-~ To t:he Point: • ,,"shman initiation will reach its conclusion tomor .v aft ernoon, during half-time activiti es at the UPS PL U football game when Norm Dahl will call the 'm en of th e rlass onto th e field and allow them to icia lly re move their beanies and bibs.
* * * Commander Charles Brcndler, USN, will conduc t . 'enited States Navy Band when it appCilrs next u rsdny eveninE(, O ctober 6, in the PLU 11emorial m n- ium. Therc will be two perfomlances; a mat , a t 2:00 p.m., and an evening show at 8:00 p.m. is con cert is beng sponsored by the Parkland Kiwanis.
Building es On As PLU Grows
* * * "South of tht' Border" is thc theme of a chili feed be hdd in Chris Knutzen H a ll this e\'(~ning from 0-12:00 p .m., followin g the Pep Rally. Enterta in nt a nd "live" music arc planned and the: cost is fifty ts pe r person, sta g or dra g. This event is being nned by Pi Kappa Dt'lta.
* '" * Spanaway Park will be the site of an AU-School pictomorrow afternoon, from 1 :30A:30 p.m. This ac ty is to honor th e members of the Freshman Class, I is being sponsored by the Sophomore Class, with d, games and entertainment being provided for all.
* * .. Casts ha\'c becn chosen and crews are already at ck on this year's first two dramatic presentations at U.RonIanoff and Juliet, put on by Alpha Psi Omega ! directcd by Zane Wilson, wll be the Homecoming y and is scheduled for pcrfonnances on Thursday, 'ober 13, and Saturday, October 15. Rumpelstiltskin, Children's Theatre presentation, under the direction Eric Nordholm, will have a six-day run with per ' lances on two consecutive weekends, October 20, 21 1 22 ; and October 27 , 28 and 29.
'* .. * l. t. Anne Hess, US Army, and Lt. Sally H. O'Con , US Na\'y, will be in the CUB on Friday aftcrnoon, .ober 7, f~om 1:00-4.00 p.m. to pl'Ovide information Nomen students about commissions in the Army and -y.
* • * Volleyball and other sports are in store for all those nding Co-Recreation tonight in th,. Memorial Gym ·..lIn f rom 7: :3 0-9:30 p .m. Everyone is im,i ted to con le III and join in the activity.
• * * ~Iomecoming Queen and Handsome Harry candi :s ha\'c been nominated by some of the dormitories organizations on campus. At press time the follow had bct"ll chosell: North Hall, Darlene Storkson and 1 Erlander; Ivy, Karen Hcgstad; West Hall, Nadinc ins and Blayne Perleth; Sout.h Hall, Susie Olson and I Johnstone ; Evergreen, Sonja Jacobson; and Letter " Doris Johnson and Roger Reep. Other candidates be announced at a later date.
* • '* \ WS is sponsoring a Culture Series which is being I ill North, South, Ivy, and West Halls. Thcse pro :IlS will consist of talks by such people a:; Mrs. Mol' , on hygiene, and Mr. Bernard of Rhodes, on the , and styling of hair.
* '* * 'auI Fendlt'r, a se nior music student at PLU, was led by the Scholarship Committec of the Association >utheran Choi,' Directors and Organists, as the win of the Association's first scholarship award, for the )01 year 1960-61. Paula is organist for the PLU :lent Congregation.
* * * ; ct your car washed bdore the game tomorrow from ) a .m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Clover Creek Car Wash. rg" will be one dollar per ca l'.
* .. .. ' tart ask ing the boys soon, girls, as the AWS is al ly planning the fint tolo of the year to bc held on lay, Oc tober 21.
· It
~an ti Sibban, from Indonesia, has been named by
AWS C. oun eil as the reci pi ent of the AWS Seholar wh ich \\ as ori g inally awarded to Aida Floten,
'Knigh tbca t" is coming! Keep November 4 open. 'c illfonna tion later. ,inda Knutzen , Barba ra Prid,aux, Bob Gross and (' Korris were recently c!ected as the new cheer t'rs for this year.
* .. * , Lost and Found Department will be opened III the ent body office some time in the near future. More ils and office hours will be announced late r.
TESTING OUT THE NEW language lab equipment are Dr. Ollilie lillie, head of the Language Department, and Mr. Charles Haydon, language professor. These facilities are provided for the use of students to aid them in their language courses.
\\It's Knightime H The·me for PLU 1960 Alumni Homecoming Using the theme of "It's Knighttime," plans are well under way for the 1960 PL U Homecoming, which begins on Friday, October 14, and continues through Sunday, October 16. Activities will kick off on Friday when Dr. H. L. Foss, pres ident of the North Pacific District of The American Lutheran Church, will dedicate the new Administration Building and Dr. Clement French, president of Washington State University will ?, ive an address. Coronation of th" Homecoming Quee n and her court by Rev. Lowcll Knutson, President of the Alumni Association, will oc cur in the evening, and will be fol lowed by a P ep Rally,
Organized To Aid the ICC
On Saturday the Powder Puff soc A Social Activities Board has been ccr game will begin the fcstivities, and later in the afternoon there will established this semester by the Stu bc a football game between PLU and dent Council as a standing commit Wcstern. Romanoff and Juliet, the tee of the Inter-Club Council to co Alpha Psi Omega play, will climax ordinate and provide for social activ the day. itC's on campus.
Dr. William Ylvisaker, president
SAB was formed because of the of Luther College, will bring the enlarged membership and irregular m essage at the Sunday morning wor attendance of the Inter-Club Coun ship service, and a new evcnt, the cil last year. Last scmcster's offiecrs Ffstival Program, will be inaugurat recommended the .:hange to facili ed that afternoon as the final event tate the working of the ICC. of thc Homecoming Weckend. For This board will mect twice month this program the fea tured speaker is ly to plan an extra-curricular pro Frederick A. Schiotz, president of gram and make recommendations to the TALC. the Student CounciL Its mcmbcrs in Decorations are being planncd in cludc the officers and advisor of the the student residence halls, and the ICC, plus three members-at-Iarge. qucen candidates nominated. Joan These people are Roger Lundblad, Kesselring and Matt Ernst are co chairman; Lowell Stordahl, vic e chairmen of Homecoming Weekend. president; Karen Toffle, sccretary; Dave Berg, trcasurer; Mary Rogers, Tuesday Deadline corresponding secretary; and Margy ='ieubacher, Charlie Mays, Frankie For Moo~ing Mast Leihman. Advisor to the Board is Tuesday night is always dead Miss M a rgaret Wickstrom. Mis s Ene time for the following Fri- . Rogers will also serve as th e rcpre day's Mooring Mast. If you have sentative of ICC to the Student news, announcements, a letter to CounciL the editor, or any contribution for The Inter-Club Council, consist t.he newspaper, submit it to the ing of the vice-presid ents of each Mooring Mast by, or on Tuesday club on campus, will continue to n ight for t h e next issue. mee t twice a semes ter and sC'Cve as Articles may bc given to staff an evaluation committee of the SAB membcf1i, turned in at the office and a means of communication be (in the CU B behind the book twe"n clubs. This group should also store ), or mailed to the Mooring provide a greater number of ideas Mast through the campus mail from a widcr cross-section of stu slot in the CUB. dents. If you have had journalistic ex Studcnts are reminded that any periencc and wish to help on the questions or suggestions regarding staff, contact the editor, David social activities on campus should Crowner, OM 122, ext. 185. be brought to the ICC or SAB.
A distin ct touch of newn ess pervades the ca mpus. E\·idcnce may be found everywherc, from the a dmin i stl a tion building to a new stamp machine in the ma il ing room. The newness begins with a name - as Pacific Lu theran University replaces Pacific Lutheran College. During Homecoming in October PLU will officially as sume that name, as well as dedicate the most notable new physical addition to the campus, the T a coma Pierce Admnistration Building. Thc most complicated and extensive new set- up to be found on campus is our closed circuit television. At the present time, four men are working full time to com plete the hookup. About 20 people are directly concerned with the sys tem, including sound crew, art people, engineers, the chief engineer, and the p roducer-director. Two rooms on the second floor of the Administrat ion Building a rc occupied by tht': Monitor Electronic T each ing Laboratories, the newest addition to the lang-uagt: departmen t. About 216 students will make use of this equipment ea ch day. Work here will bc in addition to classroom tea ching of the languages, in the form of a required study period. Beginning language students will hnve three 25-mnute periods a week, while second and third year students will have two periods a week. A small, sound-proof recordin~ room, cquipped with a professional microphone and a professional recording machine made in Holland, also contains files for tapes. There are tapes for complete beginners' texts in Ger man, French, Spanish and Russian, as well as tapes for advanced language study. The language faculty make some tapes themselves-at present, Gunnar ~Ialmin is making Norwegian tapes. The main room contains a master console anc! 12 booths, each equipped with a monitor dual channel tape rccorder and microphone. Eventually the room will hold 24 booths; there are controls now for 24, w ith all conncctions made in the walls of this specially de signed room . This enables the student to listen to the masters, record their own voice on the samc tape, compare th(~ two, and erase their voice from the tape of the musters. A person sitting a t the master console has direct con tlol to the booths, w that he may monitor the student dnd speak directly to him. Additional new items inc Iud e 10 machines for business administration majors, and audio-visual equip ment. Towering into the sky near the library stands a new flagpole. The university library has over 2,000 new items, in the foml of books, and will add another 2,000 book.~ during the year. This is twice as many books as are ordinarily obtained cach year. With the bookstore suffering growing pains, during the summer thc walls separating a storage room and the previous faculty lounge wcrc torn down to extend the bookstore. Although this addition still lacks its book islands and shelving, it will allow morc room for both books and customers.
"Solid Gold Cadillac" Friday's Campus Movie "The Solid Gold Cadillac," starring Judy Holliday and Paul Douglas, will be the feature showing at the campus movie this Friday e" ening, September 30, run ning continuously from 7: 15 until 11 :50 p.m. There will be no movie Saturday because of the scheduled football game. The price of the featurc is 25 cents. This film is one in the new series of campus movies whi ch will be shown in the Jacob Samuelson Hall every Friday evening from 7:15 until 12:00 p.m., and Satur days from 3: 30 until 12:00 p.m. Supplcmcntng the fea ture will be cartoons and short subj ec ts rc'Sulting in a continuous showing. The features have been planned so th at they will not interfe re with home games or Artis t eries; h ",e\'er, there will be one sh owing of a fea ture a fte r the basket ba ll games. The m ovi!:"s will a lways be o\er by 1 L:50 p.m. in ordcr for the g irls to be in thl dorms by 12;00 p.m.. Posters will be p la ced in each of the d onus, in the CUB, and on the KiosL each w(L·k to infonn the student body of th e coming featu res and th e corresponding time schedules. Last year a poll was taken of 235 studen ts to fi d out how the movie pro gram on the campus could be improved. As a result, this year th e Social A cti,,;tic.~ Board, under the supe rvision of R oger Lundblad, tu dent Body vice-prcsident, have developed a more exten sive program. The Student Council does not gain from these movi es and any profit 3"oes to provide better films on the campus.
Page Two
Friday, Sept. 30, 1960
Nixon-Kennedy Debate
Continues October 7t h
Spiritual Symbolism Shown In New University Seal
Last Tuesday evening, September 29, marked the first in a se.ries of four televised debates between the two presidential can dIdates, Senator John F. Kennedy and his Republican rival, Vice-president Richard M. Nixon. This program originated in Chica~o with the second meeting on October 7 probably taking place ill Cleveland . On October 13 Nixon will be in Los Angeles
Designed by Sacred Design Associates, Minneapolis, Minne sota. the University Seal was adopted in September, 1960. The elliptical shape symbolizes the close relationship be tween the University and the Church. In ancient times , the ellipse w<:s a Christian sign used to indicate the relationship between God and man. The name of the University and the date of its ._- -
- -
TL , Concordia,
foundin g a re placed along the bor d er. "Chi Rho," an old sign used in desi 'l"na ting J esus as the Christ, is pla ce d in the ce ntcr and is pla nted
Others Enlargi g
K ot onl y is PLU m aking stridt:s in acquirin g buildin gs a nd equip ment, but oth el' institutions support ed by th e Luthe ra n Church arc " ct tn g n e w additi ons a nd improve men ts. St. Olaf College , K orthfieId, Min nesota, has allnoun cc d t hat FloI' Peeters, celebrated organ virtuoso, teacher and composer, will com c from Belgium to d edi cate a new or gan. His p erforman ce will climax a weekend of hom ecomin g festivities featuring the d edi cation of the new St. Olaf C enter a nd a new Admini stration Buildin g as well as the $75, 000 pipe organ. At Concordia College , Moorhead, Minnesota, a fi eld house roof was in stalled, gravel parking lots put in, an addition added to on c of ,the living areas, and the entire campus under went a reva mpin g process. Many improvem ents were also ac complished at Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa, with the cOlllpletion of a chapel-auditorium, remodeling of the Little Theater and enlarge ment of the Schield Sta dium, bring ing its cap ac ity to 1,600 as opposed to the previous 1,000. Construction is beginning at T ex as Luthnan College, Sequin, Texas, on a Fine Arts Building to house the liberal arts, graphic a rts, music stu dios and the Wuppermann Little Theat('r. Plans a lso include listenin g rooms and classrooms, and the build ing should be ready for ocwpancy by Sept{'mber of 1961.
Senator John Kennedy
Foreign Pupils A ttending PLU
~ ~l~_ ~
... ''''-=
~~~$ ...
and Kennedy in K ew York, but they
the book, which represents both th e Bible a nd the chief tool of the student. Th e lamp of learning, il luminatin g the boo k, symbolizes m a n 's sea rch for free knowledge and wisdom. The evergreen tree symbol izes th e location of the University as well as the abundance of natural sur roundings and man's dependence on nature.
Registration Shows All-Time High With students again converging on PLu 's campus the 1960-61 statistics arc beginning to add up . Fn:shmen a s alwa ys arc leading th e list with 533 , sophomores number 411, jun iors 3 16 and seniors 283. In addi ti on there al' 126 graduate students, and 9 special students. This gives a total of 1678 in the r egular program plus the evening and extension divisions that h avt' not yft completed registration. The addition of these part tim e areas should give us a good in c rease ove r last yeal·.
This year there arc twenty-four foreig n students studyin g at Pa cifi c Luth era n . They represent such c oun tri es a s Thailand, India, Indon esia , the West Indies, and Norway, just to m ent ion a few. As PLU ha s been h aving a fair amount of students (48,486 ) from different parts of the world enrolled during the past few years, this is no exception to the rul e . All over our country this influx of forei gn students seems to bc be comin g a trend as more of th em studied in the United States during 1959-60 than ever before, represe nt in g the largest foreign student popu la tion in the world. The Institute of International Ed u cation has stated that this exchange of ideas and educational opportuni ties is indeed a two-way process, as more young Americans than ever arc discovering the rewards of a foreign academic experience . The Far East h as th e greatest rep resentation ( 17,175 ) of students in the United States, with Latin Amer ica having 9,428, the N ear a nd Mid dle East not far behind wth 7,110, all sending m 0 r C pupils h ere for study than did Europe (6,362 ).
Students Desiring PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT con tact Bud Harlow, Mgr.,
Gene's Car Wash 3210 So uth Ta coma Way
Gustavus Adolphus Coilegc, St. Peter, Minnesota , is continuing con struction on a new chapel building which featu res a modern design.
12171 Pacific A venue
Drill Team Chosen For Homecoming
"It's Knighttime," the theme chos en for th e Homecoming weekend activities, will be ca rried out by the group in both costum e and several formations . Spectators fro m th e grandstands will see th e marchin g unit display a shield, a novelty mov in g bow a nd a rrow, and some letter formations will conclude the pro gram. "The routin es are going very well, so we are r eally hoping for good weather," exclaimed Pat 11ullcn. The band will march on the field with the Drill T eam a nd will p er foml several m a n euvers, a s well as play for their first appearance of the y ea r at a home game . An added attrac tion to the half time enterta inment will be a fl a g twirlin g exhibition. Gail Carr, D "n isc Johnson, Dol' is Johnson, and Brenda Pri es t will strut a single fl ag routine, but plan to usc double fl ags later in the season.
This series is exp ec ted to attract millions of Ame ri can vi ewers and listeners. In fact, aecording to the Tacoma N ews Tribune, Kennedy and Nixon will address a larger aud ience than any two ca ndidates have eve 1- fa ced before jointly. Each candidate will be g iven eight minutes at th e beginning to state their positions, and thc n a panel of four television a nd radio newsmen will get a sign fro m Howard K . Smith of CBS, the mod erator, to be gin firing questions a t the two rivals. Kennedy and Nixon will be allowed three minut['s to reply to cach ques tion, if desired each will also be al lowed one and a half minutes for re buttal. The broadcast will end after the opponents are allowed three min utes each for summation.
'Tea for Two' Sel for Tuesday "Tea. fo r Two" will be the theme of the Bi,a-Little Sister Tca, sched uled for 3:30 Tu esday afternoon, October 4 . Th c bi g sisters will escort th eir little sisters to North, South, W es t and Ivy H alls for this event. The T ea will adjourn to the C M S at 4:30 for a program featuring Miss Shirley MacIsa a c as the speaker. Following the program, the big sis ters may take the ir little sisters to dinner in the cafeteria. Big sistcrs are urged to contact ther little sisters to make arrange m ents fO!- th e tea soon. Georgiann R embold a nd Margery Krueger are co-chairmen for the Big-Little Sister progra m for A WS.
Your City
Ahse tee Ballots Pass Pa Ie Bill It is now official that the citize ns of Tacoma have approved a 51,390, 000 Metropolitan Park millage re quest, as the proposition was recent ly passed by a slim margin of 23 votes. There had been some doubt as to the fate of this bill as it needed 700 additional favorable votes to become valid and these were just gotten a few days ago, when the a bsentee ballots wcre opened and counted by the Election Boar d. This proposition will permit various im provements in the park facilities. Another issue presently being con sidered by the T acoma C ity COUII- i cil is one providing financing for a two million dollar parking garage project. The vote on this has been deferred twice now, and pressure has been appl ied to the Council in an effort to force the city fathers to bring it to a vote of the people. The Board of Directors of the South T acoma Business Club is com ing out in oPPO$ition to t his issue, taking the stand that it wou ld put the Government in com petition with il r ; Y :l ~ c b::~:;1:::;:;, and e:..p.cssing doubt as to the ability of the City to financially com mit fu nds for th is particular use.
Philokaleans Gather In CUB on Thursday First fall m~('ting of the Philoka l ("a ns will be held on Thursday, Oc tober 6, during fifth p eriod in th e small dining room of th e CUB. A cordi a l invitation is extend ed t o a ll stude nts who are attendin g college a fter a Ia p,e of three years or more.
Fifty-seve n PLU freshman and sophomore gi rls have been organi zed under the direction of junior Pat Mullen, as a Drill T eam to perfonn at the annu a l Hom ecoming game, October 15.
will appear togethel' on a split screen. The fin a l mee ting will be in N ew York on O ctober 21, with for eign affairs as the subj ec t.
We're Only 113th in Size':: But
Our Selector Policy
Is Rated N o.1
Dean Philip E. Ha ug e Mi ss Quast reports around 1077 steady boarding' students with an ex tra 75 plates for the faculty and school employees each lunch, and 35 durng dinner. This adds approxi mately 100 to our last yea r's total. Am ong our 1678 students th e ra tio of girls to boys is close enou gh to ba la nce equally. We also draw students from many states besides Wa shin g ton and California, and have 24 foreign students from such areas as Pe ru, Korea, Hong Kon g , Tanganyika, India and Norway.
According to a recent independent com parative study of life insurance policies Lutheran Mutual's Selector Policy tops the $10,000 ordinary life class in aver age payment and average cost.
Check with the
on the
College Assured
Stop in and find out more about this finan cial assistance program specially designed to help students complete their college education.
SPECIA LIZING IN FLAT TOPS 112th & Park Ave., at I.G.A.
LAU INAT'S apparel We Outfit Coeds 406 Garfield
Top-flight competitive policies like the Selector are one of the reasons our representatives enjoy working for Lutheran Mutual. One of the very lowest lapse ratios in the entire in dustry attests to the fact that our select clientele are sold on Lutheran Mutual too! Now more than -557.5,000,000 Insurance In Force and headed for anoth er record-breaking year!
• Insurance in Force January 1, 1960
Thoughts on Sunday Evening
Sitting at your typewriter on a Sunday evening a year or perhaps four from now, you may a ddress a let ter to the President of Pacifi c Luthe ra n University. It mi ght be a reflec tion upon the va lu e of the education \\hich was offered you or an expression of your conce rn that your brothers and sisters, your children and g rand children, will be offered equal or even highc l' educa tion. Today it may be far from our thoughts as realiza tion of our opportunities comes often when the oppor tunities are past. Whether or not you make the most of your four University Years, and whe ther or not you actually write a lette r , th e thou ghJs will somc day be there. "Sunday Evening" "Dcar Dr. East\'old: "It is going to seem so strange not to return to PLU his yea r after spending four great years there. I am goin ' to miss it much, and it will always be in my thoughts and prayers. I have so many wonderful mem ories that I will always cherish . . . "One thing that I hope Student Council takes a stand on always, Dr. Eastvold, is the ir concern for the academic life of the student body. This I think is the most important thing that th ey can do . . . W e arc plagued with so many extra-curricular activities that this often becomes a crutch or an excuse for the lack of study or a good grade on a test ... I am convinced that a student must take part in extra-curricular activ ity, but if he doesn't come away from school with a searching spirit, he is a d ead student. "I have read several articles in newspapers and mag a.zines by outstanding critics on Ameri can education, and these facts are quite disturbing. There needs to be more of an emphasis on the importance of scholarship . It is sad to note that th e popular student is the one who is in everything, but exc~ ls in nothing. He is the all around "college Joe" so to speak. The one who is a scholar and a conscientious student is not looked up to. What is education for? It certainly is costly if it is just four years of fellowship. We need more of an em phasis on scholarship. Students need to bccome aware immediately 011 entering college wha t it is to be a stu de nt and why th ey are at college . . . Our standards need to be constantly raised-so the student has to really buckle down and study in order to rem a in in college. DI'. Eastvold, I have been thrilled with the trcmen JUS strides that Pacifi c Lutheran has ma de in the last fOUl' years. I am always glad when I h ea r that sta ndards are goin g up 01' wh en improvements are being made. Persona lly, I look to Pacifi c Lutheran to become the fin es t college in the N orthwest, a nd one of the fin est schools in the country. Therc is no reason why it can' t bl'. We have the most important kind of an edu cation tha t a person can receive, for we cla im to have th e only rea lity-Christ Himself .. . " Dr. East\'old, I say these things beca use I am so vit el lly interested in the affairs of Pac ifi c Lutheran, a nd am ' 0 concerned that it turns out th e. fines t mcn and women in all fields. W e must strive for th c fin est in everything. No room for m ediocrity! I will always re main an interested and conce rned alum and will do all I can fur the suppo rt of the college. "Sincerely yours in Him, "( signed) Bob Larson, "(ASPLC President, 1959-1960)"
Friday, Sept. 30, 1960
earch of Life
There is an old story whi ch tells of two students who on d a y in th e library leafed through the leather bound pages of a musty book . Th e collegians read o f a curious pla ce where their vast university campus met t~" e n·~ t of t.h e world. The pages told how, passing ll1 rough the l\'Yl'd gate wh ich ma rk ed this bounda ry on e would find his future, his place in life. ' For months th e two anxiously searched every byway and road th ey could find, wand erin g here and wan dering there. Finally th ey came to the dosed iron gat e an d exritedly nIsh ed to ma ke th eir way through. Like little children who run pdl-mell d own to the livin g-room on Christmas morning, cover their fa ces as th~y approach the surprise and then pop their eyes open to the vision, so the students expectantly shut off their view, slowly pushed the gate back and opened their eyes to see what lay before them . In front of them stood their familiar pastel-colored ~orm room, behind, their half-ope ned door, and th ey Just caught the fading tones of the chapel bell whi ch had announced next period. Today is as much your life as a day fift een years from now. God, the only sovereign, the president of presidents, cares about life today as well as on a day fifteen years from now. Live life responsibly, d eveloping the care for life which Christ has in caring for you ; the ca re whi ch gives directon to your life ea ch day--on the intra-mural field , in th e classroom, on the staff of the newspaper, or anywhere. David Crowner, editor
Page Three
The Difference Between
Democratsand Republic ns
by Dick Halvorson At this university some of us a lready h".ve m et thc adult requirement for votin g; the rema ind er will soon be able to exercise this persona l free dom. It thus be comes impcra tive for us, as intelli ge nt university stu d ents, to become ac qu a inted with th e basic issu es of the up comin g P resdenti a l elec tion.
Early on the list of activities planned for the University Year was th e opening of the new a d ministration building. On hand for the ribbon culling ceremony were Dr. and Mrs . Ea stvold .
Gradual Growth, National Need Bring University Change to PLU by Alice Wenness . ~ s of Septt"mber. 1, ~ 960, Pacific Lutheran College officially became PaCifIC . Lu~h c ~a n U mverslty for th e second time in history. The founders of 0 ur U· · ' ty . our I 90InstItutIOn started with this name when the v; opened . mverSI In 8 , some 70 years ago. Kow, as we begin this " Univcrsity Year" it would be well to examine the structure of our university in comparison ~ith our former c ollege. To ~?s t of us who havc been acquainted with Pacific Lutheran Col le ~c , Pa CIfI C Luthcran University d~ ~s not scem to be very differcnt, except ~cI~aps, for our ne~ ca mpus addItIOns. Pacific Lutheran University has l ~ taIn e d the sa~e fnendly and helpful atmosphere that Pacific Lutheran Colle~e had enjoyed evcn though our student body has reached record b r akIng numbers. H owever, .~a e ific Lutheran College had to go through many changes to. 'bl bec ome PaC IfIC Lutheran University. Thes e changcs may not h ave b een V 1S1 e to all but then they did not happen over-night or just durinn- the summer. They have gradually appeared throughout the years as we "'have expanded our one department into many, until we have finally become a university in nam e once again. W e arc a sllla ll university in contra st with the la rger universities a cross the nation. . . . . . Our . President . ,Dr . Seth C . Eastvold " says "The sma II unlversity I S an mstltutIon, whIch by size, stnIcture, and diversity of function stands between the large university and the small college . . . We will attempt to hold the administrat.ive structure somewhere between the single purpose college and the multI-purpose university." What are some of the qualifications of a university? A university is a school of knowledge of every kind, consisting of teach er~ and learners from every quarter. Our students have come from all over the world and most of our professors are world travelers. Our university offes knowledge of every kind and emphasizes the most important knowledge of all- kn owledge of Christ as Lord. . A unive~s~ty preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of hfe, by umtIDg the young and the old in the imaginative consideration of learning.. Aga in, our university qualifies and again, we can answer that we a re lea rnm g for more satisfactorily bccause of our belief in God. The university makes a much clearer and more logical intensification ~f liberal arts. Even thou gh students come for a variety of purposes a broad lIberal base will profit a nyone. ' P a ~i:i ~ Luth eran U nive rsity will, as a "small university," try to meet the deflmtlOn Dr. Eastvold gave in his speech at the closing session of the Faculty Retreat this summc r: "the small university should include such edu cational offerings as: a liberal arts college, a school of professional studies, a sc~ ool of community edu cation, a school of business training, a school of mUSIC, a school of fin e arts, a school of teacher training, a school of nursing, and the hke; adcquate fa culty and facilities for work undertaken' enrollment in day classcs from 1,2 00 to 3,000 ; a nd an endowment of at least' $5,000,000, or comparable support from the Church and community."
Editor..................... ............ .... .. ......... ...... ...................................... David Crowner News Editor....................... .... ......................................................... Ann Haggart R eporters: Margy Eashy, Donna V a nGilder Lavonne Erdahl Deanna , Hanson, E lea nor Bousfield, Judy Kra gh, Ca;ol French. ' F f' aturc E ditol'. .. ;......... ............ ....................... ... ............................. Ruth Walker R eporters: AlIce W en ness, Judy Munger, Dick Halvorson, Ann Schnack enberg, D ea nna Hanson. Sports Editor......... .......... ............. .; ............................. ................. Kent Tekroney R eporters: Bob R;ydland, CreIghton Germeroth, R andy Stime, Bob Mat son, MIke McIntll'(·. Intramura ls.... .... ... ..................................................................... Gordy Gradwohl Ph ~ t og ra ph{; r s ....... .. ......................................... Frank ='letter, McKewen Studio
It is thc purpose of this writer to give an interpreta tion of political events a nd issu es to the students of Pac ifi c Luth eran Unive rsity without ta king a pa rtisan stand. The major i5sues of the coming election arc: ( 1) medi cal aid as a ge neral con cept, ( 2- federa l a id to education, ( 3) the nationa l bud ge t and the problem of inflation, (4 ) labor le gislation, ( 5 ) which cand id a te can "dcal with the international situation the best," a nd ( 6 ) the relig ious issue. These issucs will be d scussed sepa rately in the fol lowing copies of this paper, but in this edition the ma jor differences between the R cpublicans and th e Democrats will be discussed . It reality th ere are ve ry few differences between the two major political parties, e\'C n thou gh politi cians often try to impress the public that the opposite is tnIe. To stress this point we only need to look a t the voting rec ords of each pa rty in Congress; we find tha t stric t pa rty lines arc often hard to d etermine. If we were to examine the 1960 platforms of both p;;rties we would find that they covered nearly all the same areas ; both parties a re in favor of medi cal aid to the aged ; both agree tha t all races should ha, c equ al standing before the law; both propose corrections for certain institutions in America; and both believe in a mixed economy (i.e. that laissez fair e and government arc both need ed for th e economic well-being of the nation) . The differences between the D em ocrats and the Re publicans, then, are not inherent in the issues them selves but in the way in which thc issues are treated . The Democrats take the attitude "action now before it's too late." This, they argue, will p reserve the futur e generation's freedoms, opportuniti es, the natural re wurces, etc. They argu e tha t a ction shoul d be taken by the federal government to distribute the benefits that arise out of democracy equally to all. The Republicans take thc attitude "wa it and sec." They argue that it is bt' tte r to preserve the initiative of the individual by letting eithe r business competition someway settle any problems or, if the government is to step in at all, it should be done on the sta te level, usin g thc federal government only as a last resort. In theory the R epublican party is built from the local units to the fcdem!. The idea is that the base of the party, the party membership, should rea lly be the governo:s of the party action. The probkm here, of course, IS that not many people join political parties or seek to directly influ ence party policy. It is estimated that only one-half of a percent of non politicians in America are interested enough in the elections to par ticipate in active layman politics. The Democratic party, on the othe r hand, is built from the nationa l level down to the local units. Th e theory is that the leaders of a party should be ca pable enough to interpret the needs of the peoplc; after the leader's interpretation the r est of the party is sought out for su gges tions a nd approval of a proposed a ction. Tht' problem herc is that not all lead ers of a pa rty can really intcrpret th e basi c needs of the people or even the reactions of the peoplc to the pl'oposals that mi ght be offe red them. To say that the Republicans are "opposed to a ction" or to say that the D emocrats are "socia list" arc just partisan interpr:;tations of th e basic id eas and t enden cies of "the other party." This name calling, of course, docs not re ally defin e the issues at stake, but it does help to identify an attitud e towards a certa in politica l party-and it docs help provide a vocabulary for "name-calling" and "politics on a low level." This brings to mind one of the basic problems of political elections. D emoc.rats try to ge t th e tags of "the party of the common man" and " thc pa rty of the liberal man." R epublicans seck glory in the ta gs of "the pa rty of peace" and "the party of patriotism." S~metime~ it seems as if the R epublicans were really nInnmg a g-a mst Krushch cv and not against the D emo crats. On thc othcr hand , the D emoc ra ts often make blatant promises which they could not possibly ca rry out. What th e public must remembe r, during these inter changes of politicia ns, is that th is name-callin g and these fals e pretenses are not the basic issu es. The issu es which every person should look for are those whi ch were stated at the beginning of this article.
~~;::~~~'2'~~i ~~--~:7~1~l~!
Th e Moonn g ~.ast is published. wee~ly during. the school year by the stu~ d ents of PaCIfI C Luthe ran Urll\'e rslty. Subscnption price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
Page Four
Friday, Sept. 30, 1960
European Travels, S udy nlight:e ning sang som e to let th em hea r typical Ameri ca n Songs." A t th e close of th e fou r-wee k stu d y tours, the 60 Am e rica ns jo ined 1400 Eu ropea ns a nd 400 youth from oth er na tions a t La usan ne, Sw itze r la nd , to a ttend th e Protesta nt E c u m enica l Youth Assemb ly. " J es us Ch r is t, T he L ight of T he
Worl d" wa s th e th em e for th e !l day confere nce- the firs t of its kind in E urope . Th e stud y a nd discus sioll was based on three general top ic.s: th e European church tod ay; the tas k of European church in a ch a n g in g world ; a nd r enewa l, mission and uni ty of loca l church . In three days , le ctures introdu ced thes e topics be fore th e h u ge ga the r ing divd ed into dis cuss ion grou ps of about 25 each .
Beaming with memor ies of the ir summer trave ls, three PLU students gather to discuss their European tour . From left to right, th ey are De anna Dirks, displaying a souvenir; Dave Crowner, holding a pa ir of wooden shoes, and Judy Munger.
by Deanna Hanson An enco unte r with n ume rous na tiona li ti es, religions a nd viewpoints . . . a vision of faces, plac.cs, and names on a ma p . . . fill ed thc sum m er of Eu rope-bound you th from aroun d t he wo rld , from the U n ited Sta tes, from PLU . D eanna D irks, Judy Munge r a nd D ave C rowner were a m on g 60 North Ame ri ca n Youth wh o we nt to Eur op e th is summe r through th e Lu thera n W orld Fed erati on Youth Ex c han ge p rogmm . T h ese 60 people, divided into five groups of 12 eaeh, spent four wee ks in a stud y tour p ro gram before a ttend ing the Protes ta nt Emumeni c.a l Youth Asse m bly held a t La u sa nn e, Switzerl a nd . They were a ble to live in E u ropean hom es, m eet with the youth of other coun tri es, p.uti eipa te in programs a nd disc uss ions, attend lec.tures, a s w ell as vi ew varou s pa rts of Europe . D eanna, a soph omore transfe r stu d en t from G ustavus Ad olph us, spe nt tw o w eeks in Sw ed en and two in H ano\T r, Ge rmany. J ud y, a junior litt' ratu re major, sp ent two w eeks in D en mark and two in W est Berl in, w h ile D a ve, a senior litera tu re ma jor, spen t one w eek in H olla nd, one in F ra n ce and two in Ge rma n y. As D avc expressed it, th e h igh light of th e trip a nd the way the y d a te p laces is by th e people and not o ll1u eh by the p laces th ey saw . Free Ti me Well-used While in Swed en , D ean na a nd h er 0TOUP a tt end ed a Bible Camp a lo ng :ith 60 youth f rom th e Stockh olm a n' . . Th eir a ccom modat ions were simple- th ey slept on straw ma tt res s · on th e fl oo r. In an excerpt fro m h cr notcs on her Sweden visi t, sh e ays, " R ath e r d iff e rent t h a n tha t found in m os t of our Am eri ca n camps wa s th e da il y sch cdule the re. T h e day was fill ed w ith m o re f ree tilll e t ba n we a re used to, but sur prisin gly en ough they didn' t w aste it. It w a s used for ind ividua l reading a n d stud y ing a nd to engage in some very inte res ting di scussi ons on the probl ems of the C hu rch of Swed en . Of parti cul a r interest t o m e w as thei r com missions group progra m . Th e youth coll ec ti vely pla nn ed an id ea l pa r ish by each group concen t ra ting on a cer tain area., such as stewardship, the Sac ra m ents, theol ogy. " As id e from th e ch u rch -cen tered imp ressions we gathered a t the camp w ere some ideas of wh a t the Swedish you th conceived of life in America. O ne gi rl told us that when she
th ought of Am erica sh e imm edia tely th ou ght of every fa mily possess in g two ca rs , a color television se t, a nd a ma id! To he r, America was the lan d of eas y, pl easa nt livin g." Durin g their stay in West Be rlin, Jud y's group spent some time with seven East G e rma n youths. While he re, th ey h ad the oppo rtunity to liste n to lecturers wh o were b rought in from behind the Iron Cu r ta in a nd ta lk to th e youths them selves. T he ir prima ry con ce rn was to find out wha t their life is rea lly like. Th ey were impressed to find tha t these G erman youths face the C ommun is ti c influence reali sti cally. It is a rea l p a rt of the ir life, n othi ng spectac u lar. Although th ere is an economic problem, t he b i g p robkm facing them is C ommunisti c oppression of th e m ind . It s espec ia lly difficult for th ose in Th e Church. Communism versus Church Commu nis ts a re so a ware of prop a ganda va lu e - a most d angerous we.apon . I nvolvement in the church is ma de d ifficult withou t ac tually su pp ressi n g it, for it d oes sen 'e Com mun istic pu r poses to som e ex te n t. T his is why th eo logy d ivisio ns of u n ivcrsi ties a re ma intai ned. H ow cver, in E ast G erman y a ll rf:'li gious ac tiviti es m ust be confi ned to the church building . One of these seve n youths, a girl, w as stud ying th eology, aft er wh ich sh e pla nned to work in a fac tory. H e re sh e w ould do h er witn essi n g, believi ng t ha t here she would be a bk to reach m ore p eople tha n t hroug h th e chu rch p rope r. A noth er gi rl , a p arish w orker, was serving 18 con g rega ti olls. H er 1lI0de o f transporta t ion was a bik e. Wh ile in G erma ny, D ave record ed thi s impression of one youth g roup : " One n ight in S tuttga rt we a ttended a mee t ing of boys ( " Luth e r Leagu e" ). H ow th e boys sa ng ! I un dersta nd tha t is perhap s the main th ing they d o-sor t of a sport in g gro up. Four g uitars a nd 40 boys. We
" A New Image of Europe" D r. W. A. Viss -r't H ooft, gen era l ' sec reta ry of the W o rld Cou nci l of C hurches, urged th e group to "make T he C hurch releva nt to th e w orl d of today" and urge d th e Europea ns to "crea te a n ew ima ge of Europ e and to discover h ow it m ay pe rform its worl d task in a diffe rent way." I n another exce rpt from D eanna' s n otes sh e says " W e h ea rd messages f r o ~ Christia ns throu gh.out th e wo rld imploring the peop le of the church to seek unit y a nd under sta nding, a nd to go boldl y about th e task of bring ing the m essage of the church to a contpmporary wo rld struggling with contempo ra ry prob lems. Christians, a Greek O rth odox th eolog ian said, h ave become not be tter tha n "anxi ous spec ta tors of history."
FICTION 1. Advise and Consent, Drury 2. Hawaii, Mi chene r 3. The L eopard, Di L ampcdu sa 4. The Chapman Report, W :dl aee 5. The Lovely Ambition, C hase 6, Before You Go, Weidma n 7. The Vi ew from th e Fortieth Floor, W hite 8. Water of Life, R obi nson 9. Diamond H ead , Gilma n 10. To Kill a Mocking Bird, L ee
NON-FICTION 1. Born Free, Adamson 2. How I Made $2,000,000 in the S to ck Market, D an'is 3. The Conscience of a Conservative, Go ldwa ter 4. Enjoy! Enjoy!, G olden 5..May This House Be Safe frolll Tigers, Kin g 6. F elix Frankfurter Reminisces, Fra nkfurter with Ph illips 7. Folk Med icine, J a n'is 8. I Kid You Not, P aa r 9. The Good Years, L ord 10. T he Li beral Hou r, G a lbra ith
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Translators Kept Busy During the ge nera l sessions, S IX offi cial translators kept up a stead y fl ow of words in Fren ch, G eml an , En glish, Swedish, Ita lia n a'nd Spa n ish. Earphones and a d evice w orn a round the neck enabled delegates to tun e in to the topi c of di sc uss ion in a ny langua ge they wi sh ed. In th e sm a ll discussion groups, th e la n guage differen ces slow ed d own di s cuss ions at fir st- but we re a ide d b y th e studen ts wh o spoke more than one la ngua ge, as w ell as the officia l t ransla tors . As a ru le, the re w ere p erha ps two or t hr ee d iffe rent la n guages represen ted w ithin a ny of these dis cussion groups. Th e conferen ce mea nt m a ny gai ns a new respect for th e Lu th eran Church, a hu m blenes; before th e disunity of Th e C hurch, a n a p precia tion of different ou tlooks based on culture and t radition , con ce rn with a problem th a t is ours--a nd th a t should be passed down to th e youth of th e w o rld. to D ave-
T o Judy, the Conferen ce see med to be crea ting a n imp ression of a church unit)' th a t d oesn' t exi st u sing the youth as the a uth ority for steps the lead ers th em selves wa nted to ta.ke . Yet a tremendous cha lle nge lay in the view of E urope th a t w as op ened to Ame ri ca. P erh aps it is thi s ch allenge, a nd th e insi g hts it reveals, tha t g ivcs thi s yo uth ex cha nge its grea t va lue.
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Friday, Sept. 30, 1960
Page Five
Well here we are, back again, rather unexpectedly, and in legiti mate print, too, I believe in the old adage, " If you can't beat 'cm, join 'em ." This year's MM should be a great success under the able hand of editor Dave Crown er, who has ex tensive experience in the field of journalism. Ken t T eKrony takes over the reins of sports editor and with two add ed pagcs the sports cov erage throughout the year shoud be complete and interesting.
DEFENDING CHAMPS return for another season of intramurals. L to R, back: Rog Bakken, Jack Lensing, Ken Ruud, Larry Peterson, Ron Sletta. Front: Gary Kieland, AI Slind, Ron Walsh, Darrel Ashpole, Chris Halvorsen. Kneeling is "Frank" Lehman, team manager.
Evergreen Seeks to Defend Intramural Football Crown Ewrgrecn Court, thc 1959 1M Football Champs, will again be a power this season as they seck their second straight title. Finishing the 1959 season w ith 8 wins, 2 ties, and 2 defeats, they edged a star-studded 3rd Floor tca m for the league championship by half a point. Last season th ey led the league in both offcnse and defense, sporting a 23 point average while holding their opponcnts to only 10 points per game. With all-intramural quarterback, Ted Berry, pacing them, they ranked third in the passing department with 31 TD's via the air, all by Berry. 'With Berry gone this season, Evergreen has found an able replace I1lCnt in Frank Waterworth, a 3rd Floor transfer, and first team all-stars at the halfbaek spot in '59, Frank passed for 18 TD's in '59. Other transfers from 3rd Floor's runncr-up team include Dave Halland, 2nd team end '59 all-stars; Matt Ernst; and Roger Reep, Honorable M en tion end '59, Evergreen also picked up Eric Lindholm; Gary Olsen, 2nd tea m halfback ' 59; and Jon Kvinsland, from 2nd Floor. Returning from last year's team (see pi c above) are Jon Olson, Ron Walsh, Daryl Ashpole, Ken Ruud, Larry Peterson, Frank Lehman, Gary Kicland, and Jack Lensing. • \'('l"g n;e n got off to a gn,at start Tuesday afternoon by downing an undcl'-manncd 4-th Floor tcam 2'1-6. Frank Waterworth passcd all four TD's to Jack Lensing and ~btt Ernst in the first half to go ahead 12-0 at break time. The final blow came with two long tosses to all-star candidate Jack -L ensin g in the final half. Probably the most spectacular play of thc after noon wa s the 38-yard cross-fidd run by Matt Ernst for the second TD, after h(; h ad gathered in a quick jump-pas3 from Waterworth. A "Snard " Hanson to Jerry Papin pass-play tallied 4th's only scorc. Outstanding play in the line came from both sides with Lloyd Saine of 4th Floor sparking the game. Jerry Papin and Eldon Schalk were also standouts
for 4th. For Evergree n and their two-platoon system Waterworth, Halland and Isen sparked the backfield play, while Jon Olson, Eric Lindholm, Ken
Ruud, Matt Ernst and Bill Kuder sparked the line on both defense and offense.
INTRAM URAL FOOTBALL STATS Th" followin g arc thr standings through Wedncsday's games. Thurs d ay's n:sults were too late for press. Third Floor, repeating their performance of last season, have again jumped into first position at the outset of league play this week. ~rd's 80 points in two games gives them a stiff 40-point offensive average and loads
I'll take a few lines and explain our intramural setup to the new stu dents and "beanies." The campus and its surrounding districts are di vided into ten intramural districts. They compete in the team sports of football, basketball, free-throw con test, volleyball, softball, and the 1M track meet. In the sprng various in dividual tournaments are held, golf, tennis, horseshoes, badminton and ping pong, to name a few. Points are given each district on the basis of parti cipation and for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ani 5th place in the sports. In dividuals are also given points on the basis of particpation, points scored, and for officiating. At the end of the year there are ten individual win ners, each receiving a 1M medaL Also the districts compete for the 1M title. Last year Evergreen edged out 3rd Floor for the district cham pionship. This year the Married Men and Tacoma districts have been dropped, Park Avenue has bcen set up as a dividing line between Easte rn and Western. So off-campus students, whether they live in Everett or Cen tralia, will play with either Easte rn or Western, depending on which side of Park Avenue they live .
WESTERN 20, EASTERN O-Eastern's halfback Loren Hildebrand attempts a pass in Monday's game. Leading the Western linemen is Roy Hagerman.
lower Campus Pigskin Action THURSDAY'S ACTION 4th Floor Trounces First In yesterday's (Thursday) action 4th Floor soundly trounced 1st Floor 66-0. Hanson threw for a record 8 TD's, Mattson threw for two and scored I. Fredrickson gathered in 4 TD passes, Meske 3, and Henson and Papin 1 each. Evergreen Downs Basement Evergreen downed the Basement by a 18-0 margin. Waterworth hit Reep in the first half for two TD's. Evergreen again scored in the last play of the game on an Olson to Bakken pass-play. Pacing the Base ment wcre Alden and Peterson. Monday afternoon Western de feated Eastern, 20-0. A Norm Dahl to John Johnson pa ss-play a ccount ed for a first half tally. Pete Galhoff passed to Norm Dahl and Jon Mal min fOI" the two final scores, Line man Dick Hagerty trapped an East ern back in the end zone for a two point safety to round off the score at 20. Also, Monday's action found 3rd
What say wc all get down to Lin coln Bowl this Saturday and support this winning football club that coach Gabrielsen has turned out-OK!
The Woy I See It Also In nc-xt wcek's 1M action I'll piek the following: Mon day: Evergreen over Eastern Western over Annex Tuesday: 2nd Floor and 4th Floor, even Basement over 1st Floor Wednesday: Eastern over 1st Floor Evergreen over Western
Mark Salzman, 1M Director Floor turning "\'Vashington Husky' and routing 1st F I a or 44-0. Art Rorem sparked 3rd Floor and gained an all-star ballot when he scored three TD's and passed for three more. Ed Sonstegard ran for six and
took in a Rorem pass for six more, Lars Johnson charged down the side lines for a TD and passed to Rorem to add one more. Dan Bechtel also scored on a Rorem pass-play, First Floor played with only five men, three below the maximum eight; their qual·terbaek, Dennis Gudal, filled thc air with intercepted passes. Basement routs Annex Tuesday saw Evergreen down 4-th Floor 24-6 and the Old Main Base ment rout Evergreen Annex 30-0. Bill Peterson with three TD passes and a six-point run, and Neil Chris tianson with 12 points, sparked the Basement offensc. Tom Alden and Gary Jonson each seored six points and Jim Bocshans passec' for one. As for the Annex, led by Con Kasper son, Connie Seifers and Jerry Curtis -they lost' 3rd Floor Bcats 2nd Floor Wednesday, in a hard-fought and penalty-ridden clash, 3rd Floor de feated 2nd Floor 36-12. 3rd Floor's win was strictly a team effort, TD's were scored by Dick Waite, Dan Bechtel on a punt return, Lyn Get tis, Al Bloomquist, and two hy Lars Johnson both on intercepted passes. Lars scored his first touchdown by intncepting a 2nd Floor pass in his first play in the game. Rod Cillo threw for two TD's, Al Bloomquist for one and Lars Johnson fo r one. Outstanding on the line for 3rd were Ed Sonstegard, John Baker, Al John son, Warren Willis, Lowell Stordahl and Dick Clark, Eldon Anderson threw for both of 2nd Floor's scores, to Hanson Bay (?) and Duane Johnson. Sparking 2nd were P a u I Soderholm, John Ruud, Karsten Lundring, Phil-more Enger, Henry Flach, Mike Siperck, and Chuck Niemi. A rugged per formance came from Jerry Dittrich. leading the 2nd Floor linemen. In the other contest Evergreen Annex forfeited to Eastern, 1-0.
Thursday: 3rd Floor ov er 4th Floor Basement over 2nd Floor
the individual scoring column with 3rd Floor mrn. Individual Scoring Stan din gs Through Wednesday Pts. W L PF PA Name and Team Team Lensing, Evergreen ........................ 18 3rd Floor .................... 2 0 80 12
Rorem, 3rd Floor.. .......................... 0
Basement .................... 1 0 30 1.. Johnson, 3rd Floor.................... 18
We st,'rn ...................... 1 0 20 Sonstegard, 3rd Floor ........ _........... 12
Evergref"n .................. 1 0 24Bechtel, 3rd Floor.......................... 12
1 20
...................... 1 Eastern Christianson, Ba~em e nt .................. 12
6 24
4th Floor .................... 0 TD Passes Namc and Team 0 44 Waterworth, Evergreen ....... _......... .4
15t F loor .................... 0 12 36 Peterson, Basement .......................... 3
2nd Floor .................. 0
Thc "Knights" of ye 01' PLU meet their cross-town rival of many seasons, Puget Sound. This yea r football at " PLC" is an entirely different story!
Rorem, 3rd Floor. ............................. 3
Washington over Navy by 13 pts,
E,,{'r, Annex .............. 0
PLU over UPS by 17 points! In Scattle the highly "tooted" Washington "Huskies" meet a big ger and stronger Navy cleven. This will be Washington's first game of the season! THIRD FLOOR 44, F! RST FLOOR O-First Floor's quarterback, Dennis Gudal, is com pletely smothered as he attempts a pass in Monday's rout.
Page Six
nights E
Friday, Sept. 30, 1960
ter Conf r e n e
PL Seeks Second Victory, Facing UPS in Lincoln owl
Heinrick, Gabe Pick Whitwo rth,
Evergreen Conference foo tball play begins tomorrow night in Lincoln Bowl. Tacoma , for the PLU Knights when they tackle the highly-rated University of Puget Sound Loggers. Game time is 8: 00 p .m . Coach Jim Gabrielse n 's Parkland team will be after season wi n number two. after a loss to Pacific University, 20-12, and a triumph over Unive rs ity of Briti sh Columbia, 19-13. Saturday's battle is for the An nual Tacoma Junior Cha mber of Commerce trophy. UPS has bee n victorious on fiv e occasions, with one game ending in a tie. The L ogge rs squeezed out a 7-6 win last year. Big is the word for the fo rward wall with the starters weigh ing in a t a collective average of 22 0 pounds offensively. The d efe nse i s f 0 u r pounds lighter. Ball carri ers a ren't exactly scatbacks either, a t a scaling of 185. Coach Heinrick uses single-w ing, split-T and wing-T incorpora ted into the popular "multiple offense." He has seven starting lettemlen out of 18 returnees to m a ke the attack go. In ilie backfield he has two time all-conference back Jerry Cecchi. Jerry Thazerkel will fill the other halfback slot. Off last week's injured list and ready to go at fullback is D i c k Pruett.
Quarterback is Jerry Hoxsey. Roy "Fuzz" Elliott and Ed Tin g stad will hold down the wings. D a ve C ampbell will be at center. Ralph F er guson and Rich Loufgin anchor the tackles. Swede Wilson is at one guard with Jim Creighton at the other post. This lin~up is the tenta tive sta rting offensive unit. P ast reputation of an opposing coach is often the yardstick by which you ca n judge the legions he will turn loose. M casurin g John H cin ri ck, Univcrsity of Pu ge t Sou n d m entor, leaves the impression tha t PLU will be in for an interesting evening. Heinrick sports an inter-city rec ord, which includrs prep and college ball, of '19 wins,S losses and 6 ti es. One co a C h thought so highly of H einrich and his twelve year tenure at U PS that he exclaimed, "He is a credit to the game, school, playe rs, a nd coa ches."
Pacific Lutheran Line-up The Knights' offensive line, com posed of Dave Bottemiller and Bill Lennon at ends, Bruce Nun es a nd Bill Bates at tackles, Norm Juggert and Dick Johnson at guards, a nd Al Svinth at ct'nter, will average a bout 195 pounds. The backfield wiil not be as hefty, but will sport good speed with Co-captain Bruce Alexand er and Dave Reynolds at halfbacks. Ron Ratliff is picked to sta rt a t fullback while veteran Dou g Mc Cla ry will shoulder signal callin g c h 0 res. The offensive backfield should average about 170 pounds . The Lute offense uses a variation of the wing-To D efensive line will average a solid 205 pounds. Dick Johnson and Norm
Juggert are sla ted to start at guards. The tackles will be Ken Knutsen a nd John Mades. Co-captain Lou Blaesi will start at defensive end along with Dave Bottemiller. In th e backfield will be halfbacks J a e k C 0 C chi and Kieth Shahan, line backers Al Svinth and Don Keppler, and safety Bruce Alexander. Gary Nevers will probably do the punting for tomorrow night's game.
K ic k-offs and extra points will be done by Dick Johnson. Other players who no doubt will see action against UPS are D i c k Ziclsdorf, Bob Brodhun, D a le Zoef
fel, Brian Wooten, Marv Snell, Mike MacDonald, Rich Stanley and John H a nson.
Lutes, Loggers
DEFENSIVE HALFBACK Jack Cocchi eludes flying tackler as he runs back pass inter ception in last week's game against UBC. The score was 13-0 at the end of first half.
Lutes Dump British Columbia 19-13 in Pre-Season Football Pacific Lutheran University showed signs of a surpnsmg season in the 1960 Evergreen Conference grid race with a 19-13 practice victory over a strong University of British Columbia eleven last Sa turda y in V ancou ver. Backed by the running of Bruce Alexander and the passing of Doug McClary, the Knights were on the scoreboard three times before the host Thunderbirds could get in the scoring column . The Lutes talli ed on ce in the open ing period on a 16-yard a erial from McClary to end Bill Lennon. A 23 ya rd pitch from McClary to half back D ave Reynolds opened a 13-0 halftime advanta ge. Alexander, who picked up 53 yards rushing, climaxed the scoring on a three yard bolt In the third period. McCla ry completed 10 of 23 for
98 yards. Outstanding in the "rock-like" defense for the Kni ghts were Jack Cocchi, Rich Stanle}, John Mades, John Aune, M a rv Snell and Lou
Blaesi. PLU dropped its s<:ason opener to P acific University, 20-12, two weeks ago in Forest Grove, Oregon.
coaching staff, If coaches performed th ese additional duties, teams would suffer from less instruction. What do the managers do? All . athletic clothing used by the players must be sorted when it comes from th e laundry ( before the team is ready to turn out ) . During turn-out the ma nagers help out on the field, work on equipment in the gym, or c heck the players' lockers for miss ing equipment.
Co-captain Lou Blaesi
Undoubted ly many of you have been wondenn g what has become of the mem be rs of our All-American basketball team of the Curtis Van Beek and I verson era. H ere is the lowdown from The Bench: Charlie Curtis is now in N ew York playing for the New York Tucks in the N a tional Indus tria l Baske tball Lea gue. In a post season game against th e United States Olympic squad Charlie scored 24 points to take the hi gh point honors for th e evening ... Roger Iverson wi!! coach the basketball team at Peninsula Hi gh School this yea r. Roger is the proud pappy of a new baby boy . . . Jim V a n Bec k is now tea ching at Franklin Pierce wh ere he will assist in th e coa ching of the basketball t eam . . . Bill "the tap e" Williams, captain of last yea r's team, is teaching grade school in Tarzan a, Ca liforni a . Bill and AId a Flaa ten will be married in Montebello, California, the 25th of Novem ber . . . Bob Roiko and Alona Jones were married this summer. Bob is now attendin g Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn esota . Did You Know Milt Ne~ vi g pla yed on the PLC football team in 1933 and 1934 • . . D ean H a uge kept time for a ll home football games from 19 26 until 1942 . . . Professor Olse n in 1931 was co-captain of the t rack t eam a t Michi gan Sta te. It was tha t year he pole vaulted 13 feet. PLU Spirit L et's rea lly show the PLU spirit a t the traditional cross-town rivalry tomorrow night. Th e outcome of the game may very well hinge on who ma kes the least mista kes, but you can be sure it will be a hard fou ght con test by both sides a nd one you won' t want to miss. See you there,
PACIFIC LUTH ERAN HALFBACK, Dave Reynolds, pulls in scoring pass from quarter back Doug McClary over UBC defender. PLU won the game 19-13.
Coac h John H einrick of the Uni ve rsity of Pu ge t Sound and CO:lches Jim Gabrielse n, Gene Lund ga a rd, and M a rk Sa lzma n of Pacific Lu th ew n Un iversity disclosed in an interview for th e Mooring :Mas t to d ay th ei;' expe rt views on th com in g foot ba il season . As in precedin ,g years no one seems to be a ble to agree on the out come of th e Eve rgree n Confe rence race. Howc" er, thi s yea r all four coaches seem to pick Whitwort h Col lege, UPS a nd PLU as strong con tend ers. H einrick, coac h for tw eh-e years at UPS, looks for a well balanced lea gu e with Whitworth and its great D enny Spurlock to be the most trou blesome. Western and C entral a lso rate high on the UPS list. H cinrick picks PLU as da rk horse for the coming year. Salzman , athleti c director a nd as sistant footba ll coach a t PLU, tabs the Evergr een Conference race to end in this order : UPS, Whitworth, C entra l, W es tern, PLU and Eastern. Coaches Gabrielsen and Lund ga ard tend to be more optimistic concerning Pa cifiL Luth eran' s prob able fine standing in th e confere nce racc. They see UPS as top team with either Whitworth of PLU taking second. The rest of their predi ctions follow in this order: Cen tra l fou r th, Western Fifth, with Eastern sixth and last.
Blaesi, Senior, Co-captainsTeam
Eliason, Johnson, and Jacobson Managers Football managers a re an import ant breed of people upon whom in certain ways the game results d e pcnd. This year the football team is for tunate to have three capable men working as team managers. They a re Leo Eliason, Lars .Jonson, a nd Bob Jacobson. Managers perform man y tasks which would otherwise be left to the
Th e Knife
" Hark, ha"k, I h ea r a n Aa rd vark!" This is th e wa rnin g the Knights send out when co-capta in LOti Blaesi, 20, comes on th e field. Lou, a senior education major, along with Bruce Alexander, art: the only two fellows left of th e seven freshmen who lettered three years ago.
After three years of high school
football, basketball and baseba ll,Lou chose football for his main college extra-curricular a ctivity. At Federa l Way High School he was honored w ith being the football team's inspir ationa l award winne r. In h is senio r year he was also pla ced on the Kin-Co all-conference team. As a PLU freshman, Lou was coached by Marv H arshma n, pres ent hcad basketball coach at WSU. During this fir s t season for the Lutes, Lou caught his on e and only touchdown pass. Since this t ime, however,Lou h as conce ntrated most lyon defense, serving in bot h the lin~backer and end positions. Lou, the Kni ghts' d efensive cap ta in, last yea r lived in Harsta d An nex. There, to ge th er with fou r o ther fell ows, they "dug up" the hand le of the Aard,'arks, after a n AfriC'ul a ni m:J1. (Webste r defines th is peeic a . a I a I' g e ni ght rovi ng, bu rrowing ma mmal, subsis ting la rgely on tn '· mites, and havi ng a long extended to ngue, claws, a nd long ca rs,) As for " li ghter" spo rts, L o" es pec ia lly enjoys both water and sn ow skiin g. L' pon gradu a tion, Lou hopes t o remain in this T a coma area to be gin his teaching career in one of tht' elementary schools.
Dedication Ceremony StaTts 'Knig ttime' T he 1960 Homccomi ng w ee kend begins offi cially on F riday, O ctober H , with the A n niversary D edi cation convoca t ion at 10: 00 a .m. D rs. F oss a nd Fren ch Featured Speakcrs Friday r ollowin g thc a cad emi c procession of facult y and ..' uests, DL H . L . Foss, president of th e N orth P ac ific D istrict of The Am erican Luthe ran C hurch, w ill d edi c: t · th n ew Tacoma -Pierce Ad minis tra ti on Bu ildi ng. r . C . C h:ment Fren ch, pres id en t of Washing ton State t: ru H"ni t y, w ill speak. Mu sic for th e progra m will be p ro\'id"d by the PLU Con cert b a nd a nd th e Choil- of the W l" st. Corona tion Schedule Is Varied J ud g in g of the dor mitory decora tions is se t for 3:00 .,.nt. F rid ay af ternoon. At 8: 00 p. m., the coronation will comilll'nee with R ev. Low e[l. Knutso n, Al um ni Associa [ion president , offi c i a tin ~ . Thc q uee n wi ll be crow ned .md cap ta ins L ou Bla esi and Bruce A lexand er will be h li ghted fo r the ga Ill e. M u<ic will be provided b y the band a nd va riou s mcm be of th c student body. Thl' p cp rall y a nd bonfirc a rc se t for 9,:)0 that eve nin g on lower camp us, with a cof fel" h ou r planned for the alumni. a turd ay's 2.c tivities begin with the 9:00 a .m. Pow derp uff ga me on lower ca mpu s. At h a lf-time Handsomc l l:! rry w ill be crowned a nd fres h men a nd sophomores w ill h.I\ " a tug-of-war. DL J. C. K. Preuss will sp eak at th l' unveiling- of plaqu!;'s in th e Admini stra tion building .t 11 :00 a.lll. Band to Introduce New PLU Song PLU will m ee t Western W as hi ngton College a t Lin coln Bowl, I :30 p.m. D u rin g h a lf-t im/' a new PLU son g \ ill be introdu ced b y th e ma rch ing band di rected b y Prof. G ordo n O. G ilbertson, as th e d rill tea m ma r ch es ulld er th e leadt'l'ship of Pa t Mullen with a spec ia l fl ag tw irli ng exhibition. D o rm d ecora tio n w inne rs w ill b e a nnouncc·d . Dr. Louis B. Per ry will sp eak a t th e A lum ni Hom e ('om in'l" Ba nq uet, pla nn ed for 6 :00 p.m, in C hris Knut z ~ n H a ll. C urta in time for th e A lp h a P si Omega presen tat IOn of "Roma noff and Juliet" is 8:00 p .m . in C MS.
Alpha Psi SetsHomec ming Stage
For Comedy 'Romanoff andJulieI' "Roman off and Juliet," a take-off on Shakespeare's "Romeb and Juliet," will be the play presented this year as a highlight of H o meco min g, on October 13 and 15 . Tw o performances are scheduled , one Thursday at 8 : 00 p.m ., and the other Saturday at 8 : 30 p .m ., in the eMS. Both perform ances Jre o pen ro students , but the alumni will be given the fi rs t choi cc of sea ts on Sa turd ay. Students a re e ncou raged to a ttend the Thursd ay eve nin g pe rforma nce. Price of a dmi ssion will be 50 ce nts for studen ts with stud ent bod y cards and 75 ce nts for a dults. The play, sponsore d by Alph a Psi Omega, drama ti e honora ry, in con nection with th e h om ecoming com mittee, is und er the direc tion of Zan e Wilson, with Fred Bindd a s assista nt direc tor. Written by fa m ous pl aywri ght a nd a c tor Peter U stin ov, " R omanoff a nd Juli et" is a modern comedy in three a cts . It takes place in th e sma ll est coun try of Eu rop e, which h asn' t d e d a red its sta nd with eith er th e West ern or C omm unist powe rs. Two a m bassado rs , Ru ssia n a nd Ame ri ca n, live in th e co u n t ry, eac h tryi ng to wi n it for hi s si d e , As in " R omeo and Juli et," the
- - '- _. ch ildren of the two opp osi ng fac ti ons fa ll in love. Ro ma noff, th e son of th e Russian Ambassador, fa lls in love with Juliet, d au ghte r of the A lI1el'i can Ambassador , Th e out come is a series of situations, as the two a t tL'Illpt to solve th eir problem , Thirtee n stud ent ac tors ma ke up the cast. Th ey a re: f irst soldi er, P a ul Wold ; second sold ie r, R oge r Brew in gton ; G eneral, R ay G alli e ; Ameri can Am bassad or, D enni s Knutso n ; Ru ssi:J.n Ambassad o r, L arry Ive rson ; wife of th e Am er ica n Ambassad or, Pris Hutcheson ; w ife of the Russia n Ambassado r, Ca r o l y n M oell r ing; I g 0 r R oma noff, M e rle Ove rland ; J ulirt , Judi e Tweiten; the spy, Joh n Ti etz : th e Archbi shop, A nd y C a rl son ; F reddy, Bob J ohnso n ; a nd M a r fa , Karen Fisc h er.
Q UEEN NADI NE I (fou rth from le ft), elected in final voting by the student body on Wednesday, was handed the Knights' sword yesterday in chapel as she was a nn ou n ced queen of the 1960 Homecoming. He r two princesse s a re a mong those also nomir.ated for queen (fro m top clockwise): Sa ndra Tynes, Karen Hegstad, Doris Johnson, Sonja J a co b. on jp ri ncess), Janet Gulleckson, Evelyn Yates, Queen Nad ine, Darlene Stork son, Sus ie 0 150n (princess) and Joan Cornell.
College Entran ce Board tests will be a dministt'rt"d in thc .J. S. chapel, 8 :00 a ,m. - 12: 0U p,m., tomorrow.
"Seven Brides f OT Seven Brothers" will be th e cam p us movie tonight, with "Sayonara" an "\VilI Suc Ct'ss S poil R oek Hun ter," scheduled for tomorrow night in th e J. S. chapel.
Ope n Hou se from 1 :00 to 3:00 p.m. S unday On Su nday , Dr. J. W. Ylvis aker, p resident of Luthn College, will p resent thL' ser m on :.tt th e I I :UO a .m. Fes tival \V orsh ip sen ic e. D ecora t ions ll1:.ty bc' vi ewed at _ Opt n h li se from I :00 to 3:00 p .m.
Nf t. Rain ier will be t ilt" sce ne of th e L inne ou ti ng, lomorrow, 8 :00 a.I. , - 5:00 p. m. Contac t Wayne Hill, ('x t. 8:3 , for ri des .
D r, Fl t d rik ,\. Sch iotz, wlll :;pl'uk a t the F es tival I' rogr. II, whi ch will begi n a t 3:' 0 p .m ., includi ng tlw aca d mic and cle ri ca l proct'ss ioll. Musica l selecti ons will be p rov id ed by the C oncer t Ch oru s.
Fren ch C lu b offi cers are: F red Bindel. p resident; Ruth \\ a lker, 'icc-presi dent; Isaria K imam bo, treas urer ; and Bonnie Coglin, secreta ry.
Dr. S. L. Swenson, pres id ent of th e Columb ia C on fen ncr of th e Augusta n a Luthe ra n C.hu rc h, will prese nt g ree ti ngs as th e weekend ends with the .7:30 pe d ol'm a nee of th e Choir of the W es t an d Conce rt Orch es tra .
So nglea ders for 1960-61 are Lois Cornell. Pat Mul len, Judy P erry, Sha ron Ph elps, an d Jud y T hd man.
The re arc special reference books not found in the ma in library , and refe ren ce volumes of pi ano music a nd a few p eriodicals (su ch as th e America n Guild of Or g,mi sts publications). Bes idt's being for the use of stu de nts on assi gnment this library is open to ;lllyone with It-i surc lime,
Gubernatori I Candidates De ate .In Public Issues in Spo a ne I . ulllbcnt Gm'crnor R osell ini dud Lioyd .J. Andrews w ill do bat(· in Sp oka ne, Tu esda y, Octobe r 11. Eat h . and ldale for th e offi ce f govc rnor of Wa sh ington wi ll have ten m inutes in whi ch to outline his positi on. ['hen th e re will be a n oppo rtu ni ty for t'ach lllan to a sk th ree question of hi s own l' hoicc to h is opponent. F ollowin l{ thi s, qu esti onin g will be ope n to th ,~ a udicnce, T ht dc batl' will take place in Gon zaga Un ivcrsi ty' 700-seat St udent 1.. nion Build in ?". D r. Fra nz Sch neid er, LIlU inna n of tlw U niversity 's Town a nd Gown Fo rum is in cha rgl' of arra ngem ents and rul es for th e feature.
X ws h as just been releas ed tha t KPL1..: , C h:lI1ncl 2. PLC ' closed circuit tdevision sta ti on , will broadcast a deba te on "Capital Punishment" on O ctober 25, in " !i C a ft ernoon. There will be a pa nel consi sting of four " .ud cnts: Ja ck Olson, Ra y GalIie, Jim Sn yder, a nd Gina J ont·s.
'" '* *
Recruiters from WAC and WAVE will bc in the CUB lobby this afternoon, 1:00 - 4:00.
Music Library Opened To Students Weekdays Eri ckson Music Library (CMS- 2 15 ) is open eve ry w eekd a y afternoon to all PLU students, a ccording to the following schedule: Monda y, p e riods 7 a nd 8 ; Tu es d ay through F rid ay, periods 6, 7, a nd 8. T h i ~ library offers a selec tion of disc and ta pe r ecord ing-s of all stud t' nt a nd fa culty recita ls of the pas t school yea r, a nd m ay be played a t requ est b y a Crol T eslow, music libraria n.
* * *
Kni ghtbca t, N ove mber +, is b illed as "th spe cta cle of the yea r" by th e com m ittee. ;j:
* .;.
Karen Espland and Julie Sanderson will be in the Student Body office period 7 Monday-Friday, man aging the lost and found.
* PRACTICING A SCENE from the Homecoming production of "Romanoff and Juliet" are Merle Overland, Igor Romanoff, and Dennis Knutson, the American Ambassador.
STATE EDUCATION GROUP TO MEET HERE OCT. 14 The Washington Association of Non-Tax-Supp orted Colleges and Universit;es will meet here Octo ber H . A ll endin ~ t h is m cei' ng wiII be the presidents and other repr' cn~a tives from the confer en ce. Dr. E astvold is president.
ational Debt Exce ed s \A: orld's Tota l Deficit D a ta has rtctn tly bee n Idea cd by th e Cham ber of Comml'rcc of t1w L" n itcu States stat ing that the U nit ed -ta tes na t iona l d('b t of $ ~ 0 bil lion o' xt:~I'ds th e om bi nt~ d d pbts of a ll other nati ons in th e world by $ -17 bi ll ion. It w a s a lso revea led th a t the na tional debt h as b ee n growing three times as fas t a s the comb ined na tion al debts of the res t of the world and is seven times its 1939 size.
Poetry Magazine Accepti n9 Entries Compilation of the fouth sem es te r Jy anthology of outsta ndin g coll ege p m' tTY was recentl y a nnounced by he Am eri can C o Urge Poe try So ciety. (lI1t ributi ons m st b the orig inal wo rk of the' stlld l' n t submitted to ·\la n ,. F ox, cu re of th e Soc iety. The entra n t's name, add rc s, a nd sc hool must appear on eac h page. Pc)l"lllS, wh ich lllay deal with any subjec t , may no t exceed +8 lines, nor m:l y onC' p(" r~ o n subm it m ore tha n fi w P Ol'rflS . ".11 ent ri es must be post TIll\rk ..,u not la ter tha n mid ni ght, D c en n IT 9, 1960. onla ct Carol F rench for fu r ther inforJ lla ti o[l , all ege Tea ch ers' The N a tional Associat ion is also a ccept ing w orks, Deadline' for thi s is N ov , 5, with no limitation set a s to length or subj ec t matter. Prizes are offered .
Spurs will sell mums for H omecoming M onda y night O ctober 10, a nd a t lunch a nd dinner throu gh the week. Price is $1.25, including deli very. A few will be on sale Saturday morning, O ctober 15 . ~
'* *
A loan fund is available to all women students at the Business office. Terms are: 25c for loans up to $10.00, for two weeks, and 25 c for overdue loans.
* * ,; : G cn na n a nd F re nch clubs arc sp onsoring la ngua ge lu nche ons at n 00 n a nd dinn er, respectively, d u ring wh ich membe rs wi ll eat together a nd all comersation will be in G erma n or F n:n h .
* -: * Co-rec witI be in the gym t onight a n d Saturday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p .m.
* * * LSA will 111 'eo t in C h ris Knutzen Fellowsh ip H all Sunday ncning from 6 :00-7:15, D r. Solberg will spea k on " Sin, Sex a nd Psych oa na lysis."
* :;: * FLU will be the site of the Pacific District Lu theran Brotb er hood convention in the CB-200 begin ning at 10:00 a.m. t om orrow.
Bowling L 'ague begins today at 4:00 p .m . Contact J oAnn Corey, ('xt. 351 ; Loren Hildeb rand, LE. 1-2116; or f ed M esk e, LE. 7-5 I 20.
* * * Need anything? Ads are posted regularly on the CUB bulletin board.
Page Two
Friday, October 7, 1960
Children's Theatre 'Rumpelsfiltskin'
Openson eMSStage October 10th
Deadline Set
November 1 will be the final date t o apply for some 800 Full>right sch olarships for graduate study or I-e s ~ arch in 30 countries. Intcr-AmT ir~ n C ultural Conventions award s fo r st u d y ill 17 La tin Am eri can c ount r ies have the sam e fili n g d ead
li ne. Recipients of F ulbright awards for s tu dy in Europe, L atin A merica , and the As ia-Pacific a rt:a will r ecc'in: tui t ion, maintenance and round-trip t rave l. IACC schola rships co vcr transporta tion, tuition, and partial maintena nce costs. G e n c ra I eligibility r equirements for both categories of awards arc: . S. citizenship at time of applica ton, a bachelor's degree or its equiv alent by 1961, knowled ge of the lan g uage of the host country, and good heal th. A demonstrated capa c ity for indepe ndent study and a g ood academic record arc also ex p ected. Anyone desiring additional infor mation about either of these scholar ships should contact Professor E. M. Akre , Fulbright adviser for PLU.
Debates Continue Presidential candidates Senator John F. Kennedy, Democrat, and Vice-President Richard Nixon, Republican, will meet tonigh t in their secon d debate in a series of four to be televised nationwide. This program will originate in Cleveland.
Your City
Council Vol:es On Garage Bill F inancing for a two million dollar park ing gn ragc project still promises to be a c ontrove rsial issue befor~ the TaCOID;t. City Council as another S o uth Side business organization, the South Tacoma Off-Stree t Park ing A ssociatio n, In c ., made known its opposition to the proposal. Although voting on the issu e has be en defe rre d twice now, and pres s ure has been applied to the Coun c il in an effort to bring it to a vote o f the people, the Council postponed action once again at their last mee t ing due to the absence of two mem b e rs. Anoth er proposal facing opposi t ion is one for the creation of three new building ordinances providing for construction on the freeway, one o f which would permit the erection o f a 70-acre shopping center, al r ea dy proposed by a local realtor. Because of the congestion addi tio nal commercial businesses will add on the freeway, the South Tacoma Business Club and the Pierce County Businessmen's Association have joined in an attempt to block the issue for freeway zones.
PLU STUDE NTS awa;t their clcss lecture over the new closed circuit television system. Th is is only on e 01 .he eight c! a ss pe ri od s a week taught by th is new method.
KPLU Closed Circ uit Television Broadcasts Cha pel Progra ms Eight class periods a week, and every chapel hour, KPL U Channel 2 television goes on the air. Three professors-Dr. Charles Anderson, ch.emistry: Pro fessor Theodore O. H. Karl, speech: and Dr. WIl11am Strunk, biology-devote their time to this program. Their lectures are prepared a week in advance. with prepara tion on each lecture about eight to 12 hours. Each professor must then work with the visual people and the producer-director. In addition, a complete dress rehearsal period is run on every class lecture. Each show takes a crew of eight people. While planning is now complete, the telt-vision setup is operating be low its maximum capacity. Some eqUIpment is yet to corne, including a ncw hand ground camera l·ens. Several eng in ee rs are here from ~cw York this weck to adjust all the equipment. ~I a ny new television hookups con tinue working and trainin g for eight or n ine monLhs before tDey are lIblc to broadcast. It was significant that PL U television had a picture on the screen for only 15 minutes before Dr. Anderson gave the first lecture.
Future possibilities for PLU are unlimit ed-c v e n i n g programs of ncws, announccments, campus devo tions, club and class usage, and rcc rea tional activities. Help bccom(' s a problem in the developme nt of this system. Students are being trained as engineers, direc tors, and technicians. For the first timt', this week a student director was used for chapel broadcasts. As Professor Karl, project direc tor for the Ford Foundation, stated during his recent chapel address, "Class teaching on television is no longer an experime nt." He added that educational television s a v e s neither money nor teachers, but it aims at quality. Karl emphasized, "With the flexi bility of our television installation, we will expand PLU television proj ects as we are able to train workers."
Acquires Maps 'Cpsala College, East Orange,Ncw Jersey, has recently begun broad casting on a closed circuit radio sys tem. The station will have continu ous daily broadcasts, and complete coverage of all Upsala football con t ests.
* * * Dana Coll e ge, Blair, Nebraska, is the recipient of the Thorstcn Han son coll ce tion of over 100 colored maps of D e nmark, one dating back to 1629. This c ollec tion, which h a.s b een o n exhibi t in " n u mbe,· o f American citi es, was presented to th e colleg e by the Swedish Ame rican Steam ship Line of N ew York, and will b e used as l'pfcrence material for college courses in Scandinavian histo ry, literature, and la n guage.
406 Garfi eld
411 Ga rfi eld Street
AI an d Ma l Soine
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Lutheran Colleg e
The magic w orld of make-believe comes to life on the eMS stage when the Childre n's productions presents the fanciful story of Rumpelstiltskin. The colorful children's play, by Charlotte Choerpcnning, is designed and directed by Eric ~ ordholm who has announced the followin g c ast: Don Sca\')' plays the part of the wicked Rumpelstiltsk in ; K ristina Pernu is Mother Hulda who has givcn him his mag ic powers; N adin e Brui n s is the miller's dau g hter whom Rumpel helps spin straw into gold ; R u th Hurd is the m iller' s wife, and Phil Joldbc ck is the miller; Claud e Canfield and N eil Christianson play the two courtiers of the king, Gothal and Ingc r t, r e.spe c tin·lv. 'Gary Did is the greedy-minded king, Nferlin Thorson is the k ing's son, and Elaine EV('l'cttc plays K aren, the sister to the prince; Eleano r Bousfield is the nurse, and Sandra Hicrcn, the lady in waiting. The age old ta le unfolds the story of Rumpdstiltskin who wishes a kin g', baby t o put in his pot so that h e may ruic the hearts of men, fillin g them so full of greed tha t they will d es troy each othe r. Looking over th e earth fro 1 his hilltop he sees a miller's daughte r who will win a prince fo r h Lr h usband if she can spin straw into gold as she has boasted she can. When the child is born, Rumpel appears to claim it, but she persuad es him to give her another chance. He offers her the chance to keep the child if she can gu ess his name. When, in the nick of time, she confronts him with th e name, he fli es to pieces in a ragc.
(Across from the Parkland P.O.) Open 9 a.m.·6 p.m.; Friday 'til 9 p.m.
·Big Man On Campus-yea man! He treats the gals to Coke. Who can compete with charm like that. So if you're 5'0" and a little underweight, remember-you don't have to be a football hero to be popular. Just rely on the good taste of Coke. Put in a big supply today! BE REAllY REFRESHED Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Tacoma, Washington
The eligious ssue
by Dick Halvorson
Friday, October 7, 1960
by Dick Bibler
Page Three
A Sugg estion
Stu ent
Probably th e most fascinating issue to watch in th e com in g- Presid ential election is the religious problem. This iss ue will not r >a lly decide the election outcome, Leca us," the losses a nd gains of votes between th e two c;md ida tcs will balance out. But this issue does a ll ow for s,.\'e ral interes tin g interpretations.
T wenty-three of the top students from a round th e world a rc your classmates at PLU. Please bec ome ac q uainted with at least one and take timc to converse with him.
This a rticl e has bee n purposely documented so as not to ra ise any animosities. All quota tions are from a speec h a nd a nswers given by Senator John F . K enn edy on 'eptember 12, 1960, to the Houston Protestant min istlTs, unless otherwise indicated .
Th ese collegians are he!'e to learn aJl th ey ca n , p a rt of whi ch m eans be coming as well acqu a inted a s possible with p eople of the United States, You a rc he re to learn a ll you ca n , part of which means being inquisitive into th c' views and opinions of oth ers on campus .
Separation of Church and State
T hu s, in ordc> r to be a real student, whi ch we hope is inten tion, it is almost impe ra tive that you st rike up frie ndships with those h ere from othe r la nds. Dave C rown er, editor YO Uf
K ennedy be gan h is speech by stating, "I believe in a n Amer ica where the sepa ration of church and sta te is abso lute- wh ere no Catholic prelate would tell th e Presid ent, should he be a Catholic, how to a ct, and no Prot l'sta nt minister would tell his parishioners for wh om to \'ot e- wh ere no church or church school is gra nted any publi c funds or political preferences-and wh ere n o m a n is d eni ed public office merely because his reli gion differs from the P resid e.nt who might appoint him or the people who might elect him."
Campus Politica l Clubs Stress Issues, A ction College educa ted youth mu st "help th e p oliti cal life of th e nation soar as hi gh as h um a n wisd om can m a ke
This statement of Kennedy's, who., incidentally, is a Catholi c 0 v e l' who m man I' Protestants have h a d "doubts," is the summation of the Catholic's vi ew of a Pres id ent in relation to his Vatican superiors a nd th e l: nited States.
Protestants' Vicw O n th e oth er hand, some Pmtestants have been point ing out that the Roman Catholic Church tea ches that it h as powe r ove r all aspec ts of their membe rs' lives a nd tha t this infers control over a Catholic's politica l a ctions, also: thus the Catholics do not believe in sepa ra tion of chu rch a nd state which is a sacred Ame ri ca n doctrine . O n th ese grounds th e Protestants w ere able to e ffec tu? tc th e defeat of Al Smith, a C a tholi c, in the Pres i dential election of 1928. And on the same g rounds th ey d o not find it d esirable to allow Kenn edy th e 19 60 victory. K ennedy's Position Now, K enn edy has answered that he does believe in separation of church and state. Furthermorc, h e h as said, "But if the time should ever come- and I do not conced e conflict to be remotely possible- when my of fi ce would require me to either violate my conscience or violate the national interest then I would resi gn the office," Continuin g, he said, "I ask you toni ght ... to judge me on the basis of fourteen years in Congress . . . on my declared stands against an ambassador to th e Vati can , a gainst unconstitutional aid to parochial schools, and aga inst any boycott of public schools .. . whi ch I a ttend ed myself. And instead of doing this, do not judge mc on th e basis of these pamphlets and publications w e h ave a ll see n that carefully select quotations out of context from the statements of th e Catholic Church leaders, usua lly in other countries ( where Communism a nd Fascism is a threat) , frequently in other countries, and rarely relevant to any situation her!.", and alwa ys omitting, of course, the statement of the American bishops in 1948 which strongly endorsed church-state separa ti on, and which more nearly reflects the vi ews of alm ost every American Catholic." Sign ificance of the Issue From a poll taken by John Kraft, a New York politi ca l writl"r, in The Sunday News Tribune and Sunday Ledger, Tacoma, Washington, September 25, 1960, it wa, discovered that only 23% of the voters thou ght the religious issue of any significance; 74% found the issue of no value in the election; and 3% were undecided.
Frosh Venture Views
by Ann Schnackenberg Aftc r surv iv in g three days of th e m os t humili a tin g of a ll tortures, th e C lass of 1964, commonly termed "frosh," have bee n accepted into the stu d t" nt body of this institution. By now, n ew students and freshmen, de-bibbed a nd de-beani ed, have h a d a glimpse into some of the phases of life on the university campus, a nd have formula ted opinions, both pro and con, on their obse rva nces. All of the students interviewed were vcrI' much impress ed by the friendly a tmosphere and kindrt"d spirit at PLU. Comments Susie Dahl, "It's great!" and Phil Yokel'S a dds, " At first everythin g seemed so distant, but now we recognize more fac es and have rea lly bec om e a part of the school." Anita Coolid ge has found her fa\'orite spot and says, "The coffee shop is a marvelous place to write letters and meet people." Th e si zt> of the campus influenced many freshmen in choosing PLU because, according to Polly Andnson, "We can get to know more people well, rath er than just a few people casually." D on Seavy a grees with Polly and also adds that, "Chapel is a very en joyable part of the day." Students have an eye to spiritual values as well as soc ia l conditions ; " At PLl! we are offered a well-rounded educa tion, not only m entally but spirituall y a s well," Elain e O lscn sta tes. Attitud es toward the daily m e.u we re somewhat mixcd a lthou gh the gr'nera l consensus of opinion sympathizes with the responsibilities of the dieti cia n. H a nk MeKunc complains, "The lines a re so lon g tha t we work up :m a ppetite just standing there." However, Sheila. Jensen praises the situation by say in g, " The food is t errifi c, if you don' t havc to look at th e calories." Freshmen have a lready become involved in many ac tiviti es, including musi c and sports. Dorm teams can be seen scrimmagin g in the quadran gle f'l on vaca nt lots . One of the man y musically inclined frosh admits, "Tha t Fritts is really funny ., so chorus is som,· class!"
Dear Editor:
The American Jewish Congress stated, "If a candi d a te is opposed by some voters because of his religion, it is in evitable that he will be supportl"d by others for th e srtm c r eason." From the Christian Century, a nondenominational Protestant weekly, Septembcr 21, we have the state m ent : " The rt> li gious affiliation of candidat~s is legitimately a n issue only in proportion to other issues. It is onc fac tor a mong many which should be taken into a ccount in the choi ce of a President. But when it is mag nified out of all proportion to its proper dimensions, when it becomes the only issue considered, it becomes a smoke sc reen of evasion and must be blown away if we are to recover our intelligence and walk humbly with our God." In closing, I would like to state that I have been rather heavy on one side of this issue, not b ecause I nt> cessarily agree with that side, but because as a Protes tant institution such as this the "other" view is usually more predominate. Next week: the Foreign Affairs Issue.
Two new organizations on campus filld th emselves comin g into existence at a most cl'U cia l point in history, and conv eniently so, for thes e a re the Youn g D em ocra ts a nd Young R epublicans. Political Science Club acted as sponsor for th ese two groups, with planning beginnin g last yea r . N ow th ese groups arc on their own, and will receive recog nition as student clubs. They receive contributions .f rom the C itizenship Clea rin g House, a nationwide orga nization to en cou rage students to bc active in politics. Dl'. Dona ld Fa rmer is on th e boa rd of directors for the Washing ton Citize nship Clea rin g House, and it was throug'h his recom m enda t ion that our political groups rec<.:ive support. The campus p olitical organizat ions will give stud ents a ch a n ce to look at the ca ndida tes, the pa r ties, th e is sues, and U. S.-world relationships. It is hoped that stu d ents will bccome actively involved in poli tics, through out the year as well as at el ection time, and rccog nize the responsibilit y that is ours. Prog rams will offer speakers on thc national, sta te and local levels, as well as opportunity for student dis cussion. Before ele ction time, a straw ba llot will be ta ken on ca mpus. Voting machincs and / or ballots from the R e publi can and Democrat central committees in Tacoma will be used. The Young Republi cans are formin g a " Youth for ~ixon" group on campus. Their aim will be to create increased interest in Nixon and promote his elec tion . The clubs will meet each week until elec tion t im e, with regular meetings being held twice a month. Both g roups arc still in the organizational stage . At their next meetin g, Young Democrats will adopt a constitution and elect officers. Temporary president is Robert Finch, a nd Peter Ristuben, new to history department this year, is advisor. Roger Hildahl heads the Youn g Re publicans. Advisor is Dr. Paul Vi gn S5, with Dr. V ernon U tzin ger serving as honorary advisor. Increasing tension, expec ation and loyalties will build up in the weeks to come. It is important that th e student recog nizc political needs and responsibilities, not only a t election time, but throughout the months and yea rs and decades. A man by the name of Lincoln once sa id, "Our re lian ce is in the love of liberty which God has planted in us. Our defense is in the spirit whi ch prized liberty as th e herita ge of all m en, in all minds, everywhere."
Editor....... .... ........................... ...................................................... David Crowner N ews Editor.................................................................................... Ann Hagga rt Reporters: Ma!'~y Eash, Donna VanGilder, L a vonn c Erda hl, D eanna H a nson, Eleanor Bousfield, Judy Kragh, Carol French, Fea ture Editor...................................................... ..........................Ruth Walker Reporte rs: Alice Wcnness, Judy Munger, Dick Halvorson, Ann Schnack cnberg, D eanna Hanson. Sports Editor................... .................... ........................................... Kent T ekrony Reporters: Bob Rydland, Creighton G e rmeroth, Randy Stime, Bob Mat son, Mike McIntire .
Intramura ls................................................................................ Gordy Gradwohl
Make-up Editor............................................. .. ...... ~ ........................ Larry Iverson
Photog raphers............................. __ .... ............. Frank Netter, MeKewen Studio
Business Mana ger.......................................................................... Warner White
Ad Manage r ....................................... ..................................... D eanna Haugland
Advisor...................................................................... .................. Mr. Milt N esvig
The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu dents of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3 .00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
Dear Editor: C ongra tulations on a fine first edition for this uni versity ye;lr. More specifically, a word of praise for your effort to arouse more student interest in the cur ren t political race. Thc article on page three, "The differen ce betwee n th e Democrats and Republicans," was very good . I was very happy to see such an informative and unbiased article in this campus's n ewspaper. I am looking for ward to the next few articles on the six issues outlined in this initial article. A tip of the hat to Dick H a lvorson. Another fine article was on page two con ce rning the past and up-coming television debates of the two Presi d ential candidates. Thank you very much for the fine picture on page two of our candidate, Senator John F. K ennedy. I do not think it represented an endorsement, but the pub licity is helpful. Yours truly, Robert J . Finch, president, Young Democratic Club
PLU MOORING MA ST Friday, October 7, 1960 ----------------------------~--------
Pag e Four
New Professors xpress Opinions;
Cover ucalion and hristianity
by Judy Mun ger enc Desc rtes' r e a soning-, "1 th ink, therefore am;' cou ld be pur sue , with illla g ina.tion, to the point w hl"T{, onl' mi g h t say, "Tell me ~o methi n~ o f wh a t you think , and I will know something of wha t you are.)t Th e M ooring :\'[a5t, in order to iut l'Odu ce you to those facult ' m em bers mow th is yca r to the PLU cam pus, has aSkf"d the foll owing profs to d isc uss bri efly a question relating to h is or her field of study. W e hope you are "pleased to meet" these per sonaliti es as revealed through their idea s ... DR. DONALD ZIEMKE, Pro f 's: or of Relig'ion, last year in gradu at' study at Princeton Univers ity. "In your opinion does the role of a Christian conflict with that of a citizen?" "I do not believe the roles con fli ct unless Chris tianity is interpret ed as a fl eeing from the world. This view is not found in traditional Lu thLT~nism , although it may be found in.ide curren ts associated with Lu thera nism. The sam e is true for Christianity in general.
121 7 1 Paci fic A venue
knowled ge of youngsters and of how to work with th em . Seco ndly, PL teachers genera lly adjust quickly a nd readi ly to th e schoo l si tua tion, probably bcca use of the practice teac hin g- program th a t is a part of th e students' trainin g. F inally, a bal anc ed knowled ge of the grade levels oth er than their own gives these stu dents a l1lore complete perspective and a ll ows them to be come an inte gra l part of the total faculty team.
MR. PAUL STEEN, Professo r in the department of Spee.ch, formcrly producer-director of C han n e I 6 KVIE in Sacramento.
321 0 South Taco ma Way
"In your opinion, would many of today's politicians be called good speakers?" "In my opinio n, many of today's politicians would be called just that -- politicians. N ot statesmen and cer t ain ly not speakers . Many- but not a IL " MIS S JEA N INE MORA VEe, Eng lish instru ctor, formerly teaching at Grand Vi ew Coll egc, Iowa. "Do you believe that there is a lack of cultural and traditional background in America that con tributes to a de-em p h asis of the classical studies?" "From the time of our n ccessari ly utilitaria n 'founding fa thers' Amer ica has been developing a rich cu l tu ra l heritage of its own so that to day we boast writers ,musicians, and artis ts to rival those of any oth er country . I would a ttri bute our d c emphasis of the ar ts more to ou r comp eti tion with Russia in other field s.
(3etdlte etealee't4 41 5 Garfield
Students Desiring PART-TIME EMPLOYM ENT contad Bud Harlow, M g r.,
Gene's Car Wash BOB G ROSS (left) catches Linda Knutzen, and Mike Norris backs up Barb Prideaux in one of their cheer le ading routines used at the football games . These four took over the yell leading positions after a student body vote two weeks ago .
PLU Cheerleaders Keep pirit: High, Yells Loud by Alice '\'cnness Four peppy people com bined their experiences and taILnts last week to tryout and eventua lly Will the elec tion for our nf'W Pacifi c Lutheran U niversi ty Cheer Lead ers. These fou r are Bob Gross, Linda Knutzen, Mik e Norris, and Barbara Pridea ux. Bob, the only se nior of the group, wa s a c heer-leader in his sophomore year at Pacific Lutheran. He is pres entl y sec retary of the Associated M en Students an d a m ember of the Choir of the Wes t. He is a prc dental student. Linda , a sophomore majoring III education, was a cheer lea der a,nd a son g lea der at Burlington-Edison High School. She is presently in M ay Fes tival and also French Club. Mike, a sophomo re majorin g in was a cheer lead er his sophomore year at MilwaukiL' High School, Milwa ukie, Oregon. He wa s a lso vice-president of his hi gh schoul stud ent b o d y a nd the captain of their fo otball team. He is now in M ay F es tival. p~ycho]» g y"
Dr. Donald Ziemke "The God in Whom we believe is th e Creator of an orderly heaven and earth. Men have a government for the purpose of keeping this or de r, to facilitate man's life in peace a nd harmony. There must be organ izc. tion of th e state, just as there must be organization of the church. If it is wrong in the one case it is wron g in the other." MR. JOH~ AMEND, Dran of the School of Education, previously with the Hi ghline School District in Sea ttle. "What is the general school re action to graduates in education from PLU?" "My experience has bee n that PLU graduates are considered high ly d esi rable candidates for positions in public schools. In fact, out atti tude in the Highline District was ~
Barb, a sophomore physica l edu ca tion major, was a song leader last year at P aci fi c Lutheran. She is presently in Spurs a nd also in May Festival. Each of these four tried out bf'
STELLA'S FLOWERS Mrs. June Broeckel "I be lieve, howeve r, in the serious ness and importance of instillin g a conce rn for a wide variety of fi elds, including the a rts as w ell as the sci ences. Certainly we h ave bcen at times in our history will ing to let our con ce rn become one-sided in fa vor of the sciences; nevertheless we cannot claim a lack of cultural heri tag·e ."
Mr. Sven W inther that we couldn't ge t enough of them! "Several of the reasons for this prefe rence are related to the train ing program of Pacific Lutheran. First, we find that the graduates are adequately prepared insofar as a
MR. SVEN WINTHER, Instruc tor in Psychology fro m grad uate school and intern studi es in Oregon. "Can nations be neurotic?" "Yes, definitely. Not only other groups as well-for instance, col leges ! Groups, just as individuals, have p ersona lities, and thus ca n h ave p ersona lity problems. Th is is spoken of as institutional ncuroses." MRS. JUKE BROECKEL, Edu ca ti on instructor from the DuPont School Distric t. "'What are the most important qualities in a teacher?" "I would say, first of all, patien ce. To this I would add understanding, tact, firmness, and humility. A teach er must be a good listener, have a se nse of humor, and must be able to love many different types of p eople. The term, 'h e a It h y personality' might sum it up."
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cause someo ne else persuaded them.
Barb tried to persuadc Mik e that he would makc a good che er leade r a nd in turn he persu aded h er that she would a lso. Then Barb, Linda, and Mik e all got together a nd p ersua ded Bob. This completed th e foursom e. They plan to eombinc their talents in cre ating' new yells an d adding a lot of zest to th e old ones. They've prom ised to be at evcry game . Will you?
Board Meets Thursday This c\'c ninr,- Presiden t Ecth East \olel is gues t speaker a t a b a nquet a t Whitwnrth College in honor of its president, Dr. F ro nk W a rren. Preparations are bei ng made for th e mectin g of the Paci fic Luthera n Board of R·ge nts next Thursday. In co nnec tion wi th it, Dr. Sidney R and, hea d of coll ege' work for TALC, will sp("ak in chapcl.
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L inda's room-mates thought th a t shc was "rig ht" for th e j ob because of her over-abundance of energy. It seems tha t she lik es to get up in th e morning and just scream to le t off stea m . Th ey thought her scrcaming co uld be put to be tter use as a chee r leader.
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I I am between 19 and 26'12. a citizen of the U, S. and a high school gr aduate I with _ _ _years of college. Please nd me detailed information on the I seAviation t program. II NAMLE_Cade _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I SIREET_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I CITY I IL _COUNTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE__ _ _ _ _ JI
Friday, October 7, 1960
Page Five
NTRAMURAL FOOTBALL STATS Eve rgreen has moved up throu gh th e ranks with four straight wins and n o defeats to take the league lead. Their las t victory came on Wednesday, 36-24, over previously unbeaten W es tern. Standings through Wednesday Team
4TH r- OOR 24, 2ND FLOOR 0 -4th 's quarterback, Garner Hanson, looks for h is receivers as 2nd's line rushes in Tuesday's game. Halfbacks in action for 4 th are Bob Malison and Marlin Pierce, 4th's linemen are II. to r.) Duane Meske, Paul Christma'l, and Stan Fredrici<son.
W L Evergreen ................ 4 0 3rd Floor ................ 2 0 4th Floor ................ 2
80 96
Basement ................ 2
2 3 4
12 6
32 60
''''estern .................. 2 Eastern ............ ..... ... 2 2nd Floor ................ 0 Ever. Annex ... ......... 0 1st Floor .................. 0
Intramural Foot ball: Evergreen Heads H eap 4th Floor Upsets 3rd Floor, 18-12 -l: th Floor, led by the passing of "Snard" Hanso n and the sure-fingered rccei\ing of Duane Meske, dropped 3rd from th e unbeaten ranks last night. H anson thrr w for three TD 's to IYfcske. Lloyd Soine, Gerry Evanson, and Jnry Poppin werc standouts on the lin e. I Bloomquist held 3rd together with a kickoff return fOl' a 52-yard 'I'D, nnd a scoring pass-play to Dan Bechtel. 1 hursday's other game saw the Basement thump 2nd Floor 36-6. Bill Peterson threw for four TD's and Jim Boeshans threw for two. Scoring WtTC C a r ' Jonson , 6; Larry Peterson, 12: and George Lechner, 18. A Jim Baker to H a nson Bay (?) pass scored 2nd's only tou chdown. Evergreen Edges Eastern £ \ erg-n'cn, relying On Frank Waterworth nnd Gary Olson for thei r
two TD's, squ eaked by Eastern, 12-0, Monday. Eastern's defense bottled up L\(T ~'Tt '(' n's offensive unit , but Evergreen mana ged to keep posse.s ion of the belll Ihrough most of th e game a nd pushed OV' T two big ones. Eastern's only t"lly ca me on a Don Sinquefit1d to Gary Shaw pass-play. ,"erg-recn (I2) - Watc Tworth (2 passes) , G. Olso u ( 12 ), Reep, L en sin q, J on OI5<' n, Ashpo1e, Bakken, Ruud, R. And erson, Kieland, L. Peterson, Lind holm, Haaland, Lehman, S~va gc . Eastern (6) --Shaw (6) , Sinquf"iicld (pass), Ken Larson, Les Peterson, D. E ils um, Hildebrand, Fl nmoe, Ln h, S. Hage n, ''''alter, Dunlop, Flatness. :\1>0 i\.fonday's action saw 'Vestern down th e Annex, 18-6. L eo Elias on, at thi' quarterback spot for W es tern, threw two TD's and Petc Gahlhoff, halfbac k, threw for one. Norm Dahl, Hagerty, and Ralph Carr each scored one. For the "Tulips," their fullback, Castleberry, scored on an end run. Western (l8)-P. Gahlhoff ( pass), J. Malmin, D a hl (6), Hagerty (6) , John Johnson, Carr (6), L. Eliason (2 passes ), I. Eliason. Annex (6) - Kasperso n, Castkberry (6), Seifors, J. Curtis, C. Larson, Ranken, Zimmerman . 4th Floor Dumps 2nd Floor Tuesday's action saw the 4th-2nd Rame, fig-ured even, go to 4th Floor, 24-0. Garner Hanson threw for three TD's to M es ki, Henson, and Fredrick son: Bob Mattson scored 6 on a 16 yard run . 4th Floor (24)-G. Hanson (3 passes), D. Meski (6), J. Henson (6), B. Mattson (6), J. Evanson, L. Soine, Fredrickson (6), Christman, M. Pierce, J. Laird, 2nd Floor (O)-Flaskerud, Enger, Lundring, Niemi, M. Jacobson, Ditt rich, Sodcrbalm, E . Anderson, Hanson Bay (?).
The Basement pulled off another rout against 1st Floor, 54-2, but there
was a distinction in this one ; 1st scored as Appel e.aught th e Basement quar terback, Bill Peterson, in the cellar. But other than that, Bill threw for six TD's: two to Quam, three to George Lcchncr, and one to 'Tom Aldcn.
Boeshans after tossing to Christianson for 6 ran over one for hImself; Germeroth scored on an intercepted pass from Denny Gudal, 1st's QB. Basement (54)- B. Peterson (6 passes), P. Quam (12), G. Lechner ( 18), Christianson (6), Boeshans (6 pts., 1 pass), Germeroth (6), Alden (6), Lohn, Jonson, L. Peterson. 1st Floor (2)-Appel (2), Gudal, Robb, Schmitz, Sandburg, Howard, and Foss. Evergreen Wins Fourth Straight, Downs Western E,'ergrecn, spotting Western 12 points in the first 6 minutes of play, came on lik e ~1-Squad in the second half to win going away, 36-24, Wednes day. Western's Ivar Eliason sparked Western On defense, intercepting two Evergreen passes and batting three more to the ground. Big Ralph Carr, the poor ma n's Guliver, led the Wt'stern line in rushing the Evergreen passers. L eo Eliason and Pete Galhoff threw for two TD's each, to Hagerty, Muser, Dahl. and Galhoff. Fra nk lVa terworth picked up four TD passes and ran one over himself b a brill ia nt second half pcrforr:1anee. Also scoring were Ruud, Ernst, and Lc ns in~ . Everg reen's dormant offense in past games finally came to life as the)' dowoed tiwir strong<,st contender for the league title; 3rd Floor lies ahea d on October 24th. In other action, I st Floor forfeited to Eastern. Can't hardly blamf: 'em for it, but remember, two forfeits and you are out.
HANSON TO HENSON-"Snard" Hanson hit big Jim Henson on this play which set up 4th's first score. Right end Gerry Evanson throws a key block, down field are Malison and Lloyd Soine.
l~l !~
Mark Salzman has informed me Jack L ensing, Evergree n, and Stan that the "Decathlon Club," begun Fredrickson, 4th Floor, top the last yea r, will again function this league in tou chdowns scored with year. No one has chacked it yet. It five apiece. Stan's team-mate, Duane is open to all men with a 2.00 gpa or M eske, is close on their heels with better if they ca n pass all of the fol four. lowing events: Individual Scoring 1. 100 yard dash in : 11.6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
120 yard low hurdles in :16.0 Name and Team P;>ints Mile run in 6:00 Lensin g, Everg reen ...................... 30
Running hi gh jump at 5 feet Fredri ckson, 4th FlooL................ 30
Running broad jump, 17 feet M es ke, D. ; 4th Floo r .................... 24
Shotput (16 lb.), 30 feet Rorem, 3rd Floor .......................... 18 20 foot rope climb in :12.0 Baseball throw, 250 feet -01' Johnson, L. ; 3rd FloOL................ 18 Javelin throw, 130 feet Wahl, W es tern .. .. .......................... 18
9. Football punt, 120 feet Chri sti a nson, Bascmmt ................ 18
10. 100 yard swim in 1:+5 Lechner, Basemen t ...................... 18 11. Front Hand Spring In th,. passin g depa rtment Garncr 12. Hand stand for :10.0 'Snard" Hanson a nd Frank Water 13. Fence vault, chin hi gh wo rth a re neck and neck with an One varsity letter may be used as ,'ven d 07'e n. H ::lI1son pi cked up eight a substitute for anyone event. Those in 4th F loo r's 66-0 rout of 1st. Bill men who did not finish their events Peterson of the Cellar, with tcn, is last year ma y do so nOW. Certificates ti gh t in third spot. will be awarded upon completion of all l"\Tnts, anyone interested contact I NDIVIDUAL PASSING Mr. Salzman. KaIlle and Team TD Passes T h e qu estion has a g a i n been
Hanson, G ., 4th Floor .................. 12 raised r ega rding the Married Men ''''a terworth, Evcrgrc cll ................ 12 and Tacoma 1M districts- as pre Peterson, B., Basf'men t ................ 10 viously stated these districts have
been dropped. East ern and Western
G a lhoff, J ., Western .................... 5 Eliason, L., Weste rn .................... 4 have absorbed these districts with Pa rk Avenu e as ~he dividing line.
r·iiite; H()~;s 1
The rc ason nO one evcr gives the g room a shower is that everyone fi gures him to be all washed up any way.
New York and Pittsburgh play in the World Series: Kruschcv has been pushed back to the 2nd page in the Pitt papers, and Pirate fans are lu g ging around placa rds exclaiming: '"Yankee go home!", topped with Confederate fla gs. Well ba ck to the drawing mat .. !
ntramura ac tlOn: Monday:
2nd Floor over Eastern 'Vestern over 1st Floor T uesday: Evergreen over Annex
3rd Floor over Basement Wednesday: 3rd Flool' over Eastern W estern over 2nd Floor T h ursday: Annex over 1st Floor Basement over 4th Floor Season 0/2
PLU plays Eastern in Cheney Saturday ni ght. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT hurt my pocket-book this wc e...l,;!! P LU over E-astern by 12 point.s. The- above also goes for dismal W ashin g ton . I wouldn't give a plug m ckel for any Navy-ROTC cad et at the U. This week th ey ta ke on the "medics" of Leland Stanford U., at Palo Alto. A pound of swiss cheese to tht" winner: Washington over Stanford by 3 points.
1M C omments ~....2? ~ ~~
This column will be reserved for readers' comments regarding intra murals. We hope it will be more successful than the letters to the ed in the Daybreak of yesteryear. So let's hear from you, anything about intramurals or sports in general. Ad dress: G. G. Gradwohl, Box 313, Campus Mail.
The current re-emphasis on edu cation in our collegcs is typified by
one Western university which has ruled that no athlete be awardcd a lett ' r unless he can tell at a glance
which letter it is.
Affirmation of an anci ent proverb comes from a sporty acquaintance of mine who assures me that two heads a re indeed better than one, especial ly when they happen to be on the same com. Race Track-a place where win dows clea n people. We've just learned a secret meth od for r~turning from Las Vegas with a small fortune: go with a large fortune. A friend of ours has come up with the David and Goliath cocktail-a small one and you're stoned!
1M FOOTBALL OFFICIALS--Jerry Curtis (left) and George Lechner assist Gradwohl and Salz in supervising this fall"s football games. A little sleepy, Jerry?
Friday, November 11, 1960 r
Page Five
1M Football Ends for 196 0 Season:
Evergreen, Basement Co-Champs;
3rd Floor Tumbles to hird Place
EVERGREEN AND BASEMENT TIE FOR CO-CHAMPIONSHIP Monday in a hard-fought clash the BClsemcnt and Evcgrcen fought down to the wire in the leaguc game that foret o ld the championship out come. :\ dctermined Basement eight jurnpcd out in front at the outset scorin g twice in the first thre e m in utes of play. But E"crgreen fought h~ck with a Frank 'Vaterworth to Roger Reep pass-play to make 12-5 in fa"or of the Basement Clt the l'1id point. Th e BClsement again tallied "Clrly in the St'cond half as Bill Pc·terson's passin r; arm did the t ric k. The "Feds' of Evergreen, using their "goon-squad," or defensivc unit on the offensive, struck b a c k. Dave Haaland, defensive end, p I a yin g quarterback, threw twice to Roger Bakkrn on the goal line to knot it at 18-18. Evergcen's Jack Lensing intrccepted a Peterson PClSS and the runbaek put Evergreen on the Base ment 20 yard line, but the fates were against them as the clock ran out. Evergreen 18: Waterworth, 1 TD pas s : HaClland, 2 TD passes; Roger Reep, 6 points; Roger Bakken, 12 points. Basement 18: Bill Peterson, 3 TD passes; Tom Alden, 6 points; George Lechner, 6 points; Gary Jonson, 6 points.
For 1M FootbaII
This year we are starting a new st"rvice of letting you, the partici pants, nominatc the 1960 1M Football AllStars. Of course the final selection of the 16 players will still rest in the hands of the 1M committee (of two). Clip out the ballot and write in your se lection, the first 16 are serious and as for the remaindcr use your better judgement. Afte r complet ing the ballot drop it in thc boxes which are locatcd in the Student Union and Old Main. Let's h ear from you by Wednesday, Nov. 16. ALL-STAR FOOTBALL
Offense: RE ...... ........... ......... ....................... .
RG ........... . .. ._.................................. .
C ................................................... .
THE BAS EMENT-Coming through the heap to dominate second round play the Basement tied for the 1960 title. Back row (I. to r.) George Lechner, end; Bill Peter son, quarterback; Larry Peterson, back; Jim Boeshans, back; Bob Sanders, back; and Tom Alden, end. Front row (I. to r.) Linemen Neil Christianson, Don Samuelson, Jerry Lohn, Gary Jonson, and John Poulsen. Not pictured is Pete Quam.
1M Football Final 1960 Standings Team Won Lost BASEMENT ............................ ........ 10 1 EVERGREEN ................................ 10 3rd Floor . -.... ---.-.-- .. -. ----.------------------- 8 5 Western -------- .... -... ---------------------------- 6 7 Eastern ------------0--0-----···_···_-.----_···-··---· 5 9 4th Floor ...... -.... -.- ..----.--------------------- 3
2 2 4 2
PF 242 207 233 148 129 181
PA 74 108 84 116 156 245
11 11 10 7
5Y, 3Y,
UW vs. CALIFORNIA Fans that thought Washington ran wild over USC last Saturday will be in for a re peat tomorrow in Seattle. Although C a I did knock over a OSC team that was run i,., the ground the previous game, they will be no offensive match for the "UW MeKeta's." It's Homecoming at the "U" and the alums will be WILD! Go, I' a u Fleming, Mitchell, Jones, Jackson, go-go! Washington over California by 34 points
--.... Without any explanation I'll pick these winners: UCLA over Air Force by 32 pts. Baylor over USC by 1 point. Oregon over W. Virginia, 33 pts. Ore. St. over Stanford by 11 pts.
LG.................................................. .
LE ....................... ............... ....... ..... .
B ..... ...... .. ...................... ............... .
B B ............................. ........ ............. .
Defense: RE ...................................... ....... _.... .
RG...... ......... ....................................
LG .................................................. .
LE .................................................. .
RLB................................................ .
LLB................................................ .
B ................................................... .
Utah St. over COP by 21 points.
1) ....................................... ............ . (Loudest Griper)
Pitt over Army by 9 points.
2) ........................................ _............
WSU over Idaho by 27 points.
E;:"tern. outmanned but not out played, lacked the necessary strcngth in thc final half against Western on Monday, as they were defeated by "six."' A Ron Hanna to D;Jrwyn Eikum pass-play was Eastern's only tally. For Eastern Iva.r Eliason threw twice, both to Norm Dahl, !o put E;~stcrn on the board with the win ning points.
EV E R GREEN CLINCHES TIE F O R TITLE IN FINAL WIN OVER WESTERN Wedne sday, the final day for this v c a r' s football intramurals, saw E\T r" rce n who tied the Basement thl' prn 'ious game, out-winded West e rn 12-0. Evergreen again deployed two u n its a nd a gain used thei r de fensi,,' unit on thc offcnsive in the second p e riod. A sparkling pass-lat eral-and run p12Y, Waterworth to Bakken to Peterson, in the final min utes of the first period put Eve r gree n ahead 6-0 at the half. Western poised mClny a serious threat, but could not make the necessary plays clic k when it counted. Leo Eliason, P e te r G ahlahoff, and Ivar Eliason wc n' the important passers for West ern, but they failed to put a score across in the final minutes. Another Waterworth pass, to Roger Bakken, wrapped it up at 12-0.
PLU vs. EASTERN Two in a row and pluu-ens are on their way to a new winning streak. In the final of the '60 season both teams will be glad to get it over with, but with some hope of finishing with a big stick. Could forecast a tie (it's a thought); but we'll say good bye to "Buck" Alexander and the other men on the Five-Year Plan by picking- and not out of courtesy: PLU over Eastern by 16 points!
Western 12: Norm Dahl, 12 pts.; hal' Eliason, 2 TD passes; Leo Elia ~on, Dick Hagerty, Dick Davenport, Ken Gaal, J ohn Johnson, Pete Gah lahoff. Eastern 6: Ron Hanna, 1 TD pass; Darwyn Eikum, 6 points; Lorcn Hil debrand, Boomer, Flatness.
Also 'Vound up the intramural foot ball action this week with 2 for 4, duing the season we picked 22 out of 34 for a season average of 66 percent. Will s tar t piek'en B-ball right after Tukey-Time. Last Week: 7j10-0ne perfect! Season: 18/27 for 66 percent.
All-Star Ballot
(Most Ugly)
Syracuse over Colgate by 23 pts. Iowa over Ohio SI. by 10 points.
3) ......................._............................
Miami over Notre Dame by 6 pts. Minnesota over Purdue by 7 pts.
EVERGREE N COUR T " Fed .. taj s " -Th ?S~ a'e tho " mon of h ergreen," who somewhat successfully defended their 1959 1M Foolba!l Tille b y tiei ng w ith the Basement <or the 1960 co-c ham pionship. Bock row (I. to r.): Ga ry Kie land , e n d ; Ron Siella, end; Roger Reep, end; Chris Halvorson, back; Darryl Ashpo e, back; Fra nk Wa te rworth, back and co-capta}n; Gary Olson, ba ck and co-captain ; Roger Anderson, h ack; Rog Bakken, end; Ken Ruud, end; Larry Pe terson, end; Tony Re yno;ds, end; Dave Haal
and, end and co-captain; and Kent TeKrony, coa<h. Front row (I. to r.): Linemen Ron Hammond, Frank Lehman, Dave Savage, Eric Lindholm, Mall Ernst, Jon Olson, Dan Haasenpflug, and Bob Gross. Not pictured is J ack Lensing.
Navy over Virgin ia by 38 points. Missouri over Oklahoma, 41 pts. 01' Miss. over Tenn. by 6 points. Geo. Tcch over Alabama, 21 pts. Kansas over Colorado by I point. Mich. St. ove r Northwestern by 18 points. Wisconsin over Illinois by 3 pts.
1M Basketball Intramural basketball practices will begin next week, between 6:30 and 9:30, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Check the posted schedulcs for time and court.
(Most Clumsy) 4).
(Always Best Dressed) 5) .................................................. ..
(All-American Material) 6) ....................................................
(One-Man Team)
7) ................................................... . (Constant Cheater) 8) ....................................................
(Cry-Baby, Always Hurt)
Extra) ........................................ _... . (Most Honest Ref)
"CONSO LATION" 18-6 Demanding at least third place rn the league, 3rd Floor stunned 4th Floor again ill Wednesday's game. 4th didn't see a win in the second round of play and couldn't corne close to victory in their final. 3rd Floor 18: Rod Cillo, 2 TD passes and 6 points; Al Bloomquist, 6 points; Dan Bechtel, 1 TD pass and 6 points; Lars Johnson, Gerald Gettis, Warren Willis, Dick Clark, Don Jensen, Ed Velure, Low c II "Red" Stordahl, Al Johnson. 4th Floor 6: Snard Hanson, 1 TD pass; Bob Mattson, 6 points; Stan Fredrickson, Lloyd Saine, Phil Yok el'S, Jerry Evanson, Bill Brooks, and Gary Sund.
FOl' sale cheap, 400,000 "I like Diek" buttons! I really didn't t.hink Robert Fineh and his youn g Demo crats wen' that serious; hope they gloa t th cmsC'lves to death! 'VeIl, I'll have to suffe r throu gh the next four years and bear it. Intramural basketball will begin league play November 29; that's the Tuesday after we come back from Turkey vacation. There will again be three leaglles (A, B, C), but if the number of teams substantially increases, and we suspect they will, provision will be madc to set up a fourth (D) league.
EVERGREEN 1 B, BASEMENT 1 B-Evergreen's Chinese Bandit unit or the defensive "goon-squad" as they are commonly called, rush in on two Basement backs (simu lated), in Monday's championship playoff. Left to right: Haaland, Bakken, Quam and Boeshans of the Basement, Lensing, Kieland, Reynolds, Peterson, and Ander son. (Photos by McKewen).
Page Six
Friday, September 11, 1960
Knigh Pacific Lutheran University will be looking for its third straight Ever green Conference win tomorrow night at 8:00 in Lincoln Bowl when the Knights plan to avenge Eastern Washington's 13-12 early season vic tory. The Lutes have been picking up steam from a stunning 14-8 crush ing of the Central Wildcats. Last we ek the Kni gh ts clouted arch-rival UPS, 13-0. Thus, sniffling the hu miliation of a previous 2 I -14 loss
La ce to hird S
to the Loggers. This is fair warning to the leagu e, the Lutes will be con ference conte nd ers next fall. Inexperience was thc most potent obstacle to hurdle enroute to glory. Coach Gabrielsen summed up the gridiron Cinderellas: "We had a psychological bar rier built up over the past few years that we couldn't win. Our gamc philosophy was play h a rd, have fun and see what happens. The spirit was always there, but
too often we played on spirit only, instead of thinkinl(" smart football like we have the past two games. Now, the boys expect to win and we don't need to worry about spirit. Secondly, we are basically a sophomore team that has no where reached its pcak." Coach Gabrielsen stressed thc r ed s h i r t s con tribu tion to the team. Wh en you have a bunch of kids pushing th e regulars, morale is surc to be high. Fellows like Gary Stubbs,
Denny Harris, "Varren Lee, Enoc Johannson , and George Viglund who seldom suit up have played an un measurable part in late season vic tori es. The Lutes, win or lose, will be closing out the best season in two years. In 1958 and 1959 the always tough football team could only mus ter one win each year. This fall the pattern has improved tremendously with three wins und er its belt and one game renlaining .
Closing out the schedule on a har monious note will entail sewin."· up the Eastern attack led by quarter back George Stephens. Speedy back Dave Milam, and bruising D a,· e Crowell lend variety to coach Chis sus' wingcd-T variations. BiII Palm er at tackle, Ri ch Hilty at center are Savage interior defenders. Eastern has won one game in Everg r een Conferencc play, that one against th e Lutes at Cheney. A larg c rowd is expected for th e la ts game
Gabrielsen Sends M en Thru racl:ice Before Final Game by Mike Macdonald
With only one game remaining, the Pacific Lutheran Uni versity Knights have been working hard to make sure they end the season on a winning notc. This past week coach Gabrielsen has put his gridders through four workouts that should have his team ready for the battle against Eastern \Vash., tomorrow. Monday night the team was on the field for an hour and a half run n ing through plays and sharpening the passing attack. After the work out the squad saw movies of the UPS game and talked over the mis takes that were made. On both Tuesday and Wednesd ay
Gabrielsen put his boys through all out offensive scrimmages wh cre con siderable improvemen t was shown in both the i r running and passing game. With the return of big Bruce Nunes to the lineup, the. offensive eleven is now at full strength with the excep tion of Dick Johnson, who is out with a bad shoulder. Thursday the first team defcnsive sq uad got a chance to show its stuff against the meat squad. The meat squad, composed of the second and third teams, ran Eastern's offensive and gavc the defense a good look at w hat t h c yea n expect tomorrow night. The Green Giant, Marv Snell, is expected to be ready for the game tomorrow eve.n tho ugh he had missed this week's practices due to an infected arm. After Thursday's workout Gabe praised the club for its hard work and good hustle. Tonight the Knights have a light workout scheduled in which they will sharpen up on some of the spe cialties such as kicking and punt returns. Gabrielsen had this to say about his ball players, 'Thc team has worked hard all week and now the only thing left is to play the best football th ey know how and beat Eastern tomorrow.
lutes lose Six To Graduation On Novcmber 12 at 8:00 p.m., six seniors will p I a y against Eastern Washington College of Education in
their last PLU football game. All are regular starters, cxcept one.
