Saga 1993

Page 1

Circle of Friends



McAbee, Laurie Wood, Chris Haffey, Michael Strasburg, and Timothy Roelofs pose ior a group Members met for­


mally o nce





Danny Sparrell

All smiles Chris Haffey


and Laurie Wood dem­

Michael Strasburg, Diane

onstrate that having fun


without drugs and alco­ hol is what Beach Club is

Roelofs, Laurie Wood, and Chris Haffey had a

all about -Danlly SparrelJ

Jot of fun just being to­





OU/ .

. . .


The members

worked diligently to in­ creasealcoholawareness on




The Scenic Route: __ 5 _��'�� ��� �______________�________ __


Circle K is a college ser­ vice organization affiliated with the Kiwanis club, and it started back in the 'SO's. PLU's club consisted of 15 active members who met once per week to plan ac­ tivities. The dub's primary focus was community service projects. This year's group helped out on projects like the Volksmarch to raise

CIRCLE K Serving the community while having fun

money for high school schol­ arships, planting trees in Tacoma, a blood drive, a campusclean-up,a carnival fot' the community child ren, an 1-5 safety stalion for col­ lege travellers, and distrib­ uting fruit baskets.


group set a service goal of 300 hours; however, it was almost able to reach 500. Jo addition, the group enjoys various social activi­ ties like charter and induc­ tio.l"l banquets, game nights, bowJing, movies, and icC' skating. light

11lC' season high­




Norhtwest District Conven­ tion, held this year in Sa­ lem,Oregon. This fun-filled weekend



awards banquets, the elec­ tion of the new district board, and workshops fo­ cusing on topics such as people building and life af­ ter college. PLU's club walked away with several awards this year, like the K Family award, an oratory award,and the Plus 5 mem­ ber award. Club president, Michael Stewart won the


Outstanding President's



--David Schwegel

Outstanding Mike.! was Mike Stewa rt aw arded the Outs tanding Presidents Awar d.-Brinll


Convention leaders presenU he board at the regional


Schools from around the regionmet to celebrate the year's accom plishments. Bria n Ford


Circle K memebers Mike

Award collection was

Stewart, David Schwegel,

o";glll;g/,l. of the annual

Scott Brock,




Sta ba, Stefl i I1g Gustafson,

Schwegal, Erica Smieja,

Amy Skare, EricaSmieja,



Jonathan Farnsworth,

Tim Irwin take

along with



from service p rojects to smile!-Brian


Stew art. a


g uest, show

off the new patches.-Briall


The Scenic Route



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Making everyone com fortable


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Thr Scenic R""",

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�nd Rnll Bloomquisl<: � 'pon, T�r Counrry W�<lNn done... "'rrr I>n<>, .... .,.. ... ... hoI urPn .,..... pu>Jun·. fun; nor IQ ........, oon�n aud�I�."Ori," .Orr""!' 5pr,"dl

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, to ....U l'l.-.. ,.,,,. ' .�"s.'

Uniting the world through dance

�D 'Z......_ - .", - .- ..,. . ".a-I""� Iq. ... .., .. "-' _W"'.'t "*. ·1r.. Cilf'tUnnI

The Peace and Jus· lice House is the home of va rio liS organizations de· vOled to changing the world for the belfer. Through ac· livilies around campus, Stu· dents are made aware of the world they live in and the aClions which need to be taken to solve the world's crises. Amnesty Interna· tional works for the human

Social Justice Making a Difference

righls ofall people. The main focus is to write letters ask­ ing for human rights poli­ cies throughout the world.

"We\lt' worked hard Ihi\'

They hosted an Afternoon

year to improve the e,n·j·

of Action for Women's

mmnelllal awareness and


attilllde" lit PLU. " ·Karen Fallst, Dirt Pe'ople for fhe Eanh

Habitat for Human­ ity worked both locally and nationally to build facililties for low income families. The highlight of lhe year was a spring break trip to Califor· nia where an entire two story hOllse was built by the group. The Dirt People for the Earth work to beller the environment. A campaign to save the oak trees around the prospective music building site and Green Games to reo duce waste around campus were organized by the Dirt People. ·Robin Meyers


Socia I


Hammer Time!


Anderson pounds a nail. Hopefully

it wasn't his

Ihumb-nai I.-Photo Senl/ces

An upliftiug erperieuce. A nne Marie Sorensen reaches new heights painting a house. Habi足 tat is hard work, but also lots of fun.-Photo Services

It's IIot easy beillg green.

Dirt People for Earth put a lot of time and energy into


awareness. Weekly meet足 ings were a time for lx)th planning and socializing.

-Dnllny Sparref/

The Scenic Route


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C""5'�""'"' .100 ""'".

Campus Ministry

Working together to

enhance the spiritual

development of PLU 1.... _._ ,,, I .... ... ,., 1 PLU 12 I ,. .. . ...... _,£ 'z"" £ I I " .. " .

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Catllpus Millistry Tean 1992 Bill Walles, U-COI1�

president, Mary Ander·

son, U-cong vice-presi·

dent and campus minis·

try staff, Pastor Dar Erlander, Jean Kotrba

Pastor Susan Briehl and Pastor Martin Wells.

-Brya/1 Herb Hallelujah!

The chape.

choir asdirected by David

Dahl. This was theiI lasl performance of the year

-BrymJ Herb

Hard at work! Campus Pastor, Dan Erlander, may have had a busy schedule but he was al­ ways available to stu­ dents.

-Bryan Herb

The Scenic Route


Interv�lSlty ...,.. r-r �...... �hot' who...... " _h .... ' . 11 .. ....ty m II ...

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'(ou"llLiI.. ...� "'''''yeS ....nd . IUn.andCMOll'�"·"y$ '0 ........ Cod I Io,,�. 11:1.. ""'-

YoungL1 f .. t.... �1 .... -.�....pv�NI"'A ..........."h.."", "'&h

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Young Life were two clubs i n which students could break from their studies to worship. These dubs were separate from each other, but they both offered slu足 dentsa chanceto praise God through song, to learn more about God, and to fellow足 ship with other believers. This year Young Life

Young Life.nd Intervarsity met every Monday at 9:30 p.m. in Pflueger. It was led by Bill Duppenthaler, the area Young Life director, and a team of PLU students.

