Saga 1983

Page 1








SAGA 1983 Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, Washington 98447 Volume 53

1111., I'.,ďż˝,.


2 Table of Contenl5

Events Page


Organizations Page


Academics Page


Dormitories Page


Seniors Page


Table o(Conients •


Gosh, the campus is pretty. Y'know, that's part of the reason why I came here.

Q � •!


• . '

4 Introdunion



i2Z2 CJi


Yeah , but have you noticed there are never any >Ieaves on the ground? Yeah-l remember seeing the campus for the first time: all the


b u i l d i ngs Square>



aro und

o ld Red

Everyone was so

friendly !

introduction 5


Int...u .c! ction

Often. people's perceptio/ls of PLU nm a ralher narrow path: the beautiful campus. friendly students and Christian atmosphere are what first caine to milld. There is /Jlllch more


PLU. thou9h; its defil/ition is

cOllstal1lly clla1lgil'1g as dif f erent people pass through. making tlleir OWII impacts alld If,eir own perceptions. The renfity of PLU IIIuSt be seel1 frolll 11/1 side!', tIle good and tIle bad. as stlldellts {eam througIJ their four years to apprenate what PLLI has to offer alld 10 search alit IV/wt it ((III/lOt.

IntrOOuttion 7

8 IntroducTion

Inuodl.l("lion 9

An Ivory Tower ?

Seniors say PLU only looks protective All of

Is PLU all "ivory lowrr"? SJ,ollld il hI' Olle?


of Saga


u s k t'd



as we journey down the ro;ld of

As we journeyed closer w PLU "JlIll' 01 u,

to encounter the ivory tower

took in [It le:l$t a �ub1illlinal sugge,tivn that

gradlwlillg smior to lake (l /ollg. Iwrd look (1/


11.1';' fOII( yeti's IIi'r...

known as PLU.

We dotl"





AI first we were attracted to the shining

parap/lrase PlaID. we I/,i"k Ihe IItlrX(m.illl'd

ivory glistening in thc sun as seen through the



Brunll'" and JOllt'S.


proleclivt' cover of our parents' homes. The

IIl/ivers;1y emlllol grow.

leners of welcome and acceptance proclaiming


-,r \


perhaps our pn'conccived notions were a hit overreaching. if for no other (e<lson th<lll the . 'Tacoma aroma, " or the thunder of a C� I <11 from McChord. But. of course.



ignore the increasing Ihreal� of toxins 10 our

a "quality education in a Christian comext"

environment and our counlry's move IOwllTd�

reinforce our nOlions of a place that truly

militari7.ation. We are, after all. here 10 he

!>tood apart from the rest.

a common

life. have chosen





Stepping into the tower. some of us Ix'gan to see some evidence of cracking plaster. while others had to trip "ver the cracks hefme taking notice. and �till (IIhers managed 10

� -

avoid thcm altogether. That first <Iltcmpt at researching the politic<ll strife in South Afric:1 �


in the libr<lry (revealing only a little mure than a







question. Those 01 us thai looked a little du!>er. perh<lps even daring to open a closet or two. found individuals prefering alternalivcs heretofore unmentioned at PLU. Never mind that the rest of the world was aware 10 year!>: the TeSt of the world acknowledge such heinous crime... as mpe �lIId auclllpted suicide. We still managed to concern ourselve� with the more pre�sing is�ucs of the qualit)· of food service and the availability of p[lrkin�. The dichotomy


PLU's ,ocial

allempting 10 nnd that


delicate halancc

between Christianit)' and alcohol. :llIowed some of us to sec the cfllcks for what they �Irl!, while others continued to avoid them. H<lving spent upwards of S25.000. :;ome of us will cave wonder whcther we know something. Still. lookng hilck at uur fading image of PLU.

we'lI somehow find th;1I

cr.lcking pilc of ivory once ;lg.lIn look!> more Hnd lIlore like a tower.

10 TI,., IvuryTo .......

A .... .,lk ,,,,,und 'clllll"" ,h,,,,, ""d.·",,· III ,h.· "fIl"�,,..· ,,,,.I ,,,,l�,"", ,,,I,,,,,·,,, '" "I"""!�' (h'''I1.111 ''''''.,'''',.

I 2 NOlstS, Smells of rLU

Who Could Forget





Senses well exercised by noises, smells of Luteland Not all college memories can be GlplUred in a yearbook.

vending m a chine... Make your �('lection,

forget that. The smell of the pepperoni piua delivered

Sure. twenty years down the road, it will

down the hall. the thunderous roar of the

please. ..Thank you for using the talking vendor...Don·t forget your change. "

to remember who the cheerleaders

McChord airplanes during a lecture. the smell

Surely the "nell of Bill the dog. w hen he ,�

were, how the mighty Lute leams faired. and

of a roommate's hairspray are things we think

...o.1kin g wet and begg in g for a meal. will

the names of the professors. but how will we

we'lI never forget.

never escape us, nor will the sound of the neighbor'S blaring stereo.



remember the parIs of PLU which cannol be

The earth-shattering roar of the alarm clock

How could we

after only four hOUlS of sleep seems like

h may seem funny now, but without a

possibly record the smells, tastes and sounds

something that will not be easily be forgotten.

viable way to caplUre them, someday we

recorded in this book?

that were such a part of our life here? It may seem unlikely that we could ever

Ditto the feel of the hard benches at football

could forget the laste of UC corndogs on a

games, the rustling sounds of paper shuming

Saturday afternoon, the smell of a roommate

forgel the taste of a latc nighl roast beef and

in the library and the smell of three-week-old

relurned from jogging. the feel of a warm bath

cheddar bagel or the sound of 40 men

dirty laundry in the closet.

after a hard week, the terrifying sound of "Time's up... Please pass your tests .... ,.

whooping after a successful panty raid. Wl' mil)' think now that we'll never have a hard lime f<.'Caliing the (eel

of Vll..('linc on our

Could we ever forget the reassuring smell way to dinner or the uneltpressible softness of hl'ds when we crawl in!o them after

warms up. how could we ever forget the gen­ lie wafting of Foss Pond into our lives...?


..em for;\ pran k.

�tudying Un!il 3 H. m . It i' doubtfu l tlmt any PLU studr.:n! will

Coke in COGl-Cola

sneez ' es of the spring colds that kept the whole

c\'er lin' down the memory of buying

halls up at night?

thl· Ue.

Surely we could never

when the now�rs

bloom. the hayfever comes. and the weather

well. cr.. . �lflcr �orneone put it on the loilet What about the sniffing, coughs and

And. in the spring,

of spaghetti or lasagne which greets us on the

" Hi!

I'm the talking

Well. maybe some things ure be�t left forgotten! ·Gail G,u"wood

R,II ,I",,�,j.(_ th..·




�,,,I "".·11,



I' ..."".·w,....,

"I 1'1 U


<0,11.-..1 �""'"

"ell d' �"',"....

1"..1'...."1 "PI"";!!·""'·' �"�",,I '.""1""


Ih, til.·

lie w"m�'''') h;,... I,·, ".-..1 "''' ',.. a 1I""'c,....l ,cuJ..·ru

Noises. Smells of PLU 13

• • •


Buck to the Grind

Bade 10 the Grind J 7

Back to the Grind It's been a good summer, but you're ready to go back The Ian look) J,!rl':II.

Sl. d\I\'� tlw \i,meul. ,md ,h.< pound� don', hur t ('lIher. You ,,>1.'111 \'t>ur 'unmwr In


10 1",..


in ,hl' forl'bodin� leal world, mom mad\' you driv\' your l i n le hrOlher :md ..hie,


c\'cry'" hell', :lOd yOU (I(HHIII" had 10 �h:lre room \..itl,


one of Iht' !utlc h'ranlS while your

loom wa!> bcmj.: rcpainlt'd.

VOln b,olh':l rr i�bc.·c · d vour album:. aero"

,h", lake afler you told him he played the guilar Ilk... a girl. .lI1d if your litde SI)II'I ..peW) :lIlolher Val1('Y-I)m your wav. you WILL lotally g:Ig h e r

wilh the N arrow s Bodge.

AI,hh.. . tor ,h,' 1'''',1(1' and U;llUlll1lu) 0\ PLlI. TIll' �unple Me. Sudd...nlv PLU nc\l." lo�,kt·d 1'H.'lIl". T'Ul'-\'OUI mornm:II,'


\'l',II, hut .U1vtlun!-!',


kmd oj al�'p\'

1)I,'IIl'r Ih,u) 11.11IJ.t


hmllt' lor :lIlt)llll't thr\'l' 1ll\lIU I". M,I\"m' Har�t,ld i�n 't hOllw. 1\·1.1\·lll· It "Ill


1,ld.." d,."m IoKlm

" ,h�II,·,,):.. ... h., t........ ";Kh tall. RIGHT, For tho-<· "h.. .<."C,'" .. tll1..n{!�1 ;lId. "):l1In)l (01"" .' ,11'1 �nl>l"'" poU' ,� Ih., ··fir't·" .....k·· pr.....· " . OPI>QSIT!: PAG!:: F,,·,hm�1l 1)\...,.... �.dl"'!1 " lluroh . -4." In.: In, d",-, ,..t,y�. Ih., �"rl\l�1 (."... d •.... pl..a....r d�lII!l ',..ClUJI...,,,·, DO!lI)�.ch Oh'ml"'" h"nk"" lor

momh, I'



Blade 10 u,t' Grn i d


Ill' Chrt�lnl.l� b�.'lorl· Hlllr dOlIll" .arl' dc"n "A,un. hut HIU 'u· "'.,d\' lor II. II ') hn'lI a p,tKki ,umnll'r, hut ,·tl\1 "l' 'l'.Ki\' lU

An h:ICk, Back


tht' p:lrlic�,

the dances, the

�ocializing. Back


the LI.C., the book•. the clas'>C),

the .e8 i�lmr'� ornet', the food , lhe hilt�. Ihe da t ele�s Salurd.ty nighh.... Hey, W:llt a mm ut e here.

Anylhing \ be lle r Ihall Unde Boh ·s! Wor kin g

"asn'l thai bad. I� there reall)· II due next week? NineIV-lhrt't' p.1ges of historY 10 reiKi before lht' le st tomorrow? Your new roommalt' ale your typel'o"riler rihbon, and Ihe Dairy Dell IS clo �cd for renov,uion. Summer scem� an awfully long limt'


away.... -KM W<lUrnrh


don 't

know . . . there's


good movie on TV Saturday nigh t .


some popcorn .

What do you want to do this weekend?

20 EYf:nlďż˝



You 're right: so what do you want to do?


know ,



college campus there '5 much



a so


concerts. movies - and we

Wel l . . . I'll stop by the Pig

don't even see half of i t !

and get some popcorn.

Eyenls 2 1

, Jest Plain Fun' Londgren, Taylor give Homecoming new look



The theme of Homecoming 1982, "Jest Plain Fun,"

proved that even college can

become a laughing mailer.

Regan. Rainier-Evergreen walked away with the evening's top award in the dorm com­ petition followed by Ordal-off campus and

Under the direction of chairman Drew Londgren and programming director Mandy

Stuen-Cascade. Deb Consear

Taylor, the Homecoming Committee replrlced










the traditional dorm competitions wilh ... well,

following $ongfes!. The Stomp capped the

a good time.

evening with music by "The Cowboys"

The week of entertainment was kicked off with the humor of comedy team Franken and

the C.K. The PLU




in the

Davis, two writers and performers from the original "Saturday Night live... One of the

Saturday afternoon.

first" big name" programs held al PlU for a

close with the Homecoming Fonnal at the

couple of years, the pair's controversial humor

Doublelree Plaza.

was heartily greeted by students who had spent many Saturday nights watching



AI Franken." Homecoming activities continued with a show of student talent and nontalent in PlU 's , own version of "The Gong Show. . The following evening, students were treated to an All-American food night in the U.c. com­

festivities with a win over lewis and Clark on The week came to a

Although Homecoming fell during midterms

this year , Mandy Taylor felt that the

rejuvination of the week's events with the theme of entertainment was enjoyed by the students involved. "Jest Plain Fun" was just that.

mons, complete with hamburgers and fries, girls on rollerskates, and a showing of the movie Gr�Qs�. To help gear up for the weekend's big events, a movie festival was held all week. Each night in the Cave a movie was screened that highlighted humor from the Marl( An IIppropriate Brothers to Steve M.ntin. noses, and fake leis, 'trinket - sunglasses, OUI to handed were arrow headpieces as the served � students who attended. admission tickets for Friday night's Stomp. Amid talk that Songfest might be aban­ doned in its traditional fonn, senior Dave Nelson rescued the annual display of campus entertainment and turned the evening into a spoof of "The Tonight Show." Interspersed with the dorm skits, hosts Joan Riven (Bill Scharff) and Ed McMahon (Dan Nelson) were visited by such noted celebrities as Indira G:mdhi and Secretary of the Treasury Donald

OI)JlOSITE I)AGE TOP un AND RIGHT· LUlc fan, climb 1111 Oycr uch mhrr co .how Spllll al I,",

chmb ..II o,'cr <,;o<h Qlhn 10 �how 'p'n! III Hon>«omm8 ptp rally. R01TOM MIGHT: 11111 Schalff plays lhe namhoyanl JOII" RIY<,� on "Th" Tonig hl Show" dUlmR Songfr.;l. CENTER LEn: Frr.;hm.ln Doug

Schlllmg In Iyy', ,kil. ROTIOM LEn: '"If I Wnt: a Singlt: Man. '" ""g' M�rru) "Ed" Rrikr In Ihr Ordal­

off Cllmpu� ,ku romhining G"ol Bumo.ll·S " Mama" on ,hr Moof. '" Ochrr d>aI;KI(". 1((1 .a "lib,. Mall Ormc. J;ockoe Bon""au. K..,jr Walhr THIS

�nd '"fiddlt:r

PAGE TOP, I)rb Co4>;;a.r ..nd Ray W,I..... ac«pl ,,",,, 8OTIOM; " Kmg"on Too" "",mbcr; Kylc Rahn. Rubbl(" Sprcr and Dran o.,mull"'g jam al

fOyal 1lI1H.

I-Iomo:roming "Gong Show."

HOme«MTling 23

A Taste of College Life Jerstad, football team, student prodigies entertain parents Two scheduled events during the school

" Ull nalllcd QUlIru.'I . · · lIlld all award!>

Wingard. and 13 fathers, most of whom had

year hring ..Iudenl�' part'nl� to c-.unpUl>: Dad" Da)' and Parent ' s Weekend. Thi� year"


pari of Ihe I1nt American party 10 dimb Mt.

four minute, 35 second race. wone by the

D..d'� Day wa.. Nov. 6, Pinen l ' s Weekend

Everc!> t . wa� the gtle�t 'peaker. The . . Unnamed Quartl.'! · · membcr� Charle�

followed an hour of intense on-the-water

fmm acroSl> the Slales and /o!ave them a ta�tc of

Wal�worlh, Carl BolSlad. Chri� Gun(ler�on.


1 980'� college life.

and Phillip Sjmp�on !>ang . 'M-O-T-H-E-R"

March 1 2 - 1 3. Th�'se events brought parent ..

A viclOriou"ly played football game. the f'ir�1 mmual Dad'� Day crew race. and a wcl1-

PLU !-;radu:uc who wa�

and (I�h'd for (ludicllCl' p:lnicip<ttion in " My Wild [ri\h Ro�e."

ncver been in a aew shell. panicipHtoo. The

faculty shell aided by coxswaill Gail Rice.

father travelling fllrthe,t. the dad h'lving the

Coxswain Marr Dahle guidcd

IJw ratht'r� in their shell.

The Parent \ Weekend banquet fe;Hured �tudelll-rUIl

Award� were given at the banljuct for the

attcnJl'd han(juet with' 'Lute" entertainment were lhe highlight� of thi� year'� Dad \ Day.







presentation, :lI1d words of encouragement from President Rieke.

Fathers of PLU students travelled to the

mo�t children Ht/hHving gTllduatc(1 from PLLJ.

Tim Lu�k WOIl first prill' in the lalell!

campu.. from as fm (lW.1Y as

thl' 1Il0,t obvious child/f,uher look-alike. and

show. (Ioing a comic impersonal ion of a child :Ifter having beell sent 10 hi� room for

Richmond. Her

the father having attended the 1110,1 number of

falher, Gcral<1. honored a� the (;llher hnvin/o!

D:ld'� Day!>. The latter title wa� Hwurded to


Ir,lvdll,d farthe..t . said of �uch celebration.. .

Lell Lust. thi, O,ld'� Day hcin).: hi� ninth.

Crosby. North Dakota. were Parent� of the

Vir�inia, the home of Jan Bnlllsnom.

. , [ think D:ld', Days are lerrific. them ... The banquet. boasling W;l� ellH.'Tlained by


Parent'$ Weekend


The Lute Var,ity Rowing Cluh �potN)re(1

I love Hn

crowd of 870.

LUle Jcrslad.


early morning race on Amcrican Lake;

fathcr� vs. faculty. Brownillg.


Three fllculty. Chri' Menzel.



Rohen and Lois Redlin. of

Year. :lnd Cbrent' Johnson. a 1956 alum \\Ia� Part'llt of the Ycar.



-- --

IC /It,..." ....... 111, ,"� ..·� .. ... ("..11",11 �dJTk' "n I)�d', M"""'II (1,,1. ,""".I,,,.....! "",,.. J�lh..-" �nd t<KUh�' ." ,1,,> '1"'" "I ""''''11 AHOVI. l.I·rr !).h... E".;oJ. ...oJ h.:r ,,"',...,• . II" ....

OI'l'o<,rrE I'A(.E

h.." ..nJ � hlu".h hrlorr ,he [)3\ TOP Th.. I lIl( V.."",. •1.."..

."on.' com.. u,>',h,·, dll"")! 1',,,,'111', \V..d.. ...nd

AHOV!; HI{,Hr· l,.,. S."b,.·n �nJ h.., tdtiw. po� 1<)1«',h", "n D.•d·, D.,

Dad's Day 25

Airband madness Mime musicians rock campus· contests 10hnson.

Nu one kntl� .. hn"'" II ..tarled. HIIII� of ....h.11 . W,I�


come Il.Id .lpIXarcd

hy the end of thl, 1981-82 �dlOOI yt·aT. when Ordalih."

dancl,d ... Ihe

"mu�j(" of Ihe

. 'Screamin' Seamen" ,111(1 Hlmlcrlic men hdd

IIbl of their WO/l-w-be-annual (Ollle�IS 10 ,Ill' CaYI.'. the


By ,hl' lime "pnllj.: 1983 rollt'd .lfIlUnd. Ihou�h. airh.lIld m,IJn...�... hOld left nil COnier of the Campus IIIltouchcd. and latent Beatlem:mll' �m�d imminem. More than 500 fans .'>,ood �houldcr 10�houldcr 10 the Cave flu tilt' ., I:ir.., Annual AIl-CHnru"


Spomorcd by dlt� A$PLLI S,x-ci,.l Commilll'c,

the ,,1I-Glmpu,


cvclH "ffcfl'd

5350 111 prll.l' muncy. Three Tinglcslll(l n·�,dl'nll.ll lifl' ..!:lITer, .lIld :m nfr.campu.. friend doned till' Bt·adc.. convin(inlotiy

l'n{)u�h 10 earn

,ne:1Il1, uf

:.pprov�.1 from Ihl· ,Iudicnce and a fir.. t pl.Kc

r:uinf,! worth S200. Brei Burkholder. Kdl),

Rod Zt,.lt·r and

,Ionned )uils.





in two c."cs,

lotmighl, browll wi�, to mouth the 8cade�' "I

Saw Her Standmg There" and " Twi,t and ShoUl.' , "\Ve Wl're :.11 &:lIlc, fan,> , " ZCllcr \,Iid.

"The ni�hl of the come'>l w:., like Fill1tJ'Y" The PLlI "Sc:ulc,>" \\lIrh'!! h.lrd

for :llIlhenlicity, "Brei :md r endc(1 up wllh

Ih(' �arnc






McCmlnt'), and John Lennon. \>olIO Zellcr and

Burkholdcr imiltlled) playcd. Zt."iler ",lid Juhn\on ,md Burkholder aClUally played Ihl' Ikalle.. tunc" "hhou�h Ihelr gml:u" were nOI

plu��ed 11110:. )()und loYlol('m.

Top-mnking bands from the COmlk:lilion found Ih('mscives in dcmmui ;.) ent('rlaml'r� for C.1111PU\ eVCl1llo, from the 'l)fInn pICniC II)

Mayfc\!'� Fin:.] Performilllcc.

LEFT: n..: "SlOp S'Op!i" en.. �·na'l\f'd


1M �pnnjl

picnic in Olwn (j.,ldholb.,. ABOVE: John. Paul. GeQlS" �nd Rinjlo? PLl/'j own "£katles" B".Umldel,

Kdly John..on.


Rod Zril... and K.,m

B;.�"':II) k..� ran� in h)"I<�"cs in pnfonnanc.... all



Ail Bands 27

Festival of Light Meyer crowned Lucia Bride in Scandinavian celebration Red lights. black skirts. white aprons, and ornale red vests. The Lucia Bride Festival at PLU is a celebration of light and color.

Eastvold's dark aisles carrying lit candles and singing the traditional" Santa Lucia".


Celebrating the coming of light on the

ficially opening the Cht,istmas season at PLU,

longest night of the year. the Lucia Bride


legend was recounted.








A colorful festival of Scandinavian

songs and dances followed the introduction of the

Lucia Bride

and her



Corrine Calvo and Tandy Gunderson. The three nnalists were selected by campus

A beautiful Christian

girl refuses the love of a pagan.

In his

revenge, he tries her as a Christian but when the executioners try [0 burn her at the stake. she will not burn.

Finally. they pierce her

heart and the dying light in her eyes is the

vote from a lotal of 1 2 PLU women from

light of salvation. The Lucia Bride Festival is

various dorms.

a celebration of light. as is exemplified by the

Lucia Bride is performed and

sponsored by the PLU Spurs. a sophomore

Lucia Bride's crown of candles.

women's olganization.

'queen of light'.

She is the

Organ music welcomed the audience and

Svend Olav Leirvaag. a PLU sophomore

the stage was decked with seasonal greenery Three red thrones were

from Norway. treated the audience to 'special music'. With a small tuning fork in hand for

centerstage and next 10 them a large, lighted

a pitch indicator, Leirvaag sang two Nor足

Christmas tree.

wegian songs. acapella.

and large red bows.

The audience hushed as 24 women led by young "slar boys"

28 Lucia Bride

walked slowly through

The audience rose as the new Bride in her red-sashed, white gown left the auditorium.

Christmas carols were sung around the color足 ful Christmas tree in front of Eastvold.


costumed Spurs then led the audience to Chris Knutzen Hall where trays of Scandinavian cookies awaited.

Mayfest dancers maintained

the festive atmosphere--grabbing onlookers to join fn m'e'dancing.

Father Christmas Milt

Nesvig wandered through the decorated hall

and gave candy canes 10 delighted children. _FIQrtnu Humil',m

OPPOSITE: Caren t:i nn <miles al Mayr�1 daocel Ma,k relelson. LEFT: Th� SPUIS ",ist' !heil anns as Ihey dance in (elebmllon of Sallla LlICia. ABOVE LEFT:

C�lolyn PI",chal�ky" face is lill by a candle 's Ch'i�tmas glow. AOOVE: Lucia Bride liz Meye, displays her

of candles u< CO/f inc Calvo and Tandy Gunderson �land in attendance. wreath

Lucia Bride 2 9

Saturday Night in Parkland Few tasks more awesome than locating local night life This is the best way to find a good time, and

CXCltlllg. challenging or rrighum1ll� ta...h

very fun. The laller group mcludes the one�


wllh ellhl'r far too few 1:H..·ople

during dlt:ir fiN years of Khool. Nonc of

c\'olved over the decades,

College students are faced wilh :1 vane!)' of

Ihe�e, however. is less awesome a job Ihan finding �uililblc cmcrtainment in Parkl;md on a 5<llurd:l)' niJ,!hl. Ah! Cumpu!> life is indeed fun. (ull of

youth and vibrancy (nOI to mention !>Iuptdlty

and confusion), BUI what to do with one's spare lime and energy in a City whmc greatl'::.1


of enlcrtaining pastimes have

These include going 10 the PigJ:lly Wiggly and latl�h;ng


the frcshmen and l>Ophomorc�

trying to huy beer from an unsympathetic checker.

far away.

A few resort w hasslinR campus s;,fety

contribution to civilization wa� the now

officers, who al le:lst have a job on Saturday

defunct American Opinion book ...tore on

night. I keep wailing for "OnlL'One 10 chain the

Garlle1d Slreet?

1I111e of the little emt 10;1 rock, a la ., AmeriCan

Indeed. that is Ihe que!>lioll. anJ count1c...� ...quads of brave �tudents have off in "c:lrch

Gr;lffili. "

of th�' answer wilh at lcasl three lime" the

pleasure in drinkinlo: beer acros� the �treet frum

enthusinsm ever displarcd for

campus. preferably within sight of


rcli).:ion tcrm

paper, MO)I 3fe soon di!>appointed HI Ihe mcaJ.!re selection o( nighl spots, however, and soon opt (or creating fun instead of look;nJ.! (or It.

30 Parkland Saturday Night


M;my dorm re�idcnts wke a pervcrsc ;11\


This is an illlclt'sling behavior. somewhat akin to teasing tile gurilla at [he�oo. Of course, Ihere lITe "Iso dance.. Thclooe :ire sometimes very fun and sometimes oot so

(m le;t�1 p(.'Ople

hOIll you would dance) or far [00

many. Good mll�ic


:tl� nece�':lTy for a

good d.lllee. Some dance euurclin;lIor, sliII haven 'I Il'amed Ihal you cannOI move well to Gordon

Or Ibh�·nmg to frosh j.!irls cry o\'cr the phone 10 their boyfriends



Anodll.·f frequent

Smurd4lY nl(.thl OCtl\'il\' i�·

Ihe "Screw-Your-Roomm4lIe" date. \Vhcn I wa, a fre�hman I wa� horrified at tht' sound of tim, hUI my fear� ,·;.nt�hed quickly ,.fler I learned Ihe trulh. StilL Ihe evening is not alway, a barrel of l(llIgh�. The problem h thaI il i�


ploy 10 get Ihal "�01lleone �pC(ial" 10 go


with you withoul him or her knowing Ilwl he ur �he j, your" �olT1con.. spt.'tial. ' , But

everyone alway, know, hec�.use

everyone can figur�' II out. So everyone sil� around tht' table tryin/ot nol 10 1..1 QUI a faci which ever)"une kno\'� mW\>O;IY. Tht:. GIn be

fUI1I1)' if you don', takl" it 100 seriou�ly. I ha"e Ix-cn told ,hal in Ellensburg. the C\VlI



themselves by "cow pushing."

entertain The}' sneak

up to a sleeping cow and pu�h il over. Wi: don', have many ,Iccping cows in Parkland, but we (ould adnpt the game



students in [he library. This would nol only entertain the goof-orfs. blll al'>O her the diligent 'Iudenl" on thdr


Out' 10 the location of the new science

build ing no one will eVt."T he ahle to liven up .

a weekend by lighting Fol>� Pond on fire. Don',






conStnKlion of Ihl' Ill'W fm:ility someone cuuld take one of the tractors for a joyride. •

[call hear the conversation. ·'/-Idlo. Bill?

This is Square

Milt NCl>vig. HaVt' ),ou l>cen R.,d '"

. . • .

Ncun �nd !luOT�...:�nl

"',I(h, 'roh.

bull" hilln lip


f,wollle Lute

Parkland Saturday Night 3 I

The question of




college campuses was a strong undercurrent during PLU's second annual pell.ce conferen­ ce,

" Mandates for Peacemaking,"


took place in late February. Film director Stanley Kmmer began the conference


a ch<lllenge to


students: " Where are the student leaders on campuses?

Even if you m<lke mistakes, at

least be volatile. " Kramer, the director of such memorable movies


" The



"Judgement at Nuremburg.'· and' 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," spoke after the �howing of hi� 1959 film " On the Bench". Kramer said that the film, which depicts the aftennath of a nudear war and its effect on the

survivors, "is less fantasy today than it was in 1959." Kramer said that he views himself as an ac­ tivist and has "come to realize that there is a lot 111<11\'


1,.. <I(tivI' "how , .. .1.1,' ,h,m tlWfl'

was in the '60'so "

He wanls to provoke

people. particularly the youth . 'who have their lives and their children's lives ahead of , them. ' Kramer's sentiments were repeated during the following day's speeches and workshops. Addresses by Ruth Adams. editor of The and

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,


Shinn, prof"""J "I' thl'"I,,�y and l·thir� "t lJni"n TIll""I"gil";,1 S\·minary. kl'\'n')t,·d thl' (,lIl(en·nn·. lI"th A.I'lIll� dnd Shlllll. a� w,·]] ", till"


worbh"p' gh'\'11 llurillg tI,\: lbv,

I'mpkl,i/l'll thl' Ill'l,d t<l d((iv,'h' ,"okl' ,pnn'fll ;iI''''1I

till' PT"'I'n(I' ,111.1




WI';I]"I1111'. A major emphasis of the conft"fence was the need for a change in the intellectual climate. Adams warned that we " must think of new solutions.


military solutions. solution at all."


in terms of

A military solution is no

She stated that the only real

solution is to learn to tolerate differences in people.

Shinn said that if the usc of nuclear

wellpon5 is wrong. the threat


usc them is

-....:=... -

also wrong. Addressing the cry that youth are not ac­ tively involved in lobbying for peacemaking,

Here at PLU Pastor Ron Vignec agrees with Adams:

"I think that students are very

Adams pointed out that "young people today

aware of the possible danger,

grew up in a period when no one did anything , about the nudear threat. . She further Slated



that educational institutions have assumed no

despair. "

responsibility and have offered poor examples to students.


numbness' is

is really

But the threat also present.





Vignec sees student awareness through

�trong �lIIdl'nh ' responSl' 10 courses dealing _ with the ethics of war and through student participation in PLU's two peace conferences. Bread for the World is also active as a catalyst for responding

10 social issues and was one of

the spon,or� of the confcrt:'llce thi� year. Vigne< said that the title for this year's

conferenc... came from a scalemenl of the American Lutheran Church, which calls for peacemaking al all levels. including univcr­ ;ilies. for five years. felt



Like Adams. Vignec need

movement for peace awareness. Ih:I[ h('hopt" ",hat unllkt'





Vigil« said

Ih{' 1960',. lhl�

movement will not become polarized . "

The need for nuclear awareness was sum­ med up by Kramer. who


one of

Spencer Tracy's lines from "Judgement al

Nurcmburg"; " This is what we stand for: truth. juslice, and the value of a single human life.



Pull� Sound ll.-''''


a,ell ..


an ,mp<>n..m ,,_ In Ihe a' the- Us. N"" 'latloM<! 1M

r..J.�u m,"'I0.�,..",,,,j.:

...,hm.." .... · In�"f W,.,hlnglo,,, �hnl .m;all 00;.1' tknOOIl'U"lro on Hood Can,.1 y, ..... ,uh ...;0;,; br....J!hl . '" .,< home- poll .. f, ....� abl., 10 for I"" fi�1 u....... btu on!'· <>Or .man « rluo:k C."m Guard �on, and CIr,k ....;u I� .ub In prolnl

Nuclear Awareness 33

Lecture Series

Missing, Entropy, The G-Spot authors provoke controversy rill' ( KilliK"

1082-81 LClHJr\' 5I:rll"

])('p.;m on

1 0 wht'll Thurn", H.llh('r. ,Iuth"r ,)1

,he Pn/c-nnnlln;uc(1 hook Nf'!I'lIIq. 'l)ll�l'.11 PLU. In ,lit' ll'ullrc. ,I" III till' h.H.k. he t'xpl.lincd ,hl' ('fCUIIl"';I!lCC, �urroulldm� 111\' dC;lIh 01 eh.I,lc, I-iorrn;m in Chile in 1971 lind p.",'d 'OIlW of 11Il' ,till-UlHIIlQ\'CU,J qlll·�tlon.. aboUlil pt.".hl.., U.S. J!O\'crnnWIlI 11l\-nh cmen! In Hurlll,III'" death. A Ic" dOl\".. ,.ItCf .lil' ired\· d('Cted ,ocl.,II.., ),!OH'rnmellt 01 Clull' ...... , oVl'rthrnwn IJV till" 11111,IH'\ ,' H"rrn.U1 \\;1, _.rrl',lcd. Thl, "';,Ied,(c wa.. ,I (urt ..'" v."I:niun. lim 11.IU'cr 1,...1,('\\,., ,hal H,ltIn.m w;" ,nT.." ll,d lor .... h,lt h.., h.ld 'l'.'n and hc.lul III IIll' p,t-cedins.: d ....... : l'vJ(ll'll("l' of U.S. Wl\l'rnmem 1Il\'Oht'llll'nl III till' Clulean cuup d 'el,lt. Fnr [I monlh .llIer III� .llfl"I, Hurm;m \\,1' 1ll1'�IIlJt-no OIW, ',I\'l' III� ',Iplllr�, knc\ \ ")U:ll' he wa�. I t.� deadl \\,,1' Verified 11)' U.S. olhual� "Il<'r 111'rman' � Wile ;md f,uher �p'ent .1 monlh

prior 10 Hall,cr\ leClufe. Thl' �<'Iie\ conlinued on Nm', 2 whl'n Jerem" Rif"km, amom of ElI/fOl')" �poke In Chn� Knlll71'll H.llI. A 1,\·eI�· Il"Clurer. Rlfkm kept eVl'r\'Unl' III thl" audwnn' un Ihe l-dJtI' or 11I� '1';11 .... hl' II :llkl'd ,·nl'f).!l'lIc"l1" ,inIon).! thenl. ... , kin).! que�II()n. p()�m).! hYPolhetlc,,1 "llli:lllon.. :Iml Illund:tllll).! e,'', r\'llOl' 111.11 mr,mmIlUm, Throu).!houl till' :lppfOxim:udy Iwo hour� Ih:ll he .. poke. Rltlon 1)(I\I'd m:m) ' hard qUl·qjun.. ..btlul Ihe r:lpld rc..nurce (UII�urllpItOn 01 our pre�clH ,echnoloJtle.., Ihl· rri!!hlerlln� tmplicallon.. of !!enellC en�lncl·rm�. ,he (omln).! "informatIOIl ,,).!e" o( Ihl.' cumputer "nd ,he I'HllI" 1'( Ilucle"r power. At une PUItI! he .hkcd ""ch Iwr�on in thl' ,mdiell(l' 10 imn).:lJle hem).! onc 01 the ..dentl'l" [lh"l11 10 ,plil Ihe atom 1m til<' Itr..t lime. "\Vould vOli dn II?" hI' :t..kell. Afler :t Ion).! bleak, Ihe �I.'rll'� mncludl·d

st';lfchIllR for hilll, One llil'!)ry i� Ihal U.S, ()mdal� knt'w Ih:1I Horman had been killl'c \\hll,' Inlpn-.oned b), Ihe Chilean milila�\'. H:tu�er wrole lhe book III Ihe hope Ihal �oml" of Ihc unccrtalnlle� �urroundin� Horr!l;m'� dealh IlllR1I1 hI' �cllied. "Frolll Ih\ point nf achie"ing Ollr nhjc(,lives, Ihc hon� lailc<1, " he �aid. Thc ""c ha� not beer looked inlo seriml�l)' �lIlce lvtissi'19 \I ll ' puhll�hl-d, Halber (ommenled on ,hl' Illovie or Ihl n:tme, relea�l·d e.lIlll.'r Ihis rear an< lIoll1in.lle<l ror several O�c;lr�. ., [I'� heel quite �ucce�srul :Inc conln)Vl"r�i:l1, " he �:lid Tht' 11I1Il, which �1"rrc(1 St....f Spacek and Jad Lemnlon ll� Horman'" (Ie�pcrale wire all( fallwr, wa\ �hown IWU "UCle',,""'C C\cnlll).! \.11111.'

with it� fil1;ll lcctur,' on April 1 8 by Aliel' K , Lada�,





topic of the


m()�t Lada,


explained the G-�I)()t theory of femall' ,exu:iI o;timubliun, will


orga'rll ,

According tl) Lada" prodUCl'


th" G-'pOI



During Ill'T talk, Lad;" (li,cu",'d

illtCTCOur,c P'""iunll' ,aid


he till' IlC" for G­

'P'"1t �linllltation, Lada.. told her lludicm:e Ih., ,hcnry i .. �lill cOIHwvcr.. i;l1 ,inCl' till' d�lim'

Till' G-S//o/, havl' IWI hn'n Evidl' mly . ..Ill' ..iIid, ,Ill,' G-"P'"Jt i.. difficult to d"'cct whill' a ,uhi"'"

madl' in her book.

provcn physiologically,

i, in a non-Qimubll,d ,tatc, About

1 20 pt'oplc lHtcnd,'d Lada.. ' lert u".' .