WHER~ GAMES ARE WON-The practice field is the mold whue plans and perspiration mix . Sweat and guts go into every PLU football practice. The Knights were snapped during warm-ups, just before contact began.
Nunes Plays Hard Nosed
Bruce Alexander, "Alex," as he is called by his teammatcs, is hap pily married and the father of three, the latest additions bcing t win s. Bruc~ plans on going into education or YMCA work. A transfer from a San M a teo J. C. championship tcam, Brucc Nunes has done a trem endous job at thc right tackle spot. At the conclusion of this, his second year in a Lute uniform, Bruce would like to go into an accounting job. At twenty-five years of age, Bill Lennon is the oldest player on the tea m . Upon graduation, Bill plans on going to Luther Seminary to pre pare for the ministry. He has played two years for th e Lutes. Don Keppler transferred to PLU as a sophomore from thc University of Washington, and has played for the Lu tes for two years. Lou Blaesi has played all four of his school years. Lou, a defensive standout, plays linebacker and end. He plans on going into teaching upon gra duation in the elementary level. Ron Coltom started his first game this year against E as tern, causing the Savages trouble all nig·ht.
• 11.J.· •
PLU SENIORS PLAYING their last game tomorrow night are (top, left to right) Bruce Nu nes, Bruce Alexander, Lou Blaesi, (bottom, left to right) Don Ke ppler, Ron Coltom, lIill Lennon.
by Creighton Germeroth Senior, Bruce Nunes will be playing his last college football game to morrow ni ght when the Lutes tangle with Eastern Washington . Bruce was born at San Francisco, C2.lifornia, and later moved to San Cnrlos. California. He attended C arlmont Hi gh School in Belmont, Califor n;u, where he was a four-year letterma n in football. He also lett~red thr.. e years in track , a sport in which he held th e school discus record. After spending his first two years of collt·ge at San M ateo Junior Col kge, Bruce transferred to PLU, where he has lettered two years in football as a tackle. Bruce, who is commonly referred to as "the bear" by his team mutes, lists fishing and golf as two of his favorite leisure time activities . "The bear" is a business major and after graduation he hopes to be come a n accountant.
Bruce Nunes
PLU Grabs 13. 0
Totem Pole Win by Bob Mattson Coach Jim Gabrielsen's Knights looked like "world beaters" last Sa t urday aftcrnoon as they brought the Totem Pole trophy back to the Park land campus for the first time since
1955. Led by the running of halfback Dave R eynolds, the Knights blanked rival Uni,'ersi ty of Puget Sound, 13-0, before a packed Logger hom e crowd. A near-pe rfect defense played a major role in the Kni ghts' second straigh t Evergreen Conference vic tory. Backs Jack Cocchi, who inter cepted two passes, and Gary Nevers tea med with linebackers Don Kep pler and Dave BottemiIIcr to choke off the Logger passing attack. Stalwarts in thc line wcre John M ades, John Aune, Marv Snell, and l\ orm J uggcrt. PLU scored once in the first pe riod whcn K ei th Shahan powered over from the two-yard line to score his first college touchdown. The drive was highlighted by two Dou g McClary passes, onc each to Botte millel' and Bill Lennon.
PLU SPIRIT Last Saturday was a great day in the annals of footba ll history for Pa cific Lutheran University. The team played a tremendous game and deserves ali th e credit that was extended to it for its victory. It is just too bad that someone cannot shake the hand of the student body who gave its team such great support on Saturday at UPS. In two years I have never seen greater spirit exhibited during and after a PLU football game. Now that we have once again acquired this lost spirit, le t's aim it in the right direction and make PLU once again known for its tremendous, spirited rooting sections along w ith its championship a thle tic tea m s. I extend my hand to each and everyone of you for your great showing last Saturday. K eep up the good work . Mark Salzman, PLU athletic director, once told Jim Gabrielsen that he played ta ckle for the Baltimore Colts at 160 pounds whil e the other tackle (,11 the team, Big Daddy Lipscomb, tipped thc beam at 285. "That," replied Jim with a straight face, "must have been the start of the unbalanced line." BLOCK PUNTS Have you wondered why all the gi rls go for Norm Juggart, alias Jug head? Inform ed sources tell me it is because of his low cut te nnis shoes .. . What is this about five girls from C.P.H.S. coming over to see Ron Ratliff and John Hanson after the game Saturday .. , Some sort of ITcord must have been set last week when Whitworth played Easte rn. Spurlock from Whitworth threw 57 passes and completed 29 for a total of 288 yards. That is more attempted passes for a game than the pros try ... Rod Cillo, Ran dy Stime and Jerry Capps a r c starting a club on campus to help support all en nts. If you are interested, contact anyone of the three. This is open to both sexes, according to Rod.
GIVE 'EM A RIDE Since this is the fimt! big home game of th e season we want to be SUI"(' A strong UPS defense twice shut c,·eryone has a ride to Lincoln Bowl tomorrow night. If you are driving, be off Lute touchdown drives on the sure to fill your car with Lut...s. If you haven' t found riders ahead of timcc, one-yard line. This was the only fac just drop by the CUB when leaving and you'll find more than enough. Just tor that didn't indicate the rout that tell your date to cudd\c up and make room for morc.- by the Knife. the gam e was.
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1960 -
Twent:y- hree Seniors
or Collegiat:e 'Who's W o
ONE O F THE GIRLS pictu red above wi ll be crow ned Lucia Brid th is e ven ing, oj the fe st ival in the CMS at 7 :00 p.m. Bottom row (left to right' are Li nda Kn utzen, Ma r gare t Swenson a n verly Ande rson . Top row (left to right' are Ne ll ie Brelmer, Kim Bodding , Sandra Hiere n a nd Jud y Sc hwa rtze . Three of these no mi nees mad e t he fin a ls fle r t he pre liminary ele <tio n. Th yare Kim, Judy, and Gloria Anderson, who is not p ictured.
pus Sirs Over
PLl: students may engage th e fa med author', Vall ce Packard (The Status Seekers , The \Va te M akers, Hidd en Persuaders) for an eve nin g k c ture on F('b ru a ry 1 I , a nd th e n pu,h on to establish a le cture series on campus nt'xt year, dt'pending on th e OU tcome of talk now bt'ing heard in various corners of the university. Paul Eriks, chairman of th e Lec ture Series co mmittee, explains that th e current move for th e se ri es com es as a result of an opportuni ty the junior class found to sponsor the h-cturer Van ce Pa ckard. Carol Teslow, representing the juniors, with Paul Aasen, presi dent of the senior class, instigated a flurry of discussions in student
cou ncil last Tuesday by asking the council whether it would provide financial backing to th e Packard lecture. If granted , the support would encourage the two classes
to carry the even t through. Pack
ard's bill would read $500. M any. if not most students favor th e lecture series. For instance, ~[ar y Rogers says, "This is something th a t is talked about on campus and at lead ership schools, but never done . • T IV wC han: th e chan ce." But wh a t seems to be turning the cha nce into a rea l moral choice is bask etball- a hom e game the same
Chapel Program To Discuss Project
Twenty-three Pa c i f i c. L utheran U niversity s(' niors w erc sele c ted fo r the 1960 "Who's Who Among Stu den ts in Ameri ca n linin:rsities and Coll( ·,!"cs." T hese stud ents were chosen on th e basis of schola rship, character, cam pu s leadns hip, a nd futu re lead ership pot(' nti..:1. by a committee of student bod y an d b eu lty mrmbers. Thus(' wh o were selec ted and a few of thei r a('ti\'iti cs are: Pa ul AasCD , Wena tchec, Vl'ashing-
ect:u e Series
evc llin g ( Pack a ,'cl' s o nly open date a t th e comparatively low price) . Rog "bladdC'r" Lundblad concludes, "I think a lecture series is necessary, but we shouldn' t go h ea d-over-heels for Pac kard. What it boils down to is that we ca n get just as good a lec turn' at a bf'tt er tilne." M eanwhile, P a u I Eriks states, "Wc'v'e go t to get start ed . I will go to both tht" le cture a nd the ga m e ." (Caro l T es low reported that Coach Gen e Lund gaa rd agreed to hold the varsity ga me back half a n hour, to 8:30 p.m. ) . Asked if he thinks th e campus is ready for a lecture series, );orrn Dahl, student body prcsidcnt , of £COred, " 1 n 'a lly don't kllt>w. But I a lso wond er if any cam pus is rea dy. I think there a rc indivduals rea dy. "It seems that thin gs are done , thoughts developed, achievements
made in terms of individuals, not masses, and expeclancy of a small crowd at the lectu re, say 25, is not a reason for holding off. We must have confidence in ourselves_ The attitude of 'maybe we' re not ready for this' is perhaps the atti tu de which keeps a college 'small' - in the dee per sense of the \vord. Norm added, "Fina nc ially we may not be rea dy, but this ca n be solved. It' s a shame to dcpri\'e thi s oppor tunity from those who would bene H
fi t. " From this point of vi ew the only problem is mon ey. Th e ques tion is, " Ca n W I' raise $500 ?" Back in g from
the studt'nt council seems to bc, at this tim e, the point of no return . Tu esday' s meeting is shapi ng up to lw vcrI' intcr('sting ind eed.
'Sou nd of Music' Centra I Theme For Ba d Concert on Saturday Based on the theme "So und of Music," the fifty- p iece PLU Hand will prese nt a " homecom ing" concert tomorrow evening ~;t. 8: 00 p .m. in the eMS. This group, which has just completed a Thanksgiving week tour of Eastern Washingto n , Idaho, and Montana, is under the direction of Professor Gordon 0, Gilbertson . Concert Open to Public Open to the public, the concer t will play th e most successfu l num bers fr om its lour repertoire. Enterta inm (> nt for the evenin g will opcn with a fan fa re followed by B<!ch's "Chorale and Fugue," and "Procession of th e' Nobles ," by Rim sky-Korsakov, wi ll be follow ed by two works with the title, "Legend," one by Creston and the othe r by Dvorak . Program }'ollows Theme "Antiphony for Winds," by Kech le y, will be followed by Giliis's
"Fields in Summer."
The spri tely military mar c h , "Stars and Stripes Fore"er," b y J ohn Philip Sousa, will gi\'e con tm t t o th e program. Includes Light Numbers l\'ext will co rne a group of light numbers includin g "The Sound of 11usie," Rod ge rs-Bennett ; ' ·Pr·nr.y Whi stle Son g," Anderson; "11ari anna," Singer; a nd "An1el'icans We,"
Fi ll more.
Tuesday's student body chape l is (·"pe eted to draw a larger crowd than usua l since, in the end, the topi c up for discuss ion is mone y from the students' pockets. Paul Eriks, in charge of the pro g ram, announces t h a t a student oanel will toss a round the question of a lecture scries a nd its plac e on P ~. cif i c Lutheran's ca mpus.
Th is is of spcc:ial concern to the
('oll eg ia ns, since undertaking a series rcquir(' mon ey. Pa ul says, "It will eost som ethin g . Maybe one or two dollars p er sem ester. But with $3,000 w e co uld p ossibl y han' six lecturers durin ~ th e year." TUt'sday's mceting will be a feeler t o probe into the thinking of the studcnts. A questionnaire will be dis
tributed during the chapel session to
({ive th e Lec ture Se ries committee
Several optional w 0 T k s in the
cven more information to go on. ban d's repertoire will be added . No action will be tak en a t the These may include "Wing Ding," .a meeting, but it may be the time at ....hich opinions begin snow-balling variety number, "El Berrito," and
the "Footlifter," a march. in one direction or the other.
Tbe band will be appcaing in for mal dress; black dresses for the gi rl s, ~ nd tuxedoes for th e bo ys . Upon return from th e tour, M r. :Milton Kesvi g, of th e PLU !l. ews Burea u, who went with th e ba nd on the t ri p , commented th a t he believed this was one of th e most successful tours th e band h as made, ~\'fany m embers of th e or ga ni za tio n h ave also f'xprcssed th e opinion that this year" ba nd ha s a fin e sound and that their concerts w e r e ("xccptiollally wel! receivcd .
ton, hi story 111a j or, is preparing for Carolyn Ericksen, Burii n gtVI1. the seminary. He h as been ac tive in Wa shin gto n, I' cl ucator ma jor, wi ll the Senior Class, Blue K ey, and Stu a lso be an I' lc rnen ta t-y school teach dt"nt Congtega tion . er. Sh.. is preside nt of 1 asse! a nd Douglas Anderson, So a pLak e. a p as t prl'si d ent f Spu rs . ''''ashington, literature major, is a Kenn et h E ric.kscn, L on g vL cw pre-seminary student. His ac tivities W ashington, En gli. h majo ', plans to include Literary C lub and Stude nt teach on th e college lev el. H e is Con ircgation . president of Toastmas ters a n d a Ru th rhow, Vancou\'c r, ''''ash Illembe r of Blue K ey. ing ton, music major, is preparing to Paul Eriks, Sc a ltl~ litt'ra tu rl! llIa be a tcaC" he r in the public schools. jor, is prcparil1" for the mi n i,try. He She has been a ssocia ted with th e has bem active in Student Congre Choir of th e W es t, Tassels a nd Mu gation and Blue Key. Phi Epsi lon. K enne tl t Gaal, Sa n Francisco, C a i D a,'e Crowner, Bell, Californi a, is ift>wia, physics ma jor, is p lanning carrying a n Engli sh Litera ture a nd t o be physicist. Blu e K ey a nd Ger German major. Twi ce edi tor of th e Mooring M a st, he is a member of m a n C lub arc among h is activiti es. Lor-die Ihlenfeldt, Sea ttle cdu '
Gcrman C lub and Blue K ey. tion majo r, will be an eleme ntary
N orman D a h l, San F rancisco, Ca l school teachel'. She h as been a mem
ifornia, ma themati cs major, plans to ber of Choir of th e W est and Tassels.
tea ch on the co ll ege len' l aftn doing some graduate work . H e ha s been Theodore Johnstone, Palo Alto,
Student Counci l p resident a nd a California, history major, is prepa r
member of the baske tball a nd track in g for the Ministry. He has worked
teams . in Student CongrC'gation an d bt'cn Linda (Effinger) Gilmer, Tacoma president of AMS. education major, plans to be a tea ch Joan K esselring, Lafayette, Cali er in th e elementary schools. She forni a, is a lite rature major. She was was a homecoming prin cess and a chairrn:ln of Hom ecoming this yea r memb er of Young Republi ca ns and and belongs to the Ski C lub. AWS. (Continued on pa ge 2)
"The Messiah," by Handel, will be presen t ed this ~ unday, D ecember 4, at 4:00 p.m. in the UPS Memorial F iel dhouse, by the a u/!mel1ted T acoma Choral Society and the UPS-Tacoma Symphony Orch est ra. Dr. Brucc Rodgers, director of th e U niversity of Puget Sound School . of Music, will conduct this program which is the 19th a nnual presentation of the piece. Soloists in clu de M a rgaret M yles, contralto, and D r . Charles M. Fisher, bass, who arc members of the U PS faculty; a long with F lorence Mesler , soprano, a graduate of UPS, and Captain Gasking, a Virginian stationed at rort Lewis, wh o has been sol oist at various Army posts the past ten years.
Monday, D ecember 5, has been scheduled as the time to decorate the campus for Ch ristmas. D ecore_tions will be put up in the va rious dormitories, a nd on othe r places 3 round the sc hool. Followi ng th e d ecoratin.e: thLre will be a party held by the AWS and the AMS in B-200, wi th caroling, en tntainmcnt a nd refreshme nts for all. As a part of the Ch,·istm:\s d ec.ora ti ons the tree in front of the Library will be lit thi s eve nin g- followin g the Lu cia Bride fes ti vit ies in th et CMS . The studen t body would like to thank the following groups for their g-cnerous contributions to the Chrishnas T ree Fund: Old M ain, $10; Alpha P hi O m ega, '40 ; Sophomore Class, $30; an d Spurs, $ 30. Door-to-door con tributions we re collected in the other dormitories. Two campus movi es wi ll be p resen te d this wcekend. Friday's (toni ght's ) film wi ll b" "The L ast Hu r ra h ," starring Spence r T acy, show n a t 10:15 p .m , in th e J acob Sam uelson C hapel afte L ucia Bride festivities. Tomorrow e\'Cn ing a t th e sa me time the m ov ie " n M oon li ght Bay;' sta rring D oris Day and R ay Bolger, will be shown in the J C h apel, follow in g th e band co ncert. A1I students and faculty membe arc im·it d to the Pacifie L uth eran Univ ersity Dormitory Auxiliary Cbristmas Tea, on Sunday, December 4, 3:00-7:00 p. IlI., at th h me of Mr. and Mrs. Cli!ford O lson, 847 South 120th Street.
Prof. Gordon O. Gilbertson
Mr. L ouis K. Christensen, chairman of the Dep a rtment of Music, con fi rmed t he previous a nnouncement of th e a ncellation of "Amah I and th Night Visitors" in a n ews release previous to T hanksgiving vacation. H sa id: "The M usic D epartment r egrets to an nounc.e th a t the Opera Work shop 's schedu led p erformances of the Christmas Opera, "Amah! and the Night Visitors" have to be cancelled because the vocal director, Professor Newnham, does not feel the neccssary talent is available. Plans, howeve r, will continue for peformance of the work next year."
Page Two
Friday, December 2, 1960
Dedication of Stone
Jam ession Slat d • Among Campus olngs
F;riday, December 9, is the date set for the after game jam s('ssion to be h eld in the Fireside Room of the CUB. Jack Len sing is heading this event, which is being sponsored by the jun ior class. If this program proves successful it may become a regular v nt. Dick Latimer and members of the Pep Band will provide th e music for the session, which will be opcn to all students with no ad lwssion charge.
th e panel group to discuss at the January meeting.
* * * Am'one wishing to work on the Sophomore A c.t iviti es Committee should see Mike Mc.Intyrc, or con tact him through CUB Post Office Box ~3.
'* * * Donuts will be sold in North, South, "Yest, Ivy, and Clover Creek women's dormitories this ~10nday, D ecember 5, from 9:15-10:00 p.m. by the Physical Education majors. Shirley Christopherson is -hairman for the eve nt.
* *
The Philokalaens will hold th ei r third monthly meeting on December 8, during fifth period in the small dining- room of the CUB. Following a short business mCet ing , Mr. Stan Elberson of the Speech D epartment will present a Christmas pr0.:r-a m. All members arc; asked to bri n g those qu estions tha t they wish
Rental and Sales
Corner 112th and Pacific
Phone LE. 7·5677
eniors Chosen (Continued from page 1)
l\Iargery Krueger, Oregon Ci ty, Oregon, education major, is training to be an elementary school teacher. Sh" was a home comi ng p rincess and active in Tassels and SEA. Roger Lund blad, Sac r a m en t 0, Caiifornia, plans to be a biochemist. H e has worked on ICC and in LSA. Karen Susie Olson, Seattle educa tion major, will teach foreign lan g ua ges. She is a m ember of Ski Club and Tasse ls, and was a Hom ecomi ng prin cess. Eric Ottum, a pre-seminary stu dent, has been active in Blue K ey, Choir of the West and other music groups.
l\<larie Peters, an education major, is prcpa ring to be a teacher. She is a past president of Curtain Call and a d ramatist.
Diane R osdahl, Thompson Fa lls, ~{ ont.ana, "dueation major, has d e cid r>d on a career in teaching. She w ~ H omec om ing .2 u c e n and a membe r of Tassl:.ls an d Mission Cru ~;I d (-· rli .
Judith Sannerud, P ortiand, Ore gon, d u eation ma jor, p lans to t~ach .p ('('h and litC'ra l u rc on th e sec o nd:11 y lc\ el. She is presid nt of Pi Kappa Del ta a nd a m ember of the D 'oatt' squad . ~1aTtill Sch:l.dcr, San Fra n cisc.o, Californ ia, m uie TIlajor, is procpari ll £; I(,r the- min istry. cl ong in g- to the Amb:l ssa do r Qu artet and Choir of t he 'Y cst han· been S0111 e of his ac tiviti es. Gene Schaumberg, Federal Way, W ashingto n , ch em istry maj or, plans to go into research. He has bl!c n a mcrllber of L e ttermen and the Am er ica n Chemistry Society. Claric Syverson, Coeur d 'Alene, Idaho, sociology major, will be go ing into social work. She belongs to LSA, A WS a nd th e Sociology Club.
PHONE LE. 7-71 00
Marv Tommervik's
Ceremonies for the dedication of the memorial stone in honor of "Great T eachers," will begin on Wednesda y, Decem ber 7, during chapel, with a special program for the occasion .
F eahlfcd speaker for tlle fes t ivities will be D r. Ha rold L. Yo c UDl , presid ent of Ca pital n i ve rsity. During the evening, beginning at 7 :00 p.m., there will be a ban quet f or educators, at which som e 300 school superintendents a~d principals from all over Washing ton are expected to be present. At this event two honorary de grees will be presen ted . O ne to Dr. Yochum, Doctor of Letters, and one to Joe Chandler, Execu tive Secretary of the COJIul1ittee on Washington Education, Doc tor of Laws.
ASIS Ives Aid In Summer Jobs T h e American Stud ent Informa tion Service has decided to enlarge its facilities to the extent that it can now offer several thousand pay ing summer jobs to Ameri can college studen ts. This action was prompted by th e increased demand for sum mer jobs on the European con tinent. Paying the standard wage of the country in which they are located, th ese jobs arc available in Germany, France, Eng 1 and, Isra el, Spain, Switzerland and Scandinavia. Openin gs include: fa rm work, con struction work, reso rt work, fac tory work, hospital work, and it few se lected offi ce jobs for th ose who have a working knowledge of G erman or F re nch . Helps Arrange Low-C()1\t Travel A S S, it non -profit orga niz~tioll, a lso hflps American collcse studen!.s arrange l ow cost travel t o a nd from E UI·op ,·, p ro\-i dcs a mai l forward ing st"rvi c , inside in fo rrna tion on ' ur ope, and many recr"alional and edu ca t. i ual cti\·i ties. S tud"n ts in tlT s tf·cl in a summer job in E u rop e shou ld wrile Jircctly to : Ame rican Studt' nt I nfor ma tion Servi e. , e. V. J oh nstnl ssc 5Ga, Frank fu rt J\.fa in, G ermany .
PHONE LE. 7-0256
"E ducation is making great strides under community lead ership, and faster progress cannot be blueprinted in any capital -- state or natio nal, " stated Arthur H. Motley, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and publisher of P arade Magazine. Discussing the educational advances, Mr. Motley reported that durin ~ the p <ts t ten yea.rs, "we have tripled our expendi tures for education, built O\'Cf ha lf a milli')!l classrooms, eliminated thousand" of ineffici ent school districts, ra ised both the numbers and sa laries of our teachers, improved the qu ".lity of in struction, increased the holding pow er of our schools a nd colleges and generally a.c erierated th e upgr~ding of American rnanpower." He said the Russian educational system lacks th e best psycholoi6cal knowlcd g-c , the best mana g- em,~nt techniqu es a nd the best teach illg methods because "the sc hool >ystc:m did not spring f rom th e judgment of th e p eople or from community leadership, or from professional ex perim entation, rather, it was un posed full-blown from the top down on those seeking to exploi t th" peo ple for the purpos es of th e .Hate." "\Ye have III this country, thu g far, kept th e purposes of our educa tional institutions m the hands of the peopl e a nd t h c i r community leade!'s," ~1r. Motley exp lai ned. As " xa mples of community effort
TOWNE HOUSE Donut Bar and Qu ick Lunch HOME-MADE PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today for Tomorrow
in improvin g eUllcatio n , he men tio ned a sc hool district in Califo rn ia whi ch f'x pandcd its faciliti es and fac ulty morc tha n thirtee n-fold in th e past thirtee n years, its cn roilment h a vi n g inc:rcascd from 2,000 to 27,000 in th a I time . Amon g th l' schuol bond issues a p proved this year were $ 15:1 million in Los An geles, $35 million in Duval County, Florida, $8 million in Ore gon, a nd $7 million in H am ilton County, Te nne ssee.
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Thurs., 9 a .m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 Su n.
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Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Tacoma, Washington
Friday, December 2, 1960
On Convers ation s
eer and A dvent
A nother View of Autumn
.~ood tiIlll'.
FICTION I. Advise and Consent, Drury 2. Hawaii, Mi che ner 3. The Leopard, Di Lampedusa 4. The Lovely Ambition, Chase 5. Mistress of Mellyn, Holt 6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee 7. The Dean's Watch, H ers ey 8. The L,st of the Just, Schawarz-Bart NON-FICTION 1. The Waste Makers, Pa cka rd 2. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shirer 3. Born Free, Adamson 4. Baruch: The Public Years 5. The Politics of Upheaval, Schlesinger 6. Folk Medicine, J a rvis 7. Taken at the Flood, Gunther 8. The Liberal Hour, Balbraith 9. How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market, Jarvis
~orman d y
Dear Editor :
Submitted by J. Martin Anderson Au turlln is not a wond erful time of the year. It is a prt'monition. It is a forl'boding of d eath. The lives of pl~nts and anilllais are in dan ger because of the coming of Au ~ umn. D a nger and clcath arc not "festive excite ment" to life. Autumn is a signa l of th e onslau ght. A good Utopia has no Autumn because Autu m n is not a
Page Three
eace InOUf Time
Bill Sears Corne, let u s m ee t a t Ya lta, th en on to Potsdam and G eneva, :l nd there spill out th e blood of those yet u nconceived. The crust of Europe awaits our knives, come let us munch upon our gain, that pcace on earth m a y h enceforth reign. L et our p ens scratch out all curren t hate and thlls conceive a new d ebate, thus be th e fate of heroes h as te. So let th e crumbs fall from our tabk, to a ge neration much more able, for we our best have done. Our covenant is signed in blood now covered by th e sod from T a rawa to T h eir fates have bee n not our dis cre tion nor th e same of our dire ction; so for their sa kes we make our vows, sig n our names , make firm their fam e.
Br'er (that word seems to describe the party) was th e topic for discussion which two fellows sporadically bat ted around in their strained lingo last Sunday, until it listlessly limped over and drooped into their coffee cups. So th e one youth again conj ectured over who could have phoned him at the restaurant before he pulled in, and the other made it a conversation by interspersing sugg estions at app ropriate times . ,1 0 worse or better than much of our conve rsa tion at PLU. Just boring, I thought. Yet, I regrdted to sur mise that probably nonc of the foLlowing spirit would be in thei r talk during the next three weeks. How about you? () come, 0 come' . Emmanu el, and ransom captive Israe l that mourns in lowly exile here until tht: Son of God appear. Rej oice, rejoice! Elllmanuel shall come to thee, 0 Israel. D ave Crowner, editor
Upo n rcad in g F. R. Tenn:lnt's T hat Evil Is Neces sary, it is not diffi cult for one to reason: "The seasons ·;:re necessary, th erefore evi l is necessary." Evil comes about through rationality. If a good God creates a world of ra tiona l choice; a will to lovl' a nd a will to sin; th en of necess ity, the world lIlust be ration a l and h ~\'(' rational laws. Without ordl'r an d rationality a cha oti(, world would exist; hence. cho ice would be chaot ic and n ot rational. Th t' seasons cha nge throu gh ration ality. One should say, "they chan ge rationally." It is true, "birds mi grate, mice build nests and store grain, frogs hibern:lte, insects bury th eir eggs down d l'C ply, trces drop their sf'nsitive leaws (which rot), and IlLushrooms release tht'ir spores." This is not a promisl' of sprin g a new . It is a rational resu lt of pres erv in g the species. Even Paracelsus observed that, "Anyon e who illlagines that all fruits ripen at th e same time as the strawberrit,s knows nothing about grapes." And Jonah found some comfort in the shade of a tree whic.h God had mad e to grow for him to protect him from th e wn. Rational resu lts prevaiL They prevail. And Dar win smiles: It ",,,sn't long a go that le:lvt's were gold, And pumpkins frost wou ld mask. The momt'nt seemed so fai r, yet life w as cold; For winter's day had just begun her task. And all about the air a sense of dread ed fea r Was racing swiftly throu gh the ranting veins. And winter's breeze was blowing near, As leaves would drop and branch es bent in pain. Yet now, fear was burning in that tree so bent; FOl' it well knew the dread of snow. The beauty of such wondrous g lee would ferven t H eat des troy; yet grca t beauty it bestowed ! It is good to sec it faIl from the sky, And toueh upon th e lonely barren branch. Oh, how beautiful the snow; a sparkling maide n's eye, That glist ('ns bright with fl ee ting d a n ce ! But it has not come yet, just the wind a nd cold. Just th e w in d and cold have come. just wind and cold .
Van Cliburn "Perfect!"
Sa ndra Heieran Marilyn Hag n (A t the recent piano concert gIv en b y Van Cliburn in Seattle, two PL 1: students we re able to attend. This is th ei r impression). After a b r~athtaking rendition of
"Gael Bless America," the audience sat down in great anticipation of the first noll' to be magically sounded by Iv[ r . Cliburn. With his characteristic brisk walk, th e n'l'}' tall, lean Texan with fla sh ing blue eyes and a brilliant smile showed tht' supremacy of an artist in absolute control of the situation. EnTY gesture down to the lifting of a finger or the sensitive mold of the brow was a Illark of perfection. The first piece, the Sonata in B minor by Franz Liszt, was played nut as a piano normally sounds, for usually one watcht's for th e epitome of ter,hnical excellencc. This was dif fc rt' nt. There seemed to be almost a disregard for technical timin g, per fect ion being achieved throu gh feel ing in a kind of act that lifted the soul of one's being to a mysti ca l union with the music. As a paraphrase, the pi cce was a lengthy, fluttering melody borne of some spring breeze, coming out of nowhere, delig hted with life, just being, achieving height and depths of feeling. The bcgi nning of the e nd was discernable by a sad sinking fol-
lowed by sudden spurts of energy showing th e unwillingn ess of thc melody to depart; in fac t, almost a d" sp(' rate need to linger, but finally 'it relinquished to th e breeze, only to b ca rri ed off to tarry somewhere else- perhaps in our minds.
Th e Chopin selections w ere so "other worldly" that at least seven seconds reaction time was required before applause began to rain; a nd rain it did - a highly con tagious cloudburst, and wild, rampant chf'cr in g ca ught up the a udien ce in a swelling wave . H e bowed briskly, gratefully' several times, becoming like a child receiving a toy. About five minutes later h e a ppeared amid th e flood a nd played the first cneorc. Others follow ed, to the delight of the audience. After his last encore, the audience applauded n ea rly 20 minutes! People stormed up in a tide to get his a uto graph; curious, we followed, hut we abandoned th e crowd ed d ressing room to w ai t a t th e deserted stage door fr om th e outside. We ca ught him backing through th e other side. H e stood there until about 500 programs h ad bee n signed, ta lkin g to each of us, as a n intimate friend, and sig~i n g up to six pro g rams for each p er son. We found him, as others did, perfectly chalm ing, with a slow soft voice, unreal amidst the noise, and qui ckly lost as we walked away.
~ o\'e mb('I' 16, 1960 Th e purpose of this letter is not to critici ze the pres (' nt college philosophy of edu ca tion but to r eflect a n idea whi ch may b e of some importance in futu re plan nin g. This idea is to lessen the emphasis on memorization a nd fact co urses and increase the emp hasis on cou . ~s whi ch help a pe rson learn to think for himself. Courses like Ethi cs, Log ic, nnd Philosophy of Rdi gion help a pe rson learn to realisti ca lly evalua te, r~as on and th in k. Thesc arc more importa nt aspec ts of a person tha n acc umulation of fa ctu a l d a ta. C e rtainly th e latte r a re importa nt and basie, but y emph as izin g th em we lose the rea l purpose of education whi ch, I think, mu st be th e dcvelopment of the "free " mind to search, consider and eva luate so as to rca a logi ca l and sub jective decision. The fa cts serve as a framework of referen cc a nd as a basis to build upon and a, a 6'Uide and as limits-but, tra ining or conditioni ng th e mind is not enough. Surely thi s argument is strengthened amon g Chris ti ans, at least, by the fact that God rejoices so much in rc' ceiving a p C' r on who in his own ehoi e d ecides tha t His way is the wa , - Inore we should think tha n one who is tra ined or co nd itioned to acc ep t Him and does so without question or subjective thou ght. "Like Anonomou s"
November 21, 19 60 Boys! Boys! Boys! The opposite sex that se ems to attract girls of all ages. What is their appeal-blu e eyes, bi g brown eyes, blond curly hair, dark wavy hair, tall, short, muscles, skinny, fat, handsome , ugly, or just plain ordinary. Whatever it is, one may be surc it will be alluring to some girl. Hundreds of colleges and universities all over the country have boys on their campuses with these qualific tions. It is only natural that they should captiva te the girls' attention. Too, it is only natural that girls should try to obtain the attention of these tall, dark, a nd muscle-bound "torpedoes" for their boy friends, Or just friends. Wha t do our boys do-they panic! H ere at P ::.cific Lutheran U niv("J'sity there could b e wond erful mature Christian relationships with boys, but it appcars that the boys are afraid they might wind up on the end of a hook. Right now it is almost impossible to smile at a boy without him thinkin g we're out to get him. Sure we would like to go out with some boys! To say anything differen t would be like saying rain is not wct. It would even be fabulous to have a few of the opposite sex for just plain ordinary fri ends.
We are becoming matUl'e adults; therefore, we must bcgin to act like it. Not every girl looks at boys throu gh "marriage bound" eyes. We would all appreciate a good and wonderful relationship with our reall y great boys Editor............................................................................................ David Crowner on this campus. We r ea lize that the boys have at least News Editors........... ............... Carol French, Ann Haggart, J ean Adair Leppa four years of college to complete and that they don' t Feature Editor................................................................................ Ruth Walker want to think or worry about marriage. Reporters: Alice Wenness, Judy Munger, Dick Halvorson, Ann Schnack Boys, Boys. Boys. Not all of uS are third finger, left enberg, Deanna Hanson. hand conscious-at least not yct. Be brave, try the icc, Sports Editor................................................................................ Kcnt TeKrony Reporters: Bob Rydland, Creighton Germeroth, Randy Stime, Bob Matt you probably won't fall In. son, Mike McIntire. (Name withheld by request) Intramurals Editor.. ........................................... ............... Gordon G . Gradwohl
Make-up Editor.............................................................................. Larry Iverson
Tu esday, November 28 Typists...................................... Doug Johnson, Nancy Berntsen, Kathy Moore
Photographers..................................................John Hanson, MeK ewcn Studio
I have a chip on my shoulder. Chip! Nay, rather a Business Manager.......................................................................... Warner White tree! Some m onths ago the A.M.S. said that they were Assistant Business Mana ge r .................................................. Dcanna Haugland going to make a student dirt-ctory. This directory was Circulation Manager........................................................................ Judy Kragh supposro to contain, besides the CanlpUS addresses and Mailing............................ Cal'olyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judit~ Johns~n
(Continued on page 4) Advisor......................... ............................................................... Mr. Mdt Nesvlg
Page Four
ear Editor
Friday, December 2, 1960
(Continued from page 3) telephone numbers, the home ad dresses and tel ephone numbers-men included. The big gripe I have is Where is this book the A.M.S. said they would have out? It should be out b}' now. What can I get out of it if it COmes out next year ? It se ems all the A.M.S. is, is a promise makin g and breaking group. It's like Russia in the U. N. If you're going to have somethin.g, then-by Cuspids -have it! It sure is an inefficient organiza tion that makes promises they can't
ket"p. I wouldn't have anything to do with it. It must have lousy lead ers to be su ch a sloppy group. I want to sec action. Do you real.ize the problems you're causing by not getting this direct.ory out on time? Besides all those who won't know wh ere to go for Christmas (home address, you know) . Come on, John stone, let's get your organization on the ball. Love, Griley Griper P.S.- Don' t take this letter too serious, folks.
Foreign Po licy Improvement Predicted Under Kenned y Gordon Gray "To demonstrate that the organi zation of men and societies on the basis of human freedom is not an absurdity, but an enriching, enno bling, practical experiment," should be, as President-elect John F. Ken nedy said , the foundation of our for ei gn policy. As it became the issue in the rc cent presidential elec tion, Mr. Ken nedy continually asserted that for the last eight years we have been trying to curb Communism by sta bilizing the La tin Americans through economic and commodity sanctions. There is something wrong with this policy. Th e h a rm enters the picture when this aid becomes sporatic and man y national economics arc de penden t upon this aid. Allow me to illustrate our eco nomic san ction s by using Bolivia's expor t market. In 1957 we imported 16. million dollars of raw mat erials fl om Bolivia . However, in 1958 we imported only 8.9 million dollars worth of raw materials. The main cause for this reduction was a cut in our tin quotas and the result as far a5 con ce rned Bolivia was that her economy hit a dip on the eco nomic rollcr coas ter. This is one m ethod by which the United States obtains the reputation of trying to buy friends. To off-set this economic dip we had to give her money-a pure gift. The first year of this problem we allocated enough to make up the differen ce. But the second year, Congress de cided that we should pinch pennies and our grant to Bolivia was cut in
half. The effect of her economy waS a g reat dip on the roller coaster or a recession. In other words th<: prob lem h a s become that many of the Latin Am erican countries are entire ly dependent or at least partially dependent upon a United States for eign economic policy. When this U. S. policy is sporadic in nature 01' appears simply to be tl)'ing to buy fnends, the recipients of these eco nomic sanctions will naturally have the tendency to set their economic growth accordingly and thus become qui te unstable. Senator Kennedy said it this way: "Commodity price fluctuations that put one-crop economies on a politi cal and fiscal roller coaster must be controlled through cOimnodity sta bilization." In this statement, I be lieve, h e sums up the problem and offe rs his solution. I think that we can expect to see in the next session of Congress much legislation which will tend to put our foreign economic aid, either through grants or the purchasing of commod ities, on a continually flowing basis and that we will add to this policy a national pur p 0 s c - something which at the present time is lacking. This writer believes that instead of try i n g t 0 stop Communism through buying friends or creating dependent economies, President-elect K ennedy will work toward creating a national purpose within our for eign policy; that he will work to ward the end of showing the people of the world that democracy is based on human freedom and that it is an enobling, practical experiment-that works!
DELUXE BURGER . in a basket with fries _________ _
We Outfit Coeds 406 Garfield
Parkland Triple XXX
Motor ycle Vacation Covers Europe, U.S.
by DeanDa HaDSon Ca re to tak e a motoeycl e tour through Europe? That's what L a ITY Flamoe and G a r y Kieland did their route took th ern through Italy, up the Rhone River in France, into Switzerland, Austria, up the Rhine River in G ermany a nd into Berlin, to Denmark, Sweden, Norway- and b a c k through Denmark and Ger m any into Belgium, the ::-retheriands and Paris and up the Normandy coast before spending two we eks in En gland!
who had fou ght under Hitler gave them some int eresting opinions on the war. This G erman felt that the G erman people werc largely ignor ant of Jewish persecution and mas sa cre. H e also fel t that Hitler was a mouthpi ece for the men behind him, tellill g him what to do. Now in Italy and ma rried to a Japanese, he docs not want to go back to Germany. A European bi cycle champion after the war, he speaks seven languages, and although he writes stori cs for cheap magazines, considers hilllself retired. They experienced no anti-Amer ican feelings during their t 0 u r. However, when occasionally they were mistaken for Gennan, they were given a cool reception.
The whole thing started a cou ple years ago with a lot of casual talking. Last year at Christmas they decided to go, quit school at the end of the semest::r, wo rked a while and took off for New York in Mar c h to catch a boat to Naples, Italy. Originally they planned to bicycle through Europ e, but that plan went astray when Larry developed water on the knee and was unable to pedal. After they'd done some hitchhiking, they bought a motorcycle in Italy. They saw the Pope, vis.ited the Matterhorn in Switze rland, attended the Passion Play, saw Russian sol diers in E ast Berlin, and ran over a Frenchman. One highlight of the trip was going into East and West Berlin, and comparing conditions of both. Gary commented that there is, of course, a great difference but not so great as he had thought. This was t rue as far as th e prosperity of Europe is concerned-he had underestimated it. Meeting a German on the Riviera
Leaving Europe (and those "nice g irls in D enmark" ) they sailed to Montreal, C a nada. It took them a month to come back across the U. S. via motorcycle. Both arc Seattle-ites. Would they recommend tourin g Europe by motorcycle? Both seemed to fe el this was okay w hen the weather is nice, a lthough it's a bit dan gerous ( they had a couple acci dents) , but the best way to me et the people is to hitchhike-if you've got the time.
that so small a thing should hold so great a treasure. Thus the great and wondelful sign is
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repeated and the heart is made sweet and glad and fearless,
for it is at peace with all the suffering that
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
may befa II it. For what shOll ld cause it
Ron Soine
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woe? Where the Child is, all will be well. The heart and the Child cannot be parted.
large selection at
.-MARTIN LUTHER from his .""'•• the birth .f Christ . •. ChrislmtU Day. 1520
And rem emb er the snow fa lling ge nt ly down To li e so still upon the ground. And when this snow CO\'ers up the rocks It's time to pull on those red wool so cks, Head our ca r for the mountain pass Stopping only in case we need some gas. We seo: th e broa.d, whit e fidds of snow To whi ch many like us on weekends go To enjoy the clean air and the thrill Of skiing in freedom upon the hill. The wind blows cold as down we race,
Turning cheeks to pink upon our face. Having skied and run without a fall, W e marvel at th e beauty of it all; The blue of the sky, the green of the trees That brings us back carrying our skis.
Three.month course leads to a commission as a Second Lieuten~ ant. I f you are graduating this June, you may be eligible for admission to the new Air Force Officer Train ing Schoo!. Successful completion of the three-month course wins you a com mission, and a head-start on a bright, rewarding future in the Aerospace Age. , The School is open to men and w omen college graduates with cer tain technologica l and administrative skilIs. If you are selected for the School, you will receive Staff Ser ge ant pay while a trainee. Gradu ated officers may later apply for ad vanced training and graduate study a t government expense. Male offi cers may also apply for flight train ing as pilots or navigators. For the career-minded young offi cer, the Air Force way of life can be stimulating, exciting and full of meaning. He will be serving himself, his family and his nation. This is the Aerospace Age. It is a time when a career in Air Force blue has so much -" to offer the young man or woman w ho qualifies. The Air Force is seeking only a select group of college graduates for admission into Officer Training Schoo!. However, we'd be happy to send detailed information to any senior who is interested. Just write: Officer Training School Informa
tion, Dept. SCOlZ, Box 7608, Washington 4, D. C.
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There's a place lor tomorrow', leaders on the Aerospace Team.
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Free Bonus Records for Record Club Cards
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born • •• No word can say llIJr understand
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and for no other reason is He
AI Blomquist When the air gets cold and th e days
By the way, if you're interested in buying a used motorcycle, con tac t Larry or Gary.
his child is sent to fill thine heart,
Ode 1:0 Slciing
LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD Life Insurance A legal ruerve life insuranal society
•. Minneapolis 2, Minnesota
Friday, December 2, 1960
by G. G. Gradwohl
Intramural Sports
basketball go t off to a I!rCD t sta rt thi s week with a r c orel ~9 t m s in the th ree k a g ucs (!\ . B a nd C) . This writc,"s choice as the " inderclla" t ea m would h a n ' to be th e Faculty " Castoffs." II eaded u p and organized by "Pot ESDAY'S "C" LEAG U E RESULTS ( ' 111 al,'y, the last of th e g rea t set
shot ;) rtists, th ey ed ge d their fi rst Faculty " a IO ff5"----42: Wi n ther 18, Pe te.rson 10, Newell 10, Zulauf 4, H a ley 0, A r bau gh 0, Scott O. oppon en ts by 3 p oints Tuesd a y for 5th Floor " h am en"-32 : }'arra,· 14, And erson 14, P ete rson ~, Purtscr 2 thei r first (a nd probably th eir las t ) T rygg 0, Monso n 0, Jaco bson 0, Vidlund 0, Eri ckson O. y in o f th e season. This "C" Fac
u lt y unit w ill be in strong conten - t lOn with th e "Big Th n :c" for th e , Flayboys" -58: Sund 16, Borrud 12, Selrna nn 10, Sna rd H a nson 8, F a n ' i 8, Ch rist oph erson 2, Dietz ~, C a rlson O. <t;) t· p laYlTs in th e cornin g seasons. T h is seaso n they a rc sort of a fa rm _Evergreen " R ebs"-36: Lindho lm 10, R eynolds 6, Ashpol e 6, Sletta 4, J ohn J ohnson 4, J on Olson 4, Slind 2, H alvul" on O. clu b (a nd to w a tch ' em play you w uuld believe it). Bascment "C"- 32 : Bates I 'l, Ca rmicha el 7, Edmonds 5, Bra nfors 2, Lohn 2, • ' ow for a little mud slin g'e n: P eterson 2. W b '- do some clods insist on wear i n,., thei r LBI let ter sw ea ters on " Beach Bums"-20: Kuder 7, Kvins land 5, Pi e rson 4, H a lvor 2, Zuber 2, Walsh 0, Gary U lso n O. th,' PLU campus (you can ' t win a \'a rsity ktte r for chapel-skipping
he re, fell::!s!). Why- ain't th ere a Eastern " Blu e DcYils"-48: Schlenker 23, Kuball 7, Gradwohl 6, Latimer 6, B roome 4, L en non 2. cl ock in th e new Ad Building entry "Joes" -43: Tik kari 15, M ar tin 8, ;\iorris 8, J enson 6, Eno 2, Cillo 2, Swift ( if a liI' is in the future, put it on a 2, "Ya ite, F ey , Condray, Aune, And erson. w~ 1I so people won't wa lk on it!).
Wh '--docs th e p edestrian traffic on TUESDAY'S "B" LEAGUE RESULTS Wh ee ler look more and nwr[> like a '""estern "B"-94: C a p Peterson 30, K a lla 16, D avenpor t 12, Evans 10, M a r cattk drive (som eone's gon na get low 10, Julin 8, Ma cD o nald 4, M orken 4. th ei r h a r n s clipped one 'a th ese "Dclts"-66: J erry C urt is 32, Bowers 16, Zimll1erman 16, Tweed 2, ~I eye rs. days!). Why- arc there "No Park in g" sig ns pla stered up and down Eastern "B"-56: R edburg 2 7, Schoenburg 8, Hatc h 6, Hildebra nd 6, Sin Wh ee ler Stree t ( it' s r eally a fallacy ; qu efield 'l, C ha rlston 4, R eda l 1, Haywa l'd. the' outnumber the cars!) . Why "Reliables"-36: Flac k II, Randoy 6, Suda rth 6, Mit ch ell 5, Rudd 4, En arcn' t t h l' I' e a few exh a ust fans gcr 4, F isc her, Floan. pla ced strategi ca lly around th e 'ess p c'ol slough ( koff-k off! ) .
Eastern "Vets" -29: Corey 9, H ealy 8, Hag-erty 7, K a tz 5, W ood, Varness. A :.p,' cia l note to som e of you th a t "Hustlcrs"-26: D ave Yok ers 8, Laird 5, K.rc'ss 4, I se nsee 3, R eitz 2, Jacob
sen 2, Doepke 2, Pierce, C hri stm:m, Phil Yokcrs, Bea ls. lIa\t lWI' n a round h ere a s long a s I
\VCfe- (1re we?
E" er!!rcc n a nd th e Rasem ent 'Bandits" h aw' both a ccept ed their "bowl-b ids" a lld mee t in hand to hand com bat "Yedncsday, D ecember .14-, in th e first annu a l Aroma Bowl.
;-';cxt w eek on thi s humbl e (?) pa g" w ill a ppear th e 1960 I n tra mural All-St ar s, all 16 of them. Th e Intra mura l Committ ee (of two ) m et this past week and the fin al se lecti ons have bee n made-and th ey arc lu·lu 's. Th area adjoinin g the gym, as you ha ve proba bl y noti ced, has bee n clc::! red a nd leveled. This fi eld will be s"cded a nd used a s intra mura l ,md PE foo tba ll field s next year. In the future buildings will probably be built h ere-but I d on' t sec it in the , ta rs a s yet. This will ic a.ve the base ba l! d ia mond in better co ndition a nd ;'''5(' conditions on th e present var sity fo otball pra c ti ce a rea. I'I! Iea\ c you now with a parting shot. It.'s the early bird who ge ts the worm-but who likes worms (?)!
l~l G. G. Gradwohl
I n!r~ mu ral
have. Chu ck Curtis, for mer Lutl' AII Am erican cage r, will b e in the T acoma area in a couple of weeks. C hu ck is currl' lltly playin g B-ball f or th e . 'ew York Tuck Tapt'rs in th e A AU Illdu st rial League. The y will appea r at the 'CPS gym th e ni ght of Decembe r 14th. No rm Thomp· son, abo from Taco Chuck Curtis m a , is th e tea m mana!l;l'T for th e "Tu cks ." M ore definite informat ion on this ga me ncxt w eek. Do J h an~ a n ything to say about PL 's re ently a cqu ired proba ti on clamped on by the E\'crgcen Con [c Te nec? Well, Dctually no! But it docs cat c us with the bi g na m es like Was llin gton , UC LA, Indiana , Kan sas, il nd Sea ttle U ., to na me a few. We' re not a s perfec t as w e th ou ght
Friday, D ecember 2: Evergreen ovcr Faculty 1st Floor C over Castoffs Sa turday, December 3: E ve rgreen over \Vestern lVI-Squad over 4th Floor Bandits ove r 2nd Floor Vets over Delts ""estern B over Retreads Eastern B ave r Hustlers Facu lty over Tippers R eliables over Nads Evergreen B aver 3rd Floor B R lue Devils over Playboys Tuesday, D ecember 6: Blue Deviles over Basement C Playboys o\'er Eastern C 1st Floor C over Joes Bea ch Bums ove r Castoffs Eastern over Evergreen Tippers over '""estern Band its ove r 4th Floor Thursday, D ecember 8: lVI-Squ a d ove r West ern Eastern over Tippers Nads over Hustlers Evergreen Bave r Reliables Eastern Bave r Delts ""estern D over Vets Retrea ds over 3rd Floor B 4th Floor over 2nd Floor
GUNNER OF THE WEEK: JER RY CURTIS, 32 POINTS " C" L EAGUE STANDINGS (THRO U GH THURSDAY ) T eam W on Lost PF PA Eas tern "C" ..................... .............................. . 1 0 39 30 0 58 36 'ilh Floo r "Playboys" ........ ................ .... ........ .. 1 0 48 43 E ,(5tern " mu e D evil s" .. ............ ..... ................... 1 F Ci culty " Castoffs" .. ................... ...... ...... .. .. ....... 1 32 o '~2 B:lSenl t" n t " C" _______ ___ .__ _... __.__ ... __ ___ .. ..... ___ ____ .__ ._ 1
65 56 r ,\-erg reen " R ebs" ....... .... ... ................ ......... _.. 91 72 E ve rg r een " Beac h BUITI :';" ..... .. . ______ .... .. • _•. _____ _ 59 I 58 ~h d Floor ''Jocs'' ...................... ....... ~ .... ........ ... 0 73 87 2 5 th Floo r "Shamen" .__ ..__ ...................... ........... 0 81 2 58 J st Floo r "e" ................................. __ .................0 o o o " B" LE AGU E ST ANDINGS (THROU GH T H U RSDAY )
Team Wo Lost PF PA 'Vcs tc rn " B" ..... .. .......... ........ ...... ............ ......... 1. 0 94· 66 E as tern "B" .... ..... ...... __ ...... ....... ............... ......... 0 56 :i6 2rd Floo r " B" ...................... ............................ 0 42 ·HI En,,. cr rce n "B" .................. _.................. .__ .__ .. ... 0 35 3 ·~ F-as tern "Veb" .... ........................... ........ __ ___.. .. I 0 29 26 3rd Floor ". ads" ........ ...................... __............ 0 40 42 D elta Hall " Delts" .... ........ .. ...... ______...... ...... .... (] 66 9·/36 56 3rd Floor " R eli a bles" ........ ........................... ... 0 I as tern "Retreads" .....__........... ...... __ .............. 0 34 35 4th Fl oor "Hust lers" __ ......... ........ .. ................ . 0 26 29 "A" LE AGUE STANDINGS (T H ROUGH T HUR SD. Y)
Team Won L ost PF P 3rd Floor "Tippers" ____ ....... ................... .......... 1 0 72 52 0 52 49 Western Parkl a nd .. .. ..... ........... __...................... 1 3rd Floor "M-Squ ad" .............. ...................... I 0 46 37 Evergreen Court .. _................ ___........................ 0 0 0 0 Basement " Bandits" .............................. __ .... ____ 0 0 0 0 Faculty "1\" .... __ .................... _................. __...... 0 0 0 0 4th Floor .. ........................ ................................ 0 52 72 E as tern Parkland ............. .... ______.. __ ......... __ ...... 0 49 52 2nd Floor ....................... ........................ ......... 0 37 36
Perc. 1.000
Last is'u c: 18 foJ' 28, one perfect. 1.00 0
Sea'on : 5 1/ 75 for 68 p err en t. 1.000
December 2nd and 3rd 1. 00 0
UCLA OWT Duke by 8 po ints 1 000
1.000 }\[ i:J.mj o \'t~!' Air f orce by 15 points .000 , ou th Car olina over V irginia by 20
p oints . . 000
P erc.
1. 000
.000 .000 .000
by Mike M cintyre
P ac ific Luth era n University wa s placed on proba ti on a long with Whit worth by th e Evegrcr' n Conference a t the last m et"tin;,. This proba tion does not hurt eith er tea m fo r post-season g'a mes or conferenc e sta ndin g, but if an y further infraction of th e' r ules is found on the p a rt of ei th er school the re could be serious trouble. This proba ti on is th ee result of a n exchange of football ga m e films be twe en PLU and W hitworth . A ccordin g to Evergree n Conference rules if there is to be an excha nge of films between two teams all teams involved in the film s m ust bc n otified. Also in ord er for a film to be taken of a gam e th e oth er coa ch must give his conse nt. In th e W es tern ga me we took films without conse nt of th eir coach, then exchan ged th e film with Whitworth a couple of weeks late r faT their Eastern game films .
r' . . . . . . . .._,
lifter HOllrs
**. Tew wo rd d epa rt men t: ?l-f a nic de pr ssi,'cperson w hose ph ilosophy is easy glulll , easy g low. ~-*Th c rcaso n the mod ern girl's ba th in g suit is rea l cool is tha t most of it is real gone.
* *A youn g milliona ire we know has fi lled h is swi mm ing pol with mar tinis. H,' claims it 's impossible to drown , sin ce th e dee pe r you sink, the high el' you get. ':' *It is sa id tha t women prefer men wh o h ave something tende r about them- preferably k g:t1 tend er . **A youn g thin g w ~ know wh en she was as ked if she planned to ge t ma ri ed ag'a in n::plied, " I have a dog th a t growls a nd sleeps a ll da y, a par rot th a t swears, a nd a cat th a t stays out a ll ni ght. Wha t do I w a nt to get marri ed for?"
ester ay's
Page Five
J ac k C occhi .......... 0 7 9 23
1 ate Stime ...... ..... . 5 6 3 15
Mike M cDon ald .... I 5 I 11
G eorge Vi cg land .... 2 3 3 9
2 2 6
D oug Me lary ... ... 1 Bru ce . ' un es ......... ,4 3 0 6
L ars Johnson .......... 0 1 0 2
4TH F LOO R-52
Name F F G FT TP G a ry V es ta l ............ 3 6 1 13
G . An J crson .......... 2 6 0 12
G erry E va nson ...... 2 5 II
3 7
PoppiJl .. ,.... .. ......... ..4 Bob M a ttson .......... 0 2 5
D on K epple r .......... 2 I 2 4
3RD F LOOR "M-SQUAD"-46 Name }' FG FT TP AI Blomquist .......... 3 6 0 12
D ave Sovde ............ 3 5 II
D. Bottcm iller ........ I 1 4 6
2 2 6
Bob Brodhun .......... 2 R on Ra tliff ............ 2 2 2 6
AI Johnson ............ 0 0 2
I I 3
Wa rren Lee __ __...... .. 0 Art R orcm ........... ... 1 0 0 0
Name F FG FT TP Bob And erson ........ 0 5 1 . 11
Duane Johnson ...... 0 5 0 10
G ary Stubbs ..... __ .. .4 3 7
R ay M a nsfield .... ,... 1 3 I 7
Chu ck Niemi ......... ,4 0 2
W ESTERN-52 Name F FG FT TP O rs Chrisia nson .... I 7 0 14
G. Schaumberg ...... 1 5 4 14
1· 2 10
P ete Gahlhoff ........ I Gary N eve rs .......... 3 2 2 6
Ro n C oltom ............ 1 2 0 4
2 0 4
Kl'l1 Gaal .. .............. 2 E ASTERN-49
Name F f G IT TP .5 2 12
ROll H ovey ...... ...... 1 LaITY Fhmoe ........ 2 'I 1 9
4 0 8
R oy [{a gcm lan ...... I R on Ha nnel ..... _. .. _.2 3 I 7
2 1 5
D a ve R eynold s ...... I Da Carlson ..... .. .0 2 0
Ro,,'t'f lli Jda h l .. .. .... I 1 0 2
G;lr Lon'nz .......... 0 0 0 0
"B" LEAGUE 3RD fLOOR "B" - 42 Name F FG IT T P Gera ld Get tis ........ 1 12 0 24
M a rv Sn ell .......... .. 0 3 7
C urt Ge tti s ....... __ ... 1 2 0 4
0 2
L yn G e tti s .... .. ........ 1 J ohn H anson ........ .. 0 1 0 2
3RD FL O R " NADS"-40 Name F FG I,'T TP Jim Elle r .....__ ......... 0 5 11
M . T. L a rson .......... 1 3 2 8
D ave Berg ... . __________4 3 o 6
G reg Hat to n ....... ... 0 a 3 6
D a n Bec htel .......... 0 2 2 6
Evergreen " B"-35: Bakken 19, Te
Krony 6, Kieland 4, L ehma n 4 , Smith 2.
Eastern "Retreads"-34: Shaw 10,
Ge ise 8, Bindel 7, Putna m 5, Lar
son 4.
Eas tern "C"-39: Eikum 19, Mc Cune 7, Larson 5, Dunlop 4 , and N ordmark 4.
"Joes"-30: Nikkard 9, Martin 6,
F ey 6, J ensen 4, Cillo 3, N orris 2.
E vergreen "Rebs"-36: Ashpole 14 ,
L ind holm 11, John J ohnson 5, H alverson 4, Sletta 2, Jon Olson O. Basement "C"-33: Ba tes 14, Bron fors 8, E dmonds 6, La , 'on 4 , C a r mi chael 1, Peterson, Giesler, Lohn, H el ms. E verg-reen "Beach Bums"-39: K vinsla nd 8, Gross 7, Zubcr 7, Pearson 6, Anderso n 4, Gary Ol son 2, Frits 2, H a h 'o r 2, Kuder!. 5th Floor "Shamans"-26: Farra r 12, Ande rson 9, Jacobson 4, Mun son I, Pu r tze r, Erickson, Vidlund, P eterson, Tri gg.
Page Six
Friday, December 2, 1960
Knights Meei: SainI: Martins onight; Play Fryers Sat.
Close League
College basketball r ings up the cLl r tain on the 1960-1961 sc<!so n in T aco ma this weekend with the Tacoma At blet ic C om mi s.s io n I n ritatio nal. P acific Luth era n an d UPS will host St . M artin' s and P ederson's ryers at the B ell armine High Schoo l gy mnaSllLm . St. M artin 's will teS t the L utes in the 7 : 15 opener ton ight. Thl; L utl;s fa ce a stron g A .A.U . quintet in tl1C-ir 8:4 S match wi th the Fryers on Saturday night. C oach Lund gaard will sta r t a vet eran fiv e: Dick N elso n a.!ld Bru ce Alexand er at guards, N orm D a h l a t the hi gh post, Larr . Poulsen a t for wa rd, and R ;d ph Carl' low post. Be yund the top five there is a _teep d rop·of[ in experie nc e. C oach Lund g?ard will call on "one of the best group of freshmen w e' ve had," to fortify the re.gulars. Jon Malmin of Franklin-Pierce and M ar v Fredrickson of Burlington Ed Iso n, may sec action. Sophomore Bob Jacobson is a.Iso a candidate for commencement game duty. C oncerning PLU 's opponent in the game toni ght, Coach Lundgaard said tha t St. M artin's has an aggres sive, fast-breakin g club wit h un know n potential. T wo fann e r PLU cage stars lead P ede rson's Fryers. Roge r Iverson and Jim Van Beck, both were instru m e ntal in establishin g a Lute ca ge dyn asty, and focusin g nation wide attention on our Parkland campus. Former Orcbon State whiz, Gary Goble, is the Fryer c("nter. Another familia r player is Ron Crowe, W est ern 'Vashington all-star. Conference contender UPS is ex pected to show why it'll be thorns fO!' opposing teams' pennant aspira tions. Dave \\Iolf, a standuut trans fer from Stanford, is expec ted to swing a potent axe. His supp o rting cast 'includ es post m en, Fred Wilde and Scott Weatherwax.
Whitworth Wins
Holiday Bowl id by J ohn Hanson LutE' fans, still smarting from the 40-0 d r ubbin g handed their footba ll t ea m last O ctober by Whitworth's Pira tes, ca n take some l'est in the fact that the Spokane gri d ders fin ished the season undefeated with nine wins and rank['d fourth in the Na tional Association of Intercol legiate Athletics small college poll. Whitworth topped 0.[[ this p r feet seas on by accepting an ir:vita tion to meet Humboldt State of Ar cata, Ca lifornia, in the w estern play off for t h e Holiday Bowl in Florida. The winner of the HUll1boldt Whitworth tilt will then meet th e winner of a battlc be tween Northern Michigan and Lenoir R hyne, the two top eastern tcams, for the NAIA championship. T h ,' bull's-e ye p a ssing of quarter back D (~ nny Spurlock and the daz zlin g catches by end John Murio led the P irates to the first bow l bid ever g i ve n an Everg reen Conference tca nl. Spurl ock le d the nation in p ass in g, cornplt- tin g 13 5 on 257 attempts fO l 1R9 2 ya rd , and 14 touchdowns. M urin, Spurloc k's favorite targe t, was tl lf' coun t ry's n umbl'!' two re cci\'er d espit e the fact that injmies caused hi m to miss one ga me and slowed him down in several others. T h l P irat end hauled in 31 tosses for 744 yard s and an average of over 106 yar ds a game. If Whitworth should bring the na tional title home, it would be its second in six months. Last June the Pirates walked off with the NAJA baseball crown.
by ~ on
gl·ts und" n vay , fa Il > aro und the
Evcrgrec-·n Leag ue ""ill b e sccinc; eX
cdlen t basketball pla y ed by six of the most evenly match ed te~lrus the history of th e league .
'Thi s season the r e is no onE' t l ' ~ jH that will stand out over the other fi\'e. Although this is th e cas e . Pa cific Lutheran, Puget SOll!ld, an d Centra l '\Iashington arc all gin,n a good chance for g rabbing t he leag ue ti tIe.
Pacifi c L u the raIl U Iliversity foolball players, Don Keppler, guar d a ud defensive speciali t, and Bruce Alexander, halfback, wer e honored b y being a warded h onora ble lllention OIl the A P Little All-W est Coast team. are seniors and have pla)'cd t h eir last ga m e in a K night football u niform.
When the 1960-61 baskctbal[ se<l
Lutes Named on AP Small College Team
l h
LOOSENING UP for 'he TAC sames 'onishi and tomorrow are (le ft to , ight, Jon Malmin , Norm Dah l, Joe Schmoe, Dick Nel son an d Coach Gene Lundgaard.
N orm Dahl Combines Va ied Basketball and Student Talent
Norm moved in as a starter in his sophomore year on the then Gladi ator team that travcled to the Na tional finals in Kansas City. Last year Norm led th e Lutes in scoring, was named second team all-state (all-collegcs includcd) and was also picked fir s t team Lutheran All American.
Norm D ahl
1PLII\JITERI ~ ~ ~~ 4: FR OM rilE BEtteN
Lady nights Pia e
High at M. Hood
st rong, but unless nc\v stren g th h ~ b:T n add ed it looks doubtful t ha t they will finish in the prized n Ulll bel' one position.
Leading this year's Knight basketball team as well as the ASPLU is Norm Dahl. Norm operates at the high post in Coach Gene Lundgaard's offense along with consistently drawing the toughest defensive assignments. During prep days in San Francisco, Norm gained all-city basketball recognition. Seeing considerable action as a Frosh,
Norm's plans after graduation de pend upon his appiications for a Rhode's Scholarship and additional graduate g rants. form has impres sive grounds for these applications, having' a chi eved number one status in his class in high school and pres ently ranking number three as a math major at PLU.
Of course LI st ycar's co-champion, W e s tel' II '\Iashin g ton, ca nnot b e coun te d out of the runni ng sill ce it h as many of its ball players re turn ing for a nother year of duty. Bot h E astern and Whitworth a r t" a lso
ALL LEAGUE SELECTIONS The Eve rgreen All-League t eam was picked by the conference durin g Thanksgiving vacation. Pacific. Lutheran placed two men on the first tcam all-league and four received honorabl e mention.
by A l Blomquist Over the Thanksgiving' holidays, sen,n membe rs of the ski t eam jour ney ed to Mt. Hood, Oregon , and participated in the Pacific North w est Ski Association's Turkey Sla lom. Suzic Solie, Elaine Olsen, Keith Childs, Gary Peterson, Bob Julin, Arni e Einmo and Bob Howard left for Mt. Hood last Friday morning'. After practicing all day Saturday and h alf th e night, and being un daunted by beautiful weathe r, they proceeded to race on Sunday. Suzie :lIld Elaine too k third and sixth pbce, respectively, The m en didn't far e so well. C h ilds was high on t he li st for PLU skiers with a twelfth spot. Peterson and Howard tied for twenty-second spot, wi th Bob Julin twenty-sixth on the list. One can consider the fact that there were 160 racers who ran the 40-gate giant slalom courSl;, Arnie E in m a ran into a little tou gh luck in the fact that his skis were stolen from him a few minutes prior to th e race, making it rough to run the course in his ski boots. Plans arc in the offing for a race with UPS which may be held at Hyat on Snuqualmie Pass. There is another P NSA race planned for Jan uary 8. This will be held at either Mt. Hood or Mt. Ba ker.
PLU ' s coach, Gene Lundgaard , had this to say about this scason' s ti tie, "I t looks as if all the teams arc going to be tough but I'll pick Pacific Lutheran first follow c:d close ly by UPS and Centra l."
Lundgaard Aims For K.C. Finals Pacific Lutheran's "Mr. Basket ball" of 1947-S1, Gene Lundgaard , is not only one of the youngest cuaches in the lea gue, but alsu one of th e most suc cess ful. Gen e' s first squad were national ea ge runners-llp in the 'S9 Kansas City tourney. The Western Washin gton Vikin gs spoiled the Knights' sixth consecu tive journey to the midwest last sc,) son with a leagu e playoff victory O\'er the Knights. Gene set a club season scorin~' rec ord in 19.51 of .508 points, which was sha ttered by All-America n Chuck Curtis, in 1958. A stron g IT bounder, the coach was all-confe r· ence in 19S0-S1. Lundgaard coached freshm en bas kctball and football and varsity golf at fra nklin-Pierc e before steppin g into arv Harshman's shoes as th e Knigh t leader.
Dave Bottemiller, PLU end, was placed on the first tcarn at that spot . This is Dave's second year on the wonder tcam and he still has a year to go. Bruce Alexa nder made first team defense at the safety position. Brucc i5 a senior this year but we will still be seeing a lot of him this year. Bruce IS first string g'uard on the basketball team and will sec a lot of action on the hardwood this year. Don Keppler, Doug McClary, Gary N evers and Norm Juggert all re ceived honorable mention all-league. All but Don are juniors and will be back next year to be the backbone of the squad. The Knife would like to congratulate all of you for the fine showing you made for the school. I would also like to thank the whole footba ll team for th e many thrills they gave the student body this yeal'. BASKE TBALL PREDICTIONS
1. PLU
Cmch Erwin said his team should be improved but 2. Central is still a year away from the Conference title. The 3. Eastern Knife doesn't quite agree and fed s t.:PS will be one 4. UPS of the strongest teams in the lea g ue. The Knife fecls 5. Western it will be a clos e race between the top four teams 6. W h itworth and that anyone of them could make the trip back to Kansas City. Below is how the Knife picks th e league to finish. Coach Salzman is less optimistic about the coming season, while Lundgaard and I have the same opinions. Knife
1. PLU 2. UPS
1. UPS 2. Eastern Wash.
3. Central Wash. 4. Eastern Wash. 5. Western Wash. 6. Whitworth
3. PLU 4. Central Wash. S. Western Wash. 6. Whitworth
1. PLU 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
UPS Central Wash. Eastern Wash. Western Wash. Whitworth
GATHERING UNDER 'he baske' are hoopslers (Ief! 10 righl) Norm Dahl, Ralph Carr, Jon Malmin and Larry Poulson.
MDDH/NC(~:~A ..... 0
Final Decisionon Packard Lecture ChriSi'ma s Present ow Up to Artist Series Committee Vote
\Vbetbcr or n ot Mr. Vance Packard will lecture at PL U no w r(?s (s in the bands of the student artist series committee. whicb as of yesterday had not met bu t was to convene very ,, (jon for a special vote. Bo th the j unior and senior classes decided t o sponsor the V" nce Packard program onl y if one of t he follo wing two con di tio ns were fulfill ed : 1 ) eith e r the ~tude ot bod y g ive fin a n cia l a itl ,dJOut $25 0, o r L) th e da te o f the it- ct u rc uc chan ged so th a t th e con f1i n wit h a hasket ball !:iarne bc clim iJU i"d . P aul A ase n. seni o r class prcs illent, brough t this proposa l to th e stude:nt body" s govcnin g body las t Tu esday, w h i e h, in a m ajority , 'o te, p u t th ro ug h th e fo ll owin g mo tion: to n :collllTICnd to t he stuue nt a rti st ,c ri es co mmittee th a t i t g ive $ 250 to th e junior and se ni o r cl asses in orde r to obtain th e Van c(' P ackard pro g ra m. Five students and f 0 u r facuIty Tllcmbe rs make up the artist series l;ommittec. Wednesday, Paul Aasen mid, "I talked to Eri c (Ottum) and Diane (Rosdahl) and they are both fo r the idea of g iving th e money." Eri c and Diane a re two of the com mittee m e mbers. In reply to a le tte r from Carol T cslow, junior class member, Mr. Pa c ka rd ' s a gent gavt: Friday and Saturday afternoo ns a nd Saturday !"\"l"ning as th e only p ossible times. With the evening tim e being the o nly feasible one, su ccess or failure of th e matter n ow d ep<: nds Oil the g ift of $250.
:\ !l~ i n thi s year Mr. Er ic N"ord holm w ill des ign th e s~t t ing , which w ill in clude the Ch ristma s t n'e, and ""' ny s p~l· i .t1 tfft-cls. P urp oe;e Expressed " L as t )'f'a r b" gan Illy C hristmas
In Tra ditional Christmas Concert Selections old and new, something for everyon e, will be lhe offering of the annual Christmas C o ncert prese nted by the m usic department this Sunday, December II, at 3 : 3 0 p.m. and 8 :0 0 p.m. in tbe CMS. The program will be a traditional on e, including seleclions from the concer t ch orus and the Choir of the West, as w ell as
Fritts Directs Di recte d by Dr. R. Brard F ril ts, t he co ncert ch oru s will beg in , ith a g r 0 u p of Christmas o ngs ncl strangest events I haue
hy mns. Som e of th ese inclu d " H ow many of its w eird de
F a r I s I t to Be thle hem ?", a nd '"The tells the essentials.
Tw elve D ays of Christmas ."
Yo u. reader, are ineJolved in one of the ever ex perienced. With th e passing of time talls escape m e, but Fm Slere the f ollowing Seueral o f my friends noticed that the birthdate of a mutual Hi g hli g ht of the conce rt will bt: acquaintance w ould soon be upon us. This called for a celebration , the fin a l selec tion, "Fanta sia ; ' a th ey agreed. and of no ordinary proportions , for this was no ordi m od e rn ve rsio n of an old Psalm tune. nary Joe. In fact , the original conce ption of a party grew into , as T here will also be a piano sol o b y I wid , a celebration , and plus inspiration and ambition from others Mi ss D oroth y P a yn e, a nd orc hestral who h eard o f the affair, my hiends soon had on their hands what accompa ni me nt directed by Dr. rightly can be called a festival. L o ui s K . C hristensen. Special music, delicious fo ods, gifts for everyone, participation Reads Gospel by young and old-all these item s and more were sparklin g jewels P as tor John Larsgaard will read sprinkled prettily over the entire day. the C hri stma s Gospel, in the abse nce Being away at college, I naturally travelled home to join in on of Dr. S . C . Eastvold, at the occa the fe stivities. But strangeness wrapped around me, reader, almost Sio n. upon my arrival at the festive hall. It was as if when I laughed, I Following this will be numbe rs by could hear the sound of my laugh dying away in the ears of staring . the Choir of the West, unde l' the people. direc ti on of Dr. Christensen. Their Then I realized what was out of order. He for whom the fes selec tio ns include, "How Shall 1 R e tival was being given was neither present, nor, I found out, was he ceive Th ee?", " A Joyous Christmas co ntacted about this crowning day of the year. Though some of us Son g, a nd " 0 D a y, Full of Grace," were concerned, We Were set at ease by the reminder that this was as pa rt of their offering. " in his honor, and perhaps next year We. would meet the person." A spec ia l featurc of the prog ra m Th e strangeness must have gradually lifted. for now I recall only will be a udie n ce participa tion in the that I regrelleci re/urn /rlg to school. --- DAVE CROWNER, Editor. si nging .,f GId r.:hristrnas
~~~:;;i!i;i*~~~~q*~~~~~~ ~ ~
" In any congregation tbere is a need to highlight the im portance of the birth of Christ." comm ented studen r congrega tion past er John Larsgaard on the purpose of the special Christ mas candlelight service to be given the last school night, De cember 15, at 10 : 30. In co ntinuin g to o utline the nee ds of the students, Pastor
. (·ltlIlg.
Music Groups to Perform Sunday
Chris tlllas Vacation officially begins at 3:30 p.m. next Friday, Decembe r 16, and classes will re convene on Tuesday, January 3. For students in the vicinity of Linfield, Oregon; Lewis & Clark, Portland or Chico, Calif., there will be PLU basketball games at these places d uring the vacation pcriod.
accompa nime nt by th e PLU o.ch(· tra.
Candlelig ht: ervice Climaxes Season's Campus Fest:ivit:ies
La rsga ard obsc n 'ed the ma n y a ctivi ti es a nd prog ram s on ca mpu s, but Il o ti ced th e lack of actua l w o rship sen' ic es, with a ctive pa rti cipatioll by the st udents. Thi s lack is fulfill ed in th e se rvice ill which th e con grega ti on actively parti cipates in th e readin g of the n'sponsivc Ch r istma s Litany and sip gin,l{ of ChristIllas hynlns. Stu d e nts will read the Old T es ta ment proph esi t's and New Testa me nt ful fillme nt of the first C hri stma s stOI),. Choirs Provide Music Th e W O I' hip will begin with the lIlusi of t he Ch oir of t he W es t, to ill" com bi n ed with the Stude nt Con gr c ~a ti un C h oir foll owin g- Pastor L ars~a.a rd' s m essage. Students will ~ i nl.( coll ecti,",'l y fOU l" or fiv e Christ ma s c:Irols, a nd Ga ry And e rbcq; will prt)\ id Cl special solo. [("Hi \ al offerin g- will be ta km fur a n un-n a med C hristma s . ' ift. Worship Se tting T h,. pup ular ity of th is se rvice is wi th lh e stuuen ls wh o f ee I thi s " t h. ir" worshi p in a tr ue w o rshi p
season in a way whi ch se n t me ho m t: feeling C hri stma s in the true asp ec t of givin g," cxp ressed T ed John stone, seni or d eacon . T ed co ntinued by emph as izi n g " th t: d eep e mo t iona l and spiritua l fee ling to thank God for wh a t H e h as g i" e n us throu gh His son. Th e imm ediate: awareness of the tru t; m ea nin g of Christmas is prese nted in a bea utiful, sen sitive, z w o rshipful w ay."
Pool Damaged I n Latest: Abuse It h as been d ec ided that the lo ck on the ga te to the swimmin g pool mus t be eh a n gcd o nce a g~ in, accord in g to Bill K oll , ::t m e mb e r of t h e swimm in g p ool commi ttee. Thi s co n clusion was d rawn followi ng a hrc::tk in on ce mo rc into thc pool, n .:sultin g . in ex t('nsi\"{: d am as" to pool equip ll1<:nt. T hi s situa ti on is o nc wh ic h sh a ll f"H 'ntun ll )r mea n the withdrawal of pool p rivil ~es. i f conditions a re not :lllc\" i:.ttud. A t prese nt, th t: pool is stu clt-nt-con trolled , and it is th us the respo nsibility of each stud ent to ex erc ise con t rol for hims<:l f, :l nd if pos sible for fellow st udents.
Oratorical Contest
Open foStudents
A rchibald 113.cLeish ' s Pulitze r Prize-winning play, "J . B.," com es to the T emple Theater in Ta coma , on NIonday, D eccmber 12, at 8: 30 p.m. C it ed by Atkinson of th e ~ c w York Times as "Onc of the memorable wo rk s of the ce ntury," "lB. " tells th e Biblical story of th e book of Job in mod ern day te rms. S ta rring in this Elia K aza n p l"Odu ctioll will b Dutsta ndi ng Broadway ac tors, including John C a rradin e, She ppe rd Strudwic k, a nd Fred e ri c Wor lock. T ic ke ts for thi s play may be purc hased :J.t She rma n Cla y, downtown T acoma , a nd Frase r's, L a kew ood.
" What Do You M ost Want th e U nited Sta tes to Do a t H om e a nd Abroad in the Sixties ': " as rc.:q: ntly a nnounced a s the title of a n essay con tl', t sponsored by thl" "\ r-lcricCln Bwadcas ting R adi o ?\dwo rk This contest, which is op en to all l111iven;ity and college under g raduates. runs throu h D ecember 28. E ach con te ta n t m a y submit any number of e n tries, each with a IUaximw n of 600 words. E ntries must be mailed to: American in the '60's C ontcst, P . "Bo x 12E, M o unt Ver non 10, j 'ew York. Win nt:rs, on c Illa ir a nd Oll e f !Clair , w ill be fl ow n to "ew York C ity for th e d ~, and Ili ght of J a nu ary 18, an d t(o fi"Om the rt to W as h in (!ton , D . C., wh nc they will atten d th e inaug urat ion n~ rem oni c s a nd ba ll.
* 'R l!gistrat ion fo r th e spring SPITIest('r classes h['ga n )'estcrd a y. D a tl's for rcg'istc ri ng' a rc: Ju n io r, ' c n ior, D ecem be r 8- Hi : Soph omorf", J ,ulUa ry 9- 13; F.tsh m en, Jan tl<l ry 16-20 . an d m'w st ude ll u;, J anu' lr ), 3 D-F eb r uary 1. Sce a(h isors fo r app oi nt me n t ti Il1('s. <;.
T he t raditional Christmas Banquet set for Tuesd y D ecembe r 13, a t 6:00 p.m .., in the CafetcTia. Dr. R . Byard Fritts will scr¥(' as m as ter of ceremonies for the program, with ProCessor Theodore Karl rea d ing the Christlllas . tory, a violin number hy Pal Isensee, sel'ctions b y a voca l group, an a session of caroling and can Ie-lighting tha t will in clude all. R rsrn'i1t1o n, a c free to board ing d ub mr' ml rs and ti ckets rna - be pu rchased a l,o b y off- campus students . The a tti re w ill be "'d re s y d ress." Sppc.ia l than ks fr om t he studcnt bod y go to Miss Quast and h e r sta ff who actually rrmkc this eve nt poss ible eac h yea r.
All PLU stud('nts a re invitc' d to (' nter th e a nnua l All-Sc hoo l O ra to ry C ont es t, spo nso red by Pi K a p p a Delta, whi c h w ill be held durin g t he middle of J a nuary. " One of th e main purposes of thi s contes t is to further speech on th e PL U campus, a nd raise: interest in it," stat ed Zan e Wilson, last yelU"'s first placl" winne l' in the eve nt. Contest Serves Purpose Wilson we nt on to sa y tha t he fel t thi s compe tition se n 'ed a pUl-pOSt: by sh owing what speech can do, a lld also is impo rta nt in givin g stude n ts a n outle t to vent their opinions a nd fed in gs. H e fu rthe r stat ed that if a stud en t h as a n y g ripes, or is especia lly co n cerned with, o r interested in som e top ic, here is a good pla ce to p re sent t h('s(' "iews, as a ny subje ct m ay be used . Wilso n c h 0 s e th e " Di g ni ty of :Man" a s the topi c fo r h is p r izc-wi n ni n !?; sp eech of las t year. O rations :Hus t Be O riginal .\ I cr,.l :ons en lered in COUlpe t l tion m ust b ' ori gi na l, n o mor( tha n t" n m in utes in le ng th and con tain no more tha n 150 ,,:ords of quo ted lila terials. A cop y of t.he or t ion must bl: p re se r.ted at the Speec h ffi cl: i n t h e eM S by J anua ry 13, 1961. Th re w ill be a pr1'l!m in a ry roun d on J a n uary 13, and a f inal o ne th e nex t. da y . Th re(' p r izes will be award ed t tl the winners: firs t pl a ce, $15 ; second plac e, $10; a nd thinrd p la ce, $5.
Page Two
Friday, December 9, 1960
Vet's Club To Hold Skating Party Tomorrow Evening After Game
0 1' Eben zer Scrooge
Ta e s tage Tuesday
, In order to raise money for an Orphan's Christmas party, \'ctcrans ' Club is sponsoring an all school ice skating party to morrow night following the basketball game, at the Lak ewoo d lee Arena , For those who don't have rides, transportation will be pro vided out in front of the gymnasium from 9 :45-10: I 5 p .m.
" An attempt to get back to the original intent of Charles Dickens' 'Christmas Carol' will be made in this year's annual presentation of the play," stated Dennis Knutson, the co-ordi nating director for the production. This will entail some major and minor changes in the usual production of the play, which will be prcsented on Tuesday, De cember 13, aft e r the Christmas Ba nqut't, rna k in g it a comple te Christmas evenin g. Reveals Changes Among the new plans for this year' s present a tion will be c ha n g ing o f many of Sc rooge' s m onologues in to d i log ues a nd a c ted-o ut sce nes; d o ubling up of parts to make be tter us!" of c haracte rs, and chang ing of th t: p a r t of Christmas Past from a m ale in t a female charac ter. Also a big change will be m a d e in the staging as r eg ula r se ts will be used, a lo ng with a curtain, in a n at te mpt a t m kin it more of a truly drama tic presenta tion than it has bt-m in th e pas t. E x plains Rcasons • n tzen expla in ed th a t h c feels these c h a nges \ ill m a ke th e produ c tion mort' interestin g to the a ud i enc e, tosrec ia ll y to those w ho havc S" r n i t before. 'We hope t hat th ,'s" ch ang ~s will g i\, " Christma s C arole" ne w l ife •1Il Tea te more int nes t in it so that more 5lUde nts who h;n'e see n past p ro Ll ctio ns of it will be c ncon r:lge d to (-orn f" aga in," Knutzen furth e r St.l t,-d . G ives Actors Inccntive r ole i n this play is inee a n tI" obtaIneci a stu d en t may kee p it until h (- a:radu<1te , if h (' wish es, th e n cw inn ovation m a y g ive th e r eturn in t: and I vcn t hl" n w a ctors a n in ce n -
TOWNE HOUSE Donut Bar and Qui ck Lunch HOME-M A DE PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today for Tomorrow
Th e skatin g is sch eduled for 10:30 to 12:30, with la te leave s a llowed all th e g'irl s a tte ndin g. Ti c ke ts a r C' 65 cents eac h, or two for $1.00. Jam Scssion
tive throu g h ha \'in g som e thin g n ew a nd chall en ging to wo rk with. Also, th er e will be no pre-pe r forman ce caroling, or rea ding of the Christmas story, as ha s bcen tra di tiona l in th e past. Curtain Call Sponsors Event Thi s pl a y is spon so red by the Cur ta in Call Club, with direc tors being ch ose n from Alpha P si Omega, na tion a l h o no ra ry journa li sm fratern ity. Ass isting D mni . Knutze n , as d i r ec ting ass ista nts, will bt: L a rry I ve r so n a nd Fred Bindt:! · with studio as sis tants including R ·ta R c rnpt and ),1 y rti s K abca ry . Rcveals Characters Thi s yea r's cast will be com posed o f som e ac tors from last yea r a nd a number of n ~ w c o mers, includin g: Sc roo (!c, Z a n.. Wilso n; R ea d e r. Stan E lberson ; ['red, Bruce Bind e L Co l lec tor, Pa ul Wold ; Bob C ra tc hit, D a le T hompson ; M adey' s Ch ost, Blay ne P crlt, t h ; Ghost o f Christm as P as t, Dea n na Dirks: F a n, Karre n H a nson ; Bd k, Kath y Wynstra. You n g Sc rooge, Phil R a ndoy ; Gh os t of Ch ri stmas Presen t, J oc Smith ; Mrs. Cratc h it, J ean Andt:l" son ; 1 a rth a , Elizabe th Kro ll ; Belin d:l, K a rren H a nson; G hos t of C h r ist m as Ye t to Corne, Steve Goff ; Joe, thr U nd er taker's 1 [ a n, P a ul Wold ; C harwom a n, M a r y Ell c nAmes : Fred' s Wife , G racc Harth iIl: a nd c hild, D ebra Elberso n .
LAURINAT'S apparel
We O utfit Coeds 406 Garfield
Zane Wilson
o llege Costs O n nCTease In th e U n ited Sta tes durin g th'
195.9 -60 acad emi c yea r th e a \'e rage cost for a tt ending coll ege was a bout
$1,55 0, a ccordi ng to a survey con d ucted by th e S urvt:y R ese arch C e n te r a t th e Uni versity of Michi gan . T hree ou t o f fo u r stud ents in ter \'inl' cd by th c u iV(Tsi t y indi ca tecl th eir costs to be be twee n $950 a nd $ ~,'1· 50 . This is a contras t to 1952-5 3 w he n th e D ep:1 rtm cnt of H eaith , Ed uca t ion a nd "Vdfare estim a ted a \'CI" :1g"e college cos ts a t $1 ,38 5. Sc holarsh ips tend to play a less signifi cant ro le, as th e study r evea led th a t pal'cnts still pay t h e m a jor po r ti o n of co llege cos ts and tha t 0 \ "('1' ha lf t he na ti on's coll c£"[' students ea r n pa rt of th pir e xpens s. Three out of fou r stud e nts ro n tac ted received no sc holarship hdd of co nse qu e nn'; a boult 15 p LT cr' nt nniwd $50 to $ .~OO a nd onl y !) prr ce nt $ 00 or 1110 II sc hola rship ass ist nce.
Followin g tonight' s ga m e a j a m session will be "swing in g" in Chris Knutzen F ell owship H a ll. The jun ior cl ass, whi c h is sp onso ring the ('\'e nt, invi tes cver yone to " com c o n o\-er for r ca l g-ood a ft e r-ga m e cn joyment " Bake Salc G oodi es of va riou s sorts will be o n sa le in t he C UB lobby from 11:00 to 12:30 n e xt W ed nesday . Delta Rho G amma is se llin g t h(' ba ked good s. Lady Lutes This m o nd ay, D ecem ber 12, Lad y Lutcs invite t heir husba nd s a lo ng for a Christmas p arty in CK ':Hall a t 8:00 p .m. D r. E . C . Knorr \\'~l spea k and t he re w ill be games a nd refrcs h nw nt, for enTyo ne.
(Foot of Garfield)
JOHNSON 'S DRUG (All Stu d e n ts' Ne eds)
W ash 20c , Dry IOc
Thurs ., 9 a.m . to 10 p .m.; 12·8 Su n.
YOUNG'S Gift Shop 5 16 Garfield
F ew famili es ( 11 p er cent ). wh o h ave ha d children in co ll ege d u r in g the p ast llW yf" U . , borrowed to h" lp mee t costs. F am ili rs borrowed for thi s purpose tw ice as oft e n as d id studen ts.
Extension 79
Marv Tommervik's
and for no other nason is He
born . •• .No word can say nor understand that so small a thing should hold so great a treasure. Thus the great and wonde1ful sign is
his child is sent to fill thine heart,
Ron Soine
11 9th and Pacific Avenue
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Parkland Triple XXX
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DELUXE BURGER in a b asket with f ri es ___ .___ __
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M onday, December 12 Knight - Tirne..___ ._..... 10:00 p .rn. featuring News and Spor·ts with John Hansen ____._.__ ._____ 10:00 Enterta inrnent _. ___ __ _.__ ___.. _1 0: 15 with a cutting frorn Christ rnas Carol and dra rna ti c ChristrnCts reading s. Devotions __.. __... ___ .__________ _10:30 Postor Larsgaard givi ng spe er.a I Ch rI.strnas d evotion s.
12171 Pacific Avenue
FI wers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE,
Phi Chi Theta All Sophom ore, Junio r, o r Se ni or wom e n who a rc bu sin ess m a j rs a rc invited to attcnd a n or ga nizatio na l m ee tin g for Phi C hi Th e ta , na tional p rofessi ona l bu sin css so ro r it y. This m e tin g will be h eld Wednesday, D ccr mbCI- 14, during seventh pe ri od in th e Business Admini stra ti o n Of fi ct', loca ted in th e Administra tio n Building.
repeated and the heart is made sweet and glad and fearless,
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for it is at peace with all the suffering that .... may befall it. For what should cause it woe? Where the Child is, all will be well. 'flze
LP's, Singles -
mart and the Child cannot be parted.
large selection at
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LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD Life Insurance A legal 7Cserve lite insurance society
M inneapoiis 2, lYinnesota
Friday, December 9, 1060
Reindeer and Horsepower
'Star of Bethlehem Sacred to Science
A Foreign Policy SU
S:J.n t:t Claus is eomin g to town, but what's worse , are the college students.
Dr. I. M. L evitt, Fra nklin Institute Pla nc·tar ium di rector, and his associates dramatize an answer in the holiday show which originated in Philadelphia . They beli e\'c it wa s not a sta r in the sc icntific tradition, b ut ". rare conjunction or close passin g of th e pla nets Jupi tcr and Saturn.
Dri'v in c; hOIlle is not supposed to be a test of skill, "ndll r n e, guts , or time trials for the return trip. Driv ing h OIlle is a !lIoral act involving the community. -Dave Crowner, editor
Dear Editor:
by Roy Olson, Public Relations :'-lot too long ago, a prominent gentleman from an other c:ity came to pay us a call at Pacific Lutheran University. Walking around the campus with me, he suddenly stopped short, let his eyes rove around from one place to the other and said, "What a fantastically beautiful campus!" Now there are other beautiful cam puses a round the country, but who of us would argue with the man? A beautiful girl can be made very unattractive if she Ff"ts ea rdcss about her grooming. That is the way it is w ith a college campus too. A campus has to stay well groom ed to St2Y beautiful. Thousands of dollars are ~ rt' nt by th e administration for that part of the groom ing pl"Ogram which properly belon gs to the maintenance crew. Thf"Y do a good job. It wouldn't be a bad idea if one<, in a while: both faculty and students would stop to say a word of th:mks to these people. They are ou r outside housekeepers. Let them know you appreciate t h ~ ll1.
But it won' t do to thank them for the job they do a nd th en ourse lves he c:ardess and sloppy. ot any more than it is fair to a mother who does the inside house keepin g, to use the floor for litter. The state fin es peo pI for throwing- debris along the highway. C <' rt a inl y our campus where w e live day by day should not take second place to highways where we: drive now and then. How would it be if we all consid ~r(' d OUI'sdws a eommittre of one to use: the proper r~ (" (' pt:lcl("s for our own wrappers , etcetera? Then how about going the second mile and picking up the pieces for those characters who don't care? They might just catch on. You have all seen the signs along the highways, "Keep '''ashington Grecn!" Suppost we stre:tch that a bit and adopt for our slogan, "Keep Washington Green and the PLU Campus Clean!"
What was the star?
. ow safe driving is ne,'er mentioned in connec tion w ith Sa nta. E vid ently h e has a monopoly on all ch im n,'} t.rdfic. However, when you students take to the road . you come in contac t with a community of drivers to whom you ::tre responsible.
Picked Up Along the Way
Page Three
PHILADELPHIA-An old superstition p ersists tha t science a lways contradicts religion. Many ministers and scientists will tell you this is not the cast:. They cite the "Star of Bethlehem" as a.n example.
Ye s, th ey are on their way homp. and every se cond (·ou nts. And if they' r', hungry, cl ear the path a little , ide r, because higher MPH will have to make up for tk\! res taurant stop.
After reading the lett er last werk by Griley Griper I w:..s rcminded of a conversation I had with Bob Moore and Ron '''alsh who werc introduced to me as co-cditors of the A.M.S. Student Directory. When I heard this I immediatdy started to question them about this direc tory whi ch had been said as not being workcd upon. Here is what th ey told me: Th!" dire ·tory has been in the process of devclopment for th e past couple of months and was at Thanksgiving time brought to the printers to be completed. I asked wh:!t was in the directory. They told me that it con tained all th e school addresses and tekphone number of all students, plus all the home addresses and tel ephone numbers. I immediately thought that this would be great for my Christmas card addressing and also great for th.. summer time when I could write or find my f. ·iends with just a glance at the directory. I found out thell it would be a ncat 24-page book and that it would (''"en have a stiff cover. Sounds like a good deal to me. Then I asked if it would be out in time for my usc dur in" Christmas and for Christmas card addressing. I found out that it would be out in just a matter of a w eek and a lmost for certain by Monday, Deccmb T 12. ~o kiddin g, this Griley Griper surely must havc been d ea f to S011lc' of the gr:J.pcvine talk that has been going a round hert:' . To do a professional job of almost 1800 stud ents' namcs and addresses takes a lot of time and rea l intr icate planning. Ron and Bob surdy have done a fi ne' j ob for the A.M.S. in getting this big job finished and compli' ted by next week. I'm really excited about the directory and sun'ly am glad that it will be out by "ext wel'k. I hope Griley Griper will read this and change hi~ mind and go along with us all in buying a copy. P.S. Hope you buy one too. Thanks. Sincerely, T ed Johnstone
How did they and other scholars arrive at this con clusion? A careful study was made of all writt n rec ords, ecclesiastical, scientific, historical and philosophi cal. But th . main source of th eir information came from Scripture. In thl' Bible you will read:
Following a Si:ar
Statesmen with your promise
R ich man with your power,
Who will light the nations
Through this midnight hOU1'?
Dark the h earts of millions,
Hungry to be fed,
Bitter at their toiling
Who will give them bread?
Wisdom ca n be humbl c.
Wise men from afar
Knew themselves for nothing
Following a Star.
Kings who left their kingdoms,
Humbly they trod
Bearing thrones as offerings.
They were taught of God.
Proud me n, brin r your knowledge,
Frightened men, your fears,
Stubborn men, the hatreds
Of YOU1' wasted years.
Yc who would-but dare not.
Yc who dare-but fail.
Eve ry living creature
Valiant and frail.
See the thin-brained cattlc
Wiser than you all-
Ox and Ass together
Kneeling at the sta ll.
God Himself in heaven
Raised His head and smiled
As th e wise and foolish
Journeyed to a Child.
God Himself is leaning
Out of heawn's bar
Waiting till men humbly
Follow on a Star.
-Po D. Howard
Many Christ as Events Sche uled in Tacoma Area Christmas is a tim e of music, joy, and beauty. The Tacoma area, in cluding P ac ific Lutheran, add to the beauty of the Christmas season with many events well worth seeing-and many free! The drama offerings includ e "A Christmas Carol," to be put on De celllber 13 in the Pacific Luthe ran auditorium a t 8:30 p.m ., and the in formal rec ital by the junior depart ment of Tacoma Little Th eater on D ecember 17 at 2 p.m . Many musical events are sched uled. On December 9, the Madriga~ Singe rs of UPS will present an on campus concert at 8: IS. The Pacific Lutheran Christmas concert will be
at 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium. On December 15, Cloyer Park Hi gh School will present a Christmas m us ic; pro gram in the south gymna sium at 8 p.m. Lincoln High School wiIi present Christmas Vespers on December 15 and 18, and A cquinas Academy will present "A Christmas Triptych," on December 18 at 8 p.m. The Wilson High Christmas COncert will be on D ecember 2 I at 8 p.m. The Christmas concert at Stadium High will be givcn on December 23 at 9:30 a.m. On December 24, the Acquinas Academy students will sing a Midnight Mass at the Fort Lewis Catholic Chapel.
M AST Editor...... ...................................................................................... David Crowner K ews Editors.. ........................ Carol French, Ann H a ggart, Jean Adair Leppa Report ers: l\1argy Eash, Donna VanGilder, Lavonne Erdahl, Deanna Hanson, Ele-anor Bousfield. Fcature Editor................................................................................ Ruth Walker R eporters: Alice W en ness, Judy Munger, Dick Halvorson, Ann Schnack enberg, Deanna Hanson. Sports Editor................................................................. ............... Kent TeKrony Reportt'rs: Bob Rydland, D ave Bottcmiller, Randy Stime, Bob Mattson, Mike McIntyre .
Intramurals Editor......... ........................................ .... ....... Gordon G. Gradwohl
Make-up Editor.............................................................................. Larry Iverson
Typists................. ..... .......................................... Nrrncy Berntsen , r Moore
Photographer;.. ........... ................ ..................... John Hanson, McKewcn Studio
Business Manager.. ............................................ _........................... Warner White
Assistant Business Mana ·cr ...................... ............................ Deanna Hau gland
Associate Ci rculation Man:lge rs ........................... .Doug Johnson, Judy Kragh
Mailing ............................ Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson Advisor........................................................................................ Mr. Milt Nesvig The Moorin!$ Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu dents of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-861 I.
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there callie wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to wor sh ip him." (Matthew 2:1-10) Thc Magi's question rcached King Herod's cars. Hcrod sent for the Mag i, heard the ir story , and dis p~.tched th~m to Bethlehem with orders to report back to him. Scripture tells us that the star went before them, until it came and stood ovel' the place wherc the child was. This is how the wise men sought and found J esus. They worshipped Him and offered royal gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh. Other wise men in all the centuri es since the birth of Jesus have puzzled over the Christmas star. Astron om~rs never recorded a strange light in the sky at the time year I B.C. dissolved into year 1 A.D . Fcw peo ple realize that thcre is no evidence that anyone but thc Magi evcr saw th e star. Apparently Herod didn't; his high pri ests hadn' t noticcd it; and the sh ephr...rd who spent thcir nights outdoors wcre not guided to the stable by a star. Only the wise men noted it. Why? Some scholars believe, as was mentioned before, that this was so because the star was not a true star at all, but a rarc triple conjunction or passing of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Scholars reason that the Magi were Persian astrologers who by their beliefs would see mystical signiiicance in such a phenome non. They thus fe t compelled to follow the "star" wherever it led. Today, however, su ch mystical significa nce is n ot attributed to a triple conjunction, as scien re ca n x pl a in it thoroughly. Whe n viewed from the ea rth Jupi ter and Saturn pass cach oth er in th e sky. Triple con junctions of Jupitel', Saturn and the earth takf' pIa e eve ry 125 years. The last on e occurred in 1941. The next question that usually comes to mind is why are there no written astronomical records about such a rare celestial event occurring in the year 1 A.D.? Because, according to some schola.rs, this conjunction or pJ. ssing appeared in the year 7 B.C. And it seems like! that Jesus was born in the spring of the ye:u 7 or 6 B.C . Scholars substantiate this claim by again usin g writ ten records to obtain th e terms of office of various Ro man officials and the date s of major tax collections of th e period. According to the Gospel of Saint Luke: " • . . there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, everyone into h is own city. Th e exact time of the taxation mentioned in thi s passage w as unknown for a long time. However, in 192' , n rar Ankara, Turkey, there was found a R oman templ e inscription which . when d ~ eiphered, relatr:-s tha t in the re ig n of C aesa r Augustus th er ' w ere three great ta. · collections. One was in 28 B.C., th e sec ond in 8 B.C., a:ld th ~' third in I+ A.D. The taxation in 28 B.C. was much too early to h a, been the one mentioned in the S criptures as it w as too close to th e ::lccession of Augustus. Th taxation th at took pla ce in 14 A.D. was mu ch too lat as it follow d too long afte r the death of H erod. (And it was Herod who ordcrr:-d the slaughter of all baby boys under two years of a ge ill the hope of destroying J esu s.) The only tax th a t fits the description is that of 8 B.C. But th e ealcndal' datc of Christ's birth is less import· ant than the fact that He was born . And while it i~ fas cinating to probe th e past and ask who the wise men wcre, and what was the star they follow ed , it is not thl" star, but the scene it illuminated that has captured nlen's hearts .
Page Four
Friday, December 9, 1960
Difficulty Rises in Classifying Serious and .Popular Music Sigmund Spaeth For some reason our music criti cs art: still inclined to look upon "popu lar" musi c with contempt, making 11 0 effort to distinguish between the good and th e ba d materia ls in that fi eld. One hi ghly respected schol a r has even stated in print tha t th e work of su ch a composer as Ri chard Rodger has no connection wit h "art." Actually, of course, there is more true a rt in his compositions than in most of th e c rea tions of the so-ca lled "serious" composers, who arc far more conce rned with tech nique and m a th ematics than with hon es t inspira tion and the sin ce re response of a n intelligent publi c. Obvious Trash Eliminating th e obvious t r ash aimed at illi te rate se nsation-seekers a nd concentrating on the lighter mu sic of the world that has already proved its permanence, it be comes in creasingly diffi cult to draw a def initl" line between the ;'popular" and th e "serious" (wron gly called ·'clas sical" ' when dea ling with contempor a ry composition). The established masterpieces of operatic and sym phonic litera ture generally con tain at least a few passages that may frankly be labeled "popular," while th b("s t of the light musical works, including folk son gs and their imi tation by Stephen Foster and othe rs, have every right to the title of " clas sics" on the basis of their perman ence. Incidentally, why should a folk song of unknown authorship, with a rural or peasant background, be au tomatically considered superior to the same type of words and musi c written by recognized members of the popular school, in urban sur roundings? There arc bad folk songs as w ell as bad products of tin-pan alley (not to speak of bad musical shows, g rand operas, and symphnies) a nd the good things achieve per manl:nce through the established law of " the survival of the fitt es t." Hard to Distinguish A few direct comparisons will in evitably add to the difficulty of dis tin guishing betwee n "popular" and "serious" or "classical" music in ge neral. Unquestionably th e most popular tune in all "grand opera" is the W edding March from Wa gner's " Lohengrin." But is thi s essentially a ny better musi c than the best of Sousa's marches, for example? Is its popularity not largely due to habit and tradition? Are the unbalan ced measures of the melody we know as "America" (also "God S ave th e Queen," "Heil dir im Siegcrkranz," etc.) actually superior to Irving Ber lin's definitely singable "God Bless America"? Could not the same com poser's setting of th e words on the Statue of Liberty be fairly called "serious musi c"? Is the Brahms "Academic Festi va l O verture," based on German stu dent song, ·'popula r" or "classical"? ( One of the tunes is known to most of the world as "The Farmer in the D ell" ! ). Can the Rodge rs-Hamme r stein "If I L 0 v e d You," which sounds 1 ike Brahms, be properly c ompared with that composers own melodic inspirations? What about the "Soliloquy" and the instrumental waltzes in the same musical show, " Ca rousr.!"? How should one ap praise a song like the Kern-Ham merstein "All the Things You Are,"
or th e sam c team's "Old 1-fan Rive r," now ge nerally classed with world's grea t folk musi c? What Happens? Wha t happe ns to ca tegori cal clas sification when we hea l' the opening theme of a Mozart pia no sonata as "In An 18th C e n t u r y Drawing Room" or Flotow's '· M'Appa ri " as "Marta" or the largo from Dvorak's New World symphony as "Goin' Home"? Can Verdi be accused of writing "popular" music in such numbers as "La Donna e Mobile" or the "Anvil Chorus" (successfully parodied by Sir Arthur Sullivan in "The Pira te of Penzance" and even tually emerging is "Hail, H ai l, the Gan g' s All H ere") ? Bee thoven wrote gigan ti c sym phonies, but his most popular pieces a re a little Minuet in G, a ·'Turkish March" and some "Country D a nces." (The final e of his Violin Con ce rto is a Russi a n folk song and ther e are Irish folk materials in his seventh symphony. ) Schubert, Chopin, and Tchaiko\'sky have all provid ed hit songs for tin-pan alley, with the last named now credited with no less than 17 popular arrangements of the start of his Piano Concerto alone. The list of such doubl e lives is prac ti ca lly endless. Why not erase the divid in g line altogether and let the test of time d ecide the issu e ?
A Gift from Santa --World Peace by Gordon Gray "Our earth is but a small star in the great universe. Yet of it we can make, if we choose, a planet unvexed by war, untroubled by hunger or fear, undivided by senseless distinc tions of race, color or theory." To this end, as Fra nklin D. Roosevelt said to the world in 1942, the na tion s united should strive with thei r utm os t abi lity and thus on June 26, 1945 , the United Nations's charter was adopted by forty -six countries. Inherent within this charter were the obligations, rights, and powers to establish mundane tranquility, and consequently the U. N. should be omnipotent in maintaining world peace. Crises Korea, Suez, and presently thc Congo cr isis are provin g to th e world that it takes more tha n just a group of na tions unitin g to insure international stability. What is the common denominator that was in volved in all of these conflicts? RUSSIA. Many ways have been of fered to alleviate this "thorn in the side" of world peace . Th e one I would lik e to analyze is simply ki ck ing the Soviet Union out of the United Nations. Let us r emember that many countries gro uped them sdves together to work for peaee and harmony and that it is not too ha rd
Sociology Class To Hel p
Needy Tacoma Families
by Lowell Stordahl Most of us will h a v e a great Christmas thi s year as we go to our different homes. But h ave you ever thought that there may be someone who will not h ave a good and great Christmas ? Mrs. Karen Knudsen, who is doing an independent study in sociology, has had the opportun ity to come in contact with a few families which are very poor. She wanted to do something for these families who have not the means for even a good Christmas meal. She came to the sociology classes and told us about what she has seen and we agreed that we would like to help by giving a little money so she can buy some food for these famili es. What kind of famili es will the food go to? Mrs. Knudsen gave the example of one family who just came
to Tacoma. The fa ther has been dis abled and is ge ttin g some help in rehabilitation. Since they are from a nother state they canno t draw wel fare. Wh en Karen visited this fam ily, the children were getting ready for school and all they had to eat was one slice of bread. To us this seems almost impossible but there a re people living tha t close to us who do not have eve n enough food. You can help by giving a few cents so they may have a god Christ mas. You can bring your gift to Mr. Schiller's office or to any of its fol lowing students: Karen Knudson, Carolyn Smith, D ori s Fisher, Myra Gin, Kathy Knu.dsen , Gail Latimer, Irene Goodale, and Gina Triche horn. This will give you a g reater Christmas, knowing that you helpe d someone to have a be tter Christmas.
Steuteleu Spaid
Regular Deluxe Hamburger .. 50¢
for on e rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel. This is wha t Russia is doing. Through her constant usc of the v c t o and creating di sse nsion among th e member nations she has continually thwa rted th e goals of the U. N. Hypothesis Consequently removing the rotten apple would result in better har mony, more positive action, and the curbing of communism. It would re sult in better harmony in that it would removc mu ch of the prese nt friction, such as the poundin g of shoes on tables durin g a speech for unit ed ac tion by a country which differs id eologically from the Soviet V nion . It would result in more posi tive a ction du e to the fact that th e C . N . could work as an organiza tion for th e bette rment of mankind without the threat of one country trying to step in and ga in sa tellites for its own selfish purposes. It would also r es ult in th e curbin g of Com munism . As Governor Rockefeller said, "one of the most effec tive methods of blocking this obsta cle to peace is throu gh an economi c block ade." He believcs that this could bc accomplished if the powers of the W es t were able to work togeth er without interference and I think the best way to accomplish this is quite simply to remove the Soviet Union from its present position.
thi s rottcn apple constantly decayin g th e ba rrel. Thusly Russ ia will obtain no better position to a ttack than now a nd th ere is th e possibility that th e freedom loving countries w ill be able to put the Soviet Union in its proper place. But to d o this we must be able to work without hinderancc, thc reby g rowing to the utmost of our ability. Therefore I feel by removing the Soviet Union from the United Na tions we will strengthen the position of the free countries of the world and will work towards the decadence of and consequently the d estroying of the rotten apple in the barrel. Then a nd only then will we be a " planet unvcxed by wa r, untroubled by hunger or fea r, a nd undivided b y senscless distin c ti ons of race, color, or theory."
Rental and Sales PARKLAND
Therc is on e more point which must be considered; that is, "Will the disfra nchisement of Russia re sult in a hot wa r? " I do not believe so. The Soviet Union at the present time cannot afford war any more than can the West. A nd in the fu ture the West will be a ble to grow mu ch stronger throu gh the U. N. without
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BUSCH"S RESTAURANTS 3505 South Tacoma Way
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INSURANCE Home Offi,• •
• Insurance in Force January 1, 1960
Friday, December 9, 1060
Page Five
ot all
. Ia
N ORM DAHL End -Offense W estern
ED WALTERS Guard -Offense Eastern
KEN RIGGERS Center-Offense 3rd Floor
BilL PETERSON Back-Offense Basement
Back- Offense
GARY OLSON Back-Offense Evergreen
DU AN E MESKE Guard -O ffense 4 th Floor
GEORGE LECH NER (Capta in) End-Offe nse & Defense Basement
ROGER BAKKE Guard-Defense Evergreen
MATT ERNST Guard-Defense E ergreen
DAVE HAALAND Back-Defense Evergreen
LARS JOHN SON Back-Defense 3rd Floor
.. If .... ..l . S1A N FREDRICKSO N Back- Defense 4th Floor
Tickets for the New York Tucks Buchans Bakers game may be pur chased from the Letterma n's Club at a reduced rate. The game is Tues day night, the 13th.
TOM AL DEN End-Defense Ba sement
T he a bm'c 15 ind ividua ls h a \ "C becn pi ckeel by th e Int ramura l Commit t, f' of two) as th" 1960 Intram ural F oo tba ll All-Sta rs. They have bee n ( hosrn on th r basis of a bility, sportsm a nship, pa rti cipa tion, a nd heavy weight gi "('n to te;)m spirit a nd tt, rn pla y. O f OWl' 1:>0 individua ls p a rti cipa ting in LM fo lba ll thi s season the ch oice was not a n easy on c, a nd to furth er com pli ca te thi ngs, only r ight r\ll-S ta r bollots wr re tu rned in. George Lechner h a~ bec n sd"Cled Honorary Captain of thi s yea r's two-u ni t team. OFFENSE Left End, fon 1 D ahl, Western. L eft Guard, Ed W a lt ~ rs, Ea stern. Center , K en Ri ggers, 3Td Floor. Ri ght Guard, D u a n C M esk e, 1 th F loo r. Right End. G eorge L c-chn er , Basemen t. Back, Bill P c- terson, Base m ent. Back. Fra nk W ~ terw or th, Evergree n . Back. Ga ry O lson, Evergrec n . DEFENSE Left End, G corge Lechn er, Baseme nt Left Guard. R 0 g e r Bakken, Ever
Kud er, Evergreen ; Jack L ensin g, E ve rgree n ; S n a r d H a nson , 4 th Floo r ; A rt Rorem, 3 rd Floo r ; D a n Bechtel, 3rd Floor; R on H a nna, E astern ; Jim Boesh a ns, Base ment. Ends: AI J ohnson, 3rd Floor; D a r w yn Eik um , E a stern ; Gerry R ed burg, E astern ; Roger R eep , Ever~ r ccn .
Linemen: T o n y R eynolds, Ev e r
g r(' n .
Right Right Back, Back, Back. Back,
HONO R ABLE MENTION Backs: L eo Eliason, W.-stern ; Bill
uard, M a tt E rmt, Evergrern . End, T om Alden, Ba sement. h a r E lia"m, Wes tcrn. D ave H aa la nd, E verg re,·n . L ars J ohnson , 3,'d Floor.
ta n F re drickson, 'l th Floor.
~ r('e n ;
J 0 h n J ohnson, W estern ;
Ed Sons t<,!~ard , 3rd Fl oor ; Lowell Stordahl, 3rd F loor; l\ eil Chris ti:mson, Basem ent ; Lloyd So ine, 'lIh Floor .
ALL-OPPONENT TEAM Loudest Griper: Chuck H obbs , Eastern; Most Ugly: Eric Lindholm, E"crgret'n ; Most Clumsy: R og('\' R t'f.'p , Evergree n ; Always Best-Dressed: L m' . F lamoe, Eas tern; All-American Material: W a rren Willis; One-Man Team: Snn rd H a nson; Constant Cheater: R og Ba kk en, Evergre en ; Cry Baby, Always Hurt; P ete Gahloff, Wcstr rn .
COLLEGE FOOTBALL L ast wee k: 3 fo r 3 -. 1.000 Season : 54 / 78 for .699 R ose Bowl W ashi ngton ovcr Minnesota by 19 poi nt s. Liberty Bowl
Oregon OVCl' Penn . St., by 7 p oints.
NAIA Holiday Bowl
Lf' nor R yhne ove r Hum boldt St. by
13 p oints. Cotton Bowl Arka nsas over Duh by 6 p oints. Sugar Bowl 0 1' Mi ss. ove r Ri ce by 13 po ints. Gator Bowl Baylor o\'er Florida by 15 poi nts. Orange Bowl Mi sso uri over ~avy by 12 points. Blue Bonnet Bowl T ..xas 0,' I' Alaba ma by 1 p oint. COL LEGE BASKETBALL D ec . 9t h a nd 10th: PLU O\'cr Willamette by 9 pts. PLU over Linfield by 6 pts. D ec. 14th: PLU over UPS by 16 pts. D ec. 16th and 17th: PLU over Lewis & Clark by 3 pts. PLU over Linfield by 5 pts .
Aroma Bowl To
(Ii ax Football
YESTERDAY'S BASKETBALL RESULTS "A" LEAGUE Eastern 43, Tippers 42 M-Squad 61, Western 55 4th Floor 55, 2nd Floor 40 UB" LEAGUE Nads 49, Hustlers 44 Eastern B 48, Delts 40 Western B ,:!O, Vets 29 3rd Floor B 58, Retreads 23 Evergreen 47, Reliables 35 "C" LEAGUE STANDINGS (through Thursday)
4 th Floor "Playboys" ....... .. .. . 3 Eve rgreen " R ebs" ..... ............. 2
E astern "Blue Devils" .. ........ 2
Eve rgree n "Beach Bums" ...... 2
E astern "C" ............................ 1
1st Floor "C" ............ ............ 1
3rd Floor "Joes" .................... 1 Basement " C" .. ...................... 1 Fa C"uity "Castoffs" .. .............. 1 5th F loor "Shamen" .............. 0
The 1960 Aroma Bowl will be held thi s coming Wednesday 011 low er ca mpus. E vergreen's " Feds" a nd th e Base ment "Moles" will tie into ea ch othe r a t 1:30 p.m. f r this year's " Bowl C rown ." P03 t-game ce rem oni ..s will feature the presen ta tio n of th e Aroma Bowl Trophy and 1M Foo tball All-Sta r awa rds. For the p n rti c ipa tin g t<:ams h ere a rc a few thi ngs you better but to mi nd . Th is ga m e will not a ffect in a ny way the 1960 1M football cham pi onshi p whi eh wellt to Everg ree n a nd the Basement j ointly. The two teams m ust be on th e fi , ld a nd read y to go by 1 :20 p. m. A t eam may only "suit-up" a m axi mum of 24 p layers for the game, a nd only th ose playe rs who pla yed for the respective teams durin g the rcgular season are eli gibl e. Th e gam e will be played re gard less of weathcr or other cond itions whi ch ma y a r ise to hi nd el" su ch sport. AJI the 1960 All-S ta rs n ot pa rtic ipating a re asked to be on h a nd to receive your ce rtifi ca tes. It is hoped tha t enou gh interes t wi]] be e re:lted to ma ke it a nnua l.
Page Six
Friday, December 9, 1960
Stand Tonight
re. T eams Meet: Knight:s
ootballers G et: 0 Vacat:ion; Working Weight:s for Muscle
Pacific Lutheran University bas ketball fans will be able to w a tch the Knight "hoopsters" to th e i r h ea rts' content this weekend a s the undefeat ed Lutes fac e a tough Wil lamette College team Frid a y ni ght , and a strong Linfield Collcg sq uad Saturday night. Tip-off tim e fo r both ga m cs is 8:00 p.m. at th e PLU gym.
by M ike l\-IacDonald
Any ideas of a nice nine month rest for our football t"am were destroyed when Coach Gabrielsen asked that we stav in condirion by lifting weights this winter and following summer. 'I 0 this request came many varied reactions-most of them in a negative form, even though we will lift and like it. Weight lifting is hard work, very little fun, and tak.:s a
Th,' Lutheran round-ba ilers,. fresh from a double victory in last week ' s T acoma Athleti c Commission tour na ment , will have thei, assignm ents cut out for them as they square off a gainst Willia mctte Frida y ni ght. Willamette h a s done quite well for itself, having won the National Asso cia tion of Intercollegiat e Ath kti cs District No, 2 tip-off tourna ment last weekend in Salem, Ore gon. T h e W illamcttc Bcareats b eat L ewi s & Clark, a future PL op ponent , in the final game a t Sa lem Saturday night, 81-73, Willamette and Linfi eld, bot h Northwest Conferenee tearns, are pi cked to be at the top of their leagu e in final standings, Willamettc plays UPS Saturday night, and Lin field will trade off also, playing UPS Friday night.
G ame Results Last weekend the ran k s of N AlA small college teams began their 1960-1961 basketball cam paigns. Some of the results were as follows: PLU 60, St. Martin's 47 PLU 82, Peders on's Fryers 71 UPS 70, St. Martin's 43 Pederson's Fryers 67, UPS 57 SPC 73, 82; C elltral 54, 70 :M ontana St. 57, Whitworth 55 Linfield 99, Pacific U. 74
A GAME ACTION shot from the St, Martin's-PlU basketball game shows Marv Fred rickson, II, poised as larry Poulson, 31, fig hts for Ihe rebound, while Bob Jacob son looks on, The lutes won 60-47.
Alexander's Scoreboard: 2-1 Girls; Knight Athlete Father of Three by Dave Bottemiller
At a starting guard position on PLU's high-flying basket ball team is Bruce Alexander, a senior at PLU. Bruce was an " all-star" at Franklin Pierce of Tacoma in basketball and foot ball. Although Bruce had his running speed hindered by a leg injury at Franklin Pierce, PL U had qlllite a struggle luring Mr. Alexander against "bountiful aid" offered by the Univ ersity of ';Vash ington, In football, Alex has opened nTry game-except when h e was injured and couldn't pla y- since his frosh yea,' at halfback ( All Conferenee
1PLINTEql~ 4; FR OM rilE B£l/cN
, %
~ 1;.
SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS OF DECADE The end of anoth er decade is nigh and the knife w ould like to take a stab at naming th e top fiv e momcnts in sports durin g the fifty's, 1. May 6, 1954: Roger Bannister's four-minute mile.
2, O c tober 3, 1951: Bobby Thompson's homer wins Giants a pennant.