Fun and fellowship with God and peers

InterVarsity met in dorm Bible studies once a week and then everyone got together on Tuesday nights for a large group worship time. The Bible studies were designed so thilt students could spend time studying the Bible, as well as get to

I e.'-"'O/I

know people in their dorm better. The group also went out once a month on some sort of a community service project in the area. The Tuesday night large group was devoted to singing, prayer and featured guest speakers.lnterVarsity also attended area wide con足 ferences and sponsored on足 campus Christian activites. Young



InterVarstiy was a fun way for Christian PLU students


to expand their circle of friends and strengthen their faith.

-LiSfl Erickson

The Scenic Route


Do-Re - Mi ... University Chorale, directed b y Dr. Nance



hearses, making sure not to miss a note. University Chorale mel daily for an hour and


half Monday

through Thursday each

week.-Dmmy Spnrrell

Practice makes per- Take it away . Darren . .

feet ... University Singers,

Kerbs and Tom Oswald

under the direction of Dr.

enjoy being part of Park

Nancestriveto reachper-



was PLUs own jazz en足

Singers met fur

an hour each Monday through Thursday. Dnlllly Spnrre/J


Vocal Music

Park Avenue

semble. -Dnn/Zy Spnrrell

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Vocal Music

500.8"'; W<'A' cI_

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Diversity rings from

the voices of PLU 'M.......


-T1ItI'LU (noon<.,..,. ,.1 ftlu....,_roo!>.omt '''''


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Instrumental Music Sharing the spirit of mUSIc "00 ..... . .....,.. ""."uP ".0£; aN .. • · .... n'


Tho Io.u E-blo

.......'htd".d_ofllorr Co.d _...d ... Spo"-" WA. .... '.Ioon. IK

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."""'S ..... ye.or'. l"oMp

loh. (0';8h."O', '"Sy"'rt-"", No. I; • quil,. w..

h.." n,u'oi<-.I .... Tl'mfnl on ,11<- tr'f;<dr alAI!);,.


Piay it aga in! Greg Bassett generously shares his tuba expertise with the concert band.Concert band mel for an hour twice a w e e k

throughout thcyear.-Danny Sparrel/

Pr a c t i c e ,

p ractice,

p r ae tic e ... A my Neuman



lnkpen know that prac­ tice is important. Musi­ cians gave many hours to rehearsals, concerts, and practice time. -Danny


All that jazz ... Saxaphone plttyer Vieto Dang adds a bit of �'zz to '

the concert b,md. Musi­

dims at PLU learned to sacrifice, but it aIt payed off in the end. -Danny


The Scenic Roule .. .--�, .. =-�====....�..............................�---


Taking a break.




Amy Luinstra, Cher y l Roek, and Sarah Martin. Time between rounds was a great time to regroup and relax with friends.­

Briall Ford


Exhausted after a lOllg

sheislalkingabo1ll . . Asthe

day, Amy Luinstra and

only senior, Megan Har-


ris wasthemost outstand-

postings of the final

ing squad member for all

round.- Bria n Ford

her work and smiles.-

Brian Ford


Forensics --


1I .....· II...t ..y�l\.,.,..,. Wm.,.,. .rr.,. • drhol� round. ·B...� ICnI _

Tho __ ..."'".. �IN '" ,7_du,,"&"" ,__·on _ . . . .nd ..,I-N

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Forensics ,..

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Talking their way to


'","',",up cI Ot &I Indo

..... _no�.kk. Poppen. Chory,_.....-..d.._

.t "'100 <1m' cI ,hot oq........ M ..<h Doml>,.u,ky oftd M"5'" H",;'<..J in _ 01 V",__F'm!�I ...1


1I"rir H'I!hll�h.. ojlhot ......

IRCl..... Iu<>-f,jlod Irlp to Soon....... Ii... pIot<'....t

Ill< Whi_ 1m.1OOOoW.

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Fall cheerstaff works hard in front of and behind SCenes to set spirited tone

I. i. al,,"j'S iml")<'

'.n' to ........ ,..... cro....d •• ,..., '_'fth "",n on ,.....

0< roo. from , ..... ,.... ""'Y �"'''. '"'pul",.nl � to ,"" pLo�. Ou. Lu� lINd ... ..1d FA ....' r


CGO�h. Frosty

W_�.ins> "",pNs.ud . ." .. . .oro...,..,.,..,J ....'{II ,

.. d un"3,Ivsonws"""*' <JI i.. dlf<'(l .tIKI 0fI In­

""""&!lot"""" OIl. 1992 •,-< .. ffrno<kthio� .ibl< by �"'S <I...... 1"'"lns "S"' 'IOU"" 1"" ... n,ng �Ium ."" I"""" • d."", """".... ""n,,«

....11·'i...... Ali..,., C,�nd� .00 "'''''''''''S_d""", c"mm�nlrd ,h.1 Ih� IUUIJneO''''' (II"'"<hot.,.. ('fffl.'d.".,...,....-y hMp/u1 ",. <horr .1<111 .... .100 th.. ·y...... .rod ""'"Y '" ""fUll..! 10 ,••W! .I'd llI' - .. .w.y �_. � 11wm��I ... ... , toetw"""" l' i00ii>.i1 n. lind 01 dood,aohon I �.... ",.""""'.wI" ..... � ,..",..... from ... �"wbnsbrll'... '.... I'lU_O>ity .-I ..... If ow Iootbo/llHm". IW' """ ... .ng•...·1 pI.o5t", "" .fWl' �.och L..� IOU<"" 1-.1 'oN'T _ 10 . """", ,Iwo1""'1omu....01 ....a woull . "«OId,nS 10 ,,...,. M""'Y Gnffilh. ."" chHt b<r�nlN" A,_h ..... SIjo/f 'P"'" up to �&h' � I...... """"'11g.>..... """I'll • w..� pncop.rinS OUr , ""'" .'�fl IN Ih� IOf ,"" lint &>..... Pn>po- crowd l1>y..a""'� I.UI� ..[000 indudN ....ling '"",1>.>11 ok'"ty signs. chOl.og ••phin� .