ROllj.!hh' half were ml'n, Lada, dainll'd thl' i.. nO! unll�ua1.

"\Vumen w.tnt to knHl� Whl'TO:

th,'u G-..pot� are, hut men .11'0

I\":U1I I n


where their women', G-'IXJt ' Hrl', . . ..Ill' <',lld. -'>1,'",·( 11./'" "

LI:I-T: Alice K, Ld,la, ;1I1 "'I�J r

tar�� n""J ,,"h h·, ..

I,'<'r",� un f�m..le """"dl ,t;",,,bu,,,,.

Artist Series

Renowned McCabe delights hometown Throughout the course of the academic

year , the Artist Series Committee brought


the PLU community a diverse group of artists in


feature events.




memorable evenings were twO spell! with Robin McCabe. a nalive of Puyallup and a pianist with an international reputation. On March Pierce



McCabe came home to

for a




Auditorium. A second concert March 24 was Al lhe PAmages Center in downtown Tacoma. Accompanying her during both concerts were members of the PLU University Symphony Orchestra Davidson

with Jerry





and Harry Tremai ne.

David Hoffman, Bruce Grainger and Bernard Shapiro were featured faculty members. McCabe,





graduate. studied at the Juilliard School or Music in New York City, where she obtained masrer's and dOClOral degrees,

36 Artj�t Serin


expanded into a full-length biography entitled A

Pia"iSI 's Pro9ress by Helen Drees

RutlPncutter. The concerls featured

Igor Suavinsky's

. , Fireworks. . . movements I. II and [II of the " Sinfonia Conccnanle"

by Joseph Huydn

lind Sergei Rachmaninoff's Piano COHlt�HU No. 2 in C-minor. Bassoonist Krist; Penner described McCabe as "very relaxed about what she does. She's In

1975 McCabe won the Concert Artist

Guild Competition and a redtal at Glfnegic





one of the most

congenial artists to work with. " Other Anist Series events featured the

Hall. Acting as a musical emissary for the


United Slates, she toured South America in

Stockholm, the Morea Dance Theatre. the

1 976 and the Far East in


the Vanguard and QualilOn labels and was



player Froydi<; Ree Wekre and the musical comedy "I Do! I Do!"

TI,.. New York.., maga7.ine. The

article. "Onward and Ans-A


Oregon Shakespearean Actors. French horn

McCabe recently completed recordings o n fealured in




Progress. "

With was


-Chtryl L(."d�,


OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: The Mure.. D·.n,,, Theall" Inoullhc n� l1ai. fu. ch" umrc j() Ea'l\'uld audnonum in

(kcu/I<.'r. "ElOW; F.ench hom play". F.oyd.s R"" Wd,.� II...."

concc.t rn F"hrua.y. THIS PAGE

ABOVE: ",· f."m ch" Or"llon Sh3k..�."an Ft,'lrv�1 Idc chcn I:J'lab,:ch,on-" \·J.,, '131lC ,,, Ashl;."d. Orej{on

'" lnur

.1""'11( til<' fall. Th,· enlc.13"lt'd PI.U

Ih,·:!uc huff, Nov. 30. lEI-I: Puyallup nalive Rohrn M,Cah" mok " h"'"k frolll he. ""'Cell and r�...:o'4;n)! " he!!"I,· I" pluy wllh Ih,· lllll"c,�il" S)'lllph,,"y 0Id1e" m III 1;,"1"01.1 Auditu"'''', .",.1 '" Ill<' ['""mgc' C,·nl.·"

Artisl Series


38 MUllnl Rainin

I hear tell that a few have made it to the top. Otllers go to tile

But, Oil a clear day. we can see

moulllain to I,ilw, or tobirdwatch , or

forever. Or feel as if we have, after , a glimpse of Mt. Raillier. . Have

10 pimic. Some speak of Ihe skiing

YOIl seen Ihe /llDtIllMi,., ? "

al Paradise. For studel/ts about to

the com mOil queslion, though ii 's

graduale. it's oftell ol/e poillt 011 all

1IJ0re all il,credulous exc/amatiol/.

1-5 tOllr for parents.

Ti,e mOllntai" is Ollt am! life is

" 011 your

right, MI. Raillier. O" your lefl ,


the Space Needle. "

a/SOli Alldilorium.

For PLU studellts. ME. Raillier iSll 't really a place 10 go.

II 's a

place to look to, a place to poillt 10. Like fi,e paillted, slightly unreal

We ask

\Ve see it frolll II/{ďż˝ steps of

above 'he track.

We set.' it risillg

Or we ride the

Tillgles/ad elevtttors 10 a strategically placed loullge. The HlOlllllai" stallds impervious.

"IOWllaill pai/lled 011 a backdrop,

Coming and goillg. Ilirollgil

Rai"ier sets our scelle.

orie"talion and gradualion, ";fl.

We look to

tIle mmmtai/l (far away, yel

Rail/ier creales a COllstallt cyclorallla

seelllillg'y IIear) and place oflrse/ves

for us. Alld we carry away with liS

il/ Ihe PaCIfic Northwest, pari of a

its image all T-shirts . Choir of the West programs, and 'he postcards

wider slagt.' than just PLU. Tlml is wIlY willter wearies us. We Call 't see the moulltaill.

We are

for sale at Ihe informatioll desk. We needll 't go to the IIIoLllltaill; it

left alolle dllrillg the gray, wet

has heen e/lough for us 10 have

weeks of willter. Exams, papers ,

gazed (II tlte mOlmlai" al/d to have

mill, a/ld 110 1II01ll1tai/l view.

set ourselves 011 its stage.

We 're

blocked 011 a set bel wee" dllll red brick and moist gray cloud.

Mount R:lInit'r 39

40 M"


,\1 1 R,lInle"


Mayfe st Heritage Dancers " Step in Time" to European, international traditions Tr.ld uliUl r,·m.1II1� .111 ll11ptlrl.lIll part "I ell., tIo1.l\h.·'l d,mel'p' .h Il1\"l IlCriorm III theII 4<l,ll \ c,n. The 40 nll'1l ,md "om.'11 thaI rnak... up

team .h ... Scandin;!vi;m

M:I)'fe,' (0I11111"\, [0

and Gnm.ltl (olk (1,IIlCC� 1i);]1


prl" CnI'J .1'

p.lf! 01 PLL I " Iwnt.l�l·.

Iwrlt.I).:,' "


H,ld,/.II".1 ",kh

dunng till' M:lI F," I1I·.,1




till' troup.' 11.1'

II' Fill'll !'.... rlurm'mee. "trlollllt.: d,IIK,"


S" •.Jen. Nun, ,IV, D,'nm,lrk. GCrllt.U11 ,lIld nlh':1 UlUIlITI," ,lIound till' ,,,,rld. Til" H',If', hlMI

Pnlmm,mn, \hcnll' ,.. ' 'Slt'P III Tinll'. · ·

Tlw M.nk ..t d,I1Kl'"

Pr).:.Ull/l' dWIll'."II."

,';llh m ,il., 1.111. li" l \lul1 II\,tlul.. ,mJ [Iwn " 'Ih

IHTkl1 pr,,( liCC".

('1.ld III kd",h"",u

kl1l�h·r... .Imldl, or ,kuh ,m.! \l" I' IIl.I1 h,IH' l' ulwl Ix'�'n p.I"'l'J d.m II tlf nl.ld" hI ,h,' Illt'nhd\�"


\1,11'1" , 1



hmdIClI1' ,11111 1"'11\';.1, tin ,11111 utt ,;,nnpu,. Olll' .,1 ,hi' \ 1·.lr', lIi�hll).(ht, \\.1' 111... l),In r-.l.I\I�,t pl"y�d III th... ' · 5I:,mdinal l.1 T"d.II · · (ddn,uion, IX'riurillInl! fOf KlIlJ!. Cirl XVI GU" �I\' .lIld Qu......n S)'I\'i�1 01 S\\t'd.:n ,IUfII1M

Ih�1r IO}'.11 I "u 1<) I'LU, Anolh"1 IUI-(hpoim for Ih... !-troup i, ii' 1 .... 0

\\,-.:k lUur. wk...n .1' ,he ...nd tit t lw ,ch'II.1 In pa'i le,n',f.: ..[ h.•, tuufl,d ,lIld

�'''1r. d.UlC,·d



\Vorld', hut.

,hI' SI'"k,uh' . Ru,llllllltl· Y�l1n\\'lOtll'


th . ...

N,uional P,trk. till' Grand c.myon, Sra \Vorld ,md nt�nq·I,"1'1. I-und.. for ,Il� lour .ltl' r.It,�J ,1"" t1).(" m,'IU'\ rTl'lkml! pro!I'I" rhl' Il',n', bl1.•1 Pl'dmm,IIl'"


" "'l�'" In r.m... . · · �'\ Pll·"'l'.. 111l' 1,11,· .111.1 ,·l11hu,I.... m tllr d"l1l� I h.11 Ih,· M.I\k'l .1.111<.\'1' 1,,\·1



11,1<1111<'11 ••1 1''''''' "I .,lmll'l "H't<

,uhun', I'�'" ( ,.,1.,,,'

42 May(cu

OI'I'O'>ITL I'A(,L I LI-T · 1">.·hl,,,· I),. A,I.., ,,,,J ,>,,,,,,. I·dlm



kn" 1

r"n)" Ak,n,"

IUGlrr· Kdlh 1'",..1",.

,nul" .01 II,.." 1',11''''-''





I.I:Fr: 1..,,,,.• N,kk.•" ""d Ibnd. W,I"" II ,·nl,·n.lln 1'1.1I

h.•,k.·,hal! 1;"". ( LNTER: n,1l Wlm"", IIm,", :o k,,, RI(,HT: lid.


"1:1111 R,m.!, W,I"", . 1..11"" Nlkk,,,,

and Br",n ()j"", 1"',I" ,m

.• ""I,· d."'...·.

Mayfest 43

' Sundance' Student performers put together hit The PLU Danc� Ensemble consists of


M�ldson. an indcllCnclcnt prolc��ton<ll d,mel'

,..Jellied and innov�ll ive student performers.

aniSI with the Tandv Beale

Their erc:I'i"i'), brought success this spring in

formerly a meml>t'r of the Bill Evmh DUIl\'c

:. concert


Maureen McGill

" Sundallce. · '


Seal slarted auditions in the

fall in prepmalion for the spring concert . Proceeds from the


�pring concert

" Dance Plmlel " enabled Seal and her dancer�

10 acquire a guest teacher

Company ;Ind

Comp:my . filled Ihe role. Alw hdpin!: the dance





choreographers Karcn Sherwood.




directed [he ('nscmhle, and Eel Groff of Dance Kinetic, Comp:my.

10 help them with

Nine of the I J dances of the �pring concert

their dancing techniques Ihis year. Wade

were student creations. Student chorcngmphl·r Amanda

Taylor contrihuted

" My


Omcl e t t " -complete with a lifcsizc q:� carton. In addition, Brian Johnson ot"fert·d ballet da llce . " Mary ) 0 , "


and 11 fin:lle

deSigned in pllrtner�hip with Pamela Ree..e,

.. Iudenl work..

" I t ' � R(l ining Men. "




" 004 "



. 'Cleaning Ihe Allie"

by Pamela Rec�c, :nul

" The Look of Love"

by Lbll Bcll:trd ,

TIlt" ensemble plans to continue inviTin!-( guest lellclll'r� and help Seal.


DmKc E"'ctllhlc


Hid with dance Iccl1l1i(llIe" .Cvlln', G,ll·,)


u",l>.dl.., "'-"''''cd

,tud"nt-, h' ..c..It.�ph�.J d�",,· cnlltlnl

M..... ,


Ii', H..,,, mll

AROVI Am�nd.. T... �,,-, \I. P"I" f)",d,:u nl.. k"'I1 '�·.o" '''''... '' ·11.·_ .'."'1 ...· '.. ""h

hlllh"lIht�.l lh.·

ht� 'Of,' <'IIJI' .."tI "Illl ,..Won

Danet" i:n",mhll, 45

V . I . P . Visits Swedish royalty, Billy Graham , Jackson make campus stops Th'l"('




It'put,Ulon, vi..ited PLU dunng thl' 1 982·RJ ,tcit dl'nllc



Sen:l t ur


"Swup " Ja..:hol1. Kin� eml XVI G u'tav IIJJ(I

a point.

Hl' propowd l'�tabllshment 01 :1



com ma nd



Ru�..iall di pl o ma t!>


ClUllPU, vhil, during the fall.

Prodi�al , " a (Olllerlll>tJr.lry film

Jachol1 made a qUIck camp:ugn- 'Iup 31 ..,,,.'m.,l)'


prum .,cd 10

Easl vold Auditorium. .

, preserve"


,Ind " prolecl "

�Iudt'nl financial aid proJ.:lam .. ,

'lI)"Inl/, a

clIlIlpt'lellt , educated populact· ,.. Ol,\'I''',I')' fur [hl' (Qulltry'� economic )ccuriIY.


'Mo.., I:uj.:t'

companic, today gct over half uf Illl.'IT profit

by felt,nn Ilf �al c.. outside the United St:lIC', " J:H:boli "ai(1. w

:, fUlurc w l1hmB \.\l·apon.. of mas� dl·..UtKIlOIl . warn ln� Ill" "lldlenc(' , however . Ih.11 " It '..

10,· ... lon�. lon� lime"







n�rsi on


rl'dCh ..lIch

wilh Prc.. idenl

William Rkkt". hh wift,

JOll�lnc, ;md 'wo Swcdi..h l'"chan gl' "uKll'llh, dwmg an hour-long royal vi.,.. 10 Ihl' campti...

Thl, roY.11 couple lOured the U.S, I...., f:11I

" Thl'

:, .. P,ITt of tht" nation;11 " Sclllld,IIHlvian TodllY " celebrat ion. D1.1T1Il� thl' h;.If-hoUl

of thc

forma l l l Y in Chris Knulzen Hall,

Evanjotl'liq Gr:,IHlm u �ed IWO C3lllpll"


pu:"cllIcd Ih... King wilh Ih(' PlU PrC�lden l "

Nt"w Te..lament p:ITOlhlc . In one 'tCl'ne, Grah:lI11 answer.. qlle�lIon..

medill lllld Mrs. Rieke gaV(' thc Qucl'n a j.l b....

1II:ld(' of M I .


Helen ..


a ..

a�kt"d by 3 "l'mlllary c"'�.. (PlU �lUden...


packed Inlo Ingr,ml Il al1 ) .

nlmed n('''1 10 Ihe ..tamed Hlas� window III ,he

"wnl('lhing thai r('pre�enlcd tillS M('lI, " Till' Choir of Ih.(' \V('SI sallJ! . 'Och Jtln�fT\m Hon

solllhea!>1 corner of Ihc l ihrary .

G;lr I Rm�(,I1 , "

The ol her

.... :1"

In il. ClitI

Barrow.. , Gr,lhmn '" rIlu..ic dirl'ClOr. bricf .. group of InCl11 c"ln'" HhoUI





.md IWo l')(�·h.m�" ..tuJcnt�.

Maria Scharff :md Miklld Igcl..trom, prcwIIIl'd

Quecn Silvia with rme�. The royal pair �ignl'd the fir't Iml' of ..

crus:ldc. Produccd by World Widt, PiClllr('!>, " Thc

Till' dl'mOCrat from Wa�hm�lI.m f1'ImH�·d



safeguard :IHalll�t acddcntal nuclear waT.

QUCl'!l Silvhl of Sweden and cv(mgt·I", I�illy Gmlwm pu..hcd [heir rc'pccliYl' C:'IN:� in brief

PLlI. �pc3kinf.! 10 �Iudt'n t� :It a 'JK't':ial ASPLU



.. �chedllied for relea..e 1:lIe HI


1 983.

King Carl XVI GlI!>tav, and QU�'en Sil\la IIf

Sw('dcn (,,,changed Wfll> 311d hncf remark..

h.mdmadl' 1ot1l('!>1 book to

lx, ml'd for vi ..ilmg :1 pholllHraph lOl

diJ.tnitari('� and gav(' Ri... kt"

Ihem..d"es drl's�-d in royal CC)'lurlle �.

OI'I'OSITI.: PAGE FAR tEFT: K"'I: eM.! XVI G\hHIV of Swt'd�n l<fm, (';""1'"'

w ll h

I'...,id..", William R,d,c,

J"" nn,' R,,'k.' and Q"l"'" $,IV", ,,:,Ik hd"lld,


E�allj.(di" li,a), Gil'],;"" """..<1 I'LU <I"flllj.( Ih,· f,,11

film Iwo ,,'em', ('" �Il "1>cumil1j.( pklll""



p,,,,J,):a l . " THIS I'AGE TOP LHT: Gmh"l11 'ij.(Il' �Il :'"I<>Wal'h, ABOVE: Q",...." 5,1",. o( $wedl'tl 1l":�lwd

""'..' f,om ,''',, S"'I'(I"h I'LU " ",Iem" Gill"", "" e"""w, $.,n"""

Ll:Ff: Mik.·

1 1"my I:.,k"", (,,' I'LU ',

" 1;,,11'" II"W> ,I",,,,,

V.I.P,, 4 7

Lonely Days , Nights Is PLU is so great, why can't I find a date? Collegl.'


DU'ams of collc�c men:

Hollywood ha� propagated the myth: collcg�' j<; pictured as the time of hlincl clate.,. ne..... he:IUS :lI1d llonslOp aCtivity . Where d�c arc


all. is onlv an incidental. The real degree I� theM.R.S. Unfortunately, this degree can be more

m:my eligible �ingles

elusive than expc(\ed in a place where the

thrown together? They'rt' all ahout the �ame

garbage is taken out more ,han ,ht' girls art'.

a�c, with similar back�rounds and amhitions. I t 's every Yenta 's dream. and sludclll� aTC

thert' jusl isn'l dating. Relationship:. �eem

Icud to believe tilt' perfl'("t

f<lll into one of two ca,egorie�: " ju�t friend� "


i� JUSt

wailing 10 I}l' made.

I , ' s no' ,hat there's �egregation on C;impu,: 10

or ' 'almost married. " The transition between

AI PLLJ. though. the wait can be long. Dating is a largely unknown activity on this (ampu�. A,k :my �cni()r'gir1 who can count

Ihe two i� rather obscure. Friends






together, make Cave runs late at night. and

the numher of date� �he 's had in the pa�t four

si' mound shooting the brCe1.l· about ,h"sc.. ,

YC<lT' on her fingers.








Mother's don '[ understand. They SCt' Lute

relationship hns progrcs�ed pnst friendship,

mules us perfect nmclidatcs for rnarriuRc: they �,fford PLU. grades

the collpll' studies together, make� Cave run", and spends n little le�s time shooting the

c!lou�h to be accepted and :unbition enough

breeze and a little more time, well . . . . The'il'

Iwv(' money (,!lough


to be in college in the first place.

4 8 [),III11�

Four years is more than enough time to snag one. The B.A . . B.B.A. or B . S . N . . ;Iftl'r

suavt', sophi�ti(alcd. m:llUrc.

are headed for the M . R. S . . bUI they're few

and far between . The more common scenario forLutcwomen is to spend Friday evenings cleaning rooms. p<linting fingernails, writing letters (anything to look busy) then finall y finding two or three others just as bored. and heading to the Pig. Armed with twO grocery bags filled with chips. cookies and Cokes .B&R cones already under their bells, even the most jaded Lutes think the evening docsn '[ look so bleak. After all.


. 'Love

Boat "


' 'Fantasy

Island. " And what's another weekend without a date? At least you're not alone. Iksides, once you graduate you ']] finally have a chance date






maturc . . . .



lind a hund,,,,d way, to> k��1' I>,,>y dur;nll

dald",,, w�",hnd,.



E ating Out Balloon rides, 'Beatles ' liven picnics Lutes eat chicken SweillY runners cool ofr. .

Cheerleadesrs dance. The " StOp-Stops" show skin during


live performance. Each

one of these events. and many more. were pans of the 1983 P LU spring picnic ,

The picnic, which took pl ace in Olson fieldhouse on [he Friday before Dead Week

their hits. While the picnic was going on, hot air balloon rides were taking place for 1 25 rame winners in Foss field. In the evening, a live

offered activities for every student before.

band all-campus dance was held in the

during .md after the actu3t chow-down.

Universi ty Center.


The fall picnic took place a t the end of the

Lutes hit the road to participate in the 2.2

first week of classes. Studetlls dined OUI in

Before the food festivilies began mile Tule






Foss field while listening to the sounds of the

partidrallls were announced at the picnic as

Tall Timbers.

Tu!e Lake Fun Run tce-shirt winners.


For entertainment, six of the lOp airbands

a country-western bllLe�rass

Bolh of these events were planned and

from the airband contest. which took place

sponsored hy the ASPLU

earlier in the spring in the Cave. performed



The 1983 fall cheerstaff was introduced, and

so P;("n;.-<

Zeiler, Kelly Johnson, Bret Burkholder and Kent Ba�set) were escorted by cmnpus safet}' officers into the ficldhouse 10 " sinA ' , a few of






coordinator of the fall picnic and Sharon

the girls danced for the audiencc 10 Michael

Hansen was in charge of the spring picnic.

Jackson's "Beat It . " Thc picnic ended with

The picnics were open to 60th on- and off­

screams and shouts as "The Ikatles" (Rod

campus �tudents free of charge.

-J"lie \Virb

OPPOSITE PAGE FAR lEfT: The "Slap Slaps" show SQme skill. LEFT: Kelly Johnson e'�oy� the picnic. THIS PAGE TOP: The Tall Tlm�.s Jam in Foss fldd. lEFT: Ealillg and talking: What


does I lU le


Picnics 5 1

What are ya doin '? Writing out my schedule , between practice and all my meetings I can 't keep track of everything I have to do. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off the way I ' m running around !

Well , most or the time its fun, and J 'vc mel a lot of peoplc!

Besidcs , it looks

good on my resume.

You 're always busy - why do you do so much?


Increasing Responsibility ASPLU moves into budget process, restructures senate ASPlU has undergone some changes this year beyond the changing of the guard. Former ASPLU Jerry Buss said he feels he did " a relatively good job" as president but would rather have the students judge him. Buss felt he was successful this year in dealing with tuition. The creation of the Educational El(penses Committee allowed for A$PLU to become more active in the budget process of the university, national ]euer writing campaigns. and in crealing an awareness of national financial aid issues . Despite ASPLU efforts, the 8.4 percent in­ crease in tuition and room and board was lur�er Ihan recommended . In the fall of 1982 President William Rieke granted ASPLU the right 10 look at the university budget process and suggest elliS or additions which could be made. Buss said he was " glad the administration allowed ASPLU to be a part of the budget proposing plan . " and feels Ih,ll in (uturl' year, the process will become more refined and dearer for ASPLU. Rieke said the budget process used this year was very helpful to him and wants to see iI used next year. ASPLU had a very strong , he said. impact in the budget process ASPLU also worked on the Anicles of Af­ filiation with the Residential Hall Committee. The document . which explains the respective ••

. •

roles of RHC and ASPLU is intended to bring


the two entities doser together. Buss also worked with Dave Polk. Elections and Committee Personnel Chairp£'r�on. to re,truclure U"I(' ASPLll SClinte.

students 10 get involved in the election. Ap­ proximately 1 . 195 students voted in this year's ASPLU elections . " I would like to figure out a way to infonn

Polk said the campus was divided into four legislative districts. with one senator elected from each. Senators were also chosen for three positiOns at-large, and another three to represent off-campus students in the new structure. The change will make the election

the students, " Brauen said.

, 'more personal" and hopefully attract more student voters, Polk said. The board hoped 10 involve more students in the election as candidates and delegates. but fewer students submitted petitions to run for the available positions than expected. he said. This resulted n i the nominating convention becoming a candidate forum, instead of being an elimination process. , 'Several people have expressed interest in the seats. but because of the lack of time have decided nOl to run. " Polk said. Polk said the convent.ion is usually inten­ ded 10 narrow the field of candidates . but since no other candidates applied. the convention delegates heard speeches from those who ran and then took a 'straw vote" 10 survey student opinion on each candidate. Newly elected ASPLU President Rick Brauen said the elections had a good tum out. but the EPB could have encouraRed more •

Those elected to ASPLU positions were Ian Lunde. vice president. Brian Buchholz. comp­ troller. Mike Boozer. programs director, and Senators Piper Peterson. Kari Bersie. Martin Duenhoelter. 10hn Tigges, Sylvia Estrada, Jeff Belvill. Laura Tobiason. Jay Abbott. Kurt Phillips. and Denise Stelling. Brauen's goals are two-fold: 1 ) 10 n i itiate the new structure developed for ASPLU by Buss and Polk. and 2) to get the new group of leaders oriented as soon as possible to the new structure so that lhey can get started. A senior computer science major and past RHC chainnan, Brauen won the presidency with 60 percent of the vote, defeating sophomore Drew Londgren. The job's time commitment bothers Brauen. " This job takes so much time 10 do it right. as I know I can , " he said. Brauen said he is looking forward to working with the senate. " The senate excites me, if Ihey do all the things they possibly can under the new structure Brauen said. "I do not want anybody to say I did not work as ASPLU president. • • . • ,

·Brian La"b""h

OPPOSITE: St,nmo, John Sparling and Educa.ional E�pc'l<�' Comm'Ut� cha" pc,wn P�m Curli> lis.en al Ihe final mcelinJ< ofl982-83 ASPLU 'en;HOI�. 5,:naIO.

5Iacic-D.:e MO'oyamu awa'l< an '''1>Wcr. Tal': 1982-

83 Vicc P"..,id"01 Lc,li.. V�ndcrga"' , P.",idcOl Jerry Buss. Middle '0"': St,nalOJ John 5pa,linJ<. Complrolier

Bruce Benon, $cnalors Mike MOIler, Ian Lunde. Back .0"': S.m,IIu,s Ka.en Wearhcrmun, Pipe. Per�''',", ' Dean PinlO, Slade-Dec MOlOyama. NOI pk!U.ed:

Program, di.ffIO. Amanda Taylor, s"nalo. Todd Kinkel. ABOVE: L",lie", OIg''''''.,,' via Idcl'honc, LEI-T: Bruce Benon alld Jcrry Bus� al an ASI'I_U "fficer< ' mecllng.


Filling the Gaps RHC cooperates with ASPLU to provide effective services Re�jdenCt· Hall Council W3' formed )'ear� ago "to provide �ervjCt" not and still


] I

ASPLlI h,l"

'\ ...ffl'CII\,e1" provid....

1 983·84 chairpt'rson Dave Polk.

TIl.. ·"c '>(.·rvi<:es include rcfri!-:cr.110r ;lIld "un rentals. funding for dorm m;livili6, and thl'

computet 10 dimina!l' \\'ai!ing in 'in�' fot

llh(ll"ed how III dd'lIle dling' for Ihl'l11,dvt"

fl'fngcfluor,. iUld finithzing

'tnce thcy did nOI have con,i"ll'!l( .Id"i,or"

dw Arlld�·� of

1IIIh Laur,llec I-hlg...n . a�"i'liml dill'clor ul

Affiliallon \\'idl ASPLU. The Arucle, of A(filiation. Bflluen �ll1d.

b:t,iC.,II)' provide for mMl' oJ'l'n cl1,IIII1<'I, of

AII�'n ,plilling the job. Brauell ..a;<1 h� wa� unable 10 put lugl'lhl'r il

COtllmulllclItion 1X'!wel'n ASPLU ,lilt! R I I C . For l'x<lrnpk'. the pro).:nom direCtor IrOIll

pC.. 'T review ..}'�tem.

'lUdelll lifl' and dircctor of ..\lIdl'IlI lift' Rick

filc 'y'lem "0 <I" 10 (ompil� Ih� t'\'cnl� ,md

RHC con�i..t� of an I;'xt.'Uuivc (oUl1cil and

ASPLU and thl' RHC �tcllvitk, cuordlllatur

,Klivilk', (Of RHC.

the donn prc:.idcm...

Thb give.. [he dorm..

will b�' JIlet'ting �o <1\ not to �cht'dule ac!iviric,

�lrUCHlf(' ,md

direct input through


: 1\

dorm council.. ,

the '.1111(' time,

Thl'r(' i, 11 liai"Hl hetwt'en

l'Xplic i l "

il i� helpful 10 Ih� ,ucreeJlIlg


'Illowill� every �lUdcnt on c(lmpu!> 10 be

thl' ASPLU EducaliOlwl Expcllw, COll1lllittl't'


represented, Polk said.

,lI1d the RHC Coulicii. a� well ,I� hetwl'l'n the


Pa�1 RHC chair and new ASPlU Presiom! Rkk Hraucn ..aid last YC;l r \ RHC Council'o in convincing dorm presidl>nt.. thaI RHC i� important [0 them. He �aid lhi.. W:I$ :lCcompli�hed through

ASPLU 'ClIHle and RHC �wllding Cummittt'c Polk ,[li(1 olle of hi, gOll], i, \II lIl;rh, RHC ,ervice, more widdy known, executive vice chnirrmlll) goal

the alt.,'rnative homing. proposal for Delta . Evergreen Ct)urt. and Pnrk Ave. House,



56 RHC

t1w refrigerator rcrllal system on

h... said.

" The 'y'teJll

It will be CWlg', (jnhlholl,

providing ' 'fanta..lic progmmming dml W<I!> ab..ollildy !>rna�hing. . . The program included


dl,lng'" I I .


Another i, 10 (rellll' mitre enl'Clive wilh







1m) done,

A record nr lIclivilic, would help RI-IC coullciI "., goal, to be more (tHhi,lelll frotn one

on I�,ue' ;1nd Policie"

bcb credibilit),.


" RHC is a very voung

lhe (on�lilulion i� not vl'r},



comltluniC,lIiOn lin('" " Brauen sllid dUring hi, term thl' COUlll'r!

coulKil mH] the nexl. Bmuen 'llid . Thc



provide '(lcia], rl',ourcc"







lip IU now, RI-IC ha, cmpha,ilt'd

,ocial ilnd ,",Idl'mic r...�ource... nCI\' council will


)pirilUliI a'l>cct <I' wt'lI,


Pulk �aid Iht' Ihe council ".,

OPPOSITE ['AGIi LEFT: RHC(h�1I RKk Im,u,-" [" '0-'" .11 a Ill,,,,,,"!: R[GHT: S'c"" \VQO.en. �""'!:""''''' "I

,II.. " M " A "S " I-[ It.,h . " ,..bK..' .., .h." d'''K'', THIS ['AGE: K "h ",,"k .1t.. ,.uden,,' )po" '" 1"'0- for ,�",�d .. "-t"lIe....",, dunnll � IU'lCh b'eak.

RHC 5 7

Fun-seekers Unite ! Underground groups maintain hilarity PLlI may never make the ' 'Top 10 ParlY School:. , . list In Til" PrCIJPY Ham/hook . but

:.tudem� �..:arching for social life o(ten ..tumble mil) one o( Ihe campus ' 'fun club� . . , Variou,

org.mizallon5. inkuding Ihe Coconul Club, Ihc Shlcn Lihcwtion Arm)" and the infamou� Thur)da), Nighl Club:.

(TNC\) auempt 10

mainlam a hi�h �t;mdllrd of amu�ement fur the Lute communi!y . I'LlI's mOSI R'<elll fun addilion was u(';L\ed ,II ;, P'lrtV hy Alpme resldcnl:. Dan' And"Twn •md

Ian Lundc, Luteo; Undcr Severc Ten,ion,

the name of which wa� derived from It­ ,ltron)'llI . L.U.S.T.. hnd


l:on'lllUlmn :md

rnemh.�r.. IWO (I.I�'" ,.fler II� (tmo:"pllon.


the end of, IWO w....ek<; aher Ihe initial L. U.S.T.·tul Ihou�ht. 80 �lUdent' de'>ired mernber�hlp In Ihe 'Ire..s-Ies.. organization.

Tn )(,UII re'I>t'O:I twm Ihc l:oml1lun llv Hml to receIve


t. U.S. T. '"


IUI1([;unental W':!!...


wen' tn he


a . ·partyer.. havcn . · ·


Lunde dOl'� admit ,uo:ce" fu]




tile cluh',





t"'pl'cl:! ll v those aidl'd b\· ' a " wio:k,'d " H...llu....l·en punch. L.U,S.T. exchange.




The creation of a dirL'Cwry Ii'ling

member,> :md thcir area� of �tudy would. th\.' crealor:. hoped, encourage 'lUdy gTOup5 .dirL'Ct sludt.'nts 10 qualified tutors. and. when all elsc failed. perhaps show a de�pera\(' �oul wherc 10 find a cop)' of a pa,>t 11'51 . To gain acce5<; to all thesc hencfh,. one needed merely to purchase a L . U . S , T . shin-a dark blue polo with the L.UST. logo on the pockcl.

The con�titution al�o

required membt."b to don their shin once a

wet'k. The ..hir" , afler their di,tril:.U1ion .II Ih... fir..! group mt.'cling. r;,-" variou, re,lCtion, around GllllPU,>.



t.'xamplc. Am,md,1

T;I\' ]or and Lc .. lic Vandt.'rg,"" had lh., nppnrtuni!v 10 ,'xplain L . l I . S . T . t o

d"..�mat." in re'pnn,c t o que'li"ll' wondering wh\' Ihc"


t.'nthu'la'lk:lll" ;Id\'l'ru'l>d dw

gTOUp. L . U .S.T. hIt thc \,";Impus h,ml (luring tilt' l':ITI\, Illnlllh, nf fall 'Cffie,ler.


inneasing dem;lI1ds on Ander�en ', and

Lundc's limc-academics and involvement in studcnt governmcnt-hindered the grollp. Both Heators :!nd members question tht'

organi7;uioll 's future.

\Vill il mamtain i h

puhlk approach o r will i l slide into a n underground party organization?

Lun(le i,

",{)t ..ure himself. He does feel. however, Ihat l . U . S.T. allire and aCII\'itie, will he popular

for a long time. Hi� reasoning:

"A 101 of people jll'>t like

thl' naml'. " ·K,,,,� \\1,,11...,

.56 Fun Clubs

Th� Coco""t Club lInd LU.S.T. de,"�1opeJ lhelf own lo�,,,.

Fun Clubs 59

Kids and College Students One-to-One provides fun, friendship for local kids Ten yeurs ago.

four young boys were

caught vandalizing Trinity Lutheran Church , :.(ro�, the street from the PLLI campll� .


wa, �mal1 lime stuO"-breaking pencils in the ,ancillary lind damaging the grounds. pari�h








Tt'OIlized ,hal the boys needed

;111('1111011. mIl punishment. $cafturon (Ontllclt"d some PLLJ student" �he knew

[0 Sl'C if Ihey would be interested in

hcfricndin� lhc�c four boys.

