Parkland and part of the east side of the campus in the 1890路s.
F E B R UA R Y 1970
CO N T E N TS President's Message
Bring Us Together.
New Faces
News N ote s .
University Notebook.
News in Pictures
PublIshed University. Second
TImes Box
2068. Tacoma. Wilshinglon 98447.
AGO-on October 12, 1894the first cl ass was he ld at Pac ific Lutheran Un iversity. There were 1 00 students. YEARS From this hu mble begi nn i n g, a great Christian Un iversity has grown, today numbering some 2500 students.
serving their fe l lowman. In short their dream was to "educate for Christ·like living. " I have been to ld that at one t i me the motto of P L U was "to bu i l d for character." I t has not been used for several years and I, for one, am glad. There is a vast difference between "ed u cating for l i fe" and " b u i l d i n g for cha racter" a n d we, o f a l l peo ple, t h e heirs o f the Re· formation, shou ld know and un derstand th is difference. It was Luther who stressed ti me and aga in that depend ence upon faith rather than se lf was that which above all else gave wings to his thesis of the freedom of man. "Faith " - noth ing less, nothing more - is the root of Christian educat ion. I may be accused of over-simplfying a compl icated concept of Ch ristian education but I don't think so.
One may ask what is so great about th is? After a l l , the Un iversity of Paris is at least 700 years old; Harvard over 300 years old; the Un iversity of Washin gton, about the same age as P L U, but ten ti mes larger; and Stanford University, fou nded also i n the 1 890's is 1 00 times weal th ier. What then is so noteworthy about the fact that P L U is comm emorating 75 years of instruction? I have searched for the answer to the question and, to my satisfaction, I have found it. This is the answer: The founding fathers created this un iversity with a drea m, and this dream has been ou r cornerstone ever since. Their dream has not died and through the decades th is dream has given to the students, facu l ty, board a n d its presidents cou rage, stead· fastness, and, above a l l , faith to en d u re what has often seemed certa in defeat, if not the demise, of P L U . Through financial crises, schi sms, disputes, poverty, un rest, and worl d confl ict, this u n iversity has preva i led·for it was tied to a drea m that was not a l l owed to perish .
Luther's thesis of justification by faith and faith alone is possibly the most ho nest yardstick of measure a man can use. I t deceives no man for it is not affected by the val ues of this world or by self·conceit. It is not, nor can it be, re lated to the concept of "bu ilding for character," for faith shows a man how honestly to take a hard, rea listic l ook at h i mself, to size up h is shortco mings, to say, "God have rnercy on me," and then gather u p his strength and go forth bo ldly to meet his cho res and duties. He knows that he cannot in four years - in 40 or 400 years - ever come to the conclus ion that he has achieved any degree of "bu i l d ing for cha racter." He knows h i s needs and h i s complete dependence on H i s Father, in what House he m u st make his abode . It ca nn ot be
What is this dream? O u r fathers dreamed that a Christian university located in the Pac ific Northwest wou l d m a ke an i m pact on its students in such a manner that they wo u l d go from here showing in word and deed their com mitment to the Christian heritage of l oving God and 2
This is the campus in the 1920's and up until 1937 when the present Xavier Hall was built. Left to right, the buildings include the gymna-
sium, Old Main (now Harstad Chapel (now the Art Building).
Hall and the
otherwise. One has but to study the history of man to know we are no closer to perfecti n g character building today than we were in 1 894, 1 5 1 7, 70 A. D., or in the days of our first parents. It seems to me our fathers, and those who have gone before us at P L U , knew this and were, out of conv iction, bel ievers of the princ i ple of seeking perfection through faith and faith al one.
diffi cult ti mes. They wi l l remember the scarcity of teach e rs, Iii brary, fac i l ities, food, heat, a scarcity of almost everything but love, cou rage and faith. ATURE OF
B u t the difficu lties were considered chal lenges, for the dream was yet young and was not a l l owed to die. Time bu i l dings, grounds, has changed curri c u l u m , methods of teach ing, facu lty, presidents and sty le of admin istration, but one thing is for sure, the natu re of students hasn 't changed and th is gives me a profound sense of rei ief. Students of yesterday are no better and, for that matter, no worse th an students today. A qu ick read ing of P L U history shows that students had a few things to say about food service in the i r day also. I understand that boys and girls of yester路 day, without perm ission , sneaked off to lower campus along Cl over Creek to stro l l hand i n hand to do t h i s a n d that. Another interesting point, students of the 1 930's had no need to petition the President for coed dorms for they had them . The third floor of Harstad was on the north a gi rl's dorm and on the south a boys dorm, separated by a makeshift plywood partition.
I t was this faith that susta in ed us; when we rel ied so lely on our own deeds, we fel l down. It was faith that cau sed our fathers to ca rve out of the w i l derness a col lege, to bu i l d with their hands O l d Mai n, now called Harstad H a l l . I t was faith that held the fam i l y together through the lean , hard years and there are those here today who can te l l us about that. I t was faith that brought students to this campus and susta ined them through
The rivalry that went on between this col lege i n the 1 940's and 50's and the Uni versity of Puget So und was the nearest thing to undecl ared war known to man, and the theft of the old kick i ng post was a sure sign that the cold war with UPS was about to heat up once aga i n . Oh yes, lest I forget, the same excuses used by students 4
today haven't changed over 75 years, only the inci dentals, for in place of old Nellie getting ti red and the street car jumping the tracks, we now run out of gas. And faculty - oh yes, faculty things haven't changed - overworked, underpaid and misunderstood. Pr esidents haven't changed all that much either. We love, respect and proceed with dignity on all occasions, expected or not. We act tough but deep down most of us have a touch of cowardice. So you see, students, facuI ty, board an d, for that matter, Presidents have n ot chan ged over the years. We are in every respect t he same. No better, n o worse, and for t hi s I a m glad. The utopia has n ot arri ved at PLU, n or win it ever. RE DEDICATIO
An address by Prcsld nt Eugen W,egman goven Nov. 10, 1969 at chapel ercl5CS during a week of specIal observances of the 75th annIversary of the beglnnong of classes at PLU, then known os PacIf,c Lutheran Academy
Now as we go in t o t he last quarter of our first cent ury of in struction , let us re-dedicate ourselves to t he dream of our
father s: that this Uni versity will continue to show, by words and deeds, that its students, faculty, administration, board and alumni understand well the meaning of educating for Christian I iving. L et us be bound together in the historical role of faith i n a Christian uni versity, r ooted in the L utheran Reformation. L et this fait h shine through so strongly that we dare never to deceive ourselves in that we have achieved a degree of perfection and an answer to bui lding for character. For it is the faith-dream that we must never let die here, for it is our uniqueness and it is our promise. It is t hrough faith that we
The kIcking post was a favome hangou for cou足 ples In the 1920$. It located just west of Kreldl r and Honderloe Hils.
tru Iy see ou rselves and others, which cau ses us to deal honestly with ou rselves a n d with one another. And finally it is faith alo ne that al lows one to face our tasks with assu rance that we sha l l not fai l here, for we do not go alone. I n short, faith is that which, when al l else fai ls, sti l l preva i l s. Luther un derstood it so we l l , o u r fathers grasped it and we need to know it, for it is through faith we are justi fied before God; and it is through faith that we go as one.
joy . My intent was to strengthen th is fact, emphasiz i n g the joy we have in Ch rist and one another. F a i th is the root of joy. One thing is certa i n as I view the 75 years of instru ction at P L U , that from the first day of opening classes to this very day, a cord has strung through a l l those years un broken and the cord is Chr ist. Let u s, therefore, contin ue to lengthen that cord and let us a lso strengthen it. With the dream of o u r fathers, fou nded on the bedrock of faith, reassured of the ever prese nt Christ, l et us move b01dly into the next 25 years of P L U 's centen n i al joyously confident of our faith and our mission.
vďż˝ 8ROl"'EN CORD
have been asked on several occasions what I meant by a "Year of Joy . " Wel l, for a Christian, every year is a year of
This i s the western portion o f the upper campus in the 1950's just after the residence halls had been constructed.
Like a .> �i chboard, CH I C E e rves a� a cata yst betwe� rr gme me d pU bli ' seeking t co' m n i cate By James L. Peterson Three plaintive words, "bring us to gether," taken in the contex t of the rending social issues plaguing America, became a presidential campaign theme last year. The simple plea is universal, and it is applicable at local and regional levels as well. Realizing the need for catalytic agents to bring people into communication with one another , the American L utheran Chruch has funded CHOICE (Center for Human O rganization in Changing Envi ronments), based at Pacific L utheran Uni versity. CHOICE is basically a one-man agency, but its influence has been felt by hundreds during its first year. Its chief role, under the direction of Robert K. Menzel, has been to help arrange circumstances where divergent special interest groups can come together to seek solutions to common problems. Menzel has formerly served as a L uth eran parish mi nister, college professor and community action agency head.
"One of the reasons for the urban crisis has been the breakdown of single track institutions, in terms of their failur e to deal with new situations rapidly enough," Menzel asserts. He is referr ing to govern ment, business, labor uni ons, schools and churches. The CHOICE director pointed to the basic reason for the creation of the Cen ter , the need to str ucture frameworks for wider community dialogue, basically in the Tacoma area but influencing action at the regional and national levels as well. The Center role is repeatedly described by Menzel as a "plugging in" to situations and needs as the opportunities present themselves, much I ike a switchboard operator. Providing the connection be tween parties concerned is often all that is needed to initiate social action and involvement. I n turn, church, university, community and civic groups have been affected. An increasing number of faculty and 7
students have become involved, leading u l ti ma tely to greater relevance in the cl assroom. The Center's fu nction is hel ping the chu rch evolve form a self-contained sys tem into a force for social cha nge. Government and private business l eaders are be ing encou raged to expand their efforts and re-eva l uate thei r priorities.
dia l ogue groups. As a resu lt of the conference, a central switchboard was provided to lin k consumers with providers of medical ser vices, and neigh borhood medical care centers, staffed by nurses or parapro fessionals, were provided. At present the Coa l i tion is attem pting to infl uence the local Un ited Good Neigh bors fund to re-exa mine its own priorities and to in sist th at establ ished com m u n i ty organizations re-eva l u ate themsel ves.
URE ' � i\' eOA ITlI)ilJ One of M e n zel's f i rst respon s i b i l ities as C H O I C E d i rector was to represent P L U o n t h e Tacoma Area U rban Coal ition, which P L U played a major role in or ganiz ing two years ago. Dr. Lowe l l Cu lver, urba n affairs representative, and Dr. Thomas Langevin, formerly ac adem i c vice president and now president of Capital University in Ohio, were among the leaders in the organizational effort. M e nzel became involved a s the Co alition was suffering through a change in leadership from busi ness and professional peo ple to a group more concerned with soci a l activism. A weekend workshop arranged through the C H O I CE center brought the individuals together and hel ped resolve some of the issues. The problem of effective medical care for the disadvantaged was recognized and de a l t with this year by the Coal itio n . Menzel explained, " W e worked to set u p a com m u n ication s workshop to a l low the 'poor and d isadvantaged' to c o m m u n icate th e i r needs to the local providers of medical servi ces." I nvolved were members of the Co al ition's health task force, physicians, A D C mothers, C H O I C E and others. P L U 's grou p process specia l i sts, D r. R o n a l d Jorgenson and B ra n ton H o l m berg, led the
�I I D:::R SP CTRU I "Services need to be made available to a wider spectrum of society," Menzel related. "A l so , fund s sho u l d be more read i l y avai l a b l e to needs that emerge sudde n l y . " The Coa lition, he noted, wou ld like to see the UGN set up a broad ly represe ntative commu nity cou n c i l , with a social planne r on the staff. He adm itted feel ing exists that U GN supported agencies are sti l l predo m i n ate ly wh ite- m iddle cl ass-o riented. Sti l l another Coa l ition task force so ught pu b l i c attitudes on key issues prior to the Tacoma m u n icipal elections in November. "The pu rpose was to a i d the people in d i s cussing and taking action on key issues affecting the city," Menzel s a i d . C H O I CE was a b l e t o provide consu l tants for t h e project, financed b y f u n d s from T i tle I o f the H igher Edcuation Act of 1965. R esults , Menzel cited, were the posi tive effects of the number of groups working together on th e project: news media, Coal ition, un ive rsity , church and publ ic. " I t also provided a sett ing fo r neighbor hood grou ps to get together, a soc ial and racial mix of people," M en zel exp l a i ned. 8
I"� '1NSI
C ooperation between the con sortium other Western Washin gton univer sities and the private sector will culminate in a massive onslaught into the pr oblems of the Puget Soun d region over the nex t two years_ The campaign was spawn ed in a conversation last sprin g between U_S. futurologist Robert Theobald; Roger Hagan , creative dir ector for KI NG Broad casting C ompany,Seattle; and Menzel. A Title I proposal was able to secure $87,250 for the organ ization of 300 to 400 listenin g·discussion·respon se groups throughout the area by P L U, Western Washington State C ollege and Seattle Un iversity to get the proj ect under way.