Missy Griffith set miD

....V""'''''''....1\,oI1·U_ .how of 'h� Wesl�.n

&->..... n. ·... Cnf"'h·. .. .. I..... ,..... on �ff., 1'1.11. \'"",Mil&

.nd 1.1","''' Dono ....... "'Allison Grande

... ... moodo Ibnf I

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po� 0II.,1w""1I-1I",,, ....... < 00" .. �t...r ,- ....

Inl,hlng AmyMo<\lM:o�'·.... f"'" 1out.....1tIOlht<fO\<O-d•• 'he ..h.... � ' '.ff f,..I�� 'hoi....,',,,.... """". V.... MJ&

TheR,,� .. ... .. "-' .. .... .. ............ .. .... .. .. 0-,. .... -



LOSENESS Extraordinary performance leads to great season for cross country runners This 1992 season

and ran closely together

strong showing at dis­

wasa special one in many

throughout the season,

tricts in November, plac­

Lute cross

and many of the runners

ing 3rd and 5th respec­

country runners, because

felt like they made a new

tively, both teams nar­

of their extraordinary per­

family at PLU. According

rowly missed qualifying

ways to


formance during the



for Nationals by one

regular season and in the

worked together a n d

P err y,

place. Casi Montoya did

district finals. Strong lead­

maii1tained a consistent

qualify individually and

ership came from senior

and solid pack.

went on to claim 19th at Nationals.

co-captains,Jeff Perry and

The Lutes claimed

Dave LeWarne. "We took

theconference champion­

Lute cross country

3rd in the district, and it

ships for both men and

coach Brad Moore antici­

was the best season since

women for the ninth year

pated all but four of his

I've been here," said se­


runners to return for a

nior biology major, Jeff

though the men's and

Perry. The team worked

women's teams had a


row. However, even

successful 1993 season.

-JIII'I Choe





Jim Dave

LeWarne encourage each other on to finish the race


at Central Washington Cross Country

University. -Vern Miffs

Casi Montoya passes her



Ellensburg at a meet against the Wildcats of Central. -Vem


j\CIFl( e, After a tiring day atCen­ tral, Jen McDougal and Dawn Perterson stand back to rest and await the day's results.

-Vem Miffs


The Rugged Trail



HAMPIONS Challenging season rewards enthusiastic Lute team with conference title

•.cUlng 0... /ootb;oll INm 0rN'8V"'" SporbSt.LUln! In Imptm'N ,IS , •• ,,"d to._l dlUm .n ,... liM round ""8uOl, p.....,.," p<>Il- twy bt.Mg Clorqson Tod!, p&oy<>lf IY..... Afbl!r. "'to! •,t'l r.nlrd r.e,l;c \"h.,WOI1I1. ..nd "'«01.... ..." tho> til'" dd.-.,N Luth�I'" Unl,·...'.)'1 W.. ltlnglon Linl"""';'Y tho OrediM<"" l.l-14. 110", IOf ...o"'....m'n,; Lu_ .. .2 ,.. the> ... .. T� Th.t ...."'" ofI<Iod , Our Lu�...,,",,, Ibo_· t.u•.,.<>I>I.oir'IN.n""!""t­ In .ho q....".. ·Ii...,....itIt 00.. ... ,h .. WI" 0".' .". 39·, WIn In .. ""'........ to LonfO<'ld.. W,a._twr_""""S 1011.,,,,,*,,,'11 "&0''''' C.... ,..... 1992 '-","II _ _.29 uoJ W�ng"'" Uftl'�' pIo,-..J.n....'toIOI . ...5 ... n.e;, ..\O,d ..·.s �.,.. iml"""-'''S _ .... ...." . ..... ...oIm."'� .. ,nINI>y.�h_1O ItOIUI......tms 10 'J .ondl ...Wot....oI....n.U I.... U..rwld W,kk.1S in T""'....I&(;� . �m"""y �Iwf ... ,� _ .. od "'..... oIlhr olfu..�_..'\1h OW Sumy t""'" ;. • ..,. ....0011 Ah.. .. fI....... .n�I�....tlhrron­ .....,.., .";k"'''ftl ....., lies donu ....'Nl by ""'h do­ I•••ncr ch.mpion.hlp '''ud I ..lit< fulu ...tvr"", .... 'M. Wli....I..",... ....... The lu.... h,,>iN Ihe I..... footl>.lll tum. H-'. Mon..... TKh ,�" C/Ior



_'''.on f�r tl,.


l"....,ud.a..ll!.mPtl, "'.ron !

E..,;mon• • n<! M.., Wodly_........ .. ..."'" /idd..;thot/wrpLo)' ....


no.. po,,"' .. • ... )"01 .....hrr . up•..uion 01 tum •




uMy "',,, P Hd brIM

...,.."d. V.... Millt


Marc Osborn acts as a shield for rightback Jim Shapiro as he runs the play against an imposing Cen­ tral Wildcat defensive line. Marc Weekly watches from the background as Dave Askevold moves to head off a Central opponent.