They agreed.

and One-Io-One was begun.

The One-lO­

Om' program. �ponsorcd by Trinity. pairs tip troubled

youngsters with PLU student

volunteers. or

The students :lel

in big hrother

hi/o! sbler roles . being a friend [0 the kids. Once the progmlll was �Iarled. Scafturon

Tl'a1izcd that there were many childrcn in thc (!rca tlmt could benefit from it. 50 , �hc went to

loc�11 schools looking for chil(lrcn who

nccdcd help, and �hc �tartcd recruiting at PLlI for vt)lunteer�. One'lo�Onc involvc, weekly .Iflcrruloll mceling� where l'\'loryonc-kid� and COIlC�l' ,cudenh-gct'






" Somc of [he kids come from

really hard backgrollnd�. It can be frusuating Ht time�, but whcn you sec what a llifferel\ce

football . ha'l·h'IIL jump ropt.° , CrJrl�, ta� ,IIIJ

yOll Gm make in worthwhilc. , .

four square. "The meetings are a great way for the PLlI

"oy� tell years ago to over forty children ages

�lUdel1t!> to gel away from campus, and forgel

6�J 2.

ActivillC' JI thc weekly mel·ting� include



for a

while . "




kid's life , it makes it all

The program ha� grown from those four

The succes� of One�to·One seems 10 he

volunteers from Trinity who supervise the program . Trinity also sponsors several relreats for Ihe PLlI studcnts e.lch ycar

10 develop a dose�

knit community.

PLU studenlS tlrc husy peop le . and ils'�

hind for Ihern to find exIra hours in the week. but the over 40 �tu(lelll� involved in One�to� One think it's worth the time,

thc combination of willing PLU studenls and

volunteer Brian Schlueter. Many of Ihe kids come from broh'n home... .

so One�IO�Ol1e

provide� h:ldly

needed 'KKial interm:tion for them.

It al'>O

give!> Ihem somCOl1e 10 depend on illld tru�l.

A�ide from Ihe weekly lI1eelin�!> . the PLlI

,tudellls �pend a minimum of two hour, a week with their ' 'little brOlh(Or, · · or " lil[le �i�ter�. , . Thi� time is �pcnt alone with the child. " You Icarn a 1m ubnut what'� gnin� Oil out,idc

PLU . "




OnC:�IO�Onc: 6 1

The Christians Ministry directions varied ( .lIllpll� p.I�lur RUIl fdl"I""1 ,1"��TlI,,'d 111I� \ <'.IT\ ..:.lIllpll� ,nrnr�ln .Idl\ lilt" ,I� ··dl\ ",,,,!.,,(1 "



).:Tt1UP" "n ('.I111pU" 11l,luduI).: PLU'" ,h.lpt'l Wr\ lll'"




l., pl.IH'


tlfkf�d ",, d,n�f"nl " p'''' III tdl,,\\ ,Inp I" T 11ll' "lUd,·I1I'. R'-'J"" � ' Iii,' hl�).:'·"1 lit cill" wtlUp'. ,llIr.I<[\,d Ill'hh'o:n 200 .md 100 ,[ud"III' .md (....:tlll\ . \Ih .. ).:,llhl'T I" T Id1."" \lIp .111,1 wor... h,p. �m).: m).: Iu I!UN. pr<ll 1.1,·,1 11\ ,tlJ{I�11t j.!ult.lfl'I,. RCJuln' !!.I' d"uhlcd til ...11,' duml).: till' III" \ �,or... . .Ind

T�II�("'III bd,l',,·... th" [I'p" " f !I111l.... ln \\111 ,'''lllllll'' I" WHII durtnj.!

!Ill" il�xI 1<'11 "'·.IT... .




OT).:.I11I1,·d tilT ... [utl,·n[, \\.lmJII�

''' 111011'''r ).:1OUlh to

" ,'r,'

1,.II l' tdlu" ...h,p

,I,c B,hl.·. T " " W"UP' ,Il<' �.lInpu... .1IIt! till' l.ut.I" dtf,·du.n for

with Chn,,,.uI'" .11,,1 " ud) Ill"! III pr.,,· lor

u. Mar,lI1mh.1 Culf,·,·huu..... r n ,hI' ( .tH· " n '-,.lImJ.n JJ1�llt... /-t.II',· ChTl...",m ... .1 pl.IU· ttl ""f...h,p .111.1 f,·.1<1I filII to ..tlWI ,tud,·m... . TIl1.' "·.If 1\1.,(,111.1111.1 hm..).:h, III 111.1111 ""t�llll' t.II,·II[-. 10 �lrt)Jm It1 Ihl' 1.11 l'. 111, Iltllltl� T.K011l.II, D.IIl' An<Il'J...un .Iml Ihl' Hoh.·" (.t ...,· Ittnd. II

hi(h "'I' 1,,·).:i,,"II1�:1 11.I1"'I1!1I I" "I. I'LU ","dl'm, 11 ,'f,' 1t11,.h,·,l lll lhl' 1\111<

( ,r,lh.lm ,,, .... Id,·. II ludl ,.UlI,· 101 '1'.""111.1 III M.II . M.IIII ,lll�nJl·d [hI' " Chr"' loIll Life .'Ild \Vltl1c..... • · cla...c.. otkl"d III

til<' 11l1,.ld�. ",,"d"I1I'

1.,J111l'11 pf.II ,·r j.:f'"lp�



dUrin III pf.11 I"f tl1l' ltll...I<I,· .md I"

Imp.1l1 " " PI .U .11111 1'... ,,,11.,. ( )llwT ( hn'II'''1 W" lIP'" '>11 ,.11111'"'



(Iu" " .m

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NUl" '"


Indc�nden' P,·.I<l'

{ llIl"" ',11I

h'II'II' ..llIp, P.ukll.I' .lIld Uml,·d 1\kll"IlI" 1 ' " uII, " ""' '''

62 CluhcilUl Comm"niry

'''',' ,,,,'''


', '.

'1I1 {\ lnnd.l\ . \V".I'''''o(I.I\ .uul l'Tld,11 nI.'mlllA". T�lld"'H1 ....,"I 111.n Ill,' �ft)Up� hold .1 "trun� df"d lin tilt' �,lIllpU' Ihl' H';,T h • .·(.IU"l' Ih,'1






I ..



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" " '�'" '" •



" ,



Christian Communily


The Community Campus safety pulls together, reaches out after shooting Crise!>.


later everyone will


CI10ll11ler one, be it small or large . This year on




the shooting


Rovaughn Newman in September ntlectcd the entire student body. The initial reaction of the entire sluclem " How could thil!

body was one of shock.

happen (0 someone here at P L U ? ? ? ? "


after a few days. the inciclem was pushed 10 the back of the mind by thoughts of tesls. papers. and deadlines. office .


[n the campus safety





"huftled behind other worries. "The students were grcOlt . " s;lid Kip Fillmore. campus safety director.

" Vaughn

had been in charge of personnel. The studem supervisors wouJdn ' , let the office fatt apart . . . There was no talk of repbcem<,nt. no extra supervision needed . .. �I){'cial. time . The

Gl1n pu�


It was a very pcr")lJnl'i


around Fillmore and the Newman f<lmily. bringing dinner every night for several weeks so that the family did not need to take time away from Newm<Jn

to cook.


officers and radio-telephone operators made daily deliveries to the Newman househOltld of cards . flowers. good wishes. and prayers . ' ' ' After a while. the food stopped. but not . the friendship, , said Fillmore. . , Even now the students go to visit him. The girl� here in the office bring their guitars and sing to him, they read with him: thl'y spend hours Ihert� with him. " ' The memory of tlw shooting i� �til1 painful to


" I t \ hard to (orne in here every

day and �ee the cmpty officc.

Vaughn i�

anything but forgotten. " " I nUN be a.�kcd ahout 10 timc� a day how V'll1ghn h. , "

said Fillmorc

" That'�

ttnu�ual . . . to ,ee so many caring people . . . w ,ec �o many care so much. It's


credil lo him

and the�e people. Vaughn b dearly loved. " ·LUI5 SWrIIS{)!I

64 Christian Community

�Ht ;",�ilK ]f .

IJi �! iM 1/?tII� �"'�" . il �. ni rl�� ;tJ i� o.r

Ii 'if!


OPPOSITE I'AGI:: Martin I:IJ,�d ",,·�h hr�.,,1 ,I",,,,Jol "

"·1..1,,, ,,," or 111<' E"dhU'"



hllo,,",.h,I' ''( Ch'Ni"" A'hI...,.... '1",,,,,,,,..:1 un �1I.n'l!hl


h ,h,h�lI n""�lhun III Ol."n A"duur""" I.I'f·T: P"'lUr� Rlln Tdl"f-vn and ROil V'iol''''': ," (O.lInl'u_ 'p,mual l.-ad"",

ChriSlian Community 65

The Deadliners Mast) Saga) Saxifrage staffs push for quality. freedom of press A deadline is always (as! approaching. II is

sometimes amazing how everything finally

comes IOgcther.

While their deadline pressures f�1I at different limes and with varied frequency, the

staffs of the Moorill9 Masl,



Saxifrage all experience the same chaodc push to compile a quality publicalion alld have il

out on lime.

" The really great thing about student





the amount o f








through coverage of diverse

campus issues . editorial comment and printing nearly every leller received from faculty and

A journalistic rather thar

A grid layout system and the use


color throughout

respect with lasl year's book.

In the past. Ihe book wasn ' t of the quality

to justify the amount

of money il


o 'Saxifrag, is going through normal growth il

size and quality. " said Ramin Firoozye. thl magazine 's editor for two year�. an




bi-annual publication. SaxifrGge i!

now a heftier single magazine published in thl

allow students to learn (rom their mistakes. It

flexibility in design. Four paid

which can be applied in a professional selling.

three student-produced publications


Dan Voelpel sees the Masl as an important infonnation device by which students and

faculty can learn about campus events and activities.

This year's staff has tried to

encourage use of the paper as a forum for

66 Studerll Publiclalioruo


8 Ih-by- l l

were created


studenls to spend more time pUlling


Saxifrage this year.

editors agree provides realistic experience

copies weekly on the PLU campus.

Firoozye said a larger

format has been used this year to allow mort

is this level 01 student control that the three

journalistic excellence, circulates about 3 .000

Rick Jones

Engli�h profe�sor. ac\.!> :IS Saxifrage',


The Mast. recipient of many awards for



Saxifrage. the third student publication

each publication is the students'-not the

the student community.


caters to those inlerested in the literary arts.

advisor 's. " Rowe believes il is important to

have bad their unique problems in the past.


student publication. Saga regained student

" The content. design and lOne of

and their staffs still work to gain the respect of


effecliveness. she said.

After nearly becoming a disconlinued

freedom the slUdenis have, " said Cliff Rowe.




advisor for the weekly newspaper and the


year's $I/ga.

scrapbook approach has been continued thi!

Firoozye said this allow!

publication together.


said editor Gail Rice.


organization of the staff has generated more

accountability and responsibility. resulting in a better book. Rice said.

As editor of Saga throughout its two year









Highly regarded in thl




offered free of charge on campus to promo\( student interest in its writing and art. The





board, the





Chaired this year by Profcsso

Roberta Brown. the oonrd is comprbcd ()

yearbook to be a very imponanl publication.

three faculty and up to four student votinl

after graduation, she said.


People don't realize ils importance unlil later. Rice is pleased with the crealivity of this





of finance�


inc Iud,


-1.'Sd RmlJ,,/(

� Mooring Mast


lI.FT M,,,,,,,,,,, Un,. edu... I)�n V"..lpo·l J,,,,�,,...., all

ufK,)lIlI"II ''''I<'· TOP Tum Thump'"n I'tll- wj.(�I1",. � �IJ<I 'p.rad BI:lOW, A,). I'll. t ldt R",• •, . ,-dnnt f'�11

R".. �nd hrad phnHlWdl'h.·, Ami.,·.. Rtll" 111",. I", Sol'f'/', p,•.J,oo;lIvn

SnKlent Publications


Airwaves KPLU-FM breaks 100, 000 watt mark, 'Focus' seeks funds ,

. Right now we arc waiting for

budget for next year,




lurger one, " said Tom

LaY.'ton , production manager for " Focus . " PLU'� student.produced Iclcvi�ion prog�arn. While priori t y .

equipment Ltyson

positions like the








" we

Mooril19 Mast. We do


for the students. so . ...hould. , ThaI would CIHJblc

, .



" Highlights " film during the week.

expand their coverage, Layson said. This year " Focus went from hour lohow to a


weekly half­

to-lo-1 5-minute program

which aired every weekday.

The old half·

hour feature slOries wen� replaced by a broader PLU ul...o pro<luces the weekly "Sport..


Highligllls " nlm during the week. :racom:I's

Focus" crcw�

C· I O , root hall

a cahle �tation lind

1 00 .000


enabling most of the Puget Sound region


re<:eive a signal. KPLlI il> primarily a jazz. ..tation hut also

new� format.


to incrcusc the length of their shows and

For KPLlI-FM . 1 982-83 was the IIrst year the �tation has pUl OUI


which cover� Lute gllmes,



plays �ome classical music.

Dave Boring . known 10 Puget Sound listeners al> Dave

Benson, is the second student 10 have been named KPLU's jazz director and arranges what is played. KPLU IIlslalled a satellite receiving dish that picks up 12 channels of audio rrom across the nation so the stalion has more from which to record. The network programming is played hack for IS.PLU listeners al different limes. Programming dir�'<:lOr Scott Williams l'aid . . 'The main advant:,ge of the �atc11ite is ,11:n Ihe fidelity is sound. "

08 5tudent r-.tnfla


101 clearer, it give� a Ix·",·, -HnIS"ow

, QI'I'O'\ITI: PACI:: ':I'I.U-FM d�"'J�" C.....c.

"I"" ...

r,"(:I)fJ on .h,- tt"'>I�hlc_



LEFT: OJ'" KI.-1I1 h.mdk... much "r lh<.o


f", PlU',

""hhe .�d,,,_ ABOVE: IIan",,, ",1.......: , a 1M>: 31lmm KPLU's


lEFf, " Foeu," anchOf MIke Carlson

ronducl5 "'" inl�rv...,w for .h.. 10-15 minul"'; new.


SlUdenl Media 69

The Musical Tradition PLU musicians perform in Hawaii, Kingdome, Pantages Center PLU began i b mu�ic;11 tmdition in 1896 with a small h:md.

A photo in lhl' PLU

archivl'S show" the band in 1 897 performing on the slope" of M I . Rainier! PLLI still ha� a blmd.

Two, ill fuel .


performed !>t"vcral time.. on ca mpus . The Jazz fca l med




composer� Dan Gailey, Dave Bullock . and Dave Sorey, a� well a.. hy eSlabli..hed writer!>. The en..emblt' performed at Sonic.. ' and

Linder A'l>ociatc Profes�or Jerry Kmcht, the compo�er and �ol()i�t WilHam Hibhard ' s COIlCl'Tln for Viola ,md Orch(')olr.1 .


Orch('stra also performed the Northwe.. t premier of 1118\'3f lidholm \ " KOIll'1kion . " Harry O:I\,id..on,

a former director \)f the

CI('\·e1al1d Symphony , conducted the orche�tra a.. Kracht took a sabbHtiGl1 �econd "en1l'"ter.

Mariner.. ' game.. and al the Pantage.. (('nlcr

Thl' )'ear 's high point was a concert with

with IWO other area jan Arou�.

fl'nowned pianisl

The Jan

Ensemble oflen performed with the Vocal Jazz Ensemble , directed by Marc Hafso. was a work..hop led by rt'<ipectcd jan artist

rhil Malwn .






conHernpormy li!l'm!ure. \Vhen �inging under !he direction of music profc�,or Maurice Skone�.



memher .

performHnce is a highligh t . "

every The choir

IX'rformed the American premier of Kr),stof Pcnderecki's . ' Angus Oei . " and wa" !he first

group ever to perform a piece writll ' n by PLlI Skones will

mu�ic Professor Cindy MeTeI'.

return <Jftl'r th h year to Arizona State L1niver�ity, where he worked

with gr<Jdu<Jte

..tudent� while on ..abbatical during the 1 08 [ + S2 academic year. Pat Michaels <lirected the Concert Choir . which was compo�ed of female �in�cr.. . COllcert Choir performed Carols , "


" A Fe' l i v;]1 of




Christmas time. Associate Professor Edward Harmic's Univcr�ity Chorale basked in the warm sands of Waikiki whill'


�prin!: lOUr.

to the Hawaii tour .

In "ddilioll

Chorale IT3veit'd to

Portland , Spobnt' ,lIld $.:;llde for a �l'rie.. of (on(er!� with Choir of the \Ve.., . One ,inf,!CT






performed with the Early Mu�ic E n�emblc. Thi, �fOup :11-.0 hO�!('d g:lmha Inmal1 JUling ,he fall.

The Choir o f !he Wes! performed pieces from

Robin McCahe at

Panla�('.. Center during the spring. llHroqul'

The PLU Vocl.Il Jazz En..cmhlc's hi,Rhlighl

70 MusIC Groups

" very friendly bunch. and t(lsk·oriented. " L1ni\'er�ity Sy mphony Otche�tm premiered

Symphonic 8.1n(l. directed by ROj.:cr Gard,


remarked that the [ 982-83 ChoTlllc wa.. a

received a donation' of fund s harpsichord buill.

player Fred

These early mU5i cians

10 have a

OPPOSITE PAGE: Mautl« Skora c:nd.,d d"«IOI of lilt- Choi, uf thr Wnt tQ takr Un",·rtlitly or AII'.ooa.



� p'"hK,)ll


at .he


Un,v("IIY S)'mphony Orchcma prcm....nJ "mh b)' t',t�blbh�'(] c()m�..." and l'c,(orm.,d "'lIh .t',lUwH.,d 1)I,rn;" Robin MrOohr. LEI-T: The, 0\<111 .,( ..... We'. rc.fnn,.,d r.... audot'ncn naIlQl'woJ", and


fohll..d �,

pm. "f a GrmlOln ,drv,;ion documrnla'Y.

Music Groops 7 I

Onstage ! Gillette does magic The �lOut-�houldcrcd . l>!rawbcrry hlond ;)Clor �Iand� lik.. a lifesize puppet, hi.. arm� (II a ho<,ud-<:I rai).:hl 90-degrcc ;1n).:lc in froll! of him. fin�cr� logcthcr. palm) down. " [ think I j U�1 ma<lc magic , " ..tly� Greg Gilll'llC, who. wilh hi� nimbll' huild m1<1 �m<l l l . ).:ol d ).:Ia�!>(' ... could pw, .. for .\ rca..onabll' Gl·ppettO. Hl' the pt:rforrnt'r like .. mannt'quin 10 Chl'ck Ihe fit of hi.. homemade tuxedo jack..! . • • )u .., tll'wlop II trld(, more ehe... duou).:h hl'n' hd\\'l'l'n now ,. .,iJ(1 opt'lling night. Gillette, P LU ' s fi", fulltimc lorenery del>igncr found hi.. prc,uil'rc year with the university ,healer dCp.trtlllCIH was everyth ing he w:tIlled-an,1 mOTl', A.. hClld Cllrp'l'ntcr ;lIla laii"T, ".. welt .1" hl',ld dt·..ign arti..t . Gillelle "'." at the centcr 01 hacbt:lgc activity, In till' January da�', hcf,,rc the ranlc-d:t7.lIc 0l>l'nmg of " He lin , Doll)' ! " hl' �pent morl' than (Inc 'Ill-ni�lllcr GLmpl'd :1I1l0ng thl' \[lwdu" (\lvl'r(,d 11:1h ami ruck<; 01 turn-,)f-dll'-cl'ntury en,Hunc, in Ihl, ht"l'mcnl work,hop Ill,l"w Ea,lvold ,tagl', A,


M . F, A .




Univcr,i l ), . Gilll·tlc _Iudicd unlkr T,I(l\' :lwllrd-winnmg dc�'g'll"r H,)WMd BH)" Allt'r C1Jrnp ll'l ing thc llcgrCl' . hc dl'..:idl,d III I"ok lor work in academic Iheater :md cam� to PLU, Gillelle pJan� however , to work outside , the PLU carpemer shop as wel l as in it. " ['m looking forward to working around Seattle. lI's kind of I,ke professors doing original rese·arch. I need to work outside of thc envi ronme nt that'!> here. " Aside from hi� " re !>cilrch , " howevcr. Gillelle is conccnmuing his eneTgic, on the home front, " I 'm nOI looking down thc road , , . hc says. ' ' I 'm task-oriented Tilther than major plan-oriented. J'm planning to �UI)' at PLU for a while. , .

Thralrr 72

. , Hdl", I h'lIr! , . 1�.nu...J

" <�,'



,unl.,,,,, ....uh .

h'�u"", H"pp ,", 1),,11) 1',...1."11",, 1>0.'):•.., I ..n , ,h,· (UrI."n "I"'"'''' I", ,ftc. I"" ,..,'" I..." 11'1.

(;,II"u,·. 10" , dll<":,,"



,h...�tt,,�1 ,s.....,):''''' �nC.I ",<"h"",,1

,h.. ):,.1" m",,,,,1.

.",J ""'urn.',,

..,,,I (;..�


tI, ....):",..1 til<' ,h""



73 Theater

Cheers ! B u s y che erstaffs promote PLU , PMA For the


members of tile fall cheerstaff.

the school year slarted two weeks early. but the women exp ected to put in extra lime.

Joyce Ott , a junior who has been on the fall cheerSlafr for the past two years. claims that ii's hard to be both a studem and a cheerleader.

The group averages three

pmclices a week and spends most Fridays painting signs


• .

It 's so much fun . but it Inkes

so much lime. "

she said.

. 'It seems like

bein g a cheerleader is all you do and you tend to

le!" other things slide. " The cheerstaff was asked to host a clinic for

Coca-Cob in December. and 1 9 area schools sent cheerleaders.

Those who attended the

Total Cheerlea<ling Clinic heard presenl31ions on everything from fundraising to positive

menial allilude .

. 'Checrleading doe:.n '( involve jmt doing It invol ves working with other routines. peopte , working wilh the community, , . said fall l:heerleader Kristin Londgren . " We tried to emphasize to the girls at the dinic thaI

they're OUI there to support their tcums··nOI to judge them." Leslie Hares, rnpluin for the baskctball

cheerslaff, was the only non-freshman on the team of eight this year but was pleased with the enthusiasm the fi r st-y ear students displayed, Tryouts were held in October, where the squad was selected from a field of

20. From January on, the basketball cheerslaff held no practices . as they were attending four

games a week in support of the men '5 team. " The games were our practices, " said Hayes. "and it would have been tough to fit any more in . The cheerstaf'fs deliver cakes 10 students throughout the year. Over 50 cakes were delivered on Valentine's Day alone. Another al:tivity taking much of the cheerleaders ' time is painting signs and banners promoting other Lute teams. .susit OIil'tr

74 Ch�rshlff



l.dl ,,, "lIhl K�..." OI'po<;rTI: Wm,e, ,h......"'�fl Walh. "h",�", I'<,",� J,II I'>'·I�J>. ",IIrll <,J,�", I .",h.,

II.""" 1·1,." (" m,'u 1)',IIIt' n."I.",,[ J1,111", fI"k.1I U IT K,,,"n L"" J).I,,·n ''''It' I" lilt' 'dln TOI', -;,."." A U t ) V I, : 1 ,.11 ,h., .," " " \V " _ " " "'II " """" ."


ho'nl ","

( ,""""

e",,1 <;U.II,J(�" ').,,,",,1 "".

K""on [ "'I(IIo1I,-n A·I>I""'....,, { Iw" I It.on...." T.,... '-n o\Idl1'-"

1 1,·,.1, u"w",


I ,...., j.I"t.h",

'>[,"'-, \V"" '-'IIl)!


,, , ,up

I"..... 0"

,\", ".,hI.­

Cheerstaff 75

' Reloading and Firing' Young gridiron squad one shot short of national playoff berth Football experts called il a


rebuildi ng


BUI coach Frosty Weslering

year for PLU.

claimed his young learn was really



and firing." and indeed, the lutes fell JUSt

on c shot short of a fourth straight nip to the

national playoffs. On a chilly day in McMinnville, Oregon. bitter rival Linfield cndt'd PLU's SC3s<m . 277.

Forty three hundred frigid fans at 2500-

seat Maxwell Field watched as the unbe�llen

Wildcats used that Lute uademark . the "Big Play .


The Lutes lurned the ball over six limes, including . twice the first three limes they touched il. Linfield converted three of the miscues into scores . and PLU 's offel1�c never

really got going


It was a strange season for the 1982 tC11m. which had only six seniors.

A defense that

rClUrned on ly four slarlers was supposed to be a weak link, yet it endcd up

(arryi n8

the load

for the highly-t outed spuHcring offense, ,

At the outset , everyone hitd a good time as the Varsity stopped the Alumni. 28- 1 2 , in the annual Alumni football game.

The Lutes had another romp in their season


handing Western Wa shington

seventeenth straight loss




PLLI quar­

terback Kevin Skogen completed his first

twelve passes


Skogen was on




Southern Oregon, throwing three touchdown pa�ses to Curt Rodin in a 7 III minute span.

PLU won 28-6, fordngsix turnovers.

Then came the Shootout at the O.T,

(Oregon Tech) Corral.

In sunny Klamath Falls, the Owls broke

away from a 2 1 - 2 1 halflime deadlock and bombed the L ut es. 45-27.

It was the mOSt

points any team had scored against PLU in six years,

But turnabout is fair play .

PLLI had been

rated fifth nationally before the Tceh disaster.

'76 hI! Spo'"

Fall Spons 7 7

and the Lute:. rebounded bv up�ellmg r.fth­

ranked Central Washington , 29-20.

Todd Rosenb."Ich 's fir�1 th rt·(, field �oa'� of

the year prov ided the winning margm, a� Skngen threw for 352 yanls and t hl· young defen'l' cnme up with the h i g Jlby�. The defen!>e continued to improve, with ,hulOut viCiories over Northwt',t Conft'lence fOt"> Lewis 29-0.

& Clark . 48-0. and Wl11amelle .

In the bilarre play of the )'t'llT. deft'n­

!>lve end Steve Gibbs grabbed a p'l!>' Ihat had bounced off a Le.... is &



helmet, racing 73 yards for a tollchdo" n .

Whitwurth ' � Mike Martrrl, the nation "

Ic;rdin l-: ,ma l l-college pl."er , next pro\ cd no

oh,tHcll·. Jeff Rohr rushed for 1 1 6 yard, . and the defen,e forct'd �even turnover, in a 4 5 - 1 0 L inwl n Bowl triumph. PLlI cont i nued 10 cl i mb back in the m.tronal 1>011\, and everyone looked (or"ard to the Linfield game. Rrsl. though. Ihe Lutes had 10 slip and slide past Pacific,

1 7-6.


swampy Fr.lIlklin Pierce Stadium.

, All the C<lrd� wcre un the wble .11 Mc­ Minnville. , . \aid COBeh Wc!>tering - :r NAIA Divi�ion II pl ayoff Ix'rth lllld tlte Northwe" Cunfcrcnce ehampiun!>hip went to tilt-' ....inner :111<1 . w. \Ve,tering ,aid , " t he rnorl' l')C­ pcrienet'd , quicker, and bellcr telull won, " •


Although il was the most losses for a PLU tealll since 1979. their 7-2 mark was certainly nothing to be ashamed or.

The Lutes had

some outstanding i ndi v i dua l perfo'rm ers : Skogen threw for a �ch(}ol-record [ 6(X) )';lTd�,

Rohr hulled hi� IVa), for 68 1 , 'l'uiur CUrl 30 pa!'>!>l>� before :. leg injur), ,t(le l incd Itirn, and Don Collom intcrn'ptc(1 'IX p.I�'e�. On thc all-�tar �quad!>, co-cnpwi n Ro(lin, tirclc'� dclen\ive I:Kkle Leroy WHltcr" Ruhr. and Collum were all named to the di,uict lind I�()din clIughl

conference fir" teams, Lmch.leker :md "eniur co-captain Eric An­ dCNHl .mel ( )rfe n�ive linemen Todd Davi� lllld Bruce Lar,un wcre AII-Di,trict 'l'le(l i on" Tho'l' ,Im'c, Skugl'l 1 ,


Cui tum

Gibb" :lI1d cllrrlerhack ,('c on d Icarn A l l ­


Cunierellel' , And ('vt'rrbud) puimed to 1981, . ' Sun' 11 IlOrt s to lo:.c and nnt �t) to n,lIlon.•I, ..�am . . , ,..,d dl'fen�i\'l' m:." ermind

Paul I lu'clh.

" But the murt' I hi, \'" url�

glllup uf �u\', pla\'t'd, the bell,'r the\' gut.

\Ve 're �"nll.1 h... wu�h nexl


, .

_II".. ( v,."

78 nil Sports

Fall Sports 79

H20 Polo Winless polo players a perfect ' 10' PLU '.. liltlc-Il(lticl'C1 wllter polo team W;I� a perfect , . 1 0 "

in 1 9 8 2 : unfortunately . tht'ir

unhlt'mi..lll'd nxord wa� of the 0- 1 0 "(lril'I}' . " We 're (Ii�arp()inled . . . l don', think we rbyt'd to nur potelltial. · ' .. aid cOllch Jim " Wl' phl}'cd ..orne Io:ood Illal(hc": Wt' jU.. 1 Ill'vcr "ecnu'd 10 havl' enough . . ,


Johl1�on U�l'" the walef pol,) "l'a..on. which run.. from Scptl'ml>l'r to carly Novemher . primaril}' a� prcp:muion for the """imming sca�on.

II ' .. a cluh, not a,

"�)f\, and,

as junior Tim Dahcim loay", "A� long a<; we sla)' in shape and have SOniC fun , we're ..uc­ ces�fu1. " The experienced <;q\lad returned eighl slm­ ler<;, induding five �enior... but



openi nJ.! 8-7 lu..� to rival Pugel Sound W3<; j U.. I :1 ta..te of wh31 was III come,

PLU let a 7-6 lend �Iip away in the dosing minutes, and thl'n wilh len "l."Cond� to pia), junior Mark 01,,)11 gOl loo\l' on .. hreakawa), . The gun �()unded ju.. 1 hefon.' Olson fired hi� shol. Ihe Northwe<;1


Round-Robin Tour­

nament in Eugene , Ihe LUle� IO�1 I(lugh mal­

che!> 10 Oregon State, Orego n . \Va�hinglon Siale, and SOll1hl'rn Oregon.

PLU led bolh

WSU and SOC midway through the fourth quarter,

O,her bad breab bt'fcll the lealll--a broken nose siddinl'<i gOillkeel>cr Mark Ol..on for ,he *a..on. There wa!> little sync in Iheir swim a<; the Lutes lO<Jk


bl owoul lo<;s at the lInivef'oil)' of

\VashinglOn pool. and Ihen Ihe LUle� were eliminaled





Championships. lu,inJ.! 20-5 III Oregon and 1 1-7

to Lewi� & Clark,

" You wouldn ' t know il from the 'core!> but Tim Daheim hud two W)O(I game� in 10\0;11 . " �aid Johrhun.

A unique fealure of Ihis )'ellr ', team w;)!>

BO flSlI Spou�

. that une of it� pbyer� had

to we,n <l tOp. "Joyce Moe matched up fe(11 wdl. . . ,hl' WH' the only WOll1<111 playing in til(' cnl irl' norlh· Johnson )aid of hi, Culifomi(1 girl. west,

Moe scored three g03is in the Northw!.:" Ruund-Robin tourney_ and got [I ..tanding ovation ('(I(h time.

In 19B2 for the fir:;! lime ever! Ihe men '5

and women's cross counlry learns compeled IOgelher Ihrough Ihe championship season. With the Association of 100ercol1egiate Athleuc... for Women defunci arwr the sprill� of 19R2. Ihe wumen moved up 10 the NAIA level. In �pile of the change in affilialion, il wa� a " Iypioll" .;ea�n for the women, as they qualified fur naliunal$ for Ihe third ,tr;lIght year and placed fifth. At the nalional meel in Keno,ha. Wi�. Kri�ly Purdy led Ihe Lady I.ule.. wilh a fourth place individual finish, good enough 10 eafll the junior her fifth AII­ Alllcric�lIl ceTlillc;ltl.'. Two fre�hmen, LeeAnn McNerney and Dana Slmnp<'r were tht, nell't twO LUll.''' 10 CTO�� Ihe flni..h line, ending up 281h ;l!Id 40lh re�peclively . Jumm Alv'IC Jenck Wi" 45th, ..ophomore Colleen u l lvo 53rd, an(1 ..ophonlOre Nancy Miller 1 1 21h. Other season highllghl' included learn vic· IOnb 'iI the Univt'r�ily of POTiland In­ viHll1onaJ , .he Green RIVl'r Invil:llional. and Ihe WCIC conference race. Jenck was Ihe WClC mdl\ldual champion , leadms: the LUll's 10 lhelr Ihlrd �IF.IIRhl clIJmplon,hip. The week of the confercnct' race, Purd)' new 10 Lo� Angell" 10 compete 111 the Pep�i Challenge 1 0 ,000 meter road race and fini�hed Ihird overall. At the district chase in Burmth)" the women were nipped by Simon Fraser for the

The Long Run All-American Purdy, Barton head harriers learn IiiIe. Purdy look Ihe 1982 Districl l In­ dividual title. McNerney was Ihe only OIhel Lute 10 finish in the top 10, ending up eighlh. For the men's Icam. 1982 w;., a year of new faces and bright hopes fur tht' futurt,. Only IWO upper-dassmell were among the men 's top seven runners: co.c:lpulin� Jim Sioda (senior), and I)hil Nelson (junior). The rest of rhe leam was composed of talent-laden

LUle�. Powerhouse \Vill,lIIlelle look Iht, team litl" and wenl on 10 finish fiflh al the n:ttional race. AI the Di�trkl I conlest Ihe men came up af.:,un�1 thn'e mure nalion:tl c"liher team� in Simon Fra.'>er, We�lern Wu.'>hinglon, ,md Central Washington. The Lute.. finhlwd fiflh a.'> :i team. At 171h, Banon W:i.'> Ihe fir�1 LUll' 10 ClOSS the finish line.


Paul Banon, a 1 982 Wilson High School graduate, led Ihe Lute pack for the entire season. Other conuibuting freshmen includt'd John Armenlino, Doug Grider, Dave Hale, Dale Oberg, and Kevin Sorensen. The lone learn championship fot Ihe men camt' al .he Green River Invitalional where Sanon took Ihe IIIdlVtdual wle. AI the Nonhwesl Confetc-nce chaM!, the men ended up fourth overall, with 8i1rlon ' placing 12th and Stoda 1 31h 10 lead the


.\:, -

Fall Sporls


A Kick in the Grass High-scoring Lady Lutes grab conference crown Clwaper by the dozen? A soccer player will tell you that ont' goal is just :1' hard to come by as the next. Still. the Lady LlIIc� boasted three players with an even dozen scores apiece. CUOIch Colleen Hacker found OUI jmt how cxpcl1,ivc those J:lo<lls were when ,he ,at down


make the line-up befure a gmnl'; nvcr

the course of the 14-4 wCle championship '('''!Jon. eight uf her 1 8 players endl,d up on the bench because of injuries �ustained during earlier ma[(he�.