"Churches of the Tacoma Area Asso ciated Ministries helped provide repr esen tatives from other races and en viron ments where they were n eeded. "
I n the mean time, r esources of the state libraries, 70 Un iversity of Washing ton professors an d 41 completed studies by the Puget Sound govern mental Con ference will provide the basis for a massive informational output: series of documen taries, spot announcements, panels an d inn ovative films to be broadcast by KING radio an d TV in the fall of 1970; magazine and n ewspaper articles, and additional church an d studen t-spon sored programs, broadcasts semin ars.
Movin g into vari ous kinds of action and in volvemen t, certain of the groups began visitin g city coun cil meetings, worked actively in political campaigns, began an emergency service program and arranged a confr ontation between the head of the local Urban L eague an d a sensation alism-oriented local radio station . "This experience served as a pilot for major community projects yet to come, " the C HOIC E director said. As local colleges, PLU, the Un iversity of Puget Sound an d Tacoma C ommunity Col lege have become in creasingly involved in community affairs, the pr oblem of duplication of effort has been a major one. Hence the recent stamp of approval by the three schools on the Tacoma Area College C onsortium, which pools the concern an d in fluence of the schools and establishes action prior ities.
Erlin g Mork, former assistan t to the Tacoma City Manager, willi direct the southern phase of the proj ect, which has been entitled, "Environmental Qual ity of Puget Sound." He has been hired by PLU with the aid of a Title I gran t and will spli t his time between the proj ect an d political science teaching. The student portion of the thrust is entitled "Project Survival," detai ls of which are still being worked out. 9
in divid u a l s and groups in o u r society, Menzel indicated_ "We're attem pting to deal with the man who doesn't begin with questions ab out God but the kind of world we l ive i n , " he contin u ed . "When h e asks these questions he finds that the local pa rish is not de signed to carry this heavy freight, though many a re moving i n that d i rection now, teaming up with other par ishes and com munity agencies . " O n beha l f o f the A L C Board o f Co l l ege Edu cation, which fu nded CH O I C E as we l l a s centers at Au gsbu rg a n d Augustana, Menzel added , "We're concerned with deve l oping new structures by which the people of God can more effectively carry out His m i ssion in the world . "We don't f a u l t the parish_ O u r thrust is to begin to b u i l d l i n kage structu res between the p u b l i c sector and people who get n u rtu red and sustai ned in parishes." M enzel himself personifies the "social partnership" model he is sti l l on the cl ergy roster of the L u theran C h u rch Missouri Synod, possesses a gradu ate de gree at an LCA sem in ary, and before coming to P LU, d i rected a community action agency for a "c l u ster" of 19 churches from 1 1 deno minations.
Out of the a n n u a l facu lty fa l l con ference this year, i n which Menzel pl ayed a major role, came the outline for one of the Center's broadest ou treach undertak ings to date: the devel opment of a series of i nterim cou rses fa l l i ng u n der the blan ket title of I nterim in Urban Poten tia l s. I nvolved are some 30 fa c u l ty mem bers, 750 students and 20 cou rses i n c l u d i n g studies of u r ban tran sit an d housing, u rban and regional p l an n i ng, com m u n i cations, the cu ltu re of poverty, blac k c u l t u re, the c h u rches' u rban poten tial, and others, offered d u r i n g the January 1 970 i n terim . Nine acade m i c de partments h ave developed the inter im studies. A proposa l for f u n d i n g of the program in the future has been sub m itted to the H il l F a mily F o u n d ation in M i n neapolis, but this year the u n iversity has hand led the program with its own resources. "The studies program h as involved disc ipl i n es you don't ordinarily relate to co l l ege u r ban affairs program s, " Menzel observed, "su ch as chem istry, d ra m a, com munications and religion. As Menzel points out, "Each of us m u st assu me a new kind of social partnership role. Particu larly for the chu rch, this is a new role. Traditio n a l l y it h as seen itsel f as a se l f-conta ined system interested pri marily in ind ividu a l salvation and private areas of a person's life . "
CLUSTE R M I N I STR I ES To fu rther develop the C H O I C E thrust aimed at the c h u rch com mun ity the Center has had, since the fa l l of 1 969, th e services of R ev . Everett Savage, a P L U a l u m n u s o n fu rlough from t h e A L C foreign se rvice, to develop the idea of c l u ster min istries or extended parishes an attempt to use th e "coalition" prin ciple i n c h u rches. M enzel serves as consu l tant to the
R E COGNIZ I NC TH E N E E D Creation o f C H O I C E and rel ated agen cies at other American Lutheran Chu rch co l l eges is the result of the recognition of the soc i a l and environmental needs of 10
L utheran F amily and Chil d Agency in Seattle and the L utheran Child Center in Everett . He is also working with regional and national bodies in continuing educa tion for clergy in developing structures for planning and coordinating of a new social ministry focus. The director, however, is keenly aware of the Center. "These problems have to be dealt with at a variety of levels, from the st reets to the halls of C ongress and the Presidency," he asserted. "I could hold the hand of a disadvan· taged person all day but he would be little better off. By the same token we can do little about massive changes in t he welfare system, for instance. We have constant l y t o check out the scale on which we choose to work, determining where we can 'plug in' to work with some expectation of effectiveness."
known in our society." Toward these ends C HOIC E is working at an ever increasing pace. Yet, only one year old, the end of its current mission is forseen by Menzel . Havi ng accom plished its purpose, it may eventually "spin off" to even more effective ways of involvement. You might say that the "switchboard" role will have been replaced by "direct dialing." Meanwhile, many are learning to com municate. . . and act.
COMMITMENT C HO IC E epitomizes t he efforts of the church and the University committed t o social action. At PLU, the commitment has previously been championed by former president, now President Emeritus Dr. Robert Mortvedt. It was amplified by Dr. Eugene Wiegman, current university president, in September as he set our on his new ad ministration. ". . .L et it be shown by deeds that this university is concerned about our com munity, our stat e and this nation. " he emphasized during his opening convoca tion address, "and that we are here to be of service to our leaders in business, commerce, education and civic affairs; and that this universit y will be of service to those struggling to make their views
Approach i ng the structure from upper campus, one w i l l enter a huge lobby with wood, red carpeti ng and brightly co lored upho lsteries prov iding the co lor scheme, high l ighted by a large in terior court gar足 den . The lo bby will serve as an in formal activity center, lounge, in formation and exhi bit area, according to Wright. I t w i l l be surrounded o n three sides by a book足 store, meeting and m u l ti -purpose rooms, a versatile d ining area and admin istrative offices. The d i n i n g area, wh ich can be altered in size to fit a variety of pu rposes, wil l feature an i nnovative "scramble" food distri bution system; that is different types of food items w i l l be ava ilable at a variety of d i splay tables and counters, e l i minating long, frustrating food l i nes. A mezzanine above the main floor will house student activity off ices, i n cluding student government, yearbook and the student newspaper .
A new ph i l osophy o f decor a n d design is ta king shape at PLU with i n the rapid l y rising framework o f the new $3.3 m i l lion Un iversity Center. Architect Jack Wright of B in don and Wright, Seattle, outl ined the attitude du ring a breifing visit to the ca mpus recentl y. "Most other centers of this type that we stu died were cold and com足 mercial," he sai d . "They were buih strong and durable and resistant to damage. "We prefer to have more co nfi dence in the students. We want to create an at足 mosphere here that is warm and intimate," Wright added . " I f people react favorably we feel they wi l l treat the bui lding better ." To carry out their plan the architects are using a l ot of wood, primarily cedar, and a lot of bright, warm, vi brant col ors. 12
PRESIDENT Dr. M. Roy Schwarz '58 Seattle, Washington ( 1970)
VICE PRESIDENT Dr. J. Raymond Tobiason, Jr. '51 Puy allup Washington (19711
SECRETARY-TREASURER & DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS Jon B. Olson '62 Tacoma, Washington ( ex officio)
TERM EXPIRES SEPT., 1970 Duane Berentson '5 1
TERM EXPIRES SEPT., 1971 Re v. Philip Falk '50
TERM EXPIRES SEPT., 1972 Jerry Do dge n '64
Burlington, Washington Lucile Larson '56 Tacoma, Washington
Robert E. Ross '54 Tacoma, Washington Malcolm L. Soin e '52 Tacoma, W ash ington
Rearda n, Washingtof"l Rev. Ro bert Keller '55 Olympia, Washington Rev. Edgar Larson '57 Corvalll$, Oregon Suzie Nelson '55
Tacoma, Washington
REPRESENTATIVES TO THE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS earl T. Fynboe, 49 , Tacoma, WaShington (1970) Esthe r Aus, '32, Portland, Orego'1 (197 11 '
Victor F. Knutzen, '36, Federal Way, Washington (19721
MEMBER路AT-LARGE Wilfred E. Utzinge r '54, San Anselmo, California President, Golden Gate Chapter (1970)
Colfax, Washington Chuck Geldaker 5 3 West Linn Oregon Curtis Hovl and '57 Seattle, Washington Mrs. Batty Keith '53 Seattle, Washington Dr. Roy Vira k '52 Tacoma, W ash in gto n '
Ex Officio Jim Hushagen '70 Senior Class Pr esident Robert Nistad '53 Seattle, Washington Past President (19701
DISTINGUISHED A L U M N U S-1 969 Dr. H. L. Foss, ' 1 8, long t i m e presi足 dent of the ELC and ALC North Pacific District synods of the American Lutheran Chu rch , former regent and a l u mnus of Pacific Lutheran University was honored posthu mously by the Pacific Lutheran Un iversity A l u m n i Association with its Disti ngu ished Alu mnus Award at the 1969 Homecom in g banquet. Accepting the award for her father was Mrs. R . J. Svare ( Pat Foss) '50. The citation that acco mpanied the award read in part as fol lows : "As chairman of the Board of Regents of Pacific Lutheran U niversity from 1 942 to 1 964, he gave wise and courageous leadersh i p. H is counsel and dedication con tri buted immeasurably to the growth and strength of the institution. " He was a shepherd of sou ls whose love and devotion inspi red cl ergy and lay al ike. " B l essed be h i s memory .. . A photo of Dr. Foss and a copy of the citation wil l be permanently displ ayed in the A l u m n i Office. "
" E m phasis on E n rich ment" for 1 97 0 is off a n d run ning. This theme, which was adopted by the A l u m n i Board of D i rectors as the head line for the 1970 Annual A l u m n i Fund campa ign, has caught the imag i nation of our a l u m n i a n d the results have been ou tstanding. The 1970 drive under the d i rection of Malco l m Soine '52, has been divided into several揃phases. Activities to date have been personal chapter and club vi sitations by Ma l So ine, Jon Olson '62, and Roy Schwarz '58, as we ll as teleth ons to a l l Western Washington a l u m n i ( those that graduated prior to 1 965) and a special mai l endorsement campaign to recent (post '65) alu ms. Fut u re plans include the general mail campaign which wi l l come during March and a te lephone campaign to a l l a l u m s in Eastern Washington, Oregon and Cal iforn ia as we l l as other concen足 trated pockets throughout the country. To date wel l over $20,000 has been pledge d or given towards our goal of $50,000 by July 3 1 , 1 970. This amount represents a significant i n crease over our 1969 record year (0 er $30,000) and has brought our Association one step closer to real its goal of significantly en足 rich ing the acade m i c environment of Pac ific Lutheran U niversity. Your help, however, is sti l l needed. Send you r gift today ( u se the form pro足 vided in this section). On be half of the An nual F u n d Com mittee and your A l u m n i Board of D i rectors, we wish to lank y ou for "hel ping us hel p " .
Malcolm Soine
Our congratulations to both of these
men. N o m i nations for this award can be
A "first of its k i nd" award was made
Awards Co m m i ttee, c/o the A l umni Office
at the H o mecoming Banquet in November this year. Two men, D r . Jens W. Knudsen '52, and D r . M . Roy Schwarz '58, were presented with the f i rst ALUMN US OF TH E
awa rds.
cre ted by the B oard of Directors in order to recognize our al umni for achievem nts and service to PLU and the A l umni Association that were of an immediate nature. Dr. Knudsen was e l ected for his out足 stand ing contribution to the faculty and academ i c
cu rricul um
h is
selectio n as a H arbison Teacher of the ear
Foundation. D r. Schwarz was e lected for in
chairman of the Alumni
is work
1968-69 as
Annual Fund
Committee. Under his chairmans h ip the fund jumped from $30,000 in 1969.
in 1967 to
made by any alumnus. with your nomination.
WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE CHAPTERS With the coming of each fall and winter se ason the activities of our Alumni chap足 ters and clubs increase. This year many area gatherings have already been held. Dr. Eugene Wiegman, new president of PLU, has made i t a po i nt to travel to ' all of our alum n i clubs thi s year to meet an d greet our alumni . His visits have been well r eceived. Jon Olson, Director of Alumni Relati ons, has also been along on the visits as well as Malcolm Sa ine '52 1970 Annual Alumn i Fun d Chairman: Dr. M. Roy Schwar z '58, presi dent of the PLU Alumn i Associati on, also made several of the t r ips and offi ciated at the charter meeti ng of our newest alumn i cha pter in San Diego on January 23rd. A roun d up of club activities: ANCHORAGE-FAI RBAN KS, ALASKA On December 4th and 5th alumni receptions we r e held in An c horage an d Fairbanks for Dr. Wiegma n and the PLU tr avelin g party. The activities were in
conju ction with the PLUI Un i ver si ty of Alaska basketball games played i n Fairbanks. The Rev. and Mrs. Rodney Kastelle '58 (Ar len e Halvor '59), served as hosts of the Anchorage gathering an d Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kennedy ( Karleen Is aacson '63) hosted the F airb an ks gather 足 i n g. In attendance at the Fairban ks gather ing was Mr. arl Bachner '51 , who is owner of Bachner Construction Co., based in Anchorage, Alaska. WAVERLY, IOWA Agai n traveling with the basketball team on their visit to Wartburg College for a game with the Knights, a reception for Iowa alumni was held on Wednesday night, December 1 0. Guests were Dr. William Ramstad '47, Dr. Jack Elli n gson '57, Mr. Gary Olson '67, an d Mr. a n d Mrs. Steve Cornils '66 ( Mary Olson '65). Earlier that day a luncheon was held at Wartburg Semi nary in Dubuque, I owa,for our alumni attendi n g the Semin ary. John Cockram '68, served as our host a n d greeter . Others attendin g were Joe Myers '68, Mr. and Mrs. Stev e Cor n i ls, Gary Olson and Rick Rouse '69.
Moving on with t h e tea m, a dinner gathering was held for Ollr Chicago area a l u m n i prior to the Saturday game on December 1 3 . Guests were the Rev. and Mrs. David Wol d '56 ( El isabeth Omli ' 57) , Dr. Larry Eggan '56, T h e Rev. and Mrs. Robert Moore '62 (Serena Hopp '62), Mr. and Mrs. Jero ld L. Armstrong '60, and M r . and Mrs. T i m Sherry '67 ( Marcia Wake '67) . In addition to these alumni others attend i ng the game were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Benson '6 1 , and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird '50.
On Friday, Ja nuary 23, at Boom Trenchard's Fl are Path Restau rant, a meeting of the San Diego area a l u m n i was hel d. At thiS meeting D r . M. Roy Schwarz '58, president of the A l u m n i Association presided over the charter meeting of the San Diego group. Officers were e lected and wi II take office upon he acceptance of the San D iego Charter req uest by the P L U A l umni Association Board of D i rec· tors. Special guests at this meeting were Mrs. Kathy Wiegman and Mrs. Donna ( Hellman) Saine '52, who lJIJere a l ong with their husba nds,for this trip. Arrangers for this d i nner were David Nesvig ' 57 , Esther E l l ickson '58, and Palll Steen '54. The chartering of the San Diego Club brings to three the number o f formal al um ni chapters (Portland and San Fran cisco being the other two).
M I N N EAPOLIS, M I N N E SOTA I n the cold snowy weather of Min nea pol is a group of 23 al um n i turned out to greet Dr. Wiegman and the trave lli ng party at a reception in the Curt is Hot I Sunday evening the 1 4th of December. Arrangements for the reception were handled by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dahl '61 ( Patricia Mu l l en '62) , and Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Probstfield '63 ( M arga ret Belgu m '65) . A special guest was Mrs. Mari e Kraa be l , former houseparent in Pfl ueger Hal l , who is now l iving in the M i nneapolis area.
LOS A N G E LES, CA LIFORN I A On Saturday evening, Jan uary 24th, a sma l l but enthusiastic group of alumni met to greet Dr. Wiegman and his wife at Griswold's Restaurant in Claremont, Calif. Dr. Denny Nelson '60, served as organi zer and host of th is meeti ng. I deas
were discussed as to the different ways in which the Los Angeles alumni could best be served.
. '"
,. ..,. - if
GOLDEN GATE CHAPTER SAN FRANCISCO Sunday afternoon, January 25th brought a large crowd of alumni to Spengers Grotto in Berkeley for the annual meeting of the Golden Gate Alumni Chapter. Prior to the meeting a reception in honor of the visiting guests was held. Dr. Wiegman gave the featured talk of the evening and answered many questions about the University. Dr. Schwarz spoke on the accomplishments and goals of the Alumni Association and Mal Saine di cussed the plans of the 1 970 Annual Alumni Fund drive. The meeting was conducted by Bill Utzinger '54, Golden Gate Chapter President. Meetings scheduled in the future are: February 20
Albany-Salem-Eugene Area Club T & R Restaurant 7 p_m.
February 21
The Greater Portland Chapter The Cosmopolitan Motor Hotel 6:30 p.m.
March 20
Spokane Area Alumni Club The Holiday Inn 7 p.m.
Plan to attend the alumni gathering when it is in your area. You never know whom you might see.
PAINTING HONORS S ALZMAN-In connec tion with Lutes' Football Centennial Day, a painting of Mt_ Rainier from Paradise Valley was unveiled by President Wiegman in honor of Mark Salzman, PLU physical education faculty member from 1951 until illness forced his retirement in 1966. The painting was done by Kenn Johnson, Tacoma artist who played foot ball and basketball at PLU in 1933-34. From left to right, seated in front of the painting which is hanging in the reception lobby of the Olson gymnasium office suite are Salzman, Wiegman and Johnson.
ALUMNI DAY, 1970 May 9,1 970 Activities of All Kinds Plan Now to Attend
Private institutions of higher education in the State of Washington received favor able assistance in the 1969 session of the state legislatur . One b i l l , in particular, House Bill N o. 635, signed into law by Govenor Daniel E vans May 8, establ i shed a student financial aid program for needy college students and a sum of $600,000 was appropriated for the bienn i um to start the program. Qualify ing stu dents may atten public or pr ivate accredited Institutions of thei r choice in the state. Administration of this aid program was assigned to a citizen's committee known as the Co mmission on Higher Education
Donald GOVER NMENT CLASS-Dr. R. Farmer, center. first row, took his class in comparative government on fie l d trips during the January interim. He is shown here with the class as t hey visited the House of Representa ives in special session in Olympia. Wash. From
which is in the process of assembl i ng a professiona l staff. The commission func ti ons under the Council on Higher Educa tion, a 25 member grou·p co mpr ised of legisl tors, p rivate citi zens, govern ment men and representatives of i nstitu tions of higher education . The i n terests of the state's private institutio ns were promoted by an organi zation of n ine mem ber colleges, including PLU, known as the Washington F r iends of Hi gher Education. At its annual meeting in January the organization elected Presi dent Wiegman of P L U as chai r m a n . P L U's representative on the "task force" which works with legislators and state officials to keep them informed and to enl ist their support is Milton Nesvig, vice presI dent-u niversity rel ati ons.
left to right, those pictured in the first row in clude: Rep Robert Curtis of East Wenatchee and Re p . Duane Berentson of Burlington. both PLU graduates; D r Farmer; Rep. Ted Bottlger of Parkland, a n d Steve Latimer. PLU senior. .
R epresentatives who supported House Bil l No. 635 and ther favorab le legislation i ncluded R obert Curtis (12th Di t.) and Duane Berentson (40th Dist.). both PL U gradu ates. Other supporters and their dis· trict i n clude: Hen ry Backstrom (39), John Bagnariol (35). Clifford Beck (23). St wart B ledsoe (13), Alan B l uechel (1), ed Bottiger (29), H. W. Bozarth (12), Fran k Br uillet (25). Arth ur Brown (1) Dave Ceccarel l i (34), R obert Charette (19), W i l l iam Chatalas (33), Paul Conner Thomas Copelan d ( 11-B), Dr. (24), Caswe l l Farr (42), Sid F lanagan (13), George F l eming (37). Peter Francis (23-B), P. J. Gallagher (29). Gary Gran t (47), Edward ' Heavey (31), Dale Hoggins (21). Mrs.<Joseph ur ley (3). Hugh Kallch (20), R ichard King (38) Dick Kink (42), B i l l Kiskaddon (21), William L e kenby (31). Al fred Lelan d (48). Mark Litchman (45). Marjorie Lynch (14), Dan i el Marsh (49), Fran k Marzan o (49), William May (3), Mary McCaffree (32-BI. Gerald i n e McCormick (5-A), Joe Mentor (10), John Meri l l (35), John Murray (36), Lois North (44). John O'Brien (33). Robert Perry (45). Dr . R obert R anda l l (23), John R osellim (34), Charles Savage (24), Leonard Sawyer (25), R ich ard Smythe (49), David Sp rague (37), T h omas Swayze (26), Alan Thompson (18), Jonathon Whetzel (43). Lorraine Wojahn (27 ), Harold Zimmerman (17). Senators who v oted for the legisl ation were: F rank Atwood (42). F rank Co nnor (33), Wil liam Day (4), Huber Donahue (11). F red Dore (37). Martin Durkan (47), Charles Elicker (10). Lawrence F a u Ik (26), F rank Foley (49). William Gissberg (39), Bob Grei e (34), AI Hen ry (17),
Gordon Herr (31). F rancis H ol man (1), James Keefe (3), Reu ben Knoblauch (25), Brian Lewis (41), H arry Lewis (22), M i ke McCormack (16). Joh n McCutcheon (29), Bob M acDougall (12), August Mardesich (38), Dick Marquardt (45). Jim Matson (14), Gary Odegaard (20), Lowel l Peterson (40), Joel Pritchard ( 36), R obert R idder (35). Gordon Sandiso n (24), Joe Storti n i (27), R obert Twigg (7), Wesley Uhlman (32) . Nat Washi n gton (13), Walter Wil l iams (43), P rry Woodal l (15). When opportunities present themselves thank these legi slators for their i nteres in and support of h i gher education and encou rage their continued sup port.
THANK YOU I am happy to be a part of the P. L. U. Alumni Association. Please accept my check as a contributio to the 1970 Annual Alumni Fund Drive. (The dead line for gifts to the 1970 drive is July 31. 1970.
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matChing-fund firm. I--�------------------------ I
As preparations were being made to honor a lu m n i from Spoka ne an d Co l u mbia Co lleges during Homeco m i ng '69, a l i nk wit h a t h ird, a l most forgotten, former sister institution was established this s u mmer by an al ert PlU sen ior. A yel lowed 1912 diploma from Pacific Seminary in Olympia was discovered by Nancy R u tledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R utledge of Olympia i n a cru mb足 l i ng old apartment house in the Wa hi ngton capitol city. The d i ploma, awarded to C lara Mabel R aymon , a book eepi ng student was signed by Armin Pau l Meyer, presi dent, and Wil liam Hohlberger, secretary, only a year before the seminary was merged with Spokane Col l ege and six years after it had been fou nded. The name Meyers had been lost to h istory, but Rev. Hohl berger had a n indirect, b u t profo und, effect on Pacif ic Lutheran Co llege in the years to fol low. I t seems that he, as a representative of the Old Ohio Synod, had been on the origi nal c m m ittee that selected the seminary site in 1906. That same year the sem inary was ded ica ted with Dr. Carl Ackermann as its first president. A fter the seminary was merged with Spokane College in 1913, Rev. Hohlberger became one of two Ohio S ynod represen a足 tives on the Spokane fac u lty. The a rrangement proved so successf u l that the sy no , and l ater the ne Iy formed A merican Lutheran Churc h, continued to support facu lty on the West Coast. The first A LC representative on the P LC faculty after the merger with
Spokane in 1929 was R ev. J. P. Pflueger, professor of reli gion at P LC for 30 years u ntil his death in 1960. R ev. Pflueger may never have co me to the Parkland campus had it not been for Rev. Hoh Iberger. Na ncy, a political sci ence student, had no real interest - i n memora b i l i a u nt i l she discovered the d i ploma. "But I've beco me a n a nt i qu e buff since," she adm its. As for Miss Raymond, she rema i ned in Olympia throughout her l ife, eventu a l l y beco m i ng manager of t h e apa rtment where the document was found. She died i n August 1965.
HO M E CO M I N G , 1970
October 23, 24, 25, 1970 Put It on your Calendar Today
010 YOU KNOW THAT ... ·
. P LU u nderwent a sign ificant cu rri cu l u m change this year. . . The year is now divided in to three segments_ Two four-month terms (September through Dece mber a d February t h rough May) and a one month term interi m (January)_ . . 884 men are registered for the i nterim. . 1078 women are registered for the interim. . Cou rses are being taught both on and off campu Students are travel ing during the interim in I taly, Germany and Greece as well as the Un i ted States. . . One cou rse is meeting in New York City where the stude nts are studying the theatre. . A nother is visit i n g Death Val l ey and studying the history and environment of the area. . . These interim courses are open to anyone_ . . You can register next year. Just write the R egistrar's Off i ce next fal l for a catal og. .
Sophomore quarterback Jim Hadland had a chance to chat with Lute Hall of Famer Marv Tommervik prior to the PlU Centennial Game in November. Hadland's total offense mark this year was second only to Tommervik's season records compi led between in Lute record books. Tommervlk was head coach from 1946-50, and an All-American in 1940 and '41.
