Saga 1968

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Mr. Charles Nebon assumed the position 01 Registrar during the summ� of 1967.

Mrs. Loleta £...peseth, wishin g LO ha� more lime 10 spend with her fam­ ily. Sll"pped from the �oIe of Regimllt 10 Ihll of AniSian! RegiSt,.r.

Memben of thf! Rqisuar's Office staff work during resistration 10f' the spring semester.


O/lice EXjJllllds

Or. DaJlie! Lea)ure. Viet l'u';siderll in �hllfJ;t of Student AFFairs

Miss �hrr;lrel Wk-btrom. Dean ot \Vomen Mr. Willilm Slmdier joint<! the Offict of Student Mfllirs dUllnk the summer of 1967 IS Dt!lIn of Men.

Misi Mary Kaye Heisler, As.siSllnl DHn of WOITIen. u one of the new members of the QUia! of Stooent Aff.irs. Member.; of t he Office



Student AIr.lrs S:reeI. Freshmen It the hcuhy Re­

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8ml Oevelopment Oflices The Business Office is concerned with managing finances, build­ ing programs. and changes on the University campus. This was a transitional and building year for this department. A new comp uter was i �stalled i� De­ cember -a step In convertmg a mechanical system of accounting to a fully computerized system. Tn the area of construction, work

was begun on the new Clifford Olson Physical Educatjon-Audi� lorium Building and plans for the new University Center were revealed.

A. Dean Buchanan, Vice-President for Bu.sines:s and Fina nee, lakes part in the ground breaking cemnooy for the physical educalion-llUdtt orium building_ Alltn P. Lov<lJoy (right) rt:$ i� from the position or Bu.slness Manager In Decem­ ber. 1967, .rter fout ynrs fl service. Howard VedeJJ (left) was appointed as the: new BlI$ines/l MI.l\8.g�.

Jerry Ha.rabon. AsslJtant Controlltr.



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Ec()/Jomic�: IAt flllll, 01 W/J.I J/uu Ollr Eco/Jom, Go ui Grow

Collefe CareerS'

Lell: MI'$. Set!!r; Gboďż˝: Dr. King, dire<:lor of the schoof of business adminiStration; bela..,: Dr. Peterson.



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Dr. Arnold Hagen diStributes supplememary material


aid would路be teachers.

Dr. Jane Williamson is alwavs ready to advise -a future teacher.


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A pleasant smile and helpful advice are only a small part of Mrs. Alice Napjus. . The door to Mr. Ame Peder1iOn's office is mlways open 10 future teachers who seek advice or just want \0 {mIlt.

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"Could you explain that again, Mrs. Fisher?"





"Well, you




explains Mrs. Fisher.

"Ohl Now I think I understandI"

AboI:<' M r ,. MonrO( leC1<Jru 10 her french ellS$. R'ghl' Mr. 5<:'rn, eUOlan rOSltuCIC>r TI'Qching ranges from

Mr. Toven.

cl&S$room Norwegitn 10 folk dďż˝"cinll for



Toepke rfCC'lves full benefil$ from he, lafllu.&e


Hell//A IllJd PAyricll/ Educll/iolJ


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Mr, Fredrick Newhim

Head of Ihe depaflmenl: Mr. Maurice Skones

Mrs. Kathryn SUickiand



Jerry Krathl

Mr. Cordon GiIďż˝,uon

Mr. Calvin Knapp Mr. By.rd FliHS


rIle COUlIt! 01 JluS'ic The Music Deparlment began a new program this year. In the spring they performed a major oratorio, combining the Choir of the West and slUdenl soloists with the UniverSity Orchestra. Besides these twO groups the De­ partment also boasts vocally, the Madrig;:!;1 Singers and the Univer­ sity Chorale which includes an­ other group within it. the Cham­ ber Singers. There are also two instrumental groups, the Cham-

ber Ensemble and the University Band. Friday Noon Music. another highlight of the Music Depart­ ment is presented weekly for the enjoyment of the faculty and stu­ dents. This is a series of recitals by music majors and faculty. Two organizations also connected with the Music Department are Mu Phi Epsilon and the Organ Guild.





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Psychial(jc Nursing instructor, Mrs. Eleanor While, ponder� a question.

Miss Wilma Peterson, Pediatrics Instructor, works with. student and one 01 her tiny patients.

Mrs. Lindi Olson, MenIal Health Coordinator discusses some of 1m concepts inherent in her field.

MUs Mdb.


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lnmuClot, MI'$. CfOfl­ of some of her plIpe:r­


c.lhet 1�_ "tenllvdy 10 one c:J htt Publk Health $ludtnlS.

Tollehon, Senio<- Nursing ill!)lru(tor


point /01" her SludertlS,



Political gcie/lce a/ld RiS'toFlj


His-torÂĽ MllIees-



. . .Illto New OfficesComempialirtl world problems and relating th em 10 students is only pan of Dr. Donald Farmer'$ Job as • prof In the Political Scitnce Deparunerll.

Dr. W. C. Schn.ekenberg has fOl.lnd thai listening and evaluating art . all part of being ch.Jnnan of the History DePllnment.


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Hirtorll-" A gtlltly 01 tIlt hrt uti • tool !'orad tl, I'lItlln

Dr. l...o9.·e ll Culver hel� Mike McKean put his papc!� in <><du.

Always re.dy 10 dlsctw anYthing is popular history teacher, Mr.






Re/i(fioll allfl PAi/osrOPA¥


411; Pitlloro}1iy

Ot}14ftJII llltr CIJAlltnfl Nl/J;r ./J; Promotl FA/liiJl,!

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BioloflJ lhp.rtmtllt Groin: Plutr uti Animlllr

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Or, Harold Len.1U, BIoIOS}'.

Or. JoAnn Je� }liolon'·



Becly Mitchell, tak� a len

Donald Pauie, BIoiOS)'.

in her General BiolOCY lib.


I CAtJllJrtry ad PAyria



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AI.16tm.ticS': b ES'nJlti.' Aclor I. All Scit.uS'

Studenll sather lIround Dr. John Htnos with questions arterclus.

All of the sciences hnve one thing in common, mathematics. This essential tool is present in one form or another everywhere you look today, and the mathe­ matics department is dedicated to providin g a clear understand­ ing of nil phases of math, from algebra to differential calculus. Without this basic concept it would be impossible to under­ stand todny's mathematically­ oriented way of liIe .

Dr. lienor; rJrplains mMods or algebra.

Mr. Kenneth BalKer taught math


aspIring tltrntillary .schoolteachers..


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hycIJoloyy, 01 Met .Iltl DI Jlt6.


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gO(Ji%yy: the gtudy 01 Nail ill

Above; Dr. Knorr. Below: Chairman of rbe depertJ'rlen!. Dr. Schiller.


t:/Juyi», foci,fr.










Toolr 01 Spudl 1111; OnJIIII


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Mr. Eric Nordholm

Pror�1\O' Th«xtorc Karl, Ch,innan of Ihe Departnwnt

rae �peeca and O/'8lJ1a OepartlJ1ent Ol'Olt'S"

Miss U\'OOr\t Holden and M,. Plul Harlman, 1967 GradullfS, lake on II new ,ole in the Dram. and Speech Ocpanmenl.


fu:prH.SiOil is mlillife:m.路d in drllmatic presenta!ions.