Even so,

women. Lmm Cleland. Kapp), Name�.

three uf these

Beth Adams, and


the bulk of the

LUle�' ,curinj.: when they returned 10 the field, evenly dividing 36 goals among them­ selves. N;Jmes was an All-Conference �elecliun while Cleland was awarded an Honorahle Mentiun ciwtion. second�team

Adams, who also gllrnered

honors .




gual� playing i n only 1 0 nmtches during the 1 8-gmlle �ellson, which cullllinatl,d in a third plan' nnbh at the NCWSA regiunal tour­ fWlIlent. Other Lute� lauded :IS firM�team pick, were senior hal/lmck Kari Haugen, Gwen Carlson . a junior midficlder. �lIld goalie Joan Suthl'rland. Hacker praisc(1 her keeper. saying. " Joan L� prob:tbly the best in the nurthwest and has blocked �hots that would have scored on mo�t

gOlilics. , .

The junior was credited with ten

shut-olll� this fall. Hacker chtilll� that theft' i� a " whulesome among the players. She eXpe(h


a c(,rtain lewl of play from them ;md �ay' winning me;IJlS less than playing lin out..tan­ ding g;lme. " We're like a little kid 0l�ning Chri,ullas pre..enb . "

�he explained.

wunder if there's more ! , .

8 2 Fall Spoct�



Men kick over school record, take NWC title The mcn's soccer team had a litde bit of everything in 1 9 8 2 . with the exception of one category : success. It had a

/01 of that.

The learn finished 12-3-1 overall. the best mark ever in its four-year existence. and won ils first NWC litle, thanks to an unblemished

5-0 conference slate . Head coach Arno Zoske blended together a mix of freshmen. sophomores , junior transfers and two senior stalwarts to make this season possible. Cleve Nyberg and Mark Gibson transferred

on strong at the end of the year. cach played over and above Zoske' s original expl,(lations . Returning

junior ' defender



The men matched the feat on the final dlly of the season at U PS . Nyberg '$ f;rst-hllif goal held up in the 1-0 win.

Lute goalie John


Neeb kept his gO�11 cle�lIl , collecting ten saves

leading scorer who swi!<:hed to defensive duty

on the lIfternoon and capping off the most

sophomore Mark SttXkwell,


this year, steady Randy Martin


and co­

captain Bill Wilkins all entered the season

successful season of hb three-year stay in the pLU goal .

with a littlc more cxpcriencc than they had the previous year and showed it on Ihe ncld. Co-captain Brian Olson and 1 98 I Most

A week earlier the team was not as suc­ cessful against Simon Fraser in the NAIA District I playoffs in Burnaby , B.C. Riding a seven game winning streak,

Valuable Player Kim Nesselquisl each ended their careers at


season ,




Lutes were aiming to avenge their playoff the

from Clackamas Community College to the

becoming the Lutes first four year soccer let­

prior year to the same Clansman learn,

Lute starling line up.

terman ,

The Lutes IOS1 the COlllest I -0 but ended up pUlling mcn's socccr on the PLU map in 1 9 8 2 , and, sporting the young squad they

Nyberg scored a team

high 1 2 goals on the season. while Gibson.


The strength of the unit became evident

along with Ft. Sleil(lcoOlll unnsfcr Jim Rink,

early in the �eason when the booters upended

solidified [he midfield .

visiting University of Puget Sound 4-3 on


Iverson's 100te goal. It was the nrSt t ime PLU

bright future,

had beaten the loggers ,

Two other first year players saw a lot of ac­

the Lutes arc looking forward to a

Iverson, who scored seven goals on the year.

" l1lal win over UPS was defulitely the big­

"We may have a soccer dynasty here at PLU, , . sophomore midfielder Bryan Bren­

and defender Mark Van Mouwerik, who came

gcst thrill in my four years here, " said Olson.

chley said.

lion on the field in 1982:

freshman Kevin

-Terry Goodall

OPPOSITE: Pr�CIS� dribbling by Bobbi 10

)0 Crow helps

dud" th� opponent. THIS PAGE FAR 1.EFT: Bryan

Brenchley'� head �hol is anticipated by a fellow 1.ute. . : In this ont-Qn-one confrontation. Erik Risl"lxn 1.EfT comes up with lh� ball.


. -

Fall Spotts


Playing by Murphy's Law

Lute Hoopmen stumble on injuries, fall short of district playoffs Arler the 1982-83 season, PlU men', baskclball coach Ed Anderson may have thought the games ' rules had been replaced by II

single law-Murphy's.

'We just never could establish any kind of momentum and maintain ii, " said Anderson. "We tried all kinds of line-ups and com­ I

binations. and of cowse the injuries rcally , hun. . The vetcfllIl squad (seven seniors) opened with five games on the road and lost (ow. Three of the five games went into ovenimc,

including a heart-slopping 64-62 victory over Simon FrasH. avenging a loss in the previous year " playoffs.

PlU played perhaps its best game De<cm­ ber 1 4 in the Pullman "Pit", Led by senior Paul 800l s' 20 points, the lutes gave Pac- I O

power Washington Stale a 5ClUC before losing. 87-78.

Poinl guard Ed Boyce scored 19 and senior ecnler Mike Cranston 1 5 in a 75·64 home­ opener win over Western Washington,


wasn't a good omen . ·though. In the very next game. (against Whilworlh) both Boyce and Cranston went down with knee injwies. A week later, Boots injwed his ankle in a 74·64 loss fO St. Marlin



Deprived of his

twO best rebounding men, Anderson filled out his front line with sophomores Gary Kocssler

and James Cederholm and scn:or Ivan Gruh!. With Cranston '5 return to full·spced, the Lutes rebounded from their 6 · 1 2 record in early February. Junior guard Mark Falk led a run-and-gun attack that blew out Lewis and Clark. 83-58. PLU's zone defense shut down Seattle U. 80-67. and Cranston dominated inside in a weekend sweep of Northwest Con­ ference focs Linfield and Willamette. After splitting a weekend series in Oregon, thel .utes returned for their final district game in their favorite place to play, Memorial Gym. The old Aym rocked, but it was Seattle U.

8 4 Winle. Sporu

that rolled to a 74-67 victory. ending PtU's season.

(ll I wn 10 one g.lInl· .lIId dcpend('d only \111 lL�, j u�t th(' way we wHlltl'd it. ]lil t wc �()1 inHl foul trouble, and . like a l"t of othcr .RarTll'� thi� )'t'ilT, h;.(l \(I pia)' l.lud,·Up " II


�1""1 tied for the team lead in scoring, ea !lvt:raging 1 1 .6 points a game.

CH llll'

Hll dIe w;'y , . , .....d AndcNHl. The Lutes finished 1 1 - 1 5, 7-5 in the Nor­ thwest Conference, Mr. Outside (Falk) and Mr. Inside (Oan-

Cranston pulled down a team-high I : rebounds, while the coach 's son, senior gUll Ron Anderson, dished out 74 assists. Following the sca�n. An<lcrsoll mlllounc his plans 10 take the head coaching job California Lutheran Ccllegt'



Oab, Calif. _8ruc.. V,

Lady Lute Basketball . 500

Betts, Ellertson lead young team to An







blc��ing , hut the Yl)lI11g Lady Lute.. huskcth;i11 ,([(HId managed It) cOll1pll'[c Illl'

1 9S2-R3


the WCle .mJ

Inexperience will hurt

U' ,I

bit until our

Only !I V!: of In.., ycar '� ..qu;ld relliTllt'd Ihi.. year

,cason wilh 1 5 - 1 7 fL'Olrd. The women <;cored 6-4

"lid . "

yO\lll�er pbycr� gel court [il11(', . , to

play hoop with tll(' LUll''' : till' re,1 "f

the [emu was compo<,cd of four (n.·..hnmn.

:nded the season dose to la.., ro:'1r \ {i lth plan·

. ' The m<.:oming frc..hml'n hdp<:J U" "ut .1 1",

The hcst W.IT

1111" p.'al . . . Hl'nllOn ..,ne!. Thl' hope (or next year. ..he ..:..d. ,.. th;,t thl'

,\IA\V l earn r('(Ord of 1 8- 1 4 .

'or lhe . Indy hoop..tcr.. w,,� 1 973-74 wht:"11 hey dmlked up il 1 3-6 season record. Early in the season conch Kathy Hemion

returnini: players will giVl' tile te;un a " ..tTOllg nucleu.. .



The L�,Jy Lutes will lo..e t )nl�' two phJyl'r.. to gmdu3tion thi.. yc;oT. The twO women who hold



of P L U




haskcth:,11 Tl'Cord". "enior� Cindy Beth ,md N:llxy EllcTI�oll. ended Ihree year� 01\, aclioll fOT the LUlI'"�. Bell.. . a 6-fool forward, w;,� Ihe all-time high �COTeT for the LUle.. wilh ;lit avem�t' 1 2. 7 puin" pt'r galll\'

She �,.id Betts and Eller\'on will be



10'" hecau,e hoth plaYl'f' well' grcH\ a"Ch the tt:am.

. ' Nanc), Wll�


vcry aggn' "ivc player, ,lIld Cindy led thc Il',ml in ,1101' . . . ;1

Hemion Ihal she WlI' look ing forwHrd

10 next year . as this year's ..quad will pass on

't:ven Wil!>OlJt'd plower'!>.

PI•• yin� 1 1 9 ganle" during

her PLU career, �he ..cored a lOW I of 1 , 150 ha�kch. Ellerhor1, " -"-fnOl-5-inch gu;ord. Il·J till" Lutc� in individual a.'>...i ..t.'>. Ellert�on ;, ted


In 32 gam..... 1 57


shanering tilt' 't(hool rccord.


Sh.. ,'vemgl-o

4 . 9 poirm l>cr gume.

H...r career high

wa... 3 . 1 :1��i�1S per g,ulle.

During three ycar� �h...


2R9 ti me.. in

93 gUllIc,. Bcll� rebounded for


caret'r total of 683,

playing I 1 9 games for an ilWT;lj.le (If 5 . 7 rebound" per gUllle. BOIh Bctb ;Jnd Ellerhon were

wCle ;,II·"tar fiN



10 till"

l'iI:l1Iion �aid the season was I)()�iuve. " We Wl're a young team, but we came a long way. Thi, ),em '" LHdr LUles Jid nOI llIake il to di,lTtct. -

team thc



Jid 1"'1

hUI Hemion w o men




she w;"


t·... lllT.t'nt:nl

plea't:d th,.t

w i th


University and LIPS. Both Sli and UPS Wl'flt to district.

OPPOSITE PAGE: SophOIllOT�" G,hb. 1 2 t l nnd

M,h Huff U3) look for 1111' .ebound off Mark F;olk"­ " " Ill !latT",,"" J'''''p)hol. LEFT; One of PLU\ 'al(·,ucd frosh, Karrn Kvak d"ccrs .m- offrn>;< from ,ht, ]'<.litH guard SpOI. TOP: N,lOIcy EJ)." bofl.


"npouunr col-: III

the Lu•., mach,,", w,lI be ,,,.dy ",i,snI ...,�.


Wimer Spons 85

Volleyball Varsity spikers look for wins ; men's club 'establishes ' self It wasn l the best of years for the Lady Lutes volleyball team, bUI it was far ftom the worst. Although the girls dropped 23 mat ches and dep.uted quickly from district play. they won nearly three times as many matches ( I ] ) as in 1 98 1 . and. with just one player graduating. the future looks bright. "We started as 1 1 individuals and ended up as a real unit, , . said coach Kathy Hemion. " \Ve ' improved tremendously in our passing. The young. enthusiastic squad came in determined to improve on a 4 - 1 8 season thllt included a ' 'perfect" 0- J 0 conference record . In an �motionally charged �eason opener. the ; Lutes w hipped Wesu;rn W:lshingwl bcfurt: <t vocal Memorial Gym crowd. Playing with intensity and aggressiveness. PlU then won its first conference match in two years. a flve-game victory over Willamet!e. '

86 hll � rt�

Senior hiller Cindy BellS dominated the net play. Unforlunately for the LUles. they developed a habit of playing lOugh on Friday nights. then looking listless on Saturdays. PLU 1051 its firSI seven Saturday matches. " I don 'I know if the girls though t they should be tired . so rhey were , " exp lained Hemion . The Lutes also had problems winning on the road . At one point they were 3 - 1 in noisy. musty Memorial Gym . . . and 1-9 away ,

from it. At times the PLU volleyballers passed brilliantly, hustled, and played solid defense. but they couldn 't do it consistently. "We jusl needed to talk more and avoid mental lapses, " said the team's leading seller, Sooney Mackin. Rebounding from a mid-season s lump the girls regained some confidence by taking third ,

" pumpkinball" tour· at Lewis & Clark. At the district tOUJllllment, however, PLL lost four of five matches and was eliminated if the first round of consolation play. " We j us leI too many points slip by. like we alway! , do, . said junior Debbie Picinich. Hemion remained undaunted by her team ., record. " I'm so proud of the way this tean hung together and played together , " shi said. Hemion praised the improvement of he younger players. singling out freshme. Sharon Schmit!, Linda McBain, and Janic. Farris . She also cited her four veteran players BellS, Mackin, defensive standout Nanc: Stem and serving ace lisa Kauth BellS and Mackin were honorable mentio. selections on the Women's Conference or In dependent Colleges all-star team. place at a Halloween nament


_Bruu Vo.>

" II ' s

clearly a



and responded , "We'f(' don e . "

The IwO

'kG l use of

" outstanding fre�hmen"

explained Kris Geldaker, four year player on

the �mall number of pmctices. then> is not the

Ru�ty Ctrlson and Jon Anton,en.

Ihe men's volleyball team. Men's volleyball.

consistency between player..; necl'ssary for a ,


a PLll club sporl,

high quality te..m . Member.. don'l

league . " �aid Geldaker.


is an outlet for those

During the JanuarY-lhrough-April

season . team members practice twice a week and nverage one match a week. The PLU men's volleyball team belongs to the

U . S.




organizing unit o( the non-collegiate leagues.




IlUl. , .

'Iren�lh i<; " h:I\'1I1�



Iheir greale�t

,ign tlwt th... pro�mrn j,


Antonsen. corning

" play all positions equally well . "

tlmn one plllyer compl... ted hi, fourth \'l'ar on " It's

" hit h..rder than any olher plarer in the

rrom Canada. pla)'ed in high school and can

1 9R2-83 w;" till' IlT' t )'ear in whICh morl' the team.


The tcam recruits mostly by word of mouth and invites inlerested player�


praC1ice� during the off-sea�0I1 ror the ' 'fun of

l" lahli,hed: people know we 're 1I te;tm . · · explained Gcldaker. Other fourth yellr


al�o called the ' 'farm leagues of the U . S . Olympics. "

players lire ScOIl Takara and PlIt Donovan.

1 9 7 7 by ScOtt Burlington.

"Wilh the greal players we had this year, inlcuding two outstllnding freshmen players ,

reserve gylll space al 6 II, rn, once a week .

Association clubs reccivt' word

of upcoming tournmnents.

Membership ft'es

arc $40 for the team nnd

S 15

for each

registered player. The usual tournament fcc is $40.

The team is partially funded by the

School of Physiclll Education , and additional funding comes (rom individual team members. This





tournaments. the farth('si in Port AngelI's . I\,kl'd Iww the learn did. Geldaker smiled

we have the basis for a strong team next . year, . Geldaker said. Kevin

Aoki .



" has


When the tC3m was nr�t c�([\hli!>he(1 in

Now .

it could only

with �upport (rom athletic dJrt'Ctor

David Ol,on and incre;lsed :lCce�, to the �ym . the team

hopes to �ct

up future PLU­

�pon<;()rcd lOurn;lIllcnl�.

strategies . is .. greal seller. and knows the gllme well . " yelling out

Aoki acts a� the court leader, pl;ly�

and motivaling


members. Gcldnker said. OPPOSITE PAGE LF.I-T: C,,,d�' ",,11' IOp� th� hall ".," th� nt·t, RIGHT: Tdmn", Lr,v,ck ".on, In hdp " ICammHt,', TlUS PAG!: t.I!Fl': K""n A"ki iump' ('" � '�I.

RtGHT: I t '' a l,,,d ! It" � pldn�!

Fall Sport, 8 7

A Miracle Year Green, Butcher win titles, Daheim sixth Placing �e(ond champion�hip



tht' NAJA IHIlIOO..1

Atbdclpilla, A,bn,a,>,

the PLU women '" ,wim

wolin had wh:l! cO:lch

Jim John..on c;.lled a . 'miracle yeo.l Ih:11

The PLlI men·s [earn 10 lb third �uaight Nonhwe...t Conference mIl' and


be...t finish at naltonals "liKe Ihe 1 978-79

. • •

" ] don', thmk anyone thought we could have scored

Di...[ricl I champlon�hlps.

many pOlllts ( 3 8 7 ) , "

...ea...on. pl:lcing ninlh in Ar\t:ldclphla. The men po,ted a 7-4 regular ...eason dual

J ohnson Miid. " The), rC:llly ",me though in

ffil.'et record after lOSing two key swimmers.

,Ill' end. "

Scott Chase and Bri;!n Bcu. 10 injuries.

Inc1\1dll1� /l·IH)' CVl'IlI:., the women c:lfIlt:d "1

of 4 2 IX)"ihlc AI1 ·Amcric.m plaques.

\Vi,con,in-Eau Chllrc Wf)ll .hl' 1\;UiOll;.1 crown

us about 20 points al nationals. "


"':Iid. Junior Tim D;!heim repeatcd liS All­

wilh 427 puint" Junior Liz Gln'll clodcd 2: 1 2 . 1 4 to �ct

. . (The loss 01) Scott and Brian prohably CO�I



taking ... i"th pl:l(e honor� at

national meet lliltl ,cllol)l rccor<l, I[lkin� the

nmionals i n the

200 meter indlvi(lu[l1 medlcy mee. Frcshmml

16:27.5 1 .

Kern Buldu.�r won ,Ill' 100 meter bUllcrtly

nationals in tlw 100 melcr Imttt!rtly. bre:lkin�

(Town in ')8.97 'l�llI1d...

Ihe PLlI �(ho()1 record in 53. 1 5 �l.'(otl(k

CQmpi1illi: ,I I 0-1 Ic�ubr �c;l,on dual ll1cCl

record [he "qu"d .. wam p:l'[ .11 1 of [ht'ir oPJ>t)nenh excep[ Will.lIllelle. They :.1 ...0 captured [he \VCIC. llor[hwe,l. :111(1 NAJA

aa Winter Spom

1 650 mcter free�tyle in

Mark Olson pl:l(cd

1 2 1h al

Freshman Jon Chri... tiati.'>cn wa, eighth in thc 100 meier bre:lststroke :lIld 1 0 t h in the 200 meier breaststroke.

TOP: A LUI<: swimmer puts in lap time ;n practice. OPPOSITE PAGE: AJan St;ll Stops to catch his h,eath. MIDDLE: c-h J;m Johnson d;srus� the 11I� roul!> with Todd Standahl. LEFT: Kirsten Olson holds lal) cards (0' a teamm:lIe. ABOVE: Gooch JohllWn talks with (r�hman KefTl Butche..

Winter Sports


Wrestling Injury-plagued grapplers fifth at bi-district meet Junior Mike Agostini and his 23·3 record led PLU grapplers this year, as they finished thdr season 2·1 I


placing fifth at the NAJA

bi-disuici meet. Injuries plagued Ihe


1111 SClLson ,

whittling a squad which hnd about 20 able­ bodied members at the start of thc year to a handful at Ihe end. "Every single wrestler had some sort of injury at one point during the , season, ' said coach Dan Hensley. The squad placed fourth :11 the dislricl NeHer completed the season with a 7-2 record and look fourth tll the bi-district meet. season , " Hensley said. wasil "

This year deflnitely

what we expected it to be.


Iypes of seasons come along every now and then. ' , Senior Ken McElroy ( 1 26-pound class) ended his four years at PLU with a 4-1 regular season record. and a third place finish at the

orthwest Conference meet.


Neller completed the season with a 7·2 record, and took fourth at the bi·distriCl meet. Agostini was the only member of the squad to make the trip to the NAIA national meet in Minot . N . D . "We lost a lot of guys to injuries throughout the season. The guy.. we had. though worked hard. " Agostini said. .

Hensley said Ihat a good nucleus on which to build will be back n(';l;t year . memioning Agostini. Jeff lipp. Neller. and Mark Phillips. " Experience·wise. we should be tough. ' . Hensley said.

Schussing the Slush Murray, skiers race to record season, stumble at regionals In the Pacific Northwe�l. II was a IOllsy YC:lr for �kl1ng. . . hut a good onc for the skiers

nordic events and did poorly.


hampered by a son.' ankle, phlced \C"Cond In

of Pacific Lutheran.

the slalom but only 14th III th(, gHUIl \blum.

Although the)' ..tumbled a bit at ,cgionals. chI.' largest Lute tCllnl ever h:.d the best meet

Only Timm excelled fOf the ttlte men , lakin�

season evcr. Leading was senior Jill Murray .

downhill and cro\s counuy competlllOn cup.

..... ho won as many giant �lalom/slalom races




" ,kimci'ler"

Murray qualified individually for mnlorl,ll,

heven) as the entire learn had in the past

by virtue of her regular

cleven yt'ar�.

However ,

Under the jotutdance of first rear cO<lCh Ru.:k Kapata .



member.. called a

" gemu)" III t....ching nordic skills . PLU opened 1983 b,' hosting a meet at Whne Pas), MumI\' took fir!>1 III the slalom and �econd


,h(" giant slalom.

Sverrc " Ted"

olway Import

Huse won [he 1 5 Kilometer

nordiC event, and the Lute.. ' vetcmn men'� Greg Timm. the ,quad \ only lour-ycar lettl'rman, \;lId the mild wint('r affecled training . . '\Ve had [0 tram


from BritIsh Columb.a . "hom MumI\' had bealen in I I of I 2 r.tec" but "ho h;.d ed�ed her at regionals, was ,h(' only nnrlhwe.,! woman awarded


SnO<lwllmie Pa"

at-J..rlole position In the

national race. " I had a plane ticket 10 HO\ton and no pl,lCc to �ki, "

Murray ,ald. " 1 '01 dl'appointcd, . really geall-d to go. . For the yellr. ,h(, PLlI men I1I11�hed Ihlrd , the Lady Lute_ �ec()1l{1 In fin.. l Ilorthern W,I\

clivi-ion slanding�. ,II

I>crformlmce. Collegiale Ski



ASSOCiation deOlcd her enuv po�.tion. A \kler

lx-xau)c I

rclay learn won the 5000 meIer nice.





Yl'ar , " Timm �aid. " II'� :It lower clcv:nion, and with [his wcathl'r


lot of the timl' Wl' ,

were skiing in rain and du�h . . Then





Collegiate Ski Conference meCi ;1\ Brundage Mountuin in Idaho. " We were ,kiing to


peak in the la�t month b...forc regiomlls.


was a c1a�sic choke, " Timffi said. In




unwitlin�ly walfed theIr skIS "roog Ol'pOSl rio TOI'



I",". �" uPf'I>fM.'"1

�" t 1-2 d«I'H>fI OPPOSIT!: 8E.LOW· MI�" \V"h..r..durl ..HI �" "pp..,,,,"1 al !:a.,,'m mahh THI� I'AGE lU·T AlpIlM' r;.ow [);oH (uk ....0<,.. fn, � "",,,o 1.. 10

tt�r.. IF.....'TER Fr�ox.... Tern un I"" 11�1 A!KJV!: "...... �..." ......... 'Tcd" Hu.... p"k. up �p«d

Something for Everyone

Sports retirees, beginners play intramurals Tile quarterhack SI�'PS back to pas�. Siurp­ ,Imp-slurp. His (eet and


oth('r� d:l!lCC

through the mud. He [ITCS tht, football toward

I.'xcrcisc ,lIld make fricnd� while they 'fe at i t . The whole campus watches while



a receiver. hinting '1I wlWI he could do during

and women's Illg fu{)[hall teams frum all pUrlS

his high school days. The Tccdver puun(e� on

of campus


i t . sledding through the mud into the crowd


games every fall.

un lhe �idclincs. Intramural football. basketball. softball and a hodgt·.podge of other on-campu� sports offer t')(-athlde� nnd timid bcginncr� (II ike thl'

92 lnlramural�

ch<JllCt' to hone their sporting skills. gel a little















p'lnkipaliun. -!lll'" P".Krl!

OPPOSITE PAGE: Women's sortball i� in!en�e on Foss

field. THIS PAGE LHT: Laura Cleland bwnps the vollcyball backward. ABOVE: Ann Lochti� readys ror a relay.

lntmmurals 93

Baseball Lewis-Clark state beats men out of district PLU's baseball team lost out on going to The game, coach Jim Girvan said, was the

leader in runs batted in with 23. holds a

lasl of the season and was lIgainsl Lewis and

school record of bringing in 90 runners during

Clark State. LCS is rated number on(" in the

his PLLl career. Catcher LlIrson chlliked up


seven home runs this season and also holds

The game, coach Jim Girvan said, was the last of the season and was against lewis and

the school record of [ 9 homers in


seasons. The team lost six seniors following the

Clark State. Girvan said the Lutes led the league in

[ 983





hitting. " We ilfe good enough to win the

HlIlIdorson, Ted WAlters. Rob Whillon, who

league. but wlltlt hurt us this year was we

was voted most inspirational and AIl·DisniC!

pitchcd tOO muny walks, " Girvan said.

Schobr·Athlele. and Kt'vin Dykman.

earning them founh pillee i n the Northwest

Girvan said neXI yellT a good nucleus will be bllck . . 'We have a lot of youngt'r players


to repl:lce the seniors next year.

The Lutes' overllll r«ord was


A highlight during the season was scoring a 4·J





University. Girvan said. Bill Bankhead, sophomore. led the learn wilh a . 394 hilling avemgc. Co--caplain Mike

Y4 �pring �porlS

LlIrson. Vmnjes and Bankhead were named to the NWC all·star first learn. Vranjes. tC,ml

the District J playoffs by one game.


He said the learn did well bcC:lUse of Ihe faC! that il played well together, gOI along well and enjo),ed playing together. -8",,,, Lml"....h

Softball Women get to district but no further Lady Lute softballers made it to the NAIA bi·district tournament . bm lost OUI on further

During their

20- 1 0 regular St'ason.

Turnbull said. the team played vcry well but

advanc;:emcnt after lo�ing their firS! IWO games.

admiUed that ' 'our biggest weakness was our

Coach Toni Turnbull said [he women were

The strength of the leam was pitching, she



ranked third of fouf teams in the Washi!l�ton

said. " It was awesome. "

and Ore�on piayork She said they lost 3·2 to Western Oregon in nine innings. The Lutes losl the sWlle day

Aughnay, junior and right-handed Sharon

10 Willamelte 3-0 to end their bid for a


The Schlllin.

top pitchers were �I

lefty Monica

freshman. Schmit! pitched twO no­

hillers against Shoreline Community College. and Aughnay pitched one against


Steilacoom. Aughnay pitched 19 games. with Schmitt pitching

1 2 . Aughnay led the strikc*out

rOSter with

1 58 in

1 3 5 innings. Schmitt

struck out 64 bailers in 75 innings. The team is young. ilnd Turnbull expc<ts

two years Ol mOle of strong phly from them. This year's squad lost only three seniors: Betty Buslach . Lori Smith and Kim Krumm.

whose .275 baiting average led the Lute pack.

. . 'We 're nOi hurting for players. . Tumhllil

said. 'We had 1 5 sHong and capable player� this year.

but next year we ..hould be

stronger. Turnbull listed two drawn*ollt gamc!> as season highlights. The Lutes won a 20*inning game against LIPS and lost a 1 7*inning malch with Willamclle. -B,,"" Lanh.."" OPPQS1TI: PAGI: TOI': T..d \V,'I!�" pll,h�, � "lnnnlA

Ildmc. FAR LEI-T, K"..", [)ykm.", "hilc a runne. ,l,d�,


" ","




h�..,. LEIT: Ph,1 �l" l,·)

w,�ld, h" h:lI. THIS PAGE TOI', $m(ey Dav" ,1"1l' ""� :lwa)·. LEI-T: L"dv Lille "Jfd)�I1"" pl.,,, !h,·,r 'l.alq�y.

5prln� SPUr!)




A Reign in the Rain Tennis teams win district crowns. In northwest small-college tennis, PLU's men and women were undisputed kings and queens of the court-a sort of reign in the rain, you might say. Both 1983 squads won their district titles. earning trips to the national championship and surprising coach Mike Benson , who thought that neither team would be as snong as the ones that had gone


nationals the year

before. Yet come conference tournamenf time. both

in Ihe singles final. The women hosled their district tournament and nicked up enough pointS to win, although none of the PLU women advanced as far as the nnals. " II






everything came togelq,er at the right time , " said Benson, who's headed the men's team since

1 970 and the ladies since [ 9 8 [ .

"Everybody played so well. right down the , line. ' Entering the district tournaments. the

squads were virtually unstoppable. The Lady

women's dual meet record was 22-6, and the

so closed to beating some of those bigger

Lutes dropped only one set enroule to

men's was 1 4 - [ 4 .


winning all nine singles and doubles comws at the WCIC tournament. The men won singles and doubles titles al

The latter mark is deceiving, because the

. • '

The Lady Lutes used a set lineup most of

tIlen played a near-suicidal schedule with

the year, playing $rucia Edmunds at nrst

multiple matches against powerhouses like

singles, Chris Dickensen al second . Sharon Garlick third, Polly Ann Byrnestad fourth,

the Northwest Conference championships.

the University of Washington and Idaho.

boosting their team point total to 6 1 , more

Abbott, who won the Northwest Conference

Karen Stakkeslad tlfth and Julie Chapman

than twice that of any other team.

singles title without dropping


Eddie Schuhz imd Jay Abbott won the district doubles crown and Schultz was ousted

90 Spring SpoilS


set, thought

that rugged competition was an advantage. , . I t really prepared us, " he said. , . We were

On the other hand, the men tried four differem players-Schultz, Abbo t t , Craig

Koessler �lIld Tom Peterson-in the number

over defending NAIA chHmpion \Ve'trnollt. The mcn have now won eif.tht conference

one singles slot. The highlights were many and varicd, For the women, Edmunds played SOffiC gutsy tennis against nationallY-Tilted opponcntS, and Stakkesstad stayed on the.baseline to win 22

tides in a row. the women four sUHight. Hnd Benson can '\ quill' explain I'Ll! 's dominance. .





established. it's l'asief





�u�tain i t , , . he Sllid,

" Somehow, each year we gCt bigger and

of 25 regular season matches. For the men, Koessler took a set from the

better. "

Northwest 's best player , Peterson whipped thc Univcrsity of Washington's number two man, and , despite a gimpy knce, Schultz mn up a \8-7 regular season mark .

A rood Inp down wudt durinf.t �pring bre�lk was a' turning point in the �ea�on- " fun in the sun , "

thl' sunny. ever optlml�tic Ben�nn

called it. PLU's men gained experience against schools like Redlands and Cal Slate-Los Angeles


and thc ladic� team stunned the

" California girls , "

wjnnin� six of seven

matches on the trip, including a 5-4 upset •

OI'POSITE PAGE TOP: KodsI.,. wailS for


.ClUtn. BELOW LEFr: Freshman Gram Nel""n �fVrs with "tIp. BELOW RIGHT: Nancy Stem concentrateS o n II volley. THIS PAGE LEFr: Gaf}' Koessler lel'l a ......., .. ny. TOP: Conn;" Wuslerbanh shows off her backhand form. AfIOVE; Jay Struss re;aches low for II backhand ...olky,

97 Spring SpoIlS

Running , Jumping and Throwing

Schot, Heelan, Bell win district gold ; women take conference For the men of PLU's track and neld 3: 1 8 . 8. squad. i t was a very good year. The Lutes placed third fit the Northwest Overshadowed in Tcrcnt years by a women 's Conference meet behind Willamette, the learn for whom every year seems beneT than NWC's perennial track powerhouse, and the lasl, the men showed what they could do. Linfield. The finish was up a notch from their pulling out a second place finish al the NAtA fourth place 1982 conference rank. The Lute District [ Ch3ffipionships. With 1 5 4 points men had come out ahead of both teams in the PLU mcn were 1 0 points shon of the previous dual meets. distrin crown. which went 10 Western Running without All-American distance WashinglOll University. star Kristy Purdy, who nursed a heel stress Senior Phil Sehot, who had outdistanced fracture through the end of the season, the the district decathlon mark (with 7 1 57 points) I PLU women won the conference crown and a week earlier to win his third IO-event placed third behind Western Washington and championship in four years, was the lOp scorer Simon Fraser at the district meet. al the district meet. Karen Bell, whose 63.6 second conversion Sophomore Mike Heelan replayed his in the 400 meter hurdles was one of five PLU 1982 performance to hold on to this district women 's records on the day, picked up the javelin litle with a 193-5 arc. Lutes' only district gold medal. The Lute 4 x 400 rday quartet , Tom Ann Jenck finished fourth in the district at Love, Greg Rapp, Dave Maines and Kris 1500 meters in 4 : 4 3 . 1 , and sophomore Rocke, pumped out a second place ribbon in sprinter Kara Kehoe was second at 200 meters


Spring Sports

in 25.7, Two Lute relay squads picked up third laces. Denise Stoakes, Kehoe, Bell, and p Karina Zamdis broke a school record to finish the 4 x 400 race in 3:56.5. Kehoe. Zamdis. Bdl and Monica Johnson clocked I ; 5 1 . 3 in the 800 meter medley relay . Both squads, said PLU coach Brad Moore , would have ranked in the top five in the nation. Nine individuals qualified for the national women \ meet in Charleston, W. Va. Assistant coaches Jeff Cornish, Deborah Carter and Louise King helped Moore out in the sprints. hurdles and high- and long足 jumps. Moore said he hopes to hire more assistants for the 1984 season. [ just took on tOO many events. I couldn 't give adequate attention to them, . , h-c said. . ,

-Bar" P"'Kdl

OI'POSITE PA(j1: FAR l.EI-1', An"" Il'n,\.. .",.1 I)l''''','

,>,,,.,�,., ".�,h''''I:'· "

"·1.,, h.,,,,,,. ol'l'osrn- I'A(;I:

LEFT AND THI'> P�\(;I: LEr-T, Th."w;n� ,·,,'01- h.,,,·

I"...,,, .,

, •.,.1",.",.,1


' nw,, ,

" "."�h,,I.r , AI\OV�: TI,,'

,,,,,,,', '1" ',, 1 ,..r.,}, 1.., \ ,· "111''''''''.1 '''',,,1,1, " " -" ••,1 , ,'."'.


Ih,' 1" ' "

Racing Backward Crew team strokes to three regatta titles Till' PLU

cre w

Icarn \tfokl,d up Ihrt't' tt"am

(hampion�hip� of �ix regular regatta"


they 10,1 the Meyer and Lam bcnh Cups [0 U PS .

AI lhe fCj:;:iUI1(11 (hanlpion�hips lhe Lute_ p laced �ixlh nul of 27 t cam, entered. Coach O;l\'C Pdt'r" m �[lid .

TIll;' only Ilorlhwc�t

wllege to place hi)::hcr was Ihl' U . W . TIle women

Ily four c:lptured Ihe mo�[



succc�s Ihi� �cason.

Julie Givens.


Dahle. Trice Carl�on. N:UlCY Ega", and Jenny Nc1�n won the P:Kific Northwe" Regional� :md a ..hOI al nalional"

Thl' wumcll's ny four . Iht' (mlch. and fouf




by car



\Vj,colhin for the collegiate !l,lIionals June 4 From there Peterson ,aid. they will

:mel 5.

cn lt'r the open n;lIion(ll� i n InditIlHipolil>.

Ohio,June 1 6 - 1 9 .