Marcia King, junior from Port Angeles, reigned as queen over Ho meco m i n g. Her princesses were Sue Sobeck, Tacoma; and Sue Schi l l inger, Vaughan, both juniors. President Eugene Wiegman reigned as Handsome Harry , the first ad m i n istrator to be elected to that honor. At PORTLAND L U NCHE O N - President Wiegman was honored recently at a luncheon in Portland. On the left is Jacques Singer, director of the Oregon Symphony Orchestra; and on the far right is Paul Creston, renowned composer.
Ninety-three students com pleted work for their degrees at the end of the semester in January. The degrees will be conferred on May 24.
E M E R I TUS Or. Roben Mortvedt has been elected to the St . Martin's C l i ege Board of Regents for a fou r year term begi n n ing November 8, 1 969.
1 931 H. E. Anderson has been elected as trustee i n the new State- Mutual Savings Bank, fo rmerly State Savings and Loan Association in Tacoma. He is secretary of the George Scofield Co .
1 938 Marvin J. Ramstad represented P L U at the i naugu rat i on of Roy Stuckey as eighth president of Jamestown Co l lege , Ja mes足 tow n , N. D .
1 948 Ralph O. Carlson was the first staff member at Central i a (Wash . ) Com muni ty Col lege to receive his doctorate degree. Was hi ngton State U n iver ity granted the degree of doctor of philosophy.
1 949 Don Pedersen, manager of the White City ( Ore. ) Branch of the First Nationa l Bank of Oregon , is one of the assistant chairme for the 1 969- 7 0 Un ited Good Neighbors. He is in charge of the Town and Cou ntry D i v ision whIch i n c l u des 1 1 comm nities a well as the rural areas of the va l l ey.
Clifford M. Korsmo and his wife Marie (Horness) '6 7 , celebrated their 25th wed·
d i ng ann iversary by obtai n ing their Master's degrees at the Un iversity of Puget Sou nd. Cl iff obtained h i s degree in secondary admi n istration , Marie's was in elementary counseling. Their daughter Karen '67, is com pleting her m ster's degree in m i cro·bi o l ogy with an emphasis on research in im mu nol ogy at the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School, Port land, Oregon. The Korsmo 's, who have l ived in ow in the Parkland for 24 years are process of mov i ng to he north Tacoma area. Son ark is in his first year at Green R iver Commun i ty Col lege, Wayne a junior and Dale a sophomore at W i l son H. S., whi l e E l ise is a 7th grader at H u nt Juni or H igh. Cl iff teaches mathematics in the Tacoma School District, Marie is an ele mentary counse lor in the F rank l i n Pierce District. 1 950 Rev. Louis F. Brunner is the new pastor
of Bethsada Evangel ica l Lutheran Ch urch , E ugene, Ore. Bru nner went to Eugene from R enton, Wash . , where he organized and served a new congregation for ten years. With him in E u gene is h is wife, the former Glenna Nelson '50, and their four chi l dren. Dr. Eugene Strandness has been made a full professor of surgery in the School of Medici ne, Un iversity of Wash ington . H e also has ubl ished a textbook on peri pheral vascular diseases. T. Gabrielsen has arrived Luther for duty at Davis-Mothan A F B, Ariz.
Chaplai n Gabrielsen is assigned to the 803rd Combat Support G roup, a u n i t of the Strategic Air Command, America's nuclear deterrent force of long range bombers and intercontinental bal i stic misles. He previously served at Bien Hoa AB, Vietn am. The chaplai n served in the Pacific Theater of Operations du ring World War I I . 1 9 51 Paul H. Sunset is teaching at Mt. Hood
(Ore.) Commun ity Col l ege. 1 952
previous l y Ericson 's published article, " Eval uative and Formu lative F u nctions in Speech Criticism," has also been sel ected for the forthcom i n g issue o f Speech Abst racts' Curren t Scho larshi p in the Fiel d of Speech Commun i cation. Kenneth Daugs is pastor of Prince of i n Eastmont, Peace Lutheran Chu rc Everett, Wash. He and his wife Helen (A nderson) '55, moved from Aurora, Colo., to Eastmont. They have four chi ldren. Dr.
1 953 Vernon Lestrud has an article on facu lty governance entitled, "Advise and Dissent" in the October, 1 969, i ssue of " Liberal E u cation," the bu l l etin of The Association of American Co l l eges. The article deals with the role of the facu l ty Un iversity State I daho at senate (Pocatello) where Lestrud is associate ro fessor of speech and drama and assistant
John Rydgre n , class o f '54, former student body president, speech and drama major and outstanding debator for P L U was featured i n a recent ( 12-26-69, page 42) Time article as one of the "new" clergy . The article is entitled, "The New M i n istry : Bringing God Back to Life." John is presently on the ABC rad io network based in New York City , where he produces a show ca lled Love. His tapes are played on 13 FM stations � n major cities around the country and In . Los Angeles ( KA B CoF M ) his tapes are broadcast 24 hou rs a day, dispensi ng "a l ively selection of rock mu sic a i med at pointing up his capsu le p h i l osoph ical co m ments or provocative questions about l i fe and the state of the wo rld." He is cal led "Brother John " by h i s l isteners and is constantly asked for personal or spi r itual advice. Before moving to ABC John was pro ducing a radi o show cal led "Silhouett�s" for the American Lutheran Church which is similar to Love and was also sy ndicated nationa l ly .
H OM ECO M I N G , 1 97 0
October 23. 24, 25, 1970
dean of the Col lege of Liberal Arts. He has served for two years as chairman of the facu lty senate at I S U . 1 954 Dr_ Edward E. Hakanson is an assistant
professor at F l orida State Un iversity (Tallah assee ) . He and h is wife have th ree chi l d re n , Paul 6, Karen 3, and Ann 1. R ev. Daniel K l i ngler was installed as min ister at the I nglewood Presbyterian Church i n Both e l l , Wash . Pastor K l i ngler was formerly at the Bl ack D i amond (Wash .) Presbyterian Church . He and his wife Martha (Coo lick) have th ree daugh ters, Karen 11, Susan 8, and Tracy 5. Rev. Harvey Neufeld is pastor of a new A L C mission in Ocean Shores, Wash . H i s wife is the former Carol Brace '55. 1 955
is pastor of Education and Youth at Clairemont Lutheran Church. H e and his wife Bev (Tranum) l ive in San D iego . Bob Curtis was elected a trustee on the board of the Associated G rocers, I n c. Pastor and M rs. William N. L eed, Mark 9 and Kristi 6%, h ave moved from Twin L� kes. M i n nesota, to Lin d , Wash . Bill is pastor of Good Hope Lutheran Church at L i nd . Dr. John Reay will be an exchange professor at the U n iversity of Gothen berg (Sweden) for one year begin ning in August Rev.
Put It on your Calendar Today 1 956 Rev. Da vid C. Wold, has accepted a
cal l as regional youth d irector for the I l l inois District of the AL C. Dave, his wife Elisabeth (Omli) '57, and fa mily moved to Chicago. Parke, Davis & Company have announ· ced the appointment of James K. Charlston as manager, working out of the worldwide drug firm's Seattle branch. He w i l l make his headquarters i n Portland and be responsible for the development of the company ' s busi ness i n Oregon and parts of Washington. He and his wife Ramona (Lo fthus) '57, and fami l y have moved to Portland from Seattle.
Cal if . , a s manager of their NW branch office. The firm is i nvo lved in merger and acqu isition of compan ies and corpora tions. Keith wi l l be responsible for the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. Dana (Blount) Turcott has been selected as an O u tstanding Young Wo man of America for 1969, and her name w i l l appear in t h e annual biograph ical co mpi lation, Outstanding Young Women of America. She has been honored for her outstanding achievements in com mun ity service, in reI igious and pol itical activities, and i n professional endeavors_
1 957
a sixth grade teacher at Boze Elementary School, Tacoma, has been named president of the Tacoma Association of Cl assroom teachers. Cha p l a i n ( Captain) Raymond W. Johnson, a native of Tacoma, Wash., and former pastor of Mi lwau kie 's ( Ore .) King of K i ngs Lutheran Church, has assu med his duties as a Protestant ch aplain at the Army pri mary helicopter center. Jo Ann (Jackson) 58 and their two c h i l dren w i l l joi n the chaplain a t F t . Wolters, Tex .
Lt. Jerrold Olson is teach i ng at the N R OTC u n it at Oregon State University. He and his wife Mardell (Soiland) l ive in . Corval l is, Oregon . Richard Olsen presented a paper to the American I nstitute of Chemical Engineers in Wa shington, D. C. The title was "Ch l ori nation of Metals." Bettie (Rice) Badal, and her husband Fred are l iving i n Saratoga, Cal if., where Fred is an engineer for Sylvan ia.
Donald R.
1 958 Neil Eastvold has been named to head
a new department of qual ity engi neering with G l acier Sand and Gravel Co mpany . He w i l l be responsible for the Seattle and Tacoma ready-mix production plants. G lac ier is a subsid iary of Kaiser Cement Gy psum Corporation . Keith Hoeft recently joi ned the firm of Tay lor and W i l kes, I nc. of Anaheim .
1 960 Darlene Kelly received her Ph. D. in
August 1969 in physical education from the Un iversity of Southern Ca l ifo rnia. She is now associate professor of P. E . at Towson State Co l l ege, Baltimore, Mary land. Dr. James Freisheim has begun his first posit i on as assistant professor at the Uni versity of Cinci nnati Medical Schoo l . He was formerly engaged i n post doctoral stud ies at Scripps I nstitute in La Jolla,
Cal i f . Sa ndra (Jac obs) '59, has been work ing on her M. A . at P L U d u r i ng the summer months and has retired from tea ching. Our Savior's Lutheran Ch urch, Everett, Wash . , dedicated their n ew p i pe organ in a concert Nov mber 1 6, 1 969. Performing numbers from trad itional hymns to Bach's "Toccata in F Major" and Langlais' "Dia logue for the Mixtures" was David Dahl, assista nt professor of music at P LU . Don Morken was appoi nted manager of the Municipal Bond Department of Foster & Marshal l , I nc., largest inves tment banking firm in the Northwest. He l ives in Bellevue, Wash. Chong Jin Kim is a division manager of the Sears Roebuck store in Honol ul u , Hawai i . Recen tly h e was judged the best D ivision 3 ( office equi pment, cameras, etc.) manage r i n the entire Sears organization. He was given a free trip to Chicago and prese nte d with an award. Wh i l e on the main land he visited his bro ther in New York whom he had not seen for 1 3 years. H is prize also i n cluded a trip to Washi ngton, D. Co, with a l l the trim m ings, i ncluding a newspaper interview and a photo in the da i l y press. 1 96 1 On January 4, Rev. Ron Saine beg n the fi rst joint worsh i p and study in Canada between a M i ssou r i and E LC C congrega tion. St. Mark's Lutheran and ' Mount Olivet Lutheran ( Vancouver, B . C . ) have been in d iscussion for about two and on e- ha l f years over such a venture together. Upon the sel li ng of the St. Mark's bu i l d ing, they voted to j oi nt worshi p with Mount O l ivet . There w i l l be
two serv ices, with one pastor conducting the first service completely and then preac h i ng at the second with the other pastor as Litu rgist. This w i l l be on a rotating Sun day to Sunday basis. Stan Fredrickso n is head of the mathe· matics department of Hazen H i gh School in Renton, Wash . Roger Reep has joi ned the Everett office of Dean Witter & Co . as an accou nt executive_ Reep is accredited by the New York Stock Exchange and will handle individual brokerage accounts for Eve rett area residents. Prior to joining Dean Witter, Reep was Skagi t County sales representative with B lake, Moffitt . and Town e paper company in Seattle. David Berg is in h is fourth year at the University of Wash ington Dental School. De wey Hollingsworth w i l l head the Auburn (Wash.) U n i ted Good N eighbor drive as general ch ai rman . He is on the board of di rectors of Aubu rn K iwanis Club, a member of the Au burn Com mun ity Fund and the Au bu rn Softba l l Tournament_ Representing P L U at the i nauguration of William W. Hassler as fifteenth presi dent of I ndiana Un iversity was Matthew L. Ernst, pastor of F i rst St. John Evan gelical Lutheran Church in Pi ttsbu rgh, Penn . 1 962 Harre W. Demoro, staff writer for the Oaklan d ( Cal if.) Tribune, has received a Nati onal Society of Professional E n gi neers first place award for his re porting of Bay Area R apid Transit construction in 1 968. The award goes annually to a news re-
porter whose coverage best describes the role engineers play in society. Mr. Demoro was chosen from among 1 03 repo rters th roughout the Un ited States. H i s wife is the former Judith Anderson. Dr. John Q. Mitten, h is wife Mavis (Everette) '60, and their two ch ildren, Laurie Ann 2%, and E ri c 1 ; now reside in R e isterstown, Maryl and . Dr. M itten is now a resident i n the depa rtment of path ology , John H opkins Medical School, B alt i more, Maryland, where he is pursu ing Board Certification as a veterin ary patho logist and a Ph. D . in comparative patho l ogy . Prev ious to th i s time the Mittens were at Fort Detrick, Freder ick, Maryland, for a two year stay where Dr. Mitten was engaged in biologica l research as an ex perimental pathologist w h i l e a captai n in the U. S. Army. Rev. Joe Beissel is pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Barbara (Brinkley) Dyk man is teaching 1 1 th grade Eng l ish at Lakewood Hi gh School in Lakewood, Calif. After four years of teac hing jun ior h i gh school music in Seattle, Virginia (Fluke) Gabelein is now busy devoti ng full time to her husband and two sons, Kev i n Christopher 3 a n d Mi chael Christopher 1 Y:. .