3 . June 26, 1959: Ingem~r Johansson knocks out Floyd Patterson. 4, Oc tober 8, 1956: Don Larson pitches a perfect World Series game for the Yankees. 5, December 28, 1958: The Colts win the pro-football championship, defeating the Giants in a sudden-death overtime. Pa cifi c Luthe ra n's top five mome nts in sports will be included next
Ie. HORSE-SENSE As the hors,'s prep~ red to go to the starting gate fo r the fea tured race, t he milli ona ire own er a dd re sses his oat burner- who hadn' t won a race all s{'ason : ' '1' n' spent m on ey on you . You've lived well, trm'cl ed widely, eaten the b, 's t hay a nd oats. Yet you ' ve n CV('f won a race , Win this time Of I swea r, tomorrow you w ill be pulling a milk wa gon." T h e horse sta rted poorly a nd got worse, Tht: jockey was whipping h a rdl" r a nd harde r , F inall y the horse turned to the jockey and said: "IIey ta ke it eas y, wili you? I gotta be up at 4 o' c.!ock tomorrow morn ing," AFT E R -THOUGHTS VH AT , ME WORRY ? Yes-- the knife had mixed emotions after the ",.lInt Fl;day n i':>;ht but they w(' re soon elevated after Sa turd a y' s game, Com n,~nts h eard after the ga m e: K, ,heft' w e come; C an tha t Bob Jacobson jump; wha t about th ose two fr eshmen, J on M:a lmin and Marv Fredrickson. Ralph Ca.rr won th e con test for the friendli est pla ye r at the T AC l,'urn : !nl'nl. Th a t G obk , un W a!> lucky- just a sk Ralph . . Charlie Curtis, PL All American, will be in town n co t week w ith the ~ew York T apers to play Buccans. The game wiII be h eld at U PS .. , Be sure to a ttend the BB games th is we ekend. Willa mettc and Linfield are co-favorites for cham ions hip of the N,W, L cagu (, ,- th c Knife ,
- -- sophomore I' ear; co-captain, All Conferen ce, and Little All Ameri ca honorable mention-senior y e a r), but it took Bruce until his junior year to find a niche in the baske t ball lin e-up when he was top scorer,
good deal of determin a tion to stay on the schedule that is set up, Weight liftin g is d es igneu to add bod y wei ght in the ri ght pl ac es and kee p a person in good ph ysi cal con dition.
Bowl Ga e, 13-7
The s heclulc that ou r play ers are on requi res them to work out three times a week for two hours, In these two hours they go through a set routine that demands the ultimate in physical enduran ce . Weight lifting is simply doing of exerc ises with weight to mak e the work more difficult, The re arc many types of exercises. As the body builds up, more weight is add ed to th e ex e rcise and consequently body weight is added in thc form of muscle, As of now there are only about half a dozen football players work ing out with the bar-bells but many more plan to start right afte r Christ mas va cation, Of course, the football players are not the only ones takin g advantage of th e weight mom, One of the ex perts in the field of weights here at PLU is Dave Barker who is a stand out on the track field, Dave h a s been workin g sin c c the beginning of ; cho01 and already shows signs of reaching the peak of conditioning.
Whitworth ColI cf:;"t:'s bid to 01in g g-ridiron glory to the EvtTgTl'i' n , 00 ference went by th e wayside last Sat urday night as the Pirates bowL'd to Humboldt Slatl', 1:, -7 , in the wes t n n l'l' gional s of th e ~AIA ch am pionship playoffs at Eureka, C a lif. The Lumberj ac ks, by way of the victory, advance to the national f i nals Saturday aga inst Lmior Rhyne (a United Luthera n Church school), eastern victor, in the Holiday Bowl game at St. Petersburg , Florida. Humboldt's key to victory ,,'as a strong defense tha t choked off th e right ann of D e nny Spurlock, The nation;s leadin g passer completf'd only five of 13 attempts for 35 yards, Thc Bues rolled up 128 yards on the ground, Leading the " J ac ks" victory be fore 10,000 fans wa s All-American quarterbac k Freddie Whitmire and end Drew Roberts, Roberts scored th e first tou chd own on a 74-yard pass from Whitmire to gi\'c th e hosts a 6-0 half-t im e marg in.
'Whits' Lose AlA
Certain Qualities Make Skiing Exciting, Popular, Rewarding by AI Blomquist We all realize that skiin g is a very popular sport, a nd that it is con tiCluing to grow in popula rity. I sometimes wond c'f just why it is that s];j in" is so popular. Here, I beli e",' , arc a few of th;:: reasons- thes e are only for the male skier. Skiing offers a c ha n ce to " f'."e t away frolll it a ll ." On the wee kends, the colle ge student takes his nose ou t of the p rinted page a nd heads it toward h is favorite ski area. The business man lea\'es the rares of lht, office beh ind <.Ine! cnjoys the freedom of th e open ai,- and the open slopes . The beauty of nature in the mountains is rarely su rpassed. Snow-c:lp)Jcd Cl'ags, backed by a deep blu " sky surrounding stately fir trees, is truly a IJt'« utiful sight. A sense of self-satisfaction is also attained throu gh the sport of sk iin g . '1'0 fcd thc cold bite of wind in the face, to experien ce the thrill of racin ,~ d own a mount a inside without a fall is som('thin g not found in other sports. Why does the femal c enjo y skiing-? Because the mal e does! (Chuckl... ),
Bruce Alexander In thi s year's C entral football tilt, Bl'UCC scored a tou chdown fo r eac h of twins newly arrived to "Big' Dad dy" and his lon:ly wif" Joy ce, Th e sum on th e Alexander scon;board IS L-I in favor of the girls,
Lu therans Co TAC Tourney Coac h G ene Lund g-aard 's cagers beg-a n th eir ~ cason on the ri ght foot last wee kend as they down cd S t l drtin 's College 60-4-7 and P ed er son' , F rye rs 82-71 in the Tacoma thkti c Commiss ion Tournament a t B lIamline Hi gh School. The Kl igh t; were th e only tcam to sun ·i" e th e tourney un defeated , Puget Sound" Lo ggers d ropped it 56-67 decision to P ederso n's on the op cni ng ni",ht of play, but bounced ba ck Saturday ni ght to d d ea t St. Martin's 70-4 3,
BRUCE ALEXANOER drive s around 51, Ma rtin's defe nde r, while Marv Fredrickson , 11, looks on and Larry Poul,on, 31, s cre ens 51 , Mdrtin', man boming up the key,
MOOR'NG McHenry Boatwright Sings
For Artis Series Tonight
University Events Feature Drs. Mortvedt, Bolewski T wo outstanding churchmen will be on campus next week f r m o rning chape l appearances and evening lectures . Dr. Ro bert Mo rtvedt, executive director, Board of Christian H ig her Education, The AugustanJ Lutheran C hurch and The U ni ted L uthe ra n Church in America, will be h ere next Wednes day. " Poised t Walk Upon a ta r," wi ll be h is topic for the morn in g- chapel. In the afternoon he w ill a ddress the fa culty on th e theme, " Some Basi c Edu cat ion a l Concerns." Centers About Huma n ities Centering his thoughts about the humanities, Dr. Nodtvedt will lec tu n : on the subject, "Havc Book, Will Tra",' l" at his 8 :00 p .m. ap peara nce in the CMS. The univer lity will confe r an honorary doctor's deg nT Oil him at that time. D r. Hans Bolcwski, director of the Eva np;elieal Acad emy in Locc um, Germany, and editor of The Luth er an World, will be h ere Thursday and Friday. H e will speak in chapel both mornin gs . Gives Lectures T hursd ay he will give lec tures at 10::10 :1.11 1. and 2:00 p.m. in CB-200. Pastors frolll th e area have' bee n in vitcu. His morning lectun: will be, " T h, ' Church As Institution (foun da tion) and Asso cia tion." His after noon topic will be, ":\fon-Intcf( rated Ch ri stians? Evangelism and Re lig' ;ou s Adult Education." On F riday, Dr. Bolewski will visit several classes and in the l:'\'ening at 8:00 p.m. will giv~ :l. lecture in the CMS on th e topic, "The Church and Th(' R('ligious Situation in The Ag'''' of Autom at ion. "
One Time P rofessor Dr. lvfort\'(·dt was profcssol' of English for se"eral years at St. Olaf College after which he served as president of Kansas City University and of Be thany College, Lindsborg, K a nsas. H e did graduate work at Oxford and is a renowned scholar of En glish literature. Dr. Bolewski rece ived his doLtor-s deg ree at the University of Halle. H e ha s traveled extensively, written two books, speaks English and French fluently , and has servcd as parish pastor in Hamburg a nd Edinburgh, Sco tland. He is a former director of the Department of Information of th e Luthera n World Federation.
Dr. Robert Mortvedt
Wilson's 'Iceman Cometh' Tops Oratory
Zan ,., Wilson, with his oration, " Th,' Icelllan Cometh," claimed th e fi rs t place trophy and $15 in th:: a ll-sc hool orato ri ca l co ntes t W ednes day ni ght. Sec ond pla ce and $10 was ta ke n by J ack Olson's " Mr. _ 0 bod y," with Judi Sanncrud pla cin g third for $5 with "Joy Is the Main.. spring." This was the see.o nd conseCU(lve year that Wilso n has tak ~ n first place in thi s annual event sponsored by P i Kappa Delta . As Wil son out lined the purpose of thi s ac tivity previously, it is to stimulate. student interes t in voi c ing th eir opinion by speaking,
'Nilson's theme was that "the icc man is h ere at least once in every life-t illi e, and giH's plll'pose and the reaso n for bein g ." Jack Olson point ('d out in his oration the satire in individualism vs. security and con· formity . Mrs. SanncrUG voiced the trage dy in "America's loss of her mag ic of lau ghtcr" and futher urged the return to "fresh joy of laughter and the love of life for its own sake." The final ists offe ring competition to th e winners were Ronald Swift, " Slow Death by Mediocrity;" An drew Carlson, "Red China in the R ea l World ;" Norma Dayhuff, "The Greatest Li ght ;" and Gordon Gray, "A Gift from Santa- \Vorld Prace,"
lecturers Ma y Come -- But Not Packard Outcomc of th e id ea to brin g lee turn V ance Pa cka rd to PLU was a Illoti on p asse d by Studc nt Council bs t 1 uesday: V, n ee Packa rd will not be coming. At its last meetin g before Christ m as vacation, the Council had voted to recommend that the Artist Series Committee give the junior and sen ior class('s $500 to make possible thc Pa cka rd ('vent. Holding a session on the last day of school to consider this JHoposal, thc committee delved into its func tions and rights and came to wme interesting, if not startling conclu sions about the constitutionality of the current committee. However, a Student Council on
Tuesd ay, with Pa ul Aasen and Dr R. B y a r d Fritts representin g the committee, it was cl ea red up that th e g roup is a cting constitutionally. It was pointed ou t, thou gh , that supposedly lecturers arc to be ob tain ed under the Artist Series. Blame for a lack of lecturers O!l the Series program in thc l:!,t few years rests in a lack of interest for them by the stud ents on th e com mittee, according to most talk, al though a few voices have reported tha t faculty opinion squelched thc studcnts. Meanwhile, time has run out on the Van c e Packard proposal. No plans have been made for other lec turers next semester.
ivfl'. M cHenry Boatwright, youn g .\mcrican baritone, will appea,' as an attraction of th .. Artist Series this nn:in g at 8:00 p .m. in the CMS, as pa rt of his first coast-to-coast tour :IS a solo artist. Last season, he toured the coun try with the famous DePaul' Infan try Chorus as onc of a quartet of soloists in a program of operatic rnusiv. No!
Stranger to the Field
BOcltwri ght, winner of th e 1957 Young Artist Auditions of th e :\fa tional F edera tion of ,M usic Clubs, is no stran gT'f to the concert field. A .vraduatc of th e XC \ En gla nd Con se n'atory, he made his first publi c concert a ppearance in 1950 at Bos ton's Gardne r Museum. In quick success ion, h e appeared with the Boston "Pops" Orchestra under Arthur Fiedler, won th e Bos ton Post M usic F estival Awa rd from among 2,000 contesta nts, and th e Chi ca 'l'oland Musi c Festival Award. Appears on Television On Ed Sullivan's ''Toast of the Town" television show Boa twri ght appeared as "the outstandin g vocal discovery of 1953." H e also enjoys th " honor of bein g twice w in",: r of th e M arian Anderson Award. Six p c:rformances of Be thoven's J\' inth Sy mphony with the Philadel phia Orchestra, Eu gene rma ndy conducting, and his Tew York debut in Tow Hall, January 12, were hi gh li .,.,hts of the 1958 spring season for Boatwright. Reveals Program .\('compani ed by John Sundsten ;It the piano, Boatwright will render a program which promises to suit all musical tastes. Some of th e pi ecp.s to DC included will be "SoIlll1li D ei, from Radamisto," "Art Thou Trou bled ?," "Good F ellows Be M erry," "Das Irdischc L eben," and selections froln "Don Quichottc a Dulcinee." Boatwright will conclude his co n cert with such contemporary so ngs by Americ a n composers as "There Is A Lady Sweet and Kind," ''The Dod ger," and some J\' egro Spirituals including "Let Us Brea k Bread To g['(her" a nd "Steal Awa y."
Debaters Attend SPC Tourney All of the members of PLU ' s jun ior and se nior debate squads will bc attending the Sea ttle Pac ific Call >ge Deba te Tournamcnt today, and con cludin g tomorrow with the prese n tation of awards. "Resolved: That the U nited Sta tes Should Adopt a P rogram of om pul ory H ea lth Illsura nce fo r All of Its Citizens" is this year's d eba te topi c, while: improm ptu competition will be c(' ntn r d arou nd the "Fa rm Problem; ' and in th e "xtr rnporan (' ous cont ~ t " Curren t Internat ional Di pu te " will Ix· und"r di~ c u . ion . Th ere will a lso be after d in nn speakin g, orato ry, inte rpret ive read ing and ra dio speaking eve nts. M embe rs of th e Juni or Squad in clude G ord on ray, M erle Over land, Joan Maier, Susa n Solie, K ay Whisler, Jeannette Baker, Claudette Baker, Ellen Hilde, Andrea Hage n and J ea n Adair L eppa. The Senior Squad is composed of Jack 0 I son, Zane Wilson, Andy Carlson, Judi Sannerud, and Dick Helstrom.
~ . TO THE ~PO,'~'T ~" II". Appli Ca tions arc being taken d uring urI(' more week for <ick Modcl United l\ations a ssemhly to be held at the University of Eu ge ne this April.
10 II.
\)I1!l II
Politica l Scien ce Club is handling [lrran 'e ments for Pa cific 111 l-eran' part in the affai r, and application s rnay be obtained fro m Dr. D o n, J I anne or club p ns ident Bob Johnson. R epresentin g I celand this yea r, PLU will se nd eight dcl cg:tlc. i"r th.. t co untry to the Ml: X . \'I' hen de legates arc chosen a t PLU, wed.ly stud ), ~ cs sions will be h eld to inform th e group of I cela nd' s poli c ics an d d l'tl'r m ine a course of ac tion which will most nearly resemble that w h ich Iceland wnu l(\ pursue in thc ac tual UN. :;':
There is a search on to find a trul y typical college girl who COIll bines beauty, intelligence, scholastic ability, campus activities, hobbies and interest in comm unity affairs. T h c y oung lady who best fu lfills t.bi.~ criteria will be named the J\'ational College Queen. Prizes w ill include wardrobes of high fashion apparel, modeling as signments, network television inten'iews and a person al appearance tour. For more information, or to enter a candidate write to the National College Queen Contest, Paramount Building, 1501 Broadway, Suite 1606 , New York 36, New York.
"Ca ndida ," a play by Gcorge Bernard Shaw, is now being prese nted b i" th e Univ ersity of Washington at their Showboat Theatre, beginn ing- at 8:30 p.m. There will be performances both tonight and tomorrow even ing . The 'C nivcrsity is a lso presenting "T hird Best," by Eleanor a d L 0 Hayer, 011 th ese same two niS'hts in the Penthouse Theatre. This is a comedy about a hon eym oon combined with a convention in Palm Beac h. An yone interes ted in obtaining tickets or reserving scats may c311 th e box offic e a t LA. 4-1200. The PLU A! ociate W orn n S tudents w ill be holding their Rum mage, ale, which start 'd yeste rday, t oday until 5:00 p.m., and tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. til 12 :00 noon in down town T acoma at 151 6 Jeffe rson.
"K n ight Kap ;' a n info rm", l get-toge the r, will be sponsored b} the Sopho livre rlaS' 'lfter th e basketball g me w ith 'Nestcl'1l tomol'row en' ni ng, ]C , uar y 1 +, in the ru'is K nu tZ!' n H a ll. E nte rta inmen t will b e provided by Mike :\forris, Miriam Bloomquist, he O th ers, an d Barb Aus t ::\'0 a dmission will be charged, but roo t beer 31ld d onuts will be sold. P aul a Fen dle r, PLU Senior musI c major, will be presented in a com pliIIlcutary con u'!'t a t the Gcthscmane Lutheran Church, Ninth and St wart Streets, Sl:attlc, on Monday, January 16, at 8:00 p .m" by the Association of Lutheran Choir Dircctors and Orga nists. Miss Fendler was rec.ently selected to receive the first organ scholarship to be offered by this a ssociation. Her Seattle recital will include works of Bach, Handel, Buxtehude, Walch a, Langlais, and Dupre.
Page Two PLU MOORING MAST Friday, January 13, 1961 ----------------------------------~--~~~---
Foreign Service Job Ope nings Announced The United States Department of State, Washington, D. C., recently announced that there are openings for young people who are interes ted in Careers in the United States For eign Service. There is an urgent need for com petent people to help staff the 290 Embassies, Legations and Consulates which the United States maintains in 90 countries throughout the world. Gives Requirements Those interested in these positions as stenographers, secretaries 'or com munications clerks must be at least 21 years of age, high school gradu ates with office experience, single wit h no dependents, in excellent health and American c itizens for at least fi\'e years. Other basic requireme nts include Foreign Sen'ice secretaries, with be ginning salaries of $4,495, must t ype at 50 words a minute and take short hand at 96. Stenograph ers starting at an annual salary of $4,010 must type at 50 and take shorthand at 80 words a minute. Communications cif'rks, with the same starting salary as stenographers, must type at 45 words a minute. Other Jobs Available Jobs art' also available in the vari ous offices of th e D epartment of State in Washin gton , D. C . The min imum a ge for these positions is 18.
TOWNE HOUSE Donut Bar and Quick Lunch HOM E-MAD E PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today for Tomorrow
JOHNSONIS DRUG (A!I Students' Needs)
Thurs., 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 12·8 Su n.
Comp lete Came ra Department
To gct more information contact Department of State Personnel Offi cer at the State Employment Office in Tacoma, 1313 Tacoma Ave nu e, South, who will be here January 18, 19 and 20. Interviews are being con ducted and appli cations arc being taken between the hours of 9 :00 and 4:30, and Tuesdays until 7 :00 p .m. Saturday hours are 9:00 to 12:00 noon.
"KNIGHTIME" OFF TV There will be no more TV broad casts of "Knightime" until next semester.
Scholarships To Norway Now Available
Women students who are int erested in overcoming public speaking difficulties are invited to attend the Toastmistress Club, w hie h meets every Thursday at 5:35 p.m. in Chris Knutzen No.3. This group affords an opportunity for students to practice in public speaking and to benefit from helpiul and friendly criticism that stimulates improvement.
Sociology Dept.
Receives Honors
Applicants should preferably be of Norwegian descent and have parents who are members of Sons of Nor way. They must be of at least sopho more standing with a "B" grade
M embership will be held to fiftee n active participants to allow maxi mum benefit for each member. For more information call Diane Repp or Marilyn Moore at Extension 71.
Dr. E. C. Knorr, Professor of So ciology and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, announ ced recent ly that the D epartme nt of Sociology of Pacific Lutheran University has been approved for constituent mem bership in the Council on Social Work Education. The department has been placed on the roster and will be included in the next national issu e of the Di rectory of Undergraduate Members. One other institution in the state, the Univcrsity of Washington, is at present on this approved roster. This approval means that the De partment of Sociology has compl ete a pproval nationally for its und er graduate program in the preparation of young people who intend to go into the various areas of social and institutional work. Mr. J. A. Schiller, Assistant Pro fessor of Sociology, h as been ap pointed by Dr. Knorr to serve as a member of the House of Delegates and as contact person locally.
Two completely reconditioned
For Sale at $75 .00
1323 S. Yakima Ave., Tacoma 5, Wn.
Telephone FU . 3·2233
12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7-0206 We Deliver
PRIN TERS, INC . Marv Tommervikls
PHO NE LE. 7-0256
large selection at
325 Garfield Street Free 60nus Records for Record Club Cards
Besides this entertainment there will be a short business meeting and dis cussion of proposed projects. All students interected in any aspect of
Because of the success of the V ct crans' C I u b sponsored ice skating party, the organization has decided to schedule another one for the stu dent body. The event will be in Feb ruary, Ed Katz announced, and pro ceeds will again be used for aiding orphan children.
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engravin g and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
EURO E 1961
STUDY AN D TRAVEL Cla.sses in leading European U ni"ersiti ~ combined with instruction while travelling to meet American requirements for academic credit. MODERN LANGUAGES
CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE V)1IVERSlTY OF PARIS (SORBONNE)-French L a nguage, Lit eraturr , History, Art, combined with five country European Tour. June q - Aug ust 3 1 (84 days). All inclusive price-$1,296.00 . t:)1IVERSITY OF MADRID----Spanish Lan guage , History, Geogra phy, Lite ra ture, Philosophy, Music and tour of En gland, Spain and France. June H -Aug. ::s t ( 78 days). All inc1usive price--$1170.00 UXIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG-German Langua ge, History and Civili zation, plus 7-country tour of Europe. Jun e 30 - September 4 (66 d ays ) . All inclusive price-$1,255.00. UXIVERSITY OF FLOREl'\CE- Art, Music, Culture, Ita lian Lan guage, History a nd Literature, plus 5-country tour of Europe . June 10-Sept. 1 (84 days). All inclusive price-$1,499.00.
Study arrang emcnts d irected by tbe Int ernational Education
,\d\" isory Comrnittee in ac cordance , \ ith American
accred ita tion rcquirc m ' nts.
STUDY TO OR-Russian Langua ge a nd Civilization, fou r w eeks prdirnin ary study in London and four weeks in Russia. June 9 - Augus t 3 1 (8 ~ d a '3). All inclusive pr ice-$ 1,689.00. 1:\(.1, D I C : Trans-Atlantic tramportation by sea. All hotel , break fa st a nd dinnn' whil e trave lling in Europe, full boa l-d in Russia, full boa rd while attendin g the courses, tuition, all sightsec1l1 g a nd tra ns fel-s.
PHONE LE. 7-71 00
Campus movies this wee k will highlight a talc of the "roaring twen ti es," Pete Kelly's Blues, to be shown Saturday night following the basket ball game. This color feature stars J ac k W ebb, Janet Leigh, Edmund O ' Brien, Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgera ld, and Andy Devine. In this fast-pa ced film, Pete Kelly, leader of a small j azz band, unwittingly becomes the target of an underworld gang. Blues will be 10:15. No movie will be shown Friday night.
Rl'SS IA ~
Curtain Call Club will have cut tings from various plays give n thi, Wednesday, January 18, a t 7:00 p.m. by members of the Acting Class.
Submit Applications Applications may be submitted to Mrs. Phdvy Olson, chairman of the Scholarship Committee, 300 Third Avenue West, Seattl e 99, mee ting the deadline of March 25, 1961. These applications must contain: transcript of scholastic record; a brief character reference by a t each er, a business acquaintance, a mini ster or other professional perso n ; a short account of personal aims and educational pursuits; a brief outline of family history and a statement of health. Further information concerning this Summer Session may be ob tained by writing to Mrs. C. S. Carl son, Oslo Summer School, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn esota.
drama arc invited to attend this meeting.
* * *
*' * *
Norwegian Not Necessary Although some knowledge of Nor wegian is desirable, it is not required. This 1961 Summer Session will be held from July 1 throu gh August 1 I. All lectures will be in English. Students will leave New York on Wednesday, June 21, on the Nor wegian American Liner Stavanger fjord, and arrive in Oslo on Satur day, July I. Final examinations will end on Friday, August 11.
Flowers for All Occasions
LP's, Singles -
Toastmistress Club Formed; Curtain Call Gives Cuttings
Sc holarships of at least $300 each are being offered to the 1961 Sum mer School at the University of Oslo, by the Leif Erikson Lodge No. I, Sons of Norway, Seattle, Washin g ton.
C h e ck wit h t h e
P ug etSo und
onth e
C olle ge A s su r e d
P lan!
Stop in and find out more about this finan cial assistance program specially de s igned to help students complete their college education.
~. .
AROU:\D THE WORLD aboal-d th e lu x urious, :t il' co nditi oned 28,000 ton " Himalaya " of th e Pa,ific a lld O rie- n t L in e. 5hor excur sion s in th,' worl d's most exei lin u; riti f"s -H unolulu, T ok yo l on g K ong, Singapo re, Bombay. ='Iaples. ,." it h f li t· d a, s in Lon don a nd rctu n to :'II t w York by j ·t fl ight. 1 11 lll Cal S, lran>portation, si ght see. inS" a nd hotels. II for only $1 ,099.00. July 1 1 - Sep t. 4. BEH I I\ D lIE IRO N C URTA IN- Aboa rd th e " Arkad ia" of thc Greek Line to Enghnd - F rance - throu " h S cand in ~v i to Russia - u mani a - Bulga ri a - Yugoslavia - H ungary - Czechoslo '~ kia - ola nd and sa il ho me fr oIT! Gc rm8 ny. June 9 - Au g. I. <\11 ho tels, t ransporta tion, all ml'a ls in Russi a, two meals in Europf" , a ll sightsccting' and t ranskrs. Total price $1,472.00. E R OP E I\.T LE1SURE- London- Stay in a castle on th e Rhinc relax ill Luct' m c and charrnin" Kitzbuehd--- sunba the in 1esolo on the Italian Lido-Rom e and Paris. TransAtlantic aboard the "A rkadi a," all ho tels, two meal. per day in Europe, all meals on board ship, a ll trnsportation, sightsceting and transfers. July 21 - Sept. 13. All in clusive p rice-$1.l99.00. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE:
Friday, January 13, 1961
In The Thick Of It
Scandal in School
by Gordon Slethaug
Hearts AJire
As we ver y calml y attended our m orning classes y"s
To a degree we students live detached from society and therefo re cannot influence it. So why worry about Cuba, communism, school curricu lums, ecumenicity, United Nations, integration, and so on. Instead, dress collegiate, gently nur ture a gentleman's C, vacation on the weekends -no sweat at the U. Wait 'til graduation, or later, or never, to fan sparks of concern.
tcrd ay, two colleagues of Ollrs, Charlayne Hunt('r, 18, a nd H a m ilton H olmes, 19, sat a t home a ftn only one day of classes a t th e G niversity of Gcorgia and almost a wee k of hectic integ ra tion sca nda l. Th e U . of Georgia, one of America' s oldest instit u tions- 175 yea rs-operates on th e qu a rter system, a nd wh en th e two N egroes came to regis ter last Monda y
But what makes you think that pushing a tassle across your fore head will ring up a new set of habits? As a simple illustration: if now you don't read a book each month, assume your rate to be just as dusty after graduation. I dare say that if you don't wake up now, you never really will.
many of our Southern c itizens displayed the ir black hearts. AP reports that in Atla nta, C . F. C ra ig, gra nd dra gon of th e U. S. kia ns, kni gh ts of th e Klu Klux Kla n, issued a statement in wh ich he said , "inside pressure will be so great" ' the Negro stud ents will have to be with drawn. "I firml y believe th ere will be violence by some of th e student body," he said.
Ohe doesn't usually appoint some distant, misty morning as the hour when he will tumble out of bed a great servant of mankind. Great character typical of individuals who forge the course of humanity requires conviction, vision, and hard work. This comes from a stirring heart. And that must begin now. If you don't care, I pity you. -Dave Crowner, editor
Governor Ernes t Vandiver, in a twisted con ception of what is God-given, told a d eli ghted G eorgia L egislatu re h e wa s working on an amendment to gua rantee "C\"C ry G eorgia child his God- give n right to fr eedom of asso cia tion. "
llIESE roM LimE COURTESIES GEmNG PRETTY Cl.osE TO FlNALSo" by Roy Olson Frank Fidler, former coach of the Buchan Ba kers, once sa id to me a fte r onc of those red hot Ba ker-Lute tussles, "Anybody who brings a team to PLC should plan on pla y ing the whole student body." Mr. Fidler meant it as a compliment. H e was talki ng about the PLC spirit which has been the envy of every college in th e Evergreen Conference and others too. Howeve r, I have pi cked up some oth er comments a long the way which left the definite im pression that th ey wcre not m eant to be complimentary. Now tha t anoth er semester of sports is und er way, it would not be a ba d idea for us all to take a little stock of our selves. We have not been .entirely above booing, particu larl y at basketball games. Students h ave not bee n alone to bla me. Who, if he has been an avid sports fan, has not many tim es be en mad enough at a referee to wish fervently that h e migh t be forthwi th tra nsported to Siberia and points north, if a ny ? And most refe rees who are worth y of the nam e will not mind too mu ch if, in such in sta nces, the fa n mi ght so express himself; or in terms mcant to convey somethin g of the same idea. Refcrees expect to hear some reports of disagreement with dc cisions coming from the stands, and a re prepa red not to lose a ny sleep oW'r it. But this sort of thing, and concentra ted booing is qu ite another thi.ng. This is not to the liking of the offi cial a nd it is not to the credit of th e crowd . It does the reputa tion of the school no good a t all, believe me! May I sugges t that the next time you find yourself joining the crowd in booing, you just hold up for a minute a nd listen. Then decide if ),ou really want to be a part of that business. My guess is that you will feel a little foolish.
BEST SELLERS FICTION I. Advise and Consent, Drury. 2. Hawaii, Mi chener. 3. The Last of the Just, Schwarz-Bart. 4 . Serm-ons and Soda-Water. O ' Hara. 5. To Kill a Mockingbird, L ee. 6. The Dean's Watch, Goudge. 7. Devision at Delphi, MacInnes. 8. The Nylon Pirates, M onsa rrat. 9. Mistress of Mellyn, Holt. 10. The Lovely Ambition, Chase. NON-FICTION I . The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shirer. 2. The Waste Makers, Packard. 3. The Snake Has All the Lines, K err. 4. The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil War.
.5. Vanity Fair, ed. by Amory and Bradlee .
6. Born Free, Adamson. 7. Baruch: The Public Years.. 8. Felix Frankfurter Reminisces, Frankfurter with Phillips. 9 . The Politics of Upheaval, Schksinger. 10. Th~ Worlds of Chippy Patters-on, Lewis.
Page Three
Projects Offer Diversion,
Chance to Help OtheTs
H ave you ever wondere d wha t type of work a nd activity goes on behind th e walls of the mental insti tuti on? How does it feel to be an in dustrial worker, "treated as a com modity on the unskilled labor mar ket"? What would it be like to be confronted, to be in direct contact with p e 0 pi t from the minority groups-people that are unaccepted, people t h a t aren' t conce rned or aware of the va lu e of cleanlin ess? How do you find common ground with a people of alien culture or country ? Work programs that combine op portunities for labor and answers to some of these q uestions arc provided by the American Friends Service Committee. They serve as a ttempts to gi,'e a id in d eficient or over work ed areas while seeking answen to problems that confront us on p er sonal, national and international k,' els. The voluntary Quaker organiza tion has set up six work and study projects for young people; it also works in 20 countries on socia l a nd technical assistan ce, community re lations, relief and rehabilitation, seminars on peace and international a ffairs. O ne su ch proj ect is the ISU or Institutional Service Unit. Volunteer members work in institutions for t'motionall y disturbed children, men tal hospitals, or schools for the re ta rded, as wa rd attenda nts or psy chiatric a ids, rece iving m a intena nce and $50 for personal expenses dur ing th e ten-we ek summer period. Parti cipa nts must be 19 with two yea rs of college. The pro gram is supplemented by lectures and dis cussions. A t h i r d program is Interns in Community Service, or ICS. This in volves an opportunity for 10 to 15 men and women to serve an urban community, learnin g its problems and the methods being used to solve these throu gh socia l age ncies. This work va ries from day camps to play ground programs to guiding neigh
borhood activitie s or doing commu nity organization work. ICS interns a lso carry out an education program at discussions and lec tures. ICS brings its members into con tact with th e minority groups, su ch as the ori entals, immigra nts from India n res erva tions and rural South, or Puerto Rica ns or Mexicans. The project is open to students who have completed two years of colle ge. They receive maintenance, insurance, and $50 for personal expenses during the 10 weeks beginning in mid-June. Community Service in L a tin America consists of volunteer units that are invited to various villages and communities to help with civic proj ects; perh aps a road, a school or hospital, ditches, pipelines, planting trees. Girls concentrate on socia l service proj ects such a s public h ealth w 0 r k, recreati on and handicra fts, children's librari es or instruction in domestic skills or even En glish. Volunteers must be 18, with a Yl'ar of college. For the seven-week summer period, $225 must be con tributed to cover maintena n ce, in surance and orientation. Work C a mps comprise the other two programs - Overseas and U .S. American Frie nds Servi ce Commit tee, AFSC , sends voluntee rs to sum mer proj ec ts of other work-camp or ganiza tions as well as its own . Vol unteers must be 20 or olde r, in good physical h ealth. Previous experience in service proj ects and lan guage fa cility a rc desi rable. Pa rticipants pay $600 to cover transporta tion, orien ta tion, and insuran ce, althou gh some financial aid is availa ble. U. S. Work Camps begin in late June and la st ei ght weeks . Open to college stude nts, recent g raduate~ and other interested volunteers, you pay $13 5 toward mainte nance, in sura nce, a nd other project expenses. Through out the AFSC program, w 0 r k is the la nguage - reaching a cross barriers of race, culture, so cial class a nd mentality-with the goal that not only material aid will be given, but that understa nding may serve as an impetus and tool in solving the problems of humanity.
Th e fact remains that one of the las t strongholds for na rrow thinking lies at th e very place where broadmind cdness is encouraged. Aga in and agai n students are re minded tha t they are " the citi ze ns a nd leaders of tomor· row," but wh a t type of leader can America rely on when we profess a belief in equ a lity and practice in equality; when we profess justice a nd pra cti ce injustice ; when we talk of world peace a nd are constantly fi ghting our brothers; and wh en we profess Christian ethics and practice Nazi d iscrimination? We arc our brother's keeper ; we should be conce rned about what happens at the U. of Georgia.
Sin Incarnate by Tim Forester One crisp ni ght in pursuit of pleasure I stumbled on a man of good measure. H e utt ered a praye r th a t chilled my marrow, For he was the ma n-the man Sorrow. The man Sorrow pierced through me with eyes That told a ta le renounced of all lies M y bound ed soul- transparent to see, For h e was the man-the ma n Empathy. T he man Empa tl,y-flowed to m e and I to he. Each one we sou gh t a heart to see. Recesses of d a rkness open to light, For he was the man-the man Insight. The man Insight mused in my mind To probe, trace, track--fathom and find A mysterious pa tron consumed b y sound, For he was the ma n-the man Profound. The man Profound-a tragic teacher Uttered thou ghts grotesque in feature That plumbed my depths a nd depa rted reborn . For h e was the man-the ma n Forlorn. The ma n Forlorn that ni ght in December Trecked on and on and on- For I remember Him sowin g and reaping-and throbbing within , For he was the man-the man Sin . ~
l~V·~. ~ '~ 1' ~ .~~i' ..... ~ - . . ~
Editor...... ___ .................................... ____._..... ..David Crowner
News Editors_.. .. ...Ann Haggart a nd Jean Adair Lcppa
Reporters: Margy Eash, Donna VanGilder, Lavonne Erdahl, D eanna H a nson, Eleanor Bousfield. Feature Editor................................................ Ruth Walker Reporters: Alice Wenness, Judy Munger, Dick Hal vorson , Ann Schnackenberg, Deanna Hanson. Sports Editor... _._____ ...... ___._____ .. .... ______ ........ _..K ent T ckrony Reporters : Bob Rydland, Creighton Germeroth, Bob Mattson, Randy Stime, Mik e McIntire. Intramura ls Editor.......................... Gordon G. Gradwohl
Make-up Editor._._ .. ... _........ _.... _.. _............... Larry Iverson
Typists.... Doug Johnson, Na ncy Berntsen, Kathy Moore
Photog raphers................ Frank N etter, McKcwen Studio
Business Manager.........................._............. Warn er White
Assistant Business Manager.................. Deanna Hau gland
Circulation.... .... . _. ______ _..... ._.. _... ...... ....__--.. ..... .... -Judy Kragh
Advisor...................................................... Mr. Milt Ncvisg
The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the students of Pacific Lutheran University. iubscription price: $3.00 per yur. Phone LE. 7-8611.
Page Four
Friday, January 13, 1961
Laotian Stalemate by Gordon G ray On J une 25, 1950, North Korean t roops invaded eleven loca tions a long the 38th p a r a l l e l. Th e Security Council asked thes e invading troops for a cessa ti on of hos ti lities and with dl a wal back to th e 38th, a nd a lso ca ll ed on its m ember nations to he lp with its d emands. Genera l D ouglas Mac:\ rthur was appoin ted to protec t Korea a nd th is "police action" lasted unt il Jul y 27, 1953, wi th the loss of 54 ,2 +6 :\ mcrica n lives. The qu est ion which has so long bee n of import ,m ct: is wh e th ~r thi s war could have bee n prc\·ented . "Ve will never know the a nswer ; a ll we ca n d o is try to make sure th a t it d ot's no t happen
cific ocea n, bu t that h e could cut off the fee t of Francc, for a t tha t time she had m a ny colonies a nd was qu ite depe nd ent upon them. The second contingen t of L aos' popu la rity is that China is looking for land on which she ma y deposit some of her ex cess popu la tion. And wi th the natural resources of this part of Asi a, P eiping q ui te natura lly looks with wa nt ing eyes. Also Chi na wou ld a cqu ire the repu tatio n as one of the wo rld 's great powers. Need ed Action The problem of la te has become how to stop the troubl e in this area. As I ha ve pointed out, the U. S. has sent m u c h money into L aos. But oth er act ion is necessary to fi gh t this Commu n ist infiltra tion. I believe the following action should be taker:: W e sh oul d offer thelll a revolution -politica l, economic, and social rev olution far supe rior to a ny thing th e COllllllunists can offer - fa r more peaceful. W e m ust supply capi tal to ' r<' place tha t drain ed by centuries of coloni a l expl oita tion; techni cians to train those ha ndi capped by deliber a te poli cies of illitera cy: guid a nce t o assist a na tion ta king tho s e fir st felbl e steps toward the complexi ties of a republican form of governme n t. VVe must assis t her econOIllY and p ro ,·id e m il ita ry assis tan ce to rebuild th is count ry. Prcsident Eisenhower ha s sa i d that La os mu st be bu ilt up mi li tar ily if she is to withstand the presen t Communist a t t a c k and Gener a l Phoumi ~ os ava n, lead er of th e R oy a l Laotia n Army, has said that if atta cked L aos will fight. L et uS re member tha t a volun teer fire depart men t ha lts, bu t rarely preven ts, fi res. I t repels but rarely rebui lds; it m ee ts the problems of the present b u t no t of the fu tu re. W hen and on ly when positive a c tion is taken in L aos do I fee l that another Korea will be avoid ed and L aos will be able to gr ow in the proper direction-toward freedom.
a~ in .
P ertu rbat io:1 An : we accomplishing this pur pose' In Ju ly 1954 , a Geneva C on fr rc nc{" t r ied to se ttle anoth er d is p ute in Sou the, t Asia, a nd in doing so c[<,a ted th e co un tr y of L aos. This small, but importa nt country has bet'n in the news C\T r since . Prime Min ister Ne.hru of I ndia h as said, " T he futur e of a ll South east Asia d epe nds up 0 n the happenings in L aos:' a nd th e United Sta tes, by p u ring $2 2 r. mi ll ion into tha t coun tr y. has certainly ag ree d wi th him. On e qu estion to whic h I fee l the a nSWC1' sh ould be ascertained, is why La o ~ . hou ld become front page news. In lhe ea rl y da ys of th e Communis t i, revolution L enin said tha t the Soviet 1: n ion wi ll get at Fran ce th rough P ei ping a nd Ca lcutta . This seem. to follow suit with L enin's idea of wo rld wid e d omina tion by C om munism . H e though t that if he could take ove r Southeast Asia he wou ld not on ly be able to gain na t u ra l resources and ou tlets to the P a -
DELUXE BURGER in a basket with fries. ______ __ _
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INDEX ; 1941 s 1 0 0 /
.2 0
by Alice W enness Are you tired of f~cd in g you r brai n fa cts and think in g abou t j ust yourself and your own need s ? You can do somcthing abou t a ll tha t stored up energy beca use now th e America n Friend s Service COlll mittee is sponsoring week-en d se r vice projects for all college students wh o are in terested in helping the less fortu nate. Th ese projects include vi sits to a n Urba n R enewal camp, W este rn State Hospi tal , and' the Fir cres t School for the R etarded. W ith a cost of only $4.50, you a r e entitled to a full th ree day week-end of act ivities. After a rriv ing on Friday e\'ening, you will be served dirm er and then an expert in the fi eld will explain y ou r par ·t ieul a r project. Sa turd ay morning, after breakfa st, you wi ll begin wo rkin :.; on yOIll' proj ec t and continu e unti l noon wh en lun ch w ill be se rved wi th the hos pital staff or in the homes of the U rba n R enewa l fa mili es . After lunch ),ou will aga in return to your work proj ec t until dinner. After dinner you and you r fe ll ow wo rk ers wi ll th en g<': t tog-e th", r for a time of cva lu ation an d rec rea tion . After Sunday morning break fast, you will be able to eithe r visit the church in the h ospita l or in the U rba n R enewa l neighborhood. At ten o'clock tha t morning your g roup will meet for t he last ti me for a final evalua tion a nd a t abou t 11 :30 you will disba nd. Th e first projec t sta r ts tod ay but if you h urr y, you can pa rti cipate in the second one, whieh starts on J an uary 27. I t wi ll be goi ng to Western State Hosp ita l. Fi rcres t School for the R etarded is the des tina tion for t he thi rd proj ect starti ng Feb ruary 17 and o n A p ri l 2 1 th e fo u rth and final project wi ll begin at Western State H ospi ta l once a ga in, bu t in different wa rds. Each of these thrr:e projects de ma.nds the same sort of "work" that is, visiting the pa tients on thei r wa r ds a nd changi n g the eve ryday mono tony of their lives. You will be helping them by bringing them in closer contact with the outsid e world while they will help you to better u nders tand m ental illness. Does it sou nd interest ing? If you are interested and would like to par ti cipate, please con tact Miss Wi ck strom's office for morc deta ils.
Herbarium Dedicated In Solemn Ceremony
by Virgil Anderson R oom 203 in the Science building was the scene of stra nge a ctivities the day before Chris tm as vaca tion . At 1:30 p .m . a par ty celebra ting the vir tual completi on ( to date ) of the herbarium in correc t bota ni ca l order was held. A prog ram cons isting of music, po e tr y, d edi ca tory speeches and words by a n a lmost delirious ly ha p py D r. L ee Ford, who sta rted th e herba rium four years a go, was held. Food a nd drink wcre prov ided by Dr. Ford. The Bota ny class along with the F lowering Plan ts class id entifi ed and checked abo u t 15,000 bo ta nica l specimens whi ch includ e 11 3 differ en t fa milies, 552 different gene ra, anJ 1746 differe nt spec ies ! f these 15,000 spec imens, nea rly 12,000 a rc id entifi ed to sp<"e ies, abo u t 1500
aoow: PRICES
Despite the increase in publishing costs, Book Prices have not kept pace .•• as shown by the graph, courtesyofPublishers'Weekly, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and McGraw Hill Book Company.
PLU Bookstore
p laced in fami lies, a nd some 1500 arc unid entifiable. The high point in the program was a fine selection of poetry com posed especially for ·th e occasion by R on H eye r: Ded ication of the H erbarium The H erba rium is fin a lly in orde r Thanks to countless a "sorte r." I t took five yea rs, Blood, sweat, a nd tea rsAnd D r. Fo rd a ' chief coordina tor. The flora arc now a ll label ed
Filed, t rimmed, g lued a nd stapled,
R ead)' in bri ll iant display
For fu ture stud ents' dismay.
It is a co ll ec tion qui te commendable.
Done a rc we a t last with the 11a dder,
The silvery, non-pe tal ed O leas ter,
Th e casy roses,
And th e ha rd fi gwor tses
t least till next se mes tc d
LA U INAT' apparel
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his child is sent to fill thine heart, and for no other reason is He
born • •• No word can say nor understand that so srnall a thing should hold so great a tTeaSUTe. Thus the guat
and wonderful sign is
200 190
Weekend Fun Would Help
8 K I
rejJealed and the heart is rnade
sweet and glad and fearless,
Rental and Sales
for it is at peace with all the suffering that
rnay befall it. For what should cause it woe? Where the Child is, all will be well. The heart and the Child cannot be parted.
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Phone LE. 7·5677 LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD Life Insurance A legal reserve life insurance lIOCiety
M inneapoliB 2, Minnesota
Friday, January
13, 1961
4th Floor 'Playboys' Clinch 1st Round 'C' Championship "C" LEAGUE STANDINGS (THRU TODAY) PF
. . ..... . ...........7
3rd Floor Joes ..............................................5
. .. ... .. ... . .................... .. 3
Washington won, but I didn't. Not
Evergreen Beach Bums ................................ 2
that I
Faeul ty Castoffs
. .. .. ....................1
Team .
4th Floor Playboys
Tippers Assured Piece of A League First Round Title I
3rd Floor Tippers ..................... . ....... ..... ...... 6
Eastern Parkland
.. ........................... .........
Western Parkland
........... ............. . ...........
Took "gas" on the Rose Bowl was
for Minnesota
Hivner's fumble in the 3rd period hole.
Minn. by 6 points prior to kickoff arc sure licking their lollipops.
Personal to LBI and others: Re
E\', rgreen Court .. . . ..... ... . . ............................ 3
about 5 weeks ago. It's rumored that
'Ith Floor .............. .. . ......... ........ ................ .... 3
......................... .................................
:lrd Floor M-Squad Basement Bandits 2nd Floor
I'm calling everybody f r o m
(Lutheran Bible Institute, Seattle)
. .. ............... .. .. . ............ 2
. .
...................... .. ........ ...
.. .................................. ......... .......
The 3rd Floor "Tippers" with only one loss on their record have as sured themselves of at least a tic fO!' first place in the first round of play. Thc ·'Tippers"
ceived about a pound of heat on the LBI sweater bit in "The" column
lost only to Eastern, 4 2 -4·3, and hm"C only one game re
placr- teams in the "A" League will drop down into "B" League. This will shorten the league to seven teams, each playing six games in th, final round.
. .
.. ..
7. Ron HO\·cy, Eastern
.......... ................... ..............
. . .. . ... . ..
were used strictly in a hu
morous sensc. Anybody that has read
nothing it helps to laugh a little, like But back-there arc
all the
(excuse the expression) came from
I:i. Bill Peterson, Basemt'nt .......................................... 61
I j
..................... ......... ..... .
(.f college stu
to wear letter-sweaters
or other "institutions"
hi"h school
while regularly attending a I'cspec
tin: collegc or university. So there!
16. BruCt, i\lInes, Tippers ............................................ 56
:\Lt.en. Bus. Majors
It has been called to my attention
. .. ..................................... 51·
not only by Prof. King and others,
( )
..................... . . . � ................
'2(1. Prof Stein, Faculty
.. . ................. . ............... .
Christianson, Western
..... .......
. ....... . ..... .. ...... .
....... ............................. . ... ......
49: R. Recp 20, D. Haaland 13, C. Gronberl! 7, K. Ruud 6, L.
p. terson 3, D. Savage. -lIh floor, ,11: . Vestal 12, D. Keppler 12, G. Evanson 9, Poppin 5, B. Matt ,t I, S. hl'dnr!,son :2.
. . ... . ......... ...................... ........... 8
.... . . . ......... ........ . ............
'";rd Floo 1\;lds ........................................ 5 .. .. . . . . .... . ....._ .. .. .. . ........ ..........5 1: � �IL· lB . L n-r!,l1 'n ]3 .... .............. _ .. . . ... . ................. 5 cIs ......................................... ....... 3 Wl'.iu·rn hh F k>f.)r Bustins .............. ..........._... . . .. . ...... ::; ....
In"r R"liahles
. . . ........ ...._ . ..... .__ .........
tic. E ngl ish--!lpl !ling,
Playboys 63: G. Sund 19, Borrud IS. 5th l'ioor
Vets over Reliables
Rebs 45: Ashpolc 16, Lindholm 12.
'""estern B over Hustlers
Retreads over Delts
Castoffs 21: Winther 8, Zulauf 6. picks
made, five turned out well. Finished the football season with batting aver age of .686, which ain't too bad. Washington didn't beat Minnesota by 19 points; they didn't even do it by 12.
43: Jensen 20, Cillo 10.
Eastern C 63 Eikum 24·, Alban 10.
46: Anderson 26, Farrar 14
We did down the best the (for two consecutive years)
Playboys 64: Hanson 17, Sund 16. Beach Bums 30: Zuber II, Halvor 7. 5th Floor
44: Farrar 25, Anderson 19 Edmond� 14, B.
Baselucut C 38: K Bates 12.
Blue Devils 69: Schlenker 2 1, Wood lIlan 14.
1st Floor C 62: Gudal 22 , Vik 22.
quite a feat.
Evergreen Cops Aroma Bowl Trophy; Downs Basement in oliday Grid Ga
On a perfect, clear, sunny day, thc first intramural football Aroma paid off, with Evergreen taking the opening kick-off then marching up the field for their first score. A Frank Waterworth to Jack Lt:nsing p.as5-play tcrncd the six. Th, extra point try from the tl,rce-yard line fell incomplete. But the Basement struck back fast and decisi\'c as defensivc back, Jim Boeshans, picked off a Waterworth pass and hustled the necessary 18 yards into the end zone. The Basement com-crted on a Bill Peterson to Pete Quam pass and led at half-time, 7-6.
as SLat:s
,dternatc choice or
3 :1
� 4��;
4H :l41
with only one loss and that to the 3rd Floor boys, rests comfortably in sec ond place as 1st round play draws to a close. In the s('condround the five
not M.D.'s-but nTn
so they gi\'e the ncc .. <�ary trr:atment. bpttc-,
wist' snt'ak in; I'm
(;md barring incidt'nt I may gradu ate; if not I'll migrate) and-a your-3 nn'd
3rd Floor B over Eastern B
T,..pin� arc a mml to the.: Business
"c" League.
you're "onna nc�d them)
Let a word to thc
possible clean sweep of the 1st round title. Western B,
bst plac� teams will drop into
John Johnson 11.
1st Floor C 3S: Meyer 15, G. Vik 12
such coue,t.... (and don't laugh, 'cause
The 3rd Floor B's, with an unblemished record, head for Eastern B t(1ffiOiT.1W and a
the first f 0 11 l' scmesu'I'S b,' iIllpron'd upon. ��lHdy,
.... ... ............. .......... ... . ......
40 I
Pet. 1.000
E�st<·rn Retreads
................. . . .............. .......
the students
included in
Rehs 39: Ashpole 11, Lindholm 1 1,
belif'\T it, the new l'eginll' is rough,
Ddt� ll:lll Delts
Beach Bums 36: Kuder 22, Zuber S.
("ompit:-td)' ddt'\ed. But you l>ctto:r
they're all
.. ..... ....... 7
"n'l'!) that
are usually an
none of these art' "snap" it('ms, ;ll1d
In 1st Round Intramural Play Won
(B"l' has it III a
"c" league will
:\fa jor as wl'll as others. Of course
3rd Floor '8' Current Leader .( :oJfiI ';rrl 11001' n
last place teams in form a "D" league.
Bowl became a reality. The manpower and depth of the Evegreen "eight"
Tippers over M-Squad
tion will be met as five "B" league teams will enter the league. T he 7
Nads over Evegl'een B
Big Ten had to offer and that in it
18. VVarrm Lee, M-Squad
Eastern A ovcr 2nd Floor A Evergreen A over Bandits
self is
. . ............ . ............ .....
a perfect record. As 2nd round play begins next week tougher competi
ball 8.
pect that they arc the most diligent Thc whole bit was based on the
wrapped up the first round title with
Eastern C 47: Eikum 24, Alban 7.
for 'cm skipping chapel I would sus
following: I t is not deemed prop. 1"
Blue Devils 27: Schlenker II, Ku-
Season: 19 for 27 - .703
I'm a e1od. but I ain't moaning. As
Saturday, Jan. 14th:
. ..
people think
or rcally care.
Gary Sund and Snard Hanson, have
Joes 43: Jensen 20, Condray 7.
Jim Gabrielsen, Faculty
Mont. St. over PLU by 3 points
. 76
'M) Jonson, Baselllent
PLU over Western by 7 points
January 19th
Last issue: 5 for 5 - 1.000
January 14th
......................... . ..............
Da\ " Haaland, Evergreen
... ...............
LBI or Slippery Rock Tech or else
1:2. Carl Gronberg, Evergreen
... .. ........ .. ...... .......... .
where fo!' that matter I do not. know
... ..
5th Floor Shamen
. . .....
.. ............... ....
..................... ...... .........
9. Greg Anderson, 4th Floor
II. J (Try Poppin, 4th Floor
. ........ ..............
. .
...... ......... ................. . . .......
10. Royl Hagerman, Eastern
at PLU, whether they
. .. .......... . . ................
that the term "clod" and "chapd
6. Jack Cocchi, Tippers
Well! Let me assure these individuals
some e10ds
..... ....
.................... .............. . ........
8. Bob Anderson, 2nd Floor
5. Doug McClary, Tippers
Western A over 4th Floor A
1st Floor C
.... .... ....... ... ................
Eastern C over 1st Floor C
. . . . _____ 115
. ............... ............. . . .
Eastern Blue Devils
of beef nearest the shoulder.
. .... ..... 124
. . . __......__ . ______ .______ ..... .
:,. Gelle Schaumberg, Western
4. Ron Hanna, Eastern
.. .. .................
....... .................
fellow or dolt. The part of the neck
Rog-er RcepJ E\Trgrecn
loam, ftc. Earth; soil; a dull, stupid
T ot Pt s
ize that this "work" seldom gets vt'ry
(Through Wednesday)
I. (;('n,' Lundgaard, Faculty
my gibberish wry long ought to real
PLU ha\'c bee n skipping chapel.
Second round play gets undelway this coming Tuesday; the two last
"clod." Straight from ''Vcbster a
maining as 1st-round play doses tomorrow. The final will pit roommate against roommate as thc "Tippers" meet the 3rd Floor "M-Squad."
Name and Team
. ...... . ...................... .. ........ ..7
Eastern C
Evergreen Rebs
(that would be the day), but Bob
. .
by G. G. Gradwohl
clamped down the lid on my man
t;ead 9ad.4
. .... . ................ ............
E.B.A. By George
Fede ral ." won the first Aroma Bowl Trop h y on December 14th
Roger R•.,p, Chri. Halvo... "" Darryl Ashpole, Frank Waterworth, Gary Olson, Roger Ander son, Rog Bakken, Ken Ruud, Larry Peterson, Tony Reynolds, Dave Haaland, and Kent TeKrony, coach. Front row (I. to r.): Ron Hammond, Frank Lehman, Dave Savage , Eric Lindholm, Matt Ernst, Jon Olson, Dan Haasenpflug, and Bob Gro ss . Late and by downing the a".em.mt 12-7. 3ack row (I. to r.): Gory Kieland, Ron 5{!'IIa,
not pictured was Jack Lensing.
After a see-saw battle in the second half, Evergreen once again got up stram. Waterworth hit Matt Ernst all alone on the Basement 15 with only two minutes remaining. Matt cut through four Basement defenders to score, the conversion atkmpt again going astray. Evergreen contained a valiant scoring drive to come out on top by the slim margin of 12-7.
friday, January
13, 1961
Lul:herans Vow to E en Wesl:ern Seor Lutes Out to Build ew Win S reak
Vikings Bring F" De Club to PLU Gym with
L und h aa Td's K n i g- h t s will bc pr i ml d to whittle the northcrn i n v Idrr; into totem poks. Last st'nson th.. ViLitI!.' s lied with the Lul,·s [at' PLU
l ost
"h'1nc{' for a. fou r t h c onse cuti\ t: trip to the: national tourney in thc final
Wa shin gton is taking up somc of the
slad: left by the departure of thc
OLD HANDS IN PLU'S basketball squad line up for a pre-game shot wilh Coach Gene Lundgaard, on Ihe righl. Starling from the lefl are Dick Nelson, Bruce Alexander
(high scorer
for the Knighls), Ralph
180-pound Stadium High School of
Ralph Carr Lauds Lundgaard
Tacoma grad. A g ains t Federal Old
by Dave Bottemiller
Viking. Herman is
Ins ura n ce of Seattle, Herman
s howed his c ourt prowess by pulling down 13 rcbounds while d umpi ng in
points. He tallied 21 p oi nts on
fr ee
throws. Jim Rife returns to thc
\Vestern center post a f te r a year at
b ution s of Hcrlll
'V ashin gton
tha t
th, � Wi ld ca ts ha v e had a su cce ssful
scason thus far. Th e Bellingham ball dub has suffered only two defeats thi
year in
sha red
titl e
w ith
it on
from Central and Pug-et Sound
we ek by scorcs of 68-75 and 73-8/. tops
Alexander aftt'r
thl' wi th
Ralp h plays the low post in our offen sc and han dle s a good deal of the
Four Lutes all' avera ging in double fig ures with Dahl rig ht b"hinJ Alex
of 6-6 to check.
in nin" V .lIIi'" · of 15.e. lvIontan:J State'; Bobcats i /l\."l c
a n der with 42 po ints for an avera,:,'
PLU fans will renwmber tht' fi rst UPS game this yeal' when Ralp h "brokt: loose" to grab 17 r"bounds, '! I points a n d l ead the Knights to
\ 'al
Ralp h has been happy with his choice of PLU for his col lege .
the K ni -:ht's castk
uable win o\ 'cr the Loggers. cspc cially appre c iates thc Christian ideals of students and fa cu lty that he
wanted to improve, often e v cn scrimmaging w ith the team.
"LuEd"aard," the basketball players remark, "has not lost any of his competiti\'c spark," that t:arnec1 hi m the title of "Mr. Basketball' while play ing on the PLC hardcourt.
1PL'NITEql� 4: FROM rilE B£KCN �;;N
l. Tra ck 1958: Joh n Fronun set E vergree n Conferen ce, District NAIA
Knight: Traclcm To A U Meet:
m e et
schedukd by the A mateu r Athktic
Seattle Annory. The me e t will in clude most of the tVl'nts in a regular
un defe a te d. Placed second in NAIA tournament, losing in the cha mpions hip
outdoor meet with thc only differ
g:11TIC to Tennessee A&I. Chu ck Curtis, a membe r of thi s team, made first
ence bcin g the races are
4. Football team, 52 Sf'a son, won the Evergreen Conftrence cha mpion Ron Billings made firs t team Little All-American at defensive halfback
for his outstanding play durin.'i this season. 5. Football, 51 �cason, co-champions with CPS and Westcrn .
6 Ba.� e tball, 5� s,'ason, Seattle Univc rsity . one of the top tcams in the n-H!On, squcek"d by us in the last ten seconds to win. Johnny and Eddie o Bri n. both Ai l-:\ mericans, wpre members of thc Seattle U. team. i. Baskelball, 56-59, PL U dominates Bu chan Bakers, scmi-pro team, by winniTI!/; "inc out of ten gamt's playe d. 8. Ilasl-b:l.ll, 59 scason, Glen Campbell won the ='IAIA collegiate ba tting duul l Pio n:;h ip with a .535 batting a\'crage. 9. Ba.,l,ctball, 59 season: fre shma n La rry Poulson scores 24 points a.l:!I inst Bah rs in secon d half of pia y. 5 3 season: Fog Bowl betwcen Whitworth and PLU at Lirrnlln sta diu m . '-Vhitworth top team in confe rence and one of the po wer s in N'AIA, came over to play PLC sporting a 6-0 r ecord . By the time the 10. 17ootball,
a shor ter
distance. For exampk, the hundrcd yard dash is cut to a 60-yard d ash. With this mct'( in mind, scvnal Pacific Lutheran studcnts have b,'
gun working out in order to b,' in shap
be well rep rese ntc d
"t this
John is their kading' reboundcl and
I. Ohio St:Jl<'-3!lO
sc ore r, aViTag-i ng ' 15 p oi nts :l (!"ilIIlt".
L. Bradley-·?14 cl. St. Bonav"ntnre-265 .}. Louiwilk-LS2 5. SI. ] ohn's--178
:';�;)t(� h:ls
fine playwakL r in 6·1),
Till boy i, ratl.'d v ery quick , and an . x n·ll,. n l s h a at e r, cUiTcntly 3Vo,'/" ·,in>\ J 1 195 pound l't.olll Saw)'t'r.
poi nts a nii{ht.
NIount Hood ht'ckons ag'ain to fun-loving stndents who are lookin·! [01' ward to a weekend of leisure. and fun. Februa ry 24-26 art· th,' dat�s [0,' thi.
From there thl' excitement shifts to Timberline Lod g[' , where there will be ano t hcr dance on Friday night. On Saturday, the ba l l n-ally gets rolling-.
ll<'gin, as docs individual un attached races for those not on
ski tL-am . On,' of the lllost in t" r esti ng- raees will prO\'e to be- the combineJ
sl1owsho"-f1ying saucer race. Also, a powder puff race is schedulcd for any or all girls who wish to participate. At a recent Ski Club lllett ing, Elaine Olsen was chosen to represent PLU as
a. que('ll
candidat<' for thc C arnival .
Elaine is as g ood on skis as she is attractive, having- already partici p"ted in two ski lllcets. i\lon:� with her queenly task s, she will bc sr, n sk i in t; III cOlllpl·tition a t Mt. Hood.
shou l d
meet. Those planning on making the
trip arc: John Hansen, one of last yea r' s top '140 yard da<h
in tlw
EVI'l"grccn Confen'n,!'; Daw' Barke)'. who will compete in the shot put 'llld high jump; Ron Rat liff, a finl: spri n t er who
f inished third in the hUl ld eli
ya r d dash at the state track me,'t; Ron Hanna, pole vaultn; Dave Bot
temilkr, hurdler; and Warren Le(' and Mik(' McDonald, mil<; relay. This should be one of the top m
tllc uall. Whitworth scored f ir st, but missed the extra point, and it looked
f r o m the
like they had won the game, But in the clos ing seconds Frank Karwoski,
Wa sh i n g to n
pow erful Uni versity squad,
Was hington
Lute quar tcrba ck , be gan conne ct in g and threw a touchdown pass. They
S tat e,
made the extra point and defeatcd Whitworth 7-6
many more al l planning to take
-The K ni fe
door meets of the season with teams
of the major
P ress
fi\T arc:
by Saturda y, the 28th. If
thi ngs go as e xp ected, PLU
gam, 't�rtr'd th,' fog was so thick thc players couldn't see who was carrying
for one
wc •.'kly
�c"m in the
�wt,· College.
2. Basketball Team, 58-59 season , won Evergree n Conference by going
standing tean1.
a� the' nat ion' s
fidd squad in 1957 and 1958. His record toss was a fantastic 257 feet, I inch.
3. Basketball Team, 56-57, Evergree n Confe-rence champions hip . Placed third in ='IAL;\. Cu rtis, Iverson, Van Beek were the ma instay s of this out
year's fifth annual Portland State 'Vintel' Carnival. Actually, the lluirur glt go ing Thursday night, February 23, wi th an (ahem!) dancc at Portlan d
"nd NCAA record in the javelin. John madt: this All-American track and
Beek, Roger Iverson, Bob Rioko and Nommn Dahl.
one coH nt!' hasketb;tll
Union for the track and field men in
meet is to be held January 28 in the
tr-:lIn Li tt le All-American. Other outstandin.'{ members of the team were
\',-a, the unani
Elaine Olsen Is Ski Club Queen
by Mike M cD o na l d
An indoor track
J-o...I ·ith
c hoiCl" TU"sday fa)' the third
Thunday ni·,ht,
p.nc. Coach Bobcats h,,\, irn· pro\Td th"il' fast br eak �ftcr gettin.'; off to a slow tall. Their reeo.,i now sta nd s at 5-1. luhn B',),,)lIL (i- I , 19j pou nd juniO!' from Tamp; •. r1orid::. is the big cog- in the C:J ts' wh " I. ]a:lUar/
Mighty Ohio Statl' Illln\s
thc ministry.
be-fo re ('omir;g up ,"ith an infected
upsets of the year.
reboundin g duty on defense . He usually is assigned an opponcnt in excess
how Ge ne would always find time to help him or any ball plaYl'r that
points and a 15.7 avera!-ll' per gam!'.
Jim Van
Coach Gene Lundgaard will proh
earncd a first string spot here at PLU these past two seasons.
weeks with a knee injury.
SIT muc h ac tio n.
Confl')'encc's top
with O\'er a 2 0-p oi n t avet.l."e.
afl�r being out Qf action fa ,· four
if he will
our finc <md perhaps u n sun!; coach, Get!'" Lu nd gaard. R.dpl
be in suit, but it is doubtful
ern's Herman 'Vashington, the' E\ ('1' year
Ralph wa s an all confere nce athlete in prep basketball circles and has
RaJph gives the credit of his developin g into a top notch offensive
to,', will
California, hom�.
son will probably be rC:ldy tomonow
Norm D ah l , the team's top scorn
and Norm
ber on,' t:Jek will LI' to stop W.-st
ably stick with the
has found here. A p sy chology nlajor, R:llph's ,t ud ics arc leading him to
Fre�hm'\ll guard :\-1 arv Fredrick
Lorry Poulsen
and his pretty wife, Joyce, married SOllle 6 mon ths now, both call Arcata,
11 starts. Last year the y
L utl's.
Probably the most improved of the '60-'61 Lutes is Ralp h C:Hl". R al p h
EWTf"tt J. C.
It is primarily dUl' to the contri
'V('stern VVashiol('tl)n
Tomorrow night the Lut( ;;' nUll!
Sop homo re Her man
\'isi ts
ship round.
to 76 This year the Ikllin gham boys minus
h:r.· !lail
dena Ci ty College in ti l(: ch,.unpion
of a best of thret' playoff ga mes, 82
att, rnpt
C.o lle �,,, Pad land maple' . f,ami' tim" is 8:00 p.m. Prior to their last three s; l\):ICk .. , the Kui<,;hts had .-a l·ked up nim' sl1<lig;ht vic t ori es. Uwr the holiday. tIll" Lull, finislH'd second in tht: Chico S l at e IllvitHti on al '1'o(Un:1ment when the y lost 63-8:L to 1 " 15;1-
for thc dash is 8:00 p.m.
back their \"Inning" \vay� torllOrrn '.lf
the Vikings of '''' estern Wash
conf, cence
team will
ington tomorrow night. Tipoff timc
the Pacific: Lutheran Univenity
P acific; L u thcr:m
thn', '
by Bob Ry dlan d
W estern Washington, and
in the la rge cinder circus.
FANS AND SONGLEADERS show Iheir approval as Ihe Knights played UPS in the PLU gym earlier this year. The oulcome was not as pleasing last weekend, however, as Ihe Logge" ended
Lulheran win Ilreak,
..... 0
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1961 -
Choir Departs on Nine-Day Tour Df Washington, Idaho Cities Prof. Gunnar J . Malmin will takl" his 59-voicc "Choir of the West" on a 10-day tour of Washington and Idaho between semesters. Traveling in the two university owned buses, the singers will start their tour Friday, Jan. 27, and will return Monday, Feb. 6. Friday night the choir will be in Auburn where the concert is sched uled for 8 p.m. in M essiah Lutheran Church. The group will return to the campus t hat night and Saturday noon will leave here for Yakima where th ey will give an evening con ,rt in Central Lutheran Church. Two concerts are slated for Sun day. The choir will be in Grandview at 3 p.m. and in First Lutheran Church, Kennewick, at 8 p.m. Other dates and places for the tour includ e: Monday, Jan. 30, Trin ity Lutheran Church, Lewiston, Ida·; Tuesday, Jan. 31, Nesperce, Ida.; Wednesday, Feb. I, K e ndrick, Ida. ; Thursday, Feb. 2, Coeur d'Alene, Ida.; Friday, Feb. 3, Salem Lutheran
Time Out Your Mooring Mast staff now puts on a crash program of stud ies for finals, so there will be no paper issued next Friday. By then you probably won't feel much Ii k e reading anyhow. We'll be back, though, after spring semes ter gets rolling, on February 10.
PLU Debate Squad
Scores at Tourney
Returning from Seattle Pacific's nnual Northw es t Invitational Tour ••ament last week-end, PLU forensic squad once more brought home win ning trophies . Reigning in senior women's divi sion of d ebate were Judi Sannerud and Joan Maier. Jack Olson copped top place in senior men's oratory with his ·'Mr. Nobody ." Vying for thc ace spot in After Dinner Speaking, the Baker twins finall placed- Claudette Baker first, and her sister J ea nnette second. Placing again, this time in junior worn t: n's extemporaneous, J 0 an Maier claimed the second position. Gordon Gray, a lso on the junior ,quad, took third in the men's ex temp division.
Church, Spokane ; Saturday, Feb. 4, Davenport, Wash.; Sunday, Feb. 5, Odessa, 10:30 a.m.; Connell, 3:30 p.m.; and Ritzville, 8 p.m. Mrs. E· C. Knorr will travel with the group as choir mother, and Mil ton Nesvig, director of publicity, will go along as tour manager. Bus driv ers will be Karl R ei tz and Sigfried Larson. Women members of the choir in clude Mary Griffith, Dixie Likkel, Lois Svendsen, Emily Lou Erickson, Patricia Isensee, Gloria Mitchell, Karen Swindland, Janice Coltom, Joyce Lundmark, Rose Marie Flans burg, Linda Johnson, Dzintra Za melis, Carole Byberg, L eota Laruson. Judith H eitman, Deanna Haug land, Ruth Gunderson, Marilyn Boe, Rut h Berhow, Lorelie Ihlenfeldt, Serena Hopp, Gretchen Hax, Gloria Tharp, Marrily Worrell, Kathleen Taylor, Saundra Vinje, Judith John son, Tina Dempster, Miriam Mue deking, Christy Ulleland and Cora lie Balch. The men include Paul Hannegan, Michael Wilderman, Sidney Shelver, Martin Schaefer, John Ruud, Don ald Suddarth, Walter Aalto, Dwain Sanders, Donald Fross, Henry Flack,
Plans Made for Mom's Days The traditional AWS Mothers' Weekend will be h eld February 10 through 12. Plans for a tentative schedule are now being set up by chairman Virginia Lee and hcr com mittee. Activities will begin with the Tal ent Show on Friday evening, fol lowed by a tour of the new television system the following morning. At this time a special highlights pro gram of campus life even ts will be presented u n d e r the direction of Vice-President Joe Peterson. That same day a Mothers' Lunch eon at 12:30 wiU feature a style show followed by a panel discussion. The afternoon and dinner hours arc free time for individual activities. Saturday n i g h t the mothers and daughters will be give n a special sec tion of th e gymnasium where they may watch the bask ~ tball game. Sunday will be the Bible hour and Student Congregation at the regula r times, and the St. Olaf Choir Concert in the evening.
Dr. Stinnett, NEA Secretary, Speaks at PLU February 6 Dr. T. M. Stinnett of Washington, D. C, assistant execu tive secretary of the National Education Association, will be the next speaker on campus in the University Year lecture series. He will be on campus Monday, February 6. Dr. Stinnett, who is also executive secretary of the National Cc;mmission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards (NCTEPS), will give a talk at morn ing chapel. In the alternoon at 3:30 he will address the faculty. A public lecture is slated for the evening at 8:00 in the chapel. Members of the PLU faculty who have been teaching here and at other l.utheran colleges a total of 20 years or more will recei\,c special honor at this evening convocation . Dr. Stinnett spent one week on the PLU campus the summer of 1956 when NCTEPS held its annual con vention here. The visiting lecturer is one of the nation's foremost educators. A native of Arkansas, he has been professor of education at several institutions and has scrved as a college president. The next lecturer who will appear on the series will be G. L . Hollings worth of Se:1 ttle, director of Boeing's Research Laboratory and one of the country's leading "space" scientists. He will be here Tuesday, March 14.
Daniel Erlander, Th eodore J 0 h n stone, A r v i d Lokcnsgard, Darryl Meyer, Olaf Malmin, Virgil Ander son. Carl Gronberg, Gary Anderberg, Philip Yokers, Philip Randoy, Or ville Jacobson, Karl Rei tz, Donald Isensee, Rob e r t Anderson, Hans Floan, David Smith, Edward Har
Dr. T. 1\-1. Stinnett
Students wishing to either sell or purchase used textbooks may do so
mlC .
through the Alpha Phi Omega Book Sale, being held February 2-4, in the
Prof Pushes
Student: Plan
Magazines for Friendship, a plan of Occidental College in Los An geles, California, is designed in an attempt to let students help win the cold war· This plan is to simply send the better USA magazines to other coun tries all over th e world . This does not include pulp or comic maga zInes.
Publications such at Atlantic, Mc Call's, Seve nteen , New Yo r k e r, Newsweek, and many others, arc the type needed . Also, forcign universi ties want standard medical, nursing, scientific and literary journals. Journals of Use Good trade, farm and professional journals are also needed, but sec tarian or organization j 0 urn a I s should be sent only to foreign mem bers of the same sect or organiza tion. The Magazines for Friendship plan has been tested extensively since 1947, when Professor Albert Crois sant, of Ocridental College, Los An geles, began urging Americans, clubs, churches, schools, farm bureaus and other groups to send their gooJ mag azines to key foreigners. Plan Endorsers This idea has been endorsed by such prominent people as Bernard Baruch, the late John Foster Dulles, Eleanor Roosevelt, Walter Winchell, and many others. For more information on what publication to send, and where, write to: Mag-azines for Friendship, Occi dental College, Los Angeles, Calif.
Probation Notice Students on probation, who are expecting low grad e s, are re quested to be on campus I\-Ion day, January 30.
Student Body Office. This sale will be going on from 11:30-12:30 and later from 4:00-i:00 In
the evening.
* Co-Recreation will
held in the gymnasium tonight and tomorrow
evening from 7:30-9:30 p .m . Anyone interested in participating in sports is invited to come.
Campus movies this weekend will include "In the Navy," starring Abbott and Costello, to be shown together with a comedy short, "Harvey Dilemma," this evening, following the game. Tomorrow night, "Dial M for Murder," a color motion picture, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, and starring Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, and Robert Cummings, will be shown beginning at 6:30 with performances at 8: 15 and 10:00 p .m. Next weekend "Jackpot," with Barbara Hale, James Gleason, and Natalie Wood, will be prcsented after the game on Friday evening, Jan . 27. Another Alfred Hitchcock drama, "I Confess," will be screened on Saturday, January 28, after the game. This film stars Montgomery Clift.
* *
Finals will begin this Monday and continue until the following Friday, January 27. Classes for the new semester will commence on Thursday, Feb ruary 2.
A dual piano recital will be given by Mr· C.uvin Knapp, of the Music Department, and his wife, on Thursday, February 9, at 8:00 p.m., in the CMS. There will be a rece ption immediately following the concert in CUB Lounge, sponsored by Mu Phi Epsilon.
A series of six films entitled "Italian Neo-Realism," is now be.ing pre sented at the General Engineering Building Auditorium, of the University of Washington in Seattle· Students may purchase specially rated tickets for the event by calling LA. 4-6000, Ext. 3621.
Tryouts for the next presentation of the Children's Theatre will be held shortly after school reconvenes in February. More information will be posted later.
Leon Fleisher, San Francisco-born pianist, will be presented as guest artist at the next Seattle Symphony Orchestra concert, Wednesday, January 25, at the Temple Theater in Tacoma. Fleisher represented the United States at the Brussels World Fair, has a distinguished baek grornd of music and in 1959 the Ford Foundation awarded him a $5,000 grant to pe rform a new composition by an American composer. Anyone interested in obtaining a ticket and getting reservations for this event should contact the Temple Theater box office.
Page Two
Friday, January 20, 1961
Magazine ponsors Contest;
Deter ines Religious Vitality
Mortvedt Excites Group
W ith vening Lect ure
" Together ," the million-circulation family magazine of the rh dist Church. is sp nsor ing a competition for college s{u den ts to determine th2 vit :liity of campus re ligion. For the best article on " W hy I Go to Ch urch," the maga 7 in v ill pr "en t a cash award of S250. with two other prizes of SI S 0 and S 75 , as wdl as five honorable mention certificates.
To an extremely distressingly small crowd involving hardly twenty students. D r. Robe r t Nlortvedt confessed a thrilling ac count of the wonders of literature last \Vednesday night. Finals notwithstandi ng, the educaional value wrapped in h i" sto ry was s()mething 'w hich will unf o.Jd as much, or mere, than an ything
by Dave Crowner
to wh ich one mi g ht ha ve put hi s wind concu rrentl, - e,'cn in th e Ji brary.
Students Eliglbk L ndng raduat e stud ents be twe en t h. · a gl'S of 18 and 25 wh o are en to llt- d full time ill any acn e ited jllnior (;oUeg(', college 01' university, irn 'sp" ct k e of n: ligiou s affiliation, ~ 1'1:' ,.Ii ~'i )le to c mp<' tc: . Iti( ks rnu s~ be t yp ed d oubk ~Jla ~J in JIlanu sc ip t fo rm on 8 Y2
I I -inch shee ts, m ust b · b·twecD 2.000 <l n d 2,500 w or ds in lenf:,'1:h, and rau [n' accompa ni ed by " n ent r y form \ h iclt ma ' be obtained f r om l h,: mag:17 i lll~ I'
r.. ;,"CS 8.-.si5 f(IT J udging i, L ill he j lld g" d on the b as is
of thou ght-con ten t, human inte rest, and lit erary expression. All cntries Ill u; t he postmarked not late r th tn }'by 1,1961, and t he awa rd-winning , rtick wilI be publlshcd in the Sep ternbe t' iss ue. The competition was launched as a t'l'~ ult of th e flood of le tter'S re ce i\'ed in response to an article by a 20 -Y('ar-old 'C niv(' l'lii ty of Oregon junior in the Septemher issuc of "1'0 sc th~\'," in which J ohn Turner criti ciL ed t h e C hurch for fail ing t o give youth "a cause ", o rthy ,.Iving for, a ca us e to live fot ."
Economy Jet Tours to Europe OUld ar li vlOg in lh£ s u n, sur f a nd sand of the su n ny !VIed,i te r ran 'all i. comb in ed 'ilh historical and cui ru ral slghtsel!1L1g m J Zl-day , a ll-i n Ll usive E uropean jet tour d.c:signc d b y ~ i r F ral?ce J. nd C lub M c:d iterr.1n e~ , the F rench vacatI on club WIth an 111 tcrnauonal membershi p of young adu lts . H inhli" hts of the tour is a lO-day tay at Ccphalu, the club's
SU mmer J 0 b5 Give Lisi:ing' 5 Th e 1961 Annual Summcr Place, m l'nt Dircc,tory, the ,large.st and most l; om p r ehensive listing of actual sum t1l r jobs, projects, awards and fel lowsh ips is now available. SOtllt" of the ' over 14,000 unusual summCT e ~rn ing opportunities listed throu ghout the booklet include citi zerlihi p projects to study the U. S. gon·rnmen t. scholarship for studying ar cheology in Greece, baking bread and pas tl ic s in Alaska, theatrical ap prenti <'sh ips in summer play houses, and "c rda r ial work at the United :'\:1t10n5. Info ntt:1tion includes job descrip tio m . da tes of employment, qualifi t'(Lti o ns, number of openings, salaries, and the names and addesscs of the cttlploy rs. Th e Summer P I. cement Directory can be obtained for $3 directly from tilt' Ad,'ancemcnt and Placement In sti tut , Box 99P, Station G, Brook lyn 2:! , _'ew York .
priva te villa ge on the island of Sicily, wherc it program of $ports activity, entertai nment , and reI a x a t ion is planned. Includes Jet Travel The travel portion of the tour ineludes all-jet transportation via Air France to Paris and Rome.. Twe nty separate d epaerturcs have been sched uled throughout thc season begin, nin g Ma y 28 a.nrl ending Octobe.r 8, 1961. All departures originate 111 ='lew York. Four days of the, tour will be al lotted to Paris for visits to the EiffeJ Tower, the Arch of Triumph, the Louvre, Notre Dame, and i\10ntmar tre. Tours Italy Th e re will also be touring throu g h Italy with sightsee ing' stops at th e ruins of Pompeii, the Blue Grotto at Capri, and the sights of Naples. Aft e r visiting' Rome, tour members will board jetlincs for the return trip to N ew York via Paris. All-Inclusive Cost Th e a ll-inclusive cost of the 21 day tour is $898. The price includes transporta ti(ln, hot e I accommoda tions, meals, a nd sightseeing trips. Further information and details ttlay be obtained a t A ir France of fi ces throu ghout the country or at loca l tarn'l ag<'Cncies.
(Al l Students' Needs)
Rental and Sales
Thurs., 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 Sun.
Complete Camera Department
LAURI AT'S apparel
We Outfit Coeds 406 Ga rfield
Bolewski Speaks
On Church Position
D r . H a ns Bolt wski of Loccum , (; c nn a ny, "\."Vllo spoke at 1110rning
Air France O ffers Collegians
Dr. Hans Bolewski
cha pel 1'" ,.1 ',J a y a nd tod ay, will " i\'c a le ct ure toni ~h t a t 3 ill th e C MS. Hi :. to pi c will he "The Church and the R cli g iul!s Situ ~t t io n in the Age of Automation ." Dr. no lewski, who is director of th e Evangelical Academy in Lo ccum, i.l a lso cditor of "The L u t h cr an World." He has servcd churches in Germany and Scotland. He is an out sta ndin g scholar and one of the \c ad, ing Luth cra n churchmen of out' day.
Lik eni n g books to "chicles for wondrous juurncy"s, M ort' (: It be${an wilh th e wo rds of Elllil~ ick e [l son , " H ow frugal is tlw dl ario t t hat hea rs a human soul. e· He sai d , ' r only hop" to !-;i,'" a p ersonal t" sti mon)' toni gh t," a nd wC'nt on to pour out just tha l from his lon g (' ''per l <' ne e in litCl'at ll[c. 1- r ot n Sa ppho to [ wa in , he SP l inkl...:1 in ilIlt str.ll iv c p2SS;!j (' s of wTitin ." , ... hil.h h e ft e1s corne fro m th e height. of ma n' s ex pc t'll'nccs . I n cmp h;; iz;ng the r ole of boot: s, I'l l' remi nd ed the aud ienc e th"t thc truc hea.r t of a untn'!',.it)' i ~ i ts li Gr a ry . 1;\'" ma y haH' tWD o r l!tn.c or ha lf a doyen gTLd t p rofc ;,sors in t) u r life tim e . h e sa id l alIT, but in boo ks 'NC <itT ill touc h with all the tn ~ 5 t crs . Mt)rl\'cdt "rnpltasi zcd that lit era ture is not acad n ni c- that lit erat u re h~s i t.s origins in the heart of m a n, that it existed long before thr r~ w ere univ ersit ies. And in t.h"t li g ht,. th e classroom is only a mt'a ns to th e e ncl. He ex plain ed that the class room can not be undnrated ; however, it is
not to h~ a ha ve n for th e weary, or a nyone. Closi n <Y his speec h, Dr. ~lort\Tcl l p rnp o,f'd the ul ti m a te (ro a l o f cd u cati nn - "the d ay WItCli yuu walk the p ath s of lil<' r;ll ur(' fancy f r c t·" _· ttteet iltg t he \V el t lei 's g n'atcst lTten a nd prufounck t thinL ers·
l\,kt: d
how onc call in lit! ratu ( , I a t ~ lic: u.w..rly th e " can' t-can -11:, " type s l ck nt , t h ~ oClor S~l :t.! , 1) tho$c \,/ to li L.· Lt<, l a tuJ<.· m u,L ~h ,\r Ll! ;g U
,1ft <: 1 wa rds
gt t inb 'cc tcd
Jjkt·- fo .- it ( l a r nn l hy ....·am ple, ~~) o rc 1~tlizc gn~d l
groups w llirh -r n tTl
tOgl'lltlT to read aloud. 3) a ~ n' ll t d " cd dc I" r: tls o n OIl<' ~ atl it ude to w,H'd la rt'a l u J'f ' befo re he L 'Unt to colle,!" ! ) alwH Ys h ave J . COlJ plc of ~ o()d l,uoks :: vaib pl,- in ycm T room , , ...,. hct hf'r YOll read t henl
r fH)t !
t Concepcion U.
Th" re build ing of clorm itori ~, has bcgun at the Uni\'cl'sity of C once p cion in Chile. Ten units accurnl1lO datittg 22 stud('nt.~ each are bei ng cons tructed now. T he Rector of the Unive rsity has written to War I d University erviC(' saying that more u n i L~ tlccd to be built bdorc the C ninTsity starts the new academic y e~r in :\pri!.
WUS Seeks Aid for Students
eeding Help inE. Pakistan
Nloney is now being ra ise J on Am erican camp uses to send to Pakistan for student hous ing and for other student needs. After the first cyclone struck East Pakistan Oc tob£r 10, Werld University Service immediately sent emergency funds to the WUS Pakistani Committee. The second cyclone on October 31 brought the dRath toll to 10,000 p e rsons and the number of h omeless to 200,000. Tidal waves, est ima ted to be 35 fcet hi gh, swept o\'er th e islands in th t: Ganges Ri ve r dclta an d dcstoyed Chittagong port on th(~ Bay of B '·n ~a l. W orld University S ·n·ice has three proj ec ts in East Pakistan for whi ch students arc raising mon~y. Two are at th e University of Dacca where a student canteen is needed to combat th e problem of malnutrition and where a book bank is needed. M any P a ki sta tti students arc wi thout tcxt-
To Whom It M ay Concern : ,.y ould the stude nts who took our Amcri can Hi sto ry notebooks from L-117 on . o nday, Tu esday or We dnesday of tnis week, plea$l' tT turn th e m. As you undoubtedly know, we also havt: semester tests coming up and now have no no tes to study fom. W e would gr~ at1 ) ap prcciate the return of our n otebooks by Saturday so that we might h ave a c ha n ce to st udy tlt<:m, too. If you d ec id e not to re-turn them before fin als , a t least return them after wa rds as we would like to keep them. (signed) Connyc Idstrom North Hall John Anderson Harstad Hall
books be-cause thL'y cannot afford to buy them and the library is unable to supply suffici e nt copies· With the establishmen t of a hook bank stu dL'nts can take books on loa n at a nominal charge (5-10% of th e book price) for periods extending to a full acadcn:;:ic year. The third project in East Pakistan .is at th e University of Rajsltahi. Al thoug h established as recen tl y as 195 3, th e Uni\'Crsity of Ra jshahi a l read y has an enrollment of 12,000 st udents a nd desperately needs addi, tiona l dormitories.
Th e earthquakes in May and June left 1,000 students in need of hous in" at th e U nive rsity of Concepcion r-;~t only were d Ol-mi tor ies at the unin'!'sit)' destroyed, but also the boarding houses whe re several hu'n dtTd students lived. The university suffered a total of $5,000,000 worth of damage to its facilities. World U niven ity Sen'ice h as re spo nded to the necd in Chile and is undertaking a drive on United Sta tes cam pu ses to raise money for at I t one add itiona l housing- unit· 1\ unit accommodating- 22 students costs $ 26,000. World Unive rsity St:fvic<: h opc! that :\orth American studenls will ta ke this opportunity to help their South American counterparts.
Marv Tommervik's
PHONE LE. 7-0256
Corner 112th and Pacific
Custom Made to Y.our Stone, Engraving and Size
325 Garfield Street
Phone LE. 7-5677
Ron Soine
Extension 79
Lpts, Singles
large selection at
Free Bonus Records for Record Club Cards
Friday, January 20, 1961
Dear Reader:
All do raise Hymns of pra ise Ev erywh ere M en SWt:al' G od on hi g h Rules th e sky Lon g Sp('ee hes None R each es F a ll asleep Sink d eep All d o sta nd Fi rm as sa nd Sa y a creed Ju st to read H omc we go Sinners so H abit keep N othing rea p by Ann H agga rt
From 'We' to 'I'
ALetter to Pops
Pops M a lmin recently received a letter from R on Barbour ( PLC ' 60), who majorcd in biology and is n ow assistin g Dr. B. T. Ostenson, PLU's biology prof on sa bbatical leave, who is serving as consultant in a study for th e U. S. Atomi c Energy Commission. They ar e living in Poi nt Hope, Alaska. Pops thou ght PLU stu· d ents w ould find R on's letter very interesti ng. Fo ll ow· in g a re a [ C\V exc erpts: D eal' Pops: H a ppy N ew Y ear from the farrrr north! Ri ght now it is a mild minus 17 a nd very little wind so it is not so bad for a wa lk in the moonlit night. Every d ay I understa nd more and more just how yo ufee l a bout this world of ice and snow. Th (' p eople ~ re wond erful! As time passes, we get to know them a littl e morc a nd in turn the)' learn about us. The result : wonderful fri e ndships built and Christian fellowship in abund a nce . W e had our first taste of bad weather the first three days of th e N ew Y ear. Winds blew almost continuously for the 72 h ours a nd ra n ged from 60 to 85 mph. With th e m ercury d own a round minus 20 it was nice to h ave a warm h ouse w a itin g when we finish ed In the ficld wo rk. Christmas was a unique expe rience with a ll its wcc k lon g fes ti,·iti es. They ran ged from dog·sled races to tir in g' eskimo ga m es of skill and streng th . A on ce in a lifetime f'x pe ri ence. It is ge ttin g so rt of la te now so I'd better bri ng this to a cl ose. The last two paragraphs have been written by ca ndleli ght. The d e tri city is shut off at midnight . Sin ce rely yours, (signed) Ron B., one of Pop' s boys.
Page Three
W e d o see k Every week Chimes rin g P eop le sin g
D u ring a pe nsivc mood last November I wrote m y· sdf con ce rn ing th e editorship: "I do not wi sh to res ign, bu t I m ust, because in my mind I affirm one se t of valu es a nd in my li fe. I foll ow a noth er." That is, I valu e h ighly the art of st udy ing a nd of publishing a good ll ('wspa pe r . Bu t I have bee n una ble to do both prop erly, a nd fl"ivin g primacy to my studies must g ive up th e c ha ll eng in g p osi t io n of cditor. It is cer ta inly no forma lity, but with deepest sincerity t ha t I th a nk th ose wh o ha ve w orked on th e staff. A t any sc h ool th LTe are th e willin g few who st ick to a tas k th rou gh a ll circums ta n ces; the :Mooring M as t h as be ue· fit ed from several. My tha nks go to L a rry Iverson, Ann H agga rt, Ruth \V a lkc r, J ea n L cppa, Gordy Gradwohl, Kent T ckrony, \V a m cr Wh ite, D ea nna Hau gland, Carol F rench , Judy Kragh, D ou g J ohnson, the reporters, oth el's on th e staff, and ou r a dv ise r, Mr. Milt N l;svi g . So, wi th th e com in g of Kennedy a nd sp ring co m es a coed to ed itorshi p : Ann Ha gga rt. I a m ext reme ly gra teful to h er for ta king ove r, a nd look forward to bei n g one of her mos t devoted readers. - Dave C rowne r, editor
by Paul Eriks " A n' we lookin g forward with excite me nt to Spiro itu a l Emp hasis W eek ?" was the question di sc ussed a t the Stude nt Co ng regation Board of D eacons m ee tin g on M ond a y, J a nu a ry 8, which carried On into th e Trus· tees m ee tin g Tu esday and then Church Coun cil m ee t· in g W ednesday . Tha t qu es tio n w as n ever a nswered, be caus e th e tone of it q u ickly cha nged f!'Om " we" to "I" a nd in so d o· in g the g rl'ates t pu rp ose and meaning of Spiritu a l E m· phas is Wee k ca m e to li ght. Whe.n the question was asked, "Does PLU need a wee k to emphas ize spirituality?" the m a ny reli g ious ac t iviti es o n our ca mpus, including devoti ons and d a ily ch apcl were brought up as an answer. But when the qu es ti on becam e "Do I need a Spiritua l Emp hasis Wee k ?" the re was only a simple positive " yes." From thi s point on th e discussion w ent to the prac.· ti ca l h a ndlin g of the wee k. The following de cisions w ere made: ( I ) da ily ch ap el will be in the hands of th e stu· d ents with a stud ent organist and student introdu cti on of Dr. Alv in R og ness, president of Luther Semina ry , who is the sp ea ker for the week. (2) A sp eci a l stage settin g to be prep a red by Mr. Eric Nordholm. (3 ) No banq ue t Sund ay ni ght, but encouragement to a ttend th e St. O la f C h oi r conce rt. ( 4) A program for th e w eek g ivin g Dr. R ogness spea king times , th em es, and h ou rs fm' counse ling, qu es tions and answ ers. ( 5 ) A renewed emphas is to ma ke the a ttitude for th e week o ne with a most pos itive outl ook, to be done through (6) sp ecia l praye r emphas is in prepa ra tion for the w ee k of F ebru· a ry 12-1 6, so tha t "I" mi ght be prepared for Spirit ua l Emphasis Week.
Dear Edi t r :
During the p ast month there h as bee n s illl' disc us a round ca ll1pus in regards to the poss ibility of h a ,·. L RAJ%" YOUR.' /p ' it? A' (j).". CAN /SiI\lE yOU ing a lc cturt: r appear on our campu s. Th ere ha vc bcen C,RE;Dli <SINCS VOU ~VIOUSLY DIDN 'T CH~AT.' JO lll e articles in this paper in regards to this ma tter, ~ pcei fi ea lly on th e possibility of ha vin g V a rrce Pac ka rd ( writ er of Hidd en P ersuaders, Sta tus See kers, "" aste m a ke rs) on our campus for an even ing le cture This, (With apologies to Ogden Nash) h owevel', wa s only a dream not to come true. Sc m es ter T es ts a rc here a t last ; Tru e, w e ha d difficulties to cope with, ou r m a in one A nd I wond el' as I contemplate th e cha pter to read, books to scan, and bein g th e fa ct that we could only h a ve P acka rd on a words to learn , "Wha t did I ever d o w ith th e ti me that just passed ?" night when we will have a home bask etball game. At the But I res olve to accept m y pl ight a nd ga th erin g m y h eaps of books, p ap ers, sa m e tim e much fruitful discussion was stimula ted, a nd a nd notebooks, boltin g dinn er, a nd risking indiges tion so I can study pe rh a ps this occasion was a step in the progress of h av each rul eing na ti ona ll y known fi g ure lecturing on our campus. At 6:35 the libr ary' s full!
Thc only qu estion that I have is this: Why, if this Back in the dorm, I ponder thou ghts d eep,
school is to be so a cademically m ind ed and in teres ted in Su ch as ma ybe the whole reas on I d on' t scem to be able to stud y or retain stimula tin g the minds of college stud ents have we not what I study or even rem ember I've studied is that I need a little sleep. h ad a n y lecture prog ram on this campus in th e past four And if I ca nstudy, I find m y n otcs a re scattered through at least fivc note· yea rs? Th e truth of the matter is that we ha ve a pro books and even then I could onl y ge t ha lf of what he said, gra m se t up whi ch can provid e nationa ll y kn own lee And la ter I'll find that hte list of tem!s on whi ch he based his whole tcst tu rers, bu t wc ha ve not used thi s opportun i y. I a m wa s lying quietly al Ithe ti me und er th e b ed! spea king sp ec ifi cally of the Artist Seri es program . So it's coffee, and no-doz, and a nti ce ta mine, Supposedly the programs on the Artist Seri es are to And typing till dawn on a rather la te th em e. be p resentations of music, drama, a nd le ctures. This was Bu t I've karned my lesson now and w ith h a lf·open ed eyes I'll inform each the intention when ih e Artist Series progra m was se t up tester yea rs ago . So far this year we have ha d three musica l I'll never get behind a gain-until n ext sem ester! presenta ti ons with more to come, plus a dram a ti c: show in g in April. Is there a lecturer on the progTam ? X o. Ea ch yea r th e Artist Series prog ram committee (com. posed of fi ve students and four faculty m embers) m ens " L ast yea r I thou ght television had reached bottom, now it is digging in the sprin g' to plan the progTam for the foll owi ng yea l'. a new ce llar." John C rosby, noted R adi o·Television critic, made this state· E ac h yea r suggestions to h ave a lecturer on the p ro ment dur in g a rece nt visit to Portla nd Sta te C ollege. He went on to state gram h ave bee n pushed aside or vet oed . Two years a go th a t sin ce 1955, the pea k of televi sion, there has been a declim' in " good we could h ave had Bennett C e rf ( well known publish er televisi on. " "People are bec oming fl a bb y intell ectuall y and emotionally." a nd lecture r ) he re for an evenin g prog ra m, but it was The noted columnist believes it has lost vita lity a nd no longer dea ls voted d own! Do we wa nt to let such a n opportunity with th e realities of life. Vi olen ce a nd wes terns have replaced the top sh ows pas s by ? Don' t forge t that the I' arr fiv e students a nd of th e past. Good producers a nd write rs a re not to be found anymore b e· four fa cu lty m emb ers on this committce. The students eausc there are too few good drama ti c prog ra ms th ey can use their talents on. a re in the ma jority, and they, plus the fac ulty m em I'S , "He concluded by stating, "I d on't mind th e c.ommcrcials, it's just th e a rc d ealin g with your money. programs I can't stand. If watch ers d on't apprecia te the few great moments I wa s glad to sec that two wee ks a go the Student of TV, and acknowled ge the fac t in som e w a y, networks won't give a ny Coun cil passed a motion to encourage th e committee to a t all." consid er m ore the possibility of lecturcs on th e prog ram. This should not be left up to just the Student C oun cil for encouragem ent, but to all members of the student bod y. I a lso wa nt to clarify some sta tem ents m ad e in th e las t iss ue of the p aper. First, I am not a m ember on th e Artist Se ries Committee, and seco ndly, I r eally don't feel tha t th e blame for not having lec turers in the p ast Editor....... ......................................... ............................................ David Crowner should be put upon just the fac ulty or just the students N ews Editors...... .... .. .. .. .. .................... Ann Haggart, Jean Adair Leppa of this committee. But one wonders why Benne tt Cerf R eporters: Margy Eash, Donna V a nGilder, Lavonne Erdahl, Deanna or an y other lecturers have not been a ccepted fo r a n Hanson, Eleanor Bousfield . even ing lec ture On the Artist Series. Fea ture Editor................................................................................ Ruth W a lker Reporters: Alice Wen ness, Judy Munger, Diek Halvorson, Ann Schnack· We as university students have a responsibility-that enberg, Deanna Hanson. of using tools g iven to us to furth er our edu ca tion . Do Sports Eclltor....... ........... . .. .. ........ .......... ................ ................... Mik... McDonald we wa nt to have nationally known good lecturers on Reporters: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemill er, Randy Stimc, Bob Mattson, (Continued on page 4) Mik e 11cIntyre.
I n tram u rals Editor........ .............................................. ...... Gordon G. Gradwohl
Th e Mooring Mast welcomes gladly a ll letters sent M a ke·up Editor.......... _................ ........................ ... _....................... Larry Iverson
T ypists ...................... ............ ............................ .. N a n cy Berntsen, Kathy Moore to it. Wh en you submit a letter, however, be ce l'ta.in Photographers.........._........... _...... ............... ... ... J ohn H a nson, McKewen Studio th a t you si gn your name, as the MM is not a n organ Business 1vlanager... _................ _...... __.. _........................... _.............. Warner White for a nonymous communications. In ce rtai n unclers tand. Ass ista nt Business Manager.. .................... __ .. _............ _.......... Dcanna Haug land a blP insta nces a kttl'!" might be printcd w ith th t' n ame Assoc ia te Circu l:!tion M a n:lgers ............................ Dou g Johnson, Judy Kragh withheld upon reques t. The name m ust be g iven on the Mailin g ............................ C a rolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson or ig ina l letter, however. Advisor...... ........ _ ............................... ........................ __... ... _....... Mr. Milt Nesvig Thr MM exer cist:s freedom to print and not to p ri nt The Mooring M ~ t is published weekly during the school year by the stu wh a t is submitted. d ents of Pacific Lutheran Univer sity. Subscription price: $3.00 per year. -the editor Phon e LEnox 7-8611.
Or..E.Y,. oo.Mi:t
Crosby Criticizes TV
.~ lOn
Page Four
Friday, January 20, 1961
Crumbling Alliances by Gordon Gray "1 t is our true policy to steer clear o f permanent alliances with any por ti o n of the foreign world," and from W a shington to Wilson this policy of isola tion has been th e doctrine of the . S. After World War I, however, P re.- i(\t nt Wi loS a n recognized the ne-eu fu r an interna tional league, but t he ..\.m crican people still c 1 u n g h ear t ily to a n isolation idcal; after all W I" we re sepa ra ted from th c res t o f t h e world by two large bodi es of wa C O\·.. r which no one could ven ture.
TlwR came World War II and in its aftermath w as crealed the' United . " tiuns. Our p ople had finally see n th,. m·rd . NATO. SEATO, CENTO, and the Baghdad Pact were aU forlll ' d in t h e hope that an alliance f uulc! c u rb Communism and today (Hi ,T"r.u :l. ry 20, 1961, as john F. K,'nn dv u~ 10 ' o ffice as President of th e n it 'd States we face another p robl{'/l1 : that of a crumbling alIi a ne t' .
" K ingpin" Weak F 'om T okyo, it is reported that L ao:; is d isplayin g the we a kness in E \ T - the Southeast Asia Trea ty ( ) rlf.lni7.1t ion-which has been thc ingpin o f l:. S. defenst·s in South ,'as t '\.. l • . Since it is not a fighting :llli. 1 c< each of th e ei~ ht membe r n nuon m ust only con sult with each ~l thcr if they a rc attacked by Com m u ni-t agg rrcssion but they may de (' id t' On the ir own wheth e r they will fk h t or I10t. I n La ndon, Br itish officials arc wai 'n z for Kennedy to take offi e so ti l":' <:an see his new poli cy re Iz.t rdln~ :\fATO and SEATO for they 'ay that the Ei se nhowe r Ad m inistra t io n h~ls O\'CI'Cstilllated what cou ld h,' done by purely lllilitary Inf"an i ll d ealing with Communism. Tilt'} contend that other ways sudt as p olitic.<l l, economic, diplo matic , and psychological means Ita\ bo't' I ne glected, mu ch to the cit tJ:im~n t of th,' West- mu ch to the likin ll' of thc S viet 'Cnion. National i . 1ll II Fm Ilcc whlcr. has hurt NATO :lnd tIle r . S. trying to achieve the im p o<s ible in Laos, milita r ily, r Ulll in... S'E T O., has causcd world opin io n to • 'amine our alliances quite criti call y a nd has found them want in!! . CENTO Fails T rom Beirut com to s the report which g raphically demonstrates the efft'diven 'ss of our foreign p acts. In
50c I
DELUXE BURGER in a basket with frieL_______ _
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1958 CENTO-the Central Treaty Organization - allowed a coup to topple the pro-western government of Iraq. No one acted and now Presi dent K e nnedy will have to filld some way to stabilize Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan. The Gues tion is, what are we go ing to do? Britain contends that most of our trouble stcms from basic misund e rstandings between the U. S. and Iter allies. What we need is a poli cy of definite action for "respect is a morc powcrful magnet than money," and throug'h action we can gain respect- not only by our allies but also by the Communists. They will respect our strength in a way whi ch has not be en apparcnt since prc-1917. But this will only come about if we are strong- bilaterally and multi lat'Tally. For as Sydncy Smith said in 1804, "A greater con test than that in which we are crlgaged, the world h as never seen; for we are not fighting the battle of our country alone, but we are fighting to decide t he qu esti on: Whether t here shan be any more freedom upon the earth."
At about 12:30 p.m. today a bare headed young man steps forwal'd for one of democra cy's most awesome moments. "I do solemnly swear," john F. Kennedy says, "that I will faithfully execute t he office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and de fend the C onstitution of the United States." Only 35 words. Yet with these words Kennedy, who so eag-crly and relentles sly sough t the honors, assumes the often crushing, never en ding responsibili ties of th e preside ncy. In an instant he will bccome head of a vast complex, confusing federal machine. with 2,364,000 civilian em ployees and 2,500,000 men and women in uniform .
He will be come the leader of 130 million people, many of whom have problems th at they think only the fcdc , 1 govern me nt can solve. He will become a spokesman for the Wc, tern world in what often ap pears to be litera lly a life 01' death
Semester Break O ffers Change;
Books, Art, Relaxation Available
Wh en tIte tests art' Ovt'l' - this coming w ee k will pass like all the others (regardless of whether we do or not l )-thc questio n is: What now? f o r thos ' of you going home, the answer is most likely: SIc p till noon! For those who will have to stay on the sce ne of the past battlc, this is youI' chance to do a ll those things you nevn had time to do b,~ fon~ .
If you have no transportation, be gin by looking through our own li brary. P e rhaps you'd like to use your leisure to tackl e such books as UIlys ses (a sample sentence: "Warring his life long on the cont ransmagnifi candjcwbangtantiality. lllstarrc.d hcrcseareh."), or a multitude of such as Tineteen Eight-four, G ulliver's Tra vel -, P ygmalion, Lady Chatter ley's Lover, The Old Man and the Sea, and many, many others. Or maybe you could try some of the lesser known, but inte restingly titled books such as The Amazing M arriage, Told By A n Idiot, T he Way To Keep Him, or The Sheltered Life. Or maybe you're ready for some real heavy reading like The Com plete Nonsense of Edward Lear or Non sense Anthology. Down in the gym, you'll get the best scats for the game with Eastern Friday night and with W hihvorth Saturday night. After the games, the PLU theater wiI! be in action with some good, convenient, a nd inex pen-
12171 Pacific Avenue
pecial Words aid Today
sive shows. In the Parkland area, you might like to try bowling at the ncarby Paradise Bowl. This is a sport guar anteed to re move any and all study aches (thou gh it might replace them wi th some othe r aches! ) . T acoma offers a wide range of e n· tertainme nt which ca n't normally hc appreciated durin g a school wee k. For cxamplr-, durin g the day, you can see thl art exhibits at the Ta coma library, which often have a creation by ~ Ir. Rosk os . By cbeck ing the bulletin board in the Taco ma library, you can find out what cIs[' is being offered in Tacoma in thL' way of Fine Arts; most of the events :ue free! If you like nothin .,- better than to relax and watch a !,ood movie, T a coma has a wide \ ariety to offer. For som e thing' a li t tle differC'nt in the way of m ovi es , tht: Capitol Th c atre usually plays for eign films. Nearer Seatt le, the Unive rsity of Washington has a complete program of entertainment, some of it hee, such as r ec itals and art exhibitions. If you aren't compl · tely penniless after paying for next semest er, the drama presentations a.t the U. arc well worth seeing . By lookin g through the Tacom a !\ews T r ibune, you will be able to find the times and places of all the activi ti cs of this an'''. R~mcmber, next semester might be even busier, so this is your chance to ('njoy your sel f without neglectin g anythini!!
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uncertain Union, hc was given al most continuous adulation. The high point came at Trenton,
N.J, Over the road was a triumphal arch with 13 flower-covered pillars r epresenting the 13 states. By th e arch were 13 maidens, eaeh in white, each toting a flower basket. As Washing·ton rode up on his white horse, th e maidens began to sing: HVirgins fair and rnatrons gra\T, Those the conquering arm did san;, Build for thre triumphal bowers; Strew, yc fair', his way with flowe rs! Strew your hew' s way with flowc !" As the virg-ins fair and matrons g l-ave san g, they also danced and strewed. 'Worse, Washillgton liked it. He copied the word,. in hi ~ lett!'i' book, thcrrb y making sure th ey would be s~vcd for the a ges , and provin g t hat even g rca t men have periods of fli g htilless . P k nt)' of Re\'elry It will take less t!t;jn 60 , n onds for Kenn edy to be sworn in janua ry :::0 for the nation's 35 th prcsidC'Ill. But the traditiona l hoopla and rev elry t hat accomp any the solem n ceremony will rci l,'Tl for three d ay'. (' os t about $800,000, and a ttract !1aIf a l1Iillion people to Washington , come fair weather or foul. The parade and social functions , plus sales of progra ms and souveni rs, will help pay the ina uguration bill which is underwritten by loca l busi nessmen. - (credits to AP News Snviee)
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• If you die at 65, your beneficiary (Continued from page 3) C2mpus at least once or twice a year? Is this not a tool for intellectual stimulation? I for one would like to see our campus become a true uni versity campus. How about you? Sincerely, Paul Aasen.
struggle with communism. Shift of Power And yet, bceause w e' r e so used to it, the most significant fact of all is usually overlooked. In this simple ceremony, watched by ncarly all the nation's dignitaries as they gather outdoors on the east side of the capitol, power quietly shifts from Dwight D. Eisenhower to John f. Kennedy. In most of the world, power once acquired is never relinquished volun tarily, The oa th ta kes but a few seconds to repeat. And the wItole thing- including the swearin g in of the vice presid ent, which comes first- tak es only about an hour. Ye t down through the years the in a ugural celebrations h a\' c been blown up until they now extend ovcr several da ys, with par ~ t(ks, dances, variety shows, music making and as sorted pure, it-coLlld-h~ppen-only-in Alneri ca corn. This year is no ('x["("ption. The d emocra ts ltaH" been kept out of the W hite Hous(~ for ei g ht years and th ey'll be whoopin f'; it up. An d if sOD1l:tirnr.s the activities seem u n worthy of such an important o ccasion , if not downrigh t absurd, well, that's democracy for you . lt has always bee n this way. Take G eo rgc Washington, on his way from NIount Vernon for the first inauguration. V irgins Fa ir As he made his way toward K cw York, th E' first ca p ital of that shaky,
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Friday, January 20, 1961
Dear Reader:
ALetter to Pops
All do raIse Hymns of pra ise Everywhel'e Men swear God on high Ruks the sky Long Speeches l\ione R eaches Fall asleep Sink d eep All do stand Firm as sand
.,.. -rr1~
Say a creed Just to lead
, ,,
Home we go Sinners so Habit kl:cp Nothing reap
'10 l'AI LUI2!: IS f'AVEO wrH
by Ann Haggan
From 'We' to 'I'
Pops Malmin recently received a letter from Ron Barbour (PLC '60), who majored in biology and is now assisting DI·. B. T. Ostenson, PLU's biology prof on sabbatical leave, who is serving as consultant in a study for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. They are living in Point Hope, Alaska. Pops thought PLU stu d ents would find Ron's letter very inte resting. Follow in g are a few excerpts: Dear Pops: Happy New Year from the farrrr north! Right now it is a mild minus 17 and very little wind so it is not so bad for a walk in the moonlit night. Every day I understand more and more just how yo ufeel about this world of icc and snow. The people are wonderful! As time passes, w e get to know them a little more and in turn they learn about us. The result: wonderful friendships built and Ghristian fellowship in abundance. We had our first taste of bad weathe r the first three days of the New Year. Winds bl ew almost continuously for the 72 hours and ranged from 60 to 85 mph. With the mcrcury down around minus 20 it w as nice to have a warm house waiting when w e finished m the field work. Christmas was a unique experience with all its week lon g festivities. They ranged from dog-sled races to tir iug ~skimo games of skill and strength. A once in a life tim~ experience. It is ge tting sort of lat e now so I'd better bring this to a clost'. The last two paragraphs have been written by candlelig ht. Th e electricity is shut off at midnight. Sincerely yours, (signed) R on B., one of Pop's boys.
Page Three
We do scek Every week Chimes ring People smg
During a pensive mood last November I wrote my self concerning th e editorship: "I do not wish to resign, but I must, because in my mind I affirm one set of values and in my life I follow another." That is, I value highly the art of studying and of publishing a good llewspaper. But I have been unable to do both prope.rly, and giving primacy to my studies must give up the chalknging position of editor. It is certainly no formality, but with d eepest sincerity tha t I thank those who have work ed on the staff. At any school there are the willing few who stick to a task through all circumstances; tht: Mooring Mast has benc fi teJ from several. My thanks go to Larry Iverson, Ann Haggart, Ruth Walker, Jean Leppa, Gordy Gradwohl, Kent T ekrony, 'Varner \Vhitc, Deanna Haugland, Carol Fr~nch, Judy K m!;l h, Doul( Johnson, the reporters, others on the staff, :md our adviser, )'1r. Milt Ncsvig. So, with the coming of Kennedy and spring cOllies a coe d to editorship: Ann Hagga rt. I am extremely g-ra teful to hn for taking over, and look forward to bein g one of her 1Il0st devoted rea ders . -Dave Crowner, ,.ditor
by Paul Eriks "Arc we looking forward with excitement to Spir itu a l Emphasis Week?" was the question discussed at tht: Student Congregation Board of Deacons meeting on Monday, January 8, which carried on into the Trus tees m ee tin g Tuesday and then Church Council meet ing Wedn esday. That question was never answered, because the tone of it quickly changed from "we" to "I" and in so do ing the greatest purpose and m<:>aning of Spiritual Em phasis Week came to light. When the question was asked, "Does PLU need a week to emphasize spirituality?" the many religious activities on our campus, including devotions and daily chapel were brought up as an answer. But when the qu es tion became "Do I need a Spiritual Emphasis W ee k?" th ere was only a simple positive "yes." From this point on the discussion wen t to the prac tical handling of the week. The following decisions were made : (I) daily chapel will be in the hands of the stu dents with a student organist and student introduction of DI·. Alvin Rogness, president of Luth er Seminary, who is the speaker for the week . (2) A spec.ial stage setting to be prepared by Mr. Eric Nordholm. (3) No banquet Sunday night, but encouragement to attend the St. Olaf Choir concert. (4) A program for the week giving Dr. Rogness speaking times, themes, and hours for counseling, questions and answers. ( 5) A renewed emphasis to make the attitude for the week one with a most positi"e outlook, to be done through (6) special prayc'!' emphasis in preparation for the week of Febru ary 12-16, so that "I" might be prepared for Spiritual Emphasis Week.
D e a r Editor:
During the past month th r-Ie has been some d iscus arouud campus in rega rds to the possibility of ha,' Ot-f,Y, ~5~ YOUR'/P'TO A' ©)=' - I CAN GIVE yOU in g a !cctuI'cr appear on our ca mpus. There haH' bren ~ Cl<E'DIT" ~INCE;; yOU ~VIOU~LY DIDN'T CH~AT.' lome articles in this pape r in regards to this matter, specifically on the possibility of having Vance Packard ( writ er of Hidd en Pe rsua ders, Status Seekers, " 'aste makers) on our campus fOI' an evening lecture. This, (With apologies to Qg-den Nash) however, was only a drea m not to come true. Semester Tests arc here at last; True, we had difficulties to cope with, vu r m ain one And I wonder as I co ntemplate the chapter to read, books to scan, and being the fact that we could only have Packard on a words to learn, "What did I ever do with the time that just passed?" night when we will have a hom e basketball game. At th e But I resolve to accept my plight and ga thering my heaps of books, papers, same time much fruitful discussion was stimulated, a!1tl and notebooks, bolting dinner, and risking indigestion so I can study perhaps this occasion was a step in the progress ot' hav each ruleing nationally known figure lecturing on our campus. At 6:35 the library's full!
The only question that I have is this: Why, if this Back in th e dorm, I ponder thoughts d eep,
school is to be so academi ca lly minded and interested in Such as maybe the whole reason I don't seem to be able to study or retain stimulating the minds of college students have we not what I study or even remember I've studied is that I need a little sl eep. h ad any lecture program on this ca mpus in the past fOUl' And if I ca nstudy, I find my notes are scattcred through at least five note years? The truth of the mattcr is that we have a pro books and even then I could only get half of what he said, gram set up which ca n provide nationally known lec A.nd la ter I'll find that hte list of terms on which he based his whole test turers, but we have not used this opportunity. I :un was lying qui etly al Ith e time under th e bed! speaking specifically of the Artist Series program. So it's coffel', and no-doz, and anticetamine, Supposedly the programs on the Artist Series are to And typing till dawn on a rather late theme. be pres entations of music, drama, and lectures. This was But I've karned my lesson now and with half-opened eyes I'll inform each the intention whcp the Artist Series program was set up testeryears ago. So far this year we have had three musical I'll never get bchind again-until flext semester! presentations with more to come, plus a dramatic show ing in April. Is there a lec turer on the program? Ko. Each year the Artist Series program committee (com posed of five students a nd four fa culty members) meets "Last year I thought television had reac hed bottom, now it is digging in tht, spring to plan the prog ram for the following year. a new cellar." John Crosby, noted Radio-Television critic, made this state Each year suggestions to have a. lecturer on the pro ment during a recent visit to Portland State College. He went on to state gram have been pushed aside or vetoed. Two year, ago th"t since 1955, the peak of television, there has been a decline in "good we could have had Bennett Cerf (well known publish er television." "People are becoming flabby intellec tually and emotionally." and lec turer) here for an eve ning program, but it wa s The noted columnist believes it has lost vitality and no longer dcals voted down! Do we want to let such an opportunity with the realities of lifc. Violence and wes terns have replaced the top shows P<lSS by? Don't forget that ther are five student and of the past. Good producers and writers arc not to be found anymore be four faculty members on this committee. The stu den ts cause therc are too few good dramatic programs they can use their talents on. arc in the majority, and thcy, plus the faculty members, "He co ncluded by stating, "I don't mind the commercials, it's just the are d ealing with your moncy. programs I ca n't stand. If watchers don't appreciate the few great n:oments I was glad to see that two weeks ago the Student of TV, a nd acknowledge the fact in somc way, networks won't gIve any Council passed a motion to encourage the committee to at all." consider more the possibility of lec tures on the program. This should not be left up to just the Student Council for encouragement, but to all members of the student body. I also want to clarify some statements made in the last issue of the paper. First, I am not a member on the Artist Series Committee, and secondly, I really don't feel that the blame for not having lecturers in the past Editor............................................................................................ David Crowner should be put upon just the faculty or just the students News Editors............ ................................ .... .. Ann Haggart, Jean Adair Leppa of this committee. But one wonders why Bennett Cerf Reporters: Margy Eash, Donna VanGilder, Lavonne Erdahl, Deanna or any other lecturers have not been accepted for an Hanson, Elea nor Bousfield. eve.ning lecture on the Arti st Series. Feature Editor................................................................................ Rut h Walker Reporters: Alice Wenness, Judy Munger, Dick Halvorson, Ann Schnack We as university students have a responsibility-that enberg, Deanna Hanson. of using tools given to us to further our education. Do Sports EdItor..............................................................................Mike McDonald we want to havc nationally known good lecturers on Reporters: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemiller, Randy Stime, Bob Mattson, (Continued on pag( 4) Mike McIntyre.
Intramurals Editor............................................................Gordon G. Gradwohl
The Mooring Mast welcomes gladly all letter, sent Make-up Editor.............................................................................. Larry Iverson
Typists........ ............... ...................... ................... Nancy Berntsen, Kathy Moore to it. When you submit a letter, howevcl , be cutain Photographers............................................. .... .J ohn Hanson, McKewen Studio tha t you sign your name, as the MM is not an organ Business Manager.......................................................................... Warner White for anonymous communications. In certain understand Assistant Business Manager................................ ................. .Deanna Haugland able instanc es a letter might be printed with the n ame Associate Circulation Man:o.gers ......................... ... Doug Johnson, Judy Kragh withheld upon request. The nam e mu st be given on the Mailing............................ Carolyn Thomasse n, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson onrrinal letter, howevel·. Advisor...............•....................................................................... Mr. Milt Nesvig The MM t'xercises freedom to print and not to p rint The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu what is submitted. dcnts of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3 .00 per year, Phone LEnox 7-86 II. -the edit or .~lOn
End Resolution
Crosby Criticizes TV
Page Four
Friday, January 20, 1961
Crumbling Alliances 1958 CENTO-the Central Trcaty Orga nization - a llow ed a coup to topple the: pro-western government of I raq. No one acted and now Presi dent Kcnnedy will have to filld some way to stabi lize Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan. The Gu es tion is, what are we go ing to do? Britain contends that most of our troubl e stems from basi c misund erstandings between the U. S. and h er a llies. What w e need is a policy of d.-finite ac tion for "respect is a mor e powerful magnc t than mont'y," and through a ction we can ga in respect-not only by our allies but a lw by th e Communists. They will r e~pec t our stren gth in a way which h as not been apparent sillee pre-1 917. But this will only come about if we a rc strong -bil a terally and mu lti laterally. For as Sydney Smith said ill 1804, "A greater contest than that in which we arc engaged, the w o rl d ha:; never seen; for we a re n ot fi ghting the battle of our country alone, but we are figh t ing to decide the question : ''''b eth el' there all be any more freedom upon the earth."
by Gord on Gray " It is ou r tru e policy to stcer clear o f p ermanent a lli ances with any por ti on uf th e for eign world," and from Wash i g ton to Wilson this policy of isolation has bee n the doctrine of th e 1:. . A ft er World War I , howeve r, Pre-sid nt W i I so n recognized the n ·l·d fo' an interna tional league, but tlI t: : JIl eriean p eople still c I u n g hn J"t Il y to all isolation ideal; after Rll . \\ . wer e separated from the rest of 't he world by two large bodies of w a ll J o\'C r which no one cou ld v en turt'.