Jon Rubey watches out for intruding opponents as line backer Ted Riddall sireams downfieid at Sparks Stadium. Games at Sparks were well attncded by stu­ dents, alumni, and parents. -Vem Mills

The Rugged Trail •



TOGET HER Five consecutive national

championship showings makes NAJA hisJory

n., won"",.& I!O< Sprinkel )!"",e"ion.1 ho,'• •,,"';e<! CO",., SI"""w,y "II ""'k>I1al, ."J rompeled .,.d, an Oll ...,,,.hng I... il· ' ,nln. n""ls.n.. r""),,,,ro ily Hu, acromll'oodlN «m....utl"'·ly. 10k;"S (We' 25IXJ 'pe<I'''''''" In_ ""110,,,,1 rh.",I'''''''' ..,d Hack<. "II "".s II", oh,l' 11110$ or.d ""0 S«' largest turnout we I..,:� ood I>LI«- t",!>IIIf!!;, "",k· �W, ...,.. ., ....,,,,,1,,, "''''�'''''n' . Ing NAIA niSiOf)' Co.rh Collru S<:nior uptaIn H� " proud of her Cheryl K"gnea w•• im' �m'$ron"n"'l<lS<l«: IHe""d ,,;,h "",iof\olh., 'Wr ILl,..,. l>htnomm.ol Spnn�"- .0><1 "'015 hon· r,roupof pLo� "",Ih ro­ or-..d 10 .... . .., 'r..·oIN ,<> hroi,"ft>C'fII, .nd ..It... s<>­ ""110,,.15..11lourYfIoI'" 01 ing lor Ul;.· SOj'S H""k... h..- roI\eg<! S('""" c-••_ -r<>sot...... wu-. n ""h"",� ......e .,.. .'''')' /or1u"",., mort tho" ">I �,:"" cook! Not m.ony '�.m< g<t 10 individuAlly' pL>pn .. "".ioowl •• "ur..· I'LU hOS,,,,1 ,I,," men' aI .11,· '�ys y•••• lou"" ",tnt .' KroS""'s, -r<> d<> i. foo. ..... 'N'"



de""""" ",.. ht. s,-.ed .rod ,lolls In !:>oil hoNlllng a. a LIPS "J'I'O"."H .,­ temptS 10 blo<k h'" 0(1 T ••mm.t�. JoD« Stumb,!ugh.nd ....n...o .. o. A.n,m I<>ok on IOf on opt,"ng 10 h�lp VtNI Mill.-

)'<'.... In • r<>w'" 8"'" '00... • I'I.V '<>ml""OO .g.oin�1 l.ynn (Jni.w... ly of 1\0<. R.l<>n, Il� in II", fln.1 The Lu.�s g"'/"""," • run for ,'''',, """"'Y. bu. lOO�_""" "'llh.,-4)� $<.n10" Jodi f'I.�nd .... ... .. d1••p. point<;'d. bu, ""1'1')'., ,..... "'_,,� "'\'e ......... ...­ .Uy dl"'Pll(>on,ed ..·tth �but"·"""yaulook .t ,.... who)h, l>ictule i, ito IIuly .n hot:>r>oI' 10 "'" on su<h . g........�m." >oKI "..... . .�;,.. W.lker


PlMI'Idef ...."'" hoor "PI'<>" """.. mo<h. Ik.ort.. unity. �nd d,h'� _h '"' 1<><1. a w= '1...111"" r,h,botm by c''''Y "'.om """"I><,. ,he- boll ou, 0/

V.", Mtlb


I....<h .. ... ."" 1>.011 •• .... -doIO.w••"'S......... .............,O}"... .ndJ'"f· ...11 b>l on F...."'-. to< crowd. W�'r .. b,1S . 01 """''''" 101' lho t.dy Lu_ V..... Mtlll




REWARDING "Reloading year" hits the target and sends men's soccer to the playoffs For the men's soc­

University at the Confer­

ing the NAlA Final Play­

cer team, the year was

ence game; then became

o((s, they were not a t all

tough but rewarding.

District Champions by

discouraged. On the con­

With only three return­

defea ting Western Wash­

trary, the whole team waS looking forward to re­

i n g starters, coach Jim

ington University. More­

Dunn referred to the year


defea ted

turning to the final play­

as a JeJoading year. "It

Concordia University at

offs again in 1993. With


took us a long time to gel

the Area Pla yoffs, win­

the main core remaining

together a s a team," said

ning the Area Champion­

for the coming year, As­


ship Title a s weJl a s the

sista ntCoach ReeceOlney

opportunity to participate

expected the team to be

at the

closer together next yea r.

Well, this molding of the team mllst have

AlA Final Play­

been a success. In eight

offs held in San Antonio,

''We had a good frame­

years of coclChing, Coach


work this year. We hope

Dunn had brought the

"1 think our team

Lutes to post-season play

peaked a t the right timeof

what was done this yea r:'

every yenr but two. And

the season this year," s<\id

snid Reece.

this year they went fur­

Coach Dunn. Although

ther. They beat Seattle

they lost both games dur-

Doug Hi l li us, Blake Boling, and Scott Flatness may not be pJaying at the moment, but they arestill in the game mentally. Players on the sidelines were into whal was hap­ pening on the field, a l­ ways ready to be put in and pick up where their teammates left off. -Vern



Men's Soccer

to continue and build on

-Jacqllef;IIe W. Tang

Seth Spidhall heads the ball to a teammate, trying




Gonzaga opponents away from the goal while his Lute teammates and op­ ponents aI ike scrambJe for the upper hand.




Keepi ng a step ahead, Andy McDirmid works the ball down field ahead of his gonzaga opponenl. McDirmid, a senior mid­ fielder, was awardedsev­ eral honors at the end of the season, including NAtA 1st team.



The Rugged Trait _ • .£8 , _ _ _-'== ___"'"___====== ======_



S HOCKING Young team surprises them­

selves and everyone else lW2 ><I up Ii) to.-..