Officer Basic Branch Qual ification Cou rse at Fort Benjam i n Harrison , I ndiana, i n October 1 969. H e now assumes the duties of Person nel Management Officer of Co. a (Admi n . ) , 1 4 1 st Support Batta l ion, Portland, Oregon ( Army National Guard), and returns to his civil ian job as a pu l p sales co-ordinator for Georgia-Pacific Cor poration. At Georgia -Pacific, where he has been employed for the past three years, he co-ordi nates wood p u l p sales for pu l p m i l l s located in Samoa, Cal iforn i a ; Bel li ngham , Wash . ; Port H u dson, Lou isiana; and Wood l a n d , Maine. 1 964
1 963 Gary
is manager of the Coast-to-Coast stores in Beaverton, Ore. Kenneth D. Larson received a M. N. S. degree in chemi stry from the Un iversity of South Dakota. He and h is wife Roxanne (Hansen) '62, l ive i n Puya l l u p, Wash . Second Lieutenant Gary E. Shaw grad uated from the Adjutant General CorpsThompson
Howard N. Larson has compl eted h i s initial training at Delta A i r Lines' tra ining school at the Atlanta Airport and is now assigned to the a i r l i ne's Dallas pi lot base as a second officer . Prior to j o i n i n g Delta he served five years in the Un ited States Air Force. Anthony M. Reynolds is sen ior systems
analyst for Ca nnon Electric, a division of Telegraph
school and plans to finish in August 1 970, with req u i rements for a Ph . D . i n organic
Corporation i n Los A n geles. He and h i s wife A rlene (Thorne) l ive i n Northridge,
chemi stry . Gary Peterson is a commercial artist in
Cal i f. Ola v Engen works for the Federal Reserve Bank and is ta k i ng cou rses with the American I n stitute of B a n k i n g . He and his wife Hilde (L onset) l ive in Seattle. They have one son, E i na r 1 .
Seattle . H is wife Gloria (A nderson) i s teaching at Maple Val ley i n the Tahoma School D i strict. Capt. Barbara Zebbs is a n A r my N u rse recru iter i n Portland, Ore. Rev. Stan Hoobing i s pastor of Central Lutheran Chu rch of Eastern Lewis County, Morto n , Wash. He was ordained December 1 5, 1 968, at I m m a n u e l Luth eran C h u rch , Boise, I daho. He i s affi l i ated with Morton Lions Club, Chamber o f Co m merce a n d the Morton Booster Club
I n ternational
1 965 Gerald Lorenz has retu rned to Dubu que Theolog ica l Semi nary for hi s final year of study lead i ng to the Bachelor of Divi n i ty degree. The fou r·year program of theological studies is designed to prepare men for the Lutheran m i n istry. D u ri n g the past year M r . Lorenz was o n intern sh ip at St. Peter's Lutheran Church at Balti more, Maryland, H is wife is the former Janet Peterson '66. Paul D. Peterson has been appoi nted instructor of psychology at Whitman College. Peterso n , a candidate for a P h . D. in speci a l i zation-social psychology at Washi ngton State U n iversity, has been a teach i ng assistant at P L U and at WSU. At WSU he held an N D E A fe l l owsh i p . James A . Skurdall represented P L U at the in auguration of John Tietjen as presi dent of Concordia Semi nary, St. Lou is, in November 1 969. L arry Farrar i s f i n i s h i n g his M. degree at Sacramento State Co l l ege.
Kathleen (Hansen) Putnam graduated from the Un iversity of Rochester, June 1 968, i n n u rsing. She worked for a year in p u b l i c health and is now a housewife and mother of a dau ghter born in May 1 969. Her husband Ed is i n graduate
for Morton H i gh School. Stephen A . Torkko is pastor of R oyal Lutheran Ch u rch in R oyal City, Was h i n g ton . Elaine E. Workman i s l iv i n g i n Lake Bay, Wash . , and wor k i n g for the state department l icensing foster homes. 1 966 Janis ( Yunker) Siegel is teach ing 7th & 8th grade math at Oneida Jr. Hi gh in O neida, N. Y. Her husband R i c hard is wo r k i n g in research a nd devel opment at G r iffiss A i r Force B ase. Joe and Karen (Kane) Grande are re siding i n Co l u m bu s , O h i o , where Joe is a se n i o r at the Evangel ica l Lutheran Theological Sem inary (Capital Sem i nary ) . Tyler Coplen i s employed a t the Ar gonne National Laboratories in Chicago where he is assisting i n the a n alysis of the oxygen isotopes in moon rock sam ples. This research is important as the f i n d i n gs have a d i rect bea r i n g on the theories about the origin of the moon .
James R. Feek is work ing with the Connecticu t Mutual Life I n su rance Com pany in Seattle. Sharon (Stra tton) Crawford and her hus band Jerry '68, are l iving i n Tacoma. Sharon is working as an i n su rance adj uster for A l l -State. Jerry has recently been d i s· charged by the U. S. Army and is attending Tacoma Co mmu nity Co l l ege. Stephen Comils has retu rned to Dubu qu e, I owa, and is en rol led at Wartbu rg Theologi cal Semin ary for his final year of study lead in g to the Bachelor of Divi n i ty degree_ During the past year M r . Cornils was on internship at St. Mary's Luthera n Church, Kenosha, Wisconsi n . H is wife is the former Ma ry Olson '65.
1 967
selected for the 1 4 -week professi onal of ficer cou rse in recogn ition of h i s potential as a leader in the aerospace force. The captain is bei n g reassigned to H i l l A F B , Utah, as a grou nd electron ics officer with the 4754th R adar Eval uation Squad ron, a u n it of the Aerospace Defense Co m mand which protects the U. S. against host i le aircraft and missi les. 1 968 Michael A. McKean was named asso
ciate editor of New York Un iversity Law Center's publ ication " Review of Law and Social Change". M i k e is i n h i s second year as a R oot-Tildes Scholar at N Y U School of Law. His wife is the former Diane Skaar '69_ Joseph Myers i s one of fifty students
Newport, R . I ., i n May . He then went on to N avy Supply Corps School in Athens,
enro l l ed in the fi rst year of theological studies at Wartburg Theological Seminary ( The American Lutheran Church) , D u bu qu e, I owa . H is wife is the former Ruth
Geor g ia. Phil
Hansen '59. Michael Douglas is employed by the
Fred Bohm graduated from OCS at
is e m p l oyed by Addressograph-mu ltigraph Corp. as a sales man in their Eugene, Oregon, branch. Eudora (A dams) Peters has been ap pointed manager of the O l y m pi a ( Wash . ) Office o f t h e State Employment Secu rity Department. Mrs. Peters has served as assistant manager of the Tacoma E m ploy ment Secruity Office for the past two years. Formerly she had served as manager of the Youth Opportu nity Center in Taco ma, and as an employment cou n seli ng su pervisor. Captain Merlin C. Simpson, Jr. , has graduated from the Air Un iversity's Squa dron Officer School at Maxwe l l A F B , Alabama. Captain Simpson was special ly Strain
Florshe i m Shoe Company in Chicago in the i r wholesale department. His wife Janet (Estes) '66 is a housewife and mother of a five month old son , R o bby . Army Sargeant James R. Skofstad received the Bronze Star M edal in Viet nam. Sgt. Skofstad earned the award for outstandingly meritorious service as an infantryman with Co mpany B, 1 st Bat ta l ion of the 1 st I n fantry D iv ision's 1 8th I nfantry in Vietn am. He a l so received the A i r Medal for merito rious service whi l e participating i n aeri al fl ight i n support o f grou nd operations a n d the Combat I n fantryman Badge for sustained ground contact against the enemy .
Special ist 4 James Girvan is now serv ing as a medi cal lab. tec h n ician at Phu Bai ( 4 5 mi les north of Da Nang) , Vietnam. He will be return i ng to the States Ju ne 1 , 1 970. His wife, Georgia (Stirn) is l iving in Eureka, Ca l if . , and teaching at St. Bernard's Elementary School. They w i l l have another year i n the army u pon J i m 's return from V i etnam . 1 969 L CDR Rudolph Ma tzner, Jr. has bee n
assigned by the U. S. Navy to be the Senior Advisor of the largest shi pyard i n Vietna m . Robert Sorenson is co·chair man f o r the busi ness division in the U n ited Good Neighbor ca m paign this year. He has been
employed at Wi dsteen's in Port Angeles, Wash . , fo r the past six years. He was a U G N soli c itor last year. He coaches a Littl e League footba l l tea m , pl ays base bal l for Widstee n's, and is advisor for the San Juan H i -Y C l u b . Nancy (A nderson) a n d John Picinich are both teac hing in Pen i n su l a Sch ools. She is teaching second grade at H a rbor Heights E lementary School and John is teaching 7th and 8th grade so cial stu d ies at Goodman M iddle Schoo l . Angela Holm i s teach ing Physical Edu cation, sw i m m i n g , and health for the Peni n sula Schoo l District . Jeannette Israel Baker is working with the underprivi l iged in the H i l ltop area of Tacoma. John Dinsmore is with the Peace Corps in G i r i , Nepal, teaching agriculture to Nepa lese at G i r i , wh ich is on the travel route between Katmandu and Mr. Everest. Norman Beighley is one of f ifty stu dents enro l led in the f i rst year theological studies at Wartburg Theologica l Se m i nary (The American Lutheran Ch urch ) , D ubu que, I owa . Ken Nordlund is a school psychologist for the Spec ial Services Department of Olympia (Wash .) School D i strict. Paul and Doreen (Da vis) Negstad are presently l iving in Great F a l l s, Montana, where Paul is stationed with the Air Force. Pau l received h is comm ission as Lieu tenant in December 1 969 and is work ing in the area of m i ssi le systems and lau nch contro l . 1 970
is the manager of Sa ine's Shoes North End store in Tacoma. William
Pra witz
No date give n : Barry A. Larson '69, to Kathryn M . Lynne, Tacoma, Wash . No date given : James M. R odgers to Pat Thoe '69, Olym pia, Wash . June 4, 1 966: Fred Bohm '67 , to Susan Presth us, Brush Prairie, Wash. June 1 5, 1 968: Bruce Berney to Kristina Pernu '63. August 24, 1 968: F red A. Badal to Bettie A. H. R ice '59. December 2 1 , 1 968: Cl ayton D. Erickson '67, to Dorothy M c Cl ary '70, Redmond, Wash. December 28, 1 968: Dennis Gagnier '70, to Susan Howard '68, W i l l iston, N . D. June 3, 1 969: Gary C. Peterson '65, to Gl oria Anderson '65, Seattle, Wash . June 7, 1 969: R i chard Leake '70, to Penny Johnson '68, W i l l i ston, N. D. J u l y 1 1 , 1 969 : Dennis W. Konsmo '69, to Merilyn R. Horn u n g, Seattle, Wash . July 1 2 , 1 969: M i kael Leppaluoto '67, to Shirlee Pal esotti , Gwinn, M i c h . August 9 , 1 969: James D . Adams '67, to E l len M . Joh nson '68, Puyall u p, Wash. August 9, 1 969: Norman A. Aune '69, to Barbara J. Thompson '69, Gresham, Ore. August 11, 1 969: R ona l d L. Boyanovsky to Jan M . Knigh t '69, H ono足 l u l u , Hawa i i . Au gust 1 6, 1 969: Ro ger E . Kreis to Sandra J. Bowdish '65, Seattle, Wash. August 1 6, 1 969: David Void '69, to Joan K. Norbu rg '69, Denver, Colo. August 30, 1 969: Warren F oss '70, to Cynthia Cox, Moscow, I daho.
. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - -
What's New With You? Please use the space below to send us news o f an address change, new promo tion,
h o n o rs,
additions to the fam i ly, travel o r to just say h e l l o .
I n formation dead l i n e f o r t h e next issue April
1 5.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _
� _ _ _
Class __
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Septem be r 1 2 , 1 96 9 : Kenneth L . Bakken ' 6 9 , to The resa L . Appelo, Se att le, Wash. September 1 3, 1 96 9 : Ron ald J. Nesse '69, to Lynn Randall '70, Taco ma , Wash. Octo be r 4, 1 969 : Ro nald Boehm to Sharon Wuge ll '67, Seattle ,Wash. Octo be r 1 6, 1 96 9 : Earl C. Gerheim, to She rrie M. Wo rthin gto n '69, Tacoma, Was h. Octo ber 25, 1 96 9 : Dr. Wayne L. Hill '6 1 , to Deborah Bo dme r , Se attle, Was h. No vember 22, Neil Bryan t ' 7 0 to Mary Arneso n '70, Everett, Was h. Nove mber 2 2 , 1 96 9 : Rich ard A. Coo vert to Wendy A. Will iams ' 7 0, Taco ma, Wash. No vember 22, 1 969 : Larry A. F arrar '65, to Carolyn Burne, Sacrame nto, C alif. December 2 1 , 1 96 9 : Ke n neth A. Mattso n to Elaine A. Twite '65, Port lan d, Ore .