H e \;tid ;tt thl' open mll tomll :. he will t'ntl'r

the ny four lmd twO light pair, cornro't-d or

the ,arne wornl'n. AI,o






woml'n', light pnir (U,e Undhorg and knny Nd,on) und


women ", collt'giate pair {P'lIn

K napp and S'lr3 Lopez ) placed ;I� chatllpiotl" The men', heavy four (J uye McGee. Larry Ql1i,tga;trd . Stev(' Knud'en. Kevin Klep�er.

and Jeff Glenn) and the wo men , light four "

{Jl1lit: Givem. June Nordahl . J;mie Buehler. U,e Undborg. lind Jenny NeI,onj ended the

crew ,e..,on


Northwe�t ,mall col lege

ch.lmpiom. Peter.;otl Mlid four yellr v..r�ity O'lr�man Jim �hacht .

W;I' the Fischer �hol'H Athletl'

Award winner for PLlI thh yeilf. tht' firM


Schoch t i,

ever ..elected. although RlIIh

S..lxock w..:. the women \ winner in 1 980.

Golf Lutes win NWC Tournament with record score 1983 could he thl' bl'�t YC<Jf Roy Cml�on cnn remember. Thl, PLU gulf coach lead

OJ ...quad

Ihat won

to IlHlionals �md pl'Ked 1 I th, ,Ill I I 7" on the �'Imc Tok,lIcc cour�c, which would he 24 "[roke... behind tile currell! ..quad. "


tourn:llnelH. The)' had trouhle on the J.trt.-en and droPI�d ttl a third place finish in Ihe UPS Invitational a week Iouer.

The PLU J.tolrer� dominated Ihe Classic hy

hoth the ,ix-qop Northwl'�t 5n1<111 Col1c�l'

"lid Ihe 1983 �olfl'r.. also col11p.ucd f'lvombl}'

Golf Clas ... ic and the two-Jay.


with hi!. 1974 ..quad. which Wt'nl to omiona1..


Northwc�t COllft'renCt' Tourn<lmen t , IOlalio)J;

and produced PLU·... only golf All-AmeriC'IIl .

during ro\lIld three in Llike O� OreJ.ton.

Blnkc Ho..\rom.

Sophomore Bob Brill WOII the individual


150 -;hOl5 on the Tubtel' Gulf Club eOUN�

in Blu!.' River, Oregun. · 'Thb. could be PLU ', bt.·st learn cVer. · ' Carlson said. " Our 1975 team. which went

The LUlc� opened tllclr


by downing

di�lf1ct riv;11 UPS in the flr�t mun(1 of the Nonhwe.;t





thin �rice. (Iropping their relld briefly 10 UPS

rlll'tbr with a score of 73 the next day al Tacoma'� Forest Hill, course.

and Tim

Dahdm was dose behind wilh a 74 10 boo�t the Lutes hack 10 Ihe Cbs,ic I(>ad. C·ul-.on wa.; " :IIl1a7ed "

by hi� '(IU:ld'�

b.,lance. "We St.'COI 10 have a differelll leader every lime out. " he ,ai(l. Fre�hman Todd Gilford �et Ihe pace for the Lute� early in Ihe sea�on. bUI Hrill and D;theim had moved 10 the forefront by mid­ se;l�on ;md finally lied for the IlUlllhcr two spot


Ihe NorthweM Cb��lc. Jeff Clare. the

1982 CIa�sic medalbt. fini�hcd fourth in the nonhweSI . It







tourn:lment on the Tokatel' (ours('. however. while teammates Dahcim. Gifford. Waynl' Clark and Brill �wept th(- 'ccond fifth place�. With pesky LIPS playing its own conference tournament . the Lutes finished 85 strokes of runner-lip Linfield. -R<I1I. I',,-Krll

OPPOSITE PAGE: [n a"d oUl of Ih,' wnll't, th... ",'''", "r Ih... U�"· �."".' j, I...amwutk. THIS l'A(iE: I."I� �nlf�,t wOn h"lh tI", N"nhw�,t Small C"II"'I(� Gulf (1,,,,,( and Ih,- N\VC T,m",am"'''I.

Spring SportS


No way !

I 've got to finish

this paper by tomorrow and I can 't handle another all足 nighter.




day !

Wanna go play tennis?

I ,

102 Academics

Forget the paper !

[n five

years you 'll never know the differen ce !

Besides ,


you ever do is study.

J ust because you 've never seen





library . . .


.. '� • •

AC<tdtmlC$. 103

Facing the Real World What's a PLU degree worth out there ? A







"How much of


advmll�Ilo!e dCI>cnds on

advantage over a !otale school graduate at the

the major, " he �aid.

alumnus and part owner of Human Resource

potential employer is familiar with the school.



said Scott Rodin.


Associulcs. He

�aid a







a big

if one follows it

knowing what he is doing. he will

up by

be able to

live up to the image of the private college


" There is )Or! of an elitism in a private

college . " he said. slUdents.


Because there ;ue rewo

professors relate one-Io-one

with them. and the cuniculum is generally

Olson said it is Illore of an adv;lIlt;'8c if the But how a joh hUlllcr cumc� :tcro�s. how

positive he is, ;lIId ,howing whllt 111' can give

10 the job will win the employer uver, he


May Gerstle. of the community rel:Hions

ofrKe for Seallie City Light, �aid 'ler pcr�nal

bias is that it is beller for the student to 1(0 to

a large university, rather than a smaller university. She said,

" The educallon I� e-qU:11 or

tougher. he said. Rodin 's company helps people develop

greater at tM UW when compared to PlU. "


the world at a large university and elfpenencc'

He said there are many people who

do not know what they want and therefore,

caorlOl find a job with which they are

Besides, she said. the student can

more of

it more.

" Small schools are tOO !ohehering. You need


10 be dealing wilh the community, and

now spons producer for KOMO Ra(lio, has a

Gerstle said.

" Plll is !ouch a buhble , people go around

Burich 's , " Ihe best thing is to get a job-you

Shannon Burich, a recent PLlI graduate and

different opinion.

She Mli(1 the world at

here with rose colored glasses. "

" The real world is mean: it i� where you do



up , "



" I


educated , but just not elfpo�cd to the work force. "

She suggested thue students get out on the

jog to learn outside of the classroom.


elfpe.rience can te-ach slUdents how to


persistent, how not to be a quitter. and how to gain a high opinion of one's ability as a worker. She


people- consider



diffICUlt, academico.lIy, but realize there is less

competition in numbers in the: classroom.

keeping up 011 social issues 10 be successful. " Her advice to Ihe student is Ihe same as

cannot learn it all from hooks . "

If you cannot get a paying job, she said,


A discussion group at Ihe WashinglOn

Indcl>cndent Schools Corbonium Corpotllte

conference, April 8 , gave this advice to the lil>cral arts major:

Ix- a sel( 11100i\'alOr: step forward and ask about Ihe company Ix-fore


go into the inlerview selling

)'ourself: know some of the people doing Iht' hiring: have ideas: be enterprising, lind �how that you are willing to work.

The business leaders from SAFECQ,

KIRO, KOMO, Pacirlc First Federal. and

Randy Olson. PlU student and manager of

&atlle BI4S;"tSS jOllnlal. to name a few of

some notoriety. that is, in this region, and if

sent to the interviewer after the interview

WashinglOn Travel Bureau. said "PlU has

one is going 10 use PlU experience on the resume.

those participating, wenl on to say in a letter thanking him for the time is important .


also suggested getting recommendation� from






people before lisling rhem as rerer�nces




resume. MOSI or all. business people snid. �how work swbilily.

They suggested sludcm� li�1

<III jobs held while in school . evell Ihose which are not glamorous.

This the}' said. shows

willingnes� 10 work.

Other companies comacled , TIICOlllll N"ws Tribune. Tacoma Actor� Guild. imd the

Univer�ity or Washinglon Medical School all said their imerest in recent graduates depends on the qualificalions of Ihe individual. One's alma maier has liule 10 do with hiring or acceptance. they said. Maybe the 525.000 degree will get the graduate a job:






advantage: ror the most pari. though. Imrd work and perseverance are all Ihe graduah,"!> c<ln rely on.

ACidemia 105

Humanities Elliott Press, Writing Center find homes Two new addltiol!' to the hurnatlilic� division made their formal appearances during J 982·83.

The EllioH Prc'" ,md the Writin�

�lall'd for Ihe Knorr Huu"e �;tr.tge. Ihe pfe..� wa� loeatl'd 1m maintenanct' �h(Jp.



Iht' old


Twn It'llerprt's., Intenm

Center hC(lI!l1C pcrrnuflcnl progr;lm� with

classe:. wefe hdd al Ihi" 'Ill'.

permanent hOl1ll" on thl' PLl! connpu... The PLlI prc'�' the cider of the IWO

rnaintemmcc building in hack

plOgnlrn�, ha� heen 111 c.n_tenet: �nKe the lal('

Auditorium. Ihe pr(',� Wll' �IYl'n II, own

'70s, when



Tacoma prilil ,hop. whICh had

switched to off.!>cl proouction. ofIered PLll its tenerpress. j'LU




amcd aftt'r Ll"




of OI,tJn

Ellloll. a r('li,ro ..taO"

member from Harper and Row Puhli..hinJ.:.

Inil laled




who foundl'd PLU '.. puhli,hing in

prmt �h()P5 that the univcr..l I), wa.. IIIll'U'�'l-d III ally lellerpr...,,)

inaugurated on Oct. 1 with a 1)()Clry rl'.tdmg

equipment that they 11lIRht he di�cardinlot.

by William ,md Kim St.tIlord.

jounia]bm periodical to






oht•• incd

1 97 5 , tht" Elliott Pfl'"

The pre�$,

wa ..


eqUIpment worth npprOllillliltcJy S20,000 for

Megan Benton, now own� ovcr ''''0 hundred

one· tenth of th" cu" .

cases of Iype

Ahhough PLl! hp, hold .orne eqUlpmcllI fur �cvcral year,.. Ihe pll.·...� di<1 nOl Ot-roml' fullv opt.!fmion.11 unlil Ihl!> )'l'ar. lar�dv 1Jl.'CIU!>l' 01 Ihe 1.lrk 01 a pt.!rnl<lnt'nt localion.




40 different

Irpcface�, a!> ",ell ," ,hrtt pr('....(";, antiqut'

I )'PC cabineb. composinJt �Ione"

1981 Inlt"rln

"' Ilhin Iwo monlhs. many to Nonhwt....t llCltll

lIndl'r Ihl' mana�t'melll or Hl

POI'/S. wa� pro<lucl'd by the

lellerpre.... worbhop; 30 COP I(" were ,old IlU





The pre�s '� IIrsl book. SIX f>vrms Six

dl';tle�" Till' st'cond of th(, humanlllt'" addlllon .. .




nl'\, I'

OUIj.!IO\\ th of PLU', 1Il,"olvl'mt'nt in



Pacific Nonhwtosl \V'ltmg Ct)n'lltllum" Thl group is compo!>l'd 01 <'c\"cml (ullt"gt" tlIIIYcr\ilie, that support thc t';\:p.llI,.,1Il

.1111 <I

wflllng :Icrn..� tilt' curriculUIll. Tht' \Vrillll� Center ., de"'gned



prnle'..Of' III ,Ill dl..dplmt'.. in tht'lr :lIIt'mp"


encoura�e \\rilllIg, ..aid Ihe c!;.'nler'� initialor, A....i'lam Pmlt'''''ur Chuck Ikr�lmm, TIl(' Center, which heg:rn till' \'I;.';lr ;1'



nf til(' ACHdeml�' AdviMng Centt'f. hmncht'd ult" at mid-)'l',lr


e..lahli..h II, IIwn loc.lle III

till' Knurr Huu,e ba'l"ml'lll. TIlt' "lUdl'ilt' who work .... (on'uh'lll" View thl' (elliCr nOI a, a Huufml l'l'l)Ier lor H,'medial help. bUI ,lhil.IIC,


:1' "


pl,,(e lor writer, ul all I ct'dhack



efll�'livclle" lit Ihclf wrlling, BcrgnHln cmphaloi7cd Ihal writing


1)(, imprllvl'd , " TIll' .de • .1 fl'prl',eIllCll Il\' thl' Wntmg Cent!;.'r i.. thai "

.. l w :I)'''

wriling " a proce.... through whICh sludclll� can rethink and heller undentand their subje<ts, _K"tr" Wr"llrr,,,,,,,,

OI'I'OSITI: I't\(il: TOP;

Ch\Kk lk'l{m�n h.....J, "u,

UU"t1k" "r ,uod..nI 1'''1''"1>;, BELO\V; The EII,,,n I'.��,

round � pt....�''' . '' '' . hull><' u" 10,.." c-..mpt" TOI' AND I-AR LI'I-T: C"'NilM""


THIS PAt.1.t." W"I"'�

(l'nlt, " I�II..�d ba.: k ' · '0 ,Iudm" at-lU' ,h,'" pdpt:.', LEI-T' L.., 1:1101)11 helped '0 ",,,uRur�'.. .he 1:11"", klle'Pn'" ''''>p 0...


Natural Sciences Department expands programs, buildings The word for the Division of Natural , Scienc� is "expansion. . And new classes, new majors and new buildings ;ue all part of thai expansion. The most observable improvement is in the

ulJf) hll....,.l .uK! BathwoJ A1",n,

To keep up with the rapid expansion, a wing has been added onlO the mathematics

computer science department. In the last two

aud computer science building for faculty of­

years, computer science has achieved its own identity ;IP:ut from the nmthcmatic.. depan- ' men I , ha!> morc than doublc(1 11, course

plans for the acquisition of a new computer are

offering'. developed " major (bolh

108 Academa i

Bad,clor clf Science and B,.cill:I.,T of Art,,) . Lrld • least four p.lTI- nr full-lime r.1Q�1\ .

h.1' I\lwd III

fices and general slOrage.

Also. lenl.uive

developing to supplement the now ovenaxed VAX 1 1 1780.

Perhap� prospect,

the nlOSt e1Ccitlllg e1Cpan)ion however,





building which will be located on tht, We)t end of canlpu� parallel to Foss dorm.

For the

cruwded chcmhtry,




dep:lrtnlent), which now threaten 10 hur�t the walls of Ramslad. the new science huilding


a welcome improvement.

Joining lhc_c three dep.lrtmcnb in the new

building will be the earth )Ciences dep.1rl1lll'n t which is cunemly homt·d in Memorial Gylll, Thi� year A"sislant Prurc�wr Sleven Benham joined Brian Lowb al> a member of lil;11 faculty.

A new cour�e in map-m:lking wa�

also added 10 the earth .;cicIlCC\ curriculum thi_ year, Unlike mO�1 produCis which be"r the wom­ fUll


PI lI'� Divi�ion of Natur,,1 Sdencc�

can for many re:l,nns hone..dy promote It�clf a� ' 'new llll(] improved, "

I-AR OPPOSITE, H'Rh dnnand {," ("ompuI..I ,...m,o;ol> ";0> lhe- I....uit o( In" up;andnl (on'pull" "" ........ lE .... T l>r J�m... HCII"R ...pla'M � proR'�m rompuW'1l pum' 10 Dto�n BQn�1l ...,d [);O'" s..1�,'r THI') PAGE LEf-T: D�, .. 'xluUI m.a�.... .... � 'u .. ...m..n1




lor ;0 ,hc-m"u}' ..�pe""""n1 ... "h Inlllkl


C:h.. m"ur

�f'I""."n,nd,' "'Rhl hou••



""'� on I�h



Social Sciences New Global Studies major looks at areas, issues The Division of Social Sciences encom­ passes seven subject areas and 44 faculty members in the departments of economics. history. political �cicnce . p1>ychology. social work, sociology

:IIIJ anlhwl>ology,

In the r«em past, Ihe faculty mcmber� have been concerned with the relationship of theory and research 10 aellla! social pr.Klice. Thus they have cncouragt.-d coopernlive en­ deavors among their own departments and wilh OIher depanmcllIs around the university. Graduate program� leading 10 master's degrees in social sciences and public ad­ minislr31ion al�o rcnccl

Ihi .. belief that

problem solving in «><lay's wurld doe" not recognize disciplinary OOunJ:uics. A new program 'laned in 1982 was a complementary muhi-dbciplinary major en­ titled ' 'Global SlUdies.

, .

II i� cOlnplemcmary

because it is combined as a second major with


1 0 AC".a<knll(�

the primary diSCipline of the �tudeJll " choice. lt� purpose is 10 give PLU education




)tudent� :m perspective.

recognizing Ihe ever smaller :lIld more inter­ dependent world.

Global SlUdielo i) pari of

the growth of the four-ye:lf-old Foreign Area $lUdies Program started by histor), prOre�'K)r Mordechai Rozanski. According to Rozanski. one of the goals or Global Studies is "to educate slUdents 10 be citizen� with glob.11

,erspectives and competencies, trained to un­

division include the Center for the Study of



the world's interdependence . "



Center for

Many students have also become involved


in assisting with research projects. Topics of


recent projects include world hunger, affir­

he world in ad(lition to issues lik� resources

(CHOICE) . the Legal Studies program , the

mative action, historic preservation, threats to

nd trade, modernization and development.

Women 's Studies program , the Child and

the environment, and the problems of the

ocicties, cultures and tfllditions, and war,

Family Welfare Program, and the Washington


evolution and peace. Rozanski has since left 'LU to become Director for International

State Council on Economic Education, which

multi-disciplinary approllch 10 lellrning with

:tudies at New York's Adelphi University.

division faculty hold doctoral degrees and are

Global Studies focuses on specific areas of

Other special programs supported by the




is centered al PLU.

Over 90 percent of the

All of these programs emphasize a

direct applications 10 the realities of public and professional life.

active in research and writing.

-Brurr &" 011

OPPOSITE PAGE: historical poim.

Chri� Browning disc",s�s a



Profe�,or o(

Anthropology Greg Guldin keeps in !Ouch with · · the ()verall picture. · ·


inSights and perspectives


GU""'I 1<""Clurers add new

Ihe global sludies progmm.

I I I Academics

School of the Arts Art builds marketable majors, draws on new blood for facult� A co.1ch ....ould It'rm 1 982·83 ;1



year" for the School of th... Art�. Mo" 01 rhe happcninj.t� within

the 'chou I wcr�' not

temporary lI{ljU'llllcnt', but were parI of maj o r ,


mulli->'car <Icvclopmcill procc .... .

RClumnj,ll'llll:nls of f..c u l t y , facilitic.. and (ourse.. were :111 pmt of long range go.d.., This was specifically l"'idem in the vbulIl .IrIS department. Top 011 Ihe 1M at



of chanJ!c" hapJ>'.'nmg 10an

werc those ha\'m�


do wnh

I)(),I-gradu:lllon need.,.

" In


past, a (It'gree in art u�ually meant that a .. tuden! \�nrkl'd in Olll' of the traditional mcdi<l�: "clIlpwrc. drawin).: or pltirnin,R . "<1

Wult TOIll�ic. ll�S()cinlC profc"or of IIrt. " Mnrc �lu(lcnIS ( n o w ) arc looking for II

marketa!'le ..kill they evultl life off of.


Ahhouj.lh traditional 'Irea� of �tudy wert> �Iill available III 1 982-83. enrollment In them ..... a� .. Imnkillg. Cerami" and prmimaklllj.l offered more commercial ml'dia . and �mphlc

design. Ihe ne.....c�t progmm


�tudy m the

departmen t . al�o SlIW a n� in slUdelll inll're"l. The arl faculty ..Iructure b :.chedule(1 fOf dmnge� in Ihe ycm� .the'ld. The prt'sent ..1.11'(, ..... hich

h'l� heel1 tellching together for it numher is :1 .....:lIting fetirement or (1:t..� loud

of ye:1r�.

ClILI,.lck.. nnd the addition of ne..... blood in the form of new in..tru(tor�. New �talr 1lll'IllI>er" thi� wt're Mark Gulfrud in stained gl:1"� and Clill Morri"on. le"ching fiht'r"

ri,l.... in

the evelllng", In Ihe pa,1 few )'ea� , wllegt..-s have had

work eXlr.1 hard mlUly c....c .. .

to belli t..'(;onomic trouble...


Ern:.1 Schwiddcr.

to In


dl'pilrtll1enl chairpcr:.on. art is one of the Ilr't lIfe.I" 10 gil under Ihe hudget cuttlJlg knilt'. �t PLU. however. the art de(Xlflmelll is pl.lnnmg I() expand it� progmm�.f'lCuhy and lacilille...

"10 I� thl' UW in the

"\Ve hope . " Schwidder :..11<1 . only

alternative northwest. , .



OPI'OStTE I'AGE; M"u'I<"" Skon�'. d",,,:wr of ,hor.,1

mo,ie , I("'�' his ,mR�" a ,mil., or approv;,j whil., d,,�elloR h" Ch"ir "f ,he W",I. THIS PAGE TOP; A {OllCenumed eye 30d a wide �declion of per>eil I�ads h..lp ShaUl'" GII....OII . ill her drawjn� c�lss, . 'Sc",,,,, r ow , "



in culomal Amellca, wa, J>t:rf",m�<d

"n ,he e,,,,,,,,ld " aR� in On"/,.,,,

Ca'l mem""'"

ind"d�<d Andr,,:. K'i�'fall. Kalhy I'iai""d , RORe. 1"""011.

Kdth Cam"., lk"e,ly Ow�n,. and, w;""'1, R"hin DolI",h,dc,


1 13

Interim Classes celebrate foreign, local heritages The theme " Heritagc " , tradiliom

for " hb ye:lr'� a ccldmuion





intCrillI wa�

of the diverse of



c1a�,c� and uctivjtic�

reflected the loral Jll'rit;lge and Ih;l! of ance..tor,







momh was divided into four week-long parts. ('<leh


it.. own emph:lsi� $0



Ilt�ritage of four ,('(lions of the world could Ill' featured. sHid interim coordin:ltor Judy Carr.

The " Heritage Film Scril'� "

featured \\lch

film' a� " The Stranger"

and " I Hellrd the Sp,mbh Flamenco

Owl Call

My Name . "

danceT' ,


Phitlipine dance ,J.!TOUp. and the

f".. tival


Mayfc�t d;rnccr� pcrforrnl'd during a dan..:c Ihir(1


of interim.


Amcricml Indkm group wu� <,chcdulcd


perform but C,lIl(cllcd becau�c of �I(kness, Carr �:Iid. On Glmpus cour�e� such a� " Quality of Working Life in Sc.mdirmvia , " offered by Eli Bellllh'r, ..��i�tant profc��or of busines� a{lmini�tr;lIil)n . . ' 'Christianity in the Pacific Norrhwe�t: A Heritage Discovered . "


history Profe��or Philip NordqUl� t . and English Professor Ludlle John�on'� . . HeTiwj.(e of Freedom , " which t'Xamined the theme of freedom of the will through the "'oTh of John Milton, also carried out tht' ht'ritage theme. Some





A��odatc Profe��or of Music Calvin Knapp �upervi�ed .. cultuml tour of New York Cit)" while Chuck Ikrgmun and Lllf� KltcJe�on of

Ilk' EnRli�h and art dep:mment� led a group Europe.

1 he

three·week tour began


AmSlerdam and continued by train to Pari�. Geneva, Milan. Rome and Naple�. Tm\'ellers studied art, cuisine, hi�tory and culture� uf the European countrie�.

OPPOSITE PAGE, L:u� Kude'o()fl and Chuck Ik'gm"" I.... a I:.",opcan 1o", whKh IIKluJcd a " ,u to Ihe Arc de Tnompn., on Pa,,�. THIS I'AGE: Slide phou�mphr " udml' f><Xure Ihe" ("".lII1<" a lC(hn"l"'"'

Ac:,dt'II1K" I


OI'POSITE PAGE TOP: Hans B.inhr woold" '1 flav� (oo"d much


lor ,h" 001.;01, bUI Lure

rril,'�I1..,,, found II a find plac� 10 'lOp and 1�lo:.e in 'iOm� Ioal Itf'e-llrJnC'flI

8ELOW: K"�II Pmria' I�rand"'il)

d"e<:lo;-d lho:- Ilj/SJ Ikg'm.('.�' 8.and. TillS PAGE LnT:

Ch:iIfI"" Calhc-dral ln Charll'j;, Fr:one.: wa.. olk: �Iop on a Ih ....... ... ,e..� loUr of Ih� j{,",al all of F.u.uP<" ABOVE:

JANET R..,,,,,,,, ..,, (kfl) of 1 .... NorWtlli,.., d..p.�nmml

ho-,�od a &..nd"':IV,an ,mo'J,lasbo,d in J�"U,"y,

School of Business SBA strives for diversity, international perspective What goc!> on


Ihe PLU Sehoul of

Bu..ine.... ? Marl\' IX'hind-the--.cene� prowam.. h"v(' an

impact on husine..s student.. lind the qUol]i,v of l'duGltilln that they receive .

Nearly one h,!Ir

of tht' in(omin� frt'!>hmen thi.. ye<lr indit.."<IleJ that





to major



admi�,ion.. nrfice ..talbti", Thi�

l:uJ.!t' Ilwwth in number.. and th... de..ire [0 prunml(' u"l.'ful edu(alion h,ls IC:ld thl' School

of 8u..;I1(·.... \0 i mprove it<. program in a v<lrlt'ty of wav .. . I n rl" lxm..e 1 0 Internatinnal


j.:TOwing ('mpha..i.. o n

Im..ine.... . thl' School of

i.. m,lkin,lZ change.. in it.. curriculum. TIll> m'w p roj.!ram .

r!lI ....l·..





req uin·J in

hu.. in .......


applicmion, ot the (OIHSe 111<1[("rial. i.. rart of a .. ix-"" l . P,lCific Northwe" C"I1'Orliulll.

PLU " rnodular approach .

i nh' rlw l i ()n al

d,I" l" , "'pl'Ch


which inlegrate,




give, �l lIdl'nh ,111 "vl'rvirw "f man}'

of inll'rnalional

pr"w.ull puliliclll,

w il l






con�id l'ra l i"n

a n d l'Clll10rnic



affl'cl i ng pl'''ple w hn lIn hu..inl'''' ;lhroad . " Slmll'nh w i ll

not hecnnw intl'rn;tlinrwl

hu,il1l'" 'pl'ci;il i'h . hUI will h,l v('



in dwir hu,im'" l'ducalion" w h idl will �'I(cr prl'p;trl' Ihl'lI l for (ulurt' joh.. . · · ,aid GUlld;!r

King, Dc;tn 01 till' School of\<..

A new venl\lTe for the School of Businl'S� is

Ihl' l:nduwt.-d elmir PwW.un. Endowed chair..



:rnd 1Il,lIlagelllent have been established by the

pO.. iliol1"

Ji,'ingui .. hc(1




lInivl'r,ilie.. u..,w l ly

tlnlv('r .. i,v


,lppointment .. ,

..dl'ci ,. well-known

lICCOUl1l i n g .


Schoo! of Bu�ine�� duri ng Ihe pasl two re(IT�,

Till.' hoard� provide a means of inler.lClion

,cho[;lr 10 occupy Ihi.. po,ilion for up 10 one



profe'�ional bu�ine�� peopl e ,


Sdl(M,1 of iJu.. inc" i.. Ihe fir.. , ;11 PLU

10 have l'..I"bli an Endowl-d Chair. S;mdi Sleven...



R e 'e,Hc h


Develupment in Ihe School of Bu.. il1e�.. .<l

ma rk e l in g





of edUClHiOl1al

Bu,ine�� a

.Ill d


policie.. ,


for a

rnt-'an, of mmnging for gue�1 ..pea ker� to vi�il cb�,e.. . conferenn', and sfX'cial prograrn�.


addilion, hoard members assi�1 in e�labli�hing "llllll1Wr irlll'rrhhip program for facuhy ,md

Ilwl Ihi' progmm would pmvide faculty ,md


"ludl'l1l' wilh an t'xcellcnt 0pp0rluni IY 10 gn

in plncing 'Iudent� in ..wnmer .1Ilt! (krm.lI1ent

h""YOl1d cla" romn profe"innal..

hu,ine,' wurld. givl'


ll':tm i ng

by hringing in

wh" h'lve ..ucct'eded



They wuuld l e,l(h d,I ....C.. .


While nOI


hu..ine.... program,

highly vbihle plln of

Ihe,e bnard� affeci

what i� I:lu,l:hl.


Thnugh ..tudl'nh dn 1101 we all lh(ll gOl'" on

A canlpai�n i,

hehind the ..cene,. the �;:h"ol of� i, »crninar,

p;trtkllbr :lr(,:l� "I' ,'xpeni..(,.

po..iti"r,.., till'


underwOlY to raiSe $500.000 tor Ihis project

Iml llching Olll

by Sl'pt l'mher I , 1984 th roll�h aluI11111 :III<!


lIu, il1e.... pl·\lple.

in l ormat ion all-oul the worl<1 ot" bll,ine..�,

Advi.."ry hoard, in Iht, COnn'lllnll iuri



inlO ne w p r;!c l ic al






I'AGI:: n,"'Id /o.'I,N.,hl, ,'X!'!.II'" ., "',IIk.'11Il1l I""K'I,I.· III h" Ma,h'lI"ll "')" 1"111' .I""


THIS I ' AG!:. TOI' LHT: 11,11 C,,�,k-, [)"�" "' lIt Ih., C�rll<" ,, ), !:.��(uI"'" 1)"',..1" 1"".'111, '"'''''Il�' '' Im'Il',lIn u,'er

,h.· ph""", '1'01' HIC,HT: SI.'plwu ]\:",ull ,h,,,�, "

10k.- "nh h" 1\1I'"1l''' I'" h.l' .I"", AIIOV1:: n�"" c.."'q ', O'Il,"u�,I!,,,,,,,1

II.-,h,I\'''" ,I"d

1:"" II1>"I11�"1

d�" ,''',,''"_IIlC' 'lud"l1" , hh h,lI1k D,I\', II> ,h,,,,, '" I h..- 1.",,11111).1


1 9 AC'.a<iemics

School of Education Booming special education boasts For the I1rs! time in a long lime, [he School of Education is dancing to keep up with the demand for at least �ollle of ils graduates.

The special education program boasted 100


percent employment

determine are necessary for th\., child to reach

of the needs of special children among School

his potenti31.

of EduCHtion facult y member� and \.·venturll l)·

The law created an immediate and critical

�hofl;'ge of trained �p\.'("ial \.'d Ix'r'illlnc l ,

I n int eg,,!!\.' 'reci;tI �'duc3tiun rompcll'n..:in into regullir eduGuion method� cour�c'.

percent employment of i ts graduates last year,

The School of EduCl.ltion ha� made ..ome

and. said program direc tor KCIlI Gerlach,

substantial change� to cope with the speci;,)

recei ve a DCHn ' s Grant from the U . S. Office

education wave.

of EducHtion'� Bureau for the I-bndiCl.lpped. It

1983 graduates are likely to make a simi far showing .

"Project ReDesign . " funded by a three­

PLU was one of 1 ° school� nationwi(lc 10


the on ly privHte university Hmong the 1 0 .

\Vhile enrollment in �chool� of cduGU ion

year. $ 1 20,000 U.S. Office of Education

nationwide is ded ining in a tough job mnrket .

grant. will work to create awarcnc�.. of �JX'cial

Illovt'd it� office.. Hnd clHSseS to PLLI \ e3\1

PLlI special educution courst' enrollments

education throughout the un dergnldU:lte

CHmpu�. wherc Gerlach envisions u�ing the

cation programs . '�o that HII

The special education dep Hr t lllc n t hil'

have mushroomed 400 percell! during [he past


two years .

students will h3ve some ex[>Osure to �peciHI

selli n g:.

needs students . " Gerbch said.

experi ences .

"Special education is the f;I�lesl . growing program in the university . , Gt·rlach s;lid . The 1980 pass;lge of the Education For All


Under PL

94·142 handicapped children art' i ntegnlted into


w it h

non -h H n dica p ped

f",mer demenlary school classrOOIll\ :1\ for

special education practicHI

a llow ing PLLI st uden ts to work

with h;mdicapped children without leaving the

Glmpus. Two

ne w

fHcu l ty



Handicapped Children Act ( P L 94· 1 4 2 )

�tudents as much a:. will benefit the disabled

requires Ihal c,'cry handicapped child rL'Ceive


the special education ,md related �ervices, such as vocational training or acce�� to school

" mainstreamed " classrooms. said Gerlach . . 'teacher� need ttl

L . E . Reisberg Hnd Gerlach in the dep.lTtment

be able to di agno:.e the needs. ' .

this y ear .

buildi nj.!� , which !>Chool officials and parents

1 20 Academics



Gerlach hopes first to encounlj.!t' HWHr\.'nt':.s

Lawrence and Lind'l Siegelman . joined the

OI'I>()"'ITE I'ACoE: 0.""1 Ken,,<",h )vlm,t"" "'<�'h ..,!h o!Flt'!' III

,h� S<h",,1 "r Edu..�!l,,"

""I"d",� 1.<�111

Till'> �,·"I...·,�. K<'''' CNI,,,h .",<1 All)'" 1."......:01«.. "ACI: 101', "1",1�11l h"a(hllll-: 1'1;":,,, <·,Io.,;ollon ,!ud"III' "*>

d''''"�,,n.. ...h�l<· (h� prop"" ''''''' "j d.·,k.. :md

" "d.·nt, Jd,,", l�dlC�II)' rrom lh,· l)"Itlc,,1 c"I1.·�.· �.p",enH·

I Ef-T· I" method. cia,,,,,. I'lli ,md"{II'

,"""�,•. ,,,," 'III.. "I I..a<:hr... In AK()VI; 'Iudmt..

;>0. 1....1


Con'e." and u/dol "1.""" "1,,,,, """Ie


Ihr" I.,,,,, ..k,l1� pmpnt\

School of Nursing a

Nurses push psychomotor skills, professional fraternities " This is a period of growth for us, " said Moira



Dean of the School of

She cited a " dramatic increase in

the number of qualified applicanls"

and a

been modified to include what Mansell terms

expected by the fall of 1983. and Mansell

" psychomotor skills , "

hopes they will render the skills lab and


injections and moving patients.



Mansell said

the change is olle of several attempts to

corresponding increase in enrollment as

. 'better prepare students for their hospital

reaSOns for the growth.


Students who entered

the School


As a further attempt to make

resource facility more realistic.

Mansell also

PLU better

" beginning

Nursing this year wcrc introduced to some

equipped to meet growing del1\. lIldsďż˝

curriculum changes.

School of Nursing has ordered equipment for


several new examining units.


Effective Ihis spring. the

second semester of Ihe six-level sequence has


Thesc arc

Mansell said

that. through moves like these. "we expect to be more sophisticated . . . said




the faculty


report . "


preparation for a continuing accreditation visit the National for

League of Nurs i n g .

the fall


1 984.


accreditation visit is a regular. mandatory evaluation of all schools of nursing. Though no statistics are available aboUi nursing student status or placement. Mansell said

" a number of hospital and military

recTIJiters come here. "

In addition. some

military recTlJiters try to interest students in ROTC scholarships. which offer to pay tuition and other academic expenses for several years of professiollill commitment to the military. Mansell said. Within the nursing student population there arc a number of increasingly active student groups.

One such professional

fraternity, Delta Iota Chi, has a membership of about

1 2 , said Jazelle Budlong, vice

president and secretary of tile group.


members, such as President Holly Groh. also belong to the National

Student Nurses

Association. The three PLU Delta Iota Chi officers emphasized what Budlong mlled . ' a real push for membership" nexl year. Once PLU


1 5 recognized NSNA

members , the nursing students are granted affiliation with the State of Washington Association of Nurses (SWANS), Groh said. Treasurer Judi



, . stepping stone to SWANS"



as well as a

. 'good way to gel familiar with organizations in the nursing field. " ¡Ju/ie Caldwdl

I 22 Academio

OI'POSITE PAGE: l(.i�1I RunnIng II..rll p.lcuces

• pallnll'S blood p.�nu.... THIS PAGE: G�.d>en �hon ...·u.s a 1001 0(00 flack.