T hr n came World War II and in its :Ut('rmath was created the United :\:1t ions. ur p ' ople had fin ally see n th e n('C" . KATO, SEATO, CENTO, a ll lh, Ba g h d a d Pa ct Wf're a ll for med in th .- hop e that a n a lliance 'ou ld cu rb Communism and today o n J,\ , 11 .' 20. 1961 , as J ohn F. K , " nc \. tak,... o ffi ce as Presid ent of the n :lcd Slates we fa ce anoth'I' pr lit: 11 tha t of crumbling a lli nr c .
"Kingpin" ' Veak
ok yo, it is reported tha t L aus i. d i la yin g' th e wea kness in T ( )- the Southeast Asia T rea ty O r '<loiz; tion- whi ch has been the ki ll p ill 0 • S. defens's in South ('iI t \ -1, t. S ince it is not a fi ghting .,lIi<ln cc each of the ci!;ht member n~t i ol1lo IIllIS t only consult with each oth1'r if they :Ire attacked by Com nm nis t agg ression but they may de ('id e o n tht' ir own whether th ey will h g h t r not. I n L ondoll, British officia ls are w::ti l m ( for K ennedy to tak e o ffic e sO they can sec his new policy rc g~ rd i nl!' ;-.r.I\TO and SEATO fo r th <' Y , . th",.! thl' Eis(' nhowrr Ad mini t l ion h as o",:restimatcd what ('ould h,' J o ne by purely milit ary tnr'a n> in dea li ng with Communism.
T' r
i ll~.
CENTO Fails frulll Be irut com c s the report wh ich ;: raphi ca ll y demonstrates the ffr.c ti,-,-ncss of our for eig n pac ts . In
50e I
DELUXE BURGER in a ba sket w ith fries _________ _
1191h and Pa cific Avenue
Wh en the tes ts arc ove r - thi s coming week will pass like all the others ( regardless of wh ether we do or not! ) -the question is: Wh at llOW ? For those of you going home, the answer is most likely: Slee p till n oo n! For those who will have to stay on th e scene of the past battle, this is your chance to do a ll those thin gs you never had time to do be fore. H you have no transportation , be gin by looking through our own li bra.ry. Pe rhaps you'd like to usc your leisure to tackl e such books as Ullys ses (a sample sentence : " ';Varring his life long on the co ntransrrwgnifi ca ndj cw ba n g t ant i a Ii t y. IllstalTcd h en'sea r ch." ) , o r a multitud e of such as Nine teen Eight-fou r, G ulliver's Trave ls, Pygm ion, Lady Chat ter ley's Lover, The Old Man and the Sea, a nd many, many others. Or maybe you could try some of the lesser known, but illte l'estingly titkd books such as TI1c Amazing Marri age, Told By An Idiot, The Way To K eep Him, or The Sheltered Lif . Or m aybe you're read y for some rca I hea vy reading li ke The Com plete Nonsense of E dward Lear or 'onsense ADlh ology. Down in the gym, you'll gc t the bcs t scats fo r the gam e with E astern Friday ni ght a nd with Whitworth Saturday ni ght. After the games, the PLU theater will b e in action with some good, convenient, and inexpen-
12171 Pacific Avenue
At about 12:30 p.m. today a bare hEad ed young man steps forw a rd for one of democracy's lnos t awesomc moments. "I do solemnly swear," J ohn F . K ennedy says, "that I will fai thfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability pI' erve, protect and de fend the Constitution of the United States." Only 35 words. Yet with these worus K ennedy, who so eagerly and relentlessly sough t the honors , assumes the oft en crushing, never ending r esponsibili tit's of the presiden cy. In an instant he will b ecome head of a vast complex, confusing fedcral machine, with 2,364,000 c ivili a n el11 ployees and 2,500,000 m e n a. n d \\'0111cn in ullifornl.
1-1t: will become th e leade r of 130 million people, many of whom have problems that they think only the fed e ral gO\'(' rl1l11cnt can so lve. H e will become a spokesma n for th e ' '''este l'n world in wha t often ap pears to be literally a life or death
Semester Bre k Offers Change;
Books, Art, Rela xation Available
Th r y cont.end that other w ays su, h.1 politica l, economic, diplo Ina tic, an psy chological means ba v 00 /I nt:gk ct ed, much to the t riml 1'1 of the W est-·--mueh to the li kin~ of th e Soviet Un ion. ;-.rational i m in r ..mee which has hurt ;-.rAT O ~1It1 til.. 1.". S. tryin g to ac hi ~ \'e the im pll"lble in L aos, militarily, ruin ill;! .\:.. T , h as ca used world opin ion t p. 'amin e our all ia nces quite c ri ti c.! ly and h as fo und them wa nt
Parkland Triple XXX
Special Words
.live shows. III the Parklalld a rca, you mi ght li ke to try bowlin g- at th e nearby Paradise Bowl. This is a sport guar an teed to remove any and a ll study ach es ( though it mi ght r eplace them with some other aches!). Tacoma offe rs a wide rao !(e of e n te rtainment which ca n' t norma lly be app reciatf'd durin,,; a school week. For exampk, during th e day, YOll can see the art exh ibits at the Ta coma library, whi ch often have a crea tion by Mr. R oskos. By check ing the buIletln board in th e Taco ma library, you can filld out what else is being- offered in Tacoma in the way of Fill(: Art s; mos t of the C\'ents are free! If you like nothin g be tter than to relax and w a tch a good movie, Ta coma has a wide va r iety to offcr. For somethin g a li ttle diffr' rent in th e way of movies, the Capitol The a tre usually plays fore ign fi lms. ;-.rearer Seattle, the University of Wa shington has a complete prog ram of ent >rtail1lnent, some of it fr ee, such as recita ls and :lrt ex hibitions. H you aren' t compk td y penniless after p aying for next semester, the dra ma p rese ntations a t the U . arc well worth se eing . By lookin gth rough the T acoma ;-.rews T ribune, you will be ahle to find the times and plac.es of all the activities of this area. R emember, next semes ter might be ven busier, so this is your cha n ce to enjoy you r self without neglectin g anything!
Flowers for All Occasions
12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot of Garfield)
LE.7-0206 We Deliva r
(Continu{'d from page 3) ca mpus at least once or twice a year? Is this not a tool for in tdlectual stimulation? I for one would lik e to see our campus become a tru e uni versity campus. How about you? Sincerely, Paul A asen.
PHONE LE.7-71oo
Donut Bar and Quick Lunch HOME-MADE PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today for Tomorrow
aid Today
~tru gg l e
unccl·ta in Union, he was ~(Iven al most continuous adu lation. The high point ca me at Trenton, N . ]. Over th e road wa~ a triumphal arch wi th t 3 flower- cove red pillars rcp rescn tin g the 13 sta tes. By the arch we re 13 maidens, cach in white, eaeh toting a fl ower basket. As W ashinf.(ton rode lip on his white horse, the maidem began to sing: "Virgi ns fa ir and matrons grave, Those the conquering- arm did save, Build fur thFe triumphal howers; Strew, ye fair, hi s way with flowers! Strew YOlll' hero's way with flow er' !" As the virgins fair and matrons grave sang, they a lso dan ced and
with communism. Shift of Power And yet, because we' rc so used to it, the most significant fa ct of all is usually overlooked. In this simple ce remony, watch ed by nea rly all th e nation 's di g ni tari es as th ey gather ou tdoors on the cas t side of the capitol, power qui e tly shifts from Dwight D . Eisen how er to J ohn F. Kennedy. In Illost of th e world, power on ce acquired is never relinquished volun tarily. The oath tak es but a few seconds to repeat. And the whule thin g-including the swearing in of the vic e president, whi ch com('s first- ta kes only about an hour. Ye t down through the years the ina ugural ce lebra tions h a \. c been blown up until they now ex tend O\'['r ~e\'('ra l d ays, with parades, danc('s, varie ty shows, musi c making a nd as sorted pure, it- could-happcn-only-in ;\ meriea corn. This year is no exce pti on. The d emocra ts ha ve been kept out of the White H o use for eig ht years and they' ll be whoopin g it up. And if sometim .' tbe a tivitics seem unw rthy of such an imp rta nt oce ion , if not downri . ht absurd, well, that's democracy for you. It h as al wa ys been thi s way. Take G eo rge Washington , on his way from Mount Vernon for the first inau g uration . Virgins Fair As h e mad e his way toward :'\cw York, the first cap ital uf th a t shaky,
str ~wed.
Worse, Washington liked it. He cupied th(' words in his letter bouk, then 'h y m~kin g sure they would be s;~\'c d for th e ages, and proving- tha t even g I' ca t men have p eriods of flightiness. PI Iy of Revelry It will tak e less than 60 , econd, for K en nedy to be sworn in J anuary 20 for the na ti on's 35th p residen t. Bu t th e t raditional hoopla and rev elry t hat arcom pan y th e soknlll ceremony will rei gn for th ree day" cost abou t $800,000, an d attract !lalf a million people to W a shington, COIne fai r wcat h er or foul. The para de and social functions , plus sales of prog rams and souvellirs, w ill hdp pay the ina uguration bill which is ulld erwrittcn b y loca l busi n('SS111('n.
- ( credits to AP
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Please furnish me: 1 o details about lutheran Brotherhood liIe Insurance III o free reproduction of Martin luther window I ~----------------------------------------~
Friday, January 20, 1961
Acunt tm eamfut4
ec r
Champs, Lead A's B-Ball Title Race Tr.A~I Won Lost PF P\ I.ill tern )'aT""md .. ........... ..... ..... ... ... ....... 7 '2 466 381 \\ ~ tern paJ klllnd ... ......... .. .. __ ... .......... .......... 6 2 347 324 :~rd floor T;ppcrs ... _....... ... .......... .. ..... .......... 6 3 .-/::I 1 5 7 l:.\'(~r~~en c..:ourl ...... .. __ ......... .. .... ....... .... __ .6 3 .302 HG r:lCulty .... .. ......... ............ ........... ...... __ ..... :; 4 ·H16 41 2
3rd Floor (,SfJunu .... .... _.. ......... .... ....... ..,4
·llh floor ._......... ... .
.. ...... ...... .. 3
Pc. .777 .750
Playboys R c.bs __ .... .... Eas t. C ..... __ . E u tkrs ____ R c·tl-cads ____ V ets ... ____ .__
PI' 8 7 4 3 3
0 2 3 6 7 7
D It'\ ______ ___ . 2 c1ia blcs.. 2
534 4 12 -+9 I 354 343 305
:1+6 1·000 385 .800
4 10 .700
364 .400
426 .300
369 .300
:168 '~19 .200
33 1 351 .200
.6 6
Rnrcacb ( +O): ' haw 16, L ••rson 6, ..').35
Reed f , Carls on 4, Bindel ·1·" an d .444 Wise'l. .333 V (' l.; ( :3 f): COll: y 8, lItaly 8, Ritz 7,
H a""rty 7, Olsen 4.
A I League Top 20 Scorers hhru Feb. 2)
FllC lty ......... ...... ................... ........ I!H
R ebs (3 6 ): Johnso n 12, Ashpolc 5, L indh olm 6, lind 4, U lso n 4 . R (· li abks (23): Billin gs 12, R ando )' 20.33 3
5, Flack 4. 22.000
:•. Ron Hanna, Eastern ... ....................................... ........ 114
T ot. Pts I. I og'r Rccp. F. venrvreen .......... .. .... ......... __ ................ . 18 3 LlInd~a..lrd,
2. (,cne 4.
Roy Hager man. )astern .. ......... ...... __ ..... .... .... ....... .... 103
C occh i, Tippers ........................... .... ................... 104
6. Douf!; . leClary, Tippers ....... .......... ... ........... .... ..... .... 101
GI) 9
3 3 9
7. Ron Hovey, Eastern ......... ... ...... ......................... .... ... 100
S. Jerry P ppin, 4th Floor .... __ ....................... ... ........... . 92
9. Dave H . land, Evergreen ......... ... .. ... .. ........ .............. 91
7 7 8
HI.' 'Gene Scha umbe rg, , 'estern ........ .............................. 90 11. n ruce . ' unes, Tippers .................... ............................ 79 ]::. Greg Anderson, 41h Floor .. .. .. ...... .. ............. ............. 71
Delts (36) : C urtis 28, M eyers 3, Lo 13.000 kensga rd 3. 12.875 Eas tern C (29) : Larson 12, Boome r
6, Nordlllark +, Alban 3. 11.22 2
] 1. 11 1 ' Playboys (56): Selmann 18, Suncl 10.222
15, Hanson 12, Borrud 4, Thom]l 13·000
son 4. Hustlers (42): D. Yokers 20, J acob
12.857 son 10, Christman 6, Laird 449.875 14.200
11.500 9.17 1
16. Dave Boltcmiller, M-Squad ...... ................. ......... ...... 60
6 7 8 7
1 i . Larr)'
18. Or. Christianson, Western .. ................ ...................... 59
a ry Vestal, 4th Floo r ........ ...................................... 59
'arl Gronheg, Evergreen ....... ,................ __ ................ 69
H . J erry Evanson, 4t h Floor ...... ................. .. ................ . 6 7 ] 5. Prof. Steen, l'acu lty ............................. ...............__ .... 65
'Playboys' Hea ,(' League ace Team
•A' League Standings (through Feb. 2)
Page Five
r s P rfe t Dom · nates B' s
Third FI
.- - -
E stern, Defending
20. Warren Lee,
Eastern ....................... ......... __ ............ 60
~'I-Squa d
................ ... " ........ """"__ ",,... 58
THIS WE EK 'S "A" RESULT ' Eastern (-+6 ) : Ho\'ey 15, H agerman 11 ; M-Squ ad
(~ 8 ) :
Ratliff 9.
Fa ulty (70): Lun d!','<la rd 30, Steen 16 ; Tipp<.:rs (57) : Nunes 22 . b 'cnrrl'f'n (6 6): H aa la nd 20, R cpp 18; 1-th floor (.'it): Evanson 17·
3R D, Looa 8',: (bo:1< I. t , . \ lyn Getlis, E. Davis, Cu rl GeHi" and John Han son. (f' onl I. to r. J Gera'q Gallis , Marv Snail and Ken Knut18n . Not pictured: D. John son an d A. HO'genstad .
• I League Standi
.Feb. 2 )
PA 334
\'" tern "B" __ .________ .... " ......... .. ______ ....... __ ...__ .7
Evc"rgreen "B" ~. __ ._......___ .... __ ____ ____ ___ ______ ___ ..... 6
2 3
3rd Floor "Nads" ..________ ........____ .......... ______ ..__ 5
Eastern "B" .. -- .. --.------ ...__ ............ ~ ..... ... ________ ... 5 4 388 370
.55'5 IhscJn t " Bandits" .................. ____ ______ ____ .__ ... 2 6 346 376 .250
2nd Floor .. __ ---- .. -- ........ ----....-- ... --.______ ...... __ ..... 0 8 248 37~ .000
(through F eb. 2) Name and Team Tot. Pts.
1. D a rw),n Eikum, East. C ...... __ 178
2. Gary Sund, Playboys.. .____ ..... 160
3. J erry Curtis, De1ts........... __ ... 152
4. D a,'': Yokel'S, Hus tlcrs ..... ____ . 130 ID' League StandinCJs ( throuCJh Feb. 4 )
5. Eric Lindholm, R cbs__ ....__ ....__ 130
TEAM Woo Lost PF PA Pct. 6. Snard Hanson, Playboys .. ______ 116 4 473 406
7 . J ohn Jonson, R ebs .......... ______ 112 3rd Floor "Joes" --....__ ... __ ... __ .__ ...______ __ ...__ ....__ .6 4
458 457 .600
8. Jerry Larson, Eas t. C________ .... l03 Easte rn "Blue Devils" .... __ .. __ ....____________ .____ .__ 6 ht F loor "C" --..........____ .__ .____________ .__ .....__ .,, __ .4
6 514 451 .400
9. D arryl Ashpole, R eLs.. __ ____ ____ 97 7 401 490 .300
10. Mitch Billings, R elia bles .. ____ 96 5th Floor "Shamen" ______ ...... ____ .__________ .__ .______ .3
Basc ment "C" .-- ____ .. ____ .____ .... __ .. __ .. __ .. __________ __ .. 3
7 323 400 .300
1 L Gary Shaw, R et reads.. .. __ ...... 96 7 287 417 .222
12. D an Selmann, Pla yboys.. __ .... 86 E vergreen "Beach Bums" __ .____ ..__ ,, __ ,, ____ .______ 2
229 360 ·100
13· .Jim Laird, Hustlers______ ..__ ..____ 84 Faculty "Castoffs" ____ ... ____ ...... ____ .__________________ 1 9 1+. Bruce Borrud, Playboys __ ....__ 75
15. Bruc(' Bindel, Retreads__ .______ . 71 ID' League To 20 Scorers (thru Feb. 4 ) 16. J ack M eyers, Delts.. __ .____ ____ ... 64 NAME & TEA}! Tot. Pts. GP Ave. 17. K en Alban, Eastern C __ .. __ __ .. 63 10 1. Anderson, 5th Floor .---- __ .. ________________________ .______ __ ______ 195 19.500
18. H enry Flack, Reli a bles____ ______ 57
2. D ick ' chlen ker, Blue Dcvils ---- ----------------____ .__________ .138 9 ] 7 -55
19. Mik e H ealy, Vet5.. ____________ __ __ 55 3. A rvin Meye ,1st Floor "C" __ .__ .__ ..____ ...________ .. __ ____ ..153 9 17.000
20. On' Ja cobson, Hustlers.. ________ 52 4. ra nar, 5th Floor __ .__________________ .____________ .__ ... ______________ 138 10
13.800 7
5. ennis ' udal, 1st Floor "C" ... ____________________________ . 136 19.428
6. Gary, ' illkari, J oes __ ..______ ... ____________ ______ .____________________ 125 12·500
7. on j enson, Jocs ____ .____ .______________ ......______________ .____ .. __ .100 9 T h,' final results of the first round 11.111
8. Gill V iI., 1st Floor __ .__________ ....____________________________ .__ __ 96 8 (I f play, standings and sco ring, are 12.00
9 9. Bill Bates, n.,sement "C" ________________ .________________ .______ 93 posted on the I ntramural Bulletin 10.333
lU, Ken Edmonds, Basement "C" ______ ._________________________ 89 Board in the PE locker room of the 9.888
11. Jim Martin, Joes __________ __ __________ ____________ ...________________ . 77 10
gym. 7.700 12. Rod Cillo, Joes ________ .______ ... ____ ... ____ .______ ..__________________ 75 9
8.333 13. Chuck Zuber, Beach Bums ______________________________ ._____ . 66 9 7.333
14. Prof. Newell, Castoffs __ .____ ______ ...__________________________ .__ . 63 7
H. Dennis Harris, 1st Floor "C" ... ____ .__________ ... __ ..______ . 5':» 7 7.857 16. Prof. Winther, Castoffs ____ ____ ____ ....__ ..________ __ ..__ ...__ ..... 55 8 6.875
9 17. Bill K uder, Beach Bums .. ....____________________________________ 55 6.111
COLLEGE BASKETBALL 18. Bob Woodman, Blue Devils __________ .________________________ . 64 6 9.000
10 19. G. G. Gradwohl, Blue Devils __________ __ ______ ________ __ ____ __ 53 Season: 6 right, 1 wrong. 5.300
Perc entage: .857 20. Dick Latimer and John Martilla __ .____ ...__ __ .________________ . 45 7 6.428
January 21 st: THIS WEEK'S RESULTS Western over PLU by 7 points. 5th Floor (51): Farrar 20, Anderson 18, .Jacobson 6, Erikson 5. J anuary 27, 28, 30: Blue Devils (37 ) : Woodman 14, Lennon 8, Gradwohl 8, Peterson 4. PL U over Eastern by 13 points.
PLU over Whitworth by 5 points. .Joes (56): Jenscn 23, Nikkari 20, Fey 9, Waite 2, Condray 2.
PLU over Redlands by 9 points. Basement "C" (32): Ken Edmonds 16, Bill Batcs 14, Lon Harris 2.
February 3rd-4th: 1st Floor "C" (58 ): Gudal 30, Meyer 13, Vic 11, Robb 2, Johnson 2. PLU over Central by 8 points. Castoffs (29): Nomes 12, Peterson 5, Zulauf 6, Winther 4. PLU over UPS by 11 points.
,Joes', '0 vii ' Pacing '0' league
3RD FLOOR "TIPPERS": (batk I. to George Viegland, Brute Nunes, Doug MtClary, nd Mike MatDonald. (front I. to r.J Jatk Cotthi, ars Johnson, and Don Fossum. Absent: Nate Stime.
CjS( throuCJ
T EA!\I \\ on 3rd Floor " B" --.-- __ .... ______ ____ .. ________ :________________ 9
Page Six
Friday, January 20, 1961
Knights Seekin
nge at Western
Vikings Stop Knight Five
Junior Varsity Strong Tearn; Threatening in City League
Hoping to gain revenge for the defeat handed them last Saturday night on their home court, the Pa cific Lutheran cagers travel to Bel lin gham tomorrow for a return en gagement with the Western Wash in gton College Vikings. A hot scoring surge latc in the first half last weekend put the Vik ings out of reach of the Lutes as they raced on to a 77-66 triumph. It was the first defeat the Lutherans suf fered from a conference foe 011 their home floor in 37 gamcs. The loss was the Knights' third consecutive league beating and put them in a tie for the cellar of the Everg ree n Conference. Coach Gene Lundgaard had more bad news for Lute fans when it was learned that freshman Marv Fred rickson re-injured his knee in prac tice last week and will most likely be out of action for the remainder of the season. Lundgaard plans no changes in the starting lineup this weekend 50 Norm Dahl and Larry Poulson will probably be a t forward, Ralph Carr at Center, and Bruce Alexander and Dick Nelson at guard. EVERGREEN CONFERENCE STANDINGS PA W L PF Whitworth ....... .4 0 279 247 Western ............ 3 1 272 256 Eastern .............. 2 2 279 284 Puget Sound ...... 2 4 405 415 Pac. Lutheran .... 1 3 267 287 Central .............. 1 3 '157 270 Games This Week Friday- Whitworth at Central Washington. Saturday-Pacific Lutheran at W es tern Wash.; Eastern Wash. at Central Wash.
by Bob Rydland
Sure we have a good team this year but wha·t about the fu ture ? The answer to this question comes w'ith a tea m called the Junior Varsity or J.V.'s. The purpose of the J.V. team is to develop basketball players so they will be rea dy to step into a varsity position the following year. Coached by Mark Salzman, this year's J.V. team is d oi ng a
BOB JACOBSEN shows why he i. known for hi. jumping ability as he leaps to check a Western Washington shot in the game PLU dropped 77-66 last Friday evening.
Larry Poulson, Lute Forward, Studying for School Position Pacific LUltheran's visit to the Chico holiday tourney was orange delight to Knight forward Larry Poulson. "It was my initial trip to California and my first glimpse of palm trees. Bruce Alexander and I went on an orange picking hunt; how ever, the oranges turned out to be pretty seedy." Larry is a Shoreline High of Seattle grad, where he starred both on the hardwood, and on the pitcher's mound. He chose PLU on the basis of a desire for a Christian education. Currently in the school of education, Poulson eventually wants to teach elementary or junior high . His ultimate goal is a position in school administration.
Three Boxers Attending PLU
Jinxes are the perpetual bugaboo of sports, and the 6-5 junior has his share. "I call it the 23 jinx. My highest high school score was 23 points, and my best college night was a 23-point performance against Bu chans in my freshman year."
by Tom Krutch It is a shame that Pacific Luther an University does not have a boxing team, for if such an activity was in existence it is quite possible that we might have a very good team. Now living on campus are three students who have. great potential and could surely form the nucleus of a boxing team that could hold its own with other colleges of its size.
Larry Poulson
According to Larry, no one has his damper down over re ce nt Lute misfortunes. He rates UPS the best ball club they've played, and West ern the most aggressive.
COACH JIM GABRIELSEN and pitcher Ron Coltom talk over the coming season of the Pacific Lutheran baseball squad.
Baseball, Track Meetings Held With eyes turned toward warm spring days, baseball coach Jim Ga brielsen, and second t rae k coach Mark Salzman called their teams to gether to talk over the coming sea son. The baseball players and the track team listened to their coach as he explained the game schedule and training program for thc nearing season. Salz said that there would be a track meet every week starting the end of March and up until the con ference track meet whi ch is the last of the month of May. H e asked his track team to begin working out af ter the semester tcst and explained how important it was that they work hard at their individual event. This year's track team promiscs to be much stronger than last year's with many lettermen bae.k and some new freshman tale nt added. When Gabrielsen looked over the baseball players that answered the call for the meeting:, he saw many lettermen from last year's exception ally fine team. Gabe told the team that they had new uniforms and also a new assistant coach in Dr. Vigness, a favorite of everyone on our cam pus. There seems to be only a bright future for the 1961 edition of the Knight baseball team since they lost only one starter fro m last year's squad. It looks like a good spring for the athletic teams from PLU. All students interested in spring sports should contact either Mr. Ga brielsen or Mr. Salzman.
McNEIL ISLAND The Pacific Lutheran Junior Varsity basketball team three times a year ventures across the water of Puget Sound to meet the McNei l Island Vikings in City League basketbalL Most teams in the City League play on a home and home basis, but McNeil for many years has had the dis tinction of playing all basketball games On its home court. The team has high hopes of traveling some day but according to informed sources there is not much chance. If you haven' t guessed by now, McNeil Island is a Federal Penitentiary loca ted near Steilacoom, Washington.
Dick Johnson, a ISS-pound soph omore who also plays a wicked game of football, has had a great deal of experience in the ring and, as many fellows around school know, has a tcrrific right hand. Another football player who alsO) has great possibilities of being a grcat fighter is Keith Shahan, a freshman who hails from Marysvi lle, Washington. Kieth has onc victory behind him which any fighter would be proud of, whic h was the defeat of Quincy Daniels, last year's Olympic finalist. The third of these young athletes to excel in the sport of boxing is K cvin Thomas, a freshman from Is saquah, who seems to be good at every sport. Kev plays football, bas k etball, baseball, and participates in track.
fin e job in prese nting a team in the T acoma City L eague. PLU's J,V. team is made up of not only fresh men but also some upper c1assmen who are not on the first five of the varsity. Through its City league schedule the J.V. team gains expe rience which will prove invaluable to the members when they are r eady to take the floor as varsity players. The J,V. squad this year has some of the best bask etball talent to come out of the state of Washington. One of the mainstays has been big Jon Malmin, a six-foot, six-inch gradu ate from Franklin Pierce High . Jon uses both right and left hand well and rebounds with the bes t of them. Also adding strength on the backboards is Denny M cPoland, a good prospect who comes from West Seattle. Other members of the team are Mike Healy, Jim Henson, Al James, Kevin Thomas, Pete Van konynenburg.
McKeil has had many successful seasons in the last few years but this year is exceptional. It has won 21 games, lost 2, and is currently atop the Ta coma City League. It is led by two fine ball players, Lewis and Beriswan ge r, who are both averaging over twenty points a game. They are backed up by Jim (no last name), a fine defensive man; Jones, a great outside shot, and Satterwhite, who is a speed merchant. They are nicknamed the "Fiz Kids" because their coach, Cy Rubado, former Marquette University player, gives thc players "fizzes" after every game!!
RALPH CARR, Kn ig ht center, goes high into the air to grab a rebound in the game against University of Puget Sound.
ALL LUTHERAN BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT There is a chance in the future of havin g all the \cading Lutheran bas kdball teams in the nation get together for a Christmas Tournament. This is just in the thinking stage but we feel that it would be a huge success and should be staged if financially possible. Collegcs that could pla y arc: St Olaf, Concordia, Luther, Hamlinc and Lcnoir Rhyne, just to name a few . -the knife
St. Olaf Choir Concert
Sunday Night in CMS
Spiritual Emphasis Week Commences; Dr. Alvin N. ogness To Be Leader With th e theme, " The Lordship of C hrist in a Spa ce Agc," Sunday ma rks th e opening of Spiritual Em phasis W ee k under th leadership of Dr. Alvin N. Rog ness, president of Luther Theolog-ical Seminary in St. Paul.
Distant Places Represented
Visiting Mothers T his week end the ralllpus Will host about two hundred guests for th e Associated Women Students' Annual .\1othel's' W ee k,' nd. Toni ght a t 8:00 p.I11., mothers and da ughters will attend a talen t show u n d e r th e direction of Margery Kru eger.
Throughout the week, Dr. Rog ncss will base his chapel and evening talks to the student bod y around five sub-topics pertinent to religion III our contemporary society, often re ferreel to as the space age. Presents Question In the keynote sermon at Di\'ine Worship this Sunday, Dr. Rogness will present the challenging ques tion, "Is God Outd a ted? " Further topics will be Monday's "Is Space Man Different ?"; Tues day th e topic will be "Where Do YOll Mct't God? ": Wedn esday D r . Rogness will prese nt thf' question, " Why Does God Care?" and the concluding topic on Thursday is "What Does God Ask ?" An informa l service will be held
Shows TV System Tomorrow morning' the moth ers will be given a tour of the new tek \'ision system with Professor T. O. K arl as host ; a short invocation b y Presid ent E astvold ; a tour of th e studio; Vice-President Choe Peter son will give the university structure, followed by a demonstration kcture by Professo r Anderson. As a finale to the tOll I' a demon stration will be given of Knighttime with Jim Snyd er on news, John Han sel! on sports, a singing trio will pro vide l"ntertainment, followed by d e votions. This tour is d esigned to give the mothers an hour lon g glimpse into the everyday activities at PLU. Luncheon Pla ns Tomorrow at 12:30 a Mothl'rs' Luncheon will be helc!, featuring :t styl p show, and followed by a panel discussioll . T his eve ntis being planned by Doris Johnson. Saturday evening the mothers and dau ghte rs will be given a special sec tion of the gymnasium where they may watch the basketball game. Sunday's Events Sunday will be the Bible hour and Student Congr "gation at the re g'ulal times, and the St. Olaf Choir Con ce rt in the evening. This year's schedule has bee n pur posefully planned by chairman Vir ginia Lc e and her committee, in or der to allow extra time for the mothers to visit casually and see the part of college life they wish.
Dr. Alvin N. Rogness
Valengrams on Sale Once again the Spurs will be selling Va1engrams for Valen tine's Day. These will be deliv ered on Valentine's Day, during the dinner hour and, if not pos sible in the Cafeteria, they will be taken to the rooms or mail boxes of the redpients. T here will be three types of Valengrams, with different prices. Singing ones 15c, written 10c, and original ones, written by the sender, at Ic a word. Samples of what could be sent will bc posted where they are sold. Selling of Valengrams began yesterday and will continue to day, tomorrow, and next ~'Ionday and Tuesday, during the lunch and dinner hours in the CUB. at 7:00 p.m. each en' ning in the CMS chapel, M 0 n day through W ed nesday. To Lea d DC\'otions Dr. Rogne ss will lead the campus in d ~ vo tions on th e Mond ay evening tele"i sion program. Durin.'\' the rest of the we ek he will bt speaking at the \'ariotls dormitorie s during their evcuing d evotions. Anyone who wishes to mee t with Dr. Rogness may do so during the afternoon frolU I to 3, Monday thrQugh Wednesday, whe n he will be a\'ailable in room 125 in the Admin ist ra tion Building . Graduate of Augustana Dr. Rogness, a graduate of Au gustana Colloge and Luther Theo logica l Seminary, was awarded the honorary degrce of Doctor of Divin ity b ' Pacific Luth eran College in 1949 . In 1954 he became the presi den t of Luther Theological Semin ary.
PL Debate Squad a es wards Competing in Recent UPS Tourney
In tournamcnt competition with 26 schools the PLU d ebate team em~rged only four points behind the sweepstakes winn er, the University of Washington, at the University of Pugct Sound, February 2, 3 and 4. Debating the national question, Resolved: "That the Unitcd States ado pta p rogram of compulsory health insuran ce for all its citizens," Judy Sanncrud and Joan Maier took first place in Senior Women's De bate. In senior division individual events Zane Wilson too k second
The world-famous St. Olaf Choir of sixty "oiers from St. Olaf College in l' \ol,thfidd, Minne so ta, will present a choral conce rt in the C-M -S Sun day e\'C'ning. Their performance begino at 8:00 p.m., with an anmission of 75 cen ts for students and $1.25 for adults. Concert numbers are grouped in a four-l>"ut program. One s('ction will includ(' fa \ a rite chorale piece", such as Bach's "Jesus Pri celess Treasu rl." ." Another is mad e up of twentieth ce ntury psall I se ttings, and anoth "l , sele ctions fr o nl SC.l 0 a I hym ns, ca rols, a nd lit;urgica1 music. C lirwv 'n g- tll!' ~ vening will br' the hymn "Bea utiful S,.\\·ior," in d spec ial arrangement by th ,' director. Sunday's stop in P a rkla nd is part of the choil'"s an nua l tour o f three to four wee ks P"s t trips haH' taken the choir to Europe in 1955 ~nd Ic'da nd in 1957. ''''hen they f(·turn to i\ U1 l hfield on r'dJ ru a ry I S, they will ha"" tranlcd II1ruugh len states, includin " low;), Colorado. CAli fo rn ia, On gon, Montana and I\'orth D;)kota . Followin g th e concnt the choir will be (' nle r taincd at a reception in luis Knutze n and th en driVC' to Seattlt' for an eveni ng p n form a ne ".
place in Impromptu Speaking and third place in Interpretation . In junior division Kathy Wynstra plaetd first, Andrea H age n second, and Claudette Baker third, in Im promptu Speaking. Norma Dayhuff placed first in Intcrpretation. "The role of the Federal Govern ment i nth e regulation of Mass M edia" was the discussion topic. In junior division Rosalyn Foster placed first, Gordon Gray 5('cond, and An drea Hagen and Joan Maier tied for third.
The Veterans' Club is sponsoring a Valc>ntine ic e-sk ating party tomor row evening a t J 0:30 p.lI1. Th ere will b ' transportation leaving from ill front of the CUB, late lea ves from the dorms for the gi rls, and also door p rizes will be award ed. Cost will be forty cents p el' person or seventy-five cents a couple.
Toni ght'S campus movi e will be "Young at Heart," starring Frank Sinatra and Doris Day, plus a "~{r. Magoo" cartoon and a "Three Stooges film short. Show time will be 7:15 p .m. in Jacob Samuelson. Tomorrow evening the movie will begin at 10:15, in Jacob Samuelson, after the basketball game, fea turing "At War with the Army," with D ean Martin and J erry Lewis_
The Lady Lutes will be holding a pot luck dinner as their Valen tine party, on Tuesday, February 14, at 7:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Room of Trinity Lutheran Church.
American Friends Service Committee of Sea ttle is sponsoring a week end at Fircrest School for th(' Retard ed, on February 1 7through 19. S tu dents who attend will visit with childen and oldn men a nd women throu gh au t the school. Cost is $4.50, whi ch includes meals and lodging, and som e scholarships arc available. For more information or applications see Professor Richard Scott, A-2 22 .
An apolol/:y is due Vice-President Choe Peterson for the misspelling of his name in the last issue.
The Associa tcd Women Students arc holding thei r annual rummage ~al(: III Parkland , at 405 Garfield Street, on February 16, 17 and 18, from 9:00 ' a.m. until 5:00 p .m. Proceeds from this sale will b", uscn for scholarships. There should be many items, cSJilccially clothing in good condition, that students may b e interested in. General chairman of the' sa le is Ida Krogh; assistant chainnan, Pat Atterbury ; publi ci ty chairman, Joan Patterson. Dormitory chairmen a rc Carole Bybcr, Sout h ; Delores Rasmussen, Korth ; Linda Sa ther, West; JoAnn Chalk, Ivy ; an d Carol Robinson, Clover Creek, R ,'tsmussen and Stuen.
Pre-College Testing by the U n iversity of W ash ington will be held on campus tomorrow afternoon and morning in the CMS. Stud~ts from Puyallup, Orting, Sumner and White River high schools will be in cluded.
Social critic Vance Packard is giving a lecture entitled "The Cha.nging Character of th e American P eople," this evening at 8:00 p.m., at M eany Hall on the University of Washin gton ca mpus in Seattle. Admission is 85e. for students.
Father Kicholai of the Church of SI. Spiridon III Seattle, will be the featured speaker at the first LSA meeting of the sl'mcster, Sunday, February 1:l, at 7:00 p.m. in Chris Knutzen. His talk will be centered around an explanation of the theology of the Russian Orthodo. Church . Coffee will be served after the meeting.
"Lifeline USA," a film made for Mail Line Company, will be shown at thc Propeller Club meeting this coming' Wednesday, February 15, at 7:30 in the Jacob Samuelson Chapel. All business students arc urged to attend.
Page Two
Friday, February 10, 1961
Willing to Criticize Operating on the premise that students come to college to get an edu cation, as the new editor of the Mooring Mast, I am forced to make some changes in its publication. It seems strange that among a student body as large as ours, there are only a handful of people willing to work on the school paper, but such is the case. Dave Crowner, last semester's editor, tried to give the students the type and size of paper you should have, by inaugurating two additional p~ges. Unfortunately, the help necessary to put out this extra portion was available, but not willing, thus putting the work load on a few. Knowledge of this situation has forced me to realize that, under present conditions, a good six page newspaper is not possible, without needless sacri fice of study time on the part of staff members. This semester I and my staff will attempt to bring to you, the student body, four-page editions of the best we have to offer. If this cut in pages docs not meet with your approval I would be glad to discuss the situation with you, and welcome you to our staff, feeling that criticism in this case is a privilege of the willing. Ann Haggart, editor
Dear Editor:
Dear Editor: While in chapel the other day I was amazed to hear the administration announcing the $2.50 semcster phone charge. Whoever, I wonder, among us can afford twenty or thirty phone a lls off campus every month must have enough money to continue this extrava gant practice without much dent to his income or he would refrain from doing so. Viewed in the light of the relatively few students for whom this would be a boon, I tend to wonder if it isn't to assist the promotion of assets of this school, rather than to benefit the total student body. I am quite sure I am not alone when I say that it would take a bit of thought to arrange for the twcnty-seven phone calls necessary to the frugal individual to make this installation at least pay for itself, notwithstanding dividends! It seems to me in such few circumstances that would require this amount of outside calls (probably limited to special projects and committee work) a maximum of two of these phones per dormitory and a nominal fee of 25c per student per year would be a sufficient charge. After all, it is a dollar h ere and a dollar there, not one larger lump sum, which reduces the individual to ncar bankruptcy, leaves him wondering: "Now, where did that money go?" This is, unfortunately, true for most of the time. In closing, I might add that my prcvious words should be completely unnecessary. Thc only fair policy in an institution anywhere in this coun try, I would think, would be to refer the issue to the students for voting since it is we, not the administration, who will be footing the bill (with least benefits) in the last analysis. -Sandra Heireran
MOODING MAST Editor .................................................. ... ........................................ Ann Haggart News Editor.................................................................................. Alice Wenness Reporters: Deanna Hanson, Lavonne Erdahl, Rosalyn Foster, Margy Eash Feature Editor ................................................................................Ruth Walker . Reporters: Gordon Gray, Ann Schnackenberg, Dick Halvorson, Deanna Hanson. Sports Editor............................................................................,Mike MacDonald Reporte rs: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemiller, Ed Davis, Bob Howard, John Hanson, Gary Sund. John Fey. Intramurals Editor. .................................................................Gordon Gradwohl
Advertising Managers............................Donna Van Gilder, Eleanor Bousfidd
Circulation Manager................................................. ....................... Judy Kragh
Mailing............................Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson
Advisor............................................................................ _...........Mr. Milt Nesvig
The Mooring Ma.H is published weekly during the school year by the stu dents of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
Marv Tommervik's
PHONE LE. 7-0-:
LP's, Singles -
large selection at
325 Garfield Street
Free Bonus Records for Record Club Cards
World Politics Series
The World by Gordon Gray "The chess-board is the world, the pieces are its inhabitants, the rules of the game are what we call the I a w s of man. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is not always fair,just, and patient. We also know, to our cost, that he never overGordon Gray looks a mistake, or makes the small est allowance for ignorance." Since the world's political position is be eo min g so complex and because every move which the United States or the Soviet Union makes has its ramifications upon the precarious balance of world power, I think the time has come for us to re-evaluate our foreign policy and bring it up to date .
Solberg Presents Facts for Rumors Finals week is not famous for set ting chapel attendance records, and W'c dnesday, January 25, was no ex_ ception. However, sin ce Dr. Solberg, Dean of the Students, spoke in an effort to dispel the rumors flying around the campus, here are the facts before the handful of studcnts present start sp reading rumors about his talk on rumors! Listening to the coffee shop and dining hall tal , onc hears a vast amount of gripes and complaints about everythillg in general. How ever, none have been brought offi cially to the Dcan of Students of fice, stated Dr. ;Solbcrg. This means no one has bothered to find out the facts or to see w.h at could be done. Dr. Solberg stressed the responsi bility of each tudcnt as a most im portant factor. this responsibility is especially evident in the basic prob lems of rumors. Speaking specifically of a very controversial engagement party, Dr. Solberg statcd, "I hope you people will become mat u l' c enough not to believe rumors!" then he went on to give the facts. The get-together in question mad e a great deal of noise, as all who heard it know: Parkland residents as far as ten blocks away had complained at thc last party;' this time someone from the community called the po lice. The captain at the station gave the orders, and tire policeman who arrested the three students was do_ ing his duty only. The charges were dropped this time because the boys didn' t unde.rstand what could hap pen, but next time the Dean will not interfere. "You must be responsible for what you do!" advised Dr. Sol berg. To qurl another rumor: The coun ty department has warned the school that "No parking" signs in front of the dorms will be enforced. This is official and there is nothing the ad ministration can do about it. The county controls the roads and the county is tired of seeing its parking signs violated.
The Pieccs Africa, thc Middle East, Latin America, and Asia have all become pawns in our game, being attacked from both the East and the Wcst. A nationalistic tende ncy, intrinsic with in each of these areas, demonstrates it can be extremely important, es pecially in light of the fact that the underd eveloped component parts of power control two-thirds of the world's natural resources. I feel that it is quite remarkable that the Cummunists have been able to achieve the degree of success which they have in making countries subservient to them, but as I will show later on in this series, in each foreign country w h i c h the Com munists have been able to control, they have helped the people to bet ter themselves and naturally "a hun gry person rarely bites the hand that feeds him." Because of their long range strategy the Soviet Union will portray the bishops in our game. Of course wit h e\'ery attacker there must be a defender and this is the position which the United States and her allies h a v e relegated to thems(")ves, bcing like knights, hop ping all over thc board to try and stop an attack here, an offensive there. But let us not forgct that any piece on a chess board can attack and many a gamc has been won by a good move of the knight. Alliances since the first World War have come to play a leading role in the world and as we shall sec, both sides usc them and both sides havc their troubles with them; Rus-
Sla with Communist China and Yu goslavia, the United States wit h members of NATO, SEATO, CEKTO, and the Pan American pact. Alliances, however, are still qui te useful and will play the part of rooks in our game; the pieces with a long range effect, both offcnsively and defensively. The queens arc the most powerful pieces on thc board as is the eco nomic power of the East and West. Lenin in 1913 said, "Political insti tutions arc a superstructure resting on an economic foundation," and K l' U she h c v has contended con stantly that the Sovi et Union will sink the U. S. economically, and of course President Kennedy is push. ing for a faster economic develop ment for the United States. It might be said that the world's power hinges on an eco nomic battle. Next we have the kings making their one move at a time. This will be portrayed by thc Soviet Union and the United States' political and military power. Both are of conse quence but they arc still in thc back ground. Finale The last article in this sencs will be titled "Checkmate" and will be an attempt to decide who wins-if anyone. Will world peace or world destruction be the finale? George C. Marshall said, "If man does find the solution for world peace it will be the Illost revolutionary reversal of his record eve r known." But you know-it could happen. (The next article will be entitled "The Pawns").
, , by Roy Olson , Public Relations "I'm going to see the Dean and ask to be transferred out of that course. just don't get anything out of that teacher." I picked this up along the way as I walked across the campus oni'" day. It set me to thinking. Anything that can do that is all to the good. The thought came to me that the fault might not all be that of the teacher. It just could be that this student had a slightly mixed· up concept of what a teacher is for . He might have the same idea of a teacher as one student who defined -a class lecture in this manner: "The ·process by which the notes of the professor become the notes of the student, without passing through .the mind of either." I suppose there are teachers to be found whose concept of teaching does not go beyond that point. Let such a teacher havc Sl!ch a student, and certainly the process of learning becomes a deadening thing. Just soaking up information .
It is a part of the business of a te.ach!;r, of course, to supply informa tion. But that is not the chief end to be sought. The ultimate end in view for a real teacher is to raise a thirst-intellectual thirst, that· is. Becau5e that has not always been the result explains why too -many people complete a certain phase of fonnal education and evcrything: ends there. No curiosity has been aroused which stimulates to further thinking and reading. A teacher can ram -information down a student's intellectual innards, but he ean't ram homl! a thirst. There has to be a rcsponse on the part of the stu dent.. If you are having difficulty getting up any interest in a certain course from a certain teacher, you might ask yourself if you have just been an empty pail sitting there waiting for the teacher to turn on the faucet and fill you up. If so, and you fail to do something about it, you will find your self on graduation day nothing more than such a process should be expected to accomplish-all wet!
TOWNE HOUSE Donut Bar and Quick Lunch HOME-MADE PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today f~r Tomorrow
LAURINAT'S apparel
We Outfit Coeds OFFICIAL
PLU RINGS Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Extension 79
406 Garfield
Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7-0206 We D.liv.r
Friday, February '1 0, 1961
rieeeHt tHe
8amftetd- SfPnu
3rd Floor 'Joes' Top D's 3rd Floor B's Confident Of 'D' League Standings (thru today) Team W L 3rd Floor Joes .- ... _---------8 4 Eastern Blue Devils ----_ .. ----------- 7 5 1st Floor C -_._.-- .-- -_._._------._-- -_ .. _- 5 6 5th Floor Shamen _.-- ._---. _- ---- --_. 4 7 Basement C --- ..... ----- --.-- .. _---_.--._ .. 4 8 Evergreen Beach Bums 2 9 Faculty Castoffs _.-... _... _---._------.- 1 11 ___ .0 ____ _
PF 509 486 582 448 392 348 229
PA 431 485 487 531 473 519 364
Pet. .666 .583 .454 .363 .333 .181 .083
'D' League Top 20 (thru today) Name and Team Tot. Pts. 1. Anderson, 5th Floor ...... ....... ....... 211 2. Dick Schlenker, Blue Devils ..... .. . 171 3. Arvin Meyer, 1st Floor C ....... ..... 163 4. Farrar, 5th Floor .......................... 162 5. D ennis Gudal, 1st Floor C ........... .l58 6. Gary Nikkari, Joes .................. .... 129 7. Ken Edmonds, Basement C ........ 111 8. Gill Vik, 1st Floor C .................... 108 9. Don Jenson, Joes .......................... 105 10. Bill Bates, Basement C ................ 93 11. Jim Martin, Joes ............. .......... ... 88 12. Rod Cillo, J oes ...... .... ............ ...... 7.5 13. Dennis Harris, 1st Floor C ..... ..... 67 14. Chuck Zuber, Beach Bums.......... .. 66 15. Bill Kuder, Beach Bums .............. 63 16. G. G. Gradwohl, Blue Devils ...... 60 17. Jon Kvinsland, Beach Bums ........ 57 18. Pro£. Winther, Castoffs ............ .... 5'5 19. John Martilla, 1st Floor C .... ...... 49 20. John Kelly, Blue Devils ...... ........ 45
GP 11 10 10 11 8 11 11 9 10 9 11 9 8 9 10 11 10 8 8 9
Aye. 19.18 17.10 16.30 14.72 19.75 11.72 9.10 12.00 10.50 10.33 8.00 8.33 8.37 7.33 6.30 5.45 5.70 6.87 6.12 5.00
THIS WEEK'S RSULTS 5th Floor (47): Farrar 24, Anderson 16. Basement C (41): Brown 14, L. Peterson 13.
BTitle, Western B's Sour With four games remaining, the 3rd Floor B's have assured th emselves a share of the B Leagu e crown if not all of it. Sporting th e big 11-0 record they have com pletely domina ted league play thus far. Th ei r cross -hall rivals, the Nads, came within two points of dropping them early in th e season and two other clubs have come within four points of an upset, but to no avaiL Western B, 3rd's toughest competitor this season, h ave fall en by th e waysid e since the loss of their good
samaritan Cap Peterso n midway throu gh the season.
Western is struggling to hold on to second place where th ey have res ted all season.
'B' League Standings (thru today) W Team 3rd Floor B ........................ 11 Western B ... --_ .. _-- -----_ .-----------. 8 3rd Floor Nads -------.------_ ... -- _. 7 Eastern B -----------_ .._._--_ ... _.----- 7 Evergreen B ---------_._----- --------- 6 Basement Bandits _... --------_.-.-. 4 2nd Floor Losers .--------_ .-.------- 0
Name and Team Tot. Pt5. Dave Eyans, Western B .............. 202 Jerry Redburg, Eastern B ........... . 199 Gerald Gettis, 3rd Floor B ........ .. 144 Jim Eller, Nads ............................ 119 Erv Marlow, Western B .............. 109 Rog Bakken, Evergreen B ........... . 96 Roy Kalla, Western B ................ 96 Bill Peterson, Bandits .................. 94 Gregg Hatton, Nads .................... 91 Bob Anderson, 2nd Floor ............ 88 Marv Snell, 3rd Floor B .............. 82 Gary Jonson, Bandits ...... ............ 77 Curt Gettis, 3rd Floor B _. ... 66 D. Johnson, 3rd Floor B .............. 65 Terry Larson, Nads .................... 60 Schoenberg, Eastern B ................ 59 Ken Knutzen, 3rd Floor 8 ............ 58
Frank Lehman, Evergreen B ...... 55
Loren Hildebrand, Eastern B ...... 53
Jim Boeshans, Bandits .................. 51
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
League Standings (thru PF 643 500 622 541 420 461 415 436
'C' League Top 20 Scorers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ,7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Name and Team . Tot. Pts. Gary Suild, Playboys .................... 196 Dave Yokers, Hustlers .:.............. 192 Eric Lindholm, Rebs .................. 156 Mitch Billings, Reliables .............. 133 Jim Laird, Hustlers ..................... . 125 John Johnson, Rebs .................... 122 Jerry Larson, Eastern C .............. 1l6 Dan Selman, Playboys ........... ... .... 115 Daryl Ashpole, Rebs .................... 113 Ken Alban, Eastern C .................. 103 Gary Shaw, Retreads .................. 98 Bruce Bindel, Retreads ................ 89 Bruce Borrud, Playboys .............. 89 Jack Meyers, Delts ...................... 82 Mike Healy, Vets ........................ 75 Henry Flack, Reliables .......... ...... 67 Ar" Logensgard, Delts ................ 55 Ed Katz, Vets .............................. 54 Jim Geise, Retreads ................ ~ ... 51 Paul Flatness, Eastern C .. ~ ..____ ____ 49 u
GP 11 13 12 11 13 12 12 11 11 12 9 9 10 10 11 9 9 12 10 13
Ave. 17.81
10.27 8.58
9.88 8.90
8.20 6.81
. . . . . . . . . . ..
Golf Balls
Ave. 18.36 18.09 14.40 10.81 9.90 . 13.70 10.66 9.40 8.27 12.57 9.11 8.55 8.25 6.50 8.57 5.36 7.25 6.11 5.88 5.66
'A' League Standings (thru Today) Team Won 3rd Floor Tippers ...... -."._ ..... _- --_._------. 8 Eastern Parkland -_.------- ----- ----------------- 7 Evergreen Court ---- ._._-._ -----_.----._-_._---_ .. 7 Western Parkland .-----._-----------_ .. _------ ._- 6 J,'aeulty -._-------------_ .. _---------_. -._--" .----- _.- .. 6 3rd Floor M-Squad ._- --_. _.. _._ ----------.--.- 5 4th Floor .__.-------- ........ _----_.-------- -----_ ._.-- 4
Season: 12 right. 1 wrong, for .923
LE. 1.. 0761 •4
U •
U •
4 •
Parkland Triple XXX
Wash 20c, Dry 10c
12171 Pacific Avenue
February 10th & 11th: PLU over Weste by 3 points. PLU over Western by 11 points. 1M BASKETBALL
Lost 3 3 4 4 5 6 6
Pts. For 693 513 615 465 513 481 443
Pts. A. 551 429 601 464 524 429 474
1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7. 11. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Name Team Tot. Pts. Roger Reep, Evergreen .......................................... 221 Gene Lundgaard, Faculty ...................................... 195 Jack Cocchi, Tippers ............................................ 149 Doug McClary, Tippers ........................................ 141 Dave Haaland, Evergreen ...................................... 140 Ron Hanna, Eastern ............................................. . 130 Gene Schaumberg, Western .................................. 118 Bruce Nunes, Tippers .............................. .............. 117 Roy Hagerman, Eastern ........................................ 114 Ron Hovey, Eastern .............................................. 108 Jerry Poppin, 4th Floor.. ........................................ l02 Nate Stime, Tippers .............................................. 86 Jim Gabrielsen, Faculty ........................................ 78 Prof. Steen, Faculty ................................................ 76 Dave Sovde, M-Squad .......................................... 76 Ors Christianson, Western .................................... 75 Dave B<>UeT11Ht.-r, 'I-Squ ad .. ....._......." ...... _. __ .._. i2 AI Johnson, M-Squad ............................................ 71 Mark Salzman, Faculty ........................................ 67 Gary Vestal, 4th Floor.. .......................................... 67
GP 10 9 10 11 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 8 9 10 11 9 S 11 9 9
- .GO
Only those individuals who have played in at least eight game~ are in cluded in the "Top Twenty." Forfeited games are not counted in figuring averages, but do count towards participation. A player, from now on, must participate in at least 80 per cent of the league games to be included in the top 20 scorers.
We're Only 113th in Size* But
Our Selector Policy
Is Rated No.1
According to a recent independent com.. parative study of life insurance policies Lutheran Mutual's Selector Policy tops the $10,000 ordinary life class in aver.. age payment and average cost. Top..flight competitive policies like the Selector are one of the reasons our representatives enjoy working for Lutheran Mutual. One of the very lowest lapse ratios in the entire in dustry attests to the fact that our select clientele are sold on Lutheran Mutual too! Now more than $575,000,000 Insurance In Force and headed for another record· breaking ycar!
Season: 24 for 36, for .666
Sat., Feb. 11 th: Tippers over 4th Floor Western over Faeulty Evergreen over Eastern Tues., Feb. 14th: Evergreen over M..8quad Western over 4th Floor Tippers over Eastern
Pet. .727
'A' League Top 20 Scorers (thru Today)
G. G. Gr3dwohl
G. G. Gradwohl
GP 11 11 10 11 11 7 9 10 11 7 9 9 8 10 7 11 8 9 9 9
The 3rd Floor "Tippers", who dopped two in a row the week before finals, have come baek strong to sneak in front of Eastern for th e first place berth. With overwh elming wins last week over Evergree n (96-48), and Western (90-72), th e elbow benders have placed four of their starters in this wee k's top twenty. With three games remaining in league play they
have yet to fa ee second place Eastern (who edged them 43-42 in the 1st
round ) , last place 4 th Floor, and th eir arch-rival the 3rd Floor "M-Squad"
(who dumped the Tippe rs 48-37 in their 1st game). It is nOw mathemati
cally possible for the championship to go to any of the sevcn teams, but
realistically speaking th e Tippers, Eastern, Evergree n and Western are the
principle contenders,
BANDITS (49 ): Bill Peterson 16, Mike Thompson 9, Tom Alden 8, N. Christianson 8, D. Samuelson 4. EASTERN B (47): Jerry Redburg 24, Loren Hilde bra nd 9, John Hayward 6, Jampsa 6.
DELUXE BURGER in a bas ket with fries _________ _
119th and Pacific Avenue
Pet. 1.000 .666 .636 .583
Page Three
3rd Floor 'Tippers' Lead A's Into Semis
3RD FLOOR B (61): G. Gettis 19, C. Gettis 11, M. Snell 9, A. Hokenstad 8, D. Johnson 6. WESTERN B (38): Dave Evans 22, McDonald 6, Roy Kalla 4 , Eaton 4, Erv Marlow 2 .
THIS WEEK'S 'C' LEAGUE RESULTS Playboys (51): Sund 20, Selman 10, Borrud 8. Eastern C (31): Alban 12. Reliables (38): Billings 14, Flack 10. Hustlers (36): Dave Yokers 16. Eas~ern C (50): Alban 15, Larson 9. Vets (48): McLean 18, Corey 16. Hustlers (47): D. Yokers 16, Jacobson 11. Delts (17): Jack Meyers 6.
PA 413 523 424 509 362 452 476
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. today) 17. 18. PA Pct. 409 1.000 19. 489 .750 20. 565 ;642
479 .500 NADS (3 0): Jim Eller 11, Terry Larson 6, Dan Bee-
526 .333 520 .307 the! 6, Gregg Hatton 3.
447 .230 2ND FLOOR (28): Gary Stubbs 10, Duane Johnson 8,
535 .153 Jordon 4, Niemi 4 .
Unbeaten Playboys Head C's Team W L 4th Floor Playboys .................. 13 0 Evergreen Rebs ... :............... ..... 9 3 Eastern C ................................ 9 5 4th Floor Hustlers ' .................. 7 7 Eastern Retreads ................ .... 4 8 Western Vets ..... :.................... 4 9 2nd Floor Reliables ........ ........ 3 10 Delta Hall Delts ...................... 2 11
PF 562 630 453 571 367 421 309
'B' League Top 20 (thru today)
Joes (34): Martin II , Condray 8, Jensen 5. Beach Bums (25): Kud er 8, Kvinsland 6, Lessley 5.
L 0 4 4 5 5 7 11
• Insurance in For"" January 1. 1960
COMPANY ,. . .
Friday, February 10, 1961
Knight:s Meet: West:ern In Vit:al Series
Second Place Vikings
Meet nights Twice
Western Wa shington's second place Vikings will attempt to bait PLU's resurgent Knights this w eekend. Tonight the Lutes are on foreign so il up in Bellingham. Saturday the Lutherans host the Nordic invaders. Battle time for both games is 8 p .m_ The Vikings held tenaciously on to the runner-up berth after a split last week. UPS belted the Westerners 67-59 Friday_
Dick elson
Sparks Lutes
NORM DAHL, who was expected to be out of action for several weeks with a broken
finger, drives around his defensive men and scores two points in the Redland game.
Wearing a heavy bondage, Dahl proved to be one of the outstanding players of Ihe
conlesl. The Knighls won Ihe game 97 10 80.
The day you know yo~ must provide
Largely res poll,i bl e for th e Lutes ' last fi w' stra ight victories after a mid-season s I u m p h as been the strong perform an ce of 5-11 starting guard, Dick K ebon. " X elli c," who has been an outsta ndin g defensive player and hustl er all season, has shown goo ds co rin g p otenti a l, hitting in double fi gures in every game of the latest PLU winning streak . " -"ellie," a sophomore a t PLU, raduat ed fro In Ri chla nd H i g h School where 11t: w as a star, two '. etter winner in both baseball and basketball and a m ember of Rich land's state AA Tournam ent team. Dick is the third m ember of the Lutes' startin g fiv e who is married, having married a hom etown Rich land girl last summ er . Di ck is a pre dentistry major , plannin g on con tinuing his edu ca ti on at the Univer sity of Washington . H e lists fishin g, huntin g, bowlin g and golf among his many outside interests. With the important Western seri es coming this wt'ekend, "Diaper Dick" or "Baby-faced 1\ elson," as he is called by fans, may cause the Vik ings consid erable grief if his per forman ce continu es to help the Lutes improve on th eir 5-4 league record and chan ces to recapture the Ever green Confe rence Crown . Dick, here pictured at the right, d rives for a lay-in and two points in a recent game with Redlands.
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Please furnish me: o details about lutheran Brotherhood life Insurance
Stop in and find out more about this finan cial a ssistance program specially designed to help students complete their college education.
league Sta ndings Getting Tig hter EVERGREEN CONFERENCE STANDINGS W L P F PA
Whitworth -----. ....... 7 3 676 622
Western Wash. ...... 6 3 61+ 563
Pacific Lutheran .... 5 4 595 613
Eas tern Wash ......... + 5 580 59 8
Pu ge t Sound .......... 3 6 608 618
Ce ntra l Wash. ........ 3 7 649 708
Basketball Statistics Pts. Alexander ........ 183 Dahl ............... 157 Carr ................ 140 Poulsen ._ -- .... 140 Nelson ............ 101 Jacobsen ----- ... _- 89 Fredrickson "" 28 Stanley ----- ... _-_. 17 Malmin ....... ..... 9 Healy -- --. 7 McPoland ._...... 2
37 34 27 32 26 32 :1 13
5 4
PL U ........... ....872 216 571
Opponents ...... 834 263 588
The Olympic Gam es ha vc represented athletics sin ce th eir ori g in in anci ent Greece. Th e parti cipa nt in th ese events did so solely for the action a nd stimulation that such competition offered. Mon~tary gain was not th e; Jl1 0tivating force. It is interestin g to note that th e dis continua tion of the Olympics in 394· AD was marked by athletes receiving mon ey for competing
A leyu ! reser .. LIFE INSURANCE society. 701 Second Ave. So., Minneapolis 2, Minn.
FRER full-color reproduction (18" :t: 241t) of },{arlin Luther window ideal
for {ranting. Mail coupon now.
Th e PLU Ski School bega n cl assrs at White Pass last w eeke nd with a turnout of about 30 students. Mem be rs of th e PLU rac in g team a re tht ' illstl'U ctors, and th f'y ;11''' offl Tinc; th eir knowled ge and help to beg in n(' l'S, int crmeditc, and expe rt sk icrs a lik e. If you are intncstcci in j oin in " thl~ 50 odd Lutes who hav e a lr L'a dy si gncd lip for the lesson s, con ta (: l Anti c Einmo or Keith Childs. It is d efinitel y not too late to bc~i n ; six III0 I' lesso ns are scheduled bl'lwet 'll now a nd l\b rch 2:'. a nd if yo u br: gin thi s Saturda y you will ("T n hm (~ two lessons b"fore thc Winter C a r !liva l a t Mt. Hood. So, don ' t pass up this ch a n ce for some cxcell en t ('x cr ci~e in the clean air of th e lll oun ta ins. Ask someone who is in d w group- that should help you d ccide
Financial Aid for Athletes-
Good or Bad for Athletics?
$13,000* in cash.
Because you are a Lutheran,
Back on th eir home floor they crun! bled cella r dw ellin g C entral, 95-69. W es tern has been the p('ITlwial spoiler the pas t two years for the Kni ghts. L ast yea r' s squad toppl ed our cha nce a t th e national tou r m' ), ill th t' league pl a yoff. This yea r'. northerners tagged the Lutes for th eir first loss in 38 home genn es, 77-66. Th ey repeated th e victory with a 68-5 3 sh ella cking of the Lutes on th e Vikin g maples. Coa ch Lund gaard figurl's to pincl' th e Viking a rmour in the weekend twosom e. W es tern' s aggressive game is led by talented sophomore H er man Washing ton, a nd Jim Riseland. P ac ifi c Luth e ran is c urrently ridin g the cres t of a five game winning strea k.
Ski School For Students
J______________________________________ ~~ free reproduction of Martin luther window :
Somewhat in contrast to this ideal art' today's college athletics and the wid ely publi c ized amounts of aid given to participating athl etes. In some cases, thi s a id has proved harmful a s some play,ors will tum out or partici pate in sports for the money alon e, not a ctually enjoyi n g th e cOlllpetitio n. Susp endin g all aid would elimina te them, but it would also exclud c the con scientious coll ege prospect who wants an education, but needs some finan cial h elp. Aid a ccording to need, with excesses (convertibles, et c.) gone, could be a m ove to alleviate the ba sic probl em-"play_for-pay" sports- -also instru ct in g even the star player in th e nec essary lesson of earnin g his way. Athletes would be lik e other students, choosing th eil school primarily fo), the worth of thc institution and the preparation offncd th ere for later life. The caliber of the faculty (of course, the skill of th e coac hes) would be a greater factor than the aid they would receive. Althou gh many players arc in sports for the thrill they re cei,"c from competin g hard, the above me ntioned proposal is in agreelllcnt with mem y schools of thou ght who wish to keep college athletics from any possibility of degeneration into professionalism. With aid reduced to minimum need, the competition could be protected to remain on the level where- athlett;5 strive for the highest jump or the longest throw rather than the longest car or the highest bank account.
~rqooI on
3Remetnher '
~tt511inBton '£
FRI DAY, FE BRUARY 17, 1 96 1 -
tJii il1 hu tl
South Hall will be going to Madi gan Army H ospita l toni ght to tain the patients.
1: 1 I' ,
New hair driers were installed in)/o r tb , \\ e't, an ' outh Halls :md hy Court last ,\eek. There are three d riers e:l.dl i N orth, W I , and utb and On in vy. The cost is ten cents for ten m in u tes. TH E SEATTLE SYMPHONY , appoaring above, will p resent a con'"
Seatt le Symphony
ext: Wednes ay l.~nd(' r
tIl(' direction of }Y[ilton Katims, th, ' Seattle Symphony Or ("he. tra will p resent its a nnual _\rti st cr ies perfo rmanc.e at l' LU VI'('dnes day, F" bruary 22, at 8: 15 p.m. • ow in its 56th 'car, the Symphony em ploys 86 h iR bly skill ed musi cians and will be heard in 90 concl' r ts this ea son. Nation ally, it is considered one uf the 100s t flourishing of the 25 major orchestras in the countlY. This is a far cry from the days wh en pion eer in g music lovers of Se attle oganized a small orchestra with Harry West as conductor. The or chestra mo,·~ d into its first theatre in 1908, was awarded a Gold Medal at the California Paci fi c Internation ai t:xposition in 1~ JJ , broadcast na tionall y during the ycars followin g , and has sin c e taken its music throughout the Pacific Northwest. Katims' Seventh Season The Sea ttle Symphony has per. fonned under till' baton of many dis tingu ish ed conductors; nn'er has it had such effective musical guidance as that pro"id ed by Milton Katims. Kow in his sC\'l:nth season with the Symphony, MI-. Katims has built th e orchestra into one of the top musical organizations in the nation and has work(' d tirel essly in behalf of Wash in g tonState's cultural life as a whole:.
The Children's Theater, under the direction of Eric Nordholm, has slated :M ark Train's "Torn Sawyer" as its sprin g production, which will be presen ted March 9-11 and March 16-18. "Tom Sawyer" contains one of th t' largest casts of all the chil d ren's plays don t' thu s far :I t PLU. In th. · rolf's of the 20 characters of the children's play will be the foUowin g cas t and their parts: Ar d~n Flom, TOI11 Sawyer; Kristina Pernu, ,\unt Polly; Bill T. Zier, Sid Sawye r ; Chris Halvorson, Ben Rog ers; D a ryl Ashpole, Huck Finn ; J erry Dietz, Joe Harpcr; Liz Kroll, Bec ky Thatcher; Ed Velure, Muff Pottt"r, John Fcy, Doc Robinson; John Paul son, Hooper; Roger Stromme, the Sheriff; Don Myre, the Minister; Elaine Everette, Ministers' wife; Joy
vening at
Born in ?'lew York of IIungarian :ll1d Ru ssian par('h tagp, Katims beg~,n rhe study of p iano and violin at ~ln early age . Later, he transferred to th e \'iol a, "bee usc it mad e i t pos . ibk fur mc to play in ureh 's tms ... th erefore gi" in g me: an oppo rtunity tu study conducting and condu ctors first hand." Whil e thus ouserving dif fc ~<' nt co nrlu ctors ' techniques and cons tantly studying scores, he was becoming unc of America's outstand ing "iola players, appearing often with the Budapest Quartet and rec ordin.os for Columbia Rccords. Ka tims was appointed to the Mutual Broadcasting Company in 1935 as solo viola and conductor. Katims Played Viola He pl aye d fOI' 10 years on the first "iola desk of the Toscanini orches tra, while also engaged as staff con du ctor of the National Broad cas ting Company. His success was so imme diate that Toscanini im'ited him to g ues t-conduct his own N.B.C. sym· phony in more than 52 nationwide broad casts. Milton Katims has conducted sym phony orchestras in Barcelona, Brus sds, an d Paris in Europe, and the Israel Philharmonic. His guest con ducting in America has included the orch estras of Detroit, Houston, Port land. Buffalo, summer engagements
Schnathorst, Widow Douglas; Elean or Bousfie ld, Mrs. Thatcher; Bill Brooks, Mr. Harper; Mary Grover, Mrs . Harper. March 16, 17 and 18, Alpha Psi Omega will present its annual thea· ter-in-the-round play, This year's produ ction, directed by Fred Bindel, will be "Antigone," a mod ern adap tation of the Grcek tragedy by J ea n Anouilh. In the tradition of expel'i 1l1cntal theater, whi ch Alpha Psi has carried out in su ch past productions as "\Vaiting for Godot" and "The Cherry (lrchard," "Antigone" will bt' done in m odt'rn dress with experi mental make-up by Zan e: Wilso n . A third major production is sched ulPd for May. According to Mr. T. O. H. Karl of the speech depart· ment, this play has not as yet been chosen pending the possibility of brin gin g in an outside star. Whether a professional actor can be securcd or not will determine what the selec tion will be and when it will be pre sented.
and with the Grant P ,lt'k Symphony of Chicago. 111
Program Suits All Tastes P romisi ng to suit all tastes, the prO'!1':1m includ es "Tragic O ve rture," by l ra hms ; "Pleasure Dome of Ku bla K h:In," "Don Juan," Stravin. skys " Petrouchka;' a nd th e famous walt z, "'Wine, 'N omen and Song," by J ohann Stra uss . Followin g the pro g ram there will be a re ception in the Chris Knutzen Fellowship Hall.
ALC Sponsors Student Confab n tv\ar h 3
Drama Department Plans Three Plays;
'Tom Sawyer' Begins Run on March 9
Preparations arc now underway for the three m a j 0 r productions which have bf'en scheduled for the coming semester by the PLU Drama Departmen t.
Wednesday n igh t In the e MS as an Artist Series Event.
The American Lutheran Church Student Confe rence will be held March 3-5 at Conc ordia College, :\100rhead, Minn ·sota. The theme will be "Christ and Culture- Rcal ity or Illusion." The three areas of in teres t to be covered viII be: J our nalislJl, Campus Rdi g ious Life, and Politics and th e Campus. Anyone d esiring furth cr informa tion ca n read what is a\ ailable in the Student Body Office. 1. The Student Body will help to se nd three delc ga lcs- une to repre sent each of the three major areas. 2. Anyone who could pay his own way is cncouraged to attend. 3 . Those applying' as delegates should write a few sentenc es tellin g why they would like to go, how they feel they could contr ibute to the dis cussion group at the conference, and finally how they would contributt: to the school on their return. 4. These papers should be turned in to the Student Body Office not later than February 20th. 5. Those attending should be will in g to pay some of th ei r own ex· penses if ne c('ssal,)'.
Notice, Clubs. Etc. . tories for "To the Point" col_ umn should be in the Mooring M ast office not late r than Mon· day cvening of each week to be in the following Friday's edition. Organiza tion rep resentativcs may phone in their information or drop it off at the ~'Iooring Mast office. The Mooring Mast would es· pecially appreciate infor ma t ion abo u t the special activities of your organization.
There will be a transfer students firesid e from 8:00 to 9:10 this Su nu ay c\'cni ng at Mi ss Wi ckstrom's home, 769 South W heeler.
T he first L nten Ser vice will be held in th CM,_ nr xt Tueroay at 7:00 p.m., by thc Student Con gregation. -:t
.<\ Rumm3.p;e Sale being sponsored by th " Associated Women Stucl~nts IS continuing throu gh tomorrow at thc old McKcwen Studio on G ariidd Street.
NIL Roy E.
\son, Dircc tor of Public R elations, is n IH eomp1ctlD!ot his tent h yea r in that office. D urin g th at time he has driven the qw~'3l n t f 10 times around the world selling tudl'n ts on th e ide of coming 10 Padtic: l .utheran Unibersity. During the next two m ntbs he will be speaking a total of eighty-four timcs in towns and cities fr om the Canadian border to San Diego, California.
Tonight's campus mOVI is "Ml'. Bcl\'edrre Goes to College," starTIng Shirley Temple and Clifton W ebb with J eff Chandle r . It is produced b 20 th Century Fox and is about a versatile baby sitter working his' way through colle ge . It will be shown in the J acob Samuelson chapel.
* Tomorrow night's campus, movie is "The Fugitive," starring Fond a. This is abou t a doubting priest in a n authoritarian state wh the courage oi renewed laith when he's betrayed dunng hiS iiight al cHted by the police. This will also be shown in the Ja cob Samuel<!on
Th e Philokalea ns a re having their s('cond potluck dinner on rJ Feb. 24, at th e home of Dr. and Mrs. Vi g ness, 1110 Sou th Wheeler, at,6:00 p .m. Mrs. Lois Mortens!"ll , LE. 1-1433, is chairman of the dinner. Miss Emily Sholseth is the new Worship Chairman for the g roup. Sh ~ rep laces Mrs. Barba ra Rundquist who is doing her student teachin (£ t h i ~ sprin g SClncsteL
ighSchools Present ne-Acl Plays
Today in Alpha Psi Omega Festival
All students are invited to attend the High School One-Act Play Fes tival sponsored by Alpha Psi Orne a, F ebmary 17 and 18 in CB-200. Alpha Psi Omega, the national dramatic honorary on the campus, presents the fcstival evelY year to create a g reater interest in drama and dramatic lit erature , and to givc nei g hboring high schools a chance to observe the progress of 0 the I' schools in this field. The twelve high schools rep resent ed this yea l' will present virtually twelve different kinds of comcdies, from Anton Chckoffs "The Boor" to No e I Coward's" ' UlTl!'d Oa k. ' Th ese arc R enton, Orting, Clm'er Pa r k, Federal W ay, F ranklin, South Kitoap, Bellevue, Bothell, V 'lshon, G a rfield, Sela h and K elso. All of the plays are being stag'cd in the Th ea ter-in-the -Round. They arc eadl thirty minutrs lon g, fol lowe . by a fifteen minute critique ,i" en by Profcssor Thcodore O. H. K arl, chairman of the speech d epart m ent. Arra ngeme nts have been made for the 113 participants to st ay in the dormitories Friday night. Frcd BindAl, co ntest director, says, "We fecI the bcnefits high school students gain from working and per·
forming with 0 the r high school drama departments, as well as thr. introduction these studcnts receive to our campus, make the festival well worth Alpha Psi's time and effort."
Lenten Services
Begin Tuesday
On Tuesday, February 2 1, th first of a series of Lenten Sen·ices will be hdd on the PLU campus. Officiating at the 7:00 p .m. service will b Pa:,tor John Larsgaard. A ll of these servic es will be held in th ' CMS and all will b g-in at 7:00 p.m . T h e second of th is series will be hdd on W r dnesday, Ma rc h 1, wi t astor S. M. Moe officiating; thL third on W't'c1n csday, March 8, fea· turin g R ev. C. K . Mal m in j the fourth Tuesday, Mal'. 14" with Pas t or Larsgaard; and the finai service on W edn esday, 1brch 22, again fea turing Pastor Moe. To allow time fol' studying in the evcnin g, the services will last a bout one-half hour. Faculty members a n: invited to attend these services a w ell as all students. Through the effort and talent of Dan Erla nde r, special bulle tins will be in use at each of the services.
Page Two
Friday, February 17, 1961
Real Faith Shown
In'Question Seven'
• • • Toward Better Things
Culture, enjoyment and education intertwine and reinforce each other to develop the greatest potential of a student. This benefit could be cn hanced by extending to an activity on our campus; the campus movie. This event does serve a definite purpose and has value, but would be of even greater worth with a few innovations. Although such films as "Young at Hcart" and "Dial M for Murder" may afford light enjoyment for thc moviegoer, culturally they contribute little towards one's education. The college campus could be the one, and in many cases the only, place where students arc exposed to some of the "beHer" films produccd, especially those with a foreign flavor. Usually only large cities al'e able to find a suf ficient public to make the showing of them self-supporting, thus the re sponsibility falls to colleges to providc this opportunity that affords the stu dent not only enjoyment, but cultural and educational advantages. This could be accomplished by devoting one night, say Friday, to so called "arty" or foreign films, and the other evening to the popular type. Such movies as "Wild Stawberries" or "Oedipus Rex" are thoroughly en joyable, yet of infinitely more real value than just a few moments of pleas ure afforded by secular films. Both of these types of films have a place, but cultural advancement should not be neglected, as is now the case. I hope this editorial will urge the Campus Movie Committee to look into the possibility of bringing a more cultural variety of films to a "mature" student body. Ann Haggert, editor
This time we want to get personal. While we are quite sure that other departments would want to say "Amen" to what we are about to say, we are speaking now for the Public Relations Department. The Public Relations Department of any institution or organization is proverbially the dumping ground for every non-routine job that comcs along. We are not complaining. That is a part of our job. What we want to say is that our task has been made so much easier by the pleasant coopera tion we have received through the years when we have found it necessary to "sublet" some things to the Spurs, the APOs, the Tassels, the Blue Keys, etc. Not to forget the endless number of individual students who have been so ready to lend a hand when the need has arisen. And that has hap pened a lot of times. All of which has to do with a general attitude of helping one another. Some people make it a habit in their lives just to do what the book calls for, but they don't get too much high joy out of li\·ing. Others live thcir lives on the basis of helping one another and find life highly satisfying. Helping thers has even been suggested as a therapeutic for one's own "blues." When you yourself arc feeling blue, something for someone else go do." y it sometime. How often have you used the expression "May I help you?" I tely? The Apostl~ once said, "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill If law of Christ." I am sure he meant not only the heavier, but the lighter I dens as well. Don't go through life saying, "That's not my job. That's " L my problem." It could boomerang some time, maybe sooner than you mmk. Anyway, thanks a lot for helping bear our burdens. May we help you sometime?
Dear Editor:
Many seem to complain about the social life, or lack of it, here at PLU, yet no one seems willing to work out some solutions. We believe that one thing that would help out, would be if we had one special social event of the year that could really be built up. The Seattle Symphony Artist Series program would be a perfect event for such a venture. The dress could be completely formal, with corsages for the girls. If this seems too expensive for some, it could probably be arranged where some group, such as the Spurs, would take over the selling of these corsages, and they could be gotten for a nominal cost at a local florist. Such an event as this would give the students somethi ng to look forward to in the way of a social event and would be a boon for our college life. Dan Erlander Myrtis Kabeary Deanna Haugland Blayne Perleth
Ray Ho Stan Hagen Bob Moore Bob E. Johnson
World Politics Series
The Pawns by Gordon Gray "In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essen tial human freedolll&. The first is freedom of speed! and expression everywhere in the ,world. The second is freedom of every person to wor ship God in his ,own way-every where in the world. The third is freedom from want--everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear-anywhere in the world." Franklin D. Roosevelt then, firmly believed tha t all countries, be, they strong or weak, should be free and not play the role of pawns; for any chess game has a set opening which utilizes to the fullest of the player's ability, the use of pawns.
• * • The condition in our world-wide chess game has not changed, for both the United States and the Soviet Union arc pushing and shoving the neutral nations of the world toward one ideology or another. As Karl Marx said, "The proletarians have nothing to lose bu t their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!" Thus the Com munists have said on numerous occa sions, "We, will conquer the world," and an excellent focal point is the underdeveloped countries, for this seems to be the breeding place where the working people are discontented with their economic or social posi_ tions.
While on the other hand the Unit ed States has relegated herself to the ideal of s pre a din g democracy throughout the world, for as the late John Foster Dulles said, "There is no better way to spread freedom and democracy than letting people who have a history of oppression, either political or natural, experiment as we did in 1789, with a democratic form of government." And no mat ter where we turn, Asia, Latin Amer ica, Africa, or the M id dle East, we can see the socioeconomic standards of these peoples is far lower than our grcat country. Since the Soviet Union has her avowed goal and the United States a conflicting objective, each must try to manipulate any pawn on the chess board in order to control as much territory as possible. Of course the Communists have yet another purpose for ,the pawns. The underdeveloped countries con trol about two-thirds of the world's natural resources, and being that the Soviet Union is still quite backward in many aspects, she naturally looks with covetous eyes. The United States wants to pr~ tect these small countries and so she races around trying to thrust her thumb in the dike to plug any and all leaks where the gushing forces of Communism might break through; for "The world must be ma.de sale for democracy," and the pawns in our chess game seem to be playing a strategic role
Editor .............................................................................................. Ann Haggart News Editor................................................................. ................. Alice Wenness Rcporter~: Deanna Hanson, Lavonne Erdahl, Rosalyn ' Foster, Margy Eash Feature EdItor ····· .......... ·.... ·· ...... ·· .. ·· .... ·......................................... Ruth Walker Reporters: Gordon Gray, Ann Schnackenberg, Dick Halvorson, Deanna Hanson. Sports Editor............................................................................Mike MacDonald Reporters: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemiller, Ed Davis, Bob Howard, John Hanson, Gary Sund. John Fey.
Intramurals Editor····.. ·.... ·.... ·................................................. Gordon Gradwohl
Photographer ............................................................................McKewen Studio
Business Manager.......................................................................... Doug Johnson
Advertising Managers............................Donna Van Gilder Eleano; Bousfield
Circulation Manager............................................................ .' .......... J udy Kragh
Mda j ~ing ............................Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walkcr, Judith Johnson
A vIsor ........................................................................................ Mr. Milt Nesvig
The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu dents of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-861 I.
I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
FICTION Hawaii, Michener Advise and Consent, Drury The Last of the Just, Schwarz-Bart Sermons and Soda-Water, O'Hara To Kill A Mockingbird, Lee The Dean's lVatch, Goudge Decision at Delphi, MacInnes Shadows in the Grass, Dinesen Pomp and Circumstance, Coward The Lovely Ambition, Chase
516 Garfield
(Across from Old Main)
DELUXE BURGER in a basket with fries. _________
Parkla d Triple XXX 119th and Pacific Avenue
by Dave Crowner No matter how much the church hollers abo u t Hollywood we still make the rounds of the Roxy, Rialto, Riviera, etc., seeing the "best" of what's being offered. So while you're at it from March 9 to 19, the best to see is "Question Seven." "Question S eve n," as publicity says, involves you. The story, filmed in Germany, tells of a father losing his son to the Communists. Based on documented facts that are only too real, the movie depicts the daily squeeze on Peter to give up his faith. The son Peter, as you will sec, is not looking for an easy way out. He grapples with the problems of his fu ture under communism and acts on the idea that the opportunities of fered him by the communists present no threat to his personal faith. It is at this point that I feel the film is most effective. It shows us, who as one girl said after the pre view Saturday, "argue about wheth er the choi should process," what real Faith is, or rather, who the real Lord is. Peter finds out that one can' t ride the tiger forever-that playing the piano for a communist youth rally isn't just taking advan tage of opportunities but is a way of living, a way of compromising, a way of selling one's sclf. "Question Seven" is not an "anti communist" sermon; it is not a "hur rah-for-our-side" tale; it is not an emotional success story. It is a sim ple portrayal of an atheistic doctrine overtaking individual after individ ual and yet how a man can remain in heart and conscience free. There are a few films that one can't miss. "Question Seven" is one. It'~ aimed at-.,...m. 1 U~.,u l> see it at the Orpheum Theater in Seattle (Westlake & Stewart) beginning on Thursday, March 9. Discount tickets ,.re available through the PLU pub lic relations office.
Theta Pils Antigone Modern IWet Rag l Each Spring Thea Pi, the campus chapter of a national dramatic hon orary, Alpha Psi Omega, produces a play labeled "Experimental Thea tre." In the Spring Play's inception, it was called experimental theatre be.eause the production was arcna style, better k nown as theatre-in-the round. Last year's play was experimental theatre, not only because it was done arena-style, but because the theme of the play (discernible or not) was presented in sue h a way (under standable or not) as to make the play seem new and controversial. Well, another Spring is almost here. This season's play is Antigone, an adaptation by Jean Anouilh of Sophocles' tragedy. Antigone will also be called experimental theatre, not only because it will be presented in the round, but because . . . well, that's what I hope a series of articles about the play, beginning with this one as introduction, will reveal. Some people think Anouilh's adap tation of Antigone little more than a limp, wet rag in comparison with the classic Grf'ck version. I think there will be enough "squeezings," even in this modern wet rag, to challenge many students. In succeeding discussions I want to tell you something about the play itself, as well as some of the "experi ments" I and my fellow Alpha Psi itt's have planned for your entertain ment and provocation the nights of March 16, 17, and 18. Fred Bindel, Director
Friday, February 17, 1961
~(J, S~
3rd Floor's tTippers' Grab Share Of tA' Title; Eastern Under Fire
Playboys Lose But Clinch 'C' Title; lees Fight for 'D' Lead
'C' LEAGUE STANDINGS Team W L PF PA Pet. Playboys .. 14 710 471 .933 East. C .... 10 5 656 'j97 .666 Rebs ........ 10 5 608 590 .666 Hustlers .... 8 7 578 514 .533 Retreads.... 5 10 508 543 .333 The 3rd Floor "Tippers," by virtue of a 61-54 win Tuesday night over the defending champions, Eastern Delts ........ 4 11 550 600 .266 Vets .......... 4 11 517 605 .266 Parkland, have gathered into their fold at least a share of the '60-61 1M basketball erown if not all of it. The Reliables.... 4 11 494 533 .266 Tippers, sporting a 10-3 record going into their final bout, have lost only to Eastern 42-43, and M-Squad 37-48, _ in the first round, and the Faculty 57-70, in their opener of the second round. Bruce Nunes, George Viegland, "c" LEAGUE TOP TEN Nate Stime, Doug McClary, Mike McDonald, Jack Cocchi, Don Fossum, and Lars Johnson arc the stalwarts for Name & Team Tot. Pts. the 3rd Floor "boys" this season. Running in hot and cold sessions throughout th e season, they turned on the 1. Gary Sund, Playboys ............ 228 pr('ssure against Eastern last Tuesday and hope to do the same agains t their cross-hall rival, "M-Squad," this 2. Jerry Curtis, Delts ......... ....... 222
Tuesday in their final- this will be the clincher for either a part or th e whole title crown. 3. Dave Yokel'S, Hustlers .......... 197
Easte rn Parkland, last year's champs, who have yet to meet Wes.tern and 4th Floor, must add these two con 4. Eric Lindholm, Rebs .............. 169
tests to their win column to be in under the wire wh cn the final standings are released just in case the title is up 5. Mitch Billings, Reliables ........ 162
for grabs. 6. John Johnson, Rebs ................ 162
7. Jim Laird, Hustlers................ 141
League Standing (thru Feb. 20) 8. Dan Selman, Playboys .......... 124
Team W L PF PA Pet. 9. Daryl Ashpole, Rebs.............. 123
3rd Floor Tippers ...................... 10 3 803 651 .769 10. Jerry Larson, Eastern C ........ 122
Eastern Parkland -.------- ---- ----..... 8 4 664 553 .666 11. Bruce Bindel, Retreads.......... 121
With only two games remaining the 3rd Floor B's, 12. Gary Shaw, Retreads ............ 118
Evergreen Court -----_ ... _------_._---. 8 5 725 738 .615 the only remaining undefeated team, have all but sewed 13. Ken Alban, Easten C ............ 111
- Western Parkland ._----.-.---------.-- 7 5 602 589 .583 up this year's 'B' title. 14. Jack Meyers, Delts................ l00
Faculty ---------_._-- _... _----------------- 7 5 584 593 .583 Bruce Borrud, Playboys ........ 97
'B' League Standing (thru Feb. 20) 15. 3rd Floor M-Squad ... .. ....... ........ 5 7 521 476 .416 16. Mike Healy, Vets ................ 89
Team W L PF PA Pct. 4th Floor ------.------_ .. -... _-----......._-. 4 8 543 591 .333 17. Henry Flack, Reliables ........ 87
3rd Floor B ....... ....................... 13 0 677 483 1.000 18. Arv Logensgard, Delts .......... 74
Western B ................................ 8 5 676 573 .615 19. Jim Geise, Retreads .............. 64
Eastern B .................................. 8 6 643 588 .571 'A' League Top 20 Scorers 20. Ed Katz, Vets ........................ 63
3rd Floor Nads ............ ............ 7 6 538 522 .538 Name and Team Tot. Pts. GP Ave. Evergreen B ............................ 7 6 443 448 .538 WEEK'S "c" RESULTS 1. Roger Reep, Evergreen ................ 251 11 22.81 Basement Bandits ........................ 5 8 496 529 .384 (38): Mitch Billings 16. Reliables 2. Gene Lundgaard, Faculty ............ 227 10 22.70 2nd Floor ................................ 1 11 358 514 .083 Playboys (27):Sund 11, Thomp'n 10 3. Jack Cocchi, Tippers .................... 184 12 15.33
4. Dave Haaland, Evergreen .......... 173 Retreads (32): 1- Geise 9, G.Shaw 6. 11 1!l.72
'B' League Top Ten Scorers Rebs (28): Johnson 12, Backlund 8. 5. Ron Hanna, Eastern ................ .... 173 12 14.41 Name and Team Tot. Pts. GP Ave.
Unbeaten 3rdFloor 8'sCinch 1960-61 '8' League Crown
6. Doug McClary, Tippers .............. 170
7. Gene Schaumberg, Western ........ 158
11 11 12
8. Roy Hagerman, Eastern .............. 149 9.- Ron Hovey, Eastern .................... 138 10. Bruce Nunes, Tippers .................. 133
11. Jerry Poppin, 4th Floor .............. 120
12. Ors Christenson, Western ............ 97
13. Jerry Evanson, 4th Floor ............ 94 14. Gary Vestal, 4th Floor ................ 90
15. Prof. Steen, Faculty ...................... 86
11 11
16. Jim Gabrielsen, Faculty .............. 80 17. Mark Salzman, Faculty .............. 80
10 10
Dave Evans, Western B .............. 222 12 Jerry Redburg, Eastern B ............ 209 13 Gerald Gettis, 3rd Floor B .......... 185 12 13.54
Jim Elkr, Nads ............................ 134 13 11.50
Erv Marlow, Western B ............. .i17 12 11.08
Bill Peterson, Bandits .................. 113 12 Roy Kalla, Western B ................ 110 10 10.00
8. Marv Snell, 3rd Floor B .............. 110 11 8.81
9. Greg Hatton, Nads ...................... 105 13 10.44
10. Curt Gettis, 3rd Floor B .............. 98 10 8.18
THIS WEEK'S "B" RESULTS 8.00 Bandits (40): Bill Peterson 16, Jim Boeshans 10, Alden 6, Samuelson 4, J enson 4. 8.00
Evergreen B (26): Waterworth 6, TeKrony 6. 8.55
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
18.50 16.07 15.41 10.30 9.759.41 11.00 10.00 8.07 9.80
Hustlers (37): Jim Laird 16. Rebs (35): Backlund 13, Johnson 12.
DclU~ (59): Curtis 20, O stenson 14. Reliablcs (41): Flack & Billings 13. East. C (34): Alban 8, Pederson 8. Retreads (32): Shaw 12, Bindel 12. Playboys (40): Sund 21, Selman 9. Bets (24): Al McLean 10, Healy 6.
Evergreen (47): Haaland 23, Gronberg 10, Ruud 6, Lokken 6. l\·I-Squad (40): Blomquist 11, Skudahl 8, Al Johnson 6, Lec 6, Bottern.illcr 5, Brodhun 4.
2nd Floor (49): Gary Stubbs 17, D. Johnson 16, Bob Anderson J 3, Gary Flaskerud 2, Niemi 1. Eastern B (38): Larry Schoenberg 9, D . Hatch 8, Loren Hildebrand 7, Don Jampsa 6.
LP's, Singles -
~~ - /I ..
F or immediate . IlPress Release: An ~_A'/ ~ Eintramural bas- 7~ ketball tourna.. ~ment which was by G. G. GradwohI proposed two years ago has been definitely approved and confirmed by the offic.e of the Intramural Direc tor. This season, due to the increased number of tcams, lea ue play has been held on Saturdays to facilitate the season, as well as dividing the teams into four leagucs. This year we're through early, Fcb. 25th. The tourna ment committee (of two) has met and tentatively scheduled the tourney to begin Feb. 28th. Actually there will be two tourneys, one for 'A' and 'B' leagues and onc for 'C' and 'D' teams. They will bc single e1imina
STAJ'I.'DINGS PF PA 553 480 583 579 752 653 603 659 419 509 427 591 287 449
Pet. .615 .571 .500 .428 .307 .230 .142
"D" LEAGUE TOP 20 Name and Team Tot. Pts. 1. Mark Anderson, 5th Floor.. .. 281 2. Larry Farrar, 5th Floor.. ...... 216 3. Dennis Gudal, 1st Floor C .... 21O 4. Arvin Meyer, lst Floor C ...... 209 5. Dick Schlenker, Blue Devils..208 6. Gary Nikkari, Joes ................ 139
7. Ken Edmonds, Basement C .. 1l7 8. Don Jenson, Joes .................. 109
9. Jim Martin, Joes .................. 104
10. Den Harris, lst Floor C ..... ... 96
11. Bill Bates, Basement C.......... 93
12. Prof. Newell, Castoffs............ 79
13. Bill Kuder, Beach Bums ........ 78
14. Chuck Zuber, Beach Bums .... 76 15. Jon Kvinsland, Beach Bums.. 75 16. G. G. Gradwohl, Blue Devils 74 17. Prof. Winther, Castoffs.......... 71
18. John MartilIa, lst Floor C .... 69 19. Jim KubalI, Blue Devils........ 58
20. John Kelly, Blue Devils........ 53
WEEK'S "D" RESULTS Beach Bums (49): Bill Kuder 13, Bill Lessly 10, Kvinsland 10. 5th Floor (38): M. Anderson 25. Castoffs (36): Zulauf 10, Newell 10. Base. C (27): G. Brown 8, Edm'ds 6. (Double Overtime) 1st Floor (64): Gudal 20, Meyer 20. Rlu e Devi ls (63): D . Schlenker 25, Kuball 10, Latimer 10, Grad. 8. (Triple "SD" Overtime) 5th Floor (59): Mark Anderson 25, L. Farrar 22, Jacobson 12. 1st Floor (57): Harris 17, Gudal 17.
large selection at
ABC ELECTRONICS 325 Garfield Street Free Bonus Records for Record Club Cards
~ ~~
Western (68): Schaumberg 19, Christenson 16, Gaal 12, IvaI' Eliason 12, Blaesi 9. 4th Floor (54): Vestal 19, Evanson 12, Keppler 9, Fred ri ckson 7, Poppin 5. Tippers (61): Cocchi 18, McClary 14, Stime 9, Lars Johnson 8, Nunes 7, Fossum 5. Eastern (54): Hanna 22, Hildahl 10, Hagerman 9, Brewington 8.
"D" LEAGUE Team W L Joes .......... 8 5 Blue Devils 8 6 1st Floor C 7 7 5th Floor.. 6 8 Basem'nt C 4 9 B. Bums .... 3 10 Castoffs .... 2 12
18. Dave BottemilIer, M-Squad ........ 77 9 19. Al Johnson, M-Squad .................. 77 12 6.41
20. Dave Sovde, M-Squad ................ 76 12 6.33 3rd Floor B (64): Marv Snell 21, Gerald Gettis 18, Curt 16, Ed Davis 4, Dick Johnson 4. Only those players who have participated in at leas t Nads (55): Greg Hatton 11, W. Sund 11, Dave Berg 7, 75% of the league games are included in the top 20 Ed Sonstegal'd 7, Terry Larson 6. scorers each week. THIS WEEK'S "A" RESULTS
Page Thr••
G. G. Gradwohl F ebruary 17th:
P RINTERS, INC. RNE PRINTING - UTHOGIW'HY 11802 PACIFIC AVE. PHONE LE. 7-7100 tion affairs running for four 1M nights. The tourneys will in no way affect the outcome of the respective league champs, but there will be suitable awards given to the tournament champs and an All-Tourney team will be selected. Now on the brighter side: Hear about the lady who got the putty jar mixed up with the Ovaltine jar-all her windows fell out! Then there was the fellow who water-skied over I\'iagara Falls-he wanted to fcd really clean! . . . "Mommy, Jimmy fell into the fircpiac t'." "Wcll poke him up a little, it's cold in here!" I'll leave now with this little thought: Birds of a feather all smell alike!
2 wrong . Percentage: .866
Whitworth over Pacific Lutheran by 13 points. February 18th: Pacific Lutheran over Eastern Wash. by 6 points. February 20th: Pacific Lutheran over Seattle Pacific by 11 points. February 23rd: Pacific Luth eran over Puget Sound by 3 points .
Steedent4 Sfteeeat
Regular Deluxe Hamburger .. 5 • With Large Coca-Cola TREAT YOURSELF TO THE BEST - IT'S QUALITY,
BUSCH'S RESTAURANTS 3505 South Tacoma Way
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
Friday, February 17, 1961
Knights Head st For
ig Wee end
ollegians Hold Winter Carnival
L~~~~b~b ~~~,~.~'~ i' ~!,~~j~~,~ At Mt. Hood, Oregon, Feb.24-26
Lut:herans Seek t:o Upset: ro
to the Inland E mpi to clima x theIr road schedule tonight and tomorrow. T he Knigh t.s m us t topple \Vhi rwo rth and E as tern, a \ ell as UPS in the L ogger camp to tie for [h e title . To night t he surpri sing leag ue lcadingWhitw o rth P irates are slight favorites to dump PLU o n the has-bee n sh elf for the first tim !" in six year . Eve ryone' s prc-s('ason ch oice fo r t he bottom rung, for the second ye a r runnin g, t h c Pirates ha ve stunned th e ex pe rts. C oa ch Lund gaard u edits th e P ira fe r esu rge nce to a new coach in Di ek K a mm. K a mm pl ayed hi s college ba li at Wheaton, Illino is, University. H e wa s hea d ba s ba ll coach, and as si sta nt baske tball coach at Seatt le Pacific befo re ta kill!;" ove r th e Buc canee r r eins. \Vhitworth h as p le n ty of de , ire under the new ma n, a nd 3n improved d de l1S c. " H e h as th em play in g good ·ball , (·sp ec ially on th e r oad w h p'IT th ey se,·m to h a ve foun d th e key to sue cess," sa ys Lun d g-aard of his foe. C oach Lund g-aa rd has reaso n to be wa r y o f th c trip cast. Th ' Lu te;:<; a rc winkss in four fo reign p orts, whi le- play in g ca rdi ac ball in nippin g six o ut of seve n a t h om e . Pa cifi c Lu th e ran h allded the Pirates one of their setbac ks, 68-65 . Th e sophom o re sensatio n, - -II Ed H a gen, g c ne r3tes th c sq ua d 's well b a la nced scoring. Ed whittled the Kni ght ne ts for 28 counte rs in the initia l game. Capta in Dave Morley is a n a dapta ble a ll a r ound m a n a t eith er g uard o r fo rward . Ru gged 6-5 Ja y J a ckson is a wicked rebounde r, and a m a n who can li g ht up the score board . Sa tu r day Eastern will introdu ce itself as stumblin g block two. Th e Sa va ges arc hu ggin g a third pl ace finish, curre ntly trai ling with a 5-6 record . C oac h R ed R eese's to ma hawke rs mi ssed the m a rk , 6 0-59, at the Kni ght Castle ea rli e r in the sea son. A g il e, 5-9 W a lt H a rtman will g o it at guard . Di c k H a nnon is slated to be his side ki c k. Sa va ge height will be cast in th e molds of 6-5 Ga ry Robe rts at ce nter. Harold York a nd Dick D a nielse n at 6-+ a nd 6-5, re spec tively, will round out the prob abl e sta rte rs. For the Knig hts to pull e ve n, Whitworth m u s t c rumble aga inst W estern tomorrow at home as w ell as the Lutes. This combined with a Vikin g loss to Eastern would turn the tri ck.
S no w and coll ege s tudents will b le nd in ro an exciting wee kend of fun at tb e f ifth an n ual l nterco lleg iate Wi nrc r C arnival. sch eduled f o r cbruary 24 - 2 6 a t M e. Ho o d , O rego n . Ni ne teen o f thirty-three coll eges have accepted invitatio ns to attend t he ca rn iva l. w h i,h will begin Tb ursclay af ternoo n , Februar y 2 3 , at Portland 's Lloyd Cen ter w ith fr ee icc ska t in g. later en tertainment by th e P ortland S ta te College g roup and ne w ski movies in tbe M eier and Frank ' s au d itorium. Frid ay will brin g more of tbe sam e, endin g w ith an official se nd-o ff to the m un tain a t 4: 0 0 in th e aftern oo n.
At the m ounta in, be twee n 7,000 a nd 9,000 st ud e nts an' exp ec ted to tll ke' over th e en ti re r a nge of M t. H ood s fa cilities. S3 turda y a nd Sunda, wi ll p rov ide aeti\·ity fo r ski e rs and sno w-bunnies alib . T ea m ra er's san c tiOlwd by the P 3cific Northwest ki Assoc ia tion promi se to hi ghli g h t t he d a ys, H UWC\ T r , t.h e a lpin e- eve nts, th e d ownhill a nd the sla lom , a re th e o nl y (' e l- ta int ic s; o th e r ra ces lIIust rema in indefin it(, beca use of lack o f sno\\ . F Qr l h t: snow b unni ," there will be a snuw-sculpt ur ing contest, snowshoe ract's, a n d fi yin 'T sauec r races. A non-ra ted ra ce fo r boys and a powde r-puff !'ace will be a m ong Sunda y's a c tiviti es. And fu r th e styi<' consc io us, th e latest. in ski cl o th es will b,' m od ell ed at fashi on sho ws bo th a turday a nd Sunday ni .u:h ts. Pacifi c Luthera n will bt: well re pres;: nt cd a t t h is yea r's carniva l. O \'l:r 80 stud ents an invited wh o m a y wish to a tt end. T he ra cing t eam of fi \"<'~ .... has al ready be en pi cked, a lo ng with the tca m fo r th e snow-s culp turing ('on t est. T he Lutes will r esid e at the S nowlin e: :M o td in Rhod od endron , O regon , a uo ut 7 miles below G overnm ent Ca mp . Cars will be pa rk ed a t Gove rn m ent Camp and tra nsp o rt a tion to Timbe rline Lod ge w ill be v ia a shu t tl e sc n·i cc. PLU's ca ndida te for Wint cr Ca rnival Q ueen, Princess Elaine 01,('11, faces a fu ll sc h edule, lined up by th e carni va l's pla.nn e rs. She will k a vc fUl' P or tla nd T hursday, F eb ru a ry 23, to begin an impr ivc a rray of a n h ·i ti cs. T h e individual cos t of the ca rnival includes a $+.00 lodg ing fcc, a $6.00 ti cke t coverin g a ll eve nts, plus additio nal food a nd t ra nsportati on. T h e $6 ti cke ts will be a vailable in the CU B throu gh out t he. next w eek . • ny int erested pe rso n is invited to a tt en d, a nd any addi ti ona l transpo rt a ti on is badl y need ed. RICH STANLEY FIGHTS for a rebound in recent Western Ga me. Lutes won the game with a score of 70-66.
Wh en Mike M a cInt yre fa iled to return to PLU fOf th e second semes te r it left this editor witho ut one of th e m a in popular colu mns, " Splinters from the Bench," so w ith your permissi o n I would like to continu e Mike' s co lumn with the hop e it w ill retain its old p opula rity . . . If the Kni g hts h r> vc any h ope of ma king it to K a nsas City they ha d be tte r bring back two w ins from cast of the mountain s thi s w ee kend ... Baseball boys have sta rted workin g out fo r this com ing' seaso n- has been sa id tha t they should tak e a hint fr om th e trac k m e n on conditionin g . . . Nonn Dahl has bee n doing a g reat j ob with only one good hand, but just think if he had both hands in good sha pe . .. This yea r's golf tcam should be stre ngthened by freshman .E d D a vi s, a 3.8 stude nt, who tours th e course in par scor es . . . One of PLU's most versa tile athletes is Ri c h Sta nly who plays football, basketball, baseball an d I h ea r he has now ta ke n up golf . . . J ohn Fcy, a mem be r of the little Lute bowling l ea g ue, w on the Port An geles me n's ope n bowling tourn a m ent a year ago--not bad conside ring h e was then onl y 17 years old . . . This year's track team was hurt when two fine sprinte rs, Ron Rat liff a nd D a ve R eynolds, d ec ided to attend Yak ima JC for th e sprin g se meste r.
PLU RINGS Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
Marv Tommervik's
Golf Team's Future
H d rig t L 0
The PLL' golf tea m, und e!' Coa c h Ge ne Lund gaa rd, e njoys vc ry e n couraging prosp ects for the '6 1 sea son. La st sprin g, led by soph omo re Ero M a rlow, Jr., and fr eshm a n D a ve E\'a ns, th e Lut es down ed all Eve r green C onference opposi tion. In the 1960 ),TAlA District One m a tch, whi c h a lso determined the conferen ce titl e, Evans gain ed a on(' stroke p ersona l vic tory to h ea d up a Lute sw eep. T hi s year, with M a rlow, now a junior, seeking his th ird su ccessive p os ition as first m a n, E va ns, a soph o more, and returnees Ron Hovey a nd John W ilhelm, a nother cha mpio n ship t ea m is in the makin g . Ano th e r bri ght p rospec t is freshm a n G eorge M cCu ne, who is d efinit ely a thrt'at for a team position. Qu alifying r ounds will be pla yed ncar the end of M a r c h, and anyon e is entitled to try for a spot o n th e team. Thu s, ano ther su ccessful links season is r a pidl y approa ching .
LAURINAT'S apparel
We Outfit Coed s 406 Garfield
ECO N · O ·WA SH 12171 Pa cific A venue
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot of Garli~ld)
LE. 7-0206 We Deliver BOB JACOBSON
Whitworth _.... .__...... ..........9 Western Wash.. .......... .. .. ... 7 Pacific Lutheran ....... ___ ...... 6 Eastern Wash. ................. _5 Puget Sound .......... _..._.... ...1 Central Wash. . ....... ... . 3
3 4 5 6 7 9
Bob Jaco bson
Adds Strength Quite ofte n the suc cess of a b:'ts ke tball team depends o n the streng th of th e r eserves. Su ch is the case with the Lut es and 6-1 jumping-jack 1Iob J acobson, who h as c om e off th e bench m a n y times to spa rk flU to victory. "Ja ke" ha s been a va lua bl e asset to the Lutes in m a n y ways. Promo ted to a sta rt ing r ole durin g the abse nce of Lute ace N orm Dahl, J acobson came through with many clutch plays. D cspitl' hi s size, Bob is one of the t(,a m ' s leading r ebound e rs and foul shoote rs. He can a lso fill in as a n outside man, whe r e h is lun g, hi gh- a r c hin g' j u 111 p sho t is a fine scorin g weapon. T he "Rabbit," ns he is 0 ft c II ca llt'd, is a g r adu a te of Tacom a' Lincoln Hi gh wh ere he w as a thrve year parti cipa nt and letter winn e r in bas ke tba ll. N ow a sophom o r e ed u ca ti o n stud e nt at PL"C, Bob j, one of six re turning lett erme n. Th e succ ess of Bob's jumping a bil ity can ' :It tributcd to t he numerou s hou rs h e spends liftin g weig ht s. Sa lzma n's track team m a y also find u se for hi s jumpin g a bilit ' in the co min g tra ck season . W he n asked to c omme nt on th.-' crucia l week -e nd seri es and tht P L U jinx of road gam es, Bob expla in ed that thl' visitin g court was !lot 3S important to the outcome as th e ne ct'£sity of the t eam to get "up" for the gamt'-which he was confident th ey would do.
High Schoo ba ers State Debaters M eeting MDDH'NCI~A5T For Tournament Here ost: t:o
FRIDA Y, FEBRU RY 24, 19 6 1 -
Seattle's Frankli High Captures Honors at Festival .. Ur'cau se of the increased parti c i P'j ion cacll y (' a r of ncarby hi gh , hool" ' w" ac lookin g forwa r d to h ; in g an c,'c n bi ;rge r festival nt " t yC:l.l·; ' sOl id [1' d B inde l, di rc:ctor o t the H igh School )ne-a ct Play Fe~ tl\'a\ sponsored hc re last weckend b , Jpha Psi Omega, uational d ra mat i honorar '. "I w ou ld like to tha n k " ryonc who contributed to the succ ess of this year's festival." The contes t, prese nted annually, invulved cont('stants fro m twelv'e hi g h sc hools, each presenting a onc act come dy in theate r-in-th e-round. Franklin Hi g h Sc hool in Seattle took first with their production of Noel Coward's Fumed Oak; Kelso came in second, presen ting Ri ch ard Win in g's Nero F iddles; and Federa l Way w as third with J. M. Barrie's The Old L ad y Shows Her i\-Iedals. Each school rec eived a trophy. Tht'se shows seemed also to pro duc e the b s t actors and actresses chosen by th e judges. From Franklin werc first place actress, Helen Hall; second pla cc ac tress, Priscilla Bjork ; and second place ac to r, Lance Dows. John Lon g to ok first place actor hon_ ors a nd Pat 1<Iorga n honorable men tion a c tr(' S~ for Federal Way. From Kelso. .lac" McWain capt ured hon
ora ble m elltion actor, OthtT winners were Linda H er sc her, third place actress from Ren ton; Don Oppenh eimer, third place a cto r, frolIl Garfield, and honorable mention win ner~ , Douglas Hall from S ou t h Kitsa p, and Sylvia Butler fr om Bo thell. Se,'e n jud ge.s w ho chose the win nin g plays and actors were PLU in structor Sta nley Elberson; Alph a Psi OmC'g-o m ember , Sandra Hei e rcn and Larry Iverson; Jean Bloomquist, from Annie Wright Seminary ; and Mrs. Virginia Everett, a gra duate stud ent. They also awarded trophi es and medals to the winning students. Thc purpose of the play festival, as s t forth by Alpha Psi Omega, is to ac quaint the hi gh school students with the field of drama and with ot h ers interes ted in the field. Both objectives w ere accomplished at th > fes tival- th e first by the 15-minute critiques after each play g iven by Mr. Theodore Karl, chairman of th e Speech Dcpartmt'nt, a nd the second by th e studen ts seeing and talking to eac h other during the two-day pe riod, Because of its success this year, n ex t year's fes tival, involvin g drama III theater-in-the-round style, may be lengthened to three da ys.
Se ections for Meet Sandy ynes and Nadine Bru ins, both juniors, were scle ted at last Wednesday's Student C oun iI meeting to represent PLU at the American Lutheran Church Stud ent Confe rence, which will be held M arch 3-5 at C on cordia College, 1<loorhead, ' Iinne ota, T he conference w i I I use the theme, "Christ and Culture Reality or Illusion."
Rummage ale
eats Last Year's
Associated W om en Studen ts r aised a total of $375.88 a t th eir annual rummagc sale. This was abou t $ I 00 over last year's total sales. Held in th e old M cKewen studio on Garfield street, the sale las ted from Thursday to Sa turd ay of last wee k, but th e womcn work ed all w ee k lon g on tht: prepa rations and then finally the sale itself. Becaus e the g irls could only come and work during their frep peri ods , the house, Illothers donated their entire week to the sale, not only in selling the ar ticles during th e last half of the week but in preparing thc articles and the room for the sale during the first hulf of the wt'ck , Although th e . ~soejatl"d Wome n Students had a scholarship for an eli gible sophomore woman in mind when they held thi s sale, they ac complished two purp oses because they helped those who were in need in thi s Pa r kland a l t a.
:\ L nten d evot ional sc' ITicr: with the morni ng Matins Service of thc church will b,' fc-atul r d J.t Student Body C ha pr l on Tu t:sday, Fe bruary 28, p 0,o, ed b y th e ophumo rc c! a. s
I ' ra etice for the ann ual L ette r man's Cl ub Variety S how to be hel d in ' onne etion with th e Saga amiv· ), ·11 egin Monday, F ebruary 27, at 7:00 p.Ill., in the main 10uDge of Harstad Hall. Any male student on campus wh o wa nts to join in the fun is encouraged to come and sing, You need n ot be a I ,etterman to participate and many voices will be needed to make this year's show a su ccess.
* Toni g ht 's cam].lus mOVie will be "Lifeboat," starring John Hodiak and T a llulah B.1 nkhcad. The movie was produ ce d by Alfred Hitch cock and it wiJ.l b~ show n a t 7:4 :! p,m, and 9:46 p.m. in the Ja cob Samuelson chapd. A s a!l added fea ture, a sho r t movie ca ll ed "Officer Hildebrand" will be shown at 7:2.=" 9: 19 and II :2 :1 p.m.
* in
T u estlay n ight at 5 :30 the Spurs w ill hold their Founders' Day Banquet luis K nutzen Fellowship Hall. Judy Jacobs is the cha irman. ,~
Tomo rrow night's campus movie will be "Dea th of a Sa le,man," star ring for d ri ck M a rch , The first sh ow will start a t 7:08 p.m, and the second will sta r t at : H P,Tll, in the Jacob Samuelson chapel. There will also be il. spe cial featu re shown with this movie ca lled "America- Th e Automobile .". gc ." T he fil st showing of this will be a t 6:30 and th e ll ext will be a t 9:05.
The ne. l Len ten Se n ' ice w ill be h Itl Tuesd ay evening, M ar 7:00 p .m. in th e CMS.
1, at
S pu rs at WashingtOlI State University started a new tradition with Val enti ne's D a y this year wheo th,'y dclivl.:red "SplIr- - rams" to W SU cor ds . T lwsL "Sp ur-O-Grams" are similar to our " V alcngrarns" except th:l t th e mal luden ts arc the only oO("s who ca n purch ase them. Accordin g to the WS newspaprr, Daily Evergreen , W U ' s Spurs got their id ea from the Spurs bere at Pac ifi c Lutherall.
Luth eran Studen ts Association meets this Sunday, FebrualY 26, at 6 :00 p,m , in Chris Knutzen. Pastor D ennis Bennett from St. Luke' s Episcopal Church in Balla rd will present a talk on "Speaking in Tongues."
On the first da)" th e proceeds to ta led wdl over ,~ 20 0 which W :lS the approx ima te tota l of the wholt: of last year' . ale. This ·-car's sale was so s u c~ess ful and so well received by the ].leople of Parkland that they asked it to b r" peated nex t yea r at the same pla.ee. (It usu a lly has a downtown lo ca tion ) . Ida Krogh was the general chair_ man for the sale an d she was ass isted by Pat Atterbury, Joan Patterson, Linda Sather, Carole Byber, D elores R a smussen, JoAnn Chalk, and Ca wl Robinson.
indel, Play Director, ames Antigone Cast The cas t for the Alpha Psi Omega Sprillg play, "l\nti g-onc," ,vas an n ou nc ed rc ce ntly by its direc to r, Fred Bindel. anna Dirks will be Sl't'n as I nti gonc, K arren H a nson as I smene, a nd Mary unbp as the I u . t' , Eurydic e is pla yed by Ann H agga rt, Creon by J ohn ietz, and H ae mon by Dea n A nder~o n. Zane Wilson will ac t as th(: ch or us ; th e P age a nd 1<fcssen gcr, respc:c tivdy, wi ll be played by Jim M onohan and Tom Srnirci ch; a n th e Gu ards, first, s,' co nd a nd th it d , by M l'rle O\'er la nd, D l n nis G racdal :lnd 110b E lli s. R ehearsals began I as t Tu esday even ing in preparation for th e pro du ction dat es of M a rch 16, 17 and 18. Th e play is to be preSt'nted III th e Theater-in-thc-round style In CB-20 0.
High school stud n t bega n convergin o n c mpus last n ight in preparation for the ashington State D ebate C aches so cia (ion High School T rnam en t coday and tom r ow , Competitive eve nts wi ll be held in deb te, imp mprn, c tcmporane o us speaking, inrcrpretau ve readi ng, and o rator y. About 50 higb schools rill b ' re presen ted, Events bcga n this morn ing with impromptu and ora tory, a nd wi ll continue in th e C U B this afternoon and evcning, with the last ('v(" nts scheduled fo r 9: 15. Tomorrow mor n ing the tourn ament will be continued at 8:00 a .m. in th e CUB. T o p i c for deba te is, Resolved: That the Unit d :ations should be si g nifica ntly strengthened , Divisions Made Debators a rc dividcd accordin g to junior and senior divi sions, as well as the Lin coln-Dou glas and Oxford types, Five prelimin a ry round s wi ll be held in both types a nd divisions before the four top teams in each will d eba te in semi-finals and finals. Impromptu topi cs arc on United States Inte rnatiollal R elations; thc subject for Extem poraneous Speak ing is Mass M edia. Oratory speakcrs may choose their own top ic for their ori g inal oration. Interpretative r eadin g will consist of three preliminary rounds and a fin a l round . Th~ three readinf(s must br' a selection of prose without dia-
log ul',
m od ern poct ry 5ekction,
<l nd a sdcct ion [ rom mod " l'n d ra
m a tic lite rat u re invol ing two or lt lOIT ch a racters. An of th cs!~ th iLe may bl: nsr-d in the fin al round . Finals in irnputnptu, il lt crp rcta ti,'e readin g a nd 0 '.1 to r1' w ill be held a t 1:30 p m , tom orrow. D l·h:1 tc: sem i finals , 11C sc lt edllkd for ~ ; 30, fi n a ls a t .5 :00, E x k mporaneous speakers will be in fi nal competition at 4 : 15. Gives Awards A climax to the tourname nt will be a presentat ion of awards at 6:00 p.m. tomo rrow in tht: e MS Auditor ium, Complete ra tin gs and records will then be released. School s rece ivi ng first pla ce in any event and individuals winning a first pl ace will be award ed a trophy. Plaques a nd m cda ls will be presented to all second and third pla ce winncrs. Schools scoring the most points in Senior a nd Juni o r Divisions will b given Sweepstak es awa rds in For ensics .