Dr. Vernon Uttinger and Dr. Abe Bassett continue to add their talents.


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Rev Bell BioiOK}' Hamilton, Mont.

Rogl!T Benson Busineso Bremenon

Carol Berg Nursing Hillsboro, Oregon

Kathy Bevan Biology Mineral

lohn Biermann S"""h Federal Way

Cary Bicrwagcn Bu:sines.s Walla Walla

Mlkl! Boyd Biol y Bothe I

jennifer Braa Nursing Longview

Diane Brandt Educ.tion Douglas

Bob Brannfors Education Tacoma

Byron Brown Biology Spokane

Marilynn!! Buddrius Nursing Almi ra

Carol ChriStopherson Musk BOllineau, N.D.

Margie Christopherson Educ�tion Bottineau. N.D.

Jan Clausffl English Mt. Vernon

Diane Clouston English Edmonds

Leslie Collar Nursing GI('ndlyll. lli.

John Cocham Bu�ines.� L:I Gnmde, Oregon

Helt:n CoCchin Education TAcoma

Bob Colbo Busines, Tacoma

Linda Craker English Van Nuys. Calif.

Phi osophy West Covina. Cal.

Ben Crosby Sociology Wallace,ld9ho

hn aviS ucatlOn Tacoma

lerr� Crawford


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Ken Nordlund PsycholOSY Tacoma: Gary Oines English Pete.rsburg, Alaska

Dale Nybto Sociology SIBten '-"land, N.Y.

John Oakley Biology Seat tle

Janet Olson English Tacoma

Rosalind Olson English

MI. Vernon

We CnoS'e leaderS' left to right ar� �nior d(l$ officcr1l! KIIt..n Sundt, t,eawrcr; Ooug Aho::ns, vice president; Penny Johnson, ;.e('rel ary, and Mike McKean.


Mark Newig Sociology Tacoma Sue (kharher Edu�at;on Tacoma Sylvia Olson French Swnner Ruth Onstad Edocation Grand Bozeman, MOil!_


Frederick Ngige English Nairobi. Kenra

Gayle Niemi Busines.s Aberdeen

ConnieOgden Educatioll Tacoma


Judy Omot £ducation Tacoma

LInda Parker English Tacoma

Carol Ohl Tacoma

Gale O'Neil History


Sylvia PaJmcrsOll French Seattle

Sue PerfY Education Se�!tle

Ed Pcterson Business Evcrc!!

Jon Peterson History Lewi�ton, Idaho

Sociology Tacoma

Littleton, Ga.


Mike P inquoch B usi n�

Pamela Point Education New York

Janel PrevOSI E d ucat ion Tacoma

Troy Prui!! Ps yc hology T�com�


Palmer. Alaska

Carol Pittman Education Tacoma


Mary Lynne Hamstad Engli�h Seattle

Judy Read Math PorI Angell'>

Barb Reichert

Nursing Burlington

Colleen Reilly Education Olympia

Jan ReiniUa Nursing POrtlalld. Ore-gon

laurel Richards Biology San Jose, Calif.

Sue Rlchards Music Everett

ROSl'lllUry Rit",(er Education Greal Fall, Mom.

Gail Roen

Jim Ross


Linda Rude Education

Bowman, N.D.

$edro Woolley

Wallace. Idaho

Joyce Samuelson Education Sedro Woolley


Mary Sue Peterson �

Steve Peterson Business

Bonnie Phelps Business

Judy Ramos


1'JJirfy-OJJe OllfS'f8JJtliJJf �eJJiorS' CJJoS'eJJ lor WJJo'sr WJJo.

Firsl row: Raz Olson, GeorJia Slirn, Lind. AIIf'n, Sally Williams, Phil Forme. Second rO\U: Marsha Slirn. Barb Anderson, Lind, Cuke" Barb R eichert. Annelll!: Levorson, I,n Clausen. Third lOW: Tom Rlum�Ir1ntr, Slt\'e Ultr, Gary Beard, John Cotham., Mike �kKean. John Rier-


man, C.,01 Ch,blooo erson . Founh row: Kerry KirldnK. Mike McMullen. Barb Th,.sher. Fi(th ,01&1: Bob Yost, Nancy F,.nx. Eoan. Missi", are Mike Doollnle, Rkb Kn�. Ed Petenan, Phi R.nheim, 'ames Ross, Stan Stenerson, .nd Conr..:! Zipptri.n.


Ken Sandvik


Karen Schlaller Nursing SeallJe

JoAnne Schnaidt Nursin g Billings, Mont.

Claudia Schnase Education Tacoma

Ted Schneider Sp«<h St. John


Corrine Sheuerly

E ducation Dalles, Oregon

Calcn Simdars Education

Scou AfB, I!!.

Da� Sjoding Political Science TlI.coma

Jim Skofltad Linda Skoe An Nun;in Klamal Falls, Oregon Greenacrts

Sonja Simons Education Lynwod, Calif.



Belly Sherrill Education Tacoma

Cheryl Smith Education Tacoma

Solv�ig Sparavalo Education Tacoma

Steven Sl,inney Education Tacoi1Ul

Mary Stein Education Tacoma

Ron Smith Biology Richman. Calif.


Williston, N.D.

Noel SchlJ.ler

Marvin Sathet Psychology

Pam Spring...n Sociology Bismark. N.D.

Stan StcneOClI English Spokane


PhYSics Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Wi lli am Smith Bu.';in05S Tacoma

Geo,gia Stirn

Education Tacoma




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SopAomoreS' IJlitiate fJJJif{lIe NetAod 01 StlldeJlt

ParticipatioJl A new innovation introduced by the Sophomore Class this year was the Sophomore Executive Council composed of fifteen members. These students repre­ sented the mainstream of sopho­ more activity. for they were called upon to help coordinate and work on various class proj­ ects. Among the more important of these was Frosh Initiation and an all-school dance featuring The Bards.

Sophomore Class Offi('er5 include, left 10 right: Mllrdn Crinklaw, Pllblicity Chairman; Cindy Moflit, $e.;:tetary; Robbie Ehrhart, Tleasurer: $nu Jim Peters, Pr�ident. Not pictured is Cathy Collins, Vice-President.


Helpfn the SophomOre Clus Officers lhis year wu the Execulj�'e Coone;. Sealed, l eft to r;rht: CRt hie Loog and Mark Yokers. Finl rOID: Klthy Nicholson. Catalpa Trevenen, Carotyn Penny, Chrc,ty Salra, and Joanie Clorie-. So:rorul '0141; Earl Gunne-�r, Gayle Clemens,


Jim Lee, Goof Jeflrl'Y. Rex Crouse, Bill Askela.nd, and Mitch Rabin­ .o;on. Not picnued are Teena Amundsen, Janet RlIud, Pili Tanner, and SlIl' Young.

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SometimeS' /}uitlul












The�'s always time 10 clown around. Stu Steneflto, '\sPLU Pr�iden!


Lloyd Egg,n, ASPLU Fir!! Vlce·Pr(!$idcn!.



ASPlU: Oltel1 /}uJ'trtl til1f-



Chlrleen Bob Yost, ASPLUTrn.swer.


