Saga 1977

Page 1

Stop your running The ground you're standing on is holy ground Sy Katherine Seckman Martha Graham is a great American doneer, and placed with Stravinsky ond Picasso in terms of her important contributions ta C)l)r culture. She hos given us great donees, donces about the complu and parodoxicol noture of


lives, intricate,

dramatic, passionate donces .. . And yet, one of the mast important things in her work is simplicity, not simple in terms of simple.minded Of easy, but simple (simplicity) in terms of culling through to the


In 0 mavie entitled Dancer's World,

Mortho Graham talks obool simplicity. "II's the simplicly of which the poet speaks," she soys, "costing no less than everything." When I first begon teaching at the University of Redlonds in Colifornio, the lpeOker ot the opening convocotion centered his remarks oround 0 text I hove since come

to love: "And God soid to Mose�, SlOp yoor running. The ground you are standing on is holy ground.' "


u� to urge my husbond to

preach sermons on this text-whenever he wos searching for ideas, , would volunteer: "And God said to Moses, stop yoor running.

The ground you ore stonding on is holy

ground." And I smiled to myself to think thot rhol old text, ond thol ideo I hove loved for well over len years, should come bock to help me orticulote to you some of the precious lessons of my summer, ond the lost months of Jim's life. Simplicity. Quiet. Stopping oor I'\Iflning and giving reverence to the pioce where we are ond the people we ore. For 011 our reading ond studying ond work, ond for 011 the greot insights we hove during our lives, the essentiol truths-ancient truths, whic:h the Foith tells us every lime we gather for worship.We can spend 011 our lives trying to understand those truths fuily, but it is not wisdom thol is hidden from us. "If I speak in Ihe tongues of men and of angels, but hove not love, I om a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. ,. "love one another, even os He first loved us." We ore shoped by the people, the ideos, the God thot we love. I read Mm\ewhere thot most g,eot writen-ond I suspect thol holds true for

simple slory of God's love for us. The essence of the slory has to do wilh

Groce and loving, and the coli 10 ourselves, embody tkat grace ond love.

Two poslon, clossmates'of Jim's from seminary, come to visit us this summer.One

hidden from us either. There was no need 10 frantically reod and reocl to discover, now

thot he knew he W(lS dying of cancer, what life is all about.

No, we were reminded simply 10 live each

of our days fully·each doy os a gift,

ortists and perhaps even people in

asked if Jim kad any new theological

because our lives are gifts. We kave no

insights. Hod ony great theological truths

guolontee of a "normol" lifespon.none of us

only one or two moin themes.They moy or death square on? Jim tkaught fOI a

generol, spend their entire lives wriling obout

may nol reoli!.e thot in the procen of their work, but looking bock the recurring themes become opparent. I om quite sure this is Irue for poslors, who spend their lives lelling and retelling the some story.ond that retelling is not boring·it

been discovered since Jim was suddenly moment, and answered simply that there were


new insights, but it was as though

his senses were open to the world in on

inlense way he hod never experienced before.

He wos secure in the Iheologicol lruths of

i$ born with 0 birthright to 70 years of life.

Each cloy we need to be potient with our

lives, indeed to take it 0 doy at a time· not

living for the moment·but truly In the

momenl, il is indeed Irue that God will provide us with what we need for the Iriols of each day. There are moments in OUI lives·momenb

is a grlKJt and huge t:hallenge.o great tosk 10

his life·he'd �pent long years reading and

of deep sorrow, or deep joy, great serenity


talking theology.ond those insights ore nol

or beouty or outrOQe or insight, when time



each day 10 be renewed by thol

slands slill·paSI, presenl, fulure are all fused into one, and w. hove a tosle for a moment

shoring our pain there wi,h us. As

••_n. Tou m .." .elflond lOlally '0 nOl ...... Tou mu.I .et ...... to yo..... ,Imp'e ull. I do no'

I wos cleaning Jim'li office, I

whol el&l"nily mighl be like. We are

discovered a oole cord, a well-used one,

immeued inlO Ih. "jukes o f life"-ond we

th�, because il hod a coffee cup ring Slain

feel grKJI Iruth breaking in on


In Ihe

Greek view, Ih&l"e are two wordl for lim.: QUanol and Koiros. Chronos-meoning lime as we usually Ihink of iI, chronological lime, lime al an everflowing slreom. Koiros lime


ho, do wilh Ih. quolilies of meaning in a momenl of lime·o momenl when we sense what our lives are all oboul, 05 Ihough we slood fOf a momenl wilh one fOOl in

eternily-for elernity, someane has suggesled, is lhe euence of lime. When you discover you are dying, life is suddenly fill.d wilh Koiros lime, when Our loves Ore clear, when we ore Slripped of everylhing but ourselves; when we ore known and understood for what we are, and miracle of miracles, realize Ihot we are loved onywoy; when we toke lime 10 fully sense

the leKlures of our lives.

We found we hove Unple answers in Ihe foee of so many complex queSlions. When

we could put away questions like "why ..."

oocl begin

10 sense that God is with us in

CIUI'" own private suffering. Jim preached a lot

aboul osking th. right questions·not asking "Wher. is God?" but "What is God like?" oocl we are told in ChriS!, God is incarnate,


in the middle ond the cord said: 'n P<'a yer we ..... h-olcHng up O<Ir p.ofounde.t cmd 0.... deep ••t longings Dnd hop.s fa. the tulu •• n••, 10 Ihe crou And (Iolmlng ,h. lomll p.ombe gl... en

... I oland before you all aching wl'h u..,h I.embllng wi,h d. ,I.e '0 make yo ... know (0', .leep and be .erio ..., about tlf • To be .e,lou.1I10 be .Imple To be .impl. i, 10 lov•. fool you. There lie. no an.e. po,h.



Iha' 0...1 of deolh God will brIng life.

I posled thai cord on my bulletin board


home so thai each doy I am reminded o f !hot.

10 relearn thole yean ago. Mortha Glohom, 11'101 greal dancer I spoke about a while ago, lolks oboul being "reborn 10 the inslonl"·to see things in our live" to donc., in fOCI, 01 Each day we are called

sw-nple InJlhl lhal we thoughl we hod learned

Ihough for Ihe firsl lim•. Morlin Lulher hal ,aid something like thai

100, thol each day, _ n.ed to remember our baptism.

There is a book coUed How Could I Not Be Among You wrillen by a man who knew he wos dying of leukemia. These are some of his words from that book:

Tou �.... liv. a lil.,lme I n a day. Tou �on live a IlIetlme In a momenl.

life i, '0 b.lef. Tau m .... ' ba.e yo ..... h.a.I and expec' nalhi", In


Don't wol' on-othe, minute, make track., go Admi, yo... ho v••omeploce to ,.I... m '0.

Oh People! "you or. dyingJl Live while you con." Our lives ore complex ond fjlled wilh imporlonl poradoxes·ond we Ihould not Ultlle eosily into simple onswen

10 Ihe

quesfions we olk ... 8ul neverlheless the foilh helps


cut to

10 see life simply. To in foci, for some Kairos momenls, 10 stop

the ellenllol truths and

our running and to live on hollowed ground·knowing we are nothing but earthen ...euell, and finoUy hove flOlhing 10 give eoch other but our love, and nOlhing

10 toke

wilh us excepl the promise Ihol oul of death God will bring life.

May our �ves be lives of Prois•. Kolhy Beckman is o n o ..lston! p.ofellor at phy.lcot edvcoti_ 0' PlU. H.,, Jim,

.e, ...act a. PlU Unl...e.�ily mini'I.' .. ntll hll d.oth In Aug...SI 1916.




li��:��""� ·':.:!�����;:

dining holl. cOn_ •.:":�tet �<: Knutsen Ha _d in�rmo. tnfl moln floor focilriies of- the enf,onces on both .



WHAT time is it?

Pac. Luth.ran U. So. Tacoma Way N[lT IIt"

Commuting by cor, bicycle Or feol II port of whot 90"i"9 an education Is all oboul to ,"0 appro•• Imolo 50% all U""PUI sluden". Sometimes car pools help cut 'he cenl of gOI. Rothe. Ihon well known Wcuhlnglan 'oln. bright lunshine (md cool frOSI greet many on Iho way to early mo,nl!'18 dolS at Ihe beginning of on­ other unusual winter doy.




ON Now wail. It was not raining when I come up here. Mondoy? Definitely Mondoy. First my roommate, then bfeokfost, now cias5es and roin. It can nol end 100 soon. How nice it will be 10 do nothing tonighl, if I get chance before the wing meeting. I hoven', heard thai one olburn for oges. Seller check the dock lower-8:30? lote. Coming in after the professor storts lecturing is always 0 good e)(cuse for listening and nol talking during clou, lost my best pen somebody's luck. What's this? Mud. So much lor doing nothing tonight. It's rhe laundry for sure. I wish I hod on eight haUl 0 doy job; going to sthQQI is like working 24 hours doy, seven doys week.





rm going t<J be on lime. Two minutes early, My favorite seal is empty. Now search the pock sock for the green notebook, No notebook? I refuse to run six blocks. Who hoven', I borrowed paper from before. The professor is lole. I suppose this meons he will give us a lecture on getting our monies worth and condemn us to on exira five minutes of doss. Doesn't he realil:e some students work and support themselves? I will walk out if he goes over two minutes, unless we disClJSS Marx of course, Another onignment. Come on, I have other classes. He says a "shorl essay"' bul he means a thesis. Work, work, work . . . seven days week, 24 hours a day.


Tried 10 climb into a favorite po;r of well,worn jeans and found more out than in? The said poir 01 jeans did not shrink in the wash. Nor did you put 00 your roomies identical poir by mistake. Admit it. Your nome has been added 10 lhe lisl of victims struck down by the vile epidemic Lute 61..111. Don', cry. Don't despoir. 000" blame Uncle Bob (He has probably seen len of you than 'he locol delicatessen man.) Join OA (Overeolers Anonymous) or hi' 'he Joggerunden trail. If ellercising and culling calories does not work, toke the following advice from on old soge.Then try one of the acclaimed diet breakers below. "Roses are Red. Violets are cut. Get off your diet. I like your Lute Bull." Angelos - Candlelight, spaghetti, wine . . Now thotso Iiolion! Baskin-Robbins A 31-derful flavor delight complete with whipcreom, nuls, and slicky toppings topped with a cherry. Clinkerdagger Bickerstaff and Pett's Pu blic House - A touch of aide England for that special night out. 6e sure to save room for dessert. CoHee Shop - Specioliles in cookies (try the chocolate chip), ice cream, taco salads, Ihot quick snack or complete meal. A greal place for social studying. Cookies - Bake them in the dorm or raid the nearest core pockage. Dairy Dell - Uncle Bob closed the kitchen two hours ago and you have the munchies. How about some delicious fries? Denny's - Always open, Toke a break from that all night cram senion. frozen Yogurt - You do not have to be EueU Gibbons enthusiast to enjoy the latest food fad 10 sweep the country.Try it ot 6 and H Natural Foods or Rich's drive-in. Ice cream See coffee shop and 6oskin足 Robbins for details. Information Desk - Pick up some pop rocks, gum or licorice to get you through those long study sessions.To insure a supply of red ropes for dead week or finals, shop early. 6eat the crowds. Jack-in-the-Box "Toke life a lillie easier.Watch out McDonold's!" -





Not by bread alone

Only holf 0 block from Lutelond. odors of puo and spaghetti tempt gonic: Io...e.s to Turco·s nightly. ny Applen Ileft' and Rich Smith (below) .......e up par' of the 1.....1_ . table crowd fo...d frequenting this IIolion Hub e ...ery friday o r Saturday ....ening.


DelicOTesson ilems.Try a colossal solldwich. McDonold's Don·llry a McFree run bul do Iry a Sunday nighl food run 10 slave off sIaNolion before Mollday breakfast. That's whol happens when Ihe commons doses 01 five. Piggly Wiggly ("The Pig") Oul of all your dorm room sloples? The Pig has everylhing you need from chocolole chips to I·bone steak. Popcorn A musl for evening munchies and Ihe highlight of room porlies. The Ram Jusl Ihe place to relax while playing pool or enjoying moke-your-own hamburgers in front of Ihe giant TV screen.Pizzo is another specialty. Spaghetti Factory Wonl to gel really Sluffed 01 a nice bul not 100 expensive eating euoblishmenl. Try Ihis sour dough breod, spumoni ice creom, or any one of Ihe sovces (inckK:Iing a special dam sauce) either wilh a frielld or wing. Stua Porklon<fs own lillie Norway. Specializes in soups, rolls, sandwiches, coffee and sweels such as krumkoke.Toke ' 0 look 01 Ihe imports while you wail. Teo leaf If a Mandarin fore tempts you, this is the ploce.Get Ihere early though. You may end up slonding in line while marvelous oromos 11001 by. Trayeling Treots Feosl on muchrooms and olives in one room olld cinnamon crumb­ coke in onolher. Turco's Pizzo! Wagon Wheel Try the hal cinnamon rolls in Ihe wee hours of Ihe morning some slow and dreary weekend. Wing Functions Be there lor load! lavlc:lo's














i;::::::::::� ::

_ _ � _

Let me entertain you


Standard Time at does not refer to a switch from Daylight Sovings Time. Standard Time at is 8 , 1 5 p.m. That is when things happen. If you happen to orrive in Olson, Easlvold or Chris Knutzen 01 7:30 p.m. you will find their choirs and bleachers emply. YCH,J will feel strangely out of ploce. The empty choirs ole nol yel ready to be filled wilh people. They ore wailing for the appropriate time. Stay around until 8:00 p.m. and you will r.otice a change in altitude. Now the choirs seem to welcome the incoming people. And the people come, and come, and come. You will find it hard 10 block out the rustling of poper, the sound of chalter multiplied hundreds of times. people know what standard time means. AI 8: 1 5 p.m. the curtain goes up. The noise is curtailed. And the performance begins.




Crowds of communl,y. fo(ulty and s'udenh Iworm '0 the mony e"en's housed in Olson Audi'orium. AI Stewort, Moy'es', Yincen' Buelios; ond GeOl",e Benson were among the top billed hoppenl"ill"

Entertoinment is not always a trip to the focomo Moll 'Of" the lalest showing of "Rocky". Rene Yookum ond Mike Freder ickson pass os Rog 足 eedy Ann oncl Raggedy Andy for the Holloween S9oolotackulor.


Studenl. goth.r at aU_�am_ pu, picnic for food, mUllc and 10 hear of Iumm.r e.perlences. tedioUl boolulore �ne. 1.,1 patience In .... book_buying ruth e"•..,. I.m.u.r.


And three beds?

I'm 01 (allege: th. foci downed on me a s Dod porktld the family (Of in fronl of Hontad. Thol dorm would 500n be pori of my identity. hell.ment cnd feor swept Ihlough my body. Questions � in my mind as I jumped oul of the cor, "Whot would my roommole be like?". "Whol would the room be like?", "Whe,e would I put everything?" The loom was green and yellow ond bore and tne,. we,. th,ef) beds-and three beds?

I hod not

WQ5 I going to put everything?

e)tpetled two roommates. Where

There was plenty of .ime to pond. r those

queslions, while standing in the registrotion line. I $pent three hours in Ihol line, only


find all the clones I wonted wele filled. I covldn', registe, for them without Ihe plofeuars' signatures, I'd seen Ihe professors 01 Opening Convocation. The ceremony and Ihe dedication 01 the RUM Stones held me speUbound. The professors owed me. And I hod to speok to them? Cold sweot broke over my body. The Pfofs were understonding. They let me into the dosses. Relief! Now for the boob. I felt like Allos-corrying the weight of the world in my orms os I stood in the sprowling bookstore line.

I'd know everything in

these books in three months? What were the dosses going to be like?

TIwt blue skies surrounding the oll.compus picnic helped get my mind off predon jitters. Music ond Ioughter put me ot ease. I sow new foces. heard new nomes ond tried to put the nomes ond foces together ... on impossible tosk. Indeed. it wos like trying to remember which coi'Ktidote I wonted for frosh rep.


I don·t rem&mber who I voted for. The UC wos 0 hubbub of confusion. Tobie upon toble odvertised dub ofter dub. People hove time for octivlties? I guess they do.

Studenh ond pa.entl �o.t luggoge to unfomilio. room.. 0 ........ dorm. 0 dlff••ent tiving ."per'Ie�•.




. And three beds?


Jim Niemon, the fonmos' corrler, holds aloft one o f the uni",ersity bonne". (nthuslosm Is shown in the music of Spiritborne, a singing group de",oted to spreading the gospel of ChriSl. The group go". Iheir orlentenion week homecoming coov;ert in Trinity Lutheran Ch... reh.

Reminiscent of some medi."ol ceremony, the stately procession of opening convocolion owe, mystify Or merely bore students e"'ery fall. Grond Monholl Professor Theodore Ko" leads the reeenionGl.


Eoger parents walt in line for One of the alwo)'s fomoul food service meal. at the Parents' 60nquet.

Mom and Dad come to check up Thrilled, 1 was not. However, 1 politely wrole a note to Mom and Dod saying I was looking forward 10 Iheir visil during the upcoming Porenls' Weekend. This was on opportunity for Ihem to "check-up" on their 20-year-old "'boby."路 (I wonder if they will ever get that out of their systems!) It also meont l'd hove to clean my room. Fun! 1 was surprised when Mom and Dod arrived and chose to room around campus on their own. (Guess they knew I needed to study.) The events I did join them for went well. We toured the Gonyea House, which they were impressed with, and indulged in a variety of delicious cookies at the reception. Since we all hod attended the banquet with featured speaker William Rieke the previous year, we decided against it Ihis time. Instead, we wenl lo a showing of "lulher." Mom and Dod Ihoroughly enjoyed Ihe ploy and I, 100 found it to be worthwhile. II was a great refresher course on Ihe slory of lulher. The doy wenl much beller than I hod anticipoled, and it was really good 10 see Mom and Dod again. Besides, I got a fresh bOl( of homemade cookies, and a clean room.


Chellis Swenson, spec;ol guest for the banquet, sings a vor;ely 01 songs covering severat decodes.


Gil Eagles entertains My father wos never one of your average pops who jumped into the current social event. Yel he hod come for Dod's Day. Scheduled oclivities, unscheduled activities and meeting all my friends kepi us busy running all over compus. We skipped the UC fore and I wos trealed 10 a delicious dinner at Clink's, Special entertainment wos Gil Eogles. His show broughl bock memories of all the limes we hod watched Kreskin toget her at home on Saturday night. The first pari of the show dealt with ESP. In person, a blindfolded man answered questions oboul people he did nol know. II seemed mvch more amazing than il did on TV. I thoughl the second porI of the show was funnier. From the moment Gil Eagles began to hypnotize ten volunteers from the audience until the end of his oct when one of the ten "woke up" passionately kissing the girl next to him, the audience rolled in their choirs with laughter, In my opinion, the ten people up front got the row end of the deal. They missed the besl part of the show-them, Dad's Day did nol change my father into a social creoture. It did gi",e him a chance 10 see what I was doing and brought a bit of home 10 school.


Sue Sondker enlertalns audience while under hypnosis.

Marv Swenson (onnOI woll 10 bile inlo his danul 01 the Spedat Dod's Do)' breakfaSl. Special Dod's Doy guesl, h),pnolbl_magiclan Gil Eagles, leIs 0 student onist him wilh a frick.


Coup d'etat Who me-change places with on administrator or foculty member? For 0 doy? C'mOfl Ron. I jult haven't got the time. Yes, I hod thought oboul laking pori in Coup d'etot Day. But, I really don', have Ihe time. Well, okay. But Ofe you sure Ihil isn't jusl a gimmick to make me understond Ihe "pressing demonds" of Ihe administration? Somehow on


sunny October cloy. I

found myself sitting in the office of the Librarian of Mortvedt Ubrory. I hod


to swilch ploce! with Dr. Heussmon. Whot a busy doy! II all Siorted wilh 0 lour of the different areas of the library. After two yeon 01 PlU, I finolly conquered Ihe use of the cord cotologue. However, my most shocking

l.,.riencing a <toy of daues as 0 student Is a switch for Dr. Stlverl of the Religion Department. Menno D....f. •• tri., to mOl'.' a tech..ique as shaw .. 10 her by food Service Oirector lob Torr .oll during Coup d'etot Ooy,


discoyery was that one science publication lhe library subscribes to cosh thousands.

Nelet on Ihe agenda were two firsts for Dr.

Heuumon. We dined in Ihe commons and

Ihen sol in on my 12130 religion lecture.

Allhough I was offered Ihe chance 10 lake charge of the library slaff meeting. I was glod I had declined. The discunion lurned

out 10 be on Ihe budgel and a new policy on

gift donations-two subjects I knew nothing oOOul.

Was Coup d'elal Day worth il? All parlicipants gathered in the Regency Room to shore and eyoluale our eleperiences. II was interesting to hear whot hod gone on with eyeryone else: -Ron Benton finally found oul just what was behind President Rieke's door. -Dr. Rieke foiled 10 show up for a yigorous

·Marlha Miller fan a meeting and may hoye fooled 01 least one stoff member in ·Melino Durfee did nol use up Ihe enough ice cream 10f a yeor.

As for me, I remember Coup d'elot Day as a fun swap, I I was a lime of

underslonding, canfusiOf'l and a chance 10


the "other

side of the fence."

And. yes Ron, I I was worth lhe elelra lime,

Trivia minds let loose Question: Whot'l serious and ;zany and spiced with a cheering and laughing


I was not sure whol to elepecl as I walked inlo Xayier. What I found were sile contestonls Slroining to


the triyia

queslions and scramble to push the buner, Some contestonls come "dressed

and some were


wilh the

"calch-oll" Of'l$wer to questions they didn't know. The boffeled player would quip "Peter Framptonl" for me thaugh. Triyio Bowl wO\lld just not hoye been


some without

the anlics of Karl Fritschel. As emcee he reeled off bi;zorre questions.

Triyia layers got two chances 10 show off.

In the fall game A5PlU won againlt

JeUo-on-o-leosh. (Independent Knights). and in the spring the l1(,s won against ASPLU. Now for one final bit of triyia:

audience? Bowl-T riyio BowH


enlire food seryice budgel to supply

been busy laking notes and maybe eyen lesls.

Answer: It's PlU's yenian of College

7:00 a.m. rocquelboll match with Ron

belieying she was on administrator.

-With some fOfesight by students, a few faculty members and odminislralOfs hod


Question: "What was Ihe name ollhe one armed outfielder in baseball? " Answer:



"Whot W.r. the nom., of .... four Bon_ Splits'" Do". K.II.... 00..,. Artd.uon and Bob Krohk., ....m""' of th. tK team, conf.r On 0 bonus .....tJon. '"' the foll eom. "'. lost to ASPt.U. but ",ode 0 com.boc.k .nd b.ot ....m a' dof.rtdlnv doom," for .... yearly title.


Mister Peanut surprises nation Ford or Corler? ThaI wos the question for 1976. Everyone was caught up in Ihe decision. Campaign signs, Young Democrots, Young Republicans, Lindy Boggs and packt'd TV lounges were PlU's response. The election was special since il was Ihe first presidential election I could vole in. I think it was for most students. Campus-wide, besides the usual, "How ore you?", "How cre your dasses going?", people began asking, "Who ore you going to vote for?" This usually ted 10 a short examination of recenl campaign developments and candidate evaluations. I, like mosl PLU studenls, supported Ford-believing his campaign performance to be belief Ihon Corter's. Not surprisingly, PLU also was in favor of John Spellman over Dixie lee Roy. When the results hod been tobluloted, it become evident that PLU wo� not representotive of the mojority public opinion. Corter hod won and so hod Dixie Lee Roy. In one TV lounge as the televj�ion broadcaster announced: "All three stations are predicting Dixie Lee Ray os the next governor of Washington State . . . .. One student uttered, "Yer kidding!" And as for me: "Ditto!"


No"emb<l!:r 2 mark� 0 .... y to remember for PLU.

Altered campaign signs appear in dorm win­ dows adding a liute ... eati"ity to the campaign enthusiasm.


1 ._.J JVU







CARTER 3 f.51!:iOSt FORO




52% 48%


435.823 R


Polls 'oken at PLU show that Ford Is favored ave. Corter, and Spellman over Roy. Obviously, PlU is not represenlotiye of public opinion. Books in ....nd, students si' down for (I long night of study in fronl of the 'elevision and the final elenion returns.



Gam bling at PLU?

I fell almost a� if I were in Reno, but I guess Ihol was the ideo behind Reno Night. After entering and receiving $' 0,000 (counterfeit, of course) in return for one dollar, my only thought was, "Wow! Wouldn't il be nlee if Reno W01 actually like this?,' Once inSide, I was faced with the problem of how 10 spend my wad of money: 01 the roulelte wheel, block iock tobie, 21 cord draw, horse races, or even on Shirley Temple-style drinks (served by waitresses i n formal ottire). The decision wasn"' 100 difficult when 1 realized that the only thing I could do Ihol did nol loke "know-how" was to put my money on (] number, which represented 0 horse. So, my money went . losl! The some must have been Irue for everyone else, since the races appeared 10 be the favorite event. For the few people who knew how to bet their money and win, Ihere wo� a high !olokes room, where the money seemed to go, or come, even foster. For the lucky ones who �till hod money left 01 the end of the evening, on ouclion was held. Priles ranged from a steak. dinner for two, to various gift ,ertifkates. As for me I went home with a new PE suit. Not bod for a buck and on evening in Reno-PlU style.

Are the spooks out tonight? What con you do for Halloween when il is on a Sunday night? Why fIOl go to Ihe Halloween SpooIIloculor? Sounds like on alright ideo: so alter recovering from Ihe shock of finding out I hod to pay 10 walk through the UC, which is my normal roule to lower campus, I decided 10 see what was going on. Frankly, I wosn't in Ihe mood for a "guess how many jelly beans"' conlest or horror movies. I mode my way 10 the Masquerade Boll where a reol live bond was playing in Ihe CK. People were even dressed up while trying

10 donee rock and roll. Bul how can you rotk

or roil 10 Weslern mus;t? This is Halloween?