Physical Education PE loses Anderson, Zoske, adds programs " Exciting things aTC happt.'ning in physkal cdu(ation Ihis year . " said Ouvid Olson . clireclo of physical education and athll ' lics. For the first time ever, the School of Physical Education participated in [he ASPLU lecture series . arranging for Dr. Leroy Walker IU speak in January 011 " Olympi�1lI i.lIIJ Amateur Sports. " Walker was an Olympic team coach and member of the Olympic Games Committee, Olson said.

1 24


Also new this year is the sillfr. faculty and administration fitness program. The School of Physical Education began the program in January. [t provides fitness facilities on the east campus for PLLI faculty and other interested adults from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. daily. . 'There (ITC many curriculum revisions being proposed for the School of Physical Education right now . . . Olson said. One of

these is the addition of a Bachelor of Science degree in physical edlJ(ation. The new degree would have two tracb . une in exercise sdence and the other in pre�therapy. The major would enable students to acquire 11 biology minor. A B . S . degree in I)hysic<ll education wuulJ prepare stuJelH� for jubs in corpomte fitness and exercise physiolol!.Y. Olson sliid. A proposal for a Bachelor of Arts degree in recreation is also being submitted. Recreation

is ,<nrently a conccntnlLion within the School of Phy�ical EduClltion. The new B . A . degree would have tracks in programming and thernpelltic recreation. The School of Physical

Educlllion is

planning 10 develop an aqllntics minor and also revi�e the dllllce . health and coaching minors.

In addition. Olson said. "we lire

planning some revisions for the B . A . Education. '



After two resignations. the School of Physical Educmion will hire two new coaches. Men'" basketball coach Ed Anderson will be leaving this year after coaching for seven yeats at PLU.

Anderson has accepted a

similar position from California Lutheran College in ThouSlllld Oaks. Calif. Arno Zoske is also resigning after coaching the men's soccer team for three years. Zoske worked part-time in the training room lind part-time as a P.E. in�tructor for PLU. Under Zoske, the men's team earned a 30-14-2 record.

Zoske is leaving to take a full-time

staff position at the Evergrrtn State College.

OPPOSITE PAGE: &ad Moor� �xpla",. a poim co hI> cia••. Tdp: Elrmen,a,y "ducacion majOI Karen� (M,) works ou, ,,·h,k Cheryl NOfdby POOP!; 0111. ABOVE: P.E. majo' Sar� Lope� encouc;ogcs Jul'e G'\'(:ns and Aher Mdlmg on ,h" >lallornory b,kes.

The Management Maze 110

administrators grease PLU machinery

Who runs tht· golf cours..:?

opcnuions . development and the collegium.

Who is the ASPLU president 's bo�s?

The vice presidents are accountable

\Vho is yOUI accounting professor's boss?

university President William O. Rieke, whe


reports 10 the Bo:ud of Regents.

1 I 0 ildmini�tnllOrs

grease the

wheel� of PLU '� decision-making machinery.





wan led



To the uninitiated. ,hal machinery can 13k..: on

demonstrate a little clout in dealing with aT

labyrinthine complexity.

unruly proft-ssor should know 'his way aroun(

Aclminblmlive responsibi1ilie� are divided

the academic structure.

The professor'·

among five top directors. who oversee the

supcrvhor is his department head, and on.

areas of academics. student life, finance and

'itep beyond that is his divisional chairpcrsOl or dewl. PrOVOSt Richard Jungkuntl. lOpS th. pymnu(1 and. :I' :! kind of "vice president fo academics, , . is ultimately responsible for the hiring and firing of all faculty members. Jungkuntz also directs the activities of th. library. the office of admissions and th regi�trar . Thl' ASPLlI president , as well as the RH( chairperson and the �lUdent publication' editors, are under the eye of Mary Lou Fenili

vice preSident for student lire.

Fenili :IISI

ht"ads the residential life staff and overs�, tI" counseling and health center"

the lIni\'crsit!

Center , the caret'r planning and plllCcmcn

office and the university'� servic...� to fordg. and minority students. Who runs the golf course? Hendricks,

Perry B

vice president of nn:tnce ani

operations, is responsible for it, a� well a� fo Ihe boohtore , the business office. gcnerll services, catnpu� safety and infornmtion, th, computer center , telephone communic:llions lind food service. Doling OUI financial aid is not amon!

Hendrick 's responsibilities. That is thc juh 0

the admissions office , which works unclt'r Ih, authority of the provost. Luther Bekemcier lICb a� PLlI'� heal fundr:li�cr and public rcllltiOI1� man, IHl'sidenl



A� \'ic


oversees projecb in alumni rclation� . pbnne. giving. special funding and c(lpitul cU!l1p(lign� lIniver�ity communications,



graphics and non-student publications offices , the university photographer and the KPLU­ FM program director , are pan of Bckemeier's

wing of the administration. WithO\l1 a doubt. the best-hidden arm of the administration is the collegium. Overseen by executive director Harvey Neufeld, the collegium is nn udvisory bourd of business and professional





communication between the business world and PLU. Now, whert' would you go if you wanted to help



professor get


promotion ? To complain about your RA? To !>uggcst a change in the Saturday lunch menu? To donate your bUllcrOy collection to the biology depanment?




conwatu!:lIion .. !


OPPOSITE PAGE: Prc".!..." W,I!.''''I O. R,..k,· 1.....1". In I....Kh wllh lhe opc.a"on� of It.., u..,,·....U) Ihr,)U�h




p.rsidenls, who


d,,«liy rrsponsiblr

ABOVE: M..mbco.... of Ih,' adnllr"'LmUOn



pre«'n!:11 Ih.. 'Iud"n! r..Uy Apt'l 2"; III R<-« Slju,u". TIl<'






"h"m�l"" h",,,mJ.: plOl"-"<'l


.upp..n (". .iIl

thc .. c qUC<o\Ltlll),

You'rl' hl'adcd for top

m,ma�('mcnt. -&"" P"Kdl


1 27

Mary Lou Fenili 'Uppity' vice president likes academic life "Uppity Women Unite," procl ai ms a sign in Ihe office of Mary Lou Fcnili , vice pre\idcnI

difference between going in to a dark room lurnill).! un



In :1 �·pll·rlll l\.·r

for Student Life.


Mooril!9 Mnsl �tor}' . Fenil

"Tough limes never las . . . . but lough

SHirl nmning harcfoot in the gra�s. playi n ]

:nlothcr asserts. Fenili joined the

frisocc with �llIdcnh. cOllin).! in the UC 3nc

people do .


PLU administration July


watching the Lute, play (ootball were arnon�

working wilh the California Board of Prison

lhe aClivilic� in which she l·nvi ...ioncd her.�cI

TCHlls since 1977.


I .

1 982

Fenili compared the difference in clientele between

criminals and

students to Ihe


m id ·... econd


however, <;he �aid �he di<1 nOI have as mud (Onwct with SlUdcnt� as she had thought sh. w ould : She had mel student antagonism o"er tho

controver<;ial tiring of Re�idential Life directo Rick Allen and the failure of a �tud..nt initiated proposal for rule change� in PLU '. ahermltive hou�ing fadlitie�.

" 11'<; kind of disappointing. . . . 1 have ha( more involvement in the 'vice pre�idellt' par of my role , but that'� OK. bccau�l' Ihal Vl'T)

definitely has� for �Iudcnh. " She said she wishes she could spend mOT<

time ad\'ising the ASPLU omcer�. "I'm finding t here b more 10 do than Ihought . . . .Thcre aTl' jU�1 not ennugh h oUf� 11 a day . . . . A 1m of �tudem!> are looking at I week before thcy can gel in to 'it'e me . . . .Th. pilt.'S on Ill}' dc�k S(!\::111 10 !grow) ovcrniJ.!ht but J didn ' [ expt'Ct thi� to be a mne-IO-fiv, job. " She said she al�o spcnd� liml' addressin! various groups on women'� i�sues, " Throughout life I 've bct.'11 very blt.'�!>t.'d. have a responsibility to do



that and not jU!>1 lei it languish, , . shc s:lid. "The talents and Wft!> we have arl' God' gifl to

God. "


and who we becOffil' i, our gil'l "


" My respon i b ili ty is to 1)(' the be�t per'OI Ihal [ can be, and I in lend 10 do Iha t . " Fenil said. "To be perfectly fmnk, il i� niCt' to be il an environmcn1 when' I can say Ih:1l and no

he ('mbaras�ed aOOm il. " ·Ga,' Grau.......

1 28 Adminiscration


OPPOSITE PAGE TOI': /-.1m}" Lou F�noh . VI(� I',... .. iden' f", ,""d,-nl Ii(,", co",!","" ,he chanJ<� (,um

,oO,":I;u", "'n,k ttl :.racemic .,d",m.'traum, , ,, " 111<' diHerence be,ween !l"'''1( mlu " Jalk "'''Ill 3na 'urninJ.( on a lighl. ",lIy



TI-IiS PAGE TOP: SIUJeru, "'J.(3niud "

pro,,,., ,he r"ilu,e o( 3 p'''p.,,,,1 r,,; '"nl<' chan).:,·,

I� o,,-camp'" I"""jnl: policy. LEFT: Fe,,,," "dd...."", ,h" " ud.'n,',

Tightening Belts Shrinking revenues force 6-, B-percent budget cuts Budget CutS totaling 1 4 percent uf the university budget were m;lde over the course of ,he 1 982-83 yeur. Two cuts were made: a 6 percent cui in November lmd an additional 8 percent CUI in early February. The cuts were made in non-pcl.::oonnd areas only. said university Presidenc William Rieke. Tuition. by far PLU's larRt'St source of income, is shrinking from a reduction in credit hours. The tOlol for the ynI was e.::.limaled 31

93,000 credit hour� when the budget W3!o devised, but actual figure� have " reached only abom 89,500, " s:tid Perry Hcndrick�, vice president for fimmcc llml opermian-. Administrators knew they had II problem carly in the year when IIr�1 .::.cmc,ler credit hours were 300m 1 ,500 below [he antkip:llcd level of 43.000 . This clt"Crease was not because of a lack of slUclenb. but because of a decrease in the average cla�s load . which from

1 2. 4 hours last spring to the pre�ent 1 1 . 9 level. Contributing to the problem was a clt'clell�c in the number of �tudents living on campu) alongside an increase in utility mtes. Utilitie� :Ire now being charged according to a new . 'peak consumption" system. �'arted ill November. This has resulted in a 33-50 percent COSt increase: nearly S 1 million. The combination of clecre..\ed enrollment and budget cuts has created stricter enforcement of hOUSing contracts, said Lauralee Ha�en. associate director for

residential life. "People need to ha\'e a really exceptional reason before they Gill break theil conuacts to move off campu). " Rieke said that an end-ot-year deficit is not anticipated . despite the problems. " PLU's cash position is SIlong enough. We're within the budget spending-wise . and we 're not looking the creditor in the mouth. PLU can live with this problem, " said Ricke. Non-personnel budget items tagged (or Ctlts included tmvel expenses , supplies and equipment purchases. Cuts were larger in non-academic budgets. such as student life and maintenance. than those in academic budgets. In addition, there will be no new faculty positions created next year. Rieke presented each university vice president with a dollar amount to be cut from his or her respective budgets. The amount was originally about 6 percent of each budget,

with the lIdditional 8 percent coming later. " No one


�urpri�ed by the "ddilional "Generally. If we don ' t

cut. " )'"id Ricke.

nl;ike projeclc(1 enrollment figure, in the f..11.

we won 'I in Ihe spring either, although interim enrollment Wfb up . . , Rieke said Ihal the Endowment Fund, supponed Ihrough donalions of estates and dckn�'d J.tlhs (protl11'cd 1m


1.,ler J.ud .

would nol be tapped . both beclIuloe of Ihe immediale gool of the fund lind

mse of its relative smallnes� compared to i>ec the university budgel. Instead, the uni"!.'I!>ity will hecome more aggre,!>i\'e aboul markcting the �chool 10 !>Iudcnl�





decreasing enrollment h)' rctajnin� )llldcnt�. " Th(" qu,tlit)' of our ..cademic prn�ratm i� ,till high, " :.11id Rieke.

"We 're nOI the onl)'

college with budgct problem,. PLlI l� �till


·8'11(1' !k,t"..

good sharc, . ,




... .



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, ,'

PH" ,J,'m

A,,,, 1. ...1.,


Did you hear all that noise in the hall last night


I was

ready to kill somebody !

Oh . yeah ! w rong

Arnie ran the


q u a r terba c k

on sneak

tackled the wall.


1 :1 2 o.'rnlllt'I1t"



. ,.

the and

At I a . m . ?

We l l .




overtime . . .


1 33

I 34 IJormltOflc'

Harstad Active 'convent' breaks molds, develops pride Broken molds and growing pride are two resulls of the women.

1 982-83, year for Harstad

Under the leadership of President

Luana Meyer and hall director -Jan Maul­ Smith, Harstad has betn involved at a record high in community. campus and dorm

for the dorm. Harstad's Songfesl was , 'Annie, ' and over thirty women worked to

dance was held for fifty women and their

receive the " honorable mention"

those ' 'under cover " were revealed.



for the

Harstad hearts swelled with

pride when RA Deb Consear was crowned Homecoming Queen. Instead of sponsoring the traditional


At precisely midnight the faces of

Interim provided a break from the regular routine.

Exchange students and interim RAs

found Harstad a fun new home for a month. Residents found themselves relaxing in the

activities. Freshmen initiation and the Dogpalch

Halloween haunted house, the women of

interim atmosphere and enjoying their unique

Olympics Slarted the year with a ban .

Hamad decided to do something a hit



Homecoming week was an exciting time

different .

A masquerade " invitation only "

The " U . S . S . Harstad " was the dorm s '

main event during spring semester.


under the leadership of Kathy Knudsen and the newly elected executive dorm council, the first oUldoor dance of the year was a huge success.

Plans are underway for more

activities in the year to come. What makes Harstad special? Diversity. Business, nursing, mathematics,

music, social work,




engineering majors can all be found in Harstad.

Scholar, athlete, musician , Sunday

school teacher , RHC secretary and ROTC cadet all have


place in the dorm.

OPPOSITE PAGE: Ahhough H",smd " th� old�st bUildi"g 81 PLU. it. ,,,bah;la"'> Ca" alw"y' IIIlII neW ways to eXlltl.'s, them�elves. Kmcn Calra). Joneu,· Lucky and Sue Wobig SI,ikc a dignified f>O'c. THIS PAGE: HafSlad'� Dogp3lch Olympic learn. m",dy rfOm s�cond nom. ga1beJ rot a woup pklu,e.

DormitOries 135



• . ....

.� ,

, ,�, � ' LEFT, Ib"llId h<""" al(hll�'(Il"<' 110., "



"f lh� m'M l..,auuf,,1

'�mpo'. AROVl'.! A I,-." ...",k. up



1 37

1 .1 ,4 1 >,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ,

Hinderlie First female hall director leads male dorm through lively year The men of Hinderlie Hall saw a major

again during the cnmpus wide nirband conlCst.

fiAh" wilh tht.'m rlcarlr \'wry niRht durin� Oc.ld Week in Dl·ceml){'r.


The Stop-StOps . featuring Greg Frit7.hcrg.

the IIrst time. the all·male dorm had a female h�lll director. Joan Brewster, her husband, Ed.

pl:lced second in the competition, and the

On the weekends, the lI1en kicked back

Chipmunk!; , also made up of Hinderlie JIlelt,

lind watched videotaped movies in th�main

and their J-yearoold son, Darren. inhabited

were third.

lounge. cour1esy of Bill Wilkins , the 1 982-

change during the 1 982�83 school year.

till' Iwad rc�idl'm "

• • pm1rTIl'!II.

Life in Hinderlie was active as usual Ihis year.

I t began




complel(> with a panl)' raid on Kreidler and a 5 a . m . caleslhenics session. The freshmen

Life in an all-m:tle dorm can be wild. hUl

83 dorm president. Third noor took a trip to

the men of Hinderlie m;lde sure they had

the beach in April. and Hindcrlie was well


rcprescl11ed at PLlI night, when the Mariners





socialization. They carried on the uadition of


arranging ' 'Hugger Mugger Cater Cousin�"


retaliated by giving sophomore ScOIi Scars a


bO'lrd ride for his role in the annual even!.

resideills doubted Ihat they got fair returns in

The smell of paint hung in the dorm


flowers sent


women 's dorm.





although !'oome


1 0 the all­

Other forms of socializlIIion

were less

the Homecoming Songfe�1 competition. Eric

gentlemanly. After the dorm wa) egged by

lind O'UIT Pi.:k\'rin� in <I ,kit which lio.'d

TI1OIl1"CIi und ScaT" ,wrrt,d a, Felix HiJ!girh

Ivy re!'oldent', Hinderlic men remliatt.'d by �tealing the lower Glmpus dorm 's Christmas


tree and ' 'planting" i t in front of Eastvold,

Couplc. "

Hinderlie re�idents Rot acquainted with thuw in Hon� h), ha\'ill� animal huur "':IIl'r

The dorm delllonstr:ltc(1 it) Ihe:ltric:ll lalcrH


chocolate chip cookies for tht' number of

hallways. as each llooT gave ils wall.. a new For the �econd straight year . Hinderlie won



OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: Bob H...« and R,ch Walk�1 I'Y

,,, ." a,p" in rI." dark. BOlTOM: Torn Saalhoff jl<,fl)

;1I1d ScOiI Chddel;n (xpr(') d'Y"'ijrm "ut)uoh, lEJ-T: 1·,,·,h",,"11 .I,,'" fur dllll,,"' AllOVI" R,,�," h·,"'"'' .,,1' HS m,,.le, or c<,,(mnnk, ro' th� donn Ch"',,na<I'''IlY,



OI'POSITE PAGE TOP LEFT: Chri. Gundrnon plap mlM.'Stro_ TOI' RIGHT: Bill Brown P<CfX"f:' for




flgh.. ItOlTOM: ThIrd floor flUOO'r to P'��"'TI b. r akfa . THIS PAGE TOP LEFT, Fr�man 'ml�l�


flit' 0« 10 ,Mo., unknown fall'. ABOVE: Thlff>yr.or old


Darren Br('W�I(" MI$ on a Sm 't (G:.ry Haldorson) bp. LEfT: M�rk KaUlh, Sieve Calle. and M kr Wohrl..dorf •

display the 'poil� of a panty raid .


Durrnu",.,·. 1 4 I

Kreidler stereotype nowhere to be found Yearbook recaps often try to capture [he

So what has made this year different

image of a dorm hy quoting the achievements

Kreidler? Although Kreidler can't boast

of its residents. This year.

wild parties and all-campus pillow fights, I

for instance.

Kreidler could boast about Lucia Bride finalist

residents have taken on a style of their

Tandy Gunderson.

Ask Julie Kanarr, who returned from inlel

the participation of


Samoan studems in the intercultural dinner.

to find her bunk bed. closets and w�

swimming champions Kerri Butcher and

plastered with more than 500 pictures

Kirsten Peterson and running star Lee Ann

Ronald Reagan . " [ do not care for mod,


American conserv;ltism in wall decore , "

The all-campus datH:e ,

twO Kreidler­

Rainier-Hong picnics and a Christmas party


commented. Ask a member of C-east who was chilled

with Santa Claus (Scott Scars) were all parts

discover her underwear keeping company



ice cubes in the third noor freezer. Educat

representative of what actually happens in

majors found entertainment at " cutty past






Kreidler's secluded corner of the campus? Has anything changed in the mysterious halls of the all-wornen's dorm? Does il still house many of the universit y ' s nursing


parties, where they made learning centers their students. Kreidler women are calm, reserved.

mature :

Right? They would never

students? Yes. Is it still the focus of midnight

something like sailing paper boats in " F

" laundry borrowing"

Square Lake, "

men? Of course.

parties by


would they? They wo

never wake to find garlic in their halls or tI

shower curtains missing. Diligently studying until all hours of night. hard-working students . . . . Nol exact Somewhere behind those putrid blue


yellow curtains (who picked those, anywa� there may be one Kreidler woman who that stereotype, but we haven 't found yet.


Kr�.dlct won.,,11 �ay · · ch�,,)c.· · ....BOVE:

NO""'''II,;Hl ��chan�" s'utkn' An..... �b"e Kvam,ll<' ,,·a� Oft"

of \Cvo:or.l s."..mdlll�v'311 �n.d�f1I'


h" d.."t"



on nml'tJ'"


1 43

OPPOSITE PAGE FAR lEl-T: t\.c,dl.,. hou_ m,my of PLU ', Sam"",.. "'om( .. , LE..T: Thc Ia", .. h.:'w""'.. K.ddle. a..d H....� j, a PUPl,la, 'PO' roo -011><111 and rri�he( lIom�., THIS PAGE TOI' LEFT; T�..dy Gu..d�,so.. WiI' a final", in ,he LUCIa B"d� f",,,"al. TOP CENTER: t\" 'Ie.. 01-.0.. v"i" " Bob \ PI,rc.,, " lE"T: D<hhi� May 'YP<'� a la..,-mi..u,( P'lP<''-




Al Imll'S it !>eem" so mu(h like

home. >'ouju:'1 (an 'I wail to gel away. Aw..y

from Ihe pres�url·.\o of 'Iudying. from your room male,






overhead . . . .away from Parkhmd



and Ihe

nature-to the mountains. rivers


Away from it all. out with

friend.. , having fun . gelling Cr:lzy, trying new experi('n(e� , lelling loo!>c and kicking ba(k .

PLlI is 10<:ated in the center of it ;111. Mountains, oceans and city arc all within .. two-houl drive. The chance \0 get away for.

planned throughout


i� cherished.



the year. \Vith dorm retreats,

outdoor Tee, or ro.1dtripping friends, it seems to be the

PLU studen l s ' way of maintaining ,I

hil of sanilY. of regaining their perspective. Som1.' people get away ju..t to lay ,lTound and reSt. while others take the opportunity 10

ITy OUI wme unknown musdc...

r-riday night marks thc beginning of the exodus. as students make their escapes. Thl')' return tale Sunday, sunburnt , exhaustL'ti, SOrt' and aching, having made the most of their tWO d:ty.. :twa}' . They return refreshed Coming back isn ' t alway� ea"y, but memories of good times make it eilsicr to gct through the next week. And planning for the next trip Clln keep students smiling fOI nlllnth�.

-C"iI R",

OPPOSITE PAGE; G..nil1g aw�y rrolll lhe pJl's. ..,,,,,� of school


spend liml' laughing wilh rriends j,


pall or

,he lOla! cott('gc e�pef;enc(', TH!S PAGE: Whil., <0"'"

peopk U!ie their f",>(, wc•.' k('nd, 10 Iry ,\<,W 'lIOn" o1her, lake the opportu'1i1y 10 ju,t �lIetch OUI and relax, l>flutgcr 'ponsorl"<l :, d"y �t th., lake ror 11, ,tudy-weary resident"

Weekend Getaways




�i:f,,­ �t · .


OPPOSITE PAGE TOP, Kent and Jul;e Ross us�J Outoo", Re<:r�a!ion ,k, IlIp' '" W'!aw,,)', f,<.>m .,;"d"",K lif". BEI.OW: Ram,er', "'''ll",I I"�-fi,,al, h,eak "11,,,,"cd lS 'l"d"III' !O "'(;'1.... tlw hoob IU (N""" SIlO,,,"


PAGE: TnI' Ed!ol"ri<>n flllll. "lit Ih... " I",ld<�l G'ld".:, · ·

IIlVolve..! i n �en"'A away 1m " hlh.

'l'ou,OIC.1 " o-d"y


Outdovr Ill""

trip In Ih... Sail lua" hl""d,

dUllnA 'pnnA brc"k.

Wn·kend Getaway'



n ,

" .... .

Hong Golfers, gossips, pranksters live in ' George 's headquarters ' Hong Hall is not just a donn; it's also George's headquarters.

objects have also mysteriously appeared in the

a past Saturday night to mysterious clues

aquarium. A golfer, apparently off the top of

about a prankster's identity.

Dave and Carol Gatewood may be the hall

an athletic trophy, spent quite some time on a

directors re<ognized by Residential Life , but

One of the more common tricks played by Hongites is removing the receiving mechanism

George is the cool (at who really runs the

watery 1 7th hole at the bollom of the tank. . The residents themselves don 't seem to be

upper campus dorm.

partial to submarine golf; they'd rather play

tm i can

their version of the game in the halls. Begin.

not transmitted over the wire.

The feline vagabond, who many residents believe may in truth he a

" Georgina , "

ning on the third floor and working their way

from the mouthpiece of the telephone: the vic­ hear a caller speaking, but his voice is


initiation brought



appeared over the summer and promptly

down, a group o( two dozen Hongites played

classmen together at the beginning of the

established himself on the premises.

a gentlemanly round of golf. with the final



hole being at the base of the center staircase.

bed at six 0 'clock a.m.

prohibiting animals in the dorms unless they

Generally, more attention was paid to the

The men were treated to a make·up session

(Irc caged. he graciously sleeps outside in a

creativity of the playing clothes than to actual

while the women found out that running

box next to his food dish.


around with shaving cream on one's chin is an






Thus far, George hasn '( given the fish lank The

meetings are posted every Monday morning,

however. are another matter.

an event most residents look forward to

by Hong's desk a second giance. residents,

The minutes from Hong's dorm council

to breakfast in the U. C.

Before they could


the upper campus dorms by singing and

These one-liners included everthing

participating in a balloon relay in front of


the concerned Hongites often supplement the


fishes ' diet with M&M

from taunts about an individual's activities on

Other foreign

Each was then instructed to

always printed at the bollom of the

because of the ambiguous ' 'Scoops and

supply of important vitamins and nutrients. 5.

odd sensation.

escort one of the dainty and demure " ladies " eat, however, the frosh were told to wake up

Anxious that the fish receive an adequate


First-year students were hustled out of

Eastvold. The final episode of "M-A - S - H " turned n i to an unofficial dorm function, as the second floor lounge was packed with Hongites wishing the 4077th a final farewell.


scheduled activities included various dances, the Christmas party , travelling treats, and an evening with some of the area Girl Scouts. Sue Lund, a second floor RA, was Hong's Homecoming representative and freshman Terri Berkey was the dorm 's Lucia Bride can­ didate .

-Susit OIivtr

OPPOSITE PAGE: Georgt welcomes a gucsc. THIS PAGE: Juhn Wong catches up 0[1 the news.



, -


I 52






... .. ... TOI), Eh/.llbe.h Ful,,,",,, find.

OPPOSITE PAGE FAR IoEI-T: R "lk,u com... and !CO.


bu. Hung "�" ,11.0 ""m

a study com.... 8ELOW:/Id". tu fi!Chl) la,n Nikhrl. }an , SchwamnJ.:'" and J�nl1tf"" Onum off then



pra,l)' whu , THIS PAGE TOr: Tr�C)' S,'ndlon >oe'cn.;,des a mV,le.\, man, LEf-T: S'x",.. Amann doxsn ', lIU•• :In)'hody. ABOVE: I ", �l"lk.·r slud,\", Inlenll)'.


1)" rUlI" " 'l"

1 51




Ordal E clectic dorm encourages open doors, controlled craziness Wh�t� ds� but in Orda! would " Bill the

I n -dorm dances were well atlended, especially if they included fru food.


Cat" �et a pawful of vOles for ASPLU r rc�idcn l ?

Halloween Ball was followed by the Christ­

IIllClicctu,l1 humor lUi' long ]'Il'CIl H hallmHrk

mas Social , al which onlookers reveled in

01 Ord:tl Hall.


diwt'c donn where 'lu�lrilig

some " revealing" entertainment and an ap­

1\ actlHllly cllcollr:t).:cd hC\WlTIl hOUh ot controlll,J ct'll.lncv.. Otd,lI i, 110 h,tVl'J1 tor

pearance by a lumpy Santa Claus.

Joch. ll(lmit\ dorm Prc�iJclll Roh Bmr, hut

willpower-testing u:wclling treats all helped

Video nights, ping-pong tournaments, and

neither I' II a (011('<:11011 of up-wilIHhc-1l0'l'

to pass the lime.


hctween wings that proved there are scveral

"We have a Iinle of everything," BaIT said, while nntby a 51udem from Zimbabwe chatted wilh one from Japan. very heahhy environment thai

'Ordal has a



sonal growth, but doesn't force it on you . "

Ordal kicked orf Ih� year hy kicking orr II�

shoe� for a )ock hop on the lounge'� new carpcllllg .

The 'polle's rug, howen.'J , soon

1K'GlIllC decorated wilh the drippings from a succession of ice cream feeds. Ordalites love their chocolate chip mint.

So did


spirited conlC\1

ways 10 dismantle a bathroom . And who could forget Ordal's " Screaming Seamen' '1

The salt-water-on-the-brain air

band senl adoring women weaming inlO Ihe

nighl al a smash Beach Pany and al a Ski Team benefit dance. Ordal



charactcr-:md character'>.





If ,·ou want. yuu

can cloS(' your door and play student . . blll funny Ihinj.:, most of Ihc door-. in Ordal "tay open.

OI'I'OS1TE PAGE lEl-T: Enk Ponllu, /0".., ,0 _u"h

RIGHT: GaIl No....odnock " fOft'''' bIo...,ng bubbl.... THIS PA.GE lEl-T, Sam R"nkle" (W,t and Sr,·..,. S!dtmg 'NIt" a $Onjl. ABOVE: (W, 10 "!lh'l BIll ,"" d(>).I, Kt"n SIO"'" and

Cha,I", GUIld",", Ct.:.1 on !M Nil

Durll1iluric, t 55

1 56 DormilOrin

OPPOSITE PAGE TOP, (I"fl 10 ri)lhl) Mark Eif>o·J. . John H,·mtan...,n . Chari;.· Goildn". and John Til!)l<" show off Ih�;, Chr;slmp< huul. BELOW: Mall Oml<' mi,s�, hI< l�ddy he�r. THIS PAGE TOP L:EFT: Ellk Ponliu, ha, be�n �x�ling you. ABOVE: Ra)· Wilwll illnur�, !h� phulOflrapht'r. LOWER LEFT: John

Hetman,en � 1,,(1) and Todd Baxter r<,lax afler " mis,ion. LEI-T: Tuny" N<'wcomer nghts off !h<' incredibl" flyinJ.l fool.


I 57

stuen 'studying Stuenites' keep hilarity at low profile Mention the words "Sluen Hall" and a

The "Putridge Family " was not Ihe only

lower campus Lute is likely to roll his eyes

live musical group the dorm heard.

and say

dead week, a Sluen air band was pUI together

"Ugh" or




Swen . . ,

to regale the Stuenites with a deafening chorus

Sluen residents


always happy 10 dispel

notions of their's being a " study donn . " They like to think of themselves as a low proflle "


and therefore pulling most of

thdr stuniS within their own walls. The fashion


1982-83 year began in the usual




of ' 'Working in a Coal Mine. , .

Throughout the year the Stuen "Monk Club " wove ilself inlo the lives of many males who live there. The Monk Club, they say . is designed to keep the mem�rs


by swearing off extended relationships.



occasional one-nighter is OK.) Sluen women

inilialion, the Sluen Fun Run. Initiates took a

think of this organization as . ' To t a ll y . BOGUS! ! , and tried 10 retalinle early in the

3 a.m. jaunt around campus slopping in front

of all other dorms 10 sing the " freshman

year by forming the " Frump Club, " but the

!>ong" and have water thrown on them.

proj{,{:1 was soon disbanded as many of the

Stueniles were trealed to a " special LIVE performance"

of the , . Putridge Family"


one of their annual taco!burrito dinners. The

" Frumps"



communicated " Monks. "




Smen also hilS its

fair share of spontaneous activilies. such as

"Family" sang the ever popular " I Think I

bathroom disco, screaming contests, hnllway

Love You , "

frisbee, water fights , and ' 'Let's see how

" Keith"


screams ensued when

tore off some of his " chest hairs "

to ning at the crowd.

1 5 8 Dornlltori��

many girls we can throw into the shower

tonight . "

Stuenites occasionall y like to rr.ake their presence known on campus, though. They were the ones who went " bim bomming" attired in cunains Hashana.

on the eve of Rosh


dwellers were also responsible for the decision to make the ASPLU nominating convention into a campou!. Certainly Stuen

does its fair share of There seem to be constant shouts of "Hey. can you shut up? I'm trying to studying.

studyII r "

Despite the occasional squabbles which arise from comments like these (and others which tend to be more bellicose ) . Stueniles like t o think o f themselves a s a family.

" Stuen just like home. . . complete with brothers and sisters , " said one three-year resident. " Sluen , " said another, " wel l I , guess its home. " -LO'$5"'('I$O"

opPOsn·E I'AGE: Do"n pizza nigh!> offer Sl�vt' Si�fl'rL Paul S,1ck('wsky. Joe Williams. Rjmg Engen and Rrian O'M"rrow � dlancl' !O kirk back. TI·IIS PAGE:

D�vl" Hanson ,I\OW$ wlllll ;1 ml'an.. 10 really be an apeman.



1 6 0 1 ),.nnllum"




pI�'lull, 'Uf/.' nn c..,1 N...",,;odn,k·, ,,,�,u,hll'


RIGHT:I"'(' 10 righl) Jot' ChnSiianwn, K�lhy Smilh, Doult Dlam�l;o,n and Bnan O'Morrow gill"", (Of an .....ftlinlt of popcorn and mak"'g cook,n.


RIGHT: 11>t- ·'eo.,l Mlllm'" fepresrmrd Stlk'n in Ih(

all IMnd (umpellilon. THIS PAGE Doug Chamhrrlilln g'v� a shy �ml"'. ABOVE: Cfavlllit SORIrlhong


I....n Und.. Bob .. .

S'urn... ,; Ond :

Domioo's pizza a ah..rnal"·...



Pflueger 'Freshman' dorm constantly on the go '

Dorm pizza nights (35 \0 40 percent oIT at Domino '5).

free movies

up in their best Halloween costumes.

(first-class flicks

After initiation, �ocial life began in full

shown in Iht' TV lounge). and outdoor dances

swing. Travelling treats, a great way to meet

(famous all over campus) are just small pans

new people and gel lutebut t , were planned

of being a Pflucgerilc.

on every

The cold showers at lO a . m . , the flock of


The evenN h:lcl


themes. from punk rock (orange h:lir :lnd

pigeons that peck at the bathroom windows

W....en lights!) to formal

every morning frightening unsuspecting


freshmen girls. the fire alarms at 12:30 a . m . ,

wool swemers ami �ki ha... . W...Ten 'I tho�...

and the persnickity candy machine round out

guys surpris....d ? ) , Pfluegerites

Pflueger 's complex personality. Pflueger Hall is primarily a freshman dorm

to " Be:lch Blanket

(bul when the girls ..howed up in









organi 71'd

demonstration to prove to the Re..idellCl' Hall

and is constantly on the go. II all began that nrst fated week of

Council that they were tired of the sand pit ..