. lrong

y.. ,


with successful season "'�"""'n<l'n," .. · "h...

th� pLo)'fl" ""mid to ,,.,.. All­

w""....·• . ,'olftoyb.oll II" n' C<)n_�t.>.om_Chri'I" ... Ih.,.. 1"",,1"'<' "II ..... Woe<Ion ..... ...",wd!)no' n,,'Y 01 I....... . in ,Iw!IN­ oIt""topt..en'y b x....... .. lIOn ""p,.;ng y,,.,," in tho NAlA ..,,' MoON

-"""l,ng l,w,' .n<! CLo.� SUIfo CoIll'p' ..... "rlt.", t.e...,,-� "" pl,o)'.... "m"""'.rod ..� ..... ... nIN 101 W�II'8"" luol,- M....� W'lght . ,...m .-v..,....... " ,..,."

turning I'om Jj)hn«ln"""oil""lOp ..... _h DO...... ,ho' '.," ," "SOl dlgg<'t'<. f"O"'''I, ,,," ,,1.01· ��IO"""."" • good b.o... .rod. /wl l¢f ml.��IorI'" .. II". t9W" IO*,IO(� ""'" _h OIhtf pllpJ," hltu... ......".... .,,,,,,not 1'NIt<!1"" __ ..�h .. .po.� p l.),.., T.... twr.....SOI'f:10boF'ft't'y Inf'10IJIosI",o,lot'''''lit)! H of ...... S/w-.loooolJ shor� _t ,wI.' .....t hint .. 110' YN'" � t oi ..,p«..'_ ..... 1Io::>ro"< M.onu "" tho 0UI1oo:». lor ,� _ .... 10.,......11<1 bypn><"',m,,"«''''' -nt., tho t�..",. -v. ·...d I'NII.. ....,.." ...""... W M. h , ,..,<Il<ISUrr'f"O!tho __,..: .11<1 ...... • ..,1 ....'.. Yfi' .. · . I»nb 011 0Ihe< Iota.... .... . .. . "", <101. And II .. ,. Br_r .. d , Indlvidu.I1)' ''''' >Ulrih<O '"

W'I��". M�K.n OOom



COl."n.., Sno"'don. M.rGao,

R.€h"lI.. Ang'l' MI".ni..

.00 Di.o....Sklow.w.illor ,....1, . opr<>-nl$ 10 ..rv� I .... boill. ·V,," Mrll<


h i g h , Tara




marozzo just miss the block





Gttzarine was it setter and defensive

special ist.

Marozzo was and outside hitter. -Veri! Mills

Rachelle Snowdon and Tera Hoffmeister are ready to save a block re­ tllrn as Mamie Johnson stuffs the ball over the net. All three were outside hit­ ters. -Vern Mills The Rugged Trail



MEMO RIES Lady Lutes have disappointing

season, but take incredible memories away with them. Th� L.dy I."'<'!l h.d s"m� nwmo••ble ",'I�!d",;08 th�92·Q3..,.­ """,

but I,ni!h'" wilh • dis.o� ntinB r«'O<d 0(8-

1 1 Co.,h 'h.y Ann kill&" $.lid, ·We tI.Id •

Jiti;c�1t '''''t pu t ting I"'l,," in • p.:H<.ion to> II,,"

....... �rf'n&lhS We

The highlight of

the I.." .......soo ""..,ho" t rip.o ,helM"""",•. ney

,ome on<! ""v�. !\o" '" up. It w�1 _t

'0 ,iJ� 110_

wln.<.n,. horne w,'h .nord Th� L.dy Lutrl pLIo>, bu,.he f"'" '" lhe "'()<lld 1_ fOur .t.rten IMp ,....y. .joyed themoo ond thoe", wit� "'�r'�ingl""JII. llwgrodu..uon of_iors "'r,>n'rollu.... . !>d <Ii....... $h.,,·n S,mpson. Amy ·l....'rip '..,u _,<om· Yon�.\li»y�rd.•nd bo"" ;,,n oj """ng .-ocW1 Tony. Oq.....nJo h.n .nd rumprilb,... in _ .... "·'''''hl>h�'''''.Coach ....<'<1 rrwiro"""'", .- <.,. K'u,� ..... orl;ml�t,c 0".


.� '" c""'� _h od.n Ou. in· ''''''..,.,. ..�� . �, but SIw,,"" SimplOn .bou, ,"" "'iIl-"'904 ....""". r,..;uton� wI,h onotl>tf ". St... w,o.I. "'T1w look will '...mtryIng'''...,.,...., w.. Simpson""', ·Wr b<o.I,f�.bulwfi."got ch.llo:n"n�: h;od nothmg '0 1_ Wr lI<>Iid 'und"Mnl.Is.""'red m 0 ''''Uf c""" ·U.. Eric"""" "'ftftl"



Beard ond

Sh,wn Simpson o"'id_

p.>te .he m""em",,1> 01 tMir "Ppor>e<I' from r._ eilie Un"'�T>lty whilr Amy Y,,"��r rlAys d... f_ in , ....bddgruund. •

f'JJo«> Sm ....



jumps up for lhe ShOl, 100 quick for her opponent to block her.

Accuracy and

precision are what this game is all about when it comes to sinking the b.:,s路 ket.


Photo Servia'S






Aimee Schneider con颅 cenlroleson lhe hoop. She attempts to sink a free throw to help inCrCil5e the scoreof the team. Thc tea m had a lot of talent this year but will lose many seniors. -

Photo Seroices

The Rugged Trail



S PIT FIRE Runnin' Lutes had the stamina to

put up a fight, no maner how tough the competition got. �I"'.- � by MinI ...1�1...t to the NAtA DiMric,1 n..., u..... ,,* . .. , .nd ,hot NW C"..r 01 Ilw NClC r,... ....m. 5n.s.r�Yftl.".U«lf>o .. _ """',obW ..-. 1< ,

Inj""el 10 �ey pl.y�r! .rId one of ,hi> lough�'1 ..·h�dul�5 i n Y"'" slo,,'-.J Ih� '92·'93 Runnln' Lut., 10. I'I!<'()nj 0/ 7·1I).

8,u(e eN .. h H.rold.on uid, "The thrmr fa ,hit )WI' '.'as: 'It', _ how ...."y limH ""'p>;leddown.1M _ .....n y l m - _ � b.<� up"" Goooff Gr_ .enior ",·(.pl.... .nd lNdi."""".w.ofoul "" ,"".nd. h.oJf"'ft4.."h

A >I""" po1'ior. .......Ift IIwIV IN..."",," tho- 10M 0/ -.Iv t.... _ I'Iioo$ ....u-. . ,"" "",Iool. forllw"'-J.."'H __ 'W)'


..... [ri(�

Matt Alhworlh I.