Roggedy Ann and Andy were Ihere. Sinte Ihey looked so tute, Ihey won Ihe toslume conlesl-o free trip 10 the Homecoming Donee, dinner and everylhing! I decided I was hungry, so I went 10 the Cove to indulge in some free �ple cider and donuts. Actually, they weren't free. I paid for them when I "decided to see what was going on. However, the interpretive readings took my oppelile away and I finally found something I could relate to on this Halloween night-Edgar Allen Poe.

Lost in a ma.querade are the xany students who dressed up far the Halloween Spaoktaculor.


The first lime I heord senior music students to giye recitob I couldn't belieye ii, The ideo of giying on hour-kmg performance was unthinkable. While silting and listening to one of the recitals I was reminded of my piono足 procticing doys- 10, 10, 10, lo,-plink! I often wonder if I could hoye attained the leyel of excellence reached by these musicions. Thot recital was on eKperience for me. I was owed ot how the performers could make music so beautifully and so effortlessly. At the some time I wondered about whot could hoye been- 10, 10, 10,足 had



.. Ah-for the merry olde days of England", quoteth 0 moneth whose nometh I hoye forQOnelh . . . England with its meod-drioking, beor-boiling and Globe Theatre. These were some of my thoughh as I watched the production of King Lear performed by the Ashland Ployen. The authentic 5hokespeoreon costumes and old English speech goye me such a sense of realism. Silting in my seot I could almost UYleli the pe-osonts as they stood wotching the ploy on the ground below and hear the rustle of petticoats against the silk gowns on the ladies oboye.


Andrea 10 te_.d an t+o. yiotin during hoe. INcl.,.. redtal ln Oorio Knul,..n Hall.

Gianni Schi(chi wrillen by Giacomo PU(:dni Opera Workshop's first perlormorn::e of on entire opera. Done in Ihe smoll, intimate selting of the Cove, Ihe production employed 20-member cost which, 10 me, represented whot opera was intended 10 be. According 10 one of the actors I !olked 10, opero was originally staged in very small selling wilh performers Clnd audience simultaneously ellperiencing the emotion and dromo expressed through music. u 'm::l :;;:::�;�;,�::�I;:::��,;:O" IW Bravo! Opera Workshop, Bravo! �I WO�



L00k '\Nh at they've done to m y song

Paul 8e�k perfonns with a guoll oriill during ..hop'l production 01 Gianni Sehlu l Opera Worl by Giacomo Puccini. Students enjoy .. skit dono by tho Alhlond PlaY." be'Me thoi. Pf'Oduclion of King Lea•.


Trials In Oregon Inherit The Wind

Directed by Bill Porker Howord . ......... .... Dove B. Shorkey Melinda . . .... Morie Rie/mann Rachel Brown ...... . . .... lisa A. Dudley Meeker .. ........ . . . ....... Phil Holte Berlrom Coles . . ... .... T. Shayne White Goodfellow . ... . . .... . ..Jim Fredricksen Mrs. Krebs . . . . . . . . Jonel Ann Hildebrand Rev. Jeromioh Brown ... . . Mark Headlee George Sillers Eric POIJI Wihon Mrs. Bollinger, Or. Aaronson . . . Pom Wise Bannister . ... ... .... . .. John Schroeder Dunlop, Ken L. Orlan Hoi Dog Mon, Dr. Keller

lar.y Rho. argue. to hove Mahhew Harrison .rady loke the stand. A notional inte.est In "'e Mon· ke.. T,lail appean when lauro I'oboum move. in to cove' the .Iory "live."


Mrs. Mclain ....... . . .... Cindy Brennon Mrs.Bloir ......... ..... ..Mamee Hollis Eliia . .. . ............ Mark C. Pederson E. K.Hornbeck ... ..... David O. Harum Mayor . ..... ....... . . . Peler Bennett Mallnew Harrison Brody ... Kevin McKeon Mrs. Brady .... . . ...... .. . Mary Seward Mrs. Loomis, Harriel Y. Esterbrook ... . .. Laura Blobaum Tam Davenport ............. Dan Nokes Henry Drummond . . .. . . . .. . larry Rhae Judge .... . ....... .. ...... Van Prather Reuter· s Reporter, Townsperson ...... .. . .. Julie Pahl Polich

On Irial: Berlram Cates- for teaching evolution, 24 aclors-competitors in the American College Theatre Festival, and me. After being ··preached'· both Genesis and Darwin·s theories, where did I stand? I was 1"101 just watching Inherit the Wind, Henry Drummond made such vigorous argumenh fOf the defense I wanted 10 cheer him.Yet at the collapse of Mollhew Harrison Brady, I wondered why onyone would wont to strike down Ihe gospel. Couldn·' this end? It wa!.over! Cotes was found guilty but handed a light sentence.The o<:lors odvonced 10 regionol competilion.I concluded Darwin was os much fable os fOCI. The rock of Neonderthol did nol compore with Ihe '·Rock of Ages."

Hey, I'm not •

In fifth grade Cinderellg

Directed by Eric Nordholm Cinderella . . . . . . Patricia Ben Peterson Mother . . . . . . . . . . . Coral M. Nordby Patro Roe Jacobsen First Sisler Second Sister . . . . . . . Cheri L. Lusl Godmother . . . . . . . . . . Rulh E . Jordon Roland . . . . . . . . . . Tim R. Fronulovich Prince . . . . . . . . . . Chorles M. Hotcher Felicia . . . . . . . . . . Amber M. Pettigrew Gofofron . . . . . James A. Weyermonn Curdkin . . . . . . . . . . Monte Both Queen . . . . . .. . . . . . . Jill N. Peterson Corol Nordby, thl! evil slepmQ,h"., "xoth in tormenting Cinderella. In seorch for th. mysterious girl tho' ron from the boll at midnight, Cha,les Hotche. eoSlls Potty Pete,son's foot lnlo the glau slipper, The .lippe' fill ond Cinderella is revealed. The prince's

"Single file, slay inline?" Hey, wail, I ' m fifth grade. While a slurdy elemenlary leacher drilled her pupib 10 Eoslvold, I cringed. My Friday siudy break looked like il mighl become a gianl baby silling hour. I mean, gee I only wonled a bit of fanlmy and time to remember when I was little . . Squirming imps flooded Ihe isles, seals, lobby and bathrooms. The curtains rose in the nick of time, and Cinderella appeared. 1'101 i n

II was as if she hod emerged from the cover of a fairy lole book. The children somehow tronsformed from lillie beasts to little deors. I finally realized just why they hod been elicited. The wicked mother and sislers were cruel leaving poor Cinderella to pick the pumpkins while Ihey were away dancing. I hod to laugh. For as the fairy godmother cost her spells, mischievous Galafron and Curdkin Iread mercilessly upon the ugly

sister's loes. Soon the clock struck 12 and Prince Charming begon his search for the lovely maiden. Allasl he placed the slipper on Cinderello's fOOl, ending the ploy. I sank back in my chair, gave in and Ihought of a lime and place where life ,0,1d ". "hoppy """. ok".:'



A golden celebration "50 years of foolboll": Whot beller between skih.They beat Ihe real McCoy-at leost in the moiler of appearance. Swoon! theme could be fourld for 0 Homecoming Saturday afternoon brought Ihe weekend tribule? to a c1imoK. Lute fans poured into the 11011 began-with SOl"lgfe�l. friday night, Queen Lori Nicol and courl received their footboll stadium. The crowd fidgeted, crowns, and the dorms presented variety waiting for the lute's 50th homecoming gome to start. I felt like 0 sardine. But, the of skih covering eros from the roaring hall time bed races helped to toke my mind twenties to Ihe sophisticated seventies. Ordol/Pflueger look first place with 0 off my uncomfortable position, and all lute version of "Wesl-Side Story", (I heard discomfort was forgotten by the end of the sniffles in the ovdien<:e when "Frosty" song gome. I was only aware of iumping up end to "Zeldo".) The "Unleliermen" crooned in down end screaming at Ihe top of my lungs, (I

�een lorl Nicol gree" the crowd with happy smllel at the Homecoming game holf_ time CKtlvi1les. Some of the fmol 8rotheu, Ken flolole, Mork Brandt and Mo" Kteln .eunlte 1'0 sing a few tunel for the Ipl.hed Songfost (towd.


"We won!" Nol only was I caught up in the eKcilemenl, but lhere was franlY all around me as we cleared the stadium. Saturday nighl ushered in the semi-formal boll.Held at the Temple Theatre, it softened the festive mood Ihol hod been building throughout the weekend. A concerl given Sunday night by Hawaii' 5 Kolopono broughl the weekend's activities to on end. Their gentle strains 01 music quieted my spirit and gove the weekend a final mellow touch. (I

The Pfl.....a.IO.dal .an. showl ,h.l. en,n,...lclim Oftll. tt.el. win In the b.d roce durin. Hom.cemln. ho+ftlm•.

The le...nd. 01 Kolopono tIIl.d Ollon A...ditori...m 01 the Ho_lIon .ock .ro...p ..-. owoy Homecomln. for onothll'



Alfe. the lilteu. Kathy Anderson. Queen Lo.i Nicol, and UIO Liimi"o ••Iox and enloy $ongl••f.

Emcee. 00". Ollon and Man Klein keep fhe crowd loughlng between oklU of Songle.f.

A golden celebration continued


Bob 0'0". and GGi. Stan. gat Into tha Sf)1,iI as 1'ha main ot­ I,octlon 10' Iha fou/Stuan Songf.u ."it. Du.lng the Homecoming game auaen condldola Lindo foo,en .Ide. In a SO y.o, old co, 10 .. ..p with the Homecoming tl>em.-'sO yeo•• of footboll.

Music for listening

Doo-woo, doo-woa, $cubbee-doo-bee-doo-bop-bop-bop echoed from the jazz concert. The combination of instruments and jou vocalish mode me wont to stond I.Ip and jitterbug-which would hove been quite (I funny sight! loler, with the excitement and rhythm slili pulsating in my eors, I wondered-whot WQS the definition of jalz? In the dictionory I found: "ion (jol) n. 1 . A kind QI nolive American music: firsl ployed extemporaneously by Negro bonds in the Soulh at the turn of the century . . . having (I slrong, flexible rhythmic understructure wilh solo ond ensemble improvisions on basic tunes and chord pollerns:' 81,11, then what do dictionaries know? Scubbee-dee-doo-bop-bop-do-do-do! Thanks for d/Ogging me 10 the bond concert roomie!! e)(pecled some dull, dry sounds. but the musk wos exciting! Though I never could get po�t chopstick� or middle C on the piono, I con relote! Thot piece by Chomindoe wos terrific-or wo� it Copelond? When is the next concert? Two months, wish it wos sooner. "Th. long and short of it all" . . . Th. bran s.ctlon elilplays 0 lot of shiny metal ond if oli go•• well, some "up.r sounds.

On. of Rag.r Gord's many ••p....lons is CCiplur.d du.lng a number by Sewsa.


brought to you by PLU bands

Tim �ye 'okel the 1pc>lligh' in the Cave la. one of many improviled solo. In t+.e jon concert. The Vocal Jon Choir, a fiut on the jan program tnil yeo., debuted 01 the foil <on<ert before .. stondi..g rOOm only crowd.


Christm as festivals - of song, dance It was 0 casuat eveni"9. Everyone just out for good lime-no houles, no coreil It wos Ihe night of rhe Christmas Tolo. Selling Ihe mood were green and fed str s (you know, the kind Ihol come down holf-woy during the donee and everyone grabs 10 donce with). The dancing wos medium slow with Ihe sounds of Merilee Rush. Everyone drened Ihe way they were most comfortoble. Some war. ponh, some dresH!s, some leisure $uils and there wes even 0 guy with 0 holter dreu and 0 girl with Chorlie suit, complete with brush mousloche. "Holf lime breakI An, 01 lost 0 breath of fresh oir." "Here comes Sonia Claus, Whol 0 kick! We even get condy conesl" "Hey, who is this funny looking guy with the pol belly? Who? Frosly Weslering? Oh nol Thol's 100 muchl" ".. . Humm ... since Ihis is Ihe 1010, om I suppose 10 moke the moves lonight?" Veh .. . it wos 0 cosuol evening. 0




Tokinll ...... out fram ".."nal p••uu•••• Paul a.-.he and Jan T)'dlnlll •• whll. ltvmpinll ta Merit.. .u� and her band,



Me.';I•• •u� ,lng, her bill hit "Anll.1 the MDrnI"ll" no, _•. but twl,•• at the Chriltmal Tala.


The Ctwismos Concerts ....r . .. Ihe toeoinninO of Ihe yul. '.Olon os the choir' coplivol. Ih. oudl.nce i b._'ilul lO....."dl.

w th 250 voices rose in unison os differenl pitches combined to form melodic poTcnwork. The theme: The proclomation of Christ"s birth. To me the backdrop of glittering sTars created on otmo�phere just 010 iT must hove oppeored 2000 years ego .. that historic day in Bethlehem. The Choir of The West, Univef!.ily Chorole, Concert Choir and University Singers told the story with harmonic beouty. Adding on element of dromo, the liturgical Dance Ensemble twirled in front of Gothic window selling.Mory McKean spun eVerl furTher the poetic story. Hundreds of voices from the choirs joined in the liool selection.I felt this wos truly the joy of Christmos. 0






A musical testimony

Roads to Moscow almost visi ble


hcellenl! . . . Beautiful! . . . I'm in love with him! I never dreamed we'd get someone like AI Stewart ot PlU. Ike gymnasium was pocked with eKcited fans. Everyone wailed for Ihol special moment. Then cheers broke loose; Al Stewart come on stage. He wasn't like any performer I've ever seen-no pretense, no illusions, no glitter. just jeans ond a I-shirt. He even looked like he could hove beim anybod{s lillie brolher. Thot image dissolved suddenly as he spoke. His words tumbled out in a rich English accent. Bul it was the "Yeor of the Col" Ihal led the crowd into wild cheering. Siewart's bock-up people supported his singing with instrumentol work. One guy played keyboard, ..iolin and piano. Actually he was nol tolally what I had expected. AI Stewart was really a deep guy. He was heavy on history ond emotionol bollod songs. When he ployed " Roods to Moscow", 0 giont screen behind him depicted scenes from World Wor II. But then it wos over. The opplouse seemed endless. Like some greot emotion sweeping the crowd, 011 of Olson wos consumed with 0 stonding ovotion. Outstonding.

A real experience. Thol's how I felt obout the Andrae Crouch concert. It wos like you hod walked into a revivol meeting or maybe even 0 Billy Grohom Crusade. Crouch's soul.moving music seemed to stir the crowd into on empathic reoching out for the "spirituoJ"·. He mode the grond piono come olive-stroking the keys in time to the strains of his rock gospel, jau and soul music. Showing versotility, Crouch song solos which he not only composed, but also orronged and produced. The emotions of rhe crowd rose ond fell in response to the well-dressed Crouch. Voices joined his in a common response of, " Proise the lord]"', ond "Hallelujah!" One womon entronced in his spell, stood and donced to the rhythm of his music. I hod never encountered this type of worship fo�e to face in the weekly liturgy of my hometown church. But even though I seemed a little oul of piece, il was Ifuly on ellperience thol I om glod I did nol miss. "Hallelujahr" Andrea Crauch and the .ock, gOlpel g'oup, the Dildpre), red the trowd In worshipping and prailing the La.d.

AI Stewa.t p.ovel to be papula.ln mO.e WOYI than one. Hi. �arKert bocked by 'he John Bowe. CO,",",ny and ASPlU Inte.tolnment Committee not only drew 0 large c.owd but arlo (ome off In the black.


Concert candids Colch-22, to be in choir you've gal 10 oudilion and 10 audition you've gal la hove nerves.Auditions frighten me, but I 51ill wonted to be in 0 choir. When I discovered Ihol there was choir thot didn't require on audition, I joined. Surprisingly, I found thol the Mondoy night choir encouraged not (01)' people like me, but even Choir of the West members. Being in a choir was greol.We even hod o COll<ert scheduled.Things didn't seem 10 work out Ih009h; the concert wos cancelled Clnd we never really hod (I chonce 10 perform for an audience. Maybe next year I'll have enough couroge 10 (Iud iton for choir. 0



TOP, Cancludin9 a �ancer' tour of Oregon, (aHfDf'nia, and Walhingtan. Univeuity Chorale give, 'heir Hamecamln9 concert. Symphony Orchestra premiere', a campali,ian work by 1976 gradvale Cindy McTee.


Ideal. Yes, singing while on lour in Europe would be on ideol summer. Earning $ 1 ,000 would not be on ideal way 10 spend spring semester though. And opparenlly, 10 go 10 Europe, Choir of the West members need to find $ 1 ,000 each, How unfortunate, I hope they can financially pull if off, Waif; I know how I can help, Isn't the choir having a benefil concert in May? Right, Mark that on the calendar, If they get there, Europe will love them, With Dr, Skanes conducting the 65 voices and 25 instruments accompanying them,

they can', miss. Imogine touring sill. countries in only four weeks, Germony, Austria, Sweden, Norwoy, Switz;erlond, and Denmork, , .sigh, After hearing tnot concert, I'll be onKious to know how the lillie choir from Tacoma is received in Europe. Haydn's "Man in 0 Minor 'The Nelson' " was on outstanding selection, July- "Tour EKceeds Expectotions" . now tnot's a headline. What's this? One of Evrope's finest composers congratulates the Choir of the West? Ideal indeed.



fAR LEfT, String ployers try lomethlng not_lo_new for 0 contemperery piece _ be"le blowing.

Coinciding ith the choIr', SOth enni"e.­ lery, the Choir of the Welt teurs Ger_


mony, AUltria, Swlhe,lond, Denme.k, Sweden ond NOf'Wey.

You can do it in the library, in the coffee shop, in the UC, at the bus stop...but one of the neatest places 10 "people walch" is at a symphony orcheslro concert in Eostyold. Premiere performances are rare, and Ihe people such concerts ollroct are e"en more interesting. With thot in mind, I chose the season opening concerl which included the premiere work of flU graduate, from 1976, Cindy McTee. True enough, the audience line-up was a colledion of fexes and types.There were dislinguished gentlemen escorting ladies in high heels and hairdos.There were flustered youngsters who, as I think bock, musl hoye

been either dragged or coaxed into a night of dossicol brainwashing. _ .oops, I mean enlightenment, of course. There were friends of the composer whose discussions gaye them away. And most obYiously there were students in 'oded denims looking for cheap eyening out_ Cheap only in that the concerts are free. The music is rich with Jerry Kracht conducting scores by Belho"en, Brahms, Handel, Schumann, and Royel. In other concerts, soloists Ann Tremaine, 0 Yiolinist, and David Hoffman, 0 celiist, were spotlighted. And in March another premiere by composition professor Doyid Robbins was tl

Choir ef the West sings H.,ydn's "Neben" M.,u

during ., benefit cencerl PCl"ilien.


'he Bicentennio.l

the program attraction. Soprano Barbara Poulshock, also a music professor, song excerpts from Mozorts' " Morrioge of Figaro." The final concert included Strauss "Der Rosenkoyalier" suite. A symphony orchestra concerts, premieres, and all the beautiful people.

ďż˝ 51

little Murders

What a freaky evening. The signs around campus warned of a "kinky" ploy in the Cove. Well, with a nome like "Little Murders". naturally I wonted to go. I arrived early and sot in the second row, a big mistake! The Cove slowly filled; 6: 1 5 rolled around . , . "Wonder who the guy in the trench coot is? Hey, thot girl just sot on the sloge. Talk obout spo<ed oul! Wait, is this the ploy? This couldn't be it, could it? Wish that guy in the trench coot would store at someone else! I can only study this program 50 long." That's the way it was for the whole show. In the hyper.sensitive rola of Morlorle New. quist. Kcoren Chamberlin fronticoUy leorches for opprovol.

The elderly couple in fronl of me didn', return after intermission. Even my nerves were on edge! And that ending nearly finished me off .. " Oh no they're shooting people out the window! Not over here. pleaseI leave the gun on the table . . They wouldn't shoot into the audience . .. would they?" I escaped from the Cove with one hearty sigh of relief! " Awfully doric out here ... What's thai noise? Jusl Ihe wind I gueSS. No, a window creaking! Not mel I just could not get it off my mind. Marle 5<:humocher e5Cop" from bltte. recollty by .



shutting oil feeling from his mind. ond nearly soc.ifices his OWn spirit.

Directed by Kevin McKeon Kenny Newquist . . . . . .. Ken Orton Marjorie Newquist .. . .. Koren Chamberlin Carol Newquist .. . lorry Rhoe Potsy Newquist . ... . . , .. .. Judy Carlson Mark Schumocher A!lred Chomberloin The Judge .... .. ., .. Mark Pederson Henry Dupos ...... ........ , . Phil Holte Miles Practice ... .... . .. .. .. . Don Nokes Rustin Aston, Glenn People of the City Budlow. Chormee Cowan, Polly Peterson 80nOM: Ken Orton. Lorry Ahoa ond Judy Co.l. .on exhibit bizorre monnars du ring a high chorged dinner scene In the Newquist hou. •.nold. Morle Schumomer ls f..lIed to be o.oused his stupo•. An unsotlsfled fothe •• Lcorry Rhoa. makes demands cond objec s to everything from his nome to society.


M a ke believe?

Well, I hod done i t ogoin - volunteered 10 usher when I hod no lime. I walked into the foyer five minutes lole and wos greeted with " Hi] Ushering todoy? Belter gel downstairs and try on 0 costume." Costume? Me? I hod never been downstairs. Under those sleps thrived 0 world of pancake make-up, corpenters driving nails in damaged sets and Ihe smell of lacquer as Ihe contents of on oerosol con 'rornfarmed sunbleached hoir into Chino doll wigs. Someone strummed 0 melody I hod heard . . . yeors 090. Whot was thol lune?

'Midd sofety pins and flying needles I found my block and while kimono. Whot CI kick! After 0 five minute bollie Ihe "bustle" was fitted into place. And I was ready? Now the question wos how to gel up Ihe sioirs. I glided 10 the lobby just in lime to come "face to face" with my first closs. Little boys tried to stay in their seats but reserves of energy were endless. The ugly dragon on the program captured the interests of many while tiny girls with saucerlike eyes gazed at the kimonos and chattered about the "Japanese ladies." The gong sounded and the story began. Enter Aunt Precious Harp (who is anything but precious) and wicked Coyet Spring (who is all of wicked). They are plaiting to toke With Smoll One, Don Nokel laVeS Jade Pure.

tile kingdom away from sweet Jade Pure and so are her three scheming cousins. Then, bumbling Twenty-Fourth Cousin, handsome Rood Wonderer and the mischieyous dragon Small One orriye to save Ihe day. Yeors ago I would have melted over Ihe prince, but I am older and wiser and know prince chormings do nol exist. Instead, Small One slole my heart wilh his delightful antics as Road Wonderer strummed "Puff the Magic Dragon." I knew I hod heard that tunel The show ended. I commenced my duties as paper airplane picker,upper. A little girl took one lost look at my costume. Yes it was hard to leave Ihe enchanted land of make


Judy Canlon and Van Pra,her pta, 'a I'eol the th,ane.

"Little Mu.ders" and "Land of 'he D.ogon" we.e tf>e



procluďż˝.d by Alpha Pst Omega.

Land of the Dragon

Directed by Mary Seward Jade Pure . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie lowe Precious Harp . . . . . . . . . Judy Carlson Twenty¡First Cousin . . . . . Julie Polich Twenty.Second Cousin Palra Jacobsen Twenty-Third Cousin . . laurie Bloboum Rood Wonderer . . . . . . . . Don Nokes Coyet Spring . . . . . . . . . Von Prather

Twenty-Fourth Cousin Peter Bennett Kevin McKeon Small One, A Dragon The Stage Monoger . . . . . Ken Orton Head Properly Man . . . . Becky Hoen # I Greg Vie Property Assiston'

# 2 Koren Chamberlain Laurie Il-abaum. Patra Jocobsen and julie Polich bvngle In their attempt to Imp...n Precious




Taking off from the tolent comedy T.V. series, Special Events presented their version of "The Gong Show:' To genuinely oppreciole this bizorre entertainment, I WO$ persuaded inlo a comedy song cnd donce routine thot my cohorts cnd I couldn', possibly pull off. We'd gel the gong lor sure. Now, not Oflly did we worry about having on act, but olso whelher we would actually be allowed 10 do the whole performance. Our groop spent mony nighls not pUlling together OOl loU9hi"9 together a " top rate" oel: settling on Goodwill costumes and amateur choreography. Our concerns were justified. The Cove wos pocked wilh bloodthirsty fons-anxious for Q good gonging as well as talented entertainers. We drew gasps, groans, but true loughter. cnd a gong . of course. Dove Trombley showed everyone up as he took first place with hi� gvitor and a $009. I think we hod more fun though. .



John A.rigoni trie. giving tenons in baking and gcnerot homemakIng.

Amateurs emerge Thursday's bullelin still soliciled och for Fridoy' s lolent show. Evidently the 50 dollars first prile hod not templed anyone, The Unlellermen were singing, bvl I hod not heard of any other "big" ocls. For lock of anything beller to do, I decided to go and wosle a few minutes . . . 01 leosl vnlil the main attraction was over. What a surprise! Almost every seal was tc*en. And the tolent? After sitting through a Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Irio, a magician, Ihe doo wans of the Unletlermen and numerous guitar players and singers. I reoli%ed Ihal I was aCluolly enjoying the show. Some people on this campus did have talent. Two hours and ten aels laler than when I had walked in, Marnee Hollis walked OtJI with 50 dollars and first place for her vocol selections from A Star is Born.

Gong Show ent.anh give their compelitors applause on the sideline.


A Hong Trlo brings ttl. ,oiling 40'1 bo�k to PLV 01 ,h.

