saw on e h eadlight co min g dow n tl'w highway, bm when he reache d the junction and p re pa r ed for a le ft turn he c o uld see no light. A s eco nd or t w o late r h e st a rt~ d to make a le f t turn , . , tbat's all h e remembers. As we le ft. the officer comm ented t c m e, "Onl y pe h ea d light, and that on e in his blind s pot. It's n o t th e fir s t t ime ." Patrolling the hi g hway two nights later. I noticed tha t on.-: speck o f white light comin g towards m e in the distanc~ didn ' t separate as did the rest , but remained a~ one beam. In a mo me nt the one-eye d car zoom ed past. I sped around , quickly caught lip with th e car and stopped the driver. " Do you know that y our left h e adlight is ut )" He raise d his voi ce 3bovl' th e noi s e of a passing car: " \Vell, I kind o f figured it must b e. I w asn't t o o sure, though. " "To drive at night witho ut all your lights is askin g for trouble. And wi t h tonight' s little haze of fog, w e a ll have to be e xtra Icaref ul. 1 jus t stoppe d you t o let y ou know abo ut y o ur I
(Fr.olll the interview by Dave Crowner or Washington Slate Pa trol Sl'r~eant Robcrt R u p p and Pierce County Deputy Sheri£{ John Lawler is taken this discussion. which i~ a follow-up of last week'~ slory on tra£fie prolllcms).
P rohlems of tr a ffic s~l fcty ~ n ' nat u l a llv only h3if th e st ory. Ser.'; eant Rill''' ;tnd Dep u ty Lawler had some i ntl:n:s tin '~ n' ll1a,rks on soluti o ns,which co mpkt t·s th e story. tvlr. L:! wln prl' tt ), well co\~('I'cd th e subj"n whe n ea rl y in the inte rview 1;1<' offt-n'd th ,' fo llowing : "The re ar.,
GUI-d e I a GI-de HamB SafI IY~~[l:~ :;l~~~~"c:f \.~~::;i~:,~ts,. : l;(~~I:II~:t::
li g ht. Do you have en o u g h mon e y along to buy a new ooe?" " Y es, s ir." "The re 's a service station d o wn the highway half a mile. G e t a new light there a nd you'll b e a lot safer ." " Okay officer. but. ah. I'm in a hurry to get hom~ , I' ll get it fir s t thing tom o rro w morning on th e way to work." " Y o u can't put off a thing like this. It will take only a fn\' minutes, and y o u can't mi ss the station." "I'll drive ex tra carefully fr o m h e re on. but I just can' t gel that light n o w. I'll d o it first thing tomorro w." " Driving carefulh,' won't make any difference if n o o n e c an .. se~ y o u . This is mor e seriou s than you m ay think. Y o u'll ha v, to buy that light now."
"Do n't g e t me wr o n g , of fice r. I d o n't wan t to cau'iC an y .. I b . h tro llble. But look , I'm in a hurry . ' and If u y It at t e s ta j" .. Y k d' . tlon at hom e II save twcnty - hvc ce nts , ou ' now, a I,>cou n t : j" 11 .... save tw e nty-tlvc cents. . . . Ju s t tb e n a radIO call Illterrupted the convers a tIOn. cn o u s . ' E ' G l L..~ wreck o n hI g hwa y Illst west of ~ atollvlll c . JO t o sce n e , ' l ay uo: f I ' .. ' 1 J.ta Itll' S Davc Cro wn er, Editl)r
f l;. \"<· you tak en you r personal SClr.-3. D on' t be a t ra ffic fig-htlT. T es ts traffic and pedestrian. In a ttention is 111 t'ht"<"k y.·t? Before k a\' ing- fo r h on l<' 1 ' :lOW th at tra ffic ii:-:ht('f s don' t save fon 'most. S,'("ond is di srespe ct. Third t Ill ( ,hris tlllas holid a y sit d own a nd n"arl), ' IS I' ".wh tiIll" as they thi.nk they wuuld h, ' down-ri gh t [azincss : a nd ('otlMdr,' Ih,' followin g- It'n safet y rules do, Ri sking one's li f<- for a ft.w Ill , lt-~ I fo urth would Ill' w illfu l disobcdi ,· n c,·." -It'.t th:'!Il Ix yo ur gu ide to a "'fe . a n.'.' ,minut e ~, just isn·t . worth iL Sa'." H (' sa id, " If th,'y ( I'LC stud enb ) hTlSIIll::lS. 1\C<1l a nd t,<lt Ofl n" ltS a nd dl SPOS1- 1wou[ d pay ~' t te ntl<) n Clod l.( l\'(: respec t I. D ri"" a nt' way .. . tilt: ri .e:ht W:1Y ! ! tion and d on' t fi g-ht tra ffi c, wfw/'!' it is du ,', eHTy thin g' would Tb~ , j ha.. ic ~ri \' in g ma ll/ 'll\,,, r, you ' 6. Be cI"ar a s t~ you r intcntions. l work nut j us t fin'·... ,.. 1(01"111 Innst ottt'n an' : tUl'Illn g-, pass- Do,, ' t fo re, · oth' T dfl HTS to <: Ul' SS I'our R S S . . . ' . .. . '" ! upp . a ys , a m !: ' 109, s op p m~, parkln g, b ra klIl !:(, a nd I(('x t m o n· . L,,' pr ope r Sl ~rwb. C,I\.,. , f h . " I . IIl!'s!' l. e tll a , T U- ot heT dn \'C' rs plt nt)' ot wa rIlln g- a nd .. ' wo rd s b.. .. "nH· " II , til!' morc I'llt.. r .lll /,; t r :t rr'It' . P norm • ' \ . . I ""nlfw a nt wh ~' n I ", b·d Sg- t. Rupp fa l, ly ,. "'TY tlIn,:. , Cl'ur~t .-, pre- tllt l!' to und"TSl;)nd yOll !' Cl t:!llJns: th"1l . . . . ' . . . 'd " " 1 how wc '.- ould TtllprmT our dnnn g ... i~lon drl\ in!: is :1. sU' e W:l)' 10 a\'O! . Pl(' (" "'d wltn ..a utt on. I d "B I ' b" . ·,nd It dnSW (' f( ' ,. , tu t e nts ( ln g I' . ' I' d 1 . " ,id .11, . 7. rk alt-rt for sudd,'" sto ps. Con- I ' '(~ 'd I I f II K I J" ,t ., Ilttlr- mon .1 l' l t 3 n laVlll" :... ,on~. " 1' t 1(' ot ll' l' t' ow. lTp .~ , , t("(1 tr,dflt, pl' d"s t ridns, shpp"r~ nou" h ,"'t h, fo" d n \ l n ~, ;\lI ow in",;, harp ioc,kout for tfl'" d r;\'er wh o 1'.11 ' tlll'll t, " dOl ed \lSl bdl lV, h(lIs, l tC., If t' t k. .~. 1 :I ' l ' \' OUI :\t H IO [I Ill\( 0 J n ~1 t VOL r u tS (CIt'SII' t Nfl O \\ or <o'-·on· t ca re a.oou t a ll n 'lj uin' difft'n' nt sp,"'c\; a nd ,p~ -I ' . I I' t h Lr' fil(" .If I (" n prot ect you nnd h im tlnati on In ' t,':1 ( of 1<1\'111 0: " n rry. r i,1i p n L luti o ns, Be p n p.lled to Illt"l't n ,i " 1, " <lily, with ' " a k ga[ spn d a nd I 11m " 1.11,1 a cc id ellt. D"in' I"'ads up th, I n, It', \V Ol th YOU l IIf, tu do .' t '. \ UU .11'< Ill;m' lik..! )' to make, \' our lid : dju.t lD th t;; (Jt ha fellow ... h e . I R. D on' t h ~ \ t t t'ln p c r t ;] nt ru IlIS. tit s tl na tl OII.· ' : 111.1)' not !ldju: t to you . . . L ".. l \ ' t your' 'l otTie.s in th e dorn'.:. \lI {~ t t b .1 pIl llU :tc (Id ( nt ('d ll St L \ :XotiCI" h ow t1-l (' n 'ConlIlH' n rt atio n s of o m.1LII'r how m uc. h wod ; pre sn L"" rn to co ntro l ) OIH ' lIl otion, I)(" h ind tl1<' two offiec rs r oi ncicir-. the ", til" '!. \ ·b n\' ~ hot ' '' '' Il<' T h as l, [}' , . .,..., d I } " , U 11(;IttL"1 h"w ).•d th grndrs , .' . ~l"hoo >a.-.,;m g ;, (:(" t'( . h · ' bce n <:oo lr 'ci off I n ; 1(1 : 1('C lcif'nt. ' ; . ,1 II .1[ .... ~. 'u 11I'\'t'r LUlprO\l t t sltl!::ttwn . . " G d tin<: lllore 'p""ifi c, DqJU t;· L:",'Sa I n is lInab]" to present hi, sehC'oul"d h- rt n', " I Did It !ta m, to o • 1" ~ ,' -" , d ' . ~', . \ V(l I(.1 " clo s(' s havt."s. A n ea r ;11 '. I . . With an aCCIden t. ,\ OIl[CS a l e !>tract - I . . '.. . 1,'1' stntcd , ". \ , tar as thr' pC'd, 'stfl :dn , d ,,\,. H , lS suff" in!.! from" snl're c: Sf of ,,[tBna t' frustra tIOn. . _ " I ' ' . ' tl ' <T ab 'I .. ,dl 'nt \,'h ,l,- o n nrw; (s " warIll n.l( tha t IIIg, lIIU 1I 0 U c..tn t (rJ ,Ill > an " . out . . . .. ([afL ,·. It S h;rnl tu Jus t ,~ o 'll d" d pc .' 'VI"lt- "tl " !l ' ot l n ~ to [un' Wtll R. Sa· fr. B1 1n .l" ywalkln 'l', h,' was rc"'ot( , , ·, I " · h" th \ ' "Ilr <:uard " down. hnd ont wha t I JW II W III . ( rt IIlg p u t t etlt ,n " ,~ ' . . ,,,,,.-It' t.he [)I'O p ,l(·. .1.he unl y way yo u "i / ,·d. ' 'I' ll [ h' ,d a. ric::. , ch;m c... .. no S:1I' ;,k ~ pat rnim3 n W3 tCh.iD~, n o far; . '! h \,' ) \1 Old \v n } n ~ ~Ind co r rect It. r ' . . . . . . 'Ull untJ >ou g. t .01 • _ . . . ' . ,'u utd cl1a n o;" lt wOlll d h, to h,l\ , t H COrllln " I()\' " hl uck III cll tl!' r dm'coo n, Rllt t h ~ll srubborn fe- How q Ul .. t !} " ItI , I, Know YfJ u r \TJtlc:k. 0 0 tW~' car 10. R " [( ll'n ,IJ(,I , lht' l:rws of (' h'''~ C''' 1 sc hool hehi nd Yl) li. " "C;n tlw(' b.. h ind " ..., S:H~n.... [t:'111 k the sanl' . wl an v of vou wi ll be ~ f!ai n,t YO li. You ga mbit- wlth Chc( k .\ul.o Li ~hl' I So Sa t:l n c·" t h" hind hirn ~' nd tr:r d I n p ush him off t h,' nub, In~lc~d flf dri\'in~ t(:lU,,!C or u nfa m iliar _. can .I (k:lt h \\'1lt" 1l YO ll t:lk... Ch a .nCl'3 . with . \Vht'n \ Vl' rit:,w , ll ss('d the' autr)lllo b. . . .. .. .' ..... . . , \·V·II' k 'd b,t· · h'I. I"1 .i.P · ,-[ If T\<~.1 ~_ h~• I-'-.. d d l'~ t ,-d-: l r H.~ th, ( .I S) h . l ~ .H l OS .' . I l U O c.. l. un ..... .... 'A..... 1 ri tlIIa s Bdo rlnnDg "; our IiI','. Lea,.,. ,·ham·,·· Llb!l'" out of I I . I f ' I f 1 UUIt" lu ' al l S , . ' " ' 1 CP' 'It PLC s ,,·t. K. u pp sll~'~' c,te d IH' ' :l W ; , IT'H,,,,:d k h,,[f a bl ock a wa y. " nonn.:; t 11" r3 ntl c p t'~S 0 t I ' ti !lW t 1C:1I n Lbe r::a.r yo[(r lJ-,- jy inc. pattl'rll-a litlle ch an c, · 1 , , ' .' " . , • . ' ., . " .. . .1 , .' [ 'd . ~ ' ,. .' ., [ "Yu u sh o u ld gT' t (Jilt (' \Try h ·w da y:; t (·" c h t.T, ' f l. 5,til ::i.11 1ntf nc dn\\I1 .Inc I t ~51' .. on .1 :"' .I, f" n .-. 11., n,.. . hI}" . :n;d;\'" a big c rash . I to (' hec k th.. li .~ ht s. " - h 1. h b d { T h is wa, S"d, :1 sho('!.: (fJ Sa ta n tha i 11 ,' "" 'nt II g I uom.. '.I> 's , ()
'I '
' . . .. '
- - - - --
ek of
( ) Ilt.
ale t Cost
e pest
a C
(j i l t
. 1~ t at il)tl hi ll.
Ill S '- _..I
f lh' r woultI l>e Iea_ d th a t h e mu. t.:. kell hl~ 1950 m udd au tomobi le in
1 5ai 1'1' hr ck bd ol\ ht~ 't3!'ted . :JO() ml l~ dn\T . Ilom (" (r om coIIeg.: Ills fur tht Irri,tm.lS h liday. Wa rrrn' , da d, a n in<ur:l.n ct; a les I1la n , h a d a lwa ys tn st d sa f,' dri,-.jn , • his fllnil ', E , rh membe r of War rCD ' , lamih' had , a t one- time or . 11 th..." hr;t. n"p'~ favorit , saIllon, " R C'm mhn -, kids." lie would say, "undrr thl' hood of t ha L 3.u tomobi e I, \'I! tUO h Or,L'5. If yu u k· ep .J. rinn hand on th.' r,im and ma intain 'lOLrOI ", r ra(h m tl e very lonc, the: tr III ,.ill II ) ju, t ' i },I)U din'c t , B u (01
T h,' fn .'n",,\, <,
w ~s
R U [l[l,
(n;'l Js ~
will not
h (lt
W ;l lt 't
h oltIt-, <l n el brnk
int u::, hut
n tht)\l1 11'1111
hi, W rll
''''rite to COlllluissionc rs
"s k" d hi(1I nOw it wou[e! be to w ri tt' to th e ('ou nty a nd n 'q ucs t t h.. c O IIHn i'!-iS 10ntorS t el kc 0501111:
a c tion :-inc.("
"1 , jus t ha ' n't hlT n du m·... Th l' Scr gt·a nt s;d d , ' ";\ \Try good id{~ a . '1'I";\f fi t· co nt rol si !~ llS ,, 1'(' 'lI'c(kd at th e in tl·r.sectio ns wh e n · :HT ldcnts arc ha p
[J r·n int::,' · \vhi ch h t· d c fill (-d as
th of th e r ulj,- ct" withi n a square In:lr f;:1 d ius '" nO I
w~ s ju st ;, littl.. d mp from tlw ra in I (n p~ rklllg a reas fo ,' tud ents. Thou n"
11l· n ' in th e county
C o m nH'(lti n~ u" sa fl'l ' II 10\TS wh ic h I P:'lr ifie Luth "tan h 8 S a lread y m ad e,
both me n ha d ]lrai sc for thl' work to
I PH)\ i(k }x :lrkin g. F roln S g t. Itu pp : Hi
. , 5t r;l i.'u ht. Th ,' roa d th Ink th•.. ('"IIt-.'l"· na s COlll' a lo ng wa y •
tf ll' ni!:h t bdu n ·. W " r r
;'Ippli(· d
[Ltl :l "H 1d d \~:irn~. "
11 . \," \tapp y L... ..a u e lu: k ne w
~t('riclr nts
"C,,"!'!;" I,', ])<'ck stri:ms rwrforltl the' rilo' " f j ",yw' ll:inr.; hi' fo un d in t hl' d n \Tr:; o r r- quiplw: n t. u n.d Il~ . (" \'("n if it dot' s [JIl· rit : j t tTI cilJlI ;l r finC' I" tC(l n ,,~r1 . . . at.':'l n . ill,t , ." "'.. ("T tl traf fi .. co nt ro l d l' vic.., S" k .. ha.rac t 'r is hope!t·ss!"
Chri~l as w a s g in.n t o be e x pe o $iv c o r 'N n en. He h.l d already spen t 4 6.65 o n'" a g i f t fo r his p a r e nts . T he p r e c t . .• I imsclf! h~ ~ 4 ,6 'i c v en t ma ny tl in g : a brake reli-n e, S2 1.5 0 ; 'I [WO tire retread " ~ 1 5 . 5 (: lube job . 2 .00 : five quar t s 0 f 01 , 'I.flll tl1r.'.· lit w 'pa d , plug. , . 3.1 5 ,~ ' st Ull<'. 0 r !I. lOS( ' Jl or't'S gt;; t d • ...·IV wind5 hicid w iper , . 1.50. .d 0« (1' , Ju h 1 1 ·n ' t itl"j lhi It~ had h is Iigh ch eked ou t u co n tro[~d n t e w 10 e tea m. Wl.. {\r ftt>t. ' il IlPt'd c , p uJ lIn g' you to d st ru ctlon " W,lrren had mixed c rn otioru; when ,\ , \ V:>rn 11 '. La rt l-ci honw for h,S \ ,1 . 1ll ' f ( I t h ,. d'1d n ' t 11..<"\ \ ' h . luukt'd I t Ilt' Sl' I\· iec· station bill '· :It.ll.m t ' re a ': III" \ ,add -ned becausl" the $ '1 6.65 0 ope n :l ,i n~ k t" xl book during ti l!' d~nL ill hi , b',. nk hoiid a,. 's .:In ti he r("t,:i\Td " lr · ~ t '·r f roIn WI> uld IIlil kf' 'lUI, n ~ . . D" d , a Vln ,,- he' w() ulci 1):1 " tht' . .... \"1 ('1· \ OW11 . .. .
sol u t ion to soerl('
! Il l<" I' Jrkbnd art·", " ,id
ho '
H,' "a'ed I'st ,..,,iTH·a..'I t thei.r bits ..., " d own
on th e ac cdn::tto r a bit to g ive them tl,,-i r h pad .. , Wa rren', dad sat looki n g at Wu !'I.·n', d osl'd books and the :S ~6.65 sn\'icC' sta tion bill an d h e too h ad mix"d (' moti ons. He W ~' S happ y beCJu sc his S011 ha d thouf.{ht c nlJu !\"h to I'( I"i a s"iety che ck for the car. H e W ', ,;) ddl ne d twca u;.. Warr"n had for \lo tte n to t;<'t t l... It'ast e xpe D ivc .~Ul' t) d ,t'I' : o f .. Jl . tlr ' , nr o n hi m elf.
'I :ln ds 11;1\ (' I>:c n '{Wflt. ~h a t way, ~'," r' a ll ' o f[ tlw Illdl\va)' 3n(. shoulde rs. From Dq llltr La w[ " r: "There ('cr la inl y is a ckqua tt' pa rking. They've ( the ad!llinistrati on ) d one morl;' tha,lI tln:ir shart' , and all it will take is co op... ration from th e participa nts ." .'\nd, from S g t. Rupp, the WIH!nen t a bout PLC wh,ch we probably lih 1.0 ' h" :n, was, "We' ve becll p a troJling the a rl'a. ,\ s fa r as the colkgr is co n ,'('til 'd, w c ' ,,: had \tTy littl" t rQub k . _\ s 1 ~l jd , it !rOC! back to lh t hi ,!h r' r c l libn of P"opir' wh 11:0 tho:' : '
Trouble at PQrkland Intersec:tio ?
Is so m~tbing bothering you, budd y' Do yo u have a p rob lem? S o me o n e just cr u mple your anterior ~ Is that what's b o t h erI' g n i'ou. bllddv.:' '-'ou thought YOll had the rl'g ht of way ? , I n The important thing is n o t t o insist o n your righ t of wa f if there is risk of an accid e nt . You are n e ver jus t if ied tIl d rivin g fast through all intersection or failin g to notice o thl~ r cars despi t£ the t echnical s tat u s of right o f way. Our friend s pictured a bove s hould have abided by thes e t w o rul es: I) At unmarked inte rsections which are not __ n t rolle d b y tra ffic device s. the vehicl e on [he right has the right o f wa y r >: gardl ess of whether it e ntered the int~ rscction fir st. 2 j At th e intersection of a road with an arterial hig h w ay , t r affic on th~ arterial highway has the rig h t o f way. V ehicles e n teri n g r cr 55 l ing m u -r yie ld the r ig ht of wa y.
(Information from 1957 Wash. State Drivers' Man u a )
Friday, Dec:. 13. 1957
Humboldt: H~~pst:ers To Meet:f PL Here Tonight:, Tomorrow
PL C s undefeated CJgas will b... going after their sixth and nlh st raight victori,:s o f the season this weekend, They pia,Y hos t to [be hoopsters o t H umboldt State College of Arcata. Caht _rn i.! , .to night and ,tom rrow at 8:00 p.m. J I ht' \· \< ,tlllg LUlllbe rJ acks com,~ t01 i
\ 'V
by Eugene Hapala Buchan Coach FRANK FIDLER'S comparison in b,·orin.'l' thc Seattle L'ni"'~ rsity Chi!'ctains a s a b etter than our Lull's dOt'sn' t pa ck too much pun ch aft'r the i troun cing of th e Bakns this season. FIDLER was asked
if) r th eir seco nd gam of the ,'aSO" . f h,:y .we re ~own:d b y S outhI " Ort',\on III th"'r onl~ 5ta r t th us, oH . ,
. .
Lntlt:: mfo rma tlOn h ,,, ("ome; from ,h.. Nor h... rn C a liiornia sq ua d, but Ih~. mu n lor the Lutes to wa tch could l,r Wa rre u Bilker. Baker w a , t ht: 'Ja ck> !--Jd i ng r :bounde r and sco ra las t " c:l ,on . Coach ed by Fra n Givi ns, H UUl nid t ha lc n returnees from la st year',
':a rsit)
Baskctba ll spect:l.to rs have a few rule ehan.~ es to possi bl~ conf~s, ' th elll this y~ar as they root t o r thclr favoritt- houpstcrs on the mapks, SOllle of th ese changes, as outlined in the Officia l Basketball Rules by th e :-':ational Baskdl)<!1J
CO,11llnitt['~ ~f
l'\;; x t weeke nd tht, Lutl'> w ill t ra w l L mtt.' d Stales and C,lnada, an. as fol ,) KCll n ewick a nd Spoka n,· to take o n lows:
(h,~ nt.lp k-n wn of G on za g-:< L" n ive r
.. Many cage fa ns wn.,' ~ighly s~["ptical ,as to d.lt'. ben.eh .strt.n.::th of :he. colkn"d It poin . C !t-nn A m. y led Lut.-s a nd the: Lute bench IS fas t ktllmg thIS sk eptlc,sm m tilt' bud. S O:: lll Ol the GUlln crs' sc orin~ with ~ llOllIt.-> . RICH HAMLl~ h ;l$ r ea lly COlllC into the picture as a strull g, vc- rsatik n ' hy Broiled onT tht' St ul of 3rd ' s"r\'1' fo r thi~ year's Lut es. HAMLIl\ has turm'd in ontst~nding p Cli o nn:ll1c('S Floor 29·17 . Roge r AnJeT~on I, d. tile ill a ll of the Lute ~a llll'S a t bo th forward and g uard a nd will undoubtedly 1i<.. Iv)' sm n'!", with 9 po im s while Ghud; eallt-d upon a ll s"ason long- to kt'l 'p the Lllt,' s "up th,.r,.'· wh cn th ~ regu lar Mykl hu st tallied .') fo r the 1 t'r,_ sta rte!"s l1l'('d a brea ther. S(' n :ral capable fres hm en a re added insurance for Roa d Runner~ w o n on a forf~it hy th e Lu te streng-th :l nd will fi guro' gn' ,ltly ill Lut(' champi o nship hopr , I The Bra in, . THIRD FLOOR FOOTBALL BANQUET . Hcsler~ Top Clo"cr Creek 'I Yes, y ou read i t co rre ctly, Th e nll'l11bns of till' Third Fl oor intr:ll11ura l Th e 3,'d Floor H,'s l r 0 '~rpowernl ! foo tba ll t" ;'lln staged a " hallqui'l" in th e small dinin J;r room of the CUB la L tht' Clowr Cree k B lll~ n .B -20. ROD wee k. Thi s is th" sa me tea m th a t had a n uttnly miscra bk. year as fa r fas Lb,; d J or.ge nson was hi gh pow ' man f r win and 10_5 ('o lUlIln "as cOllce r n('d, but no t a s fa. 3 S the un pol tance 0 ~ l'o H es tn s with 1+ po illts foll ow, d el~ _ . , " b y d ly by ,TeITY Vi , roc k w it h 1310mb; spOi tsmanship a nd "ju,t phm fun' wa ' COll cl'lncO. I hI"d anqud wa . I 1 s sta' a k er complete with '","Il l' ' n ' fi s!' '' d r~ ss, (' lltn tallllnt' nt, ;lll tI t' usu a sp(' <: s. for the CC tea m, . I d' .'" . VIS C E NOVAK sc rVl'd as m u; tn of ce rt' m Ol11 es :.nd t 10: mna W,lS <Jl g" ,l Harsh, Wyndha.lll Hit 12 ized bv C;ORDIE GR ,\DWOHL. Trophi es "," n' bo nght b y individu:t1 m n n· C 03c11 Mar\' Ha rshman 'practiced 1
' -
a fter 9 p .
All Evenin _
Frida y -
10707 Pacif ic A ve.
. ...
~ I . " '· )\l ·\ K
Phon e LE. 7-6012
~a ll l
fl i~ ht., o n th e r lltl" th, ' c \'ltnd 'T \basl:ct 1. ' , . It 'In OPP(ln"n t p la v.. r vlObtr:s the ' [. 1 . . : ru k ~J n all t o l11a tl c :-;( o r c fJ OOl nt I (I l l"<' th ro w ) o r 2 p oints ( fid d ~oal ) will h.. award'.'d tl1<' k ;U!l or pl a y'··r
. ,
on ib .o.l o w nw a r.d III .
"tt elll pti Il 9: th ,,' shot.
' <. :, ."
! Inc! to tou ..:h th" ba I:n or the
' .,
4fl.e a
Have Your Car
* * * * * *
2770 Marin Avenue, Be rkeley 3, Calif.
123rd and Pa cific A venue
Parkl ndFuel Oil Service
Clover Creek Richfield Service
C H UC K CURTIS' ! ! t /tolmos aga in st I:\uch;} 1\ ', a11l'r! Y lIil!'ht I' d os,' 10 th ' l'L C n.'cord 01 _ . hd:! by Cl'R TI S .. BR U : .\LE. - J\. D ER, T OD D C u I H, ',M G ,\.\GE, R U ~ HOV EY, RUr.ER IV E RSU:\, L Y .\); LoO RSO , ', nd J1~,1 VA'; BEEK , Ii daim T.1r.om.1 ;I' hOll'" 0 " n . , . , ORM D :\ H L, D O i\ S L'H LTZE , 'nd R .\LPH C.~\RR a n ' ·h.. Lute- (':!I{CH'> h a ili n.; C a liforn i.1 cit it s .IS th eir horne tow llS . . . Conch . IAI ll:\.R.SH MA:\ i, " n lt'rin s his 'IJirti III e 011 of bas knha ll play o n an orgl:Wl.'d tl'am. H \ R SH (.l I,. ndin hi · t ,lem, II ! hi.' Y' a r to th ,· l..h"I\t:): 'Iud our T ;,cOJl\;).
Ow ,,.
I j
Bob's Shell Service
(lg' .
Needles - C.arrying Ca se - Racks
WI NDSHi el D Wl PE~ S
POllllS Or I I..:
Adolph's ichfield Servic
\\' 1t
~lS t j" Y
FREE ( w ith purcha se of 5 gallons of ga s)
,·'0 11 lnn
t ... the new
5 ll -+ ::' . D lw nr 10<' I~d th.' winners' I 1'" h'l C Id ,(' (JI rr m~ 1 - POIIIB a I I ' I \V I ('. ~ t' 1 " . \Y ,h !PIIl' 11 1( I POlllt /I n . ! 1'. l' i P .. 0
ChriJI' m' nI , try has room, righ t " OW, for st rong gifted men of God, Stud e nt. 9rodU<lting f rom coll f!1:j e 1958 "'ill do well to ap ply now for Seminary e n· totlrnent W rite todo)' for co ,,j,0 9 and applicatio n form.
8, Foelsch , Ph, D" Pre:>i.eM
hi s p na chip.g" ; , h.... I t! t I~ llCu ty wi th I ~ po ints " h ' •..vCTwhdrne lh e -It h Fl oo r fro h .\6 -20.Tim \ 'mi . h ~~m 1. 1\;l ' c!t"d tit, lI·h Il l I t 'Clnn~ IV lth pl1 U1t.< l "r tht Frosh . r ' jardi I . ' , .. '- ;nlo the- 'Wi I h '--. h P .. D
1 afJIMI ad I ' ''''''.t (3'/ ~~ e n'tutma4 j'
FE yeH
I n,d~.
AI! t V fl ing
Auto m a t ic
T\Jesd oy -
)L'rs anu l'rt' s('nt l'(j 'Y " , . ln .k es t h,' bo nus free .thrl.lw d oes "~ t G O ODWIN GAL ' 5 ~10RE HONORS ;t pply unt il " fuT th,' >txth perso nal IS DICK G( ) OD\VI:,\ c()n t i nu'. ·~ to gOlin mon° POS t sea son footba ll a ward ;. c tl t" d , ..." inst the 0p ')(Jnc- nt m e ,ther . . d .. ' f . ".~ ' . 1 t s G()f) DIE has bt· n , ', ' " J . .\[o n [( w,th hc ,,:,'" n;lltll' rn- c~ J: ta m u . nex t ) ~ ,'r.~ ~u, na m ed to th e Ilrst tea ltl :\Il-?\ o r thwe, t, E"'>I[( ll,n C o nf' l l llCl., "L.d larlll:cd ~ 1 he ll1;ll~ry'ng tor :t ltdd goal IS h ,'no w hJ,- nwnt ion On thl:' Little :\ll',\lTl<'rir a ll tt'am. Con !!: ratulatt o n: . DI K . f tIll' on I-' "bvt'r o n tlt l' court au thor
Par dl"s OWL
Wedne3d ay -
I' .
Fu lly
Th i rd Fluor BreWt'r.i, kd by "Brr.,, wi th J b POtJlts, . romp"d o,'c r Olov .. (,rrck r\) 43-41 as th" int ra mural ' '-ge r, 1 IUTlIed \0 th,' SEATTLE. .I ac ti o n on the m aple , Dec"Tuber 9. Jer colle g,' c asab.1 club : r y Curt i; bolstt-red thl" C ' ('ff",rt w th Lut ~' second ;o~l1ld 17 poi nts, by P.I sports edito r Freshman Marlin R osemorc: dumped
to comm(' nt on who FIDLER was the better 17 points for thl' Cd. in , of ball club . thoug ht that th f Chidtaills should gam the nod (' ,,: n 1-1001' a < th ey d owwd Dqilrdl~ClI ~lthou g:h Buchan's had dcft-ated them 70-6i alld PLC had beat the BjJ. kas til 18. Ma n' Bolbnd !t:d the D -Jardlnc th., 'I~'"'C . T ourney. MR . ' BROUG . H A:\I[ went on .to COlllment that th!! Bucha n I sco rin ~ witL 11 ,· o unk,.,. guard duo of CHUCK KOO?\S and RON PATNOE W , I> probably tll.- b~'ll l~i{th Floor Wins in the :'-iorthwl'st. Has MR , BROUGHAM seen Lute ~ Ia rd s ROGER IV ER - . Fifth Floor "g- unn"d" lhe' G unnen SON and JIM VA:--i BEEK pe rfonn? I d oubt it. of :l rd Floor ~8-::!3 in a ti lt led in 8eOl' . HAMLIN IMPRESSES FANS ing by Hoh Eri cbon of 5th F loor, ",ho
:'-iulllcra is on th e- pl~yers' jerse ys arc .i " T hr. e hig hly touted · <I . ~ e rs a re il legal :ll1d subject to pc na lty (t{'chni 'd by Ie Cll1 C la ud,. LeFebu re, th e- 7 ('a l foul) if they an' madl' up of the 'lot , n h fr" shman, sin gh- di gits I or 2 or if the consist Duri n ~ till' C hristllla s vacat ion the of a di ~ it g raa tcr than 5 ( i,c. nUll", ral (, h'd i ~ . \;; will sc,' actio!! ""l'a inst the li 7 i, illl' g-al, 55 is lega l ) , ,..os , TI1.. D ,'nve r-C h ical\o T r uckers ); 0 fllT throws a rc a wa rded in th e .\.\ U l ,·ill be' on the C:ll11P'.lj conrt ",cnt 01.1 doub'" foul. i ' , Ie ga I .f)/'c,'mbl"l ') 8 and th l' n III tIll' lIeW ,\itCI a (l oa I h t' t lrOW-ln L~ ''I I 0:' J anua ry 4 th" Lutes wtll sCl' k [ , ". b " did b ' ' 1 l OIn <l nv po mt r am t I' e n o un ' 1,I'lr third w in a gainst th e ..\ , ' Bu.Inc~u ' . lI'ln g t I11" ( ' '{t ~ ' n d (' d f. (L l f \ ~ 1L'l' !M n B k.. r s th ts scaso n ' l I' d h l .k , th row l.lll' ,HI'a 0< nn t (' )a t Tip-oft t im e to r t o n u~ht',; l\a ll lt' IS "' :'1 n o fJ,m . ,I boar d, . . ' .- - - -..- -- - -- - - - -In coll eg ia te cont.es ts 0 t' C)- O mmu te l .- - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - , i
'mural Teams C nti u alian
I er" G ordi ,' Soil.l.lld
'57 '58 H 00 Pi; Ru Ies Change IROYAL~BROUGHAM FIDI~ER -
Page T hrecr
1130 B roar§ w::;;"
Friday, D c. 13, 1957
Page F our
buies Bounce Bakers 92-78; Troulce C S f r Fifth in ind ividual p~ rform- .5 11l pU 'l'ntagr.·. C h u ('k Curtis and R o ge r Aftl'r the openi n!!; m inutes, t he Lute h r.Hon, \\ 10 can nr d :)3 and 26 pomt s, ka d w a, m:w:!' S(',-iou J y lhreatt: ncd, I f }J" n h dy, fJlu s the over·a ll shooting and it m'a rly turned to a mut a, the cellence of the Lutes gave FLO " Gladia tors bui lt up a 26-point lead, m'ine-ing \\ in 0 \'('[ th e AAU Sea ttle but th e loss of starte r Jim V~Ul Bec k Buchan Bakt r, het( las t Sa tu rd ay I a n d Tom Sa hli on fouls hurt the Lutes, tOI ~ part' n sta nd ing room -only a nd t~(:y '1' <::.1'(: una ble to m ain tain this ('f( wd 280n. . m ar. m . 1 hI Bdko::r<. who •.m ly a few .nigl: ts I' Lr,rr,. R:unm, star fro m U . of \\' ., b " f n r ,', had uf'st' t the nat Io nally Ie d the B kL r with :! I point s. CUI-ti s. f . , k~d ",'aLl lt LT. C h if:ftai n s , could n' t Sa hli , and Bob R oi ko w('n: outstand rna t,lt th•. rorfl n ' hoo t , ~):( p ac<' of th" ing on d,:f"",jn' n:bounds. 1.111'>, who >< o rt'lwd trw ne , fo r :\ i Tn th e a nnu a l Kin g's-X pr~ -It'aguc {Jul'!. ndiul%
Expert Dry Cleaning
Laundry Servi ce
406 Garfi eld St.
STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowe(s for All Occa sions
·--------1 J.
t ::~di;~ t~1; JL;::cs~\'inlling
0!fll/1A/~~ v;r
t J"\-ins PL {~e
EDIT OR ..............DA V E CR OWNER 'I w Editor..................H e rb Dempsey porl5 I .<litOr.. .... ...._ ...Dennis M attala
We pr ovide
Checking aid
Halft im e Sl' ore was 57-2 6, a nd the GIFTS Savings Accounts
Clad" str f' tch.·d the k a d in the .('cond , . and all olh er ! h'1 lf li p a s hi gh a, ·11 )Joi nts. '·STB£ET ba nk services L u te sco rin g was "\'C nly di st r ib· BWCH u ted, with Roge r h e rso n netting 18, "'~ for (ollege ':t' maiL! C h uc k C urri s 16. Rich H a ml in 14, I studea ts ~£Jl ,'en d J im V a n Bn ·k 12. ,--------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J streak
- I ..
- - - - - _ . _....
_-__-- _.- _ -..
.-_ .
_ - -- -
The Ultimate in Fine Dining Fo r Reserv a tiol15 1
Phone GR. 4-0535
Ma gnavox H eadqullrters
TED ROWN MUSIC 112 1·22' Broadway
TA.&O.A ' S, f'A.l:iNDLY "'11 11 f "l
• 4 ,
! O ~t: ~",. <I
-"-11010 It ,.. ''''..... ''''1 <:.(;
0 ....- ,04 _
112th Street (Airp ort Roa d l a nd Park Avenue
ox 144
EE. 7·7135
S ee if you can answer this
question about your own fu ture:
How much will you get back
on yo r insurance dollar?
Many people thi nk it costs them money to have in mance
Books a s Gifts
Keep on Givin g
for Books. Pens. Gifts,
Try Our Suggestion
protection. The facts are quite different. For example, if you
lcake out a $10,000 Brotherhood Provider policy from Lutheran
Brotherhood when you are twenty years old, you will actually
receive $1.74 at age 65 in return for every dollar you have paiJ
in. That's a profi t to you of 74¢ on every dollar you inves t - Ilnd
'Oll have full protection from the day you sign up for the insur·
once besides. A t 65 you h ave a choice: you can have $12.255 -·
or you can have a monthly income of about $77.20 for life. This
figure is based on current dividend rates.
Protection for your beneficiary increases with the yeurs, too.
n starts with the $10.000 face amount, and rises steadily to
$1 5,979 if you should die at age 65.
These are some of the reasons we say Lutheran Brotherhood
gives "I,iving benefits for Lutherans through life insurance."
Y u get the protection you need during your entire producti\ e
life, then get back much more than you have invested.
T alk to your Lutheran Brotherhood representative about the
advantages of beginning your insurance program early, whell
the rates are lowest.
What Makes Pop Corn Pop? Popp ing corn contains water. When the water gt:U' hot enough, t he kernel explodes. Result: popcorn.
lutheran Brotherhood
We're not passing this information along as a public
service. Actually we're up to t he same old gamf'.
701 Second Avenue South • Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
Livi:ng benefits for Lutherans through life ·iU8ura.fI,ce
.·· .. ·· o
through Chris ' n
me of
ba ttle , th.· PLC Gladiato rs a nnihila te-d the C PS L og-ge rs 87A 7 h e re Tuesday,
L E.7-0206 W Dell v r
Mrs. J o Summ.ers P'hone L E nox 7-4300
LE. 7-5317
12173 P ac ific Av e. ( F oot of Garfi e ld )
I ocI
O pposite Parkland Post Office
We Outfit Co-eds
Ten ni s Shoes -- Bu ck s -. Flats .. O xf ords
Quality Service
' '
e ••••••••• ••
You see, popcorn makes most peopl!: t hirsty. Fortunately, when most people get thirsty they hanker for the good taste of Coca-Cola.
.. ..
Wouldn't you like some popcorn right now? C'mon now, ouldn't you?
OfffM . "'. ' ' ' 0-,10' '. " '. . ,'
... Drink- ·· ,
Bottled under oulhorify of The Coco-Colo Company by
COCA-COLA BOTTLING, INC., TACOMA, WASHINGTON - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -. - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- _ __ __ _ _
Ende name Fun Ch irma
F r Pb a pu Ex an io
I.r r ri r \'''lId, !" 1-, nd. , p resident of
lht P.••·lfi[ I ir I F.-del " l ·a~·j Il I1. '" d
A "vOalion., has b,·...1\ flanlrd '<' una l ciJainmm uf (h i; ne w PLC d~Hk.pn., f t fund , I h.l$ fund is a I [illion doJlar appeal dl I.. U at busmc <"5, i nd u tJ ks, a nd illdhidua h "f T tl rna anu f' i , . C 'OUIlt, to provide a I,ew busi ness ad 11111 'ua tion and '. L0f1 m ie a nd du ,; lion bu ilding a nil additi0 ' 1 ~(' i(n ce acillljr.:s. AlsQ n,'uo\ a li on of the: lint OWl uf Old ~1 illTl in!t> m en' s dum,i· tor o orn~ a nd l <JuIlg ("~, ::md an a ddi ion 10 th.c CL'B pro\·idin ~ ;, large n" ( lJ~ room Iw r ,: an bl ,u bdividt d illlU \JlIa ll, ,. J illllw tl)orns. \n vUB t;.rn d ij,~r Lusi ncs."t '·x ·c u .V~
- - - ,---_ ... ----
assi tane( in this pru"ram. hI:
fu r m d " L m mitte.t of It'n to l\';' ,1\, ol!bt a nd inc I ·a d r < f rot T a com::.. wh o will '<:rn as a d iy c ti n lr
.1Id l (, ",muni t,; k: d ..· ! ·. Mr. V ander End. ). the pn·jid.. lI t of th t: lar, c t ," ,in b mlo. in tll, P aci fi c l\"orthwt's t ;'JlIl ont uf t he te ll larllC,t ill t h " cU'ITI tI].
De a Dr e SP
F r We ken , umey
n ,m m iillO' fur th ,. c m paig n . '1 h... first p h.1St: of the d " v~ l op rll< n t fu nd .!Or un derway thi s W' I k. ", h, Il tl", fir t ph d gl' w eTC mad,.' by th t' admini,t m ti\'l' official s. A fa c ~I I t v !T\I" tin will he htld tol1turruw ;" a kid; -,Af for w licitdt:ons of in d i,idual, fa c ulty mem bers. Dr. K I'istin Solb... r ~ i, th (~ cha irman of this comJllitl ~ ~ . As a qat'! .. I towards this Ul'velofl me nt fLlud , whi c h is intcIld cd tlJ pru \·iu .. "duitiond fa ciliti" , for b,.tt~- r .. d ·· ttl' a tiol1 :it PLC, an initial. g ilt ul ~5 (J (l
Cecil O. Vance
Uance Takes I New Pasl
h as 1:lI'cn rnad e b\- on e of the s tudt n b
Tw('nt\ · two Pa c ific Luth" r;:m nw nt " i\h. K tI i, I"t ·. lignin hi tor; w,rc schcduled to Il :l\;" t hl~ learn i n man" n" w tomhinatio/l i.:<r I l n ornin~ ell 7: ! 5 :!.. n!. fo r tll., pr:1din lhis pracli {'.
d..rla t<· a l SC:llllc Pacific C L.lh t<" to·· P a rifi ,' L ut hl' rall d It. tun. wh will cia y <1 nd tomorrow. be comp e ti n: in 1111 , Iivi~ion~ of )u n D l'~i" ned r 'pcciallv for junior di vi j'lr ~Hl d ,,. nior r tell e atc:, junior sio n , 0Illpl"litcll'S, thl' tourrll \ w i.11 w (> me n's drball. , Ora tol1' 'xu:mp., draw "bo ut!.') or ~o scllOols fr om rh e: aftL'r dinllc r speaking, dm:ussion, ra :\or thwc,t. Srniol' division m en will di o and impromr>t u . re : :1 lso ha\ (' <1 cha n ce to practic e, :l nd D iuJ Aln e, J ovce Alton., C. roJy PLC will haw ~om .. oi her uppe r divi· Bloom fi ..ld, C. ap ncr. riu Dahl sinn debators jud gi,, 1'Z , Donald Dou glas, M Iy Dunlap, Judi btl, BC!ltdou C (, rn nw ntld }'1r. T. O. H. Ka rl, Johnson , Louise PLC d, ·ha tt· in ~tr u('(or , ;ow(' h a n ' wo n .M:acdonald, D eloy ) N i :md nob the S\V (' t.psla kl" !' ('\ T r y "Yea r t11('''' h a y ('"' Olson. g i\ "1'1 " ~ W l-' p \tak l's." The Sca ttk Pa Joh n Ols n , J l!ris Randall, OfT! cifi c tourn amen t ha,; hrcn bdd ,inn R ves, Cordon: mel , J; rklt later, 19 49. D a\ e Stu a rt, J im T . ynoJ', J:lIl' t Tur In t ' xpl ' rirn r' nt i n ~ for futun " tn u rn:l - lIlan , Bob" agrle r .lJJd -:mCy W alk!'f.
who w i,!led to n:'.rnoriali"' ,~ room in th t· a dJltIoll tv Old M a lIl. 1 IllS rooJll 1 \\'ill b, dl ci icatl'd in hOllur uf thi s stu dl lit an Ll :t bI Othl'l', both of WhUll1 ,","W to l'LC's aU lll illi.; tra:in: staff I a tl! tit' , d PLC. ' thi s w('['l; is C"cil O. \"ancl', who will :In <t, :t <>i, t;lllt to P n sid,·"t E ast\'o ld
eg rhammer To • Duri 9 Em as.s
---_._--_._- --
tn ('h ~rg! ' of financi 31 uperations ~lnd
:: u xiliar r cn tc-rpriscs. \ ?a n n : was purcha:\ing agnH a nd
pea eek
din'n ur of auxiliary l'nt ~ rpl"i s , :.s j,t fin i<h-nt of tlH I ;illdill(" ClliVCI'sit\'. St. Paul, Minne , " td, ~ 'II" 19 ;13, IS " '~ Iadu a tl' of ,'\ ".I.C usta na L u thera n Chu rc h. wi ll lie sp<'ak 'T fo r .Pacific L ud"," .\r'~ rin'".] II :l JllJI1 rH', \Y IH ' I ( . II t' 1·C( (' 1\ to d J'I'IS b .:it II F.IIl!Jh a~i s \\',", k \\ hI( h I" ~ tn s o n FI·b ru ;,,·y Ii .
, lor uf .:rts d, ·!!' \'[ , III huslIl css adlllln. , Bl'g Il1I!ln t!' Mondav morl1l nl!', th e 17th. In ch ap.!, ':t1i r . i:rrrb.:Ullmt 1 1I :.lI OII f' . ior to thi, he 'I'n ed l i\, wtll ;, ddrfs, the <tud,nts in I1ICrn lTt' c ha p' I ta lks..\1 <0 fou. e"eninl': ",ssiom y, ;' I, 111 th, i"l,,"t r y dUrin !.\' W(JIld wtll b, h,ld at 7. 00 P !II. ~ n d h(" wtil <prak ,It \ariou orm d . Ii n nou VOL. 35. N O. 11
FRL, JAN. 10, 1958
lI.. will I,,· :.l \·a ilahlc fnr l'nu ll" lin A ;dl W I I k until Fri d a~ nl n. t' l)fll:LI1 W:l r 1I. c hie fh' in Europe. H .. is a 11I(' llIlw l' of Pi G:. 1Il1ll:1 }.oIu, 21, ",h"n h,- will le a \'(' th ..· campus. nati o n a l soc ial scie n cl' honora ry, and Dr. SC ,l!I' r hol ll>t IH'l' W'IS for se\'fTal ),r'n r, lh l' p: S r (If .\n!o:.liL L lllhe-rnn [h...\" :\ t; o nal .\ssoc iation of Edu..,, · Churl'll ill Lo., ..\n~.,·k , 'llld nm, h ", fli s Conf,' rcnc, · lit adql1n rt rrs ir, thal citr_ ti o n;)1 Bll\,('1". :\ f1Il'lII IJ"l of th[' Lurhl.'lall church, }'1r. \ ' ntH t nuw lives with his wife - " .. - _. ---1f PLC Ski C lub I"l< a ccqJt<'d th ' ;lnd ri\( o child n n at IIO:! 5uuth I '~Oth im'ita tion t'J participate in Portl~nd St . t
0 Statl Culllgt':"s St .ond Winter C.uru ree . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Pbe Ski lub,Accept Inuitatian To PSG Winll arniual Can IS 'B anquet T Honor , 'romural A th letes /I
.Iunday, J a nuary II;, all men wh o Ira , tah n }Ja n i" the in.trlJInura! po rt, p ro: ram f PLC will be: h on !'p·d at a spo n prr>gnult bei o g ' 01 ,t! bv L ctt c rm n' , Club and th M uunn ~ Mast. Th~ "banquet' ill be ; t 7· 00 p.n .. in CB· 200. 'l wo E I.-West football m oviei and _.. r WI' 11 I' ; g u,st sp .....e 11/1: hi 'IS' ht tl'~ _ ,'n formal program. Refreshm ent; will be
\ ~:~~,to~l w~ h..td
at Mt. Hood F"bru::.ry
. I
S un\'
g.l r ~ ,
Fall Se mester I 57.
\ 11 examinations will b· Iwld in
AWS To Hold
Sc, f.'l' 1.1 cull,"!;t's in Wa shin gtort ' "nd UI'<" l!on han accepted th ~ invit.l.· I , ion. . E:,.c1. <<:hool may enter a m~XmlU~ll of SIX male racers fur compc-tltlon III Tn rll o.rr ow , .Ianu ;n'y I i. till' PLC slalum and downhill rac es alld [TO :\ WS wil! ho ld its ,1 nllual rulllma~c phi l 5 will he awarded. l'\on-,kiin,' ;Ii ,' frollt 9 ::1O a.m. to :;::lO p.llI. at ('''''nt s such as a snowshoe race, tu~ ISI(i Jdfccw n An'ntl!", in Tacuma. I c,f war " nd snow• sClllptunn ~, ~I Sdlint< thr' bdies', 1II1'fl'S .a. nd. .chil· . ' . planncd for th no\ lC.es. d n'n', cl olhing Will h, ,",: orn"n ul the , .--\ pnnl'css rq)J't:sentl~!!, each, sd~ooll.\ WS. Most of the clothmg has bun L tli e t\'("ut I' ,· st a g o n It·. I Will II ! ,'J..~ up the Winte r Carlllval don .a t"d bv, .students of PLC. ('Olin, the quee n to be chos~n by thr~e Pll)et'(·d. from thl.' sale will go to jud !!,~,. PLC's candidat was to 1)<: the :\W5 rr;oasuI]·. 'I'll< cW'nt is h.>ld 1 ('ho~(; tl .t t the first Ski Club meeting in Tacnrna for tht' :Jd,antagl' of those ' I10 I'd . t h (. city. . I a ys. If l"IVilIS' III a rIl r ttle
Rummage Sale
~ ,-n.(.d.
Examination Schedule
' I
10:30- Fourth pl'l'iod classe, nwcting
Mi D ia na " :. ul, PLC sOl'hvfllorc, .....:u a .....nrd rd a . :l00 scholar~hi p at a 'J '(I U("t htld fe-cently in tht W inth rop Hotd . Hon(,l'in s ~\-fiss P.. ul with tht, scho~•I l , h ip wa s tbe T 3<:01l .3. Lllmbe nnard t.. lu b. Thi was th .. fil.t lim.. tho1t ,i fic Lutheran con".~e and a f... mal... \ .....wnrdt'd t he Lum cnnan' s grant .
I n " " tr'rn sc h ual.i!< th e w ~,n ~ of ("uU'·.L(1: , j ewdlv . ' IS thl' ruk ratlt,!". .th:'l! th ,·](..... "tI 11, an d tile trad.ltl on al o
t'Le r
. ,
l.'~ if . oTi n ' a~ain
IL' Wll lt
d.w . 'I hi
COllting' .
, un v-f ur Ill ll~. (flU '
;,J S
into d to
s ; . " tl unly
'" I-'Le.'
'~, nd"1
Prokssol' La r. Kittlt un, adi:;or, anJ Jay Tronsdalt-, p resident, tIl l' Art Club of PLC nndFlto I< the Ul'!urnti o n, c('ntt"l·in~ its efforts n IS
I \
to I
-Ipl,;y:-M r .in Juhn til<' kiosl: ·windows. Rlchaxd" on e
1I1< v ar I ~6 2 whm a mark oi f ift I ht was n .,('hed . .... I hi \'t ' r'a n ng I the brst stand . . . ".ii I., d ;,11-, ollcg... Jewdn- m P L .. . . • . hi,t Un o rl Id ~ IS :nlald tbe C h... pcl~. 1 ulil·-Sp ·...eh buildin ~ and n h,' "Ih,' r th~ t. ()lI~K CII t and m otto, " Suihl fvl C haracter." It is c~ntercd with a Slone: of Ih... w 'arer s ch oil't.' whit han ' ngr!wcd w ith a cross
1" rH"'tiO n.
. Col tl,c
I '
I e . .
h 'I' .\11 stud~nts nrc II1vltcd to the ell . . h af . . " . . kl'd in CB-200 tomorrow nrg t tn I t ornphnw ntt>d the Art Club n Thc . b k I II .. d' th" PLC-WesttTn as ·(·t)a ~ame. way m which the eco ratHln was . dun... " bt'.-au;,· it didn't dc-!ract freom Sponsored by the Jun.i or Cla.ss, cost tit, I ' ITn of th, kiosk but added to it ." w ill be 35 c~n ts for SIngles and 50 acoltla Ch amlx' r of Commer l' , t:t' nts for ('oupits. Se\ I numbers ar C · ",ltal D i t ric Go1 rd('n Club and T a- plann,d for an informal prog ram of LOma. Cit y Li ght spo or('d the con- t nlertainmr n t. Chili will lx, !'ned.
. . archl cis who
. . d(,s1!~ ned t h ('
. k , 'jO ,
1.·1 i
period dass('s rnecoti ng TTh, M TTh, MTWT
7;OO- Cl a ss('S Iq ;llla rly meeting on Mondays::.t i:OO. Tu~y, J anuary 28 7:50-·Fil'>t ptTiod c bsst'S 111l'f"ting TTh, M WThF, MTTI.. TThF. IO::30- Third period da sses meeting MTTh, TTh, TTh F , Dail')' . I ::1 0-Lif,>of Christ 101: SI, S~ & S5 in CMS-B; S3 in CB-200 ' 4 in I..- ll~. History of tht: Christian Church 112: 51 in CB-109 , 2 in M S-227 ' 53 & S4 in S-108: S5 in 1\·f-\. 3:0(}--Eillhth pITi od
cla SSf'~
m et·ti n
4:30- Cla. ('\ n'gularly mel·tin g on 7:00-Cla~ t· s
Post-Game C iii Feed 5 t f or Tomorrow
4:30-- Class!'S regularly mn'tin g on M ondays at 4:30.
: ' . d d "acI'fic Ilua~ dt'coraUun was awar f' r I' CIl l" lS'tn'M I' L lIt Iw r;lll l~,(j II tilt· (llnng ....' ; .
MWf, W F.
1;30--Fifth period dass('s mel'tin ~ M, MWF. M T ", WF, M \\ . 3:00--Ei~hth
(..I t"'iS"I, stud,nts will 1)(" in trueled and .t<iv!·n the controls for closed eil' ~lIit nr .. loll n s of th~ flrf liminary COTl , Oi.;. t"st Thus th, stlld,'nrs will ~t't on· . . . the'lob 11 <t illing, 1 ut t' Jerstac.J D(m DOlle-las D,,\ c I '" ~: CIII istl a n a nd H, r b H"ublt-in al l' thos( "hn will be imtl u ('[t'd.
~J W ,
M WF, ~lT \' r h•• 1, " P,
7:.'iO-First period class", meeting MW, MWF, WF , , {. D a :1
Lutes To Learn TV With KTVW Help
Sale of College Ring IWin s First Place o 1952 Record I'ilst plac(· in th.· 5(·hool di' pl.. y Reac hIng . . . di\ i,ion uf tbt Tacoma lighted Chnst-
1O;30·_·T he: Bible - Uld Testament 201: SI & S3 in C.M". B. S5 in S-108.
Lute News Rated Tops
Ca m
, d r d tll..d d.. r inS, With f t .kim. )(11 II:!. 011 2Ul
I :30- Se\l;' nth p''I'i od classes mening TTh. 1'F, TThr, MTTh. 3:00-Fifth pe ri od class..s mcetin~ TTh. Monday, januaI]' 27
mis liPaul Wins
Scholarship Award
~ ularl)
Friday. January 24 7:50-5('(ond pc-riod das s m!l,ting MWThF, D a ily.
C(l·chail'lnt·u of tb, 11IUlma l:c sale 3 11 Anita Crt'f."lTSOn and B a r b a .. Raled by the Tacoma News Tribune J3cks0n . as one of the top ten T acoDIa new~ storit:s of 1957 wa:. the coverage of Pacific Lutheran's victori at the l l\i\Ii\ basketball tournament in Kan i sas City. }'hkin.~ their tdevision facilities ~t\ ailabk foJ' instruction of Pacific l Lutl)l'I-;\n'~ ladio ;;nd tdn'i,ion stu ! pUS i dent' is st~ti()ll KTVW, Channel 1:>. :\t hom!' basketball ll ames to be
th, , xf c]lti (Hl "f Fn's liman ('(J[II!Josi tiull l Or a n
MW, M W F, W F" D aily . Tu~<days
at 4:3 0 .
n'gularly nH:('ti Jl !: (.n Tuesdays at 7:00. W ed nesday, january 29 Composition 101: ( Miss 'Blomquist) SI, SID & SI 8 .. ....... .............. . .S-IllS ( Mr. C'ar!soll ) 52 &. S5 .... .... .......... .............. .... .......... ... ' J\{. -227 (!ii I'. Klo psch ) S3, 57 &. SI6 ......... ...... .... ....... ............... ... 1..-10+ ( M i, s Knudson ) S6 & S 12 ..... ......... ......... ....... ..... . ... ........ ' M S-8 ( Mrs. M a yfi(·ld j 54 , sa, 51 4 & 517 ........ ... .... .......... ...... B ( Mrs. Danford ) S9 &: ~-l:-l .................. ..__...._ . _ ... ..... . ( Mr , Simmons) . ! 1 &. S·15 .... .......... ...... ... ......... .
,11lI 1<tn
1O:31.l-Sl'l·ond pn iod d a m's ll1!' etinp: 1\fTThF. 1Th. TThF, M1'·h. I :30-·- Sixth pniod cl:mcs mc[·tin.L ~.f. MW, MWF, WF. TW1 h, }'{1 \ f, D a ily.
3:00- ' \T n th p( 'riod cl asses stlllt"ti ng lIf, MW, MWF. ~ITWTh. 4;:W--Class,'s l"c 'lulurly m t·r ti n.\l: on Wcd nt'sdays at '1;3 0. 7:00· ·Cla ~~, rc-gnlady rrll'c:ting Oil Wedncs. days at 7:00. Thursday, january 30 7 ~5 ()--Third pniod c1 ass('s sJJleeti ng M W, MWF, WF, MW1 h Jo' , M F. 1O :3 0--F urth period classes meeting TIh, TThF, MTWTh, M 1 V, TWThF, M1 fbt', MTTh, MWThF, Daily. 1:30- ·Sixth period da~st'5 nlC'clin!{ T, '1 h.. rfh, TTht, ~i.T h, TF. 4:30- G13 e.~ rt'gularly t· (·tin~ on Thur,days ; t ';:30. 7 :00-- ,Ia.\~ !, < rrgubrly ITlCl·t ing Oll T hur. dap .tt 7.0n.
P age Two
PLC MOORING MAST Friday, J anuary 10, 11158 ---------------~----
Time for Action
Be It: Resolved
Siaff tood-ap Because Libr y Dates are Overdue
~o1ibal!5 ~{inS @llt
'~Q1 ~nsaselnent5
. Man comes up wich the idea that che onset of a new year. '·C~ming as a new librarian . full o f great illusions concern Christma5 bells a ft·w ge t mix('d up g lv everyone a clean slace on which all events of the next 365 mg thIS college in the W est. I was hopeful. Now after fou r a nd ~ tart th inki ng- of othe r bells. This Ja ys can be grouped as another slice of time. So what could be months I have been disillusioned in some aspects and on the o ther beeler when starting life anew than to make some resolutions? hand I have not bee:1 disappointed, eitbt:r. In th is instance I am r~sult. in sparklinK left hands a nd In keeping with the tradition I would like to make these pessimistic but I d on ' t want [0 tay t b at way." From the libraq' chorusf's of " a round thr' ta ble" a t n'SolutioIlS for PLC and bope that they are acted u pon very conws his voir.: of Mi.5 .\Imy ra Bak- I;l - r ach mea l. r r, As i tant Lihr ria n at PLC. s'00r tl y: : I 'ow a t a gla nce in t h .. fi l..s that it Som.. of our p rospectors t r ae e d I. Complaints are mounting concerning the sick sign on ~Ii i Bak~'r find. d i,t rn s a nd d i-i l- j , O\',·rd u(' . l Oon.. along- with step . 1. down a few of the diamonds and re PacI fic Avenue w hich is supposed to say so.m ething co th"...... "ff"ct lus,onllll'nt In thr' countless kh.ou rsd and Ii. Rr:fi k th~sr ca rds ha ck into the triew'd a fl'w of the facts. d chat Parkland is the home of Pacific Lutheran ColIege, Please, oh ,J1:00 Jt1 nr'Y spo' n o n tldr '.IU A' own fit.- s a('o rd int( to th.· Dr-we)' O r e i a l p ic se, whoever is responsible (student council tried to find out I ~tudrn l who wa lk a round In a dau, d ;lSS("S. (T a krs a t l~t two hOlJ ) . John Olson. sophomore, camc back w hom), replace those lights! . 1m a ~a }-dream of . fort:t· tfulness a~d 7. Wlwnthcovcrdur a r~ rrturn"d with th e nrws of his en gaf{ement to a re blinded OV the hsu on lh., hullrttn tha t 1 d t' h Id L _. '.M' J Saturday and special occasions h .d . Ih d h S U e n ~ na me s ou '''' rro SC" ISS ane t Thomas of Auburn C a li2 , R eso Ive d t h at except· for bel' ' oal ; '" ot n wor s, t e who off the li5t. f . Sh . ' . aroun ere s e t elr oved leVIS for m ore appropriate 'rr ' "' 1 . ' orma. c 15 a fr('.hman attrndm g ys d h h d h bo coHco.! dress. If you esteem levis that much you '-an go ba,-k to '.,non I)\lllII< hooks a nd unpa Id 8. If the book oV I· rdue. w hr n rc, . fin ". . ' f> _ ~ tur d ' t ,'d f bl f' W aldorf JU/llor College of the Evan reli ve your high school days, nc • IS no IMI or. a ue Inl" 1 . Fon'5t "It i t~ responsibility of the stu- 1 slip is made out covering nam e of g;- rlea I L utheran ? ' h ureh In 3. The kiosk w ill be a glorious flop unless those in charge dents to watch the dates due." ex- uudent, address, author and titlr~ of C.lty, Iowa..Thc. affianced couple plan of the boards keep them up to date without fail. How much faith plaim Mis.'i Baker, Lists of ove-rdue book with call numb,' )". (10-15 min. , to be marnr d .'" Augu~t at the Los ~a n one put in the kiosk if the "important" announcements arc ~ooks are posted each Saturday and per 5-10 books). ;~ ~t:dl".; AngelIca Luthera n Church till giwn in chapel and Christmas parties arc stiIl being adver m extreme c~s for the long. long Total time spenl for a series of } R('v. Raymond Hl"dburg-. ti d on January 8? overdue materials. ph 0 n e calls or books overdut' for one Wednesday un Christmas En was thl' nig ht Esta 4. Resolved that those with the urge to scribble carry scratch written notic~s are given_ less the PLC stu d e n t s read this Swanson, a nothe r sophomore, bccamr pad~ and keep their cotton' pickin' hands off posters and notices Costly Procedure and are alerted, is eight to nine bours. rngagt'd to Rod Christiansen of Hiltsw hich arc put up anyw here on campus. If you think your re . Th.. followin~ is th ,' proet:dure the r (At 70 cents an hour for student help bor~ •. Or~gon, a nd a '57 gradulltt- of mouks and diddlings are that ingenius mak.e your own poster. "brary ~Ol'~ th.roU f(h on oVl' rduc ea ch . it makes a bill of $7-$8 each week)_ PaCIfiC Lutheran. S, And, those of you who are so gutless and lazy to cheat on w ... ·k: ., I Dates due are n!'t'dcd traffi. , igna l. sPaul Bongfeldt and Mary Carruthtests and other school work , take a good dose of the fifth com I. All ca rd,," th.. fll:~ an' p ulkd ! in the library. Returning [llat.. rials a t • students at PLC. returnrd to Ix mandment and take your deserved grade like a man. If yoU' can ' t out for that o,n(" da tt'o (I ak,'s a stu- , a sct dat~ allows a nother !tlldcnt thr se renad ed ( t'sp('cially hy th,' Spurs) a ~ proud of that, it's time to change your ways. d r nt two to three' hours). . opportumty to get th ese booh , m a ga r ngag-(·d. These are just five resolutions I'd like to have PLC make, . 2. All due books arr filed a lphabet- zincs, a nd rcading matt~r. Anoth"r campu, coupl~ took th.· .1nd make good. Let's sec some action.-Dave Crowner. "'ally hy surnames of stud,·nts. (Tak('s Renewals Sa"c Trouble hig step: Sa ndra Lucas and Bob Olson.
one-ha lf hour). 3. Typt· up lists of ovcrdues-about :\- ~ page.~ long. (Ta k('s three hours or more on that bi g-print typewriter) . I. !\{"k,' notation on each c.ard that it was put on lists for bulletin hoards. (Takes a nothl'r hour). 5. Clip a blue tab on each card to
Recollections of Mr. Tetlie Come from Scout Leadillg
II is possible to have an (,xt.:ndr-d loan on whatc\'er . a . ·tud~nt , wl'she te h,, \'I" lon.g rr, providt'd no onC' rise has rr qu" stcd such materials. Rrn("wa i5 via tclrphonc caus,' l'r rors, 0 students are askl'd to brint: materials to thr library if cxtensio~ of time is want~d .
• f"ltim: off for if call1pin~ trip in the' mountains of Ydlowstonr Wa5 Mr. Harold T r tlir w:th his siz('abl,' herd of Boy Scouts. Pads on their back ~ , they St't off. Towa rd ,vrnin" thry call11'' to a n empty mini ng hark and d..c ided to •h'rp thr.n:. 51 ep? Their slurn brr was disrupted more than once that ni);ht by one of th.. scouts who ha d laid his l eepin~ bU)1; ill a mOHse trail.
When th t y at Icnl{th reachl'd the lodgl' thcy collapst'd and enjoyed fully
Etzrl h~ also be('n roya lly • ,,'n'l" 10 in rr ro nition of hi n:cent , "o~a'l"l'm("nt to Linda Bennet. Bonnie Treed.on flashes a diamond rr rl'i\'ed from Dave Miller who is I prrsr ntly in thl' army stationed at ! Fort Benning, Gr:or'l"ia.
Paradise B WL
Fully Automatic
myriad, of 7.00mi n~ mosquitocs. I Mr. Ha rold M. Tetli,', who holds such 1l11~mories liS these from his scout- : iog leadenhip and is a newcomer to our bUli ness administration departm ' nt. I is ,\ grad ua t" of Saint Olaf Col1<:-g ... H .. received his mast .. r' d egree froru the nivnsity of D e nnr 'lOd has taught in Montana hil{h schools and a t Mil~.s I
OPEN LANES Tuesday - All Eve ning Wednesday after 9 p .m, Friday - All Evening
'ity Jum ol' C ollegc. E\'id .. ntly h" enjoyt·d h is previous experien es with Boy Scouts, be he is now the Assistant Scoutmastt'r of Troop 133 in Parkland.
H;l7.d Ddl H a nse n. b"ca usr of ill nr5S. couldn' t make it ba rk to school aftrr \"ilca tion but scnt the ~ood new of her rnga ltrmrnl to Chri, topher Clr-g 'l". Hr is attending- On'"on Statf' I Collt, ~t , and tht'y plan summrr wed , din ~ .
I Don
At unr Vl'n intr rva ls hI' woke h owling as a mouse would scurry over his hrad. Would h(' mOH' his sl~.. ping bag? No! H e was too cold, or too sleepy. or loo just plnin lazy. Its so much more pleasant to have mice tracking over 0111."5 head . . . Morning arrived extra ea rly a~ usual, and thr boys s.. t off on ce more for rllowstont' Lc;>dge rarrying their fifty-pound pa cks. Crossing the snow fidds wou ldn't h.1H: posl'd any problcm c-'tcept that the added we ight of those p acks , ~,.IU· .-d .h(:m con.H andy to sink into the hard-crusted mow. tht· a tmoophl' rr' of no mice. no fri){id riwrs flowin g und,'r tht'ir fet'!, and no
Norm McCullou gh and Rob..ru D a rne II announce d t h' C'lr (,ngagcment over the holidays. She is now in nurs!'s training while h" is atl(' ndiu.l! PLC. .
10707 Pacific Ave.
Phone LE. 7-6012
~~~~~~~~~-?~ ~~~~~~Z-~~~~~
3820 South Yakill'lG
PHONE LE. 7-7100
• •
for guys and gals! I
3·IN·l TO BmER SERVE YOU Standilrd Heating Oill - Heilting Equipment Heating Service
Parkland and Vicinity
PHONE LE. 7-4256
* Phone 6 .1-3 71
Friday, January 10, 1958
Page Three
Campas Squads Scorch Ma les
p n II. p Drivl • Then WWG
TIlt' Road Runnt' ri of Eas tern Park la nd sq uea ked past the Clovn Cree k
PLCs Gladiators will open their Evergreen Conference bas drive tonight against the University of British C o lum bi I in tbe M£morial Gymnasium at 8; 00 p.~. i The Lutes, who are tabbed as the conference No.1 wam, 3rc strong favorites in the contl:'st. However, the. Th~nderbirds offer
'A" fi n ' 52-50 as Ted Bary dumped
• ketball
ir. 20 points fur Clove r Creek. Roy Schwar/. pac ed
th,~ Eastern score rs
with Ifi. J e rry Scheele led his 2nd Floor Pra irie D ogs to "ictor y OVlT the 'Hh
- - - --'t1 notabk oppOSitIOn
Half-fame Telecast II
Floor Bra ins 72-33 a s he poured 22 <"Olm tt'rs throu gh the cords. bumped thr Second
FI~r C~ltics
T0 Pbl"" U ICIZe Ptc
two se cond team
:\II-Evc rg rcen Confe re nce retu nees, Ed Wild and Lyall L c, y . , Wild, a . ix-foot g uard with j ersc: )
' \ 1rd Fl oo r Brcwe rs 41-36 as Ron M e I: number 22, and Lcvy, a 6-ioot, 3 -inc h forward with jerse y number 40, w ill .\lIi, tn wa s game and C dti" hi gh point lIla n with 18 , . . be the two me n on th e UBC fi ll' tlu.t . ' i ,_ R og:cr Misterik pumped ill 16 points I . : ". : ':: I e n rmnlltc half-tlInc telecasts dur- I Marv Harshman's h us tlin" GladIators fo r ~he tth Floor r'rosh :IS thL' .Frosh Chuck Curtis (30) goes high for a tip-off in Buchan Bakers-PLC game. ing five coming home ba skt,tball ga m es will have to ch eck c1osd y, Saturday n i g h t, PLC nlf;e ts the d owned the 3rd Floor Gunner. 33 -:H. Other Lutes pictured are Roger Iverson (11), Rich Hamlin (50), Bob will be a ired over KTVW, Channel h ·v ;. \ " ('rubbed the W estern park - I Roiko (44), and Lute Jerstad (35). The Gladiators downed the Bakers I ," , I'n orde r t e> acqu,'II'nt thc" .'ludi e ncc W tcrn Washingtoll Vikings on the ' , 81-60 ;n t he encounter on Saturday, January 4, which was the fifth' .
. land five 55-22. Roger Bakken racked straiaht victory for the Gladiators o ver the Bakers. witll Pacifi c Luth e ra n Collegt' ,
campus maples at 8:00 p .m. The L utes up 22 po ints for Ivy. m e t the Viking, ea rlia in a T A ' This coverage Third Floor Stubs tas ted defeat at . .. of the collc.~t' will bl: T ourney contcst whic h PLC won 60 n. ~ th e h a nds of Clove r Crce"k "B." .'.·t I
sh own durin,"~" the ![anH'S ' of January, to 67. flt:dlund led ga me scoring with 13 1 10, II and F ebruary I, 12 a nd Li. ; Two Weste rn forwaros a n ' t.he po
.-.-..-..--- ._. - - -
POlll tS .
' .
by Eugene Hapala
u f '26 points for Ta coma was in vain ,'
Unusually fin e l'\orthwcst fall weather has ke pt th" PLC golf links hUlfl- I __ ;'> J e rry Curtis sank 32 for CC. ming and PLC's Everg reen championship golfers have take n good advantage · Ivy " ,\" edgt'd E astf: rn Parkland In 0 f I' t . , l ' h c L ute go If team too k' ' I1Ip ' "III !lint' yt.:a rs. Iast a ha rd fou g ht conteH ~36 -"Q t , FIamb oe ' Its f irst I'm'k S c hamplOlIS ' h onors spnng' 's . anot h er c h.amplolls . h. 'Ip t I1IS . s~nn . g WI'II rcst ' " nd Gettl c sh:'lred hig h pomt a t po k-ane , I .utl' h ~pes lor wi t h 10 !.:ach lor Ivy. largely on ~hl' sh ould'T,; ()j letterm en BOB S:ARL~!,<G, DON HALL, JIM Roger Lundblad scored 18 points HILL, ARf NERHEn.f, and DAVE BERNTSEl'\.
/ IS a definite contcndn for n rcpc.a t post-season selection to th ~ All-C onfl'rencc all- stars.
Thes e <>"alrIeS, as well :1$ othcl' hom.. be televised on Channel 13, KTVW , Tacoma. .----
th .. 2 nd Floor Warriors, who could no t equal the overal l attack of 5th Floor, .I nd 5th was game victor with " marg in of 33 -::~9 . D cjardincs class}' mapIe-men, led i n <c oring' hy Duane Moe who had 15 po illt~. W UlIo 'd t h t' _!-th Floor Brains 13-:16. Don Cornell h it 10 points for Ih, ' Braim. Lars Odma n. h igh with nine point; for tin: '~rd Floor Gunners, a nd his r, "Ull-mates bQwed to the :ird Floor SIuhs 3 1-25. :'-kal ' Vc!uut'r, Arley Fadness, and ,\1 Ahre ns had 16, 15 and 13 p o ints, rt"! pec ti':eiy, to k :ld the W es tan Park I i\ nder~ tQ a 55-54 win over th e 2 nd Floor Cdtics. The Pra irie Dogs of 2 nd F loor got by the 3 rd Floor Brewt::T,; 50-48. P aul C a rlso n of the Do&'S, led w ith 18.
T h e PLC hoopstt:rs end ed a three gamc losing streak by drubbing tht' Buchan Bakers 8 1-6U last Saturda} night. The w in-loss column for the Season now stands at 7-3, l'rank Fidler's Baker Ii l' VI' 'nt down to defcat for th e fifth strai~ ht t ime to the LUtl'S, who had thC' gam. u nd u l' olllpkl<' c01ltrol all th,. way. O nly ph"llOlw 'nal 28 fo r 3 1 at thL foul li ne bopt t h. Bakt:'rs as close ~ s they w n:.
A s:l g,t.;'ing defe nse on C huck rt i~ backf ired as R oger Iverson too ad v:H1tage of the situation :lnd set a per sonal hi g h point game by scorin'l 3 1
While at Corva lli. we .sa w ROD HUMBLE . H MBLE, as yo u r('mell\ ber, was the versatile Lute, fr ('s hlllan basl'hall play,· I' who , aw a Iq t vf a ction in PLC spa ng les last spring . ROD stakd t.hat h t' hoped to be back a t PLC nl:" t fall, R t'Se r...c Lut.. lluart....back JERRY DO'.'AHE wag also ;ill inter ('sted 3pcctator al til<' Far Vi ",t C las;i... I
FRO~IM CANDIDATE FOR SEATTLE'S ATHLETE OF THE YEAR PLC's ,\lI-Amt ri can j a n 'lin ch a mpion JOHi'.' FROMM wa.' a kadill g candidaI<' fo r S('~tt!C's. , ~thlrte of the Y,'a r: FRO~[M ha ils fro:" Seattk ~:"I.d, therefore, was eh l1;lbk tor the a ward, which wa s wo n by golkr JU A~i\E
; points,
Iholidays, I.n non- conf......ence action during the the Lull' five hit a season's
low in shooting pacentagc as they WI'IT' stopped twice by th .:
Th e game in K c.l1l1nvick ellded in
, ! the favor 80-64 ; tht' Spo T he a ward is prescnt,.' d annu a lly by tht; SEATTLE Poi ill conjun c tio n ka lll' g:une found thc Gladiator last with a sports awards banquet alld is the hi ghli !{ht of the soup ll' fish circuit minute rally almost " nough to win. in the Northwest. but the "Zags" ed ged a 58-57 vic tory. Gu~ speaker was the faln~d STAN MUSIAL of th,~ St. Louis C;ud-I CHUCK CURTIS, PLC center, now Th e 23% shooting dvt: rage for th~' ina !>. Con 'l' ratui3tions. JOH:'-I . :,o~t only sho~lld JOHN. be congratul a ted, bu~ leads . all Northw est seorers. AII- Lutes wa s too great a handicap to also PLC Track Coach MARK ~ ,-\LZMAN for htlpm.\( to d .;vdop JOH~ AmerIcan Elgin Baylor is in fourth a ttain victory. into the champion that he i~ . spot. j Six former All-American mapl..-m"n
" ~
1, HIATT and R ICH HAMLI:,\, took top hono n in tht ' doubles ,
I 1" : -
NATIONAL BANK r "~."'DL.Y . . ." ..... t C U .. lO pJ ',", ......... 1·
xpert Dry C eaning Laundry Service
Mrs. Jo Summ e rs
Located in IGA Foodtown 112th &. P ark Avenue
Pho ne LE. 7-3434
1 1
One-Day Service *
We provide Checking and Savings Accoults it PONG TOURNAMENT SLATED SOON m 'I PINGPLC aid all other ' s intramur.11 pin (~ pon ~ tourname nt is slated to begin soon, ;lceo rd id l.< bank services in g to illtr;Jmur:l1 di r',nof :VL\RK SALZ;\1.\:\ . Pmcti,'" p,la y was se hC' d U f: I for thi, wee k and all intn,:s ted lllt'll a re e ncoura £:t:d to s l~n up as soon as for college IJlCOL! !I poss ible. D,\ VE LJ:\DSA Y t"aptured the 1957 sing le s c rown, whl'I ,. DA \ ' E students B~CH
".w.,. IIt...~,.,.. .VopNT ... ~.,. .."
Fives Stop Lutes
YC" th a t is what we sa w , A Il-AulI'rican c:l nc! iJat " ,JOH:\':\. LEE con- I tribute tQ Ya it: Unin.Nity's l o sin~ ca use al(aillst On' gon State in thc Fa r I ~ , W es t Classic a t Slats Gill Cohst' ulTl in C orvallis on- r the holidays. ; . I An outstanding p c rform:lllce such as this a gain HressC's th e Importance of making iree throws in crucial co mpt·titio ll. H ow man y ball gamcs an' de cided by one puint and h ,)w of tell d oes a miss ed fret' throw fi g tlr~ th" dif fe r,-, nce i~ a will or a loss? Ju~t ('h,~ (' k the da ily 'ports jJages for this :lnSWLr.
Gonzaga, Truclcer
~. ames, will
INTRAMURAL PLAYERS TO BE HONORED 1 TIlc Lettermens Club and the Mooring Ma.~t Sports Departlllent arc presently in the process of completing plans for a progralll to includc a pop ular football movie, a local spe.akcr. and l~offt:c hour in honor of all lIIen who participate in PLC's intramural program. The "stag banquet" is schedult'd for Thursday, Jannary 16, in the Classroolll Building and admission is free. .
)0 1'
I i I ' I
Inc.!udt 'd in th e films, na rratt'd hy t"nt pUll c h of its a ttaek-Bill WI·i.ht H. K a rl. spc<'ch d"'part- (fi-:.! ) a nd Leroy .N eIsQn ( 6-3) . W right me nt head, will be " .. trip around the is a V. of W. transfer who, accordiD~ i to those who saw the game, show d campus to!ll g- ht and cove ra ge of PLC W" II ~'r: alllS ' t t h c L utes 1fI . t h e T ..... 'C forensi cs, the field of a cademi cs a lld '['OUI n ! : y g ..~ r', 1t:,.1lId •N'cl5 011, the 1'k _ PLC of the futu ...·. in l.{s· k:lding Sl'on~r of last year' s ri\'(',
~h, 1'. () ,
Liltl Jon Widald of tht' :lrd Floor I I1cstn 'S scored 26 points ag:linst the ! i th 1'1001- F ros h as th,: ll estt: rs W,' I I vi r tu .., 59-·W. Clo\,('[ Creek ",\ " troun ced Ta- I r o ma 58-42 , Lloyd Erl a ndson's ... fio rt
Tennis Shoes
Bucks -- Flats - - Oxfords
c ..... O .... l'.;:I ..
Quality Service
Opposite Parkland Post Office
Phone LEnox 7-4300
' p ace d
the AAU Tru c kers ove r the PLC team in a h I'd fou ght battle, 93-8 +. Chuc k C urti , whum th e Trucker c oach ca lled t h e
finest college baskdball player he has s"cn this year, put on a great iudiv id ua l pe rfo rman ce as he cann 'd 3 1 t' Ounh.T S .
(n a
twin se ries with Humbold[
prio r to th e vaca tion, tht' Glad,. p ick d up a pair of wins. Th.. open\" \ .5 , L 33-fil PLC vic tory a nd t he u.tcs I r,"n pcd uv('r th e' LUlll hl' 'j.lck; ' n t lr " 'r' ond ma tch 7~- -~ 8 .
Parkland Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
11021 Pacific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
Friday, Jauwar y 10, 1958
P a ge ro ur
Gavel Soundings
MENC Club Org- l'tize(l;
LSA Presents l( Illulsen
Ramstad Meets
With Fraternity
'\ .
W. Ramstad completed
Complete Shopping Center 112TH STREET (Airport Road ) AND PARK AVENUE
his work d m'i m; Christma vacation as ddcf(at.· at a four.day conCc ", n . of Ph i De lt a Kappa h ~IJ on th e can- I P U $ of the lr niversit v of Mich iQ;l n.
MENC. cssirl'ed I ci1()ir rl" pn ·s('n tati\·~ . Lynd a 'I homas : Pfuf, Ol R amstad I pI 'sl' ntt d th, P... ifir Lutht ali's I 1.'1 tly (lrgan- I "'i d \ oed "it-mr nt (lry , Jane Bl'I: \·i k.
.\~l'h~ Beta Fidd ~~.hnptcr of Tacoma .. 12' d hr.... eh (.1 the lusic E.ducaton !\'f "nll t P a t. lar. ( indudt· ~· [ o n' D Istn ct On e of Phi ap pa D c ta , an • I i, n.l i onk rcnce i, a u ) , rap· C ll-l. 01' . \' ir"inia Donnody, M arga ret int<-rn,ttiollai p rof £sional r.ltt'rn it y PL
lol\' Q'0\ '- n "r.. ani zati0n, :1 ' c tdin!) Byi! !! to n , nd Ma r } L Oll En g""\. C01.lpOSe of some HHJ rt"' t han V,uon 10 '1 ~ bit \ et tc r. pu bli ci ty secreta ry . LS.\ TL R;'\S TO :'\ . TURE educa tional lea ders. I ME. <. i, ;m or ' an iz atio n for tu· "Lord G od Almight y. all tl,,' works Th fraterni ty' s 26 th .B iennial Coun· I
Jon Soine
d,IlU who h,I'" aU in tcn' st in var ious ph: Jit', (IC m usI c education, th~ P rp. r ' !1)!' to tc-~ r h in th , publi c ho< I . 1 ht d tl b m,l'ts un th,: third \\ "dfll' d ~ v " " \' I'Y month a t. 6: 30 in <...~1·· ·~2 !1.
togu h cr more than l50 ! . h,1l1 p m', th y name, in l'aeth and ,· il ,k Y ;l nd <ra;' is th e tht' m,.. of Sun. (eprL l"nt <\ti\, .; of th ,' 170 Phi Kappa 1 cia:, L ll thnan Student Associa tion Delt" chap tns in th,· L . S. a nd Car ·
Plan for C n"t:ntioD ,\ : P Mt' U the 1<1' p is making 1'1. m to :Ht<nd 0 co nw ntio n in Yak . irn , W a in"ton. d u r ing the la tter p. rt of F brua . !'.fENC organ i ~ • lion from W ashl11 (!ton will attend· n (Ifficcr~ ,f the' PLC :\<lE :'li C , und er p'o. C. roan G i l ~ nso n. ;l d \'isor, :n : h; ron Ha. n program chairma n, Harri~t lIf «'1'a~. corre pon d ing S( re· I rv and hi. tnri:m : G ' ra ld Bayr., . ,·d i· uw : nd T t it Wetter. p"blic ity , 'r . n la . •md rr p r tn. B lid H' n ~ ... nt"'ti\'e is R on HyJla nd ; reh'lI . ,. pr« ~l'nt~ ti ·t' ,A"drl'), Bt'tts;
For th. · pro c:ra m Dr. Jens Knudsen will show K odarhl'om l' sli cics whn on ,"i(' nlific (')o,peditions from .\Iaska to
pro." ram to be- hr:ld in CB· 200, beg-in. ada. nin.a- ,1( (;: 15 ).>.m . wi th a .:ost lu nch. \Ie R a mstad St'l'ved as a member Knudsen To Sh ow Slides ' of thl!\fcmbcl'ship comrnitll'f.
Univ e rsity·t r ain ed fac ul ty; s t ud ents from 34 cclleg er.; Bible·emph a· sis; qua lity Li b ra ry; new dormitory ; equable clim at e; b eau ti f u l campus. r~odest cost s. THE SEVENTH ACAD EMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958
Charm Beauty Salon
l n rlud. ·d i.n th .. pn IC ntat ion will b, wild li ft pinu rr ~ takt'll in Alaska , and undp lw~ t ('l' m ari ne life' p ic tu n·s ta kr'n D .'. K nudse n will n he p a rti cipate d in .• ,ki n·di\·jng " Xpt' u ilion t'xploring ~ 'ndnw at<T lif,· off Iltt · roast of ~I"" 'I
O,arles II. Foelsch, Ph .D., Presiden t
2770 Ma rin Avenue, B rkeley 8. C lif.
Blanche lingbloom 413 GARf iELD ST.
Flowers for All Occasions
CH i:\ \·CO~IJ\IU:'\JS~I· , Rl'~:\D£RS
Foll o win ~ is th t' I purt rc cr'iwd from " lp hornon Joh"! Olso n tell inf( of l'l.t. ~'1!. ion Crusndl n prof!: r:u 1. la t - , mo tit Wh l n P asto r Sli rpstad, ass stan t J. jJ,'Ior al '1 rinity Lutheran Chun'h, 1 '~~v;r ",hc) w," h nr n and raist'd in China, 1'" hi. \ iew' on C ltina. ~~ :(1JIIIllIJ nisrn h a, a wav of l'rt'(' pin ~' ." II • en lil t ry willc h I ()uld be ex·
~ .
~1 c),ico .
t 7YJjh A
12173 P a cific Ave. ( Foot of Garfiel d)
:/ I
. "(
We Outfit Co-e ds
406 Garfield St.
LE. 7·5317
I. i..,·<1 in thi s ,,·.!,,-nod a h" a d, ' a head, and ,hop a head. W,' f'II d tlwt chddrcn . . par· bl:tray thclr u (' 0 ree ff' SS. ~ ~' . .. nt <, th, P,.opk's Cau l"! is not , fail EDITOR . ......... .. .DA VE CPRES!; ROWNER 1 11 I.. an d t ~lat t h e chu reh hl'"a down . '1" '0 f. I ,. hr h.. cL: an' , .. t up ,.' n", Edllol'.................. Herb D empsey I. adrr. in tht church. Rt POI'I. ~ : Tedd·i Gulhangen. B-J. b "It is it dark picture of terror .md "ru.hl m lller. Ja ck Holl. Bar ra Is n.a e llOll . Die k l<'ish r , cr tgle c:od lr 'O{'s~, but tM Light is th(,fJ. " ttrr, Di Ii Kr: is''I', N anei 'or· C h ristia nitr has nev r I~en stamped • mew , Bo b ,,'agner, L a.rry J ohrl~on , . li t. a , Witm r. "The climax f th ,. l1)(' C tm g C;J mo; . BOOKSELLER & STATIONER Arporten: iDa J ones, Solnlll' L er· w hl'n P<:'t l'l' Won!;, PLC's Chin 'se stu· .Ja, JCl y Danielson, and Marti 932 Pa cific Ave nue BA. 2·4629 delll. wa! baptized in tht' name f thl' Scharf, r. Tacoma, Wash ingto n Fath r, So a nd Holj Ghost." port F.d it()I. ............ D,·llfl i~ M an tab . PL 'IVmg
Ihrou [>'h Christl"
, 0
0"'< ~
C. Fred Christensen
Raporters: .Tim K itielsby, La r r y \' Gt-n ry. Tim Wyudh::uu , H a r r y ~annC!md .
Typists-Laune Beecroit, Arleen Hix n, Gina Jones, Janet Vergen . Btl n . Ma.nagel'..Ma ry Lou Engen Ad Solic itor.: R ed Patterson, Lois Ander I U nca O~m anbe rg, and 'n a SCharf. how r:lph CJ' ... ..... Mr. W , McK cwcn .'\rtiRt .................. .......... D iek LOlld gren
Bookkeepel'...........__.... Carol Hou:ee C1roulort.ion _ ..,........ _ ........... P attl 1lll ,ttculation • <!iua,nts: Tele BovanS', Ard i -'\rrrutrong, E arlene Burcham, J ny L I-wi s, Karen Klan, Thelma 'I.' on. Dt"lla D orendo rf, Bal'banl
elmer. . dVI r.. ... .......... ........... Mr. M . Nesvig Published Fridays of the school years by students of PLC, at Parkland, Washington, Ui r e : Colle!c Union Building. Phone LEnox 7·86 11, Ext. 4 1.
Paper-bound Books .•. Easy Reading. Inexpensive Course Supplements CLASSICS
IAbsent-minded Professor
Not so absent-minded when you get
right down to it. He remembered the
most important it.em-t.he Coke! Y •
people will forgive ou almost anything
if you just remember to bring along
their favorite sparkling drink-ice-cold
Coca-Cola. Do ha 'e another, professor!
See College Outline Series for Your Course
PLC Bookstore
Bottlod und.r authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
- -- - - ._- - - - - - _ ._ -- -- _
.. _
- - -- - - - - -_.
De elapmanl Fun la s as Washington 6 !Chair Will Taur n hlUes
be aeu Iy, Sia ledge 0 Win Stay uring e kind of Can s AI orId FIlr.
'hn·nt) ...a\ dnc,- jJkd ~c~ tota lling' :Vb" omme n. ik, :l fo n ner a thlt> tic 22,81 1 have bu:" 1'.I:c: ivcd frornmtm-I st;;r of PLC a nd a WI'Il -kTlown Parklx'r u{ the fac ult\' and admi nistra tion for rb' I' L D l'n lopme ut Fund , T h e 1 nil inin JlU'mbtrs uf thl: facu lty : d ,tail .JL now being soli citeu as IldJ t "f Ill( 1',, _ -, 'rt" rs D I\' lSlUn. Thr 1': Ct -setl r Di isioll includea all or lnt" collc!{t' l a rnily ",roups t hat w ill 1lllI~r t1~ir if p riO! togc;neral 'oh 'Uli,. in fa com a anJ P it: rc , ClJUOlY. . AdminislI'ativt. uffictrs I.nade .~hc fl 1 plcdl!!~ tu th l" l:alrljJ3lgn, _ m e It tut.a llinv $U, 5 ~5 w e.- recei ved om 'HCra!! J/;ih of $1,391. The 1.\ It facwt) m "/l1 Ll' ~ ",h an: e r.' in IU olkituu mad e ple d ,Y~s totalling $10,. 2 . n uv erage of , 939 pCI' giver.
land Lu,i nl'\~n,a n, wa s named chai rman of ..th e alumni divisi on of the d"i,· l'. NIr. Tu.nrn,' n ' ik is prc~(:nt!y . formin .'S a 11 "X<:t:uti\'(:.I.~oard of thc, out st;wd,n <; a lumm tu assIst In th ls .-tfo r t. A t:oa 1 L1f S:!OO,OO(J ha s b",: n se t [Qr til!' :tI ulllni, faculty, staff and tfll 'UTS. .'\li a lt:mni an.: "skt·d to 'li " r: ifts t o tlwir- a lm a m 'ckr r" 11<'1]) th i, g~t:at prug,'am "f ,' xIJ".mion and dn" lop
B( c iOJ.i.lL! T Ltu p;da\ , Jan l ar) :iO.-V- Choir of t h e \\'('st win I1l11 kt a , wl.t'k(nd rc, llr in th, :\ort lm r- 't w h ich , Six \Vashin g ton YOlIl hs ;:J re in for a will, nd february'!.. I t rip to Brllssc- l.< , ,Belgium, to wo rk as Thursday c\'Cnin g the Choir \\ill i' t:llidt·., ;wd (:t'," on:tra:o rs at , the: U, -, g i\" R.. conce..-t in 3t hl ;'U.ICl , 10 at~ d P::\\llr on ~nC1 .\ud]torlul11 1 heatn; m n PH),!'L! I sland, Then th .. C huir Wi ll . . , Brllssel~ for the 1958 Worl d '. Fair. en, s, t!w Cnlll mb ia rin:r o n rhr f" [I'Y I L omml'm ng n PaCtflC' LUlhrran'~ T!)/" LI will br' !.hr' . i). l iflalists to ilnd .t!i,:I' tw o c(ln rer" in O"'· gNl. I d" b:Ht wins :-I t t he Scattlt: 1" clfic Cot~ '"l'\(L in til<' Youth 1O llru"ds com F'lda} t 'c"'n ~ th l pro (: rarrJ will b(' l l'!!. practl tt" toumam nt Ian wt:I'k ]lI'tition spuIw.)],"d by th, L;, S '~ (J\ l prlS'nt'd In .\ 6tori a, and in , [" eTton lroft",-< o r T. O. H. K .1J·I. )l<'rcj• , . nnwn t ::lnd th .. S.ta t' D cparblC nt of Sdturdav''',!lin g Sallllda\' , fh~rn (JolI d <panm{·nt hea~ , ~;ud •. ur dcbaum; Com(Jw ~ ('( ,1nd I" t unOIIl'C DCH' lop th' Ciro.r WIll :t tt,'nd th( \\'ldtlllll;: (,f I o:ok .~;\J morr t nan t h. Ir ,hare of tll m,"t . TWILt ( ;dlis, PLC junwr, III Sil (·rton . i W1lI.S, Youlh Will l-lt: "Ambassador, " ! [ n Sl'ati.: on Sunday "f tf'fllOC>Il th, T m R p Vf. and D M Douglas 8:\r\ 'Irc, ini" llUIIIsick, '~"( i ,, [ i1 s<;lSt;,nt ,i ng-t' n will pn form at an c\·a n L(cl i. tic Ilrrt d top h'JDOrS in senior debale "llh to the def':l r tllll'nt' , di r~ ("tor, , a id th .. I "a lh-, ;]nd Sund:IY c \'t' ni n' '~'iJl orn' • r ecord of £i t:': wins lind \0 I... ~s , \'O'"ll(stITS will t: " am assadon of. ~Jktl' tIll' tO il!" WII.h ., " on crt In E nu Ul Re~vrs also tied f<.rr first plan in "X ~··o(Jd will" to tire world ;'lit the ili r I d ow. Th l' Choir wil: h I' hack on Gnn t1"Tllp OJ'l' Sp"akin~ w ith BellP]QlI 11:.. ,:,'nd w iE hdp uur lOwn stat<- wh en it p us Snnd ",' nillhl. d<.ua ld, a nd D ougJa, .uppnl fir t III hold.' it , '\'\'orld's F"i1' it: Stattk 111 - --- -.- oratory.
Ith e
te e ators Swee p H onors
!\rcllit l'(:b an' now eIlg't!; 'd ;11 IJeI' ke tin g tht: fi na l pla ns for tl l bu si ll css " d ll1ini5tra tioTL , co norn ic and t·duc2. titlll build"n " ;",d the :.tdditioIl to thl'
Can f ab , a Hear
Tndi\·idll all~. Cai (..., \pllrr "'til! firs in ra d io 5pfolk i ng and lOok run rn r- Ip ,put in Tntl rprttach' n-adin , J " "ki<:: tt'l, who w -11 her wlI, J\! Ue J ~( i, Randall f ed {til' ~1"'QHd "I::- c t in dpba , t,·, WI·t.h J oyce Alton '~'ld y" ,~ 'w L'JII',' ,< l' J:.. ~'k tlll'rd I'n I'nt.r • ·•• ·,l bl,·., r'~
I lJiil. Applicants II lust : I I , H :" l' l'. S. citizenship. .
2. J{, single and without d epcnu ' t nb, U1' '1'11(. Snnphonic Band (,!, PLC wiil :.. If nranieJ,. bOlh husband and lli' ).!lI C5 t pnfonl1l'rs "t tb' StJrt!~w"st ' wik '"l1st bc' qualifi,·d and il,'ai bblt" l'omTl1tion of the- E\'an rrelica l Lu \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . for t' .OplOYlll,:n t. thITan Church in Seattle OIl Feb. I . 0 , 12 PA RK LAND, WASH. FRI., JAN. 17. 1958 ' j ' .{. Be betw""'1 tlie. .,,«cs uf . 19 and __________________________________ " ," . . . ,(.. . . ,. i. 1'111' pro~:r ;lln W I'11'Inc Iu d (' "J ( ~ $U, J uy
Symphonic Ban
pre tat iq-: n ·adln.<;,
'f' ' d 11l;ul ' - ,
;\ I ~ ~ an t.1"' II -p 1aced t tT -). Er',tt.wt.s llIU,t h",c ,,:,t h td thtlr , of Man's Des irin g," " :\1I Glory Be T o ri fle ~p 'aki nI/,. Doloft's. IlllS platt:d 19th hlt·thn" ", bv :\1)1''[ 1(" C"I OC[() d d J m r ra.... 1II'Ird ,'n _ . ., . n L[' l l ,g I I, ,, ' ..)II d~ a C h lira I ~ '' Vl t h ("on;tn "~ ,11ol ;), lb \'(· at least two years of col- I,) l"ass so I Lusts ' f (':HUfl' d fron! ' h h ' . t c " t)l r v."Olnf"'n S nn (~n S ol',a.con: rcspt ( kg!' it aining or the equiyalent. loft of th, · church uscd for tilt (on - I tiy t'i\", D ave tllun i nd C; pnc-r ow-
ew Directory Will e Adde To bibrary he UIS far Students
Ii. H,' sufficiently fluent in f"" I\, h -' b aiC • wntion. Band will be con du(·tcd IJ)' p iled l creditn b Ie rCl:o,.. tl n "" to cal ry on " cOIl\Trs~lti on (,olll:cTni n ~ Gordon 0, Gilbntson. four wins and two losses, if inlcn 51 to I,.",chel s, cu ll (· . rt studnlts ,mel p r,jf,'s.'or" is :ht· "Imounrc- subjects of Jnuderate difficulty, _'_ _ _ _ -.--_ _ __ JII{.nt b nit. d ,'a ncr'ml:nt :inc! P lau'm ,:nt lll st itu., of th,~ publ ica ti un uf 7. Ik ;}.,·a ilablt: fen lrnployrne nt fur
."Dtpl( 1..1" ,':'.cw aflll (:x p a,ndl'd [.9?8 W o rld -. \ViC.'!' S UM ME.' R PLACE ~l I _ DIRFC1 ( )}{Y. T b Dlr~Clot y I S pr t part d a~ :m ,lid t" thuse who wi h nt-w ideas of ways to earn w h ilL they vaeat it' fl. '1111. nrw Di rl l' tor y .!4i" ,. d --s<:rip tior;, of ttl< t \'p<'S uf work anilab k . 1,1,., l :.. n'" 0 nd nu m, 8 I1 d a dul t >! . • of ,Tnplo \,er, requesting '; U!IlllllT erTIIII.. r
dura. tio~
of th e .HIlIS',.., \Vorld I t!l e full 1',lll' from Api'll III thIlJllo;h O;.:tobn ·~O, 19:; 3. );0 ""cep tions will be t:'in·n. ' 8. Subm it a photot:'1 "ph of hi", or h 'Ts,·If. I 9. Prne nt a dodor's (,(.rtifi ni te of
Campus Rad."a Sbaw T F atur. Ban d nexl Tb u day'P s ragram
P" cifi,' Lutl": "ll1' S Cullrl\'· Conl'nt Balld, und, r t w di rt,t;tion of :!.ir. G orI I II I 1• ( III d I'd :1It" .~o nil flt" nta 1 pmitions, st ;un.hip nf d o, dud,' rand"", tran I \ "XI'" "nt If'a t I. telW "~Cllc! auroad, w url ( ,' uP', " nio- pHjJ ' Ct~, <"'<I'ni n ' fre t" trip; to 1.111- 1 Iu. ~Ullllllt J .JmJ-,,·{uil, "" ,,), UII Gil' " ( fW11 JIl . will e h eard nt'xt "ulh ( S \>l'11 ~ r ,[.,,.u"',d ' tip<, nat iCtlw l p;ITks, sumn. II!, r ca m ps, theall"ts and resorts, Gl llTr trai n t'e- op,p.{Jr- . ", , a~ . ~u , I' ., ta t . ·.1 GaI n r om it . ~\'. ;.',t h: 15 p.m. on "Camp us .•- a I J o\~(r t IIt" \'t'u r Id :J.n d IIlHn y Ol IH:: r s. Th (lus;:tn d ~ ot JO b .~ \\ UI Id S LL'.l l r . . . . H ll!' I1I 19 IlL", I)rO"J(.1c ast on. K'f""J luntUr .... ~t ~ d y a warlUl - . 'i ' , t. .
Th t ' 11 ul. ~ T !ling le..IUn. of K T NT, i! broadcrua
h sted trum O H r 20 fore.gn countrif' and all +8 SltaeS, Dt:a dlme Is Ftbruary 1 At the Tt'C[\Il':~ t of many , tuderHs, a special n t w s<,etion ha s bcC'n add ed :\pplicants han' unly two wr:cks ill Co tlH,'t ,.tudtnts wishing to US(c their wlI1mer in trainct: prog rams for future! which to apply for considt"ration since , i all applica tions must b.. n 'ce i\'Cd by ,ar,'.. r uppo rtunitit"s, L L \ f PLC WllO L Po iti om a ~t\·aih.. ble in hu ndn Js of firms in mort' tha n furty Ldds uf r"'",ua ry 1. : nyone rom is inte rested in applyin g' for the trip li \, fit'" ndu try, gun'!'lIrnu,t, seienet. . r~creation ar,d cduc:Jtiun, ( U rl Cnt u p to dat e World-Wid SUM MER l:'LACE M E);T DIREC- should sc" Roy E, Olst'n, Dirrc tm' 0 f '1 )RY is p ublish ed annually by th i. ,I:lff of th e Ad":.f1n'Tll(,Il t a nd Pia ce mcl1l Public R ,~ lation s. So far only two ~t ll Innil u l" w h ic h has been a. non-fee professional ~.(h i'OI y and ad\'~ nclllll nt I dents fmlll PLC ha n : appli ,-d and t ",it fur t h e fi ..ld of cd\1ca tion sinc e 19 52, ! morc studnlts are urg,.d Ie> take ad A ( P' ma y be examin c-d withir, th,' m-xt th. ",. w..-d,s a t the library, I \'allta g" of this opportunity. Ea eh College Selects Entry E:ld. colko;e in tbe si d e will , d ec t young man ur wow an I as I chOlet'. The fin,, 1 jud g ing for tile six will be conduct ..d by a pant:! now bein.c; appoinlt"d by Go\'. Albert D. R sellini. All expenses will be p aid b y till A nd h . told th em mar,y Ihil. ll~ in pa robl, ', ;"Y!1Q; : 'A ,OWtT ", .. nl. out to suw , T c Para ble o f the Sow l~r n'cord" d by ~1atth('w. ~ark , arld! ft-d"ral L(O"ernmcnt and the ~tat'- D ,, Lu};" in the wor d of Our L OTd will t'ttrn t- to m tan m ore and m or t; te. Pro- I partlnr:n' t of COTnme r r t' >l n ll Economic ft sor R(d' o~, :.s he studi t"s it tirn and again du. i,,!- this yt' ar. H L wiH b<~ I D cn.'lopment. t ryin),' I~ p u t the .'ta rrati\'(; itself, w~th man as h, is rep n :st ntt>d, intO a stone i Thc delega tes ",ill leave fc.r the lI ,ural fl~ t: itt,t hi gh and 18 ftd wal", Fair from St"ttl,,-Tacoma .'\i.p on em A,ppruximatdy two months ago Prof<:ssor R k s was a pproached by i\ ril 8. P;u.w r Th Qmpson of Trinity Luthe ran Ch urch in P a rklan d with the id ea p _ _ _ __ _ __ __ an-
Mr. Roskos el cted to Create I~11 .ulltsta~dir;·gMu ral fo r Trinit:y L t:heran
Wh ee Ier Street 'T H L· h ! 0 aye 19 15 I Four neW lights on Wheekr street
h i h wa ... <·~mposite of tboug hts of his own, ~h e b~ilding c:ommitttc, and til.. a dl ,t!"c! ui tht: church now under constmctlon, One month ago Profes- j ~ur Rosk u' prt'sl' nted a preliminary sketch to the bu ild in.. cOlIlmi tte ,. and he .. ' told t o &0 aht·ad and as gi""f1 a y'~a r to finish the work, :\-fural To Be Above D()()r~ T h t C!1ur;tl, cal d" bao.-rdief, will be plan:d just a bovt the d oors to t he ch u r ch's main entra nce, Before th i! is done th ou gh , lIla n y months of h ard work will go into the mlll;.1. There arl: thr(-I: main prou' sses to cornpl<::tt, First, th... whok thing must be modded in clay, Then hard plaster molds n: 10 bc mad e from t ht'st, p anels. Concrett' will the n be pou r('d into thJ:SI: mulch, w hich will most likely be done at the church lx cau~<' of the ('(JSt of u 'ucking the' heavy finished product there, Parable Condensed by Roskos I'wftssor Roskos states th at he has condl"nsed the paT3.ble to Hs m ean lIlgful phrases and actions and that he will depict the four ' roups of indi \ id uals r('prt:senting the four different fates of the sown seed or Word of Life. A b o pi(;!und will be the types of soil into which the seed fell. The Sower will ~ em thr ltoft side ~owing the Word. W ork has ju5t begun, but by this time next year Trinity Lutheran Church w ill .ce tht: additi~n of a work of art which is expected to be truly inspiring. For- ~5CriptiOD of Mural See Page Four
, tu dnll o r!!il n,sL w ,ilI ft:aturttl at II III ga o ,, ~ t h I , ('ral numh, fli •
~1 .., fr a nk 1.1. alcy, l 'arn pu , librarian, !' a n "nd Da\T ,h ristlRJI, radio 'n was the featu ••:d gllt's t o n PLC · own liU'r<: D a n ''''ilken, :> rT'3ng,'r; :l n d radill show bst night. D an ' D a hl, a \f i-, ,T a ne SllIith, "H vi ~or.
Every-Weekend Co-recre lion Progra
For Students B gin Tonight at 7:00
B"gin ni n l! to n ight. January 17, th e1;f.---- PLC gnnnasiu m will o pen fo r corecreation from i :00-9:00 p.m, CH f1 Frid ay and Saturday night. :\ny studmts,
There has been a change in the final ClWll schedule. All English composition 101 sectioos will be tested in the CMS maio auditor
•• • •• • •
• •• u ••
an 25 Is lose • IOf e-regi.tratian !
f~llows and gals. who!
Those p resently !. orent'd in ' <SI want tu , tr(' tell th eir IIlll K le s in vol- «t PLC mUH comp], tt r t'garration lty kyball, badmint on, basketball. and thf" J 2 nuary 25 or lat(' registration f lil:r·, arc fn·.c \(l work out in the g} ffi will bl cha r.'1:ed, at this wCI'kcnd time. The nly ',-x)\0 registration will bl- done: d urin . " L, h bask leSC week. Cl ptlOn to thIS w.ll IX W l n 'Ct- I SI u d en t s rCglSterulg' •. f or Ih c first ball games are schedule d , time will do so. F b r uary 1 a nd 3. 1
Th is crrrecreation pla n is no t me a n t I' ft." is one dollar ptr day . to compet!' with any oth er F riday and Saturday activities, but is s( t up to
Next 2 Weeks Closed
... Test Schedule Change
Knu t1"n Studiu in the
14 00 OIl thl' ra dio dial. I Th, programs ; lf~ :ura,uwd hy tb TIl<' prug n'll1 will h,' ~rrang<: d by I mnllhns ~f ]'"dio-speech r1al1~(>'l I .. JI D D I (lJ1 ou g liS. I Erichon is til<' announ u f, A l D un
make available to those students who wi l bt a forthcoming ad dition to the wish, tht: fa c ilities in the gymnasium, PLC campus. They will be similar in design to those now in u sc elsewhe re on the campus, This is not a city project bu t is hr B"cause 0f final exams. both in!; fi'nanced by the coIle ge. C ollege coming we..ks of Janu a ry will be p....sonnd have participated in the "dosed" w ..eks for PLC. Xo extra installation. curricular activiti('~ will be held,
......•.... ,
fl H TI th,. Ch it< C3.fS building.