(Send to the A l u m n i Office, P L U , Tacoma, Washington 98447)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. : Gordon Gradwohl ' 6 1 ( Nancy Olsen '6 1 ) . son, Paul Haro ld, January 27 ( n o year given). Join brothers C hristian 9 , Jo hn 4, and Peter 1 . Hans F lo an (Con n ie Boddin g '64 ) , Ado pte d son, Erik Hans. No da te gi ve n . Emilio Massa (Jan nette Breimer '65 ) , daughter, Sharo n Ann, born Octo be r 29, 1967. Roger Gabelein (V irgi n ia F lu ke '62) , son, Michael Chris topher, born July 2 2 , 1 968. Joins brothe r Kevin 3 . Henry F . Dunn , J r . ( Karen Fe dt '63) , son, Daniel Patrick, born December 1 5, 1 968.
E mi l io Massa (Jan nette Bre i mer '65) . son, David E mi l io, born January 5, 1969. Joins sister Sharon 2. R obert R andoy '54 ( Beverly Weibye '63) . so n, Christopher Thomas Jennings, born February 1, 1 9 69. Joins Kari 5, Bobby 4, and Jacqu e l i n e 2%. Roger Gustafson '63 (Sandra Heieren '62) . daughter, Carla Genevieve, born . February 1 3, 1969. B ruce Berney ( K ristina Pernu '63), daughter, Lau ra Esther, born May 1, 1969. John S. Hanson '62 (Thelma Reeve '63) , daughter, Kristin Jean, born May 1 8, 1 969.
Earl Cammack ( I ris Nordman '55) , son , Craig E l arth, born Ju ne 19, 1969. Joins brother Chris 3 and sister Cary n 1. Gary Shaw '63, daughter, Heidi LeeAnn, born July 3, 19 69. Adopted J u l y 9, 1969. Jack Winsor ( Bon itta Johnson ' 6 1) . adopted daughter, Becky Jo, born July 4 , 1 969 . Joins brothers Mark 5 and Eric 3. George Beard '64, daughter, Amelia Ann, born J u ly 22, 1 9 69. Glenn Evanson '51, son, Daniel G len n, born July 31, 1969. Joins brothers Ti mothy 5 and Jon 3. David Berg '61 ( Patricia Witte ' 6 1 ) , son, B r ian M ichae l , born September 2, 1 969. Joins brother Stephen 8. Clarence Wh ite (Sylvia Sanders '60 ) , son , Matthew James, Septem ber 15, 1 969. Joins brother Peter 2Yo . Joseph Grande '68 ( Karen Kane '66 ) , son , J o n Michae l , born September 23, 1969.
Kent F reeman (Carlene H euer '63) . daughter Nancy H euer, born September 24, 1969. Joins brother Kent R ichard 1 Yo.
Ron Saine ' 6 1, daughter, Karen Michel l e , born October 16, 1969. Daniel Leasure (vice president-student affa irs ) , daughter Dana Helen, born Octo足 ber 2 1, 1969. Joins sister Jennifer 2. James Von Sch riltz '60, fin a l adoption, November 1969, of Donna Marie 9, Betty Ann 8, John Andrew 7, R o bert Andrew 6. Join sisters Leah 4 and Naomi 2.
W i l l iam Sissel '62, son , Mark Alan, born November 1, 1969. Gerald Evanson '63 ( L inda Som mers '6 1) . daughter, Leigh Ann, born Nove m足 ber 2 1, 1 9 69. N e i l T. Eastvold '58 (Jan ice Cam pion '59 ) , son, B ryan Dean, born November 22, 1969. Joins sister Lynn 10 and brother David 9 . Pau l G . Ro berts '65, son , Kev i n Donald, born December 1 6 , 1969. A L U M N I DAY, 1 970
May 9, 1970 Activities of A l l K i nds Plan Now to Attend There wil l be a PlU A l u m n i picnic at 1 P.M. on Saturday, June 20, 1970, at Dash Point State Park , located o n Puget Sou nd N orth o f Brown's Point, Tacoma. A l u m s are asked to provide a picnic l u nch for their own fam i ly. Heading up the arrangements are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon l. Turcott '60 ( Dana B lount '58) and M r . and M rs. Haro ld Bakken ' 5 8 ( lois E rekva m '58).
DEATHS L ois Dixon Miller '53, deceased October 6, 1 969, fol l owing a car accident. John M. G underson '50, deceased June 9, 1 969. Helen Collins Anderson '33, deceased May 6, 1 968. Thor W. Larsen '39, died December 22, 1 969. He was born in Chicago, I II , and moved to Tacoma many years ago . Mr. Larsen was a sales representative for a local floor covering firm . He was a retired N avy R eserve commander and a veteran of World War I I and the Korean War. He was active in N aval Reserve affairs in Tacoma. He was a member of the N ormanna Male Chorus. Survivors i nclude his wife, Signe (Midrsater '39); three sons, Garrett, of Seattle, Arne, with the Mari nes, and Eric, of the home. Sverre N. Omdal '28, former Washi n g ton State d irector of agricu I ture, died January 1 , 1 97 0, in Sedro·Woo lley, Wash., hospital following a l ong i l l ness. The former teacher and one-ti me state representative served as state agr icu lture di rector from 1 949 until 1 957 . Omdal, a l i felong resident of Bow, Wash., was d irector of th e Skagit County Land T itle Co. at his death. A mong his su rvivors are his widow, I d a, and a dau ghter and a son, al l of Bow. Dr. Alexander V. Ariton, former bio logy professor at Pacific Luthe r an Un iver sity, died January 9, 1 970, in Lennox, S. D. H e was born in G raetinger, I owa, and came to Tacoma in 1 94 1 from South Dakota. He moved back to South Dakota
in Dece m ber 1 969. Dr. Ariton was a graduate of St. Olaf Col lege, M i n n . , and received a bachelor of theol ogy degree from Luther Se mi nary , Minn., and a doctor of philosophy degree from the Un iversity of Nebraska. Dr. Ariton had served at one time as head of the biology department at P L U and Carthage Col l ege i n Wiscon sin. H e served as an assistant in t h e department of zoology at the University of Wisconsin and the U n iversity of I owa, and assistant in h istology and embryology at the Un i versity o f Nebraska. Besides teach ing, Dr. Ariton was the author of many articles, research papers and laboratory manuals. He was also the author of a book, "Songs and Other Sounds of B i rds. He was a member of Trin ity Lutheran Chu rch, Tacoma. Survivors include three sons, Roland, of Lennox, and Dean and Stanley '45, both of New York City ; and a sister and two brothers. Kerry L ynn Pearson '63, died Septem ber 4, 1 969, at the City of Hope National Med ical Center, Duarte, Calif., after a l i ngering i l l n ess. M i ss Pearson was an executive secretary in the biochemistry department at Scripps cl inic and research foun dation La Jolla, Cal ifornia . Orville R. Schlanbusch '40, deceased December 1 969. Survived by his wife Shirley . Two daughters, Mrs. Mary Lu l l , Seattle; Lee A n n Schlanbusch, Yrek a, Cal i f. Son of Mrs. Anetta Sch lanbusch. Brother of Mrs. Fredreka Schlanbusch Packard '36, both of Seattle. Three step children, Wil l i am, Ro bert, and Donna McLean, a l l Tacoma.
costin!} $501 , 500 has been projected for next f a l l after the U n iversity Center i s compl eted a n d a l l present functions o f the CUB a re transferred to the new building. In anno u ncing this forward step in Phase Two o f the P L US Plan, President Wieg man sai d, "I n the past few years both N u rsing and Art h ave m ade great strides of progress. The qual i ty of the work they are doing is being we l l recog n i zed. If they are to contin u e to i m prove, they must have adequ ate faci ll i ties. If we are to
There are two "l ower campus" levels. The main f l oor features a coffee shop, six bowl i n g a l leys, special rooms for b i l l iards, ta ble ten n i s and other ga mes, a n d addit i o n a l meet i n g rooms. F i n a l l y , on the lowest leve l , only a partial l evel due to the terrain , a l a rge, u n finished " Diet of Worms" or " R ed Lyon " room i s p l a n n e d . Util ities w i l l b e inc l uded, but t h e room is designed for maximum versatil ity and change of design a n n u a l l y if the students so desire. It has its own special entrance and wi l l not interfere or be interfered with other center activ ity .. The dominant exterior design traits w i l l i n c l u de a l o ng , sloping, u n even roof l i n e and vertical cedar sid ing. Spacious ba l co n i es w i l l almost complete l y surround the u pper a nd second levels. The center, wh ich wil l be the l a rgest bu i l d in g on campus in terms of floor space, wi l l u n ite the u pper and l ower campuses, resting as it ,is o n the 40-foot h i l lside south of H a rstad Ha l l . " I t i s intended to become the center of activities for students, facu l ty and commu nity," Wright pointed out, echoing the sentiments of the students and ad足 min istrators who planned the buil d ing. The center is progressing on sched u l e and i s intended to b e ready f o r use when school opens, September 1 9 70.
O l LE G E U N I O
facil i ties
Hall rem
planned for C h r I S ef tng I n Colle
gal l e r y
Knutzen Union
ach i eve d i stinction as a center of learn ing, we must system atica l l y u pgrade o u r edu足 cational progra m . M ov i n g N u rsing o u t of a former men's te mpora ry dorm and the Depart ment of Art out of the original chapel b u i l d i n g wil l give them the opport足 u nity to en rich and deepen their academic programs. "
The C U B was b u i l t in 1 9 55, with Ch ris Knutzen F e l l owship Hal l be i n g added in 1 960. The remodeling program wil l provide a l most 3 5 ,000 square feet of new academ i c facil ities. Johnson, Austin and Berg, the arch itects who designed the
Plans t o provide new a n d expanded fac i l ities for the School of N u rs i ng and Department of Art through th e remodeling of the old Col lege Union B u i l ding have been annou nced by President E u gene Wiegm a n . A program
origi n al buil ding, have deve loped a plan that divides the CUB into two parts. The School of N u rsing w i l l occupy the area now used by the bookstore, the coffee shop, the student offi ces and lou nges. A l e ctu re·demonstration room wi l l be bu i lt at the former main entran ce. This classroom will be the prin cipal new constru ction and will provide a facil ity that can be u sed for cl asses by all depart· ments. I n cluded in the new faci l i ties w i l l be practice rooms, demonstration l o u nge, sem in ar rooms, reading room and off i ces. The Art Department w i l l occupy the former kitchen and d i n ing room areas. I n add ition to office-st u d ios, there wil l be teach i n g studios for graph i cs, painting an d drawing, scu l pt u re, design an d cerami cs. The C h ris Knutzen F e l l owsh ip H al l will be re lo cated in the U n iversity Center. I n the space thus vacated a new gallery ·theater wi l l be provi ded. T h i s is an interesting new concept of bri nging dr'ama into the art exh ibition hal l . It is also another example of U n iversity po l i cy to u til ize space in as many d ifferent ways as pos sible, thus ach ieving maximum return for every dollar invested. The art gal l ery will also be used for theater- in -the-round, poetry read i ngs, lectu res and other publ i c events. I t w i l l be possible t o combi ne both a stage produ ction and an exhibition at the same time. Estimated cost of remode ling of the CUB will be abou t $625,000. The U n i versity has appl ied for a P u b l i c Health Service match ing grant that co u l d provide up to $22 1 ,000 of the cost. An i nten sive sol i citation of facu lty, regents, firms and foundations is be i n g l au n ched to pro vide the rest of the funds requ i red to com plete the project.
Left to right- Mrs_ Mrs. Wiegman
Moe, Dean R ichard Moe,
The American Economy Program at Paci fic Lutheran U niversity has received a $2,000 grant from the Seattle Fou nda tio n . T h e grant was o n e of 3 7 gifts presented to Wash i n gton institutions and agencies by the foundation in Dece m be r . A E P, under the d i rection of Ronald Genda, is devoted to u pgrad ing the pu blic's understanding of eco nom ics and the i m pact of the subject u pon their da ily l ives through special programs sem i nars, speaking engagements and pu blications.
A E G E NTS-TtJoma
Anderso n, Tacoma
business executi Ve, ngh l, Si gnS the board boo k as he accepts lection 10 the Board of Regents in November Looking on left is Rev. Thee.