Spring Talent Show. On. of SfI....'ol vulto.ilh a, Ihe ,how. Gr.tchen Hewitt ules unuluol lound .ffed, 10 .xpr.n ttl. mood of her long. "Yellow Bird." BOTTOM:

SI ..... Ringo ond

OOY. Ha,menlng play Ih.

guitor, Ihe bonja, and hopefully monog. a no-9on9 ,outine.


Danzas Venluela'. ,epe,tai,e Includes Indian. lolk, and eeremonlal daIKOf of the <ount�y. Among seve,ell oth., monologue" Awa,d winne. Jose Fe,••, develops ,ho,ade,. l.a,lon, fa, "Y:.u'" by lug_'" and "On the twmfutneu of Tobacco" by Chekov,


Goldovsky Grand apero The.'re', IngU,h ". sian of Modame lutt••fly open. ,h. A.,. Sene< IeOson.


In a flurry of motion, color and music, Donzos Venezuelo stoges 0 musicol, choreographic fes_ tivol with 4'2 singers, doncers ond musicians.

A cultural experience Providing a �potlight of international attractions, the Arti�t Serie� offered award winning acting and quality music. Starting off with a Goldovsky Grand Opera Theatre production of ., Madame Butterfly" in October, Ihe series continued with the Polish National Radio Orchestra visit in November. Jose Ferrer displayed his tap ranked acting abilities in a monologue presentation in January. Finally a musical and

choreographic fe�lival featured the Danzos Venzuela repertoire. Like most students I found it difficult to attend everything, but appreciated what I did toke in. Although not an opera fanalic, I found time 10 e)(perience " Modome Butterfly," The velvet curtains (seldom recognized os such) and salt lights in Olson auditorium took on on elegant look. The furs and gowns made my finest look �imple, Locating a choice wot EXIr1y, I realized I

hod time to spore. I decided to read the preview in the program, Time passed, the orchestra began, The stoge was flooded with music. Actors, scenery, and a superbly e)(ecuted score convinced this skeptic that opera might be a tangible way 10 reflect one's emotions. Would it be trile to soy the Grand Opera Theatre lived up to its nome?



Chief Prou" uto. in the Monson murders. Vinunt Bueliosl, shores 0 few hoir.roislnll in.:iden" witt> Wotereded iilleners.

Su bliminal what? For my firsT aHignmenT os lecture ond Convocation chomon, I mel Wihon Brian Key in !he UC office November .5 and escorted him to closses and a preu conference. The ma., purpose fOI his visit was 10 presenl a leclul. on subliminal ocIvertising led,.,iques that evening. I found his lecture 10 be vely informative and also a bit startling. It appeared to draw the some response from the audience as I heard a few gasps when he showed slides. We saw pictures of magazine odverlisemenh and exposed intricately oil brushed figures suggestive of sex arid death. Key explained that these imoges are detected by the sub-conscious, thus causing a desire for the product. Hi, lectule left quite on impact on me and it would be my guess that those who attended often inspect magazine odvertisemenl$ with greoler scrutiny than ever before. Vincent Bugliosis's (pronounced Bull-yo-s;) lecture d,ew Ihe lorgesl crowd of the yeor. (I shale with you the correct pronunciotion of Mr. Bugliosi"s name os thot wos the hardest port about organizing his lecture). He was Chief Prosecutor of Charles Manson and wrote Helter Skeller. The question and answer period brought much response from the audience and ane PlU student actually informed Bogliosi on CUffent Manson family aclivity ir1 California. On the aflernoon of March 1 .5 , I drove to Sea-Tac Airport to pick up Laurence Peter. Having only a photograph of him as means for identification, I seorched the terminal and after a time, manoged to find him. Through our conversation, I learned he was concerned with the environment and man's future. Ahhough his booiI, The P.t.r Pt-Inciple, deals primarily with incompetence, he sincerely believes Ihere is a roule to a competent and peaceful existence. His lecture was keyed at presenting some of his ideas on the subject, along with a few anecdote,. The last speaker of Ihe year, Alex Comfort, is besl known for his book, T"e Jay of Sex_ His topic was not ,ex at Ihe spring afternoon lecture in Eastvold. Rother., he chose to speak on the sociological impocl

of aging, Even though it is nol possible for students 10 attend every lecture on compus, I feel that faking in just a few will give one a beller insight inlo each topic which is discussed. seduction, includln8 a �lde show.


Wnson Brion Key "e,ents fo," on lubllmlnat


Author of the Peter Principle, Lourence Peter, exploined there Is 0 nlufe '0 Q compe'en' ond

peoceful exlnel\Ce.

Glovan..1 CostJgan ...,eak$ obout HMo .ltuotlon 1ft Norlhe,.. Ireland.


How did ... do mat?!

Big kids like ci rcus too The Royol lichenstein Quorter Ring Sidewalk Circus is getting to be on onnUCII eVer1t on campus. Since they keep coming bock I decided it must be worth seeng. So I attended the oflernoon show in Chris Knutzen along with 400 other people. The circus WO! nol limited to the PlU community as approximotely

200 school children were

ollrocted to the special event. It seemed fu....y .. to walk inlo the ploce where t often ol1end church and see animoh. The trained animols were a port of rhe show run by two men. Magic tricks were used along with puppeh occosionolly.

The big oct this yeor involved locking a


in 0 large barrel which


500 gallons of water. Much

10 my orJlOzetnent, he escoped. This wos similar to the way Houdini died, so I wos impreuedl If the oct struck me os owesome I con imagine what the lillie children thoughtl


Circus ringmosl., omenel the with

lewd trick.




<;, .......

I MLII Hi l lS



\ MARTlf'- RAjiSOHOFT Prc.ducllOn

Jack Lemmon in his most important dramatic role since "1lle Days of Wine and Roses�

AVE 1liE TIGER" "ltooHNoO'V'O"I I'II.--rua

I COfJld not believe it.

Gone with the Wind 01 PLU?·? My hero Clark Goble was coming, and I could sit bock cnd drool. Even if Ihe Movie Committee didn't have any other movie all year . . . I would be happy this one night. Other movies 1001 were promised included men like AI Pacino, Ornor Sharif ond Jock Lemmon starring in such shows as Serpico and Save the Tiger. Imagine hours of wotdling these handwme men for 0 pitlorn::e of 75 cents. Ellen so, I left fother let down eoch lime. Ch, the pictures were greot and I did drool, but1 couln't under�tond 0 mojority of the dialogue. Because 01 PlU', illustrious sound system I ended up explaining the movie' s fine points to Ihe people I went with. I hod to walch very closely in order 10 follow Murder on the Orient E)II;press. Still, If I hod 10 choose between

understanding the dialogue and wotching the gofgeous men . . . I'd loke the watching any doy.

........ ....'


01 tt-ese mov lel, for whi�h .50 or 7.5 �.nfl admi$lion was �hor9ed, we'e lponsa,ed by the Movie (omml"e•.


t""mng JACK GILFORD �... L(" \ IN

Movie mania



:NTIRWNINCJ nlOI)UNIT!�� -Vincent Canby, lew Yo,'" Times


The Women

Directed by BiU Parker Master of Ceremonies . . . . . Glenn Budlow JeM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pete Simpson Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie PaM-Polich Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patricia Ben Peterson Sylvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lisa Dudley Edith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Chamberlin Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Seward-McKean Caunten de Loge . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Jordan first Hairdrenftf . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Bennet! Second Hairdresser . . . . . . Charles Hatcher Pedicurist . . . . . . . . . . . . Jomes Weyefmann Olgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Brennan Euphie . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret Pitsenborger Miss fordyce . . . . . . . . . Moren J. Egertsan little Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tino Petenon Mrs. Morehead . . . . . . . . . . Loura 8labaum first Salesgirl . . . . . . . . . . . . . Renee Boyce Second Salesgirl . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judi Bosh Mr. Shapiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gil Whiteside first Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Roe A Fitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lora Smith A Debutonte/Conet Model . . . . . . . Debbie Wehmhoefer Princess Tomaro . . . . . . . . . . Mardo Holmes Crystal Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Semler bereise Instructor . . . . . . . . . David Harum Maggie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill Peterson Mr. Trimmerbock . . . . . . . . . . . Kirk Nelson Helene/Min Walts . . . . . . . . . . . Pom Wise Nune Larry Ben lucy/ Second Soles woman . . Linda l. King Miriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joanie Schumacher fint Cutie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lana Mydland Second Cutie . . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Larson Fint Society Woman . . . Shoron C. Cantrill Second Society Woman " Linda J. Zurbrugg Sodie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia Johnson Cigorelte Gifl . . . . . . . . . . . Janeone Dubuar A Dowager . . . . . . . . . Sherianne Molzahn A Girl in Distress . . . . . . . Paula J. Povilaitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Women, men star alone Nat even I could blame the drama department for being suist . . . nol with two ploys such as luther and The Women slated weeks from each other. One oHering, luther, was on all male cast. The other, The Women, featured a nearly all woman cost. luther, based on the life of Martin Luther, the father of the lutheran Church, brought the Iorgest crowds in the stoge

history of Eostvold to a nonmusicol. The Women, although not a feministic portrayal of women, was updoted from the 1 930', by director Bill Parker to reflect the altitude of many women of society during the 1 950路s. Local newspoper ....rite路ups . for the plays expressed positive reaction to both the all mate and all female procuclians. And I would be the lasl 10 shout sexisl.





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- - -_, .d I0000 .... ... '' ... .... _ _ c. .: . ... _ _ 't' 7 ."-,_ -• h _ _ ,," ' _ .. I" • __., _ _ 'Or . W" ,., • _ ... """,, _ .d ' . ___ o... v... _ W-_ .

May Day festivities Moyfesl hod done il " 10 me" again, Aher

Saturday feolured rOiemoling, handmade

vowing 10 spend all !he weekend finishing

fiddles and special entertainment by well

overdue popt'fS ond gelting 0 heod slorl on finals, the sun come out and I become on

die laughing

hOOOl'ary Norwegian for three days.

familiar songs played on the accordion.

My inleolions were sincere as I leh my lost Friday claH on me way to a quick lunch ond then a dote wilh my books. Slopping

known local SIan BoreKln. I Ihought I would 01

his Norsky JOUnding Iyrio to

Periodic gorges of k.umkoke, lehe cnd romegol could not be reshled (of couru!). At lost me time for the performance come.

" iusl one minute" to watch Ihe doncers on red Ioquore, someone grabbed me. To my

Garbed in new authentic costumes, the

surprise I was oul in the middle of Ihings

for the Moyfest court. Mayfest had begun I

doing !h� Doublebsko Palko. After Ihot, how could I study?

The Norweigion Fair on

Coral Or... gnd 5<g" Kennedy show why gglle legs gr. ne.:.nclrY to properly perlO"rm 0 Ge.­ mon dgn'•.


Maylest Dancers formed the welcoming lane 'W'ha would be crowned Queen? Jeanette Mase occepled !he hoge rose bouquet. Kris Ringo, Peggy Ekberg, leslie Mcloughlin, and Caryn Buck were her attendants. Then began the doncing-90 minutes of

preci� ioyous movement full of colorful costumes and happy yelps. Alright! In that time I viewed donees from the Scandinavian countries as well as Germany, Switzerland and Romania. I was surprised when Moylest did the Highland Fling with a bagpipe player. But lor me, the highlight of the entire weekend come with the dancing of the Viennese Woltz as choreographed by Cindy Albritton. During this single number of groce, imoginotion and precision, I CQ1Jld see why Moyfest has been hailed as a favorite.


Mgyiell dgn.,. a..b Cooley makes Jure his lie i, "lu.1 right" belore going on stog••

May Q_en Jeanette Ma.e Dnd ottendan! Le,lle M<loughlin were only Iwo 01 Ihe mDny .pena. IDrs who wDkhed Mayle,t', 10., pedormance belore their summer dDrKe lou•.

lelie makers prepare their booth lor display du.lng Mayleu weeltfitnd. Norway'S "lop '0110. singe.... Brigitte GrimSlod. sing. lor 0 smoll crowd Dt Ihe dose 01 MClylesi weekend.


Go jump a rope

. - . ._-----':. -




J099ing. tennli ond frbbee thyowlng ore IUit 0 few outdooy �pOYh _e con enjo.,.. hili Styele.,. yelo ••• ofter 0 woyllout on the U......rsol Gym.



Booters capture second In N o rthwest I nvitational

Winning only four of 1 3 games moy nol be a sign of progress, but finishing second 01 the Northwest Soccer Invitational hod to give cooch Dove Asher hope for the future. After a shaky September starl when the Lutes managed only 0 lie and two losses, PlU won their next two gomes ogoinsl Puge! Sound to even the record 01 2-2- 1 . A shutout by Se<lttle Pocific ended October on a down nole. However, Ihe lutes were strong the ne",! weekend 01 the NWC Invitational in Portland. Randy Gardiner scored two gools 10 sp<lrk PlU to a 5-0 opening gome win over Pacific. following a 1-0 forfeit win over Whitworth, the lutes succumbed 10 Whitman

1-0 in the

title game. PlU lost its three remaining gomes, but one bright spol all season long was fullback John Kno)t, who was nomed to the A11-Norlkwe�t Conference first team. Mike Chose ki(k� the ball dawnfield In a game again�t Seattle Univenlty.

SOCCER; front Row; Allan Sheik. Mo,k Reeper, 00"0 Dougl, Ed Yomoshlro, Dick Janel, Dole Pennington, Terry fletcher, Tom Ludlow. Top Row: Ken L-'monn, Karl Gronlund, Don Dole, Brion lo,ney, Mike Chc",e, John Knox, Lloyd Alwerl, Randy Gardiner, Howe Holand, IIranl lIoker.


Men·s C,ou Country Season Record Fjfth 01 Whitworth Invitolionol Fifth at Willomelle Invitalianal Ninth at Fort Co�ey Invilolionol Fifth 01 Lewis ond Clark Invilotionol Third at PLU Invitational 5e<ond at Northwe�1 Confereoce Meet Fifth at NAIA Di�l,ict I Meet

Jon Thiemon·� harrier� participated in seven meell where they finj�hed in the fjfth lpot ellCept for the Northwest Conference Meet. There Ihey landed second behind Willomelle. In their own Invitational they placed Ihird. The team graduated sill seniors including number Ofle rUflner Gordy Bowman who ploced 1 5th in the NAIA Di�tricl 1 Meet.

Flonlshlng �. five mil. PLU Inv ilalianal in 27,52 is fr.Jhman. Mlk. Hogland.

bik RawINrg autdlll_es hil idaha appan.nt. Gordy lowman strld.s onward through the flol Fort St.llacaom couue.


Cross country - an uph ill strug gle Women's Crou Country




Season Record


Ninth 01 ForI CO$eY Invilolionol Seventh 01 TakotH Invitationol Fir$! 01 PlU Invitational Fourth 01 WQ�hinglon Invitational fifth ot I'foN Women's meel

Running your nordest for three miles, bottling hills and noture is what women', c:ross country is all oboul. Carol Auping', norriers enioyed reasonable success throughout the seoson capturing fourth 01 the Washington Invitotional and seventh 01 the Tukolee Invitotional. The teom's brightest moment WO$ loking first ploce in their own inviloliOnol roce 01 forI Steilacoom Pork. Coral Holden who ploced tenth a. the Northwest College Woman's Sporh Auociolion meet paced the team. WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY. aoUam Rowl Jo...o Olson, DebbIe Morgan_ 8eth Coughlin. Top Row: POI"" Twichell, Coral Holden, Jill Miller, Mory Engstrom, Kril Ringo. Not Ple,ured. Sorb felty, KDfhy RowlH!rg. Krls Ringo strides to the finish a' 'he PLU In"l. 'otlonol where she cop'u••d third ploc •.

Jill Mill•• was tt.. numbo. two runn.r on the 'eom.


Quort.riNK.k 80-0<1 ••ing unklods 0 POSI tO 0 "'c.I ..... downfl.ld. •• ing slepp.d In to ••ploc. the Injured Doug Gi.od during the lou hoH of ...... ploylng WCt",n.

Attitud e, determi nation turn season around

Applying �o...e fodol blocking, Do..... Mhter.k stops" UPS ploya•. Prenris Johnson follows his Ii... for lame oulsld. boll ,uN'llng.


During the fint game of the SeasOn Da.... Mlsr•••k brings down ° UPS

r -

Quarl.rback Doug Girod ot_ lempts 10 push aside on on­ coming tackl•• oS he finds him_ s.1f

without .nough time to

po•• Th. oH.nsl.... ....,it Ilsl.ns <Or.­ fully to 8rad Westering's call for a halfback sweep to the "".CJk .Ide.


I nju ries plague g ridder season The golden anniversary of PlU football will probably best be rememb ered nol for the fifty years celebration, but for porlkipolion in a posl-season game for the firSl lime sin(&. 1947. Lutes lost their opening game 10 Ihe

University of Pugel Sound cnd mosl of theif defensive slKondory 10 injuries. After a non-conference win agoinsl Centrol Woshington, PLU dropped Northwest Conference games 10 Lewis and Clark and Willomelle for


1-3 record 01 mid-seoson.

Then the turnabout began. Some of the wolking wounded revived cnd returned to action while quarterback Brad We-sleling fired pass completions 01 AI Bessel1e. He finished second in pass receiving in the NAJA national statistics. PlU won ils losl five gomes including a 2 1 - 1 4 victory over Whitworth on Homocoming Day (0 game wolched by seven former coaches and many ell-players). For Ihe firsl lime a NAIA District 1 playoff wos held. The game matched Western Washington and PlU - the lutes first past season dash since the 1947 Pear Bowl. The winning streak was nipped as the lutes lost 48-28 and clor.ed the 1976 season NAJA Dis/riel 1 runner-up. The offensive lin.. pt"ovide • •ulfici ..nt 100- Doug Girod as he sets up to pass.



JeH Cornish scrambles for running room against

on OfW\Ilhlng Unlielel delense. Jim









Jim {orb.". _81 down ...... of hi. lour intoneptionl of 'ho ,.cuon.

Randy Rochester US81 on ove,-tt..-heod tackl. to bring down O UPS �"'M.

The bench in'ently obson'o, the action on the playing field oS PlU kick. off tOf' 0 field goal in me Wlllo",a". 9l1me.


Fast finish promotes bowl gam e 'LU 'LU PLU PLU PLU 'LU 'LU PLU PLU PLU

Football SeolOn Record 2 1 Pugel Sound 48 Central Washington 6 lewis and Clark 1 3 Willomelte 28 Linrleld '8 Pacific ., College of kiana 25 Whitman 2 1 Whitworth 28 Western Washington



20 21 10 8 0 20 ..


Pout Oenholt.r rolh out, borely IHopln, being t.CIcked while J,H Cor...'" wotdttl.l on,Iclpo,lng the flol pou.

'oolbolh Bottom ROWI Jim Mobhon, Mot' Klein_ Lc,",e Schroeder, Do"'. Olson. Don Prilchord, AI 'euett., L•• Sennen. 001019 Girod, Jon Ho,n,., Steve Rld1ilwoy, M...10 &rand" Ollye Mine.,.., Jim (k,I,,'onion, Ron ..ell, Howo.d Lt.,tton. JIm O .... d. 11'151, f"b" t. Row 2: 8r1on S. And,non, .fohn Reiner. K,..," S..phenfon. Gre, Prlc•• Don HOU9" A,ne Michoel.,n. ,.,. ....,. Johns.on, ["'51 St........ O,egg Shonkl•• Duon. fromhott. $11...1

Irion. John Zombe.lin. S'e...e SevenOf'. Ciol. Trof'g,uben_ len .,own, Randy Rocheller. Mcwtc a,lmon, Row 3, 'rod w••t.rin9. MikOl (o" on, K,;, MorTU, Mo.t. "'eim..., Jeff 51lckney, Ml"e Mo.l",I, Dwight


Je,de, Tom Ale.onder, Howord Kreps, Do n L"ee, Jim Co.llon, Oene Wllee, Irion D. ,,"d.,.on, «andy Ayers, Phil (o,ley, Steve Do"eelle, Row 4/ 11.1... hoi...., Jo." Dugwyl••, Don Oole, John Sehultl, Jeff Cornllh, Scott lI.oy, John 8loy, Jim Frye., Po,,1 D.nkolt••, "'on Vi", Kri. Yopp, LeRoy Dovl" R.... Roy, Ed ""Caillste" Oenn'. o.nmork, Steve Klellb.rge" Top Row: J....,. Shl.ldl, (ric Wolboll, 80b Dolhollp, Poul JoftnJOf'I, Mo," TolI.hon. Brion Troost, Rob Brid.ell, John Wallace. Kell nolole, MI... D"nbo•• Po,,1

HoM.... Joe k_...... ',olly We"e.lng.

AIt.r 'olll",


mok. the fl", down Duon. Fromharl punts th.

boll dawnfleld.

Da"ll Girod honds the boll aU 10 Ih. ".eaking Jon Ho.n ••, who gah,.d 1 D06 yardl for the seOlon.

K.II Yapp and Jim Go.d bring down a Padlk <orrl., ball whll. St.... e Ridgwoy and Howard lUllon ,oc. to .... CHI'"",

IWinning com binationl takes seventh "Boogie 5ho&lI" This WQI. the phrase used by the yonity yolleyball leom 10 ellpreu their lightfooted energy olld creativity. The I I boll beating beaulies occumulated o 1 5 - 1 6 win-Iou record. This required Irove,ing to 29 oway games throughout Ihe three month MOsen. The fint of only two home games found PLU defeating UPS with 0 3-2 game score. A month later PlU WQS matched against Seattle Unive,sity 10 pull off another 3·2 Kore win. Injuries were confined 10 the sptoined onkle, of Jill Mortinlon and JiMe' longe. The leom ended Ihe s&oson seventh place in the region. WOMlH'S VOlLfYI",LLI Cindy mtl,vp, Megan Stoeppotc:l. Jifl•• L'""1Ie. Debbl, 1I....ln'. Trln.. ["duon, Jill Martln,on, COCH;h Kathy Hemlon. Vlcel Whll•• Mil""••'" HClllnon. Janice Co.... Teddy 1o"'g8', Teddy 1•••&••

Volleyball Season Record Pugel Sound 0 lewis and Clark I Weilem Washington I Cenlrol Washington 0 Wo�hinglon 510Ie I Eo�tern Woshinglon 2 Wo�hinglon 2 Pvgel Sound PlU 2 Eo�lern Washinglon PlU 3 PlU 0 ldoho PlU 3 Monlono Slole Centrol Woshington PlU 0 Pocific PlU 2 Linfield PLU 2 George Fox PlU 2 PlU 2 WiUiomelle Pugel Sound PlU 3 PlU 2 Simon Froser Oregon Siole PLU I Lewis ond dark PLU 0 Oregon Slole PLU 0 Western Woshington PlU 0 SeaTtle University PlU 3 Easlern Woshington PlU I Woshinglon Slole PlU 0 Montono Siole PlU 3 Oregon 510le I PlU Portlond 510le PlU 0 Monlono 510le PlU 2 Weslern Woshington PlU 2 Oregon 510le PlU 0


2 2 2 3 2 I

I 3 I 3 I

3 I

I 0 I

2 I

2 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 2 2 0 0 2

Teddy I••e&e ,ett ...p 0 ,hoI d ...1"9 0 mat60 aeoi"�t S-ttt. U"ive••lfy.

.. 3

"Tim. au,", a '1m. to ••co"••, ,..Ia. one! I.' up strength fa. ,h. garne. Trino Erid.son corw;.nffote. 01 cooch Kothy Hemlon off... ad. "Ice to ,he team.

Debbie _'-"em .pkel 0 UPS .hot for 0 quick poln,.

Teammates congratulo'. M..... . e.n Hon.....n 10' Itte wiNtln'll ma'ch point.


Golf tees off Pacific lutheran', three year grip on the NAIA District I golf crown wos brol<et1 when lhe Lutes ,'ipped 10 fihh ploce on home turf ol loke Spanaway Coune. However, PlU earned its filth consecutive Northwest Conference championship by 25 strokes under runnervp Willomelte. II morio:ed the second s.raight year Ihat cooch Roy Corbon', $quod bounced bock from (I lou 10 Willomelle in the Northwest Small College Ciouic 10 beat the 8eorcols for the league title. Scoll 8arnum, on oil-conference selection, finished third in District 1 individual ploy with identical 77 rounds for a 36-1'1010 10101 of


Some of the VOl' 'earn ",e,.,ben include lIob launhardt. Tim JohnlOn, Scott lIo,num and Jeff Peck.

Tim JQhnson prepor., '0 sink 0 putt. lob watche, his shot Golf CO"" .. 9,••n.



the Colleg_

Scoring drought hinders stickers PlU PlU PlU 'lU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU

Women"s Field Hockey Season Record 3 Shoreeresl Oregon Slote 0 5 Willamelle I (enlrol Washington I ldoho George fox 0 I Central Washington 0 Washington Slote Western Washington 0 Idaho 0 3 Linfield 2 Pacific 0 Central Washington Idaho 0 0 Washington Slole 2 Weslern Washington 0 Boise Stale 2 Northwest Nazarene 0 Washington 510le British Columbio 0

0 2 I




2 I I

2 I

2 I


2 3 2

During 0 match, LIn60 IUd. fQc.. oH with Central W.uhingtOn Opponent.


lady stickers employed 0 laugh defense surrendering only Three or more gool$ in jusl three conlesl$. Vet the offense was shul 01,11 1 1 limes and only scoredd one goal in three other gomes. The lock of scoring punch caused !he learn 10 check in with Q 5-13-2 record. The dub slorted OUI the season win­ ning their fin,1 two games over Shorecres! and Wi1lomene. They Then dropped Ihe nexT four molche5 before tying Centrol Lock of scoring W(lS especiolly notice­ oble at the Ellensburg Invitational where the leam foiled to score in four gomn losing to Centrol Washington, Idaho, WoYIinglon Siole and Weslern Washington. Pot Wolke, folloW'. .... boll a hom. mcttdI agoin�' Centrol. WOMEN'S FiElD HOCKIY: hon' RoW', Shouno Ilamorson, O.bble And.rson. Chris Eveuen. Jull. Goooh. POllio Sto.o,lIlI. Undo Ikh. Nanc... Garri�on, lorl Nu,b.oW'n. Pot W...... lod, RoW': l••lIe Price, Ko... Co."..... Janoll Wigen. Ann leord. Tornl fieb.lkurn. GolI Nording. Jeonnlne Mel.r. J.n� niph.r Kyll�. Kothy P.on".,. lauro Rose. Am... Olson, 50.0 Office •• fo...e Jone•• Ann st.H.n.