('''SIU .,tII 1m h.on.l. up .�''''I W<'>I<'rn Wnh. ill8ton Un,,·�..'ly H,.


IQOIo...<ln""'Uyforanopo'fl I�""'� 10 p.oM ,he ""II lu. PIfoI. �

Geoff Grass elevates over the Viking defense for two points.

Grass, a

senior, was the L u te's leading scorer this season. -

Photo Services

Scott Snider surveys theoffense looking for the easy basket. Hissizeand abilities combined with a positive attitude contrib­ uted to thc team'ssuccess. -

Photo Services

The Rugged Trail -ďż˝



FR ESH P E P Wi nter cheerstaff changes style to add excitement to entertain the basketball crowds. "Are you readyfor

The cheerleaders

these women became

this?" blasted out of the

this year were much more

good friends. Freshman

speakers announcing that

concerned with pleasing

Tonya Passinetti had this

the basketball players

the crowd and as a result

to say about her experi­

were entering the court.

turned into more of a


The song and question

dance squad than any­

cheerleading I would

seemed to fit this years

thing else.

have never met these

basketball cheerleaders as

this years approach were


Also new to



This year's squad

the miniature game balls

through basketball I did

was fresh and new, ready

that the cheerleaders

get the chance to and as a

and willing to entertain

threw to the crowd.

result have made some


the crowd like never be­ fore.

More so than the

close friends that I'll have

squad had anticipated,

forever." -Natalie Taylor

Andrea Camp bell and

source of great inspiration

Tracy Wilson cheer


for the players through­

for the

outthe season. -PhotoSer­


men's basketball team.


The cheerstaff was a


Winter /Spring Cheerstaff


Mardi Kaelin, Tracey Wilson, Tanya Pasinetti, And rea Ccllnpbell, Jen­ nifer Kuechenmeister


and Lea Dayberry ener­ getically

cheer for the

basketball players. They worked closely as CI group t o help liven up the crowds.



Photo Services



plays a big sn"lile in sup­ port

of the basketball

team. Lea, a senior, was always enthusiastk .md ready to support the play­ ers.




Photo Services

The Rugged Trail



BON DING Ski IC<lm spends month working and playing � "'-'"'1;11\. .1I11. and dNnt_ �i� IQ <""'fM'1� un ."" I'LU HJ I��m .. ...Ir_ I" uy ,"" "' ..., Thi. n�r. 25 Lui., do..-idN 10......,,""<'"llorngP .orod �'t ."" ...."... during IIw mOl'n" 01 "'....ry . hOfY doy (..;10."'.... • gJUf'I,�oI, hoor work.,... imm U... "".... ,"'. ,(,011«1 .'�"""lll r.� tool.pLoc�OIlI...."""�f Thy coml""tNl .,..n51 ""'"Y 01,," ..,...... indud

Magnu. LlndblfG,

Ins W••h,nSIOft SUI�

UIli..m,y. U.",-...Iy . oi W;oshington. UnI,r.." y oIl\tgeiSound. WtsI",n,

Whit",.", .nod ""'"Y Olio,

�. Th<>y It,od ,h..... m<'<'l.

In IV.shinS''''' .0<1 0"'" In Id."".


.rod "''''�n GrlUII" I"," 110.

wDrn."', '..m .nd

0.." Vol"

10< ,ho m�n's

ne.1'I1. Now 'U" II ....y oounod to oprnd ..

Accord ing 10 """".10 "''''"S _->lop !tobi;' I'hillips'....""""In ....'1 .. " ... ..holhlo1>do. � 1.,1,,,,, ...� ,he .- ,..,. w.o• ...., kud WClfk But ..·.<dI"S-"1t "'M �."" 11'1 tho nod. 'ht ' .. . a .... "'" sorls ..'..., ........ �nd .... .nd Ilw Inondoklpo_ '' .... ' boN! h,od lhis� ' .. · .. ....h'htribt. .. ..-

Todd Bun.rd. s"nk W)'flh C.ll.ow.y. �.... SuIliH. It.<MI c...u.... Rrdm.on. Tylo!< Sb.!oId. Dirtlm GnH••1I. Min.. S/'I�"'n O.n Voh.. �.{"ul L�r .. on, Br.,vi�. ;.,lIn s.....J J,Koto c;"......... IIabon PNIbp$. SqUl-. jodd 1>1.;(.'••-., .....dr. flynn. K.�nn

200 ""

Thr ""' ........ ,,,.. yNI w= Hobon ''''I!lip''



R...-..d. A..., I'h.oy. • .... AnN ZirM-r IuInD .hoit b..rot ... luofI .... �. ....h.,.,. ,.... ..... ot 'M

Non""n C.",.od� rOf

I'LU. Bno� ,.".1


• •


KI�te... Griffith ,,,,.,.,

,\0...." ,I>< .lop"'S. 1)o.","S I",.,.i n, ,I",.\�i h'�m mem· t.>"li,·,'d _I While1'...10 In<:ro>s,> I'" �mou", of limo 'h�y we,• •ble 10 1"iOCIia: jj,;." 1J.1,,� .