Strlndl� ASPLU Ugulilive Secretary

Mike DooIhtle. ASPLU Second Vlce-.President.


g",,/t/l/ gt/l/imtll/ Yoiet' I'IJI'OIl," Pnri't/l/'r Cdi/lt/ 1./1' ttfiS'16/lIrt


11M Pi:1,,', Coblntl ' ''. 01 .... " ldlo.tMo I..... tho .wn

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Gflltit1lfr AcfiriUtl'



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The SlandinK Commiuee Ch.lnntn fOf 1967-68 included, l�, 10 �i&ht; Ed Pelcson (Nominal1np: Convel\lion); Carol Toepke (Nominal!'" Convention); Bruce Eklund (Hom«Ornin,); Chris Andef"SOfl (USSAC); Jim Wkbleotn (Freshmen Oriemalion); Mike Mdtan

(China Confermct); Z,e Reisner (Publications Board); Bill Unde­ m.nn (Artist Stdes): Ted Schneider (Entertainrnent Series); Gary Brandel (WUS); Ian SwllUOn (WUS); Dotetn Davis (Freshmen Orient'lion); and John Cocl.nlm (lAadership Rani.).

The F.Jcecuti�·e Coordinalinlt Board coruiued 01, 1#1 10 right: Terry Nunley , Public Rel.­ tlons; Jim Widsu�en, Intercollegiate Affairs. and Lee Kluth, Corner Office. Not pictured is Sieve MOTroon , Acad�1c Al(a{rs,



Comito" I'"

01; ",iii. Sl'ul .1 H,,,,


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gplil'S' Have tne gpirit. .

Spurs have the Pep, the spirit and the vitality to carry out all their many activities, including Frosh orientation, registration. ushering, Lucia Bride, Valen­ grams and on and on. Anytime a job needs dOing, Spurs find a way to get it donel

Stan d in,J... Sl.:IitWIIV. '�I 10 rishl: Kathy McCosh, Gre t4:hen Williams, Sue Voorhta. Marsh. IJItPf �. ClIo! K.mptn, Ly nn Pederson, Miriam Suchtf, Sue Smith, Karen See· ky, Cheryl Andenon. El Erlandson, Pally Plert't, Maureen Barber, Cathy Collins. Standing. l/o(k 10 front, I t 10 ,/ hi: Und. Pr\«, Vicki Bcrentson. MIry Holmes, W�­ appy .rrl$h. S"b tlojcm, Connie Fischer, Pili T.n.rtj Jonl dy Williams. Nnt row: Andenon. Nut 10«1: Und. 1Ae, Sally Moriinson, Mark)' Gustafrson. Susie P umbo Front row: luHe Radford, Kaye H.lwa$, Dian. Ou, Und. Ulvan, Sue F1itctah.


Praid!'n! Sue aids Ing registration.

Tired Spus r..aU






bred from their arduous

studtnt dur­



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Severa! Young Republican members had Ihe opportunity to Evam al a "Oine with Dan" dinner this fall.


and talk with Governor Dan

Po/iticS'll1 ActiOl1 The Young Republican and Young Democrat Clubs on cam· pus, have been created for the students interested in taking an active part in politics. The Young Republicans at Pa­ cific Lutheran, were instrument­ al in the formation of the new College Republican League. They are sponsoring a dance to raise funds for the club and campaigning for Dan Evans. This year, the Young Democrats are campaigning for John O'Connell for governor. They are also actively supporting Sen­ ator Robert Kennedy for the Democratic Presidential Can­ didate. uft

10 right: ClaYlOn Kirking, Syl Olsen, lohn Shoemaker, Kerry Kirking and Gary �ea.rd-not pictured, James Halse1h.



A Yariety 01 Clu"� Proyide Outlet� For Student Intere�t




Montana C1u lir!1 row: m Aageson., Martin Mal , Pele Husby. Sf"COI'ld .ow: Sandy Br� der, Carolyn !\.armfield, Knen £.menon, Pal Reed. Third 'ow: Kathy Hall!. Joan Seastraru:!, Beu)' Johl1$On, 1I--1.,ioll Mllelich. Fourth row: B rb B:lltli. BilJb B.oede., Marsha Taylor, Donna .('�·i"


Gavel Club, fir1/ row: lonn Knappe, Keven Eliander, Dave Rice:. W a yne S.verod, Ken Orvid" nllve Kess. er, Greg Oland er, Smell! Melve., Gerdon Plitch. rd . Second row: Oave Wood, Dave Lura, Conrad Zipperian, Lee Kluth, JIm Ross, Keith John· son, Hm Lee.

Montana Club, ROTC and Gavel Club are among the more active groups at P.L.V. Loyal Montanans have united together for the purpose of get­ ting to know the other students from their state. They started off the year 'with a banquet to wel­ come both the new and old members. [nformal speaking and Friday night rellowship are the primary emphasis of Gavel Club. The Air Force ROTC prepares the cadets to meet the challenge of being an oHicer in the Air Force. By combining aerospace studies, military training, and other activities designed to qual­ ify them. they are preparing their futures as officers in the Air Force.

ROTC, lim TOI6; Cary Btald, John Good win. Con PH-non, SIeve LlruLarom. NOI pietlUe4: Sum Jackson.


/}om Cllr/VII CUI ComtS' AlplJ. Prj O.IY'

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AlKIue: Philokal(31)$ whO50!' members include, from left 10 right: Prank Zlock, Shirley Zlock, Eva Mac Geisert. Mary Brannrers. Second row: Howard Muir. Ken Bul­ lard, Betty Nylander, Marie Muir. Mrs. Eva Hagen, Crace Bullard, Einnr Brannfors. Third 'ow: Lewis Gei-

sert, Yvonnc Zuballk, Bill Clark, Mrs. Nancy Ostcnson, Carol Clark. FOlmh row! Jim Nyland�r. Mr.'!: Lila Moe, Or. Hagen. Fifth rOW: Dr. Richard Moe. Dean Mar­ el Wiclc.sll'Om. adviSt:l", Sta n Zubalik. Dr. Burton T. ar g . Ostenson.

P/Jiloklllellll CluD Its a little tough going when you've been out of school for awhile to adjust to college life and all it entails. To ease the strain of this adjustment and just for good old-fashioned com­ panionship is Philokalean Club. It serves as a channel through which students of an older age can meet and enjoy each other, setting aside for a moment the problems of school. About: Phllokalet;I)$' Officers. fllr left to r ight: Dean Wickstrom. advoor: Shirley Zlock, presi­ dUll; Dr. Hagen, advisor; Crace Bullard. ueuu rtt; Carol Clark, secretary; Einar Bra n nlors, v�presidenl. Below: Psychology Club, from left 10 right! Dr. Severuon, advisor; Xathy Kalten­ hch, Jim Swara!, Sec Holle. Mal"}' Ann Lee, .nd Ma.scM Smith.

PS''Ic/JoIOf'l CluD Psychology Club is a small but relatively active club at P.L.U. Membership is open to all those who are interested in discussing many psychological issues out­ side the classroom. These in­ formal discussions prove to be very beneficial as they give the partici p ants a change to really think for themselves and voice their own opinions.