. of W. Assistantships ow Availabl ,• dergraduate ay Apply for Aid Sophomores who arc Intcl ott:d i n college and uni\ rs ity teachin g may now apply, throu g h D ea n Hau f;l" s office, to the U nivc ity of Wa shi n g ton COOp t'f ..ltive Program of Educa tion f 0 r ' olle \:(C' a nd Univers ity T eaching, fo r f lowshi ps to ass ist them finan cia lly in th eir last two .years as undergraduat " and in their first yea r of g raduate study. The specific on e-year award fo r pre-g radu:ltc assistantships am oun ts to ~~150 for students who will bc of junior standing and $600 for those who will be of se nior stand ing. Under the auspi ces of the U. of W., t n other college s are partici pating in the program and includc \Vestern , Ce ntral , E as tern, Whitman, Gonzaga , R eed, Sea ttle University, Whitworth, Sea ttl e Pac ifi c and UPS, Among these several colleges a mt: dium of four a ssis tantships will be awardcd per ins ti tution. Sinc e the p urpose of this program is to meet an inc rt ,ls ing d ma nd for college a nd university teache rs, its emphasis IS in th e ar a of the Arts and cicnccs.. where p esent shol·t a gt'. a re m ost a cu tr, In parti eular, super iO I' s tud e nt ~ will be selec ted for e ncou ragemt'tlt in th,' fidd s of chem istry, En gli 'h, hi story, la ng ua ges, matite mat i s nnd physics. S tuden ts who r ece ive these . ssist a ntsh ip, rema in in the ir chosen col lege or univcrsity. Aft.er g ra duat io n, qualifi ed pnsons wh o wi sh to do ~ ,d uate work at th e U of W . III, Y apply fo r a th ird yea r of par ticipa t ion in the program. E ach pc rs')ll sele cted for th e pro gram will be .•wa rd ed a pre-graduate assistantship, a nd will work under thc direction of a professor in his chose n field. Th e intt'ntion of th e plan is that the student gain real experience in college and universi ty
tctich; og, bu i. i. ha t U, tCach;ns fr . po nsibiliti ,'s be kept at it modest lev"l, so that he can make steady 1> ' ) gl' ' 5S toward com p le tion of his aca d('lI1ic wor k,
All applications wi ll he hand le d an d fur th e r informat ion g iven tb r ou.!.th ea n I1 a u gt:' s ofLice. Im pOI t..tlll to remem b'r' ,\ 11 applic.t tions tTlu st bsollltely be i n by A pril 13 to D ea n Hau ge's offi ce.
Unoffi ial aunt Totals 1,590 PlU Knights Enrolled A cco rding to the initi a l total from the R egis t rar's offi c" thc; enrollment of Pacific Luth e ra n Uni''Cl'sity fo r the seco nd sem ' tcr stand s at 1,°90 students. As the filla l registration, that of ni gh t classes, tcnn inated Sat urday, F eb rua ry 18, the fi gures M ve lt ot ye t bee n completed and broken d own into tota l numbc rs of boys, girls, classe." r~ t c. Of th es', .fiss l lorenr-c ,Qnast, P acifi c L u thera n" ire-ctor oC F ood s, " tim atrs tlt a t 1,070 ea t in th ' s(;hooi ca.fct eria Jt the OUB. :\ to ta l of If 79 ll1en r, 'sidin g- in l.:l1iv ' ity hou sing was obtained from the offi ce of D c L esli e O . Eklu nd, with 300 resi di n g i n Harstad H all ( O ld M ai ll ), 69 in Everg t n Co urt, 39 in the.; n ew D elta Hall, ilnd 71 li n' off campus. T h is is compared " ith 562 women in the campus dorm s and 17 li vin g off campus. If there is a to ta l of 4: 79 men and 579 wome n in campus housing ( to ta lli ng 1,05 8 ), and there are 1,590 -students in all, th en 532 or one-third of Pacific Lutheran's student body must communte to classes.
Page Two
Friday, February 24, 1961
D ear Edit or :
D e::r Ed itor : W e, th stud en ts of Paci fic Luth eran , would like to k now wh en' we a re s upp os ~ d to get a n y stud vin g d one ! D sp ite a ll resolves to " D o be tte r ne xt semes te r," we a lways ge t d istra cted right out of doi ng th e work w e sh ou d . Th e on ly good t im e to study in th e d orms is from 2 to 6 a.m ., a nd even th en la te owls a rc " bou t. A ny oth er tUnl:S, th ere al'e r00111-ma tes to talk to, a nd a do rm ful of p .op lc wh o a rc only a knock away. But wh ere else is thl' rr to stud y? T he library is full b efo re the evenin g be gins, and even if on " is lu c ky C'Ilo ug h to ge t a table, th e co nstan t tra f fi c in a nd out w ould try a nyone's attent ion. The stud y d esks in the stacks leave you wid e ope n to f riends a nd tht" "ca tacombs" a rc alw a ys busy. The rc a re ma ny of us who trul y would like to rea d tha t boo k ou r p rofessor m ention ed or look up tha t ref efe nce h e made, bu t we can't secm to fin d a ny pla ce t o get ou r a ssignments done! Whcre a re we su ppose d to stud y? -The would-be stud ents of PLU (Editor's N ote: R ecently there havc b ~ cn a number of letters rece ived for this column whi ch h a\'e n ot b een si gn ed . W e w ill print no a nonymou s letters, u nless suf fi cc nt reason is shown for doing th is in sp ecia l in stan ces ) .
A Modern Touch
"All ri ght, sa rge, I'll give you th e whole story. She was a regul a r sh e-d evil. ,"Vhen we cau ght h er burying the bod y, sh e fou ght and scratched like a ti ge r. Sa id sh e w asn' t do ne ye t. C a lls herself Anti gone, ni ece to old Kin " C reo n. T old us that th e rot ting co rpse out th ere on the hill w as h er brother, P olyn ices, a nd tha t she h ad to give h im a proper buri al-said it was the leas t she could do . . . " W ell, sarge, rl1aybe shc is Antigolle, but you'd th ink tha t th e da ughte r of roya l blood would ac t a li ttle mo re la d y-like. She e,·en has C reon befud dled . H e told h er tha t in ordcr to teach tltt' p eople of Thebes a Je sson the body of P olyn ices h a d to by there stinkin g for a n oth er month, a nd th a t sh e must obey the law not to bury it. Anti gon e sai d some thin g about a higher m ora l bw th a t had to be obeyed, a nd th a t Creon shouldn't 111CSS a round with wha t be longed to God- just Caesar' s things. "You 've got to say this much for her: sh e sure h as spunk. She k nt' w tha t even throwing one ha nd ful of dirt on the corpse would m ea n d ea th. I think tha t' s wha t th ose idle ta lke rs in the market pla ce call T ra ged y when you know you' re going to di e for doin g someth ing, a nd d o it a nyway. "You know, sarge, Anti gone is youn g- a bout th e age of a coll ege junior. Sh e'd mu eh rather live th a n di e. But there is no help for h er . Kind of a pity, huh, sa rge?" When you arc on the side of the gods against the tyrant, of M a n a gainst the State, of purity aga inst corruption-when, in short, your name is Antigone, there is only one part you can play. Antigon e will have to play her's through to the end. She is going to be able to shout aloud all those thin gs she never thought she would be able to say. And she doesn' t say these things because it will do any good t o say them. She says them for their own sake. Fred Bindel, Director Sprin g Play
Bealnilc •• lndividual or Escapist?
Much has been said about the impor tan ce of bei n g a n ind ividu a l ill th is age of the organ izat ion man . Books a nd num erous a r ticles a re writtt'n pra is in g th e idea, and it seems tha t we, as stud ents, a rc consta ntl y rem inded that th e gen ius is one who is unique . The ea tnik s, a vowed non-confon ist" ha,'e been tholl"'h t of erron eous ly as ana logous to the Bohem ians of the fi rst ha lf of th e 1 vcn tic th cen tu ry. I say erro neo usly for the Ilohcmians d rea med of lll aki n::; the world a better place t o live in, a nd cont ri bu ted a grea t d eal to th e world of finer literature. Th ese so-called Beatniks ha\'e produ ced only onc faidy well known auth or, J ac k Ke I'ou ac , who is of question ablt wo rth, a nd th eir liter ary offerin gs tend to m erely stress the hopelessness a nd absurd n ess of life. Cnn we find rea l va lue in su ch w orks as ":Yly Fi rs t D a y On a J unk," by Wil liam L ee, or "Howl," by Alk n G insburg ? Al so, th e Bohem ia ns did not con fin c the m a jor por tio n of th eir ac tivities to sitting a roun d in coffee hou ses, or eng rossed in "wee d" p arti es, dressed in th e ir uniform of blacknt:ss a nd unkempt dirty casua lness. Vi ewin g them , on e se riously wondel's whether th ('y arc b ein g individua ls o r m e rely esca pists, in ca p able of living in our com plex world- fa ilures as m embers of the hu ma n nice.
Complete an d fool ishly co nstant conformity is no t some thing to be ex clusively desired either. I me rely feci that one shou ld exa min e hi s l'eason for any non-conformist ac ts h e may do. College students a ppea r t o go through a "Rebel Stage," wh en th ey a rc down on at lea st some, or a ll rules, regula tions and institutions. T h ey expons e their freedoms a nd h ow these a re b eing usurped and abused. L a ter on in life the avera ge p erSOll will drift into a lasting p eri od of conte ntme nt with th e status quo, and this is b ad too. This questi oning of the ad ult world, which li es outside of the sa nctu a ry of the campus, is good, bu t should b e more of a th oug htful e.xperi en ce than it usuall y is. Arc rules a nd traditions condemned bee.a use th ey a re bad in them selves, or me rel y because the stud ent wi shes to asse rt h is individua lity ? In this very typ e of a n asse rtion h e may be conformi ng, the only diffe rence bein g the type of group, wh ieh is n ow the "Rebels." Ess enti a lly the po in t is tha t one should not be a. non-c.o nfon n ist just for th sake of bein g different. This has no rcal a nd las tin g va lu e, cxcept as evidence that you h ave a ce rta in amount of purposeless nerve. Nor is there. any value in hiberna ting within the sanctity of th e ha llowed ha lls of a col le ge or university, as the Bea tniks cluster in their coffee hou ses or "'pads," for security and protec ti on fr om the outside world. D on ' t be a fraid to live in your own way a nd follow your own desires and sense of -rightness. Just be su rc your a ct ions a re motivat ed by the principle tha t th is is wha t you want to do and you know it to be right, a nd not solel y a res ult of your desirc for attention , or to be thoug ht of as different. Be tru e to yourself as a unique, thinking indi vidua l. A nn H aggar t, editor
Seattle Symphony O mits
Symphonies for PLU
by Martin Schaefer Now that the Sea ttle S ymphony ha s come and gone for a nothcr yea r, ce rta in questions corne to m ind . Wha t is the purpose of a co nce rt? Wha t kind of musi c should it include? Should the musicia ns pl ay wha t th ey th ink the a udi ence wants, 01· does the a ud ie nce, p erhaps, have a right to say wha t they want to hea r ? These questions seem a ll the m ore in evitable in the light of Professor Christensen's talk in Student C h apel this weck. One point h e m ade wa s tha t most of what the Symp h ony played for us, although it is good mu sic, is a ll of one type. He stated th a t n o symphony was offcred; and it is tru e tha t, except for the Brahms overture, a ll th e music was of a "program-music" vari ety. The obje ction is ,·ali d , of course. Here is a symphony orches tra ca pab lc o f playing a n yth in g in the orc hes tra l repe rtoire, and-let' s face it-they d o play important work s i n Sea ttle a nd even in downtown Tacoma! But for some rea son th ey feel tha t m cre "college kids" aren' t appl·cc ia ti ve of a dult level prog ra ms. I maintain that a college stude nt is able to understand fine m usic.. A n y student who ca res to li sten will, in time, come to apprec ia te much m ore m usic than he would otherwi sc. A good orchestra such a s thi s sh ould feci it their duty to stimula te a co ll ege a udiencc toward such apprecia ti on. Maybe we could ask th e orch estra if, next year, they w ould pla y us a symphony or (if a soloist is ava ila ble) a concerto. I have no thing aga ins t suites a nd short works, but I think we h ave a ri ght to exp ec t something of a little hi gher calibe r a lso. After a ll, it's our m one y tha t' s be ing spe nt.
Edi to L. ............................... .......... ........... ....... A nn H agga rt ='Icws Editor ................................................ Ali ce Wen ness Re po rte rs: M a rgy Eas h, La Vonne Erda hl Ba rba ra E r'ic ksen, R osa lyn F a s t e r, Janct Guthri~ D ea n na H ~ n, OIl, Sand ra H eir< n, La rry IVerson. ' Fea ture Ed itor.. ..... .......... ............................... Ruth W a lke r R epo rter; : G ordo n Gray, Dick Halvorson, a nd Ann Schn ac kenberg. Sph rts E d it or ....... ....... ....................... _.. _... M ik c M ac d ona ld R cportns: D ave 130ttemiller, Ed Davis, J 0 h n Fey, Joh n H an so ll, Bob H owa rd, Bob Rydlan d , G ary Sun d .
In tr amu rals E ditor .......................... _.....Go rd on G ra d wohl
Pbotograp h er ... ....................................... M cK ew en Stud io
B usi r '~ M ,\ lla g e r ....................................... _D ou g J ohnso n
Ad M g rs............ .....D onna V a n G ilder, E lea no r Bousfi eld
e l f u btion M ana ger .. _.................................. .}udy K rag'h
M a iling .......... . .Jud ith J oh nson, C a ro lyn Thotn1tsse n, and
:/'.{ary Wa lk er . Advisor.. ............... ..................................... M r . M ilt K esv ig Th e M oo rin g M as t is published weekly durin g the sch ool yea r by stud rn t; of Pac ific Luthera n University. Subscription pric e: $3.00 p c,' year. Phone LE. 7-8611.
LSA Workshop Informative; Church In School Discussed O ver ninety executi ve hoa rd me mbers from Lutheran Stud ents Assoc ia tion s in Wa shin gton, Oreg-on, C alifornia and Idaho, gathered a t Ca mp M l'nucha near Portland, O regon, la st weekend for their a nnua l worbh op. Speaking on th c top ic, " T h e L ife an d , iission of the C h u rch in H igh eT E duca tion," was R ev. Siggu rd LokJ ;en, campus pas tor a t th e L' n i"crsity of C a lifornia . G iving a d yna m ic prcscrl ta tion, hc 'xpl a incd th e nature a nd purpose of th e C hurch, and lea rni ng a nd faith in the U n iversity. H e a lsu dit euss" d problems with instituti onal in ter-relat ionships of the C hurch and th U n ivCI sit y. P L U wiIl be well -rcp n:ent ed on the R eo' ional Board . A t the ann ua l busi ness mee ting', Bo b M oore was elected v ice president, and also a delega te to Na tiona l C ouncil. Se rving with him in thi s la tt er duty will be Dick Hal yorson. L avonne E rdahl was appointed " Fronticr s" promotional director. T h e weekend r eached its conclusion with a C ommunion Service on Sunday m orni ng.
W orld Politics Series-
The Bishops
by Gordon Gray "The "i ctory of socialism in Ru ss ia is n ot comp lt tc bC'ca use the dan g-e r of interve ntion from capi talis t coun tri es continll es. T he problem can be solved only b y l!n it inc' th e sc r ;olls effo r ts of the int erna ti ona l prold a ria t wit h th e still more serious efforts of th e cnt ir·c Sode t p eoplc." -S ta lin. T hus the Soviet U n ion began a p(Jli ey w hi ch was ext rem >Iy lon g ra nge in na ture a nd h as, sin ce W orld Wa r II, m ore tha n tripled he r geogl'a pil ic a rea b y in col'poating into th c Union such count ries as Al b a ni a , C hin a , Czec hoslovakia, Eston ia, E as t G erm a n y, Hun fla ry, :\orth Korea, Latvia, Lithua n ia, 1-Iongolia, Rum a ni a , T ibet, a nd Yu goslavia . H ow ~ v er, th e qu estion which m us t be as ked is, Why? Why d o th ese people ,'ote for th e Communists? Why arc th ey cont ented with thi s typc of dictatorship rule? V'l hy d on' t th ey wa.nt to rc,·olt? I feci tha t th e a nswers to these qu es t ions may be summed up in th e cla ssic expression, "a hungry person rarely bites the hand that will feed him." Today I will a ttempt to p rove tha t in eve ry country in whi eh thc Communists have been able to gain control, tha t the re ha~ been a genera l ri se in th e peoples' sta nda rd of livin g - po liti cally, econom ica lly, and socially- a nd tha t this is th e ma in reason why Russia has see n th e li ght whi ch sh e fcds w ill a llow he r to control the world under th e au spi ces of her ideology. This is tru e b ecause, as su ch leadin g a uth oriti es as W. W. Rostow, Paul A . Sa mul son, and oth ers h ave contended, under the p rev ious regimes of th ese countries they could n ot have evcr grown a s fas t or as well as under their prese nt Com munistic di cta torsh ip s. There was too mu c h g ra ft, cor ru p ti on, a nd the people of thesc countries we re not rea d y for a ny other sys tem of government. Thus they fell pre y to the Soviets-a tyra nical dictatorship. China Allow me to usc two classic. subj ec ts for our study whi ch a rc rep resen ta tive of all of the victim countries China a nd Yu gosla.via . China, before World W a r II, wa s already a war a nd revolt torn nation, bcing rava ged by civil war since 1930, be tween the Communists and the N a.tionalists. Th en during th e Wa r, having to spend a ll t hdr attention on th e J apa nese, the national govern ment Ix' ca mc weak a n d t he C ommunists were able to infiltrate the gove rnment a nd the country, As one for eign student attending P acific Lutheran University sa id, "In 1948, whcn the Communists made their big move to take over the country, the people, because they were so tired of war, would hav e welcomed any <,ha n ge-be it Uncle Sam or Stalin." Well, the C ommunists h appened to start a drive which carried th em to p ower over any opposing forces and now the p eople arc saddled with this dictatorship, but they arc not compla inin g, for they arc far b etter off-economically- th a n they h ave b een for centuries (relatively sp eaki ng) . Yugoslavia Yugoslavia is a nother exa mple of this idca. During the Second World War the re were two u nderg round fa ctions fig hting th e G erma ns -the Chetniks a nd the C ommunist-inspired P a rtisans led by Tito. The P a rti sa ns wanted to com p letely d estroy the Nazis, but the Chctniks relegated to th em selves a policy of partia l appeasement of the G erma ns . Which do you think th e people would favor? Quite na turally, the Partisa ns, and to this day th ere h a s n ot becn a ma jor r evolt in Yu go slavia wherc th e p eople h a ve sh own a dissatisfaction of the iI' gove rnme n t. Please do not misundersta nd m y position . I am not contendin g tha t th e C ommunists are a ll ri g ht or that we a re all wron g. \Vha t I a m say in g, howeve r, is that the Communists have been in the right spot at the correc t t ime and tha t "a h un gry p erso n ra rely bites the ha nd tha t will feed him ." And thus with their long ra nge strategy the Sovi et Uni on h as been able to bring a goodly po rtion of the world und er her ideology. She certainly has earned the ri ght to be termed the bish ops in our world-wide ch ess ga m e, m oving with a stron g forwanl power.
Why No ? by Rosal yn F oste r W hy not sta rt yo u r outside rea di ng' : W hy no t bt g in yo u r rc~ c arc h p ap er carly ? W hy no t d n 'ss up for di nn er T hu rsd;}y ni ght? W hy not kcep silent when Y O ll lose a t love? W hy not try to lea ve your room more tidy ? Wh y n ot write those looked-for letters home? Why n ot b egin and end each day in praye r ? Oh ye-who will to set the world on fire Why not light yo ur ca ndle now?
Friday, February 24, 1961
Aeeent ~A'
e4m{z«d, SfMPttd,
T h e two sepa ra te Intramu ra l Bask etba ll Tou rnaments for the "A" a nd " B" L C'ague tea ms a nd th e " C" a nd "D" tea ms will begin this coming Tu esday eve nin g a t 6:30. After the fi na l leag ue resu lts arc known , a s w ell as the out co me of the E verg reen Conferen ce standi ngs as to wlw thcr PL U will p art icipate in th e 1\AIA pla yoffs, the tournament sch edul e will be. drawn up and posted }.tfon day morning. In th e "A" T ourney, the 3 rd Floor Tipp ers, wh o h ave c:1inched a t lea st a ti e for first place and first p osi li on in the standings accordi ng to points for, is - the N o. 1 seeded team and will draw a bye the first round. E as t e rn P a rkland, who h as ci n ch ed a t least a sha re of th e second place hon ors a nd second position according to po ints for, will be th e second seeded team,. a lso draw ing a bye th e first rou nd . In th e "A" chart below, n otwith sta nding the fac t tha t th e fina l results are not known a t this tim e, the teams a re p a ired according to their fin ish in th e fin a l standi ngs, a nd in case of a t ic, th e tea m with the mos t points for wiIl be g iven the edge. The y will be sin gle elimina tion tourneys , with the lose rs in the first a nd second rounds droppin g out. The losers of the thi rd round wiIl play for third a nd fourth pl ace ; in other w ords, if a t eam wins thei r first two ga m es they arc a ssured a place in the top four of th e tourney. 3rd Floor B, th e onl y undefeated t eam thus fa r this season, is also seeded a nd will play the fifth place finish er in the "B" L eague. In the "B" Tourna m ent the 4th Floor "Playboys" a rc the ;.J"o. 1 see d ed tea m a nd will rest the first d ay of ac tion. The Faculty "Castoffs" lost out in the distri ct pl ayoffs and will not be represented in the tourney due to th eir poor record a nd poor p a rticipation this season. Th e " B" Tourney will be run on the same basis as th ~ up pe r b rac ket tournament. The re w ill be 28 games a ll t old in th e tourname-nts, with ga m es 25 through 28 being playe d the final ni ght- full cou r t. All games will be played in two 16-minute ha lves inst ead of the usual 4-quarter sys tem used preyiously in the season.
"B" TOURN"AMENT (First Two Rounds )
(First Two Rounds) I
Playboys ( 1st C)
(1st A)
Bye GAME No. 16
GAME No. 20
V els (7 th C ) C AME No.6
( 7th A ) GAME No. 7
(3rd B ) (~rd A) GAME N o.8
0 rdC) GAME No.5 ( 6 thD )
( 7th B ) G AME No. 19
GAME No. 15 (5th A )
CAME No. 9
(Tnd D)
(2nd B)
l !th C)
(4th A)
GAME No. 10
(+thD )
GAME N o. 14
Delts (6thC ) GA ME ~o. 2
(6 th B )
GAME No. 18
(6 th A ) GAME N o. 11
(4th B)
J oes
( 1,t D) G AME ·0.1
3rd Floor B (1st B) GAME No. 12
t 5th D )
GAME No. 13 (5th B )
GAME No. 17
' ~ nd C)
(2 nd A )
Bye __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
~eM~e ~~4 "7'. 7 " "1
Season: 15 righ t wrong
G. G. Gradw ohl
Percen tage : .8::53
42 p ick ~ ; 2+ right, 18 wron g . Perce nta ,!!;c ri gh t: .666. S:J tu rday, f ebru a ry 25t h: 3rd "Floor B ow r Eas em B Faculty o\'c r M - qua ; Hustlers 0 T r Eastern C
E astern ave 4.th Floor ; R ebs OV('r DellS Na O\ er W esterll B ; Beach BUllIS o",:r Castoffs Evergreen B over 2nd Floor; lst F loor C ove r Base. C
DELUXE BURGER in a basket with frj e L ________
119th a nd Pa cific Avenue
D ominatin g th e A's the m ajorit y Len ding th e pac k from start to fin of th e time the p ast scaso n h ave bet:n ish th i; seaso n in th e B's were the th e " Tippe rs " from 3rd F loor. Only :)rd Floo r B's. With 14 straig ht wins an up et by "l'vl-Squad" wh en they t o th eir cre d it they g agains t E ast meet Satuday a nd a p roba ble vic e rn B Sa tu day, in the final fo r both tory by Easte rn over lu ck -less 4th clubs. T ea m-pl ay has been the spark Floor can keep th e full sha re of the behind 3rd' s \vinnin g st. ring, going ti t le from the " Tips:' illto the tou rn am ent next week th f' Y w ill b th e on ly team sporting a per D ominat in g the lea gue so fa r in th e scor ing d epa rt me nt ha \'-e been fect reco rd (ba rrin g in cident! ) . th e Fa culty' s G ene Lundgaa rd a nd In the scorin g d epa r tme nt Da\'e Eva ns of Wes te rn B fam e is the c ur Everg reen 's Roge r Rcr p . Lundgaard rent leader, averagin g 18.5 3 p oints is the current lea d er with 23 .81 p er gam e. J erry R cdbu rg of the East points per game. Roge r is se cond ern B's is s eond with 16.07 points with 22.81 points per gam e. per ga me whi le Gerald G ettis (3rd 'A' LEAGUE STANDINGS Floor B ) res ts comfortably in the Team W L PF PA Pet. third spot with 15.41 per game aver Tippers _____ .10 3 803 651 .769
a ge . Eastern _____ _ 9 4 748 621 .692
Evergreen __ 8 5 725 738 .615 '8' LEAGUE STANDINGS
Team Faculty ------ 8 5 648 647 .615 W L PF PA Pet.
Western ______ 7 6 670 673 .538 3rd FlooL._14 0 679 483 1.000
Western B __ 8 6 724 634 .'571
M-Squad ____ 5 7 521 476 .416 E astern B ____ 8 6 643 588 .571
4th Floor ____ 4 9 597 6 55 .307 N ads ____ .. ___ . 8 6 540 522 .571
Evergreen B 7 7 443 4 50 .500
WEEK 'S 'A' RESULTS Bandits __ __._ 6 8 557 577 .428
Faculty (64 ): Lund gaard 35, Salz 2nd Floor__ ._ 1 12 358 516 .076
man 14, G abri elsen 6, Potra tz 3. 4th Floor (54): J. Eva nson 19, Don WEEK'S 'B' RESULTS K eppler 12, J. Poppin 9, V estal 8 . Bandits (61): Mike Thompson 18,
Tom Alde n 13, Bill Peterson 9, Eastern (84): Ron H a nna 2 1, Hovey Jim Boeseha ns 8, Christenson 7. 19, Flamoe 17, H agerma n 14, Hil Western B (48): D ave E vans 19, Bob dahl 9. Julin 12, Roy KalIa 7, Fred Eaton Western (68): Scha umberg 36, Ivar 6, Erv M a rlow 4. Eliason 12, Christenson 10.
Playboys, loes, Respective 'C', 'D' Chomps to Prove Worth in Tourney The "Playboys" from 4th Floor lost again this week, but still gath ered in the "C " L eague title. The important item n ow is wh ether or not they can domina te th e 'B' Tour ney as th ey did the league. Second pla ce is up for grabs Sa turd a y as the E verg reen "Rebs" and E astern C fi g ht for the spot. ( Eastern plays the " Hustlers" a nd the " R ebs" mee t the "Delts") . Delta HaIl' s J erry Curtis co ntrols th e top spot in th e sco ring (for the time being anyway ) sporting a pcr game average of 22. 20. Gay Sund, Playboys, holds d own se cond posi tion with 17.50 p oints p er game.
Flowers for All Occasions
The sha rp-shooting 3rd Floor "Joes" rolled over 5th Floor and the "Blue D evils" this week to grab the " D " L eague title. A much improved ball club the second round, the J DeS will have to hustle against "C" com p etition (from whence they came) in the tourney. 1st Floor C wiIl make its b id Sa turda y aga inst the Base m ent to m ove in to a ti e for second pla ce in the sta ndings . C urrentl y leadin g th e scorers is M a rk Anderson, 5th Floor, with an ave rage of 19.72 . Close on his heels is 1st F loor's D ennis Gudal with 19.09. Di ek Schlenk er, "Blue D ev ils," 16.92, and Arvin Meyer, 1st Floor, 16 .07, are n ext in line.
Team W L PF PA Pet.
.875 Joes _____ _______ 10 5 644 555 .666
.666 5 B lue D evils 8 7 614 61 9 .533
5 .666 1st Floor ____ 7 7 752 653 .500
7 .533 51h Floor ____ 6 9 647 710 .400
10 .375 Base. C _._. __ 4 9 419 509 .307
.312 11 .266 B. Bums __ _._. 3 10 427 591 .230
11 Castoffs _. ___ .. _2 12 28 7 449 .142
.250 12 WEEK ' S 'D' RESULT S WEEK'S 'C' RESULTS Joes (51 ) : G . Nikkari 15, Jensm 13,
Retreads (54 ) : Bindcl 16, G. Shaw F ey 12, M a rtin 10, Condray 1. 12, J . Geise 10, H . Larson 10. 5th Floor (44 ) : Fa rra r 18, And erson Playboys (48): G a ry Sund 17, Sel 15, J acobSOlJ 8, Pede rson 2, m an 13, D . Thompson 8.
W Team Playboys ____ 14 East. C ______ 10 R ebs __________ 10 Hustlers ____ 8 Retreads ____ 6 Vets ____________ 5 Delts ___ . ______ 4 Rel iables ____ 4
L 2
PF 758 656 608 578 562 563 550 533
PA 525 597 590 514 651 644 600 579
Vets (46 ) : Scearce 14, H agge rt y 11, Joes (40): J ensen 13, M artin 12,
::-<ikka ri 11, Condra y 2, F ey 2. M . Healy 9, C orey 8, Wood 4. Blue Devils (31 ) : G. G ra d'Nohl 13,
Reliablcs (39): H. Flack l 't , Mitch Schl enh r 12, K el ly 3, K u ba ll ~. Billin gs 10, Fisch er 6, Randoy 4.
S~ ::lso n:
I 'om mi ttcd m yself last w eek, so l'il still p ick the
folIowin 'l" on ton ig-h t' s cr OS~ - lO\vll da$ h ( ma ybe) : Pa c ilic l .u thcran over P uget Sound by 3 poi nts.
Parkland Triple XXX
3rd Floor's Entries Dominate 'A' and '8' League Basketball Finals
Intramural Basketball
Tourneys to Start Next Tuesday
Retreads (5 thC )
Page Three
We Outfit Coeds 406 Garfield
LE. 7-531 7
JOHNSON IS DRU G (Al l Students' Needs) GARFIELD AT PACIFI C AVE N UE Thurs., 9 a .m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 Sun. PRESCRIPTIONS - COSMETICS Comp lete Comera Department
OU GIS Gift Shop
12 171 Pacific Ave nue
Donut Bar and Quick Lunch
Wash 20c. Dry IOc
(Foot of Garfield)
We Deliv-.r
516 Garfi eld
LE.7-5 559
(Acro •• from Old Main)
Order Today for Tomorrow
Page Four
Friday, February 24, 1961
Knighl:s Wait:ing for Bid Baseball Turnouts NAIA committeemen are expected t o deliver their verdict this week on tourney selecti ons . Last night's Pacific Lutheran at UPS game climaxed the Evergreen Confe rence dogfight. \Vhitw o rth received an automa tic b erth in District I play ffs via their conference champion ship . N ew Pirate m entor, Dick amm, revitalized last year 's cellar d'w ellers wit h a vastly im
RichSt:anley S Brighi: Asset:
NORM DAHL goes for the ball in the PLU-Eastern game last Saturday when PLU e d ged t e Sa vages 74-64.
Hildebrand's Team Winner of First Half The tea m of Loren Hild ebrand, G a r y V esta l and Snard Hanson ran off w ith the first half bowling cham pi onship as the semester end e d. B owlin g around th e 180 mark they cin ch ed th e championship with eight c.onsee utive wins to end the half. A ccording to league secretary Ted M eske's m a th ematics, Jerry Olson t ook individual honors with an ave r age of 190. Closel y bunched in sec ond w ere Sna r d Hanson, Loren Hil d ebra nd, T ed M es ke and John Fey. But st iff comp etiti on is comin g in Mi h M ac d ona ld wh o h as a ve r aged 195 since j oinin g the le a gue a m onth ag-o. J oAn n Corey, wh ose t (" l1m fin_ i h ed w ell up in th e stan di ngs, h as th e h igh :wcrage fo r th," g irls.
p osed of Bill R obb, R ay J ohnson, John F ey, a nd now M ik e M a.cdon ald. Comp etit i on prom ises t o b e real rou gh thi s sem es ter , so "keep ' em rollin' !"
NOTICE All those inte rested in turning out for spring sports-golf, ten nis, tra ck and baseball--official workouts start l\'I arch 1. Those interested in golf and tennis see Mr. Lundgaard; those inte rested in tra ck see .Mr. a lzman , and those inte rested in baseball sec !\IT. Gabrielsen. All of these men can be reached in the gym.
Hi g h a ve rage team-\v isc: \\'a s \-vo n going :lway by the M ad Three, eom-
Mike Macdonald .................... 190
Di k BaTan owski ................... .1 130
Loren H ildebrand .................. 177
J01111 Fey ................................177
Rich Sta n ley
RECORDS LP's, Sin g le s
P ac ific Lu t her a n, W este rn W ash in gt o n, Eas te rn vV as hi ngton, ::tnd Se attle P acifi c make up the rem ai nd l' c of th e h opeful fi eld. Sea ttle Pacifi c sli d in as a dark h orse poss ib ilit y be hi nd a 9-3 r ecurd since J an ua ry 1. T he F a lcons poli shed off P a cifi c Lu th e ra n in Sea t tle M o nday, 9 1-85. D ef..n din g di st r it: t t:h a m p W estern fini sh ed league pla y a gai nst U PS. In I a s t Satu rd ay' s batt le Whitworth routed W este rn 81-60 ; P aci fi c L u thera n ed ged E as te rn 74 -64, :l nd Pu gt" t So und wiped up Ce nt ra l' s W ild cats 81- 7 1. Fo r t he L u tes th e season has bee n a roll e r c.oas te r rid e. Lundgaard ha d th e L u tes off in run nin g wi th a T AC c !"Own . T r ipp in g St. M art in's 60-46 , a nd P ed er son 's F rye rs 82 -71, Wil lam ett e, Linfiel d, L ewi s a nd Cla rk fell in rap id success io n. Th e L u th e ra ns ra n th eir winning strea k to 9-0 in th e C hi co Tourn ey befo re Pasad en a clipp ed them in th e fin als 8 2-63 . Nig htma re six h a d just be g un . Lun dgaa rd 's Kni gh ts couldn't beg, bo rrow , or stea l a vi ctor y un til they ed ged E as te rn in th e fin a l nine seco nd s 60-59. From th e re it w as up the coas ter wi t h a 68-65 return tilt ,yin ov(, r Whitwo r th. Th e Lntcs th e n rocked C en tra l, R edlands, a nd U PS at hom e befo re su ccumbin g o n the Vikin g m ur1. On th eil- h ome fl oor the L u tes mea sured the V ikings for their lon e w in in fo ur games 70-66.
1PLINTEIlI~ 4,.- FROM rilE B£'«clf
T ed Meske .............................. 166
Wally Ch ristopherson ............ 155
Bill R oub ..... ........................... H;1
H a rold Peterson .................. .... 163
Gary Vestal ......... ................... 161
On e of the most colorful :lthlctcs to cn r the scene at PLU this year, Ri ch Sta nley has made a bi g hit with th e Lute fa ns. H is sc ra ppy, but consistent play, h as C'arnc d him wh a t mi g h t be te rm ed a " fi rs t-st rin g reserve" spo t o n t h e Kni g hts basketball t eam. Al ways counted on to o uthu stl e nearly a ny mall o n th e flo o r, h e is O IlC of the first to be call ed upon b y C oach Lund gaa rd in a ti ght spot. D es pite hi s rel a tively sm a ll size, he ofte n comes up witll a loose ball a n ywhe re on th e co urt, an d h is fine shoo tin g m a kes hi1n a co nsta nt scorin g t h rea t. A 1957 g raduate of Hi ghland Hi gh Sc h ool in Seattle , h e was h on ored by a n a ll-sta te selec tion in bask e tball and baseba ll. The n followed tw o yea rs a t Olympic Junior College in Brem e rton, where he played one year of bas ketball and sat out a year. As a junior at PLU h e earned his first varsity letter as an und e rstudy qu a rte rback and defensive man on the football team. He also promises to g rea tly aid a s a shortstop for th e baseba ll squad. Thus he is well on his w a y to beeon lin g one of th e few th ree -sport le tte rm en o n campus. Ri c h S tan ley hilS earned the chee rs a nd suppo rt o f all Lutes. Sta nle y had hi gh pra ise for h is fell ow t ca m me mbe rs a nd Coaeh Lund gaard .
p roved d efens ive club, as w ell a s a p o ise d r oa d outfit. Whitworth fi n ish ed pl ay with a 11- 3 record , w hil e r ac kin g up 988 points.
la rg e se lection at
ABC ELECTRONICS 325 Garfield Street Free Bonus Record s for Record Clu b C ards
~ ),'
Th e P L U li nt: will be stre n gth e ned next year b y M ik e Smith, an (-, ccl lent end fro m C lo\ ('r P a rk. M ike e nrolled for the sprin g se m es ter a nd w ill be eli g ible for th e ni ght squad next year . .. Bob Ja cob sen prove d he is proha bly Oll e of t be most valuable sixth men in the lcClgu e as h e ca m e off th, be n ch to average 16 points in th e two games east of th e m oun ta illS . . . H a ns, a six-foo t, eight-inch transfer student fr om onza g-Cl, has bee n w o rki ng out with this yca r' s Lute eag'c rs and there is only on e thin g to say. Boy, is he go in g to h dp next year! Hans is also a tr:lck man. h avin g jumped G fee t, 7 inch es, whi ch is good in any leagu e ... Loren Hildeb ra nd, b owli n g in th e L i tth: Lu te Bowlin g L eaguc, hit a 607 series last w ee k to ta ke hi gh h onors . . . Di ek C la rk, one of thc Kni ghts' high h opcs for th e m ile l'un, h as bee n w orking o ut on lowe r ca mpu s fo r th e coming sea son. Dick shou ld a d d st rengt h to the track tea m as w ell as improve on his OWII time thi s yea r .. . R umor has it th a t there is a track man who ca n run the hurdl es in 14.5 sec onds; as of yct n o on e knows t oo much about him, but if 14.5 is fact a nd no t r umor h e sure will help o ut . . . Ski ers he3d for Mt. H ood th is weeken d wi th the h ope of brin g in g bac k honors for our sc hool . . . Marv (nen ' l' m iss) fridr ieso n. is grtting ove r hi s knee injury a nd should be a t full st reng-th fo r nex t seaso n .. . No nn Su ggc nt, ch a mp of th e we irr ht lifters, has comt out of retire me nt a nd ca n once 'lga in be found buildi ng up hi s body whi ch reall y d ocs not need too m uch building up . .. I hea r D ou g M cCl ary a nd M an' Snell have turned the ir talents toward ska ting . . _ R oger R cep a lready has h is eyes o n th e co nfe re nce tra ck m e'et . . . Gary Olso n, a n outstan d in g ou tfielde r fol' the baseba ll team, recently hurt h is ; h ould c r bu t sh ou ld be rea d)' for at lea st p art of th e comin g season-an ywa y, Coach G a bri else n h opes so.
Marv Tommervik's
Sixth Avenue at O rc hard
PHONE LE. 7 -7 100
Begin Wednesday
Th e; pro -p " ets of " victori oll S se,l son app n ll' vcry good fv PLt]"s l.K ,!lt· ball squad of 1961. C oa ch ed bv J im GClbriclsen and his new a ss ista n t, Dr. P a ul Vign ess, and aid ed b/ Ih e ''' turn of 13 lcttnnw n f rom t h l l !J(i lJ team, th e Kni r:h ts look a head to a n: p' a t victo ry in t he W Cbte n ha lf u f th e E ve r gree n C Ollfe r,· ncc:. La, t sprin g th e Lut es e\T ntu ally b owc:d br fo r" vVhitw urth in th e eo nfe n' ncr' p layuff. T wo outstandin g- re turn c " f rom la st yea r' s champion sh ip t 'am arc A l Blom q ui st a nd G ary Ves ta L Blflm qu ist, now a junior, gai ned Il. bert h o n th e a U-co nference t aU I as a ut il it y ma n . V cs ta l, a lso a junior, gai ned the fi L·t-string t hird b ase: spot. Othe r retu rnees a rc listed as fol lows : O utfie'ld-Ga r y Olson, K e nt Tf' k ro ny, F r<J nk W atpn vurth ; in fi du - Sta n F red erickson ; pitch ers - u n K eppler, R on Coltom 'l n d L a rry P oulson ; and a catch cr, L ars J ohn son. Addin g furthn suppo r t tot h e strong Knight squad will be pit ch ers Jack Cocci and Ken Larson, short stop Ric h Stanley and outfiel de r J erry Curtis, who, as a freshma n two yea rs ago, hit .375 for the Lutes of
1959. The official turnout will b eg in on }.oIa reh I, a ccording to coach Ga b r iel se n. But you ma y have not iced th a t m any h ave a lr eady bee n on the d ia m ond ge ttin g tuned up for a yic to r iou s season .
Junior Varsity Finishes Season Th e 19G0-6 1 ed itio n of th e P ac ifi c. L u t hna n J uniur V a rsi ty cl osed out the ir season las t w ee I b y d owning th e M arys\' ill e town tea m h ere in ou r ow n gym. Compe tin g in the Ta coma C ity L eagu ' O UI' JV t ea m fin ish ed nea r th e bOttUlll bu t n cycrt hc less offe red th e fa ns h e re a t PLU m a n y thr ills. Th e Jun io r V a r ,; ity tca m d c- vcl oped m a n y hri g h t p r osp t'c t9 for n('xt yc-'lr':; va rs it y team. Prob ably o rw of th e most prorni sin " te a m mem bel w as 6'6" J o n la lrni n wh u sa w some \'arsity act ion t hi s ye' lr T h We.. t SC:lttlc boys, D enn y M cP ola nd a nd Mi ke lIea ly, p roved th a t th y wi ll Iw a stron g a sse t to Gene L un dg.ta r d's \'" rsi t y squad nex t yea r, bo th as good scure rs, rebound rs, a nd ba ll ha nd krs. M ePola nd hit in the d ouble fi ~ u n's co nsiste ntl y in c ity leag ue ba iL T h e b oy tha t m ade the fa ns, ;)s well as the coa c h , sit u p a nd ta ke n oti c" wa s J im H e nson w ho gat hered i n ~8 p o in ts une ga m e an d was a lways imp rcssi \"; with his lon g jump sh o ts. o undill g out t he squad w e r ~ A l f'c'n )" Al .lame , l b nse n Bay, K I'.n Thom as. J e rry O dsa th e r, Pe te V a n K Oll ynt" n bul"g, Duan e Meske. :lnd C re' ight o n , erm e ro th. A s a wlr all.' __ t he season w as ;1 successful on e with th e llla in ."o:us bei ng ac hi cvecl. T h e J 1 tea m is Hl1c\ C; up of those who C : l!lC to bas ketba ll tryo uts car I ict in the y(,ar " nd w eTC chosen as b ri gh t pl'osp t'ets_ It <<'nTS a s ~ P ]/W ing g round fo r some futur e PI. " a rs ity pla v(>!'s .
LEADING SCORERS P IS. Ave. Rebs. Noml Dahl ........310 14.8 253 ft alph C a rr .......... 296 12.9 lSI B . Alr::x:ulder .... ..286 12.4 88 Larry I'oulsen .... 234 10.2 224 Di ck Nelson ......_.226 8.B 75 J. Jacobsen _....... 157 7.1 125 5tanley ......._........ 63 4.9 32
PLU Hosts Weekend Guests;
Regional SWEA Will Meet
FRIDAY, MARC H 3, 1961 -
O n ' r 200 coll ege a n d hi gh school students wilJ be on ca mp us tomorrow for the Wint er W es tcrn Reg ional meeting of Student W ashin gton Edu cation Association , " ' c >I Ho rizons in Academic and Professiona l T rv.in in g" is th e theme. The da y' s p rogra m wi ll b ring to th e SE .\ a nd F utu re T ea che r' of Ameri c.a m e_m b c r s info rma ti on of "new h ori zo ns" in It me nta r y [I:a ('h_ in g, scc ond ar, teac hi ng, a nd ,pecial educ a tion. It will beg in with" cof fee hour at 9:00 a .m . in C h ris Knut zen Hall, and m e tings sta rtm t; at 9 :45 . The fin a l m eet in g win end at 3 :45 p.m.
0 0 YO U THI NK tha t Dove Ha a lan d and Fronk Wate rworth w ill catch anything in our lower camp us lake? As most of you know , th is I. our baseb all field in the sp ring but due to the record-breaking rainfall fo t the month of February, it is tem p orarily an artifici al lake.
Area High chool DebateTourna ent
reaks All PastAttendance ecords
Invaded by five hundred high schoo l students representing scho o ls of Washington and Idaho, PL U played host last w eek end to the annllal High School Debate Tournament. Sponsor in g organi n tions were the Department tlf Speech and the Wash ing ton Eps ilo n Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, national speech honora ry T he enrollm ent doubled the number of last year with Lwenty-si x more sch ools attending thi s year. m a kin g a tota l of fifty-two hi " h schools with delegati ons h ere.
ge nera l a rrangements; and M erle ()\T rla nd, equipment. Sa turday evening, when the com petition end ed, Mercer Island High ' cha e l h:ld nU\lmubted ~h e ITH) s t points in Seni or Division events and thu s rece iv ed th e Senior Swecpstak s trophy . Samm amish Hi g h S ch ool ranked next , a nd Seattl e Prep third in th e Senior Divi ion ra ce. In the Juni o r Division, L ew is and Cla rk Hi gh S ch ool of Spokane took first pla ce with Marycliff Hi gh Sch ool and Ball a rd Hi gh School ti ein g for sec ond pla ce.
'Cnck r the.: direc tin of Prof. T. O. H. K n l, the Student D irector, Judi Sanncrud and th e see r ing committee mernbns, Z an e Wilson and Karen Hegstad, orga nized th e complex ma chinery whi ch ran th e tournalllent. Pi K appa Delta J1lcmbe rs se rvin g as commi tte e cha irrncn for prepa rations included Elkn Hilde, registration ; Jean A dait Leppa, offi ce p ersonn!"!; Dick Helstrom, r oom s a nd judges; Joan j\1aicr, hou sin g; Tirn Firgins,
C h apd bells will introdu ce a w ho le week of speak ers a nd ta lent, w ne n tht'y ring this week. Th o s e attend ing student bod y ch a pel next wc (> k will be p rese nted with three dist in guished sp eakers., a \'oca l pro gram , <l nd a prese nta tion by th e sophomore class . The cha pel sch edule will procce d a s foll ows: ~'I on da y:
P astor L .crc·tt Je nsen h v tTI Ge thscmane Lutheran C hurch in Seattl e will brin ~ a m essa ge to the stud ent body.
Tuesday: Because t his is Student Bod y Chapel D " y, the sophomore class will prese nt th e pro~ ra m for th e da y. W ednesday: Th e studl'nt bod y will h ear from its own pres id cnt, Dr. S. C. East\old, recently ba ck from Hawaii. Thursday: Mrs. Willi am Wind en, a voi ce tea cher at PL U, will present seve ral vocal numbe rs to h er a udi ence:. Friday: As yet, it is unce rta in a s to th e sp eaker for this day.
Tonight's ca mpus movie win bc th e "Wrong Man," starring H enry Fonda. It win be sh own at the Jacob Samuelson Chapel at 6:30, 8:15, a nd 10:00 p.m.
Pacific Luth e ra n' s n ext children's th ea tre production will open next Thursday, March 9, a.t 12:30 p.m., with th e pl ay "Tom Sawyer." It will be: held in the CMS.
Tomorrow ni ght's ca mpu s movie will fea ture Paul N ewman in th e "Sil ver Chalice." It will be sh own at 7:15 a nd 9: 30 p .m. in the JS Cha pel .
Sixteen musical instruments with a total value of $4,664 were reported stolen last week-end from the CMS. Eight clarinets, two flutes, two cymbals, a Fren ch horn, a piccolo, a baritone saxophone, and an oboe were a ll stolen, bu t have since been re covered.
The Philokalea ns will hold their regular m onthly meetin g on Thurs day, March 9, in the sm all dining room of the CUB at 12:30 p.m. Follow ing a short business m ee ting , Dr. Utzinger will speak to the group on the pleasing personality sp eech of the tea ch er, and speech habits that he should he aware of a mo n g his pupils.
Attention, students with unusual snapshots of campus lif -why not have that snapsh ot p r inted in the Saga? Pictures may be placed in th e dc~ignated boxes in the loung~s of North, South. W est, and Harstad H ans. Off-campus and 10w(, 1 ca mpus students may place their pictures in th e stu dent body ma i.l slot in th e Student Body offic c. If you would like the picRemember : 'We can only have snapshot pages as good as th e responses that we receive from the students, so let's reany add to the 1960-61 Saga.
Some of th e hig hl ights pla nned by the FLU cha pe r a rc a showing of the film, " Th e Influ entia l merican, " a nd pl-ese nt a t ions of severa l noted speak ers. A m 0 r n in g address on " l 'cw H 0 r i z 0 n s in P rofcs ional T r ainin g wil! be given by Do ctor oy Whitfield, d e a n of graduate study at E aster-Il W as hi ngtan Cul lege of E du ca ti on . D eveloping thc conferen ce's th ~ m e still fu r ther w ill be Doctor J . W esley C rum , dean of education at C entra l Washington Colle ge of Educati on , with " N ew Horizons in Aca d emic Training.' I
' cw ins ights will be gai ned through. sma ll ~'TOU p d l ~ c ms io n p .... iod s m t he m ornin g and a ft ernoon, I n cha rge of tl!~ arran.'lcJllen ts l tu th e meet in g is J udy AndrTSo n, ::tIded by l'l"gi. Ira ill t h~ t! offil S: D ian!. A l\ ood , West ; MD ry R0 6 ('r~. N orth ; J ane J a obson , Sout h , and Margl Q ui ck, Ivy A lsu lteipil' g wit h regis tra tion a re R u th Walk'r a mi Ndlie BI Pime r. I'h( h Of. t d ub fOT t he hi ...h sch ool I''T.\ g rou p: i _-or tl Tit n ton H igh S chool of Lacey, Washin\r t on. PL U . lllc!c n h ' reg i) l ntr ioLI fc ~ i' JO e, willch in clud es Ihe cufft." ho ur crnd lu ncheo n, to h ' h r-ld ;, t 12:30 p.llI. tomorrow. T en We< t"rTI WashillgWn collrCje wi ll 1.> (' r cp r -' e n ted a t the m crlin A'. T hey include W " rn W a hin ll;lon Coll e'..« of E d uca ti on, C ent r<l h " ClI ( it- ge , C la rk C olleQt:, U nin :nlt , of Pu ge t Sou nd, Evnctl Ju n i I C olle ge , Ol ymp i 'ol!t:[(c, St. :Ma r ti n' , Cul It:ll(c, Sea ttle Pa cifi c ·ol! <: gc~ . Sea ttle n iv('r ,i ty, Ska git Val!t-y Gol!t:-"t, a lJ d Wt:'S ll"m Wa..~h ington Col e g o f E ducation. In business mc ettn gs ti ele gates from these sch ools will elec t a W e te rn R egional C oordinator a nd nomina te students for sta te offi cers nFxt yea r.
P as to r Stanley Olson, h ea d of th e J ewi sh Mission of Th e Ameri ca n Lu th eran Church, wilJ sp ea k to th e stu dent body, :Monday, M a rch 13.
Enrollment Data Now Completed Havin g secured the final registra tion total of 1619 stud ents for spring sem ester 1961, Mrs. Link a J ohnson, PL U 's Registrar, has work ed long h ours to break it down into more spec ific facts and figur es. R egistration fOI' summer, fall and spring semesters totals 2,324 stu d ents, consisting of 1,073 m en a nd 1,25 1 women. Of the total 1,619 stude nts en ron ed for this sem ester, there a rc 793 undergraduate men, 238 fresh men, 226 sophomores, 177 juniors and 152 seniors; and 858 und ergrad uate w 0 In e n, 3 18 freshmen, 217 sophomores, 167 juniors, and 156 seniors. Enrolled in PLU's graduate school are 112 m en and 104 women.
THESE SIX DEBAT ERS were a mo ng the fourt ee n forensic stu dents w ho left )a st Wednesday afternoon to co mpete in the contest at Oregon's Linfield College . From left to · right are : Claudette and Jeanette Baker, Dick Helstrom, Merle Overland, Rosalyn Foster, and Zane Wilson.
Debaters Vie for Top Honors
At: Tourney Held at Linfield
Destined for the " Tournam ent of Champions," fourteen FL U students left Wednesday afternoon furr the annual forensi c contest at Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon. The De bate Tournament events began yesterday, March 2, and will continue until late afternoon of March 4. As on e of the last trips of th e Forensic Squad this year, all speak ers representin g Pacific Lu theran are entered in Oxford or Lin coln-Dou glas D eba te on Lhe nationa l topic for co llegia te d e b a te s, R e solwd : Tha t the U nited States should a do pta progra m of compulso ry health insurance for all citizens. In addition, individ ua ls a re entered in speakin g eve nts whi ch include: Ora tory, Impromptu Speaking, Extemp Sp ca kin g, Interpreta tive Reading, After Dinner Speaking, Salesman ship, Interview, Publi c Address and Radio Spea king. Traveling as th e Senior Division Squad a re J u d i Sannerude, Joan Maiel', Dic k Helstrom, Zane Wilson, Andy C a rl so n, a nd M erle Overland. Junior D ivision m e mb e r s includ e Andrea H a ge n, J ean Adair L eppa, Claudette Baker, Jeanette B a k e r, Norma Dayhoff, Ron Swift, Mik e Burnet and Gordon Grai'. Prof. T. O. H. Karl, chairman of
the D ep a rtm ent of Speech, h eads the U niversity's Debate Team and ac compa ni ed the students alon g with NI l'. Stanl ey Elberson of the Speech D epartment fa culty. Prof. K a rl will a lso se rve on the Tournament C om mittee which handles the Linfidd tournamen t. In addition to being on e of th most competitive tournam ents PL a tt ends, th e trip also affords the op portunity for prospective pled ges of Pi K a ppa D elta, the national speech hon ora ry, t o bc groomed for a la ter initiati on h ere on campus. This usu a lly results in Junior Squad m em be rs se rving as plcbes and e rrand runne rs fo r the seniol' membe rs. One of the largn' tourname nts at tended by FLU, the Tournament of Champions usua lly hosts thirty t o thirty-five unive rsities and coJlcges flOm the eight w estern states.
Page Two
Friday, March 3, 1961
LITTLE MA..~-=....:....~~.:.:....=.~
In the Know?
L as t wee k the M ooring Mas t ran a lette r from a " would-be stud e nt" who complained about th e lack of stud y facil ities on the PLL' campus. And upon closl'.r inves ti gatio n, w e have: found hc has good g rounds fo r compla int.
Hiding from Life? What a r e the conditions in Africa a t the prese nt ? Who are the m e mbers of P r eside nt K e nn ed y's cabine t ? How is th e situation in Communist Chin a? I wond er how many stud e nts coul d g ive ad equate answe rs to these questions. It seems th a t w e a rc so ca u g ht up in c ha pel, classes, studying a nd social ac tivi ti es th a t w e tend to forget the world th a t li es outside th e sa nctu a r y of our institution. College sh ould be pre parin g us fo r life in a complex world, but is it se rvin g this purp ose? I s it making us awa re of th e w o rld and its a ffa irs, o r a re w e living a shelte r ed ex iste n ce from wh en ce we w ill h a ve a rude awak ening o ne d ay, wh en w e lea ve thi s rath er protective socie t y? Th is is the tim e in our lives whe n we should be learnin g a bo ut life and d eve lopi ng a n interest in the world a t la r ge.
Th e rc a rc a bout 1,619 students e nrolled a t PL U . Some 1,050 of th ese live on or around the ca mpus ; the oth e rs come to class es during th e d ay a nd / or in th e evening. All of these students need some pla ce to study. The qu es t ion raised last week was: "Whe re a rc we sup posed to stud y," a nd from the comm e nts h ea rd thi s w eek , th e re a l'e ma ny people who echo thi s question. The most obvious answer should be: at home. F or th e ma jo rity of the stude nts home is their dormitor y r oom whi c h is cquipped with desks, book shelves, a nd study lamps. But as a ny dorm-dweller knows, th ese com -e n icnc es don ' t hold out lon g against talkative visito rs , tele phone ca lls, no isy roommates, and brawls in th e h a lls. E\Tn the "lesse r" disturba nces-hi· fi's full b last and ra dio news reports -ca n ruin a dorm study sessio n. Some boys have ca lled Harsta d "a regul a r zoo" because it' s so noisy . And th e gi rls kno w tha t their dorms a re all too often bi g soc ia l gabfests. O ne g irl complained, " I' ve ye t to be able to study ('\"C n o ne whole hour without bein g interrupted to ta lk! " Wh e n the studying is for a b ig ex a m , the sit ua ti on rea lly ge ts crucial.
I s a n in sti tution or education of t r ue w orth and va lue wh ic h shelt ers and separates uS from the impo rt ant m a in strea m of human existen ce ? W e canno t block out life a nd its manifestations, by ign o rin g a nd hidin g from th em . Ann H agga rt, editor
De ar E ditor:
D ea r Edito r: The libra ri cs of th e two uni ve rsi ti cs In T aco ma ha ve h :ld a most frie ndly rel a ti onship a nd th rou gh the years haw beco mutually helpful to the faculty a nd stud en ts by pe rmi ttin g loans to those from th e o th r camp us. W l: wnc t h e'n '£o r e disturbed to discover tha. t st ud e nts h ave o n occ,lsio n a buse d the privilege by failu re to ret uI'n lJOoks on time, le aving books ('xp osed to th e w eo. th er, (lnd fa ilure to pay asscssr d fine s. W e n'g rct th~Ll a n y stud e nt fro m P LL sh ould so r e puy a Cl.!ul1c sy, beyond th e (:a ll o f d uty , c'xte nded to h im by o u r sis ter in sti t uti o n. Thi s ifi a p lea th a t th ost: in th e fu ture usin " th e facilit ic- of UP ' ",·ill be m os t cucful to keep th,· ,<God rela tio ns intac t. 11'<; .
Bec!crnan, C irc ulation Assis tan t PLC Libra r y
Writings Reveal
Ancient M an
I'eoplc a lways seem to hm'C a fa sci na ti o n fo r wh a t is a nc ient. T hou gh a few hoa ry a r tifa cts re ma in to r e m ind uS of a nti q uity-vases, inscriptions, a temple o r two the re is no w ay to li sten to anci e nt ma n exce pt thro ugh wh a t he has written . W e can liste n to Antigone . This d ram a con founds us with a most bi zarre r vel a tio n : peo pit' th e n , tho ught, spok e, rea cted, a nd drea med th e sa m e drea ms a s we d o today. H owever, the only similarity the a n cient Antigone has to Al ph a Psi Omega's sprins' play- produ c ti on wise -is in th e u se of makeup. Antigone 19 6 1 will b e pre sented in st ylized makeup, even as th e Grce k trage d y utili zed dist inc tive, stylized masks. I could t ell you more a bout th is m a ke up, but it would sh ock m ost of you, re \'olt some, a mu se some. The pla y we a rc d o in g is on reserve in the libra ry fo r a n yon e with e no ug h time a nd initi a ti ve to ch ec k it out a nd assa il i ts pa ges. Wh y don ' t you listen to it yourself? F r ed Bindel, Direc to r
MAST Ed ito r ............... ............................... ............. ... Ann Ha gga rt N ews Editor ................................................ Ali cc W enness R eporte rs: M a rgy Eash, LaVonne Erda hl, Ba rbara Eric ksen, Rosal yn F 0 s t e r, Jane t Guthrie, D eanna H anson, Sandra H ein'n, Larry I ve rso n. F ea t u re Editor................................................Ruth Walker R eporte rs: G o rdon Gray, Dick Halvorson, a nd Ann Sc hnacke nbe rg. Spo rts Ed itor ............ ................................ Mike M acdonald R eporte rs: Dave Bottemiller, Ed Davis, J 0 h n F ey, J ohn H a nson, Bob Howard, Bob Rydland, Gary Sund.
Intra mura ls Editor................................Gordon Gra dwohl
Photograph er .......................................... M eK ewen Studio
Business M a nager ......................................... Doug J ohnson
Ad M g rs . ................ Donna Van G ilder, Elean or Bousfield
Circula tion M a nager ..................................... .Jud y Kragh
M ailing .. _.........Judith Johnson, Carolyn Thoma sse n, a nd
M a r y W alke r. Ad\-isor...................................................... Mr. Milt N esvi g Th e Moori ng M ast is published weekly during the sc h ool yea r b y stud ents of Pacific Lutheran Unive rsity . Subscr ipti on price : $3.00 per year. Phone LE . 7-86 11.
Student's Dilemma
W orl d Politics Column
by Gordon Gra y "The great en d of life is n ot know_ ledge b UI ;u:tion ."- T . H uxle y. A d ynami c and pro g ress ive socj e t)', if it is to su ·i\'C in lh is co mple,' wo rld, m ust develo p a cou rst: of dcfinittc ac tion. Until 196 1, th e l.. n itcc! Sta tes h a s bee n hoppi ng a r ound trym g to stop this w a r a n c! cu rb th a t c\'il for c c. for ['x a mpll' , . T O was form ed with th e exp ressed p urpos e to curb C ommunism . But can w e simply defend ours eh -es or must w e attack? W . W. RostOIll, in h is book, T h e Dynamics of the Sovie t Society," has conte nded the Sov ie ts h a ve bee n in the ri ght pla ce a t the r ig-ht time. W e see this ha ppe ni ng in Afri ca , So uth east Asi a , a nd eve n in Europe . And all this time whe re h as th e U . S. bee n? 'Veil, w e eith e r h a ve not r ec ognized the problem in ti me o r when we finally ente red th e pi cture, we entered like a bu m bling idi o t. Stagnation For ex ample, in L aos before the U nit ed States w ould ha rdl y offer this country a ny con c re te a id to a llevia te its internal problems, the' Sovie t U n ion had armed the rebel for ces a nd th e de fa cto gove rnment w as faci n g a crisis. Afri ca pa ints th e sa m e pic ture. When Lumumba was over h e rc asking for U. N. h elp, h e w a s also contracting secretly wi th the Soviet Union for arms a nd troops. Where was the U. S.? W e ha d to w ait fo r another crisis to a ppea r . And in Ber lin, the United Sta tes was really out of step! W e le t the C om m uni sts co n trol the entire a rea a ro und thi s city and then we d eci d ed tha t we would defe nd it. Now wh a t is the crisis? WAR! "Be rlin is the ma tch which could blow th e p owder keg." For mer President Eisenh ow er contended this on many occasions. Again, where are w e? It h a s be-
come t h" U . S. position th at We m ust w a it until a n a tta k of som . sm l la s t:lken place hefore w e w ill b cc ol lle invoked . It is a gilifl~ t our "igh tc o us p hil oso ph y to b ~ an ag!.([['sso r. 1'1'<;" e ntly we a r c h op p inp: a ll 0\ er t h e world tryi n g to c Uj'b th e forces of Corn n1Llnisln, but we a n ' nu t lak in g an offensive p osi ti o n. W e w ,) u I d rather defend th a n ta k, the initia t;ve. A ction But now the ti me h as come for us to re-cvalu a te our p oli cies. O n e must attaek b fore h e can conceive any idea of victory, fo r a s Sir Winston Churchill sa.id, " It is bet te r to be m aking the new s th a n ta ki ng it , to be an a ctor ra ther th a n a crit ic." The question is, h ow sh o uld we fight - economi cally, militarily, or ideo logically. Presid e nt K en nedy has said that we must sta nd upo n a n ideo logical found a tio n ; w e. in America, must j i \. e u p t 0 our democ ratic ideals ; w e must help th c peoples who a r c tryin g th e d cm ocra ti c way of life. Let us rem embe r tha t a voluntee r fire depa rtme nl ha lts, but ra rely pre \T nts fires. It repels but ra rely r c. builds; it mec ts th e problems of the presen t bu t no t of th e. fut ure. This III u s t become t h e position of the United Sta tes; that is taking aggres sive action where and when it is needed and not waiting for the Com munists to make the first move. but this much need ed ac tion must be economic or ideolog ical-no t mili ta ry, fo r a milita nt act m a y rcsult in total destru ctio n for b oth sides, and we must be ali ve to m a ke the world safe for dem ocracy. " There are two good thin gs in life, freedom of th ou ght and free dom of action." L e t u s think ; let us aet wisely. L et us ma ke th e knight an important piece on our wo rld chess board- a piece for vi ctory.
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
T h e next step , th en , is the library. Durin g thc day, the prosp ects a rc the best, which even then are n' t too good. Th e studyin g in the g roup study room goe s finc if no on e is ta lkin g-. Th e study desks in th e stac ks a r c suhje ct to consta nt di strac ti on by the traffi c co rni ng a nd goin g 2nd ofte n stopp in g to ta lk. Th e refcrc nC(" 1'00111 is 1I0t too bad, a l thou g h w ith the chan g in g cl asses there is a co nt in ua l traffi c in a nd out. At ni ~hl . t he lib ra r ' turns s oci~l. T he stu de n ts in the refe rc n cr r oom mi g ht be ~ tudyi n g , but a su bs tant ia l n u mbel' usu all y en d u p ill a lTl ass exod us to t he CLD. Dow n in the " ca tac o mbs," a I nf' st ud ic!" is sU,,- to feel l ike a fift cell l h wh et l am o ng ,ill t he COllple - ma n y uf whom do a deba t abl ~ arllou llt of st ud yin'\ ! }Or om there the true student has 10 be creative a buut fiu dmg a p lace to .tudy. I n th e d on ns, ch olars pac k tIl!: brO()!H clO S t~ L , ir on in g r oorrlS, k itchens, stairs, e vC' n th e bat h lu bs ! On campus, t hco y she ll u p in th e !IP"re cla ss room s, t he pral,tiec room s in th, ' , I S, a nd the l a b~ in t he; :;cj c:nce huilcl ing. These students have a right to think some thing is wrong. Somethin g is. A u nivC'rs ity is natura ll y d edi ca ted to stud y, but i t h as to provide adequa te fac iliti es fo r students!
Late to A rrive,
In a Hurry to Go
by R. Dennis Gracdel In last w eek's M oo ri ng Mast, Martin Schaeffe r com mented upo n th e musi ca l selections played by the Se attic Symphony in their recen t Artist Series a ppea ra nce. ... In this article I sh o uld like to note their stage presen ce during the co nce rt . The e ve ning brga n with the members of the Sy m phony arri vin g a t P L U la te, thus the con ce rt did no t start on time. This was th eir first display of un con ce rn fer the audi en ce, a nd this th eme was carried through to the end. In fat: t, th e e ntire pc.rforrnance gave me th e impression of no t a p e rfo rmance but a rehearsaL Time after tim e th e musicians showed utter thou ght lessn ess for the near- capac ity crowd. Aga in and again as I watched th e concert the word "rehearsal" ra n throug h my mind : I saw m a n y musicians e ll gaged in conve rsations during Mr. Katims' introductions, I saw th e varie ty of dress ( som e formal, some semi-forma l ) , I sa w m embers of th e Sympho ny not botherin g to ri se to acknowled g e a ppla use. To m e, it w as obvious the Symphony w as "playin g down" to u s; th ey felt that a group of "kids" did not dcscn-c th e best beh a vio r of the musicians. As a result, PLU's "most form al social event of the year" was slig ht ly better than a rathe r formal rehearsal for a late r con cert. The evening could not have ended more t yp icall y than it did, Tw o m embe rs of the brass section simpl y got up and lC£t a fte r th e first e ncore, " The T yp ewrite r Son g" ( t y p ewrite r furnished b y the Speech D epart ment ). They th o ught th e concert wa s ove r. Th ey had to be ca lled back to pe rform the final e ncore, once again exemplifying th,·ir gross un conce rn for th eir audi en ce. P lea se r em ember, I am not compl a ining a bout their music ( that was done last week). It was enjoya ble. The musi c was happy, easy to listen to, and w ell-c onducted. But PLL' paid for a professional group, and got a n un pr ofess ional p crforn lancc.
Friday, March 3, 1961
,4eeed (JIe eam{tetd- SfuJ'ttd-
Intramural Basketball Tourneys
In Full Swing; 2nd Rounds Begin
First Round Results GAME No.1 J\·I-Squad (73): Al John son 14, Sovcle 14, Skurdahl 14, Bob Brodhun 10, Al Blomquist 10, W arren Lee 5. W es tern B (44): D ave Evans 18, R oy Kalla 10, Bob Julin 10, Erv Marlow 6. ( Loser out) GAl\-IE No.2
Evergreen (6 1 ) : Roge r R eep 28, D . Haala nd 10, K arl Gronberg 9, L . P eterson 6, D. Savage 4, K . Ruud 4 . 2nd Floor (52): Bob And erson 21 , Duane J ohnson 10, Gary Stubbs 10, Don J ordon 6. ( Loser ou t ).
GAME No.3 Western (63): G. Schaumberg 23 , Ivar Eliason 14-, Ors Christenson 10, L. Eliason 7, Gary ;-'; (;" ers 5 . l'Iads (37 ) : Greg H a tten 11, Jim E ile r 9, D. Berg 6, J-\.. Ri ggr rs 5, T. La rson 5, L. Dahl 2. (Loser ou t ) .
GA:\-fE ~o. 4 fa culty ( 58) : Lund gaard 27, Steen 12, Sal'l.man 10, J im abric1 se n 7, Klopsch :!. Band its (4 1 ) : Bill Peterson 10, T Ald en 9, L echner 7, ocs han s 6, J o on '1, Christenson 3. ( Loser Ollt ) . G \ M E ' 0. ;) 4th rIClor ( 5j ) : J erry Popp in 17 . J CT ,E\'a nson 11 , G . ' ('>til l 11, Bob :Ma ttson 7, D on J-\.(·ppk-r 6. E: sltr n B (3:i ) : Loren Hi l d~br:! ncl 16, Don J ames 10, LollT Y S('hol'l1bcrg 7, Eic Red:!1 ~ . (Lose r ou t ) . AME ' 0.6
:lrd Floor B (45 ) : :VIar,\, Snell 15 , GfTald Gettis 11, Ed
Davis 9, Curt Get ti s 6, J ohn H a nson '1-.
£ vc r~rceI1 B (3 2 ) : F. Wa terwor th 13, Ericks 8, J ohn
sto ne 4, Ki da lld 4 , Erlander 2. ( Loser out ).
With the first rounds nearly comp le te the intramural "A" and "B" basketball tourneys move in to the seco nd rounds Saturday. I n the "A" tourney "M-Squad", Ever green, Wes tern, Faculty, 4 th Floor and 3rd Floor B move into th eir second games with the "Tippers" and Eastern who drew 1st round byes. 31'd Floor B is the on ly remaining "B" league team in the tourney, the 1st day saw th e other six single elimination lose rs . In "B" t au ril e y compe titi on the "Blue Devils" ,
" R ebs", 1st Floor C, "Hustlers," and th e winners of th e Delts-Rdiab1es, J oes-Bast'me nt games toni gh t move into th eir 2nd round games tomorrow with the "Playboys" and Eastern C who rested Tuesday. What happened
in th e .,,<\. , tourne y was expected, but some mi ld upsets did occur in " B" play. 1st Fl oo r C the favorit e over the " R d rL'ads" , had t rouble throughout the game, h avin g to fr eeze with a I-point k ad in th e final 30 se conds last ni ght Denny Gudal stepped to th e free-line to hit th e l'i ft tos - th e R etread s cou ld not tie as tim e ran ou t. I n another close one the " Hu stlers" from 4th Floor who st:lrted the seasun in "B" L eague and dropped to "C" compe tition had thei r hands full last n ight with th e 5th Floo r "Shawcn" \·ja " D " L eague. Th('Y ee ked out a I-point win as 5th's .\I1a rk Anderson tipped in a. jump ball to n o avail in the fin al second.
GAME No.8 R ci:Js ( 49): J ohn Johnson 15 , E. Lindholm 13, D a ryl As hpolc 12, J ohn Backlund 5, Jon O lson 4. Beach Bums (23): J on K,-i nsiand 8, Bill Kuder 8, Paul
Halvor 5, Chuck Z uber 2 . (Loser out).
GAME No.9 1st Floor C (40): D ennis Guda l 13, Arvin M eye r 12, Blythe 7, J . M art illa 4 , Den Harris 2, Gil Vik 2. Retreads (38): Norton Wis e 12, Gary Shaw 12, Jim Put nam 6, J im Geise 5, Bruce Bindel 2. ( Loser out) .
1MTable TennisTourneyWon
By Ted Meske and Eric Redal
Parkland Triple XXX ~
119th and Pacific Avenue
Final 'A' League Stan dings
Final 'B' Lea gue Standings Team W L 3RD FLOOR " B" .................... 15 0 3rd Floor Nads .......................... 9 6 Western B .................................. 8 7 Eastern B ._. __............................... 8 7 Everg reen B __... _....... _......... _...... _. 8 7 Basement Band its ...................... 6 8 2n d Floor .................................. _. 1 13
PF 747 605 777 683 510 557 405
PA Pet. 523 1.000 575 .600
697 .533
656 .533
497 .533
577 .428
583 .071
Final ' B' Le a g ue Top 20 Scorers
Name and Team Tot. Pts. 1. Dave Evans, Western B ._.... _.. __ .....268 2. Jerry Redburg, Eastern B ....... _....209 3. Gerald Gettis, 3d Floor B ............ 207 4. Jim Eller, Nads ......... ................... 158 5. Curt Gettis, 3rd Floor B .............. 112 6. Roy Kalla, W stern B .................. 117 7. Marv Snell, 3rd Floor B ........... __ .126 8. Bill Peterson, Bandits ................. _122 9, Erv Marlow, Western B _............. 121 10. Greg Hatton, Nads ...................... 116 11. Mike Thompson, Bandits ............ 72 12. Jim Boeshans, Bandits ............... ... 85 13. Gary Jonson, Bandits ............ .... .. 83 14. Frank Lehman, Evergeen B ....... _ 69 15. Loren Hildebrand, Eastern B ___ .._ 78 16, Diek Johnson, 3rd Floor B ... _...... 69 17. Stan Charleston, Eastern B ...._..... 63 18. Larry Schoenberg, Eastern B ...... 68 19. Chuck Niemi, 2nd Floor .............. 49 20. Ed D avis, 3rd Floor B .................. 67
GP 14 12 12 14 10 11 12 13
14 14 10 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 10 14
Team W 3RD FLOOR TIPPERS .....___ .. 11 Eastern P arkland ..... ................ 9 Evergreen Court ........................ 9 Faculty .. .......... .......... .... .............. 9 Western Parkland ...................... 7 4th Floor .................................... 5 3rd Floor M-Squad ........... __ ....._. 5
L 3 5 5 5 7 9 9
PF 859 816 802 700 738 668 606
Pet. .785 .642
PA 699 692 806 694 750 723 584
Final 'A' League Top 20 Scorers Name and T eam Tot. Pts, 1. ROGER REE P , Evergreen....... ...284 2. Gene Lundgaard, Faculty ...... ...... 279 3. Gene Schaumberg, Western ........217 4. Dave Haaland, Evergreen ..... _.._. __ 190 5. Ja ck Cocchi, Tippers .................... 200 6. Ron Hanna, Eastern ........... ......... 210 7. Roy Hagenllan, Eastern .............. 181 8. Doug McClary, Tippers ...... ........ 180 9. Ron Hovey, Eastern ...................... 172 10. Jerry Evanson, 4th Floor ......... _._._ 132 11. Bnrce Nunes, Tippers ._..........._____ 144 12. Jerry Poppin, 4th Floor................ 147 13. Nate Stime, Tippers ............... ..... 103 14. Ors Christenson, Western ............ 117 15. Mark Salzman, Faculty ................102 16. Dave Bottemiller, M-Squad ........ 93 17. Gary Vestal, 4th Floor.. _............. _.108 18. Ivar Eliason, Western _................. 83 19. Jim Gabrielsen, Faculty.......... ...... 97 20. Larry Flamoe, Eastern ... ............. 98
GP 12 12 13 12 13
Ave. 23.66
15.83 15.38
15.00 14.69
14 An. 13 19.14 14 17.41 14 17.25 11 11.28 13 11.20 10.63 14 11 10.50 9.38 13 8.64 12 8 .28 11 7.20 13 7.08 10 6.91 12 6.90 13 6.50 6.27 ( It should be pointed out that forfeit games are not 5.72 counted in figuring any of the averages, but do count '5.66 towards participation. Only th ose players who partici 4.90 W.ted in a t kast 70% of th e league games arc included 4.78 in the top twenty.)
Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot of Garfield)
Last Saturday in the fina l day of leagu e play the 3rd Floor "Tippers" downed the 3rd Fl oo r "M-Squad" 56-48 to take this year's intram ura l bas htball title. Eastern lost to a hot-shootin g 4th Floor bunch to drop into a 3-way ti e for 2nd place. The "Tippers" title is not at stake in the cur rent tourn a m ent , bu t it would be embarrassin g if they d idn't pla ce.
Briefly revie win g the season, h ere are some interes tin g facts: Sporting th e b est offl ns ive avcra"c as a tea m were the "Tippe ' wi th a per game a verage of 61.28 with Eas tern 58.28 and E Wf!'l'reen 57.28, followin g . Sur p t isingly the best ddensi\'e average was p osted by the las t place "M-Squad" w ho allowed only a n avera~c of 'H.71 p oi nts to be sco red against them; E .:ste rn 49A2, and th.' "Tippers" 49.92 , w ere nex t. T he longes t winnin streak of the s"aso n was fiv e games, po. ted by th ... "Tip pns," E astc! Il an d E '1: rg rec lI: thl' lon ges t losing ,tr".! k (fum ) wa s by the " -I-Squad." III the personal fo ul d . partll1cnt Ge ne L und l!aa rd ( not to anyone's su rpr ise ) vas th e worst offc'"dcr, post in g 32 throu gh the season; D a \ e Sovd c h ad :1 ! and D «\'e H aala nd, R Oll Hon~ y, and J erry Poppin eac h ca ught 30. Pi ctured at left a re the starting fi ve for the 3rd In the scoring rae , whi ch was a twO.wa i strugg le F loo r B's who acco unted for th eir dub's I S stra ight wi ns betwC'en R oger R ccp and G ent' Lu ndgaa rd, R oger Wf' " and th e " B" L eague c rown . Some brief fac ts on thc sea o ut, avera ging 23.66 points pct gam to L undgaard son: Bes t o ffensi\'e an' rage-Western B, 55.35 points ; 23.25. Roger posted 33 point in EVLrgrc ' n's fin a l t 3rd .Floor B, 53.21. Defe nsively 3rd F loor allowed an ",)ai nst \VestPrn whi le Coach Lund gaard was held to average of 37 .35; thc "Sad s" 41.07; Ever in th e F aculty's final aga inst "M-Squ ad." gree n fl, 4 1.41. P ersona l fouls-Jim Eller 25, Dick J oh1lson 24, an d Gary Jonson 23.
D ave Evans, W estern B, won th e mythi ca l scoring crown with 268 points in 14 games for a n ave rage of 19.14. Dave, at right, was Wes tern B's stalwart throu ghout th e season.
GAME No. 10 Hustlers (3 1) : D a ve Yokers 8, J im L ai rd 8, Orv J acob son 8, Don Isensee 4 , Paul Christman 3. 5th Floor (30 ) : Mark Anderson 17, Larr y F arrar 11 , Al Eri ckson 2. (Loser out).
DElUXE BURGER i n a basket with frieL________
'Tippers' Take 'A' Title; Ra g Reep Is Top core r
3r loor Smothers 8 's;
Dave Evans Best Shot
GAME No.7 .Blue Devils (46 ): J . K ell y II, Gradwohl 9, L a timer 6, H. Peterson 6, J. K uball 4, Schlcnker 4, La rson 'L Vcts ( 34 ): Al M cLean 8, L. Jones 8, D. H agge rty 6,
Mike H ealey 5, Jim Scearce 5, Core), 2 . (Loser ou t ).
Arnid the hu stl e and bus tle of intramural basketball th e past mon th, the intramura l table tennis tourn ey took pla ce. In the singles tournament last year's 1M horse shoe pitching champ, Ted Meske, took first place hon ors, defea tin g Harold Peterson in the fina l match. Both arc from Easte rn Parkland and gave Eastern a one-two place in the e \'(~ nt. In tht' doublf's tourney, M eske teamed up with Eric Rrda l to down 3rd Floor's team of Charlie Sigmund and Jim Elle r in the finals. T his gave East ern a first place and 3rd Floor the 2nd place points in this event, the first of the 1M individual tourneys.
3RD FLOOR "TIPPERS"-Back (I. to r.), George Viegland, Bruce Nunes, Doug Mc Clary, and Mike Macdonald. Front (I. to r.), Jack Cocchi Lars Johnson, and Don Fos sum; absent is Nate Stime . These are the men who coma through the season with a 11-3 record to take the intramural basketball championship. Downing "M-Squad" 56-48 in their final, they now hope for the intramural "An tournament title.
LE. 7-0206 We De/iver
YOUNG'S Gift Shop
12171 Pacific A venue
Donut Bar and Quick Lunch HOME-MADE PIE DONUTS TO GO Order Today for Tomorrow
516 Garfield
(Across from Old Main)
Page Four
Friday, March 3, 1961
Jon Malmin, Standout Freshman eager, Chosen Outstanding Player of eek
Sky's the Limit for Carr
One of the promlsmg freshman basketballe rs \ aitin<r 10 the wings to carryon the PLU cage tradition is Jon Malm in. Jon hails from Franklin-Pierce High ' ch oo l where he wa s .l ll conference o n the maple. Family tradition made his sdeCl iOl of college no head ache. The s n io r Malmin, kn o wn as " P ops." is Harstad H all b ouse fathn, a nd J on's grandfath e r eu
Track Fui:ure Looms Brig i: T h e: L u te thinclads of 1961 prom is e tu provide ma.ny "xc iting mo ments thi s spring-. M :lny returneeS a nd n t'w ~tutlents .· ill provide d epth a nd strengt h in running evc:n ts and fid d c\,Tn l5 both.
RALPH CARR LEAPS HI G H above hi s oppone nts to g rab a reb,und in the recent Westesn g ame . Bo b Jacobson is also in the air ready to give a help ing hand . Rich Stan ley (24) and Larry Paulson (30) observe his action .
1961 Spring Sports Schedule
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April April April April April April April M ay M ay M ay May
BASEBALL 4 ................. _.... PLU at ewc
8 ...................... WWC at PLU
1 L........................SU at PLU
15 ..........._............ PLU at SPC 22 ............. ........... PLU a t eps 25 ................_.... .. ... PLU at SU 29 ........... ........... CWC at PLU 4 ..... .......... .._..... .UPS at PLU 6 ......... ..... .. ... ... PLU at WWC 13......................... .SPC at PLU
19, 20................ Championships
TE.NNIS April 8 .. ..... ............... WWC at PLU April 15 ............... ... ..... SPC at PLU April 22 ....... ................. UPS at PLU April 25 .......................... PLU at SU April 29 ..... ................... PLU at SPC M ay 2........................ PLU at CWC M ay 6 ........ .............. PLU at WWC M ay 1 L.......................... SU at PLU M ay 13 ... .... ................. PLU at UPS May 15 ... ... ............. ......... PU at PLU
M ay 19, 20 ...... Confercnce at cwe M ar. M a r. April April Aprli April May May M ay April April April April April April May May M ay May May
TRACK 25 ................. ....... S0C a t PLU 28 ......... _._............ .. SM at PLU 8 ......... ....... ...... L.&C. at PLU 15 .................. ..... . PLU at SPC 22 .................... PLU a t WWC 29 ...................... CWC at PLU
6 ................... ..... UPS at PLU
13 ...................... WWC a t PLU
19, 20........ Conference a t CWC GOLF 4 ...... ... .. .. ...........PLU at SPC
12.......................... PLU at LC 13 .......................... PLU a t PU 18 ....... ............. WWC at PLU 20 ............ ......... ... UPS a PLU 27 ..... ................... .. PLU at SU L .._.............. _... PLU at UPS 5 ............. _............ SPC a t PLU 9 .......... .. PLU, UBC a t WWC l L......................... SU a t PLU 19, 20...... C onfere nee at cwe
Baseball: Doublehead ers will begin at 1:00 p .m . Track: Javelin and pole vault begin at I :00 p.m.; high j u m p and broa d jump at 1:30 p .m .; run ning events at 2:00 p.m. Tennis: Saturday matches begin at 1:00 p.m.; weekday matches be gin at 2:30 p .m. Golf: Matches begin at 2:30 p .m.
The sp rints pose on e of th e bri ght est outlooks fo r L ute track and field fortlln( s, J ohn H anson , a 440 man who place d second in I st year' s con ference' m~ c t. J ohn recently ran in till: AA U X orthwcs t Invitatiunal, losing by on ly a step to Rick Harler, who had bta ten Olympic champiun Otcs Davi s th e previous week. John has a time of :49.9 to his credit, and has greatly improved since his high sc hool days. So m e u f th other sprin ters will be Al J ames , Marv Snell an d Mik e M acdona ld. The mile relay, a prominent fea ture of the sp rint even ts, will be a Kni ght strong point. Thc plTsence of s u c h outstand in g 440 m t n a nd sprinters as H a nson, J ames, N Dnn D a hl, and possibly Snell or Warren L ee, heighten th e possibility of very fas t timcs. The distance r um will employ Lee, wh o was outsta nd ing in th 880 dur in g hi s hi gh schoo l d ays, but ho h as not compe ted for PLU, M ark And lrson and returnee Dic k C lark. Dave Bottemiller leads th e hurd lers, but the search continu es for the anonymous f I ash who ha s run a : 14:05, but who has fai led to 1I1ake himself known. The pole va ult will be strength e ned by two return ees--Ron H a nn a pla ced second in last yeur's confer <,nce mee t with a vault of 12'6", a nd R oger R eep fo llowed in third spot. Broad jump men a lso appear for midable. Al J ames is reported to have d one 22 fee t. Da\'e Bottemiller will fill out th e event, a long with Dave Barker, who specializes in th e shotput and hi gh jump, but who is oL'tstanding for al l around ability. Th e season opens M arch 25 h er> b y a dua l m eet with Sea ttl e OIYIllPic Club.
rently ma jurin g in che m istr y, tl1l 6'5" thi n In.,,, is still n 'cl' p ti, c to th e field of edu cation . Last Thu 'da y's 76 -G5 ddc:lt at L P was J on's I eal proving grll\1ll(.I H e un corh d his best n ig-h l "ilh 17 points and a real tle tnminat ion un d er th e boards in com ba t wi th LoS ge r Bob Sprague. M atchin g rebut mJ ~ tn: ngth with th e 210 PS fr , ~h mall is no easy tas k. J on' ~ lea n f rome h<U, br en s hoc k resis tant a~a i nst th e league strun g IlIen all seasun. \VhCf " sked ahou t his wei ght disadva t:lQ;C he rep li ed th at he wa< ga ining a lot of ex p er i e n ce b umping in to tl w L utes' S w eJi~ h impo rt, Hans Albert son .
"After th e basketball seaso n rnl goin g to start iiI' tin " weights, and turn out for track." He cred its the high schoo l bar bell tra ining for h i, aIllazin g en durance . R efle cting bac k on th e season, J un rates tht: W este rn se ri es as th e most 'rueting- of th e game.s . His optimi ti c nature fl ashed on when with re?"a rd to nex t )'car's squad: " It w ill lw g ood," he enthusi as ti ca lly p redi cted.
Lutes Sweep Snowshoe ace
• em bers of the Pac ifi L utherall
Sk i C lub w-..d kcd ff with two first
places las t w,'c kenJ at th V{ illiel
Carn iva l a t Timbe rlin e L od gl' on
Muunt H oud .
Pa ul Sode rh olm I d th e Lutes tLl a sweep in th e men's snowshoe race. '1 hi s was th e third st ra ight yea r th aL
PL U has take n a fil~,l in th i rae '.
Cluse behind Paul was Gary haw
" nd in third place was J ohn Han
Elaine Olson and Sandy T ynes pl ace d third a nd fourth, respec tively. in th e gi rls.. powder-puff race. Ela in e, th e Knights' ski prince.ss.
was also runner-up to Sherri J enki ns
uf Will arnet te Universi ty a.s Queerl of th e Winte r Carnival. Approximately 75 Lutes attended th e intercollegiate ca rnival which i' sponsored each yea r by P ortland State College.
The reas on th a t there is no news about t he playoff in this week's pape
is because last ni ght's game with Seattle Pacifi c W al' played a ft er we w ent
to press. I would, howeve r, lik e to explain how th e playoff ' are set up . Pa
cific Luthera n plays Seat tle Pacific, E as tern W ashing ton plays Wes tern
Wash ing ton, and th e two winners play eith er at Bellingham or Cheney, d t'
pending on the outcome of th e Western "s. E as tern gamc . The winner of t he
winner's bracket fac es the Evergreen champions, Whitworth, at Spoka ne for
a bes t of three series, and the winne r goes to K ansas City . . . I am willing
to go out on a limb a nd pick the PLU Knig hts to go all the way and wi n
the playoffs . I base this predi ction on the way our team played in its first
ei ght games .. . Bill Robb hit a 23 0 game in the Little Lute Buwlin ~
League to enable hi s team to pull into first place by two games . . . For th e second stra ight yea r PLU has placed first, seco nd, and third, in the snowshoe event at Mt. Hood during the Winter Carnival . . . Larry Pau lson has d ~ cided to turn his baseba ll arm into a javelin arm for the tra ck team Re
m ember whe n John Fromm turned his tale n ts from baseball to track? Hope L a rry ca n d o as well . . . Keith Shahon has turned room 318 in Harstad Hall into a minia ture gym .. . Ken Alban plans on being the next Olym pic deca thlon champion . . . George Vi ge land, a transfer student from Concordia, will be out to nail down a starting position on the baseball squad. George pitched for Concordia's freshman team last year.
..+.t>", ~i\
MDDH'NC tkA1A5T ".0
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1961 -
Unusual Harp Recit:al Feat:ured Here Tonight:
Metropolitan Opera Soprano Featured
Monday Night in Artist Series Event
Natalie Bodanya, lyric soprano who will appear in a recital at PLU on Monday, March 13, is bound up with the aura of the "golden age," as one of the last pupils of Marcella Sembrich, who was a contemporary of Caruso, Melba and Fremstad. Born and brought up in New York, she is an eXCltmg ex ample of results that can be achieved by a strictly American education. She even reversed the age-old custom and did not sing in ~urope until after making her debut at the Metropolitan Opera. Miss Bodanya has appeared as so loist with the Philadelphia Orches ,a, New Yurk Philh;.<nnonic, and other leading orchestras in the U nit ed States, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. While in Copenhag en, she gave a command perform ance for the Danish Royal family. She was also a guest artist at the famous Venice Festival in Italy. Following a performance with the St. Louis Operetta, Miss Bodanya's interest in operetta developed to such an extf:nt that she later gave performances in several American cities. This year the campus visits of Miss Budanya are again be ing sponsored by the .\rts Program of the Associa ti orl of American Colleges. Selections in th e program include Der Nuss baum Volksured. by Schumann, two Ge-nn an son g s of Brahms, songs from Hammerstein, Kern and Gersh win, Puccini's Musitta's Waltz from "Le Boheme" and Aquarelle, by De bussy.
Boeing Man Here Tuesday; 0.5. Degree To Be Awarded PLU students will be honored with it visit from Mr. Guilford L. Hollingsworth, director of the Boe ing Airplane Company's Scientific
Charles Bickford, and Rod Steiger. A short cartoon entitled "Sleep--It's Wonderful," will be shown at 8:10 p.m., right after the first showing of the main feature which begins at 6:30.
Lettermen's Club Minstrel Show practice will be held Monday at 7:00 p .m., in the Harstad Hall lounge.
There will be co-recreation from 7:30-9:30 in the gym tomorrow night.
and countries and will illustrate them with a highly amusing short history of the harp. The actual re cital will be played on her Lyon and Healy gold concert grand harp. Miss Dilling will open her concert with Handel's "Concerto for Harp in B Flat." Next will be B a c h's "Arioso," followed by "tic-tac-choc," by Coupcrin. After a discussion and demonstra tion of her harps, Miss Dilling's next group will includt' "La Jeune et La
Vielle" (The Young and the Old), by Godt'froid; "Liebestraum," by Liszt, and "The Fountain," by Zabel. Twentieth Century works make up her fourth group, including "Im promptu," by Roussel; "The Forest Pool," by Tournier; "Lied by Hinde muth, and "Torre Bermeja," by AI beniz. Miss Dilling's final group will in_ clude "Clair de Lune," by Debussy; "Song of the Night," by Salzedo, and "Legende," by Renie.
Research Laboratories, on Tuesday, March 14.
Largest Children's Theatre Cast
Hollingsworth will make his first address in Tuesday's chapel when his topic will be "Science and the Citi zen." His second address will be to the faculty at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday. His final appearance of the day will be at 8:00 p.m. in the CMS where he will give a public lecture on "The Impact of Space Exploration."
To Present Play, 'Tom Sawyer'
During his visit on campus, Mr. Hollingsworth will be given an hon orary Doctor of Science degree by PLU.
Tomorrow night's campus mOVIe will feature Gary Cooper in "The
Student Artist Series attraction, Mildred Dilling, acclaimed as "The First Lady of the Harp," will render a concert this eve ning at 8: 15 in the Chapel-Music-Speech Bu,ilding. In addition to her fame as a concert artist, Miss Dilling is known as the owner of the largest private collection of harps in the world. She will display 15 antique harps from different eras
Hollingsworth's education includcs attending the University of Oregon, and Oregon State College, where he received his bachelor of science de gree, and also his master's degree in science. He also took a General Elec tric Advanced Engineering Course.
Court Martial of Billy Mitchell." Cooper's co-stars are Ralph Bellamy,
A week full of interesting and var ied speakers is planned to fulfill the student body chapel schedule from March 13 to 17. Monday: Our speaker will be Mr. Stanley Olson, Director of Zion Society. His work involves mission work among the Jewish people for the Lutheran Church. Tuesday: Mr. Guilford L. Hollings worth, director of the Boeing Air plane Company's Scientific Re search Laboratories, will speak to the student body. This will not be student body chapel day as usual but will be a regular chapel day. Wednesday: The speaker for this day will be Dr. H. L. Foss, President of the North Pacific District of The American Lutheran Church. Thursday: One of the members of the Board of Regents will present th~ program for the day. Friday: This will be Student Body Chapel Day as is regularly held on Tuesday. At this time, AMS and A WS meetings will be held in the CMS.
Attention, all students who are interested in running for ASPLU offices for next year: Petitions must be in by March 21 to the Student Body Office.
Debaters Take 4th
In Linfield Tourney
PLU's forensic s qua d brought home fourth place honors from the tournament held at Linfield College last week-end. First place. awards went to College of the Pacific in Stockton, California. Winners were: Judy Sannerud, 1st in Salesmanship, 1st in Interview, 2nd in Senior Women's Debate; Joan Maier, 2nd in Women's Debate; Gor don Gray, 2nd in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 3rd in Salesmanship, 3rd in Extemporaneous Speaking; Jeanette Baker, 3rd in After Dinner Speak ing; Claudette Baker, 2nd in Public Speaking; Jeanette and Claudette Baker, 2nd in Talent Show Contest; Andrea Hagen, 2nd in Junior Wom en's Debate and 3rd in Salesman ship; and Andy Carlson, 3rd in Im promptu.
Live from the p age S of Mark Twain's famous book comes PLU's children's theatre presentation of "Tom Sawyer" this week and next week in the CMS. Seven performances of the endear ing classic are planned for ~ rea school children and students of PLU. Two of them were given yesterday and today, and the five remaining are scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. and 2 :30 p.m., and ncxt Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday. The play tak es the characters of Tom Sawyer and his friends through the adventure of running away on a raft, returning to witness their own funerals and being reunited with the i r families. The costumes and props made by the play committees add to the realism of the story. "Tom Sawyer" is directed by Eric
Nordholm, and contains one of the largest casts in any of our Children's Theatre productions. Arden Flom plays th(" role of Tom Sawyer, Kris tina Femu piays Aunt Polly, Sid Sawyer is played by Bill Zier, Ben Rogers by Chris Halverson, Huck Finn by Daryl Ashpole, and Joe Harper by Jerry Dietz. Rounding out the supporting cast are: Liz Kroll, who will portray Becky Thatcher; Ruff Potter, played by Ed Velure; Injun Joe, by Jim Snyder; Dock Robinson and River son, by John Fey; Hooper and Judge Thatcher, by Jon Paulson. A Iso, Roger Stromme is the sheriff, Don Myhre is thc minister, Elaine Ever ette is the minister's wife, Joy Schna thorst is the widow Douglas, Eleanor Bousfield is Mrs. Thatcher, Willia m Brooks is Mr. Harper and Mar y Grover is Mrs. Hatcher.
Page Two
friday, March 10, 1961
Odor till Lingers
All th e perfulllfs of Arabia might not have helped T"ady Macbl'lh 's hand, but they certainly could be an a id in all ·dati ng a certain odor on campus. Fr equen tl y a ra lhlT questionable fragrance assails th ose hapl ess s tud ~n t s who happen to be walking b y South 01' West llaJL, whi ch arc both near the scwage d irllosc,l ,.ystrm, more co mmonly referred to as the cess po "\' I t is und erstandable that improvements and re pai rs naturally d o tak e some time, but certainly over a )'<::11' i ~ just a litt le too lon g. What is being done about th i, 'ituation? Surely it cannot be so costly and compl i cllled to solve, th a t this justifi es its having been negle ct ed fOI: such a long period of time. Beautiful buildings and structures a re a boon to a growing college, but how can they possibly be enjoyed when w eh a stench quite frequen tly prevails upon a considerable portion of th e campus? Ann Haggart, editor
World Politics Column
b y Gordon Gray Alliances ca n be g rea t powcrs, as are the rooks on our chess board, but as M ac.hiavclli said, "lItferccnary capta ins arc either very ca pable men or not ; if the y are, you ca nnot rely upon them, for they will always aspirc to th eir own grea tness, eithcr by oppressing you, their m aster, or by opprcssing others against your inten tions; hut if th e captain is not an able man, he will generally ruin you ." H e rein indica ted is the historically verified danger of reliance upon the paid fighting man whose interests are not similar to those of his employer. The question then arises.; what does this necessarily have to do with America's present military alliances? Why are allies nec essary? Who are our present milltary allies? WHAT ARE THEY?
Dear Editor:
No place to study-free from distraction-so this is th e: students' dilemma? Or so I read in last week's Mooring Mast. It will provide you little comfort, but let me stay it : You are not alone. Released recently hom thc press at Amherst Collegc is a study supported by thc Fund for the Advancement of Education. The aim of it was "to plan a new coll ege which would provide educa tio ll of th e highest quality at a minimum cost per stu dent." The study discloses t hat "distractions arising frorn other people prov e to be the most serious frustra tion to good studying. .. movement as well as noise must be considered a problcm."
We can provide a study space for onIy one out of c\'ery twelve of our enrolled students. By the timc wc are able to build more library facilities it will probably be one out of fifteen, none of them with any degree of privacy. You are in a dilemma, indeed: students here to study iIi an environment jammed with distraction. No one knows it better than I, unless it could be the dorm fathers and mothers. Always at your service, I remain your librarian, . Frank H . HolIey Dear Editor: For two week> the Seattle Sympho~y. hils been t~sed about. So one more bounce will not undermine Milton Katims' magnificent performance. The questions which were asked in the fint article cr:ticizing the Seattle Symphony can be answered in one complete idea. Milton Katim, as conductor of the Sym phony, has the responsibility of selecting the material which is presented to an audience. Mr, Katim has di rected his symphony before all types of people and sev eral times before the PLU student body. Katim's acute sense of knowing what the majority wants has made him an ever popular favorite at Pacific Lutheran University. The second article on the symphony disapproved of the mannerisms of the orchestra. We went to the Artist Series to hear a splendid performance. We did. So the program started a few minutes late, but why blame it exclusively on the members of the Seattle Symphony. Is it showing unconcern because the stage was not set up on time or becausc of heavy traffic on 99. It is not what precedes the performance that is important but the per formance itself. People attend concerts to enjoy thc music a nd not to criticize a missing bow tie. Therefore the two articles written represented a small minority opinion and docs not in any way reflect the overwhelmiug approval given by the audience to wards the Seattle Symphony's concert. Thomas A. Turula
• * •
It has been contended that we can safely govern at home only wh en abroad we purchase great alliances. We depcnd on allies as manifestations of our political power, for political power in this world is still, and will remain in the forseeable future :ts measurable in a na tion's ability to wage war! As a consequence it is evi dent that the United States alone cannot affect a politi cal influ ence against the Soviet Union and her satellites.
It is doubtful that the goals and aspirations of Soviet Russia and her allies are as conflicting and diversified as those of the U. S. and her allies. The Iron Curtain countries are mutually agreed and united in their belief that through the Marxist doctrine of Economic Deter minism they will be able to perpetuate and affect a suc cessful mass movement which will .result in their dom ination of this world. As for OU1' national purpose, one; finds it difficult to arrive at any definite: conclusions. However, it is not unreasonable to state that very few of our allies, if any, Have too much in common with uS aside ' for a mutual enmity with the COmlnunist world when it boils down. How willing 'are men like Tito of Yugoslavia, Franco of Spain, Chiang Kai 'Shek of Nationa:list China, to per petuate nd maintai n democracy, individual fJ"ttdom, eeliglOus ftec(Iom, etc. These "al1i<:5 -arl::r SlUfllim:.r- " 0 litically, economically, and militarily in. varying degrecs by the United States. In short, th,y' are our paid mcr cenaries. This is not an unjustified term. Is there an qther term available, for a dictator's military alliance wi'tl1 a democratic country; an alliance which offers im mediate benefits for the dictator and doubtful benefits for the democracy?
.. .
Yet on the other hand, we have to evaluate alliances such as N.A.T.O. This European .c onunon entity was established to curb the forces of Communism and its succcss can be measured in that not one inch of land area has been lost to a conflicting jdeology. It then is to be concluded, thc time has come for the U. S. to re-evaluate her ideas for formulation of thost: common entities, to let us remember that wc are in a fish bowl and all the common peoples of the world inspect what we preach and then what we do. We havc a powerful weapon at our disposal, but we must make careful use of it, for if we but buy one wrong friend we might find a knife in our back; a knife which could kill us. Thus we se e that alliances are like our rooks which have long, swecping powcrs; they can be used for both good and evil.
'Question 7', Honest View of Com munism
The same sources and talents that produced the high ly successful film Martin Luther have issued a new mo tion picture entitled Question 7. This production is to be released in Seattle on the tenth of March, and 1S stron gly recommended as a provocative and a bsorbing demonstration of the peril entailed in Communism. The setting of th e d rama is a small city in East Germany, and the protagonists arc a pastor and his son. The levels of conflict are seycral: the pastor fences skillfully and warily with the burcaucratic communist state in an ef fort to keep his church ope rating against the increasing gove rnmental pressure designed to close it; the hoy, a stud ent of fi ft ee n, attempts to continue his education under the state rule without compromising his Chris tian training; his moth er, the pastor's wife, tries to ef fect a workable con cl:ssion; his tea her peddles the party line with insidious and convincing logic. Idealism clashes with expedience, church with government, father with son, teacher with pupil, and, finally and most import
antly, freedom is encroached upon by hazards subtle and treacherous. One of the chief values of the picture lies in the trans fer ence of the communist problem from an abstract and general threat to an intima te, personal, and almost pain fully detailed individu al conundrum, actual and con crete. The title refers to the seventh qu estion in a gov ernment document which all students must answer: "What have been the predominant influences on m y social developme nt?" The e ntire future of the student is predi cated upon hi s rcsponse. Further schooling, for xa mple, is automatically denied anyone who does Hot find the P eople's Party the overwhelming formative power in his d evelopment, and herein lies the quandary of th e pastor's son; he is a gifted pianist whose talent requires consen'atory training. His conscience, and his father, of course, dictate one course of action, while practicality and concern for his future as a man and artist require another.
"ANTIGONE," ALPHA PSI OMEGA'S Spring play, will begin its run this Thun day and continue through Friday and Saturday, at 8:00 p .m. It will be presented in theatre-in-the-round style in CB-200 ,
Campus St:at:ist:ics Reveal Student: Trends and Beliefs Th e Gallup Polls have nothing on the Statistics class at PLU! R ecently the class, und er Prof. Robert Pier son, was divided into seven groups of f 0 u r students who formulated basic qu~ stions of interest to the group. Each group questioned ap proximately 120 PL U students resid ing in the dorms; the samples includ ed approximately equal numbers of. males and females. The statistics the class compiled pro\'ed interesting and significant. One random sample revealed that while the mcn reported themselves as having, on the average, 4.4 dates pcr m'onth, the women claimed 6.4 dates per month . Thc rea.~on for this difference could be that women have
g roup. This comparison showed that the average height of the men was 71.2 inches, while their father's aver age height was 70.2 inches. The' women showed the same one inch differcnce: the average height for the women was 64.9;their mothers meas ured an average of 63 .8. The differ ence in the heights of offspring and their parent could not be rcasonably ascribed to the chance c1eme~t prcs ent in sampling, T his study also found that the avcrage shoe size for men was a "10" and for women "7" to "7 y,." (The Parkland shoe stores cduld make good usc of that statis tic! )
In a comparison of median in comes, one group fourid that the more dates with non-residents than · men earned a median income of $890 the men do, that ,girls overc;stimate p~t year, while the women's median _ the: frequency with which they date, income was $512 per Year. When it or that the girls arc just more liberal comes to paying for their education, in deciding what constitutes a date. The statistics also showed there . 51.5 per cent of the men's parents pay at least one half of the costs, was significant evidence that high while 70.4 per cent of the women's frequencies of dating were associated paren ts pay at least one-half of the with low GPA's and lowfrequeneies bill. .. of d~ting were assoc.iated with high GPA's. However, t his association This group also found the median doesn't necessarily imply that fre GPA to be 2.35 for m('n and 2.44 quent dating causes low GPA's . for women, and 2 38 for all. Therc The heights of the student a nd his was no signif:canr. relationship ' bc parent were compared by anothcr twecn income ("";,. rn ed and G P A.
Dear Editor: Dear Editor: In view of the fact that all three of the faculty membe rs who di. CLo. sed "Operation Abolition," followin g its showing on PLU -TV Monday eve ning commented unfavorably I would like to be permitt-:d l D make sl; \'C"rJl 0 , r vations favorable to the film. Without attempting to go into d etail about its organization and activi ties we must begin with the grim and well documented fact of a world-wide Communist propaganda, espionage and subversion network dedicated to the overthrow of our form of government and the destruction of the American way of life. We Americans enjoy our independence and our fortunate systcm of government because patriotic Americans have been willing to defend their country ideologically and militarily. We shall maintain our system only so long as we continue to defend it. In vicw of th e threat posed to us by Communist aims, strategy, and tactics I bclieve we would bc foolhardy to ignore this menace. One of the most effective ways to do something about it is to keep close watch on the Communists in this country and to alert the public to their anti-American activities. This fun ction is now performed where it should he, by a 5 p ~ cial Congressiona l Committce responsible to Congress and ulti m ately to lite Ameri ca n public . Furthermore, legislation necessary to safe guard th" interna l sec urity of the nation can be proposed to Congress fcom time to tim e by th e Committee. "Operation Abolition" has, I believe, the thesis that the San F rancLseo disorders were Communist inspired and that the non-Communist students who took part were being manipulated" by the Communists for the ir own purpose to discredit and d estroy the Congressional Committee which pro tects the American public from Communist subversion. In my judgment th e film establishes its case. Sincerely, Donald R. Farmer, Political Science Department
Friday. March 10, 1961
~ SfuJ'zU
Tippers tA' Tourney Champs, 4th
Floor 2nd; Joes Win tS' Tourney
FIRST ROUND G AME No. 11 Dclts (58 ) : J erry C urtis 30, A n ' Lokensgaa rd 12, H a l Os tenso n 12, Russ Tweed 4, Jim Beckner 0. Rcliables ( 37): R a ndoy II, En ge r 10, H enry Flack 8, F isc her 6, Baker 2, Ruud 0. (Loser out ) .
Last nigh t in the championship fi nals the 3rd Flour " T ippers" very successfull y dd cnd ed th eir "A" L ~ arrue title by dropp ing a da rk horse 4th Floor team 6~-40'" to take the "A" tourn ey title . An inspired Evergree n tca m down ed Eastern 59-46 to take 3rd place aft e.r losi ng to the "Tippers" in ove rtime Tuesday. It was a clean sweep for 3rd Floo r a s the "Joes" edged J st Floor C in the " B" tourney title clash, 4 7-4 1, in a tigh t one.
GAME No. 12 Joes (64 ) : Nikkari 23, M artin 19, Jenso n 12, Fey 8. Basenlent C ( 27): L. Peterson 7, G. La rson 6, Edmonds ~ 6, B. Ba tes 3, Milham 3, J . C ady 2. (Loser out ) . INTRAMURAL FREE-THROW SECOND ROUN D CONTEST GAME No. 13 As a climax to Eastern (53 ) : Roy Hagerman 2 1, La rry Flamoc 12, Ron this yea r's bas Hovey 9, Ted Berry 7, R oge r Hildahl 4 . <etball season the 3rd Floor B (49 ) : John H a nson 19 , Ge rald Gettis II, annual PLU Hoop Ed D avis 7, Curt Gettis 5, Johns on '~, Snell 3. (Out ). ;hoot will be held GAME No. 14 4th Floor (42 ) : Jerry Evanson 14, D on K eppler 12, Ga ry Ves tal 6, Jerry Poppen 6, Stan Fredri ckson 4. .' aculty (41 ) : Lund gaard 19, Salzman 11, Klopsch 4, Potratz 3, Ga brielsen 2, Steen 2. (Loser out ).
3RO FLOOR "JOES"-Jim Marlin, No. 14; Gary Nikkari, No. 19; (front, I. to r.J John}e y, .?on Jenson, and Gary Condray; a boenl i. the team slalwart, Dick Waite. The Joe~ emerged on lop of the heap fa r the "0" league crown and lasl night Ihey outlived Ihe 1sl Floor C gang for Ihe " 8" tourney litle-lopping 14 "C" a d HO I! teams, a fitting end.
'Playboys' Are 'C' Champs; 3rd Floor'Joes' Cop '0' Title;
Jerry Curtis Leads Scorers Mark Anderson Hottest Shot
T he " J oes" ca me th rough the regular season to head up the D 's just on e jump ahead of 1st Floor and the ".Blue D evils" who tied for second spot. 1st Floo r sported the bes t of. fensive ave rage at 55.00, whi le the "Joes" were best defensively w ith 39.64. The worst offender in draw ing fouls was D en Harris with 32 personals. In the scorin g race 5th's M a r k Anderson fi nished 0 n e step ahead of 1st's Den n y Gudal with MARK ANDERSON 296 points in 15 games for a per game average of 19.73.
this Tuesday from 6 :30-11 :00 p.m. Come down and shoot a hundred.
GAME No. 15 Evergreen (72 ) : K. Gronbe rg 28, R eep 18, Haa la nd 18, Ruud 6, Savage 4. Western (68 ) : Gene Schaumberg 17, Ors Christenson 15, Leo Eliason 14, . IvaI' Eliason 12, Gary Nevers 10. (Los er out ). GAME No. 16 . Tippers (68 ) : Cocchi 16, McClary 13, Stime 12, Nunes 9, Lars Johnson 8. M -Squad (32 ) :Skurdahl II, Sovde 9, Rorem 9, Brodhun 4, Johnson 4. (Out) GAME No. 17 - .joc:s . (55 ) : Ji~ Martin 24, Gary Nikkari II, Condray 10, Jensen 6, Fey 4. Eastern_C (45) , !:ar~!l~ 22,. ~cCllne 6, Pederson 4, Nordmark 4, Boomer 4. GAME No 18 Hustlers (46): Jacobso~ '16,
D. Yokers
12, Laird 10, Kress 6, P. Yokers 2.
Pelts'( 41): Curtis 15, Meyers 8, Zimmennan 8, Lokensgaard 6. (Loser out). GAME No.. 19 1st Floor C (57 ) : Martilla 18, Gudal 1'3, Blythe 10, Meye; 10, Harris 6. Rebs (53 ) : Ashpole 20,Backlund 18, Johnson 10, Lindholm 5. (Loser out ) . GAME No. 2 Playboys (5 l : SUlld 26, Selman 13, Christopherson 6, Borrud 5, Ferri 4. Blue Devil.s (35): Schlenker 11, Kelly 8, Lennon 8, Latimer 4. (Loser out ) . E MI-FINALS (Losers not eliminated) GAME No. 21 ~ ( 7) : M '-Ht in 13, Nikk a ri 9, Fey 6, J ensen 5, Condray 4, Waite 0. I}..
(36)' D Yokers 19, Jacobson 9, Laird 4, Christman 2, Doepke 2.
... U. 0. 22 I I Fioor C (58 ) : G u al 13, Blythe 12, M eye r 11, Martilla 11, Harris 9. layboy, (54 ) : und 29, elman 14. T hompson 8, Ferri 2, Christopherson 1. GAME No. 23 4th Floor (41 ) : Evanson 13, Poppen 10, K eppler 6, V estal 5, Fredrickson 5. Eastern (32 ) : Brewing ton 8, E . Flamoe 8, H aggerman 6, Hovey 4, Berry 4. GAME No. 24 Tippers (60 ) (overtime): J. C occhi 17, M cClary 10, Stimc 10, Fossu m 8. Ever green (54 ) : H aaland 19, Gronberg 17, Peterson 12, Ruud 4, Savage 2.
"Playboys" Gary Sund (leftl a nd John F.rri were the main
slays for the 4th Floo r group which only lost two games in
lopping the C'.; Gary was No. 2 in scoring.
Final 'C I League Standings
Team W 4th Floor PLAYBOYS .......... 14 Eastern C ............ .... ................ 10 Evergreen Rebs ........................ 10 4th Floor Hustlen- .. ...:............ ·9 Eastern Retreads .. ............. .. ... 6 Hall Del ts .. .. .. ~ ...... _....... ., Western Vets ....... :........ ........ .... 5 2nd Floor Reliablts .................. 4
L PF 2 748 6 697 6 675 7 627 10 562 11 '595 11 563 12 533
( 21) : D ave Yokel'S 12, Krl'ss 2, Laird 2, Rei tz 2, Christman 2.
GA l IE N o. 26-Winner 3rd Place, L er 4th Place, "A" Tourney: E vergreen (59): H aala nd 20, Gronberg 16, Ruu d 10, Savage 7, Pete rson 6. E astern (46): T ed Berry 16, H aggerma n 10, Hovey 8, Hilda hl 6, Flamoe 4 . GAME No. 27-Winner 1st Place, Loser 2nd Place, "B" Touney: J oes (47 ) : J im M a rtin 17, Jensen II, Fey 8, N ikkari 8, C ondray 3, W ai te 0. 1 t Floor C (41 ) : John Mar tilla 14, M eyer 9, Gudal 6, Harris 6, Blythe 6. GA~IE
No. 23-Winner lst Place, Loser 2nd Place, "A" Tourney: Tippers (64): D . McC lary 18, C occhi 15, N . Stime 12, Nunes 7, Vieglund 6. 4th Floor (40): K eppler 10, Poppen 10, E vanson 7, Fredrickson 5, Vestal 4 .
PA 525 647 633 555 651 · 637 644 579
Pet. .875 .625 .625 .562 .375 '.312 .31
. Final IC I League Top 20 Scorers Name and Team Tot. PtS. 1. JERRY CURTIS, Delts ..............249 2. Gary Sund, Playboys ....................245 3. Dave Yokers, Hustlers ..................214 4. Mitch Billings, Reliables ..............172 5. Eric Lindholm, Rebs ................ ....169 6. Gary Shaw, Retreads ....................130 7. John Johnson, Rebs ....................170 8. Bruce Bindel, Retreads .. .... .......... 137 9. Jim Laird, Hustlers ...................... 155 10. Jerry Larson, Eastern C . .. _........... 140 11. Dan Selman, P layboys ................ 137 12. Daryl Ashpole, Rebs ....................129 13. Ken Alban, Eastern C ...... ........ .... 111 14. Henry Flack, Reliables ................ 101 15. Jack Meyers, Delts ...................... 104 16. Bruce Borrud, P layboys ................103 17. Mike Healy, Vets .......................... 98 18. Arv Lokensgaard, Delts .............. 82 19. D. Thompson, Playboys .............. 69 20. Howard Larson, Retreads ............ 66
GP 11 14 15 14 15 12 16 13 15 14 14 14 13 12 13 13 14 12 11 12
Ave. 22.63 17.50 14.26 12.28 11.26 10.83 10.62 10.53 10.33 10.00 9.78 9.21 8.53 8.41 8.00 7.92 7.00 6 .83 6.27 5.50
Final IDI League Standings
Team W L 3rd Floor JOES ...................... 10 5 lst Floor C ...................... ...... .. 8 7 Eastern Blue Devils .. .. .. .......... 8 7 5th Floor Shamen .... .. ............ 6 9 Basement C ....__ ...................... 5 10 Evergreen Beach Bums .......... 4 11 FII ty Cast'Off~ ............ ...... .... 2 13 ·
PF 644 825 614 647 495 486 312
PA Pet• 555 .666 691 .533
619 .533
710 .400
606 .333
654 '.266
4-8 1 .133
Final 'D' League Top 20 Sc()rers Name and Team Tot. Pts. GP Ave. 1. Mark Anderson, 5th Floor ..........296 15 19.73
2. Dennis Gudal, 1st Floor C ..........228 12 19.00
3. Dick Schlenker, Blue Devils ........220 13 16.92
4. Arvin Meyer, 1st Floor C ............219 14 15.64
5. Larry Farrar, 5th Floor ................234 15 15.60
6. Gary Nikkari, Joes ............... ....... 165 14 11.7$
7. Don Jenson, Joes ..........................135 13 10.31f
8. Bill Bates, Base~ent C ................125 10.32
12 9. Ken Edmonds, Basement C ........ 117 12 9.75
10. Jim Matin, Joes ............................ 126 14 9.00
11. Den Harris, 1st Floor C ............ .. 108 12 9 .00
12. Prof. Newell, Castoffs .................. 86 10 8.60 13. John Martilla, 1st Floor C .......... 80 7.27
11 14. Chuck Zuber, Beach Bums .......... 80 11 7.27 15. Prof. Winther, Castoffs ................ 75 11 6.81 16. Jon Kvinsland, Beach Bums .....__ . 94 14 6.71
17. G. G. Gradwohl, Blue Devils ........ 87 14 6.21
18. Bill Kuder, Beach Burns .............. 86 14 6. 14
19. Jim Kuball, Blue Devils .............. 61 6.10
10 4.81
20. Prof. Peterson, Castoffs .. ........ ...... 53 11 (7 0% partici pation in league games is required)
Intramura l volleyball practi ce will begin n ext Thursday at 6 :30 p .m.
LAURINAT1S apparel
W e Outfit Coeds 406 Garfield
LE.7-531 7
GAM E No. 25----Winner 3rd Place, Loser 4th Place, "B" Tourney: l'layboys (47 ) : Ga ry Sund 18, Selma n 9, Ferri 8, Thompson 6, Borrud 6. H ustl e
Districts should begi n drawing up their rosters as lea gue play will begin Tu esday, J\'l a rch 21. T here will be two leagues, " An a nd "B".
STELLAIS FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions
5 16 Garfield
12173 PACiFIC AVE. (Foot of Garfield)
LE. 7·0206 We Deliver
Parkland Triple XXX 119th and Pacific Avenue
(All Students' Needs) GARFielD AT PACIF IC AVENUE Thurs., 9 a .m. 10 10 p.m.; 12·8 Sun. PRESCRIPTIONS .. COSMETICS Co mplele Camera Deparlment
(Across from Old Main)
DElUXE BURGER in a bas ket with f ries _________ _
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
Friday, March 10, 1961
Lundgaard's Knights Finish Third in Loo
FalconsTopple Knights77-69
Lute Trio End Maple Careers
Ha!1s Albertson, Swede, Brings Talent to PLU
Pacific Lutheran's Knights close out loss to Seattle Pacific, 77-69, in the NAIA playoffs marked the bon voyage of three Lute stalwarts. Norm Dahl. the San Francisco deacon, and cap tain of the Knight fortress, bowed out as the team's leading bucket manufacturer. Norm flashed his consistent skill from the high post, where he averaged 14.8 points a game. Ranking him
A short time ago, PLU basketball coach Gene Lundgaard received a letter fCiom a student at Gonzaga University who wished to transfer. From that initial correspondence, events de veloped which brought 6'8 " Hans A1bertsson to PLU. Since Evergreen Conference rules require a one-semester lay off, Hans will be ineligible to compete for the Lutes until next
second a mong league scorers. The big blond e shot at a 39.5 percent clip from the field, while un corking the best reg ular free throw percenta ge, 68. 3. Ralph " Tiger" Carr' s compet itive spirit and hei ght under the basket will be missed. At 6'6" tall, th e Ti ger frequ ently came up with the shot that carried the team , or a fme job off the boa rds . Carr hit a si zzling 48 percent of his shots in avera ging 12.3 per game . Bruce Alexander' s presence at the guard slot sct him up as the man to hit the lon g ones. Al ex did with con sistency, as the squad's number two point m a n. Bruce logged 12 .5 aver age for the season. Balanced scoring has bee n the fOTte of the Knight campaign. Be hind the seniors, Larry Poulson and Dick Nelson sparked hot hands on
fall. However, he has been working out with the varsity during the sea son, and Monday scored 25 points in an exhibition game ag'ainst McNeil Island.
occasion. PLU's cagers we r e the leading point makers, with a 71.8 bulge a game. Defensively they were hurting, despite the fact that they were tops in rebounding. Th e Dea con snagged 272 rebounds at a 12 a game clip. Larry Poulson picked off 240 rebounds, and Ralph Carr an even 200. Jackrabbit Bob Jacobson was instrumental on the boards, his 6'1" frame bogged 144 balls. For the season the Knights outrebounded foes 48-43, in winning 16 of 27 tilts. Among the fr eshmen, Jon Malmin showed la tc season greatness. Anoth er frosh expected to loom big in fu ture Lute plans is injured Marv Fredrickson. Dick Nelson,Rieh Stan ley, Dick Healey, Dennis McPoland, Larry Poulson, Bob Jacobson, and Swedish import Hans Albertson will form the nucleus of next year's tea m.