January 28 and 30 the gymna sium will Ix: o~n in the ('ycning for those wishing to use it, and be ing planned is a free show in g f some films in the library, Wednes day night, January 29, for all stu denu.
Professor Awarded Sculpture Honors Associate Art Proks8or {> < <> r g ( Roskos recently recf:ived two h ono for his sculpturin r efforts. Last week he was infomled thlU two of his 8culpture. wt-n sr.!t-ct..d 10 he sttn a t t he" Con nectic ut A cademy of Fine Arts Annual Exhibit d u ri n g this entire month. He recrive'd honorable maltion last month for a metal sculptu R" f"ntitI d "The Bull," at the; 'onhwest A " n ua! Exhibit at the Seattle M usrum, 1ft l.1l probability the work will he displayed by the' Tacoma Art Lea"",,. in its up coming exhibit at the C PS Jo~s Hall.
P a ge Two
F.I.'"J• • , ,,,17, 1958
Good Deal! m'
n, f~.~:~·!tI!~ '~~~Ii~nl~:~::d~
Man Wants to
ICampus Sports Fashions
That Have the 'Ivy' Look
If yO" read
Ia ,Corh::r~tuiallOns on yo~r flO." : a pl" . I ~ c hOlcc of staff. Don t tlllnk I m tr':'I:.g,. t~ PU~T~o~"n . you r papt'r ~~} h} .t; I'IIl S wg>;< ~tlum, but I rn."t ask
the s~ory 0 page ?ne of this issue yo~ know that .our gymnasium Pacific .L ut ~\:ra n students. ar\: s orc ing th la ~st in ' . mpu beln aue aVJdablc for (a-recreatIon every FrIday and SaturfashIons tim WIn t ' r 'Ieh C hr suna w ardrob ~ ud der. w h cJ elr day n igh e pro\'iding then:! is no basketball game scheduled for stylish , but practic I fo r th I lIows an d g irls livin<T o n th e P ark thaI tIme . land campus. r 1 I' d PLC I h . Onl: favor. Th b the matching we t'T'S • J' r as ~:)fig ~s _ ve. ~1tten · ed h.1V\:, eard the complamt. I You S('I:, I haw a prohklll. En'r\' .• r vl:ry btest In \ ea l rs ~ m vllch I belteve IS JustltJed that PLC n 'eds to h ,lYe more oppor . 1 . I h 'f Ind skIrts for th, '~Iri; .lOri thr bul,v1;lL---. . . ' . . SIng c nl()rnlng a\"c to get out lum tle at which students may meet (preferably bCd' ,an d t 0 t'op I't 0., f' I .t Ii nit sI,i-typl ' sw<'a ta fo r lh,' m.. n lin in a nd po li, h"d hla k r.o u ih mus now '0 . M boys. with girls) . In f orm;) 11y. casua II y an no pressure. j any tImes thiS h.ls t 0 e Iass. ' I' h IS' rna k·('s my II 't: fmlsc'!"ao ' l'l ·onIt· of thoM' ><:en porti n. t h,. i ,- \,hit" i UIT . r uffs and collar. I bl .. I". I " d .under I am so frustrated. Inlla ,I. , slrip"d hulk\' . uro W ' \I' T !H. ('011,1 1" i d l" f.t sh 1ona hfy WT:
bce ca II d t I1e PLC SOLla pro em, If the stu duH body takes advantage of this co-recreation pro You arc th.. only on,' who can h, lp thi., wuk wnl' Ron ~[c.\lIi. t " . knll - typ. · .m d Ill "} hI' ,'onwrl, rI inlo an
gr.1m '0 th t it is worth-while and does not evolve into a n intra illC' . I want to 'IS,' th,' pown of you r It' d in 1,1" d: with th .. r" d trip,· nT I ,h.' r! hopei fo .. II.... 'I. hin~ton
....... k C,tb,ll nl'qht 1 bell'D ve th~< s't up "'1"1 do ..' 1)[ to nal' ] pn 'ss to fekas .· my frustrati on fJl with. th,' whitt, slrir."·', .Tohn I t II I w, " l h,·,·.
nlura l b.... a ". < ~ '" 1. l socl'a l pt·o w nwt h'Ill )::. Wh" n tIll' L k TTl" 11·,'·,. ·I \'O·d ~I hu Iky-kmt ·., h llt 1'1111 r ' . ·'t .h ~ n (f I..al'r) ( , '111 1•• og "~ tll r lh·'. now shak~! bo a'r-'s U of PaL'I' t'I'C Luthvran'o ~ w orld rna'n ' I II ,• \, c·ln, u~am. D \'"... C r \Vne L. r f( ' ( ' I Iower th::ln thr' Jnln(' . r \\' h ' k , ,w,·a t.. r With the r ,'d, oh". and I r\\-"'O (. 6&1 (I hIt ., II" 1 ("H. ll o'l n ' \\ I I , (' ou Id n . w , IS
Id Ch
d B G· e
I) ,,,
• bb .. k d ", i'! r\ hOlIl hi s ",i r l. China. I want tp ta k,; pcn in hand , ,lnr! with th.· motto, "PE .' MIGHT :\'[alchers Top Li,,1
IER ,:n'IA:\ .. . Pcn Mi~htH''' Tha n .
~ \
Iyen .
I I' I h ',Ir '" 101.1 If , ;o r ' f lf' f P O Un' n",.. CO ;j · .. Bi ll", i, a ... h3 r·.0.1 1 \ 001
DYI"(I-to·rn at<:h skirt ;<lId. \\''':11. ' 1 '.hi l'" Lan ) s i, II ;;-h t tan pr,li lh' J cnt allvwa v. I ('olllhIIlatlons :In' on tht" top ,-,t lh fhl n.
I'm 5 0 frllstrvted. I want to u,,' th,' for th,' PLe ro('d thi, WillI " , 0 ipD;n .· Ch"i,ri a n .11.,0 Ii WI' nn e. a :\'[ OOlln", ~Lost to rryc·vr my tensions. 'ta~r,·, . j a n Snyd,'r rC" oj,,'d a Sp;) \!- new gn;. (';or .nat ; D" , . :1 Wa hin '
V\'.)u ld :t Ill" advisable for th ,' Student COllllcil tn Illak.· a",.lId d. pd PI() ~ 1 ;1I1 1? This qu e · tion was broug ht to th ~ Student Counr il TUf'Sd.l} I i hI w' h th e idea of r: n colll llg in<: interes t in StUlknt Chapel. DcaI' Boh:
c .r
We Ii,
I for' the I
1 hank you,
nolt ,klrt and "",·atn. ' tolll a n, " '11 0 pn:pa u' d l or th .. wm Th(' Italian i,nport"d swe~l"r is If'I' raim as hi is r, '\1 r i ih l b ,hion"d with thrce-qua rt, r Jr n\:( th jackie's In ~tyl
I i
I n f 51 ~ .: r ', " :"d~ding t~lt' last two, a pt"rpctual t.roPh Y was aw:trded Yours ,s. ound. s lib· a definit.. case of <1,':'\"(" an~I a :'-~l1'.cl.. fol~l~m' l'r "0!!'1r: ! For srJl'('ia.1 occasion> J a c::k ic Bjor Ihl' dasll or on~al!lzatlOn whIch produ('cd the best pl'lJ)!;ralll. I sotnl'lhin. . You undoubtedl y had ~ n ! the t.n lon d ma tc.hllll~ ski. t I S ' tr.] lI~ht " n c'hose th,· dr,·;s which she o~ (or ' d g .in .\( Irll..'{nt l b t: d'ff' · t una t , . h onl(' I'1f to, vton wcfen ' t i wit h a kick pic-at in rh,>~ In, ].( . .i chuI'c· h I,.. ot S'lnda v .. 11'" I,l h lu r fa' nd t W :H- noh- t Lat JU 1 leu I t I)(:'C' ;:luse ot. t I11' IHcHl), tYfx-s un for
I i
.1 pro <r:nus , s uch as re\i~ious, rnusil'a l o r humo rous. It wa~ also pointed out IO\"1'd?, YOllr moth.'!" was a cha in I Lineb Vorpahl n·... ·i\"(·d a matChin.::II t 1l ni Itt h,- cl iffi nit for a jud~in~ committee to he present at a ll chapel :Inoi.;l'r J , .';ou W"l"!' th,' for.~(~t t'. ' n .one (';.~hn.lI'rt. sWf':'lter-s~irt clutiit th': P' , ' r-UII S. In a fanll ly of 17 ? Somt'thlllg must skIrt I' th .. popu lar I\'y-Il'a<: u r styii' at IIh r qUr'stions aros('. hut th,' "-"OtTal eonsc' nsus determincd from opin, h a \, ' h,'c'n wron g- hut e nou gh of th a t. pink . and (' h n rc:oal 'tri?~'s with ~h t' th I h Id I)(" I'("VI\'(" . ' d . tl lerf". b y 1 Your (';1,.· is not the •fir'. t , hown'!'r bu("kk and br-lt rn hack . I he matchln >{ · Uf\5 p i ,. cnt(' d , \vas t I1; t :l\vard I n , r o C ' t rop l y iii ou .. hci p in ' t in( f"as th ' IIU:t lity of Tlu' sday chap"'\' The ide'" will be di scu,s ·d i I re ca ll the sym ptom s I~ one (~f I~~I nOH'!ty sweater is fashioned with a (urlher f tC t wc"k. ),. 'ar's ' taff Illember. : ~lu ltl.' a LIt Itkc ' V-n"ckline and thc> ('ollar outliner! In . . . \'ours. In hout's th a t both vou and the ;0 d,'"p pink to m<1tch the skirt. Two annual spnng e,"cn t. , the l thlet.c banqul'l and th t: Daffodil float, . '11 h' h f' I ' '11 I '
,--n . ,
" I ..' . . . .
1 «ray pbid cotton with a silv..r metalIi I' 'tn'.. k run~in!: th\'l~ur,:h th" ( b~i"', It was f shlOnt'd with a fu ll . klrt. puffy button sleeves, an op" n ' nr whi ch may hI' worn button! d a nd a point,' d r o llar. Th,' dr 5 S i n ylr d with • ","tchin.<: li .'\"ht blu" r Irni1rr b und.
. ,. " . papl'r WI (' "ne lto-t, WI' WI rt i Sha ('IS n 'a~hlOn found In F ool wear ' a h o d n c·wscd. I he Student CounCIl ;;aH' power to th e p re~ .dt'nt t o . ' . , rp .0 ors ,CC • , • . • ~O!l wntr for tbl' nl'xt ~Ioonn\:- Mast I . • . L ' \ 5 .' d t h f • p P Olll l 'h;umlan lor eac h ,.vcnt upon .lppro\'a l of the- ~ov<:rmnf{ body. ,. .. . -. ! lone Rodn.. donned a strtklll~ skirt (" , nn w;tn<on r t u r n r n 00 ISS"", whll'l~ w,1I be publtsh('d feb. 7. . and swrater 5('\ this week in th,.~ latt'st w('ari n a n a UI'acti"l; pai r of Cal" zio If :In)'tiung- has powc'r to change ("0 I or--oranw' toned h eig-c. l' h r s k' il'l hl a~k fl,t<. ' suc·.d,',. 0 . 'ad~rnn...l ' ' ' ' ' wI·th ...' n'L_ " li"c" it is tht' written word , You is slIlalI-print wool with ol)('n box bo n how: th...,t' sho,'s ar(' pr.I,· ti.. I for know, Bob, that "Th" P('~ Is ~i g~t . pkats: th(' sweater, a lir fibH' hl,' nd, dn'ss or for school. Gord y (. I'lId woh I in Th an . . . the pen IS nug-ht"~ I' w~ , styled w ith a boat ncr kl irll.' w it h I .d. <) sporte d [!I'W shol·\-dt's.- rt tha n .. eonfl>tl nd cd pro\·ab. B d a lIl"t ching- bow in front. w rt h c u ffstha t turn d own.I 1\{ U( t n ~ 1",,,," ,aid about th" poor a ttt nda nl'l' at th e Stud"nt (I y I You' rr ,,'('\comr" L Gil' k . d n t:'w k Ic) E d i t o r ' I (.a riccn Ca rison spo rll'tI a nn \' li g ht a r ry 0 nl e rl'<:I' I\'" a ..h., pd r \'. ). n yOlo ~ n ' ,' JI'hJl f od . a d I' ', . P .<:rl',·n hil(h neck novelty SWI' trr with s~ort~ jack~t fo~ C hri,tmas I ~ hi Ivr up ,I "" tte r meal to come a ft!'l' th, · poor iood? Th.. answer is :\0. a matrhing tie which shr received I:(lri to C a ltfornta . The coa l IS c h ar Y,' t that is, by simple analogy, the id~.l that sel' ms to be firmly lod!;f'd from her fi a ne ,; whiI .. in r:alifornia coal gray and black striped- t h.· coat in th e m in of t h e plann ers of the Tue day prol{rarns. Tha" is a rrat deal for Christmas. f r many an occ.a. ion at PLC . I>f ti.lcnl r u nning 10 on this campus, .lOd sr.ml' programs haw: b,·c II SU pt' rla Tim Wyn ham is 0 0 " of Ih.. m An) Flowers for All Occasions Miss Ellen Brewe r is w... ari ll ~ a lh ,·Iy -;o" d . At least two in th o: p ast y..ar. who rr cr'i"cd tit', from San!" (; Im . 12173 Pacific' . Ave L E. 7'()206 (' har<:oa l black sh ca.th jumper w h ic h Tim ' , new ti,' is a dark hlue si l . w th On.. Q thes~ two w a s pr('st: ntrd by th.. junIOr (' Iass last u,· da), . The (Foot of Garfi e ld) W e Deliver she houg ht bst fall to the collrw' ci t { t.l ff ( t h i ~ pa ptT wishes to t'x press its h t'artfelt thanks to th... juniors or
1 hb' k d,'si l!" n. " "f Berkeley, California.
1>1'0\' i ll l{ t ('. old ari d shop-worn phrasc', "This is a f(rra t school." Thanks to . Casual f ootw ear Y et ! If'rlr M artmson, and "".. ryon,' on th e t'xcdknt program. Thc jumper is styled with a ;'ll.l P ' Iwck in hack an d front, pl..in in fron t . for 1lI.0rr. casual 3p par< I- footw 'nT DaYe ' n u tson callcd it a "~poof." 'V,- would like.: to "all it Olll' of the' with tht' bark of the hodi ('e:' box pi _ I In h<r"i d O rlll S h a tu rn ~ tel th h I , st studt'(l hodv chal)cl pro,"rarns in the past st'\'rra l years. It showt,d C' h' . h I' . h h 1 - IIs-t ': IpP"r WIt I ('d, ilnd a sma ll hdt across t ht: b " r ' 1nt " iuiha t i\'1' , tact{ I <atirt', a nd insill ht into th.. trut' h:\'.-\ of the acad emic eorn U I S ;It the waist trimnwd wi th t 0 ,mall ! · ·hiq -toe r Ofll p~Tt n\l:nt ..
\ ' " 1'1'
Hats Off!
Great: Chapel, Juniors!
·-----------------·1 STELLA"S FLOWERS
'-::===============::! I LAURINAT"S Apparel W
muni t y,- Editoria l Staff.
0 tft C
406 Garfield St.
- --
- --
.."..,p. -:$ "
528 Garfield St.
LE. 7·9937
t ,.
t' )ur )"'an ha,·,. I smi lt d, pol ilf' ly. wh en d m, g in g in~o
Fuur ~ a
11 VI: I 5w,' " ,d . ~[ra in rd, wq l\ bittt'r l 1I0pin' ollIy to pass.
38 0
\ tld I o w ;J ~ I approach rulC illll ll m " Illy dn'am l en Ir rrtp!.lt,· Illy las t
* K·
,,·uu·.slrr, \ nd ••5k m y ,·If wh a t ha n'
I , To t ll in k only whl'll spoken 10 . ~ I(''' p bt ,'rc' and th roll .' h nn
('0 .,l war~ thin k of thin?;S to d .
r., nr
We provide Checkiag aa d Savings Aceouats aDd all other I ,STREET baak se rvices BBAtlCB fo r college "" studeals
Parkland and Vicinity
not too
D1U f
- j , D a [lid
.13371 f Pho e
mT EID BWCB ....
Loca t e d in IGA F oo dt own 112th &. Park Avenu e
P l10 ne LE, 7-3434
PLC ookst:ore fo r
I ~
ro .. II) <:It. th rru .
e ifr , I)h w hat
I \'·;Irmd .
outh Yakima
'~~ ~. ~ ~
I n Old ~fn tn, jun B,'; 1 r ' iw:d" pa ir oi p.l ja rna , for C hristm ~. T h, Car CoaLs Beal Weather I: Pi' :HI w hite with h tt le n 'd fi rr ~lany new coats w cn: n-r ··i\'" It t ru cks. 5 " 1 rns John. \·n<\· k.· nu SM; · Chri~tll1as to kCl' p th,' ('01 nf I ~ ITa I fdl ows haY,' fall , n h plr to lh~m :\'o rth from hiting tl", L ull' ,. Z n o! in >ur, ,.,,,inn. F o r oml' rra~o n Ihl'.' D~ '- 1"3 11 is sportin,\, o nl' of l h ,. many r a n't iind a permanl'nt I)'\, nl " » ', _ n ' t anyollc' lik e liltl,. ro·d fir t m It, : ,',Irroats on cam pu s. H er. i a qu ilt bllttons.
:J ,(t.
t he ,. h'lllowed halls
7: 30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m,
,'E ' l OR L I\ME:\'"TATI
.. .~D&.y
C ampus Color Postcards
Boo ks for you r Li ra ry
Gift s
F ri d ay, J anuary 17, 1958
Lut:es Meet: Pirat:es
Lutemen Take • Opener erles
Spokane Court:
Dump UBC Five 78·48;
Co.: b Marv Harsbman' s high-flyin g Lutes rake to tbe road [ hi~ wee kend as rbey travel to Spokane to tangle with \Vhitworth to morrow in Evergreen Conference conrest number four for rhe T utes. Th..- Gladiators will be led by LirtIe All-American Cbuck C urti,. Curtis will ream at forward positi-ons with Bob Roiko, .
·-~ Cl'nt.('f
iLTS jA"UARY 8-13
sco rin s <Ind rc \>oundin ," of 'huck
Tom Sa hli. who dot.'s a bi g
t;ut F r ida y a nd Saturd ay nights in tllo: ] PLC g y nt.
p("ctt' d to fi1'·ur,· in aB a slt·on .!;' board walker in thl' PLC·Whitwo rth I!llme . RO .~ t:r I \"I.'[so n and Jim " an Bcrk will lw at th,· !,( uard spot s a s the L u te> a ft , ,. Llwi!" fourth strai f!: ht co nf re nCe:
\)n th t' campu; m a pl", II . LUl ( roun ,·,tl I ll<' "(:Be Thundelbirds 78 to +8, a nd th e fo llowin!\ ,'yt'nm< t urrH·d !m" I-; t h ~ WW C Vil-; illg"J, Bl -'i--I
,,0 I
-:i cto r y .
· I
Curti Drops GO In Two Night..
P irates Took Second Th.. Pira te s w ere th " secund pla ce o int : Shl'lda hl, lfi, Ivy. squ3d ill the E\"l: rg rt' en Conf'n' ncl' I , \ ",\, ' l B, Pra irie Dogs ~t.i. ra t' \:ist sca son with ::t 8-+ record. A H P ' R (H;cr Bakken , 10, h T . wIn 0\ (T th ,' Pir,)t,·s would giv,~ the I " tn s 58 , S tub . 18. Lut("s th .. ir fo urth confcr"nc," and HP: Jon Wd,tld, 16 , Hesters. i tt' llth se aSOn win . R " ad ..u nnns 10, Tn('orn:l 28 . Whitworth Loses Adallls, Martin I-> 1 R I' d R Whitw o rth lost ~br\" Ada m, a nd H .. : .larr y . OSS, '1 , Del unn c fS"I . _ . W . " 6 C' C ~ "B" " 6 D ave M a rt".' lrom last season'S squ a d . ··.IITI')!·' .J , ,~lOve\" IT t' : -. Both play e rs Wt'I",' se le c ted to h1s t HP: R og n LundbhLd, 1 l, Warriors. year's All~ C nnft -Tenc t" tl:arll, and th ~ ir j)'-Jjrdines 68, Clov<:f Cre c k "A" 44. loss is l:>'pcCll'd to h:unpl' r the succ.·ss
C u rtiS , ic adi n .~' war r in th PaC!UL ,\(., thW (l t, boost..d his to al 0 POUll, b , ' d Ullkin ~ 28 a ~ a in s l 1.. B( and 3o! 1!;<1,iIJ.>t WW C . l'y in!! th.., ' l'h001 1 0.: o r d of 'c:'; n:hound s, whi ch hi reviou..· Iy se t. ,t wa s mu ch m ol' than a shoot i r. ~· , x hibition JS Cu rti s "ruleu the board8." LUles Hit .+08
HI': M e ri t' Martinson, 17, Dc-], r acu lty 19, .J th Floor 40.
of tIlt" P in'ltl' squ ad,
H P: .Mr. Salznlan , 23 , Faculty, !'r"iric D ow.; 62, Tacoma 32. HP: Pa ul Carlson, \6, PD. n, .'jt h Flool 3,\ Clover Cre~ k " B" .V-r .
by Eugene Hapala In their only lc1gUt' start this Sea· I'LC Lc ttcrrnr'\l', Club Pre-,sident Cl.' RT K.\LSTAD dt·finitely d r-sel''"'', , on th l' Pirates lost to (>ntral W as h· :l plu ;:: fo r th,' fin,' juh Ill' is doin g to help put nl'W life into th,' ,)r3:1niza' in>:to n 7l-·[j5. __._ _ _ tion. L 35t ui~ht's First Annu ;)1 Tntr~mur31 ·· Ba n q ue t'· w:l s br.! {dy brou ght about thro ugh th t:: consei"uti" us .effo rts of KALST,\D to reco g nize th,; intra· mural progra m and prog ra m dire ClOr M ,\RK S i-\ LZM ..\ N. It is hoped that this "bal1qu vt" can Ill" sta!:(,'d ac: a in ne:« t year. Tha nks ior :t job w ' l! don., W L PF I'A ClJRT. PLC ATHLETES TRANSF ER TO CALIFORNIA COLLEGES Pacific Lutheran ..2 0 159 10 2
Ct'nt. Wa ,; h . ... 2 0 131 101
PLC' s golf, baseball, a n d o nis tea m s will each havc one less letterm::m this spri n~. Golfer ART l'\ERHEIM, first hase m a n L AR R Y GOLNICK, and PU~"l So und ....... 1 1 132 128 W" .s t. W."sh. ' .. I 1:!5 1.8 DENi\IS TROEDSON of tbe tmn is t"3m han ' a ll indi u ttcd tha t th e y w ill t ra nsfer to California schools wh"n this s(" mc~tcr 'nd, . ... East. W:Jsh...........0 +fi~? Sophomore baske tball kttt'rrll:l!l ARDEE':\ IVERSON has hi g h ho )JC. of Whitworth .. . ... 0 55 T b' I ' II l' 'bI I' . b' h' emg Sf: h 0 astlea Y I" Igi e or ,'a rsrty cas::! a actIOn as soon as t '5 semeste r Brit. C o lunt bi' .. .. 0 " 1115 I t·:1 (' nds, IVERSO:\ has consist!'" ntI)" b~nl iu rh J onbl n.>! I , in ,cvrinv: f r
Basl<e' all Standings
HP: Hob Eri c kson, 18, 5t.h Floor. Ith Floo, Fro,h '1 6, Stub, 19. HP: Tim W y nd h a m, 16, F\'COsh. li n t< f9 , 'V ~ rri<ll " :,5. HP : Ton \Vdald, 1fi , Hester;. L It; ,·, :~, Ta corll:J ( fo rfeit). W(·'tnn :J I, ra ins 41.
HP' :-;" 31 W e hmn, 16, W r·stl"rn. D " j 3 rd ines 5:'., Road Runners ·U . HP: Du a ne Moe, 22, D eJ. h'y " ;\" 110, Clover Creek "An 67.
HI': John Mitchell, 38, Ivy. Pl'airie- D ogs 46, Western 33.
L ost
Won fi 5 5
Ivy ",\" .. ...... .... .. ... Dejardincs ...... . Roa d Runnel'S ..... ........... + C r·ltics Pr.liri l' Dogs ... ..... . .. . . --l Blt w e I S . . _ .... ... ... _ .! CIO\ er Creek "A" "2 i ! Western P u.rkland Brains .. . ... .......... .. .. .
H P : jal'Y Schek, 14, Dog- . Br ains 2, Tacoma 0 ( for ieitL Warrio rs 5 1, Gunnt: rs 18 . HP : Fra nk Wall, 18, WalTior ~ . Ro"d RUt1lItTS 62, C c- Itit:5 +5.
'::'S :;' 'LE,\GU E
HP: Don ,\rnstein, 9. h r ·
HI - I
Won ... .... .... .. .. .... .. ... 6 Faculty .... .. .. Ivy "B" .... .. .; +th Floor Frosh . ----_ .. _.. --_. - .. -. ~) 5th Floor
B R. 2·3211
I~::~:i{~.rs.::~ :: ::~:: .. .. . .. ........ .... .... ........_ ..
Charles S, Fo elsc h, Ph.D ., Pr asid en r
BUDGET PRICED Se e Jo n Soine Jon Soine , ........................... ................~ ................................. ..... . ..!
College Driue-In
1 + ~
. -..................................................................................
a nd C), is usu:!1 at hom e gam "; , made I tlll' ir scoril!l{ splurg" in til l' ,~o:ond h ,dl.
2770 M:Jrin Avenue ,
Lu I" jV's split " pail of garncs pt<'iiminary to th rSI contl!:St:> , They d l·f,·all d the' Acoma fi~" 6 9 -1)2 , a nd bowed .&0-5 7 to th.. L ane i It thriller. D":1rl '~I o rri so n and Bruc e \ I(·xa.nd~r wn' PLe ; !lndtou t i.
Lo.<.t I)
n ~ By Bernie Brotman
'---------------...j IGunn ers
; - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - . , I Holt>" RECO R DS an d PHONOGRA PHS Magnavox Headqu a rters
The Church is on the m arch! Wanted: Me n of f ai th a nd real stuff to heed God's call and to prepare for Hi s min i&try on the West Coast.
H P : Ji.m Ruff, II, Dejal'diw's. 1 \ Y " 8 " 36, Faculty 32.
Th,' Thund erbird s of l.'BC surprisi n g ly strong in th " first half, b UI S l'n th e Lutf'< found th, ra n!{C' a nd took a never·threatened lc:ad . The .408 .hl)o tin g pc: rcent agt' i 0 r PL agn inst L' BC's . 3 :!~ o: ffort W j ' d cci i\'t", bu t domination of lC:bound, by the Lutes contributed to their ictOl1'. Ed W ild led the T.Bird 5~orirlg, whiI' ROi{t' I' IverSo n with 15 poin a nd J im V un BCr'k with 12 count.en I L . W"Id .) SUp p OI' I: tIe ut.' WIn. I canne.. I:! poi n t . (cia" . 'To W ":C 8 1. :::,' I U'. p.. ..rr Th d .. f' I . 81 . 5 ' e ecclvmg rna scon: ot would tend to g-i e ed dc ncc of n run· a way by PLC ov,; r Wc' tc.rn . T ht! V ike· 'D~ pI v ed a IUD h be lt'·, floGJr '11111 than t hr score ind icat , b u t ... .291J , h ooting .". rail!: again.t the L u te .43;; PITc,,'n t."l \!;t' ' !H dfoll ill vain. The Glads held a 36-'21 ha lft ime JlliU~in>
lJ.----------------------------------, I
HP: R oy Schwarz, 28, R R , D"J~rdin '" -10, Brewe n 3 1.
1121-23 Broad wa y
th e ja).'. V ....s. 0.lId wou ld ll"" a , d u lie reser,.·!" fO.r the Lut,'s as t he" baLtI" . to re tam th,:lr E\"(·rg rl'l"rl Conl< 'r<: I1"" c ha mpIOnshIp.
Intramural Sta ndings
romped to easy vic Lories the I lis, l ' lIi WTSit y of Br iti sh .olumbia and I W "ste rn W",hin :,rton u.rskcLu:Ul fives
pa rt of th t' Lut e rC'boundin g', is e x·
Ivy 'A' Collects
Sraight Wins
Page T hree
1\AI:\ s tandin ~s sho w th.: Gla di· a t"rs in c i ~hth position among the co ll l'i:(t's of the aS50ciation throu g hout th" nation. T hey a r e classifie d 17th in defe nse a nd 10th on off(~ s,' , P bns art' in th e m a ki ng fo r alIot h,.l' annu:I! a thletic .n'fa rds . anqllc t. T be ge neral c hainnan is now b " ing ap· pointed, Spr cLat o . who watched the ,\coma ' PLe ,JV prdi m illary to t he UBC·PL ' 3'"m,· las t F J'irhy ni ght saw Lut g rads Jack Swdprson and J:1 C k j cwha r t a rno lll:; t ho,," hat.tlin ,;- t he JV·,. C a m pa; in t r:.tmurals fo r Ih<' "oed _ will be."i" at 7:00 Th u rs d:.y, Ja n. 10. Thl' Lut ladies will \) 1m th.· p r e.. rt<lrlI wi Lh G irl>' ba~kt" tb" ll ,
UNO S 11 2th and
ark Avenue
Attention, Students: See Don eey for Your
* License Plate in stall ation * H eadlight aim a nd bal a nce ch e ck * W heel bal a ncing c heck
Page Fou
r rlday . Janu ary 17, 1958
Box ocial Planne for unday; •
uSlness Majors
ear Ban
R e t h e I tter s o n a ge 2. th e M oo ri ng Mast IS r eo ceiving i 1n t 0 i ts penci · j:lus n in g , type-dizzy c rew , wi t h wh at you w ould n ot exactly call "ope a rms. t h is very SUccessrul, b ut mod est , report er w h o i s a ..... a n without a country' ttl at is a wr iter w ,thou t t hto Mooring M ast.
A lp ha Sigm a Lam bda is a dub for Mr. Ray Hart, 1957 pres.i d nt f i box soc ial. sponsored a~i Bmin,'ss ~ajGrs. ~ffic("fs .are Duan<: the- Tac~ma Cam! ra Clu.b, ""~ PLC ! juinll) b) th Fn . h m . n c.L ~ a Dd Lu- "(",, to n, pn:Sld"nt; JIn) Kltl1l~by, \"lce· dub adnsor R. Byard F n tt> will pre· th~'r"n , llJdr-nt A!<;C'(:ia tion, will be i pre5ide nt. ~nd Audry R ook, stcretarY'1 se nt the program. hdd III C B-211(l. . und~ t ,-enin g, Jan· rh e next lIl ec'n will be M onday FIVE LSA'ers GO TO OREGO N II:Uj 19 . a t 5: 15 p.m. n ight, February 3, a nd will be a busi- i Ardi~ -\rmstrong, D avc G ni eh-, Tn d diLiQn I lhe Il'ood iooci prom· fl " S lTn ,tin g. Su,i<: Lann en. Da n Witmer :m d Ken i d by til ,pomo~, lhrrc will so be . CAMERA CLU B CLICKI NG . Gamb were d ec ted ~: last w("<:k"s ~SA pri1M it, \ arioll~ boxt s. I me-eIInS" to be PLl. s n: pl r' entallv(:s -"ext meetin T oi tbe PLC C amera nt t h e P aCI'f it' ,,"orthwcs t Re!1;ion LSA Pa~<t:s 10 ;1 d nvl' -in mO I' ie, free halT t.ut ( 00<1 pro" t i. t' for R. Re:cp ), and (: 1 th j 'L h. duled fol' Tu<:sd ay, Jan. Workshop to be h.-ld this v t ar at I) t. bhx..' "onl:t nin._ on" dollar bill n:lrv ~ I, at b:30 p.m. in L- I 14. Ca mp 1{"nur h" on rh .. Colu m L13 ri q ·c I I will he intenlllnlrkd ,·. illt rhe other Th. haH h our presentati o n will h.. in 01"·I~on . bco I n hr-$. a sc r;I'S of priu wi n nin~ photo!,r rap IS Purpose of I·h,. work shop, 10 be hrId I WALKER ADDRESSES A SL lJ rociuc{ci by membr-rs of th e Ta(oma I' F" bntary I·t-H;, will bt t h.. lp the t'OI rtlr' r a urg:,nization. E a c It pic tu re- d,.Jr· .l{n tes Irarn more abou t ..tll asp ects f rClflomJ(" IT' \ w of 19':,7 an Out snows ~om ( ' pha,.: of "iood aftfr-d nrk of the W() rl.' oi LSA rt th.. n;, ri onaI, I 1 J for 1958' w. " lit t pi uf Mr. ph t )1 ra p hv. Tr.u:iona l and 10<:.l l len'\. R . K . \ alkt r . as iuanl ("ashie r and - - - - .- - ----_._--- - - -_ ._--_.__.._ -_._._ - - he:. rI l,f public n lr tiom f or Ih X a· i.sh ill. IOn , wllt'n he tinn,,1 B:lnk addressrd Ih.. BlIbim'ss • dm inistr.uion
«' \\
1\111 I..
I ~r "nd<.
Mural Depicts
IGA FOODTOWN Comp le te Sh opping C e nte r Srrving PL C rhrollgh hri. tian
112TH ST R EET ( Airport Roa d ) A N D PARK AVE NU E
u' hf fr e ptOl<s. OPE N SIX DAYS A W EEK . . .
EDl'T' II\. ... .. .... _.. .
Charm Beauty Salon Blonche Lingbloom 4 j 2 GARFIElD ST.
Fo rmica an· T)"pin ...__ ... ....... .. ... .... Laurir Bc~ roft 811 Inf'. ,, )fanag .. Mary Lo u Engen Ad ~t j citO I',": Rod Patterson, Lois :\ Il dc~ on .
LE. 7·7475
LEnox 7- 3 34
SR. 2·4629 93 2 Pacific Ave nue Tacoma, Woshirrglo n
Pai nt - Plum bing -- Ro ofing Kirsch Rods - Window Shades
Elect ric
PARKLAND HARDWARE G lass Installation 12 15t and Pa.cific Aven ue
Pi pe Cutting and Threodin£l
Phone LE. 7-3 171
L nne Osma nbergj I .in
da 5rh rf.
lioto~rap h l"r,
.. .... .. ' I r . W . • ! cKewc n \TlIst .._.... ... . . ... Dick L ond gren IJookkee per..................._.Carol House Cl.reulatlon ._...__...._..._...... Patti Finn Circ lJla tioll assista nts: Tele Bovans, Arcli Annstr ns:, Earlene Burcham, .10., L t'\O is, K att'n K Im, Thelma N,.I50 '1 , D d l Dortndorf. Barbara B kner. .
ARrS SHOES AND REPAIRING Tenn is Shoes -. Bucks .. Flats .. Oxfords Quality Se rvice
Opposite Pa rkland Pos t Office
Par dise Fvlly Automatic
T,Jesdo)l - All Evenin g
Weclnesda y -- after 9 p.m .
Fr'day - All Evening
10707 Pacific Ave.
Expert Dry Cleaning
Laundry Service
Phone LE. 7-6012
l-IN-l TO BEnER SERVE YOU Stal'l dar d H e..t ing Oils - Heating Equipm e.n"t
Hea ti n g S ervice
Enjoy That "PLUS" Service MARV TOMMERVIK'S
One-Day Service
PHONE LE. 7-4256
Mrs. Jo Summers
Phone LEnox 7-4300
Not really. 'Cause if Coke had been around in Caesar's day, Caesar would have treated himself to the sparkling good taste, the welcome lift of Coke! Caesar's motto-"I came, I saw, I conquered." Pretty good motto for Coke too-the prime favorite in over 100 countries today!
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled vnde, authority of The Coco-Colo Company by PACIFIC COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, TACOMA, WASH.
loc P aced Camus oon osfs Deb t:ors Cross C·t:y
for Tonight: I~/~;';,~~~:~~~r~~~~h~ For Week nd et
r-'L " ~, set nd annua l all ·campus auction will be held tonig ht Tou rnan1l'nt. Jt 8:00 p .m . in lh t, C"L1B dUl ing h all ~pons o red by Inter-Clu b DI t'
. .
. II ·
Council .:1S lilt of the Ihrel: ('v('D[s offered o n campus t hl - pnng . ' .--. . '- - _ ..10 riUSe mo ney l o r the . a m pus Ches L. an o.' q Ulvalen t () the Com · . (' h '
l ato n
r on} [
" 1'
t' _,, 0 1' I1\\"C! t area
I l I '11 cornnete . 'In e" ( n t~ 1 ~cnuo !o \ V l I II , . , L.· .1' L W ( DUtil on tIlt ca m pus a Ile I n tIle m u n HY - . I?Sr. Ir d t··1 . I' 'r' t L t h ' d I I b'd J II L uCOt LOIla umr 0 nm \'~ II Cl-a n AI I \ tu ents are Wt' corne [0 co rn L anu I on any ane a Church, Bettduu ~1"cdonald , tou matl ciC's, p nz{' a nd v tht r sur p l 'St'. to v- rntIJt dil"t'ctor.. invites " all nlt~mb(' rs of I" "fl , tet.!, ,il, !l IJU IIU'ci gC'YH:rai chair- I I ',"• r", t' \I ~ n , n~, as Wt: II ;'S M II J.Iey 0 f t h~ sruQc- nt b ody an d facult y to feel . r. U);lfl Dant' ll IJ iru.' let in H hi !"( t: rcation r oorn f O I an eV t': . f t ree to atte nd a~ m a ny 0 ~h {~ C"cI1 t s ~'lin 1. :\{; 'i"" oth er i tlln~ a n' ;,:..1:'(1 ("X S u ch priL" " a " fu,-, d from pr t, k,.(>1 IJI"ctc d [0 be u p f OI bid . wives a n d b"kC'ric:s, dot h,.! and J I-f(~ rb Denlll~t'y~ head uf the rOOln:' . ' . . E" tt'na1l1UH nl at t ht· . UeliUIl will and jud'J asks th a t _all . ' s _commlttl'C . _ ' 1.1ItLl stun '. will hr. put un th,· b lue!· , bl' pt \J' id t d by q\l tl~ n t ~, w ith Boh at the' tournamnlt '- _ _ • 'I e) lin n up til t· fbI ;, iries, latr Fit III m~ , '56 PLC ~ radu;,h ', Cl i n ~;, who whh • tc, Ju(i{T(" '·untact 1mB Dr flll Ol1! one ol tt. e . . . _ _ I dtl.l t-' ~ , g i rh t t j dear! ruu rrJ~ .an d H l asttr u f Ct'l'tInuu i r' '1 . AuctioIl l c-r L<ld ~ lrps that \\";]1 be passed out In cha pd to' ; r"'. a. p r () [r ".stH· ca r fur a cJ (lU~,. an d llut b u fI a nn uunced a t pl t'~S t im l . :;-0IiW tiIl l l - next \\-cek. 'J hI 111aj uri ty uf rll,· p n)(' t' ~ d s gu i n ~ f'" n _ .ki t n p SJJun son:ci by a lITeJU l' (Jr, Il ,, · ,lip w i ll be "" , ta ' Lb n b ( i.,I.ul ty l/I ·mb, r.' wi!! !k l1 \' :1l1 ab J, ~ tu tl.. C amp us ,I a ·. will ,'U io lh, -1 1
UI' IJiJtiin~ .
Htlrnl:JI h ~\
Ill"Cll uperlt'd COl
t u
T wenty PL C debato r wi ll (ake part in th.E: Ty ro (beginner o Tournament at CPS I . . February 1"3, 14 an d I J. Then \dl1 C:l !
. f('w sClllor catego nes. -~
1 he Oxford and One-man (LIncoln- D o uglas ) debate stvle~ . . .. ' . p ~' '. wIll b,~ ; used In the compctltJan for whIch some 0 C s :>eruor ., ' . .. d(·ba tor ~, WII, ",~ t a, Jud ges. P r oles!Ol ~.---- .
T, Karl 3nd Dr. V. lT tz tll" LT of PLC wiIl.. with l.-" I<" otn ,,!' professor , help in the JlI lic.'ln,l! ,,1;0, Folinwin ~ :~n th e team en trlC S in th..... Jnni.or \len' s D..i\. i'.io,n: . ,.lilT.l T, " l. _ ,- llUl, (lpll fhhl: C" l Capnet., Da\ C C' • • t B 1· \\,. . r J.u h 11 (>\<ur' ·Ir d : ~ .. uar: _ 0 ,) ,l ~ nt: ~ _~ ~ 1 ".1 ii C'__ rUIGtlI1 ,', S . ·11, D 'd t'l ~"Inl . It -.(-I·lUt.. - 1 Sf'l'i ior " 'D'" WH' rl S lVi.Slon a f e D \)11 D OU~·~I 'a,~··d n l '1 1
I Kr a" hd,
Dolon'~ • -jms, X :\nry W alk
Il'r. .C:ll'oh- n . Hloorn fi rld .
Exttlllpor<,neou£ S pe a k in ." : Jim ~ Tra vn or, <-) r in Dd,I, ('~I C"I"Ilt'r, 1) ,,\, ~ Stuart., Bub ,Va !-! n~r, Dau AIm;, J<lckif ' Slat.. r., .T n is Ra nd.ll. L , u.i~c KT "C ~ \1 tO rt , D OO(lS J _ l'aa h t' i .' ,Oyl .. .. "nn!S, ,. l,' y,'" a I')llT ,l'. a rt) I yn IOOD f'Ie Id.
. • .
Intcrpretl\ic Reading: Jl n Tra)uDr Dc'mps"'" ar,d Die\.: Kraign is Cal C apEt"!". Bob O lson , J a<.ki,' 'latcr': I .. i entered in th,' OIH' ~Lln Sen ior Dl\" LOllis(" K ra abd , Dolorc.> :-.ijllll, • 'ant)' i ,io n . ¥ialker, Carolyn Bloo m fi,·ld.
i Herb
T ;1l~ UI~K1 C ommunity ~: hes t. .. . It.' \" filInl in . TI." .. a,.,j~r.mn' t. wiI: '!"' '' Ill ' for. th",[ u~lior. Worner; s Di- Imp~o. ,mp. tu . S pcakwl!: (Irin D, hi, A, ,, " " It D : rn' 1l HttH'< lI. =ngmg\ lJ, ma dl ,m d th, hn a! potbon 01 th, ';"lOn a i" ' : J.lt~.I' · Sbt'T, Je," Ran Bob Wa gne r , Joy( ' ,,\!too.
(]'nt. ,1\"'0. i!r,d _\Ji I 'Vi (.k.~t !(}j tl h all t! ~' ;1\tlliutl;'" \ ~t Elli c h (l n , C; ( ot u pill U1J fU f au u ion h er n pa.rtment Cor 1 1shr n"d Jon 'OIIlI:.
irj~ll : Ju d i J (}h mon, ~:oui ' l" Kra;J.bd l~fter dinncr spcaking: }Jot 011.1n, JU\CC .'olton, lJu lo]l· s ."\llns: and _ '\an<')' J e n s R <ll1da!1. W;:lkn, Ca rolyn Bluomf.idd. Be:!, lou SENIOR DIVISJO N 'l.LlCuona ld w rll lOl llprtc in the' Orll,· Imp r ompt u: Dick K i~r.I' HI ttt lou \VU !ll;i n Scnie r Divl , ion. M acdorll'lld. I Otbn ca (, ·? or it·' :;r,d PLC \ t" nt lI LS Extemporaneous S p (' a l. inl{; DII k :J.n" ;-i ':;' foHc)\v,Iioi: K rn i.ger. Don D ou glas , H erb D"flIp JU~lO R DIVISIOi\ C)'.' B,· ttc! nu ~fa l' dOnll l d . lntcrpreti,c Reading: D id :b. t.\i~tr", Ba ck [m' th ei r fina l ~f"ln t,l ,' t Oratory: Jim Trav[!O!', Ch in Dahl, " iCc Lutheran afte r t\VO }T ars of lb-.i il1- C al C;-t P~l~_~~:._._~~_:~"~ St(\'.'di"t, Lou i"C"" H erb D,·mr"n -. ical \vork a n : th e ni n ctCf"Il l nCIYl , e r~ - - - -- - - - --
IiI' \" ,ill \" . rr tll Tllt"d to
urses R lun For Semester
Se niCH" nursin ~ CL1:; ~ .
(I f thl"
In February
1956 th e itirls left
PLC to cuntinut" their (-lh lc1ti(ln at 1,:nlfll.. l nUCl. Fiosp ital i.l,l Pu r tl a n.d, c)rC
L a :.;t sur ' l Hln" ~ fi e Tl\l1'~( " 5 "'p r fl t h t"l't" HlL)Iuh:;: duin~..:. lli nie::t! \,\"or k ;J t 1 l ~ l' t h- , ·.~on Sti'tf :vlental Huspi tal ill
S ;ihllL
l ]J () n cOIr lpktion of thi:; .... rn lit.
th, ,1
t t"f
.l I U!' \\lJl c,!.tdu.. :, "till ~f lt l" B,ltI " lut 01 S," Ile,· rn • IITSttt V.
[I ' ,
---------------------------------I I For 'dac and he I VOL. 35,
NO, 13
FRI., F EB. 1, 1958
ll lu_, : 11' , I"" 111 1\ 11 , \ ~ , I i I' B:ru n iit 1 ~ J o an F bl ~" Ruth IL1. u~_t , Ju li t J o h rL u n lktty Juhn so l~, :Dor·· l
'-',t ~l\' Jonmo. n, ~bn~i:l L " in, B(,\l"II, K r;trnpltz, J d n (-' t I U\,V(' and Janet
Cast members for the second Children's Theater production
CharkIlt" Pd,!'OIl, K;ll"' ll },'falfait, of the year. "Jack and the Banstalk," will be ann ounced tad.1\" Donll~l Gicn, }"l aur inc Sv,'a mun, Vir or tomorrow on the stage bulletin board in the CM~. Th~ show e:ini" ,"V"Y"rts, Bt'"uicc ~ h t't'k, Ruse will be orcs need Nlarch J J - 15 on the eMS stage un der [be din~c ~ .'\nn J"CUb~OIl, J:lr1ie e MeKt'clllky t ion of Eric .'\o nlholm, o ri6inator uf~- --'--- --tu handle and ~'L. rgaret \Vilkinson. th,' PLC Children's Th ~atf·r. I Th e M;)[, in th. M oo ' I II JIl k ~
" Ca tsup Carnival" Set for February 13 ' ·e ..l1 u p C ", rnival" tim( will ., n be. • "mi n e( tu PL C ' (Clrnp us , "" • PO · I I LI ._.J I tl"rJl IJt:tS IJI C P UCt... f or- t i t annua Ul lUU.. . . . . . u n \ ' , 1,_ b t J-eu , \J Irotn III a .m. to , V III, Du n u t'S mu,t be 1 tl )," a rs
blcJod ru\.llJi k
is ,,:llI"dukd
fr om J(, to 14. pe ople pe r hour. In ,nulliun , q:..tf' that no food except • •• • bla ck coUcc, hurt .JUice, and wat<:'1 IS tu be take n :l hours priur to til L duna
~Id Il ion .
Contest Goi ng - Beards Grow ing
w il h ,t h o ,; ,18 tll 21 n_qUIrIt,g T h is blood will be pu t into tf": PL : Ikards are bein g- g roomed :Hld musWI tt l<:, p i 1l . II SSlO t! Irow p ,u': n ' . bloud bal lI, to be u,ed pnmanly by ull'h ~ , trimmed as fdluws ( Ornpdt: in '>t udt'Ilt, 'Nishi!',1( tt:' g iVl.; bloud rr::J.v ~: olll't'>; f" ·I u lk nts. Infor m ation r egard tht: :trrnual APO b.. ard-~:rowiI1Q' eoniell UfJ fln- "11 a pporntlTj{' rtt the lit'l l I lll !l lt~ acc("ss wh en n t Ct S a ry ma y 1:e ll-'st. ~\ c nJrding to Ch;lifllH'Il Craig pa n of ""xl \,,\:,.1> in thec C U B. T he bt, In. d thruugh the dean's aUice. Johnson ,m d Bill Olson, tt lmination uf lilt" ,'Olltlst will be dUlin g halftin,c u l th e Whitworth l(anlt" on Feb . 15. i A t tillS tim(' PllZ, swill b<. g l\ Ln in
New Housing Opens in F II
PLl will 1;1: upenin~ fo r tht" fall IIlcs trr a II, w b(JY': dormitory which • ill hUllS" 69 wen a nd a. h ouse-father. '>t
l'l.lfI lIt·d f0 r 23 t (Jorw , w ith thrt:e r oortl; tht hou s('-iathe r w ill U'Tl1py the last t o · II ,. E a.d l room will I 1~tx2U fn·t, e ach w ith a IJriv <ltc MIL :mel ,h"w,' !. The rt: w ill b e cicc Iri( beat, rhn ltlostatiLally cuntt oll!:d. T he norIl' will he constructed in a n 'H" ~ h~,pt with the "nels of the "H" « 106Cd uff. 28x40 foot luun ge will l""~ 'Pl' ! Ia,' ll1 iddlt !'ction uf til '·H." hn lf"!lll l"l tt.! thl~ rooms will be: made Lv p"ssing throu gh tht: lounge a n d. ,\ IIt.W ' .1dt·1 iur fi n ish will be givr n b, d urn. a.nd the i nl r im will h . ~'C a III' \\' t ile fluonllg, O ne u ru t j., to bt (.m)J1 tt'd iJdor tl l~ do~': uf t hir setl1<'!tI:'r which w ,ll allow t be m n tt•• c:e: "hal l h, y will have in ti,t \'. ay of \:: w li" i lJ~ quaJ\t'r~ for next fa ll.
111111 \U :l
~~i'\" cn
th,. courag'"" in one sn"nc o n thi;~
r(ln a fnur-p;:J"~(, feature and p tt 'tu lT
Climax of the well-known Story IS stnrv uf th e histu,'y uf the Childre n's tlI<" chopping down <If thl' bt'dllAlalk The,Itt·,' her< and uf "Flibbcrtygibbet," with G iant on it. whic h was the Fall SCrtJ(",t rr produc M n. Chorp!: nnin 's tailor·nudl 0. 11 tion. diem C$ L. t tlI( GOodUliill Mc m,m.1 I d 1 I .\11 s, b alld ( ostutn("s arc ttl. ! , Jy T ht'a tr' in Chicago ta ught h~r to r ite for all a ge s. It was her philo.o ' I'Ll' students lind, r Ihe dirn ;; tio;l ,pf ~[ , . "rdh"I!'1 w ho d tt t (ts ,lnd CLI- p hy that 3.dults who attend this pr\~ d u ctio n w ill enjoy th e pln'Ys as mudt .. . stg'ns t h t: ~hows., . P1I1DS a n::: now" bein g rna de for i fOllr divisions: as the chiidn:n will bt:caus~ of tht' th ,o t on>tluctiull of a Daffud il P a ; . 1. .Best ,goatee and lIlust"ct,,· "ntten by . deep adult o\"t·rto n.. ~ Iluou"hllu t , blnatLOn, L. most colorful b, ard, ,J. ",[a("k .1I1d th,· B/'a ns la lk . w;! S wntralit- fl oat fur Pac ific Luthcran Colkl!t:, best full beard, at,d 4. smooth,;st f~:e tm for the Childn'n's Th"ll t("~ by the Jay Tronsdak. g-rnt'ra l chairrna n i I .1(., tl,u~(" tuo young to. sha\~. 10 . late Mrs. Charlotte Chorpennmg whu ['" te, l Ci ua t, I,a, appointed Jerry II <lat ,' w',u ly HO stu ci r nts (tnclu.dm g 3 . 1was une of th. (" fuunders of the Chil n"ported six girls) have lq; isttrcd .in drcn!s Theatf.l~ nl0\Tf:1t:nt in AIIlerica. lIar.l!' on a'\ co n slru Lticul cha.i ruJdn, tl" cornp<tir ion. Jud gi nl,l will lJe clune I I I k d d wit h :I I t cha irrr: an still to be chos... , . Mr. Xordho rn, W 10 wo r T un er D a" id Knutson, PLG 'tud c:nt Bodv b\· three , q uaiIlll"d coli 'gl:. professors, . .
\~11O 'H" as vct unannoullcceL Mrs. Chor]lf nIlln\.( for s[,veral years, p cn icit:nt, and Don3.ld orndl, vic I-=================-'-'~.~~_. rcmalk('d that "this play prom ises to p reside.nt uf the Stude.n.t Body, 'will he quite interesting: bcc"use of its pop- attend the Eve rg reen Coofr n:.nu: Stu e llIlarity with child n :n." He also st~tcd d r:ut o ciatioll W inLer meeting 3l Univc rsit i n Sp okane n th"t p ublic ity in the T acoma sc I100 Is G onza"a " ,would b t: highlv accelerated for this F ebr uary 7-8. Ar, ,,"p,: r irnnltal systclII. will b e pro ~"rarn of th... month. l Main function £ the mtcting will This do cs not mean tllat t h (" C Iass I; play, a dopted Ly tht st ude nt body in an wil! han; to present the plUgram, but be to p lan for the Spr~g C onvention a t temp t to improve the q uality of the Thrc(:-AcI Play b h Id " h 68 d that it will be: rt'sponsible for the p r o . . , . ' I b d ! to e e .narc - o n IC campus Tu esd a y J lapd prog rams. f , . 1 flt· pia\'. whlen ",Ii l" prest'nte th T<' I' t ( f B ·l, · ·h 01u Illb,' a . . _, . . 0 (L; Ill\'er. y J n F o r th e coming seml'stct" tht:' four '( ra m. I he class can arran ge for :m y- . 1t1 rlll'(·' , sctt 1tl ~S on tilt" PLC stagc, IS in Van«)U\ r . 1 one 0 p r csent th... r:h ape. I · · ' . . t class n wi ll be in cha rge of the meet At thl cnd of th.- s"rncstcr a ("Olll- full of ru",t';r-Ul'ginning in the £tn t Tlu I' Ll d rh ; lilm tu the: aU ing £ fu r t.ll·h TUEsday of the- month. n".,. tin<: h ,I8 f ( \'ir.~d t he constitut ioll Will yot(' " on t h e q uality of th eart w h ;r h OJX' ~ hi'lh up in th... d ouds m itt('c T h e stll ior cilU.' will ha\ c the fir. t pf Ih E( S \. Tilt p ropu I·d I dSjull T uesday, j un ior clus~ t he second, soph pruqrdms and tht' c1a,~ which h.a!. the v. hl"T"l' thl lll;l. 'icc ruakC'r is h untin!! for will b prl' I n t ~ d at tn w inte r m~t b/ t r l o rd o f t:onsistr·ntly good p ro!omeont to la e h ili ma~ic thing away OIltU la~~ tht tbird and fr~hman in~ . frorn th ' Ginnt, tlass v. ill h:l\c charge o f the fourth ~m will be a w arded th e: trophy.
U \ '<; r ,
a c ciairll
PLC Childn n' s Tl"'atcr la,t WCt k I Jack pre" ,' s hi, CO\l rn qe by mana i.n when th e Lutheran Herald, the E\·,U\ 1 0 j("SClH' tht Giant's w lf VI s hilown mothtT who was be i n!! c1u'atcd b\ Qclic;:!l LuthrraE Church Ina,£! azirw~ Raff Heywood, the " HI'lin
I Making Float Plans
Office rs Knutson, Cornell Go to G.U.
Classes To Plan Tues ay Ghap
P age T wo
Friday, F ebruary 7, 1958
Vein Drain
Roll Up Your Sleeve
by Bob b~ writing thi, thi n'
It'" nir't to
Princess Julie Chosen
For Mt. Hood Carniva
I beli~Vt, yo u ;111 have wbar ir t ak es: na m ely, blood. iall:tiTl , I wouid' \"!, "ta rtI'd soo ne r but Next 'f hur,da y . February 13 . lph a Ph i O mega 1. sponsor - J hJ.d a bi of bad luck, J hurt , mr }'Ii " Jul it, iR,'n hard, 19 -yt':l HJld b "i ld illl~ to fashion ,hows, an p bnnrrt I n&: t hl. an nual blood u r ivc a t PL C. I n keepi ng with America'" bac k, One (lI lfht du nn ' lllr' h oh dav blond ,' sopholllore in f'ducation, will for t il" w l"'i;r' ll d ·.vh ichvill begin al famed urgt' to have t 1(' bigges. a n d .gn: ing wit h PO lh a!:. t he s .lson ] eml" hO~'C, saw a'pidrrQn climb the slope5 of ?it , Hood thi~ [B onO ;1,111, ;I tll rdal', Fr'bwar' 8, and hlo d dri ve i' a \ . • Y wo rth y c.:llI Sl . r be lieve WI' should n or on ly till' Ct' ,l!n.C:- ;lI!d tr lt' d !(I stl'P o n h ill. · ,',"'k"ll d to r cpr, 51 'rl t PL ' ., can d i- " lld with A \);.:rlqW' t ;It .j.;~(J p ,m 'l Sun· tOp IJ st 't'.:lrs tota l (w h id1 W as well b 'low <J n~ hundred) b u't P( )M E; R?,,'s arc red, \ iolrt, art' ,. b tc fo; 'I ''''' n llf 'f". ,,'umcl "nnuu l . cia :.', F,'bruan ~ , er 1 lIeW <l11 t ime h igh fo r l'iu t~ don dted , blw' " ~,o r mo t I, stl't'P <In ri m y sod; , I l ntr'rroll,"~iat [' Win tt' r C~m i\ .1. I (: h ri,ti,' o nd3ht, R od Bernt'len Thl:re should b(' no cxcus ' fo r no t g ivin g bl ood A not i? of . IIe rud)'I... , ,H,l\ l(I U h"<JI.'d TIll' l' J J' , I Ro n Harmon, Ji m .J:.lhn " >!l ~Ild h n . " , " . . 'J ,'I1' l')1 1 nqur ' n t.t' ump, ' T I' I :>,'att I' I , nl)w U I> ~ bome , hilt .'TI cl l ""Tl ( ) ·Is'-J·. t' ~r. ' ,J'" UI'i'rJl.' lI "' )/lfC )( J l lor [h( )w (," Y"ar~,J ( 1( ai'" lt 5ft .It "h e ~ (). rp ,_ • • ~. , Lx PL ·,~,.il ... t tJ.u·... _r ~ I , ).'?IJd ._) / ,,~ . ~,t; 1 ,.l 1! U\ 111 . 'ln a II '\ f r onl , . ·\V J I " Y lIt I P chf' emlll leCTu { '-i.'s ln'Clion 'I h'c cn t irL pro eU U1"\: is p inll'ss tJke~ d l' II! ; ' till' Sabr,. Dil nre o n ly wah I'" .' , f ' wfH" w ill ,· nll'l' tiH down hill n ile! ~b, .' " R c · ., ' 't I "J I I ,.. ' ',-,1 s('~ h, 'r '1 11:1 IIlca t lOns Or q 1'( ' 11 St" '1n ;lU r q'lat.. I 1· h C' - 1
' n I Y J , I.'\\- m ln U [ C ~ LIt l lL: ~d r oss loodtn obde and CJI1 be: SWI c ,'U ~ U'~ ' \ " ', now , a Juli .. h ~ s ;'I" ' n l;jin~ fflr i, ' \ <' ars. (Jl, l r\'f'n l.' (), I ,. .;In, ,, ,, , .
done at you!" CO '1VCt le ncl' .. H you ca n ' l s(a~d s etn g b lood. ,-lese ~ ;,t':,nc~ l n " on'l " til wllh till' Wl11d b~o'.\'- PLC's Ski l~ luh, whidl ~ . ~ p0n;u rin~ I, Ponlanel Sta l,' C ol ll'l.!r " w ll1 d . ;_
Vour c"'es If "O l\ 'I~Sl don [ h kc 1I"\. Idca~ c.! don a lln renl"mb~r ., ,n.. ~ nr,' 11,11 1', alld ,1", too P1'(lUU [f) J I' IlI' r <J rOlllo l! tt ' out fi,. t of ! '"'nd tn~ Ih,' f,· 1." 111(. ' ,,11 .15 Innt"d _J
, I ' } J ~ . rr 0' .... ' ' . • '. U lI' . .,,-:< j\T ~ m' thy you I11 i"h r he \vishiwI 5('1111'0 111:: 11ld donJted f0r vou ,.jI<B!' It , , , P lca!>C , please don t nllnd i I,:. j , . ' ," 'lJ l1t~n of t h, p, 'c llir );orth wI"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I . . . • , p~l r rl\ .l . pant~ ~ln( !\W t' <ttr r \vtlH'h WIl[ PL 'h w ld b~ ~,]bk l(l. t"-(l IV" S( re~. of p Int.'s o f", bl,'oJ I ' ld' .). \ n on. (.on w lJ, He Isn t 5;uch a bad ~ y,I) l(('n '1 tlca ' I to t Il l f,(' () f h,. nt h!",]" :It.l:orl, I' m~ PL l., I.J _ ll1('rnb('r; o f II, _ .. . . 5kt L II h !>I",:, d I: P, : ' h ;"[1 .' H Irn rol l np ou r slee ves for t he R,ed ross : Le e's give W J ( it ta kcs: IInll l j '. ou !:ct,to,~ ~OW h\~l, ' " ,.\ ~m C 'I.,d id atr'" i
I' , , I' '
' ("')
, -
blood. _
DJ 'e C r ownl.'r. ed ito r.
l HE \
I \ \h. O fE DE[ l.-SU" G
Ta, 0.1' a, Sod .-Jerk-- With Ell1'lJhasi · O I L tIle Sodll
I ;;;!lld
f: n'.'c r ,lod L 0 T1 1l 11 ~, ' I;Q n of tlv' \ ',.,..iou:. "\Tn ts, f r n III SHow-mar. u lt y to be ofli e ;;, ! ['h n p rro n r's .
T() BE SL" ,;C TO T H E Tl 1'fE (IF i YO U \ R E ~1Y S t' ,SHli\" E : WI,.. " I I 10\'(' y ou , 3n d you gav\.' 1I1e a
, lulk of ' CO U" h ai r: 'Vh f' n J said I n ('(' d \' O U , ;I ud vou 1.!;1\T II)C ' 3 loc k of your I h:lir You :~a v,: HI l' " lock of your h air, I wh" n J ~sl.('ci h uw TIluch "Ull did {.ll t " , by Danny . J\l\'U\ R Y ') 1 I('ars D TO ' · , . " r -. . ' . _ IT Rut now, dl';u, I don't want yo u at :,.11, ~ -' , . ." -. . ' ( Jn n' upon a urn, Jon~) . g fIlt) etn , . • ~et:dlcs.' to sa} I ~ot , " " " b IJ b ' II' d b II 1 wO majOI ltl nh o t . l' h t 1 j . (. . . (u 1. '> a u tt. .. 5 ~1. u ~s a 1 rar a .I h.ld th(' ldc.~ op lnto n t ,l( t Ie o n y t i C Joh WIth a sh~llt drop m wa~es) ' If Id tl t I tl t t l "S D .lffodil flu "t ,h;U l'lI ldll ',' 1 . • I I I' f d dId d . I, ) ou (Oll SIng lCl tl It' lInt' l l . . limn 01 In I to lan' w a s· t tat 0 so a - all sell c own to the hie of an aver· y V S I'D oj tl1<' <l thl"tl (, hanqu et to )<"k. Wi t h I'rnpllas-is on th e soda , But a~,·, if not sOl1lewhat neuroti,' 00' l HI ,\ rc ,10' • uns lInl', contact r. ,
New Table : New Lights?
a- ! So lbcr,f...\ ,
ru nnin~.
h t'.'!O
<.'xpc rinwnts
n 'portcd
.. tJU oln "SS wcr tit!" PIJOIIltllll' nl'i Jf Jay l ron d II ~ "n d J o n Sain e 'l.Iul E wl'n(' H 'l lJa la as ('o -I'!, ol rnlcn ' r-' ( 1)(' h ·Id h is sp rinrr ' " JIlinut es a n d no u· . . f rom t h e E vr r ~n T n Con r(:rt' nl~~
il t lilt: r lt,.. 0 1.1 in, buddy, it ain' t jerk. n ext week ) I used to bl' u npopu - Student Bod) I\ ssoci " ti o n fa ll conf .' If'nl'' h a d <lni ,r. , ,Hid drk 'l''ttcs frnr:1 wh It i'," ,t eked up , to Iw, . ' Ach. Hilllmel! !ar hut J !le\Tr knew wl1\' , Then las t PLC whn "t tt-ndcd the nI<' c ti n!,; WI'IT to r{'vi se t h e ECSA " 0 titu tion, D a~" xp':rIt'n cl' as sod a-Jerk ~1 y first clay Ull til<' j ob h appe ned - " f: this colullln, I Knutson , ., ' bl' PL G , s re presen tat". , . ", "t thr ECSA Wi n , ~l " y tit .st' ~" , .. , , ." " . ' ,. . ' YI'ar J sta rtl" d wntill an d Don (.orndl wtll W.l III .1 K " tchI Ka n, AlasLl, rnst.auto b, Sund,l\ .1I!{ht. \Ol , know wh :Jt " I' '11 I l I I t f ' S · L r I 78 . _ . ''" . 1' ~OW In st\ unp ODu ar )u t at ('ast ('r ('o n ('renee In p OKaw' r' C- JfUary - . . r nl In 19:>+, AIt, such fond m em ones that mea n ;: . . .~o 1Il 0 rH'Y, h o n!'y: no, I' I (' I d " I d'i ' ·r: F BRU \RY 4 . • .. l'~no\\.r w ty . . . )v('r lei:) r : IC n t (lit" Job lasted (,X3ct!y sevI.' n h o urs at 1 toad , funny! .\{ v f,rst thou g ht on . " . f • , ' , '" " !a lOW sh " lwd an upper plate untIl 1t ' 'vI' , ' , I, -f l ' ,'I 'J" f '.' , \ hp 'h tln1r the bos~ COInt:' in a nd s tat- SlT\ tll.!,- tlH~ 11l.;tSSes .m dlrn ~; 111. till" :;acrt:d _ . _ ... (r, lItJn \ V. l:-; 11 1;-)(' l U t H f,H'J,",SI; 1 11." n , puttin g hgh. l5.. on the .t (' rulls (" 011Yl , Glllll' n ut In thr' l'onv('Csa t lOn ,· , ' , , th' PLf ' . - , ' , t' d l' rd 'Try mu t h to Illy disrrwy, "'Dannie ~,() llow , of ' ., Ole C tlffr.e :'ihopp was ' " ,I> l \.... , Crlt'8t lo n "qu lpr11l'n t i1l1 W3, t 1<"' ,1." " d , R f' po rt W3 , [11; d ... IhiL' \ ,,,," S()~G: SI1l' Stok Mv H ...nt III h ' f h' II ' h ' ··B ;I n ' soon to b (' .-rplaCl'd a nd ;. 110', )Iou j us t don't h an: it," and pro. " L n IIl1 ' Ollt;( h c't ' , , ! " : , . t , tops 0 t " rln,>pon~ ta ) " s In t r' (. 1 ,1 Suh",,,>. \vh ,,, I Got Cp To Ci\ r'[ ' llil d ta hl,' ,1dd,·d BIlt I• stayed; worl;('d li k e a • d og; il t I ~\1 \ ;:"Il r rd~d to fi r .. Ill" ) , <' II'Ie S ' I '• c it· , () t . . P ll) • crVJce , ., ' '01 F ate of It All and whd e everybody rushed th e ir or\1 h J h 'I 1 h, Counell ck('l(kd to 11<1" th,' dcl,' "atl'~ t" thl' ECS<\ l'on fc p ' oCl' ail( . tun":. t uug 1 t c nInon l!'i on y one · . ' llu t d o you th ink th 8 t sto pped ole Litts a t IIle, no o nll SCCllI OO to nollce 4". 1 I . ' f I I" f h (' nts PI' C mIll' pill S ClII'; :\ I' XP"Il "' , ·\nd 11 \\~" rf'l ){)r:('d th ;ll Ill' ,.,. ,.' isp d EC. . :-1 1. 1 1 ll' :-;Jze 0 t it: eart 1 , It IS 11rt l'r 1 " . . '1 Ilfn tt('JU'? Yo u ~\Jess c d it , ' . So that li p an r('aching low into the iccD h I comtltutlOll h;" 111'I'n n1il lH'd to t he E n rg'!" T O schools, a'way. . lIt ' to t c hu,g c popu ;:lnty 11Ir' , lono: ytD I'ii later, which vetc :I en 'am rdrig-nator I didn't {,Ollie up nf lIly CO Clt("\t );,st ,,1. a t 10 fi"d th,' ,~'id r""'d with hea u t iful en emories of be- for" full ' e n mi n ute,. , un (,~ltl1 Pll'" with th (' prctti('Sl ('(Irs (Ed. matk r . lS, a ll d \0(1 ' _ cntnt ':-; , I_ ;Hl) gO in ' g- to r u n It ' in' nr>n -rmpl o ¥l d ct1 l1"I{<' , tudr; nt, I . T h, · ltuth of til<' " 1'1. , , lleel A [Juint whi c h ,'vl'IY pour col (cd I slHJ1lld deal' It up, IS t llUt my ~l!..'Jlln . ' t l liS ' V t";Jr, S . - I II you h :\\'l' 0, f.{ l r S, a 1'1/" lich"hr r," "hC5- J r"" l izI'rj in my hl';1n W;l'5 st tll" k, 1n tIw Rod, ), l oad. t J d o tr ( n Il r t:\ ''-0 H ' i n tu Ill\" uHit" tup of [h:lt I hat( · RO('kv Ro d, 112TH ST REE T ( A rport Road) AND PARK A V E N UE tluirt ' U lr lin~" "' ~ly tfi :Jt 'V:l f i Ull . ' . III tlH' cotl I ' , hop "wi J Will person , II rll'b lly (w b:J.rrn' ,'d, 'Jr in t h e wo r J~ ~"'(J. ;l!l)'\\" a y. t h(,i~' J w;: , a nd a s soon {·,ltv "d .- your (' ~Ir:,; , " \1 II k , pI . . anyl2n'", "I Ihal Imm Oll,al b;d l.ld , " '1' ,1 Gotta :l~ 1 ~ ot of"f work I \V"t'nt hornt' and "' for th e vppof"tUIl it y to \vrit(' thi~ col· l'!. , \I ' , UIl " h in g in tht R.mk Fr:1ll k," took " ho,,','!·,. , hllt to this day 1 UII'" a 'i ~l.in, DOH .. : ~ Ith ()ul< h i l' ~ e, 1 re'l li lnl l h ere was only one an , Itli h,l\" thc' s tm n~(' fl'l:IilI\; tha t T ch::nc), joh,and it In;:d~l's ;) l TI. lfl w:l!ch
1\ ,- , I
f r
kid (s igh) I a lmos t the words, ' ~ I ha 't' to t .l job' !I nd r ru ~ h"d out befon' I ,h. n ,j m v m ind, D in a c \{.' r-iay·d ic-hard 1 dc c.id cd 10 a pproach myoId friend O na , .. tit .1 propositio n, "Ona," I told lll~r, " I ~t:d a ,jtlb but I can't see working for thew lousy wagCll, I think a buck
rr~1 ..
sfllr 'll lih Rn r ky R oad, ma inly be ful and n Jiltl.. Ionclv. (si ~h) , so In ;i ny do'..!.:.: lick IIU' \V"ll, th"t' s jus t" h r id n'S llIl1l' vf ()I,' Coif,'" S hop p<' l ifl'--all the Iwd WOl l , : but I wouldn't tlad t, my I' xpni ('lll' l> in i t for a!l Ihe WM IT in th., Mojaw' D es,.,.!. 406 Garfi e ld St, LE.7·5317 Speci a l note to Mi ss QUiist: I think I d ,'se rve a raise.
'I C ;lll t\ ('
LAU INATIS Apparel W e Outfit Co-e d s
~ - ,...;=y;,.~~-= -~~~~=?",~~
Complete Shopping Center
See if you can answer this question about your own future:
How much will you g back o your insurance dol ar? Many people think it cos them mon y to have insurance p otection. The facts arc quite cliJIerent. For exa mpJ , if you take out a $1 O,O()O Brotherhood ProVIder policy from Luthera Brotherhood when you are twenty year.; old . you will aCluall) receive $1.74 at age 65 in return for every dollar)' u have p<u J in. That's a profit to you of 74¢ on c 'ery dollar you invest - and you have full protection from the day you ign lip for the insllr· ance besides. At 65 you have a choice: you can have , 12.255 or you can have a monthly inc me of about $ 77 .20 for life, T h~ figure is based on current dividend rates. Protection fOf' your beneficiary increas.es with the years, tl)O. It starts with th $10,000 face amount, and rises steadily to $15,979 if you should die at age 65. . These aIe some of the re~ons we say Lutheran Brot herhood gives "Living benefi s for Lutheran:. through life Insura nce ," Y u g t the protection you need during your entire productIve life, then get back much more than you have invested, Talk to your Lutheran Brotherhood representative about the advantages of beginning your insurance program early, when the raLes are lowest.
Che ckina and
Savings ACCDunts
and all other ~ I·STREET bank services BlANCH for college ~~ students
Make a Date with Love FEBRUARY 14TH
lutheran Brotherhood 701 Second Avenue South • Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
Living benefits for Lutherans through life i UBuru n ce
..' ........... . "
12 I 73 Pacific Avenue
T aco. . .' " " '...D LY .......c
LEnox 7-0206
.. , .... r.
","_ ....
,"U~'OM(..<IIt PM~ ~' I O
a .~
, .~. ,.,.c :e:
.~ '1'1".
Fr id a y, F eb ruary 7 . 1968
ladi tors
eet Vikings, h u n
Lutem D Travel 10 e tem,r-----U C for e.eke Co e t I
Page Th ree
r Ir
._-_._ ---_._-- - - - - - -- --_._ - - -
I larv Harshman ' C lold ial o rs t raw l nortb this w'ck mee r Ih ' \VI!!>t~rr1 W,d,in glclTI 'lkif1:i\s (m F r ida y ~ v e ning
OJ ch
~nd rou n d out th l: road tour agolin s t t hl!
u n iversi t y o f B ritish 11lll1 derb irds on Sa LUrd y n ig h t. f h e L UIl''i have beale n borh of t b e q u in t in car iil: r co ntes ts ------~ft) I ti ll" I'Ll: "''' pk ,. t. Be. how l" d In
'TR UWR,\L "
by Eug ene Hapala
Cr lu mb ia
U :. ·
,'.\,. Leagul"
The best news of the W' 'k Se Ill" to he tht: a nnOUIlCt' lfIl'ut by the r qns , til!" IJl i\!;lt t , · r.la d ial o rs 78- '18 in t h ', t r;lI ' , off icI of t he " 'h o lest ie ..-li t:ibi li ty of !\opholllore h oops t,' .- ARDEE>; L I f0 Iowtn:;I' . ~ I\'ERS() ' . I I . I . IIl'S t o utl n1! " neI Ill' t'V" llIn .. " ' . l\l " ' R .S()" . , 111 0 d ( t.IlI' till' to ... fi.1 11' , Llty \\ilt 1 a t " ' d l " t l;J rt)a " . '. Ih ' L" lc tt'<J 1ll l,oUtH'C d vV\V C > .1-'> +. P'O[1 Lut es . hut W,IS lo n't d to SI t ou t th r hr, ! P,tI t 01 tfli S Y' ,\1 S "'"lll·hu g n T o rn S3hl i wil i s t;trt ;It ,'(' ntr r fl)1 1 rl" ,' to " h oLISti c dd, c inl c i", . hn",,"', ckk rrn iI! ('d ,·[fon paid off Tu,. sda y ft .., th l ' Luti1 "rn ns \vhik Bob Roiko ;"l nd i whl'n th e- ,]nn CJUfH',,' n H' llt W ,H tn :Hlt- tha t hr' W ;-I,S ~u.!- ;-l in l' li !. ':, ilJk. an u lt o f lh l' l~ 87-fiB druh il in,o C .u ('k CUl'ti'i wil l le a ln at. f Ol""\vard s . (; P .\ PL.r\1 ~ \ '11 :\<Iany pl'tl p k h a\T cOlllnlt'ntcd clo wn throu"h the )'('a rs on "/ay s to help ·)1 f. ;" t,' l'Il end :'i7 -i 5 w in 8t the ..~x· .l im V ;I[1 ~ l .,. k ~1I(1 R oge r lV (, lSol1 w, hoh 11'1' t he "ttta ck from t.h e ir gUOI'd ;,th!t-t~s in th c ir studi cs , b ut lew p l'o pk h avl' do rn: a ny thin g to rcmedy the f' n. ,. fTf tb. ,' pown ful en t r al 'Vild· pmiticms in !h,' w t.,.k .. no twin bi lL situ~tion. A P ortland daily ca rri r'd an art icl t, from W a shin g ton State Co ilcge 1.1t h ~ t W", kc ncl o n the PLC n13plcs, Viking~ Seck ""in last week in which som l onf' is t rying' to help th e fr lt winnu . til!' Lu tL 's ton k OVIT und is puted [losses \,ikill ~( C oach Ja ck H uhb;Jld lI'ili He a d footb a ll coach JIM SUTHERLAND has initiatt'd a p la n wh('feby illtl (If fir st p l:1<'(' in th., E vr.rgn·cn fit'lel his u5u a l fiw in iw ,cs o f stop - a thktes who are ha"in g- d ifficu lties will report to th e gym a c oup l... nig hts a t'}u i£' r,'fl(T. pin ;~ th e Lutcs' jou r ne y to an und,, - wcck to rt'Cei\'c hdp from ot hcr lIlcrnlxrs of thr' sq u a d who boa . t a n impr('~ The L U\t"s, ser·kin::: th,· ir fourth con feilll'd COnkl'l· ll('t · rhampionship. F o r- si,'" GP .\ . Thi, p lan cou ld ('asi ly b,' ineprporatcd at PLC and othe r ·c hools. ,r uti"e E v,·r.\!;I",,·n ('row n , c h a lked up wards Bill \,\, ri g ht ~ nd V'Roy I\('lson E ac h "" a r many promisin >: athlete s drop out of sc h ool aft,,.. the ir fi r st 'lI' ir J !lth and 20th consl: cuti"t' COIl wi ll 'Try likdy Ite; th e co n cc ntril !<'d ,('rn(' ~ t c r bt"ralls," Ilf scholastic deficiencies. Inst r uctors can oftr n h..!p the stu t e ner' , ·il wries in ;) streak Ihat o ri g; I a t ta' k for Wl'sttTn. dt'nt, but usu a lly ,t stud, nt will not bring it to the profs' attention until it Inilf" d in the '55 -'56 seaso l1. Wild, Levy Lead VBC is too latc. If such a pbn a s COACH Sl.TfHERLAND propo;;es w a s put into Coordes Lead~ Ccn tntl On lheir ho:ll<.· floor in V~ n(ou\'e r. ;.Jction we belin '\' theft· would bl: less talk of incli !~ ih k a thkt,.'s. Ct · n \'·~ l, who wl'nt into Saturd a y' s B. C., th,' Thulldcrbirds of VBe a l s,~ I Mayh,' th" us,' of hy Hall ~s " dormitpry for ;]thktes . cou ld b,' a n a n · ~ m il' WIth an lln bkll ll shtTI record, will bl.' out to throttle down the swcr to ou, own proble ms. A s<'mor counsdor CDu id work WIth til<; men ha\,r.lhed ill \'~,in in the ,,('('I nci h ,, 1f aftel (;I<1ds, Pby-m a king '-; U 3..I'd .E d Wi ld, l in g .d.iffi Lult iCS and the rr·by PI' 'vr'nt th e nu ny WIthdraw a ls a ft er only one Ihl fir t plTiod fo und them tra ilin g by wh o kd the B. ' . punch III th e fi rst ~t 'm t'S tLT of coll egr . ., 'lI ur'h: 15- i. Th,' h r i!li ,lIlt sh oot- "" m l' a g:l in st PL C thi , season , will ANOTHER ll:\,DEFEATED SE ASO!\' n o f ,\ll-F I l'rg n:TTI. Hill COOl·de. " ~. ,, i n \V'i t h hi , It';nnm''tc, cente r Lyall I lItbllY L ute fan s a lT ta lk in g a bou t an oth ' T llnd(' featL'd cont'c-n:ner:' baSkel,,,,,.!,In 't :lt nn t· f(l r th e lIr.< t h al f ddlC 1t ' L e\')' lea d th,· l ' BC tr'31ll in i ts e ffort ball 'L''''')1I a nd th r' prcss ill " Ctll1tLml tS to b uild up. \Vt' must keep ill mind f(\u_"d Ih e W'.ld l''' !' h itti n g' on ly tu bC:UIHT II,, · L utes Oll t of th e; " c le a n I th a t th, ' Luu', just :I t till' m idw a y lItark thro ugh t ill' scheduk "n.d . _Ill P' I trntof th Cll s h-ut~. ~ "'t slol. t' \'C'r y team h as ;mprovc ci. Centr:'! ' zu n I; dcf r'n,<, to SOllie: ~" LOf\'!(el~ Tackle Lutes H ere ':\ :0 nne knows lwttt'f than (oach l\,t;, rv Hanhman th <l t "" unck fnl ted l I1 t h t· ld .d'Hvn COI.l krr. m .,.. "'''nn " ()n \'Y l' dlwsd" y "\!e ni n l\, Fchl'll;lry i ~ L'rt Son is hard to ( ' 01[1(' hy., ;tn d h ,' will Ill' lool,in g forward to (Hl ly th... n f'x t I !ld. , C !tu lk CurtiS, but "Iun the 1 ~, the Cla cl i;l tors wi lli". h" ,.. k on !:h t' ga n,,' a n d not t he >:am,' t\\' o \\ vrks ho n, now. loint ' . "".·re tnl tkrl, tlu- r Cin gy Rl c,7 ' C,)tl t\l IlS CO Ult II> L,e,' th ,' ClUS., -tO WT\ II L,u d J\l III<)[ st tl l wou od up ""lh _I i r i, "!', ( ' ('<;. Tht· L ",' .'r~ h:ln: lost t o points , d ,' spitl' fOlllirw out w,tb. over I.'L<': in t W 'l co nt"st s r :.,-1;,· .. thi ~ ,... . !lIn t· "unu l c's jI·W;) lnrn '.( . Io n . <;t'nior ~ u a rd, DOll Mos 'id, WIll & rtl<' d ..f' ·ll siw' hlltk h" twn'n Ill<' f". t!lI' Lo gg e r Ih t· Ih L' Lut,', t" ,' Ql1t lr, Jt t' t1l1ft'fI't\c(' ('(\-lr- " c!t-rs re sulted 1[1 twl. dr cn'asl in field <;1)3 ! l)t' rcL 'nta~c Posin ~ Illu n ' 01 " Ib n';ll th .HI n ;I ,n1 t b ' norrll (If th ..· t wo squads: ptTt ed in p rc -sl'a son fOI ·l·;l st, . th" I' u- ' P Ll: h i t on ~I of .1 1 for .:1h'! whi le ~d S oulld t" ;lI 11 now ho lds a . -3 w in (e n t r;,[ ea nm·d 18 of 5 1. for . ,) 'i :~. loss ,,·( n rc.l.
Lutes 0 e alo · ,S N·1 h Dover
":h~' 11
I ."
3 1~f'
~,,:.H"U" .
for guysand ga Is.'
i i I
W on
h y . \ ., ...... .. .
D l,/a rd illc.. .... .. ... ... ... I R oad Runners .. .... ... C r-h l l'" Clove r Creek " A" .
7 h
P!"u lti. , D oS~; s
Rn '\vl~t "
. ...... . ,.' . .. .. . . . .
.. .. .. .... ..... W..s.t.t:t 11 Pa rkland .... .-.. ..
I ~nllns .
5 ~
7 .. ... ............ .. .. aCOma .. ........ .... ... ... Il " B" Lea.g ue 'Von L ll!it H ester, ...... . 8
'Ith Floor Frosh ........ .... .. 6
"faculty' .. ..... .. .... .......... S
"Warriors ....... ... .... . f
Ivy "B" ..... .. .. . ... .... ........ ~
5th Floor ........ ... .... .. .. .. -4
Clovn re t ".Boo ..... ..... 3
Stubs ........ .. .................. . I
Gunners .. .. .... .... ........... .. . 7
1• 1 ;:rame rcn13.ining·
T I,,: Ir.tr:lffiural ba,ketball t<·,uu.
a r ' windin g' up th.. j fin t r~\l Dd ;lnd
WIll be ready to Oil the fma l p13v off round when a ll te m~ (omp!.:le
1 fi n t rOllr:d a c tion.
T h ,' "'>""1(' o f the week" Wtl Ill! ' , t w ee n Ihl!' I vy and t h e • I J~rd1n e clu D. lh,' n a. h y D r J anh m 'l. l ·Pf a ~ooJ p a Ct.: wi th the Ivy team, but in th ,· ...n.d J ohn :M it.lw ll ' I pOInts :donJ! WI t h a. s u pn:.tnt , ([on (I all th h ')' rn ~n pm d to h too rnu c l for th ,: D c] r d;. fi~. h ' C-IUl Ollt o f the con I Sl as ddinite ,ic t<Jrs , c rushin~ th,·i.- l'Un lll'r-opS b ) ;, +6-:; I s"o rl·. T h, E:lstlOrn Pa rk lund R oad RlUl 1""1" (' ;nci"'d a :i,·,;or.d p ilie, Ii., in Ih... ":\ " It-a '''U1: by squt· akin..-:- 1}.l~l t l... r" 1\" n. ':; 0 - 1'1 and "d ~ i Dl: thr Prairit, U UI!' 19 - !lL Larry R L ' p umprd i ll II) count. rs in t he Bn' w er ,·n('(junl.. r w h ii<.· J t.'ITY. S.·ch'.·,·I•.· cill " It'd ~. () P ., ~ I'1l
:'Y' ~quad
Lutes Du m p Eastern f\ E R (' RI'.•: F" ,'- COl\·r'"I'RF''''('E 1 0,,1' L ut es sco r ing- in dOli) '. '." ,n ' "" • , II 1 ' 1 f ·1; tnn lr-d PL(; to " 87-(:;8 victory U (; 1 , STANDII\GS in the' Pra irie Do g- g-:IIllC t) ! aU th r , \,.. rn Fl id~ y t" T ning. Curtis dl.ln~r1 \V L Pcl.. PI-" !'t\ R oad R unne r wi llS. I n th,' " P," k 8 '.2. l!(' Iht' H .!tr.r t.1I' t c " Bo!' Rni ko ~nd .Ji m Van B(~(' I{ h ad P .L. C'... .. ... 0,.. 0 1• 00(1 460 336 I :.----------------,-:================~ ., 11 " n<l Iw rs" n hi t for 11. 'C WCE .. 0 1 .857 4tl :':36 FOR OFFICE SUPPLIE S ' 'jth Floor I.j-35 in both t.am ' final r h,' Sa' ''H:n ha ttl,,'d the Luk$ b: R- C. P. S......... 'I:, .50() 4 00 :,98 tin t r u n d ..f-unto . JOIl W dald t uml'd
1,(' I. iOI-baskct in th e fir st h a lf and t EWer: .. ....... .~ 4 .+29 109 ~56 ill anoth el' hi g h scort' for titt· Ht Ue'~
1) 111' po int rr il<-d <J nl y 39 -:>7, hut the WWeE ...... .. 3 .; .429 456 469 BOOKSEllER & STATIO NE R 3, hl' hit fO I' ~7 markers. T he i nlpl' ~
G-IJldi ,l\(H" pulled ~ w~ y in the se cond 1... ·il. C ... . ... 2 ') .286 ,~, 7 4 70 932 Pacific Avenue SR. 2·4629 si\'l! v i to ry g av' the H e> t,r a dl,f"Of Whitwo r th ....0 6 .000 411 -02 Tacama, Washingtan Jess sea son ..Il1d "B" kag" c ch ampion h;t! f.
C. Fred Christensen
1'111' ,isitors o ut shot t.he Lutl'S pe r· ,., n ;),! , .. , isc , . 1·19 to .:,\ 75, but the L u t"s 10 0 1: :!fi m UTe shots ;;r nd Icd in l'"I) (lllnd, 52-::;9, with Curtis pullin., in 20 . I\. r n t :\101thl'son hooked in 2 4 for £,,, t""11, whilt- Di ck Kofo rd chipped
MONDAY T H RU S A TURDAY 7: 30 a .m. to 7:30 p.m.
528 Ga rfield St.
LE,7·99 37
By Bernie Brotman
with 1:1. 111 pn·!irninary :H·tion last wl... k ~ n d , the .lV· s tfllrnp L'd 0''1'1' th e Motors i'8· 50 as Ardccn 1''''[so 11 scored 20, h \!~ 'VIT" edged the followin~ ni g ht hv Lam" s 66-6:'1 in a. thri ller, although
Won Lost Che ney Studs .. ...... _.....__... ...... 12 0 Pa~ific Lutheran JV .... .. . .. .. 7 4 7 R"y Rid ~ c' Motors 5 La ne' s Ci ~< r Store ._ ._ ~... .. ... . 7 ~ f'Ul.(et Sound ]V .. ........ ... .. .. . 5 6 .\ rom:! Car R enta l .... ........ .. ,1 6 \l r ~(' i l ........... .. ................ I 7 H"iddbe n( Brnve r y 8 li<'rnl~ 's Clo thi e rs 2 10 2 :\faclilf:rll H o'pi ta l PLC .-chedul(' : tud s a t Bethel Feb. 6-PL , J
3001 South 3 8th Street
GR_ 2-2772
Transfer to South Tacoma Way Bus (Westbound) at 38th St.
I Paradi eBOWL
sta.rters scor<' d in d oubll' [i1-:·1
Gl a diator AJI-Amnican hoop s te r CHUCK CURTIS w as sekctl'd by
th .. Tacoma Athlc:tic C I u b as the
"Athlete of th,~ M on th ."
Intr,lIlllJral direc tor MARK SALZ OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK. _ . 10:00 A.M_ TO 10:00 P.M. :\-fAN will be enjoyin g home slid e
sh owi n({s with the porlable': screen and
projector ~ivelJ to him a t the Intra
Fully Automatic FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LIKE •••
mura l "Banqud" on J a nu::try 16. Mr.
S" Iznw n was t h e honored ),"lll'st at the
affair sponsored by the Lettnm en's
Club and thl' Moo ring Mast. Tuesday All Evening
"WE SPECIALIZE IN FLAT-TOPS" GORDIE GRADWOHL is doin g Wednesday - after 9 p.m.
Located in IGA Foodtown the duti,." s of assiHing Mr. Salzman in 112th &. Park Avenue Phone LE. 7-3434 Friday - All Evening
the intramural baske tball pro!(ralll. A big h a nd of th anks is extended to ;::====::::::::::::==========================~ 10707 Pacific Ave. Tacoma 90rdir'" fo r. ~,is h elp in ~aki ng the rou nd rohm a success thIS year. LUTHERAN
Phone LE. 7-6012
Parkland Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
11021 Pacific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
A man who has a good mind and body and soul, devoted to His Savior, can have the time of his life serving in the ministry on the West Coast_ THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 Charles B. Foelsch, Ph.D., President
2770 Marin Aven"., Berkeley 8, Calif.
P a g e l"OLJ r
F riday , F bruary 7, 1958
Th at s Not Bop, It's Just Eury thTt" ics W orld MORE FOR THE M USIC P EO PLE pm llrMll ,!.lei will a lw . in g at tltt· l'on- V A LENTOLO SCHEDUL ED .\ l..,rrouP d coJ.: ncd pri mar ily for cl ns ion. (r5 of Delta Rh o G amma w ill ;\ dmissio n p r ic e ' t 75 c ent> pcr l"xpnirr"'nt ,. \"itl-: a 11('W functi 0l1 of th <o mu." m jon-E u ryt hmics- wi!! have it. firs t ml'l: tin g '1'" 'sd a y, F"hruar' cOlJ pk nr 50 (cnt s for Si:lp,lc ticket, . noodle r'on,,10Illcration, 'pa.l/h( t ti, a t 7:00 p.m. rebruary 15 at th!"ir a n nual 11 . r, t 7:30 p .m . in CB-~fJO. E MI N ST REL MEN Y akntulo. They m a y be t yin g knot s, '/li5 '1 0 UP will be pn:scn tin g a ne w T HBq . . inning- next 'rucsda:..' , t bru a ry approach to one of the musicians' or 11, th. L •." ttc·rm t" n· s Club will he pra,~. figura tin 'l y speaking. . . Th is (,,',' nt will tab plac e in Via. ",usi' trac hns' o lde st problems: How . . tl emc' for. It s !vImstrd fore . s I ta I'ran rcstaur:JlH, Th'll"u~ t A"\\". Show to . hI' prr.. to show p pit- (~ tlld(:l1ts) 10 feci Sl· ntc~ Sa turda y l11 1!:ht. AprJ! 19". I n '('rIU C and Di"i sion Stre(; t. rhythm rath r than jm t see it intd th" (,;\15, a s part of th, Sal!a Car. . . ~ C a rol j'\,[o rns and :-1argilr l."t :MurJ u ua lly. I1I \ "al. h ' f ff . , , . do.· are co-cha IHnen or the a ".Ir Simi la ' to intl'l"prr·ti\"(· da ncin g it is Curt K a lstad L ,·ttnmc n s P'TSI'. . , h' an d ar(" a,slstca by C0111n1ltt ce chalr' h (t.al! \, no t r d ated to th e d a n ce at a lL dent, statl'd t h at t I: cm p as], now ' . . . "I. . m en .J~n Pak'!.f f. entcrta m m t"nt ; Joan h 1,('tte rIllt' l1"S L. lO,'llS [ K A, Pa t ricia Thompso n, instructor of will hr' on t, ... 'K ' I I I ' ' ranl(' r~ Innt a.t lons: 13 n d ",VJ.an yn thear )' and f"ll.rythmics, s a ' s, .. t s practic.... ' I ·M a rk e rt. d c- coltiuns. rasi"c to say what it isn ' t th a n w ha t . . RESEARCH TO BE STARTED I W o rking under these heads ;}l"(: )1ait i.I ." Sl"\ er;,j fPscarc h projects h ay! b e. n din(, Johnson ;!nu J(·an P edersen, in•\ nyont· int~r("stt:d ma y contact 1-.1iss launched by th e Sociolo g-y Club, un- "ita lions: and Carolyn Colton, SolThomp ~.on ill eMS 22 8 . d er th" di rection of :Mi ss C . .:'\clwn, n·i g Leraas a nd .foyc!" 1-.1ar.kcrt, d ecT ho wii! also bt~ a lwthc r d aiS Dr. E . Knor r, a nd Mr. H . Anderson, o ra tions. ?.farp;arr-t M.l1rdoch will be hdd at 7:30 Wedn<osda.y nigh ts for of tht: $Oc iolog y department. t o ~stmi s tr cs s. tho, wh cannot a ttend Tuesd a.ys. At th e hist ll1 crt ir.g th e membership Speci al gu ests will 1)(' l...I i" Ann . {r~t i l1<;s will be weekly. c hose th r' projects of special intncst l\,' ls on and Gknrny CrU\Tr, and 1-.1r·.
Traveli 9 Professors Settle At Pa eific lutheran fo rTe h· a c In9
~fr: C . r~.~tcrB50n, 'T l~'tTsp('Ln~ng cthk~ v, sp >,C \ mrrl('a n ,I.V. u rc a u a '. ' ., ('1n th, pI<" " '''' ha t Is Publ:c R ela · iom" H e ex plair:cd how public reb.dom G ill t!) busin ess and indus try nd jl lu~ttatl" d hi s poi n s wi l lt somc (,<1<(" is C .5 . H,' rondl.ld.·d with :, qlwstion and n.\' r pt ,; o.] .\ftc r :h..· prugral1l a nd a . hort blJ~in.·s~ llH·" ti n g a coffe e hour 'as h leI.
a" nd AttItud es (fr. .Anderson): and . Problem s of AnnexatIOn In th,' Park-
land Area " ( Mi ss ~el$On ) . The proje ct groups will hI" nwctin g d' ff . I h . ;> t . I..en·nt 11111"S t lroug o ut. tnc COnlin" moths in orck!" to formulat e th •. ir ' bl d ' th 00J 5 0 f In'-cSd' ~ " pro ('Ill S , . C \"lS C nlC cation ,,~d r~rrv out the' research. Any . . . stu dent, intnested in such <Jctivity may conta ct the memlWl"s (if the de p:lltmcr1! or attend the p r oj l"ct me ('[ in .CIs ,c1l1'dukd fo r Mo nday n ex t w eek : "Dating- Patterns at PLC;' 8:00 p.m. in L ibr ar,,; "Ethnic Ba cl:g-rounds an d
stlIl1ul a t c
int('r(' ~t
tl w
SOCI Oiogy
Blanche Li ngb loom
LE.. 7·7-47::.
Pa int - - P lu m bi n g Roofing _.- Elect Ie Kirsc h Ro d s Win dow Shades
PARKLAN D HARDWARE Pipe Cutting a nd Threadi ng
1215t and Paci fi c Avenue
P h one LE . 7 -3 171
Laund ry Service
Expert Dry Cleaning 11 superb Roan" tn, World Tours. 30·161 Days. by air from 51998; by ,t.amer from 51398.
PAtlFlt Dc~~'~~am $998
R.egu! ~ r [Scotted
frc':71 ~
Cal if. thrll tit. u", poiled Pa· cine Ind . Ha'....aii, Tat'llti, Au!. trallA, Japan, Kong I{on~ . etc. _
35·75 Days 'rom
$1 998
See t!t·
bOsl 0' Alt ica our Cape 10 Cai,. "" a:r i~. By air 'rom N.Y. b timos Y" rly . S
more, spend leu. Rat pS fr N.Y.
m-. ~
EurOD t D:~:9f~om $648 Join Me of our filmou, " Od,.· sey Tou,," thru I II pll'lS or Europe, Nt.'Ir EaSI , fl c. Say.
a .
M r s. Jo SummCI"S
P ho n e: L E nox 7-4300
Orde r Your ...
' .,
ow -
• WA
Jo n Soine
3..IN· l TO BEnER SERVE YOU Standard Heating Oil s - H eati ng E quipm ent He:ating Servic e
Enjoy That " PL US" Serv ice
1309 E. 45th, SeaHle -- EV, 2006
r----------------------.;...;.;.;..;..;.....;;.;.,;..;;;.;.;..J. ~ ..•-....... ... ...... ........................-.........................··•·........
La rry Joh n Reporle : Gina Jones, Solveig L er,la, J t>f') Danielson, M artin Sch ac - I f,-c, J oh n Am 'nd . f raturr E itoI .... _.M'a rilyn D o na ldson ~port5
University Travel Service
Reporters: Teddi Gulhaugen , Barb lu h lulil1f.'1:- Barbara. lsa acs,on, Dick
Charm Beauty alon
I up to 25 ~. Cn 011·\ .a~n d ~ • parture!. No great. r .atu~ I ny· Hr,tion at 7:10 p.m., th is W('C' 's LSA ! where. Rates fr am .Y. :;-'J p rog nml will b, a ell" otion;!l ill th.. STUDENT TOURS, low. cost ad••",.,. I $n"dy T,.ip r l o"'E••rywh., ': 60 Day CCB loun ge at 6:'15 p.m. European "ips incl. steamer f,. $575. ! Sophomon: Al Ostroot will give the Oro Ih YOUA, cl All A,,,· .--J dn·otions. WDRIO UAVll,I"t. Fi, (' PLC ml'mbers will b e attt: nd ing- th" L u th eran Students Assoeia tion Gen e ral Ag ents ('n-mg PLC
'\'orkshop at C a mp Menuc ha , nea r through Chri~tian
Portland, On'gon, F e bruary \4-16. u.s of free p re'55. P R [; SS The\' an: A r dis Armstrong, Dave EDITOR. .............. DAVE CROWNER (;~I"nickt-, Susie Lannon, K en Gamb
'ews Lditor.. ...... ......._ ..H t; rb D W lpsey I and Da n Witme r.
G loss Installati on -
So~~~d~adliga.1 Si r,gcrs will open. the IaD~~~~!?~~u~~~~nA~f\~~tE~:~~c _ _ __ _ _.._ _ . t 8:00 p.m . th is Sun a i', with regi -
~~ !)Ji/lAt
Fo rrn ica
'o ll ege in \; e bra~lt:.., ?\o rth wcH ~ rn I ,. I" .. ' . . . • .. (}W~ , Il a ~ gl Ve'1I us many t illi g, n l n" I CSltV. D CII\ er Umversl y . P ort- I" R H. M ., I 1'. . ,. [ C ul1lIH.! C\ '. . . '-\.n( r:. rso n . l)\\ a 15 la nd Sta te C ulle!2:e and Cololado ' te. th I -- . t t f th f ~ I to 101ll ~ "I 0 .. nl:w pt o ; ur A ga in rn«kin g USe of h er sumnl crs". . J d t . . . III ou r SOC IO o gy epar n:cnt. she has acted in Sharon, Connecticu t. d 'II (' d W I 'I h" This D a ne h . tui kd ~ .. r Louk- .t' ali )t"" r ta, . . ana a. 11 e t eac 111 r Gra I'd V, ·W COI le.,-!'" ra nd \ 'l ew in P or tland she a cted a nd d irected I : l . ' . ~. : • . '. 'S t' l J . [W h with the tek vj,iun w OTh lt op t he [ emmar y, lie lllVCI"Sny 0 liS Ing , tun :Hld lh~ Unive r~;ty of ' W a~hin1;\ IUI' ' Ponlan u Ci,'ic 'I h r:t tre . !o.l"adu:ttc: 5c hoo!' H t· has been a pa.slOr " * in both South Dakota an d , \I ll- hi n gton AnothL"I" lra n lu- on our f acuity is a nd now ha, ~l ct,n gn :g-ctt ion in- nut Mrs. R ich ard ~1a y fit.:ld , wh o h " s Bud:1c-y !·_·_·F.. roullldaw, wh c'..-e h e Ii \'~~ tau ght in Orit-am, Fra nce . A natiyt with his wif~ : nd t[m·,." hil d n- ll. of \v.' ,t Vir'l'i nia, , h t: t:arnt:d both her
Flowers f or All Occa ~i ons 12173 Pacific Ave. LE,7-0206 (Foot of Garfield) We De-liver
Tic a~l i\ ; t ,('s f ~1 u Phi ~U<: pn - C lu b by dir ertin" clu b 1U.'m b u-s to lmld l" onn I n!'d with p rom oti n J.>; Tnu· pmr tic;:l " ppli l"; ti'~> n of rl.lsn oom t hc1". I ." ti · t ) ,·ct ""lUpUS :.nd h ei "h lt.' n- I "ri l"~ . Ln"l.'rs of th e clu b hop ,., th"t it in • Ih .. qllulit} of p r- rfo r rnancl"S hr'nrd.! \\ ill h '.' rum I than just anoth..r o rga ni- I Jan"L Emil~on will play :1 piano l7atio n. in th a t it may prove ttJ bc of rOllcr rto and S ~lI ia Fillin l(. an 01. a n help in tl11' solut io n of or·ill l pro1.Jlc m< <,nilti. I m'hlded also ",']1 bt: a p la no on campus nd in t he comm u nity.
dUl't O\' Br.tty M wcw and Ma.rd ,
I lladH'ltJ r'< ,HId M "loll, r', ue:, H'C , En .~ li s h horn: £.11 hall Cull,!~ L I A. ft, ·r inst ruclin ~ if! hi 'h 5c1w oh ill , West Virg.inia and in F rn nct:, ~ r . M ayfi('ld tau g bt E ng li sh at t h e C ol lege uf P u'!c t Sound.
MU PH I TO . GIVE CO N C ERT i,.' th e eVB a t·.12::)0 nOon: . . Prohle ms o t Ann t' x;ltlO n lfl the Pa rk. i u [ hi E psilo n will pr"s('nt Jl ' anI d A ., .In t h t' ( '• r'n . 7 :.J " (J p.Ill. . . , ;JJl Tr-a, v at lIual o n( Ht F rida'", febru a r t-l-. "t P f h d . to . ~ ~' ,. . ~ urpo ( G 5 U(' stll )' g ro ups IS 8:30 pm 111 th,' eMS rnJ1ld1l1 ~ . . . . .. •
to them: "Dating Patte rns at PLC" ,and Mrs. J a m es Miles.
(Dr. Knorr ) : "Et.hnic Backg rounds I ------------.
L• ..! th b ' \1Tl h a S 'ol gn13 all1t.rua ; e USlness . H.' d d IUI) , HH't I a:-.t n'f" :H' 5\ a y a l -I: 00. p.lll. 10 t hr .u Ut·cc l'nion 100m " c.
I l.ln a bk y( I.. h u ilt f' r-{) \1P~ , t ime l out for ? n'cCJunt-OIw , PLC. S d ~tfJ Ja prof' 5~Ur. Mi ~s J ane Smith, spe nt a 'sunllI;er t(J u rin g EUl·upt-. All o t.ht:'r ' UIn frltT Mn: :l"(J bn:J.:on,:d , a nd Ihe r ' ,be we nt. ". SIlli. l 11 IlaS tu d'!t:' d a t H. a s tIngs . ....Vll SS
College Drive-In 123RD AND PACIFIC
! ....... ...... .. ......... -.-...........-................- . .......................... i
F.diw r........... _..D e nnis Martta la
PHO NE LE, 7-0256
R porIr I'll : Jim Kiuilsb y, Tim Wynd ham, Harry Sannerud, D ick Good w in. Typist ....... ........ .........Lauric Bee raft usill e.~ ,M a nager..Mary Lou Engen Ad SolictterR: Rod Patterso n, Loi s
A nd l'rSOll , L e nnea Osmanbe rg, Lin
da Scharf. P hotograp h Lr.. ........Mr. W . M cKewen rust ..... .. ... .............Dick L ondgren
Bookkeep.,r................._...Carol House CIrculation ..........................PRtti Finn Circulatio n assistants: Tele Bovang, Ardis Annstrong, Earlene Burcham, I
J oy Lewi" Karen Klan, Thelma
Nclion , D~lla Dorendorf, Barbara
B c.kl\,cr
Ad"iSQr.. ~........ ..............Mr. M. Nesvig Published Fridays or the school year b y stud en t! of PL , at Parkland, W lUhingt n.
OCfic : C o ll ege U nion Building. Phon.. L E nox 7-86 11, E x t. 1 1. J~~>=lJ;::t~
~ ~(Jeelt9 :t
FEBRUARY 7 & 8, 1958
Complete Stock of Shoes -
Reliable Re pair Se rvice
Opposite Parkland Post Office
LEnox 7-8771
~ ~
~ ~ ~~~..?~~ ~ ~~.,
Seger M ets at PLC Set to IF r oday, Tomorr AIJoJu t (j W S It ~ders f"jlll 17 ! muuity Life ," a nd "Spiritual EnrichW'5 h in .L(ttJll "olleg will h · ml'~ lItlC I ment oi C ulle!,'" Wonlcn:' un th t: P LL ( allIp US today and lomo rC onyc.;ntioll ~ch.edul e IUW, F ~L nla ry 14-15, fu r th e: a n nual S~ht-d u ll .f Llt lh~ cOn~('nl'On OD Feb-, 'I ~ : rt!p -tra tJ o n, 4 :00-5:45 : , .\ (Jciated Women Students con""fI ru;::ry llOIl . din ner in th(' ca fett" ria, 6 :00: and th' I PUI pu,,' of th l onvention is tb t Mll Ph i r silon Conent with cofft ,,' WS WI1Il! n from th e State of W, h h ur follow ' n g, 8:30 p .m. mglOn , an men lO d iscuss common n akfast (m Fridav i~ from 7: 30 1.1 hlen and wa y ' of illlpro, in g and 8: 15 ; tlW I I t rq ( strati n, 8: 0-8:45; I r~ n ~ t lyn i n!! . WS. T h is will b one Ilew ra l cUnf<le nLl, 9:00-9:30; d lsc us mainly th rougll conferen ce hou rs o n ~iun !!TOU , 9,30-1 L:3 fJ: luncheon , •n tl nby.
1:00-2:0 0 . ; r d a losing 5en("r31. con l\I any Topi - OUt rt:d
. fll t-nct·, ~ ;jl1 - j : :) (J p .D!. •\mong th e trJpiCI te be d iscusse d L. o-chainnl'l"l for the (Vent an: J oan b~ tht wenlen . re: "Ain , Pu rpo eS, BnlOwn ; 1 d Kay Holm with other rill bject ivt of AW ~ ," "Hc.w a n. commi tt< ,. tw d s bt-i n ~ M ar), Lou WS R each All th e W orn n:' "Th l rd, Eo r ba ra R i~, t;,u , J u dy Hdd(., R. Ie uf A WS in Preparing the om· Madem L ore nzt., J anice '.nnp ion ..n Stud"'n for Thtil L a ter C om- and Bar bara j acks(jn.