Alpha Kappa Psi, above from Itfl to ri,,-ht, oouide 0/ lable: Gar y Longmuir. Ken ,ohalUOn. Jim 51:og, Dic.k Gel;igner, Dave Herbes. !lob Ehly, Bill Dunham, Phil Maxeiner, lim Lundmom, Ken Vuyhteke. Jeff Carey, Wayne Suter, and Lee Crump, Inside of fable: George Long. Lon Weatherly. Colonel Slimzl, Doug Delong, Bob Collie,

Terry Wolfe, R oger C. Benson, Alan Merrin. Beloll! to the lefl aft the officers who n i clude, First row: Jeff CArey, 1st Vice President; Ken Vuyblcke, Prl:lidenl; Col. SlinLZi. Advisor. Second row: Bill OunhQm, Trea.�urer. Jim Humphrey, 2nd Vice President , IIJld Lon Weatherly, Secretary.

Alpha Phi members are From left /0 right, First row: Ron Mciver. President; Phil Pelfa5ek, Ron Moble. Golrdon Haack, and Vern Cor. bon. Second row: John C lausen, Mike Gordon, Da�e Hagen, Doug

AOOt1e: Ron Mclver, President of A Phi 0 tAlks to Sp ur President Sue Flitcraft. newly select ed Alpha Phi Onlt!j:a Sweetheart.

Lambrecht, Chuck Minn. Ron Lund, Paul KusctK., Jim Girvan, Bill Grosse, and Sandy Simpson.



Alpoa Kappa PJ'i, a BUJ'ilJeJ'J' CluIJ; Alpo a Poi Ol11efa, a Club lor BUJ'ilJeJ'J'


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Dtlta Iota Chi members n i clude, 'rom left 10 righI, First row: 'oarme Schnaiol, Barb Ander.;on, Miss Lois Rimer, advisor; Sherrie WOllhing. ton, Secretary; e.,ol B,erz, Vice Preiden\, Jan Relnikka, Presidei'll; Patty Boy$on. Nancy Harp, Trta$urer: Harb John�n. and Nancy

Miles. Second row: Maril}'llJ1e Buddrius, Mallarel Zeisler. Christy Smith, Penny Johnson, Peggy Lemen, /udy Ramos, Linda Skoe, Gayle Berquist, Pat McCuinn. Barb L.ine, an SibJerud, Miss Wilm. Pet· et50n. advi5()r, Ind Pally ReOO.

A rime to love; A rime to Neill

SEA members indude, from lefl 10 righl. Firll row: Kathy Lotn. JOIn $eastland, BellY JohI1$OJl, Ardith Goldbeck, Dcol Krekow, Lrnn Swaruon, Mr. Arne Peterson, advisor. SerornI row: Edward Larsen, Ron Groth, Me issa Oestreich, Kaye Bolstad, Janet Haines, Grez: Pfaff, President.

A rime to rellen



n I \"J

Sea Sprites 1968, row: Harb Bates, 1m Ball, Nanty Anderson, Knul%en, Laurie Taplin. xeottd 'ow: Angle Holm. Dale MJI[�, Patty ,ohNon, fan Brown, Louil.e Siepman, JoAnne Miller, Claudia Frleclln, Laura Pod.rau, Jud)' Riggers, Mud. Anderson. Third row:

Mrs. Mana Berg, Jan Miller, Anne Fenn, Tina Weaver, Mary Pflll'r­ son, Sandy Oben. Lois Wl'hmann. Abmt: Karen Keubler, Manha Rucker Sue Schillinger. ,

''A �etl 01 Wonder" Depicted lor Mother S. Weekend A new year, show theme, and advisor! The theme for the Third Annual Water Show was .. A Sea of Wonder." The girls depicted everything from mer­ maids and penguins to pirates and sea monsters. The show was written under the direction of advisor, Mrs. Berg.

� Sprite Oflicen., Iqt 10 ,.�hl: lu>ne Fenn. Treasurer; Ingrid Knutzen. SecretarYj 0.111' Miller, Vice-Presiden ; t AyJ ie Holm, Presideru; Mrs. Marta Berz. AdVUot.

The club attended a clinic at WWSC the first weekend in April and gave the show in May at Madigan Hospital. The year ended with the second annual banquet, and installation of the new officers. Toes


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Dr. A1f Kr..bel

July 17, 1896-0ctobe, 10, 1967 Pastor Kraabel came to P.L.U. in 1962. In his five years with us he served as Assistant Pastor to Student Congregation and as Head Resident of Pflueger Hall. He also spent two terms as Chairman of the Board of Re­ gents.

PllStor John Larsg:l.ard

leaders, Yet ServalltS'

R ychioJr(c 4 5 p l e H


Presently Student Congregation is under the direction of Pastor John Larsgaard with the help and assistance of Pastor Morris Dalton, newly installed Asso­ ciate Pastor. Conducting the Sunday worship services, organ­ izing weekly chapel exercises, handling Student Congregation activities, providing an Inquir­ er's class for n i terested people, and simply talking with stu­ dents are among the services provided by these men in order to encourage spiritual growth and strengthening of religiOUS commitment .


PllStor Mortis Dalton



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Beautiful Eastvold Chapel has long been the center of Student Congregation activity, but this year an additional, though less imposing structure has been added. Ramsey House has been successfully converted for the use of Student Congregation of­ fices. Still, remains the most im­ portant area of Christian activ­ ity . . . the Christian himseU.



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CeJltu 01 C.mpur Lilt.

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l'/Je gOlillt/ Di ll CelliliS' 路 1l1l9 C/JllrleS' 1l11t/ HiS' Bllllt/

A World

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Ihe Tacoma Mall.





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TAl CO/ll//I, of CAr/,tlllu Brill" Bril, .




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The Spun; pr�ict the trlditionll dlnces they will perform the ni,h! of the Lucll Bride FestiVII.



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For tht fir" time thIs )'9l lit the Spun JlI)'t!Ci on the 511gt. to mike mort $fIlS aVIII­ Ible for the public.

Almost ���ne �lps to put up thl! Chrlnmu lights.



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Having received an honorary Doctor o f Divinity degree from President Mortvedt, Dr. Michael Ramsey, head of the church of England, ad足 dressed the s1l.Ident body.

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StudelltS' /llld l'e/lCnerS' if'orl

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Jllly FeS'tiVllI With tapping feet, twirling skirts, and smiling faces, May Festiva l returned to the PLU campus after a year's absence. The performance under the direction of Mrs. Marta Berg and Mr. Auden Toven was more varied and exciting than ever, as the Mar-fest dancers presented s e le c t i o n s f r o m D e n m a r k , Norway, Sweden, R ussia, Mexico, and the Philippines. In a d d i t i o n to the Mayfest dancers, six talented PLU coeds performed a classical interpretive b a l l e t , a n d 1 7 coeds w e r e featured in a modern interpretive dance. Highlighting the evening w e r e t h e p e r fo r m a n c e s o f gymnast Peggy Rowen.

/\'by Festival COU�I, Front Row: Ribbon Bearers; Marie Olson, Marcia Wdch, Carolyn Ram1field, Helen Hardtke, Joy(1: Samuel;on, Jan Lortt'!n, Li n,b Rude, Sally William.l. Back Row: ."It1eMants; Pau\ellt Wei$.'!, Rabbi Ehrhart, Barb Thompson, St:c Holte, Qu�n Carol Christopherson, Au�ndantl; Jennifu

ika:l, Kathy Tal«:, Sue Wilkie, Ann Wid,tHIl. Not pictured: Au..odam; Christy MolUOO.