MEN'S BASKUBALL: Bottom Row: Don Miller, Ric Cla,k, Mike Meyer, Gary Wuster足 barth, Tim Fryer, Doug Hoover, Kevin Plllllnlln, Steve Anderson, Coach Roger Ivenon. Top Row: Coach Id Anderson, Ken Query, Jim Carlson, Tim Thomsen, BulCh Williams, Larry Burtness, Greg lov_ rovlch, Gary Nicholson.

Leading KOrer Kevin Petersen links Iwo points 101. In Ihe seOIOn. Freshman Butch Williams leaps high to check opponent's shot.


Awesome last half earns roundballers playoff game

Con Q cooch, who�e leom hos 0 4 · 1 0 record, find happineu by winning nine of the next 1 3 games? You bel, if ifs basketball (ooch Ed Anderson! The turnaround enabled the Lutes to finish in 0 lOUrl" ploce Northwest Conference lie, and earn (I NAJA District I playoff berth for the lirsl lime since 1 9 7 1 , However, Ihe possible dream of going 10 Ihe national lournomenl ended in 0 firsl round 60·53 loss 1051. Morlin', College. . Anderson explained, . We iuS! weren', hilling lhe hoop agoin" 51, Morlin'" although we (UI Ihe deficit from I A points to four in the second half." Ahe.. Ihe seasOfl, Pacific University forfeited its ,,",0 wins over PLU and other NWC games because of on ineligible ployer. The change moved Pl.U inlo (I second place conference lie with (I 10-04 NWC record CInd 1 5 · 1 2 overoll. Seniors Gory Wuslerborlh, Lorry Burtness, Doug Hoover, Ken Ouery and Don Miller wrapped up their basketball careers. Center nm Thomsen and forward Kevin Petersen shored co-most valuable player honors. Thomsen led the team in field goal ,I\ooling ond rebounding, 8 . 2 per gome. Petenen, named to the NAIA Di,Irict I all-slor team, led in free throw occuracy and scoring with 1 2 . 3 points per game. Coaches Al\Cler�on and Iveuon ....out wardl 01 encourogement to the stortlng fi...e.





Men·s Basketball Season Record Northwest Nozarene 94 68 Washington State SainI Mortin's 95 Central 60 95 Simon Fraser 79 Western Central 64 Alaska-Anchorage 76 Linfield 97 66 Pacific Seattle Pacific 61 Willomette 84 74 lewis and Clark 51 Soinl Mortin·s Whitman 92 College of Idah 0 78 Pocific 55 93 Linfield 64 Whitmon 46 College of Idoho Whitworth 70 Willomelle 80 Alaska-FB 90 Lewis and Clark 93 Whitworth 81 Pvget Sound 57 Soinl Marlins 53

99 74 88 74 68 56 73 58 115 76 66 87 87

84 65 70 57 82 59 61 62 60 80 69 67 61 60

Ma...1ng ....ouod h� AMhorog. opponent, Mike Meyer jumps for on eo.y .hot.



Women's Basketball Season Record 49 Seollie Pacific 57 Central Wo�hing1on 68 Puget Sound 5 1 Everell Community College 50 Alo�o-Foirbonks 46 Alaska-Anchorage 68 Central Woshill9ton 67 WiUamelle 76 Woshington 70 lewis and Clark 68 Western Washington 55 Everet! Community College 53 Eastern Washington 66 Seoille Pacific 61 Idaho 68 Whitworth 70 Pugel Sound 59 Pacific 60 Linfield 59 Rocky Mounlain 66 lewis and Clark 34 Easlern Monlana

69 61 34 30 52 48

70 49 84 68 65 53 65 74 42 62


30 52 37 54 .2

Deb Pritchard trios to set up on offensive ptoy, but _t before ,u,e goats oro.,.,d 0 determined defencler,

Teddy Breeze leodl the fOllbreok dow" courl for 0 potential field gaol. Jumping above her opponent, Jon Borcherding shooh a two_handed lump shot.




, �

p "... -







Lutes soar into second at regionals Eighl poi"ls seporated the lules from Easlern Mootano and the winners trophy. for the second slroighl yeor the women's bcnketboU leam netted (I runner-up position in the Northwest Women's Sporh Association "S" tournament. However, Kathy Hemion.'s players compiled (I 1 3·9 season record. led by Leigh Ann Kullberg ond twin duos Becco ond Deb Prilchord oIong with Jon ond Sonnie Borcherding. The chompiom,hip game sow Eastem Montano defeot PlU 42-3.4, ofter the lutes were hampered by 2S percent shooling from the floor. Jon Borcherding and Kullberg led in Koring with 1 1 points each. The lody Lutes hod (I cold spell ogoiml the some teom in the 1 976 title game, foiling 71-42. PlU advanced to the championship brocket on the strength of wins over Rocky Mountoin and lewis ond Clark. Borcherding hod 20 points ond 1 I rebounds in the opening game while Kullberg scored 20 poinh in !he !oem-finols.

C_clt Kothy Hemion oH.n ",me ,t.ot.SY ond odvi<e to Deb Pritdw.rd.

With th. defense ond fellow teammotel wolth­ into leigh Ann Kullbe.g d.I...., towo.d the bo1Jtet. WOMEN'S BASIUTBAll: O.b Prit�hord, Glo,lo Peterlon, Teddy Botlig.r, B.uo Prit_ chard, Rosemary Muelle., Jon Borcherding, Bonnie Borc.herdlng, Sandy Wolk.r, leigh Ann Kullbe'g, Teddy B,eeEe.


Lutes fifth in nation PLU PlU PlU PlU

Women', Swimming Season Re<:ord 79 Washington Siole 90 Oregon Siole 62 Centrol Washington

38 37 58





1 0 1 Puget Sound 22 78 Oregon 61 PlU 5 7 WashingTon 7<1 First Oregon Reloy Championships Second NCW5A Championship Meet



Toml aonnett I�o.·h tt.. medley relay with Q

Itrong butterfly. She abo broke he' record in the lOO butterfly. .. thr•• Mcond Impro"emen' 10 1.1 3.33.

WOMEN'S SWIM­ MING: lIottam Raw, 8arb Vaneveld, Tammy Thomlon, Jone MIII.r. Cent." Lynn P.'ers. 80ck Row; KDthy h·.I" LOlli. Mclaughlin, Celio McCormCKk. RVlt PhIl, Katie "HI, Toml Ben_n. Karen ten-, Vicki Wea,h •• bie, nen'.e Stuckey. MD'­ gie Anderson, Wendy Hun'. Mory aeek, c_h Bob Lo...,ln.

Victory become hobit formiQ9 as 1 5 school records were broken in a season thol

lefl the lute swim leom fifth in Ihe notion.

Ovt of 1 8 $(hooIs, the team, coached by

Bob loverin, placed second in the Northwest

Women·s Swimming and Diving Championships, topped only by the University of Washington. They also claimed the regional le<"ord of the 800 free relay in 8:22.4 by Balb VOlseveld, Maly 8eck, Karen Beggs and Wendy Hunt. FOUl months of laborious lapping aided !he women of the waler in accumulating a 7·1 record in only a month of dual meets. With the help of a money raising 200 lap swim-o.long, eight swimmers were sent to Small College Nationals in Clorion, Pennsylvi nia. Titled "All American'· were,



Koren Beggs (500 freestyle, 50 bock, 1 000 back, and 200 back), Wendy Hunt (50, 100 and 200 freestyle), Tami Bennet ( 1 00 and 200 butterfly), Jane Miller (200 breasl and 100 individual medley), Barb Varseveld (400 individual medley), Mary Beck and Celio McCormack (relays). The individual ev.enls and relay effolls placed the lulu fifth in the nation. The two words "Ieam spiril" musl nOI be underestimated, far they not only completely leatronged the record boord, but led the ·'clase knit"· leam to a song and dance debut in the PlU Gong Show. Blake Byrnes, Brad Schmit and Joy Gilbertson Ireated the team specially by providing cneers, flowers and a limasine 5el"lice escorting Ihe national quolifiers to the airport.




Koren Beggs break$ he. 5<hoo' record in the 100 yard back_ stroke with a time of 1 .06.8.

Mary Beck ShOalS Into her leg of 'he 800 .elay oS 80rb Vor­ seveld sploshes in and Koren Beggs 1001., on. With Wendy Hunt. the foursome roted lint in the region_ LEFT: Living up 10 the nickname "f,ogle9s" b y swimming the 200 breosUlroke in 2.35.S, Jane Mm.., breoks he. Own s<hool record.

FAR LEn, Cheering ...d woving towels inspire penanD' improyement as S<.oe Pihl com­ petes in the SOO yard freestyle. ....... . . A · . · .·. p.


... ·. w·)w h. UU lI



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Wrestling season highlighted by personal improvement and attitude

UPPER RIGHT, Rid, Troyer w<><'ks for an escope. Greg Julin, wrestling 01 1 1 $ pounds, flnbhed fourlh In the Northwest (OfIference. WR(STlING: Bottom Row: Mo" Solum, ICri. Johnson, Don Houge, Coofh Joe a.oeke•• Rod B.ogo'o, Keyl" Sama,d, Don Hoffmon, Greg Julin. Top Row: Randy lindblad. Don PriHh,ud, Stacey Wilson, Jim Lorenz. Rick Troyer, Bob Kluinger, Pete Simplon, Do"e Doltttorp.


Wre5tling Season Record 1 2 Western Washington 32 45 1 0 Pugel Sound 9 Lower Columbia 35 1 9 Willomelle 33 2 Pacific 47 27 Oregon Tech. 28 9 Green River 36 '0 Linfield 22 36 Columbia Christian 30 1 3 Pugel Sound 33 18 30 Lewis and Clark " Columbia Christian 21 " 31 British Columbia 6 Simon Fraiser 38 Fovrth at Willomelle Invilolionol Tenth at Pacific Invitolional Fovrth NOlthwesl Conference



Using muscle and laatwa.k 10 conl.ol hi. op颅 ponent Itod I.o goto become. No, thweSl Can_ le.ence 1 59_pound runne._up.

Injuries and mal loues crealed a IrYl-lg for firsl yeor wreslling coach Joe Broeker but there were finoUy some high poinls for the lules. In Ihe 1 58 pound category, Rod Brogolo was runner.vp for Ihe second !.Ifoight yeor, dropping a 6路1 decision in Ihe litle match. Perennial NWC power Pacific led the team scoring with 95 points. lewis and Clark hod 6 1 , Willomelte 57, PLU 36 ond Linfield finished with six points. Greg Julin in the 1 1 8 pound category, and Mati Slocum in the unlimited division, picked up third-place certificates. Fourth-place winners were Kevin Barnard, Dove Dolthorp, Bob Kissinger and Kris Johnson. !>eOSOll

Dan Houge wolh for the p.ope. moment to t.y fa. (:I tokedown.


Tankers capture sixth at nationals Men', Swimming PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU

54 39

5e<ond Record CenTral Woshington Pvgel Sound


7J 22 Washington 91 29 Simon freser 66 52 61 Pugel Sound Fifth at Husky Relays Fiul 01 CollegiaTe Time Triols Third 01 Pugel Sound invitational firsl 01 Northwes' Conference Sixth 01 NAJA NOlionoh

BfltOking SiK Khool records and lying (I Jeventh, Ihe men', swimming leom finished 5;)(lh in nolionol leom 1IOOOin91 01 the NAtA swimming and diYing championships in Monholl, Minnesota. Seven lule swimmers placed in Ihe lop si)': of lheir respective events 10 eorn AII·America hono" ,

Tom Hendricks set three records in individual events and grabbed (I shore of the relay record. Hendricks was second in the 200 freestyle, eighth in Ihe 500 free and ninth in the 100 f'Hstyle. Hendrick!. Bruce Templin, Kyle Geiger and Bill Parnell look nearly five se<onds off Ihe record in Ihe 800 freestyle. Pornell tied the school record in the 50 fre&style. Top individual plocer W(I� Bruce Wakefield. who won second place in the 100 bockstroke and third in the 200 backstroke. Craig Sheffer wos responsible for the leventh record in fhe 100 breaststroke. After the seoson, veteran swim coach Gory Chose resigned to concentrate on his leoching duties ond continue os Director of Aquotks.

....c. Wak.fI.ld dash., ogoinS! UPS In th. �ecu"t,ok. competl,+an.

"10K. T.mplln ond Tom Hendrick. Iiones two one! lour' wolt lor tne starting gun.

fAR LHT, Dale IIryne)'ad

pause) afrer 'he breosr_ .tr"'e race. Up lor air. 11111 Pomell COOItin_ uu In t+oe

M.(N's<SWIMMING, &ottom Row. C.alg Shoffor, llruote Tomplln. coath Mlko lIemb. Second Raw, Wayne La�, 1111 Pa.nell, 1111 (g9Ieuan, Greg Pierson, Tom Hend.lck., Steye C.owley, lI"""e Waltefleld, Roblnlan, coo(h Oary ChaM, Kyle Oeige" Dole I'yne,'ad, Ron 10" nord and Tam Delle, Swimming rhe b.eoUo'rok. agoi"sl Cent,al Wosrnngton is Kyl. Gelge •. •


Slow start gives way to fast finish PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PLU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PLU PlU PlU

Bo�eboIl Season RfKord Woshingron Seattle I Seoule I Washington 9 WhitwOl'"lh 3 Whitworth Whitw041h 0 7 EOilel'n Eostern e Goozoga 9 lewis and Clark I I lewis and (Iorio: • lewis and C\on,; lewis and Clork 2 • Ce-ntrol Wad'tington 0 Centrol Woshington Willomene 3 3 WiI10mette 0 Weslern Woshington Western Woshington 6 2 Linfield linfield 2 6 Pacific I Pacific I. Pugel Sound • Whitman Whitman 2 6 Whitman 5 "oho 2 Idaho Idaho 10 Pugel Sound 5 5 2

12 3

2 10 5


9 I I




5 3 5 6 0 2 3 3 5 9 5

2 10 9 0

• • I

0 9

Ourl"i a (tOme Ollolnll tho Unl..." I!), of Wa_ shington, 510"0 Irion follow, through wlfh hit ,wing_ BASUALL. Front Row: Scott

Johnlon, Jim Corvey, Randy Ayt,." Chuck franch, Bloke lyme, E,rc Ca,llon, 81ane a." y. Ka..ln Brown, Don Mille•. Top Row: Kallay Weln, Dol. Bryn_ oSlod. John Zombarl'"_ 8.ont Grothe, DOI>g aeck.r, Jeff Hall, Sto..e 1,lon, Cooch Ed Andenon. Cooch Jim KIItUsby, Bot gl.1 Jon Tydings.


Winning six of their lost eighl gomes, bUI compiling a 1 3 - 1 9 season record, the lutes finished fifth in the Northwest Conference standings. The wins come agoinst UPS, 0 double header victory oyer Whitman and a three series sweep from the College of Idoha_ Only single game losses to Whitman and UPS snapped the streak. After the seoson, several Lutes were named to oll-Slor teams. Juniai'" shortstop Steve Irion, who hit 0

school record eight home runs, was named to the first-team on the Northwest Conference AII-Slars_ Irion baHled .327 with 24 runs balled in and 10 stolen bases. Another NWC firsl·team selection was right.honder Doug Becker. Seeker pitched 58 innings for 0 6-2 record and 2.02 earned run overage. first baseman John Zomberlin. who hit .290, wos picked for the NAIA District I first team. Zomberlin, outfielder Randy Ayers and third baseman Don Mille!" were NWC honorable mention members. Likewise, Irion ond Secker were honored on the District I ,_.

A" u�pe<ti"9 botte� re�e;ye� a fast boil hom Doug Becker.

John Zom"rli" woib for his "ext tum ot bot.


Tennis captures district then places 8th in N ationals PlU PlU PlU PLU PlU PlU PLU PlU PlU PLU PLU PlU PlU PlU PLU PLU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU PlU

Men"s Tennis Seasan Record 6 Fort Steilacoom 4 POrllond 5 Fort Steilocoom 0 Redlands 8 Cat·State Riverside 4 Cal-State Dominguez Hills 1 Pierce 6 Col-State Los Angeles 7 Californio LUlheran 5 Col-SIale Dovis 4 Lewis and Clark 7 Pocific 8 Pugel Sound 2 Portland 6 Seattle 6 Olympia 9 Central 9 Willamelle 8 lewis and Clark 8 Whitworth 9 Linlield 9 Pugel Sound 9 Weslern Washington 4 $eallte 0 Washinglon

2 5 2

9 1

5 8 3 2 4 0 0


7 3 1 0 0 1

1 0 0 0 5 3

Dave Trageser ond Gory Wusterborlh maintained their mastery in doubles ploy by capturing Iheir seventeenlh slroight match 10 lead Ihe Lutes to the NAtA District One lennis tille Ihus qualifying for the nationals in Konsos City. Trageser successfully defended his singles lille with 0 6 - 1 , 6-0 decision. PLU also won ih se<ond slraighl Northwest Conference tille. Trageser won his second consecutive NWC singles crown by defeating teammale Tim Ayris 6-2, 6-2. In another inlrosquod final, Wuslerborlh and Trageser caplured the doubles title 6-2, 7-5 over Ayris and Tam Vozenilek. Kim Lorson wound up as consololion singles cochomp when rain stapped play in the finals. Lonon and Jim Wuslerborlh hod Ihe some lole in coosolotion doubles. AI notionals Ihe learn placed eighth-its highest place ever. Dove Trogeser gained All-American honors by winning his firsl five singles matches before bowing out in Ihe quarterfinols. Trageser learned with Gory Wusterborth in doubles competition and become the first PLU unit ever 10 odvonce to the national quarterfinals. Tim Ayris won three single mOlches while other leam members eilher splil or lost their firsl motch.


{-. �".� . ,

... -









Gary Wu�t.�� wha was lin' In dlnrlct and WQrm� up b.lar. a match.

Tom Valenlle" conc:entra,a. on the ball ...d prepares for o match ogulnlt Centrol.

MIN'S TlNNIS. laHOm Raw: Tim Ayrll, St..... S.hr_d.., Kim lo....on, C<)(>ch MI". lanlOn. Top Row: Jim Ka'.... Eri.. Strondneu, Tom Vo••n_ Tim Ayrll smocks a bac"hond during match ogolmt W.".rn Walhlngton.



II.", 00.... TragaHr. Jim WUlt.rborth. Gory W...'arbor,.,.

.'6ft'lins Mever Cup


-- - -

after two year absence

- - - ..-' -... -. .. , . ' -

• -


• •



.. -.

N etters volley for 1 0-4 season record Nancy Jasper co"�.ntrat.s On 'he badchond shot.


Retllmlng co shot Clgcrin" George foOl i, Teul MIII.r,

Judy Carlson pklc•• letOnd in the Northern A,ea Slngl.s Tournament dtamplonship.


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During 0 _t 0111°'"'' Podll(. Kevin deon the ."...en foot mon..

Men's Tr(J(k Season Record PlU PlU PLU PlU PlU

35 l�wis ond Clark 53 linf�1d 6S Willomelle 6S Whitworth .49 Pacific firsl Cit Soillnon Releys Fifth 01 NOI1hwesl Conl.rence

137 106 76 73 ••

Meel Fifth at NAIA District I Meel

G.-v 'ric. _n tNouv" ,ke 01. 'n long lump (o,....,ltlo,. crt riI. SoIlmon ReloYI.

MIN'S TRACK. I.ottom Itowl Mork 'rondl, J.H Cornish, Ter,y Moore, Willi. Jon ••, Morir. AdoH. Oar! Clo.k. Gordon lowm_. Go...,. Ben.el, D_b 0."""0''', K,b Yopp, Poul WhIt•• Top It_I JOft Thltomon. 'rod l........ Steve KIniPna. Greg P,lce, Jim " e· drklu..... V...n Cohrs, Roy Pul,'f••, Mo,k '.Iman. Mark Corhwom, Go,y ....,dr.w. ,.,_ Trogdcoft. P,en'. Jot.mOft.


Men's track sends two to nationals .....- - - � ... " , " ,..

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Lady tracksters rewrite school record

Three School records were broken, cnd 0

fourth lied, but Ihe lady Lules finished eighlh at the Northwest College Women's Sporh Associotion meet in SeoMle.

Del Morgon placed third in the 5000 meter run while setting a new school mark of

1 8:27.2. Highiumper Peg Ekberg grabbed a fourth with 0 5'·5" leap, lying her own school fe(ord �I earlier in the Jeoson. loter Ekberg come short by two inches, after leaping

5'-5" again, in her bid to ploce 01 the AIAW national meet in Los Angeles. A quaftet mode up of Koren lan$vm,

Jono Olson. Maureen Hannon and Marcy SaI<rison ron


4:03.8 10 1/'IoIl8r Ihe school

mile reloy record.

Dogny Hovi broke Ihe 3000 meier $chool

mClfk by teammate Carol Holden, who was iniured and unable 10 compele. Hov; wos limed in 1 0:30.4.

Other new school records set during the $�$on included Hovi in the mile 01 5 : 2 3 . 1 , and the 1 500 meters in 4:56.5, Carol

Holden's 17:42.3 in the three·mile run, and Sondy Walker at 1 :09.38 in the 400 meter

hurdles. Teddy Breeze, Ekberg, Sokrison ond Olson own the 49.7 seconds 440 yord relay record.

Pq Ikb.!"9 b.glnl h., I""", to dec., the f..... foot mark. Lot., sh. brok. the 1(hoo' ,.cord.•• 11.""'1 thnllfl h.r o,m bCHk to ,.1.01. the lco....lln,

T.ddy �..... honOi off th. bafc)n to P.g Ekberg.


Take two aspirin, drink plenty of fluids and go to the library

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P.opl. __,ing 10 look up books Ito the co�d cofolO1l con do so no_ b.,. ° n._ Ihl"•• fil • •.,.., . .... of wbjecf, oumo. ond fifl•.

Post !uu•• of ....ogoIJn.s, lou.nal. ond n._· spofHI" Con to. "ie_.d In on. of the microllim ••o�s.




You're 0 good mon, however, being 0 latecomer 16: 1 5 ) 10 dinner 'his evening, May 3, my coke wos frozen solid and my meatioof wm dry ond deocl as if il wos found in King Tut s tomb. Yuk! Sob, food like thol. in thol condition. lhould not be served. Sove it for the necrophile s · . OtherwiWl, your food servic. is ellcellent. '

'Yw know whol that ii, Bob? We ron out of calc. that night and .... piece you got was taken from the Usually cake thaws pre"y fast. If It happens again, lust let It sit far awhile. • ·Na. but I'm dying to find out. Why ore the napkins yellow? ,''ow

Is what our supplier has.

Onc. again we cannot find words to

e)lJ)bn thIS UC feast. II went under great. We compliment yo...r choice of creeeem puff�. How........ we musl crilicize Ihe "'gestopo" on their Ct.atn puff surveillance. We recommen d the use of guard dogs for furlher protection of wid c(eom puffs. Clo� circuil TV monilars ore oho quite effectiv•. We doubt, how.,,�. thol lhese or other defensive measures can be effeclive in stemming wr onslought. By the way, we managed to score five elliro hils lonight. (Burpl!) The Fearsome frogeyed Five PS looking forward 10 coromeled opples.

Did you use twa kinds of hotdogs today OuI of five, three WMIlt solutely superb. like beHer them mom makes!


Yesl Mixed breed and German Shepherd. I wonted 10 comment on something ather than the faod-oo ywr consideroteness and staff's altilude. I think il i$ fantaslic Ihe way yw listen la our complaints and sV9gestians and moIte impravements an things thaI need iI and give UI things we wont. Also, all the slaff (number lokerl) always give us a smile and make me feel good. Thonks for yaur concern and thovgtltlulness. I think the food is Ionlastic 1001 I love your bonono cake wllh Ihe creamy frosting. Do you have 0 recipe for a family size portion? Thank you, but we can't give it out It has been a secret for years and I would hote to break a tradition. •

This may seem pelty. bul I really miss Ihe sugar packages wilh the differenl pointinglo. It was sort of neal 10 be oble to identify tMm. If lhere were more. il wovld be neal to hove them bock agoin. If il is economically feasible, Ihis recanlinued cultural enrichment would be much opprecioled. When the price Is right. we will got some. I want you to have fun and be enriched while you eat.

How about some diet french dreSSIng. I'm gelling lule bull. Growing Physically

The chilli wos ellcellenl todoy (3.7). What hopp.ned? Could it hoppen ogain? Please! Th .. puclcfing hod na flovor 01 all. W. tried harder on the chili and I guess not 10 hard on the pucld1ns. No flavor at all? lel's foee it. lots of people are iust nol early mers. for some il lakes on acl of congreu. Isn'l there some way lhol maybe one lone could stay open for Wlrving fuJi breakfast fOl" the late risefl. Yaw steak lonigl'lt gets a nine . . . an a Kale of one 10 100. Lei me explain. There were several aspects of il that led us 10 a definite conclusion. OIK clues were: I . visual evidence 2. ledural evidence J. and nan·palatabilily. We, Iherefore, drew Ihis candu�ion_ The meat was raw. Enclosed is 0 specimen. If you do nol find il.;1 is probably becov�e il ron oway.