9 y~an uf t .achirJ ~ at PLC thi ~ spring, will ])I" a trueSt f honor a t the banquet. 'fh program will includ e specia l musi c, an will b(; o"er wdl before 8:00 p.m. sr... that all m a y ilttt'nd th e b ket a ll nit with Whitworth in th e gymnasium . Ron ald D o ugla!, alumni presid ent, sta tC'$ th : a ll senior, are welcome to attend the banqut.t. R"s~ a tion9 ma y h e mad t lit the dinin g h a ll. Tht cC"t of t he meal is $1 50. Aftl:r the gia m tom(>rrow ni gh t tl.t rIO ' 11 bt a coffee hour for d e a lumni . SunddY m o rn ing at ) 1:00 a.m, tbe: \" iIi "I ni 'ill w . >hi Wi lh th. Stud en t olllleegatlOn.
lttic>, will Ix ft a tun speaker at tnt t;.n4Ul"! Saturday "",;nin g which w ill Il,hel in thC' a nnu;;.1 Alumni R~un ion . The even t will start a t 5:00 p .Ul. in III Call gc Un ion dining hall. Several hund red alum ni irom e ll t!l t· Wu t are expec ted ior tht: Iwu-d... event, according t o MI . A. W. Ramstad, a lumni executi e seere
u \C' T
\ " y.
T h( cht»tS uf 1933 and 1948 ;, 1'1" lin'in ' p( cia l runions, :,r.d ' special • £fIJ l l ha~ t l n made to get as Inaoy UlMnu. vf t Ole cl ass,", b a d ' on • ro pu n p o IUI<_ nr_ J ,}>flut , pr...f ilLl on ;;ml pllliomphy, w h o c omple t~ s
ea ee!c
peclal d!apel talks and four ",w'lIing VP~PCI!, with Dr. Carl W. Segcrhamm er , p residcn t of t he: C al jfornin. C onfen: nce of the A ugus tana L u theran Church, ' uest speake r, will m ark next w eek, Feb ru. ry 1;-21, as l'LC's annual S r itual E pha 's W eek.
VOL 3-5, NO. 14
FRI.. FEB. 14, 1958
cui d s Be , I n
To ngli h, Our ing taffs
o m in5 up t Pat ifi c Luth e n from h is conference h ead quarters ir. L o~ ng.-I , Dr. 5cgerhammer will 1)(' sp caki g on th e followin g tr pies in chapd : "He I , Ahk; ' .Munday: ".I\I(' You Accept d;' TU!'sday; "Wil0 l (l rm~ Your mions " \V ednes day ; "R ' 5U"\'e) f r Crealiv Li iHg; ' Thursd a ~ a nd "H i~ 1\1" ~sa ' -- My Mini bU-y," F ·day. Vt"sp r topic" a re: "The R tla tioll of Truth to Frefdom," Mon ( a y: "What Arc You D oing W ith Your Life ?", Tu _,day; "Carl YOu Tell M, Wh .-r I Live?", W dnes day; and "Rea ching for th e T p," Thursday. Pastor S gcrhammer w ill aho be li\"a ilabh. d u ri ng the w eek f r oun St'ling.
Tw fu ll-rim e faCttiry members j oi ned (hc college faculty at gil1p.in of the second semes[cr last w~eh . . /liss Barbara Jane B erk o f Sea nle and Mis:> Mary Olson r T acoma w er appoi n ted as instructors in English and nu rsing. rl'specrivel ', it w as announced by President S. C. East\' Id . thl,;
Mi s~ Bcrk r" (( i\Td a ba(' h lor ofr-
MU Ph·I Members
degre-; fron th e U i r si ty of ' Washi ngton io 195 1. 51 ,! I S a candi d ale for th ( m. , ItT of .Hts dl' " lTt: in ,ut
..----- ..-
Perform Tonl-ght
Engl i h fmm th . univt'r;; lty at t h ~ ('omin ~ .. rin ~ c ommcnce lDcn t. '"' h a d it graduat(" assis tantship :1I the', !\·{ u Ph i Epsilon prt'scnts a ronc. rt uni,-ersi ty and has ta ught in publir: at 8:30 p.lJl . toni g ht in th t C is for all h igh schools, studc>nB. Mi s~ Olson rt<:~ iv,'d a bach"lor of I J,m(·t Emil~on will play B~ cthoven' s ;H-t d'gre", with honors, in biology, "Sonata in C Minor," a nd "Rakaszy fr om PLC in 1954. She has completed March." by Bcrlioy-Hutt:hc. on, will he T work in the fidd of nursing cdu- be the piano du et played by M ardell cation at th e Stanford Univl r ity Col- Soiland and Bett y Muscus. I lcg t of Organist Syhlia Fylling will Mi" Olson is th e da ughter of Mr. "Caesar Franck Chorale No. :~" and a nd Mr;:. Clifford O. Olsoo, who liw' t~c P~C M ~dr ig~ l Singt";s, ~tnder thr l one bloc k from the campus. OI~oTl was dlrcctwn 01 Pro. ...ssor F. Ncw nham, . a nd director of .ath - II will s in ~~ s:;\ numbns. 1St cau;t' 0 f the AIumnl. banqu.-t ter coae h 0 f a th l c' t'JC.S . . I . f R "fr.-shml nts w,lI. be served follow monow c,'em n t:, member of th e PLC etlcs herr: rom 1930 -48 . I . . ' . . l In'" the Cl.ne-crt. Tlckels can be ob ck ~f,' ss (-,I5On is t lac hin" in th e din- ~ d i d f -0 tht BoardIn g- C I u b wIll receive " ' " ." I tam(" .or SIU ("nts or:l .:(' ntS :1 lun chl'~ for t ..ir I vltning rue - . ical d i,' i~ion of th l' D t'partmc nt of 1door Slud nt~ will be sen'cd 3 regubu . I' bnakfast, a full h ot I n c.:h and I'll b :"oIunin t: at E man uel Hospital In P o rt- 1~----'------------, rnlt tt< pid: up t c ,ad: Iund lt"s o n i lanci. !
Banquet Set to Open
PLC Alumni Reunion
:Mar\' H arshman, dil ec tol' of nth
m mer
Students Get I Sae k Lune hes II.
Class Deadlines Set
1.1-"~urn gsl
:~:.~;I~t ~0l~;r:;t~~tiu:~~~-~~~~5~/~51 Eastu
Paci!:c Lutheran's fac ult y h d ec id tho t ll " new r l:. ,'c n 1x I I ta ke n up hy . stud ·nt a('lr the i ir't two .... ~ ks or clas:! • VI' been L .. ,., it", In nrd to nl""~lall ,i th, ' :"IUI l.a..nq ul t ton: ur 0 '. ,
romplcted. Thus, students will no t fo r ~5 ("I'nt ' _ Dirm~r ill L.rv\ d P"rn.id . nt S. C. L Ol~ tvold lea y I be all owetl to TC,{ister for an\" II- t 5: n p. an will ueo, ' in lim"' IPI. nr this tv(' ning for the 1\1idW.I", t · 1 da ~,('S aftu M(·nday, F rbnt TV 17. 1 tu r tl r I ",'arm: . H. wi ll l on d u f.' t th e' fun (-r. I ;('rv IC S sin ce th th ird week of sch ool be StJli on a'l nrling tho h~l1 q 1('1 WIlli for M rs . C . K . Malmin ill Pi;: on ; gim on till" ei!<htl'e nth. not br isw('d a sack lu n h and arc FR II~. W ismm.in , tomorrow. Also restated W;l.S thr fact tha' ur 'ed to nl:1h; th ei r r~St'f"\ lion.. .\11 nr '. t we d , III w ill b,> in , in-I st.utlent> .Iff· ~, bk t(. d \l1P da$.~" _Mrs_ C o rneliu s K . (C hrisllne) fvialm in. 64, beloved h usc - l'ar !) ' . pussibl Ittd.. Tht~:; CI ~ll n"lpolis wht-rc he ill a ttl'lld ; ,('riC's anv t irm within the first f(lur \'tI~ mot her in 0 d Main. died Sunday of cane r I a Tacom Hospital. \\ II b, paid the tinll uf the ".an - lof cunfu':llCe ' in hi< rolt- of first , -iet' of nllOrtin .!.' Yo' thrmt heln!', chal"Kt!d M rs . 1almin and her hush nd. the R v. C. K. Ma lmi n. had I Ul t. . pTe. 'dt'nt oi th e v. ngl'lica l L uthu n "ith g t a d 1 m, u n lil M,;u'h ~ bet a h Olls mother and ho usefa thcr or th e dor i ory in ce ep - : ' h1l1 l·h . H( will re pn cnl Ih c<Jlk g" cl,ue can be d upped without. D}' lem ber 1, 1956. Rev. _1 1a1,!,in will I:: ntinue h is du al rol e !" th. Bo;,rd of Christian Education n:':l.rc ncr ll' \\'0 to th~n. IJl,u l·f1l.th t'r ; rid tca<-h..r or !'; c.fWcw.an• '" m l' tine: a I, o.
midwest Tonight
l·n, Housenlot her , Mr s. M . aI m
· I
d t Cancer 11 ay ro m
as /' Prowler Re port Brings
I, County
IN dh m
I rinit y_ U r b 'I"old n mdllCkd m et l \ ill" du Ji n ~ t ho rcgu l.. r h. "cl .. 'e f\ it W,,·dn ..sd (l Y· fh L" hoir o Ult W e:. f' ,an' .
Rt , 'M ahui n wi ll ld urn fto m
1:,astvol~ p kr .J.t .. L l h h P tOO R. pon (Ii " p ro d cr at Ihe wind(Iw H oly [ rlmt y ut,\(' r" n ure: . 0 I \' d F'L/ " of nc "f lht gi rl ' l oom, .1t uth :\ I ....'t' t'~. . ', un a~' .... J n. p3 t t" I 'Ie ... .. 1 l' h I ean5 ~a H a ll bought Pifr(" C oun ty hc:ri ff s lr~. d J r &!a"t I It ac C!ress a t I r annua ri< p u lil to L " s !:. II pUS S.. turoav Lincoln D:ty ' n ner of tht" R 'pu hlican \ " ltIc'd I, the r;'~t uf tlr I'OllIinlr ni ).!.1 t. \-la rt' r rn: in T~ Cllma, Child /" I " T llt' lt JIron (,tiu ', J, rttr I , p h on' l 1I t noti f I Till sd" e\ . John K u he, phil a Id t l.' il, ~ t1~I,l lk: bv D irrc tor ti J uthnrit ics. th, "i Ii, ,, 10 h, () bu n ".oph,' ; lntl ro li((lon proft SOl'. to I: :\clrd holm a .. : challtn~'l.d hy Ib " a, n t urn"u to tb.. hi m dow n to M :u:-k burg-. regon, Gkn. rl1CY, Cni Dub '1, ~L 'd It · '. \ t rdt.·.. J vI C I ham, Lnda I u~d, r ool w fin d Ihe tr.In,,' r gon . Th t: I• \\ h t ' t h ,.. r"_I' n /1:3 '.. two c C u re f onduct d i eu ions on e ch:LIOI Soh-~i " L cr :\>, Rod No.dbrr·, V inr lighl ill um inatin the ou th ~id .. uf Ihr d"rmi torv • t n; cll [ h ad bu rn' d OU t. ol'Y at thc , \ m fl. ra n L u th , r n •,-,' hurc L,, ":\ o\'ak, J_ [,J'I '.' R ittl r, ] :t n R( :~, H II' all th u1 f uah. li n ;;. tM PI' w I, r ttl IIppr()ae h _ Ton l\Wt 51 'HI D"Is tnc t P out r. I l .'o n- Sa nnr·\,ll d., II ';uhn StlOUP and f Tri olo. lI , t iJ 11ui ll ~ i n I I." ;"r : . tnBC'; . C omm ilt <·,· rho irmt'n fOI bntk,ta
(urcsill l- riJru"ry 2'L Dr. D o n a l d 'n'iug" U ld ~bin hOI ~I. iI, h i. b . II. :
I"OJrtllli tte,'s includ , Barbara Stuhl llI ' lkr a nd Sll~it L aln rJr., pr p~; M:H lem ' Eva n., (·(., tumc,; A lew.' H alvor.
PI (!itiem S. C E nstvold wi ll cOIl ,I,.,:t f"nl ,.~1 ,t· I 'U tu .IlOlTOW ;n ih u ' u ~
I I i,, ·1 I. there n 'hurch. Pi g e o'n
U 1.'11.'; \\ 1' co rl.ln ('\C. 1L.lmin wa~ p.1 lor uf h.1l ch ur II from 1939'-50 . I unc r. l C onducted Tuesda) I un. ,1 r i{ W I no. con du<.\etl h, n T u,' day iI. r ei! it i L ut!u:r..11 hun it h~ II' R ,-\'. Ed ing C. 'fhm pa.l>l - ~f !. Ma hu lIl wa a rnem bt'r of
. tr . ~Ld m;u • 1111 m' ut. : ,III J
PLe Deb e t t CPS a tars ompe e a
In Jun ,·or Taurney This Weeken d
! i
I " YalenCJrams"
I ..
! m" I
W ind om, . d .'"1. L .v,. ,< , I In PL"'-> , db' 'I't)- "f C rt",n.~ on, Pa cific l.'l,;, "r Ula -r II" • I a I ~q U d L'lna ' , u~ ,hIr - l ' n l' it! 1" \ 7. II t·\" , . r r: In lS. lOn,\tleA . t Mrs. C. K. Ma lmin Jay , lIlIp {ition ir the yro.D hate sity, W illaml: t h ni\" r ',v, and L in IUU I naIIlL n l ,pons TI' d by '0 k~1 (If fid d. Co t mi, rs (or t : troph" th is I 10 0 , Al.u • fl Oll1 19! 7-21. They LIlto I v ·d IJ ril.h, in H': roll L!,kt 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 1Pl: >!. t Stlund ys tu day. Mo Ih an 2 ' YUH : n' LSpt:( It·d to he thl L n ivrr \{j nn , " t( hi l. a ll Ia ka ; Floren e!:, 0: 11 ges and universlties tbrougbou -. it, of O rr n . PLC, :lnd L infid . S, D. R U'.'lflon d . Wa h . : P igeon F ;llIs. Was.hing ton, (Jr .-gon , C ali fO.rn i .' on. Di vision ' of th ·· "lilt l inclu c; the "Vaknl(r:uru. " Spur-. " n t ,:a!tn ..n u (jU· . Wi coruin. Id a ho ~ r c mp<.:tlllg m thIS O,J ,ord ,,~.1 "l n~ M' Ie" d ta na a Ild ti nes, w ill bt: ddiverc to ruorn, _,I ' .~ u Li n col -Dou "" Sun ivoB \;"sid"J h er husba nd intwenty-fourth annual tou rnament. I' . 01" ,ung "t d'nna tuda y by th orat I' ), "x tempOl-<lll" 'OtiS ~p.: a ,m,,!,, lll dud" tlUT( chi ldrr n. M r$. Co rinne " TI.is cont st, w h Ic h is pri mar ily a Spurs. I d b tcrpTf' ta ti\ . rcad in .~, impromptu ;t nd Jon"$ of -\nch(Jl ag' , Ala skd; Mrs. M il Orden tan madl" in tht; CUB junior toumame~t, WIT' I I,m: u L a out drctl S tebbill of Minn<'''polis, a nd 200 student! wah PLC ~ squad lX after-dirmtr , pc iog. . W·15- I t:ntry after cha pel throu gh the dinI t b cau, , 0 f th, Man,' of PLC's d"bators will bt p ee te d to tl Ie arge5 Joh u K. M a ltn ill 0 f Men omOnie, n _r h our. P repare al!:Dgrams I . k . f orui n : two sistt'fs, two brothcr~ and relati,'c distan ce. wo rkin!; next wee on preparatio ns or cost t en ~ on' v erse batc: T ou r~L\Ctl g rand ildrcJl. The three. chil Winners of tht perpetual trop l y in t he annuaI H'19 h S c hID 00 C i~ d .IiHred at one cent per w ur u . PLC ,t'r sp<,.nso r d b y P hl K app' D ('~. It' fT;'n.l.1I tt nded PLC. the past eleven yrars includ e w
L .,\\ Sl! n(b" Dr.
II 0 11 :1.1
rn in
Sheriff to P C
,tu dFnt bU \/ll C s mn nager B. rh.ll • Lc 'c I saa r>on and R uss hrisrcnson, sound. R t'gi,tratio totals for th pLl sprin g" St'tl1f: t( r aTe' no\\' beinJ.:. lom pi led by workers in th e I'('l!istrnlion <..1 n c.:,. Co mplete s .. lis tie'S will nOI h a\;lilablt mail Iwx t wn.:k •. nd \~i ll h~ p ublishtd in next week s M ast_ Inform a tion wili a150 h.. p rln I'd concerning the a nnoun~ IIIl'n t fron the re1{iSlra lion office th at Ix-~innin with th e 1959 fresh n a class th,; 01 lege: B ard entrance exam will be n' q uire-d. ~.'~1"'
••• ...,..,..
P ag!! Fo ur
Auction ets Cha ity boot
Friday, Feb. 14. 1958
I.l nd ar.. ft' d toward annexation, Va.riollS committ'Ts hav been a r· \-\ r ! Hall sponsor d a V rtkntiuf ra nge·d to wlv<>diffe ,l' nt pI blems and party a t R rmann H a ll Thursddv (' \ "C- I prepare rnateri~ 1 which will be COl nin • 'an , RI invik W M in charge bmed lat' T. 1 he elly a ttome" , has "f I II" rdr('sh mtnts ( ice IC:lm ond b'-Tn contacted for infonnation on Ihe hr art . 00J kin ): Jo:tnn c Van Li('rop, process of a nnexation and \'~riow; in('amc'~ and Maun'e n Fe rguso n, g l' 'I ten'u'w> 1'1 3:\ ' , bee n cond uct d. rl I .ha' ma n, ' T he re£u lts wi ll be a questionnaire "t! . ndi n~ thl' p:ut , f I () m PLC which w Ill be giv .n S 'btematica lly w W('T!: D ori Me-Camman t, Sha ron Ju- p('opl(' f Parkland in llOjler. 10 fmd Ii, n. fk lt l md a hl, K a rt" n H \' ndrirk· answers to th questions, H.n, ( h ri, ' lr ', tia nson, M:-.u n FerThc' various cornmitlc('~ p I a n to
.Iri liS PI' lid PL " r Rrr 10.... ' h" of su,1I t .uU I< ~I da)' wit h U I t K,Jst<l d, a date with L u her Ell ic boll, ,I k,teh in charco'i by Mr, Kittthun and Dean M, Wickstrom's a partme. t. ' T hr auction, 9;JonsOI t'd bst Friday ni g ht by th e Inltr Club Council, colkct( d • tot;, I of \ 52,00 w bf' co u11.libutPd to t h~ Ca m pus Ch~st. TI is :lll ction w' the first of t rt"l proj( ct 1':,.;' " Ill()f.ey fur th e C h st, T h · United ~ood 1 ·L-ighbor. oi T aeol na , ,,ill br th r . 'ipient ()f th . maj o ri ty UY, DCI"
"all work and no pay .. ." is h eld i n mind, Duri n finals we ' k, at a nippy II :00 p,m.. th e w hole- conn went i. to the en·ch: One- by on" (he boy~ w ent off th( b d l:~ ' Somt we nt voluntarily., o thers h a d , to b i~duC(.d ro try th eir luck ~... it~ the ragm!; and fn g ti tor nonr. fh,;, ! pro\'ed exciting as well :11 edu ati na l: ea ch Ir- a mt'd of th e cold of the Cr Ie a nd nt" er to go nt'ar it unless it beI'Om cs nLcessary, Ft'bru ry 5. 1958, markt'd th e d att'
-I I
uf tln TrIon! ~.
H ig-b.-st h id l " le11 \~," b.50 which was J.laid for twenty· lou r li n ' L bowlin ~ "r the Villa Bowl, in \ '111 Plaza. L()w< ~t pun'hase pri L '''as :!5 'fOut which bought forty "45" u:te- n.l..d play recurds, Two tlinl1 rs at Tup 0 ' tht 0 r .Ll' nd a !at k a \l' W t'J'.. :1ui' ti unn l oil lor I , 5,(iU, an d :l dinne r cookt:d by trn 1 ills fron \-V' l t Hall, and nt· ('oo kec by ~ i, I."irls irOlTl l'\orth H :.II g:1\ ',. it d o ~ ~ C()rt p<:eu lion,
I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Students Entertain At Prison Banquet
\(lIsorr K ulh ) Knut,on , Joannt' V a n I1wct again in two w r lCk , to report of th t "kcrions for tht' n ew Sl'mc;~ ter, Lirrop, . a lh y Alm grl' n, M ~ \' i~ Ewr-! and com L"ne matl'llaL Russ Chr ist enson wa :'!,"O\in <ieu cd ) II ' 'M ' K II 'd f h d \. " R PLC • ntlftainns :1IId gULSts W , re D.. n Danidson , aeeol' Jioni~t, and u) f')', CURTAIN CALL "VISITS" CHINA I P, r(' SI ('nt o t t ' arm., ., sSI~ tln g U,5S a mon,!! th e fll-st to ev~ r ~3t at thL ame ordi1l3tin th p.t' para ti ons at PL , tl<" D C11 1 l (", I weln, .. a n o n • ; nc)' R 1'111\1 k' , ,T . anet E h renstrom. '" ' I" l' lll Ih(' marr:J ge mt"nt 01 the- Jl,rlll will Oil" Kroll, Roy .lohmun, Ed K ran lz 1h., ChIncs(' '" all. a co~t~'l1lp~ r - bt : R on Thc'mpson, ..t' retnr), a.nd vicc: lable with inrn,i t s in "U nit ed ' te W:l$ R oy T ribe. and J inl Bullock, :H)' dram~ prC'sf'ntfd a t th e Umve: TSlty presid ent ; Ron Le rch . trcasurcr : and ft"(kral !,enit ,nti a ry as tI,ty attended Aboul 20 IlllCSlS irom all 0 \"1' th~ Playh u 'C in Seattle on F. bruary 8 Dean Morri,.)n, athletic director , Rich th .. first ' nnual banqu et of the "Seli ~unhwt::st werc resent f Cl[ I n c ban SPURS SPONSOR 'SPURSPEC!IVF was S(:cn by 35 mernb~rs and gue ts of! Bentson \\Ia$ d~c ted to h. 'ad the ni il'ht JrnpTOVtlllt"11 Grou p " ,a t :\-fc:>\ei l h- qnet, Tt." Self Improvem ellt Group I " \'Ull t fol" ) Spurs ~I rn Call Club. Th ~ ' 'group. tra\t'I· Ir d t'vutwna ' I programs , ' land Fe "ral PUlltLntlar)' on n tur an orga ni:Z:lt ioh of many of thc' prh ," -,~" a th~red 1 hun- , Curt , , , : cia ' '" ning for :1 fO,u,ndc l"s D ay Ban- Ill /-; by cna r:crcd b . u~, forst \'lslled t,he day" f on el s wi a LUme toge ther to 11~r ~a ' qU/'t In the' ,mall dmlllg room of th.. P t"nthouse l l1<'atn:, notcd as the Irst TAKING BLOOD AND PLEDGES I As p"rt of the t'ntertalnment, from CU B. The banqul't wa, gin 'n by the building of it~ kind ew l' rl esigned and Ju st comple ted was th e Alpha Phi PLC w( rl" th e "Eig hth )Jotes," Ross sptake ls from thL' outsid<· ire ordn toaC'l iH sophomore Spurs for a ll past built for t~,e prescntation of pl ay "in Omega-sponwred ann ual PLC blood Guetz, ho perfonnt,d as rn.'l gieian " become better men, mrmbt'fS ht:re on canlpu~. th, ' round. dri\ {. AP() ll1crnb rs h ad lookt-d for - ----- - -- - F Ilowing a welcome to "spurspec-l The slud('nts, accom panie d )' Cur- a re cord turn out at thc' bloodmobile, ___ ••••••.- . - - - -..- - - - - . , rives" h>' ~rcsident ~eg Evanson , a lain Call ad\·isor Miss J ~ nc Smith, . Preparations an; nOw be ing made. ~ . ocal selcctron was given by Peg I then ,tollred th: ' the Iota Beta Chapter, und er tht, merton. GlIc~t speaker wa the: founder J th e <ampus waterlront, msptctw,C: Its I dIrectIon of Dave Lunde, pkdge- r n a s - . ~ ' d I' SC st~g~ f acr'I"Itl!:S, , t.', 123RD AND PACIFIC '.': of the ~LC Spur Chapter, Mi s~ Gr a.c.e I revO l\'lng~ , tl'I:, for forming' the pledge ~rou? for Blom qU ISt. Sh" spoke of the cad y FollOWIng Chmese and Itahan dm- ' thI S seme~t(:r, An open meetm g I, s e t '~ ! --..... (' haptus h ere. Blue and gold Found- ners in Ihe University District, m ~ m-I for Monday evening, Ftbruary 24, in NOW SERVING IN THE NEW ·s D "y ribbom wen; then prese nted bers of th., group Viewed the prcrntcrc I thr' Old Main first floor lounge for all to w"rtivt' m"mber, by Mrs. T, 0. E,n~lish langll~,gt' production, of "T~e fellows inter('stcd in joining APO, - rl, Spur a d visor. Chmese W all. !hc production , WI ~t- , . t the program several m. embers uf FISH & FRIES -- FRESH PIES -- SOUPS -- CHILI - DOUGH NUTS
ten by Max Fnsch. , a German,SwIss I A.PO will ('xplain the club, an e! visit AND PIZZA-SOc
SOCIOLOGISTS BEGIN SEARCH ., ,playwright, h as hem termed " a n in- ing fellows will be gi\'en a cha ne· tu "Anncxat~on of the P~ukl"nd Area I tdlc:tllal fantasy." and. eont.aim fa 51 ask qur.stions aboul Alpha Phi O m ega, ....:Js the tOPIC, chosen by ,tht' gloup of lnm' rng. thought provokmg I:ncs. Following the informal me!"ti ng re s 101o,~y majors and ITnnOr5 led bv i frr'sh en ts wi U br' sr' rvcd. . CLOVER CREEK TESTS ' . . .or' ¥, IS ",~. I son, TI' lIS f,roup ml t M : ?n d'a"v PI(:dge~ WIll be taken after thOM:- \10 ni~ h t in the CUB for organiza tIon , CLOVER CREEK ! terestet! in joining have been inter Thr- put pose of this 1'1: cr. rt' h g roup 1 Down bl"low th e hill ancl across the : ,icwcd , ' :- 10 \('a n ~"'st'a ~h nll'th~d~, ,nd it ~i ht· ~orrl'nt, of Clovl'r Cl'f'<: k lie~ APO m ~(' t$ ncr)' Thursday l VI. ning 18 tin IUOUpS pro,wet r~ a nd ou t aIl Clo\'('1' C : Cl Hall, a, ha\! of ~ mt , 19 1"16:15, wit h H :. I Bal. k"n pr idin g , II< pruhlclUS of a nn( xdlron, RUt'arch I me n st'~k rn and gc:t fln ,' an cdu atton " '.ill I rr iru ou t tt> disc \Tr two 1 at Pa l ific L utheran, They happily ac- ' MORMAN SPEAKS AT LSA thWl: • how ;J nitu d•• :Jr, affret 'd by , cpt th e warm fe llowsh ip of the 12 LSA's program for this Sunday evc fThlS lo, di a. in pa rticu lar the news- 'ingle stud e nt ~ and the man)' marri ed fling will be an infonnativc tnt-ding paver , .,nd how p('()p \e ' .. the Pa rk- ('ouples who live in the units of the on the "Iormon religion, with a M o r \' illa ~C' 3r u nd thc hall. mon layman bt·' n ' pres nt to gi\" the:
t C0 IIege D' rlue- In ;t
~howboat n~t"~lrt ~nl b~ I
.........-...................... . . . . .
I i
o r tu na!el .'. it i, no t all w ar ' down M orman ,·i.:"", Th~
W Ill
-tJ!::!!}rMA~ I"' ~:E:~~ ~::~m: :'E::"~'.I p~.,d,d by ."n 1mb ., , 0 p .m. -en'lng PLC through Christian usc of free press.
:!IQ p~ ~
LEnox 7-3434
£ D IT O R _ __..__ __ .. __ DAVE CROWNER E d' t r .. ___ .... __ .___ H erb D emps y I'pOrterR : T edeli ' ul bau , e n . B a r b :nlh ln iUrr. Ba rh ra IS3: '\(,n, D ' ck Fi h.. r , Too<ir W tter, ry John 'on J);t , "" itnter, f !"ltu re dj·or.. __ .Ma ril yn D ona ldson R cpor tcl'l: Gina J0 11es, Suh eic: L er :" , Joc y D a ll ie r-on , Ma r tili ~Lh :\e r( • Bou S' ll ', pvrl F Ij'lo r.. .. ____ __ .. .. D ('n n i~ M artt;Ju R cport~rs : .l im Kittilsby, irn W n d ham, H~ r San rud, D ick Goodw, I, r.U ~t ll ~ H .. III
I ' W~
Typi t.. -- -..._, ....__ .L auric B .en oft BUlflu " ,.Ianagf:L. ary Lou E nge n Ad ~Il 11 01'S: Ro I Pa'ter ' n. Lois ndrTlio n, Li nda Schad. 1'hotog • pht'L...... M r . W . Me - ewell .\ rtlAt ..__ ... . ____.... __ ____ ..Dick L ondsren BOOk -~e p r .................. ....Carol H o u ' e (: lr<,'l1W,lio __..... __............... P a t t Fi'nll P,le' han~c: ._..--....... ..... --..--...10y wis A vi or.... __ ....... _....-.M r M. 'N'esvig PubJj~hcd Fridays of he school year by atuden ts of PLC, at Parkla d, W ash ington. ffic:c:: .tllI~ge m on u ild ill . Phone L no ' 7-8 11, Ext. 41.
PHONE LE. 7-7100
~~Y~~?~~~ "';??~ 2~~Z?.z.~~...?...:e:2~ ~~~
Faculty and Personn ,
LAU INAT'S Apparel
We Outfit Co-eds 406 Ga rfield St.
LE. 7-5317
Com petent t ea Che rs; g rowing student body; Christ·devoted pro, g ram; high standards; a t tractive cam pus; low costs. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBEIt 3, 1958
Chorl.,. B. Fo.,lsch, Ph.D.• President
2770 Marin Avuu., Berkeley 8, Calif.
Is it ever I vy! Why, Coke is the most correct beverage you can possibly order on campus. J t look around you. Wba are the college social leaders going for? Coca-Cola! So take a leaf out of their I vy League book and do the samet Enjoy the good taste of Coke r
Bottled under oulhority of Th. Coco·Cola Company
Prof-Staff Pledging De ai:ors - -mpete re ears Com letion linTwo- ay Tourname
PLC' c Dn dopment Fund is eon·' tinuin z to ozrow with the comple tion Nlorc than 400 high scbool debators are the guests of P LC o f th e" f:tcuity.,taff so licit ,~tiom. A to- for the si Xl}] an n ual Pi Kappa Delta -Washington St.1t~ H lgb t::tl of $ 75,007 in cash and pled g~s has School Debate Coaches Association Tournament being h eld on b"" n ITceiwd from the faml;v and cJmpus today and tomorrow, Febru ary 21 and 22, _V_O_L. __ 35_,_N_O_,_1_5_ _ _ _P_A_R_K_L_A_N_D_,_W_A_S__ H. ____F_R_I._ , _F_E_B_,_2_1_,_1958 _ _ _, t,,if In break down, th e heul'ty has Ii Abom 40 ..schools, ~hosen ,on a selecti:~~ __~~si ~a~ expecled I pledged ,')iG5,84:l, \\ hile th.! staff mem- for th .. toulnaITlt nt. Thls u,arks tht
E am WI-I,I r "ede Enlr i - 9' -.-, " , . I f tudent
b<r' . tlll ll l rcaches :)9,16_1., , first y,:ar that Seattk. high schoo ls basis 'Jf, th,' inc reased nUllIUc-r of ('(m 1'1 , ~ , ! .' -,' - I . f I ha,-" t)l' 'n auk to p~rtIClpak ~Ild a l~o t" ~lant', but also the n'strictivc na _ ,Insa n, no\\ )trtl,~ IIlMC or. a HITl' j is thc first )'tar lh at <1n out of ;;tate ture, rna kin !:, it a tourn a rl1cnt of ham. nr ,olrutatlom undn the charrrnan'l I I ' I ' . . S.I SC100 IS I'Xpcct('( to particIpate, ,an( pionship ca liber." ,hlP 01 ivI an I onllnervtl;, of P.ukland. I p' f I I h h . d' d I' JO Int 0 . (a 0 as In Icall_-- "- ('SIIT The quality of th~ t ou r a arut'll I is i .\ dircnin g- cOlf.lInittcc of twenty out- : to comt._ ,landlll!! alumni has b"en fc,rmeu for ,tlso point,' d out strongly y G l'org" lk~ i lt tl!IIK in the i' a Jl of 1959, ;1 aloinatic'n is a nation:'! s.-llOlas tic ap· tlu- puq:"'sc uf approaching' «ll lornlt' r Prncn'T uf t!1('SL additions is anlici. Dr Bell C', preside nt of th e Washil lglon uU r: ,..,.u c E ul "lOCC Hoa rd ['xanrination t itude tcst and can be take n "t " ari student s in th e De,-dopnlt'nl Fund pated b\'- tOllrncv) officials to incrcase Hi,~h School D('bate Coac hts A"socia' thr· alnrldy h igh d",,-:rec of ('omp.,ti. ti Oll, \ ho savs: ""II b, · Il"'1', uircd of all ;ncomin..~ In . h- u us t <-'s ting center; throu ghout thl carnp;tign. l J1' n to J>LC. Thi s t" H resu lt will b" , y'-'ar b y hi , h schooi st' n iutS or oth(' cs tion_ R, gistra ti on bbnb had jusl b e· "The df batf-: coac h es ('on, ider lhis I 9 7 Solicitation uf dO\,·tiIltOWH ~t.('('ounts UII' I-a "tur (" -·lIS·I·I ,·re(l , o n a dm it-' wishing to opply to PLC. In I 5(i· ) , gun to arri,-,' ;11 pr('ss timt·, but Bette· tourna'ITlcnt o n(' of th e h iHhl1/{hts Qf ulll, ~ D b 7 will IJl'c,in durin;: tht' luiddlr ufM~ r'ch. ' . . te sts were offered on ceCIl! ('I' , lou, M"acd, oll~ld, taurnanwnt dinT.lor, the y,.·ar.. W e apPI,,'e.: iat(· t.he 'plrndid lance' or no admIsSIOn ell t-off h !1t. J I I I' b U M I 1~ b b . . I :LI1ull ry , ' l' ruary 0, r arC rl ,J " ,;"0, Wr' expect the " st p a rtrnpa· J organizatIon, wl1len IS a tl l . ut... to . r ha In:<r t'stabbshell y d, i :--'{ay 17, and August 13, and being a tion ("\r: r, qu a lit,uinc' ly :,nd qUantita./ K arl and his a ssistants. T ht" tOlUllil ti,·,·!y." IlH' nt is outstanding' br.:cau r it d ra ..'_ , dl o la. ti c achicn:mc:n t In h i .!! h n~tional test, it c~n b,' tak~n in a ny ' hurtl, h"t::tdrr r lI rl"'. pl'rsun:.ht " ,ta t<: Or a t anv c"Tlter that is ~tJst'st Pwf""or T. C). H. Karl, spl'et h of til,. fi n er ('omp titi on thrnul!h ;I~m) man} o thu qualifiut ioru will still to the "ppli c;lIIt' s hOlIlt;, P LC will pa r trnc nt h.-ad, <'omIlH'nt eri til a I, "this out th e sl.He" ~ onsidc rcd in t il, sl'Quol's chuic(- b . t . H" h' . I' ~ nl to o[Jl'ratt· a$ act' n c r 1I1 pronlisr's to ht~ the bL~t tourn::UTIcnt t'a dln g up t ~C vano~s (:omrnltti 'C~ u, Dr\\' LUcient-. 195 8·551 tha t we- h a'-,' had, not unly OTI the ia n': stel'ring- commit: c:, D 0lI Dougla~, I" lh - fa ll of 1~58, P au fic LU'I ApplrcatlOns tll tal. e th" Collt ~". ' J im Trayno.r, J a n Tu m lan : fI:glstra, , . f) ' , tiun, L o.uis(· Knabe!; o~fic e pcr!<On tl rrrA u Coil, gL wr ll str(m~ l y l~co:n. Eutl.1r1<,(, Boa I'd exam can L, obtaillt'd l ll<'nd, LIlt w rit 1I0 t require tlut In- for SCllOU], ILl' :hl' high school prine: i. I (JlI'lgn ,tuden" 0 , I LC wlil "TV" nd, J ens R a nd a ll: equlpmC'nl, .;,1 • CIm inI{ f n- shrnen tak e. th e test. It willi pal a nd must bt' ;ubmitt t.d by t h t as hu:>! " for lri e nds and visitors in 1 Capcnn ; -"',:ncra l "rra_ngf"ln~ntl;, 'jQUI lIot b. r equil ..d '~ntil th". foJl~wing. s tud'-nts OrI,C IrI0~Lh priUl" to ,the 1t'S! South, ~a!1 b,-twcen :';::W and 5::)0 Clp<:ni n~ for a ll qucknts int:.r.cstcd jl R ee ves; rooms and j \I d ~ \ S, H rb Y"ar uf I Y59 . All mlonnatlOlJ .,,1 11 bt· rn;; date, 1 hnc IS a fee: of $7.00 n·'llJ.llI. tillS Sunday ')S " part 01 tht' 1 Ill jncr('asl n,~ therr n :ad ll1g' .--lflcl<: n cy Demps('y; "'Tn ts, Lmd" H urd, prt nted i n. ~h~ Coll eg;~ ea~alog "-,,hen quin·d to tab, the. test . but test n" l'urrHI,F(iendship Association Fric,n.<:" is. thl' Rc:,dill l;. Effi cien~:y dash "",hieh I' The tOt1rn~m t' llt committee i... l ~dl! 110 'C P elfl(' mfonnatlOII " ob[al ned. " ults CHI h" SllbII1Ittcd to as many ,hip 1 t~ ,tS durlflg Brothe lhood Vv, ck. 'wIll han' 11, fIrst ITlcctm l( next 1 u es· . up of Art MIlicI', North C n tra l H lli(h The CoJieg > Entrall t Board coll ege> a~ the student desir.-s. .'\[ ~"n utlrf~r pb'TS iI: the Tacoma day ('\'Coning, February 25, a t 7:00 p.:11' 1School (Spo~and; Ann Mon lg(.)UI an'a F l'l,·ndshlp J "as wtll be held at in L.I 0·1. Oaksd,llc Hlgh School; G orgt: D ttil<' sam.· tiIlw this Sunday. The meeting will lasl for un t hour Bellc, Bf·IJ\,U;:· High Schoo l ' J arrll"
PLC H0 Id i n9
Tea Sun day
de. ',some
IReading Class 0 p ens . I Next Tuesdav Evening I,
Thinking of Europe?
Travel Council Offers Students Aid
Thi s is th e first year that the Asso- and is kd b y Dr. K. Solberg. The', Carlson, Olympia High Sdl()ol; Y e
cia tion w~ll h;1'T met at PLC or the class will continue' Coll,' ,,,c oj PUKe! Sound, whi ch IS also terlll. llip to Europe f"r Ie, s than work cam p saud ;ll:cn:dited study h olding its initial t,·a. Eal'h year dur I,UUO h 'lT1 New York is a pc,s, ibil- toun , in~ Brotherhbltd Wet-k the Associa·
Ilv nut ~~ u-'I "'JITI , . d ,-,pend. tilHI ST)onsor< the It'as iu th,' hOIl1(,s
.. , . _. , , for nlost " Am('rica. 'n ,I If students WIsh to t!'O",' I :n ,tudul ts. <' ntly, tht·y arc ad"isr:d tu do two and otbT piatTS wh ert: thr:re an' Fur th is fi gu re they may e nroll in : thir, to s : s<,c url' " li,t of th e uational those of ,-arious religious , cultural, an organizr d gruup pmgram or may I student unions abroad which offer as. I:cci"l a ud nation,,1 backg rounds. tr.l \ I in'kpenclt'lltly, us ill g st lld~nt! sistanct: to student tr~l\elt'fs: and pur PLC ,tlIcit-nts an~ (·o.-dially im i!('d .li.t;c..cuwt, U\' 'I' C;lS. d :ll" ' ':' t u c/t-nr Idtnti}' "a ni 12'ld bv tIll' TF to all lid any or all th, ' · I ' llR home In . or d er to ta k.•~ hOllWS the. t will be huldi ng tea ', for Cc Ik ge ,ludc ht' or. lu w budge ts b ('tore ca\,l . the PUlPOS " of th,' ("T nt is tu prornut.,. I ll d hi~ lr h o pt's fu r lravt' l this SUIlI' d( I"anta ,~c 0 f stu d ('nt I" te ..,s on h OUSlrl."., d I the 'pi ri t of "impl t· frIendline ss ::lnd mrt nay !C.lfn abou t lh,,'''': upportUrIl- ,ITs taur:tnt.", transporta tIon • n ClI' . undefH:ln di n,,- :lInon !! l'itizl'ns in the lit uy wlit in ::; Ju t- the lrt:t: booklt't, tu m l ,','(' nt.' m. Eur-op". '1'1'liS Id entity •.
(. spring
nOli lItzin!{er, Ted , K arl and Bettl: Iou Macdonald, PLC,
"C , ink to Eu rope '~ " flllbli shed by t h e lII!
Card Illay be pUIch ased from the )J:r. , I ;\l;urna area. ,tucil'nt Tu d, a lIon - lional S tudt' rIt ASSLlciation , 70 I B'-sides P I.e: , "op" n IllJ usc"
U I1
S",· I
11\' 1
traVt, 1 ol'ga!lizatio n (,!ltlt A. " ~ l1\l e, i\l' '''. York %, ,,,.t th" hUIIJl". 0[: Dr. ~nr~ M rs. Jcrrdis .....ith \ ,'.1 Loast 0 [('(:'" a l 240 S lac k· I Th e i fonnation ,crvi.:cs o f the K a ulmams, ·jOID :\0 . JtHi1: .M.-. and lUI . ITl'et, S.a n Fl a n ~ isco, Calif. Comlc i] a rc 8"" il" bl,> to stil dents with· MIS. D a , ·i<t R ow land , S07 -0, Y a ki·
' d,UC. l itH, a!
. .:( oi n ' (u Cur..o ~t"~" ( .. ~cr ibc s the' ddk r"lIt t)TJ"s ul 1IJl' X P'rIS1' 1; nlu('a. ' lional tla\'r l p!O gra m UP'" , =d (If'l Itt assi;; t, nrc in sr lccti n.e; hOlll Ifllll'C tlt:m 10 uiff~nllt t li,ps, r.ClIl g ing £r.om i ·hUr l I1 .~ ~u ur:oi, to bu.: yclt · trrps,
RING To A.'"'r
uut ch~' I')i.t' in tl.ll' in!'~n-~ ts of foslni n lr ~"~ ~Ir. 1~'Il.d Mrs. , Il n \' ~erghl!.:~, wld rr Ill lt' In atlOnal "uUl'<HIUnal <"X-I- (II .\ u .• ro: tor. Mr.,~nd M r . R .• chan gl·. ,'\ number of Iuw · cost book· uld l'vfuss, I ~ It) Hmtirl VII"". lets (2 5 Cl l1t') ;lrt' ,tlso <I,-ailable from -\Isu 11 1'. a nd 1\1 n: , Hu:d L, mknl, the Co~nci!'s ufficr' to h, Il~ studt'nls ~:i:.i8 :\0 _ Shirley: 1\1 . 'lfid MI :;. AlU~L tn t 'll tlInl'" and 1I1CHLt'Y \\'ISeIy onT- fn'd Carl sun, 18 i ~ _ ' 0. L.. nion ; Dr. ~GI";.
"w : ' .. "
I I::>U t e. I :! :()(J, un /l.iea 8mj L :.tin .\Tll(' r;(':" a; well as E urope. , II ' bt·i ~ d (\ ~J t ,·d I ._ , I ' ., - ' E, ta h mh ni U-I tl... J: It: I ~h U :; wltn VI ' (, t , dlU(L\; in the th e r~\ i, :d of intnn ,lti (l n ,11 L'x('ha n!!t uf u n - I a ',' Su p p orted . ~ 1·llovraDls d u nnl:' the P°slWRl Ycars. d nd l' " lIr c.t III \'\..j h" 1 . the ",lo ,1l 011 Studln t , \ , t , "r .. _ _ t1.< tJ" "I"1 ltltU'{''' $ (If ,tUri l'Il!' HI
r' " Ii, il (tlll
l· \isiuTt diann. I rh ,'.
II lUll .
enny 00 man Sh owing Tomorrow • 1111 1:1 1If1) (.oodr:lli.n Slury ' .n 1 J r !"vlr,r, ! , ... rr l ,l' Sll'. ' linn ,Inti Do lUI R«:t1, wil l i" hO~'T1 tomorrow, J- l a)' 2'<, t 7 :10 p ,llI" iTl CB-200. It" ,ill I ~:; ccr, i · ror sin~k : nd 7:J C"l1l lUI c<JufJlr'S. Spun II l ;puuslJrirtv th is film. a s ,101Y of OI l! of Am ·l'iL'..L ~ foce :l 1.lrill'! ,tillt T he "tru~-t,-,·l i ll n ,, ' uf l ht: ",Bl'n· t:ootll1l11n Story" wa P' rhaps t il•. Tl::1 OrI for th n1f>~'i'$ p(.)pul ritr _i It
not long
jt ,1,1(0
cross t ht:: COUIllrv
~\'f l"~.
Gj ~llldro n(;',
D ~ sh
Point, 9~ J M adrtma Drin' (fils t ri g ht turt! Clfu't' brid ge); :--·1L find ,vIr,. Fn d J--blt-v' introciut'in",'"' Andre: and Genr".'" ..,s S- nford. :jU 18 -"0 , Pug<"t Sound; A nd at tlw Budclh is l T empit-, 17 17
L 'vIOl ': than 50 ..ducation:d im titu ' tion> and religiuu s or c ani z3tiolls 'haH~ I~l III - -In ecI III ('recIt .Ing LlI ~ C" oun cl-I ;-, nc].Ill tJ_- \ ~ 'C't II I t I"r .:. : . L'u!t ' . .. '''1'11 b~ , .JO II hirl'htL' d u n 10 1{ Olrllll llt!l1}' IIl;Jki n~ lo w-cost 'd u Cllt ional t r Clv,' 1 , ' rI bop" II '". l f rid .,y Ifl Uf'ni m::, h·b - : oppor;ullities 'I\ a ilablc-- in ,'\ ,i a, Af
fawl t' !l \"(,l!U ": and :It C PS, :\rukr· SM ILES O F PLC 's speech departmel1t wi ll be ou t for h igh scholl I de ,o n H a ll ( Ft,n ',"-11 ,! \Jtkn l pn'su ltnl ba t o rs f ro m th e Northwest as Pac: ifi (' Lutheran Coltegc d~ atora ,por)sor hy lh,. CPS TntL ' n.ati un cd R d :r.t lom t h e a n nl la l hi g h sc h pol tou r na men t o n campus ,ext Friday a nd Saturday H d' Ip t' k a r II t o r ) ' Don Douglas Bctt e lou Macdonald. ChJh ) . Jeer~y'~~s~1'\ a ~~ ~: Tra;n~': ~i ctured ) , •
1. - -----·
(OU «[lll' CUll',n ud th.L t t ht IJc> t w ay tu en P' (" i&tobrm r.; " ()lLrl!.: P"CJ pi<Thi: al lLrn"UlI -I ) ,30 p .m . l h. l i l(,l l j ,[f.'n nt (o " nlrit·' t u{fl'lh , 0' t:lloir of the \-, .''! I, ~v, s fur a sho rt I th~l t,h q : m.1 V I~arn ..h~w cadr li\'t:~ W -~ l ncl . tou r of :1/1_"" . ,:on« rts: , t o· :lDJ \', tJrh: th.' _:nd lb U H m· i n 1< hI : t S,III UUr, Luthi r n 11'1 r a r<rllll lOtlS "ift r WW",'ost and' :1 un 'h rn , 1-"'1 <1"t n, :,,,tI.Hd~ "yc' 1occasionall Y. SUb Sldil.cd l ran-1 tu h·'!p run", : t Holy r ri t' lt ~ L ilt", r-' n I -\mnkan I{t> ('rvt'.,(", ~ «nd to b r ing ; l. ' It WC" ;n POI' -\r: g , I<: ~, "nd Sunday ",tad.:n ! [lOIn a broad htrr, !' " -rIlTl " : t O ur SLtuou l. Lll th~l'1 rr I Church if! Sr ·merton . -11. C h uir wi!. r<rum '::Iuncl,,), n ig ht. 01 ,i t<i fIJI thr' tOLI I \\ill I.,.. Peg ( ~irl of Il LC ar<: [t'qu :.ttd by Ih.. \\1' rs t o beg-in in vitin?; t h.. ir molhcn; to th 'acific Lu· un t ht'riill C'3.lllpUS for the w e end of M : n h I -16 Co r the annual l\lo • CI air i! und«r tilt d lrectinn ol t r!. \\ eekcnd, ,ponsorcd h } AWS, 1- Malmin,
Girls to Invite Mothers ,me
,- ---
Ch olr · to P resent I ba Dr Cap re "P Swe u Three Co c rts (, Psi
" Kill'
~)ll r
tu d, nt, \,hOSt " I l l T 'llltt.! If' t :d C: "pr'ncl-, Lt 111; c,·. I' LL' "pq,1; louo ,I t il Ji mTr:1\'flI".Jrd pla, . J (·batc ("o(,rn. lI'llt cn Febnrary 1 :-:,! ~cmorl)i __ isJOnJrujlrumptu: J ! Clod I') ,Ur a f lIow'; B.' t ldo" ~1i\1'l.ltm lW , lu pI (r,
Sl'Dil. (' n --'fau (L;ncolll ' Dout:la,,) Junio r \\ o~,en', l~pro u ptu:
lDehate : L(1IlIS'> Kldd I., _nd p h<',
l n:Cb ",- , i"" J H t't\' , ,"n p. " bl ," I! ior Di\'iri n EXlcnlf"
p I I, tit:: . Hnb c m pse' , ::.nd llbu,
JUDJ . -ur \\-olllt'n~. Dc ale: Bd tdClu ~ a rdon.aid :lTd pl' e_
LouI ' K I,rI" l Jud i John,oll, l t. Ju ni r " 'omen': 1--", mp: , .I.. , j ,' R , nd. II, J.. tl.;1 ,. 1; tt r: li e _[1(1. Louist' J-:1nbf i, 2nd p inel:. JunioT' i.-n-s Debale: ! Jad(ir ' hl< r , Jlldi Jolm (tn, IJr 3rt!' () In I .IJ Jill! T . ynor hL II Juni r l\ t'D ' ~ ~ temp : D • 'S tll:ut . :a1 C pen< : til" 3n L I Urin Dah l, lot plan', 5 "llIor ll....j~ioQ Inter p: j n" T 'IYIlI' , ) d pl,II:,". H. ru d'-n [J I }', ~ ntl pial' , J unior Women'. ralof')- : Jun to . W omtn', Interp: DelOT'S ; illl', :lrd 'lim: . C arolyn Bioolll[i.ld, :hd pia,... jUllIor Men' O rato ry ' J unior 1\It::n'" Inlcrp: '" C:lp mr, Jrin Dalt!, ti :lrtI, I
I i
P age Two
Friday, FeD. 21.
19"\Student Service
Have a Seat
Is Mai Object Of Books~ore
Should We ContriLu e?
Every Pte: s[udmt should be at studl nt bod y chapel n<tx t
Is Spiritual Week Needed On a Christia }, Campus?
b y is there a . Spiritual Wee k ' I PI. ow un somerbin o already presenl be emphastzcd: \ n yt hir. ~ (rort ' lU P 0 Mts, ur Thes. and simil ar qULstions are pTObabl y in rile milld~ oj ra l h r. ' , om di tion Tiro, to toothpaste <! numb r of peoplt: arc md campus. Dr. Carl W. Scgerh mmar. ·l I 1 .;<" f, U 1 in PLC', III d m ,l nd f L 'ren~ I"lf 1m. Au ustan.1 Lt· W( \I "lIu.ipP,·d IC-'''I\ ife hODk lor . T c sidt!!1l of [he J.1"for ia Con ~ Chufch :lnr] ~ 11 l ~p aker tor to. ,) ·1 ( fl J k. m.llla", ..r and pur ".pirilu;d fmph' i W ," , . n I'd ' f l for lit' , ollrgc ,kp:ut
uesd.1 ~
o r b e busi ness m l?c tin g JL \\ hich lhos~ prcse lH will d ,ilk wbn b r ( I n t .m y form o f giving r l.l the Pac ifi Lurhllran Developmen t Fund 'Ivi ll 'c uncle: ta en b y II (. S( UdenlS dl£01sdves. Fr·...m th"~ "'r" b",olnnl ng rhis idea 113 been brourrhl abou · '" ~ , ~.., b bv, tile stud"~ o t . O r Its 0 n in ltl tiv'c ch' Student C un~il talked o\'l~r lh~ Ide:! w it o L Ir. Pelerson :lnd n w is bringi~g tbe idea before {h~ slutknt who shoul d m ake rhe decisiun JS LO Laking part in til L3mllaign .
I -----
'Ut- lh boohtol ' Tl~ , tell' p"rp" ' If th a(,li, ' Li ,~ th:ll "Iii to Iud 15: wI·L r _ . ' -rr IDb ,'I!tlll pamllo.-j 1 tu I mll ~ 1 r.h ri ·li n 'f,Jr. If u ha'!' :l g)od r~ ,l~on bclit!vin 1 til l,au hould not I l\, ,I d" orn 1111« any IJUok ill pr, n t, . . . . . h I \\hll l U. olllln1i tl d hI "'h . . t-' 1I d b b f ha 'Spmtu.11 f,rnphfuls D 'Ii on t: I " p.ltllC1P, te, me. OWC\Tr, J not vot nu ~ JUS you avo; " , ICIt fl OIl ,t. I to t wo weeL or ' . . .' 1· . pre~5ion to thr. l lui t .IN raith in t' 'CI" ,,' "t t1 J l 1 T ' . ~ . L orh ' [ 1 Ie . 1 I ,. l ' t:lI fllpU d .• ('h rbtl. n 011'1(" . , C' I I .1 gr \lege a".11 Il, ]I;! .a. 10 IS r" 0 .. ,1I. qu.es.IV I1 Ilas n .. mg . ' 1\ f'r~', l~' I , . 'r I"'~ UI: \ a ~ will 1 Iik,' lIUlI Y aradox s then: is real I. /. i, f1k. lif,·, II do wah Ih" adm l I1 ~tr Ion. ['1' " d o not have 11':117 hog rs 10 r,II'll 'Inti photo t:op~ m ~ are pro '. PI 'd • h th.. f . .. 1 b I c.l ' lb ' ' . ., . trlllh n n . !'" n SI , f, . I',' r . p w nh il t 11 rIC. an, yo u I,vo n r ~ all lI1g.l pu ne 1 'f Clsung J n gJU IC. ,",'Ir d. ~LJDy 111·r. Il wS ',n d t n it rt. ,m i . . . . . I ", I I ttl .. ,' 0 ' 0 til , '\ll('~tio! y l her~ wi ll h n . r.lCLI1 Y or adm inistr:Hjon m embers pr.:s... n t Inc. It rm ~h alII ril."p iay<,d lfl tll: !draWrnl< a n analrn;y. I" , II htJrnan .. ffo '1. . I ' . 1 !' It' , U f cc J yo ur ~IO' .M Ol I' ' . ' . . • t i hOlt." ('hr ' li;m ,..nd an :U I 1 e mettsng. t S S Lfl Ct y 'ou r CClSlon. .. . .. . rv nftr'n st i,.ntiI it ~roufJ , oQ ion Il> w. a nyt h ing , yotc o n Tuesc.lay -Dave C rowner, EdlCor.\, :\[ r. .I·aulf.:I h '"nth1 u"t- aS ll t: a hollt ill · .' . _ ., . . . , . ':1 1 h'. d .'" L( om rpun ity .vh r' Lb o:. Cbri b d ' ,1'1"'. or o r .~, . nlziltlon, . "., 3\/' 'P( n. ,a ft, ! tt.. y or po per ou n . . . . t t 'h d th .... of Il'f ;. r-- - - -- --------------------------" h,-r"on:lst: k~~ . T'n ,~t' It xp t'." nSlve I"Ioor-.:.s I • ".I:1l Ill!" tll l!; i to whIch a f, liow 5CIl'Tl IiIn ru, an d ': wa , . ~ arc In . ' .. . di h
,vii i be tnvltcd io sp,·a·. All t h View" nnt ('n y a; ', I) Irln~ II I . d .
m"mfwn of th,' ~ro up ~t , prt'5UITIa - ,. ttn"
. .. . ' . . hl), a t hom e In til:: 11 ld of sCl~ ncr·. W, Cil nno: he ilc l.ltr.d at l h l ~ I' tnl, \ But tl,," appCilranc e of this ~ucst may I for nl'u tralism ma k(~, way fnr ~'Cubl' brin ~ a fro'sh interest or IlI' W in. i~'lt i:;rn, .md SC.CUllHi;;111 fina lly Til , k ri, to th'-'i r thinkint'. n"J< r:.c:;, ;.s w(· know II, "'<lIII ' t. ' ; " If I £' d f d " In sirnila r In:1Iln{'~~, ~pirit ua l (~l n"l ('ave '30 out 0 OUT t ' U" p has is days o n a c hurch- re i t l'd c'-1m · ca.tion. nll r customs, and our wa~ a ll tudeut 50Iic.itation. ,,','m hig h br·ca u..-· students and pro'd . f . I of life, we are teachiW1; that. for . . . . .. .. f("ssot' s insi , t on tht: Tlew and lat t pus p ro"l cs opport~l1lty or .rf'new ll1 ~ Tlu~ : lov e ts unl)' pl"!rn~lri-, to r the fwai Judgw Ol 1>0 mthe power of .. ,[. h k . ,nU're, t and prov,dIn <?: ' If"W In' l!(ht .. ! mo,1 pc Ipk and at m ·t time;;, H" . d ' . .J 'f! . b' '11 b I ' f b ' . publ,catlons. ~. to ..s have yet to th c 'nltn: Iu ("Ilt bOu y. us oll Jec t WI e tIe 1Dll 1l1 cou r~e 0 USll1 <" 10 I Dr Sc"erhammar and his wife dON not ("oun1. 'We are h"ginnlng 10 p lh,' ' UnlID..;· ~* Ildl'nt cb -'pel. The , t ucIenl body r:.lll either aeCt' pt or n'jr ' ~t ~o up III pr o orI 'l1u .to so~ D~ l ei I'. I R uth' ;r~"l)arcnts of fOllr d ;'i1dren' r cng·niz' Ihat nelltrali,n ill iudE . . . . .. cCJ n~ ' lml"r ·t'Tn , B y ,flOpp,np; ea y I ' . ansa' an- d ;r . unn,-utral. thl& Id.-a a mi In Wt I)v['nt uf an ;l. C l~t: ptance ,t " ,Il be str~sst:d th ut till' .w l, c , -" . h ~d 1 . 1. H,' ' ''a< hO"n ',n H I "ho i~ not fn r ChriJ I " ! . , s..tlldf'I1ts n13 y :1 \'e on t L' use LJOO,: ." ~ • . -_.. " tatin lI' J pkde;Ill C: wIll be CUIlIr)lttcly o n . 1 "oluntary bas..IS so no on" would h b k , _. _. ,. R b g raduale of Rctbany College, Li nds is amtinst Him. Thr:sc nju.eo; arc 1• . I Id lU ~hI'de I) . m " ·C) ·'·I·tv "111 .. t at the 00 stem tu<.; s to hOt ",. 1.1; . . tl d d b ' d' 'd - , d LX' I ~ -~ ~J.. ,L . Qr d'ls, Qf ' nil .....'. go to p!lbli -11!'fS bo r~, Kan.~as, and AlI ~UlI!a na Semurgen Y nee e y ID 1\ 1 Uru.> an T he C.oun cil \',n. d dinitdy <I(.:;J iTI, t pa ll. ' patlon in the [.)rrD tl f an l~t hL r than to USI'e! book dt"alers" inary. Rock Isl a ld, Ill inni.,. The hy sociNy. "til' n p lar"J o n e<lch studen t. T ll ,q bas e n d on ' at Olht r ol\rge5, P rofiB Go 'I !>'c.hool L ni\t"rsii)' of SOU lhern Cnllfnmia "T h ·.... ill 1(' )" r n whi, ]' ,1 ~ ill "r hy the aut hori ty of dt<· .ldm ini str.J.t iun 0, Illl ~t.udcnt3 th(~l11~ekl s. but The book,loTl' mllkes ~'.lmc profIt School of Religion w· the l ocation 'Chn-t OIt lh,. r'O)" of lif·· ~all caPI'In' lh" council's 1c.d in>; i, to pb c!. rh ~ dcc is i" fI ,,[ ~i,·; .w· i '\ th .. h:, t,d~ of ,a(. h I ' f F Ik J "P f' of J r. S 'gc·rh ·. nrrn· r'~ OTr adu te l fl"" inl\rlll ""() ll f" " ~ fur ' mi' .1\<:\ )ut ;n r .a u \.l\te , to Its :\ . r',\: I tJ;,t iQn 0 f I11 n, '(-" d t tuuC'llt. , ,Vi)r -. 'f nuh··. ns !TI 1I( h 3. p:lTt 0 1 lh c oilc 'e lll co m ,., .; . h' . ' . r10m ~ 0 , cl om;llton..,. " B'·5it.l~ hi, rl'.r.n t p05itJon be- ha III " w, .1 ~r ' .w W i th ' ,,!,efl~n{"e W Icll The" pro~o" d w ill II.: p ,'<"I.(t'd to ! h.~ H\I dl'l'l bod,· ::t ud if Clcn' o lrd it 'lS rC: Cc'lp 'I f ' I d . ' . -. ff . . " . I ;:'''''ri ro n", I' ~'llio ns in C31ifornia' c ,," , I r () rn . t. II"stl.IT ,It 1 an I" WIll be lUg\! 'sud lh:Ll the pi dS ' be DL d., on '. th ..-.·-yt'. ll [ll:", . Imp,lIgn dlflln« club and h,' cn ,·t· shuI" , _"II .. ,. do 1nd I.. Wi l. HI' h" nne 'x - ' tlll ' LI~h l ·<11r> Ih u, ' flt llhl " , . t lh delail, will h[ n he i n WI' hands of tht:: Studc'nt COlJIICI!. ! O peD Th rou ghout \Vt,ek 1,'m i'T a di .., work a nt! i. "L~o ,in au . ~n",(h 01 m div:d u;;b WIth ~ \ i.. w {1~ 'I'h,' boo torr, wl ieh secv ~ stu- tJwr )ne o f his hooks, "God Lif ~[y Ii i 1Ii ;'l h. "". I pn,n II ir!1n' 1'.1 1;, dI'Tl I:, ,'VI " kr!. .), from 7,30 a .m . S i h he d _ anci 111·1t id.. ~ 1 fir I iIi?,. " hp. until 7:00 p.m. ,nd on Snl urdo' from .. r '11 . C h ri.t-c( nt" ' c,l .,t\·ll 9 :00 a.m. to 12 ,00 noon , a im rnplovs pit. It i, in one nf th, ~' ,
l io n Will g:i\T pnr os tu t ruth and ~tudf·r!tS. Pr "nd ' f"lnp loycd are Pat D r . 5."', r hamtn3 1' ;ta l Ps
al·,r .. inll: 'n r<ln ing for li fr .. , W I' l1l'ellS , ~f;~ry .\nn Bayne. R oberta conuT n i n~ Christian cd ucation and I li t I;) Ihl h ' igltls "h en ' Ch n, t i, Inri By BOB Brodh un, J ohn Coe tts he, Ri chard cn ll "~1"'< such ,:is P:j ~ ific Lu.th ran .
" u d~ ' Ie thrnUl1;h Hi s COl li' j') .n H i b I c , c: \ " ry bod\ . I ><'V, a rc 'C)u th.. r.. J I Jolly wdl h'.lpr )'"u '1 r t", t Hllh orson, Barbnta J ackson, J 0 h n for i£ you H 'n' t how Me yOu ~(Jin" to read th.. I"r 't of Ihi lrlo- l > col nm? ' ~ bakke, J ann'! Rolubau rho D o ro thy
dl"Jlnnd for e l:h. suppl eme nt" r ccrl:"'~"Ai'~ ,1" I .1 .' . _ . (J '~''''II'· ~ ~ dtlon •• ,,:lC ' .a ,>.If" re p mt.,. .) ._ ' ,. ) . • . I ubl"hcr SLls } nce . _ I . 1~ th · . ~,~ I~"rn:" no f~n--~ ~us~ b.)llght my >ern' stl'! ~ books-t~p<. 01 Th " Stu d ent Counci l has tal-I'n a m::tjor s ep conq: U1in ~ student p il rticl- >tudt'nt Mr. F"ulk ,·"plain". "Boo k ~ .Mllon In t h ~ PLC Dt" ··I opmt: nt F und, Tun d a y ,t appro \"l~d Ihe Idea O[ an I pncf" an' s<" be' Ihr' puhll'ihen. 1 h ey
, ,
Council Proposes Student PledCJes •
f .
J..: '
Sn~ del" and Patri cia S tamp . M rs. Rob-· hank the ma ny girl, who h3 \" ; pp roachc:d tnt: " n Olson i, f' nlploved full tim,' a nd w , hlllg to ('uter my conte t and ha n ' TIl t p ick the,r ,··al'S (p ~h L The rt.spon $C i ~frs. J,lm(', T -avnor i, hea d of the ha, brcn n .. rriric· that I'm afraid it will tab, m.' somc t ime to ~ct a round C;l mpll~ posta l sr.rvicc to ill of tOu , L ll t don't gin, Ul' . 1'111 sure I'll b.: ailj,.. to vork yo u ,ill in 50rDt: how , ~om wlwn', som l'time. CfIltlt' p ill (Ii- ,'Olll" ihin'·, you'll " Iw ly bL' mine I"w, lo'r . . hI''' I'ml off, I"d IiI;'
Ex p e rt Dry C leani 9
Ne\\ r~cord out: "It's on the P oljce Label. Buy il. Be the only one in ! your d aml w iLh a Police Record. . . . . ' ... w m ovie: out, o:-a11l'd STR,\~ CE LU '1::, liT M ,ITjor ic ~l ai n a nd Tab Hunte r . . . A ~u) walk · in! a hialJi5l- ' oU;u: an d SL"2, " Doc, you g O l to hdp llIC, E n ry mght fo r he la!t two Illonths I I"" n d ream ill g I w as gO illb to POlt land. It·s te rrible! E ve r oil" dream 1 m going to P ortland !" Doc se~ , "Don ' t worry bout it, ,,11y La t nile T drt urI I W:J' h nnw a lom' an d who should walk in thc' front d oor but Maril yn Monroe :md Jayne M ansfield! An d th t was I all " lone with !h,'! ' two b," Itifu l wom cn!" G\1) S1:.7 , "Good hcan'ns! Why didn't you call 1111 ~ 'Do !e~, " I did. Bu t lom"budy !.l.id y ou w"re Q :oin g to P ortland."'
WO:>'llER OF l'iATI'R.f : C a te r pillars can be txain(:Ii
p l~\
:t\.JOUl til" eu'" who wh en .h, saw tht' btandi n>; ira r! sa id , "This look, l ik" 3. hut lllllUb('l?" • . • bl ffi<J n: " 1',' go t !:J. j)'m'; li• . ' 2!l d ma n: " Then why ;ltrn't '!UU wbispuhg"" I t ma n: " I fs no seC.! d."
O ld Y,)LI knl)w Dc)n Dou g hl , middle n :lIn" i: fi% ? His bth r pidu::cl hi
n·nu. ou t o( a hal. ... Say, ' le );loorinp: :vt:ast office is in dir" nr ed of som e kind uf old Ill'. t up l~dio. W e pr mi ~ not to ESI"'ll to p OpUW I m u >tC o n it . () if any I 'nt:' 'JI yOu 1 .I S an old beat up ~ d i(J y ou·c\ like to get rid of a.nd don~tr to ;, \" 'r y wort hy r;tusr. dro p 'n by. Fiut Ont in ill II, aiiorded thl! npporlunih f Il Uiu.S' the dilor in no u m:rll n tnlll, wh , my column hould Ix Il,tcielcd . Si n ,·r. r ·Ut· , BoblJy FI ~lIlinll' . \ nll J a}'5 rememher. it s rocker; to slip a rOZ7.~r tht" dropsy in 5nid .
LE. 7..Q2D6 We Deliver
932 Pacific A anue
Taco ma . Wasmngton
Jo n S oine
Charm Beauty Salon Blanch... lin.Qbloom
I I;
W e O utfit Co-eds 406 Garfte ld St.
4 13 GARF IELD $
H e . nando's hj (ka\~ay . . . : Th e on ly twuul ' wi th Russra n Ruul ttc- .bl·t ' are n' t om! RUSSIans playmg It. . . . Did YOLl h t"; r th(· nr" \ Ilull
Mrs. Jo Summers P hone LE nox 7-4800
C. Fred Christensen
dive' Ho,"" o:r,
_cd, In LP, "II.' p s. Yesterday , it jumped 12. fjroo\"c~~ I s th is the! corti ? S' g n';d, Ax I () loul , W' It'f., :\{,lJll '· . . . . D C'''f SIr: . lh ,. I"cord or IlTQOq; Jump in' i.5 Ii clt!. by 3. D <l u ntlcss H- I':l- J l(Jlw-ann . On D ~CI'mb{' r 'f, 1951" it -u mpt d 'i7 '(moves on a r cord play~ d by C lyne: P in ~ ll S of H itOr, Miss. SOH)'. , . , Purn,': lie s',i l with a nct t, "W ho is Em ily Po ~ :"', <\, he' wiped hi m ou th nu lit $1 (If h i" host . . . . ur, th t: bu llfit;hter' s f a ns aJ! holk rcd ol e ! As
Flowers for At! Occasions
no c:llcrpill:tT ha~ ever pCl'forDled tb' athletic fca t in puhlic-as caterpilla Ita,·c JlJ) h ip-boll.:s, and their swiDlUlin' tru nh.;; keep falli ng do" n.
Hi l·i D ep t. D ear H i-F i Ed itor: \oV!u:nc"cr I
12173 Pacific A ve. (Fo ot of Garfi el d)
La undry Se rvice
. 62c Regular SOc Abrams Art Book . . ...... 25c eg ul ar 90c 3 -tab Spiral "i ....
Reg . $1.00 Foste r "How To' ! Art Books .. 65c
LE. 7·5317
Ask for BarCJains on SheaHer Pen and Pencil Sets
c o
Page T hre.
ee tis
Savages Challenge Harshmen;f obca~
utes Wing To
Coach Marv H.ushman \ III he. lJkUlg rhl! Lute hoopslcrs l the air afl'r u:e Lao;lcrn game in Cheney on Satucday. February 2.. , rhc Lut,'lUen will fly fralT' Spokane to Bozeman, i\1oJ1laIl:l.. here thq wil l tangle with the loman;) C:;ra, ' Bobcats in -g,lOlE "'ric: on the even ings f rcbru r~ l4 c:n d 2 '5
~ cJgene
lwcl. Curti> was n.um:d "1'J:rr~r It" by thl! Puget SOUJ,ld pon
tit'!!' We
wrh 'r J nd • 3sten AS$o('iatiun in . n d con 11 :':\'1 ' In n oil,tnl un LIt!, po~si b 'lil: " r C oach t it '1' :\1 llhl\' In ring. Chuck \\'3$ JI Ihl pI l the (lndi:.ton ha, ·" \ l;Jn H:t,shrll .1Il ht'iil;! lJ:lIJ u:d h ',ld h s ,,·th;l ll roa~h . t Wa hingtun t"lr. ltosl!n ~ lu~aJ. of such h(jopslel'$ I. cl fI "u qh l imr on lit . ~.I~ lt rl1 Cull., ,;,'. \\ " .• pru;,,'h(' rl I· h <If I til« 'lIbj t lilt" othlf <1. ' .IfIJ I" off ,,·d S~ II tkC'nt\;;n;l y' E lgin B ylor :md lill'jt "I' ' ollr t. In lit fir-t ,l\il.n'trc Ih ,' ~. IlI1' i" foTm:l li'm tlW I h t~ a pp""j'~ t! ill ~"\' r. 1 utlll.l !1 ~wsp:lpers la t h ', l'lIi, l&it ) of ,'\" ,IUII'tlll1 stamlOlll I"a.<o 1 t}r L ute s mart<J f;w d .IT! 111: in i"o lul',l, on .i th:lt lu; has not at ,1ny t ime' Cull:Jet ,t! W$C " thl,.tir hu kt· tb:J lI r. Doul( SlJl<tlt. h, ' local m ,ll' lr ~ 0\, I' off" iar" b ut cl "'rllt'St'llt ~J ti\( ' lim" '0 J:' JI\l il , d Id ,c'nt" t !liln . bou t l wu L ute" "' lJ l i n~ -iW:It:1. thi _ t'AJOIl •• the W(' , L a~ u to fiud uul if hl' \\ ou ld b,' Int" C('s tt:tl lll tht' h,':ld joh b"i n ~ V' l"'Ltv ,~ Iwpm ,, for ,I n hi J ac k Fr id who ha , bl en at th,· hellll for ') 2 y .U PL C q ui ntl·t 1.1 )rokcn tlu- By rl\rt: 11 oame ,A Ih(' we~k " on the rtl TI , ' t (l\'f'I th !:' L LJ tc~ a~ h" pDt. h i$ . Th " " 0 . . Harsh mdlcated at that tlmc that h e w ould g Ive the lIlatt ~r can:luJ con- (.. ollkrcn r:r: , . ,one w<JJl I'1:CO. Ie ~ 1 marllr" I, lttnbu(cd t.o the I I .," " t· d d i 1. . " ~(S Oil tnt' Wlll' pAlh. Re r '~C h :u a InframUi . . . . "deration prOVIded the propn lernrs could bc dcclclnl upon. He a so emp 12.1 tJ J orwa r CXtC'1I t( ul. se:uon to· ln,' D rH:-D (' Tar Jmc en cou nte r In . • •. . L I" 77 " h ' • rr'.!hulDn forward, G;:ll y Rabt'J1,S, who r ra , . '. ' I Ilcall y stated that h e IS prc:;cn lly domg- h iS ulmo"l to h r u ig thc u les throug 1 ta, to ~ . p OI n ts Wil le III Just ntne Do," IlHne( hack . . " . . I £ f .. f '}O h,' ;iads w ill ha n: to r.n nt rol. TIlt' wlll e h. the Tlndcrdo'" d ' . '" d ' f' <) • ano ther su ccessful scasun. a nd that IS foremost m hiS nllnd at th lS t III1C. S LUrt 0 lw <; o n " 1" I l" r 'coru 0 ,,,u . . . h Id ,. I' ,Mh ' L . .... th,. I11···hlv to ut" D eJ AI' me lye 4 . ,' r(1 It :1("" ~cnl'crl _ I· p oint ,; last Sa tuT' ," . '.. . "Vl' h:lW' not}(,t'd m a ny lwople cnn g-'. at '"'T n t h e thou"h t o! Hetrsh . e u y or rrw r , It wort.. slM', ...... r\ tn :-;8. P a ul Ca rlso n lod the P raml'i . . . . . .' h' f d~ a1laim Vi t"t" J'll i n Ch,·ncy. . . , ' I k:l\'ln g after ~a lrttnZ su ch Widesprea d f~ ml' tha t Ill': h a.s brou~ht on Imsd Ad ams, who ~"I the r cord mst 5t230n. - " . ('.u r tl.5 h as .Il kast ll",: C' If l t<> }[ill.lllllafl will s"tt lc fo r ~n ',,",:n Do ~ ,HId ga T111' sr.orrn n wrth l·t 'lC>lI1tl'l • ' . .~ , I, bot h a s an al" hlr:t,; and coach, :Many people- . cel tnat h e h~l ; ,m obh ga t lOIl ~.unc.. ,. I . . h h " 'Scon-r of tflr' wcck ' w a, Vlr g .. . . I hi f h b ' fI ' J " III t Ie senes Wi t t u l\'lonLJn a . to rema", a t hI S alnt a rnat.cl' wlll'l'e nl' has ben) a ble . to work rllll1sdf up. \Ve pa y t 5 year, two 0 t m em HundtQftr whos(' :\0 pOints led th (' . ., .. . I TI h B B I t,II' .ral, 1(' n},·.at: nVl'rpr,w· '.. ... _ , bchr\'(' thiS IS a verv selfish att i tud e , It would be uufalr to put pressure on cag ue em·QUll tc." , ;'/O - 3 7 ,. .. , ' .1. : l' b . " d 11u' Ea tnrl "Vils hin \l:totl ' \'a'l"~ .~ .thF!OorOIClM~lH~ulrttl'tt() . H 'lrsh to ha mper hiS oppo rtun1l! ~s to a d\'anrT to :l h l!a d coadlln g JO) ot su c h he Lute net 11mbel' jJuurcd In rr In· fil I ,,~ t :...f o Id~y ni~ht. If compar netory O"('r til .. GlInnCl's, , . AT poin ts ,rl the Whit\"u'rth game 1""[ " l" n;C' Institution as ".SC, 'ti ,,' '·' H '" mnrn "nythin!'. thr LIl It,~ r Ihn '1a ll1f'S Ihrou gh r ·btuary 17 Du ring Coach Ha rshllHi n', th in("'l1 ,, ',IS O Il S at PLC ht' has done a ll out· ~'ltU1 dai' lI.ic;-ht to come withln olle ".1 , ., j"h cu t Ollt fnr tlll'r" ,,ft" r th,' ju·:r:- kd the le;lr(ll(; s sta n d ings fo ,- th e ,(" "din'!' job as bo th head roach an d ;)(I u(' ti,: el iTe .tor, and h:ls ri g htly ,'a m l'll point of till; past,n a l pOi lll~ per gume t' I ~h ! tn B 0 7l ·ID .1 n. ,~cf)~d ro un d . ? 'h c W" rri~ r, l iOHm:<;d l'''t't ~ bi t (tf T ,pt,(·t displaY"d by sport fal1,; th lOug h o ut th. SWk a nd co unt ry . r(,(,o rd which is ilc'l d by anolh"r for- TIlt' r('gu la )' f i " will <~ " n in <I ll 1(1" ~tuhs 18-.1.) a, .l nhn.,:\ l'~ "11 Ill t '2 :\llW t h ;,t th .. ~ol d"l1 oppo rtunity fo r a d" "ncl' llll"f\t has arri vI'd It wi.ll h,' up m C' r \Vhi t w (Jrtl Pilat,·. Jim Dolu:t y. t''''' n,·ount,'r... ! rcn tn c , nnwrs . B ob (.ettclpwn ped tn Thr " h to dl' c.id " wl1<'tl1\'1' to t;l k" , ' er th,' rein, of WS h~) kctba ll ur b, T hi s ,corine( splu l 'lc better dIllS own . . ' in '!O point " th,' I v " :\" fiv" conl(' nl WIth thr' ;;cc n l'lt\' u,r ' a [on" 11'1111 position . . ' 1",lIC S J I"t nord ot· t' I wh'lch I,· .<~oT('d ~""l'n'[ . tani n ~ L .tn l' u J1s fnr F.'\·C-PLC as n","t ur 0 f a tr! ~ . ""''' '' F:P FLC do wnrd trli' [I n'WL'l'S 110-39. T h r t: e 'o j PLC G\.l IUCl'';;) st sra'u n. ,,1$lcm ~. r. .. "ill.' s[uf" I! d tl,,· rl! 1S \ ith I I ointsl '" '. . .. . .. . , . . . . .. " C·' · 'f , .. ,I, d ' I , l'Y R." " bLft.S .. .. 1- ...'. C h".- " [.u rtls " . Tl " " I.f 11<' sho ul d c!t:clde tt> ("h, tht' 'IV (. PU"LtlUlI, Wr' h,1\ ,. •ti l th, (uni ldt'l l< '
U! ti S, \ \ 10 .wa.> ~( ,("te' . ~:1 m 1 [Jon I J.' B I R ' kG ,·,,,·It '" Ih.·'.' fl\ TrpOW I I', ' d Iv \ B ' Ih rId tl . t t i .. 1'<1b" <lull lUI; lor tht Con,,:I[', w ill t:t k' .In u pswin l.' her o f thl Ll uk \11·,\01 n<;an SC ~
1.,,1\ p!'o'
111 . 1
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ralne og arn
am of the Week
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01'1 :;.!:.3 [)'
Don Sbtlu !1l
D ' lil llto
j ' ..
, vton
wt) '. '
I" .
. .
.vLlth" on C ....... . l orn ~ Ii ~. .' . ,·' nf1 j ;, ,,, wtll a.;:t lll !lock tu ~,. ,. rhe , ou ~3rs of fer top-tlt ~ht COII1p .-tl t lOn. r onel t l ~Dl fu~l ' S~>II~ IS III .l ~ tu rJil k I\.oiord . C .. ., .I iu l Vil n 1 , " k! ., n il i ,' mr ll 1·lln ,·~ bo l,t! red the Bram I' tltr' other h a n d, if hr r main, .1t 1'1,(, h r' will b,' na] ,. t'nl to th .. h".lfU of! a cCind lu:ur for I sllTul r poltJon I \\:;h 1-1 ~t rnan _ GRog h 't"n<n ll I ': orr n. ,,11 Lu tL' fans- past, prCB n t, a nd futu l'~ . I ' r :lr, eh,,"!.. w;·, ;, ]50 nol.nwd t..' th - -- - . The "HI' ,Il lS . f'halk!,(i ,m o th er win I W, \\'Ol!ld be the laM to t' couruqe Harsh to kan:, IL would be l1C t to ! I'\;\ 1A l OUi n.l1 ll t'n t fi\. 1,1 l )'t ,. .uun·
ver reen Conference 1 1~1. th~' . ~:aYlr:l.
y b ..l, t~le Cd· im p ibl e to find another coach \\'h(~ <'<mid earn the l:~ p~ct that Ha.rsh has wI~h Ro:.! I I\C:'r~<lrl. as t l.' > :lh· ' : w rltl }l~ ab nd . ''',''10.';. 17,\ for PLC down through the yt':lrs, Should Hars h deCIde to leave h!s. ::t.1n1:I. ,huck Wet, lIluth ;Ulllln.:- tl t' Ie dC r t· '. A ' ];'u g h l,' .cd th.· maler, we think he shou l be !-l'ive n a royal s~nd-of£ excelled by nonc JJl th · in~ sIXm-n oi the nntion'5 mull col Qj -I' t1 B h" lro u g h Thu n.da} l()rmng' ) . ,,'s t!'l' n t~aHl :In· > I S . ". (' try past alld w isb him the ';t of Iud' on hi s promotion. 1",,;,, I ~"t \\' 1: I w tit ,LU 3~ r g r \V L P et. PF F A l() fnT t he C C ,::,: n~ , [, he lr p rotcgc" Co<)ch l brs!trnan ". pl'!:ls to ~ i , it th e COlJ <:"l.Lr c~mpu , tod ay if tillle PCT- '!:J.') poi llts p e r >!;:UIll·. ' . L . (: ....... . 10 0 1.00il 77 1 584 (: ~(~v(': <./ 1"'1'''. 1~.' '<;l~~:1<'d the (; ut~ - I mits. The WS ~: Board of R..:~ct1 ts is sch eduled t o m eet ~{ Q mby :t n~ a 5c re~ - 1 - -- - - - - (. \' E .... .. .. . <:) .900 fi'\4 508 l oI. I S . · )'l'-r~9 with J,-~[) \h~mpso~_ toss- in g of all a va ilab le cand,dat~s Will be ('ondu cted , Th... notice o~,t11e llanll ~g ') r . ,5. f)f) 611 65 2 II1 C~ 1ll , . !.Ollllt< rs ,' )r t I Winn e , s, . of the llnv coa ch , hould be forth colll ll1.g 111 the nea r future,.h a te,""r· t c
\\ 'C'" . .r, .......... ~ .4Pf) 6 ','0 68~ In a nothe , Saw_,' of cl. uc recognition, : choi ce II ay he, W I! kn ow Harsh will g i\'e his an~.wt:r in 1(,>ntlernaT,ly, Chri s-
t '. r, S... ...... .. ,, ~ v I I I cl h 11 ?_ R -,7c l It ow y .ra ll· ' J, t " 001' Ive ca" , e , ti an m a nne r whi (~h will o r' in tltr: bes t i n t('r~5ts o f a U conc('rtl l'd. Following E\'er~"n UOfi., rence 7 7 '"q rc f. .... - . .:HJ') "I h f h B I Iii G :,' 9 .2 0 6~H 809 t 1 ro ng WIt 1 " \"I rt!:) y ov':1' t c , RANQVET PLANS LA1D 3t ;lt ISlICS. in cludin g' !\,\lI1t:S tl roug 1 "\'hr~:" O!'~h~~~~ ' J 9 18 J i 68 8 68 ka g-u(' Irodd s, It lt FI'Jor J~rosh, Pbns for the J9.18 ,\Ii-School Athlt: ti c Ban quet :1 being formulated Sa turd ay. Feb, 15, w~rc lea d b Schedulc Thi~ Wf'~ kcnd nm ::; %- 26. Bob En e son kd 5 th prr'se ntly by co-chairm.Hl Jim H a rrland aud you r> truly, Th e' date has been! the PLC Xcw< Bun ,"I th i, w<:ek: .", I.t lip to· .'\pr·il 10 from an l'arlit'r date that was announced hI' cause: of " cqn TEAM OFFENSE F ri da y; PUgct Sound at Easte r n floor wi ' h 12 points. '.\ .. h inlllOfl, W"5tl rll W ;' ,hin ·ton at Eig'.'t g am(: s wen: pla.ye d o n M l)n- [liet in the' ,chc:duh: of th e athkt ie d e partment. " G F G % PT S VG '." tll t w 'rth , day.. F .' hruary 17, T I)I' Fro;h bumped! P rese nt plans call fur a wdl-kIlllwn 'ports pn:sonalr ty a s th e feature,i p, L . ........ 17 . 111 1.:107 76.9 a lllrd y: Pa cific Lu theran t E nst th e BrainS 45- 35 as Ron W eaver hit spt:akr';' ,d o ng with g-tH"sts from th.-- tete 'isi on :lnd ra.dio field who, 1'C ('O ll- C. P. S . ............ 19 g8 ~ 13j~ 70.1 m '\' ~h i ng \On, P m;tt Sound a t n· 15 for th.: fi v,' fn:shrncn , The W 1r. "('rrwd with athlr:tics a t PLC.Anyon <: plannil.'g to ':tte nd (othe: . tha n .s tu- I Whitwo .-th .. .... 2 .1 .'1·11- 1617 67. 1 W . hington. riar:; w o k over fin t place a.~ th ey beat d ents) M uST make n'se ·~ tioll' :lnci obt a in tlckds lCl the Publt R elatIOns Wr' tem .. ........ 111 .3uO 117' 5:i.:! Easte rn .. ,...... .. '.!:l .372 I-US 6'.1.9 thl' FaCility 36· 25 unde r th e ,corin g Office not bte r tit"" ,\p ril 8. Ti ckets call be p urchase d for $ 50,
I Clo ,', \ "
Basket Tot: Is
wm- I I
of 16 hy 1- r ink lhd!. - -- I\y "X' wil ll op'd W"tcrn 59-39' a.' ,p""d y John Mitchell ca r I~ throug h
New Stats
Se t h y Lu t es
ox Edge Gla d J V's -..,
C r nt rat .. .. ..... __ .19 1.:. B. C, .......... 13
.J:i7 ,:.IJ7
ll, I
7hO 58.5
Pra irie Th e p l'd Hnilla ry to the Whltw llIth - ITl l<. n th,' .Bbt.:k S OC k5 tna n,!,'d two G l~G% PT' 'C: D 'J!-;> h a nded thl H~~io'rs the ir £i t PL C g'd m e la,t Sat uld .1Y w as pnh ap s L:l,kt ts ~o take t he k ad a t 8:2 -80 , ~\,; Ct' ntra l ......... .. 19 .326 to.!;}
;13.8 I,kf;.a t of Ih. vith a . 7..38 II" th r ;lIer of tb e \ t:a r in th PL C , . It clol b show"d 011: rcma lll- I p, L. C . ... .... ... 17 to t 5 I
fin al m ar ill. 1 rank Wa t 'r worth led ~yHl rhe JY l u illlet of the GI ::tdia-1 m g in ti,(' b r:t 0\' '\, UllIe J ohn J acob- E ",tl'rtl ...... ..... :.'3 ,'j82 1 80 6t, ·' 1.e G Iadt3t or, w rrt' n tIL mllrch the D OQ;s' win w ith 16 p<)inb. lors w:lS harely ed ge d out !)i victol." son . shot ".-, ~\~;shll wh ll'h , q l.l:ll kc.l the ,"V, , t UtL .... . .. ... 18 .lIl l 119!
66.3 ~. , r/ ,.w f Icord~ fot ~lte E".er:;ncn Tlw S t uh.< Tot back in e w in col- I ",hl'll .1 Iu ll1!l us Boll Ros du m ped III 1.lal k :It 8 _- 8_ , . ' . B. ....... ... ... n .381J 90 I 69. ' on l'rc nr ,' ast a.1ur a y Tug as I Il mn i\ . Art Ik dllln d led thrm to, thl' w inniu I,> bur ket in th ' sel;Qlld and In th e sl't..on cl O\'l'rtnne ,n" t82.:; 7ti .O I q l'Xtrnde . titrir " onf~r('ncr: w in :19-:1 I vi cto r ovrr Clover reek "1\-" ""lncn rk:l th oVCltimf. R o,,' o Ut 11and dcc b n: d tl)r' sudden d t:.Jm ru k in I')lll to HI ~ga lost no IO'i.!le.. tillS se;:l - i Ivf a dip R osc:norr: h it 20 to ka d th p ush sh ot ~.J.\e th l' :Black S u x . he whi It th e fi rst tc . I ' to scm-!.: wou ld INDI VIDUAL SCORING LEADE RS I'T S ,,-VG OIL _. . Celtir:s to ;) 5 2-3 7 ',',lin "( th e B (j W- 8 1. 8:.! derision , be th victor. T h,' J V fi \'c m ade dt:s111 " 97 - 7.) Wi n over th W ltworth: CfS. Th e ' arne: that WI'nt down ttl t ht:, With spcondo to ,TO Lu te JV G lt-n I]J 'm te effort> wh it h a lm03t p id rf C , Curti..>, PLC ........ 17 ".'0 2·U p, lI tr. c:a.VI th~ L~l:CS :'l-straight w ire was h .. twl'I:n Clo' · r, .n: k "~\" Cnrnpbd 1 sank t he "gam(' tie r w hich n\'i~('. . I('n Ro~sJ who ' how d hi~ . ~O I1. 1-f os jd, ~E S .. .. .... 19 :Ho 18 _ /Clrl", III , o n f h n u. (omp.' t lt lo n OH l I an thl' R ad R unn" rs. 1 h e C ' f1V~ knotte d the sco r..: a t 78-78, Goi n .~ in to p ,Ht PUlOrnlRIlCCS ~~' " C lad were 01 I ~. C o orcit:1l, ..entrtl. .. ..1 7 28L 16.6 II,. pa~ t t!UN: , "3' ()ns . TI llS mark b t- edged th e R unners 48-47. T ed B<: rry thr.' fir:;! un:Itime the JV's scored t he \·.alU! , u n 1)1 ~,.'t~mpmg- "lound" pa t- I K . ~I[a~hrwn, E.Is tt! n..13 35:') 15 1 , H·d l ha t of the 0 d record held by sco r,'d 16 for tJI': winne LI. first ba5kct to mo e ahead 30.78. t i l ' 1/, t il o m, l1l'r. ! L , • l bllll, Wes(~nl ...... 18 ::!6Q 14. I- , t ntl W I h inutllll ·,\'ho llrld t h~ 2'\ _._._ . .,in tn t"1 duri n\. UV" p;a - O. 'il scason . I ---In hr hrsl si~ m inute; of th .. enn - ' it look as though the Pirates 'Crt u t f OT hatt l! v)c to ry o Vl'r the Fully Au tom atic , I. ,rl in to ~ . hut th ell th e Lutes sta.r te d 1 1~ TH STREET (A! rpo r t Road ) AND PA RK AV ENUE '" dir k n d the' W hitw r th on5 1 au ~ht OPEN LANES
'1. ()\ rr for th,' l'vr nrn.tt. Tuesday - All Evening
Cla d f r'lr.... ard hur l C 'Lrti s nntinurtl t hI record l11;1 kin nud h ,"akin" Wednesday - after 9 p .m,
l~ 11( scorrd H Jloints t o Ir.~d /!' me Fnday - A I! Ever1in
nd L n ,. i(:nrinj:: . K ~tje l,.d thr Wh ' tworth fi ' w ith ~'l oinK L ute 10707 Pacifi c Ave. Tacoma
lI'ud ogrr ] V('Ispn pOPP"!d in 17 In 15 Phone LE. 7-6012
I Irr the P L C w'n wi tli 2..; t:(lUn tr n. for
Ivy. T il
~'H 2
I i i
vic -I
i I
Compl ete Shopping Center
PI ids to choose from -
$ 14.50
Pa g ~
Fo ur
'Aa , 1t
F,;d. y, Fob. 21, , ..
Sets IPI C NInth
Spurs March for Dimes; Senzors · IIonored at 'T' ~ ea
sINew Women's Ring
Survey Underway Bccau~c
there is no offic:ial PLC
\\¥on rn' s ring on Cri nlpus:,\ a u rve ~ ~ wiil b (' t a.ken to ('~tahlish tht: fa t of SPURS MARCH whi ch Wa t he n t ht' :,irls' dorll lllury, whdht'r 01' n ot it i d esira bk to inT he Spun' b b n l.et p,n lJ y-pi t ch W'/.Ii W I-; t Ih lJ fr", h rrun counselor;. Ar . A s the se ason draws to a c!ost", t' YCS tl·A' .du e"• ,' uc I,L,' a. n '1 tl.·ITI to the ,_ ' amp Ull. h ,. Id u"u nIl ' !.!; Ila 1ft'I mt: u " l" I ' . , ' PS I ~' " n ... , - , ) = :t:.t G I t,C!' r on, Sy h ' ia Fylli ng . B<"'Vtri) are t u rm·d to the le ading- collt'gl's ... . I' • b J' ' j ' :teross tlH n a tion. Th e m ost r ece nt <,Ju (", tlOnnalrcs ",lIl b c p~ t . m the:. k"tba 1 ga rr\!: a ll F.. r uary .t:. he Sw"nson, Gay K ina r d and H,~.lth'J ,,·irl<' rrnil box," , ~ nd a!tn ' fl ll ' ll " out annual ('vent, J,u.: (,rd ing t o t h e Sp u rs, S tro UjJ.. crvt·d bro wn ies :md c ook ie , . '" c, . ' , II -. · · d b" d d sta nd ings rele ase d by th, N a ti on a l As- ,-, .. . . t h" fo rms t h e gI rls Will pl at them was W,· l'te el Ve • ilu c nlS an . , HU"':"" I tht' I S ;\1 r, . A gnn K u c l h~ III soCla t Wr. o f Intcrcolltpa tt' A tl.le til' S . ' , . . ., ' 1 ' f I ! • • I w ith th e out"OIl1 " m a.ll In ea.rh hall. oth er sp orts ent l U> JaS l> 0 t it: ar .. M,', . H.. lt n X ic hulso n SI'l'H d core • ("'I' t ., \AT ~ II ' a'd Chuc]..· uru' < (:\A1A )' last week sh ow ea some f I "' . , c . . . I ' . . .. . . J' . . " ," . IR tJl" 'y'- S •. l! , . . . . I nc " " 'T \" whl ch W I ll con sI5t of, Prot: t:td s, tht s ye ,l r I Ul a l!1 ;'; _8. 4." I n tht da ff od il b dc, ked lO U D,!!: o~ annou ccd t heir c n >ra m ent aiter I th r· foll OWIng statI str!'. . ' -- ·ct M' .. h . : D d .• ~ " ~t n'ra l q ucs twm to b e answered bv; ~o le>\\ .1 . s th • a l C ut Imcs nvc . \Ves t H a il H· of th t: ori.g.i n a l 11 tn W h il w o rth gamL b t Sa tu rd :y PLC ' . hr ' I . hlh t ' , w a s p ,a c,' d I1mt among til l ch cd;, w ill ask thc t;(i ri wh c thtT r not BOY MEETS GIRL " O ld Ma in" , iris wen> p re S1:. nt. liar. collc!,1 s Of,. th '.' NA~A . Whea t on 01- ~h ' w ould be in! r, ,(f·d in p un:h, ing 'fh, SOl iulu¥is ts, lind r t!Jt .'-Suid ba . R istau h a d a fl oor plan of 01 . f II I h h II d .Lut e- golfers, Bob parling an d I J im Hill, a lo ng w ith .tu dent golf ,,,gl·. 0 . '~~ ~.l~. w .lIc. as TO e ut a rolle;;,. r in g , and if so, dUl"inl! prob- a n n ' .of D.r. . K norr, ~n: p rt'p.arin g a M ai l! wh ic h l i~!t'd th ~ girls a et'ordm r oarh . Don H al l, h ~\T bn~n out on. l>1t1 l m p r e SSI\ { , 8-0 n cord so far lb.s ab lv wh at vc?or. qu.-> uonna lre o n D a lmg P:H ll' rn at 10 room . t it cam" u s "rrt:r t1~ .. nd t Cl'S ,,,,cUin g I.('awn, was s;rin: n th e first p os ition in .' I' d h ' Id 1.. . PL C' .Th ,' IJr ill "' l'v ' ,u r'p r i, t'J , ' . ~ At a .al er a te t e rm ~ w ou I.JC" . .. 1 ,.. lSA MEETS WIT H LEAGUE ' e-ad y fur tit, Sl':lson of co mpe ti- Ih l' ~tand m ,Y~ . . i ckc id c.J u po n , but ~ampl~ of sizes I, :nn "scarch lilt th uds, • r: d been.nuly \I on o n th ..· 1mb . 'I"' " I ' l"A . 11 b I .S.orn.c. (.,f. ,t.ll<' 0. ther .schools a nd. ~h c!..l_· 1mil be "T n in th e C U B di splay t:<I S"', 10 discover' wh a t tit t" stu d ,>nt; ;JttiillS "u ll oay g ..~ lTl(:ettrr g' Wl And All-Amt~rica n j vclin tar, , I f II S t I I d . hde! ill thc Fl lluwsh ip H a ll of T rl ll ;t· I oss I Ccurc S w ert. a s 0 ow . lI l' a ne the l in" w ould h ~ si m ibr tI.' t h e- me I:' 'H" towan a lln ;;,:. Juh n Fro11lm, has been out on t h I Wlll- '11 f O ' h ' ') 1 I R oc1. " 'c OIHl 'P rI ce \" Quld br- f l'orI1 1\";l..' n"I'" . '11 t~e n Lut h""an C h u rch a t 6: 00 p . ll1. Tll b en \, l (" 0 10, ~:1'. ,{ 1'\'.1. Inc n ls ring. t IL qu e:snllfl U:.1U i" W } ('(I\''"''r I r . r~; fit-ld Wa lfll in f( np for anotnrr "'.·n of M o nt. an,~'" , 18-1'. Te n n essee ty to t I' f' d o11~ ars. . ",',.,,, . !J'II',u rJ .." I ""1'j r ac' ' r,'st cs u' I' <+'" rtltTtin g is bt', ing- hel d in conJ'cll\ctior. " u rt Y-l"f.: .~ ~ • .• • 'siul"l o f spear los> ing . ' 1,ltc, :!1 -2, ( d efen din g !'JA1A ch a md ,}.tl·.t )"!!,· ofd" t , t irnt.-km,·· n t d a t- Wlt.1 l lllll t y.s Jl.I nI,)r Luth t l' L . 3,U lip out thi ad and t.ak" it to pions ) ; Gra mbling of Loui sian~, :20-3; : in:;; imd ma tu rit y, mat rial a sp n, whi ch is p la nning" f ull 'uunl chT ro i l 's. H e- " ill !It(';}Sure
(' s t V irginia Wc·sl yn, 20-3: W es t PATR ONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ! lea l, mOrley, , ·t ,..j . sc holarsl ip, n u m - I t eed With. "Ju d, cu I~~akes. ":I.ilk .l~d dil l rtf' ( h:t rge .
Virgin i:! Tech . 18-3 (cu n L·n tl y fi rst ---· 1b. r of d Ol I s. emotiona l i n vol \. Ccn ll:nt,; c off~e. P. .t. of tit" o rnn .r .... ,11 iT. (
.... , . h
t :7Yh'nA ~J.
in offe nsl:' wi th an ,l\ f'"r;l\!, of 105.3 po in ts p e r ga lliC ); T n:as Southe rn,
10 " .. I
r on f~ T'I'"n ct s ()f tht· na.t IOEl are
1, w eeks.
d UI:'
Is '
un dcrw av.' wi t h in th e n ext few
PLC'~ >. th rou gh ChnBtian use of free prcSi.
o j c, nt> .
T~II:: ~.,SA pro!,; IUlt' w ill . O~I.~IH (J{ , rnone, . I he March 01 faith, ' a ward,- d Ih,' 195 lX; it rel igious fil m ,-d ltlO th t.:r . h 0001e-([ S<: J)lU , I: lfl & Wit h a Th l n will :J.I (J he a short r ~p on or t(',l S lII ld:J. Y , ft r rnCl{) n , Febrlla l 16. Ih.': " L ~A R l 'li.on a l Worksh op b v th ' : "I Thl l! irb W,~ rt· t hoSt, w h o had been d d,-~,a t from P L( tha t attt:!\de . ') 11 '. . la t w tk ' or kst op ta l{ th t'!' " l! l'~hru c-r, In t ( .. Li m '
" I.
IEDIlrOR ........... ...DAVE CROWNE R
I 'T~
Located in IGA F oodtown 112th &. Park Ave n ue
Phone LE. 7-3434
Ed't I or.. ................ H cr b D~pse ~ 'u Y
Reporters : T e ddi Gulhaugen, Barb Stuhlm ilkr, Ba rb ara I saa cson , D ick
Fi sher, Dan \Vitrne r, Je rry D o n a h c, Me g E va m on , Di c k K ra ig<: r.
,, ~ ws
Rugged, Christ-devoted m e n are wanted , to prep ar e for His ministry on the home mission frontier. T~E
1770 Marin Avenu • Berkeley 8, Calif.
Sports Edi t or......... .....D cnnis M a l·ttala R~porte rs: Jim Kittilsby, Tim Wyndham, Harry SarlOcrud, Dick. G ood w in, Eugene H a pala.
~ ~<:'~ .-e:?' ~~~~~~; T Y J>i ~t ........·..-... ......••...L.:.u ri
Charles B. Faelsch, Ph.D., Pr...ident
Ola Mae M athis.
Pipe Cutting and Thread ing Phone LE. 7-31 71
Feature Editor......Marilyll D onaldson ~ R epotcn: Solwi g Lnaas, J oe y Dan- I !dson, Bob Elli s, Ea rlene Burch am, I
Paint - Plum b ing Roofin g - -- Electric Kirsch Rods - Window Shades
Glass Installation -1215t and Pacific A venue
Formica -
\ .
FO ND MEMORI ES! Ni l" J nd.. R OllLt , ~~ I H .•JI h.ouse-
C'T Vln"
~ II~ ~
P layo ffs t horughout the. sma ll Cal- I
! kgc
l' stal us all d ,~g'll'Sti')'" fo r d .tt iug :;",II! n".
I Bllainess 'Manager..Mary Lou Engen Ad Solic-itort;; : R od Patterso n, Lois And crsL,n, Linda Scharf. Ph o tog ra phcr..........Mr. W. McK ewcn
Art ist ............. ......., .......D ick l.ondgren
1 Bookkee per.................._... Carol House
Ci : 0U! .;l; tio n .........................P a tti I<'ln~ Exchangr ................_ .._.....Joy LewlI
I Ad visor......"... .........Mr. M . esvig Published F ri d ay, n f the sch ool y ear by students of PLC a t Par la n d,
11802 PACIFIC AVE. ,
PHONE LE. 7-7 100
W shingtou .
' Offi ce: Co.Ilege U n ion BuildIng. v=O:~._~~~~~:;.;:;>~~~--~i:~;?" ~ ~ ~~ Ph one LEnox 7-86 11 , E t. 41.
o s 112th and Pa eadq a e
ey's I
D on
We provide Checking and Savings Accolla's oed all otne-r K· STBEET hank services BRANCH tor ollege UNCOlJf studllts BRANCH
I ""' .
egusti us non st disputandum -and, quite literally. there's no question about i t when it comes to taste-, Coca-Cola wins hands down. In L tin, Greek or Sanskrit, "Have a ,oke'" means the same thing i 's an invitat ion to the most reireshing pause of your Jiff.> . Shall we? T
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bo"Jed \ITIder a uthorily of The Coca-Colo Company b y
Devel pment Fund Registration
COIllIll ·ttee Chosen Reaches 13 2 P,,(, ifi c (he I<'"d; til.·
I,.. por tla t ion '1 en le:Jding Tacoma business me n w ere appoint 'd (0 ~c heo l l n roll. {n r l hi 5' D lrectinfl Commill('c of (he PLC D rn>!op ment Fund , announced l1J<lH€ ' I' Illt h a lo tal 0 ti ::: men at ttnd in ", cla s, n T h iS nun, b"r is con G .rril \ a nder Ende, genera l chairman. In an no uncing the c o mmitt~e, Vander End~ 'aid. "The PLC ll ,. (1 d with th., total numbu of wom - VOL. D 've l o pm~nt Fund is one of the largesr community-improvement (-'n rl'~ istrrl'd mar ' In If lh 650 p oin t. pru~rams C \ (!f attempted in t he Pa- .t;~'------Wilh th t'" tota l <tud e nt bod )' n UDli~lr. , 'or t!l\\t· t. . To b: ~ll cc(!ss [ul it , o ut pI bl ic ity <"ampa i)m whi ch w ill ht' Ii n!.( 1 3~1 :! ,tud,nts. on ly 19 1 .m:: \ IJI I lc ~d tla (I~l . t ttn~ of . Iead er- , pn:p:lre . tlw communi t y fo r a g~ n ,.ra l c1.. 5sifll cl pa rt-tim e stud , nls ( t k ,h lp. 1 am t n\weed tha t t h IS Lom - sOlICItatIOn. i n ~ Ins th a n 12 uni ls ) . The w on I' n i DIf
S:>, NO. 16 F R I., FEB, 28, 1968 --------------------------------------------------I
wiil !ltU ·idt, tku IFad"r, hip w ill Ildp inj ure Wt; I<::a r h ou r '11' II ' D t:t':t I f O lI t" ;.I ll Ion d o ..I n. 1 h. c · I . b I I I d ~ "PIICTIIt ull WI Id Jlpl~g Inan:, tn,' .Hi I ' to alOfli.1 a n Ili're " Chiouhn ty, I It.a"ml( It a tlrl" fJ ace In W C to
),of"IY TomrntT\·ik an no un'Td
h,'~ c
Ih r
Colle e Presents
0 r L"t h estra
th,' lead :n _t h is gro up, t ta lin g
. . . . ad\'l~ory conllnItt rr In r th . Alum nI I I 1 to th , 111,' n s 18 .