The sophomores

that occupy the cl)rner� Ill' the front lobby.

showed the underclassmen who was boss,

They posted .. igns and placed swffed kittil'�

sending second west girls all over campus on a

strategically in the �and 10 �how RHC thm

scavenger hunt dressed up in

they didn ' t want their lohhy 10 look like a

September with initiation .

their best

nighties. sending second west guys all over Tacoma dressed up in their best underwear, even sending first west girls to classes dressed

killy lilll'r box. " Paul McCartney " (Andy


and " Stevie \Vondl'T " ;JIld



Ptlueger'� annual airband Contl'st III


tIll' Give,

The dOfln was al)o :lctiVl' in intramtlr;11 sports, through

with second Wl'''' \ team "Inflning the




dll" football

champion..hip, A nOI-to-be-forgolll'n'ct Pflueger Hall




of life in " Pflul'gl'r

Pfootnoles , " tacked to the end 01 till' (Iorlll council minute... and po"ll'd in l'vl'ry h,lthroum onn' a w ........ k. A f....w (If Ihe pfoolnol...... dl'..ervl' to be (ecorde(1 for po�lerity;

CAroll".' Your dog Iws ban kltfnlllJlmf. TII/' rIII/SOIII.' Olll" 11119 of PO/KOru 10 be f"f' ;11 fI browlI bll9

fll IfII' frolll desk W;I:';II IlIrt't' lIlly)

or dt'nd flo/,. \VIl/llt'd: AI/y deSpi'fdll' f.'IIIIIIt· 10 ,..lit'Vt' secol/d ('flsl of Mr. Flir'. For ,I,e seeolld slrll;9h, y('flf, WIIS �w{/lIIp/'tl WI/I,


wwmf Wt'�1

10 go



Vlllt'IIIiIli" S ToJ", Iml IllItl fo dulml' fill offus

arll' fo 1I,,'v;olls /lrrllllgt'ml'III�.

1 6 4 Ovn"'l<Jdc�

OPPOSITE PAGE: The S,rI, of """000 cas, show off tt.c,,, toothy g""'. THIS PAGE: C;"d)" McDowdl.

PfllK'gt'f 'lOphomOlc. paJ1ic'pat� ill the Luc,a Bllde



I 6S

1 66 I )" fI'"I' '''''�

OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT, 1.;"",1 Whllw",�h ).!c�, "'.,.1" 1m a dotm .I""".,. RIGHT: B,:od nit",,, d,><" Ih., ,w')" (;I' 'I'U! dUrI"!, (h., Hom.""",,,,!, · ·G.,,,).! Show . " 1l0lTO� .. ,1 LF.I-T: K,h!i"a N,·,·h ,d.,x.·, in I"" wom. THIS PAGE TOP LEFT: Tim Sh..""o". ,, '''" ,,( I'!lu.·).!,·,·, """' " ,,,hr.-II" ,,,,,,I,'''''' ,..h·, .. h,,,,,k ,I"",,).! " L,",· I"o,hall j.!.Il",'. AIIOVI:: I ..,,)' 11.""ttl" d (1.'11) lInd D,.!, Th"" lo" ..h,...·k imu !ht'ir n.·w hom". I.EI·T, C'o,· ()udl,'y ch"" wilh " I"""d.

Foss Cooed wings, large scale initiation, toga tradition alive in Foss Foss Halt orrer, it� inh:,hil(lm\



living arrangement: it i� the only dorm :1I PLlI with coed win�� . Socleen mt'n :lIld 16 women

arnVl'd In an army of �hl�l� and had a great Ilmt'_ Another fall

semester ; tivuy wa!> the

live on each win�. The (Iorm 's approxim:udv

durm-wide exchanging of note� and �ift� by

1 80 sludcnl\ W1,'m [II likl' the \CI-Up.

,('erel pal!>_ Thi� t'nded

Sinet' a majority of

Fu�, rC\,dCllh


frc..hmen. Initmtion W1I\ a Illrgc--.calt· proJ!:"c!' It .involved gCllinj,t [he frc!>hml'n out of thclr room!> al midruJ:ht .one night durillJ.: Ihe IIr" wceks of 51.:hool. They WCfC lined up III 10\\" . and maTched to Prl·,ido.:ru Wil1ium Rickl, ..


the ro!>� Chri�lmn�

party, wht'n �ecret were revealed_ For Ihe Christmas part\' , at the end of dead wt,t'k


dorm rt'!oidl,nt!> decorated a Chri�tma..

tret' :md all' goodies_ The hl�hliglll of Ihe party

came wlll'n


emharrn�,ed Deb Rio,

fI,!o"I:ml hall dift'Ctor. read iI fl'vi'l'd ver!>ion

houw �cwr-.Jl mite, away. Al the prc�jdcnt ' �

of thl' farnou� Chri�tma� t:lll', " The Ni�ht

hou!>e Ihe), �an/o! :, rcvi'l-d vl'f,ion of ,Ill'

Bdufl' Chri,tm:l!o_ "

o ' Mkkl')' MOU'l' Clun" inilhllion


'0"10: :Uld thouj,tht

Dunn� !opTing 'l'me�tl'r thl' dunn 'pon�ored

over. Thcy WCTC ,urpnwd.

a cartoon brt'akfa!>t one Saturday mornm� for

however, when. during the "';Ilk home, It

Iho,l' "ho wen,' ambllWu, l'nou�h

mr�lt'riousl)' 1X'�an tallllll)o: w.ller,



I:rt'am and t'�\_ After Ihi� iIlu'trious 'I:m. Fo�, j.:ol do" n 10

busine'>\_ One nf tht' dorm ', fir�1 :lClhuil"

wa� thl' annu,ll all'l-ampu, tn�.1 d.ulce_ !'eopll'

Once the weather wa!>


gel OUI

mel', re\ldent!>


on the ..undl'Ck, ("."ching .1' many r.n·� a� Ihe)' could \\ hile the "Ull �holle_ �\'eral "n-k, bt-fore thl' end of " hool Fn'�J1t'.. 'P'Jn,uTl'd a 11I.1lI .lI1d m·dorrn dOillce_ After


oUI'>ldt- barhl'4ul' 111 thl' nfterno(JIl ,

"Iudl'nt' darKl' ble into thl' c\'enll1�_ MUlot uf It-a'I


till' 'IX willloC' in Ihe dorm lwei " SUl-W


Act iv it ie, ,II Ihl" e inclllde<l dilllll'r" ,kalin�,

Irip' tn Poinl

(;lmplI' partll-",


Rnorllrnult' , "


Dd"i,1I1(l' and otl­

-/,,,,, ( .�,"

1 68


OPPOSITE PAGE: (Ief! to right) Jeanne!!e Swenson, Cary Martenson and Nancy Sla!er enjoy a IV.. ge!­ !oge!h..r. THIS PAGE: Fos§ residents try to keep

s\"'igh! face_<.


1 69

1 70 OormilOt'K-S


QPI'OSITE PAG!! TOP LEFT: M."1I M,,��...- .I<..,.,, c "PI'''''''''''' I...·'"j.( .lw"k..",..[ I,,· � I' .." '"j.(•.,ph.·. ·. 11...h TOI' RIGHT: Ch,·,,[ U,h.�" nnd R...h A",,,ld ""J"V II... ,'",.'rI,,,,,,,,.',,,

duri,,):: II", " "" { h"'lIn... p.,,1\ h..·;,kt" " , [,,,,k

IU,LO\V: S;uurd.,}, """'lnlj.( '.""�'" "H''''

I.k,· .hu"I.... 1),lnl.."

Shan" I,'" a"d M,k.· 1 1.,d.."

m",·C;nj.(. SI,,''''''

Till" PA(,E TOP:

H" j.(�'

1':"UUI'�I" ,n " h,,, do"", 1.1.:1-1": I'"'' ['I"·"d.·,,, Lu" ..."""k. AIIO\'I:,

l "n.,hall

Ch''''m,.. p,,·,,'n'


.... nh

,'11"" 1'.11;"11 I". h."



An Alcohol Problem ? Students 'like alcohol policy, yet abuse it' Absolutely no drinking of alcohol i� allowed on the PLU campus. The Residential Life Office adheres to a no drinking policy, yet 21 percent of the students do most of their drinking on campus, accor­ ding to a December survey conducted by the Mooring Mast.

The survey also revealed that 82 percent of the students polled drink. Of the people who drink on campus, 20 percent have a problem with alcohol and 1 0 percent of these are alcoholics, said Dan Coffey, physician 's assistant at the health center. Coffey advocates the establishment of " a recognized alcohol program" at PlU. Foss Hall director Eric Holey surveyed campus resident assistants lasl semester [0 get their ' 'impressions " of the alcohol problem at PLU. "They saw a lot of alcohol. but the majority of the RA 's reported that it wasn 't a problem, " said Holey. Holey suggests that one of the reasons behind the.resulrs of the survey is that colleRe students don't see alcohol abuse as a problem. " They're in an experimental stage and see the problem akoholic as a skid row bum who doesn't live at PLU. Be we do have a lot of people who live here that drink every day, resulting in things like vandalism and damage to interpcrsonal relationships , and [ see that as a problcm, " said Holey. From a Residential Life standpoint, Holey

1 ;2 t\kuhul U�e/t\uu�

said he is concerned about alcohol at PLU, realizes it is part of the student culture, and wants to try to help students become respon­ sible drinkers. "Just because we're a 'Christian ' school. it doesn't mean that we d o n ' t have a problem, " said Holey, Lauralee Hagen of the Residential Life Of­ fice recognizes the presence of alcohol on the PLU campus, although she sees fewer problems here than on other campuses. Hagen said she is frustrated by the current no drinking policy at PLU, "A great deal of students are hypocritical about il. They like the policy, and yet abuse il . " PLU needs to identify the experts in alcohol counseling on campus and begin the planning process for an alcohol treatment program, she said. . , I see more alcohol than I want to, " said Pflueger resident assistant Tony Alvarez. The no drinking policy is not effective, although it is based on a good philosophy. he said. "People know they can get away with it and they'll just get their hand slapped, " he said, referring to the peer review system of punish­ ment. Alvarez cited a movement which advocates the legalization of alcohol on campus. " But they (the advocates) don't realize the con­

sequences, " he added,

Bob nmnll,<on and K.lfl s,.,,"HIJ PI�" m.If1Y I'nd;,y ,"):hl pau"n,




,,1 ,h,'

Alcohol Use/Abuse I 73

" Bootlegging' , How to smuggle a six-pack on campus Buying the bttr s i the Irick)' part when a

person has not quile reached the magk age of

2 1 . And while it's common knowledge that

the guy down at the local grocer 's never cards anybody, the fcat thai " maybe this lime he will"

causes a general feeling of uneasiness

throughout the body. The hands become sweaty, the stomach qucasy and the heart rate rapid as the beer is set on the counter.

As usual the checker smiles with that

knowing look n i his eye and says, " that'll be

54.27. " Instant relief and a malwc feeling of triumph replace the uneasiness as the h«r is put in the bag and the walk back 10 campus hegins. A bag with beer in it cannot be carried like just any bag when it is carried



i to the those at any airport; every entrant n room must be carefully screened.


knock-Imock on the door causes the entire room to quiet .save for the k1ink-klink of glasses being hastily hidden.

" Just


minute, " comes :l voice from inside.

Finally the door opens a crack. and there is un ovemll �igh of relief. it ·... only another willing participant to this weekly rulebreaking known as an on-campus pmty, not



who happened to pick this night to deliver the new student handbook .


Inside the room the loud music and un­

decipherable chatter sct the mood.

Some allending are here on study breaks, others because they arc lonely or bor�, and stil1 others for the simple fact that they like to get smash�.

grounds of PlU. The top of the bag must be

The conver.sation is of past drinking ClI­

folded down as far as it will go wilh one hand

periences. campus events and other topiCS

placed firmly on the bottom and the lOp of the

ranging from serious personal problems to

bag placed


underneath the



snug against the body.

general rot. The drinking itself is always at least

This way there is very little chance that the

subliminally competitive. and tonight is no

bonom of the bag will break open revealing

exception. as there seems to be

its contentS or that an R.A. will view what's

requirement to drink it all: if any extra is left



lying around the chance of a write-up in­

inside as it passes by.

The final test before the journey's end is


It is never the

1be smell of alcohol hangs in the air and

same twice. as one never knows who he

escapes imo the hall , and the noise level rises in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol

the walk through the donn. might meet.

Even though the bag is firmly secured. its contents. while not conclusive . are prelly

The inevitable knock-knock on the door

obvious to anyone ,."ho cares. Tonight there

ocrurs again, but as before it is only another

are no R.A.s h.mging around in the lobby.

person wishing to join the fun.

and while pas�ing by the R.A. 's room grelU

After about twO hours the stage is set for

satisfaction and comfort are taken in reading

going out to show off this new-found

the lillIe mes�ge that says. "Rich is orr

inebriation, but not wilhout a quick stop to

campus. The loud music coming from Room I 1 9

relieve the bursting bladder.

signifying that this party is well under way.

while the cause is against the rules, the effect

can be heard all the way down the hall,

The security measures at the door rival

I 74 Alcohol U.w/Abuse



This pari of the game is known as , . after

the fact ": lhe alcohol is gone or hidden , and is not.

Everybody files from Ihe room, some off to other parties. some to show orf and others to sleep it off.

As usual somcone makes the

comment , . , One good thing about being a lightweight: it's economical I • •

In the morning there may or may not be regrets about this night, but that is not impor­ tant because this is an age where now is what counts. or so it

is cons away.


at times, and tomorow

John S""'''''·flJUl'. �k,h Ik-<:k...,. R"h Wall.·. and T,� I'd", m«• •h... ch�n.·n�.· "f ''''''Il�lolliot I!o,•." inm R"'n.... lh,1I Hunn"U ) kno...." . �, H""J.·.I..·-l.....' ....,Jtldn . ... h,· i , " ("""dllrd Kmn'....1 ) .

Bu,h.... . {,.m.·.� "I hUlkl'niot" and

.1... _""", "f d.llk",·" arr dll u....·" .ht·" m,,,,,,,,.


�,,1 'mll�IIJ.·"


Alconol U�/AbuK I 75

Alpine Residents like living at the top The room is dark.

Large Oat boxes.

assorled pillows, and relaxed bodies are scanered everywhere: it's difficult 10 walk across the noor. Hushed vokes break into wild laughter. An hysterical giggle erupts from the fron t of the room, and a voice says, "Sometimes l jusl lhink funny things ! " This is Alpine during one of ils most successful events: a dorm pizza and movie night. complete with 25 16-inch pizzas and , the movies . , Arthur, " " On Golden Pond. . " An Officer and a Gentleman, . , and " The Wrath of Khan. " Alpine. located on the eighth and ninth floors of Tinglestad. began the 1 982-83 school year with a large turnover of residents. Only 26 of the prcviou� year's 90 Alpine residents returned . and ju�t 1 1 of the 64 new residents were freshmen. Thus, Alpine was a new upperclass dorm and needed activities which would draw residents together and create that


" dorm uniIY . "

In the fall, Alpincrs had a dorm " Dating Game "

with some vcry unmual couples , a

dorm birthday party celebrating everyone's birthday in one shot, a Christmas open house with a family of Peruvian children. and a Christmas secret pal party with lots of kisses and hugs and a visit by $:.mta and his green elf. Alpiners enjoyed wing events ranging from squirt-gun tag at the Tacoma Mall w a questionable off-campu� film festival. During spring semester . Alpine and Swen had a raHly day picnic


American Lake.

Another two-dorm event occurred when Alpine joined Rainier for ill' ice cream feed. In culmination of Alpine's successful rear. Dave Sperry presented Ihe traditional end-of-the­ year �Iide �how while re�idcnts looked hack and laughed a� they reminiscl....J. about the vear.

1 76 f)nrm;IM;",

OPPOSITE PAGE Tor LHT: Dandk G...tdy l�ulth, al Ihe Ch"'lma' l:uo�,am. TOP RIGHT: Manlyn lah h,.. momnUll,· Ricn,,,dson I�I� Alan An.k...,n • priSOll<" . BELOW: Santa Clal" ddlV(h Itlr" wllh Ih,· aSS;Slan(t of a "Ollhy elf. THIS PAGl: TOr LEFf, A

dedlGued ,Iudenl ,daKn ..uh ht. '>'ltdi,·,. TOP CENTER: M"lklO<' dot-s Ihe.rob fOi C""I)'I Han.,.,n;l/lcl Bruce La.son. AROVE, D,l\"( 5p<fI}' .tmuv"," .he evidencr of 25 pitta,. LET, IHall .1"<"<10' B,," B",kh..kl... I<",.b Alp"'" "'un a lllll-" Cukt.





Marshmallow fight, Fonda workouts among dorm memo ries In Evergreen . the memories started this with upper

year as they do every yellr,

classmen patiently pUlling up with incoming fre�hrnen. Fre�hmen girls were excirc<] to rind ;I s,hool full of guys, only to find Ihm dating wa, almost nun-cxbtcnl.

S'lphomoH' ).:U}· � .





. . freshmen. "


found being a




wasn '[ much different. When adhering [0 rigorous study �chedulcs dorm residents need some (orm of relief. Hvw do they \pdl relief? M-A-R-S-H-M-A­

L-L-O-W F-J-G-H-T!

Evergreen 's second

�lIlnu'll Ilwf,hmaliow fight '''ok plaCl' in lJW rn�lin lounge.

It will never he forgoucn.


least not until the carpet is replaced. Till' ,mnuul orf rarnpu, p'lny

\V,I'. U


with standing room only and dancing on the ceiling, Christmas spirits were lifted during dead week when Santa Claus made a yisit, bringing ,lZift .. rmlll parem�

;l1l{j ..parklinlZ ciJn lor

tho,,, who Il'cre exu;] gnnd,

Strategic intellectuals ballled for first prize in

the Backgammon tournament,

Ot her

:[(tivitie' mciu(k'd a �nuw d;l}" ,II Ml. R;linil'r,

a homemade bread pany, <md an Evergreen During the spring s"mestcr the hOliest

dance, ('vell l



" name

d1l' h l hy " '


,'onl," I , Memories of Evergreen will alw<lYs include ,ueh unforgellabk'� '" tT<JvcttinlZ Ireal', ,cr,' \\,_ your-roommates, Jane Fonda workouts and the big events in the TV room: Blues , "

" Winds of War , "

" Hill Sueet and Ihe Ia�t

epi..od,· of ' ' M " A ' S ' H " , No ontO witl forget climbing multiple !lights of stairs when the " valOr"

was broken or

nights spent in the Tinglestad lot during fire ,Ii;trln",

Nt"i t h"r will (U1YOlle furg,·t Iw.ld

re,iden t SandI' S""hoo.

wlm .ltwa)', h,ld a

,mile Oil twr fa,:,· and Ill'lpful ,Idvice, -/),''''',' lI"d.''''-'''''! ,"',! " 'II I�,k,',

I 78 DormilOlie,


QI'I'OSITI; l'A<.iE TOP: I:��rj.(r��n HA Knu LtJI��n

Jom. hdll drr<'<10' $andr Soohoo and K,;.nn LO(>p



,da�'n� mClm�'\l du"n,ll an RA ,('IJUI, BOTIOM: Cam�r� �hY? C.:f13Inlr nnt (I�fr 10 flj!hlJ Hertha

fl;mlrn"", /o.1c� M,N"hh, Anile! CI:.,k, L",d,;ay AI.pach Cindy S'�nko, THIS I'AGE TOP LEFT: A mly E,ic M,lIcr .how, orr h" un,'I"� bvok and al"'�, TOP


MIGHT: He,d, Babhrnl!lOn (lerl) and Renala God(r�y .rrrkc a creany" pt>S� for roo",mat� pictll'�', LEI-T: Paul

KlIl'kt'ndaU and O""i<l Stllbb) di�play Ih�" many ,ntcr",,,, AIIOVE: Thl' I:Y�r�'C"n loung" lulO' ",,0 a plll}',IIHKIIld d"""lI lh" OIl".t,,·On� Ch",tmas party,


1 79


Spontaneity, 'the call of the prof' coexistin Tinglestad dorm If you believe studies and fun can coex­ ist in a dorm room, then Ivy could be the place for you. When you're tired of study­ ing you might want 10 drop by the T.V. lounge






laughing about (watch your feet - you might knock over a Coke can that's living a serond life as a spittoon). Unique to the Ivy family is the balance of three guys' wings to one girls' wing, which blesses the girls with a large supply of big brothers. or course, being a girl in Ivy, or an "Ivy Wench," as coined by past Ivy generations. does not exempt one from initiation, a tradition handed down from the days when Ivy was an all male dorm. This year's "ceremony" began with in­ itiates being carted off clad in swimsuits or boxers and shawled by garbage sacks, to be blindfolded and dropped off somewhere. After finding their way home, the initiates participated




just-us-crazy initiation relays on Foss field. To conclude the ceremony, the new Ivyites attended "The Spy Who Loved Me" in the C.K., guys in coat, tic and boxers, girls in t-shirts and boxers. Classy group. The fun continued throughout the year, as illustrated by the infamous and also traditional Ivy panty raid. (Guys, what did you think when you saw some of your underwear on the Christmas tree? Good scheme,





anyone who has ever allended an Ivy dance

has witnessed good

example of

Ivyites having a good time. As far as dorm activities go, Thursday Night Club mct just as informally and jusl as regularly this ycar as ever. One night, Ivyites piled in vans to go to Seallie and walch






Trailblazers. The "wenches" still laugh at thc time they watched the horror movies at

I XU I )ormuon....

the I 12th Drive-in Theater from a PLU van. Of course, the annual spring picnic at Lake Sawyer, complete with the tradi­ tional refreshments and featuring such ex­ citement as a softball game in Ihe rain and a couple of brave swimmers, honorably held up another Ivy tradition. (Hint: Get to know an Ivyite really well, and you may be invited to next year's picnic. Act now. You don't want to miss it). Yes. Once again Ivy has proved that it is possible to experience the quality educa­ tion and quality good times in the same place. Watch an Ivyite breathe a sigh of relief as he returns from classes to a home where he can relax and be himself. acting on spontaneity when he feels the need, or studying when he hears the call of the prof. Ask any Ivyite about it.

- Melani� lAngdon

OPI'OsrrE I'AGE TOP: Th,('(' ""'rlleh,-, " puw fOl � family pomal!. BELOW: HawaIi " only a drram awa). THIS PAGE TOI' LEFf: Shmy Zril,-I C''''c,,",. h"1 !>rralh. TOI' CENTER: [.'Y"(".


,11 w�al :u1)'Ihml( 10 a

p,"')'_ lErT ANI) ABOVE: Beu... Bd,,'mr" jump> 11110 eo-w l,ff,



Cascade 'Fun pit' is Tinglestad's best-kept secret O ' Kade hllll: The fir�l , "L�ond and third noor) of TinJ,(lc,tad. You knowk Iv}'itC�. it's ,he place whefe the ' 'vato," st.lft!>. I t ' s tho"l' IWO n.•dle.!> of l'Ahl you



the C"r,u:k

l>elwccn the doors. Th,,1 \ us. Ca"Cadc. The Ca)C<lcl" Ch" '!nl;!' p..rty


Wi!.'> hoI.

(Kelly Johnson) and Tu..d (Tod(1 Mi'flin)

ledu.. 1I11 in )ongs and the like. and all the dude, wnrc nlJ.:5 th;1I rcallv knocked



And the movie IIIlthts: From fab Bealle.'> nicks 10 thriller ,hillers. we pulled UU!' the ..Jeepmg bags and w.ltched ,hem until dawn. And what about third Wl.'S1 and ;15 graffiti wall? 1A.'(Odc some of ,how word... ,lnd ),ou could wnle " book ,h'lI would make Scmpll"s look like a

Dbru:y movie,

Some dude' 'wund Tin�lc,tad miRhl �ay nOlhm' much h;IPI}Cn� in C:" c.,dc. Th,lt" Ihe way we W(lIlIl(l keep it. Go ,.h...,.d and let

ride that valOr on hy,

\,cin ' th... fun pit ufTII1�lc,t(ld,

1 8Z

r11 'lIlIil'!lin


(lnd Il" C",cad... ke...p

Ikrt 10 n�h!) Andy Kyllo. Todd Man",. Dana Mantns. D�,'� Pr�1I . M,k� Stangland and Sle\'� KIlIKI'«'n lal� ch" floo, or Ivy


HO!J�. BELOW: smik and chI( Ii,'"

lo�elht"f '"

�. THIS PAGE TOP: E"k�n and Rod

Z�lkl d,o� for dom) 1un(1iun!;. LEfT: Ca<eade

back. ABOVE: Kdly 'ohnwn plays wand�nnl/. mUSICi3n.


1M p,an o( ch"


I 83

Alternative Housing Half-on half-off housing offers extra space, change of pace For


tired of the conf1nc�

dormilOry rooms. DelHI Hall,



Court. and Park Avenue House afC three ahcrnalives which provide a unique change of pace. Localed on the south side of Tingelstad. Della







relaxing, 10


approximately 85 resident!>. Dd,;. ·, unilS arc share hy IWO �Iudenh. Man), U'l' the lofls as a location for bed), pmvidinJ.t morc spuct' for rcl:lx:Jlioll and lounp,injl <lrollnd. Evcr),trn'n rc..idl·nt� (four

10 n

unit) enjoy

till' luxury of:l ki,dll'll, " living room . " and :1 :.harl'd tmnl luwn. GlIl,idl'rl'(1 . 'on c:unpu... " bOlh Dell:. <lIld Evcrwccll Court h,lve resident assi�HlIlI�. :md 'iwdl'nh obey till' same housing policies as ,hO'l' in COllvential dorm�. Park Avenu�' House, located behind the ht'alth Cl"Hcr L11l t 20th and Parke A� . , b yet :mOlhcr option.

. Whik· :11�o considcred " on campu!>, , Park

Avenul' Hou�l' has the luxuries of 01T c;unpu.. Iivin,lZ,

including a kitchen, livin� mom.

washer and dryer. and a seperate Ix·droom . Park Avenue House occupants do not have


residell! assistant. Park Avenue House,


Hall and

Evergreen Court arc all unique aht'mat iVl' living options.

Applications ror the ..e

residence� are taken during th�' �pring of thl• preceding year, and acceptanCe i � hasl·d primarily on the number

(II' credit Iwur..

compldcd, and the number of �eme!>tl'r� previousl)' livcd on e:lmpus. This year, and RHC Alternative Hou�inA committee presentedchanAcs for Delta. Avenue re�ident... drinking,


The changl'� would :.O'l'(1

food �ervicc,


I 84 Dllrmimril'S

proposal for 1>olie}'

Everga-en and P:Hk pet and ...i..itmil)\l

OI'I'OSITE PAGE, Rorh V,,,n),O, lnu", , lh..° ,0,"1°10:"11110: hft �I I'ar� '\"""'1<" Hu"",,_ TUh l'A(,l TOI' l l-Fr I.t,lIt Vanooj!a", 11>01<, ("' ........ 1"''''1'''''- ' I", .. m",... ABOVI- [)a,-" M"ylan pJl"-�' 11...1 ,w,k"'l1 ,Iu", h"Pf"''' III I),-h .. FAR LEFT· M�,l W�mon ,,,,,1,°, '" ,h.. ",n LEI-T- M",,\-d T'" I". cudJl..... .... 1111 ....'1 1,-41.. ""a.


1 R5

' 1'16 Off campus

Survival Off Campus

Off campusers live without RA's, sometimes without groceries pc:opl� difficull. There ar� also responsibilili�s attached to

phon� j;!�ts disconnected. "

Its lakes half an hour to gel 10 campus. The

living off campus:

deal with the erratic hours and quirks of 40

orr campus slUdcnI is in a quandary. To go or

doing things for yourselr.

No on� else will

nOI to g01 Naaahh . . . You'd be lale and risk

other people. Some off campus students hav�

call the oil company for more oil in the furnace

disrupting the' class. Might as well go back to

so the temperature in your house does not

rediscovered the pleasure of having their own bathrooms.

sl«p. Off campus living offers much mort'

Things are not automatically taken car� of.

The dock reads 8:35 a . m .

Class is a t 9 a . m . h ' s cold and rainy 01.11.

freedom than dorm living. morc discipline.

It also requires

It '5 easy 10 gel into the

budgeting, studying and

rival that of a Siberian tundra in mid·January. Groceries must be bought and finanCe!; can be tight.

Students living off campus don 't have to

Th(' biggest benefit of living off campus is that it givcs a sense of the real world. Dorm life can be a sheltering �I(pericnce, and, whilc off campus slUdents may not be classified as

routine of missing classes for various reasons:

. , Popcorn for dinner again?"

worldly, th�y do have an idea of what it's like

it's too far; your car broke down; your ankle hurlS; your roommate is sick and there '5 no

., Yes, but this time I sauteed il! . ,

to make ends meet each month. They learn to deal with the telephone company, landlords,

portunity to be independ�nt and to learn 10

O� to take carc of him or her.

Off campus IMre alC� no visitation rules. no quiet hours. no RA '5. no p«f revjew board. There

is no





(Sometimes there '5 no food al all.) For some ' ' ]Ivlng off" can meall a M'II)(C of alienation from the PlU campus and sludents. lfving off campus


Off campus living gives students the op·

mak� m��ling new

disciplin� themselves both acackmically and financially. Budgeting, studying and cooking take on new creative dimensions. "OK, tM phone company wants 575 this 1I101ltll.

I have: 53.23 fOf 1M reS! of the

month. " . 'Guess I'd better call home now before the

and th� shelf life of green vegetables. Most off campus students still havc to dcal with roommatcs, time management and finding a quiet place to study, bot in the long run,

moSt students would agree thai the

advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. The off campuser can. after all, stumble 10 Ih� shower at 10:30 a.m. without meelinj;! a half-dozen dorm dwelling schedule memorizers asking, " Don't you usually have class at 9 a.m. ? " -Kri.


LEFT, Off Clmpu' s,ud.:n" '-OmeClmn It" 10 uU..m...... Iryong 10 '1::0)" warm .n II!.. ...-onln. THIS PAGE, And 1M)" 10,'" cOQlling (0' Ih(m�l'n.

Of( campus I B 7


ALtu a l h ycar... ago .

\nd twe \eJrďż˝

ago you (ouldn ' t get out .

I t feels like just yesterday I was a freshman .

\\' l i t


Wel l .

I 'm

readv !

think .

car paVmL'nh .

lu" joh

hunting , apartment rental. !





[ 'm

facing the " real world " it all seems to have gone by so fast .




!:I.·II, A�" ,k. KI",...·" Adnlln" U.,lI"" I'�III AII..·.)I.

1' ,>,1...1")1'

N.",.:, A!I.",�. Ih'''I/II><1 I:I�II AII�", ("'''�Ij/'' ,'I,.II.• m....l AI" " .n.,n�.I"

I'ubl.. AJ",,,, , '-"",.,1 ,".,,,�

A.... I,jl AI·I("un,.. Ill.,,,,,,,, Adm",,,u.OI'''" T, ,!!, AI,�,o. Ill"",..-" Admi"""�I"'"

n�,,· Anu",d"><1. 1I",m<'" A.1"u""u.lll'><1 n""" II' A...I..",,:n. h�,..h, 1',.(hul" )I' K�lh"...... A",I0,-,...><1, lnlCl"h

M.. ,�, And",.. , N"" "')1 I ,II ..... And... , Ed....01,,'"

W.".( hU1I1I Au

'\\�I"""'.,U" . ( .'"'pt'I�' ,...,"'...

T.III"" ILludur''")Ih. N""'''II Ann ""u)lhn... "_ I:d\"'�II"n

r, ...I,1 ",, ,It, , Un,J....,d�J 1.., 1- IIt-A.,_ . \1."h,·nl�I""

-,."" ",h

"'�,... Ik..n . ,\\",,,. I(..-I')I�><1 �,",n lk."I , :'h""

1(111,.. .. IkJf".d. l..��""",

190 Senlots

o\1,uk lk..,hOla• Ecu"u"n" , J'IC."IIk·"'lCl. A(coununll

AmI<' !knd"•. Bt"",.", Ad""""rra"'Kl !k,,,.lv Ber..,d. NU'''nf,:

He.1olI l"lIa" !krll'" Bu" """ Ad",,,,,,rrauu,, Bruer Benun. l",(mal;U"al RrbtlO"�



Ka,,'" 1k" "'I1,', lI,u]".I(Y (.'mh,., Bell', l'h""",I I:d,,,';,,,,,,,



J.I"ht,n Ilockl",d. E,'''n()mK' eh"" nl,· BI,,,k. S.""dl Wdf.Ht· A,'" Ill"" . NUl�ml-l (""I B"I� •.,J

I:nlolli�h. 1'�\.:h" I,.lol\

I'.",I I\,�,,,. E,,,,h <;.,...."",

M,l,· I\.H""', H"."" K."" I\"....h. "],"'''-dl EJ"'�!I""

R"rld',' 1\."",.11. Ed",.rt"'" l:Io....h· Il<."'.·". 1'o1.,.I...mau<-. ( .....1 1\.....11.•.1' . ....... ..,1 W,,,k, R..I'lol"MI

....,>1( . Kr.·rt'·rll�...],. II,,,,,,,. .., AUII""",rdu"" · R"h. r n".. &''''''0 . ......,.•1 \V..II....


IIn..II""" .


"�"'r I\.ru,,,,,•. , lit,••""" Aum""'Ir"'�'''' E"I-lI•.J.

I.,,,, 11"''''1. NU" "'I-l

L�",.. H",k.

I...",.. Ko'!I�"

I·,,·....h N""1II1-l

R"h,.·.. Ilt,uh. <;"",.•1 Wrlt.lI...

A],,,In Bu"dl. II".""·,, AU""""""I1"" 1l<'11}



(;,.,,,).1 II"". H.,.",,' ,\I.ulol'''''' ( m,·\. NU" IOII-l K.lIl1y ( ." Ir...·• p,)·,I",l<>lolY

Kdl\' C"lt,I,·. EUUldlnn, 1.101.1., ( a,I."". P"luI•.ll .....,,·nn·

192 Seniors

Seniors 193

Mld� Ca,lson. (,...,lnltmKilIIOll All, P'Ol<'l� Ca.I....... Con""un...... o n A,,,

Slc,,""n <.arl,,,n. 1-.·lll1hcl"�II�' J"am� (,•.c. PwdlVloil)

D""",I Chadhum. M",,,

"'11m Chery. RI'C.e�1I()n

Tunmhy < fIu,me" AJm,m,nal,un Laura <kb"d. u,p,�1 �udon

l'�u",� ("nn .... I1", Ih" "�II"n

1',It,,,,;& ( "md,1 At! 1">.:11..,••h <..(�••,.�, ""'111"" AJ""'H" '�I1"'l

)""1<:' ( una


( "IdI' ( uno,. l'h,"c-�I l:Ju.-.m"fl

':Ir.,n-.. I>..hll"",)(

Bo"�'II' <......".m

M�,.... D....".n. l:d....�rM . ..'

( "nlh,� 1>.11..". ( ...."'••m LI.... I)�..I.....h

l"" D;II,....I....,

J.....· m D...hlt,



(""',"lUn"�II"11 An.

l,.... D�". P."ho,I,'II' V"k, n... '. EJuull"n

8.,,1>.11., r>cm" •. NUl'''')! D..·, ....h N""",)!

T," "". O"Ol'I. ","",,,1 Wdl..,.,

( h"" ",. Dud"",n. lItJ'IIl...' AJmlm."..,,,,,,

R'l'fl. I)un.•IJ..,". ["'l1li)"''''

Md'II.'''' [)..n..,d�•. An.

F", I) ••,I,·,


Seniors 195

Mon.... Drn" l;dlK�r"'" LInd;. 0-,...,.,. 8Kl1oJ1.· Carol Eddv. Nu.�m� Na"" E!(;Q'. < ht-m"u) _

Rurh Eldtr. <.t.rm"rry M3111n Eldrtd. Rt'IIj(1UI1 5mu Elk-rby. Polnl(";!1 ScM'oc". u�..1 Srudre 8r4cv Ehon. �hrht-m;rt""'. (on'p"u... Screoc:r

Chrryl En_or. 1',)·,h"I"IlY Kartn Ellchnn. l'hy,k.,l l:dllcm">I' Dod Ell.d. l',y,hulvjlY u.rolma E,·�n•. Ed"'''''lIIl

I 96 .5e-nio....

"k�.Jn, 1." ·""�1

LJ,....,I" �,

�uU ElLlIlI.lrr. bJ\lldlh�l \,,"'....·1 1·.-11"'. 1I,,,�')l' ( h... ..... hn I:J....�u,," R�n"" h".,�,,·.