Nali.onally fanlOUs. Tacoma seventh suder, Peggy R�cn, �rf(lfms :a no« cxefCix rOllUrI<'.

Abo�. Mr. Auden Tovcn leadl lhe Mayfe$l dam�n into lilI: gym. Right. Mayful dan�r< kid. up


I�ir heel.

Queell C.rol I


A Louth d. R,,"'. i. adc!cd 10 1M /o.hoyfCII prosnm

lA-IIt'J"man PrcPdtnl, Neil Hry.anl pb�. die crown on the hud fi Qu«-n CarQl ChriscophtllOll.

l1It bflm"l ....\'t fun pnform,i'1C a "'UVl"';d.un from Norway.

HO'II.o/J,,, Prtrui "I'A. IA.p.

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Bill inllJji/l. CililtlJ


Coo" Elltertllilllllellt: Bell I'rIllllclill get� tlJe I'rll"itioll WlJile tlJe ROfer Wllfller ClJorllle Nllilltllill� tlJe 1'01le.


/hl/tt Comp", C.}1U".t�1 St./IlI/,. Will Olnn-i/i,' Art/rtic Styl,



Cllojf 01 till Wtrt: "

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Choil' Bnd, /01' 1'0111'

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It's not .11 singing-btu Just aboutl

A liule $Ieep goes


long w'Y'

Madrlgals add variety_

IhII"'rt'itf CAonlt uti O/CAuln: A S,IlI,AoJlf 01 Soutl Tho u.......1l' .. 0rtIIeMr. io • joift' """'..unl', • ...! ",,'->117

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A l'rlltlition lit PlU: ''A CluiS'imllS' CllroJ" In the annuaJ tradition of Christmas, "Christmas Carol" was presented by Curtain Call under the direction of Linda Osmundson. Another tradition is that once performers achieve a role in Christmas Carol it is theirs to keep until they graduate. Ebenezer Scrooge with Tiny Til\'L

.. . . . And


Victor VeJIlCO

never be an old fuddy-duddy IBlin,"

and Mrs. Banh dbcuss their previoos

nilht" adventure.

A lover's q Ulm!i plus 8n audience of one re足

Jults in hil,rity.


Nordie works out

techniCIII details during dress rehearsal.

Below: Don Olson stlln as Flibbenyglbbet.


111 flu I'niifioll 01 CAi/i,IJI :r Ellfnf.iIlJlllJlf. . . PlU ยงt.illlfr Prtrtllft' l7ij!JnfYlJi!J'"f ill fIJt All

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Tom Stue!l---edltor Karen Han---<[rC\llatlon manager

Kate Mlncke---oopy editor

Julie lfl(:omon and Donna Baldentoneo--s tafF





" ,


_ '=

s.,. Moler Bool



\. Angie Holm-Editor 2. Wtndy Williams

1. Mr. John Eyr('-IMlrutlOl' 4. Kit LuGI S. ElknE�al

6. Mikki Plu mb 7. Susie Plumb 8. Christy Stewn,




Foot"411 l'e41JJ H4S' Atlversre, FrlJsrtntillf,

AI F'",Uld [H<:kl.".


C�!ifornill Lurh�""l "'lin H�

Jeff C"'�r m"ve; up to help.

Lee Davidson carrying the ball for the Lutl':\ ag&.if\$! CLC.

Ros.s BoiCf' and Rick Johnson rushing thl: passer in the CWSC game.

The Knights opened their sec­ ond season in the Pacific North­ west Conference with a losing game to California Lutheran, by a score of 20 to 8. Even though the Lutes managed to outplay their opponents on the ground in yards gained, eLC's passing was the downfall for the Lutes. The Lutes met Eastern Wash­ ington State College next only to Jose again. This time 47 to 14. And so the 1 967 football season moved on. The Knights lost twice more before winning th-eir first game. The losses: Willam­ ctte and the University of Pu­ get Sound. Their first win: Pa­ cific University, with a score of 34 to 12. That was a happy day in Luteland!

Mi].;e ArkeH and Bi!! Tye IlICkle the eLC ball carri�r.



I'rtrIJJIII . JlJill t.11

... __ • __ .... _ .. ... rw>C_



Willamelle try, to bloc:k the kick as BUI Ranta punu.

Km Haroing curries the baH�t Ea.�tern.

Bob Beller runs with the ball as the Wi1Iam�te gOllS down.

... ..- _ .. o.-_ ...... ... l... .-

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u.P.s. Prover too etron, to Bea t

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CroS'S' COUll try BecomeS'

Rain, fog, I'very dey.




COll/erellce Sport,¡ Co

darkness \I'auldn', keep Kielh, GeoTge, Bob, or Tom from ,unning. lunning, runnins

......- ...... . _ _... ... -

fiu...."1 . IOn miln Illy - j.... fa pr.:1.O D t d b ll . .. . . ... .. ... . . 101.. lot 1't.U'. 'M4&t .



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wwsc. All


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gwimmel'S' Go to NatioJJalS' Three of PLU's varsity swim­ mers saw action in the NAJA Nationals in March. They were John Rustad and Tom Fenn, team co-captains, and Steve Ben­ nett, Varsity diver. 1 968 was a building year for the


-< .,

Coach Ahem talks (0 John Bustad before a meet. George Barnes listens in.

� Pu

tankers, as seven freshmen turned out for this varsity sport. Wins were few for the swim­ mers, four out of eight meets. The tankers took third place in the Central Relays and also in the Portland State Relays later in the season.





PL, (









Pt, s

The 1968 Swim Team. KI'WI:/ing. left to righr: Dave Brook, Rich Huudven, �rge Barnes. lseth, Don Gumpricht, Jon Nelson, Rick Alflen. John Bustad, Coach Rich A Steve Bennett, Ear! Gunnelr, Jim Peters. Standing, sccond row: Tom Fenn, Bruce Hampton, Dkk Quinn, Ron Deihl, Wally Nagel, Jim BerKStrom, Rick Swenson.

Standing, f�t row:

Coach Alrelh and his tankers at workout.

Tom Fenn lUaaiees his st.n during




the rest of the .woim tta�h walch.

John Bu.slad, JuniOl" Co<apraln Butterfly Straker. Tom Fenn, Senior Co-caplaln Backst.roker.

Resting Is

typical sl,ht between ra«:s .t • swim



ComltJlct Jlett Cuetlt' u Curo/l ElI'r

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Lei!, btlow: untfr AI KolI.r

m.kts it look easy.

'fnt sta�on productd somt intereu!ng



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luteS' Play Ball ilJ . tne tecolJd AnlJual Oaffodil ClaS'S'ic as' tne teaS'olJ OpelJS'

Dennis Buchol.t, Ilways mldy rOf' action. does his best when the going gll"ls ]'Ough.

Coach Lundgaard's half-time Strategy often pul the Lutes back in the game.




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The HIm/woods- Shake W'iJeJl ''rhe lutes- Come

Did )'ou


wonder while "time-a".!" look«! like from u.t �rved .section'

Miller outruns


Col. of Idaho


Cool P"'-


his feet or his knees, Rkk Ancheu loob; for


JlIlJ'fJjiny In!" Two wins over Whitman and a split series with Willamette brought PLU to their home court for the games of the year . . . against Linfield. A Frida.y night loss was soon forgotten as Lute fans and team left Linfield wondering what had hit them. The city championship game found the Lutes ag ai n victorious, and the Log gers knew what had hit them. The season cnded hap� pily with the Northwest Con­ ference trophy resting safely in Memorial Gymnasium.