Appeal In('lude >: EUh'l!tl M And. ·) St" " nt\ -onr- n, \\' studell t, "nroll,' d ,on, '50: R on Dou g la', ' 5'3: .'\ I vin D . f( II th.. li" st tin ... this s rncstf'l' a nd aciftL LUl hl ra r .oll('!j"t ·s o rl'lw sI" . E . Ford. " ' h Sl\t ra I Ut ' IfI b tr 0 I' ' In It • '"3 :J : , 1or llS 31: CJbl'rt !l"" I\- or" r('(u rf/ ed after De)t a tlr nd lra a Io n,~ wt! J H :Ia\ I'1'3 " mU ~ i. C: d "p!l l rrIltn t W i"I . :, 7.T. CJ 1:". Hageness, 3 1' Inc th' , fed I s,"mcsl•.'r. ('n e of tllf" new PLC.,' l gt. \'{ It II .. and work , . I r;t'ur,£! Ih,t's t.ad, '34: Ell gen e 1-. J a k, slud e nt · tJ'~l\el .. d w PLC fro m hi s fiTSI concer t uf Ih,' , ra,on 111(1.. ), I rnb. r ()f tIll' III \\Iy lu rm .·d DI-_ , ·:37:. L rl in,~· . T. J ~cobson, '~9 . " ' iIulIl, in li ong Kun g e h, in " Oth L'rs M ' rch ~, :I t :l ::'\O p.m. ." line. c.:urJl nt ilt,·" UI UUt : R, " 0 lJd AlSO Erlin g B. Jurg' !l"'n, 3' 1: Dr. n, w on C" I!lpn; :In' Olll" Irom !\ i ~SS2 IIr pI .idcTlt, [' u lI,d Sound. " t iuna l Rich ;nd C. L angtun , '~f7: J '"I":> t. cb usl'l ts, o n, ' flOIn Ca n,trL , OIll from TIll" co nn 'n " I'p" n In tIll' puhl;c " J I I I' h'Jll lp., P I'l'SI'd n t, _ 01 M ill s, '~8 : Mrs. E. :\.. M OIhn, Spo !'.iichil!"fl . fl'"1 flOm () ., >.10 , r- ;gh l a nd thc-n' wi l! L rlU (h" l e.· fo ~ !trl D.lfI: : v. I n llIJt[ t B· III ,f 'Va hi n~lon: Ro rl !..a ll' Colk S": Hob Sluhlmill.. " '5i: 110m C,Jiifornia ,(fld 1-'15 fi'v"l 'V ", h III i'5io l1 , IChtt , vitI pr 'idl'H ' am.l!lCf, Th" Murra A, ']';.y/ur, ' ·f3: J u hn 'fen inulon . .., liClc h' , n ::mdc nbl' r; Conn·rto "urn '1'1 ' I h.-r F i, (, P"I f(H IlIn! . II 1\ o[ ('.' Ia fur niil ~ . .'\ .: 1- tc d U. wirk, "f() .' Harold ( .:. 'j" ' III,on, "."_J . J • b\" lI. f i« Pa tricia . 1 HIres lr'n;lfl l ' a s~ oulnU01:) 1") an' I' rnldr:nt, • orthwr:-stcm D nlg Ell'," H ,'.uk,', ".1 '_).' .~~ ,r"I·1 J. HOI'f', '11 I 1 ' 1 I [ ....."(') I Th olllpsoJl OT! th .. p"HlO. \", I! 1)1' th e ot H '( one l" :-t~S \\'It 1 H lut ~-t Q "1 I . ," . . (,Otlll", IlY. J Th t offi cia i Lrol'hllI'C 1"0[' tht. D .. fi r I nUlllbc- I. I h... orch.. I ra 'ol(l1>t£ - ['ir.' t-\'","· ,tlldl'nt,;. b llt th t· cia" ru r.s '.1,0 J O\ .., .h c. l;;".dnIlLln, Jr., s(' c " ~ I0 1Jrrlt'n t T'und, "Th,' "[' rl's" .'nt Illlpel' (o ntrro!'v 10 tl1<' m il' with 203 men wi ll \:H' : "iolin , Mrs. R.. Lu ll y "n d
I. I
Hu !-rIlt, 1! EI,, ('[t ic t'JI'{" , In .. ; a ti\ ,.," tdls thl' 'tDl)' of tl.... I:: ri· U, r UWI , district IIln na g( r, Pa · pr, ' se·nt~ i'llture pbns of the oft('" Trh p hone Dad T...t ("g r:'ph C o .; det"i l. J t will be distributed t.... MorTi ~un J IIn sun, pfI' sid,' nt, Wa.sh- 'ckllt., a nd fa e-ult" wl"'n it inl!ton ~Itd Pl'OduLts, in c,; - -eJ H. prtss. .
M "l!lI u ul1, t[("as u r r, Io,s La un ch ,md
l! UII "
:':\7TIH' .
'I'llior WOllwll total o nly abou t Ollt -t bil d o[ t heir li7 rncmbt:r cia,;
Junlors . Ch cose CI ass PrOlects .
' l uI!' Co.; T UIll C. Stl.rnc, vi ce prr:si drn t. ni ted Pa ·'fic Ins, Co.; lc- rnt:st
[ " Thc.ru un, T il Bay C om pany. -\ hv, a n tizen 's curnrnittt:t· l,f OPOI1.or i I1UW bl in r f'Jrmcd; a g roup elf ,,/)ou( onl! hundnd of Ihe outsta ndm g t \"I C l caders of Tu<:ullla and Pierc·" l '(.Ou n t who will bt· :l<k"d to I ' n nllffiI'S a sponsors and end orsel of I fa' vd oprntnt Prog • n. ~f nt.h I J <linn r will be held in Ih ' l B for th e spumor.s, at w hich tilll" thq will b, infonIwd of the fu t UTt· pi ns fo PLC and w ill h ave a fin.l hand uppo rtunity to 5e tlIte p r<lgI ' , . lhat the CCill g<: has made. T h is dinnl!r wi ll b!! the signa l for a n al1
Fund and and :!:-l:~ WOlll ,-n. T h,' ,oplloll o r ..: cia , t'o lle.Il,' · in t~,', t,:l I S ~8 \1 sludent s. "'.ith 1-15 1n/ ' 1I u nd to a li stu I.JJ Wtlllll'!l, and JUI1lor m e n outnUlIl is off th. b t'f' Ih"ir WOlIJ"n l ~lO to 10 7, totalin g.
).l is< Pa l Isens,," ': fiul r, ~'! r.'" l rk, ' ' .In:lll i " toa;l ll d ~M n . H . p rn~rr . .' r 1 L I", unun I C'II"u CI' t ,'ttl " I'll pll I lh, H and,l ( ,omnto ill minor for Vi ol" , !,o:C llll I InO\'L'rl\, nt. .,\" Xl WI th., pl'Ol( ram w lll be a ~, <"I in l' frum Thr t'as,] I l.~ntal~ bi' 1 B.ICh, cntit].-d 'C 0 a d F..llo...... n, JolI ,," 5<1n~ h y lIfr. l It df'rid 1 .;. ,'n h:lln . ba l'ito rlt'. Ti lt ii;al work w ill b. t hr: r 1I . . J Co!H~I· rto 1'1 C m.J" h~ P. H aydn, p l'I forlTwd by P ruf,-s, It r R, II ' ;} r d I rit t,.
r . Eastvold Att.ends on f erence · n M· west
ID S('
I 'prest_ dent, spent ;1,( 11711'1('1'1. ' " r. L: .. E'_ast \,'O Id . PLC - . cOI , eg" d ~A I d I Fou,' I"t'n and thIfT WOlTwn an: d O-I ~n III IvltnnCapO IS arlen Ing . SC\ C:,} conteren es, . ini-! g raduate st ud y un th l.' PL ,~ ca nl-I , PreSId ent Eastvold }rtet With ~ne B?ard o f E d ucat ion pu s tll is O(·In,'stn. I Evangeltcal Lutheran Church which dlscussl'd the fu. fe
witht; ()w o Ill<'Il~nd
_ _ _'_'__ _ ...
r I!~~-
f the levI:! opmrnr of a ll E LC colleges. Committees wert' elected o n fu nd
..,_ _
Un ~er thv di.!·,-c.tilln of it, ("hupd .omnll\t("c the JUnIor class has "'1'1t t"n to "6 of th -~ lead;n ~ ' " , " IlnI'\"'. rS' I' ,' ,.1too·s IJf the co~ntry. Purpose of ,tht's,-- ktt.ers., accordIng to th e comm Itte <:, IS "to a hi c"e il greJ.lt· r und t:rsta ndin g and f ludinl( .. haritir s, for t lgn I111SSlOn;, insight into the social and "u!tural T lo r Iph- P: i 0 111 .\ w ill h " 1lI " , " i In . i" 'H ' 0 11 a d t ill aspects o[ lift: on otl.... r .'\lIlN icall (',,1 Ii . on the PLC camlJIIS WI n lit: uu hu.t n..arly 1:{.:> drama stud ents fr ill fOllh cnm in .!.( Christian lib · . 1 3rts cul k g" campuse~'" Tht' class hop"s to Mjn, trcl Show as Lettt rm n'~ lub I:" hi!.(h ,chools at its annual One- n k g(- to 1)(' huilt in C,diff,rnia. iIl corpura te th.· r esults of thi, proj,:ct Tht' ('oli t''''' ,viII h,' 100'a tt'ri tw("nty r evives the. tradition on Sa t urd ay e\·r· Pla y Contest in Ih ' P LC CoM-So into ils future studenl body chapel . h , cl V I ning pdt 19 ill conJ'un ti n " ,th a -" , Clow!' Park Hi l!" h Sc houl will lead mdes w(,st 01 the Sa n Fe nian 0 programs. ' h '111: h wa)' tu "anta " lJ b ara, the Saga Carnival. 011 ttll' .uar 1ey ~ c hools written to include the wdl thl' day's aCiivitics will. a 9 :00 a.m. The last Minstrel Show, prl'3 ntr.n kuown h 'Y League Universities, mid- i perfo r mafll'l', folJow"d by ollt:-aet just. o nt' hour from Los Angt"it:s. An annuity g ift of " [a rn1l'r provid ('d 135 in the spring Qf 19 5, was n port"d wes t state uniwTsitit:s and other frl- I pl ays by Olympia, .Frankliu P ierce, low Lutheran coll eg('s throu g hout the I and Bethel. Aflt:fll(oon s~ss i on will be- ;Icrr< of thc sit. and 70 IlIo rt' .... n :s to h ave bl!cn a reat SUCfe". ' . Ch J CI ' S"T country. , gi n ;11 1:00 J,!.m. and wi.1I includ e pre- h;", btl'fl p" rc hJ,,·d . Making up the show III h... th,· C..a p t,un es tc r . Ia ~ tek, .~ , f' R I Lett 'C hr ' d mimt I . b d " I ' S D' [ S I Requested spt" cifiLally in the It·tt.TS st:nta llons y stu ,'nts 1'0111 oose\'e t, Pn'sidcnt F. as!\·old i nt ....,·icw..d :l r e nncn s o u ~ an In::ctor 0 r ee . . . . . . , . , . I' d t it 'th N . 'tuaJ ' n a ,rn ~ l n l a t ~ was mlonnatlOn concermn g stude nt- I Ort1l1g, HIg hline,. K e nt -nf .< rtC Ian., an nllinbcr of pruSpt'l' tT\T tl'ac ht rs (rHost scnp , comp e WI l egr o p tn d d t i" St-r iet', Iud ~y reminded coil gc Th . f J produe,:d e nkrtai nm ~ nt and c I ass Wes l Valley. Ariinglon w Ill begm tht: J ly PhD's ) and staled th a I " w.- h a \ t: a n com e }'. c se rvI ces 0 ('rry t udrnLS th at th on ly Sdcc tivc Serv. , B I' d f d' , f fund-rai sing projec ts. Ie,' ning round of pla ys, foll owed by ' nt'''' 'I' lI ad b..ttt'r pro'peets fo !' neW ayne were en Iste or JrcClIon a I I Q UdlifLr.:.a tion Test lor the 1957-58 . K ru c,:'t [" VI' Il h d IM al-gle A copy of th.. colle ge p a per was I Franklin, Shordine and Everett. , t('a('hns. " He ,,"ported Ih~t there wi ll the torus, all hU(lI year will be held un Thu rsday, b . also requesled. It is hoped by the PLC stud.::nt' arc irwiled to a tten d J b(' scnT~ 1 nnv tl""che l> /l<xt year in C accornpalllsl h~ 1, 1~ 58 . I ' A pl ic..< tions fur th .. tellt must be class that thi~ information will be of "n~ 01' ,all o f Ih e~c pe rformance" th.. ficld ; o[ sc;" nn', rdi~i(m, p h i! Cal Cape n,. r W J.S choSt'n If, 11< in t utmo.s t \.·a lLI ( 1Il. the tutu!'e, not .only 1(0 • whIch w.1I1 I.)C hdd I!.I th e CMS and If oSCJp hy, psy.. holu!;\ and sO(Iolo!!,y. tcrioculor for the progr .nt, :lml 'Fnd f.KI< III a f .: d n o t h.tt' r Ih a n TIl_idn1sht, th .. JLItll Or class Lut to til.. ('ntm: stu an' ttl ht' dllnax,·d WIth the pH scnta ml n" posi tions are \\o idt open, accordI m Ja r . )Jl'il 1 I, J 958. --- -- ,'! lIt bod \' t' f d t 10 f)O ' n -- in," to Curt K alstad, L t nnen' [l l C ,. iOn a awar s a : p .T, " Bullt:tin o f II f OHU tiOll regarrling id n t. til, to 5t, (,oll c.' L Qualification T F 5t 'I'll<" purpose of Ihe tout nament, ApplI ra t ion .;t rds, and College , !ual I hl adc d by R od Basehon:, is that high Empha sizr:L Curt, " .In tb pa t the 1-{in< Ll"ci S how has b n ~ greal tr dl j ic Ion T ..,!:t T ic kets of Adm i "sion " h 00 I tu d ,'nls may I...ar n more a b ou t ' • lion, 50 let' r - -----"":'-, Iy SU PPOT( it on, J{ if thL peoCl'. of },. in g -prinled and I h e f'It: Id 0 f d rama an d come ac- R · w ill bt availabh: ill a mple litnl.: fo r di sq u a inltti with oth.IS il1t~rt"stt"d in Ihi ,; hund red p erce nt." l.-iuUliott by local S Ic Cliv," Se rvice Anotl c r PLl! b!ood clrin' will . I "I nw firle!. J> ra l·tice sessions for the how IU lIoald wdl in a d\an ce of the rn al held on May 8 ~ollowi~g Ih e suc r e.'55,1 ,JUri g lIlf( th" . o lll'-act prl"s,· nlatiom The pre-Christmas Iraffi c sa ft:ty I held al 6:30 p .m., Monda,' throlq:h dut f J ubnli ssion of ;,ppJication . ul Ihr- tTCt:nt <in,',- whIch Ilt·ttt"d 3::' w>ll h, 1.ofr. Stahley Elu., n;on , R drivc of th ~!ooring ~ast h a; paid Wednr,dav, in th .,. t)ld M ain loun e ./ h,_ t(sl ing pwg rJ\lI fUI ' the 1957 pints of blood. Ka stdlt-, :-'frs. Lucilk J ohnson, Bob luff i'n anothl'r f atll< r in the (ap of for all ilT'tn't'sll'u in rlpin· in -8 ']' he bl . ' ' r. K , S 0 II,,-",rg. ,, Jth" !.chool p a per. i. pro."~.,al11. l' WI'11 b e a d" rtilrllStCl"Cd to Ih,· T a- 1L'" IHllng, ~Ill d D
) ~ c I100I ' ood was gIven 1I • b S itnr Re s(:;,U't:h A,sociatt ·, luc., ('utll3-Pi<.: ICt· County Blood Bank and. , .... AccordIng to a Ieltl-r a n d fl'rlI't" 1_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 'b lC g o lJIinois, a nd will be th e only cledited Ie) Pa cific Luth eran College. ratl: from the Lurn nne n\ Mutual I I'sl that will bc g iven for Ihe 1957-51$ This blood Ulay be withdrawn at any ' ;,lsualty Company, whi ch spomon:ri ' to sdlQol a r, Captain Chaste!: emph a time by an y m em ber of thf' colle3F I tbe college Tt CWspaper safe t y cam•n family in nee d of blood. I pai~n, th e ~1oOl'ing Mas l placed with Congregat ons In . a n Honorablt.: 1.fe nti on in the division TwentY-IhI " n v , :t~ rl gr tioll lJr. ,V. 'I'olllli uso n of t h Ri Mo of non-dailies. ,will bt ~s tabl1 slt ed dUI in~ 1958 b) d epartment a t CP • spoke on Asian First priz(, of $!:IOO ior a n 0\ lOr-all The E n t lical Lul llt'mn hur h counr ric t th, meetin g of th e newest ca mpI gn in t ht non -daily fidd went (E LC ) , accurding t( (, '''P'""1 r I, d . I' LC IUd,.' t,. cho~t't! to attend l~(, E~C Voluntc r, St;n·iees Work Ca mp 0 1 gu,niza tion on ("ampu • l lll History to th t' ·'Mi.am i. Stude~t:" p~blished_ by last mo nth hv t I! R;t"v. D r. Ph ilip t/III unuul r a ft Bc\" Swanso n and L IZ H ems, ~nd PL(. alumnu~ Stan R t:ad. tub. studt'· nt~ Cit MIamI ll1l\'(' rSlt ' m Ox Dyb\ t ~. executa\(· dln~tor r Ihe I 'J!I, l . lIl1P prol( ralTl, whilh indude ' the build ing of au E van~:dical Acad emy In hi~ topic of Asian cou ntrit _ Dr. ford, Ohio. T h e "D il} IIIini" from 043,2:J O-lilI:IJlbt'r IJ H I! • {i :.nd 1<11< ...1, will be hdd July 14 to Au gus t 9 in Alsaec-LolTaine, ncar St ras T omlinson inC'lud d Iht: fa't that he the Pniq;"lty f Illinois in Cham iom d rpartntt.: nt. bona: F u m et', j o r)l anizing it tour of th (" countri es paigl1 too top honors in the dail )' The EI.C will beg i ll new pari it Ho u nd for Englu nd :md another of the ELC Young People's Luther thi5 summer anti is 100 in !!" for peopl~ c.al<"go r,', in nint. stat s, C ana d a, M e. I 0 . nd Lt...I UC sp onsored 1m rncltional Work Camps will be Susie Lannen and Bar- i D I~sted in th trip. Ninety-o ne col1e~", and universities Norway through 1 fr< en it~ h urd b StuhlmiJlcr. Destinatio~ is HOlho~pc Hall, ncar Rugby, England, whl!r c T?m Reeves is . the newly elected from 37 states, th(, District of Colum E x tension Fund, I!nabJi g I'n:ction of a s· . wet k wo rk pro gram WIll be ('arned out from June 10 to July 22 w ith preSident of the history club and Dr. bia and one Canadian pro\incl! c n parsonages and first u ni o f w UMhil' oth L u tht rlln $tudt Dh from the US, Africa and Asia. Nodtvl!dt is the advisor. red the eanie.lt. cenll'rs, Dr. DybvI_ w d .
Selective Service Anno unces Exam
One A d: Play I;:;'::~:~,~,~;~:,::,~ : :,o :~::'~:::f:'~~lMinstrels evived Fesl:ival Sat. ;~:'~"~lht~;,~}:7,~::C~ :,I:'n'~;i;;u~~I;;~~ IIAt Saga earn-Ivai
APD BI d D i O r ue R'-epeated may
M · Mast ecelves Award
I oorlng
New History Club Features Speaker
Pile ludenls etDuer ea Rales
Build 23 New i . •
P age T w o
PLC M OO f\I_ N_G_ M_A_S_T_ _ _ _F_r _ld_a_y _,_F_tb_,_2_8_._1_96_8
Thinking Positively
Three Reasons
For 'No' Vote n This Tuesda y
The Issue
Important Ballot Scheduled!
by gl!ncra \ 'kcti I Conside1'llhk djsC:-L1 ,ion cn T W'sday ,. T ning'" Slutl.. nt Cou nrd he A :;socialed Stu - 1'111 t" ;:Jrc t I I( . • la .! ll r . ) • .Ind l' ' <If"': oUl of that morn irH!'" aCli!)n tak"n b}' Ih.; ~udt' n~ by whid\ mo 'nn dents of Pacific Lutheran Colleg w,t" ipate i . thl? Pacific Lu - lh,' r;ll11ifiL'"ltio ru of t hc~<: rt' son , [h'l ',Va, pa ~ ,.,li lin.; for a " errt hall ot vol/' It , later datI' a, 10 whelhc:-c or cht·nm College Det;e[opmenr Fund by m dual con - . . h '. f h h not pI.e a.; ' l 3tudent IYJ,j" ~h"'.1lr! r nt .. " irHO a so li e; atirl[] campaign ior . earlS of. indwl - d ' 'J g lY w rl g t to t tJt ' \" tCr50 0 t OS<': 'v 0 ' tribul/on thr ough an organized s [intall o n. Th iS rn It/c Uet[ n:){] - Op pf' " thc adop ti n of th,' ~olu t iQn tho- DC \'l' lopmc nt Fund. cributlon hall be on the basi;; of a three y- ear .o[pdge ... · D'15CU,:\S lon, . h' I . I d d Ctl O SU It~itlon ' . h lh ,. IW fSOrt h fJ mtJ'" d .L pre ,c n tc d before tnt"'" ri:15t' mbit' d stu \V Ie 1 1111 U e \,I t UIC: l ouay thar Jr e approximately 1300 op Je Jttendi n g PLC de nt body l;:I>t Tut'sday Jlloti'm, ce ntered around c1aTification of th,: rnorion in ,."d,·r to 'stabliab what Xl Tuesday you - tu de nts will decide vocinn :n the lIB v b e ther o r not" hat .0
1 ' ,4 I '
because ( b~y have faith in the sc boo!. T!1ey hJve faith tbat the Th "sI" OXc' the ~u hjo;c t of: 1.\ llu: ~<:tion should be taken.
educa ti on tm y g e t at PLC will be t hc.edu ca.tio n they. want. T he y resolut ion it,,.lf ; :!) th ' tuition J nd It wa s ,ot~d unanimously by the C,Jun c.iJ to put the d. c:i.s ion of par lei
f ai th that [he degrees the y rccelve wdl be valtd. respect~d. I th .. propos<:d tuition ri ,i e; ]) th ."· pa lio n as a stud .. nt body in a soli ci ta tion o":unpa ign .m 'l h ree ·yc-ar pltd .. c
and h el d tn honor. strain on pal·... nts in the ('vent of th ei r basis on a ba llot th is Tuesday, M arth -l. Thi s will hi' n ge n.-rat ('kel iol, with
If i t hen onl~' logical and natural to expect thoscwho hav e soli"it~t io n. It is thE duty of thi' ,.r- ba lloting in the CliB . faith i n the college to be i n favor of the b etter.ment of the college, tid e to consider thl" a.rgurn,' n l> adAnion was :akt"n a t the mectin <; to sri. ct Da n Wi tmt' r 1S editor of Lh and v.:n e ready to h e lp b e tter char college . \·~1nc.;d on onl y th~' side of the que;' 1953 stlldent handhook, on ' of th.: pi r~" of li l'raturr. wh ich fal ls into th~ The faculty. staff. Park land businessmen and residl:'ots, Jnd tion th<,t OP[)(''''s lh t" adopt io n of th.· ha nds of fn:,hl!Jf'n in th e fall.. Diln i" a wph omorc fpJm Sail I'ranr i..,co who Tac rna bus inessmen and res idents have and arc pledging to the resoluti on. has just rc c('ntly bu:n el ected ;'Ifonhwc< t Regi onal Pres id ent of LSA. Ht w'lI P LC D evelo pment Fund. Whe n the students look around and Th e wordins of th l" n:sol utio ~ i, hegin hi s work on th,: h<l ndb(lpk this ,pr in g. . . , . see sup r t for development coming from all about them , it only such that 0"" co uld su pport the Id ea 1 The handbook is no t ody a n lIlforma tl\'e , uldl': t.o the campus l or In foll o w ~ th t the students. those who could hardly b e more inti- th at th,' student bod y eflaor,;, the corllin~ st ud ents, bu t trea ts also the <: ustom.i" ruks and traditiolU wh ich .. _ mate wi eh the college, should support the de ve lopment, or better- fund ca.lllpa ic;n. This is fin c, b llt if brace life at PLC . The S tudent Cou nci l l'cgarcL; the handbook it u!eiul m~ , m'nt. o f the college in which the y trust. It w ould b e unnatural that p"rsnn fclt th e pkd gl" s shou ld be te ria l, sinet' for on L" reason, it contains the ASPL C Cn nsti tution, p roba Iy th" to _'pee t rherwise. ,·olanta .. y h,' would b" Ollt on a limb. only copy to which th e ma jorit), of the stud"nt have aCCe5, . The pportunity to help improve, or develop, Pacific L uIf the resoluti on is adop ted, it. w ill John A mend , in charge of tlk rc-cn'ation "quipml' nt in t h~ 'CB n·· (bera n. C~lI cge should challenge both students and alumni. If one Ill" adop ter! in \Vh.Ole ::\[ld thcI:e_ .wlI~ b L" portt:d that on Friday six new pi nr; pa ng pad dlr-3 had b f'n placed in th~ has f J a h III and loya lty enough to attend PLC . surely one should" thI',."-)',.,,r prO~{raOi of sol",ltat lons a'crea tion roolll ;, nd on Tu ,:sd~y w wrr ~ I.. Ct, wan t to h el p improve the coHege. Illad e: to the r ntin: stlldl'n t body (even " · . b d d i d ' f I I do nol wi sh to have a ny 0 t course, It mu s t e un erstoo t 1at a optIOn (). t 1e r eso - thos!" who .
Let Us Do Photo
l u tio n d 0CS n ot mean that you must pledge. Again it is a per - part o! the p rogra m). . so n al d\:c ision. You do not have [0 give. But let ' s not kid our- I It is true that thi, la tter g roup can MONDAY THRU S ATU R DA Y you 5clves. be purp e o f th e resolution is to brin g abollt stude nt sa' no, but. th~y. are pla~e.d under th e I' 7:30 a ,m, to 7:30 p.m, body p.1r tic ipation in the development fund as J stude nt body! eye of, the m dlVldual soitCllor. and the SHORT ORDE RS 0 1 I ERS CERTIFIC A TES throug h individual pledging \vhich shows rhe h ody's substan- ! COlllllll.ttcc and aJl who come mto :on· 528 Garfield St. LE.7,9937 tilll suppo rt. i tac.t ~th t~" rccor.tfs ~~ the campaign, CON TRA CTS 'T' . I as navm O" " IYen a no answer, Ther BOOK PAGES and P successes C of fund- I'IS no {'11M" ~~ ~ to S~. \". h(COcl ' ,ld·' n ",aff 01 ··d . . bro ugh "years of I aLtempLS b " . fadur I es f r.ll'lng G'l rn DJlg ns It US een lound t lat o r a large groU!J ( L . . V/ IH'Il t h r e~ [f' .. . . . I .~-. . COfOS atT ,V W. 'Vt.' (~ sonIc DRIVER'S LICENSES \:~ .r1y ,qua,IIllec ). w e ll orgamzed . carefully pla.nned indtvidual so - . tillw btet. . ' Flow ers fOI' A ll Oeco- ions iI{I[a'~on IS pro b a bly the b est method ~f secunng th~ money. Tbe I "11 . i\~s~d t la t men\..1n City B u r eau was asked to g Ive an lclea ot what Il1lght ! 1 hI MgulI,' nt h." ) u , . • . l 12173 PacifiC Ave. LE, 7-0206 , _ _ _ h bcst pa~' I f so I"lClta[ LO . rt. It 'IS OIl I Y reas o na ble and p r3C[lCa . I ,I tl .... f-'c (C" W e D-Ilv,l (e ~ ulty , arc , 0 [:tvor ot the mt:a 'ur~ .0 ot of Garf', ,,l - d I' ~ ~r 1 lh.ll studen t .acc~p r the .ldvice offered b y rh e BUrt'au, for it I so mu t h tha t th q· voted to su ppordt il '-===============":"::==============~ · A ecor.j'Ul g to 1W I su gge~ t;>u p.an t h c so I"IcttatlOn , l it" wtt h "Olll nhutions. It'f IS not ,;), " Il' \:Xp'rt.1 d \ 1I:e. . . ' I wOllld nroccctl lS fo l o ws : how the facult y" to al ord It W lI"n ~ som(" of th"ir ki d " p la y in the st ft: d "'
f b IT'nd:d lha lr man w o uld be se lec ted b\' the St u dent ( ,o un-Il'h e anSV~lt' . r .t 0 '.. Il C p rO 'I)1e l." I', t'l ' t
. .' d . n oJ. I hI: gcncr.lI chaI rma n w o ul d cb oose ch ::1! r me n t o r m en. te l en 15. t0 i}( ~ ro.,d SC j rI t lI t:':s." 11· trY of . . . n a':tu I , r ,. _ dent , \ . l\.. wou ld ,Hl Lu r n appOlr, [ u r m, ) SC'l"falnfthe5I' p'op!t.:. 112TH STREET ( Ai rpo rt Ro ad ) A D P A K AVENUE housmy heads. I he se h l'.1ds would d ,vlde the st udents under more . h J f ' . 1 I: f' A I. i It IS proposl'd t at lh" "tud " n , : I':Ju~rs, or tn t::tnce. m a c o rm , Jy iOo rs. n y mor;> Wo["ers I would b\~ d lose n by these ld ' t hcad~. \V ben all the chairmen and slwuld >upp~ rt the Pdfoo1ralil; .J ~ t Ie 'b · · is . cs tln1ate . d [0 ta"e workers w~rc chosen , W I·llcll a Clllt one to two rt('xt , hrca ' th Jt l ' hI S state ' 1 t .lat . tUit ion 'LUTH ERA N . 'd be ca I'Ie d f or a 11 t Ilese stu d- cnts at w b'iCLlt . to t)~ rals,'d " laclI ty mo WC k ~,a mee t tng W OUl . , '. . II ff IS dg IV"1l I I' te: THEOLOGICAL . . C·I y B ureaL! WOll Id f u 11 yex , mone r"resc n t a t lv's o t' t I1e A mencan " - · and,.IS 3.) •.. to a (.I e t 1(; so lC1 TH E CHURCH IS 0 ' THE MARC H! · 1 I'" dId . I t:ltlons, wrule th e :;tudents are sup · 1 pain L 1C su tCll a li n .111 Jan o ut maten,1 S. . d h t ' .. ' . .' pused to un ergo t t.' S.u1It: treaJmt;;n Th e Luth e ran Chur ch is on fire for t he Gospe l ' Go d wants men So letl r~ wou! t.hen go o u r a n d With cxplanatton o t th e yet under a I t:~5c nin g of a,'ailabk m ental brawn and alert 'lpirit to se rve Christ in His m inis ry on this We st Coast home missi o n front ie r . proc~dn~~ J. d .H~.~wenng" ~f ,qt:estID I1S presenr the s tudent wl~h m oney since more will have to go a pledge (;)cd whIch the st.Jdo.:nt w o uld e Ither ftll O llt or not ftll '.'''\HI tiH"ir ,'due~ti o n s, THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEG INS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958 out. It i a p r sonai d ec ision. _ . , h' . .. The [rnal a rg llm,.:nt IS th al t en: Ii Charl e, B. Foelsch, Ph .D., President ~no Marin AnnUl!, Bark.loy 8. CaUf. Any pledges ar e natu ral! v hel d In a bs o lute conhdl'oce. and r.o way of Lnmvi n,., if p arc nh of 5tu- I ,He not :I1c d to an y v nc . rhe PLC pledges w o uld be known de nts art' to be soiici tcd . 1t wou ld h., I ani) by ch~ p.lcd~l:rs , (.1fri ci a l ~ of rhe Bure au ,wh~ send o ut ,tbe ~ sclfc g "L" to v.-n tur" th at. the rna · ~u.~rrcrlY rem l ~d l ~s. , and rer~ I ps ~? WI. b) >th,~ ~rsoll .. \\ l~o jorit )' o j stl1,den ~ dq)cnd ,fo r SOUle soliCIted r b e P!~ gc . I "s~y p~L1apS . for If th~ .:s tudent ~vIsh~s. "'ppurt on tnelr pan· nts. It the stu - l Sta!"1dard Heatin g OllIS -, Heat i 9 Equi pm ent he rna) s :11 hIS p1e d~e. tn an e n v elope Jnd have It g iven In that de nts all ' to b,: oolicit'd th at is on e i Heat ing Servi ce way 0 t , B ureau o t f l\:e. OIlC thing. If Lilt'ir p n 'nt' are t b.' i Enjoy That " PLUS " Service D ot l.:t your min d b~ clo uded by irre levant m atters. Thin . soii cit('d, t!,,'t is another. For th ~n we lI: r} Jbout tbe rcso lmi o n and d iscern what y ou r position w il l will b,' u 'uly " h lt: ... ding a ln an th roug h ~ for (hI! vote on 1 uesday. Da v e C r o w n e r. ditor. I",th nost riL. " I n OJ'de f" to be :l good M A RV TO MMER I II< S C hrist ian wit h th,' br'st inte r!:.t r hi, col! ., ~ (· :1 t h(' art th" tudl" nt wi ll be fon (·rJ to ("o ntributt". In o rd.~ r to h" " ;':' od pan' lIt with lh" b.. t in tCf"; t. i20TH & f> ACI FIC AVE NUE P HO NE LE. 7-02.66 of th.. ir so n through hi s ""' hool It ht"Olrt th f",re ne wiii b... lar e. d to By BOB
Copying for
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I .' . . . "
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W0111- 1
Co mp lete Shopping C ent e r
. .
1' 1
;::::=============================; I 3-IN- l TO
H'i h-Ho " ,,- ry hody ' I wa, ,'oi llg W dnr)\t" m y I:O lullln th is W':ch to :l t: t)ut r ~but~ ·. The pa cnt will ha.ve ligned l\v tliuhuw I 11:1\'1' writt n but insl" ad I fi nd tha t I Met 3. ('han'e lO prQd ucc it lind recard " in .;hapd next T ue5d o.v. , Q', 10 show what a littl, mD rlcy in plcdq'l"s 1m an und isclose d ' um and thr nuht pl.lI"~ wil l do l Sa y, 'III you ' 'p iri ll g act o r~ o. nd ac.trt'ssc'<- _ Ir. ~ 'o rd· thlT..- is tho d ouh l, ~tra i n (In i-bank holtn iI., un opcni np; yet in tIl<' play he is prod"ci,,>:. I t's to p Ia till" t ';).1' ~ nd book of tui t ion. and J r\ dOpDU n fund I , row. 1-1.0' prOlllisc; V OU won't. be t\·pt: cas t. It is '~f ' to <I,!' that if 0 0" ': ar. .\D\·l{ E TO THE L U VEL ORN D E p·l'. Dt'a r M r. Fkmin .-: : I'm in 11Ilt , ·olr: fo r both of lh,- part of tui~ i I. v with, \ 'ondnful .c; uy but th"n:'5 a bi~ d iffeR nce in UUI a~cs . R e' ~ 1 ~ resolu tion, he votc t hat the resolution: elM r llllw :Ite . D o you think we should :!l't ntatrk d? Si rn.:d, W orri d be " ol<:d down. T h,. desirahle p, n of p, . t'l/I (l ~nd he's tOI ( hut h ~ d O" sn'~ look i t l . . . . D ear ," onied : ~I ak Ihe rc ol uLion ct,!", be brought up at a "ure i"~ mon: than just a physical lI!tracl ion you ft:c1 and th a t yllu are ooth later dale b the action of the st u· mature e nuf for 11 marria!1:f' rdationship.
] k 1 iJ U. H t'IT Idst Sa tu rday w a~ Was hington s birthda y and I fo nrol hiru Jln\ thin~. . . I Iin'd in a sm:>.H towa. So ,mall if yrJU u d a n • "'rtrk T.IlOT the strl' 'l ligh u di na'd . . .. Is i t e th 1 Don D ou glas j . pcr" t"l1tl~' malin//: fo rtullt' pulling o lltil0ard mnton on floating Jddney!? • •• ( . ,1£ I NT ( ) 1 H E PAW SHOP,MYRTLE, I WA , T TO GET ). I think with t at bit of melancilofu I shall I.l'Ik my mr.mb r wh t )"ou r nl'l ' Bob (::l , "'1 hat"! Show II' I " vl7.. tI
Regular 90c 3-tab Spi a ls .. , , .62c Regul a r SOc Ab ra ms Art Boo k , , 25c Reg. $ 1.00 Foster "How To" Art Books, , 6Sc Ask for argains n Sheaffer Pen
and Pencil Sets
F r ida y, F e b. 28, 1958
i------s B ItI GI---ial
• I
L eme Seek AlA Berthil Gonz ga, Centra Vie Also
finnI~ in Wa~hi ng ton. Ga m e time is IV ikin s-s- 80, 6 7, 81-'l{, 65-55, The ' :00 p.m. Saturday ni t;ht . ! last o f !h~se " m ' s w a s a ti.g ht m atch
L~ st of the ascade~ t ht' Gonzaga fllllld og5 will1'll ~e t the .., 'meal W ashht'lu n quilltd in the East'~rll Di stri c t \113~ o if. T he winner o f eac h t;amc WI ll mel t a t the' court of t lw 'V~ s te rn D ' \"i~i o n winn.. r in a btu ' IVO of three f1(, ~. [ hI.' , ·ic lor of the t wo oi ision "lil ,,,ffs wilt mak t the t.r'p to t h .. n Linn .l l IUM at K <l n.a ~i t.y, M is'olin . Tn th r .... "I,cou nter. to date this ~<o n Ih.. lads ha\'~ rQl1~d ove r tir e
W eI n
h H r I
... 12 i"li,r" romp l d ov r til... E n Ir m W J.sh- CWCE ...... , .. . 10 i ,TH ill Sa\·"g>"' 811-50 . T h.. o p -si dcd F.WCE .... ...... 6 ',c lot \ g3 \.f" th(' Lutl·S a r .cord of 12 C. 1'. S, ...... .. 4 .... n. w ith nn 10 " .~ for ;. rka n ,Iatc W ,VOE -4 , . .. ....
_____ _ _
1.;. ,
lJ, B. C. ... .. fi~ jff;
w~ek l Doll
, na ,. .1 th.. hi '.::h for PLC wi th T r;"dlill ! (J!i t Chene y tlH~ Glad - p , L . C.
HI'. fflur L lILl'ntC n scored dou II"
next wcrk .. L,,,t year Ivy H a ll t"ol; tt>a l~' honors with 3:~5 o~t of 5 00 :t tll'lnpts.1 por~i I ' ,t~c S,~at~I~, ~eall~ ~"',ill "5U~~ 1 C HRIST I. E .,. CRO"lD.'\HL duuked a out 01 100 tor [fidl\·ldua l hon ors. n~t~ d ~.(.n '~5 Jell) Fnzztll, Fran~:1'
DUANE ". HIE'S 83 O.f 100 w a s Illrlll c'f.-UP. S"und, 1"'S .C ha rhe B rown a~d Jml TRA"CK .\S P IRAJ.'I:TS OUT ALREADY Harm' .. 1 horn ton Hum p h .,,'$ :lIId
Te1"1;:Ll e ., I
Ttl!' official d,: t(" fo r track and baseball is sti li more than a nw ay, hut om· can a lr eady n ot ice seve ral lllen workiu l; out iot' the spring' I la li ir's, C ur t i, sun k 2+ coun te rs whi l,' <ports. Trackmen DA~ WITMER and JOB!,: FROMM haw b"~n work in )" Boil Ro iko and R Oi!,'r .r\t·rson sh.an',d ou t for two wed :s, whil e- JIM K J1TLESBY and JE R RY CURTIS ~I:!:an tI1<' l:lark of 15 ~<l ,'h. rom Sahli lIlt un.limbcun!.!: their arms this we·k fbI' the coming baseball season. I fOJ 11 pnllu, ;-" 'J Eastern Sa.V'3b-es blo];,· :nto Iht" scori n g c olumo w ith I dnubl,·, n umh .-r, . CalY Robe.ru· a n d! n,, !. h.oford h, ;l cInl th, ~ a\'a'l; <cor, In~: \\:it h nUH" I·a, ch.
,·jlh "1 'I' Ih... \'i ilric at stoh lh~ how h orn th l' 1.u cs' (" Irti , w h o
hill p ir.n
So::anle L nivt: l'sic-y's 'hidtairu Me by Eugene H a pala th ' foc, of th~ I dbto rs t hi cenin~ !.O th l" 'VSC ragr coach question b,:in g ans wered n o" , posts G Ie t im', i, 8 :00 p,m. ill hI: Ch'l here at hallie. Wh o will b ~ named to guide PL, t h le tic A u d i t or ium in Seat tk. hopes I1<"X( y,'ar? Th e ;)nswlT to this qu,,;titJn will probably not be answered Studt.·nts who did ne't h VI the ap fo r som,· time , but In us make a suggestio n. In st ..ad of Olle c oac h be in rt
portunit:; to purchase ')fit: of the tick. named to the a Lh letic departme n t, wh y n o t two? PLL: has grown to th e ex
f"tS in tht' I'LC rt· St" l~ ed "lJlu( k" - II tent th<I t th l ' full t im es coach ;:> arc definite ly n eeded. Coach MARV
pureh;lSr ... gen<' ral a dnussion tidtel at HARSHM,\:'-i ::tbly handl,'d the H e rcult-an t :lil: of coaching in t hree In<i. jor
th C i ,. i ( \ud:i torium. B l'~nllillg SPOl' ts, acting- a s athletic director, all d still sc';era l classes to tt:ach,
Central Dump East:ern
plnycd in Be ll in g-h a m on the W est rn
fl oo r.
L 'Roy . '"bon alill Bill Wri lih t, wh o
had i h;1\'<: led thr' Vi k ing at tack in th e
The bulk of the othn- P.E. coun"·' fall on th ., ,houldas of l J. ·k cO;J.eh promptly ;J.t 1):00 p ,lU., F r iili }', 200 previ ous c nc.C)untc ,will h I! the con H'fI .}\. RK "\L,,-,1 ZM .-\'" J OCS t I 1. .. , g e'. nera l a d mission St"3t.s w:U • LI.' mau.. " S. _ ~ ~ as 1t' ·JOO 01'IXOII1lS ;lSsl5t an t CO:lC I 1. ·Hl l I.t rc-, flla]Or . ~"
.. . . . av;uL1ble on d 1u-st ,'O IlW first ~el"1i1! c('ntrated . fIo rt of dcC,'nsf: on the part 'ports and co nductlO g- a h lghly sUCl',·ssll.ll IntraIIl \Jfa l p rogr a m. 'VIlh the pro. •
. . I [ . . ,.. . f basiS at th e bOlt offi cc- then: of th ~ Lutes.
posed <."xp;' nSlOll 01 tht.: col I:'gl.', th . .· !JI"t'sl'nt systl'1ll 0 tW O coac h " , wlll uC ae T he H arshmr: n slated to :;tart the initcl y in ad t.'quatt". Lt,t IL' hop,~ rha t whell th,·· board of d irenor, lUee t they ..:~ll -Ar:lc rican hoops!l r Elgin "R~b . , a turday nil!'h t !!"a m c " rc Bob R oiko will \'ote in [a,·o r of adding not one, but two new (oa clll's. I bit BaYlor will Ue k :ldlttg the lur:! · i ;wd Chu c k Curti at forwards, Tom FREE THROW CONTEST TO BEGl!\" I taim' awtck. H.l yior is l'haps DIU' · Sa hli at [T n te r , a ne! .Jim Van Ber"k Int,·arm,ra l Dircdo r M i\RK SALZ~L-\N reports l.il 3 t a ll di,trict intra- j of th e mo r public:i/.cd f" gu s in bil l and R o,!!"""!" I"enon a t gua rds. Illural karns should get f>"ariy for r.h,· frt"· throw (Ontl'st which will begin ketua ll t hrol.lghc>ut the na tiun . S up
Conterenc ,
, ()n th ('\, ·n in g nf F···bnJ"T1 20 th r ,ladia tor s cinr h ~d t he Evcrg rl.'l' n n"frrl' nq' C1<}wn ,, ~ ttll'Y ed.:;cd th e I .. n t! ~1 \I;" l~h i ll~ t on Wild cat- 44-42. ('hurk Cu rt } dumpl!ti in tI", wlnn in !l I J..r l N l " driv in . . . \.;)-;n with 11 r,.,l1d r. rn.!lrtmg. iU L Of1 t"dl , i,Jd t lI t, g:l nH' scnno(1'
3 3
0 1.000 2 ,833 Ii .500 8 .:133 8 .333
9 9
"PI' 906 736 737 784
796 694 850
,----------- ------
W .p
r ;\
Pa.-ific Lutheran st ucknts , Llculty
the p ~sitJon 01 ., .' )a, rt );1 , n,..Jl, tOI "'("\"I..-th eiL-,s , the mcmber, ot the: g09 I Lute famil y wi,h ed ~.lr. Ib rs hm a n a
___ ____ 1successful st~ly at tnt· Pu!llll~H\
C ilrTl-
will be fillin g til<:
!t' t
" ,d onh to low 78-77 in Li usina; !I.'comls d roppeu rue Pa Coach Marv Harshman cific Luthl.' l<lll axil in two "knoclc d own "we! dra\!; OUI' conleJt, thi of t h ree Lute se nwrs. said. "w, w eek . Th e PL Glad iators werr ('d~e 63-59 MOllduy n igh t :l.1.ld a:- ·82 Tu ~ ;u ,,- ly halt" hinl leav,: , but it's tOY good ;J. chance' for him to pass up, day evening h) the M::-C Do\)cat il. I' ve 1<-a m ed lots of baskc tbali a nd it's Bou·ma n. M on!.:lna.. I In th e first tilt the L utes cou ld II0t h"C'n a rcal pleasure t o work Or find the rang'" o f tht: for ign houp. Harsh, " Chuck Curtis sta ted, " It', "- goo<! The: Bobca ts u sed t 'i l" Iamiliarit: mow for Harsh, and if h e i' ~oin~ 10 w ith t h e h om e (,Ollr-t to an ad~";U1L (' chan ge this is a g ood t ime for hilll to as they out-pcr t r u t l~ ,lad in do it. 'Vr· know that h e will do a l" al shoo ting .:1 97 to .28b. g'oo d job. and w,:'11 ~II b~ trying- " ue T u esd, IY nigh t th.c Chlu.. were till I)t' st OV<,r hne for t ill: neW con ch. But , out o n the pre' n ous limb on field wt:ll .t1 'o be l)Ullin l\' for WSC. " goal a curacy, but tliLI. manag ' t R ug. r h" l""So n ,'om ml n tt'd , " I'm come Lhrough with new records .1 e;lad to _" him go , WI" n tht: l'.;s " th e luul lint:. T h ey hit .!4 Ol 26 ("l1t1"
1 ~·~:I:'.);ltC;~c:,jt;dbO:" ~~~k. r;·~~~~v,~o~!
I. I I
to ,,,.
:. ::::: ..
::: :::~:: .. ,... ,. .. ~.
wh ic h ..tlP"lll ·1 1,,,, l·d ' he SeaUI
(.hief tain~ I;,!t
· . bl'· l . 1,·;) \ ll1 l; th.- pos t of a ctlv e coacJung a t I " IC k In A" 'II p u lelt . )ut n ot 1Il ~ ·1· cl ., PLC' . 1 · .1 \\ ashrngton State to aSSUlHe' " pOSItion '1 I")1 It}" 1"f T'1<" < S ]"(' aU\'(· , u n - . · B b G . h ! o f a:;SOClate proff,sor of phYSIcal cdu k"rlf)\\'ll \v rr-st IIng sta r,.1o ....Tro! ~ t C i . , I : l ' h . f M I (";!tlOlI thr··ft' . 12 · -prHllll [nt ,l~ tY-fl1l tr; rom ou nt ~ r 1f1 il lllul"ai h oopstcrs WI " >: coreh· V fTno n. I II th e past thrCI" y,.',its Gross W SC Athll:ti.: Dirr-ct.Ol S ttlO Bates ;r. 'hr· ntapll'~ ~n d nr'l. in roll n d rob in ha , aclli "\'ed many st at~ and national .<a id, '·W e 3re [·xtrcmdy pit-used tu . • . . . . . ,~ " . m 'l n -)f !vL.lrv J-Iarshrnan ';i "HTIpI·1111 0n ' h" W " k. St·1ndmg' lIld,- hono l S In tht· ,"natru r FTlll1t n g roan ,' 01 " ,I , ". . ' . ,. tt· t h a I ' h lcagu", Ii I' 'eltin,1!; spor l. . c lt;Il";r ct ..r ;;nd abl hty on LlLl r stalf. .Ht: t ,lj~ ht"l" ~ I h~. ~(·a. on d ra ws to ".. clo;c-.I W ,,'s tlin!! for rh ... Ta COllt:l YMCA. I has demonstrated not on ly outstand l~g: ~ , (l r> r of thl we-I·k· · wa, little John nob h a" a fi 'v '· m atc h win nin K ,trea k coa c hing talr-nt in hi WOl !,. a t Pa cll IC •. fit ci rr II whp pOPP,·d in '.; I poil' " fo r to h is ~r<'c1it this yra r a ft.; r losine; two LllthfTa n but h~ s done" magnifi cent T . ' . \ .. .,~ t h h Jl m I n played :lec' in t h ll in tou rnamen t r.ompc tition. Il,h t hen' III IllS PO; lII OTI 15 .l lhklK .. , k ,..'\,. W1 I0I · . , d dllr ('tor an hea d of t it· (n un· ll1te r I "'lfl h ddl,' to Clo"'r e r.... I HI., la tt'st \t (" l ory last ~atll r · ay came I . TUy YUU ) OW", 'uu like to Set him ..L. I:I. unqannn . p rOl(ralll. . . H r was lUO r ".In 6. - ' ,'. -I d B prry nw ItlJ~I ' u~ -.j I f01" I O1t t h r' ,'xpI'n' " nt' t,,," na- , ('oll n\ il k snorts r l li mb . III h is prot Si o n . I I,en L,,·'·\.. I tlon al I'h.1m pwn whf) wres!l ,'s fl)r th,' ·'E ,·, ryon ' co unl'cLcd wi.th 'Va sh- tha n a cu;a·h . He w· :J. fricnd. \Vt·'!i INGS !...t "itnolllah .\ thle, ti c f:l ll b of r lO nl a td . ill'"ton S t ~ t~ w ill give !lUI m·w coa ch m i' h im , but w~ · Jl tlo 0 ,.1) ." IN TR .\, I RAL ~TJ\ ND T, Tn 11\t. of hi, las t SL matchl'! Bob :rll h ,' u p]1nrt h l llt'~ds and UrSl: n ('s . 1- .' rsh has d o nt' :, t e rr ific j ob at
\. L<,a~u': \ \'on 1.oo;t it a> ,,"o n nTl ;, in s, ddr ·.[i ll g ~T;'ppl l·r.; We knC)w Ire wilI dn an ou lst a·n d inK PLC. In the past 13 " ';u:on th, Lu l' s H'·'II" '..... , .. ,"" ,. ',., .. ,_. ,_. 11 2 (I·pn·"r· n!i n r, 'o r thw(·stnOl ("(III" ' t·' inl fOl' liS." It :l.H' Ill'\( r finish ("'d It: ~~ tha n fou rth Dr lardilll ,., .. ,,,,., . , ...,.. , . ,.~._ ... 1 1 :I. ntI at h lrtil' d uhs. :-; 0 51ll n's>or h as b,' n nJm ,~d \Jy in ("onf, re ll < cUlllp",ti tiol1 uu d,·, hi \{o:ld .R uIlO'T'i , ._..... _..."."._.. ,, 11 4Tn !;, ~t yr-:;r' s Jtlninr Hion;.] A;\t' th,· :r d ministra tiU!l to replan- U ;l rsh· tutor in g. F or 1 i se~, on s th e. Glads 4 11l'" t Bo b finishe J ,,"·()nd in h i d i\' i- ""'P.. Hr i, expect in:." to II a n, l'LC h::rve bee n in t hl~ 1)1, t("ie t • '0. 1 pJay (.l'lHr re!:k '. ' .. , .......... " ... 10 sinn, d l k:tu·d on ly h,' th .. Pacifi c a holl t April to ta l f' o,,;- r hi, lWW po.i- off" incl uding thi s y c r M a " M,tr 4 C"",! C·h.llllpion. t; "n "t (;ou g ar\' iIlt·. dOll, · Harshm'lI It a takt n t hree o f
.,\ ' ......... " .. ,' , ....... .. . ..... .. 10 P,·,i ,.·,· '1g~ ... ..... .... .If! 5 _ .-.- .-, - - ~h . Harshman h imself had thi, to h is squa ds to t he: ' \1.'\ nati o nal fi ru.lls
I t~.:~~ '
O <;orck will a lso clcliall. Sine•., 19-1 'i thr' LutL's h1l\" W()II 10 'ga mes a~ai D~1 9 los5 S to SC:1llh:. Lit tit All· riean Ch u ck 'urtu will lead tJ I~ LU I a ll (,lllpt to up r.t the hi "h i)' to uted and fm'oTt'd C hi ftalm . T h ,· · ·'lI ll '· i, ,. 'pr'CI ti t be n ei th e r w;" n' nt ' \. I hou h lUI.. spun'lli n r;!,"or th e C hiclmin . i
676 .ltld st',ff W I IT 01 f)' to brar t ll' 'tn :>98 ' W lHCnI<lil llut .\th l. tic D ie t tur, 80r. , Coach Jvb r\" J !arSl id d Hllan 10 'l u· c p tt illS . . lAlSC 1 k l II
te Wins Campus Maple ' I,IMWighty-Mi restling Honors els Scorched Y Dor Teams
Curt ·s eels
'Rabbit' Chief
i\fter winn in g t he Evergreen Co n ference crow n for th e third
<eas n in sllc<:ession the L u tes will be making a bid fo r the Kan
,a . ity tr ip as th ey meet the Wes r rn W .,hington Vikings in Th e a n swe!" tbe \Ve te rn District p lay ffs. The local mAp es w ill be the stage another quc3t ion
(! , II(" p relimi nary m a tch of the
Paddle Flappers: ~~~~:!~o~~I~j~~.:d(" ~~;~~~t;'Iath~~ct~(:~ I ;~"K~:::;c~it~~a:~ i~tC~h~n~~iO~ I~ld 1~5I, DearlD Playoff
ity shots to se t .. new g Illi: record for: the schooL .h uc k Curlls Wall c:adly '15 III pm h ..d in 15 11i. 16 gift 81 tem pI'.
-In :M o nday' ~ tunl '~ t rr) Chnnay 3nd Al Harri~ sha red ~tn~ seorinl;' hon01s, !e;ld' ng MSC with 21 poin~ each . Ch uck CUrl is mnnagell J b for t he L ute high. Ro~e r I VCTson eanllcd 14 :lnd Bob R oilt:o hI 12 for PL '. G Ul'tis got" buck on tile ~coring tr:.lil Tu sd, fo r the: L u1t' :I' h veil d the mark Il t 31 w itb Chanay of thr Bobca' ill the. '("rHmr:; g mc . Halri .::am.~
through wi :b 27 counters
tl '~ bi.t; · ,: ~ t ITlzn· is !cavil jO" the fill e r TO : VTl • H,s l nrm.·r t\' ams to ma~C" such M SC while other L u tes to score in " un c h o f kid $ that I hav," worked " ",.-r,. thuse of 19.J!) , and double fi g\lr ~ W~l" ": Tom Sahli, I!l. " 1 .. Lea.~lJ(· ''''on L ost wit h bl"Tl: 1':J:J 7. La t YI':U' h, !!Ulu("'d tb ., G lndTim V an Bt'ck, 11 amI R Oil; r her· \ <lni t. . .. .. ,. ,. , .. , . .. ,. , .... •. , •. . 1 1 4Intr amma l p in g pon g h as adnnr::cd " I hate to leav", but fcd that this ia tllr, tu J third plil'·'· ill l ilt" hi.' tou r s n . 1 L Ir lt It'(1 r.F r 11 ..... ,',.. ... ... __ 1 4- tr , th l fin·,1 stal1;CS lIS the p a d d le fl a p- is too good an opportunity in m y pro- I"Il_'·_"_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ,
\ .... 'r rn P a rl:lar..d .,.,', ......... 3
12 .
r l(lor '~...... .... , .,., .... ..... .. 1n I· ) Ill lt ) L!r\\"('r I\'y B'
4 6 9 q 10 11 12
I\mrm . r.llnnrn luh . ' ...........___ ........ '2
pr:l'S m' ; t i n s i-fina l a nd fina l lllatr lr t~, Final rl'Jm p ctilion i, sehedulr-u in. th~ near [Ulllf ·. (11 onl · ., r llli-fln<lI e;II 'TIt' Jinl Van rlt " anLl D.lW' H"ml~c l1 out-paddled Dunnr !'o [ oe and .T im H ~'llancl ~ I-:! 'Pld ~I- in ' <I'rit' of IW(I.
ft.·"ion to pa s it up. All my life 1 hn"·' w ,u1tt' d to b e :t coach, and I , W:lllt ttl takt a try at a big coil, ge jol ." H i ~ players rrlP'!:l the loss. bu t E, .. II thIlt it i~ \"hat a filiI' l'1);!C\l Jilet." H <lNh- I 1 TIIan d",r:Nf', am S,hli, -pel ing
Page Four
Frida y , Feb. 28, 1958
Psychologist Hypnotizes;
Studellts Are in Trance I
lough ChnrtulD
Dazed studrnts ware l'd the dazing n' ults f hypnoti m as Dr. Perry London. cl inica l 'ychologisr at 1 adigan Army Hos pi tal and instructor in ps eh log ic I rcstin on campus, gave a dem n tration and lecture on it at tbe last me rin:y of th Ps ho logy Club. He was :lssis[l'd by Jim B 'an \ 10 has his M.A 'I Pry t c:>l c:>g v from tht U, i"' T" t of~ . -.- - -
use of fre e press.
PRL~ _
EDlTOR .............. D AVE CROWNER News Editor.. ................Herb Dempsey Reporters: Teddi Gulhaugen, Barb Stu h lmiIkr, Barbara Isaacson, Dick Fi~h, r, Dan Witmer Jerry Donahe, ~" g Evanson, Dick Kr iger.
aJijornio a d 15 al 0 of t e ps c. 01 :t.s. oC!y divi. ion a t the h osJlItal.
PH ONE LE. 7-7 100
U S( ' a ~ " pa rlor iock" ; the p rimn . D r . Lon d 11, who h:u. },i cgrrl d :m ( r bt-ing from a p ~sibl e conflict Fl"a tur e Editor......Maril: n Donaldson !!,ges- R epotn., Solvei g L craas. Joey D an· irtllll L uium ' ,\ Uni\"! rsi t : , cg 1 his crc:a tf' d du to po.t·h ypnotic id ~on, Bob Bilt..., Ea rl De Bu rcham, Iretun' n "M"Wl i,m" a~ M l·. Bryan 3 • fat· M a this , B(lb I mi n ~ . • na ll y r lax( d on som.. mroTt:lbl hair !Jro\'id rd for tht d t monst.r.1ti II . 'spor t, Editor..... ....... ..Dc rm i! Martta l' I I Reporter. : .Tim iuilsb " Tim Wynd. \ ~ th, sooth in ~ lec turt p rogr" , d, ham, Harry Sa nn erud, D i 'k Good· m, n' notin 'rl thl \ , ry rt I; 'cd • ~~ I · win, E ugem' Hap aJa. nt. I in i. hing. h is 1 ctu re. Dr. Lon· T" p is t ... ....... ............. ...Laurir B ccraft I J it turnl d hiA all nt ilm to Jim, who B siness ilIfanageLl\Iary Lou Engen qui t('" ;10 e . pt"rl in aUlo· hvPllmll " fnr into ·'drc<l m la nd.' Ad Soil . tors : Rod P tt raon, Loll! ONE-DAY LT int.:: ,t P ("I. I rn !lIb<' ~ ·,Inn, Dr Anderson, Linda Sch arf. SERVICE 1,llnuon J, .. lied 1rom Ji tha t I'" Ph ot .l!T3 ph t:"r..........Mr W . {eKe en , s undl' r h vnosis to "34 ." AI tist .. ... .... .................. D ick Londgren A :nlia l nnesthe 'ia ,.as dfcmoD' Bookk"eper..............._..... Ca rol House. ;::::::::::::::::::::_ _ - _ _-_ -_ - _- _- _-_..-_ _~_________::.==::::::::~____ ---------.- . I rat d a l the U1ee.tin~. · N exf. thr lr()ulation ................._....... Pat.ti FInn II ,ff.. c~ of a "re·li> ed" athletic came E.: nge ...............................J oy Lev.:is « r ( > dL11loDstratcd re5u lt in~ in Ad\·lS0 L ........ .. . ... ...... .... Mr. M . Nesvig !
EX ERT Cleaning at
much pl'r~ irati n. At this . J im was askl:d if he , Otlld like 10 " " ilK out,-' having bccn in a Itan ,.
and Parkland and
"nu \\ ..
;:! ssistrd into a tran< . b •f Bf' an to 3 depth of about H o . Lun<' on bdien'd much d cp r). -\ t thi t ilm ·~. d Ian'l on i t h e ~e· ninl!". r. London said that C"ver '011l'
p rima ry purpOSr or bene1it
from ~uch an evcning, ~u ggested by Dr. K. . Ol beTJ,:' of PLC's ps}'ch olog d part n t. " as the removal of the "mysticism" concerning hypnosu.. Thr many Iheorit"s on hypnosis wrr
LEnox 7· 261
---..... __
I C?
fo r llbou t a n h o u r.
i~ t h~a:~:~~r::c:~
t 903 Pa cific Ave nue
3820 outh Yakima
P blisbcd Fridays of the schoo year by studen ts of PLC, at Parkland, Washington. DUite: ollege U nion Building. Phone LEnox 7-86 11 . E ·t. 4 1. ._ _ __
aturday is
Day at the Bon!
r-------------------~ I
LAURIN T'S Apparel
We Outfit Co-eds 406 Garfield St.
LE. 7.0317
Paradise BOWL Fully Automatic OPEN LANES
Tuesday - All Evening Wednesday after 9 p.m. Friday - All E eni ng 10707 Pacific Ave.
Tacoma Phone LE. 7-6012
W. provide Checking Gld Savllgs Ac(,ults Gld all other balk services
for (olloge studilis
It was sad... when that
e t. ship went down and the
las thing to leave the sinking ship was
a bottle of Coca-Cola. That's because all hands s uck to Coke to the end. N ow there's popularity! That 's the kind of loyalty the sparkling lift., the good taste of
CDpDdem. Man the liCeboats. have a Coke!
., ollthorfty of The Coca-Colo Company by
look what's going to happen Satur oy' hot dogs! pop! orange sherbert! informal modeling . , . all day long! Embroidery and tucks ... as seen in Seventeen
Swank drip·dry fabric. so perfect w it h your tiny Needs little or no ironing. In pink, mini or bille. Sizes 5 to 15 $1 .95 The Bon Marche Dress." t hird Floor
&... ' .
e !
Glads ake I 3 in o n I Cham s T r ay
by Dennis Marttala
KANSAS CITY BOUND for the grand-daddy of all basketball tournaments from March 10-15 are Coach Marv Harshman and Rich Hamlin, Bruce Alexander, Norm Dahl, and Ardeen Iverl on (who are not pictured) and (I. to r.) Lute Jerstad, Bob Roiko, Tom Sahli, Coach Harshman, Chuck CurtiS, Jim Van Beek and Rog Iverson_
Pacific Lutheran College's "mighty" Lutes will be in the air on their way to Kansas City to the National Association of Inter collegiate Athletics tourney tomorrow morning. The ann ual NAIA gathering of 32 of the "cream of the teams" throughou t the nation is the biggest tournament of the hoop sport. On their third consecu tive trip to the "big one" the L u tes will be seeking the top slot of all the 32 t\'ams 'which start oom petition Ivlonday morning, March 10. The Gladiators won their trip to KC by downing the en tral Washington College Wildcats in two "wild" contests last M a day and Tuesday, 54-51 and 72-50, respectively. The m eeting between PLC and CWC was the NAIA District No.1 pla yoff. The Harshmen will be leaving Sea-Tac A irport tomorrow morning at 7: 00 a.m. on a United Air Lines Flight. They w ill arrive in Kansas City at 4:55 p,m, (CST) and will be taken from the air terminal there to a hotel reserved for teams in the tourney. Sunday evening the hoopsters will be honored with a banquet. '//"1/11",1/////1////7-'////1////////-'/",,,,,,,,;,//////fIlII/ILIff/fILIi
AJI students are to mcet in front of the CUB tomorrow morning at 5:30 to form a caravan to Sea-Tac Airport in order to give the team a royal send off! Especially those who have curs should be at the CUB to provide rides for those who need them. Heading the gaiety will be the song and cheerlead ers. It is hoped that hundreds will turn out and top last Yl'ar's crowd!
APO Quartet Contest Scheduled for April 26 On April 26 APO will sponsor the ,("('and annual Barber~hop Quartet .ontest w hich w ill be judged by mem· !"' TS of d u: faculty. The committee j n dwr,~ of tht! event urges all members of [he PLC Stu de nt Body to st art now " r,d form a quartet to compete at the "Vlnt on A p ril 26, - -- .- -- ..- -- -- -.
"""'//""""/""""""""""""~'/,i""""',"'" /'""""""""
Last year the L utes took third place in the NAIA single elim ination ~\'ent. The first place team. Tennessee State, edged PLC 71-70 after the Glads had won their first three outings with im pressive 91-72. 105-83 and 76-61 scores. In the tilt for third place the Lutes knecked over \Vestern IUinois 87-85. VOL. 35, NO. 17 PARKLAND, WASH. FRIDAY, MAR. 7,1958 This is the third straight year for the Lutes to enter the l our, _____________________________ narr:ent .. Curtis. iocr.so/] , V c:r:, Beek and .Ierstad wil! b~ mak ing theIr thU'd annual L'lSl t to KC as members of the Dlstnct No . J championship team. The ten men who will make up the squad North HaD to Host cO,ill be the same ten coho Finished the district campaign Tuesclac; Men Tomorrow Night mght. Forwards on the tou(l1e~f rOSIer arl!' Chuck Curtis, B ob Roilw. Ardem iocr50n and Norm Dahl. The centers are T om "Tropical Holiday" will be the Sahli and Rich Hamlin, AI guard slots will be Roger iverson. J im theme of a party given for all Van Beck. Lute Jerstad and Bruce Alexander. PLC men by the women of North .-I Coach Marv Harshman believes his squad of last season w as Hall tomorrow, March 8, starting a team more likely to take th. top slot, but will not discount the a t 7:30 p.m. in the m a in lounge ability o f tbis yea r's t( 3 111. HarshI:1 a:1 saiJ, "The tourney \~ iii b· of No rt h Hall. tough with all the champions competing. This team should do The girls say, "Such a casu a l le,tic Commission n etted PLC thr:e ()~tstanding athletic ,a,wards. 1 1 he o nly Tucom a area honor of Its klIld each year. the 1 acoma occasion calls for casual d r e s s, as well as we did last year. "Our outcome will depend a lot upon the draw. If w\. can 50 now's the time to sport those A th lete of the Year, went to John Fromm. And awarded places in the Tacoma Sports Hall of Fame were Bermudas, j e a n s, and flashy draw a Tuesday game, the rest, as well as a light workou t on Monday, will make it easier." Marv T ommervik and IVl arv Harshman, the "Marvelous Ivlarvs." shirts!" •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J11 About their showing in the playo ffs Harshman stated, "for for th Lir "'r\'icl' to PLC during 19:19-J;l·- ---..- - ·--------as tired as they were from th" tough schedu le recently the m ~n i U foot b all S,'aB On S, .'\wards to the 7 played good ball even though it was not their best Hall of F :1ITll' Girl only be giver, 10 "7 he tough schedule actually should be of value in prepara y~an after the year of the service or tion for tournament play. it creat€s good condi tionin9 for I hI! outs ta ndi n!!" ~,thktic: accomplishment, trJU9h ones to be pla~fed." Sets Two Records He went en to say, "} onl y regret having to leave the tea m JoHn rronnn I'f" celvcd an e ngr~lved when most of [hem have a year left in wbich they can com(! o ut pbq u ,. as thi s y ear' s Athlete of the F estivities of the second annual itors lYlay attt"nd either of those two on top again. " Y ilf UI' th e ba,is of tW() national rec Moth ers' \V cl'kend on the PLC cam pnfonna n ce s of the Child rC'n's The Last year th2 Lutes brought home one of the four custom m ade oHI ' 11<' set in jawlin throwing last pus hav(' been scheduled for wiarch ater production of ''jack and the trophies which are presented annuaJly to teams finishing in Jun.., 1+, 15 and 16, with all the moth e.rs Bea n stalk" in the CM S. Abo during top four places. Nlc m bers of the championship team are giYrn ()nL uf tht-~ l" rcc0rds h e- made i!1 ,,,it h daU L~htcrs atte nding PL -' cor~ the day tours of he ~' anlpus \vill be miniature diamond studded gold basketballs, while the second S; n Oiego, Cali fo rnia for a throw of dially invited. schedukd,. Silturday pro"run ' ld I . _ ' . ' _,mght ,- ..a , " p 1aCL team receIves go . ones. Th e [ h'Ir d- an d 'tourt h pace (I:ams 2·13 fee t , 11 inches til set a new n;:t Spunsor ed by • the. A'" soCIatl"d \VOlTl will !w held III tht, LB-2lJU m honor ' 'I J' , • . • • I arc gIven Sl vcr rep !Cas. l i~lll' r '~ord for the j\ ational Asso t'n Students thIS w('cke nd has be t" " l oJ the motllels, follo\ C'd by a coft"" '1'1 K r't, J '- Cha m b,e.r o.f C ommerce al.';IS. t S t bc , ' . . . . :. "' .,, Ih o ul in. ('ach of th e thn'(' dorrns I 11: . . a.nsa s. _I " ~ unlur c ia tion of Interrolle ll ia tc Athleti cs , >e t aSld, for the pUi p OSC o t bll~Gll1,,., I ' . - .'. . NAIA otfiCials 1Il maklllg the stay at Its City a pleasant om.'. T he l' romm tossed his sec ond lon g O Ill," in nwtht'[s to the campus a n d giVIn gHert· tl1l rc wtll. b e .a mother chosen KC JCC assigns an h on orary coach for eaLh team in the to urna'\ustin, Texas, at the National Col t il "111 a 100" 1'1 to tIle' "('ol len ~ II'f" of as qu ee n of Mothers· \Veekend, The 'h . goes. H e I . ,,, '< ment. Th'IS ,,<coac h" accompanies I: c tt'am w h erever It kg i"tl' _\tltktic Association';; m e c t their girls. busy th f ' days will______ clost· Sunday. . . genera I a compaIllon . acts as a gUI'd e, an d 1Il to h'IS team.
h, Tommervik G et: Hall of Fame Awards r
~:~:':hl~~P =I~~ar~!~~~~~ ~~T~~1~~Ull- i Mothers~
W eek(~n{l Set
For March 14, 15, 16
wit lt a
Qf 248 feet, 1 inch.
• farvs Gain F ame T ht fal11 0us Pacific Lutheran duo of t b~ "lvl a r\'clous i\1arvs," who put !'LC on the football map, were them ',~ I \'l' s put on the "map" at Monday ni ght's banque't. Their names were linked t ogetha in PLC gridiron tac tics bctwcen 1939-1940 as each made recor-d upon record in passing and St' orirtg, b ~ corning nationally fa m ous as a passi n g a n d scoring team. Both Are' AlI·American Tommervik was the A.P. Little AllAmerican for 1940 and 1941, while Harshman was the New York Sun's All American in 1941. Between 1939-40, when the "Mar ,'elous Marvs" were operating, PLC w o n 20 straight games, losing only two in the three seasons of play. Harshm an and Tonunervik were co coaches at PLC between 1948·1950.
Barbara Johnson, general chairm an for the {'vent, has announced the schedule of activities for the three
.--.- - - -
I Theater
::t~:'n~~,:i::~=t~a~:;!I!y~ewl;:~dar~i::~ One Week Run in South Hall Lower Lounge on Fri- l On Tu esday night at 8:30 p,m. thc day evcnin~, follO\:e~, by refr.cshments. f~r>t curtain will rise fO,r th e Children's
I Do gas, eeuas Ta Rapresenl
PbC .-n ansas "'-Iy InUI-lall-o al
PLC's hi ghly accredited deb a t (' noted invitational this year. T here 'J:1ck an~ the squad was honored again this year to will be eight preliminary r ounds and ha\ c been ,.1 t aSld, so that the \ ,_ mght wIiI be reccive an invitation to the Kansas four rounds of elimination. Last yC'JU' - ------- -- - - - - --- - - - - - open to Pacific Lutheran's 3tudents University Heart of America Debate PLC contestants went into the q uar this year, Conference to be h dd from March ter finals. The following schools have b etn Pt'rformances of this show will be 13 to 15 at the University of Kansas chosen to compete t his year: Pac ific PaciHc Lutheran's conCE'rt band givcn (:a ch day at I :00 p.m. through at LaWlenct'. Kansas. ity, U ni. leaves tomorrow mornin g for a 9-day Friday and two showings on Satur Only the outstanding teams from Lutheran, Harvard Unin t.our in the NOI~liwes't. ~ncluding day, one in the morning and another representative areas of the country versity of Southern C a lifornia, Wi, stops in Or gon, IdaJho a nd Wash- feature at 2:30. The public is invited are (·hosen. This ye.ar fourteen col consin S tat e, Univcrai ty of Notn: ington. to all performances. leges a nd universitie.s will be repre Dame, University of Oklahom , U ni The show, directed by originator of sented, only five of which are from versity of Houston, Southw(' t M i•• Final pl'esenrtatlon for the PLC ni organization will be in t he Edward the PLC Children's Theater, E ric west of the Mississippi. Th is i s the souri State, D a rtmouth Colle , versity of Illinois, University of F lor· Nordholm, includes many experienced second year the conference has been Markham S c h 0 0 ~ Auditorium in ida, Augustana of R ock Island, U. S. Portl&nd, Oregon, o.t 8: 80 p.m. on r ast members. The leafy bcanstalk, held . Senior debators Don Douglas and Military Academy and the University Sunday. MarQh 16, follov.1ng which about which the story revolves, will Tom Reeves will represent PLC at the of South Carolina. the band will r ed.'Urn to the college. grow on .t&ge.
S.~tUld'l) s ,m~1 r~lll:" , and, after. no.~:~
11Beanstalk.· heater f~:·odu. ctlO.n, Opcmng
Musicians Leave
Pa g e Two
Friday, March 7, 1958
Another Decision
• • •
to the Editor Give It the Old Col/ege Try
Swimming Pool Assessment?
Dear Editor: \ F or the time I will ac t not as a mem r of the staff of this paper but as a student who was at the ('ouncil rncetin.'l' where the matt"r of the pro posed assessment was dis cu ssed, In this capacity I w llUld lih to ask a few questions and request some con crete amwel·s. I would ask th com
Again this Tuesday you students will be called upon to make an important decision in student body chapel. Being brought up 10 the commg business meeting is the proposal that we students o t P aci f ic Lutherzn College assess ourselves six dollars per semes ter in rder to raise S I 00,000 fo r a college swimming pool. A cording to prese:1t estimations by those proposing the asC' m~ l. it will ta e approximately s ix [Q eight years to achieve lhl m netJr T goal. It is not known when construct:on would begi n o n the pool. No stlldent would be required to pay the assess m nt for m ore than eight semesters, according to the proposal. Til t: day's motion may be to refe r the assessment proposal to ge neral election in the CUB on next Tuesday afternoon , But ha t ·.vcr is do ne, it will be up to you, tbe students, to either pass he proposal. refer it to a gene r 1 election at some time, or defeat (he en tire idea, The Moor ing Mast as a paper and staff is at this time taking 110 sta nd o n the issue, The Mooring Mast is urging only thaI: you fuli ill your duty and attend Tuesday's cbapel to voice your opin i n wit h yo ur vote.-Dave Crowner, editor.
Excitement Caused by Russia Causes Concern with Professor
Way to Go!
:~::e to answer these simple qUl:s-
I) If thl~ students saw fit to vote! no on the measure to support the de velopment fund, why should th ey go farth er out on a limb a nd vote for th e swimmin<; pool fund' 2) Is it not true that if th e mca ,un~ is passed, there will be no way a st ud ent w uld get out of the added asst'ssmf'n t, a s it w ill br com.. a df'bt w,ich will he added to the bill whe n he en ters PLC?
:I ) Is ,t not tru e th a t th ose of us who rt>ly on our parent5 for support will he for cing them under the added burden of tht: asses;;ment a nd rai,ed "Russia has put America into a sad state of excitement," states tuition ? Dr, J, p, Pflueger. professor of religion, ethics and philosophy 4) Is there any g ualante~ that the a nd a member of the PLC family for the past 28 years. pool will b e fini shed within, say, ten EXPERIENCING THE DILEMMA of the crutches were temporary one· Several ideas were expressed by Dr. Pflueger in an interview years? footers Dorothy Johnson and Don Schultze as they stop to figure out the la st week concerning America's reaction to Russia's scientific 5) Your figurcs a re based on 1500 next stair-climbing move. Dorothy and Don are only two of t h e almolt achievements, "Russians want us to waste money," Dr. Pflueger full time students. Is there any but an dozen students who in just the past few months have been disabled via saI d, "but should we waste it?" ~lI--------outside ch a nce that thc quota w ill be skiing, basketball, stairways and other assorted enemies, and have be ~n hopping around PLC on the wooden legs . H I" strongly feds it is not achieve man IIIl:am nothing and is u se d only full ? mrn t t o gd 3. sa t c llit ~ into the air if to advan ta ge, Beca use of our way of 6) The re was mention made of out- 'I WI can't direct it to bring it down, li vi ng :lnd respect for the human be side help , How rcal is this chance? ntil such control is ach ieved the in g. we ca n never com pete in like 7) Arc then: no other things we Uni ted States is wastillg m oney, mann~r. nCI·d more th an a swimming' pool? I When he was in college some 45 "~cca\lse of t~c dec ep tion of the If there is morc space next week, y lirs ago, Dr. Pflueger adds, thc sci Russl a~s w" don t know how many th ere an; a few more poi nts and the By BOB ..- nt ists could havc performed t he same launchmgs they attempted before suc arguments to support thc~e qucstions type of cxperiments but they didn' t cess," hc wa rns , "We don't know when whi ch could be as ked, Heigh h o, ,, \,t:rybody, and congra tulat ions to the t m on its trip to hi! 'r the money to do £0 to believe.: them, -HERB DEMPSEY K a nsas City, I\-e also b("('n askt:d to gr t out of tow n. , , , I'd lik to kccp you "Wc lllllst go ollr own . way ' keep - the p rettiest , People Panic up to d all' on my conkst for t h e gi-rl on camp us WIth ears, I'd P flUt'!,;lT comme nud , people :lre our powder d r y and strIve for use I I Il k.. to em ph~ s l zc th.- fad th a t thiS 15 not n ga ' a nd th wmner's a rs wtll " ,-a.ai ly p a ' cked, which is a major rcaa fu I f orm." 0 f d e f cnsc. What dot'S Dr, Pflueger think con R.e,. l1Hs of the tud n t bod y el ec-! r('('('i n' :I n all (,XPt' us,' paid trip to Hawa ii hy parcd .post. n f r the quick ac tion of American I've had a few people come lip and ask mc when our radio show 's going ~i,'ntis ts, H e believes this excitem ent ceming thl.: present d emand for more tlons held laM Tnesday al'e as Ilows: to, be playe d back, which :lmazt:~ ID(', I'd li.ke, to thank those who cooper~ted pile p oliti cs bas been disadvantageous, ~Lientists he re in ruerica? n' poli t i,' a l par ty blames the other "Whole Man" Needed J ,The ame ndm e n t to <:ha,nge ele."" ":'Ith .~s ~nd, made thl.: show posslb,I,('. , : . S!ttmg he N" a t my loyal type~,ntu. if such s •· .. n tific advancem ents a rl-n't ' I ' h I Illlo. n d a,te of the clas s ofrI('el"~ w as I m l<IDtnded of th a t old sayIn g-, :\ bird In the hand gat.hf'rs no moss, a nd ' b I' e levt:r m I Ie 'w 0 e ! \ s a f Irlll ' . Ik ' h . d I' d I-k , _ " d h II d d " passed, Y eg 274' No 17 -tC pmg t at tn Imn I-e.: to rem Ind you that there are only approximat,.ly m,dt:. " . _ ., , ' llIan all t e we rOlln e cItIzen . ' ' orne kd th a t Europeans began to -, , d I . The a.mendment to ch:lllge the 13 we.:,· k, bdofl' fmal exams and now's the time to buy my Do-It-Younel! D r, Pfl ul'gcr IS a!,'(a mst eve opmg as ' r>h ' KI ' I 'I h f I , confide nce in Americans when H ' I " '." ~ bl d eadline date for nomina tion s fro m ,. I.'atm ~ It, wil e 1 In C ud,'~ t " 0 lOWIn g Items: one ScI of ~r able c uffs lIl any stnct y sCientists as po 1 t:. ., ' ~ , . , ' us la launched its fir s t satellite. the Lvte rary Boa rd was pas ed' one pair of bmoclllar contac t lenscs, a t.wo-way transistor radiO elks tooth " b " H. t: f"0: I8 sClcntIsts are eglllntng to ' , Howeve r, when Dr. Pflueger visi ted · h t t d d b d d Y es 277' No 12 I and. a t no ex tra ch arge, my pamphkt "10 1 Thin ....s to Sav When Caught," rea IIlt t a s u ents l1t'c a roa e u' ", ' - " , '" , , Eur p a few yea rs ago he felt that cation and are sending thcm b a ck to The resolotuion til3lt the s~udeTht (E d_ :'\0t.1: : ThiS produ ct has not. rer:cl\'ed the Good H Ollsekcf'pIng Seal of tht' E urop ea n were much Ie ex ci ted the liberal arts colle ges inst..ad of body paI1ti ci'p a.le in t_h d evelop Approvnl) , , , However, rumor has It that Don Cornd l h .l~ uscd one sur und worried abou t RUMia than the , I"Izmg III , SCience, . nle'lt fllnd throug h se If so"1·1C1't a; t'IOn ccssfuil)' 311 yt'a r specla A erican public is worrie,d. " Science doesn't know about mor- ' was defeated. Yes, 177; No, 325, Sign seen on pilssing Vol kswagon, " Don't stcp on m c, I eat ha rmIul in· He pointed ou t wh y Americans ality and tllC well rounded citizens," sec ts." . - - I lin- in one of those quiet neighborhood. and they'll do anythin~ should not be ashamed or w orried I ~nd concl~dcs, tha t fo r real , success, to keep it that way, The Fire Dept. has an unlisted phone: number. about scientific progress: "We are man can t dJ ctate the currIculum.". In closin g, did you evr..- ge t the feeling this is just one of those Cl' turie, I(ctting control over guid ed mksiles W~l('~ evcryt,hing goes ~rong,? (Coming next week : Comp ~t~ text of W ...bster· and should wait until control is PATRON IZ E OUR ADVERTISERS DIctIOnary 10 Norw g l' lll dIalect, Watch for it !) gained before spending man e y. Today seven PLC lllembe l's will Take pro,qress in stride and do not arri e a.t Augwrta.oa College in FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LIK E . . • lead on in foolish spectacle adven Sioux Fall". South Dakota. to rut· tures.'" tp nd .lhe arulU.a I ELC Student ConRussians Use Slave Labor fl:'l'enl't'. "WE SPEC IALIZE IN FLAT·TOPS" " We ca nnot try to outspend Rus Miss A. Bake-r, PLC a ssi at li Located in IGA Foodtown sin.n5 because they u e slave labor." 406 Garfield S t. LE.7-5317 brarian, drove and is the facul'ty 112th &. Park Ave n ue Ph o ne L E, 7-3 1 0 the Russians, h e explains, the hu 'cha pe rone. Attending from ark land are IM-iri-a m Stoa. D lalla Paul. Jim 1~loren(;e. Glen Campbell, and at • • • BE'\' S\\~an8nn.
- -
I '
ISeuln buies Go
ITo EbC Dleel-.ng
We Outfit Co-eds
EXPERT Cleaning
"Living God's Willi" is the theme of t he conference, w ll'i ch w ill be g in t h i 5 evening,
1 1903 Pacific Avenue PERMANENTS TH A T SATISFY
LEnox 7·3261
C arm Beauty Salon
Blo nch. Lingbloo 413 GARFIELD ST_
lE, 7·7475
P LC -
Samples In Bookstore Window Jon Soine
STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 Pacific Ave: (Foot of Garfield)
We Deliver
Friday, March 7, 1t58
PLC Competing At
Lutes Top Western, Central
LT.~~~~~, !~~~"~!! "{ .,-1
a lr for junior a nd senior division 1 hom e maples as (b ey soundly troun ced the handicapped Central d! ha tors f ro m PLC in the Linfield ' Washin gton Wildcats 72-50 before a .packed house. It w a the r 11 1· M M· ·11 by E un ene Hapala A .... 0 c~, ournam-: nt a t 1 C mnev! e , " second .lnd deciding game of the thr<'e- game DistriLt No. 1 N AI - regon . Th ey compe ted i~ th e twelve Wha t o ther ho~ors could you win in this . leagu e if you w er.c Coac h M a lY playoff S<Ties, after th e ed ging out of~V'------------""cn ts y esterday from 8 .00 a .m. to H a rshma n? O"r 19:> 8 Lutes h anded H ars h hi S fou rth co nsccutlve league fl ag a 54-5 1 ve rd ict in the playoff ope ner lowed by Van Beck with B.. The l I :00 p.m . a n d li ke sch eduks a rc se t las t wcrk, the TAC na med H a rsh to the Pierre C ounty Hall of Fame, and M onday ni ght. closely checked Curtis cont ributed 12. for toda y and tomorrow. now in H a rshma n's fin a l ga me on the h ome cou r t, th e G ladia tot· presented The Lut " who overra n all compe· Th e Lutes' well-worn path to the Thirty·five: sch ools a nd ~bout 7~O , him with his third co nsec uti\"<: .trip to the NAL\ Tournament in K a nsas Ci.tY· 1tition in Eve rg reen Conference pl.ay, foul line was the d ete rmining fac tor " rt~'tants 3re Involvf'! d thIS yea r III The events of th., p.ast thlrtcen seaso ns h a\·.c brou ght a.bollt ~l!a ny thrIlls earne d th e play off berth by d rubbmg ' Monday n ight . E a ch team gained 21 the: Importa nt tourney. PLC has at- t e, H a i'sh, but we d oubt If many ...,,11 com pete wIth the h ec tIC a ctIOn of Mon- \V estern, second rankin~ tea m west of bu cke ts f rom the f. icld, but the Lut I-:nded the lIl ee t a total of twelve d ay a nd T llf·sd ay' s ga mes. the Cascades, 85-62, Sa turday. C en- con rtcd 12 fre e throws out uf 2.2 il" ' rfo a nd a nnu a lly si nce 1949. Since Th e Lutes leave via a ir tomorrow for K a nsas C ity in hopes of brin gin g t ral, a surprise entry in the playoff a nd th e Wildcat:> 9 of 12. Cen tra l held a sli ght 30-28 halftime 195 1, with the exception of last year, hom e th e champ ionship trophy that eluded thl'" ir grasp las t year by a single finals , ed ged out a 6 7-64 win over PL C h a s won one of th e ;wccpsta krs game . A turnout of more than a thousa nd stu de nts a nd fa ns should bc on heavily favored Gonzaga. ed g", bu t C ur t ils a nd Company 3wa rds . hand to sec thr: Lutes off from S,.a·Ta c Airport in the morning. L et us off~ r Lutes T ake Second, 72-30 ma tched th e vi sitors basket-for-basket The Un iwrsity of Oregon will pro· On beha lf of the student body of PLC our con gratula tion s on anothe r Ever· Desp ite th e luss of th eir forward, · in th e second h~lf a nd fi nn lly pullt' .. the biggest competition fo r PLC 'I green Confe renc e cha mpi onsh ip a nd the best of luck a t K a nsas City., fellas! Bill Coordcs, th e Wildc~ts stay.~·d with a hL"ud with :!: 12 remaining. T he spark -(jain this yea r. In othcr tournament..s in rea ch of th e Lu tes III the Itrst half p lU brs of th e Wildcats, Coord es and till y/"il r the two schools hav!'; broken 1 INTRAMURAL STANDINGS Tu esday, tr:;l ilin g olny :!]·2 1. Coordes Kominski, who scored 22 and eight ·.url ), even. At Linfield they will sc rap (Through M arch 4) suffered a n ank le injury in the first points, respectively, left the ,rome vja fo r the junior and senior sweepstakes "A" L ea!,'lle \\'on Lost :10 seconds of the playoff open er in th e fuul route in th e dosing minl1tc"> nd especiall y for the gra nd rotatin g H este rs ....................... 1 t
3 attemptin g a n off-bala nce jump shot. wht·n th ey wcre ll~t"d.:d th e iJlo~l. wl'l'pstakes whi ch PLC won two years PLC c: indenn cn a re readying' for the Roa d Runners ............ 13
3 Curtis sparked the LU lt:S with 20 Lutes Top Western l1JO when it was first given and which m eets to be held this spring. Eleven DcJard ines ..... . .. ..... .... 12
4 ; po ints a s well as 20 rebounds. Roiko, In the semi.playoffs, the ti red Clad men have been working out fOI' the Clover Creek '1\.' ........ to
4 Sahl.i, ~nd Iver~on ~ad . 1 3 , 13 and 10, ia tors, playin g their fourth game in .1 r("gon U. won last year. Professor Theodore O. H. Karl, the track a nd field events. Prairie Dogs ......... ....... 10
5 1respectIvely. ~onlln~kl ~ad, 13 for week, easil: to.ok the m.e~sure of t he deba te coach and head of the speech All-American javelin s t a r John Ivy 'A' ........................ 10
5 Centra l and Blcloh canned tl ll. W estern Washll1gton V lkmg s, 85-62, Celtics ............... ......... 8
oJ . g agam . m . 8 . The Lutes found the shooting ra n.ge to qualify for the playoff finals . rtment, reports t ha t PLC ItaS a Fromm will be spec ia I'IZIU 'll!pa Brc\ vers ............... .. ....... 4
wd l balanced squa d" a nd "they have the spear toss while Keit.h Crelf!Y, a h III the last half aud wound up WIth Th,·. Lutes got off to a slow start 12 U pro\"(:d t h ey can h I. ·t" H. e pom . t ed b Wester n Parkland ... .. . 3
12 ,. a . .4. 55 ,per,centage, topping that of t e but were never seriously th r :alentd. freshman. , will · c h,s un d erstu d y. C re. e Won Lost \' Isltors .288. PLC out - rebounded and turned th e game into a run-awllY I)ut the junior division sweepstakes ley also has ocen hurling the discus. "B" Lea.gu win ovcr Oregon U . at the College of Carl Sc.arcy has been hefting the Warriors ........ .... .. ........ 11
"~I Central 53-36. in the second half. Curtis drove for 4th Floor Frosh ... ... ... 10
4 "Red" R eese, Eastern coach and 28 tal lies and Roiko bu cketed 18. Puge t Sound Tournament recently shot-put alon.1! with Orson Christian 5th FI 0 0 r .... .......... ...... 10
.:lod a lso the senior division sweep- 'o n and Tim Wyndham. Runners in 4 District NAJA official, presented the Rollo Gould s:ored ten for W~.tern ~ • F acu It y ........................ 9
6 Washin gton NAIA championship tro BI·g COD-L.... ta kC5 win at Los Angeles against stiff elude Bob Lee, who will be trying the ,,_ 'l'ak-~ Small CoUe""e CI over C ree k' 'B' ........ J"
9 phy to PLC Captain Tom Sahli in a Th e n_ a t.·o na Ily ran ked S~ one-ha lf and on e mile distances; Dan ' A ttle Chl·~r ~ _ l) mpf'ti tion la~t fall. Ivy 'B' ........................ 4. 5
9 I brief ccn:mony at the end of the tains overran the Lutes 94.60 in SePrafessor Karl and Dr. U tzinger, I Witmer, 220 ma n; Lowell Sheldahl, ~Is '" of the speec:h department, tra v· 1sprinte r, aT'.d Bill Weinerth, sprinter. Brains ... ................ .. .... 2 11~_ g3m~own Central 54-51 Monday auk on Februa ry 28 in a n on-conCer Gunne rs ence game. l ·d with the teams to th e m eet. 1 D a ve Jenkim and Gary G ebhart Stubs ....:::::::::::::::::::::: 2 12 The initia l contes t in the final pl~yPLC held an early lead, b u t cou ld The following people a re PLC's have bee n turning out also for the .- -- uff proved to be nearly a re-creation not find a defen~e to stop All -AI enr nte~tants : S!e n i 0 r Division-Tom track practicing. of the final conference game in EI can Elgin Baylor, who dunked 51 Rce'-e ~ , Don Douglas, Janet Turman.• j' . Organized practice for ba seball be· U knsberg, which the Lutes won 44-42. points. Chuck Curtis, suffering from :I Ikttd ou Macdonald, a nd H crb D cmp- " ins when Coa ch Marv Harshman Te The scoring dud between all·conf,.r- SCVI:) chest cold, ~cored 19 for the .~)- . Junior Division-Jim Tra ynor, " , . . ence Bill Coordes of Ct:ntral and the Lutes.
C,ty.. H owever, iIl · D a II Ofm I , C a I C' apencr, D ave S tuart, I turns . . from Kansas . I equally honored Lute, Chuck Curtis, .-_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _
Jacki e Slat~r, Jcris Randall, J u d li dl\'ldual pra.etlce h a.s been gOing on resulted in a COOl·des victory, with FOR OFFICE SUPPLI E S I for seve ral daYi. The Hestcrs of Thil.·d Ho.o r Ol.d 22 points, but Bob Roiko, playing olle ' Toh nwn, and Louise Kraa bd. Maiu managed to retam their POSI- I of his greatest games, took up the JOOICSEtLEIf. & STATIONEIf
tion as league leade rs in the "A" di·1 slack and popped in 17 poi nts, fol vision. Thq held on to the lead with ' - - - 932 Pa~ific Aven ue BR, 2-4629
a slim m~lfgin over both the DeJar Tacoma, Washington dines a nd the Road Runners. When the intramural hoopsters took 112TH STREET (Airport Road) A N D P A R K AVENUE to the maples last Monday the R oad i Runne rs knock"d o\'e~ th e He~te rs 43 Intramural singles and doubles pin~ I to 33. Jon We.fald hIt If pomts for p~n~ playoffs art: to be played off Fully Automatic
I the Hesters whIle Bob R os.~ conn ec ted wlthm the next week. ; for 13 for the winners . In th e sin gles semi-fina ls Bob Aust ! OPEN LANES
I '·Game of the Week" honors went will play Dave Bernt.sen for one fi~al r Tuesday - All Evening
to the Faculty - Gunners encou n ter I berth. Jon Wdald WIll meet the wm- I Wednesday - after 9 p.m.
which th e Faculty barely won 29· 28 ner of the Rich Hamlin vs. Neil Weh a s Salzman hit 15 for the edging win mer match in the other ~ emi-final Friday - All Evening
F- Id P I Ie men repare ! F T Ie M t: or
ee 5
t ers DeS T H
I SI OOp ot,
C. Fred Christeftsen
.-------------------------------.1 IGA FOODTOWN
Ing- ong eanng T F· I ournament Ina e
Complete Shopping Cente r
Paradise BOWL
ners. The underestimated Gunners playoff. 10707 Pacific Ave. Tacoma squad was out for victory, but fell In doubles play Rich Hamlin and short as the final whistle blew. Sam Gange will team again t Jim Van Phone LE. 7-6012 In the game be tween the Faculty Beck and Dave- .B erntsen fo r the title:. a,. aernle arotman 1 and the Brains, Mr. Salzman led the T .h e PI:C. b~5e b I ~eason opens Faculty to a 49-34 win over the Brains LUTHERAN agam~t U.\\'. 1Il the f lrs'l. week ot h' ped ill .)') points This s~orApl"il. as c pum -~ . . THEOLOGICAL ~w .. • T h b -, d '--" in g splurge by the mtramural d,rector here a.s eeu Uu . a roun t ......,. " f W k" h MARV TOM:MERVIK migM pOBsi. netted 'Score r Q the ee onar.! THE CHURCH IS O N THE M ARCH!
for hi m. bly coac h the base baH team. PLC graduates now studying h ere sa l ute you fondly a nd invite
COACH ;.\ IARV HARSHlVI'AN was Coming up on the intramural (.al you to consider the Holy Ministry as your life work.
over at the CPS Heldhouse yester· t"ndar is the free throw contest. Each d ay scouti ng for. btisketball talent rontcs tant tosses o ne hundred frc c THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958
at ,the Clas s A hIgh schoo l to urna- I . . . men t I wo nder for whom lle was 1throw·. IndIVIdual and dorm honors Chorles B. Foel.~h, Ph.D., President Xl70 Ma rin Avenue, Berkelll)' 8, Canf.
We prOYill. Chl cking aael Savillgs AccoDits alld all other I ·STREET ballk services BBAH for college studtllts
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5COtttillg-P LC or i arc givr:n. HARSH:'dAN a n d his squad donkeys a nd "De sk J o ckeys" suf . fe red an 11·8 defeat in t.he b enefiJlt I <Ion key basketball gam e 'held over LOCKED OU T? in th e CP S Fieldhouse last Su nday !Iigh t. Some have a t tr ibl1,ted the losR to weak defensive 5 e t·'lr~S by the donkey,;.
Parkland Cycle & Key CALL ME!
N il
11802 PACIFIC AVE. -N. ~
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1130 Broadw3\'
PHONE LE . 7-71 00
Paoe Four
Friday, March 7, 1958
Mission Crusaders Learn of China; Preparations Now Underway Nurses Elect New Semester Officers For Saga Carnival in April CRUSADERS CRUSADE t thr' last mcetin!'" " of Mif~i0n Cru <'ld~ l>, Da\'id Shen pre~pnted color~d ~ c ~Iides on student work in Hong Kong. Accordi ng to David the Luthcran hu n:h is ad\'ancing slowly; its pco pic han: their meetin g:; in small build in~5 because they have no I a lrlg e hUTC hes. C ollege students hold meetings just like thei r brothers in America, along with ca mpus witnessing, weekend rc !r(':t ts a nd social sports. Ekmentary schools have little con nection with God's Word, but the c rnl'ssl'o narl' c~s a r"~ gradually pen.·tratl·ng their walls, stated David . Brought up at the mee ting was the International Voluntary 5 e r vic e s, · h prcscn t s a c h a II enge for any w h IC . young co II ege gra d ua t e t 0 b e a witness _ f' . lJl a orelgn. country u~der Its .gov ~rnmt nt. ThIS year's assignment IS to " 1 . . d h t (" CIVI sel:vant-typc pOSItIon un. er the IndoneSIa n Government covenng " . d a two-year peno . . _. . _. Appll' ants must mtc t cel tam qual-
This year's Saga Carnival promises ' at Pacific University, Forest Gro\ ,
Iifications as only
the high est type of Christian candidates arc selected. Nec essary characteristics arc: leadership, depe ndability, emotional stability, pos itive Christian living, cooperation, in dustriousncss .• ability to adjust, pa tienee, ability to share and a compe teney in at least one professional a nd / or vocational ficId. Pastor Lutnes is to be contacted by interested students.
Tonight skates will hit the icc at the Lakewood Ice Arena a.~ FTA's party gets underway. The rink has been rese rved for PLC from 10:30 un pm til 12'30 '"
MISSIONS ARE AIM OF LDR E h h ac mont the Lutheran Daugh tcrs of th e Reformation send money .... to certam nllSslOnanes. At the mcetlings eyery second aDd fourth Wedncs . day at 4:15 p.m. vanous programs are .. L' . . gl\ en. mda HUld has shown shdes of her Europea n trip with the summer ca mp proj ec t.
The spring tea for faculty wives is I now being planned by membe rs of WAR-MONGERS! LDR. Clo\"Cr Creek Hall and Village h as agai n withstood the vicious and atro cious assault p erpetrated by the warmongers of Old Main.
Council Members Head for Confab
Serving PLC through Chri tian use of f ree pre~s.
to bring some finc entertainment Oregon. fore the PLC student body du ring the The Rhythmaires will present " Carnival week-end, April 18-1 9, ac progTam of popular favorites lU wcJl cording to gene ral chairman Jim Bul as several of their famoU5 comedy rou· tines. The quartet is composed of th t lock. On Friday, April 18, at 8:00 p.m. following members: A. C. HingstoD, i? the CMS Auditorium the corona- tenor; Ralph Shumm, I e a d; E. L tlOn of the Sa.ga Queen and. King will Cooper, baritone; and George Horner, take place wlt.h the. crownmg of the bass. . . Que~n. Crowmng WIll be ~one by Mr. Saturday mght, agam at 8:00 p,m., G ernt Vander Ende, preSident of P in the CMS Auditorium, the LetterVOICES SOUND FOR HELP cific First Federal Savings & Loan men, whose president is Curt Kalstad , Jerry Bayne, Student Cong regation [' Association and alsO. general chainnan will present an old PLC tradition, thl!' director, extends an invitation and of the PLC Development Fund. Le ttermen', Mi nstrel Show. Joe Danplt:a for voices to heIp beautify th e Elections April 15 l' ielson and Jack Holl are in chars .: of > . P'lacf1 cs e . arc a t 6 :30 p.m. 0 f th e semor ' mg an d th e th e S . a t urday m.g se rn.ces EI ectJOn ' . k' . ht show. TIIe L e.tter every Thursday mght m the CMS. freshman queen will be on th e same men's chorus WIll be under the du'ec day as student body ele\:tions on Tues- tion of Jerry Bayne. NORTH HALL SELL WARES day, April 15. After the shows in the auditoriu "Anyone for a Tootsie Pop?" was M EV e.g vanson and l:rna Ro b'Illson each night all arc invited down to the th(' North Hall slolva n for a last week . C h arge 0 f t h to show F " re III . ri d ay evc gym to join in the gala carnival gatn cJ a~ tht'y practiced their salesmanship in ning. Cal Capener will be master of and entertainment. Door prizes will be offered. the CUB. Gwen Thomas and Gun ceremonies. bjorb Ladstcin chairmen of the proj I Rhythmaires To Entertain Main purpose of the Carnival is t " . . ect, report apprmomatdy $11 profit. For ('ntc-r-tainment, Saga has ac raise money to help finance the cos. North Hall's treasury will receive quired The Rhythmai.rcs, "male quar of printing the Saga. Jim Bulloe} • this profit and it in part will be used tet of distinction." They an~ the host .ays, "remember to save your penuie, f or a mIxed . party the donn has quartet of the All Northwest Ba rber for the fun-filled weekend of the Saga planned. . shop Quartet Contest held each year Carnival, April 18 and 19. Secon d semestci' has b rought 5ev era I new nurses to the campus and th erefore many new members to Ddta Iota Club. New leaders of this group were recently elected: Janet Towe, presidcnt ; Marilyn Nickelsen, vice president; Donna Giger, seen~tary.; Betty Johnson, treasurer; and Julic Simmons, ICC.
(fIi/JAt I
Student Council memb ers Patti PRE SS
Expert Dry Cleaning
Hing-queen Dames i Due In on Apr.-I II
Finn, Lois He'llbel'g, Paul Engel a.nd EDITO R .............. DAVE CROW NER Jim Bullock leave this Wednesday News Editor.................. H erb Dempsey evening for the Evergreen ConferSAGA Queen candidates' names Repo I'f:ers: Teddi Gulhaugen, Barb en ce Student 'B ody Associaltion an- must b e turned m . to the Saga office S~uhJm iller, Ba rbara IsaaCllon, Dick Hnal spring confererlce. to b e held fl. her, Larry Johnson. I. _ _.. o~ or before April.llth~ accompanied . M reh 13·1 " lilt tJ f' T l1lvennty of WIth t r ' 5.0P re O'ls '~att fcc. r eatu re Editor..... _Marilyn Donaldson British Columbia. 0 r ~amzatlOns . . . d IVI " d ua Isca n I and m R r polers: Solveig Lera as, Joey Dan~'I ' f t ~h it'lson, Bob Bills, Earlene Burcham, • am eat ure of e three-day best do this, according to Jim Bullock , convention is the discuss ion groups . Saga business manager, by means of )Ia Mae Mathis.• Bob Fleming. Another i tem on th E: progl'am will a roving petition or the fee call be Sports Editor............. _D en nis Marttala be the EI' ergreen Confel'enee bu si taken out of th e organization's treas R .. porters: Jim Kittilsby, Tim Wynd ury. The Queen candidate must be a ham, Han)' Sannerud, Dick Good ness mee ting. One })urpolle of ~, he eonvent.ion is fr es hman women . wi n, Eu gene Hapala _ King candidates' names do not need T ypist .......................... Laurie Beecroft to break n e w ~tudent body offi cers in on stude nt governmeIlJt affairs. to be accompanied with a registra tion usinoos ,Ma n R.ger .. Mary Lou Engen Although P ,a cific Lul·heran has not fcc, but candidates' names are due at Ad Soli tors: Rod P att9l'8On. Lois yet had student bod y elections, the same time as the Queen candi And ..n n, Linda Scharf. -those who arE: not seniors are being dates. The King candidates must be P hotographer..........Mr. W. M eKewen sent. senior men. A rti~t . .......... _...............Dick Londgren
Bookkeeper............... _.._..Carol Hou se iN'ul31tion .........................PlIIttl F.ln~
Exchange ................. .......-.....Joy LeWIS
h l .. Ch- rk.. ...... .. .. ............La ni e Ha cgar I
Ac:lvi.or.........._..... _........ M r. M . Ncsvig P ublished Fridays of the sc hool year by students of PLC, at Parkland, W hington. Office: Collese Union Building. Phone LEnox 7-86 11, Ext. 41.
Laundry Service
M r s. Jo Summers
Pho ne LEnox 7-4300
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Chair Taur SII Far April Illh
ea In Final Au Tamarra 'dack and Ih
anlwild Dabbs erlarms
Cance He I ext ulsday
M .t tl iw Iicb D o bbs, co lo r.ltura sopr, no, will appear in (011 eal a[ aci fic Lutheran C liege nex t Tuesday. March 18. at 8 . 30 p .m . in thl:' CMS. Admission for srudents will be on the Sr Idem Artist Series ticket. -I he Atlanta-born suprano made her widely-haikd debut at Mdr politan Opera in November. 1956. The first Negro to sing
Two of tht! forty R oc ·ic let Bro t h l' r s' Thl-ological FclJ uw hiP'> 01 15; 1iOO w .. rt: awart\"d to PL ~ nio Da,·id Knutson a nd R oger O lson. T hr .11 La Scal~, Mi, s Dobbs h,,; ,,1,o~lJ-----· . fd lowships a rc to any seminary ir Th ', Unit" d Statp, and th , awat tend lot ed a t tbe Glydt bo urne :lnd Edin- C tt~ talt (' n: ' .\n 3 ri n f!'Om "Lucia di only ,WI'l' a p erind 01 nn, yt ' r a nd :>[1 r u -"I. cl.nd ill f"eit I, ope ra La rnmt·Tm uo r . ' by Donizr:tti, will con FRI.. MARCH 14. 1958 not lT n(·w:l hJr. . PA R KLA N D, WASH. VOL. 35, NO. 18 tla .. Ill l!h l.iu t W stl.m Eur- du de th e fil'st half of the prog ram. Thr 171 () will l"OV' , ,,'" , h.· rd F lIowi n, th,' iutl'nnis ";on, the:- pn ,.<1 tui t iu n, II 1 h. m. n " It h 11, r \. s u p' . lie Lu t ion llam t w i\! co ntinue w ill l hh l ' )Jl.m to atte nd U" i o n The 10 ·CO.! F ran d scu Opr·ra ill the "S ; In S WI ' a"aient dt" ail " a nd em inaT) in N ew York C Ity. T it nfter J '[urni g IrOIlI n " Rnni, ":Uh a u ss on'~ "L" ~ P apille ns," amount wiJJ 110w $300 for e t' t ms\<: co ncert tOUl of :\mt r:'l lia. " I.e CI·IillI i" and "La Ciga!e" ; and spendi nS money.
h w n 10)'al l eCo1;; nitiun when "he :-\ic'!s"rson's arrangt'lnt'llt of two Cn'u ,t oJ. Comlll ltld Performa nce i rl th ok s(Jn~; ', "Li r Itl' , m a ('hon' :Jmi, " MOTe th.Ln 25,(01) ~cholanhips fOT There arc lips on sdec tin.g you r B th Dav e and Roger will leave in Lf b I' () I Am ri ' IU who wish to study abroad school in a nother country, an •" plana eptcmbet of 1958. R oy 0 III r • ou ~,· e o re ._ U ~ tn ,' a nd " Mi ehi,'u Ba njo:' EI W1 be th, tilt British R oya l f::'ICJ ily A ftt'r "I-l i~ Mama Do Lon:: di " ~lnd for fo rei gn stud~nts who want to tion of deg re.e and credit n:quirenlLnt, . nd the ' i. itl n~ K ll1 .p.- :lnd Qutw of Chil,-," L) Jam e" the ('on c It will fill- ~tudy in th e C nited States, Te listed of bOlh U. S. and forei gn ('du cation al weden S" ,·d< n , Ki ng Gustav d<:c-I i,h w ith " M ::! So ul's Be,-n :\nchond in Ih.. new 1958 edition of th e Hand .yst,.lllS, !on'ip;lI tu. ency. ur~lo:d h t w ith his country's 0 dl_r ,' if, dl' Lo rd;' by P ri l'c. , book on International Study I'{'ctntly !:lleS, alllt a n CXl enSI\ C lllbhOgraPh Y ,' L th . '" D bb I l b ' . publ ish ed uy the: Institutt· of Int("T lrl Ihr field of international ed ucation . o t til • or t ar. ,nlS, O . s, W IOI:1S t ( n acclaImed ' A sprcial sf'c tion con rs summ er tudy . The Pacifi Coast Poe try ssocia I n h el' Ut; da" n igh t pedO tmaI,Ce bv (' ritic thr u ~hu"t h country h a s " " li unal Education. ' D 0' bb ' \Vl'11 ope n ,\vlt . h I C:I I'$;0 bt'e- It ...:3 II (' d' '" tIle L cna H orne ' , uf The Handbook, now in it~ second abroad. . tl' on a nnoune,· tha t ~ ".. n tholo'"' of t PLC , "''''I 15 . . . , uatro "_, [ a d Il ga Ias "A rn a I onos. · ' "b \. I Ih L con e r t staRe " " I!;Uld This sec 0 II d edition of th IIE outstandl·n.'"fT p o'try 011 c..~ny .mh'CCI m L tnuute to h rr dltlOlI . ' IS a h ow-t, . . ' e on mtcr . .'W .. Rod ri e . Followin that will b t f' u" aPP'cU':mce. : lIall o n. 1 educa tI o n WIth mforrnanon H a ndbook has se\'c ral new features, composed by stu d en ,i PacIfic Caul . . E, nlZu eC. . . ran 'Vi. lH! . Iu d'mg 31st I' 0 t- U . S . co 11eg es an d schools is be ing pn'p:ln' for pub IIca It n l<m Jro m Schu ber t: ~, D ie Sl" rt <,(·ntly mad" he 3.dh n,'s when ' .from.. whf'n'. to !iitud)' nuclear lIle ., "s I' k ' t ' .. . h t I . d T. J I ' '1 L..~ In Sweden to th e exchange uniwrsitic s offeril"'"" 'pedal English tl'Oll thl's surl,mer. ph) lUll.!; an L aun • t: Ig r 1 , at . II IUafT1(, n "ngt anson, a CC' u mms t . - ' and " L I ' ·bhaL· ' ~~ II c n f or :l,<;:[ (I .A lly . , !'nt"I"'sted t ud n l ;we t ht • " d l ' ,,:nc., t ' l- m :, h 0 I 111,S wet I"n, nnv gp ape r. ralt: of th e Indian rup'-': . It not onlv . la ng-u:1 - . gr.' cou rSt7S to foreign - students" "' , li slS tli t" :!.5,OOO awrrrds nnd g rant. of a t~ tl stlcal r~sume of "xehang-ccs bF opportunity to have t heir work pul> . _.
new n Farei n tu Haw Au ilabll to All Stud nls
" .