I&b Torrens. DirlKtDf' of 'oad S.....le••• r.ach and "pll.5 to ....ery napkin. urap of pap••• e.r_1 ba. 'op and "PO"" bue"". He ..eel v•• ....'1' .. at the... nat..5 vio ....


All this and change back from your $4000 .... ..... 10 _ ... ... ..... ..... .... ..- .... ..... _ .... - ... .... _ .. ... .. ... . ., -. ... . . .. . ... - .. .... . --.,. .. .... ....,01_ ... _._ . ",.-. .. "' ..



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No lin., or on op.n window 0' ony offlc. In the Ad......lftrotion Widing I, 0 rOre occo,lon.

The .tud.." heolth c.nt.r ,.toin, the ••",1<., of phY"dOM. nun., and m.dlc, 00.... JOn.f, for bo.a m.dicol _ '.1.....01. All 0'• •nll· tied to th.eJe


� ,






Ii, , ,

N o two are exactly alike

Perhaps because of whol they hold, college years con be (I headache at times.

Real relationships do not come simply through the casual greetings we give to the many people thot we pau during a doy, You must toke the time to listen to those people, to hear their personal thoughts and to be willing to give a part of yourself. Such interplay musl occur so that relationships may be formed in a person's life. People are present throughout all of our lives and so are times for friendships. College is unique becouse it gives us

Finals, mid.terms, papers, deodlilles, more papers and more deadlines tend to bog (I person down. Bul you cannot overlook the joy packed into Ihos& four of five years cnd such (I joy is usually fouod in relationships. College is (] people place. II is olmosl impossible to ovoid them, especially if yOu want (I nice, secluded place to study. People ore everywhere: in the librol)', in the Cove, in dorm lounges and in your room. The list goes on. Opportunities for meeting people are easy to find.

opportunities to get to know people through special situations. Opportunities like munching on popcorn while milling over Ihe latesl foolboll games or meaning of history. Opportunities like study break's coming together to share the aches and pains of writing term papers, midnight basketball games or oftemoon frisbee flings, Such situations are the elements thot make college years "good" for one cannot help but make deep friendships through them.

The years of young adulthood hove often been 10M-led as "the best" in (] person', life. Such year's pass quickly, as those of us who hove completed our formal education can testify. Yesterday was September of Our freshman year. Todoy it is September of another year. College yeor's poss 01 (I speed thai seems olmost olorming. Bul why?



o.,.ey suit, blCKk bow tie, <ane and pipe are all signs of a distinguished gentlemon. Rev.r.nd H. Wang.n Is Iv.t such a g.ntleman. He ..IsIts PlU alma•• dally and con b. s.en walking around campus Or sitting In the Univ.rJity C.nt.... H. cam.t to <ampul b.u,uJe he _joyt wOhhlng all the young p.opl. who .nloy wotchl"9 him.

Total communi<otlon betw••n two peopl. Is 0 skill thot n••d. to b. I.a,....d ond pradic.d It does not matt.r you Or. wh.n IIs'enl"9 or speak"'g to someone, it lust tok.. on involv.ment with the "other per...,..

Just knowing that you ha..e made contact with another hum.... being Is an e.perience In I.. elf. Contact fa, a moment o. 0 IIf.tlme ene_roge' penonal growth.


IAn open mind leaves room for a ANTHROPOLOGY

J. McCoy Hill

Lewiston, 10. Koroline Johnson Portland, OR. Cheri Loiland Tacoma, WA. Stephanie McClintick Naperville, It.

Bernard Schworh. · Boslon, MA. Joan Nelson Richland, WA. Paul Nerge Blonie, MN. William Soger Tacoma, WA.

Morc Douglas Stroud Portland, OR. Janel Show Tacoma, WA. Lorraine Shule Chicago, IL Deb Virok Tocomo, WA.

Double Major

••10011 a hLsto�)' I.oche. Club'an' gI...., Sara CIcouse.. o chane. to put coil ,.... hoi t_med 10 work. Thll con me on corredlng popeu between cramrning ,_



worthwhile thought to be dropped in' BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY BIOLOGY

Rose 8yland EI Paso, TX

William Cornell HoooIotu, HI. J. C. COles Anchorage, AK.

Thomas Deilt! Anchorage, AK. Sherry Dong Seattle, WA. Rochel Eidbo Bothell, WA.


Lauro Heher Auburn, WA. Debfo Hanl TOCOlTlO, WA. Robert K(!f1(Iedy PorI Angeles, WA. Cindy 1(�lIke Portland, OR.

Paul Leung Reston, VA Jonice Monholl Klamath foils, OR. Carlo M Nelson Porker Tatorno, WA. Barbaro Pelenon Bothell, WA.


I i n vestment in knowledge BIOLOGY




Mark Redlin Crosby, NO. Col Skaugslod ' Des Moines, WA. Richard Troyer Port Angeles, WA.

Paul Wildrick Son Leandro, CA. Hiram Willioms los Angeles, CA. Brion Willis Aquodilto, PIt

Patti Adamich Part Angeles, WA. Caralee Anderson Eatonville, WA. Karlo Anderson Denver, CO. linda Anderson Seaule, WA.

Tim Anderson Westport,


Keiko Bocon Tokyo, Japan Scott Barnum New Canaan, CT. Joyce Borr Tacoma, WA . •

Double Maior

Judy A"9b.'g hold� her breoth o� the Lutes gamble on on Important down.


pays the best interest'

Victor Benzel WopoIO. WA. Christopher F. 810squez Tacoma, WA. David Bradley Puyallup, WA.

Jehu Bryont Tacoma, WA. Marsna Burris 1010, KS. Bloke Byrne Portland, OR.

Robert (olhoul'l KenT, WA. Cory Corlson Springfield. OR. Pout Chorhton Burien. WA.


Dione Cieoplik 5pcIl'Iowoy. WA. (hude Cooper Solem, OR.

Steve Crontz Walnut Creek, CA. Jorneďż˝ Crow Oklahoma City. OK.


David Emmons R.chlond, WI>.. Jom., Evans Olymp.a, WI>.. JOU!ph Gazes We)lminisler, CA. Stephen G.rlsman Wilbur, WI>..

Marfha Gilbertson B.smark, NO. Warren GrOves Tacoma, WA. Paul Gregerloon Tacoma, WA. Reed Gunstane Par' Townsend, WA.


James D, Hallett Olympia, WA. Mark Hermon Palmer, AK.

Sleven Hildebrand Dovglalo, AK. 8ruc.: Hoffman Portland, OR.

Homaud Ibrahim Saudi Arabia. Daniel Johnson Spokane, WA.

, Double Maiar



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Jill Aholo and "oke _.,m• •"10., ......1... ...., ond .... "'0..1"8 'Nom, ot the Gong Show.

IThe nice thing about dictating letters is that you can use words you don't know how to spell. '

Kevin Kr.opp Tacomo, WA. Wolter Koopman Tocomo, WA. David Krafve Tyler, TX. Judy Kraupa Tenino, WA.

Martha Leatherwood Cenlrolio, WA. Williom E. lehmon Sieilacoom, WA. Eric Lemnitzer Phoenix, AI. Alton Lewis Tacoma, WA.

Richard Mangels Walnut Creek, CA. Charlotte MattheWl Federal Way, WA. Russell McKenzie Puyallup, WA. loren Melton Tacoma, WA.


Calherine Longfellow Spanaway, WA. Frank Miller Tacoma, WA. Marthe Miller Oak Pork, IL.

David Misterek Olympia, WA. Sylvia Negstad Seap Lake, WA. Marilyn Norgrent Lakefield, MN.

Dave E. Olson Redmond, WA. Dee Ann Olson Stevensville. MT. Deb O'Neill Centralia, WA.

George Parsons Tacoma, WA. William Phelan San



Richard H. Ropp Jr. Anchorage, AK. James Rawson Tacoma, WA. Double Maior

Malone, LindCl And.nCl". IUdge Hottle arw:I JQohn Olafson 1'1'. pClrt of tt.. CNdienuo for 1'1 a.'a Alph PW lectvre by Yiw P,.s....", for ,,,,. _. and ďż˝,atlo". Peny Hend,lch,



'Talent m ay be developed in solitude , but character is developed in society'

Scott Robbins Orting WA. James K. ROltle ,

Auburn. WA.

Sleven Schaefer Golden, CO. Lonee Schroed... Bellevue, WA.

George Sellen Auburn, WA.

Gory Shengren Aberdeen, WA. Lillo Solberg Tacoma. WA.

Kothleen Soncront Rockville Cenlre, NY,

Richard SmIth Tacomo, WA. ltnneo SnolO Olympo. WA. Lelaod Snyder Arcadio, CA.

Jock Spencer Elb. WA. Solly 51ernord Kent WA. Poul Swonson 5eollle. WA. ,


RIchard SwanJon Moses lake, WA. Beln Tenneson Bremerton, WA. Willy Tsao Hong Kang G. Sleven Von Cleve Eatonville, WA.

Gory l. Waller racoma, WA. Marhn G. Wanquri Limura, Kenya linda Weberg Colorado Springs, CO. Duane Werth Pleosonton, CA.

Holdlrtg the o"en,jon of three ",thleSf ludge� and a vlvadoul audience, Do",jd Trombley cap"" .' first place duri"9 PlU'. Own J..,uo..,. Gong Show.

Paul While Honolulu, HI. Troy Wisdom Federal Way, WA. John Zander Phoenix, AZ.


Double Major

' Education isn 't received; it's achieved'

Rod Brogolo Sunnyvale, CA. Lorene Hoes fremont, CA. Deboroh Robbirn, To<om<J, WA.

Jim Bingham Sedro Woolley, WA. Keifh Davis Solem. OR. Marie Hendriclcs New Prague, MN. Jerome Hodges Tacoma, WA.

John King, Jr. Tocomo. WA. Colvin Knopp Jr. Tacoma. WA. Rolph Lemke Port Angeles, WA. Cody Reevlu Son leandro, WA.

David Solberg Bremerton, WA. Kermit Stohl Sunnyvale, CA, Lee Temple ' CoIf(U, WA. David Von Sa<romenlo, CA.

Sreff Willis Auburn. WA. Ellen Worlund째 Seattle, WA.


IOp port unity is often missed because we Down Gidmork' Moorhead. MN. Jvdy Angberg Astoria, OR. Judy Corlson' Coryollis, OR. lorty Bell Puyallup. WA.

Dione Chomben Seattle, WA. Down Civrello fullerton, CA.

James Clymer Olympia, WA. Patrick Dennis Tocoma, WA.

Lila Dudley Lake Oswego, OR. Jo�ph M. Filcl'wtr Gig Harbor, WA.

Hope Gino Halvorson Scobey, MT. Erma HennelSey Honolulu, HI.


Blo<"'ml,try major. SIMony Oong, ...oml.... and defln•• the maracterl,tlu of yorio", bod,. ,I...... ca part of 0 lob anl""....n! for HI,talClgl' 4 1 1 .

are broadcasting instead of tuning in'

Michelle Hopp Puyallup, WA. Chades Robert Johnson Tacoma, WA. Virginia E. Johnson Tacome, WA.

Ed lewis Tocomo. WA. Christina Lindstrom lone, OR. Lorry Rhoe SiIYerdole. WA. Breit Rogers Tacoma. WA.

Dovid Boublits Eotolwilie, WA. Michael Faber! Tacoma, WA. Joyce Fiedler Puyallup, WA. Jerry Leverson Whitefish. M'r.

Villi lyeksell Voncouver, WA. James Malzha" Kent, WA. Howord W. Morris Wenatchee, WA. William Sielk F�eroJ Way, WA. • Dovble Mojor



Phillip Bigslow Libby, MT. Beth Benefield Elmo, WA. Margo Crowell Gig Harbor, WA. Gory Crockett Milwaukie, OR.

Herold Daugs Everett, WA. Andy Gilbertson Seall'e, WA. Karin Gwynne Tacoma, WA. Polly Ann Hawkins Minneapolis, MN.

Don Jamieson Chinook, MT. Morgrel Johnson FrHmont, CA. Cindy Jordet Anchorage, AK. Matthew Klein Downey, CA.

Quincy Knowlen Tacoma, WA. Kathy Lorentzen St. Poul, MN, Kathleen Malley Kelso, WA.

Lynn Nestby Port Orchard, WA. J. Dione Pogkos Puyallup, WA. Lauro Rieman Seott'e, WA.



Double Moior

'To learn and never be filled is wisdom , to teach and never be weary is love'

Mikeline Sondlond Aberdeen, WA. Cindy Soverign Tocomo, WA. Poulo Scobey, MT.

The SCMMds 01 well-used hI.lIte" ri.. from cultkle aft... Itvdy cubi_ cle. David aen,OI'I keeps busy worilln, toward .u, " ytholoty颅 I....h double -;0...

Poolelte While Tacoma, WA. Dovid 8eruon Tocomo, WA. Cindy 8rennon Olympia, WA. Julie Corlson路 Seollle, Wit..

George Young Tocoma, WA. Claudio finselh 路 Longview, WA. Ernesl Gallolin Tocomo, WA. Richerd W. Groham Tocoma, WA. 165

I lmperfect past m ay

Oavid Hu�IOh longview, WA. Lacy Johnson ' Honolulu, HI. Greg Kleven Spokane. WA. Don Miller Seollle, WA.

Brion Reed Tacoma, WA. Stephen Ringo 5eollle, WA. Morino Schaefer Phoenix, AZ.

Lauro Sladek ' Thousond Ook$, CA. Nora Thompson Bellingham, WA.

lindo Zurbrugg Bremerlon, WA.


Peggy Chon' Hong Kong Leigh Erie Richland, WA. Lynne Moehring Bainbridge Island, WA.

Paul Hew;tt Richland, WA. Doug Hoover Puyallup. WA. Krisli Sogvold Richland. WA . •


Double Major


make future tense'

Jennifer Burlthort Tacoma, WA. Sieve Chestnut BeUevue. WA. David Ericksen Rolling Hills Enoles, CA John Estes

Olympio. WA.

", tfte con'e'" dote "p. proch •• , Gwen try ant

c_e",ro,•• on Imooth.

ing out a 1'0.... pouog•.



East WMolchee, WA. Ted Hornonn Newberg, OR. John HotmOf'l Tacoma, WA.

Kothy McCoy Bellevue, WA. $hefionne Molzahn Seattle, WA. Williom Prilcho,d Milwaukie, OR.


IThe more we know1 the more we know

Jeanette C. MOS8 Puyallup, WA . Anne Mcluskie' Billings. MT. Kenneth Query Puyallup, WA.

Elizabeth Alien Mountain View, CA. Tom Andersen Tacoma, WA. Erik Rowberg Spokane, WA. Kevin Upton ' Hillsboro, OR.

Margaret Anderson Tacomo, WA. DorreU S. Asoto Pukalani, Moui, HI.

Marie Benum Tacomo, WA. Janelle Munlon Eugene, OR .

Double Moior Jim Gwd and Donald Dvck show ....Ir spirit by prepar. ing for ..C.....y Hah Day", Q tootboll team trcoc&tlOft.


we ought to know" MUSIC MUSIC

Brenda Boile$ Seattle, WA. Dione Soiles Seattle, WA. Ruth Annette Berntson CorrioglOfl NO. Lynn Song Vancouver, WA. .

David Bryont Corvallis. OR. Gwendolyn Bryont Tocomo, WA. Julie Brye Corvallis, OR. Connie Burou Miuoolo. MT.

laurence Burton Puyallup, WA. Jean Pierre Chorette

New Bedford, Mon.

Vicki ConlCIVe�i Billings, MT. Debro Christianson Ephrata, WA.

Scott Detrick Ovincy, CA. Kathy Downs Escondido, CA. Kim Doyle longview, WA. James Ford folt Island, WA.

Jill Janiet1 5po'Ione, WA.


'Music touches feelings that words cannot MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC

Dole Forrey (offol!" WA. Bordley Graham Tacomo, WA. Merityn Gram Missoula, MT.

Coral Greer Kennewick, WA. Pamela Henson Williom5ville, NY. Greg Hoffmann Woodland, CA.

Marnce Hollis' Puyallup. WA. Nancy Holmes Troutdale, OR. Jim lofrati Dupont, WA. Gretchen Jerde Hillsboro. OR.

William Jungkunll Tacoma, WA. Kathryn Koenig lo� Altos. CA. Noncy Ann Lindman' Bothell, WA. Jo)' Lmgerfelt Boker, OR .


Double Major

Jock Mohlenhoff Sioul( Folls, SO. Marsho Pekrul los Vegas, NY. Stuart Rigol! loke O!owego, OR. Janice Ritchey Portland, OR.

Debra Rogovoy Portland, OR. Dione Schmitt Spokone, WA. Ronald W. Snyder' Hillsboro, OR. David Trombley Brottleboro, VT.

Deboroh Yon Ohlen Tacorno, WA. Richard Weatherby Custer, WA.

WItt. sO many ....<n . ....lIy . cI.a� wln'.� days, nud.n,. luch os Davfd Kine find �m. way to g•• aut of tt.. do�m o� practic. fOom,


' N o difficulties, no discove •

no pams, no gal

Susan Amondson Tumwater, WA. Judy Anderson Parllol\d, OR. Ro�emory B. Droke loncaster, PA.

Rosemary Petig Berger Watertown, WI. Barbaro Bernard The Dalles, OR. Carlo Smith Twin Falls, 10.

Jennifer Buchholtz Kent, WA. lody Bussert Walnut Creek, CA. Patrice Chalterton Sc:obey, MT. Madelyn Crockelt Vonc:Ot!ver, WA.

Paul Dow Springfield, OR. Glenda Emmerlon Sacramento, CA. JoeUe Eneboe Seattle, WA. linda Engel Stevenson, WA. •


Double Major

'_Ina ...... . .... of. ".y f.w.y, hit 0·..... ....., .. ...... __ of her old ..YOritfl,.

Dolene Engert

Logon, UT. Koren Ettlin

Spanaway, WA. Mary Ellen Ezell Woodland Hjll�, CA. Krj�tj Felling Monroe, WA.

Roeciene (Red) H� Raymond, WA. Su,on Hoiek

lafayette, CA.

Jewel Hcnodo KomueIo, HI. Charlene John�on BeAeyue, WA.

Mary Johnwn Spokane, WA. Kathleen Kent Oregon


McJry Kramer Vj�oIia, CA.


Jon Krog5tod Ca5tro Volley, CA.


' Once you expand a person's mind it NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING NURSING

Emily Kuhnou longview, WA. Sondra lomb Des Moines, WA. Sus(ln Laurilzllm 8ellevutl, WA.

Solly Lincoln Estacada, OR. Kay lofti� Olympio. WA. Rita Monzo Tacomo, WA. Edythe Mor�h Oregon City, OR.

Mary Monroe Ventufo, CA. Ali Mumford Tacoma, WA.

Merryl Murokami HOl'lOlulu, HI. Beverly Neher Juneau, AK.

Debbie Neu Shellon, WA. Valerie Noyes Tocomo, WA. liz Nunley Medford, OR. Patricio O'Neal 5eo"le, WA. Double Maior

"JUJt gim'me jome 0' that J S Bach mviic," mu.lII. gnd Anclre" Tronset durltl9 their ..loUn recilal.

B"""iII N"wlck lito he Guomponlu Kotf>y !oY"'"uon


never contracts to its original position '

Cindi Bentz Tecoma, WA. Eliz.obeth Poe Shellon, WA. Melanie Pon Lake Oswego, OR.

Melody Rosmor VOflCouver, WA. Verena Reese Tocomo, WA. Kathleen Rowlond Greet foll5, MT.

Sailitafo Samoa PCJ90 Pogo, American Samoa Cloudio Scroggs Reno, NV. Marlene Selel'le Olympia, WA.


Some dc>YI It s••.,. tho.. unwritte.. papers neve' end. AI ""en. listtenly bqlnl to ,_do.

Dione Sharpe Tacoma, WA. Sue Silliman Kennewick, WA. Deboroh Stohl Sunnyvole. CA. Gayle StUlt5 Locey, WA:

Mike Sugino Honolulu, HI. Carolyn Swanson Son Diego, CA. Koren Tittlg8 Tacoma, WA. Elizabeth Ann Veirs Ferndale, WA.


Julie Weisenborn Brush Prairie, WA. Virginia lend While Kent, WA. Charleen Zrust lynnwood. WA. Mark Brandt· Minol,


• Double Mojor



Jill Ahola

Astoria, OR. lloyd Atwerl Tacoma, WA. David B. Ander�on Bellingham, WA. Deborah Anderson Puyallup, WA.

les Bennett Tacoma, WA. Allen Beuelte Tocomo. WA.

Debbie Blevinlo lynnwood. WA.

James l. COlvey Longview, WA. Kay Corvey Moorhead, MN. Poul Drehch Frcu:ee, MN.

Ron Eiler Seonle, WA. Jim Gard Auburn, WA. Terri Gedde Richland, WA.


LeAnne Gilbertson lake Stevens, WA. Moureen Hannon

los Angeles, CA.

Corol Holden

Missoula, MT.

Jon Horner GrondVII!W, WA. Norbert Huber Shehon, WA. Robert Eorl Jones Kenl, WA.

As the production of "An banlng of Moda.n Donee" opproochll>�, Willy

Tsoo concentrote.s on Ifte perfection of detolls.


ftlye Janel Ttlcamo, WA.

Keith lile Gig Horbor, WA. Christy McTee Eotonvrlle, WA. Jill Miller' EI Sobronte, CA.


' Do not mistake activity for achievement' PHYSICAL EDUCATION


Koren Murray OR. Cindy VonHulle TCJ(omo, WA Debora Andrew� Ro(\cho Palos Verde�, CA Naocy Donigan Gre§hom,



Sue We5lering


Toc ma, WA.

Gory Wusterbarth

Tacoma, WA

Dunbar IL Kan!n Elmore Colorado Springs, CO. Kathleen


Jim Christianson Ephrota. WA.

Ronald Coen ' Gig Harbor, WA. Clyde Euhler

Spanaway. WA. Dale flKsen '

Wilmar. MN

Poul Martin 80,100, MA. Kimberly Mirmemon' Tocamo, WAGory Rohde" Aflmgton, WA. William Morris Mempnis, TN.


IThe best way to succeed in life is to act upon the advice you give to othersl PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY

Rober' few

Sumner. WA. Marcia fosler'

Coos Bay, OR. Kathleen Holloway' Mercer Island, WA. Ked Knudsen

Tacoma, WA.

Susan Kun:z Oak Harbor. WA. Croig Lien Hillsboro, OR. Dove Splinter Puyallup, WA. Michael Walers Bellevue, WA.

Chrisline Baldwin Eugene. OR. David E. Cal( Bellingham, WA. Kirk Erwin Prescott, WA.

Greg May Wenatchee, WA. Paul R. Olsen Brush, CO. Morlho Olson Wessington Spri"9s, SO .



Double Mojors


Jon Otto Bremerton, WA. Mork R. Pelerwn Bremerton, WA. Judith Rogeu lolce Oswego. OR.

Ron Snyder finds It dlHkul1 10 rasbt thr•• '.mpluOU5 beoufl••, Chris Goksrnan. Glenic. Itoy ..rod Molly Mcott.ows, on their way to ,.,. fln' _, Ma"l'"rode Ian.



Toomal Ruge Vancouver, WA. Evon Adelwn' Seattle, WA. Jono Ankrum Seoll[e, WA.. Alice 8rob�1 ReSlon, VA. '

Jeff Tengesool Poul�. WA. David Colombini Tacoma, WA. Judith Elliott Toffonce, CA. 8orboro Faries Kent, WA.



Dono Fall" Camas, WA.



Roy, WA Jan Honsen Portland, OR Emi!y John$on San Franci$to, CA.


Jennifer Morri$ Puyallup, WA. Patrice O'N�iI! Seattle. WA. Deb Otterby Moorhead, MN.

Diane Otterby Moorhead, MN. Jean PhilpotT Eugene, OR, K(I(en Pickens Puyallup,


Cora! Schenke!berg Puyallup, WA. Trudy ThorsneH AndlOrQge. A.K.

Joni$ WICklund Seol/le, WA. Double MOJor


of papaN o� punching 01 ch.�k out up jUJI �_ Aid. of M�rt...edt library. Cory Heins and Sfe...e C'aI"ln. [ndulg_ In th. �$Cond floor dl.cuuion ...d study 0,80. NJlllng




Raul Gutierroz Toppenish, WA Terry KirkpotrJdc:' Burien, WA. Dole Mclerran Kent, WA KeYlM Show Hoquiom. WA.

Nancy Alward Tacoma, WA Elbert Bames Tacoma, WA Carlo Bennett Bellevue, WA. Kris Belkel S�ltlt:, WA

SI,.IIOMe Boyd Tacoma, WA. Jen Brown

Tacoma, WA M«y Ellen Bur101"1 Mercer blortd, WA Fraoc:et C,ews Tacoma, WA.

Fred l. Davis Chaltanaaga, TN. Renee Dabiosh Tacoma, WA. Mike Dolan Olympia, WA.

Vernell Doyle

Puyallup, WA.

Curt Egge

Roundup, MT. John Elianon Aberdeen, WA. lacie Filmore Tacoma, WA.

Kalhe Fry Steilacoom, WA.


Pam Halseth Kendrick, l D Pal Hernanda Tacoma, WA.

Diane Johnson Eugene, OR. Jinx LaBelle Olympia, WA .

Double Maior Clark Oo.vwll oto.s not a.t hi' injur)' cliftl'GCt him from hlf ftudilll�. C,ut�hllls """,. a common sighl around com·

P"" Itlroughout the ),"0'.


IUse what talents you possess: the woods would be silent if no birds sang there except those that sang bestl SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIAL WELFARE



Tacomo, WA. PomeJo R


locey, WA. Dione


littlelon, CO.