K i " " n GnUnh. Mi. Lu..on, .nd Robin l'h,lhp' �mil• •, Ih� lhoughl <>l I"" cool .u �&,I� Ibn,I""".ndthe ruoh 01 nyu" """'"n IIw .Iopn The WO"",". I�.m d"f'l-yed Ibn, 1.1· ml.l�blhi>t-l ru'

. Snow Boord


AM B IT ION Yo ung team im pressed by the rewarding goals they were able to achieve This year's swim team had a season be­ tween seasons. The road

women took third and the men clinched seventh. Robyn

Pruei tt,

American status on the relays. The men sent Max Milton, Todd Buckley,

was especially tough at

Mary Carr, Bethany Gra­

the beginning, when a

ham, Kari OJ50n, I3reanna

Selman to nationals. The

couple of key athletes

Johnson, Cari Tvedtell,

men took 17th while the women took 8th.

didn't return. Yet much

Maya BelUlett, and Kristin

work and dedication re­

Gordon went on to repre­

ally brought the young

sent fhe women at nation­


Dean a n d M a t t


to Milton, coach Johnson set

and inexperienced team a

als in San Antonio, TX. O f

some highly ambitious

long �"ay over the cou rse

these Olson 000 breast>

goals for his forty mem­

and Johnson 000 back)

ber team at the start of the


earned A l l-American sta­

season, and in the end

teams placed third at co.n­

tus as individuals, a n d

they were impressed with

ference. But districts was

Prueitt, Gordon, Olson

how far they were able to

especially notable, as the

and Bennett gained AU-


of the season. Both the men's


Dave York, a transfer student focuses on the

-David Schwegel


other end of the pool, his destination, in prepara­ tion for the race. York, a distance swimmer, took his abilties to Districts. The Mast




Robin Pruett looks to her coach for advice and support as she practices and warms up for a race. Pruett went on to Nation足 als in March.


TI,e Mast

Peter Sc ho ne man dives off the platform


the right a ttempting to gain a


lea d

against his opponent on the left. Matt Sellmanand Len Chamberlainlook on in


back g r o u n d

aniticipationg their turn to swim.


The Mast.

The Rugged Trail




Wrestlers slep up performances to com· pensate for injured teammates, leaving the season with impressive outcomes. Th� m..•c:ter • 199293 I'LU wlfllling The Lui • •qu.d _$On ....... b.ded ....Ith . .1", prOOLK..:l ''''0 f,...., nbsl.d�l. 1'"", VM$lty Junior Brian Pet.,,,,,,,. ",=d�� "'.n' do,,'" ,..Ith IOPOOmo", N>t. Button, ;"",I')'.n<! INob""" ...� .nd oophomoro Quo< for�r<! 10 .d,,?1. T"�m Nsuy� "'.." rumN All· """"btfs;.tq>p<'J up their, Th. m<>!o' p"'1""""'...... .rod "'..... from��..mInPLUh.... 'M luoon ,."ded, the lOry. Pd.....,.. plMN J«. , "'hilr l...teJ Iud pl.o<<<i l51h ., ond ., Naio.w..




.WArded 10. Lui. wres­ ,,.

f'l..U'1 lin.1


"""" rword .tood .,4·10I.Th<>ugh tholin.1 ".. ,..d " And pIoocl"3"'",.l. w....·t ., ..lIlgh..d.oim:I. tho Lu� ....'." .""oped

plug&ing .Mod Co.och W"II. .....rded tilt- INm pn>b­

Bull"" took ...< , ' .. nh �nd Nguy . , ....ghlh_ ably tM """,.,., honor ..;d. "'The m.nnt. in B,i�" r,'�r...n ........ M Slid, -no" �....I. "'hi<h I� """,lied .d· �nd Junioo' Roy eon...10$ II)' 01 JIfO!lII' Con rtU'. �""! ro6'! .bo>'� il. .'<mphl""" 'hi•. 6o,h ...�....m)l\.o5_ . In I"" end, 1oh:P,,-s ,"";, "'�re ""me<! A<�demir bHn be11�.· AII-A""";.,.....,.n honor � Nt\I.on ....,.'" C(IIO(hChf15 \

Roy Gonzales ... t�'IIOO .,,<1 d�f".,c..:1 P"hlo V.n.rl""o I",",


Univer$l!y C'''.... ''' .. "'_N>d I Z61bs. winnIng Ihi. """ �h on lonnary 22 WIth. 5<0.., 0( 1�

Plwh> 5t" ......



Nale Bullo" oltempIJ 10 .. 100 down hi. Off".'" nrnl "'- OoIuaJ W.,h



_ , ,, •• win. If-2,. ... ,ht

TIm Hom " ...,..Ioo!<j 1\1()

Ibs. 1<>< I'LU.

Hom ......

.. .UoIhi> ph}"'

10 I.>nd of! .. I"n by hlo IrInJlIt .n """,, -.d .. "t1"..

1)(I"';JhI""-odIHd 10 .nU.nok -_So ". ..

I'UI . ,,.. �""" C.......t

on Frionaory .) -.


You're o ut ! Scott Sass has the ball and strikes the bag forcefully before the Concordia base run路 nef is able to slide In safely. -Vem Mills

ig htening speed ! Danny Desmond throws the ball with incredible force while an alumni swiftly funs by.

It was

with this throwing agility that the Lutes were suc颅 cessful. - Vern Mills

Heavy h itter!


Johnson contemplates swinging at the pitch, but at the last minute decides against it. Johnson plays second base for the Lutes. -

Vern Mills

Pitching form! Brian Nate attempts to stump the opposing team with his skillful pitches across


home plate! Baseball



Vern Mills


U RPRISES This young Lute team faced i n expe­ rience and incon sistency, but fin­ ished with surprisi ng victories. The Lutes baseball

strength this seClson and

highlights of the Lutes

team struggled this year

that it would hold them

season. Lewis and Clark

with a roster which in­

until the offense matured.

were the defending na­

cluded one senior and 1 4

Surprisingly, the team

tional champions a n d

freshmen. Coach Larry

ended up with an aver­

were ranked No. 1 when

Marshall said," A talented

age of .289.

grou p came out, but there was

the Lutes played them.

Yet, even with all

The game \.vas close but

lot of youth and

thetalentand the surprise

the Lutes lost 5-4 and 6-4,

inexperience. It became a

offense, the Lutes did not

with both of the winning

matter of blending the tal­

have enough consistent

runs coming in the last

ent together."

play to have a winning



The talent blended in a way tha t the Lutes

season, ending with an over:aU record of 12-25.

With everyone but senior Brian Nate return­

had not expected. Coach

B e a t i n g UPS in

ing n e x t year, C o a c h

Marshall had hoped that

their last home game and

Marshall was very opti­

the pItching and defense

a double header at Lewis

mistic about the team see­


a n d C l a r k were some

ing more success in the




'94 season.