PAth I aelrg n a ogy ea dl-Ine march 31 :., ...
It. / I I
A S·,mple
Accou nL ror You.. 't; r
Il l:lU ' o nrIicting rumor. any vf th e (\lnls of th" a ccident saH .1bout th c ' f1d ay, M arch 7, I 58, wha t has been told them by the truck driv, , an d Patrolman Ku ight of th e i\ebm,ka ' ta lc Highwa y P atrol. C lenn Cam p ell, sleepi.ng in t he . rig ht hOllt ~eat at thc tim, of th r: accidull, C J!l tt) consl: ious!l e ~< four rt tlw cumplr- le hours aftt~r in ~ p ulled o u t of the cnr. Ih. anj d"111 n rece i, eu fron, The roof of tht: car had cav"d in on mu~t rtli.wlt ,ource3. W e h ope thi s hi s h -ad and ('ar, givi ng him f.,cia l will ~ n'c to u fi f a nswe rin !;" arl' e ll ts and quirin'S stitc he ~ in hi, caT. tlu!>t Ul1b h i," mi .. h t • din~ ctl'd to Ji m F1uT nct, also .b\erp, n'('(- ivcd ,II. ;; • f tilt' ~u"i\'or!> of the wreck. fa cial lact'l <Iti ns, :IS d id Miss Baker. 'fh. .1[. d,i n ' n by Mi,s Almy,·u Th,' y both became aware of the wreck Jerr, PLC s~ ist a nt libraria n, was when th(' y wc rc outside the C;\I, and p •...,., 'd mg a t 20-25 miles p e l' hour then frCl'dl'd into a sta te of shock and hr.u h n I.. a v)' mo wfall .With very , UIl C(JIlSl.iou>IICSS. not being a f I Y ad ' nd lti"n.~ . While going into any of th.. incidents of th tragedy. ... cu rve t he . r went out vf control, Tht'ir fit £! unconscious reaction to the: fu rni 'll' ,-om pl"" ly around so that the accid, nt, while in shock, was one of n It rt·.u I n del ~as hit by an on p rayer, as related by the Nebnuka um i n~ 5t~m i·t ruek Sta te Pa tml. Thl thn'(' girls were in the back Th( Hi ghway Patrol said th e inci ,('a, all .id c(·p, Mi riam Stoa and Diana den of t h, eck werc unavoidable u l w en- IIltd i n~ t , ntly with Jean due to tht, bad weather conditions. dte O lson dying moments later at th e Pastor N orris Stoa, father of Miriam, s,'l'ne of t h e tragedy_ fcIt that the accident was "the finger NOD of the survivors remember of God." D UI
l 'I:~~::~a::,nb:)t-Oaldl J. so' 'ff~rstt~ sntths~h~~aq~:~~
llIcnts for these p rogram s, describes 1.\Ultrkall and fu n -i n education, and oi" m~t: ; go\Trn ment n ' ul tions a f (c<' tilll the internati unal student. d!oi rship pro ~r'uns listed range frou, {[rants for the mature special ist 110 a w ' l d, fo r ttr" 1fT d~r. !
twr-,'n th " U. S. and ther countri c.s for the last 35 ean, an d a chro nology of the m ::. io r evellts in in! matio 3l education. fh. p rirc of th e H a ndbc'ok i, $3.00 . . and lJIay b~ obtarn cd from the Instl tute of In.t ~rnat i On 'll F.d.ucation, ~91 G eary Str('('t, San Fr«nclsco.
lished. C on tributions II1llSt b the ori .inlll work of l he stu d..nt (who hall retain literary I i I! ts to thL 'It..rs ,I), sub- mitt..d to D. L vman C ox, Lx..cutl\ S ' c ~ tary, P ac.ifi oast POI-tTy . 5SO ciatioll, BoX' 302, D k l 'y, ,. lifoml·, • with the entrant's ria c. ndd n :ss and school.
Entries which a r(-' n t accep for pu blica tio n ca nnot be a cl.."IIowJ,:dgc:d nor can the ASsocliltion mpcnsat students fOl the try pub1iI1h ed .\ 11 I gw en of Mothers' Wtcke ld will b e entries must be postmark.-.d o n o r ~ crowne d in a fo rma l " e l~emoIl y. cof fOrL m idni ' ht, M .lrrh 31, 1 58, to be fee h ou r w ill foUow the Satu rd ay ,,"e consid.-rcd. a nd the d ecision! of the ning p rollTa m . Festivities will close :\s50ciation judg.- .n: final. with the Sunday Stu ent C ong rega tion worship s n·ice. Assi;.ting th e gu1,ral ch"inna n in preparation for th mothen' coming On M arch 28 students of P LC will are: publicity, Dia ne R ap p ; Frid ay night mixer, Marilyn Greenman; Sat be USIng the Tacoma YWCA swim urday night program, Joan ne- Van ming pool from 8:00 to 11 :00 p.m., in Lierop; rdreshmcnts, Annette F oeg '; a party being sponsored by the soph om ore class. and corsagt's, Diane S""ton. Cost of the swimming will be 50 Invitations, Esta Swanson; W e s t cents per person. Also, ca c:h swinuru:r Hall, Janet Erenstrom; North Hall, is requir~d to b ring a h ealt h Ce.rtiIl Margn:the Gregerso n ; and South Hall, cate which will be made available in Phyllis Peterson_ I the infirmary.
eekendOpens This venlng • f othe rs of PLC girl. bcp:in th ' r ·t:tkend sta y a t th" college this a fte r noon \\-,th n:gistl-ation to b follow ed by a n ixt r in South Hall lower lounge ·ening. lI rha ra Johns n, enclal eh 'rman, exp d, " We Wtln t the m othe rs to expenenct: a little of th: col1e~ life and fed like thLY aTC a pa rt of the sch ool during their visit. It IJ hoped that the students extend the mothers a real welcome." Girl. wiJJ present the ir m others with cors..gc' at the 1J,>gi nning of their stay. .\mong the a(tivities in which the mother. will be p a r ticipa tin g are liv ing in the donus and going through the lunch line. Saturday evening a
Swimming Party Set For YWCA. March 28
Page Two
Friday, March 14, 1958
••• to the Editor
Get Up and Act
Achieve the Goal EfFectively
This editorial ' concerning the proposed resolutio n to crea te March 11 1958 a special trust fund from a six dollar per semester assessment o n , , all f u ll tim e t udents to rais e S 100, 0 for the aidin g in buildin g To the Editor: By BOB a s wimming pool f o r P acific L u thera n College. Now : before you H"lgh, lto. At prt'sent I'm writing' a history of civilization cntltled "From I, and others to whom I have ~pokmull over all yeur Ileg ati attitudes, if any, towards this propo hOdes T .H"S to Toeless Shoes," or "75 Way.; to P ronounce Gina Lollobrig- en, am opposed to the propose man sition, let me prese t lbe f o llowing f o r y o ur consid cra u n: ida .' . . . Finally fi gured out what U.S.S .R stand ' for: Union of Silently datory f cr:: for the co II eg~ swimming I. Several stud n ls (they could have been anyon~> w ho real 'wallowed Republics. . .. My solution to the problems of this world-ulcen , pool trust fund. nt.n a us bl "tkdowm, hypt;r-tr, nsion. indiscriminate nail-biting-i~ to do away If we can assess t.hose student; not ized. as docs almos t ever y P L C stud ent withou t exception , tha with all url~ fcas c s! Just think, now Have you ever seen anyone ca rrying a yet attending school, why then can we we a~ students should upport the development of PLC. got to bTidc, sa wne. wasn' t rushing to get sornewllCre ? ... You think you've got not assess tho!!; students that han; gether in In effort to f ind a w ay In which to f u lfill thiS n eed . trQublt's; I kn ow a guy who crilllped and ;aved for five long yean to go preceded us ? Th,;y would have just They thoug ht t h e mat! \! r over very carefully. worked h ours to uUt t CaLifol1lia from Nt;w York. He finally makc3 it ; gets off the bus; as much voi c: in this matter. By mak draw lip a proposai w hich hey beli ve w i thout a doubt will do Ihl'i re hold ing l quiz show in the terminal; someone asks ha n question; ing the resolution retroactive we could a t least as good J job a any proposa l. and then l00k steps to b r ing he aU.l.wers it correctly.; and ten minutes later be's on that same bus going pay for the swimming pool, in effect, this proposal befo re the student body f o r an intelligent Yote. to new York-first prize! when we voted next T uesday. First they h a d a long talk with Dr. Eastvold and in ex ch a nge New Movie Dept.: I Was a Teenage Old Man . . . . Say, what'll they As long as the money is to be held for the proposal got the President's wo rd that the pool w uld get think of next dept .: Now they've got chlorophyl! foot powder-makes your feet I in' tlLl. t, I would suggest that an alter- top priority on the seco nd phase. Eastvold stated that it would kissing sweet . ... T acoma's got new Meter Maids and arc they conscientious. 1 nate resolution be drawn up giving be up to the students to accept or reject the pro posa l. The commit 1 went downtown three days and got six tickets and I don't even have a car. the students each 'ear the opportunity tee also got rhe okay f Mr. Peterson, and then went to work . . . See where they're putting street lites up bdlind the libra ry, Tish, tish. of voting on the mandatory -ass visiting dorms and ta lki n g personally with peop le to pre nt the . . . Ne Boo Dept : How To Raise Children at Home for Fun and Profit. ment. In this manner r;\'cryonc would proposal to everyone . Personal: Is it true that DOll Cornell's middle name is Oops. When he ha"" a voice in the matter. Such a maj o r iss ue as the assessment. I feel, should co rn e be was being baptized they dropped him .... Last nite I dreamed I was eating Sincerr.1y, fore the entire student body in a general el ection , as shou ld a n y (signcd ) Dwayne D. Pet.. non proposal for participati o n in aiding in the development of PLC shl't"ddcd wheat. Then I woke up and h::>1f the mattress w a s g O Il t' . . . . I'll .Jw :I)'S remember 1Ic.1'. I asked if I could see her home so she sent me a picture ___ Each proposal should haoe equal ch(JrJce before all the voters. of it . She's stood me up more tunes than the Star Spangled Banne.r. Some Dear Editor: 2. Up to now the tudents of PLC have been giving thei . ~irb take you for what you are-she took me for what I had ... , I'U never Why did I risc to the floor la.st postenors a com f ona bl e l 1' f e. U p to now t Ile stu d ent b 0 d y 0 f PLr> ,~ forget th first time we kissed. We were both drinking out of the same foun- Tuesday in Chapd when there were has been a "Do Nothing " organization. We have to have every I ' when J turned ff the water. It was ecstasy! ... We went Shopping, I only a. few minutes left in the meeting thing fed to us on a sp oo n, and if we don ' t like the food what is took her to one store.: and she said: "What a beautiful diamond! Lt" t' go buy and take a stand against The Pro-lour action ~ Blame someone ! Criticize : D ig up negative attitude I itl" And we did-right by it. . . . The'n she kissed me and I knew it was posal ? I will here attempt to sc.:t forth 1The song about someone doing somerhing for us that we don t puppy love; her nose was cold. She said I was kind, generous, considt'rate- a few th ill gs Ihat caused m e to oppose Iltke has bl!cn played more than once . but I left her. She forgot pretty. And so ends another thrilling chapto:: r in I the measure. So here is the chance f o r us to grow up. to take some responsi the lives and loves of Stuporman for another week. Many of the arguments that are be- r b ility, to do something constructive instead of griping, to get o ff ing used to support tht; swimming l our b ottoms and institute a little progress on o u r own part. It' s pool assessment are irrelevant to the il glorious o pportun ity for us to gain confidence in ourselves . to IGA FOODTOWN issue. They are applicable to the point show tha t e are thi n k ing college students and to sho w others that we should support the devclop- I that we ilre capable of making serious decisions. Com plete Shopping Center lllent fu nd, but they.have little weight 3. It is tn!e that givin!?, from .~he heart is a higher ethical m. o t1 2TH STR E ET (Ai r port Road) AND PARK AVENUE wht'n any attempt IS made to apply ttve than haVIng mon ey take n through assessm ent, bu r thl' '-;;:;:;:;:==;:;:;:=;:;:;::;~==============S them to the swimming pool. proposal is to put a cross a business transaction; it presents he '" I There is a ddinite need that the administration with at least SLOO,OOO in return for a rush JO ' PARKLAND GRILL students support th e Development f on the pool. If a minister asks you to give to yo ur ch urch out 0 M ONDAY THRU SATU RDA Y Fu nd., but I have still to be shown ! love for Christ. that is one matter, but runnin g ch urch dif EASTER that there is a n';ed for the pool. I ferent [h a n building a swimming p oo l in an allotted time. Why 7:30 a.m. to 7: 30 p. m, G REETI G CARDS SHORT O RDERS DINN ERS heT' apply the Holmes-Brandais Ra- aren't there near eno u gh church ed Lfices today ? You tell me. tion !,~ and I cannot j~&tiI?- t he ex \Ve wunt to help the development o f PLC. We wal1l a pool. 528 Garfield St. _LEi. 7-9937 _ pendxture on ~ po~1 whIch I. not the We want it soon-the sooner the better. So we set a goal. Why now in stock for .==========::'::=::':::::;~ most .needed Item III the present im not meet this yoal in the most effective, and probably the only pcrattve. The need f OT the pool may eFfcctit.'e way ? EDWARD FLATNESS your selection b t' c om c changed or dis~ppea.r if 4 . If you just (an not po sibly raise or get six dollar.. ve r a Didr id Agul mon~y ~omes from th.':: outslde~ I do five mon th period and that k e ep~ yo u from attendi ng PLC. then LUT HERAN MUTUAL LIFE INstlRANCe not fcel tt h.a5 b.een proved that ill any I would sa)' YOll h ave grounds for voting a gainsr assessme nt COMPANY I h 1 PLC BOOKSTORE a.s mct tIe ( Perhaps a service club o n campus could h.1Ye a m oney ra iSin ca st· ;J s":'LIluDing poo P. O. Bo. 275, Parkland LE.1-0826 needs hlch. th: p r?ponen~ of the proj ect for such n eed y persons ) , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'========================::::: measure ay It WI ll . 1.hcrc .wtll also be If there is someo ne w h o just piai 1 d oes n ' t wan t L support th,' expen:f" ?f upkeep whIch m~y ex- this schoo l with .s ome thing bes id es w or <; , th en that IX n would t d t.ht: hmlt of the assessment de!- d o w ell [0 re- examin e h iS reaso ns an d co n vicrions f or hemg ;1.[ initdy. Pacific Lutheran College . 5. Some people propose so licitat ion aga ·n. I w a n t to s~ :lC . S in('~ I dol no t SC'~ ~hc prest'nt and I m mc~lat:· . uec.d, a~ . mee feel the~e tion. and feel tha t through as sessme nt e can a ch ieve de:Iin ite. I, nl) JU5ttflcat.onlor ImposlIlg the WIlli g uaranteed. presentahle. co ncrete result~ as opposed to II solicita of the maJority on the minority (al- tion program which r feel w ould be wishy-washy and in d f ini te. though his is the principle where and the solicitors could not guarantee figures or results f their m'ccssar) ), I must oppos. · the swim- campaign to. students or adminis tration. ming' pool assenmenr. Obviously you see my o p ini o n . This mayor may nOt be H. J. DEMPSEY. yours. But it is agreed that the principle involved is tha t w e PLC:
1 '
I. I
'=======-=-=-======='1 FA HI0N
3820 So th Yakima
students finally a~c?mplish som ething worth~hile. Th ' rd'o re. w hatever your oplOlUn . choose a co urse of actIOn that w ill e action and that assures LOncrete results. And then ac t! -Dave Crow n er , editor
• . . ' . a! I I
Jon Soine
I ~~~~~~~
Parkland and Vicinity
Phone GR. 1-3371
PHONE LE. 7-7100
Hesters Crowned 'A' League Champ; Warriors, Frosh Likely '8' Co-Champs
The Third Floor Old Main Hesters cinched the "A" League 'ttle as tbey dow ned the Clover Park "A" quintet 53 - 37 Tues a . Ted Johnston led the champs with 13 poin ts in the clincher. The Hesters were first round winners of the "B" League. This accomplishment permitted them to graduate to the "A" Lc gue. In their initial test in the "majors" tbey dropped the fi rst
P age T hree
G la ds Stymied Two Years by Single Point
rou nd winne rs of th e " A" League, Iv)'-9 - - - - - - - - - They fini sh ed the first p.m. Thursda y to dcte nnine wh ether un d with 1. 8-0 win-Ios~ record a nd there wOHld be a first place tie or if ha 'C only lost thrce in second round the W a rri or" would be champs alone. mJ)(' tition. 5th Floor play; the S tubs tomorrow at The D eJardincs .md R oad Ru n ne rs 10:00 a.m. tied for seco nd pl a ce in the " ma jor" INTRAMURAL 5T ANDINGS I It:; c. Dick Cla re headed the D eJar (Through March 12) inc sco rers ith 24 a s they overran "A" Lea gue \V thf" Clove r Creek " A" five 70-54 to H e.s tcrs ... .... ______ ____ ____ __ .____ ____ __ 13 nakc the second place knot. "G ame of the Week" honors go to Ddardincs _.. .. ___ __ .. __ __ ___ __ .. __ __ 1,; 4 h Stubs.. The lowly rated S tub team Road Runn!'rs ____ __ .. .. ____ ...._.. _ I ~, 5 it ack at the win column as they Prai ri e Dogs ... __ _.... __.. _.. __.. .. _.1 2
Time Runs Out I n PLC 's second contest, W edn da y night, of th e a nnual " big () ; ' I • the NAL\ Basketb,-II T ournament, t h e G b d ia tors lost a heart-breaker in the las t two ;econds 92-91. ( Last year the L utts w cre sh aded 71-70 in last e ight seco nds of th e semi-final of.1I " with T enn essee Sta te ) . G eorge town College of corgetown. THREE BIG STEPS stepping out of t he L u t e (I. to r.) senior Captain Tom Sahli, Coach Marv Harshm an, and senior Kentu cky, edged the Lut in the Lute Jerstad. Sahli and Jerstad leave Gladville via graduation. Harsh overt ime game which e nded in a 80-80 m a n goes to his new position at Washington State College th is spring. tie at th e end of the n : la tion play. The Gla ds Wl're minus th :;e m 'on :19-26 over Ivy "B " Gordie Gra d of C hu ck C urtis du ri ng the last 14 ';A-';.. .vQh l p a ced the S tubs scoring with 0 TIli n ut es of the occond half a nd in th ltlUnters. C dti cs .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. -- ..... --- ..... - 8 9 I ~L· o,""rti me. Tom S..hli left the game ", corcr of the Week" Wa& Rog er Brewers - ..... ---....-- --.. --- --- - 5 12 L ~ with five fouls with five minutes rc B~ ken who pumped in 26 poinh for W(:slt'rn Parkla nd -... - 3 H L ;maini ng in the ; econd half. C huck h-y " A" to lead them to a 67 -38 vic hy Dennis Marttala I ~a\·t:s for his WS C p os.lton :lS head mana "'ed 22 points while T am h it 19_ t TV over the CeltiC!. " 8" League W L PLC', G ladiators will ue missing basketball coa ch i n April. Jim an Beck sparked the Lute:;' ef"20 or More" scc.rers this w eek Wa rriors .. ______ __ .__ __ _______ __ __ .. ... .1 :! <1 th n: big "wheels" in the Lute hoop Lutt: J c rstad has been a hus ieI' on fort to corne out on top as he pumped m:",; Bakken 26, Mitchell 25, Mr. '~4 th Floor Fro. h __ __ ____ __ .. __ .. __ 11 '~"mac hint:" next ~e as on. Coach M a rv the Lute squad for the past four sea- in 25 counters for' PLC. Bob R oilo - IDn an 24, Clare 24, Paul Carlson *5 th Flo.)r - .. .. .. -.. - -- ... . .. ____ __ 10 5 JI;u shma n and seniors Lute J erstad sons. This year the migh ty m ite h as 1got 12 points. 2', G radwohl 20, and Dua ne N ew Fomlty _.. ..... ___ .... ...__ .. ____ __ _.. _.. 10 6 and Tom Sa hli bid fa rewell to Alma bols tered the Gladiator attack s the J ack Gmtt; stole the show from all ton 20. *h 'Y " B" -.. .. .. ..- ----- -.. 5 10 M a tI: " this spring _ "sixth" m an. His speed h , always I scorcrs as he paced the K cn tuck T h e champion of the "8" L eague Bra ins -.......- -.. .. --.. f) II Coac h H a rshma ll is com p leting- h is been a m e nace to the opponents . Lit- I winners with 38 markers. Th e C lover Creek " B" ..--....--- - .. - 5 11 thirteenth yea r as the basketball men- tl e L ute d'd I n t h e opemn . g tl'1 t o f t h c NAI .-,. ·· . w not k nown a t press tmle. I not enter t h c g<UlIe seol' Warriors were leading the league b y · Stubs .- -- -- .... --- .. .. --...... -.. -- .. - :' 12 to r a t PLC. Harshma n h a s h a d a n ing columns in double fi gures durin g! Ba sk etba ll Tou rnament in Karua5 C ity '\ ha lf game. The favored Fourth .F loor (~unn('rs ... .. -- .. - ...... :! H imp ressive career on th e maples bo th his seasons, but his doubk threat on ., on Monday the PLC Gladiators ral From wcre t.o me.ct Ivy "B" at 4: 30 i * Game pla yed Thursda y or Sa turda y. I ali a pl ayer and a coach. While sup- d ~fcnse gav~ the GI~ds spark for win- I lied. afte~' ha\ iug a frigid. first half porting th t: Lute h oopsters a s a player J mng . L~te JS .plannm g to teach after ! aga~n t E.a stern N ew Mcxlc_o to post he pla ced sccond among leading £cor- graduatm g th IS June. . a 76-G 3 ~Ic tory. (' rs ill the WINCO L~'ague for two I Sahli Transfers L oca l ta ns were sure they would be , ' (·aso m . I T S hI' af f ' f welcoming the Lutes hom.. earlier ~m a I, ter trans. emng rom th a n a ntic ipa ted as the buzze r oundH a rsh Su cl'{:s,;flJl Skagit V alley .JC after hiS sophom ore I ,'(1' d ' h I" ' ad . 'f h e South . ell illS' t e .rst pen P- c was st'icct"d -~]I- - ('onie . encc lh. cc I yea r, stcpp~ d lIlto the Lute IlIlcup last Wl's tcrncrs JIe Id an Jmpresslvc . . 3723 of the fou r yea rs h e p .a rticipated. As've ar . This year " Big- Torn" worked m a r ~ lIl . a t th L_ r at ' Urne 0\ er t w: .ourth . coa ch of the Gla ds fo r thirteen Stoa- th.. boards a nd ~ct _a new seh 01 re- 1secd ed N orthwesterners. so ns he h as had .. qu a I success. bound record of :-4 lor one game. T?m Coa ch Man Harshm n who w :o by E u gene Hapala ' • t IN o. i l . ca. me til u U ,II WI th some "(Tood SCOnI>P l ' h roug h th e D Istnt e mmplOn. -" c.ted by som e: as the outstandlllK coach We do not know whether the proposal to a~s cu each membe r Qf the sh ip ." ames las t w eek the Lutes h ad Dlghts to. . h elp th e Lutes to thell' su c- a t th e tourney Iast year, s h w ed h'I . . -uden t body six dollars p er semester to rai se $IOO,()OO for a swimmin p ool compiled 245 wi ns a!'a inst 12 1 losses eessful flIllsh thiS year. A favonte sbot, b '11 ' t k I d "' . . n .an nowe gc 0 f t J1C rnal' 1e SpOlt ·."ill pass or fail, hut v w ou ld. like to point ou t ::l. f"w .,,-ood p oint; for thi . u ncl" r H a rshma n tutoring . H '1 r s h bot~ for 1~1l1 and fa ns, W.ILS hIS hook as he floored a seco nd half I am with _ _ _ ___ rnpo a l. whIch t albed many of IllS counters. . . II . ----- -- - . . . . new splnt as we as compcnsatlDg In student co ngr egat ion services last Sunday there We rr; Ih rec inspiringSa hh Will be eye1l1g a teachmg- Ca reel" offensc
' . \..' n -3 7.
~;~\-: ~~I:;.;k ..
:: ::::::: :::: : :: ~ ~
Harsh,man, Sahli, lerstad F.lnlSl1 . at pi TC "IS Slorlng ·
l'Tl1C'11S d c1ivcrt d by the tri o 0 1 sp!"a kr r in th e form of DUi\:\E M O E. I T M MY G I L M ER. a n d DAN TRIO LO . Thl~s" ml' n arl' a ll eith cr Illcrn- ~ of a PLC \':uosity team or p a rtici p:1.tc in th ' in t.ra mur:;t l pro ~ ra m. T hese ' " f \low who a lon'S w ith h un d reds of ot h,- r . tUelClIt.. iind wholt-some r.rl':rl ion and en tertai nme n t nn our coll..!W g'oIf lillks, tr on i" ('(iurts, and in
Ilers Be -n - ell-U Seaso
a lso .afrer degree recep Altl' '- J t n Dl' ng , a h li l. . tion in J une. . . IOUg h B1'00-"'" Tht: GlauJato will have a big Job tl ' ard f h P IN M . . f h 1 109 gu a te or tll l~ S, . ., next yt.;ar Jll compensating or t e OJ$ . t t _ .l t ak . qUln e ,manngcu 0 t e game SCOfmll of the e th re stalwa rts. IlOnors . . h "~ 5 pOl. n~, t h c: P LC h oop WIt
.o--rccreation program. T h e Par;i fi c Luthera n link men h ad It. fell ow'S Ii e D ua nl", T om my ~ n d D a n and ma ny ot h ers t 11at WI'11 · I h 1h dl W ou Id- th cy ge t b e ne f'It a f th eir first turnout Wed nc'sd ay aftcr ~ the pl Op OSCd wmun in g poo w oe a rtc y. school.' H''IO, b u t t h "ya n d m any ot h cr.< :1 1'(' WI' 11'm g nOOll "t thl' campus course. This a ftpo I wh ile t .cy a re III t ~ee P LC gTow both m a terially a nd spiritua lly. " rnoon a t 3 :30 a nd on eve ry M onda y, "d a b (' ttc:r test f or cllaneter t L. _ _ the p Ia Wed W herc clse ('a n vou 1m u.D on yn('sd -ay ' a nd Friday at 3 :30 the.
1 11evel 'r T he students " 'greens" te.a m will m eet for pr3.c6 ce . . tr" lllu ra l, or r~e reatJona . f · Itl, whether o n the . va tty, m . . ns 1)/'(' a us(' t h I ca d ....olf dub h ouse.:.
wno 1('3\ PLC w.1- I b c b ette . CltlZl: I: y haH' rne- the sports- II a t the college .. '" -r .nlike, g" n tlema nly a nd C hristia n-li ke ma nner in the ir work Jnd play ~t Th e.' !.(olf season should be a nother fi L e whr_ ther the y pa rticipa ted in a th letiq, d ra ma , mu , ic or deba te _ T h ese Ollt' of sUCCeSS as fou,- returning Ietterac h in~s ,,-no going to r a ch thousand of peopl e th rou" h conta ct in eve r),- m cn bolster the cha n ces for :mother u )- liv ing rig t n ow and in the futu re becau.to of P LC . (' onfen' ncc ti tk and N AI A finish . StuH :l\ t: vou evcr at tended the co-r'-creation prog-r:ll11 in the gym on week-I dent Coac h D on H all, Jint Hill, Bob
n d ? H aw: you seen the p acked gym WI' h avl: each w eekend when both m en Spa rl ing, a nd D ave Berntsen will be
nd WOIllf' n , tud cllts and also faculty members a nd th,·i, fa m ilies COlli(' down swi nging the clubs towards another
I p lay a nd relax afte r a ha rd w ee k in sch ool ~ It will b · thes!" peopk wh o cha mpi onship. D on H a ll won tht: Dis will \'ote " YES" for ou r m u ch nccd ",d ~ wimm ing- pool :md a b.. ttt' r PLC and triet )\0. I playoffs in the NAIA \m,.ricil . finale last season. The Lute golfers \ swimming p ool would be a fine a ddition to our recreation and schol- 8ft' the defending Evergree n Conft'r a,uc p rogram . It is a proj ec t whk b cou ld b e ull dcrtaken by the students of " ncr: and NAJA Distric t N o. 1 cham "'L for a \" ry slight cost P" t day. True. we cou ld not rais(' the fund s over- pions. j ,h t, but if each stu dent wl' re ;JssC'Ssrd $12 .00 pcr y,' a r this would ~ m ou nt t o AI! interested golfers arc encour 'Ill ' thrl'e :lUd onr;:-third cents p er day. Figurin on " total of 1250 fu ll time aged to turn out for thc team. It is uden!· w e would be " ble to ra ise $ 15,000 per yea r I hoped that en ough men will take p a rt 'u el y w e ca n ra ise $ 100,000 when w e look at the a lmos t ·S 70,00U tha t so th at 0 s"'cond team ca n be formed ~ donnt.cd by the facult y to the development fund by only 75 faculty m em- I' to pla y some of the sm a ller college8 n. Wh ether or not this measur" will be approved is up to the stud ents . in order to g·ain experien ce in com thctnsclvcs, but I bdieve we can all agree that swimmlng pool is d cIinite1y I' petiti on . mu ch ncedr d a ddition to our ca mpus. Let ml go a"~ bein g in favor A f u II se h e d u Ie JS ' p anne d on the
, . • on record • . ' ell d t ' thr. sWlmmmg pool a nd I ur;\t: th e student body to gwe t h IS m easure care- I I aI I ,_ons idc_ra_ ti on oc oth... course as wTh as on I'oa . _nps . ._ __ _._ _ _ _ __ -_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIQ l•' to ! e pres... nt ltmer-
Pd. ra I e F u II y
A utomatlc .
Tues d ay _ .- All Evening .
Wed ne s day after 9 p.m. Fri d a y _ All Even ing
10707 Pacific Ave.
Phone LE. 7-6012
ace, C hu ck Curti5, it 21 t lead the com eback of the Lu tes. ther L ute t o n ke d uble flgl lr contrib utionll in the ope ne r w ere Jim" .ln Beek with 1.5, R oger Ivel'son 13, T m hli 12. I In P L C" second rontC'S t of the
1 n a l " big cne," the Glad iators .
Magn avox Head quarters
TED B OWN MUSIC 11 21-23 Broadway
BR. 2-3211
TH E C H URC H IS ON THE MARCH! Firlt-rate L u th era n m iniste ria l trai n i ng: a lso courses for coll ege grad s (men a n d wo men : leading to M aster's degree in Christian Education) THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 19.58
Charles B. Foeloch. Ph. D., Preoident
2770 Marin Avenue. Berk.ley 8, Calif.
e oll eJ ~s .
38TH ST.
3001 South 3 8th Street
Transfer to South T acoma Way Bus (Westbound) at 38th 8t.
OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK ••• 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M.
a: y eaJl~ fo r trips to G~nzaga, WSC,
U8C, and ., proposed trrp to compete
with some schools in Oregon. The firs t ma tch will be scheduled for the latter part of March and the season will con cl\ld~ with conference and NAIA dis trict playoffs in early June.
3·IN·l TO BEnE
Standard Heati n g Oils - H eatin g Equipment
H eating Servi ce
EnJoy That "PLUS" Service MARV T MM E RV I K'S
P H ONE LE. 7.Q2&i6
Page Four
~~ :II~~
Friday, March 14, 1958
It's Debatable!
e·EDgineers Elect Prexy; L5 Wi) Entertain CPS
Debators Lead a Soft Life?
by Jens R andall I much fur tht.: Beast: it i. abk 0 cr.· Rumor has it that PLC debators d un high spcew (up !O 45 mph. «~ T E D JOHNSON ENGINEERS \. tion August 25-31. i k ad soft life. Proponents of the But we really sh ou ldn ' t gripe, bc:C;l.Ui(! c;'" T .. d j oh nson w as fLCf' ntiy lectr d t~ O .. -;,...-. U~ing the t~~me, "March to Ash-I abov stalem ent point to the fact s that the Beast is a fin e cxampl of eng:
use of f~ p ress. v >(> pres ident of the n w Pre-E n gineering ram I M arch,' Meg Evenson a nd Bev I deba ton h ave all the a dvan tn es of neering skill that any junk ..-ard would
Club. Other officers are George Fish ·wansoll, w h o attended last ycar's I' tra vel of bein tox eused from classes , be proud to own.
EDITOR .., .. ,... ,... DAVE CROWNER c r, , ioc-presid ent ; :Frank Hamreiter, Ashram, will speak. . for lo~g periods, an d of generall y hay- I " D ebators must e subju gated Ie.
Also to bc: show n are color ~hdes ing a good time at toumaments. m otel fare. Perh aps some of you non. NC'W'I' Ed·ItOL" .......... ,... H erb D cmpsey 1trea -, snr r .; dRod Patterson. K ' Gsecretary;
a\ G Ih Ba b . K eIth L m aa and en a , SCl' of tlw Lazy F Dude R anch. wher Rep,,~sen ting the forc r.sic~ squad, I d c:bators think it is exci.tin to t ra\· , Repol't he ~1:1 TeB ddi rU Iaugesonn' Di~k gca nts-a t-arms; an. d D on Schul e, III l In1 cr, arbara saac , . till: L SA spring retreat will be held . would like to m a k e 0 u r defedse. and stay in a different motel each an F iilie.r, Larry Johnson. ICC p resentative , March 23. th e tables will be turned Though w e concecd tha t the above every ni gh t. Perhaps you will recon "Uncha ined Godd cSl>," a movie on a nd CPS w ITI be h ost to PLC at a facts a rc tru e w <: point ou t that they sider afL I' h earin g th . T UTH about l't.lt TC' Editot.-... .Marilyn Donaldson Bell Y5tems television program 0 11 swimmi ng pa rty in th,~ . PS .pool. R - , do not prov 'that we are blcsged by a motel showe rs. R epolers: Solvelg" L eraas, J oey D an- wcatht:r. will b shown a t the meet ielson, Bob Bill-&, Earlene Bu rcham , . frcshmUlts and fellow8hlp Wlll follow . .. oft life." Rather we contcnd tha t Basi a ll y, there are two types 01 O la M ae Mathis, Bob Fleming. ing n ex l Thu day, March 20. • ,. " I rh e life of a PLC debator i~ n ot an motel shower h eads. The first" rie t:. Dr. EU gcrlC 'M aier is the advisor of ca~y onc. sends forth a gentle mist that enci r c Sports E d itoL,.... ,... ,..D m nis Marttala. Ihe riub wh ich strin' S t,o unite pre SPURS SERVE R eporters: Jim K ittilsby, Tim WyndO ne- t' f th e ma ny jobs of the sophoW '~ <han base our case upon three the: bathel' without eve r n:aJly c ming ham, Ha~ry Sanllerud, Dick Good- l'ngince rin g studl' nts in pu rsuin g their more h norary, Spurs, is se rving a t contentions : T h e fac t that travel ar in contact with him. T h >ccond w wm , E ugene Hapala. eh oS"n fi d d. Th e club is pen to prebanqllct£. L ast Tuesday ni{{ht the ban - rangcments are: ofte h conducive to un the upposite effcct: it concentrates all Typist .",.......,.............. La urie Beecroft , .. n gj ncn s but specia l programs af( qllet of th e Dt"velopmcnt Fund for the I pleasant dispositil)flS; tile fac t that w e the water in a power ul StT m on ant Bus4ness iManagt'I..?rla ry Lou Engen or"," n to all stud ents. T a coma busi nc~smen was e rved by must be: subj ugated to motel fare, a nd pa rticular spot. th e Sp urs . the fa ct that we mu st ea t in LoffN: Of course, motd s a lwa s provide " Ad Sollc!.tonl:. R od Patterson, Loia PLC !\X"D C P S GET TOGETH ER Anderson. L Inda Scharf. . . A nother duty of the: organiza ti on 3hops the: bather with soap. Motd '011 P Thi s ~u ntl a y, March 16. the PL C was, a nd will be: continued thIS weekI. T ravd arrangemen ts are often comes in eight or ten different aroma Photographer". ,..... ,Mr. W. M cKewen I . . ..' .rl L SA is havm a Jomt met Ilng WI I end , ushering for the Ch ildren's T he- condu cive to unpleasant dispositions. and in pink. grten, blue, su nsh ine yel rl jst -, '.""., ",...... ___.Diek I..ondsren th e LSA of the College of PlIgct Soun d d· I f the A<hram con a tre production of "Jack a nd th e It has been ,aid in th e past th at d t' low. creamy white and lava It aU BoolLkee per.•.......... _..__... Carol Houae r CJl'0111fl1t.fun _ ...... _.__ ...•••_._Pa.tt1 1l'1nn , to Iscm s pam or •. Br:an stalk.'· baturs just na tu ra lly ha'v unp \c:asant comes in one size, howl:'. er-in.ru.Ifi " * " dispositions. Thi~ is not true. D eba tors cient. Exchange .--.................. -- Joy LewiIi Fil erk..·-" ........ _.".,... ,La nie H aegar STELLA'S FLOWERS ACTION BEHIND THE SCENES h a ve u n pl~asant di§position s b e "ause 3. D cba!O r ' m u; t eat in c £ft:. shops. We: have nothing a gainst coCCe :\"ot to be limit~d to a ctivities on th"y mmt ride in th e Beast. Ad Ilor_... _.. _.••__.... _ .,Mr. M. Nesvig sta g<: , C Ufta in C all met last ni gh t a t T ht: Beast bears only th .Iightest or (' offel" sb op, . Some coffee sh ops IU't Published Friday of the school year Fl owers for All Occa sions /): :30 P,ITL to organize numbe rs for a ttsemblance to a n a utomobile- it d oca j inttrr:"tj n ~ ?ecause they have .u.niqu e by stu d(;1l ts of PLC, at Parkla nd, L E. 7.Q206 Wuhrngton. 12173 Pac if ic A ve. \'ariel~ show to I c held at F ort Lt:wis h ave fou r wheels. It was d esigned to na mes, F or Inst an e, We once VISIted ~ . (Foot of Ga rf ield ) We Deliver O ffior- : College Union Building. Apr il 13. scat ei~ ht comfortably, back in the pl. cr~ ca lled "Slop py j oe's." After 01 Phone LEnox 7-8611, Ext. 41. Bob Olson wi ll .rna ter of cere- da ys when the wooden buckboard seat dt rins in lhi p:l rlicula r coffee shop monit's fo r th" show, of wh ich PLC I wag COl .idcred to b e: the epitome of we dlseo,·, red the rea90n for its tl.lk OPEN SIX DA YS A WEEK • . . students wi ll see a p r(;vicw on Ap ril comfort- However. we will ,:.y thiJ It wa~ n:1ffied aiter th e waitress. 6 in chapel. G ERRY'S BEAUTY SALO N
Sen.mg PL C througb Christian
" "
PL'l Im ing committee includ r s Bob
LEnox 7-3434
~::o:~dE:;::sn~a::r;!~~: ~~o:or. roLAUR
AT'S A ppar el
'AIh· W7-ll C Ch I _I) rlca »' l orne to ~p~ _ Via Inez Olson, Missionary eo
M is. I nez O lson, missionary It:a che r, will >peak in C hapel 11(~1 Vcdne da y abolll Inissiun work inTa n ~any ika, 406 Garfield St. LE. 7-5317 E t Africa, which is the location of th e la rgest mission field of tht: Au gu sta n a Luthera n Church. E, a n gel istil~ wor k, educat ion and m ~ dicine a rt the thrl-'t: methodJ of n :achin g the nati\Tcs f friea th rough . wh ich M iss O lson is working. ". Ols on serve d on lh.0 f aCLI Ity, . Vll SS d f ,. hid . f r r ________________a_n_,__or_"'_tl_m__a_s_t_t_l_ea_ m _ I__ss _._0_,
W e O utfit Co-eds
EXPERT C leaning at •••
th e on ly Gi rls' Mi dd le School on lhi mis5ion £i"ld , T o thi s time only onc. lh Ird of th " children have opportunil , to attend school and only 2 p erce t of the: adult, can read or write Of I the one-third of lh e ch ildren wh o al tend school. m05t se,:u re onl.y a PM mary educa tIOn, to grade [ 0111 . Miss Ols~ retu rned to the n~tcs for fLlriough Ifl May of 1957, spending some of her time in tht Sta Ir . udy , . -, JJ N h II mg a t ScarnLt Co ege, l 'a8 c, Tcnness,:~. O n complct,ion f the tour
at the ColumbIa Confcren(:C clJu It· sh e will be p rc-parin lt fOT her return to the work in frica, planning to leave the SUtt' III lhe latter part 0 Junt:.
I 1903 pa cific Avenue ONE-DAY SERVICE
LEnox 7·3261
We provide Checkillg a d D
Savings Acc oullts
• Vrnat's an eight-letter word which reminds you of good taste, • parkle, lift? The answer's easy-Coca-Cola of course. No puzzle about why it's so pulaI' ... no other sparkling drink gives you so much good taste, so much satisfaction. Yes, when you're looking for refreshment, the answer's always Coke!
aad aU other blin k services for co llege studtlls
Botlled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by PACIFIC COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, TACOMA, WASH.
IfJUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK .a....- '.:oc . .... ", ..u"', .....
u day Aft r O-n
a a
H Ulll.col1' i:'l g COlll; ' r t of tht: .PLC I "Aua gio and Tarantella." by Ca\'aI sell Bennett. J en . Ba"'nc is trumpet _olle" ,t nd, und er the direction of hni-'V aIIl . This g r 0 u p closes with sl,loist in Morton Goul d' " "Pava nne." P I'Qf. Gordon O. Gilbe t$On, will be Rimsl:i-Korsakov's w ell-l:nown Polon which is followt'd by "BoI,' re,," from r n·~ ·nt('d on the C MS stage thi Su n- aise f rom (h" ope r a, "Chl-istmas ( h~ , ylTtphonie suit.... "Ve rd ialla;' as day, M arch ~3 . at 4:UO p .m. Th e: band ' Night." ;, rld n.~ed by C a m arata. Final number T turntd to the (ullc-gc la t Su nday Ballet llIusic will be featured in the un the program i, "Deep Purple." by hom ;, nine-day tour. during which , econd section. First is the Berceu se P ete r do Rose. H· p e rformances were: give n i:'l w ash-I and Finak fWIn an eady work of Igor ' Pop-u lar marches and nOY"Ity num if 1 , to , O regon and Idaho. Stravinsky, "The Fi rebird." This will lwr~ will be, include-d m c.:ncores and T h c l' rogra m for (h 1958 (;,-,nct:l't . f(>ll owr.:d by themes from "Pc- optional selec tions. a&C>H i ndud m a rch ~ s , m I) d - T n tl'o uchk a;' also by Stravinsky; xylo PLC's concert band is a'cognized works and ser:u-dassital and classical phon e solos arc played by Shirk y as Unt· of tht: fin est college bands in ,elections . It is divided into. three Ha ge n. L as t in thi s section is the baI th , .\'o rthwest. Student. wh o ha\'e let rn us i c fro m Bowdin's opera. I· nr ard th, group only at ~thletic events ... TOU P S: 1'1 t! first, c lioI': beg ins with Mo "Prince I gor," divid,~ d ircto four con art' u rg,-d to attend the concert to see tn c' variety of tonal colDr possible in zart's ove, ture, "The Impresario." tl"llsting part.. The third section Df the cqnCt:rt is II a cunc r t si tu ation. from t he comic opera. Next is a Bach Th COllel' rt is fret to student. and <hOlal pn:llld(·. "Sleepers Awake"; the.: in a li g hter \Tin. Tpe band will play brass section is featul ed in the chorale a m e-dlty of tunes from the score of tu the 'Publi c A fre --will offering will melody. D ave Knutson. ei:Llinct salo :'My Fair L a dy." by Frederick L oew e' j b" taken to help defray the expenses.i i,t, will p erform wit h the band, III an ~!rra n ge ment by Robert Rus- of thl' 1958 cuncert tour.
VOL, 35, NO. 19
Three Dales Se
For Swim Ins
Tonight from 10:00 p.m . till 12:00 p.m.• th e frc shm;.n class is sponsoring a swim party ,,- t the CPS pooL A limit of 10 has been set on !he . ckets
ASPLC Nominatio s Due Wednesday Petitions of nomination to c ASPLC offices are due in to Paui Finn, student body ~e.:retary, or t the student body office by Wednes day night. :March 26.
which are 60 cents . F!'eshm. n aqua talen t will featur e Roo,'!' Reep in clown diving. imitated by Warren Willis. In charge a re Ted Johmtone, and Bob Gross. who pre diets a " fabulous success." . Spla~h party number two Will bc this SU:'lday. March 23, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.11I., a lso at the CPS poolside. 1 T h,' LSA of CPS is th e host and will entcrtain with J't creation In the gym followin g the swim. Rcfr('~hm(' nts
FRI., MARCH 21,1 958
In order to be nomi l1:lted. can didates must ob tain the sigrw turC!> of 50 students_ Nomination forll16 can be gotten from Patti Finn. South B-13. Offices open are: pr~.ident (hao; to be a senior), vice-pre~itknt (has to be a senior). suretary and t reas urer. Election will be held on I'll . day, April 15.
Ranch to Host
L A etr at
will also b e se rved.
i T icke ts arc bein g sold a t 60 ce nts .
LSA asks those wh o. ha,<c nus to tab: as ll J.a.[,y stud ~ nt.' as possible Sunday
cwning. ! L~ LY " 1''' Dud... R anch, Ellcn burg, I . Frid ~l.y, March :!8, till: sO~ h o l1lo r"l \V:JSbi ngtol1 , will be th.c .silt uf .the class Wll! a ct as hosts ilt the fa coma i L uthera " Student '\ 5S C.lOtlon c!!,'on YWCA f rom 8:00 p.m. t o 11:00 p.m. d R dn-at from Apri l 25-27 . Rq,istl foe P L C studl·nlS. Swimm ing, \'olley- tio n fee is $7.85, a dolln!' "f whid ball and nt hl r rccrr::ltion wil! be:: k . - can bt· paid a t the ?vIarc.h 30 I1ltrlin~ tutcd. of PLC' s LSA and th res on :h ri\ al i at th e ra nch.
HS S-I ngers Meet II I Here on rch 18
"Chan gin g Relationship- hurch and Student" is the theme of the trea t. Rev. K cn Wic g, L A campus
GI V IN G ITS HO ME CONCE RT t his Sunday at 4 : 00 p.m. i n thf, C- M -S is the 1958 Pac ific Luth e r a n College C on ce rt Ban d, u nd er the direction of Prof. Gordon O. Gi Ibertson.
pastor from the University of Or'gon,
;; f~t'n:o~n. ~:dr,c~
~ will be the. peaker.
r! ~,~, j . Bible studi(~s•. di~Ctl!Sio.ns.•
j: ,iday 28, _.00 p.m . l.rrt,. ' UPP' r a L.d at 7 .3d p.m. , conccrts wi ll be g ;ve n on th r: PLC ca mpus by the ''\'e;~ Central Di·~ t,i et ChDr,, 1 Fe~t i \<a L AfternDDn preSf'ntations will be in th t: CMS. )f '1',:ci:11 interest to PLC s l~d cn l; a nd fa cul ty will be the e"cnin g can Wit h co r.struction 0:1 th e PLC da ffod il float ge tting- under . bc , crt featu ring' ., mas,,,d chorus. Tl1i, Q l.wen of th e May Fe, ti, . 1 Will way· to morr o w, lho~e in charge of th~ p,. ra de entry are as kin g fo r (; no '. n f ro r 1 th e SClllor .. "I f 111 ~cn (; l'a w;ll .be. Ij';v ' n in l11<:.. !!):m. and a sn ;a ll w orkers ro help budd and decorate the float. d ·'; t!ons to br held ne>:t Wcc]llt:sd ay I "dullSsIOn ~harge vn l! bc m;,.de. Th is Monda y at 8:00 p.m., in L - I 0 4, a m et'ti ng will b e a nd Thu rsd " y, Mar ch 26 a nd 27 . Choral and gIrl' club ","oup:, perbeld to organize h el p for the float work. Anvone interested In r' j ' h " . 1: rom th t: list of gi rls, e xcludin g fo rIelin g will b e 'lram Ui",net Ig.
inst"lIa lion of new TI' gl onal offl C:~, ho~ _ I bat'k rid ins (ll t ( xt, . t ), hiking ill the Casc adc~. volleyball and Olhcr ' such attnctions will b fc.'\turc~i.
any type of wo r k is urged ((, a ttend"" thus" d ancing in the F est ival. the schools, including Bethr: l , f i f t , Federal !h~ mee ti ng, a~ many workers will be th re-, with the hi gh est number of Way, Vas h 0 n. Ort i>:<g , Eatonyill e, needed. I \ ott" will be taken from the W ed nes White River and Pen i nsu la . day ballot a nd placed on a final bal- I Memhe rs of th e ch oral i\ro., ps will Jay Tronsdak, h ea d ch airm an of th e fl oa t, emph asized that cveryonc:. 1 . . lo t the iollowin g day. From those be dinn er g ues ts in the PLC '~dfc:cria . h on F n'd ay c\·c nlTl . g. ' e'a m p '"~ to I Ma ry.Let: C HI come d own t 0 Iowel . Sknvalllch, PLC fresh• three will be chosen the queen. Wit . h ' 1 f A ·'1 m an, Will relf-'Il as qu een of the 19:)8 . ' tIt e othn two belll g h er semo r athdp, and e;;pc cwlly t c: m g It 9 pl1 '. < , acoma Boa t Shuw from M a rch 28 I ·I to 31'd'm pu tt'm g on the flower '1, . . tendants. V" k'll t' 1 nost 'vcry ni"ht tD .W a lon g With ht-r two PLC pnn- I o~' WI CO n mtll' a I .' < ; . "h _ I ['esses Barbara J ensen ::md Linda Ef-I Ot her classes are choosing their two until th e w ee k of Apnl 7 "hen t e , d . f ··· h '. . I' 'I .' . . fin ge r and four oth er models from th e atte llc ants 01 t e n ·tnt lTl e ass t ec Job WIll be eontmuous every nd,ght. colleC!~ : J auet H a ley Lind a Myhre i lion s. Th e M ay F es tival will be held Three tht'ml:s arc now un er con- I ' • ' M y l ' th PLC M m <rial ~ym .d - ' b J " St w- rt art chair-! J oAn n H ans un and DelDres Larson. 1 a. m ,e . . ' c... U w .~ I SI " ratwn y un e" . ~ n as lUUl. An adnllsslOn pnc', of 25c I, · . d > f th ' art workcrs Ghosc n by men of th e Pogglt: C.lub, .. . m iW, an Oll« 0 e . .' . , . ("xpected to be charged to help defray "The PassIOn of Uur Lord Ac cordA lice J ensen These are "Thumbehna' a Ta coma. Bus1l1eSSmCll s Club ",tIlch ,.,,, . b · , '.., " '" < .. h B Sh ' b · I ~ xpenscs. m g to st. M a tthew, ' an oratono y .. gly l?u ckh~g; a nd M 0 ~ her [ I" ,p~nsOi m g t e , oat ~", to. C PL C students, under direction of I]. S. Bach, will be presented this Sun . o.os :." fhe tltk and plans w111 be hc.ld m t.h e Tacom.~. A:Tfl or" the girls M iss R . YUlIng, will prese nt the event'l d aY • March 23. a t 7: 30 p.m.• by thc ddimt e by nex t Tuesday. wllI be models dUlln g the tWJ days. fT" L h . Ch h . . .. ~ ". . '11 '. ' d . k I ch OIr 0 nmty ut eran ure, a t In flv yt'a rs of competitIOn PLC 1 he roya lty WI appeal an sp ta on d W I S hIT ('r treets. Pa rk a ll has won four first places a nd one seC-I teleV ISIOn and radIO. In"":I All t h ase 0 f P aCl'f'Ie L ! C.0' l . ut leran Also as queen, Mary L ee will n; und award in the sc hool division. ThiS d d Ad misSIOn .. lege arc mv:te to atten. y("a l"s Daffodil P arad will be gin from cei\ c a fishin g t rip at Westport. to the concert is frc e. A free will offcr downtown Tacoma at 11 :UO a .m. on Washing ton. and a \' isit to this yea r's R ev. Roy E. Olson, PLC Director ing will be taken.
three donut sales. two before the r". treat and unc followin g.
q .
all oes Out for Workers on Flo t
Festiva l Quee n
As PLC Daffodil ParadeWrkBegi s
Vote cheduled I.
To unite th" Pac ifie. NOllhw ~l L .\ a11d to o[f(,r the st udents a pniod ot spirit . .1 and phy;ical r rfn:shrnent i the purpose of the reg ion n:ue-at.
I Boat Show Models IChosen from PLC
- --
assian' Orataria
Transportation will furnimed by the PLC LSA in the fannnf school 'bus. E xpenses will be paid f or b Y
4,000 See I" 8e a stallc' Play ver
e Pre enled
S d , i i I un ay at r n ty
April 12.
Next 'Mast' April 11 Due to m i d-sem ~s teI' tcstir.g and Easter vacation. no M ooring }'last will be issued until April 1 L Easter vacation will continue from Thurs day. April 3 until Tlle,day. April h 8t on the Mooring Mast staff
wish all our readers a happy vaca tion . and to the stude nt', happy tcsll,!
Seattle- Sea Fair. Th e qu een was chose n by a vote from the busin essm en after the eandiI dates h ad giv(:n two-minute speeches . before the gathering.
Sophs to Screen ·All • That Heaven Allows I "All That Heaven A llows" will
. . Olsons Fly to W e dd" Of S onoInC onnecto.cut
of Public Relations. and wife fiew to W ashington, D. C .• yesterday for a "isit wi.th their. son. Da~id an~ to at tend hiS weddll1g 111 Connecticut on Malch 29. Rev. OlsDn will pt:rforrn the cere
mony. Mr. David Olson, a PLC graduate of 1952. now in business for himself be managing the Services Unlimited Corshown in CB-200 tomorrow night at poration in Washington, D. C .• is 7:00 p.m. by the sophomore class. marrying M iss Elizabeth Drummond, Admission price will be 45 cents a d t:n tal technician in Grenwich, Consingle and 75 cents for couple-so n ec ticut.
. .
Record. bl'~aking' crowds filled t~e CMS a udltonum last w k f r thf performances of "Jack and the B ~an· stal k." The Children's T h eatre pro tinction played to a total of O\,l:"r 1-,000 adult> a nd children.
I' I
Viewing the first performance of , . . the show W3S an audience en tirely of aduI.ts a nd st.udents. a crowd com partlvelv fe w m number but who had '. • • only comphments for th e sh ow. fbe Saturday morning sh ow~ sponsored by the Methodist Women's Gui ld. filled the house including the balcony wit I predominantly pre-school childrell.
Director of the musical program For th e other pcrforrnan ~s chil will be PaHor Erling Thompson, of dren of the Tacoma area were t ran!_ Trinity. and accompanist will be Mrs.\, ported by bus during school tim~ to E. Thompson. Among tho~e taking see this semester's Children's T he. p art in "The Passion" a re: atre play. V· l' M Gordon Gilbertson ' the 10 m. r" The cast and crew of the show at evangelist. Rev, Reuben Redal, tenor; tended a dinner given in t eir h onor [Jesus, ' Dr. Eric Paulson; Judas. Mr. Friday ni ght. The menu. to fit the Timothy Olson; Pilate. Mr. Carl Fyn theme of the play. was mostly 'ng hoe; Claude. Mrs. James Freisheim. lish. The crew presented the dlrc:ctor Caia p has. Capt_ P aul Paulson; soof the Theatre. Mr. Eric -o rdholm , pranos, Mrs. Eldon Kyllo, Mrs. Frei k al M with a silver and glass stein e ngraved shcim , Mrs. Grace Fm; tos, rs. C ecil Vance and Mrs. Clifford Ouon. with his initials and a beanstalk.
Pag e Two
Friday, Marc h 21. 1958
Your Vote Will Count
Vote Next T esd y
to t he Editor
With speedy, well h a nd led procedu re it wa s decided unantI mou,s ly at Tuesday' s sl dent bod y business m " 'tin g to hold a d general elec tion on the s w imming poo l assc mem p ro posal , the tIL nt I ' '11 b'e next, ~r ues d- ay, lVL;}rch riA ' '1' , d cctlOn WI ".4, In th~ ~ V B.
To Ihe Editor;
L" 'h ror 300ut a montll now t t "" b I)0d Y Ilere a t PI "J C va! ce n tosse about from pnc side \') tnc other on As w as stipulated in the motion , the resolu tio n w i.iJ have co the_ issue of .;tudent , upport of the pass by a two- thirds maj ority in order to go into e ffe c t. There D evelopment Fu nd. Shall w !: have 50 fore, I urge you all to vo te; and also to vote in fav r of the licitation, or sh3 ll it bJ: a -'w ~. m ent? m~asure.
What about Chri!t:an I,b,'rty? And on and on . ... , .
. After thinking over the assessme nt proposal v ery con.scle ntlOUS I y, even ma~y 0 f those -:v ho f o rm e rly were agai nst the pla n have . come to be In favor of It. If you were at Tue s day's chapel meeting you probably felt as I did that the g reat maj rity . i f nOl everyone present, was in favor of the proposal to b e v oted upon next Tuesday.
, - , '
i_Before. you vote, think the matter over car J ully. Be f u lly I n tor~ed: find out what. the proposal actua~ly IS; r ead Me. P e t er son s comment. on the klo k which he ga~e In st.udent body cb aJ'.'!1 upon re.quest In answer to many ques~lOns; . If y U are n o t ~ favor of the proposal. talk over the questiOn with someone w ho is I feel that h~re is our opportunity as a student b ody to act positively. unseltishly and g e nerously in accomplishi n g a v e ry worthwhile, definite task for w hich results can an d will be g uar anteed. Let's not drop the ball ! - - Dave Crowner, editor.
Now IIlstead Ol g 01.13 c round a~d a.round for anot'v~r mon·h and spht ~Ill~ thf" stU~Cllt b~, ~ y a ~y ;no n' than It :s, let. us Just ti'';~ ." lOok a t what IS ill\'ol",·d. Through lI.S D n-c lopmcnt Fund, PLC is taking- a :;rcat tlep f01-ward. ThinI, ing sdfi'l hly, th e dona tions that interested people arc mak ing to thl devdoprncnt of our colkge will increase the value of our cli'llomas and lend prestige to PLC alu~i. How can we, who a re so intim a cely con (Trned, stand back a nd say, " We want no part of this fund ?"
i\10st of us at tim("s h av,: had our diff''re nces with the Student Council, the studc.nt body, 3nd the administra tion, How","cr, to any conscientious h,Y ~So IvCIg . L eraas ' student, h IS loyalty and d ebt ', 0 the SOLOISTS on the clarinet and trumpet in the band concert to be g ive n I sehoul as a whol,: should far outwei gh lOur chapel a garden? l\e\T~! Yet in the eM S this Sunday afternoon are J erry Bay ne and Dave K nu tson. I any differences with any factions o n, !;,st we·k a ~J("a nstalk g-n:w up III the the campus. centc.r o.f the stage. Four tho~sand ·' 'cl I" ' I twenty-ei ght pcoplt watched thiS un 1 Ilf~l ore, ('t S Ulute as a \vh o .r and forgettin g c.atch phras;·s and Ull orthodox procedure, and no one raised
Recollections from Backstage
I .
pronounceable "rationales':' fa ce the ' h II d I rea I ISsue: S a w e as a 31', cut Jody ('xfTcise our responsihility too u r .I h I f 'bl sch 00I Wltl t e on y casl c pro· gra m, assessment, or sh a II we put ourselves again into the old position of being told that we do not. know what is best for ourselves? Let's .up ' port th IS program now,
mer if you're in the n eighborhood to drop in, I' IS IT TRUE THAT part of the money from thl'" development fund is to b," !opent. l'rmoving the boards th a t obstruct OUI- view from the windows i n the coffee ,hop:' Wis hful thinking again. _ •. And now a word abolLt m y two vn y d ar- enemies, Don Cornell and Don Dou glas. I made som e e rron CClU$ n:ports in previous issues regarding thei.!' middle names-now here's the true story. Actually Do n Douglas' s middle name is T ing-a-ling, euz when he was born his mother was expecting th e teleplwnl'; and Don Cornell's middle inil i I is "Q," cuz when h e was born his mother luoked at his fath er and §ald. and I quote: "Let', c,lll it quits." unquote, . . . Sorry,. fellas, guess I'm just :l h ::wgnail on the fickle finger of fak, . ' , Well, that' s it for this week a nd always remember, NEVER marry a ifI who looks se nsible be cause a s\:nsiblc girl has more sense than to look semible .
Charm Beauty Salon Bla nche ling bloom
We Outfit Co-eds
Expert Dry Clea ning
eport Given
LE. 7·7475
LAURINAT'S A pparel 406 Garfield St.
LE. 7-5317
La undry Service
On ELC Confab L i\ ing- Cod's Wi ll," was the theme flf the' ! l sl ~ nnll a l ELC Student Con fnrn('(' held a t Augmtana Colle ge, . ioux Falls, South D ako ta, March 7-9. T he "wnts of t ht· conference were tlloond ed b y Beverly Swanson of PLC. () c ' r A. Anderson, p astor of Trinity L the n Church, M oorhead, Minn., gav," the key not add res;, "God Shows H h Will." According to th e Augustana l\>lir Tor, sokmness fell on t he conference "" hen n , ws arrived of the death of J ea nnette Olson, Diana Paul and Mir ia m Stoa, PLC girls, in an accident enroll te to the conference . • The death of these three girls made . 1 tr,:meodous impact on the students at the conference, a nd it was throu gh ;\1> \ p' ril'nce like this that the stu d ents reali~.,d the importance of their I hv(;. < in rl·lationship to the will of c d ," $ta tl-d C a rl Guthals, confer<':nce
r hainnan.
Mrs. J o S ummers Phone LEnox 74300
called himself Ra fe Heyfever. And all this happ ' cned while Mr. Nordholnl used a r:offee can for "n, <l,<htray be' a 't h ld causp l O S more. The audiences w': re filled with all sor ts of children, Some sat quietly, ~ome didn't-like the one wh o ep t shouting, " Stingy!" at Rafe He 'ood One little fellow, duri ng th e giant's chasing Jack with a club, ran dowIl the aisle to the rescue and jumped int the orchestra pit. 0
Charlie Bra w n's pal Linus wa _ then:, too, and sa t in the aisle with his bla nket, contmtedly sucki ng his thumb.
Raft: Heywood and the gia nt were thl;: favorite (?) characters. A t ast they ro:cei\'ed the most applause when they fell off the bcanstalk. After one perfOlmance a gro up 1)£ Bluebirds Glme backstage. When asked if they' d like to ! hake hands w ith t he gia nt th r y stood still a nd their ey s grt::w bi gger and rounder, but none. of Pitching Practice During the first rehearsals the giant them would touch him . O ne comm en , (Ja son Graham) took careful ai m and "He must be seven feet tall!" bounced eggs merrily off his p oo r lit W ell, h ow a bl ou t it? Does OIU' tle w iie (Jeri Dubail). When thl: ggs imagination measure up to thci1'!l ~
- - - -- - - - --Formica -
Paint -- Plumbing - Roofing Kirsch Rods -- Window Shades
PARKLAND HARDWARE Glass Instai la t ion - Pipe Cutt-ing and Threading 121st and Pacific Avenue Phone LE. 7 -31 71
MY. VIEW CLEANERS 1 1903 Pacific Avenue
LEnox 7·3261
Lu ck ily, perhaps, and for the pro trc tion of th e cast and crew. all isn' t known th3t go ~s on behind, in front (Jf, and to t:ach side 'of the beans talk. A "('ry few siddights. I'm sure, won' t bring' libd suits ag'ainst me, I hope. OIH' of OUI- favorite prop gi rls is Susie L annen , who made the requ est on MOthcr5' \Ve(·kend, "I know none 01 you lik e Illt' , but my mother is h ere th is weeke nd, so will you pl eas,~ a II I pretend like you do, anyway?"
EXPERT Cleaning at • • •
changed from wads of paper to
something Hlu(h harder, howev!'r, thi~ had to stop. Poor Old Tyb ... whenever Wido..... B"s< threw .Ja ck's ma.-.-ic beans over - , ~ - th e wa II , t h cy h I' t 'I' yb 'III t h to h ea. d
a finger-except the s tag e crew, And Rafe Hl;'ywood ( Dan Triolo ) wh ich was vigorously pulling on sand even twisted hi<. tongu'> one da v a'nd
bags. Probably you weren' t among those who believed this was a n:al vegetableI just invented a new game. It's throwing chewi ng gum out into the type beanstalk. Even some youngsters ' t r .. t a nd see ing how many Volkswagons I can catch. May market it. . .. would ha\'c been disillusioned to have L;u;t week they were going to make m e a judge at a flower show but they scc:n it closely- for instance, the three ('hun ged their minds. Said I didn't smell too good . . . . IS IT TRUE THAT ld h I ycar-o w 0 to d h er m9ther she was l hr' n:nne of the Mooring Mast is to be changed to " Herb Dempsey on Every . , gO Ing to t3ke her teapot along to the t hin ,g" ? (sign ~,d) ROGER OLSON "Bea~stalk play" so she co~ld pick I am starting a drive this week and here', what you do--Simply slide I jellybeans. Frihol had blue beans and ll' n cents (olle dime ) under the d oor of the Mooring :Mast office ea ch week. red heans ~Il,d yellow-stri ped beam, This isn't much and won't hurt a nyone. It's equiva k nt to just one cup of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS but no jellybeans. cofr. ,e p f." r week! The money will go direc tly to the fund to build the ~wim A Few Sidelights m i ll g pool. In my back ya rd. And I'd like to cordially inv ite you next sumBy BO B
Complete Shopping Center 112TH STREET (Airport Road ) AND PARK AVENUE
College Drive-In
~ ............................................... ......j,
NOW SERVING IN THE NEW NO PAYMENT UNTIL THIS SUMMER Inquire about this new, easy way to purchase a ring. Jon Soine
DiNI G A REA Fountain and Grill Service--Fish and Fries--Fresh Pies--Soups AND PIZZA-SOc
Salz Hits 19.6; Ta
Mit: hell Tak
Ie Tennis hamp. med
Shot Contest
Friday. Ma rch 21. 1958
Lute pring Sports Schedules Given
Berntsen Wins Finals 2n Floor Sets Record Jntr.unur31 bas kctb 1I cam e tv a
('J't', and voll ' yha II is ~c tting und cr y . 1ond ay afte rnoon. Th d orm hoopsters who played at ,•. H twd \'c of the gamc3 in wh ich thf'ir I Ca n L> pa rti cipated a nd placed mong the h igh. scason scorers werc thr fo U owi n ~- twdve mc n:
GP _. ___ __._13 John Mitche ll, Ivy " A"..... ___ 16 Jerry Curti. , CC "A" ........ 16 p. Carlson. Proi, j~ Dog5 __.. 15 t. Scheele, Prairi e Dogs___... 16 50h Erickson, 5th Flaor.... __ 12 O. Be rnhen , Rond Ru~ners __ 15 G . Schaumbe rg, Ce ltieL __ .14 F(onk Wall, Worriors .. _.._. ___ 13 Dua ne Moe, DeJardines _._ ...15 Jon Wefold, Hru terL ___ .__ _... 14
255 251 28 6 281 245 239 171 212 194 179 201 186
19.60 17.92 17.B7 17.50 16.33 14·90 14.25 14.13 13.85 13.80 13.40 13.33
D ayI' Berntsen is the new campus of ping pong singles com pe- tition. Dave beat Jon Wcfald in two of three final match games. Be rntsen won t he first game 21-7. Wdald made a comebac k in the second contest to win "21-8. Then Dave wrapped up the "rown with a 21-13 finale. Berntse n joined the ranks of table t<;: nnis champs whi ch also include the doubles winners, Sam G an g e and R ich H a mlin. Gange and Hamlin eat B.. rnt~'~n and his teammate, Jim Van Beck, in the final contest of the doubles pla yoffs.
Intramural Ba sketball
Th e Lute ba seball tea m tUI ned out for its first prac tice iast M onday aft t·rnoon. Twe nty-ow' hopefuls showed at the first o uti n'~- fo r Ih,> d ia'roond sport. Y st -'rd ay th t' boa rd of trU;! tc:es m .:t to m all the dc-:ision O il w h \~ iU coach til.. 1958 baseba ll team. Trackmen ha \ _ b e e n shal-pening th eir a im at goinfl places th is cinder season. John Fromm and O thl~fli will be m akin g the trip to Cou gar\' iUe for the WSC indoor track mee t tomorrow in Pullman.
by Eugen'e Hapala
Coach MARK SALZMAN cxpect~ to enter three men in th ,' W a, hing ton Stak College indoor track meet tomorrow. All-American javt;lin thrower JOHN FROl\IM heads the list of entries with fre shman distu thl'ower KEITH CREELY and freshman half-mil ' r BOB LEE also listed for en try The fiddhouse at Wa shington State is 200 fcet long and la ·t yea r it was necessary to open th e doors on both ends so fromm l'oul d a mpete. Fromm successful! threw the spear through the doors for a 2 15-foot tOS5 ! He bettered this mark throughout the season and came through with a t rC mendous 248-foot h eave at Austin.• T exas. in Jun e and was ultima tt:! nllm):rl PLC golfers wiil have th ir iin;l to thc All-American track tcam. It will be intnc~ting to st:e how far out of ma tch on April 11 aga inst St'a ltl U . Q n the Chieftains' home course. T h e the building Fromm can throw the javelin next week. first home m atch is scheduled for SatLETTERMEN REQUESTED TO OBTAIN DUCATS u rday. April 19. on the campu~ links All Lute felt winners are urged to pick up their tickets In till: Public Netmen have been work ing n th~ Relation~ of~ice not late r than APRIL 1, .for th e All-School A~hlt: ti c _Ban nunpus tennis courts, but us yet n o quet whrch rs schedulcd for Thursday, Apnl 10. All lettermen WIll n gam b'¢ tc~IO has been na med . The t en tative the guests of the ,tudent body at this banquet. Don' t put it off, f Hows, it's schedule calls for a n open ing !erics fn·e. wr lh Sea ttle U. on T ue. day, April S,
I .
The free th row contest wa s won by th~ "mighty mite" of Ivy Hall, John F tchell. Mitchdl tied last year's record of 85 good tosses of J 00 tries wh ich was set by Chri~tie Crondahl. Srcond Flood Old Main, led by ogn R erp and Jary Scheele wilh 84 each, won team honors in the annual "giit" shot match. The 2nd Floor five n llicd a total of 395 of 500 shots. T is fcat bette red the old record of 87 f -00 b N h H II' 195 1 0 J se t y 1 art a III b. h '\ Hall wa; second in tealn su ccr s wa h a total of 392 good shots. T hird Floor Old Main with 382, Dr'Ja rd ;ncs 368, and Fourth Floor Old I
Page Three
hert. L 3 4 4
"A" League W Hesters ._ .._......___ .. ________ ._.. 13 Road Runners ... ._.__ ._.____ ...13 DeJardines ........_.. .___ .. _. __ .._13 Prairie Dogs ... .._.. _.. _._._ .._12 Ivy "A" ... _._._ .... _._ .. _.__....___ ..11 Clover Creek "A"._..._......10 Celtics _........_... __._............... 8 Brewers ........... ___ .._... _....._. 5 Western Parkland __ ..... _.. S Tacoma _. ____ ............. __ .__ ..... 0
'I Glad Hoopsters
F()lIowing is the schedule for :Ill 'pring 'ports, with the possibili ty of rt'visions to be mad" as announced b :h(" PLC ~h' ws Burl'au:
Receive HODors
5 6 7 9 12 ·1 4 9
BASEBALL Three Gladi a tors made the Everg-ree n All-Confere nce first "six" w hile April 4--U. of Washington, there two 11101C placed on the second five April 5-Central, there and honorable mention lists. April 12-Central, here By Bernie Brotman Jim Van Beck, Roger Iver,on, and April 19-Western, there Chuck headed the list of PLC hoop- April 26-Seattl e Pacific, there The Prairie Dogs cnded the intra- sters who received honors. The trio May 3-Seattle Pacific, here "B" League W L mural season with a 12-5 win-loss was sdected to the all-staJ' six of the May 6-CPS, here (night) record which was good for a fourth 4th Floor Frosh ........... .... .12 4', place. They had a, win streak of ten confe rt·nee. Don Moseid of CPS. Bill May 8--U BC, here, late aft &. ni te Warriors ...... ___ .... _...._.........12 4 ga mt's going as the season closed. C oo rdes of Central, and AI Koetj e of May 9--U. of Washington, here 5th Floor _..... ..__ ._____ ..... _._._ 11 5 John Mitchell headed the scoring Western rounded out the overloaded May 10-Western, here 6 column of the Ivy "A" dOJ'm tcam first team. A tic in votes for Moseid May 14-CPS, there (night) Faculty .. _._ ............. ______ ... __ .10 with a total of 286 points th is year. ..
I Brains .. _.. _._ ......._.._._._....._... 6 11 Little "Mitch" played in 16 of his and Koetje constItuted the dual SelecTRACK Ma in 31:>,. rounded out th e first five Clover Creek "B" ..._...____ . 5 11 team's games and averaged about 18 tion for the fifth position on the quin A '1 - W'II R I U''1m' phtcmg 11 points per game_ 1 prj J - ,amette e ays . . ' , . 'I Ivy"B" _.._ _. ...._ ....- 5 13 Tennessee State madc a repeat per_lt('t. IApril19-Seattle Pacific here
I?I.'TRA~{URAL Stubs .-... .--.--.- .. -...-.............. 3 formance as NAIA champs as they Tor.1I ~ahli was given re cognition April 26-PLC, CPS at Uestern
FREE THROW CONTEST Gunners ..-- ---...-...-...-......-. 2 14 downed We s t e rn Illinois 85~73. for hrs frnt work on the Everg reen May 3-Vancouver Relays Ind. ividual Scoring R ecords _I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Georgetown, which beat the Lutes, c_h_ampion team .being selected on the May 10--West ern, UBC, CPS, here "K'!Ided tourn ey ibn fourth P091ac';,- Tbhe second team. . BIg Tom J 0hn }.'{ltc-he II, Ivy HaII .. ... .....------ 8 :>- , ;;; cntuct1kl~' 'rans w~rc eaten 1 -1<:1 Y . ' topped selec- May 17-PLC,CPS A~t Central
Roger R eep. 2nd Floor.. ...........__ ..... 84\ Jer ry S hede, 2nd Floor........... ....... 84 1 oger Bakken, Ivy Han __ ..._.. ....... _.. 8.) Bob Gettel, Ivy Hall... _..... ____ ... _.... ... 83 \
Paradl·se BOWL Fully Automatic
Fir.;t P lace Team R ecord
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Jerry Scheelc .__ ... ............. ........... 84 Wednesday - after 9 p.m. om Gilmer ._.. ...._. _..__ .._............. _ 80 Friday - All Ev~ning Ted Johns tonc -........ ---....-.--..--.... 75 Tacoma Frank Waterworth .................... .. 72110707 Pacific Ave. Phone LE. 7-6012 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS
Christ's ministry has room. right now, for slrong gifted men of God. Students g roduating f rom college in 1958 will do well 10 qpply n,?w for Seminary enroll me nt. Write today for ~a la log and app lica tion far m· THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGI NS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958
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Texas Southern. tlOns for t~c second fJv~. For better buys in clothing, buy at ' Bob ROlko placed hIgh amonlS the Bemic·s. conference hoopstcrs given honorable mention for the i r contributiolU to
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We provide (hecking and [1 Savings Accounts m and all other I-STREET baak services BWCB 11 for college ti studuts
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May 23, 24--Conf. m eet at UBC
I April 8--Seatt le U., h e r e
their respective teams.
April 19-Central, here
May May May May May May May
2-CPS, there 3-Western, there 6-Seattle U., there 10-CPS, there 13-Seattle Pacific, he r e 17-Central, there 23, 24-Conf. match at UBC
April A pril April I May May May May May
GOLF 11-Seattle U., there 19-CPS, here 26-Western, here 3-Western, there 7-Portland U., here 12-Seattle U., here 17-CPS, th e r e 23, 24-Conf. match at USC
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932 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, Washinglon
Locate d in IGA F OCldtown 112th &. Park Aven ue
P hone LEo 7-3434
Memorable Time: Band Trip
_P_a"_e_F_ o_ur_ _ _P _ L_C_ M_O_O_R_IN_G_M_A_ST _ _ _ _F_ri_d_ay_,_M_a_rc_h_2 _ 1,_ 1_95_8
Spurs t G iv St a MemorialBlue Key Sele ts Fourteen
by Di k Fil htT word. ","1, '.naJ. it la I," "pa wond er if n T ryone know; th(: arou nd ," ant! " G race .,100e."
t th e rl'gion~1 con Hntion y M a ril)'n Bol', Eyei)'n tl .)uass, Anna ~ Ohrstr m and C a mille Emerson. Marilyn Boe led a discussion group on th e topic, "Rclatiom hip Between amount of $75 . and will be a wa rded School, C ommunity and Home." t"ach sp rin g to a worthy m(' mber of A grou p of T acoma cia sroom teach the i ncomin g Spur group. The pur ers, i n ludin g a form er PLC student, pose of th cehola rship is to p erpetu will prrs..n t a p:1l1d d iscuss ion a t the tt the m~ll1or y of former Spur Mir next FTA mee ting M a rch 25 at 7:30 iam, and t J fu r ther inspire in others p.m. in CB·200. Saga picture will also rut" hi gh ideals wh ich she set forth . b!' takrn a t this time.
ORIAL FUND BEGUK · a I S pur · . A M Irwm Stoa M frIlOrI .. . Sc olarship h;u; bcen InitIated b y t h c Ctl vt: and in ac tive m embers of the "n Le', Sp ur h a.pter. Th"I S IS to t h e
BLLJE KEY SELECTS MEMBERS F au rtet' n sophomores and juniors W I·{ ·· invit ed thi.~ past wet,k to become tn.-mbers of Blu e K ey, a na tional hon o rary fraternity for uppercla ssmen. Those selected to fill vacancies left by s;rad uating seniors arc: Ron J orgen . Bob Larson, Al Ostroot, Jack H ol l. George Fisher, John Jacobson, ]" n y O lson, J ay Graham, J erry Sells, uchen L a hti, Don Douglas, Paul Jl'lson,John Amend and Jerry Eri ck
I H llted
p urpose of a band trip? Like a choir tnp, th e principle purpose i~ to spread good will , and, of cou rse, advertise fQf th e- coll e~" c . Altogethe r there \H rC about 50 of us good will ( ?), ambassa· dors, including chief ambassadors Milt 2\·cs \·i<:(~ and Mr. Gilbertson. Wha t sta nd s out in my m emories \"Cry \';\,idly is th(' a ctual trip on the buses; there were two buses, each ca r ryin g about 24 ba nd mem ('rs. 1 think r \'('T)'on e should make it his goal to go on a trip similar to QUI'S, for you rannot imagi ne the boring exciting, fun-fill ed hours we h ad traveling to ge ther until you\'c been on such a journey.
Wt: p laY" d
afternoon ('on
c<:rt- f Clr . chools : lid alway. had an evenin g concert. 'Vedn sda ' v. , en played for a len ten 5t 'icc . After ea ch
ARTISTS VISIT THE "U" Art Lea gue will attend the North· west Exhibit a t the Henry Galleries on the campus of the Univcr~ity of Was hington Sunday, Mareh 23. It will Iravc a t 9:30 a.m. and attend church in Seattle. Girls are furnishing the lunch.
con ce rt we wl'n , aS5ig n d to individual homes to spend th( night, where H: freshme nts wcre a lways served, td we usua lly ta lked until v ry late. Hi ghlighting m oments of the f O Ul for me, and most eve ryone, were th e devotions before every concert. Chap· lain for these oe asions was Dave Knutson, who rea d a portion of scrip tun and led in praye r. This always helped us to rea lize we WC I C not just playing music, but were giving a te~timany to the colle e and t o God. We WCTt a ll sorry to sec the trip We were a ll one big family, and if corne to an end, but were all glad to you come from a la rge family you can come back to th e college grind a gain. appreciate the riot w e had. And just feature spending all that time wi th Mr. Gilbertson and Mr. ~csvig.
T extiles, ecramics, paintings and j "wdry will be tho;. featured work of Northwest artists. Mr. L. K ittkson a nd Miss C. Nel son will accompany th e Art Leagu e.
One of the morale builders for the band was Gilbertson's words for the Flowers for All Occasions day. Everyone 100 ked forward to [' 12173 Pacific A ve. LE.7-0206 them. The theme for the week was the (Foot of Garfield) W e Del iver "fceding of the 5000." Among the
J im Haaland is president of th e du which will sponsor the Campus lellnup ait e-r Easter vaGttion. An ice <k.lting part y is pla nncd b y Blue K ~)' for • pril J 1 at 10:3 0 p ,m. a t t he I...1.krwood Icc A rena. HOW MUST GO ON T ryouts "'I' n held Th u rsday in the tadio-:otudio fo r til Saga C a rn iva l m lodnm a . "Th", L ighthou se K cep ('1"5 aUllh tt>r :' which i, und er t h e drn·{:tICln of L yl ' Pearson. 1 ryou t;. "'1.'1<: a lso hdd fo l' "The en. of the M issing· H a nd hake." It "ill h,' p n ' 't'llted on TV for M ental II,-uth Wre whi ch wi ll be in April . "I·r. "W:· dIrer! "'1\. MILLE E~mRSON RUN R PRF . ' y A l h,' r giona l conven tion of FTA h ILl ;n E ", rctt on M a rch 8, Camille .nl!'r5on was nominated fo r the office or tr, idt:nt of Wash ington Student E( IIC lion .\ , c ia tion. Elec tions will hi' hrld ;It Ihe ~ta te convention a t CPS <\p rii -1 and 5. lt 3plt r of FTA wa, n :prl'·
Reformation W indow, in beautiful colors on stained glass, as seen in the new Lutheran B rotherhood Home Office bu ilding. It forms the west wall of our Martin Luther library whic" contains works ort M artin Luther and the church., S~Mng PLC th r ugh Christian use of free press. P R ES S
EDf.fOR .............. DA V:E CR OWNER
N ws Editor.................. H erb D em psey Reporters : Teddi Gulhaugen, Ba rb SlUWrniller, Barbara Isaa cson, Dick r isher, Larry Johnsoll.
Fmt rt: Editor...... Marilyn Donaldson R cpotcrs: Solveig Leraas, Joey Dan I('ison. Bob Bills, Earlene Burcham, la Mac Mathi>, Bob Fleming , Don ( ~ Iru s.
Sports Editor..............Dennis M a rttala R porters: Jim Kittilsby, Tim W ynd h m, Harry Sannerud, Dick Good win, E ug e Hapala. T pis t.. .... ' ............... Laurie Beecroft
Bu in6S41 Manager.. Ma ry Lou E ngen Ad Sollc-itors: Rod P atterson, Lois Anderson, Linda Scha d. P hotographer..........
r. W. McKewen
Artiu .......... ..................Dick Londgnm
BOGk keeper......................Carol House
Cf tion ........._ .............. Pattl Finn
change ......................._..._.Joy Lewis
Fi le C le rk ........................ Lanie Hacgar
d iso( _ ...................... Mr. M. N esvig
P uLlished Fridays of the school year by students of PLC, at Parkland, Washington. ffioe : College U nion Building. P one LEnox 7-8611. Ext. 41.
"What is the relationship between Lutheran Brotherhood and the Lutheran Church? At a Lutheran Church convention, 40 years ago, in St. Paul, a prominent layman stood up to persuade the group that Lutherans should work together to help each other in time of trouble. To make his point, he used a simple illustration: "Suppose two brothers made an agreement," he said. "Each promised that if the other died, he would provide for the widow and her children. That would be, in effect, an insurance contract." A few days later the organization now called Lutheran Brotherhood was incorporated by church leaders. Its purposes were "to aid the Lutheran Church; to foster justice, charity and benevolence; to provide education . . . to encourage industry, savings, thrift ... to furnish relief and protection to its members, their dependents and beneficiaries, through the payment of benefits in case of death or disability." While its primary purpose is to give protection to
memberS of the Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Brotherhood also helps build churches by loaning money ... helps train church leaders by providing scholarships . . . helps churches grow by giving money and supplies. The Lutheran Brotherhood serves members of all Lutheran Churches with "Living Benefits."
Free Upon Request. Beautiful full-color repro duction of the Reformation Window above. Com plete with historical legend. Large size (18"x 24'). Heavy stock, suitable for framing. M ailed in tube. No obligation, of course. Send your name and address today.
LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD 701 Second Ave. So. • Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
Living benefits for Lutherans through life insuTllnce
RSPbC Elections Set for Tuesday;
Four Candidates Se k Presidency
P I'ima ry ASPLC officer election! fOl the I £158-59 term will be held ' "uesday, April 15, at voting hooths in th e CUB and library. Final electioDi will Ix: W ednesda y, April 16, if run offs a re necessa ry. It is nccessary that ail stude nts present their student body cards at time of voting .
patin g in the Luther League on a local, federation, and district level. Psychology Club, Ge rman Club, and Hiltory Club (sec.-trca s.) compriJe my cluh memberships.
d ent Body President who is n ot afraid of work and who undentands the machinery of government is, I believe, VOL. 35, NO. 20 wh a t we need. (sigru:d ) JACK HOLL
FRI., APRIL 11, 1958
PbC's 'Thumbelila' Floal COlslruCU-ol 01 "ampus II T B Fh d T hi I~;~~p::!a:~::, :=~!:; a elliS e Ollg
As chairman of the Junior Clan Chapel Program committee, I recently Checkin g through the school calen helped put on the Junior Clau-Ger Nominet:s a r·c : President, Don Dou g man program. We h a ve sent 27 let dar, I found no opportunities for par las, J ack Holl, M erle Martinson, T om ters to major univenities seeking in t icipa tin g together after applauding Unmacht; Vice-president, Be v c 'r I y formation a s to their social and cul a n (" xciting ball game. Fortunately, w e Benson, D a rrell Hines, R euben L a hti, tural life, and a re in the proc.ess of won't havc to cool off in CloYt:r Creek J a y Tronsdalt: ; Secretary, Barbara incorporating the results of this find : : I Br ckne r, JoAnn Hanson, Con r; i e ing into a chapel p ro.'!Tam. T hompson, l\' a n cy \Valker; Treasurer, I am twenty-one years old, a psy- . or snake dances to he I p blow off Following completion early tomorrow mo,ming, "Thumbel Jim Bullock, Louise Kraabel, Bob Lar chology major, and a biology min or . stearn. ina," PLC s float will be entered in the annual Daffodil Parade, son . If ekcte-d , I ~hall announce five which begins tomorrow at 10: 00 a.m. from the center of Ta I have seriously e ndeavored in the Nomina tions m a de by th<" Literary past to maintain my 3.3 gpa so tha t responsible students who have a greed coma and will move out to Puyallup and Sumner. Main cherne Board for th e following p ositions are: I may be able to continue a fter PLC to investiga te new elements of group for the parade, a part of the Daffodil Festival, is "Fairy Tales a ct ivity to be presented at the right and Flowers." Saga Editor, T eddi Gulh augen; Saga in g raduate school. (signed) TOM UNMACHT time . Portraying Thumbelina will be tiny~---------------Busi Manager, undecided ; Moor My best qualification is that I have Carol Hurst. About the main <:harac- work on the float putting the 35,000 ing Mast Editor, Di ek Londg ren. sincerely believe that an active bitten my nails o,'cr this problem as ter on the float will be four fairy- daffodils in the setting. Pacific Lu Following a r t: statements from all L exchange progra m with our fel low mue h as th e nex t s t u d en t . "fh e 0 tI'r hpnncessl'S ' FI uw- therau has won fi t prize in the.. amI th t: K'm g a f t llC tht- pr sidl:ntia l ca ndidates and qua li neighboring colleges should be en- qualific a tions are junior class vice- ers, The king, Bob L a rs on, will be , educational division for the past ficati on of all ca ndidat es: acted. By est ablishing an Ex change p resident, Dea co n, a nd high school ~eatt'd on the vcry top of th e float, several yean and it is hoped by the Committee this will enable us to ex- J student body pn:sidcllt. raised about 13 fcet; h e will be seated committee that the entry ill be chang e student programs, choruses, (sig'ned ) MERLE MARTINSON on a ~iant lily pad and clad en tirely , completed in time for competition bands, prof<.:ssors, and idea, for im· in silver. tomorrow. provcment with these collcges. Resting on the four corn ers of th e L a te Ic:lns will be rriven girls wh Qualifications Possibly arrangements <: 0 u I d be Qualifications: Membership in Blue f1~at ahout a blue pond will be the will work on the float "tonigh t, as h a This p ast ~u m m er I helped to g uide made for a joint Student Artists Series, K ey, Alph a Sigm a L ambda, Pi Kappa Lll rv-pnncesst's. Betty Johnson, Grace b th t d ' t ' . S L' 1 Id' f , . ecn c ra 1 IOn m past } ~... . tu.HIU direct th e summer ca mping pro W111e 1 wou rnsure per OIUlcrs for Ddta , pa st I.C .C, n:prese ntati\'t:; pres· En g,' n, Jan Snyder and K a thy Knut- I . , , en ts a rc urged to a ssist on the fl oat gl a n. at Luth erl a nd Bible Camp on perfon11anc t's while they are in this ent C orrespondin g Secreta ry of Pi SOH, representing ea ch of the four . od Wk ' . i a t a ny Ume t ay. or ' 15 conttnu·· Lak e Killarney. I w orked with m any arca, .. thus.Ul.a ki.ng" it mO.re e cono mical, K a ppa D elta, .195fi-57 Studellt Chail classes .. Ea ch of the princes.ses will be L h . d '. . . . m g on owe r ca mpus a t t (' m ust n al l1linisters of this are a in helping high . d b .tn ena Img Us to obtam e' (" 11 g reater ma n of W ashmaton S tat e Student all a g ia nt gITCn hly pad ttlled to rc- a rts building . "' hool coullseia n h and le u y e r 200 vea l the girls who will be on different t;;ient in the future . Having the Stu- 1 Conglt:ss. J cam pers a week . I rece ntly a ccepted I a m a wa re d, a t progress m stu In'ds and dressed in blue a nd white. ay Tronsd a lc is chailm<l n of thi d ent Council sponsor one or two lec f0f next summe r the task of a gail1 t . uce sefl'" cOU Id start a preee d t'nt d ent gO\"(' fJun ent must be based upon In the center of th,' blue pond will bt: yea r' s floa t, with as sistants b.:ing Jim helping to lead " .111lping program . which the "ariou' club, could follow, filature k a dt· rship a nd the w hole- a rotating lily pad. Stewart, Ali ce Jessen and Jerry H anA n a ctive T.lJt'lul.w r of the Lutheran By encoura ging fa r m ore stude nt ht'ar!<'d support of eve ry student a t Ton igh t students arc urged to I son. C h~ rch si'lc e childhood in Dubuqu e, pa1"li <: ipa t ion We belie,'e a student go\" PLC. I'ma, ' flv fa mily rece ntl y m oved from rrllJlIl'nt could rea lly b,> uscd for tll.. ~ y candid uc y fo r the offi ce 'I l< UIru\ to ~t;Iwn kee, W isco nsin. For b"st intnests of all a nd th e t ud cn t ASP!. ' P id "o t j. I. " 'r! , n " Ilir ~a t y e~ n I h a\'e marntl,lined c cou neil " o uld h,: . 1 vi t'U force in the sinu'f< ' lx' ii d til.ll ti,,! rn!'l ~ b ers h ip in my h orne chu rch, p rogress of PLC in the future. it- ad "',, h ip " nd that thl: siu dent bo y L l1 tllfl M t mor: I in Tacoma. ("i" twd) T O M UX~v[ACHT is flO\\' pn'pa rl' d for ~t p ro"Tcssiv,; p ro l OT "": past If" r e ye;lI', I h ave 1I ,:" n in Dil field s of st ud en t :lctivityT 11,; lO) 8 S;\GA Ca r nival opcm I and work h as gone in to th.. A-!ill.!ttl t, ught Sunday , ~ hoo l , sung i n the Stu dent Arti st Sni t' s, rcc H:ation, a th Fr iday ntg h t, .\ pril 18, t 8 :UU p, m . Sh ow and it prom ilics to gi ... r an • \1. I holr. ' C1"\ cd on \'ariol1> om mi ttccs, Q ua lifica tio lJs: Stu cI to n t C (j ll,, ~ ;1 k ti, "eli, ities, and represetl tation in in th e MS AI; dilOnul11, with tll 1;0l uj n~ of r'xcclkm enter tainment. ac a~ WlU a~ h d ping t o g u ide thl: youth R t'11 1'L'Se lltati \ t' , frt'"silIIl<1n ('tass: t-ditur, natio nal a 'l e! jou d stu dt'nt co n[, ·n: ncr:i. on ation of rll<" S; ~, QU ~" Jl and Ki n :~ . cordi ng tt, Ji m Bulloc k of tilt· a., . PIO!.!' IIlI u!' th, chu rch, an d parti ' Stud ent H andbo ok, 1~ 58 : Muoring I pl"d gc mys elf, if ekcted, to fu r A top-n ott'h Cj u,t.rt t, T he Rhythm - - -- '- -- - - - - -- - eh ni ght a fter the .how. ilL tIL ~Ia s t; Sag ;l : ~ct i \'(> with Citiz(' nship ni;h k a d' l h ip for stud ent p art icip:l-I aires flom Pari fi ,~ l ' ni,·tr,it ), w d l hI" au dit rium the gym will be opl'ned for Clr:a ri ng- Huu s" ( politic a l scienc e or tllH! 111 a.ll n a lms ot O u r cull, P. p ro · pn· sc n tt'd: cnt~rl ...iomcn t fOt t he the carniva.l gam es a nd f In . Su~h 1'!:1l1iza ti oll); Bl ue K ey: History C lub ; ~'allJ. (si:;ncd) DON DO U GLAS roya ltv a nd ~ l((s!:.~. rh [' con cer t cilOru {.lvorites as the Seni o r E gg-T hrow, the , pea kt'r of th e h Oll s,' , YMCA Yout h :l nd thl' PI. C drill l<:am also w ill h aY< J,,\I, a m r-Iodram.a, D arTo, and man SCi- , Lc:; i" atll lt·, 1955: !ll a jot , ~ ]J.lrl in th e , how. Cn l Ca pener will othl'l ~ ttrartio n> will 3.\h ilt the r wd ,' nu' a nd H r:; lory, an d mIno r, Plulbe lllas Beb in tlw e-y m. F rid ay night tht royal tv . ter .of ""rf'll llllLi cs, H e ancl , \.Im ual L u th e r' L t' :.l~ u <:, Su np.,y, oso ph y :md E conum ics. fk ll , ' n~ will do " comed y rou tme .l ls a will k at! the way tu the: gym and on "' p ril :co., w:lI attract s('\ eral h und n 'd . ~S·, tu d Cll! DU lJ d ~ VtTlllutllt at Pa ~ L,O ()n Satll rdd \' rll~ht 3n old PLC 1I ,1 S d . h h M' I eh d it lC n w ill .evl\Tu-The Lettera tur ay Illg t t el m stTe orua orthw cs t L ca",uLrs tu PLC fo r an <'!fIC L uth udn College sta nd s on the ;,[[ . I II OtJfi :l nd <.:\I: lIin : o n th e campu s. thres hh QlcI of ~ bri:; ht ne w na. •\ c vcr Fou r Pac ific Luthe ra n C ollt-gc d,. men's ~linstrd .Sh ow.. Ti me a nd pl.ace will lead everyone from thr MS 10 RI ~ ist rillio n w ill bcgi n a t 2 :00 p .m. before in the sixt y-fu ur y~ a r his tory of , ba te rs a nd th ei r coaeh a l'<: pa r t ic ipa t- th e same- as FrI day night. N[ uc h t <me! the gym. a nd while i t is goin g- 0 11 , a n in fllrmal Pl ,C" 1l a~ stuu.1 n lt ge" 'c rnm ent h ad such [I' in.g in t he b ienni al prov il.lcia l CO l1\'c' n f \ II I f P K D h yum in g wi ll be held in th e chap el. a p rOllllsw g- 1.ltu re. .- s t t' co kge tlUn. and to ur.nam.c,nt a 1. appa, d l.c,,~uf'rs w ill Lc wdeo lJlI'd a t th e 1caps f Olward 111 the growth of pub- ta In Pocatc:lto, lea ho, thiS wcek. fh e " " . THE LA VE ND E HILL MO B I"'itf up<:"n in l! 5css io n in the eMS Ii It's punsi bil ity and inter:tal !!Uid - I g-ro u p left h ere by t ra in W edn<:sd ay , hap.,! ... 1 3:00 p .m . h :l rfwdiately a fter .m e,·, it becomcs necessa ry tha t S tu- fot th e ('''<"lI b whi ch began yn l n-d a y ' Movie starring A lec Guinn ess ( ,du l"'!' or t hf' A <"llli ', ny .1\.\ ',Inl wJ.rd, a lIl iJ<er w ill fo llow <Jut o n th e ' de nt Co \ eru nwn t k c e p p ace Wit.h an d. CO,I.'l in ucs thI. ' OU~h Sa turd ay lI io tu , for B,"st H' tOl Ild" Y r) , m p us . PL(.. s two top debate teams a n' Th is mor nin g, foll owin g ch a pel, the Spon so red by t h e Campus Chest th ... dynamI C "han ges. U urs iJl (, Oll11'S the challen ge to 1.).' _ ClJI Il i',·t illl, . Th t' \' illclud.. D Ll n a l d P r ice 35c &. 55c- l n CB-200 f oll owin g L:J I llp tl~ tours, supp er w ill rved a t : 5 0U p ,m. .Ln th e l'. '.l f e- COl Ii C a , tro n ,. and inte gral pa rt uf D u",:: las and Thomas R l'!:Vt'S a nd Bd·, Cho ir of th e W est will . stan . on i t:; t'omt-uy ~Ilj Po on ,\ lIilar:o lJS ('ri Sf: m t lIlU . DUI'in" th , urn lll" r t here wi ll be th is instltut ion . Th" d ooTs of oppor- , clOll M a co unald 3mI J am: t 'I'll r n. 1'<ll !l Il:1.< concert tou r wh Ich WIll ta !:c POPC O RN F O R S A E . y 1W V c: b r n I'I I"!!:ht entl'1' ta irlllIt" nt bvI PL C s: udent s lll lllt . 1-1 wy W Ll ' [' CUlllp,·t!.. WIt . I1 I.,'arm f rl)1I( In c eeJ . .. ung ' WId" op en; It ,) -VOICC SlIl '; Il l{ 'roup 'l I\ roUIl IlL I rlU lUll W Il .'; S fo r all to join ill. .lS b ut ,ror us to . t ~ p t h r ou. g 1I '\ 1 1" I 1 h' 1 . I ulem "nti t)le .. :.1 SC 100 S W I t !. comp nse t.Ie L ,q"rn W;,shingtan and Canada. "The P eople of G od" is th,· th eme . . . f f f aC('e IJt m a tu }"e responSlbIhty wluch. "c l I e urtl.lw,·st prOVlllce 0 the na" Fo r ei ght day ~ the Cho ir wi ll b,: .,w1Ild w h ic h tht:' (·ven in...:0 pl og' .un lIll·'1 l!' . d (id 1 1 ' J t or .. !.JUlla IOlc nsICS lOllo Liry, . . , R' '11 'r , will fl· rIler. 1 ' Ie tnu npe tecr; w ill b eS " . . I" I'o icsS"or '1'heodore · C). H. Ka r, J d c- Sln Amt:ndm<n t to the By-Law of . Ie ... tudl' llt li o\'vr nnu:nt l~ 3'0 \ f'ITlIl w nt _ 'l "HI-!' ,'n nen !s lP. ItZ\'! ,', .....aU . ..",,, , ei.n U,e proqram wi th the hymn , "A i ll Ill<' tTIIC ., !. ., n~r of the word, j\ S tU-I C1;l k . coach, i, p ro viIlc!. I go auor of I:.~d~ rott, ~ poka,[lr , Cm Hl ell, RIch );, " rl, "Sl'L C C nn 'ti t u tion lO l.o ' p rn , Mi r l. y I'Ortrt', Is J Ut Go(l." The - - - -- - - . - 1)1 Ka p p. D, lt:l • nd IS lq p re ,cit: OV r \I.. It a \ Valb , St· ;,t tlt- a nd L aw re nce, in SlllU, n l bod v Ihapel on April 15 tilt sa L of thl" ,·ven in!,; will b< gin' II . . . I IJ e lll ' " I W,I,hi ;L tUIl. T h, lru t t llln uuys \, ill 1958, ; nd to he vol d upon OTI Tu ,",1(1 \' , n nO n , i·SSiO IlS whle I an' I"r DI I.ru II !. of lh, PLC biolo"'y de ' I i [ I 1 ' ll d ' y, prj! 22: '" 1 11< , a t , :' 10 S U it' C o ,;;. , r ("k r them to . ' " w \V e .i t<lIiT1~I'r .Hlll jJ,iltITIt'Ul, and the C onC:" r t C horus Tll ' film ASPLL offic"rs sha1I each In additio n tutl ei" , t t l h e PLC I \ ' n ' t ' ! l -' I \.. ' C ' I . . . <.l nCCU \l r, u.- I IS 1 . . . 0 LI 1I11.1 Lit , ~ n. { will plovid( sp"cial !ll u ~ i t: . r' ""I\,e " srlI I: hip fur tlldr 'Tyke ,.pt·akers a n C01l1 · ttn ~ 111 (" 'u:mpon', 1 Ardis \ , u "trollg a n d Da ve Lunde i . toe) 'md tl' I('\' r~ iO Il , p" llmc . pW I' i . H;" h li 'gh s of the ho u -J:i lus ." "ncer t in officI Tht e seiLolanltip ~ltall b ., " D..tofes Lars on a nd JoAn n Hilllson I,,,;r ;w ( 0 'hainnl"1l of , tud "n t ·'or.gr ega . ' 1'1 I I ' '1' 11;1 ' :'n <'~( ' h da y m <"iu(i" "de,lIons b} drawn from thc ASPLC treasury ,md 't,'t' n tI! ."rt" pr,'sent, d 150 !:r l1lt~ 1<" l tt t' • • a Ill' \ '\'c nt in w JlI 'I ' ' .. . , ' tiUfl s L u th er L ~-:I!l'u~ Dayan C .unp '. sh all bl paY;lbk Oil lilt; :second srm " in-lid bv t } ' V, h in ' tOil C o m:n··- of th, ",:>m p.· titors ~iY, a rl';J.din g b dore f .11I Stl m .l . nt! II.• ell ,lnd a lo;o nIH dhl I h,. con- ,·mpo rary ((If P()~'TS E .. ,ly t( r or Ill! affiLI'Nl tr.rms. Thcy ill 11 - - - - -- -.. Pan'nt. ;, D d 1"" chl'rg, it w ~ s an .. t .. l,"'i, io li ca rm r. . he in tht· followin Illllounls: Pr!!!i , r u nn.d h~ dr' AI /lil M art!" I/:'J:,.-O, CA T A L G A VAILA B LE En·ry other Yl",Jt Pi K a ppa D elta \' lIb" and r,m l] . C I Lr i~tia"'nL , College c a t ol o gs &o r the 1 68-59 . huul.. ' 1 natioI 'l1 com e rt l ion a nd ' OUT t1ilt' d OI of t I Ie-l nl ul.1 ti o r. n 1'~' u,' 'mg ' I1t'l' r tour, Ih t' ' j 10t1', un cit-I. J $100 · \ ie -pr.. icirrt, ~50 ' rrll! s chool year a t· now a allable in '1 fw award, arc gi \'cu .. I IIILJIly IU nry . La cl yl' r PLC com .\ . in thi, til r l ilt h; tun of tl",ir d irl'cto r, ' \II III I, $2,;· S('crrtat) , $~:; , t he Re g istr a r"s office, O ld Main. ,·oU•. !:'t.: . tul.kn "T"e5" sdtol.ll.hrps wt.lJ h 'Comt' m jodn in , duCll (HIl t III Brookings, S. D. Nex t year ltaT J, Mllhnm, will p ,ellt It. alllJu.'l1 Summer ca t alo gs h ave a lso b een f rlin- Ilr"'nnin,, in th,. .IhOlI ) tion. Fund for th~ l,(cunl "OIlt' Ironl t ht natioanI neD! wrll b hd d at Q I11 ,onent, ;\pril 27, in t.b ava il a bl e t his w ee k. 1958·59:' !if rm:rnbcrsbip, in the - r I . Bowling J'I! en, Ohio. illluitLlrium ,
Merle Martinson
For President
Tom Unmacht
Don Douglas
I' .
a Carni al O e ns
With Kin , Q
een C
pril 18 r nati
J a c k Holl
Le g uers V·15 ·t1 ! PLC pril 20
bUI S m ele Ilin Idah meel
ChDI-r laues day n , ur
Ton."ght at 7"30 p m
=--__________ _ _ ___.. .: to Vote Whe her ay PLe Officers
Han so n l a rson Get
'p G ra nts Scho arsh l
Pagt T wo
Fridav, . pril H , t958
Growth and Time
(continued from
hots Cold Shoulder?
.mc! " P.; H igh Scbool Studl:llt Goun t:il pr" sid"n t ; D orm Cou ncil, 2 e rs; ICC reprcs!'ntativf', Sociologists.
Darrell Hines Ac tive in h igh school : sUlio r class president, L e tterman's Club officer; vice-president of Omicron Mu Alpha (freshman ycar ); vice-president and I.C.C. representative from Old Main; vice-pres id~nt of I.C.C. (junior ye a r); chairman for Campus Chest Auction (junior year); chairman of Junior c I ass homecoming £loa t; escort for homecoming this past homl'coming; me-mb r of Blue Key; member of Let tennen's Club; baseball letterman.