Al Kollar drh'eS ror the baske: around a Whitman player.

Kevin Miller, VOted by hi5 teammates mon in$piralionllJ player, shared Ihe post-season s po t light with 0e1Ul)' Buchholz, mosl valu­ able Player.

/unior VaflilY Ba.ske1ball Team 1968, kn«lin,. Iql

10 rich!: Paul Wuest, John Rankin, Kevin Mil· Bob Dickson. ,ohn Olson. Standi",: CoIch V.o�k, Bruce Reichert, Eric Steinman, John Krummel, Sieve Wuebbins. John Christopherson. er,

, _




It're.rtlers t'ue t'hirtf jlJ tbe Korthwut ConierelJce Fourney " ,,"" "'''' '''t 100, Ie.,.,n <e<;oed ",I]. the ...=uln, <tory in it< � y... . , . ,""ity 'po<!. Th1> Y'''', "'.m ,.... "I'OO � ond trlOr< ox.,.,.,en=l un<k, t �"Id.n'" 01 Coo<:h Roy Cadoon. Tho Lot. ,...."k.. ph""! thi,d 0/ ><;Y<" "0"" .. ,h. <C<lr.",,,,,, toom."",nt, ,..ith Tim Me);i!>­ brn toling """",," in tbo 1�7 pound dan ond R.11ph N.n •. thl'" in tho IIS ....rnI .. 01...



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Sid TUl1J Seer Lotr 01 ActioJl ilJ Ei,At Mutr


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o-:h.d hy Mr. o,rin"phor"",. Miu OIfIo=• •nd �t.. TO'I';n. ,�• lien pvticip>,e;l '" oo..'nhill. • ololom. �.n' .1.1om. c,..,.. ooun· "y. uxI.lpi,.....,...,

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... ....... - - - - - - -.. -

- -.. ... - � - - - ... �- ...... .


Crew: A l 200 Nile Jo urJley to.


• •

. . in November to a third place finish behind two boats-full of Washington Huskies, but ahead of Oregon State and British Columbia. . . in December to Tacoma, from Seattle, over forty-three wa­ ter-laden miles of Puget Sound on a snowy winter day. in February to American Lake and spring turnouts six days a week preparing for UPS, Southern Cal, the U of W, and a dozen others. . . in May to the end of a season of many miles; of an adventure taken alone by a determined crew, bringing honor to the stu­ dent body they represent. ·



The Loyal Shoudy. a gift from the Uniwrsity of Washington rowing club, began her iourney to Tacoma cllrrJed by the crew through twO inches of snow from Green Lake 10 Lake Union.


The shell

leaves Lake Union through the Seattle Locks 10 Fuge! Sound.



FonY'lruee miles


Ihe tune of "Row,

lbe crew stopped


wring OU! soaked sweat clothes and


rOW your boat. !O

warm up.

-- .. . .... .... - . - - � - .....-. A



r,It JIt¥..u-, • • " • . .. . .., ft ll _ •. -.,. .,,,.,. tll••OI


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Yarsritlf alJli Jllllior Yarsritlf Crew



Olle HUlltlntl PefCtllt Feul Effort!

Co�"'''''' Oiolo_ ... ..... .._ _ _ "'DoI>. .........

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I'Dllflt ' 1 11111)' r,.llI tDDJ,i ro.,.n( Goo( S'.'DIl


Looins ""I� 0... .....,. . vi. If... u.,""'. C<-h Ri<h Ai><th·, ....



nl> \�"'" ". . .�.'n I<d hy K.;\h

Jon""", ..I,ll Bill A,>Jan.! .nd C..y LoAd .,.... .. ,h. ""If .

lIOn.. ""umln, Lo".rm....

'1". )'Nt', ,,,.m IooUd '" boo om. ""'JI,...... •ool IM',.... tho P1I. Wc.... Iu M a..mpioru .....,.. ...,. on! ..... o.s. __ •.,.,. '" _ __ ,hon _.... hod in thr pul lM ,......

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/liD Ron.., PIa)'Jo,J "'" b>II<IoI

.".,., 0."" J""'-. Eli< Cool· fnot'. 00'1<1 Mil.- Villlot� AI F""", !aI ond lim Ft...,.,. � 1M _"' p>d "",o;I.lnp; oiopdt.

",. ....., .... _ ond Iooeb<I .. .. lu , . .. , I.,,, irn""",�,

,.. ..,.." ,"""-1;,-, ..


,ho ....

C-O ... ...... _ .. _ .- 6 ---

RU/J/Ji/Jf, Fllrt!

Catcher Al Frol'lai awaits a hard. faSI ball.

Pitcher Bob Beller gelling ready


deliver a miu.

Infielder Bjll Ranta al bat.


n. _ .- _ ,_ _ _

".. .... .... _ ..�_

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....1. 01 ..... c • • :' ,. In 'hi> 1noxp«1M<aI ."'''' th"",.hw, tho _. " 1f"I'


"'", "" Coo... .... .. ___ • .. l"PS-".U __ c-, c-. ...... ...... _ _ .... _ "'" ..... -_ . .....


Caylan Hahlo pole vaulting 11\ UPS. Rich

Sla110 mull;r in the long lump.


jumping Slattl,


the btr.

Some days you just can't winl



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Yolltfbcll Bul,tllclL 1'o011l.ll g,.,jlllf lllill WI -. M " . -


. ..r

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PIll,! Bllrlethllll - Clllr PIll,! Field Hocle,! Too

t- .... ___ .... ..... =

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.... ...


T.II It'�.n S p.,

'turr Spirit

....._ ... O'O__ .. � .. .. .. _. ...<f ... ... _ _

All TIlly Nlti [• •



c.... ._ .... ...... N_ .... �--

..... .... ....

"'.. -.. .. <-'.... ... .-. ....... ... .... .. ... ... ..... ,.., •

Kim Morley, left, Marcia Wf1ch, a/JOIlf, and Bobbi HalmUt1h. below, were always lhefe 10 add an extra otlďż˝ of enthWliasm.







..�.�. ..... ... ...•







011 CampuS', You lead all Active lile


Fo"" HIlII John Aakre Bill Allen Chri� Anderson Dave Anderson David Anderson Lowell Anderson P.ul Anderson Roger AndeJ$On Brian Barker Pa,,1 Barkley SIeve Barnes Jim Bartlett Randy Baselt'f Jim Bergstrom Lon Beyer Tom Brandt John Brangw;n Bill Brinkmeyer Rirk Brown Bruce Burroughs Mike Button Brice Carlson John Carman Chris Chandler

Bill Christen�n H. B. Coates Vernon Corban David Crewdson Ben Crosby Randy CUl1iss John Darling Bill Disbrow

Nordir House officers, from Ie!"!: Bill Dikeman, Ruu Ness, Al Knorr, I:lruce Burrough." Gary Downing.


Fol'l' 81l// Dennis Drewes Bob Dunkle Ralph Dyrud

Ralph Eby Andy Evans

Paul Farnham

GI�n Fehln

Fred Foss Howard fusser

Steve Kvinsland. head resident, shows olf some new golf balls.