( '""I�n'� ..... '


1)0"" h......,.. Ik"" It..., A,I",,"u_!r.II1"U �""h.:.0:1 Hod",. M.'I,"'·"'�II" , ( ""'1,,,1,·, .......,",. . h,...·,,'" h,,,. (�"n"'\lnlc�l"Hl An_ K�.h) F'''ll'' A"''"'''I�.I,,)oi, �ha"", '·IIl...!",h. 1kJ.",.." AJI1""_!r�I,,'n

�"'�'Y �".h,�. lJu"�""n ,xh..,;,," fr'", .

Ed....�I" . ...

5,"�"''' G�.I"k. ( "ml>UI�' .....1�rI<.·

"a.l''' G,••k)'. E.l'nl.... I'h"H.I"IC' Ga., (i,.·,I. n.",....·" . A.I",,,,,,,,," "Hl

Seniors 197

K,,� �dakrf. BI,,"��, Adm,"'��loon Shahran, Gh;o"di, honollllC\

Tam�.� G,lbf:" ..,.., EduCluoon

MIChael G,,'rn�, 1Iu.",.." Admm,§,,�'oon

Nick, GI�"",. M�'''''mml(" Comp"'erSc'''rK�

L,.,;I G.;wh, 8101"11)

Johc Gr.;rham. Nor.lns T(Ina Gr.;rmoo, 8""n.." Ad"" ",.u�"on

lY8 !)eniors

Knl Gravnl, Rdigion Dav..! G�mmds, Busi�s Administration eha.ln Guild..e., Economics Linda Gutmann. Business Adminim:uion K&rf<'n Hadky. Psychology

Lama Hahn. Educ:otion William HamC5 VklO.i� Hamlin. Musk Geir H�nscn. Business AdminiS\lation R�nd, Hansen. Education

StMia Hal"en. Nursing Lori Hutlson . Education Jon Harms, Philosophy Joyce Harpol."

Business Adminismltion

William Hamgfdd. Economics

�.:..bara Hal)'n. NUDlng

)oy,., Hatayama. Nun;ing Karon Haug"n. Busmess Admini5l1ation Elkn Hazen. Education Scott HnfinJ�hl, Busines� Administration





D�md H�rman�n, R«'r>lIion Lori Hertnlln�n, NWSInIl Ma.� Hutt.,

Hi.tory, �lIal Stud�

EI',alxth H�wn, P.ychologv Hian, MU�K

Uy H'Ch, CommunICation A... T�.i Hi.,.no, ConlmulllQuion AIlS JriT HobKm. Biology

Tern. Hoglund. fIu.'1>C1S Adminimation Mark Hoffm�I�I("


N�ncy Holm. Nw�;ng Caroline Holftld. Educalion K�II. Huvt.,,,,d, fIu�in"•• Admlni...a'lon Amlneh HUWlin Rand HuloO. Phy,l(l;. Engi�ring

Sonj;o Ingdll�. x P�yd>oIogy

.. Id�. CommunlCiUon Am Man Ing,

Gary Irby. Educanon Camilk Irmln, H,.,ory, Rel'glOf1 Paul I�. Biology

TOI'� lsak�. Su�",c:s. Ad,,"nl.''''''on

Jean"" Jac:kwn. Grrtnlln, Psychology Jennifn Jac:obson, Musk

Tmla Jacobson, AI, Hugh ,.", Religion

Jack J�unal. HIstory

T�I�y Jennings. flusintss Ad",,,,,,trallQn

Jack� Jen�n. MusIC

PhillIp Jerd�. Communicallon Art•• ugal Studon

Betsy Johnson. NUlSlng

Seniors 201

Eric johnson, Biology Markjohnson, Psychology Suzanne johnson, Education Dale Jones, Education Gwendolyn Jones, Business Administration

Kristin Kaden, CommuniCluion Ails Elaine Karpenski, Mathematics, Compule, Science Jeff Kasler, Education Wayne Keller, Business Administration James Kenote, Classiďż˝

Lori Keyser, Psychology Philip Komomik, Business Administration Susan Kramer, Social Welfare Monica Krueger, Education Kimberly Krumm, Compute,Science

Alaine Kuhlman, Business Adminislration Kathryn Laird, Business Administration Gerry Lamar, Business Administration David Larson, Psychology Lori Laufman, Business Adminisuation

John Lewis, Business Administration Joanne Lindberg, Nursing Susan Linden. Nursing Michcl linquisl, Political Science Sara LOJ>l'1:. Educatioll

Mark lorbcr3u. English Cary Lowe. Business Adminisumion Barbara Luchl. Education Carlene lukin. Businc", AdminiSlr3lion Suzanne lund, Education

202 Seniors

s..-. lOJ

T,m lusJc. Business AdminlSuauon, Pol."cal Science M�tk lUll, Bu)11>('» Adnllni�ltation Donald MIKLaM, Jr . Computer Scien« .

lIla M�. EduClllion

Patrick Madden, Communicillon Ans Deborah �bkr. Educ:atlOO Don M.�r. EdUClltion

R� �bllory. Education

Brendan Mangan. Politk;al So:kn«. Economics lauro M�nning, Education T.uul'lY Matklng. D�na Manen"

Bu�inesl Administralioo

Mal)' Manin, EdUCItlOO Marla MalVin, Political ScM,nce, Psy<hology Cheryl Mathl�n, BuSInesS Aciminislrllion

.s..ra �btson. CommunlCltlOO Am

DougLu Matlwn, Phr'�' Engineering

Tom McAlIhur, Communication ArlS Cheryl McColm, Education Helen Md),"d. Nuninl/

Elaine McDankl, BusilleSs Administl1l1ion Jare McGee, Busina5 Adminiw111ion Karen McKnn. Education Laurie Md.ean. An

2.04 Seniors

Seniors 205










PUJ K('ffY Mdolutkn. Bu".w-. AdmonMr.ll.......

Ml(h��t McN�mal�.

Ct..,n"" lv, 8ooIoIlY

AIt(r ro.ldh"lI. Economk,

Judy M,,'q'e., &"'IlC''' Adm,,,,,,,.-�tlon

uuhv M,, Nursong

Ildw" r.t.lkt. £dltQllOfI

L,'-'I c"ru/ M,lk.,



Jo.. M(N..II�. s.,.",..,._ Adnllnl.llanon

206 Semors


u ...... All' (:omn'un... .















Je"nI" MIIl"r, Psychology Kirk Mille•• Economics

lisa � M,lk•. Educanon Tern Miller,

8u�rntSS AdminislI":n;on

MICIwIl" MIlieu. Bu...n.:ss Adminiscralion

�ndra Mix, Physical Education. RenO'arion IXnnis Mo�housc. MusIC lisa MunWIl. Edu,alion Jill Murray. Businns AdmInistration Ma''1ui,a Munon, Businrs. Adminima,ion

Gene Nadeau, Hi<fory Krista Nerly. Education Beth NddhQld. Education Patricia Bu.;,,". Admm,sualion David Nelson. PQlilkal Science

Janice Nt-ktn, Bus"""u Admimmauon

knn,frr �Iwn. Educ;"'on

K,m Nel§On. Business Adminismnion

K,m Nessdquisl. Political Science

MaJlko Nishida. Sociology, Spani�h

Seniors 207

Mih Norian, Su,in", Adminimmion RnlC� Nurman, Art Craig Norman, Business Administration AIxl"lrahman Obaidan, Sociulogy

Eric OfstUll , Psychulogy, Global Studies Brian Olson, Economics David Olson, Business Administrtion Elizab�th Opatz, Educatiun

Kevin Ostendorf, Business Administration F, TUiney Oswald, Educat;on Sally Ott�rson, Mathematics Paul Parker, Legal Studies

Jerry Payne, Business Administration Kirsten Pederson, Business Administr'!tion

Cynthia Pete..�:m, B,!siness Adminsillation D�vid Peterson, Mathematics



Mark Ptttrson, Biology Kurt Ph,llips, l!us;neu Adn"nlstratlon

In)!ud Pihl. NUI.lnll

Jul;., Pitsch, NUlsing Kaďż˝.,n Pill-Hart, Communication Art) Julia Pomc:rc:nk. Eng lish. Psychology

Ktith Pos.,hn. Biology

Lynn Pountain, Communiauion Art_

David Quam, Chemistry

Carolyn Ralph, Nursing Jantt Redmood. History

Nancy Reining.".. Political Saence

Seniol'5 209

julianllOl Reinke. All

Alyson Rem}'. Communication An� Debla Rio. Bu�ines. AdminiSlJalill1l

Usa Rilihaici. Corll"'n";cali",, All'

Karen Roalkvam. Education joanna Robinson. E�OJ>Omi"

Douglas Rogeiswd. Edl.lCalJon

jacqudme Romano. Social Welf�re

Karin R",�. Educauon I.rn""l1� RO)«. Commuillcalion An� ElWIn R",m. Blolop'

l�an"., Ro". Bu"JIe!>, Admm;",,"uon

2 1 0 Seniors

Paul Roehl. M�lhfn"'IK:�. ( "mp.ufr S<-1C"Kt' Nod Rudf. &l'In....' Ad01l0"1I.l1I,,0 MarJl"'�1 Rudy. S.Ki�1 Wdfarf. P,wh.,I"JoIv RltChd Rnnnm!l. Nn,,,nJol

Tma R�·;on. lIu"on' Adm'o'"o DIana s""JoIf'. Eduamon

TIJI'lf �JoI"old.

1Iu,,�, Admm""an,,n

Pamelil 5"'!l�'I11. C"mmunK'�n"n An,

knn.· SCh.....twhz. NUI�mJl

Ch'''lme Sch.I«k'K"', 1Iu""",,, Adm.m,u.•u,,,,

J..!nO 5<;1...,,1...,. lIu,u....� . Adm.m_lI;t'M'" Maflkn Sn,·de•. r-Iu.."

Seniors 2 1 I

Ph'],pSc:hot. Biology J�net Sc:hwanlng�r. Bo,,�s Ad",jnj�trali,m Sandra Se�. EducatiOfl Ch�l�y Seibert, EdllC".tlon P�UJM Shcoo, Engl..h. Hl>lOry

Michele Sheedy Karla Sherm�. NWlIIIg Kry.tll Slooop. Edoootlon. Mu.ic Stnm S!eren. Sociolosy Jran'Wr Silva . t\rt

AIIII.. Smith. Bu.inr" Admim.u,mon Dmiw Sm,th. POlllical Sc:>rn<:r ElialM Smith. Eduo:.loon

Janite Smilh. R«rraIlOO. Thc,,�py ReM«a Smith. N.. slII ll

Sua.nnr Smilhson, Nw.. ng wi Sodedund, EdUGItlon Kathy Sol,e. SociolosY David Sorey. Mu.ic J;Kkl Spntcn. Education

Reb«ao Spllnln, Bu"Il<"li. Adm,,,,,u"llOn Karm St..kIceSl"�. MalhclII'lUCS

Anne Stangeland. Communicanon Am

Dtbta Stcochcn. Educyuon Jim SIOOa. PoIItI".1 Scirl'l«

2 1 2 Semors

Seniors 2 1 3

CIt'g S(uh',. Ed"'311"" K('n,wlh S".n�r. EducallOn J"'�ph 51111(1.,1. P"lillcal s.:,�",�. NU""'�!I'il" Cmhl��n Swa,,><)n. Ed"c"" .."

Ka" l� S"',ick. Bu"".,.., Adn"n"I["�II"" Garnelle Tml. NurSlnj!

Erl)'"'' T�,,�d. 5.xial Wdfa.., I).·hby Th""'.,...,. ,. Bu�II1""', Ad"'II1;'lf311"n

Ruht,,, I);.k Th"""",. Bu" """ AJ"" "" "�"..,, R..'ot'11I�"'" Thun"" . EdlKall"n (""Ih,� Th"•.,.Ml. Edl)("" .o un" &,.111 Tref,,·. 111'1""'. Ed......"'"

2 1 4 Seniors

Andrea� Udb,'e. llusirlt"� Admlnlstrallon Cheryl Ulleland, Busin"". Administration Donna Undel'\"ood, ummumcation Ans Son,.. Van Der Maa" English. Norw�8ian Terrsa Van,"'Ooonloog, Chemisny

l>alr Vi.",a;z, Anlhropo!ogy L,sa Voeloog. Education Stacy Waddell. Education Hl'len Wallacl'. NOrWegian

Bonnil' Walsh, NUising

Ted Waltels, Busi� Admm,slration Karen WUlhennon, English Kelly Webb. Psychology AnI>cliesc Wel�, Nursing Margalel Wl'.lr. Compute. Scientt

Stacey We"cring. CommllniOition Am linda Wntpfahl

Chri�til>C' W�yl�nd. P�ychology Tcrua Whippk. Nl1uinll

jamu Wirdeman. HiStory Keilh Wiemcnlage. History Joy Williams, Bo.15incss AdminlJt.alion

Sandfll W,lliami . Engli,h

Ray Wil50n. Educ:arion Bonnie Wi�hon, Englt i h, Philo5Ophy

i berly Wold. NllI'Sing Km

Owen Wollwn, PsycholollY

2 1 6 Semo•.•

Sandra Wong

Steven Wooten, Communication Am Craig Wright. Biology I,Aobra Wright, Education Vida Yingling, Business Administration Midori Yokoyama, Biology

�"ie Young, ChemiStry James Young, E,onomic5 Nancy Zak, Education


�n Zidke, Political Sdence Levko Klos, Psychology Michael Moore, Music

Tammy Nichols, English Susan Oakland, Education Barbara PicKell, English Kristi R�lin , Physical Ed., Rcceation

A1{,� Simpson, Jr.



Commencement Ground broken for center as 597 graduate A helicopter circles in the 75-degree heal. Rumors of a prOI('SI crackle through the crowd. Perched on second �Iory-level scaffolding, cameramen train their equipment

nyer circulated among graduating seniors. turn


backs on


the groundbreaking


1 98 3

After the groundbreaking, students and

Commencement boasted more divcrsion� than

faculty filed into Olson AudilOrium to the




the speakers' platform.


Five hundred ninety-seven


. ' Processional of Joy "

David Wold, head of the Board of Regents,

degree candid:llcs stood behind Iht.'ir leachers ,

Bishop Clifford Lunde of the American


Lutheran Church and Ricke spoke to the






themselves with papl.'! programs as university


President William


Rieke turned the firSI

Rieke addressed the problem of faced by

m a n y graduates.

shovelful of dirt for the William 0 : Ricke

recommending ' ' a bias for action" as a policy

Science Cenler. scheduled to bc completed in

for success.

1985. Students opposed to the construction of thl'

Rieke with




administrative, organization


ralher the

and than



studen t ,



groundbreaking ceremonies planned a protest to take place during the formality. Students


_ _ 2 _ � _ ' .

� I S GmJumkm

who disagreed with the actions were. said a

.- -

Dave Gremmels and Sandy Mix presented continuing

a senior the

" Sharing in Strength" campaign.


of $20,000,

univers i t y ' s


S('nior contribution

QI'I'OSITE PAGE LHT: Terry F.awley� at an onluoke.. BELOW; I'r�"dcm Willian, Rieh hreak., ground fur " new �ci"nce building 10 he namoo aft�. him. a"h"p ClrO·."d Lunde (left) and Davrd Wold <)v�r�c the la,k. THIS PAGE TOP RIGHT: Goor.!:" A.b�ugh . th� univc."ty ma"hal. leads Ihe facuily P'()c�'>lon wIth Ihe traditional m3C�. ABOVE: Dave So'�y "'tcho 11 b.eeu. LEI-T: KiNen l'e-de.wn .. relic'·cd.

G."du.1l10n 2 1 9


uul Bolstad, 192

Kerri Cole, 1 1 6

Betty Aarvlk, 190

Jacqueline Bonneau, 22

Patricia Connelly, 195

Mohamad AI-Mohandi, J 90

Dean Bonnell, 108

Patricia Conrad, 1 95

Abdul Al-Roumi, 1 90

Pllul Boots, 192

Deborah Consear, 23. 1 95

Joon Alberg, 1 90

Mike Boozer, 192

James Coml, 195

Nancy Allaire, 190

Kristi Bosch, \92

Elizabeth Crowe, 82

Linda Allen, 1 90

Renate Boswell. 1 92

Cynthia Curtis, 1 95

Lindsay Alspach, I 78

Becky Bowers, 192

Stacey Amann, 4 2 , 1 90

Carol BraaOadt. 1 92

Pamela ClIrtis, 55 Dd

Marty Arnbacher 1 53

Rick Brauen, 56

Ruth Andal. 1 90

ScOIl Breitenbach, 1 92

David Andersen , 59

Bryan Brenchley, 83

Dennis Andersen, 1 90

Shannon Brinias, 74

Alan Anderso n , 59, 1 76 , 1 8 1

Nick Brossoit, 76

Eric Andersen, 79

Robanna Brostan, 1 92

Kathleen Anderson, 190

William Brown, 1 40

Maria Andino, 1 90

Peter Brunner, 1 92

Lillian Andre, 1 90

LislI Bryan, 1 92

Kevin Aoki. 87

Laura Buck, 1 92

Richard Arnold, 70

Laura Burger, 192

Robbin Asbjo.rnsen, 75

Bret Burkholder , 27

Wai-Chung Au, 1 90

Raben Burks, 192

Monica Aughnay, 93

Alison Burrell, 192

Bb Heidi Babington, 1 79 Tanna Bahadursingh, 1 90 MlITk Bankson, 1 8 J Hertha SMiling, 1 78 Kent Bassett. 27 David Balker, 1 0 8 Ann Baughman, I 90 Todd Baxler, 190

Jody Beake, 190 Marie Bean, 190 Susan Bean, 190 Herb Becker, I 75 Robert Bedford, 1 90 ,

Mark Beeksma, 1 9 1 Joel Beisner. 1 9 1 Anne Bender, 1 9 1 Beverly Berard, 1 9 1 Hcrlog Berge, 1 9 1 Bruce Berlon, 55, I 9 1 Karen Besselle, 1 9 1 Cynthia Beus, 86, 1 9 1 Elaine Bickar, 74 Bickford Bob, 1 92

Bob Bickford, 192 Christine Block, 192 Aya Blow, 1 92

220 'nUl:...

Betty Buslach, 93, 1 92 Gerald Buss, 55, 192 Kcrri Butcher . 89 Cc

Karen Calfas , 1 34 Sherrie u.llah:ull, 7 1 Corrine Calvo, 29 Keith Cantor. 1 1 3 Margaret Carey, 1 92 Katheryn C'lrfrae, 192 Kelly Carlisle, 192 linda Carlson, 1 94 Michael Carlson, 69, 1 94 Pamela Carlson, 1 94 Stephen Carlson, 1 94 Steve Carl�n, 46 Steve Carter, 1 4 1 Jeaninc Case, 194 Daniel Chadburn , 1 94 Douglas Chamberlain, 1 60, Scott Cheldelin, 1 38 Allen Chery, J 94 TimOthy Cho�e, 169 Angela Clark, 1 78 Timothy Clark, 1 94 Laura Cleland, 93, 1 94 David Cole, 9 1

Stephen Dahlberg, 1 95 Marie Dalalian, 1 95 Cyl1lhia Dahan, 1 95 lisll Danforth , 195 Lori D:lIlielson, 1 95

Jasc1ll Oashti, 195 lisa Davis. 1 95 Stace), Davis, 93 Todd Davis, 78, 1 80 Frank DlIY, 1 1 9 Vicki Day, 1 95 Debra AtI(·y. 42 Jill Del'lp. 74 Dean Demulling, 23 Terry Dietsch. 195 Rebeccil Dbney, I �5 Chri.'>tina Doelman, 195 L>iane L>ohner, 74 Robin Dollarhide, 1 1 3 Brent Donaldson, 195 Margaret Donatcllo, 195 Eric Dooley, 1 95 Monica Dryver, 196 Kevin Dykman, 94 Linda Dyson, 1 96 Ee Carol Eddy. 1 96 Charles Edgerton, 1 49 Nancy Egaas, 196 Mark Eibcl, 1 56 Ruth Elder, 196 Martin Eldred, 64, 1 96 Scan Ellerby, 1 96 Nancy Ellenson, 85 Jeffrey Elston, 78 Bracy Elton, 1 96 Bjor� Engen. 1 59 Cheryl En<;or. 1 96 Karen Erick'iOn, 1 96 Sylvia EStrada, 25 Dorcas Etzel, 196

Carole Evans. 1 9f:o

Melodee Evenson.

1 97

Craig Hansen. 68. 69

Betsy John..on. 201

Geir I-Iensen. 199

Eric john<:on. 202

Randi Hansen. 1 99

Scott Eylnndcr. 1 97 Ff Samuel Fellin. 4 2 . 1 97

Staciu Hansen. 1 99

Theodore . Fellin. 1 75

Lon Hanson. 199

Chris Ficken. 1 97 Ramin Firoozye . 1 97 Doris Fischer. 1 9 7 Michael Flodin, 1 97 Joseph Foss, 1 9 7 Kathleen Fosler . 1 97

David Hanson. 1 59 Jonuthan Harms. 1 99

Gwendol)·n Jones. 202

Barbara Haryn, 1 99

Kk Kristin Kaden. 202

Karin Haugen, 1 99 Ellen Hazen. 1 9Y

Jeffrey Kasler, 202

SharonFriedrich. 1 97

Scali Herfindahl. 1 9

Mary Frisbie, 1 97

Daniel Hermansen, 2 0 1

Deborah Frost, 1 9 7

John Hcrman:.en, 1 56, 1 57

Terri Fry. 7 5 , 1 77

Mark Hl!Mer. 201

Elizabeth Fulsher, 1 52

Elizabeth Hewes. 201

Gg Sharon Garlick, 1 9 7

Kimberly Hiall, 20 I

Gar)' Gei1. 1 97 Kris Geldaker, 1 98 Shahram Ghaedi. 1 98 Steve Gibbs, 8 4

Tamara GilbertSon, 1 98 Julie Givens, 1 25 Michael Givens. 1 98 Nicola Glaser. 1 9 8 Renata Godfrey. 1 79

Lisa Hicks, 20 1

Teresa Hoglund, 201 Caroline Holfeld, 201 Nancy Holm, 201 Kerr; Hopkins. 65 Jeanine Hopp. 72 Karla Hovland. 201 James Huff. 84 Robert Huff. 1 3 8 Sverre Huse, 9 1 Rand Huso. 201

Charles Guildner, 1 9 9 George Gundersen . 1 40 Tandy Gunderson, 29. 1 4 5

Steven Kelly, I 8 1 James Kenote, 202 Lori Keyser. 202 David Klein. 69 Sheryl Klemme. 1 76 Levko Klos. 2 1 7 Craig Koessler ,.,",'6 Gary Koessler. 97

Mark Hoffmeister. 20 I

Lba Grady. 1 9 8

David Gremmels. 1 99

Wayne Keller, 202

Jeff Hobson. 201

Danelle Grady, 1 76

Kendall Graven, 199

Mark Kauth, 1 4 1

Steve Knudsen. 1 82

Amineh Husain, 20 I

Teresa Grambo, 1 9 8

Elaine Karpenski, 202

Teri Hirano. 20 1

Kathryn GOIshall. 1 80. 1 8 1

Julie Graham. 1 9 8

Dale Jones. 202

William Hurrigfcld. 1 99

William Heelen, 7 1

K.nen Gade)', 1 9 7

Mark John:o.on. 202 Suzanne Johnson. 202

Joyce Harpole. 1 99

Terea Frawley. 2 1 8

Elise Garrell. 74

Kelly Johnson. 2 7 . 50. 1 83 Luura Johnson. 49

Philip Komernik, 202 Susan Kramer. 202 Andreas Kriefall, 1 1 3 Monica Krueger . 202

Kimberly Krumm. 202 Alaine Kuhlman, 202 Paul Kuykendall. 1 79 Karen Kvale, 8 5

Anne Marie Kvamme. 1 43 Andrew Kyllo. 1 82 LI


Kathryn Laird. 202

Sonja Ingebritsen. 201

Gerr)' Lamllf, 202

Mari Ingvaldsen. 20 I

Bruce Larson. 7 7

Gary Irby, 2 0 1

David Larson, 202

Camille Irmler, 2 0 1

Lon i..al1fman, 202

Paul Isaacson, 20 I

Tamara 86

Tore Isaksen, 201

John Lewis. W2

Shauna Guscott, I 1 �

Roger Iverson, 1 1 3 , 1 39

Joanne lindtJ!rg. 202

linda Gutmann. 1 99 Hh KarTen Hadley. 1 9 9


Susan linden. 202

Laura Hahn. 199

Jennifer Jacobson, 2 0 1 Teresa Jacobson, 20 I

William Haines. 1 99 Gary Haldorson, 1 4 1

Jeanne Jackson, 2 0 1

Jack Jauna!' 20 I

Terence Jennings. 2 0 1

ViCioria Hamlin. 1 99

Jackson Jensen , 20 I

Cheryl Hansen, 7 5

Phillip Jerde. 201

Caren linn. 2 8 Michel Linquist . 202 Ann Lochlie, 93

Kristin Londgren . 75 Kristin Loop, 1 7 8 Sara Lopez . 1 25 . 202 Cary Lowe, 202

Ind�x 2 2 1

Michelle Milieu, 207

Sally Otterson, 208

Janette Lucky, 1 34

Mark Milne. 1 60

Jennifer O n um . 1 52

Curlent' Lukin, 202

Fh:lip Mb/cy, 0..

Beverly O\\'cn� , I 1 3

Suzanne Lund. 207

Sandra M i x . 207


Uarbara Lucker, 202

Michael Moore. 2 1 7

Paul Parker. 208

Dennis Morehouse. 207

Mark Ll'x, 204

Jerry Payne, 208

Mike Morter. 55

Kirsten Pederson. 208

Mm Li"a Macs. 204

Dave Moylan. I 85

Stacie-Dee Motoy:una. 55

Cynthia Peterson. 208

Ian Lunde, 5 5 , 5 9

Timoth� Lusk. 204

Patrick Madden, 204 LI):I Magee. 7 5 Debomh Maier, 204 Donald Maier, 204 Roger Mallory. 204 Marti Malone, 1 70 Hrendan Mangan, 204 L'.lIfa Manning. 204

Lori Mulkey. 1 53 Shonda Mulcahey. 1 53 Lisa Munson, 207 Jill Murray. 207 Marquita Murton. 207 NO' Gene Nadeau, 207 Krista Neely, 207

T:umny Marking. 204

Lisa Nehring, 1 1 6 Marten'). 204. 1 82

Eli7abeth Neidhold, 207

C:lry Manenson, Cary. 1 68

Patrici:r Nellt.'rrnore. 207

Mliry Manin, 204

lanice Nelson. 207

Todd Martin. 1 8 2

David Nelson, 207

Marla Marvin, 204 Cheryl M'llhben. 204 Sara M:llson, 204 Dougla) Mattson, 204 Debra Ma)', 1 45 Tom McArthur, 204 <.

: •• · ·yl McColm, 204

Grant Nelson, 96 Gretchen NeI)On. t 2:3 Jennifcr NcI'>On. 207 Kim Nel-.on, 207 Kim Nesselquisl, 207 Ru!>!>d NCller. 65 TOIwa

e\\'comer, 1 57 ichor... 2 1 7

Hden Md).lid, 204


Elairl1..' McD:rnll'r. 204 Nikk:rri. 4 3 . 1 52

Ken McElroy. <XJ

Mariko Ni<;hida 207

)ayt' McGee. 204

Cheryl Norby, 1 25

Kart'n McKean, 204

Mich:rcl Norlin, 208

Lauric McLean, 204

Bruce Nonmm, 208

Kerry McMullen. 206

Craig Norman. 208


Meb McNabb. 1 78

Gall Nowadnick. 1 60

Joy McNally, 206


Michael McNamam. 206


Alice Melling. 1 25 , 206 Judith Meteyer, 206 Elizabeth, 29 Cuhy Milburn. 206 Debra Miller, 206

Eric Miller. t 70 Jennie Miller, 207 Kirk Miller. 207 Lisa Carol Millt'r. 206 Lisa M . Miller, 206 Tern Miller, 207

2 2 2 1,,4,'.\

u'isle, 1 0 9

Brian o 'Morrow. 1 59 . 1 60

Su"an Oakl:rnd, 2 1 7 Abdulrahman Obaidan, 208 Eric Ofstun, 208 Brian OI'\On, 4 3 . 208 David G, Olson. 208 Kir!>ten Ol�on, 89. 1 45 Elil.:lbelh 0P:IIZ. 208 Malllle\\' Orme. 2 2 , 1 56 Kevin O)tendorf. 208

F . Turnl'Y O�wald, 208

David Peterson. 208 Kir..len Pelerson. 2 1 9 Mark Peter)()ll . 2 8 . 209 Piper Petcr�on. 5 5 Sheryl Petlit, 1 76 Kurt Phillip�, 209 Barhara PicKell, 2 t 7 Ingrid Pihl. 209 Dean Pmto, 5 5 Julie Plt)Ch. 209 K:rren Pitt-Han, 209 Katherine Plai'iled, 1 1 3 Carolyn Plocharsky. 29 Julia Pomerenk. 209 Erik Pontiu�, 1 57 K�ilh Posehn , 4 2 . 200 Lynn POllnt:rin, 209

D.lve Pr H t , 1 8 2 .

Qq David Quam. 209 R,

Kyle Ralm, 23

Carolyn R'llph. 209 Eric Ra�rnu�..en, 1 83 KriSli Redlin, 2 1 7 Janet Redmond, 209 Andrew Regb, 67 Nancy Reininger. 209 Julianna Reinke. 2 1 0 Alyson Remy, 2 1 0 Gail Riel.'. 67 Marilyn Richardson, 1 76 Marcu� Ricke, 22 Dcbm Rio, 2 1 0 Erik RislUbcn. 8 3 Lisa Rillhaler. 2 1 0 karen Ro,.lkvarn, 2 1 0 Joanna Robin..on. 2 1 0 Curtis Rodin, 7 7 Jon Rodin. 1 52 Dougla!> Rogel�tad. 2 1 0 Jacqueline Romano. 2 1 0

Karin Rose. 2 1 0

Cameron Smock. 7 1

Sonya V.mdermaas, 2 1 5

Lynnette Rose. 2 1 0

Marilyn Snyder, 2 1 1

Lc�lie Vandcrgaw . 66, 1 85 Teresa Vanwoudenberg . 2 1 5

Erwin Rosin. 2 1 0 Julie Ro.;s. 1 4 8 Kent Ross, 1 48 Leanne Ross. 2 I 0 Paul Rothi. 2 1 1 Noel Rude. 2 1 1 Margaret Rudy. 2 1 1 Kristi Running. 1 22 Rachel Running, 2 1 1 Tina Ry:m. 2 1 1 S, Tom 5.1atholf. 1 39 Paul 5.1ck<;chev. �ky. 1 58 Diana Sae�t'r , 2 1 I Torrc Sagvold. 2 1 1 Tracy Sandlin. 1 53

Patricia Sargent, 2 1 I

William Scharff, 22 David Schaut. 109 James Scheibe. 2 1 1 Jenny Schierhohz, 2 1 1 Dougla� Schilling, 22 Christi Schneeberger, 21 I Philip Sehot, 2 1 2 Janet Sehaninger. 1 5 2 , 2 1 2 David Seaborg. 1 1 9 Sandra See, 2 1 2 Lisa Seibert. 25. 2 1 2 Roger Shanafeh. 7 1 Timothy Shannon, 79 Karen Shaw, 74 Potula Shea. 2 1 2 Michele Sheedy , 2 1 2 Karla Sherman, 2 I 2 Krystal Shoop, 2 1 2 Steven Siefer. 1 58, 2 1 2 Cindy Sienko. 1 78 Jeanette Silva. 2 1 2 Alfred Sir.lpson. 2 1 i Kevin Skogen, 76 Nancy Slater, 1 6 8 Anita Smith, 2 1 2

Lori Soderlund, 2 1 2 Kathy Solie. 2 1 2 Sandy Soohoo , 1 78 David Sorey. 2 1 2 , 2 1 9 John Sparling. 55 Robert Speer. 23 Jacki Spencer, 2 I 2 David Sperry , 59. 1 7 7 Rebecca Splinter. 2 1 2 Karen Stakkestad. 2 1 2 Todd Standal. 89 Michael Stangeland. 1 82 Debra Steichen, 2 I 2 Denise Stelling, 1 7 Nancy Stern, 96 Alan Stiu, 8 8 Denise SlOaks, 98 James Stoda. 2 1 2 Greg Siokes. 2 1 4 Kenneth Sioner, 1 8 1 , 2 1 4 Carol Strandoo, 75 Jay Struss, 97 David Stubbs, 1 79 John Summerour, 1 75 Joseph Sundal, 2 1 4 Cathleen Swanson, 2 1 4 Jeannette Swenson, 1 68 Kayla Swick. 2 1 4 T,

GarnelleTait, 2 1 4 Erlynn Tanael . 2 1 4 Arnanda Taylor. 1 85 Frances T crry. 9 1 Debby Thompson, 2 1 4

Karen Thompson, 1 25 Thomas Thompson. 67 Cynthia Thorson, 65 , 2 1 4 Jon Tigges. 94. 1 56 Connie Toth. 75 Brian Trefry. 2 1 4 Duane Trump, 1 1 6 U,

Donna Vincent , 1 76 Dille Visinaiz. 2 1 5 Daniel Voclpel. 67 Lisa Voctberg, 2 1 5 Richard Vranjes. 1 84 Ww Stacy Waddell. 2 1 5 Katie Walker, 22, 74 Richllrd Walker, 1 39. 1 75 Helen Wallace. 2 1 5 Bonnie Walsh, 25 Ted W"iters, 94, 2 1 5 Mark Warren, 1 85 Karen We.Hhermon. 55. 2 1 5 Kelly Webb, 2 1 5 Allnelie�e Weik, 2 1 5 Margare, Werle. 2 1 5 Stacey Weslering, 7 5 . 2 1 6 Lind" Westpfahl , 2 1 6 Christine Weylllnd, 2 1 6 Teresa Whipple, 2 1 6 William Whitson, 43 Jamcs Wiedeman, 2 1 6 Ruth Wiemerslage . 2 1 6 Beth Williams. 1 45 Joseph Willi:un�, 1 58 Joy Willillms. 2 1 6 Sandra Willian}), 2 1 6 Randall Wil�on, 43 Ray Wilson. 23, 1 5 7 , 2 1 6 Bonnie Wishon, 2 1 6 Susan Wobig, 1 34 Kimberly Wold, 2 1 6 Owen Wollum. 2 1 6 Michael Woher�dorf. 90, 1 4 1 John Wong, 1 5 1 Sandra \Vong, 2 1 7 Steven WOOlen , 2 1 7 Steven Wooten, 56, 2 1 7 Craig Wright. 2 1 7 Debra Wright , 2 1 7

Elaine Smith, 2 1 2

Andrea� Udbyc. 2 1 5

Connie WU"'lerbarth, 97

Cheryl Ulleland, 2 1 5


Janice Smith, 2 1 2

Donna Underwood. 2 1 5

Vida Yingling , 2 1 7

Cheryl Urban. 70

Midori YokOYllma . 2 1 7

Denise Smith, 2 1 2

Kathryn Smikth, 1 60 Rebecca Smith. 2 1 2 Suzanne Smithson. 2 1 2


Heidi Urness, 75

Bebic Young. 2 1 7


Jame� YOllng, 2 1 7 Nancy Zuk, 2 1 7 Rodney Zeiler, 27, 1 8 3 Sherry Zeiler, I 8 1 Ben Zielke, 2 1 7 DouglasLouttc. 1 8 1

1 982-83 SAGA STAFF

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224 Staff Creditli



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