Severa] weeks ago a group of students, sparked b the inter est of a professor, began a movement to put a course in the Rus sian language o n the PLC curriculum. 1 believe the general feel JoAnn Hanson I ing of those concerned was th.lt the movement never got movingMusical organizations: Choir, Mad due to a cold shoulder of the administration. However, I believe rigals, girls qua.rtf't and trio last year; this is un true. Phi Delta Epsilon ; Delta Rho Gamma, University of Chicago social scientist David Riesman opined.. secret a ry (last year ) ; Spurs; dramatic in a recent special lecture that students are quite realistic about productiom, "Tamin '" of thl Shrew" college life, and form few illusions about it. But one of their and "The Crucible" ; ASB sccrc;'lary in greate3t ill usions is the b lief that they can in no way affect their R u eben Lahti high school; Junior class att!'ndant, academic environment. They don't realize, for example, that fac JlInior rlass president; lIlember of May Festival; floor ch;Jirman, South ulties are not the monolithic. tight organisms they seem to be, but St udent Congregation Board of Dea cons; member of Kappa R ho Kappa, Hall. are rather groups that are often in precarious balance. This bal Gl·r man Club, and plcdgt" to Blue . ance could be easily affected by .1 determined student opinion. For Secretary K ,' y; hi gh school senior class presi Connie Thompson "This is not to imply that I want professors to run their courses den t; Luther L eague president; Old Junior class rcpresentaitvc to Stu on the basis of popularity queries." insisted Riesman. "I believe Barbara Beckner Main dt'votional chairman; Sunday Secretary of Orange Coast Luther dent Council; <::o-chairman of Artist in faculty autonomy. But 1 also believe that the students should sc hool tcacher. League Federation, 2 years, (ALC); Se ries Committee; trf'asurer of Stu have responsibility .lnd influence over their own fate." secretary of California District Luther d~nt Congregation; trea surer of ASB, Th.lt is what happened at PLC. Through determined stu Beverly Ann Benson Ll'ague (ALC), 2 ye'ar,; secre tary of Olympia. High; music, Band; priv~.te dent opinion, influence was br.ought to bear on those concerned LDR treasurer; Student Congrega Alpha Tau Sorority, 1 se.mester; vi ce- sl'cr('tary to Mr. Haley for three years; with the curriculum. But the administration did not give anyone tion coull cil at large (in charge pub president of Alpha Tau Sorority, 1 major, Math 'lnd Scitence Education; tbr cold shoulder; instead it was Time, for before an entirdy new department is added it must be knowQ that th2 department li ci ty); chairman of March of Dimes ~emeSl!> r, freshman year at Compton member of Se nate in high school. will not die out after a semester, or year, or even longer. For an at PLC; chairman, initiation of '56 J.C.; Commissioner of Publications i efficient and well run teaching set-up, for a stable college curricu For Treasurer f reS h 1"11 en; Student Congregation; and Public Relations, freshman year I lum and for the best college accreditation, departments cannot Linne; German Club; LDR; AWS; at Compton J. C.; membership in I Louise Kraabel come and go. in summer, hold a junior executive po LDR and FTA. ~ition; during sen i 0 r high school: Student Council preside nt of high The movement begun by the students did not stop. The fact chainnan of campaign for 17 high Nancy Walker ,choal, junior year; ('ditor of high is that it was a pioneering effort to expand PLC's curriculum, I schools of county; biology assistant to Local Luther LeaguL' presid ent; Cir- school Yearbook, senior year; Sf'cre but an effort which could not be expected to produce results over Dr. KIludsen. cuit Luther League ser:re tary, 2 years, tary of Los Angeles Circuit Luther night. The effort was felt by the right people, and the influence r - -.........- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , League (ELC); council member of is still present. But the influence has to be proved. That takes I the Organization Control Board at th e time. -- Dave Crowner, edi tOf. Jay Tronsdale President of Canada Luthera n Bibk I nsli tute Alumni; president, PLC Art L cagu ...; On Student Congregation Board of Trust<' es ; art. chairman of 195 7 Daffodil float; chairman of 1958 D:tffodil float; mcmbe r of APO, FTA.
'I!____ •
~~ ~e~,'
University of California at Los Angdc:s; Inter-Club Council reprcscntatiV(' at Unive rsity of California at Los Angeles; membe r of Welfare Board at
A ....~ .... 1/J A_.~~ ~ ~
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Starting n/"xt week all Volkswagons must be kept Lo, An-I on a leash. . . . Also a new idc:a for old sack dresses-usc th<"m to cover Volkswagons at nite ... . I'm not worricd about going bald but now the bone All PLC dorms will be engaged In mOlley-ralslng competItion following Saga business IIlanager; one year on is coming through. . . . Did you hear the one about the ghost who used action take n by the Student Council on Tuesday. From April 21·27 each Studt'llt Count:il; Saga ~, d manager; tu go to seances regularly? Now he just does n't g ive a rap. . . . She hdd up dorm, through whatever manner it desirl's, will ga ther funds for the Campus treasurer for Linne Society; local Lu her lips fOI' a kiss and it's a sight I'll never forget. I've seen bettr'r looking Chest, with a prize (probably a trophy) to be awarded the winning dorm. ther Leagul'" preside nt; membership in puckers on half-closed duffle bags. Student Counc.il also voted to put on the hallot an amendnlt'nt to thl' It's a funny thing about the army . They teach you to mend your own Kappa Rho Kappa: Sa ga Carnival PLC constitution by-laws to awa rd stude nt body officcn, beginning next year, chairman. socks, wash your own dothes, cook your own meals, a nd make your own T holnr~ hips totaling $200. Th is 1110lU' y will come from h<: studeut body bed-all the time insisting t.hey're making a man out of you. Ont" time a treasury. Bob Larson soldier was so absent-minded he went on guard duty and shot himself. He In th" past thf' student body president has always received a present, President of PLC sophomore class; had to. He forgot the password. . . . On day I lost a rifle and they lIlade mt: but tht'rc has never been anything definite in the constitution, concerning a.ny 011 Student Council, freshman year; pay for it. They said I'd have to pay for anything I lost-even if it was a type of retribution for the offictTs, and it was awkward for the p 5ident to tank. Can you imagine paying for a ta nk ? Now I know why a captain gots member of Student Congregation legislate for his own pn-scnt. Board of D('acons; Ivy Hall dorm down with his ship. It is the practice of many schools to pay their officers, and the Council Topical ·ypc story- -Do you know what they call an anesthetized rab president, freshman year; member of bit '? Givt" up? An ether bunny. . . . Many thanks to Stan Elberson for the E1ue K~y; hi gh school freshman class was unanimously in favor of doing so at PLC. President Dave Knutson ex gag. Don't think it was worth the money I paid you tlto. . . . I used to go president; on h i g h school Student plained that the amend ment will be rcad in chapd Tuesda.y and \"ot~d upon w ith a Woodell Shoe type of girl. Wooden Shoe like to buy n1l' dinm:r? Wood Council; high school class treasure r on April 22. and vic.e-president; pn:sident of high ton Shoe like to go to a movie? First man: I've got a girl for you. She' s :!2, h'ls long blonde hair, dee p school choir; Luthf'r L eague preside nt Expert Dry Cleaning La u ndry S e rvice blue eyes, a gorgeous complexion, :md weighs 500 pounds. Second man: 500 (two years), treasurer, vice-presid e nt. I pounds? Look, I go for all the rest but a girl w ho weighs 500 pound.; isn't' ~hf:' kinda fat? First man: No, but she's vc'ry tall . . . . So all rite, I know I u!cd it last year, but I like it. . . . In closing- always rcmember, he who MONDAY THRU SATURDAY laughs last has found a meaning th~ editor has missed . 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Dorms Raise Money;
;===============::; PARKLAND GRILL
seniors suggest 3
ring for graduation
Jon Soine
528 Garfield St.
Mrs. Jo Summers Phone LEnox 7-4300
12:~:w:::;f::'A::1 o'~~;;:.l SWEATERS •
for guys and gals!
~(=F=O=O=t=o=f=G=a=r=f=ie=l=d=)====vv==e=D=e=l=iv=e=r~1 PERMANENTS THAT SATISFY
New Sportswear NOW IN
Charm Beauty Salon Blanch.. Lingbloom
413 GARfiELD ST.
Magnavox Headquarters
PHONE LE. 7-7100
1121·23 Broadway BR. 2·3211 ~--------------~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
F riday, April II , 1958
l'a!:c Thrcc
• I
----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~b
Fro m 'Se s
ew eeor
In the Tf"xas Relays PLC All-Amer ic an jaw·lin star, John Fromm, bt't tt n ' d his national NCAA record of ..! 18 fp(·t, I in ch with a jaw·Jin laun ch ing which tra \"t' kd 25 feet, IOY2 inches. Big John made the giant toss in the "'cond try of the preliminaries. Earlier Fromm hJd set another new record with a toss of 218 feet in an indoor rneet a t tl1/' Wa shin g ton State College Invita tional. This rna y easily 1)(' a new world record for indoor ( (.mpeti tion In ? thrf'c team meet Ma y 28 bc twt:cn PLC, CPS and St. Martin's the Lut.. cindermen ran a way with swee p , ta kes as they led the field in scoring. The d ay ended with PLC scoring a to tal of 70 0/( points, CPS had 383/4, an d St. Martin's totaled 27%. Lutes Win Tri-Mect In th e tri-m eet the Gladiator track m en took eight first places iil the ,'vents tht·y entered. In the 120-yard hig'h hurdl(·s John Jacobson finish ed first with a t ime of 17.5 seconds. Bob L<:t: ran the 880-yard even t in 2: 10.1. Ga ry Gebhard timt'd in at 27.2 on the ~ _O low hurdles. The relay team fin ished with a tim c of 3:42 as Boh Lee, 1.owf·ll Shelda hl, John Jacobson and D an Witm e r carried th e " torch." C"r Iy Seilfey push ed the shotput 42 fc(,t, q inches. Tom Gilmer hig h jumped .5 f..ct, 6 inches for a tic with Wilson of PlI gct Sound. Rich Hamlin hurled the juvt>lin 15::; fr" ' , Ii inch ~,G arl f'~rc a l 0 h eavt'd the disclls to a first place "f 12 :'1 fee t, 9* inch es. Pa cifi c Luth"ran will host Seattl... . a cific in a tra ck me!'t sc heduled for Saturday, April 19.
Salz Name At hlet ic irector; Foot:ball, Basketball Separate
Parkland Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
11021 Pacific Avenue LEnox 7-5772
Pacific Lytheran Colleg; has embarked on a new era in sport on the GladIator ~ampus: [he era of the Salzman, Gabri els n, and ~und.gaa rd tno . at the reins .of the Lute athldic progr.am . '1 hr fIrst da y at sprIng vacatlon at Luteville br ou gh t [or l b the announcement of the new athletic sta ff for rhr 19 58-5,
by Eug e ne Hapala Coach MARV HARSHMAN was gin' n a royal s.. nd-off, sponsored by the Ta com a Athletic C omm ission and attended by sCVf'ral hund red a lumni and loca l sports fans la st week, and onf' couldn't help but notice a not~ of nostnlgia in both Mr. and Mrs. H ars hman' s voices as they thanke d ('Vf' ryont: for th eir fin e coop .. ration a nd friendship throughout th,. years. Along with this t1wrc was a kl'ling of satisfaction from H arsh about thl" an noun ce m e nt of our new coachinJ.; sta ff, just named that morning. H ars h expressed the fact that he doubted if there we re \C'r y many coll eges tha t could boast of suc h a young, competent staf f of athldic men tors in the small collt- g.. ranb. This exprc-ssion was h ea rd over and owr throug hout the e v~ni n g from t ht' many a lumni and sports fans at th t: TAC. The administration ddinitely deserves a pat on the b:J.ck for the outstanding lII('n they chosf' to lead PLC's ;l thIcti c hopes in yea rs to come. The students ha ve se'n fit to asst:sS th m selves for a modern swimming- pool a nd the a dmi n istra tion has r.o ullt('Il' d with id . f th os.. t h rc e COlllpctcnt coae h t h e n:umng 0 <:s to ea t h ~ at hi' e tl c program, but the at.hleti e pi c ture must be bolstered with m o rl" than thi s. Thcloe men will need the (·quipm cnt and facilities to ca rry out their tal cnts which can help keep PLC in the championship limeli g ht. With these three aggressive young- men heading th e PLC athletic program we a rc con fident tha t they will spearh ead the a ttack for improved modf'rn faci liti c< to ~ccomodate our future Lute teams. L cadin.t{ the' host of we ll-wishe rs a t tht: TAC was the "granddadqy" of a ll PLC prof('ssor", DR. J . P. PFLUEGER, along with PRESIDENT EAST VOLD, TAC PRESIDENT CLAY H UNT I:"IGTON, a nd a host of other loca l sJ?orts fans and friend, o f Mr. and Mrs. H.arshman. !'iewly namt'd Ath lctie Dirretor MARK SALZM:\;'Ii and Basket ball Coach GENE LU;\D GAARD wcr.. a ls o on hand to bid farewe ll to H a rsh :lnd H'Ccivc the congratu btions from th e many sports fa ns.
Lute BatnIen Meet Central For tht· first time in yea rs PLC will be abl ~ to watch its baseball It'am play
on the PLC di amond as the batmen mc e t Central Washington in a d o u ble- head er tomorrow a t 1:30 p.m. PLC 's J o hn HlTge rt a nd Central 's Bill Bicloh will probably be startin/:( piteh~rs for the ope ner. Scveral practic(' games with Fort L~wis, to be played at PLC, arc being pIa lined by baseball coach Man' Toru mer\·ik . L ast W t:dnesday afternoo n the Lute-.: split a two-game set with C'~ntral a t Ellensburg. With Paci fi c Luth eran's two Lest hitte rs, Dun M ay and Gknn C:llllpbe Il , pit cher John Hr' rge ll and utility infield e r J er ry Don a he ou t of the lineup the Wild ca ts cash ed In on ddensiv,' errors a nd e rra ti c pit chin g to ta ke the opener 12-1 . H owe \'er, on th e five-hit pitching of Chucl; C urti s, who went the dis tance, tilt' Lutes took the second con lest 4-1. On Friday, April 4, the Universitv of W ashin gton toppt'd PLC 6-1 a ft Cl' stilrtin g pit cher John H('rgert a llowed the Huskies only On e eamed run III five innin gs. Fort Lewi s a nd the Gladiators bat ted t.o a ·4-4 d ead loc k In the PLC open ing practin' game pl ayed at W est ern Sta te Hospita l field in Steilacoom.
Galfers Taur
Sauth Greens
This afternoon thc Lute:: golfers will traw·1 to Seattle to compete with the (' attk U. linkmc n at Inglewood Country Club. L a st year th", Chief tain golfers wc re ranked first III the nation. Tht' PLC li nk m c n finish ed a tour '1f On' gon college golf greens last Tucsdil y aJtern oon. The golfers com peted against thn;c tcams from Ore 'jo n schools during a two-day tour of the ·muthlands. At Oswego Laic Golf Course . on Monday, t.he Lutes we re outdubhed I :l %-4% by the Portland University a m. Gladi a tor golf ace, Bob Spar ling, scored a two over par 70 to re ce iv(' medalist honors for the matches g ainst Portland U. Student playtT-coac h, Don Hall, !ha rpr.ned th l:' sights on Tuesday as h e took medalist honors with a pair of fill (eac h three und e r par ) matches in rompc tition agains t Oregon State- Col !" ql' v:usi ty and junior varsit), golfe rs . The OSC va rsity managed a 12 %-5 '12 " ictory OVCf PLC, but th(' Lutherans >quared off thc day by beating th e OSC JV's 10¥.J-71h .
New PLC Athletic Dire ctor
By Bernie Brotman
tramuraI prog ram, we f~cl that tM't' JJlen 3 rc necessary. W e think that ad e qu a tc balan ce and emphasis on all h f h h be a.t p ases 0 t e program ca n t tained ."
j~--~--~~--~------~--------------------~ FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LIKE •••
Phone LE. 7-6012
e r of hea lth a nd ph ysical education. Bdore ta kin g the position at F rank lin PilTec, Mr. Lund gaa rd serv('d ' n the United States Air Forct' for f l>l,lc I years. Th e fonne r AF Staff Serg ant pbyed for the Melllphis A ir Porcc Base quinte t and was vokd th m o.t \'alua ble pl aY<T in the So utheast ( S)
gaard as head baskt·thall coach and An'a Tourname nt. His tea m took t hird instructor in physi cal ed ucation. place in th.. world-wide Air J··vr ·... Mr. Salzman. present hea d track tourney. Late r he was a play ' r·(·ouch cO:J.c h and assistant professor of phy. i at M em phis and the n a t Ard more Air ta l ~ duc3ti on, will assume th!' duties Force Base, Oklahoma. Duri ng h i of Director of Athletics next fall. H e service years, he worked wI·I.h sports will continu e to h ead the intrallJural and supt>rvised athletic progr-.uns. progra m which he is presf'ntly direc t At PLC, Lund gau rd was sd CCLtd a m ember of tilt' first tea m his fre man in g. Eastvold Praises Salzman year. In the last two seasons he was Dr. Eastvold had this to say a bout named an all-conference ch iet'. n til selec ting Salzman as Athletic D ir ector: Chuck Curtis, wh om he looks forward " In hi s sewn years with us, Salzma n to coaching, St't new [('Cords, L und has shown his ability to plan and a d gaard held individu a l season scor ing ministc r a n excellent intramural, rcc of 508 and the single game m ark of rt>ational and activity prog ram . With 38, whi c h were set in 1951. the addition of two m en to the staff, For the last thrr-C' seasons he has he will be in a position to spearhead J?laycd with Northwest AA U tcams_ th e expansion and strengthen the vital Mr. Lundgaa I'd has complrted h iS instruction;} I ph:lsc of our a thkti c pro fifth year for the general certificate I a nd is working- toward a masters de g ram. " Mr. Gabrielsen, :lgt: '27, h as been gret: in edur-ation at PLC. hoeker. track and ffl>shman footb a ll Coaches Will Team coac h at St. Olaf College, Northfield, J n :1ddition to his baske t ba ll w or~ Minneso ta, fo r two ycars. H is hockey he will :Issist Gabriels<:n in {oot bali team was one of the best in Minnesota an d teach courses in PE. college circles. His track tea m finished Lund gaa rd comrnt:n ted, " It was dd third in the Midw('st Athletic Confcr initeJ y a break for mc since I am rd a rnn' last year. Freshma n football was lively youn." for a collegt· coach. I am not a kagut' sport, th e refOJ (, th.> sta lookin g fo rward to next year. I led ti"i " wert' of no importance. the materia l should eontI·ibu t,. to an St. (llaf Athlc·tic Direc tor, Ade oth .. r good season a nd with freshmen Chcistens(·n., said, "Gabricls c n has the who have gai nt'd ex pcrit'n l'e t his year makings of :1 grea t coach, is a n excel a nd the prospective pla Y(-I'S we " ill If'll t techni cia n, :1 splendid stud en t of recruit in the future, I look fo r P L t h (' g :l m (', and a vcry competen t to ha ve .-o ntinu ing success in baskl"t tl:ac h t'r." ball. J full y realize that a loss in . i.zc: Gahrielsen rt'(' cin:d his ma,ler of with the graduation of T om Sahli w ill arts d('grec in educa ti o n from l't'w somt'what j.'opa rdizt the team's c f York 1.; niversi ty and his bachelor of forts . How ever, J fcel we I an com ptn arts degree from Concordia Coll ege, satt: for that. " Mr. Lundgaard would Moorhead, Minn. Hi~ a lm a matel"s not rela te his solution for this height Direc tor of Athletics, J a ke Christian problem. st:n, wrotc, "Jim Gabrielsen would be Tutored by Harsh my fi rst choice if we a t Concord i3 H e wen t on to sa y, "since I 1l"1lrn,.d wen' to h ir(' a footba ll coach a nd ba sk e tball frolll Marv Harshman, physical edu ca tio n tcae her t ight now." feci that J will be able to employ a HI" coached high schoo l sports a t similar attack." Rosholt, South D akota . and a t Elbow Doc tOl- E astvold had t his to say . .
. . I L akc, Mmnesota. fhe Elbow L a ke about the appoJlltments, "We feel that team was the H t'art of the La kes Con- . w e have obtaincd two outstand in '7 I fncllec c hampi On> in 1955. • young m e n with g reat futures ahend H I y t' d semI-pro ' b ast'oall III . 0 f them . SIllCt: . e pa o ur enrollment 1$ in . South D a ko ta and worked WIth the creasing rapidly and we a r c emba.rked Poli ce Athletic L cagut: while in N ew on a visionary devdopm C'nt p rogram , York at graduate school. to m ec t that c hallenge, we fef'! that Alumnus G ene Lund gaa rd cOl11e's to w h Id' h' d gIve t IS epartrncnt evt' ry e S ou PLC from Franklin Pi e rc e School Dis help tha t we can afford. The p rimary trict. Whik at PLC h!' ea rned the purpose of our athletic prog ram is to titl E' " Mr. Ba,ke tba ll," for his grea t teach. With ,.mphasis on coachi ng.·x I d ' pay unng t h e 1947 . - 195 1 b as kT t b a II sports plus running an extensive: i n
. won I 0 f congra tul a t Ions to form('r PLC Athleti c D irector Marv Harshman and to TAC P rr-s id e nt Clay Huntingt~n fo r winnin g the awards of contnbutlng n · > dmost T to Pacdl!'hi Luth.·ra . a thle tIe:\ a ll acom a a t e tlc s, rf.'spec ti ve ly. Announ cement of the hon Of> was m a de at PLC's a thleti c awards banq u!'t last night. R og Iverson. PLC g ua rd, won fint sdection on the third team of the NAIA Little All-Ame ri ca n squad. Intramural Direc tor Mark Salzman an no unced th e first and St'cond fives to th.. e a nnu T a l campus baskc tba ll "All S tar team. ed Be rry, D ave Haala nd, G":ITY Scheelf', P au l Carlson, and john seasons. Mltc hd a rc th e fi rs t fiv e, while J e rry At Franklin Pi erce High School, Cur ti s, G e n e Schaumberg, Roy Lun dgaa rd, wh o is 29, is fn::s hman Schwarz, Jim Br-rentson, and Duane basketball coach, assistant in freshma n Moe round out th e selec tio n. footb a ll, varsity golf coac h, and teach1\
Tuesday -- All Evening
Wednesday -- after 9 p.m.
Friday -- All EVlining
10707 Pacific Ave.
announced th e new staff in view of the loss of M arv H a rshman to Washington Stilt t: Colle ge . Pn:sidcnt E a stvold nallled Mark Salzman as Athleti c Dire c tor, James D. Gah rielsen as h ea d footba ll and basf"ball coach a nd assis ta nt professor in ph ysica l ('du cation,and Gene Lund
Paradise 80 L
Fully Automatic
sc hool year. Pres iden t S. C. E astvold l;L--------- - - - - -
1130 Broa way
Located in IGA Foodtown
112th &, Park Avenue
Phone I --------------------'
LE. 7-3434
Pare Four
Shows Go On!
Talent Travels to Army and T.V. CURTAIN CALLS ON ARMY Variety Show at Fort Lewis is the n{ xt projt"Ct of Curtain Call. It will be h ld Sunday, April 20, at 8:30 p.m. at Senice Club No.1. Jim Traynor, Chuck Donhowe and Mavis E~'erettc will give readings and play ruttings. "T hc Lighthouse Eerper's D augh ter," Saga Carnival melodrama, is also sta-d as part of th-, show. UC" 0to L_ A musl'cal cOlnedy wl'll feature Patti R othkow. Following the musical line will be the German band and Dan D anielw n with his accordian. Robert Olson is to be M.C.
Artists are Don Douglas, Cal Cap- I to Make a Contact Print." This film cner, Tom Reeves, and Jim Traynor. is one in a series of slide films on dark Louise Kraabel is accompanist. room techniques. Parts of the Curtain Call Variety The followin g meeting, in May, Show will be given at tlle sameChapd. will feature a film on "How to De velop a Negative." The program is "THE MOUSETRAP" TO CLICK open to all who are interested, and Alpha Psi 0 me g a will present will last approximately one-half hour. Agatha Christie's newest mystery, CAMILLE EMERSON ELECTED "The Mousetrap," April 30, May 2-3. Washington's Student National Ed Cast includes Verna Robinson as ucatlOn . AssoclaUon . . recentI y eI ected Mollie Ralston; Cal Capener, Gibs C,amI'11 emerson E . as state preSIdent. Ralston; Bob Fleming, Christopher Marilee Anderson and Grace Engen Wren;' Suzie Lannon, Mrs. Boy 1e; attended the convention with Camille. Doris Basehore, Miss Casewell; Chuck It was held April 4 and 5 at CPS. Donhowe, Mr. Paravirini; Knobby Camille will attend a two-week con Anderson, Major Mitcalf; and Lyle "ention of the National Education As Pearson, Sgt. Trotter. soriation at Columbus, Ohio. Rod Basehore is director and Kar LINNE PLANS OUTING en Knutzen assistant director. Brinnon on Hood Canal, May 2, 3 and 4, is the destination of a trip now WATCH THE BIRDIEI The PLC Photography Club will being planned by Linne. Cost is $6.00 hold its next meeting on April 25 at for non-members and $5.50 for mem 6:30 p.m. in L-l14. The p rogram will ber Anyone interested is to contact consist of slides by Kodak on "How Da e Wake or Bev Benson.
HIGHLIGHTS CHANGE TIME "Canlpus Highlights" is now heard on KTNT t'very Thursday from 6:45 to 7:00p.m. April 17 will feature Len Erickson and talent from the Saga Carnival. OPERA? 'TIS DEBATABLE Debators will tum to comic opera Tuesday, April 15, as they perform in Studmt Chapel.
We Outfit Co-eds 406 Garfield St.
" ..
LE. 7-5817
C. Fred Christensen BOOKSELLER & STATIONER 932 Pacific Avenue 8R. Tacoma, Washlnglan
TacOMa·. . . . . .DLy ~Il .....£ Cu. TO"'U' ~AltI(&He ... ~iIIIII . . . ..
••y ............:.
t;CNlPO • •l"~
38TH ST. GOLF AND DRIVING RANGE 3001 South 38th Street GR. 2-2772 Transfer to South Tacoma Way BUI (We.tbound) at 38th st. OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK ••• 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M.
LEnox 7-3434
University·trained fac ulty; students f om 34 colleges; Bi b le-e m pha l ia; quality library' ney darmitory eq uable Climate; beautif ul camp us. Modest costs. TH E SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1958
Charles B. Fo.. lsch, Ph.D., President
Com plete Sho pping Center 112TH STREET (Airport Road) AN D PARK AVENU E
2no Marin
Avenue, Berkeley 8, Calif.
outh Yakima
* F E! PI K-U SPI A L NOTEBOOK. 90c Yal ue............._..62c SHEAFFE
h oy 'B' 15, 4th Floor 0" The Prairie Dogs are well on the way to !x-ing "top dog" in the intra " Forfeit mural volleyball league. Eastern Park LEAGUE STANDINGS
land was but a half game out of first place along with the Dogs at the end Prairie Dogs ......................... ... :.8 Serving PLC
of Tuesday evening's competition. Eastern Parkland ...................... 7 through Chri.tian
Game scores Tuesday and league DeJardines ........ .............. ....... 7 use of free pre...
standings through April 8 were: Ml"sogamists ..... .........................6 P RESS Prairie Dogs 15, Celtics 0" Brewers ... .................. ...............5 Ivy 'A' .................. .................... 3 EDITOR ..............DAVE CROWNER Mesogamists 15, 4th Floor 0" Praric Dogs 15-12-15, DeJardines Clover Creek ............................ 2 Newl Editor..................Herb Dempsey Hestt" ... ...................................5
R l"portr rs: Barb Stuhlmiller, Barbara 11-15·6. MC'sogamists 15, Stubs 0" Cc ltic~ .... ... ............................... 1
aar- on, Mary Lou Engen. DeJardines 15-16, Clovcr Cr' k 7-14 Spik e r~ ... .. .. ............................... 2
F~ tu re Edltor...._M arilyn Donaldson H C8 t t' n 15, C",ltics 0" Stubs .... ..... ..............._................ 1
R C'pot rs: olvdg Leraa~. Joey Dan BrcwcT< 15, tub 0" W,' tf'rn Parku .................. 1
·..lAon, D b Bills, Eulene B rc.ham. lla Mat' M athis, Bob leming, D on Eastt"rn 15-15, Hester 4-3 4th Floor .................................. 1
(.1n. 5. East( rn 15-15, Iv)' 'B' 1-4 h 'y 'B' .. ....................................0
Sp(lrt~ Editor .............Dennis Marttala OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK R, pMIl r~: T im W yndham, Ell. cn H .lp la, D ick Goodwin. GERRY'S BEAUTY SALON T pist .........................L aurie Beecroft Bu !fleas )fanager ..Ma ry Lou EDgeD LAT EST CUTS AND STYLES Ad SoU Ho rs: R od P a tterson, Lois Andc:r on, Li nda charf. Ph,to phcr..........Mr. W. McK ewen r\rti t _. •....•.•. .. .••••. ... Dick L ondgren Elookkel! er...............___ Carol Houlle Clrou1 Lion .._.....__. ......P a tti Finn Exiling ..........- .......- ..----Joy LewD File lrrk..- .................Lanie egar Ad\·i3ot........ ..... .......Mr. M . Nesvig Published Frida f tJr school year )Jy students of .PLC, at Parkland, WMhington.
Offire: College Union Building.
Phan(' LE nox 7-8611, Ext, 41.
WANTED! Me n and women .tudenu t o g et profe.llonal on-the-Job ex perience In ea.y, .ealOnal,outdoor jobl. Stuff Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Mu Phi daffodil. tonight. Epsilon recently elected and installed new officers. They are: president, Mar dell Soiland; vice-president, Mary Lou Engen; recording secretary, Peg By ington; corresponding secretary, Syl via FyIling; treasurer, Betty Museuli historian, Sandra Lucas; and warden, Lois Hellberg. At a ceremony April 1, five more It women were pledged to the cllapter. They are Barbara Olsen, Gwen Thom lISTED BIIICI as, Audrey Betts, Ruth Berhow, and Ii W. previti. Gaye Hughes. Membership in Mu Phi is based on scholarship, musicianship, Checkil, .. tI I character and personality. I Savil,s ACClUlts The new pledges will undergo a .ltI .11 ot• ., four-week pledge period and at the I·SIII!T ...k s.rvlclS IWICI t"nd of that time will be initiated to for ClUe.e full membership in PLC'. chapter of stude.ts this national music. honorary.
afflclrs Instailid Far mu Phi Epsllan
Friday, April II , 1958
PEN S .. ...... ............Various Prices
and DELIVERY SERVICE Parkland and Vicinity
.1 3371
Abse t- ·nded Profe sor
Not so absent-minded when you get right down to it. He remembered t e mo t important item-the Co e! Yes, people will forgi e you almost anything if you just remember to bring along their Cavorite sparkling rink-ice-cold Coca-Cola. Do have another, professor!
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
p_.. .
ogl s Eleele '58·'9 Siudeni I
~~=-l iSaga G rnival
T ns ale, Thampson, barson Win Other Offices in Finals
Donald Douglas emerged victorious In the race for President of the PLC student body as he swept to a 405-286-vore win in \Ved nesday's final balloting. Jay Tronsdale edged out Rueben Lahti 348-338 to become vice- president-clect. Winner of the race for student body secretary
_ _~I VOL. 35, NO, 21
no '
PLC_ It is sponsored as a se lvin' to~-- -------------tht' ('ommunity and the area. Then: I by Dr. Westberg at :1:30, and Rev, will :Je, no. admis>ion charge and will speak on "The Balanced Oll<' IS IllntC'd to atknd, Wt: have bee n Life at 8:00 p,m. Dr, Sc ha rluu::mn excepti o nally fortunate in s(" (,uring n a- will head Thursday's problem clinic. tiona lly known spt:cialist. in family On Friday, the fin a l day of the lift- guidancl' as speakers and discu s- conference, Dr, Westberg will lead off , ion lea ders," I with "Thc Family and Ps)·chosomatic.
CMS, the crowds wIll be led to t gym wiler.: th e carnival itself will be held. Prices for the will be 50 cents each ni g ht, with entrance to the carnival fr ee. A ti cket booth for t ht: concessions will be in the gyul; most concessions w ill be charging ten ct.!l!s. Coronation Featured
The conk rcnec will indudt· daily Illn("ss" at 9:50 a,rn. At 3:30 Dr, I .Coronation of a king and q u o'n to le ctun's, discussion s~ssio l" and prob- Scharkma nn will spea k on "Home and 1 reIgn O\T r the two-day carnival will
Ir' n, dillies ainl'~"d at 0 <tr"'l ,"'Tth t:nin ~« F~ll1ily," R ev. 1\"orstad will cunduct I be the main a t traction of tonig ht' s. prt'sent aud future Christian h0ll1c5, th i: pl'Obkm clinics. The conduding I show . Officia.ting at the cor onation It is desi ,", nt'd especial",' for stud,'nts, sess ion of the conic.renee will start at ceremonies will be Mr. G e rnt V andel' pasto rs, parish worke' rs, counselors, 8:00 p,m, This will fea ture five-min social workn;; ana parents, All main ute summaries by the speakers, fi,'c se ssions will be held in the PLC minute summaries by (jbse.rvers, 'Ln h 1 ol'.-n fOlunl 'llld closing de,'otions. cape.
Spe3k,.rs for the: cOllf, re nce: arc
F d . M '" re e: nc , , : , 0 rs t 3 d, professo l' of
Pra nira i TIH'oI o!;y a t Luthe r Thco logical Semi na ry, M a rtin H. Schadt· mann, Di,,'ctoc of Graduate Studies 'cnd Il- ro l e,ou -''' Mr of".HW ' I' cs a me n t a t '
Aft{'f' the' op"nin g of thc ("wnin v
II '; <'; I'\'i('c
i r
uarlet nl-"ght T0 e Aprl-I 21
f t"
s icon a I cntl'It.l.inl"r'S, TI".
I !'
ac t, "Co rrll'dy [(Ir U\".IIt) ,1nd (' '' ,",,1<,'' will Dbo be includt,,1 in I l> I T,i;:' I,( S sho\\', fc- a tnring Bob } Iemin '
I alld C a l Ca pt'IltT as thl , om dii n~_
i f o llowin ,S th e show tht' finn offIcia l
, duties of the R oydty will be to I ad
the way to the gym wher.... lhe U.l"ni v;~l will be opened, Incl ud , d .in tn t'
cami\'n l fUll will be lh,' Senior Eg Throw, th e J ai l, a rneiodr3llla, D arta,
DR. F, M. NORSTAD Turtr!t' 1 of iVlys!t'ry :md a game of
" Roulette; a t th e R ed Dog . Sp ea k er at F a mily Life Conference Lette rme n 1 urn l\h ru;trds R c\"i" in " a n a1most for 'uttr n t radi · Iwn, the L e tterm -n's Club WIll p r . .\ II
"P " .. eler Casl bead He by HaSle II e
Dave Gacnicke is workin l!' with Spu rs in lining up the campus tours. and Bub L arson heads the supper ~' nterRodney K a stclk sIal', a, Peter, M ar ta inme n t. ,hali in thr play, "1\ 1\Ian C a lkd Perforrllin g during tt. cakkria .., , " Pct,'r; for whl<:h the cast IS currently Int'a l WIll be the G t.nnan ba nd L ind Studc' ats an: urged by APO to form I ' "f 1" 1'7' 1- , 'II b ., . ' . . r e lca rSln ~. 1\' ,a y .J tJH' p~a y \\'1 e Carlson on hiS fr nch horn . Rut h mto men's and women ' s quarte ts for ,d' I C'IS . . . . s ta ge In t 1e .oJ".! • H a, u gs~, Donna G t:lgcr and an". t th e s<:con~ annual PLC B~rb{Tshop Tuwe 1ll a trw, and Paul En es wIll O ua rte t Contes t to b. iwld Saturday - Othe rs in th e cas t are: Jon a than 1ea d t h e f ull-smg'mg". . , AXcs,i
pn'I ~~6-. at 730 : p,m. in- CB-2 0 "0 . . g, .Pde)- John . Marsha ll ; Tom:tte . "" -
P aCl'f'Ie L UthIt'ran pro ft.:ssors \v 1. 1 1 Enckson, C"th("nne :M a rshall; M ant: I ' d h ' " Pe ters Susan Grant: J 0 (" S mit h, .Ill . . r;e t C slngcfS., whu WIll pcriorrll.... ' . . , . d b d 'leJ,'orge lTn, M ar on reqUIre l1um er an onc SOIlg 01. '- . Yest : "\Sand ra Fr~ls, .he' ' own c h' F' . f t I1(: tall G rant:, Cbrt' Ledum, S t eve n thtlr O1e ( . , I'ec COpll:S 0
sen t the minstrel chorus and show un dcr th e direction .of J (' rry Bayne' and Ja rk Ho!l, co·ordmatoJ'. Cun Kalstll.d is L,-·!ttTma n's prcsidf:'nt. Six ('ndm n and th e inte rlocutor will pa r tir ipntc in fi,'r spt'cial sequenct'S with t he forty-man chorus a_ccompanyillg. On ly one of th e: six endmell is a ve ter:lI1 uf th e last M instrel Show i n 1955-J c rry Benson. Othe rs indudtc Paul T ' mplin, Saw G a n ge, Chuck M yk lc'bust, ROSt'r Reep, • nd N or m M cCu ll ou g h, Cal Capencr w1ll act ' th.. interlocutor.
. d song arc nnw a v3.J' 1a bl e f forn I Gra n t.
reqlllre Al Dungan (508) or Milo Scherer Bob C, Ol,('n, Allan Talbot: M ari (OM -}24). l ly n 13ot, Judith Birkl~ : Paddy O'C31 Prizes will be a wa rd ed contest win- la g han, J ,' SSI: Bick le; P;<U[ Eng,d, J oe n ~ rs. Last year the members of the 1' K ..atll1g ; Robat E, Olson, Scn!ltor winning quartet each rct'civcd a g ift J~m(" Kno x Polk; M avis Ewrcttc, certificate to a Tacoma d ep a rtment i :\anC' y Everf'tts; Arl e nf' Halvor, Ba r store, Any students may enter the con-I bara Logan; a nd Lynn Dam, Hulda. tt'st in men's or wornen's quartets (no I Assisting director M iss Jane Smith mi xed quarte ts). is Bruce Mcsford, and hca in g tl.e Admission charge to the event will sound crew is Rod Nordberg. Sets be 35 cents ingle and 50 cc nts for w ill be d cs.igncd b Dr. Eric Nord couples. I holm.
Some of thc ~on gs included in the Minstrel Show wi ll be the "Ha pp)' \Va ndercr," "Mood Ind igo; ' • D rv Bont' s," "Halls of Ivy'," "Old Man R ivl' '','' and " Battle Hym n or t h e R public." Margi e Krucgc-r will at': compan ist for the show. Jim Bullock is ~t" llI' ral ( h aln nall (>f th .. Sa l!;a Carnival ; M eg E vanson, \'rr na Rubimon :1II C I C a pr n .. r " I'( in charge: of Ihe c ronatio n fr stivlti .. In d ivid 1 rganizalions spolllo r t he booth s.
emu. Chest Drive
DormitoI'i, ~ will compete for (jnt' wtTk from Ap lil 2 1-27 in l'aising m nney for the ! 957 -58 PLC Campus Citb t, wh i h fund is di vided between t he Vni tt'd G ood X eighbor Appeal "n~ th e World ,University Selyice. Eac h hall Will compt:le on a pcr capita basi s, with the total amount I ahcd by thl:" hall to be divided by t he I1lil.tbcr uf its residents, A pennanen t Iw phy will be awarded th e winn ing J cmn by t uden t Counci l. P roce~ds from th~ All-School Aue
()r('~ on. w ill b" featured at ton i"" ll!" show, TIll' c-roup, a ppea 6n g o n 1t·I, "ision, an d r ("('('IlI ly th h ost q uart! I 1'(11' thr' S :t tion:>i Ba d,)('r" hop G Ull/li t . ('(m IL';t, wi n [m 'Sl'nt ll umbelll ranl{ln , L UlU 0I-w r a tn slnn.stic ~: e l lt'd\.1' , ~
£' 1
Ende, president of Pacifi.., 1st F edcra l Savings and Loan Association and .~rneral chainnan of the Devd pmcnt Fund Drin·. Assis ti n!1' a lso in the cor onClti on will be the P LC D rill I" - nm and Concert Chorus.
I Rhythm a ircs, a men's q uarte t from P,.cifi,' Lni ver,ity or o r... (~ro\',
Family Life Conference, designed to study all the needs and King and ~2uet'n, T~rnor~ow ni ghl th.. problems of the modern home , will be held on the P'LC campus Lcttermen s Club, WIll bl':n g on ,a for Wednesday through Friday, April 23-25. Imer sch~1 ~radltIOn" 1he M lIlslrd Commenting on the conference, Dr. S. C. Eastvold. president' Show, br>gmmng at 8:30 p.m. of PLC, stated, "This is the first event of this type ever held a[ , Followin g both ~igh(s shows in
COllcord ia Seminary, and Granger \VestbtTg. :Bsociatc' proft.:!>sor of n: li p-ion ' rd I'alt' ' th L'd d .:' ,0 ,a 1 ,Ie, . n ".' n e rt' ~ I :at e' Fa clIlty a~ld 1f,dlc:.t! S,chool Faculty . . ca go , "at tl 1(: U 1ll,TrSI t y o.f C"l,. Ill I... l Y~l Don w a s ordered tu cha-I "Th Gospd" will be pn',, ' ntl'd by 1 Hil(hli g hts on W "dn r:-sd ay will b" Il U~t A ir F orc,e B,as~ at r.Ran~oQl, Uti- ~." s, C, Ea st,-old, witii tht" Colll'~l' ' fllTCh ,',;" cntitini, '"Cr~at,'d for F,-IIIW" ,md In J an u ~~) J 9_),: h c. w" n t to 'I LlIO! U, clOSin g tlI" Sl'I\'ICes Wi th "TIl<' I IOWSIll,~,. b~', R",'. ;')orst,ad , . at 9: 50 Korea WI th t h L ,F a r Eas. AI r Force. ! ;hu l'ch." a,I Il, : 1 hl' I heulogy of S''''', ' by DI , !·Ol' .lh".llext two yl.'ars he w as ('.le e- I At !t"ast 700 Luth e r Ll'ague !'s from S~'h arIl: llla~n at 3::)0, and " Twentyl:vl\lu ad\'lsor 10 a era II lI1\'I ""S tl ga- 1vVa shin g to n , Ore gon, Id:Jho and Brit.. I !Ill' Q'H'stIOIlS WhICh Coupks Ou g ht !tO ll It::!.m of th e Far' L l!..S t " ir F orl:(:. ish Colum bia are expected l u visit th e i to Face U p To Bdol'(" i\{ arri a ge ,'" by I n J un"" 195t. Don returned t o th e cul kgr , bl'gillning at ~: O U P,rtI, with iD r. ''''estb,'!",,' ~t 8 P,lT!, D r. W estb(" r,t: .'w tcs a nd married M a r gar e t Ga risOIl rq!'is trat ion,
will :tlso handle the two pwblr-m din of Portland, Oregon, I 955 mark" d the I Being "'P Jllsorcd by t h ('; Stude nt ies on W"dw-sd ay. .Ia c of the beginning of hi s Il"cshma n Cong n :gat ioll, with Dave Lund e and Dl' , Scharlt lIlann will sta rt Thul's )'l'ar llt PLC. Ardis Armstrong in charge, the day's day's prog ram with a speech on "Per T h is year Don joined Alph a Sigma activitit,s <l 1't' und..r direction of stu sollal Cha.-acter and Se x" at 9:50. L u nbdd. v; a ~ on e of tht: selectees to dents, W arre n Willis will lead th e "The R o le- of the Churc h and Fa m ily I, n te r BI ll ' Key, and fl,r the past two hymn'sin g, and in charge of the m ixe r in Sex Education" will be the sp("e ch y ears h e h ::ts b een a Iw.:mber of the arc Ted J ohnstone and Jan En ger, na t ion ,,1 fo re n,i ' ho nomry, Pi Kappa Delta. D o n piallS to " organize th " new ad ltIim5trdti o n into a smuo thly and co d ' · o r d mate o peratin g unit, cantinuing " f I I t It' po ]elCS 0 th I: pr esent government. II t' p 1a ' f u rt IIe I' 0 "tllk'(: un d er seri ous cons i,kra ti<Jn th e excellent idl':3,'; Tought !J ut by the o th er candidates in thi, Vt a r', Camna!e' n. " I . S' ~
"COTIlt:, Corne to the Fair" is the
of er,lte rtain mcu ( Will be the coronation of the Sa 11
by the trumpctec: rs, Professor' ",'jll ~. M i~~ our i, oa F 'b ru a ry 8, 1930,1 'f,'d K arl will prL's e nt th,' first quartt'l" II l Y+8 ht r.lliu a tcd from Ki rksville l of till' I'rugrarn, "Thl' Creat ion ," witii 1I "'h S h i d' 1950 . 1 Ii!; " c o ~ a~ 111 :_ ' . W,e Ilt ll~to . h is rea ciin,!:;, of th e: paC-Ill of the Sa lllt' thr " II T rc~. ? h e .'\" Fore sent h im nallil', A I I(' ssa ge on "The Law," by ro . 1 ' I . T_'' t; I , I II (.YIell d a 1to, C'.a l'f I orrna. , D r. W ill ia m Strunk, w ill foll ow.
FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1958!
/annual Saga Carnival op~ning,Ior a
LCHostsYouth CundayAfternoon J
-F------.-I----L--.-r----c------r----------- I~~~~~~o:~ ~~~o:;u~;~: t:h:tt~:~C::: ami Y Ire onrerence ·I 23 - 25 .i~:~~a:U:i ~:ri:~~~c8:~~;~,~~, eets ere prl ~ighlight tonig~t's H A M
. . d r PLC studcn ts af' t t t t Ill"1 t: 0 1('" dosi n g r) rO',:!, rClm,. "The P eo pi " of ,God," of the Luther L eague Sunday ~ f ·s t iviti ... ~ o n ("ampus this Sunday. Th e , program will be g in at 6:00 p.m. iu t h "
Carnival in Gymnasium Follows CMS Shows
wa Connie Thompson, with a '167_ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";------32 3 Ul:H gin over I\anc y Walker. In the only election whic h was de cided in the prima ry votin g, Robert La r~on ,wept to victory fOI' the posi liun of trcasu r. r for 1958-59. H .;-a thCl"~d 4:16 of th e 681 total Yotes. Ridl."1Id Londgren was assured tht: ,put of m 'xt ),.. ar';; Mooring Mast edi- I tor, while T eddi G n lhaugen a nd Art Ellick.sull W!"I voted S!lga editor and bu,int:$s manager, rc spcctivt"iy. I n th e prima r y election un Tu ~ sddY , ti8 1 ~ tudt'l1t s voted. A slig htly la rger I,umber c a m(' to th e polls all 'V cdnes day as 69:': tota l ,"otes w e re cas t. Eliminated f rum tht' presidential l a C L i n th", primary were J ack Holl ,: nd '] am Uurua cht. M erle Martinson w a~ ruune r-up to Don Duu gla •. T he 'C: , ' n elected student body offi cer, will b..: install ed at the student budy chapel on Wednesday, April 30. President-elect 'I".It: f Our 0 ff'leers an dt i M ' Ie oOTln g ' M , ,t e d ItOI' an d S aga b usiness mana,~f"1 will be sitting in 011 the final 0.: d C. 'I ' Jtu cnr ounel rnct"!lll gs as a part of th eir training. Ddl':atcd in th ' nitial vote: for vice'd p i " enr W('I(" Be verly Bellso n and D dfT _ll Hint'S; for sec re tar y, BClrbara Ikc ncr and J oAnn Hanso ll ; a nd for [,nHuTer" J im Bullock and L o uise f- 1 ,1011.1< L D O UGLAS D on ald G" Douglas, thc' ASPLC' s ' k'$ " r' "I'd ent -l It'c t'" was 1Jorn at K tr ,, ' .,
pens _'anile
ti o n set the tota l in th e Campus Ch es t a t $ 150. The goal is $350. Campaign leaders for the resid e nces a re: S, Hall, Darlene Schwindt · N Hall , Jan Snyder; W. H all, Bev S~'an~ son : Stuen Hall, So~ja Jacobsen ; Ivy Hall, Ruehen LahtI; Clover Creek, Warre n Willis; and Old Main. Bill Ray. . Don Comell, PLC Campus Chest chai m Jan , hopes t hat students will make a n ,l ll-out effort to bring in larg Slim for the worthy cause.
F r iday, A pril 18, 1958
Page Two
A Job To Do
Set Our
If yo u are loking for a good project on wh ic h to use your i agi nati o n : if yo u are interested that the PLC student body ,h ws its mity , strength, and capability; and if you aren' t so tan gled up n the process of living that you don't remember why yo u arc living, then you should take an active and generous part in helping your dorm raise a substantial amoun t of money in n > t week's Campus Chest drive. Through the United G ood Neighbor and \Vo rld University Sen ,icc di stributions, the money we students give will reach peo ple in many parts of t he wo rld. Aid from the , WUS helps build dormi to ries, purchase books pro\'ide scholars hips and affect stu dents directly in many o ther way s. Over a score of o rganizati o ns, such as the i\merican C ancer Society, and the Y's, br nefit fro m the UGN ap peal. Ce n tral \Vashington College, fo r instance. ra ~ s\' d $ 50 2. 8 0 {or \V in 0!1l' w eek . We should "et o ur ow n sigh ts high and tlo an o Ulstandin g j ob in sharin g our weal th with o thers . L et's go ;d l out fo r th e C ampu s C hest:
A nd A hank-you T ):\ivl! credit v her~ w:d it is d ue at . LC all the Li me \-\'Old d bf' .1 diffi cult tJ5k , but I vi o ui d li ke to single Q U , Ja y T ronsda le for particu la r o n ors, as be spent man,! h rs in p lan ning fu r anu orking o n the G la diato r Da ffod il floa l, H L reserves the lhm k ~ y, give hi m for w illi ngly and unsel fishly givin g o f h is tim to bl!ncfit P L C. - Dave Cro wn er, editor.
PLC Float Wins Sad Sack? Runner.upAward Men Fuss as Fashion Reigns W ith a un iq ue fairy-ta le theme, Hans C hristian Anderson's "Thumbel Cal! out the Arm y : the " Bat 1 of the Sexes" has h it .lm ina," portrayed in 35 ,000 yellow blos pus: sums, PLC's fl oat w o n sec ond place Object in a nutshell: spr in g has prung the sack ; w men m ust ho nors in the Educa tio nal and Youth be fa shio nable and adorn [heir new chemises: men . wd L Group d iv ision of the 25th i\nnu a l here 's what a few ha ve to say: Puya llup Valle y D a ffodil F estiva l Pa Louie Bla,,(' i pn'<I':l t, hi5 opinio n :""- - -· -- - - - ra d e on Saturday. " Thumbs down to th r '( i r I s w ith !!n'C for th,~ ,ar k t ha t looks ood . Fi rs t place was awarded to the sa cks, " C huck L a rso n is a n othe.. hittt' r "T" lIts WI: ITn't m ad .. for wr a rinB," man , " If som,~ girls wa n t to look like " Snow White and Seve n Dwa rfs" fl oa t Svonsorf"d hy the T ClCQm a C a tholic ad\'iSl'S D f" lIny F a tl a nd. ba gll , who a m I to sprak il!ja in.1l Yuuth U q:;-a nizati on. This year youth Ri ch Ha m li n offn s a warn in g, " J o thl"m ," [(rou ps w r::re inclu ded in th e cdu ca « nn Iw tt n not gf·t u w· ." P uzz le d R on 'Va l,h won d e r ~ w hy ti o na I di\'i, ion, w i th a to ta l nf nine , Wi t h ton[(ue in ch f"!-k Jim V a n " Gi rl s spf' nd y,'ar, d,.'ve lopi nggood fio Cl ts ("ol1 lpdil1 [( in this cbss. Ikd-: . ys, " On some th ·Y . lpo' a ll fi l!Uff' and nnw t h ' ) h.id th rm in a i.u.h t, b u t hl "l ' ','\ h o-p in" th r- Y~ l t ~ n o t sack ." R.t !'p Or1:-iC to (lppl' al s fo r fkJat \\'o!-k Put o ut t!1I fi re;, f min im: QJI< • 1'1', , ho wed a eons idt'l'3ble "mou nt u f h '"rc tu st~j y" T he ar k , in ;\',',,[ St ixl'u(i'., ')pin Th e: sa{'k a..,·d no t b<: buroed- this t'n "hu t)i;niln (;I 'n( 'ra l C h :Jirn1;) n J a y T , onsda lt' n'po r k d t h~ t ;) bou t :.;00 iu n. i " p ro" f th~ t d ist ill{ ' Ion . '~n bP yrar at lea I. i\c:cordin ' to _ £r Mnrt <)f X,.w York iash iom. 1. 58 wil \l<" i tud en ,J!to.I!,,'rh,'l' Iwlpl'll wi t h floa t :1 , 111<: \ I·d wit h<"lut. t"le nt .' ,,'!t a t d ol" D ilfT\ I T ,' :r! n n th ink 1 known "" t h~ "Y"'ll' " f Ih ChrTIli!IC." pre pa,atio n, "nJ nl'arly 150 wor ked H e , on tin u"!, " a fter S ein~ lhr bt c itl ,, '!' :Il ) or jl:lrt or lht night p r ior to ", ;n t m uch. T Il"Y ~l rrn 't pit-;hin > to l'S1 (~rlll irln of them th err .hould b th Y". lh,' p:tr,ld ( !rW , Iig-htly b ;t t.el)llll wra, "Th ~y l10 do ubt, ev..-n 4m()n~ tll mNt ~tuh 1,)"",\,1 ] )<' rI isl·d ilt t hc top to C,Ovn horn w hn ih nl1 gh t they could neVI:r t)l'" ))(' "d.< of ~ fe w." .\ u th o r : J im W<"U' thh (rJTllp li-tc.ly wcara ble (~shion. T hr ( T, t )v - m lIe " }'f! in pa;:til'lIl~r, • J oh nMln . VOS S In F inL' for (')owns ," 0 f fer s G len ha~ \wcom <' ,-uuratcd b u t ;Io t without bv Barh ,'luh ll1li ller I C ,Lm pbl'l1. t he 'l id o f r:':n tk t<l ilo ring, mrllculou~ .. \ I 1·1' I t I ! John Jo hn son fer" s, ,. 'ack< ha\'I' f it :md dra;m tic el l' il" ! n( (' se nt t.l cm a u " t\VO ")V tw o? . d I .. theI r 11 5 ~ S, but I do not thIn k that they Solu tIOn to th e p robk m of "to be I)" ~ nl O (~ \' cry IfJ \Vn a n . . p ace. . . " ~ - Luk e 10: 1 jiln suppmcd tn suff,e, as w'-aung a p- n ottQ be" ( 3. 'ad tha t is I i : wom H a ve yo u e\T r had a doo r slam med II p ard . " . ('n , '. e t f'l t t ~(I'In d r~ :nat ·l ".... tal·1 : m ..n,
Stu d ents Experience ea ttle Co n
9 1. ' I
in you r fac l' fur wh 3 t yo u sta nd up
. '
One to ten a l'e the odds L " nny Jury I get your eycs ed ucated .
I just gt'! back f rom a t rip. 'Vhe n I got off th e: plant:, 10,000 Veople [01', ur ha W' you b('!; n gree ted a t a C'Towded a rcand tne" If you don't beli eve it. a sk J a yne },-fa nsfie1d. She was doo r on Sunday aft..rnoo n by o ne with ~lo1 n ding rig ht besid ,; m': . . , . Sig n sec n on passi n g Volkswagon: Don't la ug h :1 gla ss of whi sk.. y in om: hand, ha Y(' ,.'U", j I I al mr , I go into o r bi t tomorrow.. . . Volk swagons are so practica l-in the you had a strCl n,l!T r vou\, out his h "3rt "\'l: l1 t of a I,(a s shortage, you can alwa.ys put onG unde r each foot a nd use t h em to you? for rolle l ska tes. . . . Glad to 51.:' t h e rnovi" So uth P:lcifie re ady to ope n. ~ots ' The-sc arc jus t a few " xarlolp lcs uf ,,[ wond e rful songs. Esp e('ially the shallow (' nd of the vool son g : Belly Hi gh , wl",t approxima tel y 53 PLC stude nts PERSONAL: If the fa thc'!' who d f's e r ted his wift, a nd sm a ll son twe· nty (' arne in co ntact with last Sunday, Student Co unci l vot~d a t it5 las t ITI~e ti l\g to send Stude nt BOOy P re!; yr'ars a go would r e tum h orn"" son w ould ta ke great pleasure in kicking him April l :J , while assisting Immanuel de nt D~\T Knutso n 'llId I,he pr-:sident- ' kct to tilt' Pa cific S tudent. Preside n t arou nd the block . . . . I BELIEVE DEPT.: Tha t thc Russia ns will never Lutheran Church in canvassing the .\ s:;QC'la lon con f,'ren, c to b<' held M ay 7-10 3 t lhc U n ive rsit y of O r':g<)n in ('o m l: to this country. Thqr' d just ~r t layed off. . . . In kecvin ,g with my C a pitol Hill a rea of Se;Lttk . Eu ge ne, P Ol icy of gi'. ing you adult enterta inme nt, I pro mi s' you will not r...ad a j oke It was our d u t y to fin d those Campus Day will b,,: hdd 'Tuesd a y, April 29 , In case of ra in t he clea n-up li nd 'I' 30 ),o:-ars old . . . I'm sta l'tin [( a club fo r tdcvisio n bn, . C a llin g it I who Wl'fC un e hurched, a nd, if poss i- day will br'. On April :,0. Pn~sid l" nt Kn u t~o n wa~ r mpowcrrd w cho~" h,. T he Vidio ts-wa nt to jo in? . . . Sa w a mov ie on TV t he other nite that was ble, acquaint them bri efly with Im committee' heads for the variou~ activities of thc d ay. :u old tha t Gabby H ayes got th.: g il'l. . . . With a ll thos,> comme rcials on t1lanud Luth,'relll, R. A . Ofstcda l. W e
It wa s reported that ~ 25n was spent on t his year's Daffodil float. wne sent out into a n area of sevual
lr:\r:v ision, you feel SO silly puni shing a child for lying Baseball season' s coming up, so DID YOU HEAR THE O::--;E ABOU T thou sand p eople in teams of two.
Bob Bills revo rted that the treasury should have a balance of approxi the Bopste r who was standing on a corner whe n a big heav y car rolh,d up, I Pnhaps this wasn' t th e best district matd}' $860 at the end of th e y"ar. The present balance is $I 'H8,89. d u m ped a c?rpst: on the sidewalk, a nd shot a way ? Th" hipste r looked d owniof Sea ttle, but it is on- of vital im-I - - - -- - - -·- - as the bod y rolled up to his feet, spread out both hands and yelled: " Safd" ivortance as far a s God is concerned, Say, J hear tha t Alpha Poi Omega is presentin g its a nnual sprin g play and as far a s we who :-In; Christia ns April 30 and M a y I, ~ . It's ea lled "Th.. Mousetrap" and was written by should be conce rned. Many praye rs Christi e . A r eal g ood mystery, a nd stars Verna Robinson, Cal Cap- we re offered a nd aI" still being offe red A" a ,' ncl', H e rb D empse y, and :I lo t of top r3te, hi gh price, suppo rting acto rs. for the su ccess of this canV:l5s. 1 Shouldn't miss it. Also the proceeds from the play are to be used for a ve ry .\n expe rience su ch as canvassing good and worthwhile purpose : keL'pi ng a boy off the streets, o ut of tn e poo l was o ne I am sure all who pa.rticipat.;d halls, and in college- me. ! in will n eve r forge t. It is so wonderI don' t want to r evcal what the plot is a bollt but it's a storv that a,ks ful and cha lle ng ing to be able to go LUTHERAN the q Ul's tiou, " ean a nine-yea r- old girl combine marriage and ~ ca r eer ?" o ut to those who do not know Christ THEOLOGICAL W rite your answer I.llI the back of a $50 bill a nd mail it to Robert E . Fleming, a s their Savior, a nd perha ps being part AT THE HOME MISS ION HEART OF THE WEST Mooring Mast offi ce , N eatness docs not count. To every winne r W e will send ~f that ke y which .m a y . brin~ someone The Church is on the M arch! ;1 fret booklet <,ntitled " H ow to Build An Atom Bomb with Simple E veryda y I mto close fellowship WIth HIm. Wanted: M en of faith and real stuff to heed God's call and t., pre· T o ls." Jmt think, now you cau be the first one in your d orm to rule the Yo~ too can be. a part of this ca~ pare for His m ini,stry on the West Coast. wor ld ! . . . ~i~h va cation time nea ring I'd like to Iea\'~ )'o~ w}th this tra vel , ,:a.ls m r~mem,~ enng t hese ~opl~ I~ THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR ISEGINS SEPTEMISER 3, 1958 t ip. Europe IS Just wonderful. If you ever go then', don t m Iss It. I )our pra)crs. The harvest IS pknll _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1ful, but th e la borers a rc few; pray Charltn 8. Fael5ch, Ph.D., President 2770 Marin Avenue, Berkeley B. Calif. Exchange papers from over twenty · the refore the Lord of the harvest to colleges are available to you in the send out laborers into His harvest." Mooring Mast office on Tuesday and -Luke 10:2 On behalf of the committee and W ednesday nights, or inquire from . __ _ __ tho5e working with them I w ould like Dave Crowner. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS to thank the students that worked gO hnr d to make the 1958 Daffodil float th e lIUCCC-S : that it w a s. The eoope ra- , cion ;lnd help from the kitche n staff ,' I nquire about this new, easy goinQ way a.ntl ma.inh' nance cr cw was of great to purchase a ring. :.L~ ~ lst a.nce and a spe cial thanks g oes to those folks that took t ime to help Jon Saine f r ont the ir sch edule.
:y --
Dorms Ra.ise Money;
Th an ks.,
We m a y not hav" received the first aW:J.rd, but the fn ·ling of coope ra tion from you students was of mueh great- , ~ r worth to m e as cha irman. I realize that it came at a bad time with mid scmr. tel' "urns and all, but I feel that the float w as a g ood r eprese ntative of the stud ent body of PLC. Thank you : lll{ain . (si ~ncd ) JAY TRONSDALE Float Chainnan
Standard Heating Oils - Heati ng EqUipm ent Heating Service
Enjoy That "PLUS" Service
JACKETS. $7.00 value for ..... _.... $4.60
PHONE LE. 7-0256
Friday, A p ril 18, 1958
Gladiators Meet Vikings
In Twin Bill at Western
Page T hreo
FlyingFalcans meel bUies Lu t.: c.indermen will be "off to th races" on the lower campus t rack to mono\\, afternoon as they meet tIu: highly touted Seattle P aciIic track
Coach Hubbard Cites Fielding Problem
The PLC Gladiato rs make their second road trip of the seaby Eug e ne Hapala 'ion as they head for Bellingham tomorrow morning to meet the . S,;w ral huudrcd P LC ~tudrnts basked m the sun. ~ lower campu> last sq n:llL ' ikin gs in an afternoon doubleheader. ' year" .< squa d tJl as. a rea I goo d nue 1.0~ us . W e c(). u Id usc some Saturday e many sports faclhhell and. .events. The Th IS .. , and took advanta:;t" . . of . th. ,. The SPC Falcons h:J.d tht· tqp N 1A more pitching. but the only real problem is that of right field." ~olt hn" s Wt'TC: humml ll r :"lth actlnty, tnl' temus courts were utlhzed a ll da;, tra ck team in the N orthwcst last year
. b ~ " r.. I h,·. word s· 01 a pre-season 0 SC l' b W W h' C 1 I . ' -'ltlon y ('s tnn as mgto n 0 - I ' «'t' B a ;..;1)311 Coach J ack HUbbard ' j Hu bbard's Vi k ing bat mr n wo n thc "llft'rt' nc<, Tace last yea !", hnv inq won I'; nf theI r ~J g amc·'. Th is s .a.;o n th.cy h \ •. wnn one and lost two. C ur tis, K up<t.r to Hur l
and oth er stud~nts took tlll": to watch t he Lute-Central baseball galll e. Isn t . . and ta k pride in the returning klter I tIllS C \ Id cnce c'noll <;h th at we need .-\LL of our hom e 'la m.cs played on our mcn whi ch support theil lim to make own campus 0 a repeat performance as · ·top~ . " T he mO lll',. that gOl'S inlo renting Lin<.:oln Bowl in th e fall is jast money SPC Trio Wins I down the dra in . T his moncy cou ld be used to fi, up ou r p resent facil ities a nd Ron Finkbeiner WOn the W:uhing provide our {'oll r'';-'' 'llId community w,th wh olesome- rec rC'a tion ami ente rta in- ton ' tate Colll'ge in door [lvit lonal men t on Saturday a ftfTnoons in t.h t.· G ll when th e football fc\·c.r absorbs the meet 1,0' a -yard run with a. lime of na tion. T rut·, w,· .cou ldn't expc<.t to h.wl' a ligh tr-d Edd with :J fa ~ulolls ('.(},, ?:i7.9. O the.r Fako(lS winning in fit er'd gr Ind5tn nd III th ; be'lnIUng, b ut at k3S ' we (ould I .. working toward W SC m eet were Ron hi,! wbv took .,, 1( h \r- n ' TQmmC'TV ik , I f r. -, WI.~' r n nine which lll;)t 1'0 ,1 \'; l tllT willi ng to wagel' that a hrge r turnollt of fans would be firot in th " (iOO-yard n n t with a tim!." [In t'nt to StT tl)l Lute, pl:J\' a t wm c 011 Sdturda y a ft el'noons thall turn !)u t of 1:1 5 . D on Worrall Ilb~ ' e Ilnd ill I"ll!ht rrl. u rniJII..~ j, ttnm en . T omroervik to ~l'e tltem p la y in t he dt'ptll, of Lin coln Bowl w hil e' hu dtll, d un der blanj. e[s the broad jump a nd ran tUe fx te t lap h ! ,C'hrdl1 lcd hudf ['5 huck CUTti> 'Illd umbn llas to ward off th e ch ill in g fo~ und rain. in the SPC Sf; on d phcl: rda } effort. -n Hob K Hpt·· fol' tht· moun d ass ig nR oy Duncan, who i ~ ~aj d t o l:I~ tIll [II while La rry K il'k is dIre to do We bdi L·...e our basdl" n field thi, spr in g was the granddadd y of a ll eyetop THrtner in the 100 and 22(1 ~ rd fl'i \' if] ~ chor~ s in t he two-:;a mc' so n's :lrId led t he poli fo r th e fiel d least li kelv to 51.1(, ':<' d . 1'hl"oll(;h th,' dfons dash e, in the Korthwt' st, managed . t'rril ' . C,,[ cht:l' Chuck obb ins w ill of \-)r-lsehal! eoa ,: h :\>IARV TOMMERVIK thl' field W ::lS IHl rric d ly p ut into second place in the 70- ~a nl mce ill prob.1 ly hf' ,ick Uncd with a sorc Mm . ,lw p' to p rovide the Lu tes with :l suitable playi n g diamond at home. Th e 7.1 s'·conli s. Sel11i-pro Catches ridel is fa r from being: adl'llua h: Vt·t, uut a staft h as bct:n m ade. C oa ch Mark Salzma n wil l chaIJen!:c .onnw H amil ton will d \' a w the JIM K ITT ILS8Y, vet e ran P LC out :\uw, if t he money th at is now budgeted for next yea r's rent of Lincoln t!l.e flyin g Falcons with , w 1\ bal 'r ncr pitching job f(,,- W'·!<Inn. His fielder, will see action again in the Bowl wn" put into our own fidd we could look fo vard to a sta rt on our a n ced illld full field of compu iton. c al> 111'1' will bc Al L y n (' h. L ync h two-ga;lle event tomorrow in 8el own football fi ld. Plus investin g the rc nt money we wouid have access to the Fromm Sent to Drake pL lrrrl s" mi- p ro baseball la5t summ('r lingham. conCt·ssion.s whi ch we nuw lose. Thc concession profits alone would go a long John Fromm i3 eyei ng t he D rak~ I,)f thr' ,\ hr rdccn :M cCaws who fin-I - - - -______ ._._._ __ way toward paying for thl: expenses in curred durin g a game. Football g:lmes : Rela ys April 25 and 2G, now th" t th,., I h('d H'cond in th eir divisi(l!1. Hllb- I in the past have seldom helped to keep th e athl etic bud get in the black and I· Tacoma Athletic Club and the R lav .1rd win use ~ithcr Vic M evers 01 the continuation of payin g n:rit for Lincoln Bowl is no ft' a th(' r in the hat of officials an: sharing the xpcme;i Ji m K erns for throwing tasks' in tht" the school. W e belicve this matter deservcs the consideration of thc admi'l- i sc-nding him since PLC fun ds w re tr)o
'co nd g ame. Last Saturday the Lutes dropped the home double-bill to Central Wash· :"1;'1011 , S-:'j and 8-5. J erry SI. G eorge hurll'd the fir st game w in while Bob Lat nn turn.: d in the second victory !':If C entra l. Lute hurler, Chuck Curi" jo, t his first ,<rome of the season in the s!'l'onri conte,t as the t'rror plagued Gladia.tors tu rned in t lte 0-2 p.. n ormances.
Campus Lins k Host
Netmen Mate h l e t I PC en ra,
Gbdiator n!'lnll'n ar!' rca dy for the firs t m~trh of th e seasOn with thf' Central Washington tcnnis team. The s'luads will mcet on tht' campus court.s tomnrl'OW at 1:30. The only other srhedui<-d match this year was post poned. Stud t. nt Coach Jim Van Beck ha s not resch edul,·d the games with Seattle U. whi ch we're rain ed out on I April 8. L,lSt Tar the Lutes split th l.; m cet in~ with Central with a. first series
Iscarce.~o affor~ the ~rip. Fromm hol~ Ithe feWI'd there With a t ?f 23.::
istra. tion and should bc ('arduny thought throu gh. BANQUET COMMITTEE LAUDED
Ifeet. The Drake events are national! \Vc've had many flattc rin g COlllnwnts and con gral.ulations this past week telcvised. It is not known whicillo
on las t wec k's athletic ba nq~ e t and on behalf of co-chairman JIM HAA.L:-\ND and yours truly, w': ~ould hke to aim th,. tha nks toward. the proper r(,L1pl c ~ts. ISS. QUAS! defInItely d~serVl:~ the bulk of t~t: pla~dlt~ for the outstandl?g Job ot preparmg the wonderful dmner, along Wi th a up ot the hat to DUANE MOE, ESTHER ELLICKSON, TONETTE ERICKSON, JIM STEWART, KORM McCULLOUGH, RON HO, DON ANDERSON, C AMII.LE EM ERSON, and last, but not least, DOUG McARTHUR of KTAC. It was the combined cooperative dforts of the se peoplt' and many others th::tt brought ahout this yeal''s banquet. May we in this humble way say, ''Thanks''-we appreci ated your wonderful cooperation.
dlannci will feature the mee:t, but Slu dents int(~rested in viewing mn.y find the sch ed ule: in local p ape rs. The: jav elin throw will be some time F riday April ::!5. '
I -.
W Eastern Parkland ................ 10 Mesogamists ..................._.. 9 P rairic Dogs .. ..................... _ 9
Brewcrs ................._......_..... _. 8
I DeJardincs ......................_... 7
Three Challengers
PLC linkmen a.re scheduled to have !hn'c home matche.s during the next wee k. This afternoon they m eet the , o!fers of McChord Air Force Base at 1:30. }'10nday, April 21, the Pugct oll od Loggers will be au the campus f r s nt 1:30. The Western Washington dubber; mee t thc Lutes here Thurs d. y, April 24, at 1:88. The last time the Lute golfers met h.. McChord tcam was in 19-56. The .,lads won IO lh -7 1h . Dave Haaland and Sam Gange will playa foursome with two extra McCh ord men in a pra cti,c match. Student Coach Don Ha ll, Bob Sparling', Lynn Larson, Jim H iU, Sta n Standifer, and Ron Hovey aft' scheduled for regular competition
On Tu('sday, April 22, the PLC squad will travel to Seattle to meet Intramural Di~ctor IVIark Salzman has announced the openthe Seattle Pa.cific College Tacketmen. . ing of spring intram urals. Students interested in badminton,! The Falcons downed the Lutes twice horseshoes. tennis (singles and doubles). and golf should sign one' last season with set scores of 2-5, 3-'1. of the rosters placed Jround campus not later than IVlonday, Coach Van Beck, Eri c Ottum, Dar- April 21. . ryl Trocdson, Ron Walsh, Larry PetIVir. Salzman said, "The tournaments in these sports will b€ erson. Bob Ols(,n, Wally Hall, and I operated on a single elimination basis. Competirion is scheduled Dave Bt'rg will be among the men who to begin about April 24." will compete: in the Central and SPC SOFTBALL, TRACK BEGIN IN MAY matches.
the McChord, CPS, and Western
m£r ts.
In the last two years PLC has taken Loggers in two of t.hree matches. In 1956 the Lutes beat CPS 131.6- Ph .,nd in 1957, 14-4, a.gain on the hom~ li nk . The Loggers' win was on their home course at Fircrest Country Club when' they manaw'd a 0-9 win from th e Luthcran~. Lllt,ville has th e upper edge on pas t. m~cts with Wrstern, having won ;,oth times wi th scores of 131.4. -4 ~ 'l nd 11 1h-3% .
and winning the
C. Fred Christensen BOOKSELLER & STA T/ONER
I ll. 2-4629 932 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Washington
I~=====~-:_:_:_=__:__=====~ ~
aradise 80 L
lr r
Fully Automatic
OPEN LANES Tuesday - All Evening
Wednesday - after 9 p.m.
Friday - All Evening
10707 Pacific Ave.
Phone LE, 7-6012
Salzman Ann unces Finallntramurals
Intramural Volleyball Standings 2
Iv)" "..~" __ ..__..___.___........._____ .... 7 Hesters ._....._... _.................._ 4Spikers ._............_......._.._...._ 3 Ivy "B" .. .... _............_. __......... :2 Western Parkland ...._..._.......
Eastern Parleland Talees New Lead
__ _..
Bucks -- Flats -- O xfords
Quality Service
Opposite Parkland Post Office
:::================================'1 IGA FOODTOWN
Complete Shopping Center 112TH STREET (Airport Road) AND PARK AVENUE
u ndefeated squad so far. The Prairit: Dogs t:xper.irnced t wo hard-to-take losses this past week .at the hands of the MesogamiJJts w ho came out on top of a thl'ce-gamc: ries to enter into a second place tic with the Dogs. The Brewers "brewed" up a ,'ictory potion for themselves • s they
also heat the Prairie Dogs in a best two of three games seri es. Th e: Br w crs now are third in the standings for i the league. I
Enjoy indoor sports at Co-reetta tion in the gym every Friday and Sat urday night from 7:00 to 9:3 0 p .m .
Plans are underway to begin campus softball about May 1. All students in the assigned districts should be planning their ball clubs for the diamond round robin event. 1be campus volleyball tnu nmment Intramural track will begin as soon as the weather permits. took on new light ~ the ~rn ]'arkTentatively the first intra-campus meet is to be held some time II~nd .team entc:cd mto. the fll'St place during the second week in May. Districts will be able to coUect hmelrgh.t. M akmg a b Id for a clean annual points according to the individual wins and team wins slate thU season th e . Eastern rs manwhere applicable, aged to keep the htle of the only
Flowers for All Occasions 12173 Pacific Ave, (Foot of GarfIeld)
LE. 7.Q206 We Deliver
Friday, April 18, 1958
Art League Draws Tonight; H. OCO ofs yHeadsP rofessor Queries, ~Do Toastmasters Elect Ericksen PLC MOOR I NG MAST
Page Fo ur
aa C0 IIege MarrIage • M·' em riaa IDaIVISlon, IX Development Fund
How do marriage and college m ix? Many students arc asking this qUf"Stion. Dr. C . Melvin Fon-man, sociol ogy professor at Seattle Pacific ColI.. g" , has done research on the subject. H ere arc some of the recordinga of the views of stude:nu as reported by SPC's Falcon. Forty percent of the married cou pks said they wouldn' t recommend combining college and marriage. Wives who marry after their sopho more year but before graduation take a dim view of the venture. Perhaps in retrospect the time between their former single status and gradua tion now sctms very short, but a t present th e graduation goal looks unattainable. Wives who marry after high school gradu ation or in the freshma n year seem happy. Perhaps their education aspirations were limited. Couples who fina nced marriage with just one partner assuming major
H erbat G. Socolofsky. director of publi ~la tions for Medoswee t D air i , has been named chairman of the Mrmor ial Division of the PLC De·. .,lopDlent Fund. The announcement 5 made by Gerrit Vander Ende, general chairman of th is million dol la r a p}J("al to provide buildings and facilities nc('ded by the c.ollege. Socolofsky is noted for his partici pation in civic affairs. In 1955 he was narned "Mr. United Good Neighbor" for his outstanding work with the UGN. H was colond in employee division B in the 1953 UGN drive and a UGN co-chairman in 1954. Both of tbelt" drives ex("eeded their goals. H e has also been "ice-president and a m r mbcr of the board of directors of the UGN. Is Active Citizen A('tivc in Kiwanis, Socolofsky was prl"s ident of the Parkland Kiwanis club in 1951 . He also has been presi dent of tht Parkland Community Club and Parkland Light a nd Water Company. Presently on the board of di ~ ton of the Luth er.tIl Home and H ospital Foundation, he is also serving as a mtmber of tht eXl"cutive commitPacific Lutheran College's twenty tf' ~ of the Pierce County TB Associa fifth annual May Festival will be pre tion. For two years Socolofsky was , sellted on Thursday, May 1, at 8:00 chairman of the: Pierce County " June p.m. III . th e PLC •M emona . I G ymnaD ai ry Month ," winning the s t a t c ~lUm.
Affiliatt'd with Toastmaste rs' InterJ ay Tlomdale, Art League prc:si- nat.ional, is dent announc es membe rs will be do-I tr.l1n men In pubhc speakl11g. WltL
finan cial support didn't recomm end marriage. Thost! who had worked out what they considered a cooperative fin ancial program were willing to ad vocate marriage. . a stu d ent dl'd Having children while not significantly affect attitudes. How . an unplanned chi'1d cre eW'r, havmg ated a negative feding toward being a married undergraduate. Students who began their first seri ou~ ating in college were h esitant to ad\'ocatc marriage. Dr. Foreman noted many of these " had been involved in a brief but intensive pattern of court ship." Parents play a part in the success of the campus marriage. Men who wen' relu ctant to recommend marriage came fmm homes where there had be<.:n strong parenta l opposition to the marriage in thl' first place.
ing. ~a~icaturc~ and ~cmi-finish.ed po~Ual ts III p"ncil and charcoa l In their Sa.~a Car~i\'al booth tonight and tomorrow mght. The league will soon be deciding on ' .. a pm. Also pendmg IS a . tnp te. the b<:a eh in the near future for members ' . k} . and guests. S wlmmmg, s etc ling and hunting for drift wood are planned. • • •
or~niz"d. to
. mauy gl'aduating sf"l~iors'atnhde dub an nounc", many openlllgs prospec tive memben art: invited to meeting,. !\ext mf"cting is Wednesday, April 2:J, at 6: 15 a.m. in the coffee sh p . Two del egates will be a ttending th convention for the 32nd Dist rict M ay 10, at the Winthrop Motel in Ta om;,..
LEN ERICKSEN ELECTED Nc-w P res ident of Toastmasters is LAURINAT1S Len Eri ksC"n : educational vice-p resi dent, John OlsoI1; a dministrativ . viee p n'sident, Bob Elickson; secretary 406 Garf ie ld St. trt:a5u ",r, Don Sch ultze; and se rgeant I a t-a mlS, Jo/\ W l"fald.
We Outfit Co-eds L E.7-5317
May Festival C0 min · gay M I
ward one year. Firms to Match College The M emoria l Division, ht"a d ed by r.olofsky, will be composed of about 500 of the leading firms in Tacoma nd Pi rc C ounty. It will have a goal d ~50n.I)O n whi ch will match th e: :unounl that (he college family. fael Jt~, I. fr, tud ent a nd alumni ha\ c .••~ple as th",ir goa l. Gifts to the ~f( moria! Div i~ion will be us...d to llllld Ta ol1l:l- P if"lce M emorial H a ll . remlnd ( I to those' students who III rIot rn ivr a 0PY of the offic ia l . h h re "Th Prc" ' ('11t Iln • rnpaH(n rOt: tl . 'mti r": wl'ir' nf rhf" hooklet m ay bt pick.cd up in th<: dl·\"l·lopment offin .
rvin g PLC through Christian use of free press. EDITOR ..............DAVE CROWN ER 'ews Editor................. Herb Dempsey R" rt'r: Barb StuhlmiJIer, Barbara I JIlC on eatu re Edltor....-Marilyn Donaldson RI ort"n : E a r I (' n t: Burcham, Bob l' Jrmins :lnd Don Gb ss. SpOrts Editor. ........ .....D ennis Marttala R porters : Tim Wyndham, Eugene llipal:l, Dick Goodwin, and Dick I-Ltgr rty. T)'pist .................... __....Laurie Beecroft Business ,M anag r..Mary Lou Engen
One hundred and fifty students under the dirt"ction of Mrs. Rho d a Youn g, of the women's P.E. depart me:nt, will da nce the folk games r ep rt:. r nting th,' folk lore of many coun tries . At no time in the 25-yea r history of th e F e ~ti\" a l has any gam c been re pl·atc·d . U nde r the direction of Prof. Gor on G ilhc rtson, th e orchcstra will h an ~Ie t~l(' musical ~rrang~ mcnts. Specia l h gh tmg a nd ~ta gl ng wIll be u nd er thc kadcrship of M r. Eric. Nordholm of th~, d m ma ' $ptTc h d t>partm.e nt.. . M a ny lubs a nd org a lll7.atlOn~ wtl . . be. wo rk mg bchmd thl .~ce ncs to make th l "vpnt the lwst yet,· report d J on Soinl·. co-c w irma n of the Festival. AP will take care of construction; Spurs, usheri n g; freshman class, clean u p; C arol Conti, publicity, wi th as sistants D .n't Thoma~ a nd Verna Rob inson. Let te rs have been sent to a ll pre vious queens inviting them back to the festivities. Th eir hom es arc located globally-from Peru to Spa in to Ger many.
Ad Solicitors: Rod Patterson, Lois . ndenon, Linda Scharf. Photographer...._ ...Mr. W. McKewen Arti t ............................Dick Londgren
Bookkeeper......._......._._...Carol House
CiS~~~~n :...... Palti
D NCE Formica -
~~:~~. of
PLO, at Parkland,
Phone LEnox 7-8611. Ext. 41.
R fi
We provide
Checking ad
Savilgs Aceoal's ad all •• her h.k servlc.s for colleg.
• ".IE:MD LY a ANIl
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o rllo -.r , ....... " .. ,.-:C
oC:" CI."O"",.,OtI!
Paint - Plumbing - Roofing Kirsch Rods - Window Shades
El ectric
achroni m?
PARKLAND HARDWARE Glass Installation 121st and Pacific Avenue
Pipe Cutting and Threading
Phone LE. 1-3111
oe m
Finn and Harry Ex hange ............._..... _...__.. _•.Joy LewiI ~ F ilt" Olt- rk................. .......Lanie Hoegar § Advisor..... _........ _.......---Mr. M. Nesvig ~ Pu li.hed Fridays of tIr .chool year I §
Offiu: College Union Building.
7==""_".._"._"..-"..__"..____"..__"."."._ _,..__,,,._ ____
~ § §
Not really. 'Cause if Coke had been around in Caesar's day, Caesar would have treated himself to the sparkling good taste, the welcome lift of Coke! Caesar's motto-OIl came, I saw, I conquered." Pretty good motto for Coke too-the prime favorite in over 100 countries today!
(ifPt[l1 ':i-'
...•.. "'
SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by PACIFIC COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, TACOMA, WASH.
F mily onfere e ters Final Day
y I arks Date Of Annu I F stival
Fi\ c sessions today "Otnnlctc the: three-day Famil y Life COniHc:I1C<: h<. Thllr~day, ;vby 1. at 8:0(! p ,m " the 25th annual May ing held on campus, Of p a rticular in \lVOl I will be held in rhe Memorial Gymnasium under direction tcrest tu ~tudents, aftee tht 9:50 t d Mrs, Rhoda Young, 10:30 a ,EI, nwl'ting" ,.1'<: the :'1 :30 and PARKLAND, WASH, T he: fel) ivai originated under the direction of Mrs, Adah VOL. 35, NO, 22 FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1958 B:OO p,m, ,<'ssions, D< pper in 193 4 , For fourte£n years it was presented on the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. ~fartin Scharlcmann p r sents this afternoon's topic, "H 0 Ih c and :aw n in front of Old main, ;;1 Family," with discussion followUJ I!. oj th e hi g hli g hts uf tht: Ft:sti-! a brief COllC t- lt by the Orchestra be , al will br the crownin g uf Culle el1 fOIl' the pnformallC'e, the Eighth Tonight's s sion, "The ' onf r~ncl: Thl neault a ~ tht' 195B queen by Clay :'\'otes, and th ,,' German Bar:!d, Talks Back;' is expected to b~ the gTand finale to what has been t TIDcd Hunl ill!,fton, sportscaster for KTV'\" In cOlllrn,'n lomtion of thc 25th all by many, a grand conference, Ht t court will include two represen n ual ~!ay Fe,sti\'al, 1.frs, Youn,(( has At this final pTOgram, the speaker , 1.lIi n" from ea c h cbs" freshmen, Su c,xtend ed a ~pecial invitation 10 the ~all Frye and J ean Tnil; sophomores, fornll'r ~'fay 4uetns, many of whom What happem when you use a newly married Ralstons, Cal Capener R(,\', Fledrie Norstad, Dr, G r atll5"r Jlla Ruud ~nd Clintina Wells; jun now live fa r abroad--one as far away ulindirlg snowstorm to trap eight p"o- and Verna Robinson, come fiv" new Westbcrg and Dr. Scharkmann, will ' O l~, JuAr.n Ham!JI' and Delores Lar- a, Spain, To date st:\'eral queen, hav(' pk in a monastery converted to a arrivals: the neurotic Chris Wren ,. Bob give five-minute su mmaries plus sum OD : ,e niors" Julie Jl'hnson and Janet n-plild and will be in attendance, guest house? How do these people Fleming; the pompous matron 111's, maries by the obsclVers, Rev, R, ~I L we, Also illdudtd in her court will , . , Assisting on tht: pruduction staff are rcact when they find that one of their I Boyle, Susie Lannon; a stiff and for Lutne" RlT, K, Roe, Rev, E , K noH L, LV , e ntor women as nbbon bearers " , , ' the followlTlg: assIstant studt:nt (ltree- llumba is a murderer and another his mal ~.faj, M .. tc?Jf, Aagc PeterSl)fl; the: and Dr. Solberg, An open forum and d ('rown blareI', two flower gIrls, and It C 'II E J K h illt<:r:!d...d vinim? Will they be able to mannish Miss Casewell, Doris Ba,c clos,in g dtTotions will campi tt' thl: . ' ors, :11111 ~ nl~IsonJ oan £lOp., ., 1I';l1Tl bear,,!". , I Phyllis Pederson; technical director. finu the homicidal maniac in time t.o hore: and the rockv lothario. Para-, seSSIOn, ,f olk at t from tht: world over Will M Ene ' "" viccini, portrayed by'Chuck Donhowr:, Over 200 \ isitors were p rese nt for 1 r. _,ordho IHI; costumes, R ut h' sav" his "qually unknown victim? A gatha Chl"I'stl'" lias ,'hOSPII to p o r - ' \\'edn< ~day' s sessions a nd approxl b~ illusl1.J! cd by SOlTIe 40 students, Christian, Marlene Evans, Doreen '" " ~ , The last entrant to this scen e is th .. , f' matdy 700 a ttended t ht, first " V~ T Il<:' coullt r ies n 'presc.:nted will include Zeuske: cOJrunittee On arran"'ements tray th e vancd, and 0 ten tWISted, forlllal English cop, Sgt. TrotteL As ' S 'd h f "L • OIW" \' Sweden Portugal Mexi c ', "" d '. b d i n I ng . . . al t! ~ con ercnc e C"O-DTwn.. , ': ' " -' " , • Jon SOlne, ~1arg an~t Evanson; pl'O l'I1Jutiou:-; of ruen 311d \\Tonltn as t.hey the " dogg", sergeant · a gers, p cads t ' ,~, M ''1 . ' "Th 1.lI hualda, K ort'a,. Thl.' Phlitppmes, grams, J ert'D U b aI, .'1 D un SI at t urn; a d t ' t t ' d tl b f' f f t , " a 01, ",.1. • , " e,wIg, e r"~pm~ WIS (I a\'ol If' ony lIlger 0 a. c and bulllC's the trappr:tl pcrsonaittl<:s , h t' h d ' d "d h ' ' " 'I on t .e part 0 t c stu ents IS won er E'~f(Jpe, an~ AmerIca, " I wnising and pub licity, Carol Conti, an d t h e c r:ny cunmng Hun Lat IS to g et a look mlo tht'lr hidden pasts. f I d h ( I I J S' · M ~nt I he! PL on: hl:'st ra un de:r the d u-t:c D "Th hunrin,,_', them dowll, Such is the tUrnlt' ' h I b f' u, an t to content 0 t it' ,ptcr l(~ one ",,('s t.l' P ot f'('omc a m esh 0 h b 'I d d ti(Jl t (A P . ofr:s or G'(lrdun Gilbt;rtson a\~lu. ornas, ()n OInl', 1 r. 1 on ' f b' f 'ck i as een \'f~ ry practica ;1 11 o wn I :-ir.'svig; dr.-co rations and ushers, the of h el' play, IHousetrap, soon ullder hl's and a a riC 0 tn 'eq and con-I earth," "ill fJruvide tit.. IllU' ;L, T,lis is th e Spun: ('omtrtlctiun, Fred M i Ill' 1', production by Alpha Psi Onll' ga, April ceit. One of the part)' is hrutally rm;r"This i~ th e finest confe renc ' w Itn t. yc"r tI. li'., un II Ir a wil! p 3lti ci 30 ;!TId Ma)' ~ a re the scheduled pro ii, Ie ill t he festival. I Cllll('k L a rson, APO; elc'an-up, Ron duction datl's fo r tht' center staged derl'd and each has his own rea SOnS have had o~ the ca mpus; ' comm.cnlrd . pt.Lia l cn te rta innlc nt will include' SoillC', fn'shrnall class, for not helping- thc ' se rgea nt to aniv,. i college, pq:sld ent Dr, S, C, East\'oJd . sh ow,
' ouseI rap'S..he u ed II
Far Weekend SlagAln
T u the' b le-ak gurst
of th" at a , (dution to th e .. rim~ ,
All-School Sic Set Eor T ni h
G ir of he Pr s t
ameco g Cone Ret urn ing to PLC last S nday night , rhl: Choir cf the W es t w ill p rl'sent (he rraditional ,1nnual H o m~com i ng Concert Sunday ~\ o 'n g in tbe Jv15 auditorium at 8:00 p,m, In the concert progra m [he 56-voicl: choir will sing selections which are church mu.~ lias ,<S, . rr w ,.: 'n o'n l ·,f f l'1i!iJf hy m " ~ ,Inc! reCe'l l CO "1,
South 1" \I' Ollla Ro lkr B vI has Ii, '11 rese n'ed for PLO for the all-schUb ! rollt-r skating party tonig ht from 9:311 to 12:00, being sponso red by :r-;onh Hall. TiC'kl't, fo r lb' !:\'/' nt .• Ir n ~.It' in ! th ' CL'n today for 50 lent~, Sk:l1L can bl I'en t('d .. t the rink fo ~5 <:1:Jll. , P ofit from the parl y will "'" in duded in the Xorth Hdll ( I'Intrii>utiQIl to th e C a n,pus CI1l'H D ri\' w hic"h doses Sunday,
vf ctHcteITlpOrary comp ose rs _~ Ihc l~l.oir of the: ,,,.. , t, dirtcted by ;e nd fiuany "'Sing Praises," by the (,unn I J, Mallllin, nuw in his tWellly- ; ,;Ollll'llIfJuralY (' OlllpO'l:'r, Slalllt-y Cb l rus t cal at PLC, is :! pioneer organi- 11111 of Portland, UIl',ljon, Latioll ill th,. fi ...ld of a cape ll a mu ~ i c.; Sdl.'ctium for the sceoTlli part of in thr: l'acifi c N r thwu; c It r etur neu the ,'onent \Viii upe n with "Three L t SUlld Y [10m a te n.-d y t,;onc e r t Kings,:' by the rf'nowm:d Canad ian , t uu. of \-V"shin gto n ,"lid British Co- i composer, lkally \Vilbn, Two ,Oll g' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -. PWillUI
from the :-'lass of the POPl~ Marcellus lumUj;., ' vlois,ts for tlti,s year' s cunc,erts il,l- by the Italian, Pal~strina. will be fol .Iuded In S unday s sa..red m USical wIll I lowed by a Russian chant by Rnch-
b<- th~e(O PL~ cued", Mona Carlson, Tllaninoff. "Glory to God," A s~,'cia~ .'\ ndlcy. ,H. art and .Pt: g BYIn,gton, , arrarWClllent bvI Professor MahlllT1 01 0:> Upelllllg the plOgram Will be a se- I the Swedish folk me/odv "Children ,. 10 Llioll from the Russian liturgy by of the Hcan'nly Father," will be folT { h~ikowsky, "0 Praise Ye God," lowt'd by the familiar Crusadt:l's' F ullowing will be "The Kingdom of Hymn, "Beautiful Saviour," arra nged ( .•u ," .t Dallish chorale arranged by by F, Mt"lius Christianscll, ' [he late F, M eli us Christiansen, Wr,it- I The modt"rn.• dissonant ~ t )' I t lIf b h f r f dEl h I It'll , Y t e a t H:,.' a n:1~ all ng IS I ehun:" lIIusic will be heard ill the con 1l1~"~: E~wart~ Elgar, ,God, Song, of eluding pO, rt,i,on of the c"oncert, opt n ;';11111: wtil be mclud.-d m the. openmg, , . C'.orn' Iu d'm g t h e f'Irst group mg" WIth the smglll(,~ 01 , " lnVOl'atlon , , I clams, Fl' "n .. " '01
' ) I unMs will be the 15th century StCU-1 <t n d C.norale I y lilt: w " '-n 0"1. L 1
IaJ IIlJl drigal hynlll,"O Brl'dd of Life," . tt'mporary, Paul ChristiallSen,
Blood Dr."ve May 8
II year
Second APO Blood Drive of the will I"e held on Th urs d ay, May B, Donors must be IB years T 8 old ur O\'f'r. hose students I to 21 must have written permission from their pa rents to donato: blood, Student' \"1' 'hl' ng to C'l'\, (, blood " " " . mav sign lip for an appointlllt'nt on May 5, 6 and 7 in thl' CUB, Learn about the production of i S ee th e d 'ISyour sc h 00 paper. play now in the kiosk.
J r Sr Banque1.j Over $1,000 for Saga -
Be May 2
"Mood in Black and Gold," thc Junior-Senior Banqu('\, will b e hdd Friday May') at 6,10 pm at th~ ' , i -, -'" " Stuart Hotel in Seattle r
Carnival Grosses
Tickets will cos t
According to Jim Bullock, Saga manager, this year's Saga Carni','al wa, a financial success, Tht gross lIltake was over $1,000 and thr lwt j)rofit is expecud to tJ<: between $700 and $800, Last ','ear' s carnival, which w;>' '--' accordinrr to Jim, a good one finan ~ ciall v , brought in about $500, J im I says that he is still optimistic about being able to payoff all of tbe approx
I business
,75, and n:servations can be made until Monday n 'ening, This is a dutch treat evening; dates will be accepted imatcly $8,000 it costs to put u t the b ut de f initely not required, The dress Sa~a yearbook thi~ year, The drbt from la t V, eaT's bool. will be sl:mi-fonnal. amounted to :j\1,100, Th i~ had I I Miss Janice Morgan, a student from paid Ollt of this year' s fun ds, So it hat Seattle University, who has sung in been a real problem for the staff H' seve-ral musicals around the Seattle make ends mc('t this year. a n'a, is f"atur , d on tht" program, Also Whcn the Saga g( ts u t of dt'bl indud.-d on the program i. a clarinct PLC can expect an r Hn ~tte.- Y<',tT ist from Sl'attic P a cific who placed in book, reports Bulloc k, wi th pC'rhap th c.: MENC finds, and the Amba,.sa less pages devot!"d to acivcrtisinl!: "lllld do .. Quartet. mOl spact' gi\(" n to act h itie, , t () C e neml chairman of the ba nqu e t is m o rt: color<'d pagt's could atlti.. d Ru ... hcn Lahti, Com mittees assisting , and othe r things done to impro" the him are as foilow,: menu, Ba rbara quality of the:: book, Ol~on ; d ecorations, Jeri Dub ' I; r('scr
LSA Leaves Tonight
va tions and invitations, Tim Sw'e n and Barbara Bcci:ncr; tran,porta tion, Dirk Coodwin,11arl nf> Lore nzen, and fifty-two PLC ~,Iudt,! I It. ve _ 10- I J u dy Hclde ; publicity, D on Anderson; lllgJ. t .J t 9:30 p,m , for t he LSA region ; nd, tickets, Vin~in i a Dormod v _ al relr at at t.he L azy F D ud Ranch . ' 1Il ,lr 10.11, , I' bu r~ , 1'1 r!'tn-at 'unti l tlrs ~ tluoU,II I Saturday and unday, LAST MINUTE ENTRIES are being At the eanrw-nre D a n W itmer p~. ~'lIlL:ht fm the- "\PO Rarbf'\ shop Quar- cific L lIlhl r~n" SA pr,'~~dcnt.' will H,t C ontC'< t Scilru U ,l'd ,~or~ tomor~ow ill. t. IJ,'d , ~ prr Id .. nl of the r~ ,ion. l1lgiu. at 7;30 p,m, m CB -.OO, P n Z(,8 Pre-commu ion del/otions will be w ill be- J\\'ardrd, Iheld in the T owel' Chapd :May t, a, ~ 7:00 p.I1I" by LSA , C 's CHOI R OF TH E WE S T presents its home con:e rt Sunday at 8:00 p.m" Gunnar J, Malmin di r ect ing.
Page T wo
F rid ay . Ap r il 25, 1958
Housing Assignments
For Women Un derway
For Your Education
Looking at Books
Br c)usin g thl"ou g h the PLC library tac ks on(' can find books on alm ost cn' ry ·ubjcct. Th e vari e ty includ ~s souu: o f tht: oldest a nd neWf'st editions
plenclicl Opportunity
Students should be sure to attend the final two sessions of the Family Life C onference today: unless it is utterly impossible pub li ~ h{"d. for you to be present, you are foolish to not take advantage of For the philosophy minded, a new this splendid opportunity for education. Come to the sessions ,j()n:l tion o f Dr. J. P. PflUl~ge r has with a readiness to learn and I am sure that you , as l, will leave been added . Men and Movements in with new life-revealing concepts about your relationship to God Ame rican Philosophy, b y J oseph Blau, and man. i, the te xtbook whi c h includ es thin gs Witb the' conference presenting wpics important to you . ex f row " C olonial Mate ri a lism a nd Im pert speakers on those topics, free admiss ion (a registration fee I te ria lism" to "The Eme r ge nce of would certainly have been needed without the S2,OOO donation l\a turalism. " Publishers are Pre nti ce from the Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Co. ) . and sessions and Hall and the call number is only a few steps away-well. that 's a bargain that comes very 191 BfilM . ~eldom and just can ' t be pass ed up. A trivia l comedy for se rious people \Vhy snuff o ut the lamp of learning when it is lit right under is the d esc ription O sear Wilde gives your nose- ? to his The Importance of Being Ear nest. It is found in four acts as orig ina lly writtell. The call numbe r is 822 W64I. Volume two is in type script a nd m a nuscript form . Man Called Peter, by Catherine. M a rsha ll, would be inte resting for those wishing a n insight of PLC's sp r ing produc tion of the story of P e te r . 1a rshall. Libra ry location is 252 .093 M 35M. Thc' book deals with his se r mons more exte nsively than with the pla y.
If this year' s Sa ga Carnival ca n be ternw d a success, it is so only because ,)f th e c:onscc ra ted help and splendid coope ra ti o n of the following p eople: M eg Evanson, Verna Robinson, Cal C Rpo:n e.r, J erry Bayn.., Ja ck Holl, Curt K n..lstad and the Lette rmen, Mr. Nord I.alm a nd his crew, and anyom: else w ho has contributed in any way to the' 1958 Saga C a rnival. :VI y since re thanks to all of you for a job well done. (sig ned) JIM BULLOCK
LAU INAT'S Apparel We Outfit Co-eds 406 Ga rfield St.
LE. 7·5317
District A.gent
Inquire about this new, easy w ay
P. O. Box 275, Parkland
LEo 1'()82.6
to purchase a ring. Jon Soi n e
Laun d ry Service
CE IRE CLEANERS Mrs. Jo Sum mers P ho n e L Enox 74300
112TH STREET ( Ai rport Road ) AND PA R K AVE N UE
All wome n have received appli ca-~~--------tions whi ch must be turned in with a .; a. bn.:a ka ,,~: fe e to be refund ed a t the rece ipt of a ten dolla r deposit. An th e <:nd of th e acad e mic year, Stu· a dditional ten d oll a rs is due by Jul y de nts are hdd responsible fo r any 1 to apply on nex t yca r'~ bill. Afte r dama ge in their rooms and for all this yea r th e la tte r fee will be $25. equipme nt broken, d es t royed or m ilU If th e c ntin' twenty d oll a rs is no t ing. The impo rtance of fillin g o u t til,. rece ived b y July 1, the r oom a pplica tion is can ce lled. In case of can cella room a pplica tion completely is st rcMcd ti o n, refu nd will be m ade if the D ean by the Dea n o f Women. Give t·xp of Womm is notifi ed by July 1. The na tions of prde r -nces; for ins tance, 1 e nti n' twenty d olla rs m a y be pa id a.t it morc important to room w it h the time of a ppli ca tion. specific. g irl t ha n it is to be a spec. ifi .. The te n doll a r r oom depos it is held hall o r fl oor.
Heig h Ho, ·vt' rybody. I'd like to dedicate this column to a ll tho~e w ho didn't like my previous dforts . Long may they ra ve . NEW SONG DEPT : My Girl Looks Like a Total Stra ng-e r Since She Got H e r Face Cau ght in the Record Ch a ngn or Let a Smile 1k YQur Umbrella If Yo u Lik e to Garg le R a in- r eal class, eh ? Since Don Dou g la s has been ele c ted Student Body P res ident I'd lik e to publ icly apol ogize fo r th e thin gs I'VI.' sa id a bout him in the p as t. The re must ha\'c bCl"n one thing that wasn't tnH'.. .. And now for n ews of a new contcst.. All you h ave to do is write, borrow or steal a joke of the type following, for example- A hea rt-re ndin g tale of the ju n gle kin g who refused to h a rm a ny animals. Hi s p h obia a gainst hurting animal s resulted in th e beasts entering the village, a tta ckin g the p eople and ea ting don1t~ ,ticated li vestock. Th e p eo ple finall y got so despera te th ey pull ed th e king off his throne and banished him . " And tha t is th e fi"st tim t' a reig n has been called o n a ccount ~f game." . .. . Get the id ea? Any joke of tha t t~ ' p c may win . Contest will run until May 22, givin g yo u plenty of time to think up something origina l. At least thrce jud ges will 15'0 0\'('[ all e ntri es. Sta rt turnin g th em in as soon as you like at the M ooring M ast offi ce or undn th t: door. Be sure your name and address is o n your en t ry . Neatness wun' t count but origina lity will. So far as to prizes I have an LP of your choi ce from The R ecord Shop in the Rust Bldg., and am bu ~ y a rrangin g more pri zes. There will only bL one winne r a nd the winning e ntry wi ll be published in my column a t a la ter date.
Complete Shoppin g Cent er
Expert Dry Cleaning
T oday is thr fin al day freshm en w o men may draw numbers fo r nex t ye ar's room a,s ignmcnts. Sophomo re a nd Junior wome hav e held (h eir dra . .v in gs in (he Dean of W o men's o ff ice. Appli catio ns for rooms will be hon ored acco rding to the number drawn. After toda y all orher applications w ill be ho n ored acco rding to the date the roo m and applicati o n arc recei ed
We provide Checking and Savillgs Accounts ." l and all other R-ST.BE£T bank services BRABCH ~: for college \\ studuts
PUGET ~OUND NATIONAl BANK TACOMA"S P'IIlIIE.NDLY BANK ".I!~ C ,, !t7 Q MER ,."Rl'ltN '3 _ L" a.t;_ P t. CU-.Io.'
- .. "'It
• ... c~
co.. ""o"...'o..
D n Ce
Friday, A p ril 25, 1958
Sluggers Meet SPC
In Seattle Tomorrowl
Page Three
eeaied Eastern Wins Championship
Meeting the L tHe baseball sq lIad for the first time this season the Seattle Pacific- Falcons will host Pacific Lutheran tomorro"; Eastern Parkla nd clos t:d out iL~ in· aftc:noon. The Falcons have gained impressive w ins over the Unitramural volleyball season unddea ted verslty of Washington, and Seattle University while compiling ait'T eking out h[lrd earned victori~ .3 5-"3 on-lost record. by Eugen'e H apala 0 ·tT two runn e rs-up last Monday. Coach Les Habbergger 's Falcons have only two returning letAll-American javelin star JOHN FROMM sust:·, in..d a back injury this The two best matches of th" ') ca r t . rmen t his yt'ar, Micky Martino,·~ - ---. wf'c k and will not be able to make the trip to the Drake R .. I ys whidl are wen' held Monday as the Eastente rs
pi tcher, aud Loren Anderson, second b Ad I d' b ascrnan. n erson ca s III the . a tring department with a .+21 average
G0 Ife rs S k
taking place this weekend. Track Coach MARK SALZMAN did not know first whipped the Prairie Do.~' , and how soon Fromm will bi' able to throw ap.:ain. It is hoped that he will be then edged the Mcsogamists, ~ccord~ ready for the Vancouve r Rdays on Saturday, May 3. ing to Mark Salzman, intramura l di-
The1rd Si: ra e19 hi: .
eight games and 19 times at bat. Whitworth's RON LOCK HART set a new school record of 200 feet,:3 rector. The Prairie Dogs, Mt'SOg--.url 1 h . h' I' . ists, DeJardines, and Ivy A all ti~' · 11' e osely On his h~els is Dean '.nc es 111 t e Jave 111 throw. 111 a track meet a. t .Spokane against Central W ash..... I• 0 . oWing h 2 C II f for second wi th 10-3 season r eco r d-. Luk golfe rs will m ee t the M cChord II1gton 0 cge 0 EducatIOn last week. Th,s 's only 52 feet, 7 ~ inch es less ' R·nd,f W 0 in400 5 times at bat has tem I h J . HN Selection of the 1958 All-Star h'.am , avcTage. As a team ., linkmen on the Fort Lewis golf cour.se t an 0',',1',0,wn C,J . • FR().~[M ha~ thro,.vn it, thus far thi.s season!!. h Its or a. , F- I "I C DICK R .. was also announced by Mr. S-'-InC a cons have whacked out a .285 this aftl'l'noon at 1 :30. This is the sec, ',.:J , S ,~UREl', ,:,ER turned ,n a 211 foot, :2 II1ch toss 111 a dual i.u-urn . h' . h . I h TT' • f () I Members of the first team are crry " ':/:rage 111 t eu- clg t games. ond ganll' in the '58 links series be-' mt'et WIt I t (' L mvers,ty 0 . regan ast week for a blu,' ribbon, while Wash . 'DAN <IIC Seheele, Pa ul Carlson, Jilll Van Be,,". Central Washington is the onlvI tween the Lutherans and the Ai,111"I' ,ngton s HEL tossed the spear 195 fect., 4 inches for a first place John Mitchell, Chuek Gcldakl:r and. T 1 ' • (..a m which both the Falcons and the Last Monday April 21 on the local in a dual mcet with the Idaho Vandab. These figures truly indicate the <Tood D , , . f.. f PLC hid d h '" aw: B rntsen. Second team hono", Lutes have played this season. The I links th,' Glad stickmcn downed the 01 tunes tob ave. an e . sue a ph,.nomenal ' . . H do F . . . . .track star as Fromm. WCllt to J',m Berentsoll Ralph Carr nladiators t terg,'d h.wIng- won onf' CPS riva 15 for th,. thi rd time iII four a romm ('gun throwlI1g the )avrlln 111 hIgh school, he most cer- W · . ' , Rnd three, compan'd to th., Fal- matches. This th ird "i c tor" was won tainly would haVI' been landed hy une of the Coast Conference It' Johnston, Dl.ck Peterson, R og , " 1F . I er M'kdusky and J1!lI Haaland son, who won, lost, and tied in three by a margin of 14-4 . Bob Sparlin.g, wasIl ' . <. . I I untl . r romll! S sop ,omon: 'year a t PLC that he attempted to compete:,Salzman rCllllnds all spring sport t<lrt s. drov,. home a sixty-ei,g-ht for tal) hon- 111 t, c Jave 111. Undn the watchful eye o f track coach MARK SALZMAN,. . ' 11···· enthUSIasts t hat badminton lennI · , F bl d . PLC, with fi\'F. ...alll"s IJlaYl'd, has ors. romrn ossomc mto an A -Amencan 111 IllS second season of competition. go If and horseshoes start this ' , eek. >.
" ,
I plTC F b II F. Id Q . LOOt a Ie uestlon, I A·lred ,or -r. D lt e C"on~ l·deratlon · ,----------------,
fOllr men batting over .300: Glen •. LIst "Friday, Aprrl 18, tlw Lute Softball is slated to start May I an d :l
Campbell .375, Ardeen Iverson .429, ;~rccns tcam played host to.the Mctrack m ee t will be held the second
Don May .444, and Chuck Curtis i Chord A,rmen ,md beat them 10'h w eek in May.