Foss Hall, like all of the men's residence halls, W(lS split into "houses." The north half of Foss took the namE' of Nordic House and organized i tself as a separate entity. Under the leCld� ership of their president, Bill Dikeman, the men of Nordic presented the first serenade of the year and the first exchange, with O,dal Hall.

organi"lation did not come so easily. At Christmas it was still uncertain whether their name was Harambee House, Olympic House, or something totally dif­ fen'lll. Tn spite of this the men of south Foss set about creating a distinct personality for their hall, plunging into the various house activities such as Song­ fest, exchanges, and intra­ mural sports.

For the southern half of Foss,

Ken Freeberg Brad Fritts PhiiJp FriH� Roger Cano Roger Gebhard $cOli (;�n Roger Hansen Brent Hepner ,

Bill Herbert S!evt Hoff Douglas HoI! John Hunter Phil Jsen� Tom laco�cn 00\1; Jansen Cenld Johnson Keith Johnson Rus.s Jobnson C. r.e.- Kluth Jorgtn Kmse Berni Kuehn P>l.ul KU5\:he Don ��. Cary LancivaHcr


Ilm SoJ/

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Al }lillt Ntlltrt

- - - - _ ... - ... .--

�. u.. � 'cC_ _ _


Vir,il Harp D�I\ Hill Rich Holnws Niclt Jones

Richard King Jeff Koch Bob Komac John Lar�aard

Dan Larsen John Lar)tn Ihny larKIn

Rill Lindtmln

Alpine HOll�e G«lrge Long Bruce Lym.n Phil Mattox Greg Nace

John Na\wiclt

Phi! Nes,-i,ll: Lynn Nordby Dale Nybro

Rick Dbnn Robert (huem AI3n Pedcntn PNO! Peler�n Greg ?faff Richard Quinn Tom Rasmussen Paul Relll Greg Rtlzlaff Rodger Rich ..ds Day>< Hosinbum f.'r� Ryneanon Oa'"e S "ostrom Rich S alta Larry Swell,l()n Mlltltel Thompson


Dave Trul,nn John VanGilder Perry Van�r Mike Vil1iou D�n Wiklund GlI". Wilsey Mark Yoker"S Rill Zander

. .

YO'" """" lor :!Si rI.... • _;fy!nl ..p<rI.

•t PLU

en<>!' hi on ......... on <><TO.o.aI ...... ... . .. or <01 on oJ'!lA'Ci.ord _ad< • "",10 I""" M.... p_ pi<n'Y 01 h.1I """'" for t...... . 1m""" '0"' _r.,........ . no hoI w"" •

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. - � ,. - -..


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n. c.- __ ... ... _ _ _ . . . "...... T... ·., I'......

l::'':-�:._ ----


Julie Svendstll Nancy Swan�un Sh�ron SlVan�n Su:ann� SW�rl1 Lnuri� Taplin

RantatI Rail

Rnrbr3 Thompson Jeann!" Thompson Vicki Thompson Evelyn Tjsdel Carol Toepke

Marlen� Tom!l,l('rvik P:micia Torn�� Edith Tn!it Catalpo Tr�....en(,fl Lim!. Turner

Marilyn Ulriclaofl Cathl Unseth Susie Utzincer Judith Vance Chris Vlstaunet

Judy Wallen kathy Wetness Owan Weaver MardQ Welch Sally Wiesner

K:III)'n Sue Wilkie Kril Will:inwn Wcnd)' William� Lana Wilson Lnmll Wilson Sally u:\'eiy


Diane Acleles a.rbara AnderloOn Toni Au.ld

Cht'ryl BaJr:er Linda Blilet'r Be-'erly Bonn

Pa:ty Boyson Pam Brief' PauletTe Bridges

Sandra B{(lI'der &ther Bro.....n Carol Buchenroth

CliO] Bull Cht'rylt' Burget Ian T....Q . «)e<b hustle for tM phone during Hindt'rlie's calJ-a-gir! .. " eele· �d.

LirwlR Christt'nson Malg� Christophtrson Sharon Christopherson Diane ClOUSlon Sue Clawford

Doreen Davis loAnne Duffy

Mllilyn I>uncan

Trudy Enstad

Kathy Erl.....t'in Kay Evaru Sut' "'iterah Sue Fruechte Carol Funkhouser Ian Goldstein leannine Gookin Randt Gundersen Morley GUMaJsson Bonnie 1-blnes Ka� Halwu Linda Hansens Signe Hanson Bonnie Hl!tl.rlingsen ludy Henninpem


NiJU{trlit Nul "h..,.. on d da-m. H..... 110 HOI! .wn..mod )., ..,." •• .. ..

,Ion "'.. Jar.


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n.. .",Ito <om"", ""'lOll _Ho • pt<I pi"" ", boo OIl n....., �.. lor "fllndoflfi e 1/.011 MUDo.- • .wlI y �... dOlI 01tho ....,.. ... .... __..

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�-. -- - -

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-­ .-� ._ -

H08f H.II Iďż˝ Aclirt

111 4 r4riti'l 01 SOCi4' Grlllir

HOll, Hall Linda Gray Nancy Green Judy Glydenvanu Linda Harms Sharon Hegg

Kathy Herul11 Marl;uret Huh Corrine l'lcob�orl Julie la�obson Linda Kay Jen�n

Linda Rose Jensen Paul' Johnson Kathy Ka!tcnba�h Sharon Kauho Ingrid Knutzen

Dillne Kowing Linda Kula.� Rose Lanes Carol Lauren Jud y Linse Kathy MLCosh Marsha McGraw Linda McKay Calh.,. McLauchlan Randi Marlin Pam MarliMaon Frieda Ma5()n Lynne Moody Betsy Morken Karina NehaS()Us Charolcue Oberg

[)yannc Osborne

Brenda Pearson

Lynn Pedersen JanN Phelps Sara Puil;iphcr Lynn Randall P::nricia Ranta

Hong dorm council, left 10 r ighe Jn�rid Knutzen. treasurer; E�thcr t\'crCl!C. 0,,1'\,1nl hrad ,('<iu"nI; Mrs. EIi�.abclh Lacey, h('ad re,ideol ; Christine, hi�lfJrian; N,u'!,·y Rutk-dj;.... publicity ch�ir­ man; Lynn Moody, 5�relary; Judy Ced3rquisl. viu�.pr�.'idcnl, and Th:hbie StOoe. pfE'�id�ot.


M�ureen Repp Roeser Rfo,nee Sahlberg Judy Schmid! Karen Seely Marie Seifert

Sue Sheik Teena Shephard Linda Sim<.lndson Lind� Sin�� Pat Soderberg Gwen Staley

Marsha Stirn Andrea Sl<)ut Elk-n Sunde Beth Sunde! Judy SW311ing Cindy Testerman

Linda ThnmpM>n Audrey Trnutwinc Mkhelle Vermillion

Carol Virgin K;l1hy Weed Yanda Wei!

Paulette Weiss Marilou Whab· Sharon Willms

Penny Wilson Judy Limmer Marie YI�isaker

·�­ --

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Knitlltr a./J H',plp"'7 N,,- If, "'" YOIJ' 1m_ Il"'''''''' ,h... "c.op _nd, )'<>"> .-".. no., K""II., do b<Ioo>� ... . \NIP'!" M... Rorb.r. P . ....... .