Marv Tommervik's
3505 South Tacoma Way
SPC Falcons Lose To Whitworth
Rain or Shine .Ballplayers Drill
The day you know you must provU1e to
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He hopes to major in P.E ., and Hans was discovered in his home day desires to return to h, s some town of Trana s, Sweden, by Jim Mc na tive Sweden as a coach of track, GENE LUNDGAARD, head coach of the Gregor, ex-coa ch at Whitworth Col PLU Knights, has just led his cagers
basketball, and gymnastics. K nowin.' lege. He asked Hans if he could dunk
through the 1960-61 basketball season. Han s, I'lll sure h e'll go over big. He will also coach the tennis and golf a basketball (not referring to dip
teams this spring.
ping it in a coffee cup), and if any one has watched Hans in th e gym, he realizes that the an swer was a strong affirmative. Hans then joined the Swedish national team which T he m ighty Wh itworth Pira tes pla ced third in the 1958 European from Spokane s h o w e d just how championships. A scholarship led mighty they werc as they down ed th e him to Gonzaga Uni versity in the F a lcons from Seattle Pacific twice OIl fall of 1959, whe re he spent a year their home court at Spokane. The and a half. He earned eleventh spot Pirates took the two out of three on the squad, started a few games, series to win a berth in the NAIA but was overshadowed by Frank Bur tournament to be held in Kansas gess, national scoring leader. Then City this month. camc the letter to Lundgaard. Whitworth was the champion of Coach Mark Salzman of the track the Evergreen league, boasting an team also values his presence highly, 11 win and 3 loss record . They were for H a ns has cleared 6'9Y," in the followed by Western Washington, hi gh jump, good for sixth in the Pacific Lutheran and Eastern Wash U.D. last year. Since Gonzaga has ington. The winning of the playoffs no track team, Hans practiced alone add e d a nother feath er to Whit HAN SAL BERTSO N, Swedish transfer and competed as an independent. from Gonzaga, is a 6'S" star who dou worth ' s cap since the Pirates walked H ere at PLU Hans is planning to bles in basketball ·and track. off wit h the Evergreen football league crown.
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compete in exhibition jumps durin g dual meets. He also will enter a few A.A.U. me e t s a s an unatta ched jumper.
i i
! I I
I think the entire school is proud of our fine basketball team this year. The 1960-61 Knights were a team of ups and downs; it just happened that their ups came at the wrong time in the unimportant games. Next year's team will miss the outstanding play of Norm Dahl, Ralph Carr, and 'Bruce Alex. ander .. . If any player in this league deserves an all conference berth it is Norm Dahl . . . If you wonder what Don Jensen's name is doing in this column, ask him-D on Jensen . . . Baseball team has been working real hard. If you think that baseball is a soft job, just ask some of the ball p lay ers who are being put through their paces by Coa ch Jim Gabrielsen . .. You would think that Mother Nature had it in for those who turn out for spring sports the way it has been raining and blowing the past several weeks ... Mike H ca ly and Ri ch Stanley, two guards for the basketball team, are expected to add strength to the baseball team. Both Rich and Mike are now out to nail a spot in this year's infield .. . Warren "Flash" L ee is this year's big hope in the 880-yard run. Warre n was an outstanding distance man in high school a nd is now working his way back into shape . . . What can't Dave Barker do ? . . . One of the best liked professors on our campus, Dr. Paul Vigness, will be out with the baseball players this spring teaching on e of his best subjects- baseball ... Rumor has it that PLU will soon have a crew team whi ch will compete on the lower campus lake-providing they can stand the smell .. . Ron Hanna recently received a ba d ankle sprain and will not only miss the intramural tournament, but much worse, he might miss th e early part of the track season.
Baseball practice has hit full tilt .with coath Jim Gabrielsen putting h is players through their paces come rain or shine. The keynote of the early workouts has been run, work, and th en run some more. So far th e workouts have consisted mostly of in field practice, batting practice, and of cours e the wind sprints. The pitchin g staff promises to be one of the strongest in many years with three re turnin~ lettermen a nd two strong transfers . Ron Coltom, Don K eppler, and Larry Paulson make up the returnin g lettermen while the tra nsfers consist of Jack Cocchi a nd K en Larsen . One of the stron gest points of this yemJ s infield will bl:" the 'hot corner," whi ch is held dow n by our all-confe rence third baseman from last year, Ga:-y Vestal. Pushing Gary this year wil. be Bob Brodhun, a promising fresh ma n hailing from Port Angeles. The entire squad has been looking very sharp and has been hustling very well. If the early workouts are any indication of the future this season should be great.
FINAL SCORING LEADERS E ditor -- ----.-.---.-- _...._________ .______ _____ ._____ .______ ..-- .--- ----------_________..._______ .__Ann Haggart News Edi tor.. _____ _.-----...-__ ___ .____ ._'" __._____ .__ __ .__ .___.________ ....____ .__ .________Alice W en ness Reporter~: Deanna Hanson, Lavonne Erdahl, Rosalyn Foster, Margy Eash Feature Editor --______ _...__ ._________________ __ ________.________ __ _.-------- _.__________.____Ruth Walker Reporters: Gordon Gray, Ann Schnackenberg, Dick Halvorson, Deanna Hanson. Sports Editor_______ __.__ _______ ____________ ..____ __.___ .____--.--.---.____ _.. ____ ..__ .._Mike MacDonald Reporters: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemillcr, Ed Davis, Bob Howard, John Hanson, Gary Sund. John Fey. Intramurals EditoL ________ .________ ________ __ _____________ ._________ .________ __.___ Gordon Gradwohl Photographer -------.___________ ________ __ ________ ._..._.._...__ ._.__._._...._.. _.... _...McKewen Studio Business Manager...____ ._.. __ .._...._.._..____.__ _.... ____._...__ ._______ .________._______Doug Johnson Advertising Manag·c rs_. ____________ _.______ __._._Donna Van Gilder, Eleanor Bousfield Cir~~lation Manager________ ._____________________............. __ ._.-- -.-.-.---.....---.....Judy Kragh Mal!m g..._.. __ ........__ ..........Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson Advlsor........ _._. __.._._ .. _____.__________ ._____ .___----------._._ .___.___.______ ...__.______Mr. Milt Nesvig The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu dent! of Pacific Lutheran University, Subscription price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
Player Pts. Ave. Reb. Norm Dahl .... ___ .354 14.8 287 B. Alexander ._____ 323 12.4 100 Ralph Carr _....._.315 12.1 217 Larry Poulson ____ 260 10.0 251 Dick Nelson_. ______ 255 9.8 83 Bob jacobson _...172 6.9 148 Rich Stan ley ______ 82 5.1 36 Jon Malmin .. .. _.._ 55 4.2 35 M. Fredrickson.___ 28 9.8 3 Mike H ea ly .__ ... .. 16 1.8 2 D. McPoland _. ____ 2 1.0 8 Odsather ____ .___ .... 2 2.0
-- ---PLU Total ....1864 Opponents ....184'5
71.7 1280 70.9 1134
D n's List: S OWS.x %
Of St:udent: o y; 3.3
,".,.•,....,.c.•.... '-"".~--,~
FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 19 6 1 -
Positions Open for Those Interested;
Activities Get arch 11 Last Date for Petitions
Campus Chest
Star~ed Soon
Mardi, amon" its qUt , t theme s, l'rfllS '0 be ": peci:tlly geared for C ampus C ht'st activiti es. T h e sched uk 0 ~ ,I o ts w t up by <'hairn en Ron Soinr- and E ·t l,.n Yat (' ~ was designed to t('i> las t )' <'" r's tot a l of $327.00, ;m el II) g i"l' tl! 'tu ci ent Body an un (kl ~ll!1t.1 i'H" pa!'t icipating part. The whDlr- PLUPO'" of The Campus C h es t tm d itiun is no t simply to have an ,th rr fund raising effort, bu t to awaken students to the ~]'I!'l t world needs and brin g an insigh t and bond uetw " ' n Arnt:ricans and students a broad . It is a chance for students a t PLU to work through the World ni\'LTsi ty Service in building hos pit a ls , libraries, dormitories and oth "I' nec ('s~ iti c, in foreign countries; and ht:lp mi ss ions such as the Lu theran Litt'rary G I' 0 U P in Hong Kong which last year printed a series of Su nd ;\y School pamphlets with our aid. This year's Au ction is to be organ ized by the r"w Business Club, and the Vetl'rans' Club is likewise han dling plans for an Ice Skating party. Half of the proceeds from eaeh of these activities, plus returns from the res ent donut selling scries and the tllO\·ie that is ye t to be scheduled, will pl'ovid ... this year's contri bu tion.
Di lin erforms espite Child Pay n'crn t exam pk nf true show manship Wa!i Sf' fOit h U} '\rtisl SI'Til's ha rp ist, M ildrt'd D i ll in ~, last Frid:ty l:vc·ni ng . Lat" in the prrfo rm aIll "', during th e beautiful "Clair de I,lIne," someone' tied to '{t·ther th e leftS of an innoc ent brown chicken a n d nuns it OWl' the bakony into the aucii,'ncl' seated in thl' Idt center sec tion. , [i ss Dilling, awal'<~ only of th' gasps of th e surp rised spectators, pcrformed smoothly, recapt u rin l:( with her harp the attention wh ich had bee n distracted as someone from th e audience removed the offendin g fowl.
.\ 11 students will have an oppor tunity to I-W.I for aIL Y of th e fi\'t~ e!ecti \'c pO$ition < of th · \s' ociatcd Students o f Pacific L uthe ran U ni vl'l'si t:, fo r Ill,, ·t yea r, providi ng th ey me d tI t<' qualification s st;l l<:d in the ''\SPLU Constitution.
by l h l" office .
Tbr J irsl Vice-Prcsid 'nt .;hall;
I. Pr : idc at A PL Ill ct:tin~s til th" a b,clIce of till' Pr,·sid.l1 t. o In cas:' of \'aeancy in the pl csi drney, ass ume offi c to serve wi th full pOWL" for th e l'lITIa i n lle r of the unexpired t erm. 3. :, l'\'C as chairman of tlte Elec tiun Board. 4 . Be in (' h a r g C of all Student Body Chapels.
According to the constitution, all candidates must b e in good standing with the rules and regulations of Pa cific Lutheran lltt iw rsity. All candi d ates nlust have a grade point (lV (T a'l''' of a t It-as t 2.00 and must be car rying at least twelve scmc ·ter hours. Th ~ candidates for President an d First Vice-President must be seniors durin g th e year for which th ey hope to be elected. Th e Second Vice-Pres idc>nt must be a junior or senior dur ing th e yea r for which he hopes to be c-lcetecl. The Secretary and Treas un'r must be a sophomore, junior Or sCIlior durin." th,., ycar for which they hope to bl' el,'ctcd. Each officer will possess certain powers and will be expected to per form various duties during his term of office. The duties of the President are:
1 he Second
shall: I. S(,rv(, 8 5 chainna n of the Inter Club Council. 2. SCI'\"<:' a'S eha irman of th e Social Ae ti\'i tics Board. 3. Coordinate all social life on campus. The Secre ta ry shall: 1. Keep minutf'.> of all ASPLU and Student Council nwnin gs. 2. Perform all secreta rial work of .'\SPLl: and Studcnt Council, unless such work is otherwise ~Iss ign e d by the: Pres ident 01' tud f-'nt Council. Th e T reasurer shall : I. I.s~ w· warrants upon the treas ury for such e. 'pf'llieS a, has I,,:en a pproved by th ' P residr nt and/or the Studcnt Council. 2. Be in chan;c of all funds uf the ASPLU . Petitions for each of tiles,> offices are ilvailable at th, S tudent Body t. .iji 1 1>1 ult;: L ....... . •.11 pi ",t :U u;) n lU$ t b.· turn ed in 1.y M;uc h 2 J .
I. Pre. ide at all m ee tings of the ASPLU. 2. Sen' as chairman of the Stu dent ouncil. 3. Appoint all association commit tees as designated in th e con stitution.
r.)..C.H;. j ~l ·
roga tives
LI Lt""
<H I G. jJH
ordina rily ,,'xt'fC'i sec\
~ . TO THE ~PD/NT.
Co-recreation will be h"'d tonight and tomorrow ni ;;ht m th. gym [roIll 7:30 to 9:30.
Sunday aft ernoon ther' will be an :lCcordian confert lD the eMS. It will be held from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Tonight's campus movic will Ix: "On the Waterfront," starrin g Marlon Brando. Th e first showing will be at 6:30 in the Jacob Samnels on C h ape l.
• * • Tomorrow w ill be your last chance to ee "Antigone" in the C lassroom building. The final show will begin at 8 :30 p.m.
The final showing' of "Tom Sawyer," the largest PL tre production, will be tomorrow at 2 :30 p.m.
• •
children's T hea
A Lenten Service will be held Wednesd ay at j :OO p.m. in the C MS. Again the. chapel audi" nu.: of PLU will be provided wit h excellent speakers and talent during c:hape! tim' nex t week. Mon day : The student body and fac ult y will be addressed by P ro fes sor John G. Kuethe, who is a teacher of philosophy at PLU. Tuesday: The Sopholllore class will present a Lenten Matins Service on this Study Body Chapel Day. Wedn esday: Dr. Eastvold w ill report to the school about the meeting of the Board of Regents. Thursday: A special violin concert will be presented by Mr. Henry Siegle, concert master of the Seat tle Symphony Orchestra. Friday: The speaker for today is as yet indefinite.
Save March 25 for the World 's Fair sponsol"l'd by th· Sophomore class.
Tomorrow night's campus movie will be "The W est P oint Story," star· ring James Cagoty, Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Virginia Mayo, and Gene Nelson. It will be shown in the Jaeob Samuelson Chapel starting at 6: 0 p.m.
June graduates or und n -gradu ates in tcI:csted in Sta te employment op portunities arc urged to sign up for interviews with repre~en tatives of he Washin gton State Department of Personncl. Rega rdless of . our major, th e strlte service can offer college graduates a worthwhile carecr in m any fi elds of social work, personnel, recrea tion, bacteriolog-y, nursing, sta tistics, tca ch ing., public hC'alth and accounting, to mention only a few. Some of these positions rC'quin' :l particular major and some, a particular oursC', but m any arc op ' n to graduates in any field of study. All the positions offered through the Dep:lrtment of Personnel are Civil Service positions. Appointm en ts and job tenure arc based on merit and there is excellent advancement potential through a vigorous program for promo t io n from within. Information may be obtained from Mr. Zula uf o-r Mr. Schiller. The Department of Personnel representatives will interview on campus March 23.
DEA N PH ILI P E, HAUGE here congratulates John Ma,tWa, Kathy Belgum, ClJId Ka' y Wynstro fo r making th. "Dean's List,"
One hundred a ld forty-seven students hold places on the official University Dean's List as issued fo r this past fal! semes ter. The rcquirem fitS for earni ng a positio n on the list () f Uni versity Dean P hilip E. Ha uge is a gra e poi n t ave rage f 3.3 or above for a semester. Those who accom pl ished thi ' in the fall semester make up more than t ight pt·t'Ccnt of the over 1600 University population. Th e Dean's List consists of th e following: Paul G. A a T n, Alice A. Andersen, A. Dean A nd erso n, Ba rry Nf. Anderson, Conrad G. Andnson, Dou glas A nci "l'8o n , J udith D. An d ,'!',on, Richard M . Bakken. David A. Ba ' c: r, Je rry Ba ughma n, Kath ryn E. Bcl,gu III , David L. Berg', Ruth Berhow. Audrey . B('t t~, f red H. Bindel, E1 ~ a nor K . Bousfield , Ann N!. roten, Barbara A. Brun s, Gpor g- ia M. Bucholz, Mi l'ha(' 1 J Burne tt, (;;no!c .J. Bybee!!. \I$g 0, n d .\ . Camrron, (; aiJ D, C aIr, Bill K . Clla flm"Il, J r ., n dvin R. Christen, 11, () " on L . (;h iSlcnscrt, oll ja Llt ri 5tc nse n, Pa!ri 13 C lark , Mari l') n F . ollet! , ~tat~· ' l Cooke, J o. \ nn L . Corey, Dave L . Crow n cl', K ar en Crusan, Norman O. Dahl, J ean E . Dan idson, Edw.ud E . D: \ u" lwfa r gan· t E . E :lRh, Stc'vl' n M. E a;;tcr SOH, Lin nea J. Egl' f. Bal ba D. EI IdsOlL Joan R. E nc\rr" Cru olyn M . E ricksen , K "n net h J. Er icksen, Dr a m' 'M . E ri, k50n, Ralph W . Errickson, Pa ul W Er:i b , Mary E . E rkkila, V il' gini" T . E vere tt.
And r aulll A. Fcndkr, Timothy
T. Fi rg ins, C a rol A. French, Ellen K . Galb ra.i th, Samuel J. ange , R uth Cold cnman, Gary F. Gray, Al'r:e II. Hal"a rson. Howard C. lIa lvoon, Alic.: . Ha mrnerst l'OIll, W illiam,·f Hanson, G retchcn L. Il:L , Alexia A. H er:ci,rson, Nl a r ga r et Henderson, D eanna M. H end r ickso n, W illiam R. H eyer, Lo 'n H. Ili.ldcb ran d, L arry J. Hittcrdalc, Robert R . Howard, Lorelic J. Ihlenfeldt, Claudia A. Isham.
Ol'\'ille A. Jacobson , Dona ld R . Jampsa, Melvin H . J a nga rd , Byron J. J ~ ns (' n, Joanne V. Jensen, Lynn R. J om's, Joan K es:d r in g, lsaria _', KimamiJ o, Joanne K lein, Dennis D. Knut son, ,\ 10rris R. Kostoff, Paul S. Kra8.bd, }t'n y R . Kn' s~ Ann L. La Gl'clius, Ca rol A. L.,u r f n , Loi" E. Lawler, H arold E. LeM ay, Jr., Pa trici a A. L ingelbach, Gwc n . L oc k hart, Mau rt'~ n J. :M cAllis(f'r, Jon E_ Ma lm in, G a I' y Ma lmin, Carol L. dani, John A. M a r·tilla, C harles W. "l ay I Pa tricia R M eisn, '/ , Darla R , M isrn himer, Judith _'. M ontgol1lny, DGn lel fvj I'f' Man r0 ' phon Jl nne C. l)gd n) C h l'ry l A. O b ne ss, Daviti L . O lson, Erle K . Uttu m, ).hril Yll . JJ,l ulson, \ " !'DC _I. P ":ISl', 1I.LlI·· 'G PUle.s, R ut h E . PQ< ,t ~(hat, J udy E. RasmLlsscn, YoJnnd:l J. Rel t kowski , K l' lln n h j • R lggr rs K""'[j K . R um m en, C;. r a.id R ll l !J ~!-f!3rd, M )' (' 0 n L. S:t nd hrrg Rru",ona G S;lW Y<"\" Martin J. 'ch ade'l', C l'n e D. "h ~\I!mherg, M a ') S ha umbf' r g, B rbara A . ch wiww , K a.ulryn R S haff T, Kan' n A. Sharp. t )thers include Patricia J. S It.. r man. Di a n~ S. Simons, JUA.llIl K . ~ )'old, Nf ry lt'c . Squi r 's, Go rdon E . SlethauS', Ann C. Soin l', Mary S. Sol it' , arilyn J. Spies, R ichard F. Spi n m:y , H en ri etta M . Stolte, Judy A. S truthers, Judy A. S n son, Clal'ie E. SYVl' rso n, K alhleen M. T aylor, Linda Traber t, Annette M. T u.pp cr, Sandra G. Tyncs, Christy 1\ . Ulh-Ifl. nd, Can-ie M. fit;,e!', Pelt r H . Van Konyenbu rg, L e i and G. Weaver, The ron H. Wheeler, Edith Wollin, J. Kathryn Wynstra, David A. Yokel'S, Kathleen L. You u g, Judith M. Zieske.
Plan Programs or Student:s; Work in Foreign Lands Open Educa tion , '>Vebstc r ddin('s, is "the prOCL:SS of training ,Del developing the knowledge, skill, mind, and char acter." Th erefore, it ca nnot be ob taincd exclusively in library books, uor call it be confin~d to nine months of formal schooliug in a (·ar. Su mmer provid('s a ti me to inc rease your awareness and und erstanding of the world and yourself through various w 0 r k programs. U n del' church sponsorship a I' e the work projects of Lutherans, the Lisle Fel lowship, and the Friends Service Committee.
Six-\y("c k g-roup living txpcI"icnc:cs
in California, Germany, Denrnal'k, Holland, R ussia, and an Educato rs' Seminal' in Afriea are offered by the Lizle program for this summel·. Pa l' ticipants grow through the group dyna mics of living with people oi various reli gions, races, and back grounds, and by working directly with the people and particular insti· tutions of the c.ommunity. Additional information and appli cations for interested students may be obtained from Professor Richard Scott.
Page Two
Friday, March 1 7, 1 961
An Interesting Tour
View Sewage System Recently I spent some time on a Saturday morning tourin g PLU's sewage disposal system on lower campus, an experien ce few of you have had. In rea lity the operation involves no type of cess pool, and <:ontr..lry to th e opinion of many, the fenced in areas of water l'C pure, clear, a nd uncontaminated. Mr. J acobs, head of maintenance, and his crew have work ed to get the odor down to the possible minimum, whik it still occurs- though infrequ en tly-on th path leadin g past the sys tem , and down toward lower campus. This js due to a fan in the main structure which serves as an " xhau:; t for th e system, and the odor is caused wh en strong wind blows it in the dire ction of upper ca mpus. The sewage disposal plant is quite an in t ricate oper ation, which must be in perfec t workin.c: order at all tim es. Although now adequate for th e needs of th e cam pus, fund s will be expended this summer in order that it will kll?p pace with a ' rowing student body. This tour of the plant was an int >resting exp erienc.e t hat I'm sure other students wou ld find of \'alne, as few o f you realize a ll that this disposal sys tem really ntails, ::Illd how it is operated here at PLU. Fo r thi s reason stu d ents arc invited to contact Mr. J acobs and see about touring tht: pl ant, and viewin g its workings. Perhaps y ou h:1\'" sometimes wonden~d how such a thing oper a tes. ' ow is your ch8.nce to find out. Ann H agga rt, editor
Dear Editor:
D ca I' Editor: This statemc:.nt is offered 111 refuta tion of your editor Ial oj Februa ry 24. I challenge you to print it in full. Do YOll d are? Unsigned (Accompanying this letter was a statement by a phil o sophy professor from the University of P ennsylvania defending non-conformity.) D "ar Anonymous: I dare to print your letter, if you dare to sign it. Strange that a person who is supposedly in favor of non confurmity is himself too much of a conformits to speak o u t a nd a cknowledge his beliefs. I will repeat again that we will not print unsigned letters, feeling that only a p erson who has the courage of his convictions dcservc5 to see his views in print. The Editor All ''Letten to the Editor" should be in by the Tuesday before the Friday in which they would a ppear. They can be turned in to our CUB Post Office Box 409 through the cam pus mail, or bro gh t in to the Mooring Mast office in the CUB.
Dear Editor: We have now had two good attacks and one stout defens e of our not-so-recent concert. The attacks arc right; they did play some pretty insulting music and their performin g ability was far from th eir capability. But the defense is a lso painfully correct. Judgin g from th<: a pplause a nd th e many encores, at least three-fourths of us loved it. ~ow wh ose fau lt was it? Was it Mr. K a tims'? No; not entirely. H e should be congratulated for selecting a program tha t pleased as many as it did. Where then docs th e fault li e? Let me stick out my neck and say that it is with us. It is a matter of our taste. We don't really know wh a t is good or bad whcn it comes to music and if we do like something we can't put our fin ge r on the reason why. W e th en accept the fact that the little man standing up there in front of his fantastic instru ment knows intuitively what is best for us a nd we havc to realize thi s or face soc ial disgra<:e at lunch th e next day. Th~ on ly solu tion for this is study and above all, since it is music, listenin g. One can, and I'm sure many will, say that thi s point is not well taken-it is not prac tical. Well, to thi s let me say th a t most of us havc and will keep on wasting about two hours a wcr'k. O nc coul d wast e one of these hours liskning to musi c; worse. cr imes h av~ bet'n commi tted. Now an idea th at may lea d to a solution: thcre arc on this campus people with good rec ord collections and who e ither know somethin g about or an: learning somcthing a bout musi c- le t me put myself in the last category. It wouldn' t be hard to form in each of our d orms a littlc socie ty whi ch could mee t, say, once a week an d do nothing but listen to music a nd talk about it. We have a libra ry with dozens of scores and mos t of us have cnough of a humanistic education to investigate th ese without excessive intellectual pain. But what if it is hard to listen to musi c ? Arc we to go through life seek ing' th e pa ths of least cultural resistance? Ours is, believc it or not, a time of leisure . There arc no persc cutions or works being banned by the govcrnment ( with perhaps the exception of Henry Mille r). Why don ' t we try taking advantage of this? Let's be ready for tha t tribe of musici ans from the north, and if they give us Johann Stra uss agai n, let us at least not applaud so en thusi as ti cally. Conductors are very sens tive to th e ap pla use th eir performances ge t and they ''.a n determin e with amazing acc uracy the " listen in~ a e" of a n audi ence by the ovation alone.
I'm quite sure that my rather visionary attcmpt will be fought vehemently. But I am not offering a Sununa Musica Critieum, or even an intellectual panacea. I am only ask ing, in fact beggi ng, myself and everyone to do something about our own cultural age and hope wc grow a little in the process. And bcsides that, it is fun to listcn to music. John Tictz
World Politics Column
"The Queens'!
rapi dly on the free world, economi could, as Pres ident K cnnedy said, ca lly. Not only the United States, give to the undcrd evc loped countries " Political instit.utions are a super of the world. This would be fighting bu t the nat ions of the en tire free structure resting on an economic world have lost ground to the Com fire with fire, and then we might foundation," nd thus the economi c munists in the past few years. In have a large fire on our hands; one p weI' of the Sovie t Union and Unit 1956, the free world produccd 78.7 which could burn Communism into ed States will portray the queens in percent and the Communist nations non-existence. We mi g h the a r our world-w ide chess game, for the screams from our own side, but .P ul queens a re lhe most powerful pieces 21.3 percent of the world total in A. Samuelson con tends th a t if we o n the board ; <tble to move in every value. In 1959, the fr ee world ac counted for 66.9 pcrcent, th~ Com can give to the have-not count ries d irection; cover ing the ntire scope munists 33.1 pe rcent, . nd th e Sovi et nough food so tha t th ey may ex_ of the board. We have al ready ob bloc gRined in 1960. pend the i I' efforts upon huilding st JVed the actions of both Russia a nd ussia also pours turbulence into themselves up industrially, then lhey the V . S. a nd HOW we should view the world economy. For example, the wi ll be in a position to buy grai n the w y, where, and whatfore of th e Soviet Union purchases cotton from from the free world. Thus in th e lon g trength inherent within both counE gypt, paying J a sser more than the run this polic) will h,lp, not only th e tries. world markct p rice. Then sh e fl oods free world, but a Is 0 the have-not I think it is safe to say, as W. W . th e market, selling this cotton far countries in tha t they cannot help Rostow contends, economic power IS below the common pricc. This is an but become stronger economically the most impor tant factor in the cold example of what one powedul na a nd therefore politica lly and socially war, for as Khruschcv repeats to us, tion can do to disturb the world sta since all three factors arc so inter "We will sink the United States eco bility, fol' now the free world is hav related. nomically and thus your grandchil in g trouble trying to sell th ei r com Now, I think, we can und erstand dren will be living under Conunun modity of cotton. It also can be log the relative position of the two worl d ism . T herefo re we see the challcnge ically projected as to what could powers and we can see the long proposed to us and the question is, conce ivably happen should this pol ran ge s wee pin g strength of the o f cours , what we are going to do icy of Russia's be extended in other queens on our world chess board. W e a bout it. fields. have this powerful for ce and we can • * * * • * do good, for according to Franklin The Senate Small Business Com However, the free world is not out D . Roosevelt, "In the field of world mittee reported in January, 1960, of the fight. Similarly we have tons policy I would dedicate this nation that the Communist bloc is gaining upon tons of surplus grain which we to the policy of the good neighbor."
Students Prefer Secluded Study;
Visual Distraction Big Problem
"Studying i~ the most important activity in whic.h college students e ngage; yet little attention has been given to evalua tin g the conditions under whi ch they study ... Students have been left to adapt themselves to existing space, rath er than havin g space d es igned to mcet their needs." This very pertinent statement is ta ken from a recent study whi ch was m entioned by M1'. Frank H aley in a letter to the ed itor las t week. Thc study is titled , "Student Reactions to Study Facilities with Implica.tions for Architects and College Adminis tra tors." an d was prepa red by The COIHmittec for :'oiew Co ll ege (wi th th e assis tance of a gran t from the Fund for th e Advancement of Edu ca tion! ) . Th e stude nts from fou r schools mherst College, Mount Holyoke 'ollcgt", S mit h Collegc, a nd Th e uni\'Crsity of Ma s.l aehu se tt s rc usc-d. Ea ch studellt was as ked to kct'p a diary of th e- time he spent studying and wh ere he did his studyin': he a lso fill ed ou t a genera l qu es tion n:.il'c concrrnifl tud y facilities. T he result were positive for a new type oC libr ary. 10' 01' example, large study places were found un favorable to stu d y. The report stat.es, "The mo.~t significant fin d in~ of all is that for most students use and approval of study space vary inversely with size •.. only 12 per cent of all the studying ... took place in the large library reading rooms . . . wh ile 56 per cent of it occurred in the two smallest places: dormitory rooms and library carrels .. . 85 per cent believed that it w as desi ra ble t o dy alQnc . .. TIle rcason lol' th is strong bias against I a r g e study places is simply that distractions arising from other people prove to be the most serious frustrations to good studying, and these d istrac tions increase in proportion to the number of p eople present . . • M ovement as well as noise must be considere d a problem ..."
students who wish to study alone is again brought up. "The: dislike for fd low students in the same study area in c'reas('s direc tly wit h their number. This is not an C'vidence of misanthropy, but a d esir.: to cape the distractions whi ch increasingly large numbers of studen ts inevitably produce. How importa nt this is ca n be sC'en from the fac t th a t students in th eir informal com ments about study space mentioned the annoy ance a nd distractions of people-pn duced no i s e and movement5 295 times; while the second most fre quent com plaint, poor lightin g, was made only 167 times." Anyon e who has tried to study in the rea di ng room knows that it takr..s a lot of will -power to keep from look in g up e\'/' ry time the doors open 0 1' every time someo ne wa lks by. Thc,< fru stra ted sludiers will agree with the statrment: "Educa tional trend s . . . SL' C lll to indi ca te a n increasing need for smaller study places." The report also describes the "ideal study space" as suggested by the studt'nts. It would b a small room whe r ' one may ~1:udy al one or wi t p siWy one or two other studen . It would be used exclusively for study and would be free from distractions both from other people and from the noises of physical sources (telephones, typewriters, etc.) It would have good lighting, controlled tempera ture, easy access to books, and comfortable facilities. It W 0 u I d provide a plain decor and furnish ing and would give the studeI. some chance to relax.
Latc r in th e report, the findin gs cGncerning th e large perce ntage of
~~Lt'e Do pt"op1e stay People When in groups of P eople, Or do th ey fade Into a cong lomcrati on Of protoplasm Guided by nothing Doing not.hing Thinkin g nothing. R on H eye r
by Gordon Gray
~~~:~rEd·i·~~~:::::::·.:·.::::::::::·.::::::::::::::::::::·.:::::::::'.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'" li~n ~:n~:::
R eporters: ('anna H anson, Lavonne EJ:dahI, R osalyn Foste r, 11-1 rgy Ea<h Fea tu re E ditor ................ ......... _.. ...................... ............................. _Ruth Waik"y cpol'tcrs: D eanna H a nson. La \'onne Erdahl R osa lyn Fo ·tel- M ar B ash J a net Guthrie, Barbara E rickscn . ' " , Spor ts Editor....................................... ___..... _..........--...__._.........M ike Ma<.:Donald Repo rt e : Bob R ydland, Dave BottcmilIer, Ed D vis, Bob H oward , John ilanson, C a ry Sund . John Fey.
~l~~~~;~~~:~;~~~~~.::.:.: .:.: : : .: : : : .:.:.: :.:·: : ·: : : : : : =:~::::::::::::::::::~.~~£va?nJo~~~
A?VCl'tlsm g M a naq-c rs ............................ Donna V a n Gilder, Eleanor"Bousfiel" C l: c ula tlOn M a nager.. ....................... _................................. _............Judy K ragl'r Mal~mg ......_...... _... _..._...... Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith J ohnson dV1 SOT_.......................... ..._.... ......................... -...........-_.___.......... M r. Milt NcsvI g t is publ ished week y dunng the school year by the stu T h e M oo rin g dents of P aCIfiC Luth eran University. Subscription price: $3.00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
11.02 !'ACIFIC AVE.
!'HONE LB. 7-7100
Friday, March 17, 1961
Page Thre.
Intramural Sports
Free- Throw Contest:
KenRuud Sets Record in Hoop-Shoot; 3rdFoor EdgesEvergreen By Four INDIVIDUAL Name and District I K en Ruud, Evergreen
FTM ___________ 93
2. J iIu Skurda11, 3rd Floof._._. _____ 90 3. Dave Evans, Westem________ _____ ___ 88 4. Dave Berg, 3rd FlooL ____________87
5. Roger Recp, Evergreen_________ ___85 6 . Gary Sund, 3rd FlooL ____________ 85 7. R oy Hage rman, Eastcrn_____ ., __83 8.. tan Fredrickson, 4th Floor____83 9. K arl Gronlx:rg, Evergreen______ 83 10. Mark Anderson, 4th FlooL ____ 82 II. F. Wat.erworth, Evergreen ______82 12.. 'fitch Billings, 3rd FloOL. ______ 82 13. Gerald Gettis, 3rd FloOL. ________82 14, Doug McClary, 3rd FlooL ______ 80 15, Mike Brewick, 4th FlooL ________ 80
Evergrecn's K en Ruud in deadly fashion shattcred the 1M Free-throw record of 90 as he deftly sank 93 ou t of 100 tosses _ 3rd Floor, led by J im Skurdall's reco rd ti eing 90 , dusted off the Team T otal re co rd, of 415 se t last year, as th eir bes t fi ve ef足 forts tota led 426, just four shot s be t足 ter than Evergreen _ 65 individua ls took pa rt in th e annua l contes t held Tu esday ni ght. District 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
3RD FLOOR, Jim SkurdalL _426 EVERGEREEN, K en R l1ud __ A22 4TH FLOOR, f redrickson __ __ 398 EASTERN, Roy Hagerman____340 W ESTERN. D ve Evans________ 292 F ACULTY, Lundgaard __ ___ _____ 77 2ND FLOOR, B. Batterman__ 76
'A' and'B' Intramural Basketball Tourney ecaps: This pas t wee k th e Intramural Committee (of two-guess wh o) held their pos t-tourney meeting and selected the two "All-Tourna ment" tca rru; fo r th e "A" a nd " B" tourneys. These selections arc based prima rily on tpam play, sco ring, defensive effort, sportsmanship, a nd hustl e. Evergree n placed two of their stalwa rts, Karl Gronberg and Dave H aa la nd . Ja c k Cocchi, who led the " T eppc rs" in tourn ey scoring, and 4th Floo r's J crry Poppen and E as te rn 's R oy H agge rman round out the "A" First-Five. r o r the B's, the 1st plan Jocs arc representt'd by hi gh- sco rin g Jim Martin_ 1st Floor placed their ace rcbounder, Arvin M eyrr, a nd the Pla y足 boys went with th e top tourney scorer Gary Sund _ Th e Hustl!'rs round off the It' am with D ave Yokers and Orv Jacobson who spa rked th ro ughout the lOu Tn.' Y in spite of a 4th place finish.
'A ' All-Tourney K ARL GRONBERG, Evergreen DAVE HALLAND, Evergreen JACK COCCHI, Tippers JERR Y POPPEN, 4th Floor R O Y HAGGE R MAN, Eastern
,8' All -Tourney GARY SUND, Playboys ARVIN MEYER, 1st Floor JIM MARTIN, Joes DAVI:, YOKERS, Hustlers ORV JACOBSON, Hustlers
,8' To p Scorers
'A ' Top Scorers -ame and T eam Tot. Pts. L K arl Gronbc rg, Eve rg rccn___ ___70 L_ D ave H aaland, Evergreen ______ 70 3 . J ack C occ hi, Tippers__ ________ ____ 48 '\. Je rry Eva nson, 4-th FlooL ______ 48 5. R oge r R eep, E ergrec n____________ 46 6. Gene Lund gaa rd, FacuIty ______4-6 7. J e rry Poppen, 4th FlooL ________ 43 8_ Do ug M cCla ry, Tip pe rs_________ A 1 9. (' n e Scha umberg, Wcstcrn___ AO J 0_ oy H agge rman, EasterrL ______ 37
THE CH.!\MPIONS, 3rd Floor's "Tippers"-(back I. to r.) Gear ge Viegland, Bruce Nunes, Nate Stime, and Do ug McClary.
Ifront I. to r.) Mike Macdonald, Jack Cocchi, lars Johnson, and Don Fossum. Jack Cocchi was selected to the "A" All-Tourney
"First-Five." The "Tippers" downe d 4th Floor 64-40 for t hlt championsh ip.
)I; ame
and Teanl
Tot. Pts.
I. Gal)' Sund, Pla yboys __ _______ _____ 73
2_ Jim Martin, Playboys..,,__._...__.73 3 _ D a ve Yokel'S, Hustlers _. __________5 1 4_ 5. 6_ 7. 8_ 9. 10.
Ga ry N ikkari, J o(:5---------- --------5 I John M a rtilla, 1st FloOL- ____ __ A 7 D ennis Gud a l, 1st FloOL- __ _____ A5 J erry Curtis, Dclts _______ _____ __ ____45 Dan Selman, Playboys _____ _______ 36 Blythe, 1st Floor _______ ________ __ __._.3 5 Don J enson, JOc5__ ___ ___ _____ _____ ____ 34
Second Place 4th Flo or: (back I. to r) Bob Mattson, Jerry Poppen, Jerry Evanson, and Gary Vestal. Stan Fredrickson (left) and Don Keppler in front. W ith two start!ing 2 nd and 3rd round upsets, 4th's luck ran oul a gainst the powerful "Tippers_"
Don Jenso n (No. 10) hits "tw o" for th e "Joes" as 1st's Arvin Meyer looks on. The "Joes" downed lst Floor for the " a" title .
"Butterfi ngers" Doug McClary (No. 50), Tipper forward, chases a loose ball in the title game between the Tippers a nd 4 th floor last Thursday. 4th ' s light-shirted pursuers are I. to r.) Don Keppler, Gary Vestal, and Stan Fredrickson .
" Th ree- handed Ba ll haw k" As il with three hands, 4th's Jerry Po ppen pu lls d ow n a rebo und . Watching and a iding with well-timed shoves a re Jerry Evanson (Ielt) a nd Gary Vestal (center). Actually the 3rd hand belongs to Nate Stime. ~--------------------~ MARV TOMMERVIK'S PAUL BUNYAN BURGER with
"B" Champs, 3rd Floor "Joes": (back I. to r.) Jim Martin, Gary Condray, Gary Nikkari, and Dick Waite pointing to first place finish . In front, John Fey (left), and Don Jensen. The "Joes" outlasted a strong ht Floor team 47-41 in the champion足 ship final.
Parkland Fuel Oil
fries. Full % lb. mea t ___ ]9c (A meal in itself)
lEnox 7-0256
12002 Pacific Ave ,
Parkland Triple XXX 119th and Pacific Avenue
516 Garfield
(Across from Old Main)
Page Four
Friday, March 1 7, 1 961
Water Loving Students Enjoy Scuba Divi 9 When A ristv l le r ~f fre d to un derw ater b reat h in g gea r bein g u . ~d i 1i', tIDH' an d LO underwater sw im me rs ul iliz e'd in G reek and ROJlno naval ba td ,s, he h ard ly perceived t he stat ns o f m a n 's marint progr~ s today For in rect"T'lr years , skin diving h as f'ou n d a pl<1I.:e as Olle of th e world' , lost fas( in atin g popular spor ts. 'cu a diving , th e most widely-known aspect of the sport, rcicTs I.Q sclf- ' ol1 l.l iw:d Iw ,l e"villc . b "thi n ' ;l p par;\lu" It has [Q\tnd m<lny I , ! 1M todllY' socilly : l , sn cnti lr exp lonlti"n fo r IlJJri l1l' Gn,j og)" Ri oloon, OCI'C\JID"Llphy, a nd Mi~silr ~e!U'c h; 2, !ifL'sa\ in!!; on
lakes a nd o c, a n I~ (che,, ; " swi m mi g ins t ru c ti on h) better obStl"V;I tion flf pUpl!S' stro l.es : 1. sp ort 1i; l1 jug; aJLd 5 . commt'fCIa l
rmt" o..;U\ n ,L! ~' ,
I.J f'~
(",c itcDll'nt m :.,y try thr SeattlL' w a ter; , a n d allf' IDp t to w r"s llc t he w urld'" I ;)r!.:t~,' [ octop uses tu th e su r
faCl ',
1'0" a li in te l cs ted di nTS, t he Ta D i\ cr' s Den, ,1 di vin g sh op, will spon or a t reasu re h unt a t P oint D e fiance on Apri l 9.
ill ttl a
A fi na l word o f ca utiun to bcgin
hit l In (:'- , CO l1stru c ( o n , demolilil, n, a nd t cpair. (,':
n e l'S: undlf\Va t er a('(' id (~ nts h ave
a • q u;pmc m is \-aricd a nd wi d e ly aval l-. ble-, ThC" most p opu lar b r ea th in g appa ra tus is the open cir cu it Rystt'm in u ne o r two ta nk st yle. Also req uircd a re \'alves, r eg ula tor, r eEG\'e a ir fac iliti c:s, harm'ss, fi ns, and m ask. Fi ns arc manufact u red in \' 3ry i n~ d cgn' cs o f fl exi bili ty, ac cor d ing to t[; ,: stre ngth o f thc swi m m e r . T h e m as k must b t~ comfo r ta bl e and wa ter lig ht. In n ort hwes t wa teL', a mbbe r therma l su it mu st be w o rn , a'nd a wcight belt is a l u g oud to haH', Oth " r gear, such ,1S k ni ves a nd spear-gun s, ar ' a lso wid el v use d fo r SpOil fish ing, A nu m bl'l' of L u te :;tude nts arc a \'id d ive rs, T h ey havc fo und unlim ited di vi:1g a r eas , but li st D ash Point, the Tacom a D ock , P oin t D efia nce, and H ood Ca na l as cs pcci oll y guod, C od are numero us and large in H ood Ca na l, but a diver look ing fo r
Continual Rains
Hamper Te nnis
Tuuday, M arch H , marked th e offic ial beC\ in n in '( of tu rnouts £Ul' the PLLJ 196 1 t entll, [ca ll1 , Bla\'ing P" r kla nd's to r re nll a l d o Yo n p 0 U l' S '1' ('1'1': D a le T hompso n, Die!: Purtzer , L a r ry Hitt c r dalc, R un '1 h Ul ~'W ll, and the only re turn ing n ig h t lc t le rn lc n, L on' n Hild .. bra nd a nd Lar r y Pe t tT son. Ba rring th e Iln lJli nnlt po~s ib ili t y ,)f flood s ca u!;cd by the lll(ln~o o ns , tl w racc'u et me n wIll pra ct lCI" o n th e a ll \\'cal h n COUl ts in jJ l r pa l a tion fo l' th e u pco111i ng round-rob in tuur n e y ill wh ich t~ ;' m p os it io n~ will be c.J >e id d , DI"~p ite th,' loss of a ce p la y('r Bill " W b i t c~'" W ill iams fru tn !ast year's squ a d , Coa ch G ene L u nd f!aa r d eX pl essed cO llsid n a b! o pt imi sm in re gard, to th e to ugh ~,(' h c Juk whi ch li,' s ah ead.
ht·C ll
caw,,'d largdy by inadequa te l ra in in g an d pan ic, So a boH' a I!, know yo u r capa bilit ies , become skillful, a nd stay ca lm ,
Campus Pool For 5 udents In 195 8 P re, id ent E::tst\'o ld d o na t ed th e PLV swimllling pool to the cam pu s_ Co n tr ol of th" poo! W ::IS es ta bl ished u nd er th c St udent Co un cil. IlIlI ncd ia tt' ,t" ps were take n to pn: sel'\' " t he confid e nce in Stud en t Bod y con tro l, wit h the se t ti ng up of a swi m min g poo! COlllm itTee. Bill Koll a nd K aren Fisc her wc re dl OSL' n by the co uncil to hcad thi s yea r' s CO!l1 mitt ... .
Apologies Due Apol ogies a re due fo r a mis Ill' de in the recent story on Jon Malrn in. " Pop" M allllin , H ar stad Hall houscfa t hcr, is no rela tion at all to Jon, as stated in the 3rticle. Jon's fathcr is on ca m p us t hou gh, for he is Professor Mal min of the Music Department. O ur regrets to those involved in that mistake. lakt'
P roba bl y the m ost imp o rtant fun c ti on is th a t of the life sa vi ng crcw. Bill a nd K a r en ha\'c su pe rvised the addition of qua lified life g uards, All g t..ards on p ool du ty mu st h ave a eu rren t Sen ior Life Sa ving Ce rtifi ca te tha t isn' t mor c than t h ree ycar s o ld. C ertifi ca tes may be obta ined t hro ug h the R ed C ross upo n cOlllpl e t ion of tbe ir ri go ro us co u " ,
Apologies a lso to Rich Stanley a n d J ohn Fey for a r ecent mixup of t heir names on a picture cap tion.
Fur th e fan t h is timc of y" at is In y d ull , b u t to t be a th lete it " a Ut I"" which d l'll"rf!1i n , "hf'lill' I th t' g a In", .let' 01' 11l,l l it is < ithl'l' \ on 111 lost. Thi s PCI iud p lt>,:ed illl; pa r til ula r SU1~on i, ~l tiIll' when tltt· .lth!"l~ Illust WO l k bin ", If to a POIn t wb " f(' !1<' can be co nsi d ered 1O tw 111 shap' , . ' l u{ I t5 h urd ler is 1l 0W known 10 Ix. f.l( t an d no t TllmQ ", who, 1" na.tllt· f G:lI') Brow n h,-' cu rne fru m O rt ~"I wh cI(' he fillj,lt" d lI ti t.I btllind IIHI ul the fa< U'H hil) h schuo! 1lU.I<Jk rs lLl the h istory of t rack . . . Would .. 1 It be !li n t rJ IT t ht u n two da ,., lD " ro \', " . , . Co- I I' CI "'ltlOtl h l11tlt' h tr' , J fel to th t' ;:tud" n to o f ollr (, 8 mI'll -. It i. :' tlttH whe 1 Is lll denL. Gill I (,, SLlIt er rl n (,OIDP' t · ~I;a i nht P::\ It " tl l'.r in \"3.JlO u ~ po l~ 'lJ l:h J.s \ulll' lull, baskttball, a nd b:l(Jlll m to n , BI"sidr5 tb,: tl ~\U\ POI'IS llu re is ;]. tr .mpulin, :md mah fUI \ ulllbl ill t; . Co -rrc j, u ri tl... wc c kt"nd frotl! 7 :jI) to I(J :UU -p,m. ilnd is ann ou n ccd by pOS \ r TS o n th e curn p u, , , , LOT' n Ili ldcbr:J..lld Uid wh,tl e \'e t y bow k r dn'am , "i- ho\, ted a 3 0 J c:n ITIC , L t n 'ell's j.lf' f,,\'t galTit' " me whi le h e was p ra cticin g at p;\17lI,!isl Bowl in g 1.nm's, , J wh n Paul,un, oJ. ca t( lw f' from Lah W~'h i llgt OI1 , cuu td ;t cl d , tl ength to ttll' htuwba lt lcam, a s wel l as ch a ll('n~ " Al BI om<j ui st fo r h is starting posi tio n, , _ A P' t on ~ h " bac k to Go rd oll G radwo hl , who is th e m<l ll r e po lls iblc: for the su er< S of o u r intra m ur al progralll , A n exa m p le o f hi s fi ne work wa t he in tl'::1t1l11ral bas kt,tball tourna lllen t whi c h wa s j ust comp!t: ted .. J ud y C h ind1.!; r,' , ant' of the sta rB of th e powder p uff scorn tea Ill, i ~a i d to be u ne of th e' bt- t k t' g irl te nni s pl ayers on o ur ca mpus, , , ~V1 al"k Salzm a n woul d li kl' tv ta lk to the person res po nsi ble for th e ch ic ke n in th... 1'('Ctn t Arti st S r i es~a ny one w ho co uld away th a t fast w ould be a. ntlu ahh: asse t to th e tra ck team . ' . If not hing elsc, Ga il Can, a meInuer of the Little Lut Bowl i n ~ L ea gue, ta kes the opponents' m ind s off th eir !1;i1 me. T he on!y truuble l S sh ' h as th e sa m c a ffec t on her own tcam.
Custom Made to Your Sto ne, Engravi ng a nd Size
Extension 79
1961, TH E COCA·COL.II c a"'''A N'f. CO CA· C0 1..A AN D COt< E liRE NEG. !S TE RE"D TRA DE,..AfU'# ...:~
Stude nts w ho d es ire to SWim in th e pool lllu st conta ct om o r th e fo llow_ ing life g uards befor e they will be adm itted , Curre nt opcn ho u rs a re : 10 :30-9:3 9 p.m, on wf'ck d ays, 9: 00 a,r1l,-9 :00 p,m, on rt turday, w it h 9 :00- 1 I :00 a .m, t",t c I for LH:u lty a nd th " ir chiid re n. Su nday t il1le is 1:30- :30 p .m,
The day you know you must provide
Suddenly, the problem of your future security seems t o shrink ... When you remember, as a Lutheran you can turn to our Brotherhood Provider Plan This is especially important when you thin k of the fa m ily responsi bilities in your future, It's reassuring to own Brotherhood Provid er now , . . against t he d a y when you know you must provide. Look at these big advantages: · • $1 0,000 of p erma nent, divide nd pay ing life insurance, • If y ou retire at 65, you can get ~p a , o oo in cMh-a return of $ 1.83 fo!' e ach dollar in ves ted.·
• If y ou die at 65, your b eneficiary gets $ 16,760- y our total investme nt is on!y $7,097, " • Lutheran Brotherhood pays all premiums if you are tota lly disabled b efore 60. All this and more for an invest ment of just $161.3 0 a year. , , about 44¢ a day, You pay more than this for lunch. Ri g ht now, think about your futu re. -:-. the future of those wh o w ill depend on you, Call your Luth e ran Brotherhood campus representative and join the thousands of Lutherans who enjoy security a n d peace of mind in the bond of Lutheran Brotherhood,
'1and on current ii'Uiclnd ouaT(l.nteea.
·Ba s~tl 0 11 age rat~, wh.ich is not
T h e p rt!se n t lift: c: ua rd staff is COlll p osed of: La n o n ~ HI". kwood , Mikc Bu rn ett, C arol S c h ~ t , ka, G ina T ri c bclh orn, Dia n<' R epp, H,'len M o lU, H a n s Fl oa n , J t:l ry Cap p s, J oa n ne Jensen, Na ncy _' elson, H , rold H ooss, Be n \Veisshaa r, Jucel yn Va u ghan, Elle n H ilde , R uth H urd , M ary I ' eu bac ker, R on W a ls ch , Susie Sh oc k, Bob Cross, a nd C ha rley R oss .
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The Coca·Cola Company b,
orld's Fair Tomorrow; vents eatu e V OLUME XXXVII I
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1961 -
Pi Kappa ella Cha ter Chooses Seven
To Attend NationalConfab in Oklahoma
Sr Vl'n P L U . tuden lS left yesterday fo r Stillwa te r-, Oklaho ma, to at i ' nd he twe n t y-second nation al ,'oIlq ' nLiun and tourna ment of P i a p pa D t-l ta, national ,peec h honor a ry fUlt'-l nity. The conclave will on tillU<: IIntil :Ma rch 3 1 when the group will rpturn by train. 1:::!.()T! Uo g
The ~ t"d (' nts will represent the local Washington Epsilon Chapter a t the convention which will attract a round -even hundred delegates frorn chapters a ll OWl' the United States. An es timated one hundre d and fifty C o llr ges .1Ild U niversities will be rep rcscntt::d. The mernbers who were designated by th e local chap ter to attend in x lud e Judi Sannerud, Karen Heg " tad, Joan Maier, And y Carlson, Dick Helstrom, Zane Wilson and Merle O\'erland The grou p will be accompanied by Prof. T. O. H. Karl, Cha irman of the Department of Speec h. Two debate teams will represent PLU at the national touranment. Judi Sanncrud and Joan Maier will participate in Women's Division and Zan e Wilson and Dick Helstrom in Men's Division. Again the question for D ebate is th e national topic for this year-Resolved: That the Unit ed States should adopt a program of national hea lth insurance for all citi zens. The subject for Extcmp speaking is th e Unit ed Nations, its history, status, problems, and future. Joan Maier will partlcipate in t:1e Wom I'n's Division while Merle O ve rland is entered in J\1 en's Division. Orators from PLU entered in the competition art' Zane Wilson, winner of the PLU Oratorical contest, and Judi Sannerud , third pla ce winner here at PLU . In Discussion, the topic fOl' con
sidcration is "W h a t ! hould be the role of th e Fed eral Gover nment in the regulation of mass media of com munication ')'.. ren H cgstad a nd I n cl y Ca rIson a I" e com pctin .:;, in W omen's a nd J\.fc-n' s Divisions, re spc- ctively. Th e president of the local chap ter, Judi Sannerud, will serve as vot ing delegate at the Convention assem blies which take about half the time, the rest bcing df'voted to tournamen t rounds. The local chap ter of the organiza ti on finances the trip each biennium when th e Convention is held.
John l a rsga ard Goes Tomorrow To California Pastor John Larsgaa rd, student cong regil tion pastor, will be leaving tomorrow in order to be th e speaker for spiritual emphasis week at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in LaFay e tte, California. He will give his first talk on Palm Sunday and continue throughout the wee k, ending his engagement on H oly Thursday at which time he will speak at Pacific Lutheran Seminary. During his absence all appoint ments will be cancelled for this time .1IIU Dr. S th E a:; lv old will gi ve th e sermon a t student congregation Sun· day.
Dean"s .ist Additions Further additions to the Dean's List are Eldon Andersen, Willia m Batterman, Joyce c. La r so n , Gloria Mitchell, and Mal"}' Rog ers.
Swimming Pool Fee M ixup
Explains Use and Purposes
Many students have been questioning the p urpose of the $ 6.00 swimming pool fee which is ch~ rged each student at the time of regisrra tion. Some have been told that this fee is for the use or maintenance of the prese nt swimming pool across from tbe mu sic building; bowever. th is is not true . In 19 'j 7. the PLC (Ude nt body expressed its desire to par ticipa te in tI! Pac ific Luthe ran 01 Ieg ' D e velopmen t F und. Throu gh the medium of a prc ial secrd ballot, th e s tud~nts \'oted o\'Crwhellllin gly in iavol' of making a gift to the Devcl opme nt funcl ill the am 0 u n t of $ l )0 ,(j00 to he cspeciall canna d ,ed fo r a new indoor sw immin g- pool. To
!':lisc mone ), [0 thIS !o!:t h t ne t l1dcn ~s y ur, d 1 p '( ~:1. l , h .UO I1t-1' . m l"'t l' fee for , 11 s t uclcnl~ . I hj~ f~c b " came d n iv at reg ist ra tion \or the aLa d.-rnic )" ,Ir d 195 -59 . T hi ~ i now th e hird ycar of c 1
ketion for this fund . The prese nt to ta l amount which has bee n pa id into th e fund is $4 8,226.72; h owever , the complete tota l in the fund is slightly higher dU(, to a n a ' cu mulati on of in tere t on the money from t h e pre yiuus years . C on' l "uc t ioll uf the n~ w pool w ill lwe;in wlw lI f' no lf(!h m onr:y h as cen pu t in t th .. funn t o pay for Ihis n mch -d il(-d pro je t. Th,' nn' p oo l w ill pTOha hly be h ui ll on low{'!' r um p us in sOTIle co n ne cti on with he p r s~nt .e;Ylnnasiurn.
This week will b > a shor t one for th e student: (j f PLU due to Easter va ca tion . T h e re will be o nly two spea kers. Monday: Dr. Albert J. Lindsey will speak to the stud en t body. Dr. L indsey is from the First Presby te rian Church in Tacoma. Tuesday: This will be a presentation by th e freshman class; it is ru mored as ranking high in the area of humor. \Vednesday: Dr. Nodtved t, from our PLU faculty, will speak on thi5 last day before vacation.
Name s C an di date s Gordon Slehtaugh, Ken Ruud, and Charles Mays are candidates for ASPLU president; first vice president, Dan Erlander, K ent Tekrony and Bob Zimmerman ; second vice-president, Dave Bot temiller, Al Blomquist, and Jon Olson; treasurer, Chris Halvor son and Dave Knidel; and secre tary, Sandy Tynes.
Nati nal Defense Student Loans Offer Assistance Students at PL U in need of finan cia l assis tan ce who meet the require m e nts will be able to pu ticipate in the • a tional Defense Stude nt Loan P rogram, now being e~ tab li sh ed a t PL . U nder this program, a student may bormw in one year $1,000 and during his entire colI e g e years, $5,000. He will begin r cpaying the loan on e year after gra du ation and comple te it ten yea r:: later, at three perce nt interes t. To I,ecome eli gible for th e loa n, one mu t be a full-time under g r aduate or gradu a te st ud n t, in need of the amount of III loan, and capab le of mailltaining go o d stan d ing in his chosen courses of study. The purpose of this loa n, as set up in the Kational Defense Edu cation Act of 1958, is "to id entify and edu ca te mort' of the talent of our na tion." a nd "to insure trained man power of sufficient quality and quan tity to meet the national defense needs of the Uni ted States ." In ac co rd with its purposes, the ac t gives specia l considera tion to education majors and those in terested in sci e nce, mathemati cs, t'ngineering, or mode rn fo rr ign language . To t'nco u ra~e thoBe i n[(T es t ~d in tcaching-, th e borrowe r wh o bec omes a f ull-ti m " tear- her m a y receive a cancella tIOn of up to fifty per cen t of th - loa n . T h i> i acco mplished in fi ve y , of leachin wi th len pe r ren t bei n <; can ,·Iled ('<lch year. Studen t' incrr,, ' t d rna mal' ap.. pl ication to M r. Va n f' on fOI liS sup plied by hi s office .
WORLD 'S FAIR CAN DIDATES are (from left to righ tJ: Lucy Barreto, Carol Teslow, Linda Sommers, Lily Gin, and Deann a Hendrickson. No. present when the p ictu re Was taken were Judy Li kkel and Susie Sol ie.
As a unique campus activity, the Freshman and Sophomore classes will again pre ent a W orld's F air in CB-200 to morrow night , March 25. from 8:00 to 11 : 30 . General admission will be SOc, including a chance to take borne a door prize w hich last year was skis . In cbarge of booths representing different areas are: Orient, Tina Dempster and Al e ' ia H cnd er son; Africa, Carol Bendi csen; South America, Lucy Barre to.; Scandinavia, Jeanette Anderson; F I' en c h cafe (where refreshments will be served), Natilie Blix; Art Boo th, repr('~ent ing PLU students' work), Carolyn Sihler; and Science Booth (also by students), Tony R eynolds.
wearing the costume of their coun try, will perform and be judged from 10:30 to J I :30 Saturday night.
Musicians Offer Concert After Easter Vacation
Continuous en tertai nme nt on the stage, including ac ts from different countrles, \Viil G~ sUi->el\l i~L'd uy a conunittee headed by Cheryl Ok ness. Aldis Ott is chairman of the style show committee, Bill Kude r and Vir gie Grecn h ead publicity. Candidates for the Miss Universe co ntest, sponsored by each dorm rep resenting a coun try, ar~: North Hall, Orient, Lil y Gin ; South, H olland , Carol Tesl ow; W es t, Scotland , D c anna H en dric kson; Iv y, i\1exico, Lucy Barreto; Stlle n, H awaii, L inda Sonuners; Harstad, Portugal, Judy Likkel; and Ev rgree n, Italy, Susie Solie. The girls we re selec ted on the basis of pel'sonality, beauty, scholas tic ability, tale nt, nnd a ll-around ac ti,·itics. Committce chairman Caro lyn Breuer revealed th a t there will be fiV(' judges, and th at th e co nte ·tants,
l \ ~ ": L i t.:s uf ~ ' l' niug s t udent r ec it. als, presen ted by th e PLU music de partment, is scheduled to beg-in after Easter va ca tion .
The pc:rlO rm ers are not all music majo r, but arc music students wh o arc at su ch a place in their train in g tha t th eir teac hers fec I they sh ould have an opportun it y to perform. Chambe r g roups, instrumentalist., and vocal so loi sts will g ive their re citals in Lh" Ja cob Samuelson Chapel. Orga nists will app ear in th e eMS . The prO b'T ~ms are be m g desi gne d varie ty of com to offer music of poser, and p riocl . TI1C stu d en ts sc kcted for this serie of recitab have achieved the comme n dation of tbc:ir ins t ructo r. , who encoura , t cam p us music. 10vc'l's to attend these rec.ita ls. L
- - "....
. ~. TOTRE ~PD'NT. Tonight's campu . movie will be the " H igh and th e Mi ghty," starring John Wayn e with a host of other stars. It will be show n at 7:1 5 an J 9:4-:; p.m. in th e J acob Samuelson Chapel.
Co-recreation will be beld from 7:30 to 9 :30 in the gym tOnigllt and tomorrow night.
Tomorrm night' s campus movie will be " With a Son g in My H ea rt," a nd will be shown a t 7,15 a nd 9 : 15 in the Jacob Samue ls on C hape l.
L ullu:l"an S tudent ' Association will lIlI':et Chris K nutzen Fellowship Hall .
unday at 6:00 p.m. in the
E a tcr Vaca ti o n beg ins Wccin" sdoy at 9 p. . Clas cs resume 7:50 a.m. o n Tuesday, April ·Ith .
"A n Eve nin g o( Jazz" wil l b" h d d a t t he Ro. y IIhe..'l ter in T~ rna OIL A pril 5 at 8::)0 p.llI. It w ill be sponso red by the lH'oma .E'h llha m lO llIc, Inc ., a nd Allied Jau Fo rum , In c. Ca ll LE. 1-2 155 for t i kc ts:\t $ 1.00 ea ch
Page Two
Friday, March 24, 1961
Dear Editor:
In a rece nt letter to the editor, a fellow student put his finger to the pulse of our school's musical apprecia tion. It seems the majority is perfectly ha ppy with the t: hoice of numbC'l's at such concerts as the Seattle Sym phony cone crt. If this is so, I should like to suggest the majority mig ht be wrong. While all th e "light and easy to listen to numbers " (lik e Brahms' tragic Overture ) were all fin e I don't believe they pushed our musical < preciatioll sufficiently far. Graduation from this Uni v ersity docsn' t include a graduation from li ght to heavy music . Th e pathway to musical appreciation seems to be paved with symphonies, not just ov ertures. Overtures, sonrrs, and waltzes make the road a little more intl'rest ing. This criticism shouldn't discourage the fine work the Artist Series committee is doing. I do think that they .hould not be concerned primarily with bringing good taknt here. They should also concern themselves with
making sure th e already fine talent performs the best possible music in regards to variety. We as students of Pacific Lutheran should have pridc ir. our Artist Series. But along with this pride goes a conce rn for quality. -Daniel Shafland
'Sawyer' Highly Praised; Ashpole Steals Show Eri c I\'ordholm : the director of PLU's Children's Theatre, has once again combined his talents for sta ge d esign, costuming, directin g, and lighting to produce a nother hit with his production of "T om Sawyer." Using the classic of Ame rican Literature, by Samuel Clemms, Ch a rlotte Chorpenning adapted the timeless favorite for just such occasions- to enchant and delight both young and old alike. Using many of the lincs from the ori ginal work, the same characterizations and the most memorable ev nts of the story, thc stage a daptation holds th e facets which mad e th e book a uniq ue a nd spe c ia l creation. Althou gh this production went without the castle set tings and kingly costumes that has been common to re cent p roduc tions of the same nature, Nordholm still fea tu red some of the f inest settings, most colorful costu mes and best 1ighting effects to be seen on campus this year. Mr. Nordholm deserves all the credit he receives for his ~'l ppea lin 'l' productions. To the' " cting, one cannot judge the performan(,es by their comparison with other "older" plays given on cam pm. Rather, one has to look through the eyes of a child. 'Vith this in mind, the reaction of the young audiences ('an illdieatc how good or convin cing the portrayals were. From the indications of the "Tom Sawyer" audi ('n ces, all the actors a nd actresses in "Tom" did a very fine job. Following the performances, many children wanted to go ba cksta ge to sec Tom- and some did. To the chil dren, A rd en Flom, in the lead role of Tom, was one of t hem. He had to cope with some of their problems, and Jlad somc of thtir dreams, too. Flom embodied the boy ish qualities of appcarance, action and speech that made the boy in the book so likeable, and at each performancc drew appreciative applause , To thc contrary, no one wanted to see either Injun Joe, the villain of the play, afterwards, or Sid, Tom's prissy brother. Jim Snyder and Bill Zi er created their charac ters so successfully on h stage that during curtain <:alls they evcn drew hisses from the audience. Prrhaps the show was "stolen" by Daryl Ashpole as he pOl'tra yed the lovable scalawa g, Huck Finn. His com ical adaptation of the part brought both the greatest a pplause and the most laughs during the performance. "Huh?" became the byword for both cast and crew, adopting Ashpole's favorite line. His portrayal not only had all th traces of a real Huck Finn but showed the humor necessary on the part of the actor to make the part eomc alive. Huck Finn beca me the cha racter most li kdy to be l'em cmbered by both the ch ildren and the nive r.; ity students who saw the pla y.
Controversial II Antigone" Explained; Reviewed Literature whi ch continues decade after decade, and ce ntury after century, and yet retains its first dynamic appea l, is said to be great. Sophocles first told the story of a youn g girl named Antigone around 2,400 years ago. Last weck- end th e story was once again retold on thc "Cniversity campus when Alpha Psi Omega produced J ean Anouilh's adaptation of the classical tragedy. From th e responses noted from both studcnts and faculty, this play still possesses thc qualities whi ch have sustained it for the centuries, eyen in its adaptation to modern times. The struggles of an individual fighting for moral right is seemingly universal, for every age has iti own Antigone-and its own Creon. Whenever a dicta tor sets himself above both religion and the people, thc struggle is the same, the moral is the same, and the con
flicts are the same. How w ell did the recent produ ction reflect the basic issues of the work? Some havc indicated they felt the make-up detracted from thc plot; that the costumes were too diversified to be appropria te; the sctting was too simple for the complexity of thc story. How justified arc these criticisms? The setting, subjectively plain like last year's produc tion of "Waiting for Godot," was appropria tc for many reasom. First, since the play was don e arena-style in order to make the audience feci part of the conflict, the setting had to be simple for effective impact. Also, this perpe tuates the Greek tradition which h a d action taking pla ce all before the palace or city gate. Finally, thc plain set added to the feeling of timelessness in connection with thc story-this did not reflect a time or place, but could be occurring almost anywhere. Thc costumes w ere diverse in nature, yet cach re vealed some trait of the character. Antigone was dressed simply, reflecting her unconcern for such "superficial" things. Creon had the garb of a quite prosperous country gcntleman- which he easily might havc bc('n had fate not thrust the kingdom upon him. Th e unique alld cxperimental make-up w as p erhaps the most controversial aspcct of all. Some were repuls ed by the w ierd concoctions, others felt it added to the in dividual characterizations. Whate er the opinion, two things should be remembered. First, that this too was a " mod ern ada ptation" fom the G n:ck traditioll. During Sophocles' time the actors all wore heavy masks se t in an expression depicting his character . In this version, the masks w ere adapted through ma ke -up to bear some resemblance to the Greek tradition. The second thing to note in regard to the ma ke-up is the wa y in which each p~rson's make-lip refl ected his or h c ch a ra cter. For in st:1nce, Eurydi ct' the Queen, who had no lines in the play, h ad no mouth, but h ad deep lines running down her fa ce to d enote h er tears of sufft'fing. Creon's mot tled visage was to pe rhaps rd lect the inner turmoil in his struggle to submit his own fcdin gs entirely to the statc. The guards all had a dark grey mask which ampha sized their conformity, and the stripcs on their faces rc flecting th e rank and uniformity, To this reviewer, thc masks not only added but also brough t more dearly to mind the a ctual role and personality of ea ch actor. In every production, the a cting of the show deter mines the popularity and success of the play. In this department, each part could be analyzed for interpreta tion and impact, but rather suffi ce it to say the roles were all ad equately handled. Deanna Dirks, playin g the l e ~d role of the young girl, Antigone, combined a sensi tive approach and a dramatic flair which left littlc to be desired in h er excellent portrayal. Creon was created in ., manner equally as good, with the chara cterization of the impressive, d omineering ruler m aste rfully done by John Tietz, Tying the whole drama together with dis COli rses on the nature of the struggles, Zan c '\Tilson im pressively interpreted the part of the Chorus. His rcson ant voiee add ed a great deal to the audience's und er st"ndin a nd sympathy with the chara cte rs.
Ste«telet4 Sfteeid
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Parkland Triple XXX 119th and Pacific Avenue
egular Deluxe Hamburger 50 I
BUSCH'S RESTAURANTS 3505 South Tacoma Way
Sixth Aven ue a t Orchard
by Steve Goff
'A rmchair Philo hy'
Gordon G ray "G obtigcth no nian to more th an he ba th 'ven him ability to perform," and t h rough God given grace mankind has the innate desire to continue livi ng . The q ucs tion is, however, if we can fulfill, by our present polic ies, this desire, sincc both the Vnited States and Soviet Russia have the milita ry power which could compl etely d estroy the w~rld. But th t' n we also have the capacity for world peact:; a world peace based on peaceful co-existence through trust- that is if trust is pos sibk- -{)r a pcace in which one or the oth er side would b able to gain the upper hand and thus d estroy the ene my.
* * * I do not think that th ere is any disag l'ct'ment with th c id ea tha t both the U. S. and Rus ia havc thc mili tary p owe r to demolish, not only theITIsc:l ves, but the ( nti re world, and that in the f u t u r c this capa ci ty should becorrlf m uch !{reatel'. Th re f orc I think our discussion should be turned toward thc idea of world peil c.r, and th e a~ce rta ini ng of wheth er or not this idca l can ever be ac compli~hed ; sincc we arc conce rned with th e t v st rongcst camps in the world, bo th having the "apability when work ing together, to discover a solution to international stability.
Bul the pres t d ay concep t of trust Il.1USt be erad icated. Why? Al low me to illustrate the point, using this cx;] mple: The re p re~entaitvc from Boeing, G. L . Hollingsworth, who spoke to the student body and faculty, clai.m ed that du rin g thc neu dear test ban, trustingly self-imposed by both sid es, R ussia and the U. S. exploded underground, neucIear de vices. Thus we can see the value of
trust as it relates to these two powcr f ul camps. And if wc cannot trus t the Soviet Union and they cannot tt'U ~1 us, what hope is there left in the world, for both the East and 'Ves t have the potential to dc!> troy one another.
* * • Well, w here there is life th ere is ope, and right now hop e is the ouly thing on whic.h we have, to d raw life. I contend that our only hope is to r(' turn to the armcha ir philosopher who sat on a rock in ancient G reece and changed th e world for ever a ftcr. Plato wrote volume up () n volume cla iming tha t people eould bc r uled more wis ely by a leader who had conc ppts of right and wrong, justice and injustice, morality and immoral ity. But, thou g ht Plato, this ideal could only be accomplished w h to n that lea der understood philosophy a nd thus the humaniti es. What we need in t he world of toda y is an edu cated citizenry; cd u c a t c d and lea rned wi th a n immense derrree of comp rt' h ension in the 1m of hu manity, for only thcn will we bc ablL_ to r tum to th e reli gious id eal of graspin g a n und ersta nding of m a n kind and a gaining of knowledge in human life. T he refore the ('[fc ct of the pieces of the ch ess boa rd: the pawns or n eu tral countries, th e bishops who a re the peoplr of the Soviet Union, the kni ghts who a rc the p eople of the United States, the rooks or th e: alli anc es whi ch are formed to protect each camp, the queens portraymg the ec onomic power of both the East and the W est, can all be obliviated by the military pow(·: r which we both possess; a force whi eh could destroy humanity. We have but one hope to look forward t~the Renaissance of our present day.
Friday, March 24, 1961
1PLIIUTEQ! ~ 4/ FR OM rilE B£/'tcN
Page Three
Lute Track. Team osts SOC
As 196 Cinde r Season Starts
T rack season gets into full swing tomorrow when Seattle O lympic Club lTIITts the Kni ght cinde r squad. Anyo ne wa nt to tak e bets on the w('athe r ? Las t ea r during the confere nce mee t it hailed-hard tell ing what will hap p ~ n tomorrow .. . J erry C urti s rapped a solid horne run in the inte r-s q uad base ball ga me last Fiday. The whole team looked sharp and is lookin g better en TY day .. Watch out for a tall, sle nder lad named M ark And ers on in the milk run tomorrow. Mark will be out to grab a blue ribbon for the K nights in this event .. . If Doris Johns on isn' t the best fema le athlete on this campus I would like to know wh o is .. . Hans Albertson, our transfer sludent, high jumped 6 fee t, 7 inches just to warm up on his first day out. Speaking of first days out. H ow a bout it, Recp ? . . . A few daring souls ve n tu red out on the tennis co urts the other day- first time in months the water had receded eno ugh to make pJa y possible ... Bob J acobson, star basketball pla yer fOI' the Kn ights, is back in the wei ght room trying to add even more spring to his rabbit-like le gs. Bob works mu ch harder th a n the ave rage weight lifter a nd the results were easy to see the pas t season .. . Ed D avis recently shot a 72 on our college COurse in qu alifying rounds fo r a spot on the golf tcam . .. Coach Gene Lund gaard serves double duty in th e spring, coach ing both the tennis and golf squad. Quite a load for one person! .. . Dick John son has taken to skiing like a fish does to water. They say D ic k has been a
The 1961 track season opens for the PLU Knights tomorrow after noon wh en th e Seattle Olympic C lu b invades lower campus for a d u a I track mee t. Meet ti me is se t at 1 :30 p.m. for th e field even ts and 2 :00 p. m. for the runn ing events. Spec ta tors a re welc ome and no admiss ion will be charge d . Seattle Olympic C lub is known for its strong track tea ms and th e duel for team honors should be tight. Probably th e brightest spot on their squad is John Fomm, graduate from PLC who throws the javelin to the tune of 250 fee t. John was nat ional cha mpion whil e he attended PLU and is still as good a5 ever.
O u r own tea m has bee n hard at wo rk for thi s mee t and should be in good sha pe for th e meet tomorrow. On M onda y, after a day' s rest, the cinder me n will be baek at work when they host St. M a rtin's C oll ege in a nother dual mee t. Possible en tri es in the events tomorrow will be : I OO-yard- AI J ames. J ohn H an sen , Mike M acdonald. 220-yard-AI J ames, K ei th Sha han, M ike Macd onald. 440-yard-John Han sen, Mike Smith , Bob Sa nters, Phil Yokers. 880--Warr('n Lee, M arv Fredrick son, D on McPoland, P ete Van Ko nynanburg.
I-mile-Dick Clark, Mark Ander son , Bill Peterson, Kin g Phelps. H igh Hurdles · - Dave Bottemiller, Gary Brown, Gary Johnson, and Ar rin M yer. -Low Hurdles-Gar y Brown, Dave ll ottemiller, and Ga ry Johnson. Discus- K eith Shahan,Dave Bark er, a nd Phil Yokers. Shot-put-D a v Bark e r, Shahan, Mike Sm ith.
Javelin-Ken Ruud. Pole Vault-Roger Reep. High Jump - Dave Barker, Dan Samuelson. Broad Jump-AI James, Jim Boe shan, Al Berry.
vcry fast k a rne r. You ju st can' t keep Dick off that mountain, can you Judy? .. . Las t week in the Little Lute Bowlin g League, C orey's team took ovcr fi rst plac e as Fry' s team dropped four strai ght games .. . All eyes werc turned towa rd the state hi gh school basketball t ournament last week. I am sure Gene Lundgaa rd has his eyes open for more new talent .. . Ron H anna will be out of competi tio n for four weeks w ith his bad ankle. Ron is PLU's best
hope in the pole vault . .. Sec you all at the track meet tomorrow to
help support our team . -
Mike M acdonald.
PLU RI N GS Custo m Ma de to Your Sto ne, Eng raving and Size
on Saine
Extension 79
Dec ided ly n o t . In fact most executive johs are on t he grou nd . Of course, all officers may a pply for pilot and navigator training if they meet the eligibility r equirements. There will a lways be a need for piloted aircra ft. And it is foreseeahle that in your working lifetime, there will be piloted spacecra ft-piloted and navigated by Air Force officers. But right now, there is also a big future for college trained Air Force officers on the ground. New and exciting technical jobs are opening up. Important ad ministrative positions must be filled as W orld War II officers move into retirement.
"They come by the dozens ... each
with a diploma and a bright smile"
" More and more bright, personable, well-educated young m en come to me for jobs th ese days. And it's oft en h ard to make a decision. T h at's why, in a d dition to ot her qu alities, I lo ok f or matu ri t y and stability. Life insurance ownership is one of the things t hat indica tes t h is to m e." T his businessman is typical of tod ay's employer. He is interested in the college man who can plan a he a d - es pecially vers o n al futu r e secu r i ty. So, it's
reassuring to remember that as a Lutheran you c a n t urn to our Brotherhood P r ovi der Life Insur ance Plan. For just 44¢ a day (based on age 25) you can OWD a $10,000 Bro t herhood Pro vi der P lan. And this is permanent, dividen d-paying insur ance that will help you build financial security for the futu r e. The future belongs to t h e man who plans for it. See your Lutheran Brotherhood campus represent a tive today. Or m ail the coupon now.
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How can you-a college student-b ecome an A ir F o rce officer? First, there's Air Force ROTC. Then for college graduates. men and women in certain fields, there is Officer Training School. The graduate of its three· mont h course wins a commission as a sec ond lieutenant. Other ways are the N vi gator Train; ing p rogra m, a nd the Air Force Acade my.
Some b ene fits that go with b e ing an Air F o rce' officer. Starting salary plus allowances compare with the verage in eq uivalent civilian jobs. Then t here's free medical and dental car e, thirty·day vaca tion , t he chance to win graduate de grees at Air' F orce expense, and li beral retirement provisions. ' No, Air Force officers do not need wings to move UJl· There's plenty doing on the ground. Perhaps you could be one of these young executives in blue. Ask your local Air Force Recru iter. Or write. O fficer; C a r e e r Information, Dep t. S CI 3 , Box 7608, W a shington 4, D .C., if you wa nl fur th er info r ma tion a b o u t the n a viga tor train ing or O fficer) Trainin g S ch ool progra m s. - - -.
u.s.Air Force There's a place for . professional achievement on ~ _AerosJ!ace Team~
Page Four
Friday, March 24, 1961
RON HOVEY First Team Eastem 'A'
GENE SC HAUMBERG First Team Western 'A'
ROGER REEP fi rst Te am Evergreen 'A'
JACK COCC HI first Team 3rd floo r ' Tippers'
DAVE HAALAND f irst Team Everg reen I A '
JERRY POPPEN Second Team 4th floor 'A'
RON HANNA Second Team Eastern 'A'
NATE STIME Second Team 3rd floor 'Tippers'
ROY HAGERMAN Second Team Eastern 'A'
DOUG McCLARY Second Team 3rd floor 'Tippers'
'B' LEAGUE All-STARS---Pktured at left ore the 1960-61 All-Stars from the '8' division. first Team (top I. to r.J: Ger ald Gettis, 3rd Floor; Marv Snell, 3rd Floor; Dave Evans, Western; (not pictured) Jerry Redburg, Eastern; Tom Alden, Basement. Second Teom (bottom I. to r.J: Curt Gettis, 3rd floor; Jim Eller, Nods; Gary Jonson, Basement, Don Samuel son, Basement; and Jim Boeshons, Basement. The se and the rest of the All-Star teams hove been chosen on the basis
of Sportsmanship, team-play, participation, and ability.
'D' LEAGUE All-STARS---Above the All-Star group from the 'D' division. First Team {top I. to r.j ; De nny Gudal, 1st Floor; Dick Schlenker, Blue Devils; Arvin Meyer, 1 sf floor; Mark Anderson, 5t h Floor; and Gary Nikkari, Joes. Second Team (bottom I. to r.j: Ken Edmonds, Basement; Den Harris, 1st Floor; John Ma r tilla, 1st Floor; larry Forrar, 5th Floor; and Don Jenson, Joes. Many Fine ployers received' 'Honorable Mention" in all the leogues, but lack of space ex.cluded.
RECORDS-LP's and Singles
Large selection at
A BC Electronics
First Team (top ' to r.): Dan Selman, Play boys; D a ve Yokers,
3 25 Ga rfield Stree t
Daily, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 So.m .
Free Bonus Records for Club Cards
PRESCRIPTIO NS - COSM ETICS Complete Camera Department
Hustlers; J a h n John. son, Rebs; Gary Sund, P I a y boy s; and (not pictured) Jerry Curtis, Delts. Second Tea m (bot tarn ' t o r.): E ri c. lin dholm, Rebs; Bruce Binde l, Retreads; J im
Marv Tommervik1s
La i r d, Hu st l"rs; (n ot
pictu red ) Je rry lono n, Ea ster n;
Alhpoie, Re bs.
Do ry!
3505 South Tacoma Way
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
Family Life Conference
Emphasizes Family Unity
FR IDAY, APRIL 14, 1961 -
This we ek of chapel programs will be sli ghtly different than the usual proc edure because the fir s t three days will be devoted to our annual Fa mily Life Conference. Monday, Tuesday a nd Wednesday:
PLU's Fourth Annual Family Life Conference will begin M10nday and an invitation is extended to students, pastors, par ish workers, counselors, social workers, and parents. Designed to strengthen present and f·uture Christian homes , this yea r's COIl ference has shifted emphasis slightly from narrow emotiona l and sexual problems to include the broader familiar and community problems. "The Family-Apart but Not Al one" is the general conference. theme. Doc tors William E. Hulm e and Carl F. R euss, guest speakers of the eonferencf", will speak in chapel dur ing the three days of the conference a nd will conduc t problem clinics and discussion groups. They will also be available for individual counst"iing by appointment.
with the chu rch and society, he is a lso th e a uthor of numerous articles and bulletins on soc ial work. Twice d a ily clinics a t II :00 and ~ :30 are desi gned for all students, pastors an d other family co unselors. Th ese inform al dis cussioru of prob Inns confronting those working with families will be in the loun ges of North and West Halls. At 3:30 p.m.
The sp ea ker for these three days will be one of the two Family Life Conference speakers. Thursday: Today is student bod y chapel day. PR£XY CAND IDATES-Pictured above are Ken Ruud, Gordon Sielhaug and Chuck Ma ys, who were candidates for the A SPLU presidency.
Mays ew ASP LU President; rl nder, Bloomquist Victors Charles Mays was re cl:n tly elected to th e prl'sid ency of the ASPLU in ballotin g- held this past week. Also chosen as his cabinet are: Dan Er land ~ r, first vire-president ; Al Bloom lju b t, seco nd vice-president; secre tary, Sandy Tynes; and treasurer, Dave Knit'fel. On the same ballot were new pub lication heads: Susie Amundson, Saga
editor; Gary Olson, Saga business manager, and Ann Haggart, Moor in g Mast editor. Less than fifty pcrcent of the PLU student body voted in this election; 511 cast ballots in the primaries and 568 in the finals. This low turnout occurred even with the use of m e chanical balloting booths, and quite inclu;ive voting hours and locations.
Knights Travel As Representatives
Friday: The student body will be honored with a visit fro m the Karlstad family of Tacoma. Rev. A. M. Karlstad is pastor of Gloria D ei Lutheran Church. The K arl stad family singers won wide rec ognition in many areas.
On ly Lute Couples
Jnvited toHarstad
Hall 'Slop Knight'
Co-recrea tion night becomes "Slop Knight" this evening in the Lute gymnas ium. Couples only are invited to join activities tonight, rc ports sponsor Ha rstad Hall. At 50 cents a couple, tickets will be sold in the CUB prior to the event.
For PLU, Christian College Sunday th e organized Scv("nty-three fa c ulty members and students will be guest speakers in Washin gton and Oregon church es this Sunday for the observance of Christian College Sunday. The 52 teachcrs and 21 students will ~ivc sermons or talks on PLU at morning worship services. Some will a lso speak to Sunda y Schools and youth groups that d ay . The Rev. Roy E. Olson, director of public rdations and eOf)rdinator of the visitation program, has re leased the following list of speakers a nd where they will be going-. Students include: Ted Johnstone, Blaine; Ivan Larson, Midway: Low ell Stordahl, Pilg rim, Portla nd ; Joe Bissel, Portsmouth, Portland ; D avid Shine, Grace, Bell evue; Carl Foss, Luther Memorial, Portland; Janet Gullekson, First Immanuel, Portland ; Dan Hassenflug, Lon gvit>w ; O live.r Bcr;cn, Denny Park, Seattle; Don Fossum, First, Astori a; Philip R am stad, SI. Andrew's, Po rtland ; Charks _ fays, Central, Portland ; William Batterman, B t han y, Portland; Matth<:w Ernst, Macksburg-, Ort>gon; Sherwood Glovt'r, Mountain View, Puyallup ; Andrew Jacobson , Sa ndra T y n e~ . Ballard, Sea ttle; Margery K rueger, O regon City; Paul Aasen, El ma ; R alph Carr, Gn'sham, Ore .; and Joe E. Smith, Our R edeemer's, Seattle. Faculty and staff members arc: Mrs. Linka Johnson, Swans Trail; Dr. V . C . Carlson, Hoquiam; Roy E . Olson, Qu ee n Anne, Seattle ; June Brocckel, Po r t Blakely; Kenneth Christopherson, Sweet Home, Ore.; Frank Haley, St. Luke, Portland ; R ob crt Pierson, Good Shepherd, 01 y m pia; Margaret Wi ckstrom, Mount Cross, Tacoma ; James Ga brielsen, Ferndale; Dr. Olaf Jordahl, First, Tacoma; G e n e Lundgaard,
Wilbur; Dr. R. C. Olsen, Emmanuel, Tacoma; Rev. John Larsgaard, Mag nolia, Seattle; J. E. Danielson, Ar lington ; Edwin Newell, Grayland ; Ct>cil Vance, Richland ; Carl Faulk , Raymond ; Dr. Paul Vi glless, Our Savior's, Bremerton.
T. O. H. Karl, Bethlehem, Sea ttl e; Dr. E. A. Maier, Portland; John Schiller, S. t Paul, Portland; Robert Olafson, Caamano Id.; Eline Mor ken, Lacey; Clarence Potratz, Win lock; Mark Salzman, Quincy; Phyllis Templin, Castle Rock; Gordon Gil bertson, Centralia; R. A. Klopseh, Emmanuel, Spokane; Dr. A. J. Ha gen, Poulsbo. Richard Scott, SI. Mark 's, Salem ; Rev. K. N. Roe, Stanwood ; Dr. A . W. Ramstad, Immanuel, Sea t tle ; Dwight J. Zulauf, B ru sh Pra iri e; Leslie E klund, Zion, Everett ; Dr. Mag nus Nodtvcdt, Kent ; Anne Knudson, Luther Memorial, Taco ma ; Dr. K . B. Solberg, Oswe go, Ore.; Clayton Peterson, Madison, Wis.; John Kuethc, Prillce of Peace, Se attle ; Gunnar J. l\1almin, Ascension, Tacoma; Mrs. LU Gi II e Johnson, Christ, Tacoma; Dr. E. C . K norr, Kent; C hal' I e s Haydon, Chr ist, Salem; J. E. Running, Edmonds; Mrs. Pauline Stenson, St. Paul's, Se attle; Dr. Charles Anderson, Ever son; Anna Marn Nielsen, loria D ei , Tacoma; Arne Pederson, R edm ond; Dr. Philip E. Hauge, St. Mark's, Ta coma; Milton Nesvig, Gig Harbor; Frances H ("inicke, St. Paul, V a ncou ver. President S. C. Eastvo)d's Chris tian College Sunday s~rmon at Central Lutheran, Tacoma, will be Broadcast over K MO at 11 a.m. Sunday and rebroadcast at 7 p.m. over KMO. H is theme will be: "Christian Education-Stand Up and Be Counted."
In a ddition to co-recreational ac tivities, e ntertainment will be pro vided under the direc tion of Jerry Eri ckso n. R efreshme nts will also be provided by Al Swanson. Other committee chairmen consist of p blicity, Don Meyers ; ti ckets, Norm Ju ggart, and arrangements, Bill Cole. Jerr y Capps is general chairman.
Society Feal:ures Opera, Aaniara In coordination wi th the April meetin g of the mc rican Musicologi cal Society's Nor thwest C hap ter will be the presentation of the Kal"i-Bir ge l' Blomda hl's spa ce opera, Aaniara, and th e showin g of manuscripts f ro m th e M old enhaue r rchives. This exhibition is a rare oppor tunity to SeT origi nal manuscripts from the 10th cent ury on to present tim c s. Includ ed ~ r.e specimens of some of the earliest I usieal wri ti ngs of th e 10th century, music of C a esar Franck, Debussy, B,-a hms, and other rare and famous p ie ces t hat 'ou might otherwise find on ly in travd in g abroad and in special prized American collections. Thc public and st udents a n: u rged to ta ke advantage of this opportunity today and tomor row in the Taeoma Pierce Administration building. For those esp ec ia lly interested in music, the space opera which is a pioneer work in pa rt developed w ith electronic musi c and first played in May, 1959 in Stockholm will b e pre sented and then commented on by Professor Louis K. Christensen at 3:00 p.m. Saturday.
William E. Hulme Professor of Pastoral Care at Wartburg Semina ry, Dubuque, Iowa, Dr. Hulm e has been a pastor in Ohio, Pro f e s s 0 r <l!nd Chaplain at Wartburg, and Lutheran tutor at Oxford University, England. Also an author, he has written books for youth and for pastors. Formerly a sociology professor at Wa shington State University and C npilal Un i'.l·c rs!ty, and d ean of the faculty a t Wartburg, Dr. R e u S 5 serves as Executive Secrctary for the Board of Christi a n Social Action of the Ame ri ca n Luthera n Church. A member of many committees dealing
Carl F. Reuss each afternoon, a panel of three PLU students will partici pate with the two guest speakers. At 8 p.m. each eve ning there will be a lecture by one of our guest speakers, followed by a 45-minute period of discussion. The chair man o f t he pbnn:n:; committee, Dr. Erich C. Knorr, and Publicity Director Mr. Milton Nes vig cneourage all students to partici pate in this hi ghlig-ht of th e Univer sity Year.
E ig hteen Japan ese cherry trees have been prese nted to the university and have been planted ncar the Tacoma-Pierce Administration building. The trees a rc a gi ft of Mrs. Stella Jacobs, a Parkland businesswoman .
P a.ula Fendler will be featured in an organ recital Sunday at 8:00 p.m., in the C-M-S.
Co-recrea tion will b e held tomo rrow night in the gym from 7:30 to 10:00.
T onight's caJl1pUS movie will be " Dragnet," starring Jack Webb. It will be shown a l 7:15, 8:45 and 10:15 p.m. in the Jacob Samuelson Chapel.
Sa\,(' April 2\ a nd 22 for the SAGA Carnival.
Tomorrow night's Olmpus movie will be "M and the Colonel," star ri.ng Danny Knye. It will be shown. at 6:30, 8 :15 and 10:05 p.m. in the Jacob Samu son Chapel.
A trip to Vashon Island is p lanned by the girls of North H a ll for their tol o tomOl"rOw. It will be gi n at 9:30 a.m. and will last until 5:30 p .m.
Dramatist John Canadine will bI: here on camp us M ay 2 to star in
the spring play, "The Heiress."
Try-outs we re held this week for the play, "Thc Heiress," which will be staged May 11, 12 and 13 . T he cas t will be posted.
West Hall's tolo will be next Saturday on Tanglewood Island. It will begin at 2:00 p.m. and last until 10:00 p.m.
Ivy Hall is scheduling a tolo for May 13. It will be an all-day affair, held at the beach.
Page Two
Friday, April 14, 1961
A Student's Responsibility
Elections were just held and our attention is nlOmen tarily focused on the ASPLU officers and our studen t govt:rnmental organization. Yet, in a few weeks it's cer tain that of tht: small percentage who even bothered to vote many will not be able to name their chosen leaders. Often on campus gripes are heard, but no one has the courage and intelligence to follow through their ideas. The Student Council is a group of your represen tatives and with your help could be of even more service than it is. Its meetings are open to all, but seldom does anyon make use of this privilege. If we as students could show a true interest in our government and a sin cere wish to intelligently consider problems and ideas it's entircly possible that our Council could be an in finitt:!y more valuable, effective and worthwhile organi zation. Why should even the administration for that matter seriously consider our ideas when we lal:k interest in our student government. If you don't like the status quo and truly feel there are needed changes, first know and take an interest in the ASPL and its activities, then you have a perfect right through the proper channels to state your views. Anyone who is not willing to do this ean go on just being a griper and not a doer. Ann Haggart, editor
Teachers for Africa
egin This Summe r
When President Kennedy called for a new international l' 0 Ie for American education, he f 0 u n d a quick echo in the troubled African continent. The problem in education -the need is great, even desperate, but the supply, especially of quali fied secondary teachers, is very lim ited.
education but no experience. All will receive some sort of pre-orientation training in New York before June 1961. The select teachers will I'eceive two year appointments as regular "ex patriate" teachers in East Africa. Their training will be paid for, and in Africa they will receive the stand ard wages, which would be approxi "Electric Response" mately $2800 to $3000.
At a recent Princeton conference
Only th e Best which considered the East African Those chosen will be among the problem, the educational problems best of American teachers. "They were discussed. States R. Freeman must be personally resourceful and Butts, D ire c tor of International imaginativc in surmounting the un Studies, "A proposal was put for expectcd, the difficult, or the rou ward that the United States under tine. They must be capable of relat ·take to meet this shortage-not even ing themselves readily to new situa tually, but right away. The response tions, new associates, new friends. was electrie. The idea was fully en With no trace of paternalism, they dorsed. It became a leading recom must be able to cooperate with Af mendation in the Conference Re rica in educating itself.
"They must be animated by a spir First Time: Sununit 1961 it of service that is realistic, not sen The plan will go into operation timental, by a spirit of adventure this summer. Up to 150 young Amer that is durable, not romantic." They icans in their twenties will be sent to must also be top scholars. The re East Africa. They will be of three quirements are high but so are the types: Those with bachelor's degrees stakes. A necessity of a democracy in teaching and experience in sec is education of its people, and the ondary teaching; those with bach turmoil in Africa now should show dor's degrees in liberal arts who will that the people need education. If takc a year of training first; and you are interested in this plan, see Dr. Hauge for further information. those with a bachelor's degree in
Dear Editor:
Dear Edi tor: A student newspaper should be the voice of the stu dents, not the voice of the administration; but the Mooring Mast seems to follow the latter course. Why? Because the administration of this school is trying to inculcate into tht; students an attitude of submission to their wishes. Youth is not the time for conservatism, but for liberalism. And we, the students of this campus, arc becoming conservative to the point of being reaction aries! I think this is bad. The people of France kept the spirit of the Revolution alive for ten years, which is quite different from the student of 1961, who can't seem to keep anything alive for more than ten minutes! This is an exaggeration, but it conveys the point. Wherever one goes on this campus, whether it be the coffee shop, the dorms, the library, one can find a group of students complaining! But what do they do about it? Nothing! Why? Maybe because they are afraid of ex pulsion from the university. If this is the case, then PLU is truly a University of Intimidation, and it is be ing governed likc the medieval Church was. That is, eompletc subjugation of the individua by the Catholic Heirarchy. The heirarchy in our case being the admini stration. Next year, I hope, things will be different. We have a group of candidates, all of whom, I'm sure, won't allow themselves to be intimidated. And in order to see that their policies are carried out, we, the students, have to back them 100 percent. So let's not let them down, okay?-Dale Benson. The Administration has not censored anything in the Mooring Mast this year.-Editor.) Dear Editor: Well, if the administration needs something to brag about and get more students to this institution, why not install dial telephones? And while they're about it, why don't they put two-way rz.dios in the lounges, and install wash bowls in every room so we don't have to go four teen feet to wash our faces? If we're not careful, we'll be over exercised. And in order to finance this undertaking, let's sell all the books in the library, so that our already deplorable collection will be nil, and then we can brag that we took care of the students and are nurturing their spir itual welfare, because after all, social life makes a col lege a college, and what furthf'rs social life more than telephones? While we're at it, why don't they schedule all classes during eighth period, and eliminate the band altogether, thus channeling another three dollars into the telephone fund? Besidt'.s, that will leave more time to talk on these contraptions, making them really worthwhile! Let's not bother about becoming a scholastie institu tion. No one will come to us then, because an education needs a knowledge of something besides sOl:ial life, and who needs the something else if he is a well-rounded in dividual, able to get along with his fellow-students and mix well. I'm all for dial telephones. That way all the intellec tuals on campus will be ablc:: to communicate the vast extent of their intcllib'ence to people who care about such things, and they will be social, too. -Carol French
Pi Kappa Delta Cops Awards
Seven Travel to Oklahoma
Among one hundred and fifty col leges and universi ties represented at the twenty-second national conven tion of Pi Kappa Delta, Pacific Lu theran University received national recognition in the field of speech and forensic activities . The convention and tournament was held on the campus of Oklahoma State Univer sity at Stillwater, Oklahoma, from March 26-31. One of the seven schools which achieved the highest rank of Super ior in women's division at the tour nament, PLU was represented by Karen Hegstad, Joan Maier and Judi Sannerude. The worn en's debate team, Joan Maier and Judi Sanner ude, received a rating of excellent in the competition. Missing a superior by only two points, the PLU men emerged from the conclave with an over-all rating of excellent in the Sweepstakes com putation. Andy Carlson, Dick Hel strom, Merle Overland and Zan e Wilson represented PLU in this divi sIon. Wilson was also rated excellent
in Oratory competition. Further distinction came to Pacific Lutheran through the clection of Professor T. . n. Karl, ·:hainnan of thc Department of ,pccch, to the national council of Pi KA.ppa D elta, the governing body of the organiza tion. He will ~<:I'VC a two-yea r term on the cight-mrmb'l' board which directs all the activitIes of the speech honorary fratrrnity. The organiza tion is now composed of over two hundred chapters throughout the United States, and will observe it;s fiftieth anni\'(:rsary at the next na tional convention at Southern Illinois State Univer ity. Traveling by tr ain, the d gation from the local Washington Epsilon chapter spent six days enroute to and fro m the convention, passing through ten states. The t rip was completely financcd by the I 0 c a I chapter, who also arranged for the banquet decorations at the conven tion by sending over a thousand daf fodils supplied by the Puyallup Daf fodil Festival.
Editor .............................................................................................. Ann Haggart News Editor............... ....................................................... ............ Alice Wenness Reporters: Deanna Hanson, Lavonne Erdahl, Rosalyn Foster, Margy Eash, Janet Guthrie, Barbara Ericksen. Feature Editor ................................................................................Ruth Walker Sports Editor......... ................................................................ ...Mike Ma Donald Reporters: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemiller , Ed Davis, Bob Howard , John Hanson, Gary Sund . John Fey.
Intramurals Editor..................................................................Gordon Gradwohl
Photographer ............................................................................McKewen Studio
Businl'ss Manager.......................................................................... Doug Johnson
Advertising Managers............................Donna Van Gilder, Eleanor Bousfield
Circulation Manager............................................... _ ...................... .Judy Kragh
Mai!ing............................Carolyn Thomassen, Mary Walker, Judith Johnson
Advlsor. ....................................................................................... Mr. Milt Nesvig
The Mooring Mast is published weekly during the school year by the stu dents of Pacific Lutheran University. Subscription price: $3 .00 per year. Phone LEnox 7-8611.
The Real Psychoanaly t
The Fifty-Minute Hour, Robert Linder. (Rinehart and Company: New York, 1954) 207 pages. Hove you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a psychoanalyst? As you see him tereotyped in your mind-sitting in a hard chair coldly taking notes as his patient lies on the couch and talks-docs he seem un rCRI and frightening to you? ::-lo matter how often some one says psychoanalysts are human, you have to meet one to know it. And if you don't feel like being psycho analyzed, the next best way is to read a book by one which give a close view of the human side of the psy choanalyst. Fifty-Minute H our is such a book. Dr. Robert Linder is a well-known analyst, who is also known for his book Rebel Without a Cause. The "fifty-minute hoUl" is, of l:ourse, the timc of the session spent with the analyst. Dr. Linder wrotc his book prin cipally to show that f've n in this machine age, only man can understand man. In his foreword, h describes the public conception of the psychoanalyst as "a kind of devil's disciple who works with means arcanc and mys tic to secure the transformations of charactC' r or person ality he desires." He g es on to prove thc complete fal_ lacy of this vicw by giving in detail five of his own cases. Each of these cases rt ads like a mystery story with an a.dded bonus of suspense. The doctor is not always right. In the ease of Charles, Dr. Lindn r was almost killed. In anther case, one wrong deeision or statement could have caused his patient to endanger her life. The most fascinating case is the last, entitled "The Jet Pro pelled Couch." Dr. Lindner frankly admits that in the therapy of a particularly extreme case of removal from reality, he a lm ost joined his patient in the world of make-believe! The five patients prescnted are perhaps extreme cases, but with mental illness rates rising, they may be come more frequent. It is time to view the agent of therapy in the same light as the fa.mily doctor. As Dr. Lindner writes, "That this agent is a mere human, just another person wi th his own hopes and fears, goals and anxieties, prejudices and pretensions, weaknesses and strengths, is really the heart of the matte r .. !' (This book is available in the PLU bookstore for 3Se)
ican Summer lan n ed for Knutson Dr. J ns Knudse-n ilas received an invi tation to spend six wcp ks at the University of Costa. Rica. during the months of July alld part of August at the National Sci ence Foundation Summer Institute of Tropical Biology. The summer insti tute is being sponsored jointly by the Biology Department of th e Univer sity of 'outhern California and the C niversi ty of Costa Rica for fifteen college and university professors who will attend either by invitation or ap plication. Classes will be given five days a week at the University with all of the lectures being in English by lecturers from the University of Costa Rica or from various schools in the United States. Specialists on all phases of tropical biology will be present and will illu strate their discussions both with laboratory experiments and with field trips. Many Field Trips Included Ten major field trips are planned in order to take the class to evc: ry biotic zone within Costa Rica. The class will travel to the Caribbean and study both marine and shore life there; considerable time will be spent in the banana belt along the Caribbean. They will ascend the high mountains to the volcano regions along the cen tral part of the country nd also will move to the tTopi cal belt along the Pacific Ocean where both lush tropics and grass prairie may be observed. Considerable time will be given over to student collecting and even a mod est stipend for domestic travel in Costa Rica will be pro vided. Collections Planned Dr. Knudsen plans to collect some of the more im portant tropical species for the biology department and should greatly enhance the teaching collection at PLU. He will also colleet some inse rts, the tige r beetles, for the American Museum of latural History ;'\ nd for his own research. The many Koda chro me slides he intends to take will illustrate tropical biology and the animals and plants encountered in his course here at Pacifi c Lu theran University. He has previously collected and pho tographed in the Gulf of California and in Alaska w hile on extended field studies.
Friday, April 14, 1961
Page Thre.
ight:s Invade SPC Over W eek nd
Diamondmen, Thinclads, Fuzzballers Hoping for Victories Over Falcons
Baseball and Cinder Squads Look Strong in Early Meets The opening two weeks of spring sports found the baseball,
~rack and golf teams all enjoying moments of success, and bring
Stout pitching by Jack Cocchi and Mike Larsen led the Kn ight baseballers to a double victory over Seattle University T uesday. In the opener Jack six-hit the Chieftains in a 6-1 win. Bob Brodhun drove in the winning run his first time at bat this year in the nightcap for a 3-2 triumph. Coach Gabrielsen's crew journey to the Seattle Pacific cam pus tomorrow for a doubleheader against the Falcons. T R ACK UPS's brilliant sprinter, Jack Hig gins, turned in a sizzling 9:6 seconds in tht: 100-yard dash to edge out PL U speedster Mike Macdonald in last Saturda y's trio meet with Lewis and Clark. Mike's 10 flat was only a ten th of a second off his best pace in this glamour race. The Knights Wfrc edged out 74-70 by L-C in the overall scoring. Th e Port Angeles star feels he is 15 pounds ovcr his best running weight of 175. Star Harshman set the PLU 100 r ecord at 9:6 in 1942 . The Lutherans' outstanding mile rclay team turned in anothe r fine performance last week end. Accord ing to Coach Salzman, th c team has yet to n :ach their potential. Last year's baton passers set a school rec ord of 3:28.8. This year's squad is composed of Mike Macdonald, Keith Shahan, Bob Sanders, and John Han son, and is rated potentially the best in the school's history. Ron Hanna , slowed by a broken foot bon e, is ra ted a good bct to top ple Bob Tommcrvik's 1942 pole vault r,'Cord of 12'6". Ron 's best jump to d at e is an even 11 fCe t.
Some of the other records in dan ge r of being toppl ed include Walt Habegger's J 949 shotput record of 48 fee t. Dave "muscles" Barker has a 46-foot heave and has yet to reach his full potential. John Hanson hope~ to better his own record in the 440. Gary Brown ti ed the low hurdle mark of 25:6, and shows great proIll ise in the leaping event. PLU meets Seattle Pacifi c in Se attle tomorrow afternoon. TENNIS Dick Purtzer won the only match in the rained-out tennis series with Western last weekend, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 . La rry Peterson, Loren Hild ebrand, Dale Thompson, and Ron Thoreson m a ke up the team. A game consists of five single matches and two dou bles matches which are rated 1 point and Y2 point, respectively, for a win. The net squad also faces the Falcons at Seattle tomorrow .
mg hopes that the Lutes' spring sports season could be one of the best. The 'pL U trackmen opened their season with a resounding 80-45 victory over the Seattle Olympic Club as Ray Barker,
Jack Cocchi Pictured above is Jack Cocchi, a junior pitcher from California. Jack is known not only for his great pitch ing ability, but also for the way he hits the ball. Jack will ofen be found playing the outfield when pitching subs to get all possibl e use out of his batting power. Jack doubles at foot ball and is now majoring in business here at PLU. PLU's victory ovcr Seattle Uni ve rsity, Tuesday, was due in great part to the stout pitching on the part of Jack.
Mike Macdonald, John Hanson and Mark Anderson combined to outclass their opponen ts . The versa tile Barker won the shotput and the high jump, placed second in the discus and also took thirds in the pole vault and broad jump. Hanson triumphed in the 440 and the broad jump and gathered in a second place in the 100, won by Lute freshman star Mik e Macdonald, who also won the 220. Frosh runner And erson, run ning for the first time, took close second place honors in both the mile and two mile. Other PLU blue rib bon winners were: Gary Brown in the 220 low hurdles and Ken Ruud in the javelin and the mile relay team of Hanson, Macdonald, Bob Sanders and Al James. In Saturday's meet, PLU placed second to a strong Lewis and Clark team 74-70. Barker a gain brought home wins in the shotput and high jump to emerge as the Lutes' only double winner. Hanson copped the 440 in the fine time of .51: I and anchored the relay team to a record breaking 3:33.9 win. Other L ute winners we re: Brown in the 220 low hurdles, Warren Lee in the 880, and Ron Hanna in the pole vault. Mac donald captured seconds in both the 100 and 220 behind UPS sprint star Jack Hi ggins, and Anderson raced to seconds in the mile and two mile. Aft e r splitting a doubleheader with the Central Wildcats and losing twi ce to Western by one fUn, the PL U bascballers sma cked a highly
ranked Seattle University team 6-1 and 3-2 to stop the Chieftains' win streak at five. Southpaw Ken Larson showed early season greatness in cop. ping the win in the first Central tilt 9-3. Big stickers for PLU in the series were Frank Waterworth with two doubles and two singles and Al Bloomquist with a home run, triple and a single. Faulty fielding proved costly in the Western series as the Lutes lost twice by scores of 7-6 and 3-2. Gary Vestal boomed a two-run homer in the second game and emerged with Jack Cocchi and Jerry Curtis as the leading hitters with two hits apiece. Cocchi limited the powerful Chief tains to six hits in the opener and Larson and Ron Coltom allowed only five in the second as the Lutes swept both games. Denny Gudal had two hits in the first game and Wa terworth three as he went 4-7 for the doubleheader. Six Lute runs in the fourth behind successive singles by Curtis, Gudal, Cocchi and Vestal gave the Lutes a substantial lead. Bob Brodhun's booming double with Waterworth aboard in the last of the seventh won the nightcap. PLU's fine golf t eam of Erv M a r lowe, Geo. McCune, Dave Evans, Bill Borrud and Ed Davis brought home a 103 victory from Seattle Pac ific. The last four all had concise victories as McCune and Evans led the Lutes with 70.
with all your courses
Get your
ROGER REEP, one of the Knights' pole vaulters, is shown here as he clears the bar in a recent meet w ith Lewis and Clark.
Marv Tommervik's
On Display at Your Bookstore
3505 South Tacoma Way
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
It is hard to believe, but our baseball team hasn't had one of its games rained out yet (knock on wood) . . . Our track team took its first defeat when Lcwis and Clark College outscored them 74 to 70. UPS, our cross town rival, scored 18 points, ten of which were earned by their sprint star, Jack Higgins. Higgins gave the crowd a real thrill with his 9:6 second clock ing in the 100-yard dash . . . Al Bloomquist, Frank Waterworth, and Gary Vestal have been swinging the big stick for the baseball team so far this sea son .. . The Le ttermen's Club minstrel show is not far away so if you had planned to take part see Charlie Mays for all the details. Practices are held on Monday and Thursday at 7:00 in Harstad Hall ... Wouldn't it be great if the weather was one-half as good as California students say it is in their home state. I don't think most of them had seen rain before they came to our great evergreen state ... In our last track meet with Lewis and Clark, Dick Clark was working overtime ; he ran the 880-yard run, the mile, and the two-mile-not bad for one d a y's work . . . Rich Stanley, who showed he could double at football and basketball, is now holding down the starting role at second base for coach Gabrielsen . . . With final tests not too far away our coaches have set up a study table for those athletes having trouble with grades. No matter how good a player might be, he can bc of no use unless his grades allow him to compete . . . Doug McClary, star quarter back of the Knights' football team, has turned his talents to coaching a baseball team. You will be able to see Doug and his team in action during Dad's Weekend.
-Mik e Macdonald
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
Page Four
Friday, April 14, 1961
Five 1M Individual
Tourneys Started
Intramural Sports .,:j~~~
Once again as the sun seeks its sheltered way through the rain-laden clouds spring arrives and intramural enthusiasts t a k to the outdoors. Among the many events open to the districts in spring intramurals are the Individual Tournaments, the 1M Track Meet, and Softball. SpriJ.Ig Sporb Tou rnaments: Five individual intramural tournaments Intramural volleyball, which began about three wceks ago, is currently are sc heduled this season and the at the season's peak, with next week bcing the last in th c double round-robin sign-up sheets for these events have play_ Elevcn teams originally began the season but th e fi eld h as been nar been posted fOl' the past two wee ks_ row ed down presently to eight squads_ Ever gre en A, Baseme nt 1 rojans, and The tournament schedules are now 3rd Floor B have f~rfeited out of It'ague play_ po~ted on the intramural bulletin board in the PE dre~sing room in the I NTR AMURAL VOLLEYBALL ST AJ DINGS gym and will be kept up to date (Through Wednesday, April 12th) regardi ng the tourney play_ First am es Won Lost Team Sets W on Lost rcund play in the events must be _.10 1 15 4 3rd F loor A completed by the first of the week, 9 Western Parkland 12 2 April 17th-18th_ Badminton: Last ea r's 2nd place finisher, Lars J ohn 6 4 8 5 Eve rgreen B son, returns to j Eastern Parkland ' __" _'_ 10 11 6 see k the title in F a culty ..... __ .__ .___ ._ .. 6 9 8 this season's 4th Floor ... _........................... _........ _._._ 5 6 9 9
playoffs_ Golf: Baseulcnt Shieks __ ....... _.. _.. _.... _.......... _.... 5 7 '5 16 T his yea r's
Western Vets ._ .. _.. _._ ......... _.... _. __ .. _..... _... 2 9 2 10 tourney should Evergreen A" ....... _... _.. _.......... _....... _.. _... 3 6 3 3 provc to be a
Basem · t Trojans" _"' _' ___ '_"' __ ' ___ '_"_'_'_' 2 7 4 6 real con t e st 3rd Floor B* _. _.. .. __ .... _.. .. _.. _.. _.... 2 7 4 6 with 20 entries ,. Dropprd from league play_ and eight seed ed top m edal Again this scason Western Parkland, as in past years, is fi g hting for the ists __ Matt Ernst Lars Johnson top position_ Having difficulties fiddin g a full squad the pas t two weeks, and Ron Hanna are the early favor W estern plugs its mainstays Ralph Carr, Gary Nevers, Ivar Eli ason , and Jon ites with last year's one-two finish estern could a lso field Norm Dahl :Malmin_ In a showdown with 3rd Floor, ers, Eric Lindholm and Ron Sktta, and Leo Eliason (i f available)_ in strong contention. Horseshoes: Last season's victor, Lars Johmon , 3rd Floor packs a fine wallop with 6'7Y," Hans Albertsoll, Bruce Nunes, will also seek to bring this tourney Don Fossum, Jim Bendel and Greg Hatton_ Currently leading the pack with crown to 3rd floor.
a very slight edge over Western, 3rd hopes for the leagu e crown and a vic Tennis (doubles and singles): Th e
tory over Western in next week's final. Western took two out of threc in dark horse entry in the singles tour their first seri es which went the three-game limit, with Western ed ging out 3rd, 16-14, in the final.
oor D'e§te Volle b.a
copter pilot's license or ramp pack· ing on top of the new A building.
e uetu
Now that basketball season is over it gives me tim e to spread crab-grass seed in my yard, throw rocks at the robins and feed Stariac to the neigh bor's ca t. And while I'm at it I thou gh I'd spread a little here. Even thou gh mid-term grades came out priol' to Spring vacation it didn't seem to ke ep some people from cele brating_ Th e athletes held a meeting and th e freshma n girls ga ve up soc ce r for something Icss vigorous (skin diving 496 )_ I had thought about startjng a column for th e love-lorn, but a ft e r seeing K a ren Wycoff arm -in-a rm with our new Russian trans fer student (Emil Smirinoff) I real ized that a t th e prese nt it was a bad idea_ All this harping about the parking problems ( no parkin g sig ns, $5_00 tickets, a nd disregarding the law ) hits me right in the left ea r, my good one_ I think if the tru t facts were known a lot of people would be sur prised _ Doesn ' t it seem strange to you that the signs have bee n up (all along Wh eel er Street) for three years
and th e number of tickets the county h as issu ed in this period can be counted on ten fingers_ The county isn't eager a nd hardly willing to write th e ti ckets and will do so only on rcques t_ If th ere is to be no park ing around sc hool how about a heli ney would have to be 3rd's Ed Davis_ In th e doubles, las t year's champs, Roger R eep and La r s Johnson, will not pla y toge ther because of the dif ferent distri c ts involved.
Intramural Asst. Director Appli cations: The Athletic Director, Mark Salzman, is now recei vin g applica tions for the position of Assistant IntramUl'al Director for th e ncxt school year. Applicants should CUI'. rcntly be either a freshman or sopho more in status, have a grade -point of, and get this, I_DO or better, and have plent yof time for th e necessa ry work on Saturdays, and on wee kday evenings_ Applicants are to make ap pointments with Mr. Salzma n and talk to him personally_ The pay ain't much, and it isn't a popularity contest by any means; with guys li ke Bruce Nunes around it's a rea l tou gh job_ Also one last qualification: th e individual applicants must be able to write and do simple math (add, subtract, and sometimes multipl~' .) 1M Track Meet: The annual in tramural track meet ha s bee n sched uled for the 10th and I I th of M ay_ So all you so,called sprinters a nd field men can begin workin g out to shape (one way or a noth er ) for this up and corning att raction_ Las t yea r the practice of a warding na tion a l certificates to the first four winners in each event was initiated a nd will continue this sea son_ Spring Softball: 1M Softball leagu e play has been scheduled to begin May 2,[th_ Rosters must be in to th e Director or his able assistant by next Thursday, th t 20th_ Rules a nd WQl·k out sch edules will be post cd on the bulletin board in the gym. Games will be scheduled for 6:30 in th ... eve ning - daylight saving begins th e 2nd week of play whi ch will greatly aid the sport _
The day you know you must provide
516 Garfield
(Across from Old Moin)
DELUXE BURGER in a basket with frieL ________
Suddenly, the problem of your future security seems to shrink. •• When you remember, as a L utheran you can turn to our Brotherhood Provider Plan This is especially important when you think of the family responsi bilities in your future. It's reassuring to own Brotherhood Provider now . _ • against the day token lIOU know yo u mu~ t provide. Look at these big advant ages:· • $10,000 of permanent, dividend paym g life insurance. • It you retire at 65, you can get ]:1,000 in ca:!lh-a return of $1.83 for ea ch dollar invested.·
• If you die at 65, your beneficiary gets $16,760 -your totalinvestment is only $7,097.· • Lutheran Brotherhood pays all premiums if you are totally disabled before 60.
All this and more for an invest
ment of just $161.30 a year .•. about 44¢ a day. You pay more than this for lunch. Right now, think about your future . .- • the future of those who will depend on you. Call your Lutheran B rotherhood campus representative and join the thousands of Lutherans who enjoy security and peace of mind in the bond of Lutheran Brotherhood.
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LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD A legal ,IUT'. Ll FE / NSURANCE """"1I • 701 Second Ave. So., Minneapoli.2, Minn.
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STELLA· - FOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot o f Garfi eld)
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Daily, 9 a.M. to 10 p .m.; 12·8 Sun. PRESCRIPTIONS - COSMETICS Complete Camera Department
Large selection at
ABC Electronics
RE CORDS-LP's and Singles
: 0 details about lutheran Brotherhood Life Insurance L.::~~ee reproduction of ~:~~~_:i~~~: _____
50c I
325 Ga rfield Street Free Bonus Records for Club Cards
get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! Bottled under authority of
Co-recreation will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 alld tomorrow night.
the gym both tonight
West Hall's Tolo will be held tomorrow at Tan'l"lewood Island from .!. tu 10 p.m. Activities will include tennis, boating, volleyball, swi mm ing, [(Jotball, and baseball.
Sunday from 2 to 8 p.Il!. is Luther League D a y. Pacific Lutheran will h" host to all area Luther Leaguers.