Non-voti ng representatives o f the facu lty and student body were seated on the Pac i fic Lutheran Un iversity board of regents dur i ng the board's two-day meeti ng in N ovember. The first such seat ing in P L U history came at the request of President E u gene Wiegman. Re presentatives were Dr. Curtis Hu ber, professor of phi losophy, and Barney Petersen, student body president. Tho mas A. Anderso n , president of Tacoma's Concrete Technology Corp., was el ected to a th ree-year term as a regent at-large. President Wiegman sa id two other board members from the commun ity wil l be elected later. A co mmittee was appointed to engage an architect to make pre l i n i mary plans for construction of a new residence for the president on property don ated to the
Brueckner , board chairman ; and Huber, facu lty to
Dr. Curtis the board.
university for that purpose. The president's revised ba lanced opera ti ng budget of $6,27 5,700 for the current school year was adopted. Th is inclu des an inc rease for board of $25 per student per semester beginn ing Feb. 1 , 1 970. The board accepted Dr. Wiegman's re quest that President E meritus Robert Mortvedt be en gaged as a consu ltant to the president in matters where the presi dent requ ests his services. It was reported to the regents that enro l l ment for the current semester is 2,765 students, including 2,2 1 0 fu l l -time students, an i n crease of five per cent over last year.
A t present a representative facu Ity, staff and st udent co m m i ttee is screening candidates for the provost post. The Co l l ege of Professional Studies has been dissolved and Dr. R i chard D. Moe, who has been dean of th8t college, has been appoi nted Dean of the Graduate D ivision and of the Su m mer Session. He is also act ing director of the School of F i ne Arts.
D r . Eugene W . Wiegman w i l l be i n au gu rated as the ninth president of the University at festivities beg i n n i n g at 1 0 a. m . Monday, March 1 6, i n O l son Au ditoriu m. Representatives from col l eges, un iversities, l earned societies, the c h u rch, the regents and the entire facu Ity w i l l participate i n the formal processiona l . A h ighl ight o f the program wi l l b e the presentation by vocal and i n stru mental organ izations of the u n iversity of the powerful wo rk, "Gl oria ," by Po ul enc . The i nau guration weekend wi l l get underway Sat . , March 1 4 which w i l l have a series of lectures and programs i nvolv i n g t h e u n iversity fami l y and t h e citizens of the area. Sunday w i l l be a Day of Praise which will include a worsh i p service i n Olson Auditoriu m at 1 1 a . m. The Oregon Sym phony Orchestra, u nder the d i rection of Jacques Si nger, w i l l come from Port land to give the concert at 3 p . m .
To broaden ad m i nistrative responsi bi l i ties and functions in the Co l l ege of Arts and Sciences and to take advantage of the i nstructional and leaders h i p tal ents with i n the facu lty, three d ivisional chair men have been el ected. D r . Paul Reigstad, chairman of the Engl ish department the past three years, is chairman of the D i v i, sion of H u man ities which i ncludes E ngl i sh , foreign l angu ages, phi losophy, rel i gion and journa l ism. Dr. Johan nes A . Sch i l ler, chairman of the sociol ogy dept . , is chairman of the Division of Social Sciences which i ncl udes sociology, econ omics , history , pol itical science, psychology and geography . Dr. W i l l ia m G iddings, chairman of the chem istry department, is chairman of
Acting on the recom mendation of Presi dent Eu ge ne Wiegma n, the faculty has made an exhaustive stu dy of the academic structu re, and seve ral changes have been made. The faculty recom mended the adoption of the provost system under which the provost will become the chief academic officer and be respo nsi ble for the presi dent's duties when he is absent from the campus.
Division of Natu ral Sciences which in c l udes biology , chemistry, general science, mathem atics, physics, geology and general enginee ring.
G U fldar J. Kong
Dav id M . Olson
MO R K APPO I N T E D E r l ing O . M o r k , assistant to t h e Tacoma city manager, the past two years was ap· pointed director of com mu nity projects and assistant professor of po litical science at P U J as of January 5. M o rk is in cha rge of certain com m u n ity outreach programs at PLU and works closely with Dr. D o n a l d Farmer, chairman of the political science departme nt, and Dr. Lowel l C u lver, PLU u rban affa irs dir ector, o n student internship programs and other student-co m m u nity activities, ac cord ing to D r . Charles Anderson, Dean of Co l l ege of Arts and Sciences.
Appointments have been m ade to fou r other facu lty mem bers to head up schools of the Un ive rsity. Dr. Kenneth Johnston is dean of the School of Edu catio n , Dr. Doris Stucke is director of the School of N u rsing, D r. Gundar J . King is d i rector of the School of B u siness Admi nistration, and Dr. David M. Olson has been appointed director of the newly formed School of Physical Edu cation .
Approx i m ately half of M o rk's time is spent directing the Tacoma Area Co l l ege Consortiu m phase of a regio n a l develop ment project entitled " E n v i ron mental Quality of Puget Sound." F u n ds a l located under Title I of the Higher Edu cation Act of 1 9 65 have been made ava i l a b le to the consortiu m for the project, with P L U serving as t h e fiscal agent.
Appearances are plan ned for Germany as fol l ows : J u ne 4, Bork u m ; June 5, Emden ; and J u ne 6, Hambu rg. The Norway concert itinerary incl udes: Oslo, June 8 , Fredrikstad, J u ne 9; Bron noysu nd, June 1 1 ; Bodo, June 1 2 ; Narvik, June 1 3; Harstad, J u ne 1 4; Sortland, June 1 5 ; Svolvaer, J u ne 1 6; Sand nessjoen, J u ne 1 7 ; Namaos, J u ne 1 8 ; Trond h e i m , June 1 9 ; Kristiansand N . , Ju ne 20; Alesund, June 2 1 ; Sy kkylven, J u ne 23 ; Vol da, J u ne 24; Nordfjordei d , Jan. 25; F loro, June 26; Bergen, June 2 7 ; Norhei msun d , J u ne 29; Stavanger, J u ne 30; Sand nes, Ju ly 1 ; Kristiansand S., J u l y 2. Other Denmark booki ngs i nc l u de Od ense, J u l y 5 ; and Copenhagen ( T i vol i ) , J u l y 6.
Dr. Ronald Heyer, Cl ass of 1 963, jo ined the fac ul ty in Janu ary as an assistant professor of biology. Dr. Heyer, a Spokane native, has his master's and doctor of ph ilosophy degrees from the Un iversity of Southern Ca l i forn ia. For the past two years he has been doing field studies i n repti les in Thai l and for the F ield M useum of Chicago .
R ecent ly the Choir of the West accepted an i nvitation to appear with the Aal borg ( Denmark) City Sy m phony Or chestra i n an American -Danish concert Ju l y 3. Arrangements for the appearance were made by the R e b i l d Nat i o n a l Park So ciety which earl ier schedu l ed the choir to sing at the R e b i l d ( Denmark) Fourth of J u l y Festival wh ich annually draws more than 50,000 persons. Earlier the choir had accepted an invitation from the Norse m a n 's League through the City of Bergen to partici pate i n Bergen's 900th Anniversary Festival J u ne 27 and 28. The cho i r wi l l give a concert i n the Cathedral Ju ne 27, and President E meritus R o bert Mortvedt wi l l give an address June 28. U n der the d i rection of Prof. Mau rice H. Skones, the 73-voice choir w i l l open its E u ropean tour in Preston, E ngland, May 30. Concerts wi l l be given i n Lon don, G u i l ford and Coventry, May 3 1 , Ju ne 1 and 2.
SPACE AVAI LAB L E There are seats avai lable on the charter ed SAS jet which the choir has chartered for the tou r. The fl ight wi l l leave Seattle Tacoma F riday, May 29, and passengers may de-plane at Gl asgow, Scotland or Copenhagen. The return fl ight wi l l be July 8 . Persons el igible for the fl ight, which costs only $305 rou ndtrip, are PLU students, employees, a l u m n i and mem bers of the i m mediate fa m i ly of these groups. In Eu rope passengers may travel with the cho ir or make their own travel arrangements. I n Norway the group w i l l travel b y chartered boat along the beauti fu I coast and in the gorgeous fjords for 22 days. Cost per person per day , incl u di n g meals, is only $ 1 5. For brochures, appl ication forms and other information, contact: Office of Un iversity Relations, P L U , Taco ma, Wash. 98447 . 18
P R O F E SS I O N A L BASEBA L L E RS T hree wel l known professional baseba l l players a r e pursu ing their st u d ies at P L U t h i s yea r . C a p Peterson, C l eveland I n d ians outf ielder and a veteran of seven years in the major leagues, is in h is 1 0th year at P L U taking part-time wo rk each fall semester. He has com pl eted the equ iva足 lent of about three years this way. R o n Herbe l , front-l ine pi tcher for the San F ranc isco G ia nts fo r many seasons who was traded recen tly to San D i ego, is ta k i ng his se nior year in education and hopes ot com p l ete work for his education degree this spring. Herbel put in 3Y2 years at Colorado State. The th i rd i s Aaron Poi nter, Tacoma Cubs o u tfielder-first baseman who pl ayed two seasons with the H ouston Astros. Pointer, who had three years at the U. of San F ran cisco, hopes to fin ish up h i s co l l ege work this spring semester. The C u bs are permitting him to do his spring train ing in the PLU fieldhouse which is equi pped with a batting cage and auto足 matic pitching machine. Poi nter is serving as d i rector of intramural activites in the P. E. depa rtment.
P L U hoopsters moved i n to Northwest Conference play Jan. 9- 1 0 wi th road vic tories over Whitman and Col lege of I daho. With the season nearing the halfway poi nt, Gene Lun dgaard's ch arges boast a 7-4 record and are eyed as conference co favorites with Li nfiel d. Fou r year veterans AI Kol lar, Tacoma and Leroy Sinnes, Port Angeles, passed the 1 ,000 mark in career scoring during the first nine games of the season. They now stand ni nth and tenth respectively on the al l-time PLU scori ng l ists. Sophomore center Ake Pa l m Vasteras Sweden, and Sin nes are in a h � ated due i fo � individual scoring honors. Only one pOint separates the two who have score 367 points between them. The Lutes made a maiden voyage i n to Al aska and one to the mi dwest in Decem ber to pl ay Alaska, Wartbu rg, Va l paraiso and Carthage, the latter two in the Crusader C lassic at Val paraiso. The 8 000' mile journey resu lted in two wi ns and three losses, but back in more fa m i l iar territory the Lutes are 5- 1 . N ow in h is 1 2th year as head cage men tor at PL U , Lu ndgaard won his 200th game as Lute coach with an 86-74 vi ctory over St. Martin's Co l l ege Jan. 6. He needs 35 more victories to move past Marv Harshman to become the win n i ngest P L U coach in h istory
A shortage of manpower made the recent cross country season a l o ng one for coach John Thieman. Lute Ha rriers picked up victories in thei r first two meets aga i nst the University of Puget Sound and Pac ific U . , but fa i l ed to pick up another win in their remaining five meets. They fi nished second in two three-way contests and fourth in the Northwest Conference meet.
Coach Roy Carlson's wrest lers opened the 1 969-70 season with a 1 7- 28 win over Li nfield before losing to Wi l l amette 27-1 1 . They fin ished fifth in the U. of Puget Sound I nvitational . N i ne meets were scheduled for January and Fe bruary with the Northwest Con ference meet to be hosted by P L U F eb. 2 1 .
Begin n i ng h i s first year a s swi mming coac h, former Lute tank star Tom Fenn saw his charges rack up two easy victories in the first two meets of the season as the Lutes began their bid for a t h i rd North west Conference title. PLU defeated Pacific 7 1 - 27 and Linfield 75-25 in a th ree-way meet, and then stopped Eastern Wash ington 62-42. 20
A l l -Sta r. B i l l B roeker, also a n offensive tackle, made the NWC squad. A I I -NWC honorable mention selections were J o rgenson. center D u ane G ly l er qu arterback Hadland, h a l fbacks Halstead and Li ndstrom, fu l l back P r itchard, de fensive guard Don A i k e n , l i n e backer Skip M i l ler and defensive halfbacks Jack I r ion and Doug Jansen. Halstead was a second team A l l - Lutheran choice. Pr itchard was named the winn er of the F redri ck Schiotz Awa rd, which is presented a n n u a l l y to the outstanding freshman on the PLU squ ad . B o i ce and Ham mer were named co-captains for 1 970. Frustrating as the season was, it did resu lt i n the fi rst Lute conference title and winning season si nce 1 9 64, sc hool rush ing and total offense records, three backs ( P ritchard, H a l stead and Lindstrom) ga i n i n g more than 500 yards, and a fine new quarterbac k , Hadland, whose 1 , 348 yards tota l offense were the most for any Lute back si nce M a rv Tom merv i k .