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ADMINISTRATION F ACU LTV -STAFF Adachl, Seiictti 3 1 Adam, Hany 8 1 Aku, E. M. 7 0 Alien, Lan)' 146 Alselh, Richard 59,222 Andersen, Mark 33 Anderson, Charles 28 Anderson, Joseph 75 Albaugh, Georg.: 74 Askb.nd, Paul 34 Bana;ort, Stuart 43 BasSl'!l1, Abe 91,195 Balker, Kenncth 83 8('1. Marta 59,134 Bergum, Gbdys 145 J.)crnuen, Henry 147 Bexlon, Harold 85 Blomquist, Grace 5 1 Gunnfors,Rib 146 Broeker . l oe S S Buchanan, Dtan ]5 Carlson, Beverly 149 C: o rlsan, Roy 51,219,2]5 Calhet.�le[b,J 67 Chamben, Alice-Maoe 4S Chase, Georgann 67 Christian, David 89,204 C11ristopheuon, Kenneth 73,236 Collom, Ron 33 Creso, hene 78,1 24 Culver, Lowell 7 1 Dalton, MOrTis 1 4 1 D3.nielson, J.E. 33 DaviS,Jamn4] DeBol'.'e1. Carrol 4? Dionne, Bemadelle 149 Dougherty, Edith 1 4 9 [)oughty. Judd 89,204 Dunmir.e. Kenneth 146 Durham, Karin 5 3 Eg,gan, Lany 8 2 Ehly, Robert 147 Eklund, Emmet 74 Elam, Lois 65 El,,-ell, George 39 Erwin, Janet 50 Espese!h, Loleta 29 Eyres, John 209 Farmer, Donald 69 Fisher, Winnifred 54 Fletcher, Josephine 65 FrillS, Bya:rd 62 Genda, Ron 41 Gerheim, Eal'l 78 Giddings, William 80 Gilbertson, Gordon 62 Giroux, Lucille 26 Govig. StewU1 73 IhlSen, Af:lold 46 Hahcth,Jame� 71 HU11son, Jerry 35 Hartman, Pau1 90


Heislct, Mary 30,280 Herzog, John 83 HUdahl, Richard 43 Holden, uwon 90,138 Holman, Gary 41 Holmberg, BrantOll as Holmquin, MlIbel 295 Huber,Curtis 75 Huest's, Laurence 80,125 Hutcheon, WilHam 43 Jensen, Jo Ann 79 Jobn, R Ich.ud 87 Jolmson, Lelghland 31,139 Johnson, Lucille 5 I Jolmston, Kenneth 47 Jones, Albert 4 5 Jordahl, Olaf 80 Karl, Theodore 90,138 King, Gunda. 42 Kittleson, Lars 39 Klopsch, Raymond 49 Knapp, Calvin 62 Knon, Erich 86 Knudson, Anne 5 1 Knudsen, Jens 78 K u . .abel, Alf 141 Knable, Muie 268 Krach!, Jeny 62 Kvinsland,Stcphen 263 Lacey, Elizabeth 290 Langevin, Thomas 2 8 Laugwd, John 1 4I Leasure, D�niel 30 Lennon, John 3 1 Lerus, H�old 79 Logan, Frances 146 Lovejoy, Allen 35 Lueder, Kenneth 82 Lundgaard, Gene 58.227 M(:(;arty, Doris 1 4 8 McKay, Thomas 74 McMaster, Keith 43 Maier, Eugene 82 Martinson, Arthur 70 Minetli, Gary 3 1 Moe, Richard 28 Monroe, Katherine 55 Morlvedt, Robert 26 NapJus, Alice Nelson, Ctwles 29 Ndson, Victor 89 Nessel, Burton 80 NeSlinl:, Norman 34 Nesrig, Millon 32 Neufeld, Harvey 32 Newnham, Frederick 61 Nitz, Lorena 146 NOldholm, Eric 90,123,128 Nordquist, Philip 70 Nornes, Shennan 81 OrrlCer, Sara 57,135 Olsen, Robert 8 1 Olson, Jon )2 Olson, Linda 66 Orvik. Florence 47

O$tenson, Burton 77 Parsons, Barbara 294 Pattie, Donald 79 Pedersen, Arlhur 34 Peder$On, Arne 46 Pelerson, John 75 PeIClSlOn, Charles 42

Cornel' Office 1 15 Curtin CaU 128 Delta Iota Chi 133 FOreign Students 139 Frosh Initiation 152,153 GaV1:1 Gub 128 Homeooming 154,159

Peterson, Cbylon 34 Peler$On, Guy 82 Pelerson, Wilma 66 PierlIOn, Alta 280 Pierson, Robert 4 1 Poole, Doris 145 Purcell, Palma 148 Randell, Carrie 149 Ranson, Helbert 49 Reigstad, Paul 49 Rimer, Lois 65 Ringe, Don 77 Roskos. George 39 Salzman, Mark 57 $andler, WUli.J.m 30 Schiller, J,A. 86 Schnackenberg, W.C. 69 Schneider, Joseph 32 Schwidde.r:, Ern5t 39 Seaman, Al 231 Seger, Katherine 42 Severtson, Erving 85 Sevin, Dieter 55 Sjoding, Theodore 45 Skanes, Patricb 61,186 Sole, J,L. 50 Spangler, Carl B Stein, Lynn 45 Stinlzi, Vernon 43 Slricklam1, Kathryn 61 Stucke, Doris 65 Sylling, Ona 148 Tang, Kwong·Tin 8 1 Tobi:l$O!\, Gred 80 Tollefson , Dorothy 67 Toven, Audun 55.237 Utzingtr. Vernon 91 Van Beck, James 33,227 Vedell, Howard 35 White, Eleanor 66 Wickstrom, MargMet 30,115 Will1amson, Jane 46,124

IK'$ 122


ISO 1 3 9 Junior Prom 172,173 Knappa Phi Kappa 138 Knight Time 204 KPLU FM 205 Legislature 1 1 4 Leiterman's Club 136 Lin 140 Unne Society 132 Lucia Bride 160,163 Madrigals 1 g9 Math Club 132 May Feast 174.175 Mooring Mast 208,209 Mu Phi Epsilon 129 Nominating Convention 170,171 Orc!lestn. 191 OTgan Guild 129 Phi Epillon 134 Phi Kappa Della 138 Philokalian 1 3 0 Propeller Club 1 3 2 Psychology Gub 1 3 2 ROTC 1 2 6 SAB 1 16,117 Saga 206,207 SEA 133 Sea Sprites J 35 Ski Club 137 Sociology Club 130 Sputs 123 Stage Band 193 St:mding Commiltee 1 1 5 Student CongJ'eption 142.143 Tassels 124 University Chorale 190,191 USSAC 168,169 Young Democrats 126 Young Republicans 126


AU School Play 202,203 Alpha Kappa ps.; I J I Alpha Phi Omega 1 3 1 A Si O l29

Baseball 241 Basketball 226 Cheerleadeu 254 Crew 238 ero" Country 220 Foolball 212 Golf 242

112,113 AWS 120,121 Band 192 Blue Key 125 CAl.l. 140 Children'sTheater 198,201 Choir of the West 186,188

[ntnmurah '250 Skiing 236 Songleadeu 256 Swimming 222 Tennis 243 Track 244 Wrestling 234



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