Motl MO'tila Soďż˝"m, OR Williom Mc.Krrlfley Tocomo, WA ConnIe M.ller longview, WA.


lonno Mydlond Inwood, IA. Drone Nellon So. lok.. Tahoe. CA Jon Nevens Lo

HOOra, CA.

John Nichols Sulhv(In, ll. SUSan Orwoll Bellevue. WA. leo Perroujr Colvmer. MI.




la;wrence Roberhon Puyallup, WA. Sondra Sweeney Burn,ville, MN. Annelle J. Thomas Tucson, AZ. Holly Twedt Rockford, IL.

Word Cody Weaver Graham, WA. R05e Marie Wentz Tacoma, WA. Susan Wood Tacoma, WA Marjorie Woolard Tacoma, WA.


Jayne Addams · Tacoma, WA. Priscilla Hart Spanaway, WA. John Paul Olafson' Scottie, WA


Susan Chipps Puyallup, WA. Jeromia Queen Philadelphia, PA. Kathryn Shervey Tacoma, WA.


Oouble Mojor



Wh ...' .... rsities an


tuden 5

Coli ges

Whll. OlfOn Audl'orium 'UI. to capacl'y, rfo. lineup b.eln. on upper �ampon. HgpP7 ;.rod. po•• for ttoditional pldure•.


So long, yellow brick road Sentimental, leary eyed, guihy phro�s on w+!ite congrotulations cord, began piling in the mail box. A bouquet of roses? Aher 35,000 houlS 0$ (I conege �tudenl. roughly four yean, wmeone handed me (I blank piece of poper and coiled me (I graduale of Poeific lutheran University. I do not remember every hour. Flashes of incidenl$ zoom in, fade 01,11 and I wish I hod (I map to ned yeor. II ....ould . be simple to split the r.s' of my life into codes. sections, deportmenh, credits, hours and sign up lOt another year. Bul il is over. I am (l 9radvole. Thot's post t.n� no..... not future conditiooois.


McNy ...... lao" ...... ... to)' otter ""' .... _...... ..... ___... pi_lag w_y.

,....y .. .... friench ,.etch out ond l-er-otulCl" ..,.... .......... grcMluot...


Stuen STUrn THIRD SOUTH. BaHam Raw, Rich Pankl, Do... Bini, John 5ped'I, Jim Bingham (AlliJtont Head Re,ldentl. Greg kl.".n, R;�h ludlow, Dal" Flxen. Top lIow: Paul cnorltlon, Rob Calho,,", 5'..... Schoef.r, MCI.k Harmon, Day. 8In�. Chuck Kell"y.

STUEN SlCOND NORTH. Bottom Row: Sue lildohl, Do""o n.o"'Ol, (hrio Paltorino. Second Row, a.endo Ring,," Judi rlUotl. Mary Gallagher, Judy Corllon 11.lldent Alliltonl,. Top Row: Gr.'ch"n '••:lIcho, k......, Hornedew, Chrl, [deren. k_ KnvtMn, AI.fa Wonge•.




STUEN. Bo"om Row: Je, P,oblt, laurel froilS (Relldent Allhtantj, Dian" Nello". Se�o"d Row� Helen Hun%iloer, Ma,y Co,Wo,d, Nooml Co,l.e" Thl,d Row: Chrh Butler, Koriyn loubo�h. STUEN SlCOND SOUTH. Bot. tom Row: Jamel Samuel (THIN MAN) Telorany, Of. rICe" Maloy ond Joe frldyo. Second Row: S�ott Nellon, John Glassman, Do,,", Toelle, Mike Chose, RI� Hortman IResldent Assistant), Mike· ,...derKkson, Peggy Keylln. Third Row: John Reiner, Steve K.lppaehne, Eric: Wig­ dahl, 0.... Conrad, Jay Ha­ mel'. 0.1. COOf'lllf, len Keyl,n (Heod Resident), Kur' MIllOn. Top Row, JC'hn Sllg­ gelbou'. Scott I"" " ng'on, Greg NOlh" e'n. Not Pic • ....ed, .. Mike Dun98r. How_a Kreps, Mike Stav'9.



THIIID NORTH STUIN. aoUom Row: Jill Cierllon. l,uI Uimotto. Potsy Deohlbe'g. OQb Connor Ilialiden' Auhf .."" . Socond "_: Co.oI To .. lI. Judy A..d.,· lon. MJiu 'rond,.", Kimberly Smalley. Undo AI. . .. nd••. Joonne Ah.. ...... Top Row: Co•• • Ie IClpp. Ia,bora Woy. No..." Poulin.

STUEN fiRST NORTH. Willy Stillgolboul, BOUom Row: P,• .,do..' William lI..k•. Randy LIndblad. Ted Hamann. Top Rowl Torn Galt ltno., Ste.... Soborson, Paul Granl..nd, John Aeplold, Doug Roub..�"••. Call.. Melby. Matt WotrOUl, 1I,Ion Stilel.



'HUIG'. THIRD fAST. Bottom low: Wanda '-'_. MefIftdo DeN'Oy. Cheri. Brown. Wendy PoriOM. Second Row' <indy lI.t.u,. Dlo ..o Ooodo", Denit. (h,idion....., linda foor... {A....'_ HeN ••sident,. a._. loyce. Third low: 11:...., loyd II.Uclent Aui.tanl'. Md.aughll.., Jean KllngM'Iber'1l. Debbi. au_g_, ..... DusI""Y"", "-II. O11.,hol., K,""" llro,,",,_ Top 1_: Me..... Shttppowd. Wendy Hun'. T...... frickson.

'HUIGI. THIRD W(S1. f.on' Raw: Noncy Mead••• H.leU Ie....'z.n. Rut'" '0".... Amy ..... .. hi$On, Nonq. �. Mary lou Left"'....... � SIll""'" 01....,. tuM", o.bbi. fait. A....

Scho<tntho...., Jan Hcu'ervel, Lo....i. McDougoll ,...I&tnt Ani.telf'll}. leigh Aton Joh."on, Cindy Jocob.on. J_" W08..8" Lisa MUlal. Jell.. " 010"",, SecOMl R_: (IHO Wery. Kori acoma"". "clo, lo,..i••, 5he"y McKeon. lac": Pottl lama..


Weber. My.o Could,.




Pflueger �ond Wed, lartom low; JeH Smith 1'.�6en1 AsLi.hlntJ, Am., Pork., Sctndl John.on_ Fcry. Kttael.. ......... 10'.' 'no". Harpole. Jan ......:1. s.cond .0.... J"O" MeyemoH ,1••lde..1 AHl$tantl. Jim Gural, K ....ln lomQ,d, 10'1' lou. Jim No",,,,. auth Johnlon. Tom Ludlow, Phil (-'Y. Dol• ...,.....'od. Chrbtl Moe.., Milo. Co-

PftuetJM Third £oal. Ion'CIm .01...., Oi.-I. D_ti., Jo,.. Mille., (II •• " S(hmld. Top low, Ko" " Nea'"", Jon Hanlen, Jen"" ClDr••Y_. Ko­ ren "(tgl, Dl_ I(oh_mla. ",. ..OIilO' Second fo,'. lottom It"w, Teddy .....u. aartt 5...0,.,on, Dornl•• Saba, latborCI "moAt 11.,klen' An',ton'). Clnd,. Kilf•..."on. L11" Hill•• Jm ".ore•• ShIrl.,. WIl.on, S.�ond .0..... ,.ovl•.,• ••rgh. KIm erown. ".... TwIt. (Nrl. Mory Sfanw-IaNI. Mol')' [rogltrOm. ......",. �._. ThIrd '_1 Ann M(Clu�ki•. fran Taylor,

G.ore1o 'rown. Holdl F'oh.. Top 'ow: Jonls H.ndrJck.oft,MorU•• Wllllo..... Mort'. And.r ...n, J_ McorifMI....'. ...... Geord.... Su. 'Drill•• Not "Clvrod; KriJ lottr: .... M.1jI J_n. D.blJl. •

K"'....'od. 0..1')" v....... T.....'.,n

bl. "IT),. M...-thct •....,.,..., 1.



fron, Potty Whlpp'e, UID Sutton, UIO lIohr.r, Gall NonIl;ng, aob l....dV...-d. Taml, Lon HuII.r, A..llo, Dawn Smlttl, Lori Nuttuown T� low: Eric Wolbolt, 5coH loy. Jon .nub.r,. Kol lottClmley. Ste.... 'eblod, Inc.n T".IsI. "..... 0",,,1.."",. Iari> Von . ....old, An"e. ,rI,. Lornpe. •

Park Avenue House

,.....k ."'(NUI HOUSf. IOHom Itow: Mor�lo Holme., KnlH frcnc•• Stephani. P<;t�. Rob.rt KOMM.,.• •�th H_uoft. Top low, SMp'-tl Olsen, "'cork a.dlln.

ptl"eee' Flnl '_t. ..._ low: Heel IWMf", Kan Mo...... . .... "en' Twlno, Ilk" FAI..i.... Karl, p...." Vykoutr, Mlk. 'te..dlngo" Don Muell.r_ Me .. "" laughmaro. Top I..w: .... Ho"-d. o.r.. To'"'' '011. k_ largor, Dan H ...... TlIn WuH, Ken' Ol.on. Lo"" A,h 1'.lld.", ..,,,1,,_,). a,lon M_ ..y. Jim 'unl •• Hide H..,..,.nt.


OROAl THIRD NORTH. BOHom Row; Kolhy Lor.nn. "tn. Rob Michaelsen, Artie HU'I'd,e, Doug HlnlCh. be.ger, Second Row: 5u...nno Droke, Glnge. Hoyn,,>, Lh lie...n, Ula Grover.on. Debbie Adorn,. n".d Paw; G".99 May (Au',1C1nl Hoad ROlident).

Sha...." Con,.III, Karla L,mdgoa.d, Merideo lOh, Janco". Dubua •. Top Raw: OoleMr U,gTet, Lynn llon9. Chd.ry John,,,", Kimmari. Ryan. Not Plcturod, Kay Lot Is, Lindo And"n'm, Gall Suttern.rd. Jon Borcherding. 5111TO Qaulen. Deb Johruon. '"'1iiI9), Newcomb. Jun. Grot..




OROAl THIRD. Bottom Row: Itg,l. Carton, kGl'lIn Pi.r••• "Old., IUvo... Cobbl. Mountod. John ()(ohi>n. 0;""0 RQlfham. 1110" Wa.Jund. Top Raw; �y Koy AI...... d••• Mary 1110" holl, Juno Raoln, Joyce Sutherlond, Sharon E"9.r, To",JO M d CD ... . ." GWen l1"ttlo. Nat 'i<hU·.d, Mea.lne Pe""_"'er, Union Koyo, Debbl_ Ho",'. Kofhy TQn'CI"•• 1%





0...... Ple...:e. Tom

Bottom Row, J,m

NOITH. ....kl�k

Top Row; Don ICrahmer, I(od

frfc Ot\on. NOl ';(I\I1"I:d: Ridge Hl;ltt'l Dave B�..S"'o, Jeff Tens...:lol

Pete Ron Cho..."

John Olohon_ John

Schroder. CIvil WIlt. ORDAL SECOND NORTH. 'otlo",



D .... id

Rkho.d L.. nen

Denis Hol",.s, Ch.i,.ion


....... soo.d.


R....,," ..

Gary IInn,l. Top

.ow, s"ott Peauon




Do .... Mo.t'n. Mo,'

lIigott. OROAL


lu._ Moore P.. ..I


'orrom Row, Mork

lI..b Duns., Gre-gcrsen. M ...k D. Stro..d, Tom Alellonder




•. Oon d ..... Je".y Sh,eld S.cond RaWI John Go••



G,es HOI'e"ef,

lnad Allin,



Top Ro....,. luke Johrnon. J.H Sriel",ey.


DQ.,id (Goy.1 '....-y, Irtan Heberling.






P.t. T.osdon.


Lin (<rtctn.: Jon

..mettly floyd, Ha".y A.·


o""'thy Floyd. Th .. Alreody

Swenson, Inr<. ...... ... Ir . ...ile.



Ool ..n


OADAL $[COND lAST. 1I0tlo," lIow,

00". Dotthorp. St.... KUng...."", Cody . ......... lo... ,J�O", aruco Driv.r. flrla" WIlli •. Herm_. Top Ito ..., M.k. Kintnor, Rob Wildrick. lItuu Ro.....ond. J_ Schry....r. (ric I(..o�••r. MIl.. I" .."on Dave You, �out H .... .H. GooH Boors Rondy I(".... . on, Col Knopp. NOI PIctured, Da". rOtI•• JoH Kollostud.

otlOAL FIRST EAST. Cotol $lo.....lck, Lori Nicol. Suo SUII,.,_, Ko,hl.o" HoI. 10 ......'1'. Jon Krogllod, Oobble (h,I,_ lion""" 1.0". Amend. NQnc" MUhol. kond o.b Ande,.. Sun.nne Joadid, •. ••, Nancy C",ti" lvo'y'" Toh.e. lindct L Goyl. Hond... on, Roch.1l0 IUo ",-'inda a...rd>I.y, Judy 0 0 ••00'.

OROAl THIIO WIST. aoltom .0 ....' At1ia Huyck.. .... McC.ocko", Jim koMI'. It..,.., "ore. Rick Ito .., A'on le'g. Seo:concI It_, J_. N••'.,.. lob M;choal.o". Kirk N.'''"I, Po,,' ,.,.,­ Ion. Keitt. Do..... 11..",-, An'.'o"t,. fOf! Ao...., Youthn ...._. Kirk V.I�. OOUIi Hinl{hb.'"9.� Tom It"fl•. Gov. e.......n. NOI PkrvrH' 00... HiIIl. John "Guy" 111:1011. �


. -




C)tIDAl "COND WEST, Up Ihe I.h .Ide of Ihe Tre.: Ceb 1I....hl J...lle WIn'•••. June Alben. Le._ ne '0""''11 Morse.e. John,on.' (kbe.g. Circle ot the lop; DII""e Schmitt, Jonl.. Wlckl...nd ly"', OIof.on, G,elche .. I.<IY." Ch.l. Ca.IJon, Dian. Man.y. Deb McDonald, Up Ih. rlgh' .Id. of ,h. Tr•• : (I"dy Hon.on. •rendo KingMa fllt.ob.'h Carl.r, Nal Pktu,II!d, MIIIg 'I,h. Cindy Scheid, Kotfty love

OIiDAl nlt51 waf. lotio... Row; karen la"-e... Ka"'y Sporllng I<olhy Peono" D c " .. .... .....n.on. s..:Lann. Walker. Ph,m. Norwood '_>ee W.O•• As­ ....fclrtl). I<rhtlHl ',ederldlJ, Sue Wonl". TOfI Row: U.o Janes. Mary Rennebohm.

Off Campus

OFf CAMPUS. 10Ho.... Ro.., Jvll. Pohl·Pallth. 'om WlMo, M-y Soward McKoan. Jonat 5ul"­ man, St..rlo""., Olin Pd,c.hard, Victor Art$<;ll... Second Row: ..... Tompol, Jill NGlwordnlc", J_. Hon.y"'.... Ilcxh••' Mis,.",,,, Sto.... Ung. Lorraln. Shul., JQsoph Go•••• CQ.oty" • 5__ lon_ Third Row' MII••llno Sandlond. Ko,hy KOnl. Iruco rompol, Ru,h aorn"on, Olnny Johnson. Tap Row, 5)'nn..... Hustoft, Pum "<;InSon, Joshua HoI'. 01"'. Johnso..., S".Gn Ff'ClI'I.', L.,....H. HoeSh.

-0., CAMPUS. Iottom RoW"; Mlk. lalch, Alan CIa....'. Top 11_, J<>e:1c Spenw., $gndte Rohm, Douglas OUlges. Loriso 510"_' Paul Cohrs, Debbie Wehm"."'.,, Dovld Cornoham D......ld MOOOlU, Do"'9 Anderson.


OFF CAMPUS. aonom tow: I�o"' 10rnt,.ln S,.... CrontJ;, Cory Hein., S.cond towl Torry Klrilpotr.dc. Ko••n Enyeart. 0;01\ N.u.on J.wol Homado. Lindo O"'W., Jacquelyn Cohen, MI· .Iom t••,o. Top Itow: Ch.htlna Mortin EkIb ... Yilt\ lydc••II, Hom..ud Ibrahim, Tom Thon.., Don.,.. Docban. Sharon (nyeo,", Viclt;. PomOf'OY. Jeff Ojolo Dicit J..n... M.lonle PDU. Donn.. c.-ocko"•

Off Campus

...... mEET HOUU. Janlul Co.... KOrll.. [1m.... . l,- Ogr..., roy. Jo__, D.bbl. And."....,


Off Campus

OfF CAMPUS. Iottom Row, Paul Martin, TIm A...derson. Gary Wusl"rb..rth. "The Rode", DO"8 Dorothy. a.."e Emmon�. PClul Whit., Jim Ca,lSGn, Duane fromhart. 5.�ond Row, Ko"",. Kun...., lynda Ae".uoy, tynne My.hrlng, D....... MI.'.r... . Schroeder. Third Row: Ihhtl SoW"ohl, Mary Johnl"O, Gra'chen Jerde, Terd Gedde. fout'lh Row: 1(".en Brottoenton. HeidI Smidt. Top Ro....:. D..bble Wel.enborn.





ChrISTophe. Davll• • o rb ...... '.., Ies, Conni. Bu_ rg", J..""y Robl.,n, Vicky Go"'lick. l•• Anne CampOli. Bobby Robinett. Top Row: Dennis Mo:FolI, Teddy Peten"n, Stephanie McClintick, Dawn (I.....tto. . Jun. Carlson. Ron Barnard, ,.... Ayns. Phil Norby. Marlo_Alma Copeland, Deb. ble �., p.,m Du«llon. OFf CAMPUS. lIottom Row: Chri, Sanders,


Off Campus

OfF CAMPUS Mlk. MeClwe, Rita Johnson. Corol AM>et'g. Jim reKrony.

PAltKWOOD APARTM£NTS. Mo.k a.andr, No;oncy Holme•• SheW.. Walker, Teri Whelm.r, Naney acwtr.!.On, Bart. Peorlon, hoy Bardley. 00"11 Girod, lo­ reen Haas, 5ue W..,.rin9. Ko­ 00". Johru.on. J_ .01 Colombini. Off CAMPUS. a.."am Row: Milo. Koren !loin. Jvdy Scott. Judi Bosh. (indy lv."· man, Dcrvld Artis. Top Row: Bill It"honky. leigh bl., David Huttoft. Do.... K,u.go•• Mik. e,own, And.e.. Trono.t.


Off Ca m pus OH.(AMPUS. lIottom low: Ri� Millo•• Suo F• .-w •. Lynel1. HO-'ilh, Jon'c. M.a,..holl, Ju6y $ell,..., fri<: _..wb"'a, D.." MUI.... la ...I. t.rl ... .. Tornml 1(..10•• S ••orsd Row, John "'<>co, CDry 5h<leklllly. Do...rd .....,bllh. Lindo F.'g",on. JOM Wallin, JGI1"I H.llesland. JIIIH atppoy Sh.rman Doni/dian, P.,•• Btarrk, (t.ortjU L. HuslDn III M1I•• fhll, Doon Anllnih, Tap Row: Dlllnnb &aogtlo, Jun., Bry., Timothy Do...;d lro...,al.y.

OFF·CAMPUS. (rolv A. DD...!d "Yo"".,." Donl.1 Dote. Off CAMPUS: Nat Piuuintd: J....H., . lIuchhol'", 5y"" Manl...... Vol Noy ••• Danis. Wollt. Anne Poanon, Jon. "''''''.n.on, Melody Gal.", Jo­ seph Go"eJ, Jeonpl...... (ho,el1o, Brod G",hom_ 1(Qrln Gw.,.nne, Tm, Brock.


OFF.CAMJ>US. lattom Row( Cotl J. P.'•• o 1.lan VIII Ma�lIl'n Nargront, Rolf

Pcndl_ �....,. Dong. Shlr.

ley Ge...rlnll' Kat ... y Oawnl, P...... N.'1I.' Top lew: Jo"'n Olahon. G.o.g. YOlln9, Gr--v Price, Dan we•• 11m '�k

�ot, ..."'�. Srktn VI... Kart.­

OFF-CAMPUS. 10Hom low,

ol Gt-e.r r_e. Top Row: C .... Cory H.In. Dg",id Kral",., Mill. WaHOft M�ln Jo"'n_ le.n Martin

St.". low.

00f'I. Cario ....... . ", en""n A. Hall. C....01 Holden.

Off-CAMPUS. lattom Raw: Gil Whlteolde, Jan., Ann Hildebrand, .n Hewitt, (mily Kuhnau. Second Aow: David KlnSf. Scott Deff'kk. Mo,"" Mumm. Cindy kllng.nb.rg. Sue Klmm.l, Top Row, Jeff Uedr..r, Darell,

Fred.rlck Adolf, Donna Worilmon. Sherrill Cann.r, Cindy Safford, Greg Flath.



KREIDLER A-EAS'T. SoHom ROWl Janell Wigen, Holly ParJr.ln�. Barb Fetty, Karon Reep . Sorond Row; PllgSY C" Dio,\I! Tremaino, Am. Hert, lQura

JOrgll"50", flf..

Sathe•• Kathy WeInman. CIndy 8...."d'. Third (Qris'rom. Melody Straight, April Andene", Jennl' Gabrielson. Top Row: Sue MueUe •.

Raw: lind... Ao-mlf,ong,


KREIDLER, Marlena Scholler, LyneHo Wong.,., laura lIimo'.

to, Sandra<lI.,pen, Cathy

Hulk.t'ad, Diane WflI'e, 8arb Sepko, Sf>eri Bo.ne5, Sue Sleon,

Deb .k> O'Ni.,ll, Su.anne Bloch. Janet Beyerlein. lisa G..uch­ mid" u....,o 8aldwin.



KREIOLfR, Left to "Jehtt Oe.O, Vonclyk, Tricio tenS,jd",", Pom Ken,•••, Sue " olr, Marti L_thold, Rob"" Rlnenon, Taro O'onl(o" D,.....e $chub'ad, Kim Men,n. DlanCl Ri..o......, Coral

Roblru.on, Eddl. KiloI', lynn Abernethy. Gloria P.'tI".,... ,R.,lden! Aub'","'). Mou...... Han­

nan, JuU. Hogeman, Andrea Hogan. Not Pic_ luracll Oonno Dr...'nok. (ynel. V,rga.on, Koth." Scammon, XI-I•• L1n.

KREIDUR 8-fAST. Top Row: Jon,' AI.. , Co,yl Schafft••, Re ...,. Hopp. 'om Tongen, Jon Hauge, Terri Thono..., I,th P't,n,n. lo,1 Co. rothon. Bottom A_: Itono Yoakum !It ••ld,n'

Anl,'onl), Dog"), Moyl, Audr" Cory 0 1 1 , H"oril•• Prico, Krij Lamb,." Holly Coballol. Barboro Spiel, ('wil'''' Thomp,o.... 1(0" '" K'n•.



KR(IDI.£R II-SOUTH. Bonom Row' S<mdII. M"I'tOn. To"''''1 5t.....ort.

Marianne Worm. I(arl S�h.d"" Co­

ral 19nallon. 5e�ond R o...., S... LUllen, Debbi.!I•• J",dy Lomb, Mr.



P.,....on, CI1,II,1 Tllul, $I.phon'. Wick, lecky FOil. In.lde Truck: komphQ...�.n. lIeth She,mer, Tlno

Andr...... fop Row: Wendy 5cltm.r, andy Poppe, C ••Ann Ollon (AI;. "uant H..od .e.lde"'), 5,.. Pihl.

, HeIdi Jonh,•. Jo.... $,h..I,..

KREIDlER C.EAST. Gal' Zoallner 5011'1 Gray, SUI! Youngblood. Morel.. M�Quad•• Jull.. 5m.,h, RiHe', luN,tI G"ndflr14n. rddl. klein, Sue 810./., Jockl.. K.",mlsh, PClI MeM<ln,,', GolI Ann


McCrotke". None)' O.t.f, Holly Turlil, StephAnia J.."I Sd'....lndr, o.bbl.. Franklin_ Amy Olson (R.,lde"'

Poppe. Debbie lion. KI", Stag"er,



IVY fOURTH (AST, R ..d III.d••II, lyl. SI.""a.t. JI.., ""eo, M..... Delapp. To... Fe.vln. Chuc" Sch...I••• S'ua., ,•••d (Re,ldenl Anl,tanl). Scolf lIa.n....., Don K.n_ n.dy. lob Sh.IIV•• n, D.nnl. D.n..,o.... K."ln SI.phen,on. To.., GlolI_ ..,on. Hubbw-d. Nol PI�tur"': J.... -..Ie. Ar_ "In Outl, Dole W ....m...

IVY IIflH EAST. ktto.., Rowl Po.... IIlundon. MMt. E"o,,,. Go,.,. Mh....II. R"",_. E.lck,on. '1.1eI Mead. K.,,1n '.ters.n. Woyn. loVolio. IR.,ident Aullfon" ,. S.�ond Row: DI,.. R••, •. Ric" And......., Ch...... '.en�h, Gory Sh•...,•••

C..1i lI(no.. .....c...y Wong. M..... Mo••I" Phillip WcoIdn.., M..... NOlwl..., Poul Tho..n.,. AI Ryil. Tim IUine, Don Gol., Jim lIanltlon. S,."e Ande.IOft.


I vy

IVY fifTH WEST. Bottam Row: Paul Dt'1Itb<.n, aM p o,.".n, SteYIII S"hrolllda,.

Rab,,,,.." Second


IIrllel!' Templin, Jim Gal. Craig Sheff••, Srunt WQ_ R<:I""




kelield. Top Aow� aalt lo.,e, Hendrick"


Reed Gun,t_.

HONG ntilD SOUtH. lkack Row: Lynn Jordon. Rod Swe_. Oon Johann.u.n. Todd Mil.... " OM Row: nm c..ole•• Peto, Bennott. Jo••ph Chu, Dol/o KaUe" ,.... 1I.....i"le . •.