Tassels will be holding a doughnut sale on Wednesday night from 9 to ! (l. It will be held in all dorms.
Thursday from 9 a.tIl. to 4 p.m. representatives of the U. S. Marine Corps will be in the CUB loboy.
Tunight's campus movics will bc "Facc in the Crowd," starring Andy r;riffith. The first showing will be ".t 7:15 p.m. in Jacub Samuelson C hapel.
.. III
The Tassels Scholarship Coffee Hour will be held :\Ionday at 8 )l.m. thc North Hall lounge.
Tomurrow ni g ht's campus moyie will be "East of Eden," starring Jamcs Dean. A shurt subject entitled "All uf a Sudden" will be shown first at 6:30 p .m. while the first showing of the feature will be at 6:55 p.m.
FRIUAY, APRIL 21, 1961 -
NEWLY HEClE D ASPLU OFi'ICERS for the 1961-62 year are (from left to right) Dan Erlander, first vice presid ent; Sandy Tynes, secretarYi AI B!omquist, second vice president; Charlie Mays, president; and Dave Kniefel, treasurer. AI has th e dis.. tinction of being the first ASPLU second vice president since this office was ju.t created in time for this next school year.
e • ress Cast: Chosen; Joh arradine Stars
Teacher-Education Banquet Tonight;
Mary ogers Elected SWEA Presi ent
Pa cific L u t h e ran Universit y's chaptl' r of th e Washinc;ton Stud ent Edul-a[iun
:\ s:J(J cialioll
T,-achrl'-Educatiun Banquet toni tjht a t fj::lO p.m. in the Chris Kn utn'n Fellowship Hall. This will be held to hunor the public Sf hool teach e l'<; and ~ dtrlini stratol's who h a v c worked with th e student-teachers during the 1960-61 school yea r. Oth e rs invited ru t' principals, supt-·r in tendcnts, the -nivers;ty School uf Education fa c ulty, and their spuuses. Carol Finstuen, recently eke ted w, 's tern rCf;ional courdinator for the Student Washingtun Education As suciatiun, is the banquet chairman. -,,,,,i Hi ne;' her are LaVunne Erdahl, d r- ('oratlurrs; Claudia L e \\' i s, pro l~ i ~nn: and Lois Cornell, rne-nu. At the S.W.E.A. state convention hl st Saturday at Whitworth Coll eg e in Spokam', 1\1ary Rogers was elect "d president of th e S .W. E ..'\.. for th t 19lil-62 year. Oth ers elected wer e _ Taney Shcnnefdt from Holy Nam es , filst vice p r csidmt; Dale Williams fmlll Clark Culleg-c, second vic e pres ident; Bonnie Thumpson from Whit wurth, secretary; a nd Car 0 1 Fin stunl from Pacific Lutheran, West nn Rcgional Coordinator. As the new president-elect, Mary will traVe' l east to Yakima Friday to l'<'present the S.W.E.A. at the Wash ington Educatiun Association Rep II'SI ntative Assembly. Pacific Lutheran also won a tru phy fur being the outstanding chap ter in the state for this year at thl" convention. The citation reads: "For its strong support of and assistance tu a S.W.E.A. officer during he.r term of office; for its interest in the Future Teachers of America move ment, as shown by its organization of a local F.T.A. club; for its mem bers' service to the statewide S. W. E. A. through their work as a chap t('r report committee; for its enthusi astic and effective conduct of a joint
n 'gional Irwcting uf S.W_E.A. and th,' ,"Vashingtun A ss uc iation of Fll tu t"~~ 'T'ca(;hci .$ o f :\ ~~~e!" i{.·~ c ; but . .: hicf ly, for rnaintaining a chapter pro g raIll \vhich r L' ach (.~ s out into rna ~ ly
;,nd Innst in1port;;1r1t part of this sc
facet,..; of the educatiun uf teachers,
n it q ~'l
;md which provide an uppurtunity for all its mem b e rs to build their , kills as prospective teachers."
b(' o (icr: n g tht·ir talents to Ollr uni
Th ,' award wa s judged by the Teacher Selection and R e cruitment Committee of the Washill'l"ton Edu cation Associatiun. This cmnmittcc was composed of Ted Clark, present S.W.E.A. presidcnt: Barb'1ra Krohn, W.E,A. cunsultant to Student 01' g anizatiuns, and Dr. Elllwr Siebrecht. Thc trophy is pre.sently on display in the School of Education office.
Ha rpsicordist:
Plays Tonight: At eight o'clock this e\'('ning a harpsichord concnt will be present ed by .'.1r. Malcum Hamiltun in the CoM-So The prog ram will feature se lections from DomC'nico Scarlatti, Handel, Coupcrin, B a c h's Italian Concerto. and Rameau's Le Tam bourine, performed on the c.nlarged Sabathil Harpsichord whi ch Mr. Hamilton is bringing for th l' concert. Mr. Hamilton is originaily from Vancouver, Canada. HI' studied un der such noted artists as Irene Bost wick and Alice Ehlers and has had previous experience as an organist and pianist in radio and television work. At pres('nt he comes to us from the University of Washington where he is working for his Doctor of Mu SIC degrec. Plans are now forming for this year's Saga Carnival, scheduled for April 28-29 in the gym. Keep these d ate s open to have fun while suppocting the yearbook.
,\~ ,,'IN.'
are :-;aili ll !:;
throu ~ h
the last
li1an,' lnt eTC'sting people \viII
\('I, ity
budy dueing
~ ! ' x:: t \v \'e k',..; pr Ol! ld111 \\ ill proC(-' cd as
follows: :\10nda)': Dr. ZinnkL, who teache s religiun at PLU, will adclrr- >s the Btudent body. Tuesday: T u day is student body chapel day. \'I'ednesday: Our president, Dr. S. C. Eastvold, will address the students. Thu rsday: Pastor Arthur Anderson will tur D el pia,
be our speakr-r for today. Pa s And l:.r;on C 0111 l'S frOlll Gloria Lutheran Church in Olym Washington.
F riday: A spceial mu ~ ical prog ram will 1)(" presented tu the students today.
The cast fo], "The Hein'"'' was recently announced by Stanley El berson, director of the annual Spring play. The drama, written by Ruth and Augustus Goctz. is scheduled to 1](' prc.., ented May II, 12, 13 on the CMS sta~e. Th e well ..known star uf s tag e, scrcen '111d television, John Carra dine, has becn contracted to appear in the lead role uf Dr. Sloper and will be on campus fmlll the fi r st uf !\lay until the production cluses. The others in the ~ast, as pus ted by the director, ind ud (.' Virginia Ev nt'll , ~, Mrs. Penning tu n : M yra Gill as Catherine. "The Hl'in·ss"· l'lS tina PenH! 3S Mrs. Ahllond: Dick Helstrum a s Arthur T ownse nd; Liz Krull as Marion: Dave Kn iefcl as SIorl'i , Townsend' Mary RugC'l's as 1\Irs. ~ofontgomery; and Carulyn Smith as Maria. Larry Iverson has been sekcted as the understudy for Mr. Canadine . T. O. H. Karl, the producer. has also announced the individual s in \'(lln·d in tht' production of the show. Eric :\urdholrn is the designcr-tech nical director; Zane Wilson is the assistant director; Robe rt Johnson will be the tl"chnician: Ron Sktta is the cicctrician; Russ Christianson will be thE sound engineer ; a.nd ~[tTlc On'rland is the business manageL Subsequent articles in the :Mool'ing Mast will d eal with the story of the play, the carecr of Mr. Carradine,
Alpha Phi Omega pons rs Blood Piano Recital Set By Gary Ma/min DriveThurs ay Alpha Phi Omega will sponsor a blood drive on campus ncxt Thurs day. A representative fro m the Ta coma-Pierce County blood bank will be in the CUB lobby Thursday to si g n up donors. The Bloodmobile will be parked in the CUB parking lot. All students who are under 21 must bring written permission from their parents. Donors are requested to refrain from eating anything for at least two hours before donating blood. Students ae encouraged to par ticipate in this drive for blood.
Fo r We d nesday Olaf (Gary) Malmin has sched uled his piano scnior recital for next Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Jacob Samuelson Chapel. Among his selections are two prel udes and fugues from Bach's The Well Tempered Clavier; Etude in A fIat Major, by Chopin; Beethoven's Sonota No.5 in C Minor; Debussy's La Fillo an Cheveus de Lin (girl with the flaxen hair); and Bartok's Ostinato. Gary is working for his Bachelor of Music in Piano and is one of the most active music majors.
the production and technica l aspects of th e production, and a reView of the finishld product. Tickets will go on :;;lic May 3rd, due to th e capa city c rowds expected for all thrcC' pcrfon" a IKt·s. F a cult y and students are eIlcuuraged to Plll ch ase tickets as suon as possible.
Dorm Appoints New Offic rs W,cst Hall offin· t, fo r 191i I -I lit)? . l onday ni g ht bUll gUl't iII C h r is K n utl:en F ellow ship lh ll. Followill g' the g rc ('ti ng by the CUl'r~nt p resident, :Ma rilyn Lund bjad, a nd the invocation by C onnie E ngvall, 'V (' ~t Hairs hou ~ rn u 11<'1', i\tl's. Shaflund, and the . s., i" t nt Dean uf Students, Miss Wicks t r om, each ,Il:avc a 'S hort ;.; rccting. G loria Tharp sang, accompanied by K aren Fische,'. and Nurma Dayhuff re n dc'!'cd a special r eacli n". Banquet chainn3n \vas R osalyn Fos ter.
\ven' IT\"cakd
Replacing Publicity Chai r man Karen Jacobsen is Ruth Danielson ; Social Chairman, Emmy Erickson Jl' nn y Radtke; Treasurer, Patt y IIagrrman - Carri e Unger; Sccre l~ny, Paula Hyer- K aren Rommen ; Vice Pre sid en , Suzan Amundson Pat Larsen; P r esident Marilyn Lund blad- Sharon Baumeistcr. As the in-
Two Classes Hold Banquet Tuesday Junio", and seniors will gather m the Chris K nutzen Hall next Tues day at 6 p.m. fol' the annual J unior Snliol' BanquC't. Invitatiors have been scnt to all juniors and seniors. Tic k e t s fo r boarding club members are 4-0 cents; tickets for off-campus students are $1.85. Although they have been on sale in the CUB this week, tickets may still be obtained from Sandy Tyncss or Dade,ne Storkson. Hus bands and wiYes are welcome to at tend. Guest speaker for the evening will be John Rydgren. assistant pastor at Central Lutheran Church in Ta coma. Included in the program will be Roger Hildahl with piano selec tions.
Page Two
Friday, April 21, 1961
Church Versus
Eichman's on Trial BUT SO ARE YOU!
Today Adolph Eichman is being tried for the murder of 6,000,000 peo ple, yet ill a larger sense a whole nation, e\-en the world and our modern culture., is on trial.
At th c ALC Youth ConferenCl' , held a t St. Olaf Collrgc , Pastor Lutz editor of " One" ma u'az in e, was trw area speaker for the field of journal CSlll. His lectures wen' dn·o ted to mass commun ica tion _ He pointed out
Vi ewing the almost unbeliC\'abk atrocities that occurred in the 19+0', eTIu any one m ust wonder how a seemingly civiliLed nation could a llow wh olesa le extcrw iua tion of anothe people, thc Jews, Embarrassing questions ome to lllind, Why didn't tIl(' enited Statcs or other nations stop Hitkr before it was ioo late ~ Th first time he illega lly invaded a coun try why d id w e look the other way" If we had act,:d, 6,000,000 peopk might still L alin' instead of bein" reduced to ashes in the' IT,:maloriums of a concen lI ;o tio n ealllp, This trial is illlPortant n o t merely as giving justice to a man wh o was mt:rclr carrying out orders, but to impr in t Oll us forc-ver the in hurmillity man is capable of. It must make us ?ll stop and a sk ourseln:s, how did these t h ings occur in our supposedly civilized and cu ltured twentieth c ntur y? Then we must be Slll-e that this does not occur ag'ain for it could ve ry easily, Russia suppresses a rcbdlion in Hungal y and again we. look the otlte,- way, The' Communists ;HC taking over in many area s, but we do not take ~ ny action. This is how Hitler e.aUll' to power with the passive co nsc-nt of the world. We must garner the significance of Eichman's trial for the world today, or else admit tha t th ese millions of livcs werc givt'll without a llY lesson ha\'ing been learned by our ge nera tion, 'vV r must work to find o ut and rectify cOllditions that make a Hitler and an Eichman possible_ The worl must never forget what occurred to those J cws who were persecuted and exterminated.
th at the c hurc h ha d developed many socia l in stitut ions; as an t'xa mpk , he used journalism, It was throu g h th,' c:hurch that journalism gre w. This is shown, he said, in the fact th.a t the first boo k prill ted by mechanical l1lcans was the Bible,
We must learn from their tragedy so that they died not for nothing, What is it th at made this wholesale murder poss ibl e? This is th e question Wt" must a ll ponder a nd rea lizt,." Ann H aggar t, editor
Active ChristianCampusStressed
By Lutheran Conference Speaker
by Nadint, Bruins AI-e we as college students on a Christian college campus "God's colony in the world" or "God's colony apar t from thc world?" Can the following statemcnts as given by Clifford J. Swanson of the Conferencc be made to relate to our situation, and if so, how can th ey be made vital: 1. If Christian witn ess on the campus seems commonplace, in the world it will be met with hostility, 2, If the campus has been a shelter for the Christian, the world will be a battldidd. 3. If religion on th e campus has been too avai lable, in the world it is apt to be too scarc e, 4. If you've only had to foll ow on the campus, you'l! have to lead in t he world or there will be no progress, 5, If you\'C been protected with too many rules on campus, you'll be t'ndan gc rcd by too fcw in the world, 6, If non-conformity on the campus has been to doubt, in the world it will b' to believe, 7. If you've suffered fr om unifonnity on campus, in the world you·1! suffer from diversity. I brin?; these to you that they lllay raise qu es tions in your mind, that you may t;kc a clost"!" look at your Christian life, and be spared the com pl~cc'n ('y that is characteristic of so lllany of us young peo ple. Are the religious needs of the co llege students being met? Because there eems to be a general indifference among studcn ts and fa cu lty toward dis ' ussion of th e problems which thc Christian individ ua l fa ces as he confronts he world, is it the student' s position to initiate such discussion, and if he does by what means can he accomp li sh su c h dialogu e ? If th e church of J esus Christ evc n on a co llege campus is to be effective in its scattered ness, must it not a lso be fortifi ed by the Spirit in its gathered ness, nalllely, in worship together, form a ll y and informally? Do we as Lutherans par ti cipa te in worship without expe rien cing renewal through the red mptive and s3nctify in g pow e r a vailable throu gh confessio n a nd abso lution? Sho uld not this experi e nce be basic to the coming a live of the c huTc h on campu. ? Is it co nce ivabl e that th e Christian witness on ou r campuses m; ght be m ore effective if fifty truly committed studen ts really became the "church of J esus Christ" rather thall a th ousand or fifte en hundred wh o sompwh a t relu ctantly a nd according to a traditional patte rn associate with the church throu gh attendanc e? DOt·s the church on the caItlpus dare to bccom e the "c.hurch of J es us Christ ?"
E ditOl' ------- .-.-.--.--,.--- . ___ .. __ ... ___ .. __ ._____ _.___ .___ ._. __ ... __ .___ ____________________ .. _A nn Hagga rt j (!W~ .Edito r. . . -----.----... ________ .___ .. _. __ ., _______ ._ .. _. _. _. __ .__ _._. _______ .____ __ _____Ali ce Wcnness R"port t, rs: D eann a H onson. L avonne. E rdahl, Ros:riyn Foster, 11arg y E ash, Janet Gll thrie, Ba rbara Erickse n, M e rle Ove rland, F eatu re , ditor ---------------------·----.-----------------------------_ .______________________R uth W alker Sports Ed itor.__ ____ ... _. ____ .__ ._. _______ ._. _____ ._. _______ .__________________________ __ Mik e MacDonald R~por tc.rs: Bob R ydland, Dave Bottelllill cr, Ed Davis, Bob Howard, John a nson, Gar y Sund. John F e y, Int r~ rn u a l8 Edito r___________________________ ._____ ._____ ___________._______________ Gordon Gradwohl Photographer --.--------.---------------- ____ ._______________ ._________ -____ .____________ M eK ewen Studio Busim'''5 )vlana gc r_________ _ ______________________ .. __ ._________________ ._.________________Doug Johnson Ad\le rtisi il i( ~1ana g(;rs ___________ _________________Donna Van Gilder, Eleanor Bousfield Ci!TulallOn , ~I ana.gt~ r. ______ .__..__ .___________________ .._______ ._____________________________ J udy K ragh Mailing_______________ ._________ .__Carolyn Thomasse n, M ;try Walker, Judith Johnson Advisor__ _ _________________________ ._______ .,.___ .____________ __ ._ ..______ ____________________Mr, Milt Nesvig
"NO NEED TO SHOUT!" (Borrowed from 'he Chicago World Examiner )
'Active evolution' by Gordon Gray W e need to actively encourage the peoples of the world to revolt a nd [i g h t against Communism of all kinds, In case of a major revolt, we havc to confront Russia with a n ulti matum forbidding intervcntion_ If that is rejected, U. S. forces should be moved into th e area, It lIlust be mad e clear to the Russians that use of long-range b 0 m b e r s, missiles, troops, or aid of any kind would bring automatic retaliation in kind, leaving ~'Ioscow a choice between to tal destruction and acceptance of lo cal defeat; for sine," the end of the Korean War~with the partitioning of that country - a lld th e Gcneva Conferl'l1ce of 195+, in whi ch the end was brought about to the Ind o nesian 'vVar~ag-ain with the parti tioning of that country- the Com munists have hee n using a political confer-ence tactic to br ing land area and people under their sphere of in flucn ce_ And now in 1961, the game of ta c tics is repeati ng itself~t his time i n th e country of L a. . Britai n a nd th e U nitI'd States ha\"C bet'n spend in g many hours drawing up a so lution to tht' Laotia n cr isi s~one which in \·olves, a cease-fire followcd by a ('on ft' lTll U' table discus. ion with R u ~ sia O\Tr the political future of this ex tr em ely im portan t South,'ast Asian eountry_ The pToblem is, as mosl ex p rts concede, in fr c le ctiolU which all parties concerned seem Lo want, that abou.t forty percent of the go\' r",ment sent!; w 0 u J d go 10 the C ommuni. I backed Pathtt-L.'lo. In volved h e rein, tho ug h, is ,g-ivill t; the Communist> an opl'ning in which to put lhe ir foot in t he door. and as Pri nw M illister N"h,-u of I nd i" h as sai d , "The future of all • Ollthta~t Asia depend! u pon thl' happenings in ..alb." W. W, R ostow points out t ha t in Russia's opi!1ion the f r e e wo rld would not he willing to fi ght over su ch a small piece of land as n os and thus would not m ind turning thi s area ovc.r to the Communists to avo id a hot war. T h is is one op inion in which I hope we can tell Russia she is w ron g, for the fre e world is
pledgt'd to curbing t he for c e s of Communism, and the only way we will be able to hold our heads high
is to stand up to thcse fall a cious opinions and show the people of the W 0 rid that Wt: practice what we preach ~ t ha t dem ocra cy is better than a dictatorship, But to ke e p this arca frec we must ac t ; we must choose, h owever, the proper action, W e must act in a Wity which will 110t give to the Com munists a foo thold in Sou th eas t Asia, and we can; if 3nrl on ly if we start
playing the same kind of game which the Sovit·, ts are playing, Senator Ful bright h as said that we need to con sider \·ery cardu lly th e possibili ty of send in g {J, S, an d S.E,A,T,O, troops into L aos to protc ct thi s coun try from th e SO\·iet sphe re of influenc e, I tend to agrec with him an d Sena tor Go ldwate r in th a t we must leave Russia with the ch oice betwee n total d eslnlction and acce p tance of local dcf a t. La needs help. So let us help h er; but hdp he r to be free.
Church and Television Of th e ch ur ch, Pas tor Lutz showed us that it is vcry critical of Illass communication. This is so bcc3usc it is easi,'r to write a policy saying what Dug·ht to be used than it is to SclY h(nv mass comnlunication can be used. He elllphasized the idea that our church es must becollle more in tnested :" television and the movies, ''''h,' n in these arcas, the c hurch should not insist on religious pro·, grams but rather, should present pro g rams that art' good entertainment which can be enjoyed by the whole family, Views On Newspapers Thnc were many ideas presented a t the workshops during the Confer ('nee and on the last day there wcre four genera l resolutions prop ose d, These resolutions dea lt mainly with the ncwspa per on the church c.o ll c?;' ca mpus_
They were : I ) Tha t freedom of th r· church college paper should not }-". d d tTlllincd simply by a concern for upholding the reputation of the coll ege, 2 ) T hat rela tionships between stu de nrs an d fa cu lty-adm inistration b· improved.
3 ) That the church and its <:01 lr-gr-s develop a broader view toward w hat arc sometimes erroneously called the "dirty calling."
+) That there be an exc han ge of (,,:wspapcrs between the attendin g colleges.
The Student's Task We of thr' church collc g.e, must l;l' aware of all th at is h a ppenin Q and it is tilt' duty of our papers to pre sent the irnpor tant nt"v lnatcrial. Also, it is the duty of each p erson on our C3 mpus to ta kc full advan tage of that material which is pre se nt ed to us ('itheT by newspaper Ol in our case, television.
Dear Editor:
Dc; r I ell ow Stud e nts: E le ctions alT now o\·cr and the work of forming next yea r's student govcrnme nt b,~ gi n s. I would like to ta kc this opportunity to tha nk all of you who wOl-kc·d in Ill y behalf during the ca mpai g n as well as all who took an act ive pa rt rega rdless of wh ic h ca ndida te or /Ca ndidates yo u supported. You 3ft' lh" ,l<l el r "ts "POll w hom the success or failu re of ou r stude nt g vel'n me nt clt-pends. ~ we, YOU I' new officers, b rg in to form next y('af~ s go\-CrnnlC'n t, we ;11'(' opn l to 3ny a nd a ll sug;gcs ti ons you may ha ve. W e w ere elected to sr rve you and will nc.-d you r hdp if w aCt" to iqtr rpre t your wants and needs d r" rti \Tly, A ll of tlt c new offi<:l'f' wi ll apprc( ia t<' you r suggestions , pcnon rt Uy, as your pn'sitl c nt-f'!t'ct , w/)uld ask that you come to me w ith any ioc'", Y01 rmlY ha\'C about an)' sl uclr- nt p rob lem and w ould csp tc iall y li f-t, III talk ",ViLli bOlh [arult md ,tuden ts about my plans for t h e Studen t l;i1 c ul: y Relati ons C OO'llllittt"l', I a m Op, 1I to any criti cisms, constru ctivf' 01' o l h "t w i ~c. as it is my dc., ir to impleIUf'n t the kind of ideas tha t you fed wii! b est serve our uni\'CTsity now a nd in th e year to come, F " d fJ' t to stop n1, on ca mp us any ti me or d rop into th e SA GA office bdw('en fi, and SIX 2 ny ',fl t' m oon to tall; to In ,' ~:bo ut your i ,'as, P it-a >!' 'HH' mbcl' tlt ;l t, a s a student s·o'-..-T nl1l c n t, w , must have YOl ll ';"ppo r t 01' w e c,an do not hin,0;. You mu~1 make YOlll- feelings known to us bdol e we ca n a c t. Doing; th l w ill profit al l o f us much more than ~ im ply g r:,ping, which gains uS nothing and bra ds discon te ntm ent upon ou r Cam pus, We a:; k for yo,lr h el p in ckvc- loping;' a governmen t 'lith res p t"ibility for next year. May God g rant us His belp to a'chi eve this en d_ ' Yours tru'ly, C h a die M a ys,
Friday, April 21, 1961
Intramural Sports ~~~~~>=i~1;;:i~~~~
3rd Floor, Western Captur Volleyball Co-Championship
Five 1MIndividual It
Tourneys Move Into ~~. G,~~I 3rd Round atches
And a happy 21st of Dec ember to you all. This weather is pretty much touch and g o, mostly ;;0. It may be G O LF cold in Parkland, but around Ha Today completes the second-round vanna it's prctty hot. Adolph C astro, play in the Intra m ural Golf Tourand his hot-blooded little band of ncy. This afternoon in the 2nd round patriots, supposedly staved off a ma play :ovr att Ernst m ee ts StC\e McCaljor rebel revolution for th e time be IUlll, G. G. Grad w ohl meets C. Ger ing. In case anyone ne eds ah job, lllnoth, R on Sldta lllcets John John they (the rebs) arc paying' $750 a son . ~ n d Larry FlalllOt' takes on Jack W este rn Parkland and 3rd Floor struggled through the final wcek of man t h for "freedom fighters" in Coc chi. T he se match es a rf all in voll e yball to come up stagnant. Last ni,o;ht they were decla red co-champions Miami, and if your side wins you brac ket number one. In the lower of this scason's volleyball league, Althou gh losing to \ Vestern by one point may not evcn lose your American b r::c kct R oge r Rcc p play' Bob Ellll ip hoth se ts , 3rd Floor managed to knock off the remaining compe tition for citizenship. q ui st, the winne r playi ng the top th e first place tic. Last night the Faculty took on both cluh s anJ n ea rl y The election of Charl es Mays as s(·" tled R on Hanna in th e 3rd round. d umped 3rd, but they lost the final game, 16-15. \Yestern also managed to Student Body president is a great R on edc;cd Tony R eyno lds 1 up on d ro p a !-(a me to th e scrappy Faculty five, but took the final for set. An und e r credit to you as PLU students. Char Vedncsday (80-79 ). .\lso in 3rd m a nned \'V cstcrn team struggled through the majority of the schedule and lie has some very sound ideas con r ound play next week defending dropped two sets to outsiders early in league play, but against 3rd in the enning stud c: nt government and champion Eric Lindholm plays Gary c hampionship final they stacked the team with Ralph Carr 1\ arm Dahl with the proper stude nt support the Lorenz. hal' Eliason, Leo Eliason, and Jon Malmin to take the narro~v victory and student position in administering the HORSESHOE S the l'o-title. 3rd Floor's stalwarts throug hout the season have been Hans University affairs eo u 1 d greatly The Horseshoe Pitching TournaElbertson, Jim Bendel, Gre g Hatton, Jack Cocchi, Bru cc Nunes, Dennis change for the better. I only hope ment has movcd into third-round C ud,'), and Don Fossum. tha t the studen ts do uni te behind play which will sec Lars Johnson him next year and for once accom against Ted M eske, Nor m Dahl FINAL INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL STAND INGS plish somcthing in our so-called stu against Jack Cocchi, Larry Pett'- rson Games Sets dent government. I've heard plenty against J a c k 11cyers, and Bruce Won Lost Pet. Won L ost Team about the general passiveness of the l'\unes against Gary l'\ikkari in next 3RD FLOOR "A" 18 2 .900 24 7 studcnt body, and I'm tending to be w ee k's play. lieve it. We must learn to stand up 19 BADMINTON 2 WESTERN PARKLAND 18 .900 7 for dccent rights in college as we Also in the third round of play .650 12 15 l. astern P arkland .,., .............. . 13 7 must learn to do on th<: "outside" next we ek's action will pit Dick 18 ............... 12 8 .600 14
faculty (or after g raduation). "Hell Week," Davcnport against the winner of the .550 8 9 Evegreen "B" 11 9 as it is common1y called a t other John Johnson-John Backlund match, .500 12 13 10 10 4th Floor ................. ... . Tom Alden Against Lary Flamoc, institutions in early September can Leo Eliason against Gary Kieland, be referred to here as "Freshman 5 22 10 10 .500 Basement Sh iel,s 2 dropped 10 and Bob Elmquist against Ron Indoctrination"-this is one example \\ estern Vets of how the new students are brought Walsh. 3 3 dropped Evergreen "A" into the fold and stacked into their TENNIS DOUBLES 4 6 dropped Basement Trojans respective plac es in the great line. Into the second round play the 4 6 dropped :lrd floor " B" Forbidden Story: G e 0 r g e and doubles division of the Tennis Tour Charlie sat uncomfortable in the ney the following duos will meet be This Week's Volleyball R esults misty air of the steam room the fore Wednesday to decide the semi Tuesday: fnornillg after. final berths: Lars J olt nson-J eny C ur Western (15-8, 15-1): har Eliason, Leo Eliason, Ralph Carr, Jon Malmin, tis vs. J e rry Dunlap-Boomer; Jon Norm Dahl, ov<:r . . . Malmin-Les Pederson vs. Paul Flat 4th Floor: Duane M eske, Bob Viclandcr, Dan Selman, Jim Moa, Jim Laird, ness-Larry Fl a moc; Roger Recp-Ke n
you Don Isens ee. Ruud vs. D a ve Bowe rs-Bill Peterson ;
and Spinny-Pcfe rson vs. Flaskerud
fIO'U must provide Faculty (15-2, 9-15, 15-1 3 ): Gabrielsen, Newell, Winth<:r, Klopsch, Ar Seav)'. hau g h, over ... 4th Floor. TENNIS SINGL ES In the singles bracket of the ten f at' ult y (15-B, 15-11) over . . . Shieks: Tom Aldm, Larry Peterson, Bill nis tournament the s(' cond round Peterson, Jim Gieslcr, Kicth Wetter. matches arc as follows: Norm Dahl vs. Roger R eep; Larry Flamoe vs. ~Inl Floor "A" (15-5, 15-10): Elbcrtson, Bendel, Hatton, Cocchi, N unes, Denny Gudal; Dennis Trocdson vs. Gudal, Fossorn, over ... Ed Davis; Lars Johnson vs. Dale l\"asm'\n; Doug J\.1cClary vs. Dick Eastern: LaITy Flamoe, Paul Flatness, Jerry Dunlop, Boomer, Alban. Davenport; Ga ry Ki clnnd vs. Dave B ow c r s; and Dave Haaland vs. Thursday: ,laude Canfi eld. Harold Peterson :lrd Floor (1 5 -10, 13-15, 16-15): DOllg McClary, Jim Bendel, D e nny Gudal, wa, an early 2nd round winner and Don Fossum, Jack Cocchi, over .. , will nl(,Ll the winne of the Dahl l'a eulty: Salzman, Newell, Peterson, Klopsch, Arbaugh. Rc cp match in th e third roun d.
The day
Page Three
"How was your date last night?" George asked. "Awful."
C h a r 1i e
r esponded.
"Beautiful, but awful. I was dis gust ed. The minute we got to her apart ment, the phone started ringin g evny big operator in town wanted a date with her. \Ye didn't have a llloment's peace. 11an was I fed up!" "Come on, Charlie; ' GCOl'ge kid ded his friend, "don't you expe ct a beautiful girl to have h er number in the phone bodk?" "'Yeah," growled Charlit" "but not in the yellow pages."
Love i.s like a radiator- it keeps you W3rm , even if it is ninety per cent hot air!
* * * Tom Sawyer h ad a drinking unc k whom he once took to th e ocean to sober up. Uncle took one long look at the huge expanse of water and thcn gurgled, "Boy, what a cha ~e r!"
* * *
always had a radical view on marriage that I thought I would pass on to those of you who are planning; th e in e.vitable. Matrimony, in my opinion, should be like enlisting in the Air Force. You join up for a four-year hitch. And at the time your enlistment is up should you choose to re-up you receive a $800 or $900 bonus. On the other hand if your experience in the "service" has not been beneficial to your individual well-being, you receive a permanent discharge (or join anothe r branch of th e service ).
ECON ·O· WASH 12171 Pacif ic Avenue
Suddenly, the problem of your
future securit y seems to shrink ...
Western (15-4, 8-15, 15-10): Jon Malmin, Ralph Carr, Norm Dahl, Ivar Eliason, Leo Eliason, over ... F aculty.
ntramura Softball To Start Mon ay
Applicants For 1M Assistant Director
A ll intramural"nthusiast" wh o are IntralIlural Softball gets underway :Monday ('vening promp tly at 6:30 Slc king pa r t-t unc l'll (ploymcnt dur p.m. Th e fin"l d eadline for the districts to get their roste r<; to th " ;n t r:l m ural in" t h, - III x t ., d lOOl yca r a r c tt s!n:d d irector is this evening, Friday, by 6:00 p .m. The schedule will be posted to ma;" p n son,, ! a p plications to th e M o nda y mornin g on the various bulletin boards on campus. At hletic DI rec tor , ~fn r k Sa lzman, for The si,·, inni ng games will be play('d beginni ng a t 6:30 p.m. on M on t il .. po sit io n o f A 5is tant I n t r amural ':::' y, TUt'~ d ;IY, zl!1d T lt usday e\ e nings. T h T" " games w ill be sched ul ed for Di r ec tor. A p pl i c.~ n l ~ "bo ule! CUl'rr' nt ';) eh cl a v. one on thc lowe r ca mpus diamund and two un the footl);\ ll p rac ti ce fi d d . If ((' arm iH e not present promptly at ga me time it ",·ill result in I,. be freshm e n or :;.op homo['es in It al [orfei t or the tcams on the fie Ids may b.' r c-sch t clu k d for a Ica g ue sta ndin b a nd have i- J. p~L~sin g grade , hI' plJi nt-,,, c ra ge . MI . Sa lzman would 1(~lJn c A. t ~~lln mOl }' s t~ r t a ga n l c \vith a rIlin im UITl o f seve n and a Ina x irn unl li ke to con fl~l' pc rso n,,-lly w it h th e '1 f n ili l' '\i ", ib k p h ycrs. A nd bq , inning this \cason each tcam m ust furnish ill tf ll·:, (t'd ;rp p liC:lIHs, and lh., y m ay at k :' st O lll' lnnpir-t' . and in cast' o[ dark ness or rain four comple ted innings contact h im in the Alhletic lJ in 'c ~v j\l c'un stitut(' a (( 'HIli'. ~ o ck a ts arc allowed , but a ll oth e r rq~ ulation soft to r' s off i et· in t he: ~ m o r nw k ~ t hc b a ll eq uip me nt is permitted. If ga In es a r c compktdy rained out they w ill be n c Ct"SS;1ry a ppoi rltTIll·.n r \·in t he tele pby,' d o n the first Friday afte rnoon at 4 :30 p.m. p h on e..
50c I
DELUXE BURGER in a ba sket w ith fries _________ _
Parkland Triple XXX 119th and Pactfic Avenue
516 Garf ield
LE. 7-5559
(Across fr o m Old Main)
RECORDS-LP's and Singles Largo se ection lit
ABC Electronics 325 Garfield Street Free Bonus Records for Club Cords
When you remember, as a Lutheran you can turn to our Brotherhood Provider Plan
This is especially important when you thin k of the family r esponsi bilities in your future. It's reassu ring t o own B r other hood Pro vid er n ow ... again st t h e day when you know y ou mUllt provide. Loo k at these big a d v a nta ges: "' • ,10,0 00 of perma nent, d ividend p ay ing life illSu rance. • If y ou r et ire a t 65, you can get $ 13 ,00 0 in C8'!lh - a r eturn o f $1.83 for each do llar invest ed.
• If you die at 65, your beneficiary gets $16,760-your total investment is on ly $7,097 .· • Lutheran Brotherhood pays all premiums if you are totally disab led before 60. All this and more for an invest ment of just $ 161.30 a y e ~ ••• a bout 44¢ a day. You p ay more tha n this for lun ch. Ri g ht now, t h ink about y o ur f u ture . . . the fu t ure or t hose w ho w ill depe n d on y o u. C a ll y our L u th e r a n B r othe rh oo d campus rep resentative and j oin t h e thousa nds of Luther ans who enjoy security and pea ee of m ind in the bond of Luthera n B rother h ood. · Based em age ! l a nd on C"Trent d' v iclen.d Tate, w M eh
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: Please furnish me: : 0 details about Lutheran Brolh &rflood Life Insurance L~~~ee reprodutlion of Merti~~~_~i~~~~ __
Page Fou~r___________ P_L_U~M~O_O __R_IN_G__MAST ________________Fr_id_a~y_,_A_p~r_il__ 2_1_,_1_9_6_1
Knights Face Cross Town
ivals in Baseball Conte
Lute Teams Travel Saturday; UPS Western To Be Visited
Track Team , Cops Win; Def at:s SPC at: Mee
C ross- to wn ri val UPS will entertain coach Gabrielsen 's trav eling K nights to mo rr ow afternoo n at L ogger-ville. The Sound dwel lers are sti ll a n unkn ow n quantit y. They dropped a twin b ill to Ce ntral. and sp lir a pair with \Vc stern in league actio n. L ast year 's Loa gers finish ed dead last in the diam ond standings_ J l rry H oxSl'y is ra te d one of the Ic ag u .' top h u rl ers . T he L ogge rs' on ra il a rc good h ittin g, sieve-like fidd ing club wi th a cha nce to go p lac e if the y dC\-elop a so under p it ch ing core, F r;j nk Wa terworth is th e leading Lut (' slu "ge r to da te with a n eve n A,OO a\·era ge. Ga ry Ve stal spo rts a .365, followed by Al Bloomquist a t .:1 17. Mike L a rsen, R on Coltom, and J a ck Coc chi have a ll twirl ed out sta ndi ng: ball this spring . TRAC K A 13 poun d sh ot won for D ave Bark er in las t week's clos e win over the Seattle Pac ifi c T hincl ads. Dave hefted his best toss of th e scaso n, w ith a 52' 7 Y"" h eav e. An unofficial PLU record due to th e li ght w eight. Th e Lutes took th e ove rall point
sprea d 71 2/ 3 to 59 1/ 3, J ohn Han so n ca ptured th e 440 with a 5 1: I cloc kirH(, K en Ruud sen t th e j ave lin soaring I 72'4 Y2". Lute spee dstc.rs a lw ch a lk ed u p victories in the 100 a nd no, relay, 220 low hurdles, th e pole vault, a nd broa d jump , Sa lzma n' s men ga ll op to Bellin g ha lll to test th e Vikin gs' mett le this week end . Western res istan ce should be th e stro nges t in th e di stance runs, the di sc us, a nd h igh jump, Don T er thewey, who h as run a 4·:20 mil e as Ne ll as good clip in th e two mile, is f" [J ee ted to win bo th eve nts . D ave j " g'c has been cloc ked a t less tha n two m inu tes in the 880. Basketba ll star H erma n Washington is their fi ne hi gh jumper.
Last Saturd ay aftern oo n the Pacific Lutheran track team swe pt h o me on the flyin g feet o f Mike Macdo nald :Illd J ohn Hanso n to a 7 1 2/3 to 59 1/3 win over Seattle P ac ifi c Co ll ege. Macdo nald. rhe number o ne dash man on the K igb ts' squad, gaine d first places in the l OO and 220 yard dashes J nel also led off the winnin g mile reby team . H e placed a P L U sw eep in the 100 yard d ash. H anso n, who is ra pidl y im p rov ing his 44·0 times for th e yea r, swep t th e 440- ya rd das h a nd th e broad jump, and an chored th e mile relay \(',UIl to victory. H e is t hc se h ool re co rd hold e r in th e 440 and a n ew record ma y be expected befo re the end o f th e scason. T h" onl y other double winn er of the 1Tl('(' t was Seattle Paci fi c's D on
Dale Thompson
John Hanson, Ace Sprinter, Fey's MadThree Undefeated in Early Meel:s
As th e Little Lute Bowling L ea gue reaches the fin a I fi ve weeks, th e M a d Three, compos ed of three Po rt An geles m en, Bill R obb , John F ey a nd Mik e M !lcdona ld, h old a slim om: game lead . Th ey managed this 'b st w('e k by tak in g thre ~ ga m es wi th the fabu lous t otal of 179+, an a vcr a~c just short of 200 fo r eac h man per game. Mik e Mdcd ona ld shot a 654, Bill R obb a 605, a nd J ohn F ey, th e a nchor ma n, bow led a 53 5, Ri d in g in second place a ft er losing threc ga m es last week is ory's tca m, ti ed w it h th c C h ris to ph erson's '{rou p un th e st reng th of th eir four game sweep. With H ildebra nd's tea m , th e first half winn er, down clos to th e bottom this half, it looks lik e a thre(" team fi ght for all th e marbles,
An yo ne wh o has witn essed o ne of Pacific Lutheran' s three track meers t hus far this year may have noticed on e indi vidual who seems to s tand out-sophomore J ohn Hanson. _ J o hn is concentrating on the 440 -ya rd dash this year, and fee ls thal it is easil y his best race . H o w ever , be also can fill in ca pabl y in rhe 100 and 220 yard dashes an d the broa d jump . Last yea r hc placed second in th e 4 Hl a t th e con fc~'~;;;::-mee t, a nd h e presentl y holds the sc h ool reco rd in that eve nt, whi ch he obta in ed by running the di -tancl' in 5 1. 1 second s aga ins t Lew is a nd C lark a nd th e U niversi ty of Puget Sou nd, April 8. J o hn 's h igh schoo l y e a r S werc spent a t Li ncoln H igh Sch ool h ere in T ac oma, wh ere h e ha s livcd m os t of hi s life. Surprisingly h e did not turn out for th e trac k tea m a t Lin coln until his junior year in th e sprin g' of 195 8. Yet onl y onc yea r 'a ter he hel ped th e Lin coln m ile rc ay tea m to u new sta te record,
220 - 1. Ma cdona ld ( PLU); 2. H a nso n ( PLU ); 3. Peterso n ( SPC ) , :22 ,8. 440-- 1. H a nson ( PL U ) ; 2, Dietz man ( S PC ) ; 3, Sand e rs ( PL U), 880-- 1. Dietzm a n (SPC ); 2, L ee ( PLU ) ; 3. Sw anso n (SPC ), 2 :01. 9 ,
Two-M ik -- I. Brown (S PC ); 2. O' Bri en (SPC ) : :1. Swanso n (S PC: ), 9::iU . 1 ~0 HH l. Bartlett (SPC ) ; .(. ~I e yc r ( PLU ) ; 3, J onson ( PLL ), : I 5.G. 220 L H - l. Br own ( PL U ) : :2 . ~Iilkr (SP C); 3. J o nso n ( I'L :), : ~ (j .5,
Mile R ela y-- l. Pacif ic L Uihc rart ( M ac donald, San de rs, Sha ha n, H a n son ) ; ~. Seat tle Pac ifi c, 3:32.3 . Sh ot-- I, Barker ( PL U); ? Bl n nett (S PC) ; 3, D ou gla s (SPC ), 52 ft., 7 y, inches. Di scus- ·- 1. Ben ne tt (SPC ) ; 2. B" r ker ( PL U ) ; 3 . Yokers ( PLU ) _ 1 ~ 7 ft" 3 in ches. Hi gh Jump-- l, D ouglas (SPC) ; 2. ( ti,. ) Miller (S PC ) , Sa mu elson ( I'LU ) , and Barker ( PLU ) . 6 feet. Broad Jump--l. H anson ( PLU ); 2. D () U g I a s (SPC ) ; 3. Bocs ha ns ( PL U); 3, 2 1- 1. Pole V ault--1. ( ti e) Reep ( PLl., ) a nd H an na ( I'L U ) ; 3 , Polk (Spe). 1I-i. Javel in- I. Ru ud FLU ) ; 2. DUll g la (S PC ) ; 3, Orakel- (SI' ) . li2 ft.. I V" in ches,
1PL' NITEIlI ~ ""< 8£~CN f ), ,
C redit for J ohn' s .!Feat imp rovc ment he g ives to track coach Mark Salzman, w ho h as helped him to gr ea tl y lower his times . Bu t, still dis sat isfi ed , J 0 h n cont inues to work h a rd a nd p ro mises furth r grea t im proveme nt even this sea son.
, uu r lII inut e and 38 seco nd rnile las t week- no t had cons id ering it is onl y h is (irst yea r a t tra ck ... Bill Robb h it I' 2 ~, 1 g rlll lf' an d a (lOU serics la st week in th e Li tt h·' L u t l' Bowli ng Leag ue, . , Th e baseball tC<1tll wa rai ned Ollt for th e firs t tim e last wl'l,k a ~ a in s t Sea ttle Paci fi c. As soo n as th e [('arn e was uffi cially ca ll ed off the sun b r 0 k l' through an d th e rain ceased .. Jo hn Hanson, wh o I lll~ th us far bel'n ll n deU'a ted in his spe c ia lty, th e 4+0 yard sprint, will han: h is work cut Ollt for tornorw w when h ~ meets Jerry J oyc (' fr om We.. tern Colk ge ., I understa nd we ha ve :L ~ro ll ]J of rea l bran ' fellows li vi nl; in H arstad HaIL Th ey go in fOl th t:: ycry da n)rt' rous s p 0 r t of p igeOll hunt ing-, Of course they an~ rea l sp or tsmen sinc e: t h e y rdeas(' the bird s- tha t is, with th eir \Vin AS ti ed so th ey ca n't fly . - Mikl' M acdt> n ~ ld_
STELLA'S FLOW ERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Foot 01 Garfield)
LE_ 7-0206 We De liver
Marv Tommervik's
John H a nson
ca nlpus ne w s prog ranl .
tIAr,. ' riA
: 10,0,
D a \T Ba rker rece ntly put the sh ot .5~ fcl'! , 7 inches in a recent t ra ck meet w ith Seattle Paci fi c Fa lcons. T hi s be ttcn:d his bes t p re\'iOllS throw by so me :3 fe et. Dave was a little d is appoi n ted wh en he k nt'ned tha t lh(' shot h e had used was 3 pound s light Da ve R eynolds, ELL: footba ll sta r, is now a tt en ding Ya kima Jun ior Colk gl' wh ere he is usi ng his speed to h el p out the trac k tc ,:un. D a \'c pl a ns on being back in sch ool a t PL U next yea r in time for foo tba ll pra c ti ce Bvth M, . !:>alzrnan an d Nlr. Gabr il' lsen desave a great d eal of credit for the fine sha pe th ey keep the trac k and baseball field s in. Mr. S.. lzrna n mu st be one of th e busies t mcn on thi s ca mpus, bl' in 'l' Athle ti c Di recto r, in tramural dirt'c tor, ass ist ant foo tba ll a nd bas ketball coa ch , head trac k coach, a nd a lso tea chin '\' classes , , , M ar k Ande rson ran a
Plan n in g a ma jor in niuca tio n sp e(T h , J ohn has part ic ipa ted ac tive lyon KPLU TV, As pa rt of his radio-television cla ss, h e ca n fr e q ue ntl y be scen on Kni gh t T ime, the
Stop in and find out more about this finan cial assistance program specially designed to help students complete their college education.
Results 100 -- 1. M a cd ona ld ( PLU) ; 2. Brown (PLU ); 3. Sha ha n (PLU ) ,
1:~8 .3,
rhis pas t summe r he ra n in th e No rthwest AAU I nd oo r M ee t in Se a ttl e, In the se ld om-ru n 66 0 ya rd n m, h c pl ace d second to Ri ck Ca r ter, onc of th" West Coa st's mos t prominen t ru nners.
C heck w it h t he
P u getSound
o n the
C o lleg e Ass u r ed
Brown, a n exce ll ent middle di stance r unn er, who ca ptured the mile an d two mile ru ns. T he Falcons swept th e first three pl aces in bo th eve nts. This Sa turday, Pac ifi c Luthera n travels to Bel lingham for a dua l meet wi th Wcs tern Washin gton ,
M ilc-- 1. Brown (SPC) ; .! . SW.Hl son (SPC ) ; and 3. O' Brien (" P C ) ,
3505 South Tacoma Way
LUBRICATION Sixth Avenue at Orchard
PHONE LE. 7-7100
PLU RINGS Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1961 -
DadsTo Be Week-end CampusGuests;
Bar-B-O Steak anquel To Be Featured
Another full we ek of chapel pro g rams is planned to interes t and en tertain th e student body for next week. Monday: Dr. Reigstad, who teaches English classes at PLU, will g ive the address to the student body. Tuesday: This is student body day. Wednesday: The stude.nts will hear an address from Dr. Eastvold . Thursday::"Ii 0 chapel because of cam pus day. Friday: Dr. Christian Hollesby, who is on a lecture tour at present, will speak to students. Dr. Hollesby is the son of Dr. Ole Hollesby, who is a well-known author. The Hol lesby family is from Nonvay.
" To acquaint dads with the PLV campus and to encourage father-son felbwship"-these are the aims of Dad's Weekend and the reasons why male students should invite their dads for this weekend. Sponsored by the Associated Men Students, the weekend will begin with registration at 5: 00 this afternoon and end Sunday after the banquet at 3 :00 p.m. R egi stration will be continupd until noon tomorrow. Many activities are planned for the father-son duo this we ekend. To ni ght at 8 p.m. they arc invited tb the coronation of the Sag·a royalty and the Barbe r Shop quartet in the CMS, foll owed by the Saga carniva l in the gyIll.
to th e Min strel Show at 8 p.m. in th e CMS and the Saga Carnival again. Dads will become familiar with th,· Sunday morning activities at l:'LL', by a tten din.<r communion at 8:00 a.m., Bible Study at 9:30 in the Jacob Samuelson Chapel, and Stu dent Congregation at 11 :00 a .Ill. The hi ghlight of the w eekend will come at 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon with a B.to-B-Q steak banquet, featuring Marv Harshman as guest speaker. All m en are im·ited to this event, with or without dads. The price is $1.50.
CANDIDATES FOR SAGA QU EEN AND KI NG and their sponsoring g ro up a re (I. to r.j : Sandy Kram, ich, Ted John storle , Freshma n da ,,; Carole Haa a nd, Lou Bla .si, Letter men ; Shari Saxton, Roge r Reep, Evergreen; Jenny Radtke, Paul Eriks, Spurs; Sylvia Poldervack, A rt Ellicksen, South Hall; Judy Chingren, Bo b Jacobsen, North Hall; Susan Sarri, Mall Ernst, West Hall; and Ki m Bodding and Lars Johnson, Della Hall. The winners will be a:;r.ounced at the Coronation ce remonies tonight at 8 :00 p.m. in the CMS.
A A Carnival
To Be Crown d Tonight:
Highlighting the weekend actlVlties will be a coronation, minstrel ~ how , and carnival under the auspices of the Saga staff. Saga Weekend will open tonight with coronation ceremonies in the CMS at 8 p.m., with Rev. John Rydgren, assistant pastor of Central Lutheran, as M.e., and Mr. Jack Sonntag , Pierce County Auditor. as officiator.
An carly start Saturday morning will be th e beginning of a day filled with sports. At 7:30 a.m. the father son golf touranment will begin, to continue until 2:30 Sunday after Ente rtainmen t for th e newly ente rta inment throughout the ca rni noon. The father-son team with the crowned Saga king and queen will val. Numerous booths are being spon Men students arc urged to pre best combined score will receive a be provid ed by the Tahoma Chapter sored by the various organizations re-gister their fathers at the CUB trophy at th e banqu et. At 9:00 a.m. of th e Sweet Adelines, and a barber and dormitories, which will offer during meal times. a coffee hour is scheduled in Chris shop quartet, Th e Sound Barriers. tests of skill in Darto, the bean shoot, Knutzen H a ll No.3. This period is Admission is 35 cents. golf, baseball, football and basketball set aside for dads to get acquainted throws, Ring Toss, Ring-a-Ieg, Beat Saturday night's Minstrel Show with each o ther, and for explaining
l\"ext Tuesday the Artist Series and answering questions about the the Clock, Bongo Board and Electric will feature thf' m en Lutes at 8 p.m. program will feature Mr. John Car Wire. in the CMS. weekend's activities. At 10:00 a.m. radine, well known dramatist. Perennial favorites are the Egg there will be softball and tennis on Following these programs on Fri Mr. Carradine has completed a Throw, with both student and pro lower campus and a TV demonstra day and Saturday even ings, from 9 The annual performance of the country-wide tou r of night clubs and fessor targets, and th~ Jail. tion in the Jacob Samuelson Chapel. to II p.m. , the Saga Carnival will Minstrel Show, sponsored by the lecture halls, acquainting many with The student may pose for his pic An open classroom is planned for get und erway in the gymnasium. PLU Letterman's Club, will be held his interpntivc readings. Mr. Carra ture in the Picture Booth or have
10: '~5 a.m. Three door prizes will be given each tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. in the dine's program for the eve ning will his portrait drawn. Curtain Call will evening, which will include a $20 1vlore sports in the afternoon in CMS. This event feature s on ly our !,rnhehly hI' tak(' o from thp Bib1.. as
add drama to the scene with a play. gift certificate to McKewen Studio clude a track meet at I :00 and a college men, and is " eld prior to the
well as from the works of Shakes Concession stands will also be op
on Friday night and a clock radio On baseball game at I :30. To conclude Saga Carnival. pease, Edgar Allan Poe, R u per t erating.
Saturday night. Drawings will be th e day, fathers and sons are invited Eric Ottum, senior and directo of Brooks, Eugen e Field, Louis Carol, The annual event is a Saga fund
held at 10:15 both evenin gs. the Student Congreg.ttion Choir, will and a few exce rpts from Lincoln. raising project. The band will provide music and direct the chorus, while Mary Grif Last year a program very similar fiths, sophomore, will accompany the to this one was presented by Mr. group on the piano. Those who will Hans Conreid. serve as end men an K evin Thomas, Next Tuesday's performance will Roger Gustafson, Marv Jacobson, Al be held in the CMS and will begin Blomquist, Roger R~ep, Bob Gross, at 8 p .m. Lvovsky's "Hospodi Pomilui will and Norm Dahl. The Pa ci fic Lutheran University North Hall officers for 1961-62 The program will include selec concert chorus, under the dire ction open the second g roup followed by w e re r evealed at an installation tions such as "Halls of Ivy," "Now of Dr. R . Byard Fritts, will present "Dear Lord Jesus,' by Naumann. Thursday night, April 20. After a The n will come "The Heave::ns De
Is the Hour," "Climbing Up the ;ts annual homecoming concert Sun short greeting by Ida Krogh, current clarf'," by William Harris. This lat Mountain," "Oh Suzanna," and nu day e\"Cning at 8 o'clock in th e uni The two-year National Science ter work features the Gibbons Song. president, a piano solo, Deep Purple, merous selections by Stephen Foster. versity auditorium. The program will Foundation grant awarded to the The final group includes "Psalm was played by Myrna Kinyon. Each Each year the chorus concludes with be complimentary to the public. department of biology for the pur 28" by Alan Hovhaness, "He's Got old officer the n presented the new the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." pose of studying· crab natural history Utilizing a small antiphonal group, the Whole World in His Hands," a officer with a rose, after whi ch each Approximately 30 to 40 men will in Puget Sound is nOw in the last the chorus will presen t several of its spiritual; "Our R edeemer's Prayer," w as officially installed by a candle compose th e chorus.
few months of operation. The orig
and "Go Down D e a t h," by Dr. selections in this manner which gives lighting ceremony. Mrs. Nicholson,
inal grant for $6,900 was intended
Fritts. Thf' latter selection is a choral a "stereo" effect to the program . housemother, gave a closing ta lk.
both for research equipment and for
se t ting to the famous sermon by To open the program the 72-voice Replacing the publicity chairman, stud ent tuition. Over half of this James Weldon Johnson and features chorus will sing Moza rt's "Salletus Karen Kirkeby, is Ann Schnacken grant has gone to student tuition as Blayne Perleth as na rrator. and Hosanna," followed by "All berg; social chairman, Carol Mani from two to four stude nts h a ve been Paula Fendler will accompany the Glory Laud and Honor," by Teseh Sheryl Nordsletten; devotional chair hired each semester by the grant. chorus on the organ. n~r-Cain. Three sections of Vaughan man, Christy U I I e I and - Judy This semester four stude nts are par
The chorus returned last week Williams' "Communion Serv ice" will Schwartze; treasurer, Julie R eeves
ticipating: R uth Olsen, Ron Heyer, from a concert tour which took the complete the first group. These in Charlotte Moe; secretary, Nan c y Gary Vestal, and Bert F reeman. The group to Marysvi lle, Sedro Woolley, clude "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Blessed Krogel-Mary Anne Vorvick; vice One in the series of musicai calen g rant has maintained a salt water Lynnwood, Bothell and Seattle. Is He" and "Glory Be to God." preside_nt, Gw en Goldenman - Ce dar events is a combined student labora tory at Point Defiance a nd recital set for nex t T uesday in the leste Stodick; president, Ida Krogh also has maintained a laboratory at Jacob Samuelson C ha pel at 8 p.m. - Carol Gillis. Pacific Lutheran University. Pi a no numbe rs will include: K arl Thomas H . Carrol as presid en t of President S. C. E as tvold of Pacific Payne playin g Chopin' s Scherzo in Geo rge Washington Universi ty. Pres Luthe ran University left Thursday B fl at minor; Beethoven's Sonata in ident John F. K ennedy will give the on a nine-day business trip to south E flat, Op. 7, played by Alex ia Hen addTess at this event. While in the ern California and Washington, D. C. d erson :. Sue Sullivan ::I nd Larry Lind Sunday morning Dr. E astvold will capital city , Dr. East'JOld will conf(, r vig- play ins· the w orh of K lachatur speak at th e Golden Anniversary with the W ashing ton state con gres ian: a nd Kathy Belgum with a piece pu s with tools and directions. Th ere All : I a ~ ~t'~ viII be dismissed nt-xt cel eh ration of lhe founding of St. sional dclcga tion rCgll r<Eng ed uca by Ka lal evsky. Tlnu ,day fOl· C ampu s Clean-up D ay. will be a li st posted on the Kiosk
Petc.r's Luth eran 'hurch, Santa Ana, tional bills before t h e le g islature . H e Ted Johnstone wil: sin g two selec designating J.ssi g nnlt'nts according to
This traditional ev('nt, which has Calif. In the eveni n g h e will speak will also meet with Federal Housin g tions from Beethovcll. An aria from alpha betical order. and Home Finance Agency officials b ee n successfully supported by the at Trinity Lutheran Church, Haw H a ndel's M essiah will be sung by Students are urged to join a group rcg·arding loans for building projects th orne, Calif. student body in the past, is sponsored tenor Sidney Shelver while Phil Yok right after breakfast. When the work pe.nding on campus. On Wednesday, Dr. Eastvold will each year by Blue Key. ers will sing pi ee s by Lully and Pur is finished and if the weath er per Dr. Eastvold will return to Ta be th e university's official represen Members of Blue Key will be sta cell and Anne Schaeffer will sing mits, a picnic will be held at Spana coma, Friday, May 5. tative at the inauguration of Dr. When I am Dead and His Coming. tioned at various spots on the camway Park in the afternoon.
Artist Series To Feature Noted Actor
Universil:y Men Presenl: Minsl:rel Show Tomorrow
North Revea Is
Chorus Concert Sunday In eMS;
New Officers For Next Year
Antiphonal Group To Be Featured
Department Grant Nears Com pletion
Combined ecital Set for Tuesday By Musica Knights
President Eastvold Talces Trip
Blue Key Sponsors CampusClean-up; All Casses To Be Dismisse Th rsday
Page Two
Friday, April 28, 1961
- Missed or Taken?
O ft e n we do not ta ke a dvantage of opportunities whi ch a rc readily ava ilable to us ; instead we dream of thin gs we co uld be d oin g a nd expe riencin g. On this ca mpus we a re a fforded the p rivilege of bein g able to a ssoc ia te with a nd know stud ents of man y diffe re nt and va ried bac kg rounds a nd cultures. With this bas is it is a sh a me tha t we h a ve no t esta b lished th e typ e of exc ha nge of id eas and cultures which w ould be p oss ibl e under these circumstances. This is es pecia lly tru e wh en we consid er the number of foreign s tud ~ nt s we h ave h ere a t PLU, a nd yet how many of us h ave taken th e time to ge t to know th em and gain a better knowled ge of th eir culture and heritage? This m utu al ex ch a nge IS definitely a two-way thing, with
Dear Edit or: D ear E ditor : T h anks a re owed to UPS for publishing an account of th e onc-m a n a rt show h eld a t the T acoma Publi c Library by our Mr. L a rs Kit tleson, and encouragin g a rev iew of it. It 's good th at inter-coll ege riva lri es ca n be forgo tt en in the common na me of a rt. One wond ers, h oweve r , wh y no adve rti sing was d isplayed h el'c for it. The news just sort of lc.a ked a round from person to per son. Wh ere was th e d epa rtmen t conce rn ed ? Mr. K ce r ta inl y can not b rag up his own show.
Churches Change Face, Sty le As Arc hitecture Progresses Arch itecture is a refl ecti on o f ev ery pe ri od o f history. Ancie nt Egypti ans bu ried mum mifi ed royalty in p yram ids. From the p inn acle of t h ~ se struc tures a d eceased kin g was th ought to b eh old the ri si n g sun .. . symbol of his own r esurrec ti on ! Bu ilt of hu g e st one blo c.ks erec ted by sla ves, th e temples were m eant to la st forever. Several a re still sta nd ing toda y. E a rly R om a ns crea ted th e a rch . . . whi ch led to impressive ston e church vaults and dom es. T h e Pan th eon-- R oma n tem ple of th e gods--·· w as circula r , 15 0 fee t in di am e ter, its rem a rk able dom e the sa me h eight. It is still s ta nd in g tod a y, a trib ute to its a n cient con trac tor s, and is u sed for C a tholi c worship. H ow did church es look in C hina ? Lik e a tc-nt . T h e J a pa nese ha d no stone a nd se ttled for wood ... whi ch m ean t b uildin g a nd reb uild ing. A pagoda-house of idols-i n the Fa r Eas t sy mbolizes human di g nit y th ro ugh its upturned roofs a nd spire. Ea rth mounds in s pir e d Buddhist tcmple styles in India. M oslem love of bea uty fos tered del icate jewelled a rches a nd elabora te pa tterns in tem ple d esig n . Byzanti ne reli gious ar ch it ec ture combi ned Orie ntal pomp, Gree k p recis ion, H ebrew sp iritual ism a nd Rom a n ge n ius. In the d a rk ages, chu rch es were bu ilt li ke- a nd served as- fortresses. Wh en C hri stia ns ga in ed new fre e d om , the orn am ents in their houses of worsh ip refl ec ted th eir joy. The French Goth ic ca thedrals flung soar in g a rches to h eave n. What did th e arti sts do w ith th r ir freed om during the R ena issa nce ? T h ey bu ilt churc.h es, imme nse, mag nifi cent church es. T his wa s th eir contribution to the G olden A ge . . . a nd travelers t o Europe still find them brea th-ta kin g: the C hurch of th e Sorbonne, C a thedral of Florence,
San Giorg io M a ggiore in Veni ce. St. Pa ul's C a thedr,a l and 50 other L on don chu rches were desig ned b y Sir Christopher Wren in th is p eri od. For ba roqu e artistry . . he is un matched. Across thc ocean in the exciting new land of America early worship took refu ge in primitive buildin gs construct ed with the timber of th e ri ch for ests. Colonists struggled to raise a steeple as high as th ey could. In every community the church was a dominant force . . . and had to look the pa.rt. One box of a room had to serve eve ry purposc. Not so today! Education, social life, committec work have all found a home-side by sid e wit h divine worship--unde r chur c.h roofs. Inside and out, au thorities demand beauty , durability, mod ern design and low maintenan ce cost . Fine, processed woods, p re- cast concrete and extensive pla te glass a dd mode rn features to the chang ing look in churches. Stainless sted blends well with these materials and highlights th eir appearan ce. For exa mple, in Portla nd, Oregon, the triangula r- sign of the Trin ity C om munity Church of C eda r H ills, roof and steeple are one-only ver tical skyli ghts interrupt the long line from peak to ground. Th e First Presbyterian Church at Vero Beach, Fla., invites worshipers with an open glass wall. In the adja cent triangular bell tower, mighty music draws a deep breath and waits for the signal to begin. Just as the Gothic Churches re flec ted the spiri t and religious fervor of the Middle Ages, and represented its thought through contemporary materials, so the churches today in Ameri ca express our own relig ious and progressive attitude, the creative impulses of our architects, and our country' s advan ced technology.
Ed itor ........ .......... .................................. ....... ................................... Ann H aggart
News Edi tor .. ....... ............ ........... ..... ............................. ............._..Alice e:Imess
Fea t ll re Ed it r .......... ...................................................................... Ru th Walker
S n orts Editor.. ..........................................................................M ike M acDonald
I~tra Il1ural s Editor ......... ................... ...................................... Gordon Gradwohl
Business M a n ager........ ....................................._.......... .................. Doug Johnson
Advisor ..................................... ....... ................. ........................... Mr. Milt Nesvig
Also on the subj ec t of a dvertisin g, some things in mu sic have been kept as secret as a m ee ting of the Anti Luthe ra n L eague. T h e h a rpsich o rd con cert of last Fri day was known fa r enough in a dva nce for it to be sched uled, but wh y d id th e h ead of th e departm ent con ce rn ed (again ) keep the new s so well th a t not eve n some of the mem bers of hi s own faculty knew a nythi ng about it until th e slig ht ment ion given in chapel. Why was the opera, "Did o a nd Aacneas" so ill p ublicized tha t many people th ou ght " it was a r eh ea rsa l night"? It h as been a rgued tha t a dvertisin g is the responsi b ility of th e direc tor but sh ouldn't the propogation of the a rts be th e tota l r espons ibility of the whole depart ment, esp ecia lly a t thi s Christia n college where our fac ulty a re our exam ples ill Christia n conduct ? It could be tha t th e fa ilure to advertise the efforts of others was m erely ove rsight, but in eith er case, it's inexcusable. P erh aps Arthur Hu gh Clough wa s right when he re wrote th e T en C ommandments in "The Latest Dcea lo gu ~" :
" T h ou sha lt h ave one G od only; who Would be a t the expense of two ? No graven images may be W orsh ipped, ex ce pt the c ur rency.
Swear not a t a ll ; for, fo r thy curse
T h ine enemy is none th e wo rse. At church on Sunday to a ttend Will serve to keep the w orld thy friend . H on or th y pa rents; tha t is, a ll F rom whom adva ncem ent may befall. Th ou sha lt not kill ; but need 'st no t stri\'e O ffi c iously to keep a li\·e. D o n ot a dultery commit ; Adva nta ge r arely comes of it. T hou sh a lt n ot stea l ; a n em pty fea t, Whe n it's so lu cra tive to ch ea t. Bea r n ot fa lse wi tness; let th e li e H ave tim e on its own w ings to fly. T hou sh alt not covet, but tra dition Approves a ll forms of competition." -Carol French
each p a rty ga illing f rom assoc ia tion with th e other not only in th e sphe re of a dded knowled ge, bu t in under sta nding of o the rs and im portan tly in ma king new fri endships. W e talk of a " world commun ity," yet wne n we have a ch a nce in our sma ll w ay to promote su h a think we ove rlook it. P erhap s a be tter ex chan ge of ideas could be fu rth ered th rou gh more utiliz,lt ion of for eign stud ents in chapel program s or club m ee tings wh ere others could h ear of th e ways of oth er la nds.
But more importa nt tha n th is exch a n ge of knowled ge IS the offerin g of fri endship a nd und ersta nding . Fil st, ask yourself what it w ould be lik e to be th ous a nds of miles away from home in a stra n ge la nd, a mon g people who are of a veI'y diffc' rent background a nd culture, then maybe you will be able to extend n ot on ly a friendly, but a "helping" ha nd . - An n Haggart
arne Problem
by Gordon Gra y "The object of govenunent is the welfare of the p eo ple. The material progress and prospe rity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good c.itizens," a nd since th e "New D eal " days of the 1930's we have had su ch p m g rams a s subs idi es to th e fan ne rs, a id fO!· the aged, fed e ral hous ing, aid to educati on- quit e simply th e bc,yin nin g of a welfa re state. As Sena tor G oldwa ter says: " These a re the sa me old probk ms that D ad h ad ." And: " Here we've spent 30 years and probably 500 million dollars and we still have the same kind of trouble." N ot one of th ese probl ems ha s been solved a nd th e taxpayers -you and I-have spent millions of d oll ar s on an eco nomic farc e--welfare, both on a sta te a nd fed eral level. Thus far the material welfa re of all good citi ze ns h a s not been enhanced, and in reality d eterred. Let us just for a minute examine the posit io n of the farmer. He is paid to produ ce a commodity a nd then the government turns around and tells him not to produ ce that product. They inform him that we h ave a surplus -one whi ch costs the taxpayer over on e m ill ion dolla rs a day to ke r p in storage. The question is, is th is I rer: enterprise or creeping Socialism? With this governmen tal control only one answer is p ossible! And just look a t the problems whi ch this poli cy has thru st upo n th e peo ple of Anwri ca, both the fa rm er and the non-fa rme r . Wh en the govcl'Il m cn t stepped into- the- faffn p r ogra m during the 19 30's F .D .R. stated that it would onl y last for the duration of the d epression . But still, the govern ment, with its bu eauera ti e controls, is sticking its fingers into the fa rmer's business. The result has bee n obvious . We arc still facing the same old problems--still with no solution in sight. And this so-call ed " Ameri can libera lism" just d ocs n ot pe rta in to the farm er. It exte nds into a ll facets of Ameri can life. As I will show in su bsequ ent a rticles, these p roblems h ave not been allevia ted by fed era l, or even in some cases, state intervention. Is it not time th a t we ba ng sta rting lik e th e proud people which we should be ? Is it not tim e w e progress? And progress we can; if we decide to aba ndon a poli cy which is not working. Thee is another and much bettcr way to solve our problem~ than depcnding on the federal government to act as a cure-all, for all evils from Pan dora's box. In the next few weeks I w ould lik e to ('x am inc some of the other solutions, and I think it will be come quite apparent that the time to change from this so-called policy of American liberalism is lon g past d ue.
Carradine: An Experienced Actor by Merle Overland With th e arriva l of thc distin gui sh ed ac tor, J )hn Ca rrad in e, PLU once aga in plays host to a fam ous sta r of the stage , m oti on pi ctures a nd televis ion. Mr. C a rradine comes to the ca mpus to a ppear on the Arti st Sc-ri es prog ram M ay 2 a nd to sta r in the Speech D epa rtmen t's spring pro du cti on, " Th e H eiress." As a youth, Can·adine ch ose a ca ree r a s sculptor a nd artist, a nd studied a t the Gra phic Art Sch ool in Philadelphia . H e pursu ed th is field unt il 1925 when h e made his theatri ca l d ebut in New Orlea ns where h e a ppeared in " C amille." Can adine began his H oll yw ood ea ree as scen ic designer for Cecil M . DeMille but soon began acting and directin g in theaters of the L os Angeles area. His motion picture career began in 1928 and shortly after appeared in stage
productions of "R i c h a r d III" " O thello," "Taming of the Shrew," " R om eo and Juliet," as well as mod ern d ramas. Mr. C arradine resumed his m otion pi cture caree r in 1934 and has sin ce a ppeared in over t h r e e hundred film s. H e has a ppeared in such films as "Les l\1ise rables,' "Richelieu," " Prisonc r of Shark I and," " Mary of Scotland," " J esse J:.tmes," " Grapes of \Vrath," " Captains Coura geous," " C a pta in Kidd" and many, man y oth ers. John Carradin e mad e his N ew York d ebut at the Ethel Barrymore thea ter in 1946 in "The Duchess of Malfi" and subsequ ently appea r d on Broa dway in "The L e a din g L a dy," "The Cup of T remblin g," " V olpone," and " T he M adwom a n of Cha illot." From 1945 to 1953 Mr, C arradine
appeared in numerous summer stock produ cti ons including "The He iress" in whi ch h e will sta r h ere on cam pOlS. H e r esumed his film ca ree r in 1953 and h as since a ppea red j n "Cas sa nova 's Bi Night," " Johnny Gui tar," " Th e Ten Comma ndments," " A round the Wo rld in Ei ghty D ays," a nd " The C ourt J este r ." H e has a lso bee n see n in m a ny fea tured spo ts in va rious televi sion se n es .
With thi s wid ely diversified b ack ground, Mr. C a rradin e comes to the PLU stage, Studen ts will have the opportu n ity to see him a s D r . loper in "The H c ire ,~ " M ay 11, 12, 13 . Bl'cause of th e capacity crow ds ex p ecte d from the Tacoma area , it is recommend ed that tick ets be p ur chased before the p erforma n ce. Tick ets will go on sale in the C U B May 3rd and co ntinue until the 12th.
Friday, April 28, 1961
Intramural Sports
Five 1M Individual
urneys Move Into
Semi-Final Matches
BADM I NTON [n t he fa uth-ro und m atch es wh ich m u t be played by Wedn esday, May :I rd , Lars J ohnson will mee t the wi nner of th e T om Ald en -La rry Flamoe n;:; t,h. Bob E lm quist w ill play the winner of the L eo E lia son, G a ry Ki ela nd ll l~t {' h. Lars Johnson, thi s yea r rr prest'nting Delta H a ll, was las t yea r's r un kl('l"-UP in th is c\'en t. HORSESH OES I'h c sem i-final ma tch es pl ace Dua ne M eske a gai nst No r m Dahl, and J <I' k ?vf eyers ag-ai nst Bru ( c N unes. T h ese rna tch es mus t be played by W ed nesd ay, :Vby 3rd. GOLF I n the qu a rter-fin a l m a tch es Matt E rn st ta kes on G. G. Gradwohl , a nd E ric Lindholm pl ays Gary Lort'lIZ this a ft ern oo n. Earli er this week Ron H2nna ed ge d R oge r RI't, p and will play th e winner of th e Lindholm-Lorenz mat ch in th e semi-finals. Yester day last yea r's runn eT-Up, R on Sld ta , downed J ack C occhi. Eric Lindholm is the defe nd ing cham pi on in this year's stiff competition. TENNIS SINGLES In thi rd -rou nd play which must be completed by Mond ay, May 1st, N orm D a hl plays H a rold P e terson ; D enny Gud a l plays Ed D avi s; Lars John son plays D oug M cClary; and D avc Bowers takes on the win ner of th e Dave H aala nd- C laude Canfield m a tch . TENNIS DOUBLES T he followin g teams will play in the third-round matches wh ich a rc to be completed by Wednesday. Lars J ohnson-J erry Curtis vs. J on M a lmin Lcs P ed e rs on ; a nd R oge r Recp-Ken Ru ud vs. Dave Spinny-Ha rold Peterson. In last year's tourn ey th (' 3rd Floo r tea m of Lars Johnson-R oge r Reep swept the ch a m p ionship. .\11 contestants be sure a nd post the results of all the intramural tour n"\' lllat ches on th e tou rna m ent charts on th e boa rd in the PE lock er room im m cdiatdy aftcr the ma tches have bee n completed .
00'11 you Tcnoto ,au must provide
Evergreen Court Is ~ EarlyLeader In1M ~~. G,~i
SoflbaII L00 PPlay
With clC\Tn t('ams ent cr ing' the league the intramura l soft ba ll sea son go t off to a d a rk sta rt Monday evening . But with D ay-l ight Saving Time beginni ng Sunday, thc team s shoLlld be able to ge t in the required six innin gs with time to sp a re the rest of the season. Evergree n eme rged as the ca rly kad ers thi s past wee k, b ut oth er tcams a lso rema in unde fea ted .
SOFTBALL STANDINGS Team W L Pet. EYcrgreen .___.__.__ __ . ____ ___ 2 0 1.000 3rd Fl oo r ,,_"" _______________ 1 0 J .000 Basem ent Ba ndits ._______ 1 0 1.000 D elta Hall ________ ___" ____ ,, 1 0 1.000 2n d Floor _". __ _______ """ ". 1 o 1.000 4 th Floor _. _____ " ._,,_ ""___. 1 .500 1st Floor __ " ._"". ___ .__.__ ._ 1 .500 5th Fl oor """. ____ ______ ._,,_ 0 1 .000 Eastern P a rkl::tnd ___ ._____ 0 1 .000 W es tern Pa rkla nd*______ __ 0 2 .000 Fac ulty* ____ ___________ _____ "" 0 2 .000 * Indicates two forfeits_ The Eastern P a rkla nd-2 nd Floor game which was call ed Monday eve ning bcea use of darkness will be played thi s a fternoon, Frid ay, 4:30. THIS WEEK'S RESULTS Team T_ H_ 3rd Floor _"". _" ",, ___ 044 OO,,-S S 4th Fl oor ,,_._._.__ ______ 000 000-0 3 It was 3rd Floor all th e wa y a s acc ri ght-hander Jim Benefel gave up only three hits and a llowed no runs to shut out the 4 th Floor ' nine.'
Well, at le as t th e wea th er ha~ tak en a turn for the bctter, bLlt It S for d a rn sure my golf game hasn't!
In my uSLla l ma nn er in order to fill thi s space with the u sua l ga r bage, I interviewed seve ra l stud ents again this week as to wh a t their com pla ints w ere cu rre ntly . And I came up with an age old g rip h erc at PLU, the food servi ce . T he n eve r endin g a nd snai l-pa ce lin es ha\'e a l ways g iven cause to loud gripes, b ut cu rre ntl y the food bein g se rved to our fa t little mouth s has over-sha d owed the se rvice . Students ha \,(' a lIC'.ture to g ripe about th e food aft er being p a mpered a t horne for IS -odd years before ve nturing out into the college world. But really, L asagne for brea kfa st ? R ye bread a nd eh e e topped with carrot and ra isi n sa lad ( m y favoritc) for lunch? Th e golf co urse clubhouse lun ch counter has bt'en pretty crowed a t lunch and a t SLlpper the past few weeks by stu dcnts with a n eye to a hea rty meal fo r a cha nge. The boys in cha rge of the food-funds, upsta irs, enj oy this; look a t all the money tl\(.:y' re saving on corn be ef hash a nd powdered mil k. Don't get m c wrong, thi s isn't a persona l c rusade . I haven' t ea ten in th e ca feteria for two lon g yea l' S (sa ints be praised ) . For now I have thrce little mouths of my own to fced. Aft~r compa ring m y past groc ery bills with th e food service charge and the type of food served at both COPYRIQHT
Page Thr••
es ta bl ishments it is interesting to see who is com ing out on the short end of the sti ck, a nd bi g brother it ain't
I got quit e a LlUgh about two m onth s ag o when the boa rd of re ge n ts was on campus. In th e dining area. of Chris Knutze n they wer win (' d (oops, please ex cusc) and dined in th e m os t elegant fashion with a buffet dinner, get that buffet, your ch oice ye t! While under lock a nd key in the main e.age the 700 odd students of th e "board ing fra tt'l"n ity" chowed down on WIen ers a nd mustard . The food was pretty hot and the brussel sprouts were eve n cook ed for a ch a n ge the week before sprin g va ca ti on ; guess th ey wanted to make su re tha t we all return ed to make th e fin a l insta llment on ou r tuition ... or maybe they thou ght we would tdl marna and pa pa wh a t good chow we get at th e local pub. W ell, I' ve pret ty well run th is subje ct into the g round ( wh ere it should be) so I'll quit while I'm ahead and leave you with thi s little thou ght . .. Getting tired of all those spuds, fri end, boiled a nd sometimes m ashed ; tas teless mar ga rine on gobs of bread; is your once tiny belly kind of turning into jelly . . . be tter ge t some "metracal-Iy"!
It's not natural to shrink fr om kiss ing. It it werc, most college girls would be skin a nd bones.
STELLA'S FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions 12173 PACIFIC AVE_ (Foot of Garfield)
LE, 7-0206 We Deliver
T. H_ Team Evcrgree.n __ ___ "".__ __302 L...-6 5th Floo r _._"_ .__ __ ,,. __500 0" ..-5 It was a ll tied up at fi ve-a ll in the bottom of the last inning a s Dave Savage stepped to the pla te with two m en on and no outs. It was h is two run home l- tha t d idn't even get in the record books tha t sewed it up for the "Rebs." Team T. H. Basement ____ ___ _____.__ .502 " .. ,,- 7 10 1st Floor _.____ .__ ._._,, _,,020 0.. ,,-2 3 Team T. H, 4 th Fl oor _.__________.___ 031 _" .. .-4 2 E as tern .__ ____________ __" .300 0.. ,,- 3 6
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Page Four
April 28, 1961
Track, Baseball Squads Perform for Dads' W ekend
rack, Baseba ll Here; Lui:e Relay Tea Unbeaten
Knights Boast: Strong Golf Team; Remain Undefeated
The most successful. yet possibly the least publicized ath letic team representing PL U this year is the go lf team. This team of but six members has yet to lo se a match this year, a nd boasts five victories in a row at this writing. (The golfers tackled the Seattle U. Chieftains Thursday, but too late for this issue.) In matches thus far this season the Lute golfers have handled
Pacific Lutheran 's crack mile relay team turned in their ocst petformance of the season in a losing afternoon at Western_ The Knights won six events with Western copping nine, and UPS three, John Hanson jumped 22 feet, 3 inches to capture the broad jump_ Hanson also proved his worth in the quarter jog with a 5 1.6. Da\'c Barker tied for first in the pole vault with Ron H anna, and walk ed off with the shot put behind a 47' 5YI" eff ort. Ce-ntral visits the Lute track to morrow with an unbeaten, and high Jy regarded outfit. Leading contend ers for field honors are Dick Knight, a 6-foot high jumper, and a 21-foot broad jumper. Raymond Kinnanan is their leading discus man. Pole ... aulter Ja ck Curtright has a sky ward measure of 11'6". In sprints, John Anderson should provide plen ty of competition for PLU speedsters. BASEBALL Gabrielsen's Knights tangle ~ith one of the league' s most balanced clubs, when Central's Wildcats take the diamond tomorrow at 1:00 p.lll. Defensively the team is tops, with Bill Cecil leading th e chucke-rs. Big swatters art" missing from the Wild cats but their lineup can hurt you with a balanced attack. Central split with UPS last weekend. PLU played Sea ttle U. up north earLier this week, after being rained out at UPS last weekend . TENNIS Lute fuzzballers ran into their stif fest competi tion of the season at Se attle U. Tuesday in dropping all but one doubles match. Loren Hildc brand team ed with Larry Peterso n to win a doubles 6-0, 6-2. Dale Thompson and D ick Purtzer were taken 3-6, 4-6, and Dale Thompson felt Chieftain tomahawks to the tune of 2-6, 4-6 to Girem Segura. Loren Hildebrand and Ken Gaul a lso lost the ir singles. Saturday the hard top boys visit Seattle Pacific for a return engage ment.
Ame rican Lake Veterans Hospital has adop tcd a joint program with Pacific Lutheran for training in cor rective therapy. Dr. Tho mas A. March , manager oi the hospital, and Dr. Philip E. Hauge, dean of the uni versity, a n nounced the commence men t of th e program next fa ll. Physical Education majors r.a n be come qualified as therapists throug-h completing 296 clock hours for eight sem~ster hours credit. Applicants must successfully complete 64 hours of lec ture, 153 hours of laboratory, and 75 hours of practical study. Dr. Floyd E. Scott, chief physician of the medical and rehabilitation service at the hospita l, will be in charge of the traini ng. Mark Salzman will co-ordi nate the program at PLU as Chair· man of the Department of Health and Physical Education .
SPORTS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 7:00 a.m.-Father-Son golf. 10:00 a.m.-Powder Puff game. l:OO p.m.-Base ball, PLU
2:00p.m.-Track,PLU 8:00 p.m.-Minstrel Show.
2:00 p.m.-Golf, PLU UPS TUESDAY 2:00 p.m.-Te n n i s, PLU
Ron Coltom
American Lake Program Opens
vs. Warren Lee
LU RINGS Custom Ma de to Your Stone, Engraving a nd Size
on Soine
Extension 79
Jim Boeshans
Waterworth Is Top Baseballer Aftcr W ednesday's double·header split with Seattle U., leaving the Lutes with a season record of 4-+, PLU moves into Dad's Day Week end with Central to try and move over the .500 mark. Fine pitching has proved to be the PLU forte thus far, as can be recog nized in the statistics. Southpaw Ken Larsen leads th e mound corps with a 2-0 record and a 1.86 earned run average. The starters, Larsen, Jack Cocchi, and Larry Paulson, have worked a total of 43 innings, striking out 42 batters in that time. Don Keppler's 1.75 e.r.a. ancl Ron Col tom's 1-0 record are indications of their solid support to th e five man staff. Frank Waterworth continues to lead the hitters in most departments with a .333 batting average, 2 7 times at bat, 9 hits and 5 runs batted in. J erry Curtis also boasts a respec table .'33, and Stan Frederickson, .455, alld Bob Brodhun, .100, have carried big bats although making only lim ited appearances. Waterworth, AI Blomquist and Gary Vestal dominate the slugging departmen t with 11.9 and 13 total bas e s respectively. Blomquist's .520 slugging pet., in cluding a double, triple and a home run, leads Vestal who possesses a .429 and the only other Lute circuit clout. Vestal and Curtis each have four base thefts and Blomquist add ing six tallies to pace those cate· gories. Despite a mediocre oatting avera pc, Danny Gudal is ti ed with Waterworth with the most times sue· cessfully reaching base at twelve. Infielders Blomquist, Frederickson, Gudal and Vestal havc allowed only fi ve errors in numerous chances, joining with outfielders W a terw orth, Curtis and Tekrony, plus stalwart catcher Lars Johnson, to give the Lut es a sound defens e.
RON COLTOM talks over pitching stra tegy with Baseball Coach Gabrielsen.
For the past three years Ron Col tom has been packing a gerat deal of the pitching load fa the Lutes. Ron is a left-handed pitcher who oft e n baffled the opposing batter with his great varie ty of pitches. R on also proved to be a great asse t to this year's Knight football squad. Ron played left half and often came up with the big play. Ron is an edu c<,tion major and is now doing his student teaching.
Seattle Pacific 10·5, Lewis and C lark 9-6, Wes tern 11·4, UPS lO Y" ·i Y" and Fort L ewis 9Y1 -8 Y1. The scoring method is match play (by holes, not strokes), with one point given fol' each nine holes and one point for the tota l eighteen holes. Half points arc given for ti es . If each team plays fiv e.: men, the total points will be 15; if six, 18. Last year the golfers captured the Evergreen Confe rence and KAlA District c rowns. R eturnin g from tha t squacl a re Erv Marlowe, Jr. , a nd Dave Evans. Marlowe, who has held th e number one position for two years previously, is team low scorer thus far this year a lso_ Evans, con ference and NAIA District cham pion last year, holds the second posi tion in total strokes to date. The third r eturnee from last year, who did not play on the confercnce meet team, is senior Dave Haaland. Three freshm en complete th e roster of six: George McCune, Bruce Borrud, an d Ed Davis . Slated for the rema inder of the season are two matches with Sea ttl e U., return matches with UPS, Se attle Pacific, Fort L ewis, and Wt:S t ern. In add i t ion the conferenc e match wiil be played May 19 nd 20 at Central Washington CoIle.: ~e at EIIensburg.
~; FROM rilE BF,vcll
~ ~)"
Things go t back to normal for the basebaIl team when their last two games were rained out. Too bad we don't have some of the good old C:lli fornia sunshinc that we poor Washingtonians arc forced to hear about . . . Ed, the voice, Davis r ecen tly eaglcd the 7th hole on our coIlege golf course in a match against UPS. Ed drove about 100 feet from the hole and then executed a beautiful chip shot that gave him his cagle ... Behind Jo Corey's 545 seri es, hl'r team took ove r th e lead from Fey' s Mad Three, who were th e victims of Corey's hot streak . . . Coach Doug McClary has his teams weIl prepared for tomorrow's powder puff game that is to be one of th e h igh lights of Dad's Weekend and the Saga Carnival . . . Mark Anderson turned in the- best indiv idual effort of thc day against Wes tern Washing ton last week at BeIlingham _ Mark won the two·mile even t in good time of 10 minutes and 20 seconds and had to fight off a stretch drive by the Vikings' top distance man in ord~r to win the event ... Next time you ge t a chance to watch the Kni gh t basebaIl tea m in action pay special a ttenti on to a third baseman named Gary Vestal. The way Gary plays basebaIl makes it look as if anyone is capable of playing the game ... Lookin g a head to next year's footbaIl season we see that the Kni gh ts will be missing some of this year's stalwa rts. J ohn Aune, Ron Ratliff, and Ken Knutson have all dropped out of school and won' t be around to help out next year ... John Mad es and Doug McClary arc to bc nex t year's footbaIl co-captains. This job requires that they keep both the physical and men tal fitn ess of players high ... With only a IittIe over a month of school left I am sUl'e many students are anti<.:l pa ting the warm sunny days on the beach-without any worries about books or studies. Nice thought, huh? -- Mike l l acdonald .
Marv Tommervik's
JOHNSONIS DRUG (All Students' Needs)
Daily, 9 a .m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 Sun.
Completo Ca mera Department
PHONE LE. 7-7100
LAU INAyeSapparel
We Outfit Coeds
3505 South Tacoma Way
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
406 Garfield
M --~~-~-/1I.-b--~)-A-S: D.~ -T ...0
Al l DAY, MAY 5, 1961 -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Carradine A rrives; ~a
in 'Heiress'
With the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. John Carradine on cam. pus last Monday, IThea~a~ en~red their final s~g~ for the Speech Department's spring production of "The Heiress." by Ruch and Augusta Goetz. Three performances arc scheduled for the evenings of May 11, 12, 13 at 8:30 p.m. in the CMS.
This wcek will be filled with five regular chapd programs after such a short preceding week. l\I onday: A spccial musical program is b e ing' planned to start off the week. Tuesday: Student body chapel day. Wed n esday: Dr. Eastvold will ad dress the studcnt body. Thursday: Pastor Eugene V. Stime , Dean of the Lutheran Bible Insti tute, will speak. Pastor Stime is the father of Nate and Randy Stime, both PLU students. Friday: National Hospital Day, The chapel program will be presented by members of the nursing pro gram here at PL U. They will be headed by Mrs. Morken.
National Travel Expert Here Thursday;
PresentsProgram To Women Students
Carol Lane, considered the most widely traveled woman in the nation, will address the Associated Women Smdents of Pa cific Lutheran University here Thursday, May 11. Miss Lane, who as women's travel direcror of Shell Oil C ompany, i~ con~L" I1ll y ~l::alching for helpful vacalion hin ts for the American family, will discllss "Adventures a la Car." Th e talk will be given at Pacific Luthera n University at 7:30 p.m., according to President i\1arie Peters. Miss Lane announces t hat her topic rl'fe rs to the many pleasures and com'enienct's now available to th t: American motoring family crrt ba rk w .s on a typical week-end or two-week vacation. Her talk will in clude suggestions on travel budget in g, To u r et t c Vacations, how to trawl wit h children, and family ealTIping. (irw feature of her prescntation
that has been the highlight for many previous audiences is a short bag packing demonstration during which a :!6-inch suitcase is used for pack ing a complete two-week wardrobe. Miss Lane, in addition to appl~ar ing before \V0I11t'n's groups, has \vrit ten numerous booklets on touring and has appeared on hundreds of TV programs. Sh e has often been de.scribed by club women as "Amer ica's First Lady of Touring."
PlU Band Gives Spring Concert;
Spanish Numbers Will BePresented
of the PLu Concert Band invite- the public to attend their c omplimcntary spring concert to be PII'gl!l'\ ted tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. in th ,· eM S. Han d Director, Prof"ssor Gordon ( J. Gi lb e rtson, will open his program with ('xc rpts from Robert Russel Bc nrw tt 's " S ymphonic Son g s for
R illa ." A ha included
the program will
bt> "Mannin Veen," a tone poem based on :Manx folk tunes and writ ten by Haydn Wood. A group of Spanish rhythm pieces will include "Andalucia,' by Le .. cuona; "C a rib b can Fantasy," by Morrison, and "Bolero," by Verdi. "Onward," by Luthold, and "Ju bilee," by Kenny, will bt" iIll'luded in a group of marches that will cul lllinat e the performance.
,61 enior Class PresentsAnnual Gift
by Paul Aasen A fountain for th e courtyard of th e Tacoma-Pierce Administration Buildill';' is the> gift that the graduat in ti d::1SS of 1961 has d e cid ed on for th l "Cmve rs tLy. T h is is the g ift chos '- n by Iht' majority of the Seniors lUI uf m a ny possibilities presented to them by:.l co m m i ttt:" who wo rk ed 'Jll t ho: Pl·Oj('ct. ~-.1ow tha t th e: Vift has becn chosen nd nc: ~(,ptcd by th e University, each m ember of the Senior Class will b e conta cted so that he or she will have
tht: opportunity to pledge towards financing this gift. This is not com pulsory, but rather a free will offer ing, and is entirely an individual matter. The pledges [,.em h e pa id in any manner the stude nt desires, and this year the class is asking each of its membns t o have their complete gift paid by J a nua ry 1, 196 2. Pro f", so t George Roskos will de ~ i g ll t he fountain, and the class is ai m ing for a goal of $6,000 so a beautiful foun tain can be constructed.
Festival Tonight At
8: 0in PLU Gym
Fifty-three pa.rtieipants will pre sent folk dances representing Ger many', the Philippines, Poland, Ar gentina, G r e e c t', Czechoslovakia , Austria, England, and America dur ing the May Festi"al program to night at 8 p.m. in the gymnasium. A. W. Ramstad will crown Kath ryn Knutson as Queen Katherine II to re ign OV t T the F 5t1 \":'11. She is the first queen in 28 ) ':'ars to take the name of a previous queen. Princesses Suzie Olson and Marie P eters will attend the queen. Special musical sdections will be given by the 1\ ordic T'rio, consisting of Henry Flack, Philip Randoy, and Bob Williams. Serena Hopp will sing "ocal solos. Several small instrumental groups will accompany SOlIlC of the folk dances. The Gnman Band, Coralie Balch, J u lie Drinkard, Bob Ellis, Karl Payne and Ed Walters, will ac company the GlTll1an dances, with D ennis Knutson, Bill Batterman and Bob Williams playing for the Filipino dances. Music for this group was ar ranged by Gordon O. Gilbertson.
AWS A wards Prog ram To Be
Held Monda y Monday eve ning at 7:30 p.m. 1Il the CMS will be the scene of the annual A \VS awards program. The !leW officers of A WS will b e installed by a call1ilelight insta lla tion. :\notiln major nTnt that will oc cur at the p r ogT31l1 will be the tap ping' of !l['xt year's Spurs. The Spurs are selected on the basis of scholastic achievcment which requires them to have a 2.5 GPA at the semester. The y must also be acti,"e in univer sity activiti,'s and be of st rong' moral character. Alon~ with th e t8 ppin g of the Spurs will he- till" ol nnOUnCen1t'nt of T a :;se ls for the 1961-62 school year. The A WS will also present three scholarships amounting to $125.00 each. 1{any other scholarships and awards will also be made.
Mr, Carradine. in the role of Dr. Sloper, heads a cast of eight students under the direction of Stan l'nough"" In his discuss~on of the story, he emphasizes: "Dr. Slop~r is
ley El b erson, of the Speech Department faculty. The student body became acquainted with Mr. Carradinc through his excellent program of in terpretative reading on the Artist Sni,'s P!'O~TDm of I" ".t T" c':;day night. He has been well known for Illany years for his distinguished Shake spearean work, his vast motion pic ture experience and for his frequent appearance on television. For these rcasons he is no strangcr to people of this area. Produced by T. U. H. Karl, Chair man of the Department of Specch, "The Heir(~ss" promises to be one of the finest productions seen on cam pus for some tilllc. U nc!er the able desi g ner-technician, Eric :\ordholm, dozens of students will be involved in the tcchnical a spe cts of the play. The p lay is se t in the prc-Ci"i! War era in :\t·w York city. and is adapted for the stage from the work by Hen I' y Jam t's, "Washington Sqnarc." The major element in the story is the relationship between the father (Carradine) and the daugh ter (Myra Gill). It is the emotional ('ntangICI11t'Ilts of t his young girl which gi"es the play its dramatic appeal. T h t· r ,., is a wry clefinite moral involved in th e complex weavc of characterization and dialogue, and Clifton Fadiman pin-points t his IIloral as being "to ht' right is not
"right".; he is right about the char <lcttT of Townsend, h e is right about his own character, he is right about I. h (' character of Catherin c (t he daughter). But because he can offer only th" insufficient truths of irony whlTl' the sufficient truth of lov(' is tTquired, h~ partly ruins his daugh t("]"s lift', and li,"es out his own in spiritual po\"<Tty. Catherine, how en:'!', Jnerl'ly because she is good~ b e ca use the principle of Im'c work s in ht ·!'. achiev es in the end a (;('rtain stoir dig'nity ~nd caIrn."' The tenSf drama has a definite moral to imporL and provocatively forces the ,·iewer to consider ccrtain questions of right and wrong in voked in tht' play. Because of its dramatic appeal, and its basic chal lenge to think, it is a play which should be appr-aling to any PLU stu dcnt. Due to the hea,'y attendance ex pected from the surrounding area, it is recommended that students and faculty purchase their tickets during the prc-sa k hours in the CUB. There is no guarantec of tickets the n ish t of the p e rformanc e , so purchase as "ady as pO$~ iblc is Ill'c !:~sar y. Ti (]<cts will be on sale during luncl an d dinncI all wn·k.
~ . TO THE ~ PD/NT.
The American Chemical Society will h old a banquet Wed n 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in the Chris Knutzen F ell owship Hail.
day from
South Hall wi ll hold t.heir an nual sp ri n g: tolo tom orrow from 1:30 p.m. to 10:3CJ p.llI. a t Dockton Park on V ash on l~ land. Tomorrow n ight 's campus movie w ill be "13 R u e l\i adelaim ," starring J;nnes Cagney. The first showing 'will be at 6:30 p .m. in the Jacob Samuel son Chapel. Also featured will be two cartoons: "Mr. :Ma g oo" and the "Three Stooges."
Page Two
Friday, May 5,1961
Peace Corp Needs Sup ort
Rcc" ntly there has been a good deal of controversy- pro and con-con l'cming President K en nedy's Peace Corps. Some have expressed doubts as to the need for such a group of trained Ame rican youth in foreign countries. They contend that the proposed amount uf finances and personnel that the plan will provide is infinitely less than t hat already utilized by church mission bodies, who they fed basically offer th e same se rvices. In maIlY cases this is true as the y do providc not only spi r itual, but medi ca l, llIeehanical and agricul tura l aids; nor ca n it be de n il" d tha t funds expt: nded by th e P eace orps will be very little indeed in ~ omparison to those used by th combined ehurch-sponsored miss ion pro g ram. Yet, the Corps has an aspect missing in other ventures for th"y arc 110t hilldcred from helping and establishing good r elationships with othcr peo ple who reject religious motivated a id. Thus othe rs of di£fe rent cu ltural b 'c kgroullds cm be approached on a more a nd op e n fr cc grounds by the C orps, without tryin,,' to chan s;c their reliQ·ion. We can't Christianize the (' m ire world today, but we can attain a better ,phc-re of understanding through a non-religious a pproach which would certainly not run into as n ln n problt 'ms of p njudic ~ as a church-sponsored one. The Peace Corps is an LXperiment just now, and it will t<lke some time b. fore we would be able to sce any concrete resul ts of its effec tiveness, bu t W ( lllust giVl' it a cha nc e.. Perha ps it will only turn out to bc another fruit 1'ss ;tl tr'mpt by man to ga in mo re secure and peaceful relat ionships between n a ti ons. Timc- will be it , test. It will n ..cd and dest' l've our suppor just as 0" r church mi ssion pro grams do. L t' no t sacrifice a c hall ce for peace be C:>' I>S C of doctrinal narrow-mind ed ideas. Won't you give the Corps a chan ce? Ann Haggart, editor
Dear Edit or :
The sig-ht of onc soppin g we t mattress and onc burnt-up broom, lyin g th e rain bctwct: n the gi rls' dormitories , prompts me to write this letter. It surely is a shallle when fun turns into destruction because a that point it ceases to be funny. ''\Ie are supposed to be grown up, responsible univer sity students, the future kaders of our society, and ye t, I am disturbed by the fact that theSt· future kaders cannot tak e care of some of the sma ll er iU'ms of responsibility. If the future leaders cannot be responsibl with small thin gs. how can they be entrusted with greater things? Now is the time for us to start carrying the ball of n:sponsibility. Yes, I know, it bcgins with mc. Will you hdp me? - John E. Anderson III
An A fternoon with Carradine After jo ining many others in " An Evening with John Carradinc" last Tuesday, I was able the following day to spend an afternoon with not only :M r. Carradine, but his charming wife. Mr. Carradine ha.d very definite and astute views on not only the thea te r and drama, but education. "To me acting is a literary profession ," was hc::w he expressed his viewpoint concerning a lib<:ral ar ts education . He added that "There is no be tter training for an a c tor than a course in liberal a rts becausr a n actor sho uld be a well-rounded, full man. " He added that not only ar ' courses in th" humanities valuable to a n aspiri ng dramat ist but 0 anyo ll e as training for bring a better mcmber of the audience a nd listener. Fu r ther he said, "I deplorc Ollr age of specialization with its new emphasis on scie nce cou nt's that is born of kar- [ea r of the Russians. Accordin g to 1<[r. Ca n 'adine, professiona l drama sch ools, with few t!. ' cl'ptions such as the P asadena Play House, leavp- a good dea l to be desired. Ofte n the y are run b y people who were unsu ccessful in the thea ter and aT now attempting to traill actors and actresses th emselves. Also , in the profc ~io nnl s<..hool there is the clanger tha t the audien ce is a lm ost a lways friendly aud un critica l, whl'reas an acto r gains much morc from a paying g roup who would te nd to be more critical. Hnt', too, in the legitimate theatt r he would b, :tfforded the opportunity of working' with professional actors und e r pro fessiona l conditions, and no othcr training can ~ ubstitut e for thi s valuable . periencc. Although he fee ls there is no substitute for live theater, li e TV is much better tra ining than motion pictures. M r. Carradine has done a great deal of Shakespeare and h e believes that i can be a valuable experience for collegiate actors and actresses in learning tech niques, especially if a professional actor is brought into he production. In the area of t h e classics he expressed t he view that t he curren t ~rend "pecially on TV toward underplaying e.a nnot be effective in Shakespeare without los ing the vital ingredient of the h eroic touch whi ch is essen ti al. Wh ereas in t he staging of th e classi cs ovcrplaying used to be done by "ham" actors, today this same type of person is doin g underplaying which is per haps eve n worse. Mr. C arradine h a just completed a sill: months tour with " JB " cover lUg 34 states, 81 cit ~ s and Ca nad a, maki ng mainly one ni ght stands with longer runs in Sa n Francisco and Los An geles. Traveling with he r husba nd a nd the t roupe, 1<lr5. Can'adinc acted as wardrobe mistrcss, m a ke-up super vi~or and general "Girl F r iday." h e travels with h er husband when he is or. the road, sharing all the ha rdships and conditions tha t such tra vel e n ta ils. Ye t she finds the touri ng e njoyable an d interesting, a lways ma king a n effort to participate in various activities of the towns thcy play . There was perha ps on ly the hint of wistfulness when she said tha t today was h er b irth day and she ha d to be separated from th eir five SOilS, who are at home in Los Angeles and the ir two othe r sons who are working t hcre. T he ti me of the interview p assed qui ck ly and both Mr. a nd Mrs. Carra dine wert: espec ially friendly, interestin g and in tdli gr nt. I' ve hea rd of the e C (' ~l tricity and unfriendliness of members of th dramatic field and this c er t ainly is not tru e of th ese Lwo persons, who we re vcry easy to talk to a nd comp letely human. I, along with many oth ers, I'm sure, a m look ing fOl wnrd with great expectation to seeing Mr. Canadine appear in "Th e JI ~ i n' ss , " whieh will open next w eekend. - Ann Hag prt
About Welfare
by Gordon Gray We have all heard of the infla tionary spiral w h i c h the United Statl's has been in ever since World ''\Iar II. Last year in an economic report to the nation, former pres i dent Eiscnhower said that the major cause of this inflation has been thc government operating its budget 011 a deficit basis, or in the red. And onc of th e r('sult~ of this position is th a t wages and prices keep rising. Inst<:ad of a. m n", m. kin g $2.00 an hour a nd payin g 20 ccnts for a loaf of brc:ad, he now is forced to make $3.00 an hour and hc is payi ng about 32 ce nts for a loa f of brea cl. Thus relatively eve rything stays the same - exc ept for one group of people; those who are on wclfare. These p eo ple , who are on a fixcd income, arc having to p a y h ig he r prices a nd they are not ge tting a n increase in inconlc to keep up wi t h the increa.!w in pri ces. The pa radox is, that these arc th e people for whom this welfare is being spent. W c pay taxes to give th e s c people: money- for an eco nomic farc e. 'Ve arc paying more t axes and th c,c p .op lt are no bet te r off- in the long run they arc reall y in a fa r worse position. America is faced with an infer iority complex- one which is signi fied by our lack of confidence in our selves. Am ericans, in general, believe that someone else is going to have to t a ke care of them, and in turn they will gladly help other people. The irony is, however, that instead of helping ourselves we are all too ready to g-ive ge nerousl y, to take care of some poor soul who is d own and o ut, so that some day, if we are ever in tha t predicament, someo ne will take it upon himself to help us. O ne result of this reasoning has a lready bee n sho wn . ~ow think of a ll the money we could save if wc did no t have to pay taxes for wel far e, but money whi ch we couid spend on ou rselves when normally w e would be down and out. And whe n w e consider all the money which could be saved in bureau cratic expenses which would be eliminated, we fi nd that each and ev er y Ameri can citizen would be a I' better off. K eeping in mind the n, the people on fix ed incomes who are harmed by this in fl a tionary policy-the sam e
people that sh ou ld be hc.lped by wel far e, but who a rc not- a nd the tax paye rs- you a nd I-who spcnd our h a rd earned mOllCY on this economic fare ,. W t; th en can rcason that this so-called American libera lism- wel fa re statism- is a det c rrant to the building of a st rong America and to the security of th e ci ti zens wh o arc for ced to put up with thi s obviously fault y policy. Since th ese w ca knesses arc inherent within welfare, let us abandon this poli<:y which makes our hands feeble a lld our kn ees as weak as wa te r. T h e time h as corne that we choose a policy which enables us to regain our confidcn ce; one whi ch docs not weaken Ame rica, but which strcn g the ns Ollr country. This we can ha\T if w e abandon welfarc statism.
Actor Appears; Grips Audience Tue day evening the C MS was the 'e ttin g fo r the perform ance of a be in g often n ll.'sin g' in modern d l'a rna - an actor. M r . J 0 h n arra din c, standing on " dar ken c d stage, gripped and held hi. a udi e nc e af t~ r first opc ning the program w ith o1n extremely dfec tive passage from I COL 13. He gave readin gs fr om hra ham Lin coln, " A li ce in W onderland" a nd oth er selections, but pe rhaps most noteworthy were his rendi tions of S hakespeare. Add ing a sardoni ca lly humorou s note to th e bill were some poems of R upert Brooke, a nd a com position of Mr. Ca nadine' s which made , I pun on Poc' s "Thl R aven" b y addin g- an extra ta nza. Ri eh strain" of M r. Carra di nc's sonorous voiee fill ed the a udi to num
ASPLU Officers
The newly-elected student body offio' rs and some of the old office:rs went to L' PS for the annual Spring ConftTenee of the Evcrgrt 'c n Con fere nce' Student Association. Student body officns from all the schools III our confercnce sen t delega tes to makt· up a group of about 50. Seminars on pertinent problems sue h as stu dcnt apathy, gcnrTal plenary sessions, and .g 00 d m eals w tre a iFw of the nota ble highlights of th e weekend. j -c. I fall PL U w ill host a s irnila r convention. A bill whieh h", been pre ~<'n tcd to Senator M agnuson ( Senatt: Bill " TO. 5'17 ) particularly intc rC'stcd us . It; C ~St ' nee is that 1)arCnls or stude nts should be l xem p t fro m pay in g tax('S on monC'y spent in lIi <;'her edu cat ion. It wa, further reso lvl' d that we brin g this informat io n back to our cam puses fo )' furth r.,. e va lua tion. Th e Ev(' r g-n -en ConfC! c\1C" W ill do all possible to brin g it, wei g ht to bear 011 the passin g' of this bill, hut the influence of hundreds of in terested studcnb represe nting many states could g r"atly enhance the cha nct's of dfcctivc legislation 011 th e bil l. It if, ther efore recommended t hat you consider this matter carefully, as it could mean many pennies in YOUR pocket, and school cntainly isn't going to get c heaper. The new officers of the ASPLU will he taking over their duties this Tuesday. W e will be h avin g commit te c sign-ups soon to begin planning fo what can be a more effective stu d en t governmcnt next year. Y o ur su ggestiolls, criti cisms and enthu s iasm a rc welcOllIe for they will be our g uid e for sr'n ,ing yo u . Sandy Tynes, ASPLU Sec'y. l'\;l!l lC of all officers of clubs 'lIld organizations on campU5 m u t be turned in to the Student Body office before the end of the se mester. All group are a lso re quired to turn in a co p y of t h eir ·.on$tilution to the St u.dcnt .Body office by May 15 or lose their sta Ius as an oq;:a n izatiOD, Any that fail t l) do th is wiU b ' compelled t o pefition next yea r's C ou n .iI t o regai n th eir statu . .
unhampered or changc d by th e usc of a lllicophone for h e is .m e of thL few ac tors wh o has d eveloped the ran ' vocal quality th a t can project to la rge audiences without the u sc of lllechani cal aids; e t, still reta in ing its warmly drama tic appeal. Til l' en tll usia , m and cla p p lll lt of the aud ience w ere eviden c en ough of th e success of his prest:n tat ion. Anvone w h o atte nded will sllretv not miss Mr. a rradine when he a ppears once again on the CM sta.ge star ring in "The H eiress," wh ich o pens on Thursday evening. The grt'a tn some thin g is the less onC' ne('d s to say Il bnu t it. G reatn ess is its own judge and c riti c. Wit h thi, in m ind one word could sum up Mr. Carrad ine's performanc e of the other eve ning-s uperb.
E ditor _______ .___ .__ .__ .. __ .. . ___ .. __ ... __ .__ .._.. __ .. ..______ ... ____ .... __ .... __ .... __ .. ________ .._Ann H :tggart
N ews Edi tor. _____ ._.__ .__ ... ______ .. ____ . .. ____ .... ______ .. ....... __ .. ________ ... ____ ________Alice W enn ess
F .a tU ),f E di lor ______ .. ___ .__ .___ .. ____ ._____________________________________________ ..________R uth Wal ker Spor t · E ditvr.______ .________________________ .____ _ .. .. _____________________ ._________ M tke l\hcDonnld Intramurals Edi tOL ____ __ .____ .. ____________________ ___ .__.... .. ___________________Gordon Gradwohl Bus.i nc s Man a geL _________ .____ .______•. .. ______________ ._______________.. ______________Doug J ohnsun AdvisoT_______ _____________.. __________________.. _____ ... ___ ______ ... _. _ ____________ _________1v[ T. Milt esvig Photog raphe r . ____ ______ .________ .... _________________________ .. _ ... ________ ________ McK ewen Stud io Advcl·tisillg M a nagerS-. _______________ .. _________Donna V an G ilder, Eleanor Bousfield
r=====, Friday, May 5, 1961
Intramural Sports
Individual Tourneys Into Final Matches BA DMINTON: In tht: last semi-final match La rs Johnson, Delta Hall, meets L ~rry Flamoe, Eas tern. The winner of this match will meet Gary Kieland, E\ t'f ' tTen, for th e ch ampio nship.
.H R. ESHO ES: For the championship Duane Mesk e pitches a ga inst 3rd I:' loOl'" s Bruce Nun~s. In the co nsolation round for 3rd a nd 4th place, West I rn" orm D a hl plays Delta's J ack Meyers.
G LF: Eric Lindholm, defendin g ch ampion, will play the w inner of the M at I Ernst-Ron Sle tta ma tch next week for the titlc. The loser of this match will ta ke on R on Hann a for 3rd and 4 th pla ces. This yea r'Ji 1M £\0\£ tou r 11 ("\' I'at e~ amonf!; the best in m edal play, participation, and the tight ma tch es. In b SI week's play Matt Ernst edged Gordon Gradwohl 76-77 and E ric Lindholm squ ea ked past Ron Hanna, 82-83 . TEl\"XIS SINGLES: In th e semi-fina l m a tches Ed Davis plays H arold l'c ter son and Dave Bowers ta kes on the winner of the Lars Johnson-Dou g McClary m atch. TEXXIS DOUBLES: Everg ree n's team of Roger Rcep-Ken Ruud will pia fo r the title against the winner of the La rs Johnson-J erry Curtis s. Jon Malmin-L P ed erson match. The loser of this match will play the team of S pinney-Pete rson for 3rd and 4th places.
Sixth Avenue at Orchard
"Your Luthera n Mutual A gent"
P. O. Box 2275, Parkla nd 44, Washington-LEnox 1-0826
516 Garfi eld
LE. 7-5559
(Across from Old Ma in)
We're Only 113th in Size* But
Our Selector Policy
Is Rate d No. 1
According to a recent independent com parative study of life insurance policies Lutheran Mutual's Selector Policy tops the $10,000 ordinary life class in aver age payment and average cost. Top-flight competitive policies like the Selector are one of the reasons our representatives enjoy working for Lutheran Mutual. One of the very lowest lapse ratios in the entire in dustry attests to the fact that our select clientele are sold on Lutheran Mutual too!
FourTeamsRemain Unbeaten inEar y
1M Softball Games
The rain-interrupted softball sea son has prog ressed two weeks with few ~amcs bein g played. All those "ames called because of rain or dal"k ne will b,· resch eduled. Th e Fac uity " nine" has been droppcd from lea gue play becaus,; of forf eits. SOF T BALL STANDINGS Team W E\Trgreen Court .. .. ___ .__ 3
P ct.
1. 000
3rd Floor, H ars tad .. ____ 3
Basement, Ha rs tad ....._2
2nd Fl oo r, Harstacl __ _... 2
·J.t h Floor, Harstad _. __ .. 2 15t Floor, H ars tad .. ____2 Eastern Parkl a nd . _______ 2
* In.s.urance in
FOl'ce January 1. 1960
Waverly. Iowa
.666 .500
5th Floor, Harstad .. _... 1 We, tern Parkla nd ____... _1
. 333
Faculty* __.. _________ ._____ __.0
*Droppcd from league. Weeks R esults Team T. Eastern _.. ___ .__ ___ 100 1080-19
5th Floo .__ _._. ___ 002
00 1-
Hits for Eastern were: Flamoe 2, Pederson 1, L erch 2, Alba n 2, Lati mer 2, Gradwohl 2. Hits for 5th Floor w c r e: Jerry Popp en 2 ( home-run), and Monson 1 ( d ouble ) . Team T. H . 3rd Floor ...... _._. ____ 146 300--14 15 5th Floor .. _.._. _______ 102 041- 8 6 Hitting for 3rd we r e: Sund 3, Skurda1l4, Bendel 1, Nunes 2, Matt son 2, Jensen 1, Eno 2. Hittin g for 5th were: Brewick 1, Pop pen 1, P nTY 2 ( home-r n) , Erickson 1, Wilson 1.
~~. G'~~~
Overheard a clever little story a while back that I thought I co uld pass On h ere. Seems in a Lutheran parsonage a few years back many of th e eong n::gation met to draw up a n t' w chur ch constitution. Havin g nearly completed th eir work except for a few detai ls, and the hour being late, one las t clause eam · up for a vo te. This clause to be includ ed in th e new constitution would give the congregation the power to dism iss a past or for just cause. Just before th e vote W a! to be tak en a n elderly gen tleman, himse lf a retir ed pas tor,
Page Th r••
calIl<" to the floor with a heated and long ,<nduring objection whi ch ended with th e h ea rt-rendering statement, " I'm only sure in my h ea rt that if th e devil himself were here a t this m ee ting he would vote yes for this d eceitful proposal." At this point a quiet, well-reserved gentleman stood, looked a t the retired minist er with a sly grin and came out with the fol lowing unexpec ted clincher: " First of all I hope that the d ev il is not presen t here t his la te evening, and sh ould h e be, h e is not a confi r med member of this con g n 'ga tion and his vote cou ld not be counted !" Con ce rnin g the food se rvice: Yes, used to ta ke two or th r e extra d c' 'e n s-my room-mate kept a p e t ca na ry, also in a c ge !
Intramural Track Championships To Be
eld Wednesday, Thursday, May 10..11
Th e a nnual intramu ral T rae k Championships run in co njunction with the na tion-wide track an d field project will be held on lowe r cam pus t his comin g Wednesd ay and Thur,day. Starting time for the four teen evc nts will be 3:30 p.m. each aft c.rnoon. The qualifying events will be run on Wednesday with the finals on Thursday afternoon. Th ese events will be scheduled regardless of the weath er conditions. EXISTING 1M RE COltDS 100 yd. dash-:1O.3; Fra nk Olson, 1952. 220 yd. dash-:23.4; Jim Bricker, '54 4 40 y dd run-:55.5; Oystcin Gaas holt, 1960. 880 yd. run-2:0S.6; Lowell Shel dahl, 1957. Mile run-4:14.6; Johnson, 1960.
120 yd. lo w hurdlcs-:14.6; Ron Col tom, 1960 . Shotput-39'SYo"; Die k Goodwin, 195 7 . Football throw - 181'4Y2"; Donald Chesterfield, 1953. High jump--5'914"; R on Jorgenson, 1956. Broad jump--20'6"; Dale Schimke, 1954. Discus-lOS'S"; Bill Brooks, 1960. Javclin-136'9"; Lou Blaes i, 1960. Pole ,'aulc--8'7"; Bob Gross, 1960_ S80 yd. relay - 1 :40.5; 2nd Floor, Harstad, 1958. (Geo. Doeb ler, Bob
Roller, G. Schaumberg, and F.
'Watenvorth) .
Certificates will be a warded to the
first fiv e place winners in each evcnt. Entrants may only compete in four events at th e maximum. The use of tJ<ack and field equipment is permis sible to all participan ts.
TM day 'YOU know
District Standings you must provide Thro gh Volleyball
Th e following aTe th e compl -te district point totals th rough volley ball ( not includin g sc,ftball or indi vidual tournaments) . 3rd Floor, Har sta d, commands a 150 point lead over Evergree n C ourt, while Eastern is sli ghtly behind in third position. 3rd F loo r, Harstad _.___ ._. __ ._._____ 1173.0 Evergreen Court ___ .________... ._.. _101 9 .0 Eastern P arkland .________ .____ .__ ... 9S7.5 Western Parkland .__ .______________ 901.0 Basement, Harstad _.._.. _____ ____ 739.0 4th Floor, Harstad _.. __..•____. ___ 612.5 Faculty __... _.. ___ . ._. ___ ._._.... ... _ . __. 526.5 2nd Floor, H a rstad ___ .____.... _.. _ 216.0 1st Floor, Harstad __._.___ ._.. _._ 215.0 Delta H" II .__ ..... _. _._.. ________ .___ ._. __ 205.0
STELLA IS FLOWERS Flowers f o r All Occa si o ns 121 73 PAC IF IC AVE. (Foot of Garfl.ld)
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• 11 you die nt 65, your beneficiary ge ts $ 6,760-yolll' total investment is only $7,097. • L theran Brotherhood aye all premiums if y ou are t otally disabled before 60. All t his and morlJ for an invest ment of just $16 .30 a year •.• about 44¢ a day. Y ou pay more than. this for lunch. Right now, t hink about your future .-:~ the future of those who ill d epen on yo u. Call your L u theran Bro th er h o o d cam pus representative and join the thousands f Lutherans who enjoy security and peace of min d in the bond of Lu theran Brotherhood. ·Baoea on all' .1 and on ....,.,.<tIIt di..w..ui I.a flOe I1'I4Nntud.