. 714. The team's total an,rage i~ .243·1 to 7'tl:!, . Int I c clo;c match , Don Hall ~ C oa ch Tommervik has listed as 5tart-1 f.nrsh,d WIth .3 two under par (i8 to, _ FINAL " 1" . f.or Friday's game: h.'erson Ib, obtaIn . tlwdalrst h 0 nor s. Airman I • VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS !\t;;y 2b, Campbell 5S., Pete rson 3b, M ,ekey Stray trailed dos,'ly with n 69. ! o I 1_h f b II f' Id by Dennis . d'Marttalad J ' . H' I East'TIl Parklantl J <) Kitlksby If, J. Curtis and C. Curti, McChord, PLC match scores: I e oot a Ie questIon Iscusse ast weel\. In ap s co ......., r f. Battery in t h,' first gamc will bc :\'icChord I Pacific Lutl1eran • limn has brought abollt mixed emotions on the subject. Prairie Dogs ... .. .... 10 '\ Her,rert pitching a nd Robbin,< cH tch- Stray ..... .. .. I'h I Hali ... 2'L. on the matter has. some facts and several Ivy '1-\' ..... 10 3 ;r~ S f 1 tl d did b I De J a rdines )() ,', Ing Kuper will hurl to Kirk wh o will Stafford ....... 2 I S arlin' 1 OpInions om~ 0 t lC au l o ntatlVc In IVI ua s contacte roug 1t
.... . J hl' behind the plate in the finaL Pall1lcr ........ II., 'I g .. --." 2 up the pOUlts: , . . .
M '-Sog:)mis[s [0 Th e' Sea ttleites who won both of Hutchinson 'I:: I Hill ... .... . __ ..... 2'h ' Athletic ptrector Ivlark tS stnaly In favor of a 7
i i
their m f't' tin .:~s ,:ith the-
. . .. .. . .. . ~
e.. nlportm ,,,. ce ntl'n', .'port" pTogrnm. n I ..' . basketball . ')pikers :; a sup. g hIS VIews, Mr. Salzman I t \ Ident lB ga me attendance. Hesters .......... ... -:; 8
',' a,-, will have Martino on the mound Scaly .. .. ... ..... 3 I Hovey 0 It 1 k h f T .
.'" PQlIlrl"d out many rt'3sonS. He stated, I IS a so 'nown mue 0 acoma Wes tf'l"1I P ark l[lnd 4
in the ope ner. Boh M a.o ng ill will
"A campus centered progran, would ! supports this pha~ e of our athletic 1 Stub~ TUf.\L. II) 3 p robably pitc h th e s,,-cond with Vick TOTAL .... 7 '/2 10 ;(; develop greater stud"n! participati on. " program. Certainly a winnin g team 12 ~vL>gg receiving' in both gamt~. Fill
Such participation ,h lIU I d crea te I draws failS. Cd tics in OlIt the Falcon lin e-up will he An
strollge r student relations <"" rly in the l'nhaps if tht· gridd cn had this d~ rso n 2b, Li.ngtonselcl.el' Ib, Knap
I fall. Also compktt' (".cntralization will stronb stu(knt and local fan support lJ nd ~s, Stanvik 3b, "V n 'ks rf, R,·id I dil1linalt' the t ransportation p.-",bkm ! he pil'tu. c m ight be different. Ou r 'ond Rei gel If.
I im'olvcd in :Jttendin" " hOll1l:'" ,Q'am<:"s . 1958 co-captains, Di c k Goodwin and --- ------------Mr. Salzman continu c:.d, "I am in George Fishn.. art' supporters of th" f;,nn of Saturday afternoon gn m", on ~cdi.n g th:u. " the ,psychological factor (·:\"lpUS. I dc, not kd th, .2,atl: rt·- I' u,"flllltt'iy III lavor of th~ home Th!" Lutes meet tlu- \VeSlt:Tn "'ash rt'l pt& would be ~ig-nificantl)' j eop- tea.lll. Especially if the fans are of th,. ington Vikings tomorrow afternoon ;11 ardiz(',d by introducing sud, .1 pro-, t'nlh1lsiastic nat.un· w hich is I~~i ca l of 1:00 p.ll1. on the h orne courts in a gram. Arguments 111 the past have students and homt' town fans. league tennis match , By Bernie Brotman h<:t: n somewhat justifiable. St/lll" thin gs i FinaIll'ially this pmpositioll will not Western's tennis team got off to a . I a b.out t h'' s . W<"IT that. ,pc·c.·taton. be cOllSidcr,.d for indusion next year. slow start in th eir opening m atches ,'.11. and Mrs. JOHN FROMM arc saJ( PLC trackmen travd to Bellingham thl.· pro u d parents of a. 10-pound BC t')I1lOrrow to compete in J thrl' and hOlll1cin ', baby hoy. MASTER GARY WIT" lIkely to altt-nd Urll\" ' l~sl ty at Mr. Cecil Vanet' , assistant to the col - th is season. The Vikings lJw t t h {nu r W d Y track meet at J :00 p.m. The FR( )MM was born Monuay , April 21. Washington g-arllt·s on Saturd~y aftn- i \t-C.l' president on financial affairs, net-m 'l1 only to lose 9-0 and l-:l. W t's te rn's top man, Tom g arkson , is L u t ... ~ will facr cind,~nTl"n from West Hr IS c~rt<linly a .hiS: boy now ; ,~onder noon: Then, toc.,. T.V. a uciirncn 01 pointed ou.t that tht' m atter has Hot d h,. \V'.ll outdo Dad Fl olllm WIth the I tdevlse d top g'''T1es would be absent. been studi"d t.horoughly to date Mr. possibly one of th, be tter te-nnis D1C'n r n W ashington, Puge t.Sound, a nd the pn'lm m about 20 years. ,~ .JTM VAl'i BEEK, DAVE BERNT- . (Jur parkmg faciliti es all' much V ,l nCt · "mpha s ,~ed, I ddtnltdy want in th e Northwest. H e was the con''-,n wuvcr Olympic Club. The Olym p i.: Club will not bc figured ill the SEN, ROD BERNTSEN RALPH better and tar more adequate than to s(,,· football played on a eampus fe/·t: nc<: champion last ye:-.r. rrglllor cOllfer en cc competition h!' CARR:, DENNIS FATL.\ND, JIM thos,. in the Lincoln Bowl area," WaS field by th" fall of .1960." He indiAfter being Tained out in its mat h tw..'t"n PLC, WWC and CPS. .JOHNSO:'ol, G E 0 R G E FISHER, the opinion of Mr. Salzma n, ASPLC rated that the track would be ready w ith Central V.'as h ingtoll on ,\pril 19, Eulicr this season the Lutes over KEN Rl!S, LARRY ROSS a nd IUD Pn'sident-ckct Don Douglas, it n d aftn cumplete (,(,conditioning by early (Central was credited with a w in w it h SODER(JREN wcre tram llI cmbers of f . ' ,. 1960 wrTcd the CPS LO,CT.gcrS in a pra~ - the 19~8 \f II b 11 C h ' d oo tball c.o-captam-clcct George I' lsh- sprrn!<. . four matches to th eir credit at ,:alI-oIf " ,
. • I) ey a amplOn sq ua . , . .' . P lin meet. The Gladiators haw' not The Eastern Pal'kland nwn compikd cr. 1 hIS alont" would be an mcentIV!' Linc,)ln Bowl will house our g rid- time), the Lute tennis t eam WCllt into a lucky 13 -7 win-loss record during to attract "paring" spectators to the deI'S next season again for three or action on Tuesday afternoon, April TW ·t the trackster, from Wfslern or the 'Tel'fllly pnded c3l11paiKn HOME games. This feature is thou g ht lour sc heduled home games. Stud(' nts ,22, against th e Sea ttle Pacific Falcou thl' Olympic Club. to b,' a counterbalance to tl", !-,upular will ha w to b.ear with the situation Im:tmen. Seattle Pacific walked away In th e thre (' we)' confercnce com opinion that Lincoln Bowl dmws a a.nd transportation problem. Coach wllh all match es i.n the afternoon. !w tition th e v.'estern Vikings arc fa certain percentage of fans who would Jim Gabrielson', football squad will Coach Van Beck has cited th e 1,lel.. " of" d with a big turnout in a ll events not travel to a. lower calTlpus turf. fight th,. Illud and the foe, but [Ill of practice dut' to rJin as the biggt'. l .as \Vf·ll as h aving a t least one ce rta in Parkland backs PLC. This fact IS looks well for 1960. problem before tht' tca lll. th r ' i1t. Th e big- threat is that. oi the .flU,1ne,. lIliit-r, Gary Phillips, who won FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LtKE •• th·' ,- o nference and distri c t quarte r 1130 B r MONDAY THRU SATURDAY /llil,' t'vcni to make the trip to the n« 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. "WE SPECIALIZE IN FLAT·TOPS" tiona! NAIA finals last y"ar. SHORT ORDERS DINNERS Located in I GA F oodtown Th(" Lllte s wiil enter all field e.vents 528 Garfield St. Phone LE. 7-3434 112th & Park Aven ue LE.7-9937 a nd all b ut the twn milt- run of the Flowers for All Occasions m nnin1l: <·w:nts. Coach Salzma n po int ... d nut that Fn'1I111l will be absent from 12173 Pacific Ave. LE. 7~206 (Foot of Gar fi eld ) We Deliver tn..: :ne!' ! al ong with Dan Witme r, PLC q llartn mile.. and relay ~printer. Lutes last Baan
..... I ! Standifer
Gads Play WW
Trackmen Travel To Western Meet, Face CPS, WWC
lIelmen Here
. ..
.. .
I .
a a ~•s
Fu Ily Automatic
Tuesday -- Al l Evening
A man who has a good mind a n d body and soul, d evote d to Hi s Sa vio r, can have the time of his life serving in the ministry on
Wedne sd ay -- after 9 p.m ,
Fri day -- All Evening
h e West Coast,
Charles 8. Foelsch, Ph.D.• President
2770 Morin Avenue, Berkeley 8, Calif.
PHONE LE. 7-7100
10707 Pa cific Ave.
Phone LE. 7-6012
Pa ge F ou r
F r-id ay, Ap ril 25, 1958
Sociolo ists tudy Rem n Hall; West Hal Tolo Is Oee n- 0 ___ OFFICER VISITS SOCIOLOGISTS 1:3 with th e theme " Oceanbound.'· De_· odo logy Club was vi,it...d by Mr. tination, supplied by the, th r mt". Mari· M ulholian J , probation officer from R rmA nn H all, at its last mt:e ting. Be~id~ ; Orin!!; the detention home for Piace Co~ nt'·, Rcmann II a II also h ouses t ht: JllH~ile Court. It usually hOll ' ' " tixty ddmqucnts and depend· tn t ch ildren fram a few w eeks old to' rhe age of eighteen. At times there arc 11~ mn ny as ninety children, and sel· d om less tha n 50. M ulholland explained the function of the home and told about the stmc-
1 '
lee And erson and Gina Jones arc the committee chairmen a nd h a v e hot dogs planned for the evening meal. West Hall girls and datc~ are to fur nigh thei~ own luncl~, but poP. and .ie cream WIll be provIded. RegIstratIOn fe e is set at one dollar. A Gay 90's Root Beer Bust w ill be hdd in 'Vcst Hall lounge tomorrow, April 26, from 8:30 to 11 :00 p.m., to raise money for Campus Chest. Enter· tainment will be provided.
tun· . pf the building itself: A typical dill' ~nd udcs classes from nme to three wi th free time all evening. After relating ma ny amusing inci d r.n cs,Mulholland concluded the meeti n ~ with an open discussion. An invitation was extended to in tu cst cd parti,'s to "isit Rt'"mann Hall, but appointments should b c m a d e
1BOB BILLS ELECTED Blue Key elected the following new offic{"rs: Bob Bills, president; Da.rrell Hines, vice·president; Ron Jorgenson, record in.1:: serretary; R t"ulx'n Lahti, ICC representative. Installation of new officers and m f'mbcrs w ill be held Sunday, April 27, at Blue Key's annual banquet for m ember! and dates.
Siudeni Fund Drive
rings Sr. ledges
Charm Beauty Salon
At th.· kick·off dinn
of the Stu last Monday night it was announced that the aver a ll'c gift of th e senior cla5s officers and the Voluntary Fund committee members was $230, and at tht: close of the meeting it was announred that the avnage pledS'e of thc:- solicitors was $ 144.25. "This," . said Esther Elliekson, chair man of the Voluntary Fund Commit tee, "is very encoura ging, especially sinc~ no one turned in a card with a nt'gative senti m r-nt or no g i f t p ledged." On April <I a resQlution was unani mously appro"ed by th~ senior class that the Student Vohm tary Fund be established, for tht· purpose of prm·id ing the opportunity for seniors and other interested persons to participate in the Development Fund. The sol icitation was compietdy vol untary, with fellow students callin g on every member of the senior class.
C. tY../iput ~
81anche Lingbloom 41 3 GAIlf IELD ST.
LE. 7·7475
~~f;fA~~rr ~' .~~
• . .ll;11l
- - _._-- -_._. _ -- _.
~e4t ~attfttJiHt
I- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
W est Hall tolo is planned for May 1
rrving PLC thm tlp;h C h.u tia n use of free p ress. P R E SS
EDITOR ..............DA VE CROWNER
N s E ditor.............. _ .. Herb Demp'ey R~portcrs:
Ba,b StuhlrniJler, Barbara ball("son, Sheri Thof\·il;.oll, J ad. Gjo"Mg-. 1 ~atllTe Ecl n or. .....Marilyn DonaldSOD R porte : £ :t ~ I ... n, Bllrch .... m, Bob rl r n - I , 0 "1. . 1; '>, J ~ D aniel· 'P0rTS E dito r ............ ..Denn is M arttala Or(':- : T im W yndham, E u gene Hapnln, Dick Goodwin, ane Dick lbg' f lL D aw Gaenicke. T " i t ..................... .....Laurie Beecroft
Bu~jnE'S8 M~nager..Mary Lou Engen 1 Ad Sollcitor_: Rod P atterson, Lois I nderson, Lindl\ Scharf.
h o tograpb cr.. ........ Mr. W. M cKewen
ArT i t •........................Dick Londgren
Bookkeeper..........._......... Carol House
Circulntion ..... ...Patti Finn and Harry
xchange ...............................Joy LewiI FUI: CI Tk .......... ........... ... Lamc H oeger Ad\:lS f _ _ • •...•..•.•.••••.••. Mr. M. Nesvig Pu bliGhed Fridays of tlr school year by l tudents of PLC, at Parkland, Waahington. Offiee: College Union Building. Phone LEnox 7-8611, Ext. 41.
3820 South Yakima
Parkland and Vicinity
Ph ne G.1-3371
Why the man who hires you will ask if you own life insurance: When you apply for a job, one of the questions. usually asked is, "Do you own life insurance?" A well-known personnel director explains it this way . "We always ask whether a man has life insur ance, and we ask how much he owns. Why? Because the answer gives us a pretty good idea whether the fellow is well-organized, is handling his financial affairs wisely, and planning for both his own and his family's future. "If we find a man with a wife and two small chil dren and a thousand dollars of insurance, we wonder why he's taking such long chances." This shows one reason why so many young men today are making Lutheran Brotherhood life insur Free Up on Request. B eautiful full-color reproduction
of the R eformation W indow at ri ght. Complete with
historical legend. Large size (18" x 24"). H eavy stock,
suitable for fr a ming. M a iled in tube. N o o bligation, of course . Send your name and address today .
701 Second Av enue 80uth • Minneapoli 2, Minnesota
Living benefits for Lutherans through life insurance
ance a basic part of their financial planning. Lutheran Brotherhood-with low-cost plans such as the Broth erhood Provider-makes it easy to avoid the risk of putting a severe burden on your parents, family or dependents. The low cost also makes it easy to start building your insurance program right now while still in college. This means you can have full protection throughout the years of heaviest family responsibil ities, and then at retirement get back every premium dollar, plus a substantial gain on your investment. Talk to your Lutheran Brotherhood representative about the advantages of beginning your insurance program early, when the rates are lowest-or write for details on Lutheran Brotherhood policies.
Library Circulation aol Gi en •
Increase ; Hi tory t fa amp.f n
Vo mePurcha e
ic on
't h l.~· 1
public IS im·it,·d to attend S sot 'n a'''''(llomp'l:03,.nl'di mauUrSi".nC f.: swanl rs,' , Ca"p in g Stn'ice, • r _ I ' O p,n·l. •; n th A r ception will . be held followin,,, 4" at ~I," _ J C • • th, ltrt"mony fo r fnc nds and t c lat !\'n I r ' . _ ". 0 tile n UISeS . wLlI be olfl ~ !at m l!' l ' hl.lsl' b in ' capp' d un: as f 0 II ow,: , __ , a ist d by Betty Johnson and Jan ::. ~ y I' B',,: rman, \ ",'lk:,Irl"u ,' C 'lrl..n \'1:' _ , M cKt:l:knc y, ,'(' n im nursing stUd ellts, C::.r\wn, Turlock, California: Shirl,'Y T h peak r wJlI b· R e . H , G, R an- H~ rlllo Il, Spu Lmt' : Jud y H a wki n , TaJ l I I I' f F I H (J P I, la p a m rom ~manua os- coma: Ann J ohnson, Jlwaco; rIon'nee 'nl P t' d d P L pI. ' n or lan , a n astor utn tos ir by, Ta COI!! a: Charl otte K lokker, 'II h J' t . R . h ' \\'1 I.U r'lst , prc:scntlOg t lilt 1Il" r! u n: ~1 al'i lu NIIlh c, SIJok a n,' . F rnanu I Ho p't I t' c I t ' l l b M r . " ' ! ' a u y WI - rs. :-'1_a r Jor i ~ Ro h, POltland, UI t'gO Il .. Is r .. ' 'f , . 0 • "anc y humpson, Con en· t" v'l'a,hI'J JI 1\ r5" ; T rio, Ill ,ld, lip of J a lJt:t in e;toll; and Pat 1 horkildso~, :>VIa l '1 (,we D un n ' (' , r ~ d.R tl H ,\ , .. " Il . ' n u 1 aug- q ualll , vn go n - - - - -- - -,.- -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -
Dr. S. C. East"old, ('olkge pre'si- wi ll su rround the pool anJ chairs and dent, announced in chapd on Mond a y tables will be provid ed, It h as not th a t h e and hi~ w ife arc presen ting' bee n >cen f, 'as ible to romtru t a n)' the student uody with a swimming bathhouses, hut there is a possib il itv I pool a5 an a nniwl'sary g ift in re - , th,,' a con'!' will be madl for th ' , memhra n ce of th "it' fortieth w eddin g ' unit, ennbling winte r uSI: of the pool. 1lJ,'ntS . .' . th,' IOte lpn.:ta twns a,re anOln'I,;lty ., On Jun l' n~O a nd 0 f D r. The pool will be loca l.d be tw ccn ! dw raC' tt'T1 z,ed by a keen ,ense of falr- [,ast"old's fiftc enth yt ar a s president the CMS and South Hall. n, ·ss," 1'111. IS tht' comment fron l of :acifir Lu, tlwran. CO.lk !<f· on July. I. Ii ~{a tt:ria. Is h, aw' been ordcr",d. and D utd,.:r', Guid e to Histo ri cal Litc[;l. f' , . Constru c tIOn wIll m dud r pourIng constructIOn JS ,chedulr:d to b qpn on t un' IT ernng to h~ outstandIng ll(' " . , I ' . d" 'h P ( ." , ' f : co cretl: wa lls and IInm£: th ent a nd Mondav, M ~v 12 , 1 h e Ic,b wi l b' 'ad .tlon to t ,. L ; LlIJ rary s !'I' ('1'- I . ' . I " -, . p I th l: ~ :l!1d bottom WIth :I plastIC co, '- , com plct ~ d on M ay 19 accord1ng III .. ncc sh ..h <'S, th e Hlstorv of the OIICS. I . . , I ' d' 1 H'I 'b' "III1\!. 1h(' pool wIll b, ' flu sh to the- plans. Ru],.s for us e (If th e 001 h ave: .' ccor In ~ to J\.' r. a ey, It rarlan , ( I ' 'JO I ' k 'I l . II !.:rouncl, 20 fc c t b y 40 fn t, a nd h ave not yet bCl'n fo rmulatt'd. t ll ~ ,, _'-vo ume wOJ '~ll )l' espeCla y a dl\,n g ho~rd, Inc ,-,rpOlat"d in thl I \·,dllabr.. to studr'nls IT! cou rses dtal. ,, . I . , pbns art· f <t( Ih lll'S fOl IH'3 tln o; :lac! • , .n g WIth th ,' Mlddl,' A '-ges and c h l l J h .lca!iv chlonnatln , g th l ".'a te l , 311c OtHflt histor y. \\'Iit tc'" b y ROlll a n Catholic I ' patio :1p}Jr " o XlIl1 ~~tt Iv ' 15 f t' (' t \ \,1' d t' ~ Dr Ludwi g " on P as tor a nd clra wn ' ~...,.O'~_~ I i r; o lll ~l'("'<'l ar,h ins of th e V~ti can an d uth,-r on! Ill:,] sourco, thf' History : of the Pupes i, ,llllong th e g-rea tc'st uf il l nt h c r ltood \Irani works of p:lpal hi st" ry. ward in Edu ca tion was p n'scllteci tl, Pa c ific L uth e ra n Colk g ' Pre irlt"tll Statis tics from tIll" lihrary ' how th at ; O r. S. C . [:l st"old at thl' ch apd <! T i l'irl'ula tion ha s incr eas..d a lmo,t t, 'TI ,'il'" (J , ', d n, 'sda y, Arnil 27. p,'n"' Cl t (/ , ', . 1' las t y<·"r. Total of books ,________________ 1 dll'ck"d out durin ~ th,' y,' a r ending h"rl(.l·;llllI" pl,' q uc accompanied L
by Earbara Stuhlmillcr , ./-\. ,,'or k- •. 0 f honest ' II r-X('C e nCr L d' f .. ,Il)oun S 10 notes 0 vast eru(htlon a nd I. , , f. , • ' In quotatloIl, lhn-ct . .Iom th, e doclI-
<_ ____.__________ _ _ _ _. V O l. 35, NO. 23 .
wit h" $ 2,(lOO " I<' C'k w;' s ghl n Dr. ,• E ast\"(lld by Dr. Carl l. H Il rud , pre j. d "111 lIf Luth l'f ~ n 'Broth t-rhood '11 ' Mil1lll'a p olis Th c' h onor, ralh'u th,' ./. A , O. P n' us ,\ward, w as ~ivl' n f or sp uia l wo rk in thl ' fidd of Lut heran t' lI uc.ation.
stc'ady ill ,'!','asr' of library u sc poi nts
! [0 a total uf :l7 ,300 books in circula-
tioCl hv th,' " Cld of tb l' '5 7-'58 s('honl
yeal ),1:1 ,.. Wi t h th is rapi dl y l"xpaCldin p: lib rary ani"it)', it b"cq rne s incrc'asillgly diffi cult to kl'l pup tite sta nd alds o f service and diicir' nry witho~lt thl' cooPI',ra: tlOn of each pnso n usm g' the fa c IlItI es. ; Students an' again uq, l' d to abide by all lihra rv regulatiuns. ?\u be,o ks are to 1)[' t"I-.,'n from the reference room
nil/ IT uniqlJl: than th e oth,'r, art' n lOl oon~ d in the Ralston', gU('st hou,, ·. 'fh e more S,I(1. Tr?tter' int tT"iews eaeh, the mort: each IS suspec ted, u n til an observe!' would hardly hat a n in ac:cusin~ an one of them of tht' murder.
uc lion wr
I .\ I
FRIDAY, MAY 2 , 1958 ' :-"la y. 19.i<i, was :!9,16ti. La st year's (,jrclll "l ioCl was :-:+,50} books, This
, · · h PI · I n IS es ay In 9 I 'Mouset:. a • Toni9h~, om rr win CB- '700 ,
Eastv0Id eel s
- - - -- -- - - - - - I
by Larry John~on "Incomparable to any pla y g iven .it PLC i~ ['etf'nt :."ars" h a rdl,; be ,ins tu descrtbe th e Muust'tr:lp bemg staged in CB<'OO tonight and tomorrow night a t 8:30. St'3 ts ~re 75 cents lor adults and 50 ce nts tor students.
I , In OIal. ing the presentation, Dr. nruc! stat ed, " It is not ar>' I, Gra fur nil' to call atll'ntion to th e great
,' '
Ii CCt',
, '
I contributions of Dr, Eastvold. j lla! look around you, This great co)]egt' which has made tremendous st r id under hi5 leadership speaks for i l~-
This cOlllbination of one of Ag'atha greatest .efforts, finc student di rcI: tm . a nd actJ g , plus the arena tit .1Ie r atrangement presenls a vc u~p('nsdul play w ith a tightl" woven plot, ,,- ot .t soun d IS . h eard f' ront the a dOl .• icnc.l: durinK the la~ t scene as Mi ~s Chri tie ties the: vi,~wt.' rs up in knots m aking them .iit in utter a nxie ty waiting for th t e nd. The entire first part of the play is a prologuc to the final
DR. S. C, EASTVOLD self." .\one of the suspects tak<"' th e col-' without perllJission. No books from tht' or cooperal<' with hilll, but I stacks an: sl.ide by th e turnstyle h e brings out th e ir lives so vividly Without hanng first gO tJf' throu g h tha t that tht· viewl'r reds an intima ': y with siJlJplr' litl\' proCt's5 l-nown as eheck th e ,'hara ctcl'S that h\' sddom rt'c.. i, cs .ng -o ut. during a play. , R t'~a l ding u\,l'lduC' hooks- - tlJl' fin t' 1 A six hour, f~ur-and-a-h a lf-w~ek the Registrar' s Office. Upper div~ i on E 1I11re ' Iy stu d en t produced, the play" I.'st-.· .'I r,' .""I·OWI' II,"'" 1'1" .".,.'1' fl'I\~,' not class III Intcrm cdlat" German, lJI- , liberal arts students who havc d('cidl"d , ., ~rL' ~ is unde r th e dire(' tion of Rod Bast'- ust·d as a m,'"ns of punishment for a ,tru r ted by Mrs. , Ottilie Littk d uring I to ~o. into education an~ who an' hore: alld sponson'c1 hy Alpha Psi ,tud"llt's procrastination or forge tflll-j th, ' fIrst term , wIll be among tht: new I qualtfted now lor t;ducatlon depart()ll!t ~'a , n,',s, The y are ~imply used to pay for ('ourSes off''l'I' d in PLC ', 19 58 sum- ment cOllrs e~ arc I,(" mlnded that t hl"}' __ _ _ _ _ _ tillle alld materials which could surdy IlIl'r " 'ss ion, Jlll1\, 16 throu gh Au gust ' may register for th e complete 9-wI·('k be lI sed to b"tter ad\'an tage th a n in i 15. Also of intnr'st to stllcients will] introduction to Educ; tion sumnlc r
. rl" ne when thl' intricaCies beg in to unfold. ,
" 'n ding o ut "it' , tilll!' you brought be the Compositioll W o rkshop for i <"ourst', prepal'atofY to teaching in Ihe your book back " n'lllilld ~ I", So . . th ose needin g- individual work with I fall of '59.
Ger anOne of New Sm r
K,'}, rolt: uf the "Mou>dl'ap"
Dri,'c r~ t' ngcIs
~ nd i l'!"IJI(·ntary
]Jrobkms in w ri t ing ex-' , pO>it, iTO,'" S. tU.de nts at a_n).'. poin. t i~ th."i,r . . . I ' oIl! g' "lHk nt:l y tak. thl ~ lOUISl, wh.ch I~ .~"t ruc tt·d by Mr. Ray : Klops(' h d unn g th e ftrst tC'rm,
tit roll" h out I;"t wed:. Sdd·t, 'd fo r th t: In e">t ' th"n' still rnn:lin on ,'am " nriuu s positio ns ill the fuul' c lasst<' pus th .. hold ns of lIny lost, strayed, or are the' followin g: : stokn hlloks, th~St , culprits will be Sl'n iOl' class: pre'sidellt, 0 a 1'1' t' II g-iw.n the opportunity to rdur" thes!' ~'Iilil's: vi c,'-p n'sid ,'nt, ROWT Holtey:! ;lrtick s thl: last two wc~ks in M ay , tl,"'ISlln:r, Ron jorgc mon ; seen'tary, duin g tIl<: Annual Round-up uf Mat eJ an C lwslc y :, IGC rq~rescntati\,t, Tim I rials. At this time anything th" stlldt'llt S" cen : an d Stude nt CouncIl n-p res.:n- i i, too emba rrassed to re turn to th ..
: .'nolhn first tl'l'lll "ourSI', . n~ng Jun\' 16. will be Study ~];jlls 11'l'hn'qul'S t:l ug-ht by Mr. Kristen Sulberg'. This will t'mphasi1!' improvei nwnt of n ·adin g rat,' and com p :"'llt'n slOn, dn'e\opnwnt of better skIlls of :' o n cmtration and planning drect i,'" llse of study tlllle.
Dr. A. J, H agcn. Stude nts majoring in r h ' mi~If)' , who wish to t:xce lle rate their pro : 'rram may do so by taking the Q ual i itll tive and Quantitative Annl)'.~i I courses ta ught first 'and s<'cond te r m . : respectively, by Dr. Robert Olson,
tatin': K ay H olm.. . li brary. via usual channels Hlay b e Info'T~ration l'un(:f'ming any sum. .'.. J, pl aCt'd III the JJlad box, no questions m e r sessIon cou rseS may Ill' h a d froHl pl tS,ldetlt , Jerry _~o,na~" S, (rv ",ked . . . tal\', j o<.n RUlId, tI, ,,"un r, Patty All IIbr:!r), use I-S an' n 'Inmd l' d th at I ., " . , . 0 Callaghan: , . ICCI, 'Jary Enrksoll; a ny books WIth th e exce ptIOn of those . I~ ; tlJdl:Jlt co uncIl, "\ O s troot : and ad - nccded for sunmll'r school courses will ., ,. ~ . _ ' " , : 00 " Isors, Dr. Paul \ I ~ n es, ~I\d Coa( h h, ' ,!Va;la bl for summer chec k-out, for , I ' G' b ' . I ' I JlIn "rlelson. th e l'nn chlll!? nt of summer study or S<:rOlld APO blood driv,., of tIl!' , . , " ,.. , b" , SophOIJIIJf\' class: , pn'sltit-nt, BOb , klsul" hours, I Itks lOay c rcs" lye-d year wIll be hdd May 8 from 10:00 ... .- .'d D .' . ' B k' 'II b ' L " k d .' " Gross , vICl'-PIC'SI c' nt, on Al mtlen, n ow , 00 5 WI ,elltl ... d out ulCng , a.m, to .3:00 p.m. Donors must be I t' t" I , sl'creta ry, '1' I: Ie B o\'l' n g-: treasure r, B0 b t I1<' Iast (llys 0 Ina e xan~s, to b (' I 18 r )'~ars ~ld or. O\'('r, WIth those 18 Ja co bson; ICC , Art EIlIekso n ; and rd urlH'd th ,' ",d; classes I)t'g ln iii the to 21 needIng wnttl'n pernn ss lon frolll stud ent ('o uneil, Susa n Fry. i a ll. pan'lIts. Students wishi n g' to give blood may
H d U en ea p I Memorial Fund Drive
Jr.-Sr. Banquet Held Tonight At M irror Room ~l'
dwck thost' lists, pay th e fitll'S, Ill'Xt t illle ei thl:r spcC'd UI) tht' n'ad in,!~ " o r try to work on the llIemory d d t:\\'xt y~ar's class "ifiu'ls wert' eicncy, so that th e books a n ' n 'turn ed chosen in ,·It-etion< hdd in the CUB wh en due !
that of the hald-boiled, formal EngIhh cop, Sgt, Trotte r, ]Jlaye d by Herb D('mp~l:y. 'I'h. fiv e ,uspects, each is
iMirru R OOIIl at the: S tl'war~ H o tel ill Sea ttlt: w:lI th :' sett:,,'\" this cn ~1l11! at, 6:30 lor th .. fa·;t annual Jurllo r -~ t"l1lOr Ba nlju<:t. "rd .t\ddin'!' " to tl'l' "Mood i'l Bbc'k ... o ld" will be i iss Jan ;".. Mor T<11 . .~ ga , '" student fro tTl Seattk Univcl'5it), who . . . ' ",ill sing; Carl SlwwattCl' of Seattle -: . . " Panflc ColJt: ge who IS tht: WlOne: 0 , '. . . tIl<' !viE C fInals as .1 clarllll'llst and tne PLC All!bassa~or Q~lart :' t . D lOn, t lI IUSH: wIll be: tunllshed by :\lyrua Youn g ren uf SPC and Dave ;lI1d . rill D a hl o f PLC,
}~"IO_r I"~s: prt'~lOcnt, ohn.Alm.~J: I
b~.s:;ill- I' :lOd
'81 d Th urs day
. I
OCIO oglsts
h P II 0
ToJa)' Soc iology Club fillishes its Ru (n Lahti is b.lOquct chairman. polling uf PLC studt'nts concerning CUJJlu littces a I!' : Mt'nu, Bar ba ra 01- d,ltinf!, h a bits at the college, ,"I dl'l'Or;H io;IS, Ini Dubai1: re.elVa- By a p ruu'ss of ,'Iilllination about tiuu•.1Ilt! if" it,lIium, T !fII SV('I'II lmd tOO studl'nts han' beell s" kell' d to H.llb: t:l al ek n t' r : lr. "'IJort:llitJIl. n id fill oul the short CjucstioIlllairl's irOlI1 GOildwUl, Marko L ( renz.:-n, and. whit: I Il'~tllt, w ill hl' t~ bulated, Si gn.s uoy 11 'Jdc ' p ublic: ty, D on dc-r-;n h -r; , libl. ry and on th e kiosk till' tirkt.kt, 'vlri!inia Dormod v. Ii I tl, ' n 1l1 , of thus(' • hu ~h ou J '\It r II b,HlIU' t hrn w ill be ft' JI (> I 11th 911 10\'\ Cl' loung ' lrui, fruth 1" ttltHI' ·rtOti . I tw ["I , ! 'I ; 'l() nd 4 . [- 1'.!11 (dar.
I' I
Four een
1-.5... d '..--- - ---- I D t:u ents onate
are requ "st t'd to tak ' pas- ' th e Sit-wa il Street ,'n- !
Lower division students who ha..'(' upo.n .a n I:ducation trulJ'or would alw flOd It advantageous to roll in this summer course, which w ill b,> instructed hy !vIr. Arn.. Prd l' on
Id e cided
5 d
Fourt!:'e n t('am eaptams h ltv, b", r , " PPOI. nte d to' It:a d tllLC soI"/ <':1 - lIon HI th e MemorIa l DIVISIon of the PaCIfIC 'L h C II D I F d ut c ran 0 e,.,'l' ve opment un. , Th!:' annou n ce ment was !lIad b\ , . . H ~ rbert G, Socolofsky M('mor m l D I , ". '
i, \'JSIOn T , " . .. ' .
- ...
. .ht' Ml mOllal DI\ls~on, ~aI t of Ih~ , mtlhon-~ olIa r com rnumty-wldc a p~toa.l I to prOVIde. urgently ~et'ded hUlldtn)l, ' !
sig-n up for an appointment th e first ' a nd faclhtlt"s a t PLC, has a goa l f of Ill'Xt w('(,k in the CUB. The S500,000 which will be u 5c-d to h e lp The "ol11pilation from t.h ( qu('s- h luodmobile- is scheduled to handlt , hllild tht' T acoma-Pit're,· M mon I tionnain', will b(' published by the froll1 10 to 1 people p t; r hour. In- I Jl a ll. Sociulogy Club as a part of the sur- structiom statt- th a t no fouel exup, : ., p I f1n a m It Tn morial to Ih' "iti , eys tht' t:lu . is now conducting, black coff"f', fruit juice or water j, zc-us of tht' l'Olll ll lirnity, th is b u ildinr All stud r nts af( urg-ed to eheck to b.' tok en thret' hours priur to th ,' will bl ' th e ne W l'J lit' I of th~ .. du the ir maill OXI'~ in th.. CUB on Tues- dUllati~'n. t ion, busi Ill ~s a<ln ill istr, tiarl ;10 fe day, Ma y >, in case there is a n ' m-I Th is b ood w il hI' !Ju t intI t h. , cl!lmn ics t pa.r lrpl' n It will: I (I pr porta nt qut:;ri on na irc in it. TIlt' ques- PLC 111m han k, 0 hi u,eti prim o :ily \ l I III W O ffh " '; f r Ih,' L I ul t\ ; ml t' [)nn:Jir~ if. in connl'c tion w ith t t· by ('011, ,,. ~t\Jdln t' . Ir.f nn,H illn n'- admll1i tration . 'ChopI·I A ttf"lldan tudy" being I'1r<lin,: its ace w hl'n m:n·sar} may Construc tio n i! sch td r to rll,iu , 11111 , I h) fr . H. M. I nde 011 . [t 01.. 'nl'd Llll u~ h t it dc·.m\ ofCirr-. withm til n rt"nt ,'aI',
tu ent
a tin g p;~rt
Page T wo
F ri day, May 2, 1958
For Entertainment
to the Editor
See "Mousetrap" Even though Bob FIeming is an acmr in "The lYll(}usetrap," I I"urrently being staged in CB-200, I would like to encourage ' you r attendance at this student production which will be given ! ton ight and tomorrow night. . Whether or not PLC's support of campus entertainment I ven ts mirrors the Td-rather-sit-at-home' attitude of the Tacoma ublic is a matter for debate, but an attendance of approximately I . l h irty at the Barbershop Quartet Contest last week end h ardly . appears enthusiastic: in fact, the audience hardly appeared. i· From w hat I hear, and believe, "The Mousetrap" is well ' worth seeing, nd deserves a packed house these last two nights. M ke sure you attend. -Dave Crowner, editor
D".ar Editor: In thi~ free and d~mocratic society we h ave on campus it 5cems unthink· a ble that thcrc should bl" discrimina tion, intentional or otherwisc, against otte class of people. Yct I feel t.hat in a very real ~cnse my right to a full, rich life is bein g infringed upon . I belong to the sma ll group whQ li,'c so close to cam pus th;lt thcy only ea t at the CUB on campus day. Thi~ has some advanta'es, but it has one outs tanding d isadvantage, wh ich ha& caused mc to miss out on most of my
I I.
- hAd Th OnlpSOn De l 19 ts U lenCe TY7-tl ['oncert ". l 1 Ca.mpus Piano t.A
class's mecting~, seJleral Saga pictures,
' It d P. J I· J h I and other thi n gs. THE CHI E F 1958 M ay Q Uf'!en C0 Ieen Th ernau an nncesses U Ie 0 nson i SOURCE OF INFORMATION ON and Janet Towe.
11?11--- ~ --9 ~e1" 7~.J~
is commonly known as the C hao! . I'm not here to rehash pros and cons, by Dave Dahl but the fact remains that it was built B BOB to contain all class a nd cl ub informa O n tl,,' PLC.; .stage Tuesday c.ven- lila lin, .<1 farr.liliar collection .o f .short Y tion. It is easy to w·t noti c~s posted ing Miss PatnC\3 Thompson dehght- "xpn'SSl\T pl(,C~S. These wert' s I m p l y . . . II ' , .. . . h h . I '. d H eH!'h ho everybody. Can t FI~un~ Out Dept.-If you make $ - ,00 0 a I on it, and I appeal to our c:o cge s ••<1 an appre cIative audlt:nce WIt (' 1' and ge nuine y mterptde . ~ '._ . " , . I" . f. ff . ., . y"ar a nd your WIle makes nothtno-. she s a d"pcndcnt. If vour WIfe makes nrgamzattons to thmk 0 the p oo r 'J 5enS:tlve pl a no playmg. l'h'Co LO ' h·1 d' ,. f t h e· e,. .en - $5000 a year and VOli mak.. notnm,r .. " you , re a bum.-They 'say It . pav'o to be campus students and pu bl'IS h tell h' . • C U lug wun, 0 MJ ~s Thompsoll opened h er pro-. . . b. h ' d ··· C·· . ' . " ' . . I . . b f . .., mg was ont. ) t L' mo un ,ct ma n Ignorant. So how COtlle I'm brok e 7-Comm O" next week new d ept. called o;la d tld m gs whe re t hey can e oun d . ( Slgnc . d ) Bo hOI Rram WIth a charm tng, . hght Sonare by.COlnp'''''I, . . . P au I ~LI'd·· . 1 IJ' · Th'Lr d Book . ,., . , 1.1 tIlllt 1 . 1 " Tit.les as S('(' n In ~Ir. :\'ordholm's Book Shelf. . sen J usl'ph H aydy n,. plaY1l1g two move- ISonata, Characterized by disona nt har. . . . . nl.. n l~, alle~retlo mnocent and presto. moni cs and irregular rhythms prQAs lon g a5 w(' IT ge ttltl!:!; a swltnmlng- pool, I thInk we ought to have three. Hen she' demonstrated h er ability to vidt:d" trca t in th e con tempora;y mu-I' Om' h t·al t· d, one cold, and on(' empt y. for people who don't like tQ swimL~ t!1~4 p lay discn,..-tly the musi c of the Bar- Isic of today. Some pt'opJ.. arc n,'ve r satisfied, ,;h, Dr. E"st\'old? uqm pc riod. C".rmc crnlng Illy Tin" con tcst- 1' 1wrr' SCTLllS to I ' d tTa hi l' d ou h t as Nt' w library boob corne a nd n'~rdf fo· ·ncon· Mis' Thompson '1 )f' ,·onSl Prelude, Choral and Fugue b y C cSO.r 1 an t. l.' int roduction as any oth,; r part 0 . .., pI " I \la ucka in A Minor bv Fred- to wh, thcI It s .1. Joke or not .. I d ltkr to (lc.lT thIS up. It IS a Jok e wh a t WIll . I d . · I' I,UILk t·a d y French ImpresSlOmst a, tt. . z . I . • • " • • th, ' .ampus. S (,vr r ~ moo S 01- mtcrC'st; , .' , M: '-' n;c Chop in. W1l1 It but th,' contcst IS m a ll sl'nOUSnt·ss. Or the cORtest IS no! a Jok e but you . .,... .' • f d1.5 d . . k h' h '11 . h d k h h . T k can be ,at l, flt.d WIth th'se our" I:Ollcludrrl th e ftrst group. T h Jtl ,on ind eed dis la~cd the tech- , A reccnt graduate of the U niver- ~(' n 1Il a JO' C w ~c. WI WlIl t C cont,'s t a n I.a· e orn e t e. prIzes. ..0 ma'c d itions. P:. ! . . , '. . . . It c\carer-I am Imm g up ,orne pretty good pnzes for the wInne r beSIdes the o p weal facility required for thiS work , Sl ty 01 WashmgtoIt, MI~S Thompson L P I · d I · k Y . . h' Rocket Power and Space .Flsght by . I. rnc n tlon e ast \'lCT ~ . OU rnav c nter as 1113n ), tiITICS as Y011 WI!\ t JU:"it _ whik she abo showed a feclmg a n d IS now at PLC as a teacher 01 plano b I' .. f . h . D ' C('org" Stin(' " und"r th,~ label of . ., . . • . . f' sure cae 1 entry IS on a separa te piece 0 paper wit your namc on It. on t . uude Nla ndin g- for the hIghly Jmagm and mUSIc theo ry. A sprClalty wIth. . f ' h . . d h I· '11 ' SClcnce a nd technol ogy. Such out of . ~. . I '-- '-I . walt to ent er cuz III case 0 a tie, t e Olle recclve t e car les t WI WID . . Id' d' d k :\U\C compositIOn. t was p rolJi.W y her is th e training she recei ved 1tl thiS wor tOpiCS arc Is cusse a ! ythe be t li kc'd number of the evening'li the field of eurythmics in study abroad Here's another example of thr.· type joke to send i.n.-Chan, a China- rocke ts, missles and the fi.rst spa in Geneva. She is currently offering man, owned a shop. Ea ch nite for a we ckk somebody had been stealing hi s men. Diagrams arc included in thl: Iroq nI. Miss T hOllljlson continued with ,l course til this unique subject here \ mon ey fr,om his t(,ak box. Ont' nit" Chan waited in a closet. to s~rprise the . hook whi ch is found a 62 9 . 1388 St.'iR, a ,nes o( Childhood by Robert Schu at PLC . robb(·r. F mally t~c front door , 0Pl'~c d and a bear ":,,Iked . 10 Wlt~OUt a ny 1published by H olt, 1957. •• . shoes on. Went n. ght 0\'('[ ~c. C han S ll'ak box a nd pIcked It up . Chan ran '\ Samuel c.. lo:m~ns (~ark. I wam) out and caught htllL-Boy-toot bear WIth tea ks of Chan . has a Harper, 1952 edition titled Re • I
1 ' ." _. .
.. .
.. .
• • • •
W.ttebaum II Strange Tale of Albert . , ",
Thl'r(" you sec how easy it will he to make up sumething equa lly dreadfrom in the fine and ful. Best of lu ck and keep .ic ndin g in those en tries folk s, k~ep sc.nd in~ in lIterature .se ctlOn, ~17A4".C59R, P'Jf Albert T. (fo r T wiligh t ) Wittebaum Hl n ad to hltn hIS poem, 1 . p ost' of hIS boo!- IS ·to Increase ou r .. . . those ,-ntnes. -, .. W rote a p oem,
Ot Sprulg, Flow~rs, Robm s
1 knowledge of our final home." Of Spring, Flowers, R obina
. Whatever you do don't try pushi n g me around, see. Cuz I'm tough, s<:c. Various angles of a single topic i$ Close at hOlllc .
I can tear a telephone book in half--page by pagc. . . . Grew up in a tough gi ~'cn in Ortega G assc t's book On <..Jose at h ome.
The lad turned a ghastly blue,
neighborhood . Our favorit j; game was hitting policr:men 011 the heads a nd Love. Philosophy 864.60 Or80 is t he Albert T. Witteba um
. His hat from his h ead flew. bettin g on which way th ey'd fall. ... Poor too. When winter came and other place to look if one finds an inten'st Went to publish his sonnet,
1He now wa5 a purple hue, kids were sliding down hills on their little sleds, I was sliding down hills on in the subject. Meridian publi5hcd But on the way hit a rainstrom,
' "God, man, is that the best YOll can lily little cousin .... Finally figured why so many Volkswagolls around. Noth it in 1957. And lost his bonnet.
d o.?" ing esc ca n maneuver around those huge rocks they've piled around the driv(~s From fam ilv lif~ to school life i5 \ hy the girls' dorms. . . . is the jump ;",ken by James Hymcs While searching in vain (or
Albert T . Wittebaum
His derby,
Tonight and tomorrow nitc in CB 200 there is being presentcd, Agatha and his EHcctive Homc-School Rela Cried . . .
He met an old friend named
Christie's pia)' "The Mousetrap." Try to see it if you can. I honestly think tions. Social science, 370.19 H99E; After al1, it did hurt
you'll enjoy it. We've got a " ery good cast which has been rehearsing for Prentice-Hall, publishers; 1953 arc the His pride . . .
. about a month and a half now. I'd also like to clear up something. Contrary d etails. Chaptcr hcading& include HI' read to him his poem
to public opinion the part I play is not type casting. Also, to prove that we're "Parents and Children", "Parcnts and He. went home and wrote Of Spring, Flowers, Robina
mad~ up of nothing but guts, we're presenting it penthouse style with the Schools," and "Teachcrs' Attitudes A sad story o( Sc x and Close at home.
audience all around within feet of us. Yee .gad, what raw courage -Just a.nd Aptitudes." Savagery, ghastly and Gory. H erby, recoiling, laid, I got through reading a new book ca lled "Pride and Prejudice" by Orvillc "Terrible, fellow," He took it to a publishing house, Faubus.-<>r "Parad!se Lost" by Joe Di ~ ~ ggi o.-In a ll due modes.ty I'd like nd promptly turned Feeling \'ery much like a mousc, to announce that I \"c bee n told some CIties have even got Flemmg Clubs. Flowers for All Occasions N ine shades of yellow. But they moaned, they cried, thev . I just hope they nc,'cr get a chance to usc thcm.--With that resounding • I' bit of nothin g I take kave of you until next wcek, same time.. same street ' 12173 Pacific Ave. LE.7~ nearly died, 1\ lbcr t T. Witteba um
(Foot of Garfielll) We Deliver corner. They published it w ith prid.:. Took the punch,
Said , ';What does h e know 1"
Albert T. Wittebaum OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK _ •• And wen t to lunch.
'1 line h..: met an acquaintance
W ho, during the wa r,
Was a writer, whenever
H e wasn't a fighter.
Has a golden plaque with his name upon it,
Ht: threw awa y his sonnet,
And never did find his bon net .
Parkland Cycle & Key LOCKED OUT?
• • •
for guys and gals!
We Outfit Co-eds LEnox 7-3434
406 Garfield St.
LE. 7-8317
Friday, May 2, 1958
Lettermen's Smoker· Scheduled in Gym
Next Friday Night
'fh,' Annual PLC Lettermen's Club ,, ;nokcr is scheduled to take place in the ~'m next Friday night, M ·a y 9, b--~inrung at 7:30 p.m. Lcttnmen Club President, Cur t Ka btad, said that th("re are still two or · hr{' ~ open boxing bouts for men int'rn t"d in sig ning for the annual I md raising e,'ent. K a lstad stated, "There will be troph il' S given to the winners of the lrhcdult:d contests." Presently the tenta li\"(, plans arc to ha\'(' 10 box~ng 'louts and OUG ta~ team wrc~thng ma tch. Paul "Fudd" T emplin will be th e
Page Thr-ee
Gladiator DiamoDd Squad IMeets Three Clubs Here games so far this scasosn, the CPS L . h d t' h' h oggers, m t e wor s o t . elr COll1: Joe Hernd, " Have tried hard but failed to come through." The Lo~ gen, who will meet PLC here May 6, will start Pruett at catcher, Bul let 3b, Thack e.r 5S, Rettua ::!b, E llS'1 Ib, and Jarvis, Hill, Jennings or u& tin in the outfield. Hurling for them in the twin-bill will be D onahue. Ricky or Murray. Coach Tommervik will stick ra ther closely to the lineup of C. Curtis and Kuper p, Ivcrson Ib, May 2b, C amp bell SS, Peterson 3b, Kittilsby 1£, J. Curtis d, and R obbins or Kirk catch. ing.
II With six games up-coming in fi,ce . d d' I k ; day~, the Lute dlamon squa IS 00' Graduation tim is just around the cornel', and soon coaches throughout · ing forward to a wry busy schedule th,' country will be calling for th... crying· towel as th ey witness their senior I of' home games from tom 0 r row athlett's line up for their slm·pskins. At PLC Track Coach MARK So\LZ- I through May 8. The Gladiators mc'!t M \N will be bemoaning th,' loss of All-Amf'rican JOH:--i FROM~L Basket- I the Seattle Pacific Falcons today, ball Coa ch GE:-.iE LljNDGAARD will be looking on with a nostalgia as : College of Pu.gct Sound T u e s day bi" TOi',,[ SAHLI and hustling LUTE JERSTAD march up for their diplo- ; ni ght, and the University of British I m;" and Coach JIM GABRIELSON will not be happy to see baseballer Columbia Thursday.
DO;\; MAY and such grid stars as TOMMY GILMER, LYNN CALKINS,! Seattle Pacific will field the sam>::
RO;\l McALLISTER, CURT KALSTAD, a nd many others bid farewell to ; team with which they d uwned th e th eir .'\Ima Matl'r , ·ia th e g raduation route. . I Lutes in both ends of a double head Bllt then' will be one member of the athletic department who Will be i cr last Saturday. The Falcon lineup ill this proce~sio.n, whom many of you will not. rcr.nembe.r as t~e f~~I.ow: ~ho had Lingcnselder Ib, Ande.rson ::!b, made that wmnmg touchdown or sc.ofl·d the wmnmg pomt. He nn er SUited 1 Knapland ss, Stanvik 3b, Weeks rf, up for a game or played ""en one minu te of a ball game, but yet w as resp~n- Reid d, R eigel If, and Magg catchsible for thr' Lute teams as they prcpan:d to do. b.attle. All ?f us have seen hlln ing..
by E ugen'e Hapala
hustlin~ bcf~re, dUflng, and ,a~t~r a game. 1 .hls f~lIow, IS.. n.one oth~rorthan Mickey Martino of SPC, who regis- ' TIle Lutcs traveled to Belling-mU' ~(' nlor athletlc m~n a gl'l' CHt:CK MYKLEBUST. M.IKE .IS roundln " o~t tered his first loss yesterday (to Fort Tuesday and lost a double header Lo
refe ree of the eVUlts. Judges have not b--~ n chosen to datr, but Professors K lops eh, Salzma n, and Haley are exr",r t"d to be on hand for the "fun" 't I
his fourth s.,'ason as mana .f(tT of th .. Gladiator athletIC equipment and WI)) Lewis), will pitch one of the games the. Western Washin gtoll Vikings. be sorl'\y missed. . . . . . while Bob Mason will do mound duo Mike' s hard work and Jon a l persona.ltty haw: earned the respect 01 all the . h h. Th h h'. ,t'" I '11 • , • • • d ty 111 t e ot ('I". ou g sma; . mg 17 h ItS " m cal'. h game thcues Lt were' . . and coaches. Thinking· Th e Puyallup Park Board wi)) do P lavers '. over a few of th e many thlllgs Mike has one . Ci ly una bl e to d e f"nse agams '. t the F na te the usc of the rillg for the evcnls for thc Lutes brings to mind the ni ght a Icons, . before the Lutes left. for Kansas , We. noticed the li'Thts on m• the locker room after ten 0 clock. a•n d . g down to d c feat tWice, . 109 f the Third Annual Lettermen ,s this' )',··u ,. 0- • • • gom _ ~n d stopp ~ d in and thne was MIk e, bUSI.ly .packmg the e.qUlpment for the tnp I ·8-7. ~t1l(,k e r. next day. We kn("w Mike ha d been ll1\'ltcd out to dlllncr by Dr. and Mrs. .. f Kabtad reported that the ~Iub EASTVOLD along with the res t of the team, so we asked him why he hadn' t WlIInll1g only one 0 their seven Point totals released at the end of cleared " $111.00 - least year. A nom mal . g one. 1M'k I'e ' s rf'p Iy ,"vas, "Oh J I' ve g at to 0 m Ueh packinrr CI to do" . That's J'ust - .. - -..- - -- - th" intramural volleyball season . how. : d mlmon o~ ~O cc~~s. per perso.n Will ont' of th .. many fI ' sponsibilitics th a t Mike has pnformed for the well-being "d E.astcrn Parkland ha_s '~ 90:po~nt ,. ~ ha rgcd f tOI aclnU'SlOn for th' hour f out. I . . utt' s. 1),-.ld m th,' r.lce lor thc' :>7-:>8 d l) tn 't ' 0 'n~ a hal . en~el'lammcnt. A manager's work often goes unnoticed and there will proba?l y be vcry I intralllural. trophy. E.lstern'5 point
fh e c"cmn,g IS, as us~a.l, to b e one Jlittle hoopla whcn Mike gcts his diploma this month, but there. wrll be lU~ny I tutal, by., Irtue .of its undefeated vol.
,f fun for all who partIClpatc or at- , of us who will hatc to se c ~fike lea"". Thanks for an outstand111g Job ~ltke, I kyball title, chnlbcd to a sub t an-
I ·nel. In the past two years the spec-I and con gralubtions on your coming g raduation. This. aftt'l'.noon, tomorrow, and next tia l 860, while the Thiru Floor O ld t1 tnrs have enjoyed some very "r~rc" . ._.. Tuesd :,), the PLC ten 11 i s kam is Main w as second with 770.
Eastern Holds Lead in Race •
1,1" nl iu tht: smoker. .\0 will bc t h e / G o l f e r s w~l ~ht hftmf.r exhi bItIOn of the cham- ,
a~d.cd attra~t~on
pIOn of thl' "weights," Fudd Templin.
S. , k WIng rac
N orthland~
scheduled to meet the netmen of CPS, Individ ual competition in badmin WashiI:gton: . and .Seattle l J mvcrslty 111 respcctl\ C mah hes at I11tO the third round of play thiS w ck
~on,tcllnis.,. golfandhorseshocs.nlO 'ed
We provide
Checkillg and
Savings AceOlnts
1>' and all ot"r l·mEEt lin k services IIIJfc:JI for colleg. tI stud••ts
a r t-.n 'sll:30 p.m. on ,'ach of the da:s . Th~ "Iso. Althou g h these ,s~orts are not I games Will be played on the COUll> team sports, the parttclpants are tt of the thftT opponepts. presenting; the.ir respec.tivt' districts PLC\ 'lolfc rs l11eTt on the a ra amarraw Last Saturday, April 2b, the and all won will count toward cours(' W cdnl'sday. ~a.y 7,. at 1.00 lost 6-1 111 th,' home matches WIth the district trophy, according to M a rk . p.m. with Portland Lnl\Tr~lty. Port. PI.C ein dt'\'m n ntt'<:t fo,., frum Col- tht' Vikin", uf Wl'slL'l'1l \\'a,hington. Salzman Illtramural director. 1311: ~' I v , land bot thl' Lutes . (2- :t:: m an h: g, of PUg'"t Sou~d :l~d St. Marttn ~ PLC frL·shman,. Larry Pet~rson,. posted Softball was .slated to begin the earlier match. Co".. ~.. tomorrow at 1.30 p.m . on the th... only Will III tltt' sefleS With the, latl< r part of thiS week, weather ~.r. On a return match last Friday with lowt~r Campus track. Vikings. Pr:terson duwned Vance of mitting, a nd if the weather holds tht~ the !I{cChord Airmen the Lute c1ub The Lute traeksters won the tri- WWC 6-1, 7-5 while Vance edged intramural track meet will be h!'ld men lost 12-6. The Airm en had the IllC,,·t earlier this Season in which they I Larrv 6-4 in tht' second set of the within the next week. advantage since the match was held mc.t the. Logge rs a nd St. Martin's. In II'LC' win series. Other compdition DISTRICT STANDINGS
on their "home green" at Fort Lewis. that meet the fleet-footed Gladiators summary: Eastern Parkland ............................860
M ickey Stray of MeChord and Bob I.('d thl' field scoring with 70'1. points I· PLC Western 3rd floor ........................................ 770
Sparling of PLC tied for top honors to 38'1. for CPS, and 27% for St. Troedson 0 1 Erickson 6,6 jDeJardines .... .............. ..~ ...... ... .....676
I with the score of 7+, which indicates Martin's. Van Beek 5, 8 Baldi 2, 7, 10 I ~nd floor .................................._._669
that all had a "bad day." Coach Mark Salzman said that HaU 0, 1 Stave 6, 6 Ivy Hall ............................... ~ .......631
I Thursday, April 24, the Lute golf John Fromm was not ready for the Walsh 0, Thomp50n 6 , 6 4 t h f1oQl' ............................ ... _...... _.454
ers had a better day and defeated rt'bys in Vancouver, B.C. tomorrow. Peterson & Van Beek 0, 2 Clover Cr!'ck ........... ........ _ .......380
I th!' Western Washington Vikings by Salz has hopes that the AU-American Troedson & H all 0, 1 Weslt'rn ... _................................ __ .. 299 I the score of 12%-2 Ih on the college javelin ace will be able to compete Eric.kson & Thompson 6, 6 Tacoma .......................................... 145 course. Thc medalist was Bob Spar- in the West Coast Relays to be held Stave & Vance 6, 6 Faculty ............................................ 141
ling with a three-below-par 67. Indi in Fresno, California next Saturday, vidual scores arc as follows: May 10. RECORDS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES and Fromm, if able to attend the West PLC Western be PHONOGRAPHS Coast events, will be seeking to ·· tter Hall ................ 211.1 Wright ............ ~~ his own NCAA record of 252 feet, Magnavox Headqual'tera BOOKSELLER & STATIONE.
Sparling .......... 2 Quick ................ 1 Wh inches with the spear. The ap 932 P"cific Avenue II. 2..t629
Hill .................. 3 Thon ................ 0 parept back muscle injury with which 1121-23 Broadway BR. 2-3.211 T"com", W ... hlngton
Larson ............ 2% Fuller .............. 1h [JOhn is ailing is getting better.
Standifer ........2% Morg~n ........ ~ %
Last Saturday, April 26, the Lutes Total .... 12% fota.1 .. ~ % ne out second best in a conference The Lutes take to the road for a traCk m(~t:t between Western Wash ham today and a tentative ma tch ington College, CPS, and PLG . West r"tufll match at Western in Belling- I'm swept th ... events with a convinc scheduled with VBC for tomorrow, ing I087l! points to that of 30 for May 3, in Vancouver, B.C. I PLC and 22% for CPS. Inquire about this new, easy way !~f T am Gilmer took the only firs t I
------------- - ; n
y I ennlsmen IRoad Schedule
., .
C. Fred Christensen
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place win for PLC in the meet last weekend as he leaped 5 feet, 11 inches
Charles B. Foelsch, Ph.D., President
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to purchase a ring.
Jon Soine
th e high jump.
aradise BOWL
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PHONE LE• .7~256
Friday, May 2, 1958
Page Four
" Sot Given for Play
Students Give Freedom Views
H O £ H l led
e ter~
M ar,i1 yn Donal~~n llyn Boe, Jud ith BidUt, Paddy ll'CaI .fllefrc(' colI('~ (' stude nts? What wlted for in the la st pre,idt'ntial t'\cc' l rr.a ding to match the prof's opInIons "A ~bn c.;,J I,·d Petn ' IS thl' pro- Lt gl.t.l li, J"sse BIckle ; P.tul En!l,d , J U.Tnl'. Onl'.· t·,\·o out of fl·\·c' .said the v.. II,' a .'!ai tl·on. , d tI thI'Y I.u(' 1'( I \./ ,. 'fh .:' W CJ' tpro ,. , '. ns t thos e of otlwr~ 'f or h" check oriai· u duetlon Curt:lin Call will :,;iw May K ea ting: R ubert E. 0 lson, S \'ersit-,. Res<'rvc T ribune reported what would han' \'oted a t a ll. i naJ sources to sec I IS lIlt.e rp reta· 15, 16 and 17, James Knox 1' 011-:: ~lavi s E\'l~ rLltt ,
lions are- ac c ura te ?U
t h t' po1u l a n ' 0 sa y. Comm e nts on the d t'c tion statIstICS It i, the sto ry of Pe tt.T Marshall [' '' Ill'Y E ven ·lts : Arlc ll" H alvor, B>1 r. E u!,:cnr .,ilbe rt, cxp"rt YOllth 1u r· by Gilb.. rt arc: " Th e (' arc college who h Cls ga t h t" l'"d into his horn" the bara Lo ~ an ; a nd Lyn n D a m, Hllh~ " Hyor, finds a lmost ha lf the Pt:~ple st.ude nts, m in d you, who a rc supposed young p~opk of the l·ommunity. Li\,Mi".\ Jane Smith is din.c t :;r \\ I' b IW l\ /'r n th e ."-15"5 of 16 to 21 bel!!::"t' to be gettin g th e b 'st possiblr:: all· in g as a pa rt of them 11<: ma kes thei r Brue e- M ,,;ford assi sting . Rod 'Ql' C; ' wuetappuH.'; IS all rI g ht. Ac cordIn g; to lOund education, part of which pre· I joys a nd SOITOW, his own, Catherine b J'g is ill dHt r g<: o f tile sou nd cr,:", OIH' ou t oj thrt"!', a c.... ntral £,o\·('rn· sum a blv covers ci"ic affairs and th" }'-1arshall, h is wife, knows hew ready and ~fr. E ric ;,-: ordholm i; d 's ign m'\ nl1'nl 1.1{{,DC Y .ShO . uld <' (, I:sor n:o"i('s, 1 r es pon,ibilitics, th e rein. h I' is to ('\'t'rwork him self fo r o t h ,,,"s, comlt" bouks, plays, rad lO, T\ and What the apa thy and confUSIOn must I:ditors of The New Republ ic art~ but h.. ne"'kcts to ht'('d h~ advi,," m'w,p' pers and e"en dress. b,' lik e a m,"ln t; thosc first vote rs who ~ :ll1<) un('i ng a COllt CSt for sludents in. Life to h im m ea ns Sl rvi cC'. Bccau , ,, ' 1en t 0 pI nl'ons 11.1 ,-I\·C no, th ad of th is hr' some times is offe nsi\(· to I , ~ 0 f ,(Hl ,\ s u m p!ll ' th ('.be.ncf.· t of' . a call .,# tnc, tcd in w r itin g , from P u rdu e U m "" r" ty rev ealed 60 educatIOn IS too g nm to thll1k about. T . f $ 100 '11 b ' th ... Il101 e COI1!i(' rva t;v(' ,.]cmcnt5 of the . h' 58 i ~ en pnz cs 0 WI (' g1\'en to .. hurt·h. T wo ef th c' church old time rs pn ""nl favo red c<,, :-so r's IP:: per! Som.. college Il'adns fed this pliant '" illlu'r s, fi"c in I:ach catego r y. Th" . . .. . , . ti l a w no h;HOI 10 th e thIrd d("1 f h G . h b" I h a n' shock ..d wh l n (I,,"y f!Ild hllll WIth ... 0 " , ·'r ' read to dis. acceptance 0 sue cs tapo tee.· n says a n:' 1.0 .~: wnt.tc ~ ell 1(' r ~n t C " l<" ;:, d oth OV lT h i., h ead. illustl a tin
n { . :> p' n ( nt w, c . y • nlques, th e e <;arnl.'ss to have someone I sta te of Am e n ca n fIctIOn, consIdered i . g
g""Tn "cn iu1':1 hn"e bte n ac(~, !Jtcd '\ nst w ith f rO' ' d o m of t he press: 2:> I k d I I . d III goonera I . ' Ie h ow to pla y tht roll' of ;ur Arab to ,ute I' th e Un i, '['sity of \VashiOlr· . ', I ta ,. over :.n contro tIe "d uO y dn o r '111 terms a f a sing p'r c"nt woul d gr""t poll ce the n gh t , ' . . . ,.!re ik, 3 ,oul of eom rnUnIcatlon and thou ght ~oUII At' 1 nO\'l."" 5t, or on an y asp:: ct 01 P ' 1110" '" s•.'r l'ou " PI'ol, I"III,' ;n' ton School of ~'v1 rd i l' ine this fall, an to sf"arch WIthout w:urant· and l ' h' . .,' etn S "C " , . . " simi la r to WrIat goes on 10 t elr p re>, m ·day t,' I('vISlon, vI ewed as a I '\. . .. h d . noullced Dr. Ri ch a r d J HI nd a u. pr r r ll t " 'ould rc'lrin b y 13w rdi - "W n collc L:T s , C udt, op pos rn g " (rSlIn g uls <: se nawr , i OIl~ bt li cf a nd w onhip. . I I1I"' li ur~l for ('nli g htnH'll l or t'ntt"rta in' who i, d ctn lll;n cd to ja il a boy who I SlSt" "t d t':1!1 ',,'nrd i. A' 10 an article in LOOK' S tu d e!' !s , it h"ek ;> ~d be ck on to · m e n!. has b ro ke ll th e I"w b ut is now d Lte I" T!w y :l It' Bl uce :NL m y, j llflIC 1 IIIiu,aT1JII , Gi lb... rt found youn g votets th C'i l' imtl uctor s to kad t h~m <1 ~lOllt of 2 ~( ~ lId c" "' ys should b,.. 1,500 to m i", d to Ii, ," horn-stl y. II :~ l! or \ , <,o ' 1.( i" A, L, c, John B Me on w ho just [u(lwd 21 di d n't know and by : h(' n usc intclkct\l nll:" surrt' nd,~ r. ~ ,ono in kng th. M a llu sc l:pts w ill. be' j' FIt ,tl th b urd.1IS pi'l\' a lan~.. t ol,. John :\ :--·iI 5' ". M e rit- R. Sc!l\ ·.lIL did n' t c arl' fm whom tl1l')' would have' IO l{ therr n g ht tv qUC'SIIOIl and d . b, l:le . ,: dltol> :f The In . tll!' plot },,, thi s ",iil' s IlLai th 1,' lId Robl" rt R. Sd,wi nJ I. - - - --al' l "c'. Rcpublrc. l{, tU I n pos ta ,~ e sho uld b ~ Lu is an d th e ll Ill S own ",,,'(' s out lI s PLC h :ts the ~I'rund iargt:'sl ~roup "How many of us don't sit back rnclosed: . . '" ' II< is. st3,rt:n g a new a nd impO! t:lnt tu ill: a cc epted , surp "$ d only 1;: t it... an d swallow Il"c tu[(' hook, line a nd Dl'a.dlrn l' IS Octob" r l, 1!:!:J8. E ssa ys und rTta \u m;. l ' lll \'<'I'Slty of 111 1alarh'y ? H ow many of us prf'p:u ,h ould he se nt to Awards D"pa rtm ,- nt, I" th,' crl'd I'd',..- ~fa r hall's indum.! :\ ltu"d hl'l 75 ,tucit-lI h w~r(' ~clect · for cla ss to be able to ask questiollS ' TI~e . Ne,,: ~cp~blic, 1244 !,inet~cllth :ta hi<- sp irit WIm out 0\ cr l'\'L r y I, t! [ p n ; 1 ,I ~ O "ppli~"ltions: DI. BlanTwo Pacific Luth e ra n pro[c"ors 011 tht· assi s-nment, kt alon e do outside Stl ed, :'\\\, ashrn gton 6 D,C, lhrf' a t, p Ulnt 'd out tn a t t!Il S d o," not w rrt ,k ned officf'rs o f th .. Pacifi c Be "a use of th,' d;ffclelhT in its a 1" " lHt' a ll unl y o nt'..,ixt" uf thos wh,.J wi,h • onh wt:'s t Rird a nd Mamlllal Society l a T - . . , .... ~e"" a;;;:. ' Tlt'al, tly f' play is enj oyable te all to ('ntl' }' mcdicin e arc aC l'1.:]Jtrd. I". t w('(·hnd at tlw anllllal cOI1\<,n· ~ ::!!YI I tYPl::S of a udi!:nu's, H,' ,tatl'd, "!\c: tualiy.. the e hanel lir.n lwld at UniVl'rsit)' of W a shing· ~ R odlw y K~ s tdle plays th e kad a s I fo r young !J ~ t)!Jle who wish to '.'111 . r ton in Seattle. .L--. ~on"eI. 1 PettT ~farshall; johath~1I1 Ne,,,ig.. pet'lml"diCine ar~. th, best in recent y.:n . Dr, B, T . Ostenson, profc.;s')f of Carolt-e Chindgrcn,. AWS prcsid,>nt· Professional World. Cr john Marshall: Tonette Erick>tJII, Each p t' rson applies to sever::.rl IIll:di· blOloK)', will lead the organization as ' dect for 1958.59; Phyllis Pede rson. "In the speeches and workshop dis· I Catherin,' Marshall; Marie Pe ters, I ('al schools. 0" " na lional basi>, TIlort' nresi ('nt, while Dr. Jens Knudsen, cussions following, we wert "iven a Susan Grant; Joc Smith, C'ourge Yest; I' than half of those who apply are u.: .. "iee·president·elect, and Miss Mar· " biola y tcacher, was dl'cted Sf;crdary clear picture of what is expected of S,andra Freisheim, ~arian Grant; ccpted. Students with ?,ood academ iC' g-arpt Wickstrom, dean of WQIDen, at· t dap t It u d e WI II nut fo r the same period. ' women today, how we ('an prepare to ( . Iare L (" d urn" St even G ran. rccor d s an d goo The organization, compo'cd main· tended the Western Regional Conven· meet our obligations and how AWS Bob C. Olsen, Allan Talbot; Mari· ! experience difficulty." 1y of naturalists in wes t~rn North tion of Intercollegia,te Association of can stimu. te and encourage thc col· ~ . .:" America from Alaska to California Women Students April 17·20 at Wash· it'ge women to aSSUl;nc their rcsponsi. h ~, how{'vrr, members s('..tlere.] over ing ton State College. bilities. gained a great deal of in· t h e United States. Dr. O;t ~mo,-; has Approximately 150 delegates from sight into the actual duty of A W S a~ b r. n acti\t· ..... ith thL !ocict /01' i he 38 schools in cleven western 5tates an organization," Carolec Chindgren pa~t nint' years, serving in the <':'~ iJa· attended. ! rl"ported. ity of sccrdary for sever,)1 years. , U IIder the t.heme, "Horizons ) 958, Other A WS officers for 1958·59 a rc E arlier this year the oq!;anization Exploring Our Universe," the follow· Marilee Anderson, secretary; Jan e held its October meet in,g on th: I'LC ing topie~ werc discussed : The Worn· Ross: tI'<:asurcr; Te.lc Bov.eng, ICC; /"a m pus, Two stud,'nt.s at Pl.C hold'1 an In Her World-the Home; Hn I' JackIe BJornscn, SOCIal chaIrman: and I7\{'mbl' rship in this scientific organ- World of the Humanities; and Her Alice Jessen, publicity chairman. tion. They are Dave W .. kc and Aug· \ gie Anderson . 1.-
'Repu bI"Ie \ Hid 0 5 lE e t t I ssay on. es
In U
dls' I J U~g~
P ufessars leele d -ll.ers " ..
. 1 DCle g I
1--.-----.. i. e"" d -". t t 'e n
-.--.------..--. '-1 '-" f . .. . .t. •. IOn
Serving PLC through Christian U~ of free press. PRE:SS
r-.; ew ~
E d itor..................Herb Dempsey R eporten : 'Barb Stuhlmiller, Barbara I • lJia.'\eson, Sheri Thorvilson, Jack I Gjo va.lg, Larry Johllson. F raturc Ed itor......Marilyn D onald son Ear len <: Burcham, Bob f lr-mmg, Don Glass, Joe y Danid nn
R('po rt ~ r5:
Spal·ts Edi lOr..............D ennis M art tala R( 'po rte r~: Tim Wyndham, Eugene H Jpala, Dick Hage rty, Dave Gam· icke.
Ivy Le_". . ".
See our complete selections
T ypist ._....' ...............Laurie Beecroft ,
Bu Iness Manager..Mary Lou Engen Ad Solicitors: Rod Pa.tterson, Lo1a A nderson, Linda Sch arf. P hotol{r:Ip her.......... M r. W . M cKewen
Artist ..........._...............Dick Lond gren Booltkee per................._..... Carol Hou s e 'r( III: tio n .- ..... Pa tti F inn and Harry Siln ncrud. L x h!u'tge ..............................Joy Lewis ~ ik Ckrk.. .. ..... ... .. ... .... ... L a nic Hot'gcr Ad\"isol_. • _._... .......Mr. M. N csvig Published Frid ays of Ur school year by studen ts of PLC, .. t Pa c' nd, Wa hioRton Office: o legc nion Building. llonc LEnox 7-B6 11, Ext. 41.
Is it ever Ivy! Why, Coke is the most correct beverage you can possibly order on campus. Just look around you, What are the college social leaders going for? Coca-Cola! So take a leaf out of their Ivy League book and do the same! E njoy the good t aste of Coke!
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IHn(,':~~ u: ,·~pil.p 19$u\~"G':?alt~;O,on,'.e~n,al.oSr~C_"I~sis-1
Opens Thursday
produ~ tiol\ of anothel' hi.fidelity long pl. ~- phonograph r ec ord which will cont.lin Christmas music and be on >.;lit:- 1II:xt fall. P ofits will gv into a fund for the . , C hoir's a rl tIClpa ted trip to ~"\orwa y "nd curope .
May 15, 16 and 17, the play "A Man Called Pder" will open in the CMS auditorium . .'\d111is5ion to the l'1r.y will Ix' 75c for adults ant! SOc
. " ~ l o eLlin~ that a Stodt'nt Voluntary I' Fund lw ,'stablished. The Stude.nt Vol lln tary Fund IS a new sponta neous 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
for ,tud"llts.
nlOwrnent on campus to n -cei\"{' per- vOL 35, NO. 24 PARKLAND, WASH. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 son,d g ifts from students for th
----------------.:....---------..:.....:.....:.....:.....:.....:....:.:.::.: terIlll'nl of PLC. Directed by a \ teer eUIllIIlittcT composed of Ivfer! ~vIartimol: (l'hairman ) , .Lcn Ericksen, Cordoll (,radwohl and Dan: Haaland, It is al: acti\'ity uf and by the students,
;\ccurding to Jane Smith, direr. lor uf Ihe play, "Ifs been a vt"ry in spirin g experience fo r all work lll ~ on the play. We fuund Ihe study of Pd CT Mar5hall and the books of his wife Cathrillc ("x tn:nwly intt"n-sting," Rod K:.lstdl<: has been ca st 1ll Iht" p,rr t of Pd'T and his wife will be pla}"led by Tom'ttr' Erickson. Th'. ir SO Il, Peter John, will be por tr"v('t! by Jonathan ~es\"ig.
Aelordin g to Dir,: ctor Cunnar J, • tol noi n, tlIL Choir will sing Christ 10,:. faq)! itt ' from n:p<::rtoi.c~ of the lIast few y <'a ll. St:leCtions will indudr: 'Lull by on Chris tm."ls Eve," by F, M ' (.;h risti;', m,-n: " To Shepherd s Fa s t a.l, ('p ," by K:tthe ..ine Davis ; "Clory lle T o God: ' by Radunaninoff ;" Three Kings," by Healy Willan . then will be th e traditional "Sil til t :\'ight," and three songs in foreign STUDElIiT BODY OFFICE HOURS Ian u agt's: "Childr n of the Heavenly Don Dou g las, ASPLC pn'sident, anf'ath .. r" ill Swedish: Jeg Er Saa Cl ad nounet:s that student body office hours R ver Jul ekw'ld" ill :\'on\lcg ian, and arc fro m I I :30 to 12:30 Monday "La , H ow "- R ose Ere Blooming" 111 throu gh Friday and 2:30 to 3: 30 p.m. un TUl:sdav> and Thursdays, Sbloists will be sopranc.s Marga rtt .--__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ring tun, Lollie Ihle nfc:1dt, Cloria , fitl"hd i, a ile Mary Luu En~"n; and ' v: tr••ltos Audry Hart and Mon:t Carl;0\0 "Iooring Mast wiJI be pub-
p rs l aplwa -fiu iris; I SSlls Annou c em ers
The Studcnt Voluntary Fund has hn'n ,'stablished to r~C"l\" gifts from
intcn'st,'d students. There will be no ,,)Iicitation, All students ha\e be< n In : \'ited by I, Iter to parti cipa te. ThosL w ho wish, ,'an fill out the pled ge card a nd drop it Il1 the buxes provided for I this purpoS(- in CMS a nd CVB on , May I:!, Those wh o do not wish to make a gifl can rrwrc:1y dcstloy tilt' " carcL :\11 gifts will, thereion', be per'd ' I sona I, \ '0 Iuntary an d ca n f I entlal
The string of suspense for PLC women was snipped yester:- day afternoon at the ann ual A WS Spring Award T r when twenty-five freshmen were tapped for m;::mbcrship in Spu rs an d twenty-six were called forward for membership in TasseL.,. Those who were honored with the traditional miniature sp ur
to si"nify membership in the national1;1--·-,-----'-----·-"-·-· - honora ry are: Rrdis Arm$tron,,', Td(' : Olsen, Lois Crimsrud (nurs('), Aud lY Bou:ng, J"an Dani(' IHlll, Linda Effin- I H a rt, Mary Lou E ngen. ger, Linda Eng"all, Carolyn Eric kse n, Mardcll Soiland, Anita HiIIesland, Tom'lt'· Erickson,. Shirky H~hcn,Judy , Carolyn Rando)' (nune), J oyce Han ' '. Hardtke- Cail Hauke , I' se n, BenTly Swanson, Anna Ohrstrom , II Whcn all gifts have b, cn r e c e' Ived ' . , . P a ttI. Finn (honorary mt" her) , Char ;; suitable lllt:morial will be selected,t Jud" Hllksla nd, So np ja t' obsell, , I0 tt L J 0 h nst.one, A rene I K" Inare, d D e.' . and :1l1 ,'n g-ra n'd l'laqut> "ITctt'd to JudI Johnson, Sharon ..Tuha, n, Margny ' Iorcs L Sd ' (n u r c ) arson, an ra R nnIll..n~ permanently id e ntify the gift. I Krueger, Cunbjorg Ladstein, Jane t s . S" C" Th' > ,~onJa .llllonson, .onnl<' ,(HIIP~(ln, Seniors haH' made the first c"ifts }.{emc.h, BettIe Oxley, DIane Rosdahl, J 3 n "t Ch",kv Allene H 'uvo r and lished next }'riday, IHay 16, but ,? lEI ' S P" Sh H ,, ' The reC OI ding w ill be dOT!<; by the to the Fund . .'\ lOla I of more than SIC auter, atncra erman, e n Lois Hellberg, J' C tht paper will dose thc school year ,' ) f rictta Stolte, Judy Struthe rs, Yvonne ' , I R (... fJ1 llltrCla , tC'or lllg 0 If! pan y" with an extra special fina l edition $9,OOl, which IS an average 0 almost '.1 rolce ChindgrclI served a~ lIlis ...!'i e-h) h:1' It ,~ orJ<:d th t" Choir prC:-I' 'I "3 ,$90 per g i\'l"r, ha; air'eady her-Il re Woernrr and Helen 'VolfE. tres , of cen' monil'~ for t h e. rra h dtl in :>n . ' ay <... • c< i""d. Henrictta Stolte was award ed the C B<!OO II n d (' r th r Ihnnr o f "L,'$ l --~==~-~==~====~~---------- Miri a m Stoa Mc·morial Schola rsh ip of ClU-lllis(." Am0l1l' Iii , ,rt 'cip, nl ill I $75, This is the first annual awarding t hc' prO Il; l"3Jll werl' ,,,lois Dian{' FI1II lof the scholarship, which is given by eo' and J:'I! P ',b:i" , IUd tL, J U ! the Spur. 10 a ll incoming rncrnbc' r, trin: J,Wl'I T t,\\ r , I ut!! ltllu1f9' an. I Thosc junior women s, il-Cled for D ( I ~ ) n:, C i ~1. r. m,' mb,..-ship in the hon ora ry o ~a,niza Mi s\ },-!:l rt!";lrr-t Vl'lr~ Irom, Dr l of ti o n, Tassels, fl( , t ~car art': Barba m ~V (}tll ' n, -:,' I" h . ...ltln. , J arbo n, Et'lty ~fll'(" llS, tlcttclolJ M ac oi' l<' , r for 1CJ5 fl -.'!l! WI'l d ona ld, Janel e lkla nd (nu r,,· ), Fern .'\lso, ~ d H I. b ' lfpS wt" : "'nrdl'd I), RU >I(·ll , G' I.Ildinc Cruw·r. Ba rbara th ' T ,Lf 'OIlL.. S , i, 'c CruL.! . r
Final 'Mast' May 23
St udent Bo dy Votes On I Revision and )}ring Intf:!"' luI>
national drarnatil'
soe:e( \'.
organizatio n .
R""isi ons t
th e PLC cQrutilutional
T h, "n'n!. ,elll'dllkd for this nT. 1by-l aws con cnn in,c. t he .hall!;!\,: will bl~ 6:00' p ,m" will katun' Prof. read in chapd nc-xt TUI·.tl. y a nd • hod
Rn ' D, (" Ha p") Mahaffey, head of upon May 20. ICC, now made up Qf :q~cial n'p tllt spn'c h departnll'nt at Linfi..ld Cullcge, McMinnville. On--"on, as th~ resc lItatiW's from L::\ch (<lIllPllS orNan iLation, has proved umalisiactory in accomplishing anything . Th lltdt-llt ;\(,W l1lt'rnbcn of Pi Kappa Dt'lta to Council approved, and ItOW ~re'ks tht" Iw initi a ted arc Judi Johnson, Louisl' studrn t body approval of tIle plan to Krdab,'l, Da\id Stuart, Orin D:lhl, challge the ICC into tht . Pn'sidl nt's i Ro ("l"( \-\': ~ncr, and John Olson. CounciL" ! Alpha Psi Omc~ a pkd!!;(', arc Ma· Chid functions of th, I C tlrt' t pla n, al ong with the tl('an ' ~ (Iffit' • \'is EHT.-tte, Dar. Triol o, Jane Ross, PLC', social call"ndar :lnd to roordi Th, solo t,'nor voice of R~\' , Rt'ubt'l, whcn 'Sister Caroline' wa:; taken home Jason Craham, Sonja Sod rrgard, Lyle na t,' Ih e aeti\·it;"' , . The Cou ncil is t1n ReLlal (,f Central Lutheran Church: " to the bosom of J esus." Chuck Don P ('arso ll, Susi,' Lannen, Glenlt _"-rney, ric-I" th" "1Jwl\'i, ion uf tltt' Stlltknt will a~a in b,' heard with the Chorus ~ hOWl; will be tht, narrator. Virtually and Jane Smith. t Counc iL in Mc nd ds. hn's "Hear Our PrayCf," t' \' e r y performance of the Concert ! [l Luthnan Cantata frulll the 19th Chorus ~nds, as will th e concert Suncentury, a piece which reflects in Ro d::ry afternoon, with the Choms' ct mant ic-ClassiL" style the unusual affin tin g of th.. Lord's Praye r. i :ty of M e ndelssohn for another famous This sam e COllCCTt was presented to Lu the ran of the J8th ccntury-J. S. a n (,llthusi:lS tic audil'l!ce.al Fort Lewi: ' Bach. R e\'. R"dal was a former tenor 1 t !' ay as t h e opemng conctl"t 01 a ,stSun soloist with the St. Ola f choir. ' I f ' sponYOUllf: Han Chon, consul w' neral of I aggrC"s~i\'t, COlTIm"mstlc raj hhors, thr a Wee I(-I ongfest,,'a 0 musIC "S'Ingers , P ray,-' r , " cornp oMd t'd patriot. l"Xpr:c ts unifi~ ~ {"' Sp'<- son'd by the :Serv in' Clu b s, I n the the Republic of Korea with h ead'luar distin~'uish '"
C n ert , .
Till SUllday, May II, will fi nd th e
<- om' n t Choru, of PLC presenting: a
\ "~P' r
l'unn'rt in the m:w sanctuary .. nU 1l1 LuthI l .In ' C h urch in Ta l U!I)a. "n u: nm cert at 5:00 p.m. will I C' on, of a valit' ty of choral I I.t, ( r pit u's found in the litt:I'>.lurc oi tilt C hri stian Churd, from the 17th lu tht" 2llth centuries. 'l ' h~• 6() ",,' 1111" r's \" 1'11 opt" n the concert ~ "H,'lil-Iu!'ah" of B""thu\Tn ,_ ' With tl1 , - Ath ens,"-a 'tollr ft un I I l ~ "R' UIllS 01;, <it IUTer' fOl' :t ny choral group. The i.tnIOIl , " , l-iUat Mater" of Perg:olesi I womt'n' s yuic< s forrns a eulorful ('ont1'Ul If1 J 8th century literature to tht . K yrit, ,, (1lld "Credo" of the 19th 'r .. tu rv !il hubert: this entin' ,~roup is , .' I L Llll~ i ll tht" oriJ.( ma atm, "11 nedictlls E st," from th - 2Uth I (Onlu!") Au ' li l'" '' liu,r:l! urC oi the Ch Ite h ul Ens-lind , prcst'n u another ,'uludul cumparuoD w ith th t' highl y in! lal h ymn of 18th t n lury lII~ri ( II Moravians. "Surdv H e- Hal h flu!"n' O ur Grid~." of
~I eat
Vi ews of M r, C hoo
,'ially for the Chorus by Mr, Fritts ,, (-'xt few w ee ks th(. Chorus will be he was doi'ng graduate work in busy recording the sound track of a eOlllpositioll in ""t"W York, and c.realt'd color movie being made by the United un a text of prayc-.- and dedication, is Cood ~{"i ghbor organ ization of this offered by the singcrs that thtir offer area, ing of music and worship be accept bl - h . t f h F th . , ••• , ...... ' •• ' •• , , • , • ft, 'a e 111 t (" Sl ~ It 0 t c ; a t"L A highlight of thl" concert will be Tes t schedule for semester finals is a narration with choral background now posted in the Kiosk and on th t: of on' of the' famous N" STO sermons I Old M ain bulletin board. Finals gin U ' J runc W{'ld on Juhnson, "Co Dow n ()n Wt:d nc~d:av" }"fay 2 • Ilnd conclud U ,o;lth:' It tdls, in tht· saml" " olorfu l ' stylt: of the .. rt':lUOD" y t he slime un June 4 ' :.uthor, f t h wann glorious moment ... • •• , •••
i while
u. S. Is Troubling Cr utch
tns in San Francis co, was a \ isitor on the PLC com pus Tuesday. In an interview for the :Moori ng Mast, Chou rdll'cted, "a key probkrn of Korea is tl1< ir d c- pendenec on the t:nited States, which could han' bt'('n a\'ojdr'd jf thl' Vnited Stat r~ had
tion to COIll(' iooL'1c-how. },fea nwhilt-, till' Republic of K ort'a has made great strides sine/:. lhl: war "Education is b cin 'l n :dscd to m~t't American standard~ ,0 thai our ~tu dents C;1n do gradu a te wo rk here , T he 3500 K d k on an stu rnt het"· ma c up adopted a forceful and consistent pol the second larg t'st fo rl'i n rODtingr:nt ir y toward the communistic eou nt ri ,. in the Vnit e-d Sttae's. ~chooh ill Korca., "We han- to be all frcf' or all sla\'es howe"rr, arf: r('tardl'd from vcr-deto han p c"," he ~tated in a 8um . b h Id .. ld ., P' ndnlCt. n aid from iht' Un;t~v. maUOD n ou t t t' wo r co war ...· • I f · fj~·tO 0 tatl' ," I'xlliaiDrp. Ih .. moi:,W ' grayin" d an .,.on:n , ~ nlJ;g r or UIll ~ IP _ r Dtlpit~ titt tl ark ,hadow of ]{orta's nos\11 'tone ('OIl.
Letters ••• In Life. Not Out Situation for Learning
Festival Rated Best Yet to the Editor y_9_,_1_95_8 p_ _ag_c_ T _ w_o _ _ __ P_LC __ M _OO _ _ R_IN_G _ MA _ _S_T_ _ _ _F_r_id_a_y_, _M_a_
by Jerry Bayne
After observing the 25th celebration of May Day at PLC. one comes away with a feeling of r~gr~t that it had (0 end. What ega n as a tradition,11 outdoor festival has evolved into a dramatic Jnd intricate pageant of the outburst of another spring.
Dear Edito.r: Afte r a cup of c.oHee a od a gaze into space, I conclude that Bob Olsen is right when he "knocks" the lunch line :15 " nt' WS age ncy. Personally" al thoug·h I know pape r has no biolog i cal i,,,nificance, and that. it dot's not a lter mayonnaist; applTciably, 1 do not like my jdlo and lettuce filtered through a line 01 llH:ssages. My palate is tcnder and not friendly to paprika, much It-ss pap.:r, Would it be possible to remove one of the glass pands in the Kio,k for su ch nlt"ssages [0 be tackt'd inside of? Usually when one wants to post a note, the oific(" is lucked and the keys arc not to he found by e\"Cll the most pnsistcnt.
Tht: freshn"ss and vitality of all of ~I;J~---------those who participakd was (·quall.: · , to the dance m usic.
only by th" steady hands that guided ( A IIt'arty " braw/' to ~[r. Gordon and directed from the sidelines. Mrs. Gilbertson who direct ed J nd coordi R hoda Young is to be congratulated na tt·d the PLC orchestra i art his o n another mas terpiece uf showman ~'ear's per[ormancf"- -and of course, to sh ip in this, the finest of PLC May tht· orchestra ililelf for it, marathon Fest ival pelformances. ordeal. Who said violill players don't T he addition of lighting dfe-t:!, and nr,' d muse\.: ? -Ecl.) live musi c to this year's edition was the frosting to an already tasty cake. !..ookiuf( back OWT the ~!ay Festi Mr. Eric Nordholm and his capable vals of the past four yea rs, I sincerely crew transformed the simple gym floor hope the additions made thi. yt:ar to i nto a sea of wlor highlighting dfec the show will be t:arried on .1fId ex l ively the movcrm:nts of the dancers. panded in the years to corne. This is This does not work in Old M ai n T he warmth of the strin gs a nd the I a PLC tr:ldition of which we can well where notices iu th{~ elevator which I brilliance of the brass added new verve i I~ proud. arc ilwariably obscured by the men I
re Monday's Talk
Often w~ college students make jok~s about how we study when we find time or hit the books only when absolutely neces sary. but I wonder if this is not more fact than fict ion fo many -in fact,r fo the majority of us. Although play and relaxation are necessary to a well rounded life, we must remember to make the most of the situation i nwhich we live. Four years, or whatever it may be, at coIlege is definitely a distinct period in a person's life, but not out of onc's life. Too often people think. of the college years as the years of escape from the world: the years that are not a part of onc's life, but more of a prelude to life. They are thought of as the years during which one sidesteps the stream of life, and then with diploma in hand, dives back into humanity with new vigor. Our years at colleg~. PLC in particular. are, however, just a~ much a part of our lif~ as any years. \Ve are not somehow justified if we do not work up to our capacity . We are living just as much as the man who carries a lunch pail to the factory every day. We must remember the unique opportunity we have for learning and then use our talents to the fullest to that ~nd. -Dave Crowner, editor
:,I~~:P7.~:l~~:~~S~o n~~:.~ ;:~~:n~t ~;::~ I rc 0 rut 1n Sea h if T h
work with th!" Kimk becClu", the wom- I By BOB <,n studellts pa,s thnc , and they are Heigh, ho. Something" bee n bothering me. Did you e....-r stop to think , . . 100atlln' enough to keep the awra ge how important toes an~ in thi, world? T h is is one important question most --! Illllfol'ml), relatIve to u II (" another. I "P, Further, I beli,'\'!' that notes post pt'opk nC\,("f gi\T a thought. to. G ,ttiug ri ght. down to fundamentals, there {Ed. Note-tn prelude to the, following I This in short is an assertion of the cd ill such a windowless panel would arc ten times as ma ny toes in this world as thcre ar' p',oplc! They have rights . •Iory, Dr. Wolter Schnackenberg 5 Monda y . IIf · d . . . chopel talk is resumed her: The siluation ~lll\TrSa Iarll:ol~y 0 natule an.. IS .an persist bl"CalJsc the KIOsk IS too ugly Dou't you forget it! Why if it wa sn't for your toes, what w ould your sor.k~ with whi.<!, we hove:o co~ten~ ~ucation_ ' abs<)lutt. convICtIOn of a Spt: Clflc In- fOI' . peopit- to ta rry other than {or b "? SI.l);.t 1kr. ;\..nd wh"t :11"(" YOIl gei n tf) do about it? Arc you going to.let a lly, politIcally, etc., 15 a SItuatIon In which stan ce . businea reasons. Ally and all suggea· thnn "0 through lif,· beinrr stepped on ~ Wh y the world would be 10 t wlth """pie are ·~ n fu ·A d. Th. reason? Firlt, t he D(' \Y"y'o ,"ol·k I'n praarnatl' <1· 1) l'S 1'111 ' . '11 I ·d · . I , , ,, ,,, , ,,' Id ' k If I h L __ ~ " • ,,lIons WI Jt" eonSI .. n·(, , out t()CS, Pr'ople couldn't tOl' the IInl', PI I;["" ICS cou n t go to mar et. you .--- . ~ general trend In tile 191 I century al ......n I . . " .. , b . h d t t t l ' 10 transfer methods of nolural science to portant ut not WIt regar 0 ru I. (SIg ned ) .
dropped a hammcr, you'd have noth mg to .;top It WIth. You couldn t say a ;ociol science. This transfer is called "sci D"wt'y in philosophy is biological and lOH:\" ;\LLEN BUCKNER I' p.' r,on was pil1;l"on-tocd canse no one wonld und~r'tand yu . entific" but is not scientific, for it reduces not mathnnatical. Drwey poke not of I
I'k Wa . Id h ' . d b 't fh <:sc arc rl'al problems! What wou app= to g at song s 1 'C, persons to unll$ an man ecomes a un. truth or falsehood but rather of "in it malicc, Alice, wh.. n you stcpp<"d upon m y callous?" . . . cnuf of this ter less than a man. Secondly, the theory of quiry" with rega rd to a rllutual ::tdjustlin).( mat~rial , .. Warped Humor Typr. J ()kr: don't ca n . w ha t you r nil-mr relativity Is Ira nsf rred from natural scienoa 'd I t1wnt betwce n organistu and en\"iron is fat man, gd vour r..indr... r~ off my roof! (thanx, Diane) . . . . I am happy to humanities Qnd IDtial science. Th- l ea s of God vir"'e right (all our basic Qo llIt'nt. In this conc eption inquiry bef D S h k b d D ' b ' d I t' I h . f l ' d i P announct' that I han' cnlrsted the scrn<:rs 0 r .• c nac 'e n erg a n r. . ' ) h to 5vmptlons, (lye H " .reate as re a Ive Y comc:; t e essenc e 0 ogle, a n tru •0 All of Is re5ults In 9iving up cu lture k i d b d' U tzmgcr to Jud ~t: the )0. kr's you have been urmng m. The w m n ,r w Ill be d . all ' now t ' gc .Lre :su or Inatt" to :o,ur'. . bKause all culture is . debatable. The . I TI' .. I . II d . In th c' rc'cl 'nt,'loll that wa', taken I' ann.o . uneed in the May 2:ird issut" of this pap.-r. You ha v" 'mul M ~.y 19th to L' f' h f {(' only Ih ' \'IHI, liS, 11 o~IL' a y ') SSUme , IS an • t~on9 0 Importance IS t ere ore In e I " d.. ' , I ' f" ,'bT • f ff turn thelll in, RcmclIIb'l' it should be somr form of a p un nd you ca n cnter pl Hudo seience) the livi ng for today.) Imu,atlOll to the SOCIal mIl,,, and has to dennon, tH. (.ISI lIt) 0 an 0 1 , .'. .. . " , . d ' h h If . I cial PI C' rin " for the wome n studt'nts notllln~ to 0 \Vlt trut . ~ln .3.(:tlon ..... ,:;, . , • as lIIan Y" 1lllH '" "s VOU wl sh. :\ pxt wrt'k I 11 ~I\T yon a f ll n-G (}Wn on !hI' p rIZes
W omen Favor
tIers 0 na
I R·I n 9
'.. . . . . . .
by Ralph Vic:il :J5SU.med today rJl ' ~ fo r survival, it i ,'hcrt' wc:rr \fii I", po " , l)f th c, SO for, "Thinking on the speech :md con- I ·'~ood." Book Seen on Mr. Nordholm's Bookshelf: "101 Way~ to Cheat at Polo" 110 r('portl'd that they thought thl' ten t of it, I arrive at a facet of the If th. · sarne :1c:tiou assumed tumor women should have an official rollegL' i .. , New Son,!!s Dept.: "Let Me Call You Sw eetheart-I've Called You E\'cry cne ral mes$age I wish to d w II upon row is not of survival va lue, it is ring. There Wt:fe 59 n~ porting a 7lC,!:(a- ' thinf\ Else." ... Worldly Wisdom Drpt.: " Boys who curs" wh ile playin ~ mar i n this short C'.ommcnt. "bad" This is a non-human philoso- tiw answn, bks usually ,"row up to he ~olfcrs." In the few t housand years of n :c- phy because truth is something de In reply to tht: qu estion, " would I know a guy so rich that he has a !!,old bathtub. Just think of it ! E \'eT}' o rded history we k 00 w anything p"ndeut upon facts outside hum a n you buy one before you «raduated?", time he pulls out the plug he leaves a 14 ka rat ring! Well, that' $ :ill for this about, it can b' d iscerned by the un- control , and previous to pragmatism the' reply was 90 afiirrnatiw, and 33 week, but before I leave I wa nt to le ttlr: one thing. There's mo r going dl' rstanding student that all of m en 's tilt" obje ctin' co nception of t rut h n('ga tin·. I arouud that I st"al my matt'rial from Bob Hope. Believe me, a ny simI la r ity end. vors .Uld achien:nrcnts, whether 1111 ;I k (" ' for a humility al Iht"althy In re~Iy .t~ the question. relative t.o ?'dwcen my material a nd Boh Hope's is purely.::oincidrntaJ. And $0 I jay, lor good or ill, were concerned with I minds must be humble bdore. the ad\'lsabllrty of purc hasln~ ont" thIS Thanks for the memory, la de da de da da ... ;In i bsolute conVIctIOn with in a !pC Pra~lIIatisl1l is, in its essential, the year, 'l2 were affirmativc and 72 nega- I' instance. This absolut.e convic do(:trillc of the coward who refuses to tiH . The Junior year WaS considered FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LIKE, •• tion and consequent act was based nbjectify a fact; and as Calderon has by the girls as most convenient for I U JOn thl: bsolute, not the relative. said, "to seek to pe.rsuadc a lIlan that buying a rin g, with the freshman, sen GERRY'S BARBER SHOP Whe n man discovered, he did so in the misfortunes which he suffers are ior and sophomon' years following in " WE SPECIALIZE IN FLAT-TOPS"
thou 'hts of continuit}\ and we see not misfortunes, doc:; not console him that order. Located in IGA Foodtown
f m man's eac1icst drawings tha t he for them, but is anothe.r misfortune in 112th &. Park Aven ue Phone LE. 7-3484
Ilad an approach neither delineated addition." PARKLAND GRILL Tl r practical nor theoretical , ut of In my vi"w$ 1 have used thl: word MONDAY THRU SATURDAY aym pathy, which recognizes the soli com ie tion . I do nut use it in the con Formica - Paint - Plumbing - Roofing - Electric
7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. darilY and unity of life. \'t'ntionul s,'ns(' but rather as Nictzchc
B"ginning with the nWl: tee n th cc n did i ll his statement: ' 'To pron: a con SHORT ORDERS DINNERS lUry we have two aspects of m odem viction is quite s,:nseJess: rather it is 528 GarfieLd St. LE.7-9937 Illcmtalitr whic h have w orked havoc [I important to pro\'e that one h as a. with Iltt" modern mind, pragmatiillIl ri!!ht to be convin ced ... a very pop .Ind relativity. W ith regard to rda- I ubr ,"Tor: having th e truth of ooc's ttvi t y. it llaY be sta lt'd that in popular cum·ictions; rather it is a matte r of 'oTIvr['Sation relativit y is only a p e r- havin g the coura ge fur an attack of Fully Automatic
\·"raiOll of a b~at mind's original .:on- I OIlC', com'idiom . . . a belief may he l"'plion; , fur p m gm a tisID, this philo- a lIl' C("SSary condition of life and yd OPEN LANES
~op hical conn'ption i, based on a doc- be false ." Tuesday - All Evening
tn nr: o f Ba tisfaction based on I,,~clonism L, 5t any should think I am a.l;-ainst hirh has no thing to do with truth. I a n invocatioll to th~ social muse, I Wednesday - after 9 p .m .
In its origin."ll conception reiati\'iIY as '", rta in I am not, but let us pl a ce it Friday - All Evening
's d o n an a bsolute convict ion and in the p e rspective of conviction found 10707 Pacific Ave, Tacoma
Einstein has stated, "I cannot believe ed on truth discO\-e red thorugh COlH that God plays dice with til(: world_" a~c: in a ttackin g ou r little ('{lH\"i ctions Phone LE. 7-6012
Ein.<;I· bclievc:d in a u niverse of IIo'lT whidl may not bo:: truths but bdiefs. n ony ond order; a univer of unity. ----------------~==~==========~ In its essence, the broad generaliza oE Eimtein's theory of rclativity L.~ th at of a.n absolut e conviction and H1athcmauC'.al conception of the the o r y, hilt the LnY3 of nature are ODe m d the samt: r r all movi J;yslems moving in niformity. Inquire a bout this new, easy way Gali\eo ' " th i t m r:cha ni , I Jaws to purch a,ae a ring, :tTc: thr- ,.un" fo r 11 n n iformly moving ~)' tem' . n. rrn [1I1arr:,.tl thi, ,i,'w
Paradise BOWL
Ki rsch Rods -
Window Shad es
PARKLAND HARDWARE Glass Installation - Pipe Cutting and Threading
Phone LE. 7-3171
1215t and Pacif ic Avenue
IGA FOODTOWN Complete Shopping Cente r 112TH STREET (Airpo rt Road ) AND P AR K AV ENUE
Friday, May 9, 1958
P age Th ree
Third Annual Smoker In Gym Tonight:
jWrestling, Boxing on Card For Annual Lettermen Event
Trackmen meell DIC, WWC, CPS I
Here Tomorrow
Tomorrow at I :()O p.m ., tht: Lyte 'inderman will host the Univcrsity of British Columbia, Westrrn and CPS in a quadran gular meet OIl the lower c .u npus track. The following weekend he Glads will travel to Elkmburg for ~ dual match w ith Gentral. Gladiator tracksters reigned su preme last Saturday as they brc<'zed }' CPS a nd St. Martin's in a tria ngu lar meet here. Final score was P.LC i9, CPS 54, and St. Martin's 28 . SUMMARY Mik: I, Lee, PLC; 2, Owens, CPS; 1, AugllS, CPS: 4, Sims, CPS. Time 1;.5 8.3. HO--l, Witmer, PLC ; 2, Marlette, .,M; 3, Pyle, CPS ; -t, N. Dahl, PLC. Timc- -:52.5. 100-t, Higgins, CPS ; 2, D a hi, ?LC: :), K errick, CPS ; -4, Fuchs, SM . T illl'"-: I O. 2. : 20 high hurd!t-;-l, Dl'ak(", SM; ~. H arrillon, CPS; 3, Wilson SM: 4 , J H~ son, PLC. T ime-:16.4. ORO - 1. Sheldahl, PLC: 2, L,' e, !' LC : ", R ile y, SM:}, Owens, CPS.
------ -
- --- --- - -.- - - -
- - - - -- -_ .- - - -
on the PLC track squad. Chuck Hobb5 ( 165 ) \"S . )ioml M .- Pastor Robert Lutnt"s and Paul Cullough (1 35 ) . "Fudd" Templin will rderce all the Gary Gebhart ( 19 5 ) \'S Tim Wy;r;uj·
t"v~nts and Mr. Milton Nl'svig, along ham (180).
with Frank Haley, will be the judges. Gary Hage n ( 165 ) V5 . M arli n R ose-
D t:nnis Fatlalld will be official timer mon° (165).
Intramural spring sports moved into the quarter-finals of Jim Johmon (175 ) vs. Christi
Jction and the five-team softball league also began play this week. Clnd Louie Spry is slated to be the The annual spring track meet was also scheduled for next Wednes announcer. Fudd will also present a Crondahl (175).
"weight lifting" ('xhibition, Km Gaal (170 ) H. Craig Johnson
day , or thursday, if it rains. In wn:stling, fans will see the PLC :' (175 ) . In the initial softball play, held last Monday night, Second Gary' ieland ( 140) VS. ;'Thc lug ~ F loor tipped Clover Creek 16-H, In mighty mite, Bob Gross, who is t b.e ,' th e other contest Roge r Bille n threw current l'\orthwest champion in his ge r" ( 300). a one-hit ,I(am,' as Ivy Hall edged I
eam reeDS Third Floor 1-0. Losing pitcher Gor-
'T e ontIaY
(J,a )cobson,IBOSls
~hcldahl, WItmer, N. Dahl); -, Puget
A fr-w of th~ "old hands" returning to Scherer ( 140 ). the ring :in; such nota.bles as Tom The wrestling tag team :\cnt is th e Sahli and Gary Kidand . Sahli will "mystery" mat ch of the evening. T ow again wrest!" in the tag team match. Sahli (210 ) and Marv "Clark K ent" In 957 he and Tom GilIller la yed low Bolland (185) tassklt: with the Bl.imp Carl Searcy and "The Crusher." Kie Brothers from Brazil, N.F. (2 39) and land took a decision over' John Mitch D.M. ( 218) . ell in the middleweight boxing division " I . ' L Lowell ( 19 5 ) .and .Bill . Stordahl _ . Hoi. Iast year. ~! Iddlewelg It wmner, owell Sheldahl, scored the ouly actuailloway (.18:» are the mam ~llhng on knockout in a bout with Bob Frum in : the boxrng card as hc:avywelgh b. th,> Sewnd Annual Smoke-I', Shddahl Six other bouts in various wd g h t will not appear sinct! hI: is presently classes a re as follows:
Spring Intramurals Advance Into Finals;
Dorm Track eet Set for Next ednesday
_ ~ O- I, Higgins, CPS; 2, Kerrick, ( P'-i; " Ma rlette, SM; {, O. D a hl, Le. Timt·- - :23 . 1. Two-m iI.:-I, Lt'<", PLC; ~. Jenkins , 1'1.(" :3. :-lad, CPS: 1, Weinerth, PLC. ri 11' - 1'2:11. .!:!(J low hurdlt-s- I, Harrison, CPS; ~. Wllson, SM; '1, Gebhard, PLC: -1, ,
r~;i~~ S~·IT.ai;~l,:2~i(:
fighters' pockets but will be used byofl~'-------the Lettermen's Club for campus ath- weight dass, meet I 32-pound Vic EJh Ie tic equipment. Trophies, however, petcr of WSC . The 126-pound Lu t~ will be awarded the victors of t~ach wrestler expects th e promising Esh cvent. Admission will be 50 cents. petcr to be a strong competitor. The Some of the old vetaans will be wrestling comedy will feature C raig back on hand to defend their " titles." J ohmon (I 75 ) challenging B y r 0 U
successful smoker. The main drawing card will no doubt be the tag team wrestling match which will be refereed by PAUL "FUDD" TEMPLIN. Fudd will also put on his t"xhibition of "weight lifting'," which has been the high light of Illany smokers held throughout the Pu g-cot Sound area. S,'veral good bouts arc scheduled for PLC's annual version of ~he "Ma nassa Maulers" and "Sugar Rays," The PLC Athletic Commission has again granted tr mporary licenses to judges FRANK HAMILTON, "ROCK ' N' ROLL" HALEY, and MILT "MORE BOUNCE"' NESVIG. After some of the dec:isiolls that wac handed down last year, .it was very doubtful wheth er these judges would be back. Anyway, tonight's ring antics should draw a large turnout and may th(' best man win. (If you lose your matc h, fellows, chalkngc Haley ; he said he'd take on all comers ) . '58 GRIDDERS REPORT TO TEMPLIN All men who intend to play footba.ll next fall should contact athletic manager Paul Templiu b,.forc school is Ollt to sign up for their equipment. The athletic departmCllt is doing this to avoid unnecessary loss of valuable practice tillle next fall, so hustle down soon fellows, 50 that plans can be made to get you fitted with proper grid gear.
if"(l ·-~:iJ6.