Itow, U,.. luck Ch.;, Goh....on Judy Molon•. Cloro Mill.. Pom Schwab. S.'l;Ind 10....; a.lty HM. HONG SfCOND $OU'H. lo"om

�.I', Jill S-db., ....., hpeMH, Mkt..11 ........ '09 .......; M_. HolII. 11t.,ldonl Anl.lon'!. Poulo". White. Lori s.-....'.h. . Lori

W_ • •I Rilo ""'..1&0 ...... . .-g01 Stua"

0..",, 1 Oo...nport. Not Plcl....d: Vicki H..non, Moll" Monto...... Gloni•• Wray N....q' Llp.'o, Dione

....'-.. "Ing It....... Own loUDon,

HONG THlltD SOUTH. lotto," -ow: 00... K....pp. •0" Soty"" Dan Afode...... fop SIp...., C.....II• ....'.. W....n. Lod._. ko" .....Ito, Nowton ....... Doug Crowford. lddy To"" 0... . .,.....


H ong

HONG. 8o"om Row, Lo....l. St••I•• Vicki Zobe•. S.-cond Row: Sue Lind, Kothy (I,'on, Morsha L.wil, Jon a ••SI. J.onette MOle, Elilo".th H.flick. Cheryl Eckhoff. Top Row, Cindy SO.......n, Jon Lo.hden, Lora Smith. Koy. R.mme •• ld, Jan Rltch.y, J..... Philpott, T••I Gray, Jill Jons.n, Gino Hol ...a.,On, Poulo Vfis, (loin. Homann.

HONG a WIST. IIottom Itow; P.t••, Don Do...i'lOn, St..... K.My, Ron 5109111" S.cond Row: Mont P."non, Ron Setti., Phil aillielow, Do.... COlli;, Rocky Sh.ldon, Do...ll, K.lly H.n, rlc.kMn, Scott ••onlund, Top Row, Erik P••s. tetJoord, Mo.k Hogg.n (It.sid.nt Aulstont'. Not Pictured, John 'I;<uon, Von Prolhe., Andy Chow, am Corne", Do",. McL••rcm,



HONG FIAST SOUTH, Top '0 Sonom: Irie WII,on. Ron lI.nlon. Do ... Mo­ r"hOUle, Gory Poyn" !Heod A"Jid"n',. Shelly Payn. !Head Dan Uu. Lorry a.lI. Milo. florian, Vleld Conla..e,p'. Greg Vie, Nol Pictured, James Hall.l, Mark Dahle, aer' Guitla"'llen, Gary Slill, Robeo1 Sh.f. field, William Jungkun'". Glen St.lblJn8, Howard Morr l •. 10"'rt Dupr.e.

HONG A WUT. fron' Row: 'Ofty 'e,er.on. lIecky Huyck•. Second Row: Sue Sondker. h'h f_esen. Krls R'nto !Reslden' A"llton'). SUlon Dolphin. Emily J ohn..,n. Ambe. PeH'g'.w, fop Row: Noney Aow . Vl<ki Co.bln. Morayn Lor,on. Lb Hadten, EII.n $, . ...rlOn. Jodi Ande••on. No' PiCfured, Jedy Waf..,... 010... Olte,by. Sude Kuru. Margie Jones, Jonle Curti ••



Hind.,II. Second W.... loltom low, G_V" $dImok. J_' Watl.on. an_lov.lI. Roger Clo.... Second low, Ke" Applen. St..... (1Ilot, IC."I" Lob.... Do.... 01..0" ,I..lde,,' Auh;tanfj. ThIrd a_, ....b Cody. [nk S'""ndneu. loy C....pmotl, Mok. HoVlund. Top Row: Tim ....d., Can. londy ,...III"lI'ton.

Hlnd.,II. ThI,... "00... Tom Me.,er, AI Crln.r, 5 ...",. Dotol, Mlk. U""'.I, Bjo", M. .... "'. s.....tI l••, Orwg Hahn. s._ ModeIen, Chclrle. WriWht,

Konl" M!lre llTior, 0.... Cu�m.... lob Oolhculylc, Ray Aken, Jim ford IAssu'On1 He04 •• "ckfotJ, K_" LYle" ,I..,...", Aul........'.

1t,1. John,on. K.ifh Cook, Scott "'''';'' Tom

Htnderil. S.-;ond lost. ....b """_It. Del... D oue • • Dav. ..." ltole...e., Tom WllloOn, (luis Ite..y, Joh.. Ihu,"." D<l:v. Corifnom, .rion Imdt. A'_ Clelorod. J.ff Co....'.h. 01_"" ZI",b.lm..".

Harstad H....tocl 5.<ond S-th. 1 s..o tI....• .h.. Mkf't.llo Sct.oonb.l'ljI• ••••mory Mv.II.... 2. MDriho ........ 1 •• Ihl.-,I" S�olmon. Cindy Drol"D, Ch. .. MClUhoWf. 3. 10Uom low: Tosl Thod., Vlck' John.on, Do"••• " .h l,,'u8h . Top low; Jon"l.

4. 00""0 Go",,,o. ........0 H .. bor,

Cros�I ..., Gall L...., Jodl 5Im _ • .

Darin n..ompllOn. Jori khjoL

H","focl Socond South. 5. louom low, Lour. I" •• r.,t To,go,on. 00"1•• C ..... f.,d. lind.. ...m.... Top Row: MIllrY Vandi...., Mich.U. Stan,". MarIlyn hom, Amy GutKhm!dt.

Hln.,!!. Gout>d fl_" Gelr)' Rohdo. tom Rohdo, Dave Hensloy. Roger Vondt ...." Chuck Hotch.., Itoy Pul­ .110', luko Chan, Mtke Mehring. AI tlo",'_. Ito," .......on.



HARSTAD, h"om It_, Shari PP.tlon, Libby IVllnon, Christi Moc.ri. L......o 80Iung'cto(01. S_ond lItow, J.onn.nll ko ••n Downing, Beth ", Suton And.'lon, Thi.d .0....' Jac!, �I••, Ruth Jo.don, Ba.b Bullock, loul•• W••kl, Ko.1 810m, Kalhy Ho...lns, Crl. Ive....on, Olano O. ....n. Tap lItow: Co••ol h.ebe.g_ NOI �Clu.od: Jull. Ringold. Heath., Robbi".. HAUTAD GROUND HOOR. lIotlo", Row: Paula ROHM, Ellen ....w. son, IiCtls Ituucl, Sue KOI" , linda Koono. Socond Row; Paulo Storoosll, Gall Whlln • .,. Jon.' Leonard, W••dy Hov. land. 'hlrd Row' Joan Lomunyon, We 5011. Jan• •, P.,.non, Auuko Hoyo",o. K,Is PI."on, Jull. Dowell. J....i. Lohn. Jill Nord,'rom, K o••n ••n. 'op Row: Robyn W.r.lntk. (R •• •Iden, A$,Is,.,nll, k ." h . Iee n Branham, Connie Chon. Not Plctu.ed, Judith Rogo'l, Margoret loItey. lbo 0.._. Jan '''.ptle l., n,


HAlStAO tHIRD SOUtH. lottom: Sue Ri .... IR.­ $;"'n' Auld..." . ao"om Ro...: Dione VI •••• S.,'O ""on. . P.,;kh.,m. Sue 1I .... Mo,S." ., D�;.I. Noncy ...n. Lor. Olio", kathl••n Bo,tholomoy. Bo,bo,o Ju..... top Row, ....ndo Ki"'.ton. Kln'.n Ddd.n. Debbie MINe, Judy WI'_ Iiocoom, Lyne lIehen•. Cheri Schonk'e. Lilo Ohtod. KClren Melby. JG/WIO lon­ Stly. LelUe Dunbar. HARSIAD SECONO NORtH. II Oll om Itow, L..�li.. Loc"ey, Jon; Be.ks""', t.ruo Smith. Sondra Wolk e., Pam Stubl'en. Cindy Von Gilde•. Second It_: Judy Donce'. t.n' Mill.,. J.,.' 1Iufle., K.II Krobbentooft. AI",.,no R •• d, Vic '" G,ohn, Ruth S.... nso... Top It_: G.... Walker, lis.. RondCllph, AnV.lo C'nd, P.t.non. Chiopulio. O.bbl. hof_ 'on. Noney HoI",o".n. III.. .. JOlpe"on_ No. Pi" u••d, Co.lo Whit •• Lbo Scholonvo. L.... ... _.lmon_ Us. Ande.lOfI.


HARS"fAD flfT11. Bouom Row; 5u. IUIn Hollo....oy. Gole fuh�. R.glng 8reok"•. Yok.. Ho,la, .Iuc1y luebke. NQ"'y HQn�.n, LouiH Sawyer [Re_ ,Ide", AuISla",), Anllela Coo,e,. Top Row: Oebroh lorl..n, Ka,hy Hef,y. Mo.y 51.0,holo, L.....,h, 8lobaum, Cheryl Mongan, Sfe_ ph....l. Tropp. Condy lubberl. �yl­ vlo Itvm. Not Plctu.ed: Naomi P�eger, Martha Blundell. Lori Wjllionuen.


HARSTAD FORUTH NORTH. BoHon. Row: J",lIe, Th ••• so Harth, Vlvla" Wahon. Alyue Young. Paulo Kol.$••. I(ore" Her"'.... Olano Hid)'. 8arb Hemec, eOfly Nehon. Heidi laulnClnn. Top Row: Tracy Va" AI,ti"o. Ko,lo MIIII, Julie FeUer, Jean Kunkle. Not Plc-ru,.."': Sylvia Nobbe", """"''' V_ Div••, Kit Mo••y, Deb Va" Ohlen, JiM Martin. so", POIIIIY L ... . Koren Bolei. K...." loisloy.

;.� '"

� ..;. .. ,






1" .

�. ,



.. .,'


.A ,





Row : Su�ann. Un. SUIoOn Young.


Corvo....,. Shorl SeoH. Oo'y

Schutt •.



Mowery. Jon Henriks.... J.nnlf., Tocla. Lori l....rop. . Ch.ryl Ou.hUn. Oono Fall. Thl,d Aow, aonnie Cia,•. Jull. Tho,,"p�n. Top Aow: C.llo Holt. ..... Vounqu;!it. Brenda IoII.s (Aesident As";stont,. J.nni'.r Kyl­ lo. Marl lIoal.rud. Not Plclu.ed, Monica Chu. Daisy






Aow; Shoron Stltt. Deb Joc"lon.








Roberti. Pot f"....ish. Pony John­ Ion Ie..

son. C_oI fan. Second Row; Gall

SW.....y. T.,eso Edwo,ds. Whit•. Thl,d A..w, Jill Aoblroe"e. Anne HaUey. 51.1. A,••tad. O.b Lindo


Hoen, Stephani.

K.lstens.n. Joy. Aow: .....y


K_dro S�".

Aed'i.ld. Top Irwin.


'OSS THIIO SOUtH: kt. 10m low: Bob Adami. Second Row: Terry Po. Ir/tlc, 5,....

Aycho.d, R_ Clink. Top Row: Hal Ueland, J...... ..., ,,,,, C.alg John",", Terry n.'ct.••. Ion 510....0111. J.II Al"d, 00". Slbow". K ...I Hetty. John Iley, lCevin s,own. 1(,1, Yopp. To",""'.

tom 1_: Sve ,...trW ... K_ Nelson, Sieve lin­ go (....Id..., Anlnantl. Sho,,," (ollld.,. K ...... a.c-berl.... Aloft Nlchol_


s.cootd low, Solly ktvoed••, IIC ..., ''''''g''''


M1k. Klarich. A..i 'a lng.

qvgt. Co.... ...... Tom",.,. Dole, .ryon Coleman, Ho.... c-t_. Top low,

o..y �b.t. 00". P.d,.,· ton. Tom T".h, kb �Ol' '." Marie Olohon, D.b. bl. Fr........ Dcan luckll... fOSS THIItD SOUTH. 10'·

tom Row; Kim Smith.

Oonnll Noleo.hlmo. lho au,k. 11.lid •• " A..h·

lonl). s.u. W...d, Jal�

Kohe""". S.,oow! low: Noncy "...holl. III.. .. Schipper, An.. H..I1. Le.He Pm•. Jill Joh...._, T.rn

'orbe., S'o. Hohmo". S ..IIy S,h,..ede" Jull. Mue"lCh.,. Top Row: ( ..mle Ouiu..pher. aecloy Hvclo... Oebble Nabl•.



.OSS OORO NORTH. ..nom Row: Kathy Self", ao- '-ney. ......I O(son, lick Phillipl. S.nlM low' liz Ea.t1inlil. Jm POt••l4n, COlhy Mc.R_. Andy TWlgbom, T'h"d Row: lori Kravw. Rutt. RefNfto,.ld. Ko­ ._ Lanr.....n;, DM" ICnut&on CI.­ sidon' Aulnon,', Mlek ZI••I.,. fourth Row: Cathy Mead, kim 01• .on, Gary Foldo, Mat'ilo,.t Pluen­ bar9o" foci .,..IH. 'Ifth low: St.",. Itl.".rgo,. Sandy Alb••t. IOn. 5_ Hood, auH.,. "_. 'op low: Jim ChopmCW'l, Jolf Mclough­ lin. o.oreo Jo,.,I., Hot "Ie,..,.d: Tom Han...... Co...... '.Y." JoH 'ord. Ga."" Iu"'ow, Debbie 16mp­ �.... None)' J..,.." . fOSS 51COND NORTH. Io"om low: 'orry Ttvasher, DIan. Dunlop. An­ .. Ken HelMln, Mine (hun gl. ....,. Ching. Second I\lw: Staty Willa"" Sondy Con,ad, Lindo Zu,b,uSlIiI jll.,kt.n, AIII.tont). JIM Jaruon, J.K. AdGms. Thl,d Row: Cindy Sto.o.'. Kathy ,.own. Olano Stopeon, Stgrid OIlen. Jeff a...g• • Top Row: ehrl, H.....ihon, (ottl)' n.-., Pol lobern.



fOSS SfCOND SOUTH. lottom Row, No.b Hub" , Dian. "Cho Cho ChG" ChClmb•••, K.I". N,I.,n, KG"")' Tv,it. Scon kido, Mik. Svglno, Randy ShlNl,mon. Second Row: Mcuk Tol".dt (R•• ,IdeM Anlstont). Rick Lo,et, Dove "Doc" .....ghmon. . J.o.... Meye., Mo.ty King, Joan loabv'n. Deb DoI".en, Peggy Pough, Kelly

(o"ulo, [1'0 "Egg" Aegerter, S'ade Mogil. Third Row: Gall Stone. Joyu KUlky. C,olg C"mmlnll�' St.ffon Toilol. (",tb "Mongo" Krage., I.aln .ngi....... Top Row: Chris Clark, So"go Ande,_ son, Beth P"'''y, ...... 1090rd. Not Plctu.ed, lob 0,.0.... Herdman. Patrice frllb••• Paul Gray, Carol Nordby, Cynthi" Meu;c&..

fOSS "'ST NOITH. lIonnle McCaMe, D.bbi. Nelton, Mo.,. J o ,",o'en. Cindy N.... K ...ry Locke", Wendy ....1I..p.. ...." Applen_ Sharon K-... Lon .equco, U.. G.d, JuRe ........ Noncy Ly.hol, K.rren John,on. Julie a"ardan. Karen MePhI.....y. Morel .OSI. MaU)' McCab". Katf\y Al'I4enon la.lld"nl Aul.lanll. Nal �: 0.. 00,,,1'. Ko.,," N"llan. ,.,yllli HI.8r...... l.rl Word_CIOr, linda Holt. J.dy DvtKa".

lVlRGRUN SIXTH WEST. U... Harpol•• Mary Itlc., Paula Randolph, C"",,, Dorothy, Joan ".1,_. Cindy Carbon, Iondy lomb, C-"n Iuc.... J"..ln. Ccrmpb.n, M.lilSa Durf ••• kar... Nygoord, L••II. $1.._•• Goyl. F...nch. <yft...10 ,"""'•• O.I...n. 00",1., Jln•• Lona•• [1__ &• .kay GII,"rtlon IHead 1t••ld.n'l. No' Pluvr.d: Nancy V.n"'.... ,.,. Karl Joh,"on,


Lov.... lahnlon.

rYE.GlUN SIXTH. fin• •OWI iii... L...I.....rtI. lob MeI"ty.... Octv!d <",.,pb.lI. Pet Kina. s.c.ond Itow: Dotv" Hays, .rod Lanon. Wad.

H�. ,..ter Edmon,,". lhlrd 1t0WI Po.... sm•• Ste.... V... ,....... Dan HiII."od. MIm-I Dahl•• Eric .unnl.... fourth .aw: Dovld

t� 0 (3

(J 0

Shork.y, ,..,. Simpion. Mark Ch.lI.. ul.

Ste". Jcuobson. Brio.. And.rson.

1!l I!\





IV£RGRIEN SfYENTH WEST. lo"om Row: Kvrt "etenon, JIm F••d.lcI"",n_ St. ... Irion, Mark M<:Coy. Jim Molzhon, Paul Lecoq, Chl.f lick Shave,. 5",co1'l0:l Row: 51..... Douc"'''e, Tim Thom.en, P... MoHlch IResld",n' Aul,'an..., .

Arne Plhl, londy Zeile •• P.rry Schmidt. BI..lno �.y, Layne P'8.'. Top 10_: Mike Thompson, Jim Lore..,., Dvon", Unk.v., Jeff Whit., Jon 1.bony. Not Plctur<tel: Tim Weill. M_k lom_ .tad, Erlk Klr>dem, Scott forllund.

IVIRORIIN SEVENTH lAST. Keny Newmon. h·elyn HClmmerti"V. J_ Neyenl, JuU. John••n, Deyonne Lehman, Sharron $I"hlmlll••, Donno Amu'""'tl. lecky Lundin, Cindy IUem., J_" ' M1...., Lynn ''""'''', 0._0' Ily, Lynn P.t.". or Hanglnv: Jo.. ....lntIf••ld, Deb Mor. van. Mar1ha Olson IRedel.1tt Anlllontl, Clal,OCllo SUOVIiI" Hot Ph'..r.d, Wondo '.no, Lona MydIand, Ma,.n s-..t.. Ceel ,1.101, Mo,lonoe Gibson. Mory leek, Lol. SUrvm.


DIU•. � R_. Mana Irldu_. He'" ,...., Chris KIov..., ...... �. Cort RoH. Secoood

CIoIr "'.tt........ ' ....d . Joe fiMhw. c-.. .Iofte. Terri Gudgeon ..... Raw: Lari L.ewb. ctNd! Coop.... N-,. MoaN, .. ,.....,. � Johnt.Oft. ...... ..... . ....... ,.... 1....... Day. acw.k, K.... y H...... 5..... H...., MIl. ,,...,... M.... W ..., 'on')' V...I, ..,...... ..... Top ao•• K_.. 'oylor .0Wl Dove Iridian,


.kH MooN, Mill. W........


Casca d e





koel'er, Jana Olson, Conoly

Mc G• • .


5.18, MD.)'

Slichter, O"bbl" Kenagy. top Row: Sonni" Bc.-ch.rdlng, Diane Nieman, Kothy Franco, Kim Hal­ li"r, Jull" Sladtman, Vanessa flrown, Karen Cummtn�, flannl.. Coughlin.

letl; Ann llire.... e.,

lIelh Covehlin, Kathy

GrOGI. Not

Pictured, Sally Hewett, Corol flomadillo. Porn louer, Kathy Hod."H, Lynn Lew/,.

CASCADt: SlCONO wtSt. Mo." Ca,I,I,om, !!Irion T""lett, Rolf Lund., Brad Jenson_ Randy Schmidt.


SohlbHg. 11m ToOlo.ton, Todd Ho,delly,

II--ty Whltm....,. p_, O..... h., M..... Don Seibel, Rand Drollmon.




CASCAOI THIRD WHT. Bottom low, Sharon Gan•• r. Karln Bernhards.n. Second Raw: Pat McManus. Alana K_t+e. Sort. Gotch. Marny M....son, B.tte B.Iir.. Sandy ErlcI.. on. Tina Mori•• C_I Dolan. Pam Ma••III. Jan Tydingl. Cindy Ohan. Top low; Ch.,1 lusl. Me..y Peterson. Sue Ca.h.n, Comly IdIO, Me,,1 J.a" Blgolt. Not Plctu..d, K....." C,, M....y Langdon, Koren Honson. Mlc...n. Hopp, Shan Volpy, Kg,1 Mul...lhili. CASCAOI THIRD EAST. Top 1_, Ken Morris..... Lloyd Lund. Mlk. Holfmon. Sec-" low: P.t., Mor­ ris. o. • ..,k Heinl. Nathon ........ PmA Hid.,. John Kno_, M..... GuIdo.. Third Row: Mo.k Honlon. Owiv/>t J.rde. Rob H....s., . Jim WUlt.rt.O''*', Scott 1011001, Stuo.t Iroth ••• ,t...... Marie Reiman. en•• fink. Jeff Magin. R••d W••t. V..... Cohn. 00.... T'<>ge.." Not Plctur.d: linMyhr. Tom Vonnll.k.

1929 IlentJ.y courtsey of John Woll.,hh, South Tocomo Moton.


kttl on ond off COmP'll ltv..."h know the 011 '00 fomilla. ,m.1I of "Th. Po,,"" loco,.d neaf maln'enonc. and J,4Ic ....I'y bvlldlngl.


"'oru perfor....e .. by cto.m .eside,,'s 01,1' of "eceni'y 0.

WOUolng ond ....ylng do,h., ore 'wo of 'he mony

fro.... ''''9gel'ioft5 by por.,," on" ft.iendl. Rid. Po"ks tok.s odY..,'og. of IfI.e lovndry foclll'ies located In St\Ien Boleo:nem.

flndlnog ° porkl"g spoce "eo. yOl,lr dor.... Con be a !olk. A g••ote. 10110 con b. 'olklng your woy 0,", of 0 ticket for porklng In the wrong .poe••

( . J� Il i\ lU t I�

Incoming freshm_" often foce Initiotlon octlvl. ties. Trying to eet bock to cornpl,Il from 5.0111. 1, one orlglnol osslgnm....t d.eomed up by Ivy'I .11 mol.. upper clon....n.


PS--I need some more wash money Dear Mom and Dod, You iust won', believe whol happened todoy on my birthday! Somebody finally found out who has been leaning garbage (ons full of weier agoinst the doors 01 night.

So mom, you will be happy to knoW Ihol our

floorgot woshed. Oh, Ofld I finally gal my

sheets woshed 100. No, Ihey were not on Ihe ilOOf. It i$ jus' Ihot I hod 10 grab something when all len of ,h. guys on our wing lore me aul of

bed cnd threw me in the cold


Since we were up we decided 10 go 10

up the lost of our lest tUbei. In philosphy I baught the teachers old

cor. For lunch we went for a quick hot pizzo at Turco's. When I got bock I hod iust about finished my terminal poper when someone suggested we ploy hoop to kill some spelling blues. I f that was not enough to liven u p a few aches and poins, I gal attacked by on organization tnot 'trapped me nolf naked 10 a board fOf the traditional Boord !tide through the dorm. Thol should explain why eO(h girl in ovr dorm owes me a backrub to heal this

don and then 10 Denny's for breakfost.

basketball stars agony.

we hod

ooce a year. We hod a lillie private party

Some nut wwesled we eot 01 the UC and (I

good lough.

CIOU8S wer. unbelievably fonololtic lodoy. In chern lob things were running smoothly and occurolely as Ihe dolo I hod

seorched 001 before hand wos predicting Ihe experimental doto sotisfactorily. (Ah, the

All in all, it is too bad birthdays only come

tonight. Yes dod, there is a small amount of "illegal" drinking in the dorms, but I certainly don't know anything about il. We

hove 0 great wing and 0 super RA.

weirdo lob portner cnd ex-roommate blawďż˝

love, Your son

convenience of lob on Friday). Then my PS-I need some more wash money.



AlPlNl llOHTH lAST. lon_ Rowl Ok.. 101'111011 (R••lde,,, Atlh'on'). Doug HoUmon, Ken luohn. hott louthan. Jeff Peek. Top Row, lIaiph Lo,.,k., TIm 'OH!r., Jon K....f . •• llaln_ 'owoll. Jeff Di�Ir.., Do"'. MO)'I. lob lok.r, Charll. Wlillo.. ". ',od 'olk. Not Plctur.d, Kevin McDonald, Phil Ran­ dolph. (0,1 Oll.,.tro""

Kovln SchoU••, Todd "nc..., Jim lv_,. Sto",. 'Nh)'to. cnq "'-non, '""c. e.... R.. ALPtNl NlNnt WUT, Bottom low: '.Ion Nouf.leI, ko" H....... IlIotldent Aul.fOnt). '09 Row, Rid!. Ly'-n_ Joel Sm�, Chuck HoM....... .kH 10 ••.001. Pouy_ M.. ,roy lou.., Joel p.,on.on, 0.... Anden.on.




I ..w: M.... Kelly, Mo.k Aberte, •.....ty Dr.....rt. Jim V... Dyk.., Tom fu.....,. Top low: lUll Hunt.r, Bruc. HoHman, Jot.. H..,-0I..5. No' Plctu,.d, Col Skouguod, Co,'ton I....b, St.". Schumon, o.rry MlIIMINonei.

ALPINE NINTH lAST. ...Hom low, J_.... Munson. Motel �'I. o.nb. S-"_y. Jill Aho...., J\HIy Angb•••, Top low: Cindy 'randl, Ju... J..""on. Noncy l.e, Digm Slr.lbl.l, hrb Stllw.ll, O.b lylo, DClph,.. '.ppon." �y Lvm. front, O.b Of• ..rOy 1'.1Uent Aul.,_,).


tom low: Pom.lo Wild ••• Honey Iv.a...., A... ....,d, ......., AI,dolIOO'l. Ik1h W_d, Lou.aI.. ....... {H.od a._ .......,. S<tc:ond lIow: (nna H."".u.y, Muriel Sold...