GR 0 G LO R Y R E T U R N S TO PLU Coach Carlso n earned D istrict I N A I A Coach of the Year honors. Safety T i m Chan dler, w h o i n tercepted n i ne passes during the season to tie a conference mark, made t h i rd team A P A l l -American and honorable mention NAIA Arl American . He w a s named most valuable player by h i s teammates, and also made NWC, A l l - Northwest A l l - Lutheran and Di st. I N A I A a l l -star squads. Randy Jorgenson, 1 969 co-capta i n , made the A l l - N orth west squad a n d was named the team's most inspi ratio n a l player. Also n a med t o the Al l - Northwest team was j u n i o r R oss B oi ce, who made the squad both as a defensive end and as an offensive guard, H e was named to both positions on the a l l -conference team as wel l . R i ck Joh nson , sen i or offensive ta ckle, was A l l - N orthwest Conference second team A l l - Lutheran and a D i st. I N A I A
FO R M E R G R 0 COACHES-Three ormer PLU football coaches attended the Football Cen· tennlal Day fest lviti s Nov. 15 at th Wli l amette game. From left to right, the men Include Marv Harshman 1 1 951-57 1 . Cliff Olson (1929-4 1 1 and Dr. A . W. Ramstad 1 1926-29. rhe f"st coachl. Harshman, an Al l -American at P L U . 15 varsltv basketba l l coach at Washmgton State U. Olson and Ramstad aro retired and
live In
SH E L L G I V E N Mrs Walter E . Neils. LlbbV. Mont . chr istens a new shel l which he and her huIDand. right. contributed to the P L U V r Ity Rowing Club. Partia l ly shiel ded on the far fight I Ralph Neils. grandson of the donors
Parkland near the cam pus.
Pac i f ic received
Lu theran an
from A merican Oil John
Un iversity
u n restricted g i ft of $1 ,500 F o u ndation.
H o ney , a Oil
representative of
F o u n dation,
presentation. The fu nds w i l l be appl ied, D r . Eugene Wieg m a n sai d , to strengthen the u n iver sity 's cu rricu l u m .
Joh n B ustad, P L U regent from M o u n t
The Concert B a n d , u n der the d i rection
Ver n o n , h a s veen e l ected president o f the
of Gordon O . G i l bertson gave 1 6 concerts
i n 1 0 days o n a N ov . - Dec. to u r i n Wash
M a u r i ce H. Skones, c h a i r m an of the
m u s i c department, has been sel ected to Associ a t i o n and
1 50 high Keith Achep o l , artist i n residence, re
tici pate.
cent l y was awarded the A . P. H a n k i ns Memorial Prize i n the P h i l a d e l p h i a Print
August Werner, retired U n i versity of di rector
scu l ptor,
Un iversity's
which t h e P L U cho ir wi l l give in
the Seattle Opera
exhi bition .
E ntitled
"Trespass," the color i n tag l i o print w i l l become a part o f the permanent co l l ec
D i s t i n gu i shed
at the
wi l l
Clu b's
Wash i ngto n m u sic professor and renowned
Los Angeles to be used toward the
sch ool singers f rom each state will par
cho ral
B u chanan,
constru ction of the Un iversity Center.
March 29- 3 1 and i n M i ssou l a May 1 -2 for concerts
of $6,000 from the Carnation F o u ndation
Con tractors, Seattle
busi ness and f i n ance, has received a gift
di rect a l l -state c h o i rs at M u s i c Educators
Gordon 0 Gilberts "
G e n eral
Northwest Chapter .
i n gton, I daho and Montana.
t i on of the P h i l a d e l p h i a M u se u m of Art.
Berge n " H ouse.
PLU and Concordia Teachers Co l lege, Seward, N eb. , have established a n instruc tor exchange program to beco m e effective
Tore N i lert, president of the American
next schoo l year. "The agreement does
division of the Scan d i navian Airl i n es System since its i n ception in 1 946, has
i nv o l ve many or frequent changes,
m a kes
occasi o n a l
des i rable
been voted an honorary doctor's degree by,the fac u l ty and regents. The degree wi l l
changes poss i b l e , " states President E u ge n e
be conferred t h i s spring.
Wiegman .
elth Achepol
study t he southe r n P uget Sound area in Pierce, Kitsap and Thursto n counties.
To pro vide f aculty with an ex pande d administr ative role and to give adminis trato rs opportunities for research and act ive te aching, Pres ident Wie gman has anno unce d t he first of a se ries of o rganizational changes. Three current de partment chai rmen have been e lected by their co lle agues as divisional chairman in the Co llege of Arts and Sciences. The chairman are : Dr. Paul Rei gst ad, humani ties; Dr. Wi l. li ams Giddings, natural sciences; and Dr. John A. Schille r , social sciences.
Gifts receive d by t he Unive rsit y re ce ntly include d $6,000 from t he Carnat io n Foundation of Los Ange les and a $ 1 ,500 Shell Oil F o undation Assist Gr ant. The Carnation gift is for the Unive rsity Cente r and t he Shell grant for f aculty professional de ve lopment . A. De an Buchanan, vice presi de nt for business and f inance, w as instrumental in o btaining t hese grants.
I n o ne of his last off ici al acts befo re retiring as president of t he No rt h P acif ic Dist r ict of t he ALC, Dr. S. C. S i ef k es installed Re v. Donald Taylo r as unive rsity chaplain and sen·ior pastor of t he st udent co ngregation in Octo be r . P resi de nt Wiegman de live red t he inst allat ion se rmo n. Dr. Siefkes and wife now live in S ant a Rosa, Calif.
John Aakre, a j unio r f rom Oak H arbo r, Was h., has been name d editor of " The Moo r ing Mast," st udent newspaper for a one-year term beginning Feb. 1 . Aak re is the son of t he Rev. and Mrs. Arne Aak re,bot h P L U gr aduates.
Two gifts total ing $3,500 f rom t he Sears Roebuck Foundation were recently presented ot the Unive rsity by H arry Burningham, manage r of t he Sears Store in Tacoma. In additio n to t he annual s up po rt t hey have been giving t o P L U, t he Foundation made a special grant to aug ment library resources.
Dr. Peter Ristuben, member of t he histo ry facu I t y the past 1 0 ye ars, left Dec. 1 9 for Albany, New Y o rk w he re he is associate director f o r pro gr am planning and develo pment of t he Overseas Academic P ro gr am for t he State Unive r sity of New Yo r k . H e coordinates a pro gr am involving st udents f rom t he 28 campuses of SUNY.
P L U is amo ng a coalitio n of western Washingto n colle ges which have re ceive d a $87 ,250 gr ant to car ry o ut o ne phase of a campaign in 1 97 0 to st udy t he e nviron mental qualit y of t he P uget So und region. Alo ng with t he Unive rsity of P uget So und and Tacoma Community Co lle ge, P L U will get abo ut one-third o f t he grant to
Dr. Thomas H. L ange vin, academic vice- president f rom 1 965-69, will be inaugurated March 9 as president of Capital University,Co lumbus,Ohio .
1 PUBLISHES TH I R D BOOK-Mrs. A l i ce Napjus, assistant professor of ed ucati on has jUst pub lished her th i rd book for children . Entitled.
"FreddIe Found II Frog," th new work IS t he story of II y ou ng black boy from a mI ddle class background The I l l ustrations are by black a rt Ist George Ford.
HO MECOM I N G R O Y A LTY-left to right , Sue Sch i l l i nger, Vaughan; Qu ee n Nancy K i ng, Pan An ge les; and Sue Sobeck, Tacoma. Al l are juniors.
These four men represented PLU in the G E . Col lege Bowl tel evi Sion program Sunday. Nov. 23. over N B C out of New York on the n a tiOn Wide hookup. Competi ng against Memmack Coll ege of Mass., the PLU team raliled after a ow first hal f . but lost to the easterners by a 195 to 1 20 score in the banle of WitS. The Merrimack team went on to wi n f, ve straight matches on successive Sundays, the max i mum appearances allowed. .
SOLB E R G H O N O R E D-When the Rev. Clarence Sol barg was instal l ed Nov. 9 as preSi de nt of the North PaCifiC D,SUlct of the Amerrcan Lutheran Ch u rc h PLU conf er red an h onor ary doctor of diVinity degree on the cleroc Fro m left to fight . those who partIci pated I n the i nvestiture were Dr. Charles An de rso n Dean , Co l l ege of Arts and SCIences; Dr . E m met Ec l u n d c hairman . depI. of rel i g i on ; Dr Sol berg; Dr Stewart 0 Govlg. associate professor of religIon , and Presi dent Eugene Wiegman . ,
V IS I T O R F R O M NO RWAY-Alf PrGlysen, one of No rway ' s I adlng entertainers and folkSIngers. right, Visi ted the campus recentl y. He was honor 'd at II l uncheo n , and SpOke and sa ng for classes. He IS pIctured with Le,f E Ie of Seattle . ScandinaVian Arrh nes System mana!Jl!r .
6 LUCI A B R I D E - Jan Morsma n , freshman from Battle Grou nd, reigned as Queen of Li ghts over Lucia Bride Festiva l in December
PAC I F I C L UT H E R A N U N I V E RS ITY BOA R D OF R EG E NTS November, 1969
D r. A. G. Fj e l l man, 55 1 9 Phinney Av enue North, Seattle, Washington 981 03 Dr. Eugene Wiegman , Pac ific Lutheran U niv ersity, Tacoma, Washington 9844 7 Dr. Cl are nce Solberg, 2007 Third Avenue, Seattle, Wash ington 98 1 2 1 T E R M EXPI R ES 1 970: Dr. Paul Bo ndo, 1"1"'72:r E. Bin gham Ave n u e, Taco ma , Washi ngto n 98446 Mr. Dona l d E . Cornell, 1 01 9 E. 9t h Street, Port A nge l es, Washington 9836 2 Mr. Ro nald E. Dou glass, 1 2 1 2 F Street, S. E., Aubu r n , Was h i ngton 98002 Rev. F ran k L. Ericksen, P.O. Box 1 1 0, I ssaqua h , Washington 98027 Mr. Carl T. F y nboe , 1 1 023 Grav ell y La ke Dr. S. W. , Tacoma, Wash i ngton 98499 Rev. David Getzendaner , 2324 Lombard Avenue, Everett, Washington 98201 M�. J. L. Moilien , 2 1 3 7 N . E. Sc hu yler, Portland, Oregon 972 1 2 R ev. Karl Ufer, P. O. Box 465, Pu l l man, Washi ngton 991 63 Mr. Mic hael Dederer , 1 008 Western Avenue , Seattl e, Washington 98 1 04 T E R M E XP I R ES 1 97 1
R epresents LCA P LU A LC A Le A LC LCA A LC Al u m ni LCA A LC A LC R egent·at- Large
Mrs. Alfred Au s. 500 S. W. F ift h Avenue, Portland, Orego n 9 72 04 R ev . Theodore P. Bru eck ner, 1 0390 S.W. Canyon Road, Beaverton , Orego n 97005 Mr. John R. Bustad , 1 020 R iv erside Dri ve , Mt. Verno n , Was h i n gton 98273 Mr. Chester Hansen , 1 25 N iemi Road, Lo ngv iew, Was hingto n 98632 Rev. Glen Husby , 2626 Banc roft, Missou la , Montana 59801 Dr. Eri c Pau lson, S. 37 1 2 G andy , Spokane, Washington 99203 Mr. Conra d Peterson , 31 1 0 O l ympic Blv d . West, Taco ma, Washi ngton 98466 M". G era ld E. Schimke, 224 7 Prescott Avenue S.W., Seattl e, Washingto n 981 26 Mr. Norman Lorentzsen , 6 7 5 Ivy Falls Court, St. Pau I Minnesota 55 1 1 8
Alu m n i A LC LCA A LC A LC A LC LeA A LC Regent-at- Large
TE R M E XPI R E S 1 970
Thomas W. Anderson , 7525 Hegra Road , Tacoma, Wash. 98445 Dr. Carl Bennett , 3 1 1 5 W. Canal Dri v e, Ken newi c k, Washington 99336 Dr. Kennet h E ric kso n , 7 50 Witham D rive, Corval l is, Oregon 97330 Mr. Ga lv en I rby, 6025 N. E. Garf iel d Avenue, Portland. Oregon 972 1 1 Mr. Melv in Knudson. 6928 - 1 00th St . S.W Tacoma, Washington 98499 Mr. Victor Knu tze n, 264 9 Sout h 304th, Federal Way. Was h i ngton 98002 R ev. Ph i l ip Natwi c k, 1 857 Potter, Eugene, Oregon 97403 Mr. Jo hn Nelson , 2 227 West Raye Street, Seattle, Washington 981 99 R ev. E. Duane Tol lefson , 1 50 1 Jefferso n, Wenatchee, Washington 98801 Mr. Howard O. Scott, 1 1 6 1 1 Wood bine Lane. S. W" Taco ma. Was h ington 98499 AD V I S O R Y : C H AI R MAN . COMM ITTE E ON H I G H E R E D UCAT I O N . •
A LC LeA A Le A Le Al u m n i A Le LeA A Le R egent-at- Large
Rev. P . Iver P l h l, 435 N . W. 2 1 st, Corval l is, Oregon 97330 Rev. Lloyd Ro ha lt, 39 1 0 La k e Road, M ilwau ki e, Oregon 97222 . O L LE GE E D U C AT I O N ADV I SO R Y : EX -O F F I C I O , BOA R DS 9..!.C
LeA A Le
Dr. Loui s T. A l men , E x. Sec" 23 1 Madi son Ave.. New York, N. Y. 1 00 1 6 R ev . Cl ifford M. Johnson , Acting Director, 422 S. Fi fth St. , Mpls., M i n n. 5541 5 U N I V E RSI T Y ATTOR N EY :
LeA A Le
Mr. Fred S. Henricksen . 522
Securi ty
Bui lding, Tacoma , Was hington 98402