D ..
Muscles will rippl~ and heads will roIl in the Third Annual Lettermen's Club Smoker which begins at 7 : 30 p.m. tonight in the gymnasium . Glove and grappler fans will witness seven box ing bouts .lnd three wrestling matches, according to tentative by Eugene Hapala scheduling, Fixed fights are not ~xpected as the gate w ill not reach the Tonight's pugilistic action should draw a good cl"Owd aita last year's
PLe Bat Crew Seeks I · nS S .WI a Season Ends
don Soiland also gave up but onc hit : hut lost on an (:rror.
~ d T' 3 36 6 IBM Intramural Tracksters Needed :,oun, Ime-: . . . Shotp~t~.I" Sear~y, PLC ; 2, Fra:r-I er Next week's track meet will be open 'In, CPs; 3, F rankhn, CPS; 4, ChrlS- I PLC " olfers will mer! the Seattle to all men not on the varsity track i 501 PLC Dista cc---4·)J 7* " ,~ team. Mr. Salzman urged a ll track:\ twin bill tomorrow at 1:30 p,rn·1 Hergert could n't salvage the second <ill III I, . n . U ni\"l~ rsity an's on the collegt: course H ID"h J'UlllP-1 Gan....· PLC' GI'I . sters to com" out and participate, a.,<!al· n<t W"st"rn \"a<.h. wraps up the the Gladiators were trampled 11).1. "~ ' ' - ~{onda)', Ma.y 12, at 1:00. Earliel' this > " c., .. . ,' 'lIt r, PLC , tlcd; 3, Harnson, CPS; C . ' s<caso n the SU Chieftains outdubbcd star~ing a.t. 1:00 p.m. . i home stands for the PLC baseball Lrew ----. ;Iark, C PS, tied. Height-5' 9~i ". the Llltes 12 'h-5'h in Seattle. Next Pitted lrl the hadmlrlton quartcr- i before:: it closes the season with a dou J "din- -I, Ham lin, PLC; 2, E lia- Saturda v , May 17, the:: tcemen meet finals will be Jim Van Beek vs. Gary ' " C '{ G PLC + R ; P I E 'k I' blchcader at CPS next Wednesday, K I' L L ~ n, P.L ; " ange, ; , eep, CPS at Fircrest golf courSt". am 111, ynn arson vs. au rI 5 LC. Distance-157 feet, 4- inches. . ' 0) and Dic,k Fishn vs. Gerry Scheele. : May 14-. ') R'Iley, Last Friday, . May -, the Lut,:s ,met Dt'nnl s I'' at Ian d won over J on W e fa Id L ' b at h en d s a f a d ou bl CIlea d er P 0 I" va u It - I, W I'I son, SM ;., osmg · W ~ stem Washmgton at the Belhng" . , . ,. M; :l. R eep, .PL C . HCIght-,-12 feet. (' If d C CI b Th J for a scnIl-fl11al berth. I to We~tern Washmgton at Bellingham · 1 F . CPS ') ham >0 an ountry u. . t: I . . I· ' D ISCUS-, rancw, . ; -, Searcy, , " k' . II >d I 9" 5" " t . I Horseshoes In Quarter-Finals I earlll:: r thIS year, the Lutes hope to The Lute tennis tcarll will be both 'LC.3 C' lc PLC ' 4 <\ CPS ' I mgs pu t a case 7!!- 12 'IC my " . , .re y, " : ngus, . over the Lutemen. Medalists we r e Horseshoe quarter-finals will mateh , tu,l"1~ the tables wh~n they meet the on the road and on its homc courts D I t:lncf' - -I31 feet, 7% wches. ' PLC" I _ I D H II d J' T t·d M~ske vs. Gary Kieland Jim von I Vlkmgs tomorrow III a doubleheader for competition during the next two "B d ' 1 G'I P LC' ., > P aye-r coac. I on a an 1m ' : . , , -, H'1l . h H' Schriltz vs. Don Teigen and Neal here. The Belhngharn crew, last year s weeks. Tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 roa Jump-, ,I mer, J h PLC -4 I WIt s, d'" Ba.!th azor, CPS' , ' .;.), 0 n 0 : 1. , " ; , \V(" hmcr \"S. Jerry Kress. Roger Wcst- , lVlSlOn ehamps, will cornt to Lute p.m. the Lutes match the CPS L og Wilson, SM. Dlstance-21 2~. Match Sununaries hrrg defeat ed Rog er Bakken !"arlin. 'ville hoping to build their ehances of gers at the T coma Lawn T en n i PLC 1 Western Beek to P lay Final '1 cinching t~e tit~c again this year . Club. Thc Seattle Pacific Falcons will Hall .... .. ...... .. 2 Yo! I Wri~ht ........... Yo! Goif final will be between Tim Van . In a tWIn bill last Saturday, Lutc be on thc local courts Tuesday, May Sparling ...... .. 0 I Quick ....... .. ... 3 Beck and the winner of the D~ve Leh-I p~tchcr Bob Kuper turnc.d in a threc 13. N ext Saturday, M a ' 17, the Glad Hill .. .. ... .. .... 2 !Fulb .. , ........... 2% a John 'Mitchdl match hit performance as he won the opener iaton tra vel to Central Washinatoo 11\ n- . . ' . . . . from Seattle Pacific. 5-4. This was the "' Larson .. .. ...... % I Owin g ............ 1
Se llll-fl!l~1 matches rn tenms doubles . to meet the Wildcats. Standifer ...... lh I Morgan ...........2 ~ will include Waterworth-Kamlin vs. I first loss of the season charged to SPC Last Friday the L o ;-se rs swept tIu ri g-ht-hander Micke y Martin. The , -- I ~h-v('r-B e r gson and Berntsc.n-A I("xan series with PLC 7-0, Earl ier thi3 s a 1"otal.. ........ 5% I Total .. .......... 9lh d er ·\"s . Ha ~llin-Gangc . mghtcap was another story, howt'ver, son th > SPC Falcons beat the Lul Individual Standing~ To Dat.e Ouarta-final matches in t l" n n i s as th e Lutes went down to defeat 5-3 6-0 in Seattle. With the Falcons here "-1 eS Wl'11 b. e R'c1 H am I'III vs. R oger " a t the, bands of John Knaplund, Fal ncxt 'r uesd ay the Lutes will t ry to I 1 .1 . smg . Matches Strokes Ave. Pts. W R D M T d M d can pItcher who struck lOut nme and It t''' P uanc " . ot: vs, e ,"yer a n ta e advantage of the familia r cou rts to bolster.' their efforts. D, Hall .. .... .. ... .8 582 72.75 15Yo! Cary'Xiebnd \'s. Jon Wefald. Earlier allowed no eam..d runs. [ B, Spa rling .. .. .... 8 588 73.50 10% Di ck Fisher won ovt'J" Bob Erickson. CPS will host PLC on Wednesday, The first match this year with the J. Hill .... .... ........ 8 613 76.63 12 % . M a y 14, hoping to avenge tht' .5-1 CWC Wildcats wa s rained ut a ftl': L. LarslOn .. .... .. .. 8 6~0 77.50 10 loss whi ch th ey received at the hands th . ey bnd won "lOur games from the of the Lutes last Tuesday. Chuck Cur- LUI('s to be credited with the win . S. St:indif,·\, ...... 8 62-1 78.00 9 ti" with fine defense behind him, held La~t Saturday, _ av 3 , the PLi ' R. HOH>), ...... .. .. 5 :)98 79,60 3 I , t swmge::f5 . Iost to "WC Ha<1la nd .. .. .. + 322 80.50 () Outf·lt the Loggers to no h its and won the rac"..: ' Be I n IJl first ga m .. of the doublehrader. H ow lin gharn 6-1. PATRONIZE OU~ ADVERTlSER~' 1_406 Garfield St. LE. 7-6 317 1 ev~r, the comhiu<." d pitching dfort of In Seattle Tuesday, M ay /;, c Bob Kuper, Jary Dona tH' and John Chidta ins dow lied th ~ 1.lItem n 7-0,
I .
3820 South Yak.·ma
Raeket Team PIays S· erles
-Pa r land and Vicinity
hone 6 . 1~ 371
Flowers for All Occasions 12173 Pacific Ave. (Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7-0.206 WP. Deliver
3001 South 38th Street Transfer to South T a co ma W ay
GR.2·2n2 B LlS
(Westbound) at 38th St.
OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK ••• 10:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M.
"age Fou r
Friday, May 9, 1958
Profs Praise Mystery Play
Group Schedules Include Electinns,
Last weekend saw the fina l producLi on or MOUSETRAP on thr PL campus. Th play was well attended by both the faculty and students. Some' of the comments by the members of tht' faculty who saw the play range l'vllTSICAL MOMENTS TO ENJOY I park yestaday, May 8. Plans arc un from, "Well done! " to "Tremendous:' · V erna R 0 h1I1son an d M e g E\'anson aT"'dc-rwa /v for fall orientation week . big Th C comments b y mem b (TS 0 f tl1C .In C h " rl!;c 0 f t h C M USIC. . L'b I cary every ' . brothers and the new student dircc- f aeu It: t h at ,":cre co.mpi'1c.d b y. th c Wednesda y ;md Thursday eight. pe- tory. MooTln~ Mast In a senes of 1I1ternews riod. Nt \vest collection of records initr * * by telephone are as fo llo\'is: . JIM STEWART NOW HEADS ART e1udcs Beethoven' s NT J"i nc S:~p;~'m~~,. . d M ' Dr. W. Schnaekenberg: "Vcry well directed by Arturo oscamm. Ie 1JI~1 Stewart was eleete . ~y Ij .as I done It was th e b est student-directed bra .), is lo cated on the second floor president of Art League. ASSIStlI1g hIm , p Ia)' I h~\'" s'··'·n. Th" pal·ts w~r'" ·"~II will be Kaly Kolkowsky, vice-presi-' " c Cc , , , n, eas t." of CMS. .. " ... dent ; Jeri Dubail, secretary; D el HanMi. G. Blolllquist, "Exceptionally NORTH PLAN S TOLO CRUISE scn, treasu rer ; and Karen Knutze n, well d Olle." "Doll't Go Ncar the Water" is t.h'~ ICC. l\lr nl' r ' J'ob Mr. R oskos WI'11 b e h ost to t h e ./ d : . advice of ~orth H a ll previous to Sat' .T. Karl , "\7t" rv/ ' ven., d ue t 'IOn llI'day, :May 17, as the gi rls and their Jt-a gue on its last excursion 0 f the Il ' h e b cst s t u d e n t d'Irec t edpro ' guys scl sa il towards Vashon Island. year. D mncr an d a t.our 0 ,. h 'IS persona I we'n' had ." II . . ) d Dr. K. Solberg . "Enjoyed it tre * * * co n :tIon IS p an.ne . 1 I h h ..
NURSES TELL LIFE SECRETS * • * Illell( ous y: t ee aracteTlzatlOn was Stud('nt Bod y Chapel last Tuesday, BLUE KEY TO PICNIC
Picnics., Cruises as Y ear Concludes
C L U BS P AIR FOR CRUISE Crui1cs hig-hlight th e wet' k'e nd f or ~ n,r mb< r~ of the Delta Rh 0 (Jamma and Gird., K. . nl . fronl 7 ,DO 11-00 . tu (IV l"TnIn~ . - . i& th.· ~c of th~' Circle K c.ruise aboard th t· "Harbor Queen:' Refresh . . d Prpspn t and m!'nl w il l b (' sene. , ~ pTO~pe"'IlV" members and their ela tes lIfr. invitrtl t" a ttend. l..t IlVing Sl'attk at 8:00 a.m, Satur d n~', f lcH n m embers of D elta Rho .. will b a rd one of the Princess Calnm lint'r<o [or V ictoria, B. C . They will be in ictoria fi\'C h ours. While th ere th y pla n to "isit the Empress Hotel . B ' Id ' . no tht' ParlIament UI UlgS.
!;ood ",ith th e mspcml: kept throug h· 9 U t. \ a wh oit-, ( xct-Ut:nt jol1." Dr. S. Eastvold, "Very weI! done; tht' .1(:LOrs wert' superb, th ~ ID)F!t('ry baffling and on th~ whole, excellent job." Dr. C. Jordahl, "Enjoyedi!. I wa, mystified to th e end!" l\1r. J, Knethe, "Vcry exciti n g. I en joyed it. Whe n the li gh ts went out th . -' ·1 ., d ' d f ·11 . ff gl!" next to m r:- scr ~a rne an . t. II her chair; in the midst of assistlI11!; her. , I mi ssed 'the murdererl " ~ . D H 'T d I" r. agen ," remcn .ous . ..- - ..- - -
Charm Beauty Salon
Bla nche Lingbloom 413 GARFIELD ST.
* * * wa. prese nted by Delta Iota CIll. to Swimmin,:r badminton croquet and • G ERSON P R E S I D E S " ~" SEMINARY PACIFIC LUTHERAN GRt l ' . . . I rcvea l the " tru e lift:" of nursing st.u-I a wi encr roast are pla nn.cd. for May 18 THEOLOGICAL Ddta Rho G ,, 1111 m a mstalk~ Its I dents hlTe at PLC and when they are at 2:00 p .m . by Blue Ket . Members THE CHURCH IS O N THE MARCH! 1958·59 president and yicc-prc s:dc nt a t Emmanuel Hospita l. Skits of cut- and d ate s will be guests of Dan 1I1 a. potluck o~ May 6. Mar.la nne ting up their first ea t here in the labs i Berntsen. II Rugged, Christ-devoted men are wanted to prepare for His was II1stalled as preSId ent, . ' b a b y to I Members of the club Will . • rt'''n~ " . , . to prcsentll1g the b ounnng be wash- I ministry on the home mission frontier, anc.J K arell Str~mberg ,":as ~adt';/I~~- fa th er we re shown. i ng cars from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. pn'~ld 'n t of thIS orga~lzatIon. 0 0 Student nurst's partici patin g were : tomorrow a t the Shell Sen"ice Station' THE SEVENTH AC ADEM IC YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 1-958 (ampu women. Tlu: hnal project for Chris Christenson Bonnie Hanson across Pacifi c Awnue (rom lhe Bi nCharles B. Foelsch, Ph.D., President 2770 Marin Ave nae, Berkeley 8, Calif. '"11 b· . ' . to Victoria . , . ' t b ~ yt'a r \\1 e a C1Ulse , Ruth Goldt: nman, J a m e" Engcr, Joy Bea r market, .8. C" on Saturday, May 10. Lewis, Marilyn Nickelson, Margrcthc
* ... * * **.. . I' Gregerson, Judy Hild ebrand, J ane t ATTEl'iD CONTEST (. REEK S, J a n. e t Smith ' eLn E' k· '11 Expert Dry Cleaning Laundry Service " • PHI DELTS . PICl'iIC ,. d PI" Towe Donn a Gigr-r nc k's~n an dB 0 bE' . nc 'son WI fh appa Rr~o K appa a n 11 Maurine Swanson, Bea tn ce Schelle, I attend th e toastmasters' :,2nd distri ct I,lw pSllon_ p;cmc was hl'ld Sunday, and Dv;onn l onbe r'y . ' "" ". , b anquet 3n d speee h con test h' c Id t h'IS Mol\' ! Hb.g .' . at L. u thnlanc.1 B!ble Pro]" dl"<j I' V'l'e k"e n d L ,AI' ., _ l ~ " il'du . , Ted ....Me vt' . ' rs. ~ RO~"r .~ , at tne y Int h rop H otcI 'I n amp from 2:0() untIl 6:00 p. m. k et R("<'[l ~nd Bob All~t . ' - t II . , Iacoma. " " ,.. , TC'lIlion i.,dn dcd Wit ,a , SWIITllnt ng, Th" club announ ces that an}' ft: l ho ,to hors, an d \"oll cyball. 'I. pi cnic CO-EDS ACCEPTED ONE-DAY SE RVICE low interested in membersh ip m a y a t M rs. Jo Summ ers upnrr ; nd a ",'e n r roast W 31 h eld P . v' ro ' Shida Curn m in gs a nd ~lttI r!lln ten d one or th e 6:15 Wcdnesda v morn PARKLAND CENTER, Phone L En ox 74300 I II' ill tll ,.\ £.ning. A ~ ft was pre , ha\'t' heen ;t, ccp tl" U fO J' intl' rnship at ing m ee tings. •. .,. .., tnud tr Mr. K . R 01 , ad':is' ~ I' to h.. Swe dish H ospital, Sr:~ttlt:, as mcd· I ~======-:========================= . K. .... R 0 K.. ppa , 01< <l tnh'1 o f "p ica l t, ·chnCJlog is..~.s . T".IW.Y • l)('gi.n 1Il Jun (' . LSA. TURN.S, S.' Om.ABLE ,. Tlrt'da . itIIl (ur h i, 5('T\ icc ro th ..· clu b. . po . LS:'1. Box SOCI a l wIll br' held at L u til crb nd Sunda y., }. ay 11, wit h t he AP O E LECT DAV ID Ll1l'iDE CURT, 1'\ (. LL E.LECT ! ollow in.l( a l l' IIIW off icers of APc): LSA's of C PS a nd U. of W. a ttend M rit, Pcltr~ ",'; recrntly ..lp n I'd D u~\'I'd L U11dc , pr·esl· den t.· K en Bla"k,' ' 1 'In tefeste d S.h Oll Id Lu(' ,.t till" 1 , mg. '1nose P((· . ~nt (I f 19S8-59 Cu r tain (';{ II Jt ! ,· icc-prc-s id,·nt.: Hob Olsen, sec- C 'B a t :t: 45 whCl"(: tran sportation w ill lub thr'l" affic.r rs art': Rl.l.~s Ch r is- L', nd \· I·,·~·pr~ •.< I·(:, l··nt·, I' rl'.d " "11'11"'., ' H c s('e- b (. f un,lS. h e d f or "5 ~ cen ts, ac('on l' dllf( n n. vi"l re . ide n t: Barb Isaacson. 'Ttar)' : D 'm ~('hu l tz(', treasun:r; and to Dan \\,i tnHT, pl esid"n t. ~{'cr('tal"\,: Marlnlc E'T ns, t reasurer:. Chuck L arson , ICC .
I 1
J,. .
Ri ttr r, ICC. Latest a ctivitie wIre insta ll.iltion on In talbtior dinn{-r will be held on May 5, and a steak fry at Span::w:\)' May J * * ~. - ENGI?\EERS TURN EDITORS Pr -Engineer, arc p reparing a book -=--1 i let on the ('ugiuccring program at I PLC. Incl uded w ill be Ii. ts of affili :l ted schoolS,. em.ts, programs, /'tC. It ~ 11c.J.-V~ will be n'adv bv summer.
.. t dA I ~1M '7YJj ':"
Serving PLC rhr ough Chri5tiat'l usc cof free p re&. EDITO R .............
J' .
- v",
E itor ... ...............Herb D empse'y l'
R rportcn~
Barb Slu.h.lmiller, Barbara l £.'iarson, Sheri Th on 'ilson, Ja ck 'ova3S, Larry Johnson,
Your thoughtfulness wi ll mean so much
" end a Card to other"
port!'rs: Tim Wyn dham, Eugene Hap2la, Dick Hagerty, Dave Gaen ickc
'} ypl~t __......................L au ric Beecroft
Butlln ss Manager..Mar y Lou Engen
.f.(~· tt
P hotograp her..........M r. W. McKewen
Artiat .... ........................D ick Londgren
Bookkeeper...................... Carol House .
Cirrul.atJon .......P.lui Finn " tId. Harry
S ft n n ~ l11 d ,
r "c.h.nnge .................. _..........J oy LewiI I 11< Ckrk ... . ..... .... . ..Lanie Hoeger Ad\'J.tor....... ~ ......._.- M. r. M , Nesvig Pu bli sll ~ d Fndays of u,..- school year by students of PLC , at Parklan d, W. bi ngton. Offi ce : C oU~ge U nion Building.
Phon LEnox 7-8611, E xt. 41.
Sporu Editor..............Dcnnis Marttala
Ad Solldtors: Rod Pi\tterBOD, Lots A nde rson, Linda Schad.
f~ We provide Checking and Savings Auoulls and all other bank services t~ for ca llege LnlCOLl studells BweB
f • turt' Ed tot.. ....Mariiyn Donaldson Rt'pOrle-r$: Ear len e Burcham, Bob llrmln~, D on Glass, Joey Da nielC'on t
1I I
)A :E~;;~~~R I
F Ar!. c;uaTo",.-,.-'" PAA'UNO
rr; e> r; ....t.
D C~ b.lt
...........Cc. CQ"........""O..
I v[
Sunday, May 11 th,
send ...
~ :nther's
\,..lth your bast wishes on her special day. See our big array now on display.
non e.st disputandum"- and, quite literally, there's no question about it when it comes to taste, Coca-CoIl? wins hands down. In Latin, Greek or Sanskrit, "Have a Coke" means the same thing it's an invitation to the most refreshing pause of your life. Shall we?
PLeBook Store
Bottled under authority of The Coca-Colo Compony by 'P~'C ' FIC COCA·CO LA BOTTLING COMPAN \, TACO MA. WASH .
PLC Degrees To Be Conferred June I
Commencements Set Jor :30;~:JI'! 'I'I-~'" arren To Deliver Address
lDld CUB Palia- lIew An GaUerg
Paci fic Lutheran Colleglt will confer two hu ndred and twelve ]egri'cs Sunday afternoon, June], at the Spring, 1958 , Com
This weekend will s<:e th e opening of the new PLC studnlt a rt gallery. L oca ted a t the southeas t end of th e C ollC'ge U nion Bldg. , the gallery was d"si g ned a nd blu(;prints W("f(' drawn [cssor at AU busta r, a Semi nary, R ock VO L. 35, NO. 25 P A RKLAND, WASH. FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1958 by Mrs. George R osk o~ . Island, lllinoi" D octor of Divinit y; ------------------------~-----------Mr. R osk os is r Fspons ible for tll a nd th e R ev. 1'. M . N o r tad, p rofc sin terio r color scheme, including till: SOl' a t Luth er Sem inary, SI. P au, M in sta in fo l' walls n nd the f1oo!' coverill",. n >~ota, Doctor of Divinity. The warm r.. d of the brick wall area Ten MastLr l,f Art' d egrees will also is in cont ra ct with the d a rk umbt.r a nd light g ra y sta ins of the wood pan be pn.'sented t u: R obert W . Bischoff, Joan E. Buckner, Ernest G. C emo:n ,.lin g. Th" ga lkry floor is cover d tina, Rich a rd J. by, Carl T. F ·nboe, with a soft sa ndy colo red tilt-. rna in., Otis J. Gra n de, R ol)<"r t C. H r ness, 0 Fall wing PLC 's comrriencemenr services of June 1, r. East- th e whole r PQm very ple asant . nd Mtw:llc M a nah an , H tl J-vL Pannt va I d and his . wlte . - will . be fJ' h I owa, f.or tIe 1 cum forta bl (' IOOt:WIi; l' a nd D on ald E. W illiams. ywg 1:lack· to 0 ecora, . I) I .. hi ther C ollege comm ncement services on June 2. Dr. EastvoJd Th.. gallery will hoid fr rn 25 to >II '- tI el'S r t"Ct:l\"'l Il L. t "II' tegF c are I 'J b .. . . gs. l 'h est: WI'11 b e li g h tt'd in. j'll (* b ~ It · A t WI I e giving t h c com mencement a dd cess : an d at t h "tS time, h e p a mtlIl a , 0 OW 5 : ·to ·e ca mp " L In urus: .JJ b . ~ h d f 0 f O' . . f d ' I f f . '. \' 1 e rece ivin g an o n rary egree 0 octor 0 Ivwlty ro m i . lrect y rom luoresc:c Ilt £ky l u; h L u tht l C olle ·'. H e no w old" tlt t eo: .t;!I tcoIli_:~~E~6;l~~!'~RTS 1:\ - - -.--- EDUCATION
d < lU e( '~ f rom A ug-usian a The log ica l J. And r rSL>l"1 , *D . A, Log' t, H. Bal: 5t mi na r ., includin g tha t of D octor of
mencement Exercises which b gin at 3:30 p. m. in the College M m oria 1 Gymnasium. Dr. Frank W arren , president of Whitworrh C ollege. will de live r th, com menCe ment ad dress_ The mammot h \-Vuriitzer p ipe oeg-a n, with P Ie ( ,f R. Byard Fritts at tht 1' 0 11 ~ule, I1l<i y id in p resentin g the aitl r· noon' m usic in its first perforlThl"OCC: , iIl L" i t. HlO\ c to th e P LC gym.
EasL vo d5 Leave f0 Global Trl·p June I '1;
nd tr tht ba ton ( I f Professor G. 1 M a lm in th e Cho il of the W est will .!iflg two m usical selections : Pe te l Lut lon , " )l un c D imittis," and a Danish til lud y, " R i'I:' H ero Bold ," :u ranged I>y M almi n . The C ollegt: Ba nd, direct n1 by Professor G. O. Gilbertson, will pr(J\ jd< tilt rnw ical selections includ ing th pfOc(;.~iQn & 1 and re cessio nal. D r. . L . L~stvold, PLC Pres id ent , u {m nornulJ. tion of the faculty and u lldc tilt iw t borit y of the board of
l rllbtcrs. W I'11 awa ro- t h ( d'lp Iornas t kt ll, D. Ba st' hon ', 1- Ba ~(· h o iL, . C. rh c o l o~y . ~fl S . E a stv old will rem a in in the the J'~c.ip.i,. nb J. ~ ll rc-~c nt C'd b y D r . Ba yne. 1e r nt 50n *]. Block. )..r.
Phi llip E . Jb u e , C ollege n " a n. BlIe, J. Brunn" ,', ; L. C alkim , G . C Mid-West whil.. Dr. L ash'old retu r ns to I'LC b. fore th q beg in the ir sixf r b u nofa docto rate, a t e: aJJlon g pdlt. M. C "ilsOIJ. * H. C.l rtw TJgh t, mnn ths t'Jur a roun d tht: wu rld . H .. will til,: degre-es being ~ iv c n this year: to *1<.. C hristla ll, *:M. C oIL', A. 'ud ahy, a .'a in Io:a n~ h ere Jun e 13 for th e Dr. VafTen, Doctor df L t tters ; Dl. E. *K . Derb), E. E ll i( ks OJl, J. Erni i>on, hurch co m 'C Ilt ion in }'1innC', pdis. l'Ulllt, D e:m of apitol Seminary, L. E I Ck \ .-l rn, 'Yo Firzpat l'ick . "J. ny to Xorway Coil.lIul.llls. U lu o. D octor o f Hum a ne: Fro mm. The East"olds will then fl y L. tl r till." R"v. A. O . Arnold, pro(Continlle J on p:1gt 2, ClJl um fi 1) - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - -- - ----- - --- - -- way wh " re h e will represent th e Evan gt"i ic al Luth r:-ra n C hurch a t thl conse n a tion of Kin g Ol av in th ~ Trond 11I:, im c a th~ dr~d. T he: Eastvold. h ave bN' n p Lo na lly ll\\'it(' d b y K ing Olav [0 a ttend the sta tl! di n ne r in the kin ,,' , ho no r foll owin g, he consecrati on. Dick ~ ondg rm , ~ n ior, W .1S formally an no unctd to the sta ff Ju ly of Dr. E :15tv Id w ill ad dres.s a I !it nig lH at it banquet as next year " edit or of PL Cs w e k ly t:on \ I' tin u i f =lV'l L'" "' onv (~ y. \l or' ng l a s t. " L o ndgrm ~ ill su(ceed lh i ~ year 's I:: Ult o r . 3\1\: Vl·iGn g , sta t ue hOl wrin~ tho"-C w ho Crowner. h a ve (,ill ig-rated from X Cl r W ~ ) trJ
I .
I I·
Londg en To Tak Editorship OJ 195 8-59 Mooring Mast·
, LEAV/NG PLC at t he end of thi s s emest er ar e thea!: f our sta ff me mbe r'S; iss Co n nie Nel (i.-r. ) M i ss Bar b ara J ane Berk, instructor of Engli sh , son , ass oci at e pr ofesB"or of pgycno log y ; Mrs. Kenneth O ls on ( nee H e len E n ger ), ph ysica l e du ca t io n inst r' uc to r ; a nd MI·s . Ag n es Ke ut he, hous e mo th e r a t South H a l l and m othe r of Pro f. J o hn K u e the. No announce m ent h as b ee n mad e a bout f l /lln g thes e posItIo n s .
An ' ducati on m a jo r, L a nd gren
nc a .
D u rin15 t h .. lla&t th ree y ear I;ll;l~---------.J oin Sv l'S for Trip It.. lin! " •.t1 t.il l oll"S us ar t is t f r Tht" E a t\'l,)ld s will then join Dr. till Sail::! and .\1.001 m g M a, t a nd as a nd M rs. T . O . Sva rr', fOnl lerl), on th cU;IC>r uf th~ H orn..c mi n!( Br.JOk!l:t.1 PLC f3cult y, and tOUI' \ Vestem E ur I II "it! , It ending cia es, I..:. j.o; now op'-. I n '111\.11."<1 in th eir tour w ill be the I'1l1plo "'u pall time b y thl' IMrt di l in Br tI" Bd gium . ! W o'-! lh ml'n\ of Public \{t' I !\tion~ nnd vilt , Ot l rom E uropt· they w ill go to Afrie." , S' ptl't"lll" r w:1l }, in ",nn)" he "gr 111111 thi . umllll r "'o rk ' ng witli ( 011 " h ·r... thc.~ \ '11 "hit 1I1..1l1~ of the ,. i;; I to th e u rnp " of PL , anton!! the , . f. ,,'<)J Jolw Ku,'tl . (If til R li ion HI.lions .... hi ch wi II tn. U II campu . SlUns of our chu r ch . WIll ie III A fri ca I th e ab'c uce of "even l w·I1 known: Dcp~ {mc-nl'. will b l rctirin't nIter <I Th u<:w ~di t or has had perimcc th c}' will spt n cL. _ a t'C\\ days., a t L;trr - I! "r ~ I.ro n PL ". , !TI -d 'j'lI O' n (Uf, _ l 51. p ro rt·· If' l'l ('. et.-, 0 f (f",Ct', W()I k n w i tIl nt w,pap"! S b Olri n nin!; ba r, ... wh ('lt D r . AllJl'rt Schwe itzer ! SOl'> ~nd IJlI' hollS! lI10ilicr will be le9' - "' tnm, ,H id HClIl "JJlot I~r uf =.1l with his h i",h s' 001 m'wS staff in is d oing h i$ w o rk . thl'E hig hl ig h ts ot I ing th eIr po itinm ;;t thl: end of th' LUlh r.I n 1]011 " lUd Shouts. 1.)JuJ, J.rUlII<'i Gt. l. He h. w orh d as Ih.. i to ur ir. Afr ica " ill bt- Ih"lr visit ~ III 1n 'd • ! . , . . I"Is . D ' d M' .r "I ,..flS. Kut'tbt' rJ h r d par ur~, :a ()!lUI cldiil antsl a t D. photo-"nrrav- , to ' It: tOt l:1 a , ,l.l t: h ulon • Jl1CS, V ,Il': ll1 ('i r~ wi ll bl' It-fr in lhe- PsyIUBI- I'v(' in otnpany .,"d ha> done h-cc-bucr: Cl nd tll<' g<lmc l." n ·e . dlO lo(( v. End;, h :lod PhY 9ic I 1':'1 ,e, v.vrl.. f I tbe ~,u;ll t 0 dai i}' n w. pa F r ,t' .\ fri r:a tI q will \ i, i! th L mi - lion d~' p8r t m. n u , ntl Sou h IL'Ill', pt1 .111 Ponlill1tl t Lonci!{ren s('ry~d as , i~m in • f a ' al!~ga l" III EtbirJp.i a th~y rt.sid r nt :tpartmt'n t w ill b l nllp y o n(t' \ ' f" !Um;»' t , '\'j 1')1\'111 t , lJc:: , OIllITlC rial M t iSl r r rh t: prornotlon WIll m c-t WIth Enlp ~ ro r H il l! Sela Ss. IL'. ,· m ore . !11} oilJ fr il nti :' ell artJllcnl ll f tho:" I I:~"U J OLlrn,.!.' '\ lso inclau " i n th~ir tour \ j]J be th .:: B\' rna rriaj« the '"oPle ' ac ti\ i li(' ~ .\ nnOllIlCt:ln , li t '.If til· int'amin pro W 111'n !lSked abou t n ext year' a pa Ho y L a nds.• I ndia, C hi na, J~pan, and clas~c:s will t.h din'rnon of M rs. p, r, thl: m w t:d itor 5wted h e had I 0 the H aw', ii a n I sul1ds. '1111' ), will re-! K enneth Olson, nn: M is. Hrlt n E n - f. "o r~ ha s not y et been made. Ind jOr Mtli,m n!; Y1 s t rd ornls in ruind , tu rn to LC arou~1d D ec emb~r ~. M iss .o ~[}.ie; tl on, A ~.or i al<- - - -- - -- - - - - - Inlt he wo Id like to sp.rt:a d th e: work rOll <!hou t helT_, tour .thc y WIll b e P l Ot f · .s~ o r 0 f P yr hI .Th ... .. aug )', Wi'11 h ( ...1( ~l \ " ., 10. dover 11. b igg'<r lourf. \' 1 Itt ng fo mer P L C studw ts who a int! PLC a ft!" r fou r ·...ars i n th~ Sl)ciol. ] now :'en'in i n E u rop c • Bin. a nd , H j, om w o r k' n , '·,n a jo urn alism . .. , og , an d Psyc Ij() Iogy' d epa r trnen t : and resran l p,lpcr which n ,ay a ffe ct t he Dick Lon dgren, n w editor Mi~s Ba ha , J ane lkrk, w ho \Y.1l -\ fnc a . polic)' " f lh nt:\ pap e r. Thi , um D r. and 1Ifrs. Se ll! _ E 'UltvolJ. WIll add ed to Ih t· fa culty :J.t n .id ~ I ue s t er Il'lel' Ilion" re~",arcli will be d one a nd I be honon:d w ith •• r.. qltion ill the to fi!l thl places left by MIs. A ut um n I.e ( :qlecls to prcpar~ ,l booklet out C oll.. ~ U n i r Bui ld ing th i. unday Sim m in " n d Mrs. P:tl r ic i,\ D anford, "Ma )' :ti , fr om ;) :00 to fi :OO p .m . E! ing d uti, " a nd ta ting l'ylr fo r those \' il! also be tcrm ina tin " h et con trac t. worklug on th e staff. PLC', D ewlopment Fund ha. now portl' d . M a ny of th e firm s must wa it All t h e stude n ts of P LC 'Ht' con:l ial. rea ched mort: than 6U p er ( t n t of it!!. fol' a ction by their boards of directors Iy invited to a ttend the rc('(·p tion. m illio n d ollal goal a s a total (If $601, before th ey ca n m ake the-i r pled ge s. T h t.' P,lciiie Lu t eJo n Bnard "
O lson, Nelson, F·InlS · h Serv·ce
erk, K
olle e
f' .
ooks Now Available For ummer Reading
evelo ment Fund lops 60% f Gal
1 4 68}~. f rorr~ ~ll Di~' is.ions h a~ I~e n
ti h I ~ . d h II," C C l\ cd thus far. ThIS mcludcs . I ~ 1. tu en~ w 0 ac : . time to 0 te l 000 f r o rn th e Memorial Di~ i$ion. h' I -f f I " 0' . ' . , W it' 1 r epres nt 11"1 ts rom o n y " 10 du n,,"" Ih sum mer, explamed .M Is .' f h· '. . h' d : . ' l 'b ' per cent 0 t c pr osp ects m t IS .vl :\. B....cr. slsta.nt 1 ran;J. Il. . I' I d I h f ' 50 H I 1 k h ' d' SlOn. t lIIC u (5 on y t re t: 0 tIle .'U 10 0 -s exce pt t c m U Sc u n n g . h h ma jor ac counts t a t t e t It (' unnne r sess io n may b - put o n C ommittee is callin g on. l !erve now in th e libra ry for m e this III ma kin g thc announcement, :Mr um mel . T h ey will be due back tht: Vandel En de, general chairman of th wrek of registra tion next fall . T he libr.!. ry "round-up" is now in De\'elopment Fund, said, "We hav e full swing. Books must be r eturned by Jj,ade excelleru progress. I am opti May 28. F ines w ill be enforced, ac mi.tic that we- will reach our goal wh en all outsta nd illg ac count~ are recordiug to M r. H aley, librarian. S
atm r a dtng they WIsh m ay now do
Sunday R --epl,-an Hanars Easluol
'Broth rs' eeded F n F or e ras
" The spiri t a nd d ettlm in a ti on of of T rust · lln d fa ctll ty i.s h old g th t: ou r w orkers has bee n excellent a nd the (·vcnt in ho no r of the E a stvolds' fo r t'spo nse frum the a ccounts a lrea d y Fellows rctul'll ll!g to PLC n ~xt ~' c a r I t icth wcddin g a nn i" tsary ,lIld his ill . . ' ; I contacted h a b~(:n good. We ~ che ~e art urge d by APO to ign u p on t he I tee-n years of ()I"VI c.e at PLC. the campa Ig n WIll n ot o nly bn ng In shee ts in the C liB (01' "little b ra ~' , . Included in the a ftc1'lloon's n tt"r-_ many fine gifts, but tha~ it wi,u also -the in coming fr cshmart g-uys. tainment will be presenta tiolls by T ' tr en gthen .the bonds of fn endshlp t~la,t ) Th ose who sign u p will I t ct i,' the Eig hth Notes, ,T~(' Ambassad or Qua r th e ('ollege enjo ys III the commu mt,. . f eI _ t,·t OrcIJ (' stra ' u nd ,..,. . , name an d a dd ress 0 f a n Illeommg . • u~ nd th,-• S'··fln"" "' .
, Esther Ellickson, chairman of the I lo\\' dUl'ing the summer. The big b,oStudent Voluntary Fund, reports that ther th t n corresponds with person a total of $1 0,573 has heen received. comi ng to PLC in order to extend th ll Seniors gave a total of $10,111. Only, coll,·ge's fri(~ ndliness to him and an five under-graduale pledges wert' re- Iswer any questions that h e might re.wed totalling $462. ; ha\'e.
I th e direction j 5011.
of Mr. Gordo n G ilbcrt
l Fa culty women and \'11 '1"5 of tb r '] m embers of the PLC holtI'd f tru oS will p our at the re I' p u o» in honor of the East\'olds.
Page Two
Friday. May 23, 1958
Fon To Stage
atlle Action
"End of the School Year\\
By S. C . Eastvold We a dd r s ourselves to all readers of thl' Mooring Mast. We do so with the consciousness that we arc ne'al'ing- the end of another school year. This sc hool year ha.s been filled with vcry unusual eve nts. We h ave been pll.ln ~l· d IIlto \'alleys of sorrow and tragedy, and we h ave been exalted to pi nlH:l 'J of joy! and SUCClSSC.S. We haw li" 'd through sOllie of the most stirring IICnU in our history. "'Ve must not let. the lessons of sorrow be regarded cas u Iy lUld iorgotten. When we walk with pka~ul'e we oftt:n learn nothing, thou gh she chatte rs all the way; while, when we walk with 'orrow she ne'er word doth speak, but oh th e things she t cach~s us the while we walk with her. These have been grea t and stirring times. Our new Evergreen Court is in the making. The 69 beds for mcn are all ta ken for next year. With private howers and teleph ones in every room, as well as new furniture and electric h • t, it will be most ddightful and comfortable. Added to all of this, will be thl' 'gro:~a t loun ge with telev ision, radio, piano, kitchenette and the popular h ouse-father, the Reverend C. K. Malmin. Then for the second time in our history, girls will take over Ivy Hall. This hall ~iIl :lIsa be connected to the college switchboard. Then, th t; College Union patio has hee n rebuilt to be an art displa y r om. This will e\ cntually become a part of an expanded coffee shop. Added to this will bt: th e 7,500 square fee t added to the reere, tional faciliti es of the ('U B . Also, tht: lIew wiug on th e sc:i~nce hall, which will be one of the finest '11 b dd d n ny collt'ge campus. Also, the several new pro fcssors, w h 0 WI e a e 'f I I t he top ec helon of our teaching sta ff. Also, the eve n 1IIorc wautl u campu;, with the added facilities of the new swimming- pou I. '11 W e salute a fin c student body. We greet thosl" leaving, and who WI not . W h h '11 return as students. ~!ay God go With you. e greet t ose w 0 WI return to . hi W I k f ·d us this fa ll . ~Iay you h ave a good and pro[ Ita t: SUllllller. e au orwal . '11 b . h f h f' . to hun dre d~ of new students tillS fall who WI e WI t us or t e Irst time. All in a ll, this h as been a great year: be tter than we ha\'c deserved! We "ck God' s forgi\'em's; for our sins, and His Grace for the future . God's speed
Student~ and facul ty arc invited 0 witncss a spectacular d isplay of the Arm y's might at the Fort Lewi3 Ces . . . 4 h D ' .. D k t"'1ties on t IVlslon ay, a we ' from tomorrow, on 5 a turday, M av 31 . . In one of th e largest milita re "r ' h . . . d news ever prcsente to "ort wes t CI lI ' d 300 ve ze ns, over 10 , 000 soId leTS an '11 h .. d · I hIC CS WI pass t e reviewing stan ,.. . R f G F ' Id on th (' "",a Ill unway 0 ray Ie , b .. 9 00 Wh'l h ' d' t'glllnI ng .a~ : a ..m: . I c t IS I~play of milItary effIc,,:ncy and p recI sion is bein'l' staged, overhead the air craft a nd helicopters of th e division will demonstrate precision flyin g.
I .
Attendin the National Children's Theater Conference along IBritish Columbia. g. f rom S w ed l d an d a.II C on t'10e n t.ai T qua r t ~ t members are Bob , ith representatlves en,E . n~ an I he,.' ' . ' .. . merica will be Eric NordhoIm , ongmator and director of the Hodge, hrst ten.or, J erry En~kso n, P L C Children's Theater. This conference will be held at the Uni- s~~:ond. tenor ; Dick Foege, bantone; · August '2 5 -2 9 DICk Gi ge r, hass; and Dave Dahl, who VCThI y \) f W as h mgwn, . ' . aecompany the group as o q;anIst. . 1$ - - -- -- Will
to h ave achieved such a
NarnC's of lIt'xt year's two Children's Theater productions will he r \'caled at a la tcr da te. Large ct·owds and good productions arc expected for ncJtt year by m embers of the drama d epartment. Ipru d uetlOn ' reCOrd 0 exce II cnce WI'th out the able cooperation of th,; entire spe ch department, crews, and the myriad of hands necessa ry to a ny good production," w as the tribute of MT. Nordholm to the PLC Drama I D ep artmen t of which he is a p a rt.
These m~n will be singin g 136 con ccrts in Washington , Oregon, Califor nia, Arizona, New M exico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Montana ill that 0 • d el'. According to Dick Foege, who is :ompiling the group's itinerary, they havc more than 90 cancer ' schedukd and verified to da te .
CE ENT (continu e d from pag e I)
C. Gcldake r, *T. Gilmer, B. Gronke, H age n. · V . Harrod, *E. Hayne, C. Ikin , L. Hitz, R . H o, P. Hovla nd. L H urd, L. J erstad, tHo Jun gblut, C. ·n1stad , *B. Kilmer, J . Knoph, +1. KvanlflH', G. Lar en, A. L ee, S. Lee, -R. L uns ford , H. Ly,:kman, R. Mc AUiSln', *N. McCullough, J. M arke rt, D. l o!), H. Ml'l edith *K . Monson, . M y in . J. 1\. "h rt, I. Ny!,!,ren, W. Ow,,:, Pett:rioll, E. Qu.:u , * R. R ausch, ! . R-ad, G. Rcdburg, B. Ristau, *0. Ristun, P. Rothkow, tS. Russell, r.. Ruth Iford, *T. Sahli, L . Saye r, '. Schimk.e, D. Severcid, L. Seve reid, ,. J. Sindl' ~n,·M. Single ton, C. Slater, M. Stolzl'nburg, M . Sword, E. Ther iault, B. Troedson, D . Turcott, J . l\tnllaD, R. W a rd. tJ. Wi nther, tN. Yost, ·D. Zcuske. BACHELO OF SCIENCE IN • tEDICAL TECHNOLOGY J. l'r)hlillg. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Bru nne r, *J. Fla ig, *D. Giger, "R. H augse, *R. J ;lcohs0ll, *B . John ,on , *D. Johnson, *J. Johnson, P . Jubnso , J r., *B. Krampitz, B. Kru g •. L ·w , J. McKe.; (' y. *K. Mal t,;I. * .. Pe tersen, *B. Sch 1.'1<", *J. .ruth, · . t S anson, *J. lowe, *V. WcyeW , * [ Wilkin .
tlOn parkIng area. - - - - - - - - -
Again this summer, the PLC Ambassador Quartet will represent the college in nine Wl"stern states a nd
shops, tht-.lt el tours a nd d emonstra ion . Mr. ordhohn will take part in h.; tec hnical and design parts of the IHo!\Tam. " Our Drama Department g ives liS ,lS much, if not 1II0Te theate r than any nam!" unive rsi ties, and it would be
W can say with utta frankne and hone ty th at wr: h a I" never ~ d r f d .. . f I d d d oun a .mel . roup 0 a mmlstratIO~, cu Iy, a n stu en . Your kill ness and consideratIOn h a. m ad e us feel lIk.e p a rt of til famil y. We sha ll . . mt'mhcr th~... d ays With d eep fcelIngs nd we h a ll watch th" con tIllued . . growth of e college III the vea l's to come with great interest.
. . . . ,
W e would bo: remls:; If w dldn t congra tulate all of you for he wonde r .. Cui spmt that you h;"" shown towards the Development F und. The o-i£1s you . . . 0 • • made weI" ao outstandIll g t hat we will Ju d ge a ll of our future campaIgns 10 . . . . t.Cl'm~ of your gIf . But mor~ Importan t was the warm-hearted splnt you .. . . . . . . showed III m klllg t hese Ifts. Tha t Wi ll contlIlue to be a n Impl ratlOn '.0 U5 as long as we live.
Pool Opens
Quartet Schedules Attend !Western Circuit Mr. rdholmTo . r b , nra PIay CO Childr
LC Family: As we leave; the c 'm pu· . w.. a nt to xpress to a ll f ),o , O'.1r ~IlI n I than sa nd appr..cia tion tor th-: cou ntless thin gs you have dnn" to I1li'kc our sojourn h ~ r' m mo rable .
As w e take our lea\' , we pray for God's richest hlcs~i ng 'm each of you and on th.. "oll" <;e in the days to come. Sin ce r 'Iy yours, CLA YTON B. PETERSON At 11 :00 a.m. a thrilling peace ti me WILL RD L. ARC HER spectacle of infantry a nd artillery fire- power will be held on an impact a rea on the Nisqually Prai rie a sho rt di stan ce from th Mobile R eview ' te Follow the routes d,..trIy marked with directional signs and military po W pdnt'sd ay, May 28, in p'Le' n~ ".'ul.ar cha pd s ssion. and following li c~ d irections to the parkin~ area f pcrch of d ieation by P astor Lutncs, tu cn t body pre- id n Don Do ghu th e Mobile R eview on th e M a in R un will officially rcn: i\ c from ColJt'g<: P r~ide ll t S. C . Ea$tv III the swimmin g . way of Gray Flcld. The roads ar alsq pool now nearing comp letion. . pla mly marked for the rout"" from the: 1m IIcdiatd y followin g th dt'd ica tion, a '",immin g a nd divin~ exhibition I . I runway to the fire-pow er drU1onstra wil be g'iven by two stud"nts a nd tw o faculty m emb ers . The pool ill then
'" all!
Amon' lh e di stin gui sh ed guests will I,,' Winnifr d W ard, pioneer in Chil lrr n's Th tel', and Saria Spencer, ublisher of Flibbertygibbet, last fall's production h ere a t PLC. The confer nco: will consist of discussions, work
To the PLC Family
T o the
BACHELOR OF ARTS tA. Ahrens, B. Amy, W. A pker, N. Arntson, R. Aust, R . Benson, D. Bern tsen, ~1. Bjornsen, *M. Bolland, T. Bondurant, S. Brooks , P. Cham bers, J. Christenson. D. Cornell, E . D a nielse n, C. Donhowc, N. Eastvold, B. Ellis, ~. Fi rss, J. Florence, N. For ness, M:. Frentre.s, ' . Fre nzel, M. Gj<>rde, R . Goetz.
J. Haa land, D. Hall, J. H a nson, D . Hickman, D. Hillesland, K . Hoeft, G . Hoffcnbackcr, *0. Ho,.l::Ind, M , J eter, *J. Johnson, L. Johnson, L. Ka rlsen, R . K ast elic, K. K ehle, R. K en t, J. Knorr, K. Knudsen, D . Knutson, N . K vnn, *t'. Lanca ster, tR. L-: e, D. Libnt·r, E. Liescn er, G. Lindbo, F. M a rks, F . Ma sted, R. Mikulecky, J. Milbrath, N. Milkn, D . Miller, D . Modahl, D. Moc, J . Moon . T .. Nelson, J. 1 ilsen. T. Noonan, V. !'\ovak, K . Olson, R. Olson, G. P isker, D . Peterson, D . Pe terson, T. R eeves, J. R! n d a hI. D. Rod in, R. Rodin, L. Ross, J. Ru ff, "T. Sawy("r , M. Schere r, D. Secb org, " J. Shatt.uck, L. Sheldahl, J. Soine, R . Sorenson, W. Stakkt'stad, W. Sundstrom, J . Svendby, A . Sylling. L. Thompson, M . Thompson, F. Tobiason, R. Tribe, R Ti gil, D. W ake, L. Webe r, R. W estberg, S. Win ther, D. Wrigh t .
Iw opr n to thr: student> according to t h ~ rules estahlished by the student body a nd th d eans of men and women. Accordin g to Pres ident Eastvold the n pool wi ll be U 'cr nie 100 ' ing-a d ecoration a nd a n assc t o ur rampu,:' Any qualified lifeg uards are os!; d 10 conta c t D ran I.. Eklund cone m in" guard duty at the pool. SwinuTI'ng pool regulatiDns are as ioUm 1) nly rcO'ularly ..moiled ~t'ldcnt5 ~ n d facult y ..,r LC w ill be Howe inside the fcncI'd pool an'a. 2) No p ersons will bc p ~ nnit ted a t a ny ime in he 01 unl . t I' 51 two other pe rsons arc within the fenc ed pool area. 3) Only those with ,wimmi n g aHire wi ll be permitted WIl In t c fenced ar...a. All those in strect clothes m ust remai n outside of the fe nce . '1) HOUTS will be 10:30 a.m . to 7 :30 p.m. ~[olld. through Salurd • an 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Sund:lY,· 5) No running. shovi ,pushing nT general horseplay will be all w' in or neal' the' pool at any t ime. 6) Only one • non will be peml itted on the diving bo rd at a tims an d no diving will be allowed in the shallow end. 7) No . ting or oking 'n be pt>rmitted in the pool a rea. • 8) Some type of strect clothi ng must be worn over the swim suits when going from dormitory to pool, or from pool to dormitory. Thi " ns shf)fs a nd robes. 9 ) Sunbathing will not be permitted in the pool area. 10) Anyon.. found or reported breaking these r egulations will be .r qul red to .urrender his or he r rights to usc the pool. This pool bas been given to th e studen b , ;lOd it is up to u s to sec that all goes sa fdy and , oundly, Control of the pool will continue to b" in the ha nds of the students as long a& they act like ladies a nd gent! men and eep a cautious eye towar 5 th e safet of all concerned. The above regulatirms art: mad e with this safety factor in mind and art not to b" hroken a t a n . time. (The Student Cou ncil) p
n Cey . • • wishes to ta ke t is opportunity t o t han k th e departing seniors for their past patron a g e.
I t
-- -
and to extend to each of you
a wish fo r your suc ce s
to the clas s of 1958
our Sincere congratulations
Johnson Drugs
Walgreen Agen cy
G arfield & Pacifi
Don Cey's
112th alld Park Avenue
Friday, May 23,1958
Twenty-fifth Anniversary
Page Three
• • •
G od the Father, thou who didst crea tC the bcavl'ns and !:artn and all that dwells therein, we thank thee for the oppor-turuty we haVI re ceived in these: months, nC/w past, to study f" nd it'arn rna,,, of Thy Cl'eation, whether thruugh ::. miscrosc:upc, a tc~t tube, a dinic or a textbook. Forgi,'c our misuse T oday is our twenty-fifth an n i e rsary! Exactly twenty -fiv c of thj ~ opportunity and create in us a new \ igor to l~am of tha t wh ich is issues ago we pu blishe d the first 19 ~ 7-'58 Mooring M as t. As the 1 h ine because in knowillg i t we will know Thee more whom we de ire to , w eeks progressed WI: tried to give you a more informative and To th e ("ditor: cnJ'ova ble newspaper ' I hope \~e s ucceeded tnow above all elSf·. J ' ' , ' \-Vords cannot (' xpr", s m y , onste1'na o God the Son, thou who art th e W ord incarnat e, t he m'w c.;n;a tiQ n, the Thi ~ followi ng list of nam es might seem unintere ting, b u t I tion tha t a lettn of m int··, $0 nobly Lurd (,f life, we thank Th('e tha t Thou h.,s t spoken to us in the l'vents of tht:. wan r y u to kno w of th ose \\1 ho w o r ked on the Mooring Mast I aided by Mr. Buck ner, sh ould have. eros~ and th e ('mpty tomb in such a striking way that in our dull est moml'nts th iS y ea r. I si ngle out Ma rilyn Donaldso n, Herb D~mpsey. Den - i " ip. d pu t tltt· g rand old trad ition of w e canno t fa il to compreh en d tht'Tn. Make Th y d l:ath releva nt to our jjVel nis i\la rrta!a , Eugene H ap ala and Mary Lou Engen for special L unc h Lim L itcra tu Tt'_ I ~po e onl y J I.d Thy lift' relevant to our deaths so that in Evi llf.,' we may die to tht: dyin g praise , l\tlariiyn, H e rb a nd Dennis headed up the featurt , news and as one on th uutsid~ who fell " . ..Lout u. and in dyin g; 111,1)' live to the eternal liie in T h (!e. sports section s, resp ec tively. 1'vlany were the times they worked dud "d from the nt>ws. H owryer, J"' r o God, th e Holy Spir it, Thou who dost n:fust: t o b 'comt: $ naTTOW aJ ,pas t midn.ight and gave lip valuable stu dy h o urs [0 get their pages h. p g its pass in g will help us to (" J{. l\'C: wmetimes would make Th ee, or a va porou ,. S 't, would a t t imes have i to press. 'Hap " Hap a la w as sports ed i wr until near the nd o f the lim ine the situa tion befo re us Tht'~, Wl' thai'll T.hee for Thy prompting , and , ,oad ings, Thy .prod~in gs a.nd f irs t sc m .ster when De nn is, took over., ~Iary Lou, servi~g a bUSJ!\t the heart. of th e p robl.'m and WUOlIl!lii dU II " g th u; 5(;hool ),ea r. Du nut tin: of u< 0 Lerom" IIllp a tl~.nt Wi t n e ss m an a g e r rh rollgbo ut tn e yea r, effiCIently and dfectlvely too k , t ht ca mpus is th e solution. I disaorrc:e u ir. .ou r unco ncern anu world.linc ~s , Ltct u be T hy temple and dw 1Iil1. ' ca re 0 1 th e newspape r's finances. !with somc,' I know, but I think c plate lor now and th rough cterm t y. Amen. ~ Repo rt"is w.ere: E,Jrlene Burcham, ' reddi Gulh.augen, D~n Kiosk woul d be ra ther attractive if it _ _ __Po'\ 'TO R . W. LCTNES ...._ Gla ss , Bob '. lemmg. D ick Hager.ty . B ob Bills. JJch..GJovaag, DlCk I '~ ylight wcrc ciC' Il 11Cd. T hr <1,1 [ stion --- -- - Go Od\Vln . Barb Isaacson , SOlVClg L eraJs. Joe Danielson. Barbara to ica\'( ;) p an el p~n serJtU very 108
Tribute to the Sta"
to the E ditor
l I
&:( /
C'liiltr tt ... lll u. ..\,r
,_ '111,-1
;.lt t
L~ "
Stuhlmilier. Dick Fisher , Larry Jo h nson. Jim Kittilsby , Dick iCil l: if this couldn't b t, d rll. nt It-'Jut Krai g er. Sheri Trovilson , Jerry Donahc, Dave Gae nicJ.... e, Jack i ~ ur marL' keys and kt it br r I-lo ll, Toots ic Wetter, Tim \Vyndham and D a n Witmer. Those know n who has them.
t ;S ~ . 1 1T t·f· t n £ttU \lJ.,£r t lCUeS r
who solicited a d s w er~ Lois Anderson, Rod Patte rson and Lin d a Scharf. typi st was Laurie Beecroft. and bookkeeper, Cuol House. Those wh o wor ' ed 1.:11 filing and circulation were Joy L wis, Patti Finn, Lanie H oege r, Tcle Boveng, Ardis Armstrong . L y nn Dam, Barb Beckner, Thelma Nelson, Della Dore ndorf, Karen Klan Jnd Harr y Sannuud , Your 1955-5 9 editor will be senior Did~ Londgren, I'm s ure that und er hi s g uid a nct' the paper will progn' ss more and more. Although next year I will b e in Los Angeles attending the Lutheran Bible Institute. I will still be looking forward to t'very issue of the Mo oring Mast. May it grow in size and quality! - Dave Crow ner. editor
w..O \iJJC
By the way, tha t was
wond erful
bit of logi c Qn the nart of the auth or
of your recent articl e on sa ch appc:aJ Th e bovs <ire opposed to t he chroJC-f. a ' [(>UP of stud en ts IJl:sid t Jud\' :\~\' t:l will ma rry Roge r W"st but it's all right for the girls to get thl: st:nio ~ who artc bu,')' making ~Ia n, be r g, Augu t 2·~ in Prinvilk, Oregon. them IX'cause tb. y'1't' in favor with an [u th e In p lip the .:uslt: to receIve a Joa n ne ApJ:t·r is th bride-dect of l aId man in New York whose ('hid Ri ch H amlin, Th t'y will be rn ried LeI tifica t, . concc'rTJ is lllaJ..ing monl'y on them. cl' or-ding to W ebster, this is a w ri t- ; Augu st 19 in Everett. , 'f . h hii Au gm t 17 is the d ate set for the Intdli grnt ? I fI ," ; on pap''!' t:ertl ymg to t e ~r:ut fi,na lly, will fkming , turn? If of so/T,t'lhing, or to status, quahflca - j' weddin g of ]"r,ict' Rindahl and Gene not, I h ope you will urgr him to liun. , privileges, !:tc. , Pl'isker. Sprin gfield, Or gon, is the citll!"!' compile his unpublishl'd Wi l for Both types of cLnificates the stu-!Iocatiun, [lO , te!'ity, or e1Sl' appoi nt a SUC('CS5ur d,:nts will ~ rece ivin g art: quite sim- II :Maurc en F'''rguson will become the to <:any on the Fl em i~b Irndition. ila r . Th ey symbulize the end of nlu ch bride of Ed Krantz, Septnnbtr 7, in [ H f igh h o. " a n.I work aDd stru ggle; someth ing; Seattle. BOB OLSEN th ey ('a ll be proud of ~nd keep for th e - . I Scptunbt>r I lS a lso the: date 5ckcted ! (Th e VOUDgt:S t of mom y ) they mus t I , D' J' h d 10 1 IN ; l'es t ur th l"ir lives ; somethinl( ~" )y lanfi t- (.I, nson an L" c tvot- I conti nually livt:: up to in order to show By 8 08 Bey. Tht·\' will mal'TY in Almira, "Vash - I' B0 IJ:.1\ k'iOS T ' ' ~l y. av•u'•llb'~ t h ("i r \vorthiness. . , . t~ JiCV IS •. \va ~ 11,,_ ing ton. , Yow,;r, )ow5i1', )'m, ~ ir, th i. is you r old buddy Bob ri Jdi n ~ bis cabin l t of I' in th," P ubl'l" R ek;',ions ffic(! t l\o[ any , ,,uiar, will receive: both ce l' Cas,tlc l,Zock will St'l:' the mani agL '"II. t1w ol d ,.ga,!!s, tho a t he .ha, S a ccu,ll1u.I,a ttd O\'I',1'. ,thC. p,,;t. yea. I." . Ju st H.,centl r. , h" ~I 'rln I'ng- 01 rl '~x. t ,,, ,~ , S tu dent Coun t UlC::W'S, and a number 0 f undcTclass~ )~ , of AlIce Brunnl'l' to Don H ack, Sep- JOined th e CI,O. CIlZ ('\"t'l yon e I C,1.0.. , . ' F a,t of alll d lIke to pCI,onall) cl'l TIIUst edul a t,.· stude n a s It) O\~ rur n wJ!1 I , civt, ju>t tht: one entitled -, , _ . " t"m btr 14. ccongratulate th~ s.- nion. Bcst of lu ck. Scud in those ca rds and kt 111, kIlow to I)O,·t "nn'JllfICtTllt'l1 t' \' r, th e kiosk 1arriagc C e rtIhcate. I K ay Johmtorl ~Ind Skip Brock are what ,_ t', likt.' on thl" ou t.side, huh? .. , Best of lu ck, .I T' wuulti I were then! wl'thout c!elay,-Ed. ~L n j or n u rs( Betty J uhn 'un will be · T,lannin,' fo r S, ptember 2U when tilt 11' ' ::"\ e\lT lor ~l· t th r Iu rl I met. Shl' cocked h t'r eye- a t IT ,(, 1. cocked my eye g n th e weddin g marc h up the aisk \\ cdd InIl ",ll be: held in Seattle. at he r. And th ere w( ~at) cockeyed . . . I'ome: R oses ale red, violt-'ts a rt" ' ", ilh alum Eddie La rso n, May 3Q in ' HI h' A. few ,tud · ts aI'" planning fall bll' l', Iln' li p a re h appt: d, an d I li!:e to swim... . i'othing lik e th parnes Enu1.l1C Ia w', Has Ington. . . . ' oJ ' , . , B k .j'. 101 ' 11 b I I" J weddmgs and beeaust:, they will not Ix WIth ., a message.' huh , , .. Book title [10m Ml. l\ordholm S 00 she I. J QAGn H a n~on \ Vl e t Ie test une . .. . , . '. . T , . • .~
'd h h . D C' II retUrIlm lf n ext year are lIIcluued, THI.'<GS A BO), CAN MAKE W I1H HUMAN SKIN.
hrI c w en s e ma rri es on orne , _. . . , . p ~ 'I ' d I Phyllis r"nne will be an Uctober Hert"s the name of th e WInner 1Il my con test. Th e pcn,oll. wh o won th"
une 6 h ~ m drK an . I " -' h ' R BId d f
c · h b'. b H 'I bride in Grand view ''''ashington. Jay free L. p, of hi s chOl n : from ~.h e Ret:o rd S O J> III th e US ! g:. a n a rec' une 12 IS t. c 19Gat e lie l y I · , . • . , • . d ] · John em will b the: "room. %5.00 ,,1ft l'l'rtthcatt: from Bryan s Appa rel on -8th Strect. The name IS Ro drr d H a nsen an d Al D ung('n. F ow Itcr, I " <> • • , ' ''' . ' " ' _ • ' , .. , '11 L h . . A]'\, o\'('ffibc·r ma rnag Will mllte Bas(:h ore and here s th e Jokt the Jud,~es, Schnacl,enburg and UtzlT. gcr, dt· ( o Iora d 0 , WI De t .e ;e ttm !!" . . . . Diannl Fuliu and Geo r!'lt Gundcr- M a rsha L In and .lUI! Sim onson III cided on: ~ n will be mani ed in Olympia, June Sl'(lttk,. " There was a grocer that n o ticed that: the blacker th eyes of the 11th. :\nd rhd ma :'\l'Ison wtll become tl e potatoes, t h e fewer he: sold. H e hired a painler to pain t the cyc.s of t h e K li ~pd!, Monta na, wedd ing is I bride of Noz:-is 11esken . A I~te 0potaloe~ . H e also foun d oul that if on~ paints. t h e potatoes before they . I d b Sh 0 SI tl" ug "ember w t:'udlll l! l.'i plannLd Jll An sprout the potatoes will rot. So he laid the hired painter , "Don't white lllg p annL y , ar n e Id . ~ !';I C' will ra: n'l D Oll Schultz, Ju ne 14-. conda , :\10 .tana. thei, eyes u n til you sce their 5hoot." Thanx to a ll those w h o sc'ot in cntri,'s , ' .. Did you hea r the one " bout T h~ thu-d J unc: 14 wedding will -- th e guv" who went in to s a psychiatrist with a strip of bacon ove r c<l ch in Por tla nd , Oregon, for Dorthy Hickm n .l orl L owd l H adfk ea r, an eight-foot snake as a tie, and a televisi on a ntenna strapped t o his P a lli A hrens will be CUlm: the; bride i I,a ck ? H (! said: "Doc, I wann a talk to you a bout my brother." .•. Dca M r. I Fully Automatic Fleming Dept.-If you found;) million dollan what would you do? .. D ear I ur Bol Bills in Salem, Ore., J une 22 . R . h " I Ta ' ~lru w ill be thl' see n when Peg OPEN LANES Sir, if a poor pt"l'son lost it. I'd gi" t· it back. ' , ,The usslans ave not,lfllg 1 Lun~l ord and K t'u K ehlc ')(('ha ge to complain ab'<l1t. i\{aybe they d on't get enou gh to , a t-but then again look Tu e sday All Eve n ing at a ll they han: to swallow, . . . R a ndom R ema rks Dl pt. : If Abraham Lin \·<>ws Au gust 3. ' coIn wcre alive today, he'd get a mu ch better cduTa:ion, H L was tall enough Wedn esday ._ after 9 p.m. Uloid -to-bf' J a net Towell will m eet
rhc r e ' ~
,, -
3820 South Yakima
P ra d"I e BWl
Parkl nd and Vicinity
ud L n tel' at the altar on AU.s;ust 8 in ,.att le . M :u ilvn Forct' and D ave Knutson arc beio!! lD<lrrit d Au gust 9 in L a
Frid ay __
A ll Evening
10707 Pacific Ave.
Ta com a
Phone LE. 7-6012
a basketball player. S.erious :\(]tc- : Always r(;m~ , bel' w:.crcw'r, you arc, th ere is great ,sarc~~ in a httle laughter .. . , In closmg, ha\ e a nll;e summer and I tru st III see you next year, th e same: culumn, th e sam e str eet corncr, As evcr, you!' buddy, U nele Bob Bob. t'
Phone GR.1-3372
er nt· , California. Anothel California \\'cdding will be V'L,..rJT"'~»L"'",'',7-''I,A.I,,.,,,,,,''r',II'''''''''"""""''s unitm g Bonnie Troedsun and D ave ~ ~
w 'ddin g of R u c: A n n Jacobson and Carl For- .~ ell. It \ ill be in Seattle. ~
7: 30 a.m. to 7: 30 p.m.
SHORT ORDERS 528 Garfield St.
Charm Beauty Saloll Blanche UOllblaalll 413 GARFIELD ST,
§ § §
~~~~~~ §~
~ ~
ISH S totheGrads of'58
~ §
from the
§ §S
§ ~
416 Garfield St.
LEnox 7-53 17
P age Four
Fina] Polls Held for Organizations
TEMPLIN HEADS LEITERMEN Paul Templin was recently elected p resident of the Lettermen's club. As sisting him next year will be Glen Campbell as vice-president and ICC, and Norm Dahl 3$ secretary-treasurer.
.,. * .,. OLD MAIN ELECTS SAM GANGE Pre.ident elect for next year's rcsi dents of Old Main is Sarn Gange. John Olson is vice-president. and ICC, and Ken G a mb is secretary-treasurer. House parents next year will b e Rev. and Mrs. Fuhr. Thei r daughter, Mdva, is a sophomore here.
* * *
SIX ON LUTHERLAND STAFF Barbara Beckner, J 0 a n Tousley, Janet A,list, Rosi e Cerny, Dave Gaen icke a nd Dick T ollefson h ave been chosen from PLC as staff members at Luth crland for nine weeks this sum rncr.
Pastor Laverne Nelson, vicc-presi d ent and personnel dircctol' Puget IN ONE OF THE SCE NE S from "A M an Called Peter.." the spring a ll Sound Lutherland, Inc., lllade the anschool play, Rodney Kastelle .. as Peter Marshall, is shown recovering from his heart attack. Tonette Ericksen, as his wife Catherine, and Jona noun cement of the counselors to be than Nes,.,ig, Peter Marshall's son, try to persuade him to remain quiet. o n duty from June 23 to August 22. The h ighlight of the play was the acting of Rod Kastelle in the lead role.
* it
Poll Discovers CCll11PltS Knowledge anll O]Jinions H ow "i rud lectual" Jr c today's srudcnts. and what are their
opiOlons on varicl1s items ? Wha t about the PLC campus? What are Lh~ a tttiudes of the students h~re? To answer these questions the Moonng Mas[ polled a part of the st uden t body in last Fri day's cbap'!. Some over 400 of the seven -question sheets were rel\lcncci fo r tabulation. ;:;.- - - " W ho
i ; ,
11 802 PA CIFIC A V E.
which compan:s quite closely with the findin gs of Eugene Gilbert, expe rt youth surveyor, who says that one out of three young people favor cem or ship. Totals on this question in tl,,; PLC poll we re : 269 against censorship a nd 16j in Ln-or.
prime minister of CarLl u.'I • wru; Lh" I'irst q u ery. John Did cnh.IJ,,·r, ti ll: CQr Cl one of the three pel'! jule ciwic' 5 , rece[,·. d 183 a nswers. EViden tly ?7% of the tudents knew udO..- th.. pl-im minister of Canada ur E ncland , lor Brita in's Harold Mac millan got l:W 'Dlc And little did ; IWO.l 't th ird of those polled (133 ) know iliat Mako m Hal' ~ ra'.'t":.; is Dr. Malcolm H lIf D yes, blood expn t at
ASHRAM PLANNED BY LSA LSA has closed the year's activities and is looking forward to the Ashram to be held this summer h ere at PLC August 2.5-31, acc o rding to Dan Witrue l·, p resident. Students in the area arc invited by LS/" to a ttend. R egistration blanks are in Pastor Lutr. t's' office. CHOIR LEADER S ELECTED At a regular m cr,ting of the Choir of th e 'Vcst last week, the ofEcers for
the orga nization were elected for the and Noml D ah l, sopllomorc cla.u. coming year. Elected president was Members a t la rgt: are: J ohn J acob Dave Dahl ; vice-president, J err y son, Kathy Th'Jfow, Sally Piehl, D ick Erickson; secretary, Mary Lou Engen. Haines, G len C a mpbell, M arianne Th ese three will act as t he executive Christiansen and P eter Jorda hl. committee to wor k with Gunnar J. .. .. * Malmin, direct or in ~xpeditin g the ICC TO MEET work of the choir. Next year's ICC r epresentatives are .. .,. * re queste d to attend the organizational MU PHI INITIATES meeting Monday evening at 7:00. The Last night at 8:00 p.m, five women meeting wil Ibe held in L-104, were initiated to mcmbenhip in Ep TEAM TO DINE silon Sigma chapter of Mu Phi Ep Next Tue5day, May 27, the base silon, National Music Hon orary. ball tearn will have a ba nquet in the The new memb.!rs arr,:: Ruth Ber small d .in ing room. Day giJ:1s have of how, Audrey Betts, Ga.ye Hughes, Bar fered to serve as waitresses. hara Ol,en a nd Gwendolyn Thoma , . Glen Campbell is in ch3rgc. of ar .,. * '" rangem ents. Ela.ine Curtis is heading CONGREGATION VOTE the serving. Ken Gamh was elected vice-presi dent of Student Congrega tion lastLADSTEIN HEADS SPURS Sunday. Diane Rosdahl was elected Gunnie Ladstein has b een e\,. cted sccretary and Joa n Ruud was chosf n president of the n ew Spur group for a;; treasurer. 1958-59. Assisting her will he Linda Board of Trustees includes: Dave Eng vaIl, vice-president; H enrietta Lunde, senior class; Sam Gange, jun Stolte, secretary; Gail Hauke, treas iOl' clas s ; and Ted Johnstone, sopho- urer; Janet Mensch, historian, Judy more cbss. Struth ers, edito r; Sharon J uhan , I CC Board of Deacons is: Bob Roiko, representative, and Yvon nl" W Ol~rner, senior class; John Olson, ,iunior class; ,'xpansiqn chairm.l n.
U:. 7-7100
·' P..i f! ht tu \vurk" I::.l\\" V{~lS th e: c or
r('ct an'w .·!' to, "With what is Iinitia WEST END BIlAltCH t i,',· ~o, .! 02 con c('\:nrd?" Right an We provide sWe n came from 7.13 studcnts. ?vlini Mavo Cli n c. InUrn \vagc la\v waj the reply of 11 3, Checkilg and .ruhd wn.'thcr Ot :lOt t he n'c.c"ion and I Dt wi d e ,,,,,a k,, people ('hos':: Savings Ac(ouots hn affl:rlo:d th eir bud gGt a nd/or ,mlTl "sta te 1:1:(1'5" as th a nswer. and all other lIter job prospects, a fe over one This p oll didn't SO;\(: any problems, JI STREET bank services third ,talt-d that tht: rr-cr's." ion has a n d p erh aps w:lsn't the trueit possible BWICH fo r college , hown fft-t'l " in no wa y ~h a t I k now." tt'st, but yd, it still r aises SQme qu es sludents Just 1cS3 th an one-thir d said it has tiuns, fh)w isola te d can or should we ff. rll'd th em .slightly, and about :m be from the affairs of other nations ? ~, eYeD thinl circled that tht y han : been Can we even t ell wha t we m ean when " .. ffnll'll "dlrc(tiy." w,' say we believe in democracy ? ' ~ ~ti ;: :;: <A WOIf1 n. i ll or out of th,. s:..ICk ~ a n Wh ~lt about fr l:(' press a nd spee ch? jUlt about fli p COin S to d ecide on the Or do \'011 just worry about today's bl'mi3t' fa hio n. Answl'rin; yes 10 lik ch,'rnisc u nd to nlorrow'\ night out. in~ the 100 wt'le 1+3; 14 7 ci-ckd a definife no, and fhe ind iffl:f\: r.t crowd PATRONIZE OUR ADV ERTISeRS nuO\~r d. 112. Sear \\'ithoat W anant EDWA RD FLATNESS i\men~n cith:cns su ppose dly Ltd i vc II till" Bill of ru~!t b, in clud ing Ad icle i District Agenf lV: "The right u f p eopl,' to be LUTH ERAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
T ...COM... ·S FRIENDLY B"'NK setun '" Ih~'r Jle.l ' OlU , h ouses, p apl' rs, COMPANY
;mu ..£.1 C13 , a B" in! t u nreasonable P. 0, Sox 275, Parkland LEo 1-0826 Ilea rr:ht..s . nd sei~u n::5 , shall not be vio htl'd, "nri nu warr.a nts ,hali issu e, but upon probable cause, suppo rted by oath or . ffi m mtion, a nd r a r ticularly do rill i D~ th e place to b c' searched , WId the pcn ons or things to be seized." Howcw r, ov ' r fifty percent of those 112TH S T RE E T (Airport Road) AND PARK AV E NU E polled WI,re e ither indifferent to or ,upporlt d police search without war • Ill. T h o.1! who said "No" numbered
2 14 · "Yes," 112; and indifferent, 127.
fift)'-<:ig llt per cent of the ,tudents diloagrecd t.hat wire-tapping should b e WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND
c.ousiden:: IC~H I {lor use as ~ viden ce in law eouH. pptLren tly 4 2 pCI' cent. are OUR BEST WISHES
in Ca"or oC a change in th e status q u o. TO THE GRADUATES WHO
l\-fany Fa vor Censorsh ip I C~ruo"hi lost out 'n th " p oll by a PA TRONIZED US THESE PAST YEARS
IiUle more ilian one hundred vote!!, ct 165 werr in favor of iI .::c:nt r;li 30\' ernw~nt a'l'cncy to Cl!l1Hor newspapers, ndio, T,V., romie books, mnsa ;!inc~,
' ~V
Iw" q~
IGA FOODTOWN Co mpl et e Shopping C e nter
Ceni:re CleaneTs
movies and plays, That'
.HI p'r cr:nt,
• •• when that great ship went down and the last t hing to leave the sinking ship was a bottle of Coca-Cola. That's because all hinds stuck to Coke to the end. Now there's popuJarit ! That 's the kind of loyalty the sparkling lift, the good tast e ()f Coke
~~ _, .....,._.1_ - .
engenders. Man the lifeboats, h ve Coke!
under a uthority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Friday. May 23, 1958
From the Horse s Mouth I
Really Know Personalities? H ow well do you know PLC personalities? Match the "familiar' quota tign- with the name in th e right hand column. Answers are found on page 6. I. " As it w ere" a . Prof. Kuethe 1. " 1 submi t"
b. Dr. Nodtvedt " Do you sce"
c . Dr. Pfluege r 4. "T ends to be" 5. Dr. Schnackenberg 5. "Little by little" l'. Mr. Akre 6. "No" f. Dr. Jordahl 7. " g. Dr. Hauge 8. "Grea t week" h. Dr. Knorr 9. "Don' t throw the ba by out with th~ ba th wa ter." 1. Dr. Maier 10." . intuitively" j. Dr. Strunk 11. "TI gic ambiguity" k. Mrs. Morken 12. " J ust wait till the gradcs corne out" I. Mr. Roskos n . "Now my mothc.r n rn. Dr. Ranson 1 1. . ~ '. I should thi nk so" n. Mr. Malmin 15. "Intcl1ect of the cosm ~" o. Dr. Eastvold
Form ica -
Paint - Plumbing - Roof ing -- El ectric Kirsch Rods - Window Shades
PARKLA ND HARDWARE Glass Installation 121st and Pacific Avenue
Pipe Cutting and Threading Phone LE. 7-3171
Saga To Be Issued Following Summer
P age Fi ve
Prof Reti res
Pflueger's Busy Life
Th!' 1957-58 Saga with its many pagl's recalling the events of the past year, will be issued during the first part of August. The theme of the book is "The Frontier of Life," and is carried throughout by Don Anderson, the designer. The cover was made by the well-known S. K . Smith Company in Los Angc:Ies. The pictures nwnber 2-48, four of which arc done in fu ll page color. To the graduating seniors, or to those students who are not returning in the fall, a copy of the Saga will be . mailed. Others will be able to pick up their Saga wht: n they r eturn for the fall term .
CarlO' to compare your college career with that of Dr. J esse Pflueger? He entered high school at the age of e1ev en and was an orda ined minister w ith degrees in both liberal arts and scien ce by the time he was 21. . Th.ose ar~ only a. couple of the early hI ghlIghts 111 the hfe of Dr. .PfJue~eJ', who rece ntly announced hiS retu"e lfient after 29 years as an instructor at PLC. Sta rting in 1929 whe,n PLC had acad emy and junior college status, his almost every area of teac hin ~g- spanned . . t II e curncululfi . and culmmated as . . head of the relll:[lOn a nd philosophy ~ departml"nt. " I would ra ther tcaeh than eat," h e
ICC Amendment Fails By a vot" of 100 fo r and 99 against the proposal of a vice-presidents InterCI.ub Cou.nc~1 was defe a ted, A tWO-I ! thirds maJo~Ity w~s needed for l a g-e_o~ t~e b~ll, whi ch was voted upon
elated w..
versity. Here Dr. Pflut"ger made prodigious start and before he as fin ished he had taken every Course t he university offen·d. While servin ~ a parish of the O hio I Synod Church'- (I ate r part of the American I.uthera n Church) a t New Orleans, he t ackled gradual work iD tropical m ed icine and hYglcne at T u lane Medical School in ord r to be th oroughly prep ared as the first mis sionary from his chUl'ch in India H ·IS goa
I bid L __ a ventures staete d Wu=. h. e soug h t to f urt h
e1'iu' s m e dlca1 e d L\ . . L' . G crrnany, m . 191 T. " catIon In eIp71g,
C aught ill the m aelstrom of World W:l1' I, he finally J'eturncd to the Unit reflected about h is long CAreer. And to ed States and then across the Pacific prove this, even his retirement will into India. Driven out again b y conflict, elude teaching six h ours of Aesthetics. Dr. Pfl ueger's odyssey was in tt' rrupted Dr. Pflueger's early educational atby shipwreck off t he Philippine Is tainments were boosted by l.liS father, lands, which he recalled 3 S truly a Adam ~flue,?er, who was,a .profess~r " faith-teaching experic:n ce."
pass- I
, ~En~~ h~rnrure~ Ca~~Un~
Even after h e started teaching at PLC, his study of life and faith eon tinucd. In 1942 he received a D octor of Divinity Deg ree from pitaI U ni versit r a nd he was awarded :1- D octor of Humane L etters degree from SL O laf College in 1956. After such a life of service wi ad venture, retirement would '('.ID d ull. But not for Dr. Pflueger who h opt>~ to do "orne writing on ethics and phil osophy and possibly evm un auto biog-mphy. Furthermore, h e will haY!: tim c for sketching and sw \pture. workin g- wit h his extemivc p boto graphic equipment and continu.i.ntr . ex periment in archery.
"W"hat will it cost me t o wait and buy insurance la ter?" Young people getting r ady to take on new re sponsibilities often wonder if they can afford to postpone buying life insurance. No one can say what the delay might cost if you died, but here's an example of what happens to premiullls as you get older ... based on ow' most popular policy, t he Brotherhood Provider for $10,000: Ale 20 25 30 35
far MIdI dolla r Monthl, i. ., .
plIld i. yoa ,. gIIl lIack at 6S
at ago 65·
Annua l
$1 56.90 180.20 209.30 245.80
$1 4.10 16.20 18.80 22.1 0
$ 1.7 4 1.56 1.40 1.24
$77.20 70.90 64.60 57.40
Note that during t he ten years from age 25 to age 35, the annual premium increal:las by $65.60, or 36%. And the amount you get back for each dollar invested decreases by 32c, or 20 % . Now, the Brotherhood Provider j . an outstand ing value, no matter when it is purchased. And the net cost is even lower than the premiums sug gest, because of Lutheran Brotherhood's substan tial dividends. But these figures do emphasize the advantages of buying insura.nce as early as possible. Why not tart your own insurance program now, before your premiums go up'! Give interest a chance to work for you. See your Lutheran Brotherhood repre~entative, or write the home office.
*Based on current dividend schedule Free on request-b eautiful full-color r production of Lutheran Brotherhood'8 Reformation Window at right. No obligat ion, of course. Scnd name and 'address today.
LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD 701 Second Avenue So•• Minneapolis 2, Minn.
Liuing benefits for L utherans througll life insurana
I Serving PLC through Christian use of free press. EDITOR .._._... _.. _..DA VE CROWNER News Editor..__..__.....__ ....Herb D cwtJsey R eportc: rs : Barb Stuhlmiller, Barbara h aa on, Sheri Thorvilson , J ack G jO\ .,:t.,.., La r r y J ohnSOll, onna C unningham, Bob Olsen, and Jim Stc w,-lrt .
Fe--01tu re EditoL._..Manlyn D Ona1.drOD Reporters: Ear l e n c Burcham, Bob Firming, Don Glass, Joq Daniel son, D ick Londgren. Sports EditoL .._..._..___D t:n.ni!> Marttala R eporters: Tim 'Vyndham, Eugene H apala. Dick Hager ty, Dave Caen icke. Typist .._......--..........._~Lauric Beecroft Business ~lanager .. M:a.ry La Engen Ad Solicitors: Rod P a t terson, Lola Anderson, Linda Scharf. PhotogTapher.__.______M r. W. cKewcD Artist .. _......_........._.....___Dick L.ondgn:D Bookkeepel'.....__._._______ Carol .Hou.se C irculdtion .-.-....Patti FlDn and Harry Sa nnc rud. Exchan~ .-..-....--.-...--..-----...--Joy Lewis File L \clk .... .._......Lanie Hoeger Ad\ iso.r..___ ......._.._Mr. M. Netvig Publis cd Fridays f tb-- S 00 year by st uden of PLC , a l Parkland, Wa.dLington. Office: College nion Bu · ding. Phone L En• . 7-8611, E xt. 41.
Friday, May 23, 1958
Page Six
Students Leave, Work Begins
Stained Glass Art
by Ralph Vigil
During the- P:lst six months, James Stewart, a junior majoring in art, ha.<. been wod,ing on a project of design· ing a series of nine stained glass w in dows for the .C~mmllnity Pre~byterian Church of Tllbcurn, W. R. v a n Ness IJr., p astor. Tillicum is tht: Cal m unity ju,t w of Fort Lewis from highway. 9. T h r. chUl t:h was completed in. December I a nd the congregation has been wor [' shipp.ing in its sanctuary since tht Int of tills Yc:l .
Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy entering Hell asks I Virgil passing the gate leading into the secret things: " ,M aster, 1 what is this that I hear? and who are these that scms so overcome w ith pain?" ' And Virgil answers: "This miserable mode the dreary souls of tbose sustain, who lived without blame, and without praiSe"
h were not rcbellious, nor were J;lI.----- - -- - - - -- fai th fu l to God,' but wcre for themd h I h' be d t ' -'ve. H eaven chased them forth t o .mo crn rf SCI 0 ar at .IS. st an I I wors . """ IS pc ect Y cOIlllclenhous, a lonOUS k~t:p its br auty from repa ir, and the d t f tl . an competen '; per ec y Irrespon . d eep Hell rec.eives them not, for the! .;iblt for the saving of h is world. widH:d would han som,· glory over II k' T. h' ?" I as ', ' J..~ t IS true. . th m:' D Excellence y ing Students Show Apathy IIan: we killed ex ccl k nce In our R cndin'l the pa pers the la st week time: I m a p. the (' xcdkru:e of the 1 5aw that students werr: expres,ing ridiculous spirit of man which p rotests thei r di$~mt w ith thc mOd f" lTl world like Don Qui x 0 l e, tht pnpetual in various natioll s, and I thou gh t as knight-orant of th,' b,-art, W 0 fou ght to whe-thel" or not the typical c~lkge n ot for ideas hut for the sp ilit of man ; tud III toda y in the United Sta tes, or C yrano, ap.oth,'r ridiculom tra~ica!I!cnt:! or dissents in anythi n g , It h ew, ha lf comic with . reat heart who I • .....etn5 to me he d oc"n't. Th erefore, this . vVhen th.· nim-mL'nth.Icpnc\"c for states: HI d 0 not d r('~s up I"l" e a pOpll1 , .--, wc"k I am writin~ no opinion or· 1 ca rry my a d Oll1l1len t s" on rnvI PLC student, t:nds an m\'admC( forct: ' Jay; . ' . ' . rath er I am asking a qu es- sou. I I go capansonc . d m . ~('ms unseen, Ii of con<tructwn workers Will. be •close •,~tatClIlc:nt . ' tion' To wh a t have you, the college T h't 1 , f f edam gar ' on the he:ds of the e'\,acuatmg mtd,. - llects ludcnt of to'd a v, thOLI,£._'ht and com- tral m g W I e p lITTles a re I ' , landed With my good name . . . n o : . ' nu'ttcd yourself ~. f'19 urc 0 t' a man, b Ut a ~ou . 1'1 th~d in Vu(orous actlnty, unusual on the C 0 \. ' . . A \,lDiv(" rsity of today making a sur' l shining arnl()r, hung with deeds for PLC campus, ~1~1 lIIaugurat ~ the vry f th,. reading habits of the Ar::'er- i d ecoration, twirling - thus - n b:is- fi rst phasr· of a rrtllhon.d~lIar De\' 'lop, iran p ublic decided Ii:at forty-ei ght II t,ling wit, and swinging at my. Side ment F~nd ~xpanslOn plogra m, per u 'n! of all Americans read no (:ouragl', a nd on the stones of thiS old AceD! dmg- to an announcr:ml"nt b) book at all dUI-ing a year of Ii fl". lown ma king thc <harp truth ri n g, lik e Dr. S. _C. East\"old,. ~ontraets for thc' Hope for Common ]\Ian golden spurs!" Hall of Socnet' addition and ,the Col . and Marx, ' And then I ask again, wlil ,l ge I wonder what MIll thee stu.• , Union annex ., will. be let , June d . ' " 6 and 9. Construction I~ expecte to J efferson and Lmcoln, would thmk dt nt of today one day h t ar: I know . , 1 b . . bc",m rady m the sununt'r aIle c today. They pictured an ag e wb~re th,y works that thou art nClther cold -. . . ' cOll1pktcd next fall. The most cssenlla tbe ordina ry workmg man would nor hot: I would thou were cold or d b d f
. ,. p3.m A onh" b Id 1\/1 l ' 1
hot. So Ilf'cause thou art and ncith rt hot nor cold, I wtll spew thee ullt of nn.' mouth."
Th~ next two SH' ps m t e program 'to all('vlatl' PLC's urgent need for • • • c ' b lI PATRONIZE OUR A DVERTISERS I hUl ldlll,,~s and equ lpm C'n[ WI e startI ed 'hl:'~ the fund-raisin, driVl: is COITI
f tb
rc I a I '. ac elS 1. one 0 e critic.. of our age, ha. Itllid about the conej!e stu den t aJ'Id educa tion to cb ·: "I t is not for nothing that the lIIodr rn schol:u- invented the Ph. D. thesil> as his p r incipal contribu t ion to literatu.re. The Ph. D. thesis is
A man who has a good mind and body and soul, devoted to His S a v ior, ca n h a v e the time of his life serving in the m in is try on the West Coast. THE SEVENTH ACADEMIC Y~AR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3, 19.58
orlt perfec,t1y conscientious. perfectly la borious, perfectly irrcspon.~1b Il'. The
Charles 8. Faelsch. Ph.D., President
Moori 9 Mast
Z770 Marin Avenue. Berkeley 8, Calif.
TIl M ooring ~!ast recently rece i\'ed a h igh scrand clas HOllar Ratil\g in the 58th All-Amcri,an Critical SCIV ke by the As~oc i a teci Colkgiate Press. Judf!cd b ~ Duane Andrews, formel' ty of the sufi of the M inneapolis Star a nd Tribu ,the p ap er compared fa "orably with other ollege weeklie~ within the 2,000 to 1,251 enrollment division . Among comments evaluating e Mooring Mast were "a quality roduct" .. "covers the n ews ex Iron ivcl'i and prt"sents it in an atrac l Ive package.'"
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arkland Fuel Oil Service 120TH & PACIFIC AVENUE
PHONE LEnox 7-0256
The w indows differ from the old . comTl1tional stain glass type tradltionally used in l~hllrch,:s, T h ey are mad . from a n ew process and are ca lled " 'Chromocd windows." The name is dn;ved fro IU the honeycomb cell ! which makes up th e b u lk of th e w indow, Piece s of stained glass a n: p u t in to . . th e "..Jls according to th e arti t', de pit-tul. Tacom a-Pierce M r mOllal Hall,. . .. . sign, t h en t I11:' Wh 0 Ic t h'm g 1• ,I;;mun. th e major proJ t:c t of :h<- o:panslOn db' f I I' . . : ate ctwc:c:n tw O plce .s 0 c ear g a ss. plan, Will houst: " the educatIOn,' . bus.- , Th IS ' e IlI"Oll\oce I process IS . n ew bu t ' " ness an clcconomlcs departm "nts m ad I't 'th h' l CIS dition to pro\"idinfT space for a dminis- gammg In p p u an y WI lire I e . . " . and contra ctors across the country. tratlOn and taculty offices. E ac ,h WIn . d ov.,.·'IS a separat ~ p 11 ne I 1')_ Erection of this modern one-story bv 30 inches and carri < the elIign of buildin~ ~"ilI be followed by th" COIl a ' church symbol. Although th e sym. yerSlOll 01 thl' two lower floors of Old bois are separate they arc designed to ~[ ain to nwn's dormitory space. read as a complete unit The symbol r~pl'tsent God The Fa ther, Holy Spir it, Jesus Chr' st, The Holy T rini ty, ~ . Holy Bible, Cross, H oI y, ComruUIllon, d C The Church, and the rown an . . Ch' . Palms symbohzmg the nslIans rc on ward in hca\·en.
nftain to the. .salute cilara elers With graCIous dignIty.. _.. . h t od ration b u t ~- ';It grro . m e , thmk With great fierceness, burnmg
J. Stewart Designs
Send Home Your Luggage an d Freig ht
Pick-up at PLC ... ... Delivery to Your Ho us e
Tht windowshare at var ious heights in t c wa lrect y oppo sit.. th t. altar. FacirJg the street, the window~ can be scen by passers-hy and will be potlightcd at nigh t. Aft r the' final p la ns are turned ill, the finished windows will b e about three months in th,. construction p ro Ct:ss. They are made by a Seattle fi rm.
Answers to personality quotations : 1·- ; 2-a; 3-f; 4-h' 5-b; 6-g;
Campus Representative
i-d; 8-<>; 9-c;
l ~i :
12-1; 13-k; 14-n; !5-j.
Il- m;
':::::::::==::-:-:::::::==========::::::...-----.-.:.- - - -_._ -
Friday, May 23, 1958
Page Se ven
Gladiatar Sluggers End
"eagueDiaman easan
In their last fOllr games of the season, Lutheran Gladiators' diamond squad los t three. This dropped them to the bottom in the western division Evergreen Conference baseball standings tied with the CPS Loggers. Both CPS and PLC had 2-6 confer ence won-lost records. Western Vlashington won the title. S.J. turday, May 10, the Lutes were
host to the Westl'rn Washing ton Vik-!6_1. Scoring all of their rullS In the ings: This proved disas trous as the first inning of the opener, the L oggers ~ellmg h~m .squad o,-erran ~he Glad- gained a nd held their lead th rough lators, WInnIng both e nds 01 th e dou- out the first ):lame. HAvl NG GAM ES PLAYED on the new home baseball diamond wasn't enough ' in c e ntive for the Lut e s q uad ble header, 13-3 und 7-3, B b A , '; h d bl r as it turned in a 5-12 win-loss record. On the team were (seated, I.-r.) Larry Kir k, Stan Fredrickson, Gary Th'~ Lutes dosed alit their season , 0 lIstm s t ~ee, ru~ .ou ,e c 1 Kirk, Jerry Curtis, Glen Campbell, Gary Peterson, Jim Kittilsby, Gary Hagen and Marlen Rosemore. Stand I" rnax~d the Logge rs fIrst m, mng In the · Iast W e d nes d ay. sp Ittmg a " .. S' I b J h k ing (I.-r.) Coach Marv Tommervik, Jerry Donahe, Chuck Robbins, Bob Kuper, Don May, Todd Cornish, John at CPS . d ' I " 0' 7 3 ' d . , curtam ralSe r _ , m g es y erry S ac bl d au eh ea t. r, o, m" -, a n wmrung d H I R' h h . . Hergert, AI Broeckel, Ardeen Iverson, Eugene Hapala and manager Chuck Myklebust. t' r a n e r ) I C cy, t e wlnnmg pitche r, plus OIl " w a lk, three PLC cr !'Ors a nd a fielde r's choice, w hich fa iled to cause :m out, wer ' t h~ other in g-l'('di cnts of the upr is ing. Chu ck Curtis climbed th e m ound in the nig htca p ond huried a tb ree h it tn, iII additi on to blasting a fi rst in ning- t ri ple behi nd Don May's single . I A rdeen Iverson connected with a home by Eugene H'lDala run in the fifth which cleared th Til ' " uur final issu e for thi s sc hool year, will brill,!( about another " last" 340-foo t right field fen ce . J<" ilia y of our g raduating senior athletes, rdiring fa culty, and se n ior stu d, n l who hav' so wh oleheartt-dly suppo rted athletics as participa nts, sp ort fa ns, a nd fin a ncial bac ke rs of the swimming pool. As we witness gradu a tion cr<,$ r~ thi~ yea r th ey will all be thinkill g back on thl' grea t times in PLC I athlr: tic ac tivities which th ey h ave witnessed throu ghout thei r collc \te yea rs. For most of you it will be just tht: four yea rs here at PLC that you will be looking back on as four wonderful years, but one of our most faithful and avid fans will be looking ba ck to th (' year 1930. Th a t is the first year of his lon g and d e-voted expc rienc,· with PLC . Throu gh th ose trying years he has seen PLC a lmost stranded on third base with no one to bat her in, but some how therl' wa s a lwa ys th a t ray of hope that PLC w ould come in with th a t The PLC golf team end.,d its , 'piii.ch hitter , son with a record of four won and This time it is this " g reat player" who is roundin g third fur the plate ou,' lust in the Evcrgreeu Conference. in the fin a l gam e of his ac tive ca ree r a s an edu ca tor, minister, and sport fan. The squad'" overall record was 6-7. fter this game he' ll rdire to his horne, but he will not be forgotten. He'll Only m al to be lo;t throu gh gradu till be a ctiv.' 8S a coullscla and advis or ( and teach 3 few hours) to many of I ation w ill be Stu dent Coach Don Hall. us her" :I t PLC. W e a ll know and resp ect this grand old gt' ntkman as DR. HOW f; W ' l, Bob Sparling, ~c eond man PFLUE GER. on the squad, will be t m mferring 10 W e'v,. all come in Contact with DR. PFLCEGER a s a profe.ssor with a SIX REGULAR GLADIATOR GOLFERS were: kneeling (I-r), Da ve O regon Sta next vear. In h is th ree: .. . f d I f I I d d' f . Haaland, Jim Hall, and Stan St.lndifer. Standing (I-r), Bob Sparling, Ron I f " . P C I I f tme " nse 0 humor an a so as one 0 t I t most ta en~(: an I~ ormat.Ivc Hovey, and Lynn Larson. Not pictured is Don Hall, student coaeh of the Y"'l r~ 0 competI.tIon at L ,Ha 1 e t chapel spea kers ; but my memory of DR. PFLUE GER wII b e of hIS d evotIOn "greens" team. The Glad clubmen lost in the NAIA district No. 1 playoffs I severa l n 'cords m the boo s. H e won to PLC as ht' rem a ins sta ndin g in hi s bleach er sea t in the gym following each by one stroke. The Western Washington th r eesome which won the match a total of 18 matches while l<»in g bas ketball gam e a nd sin gs the alm a mater with th l': Slud<,nts while everyone will go to the national fina ls , Sparling, Hill an d Larson c:omp eted in t he only four and tying two . During th iJ. h ' fa cu Ity >l'atm . fl' sectIOn . .IS ma rc h'lllg out.. Thi s to me sows h DR . NAIA matches this yea r. . I: Ise 1fI t.. yc r I1e h as U\'eraged 7282 . stro k eJ per PFL U EGER'S d evotion to PLC as a whole, w hether it be in chapel, in the round . He also won the Dist rict 1, cla ssroom, or on the athktic field. Let this final column for this year be ;'I;AIA championship last ear and humbly d edi cated to you, DR, PFLUEGER, for all the rich memories that holds the Colleg-e Course: record of 30 you have contributed to PLC throu ghout the yea rs with your sense of Chris- I , trokes for nin~ holes.
Golf Squad Closes
Sason with 6.7
Win-Loss Record
ti a n sportsman.hip and high ideals.
p <1 r1ing Iean's a record of 17 wins,
It's Been Good to Know You
,~ i l(h ! l o~~('s .r nd three t it", in hi three.
:.".ur -.of
I'ompchtion at PLC . averag-
Ing 74.34 strok .:> pt" T round ,
cKewen tudio 405 Garfield St.
Final Indiyidual Resull s
LEnox 7-3 83 3
Don H a ll ___ __ ._.. __ .. 9 Bob Spa rl in g ________ 13 Ji m Hill __ .__.... ______ I I Lynn Lars?n ____ __ __ ! 3 Sta n Sta ndIfer .. _.. .. _13 I R on H ew,.y ____ .. __ ... B Da\- ,-· H a.'ll"' nd _._ ... 7
Ph. Por
72.7 5 73.60 76. b l 77.55 78. 30 79, 53 81.00
2.06 1.58 J.~:i
1.42 .92 1.12 .64
:=========;IThird Floor Take iIntramural Trophy ART' SHOE S 0 I
T hird Floor O ld Main nll"h are: Lhe ' p rou d holders of the "t raveli ng" tro ph a s winners of the school year in tramura comp etition. Th e Old Maia e 's collected a total of 1237.9 points : as of Tuesday. Also as of Tuesday, D a.ve Berntsan WISHES THE GRA DUATES
SPRING ACTION AT PLC found the baseball men playing several home f Eastern Parkland was leading ill games on the new coll e ge diamond. Tom Gilmer was the Lutes' stand-by OF '5 8
the individua l scorin g w it h 7 'i8.0 of the track squad in the broad and high ju mps an d Jim Van Beek headed this year's tennis team as student coach. po int ~ . Jim Van Beek w:u so:cond with THE BEST OF LUCK
737,U, J ohn Mitch II third w ith 70 1. 5, FOR THE HAIRCUT YOU LIKE . • • Dua n" MOl' fourth wi th b 19.0 p oints, and Rag , B.1 ' krn fifth w it h :Q7. " poi lit '. M it(:hdl .Ind Bakk n have . l, " WE SPECIALIZE IN FLAT-TOPS" e ance to b<"ttcr their point tOLiI Located in IGA Foodtown
i" , (' lh,· ' 1111 hnH' ~ rtl aU glIllles in Phone LE. 7-3434
~______________________________________________- J 112th & Park Avenue whi< h thl" w ill p.lrticipa te ,
315 Ga rfield St.
LEnox 7-8771
Frld.y, M.y P , 1158
Nineteen Lute Athletes En College Study
mpus Sports Champs Being Named 'As oftball BringsActivitiesto Close Intramural softball is bringing up the end of this year's cam- I pus sports competition. To date Ivy Hall has managed a clean ' slate by holding o n to its no loss r cord while collecting win No. i 7, Clover Creek is second with a 4 -2 won-lost record. Second \ Floor third with 3-3. Third Floor fourth with 2-5 . and Fourth Floor rounds out the league with a cellar-dwelling 0- 6 mark. In tt nni
R ic h H amlin d efeated
Rich Fisher, 6-'~ a nd 6.1, to win the lIingle championship match. In dou· bles compet it ion D ave Berntsen a nd Bruce Alr-xande r d owned F rank W att"rworlh a nd Ga ry K aml in, 6.0, b· ,!' J oh n MiICh r-U C'on tributed to h i bid a lin a n nual m d alist in indh ·id· tlal intramura l pa r ticipation a he beal 'm V r n B t'k in a th rt'!: extr a h ole JI .. ('anInI at ~olf. J im V an Beek added to h is st ring f ch. mpion h ips in in tra·campus sport as h.. ou t' SWUI\ ~ L ynn L arson · t II" b a d min ' IOn {'u u I. . . In (0 58" I T~d on I (' h amp f0 1 \ " • H I M .. k... Trd d :lnl.!-·d the luckv md al · ! 'l!Ib'lUll h e) un d th c r fJorts . a f J'IDI In
on S
r11 ~ . . t i t I n sprm~ m ramum s .wo n ~w recrd h .l\e' Ix .. n mad , in tl , annual
C. I . .
Inlra·(ampus L rae . rIl l'<. . Hlllle ( 'nel. hI b rol..r th .j 10 ~ .'Id run 1 • • I 1" Fr nk 01
:\ineteen st"niOTS will lea ..' th~ a th ).·tic ranks on the Gladiato r campua _ this )'C4lt t oft plar Ding on leachin t ndllIa t furthtr then nl~r oth • fir.
GI- mer Bead5 Track Ol-at
G'I I d h L I , 1 f111' T ~ t r: ute t rae men in po in l ac cu mula tion du ring the s on a nd In the l inal meet. Gilmer sco rrd 15 po i t of hi 35-1 / 5 total in I HA NGING UP THE PLC SPI K E S for t he las t tim e thi s year a r e (1 •• 1',): . dI d . b seniors Tom Gilmer (broad and h ig h ju m p ) Jo hn From m (jave lin ) a nd th wm up r et :>At , a tur ay wl td Lowe ll S heldah l ( m idd le·dlltance m a n). Th'eae t h ree ar t he only ~ rad' C~ n t ra l Wa, hin vton a nd Pu ~ c t Soun .' ua t'ln g me n on th tac k t am ,. " '? e r e . T h, ( W( Wilde. Ii s('0/ . . , c d 8. pomt tl lea d .he hrld, <corm I( oW'r PLC . ~ : . 'J I wlth :J j nnd C PS With .5. The farnrd G ladiat o,. m ile: lc'am I J ohn J .lt'ob n, . orm D ;thl, I, 1.0wl lI Shc·lda hl . .. nd D ., n W.,It nl!" I' 1 i WI'" il fifth first pla('" r r Ihe "'owm , wit h :1 linw (3 ::11 2. Thr I'd a . four· ' "'fur h. , nly b~" n trll tc\onc On,,, h r" ;\ 100).;;. r.C'ond pIa .... I n S('.ltt k acofit'. \' R!o\IT Y T R AC . n. ' AL ST:\ T I.T ICS P oin t.! • .. ........ ... ... ... ... 3 .1/5 . n:y ........ .. _...... ...... _........ 32 T
. . ....... . . . .:10.1/+
V(' majOftd. Lynn in of tfll~ Ig!i foothall , "am, will teach ;m d c h i the junior hiICh school a t P uyallup, J im Cape lli has been IIn:I' lcd w it lUI I induction to Unci!" m's . nny. Ai ' C ilrtwrigh t has signrtl a contrac t with th~ Tacoma ~l hool syst ID \ 'alt F itt patrick will tea It
:\1l.Arn~T1c:t11 Ja.,·clon ace J o b.n
I Fl amm
W II IC'ach In Seattl hu WIll III Illa "t:lin . h,s a n .. It ur sta tus. C h d . G~ Idaker 1lI S('rxl n a poSitI o n In tn h"mil In ( ) IT I. II L' II lI:on. .'1'om C •'Imt I. f ootu;) It e All -
l not coach in oJ'dr r that
I '.
TH R EE O F T I.:;IE L UT E Ion. Stude nt Coae:h Jim Van Beek, and Dave Berg• along w ith Ke n G8IIl an d W all y Ha ll com peted it h t enn i. t eaml fr om oth I' co lleges in the ar a. P eterson led t h e t ea m in w in. a s he collected victori es in t h ree lingle a nd one d ou b le m a t ch ea.
...... :!'l ... ....... .. .. '!.7- 1/'.!.
J ,h I I WOIIIl .. .. .. ... ....... . .. .. .. .... ... '1.5 hn J. i, n .. .. . ............ _...... 20
R ::1!:<::·::.:. :::· : : :.: : ~::. :;t-3/+' LrryPeterson LeadsNelm nVictories
lngl ... l.I
USERS OF THE PROPS i the track meets we r~ these eight fi el d e ntl nt n and man gcl'. Kneeling (I.-r.) are Keith Creley (discus, Roger Reep (pol vault). Cilrl Searcy ho~,put nd discus). T o m Gilm er (broad anQ hlllh Jump'. rod Banding 11.-1' 'Ire Leo E liason and R ic h Ha mli n (j a v· ellnl, m Gange, John Fromm (javelin) and Pau l Temp li n.
Phone LEnox 7-3261 CONGRATULATIONS. SENIORS! • •~~~~~~
~~~-'~-'~'.'_'~'1 '~'~'~
Tltr E\'r-r<:r(' n .0"("1('0 (! i on th .. propo 31 for newly p If th.dl rulrs in the 1958 fi , propo a L. ..nn u n rrd lj\' the diffr r so~what from ·tho. . ' :AA. F rt'(: 5\1 s Itu tion is n pr postd rul
\oting "'rihed n. The N AIA or th of th
College Drioe-In 123RD AND FACIFIC
~i••~.~.~ •••~.~.~ ••~~-.~~~~~~~-.~~,i
Enjoy Our
ew Dini ng A rea
-SP E C I ALSSPR t T ER S N O DIS T AN C E R U NN ERS on the 1958 Gladiator track
squad were: k nee lin g (1'1'), Gary Geb hard, Lowell Sheldahl, Orin Da hl,
Jim Von S chrlltz, 8 111 W elnerth, and Dan Witm er. St. nding (1-1'), Bob
Lee. John Jacobson, Don Schultze, Norm Dahl, Don Nystrom, and Co ch Mark Salzman. .
1130 Broadway