� Metc:o", Marcy Sula• •llon. Yol.,I. K..ulmon, Patty "'OOkl, $ull. 'urns, JIM ....n.. •..., (..tenet-•• Top low: (lvl,tl. MultOO'd, Carol Doh'. Not ,Ietu,.,h CIvi, Johnlf;Hl, J...I. ,kId ..... n JoN. Olson.


".c. Lutl' •• ,.n u. So. 'ec om e W. y ."Il .1""

There's no place like hom e Top. lop, lOp . . . there', no ploce like

home, Iher.', no place like hom•.

From childhood and the doys of the Wizard of 01: 10 odvlthoocl and college. home i$ $Iill a nice ploce 10 be-os mosl off


campul sludents will

Hom. meons pels and your favorite kind of food, cooked

10 your own losle. Home



place for .olilude or loud gotherings with Ihe

stereo on full blosi. Home is where you con be you, nol lh. kid in 2 0 1 who likes 10 loke ,howeu 01 midnight. Home is 0 ploce where lhe d id'lel pile up and messy is in th. eyes of the creator olone. An opportmenl, 0 large rented house, even the family home con be 0 dwelling coiled nome. Whelher the rf!(l$On is reloted to cost or conVet'lience, approximately 50-'. each yeor choose to re,id. olher thon \n campus dormitories.

But, living off campus con bring certain djfficulties, The yellow brick rood from home

10 school can involye impouibilities !eyen

red lights, parking

....ith .

a current bumper

Iticker), hours of driying and commuting not

only to Khool but to ....-ork perhaps also. Som. non residents ocquire a feeling of onnihllation. Porticipating in .... oter . fighh ond dorm roids is part of a uniyersity life which many studen ts never b&ome ocquainted ....ith, . excepl through Siories. Working



ones rent and food con bring � responsibilities. Thus off compus students

often get reputotions os mature:

AU in all, off compus liYing con

be, like on compus liying, on experience to remember during tho� college doys. .



When home is 20 minutes away, Ihe University Center CoHee snap oHers a hoven for b.own boggen, those who do not want 10 cook o. group study. Pa.king across from Martved, library almost seemS an Impos­ sibility from morning to mid af_ ternoon when mosl commutors ore trying to find Q spot.



'Let's get together'



_ 0.' Vk.-Pr.sld.n' Jim Hall."

Adlvltl•• Vk._......ld.n' SCO" Rodin

b..cutiv. Vke-Pr.sld.nt Jim NI.mon Pr••lden' Ron "n,on

De(ision making is not limited to the administration or Board of Regents. AU tuilion paying students belong to the studenl government ASPlU-Anocioled Students of Pacific Lutheran University. ASPLU is responsible to and for approximately 3,500 on and off campus students.

The three factions of ASPlU include the Executive Council, the Senate and a committee system. President Ron Benton, Exe<utive Vice-Presidenl Jim Nieman, Activities Vice-President Scott Rodin and Business Vice-President Jim Hollett formed the Executive Council. The foor exe<ulives teamed with nine ele<ted senators including 0 freshman closs representative and seven senole advisery members 10 provide students with a voice in university related molters. A minors program, initiated by students, was credited 10 ASPLU action. Students were involved with the development program which questioned and sought response 10 the future of PLU. ASPLU also acquired another van and the seemingly annual losses in the Entertainment COfllmiHee were ooulted with the Benson, Siewart and Kalapana concerts. btra mom.nt. "for. the final Trivia Bowl round allow Dave Morehous., Jim Nlemon, Ron "n,on and Jim Hall." 10 ptan som. winning strategy. The ASPLU prevailed os the lali ioumorn.nt champion•.



Senotor Bill Cornell

' Let's get together'

USSAC Handicap Swim Volunteers: Mark Aberle, KIlI...n Iorker, Jconet .edinfllfleld, Peter .lllInk, Mory Ja .ro....n, Cindy Ir_clt, Robin Colender, Delrene Davil, lob Droke, Cyndy Fv",_, Gall Gordon, Jan Gordon, .eeky HalfII,

Lila Harpole, Lori HVleth, Mori HVle*-, PefllfilY King, hluri Kroll, Diclne MllIrI1n, More �Coy, Nancy M_der, Nancy Mlllholl_d, Mark Mvmm, Donna Nakashima, Lori Nicol, Jill Nordstrom,

Gary Pobst, Dave Pote, Mort. Pectenon, Wendy

Phillips, Kristine Plenon, Rv*- Porter, DllIffet Pn>venc:her, .e*- Pvnty, Lillll RllIndalph, Koren Roep, Sve aimermllln, Lourlll So,her, Kathy Scammoll, Heidi Smidt, Robin Sml"', Tammy Stewlllrt, KllIthy Thomol, Kathy Tveit, Tom Tveit, Gale Walker, Lindo Weberg, Dvone Werth, Pclm Wilder, Judy WiIIlllIms, Sue Y_fIIblood.


Senator Chuck Haseman

Senotor Rolf Poulson

1 Under the auspices of the Associated Students of Pacific lutheran University

(ASPlU), nearly 30 committee organizations

deal with such contrasting aspects of student life as food service, religious life and parking appeals. Committee appointments are made each year after officers and senators are chosen in the general student body election held in February. The committee system survives with student participation when students apply for the various committee pasitions.

Ou,doOf' Commltt_. Bottom: lIob Krattk•. SMOnd low: 6....y McDonald. Jody O""con. 'oul So(kmon, She,ry McK�", Chutlt Holdl.r, Hal Horbin•. Top low: Jim Chapman, Don lyon. No' Plctvr.d: Da". Bortholom.w, Martha OI�n. Morlt Mumm, Don Bishop.

Jorlo"'S 0'10" a'tracts mal'ly '0 ttl. C."•• Oth •• •"anh cOl'lt••ll'Ig around ttl. CO". w.,. wing functlOI'lI, flnola w••k all, lat. night pi..... and 0 cont,o".rsy ov., .toH pay.


' Let's get together'


Senalor Dennis Hoke

Vor.lty Che.,I.od.": Mory Ik•• Mo,"" Tollt.dt. Jim Wu".rborth. Julie Hoe......... ..cky Lurtdln. Jon TydiflVI. 1C0thy Downl. Jull. Joh".

...n. Tom Vo....kk. Da.... DaIII. LlJCI Horpol.,


Senolor Jim Funfor

ASPLU CommlHees: Academic Concerns Campos Video Committee Cave Manager and Staff Charily Coordination Cheerleaders College Bowl Dods' Doy /Porenh' Weedend Elections and Peuonnel Boord Ent&ftainment Series

Food Service Games Homecoming legal Se",ices Movies Off Campos Student Organi%otion Orientorion Outdoor Recreation Special Events Univeuily Student Sociol Action Committee (USSAC)

Senator Bill Phelon

Admissions and Retention Artist Series Housing lecture and Convocation Parking and Appeals Soard Religious life Council Safety Student Activities and Welfare Univeaity Studenl Publications 8oo,d Student Standards University Center Boord

Philip Seal,

Student life

Ka",y Down' _d Da.... Daht Introduc. a '"'. ch••r,

Jull. Hav-mcwo honHt,...,tfMo crawd's .motions In on o'e_ll.d c...., whll. Jim Wust.,barth', ott.ntlon I. cavgoht by "'. action _ t+oe ,. ..1.:1.



Residence H all Council Gory RohcIe-Hinderlie Beib Nemec-Horstod Kirk NellOn-Ordol David Vou-Ordol Chor MOTthews-AcTiviTies Vice President

Bill Myhr·Coscode John Heslo·Fou Rich Ponh-Stuen Jill Gjerhon·Secretory Ridge HotTle·Treosurer

David Co)(·Vice PresidenT Morle Peterson.Hong layne PresT.Evergreen Jeremy Stringer·StudenT Life Wayne lockmon-President

Not Pictured: Coraline Comphou",n.Kr.idler Jim Weyermon.Pflueger Lindo Fooren-Pflueger Bruce Hoffmon·Coscode Jim Voil.lvy •




.... ,, ', .. -.1. .._ . _.., .. ... ' ,.

" ' ,, '. - ­ ,--


Norsk Club - To further our educotion by acquointing us with Norwegion customs ond cuhure. giving the students



O rgan izations

opportunity 10 use the NOfWegion longuage. St_.In. (ommltt... (01'01 Nordby. Potty J9"U1". Karl 110m. Cor.1 r•••b...... Not

Pktvrecl: S,.... Melton. ....... fo...", Ir. f...._.

Intemotlonal Students Organization IoHom I_I S.,I..1a K...... Mohc.tecl ...1 s..w.'''m. Jo. (h.... Homoutl Ibrahl..,. Toho Moria. Mar..,., Wkk_ slTDm. fop low: �. Chan. P..,I L........ I"y Tam.

J........ Hon. DaIs., Lam. Sin..... So.lya. y...ko T•..,......



Independent Knights .Sophomore men', honorary dedicote-d to the ideals of service, soerifice and loyalty to school and community, To promole college spirit, Christian fellowship and personal development. limited membenhip. Bottom: Jim Jorvl•. Top Row , lob, Poug .....n.on, . Do... Olson, K."ln D_II, Kerry Pierce,

Rcond)' Lindblad, Scott

K.o"lund, Tim Potorson




Spikes-Spurs ond Independent Knights (IK's) who hove compleled their one yeor of service with a desire to carry on types of work begun in the two original organizations,


lottom lowl Dovid FOIt.r, Mark ligott, D.b Maurstad, Caryl Schofft.r, Ca.ol Stalwick, Su.

Want•• Jan Hauve, Second low, K.rry Ple._, lob Krotd, •• ChrllUan I.uvigoord. lobyn Woulnlk•• J.ff Whit •• Mark Stroud, D.bbl. johnlon. J_nl... '.ott.r. Top low: loy Hom_ m.rllng. P.ggy Ekberg. lob Dl'Gk•• $cott aallou, layne St.v. lump. Sharon Cont.lII. frlt••


,.. • •

Sput"s-Sophomore women with 2.S gpo. To promote personal inTegrity. service to others, and interest and participation in PlU activities. A noTional organiZation with limited members. lIo"om lowl JoanNo. Trott_. C.lto Hott. SfMan..... lIoyl, P-stlly Ekb.'g. D.b Mountad. Mary Lou L.ffmann. Sec:� low: Do.

,In Thompton, Nil. ,.It_. u. Ollpln. Lour.1 'rollg (lucia 1,ld.). Ko.en Nygaard. K.I. Jon H_g•• Top low; lobyn Worslnllk., Mew" li.tmonn. Sue A,.ltad, Pu,dy, J.on Kllng.nb.'II. �y Iludo 1.1eI. At· 'ondant), Su. lind. O.b Jotwo. lon, Kristin lrown thIda 1.kS. A".ndont), L_.o Iy•• n........ Harth. I.endo Hub.r, Suo Won ... Del 1_ Davl•• Olano lals.bcKh.

Feminist Student Union Bottom low: Chris POlt ...ino. l••11e F.....rg. Ioorit ....llo<k. Kathy•• Top low, Su. aloir. Angelo Coot." Jock;. DeVriel.


Alpha Psi Omega-To stimulate dramolk


inferei' at PlU, 10 provide on honorary for drama sludenh. Nationol.

kta Gamma Sigma-To promote scholarship. odvonce business education and fOller i!'llegrity in the conduct of business activities. front lIow: Chorryl Molono, Morltyn Norgront. Joff Smith, Cory Corl.on. IClck Row, Kor... •ro...."ton. Be... Knopp. 11.01'1 lri'sc"" .


Iottom low: Don Hokel, Phil Holto, Joanl. Schumachor, Gr., VI., Shorion... Moillohn. Ginny Johnson, Ko.. Orton. Marth" Scko.f.r, Un. Top low' •• Lorry llhae, Koro.. Cham..... Shoyne Whit., K....ln McK_. Mary s.wCll'd_ McKeon, Glenn e.vdlow, Jun. Pohl.PoIkh. UIIG Dvdloy. Judy C...llIGft, Mo,* Scfoumoch.... Dc.1e For....,. Von Prothor, Mclmeo Holli••


Beta Alpha Psi Sottom Row:

Karen SrotherUan, Cherryl

Molone, Dione Mayhew, Marilyn Norgrant. S.�ond R_: Alton lewb, Mark lu,ley, Oove Choso, Eldon xhaf., lfa,ulty Vi,e P,esident), Wolter Koopman. Top Rowl Tim Anderson. Yidor Ben,,_I, Kirk kker, Jeff Smith.

Alpha Kappa Psi-To promote courses

10 degrees in business odministration; 10 foster research in business fields; to leading

further individual welfare of its members. Bottom Row: P... Trogdon, R01II_' Nibler, Nancy Eveleth, Cynthia Jone, PClul While. Top Row: Terry L. Sod..., Jim GGlbroith, MKho.1 A., Corl R. Grigsby, Ric Miller, Wolt Koopman.


Organ izations

Natural Science Club "'''0111 Row: S,ott IUdo, Tom Gal' Kno., Linda F.rgu,on, K.lth Do",I" Cody R••ve,_ IlI<h._ Mill••, Ulllon Koro. Top Row: lyn_ Tohe, los. 0101, Tim Kobe,"U., Mary McGlnnl•• 'rendo Rineer. Irene A....nd.



Mayfest Dancers Bo"om Itow: leslie sinex, Dick Burpu, Ma· rlanne Gibson, Seo" Dtttrick, Bob Cooley, Anne Mcluskie, Wode Die"', Co"'y Doro"'y, Debbie Ituehl, Col KrlClpp, Jeff Ueker, Korl John.on, Mark Itedlin, Jono Ankrum, Jeff Tenve.dol, Lynn BonV, Top Row: June Albe.., Gr.v Fink, Krist. SoV...old, Do .... lricklOn, Lorry B.y.r, Lynn. Mo.hrlnv, Loyne " e,', Morlho Obon, Ron synd.r, Cindy Albritton, Seo" Kennedy, Ca.ol

Gr••r, Cody A .....el, Lindo Roml.y, Mo.k Gutdo" Morcla sokrllon, GerTy Milholland, Beth Tenne.en, Brod Aliln, Lori W"'lIel, Gino Hoi• ...orson, Bob Drok••

Phi Chi Theta-A BU$inen·fconomics

fraternity which brings speakers to campus, conducts tau" and has social progrom$. Bo"om Row: D.bbie f....nkltn, Syl...lo N.gstod, Jol .... Melcolf, Kathy Soneront, su.- f....ks, .. Mo""'o leotherwood, Monha Leurs. Top Row: Judy K.ovpo, Kathy LolHiy, Corol•• And.r_, J.nny Rollton, Linneo Snolla, Mortha Mllter.







(SCAR) k"om Row: Mile. ".ltbcKh, ,_line Jens_. Top Row : AI_ KI.ln lAd vi,...}. Irk Kind_"" Paul. l•• Low,.., GI..ny lunch, D••I.... Conley, Do..,.., '.rry Thrash.r, Irion •••d.

Tossels-Senior women with 3.0 gpo. To serve as on incentive 10 women of PlU '0 strive toward high scholostic achievements and 10 recognize high scholorship and leodeuhip in the university. limited membership.



Aret. Soclety-liberol oris �Iudef'lh selected for outstanding academic achievement. To recognize outstanding scholostic ochievemenl in o liberal oris program.

aottom lOWl Jesse No.... Louis Joc:ob....., s.cond a_: Jim Binghom. A.... McLuski40. Martho OtIOf'l. n.� low, � Tempel, CaI.,1n Knopp, Mcwtt He"_ drkks. fourtfl lOWl AfySH you.... Co�1 Hold..... Wililom GIddings_ Rftb low: J_, Smith, Sherr.,. Dong. Dco.. fl__n. T.... low: Mort. Bnmcft, o.orve Arbcough. Lesli. Dunbar, Cincty .......on. . Not Pk. t_.h .onatcl eo..., Catt.ryn Cook, Thomas fue,lo" Dcwo!.1 Tho_.

Volleyball Club


Choir of the West Maurice Skanes, Dlr.dor Soprano I Gwendolyn Bryont Vicki Conlovespi Kathy Downs Gretchen Hewill SUMJI'Ino lind Vid:ie Pomeroy Janice Ritchey Glenice Wroy

Soprano II E'ilobeth Allen Chris Gohsmon Dione Hidy Jonet Hildebrand Mornee Hollis Brenda Kingma Koren Kitts Ellen Lowson Molly Mallhewl

Alto I

'.f'Or I

Bass I

Sharlene Ander�()fl

Terry 8ierwil.r

Don�1 Andenon

Rochel Eidbo

Craig Cummings

Dennis Booglio

Naomi Grovdol

David Herivel

Scol Cinnamon

Nancy Holmes

Dennis Keller Jon Lockey

Mark Hoho

Kim Hom Lourie Kromer Oebra RogovO}'

Christian Marcoe

Dovid Heflick

Ronald Snyder

Erik Kindem

Cynthia Sovereign

David Knopp

Malinda, Von Nay

Oouglas Sire

Tenor II Lorry B.n

Alto II lynn 8or1iell

Jom., O.8usman

Jene Christopherson

Marlin Eidbo

Terri Gedde

Bruce Neswick

Junius Hammer

Vicki Gohsmon

Ronald Staggs

Thomas Hansen

Betty Honell

Miguel Villohermosa

Phil Holte

Jill Jansen

Richard Weatherby

Gretchen Jerde

Bass II Dooie! Davison Dovid Dorothy

James Howland Mikke! Iverson

LOfi Krouse

Eric Kuester

Dione Pogkos

Frederick lampe

KOti Sironjord


Joy Gilbertson

Chorale Edward Harmic. Director Soprano Melody Anderson Dione Boiles

Alto I

Tenor '

Bass I

Mary Bekedom

Mon'e Botts

Paul Beck

lynn 80ng

Glenn Budlow

Geoffrey Boers

Elaine Busby

Gary Crockelt

Jon Brevik

Stephen Kingman

Robert Cooley

Elizabeth Hockett

Lee Ann Compos Elit:obeth Heflick Ruth Johnson Elizabeth Melland Jill Nordstrom

Meridee lotz

Wayne Lockman

Dole Forrey

Terase McKamey

Russell Rowland

Charles Haseman

Amber Pettigrew

James Sundquist

Randy Knutson

Jodi Simmons

Glen Stribling

Vivian Walson

Soprano II Cathleen Coesar Marilyn Fenn Pamela Hornon Cheri Lusl Beth Petersen

Alto I I

renor II

8055 II

Brenda Bailes

lourence Burton

Elliott Brooten

Janine Campbell

Timothy Creoser

David Cox

Patricio Dugwyler

Collin Honsen

Gory Falde

Wendy Hovland

Gregory Hoffman

Jomes lofroti

Deborah Karlstad

Robert Mcintyre

lynn Jordon

Joon LoMuoyon

Richord Podur

Thomos Konis

Kaye Remmereid

Mary Robinett

Koren Sele

Beth Tennesen

lorry Vevig Chorles Wright

Spencer Norby Michoel 5tovi9

Potricio Tengesdol

Paulo Veis


Kenneth lysen Mark Pederson

"" •


Concert Choir w.._ H"', ••w'" ��­ ----

�­ - ...

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eo 0,.,",".

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�-0- • • -. --�- ....... _ a.. t • -� -,_ .....- ......

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University Singers •

Richard Hac., Director Evelyn Abernathy Janel Aiu Eyelyn Applen Koren Boles Janet Beyerlein Lauro Bye Shoroo Conlrill Katherine CoHan Kirsten Dohlen Karen Downing Jody Duncan lisa Hille Becky Hoen Elizabeth Iyerson Debroh lonon Kerry Lockert Jill Martinson Cheri Moore Elizabeth Mueller Sylvia Nobben Lori Requa Jane Roleder Julio Rosin Kristine Rvud Michell Schoentholer Tracy VanAlstine


Sym phony

Jerry Kra�ht Conduc:tor Violin I Ann T,emoine, Concertmaster Gwendolyn Bryant, Assistant Concertmoster Lynn Bartlett Coral Stoswic:X

Viola Dole Mclerran Michael Walson Kathryn Koenig Michael Kinlner Mary Farrington Eugene Ahrendt Gordon Gilbertson

Andrea Tramel


Kathleen Syverson

Dovid Hoffman

Mary lou Leflman

Christine Klaver

Debra Haynes

Dione Tremoine

Steven Hougl\1m

Trocy Harms

Teres.o Voue

Kathryn Rowberg

Elizabeth Nelson

Mary Roe

Kay Loftis

Marilyn Jacobson

Joanne Ivenon

Dione Bailes

Norman Taylor

lance Roberts Koren Johnson

Violin II C. Irvin Wright Jay Gilbertson Deborah Morgan Scot Cinnamon Bryon Wilwn Boyd Hatch Barboro Still.....ell Jana Olson Koren Sele Mari/yn lanon Brion Neufeld Helen Keyl



Piccolo J�., Pee�.�

Trvmpet Phil Gite)

laura Jones

Von Browne

Oboe Julie Srye

Timothy Beck

Sharon Knopp

Sandi Albertson

(ngllsh Horn Paul MotgeUi, Jr. Clarinet Alan Cleland Andy Tongborn 101100n Charles Tomaras Craig Cummings

Tuba Richord Srockle Timpani Corolie Smith David Bryonl Percussion David Rabbins

Donald Johannessen

David Bryont Coralie Smith Debra Christionwn


Jock Dougwyler


Celio Staples

Sondra Von Campen

Rebecca Horwood

Scolt Hoynes

Peggy Rudolph

David Cottrell

Ian MacDonald

Ruth Berntson lorry Vevig

Francisco Wery

Stephan Kienberger

Morshan Matthews

Donald Johannessen

Debra Kristensen


Poul Morgelli, Jr.

Robert McNamaro Corio Bennett


lori Coro;"eu

Peter Ross Piano and Celesta Debra Christianson Organ and Harpsichord Bruce Neswick H0'P Cheryl Walker Paul Boker

Concert Band

Roger Gard, Director Piccolo Jeannie Peeples

nut. Janel 8ert Vicki Crobin Loud Jone_, Debbie Kristiensen Barbaro Orr

Oboe Julie Sfye

B-flat Clarinet

French Horn

AIYlon Brown

Rutn Berntson

Timothy 8rye Barb Bullock Alan Cleland Kim Doyle Berl Gulhougen Kathleen Knopp lynn Lewis Andy Tongbam

Alto Saxophone Steven Dahl Wade Hendricks

Sharon Knopp

Kim Peterson

English Hom

Baritone Saxophona

Jon Brevik David Cottrell Peggy loomis Sondra VanCampen larry Vevig louise Weeks Steve Whyte

Trombone Sandi Albertsen David Boughman Mike Florion Steven Kienberger Brad lorson

Chris Clark

Tommy Middleton




Jock Dugwyler

Don Jonannessen

Von Browne

Cathy McRae

Lori Carothers David Cozart

Bass Clarinet

Philip Giles

Patricia Kirkwood

James lafroti

Morgi Ron

Mikkel Iverson Philip Person Kevin Schafer

Oorrel Asato

Tuba Mark Kilmer Von Prather Tom Roolkvam

P.rcusslon David Bryant Debbie Christianson Artie Huycke Sylvia l'Iabben Peter Ross



o. o>o..p"' _ _ ___.t , : ;;:;.. .. 7P

,/0 . +



JOHN ARNOLD MIKE fABERT KRIS BETKER MIKE BURY NEWS EDnOR ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR REED WlST lalH'M McDoUftClI. r... ,. McKaMey. fino Mari•• Karl k...." . ••JvlM S'tKkman. lCM'bara Swansan.



K.n Dunmlr •• f.oI Hamann. Marie ....per. Mark Morril. Mark ' J.H ....,. katt 10,.,.._, Do.... .....on. Judy fham C..rll•• J_ Flu..... Sally Gray.


chell. Happ. Dian. Kahoumla, TI", J.... ..beua l ..ndln. K ..r' Maa .. , S'.phan'. McClln'lck, S......y McK__• Do .... Ma'e#ta...... Do.... ,•••,. Gary Harollnlill. Da.. H_••, K.n' H.,mon, MI.

lOll. PaHy P.'ersan. Karan 'Mr,•• Jan ........

I0Io SheHleloi• •••01 W." . GI.nn Zimbelm..... Ma'y '

Mlk. Fob.rl (Mona9ln9 1"001.or). K,I, I••k., (Anada•• 1"001.a,). Jahn A,nald 11"001.a,-;n­ Chl.f). MJ... awy IN.w, Iolltew).



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• Thefe ore many Scondinovions 01 PLU.

Even if you do not happen 10 be one of the many. ItOCH


this unique cultur. may

)Hm 10 aeep into your system. One Scandinavian phrase .hol will pull you

thrOl.lQh all O(cosions in lif. is Uff Do

(pronounced oof' doh).

When you gel up in lhe morning and u!e the roin pouring down, yew muller Uff do

0$ you pull out your umbrella. After 0 big lesl you wy Uff do becouse you ore glad it is over. And when you or. looking 01 on orl show thol you connot undelltond, all you need to soy is UK do, and all your

admirotion and confusion will be upreued.

You soy Uff do when you remember your

roommole' , birthday WOIi ye,lllIdoy, or when you remember Ihe 20 page poper due

lomorrow Ihot you hove nOI slorted. UK do

is the word you ule to describe 'he grooning

toble of lehe and cookies .hol you cannol wail

10 devour and un do

As the day is drawing

10 a clale,

o quiet Uff da means you ore glod the doy is over ond you hope thot tomorrow will be beller.


ofter tho porty

indicoltls Ihol all went well.

Corrol Froebvrg. Olon Nol'db,. 0,", Corol Nord",. '_st on meotboili.



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