Nt., ",J.lch
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PkaH fW"ni'lh 1M: o details about Lutheran Brotherhood uri Insu rlna. frea repfoducUon of Martin Lulh81 window
Page Four
Friday, May 5, 1961
ewe Tracksters Too Much;
Dia ondmen t o Travel;
Cinderme Meet Here
Beat: Lut:es in Recent: Meet:
Western Wasbington plays host to the Knights in Belling h:-lTI tomorrow in the s<:ason's most important series. Western led the western division standings as of Thursday, with a 3-1 record. Second place UPS, 1-1. met the Lutes (0-2) on the dia mond yesterday. oach Gabrielsen sa id his club is in its best condition of the , ('aso n, a nd ha, becn playinc, smart dden.i\·, hall of la f" . He rates tht· p 'nna n [ chase .' wide open a ffa ir, \ ith P L l.· in the thick of it if the p i tchi.Jl ~ h n Ids up. ,ahricl. .. n i ~ ba£lkill " nn ltcc id ng- b ~ l alll' rd h it t inl\' fro m ' ta n Fl edrickson. 3 · :) agui nst Sea t tl t L ni\ er ity, and .It rry ·:l.lfli s, .f> wel l a, Al Blomquist a nd }' I' a n It \\ aterworth . R ooklc Bob Bodhu n will fill IU th e hot CllllW l' i r field Ilip bound Gary Vestal. \Ve stern boasts the lea ' ue's most prod uc ti\ e r un prociueinl! thumpe r, Edwa rds, with a ..123 awragc. The \,iki ng hurling coq.!' is composed of Foslut'k ( l -O), R ingcnbac h ( I-::! ), S hu l z (_ -2 ) , and W ilson (I-I) . Th ese fou r ha \'C yielded only 2.77 {'arn d runs a "arne. Weste rn took the L utes for a pair of one run wins here !CarE!'!' this scason. T R A :K: St. M artin's promised relief tomor
row a f te r a torrid week end in sog ltglli n t Central's Wildcats. J 0 h n Ham o n remained undefeated king of the qu~rtcr men, with 50.6 his best time of th e season despite a mud clogged track. Pacifi c Lutheran bcat St. Martin's
86 -45 in their first meet. Frank took the discu s and shotput ior SMC , but fac es strong odds in an improved
Day' Ba rker. Dave has been doing a co ru.ist 'n t 47 feet plus in the shot.
O n the cinders, Fuchs, a 2 :05.6 man in the 880, should give W arren Lee a battle. K night thinclads may make: It a 15 C\T llt swec' p if Elvin d ~ sn't IlOld up in th e 120 high hurdlcs.
Sports Schedule
Dave Barker P LU's Versatile Track Man
ave Barker Top Athlet:e
s. turday Baseball at Wcstern, 2:00 p.m. Track: UPS, St. Martin's at Pa cific Lutheran, 1:30. Sunday Lettermen's Club picnic, 1:00. Tuesday Golf, at W es tern, 2:00 p.m.
Thursday Golf, Sl':lttle University , herc.
If there IS an even t that Dave Barker can't do on the track field I am sure it would make news at PLU. Big Dave Barker is the leading point getter on this year's Kni gh t track team and should be one of th e leading scorers in this year's confcr ence meet.
SO SOLLY, PLEASE The Mooring Mast wishes to apologize to Ken Ruud and Jim Bocshans for a mixup in photo graphs in the last issue.
specialty is the shotput but he also
Dave has the ability to compete in every event and oftcn docs do just about that. You might say that his scores high in the discus, pole vault, high jump, and sometimes in the javelin.
The Pacific Lutheran track squad found Central Washington College, combim'd with a driving rain, too tou gh to handle here Saturday. The Lutes, with 51 Yo points, placed sec ond behind Central's 93)12 points and ahead of Puget Sound's 17 points. The large Dads' Weekend crowd bega n to head for cover durin g th e running of the 100-yard dash. After two false starts th at had everyone shivering, the Log gers' J ack Higgins
slashed to a surprisingly fast 9.8 sec ond victory. Higgins later captu!'t·d the 220-yaId dash to gain 10 of tilt' Loggers' 17 points. In the mile run, the first race, PLU's Mark Anderson showcd fur th e r great impron,ment with a tre mendous finishing burst to gain half of the double win he latcr comp!t- ted in the two-mile run. However, the Illost in credib le time of the mect was turn ed in by the Lutes' John H anson. J ohn raced to a dazzling :50.6 second victory de spite th e waterlogged track. This Saturday th e Lutes face the Unive rsity of Puget Sound L oggers here at th e PLU track. Results 100- 1, Higgins (UPS) ; 2, DOll cas~cr (C); 3, Macdonald (PLU ); 4, Kmgh t (C). :9.8. 220-1, Higgins (UPS); 2, Don caster ( C); 3, Macdonald (PLU ); 4, Hanson (PLU ) . .23. 440- 1, H anson (P LU )j 2, Clark (C); 3, James (P LU ); 4, Jackso (C). :50.6. 880-1, Bolin ge r (C); 2, Lce (PLU); 3, Sid (C); 4, Adams
~; FROM rilE 8~II(N _ ~)" ~~
The boys from Evergreen know how to treat their housemother. Last weekend they took her to a drive-in movie . . . The weather took its toll on sporting events over the w eekend. Both th e Powder Puff baseball game and the Varsity baseball game w ere called off on account of rain (about two inches worth ). The rain also for ced spectators to cover during the track meet ... This writer owes the boys from fifth floor an apology. In a recent column it was pointed out that cer tain students were mistreating the pigeons that inhabit th e roof of Harstad Hall and it seemed to imply that it was the fifth floor students who w ere responsible. The other day they came to me and invited me to look over their " pe t pigeons" and sure enough their pets could not get better care anywhcre. Sorry for jumping to conclusions, boys . . . John Hanson didn't let the rain bother him as he turned in his best time for the quarter mile this year. John fl ew alOund the track in 50.6 sec onds to rf'main undefeated . . . Base ball players are always complaining because they don't get enough pub licity on this page but it is really hard to write about rained out games . . . Many hidden a thletic abilities came out in the open at the S ga Carnival last weekend. Even K aren Johnson was seen trying to gobble down a jam sandwich . Needless to say, Karen wasn't in condition for this type of activity . . . Ki eth Shahan and Bob Brodhun team ed up to do a little cleaning up at th e Trpile-X . I guess the mess was a little too big for one night's work but I am sure Kieth and Bob will not leave their work unfinished ... Gary Ke\'(' rs was undoubtedly the worst egg thrower a t th e Saga Carnival- just ask Art Ellickson. -M ike Macdonald
(U PS). 2:04.4. Mile- Anderson (PLU ) : 2 Veak (C)j :1, Tube.sing (C); 4, Bu;gen:n (C). 4:36.3. 2-mik- Anderson (PLU) '2 V ea k (C)j 3, MacDonald (C)j .Burges. s... n (C). 10:52.2. Mile ~cluy- I, Central \Yashi ng ton . 3:35.4. I~ O HH -. I, A.n dcni<lJl ( l : .! Latha (C) ; :1, "oltum (LI' ) , .,; JOnt'SOll (PLU). : 15.8.
220 LH- l , An d =;on (C) ; :.?, .01 tum ( I PS ) ; 3. L atha ( C ) ; '~ , Schu l z (l ' PS). : ~6 .4 . Shot--- I, .Barker (PLU); 2, Mor I,ison (C) ; 3, K innama n ( C ) ; 4, Stack (PL U ). 47 fel:!, 3 inchl'S . Discus- I, Kinnam a n (') ; 2, 13.arker (PLu ) ; 3, Curtril!h t (C); 4 , yokns (PL U). H·3 feet, )I, inch. High Jump-- I, tie br' twt'cn Beck· with (C) and Kniy:ht ( e ); 3, tic br: tw,;r- n Samuelson ( PLU ) a nd O lso n (C). 6 fec L Broad Jump- I, 01 son (C) ; 2 . Luft (C); :1, Curtright (C): ~r, H .m son (PLU). 20 fe e t, 5 inches . Pole Vault-I, tie amon g nd er ,on (C) , Curtrigh t ( ') , [ln d Ka tL' te l' ( C): 4 tic between Reep ( P L ) and Hanna ( PL U). 12 fec t. J an·J in- - I, Ruud ( PLU ); 2, F red erickson (PLU); 3, Knight (C) :'" Sandholm (P LU). 169 ft., 4~/2 in .
Knight Golfers Win and Lose In their last two matches, tht: Lute golfe rs tasted their first dt'feal and gained another sweet victory o\'cr UPS. Last Thursday the linksmcn foun d powerful Seattle Un ive rsity a Ii ttl too tough to handle. They salva ged six points to fall by a score of 12-6. But things wcrt' different Monda y a gainst the Loggers. The same 12-6 SCOle sounded much better from tht tcp as first man Erv Marlow led thl! way through the rain with a on under-par 70. The two matehc's this wCf'k find the team taking' on McCh ord Air Bast' and Seattle Navy, Thursday. and Scattle Pacific and Fort Lewi today.
Season's Best For Knights H. Hurdles-Gary Johnson, 15.9
L. Hurdles-Gary Brown, 25.4· se c . 100-- Mike Macdonald, 10.0 sec . 220-Mike Macdonald, 22.5 sec. 440- John Hanson, 50.6 sec. SBO- Warren Lee, 2 min. 2 sec :VIile-Mark Anderson, ,+ m in. 36 Sl·e:. Two-Mile-Mark Anderson, 10 min. 19 sec. Mile Relay- PLU, 3 min. 29 seC' .
Shot-Da\'e Barker, 47 ft.
Javelin-Ken Ruud. 173 ft.
Custom Made to Your Stone, Engraving and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
Disclls- ··-Duvt' Barker, 133 ft. P ole
' allh---Ron Hanna, 12 ft.
Broad Jump- John Hanson , 22':V . High Jump--Dave Ba rk er, 5 '11".
LET US WORRY a bo ut your winter clothes. Free moth proofing and storage. Pay Next School Term
Get that refres hing new feeling with Coke! Bottled IIlIUr authorIty of The eoc.tola COml)any by
PHONE LE. 7-7100
415 Ga rfield
AWS Holds Program,
• Ives Awards, onors VOLUME XXXVIII
FR IDAY, MA Y 12, 1961
----- ---------------------
The announcement of new Tassels and Spurs, the installa of next year's A WS officers, and the awarding of scholar ships to twelve PLU women were the highlights of the annual A WS awards program held last Munday in the eMS. Under the direct ion of Georgiann Rembold and Judy Swen son, an opening program consisted of piano preludes by Alexia t1~n
H e nde rson and a welcome by mis t ress-of-ce remonies Mi s s R embold. Following this was a greetin g from Mi ss Wickstrom and a vocal tri o by Dixi e Likkel, Sere na H opp, and Judy Kragh.
Ray Canniff' .,; "Conc.ert in Stare o," featu:-i n g his e l'l tire o rches tra a nd choru!, w ill be fe a tu red in a live two -ho ur prog ra m this Thur sd ay a t the University of Puget Sound Fieldhouse . Tickets for the concert are now on sale at the PLU Bookstore, with prices ranging from $1.50 to $ 3.00 . UPS has announced that Pl U stuclents are getting preferred seals in the first eight rows of the auditorium. It is possible to hea r a n yw here in the Fieldh ouse becau se of $ 30 ,000. 0 0 w orlh of stereophonic sound equipment which h..s been installed For the concert.
The a u dience will ex pe rie nce true stere opho nic re ception, utilizing 12 m icrophones w ith se parate amp lifiers, speake rs and unusual lighting effeels. Conni ff will feature such hits as "Dancing in the Dark," "Warsaw Concerto," "Love Is a Many Splendored Thing," and ser ecti!)ns from current Broadway musicals. Proceeds of t he two -ho u r p roduct ion will be g iven by th e cI .... of '61 as a giFt to the (a lle g e a nd will be used t o estab lish a perpetual scholarship Fund.
Strunk Talks June 2, UW
~['xt Friday, the final issue of t ht' M oor in g Ma st will be out. If you wa nt your club ne w" or any other spec ial feature in th a t issue, please tell (,ne of the editors today. The ir nam " arc in the m al thl· ad.
('" ;\1
T oniglu 'It 6:00 p.ll!. in th e Chris Knutson Fellowship H a ll, the Ameri A ociation of Uni versity P rofessors \.jIJ be h olding a banquet.
Ton i" ht 's campus mov ie will h,. "La nd of t he Pharoa h s" a nd will be f,·at u l r.d in the J acob 'amucl so n C hapd be;innin g a t 6:30 p.m.
'" 1 om
ITOW lh~
Conct'ct Chorus will hold t h eir ;u !nua] bea ch ollt ing.
~r ornor-ru\v ni ght 's (,~lI llP ll S Inovi c \vill Lc " Sa nds of Iw o Jirlla )) ~LJ.rrino· Jo h n Way ne . The first showin g wil l be at 6:30 p.rn. in 1h[' Ja cob Samudso;~ C hapd.
There is still time for you to see the al l-school play, "Th e Heiress," to night and tomorrow night in the CMS, with John Canadine staning. Tickets arc available at the door.
Elec tion results have been release d of th e rece nt balloting of the Stu dl,nt Congregation. T h ose chose n and th eir offices are : Gordon Slethaug, vi ce-president; J a ni ce Fannon, secntary; Patty Hagerman, treasurn; Jon Olson, senior deacon ; Bill KolI, junior deacon; Mark And cso n, sophomore de<lcon; Dave Smith, senior trustee; Bruce Bindel, junio r trustee; Phil Yok ers, sophomore tru stee; Karlc ne Isaacson Virn'inia L ee Judy Schwartz M arilyn Paulson, Paul H a lvor, a nd Judy J~cobs~ membas~a~-Iargc. "
·Dr. Wi lli am Strunk, c h airma n of th e b io logy department, will give th e addre~ s J um' 2 at the annual Honors and Awards pro g raIH at the Unive r sity of Was hin !l; ton School of Dentis try ill Sr·a ttlc. T hi s is the first time th e Sc ho o' o f Dr nt ist ry has invit ed a facult y ll1ell1uer of o nc of th e col k p;es in the state to he gues t speaker fo r their honors com·ocation . Dr. Strunk rt'ce ived a noth e r honor 'T cc lltly when he was a ppointed to th e cen tral sc ie ntific l'ommittcc of C"ntury 21, th e international expo sition to be hd el in Sra ttl' '1f'xt year.
Another in the se ries of Student Recitals is a prog ram featuring both voi ce and organ students. The program is scheduled fo r Sunday eve ning, M a y 2 1, at 8 :00 p.m. in th e Jacob Samuelson Chape l. L eo ta L a rson, Karen Fi,ch ~r, Emily L o u Eri ckson, and Lill y Gin arc the o rganists for the t'vening·. V o!";,1 sele ctions will be given by Hans Floan, Gretchin Hax , M arrily '1'.'01' rdl, Bonnie H ag e rman, and Clifford W eimer. :\'[::..'{t Wednl' sday eveni ng, May 17, is scheduled for the spec inl joint Stt,dent Recital in th e CMS. The program will feature Shirley H agen in her St"nior Organ Recital. The L'ni versi ty Chamber Ensemble will also appea r with Beethoven's Op. 1, No.1, in E flat Major. Th e Trio consis ts of Paula Fn,dlcr at the pia no, Olaf Malmin pla ying the violin, a nd Mrs. Audrey Betts on the cello.
. *
Dan Erlander, first tenor, California; Ed Harmi ck, second te nor, and Olaf Malrnin, baritone, of W ashington; and Phil Yokers, base, Idaho, will make up th e PL U Ambassador Quartet which will tour Washi n gton, Idaho, Montana, Alberta (Canada), Wyoming-, Utah, N evada, California and Ore gon this summer. The quartet would like any students who have slides of campus events, dorm life and similar activities to see any of the four about them as they are looking for additional sli des to use in their program on tour. These slides will e.ither be returned or bought from the contributor, whichever he wishes.
Golf Tourney Behind The 1961 o11hyles or pledges of Pi K a ppa Del ta a re agajn hold ing the annu al H ole-in-One golf tournament M.: y 15-20. As in p revious years, the cont t wiII be held immediately be h i n d the Classroom Building and the price is three shots for 25 c.ents. According to Dick Helstrom, chairman of the eve n t, daily prizes will be given each day for the best shot, as well as a gift cer tificate from a local men's store as first prize for either a Hole-in One or the closest shot; and an other gift certificate for the run nerup. Dr. V igness, Professor of H istory, was the winner of the first prize last year, shooting the only H ole -in-O ne of the con test .
I'iine orga nizations pr<'se nted sch ol arsh ips to twelve PLU girl s. The American Association of Unive rsity Women membership awa rd wen t to Mrs. L ois Lawler and their sc.ho lar ship to K a I' e n Crusan. G eo rgina Tricbdhorn won th e Wome n of R o tary scholarship and E. Mari e N el son th[' Ladies of Kiwanis sc:holnr ship. Phi Beta presented an a ward for speech, drar:na, and music to San dra H eiren, and Mu Phi Epsil on a wardcd a scholarship to Kathryn Bclg um for musi cal excel lence. Two new Spurs and one T as s e I were awarded scholarships. Se re na H opp won the Tassel honor and Sandra K ramli ch and Janelle Ra d t ke the Spur scholarships. Emily Lo u Erick son, Joyce Larson, and H ele n W ills were presented with th e thrcF AWS scho lars hip s. !\n imp ressive insta ll a ti on of offi en s und e r the dire cti on of AWS preside nt Mar i l' Peters officia ll y pl aced th e foll owing' gi rls in A WS offices for n('x t year: K arcn Tofne, president; Judy And e rson, vice·pre ident; J ud y Swe nson (sophomorF), s(,c reta ry ; M a. rit Myhre, treasu r e r; Doris Johnson, publicity chairman ; a nd Patty HagcrmCln . stud ent coun· cil . A let ter of resignation fr o m S?n dy Tyn es, social chairman · elect, cx prcss,-n h er r (' si~na tion. Rr -\'o t il1 ~
for so cial chairman will be held nc..xt w~ek.
Tassd presiden t Caro lyn Erickson presid[ 'd onT the pinning of 32 sen ior wom-e n as Tassels for 1961- 2. These include : Jud y Anderson, B<'lh E. kkila , Jane t Gull ekson, Di xie L ik· kel, },{a r y Rogers, Alice Ande rson, Sing Johnner, Annt" tt c Tupper, M er ri B eth ' elson , Marilyn P aulson, Ann LaGl eli us, J u d y R a.sm ussen, ,dith Wollin , Kathy Bclgum, Serena Hopp, Ka)' Johnson. Sandy TYIlf'S, Jan Coltom, r rda.th Shcggeby, E\('anor Bousfield, K aren Swindland, Ruth "'''alkl'l', Bal'b:lI':J. Ellef. on, Del o res A d a m , Be 'crly Kimha ll , K :1l'en Klit"we r, }.·[an ha Stoa, R uth Poetschat, Maureen Ud man, Carolyn Kcc k, Cheryl Wilpone, and Joann e Storaas li . Thirty freshman girls were tapped for Spurs 1961 ·62 by th eir big sister Spurs, under th e direction of Spur president Marit Myh re . 'cw SpUrl' a r : Sharon Ba umei ster, Jud y C arl son, Tina D e mpstt'r , Dean ni e DU ll bar, M argy Eash, Mary Ekstrand, Carol Gilli s, Frieda Grimsrud , AIt~xi.a H e nder son, Deann a Hcndri cbon . K arlec n K a rl son, Margo Knuds n , S an d I' a Kramlich, '!vI:a reia. K r r'lz sc hllla r, Pa trieia La rso n. Sylvia La r son, C ha rlotte Moc, Miriam Mucdekin a:. M a ry Jo • d · son, J andle H a dtk l , Jerilyn R oba r ge , Nfa r ilyn R udt'nic k, Jud y Schwart z!:', "a thryn Sh a ff,",., Ann S(') i n ~r M:u.'. Iy n Spies, t lcst!" S odick , Arlen e: T h orne, C arri, U nger, a nd I ry A nn Vorvick.
peech, rama Groups Select Pledges, Announce our een Students fOT 0 or Selections fo r the ] 961 pledges have recen tly bee n ma de f r the local chapters of Alpha Psi Omega and P i Kappa Delta , the two h onorary organizations associated wi th the Department of Speech. Alpha Psi Omega, the national honorary fraternity for stu dents interested in drama , has chosen seven individuals as pledges
for this year. As announcrd by Z ane 'Nilson, prfs idcnt of the fra ternity, gan izations will be the guest speaker. they arc: Steven Goff, R. D enn is Prior to the banquet, th e pkdgcs Graedal , Robert E. Johnson, Ann will fo rma II)' be accepted as members H aggart , Carolyn Moellring, R eta during the pledg e ceremony. Prof. R emp t , and Merlin Thorson. Selec T .0. H. Karl is th e fa cul t y advisor tions were based on a point syste m for both organizCltions. g ra din g the activities of th ese pf'r· sons in the field of drama and on th eir sc holastic standing. Pi K appa Delta, the national hon· o rary fra tern ity for persons inte r· es ted in specch and d eha t[~ h as also selt-cted s ~ ve n ncw m cmbers as pledges of 1961. Judi Sanncrud a n· nounced th ese to include: .I ('an ette Due to the postponCTI1cn t of Cam Baker, lv[ike Burn.. t, Norma D a y pus Clean-L'p Da y until Tu esday of h uff, An gie Ha g'en, Joan t...I aicr. Suo nex t wee k, th e chapd schedule. was sie Solie, Rona ld Swift 'l nd K ay slir,-ht ly changed around and some Whi sle r. Th e ir selection for member su bsti tutions were m ade. This w eek's ship in the local and national orga ni Three students have been acceptcd sch edule will consist of a few of the: zations was based on a 2.5 grade for summ("r workshops of intensive programs originally planned to be point, th ei r past participation in de· lan g uage stud y. presented last week . bate tournaments and speech activi K a ren " Susie" Olson and Maril yn M onday: Thc PLU Concert Band P au lson will study Fre nch at McGill ti es, and th(' ir ge neral interest in the will perform under the dire ction speech fi eld .
University , Toronto, Ontario; and of Mr. Gilbertson. Bo th orga ni~a lions will hold their David Crown er will study German T u esday: Campus Clean·Up Day. initiation weeks May 13-20 and will a t Re ed Co llege, Portia nd. Wednesday: Dr. Eastvold w ill sp eak. conclude with a formal joint banquet L ec.tures, discussions and all social Thursday: Pastor E. V . Stime, D ea n at the Tacoma Club. Dr. Mahaffey, conversations a r e conducted in the of the Lutheran Bible Iinstiute in ehainnan of the Department of one language the students are study Seattle, Wash., will be- the speaker. Speech of Linfield College and lo ng ing during these seven-week work Friday: Awards Day. time member of both national orshops.
La ngua g e Studen t s Atten d Wo rkshop
Page Two
Friday, May 12, 1961
Dear Editor:
D La r Edito r: Th e si g ht of see in g a .gro u p of ca rs parked ove r ni ght in front of South H all, pa rtially blocking tra ff ic, p ro mpts m e to write this lette r. It su re ly is a sh a m e th a t girls h ave to park th eir ca rs in the driveway so it m a kes it alm ost imvossib k for on e to pass by without driving up on th e la wn . W e arc suppos ed to iJe g rown up, respo nsible unive rsity students, th e futur e lead I'rs of a liI "oeiety, and yet, I am d i~t urb e d by the fa ct that th ese youn g ladies Ca nn o t b, even responsibl e Lnou gh to p a ri th 'i,' ca rs in the p rope r place. If t bese girls ca nnot be responsible fo r p u t tin g t h e'ir cars a wa y ill the p rop e r pl ace h ow can the y be en rusted w ith gr<':lter th in gs? - Arn e E inm o P .S . I a m w ri tin g th is in co njuncti on wi th the DE.ill ED ITOR a r ticle th a t I so di sturbin gly read in YO Ui' lasl issue, a nd the n w h r'll I cOlIl d h ardl y d rive m y ca l- o n the driveway in front of ~ou th H a ll I j ust h ad t<l w ri te th is l(> tt('r, for I was on the' WET M ATTRESS lIIc nt ioned in last ~ cl'k' , Mau ri n I'( M as t.
~t ~
T oget:herness or Dependence Is there any rcal value in m e re toge th e rness? T his is a question whi c h com e.s to mind for it seems to a lmos t be th e purpose of many to promote and t l'..tol this social condition of " toge the rness." But, why is it to be desired ? For one thing, you can h ave toge th e rness a nywhere, an ytime, with any on e by just being in a cr owd o r with oth ers. In this a ge we seem afra id to be a lo ne with ourselves. W e a re unw illing to chan ce being consid ered diffe r e nt o r be ing lonel y. C o nsta ntly we must be surrounded by peopl e and "things." If we' re in a room o r a ca r a lo ne w e ca n ' t stand it, but turn on t he radi o o r TV for compa ni o nship . H e n ; a t college i t sce ms more stressed lha n eve r as we ea t, go to classes, li ve a nd d o prac ticall y eve r y thing togeth er. F e w a r c b rave e nou gh to a c tually go i n to t he ca fe t ria by th emselves and C:l t:l m('al, or to a tt end a ca mpus aetivity b y the mse lves but must consta ntly b. w ith a t least one or morc fri e nds .
L es t anyone should ta ke. too se ri ousl y wha t I said last w e.ek, le t me h as ten to point out that one of the ve r y fi ne thin gs about this bein g a Ch ris ti :lll co ll ege is the good rela ti ons th a t ex ist betw ee n the variou s mem be rs of th e fac ulty . Of coursc mo mcn ts of irk do creep in , as we students ve r y w ell kn ow, be twe en an yone, but w e are vcry fo rtuna te that by a nd la rg e o ur facu lt y is mad c up of adult, intelli ge nt people. It is a p oi nt in fa ct to cite the m e mbe rs of o ur a rts faculti es as cxam pks ill thi s case , beca use of th e no tor ie t y of th e so-ca lled "a rtist tempe rame nt. " O ne wonders wh ethcr the a ntagonism r epo rted isn' t just the idle gossip of those of us who h a ve too mu c h ti me o n our ha nds. E ve n if it im 't, it is ins tit u tion whe re people arc secluded from the w orld fo r substantial lengths wh ic h novc1s h a"c said more than I am goinr; to. - C a rol Fre nch
pne Happy Family?
Instead of striving for me re "toge thern ess" why don't we all try fo r "IellDwship" with others and be tter self-kn owled ge. Especially the latter, as e~~c n tially we are ultimat ely a nd utt e rly a lon e in our innermost being and will alway s be. L et us d es ire, and appre ciate the va lu e and necessity n o t of lonl.'lin ('ss, but of alon eness. Ann H a ggart, ed itor L etters print ed in the " L tters to the Editor" column do not ncces sa rily reflect the op inions a nd sentiments of the Mooring Mast staff. T h e olumn is simply o[fered as an open forum where students may express their views. - editor.
Prese nt is now tim e sta nds on g round individuals do strive as the wo rld turns r ound O h , wh cr e does it lead fo r th e e nd must come life will still linger for yo u it is gone.
on t he C olle ge A ssu red Pla n! Stop in and find out more about this finan
cial ass istance program s p cially designed to help stu d ents complete
their coll ege education.
Successful Run by M erle Overland O pe n in g- la·t night un t h e . tage of the G MS , " T h e H eiress" p r ~ e nted o nc of the most dra m a tic and ch al lvn gin g Jlre~en ta t i o n s see n thi s y a r in Tacom a . E nha nced by th e app "3 1' ~n ce of t hc distin g uished acto r, J ohn Carrad ine, and a wr Il-trJ ined st u den t cas t, th e pe rfo manec captur'd its a udi e nce w i th its drama t IC' appea l a nd cha lle ng ing empha si5 . T he p la y runs two m ore ni g h ts, to ni g h t a nd SZtturda y , "i tl~ the 'ur tai n ri sin g at 8:30. U nd er the a ble di n'c ti on of Stanl yD. Elberso n, this is o ne of the mus ts of th e y a r for PL U stude nts. To cns.urc good seats
D t'ar E di t or: Fo r the record. M alcolm H m ilton's h a rpsicho rd rccital on A p r il 21 received the standard public ity of th e M lI sic D cp;utme nt: 1) a sho rt article in the T a coma ')J'ews Tribun e ; 2 ) th e sc hed u1c of w eekly eV"nts from Miss it is advi sahle that ti cke ts be pur Wic kstrom's office; 3) an articl e in th e M oo rin g M a st; 4) notic es on va r io u s c hase d F. a I' 1 y duri nJ> the p re-sale bulletin boards includin .,; the Ki os k : 5 ) Cha pel a nnouncement. h ou rs in the ' B or at leas t half Stude nts who arc se ri ously conce rned a bout the pu bli cit y of th " Mu sic a n h our bdor ' th e pe rforma nce, a nd D epa rtme nt are invited to pa rti cipate in th e projected pu bli cat ion of a Ne w s to a rrive a t the theat re well ahead of lc ttn sta rtin g next fa ll. time beca use of th e ca paci t y crowds - L o ui s K . C hri stense n, Department of M usic ex pec ted . D ea l' E d ito r : In defe nse of a m a li gn ed in stituti o n he re, is the food a nd se rvice rea ll y so bad ? True, nobod y cooks like mo the r, no t eve n us, and she doesn ' t h ave 1,000 ( no t 700 ) people to feed th rec times a d a y. The lines could go fa ster , e;. pcc ially if w e got rid of the noti o n tha t th e lin e forms in the front. It irks p eo pl e who have waited sin ce 5:10 to h a ve p eople rush up (in front) a t 5: 30 a n d sa y, "I'vC' got a mee ting ." T o u se a term from the vernacula r, nas ty brea k.
C h e ck w ith t he PugetSound
"Heiress" O pens
Aimlessly in fligh t
Thro ugh victor or foe
')J'o future in sight T ell m e, where do they go
D ea r Editor: R c th <:, rece nt gripes: In the field of impo rt a nce, a s in other fields, tb elT can a lw:J. ys be found the major and mino r degrees. An yon e wo rking in an istituti on wh e re peo ple arc se clud ed from th e w o rl d fo r substan tial len g th s of time-TB sa na tor iums, priso ns, ctc.-will tell yo u th a t m inor d a il y oc cur re n ces assume a n importa n ce tha t fa r o ve rsha d o ws thc m aj o r world c rises. Perh aps tha t is the problem in Ame ri ca n unive rsi t ics. Pe rha p s wc h ave bee n secl uded so long tha t our se nse of impor ta nce h as become focused on th e m ino r rathe r t han th e ma jo r. T a ke a look at the fro nt pa ges la tes. H o w a rc the u n ive rsi ti es r eprese nted ? Wdl, Fort Laud e r dale h as ma d e th e h eadlines by battlin g su rges of u niversit y vacationers. And th e eccn t " Splash Day" in Trexa s turned int o a n a iml 55 ri o t, thanks t o many drunk college m cn. I s thi s the importance of life ? F o r girls, to be "whe r the boys are" a nd for boys, to be where the bee r is? Wha t a classic c. mp le of minor im port ances ass umin g major proporti ons . :M t'3.nwhile to make the rc \'ersa l eom p letc, we ca n ta ke the news of poss ible Am.. ri can fi g hting in Asia w ith only minor cmo ti o ns. To bring it close r to h ome, he re on campu s th e ma jor ity of us make ineffec tual flutter in gs a bou t m atte rs spiritual, but will beeomc downri g ht or torical about th e food servi ce. Psych ologists mi g ht call it sec urity tro umas or w ha tev('l', but I, wit h the h ope of stalting some orptory, wou ld ca ll i t im ma tu r ity . Due in pa rt to bei ng seclu ded a nd ove r-protected, bu t also d ue to a fixati on in the "me" stage! P e rha ps our motto sho uld be no t "Let's h a ve be tt e r food!" or "Le t's h ave m ore soc ia l life !" but " L e t': g row u p! " - R uth W alker
U pwa rd a nd on Th e p ast n ever fear
the futil e attempts
w ill a lwa ys be the re The r ace is a m ixture for some, it is one
the present now past
a nd now you're alone
Misery loves company
but ther are still few wh c re loneliness is content and wh er e they will make do GD
Editor _........... ... __..... _._........................... .._.............. _.. _.. _...____... _.. _....Ann Haggart News Editor.... .__.. _._...... _.. _._... _...... _........................... _............. .... .. Ali ce Wenness R e porte rs: D ea nna Hanso n, L avonne Erd a hl, Rosa ly n Foste r, }'1a rgy E as h, J a ne t Guthrie, Ba rbara Eri ckse n, Mnle \·erla nd. F ea ture Editol .................................................................... _....... _...Ruth Walk er Spo rts Ed itor....... ..................................... _............................... Mike MacDonald Reporte rs: Bob Rydland, Dave Bottemill e r, E d D a vis, Bob Howard, John Hanson, Gary Sund. John F ey.
Intra mura ls Editor..... _..............................._ ........................... Gordon Gradwohl Busines s Manager............... _....... _...... _.......... _................................ Doug J ohmon Advisor............... _........................................ _.............. _... _.. _......... Mr. M ilt Nesvig Photogra pher ._.................................._.__.............. _... _.................McKewen Studio Adve rtising Managers..... _....... _...... _ ...._.D onna Van Gilder, Elea nor Bousfield Circula tion M a nager.. ................... _.. ___....... ___.......... _.............. .......... Judy Kragh M a iling............................Carolyn Thoma ssen, Mary W alker, Judith Johnson
F o r t h e stude nts in the cast, and fo r the stude nt body as a wh ole, it ha.s bcc n a n honor to have this g reat a rti st, Mr. Carradine, on campus. As evide nce d by his performance last ni ght, h e is one of the finc,t profes siona ls cver to appear at PLU, a nd the c ha n ce to sec so fine a pe rformer a ppear in su ch a play is a n oppo r tuni ty th a t sh ould be se ized by eve r y stud e nt on ca mpus .
Blue Ke y Choices 2 6 Receive Honors 131uc K ['y, it nat io na l honora ry fra terni ty for m (' n, h as reo'ntly .c k ct ed some ne w In crnbers on thl: bas is of their re co rd of leadership, SC h u h"lT -:ib ip " an d 'C1JL' ral '~w r vj c c. T h is g o up, w hich as a l imited or ":la izilt io n, an nu a ll y selects me n to io in w ith t he III a I' c tha n twent y t housand [ue K ey me mbe rs spread t.hroll .g h o ut t he U nited Sta tC3. C hosen fo l' me mbe rsh ip wer(' : D ean And r on, D o ug las An derso n, Daryl Ash pok, J o hn M a rt ill a , J ohn Mitten, :vrartin Sc haefer, George Vigeland, Br uce V ik, D a ve Ba rker, Dave Bot tem ille r. Othe rs incl ude Bru cc Bindell, Paul H a lvo r, C hris H a lvo rs o n, Ro f','f'r Hil da hl, J e r r y Kress, Is a ri a Kimamba, K en t Tck ro ny, J ohn T ie tz, lorton W ise, Za ne Wi lson , Stan Fredri c k so n and R on Lt'l'ch.
Two NewBuilding
Plans Now Ready
Pl a ns for t wo new a m puS struc t ures, a d orm ito ry for men and a din in g' ha ll, w e I' (' submitted to t he H ousin g L oan a nd l;i na nce !om pany las t w eek, ~rr. Ce cil V a ncl', assistant to the p res idt· nt, a n nou nc ed.
If such pla ns a r c a pproved, co n str uct ion sh ould bc comple ted a nd th e bu ildin gs rea d y fo r us ' b y Sep tem ucr, 1962 . Bo th buildin gs will be located on lowe r cam pus. Th e do rm itory, a two win g' st r uc ture housin g- 200 m en, will be; situa tcd eas t of the gymnasium. Th e dinin g h all will rc pla ee the prese nt golf hou se . Pla ns for the m a in fl oo r include a foyer, bakery, sn a ck ba r, lock ers, a nd fra U club
h o use, wit h a ca fe ttr ia ( capa city
400 ) occ up ying th e se cond floor.
T enta tive pla ns a lso provide for
th e r eplacement of thc prese nt col
lege ma inte na nce shops.
Friday, May 12,1961
Page Thre.
D. MeskeWinner ThirdFloor Heads Softball withSeven ~'i'r"<'r~~~~~~~ InTourney Finals Wins; 1nd Floor, Basement U beate Ever9r e en Cap tures M:::;' ,~:;:g:~'~, ;::: ~:::; ~f"~:;:
Intra,mural Sports
Track Champ,·onsh,·p As F,·ve Records Fall I
season's horse-shoe toU! nam ent. He
Bruce ~unes
dd"ated 3rd f loor's in th(' final match. Besides br inging home the se " a lllable fi t place poin ts
:~e~lt~nF:'~~;~r~~,~,n~rr;~~~: ~~i~~
in the track championships.
In one of the fincst meets in n'Cl'nt years and with h('au tiful wea ther fOl th, two-da)' session. E, ( I green Court took th e 1961 In tr:lInural T ra ck Ch a m pion h ip. Althou gh taking only threc fi rst places of the possible fo ur t, , n, En'rg!l'L'n placed in every event except three.
£""1'[;r('(n captured first pla ce with 541/3 points, 3rd loor was sec o nd with ·[9 1/3, and 4th floor was third with 45 points. Other districts in thl' ordcr of th eir finish were: Base ml'nt 361/3 points, Weste r n P arkland ::95/6 points, Delta Hall :22y'" poi n ts, E as tcl'll Pa rkland 201/3 points, 1st Floor 6 l/el points, 2nd Floor 2 points, a nd the Fac ulty failed to en ter.
.Make-Up Games Schedule Friday, M ay 12,4·:30 p.m. 2nd Floor vs. 'fth Floor W ednesday, M ay 17, 6:30 p.m. 2n d Floor vs. Eastern Friday, M ay 19. 4:30 p .m. 2nd Floor vs. Basement
Delta H a ll's J crry Curtis was hi gh among the individual point winners \"it h 19 y'1. Others in ordrr of finish were Duane Meske, 17, J erry Poppen 16, Brian Wooten 13, and Larry Pete rson (Ever.) 12. 1M TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS :\lile Run: Osness, 3rd Floor ( time 5: IS.2); Chris tman, 4 th Floor, 2nd; Walsh, EVl'rgree n 3rd; G ermeroth, Basement, 4th; Peterson, Base ment, 5th.
4 40: Poppc:n, 4th Floor (time 55.0- (new recoTd) ; Smith, W este rn, 2nd; Sund, 3rd f' loor; K eppler, 4 th Floor ; B. Peterson, Basement, 5th.
100: Zoffel, Eastern ( time 10.9 ); C urti s, Delta, 2nd ; W ate rworth, Ever g reen, 3rd; L. Peterson , Evergreen, 4th ; Fossen, Eastern, 5th. 120 Low Hurdles: Brodhun, 3rd Floor (time 15 . 1); Wooten, Baseme nt, 2nd; Don Gross, Ever., 3rd; L. Peterson, Ever., 4th ; Thomas, 1st Floor, 5th.
HIlO: Poppen, -4th Floor ( time 2: 16.S ); Wal sh, Ever., 2nd; L. P eterson, Base ment, 3rd; Bechtel, 3rd Floor, 4th; G crmeroth , Basement , 5th. 220: Curtis, Delta ( time 2·1..1 ); W ooten, Basemen t, 2nd; Cocchi, 3rd Floor, 3rd: Randoy, 2nd Fl oor, 4th; Fosen, E as tern, 5th. football Throw: McCl a ry , 3rd Floor (distance lSI '7"-new re cord); Blaesi, Wl'stem, 2nd; Waterworth, En'!'., 3rd; Ernst, Ever., 4th; Vi egland, 3rd Floor, 5th. $ UO Relay: 3rd Floor, 1st (Cocch i, R orem, Sund, Brodhun); Basemen t, 2nd; En'rg recn, 3rd: 4th Floor, 4·th ; Eastern, 5th.
Shot P ut: Meske, ·Ith Floor (distance 3S'6y~ ") ; Thomas, 1st Floor, 2nd; Wooten, Bascmmt, 3rd: Chri ~ tenson, W estl'rn, 4th; Smith, W estern, 5th. High Jump: Jacobsen, East., ,ady, Basemen t, and Smith, West. (height 5'5") : VonKonyncnburg, Ever., +th ; M cC lary, 3rd, R cy nolds, Ever., and fhomas, 1st, 5th. Javelin: VonKonyncnburg , Ever. (distance 136'2 "-new r ecord); Blaesi, W(,stern, 2nd; McyC'ts, Delta, 3rd; Christianson, Basement, 4th; Farrar, ·!th Floor, 5th. Pole Vau lt: Don Gross, Ever. and Curtis, Delta ( h eigh t 9'6"- ncw record); " kurdahl, 3rd Floor, 3rd; Barker, W"stern, 4th; Gaal, W estern, 5th. Discus: Meske, 4th floor ( distancc 116'S y'~ " -n ew re co rd); Nunes, 3rd Floor, 2nd; Cady, Basement, 3 rd ; Yokel'S, 4th; Lundblad , Ever., 5th. Broad Jump, Larr y P eterson, Ever. ( distance 20' 1" ); J acobsen, East., 2nd; Smith , W es t. a nd Waterworth, E'·er., 3 rd ; Meske, 4 th floor, 4th.
In a ti ght ga llle Wl'dnesday eve ning 3rd floor l'd ged .E verg reen Court, 6-5, to ta ke th (' lead in the curre nt softb:l ll leag ue race. SO FTBALL STANDINGS Pc t . Team "" L 3rd Floor, Harsta d ...... j 0 1.000 Basement, H rstad ...... 5 1.000 2nd Floor, Harbta d ...... 3 o 1.000 Evergreen C Oll r t ...... .... 5 .833 1st Floor, H arsta d .. .. . .4 .666 2 4th Flool', Harstad .... .. 3 2 .600 Eastern Pa rkland ....... .4 3 .5il Delta Hall .................... 2 4 .33 3 5th Floor, Harstad ... ... 2 .285
In other tournamen t play which h as moved into th e championship match es the following fin a l matches arc on the agend a : Tennis Singles Harold Peterson will play th e win n er of the Lars Johnson-Dave Bow ers match. Tennis Doubles The team of Jon Malmin-Peder son plays E ve rgreen 's team of Roger Re ~ p-Ken Ruud for the title. Badmin ton Lars Johnson and Gary Kicland of Delta and Evergreen, respectively, play for the championship.
Tt:aUl T. Ilasement .............. 441 100-10 Del ta Ha ll ............ 102 001- 4
H. 10 S
Team T. 3rd Floor ............ .,420 000- 6 Eastern .................. 100 003- 4
(Across from Old Main)
Heard many gripes abo u t th e , how again this wee k, but we' ve run that down a lready to no improving avail. so I g uess you g uys will h ave to suffer throu gh next three weeks. O ne suggestion-go on strike, with p icket lim's and that sort of leftis t thing-or haul out that thin picht book and cat out! Som eon e made a crack abou t the g arba ge I put down here every we ek, doesn 't bother me a bit. I believe in the same policy as old frail Adolph Eichmann, "Live and let live". Rumor has it that D enny Gudal a nd Robert Fineh have teamed up to plug Sweetheart Soap-g ive it pur gatory, men. Speaking of soap, it's a bout time they switched brands in the gym; evcrybody has got soft, gen tie hands bu t the bad pi ts. Once again this season the annual hog-callin g conlcst will be held high a top the Narrows Bridgc this week end, sponsored by the Y.M.C.B.A. And of course w~'d all like to remind Harlan Anderson to leave his football a t home this time-OK. For those of you not entering weekend enter
Volleyball All-Star
,61 Team Se ecte
Belate-'d but not forgotten , the '61 intramura l voll eyb all all-star tea m was selec ted this week by the intra mural committee. The participation durin g the past volleyball season can not be termed overw h elming. The candida tes for the all-star team were limited due to th c small num ber of teams whi ch compl eted the season. The fin a l selections are as follows: F irst Team
Fl owers for All Occas io ns 12173 PACIFIC AVE. (Fool of Garfield )
LE. 7-0206 We Deliver
ECON·O · WASH 12171 Pacific Avenue
Rf CORDS - LP's and Singles Large selection at
ABC EJec:tronic:s 325 Garfield Street Free Bonus Record. for Club Cards
DELUXE BURGER in a bas ket w ith fries______ ___.
6De I
NORM DAHL, Western Parkland BRUCE NUNES, 3rd Floor HA S ALBERTSON, 3rd Floor
Parkland Triple XXX 11 9th a nd Pacific Avenue
RALPH CARR, Western Parkland JIM BENEFEL, 3rd Floor DON FOSSUM, 3rd Floor HONORABLE MENTION Ken Gaal, Western Parkland Jack Cocchi, 3rd Floor Ivar Eliason, ""estern Greg Hatton, 3rd Floor
JOHNSON1S DR U G (All SIudeniS' Needs)
Daily, 9 a.m. to 10 p .m.; 12-8 Sun.
Complete Camera Department
Bottled under authority of
Th& Coca-Cola Company by
H. 11
9 7
The winning pitcher Jim Benafel, th e loser Ron Lerch. Hitting for 3rd wen:: Sund, 1-3 : H enson, 2-3; Nunes, 2-4; Gettis, 1-3; Benafd, 1-2; and M cC lary, 1-1. For Eastern : Carlson, 1-3; Lerch , 1-3-HR ; Alban, 1-3; Latimer, 1-3 ; Gradwohl, 2-3; Flat ness, 1-2.
STELLAIS FLOWERS tainmcnt will be provided by the PLU Girls Track M ee t on lower campus Saturday a fternoon. All prin ciple track and fi eld eve nts will be run excepting the high hurdles.
The winning pitcher was John Fey and the loser Eric Ottum. Hitting for 1st were: Harris, 3-4; Fey, 2-5; Martilla, 1-1; Blythe, 2-4; Hubert, 1-3; Appel, 1-4; and Howard, 1-3. For 5th: Trygg, 2-4; Farrar, 2-5; Poppen, 2-4; Munson, 2-4; Ottum, 1-3; Peterson, 1-2; Bakken, 1-2.
This afternoon will sec last year's champ, Eric L indholm, p I a y last year's runnerup, Ron Sktta, for the title. Ron downed Matt Ernst 77-S2 carlin to carn the final match berth.
51 6 Garf ield
Th e wi nnin g pit ch er was Creigh ton Ge p nero th, and the l oser rv Lok ensga rd. Team T. 1st Floor ................ 155 103-15 5th Floor .............. 330 350-1 4
Team T. H. 3rd Floor .............. 060 000- 6 2 Everg reen ............ 000 104- 5 10 The losing pitcher was C hue k Zube r, th e winnin g pit ch er was Jim Bena fel. Hitting for 3 rd Floor w ere : Gary Sund, 0-2 ; Don J enson, 1-2; and Jim Be na fel 1-2. Hitting for Everg ree n were: Chuck Zuber, 2-3; R og R ecp, 3-3; L. Peterson, 1-1; Dave Haala nd , 1-2 ; Dave Savage, 2-3; Eri c Lindholm, 1-3. Team T. Eastern .......... _....... 200 630-1 1 Delta H a ll ......... _.. 001 300- 4
The w i nnin ~ pitcher Gradwohl and the loser . rv Lokensgard. Hit tin !!, for E astern we re: Pau l Fla tness, 3-3: D u nlop, 1--4; Lerch, 1-4; F lamoe, 2-3; Alban , 2-3; and Lal ima, 1-2. Hittin" for D d ta wC'rr ; L ox ns!;,ard, 1-3: O stenson, :i-4; Kaspcl'son, 2-3; He nson, 1-+; D K asperson, 2-4.
Page Four PlU MOORING MAST Friday, May 12, 1961 ----------------------------------~~------
Track, Base a ll, Tennis Tearns To P rforrn Ai: H me
Vikings, Cats, Falcons Here; PLU Golf Tearns Lute Thinclads Win Meet Keep Winning Test Lute Athetic Squads Two school records fell Saturday as Pacific Lutheran de feated St. Martin's and the University of Puget Sound in a three by Ed Davis
Pacific Lutheran plays host to the conference powers tomor l'C W afternoon , plus a Canadian record holder. Central brings a balanced crew of speedsters and musclem en to the track for a warmup before their conference fin als. The Vikings of W es tern Washington , and J ack Higgins of UPS should give fans a good
pre view uf h ow th ' co nfere nce m ee t will shape up. C n tra l claw ed th e Kni ghts 91 Yo to 51 yo in their first m eet. Western ed gr d PLU 74-69. Hi ghlig ht of the m eet will be th e pe rfo rma nce of one of the fas tes t hUIJlans in the wo rld. J ack H iggins of UPS se t th e Ca nadi a n 100-yard dash in a sizzlin g :09 .4 whil e c.a ptur ing the V a n couver Relays las t week end. The Anaco rtes missile d efeated L en Eves of O regon Sta te, a nd Edd ie L au lhera n of th l' U . S . Air F orce in rnu;stnl{ the w01'ld record by onl y a ten th of a sec.on d. C .. n tral's stren g th will be ce n te red a round one of the fincst rda y tcams in the league , a nd a g'ood w eight m a n in R a y Kinna n a n. R ay h as hurl ed th e di sc us 160 k e t this sprin g. J oh n Hanson bids for a minu s 50 seconds in the 4-40 a ga inst rugged compe titi on fr o m T ony C la rk of Cen tra l. C la rk's b('st dockin g is 50.6, • g<linst a 50. 1 for Hansun. E lsew he re, Pe te K empf of th e V ik ings h~s a 182 fcet, 5 Yt in ch javelin h e<tve to his credit. A stern bat tl e sh a pes up in thc pole vault between R on H a nna , a nd wildcat P a t K a tzer. Pa t ha;; re ported ly clea red 13 fe et in('e h e las t ta ngled with H a nna. R on did 12 fee t, 9 Yt inches last w /'ek. Anderso n and Cu rtwright of Ol'n tra l a l,o cl ea r 12 feet .
BASE BALL Lute dia mond me n fa ce Sea ttle P a e ific h e're in a non-confere n ce tilt a t I :00 tomo rrow. T he Fa lcons have a co uple uf fin e hitters in D oug Weeks a nd Bob R eige. Ri gh th a nder F red Weed en I e a d s th e pitch in g cu rp s. Loop sta tisti cs sh ow E lines ( .425 ) of Eas tc-rn , ano H ardin g (.4-0S) of Wh it w orth Il'adin g th e lea gu e. F ra nk vVa tc r w o r llt is s cv f' nt h i n lc:agu c
hi tti ng. K olb of E aste rn rei" ns as RBI kin g wi th H dri\'en a cross. Ted Larso n is fourth in hurlin g with a 2-0 ma rk , and a slim 1. 86 c. r. a . Whit worth 's Ba rnes leads in c.r.a ., with a 1.20, wh ile co mpilin g a 2-3 reco rd . TENNIS Po rtland U n ive rsity \,isits the Lute fu zzbalkrs in a n a ft ernoo n dash on low c r campu s Saturday. Wes tern clipped til<' Kni ghts last week 6-1.
Baseba lIers Split With Western; Jack Cocchi Pitches Lute V ictory by Gary Sun d
The Pacific Luthe ran Kn ights em erged from the weekend d Oll bleheader against WWCE with on e victory and one loss. hepin g their season record at the .500 mark. Jack Cocchi h urled a three-hitter in the opening game as the Lutes came h ome vic lorious 3 -1 . However , Ke n La rso n 's tight two-hitter in the all
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w a y track meet. Under sunny Parkland skies, the Knights amassed 94'/4 pc.ints to St. Martin's 49 3/ 4 and Puget Sound 's 18. During th e course of the m eet, Lute a thletes ga ine d nin e ind ividu a l fir st places, three p laces in a four-way tie for first in the hi gh jump, a nd a. victory ill th e m ile relay. PLU 's J 0 h n H a nson erased hi s previo us low of :51).6 seconds in the 44-yard d ash with a record-b reaking :50 .1 clo cki ng . H e also took first in th e broa d jump and anch ored the m ilp rel ay tea m to vi ctory. The Lutes' Ro n H a nna bettered a record tha t has stood sin ce 194 1. His winn in g; \'au l t of 12 fee t, 9 Yt in ches topp ed th e mark of 12 fe et, 7 inch es set in 191 I by Bob T ommervik, now trac k coac h a t Ken t-M erid ian H igh Sch oo l. H e a lso pla ce d in th e fi rs t pla ce ti e in the hi gh ju mp. Weigh t man Bill F ran k of St. M ar tin 's too[.. the sh otput a nd discu s. O th er d oubl e winn ers fo r the Lutes Vl c!'e Mike M acdona ld in th e 100 and 22 0-ya rd dash es a nd the relay, and M a rk And ersun in the mile a nd two-mile . Th e Lute thin clads take on W l'st n n Wash ing ton Co ll ege a t the PLU O\'a l thi s Sa turda y. Results 100- 1, M acdonald (P ) ; 2, E l vin (SM ) ; 3, Davidson (U P S) ; 4 .• Fu chs (!)M ) : 10.5 . 220- 1, M ac don a ld (P L U ) ; 2,
Hanson ( PLU ) ; 3, D avidson (Ur S ) ; 4, Boulac (SM ). :22. S. 44 0- 1, H a nson ( PLU) ; 2, F uc hs (SM ); }, J ame s (PLU ) ; 4, Yoke l'S ( PLU ) . :5 0.1. 880- 1, Lee ( PLU ); 2, Adams (UPS ) ; 3, Fu chs (SM ) ; 4, C la rk ( PLU) . 2:03.3. M ile- I, An derso n ( PL ) ; 2, C lark ( PLU ) ; 3, Pride (SJ\f ) ; 4, H a nson ( PL U ) . '+:38 .3. 2-Mile- l , Anderso n ( PLU ) ; 2, P rid e (SM ) ; 3, Bayer ( UPS ) · 4 , Peterson (PLU ) . 10: 28. 120 H H - I , E lvin (SM ); 2, M ey er ( PLU ) ; 3, Ba rk e r ( PLU) ; 4, Col tum ( U PS ). : 16.5 . L H - I, Coltum ( PS) ; 2, EI , in (S M ) ; 3, J o n s on ( P IX ); 4, Schultz (U PS) . ::< 6.6. Mile Rel ay- I, Pac ifi c Luthera n ( M acd onald, J a mes, Yokel'S, H an son ); 2, St. M a rtin' s. 3:3 1.0. Shot- I, Fra nk (SM ); 2, Ba rk r ( PLl: ) ; 3, Dodso n (SM ); 4, Shaha n ( PLU ) . 4 7 fe et, 8 Y2 inches. Discus- I, Fra nk (SM); 2, D od so n (SM ); 3, Ba rk er (PLU); 4, Yokers ( PL U) . 13 3 fte t, 2 in ch es . J avelin- I, Ruud ( P L U) ; 2, F re d rickso n (PLU ) ; ) , S o d c lh o lrn ( PLU); 4 , M acclusi o ( SI'"I ) . 17:' ket o II in ches . Broad Jump- I, H anson ( PLU ) , 2, F uch s (SM )' 3, Bo ul ac (SM ) ; ,}"' Junson (P L ) . 22 fec t, 7 in che •. H igh J um p- I, ti e a m ong' Sa muel SUIl (P L ) , Ba rko (PL U ) , H a n na. ( P 1. ) and Bivin (SM ) . 5 fcd, 1lI il1l:h e .
imp ortant seco nd gam e was to no ava il as \Ves tern downed PLU 1-0 m a kin g their It'a guc reco rd 4-2 a~ o ppo s~d to PLU's 1-3.
The day 1/00 know tlOU must pr01Jide
" "A Itaal _
Th e Lute li nks ters co nt inu ed th eir "ii nnin g habits this pas t week. PLU's most su ccess ful team wh ere vic tori es arc eoncnncd, th e go lfers racked up four mo re wins amI a draw. I n a maU' h agai nst M cCh ord Air Force Bast' a t th e Fort L ew is cou rse, EIV Ma rluw' s 73 led th e way to a I }-I vic tory. T hp n the next day th e ca ttle Pac ific, M c L ules h os ted C hord and Fort L n vis in a four-way ma tch . Th is time George M cC une blaze d to a 5-und er- p,H 65 to pace a 14 -1 \'ic to ry o\'('r Sea ttle Pac ific, 11-4 ove r M cC hold and a 7Yo -7Y, tic w ith p ow erful Furt L ew is . Th en Tucsd<l y ca rr ied the to'arn to Belli ng ham, wh ere the y had li ttl e tro uble ga in in ,,· a second 11 -+ vic tory ow'!' the W es tern " " sh ingtoll Vi kin gs. NIc C um' was meda li st for th e se cond stra ight t illi e with a n evt:n pa t 71. Th e las t dua l llI a teh of th e seaso n w as aga inst Sca tt le U . on the colle ge co urse yes terday an d th e squ ad then w ill ready itse lf for th e conference a nd N AIA distri ct cha mpi onship m eet a t Cen tral Washin gt o n College th e foll owing- wee kend (M ay 19-2 0) .
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Singles by Sta n Frederi ckson, Al Blomqui st, a nd D en ny Gu dal's first hit in the initi a l in ni n g of the op ener ga n ) the L utes a substan ti a l 3-0 lead. C oc chi a llow ed onl' Vikin g run in th e fi fth as he me t SOlTle control t rou ble, bu t ma naged to qui et th e Vikin rr ba ts from that p oi nt a s h e stru ck ou~ six other ba tsmen. Collec tin g singles were Jerry C urtis 2 inc1udin ~". a d ouble, Bob Brodhun ;nd Lars J ; hnSOIl.
L a rso n whiffed ten in th t> nightcap a s h e sh u t out the Viki ngs u ntil a perfe c t sq uet>zc bunt, comin g with two out in the sixth , brou ght home th e only run of the ga m e. The Lutes onl y scoring threat cam e in the f ifth when th t>,y had runners on fir st a nd se co n d with onl y one ou t. However, a stri keo ut foll owed by an infield roller en ded th e ra ll y. Una ble to move one runner past second in th e e ntire gam e, th e Lutes' only hits came from Blomquist Frederi ckson C u rtis a nd D on Kepp ie.r . '
G i rls Track M eet To Be Held Soon All interes ted PLU w om en a re in vited a nd en courage d to p a rti cipa te in a Trac k and Field M ee t on Sa tur day, M ay 20th . It will begin at 1 :00 p .m . on th e track on lowe r campus. All eve n ts havin g sufficient entries will sele ct winners o f 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, a nd 5th p I a ce s. An offi cial OPERATION FITNESS - U .S.A. Certificate will be awarded to the first fi ve places of each event. All entries must be in Mrs. Templin's office n ot later tha n May 17.
WOllldn ' t it I,,: ll iu' to SeC th e SUll just to show th t: C:difornia M uJ '- l1t th a t we h ave une ... D a.\'c Bark er p lac ed in fin ' d iffn e nt eve nts last ",,·,·k in the track m ee t ag a inst St. M a rt ill' s a nd 'L PS. 1'i ot a bad lin y'S pc , fornt a nce . .. T h e Letk n ua n 's C lub picllic was ca lk d off o n acc ount uf rain I" st week an d th,' neW da t sn fa ! th l' pic nic is Sunday, ,,,lay 2 1 . . . l l u I' golf tcam is p robabl y un e of th e most ou tstandin g ones. T hi s yea r's tc a m k lost o nl y oue match a nd th a t w a s to S,·'a ttle U. , r:J tcd close to th e WI> tca m on the Pa cifi c Goast. The tca m is m ad e up of Ervin M arlow, G ~o r gl' M cCune, Dave H aala nd, Ed Do", is a ud Lou is M eiang . S ,iUl' Bob J acob so n is q u ite th e fis h erman , I hear, but I g u ~ss he is lac king a clu b to kill th e fish wi th. Bub was usin g hi s gold-p lated ca ne to kill th e fish a nd bdore h e kne w it th e cane was a t th e butt olll of th e l a k ~ . . . C redit sh ould be gi\'cn to M ark Alld erso n, PLU t rack sta r. Nlark star ted th l' seaso n as an average di sta uce man, bu t has now developed hilllse lf into on e of E Vl' rgrcen Conie rence's tup rUlmers . .. Jack C ucchi is livin g u p to a ll his exp ec ta tions as h c pitc hed the Kn ight s to a 3 to I win over th e Wes tern iVashin g ton Vikings ... Two new school records were se t in las t w eek's track m ee t. Th c first wa s by J ohn Hanson who toured th e ova l in 50. 1 seco nds, a nd th e second record was by R on H a nn a in th e pole va ult. R on has been w oking hard all season to brea k the reco rd and Saturday he did it with a jump of 12 feet, 9 in ch es . . Mike Ma cdona ld.
Custo m Made to Yo ur Stone, Engraving a nd Size
Ron Saine
Extension 79
PHONE LE. 7-7100
F r we I
Wis e
~+. ,,-\. L~ \
Gym Site of Graduation; MDDH'NC!.k . . .0· ·~A5T D plo as To Be Given _ _______________ l
FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1961 -
_ _ _ __ __ _ __
To ay's Chapel Features Honor Day; PLU Knights Capture Several Awards The Honor Day convocation presented this morning during chapel recognized many PLU <;tudents for past performances in scholarships, athletics, and o ther fields of achievement. Dr. S. C. Eastvold presented the awards, beginning with tbe announcement of those stu dents accepted at graduate schools of medicine and dentistry . Fiv e students were accepted at · sch co ls of medicine : A. Dean Anderson, Richard Baerg, Gerald Erickson and Wayne Hill at the U niversity of Washingto n, and Phyllis Nybakke at the University of Oregon. Accepted t t h e L ni 'ersity of Washin g·t on ',.11001 of Dentist yare Jens Andcr .on, R uss ell Christensen, D ar ,- y I D tim n, and R obert Jacobsoll, and a t tl1<" We shingto n Sta te Unive rsit y Coil · 'l' of 't: tc- ri na ry I ed icinc, Ber t I rr. 'mnn ulld J o hn Mitten. Two , pec ia l awards followed. The 0 ,. i ~ h a rd Blandau award, give n by the school of m(·d icine at the U ni (' I Slly of 'Vashingto n for outsta nd in « pre -medical work during the jl!nio r enr, w ent to D ennis Knutson . . 'UI111all D a hl rec<: ivcd the G eorge Fi, h ,··r M (' mori al Trophy, a wa rd ed tu a "Tad uatin g: se nior a thl..te selcc t ( d on the basis of cha racter, schola r ,hip, I, adcrsh ip, co ntributions to the ji k of th e sc hool, and athletic reco rd. The next a nnouncenwnt revealed th e und erg raduate students who w on assistantships a tPLU for next yea r. Th('\c Include: E n )l;lish, a rol French· Biology, D i=-i~ Likk el; Psych ology, J ud ith Montgomery; school of Busi n ess .\dm inistra ti on, Jud y R asmus n; ('h ool of Education, K aren Cru san ; .. hool of Fine and Appli ed Art, D,.,n E rla nd " r ; an d school of Nurs in l'", ; lice Andersen. Fe 11 ·tucknt s won pre-graduat e as istallts hi ps as the Cooperative Pro ~riIm of /·dueation fo r c olltge and uni \,' si ty tt:achi ng; Carole Bybe rg in En (l lish ; Gre tche n H ax. BIOlogy ; Maril yn Lundblad in Chemistry ; and H . Eu , c.: ne L eM ay in Chemist ry RvllCn GoodfeUow rece ived a Uni wrsity of W ash ing ton G r a du ate trai nn'ship for g raduate w 0 r k in J.
5peech th erapy. Ten g raduating student s we r t: award ed assis tantships, fellowships, a nd scholarships a t various colleges . These includ e R 0 g e r Lundblad , t,·aching assistantship in bioch em is try, L'niversity of \¥ash in gton ; Ron ald W alsh, teachin g ass istantship in chcmistry, Oregon Sta te University; K enneth Eri cks!"n , assistantship and fdlowsh ip in Eng lish, Ri ce Univer sity ; ~ orlTlan D a hl, graduate fe llow ship in mathematics a nd philosophy, Stanford U niversity; Ka rl R eitz and J ohn Edlund, g radu a te assistanships in mathematics, U nive rsity of Ore go n ; A . D ea n And,' rson, fOllr-yea r
tuition and fec scholarsh ip in med i c ine, University of W ashington; Ri chard Bang and Wayne Hill, one year fee and tuition scholarships in medicinc, University of \¥ashin g ton; a nd Bru ce Vik, oIl,,-yea r gra duate assistan tsh ip in physics, .1\orthwest ern Unin·rs ity. Thl" las t awards wcrl' four ' ation a l Defen:", Education Act Fellow ships, which consist of $2,000 [or the first year, $2,200 for th e second year• an d $2,400 for the third year. Th ese wcre won b y Barbara Bruns, English lit ~raturc at th t: University of 1\"e braska; David Crowner, G erma n lit ( Continued on pag" 2)
in th,. PLU gy mnasi um. Taking part
in the progra m will be the con ce rt ~fatth e w Ernst, Donald G. Fossum,
Kenn eth J. Gaal, Oystein G hult,
band, unde r the direc tion of Mr. David R. Gaenicke, Irene J. Good Go r don O. Gilbertson. Assisting a le, R obe rt L. Lon gfe llow, Gordon th em in the academic process ional will be R. Byard Fritts at thc o rgan. The invoca ti o n will be givcn by Rev erend Frank L. E r icksen from Long view, Wash ing ton. Also o n th e pro g ram is an address b R everend Har-
.'.:..~--------"";"--"":"-----------------I REV. EDWIN W. BRACHER
vin Christensen, Yvonne 'Voe-rner Coop. Ba rbara E. Corvey, Thom d~ L. Crosier, D av id L. Crowner, E.nl T. Curtis, Norman O. D ahl, D arTyl
Studen ts pleasc note : T he Ra ilway Exp ress Agency has now exten ded their 'chicle pickuJl and delivery service to the ni ersity. Bagga 'e ship ments will be picked up at the dor mitories without additional charg • A t le p hone call to ·IArket 7-3191 is all that is necessary. Service will be daily.
Tonight's camp us movie will be "Grapes of \¥rath," fea turing J o h n Canadine. Th e first showing will be a t 6::lO p.m. in th e J acob Samuelson C hapel.
Also ton igh t, W est Hall w ill be h oldin g a Root Beer Party in their lounge and patio.
* Mi ss Payne's piano studellts will be fea tured J acob Sml1ut"lson Chapel.
a rec ital tod a
T OIllOrrow n igh t's campus movie will be "Rhapsody in Blue. " This is th e story of George Gershwin an d it will be show n for Lhe first tillle at 6:30 p.m. in the Jac.ob Samuelson Chapel.
There will he a g irls trac k and field meet tomorrow on the track from 1:00-4 :00 p.m.
Because thi s edition of the Moor in g M ast terminates the publications for this school yea r, chapel sched I ],.< r [" the last two w e ks of sc hool will be give n below. Next wCf·k we w i11 hear: M onday: The PLL' Concert Chorus w ill provide a musical program und r th e direction of Dr. R . By anI Fritts. Tuesday: Student Body Day, under th e dire lion of the freshman class. Wednesd· y: D r. J e ns Knudsen will spellk. ThursllilY: A musi cal program by the Ambassa dor Quartet. Friday: Senior Day in chapel. Durin g the las t we~k of school we will ht'ar ~ Monday: P astor John Larsgaard w ill ad dress the st udent body today. Tuesday : M r Milton Ne ig will be spt':lk er for the: day today. Wednesday: This will be the last day for the yea r. The speaker will be Dr Roy Olson.
May 28, 196 I , will be a busy an d memorable day for gra d uJting seniors al PLU. Th e day will begin with the Baccalaureate Serv ice in the eMS at 1 I :00 a.m. Speaker for this service will be D r. S. C. EastvoId, and liturgist will be Pastor John Larsgaard. At 3: ,0 p.m. , the commencement exercises will rak p lace
Next Friday, Martin Schaefer will be fea tu red in an orga n recital in the CMS.
)lext Friday's compus m ov ie will be ".1\0 Time for Sergeants·' an d will b e shown at 6:30 in the Ja cob Sa muelson Chapel.
Next Saturday night's campus movie will be " ea Chase" a nd it w iII a lso have its first showing at 6:30 p.m. in the Samu el Chapel.
Wednesday, May 24: Preside nt's Reception fo[" Sen io rs in the Chris K nutson Fellowship Hall at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, M ay 25: S(·nior picnic. friday, M a y 26: Senior Class D a y. Sa turday, .May 27: Senio r R eview at 8:30 p.m . in the CMS . Seni or-Fa culty-Pa rent R ecep tion from 9:30 t() II :00 p.m. Sunday, May 28: Bacca laureate in the CMS. Comlll<'nel"lTlCnt in th.. Gym.
old B. Kild a hl, Jr. , from Minot, North Dakota , g rl"etin gs from D r . H. L. Foss, chairlll a n of th.. Board of Re «rnts, a nd th e Benedi c tion b y Dr. And ,,!'s \¥. Ramstad , professor of Chemistry at PI , . D r . E a.stvold will co nfcr th e de gn:·cs and the C h oir of th West w ill pr ·c nt two s.. lec tions und er the dircc tion of Pr ofess r Gunnar J . M al min . Honorary de g rees will be' con ferred on three !lien. D oc tor of Di vinity degrees w ill bc given to R ev. Kildahl and R e\'. Eu g,' nc Stillle, and a D octor of L aws to RC\·. Edwin Bra che r. Candidates for grad ua tion from PLU for 1961 a re: Bachelor of Arts: Paul G. Aasen,
Arnold R. Anderson, D o uglas A. An
REV. EUG ENE V. STiME derson, Harlan L. Anderson, Vi rgi l
M. Anden;on, Roger Ba kken, D aniel D . D ct tmaIln, M ary P . Duniap, J ohn E. Bl! nson, D av id L. Berg, K enn eth A. Edlund , Arthllr E. Elli ckson, C r R. Black, D avid M . Bluhm , L eslie R. a Id W. Eri ckson, Paul W . E ·ks, Bowers, J ane A . Brevik, Ba rba ra A.
( Co ntinll ed on pa gl" 3 ) Bruns, Ru ssell J. Christensen, Mar-
Gra uates Active in La st Days; Receptions, Picnic, Recital Planne~ Durin" the four days prece ding the orad:ation of the seniors, many acti:itics and eve n t s ha\'<.: bee n planned to keep them busy an d entertained. On Wednesda y. M ay 24, Dr. Seth E as tvold will receive se ni r, a.t 8:00 p .m. in Chris Knutzen H a ll a t the Presid ent' s R ecepti on. The Senior CIa 5 pi c ni c will be held on Thursday, M ay 25, ::1.t reyland Beach. This event will begi n at 8:00 a.m . On Friday, M ay 26, the sen iors will sponsor the program for chapel. At 8 :00 p.m. that evening·, Martin Schaefer will present an organ rec ital in the eMS. Saturday, Ma y 27, will find the
illumni being honort"d at the Alumm Banquet, whi ch will be held in C h ris Knutzen H a ll a t 6:00 p.m. Late,· in the evenin g-, at 8: 15 p .m ., the ~f·ni .rs will prf'sc nt th eir Semor ReVIew In the CMS. Following this event will be a reception for d,I1 parents, fac ulty, and guests at 9:30 p.m. This will take place in the courtya rd and lounge of th e CUB. Th e las t event to be h eld before th e Bacca laurea te Serv ice On M ay 28, will be a communion service in the CMS at 7:00 a .m. The ac tual commc nct:m... nt .... xe r· cises, which will en d the school ycar for the 1961 graduating class, will be held a t 3:30 p .m. in the PLU gymnasium.
Page Two
Friday, May 19, 1961
"Laos Revisited"
by Gordon Gray Fou rte e n nations are sitting down to decid e the fate of one small South ~ ,t Asian country, that of Laos. And as in most international confer ences of any sig nificance there are two particularly interested parties the United States and the Sovit"t ach with the desire that li Ilion th ir ends should be attained in this innocent bystander, With thest' ideas in mind I would like to reprint an a rticle co ncerning Laos which was writte n about four w~eks ago, for I t.hink we need to keep in mind the typ"s of tactics w hie h th ' Com munists usc- a nd use so well- and th. type of action which has been sugges ted for a United States policy conCt rning Laos. Active Encouragement We need to acth'ely encourage the peoples of the world to revolt and fig h t against Communists of all kinds. In ca:;e of a major revolt, we have to confront Russia with an ulti matum forbidding intervention, If tJlat is rejected, U, S. forces should be moved in the area, It must be made clear to ilie Russians that use of long-range b 0 m b e r s, missiles, troops, or aid of any kind would bring automatic retaliation in kind, leaving Moscow a choice between total destruction and acceptance of local defeat; for since the end of the Korean War-with the partioning of this country-and the Geneva Con ference of 1954, in which the end was brought about to the Indonesian War-again with partitioning of this l ountry- the Communists have been using a political conference tactic to bring land area and people under h eir sphere of influe.1lcc. And now in 1961, the game of tac Iks is repeating itself- this tim e in t he country of Laos. Britain and the 'l 1nited States have been spending many hours drawing up a solution to the Laotian crisis-one which in volves a cease-fire followed by a con fere nce table discussion with Russia over the political future of this ex tremely important Southeast Asian
country. The problem is, as most ex pe rts concede, in free elections which all parti es concerned secm to want, tha t about forty p e rcent of the gov-
ernm c ntal scats w 0 u I d go to the Communist ba cked Path e t-La o . In volv ed he n ei n, though, is giving the Communists an opening in whi ch to put their foot in the door, ~lnd as Prime Minister :\Tehru of India has said, "The future of all Southeast Asia depends upon the ha'ppcnings in Laos." Free World's Pledge W. W, Rostow points out that in Russia's opinion the fr ee world would not be willing to fight over such a small pie ce of land as Laos and thus would not mind turnin g this area over to the Communists to avoid a hot war. This is one opinion in which I hope we ca n tell Russia they are wrong, for the free world is pledged PICTURED ABOVE ARE the member. of the Ambassador Quartet: Ed Harmie, Phil to curbing th e forces of Commun Yoke", Dan Erlander, and Olaf Malmin. This group wiil be tourin g throughout the ism, and the only way we will be western half of the United States this summer presenting musical programs. abl~ to hold our h ea ds high is to stand up to these fallacious opinions and show the peoples of the world that we practice what we preach (Continued from page 1) The Clara O. Storaasli Memorial that democracy is betti:r than a dic eraturc, Rutgers University ; Loren Trophy for the m 0 s t outstanding tatorship. Hildebrand, Business Administration, senior member of the golf or tennis But to keep this area free we must University of Washington; and Gene team went to Lawrence Peterson act; we must choose, howeve r, the Schaumberg, Chemistry, Washington
a nd the Louise Randall Trophy for proper action. We must act in a way State University,
the most outstanding member of the which will not give to the Commun
Other awards, honors, and recog baseball team to Lars Johnson . ists a foothold in Southeast Asia , and nitions given to graduate and under Gordon G . Gradwohl won the In we can, if and only if we start play graduate students include the follow ing the same kind of game which the tramural Award for outstanding con ing:
Soviets are playing. Se nator Ful
tribution to the Men's Intramural The 23 students from PLU listed bright has said that we need to con. Sports Program from 1958 to 1961. in "Who' s Who Among Students in sider very carefull y the possibility In the speech department, the Phi American Universities and Colleges" of sending U. S, and S .E.A.T.O. Be ta Drama Award went to Sandra for the 1960-61 school year were troops into Laos to protect this coun recognized: Paul Aasen, Douglas An Heinen as an outstanding junior try from the Sovie t sphere of influ derson, Ruth Berhow, David Crown drama student, and the Individual ence. I tend to agree with him and er, Korman Dahl, Carolyn Ericksen, Speech Achi evement Award, given Senator Goldwater in that we must Kenn e th Ericksen, Paul Eriks, Ken on the basis of the studen t' s forensic leave Russia with the choice betwee n neth Gaal, Linda Effinger Gilmer, total destruction and acceptance of reco rd, was accepted by Judith San Theodore Johnstone, Joan K essel local defeat. nerud, Ann Schnac kc nbng , Susan ring, Marge K rueger, Roger Lund The world to remain free needs a Vallind e r, Carolyn SihleT, Morris blad, Karen Sue Olson, Lorelie Ol definite course of a ction; one w hic h Ki mbrou g h, and Stephen Goff re son, Eric Ottum, Marie Peters, Di will insure peace and tranquility for ceived the Karl Weiss M em orial Art ane Rosdahl, Judith Sannerud, Mar all mankind, If we have to fight to Awards . tin Schader. Gene Schaumberg, and insure freedom then let us fight. Let Fellowships and scholarships for Clarice Syverson. us not make the same mistakes which
summer study were awarded to other For outstanding performance in
have been made in past discussions
PLL" students, Edwa rd Walters re their fields, special awards were giv
wit h the Communists. Let's keep ccivrd th e Dr. J ohn Robson Summer en to some undergraduate stud ents,
Laos free,
R l'sca r ch Awa rd in chemistry. Sum Two freshmen students who, in the Iller R esear ch Fell owships at the This is the last in a series of poli judgment of their departments, made U nive rsity of Washin g ton went to tical articles writte n by G 0 r don the g reatest progress, received books Gr:1Y, A similar series will be includ D e nnis Knutson in physiolog y and - for Chemistry, Charles Schmitz, ed in next year's Mooring M as t.
Di x ie Likk d in e mbryology. Rog!'r - editor and fo r Mathematic, Linda Trabert. \-Vong re ceived a s um mer under ~ radu a tc resea r ch a ward for Or gon Stat(" Unin'rsity and David Crow ner an awa rd for G c rma nSuInm c r School a t R eed Colle ~.
Honor Awards
B ETWE EN MEALS ... get that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
Two students ha \'c bccn acce pted to th e U n i,'crs ity of Washing ton <:,chool of P harll1i1cy: Thom as Crosier a nd Joa n Kra mer. Oth("r students ac cl'p1.ed at g ra du a te school include: :\n ir..l Re imann, Un iv ers ity of Orc 'lO U, ll usin!' dmi ni, tratirm ; R o n ald L" IT h, lh q ,'cm St.a t.e J niv('l's itv, C hc rni, tty; Dan il'i J. , hnfland , Sta te L" I1in r~j ty of 10 va C hemis t r y ; Kar l~n ShOll' r, (:n i\",.sity of T c.' a s, Mathnn~, tin; J rry K ress, U n iveT sity of Mic h i, li n, Phi losoph); and K cnlll' th G:lal, L ni \'l' rsity of An wn~, PhysiC's.
Some gradUl! t i n~ senio rs werc al.s o ilrct pled al , orn e 0 the th "ologie I 'f' ltI inarie" At Aug- !.a na T h 010 i II ~(,tnj n at} , T h eodore J ohnsto ne, Ru~sdJ Mu.·l k r :Jt Lllthf'r .. minary; Pall l -\a~"n. Doug las An cll'rso n , O li \t'j" B{'n'ln, J r , .\rth Ul F.llickson, Donald fossum , Dame! llasscn pflug, [orris H a ll l;"e. {;lryin KOU !7en, linn e, N\ borg, Ron., IJ Dine, ;l nd Lowdl Stordahl ; at Pac ifIC L Ulheran . t'I1'lIn:, ry : P a u I .Bpngfeldt, Paul h r iks, D:u'i d <w nir kt', E ric: lI um, Ph ili p Rams ta d, Ma rtin cha der, J oe Sm ith ~ at W a rtburg Seminary: R asC.!· Ba kken, Matth ew Ernst.
Many Places Call
13 PLU Profes ors
Retirement, study, and other job. have- called 13 membe rs of the PLU faculty on to new fields. Some will be returning after storing up more knowled ge; othe rs will be administer ing their last finals next week. Mr. John E . Gain es, who is an in structor in geology and gene ral e n g ineering, is planning on g-ra.duate study at the University of Washing ton, whe-H' he received his B.A . H e IT cei,'cd a PL'troleum Eng inee ring D': grcc fro m Colorado School of Mines in 1917, Heinicke to U. of W, Another professor planning to take graduate work at the University of Washington is Miss Frances Heinicke. Mr. Sherman B. Nornes and Mr. Clarence J. Potratz will bc doing g raduate work at Washington State Vniversity .Mr. Nornes, the assistant professor of physics, received his B,A, from Concordia College and his M.S. from the University of North Dakota. Mr. Potratz is a PLC graduate who received his M,S. at the Vnivcrsity of Idaho. He will !cave his post of instructor in mathe matics. Two Retired Both Dr. A. W. Ramstad and Mr. Josef E. Running will be retiring this spring. Dr. Ramstad of the chrmistry department has been at PLU since 1925 and has done past study at St. Olaf, Luther Theologi cal S("minary, and the University of Washington. Mr. Running, the as sistant professor of Mathematics, has heen with the PLU fa culty since 1948 and has studied at St. Olaf and University of Minnesota. Hc and Dr. Ramstad were two c.lasse.s apart at St. Olaf. Mr. Raymond A. Klopsch, a sso ciate professor of English, will tra,'e! back to the University of Illinois for graduate study. He has eentcred his studies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Illi nOIS.
Scott Leaves The Uni" e rsity of Maryland calls :\lr. Richard T . Scott, instructor in psychology. He will be doin g gradu ate study thne. Mr. Scott has re ce ived d ("gTces at Souther n M etho· dist Vniversity and University of Chicago. Dr. Donald Ziemke, instructor in religion, will leave after one year a t PLL" to ta.ke a position as a ssis tant Professor at the Unive rsity of orth Dakota, M rs. Ann Smith, ,'110 also has been here for on e Y('a r, will leave to sta y home a nd tak e «lfe of h el" rall1il y. Haydon to F rance Tn iH' rs ily • r ' o rbonnc, F ra n (', is t ht' fa.rth est a P L L" famlty IIle lUl~r is pl a Tl n in ~ 1.0 go for stud y. Mr. C ha,\es Hayd on, a ssista nt pr f'ssor of FIT neh ,w d Spanish, will be do ing ;( 1. dll a t e:; work t.here ""hi le livio>( in the French Q uartc . Mr. H a yu on rc ('(,ivrd hi , d cg n '!'s a t t. nt \'er~ity of fcxas a nd Ba ylor n.i v 'rsity; hI.: has d OJl(' g radua.tt' work ;ll th ,· Pnivu sity of P ari s a nd the C nJ\t'rsi ty of G ·noble.
Miss Shirl~}' • l<1l' ~.1ac. instructor in German, will be it-avi n,l; , t hough 1)('1" p lans for next )"ral' ar" nClt ye t dcfin itt" , J fis, Mac I aac gra duate d from PL U in 1957 and did gra lut! te study a t Wa shington State U niver sity.
,b6AIN ....<.Jl./uN'.Il0 ~INAl..S:
'{116 /'NJ.S'
Friday, May 19, 1961
GRADUATING SENIORS (Continu ed from page J) G. Gradwohl, David A. Haaland Shirley A. Hagen, Daniel O. Has~ senpfiug, Morris J. Hau ge, Alltrina R. H enning. Lor r n Hildebrand, Wa yne L. Hill, Gary Huskinson, Rob ert E. Jacobson, Robert W. Johnson, Theod ore E. Johnston e, Sharon L. Juli a n. Others are Ruth A. K a ne, Joa n Kesselring, Gary S. Kieland, Dong Kook Kim, Lenny E. Kirk eby, Kar en J. Knudsen, Marvin C. Knutzen K a thryn C. Knutson, J erry R. Kress; Jame s E. Kuball . Charles C . Larson, Manford T. La rson, Gail M. Lati mer, Francis C. Leigh, Ronald E. Lnch, Myrtl e J. Lyons, William D. Mill er, Gloria J. Mitchell, Russell H. Muelle r, Robert A. :\Tcttelblad, Bruce A. Nunes, Jam es Nyborg, Eric Ot tum, William H. Ostenson, Lawrence L. Peterson, Philip S. Ramstad , Rog ("I' F. R eep, G e ra ld Lrc R itter, M ar tin J. Scha d er, R ich a rd C . Schlen ker, Sa rah P. Sharpe, JoAnn Skold, J oe E. SlIlith, R onald O. Soine. Ed ward H . Sonstegard. Low('ll S. 'Stor Jahl. Clarie E ,' S y v~ rson , Cccilia E. T a glll', 1vla sa ko Tak a ha ta, Rohert Tomh(· rg. F l' an k :\, Wa terworth, Barba ra J. Web(' r, Wa nt' n p, Willis, Kenneth Victor Olson. Kpnncth D, Sa va ge, Dewey A _ Hollingswo rth . Ba chdor of A ts in Ed ucat ion: Shirl/"y ]. 1- lI en. Alire A _.'\rmstron g, ,Jrrry Bau ghm a n. R uth Be rh ow, Au
drey D, Betts, Karen J. Bird, Geor gina Brewington, Stanley Charlston, Janet Rae Christel, Orson Christen sen, Son j a E, Christensen, Dean Christian, Ron ald C . Coltom, JoAnn Corey, J ean E. Danielson, Linda M. Engwall, Carolyn M, Ericksen, Di ane M, Eri ckson, Eleanor E. Fergu son, Ann ette E, Foege, Sta nley A. Fr~dri ck s on, Peter E, Gahlhoff, Ellen K. Galbraith, Samuel J. Gange, Lin da Effinger Gilmer, John Gossnell, :\Taney Gradwohl, Grae e L . Harthill, H ele n A, Hedberg, Judith A, Heit man, M a rtha R, H erbert, Nina H. Hill, Lorelie ]. Ihlenfeldt, Larry L. Iverson, Sonja L. Ja cobsen, Donald R, Jampsa, Melvin H. Jan ga rd, John B, Jen s~n, Douglas L. John son, Lars E, John son, Donald J. Kepple,r, Ed wa rd M. K eys, Gertrude Krause, Margey K. Kru eg-c r, Eu genia Kvins land, D a rline M, Lam k a. Vi olet Hop e Landon, Oli\'cr A . Lar~en, Sig fried C, L a rson, Also, Lois E . L ewler, Joy c C L. Luit("n, Carmen D, Lundgren, Mau rcen J. I'\'I cAll i.stcr, M iLr i I y n A, Moore, Loyd W , Orne, Barba ra J. O\'r rmoe, Blay ne D, Pc rlcth, {arie G, Peters, ~1ariann e E. P otter, Erik Rcda l, Hazel R eetz, Georgi ann K, Rembold, Yolanda Rettko\;'ski , Di a nr' A, R osdahl, Ba rbara A, R un quist, Judith Sannerud, E lsi e H . Sa uter, Sandra J. Schneidewind, L or ance O. Schoenberg, B arba r a A.
Page Three
Schwisow, Carl Searcy, Patricia J. Sherman, Sylvia J. Shule)" Sandra D. S i m 0 n s, Richard E. Spinney, Ros~mary Spitzer, Marylee Squires, H e nrietta M . Stolte, Judy A. Stru thers, Gwendolyn Ann Thomas, Joan M. Tousley, Carol R . Triplett, Jo annc E, Van Licrop, Oswald A. Va\, ness , Jr., Ol ga Wagner, Leland G, Weave' r, The ron H. Wheel~r, Helen M . Wolff, Judith M. Zi eske, Bach elor of Science in Nursin'g : Susan Baldwin, M rilyn E . Beise, Su san K, Berg, Byrdr E, Eckrcm, Ruth L. Goldcnman, Patricia Gamaehlich, M a rgrethc A, G rege rsen, Bonita L, Hanson, Judith E. Hildebrand, Bon )tta J. Johnson, Joy S, L ewis, Mari lyn J , Ni ckelsen. Nelda ,Reede, Dyann Schierholtz, Marf!arct Thies sen, Julie Simmons Wallace , Bachelor of Scienc(: in Medical Tech nology: Mavis R owley. Bachelor of Science: J ens Martin Andl'rson, Joan K ram e r, R oger Lund blad. Phyllis Nyba kke, ad P. Reit z, Karen Shaner, Bruce A. Vik, D a niel Sha fland, Bachelor of .Rusi n Administra tion : J rrome W . Ba K.., O liver J. B e r \' e n, Palr'eia Ise ns.. e, L ei! O . Dahl, Chon g- Jin K im, A nita Rei m; l nn.
{lister of Arts: J unr S, Broeckc:l, R;> lph E, Ba ird, Carroll K ast ell ~ , C a I vi r.: M, Watn< '~s , B' rnard F. Smith , Rolar.d E, To i3 on .
Commencement: of Lif Commencement is not an ending, but just th (' beginnin g , This is oft en 0 1 'o lte11 wh en lIlallY lcnd to fc',,1 grad uation is the <'nd of the ir sch oolin g :lnd It' rning , Yet, in aClua lity, it should reall y be t!tou ght of as just a sta rt . F or those who ha\'c compleled th e ir requirements for ,,'1'a dua tion, and will b~ leaving PL'C this June, COIllITlenn 'nH'nt will mcan the begi nning of life for th"m in many wa ys. For !.he past 'ixle'en or so yeaTS they have been t;f' ing to ch ool, gaining knowled ge' and back grou nd so tha t they can enter \' a ious pl'Ofessions anJ now they will b(' able lo apply and test out what they lia,'c learn ed, In a la rger Sl' nse they will be tesling out the value of our edu (' a ti onal systclll when applied to life and ('v~ryd a y existen ce, Many things th ey have lc:arn ed will nev er be directly useJ in th eir profess ions, a nd yet it h:" "ivcn lhem a back g round of knowl ed ge and" cultural horizon that will llI ~ k(" li[(' a much more llleanin g-ful and b("auliful experienc e. You who alT leavin g, and w{' who arc staying would do well to remem lwr II .It Wl ' arc Illnrly bein ,\:( I"xposcd to lea rning here a t colleg e. Wha t value ; nd wo rth W' 1-';e t out of it and how wisely we apply it will d epend entirely upon u ~: , If we approach and take full a d vanta ge of wh a l we a il; 0 fe n d, th f' n C m nll'ncement will \)(' just th ,. beginnin g of knowled ge towa rds further Iv il:'h t, for liS , a nd not just the endin g- of ou r sc, rch for truth a nd wisd om, - Ann H a ggart, editor
ammo Mu Establishes Gr up
D r. E , C, K norr. Dean of the Col I IS and Sciences, has an nuum'cd the esta blishment of th W 3~h i Ill( ton Beta ehap ler of Pi il m lIla 1I[u, national honors socie ty for ti l soci. ,l scie nces, This is th e first Ih!tio na l oq,can iza tion on campus giv j n~ p urdy acadcmic hono. and its I'uahli,hm"nt represe n ts another step forward by th e school in gainin g nationa l !'['cognition. Pi ' mm, Mu \'las fou nded in \ 924 b "an .\lIen of outhwestern Coll ege a nd D ean H amilton of the Coll ege of William a nd Mary. Char ter chap tt"rs W fTC orga niz ..d simul laneously by sevcnleen kading col l l' g ('~ and universiti es. T oday th ere art" over 100 a ctive cha.pters a nd a Illnnbel'ship in e XCl' SS of 5,000, Th,' purpose of Pi Gamma Mu is to r("cognize and ilI1prove scholar hip in th e soc ial studies; to inspire social ,('rviel' to humanity by :m intelli nt approach to the solu lion of social p roblems, ri n d to enge nder sYTIl pa thy tO W:-'f oth... n wi th iffe-rc llt opin io " ~ by a bctlt!! m ut ual unelcn tand iIlg It (J ,o tto I•• " \ ., shall know the truth an d th truth sh 11 m ake you kgc of
The ch.u-t e r llIemlw !'lchip list for th t' local cha pter i' com pri ~ l' d of ten fa culty. ull" IIl1'rtlb'T from the ad ministrati on, 12 seni ors, a nd 11 Jun iors, T ht' fa culty members arC' D ean K llorr and Prof<: 01 E . • f. Alae, onald R, Fa rmer Gund a r K ing, Ma gnlls Kodtvcdt, Cha rles Peterson, R, E. Pi" ')n , ]. A, Schiller, P aul \ I ~n e ss, and Dwi ght Zulauf. Mr. C, U. Van ce, a ssistant to the presi d ent, is also a mt'lnb,'l'. Stud ent mem bership requires a minuimum G. P,A. uf 3,0 for a ll cou rses taken and a minimum of 20 semest er hours credit in th e sucial sciences with at kast a 3 ,1) G ,P,A, in this area . Seniors elec t ed to membership in c Iud e Paul AasNI, Y\onne Coo p., 1 a ry Dun b p, Loren H ild l' brand, R uth K ane, Ba r ba ra Schwisow, Jo Ann Skold, 'R ich e a rd Spinney, Clarie Syve 50n, cilia T ague, obe rt Tomberg, a nd Joa n Tousley. J un iors cIee tt-d include Elt'a nor BOlJsfil'kl. Dan iel E rland er, Gar\ Gra y, O rville Jacobson, • ing hild J 0 h nn e r, !sarin K il ambo, Chark s ~ L,ys, J udith M ont gom ery, Judy R asmlJs~e n , D avid S mith, a nd St a nl f"~' Trom,
PLU RI GS Custo m Made to Yo ur Stone, Engraving
and Size
Ron Soine
Extension 79
=the blue· UlJt -with-ihe
gold b •
You re II C('l!,·tl. •• j ll'! 11' )Ulll lutlu'r an(1 gralltl fat her were, It's n olJlig t io n that lot o f CJ uatifi"d coll ege m n ha\'e to meet ... th a t (~e rvin g yo ur culll!' ,try, ~hen an d whe re y u are need d. Arid th ~ Air Forr(' need , 1'01le g<>· lrru ll u l ml'lI a" oni ·('r~. T hi s i, cau'cd by tIl ra pid ly cx i lal1 tl il1~ I'<, It nology th at gut'S with h ) per:;olIi<: ai r a nd ~p a~ e lIi/-!!tt . Your fOllr yea r , of c()l e;.!~ have c l[ ui ' pr d ,O U 11) h an· dIe rO!npl cx jous, 'r ou have the Jt lJtc nti ~l to pr o/it front ad van ced trai n ing , .. tl ll'n JI ll t it to WOI k. T here aJ'e f' 'e r at wu,'t< to Iol:'l' omc an oni" r. First the re i ~ Air lorce RO C. A nothe r p ro " r'lln relative! ' new, is lli t' r T ra ining : cho I. n L'~~ th~ Air Force conlll\i ~ " i u ll ~ ('ertaill l'oli l" g" gradu.l tes, hoth men a nd wum e n a fte r t hree 1110 ths' training, The n a.\'ig uto r tra in ing pro"ram ellaul e~ YOli to win a flyin g ral illg a mi a cum m issio n. And, of l'our~e , lit Ie's ,the .\ ir F orce Acuut: m r . An Ai r Fl.l rcc offi c r' ,; Ha rting sala r) nye ra ge,. li nt to ah ut what you co uld c : pl'ct as a civ ilian. F ir st there's your La se pay. T hen add on stich thing" as ta . f ee ration s a nd quart e rs allo wances, fre e Dl edical a nd d en tal Cd re, re lire men t p rovi ion, perhaps Ai g.ht pa y, a nd .30 d a y,;' va ca tion per year. Jt comes to an allracli e fi gure. OJ\e t iri ng m reo As a n llffi,'cr, you wi ll becom e el igi ble for the A ir For ce lru.ti Ite of TeeItn log: . W hil e on active d uty man y offi ers will win te tie l!ree. a t Air Force e,~ p eIlSC . Why n ot r'onlact our loc al Air Fo rce Recruiter.
Or write to Ollie'c" Cart!er Information, Dept. SClS, Do 7 08, Wa hingloD 4, D.C. if you wool f urther inforDUltion nllout tbe na v i~n '() r t ruinin!! r om er Training School progra1Wl.,
u.S.Air Force There s a place JOT rof essional achievement on the A Tospace Team
Page Four
Friday, May 19, 1961
Year Ends wit:h Memories of Thrill and Heart:break
GraduatingSeniors Maple Sqad Wins in Spurt:s; 1960 Football Season Alexander, Carr, Dahl Gone Marked by Improvement . Pacif~c L.uthera n 's maple squad found their winning and lOSing gOlllg III streaks. Behind the leadership of Captain Norm Dahl the Lutes whittled 9 straight opponents down to size be fore a loss in the Chico tourney. Injuries and sickness hit the squad after Christmas to hamper the Knights' conference hopes. They lost SIX 111 a row before dumping Eastern 60-59. Back on
Closing out the 1960 football season with tW{) resounding victories over UPS and Central, Jim Gabrielsen's team finished the season with a record of 3 wins and 6 losses, ending up in a tie for fourrh in the Evergreen Conference. Early season inex perience and inju:ries prevented the Lutes from giving their best performances as many timers the final decision was not deter mined until the dying moments of the game. L ed by the six graduating seniors, Bruce !\funes, Lou Blaesi, Bruce Alex ander, Don Keppler and Ron Col tom. th e Lut es gave most of the tea ms a few headaches throu ghou t the season. The defensive line, led by the likes of J ohn Aunt', John Mades, Keppler, Blaesi and Marv Sndl, proved to be one of the best in Lute football history. Offensively, Di ck Johnson, Dave Bottemilkr and Bill L e nnon aided quarterback Doug Me ,bry t o utilize his passing along wi t h the running of backs Alexander, D aw Rey nolds and Ron Ratliff.
Knights Bruce Alexande r and Don K eppler were named to th e AP Lit tle All-W est Coast team as honorable mention choices. Bottemilkr and Alexander were honored with firs t place All-Lea gue selections to join with K e ppler, McClary, Gary Nevcs a nd Norm Jugger t who w cre hon or able m e ntion choices. The las t three will be returning to form the nu cleus of wha t promises to be a very strong PL U fo otba ll tea m in the 1961 season. M an y of n ext year's returnees saw considerable action and some were named to several of the lea gue's a ll-opponent teams.
PLU 13 - U PS
victory row the Lut es knocked off Whitworth, Central, Redlands and UPS. Western Washington proved to be the Lutes' toughest opponen ts, disposing o f the Knights three out of four. Seattle Pacifi c ended the Knights' :\TAlA hopes with a 77-69 playoff. Norm Dahl led the t eam in scor ing with a 14.8 average, as well as rebounds with 287. Bruce Alexander \vas Il('xt in scoring, \vith a 12.4 average. Larry Poulson pulled down 25 1 rebound s, whil e collecting a 10 point average. R aJph Carr took third
in scoring, 12.1 a game, and b"ggcd 217 rebounds. Guards Dick :\Telson, flruer: Alexander and Rieh Stanley played finc floor games. .'\ mong the freshmen, Jon Malmin showed th e most promise, a long with injured Mar v Fredricksen. Mike Flcaly and Dennis McPoland. Bob J acobson proved to be th" Fr;mk Ranse), of PLU. His consis tency struck a hot hand after com ing ri ght off the bench . J ack rabbit Bob polled 172 points and picked off J 48 rebounds.
NEXT 'yEAR WltEN tn PlU Knlgh t& tcoke the b(nkelball couct Ihe three b all players pi ctured above will not b" pre."nt. The y a,e, from le/t 10 Ight: Norm Dahl , Ralph Ca rr, and Bruce Alexand r. The s!!rvi, e of thes~ three starte rs w ill be greatly missed .
HIGHLIGHT of the 1960 footba ll sea50n wa 5 the w in over o ur cro5stown rival, UPS. Above is ty pica l 0 1 the fine defense played by the Knig hts. Dick Joh nson (61). Marv Sne ll (7 1 I. and No rm Jug g ert hold tight a5 Lou Blaesi 182) comes in to give aid.
The Job They Do Is a Big One
T'yPICAL ACTION ihrougn 'he 1960-61 seQ'1In. Carr a nd Poul son are hig h in the air for the Tebound and Dah l is ready 10 give any assistance ne ded .
Marv Tommervik·s
PICTURED ABOVE are Pacific Lutheran University's three fine coaches (I. to r.) : Jim Gabrielsen , Gene Lundgaard, and Mark Salzman.
JOHNSON"S DRUG (All Students' Needs)
Daily, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 12-8 Sun.
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ECON·O.WASH 12171 Pacific Avenue
Not pictured, Co-Captain,
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LU BRICATION Sixth Avenue at Orchard
nighi:s Polish Track Taleni:s; Ceni:ral Hosi:s League Meei: Central Washington hosts the conference track meet this w eek nd . Competition will get underway today, with the finals scheduled tomorrow. Coach Salzman has tabled Mark Ander son , Dave Barker, Gary Brown , Leo Eliason, Marv Fredrick s n, Ron Hanna, \Varren L ee, Mike Macdonald, Arvin Meyer, R o~e r
R ccp , and K cn Ruud for th e EII, n ~burg fli g ht. I n th e filed c\'('nts some of thc I ac:u,,'s st a nd a rds includ e H e rman WashinR;ton of W ('stl' rn, who j umped 6 fc·/"t , 6% inches against the Lutes la t Sa t u rd ay . J ack Curtwright of L "nt ra l boasts th e season 's hig h pole VA uIt of 14 feet, 5 in ch es. Reid of Whitworth is the class of the broad j u m pr' rs with 23 feet, 4 Y2 in ches. C ompetition in th c shot wiIl be keen bc tw ('('n Elholm of Easte rn and Ba rk er of the Lutes. Elholm has put the shot for 4 8 feet, 7 in ches; Barker' s hes t hc a v' is 4 7 feet, 5 in ches. Gun clcrso n is an overwhdming fa vorite t.o ta ke the j a velin title over Whit worth, wit h a m easurement that hould approach or be ttc r his 205 fe et, 6 inches. season hig h. O n the Ion g dista nc(' cind ers Trc thaway of Western looks like a • llugh cus tome r. His best milc time is 4: 19.7. Race fa ns should see one nf the closest b a ttles of the afternoon between Hanson of PLU, Clark and Jackson of Central. In the dashes speed d emon Jack Higg ins of UPS looks like a good bet. Whitworth en te rs with the fastest timed rela y team to date, 3:26.3 for the course. West e rn, C e ntral, and PLU are also cx pel'tr'd to send sha rp relay squads, but a t this writing Coach Salzma n hadn't de cided on his relay selec tio ns. Hopefuls included Al James, Ki cth Shahon, Phil Yokel'S, Bob San d crs, M ik e Macdonald and John
BASEBALL Lute baseball n wound up th e sea son Tuesday afte rnoon with a split a gain st UPS. Gabrielse n's crew may meet U(' ntral or SPC a ga in in pos sibl,' post-season activity.
Baseball Championship Golf-Loop meet at CWC Track-Loop meet at CWC Tenn is-Loop meet at CWC Track-Girls meet here TEN N IS Fuzzballc rs o\'envheimed UPS last w l'ekend behind th e play of Dick Pu r tze r, Dale Thompson and K e n Gaa l. Purtzer edg ed G ordon, Thurs da y, 6-4, 6-0. K ~nn c th K nappe lost out to r ooki e Dale Th ompson, 6-4 , 6- I. m G a al ba rely squeezed past John Sharp, 7-5, 8-6.
Only two more weeks a nd then we have three wond eful months without any worrying O\or r when the next tests will be; sounds good, right? . . . W a rre n Lec, the Kni ghts' top 880-yard runner, turned in his best time of the ye a r last week. Warren ran th e distance in 2 minutes and .9 seconds . . . The L e tterman ' s Club picnic will be held May 26, which is a Friday. All those le tte rme n who pla n on going should sign up on the shee ts in the CUB or at the gym . . . I understand Ed Davis, Jim Shivdahl and M a rv Fredri ckson are going to start a Ukelele band; they should be good since they practice so mu eh . .. Jack Higgins, UPS sprint ace, wiII be out to break the Evergreen confere nce 100-yard dash r ecord tomorrow at Central Washing ton . Higgins has alread y turned in a 9.5 second time for the cen-' tury, one-te nth better than the record .. . This year the PLU athletic teams h :w e had their ups and downs , but I am sure that they have done their best and deserve thc continued support of the student body . . . The girls track m eet will be held tonight after 8th pe riod. All you athletically inclined girls (2nd even you who aren't so a thletically inclined) be down a t th e track field and take part . . . Credit should be given to our three fin e coaches for the work they have done this yea r. Coach G a brielsen for his work in fcotball and baseball ; Coac h Salzman for work in track, football, and basket ba ll; and to Coac h Lundgaard for his work in basketball, foobatll, tennis, and golf . .. W ell, that is about it for this year. Have a good summer and I'll seC' you next Scptembe r. - M ike Macdonald .
Friday, May 19, 1961
Page Five
Wildcai:s Down Lui:es, Vikings Fredrickson Wins Javelin The Lute track squad found Sat urday that trying to bitt: off C entral Wash ington and Weste rn Washing ton CoIlegcs at once was a m outhful too large to swa Ilow. Central p aced the three-way m eet with 72 points. W este rn follow ed with 48 to PLU ' s 42 .
Th e only multiple winner of the m ee t discou n ting the I' e I a y, was W este rn's durable Don T r ethway. H e ga in ed thrce first places: the half m ile, mil e, and two-mile runs. His mile tim e was 4:17.8, and he was well u nde r te n minutes in th e two m ile with a 9:44.9 effort. Western's H e r m a n W ashington dominated the hig h jump. His 6-6%, leap was not his best mark, but easily gained first position.
Golf Team Ran ks Hig h L as t T hursday found the Pacific Lutheran golf team bowin g beforc powerful Sea ttle University 12-6 fo r the second tim e this season . Those two defeats were th e only blotch es on the Lute r ecord , leaving th em with 10 wins, 2 losses, and one ti e going into the conference met. Ironically, th Lutes' D a ve E vans, who pac ed the m with a 67, fa iled to gain a single p oi nt from the Chief tai ns' DeRoss Kinkaid, who shot a 5-undc r-par 65 fo r one-up victories on both nines . This weekend the golfe rs from the e ntire conference and NAIA district converge u po n Ellcnsburg, whe re Central Washington College is host in g all conference tournaments Fri day a nd Saturday. Boasting the d e fending conference championships for bot h tea m a n d individual ( Evans ) , the Lutes prom ise to be a r eal threat to retain both honors. Those making the trip to Central Washington for the conference meet will be Dave Eva ns, Ervin Marlow, G corge McCune, a nd Ed Davis. The match will be held today and Satur day.
P acifi c L utheran ma naged to come up with but three individua l winners. Gary Brown led the p ack over th low hurdles. In the shot, Dave Bark e r proved his utility with a winning effort . T he bri ghtest spot of the day for th e Knights came in the javelin. M a rv Fred e ri ckson led hi s teammates to a one-two-three PLU finish. The Lutes a re no wlooking toward the conference meet to be held at C e ntral Washing ton's track in El lensburg this weekend . The Results 100: Doncaster (C ); 2, Knight (C ) ; 3, Brown (PLU ) ; 4, Tarle ( W ) . :09.9. 220: Joy c e ( W) ; 2, DoncasteX' (C ); 3, Macdona ld ( PLU); 4, Warr (W ) . :2 2.4. 440: Clark (C); 2, Macdonald (PLU) ; 3, Hanson ( PLU ); 4, Jack· Son ( C ). :50.1. 880: Trethway (W ); 2, DeeteX' ( C); 3, Page ( W ); 4, Bollinger (C). 1:58.4. Mile : Trethway (W); 2, Anderson ( PLU); 3, Feil (C); 4, Burgessen ( C) . 4:17.8. Two-mile: Tre thway (W); 2, An de rson (PLU ) ; 3, Freeman (W ) ; 4, Burgessen (C). 9:44.9. High hurdles: Layton (C ) ; 2, ritz ( W) ; 3, Meyer (PLU) ; 4, 1 ,• er ( PLU ) . : 16.5. Low hurdles : Brown (PLU L a yton ( C ); 3, Papritz (W Kempf (W ) . :26.2. Mile relay: C e ntral (J a c k , D el" ter, Bollinger, Cla rk); 2, \'vest ern; 3, PLU. 3:26. Shot: Ba rkeX' (PLU); 2, Morrison ( C ) ; 3, Phipps (W ) ; 4, Kinnaman ( C). 45-9Y2. Discus : Kinnaman (C); 2, Kempf (W ); 3, Shel ton (W); 4, Barker (PLU) . 145-2. H igh jump: W ashing ton (W) ; 2, Olsen ( C); 3, Kni g ht ( C ) ; 4, Beck with (W ). 6-6%' . Broad jump: Olsen (C ) ; 2, Knight (C); 3, H a nson ( PLU) ; 4, Washing ton ( W ) . 22 -1%'. P ole vault: K a tzer ( C ); 2, Ander son (C ) ; 3, Curtrig ht ( C ) ; 4, Reep ( PLU ). 12-0. J a velin: Fred e r ickson (PLU ); 2, Ruud ( PLU ) ; 3, Sod erholm ( PLU ) ; 4,Kn ight ! C ) .171-4.
Lui:es S plii: wii:h loggers;
J ack Cocchi Pit ches 1-0 Win
Unable to provide a strong scoring punch to back their ex cellent pitching, the Lutes could only bat .200 in their last week of action . PLU could score nary a run in the Friday double header at UPS as they bowed to their crosstown rivals 0-6 and 0-1. They bounced back to sweep a series with the Seattle Pacific F alcons, 5-2 , 2-1 , but then split Tuesday's gam es against UPS
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by scores of 4-11 a nd 1-0. The Loggers' J e rry Thacke r hit a bases-loaded double in thc fifth inning to clinch th e Logge r victory in the open er. The Lutes we r e minus a n y signiiic.a nt offf'nsive thrr ats as D r n ny Guda l a nd Ke n t T e k ro ny with two sa fet ie s a piece we re the o nly sll ccessfu l Lute ba tsmen. R on Coltom' s bri lliant six-hit shutout was ruined in the eighth inn ing as U P S p un ch, -d a c ross tht: w in nin g ru n. The Lu tt.s go t two hits from G udal, one from Ga.r V,·,tal a nd a t r iple from , 1 Blomq ui, t, h ut co uld n o t p ush 3 (' r()~~ d tally. J a ck Coc chi nott h l'd hi s third vic tnr)' with a tight six-hi tt r in the Opl'nLlg- g,lIlle agu in ~t SP . T h e u tht rnns SroTt·u in tll t th ird on sin gles by Lars J ohnson ,!nd l-ran l Water \ . Tth , in tit,· fo u r t h on siugles by eudal and T Lkrony, and t hen un loade d thrpe j nsu.rnm: e T U ns in t he fi i lh on " h'ct'5sive hits by Wu tcr worth, Dlo nq uist, Ve. tal an d G udal,
who along with W a terworth, picked up two sa fe ties apiece for the vic tors. L arry Poulson wOn the second game, a llowin g only two lone hits until the las t inning. Th e Lutcs scored in the third behind Wate rworth and Gudal sing k s and a sacrifice fly by Blom quist. Blomquist' s a lert base running o n V esta l' s bunt in the last of the st H'nth brou ght home the clinche r , In Tuesd a y' s ope ner, the Logge rs bumbed P L p itching for 13 hits, th e Lu tes ba ng ed out ten of their uwn but fa ult y base ru nn ing k illed th, i,' big rallks . Blomquist , J e 1'1' Y C urtis and Ken f ill each rapp ed out tw o hit s to lea d the Kni g hts. K ni gh t pitch ing star, C cch i, gave u p o nl y three sin gles in \ inn ing t he n ig h tca p as L a rs J o h nson socked out a b om ing tloublf' to score T ehony wh o h a d sing led to op e n the bott om vf th e seve n h . Oth er L a tes to colk c t sa fe ties we re G u d al, V estal a nd Bob Drod h un.
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PHONE LE. 7-7100
Pa91t Six
Friday, May 19, 1961
b rin /( badly needed first place points (0 Eastern
Evergreen a es
hree for Five in
Individual Events
Ron. letta Tak '01£ Eric Lindholm collapsed under the p l's~ u n' and st rnin as last season's m nn cr-up, R on Slet ta, walked off with th,. Golf Tourney T itle. Matt Ernst de- fea t d Ro n H a nn a in the consola ti on l'Ouud to ta ke. t h i r d pl ace . This gi\'('s E v<.:rgrcrn the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pla ce points in thIs eve nt.
Reep-Ruud Take: Trouts Doubles EVI rgreen's duo of R o (r Reep K ' ll Ruud won by default from th ' E n ll' n-W"'stern team of Jon M al m in -L('s Ped el·so n. This gives Ever g reen a first pla ce finish in this eve n t and a d ds to th e intramura l point to tal of R ('ep-Evcrgrec n. Gary Kieland Captures Badminton E"crgern came through with an oth,'r filst place finish as Ga ry Kie land captured the badminton title this week. Ha.rold Peterson Takes Tennis Eastern Parkland got into the act b y defeating Lars Johns on for the tennis title. Harold, a d ark-horse entry. ca me throu gh his fi ve mat ches to defeat L ,\I'., the favoritc , and
All-American Guy
NOW . • •
3rd Flo r Lea s Current District
Point landings The followin g arc th complete dist rict point totals for th e districts through th e track meet and the in dividu a l tournam~nts. 3rd Floo r, Ha rstad, rrmai ns in ommand of the top spot although Evergreen nar rowed the margin by winnin g the tr~. ck championships. E as tern Pa rk land is firmly scated in third posi ti on, 200 points behind the leader.
Daybreak Final
Intramural Sports
Third Floor Heads Softball; District
Title at Stake with Evergreen Court
T h e era of unbeaten teams ended sudd enly liti s past wee!; a< " I an d surprises dominated leagur' play. 3 rd Flour, th e Ihsl me nt, ,mu E grecn still re ma in in top eo ntentiun with but one loss apicce. :! nu F clopped from the selec t, losing two important g::lITH'S. The winner of the softball cha mpi onship co uld ve ry wdl be lh t· 1961 distric t champion, excluding the Ba se rrwnt. Lea gue ends nt'xt week E w rg-cc n ~nd 3rd floor are lH'ck and nt'c k for th e title as well a~ th,' Iri et crown. District Totals through May 18
SO FTBALL ST A ' DINGS 1-+: R olla 1-2. For 5th: Trygg-: I) 3rd Floor, Harstad .......... 1699.3
Team W L Pet. Farrar 1--1 ; Poppt'n 1-4; M onson 2) Evergee: n Court .............. 1468.3
.888 Bakkt'n 2-3; 1'et<:1'50n 1-3. 3) Eas tern Parkland ............ 1299.8 3rd Floor, Harsta d ........ 8 .877
Basement, Harstad ........ 7 4) Western Parkl and ............ 1033.9
5) Basemc nt, H arstad .......... 945 .3 Evergreen Court .... ........ 7 1 .877 Evergreen .......... ..985 621-30 3 6) 4 th Floor, H a rstad .......... 773.5 2nd Floor, Ha rstad .... .... ;} 2 .7 14 1st Floor .. ........... . 101 100- 3 7) Faculty ....... ....... ...... .. ...... 526.5 1st Floor, Harstad .. .... .... 5 4 .5 55
Th e winnin g pitc h er Z uber, .5'j5
8 ) D elta H a ll ............... ......... 375.5 Eastern Parkland ........ .. 5 4 loser Fey. H itt ing fu Eve!,){l c" n w' 9) 1st Floor, H arsta d .......... 262 .0 4th Floor, Harstad ........ 4 3 .573 B(lck lund 35 ; Hassc nphlu g 1-1; \ .................. .... 3 5 .377
Delta Hall 10 ) 2nd Floor, Harstad .......... 228 .0
K onycnbur l{ 2-2 ; Em t 4 -+; Am 5th Floor, Harstad ...... 2 7 .222
,u n ~ .:2 : Rl' '"lJ 1-5 ( 3rtl inni n~ II \\ EEK'S R ESULTS ' '1'): Liud ho lt ll 2-3 : H i I d a h i Eastern ........ .. ...... 064 010-11 8h t lIaaland I t ( 2nJ inni ng honl< 2nd Floor .......... .. 100 000Iht Sha w :1 -5 ; :\sltpnlc' 1-1 ; HO HItI I T he winnin.{ pit cher L l'rch, the 1<1 Zubc l' Hl. .Fo r (s t: Harr is l os e r Neimi. Hittin g fo r Easte rn Sandblll".l.( 1-3; Ap prl 1-3; IiI)" were: L a tim er 1-4: F latn l!-'~ 1-5 ; Put ~ -1. nnme 2-5; Flamoe 1-4 ; Lerch 2-2 ; G radw ohl 2-4; Carlson 12. For 2n(\ : Ba\cmcnt .. .... ...... 07l '100-1 2
Don J ordan 12. :lrd Floor .............. 301 201- 7 1
PeYzsonalized Checks
speci ally imprinted fo r PLU studen ts and fa c I y ... fr e
T he- winllin g" pit('h~r L~tr"'n, 2nd Floor ............ 352 000-10 12ht loser Bl'Ilafe l. Ilittin!:) fol' l h,' B 4th Floor ............ 241 120- 9 7ht IIlent wcre: Lechner 2-3 .; SW;J.I The winning pitcher i\"iemi, th e :, -l : Ba tl's :!-.j.; Bowers 2-2; La lose r Duane M eske. Hittin g for 2nd 1- 1. For 3rd: Sund 1-3; Skurdahl were: Flask erud 2-4; Cameron 3-4 ; Nunes 2-+: J.-nson 3-+; Eno 2-3 ; I J ohnson 3·+; Anderson 1-+; )iicmi st't h I -~ ; M attson 1-3. 1-3; Berg 1-3 . For 4 th : Me,ke: 3-+; L ai rd 1-4; C lui stman 2-5; Petrrson Basemcn t ... ..... .. .. 110 500- 7 I
1-4. Eastern ............ .. .. 000 120- 3
2n d ·oor ...... ..... l!lO 02-12 5 th Floor ...... ... ... 120 000- 3
7h t 2ht
Th" winning pitclwr Niemi, th e loser Farra r. Battin per centa l" S fo r 2nd were: Flaskerud 2-3; arn e ron 1-4; John so n 2-3; Anderson 1-3; Berg 1-3; Scavy 1-4; Graede l 1-3; Jordon 1-4. For 5th: T I'y g-~ 13; Pop pen 1-3. y
and address
E vergreen .... .. ..... ~30 001- 6 IOht Basement .......... .. 101 102- 5 4h t Zuocr va s the winning pitch er, Lars"n th 10scI'. Hittin g for Ever g reen w H:: Backlund 1-4; Haaland 1-4; Andnson 2-3 ( hom er 1st in ning); Zuber 1-3; Shaw 1-3, Ash pole 2-2; L indho lm 1-2 ; Ha ssenphlu!'{ 1-3. For th e Base ment: Peterson 1-3 ; Le chner 1-3; Ald cn 1-3;Swanson 1-·1-.
PLU UKnight'
1st Floor ........ .. .... 622 404-18 16ht Delta Hall .......... 231 012- 9 6ht W inning- pitche r was J ohn Fey.
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Jrtd1t' l' -G~:u Y'
Delta Hall ............009 407-20 1
2nd I-'Ioor ...... ...... 223 200 - 9
Th,' winning pitcher ,;ts tkbc the- loser Stubbs. Hi ts for Delta c: from: Bind el! 2-6 ; C astlebt'rry ( rd inn in g h ome r ) ; D. K a. pe l 1--1; Prote ·t r 1-4: Henson 2-5. 2nd : FIa,knud 1-3, AndC'fson J ohnso n 1-3 ; J ordon 13; Ben~ S ~a,'y 1-+. 3rd Floor .........5141 110-22 2 1st Vl oor ............8 00 503-16
Thl winning pitcher Bena rd, 10S(T F,'y Hitt in g- fo 3rd Floor w Sund +-6: Eno 4-6 ; SkUl·da hl : 4th Floor ........... .022 007- 9 5ht :\un('s 2-3; J ensen 2-5; Benafd : 5th Floor ...... ...... 512 000- 8 9ht Helsl'th 2-5. For 1st: H arris 1-3 in ning homer) ; F ey 1-5 ; M al'\ The winnin g pitch.. r Jim Laird, 1-4; Blythe 3-5 ; Appel 1-4; Z ('ilsc the lose r Ottum. Hits for 4t h came I--l-: H owa rd 3-3. from: Selman 1-4 ; M on 2-+: Ferri
If you write only a few checks a month, the CHlECKMASTER account is for you. There's no charge for printing your name on
Th f' \ \· iu Tlf n i(
tlte 10SI'r G r..tdwohl. H ittin' for Basement w.'!'!": Bill Pcter,on L"elm," I-I·: Alden 1-3: S:l.JTIUC 2 -f ; Bal,'s 1-2 ; E dmonds 1-3, l'Non 1-3; Bowt'rs 1·1. For Bu st DUllb p I ~: ;radwold 1-3 : Po 1-3: Flatn, '" '2-3: Putn a m I-'! .
meant wh a t I said!
t;eaet 1/ad41J~ by G. G. Gradwohl
W ell th is is it! he official w ord U '\oe r-stain. " After Inan y long- years, six to be exac t, my wo r k in thi' era is over, sain ts be praised. I'd lik e to WIsh next y,ar's student intra mural director good lu c.k, cause he' s gonna need it. Iso to the food service , no harm dun ; lu ck next year-cause you're gonna need it too. And to anybody I've criticized this past yea r. don't fe el hurt--{;ause I
Personal tha nks "0 t o Athleti c redur M ar' Salzm an. in the past it'rre d to as "Just Plain Sa],._ " I primarily his undertal:in g that men's sp orts program at PLU is c· pletel y conlprehcnsive ant! ('xt ren well organized . Th e va lu ble leSl which It t' has dealt me personall y long be remembered . And if anybody ever mentions money isn't everything-he's a :tnd knows it. Day its done, work is 0' <:1' - work never more .. . So lon g, G.G.G.