-Lisa Erickson

Q estioning safety? Brian Wargo slides into second base and looks to the umpire for the call, am I safe or am l


Wargo shows off his de­ fensive talent when he plays left field.




The Rugged Trail


Victo ry ce .,bratio n ! Greg



MClpes, Mason Phelps, Sean Magoun, Tim Seitz, Casey Cass, Sam Cook, Doug Nelson (coach), Bryan Ertsgaard and JP Deboer enthusiastically celebrate their MeyerCup victory. This wasthe 30th anniversary of the UPS足 PLU duel.


Vern Mills

Tea m pr paratio n ! The


t e e HYI

huddles tightly together in concentration to foclis their minds before the grueling race ahead of them.


Vem Mills

Lift it! The Men's 8, Joel Aosved, Jeff High, Josh Corban, Hans Gjovik, David Sandine, Zack Hansen, KevinOlson, and Dan Tyeget ready to place


the boat in the water . Crew

Vern Mills


� ,L_'-"-"- ""'.I.'LW !J,_= ,,,

_ _ _

E D I CAT I O N Early mornings, long hours, hard work, and blisters . . . they all pay off in the long run for rowe rs. At the c r a c k of

w i n n i n g 1 5 of the 1 7

Individually, crew

dawn they were up, prac­

Lamberth Cups. The men

members also found suc­


technique and

ended a UPS three year

cess. Bryan Erstgaard,

spending time on the Wij­

winning streak alld, in the


ter. The schedule was de­

process, impro,,'ed their


manding but from it de­

overall record to 23-7.

Freitag were selected to

terrnination and dedica­

Throughout the





attend national camps

tion were bred. For PLU

year, crew competed in

during the 1993 summer.

Crew,thisschedule led to

events including the Cas­

Theelite camps could put


c a d e Sprints Regatta,

the four on track for the


Opening Day Regatta,

U.s. national team. PLU

battle against UPS for the

and OrcuttCup. The team

coach Doug Nelson was


Meyer-Lamberth Cup is

competes against the like

also seJected as a coach

always a fierce one. For

of the UniversityofWash­ ington, Santa C lara Uni­

for one of the camps.

the tenth straight year


The early morn­

PLU women were victo­

versity, and other smaller

ings and tough training

rious. They have domj­

schools from Oregon,

were worth it in the end.

nated on a yearly basis,

Washington, and Tdaho.

-Jesse Nelson Ready. row!


(F to B)



Merlitti, Sarah Jones and Patty Wales do those last minute things before a race. The smileonSarah's face ind icates she i5confi­ dent of a victory. - Vern


The Rugged Trail




Young Lute golfers learn from experienced teammates, proving to be tough competition.

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Perfect swing!


H u n t demonstrates the form necessary for acom足

petitive, low scoring game.

- Dmmy Sparndl

Practice makes per足 fect!



Lundgard exp lains to Kje\ Hanson LInd Kerby Court the technique necessary while Troy Helseth dem足 onstrates.

- Dnnny Sparrell

Whatever works! Val Meyer attempts to blow the ball in the hole since his putt didn't quite Inake it. Some player s will lise whateverstrategy it takes.

- Danny Sparrefl The Rug ged Trail _ ....


,=,-,E"""P ON GOING ,-",E K

_ _ �

EXCITEMENT The fou rth season for the Lute's lac rosse team proves to be a successful one.

Lacrosse is a new sport

successful fourth year. They

field at Washington High School.

for most of the United SL:1tes,

ended up with a record of 7-

but it has caught on in an exci l·

9 , b u t I h i s was p l a y i n g

Rabenarivo believes

ing fashion at PLU, Co-captain

against NCAA contenders,

that the team's strength this

Lionel Rabenarivo describes

such as UW, WSU. and U of

year was lInity. "We had a

the sport as being like hockey

O. The Lutes brought home

lot of good players that

on grass, where you're throw­

a win against U of O. This

played as a team instead of

ing and catching instead of

was the first win against an

relying on certain players to

passing on the ice. The players

NCAA. team in the spon's

score." he said. Next year

can also go behind the goal like

history at PLU.

looks as if il will be another

in hockey. "It'sa physical sport.

O n e of t h e most

good year for the Lutes.

Every once in a ..... hile you get

memo("ablegames was when

Many rookies this yearshow

banged up. bUI you keep go­

co-captain SCOIt Sypher

great potential as they con­

ing," Rabenarivo added.

sco("ed the last goal to win

tinue to develop their skills.

ove(" Linfield on PLU ' s home

- Lisa Erickson

Lacrosse had a very


t h e d i rt!

J ohn

McGold rick fights for a ground ba ll while his tearnmate Ha ns Meyer Matt

helps him out.

TeUeen (left) t ries to clear his






area with great defense. Lacrosse



Full force ahead! Jason Wit! runs the full field clear while Brian Wjnn backs him up.


Vem Mills

Tea m



McGoldrick fights for the ground ball. MattTelleen his teammate prepares to back him up in case of a pop-out. - Vern Mills

Team spirit! Theentire lacrosse team sits in


huddle in Foss field be足 fore the day's '!latch. They provide each other with great support and encour足 agement before the gru足 eling match ahead. -Vem Mills

The Rugged Trail


DOM I NANT The "team to beat" takes it one day at a time on the road to success As defending na­

During the streak, PLU

game at a time approach.

tional champions, the

out scored their oppo­

First conference, then dis­

softball team was looked

nents 93-4.

tricts." The approach

upon as the team to beat.

The goal through­

worked and for the sec­

Opponents geared up for

out the yearwas to to take

ond consecutive year, the

the Lute match-lip, but

the season one step at a

squad was off to nation­

rarely found success.

time. Led by co-captains

als, where they earned

After starting the

Becky Hoddevik and

fifth place.

year slowly, the team

Toni Castrey, they won

Step b y step the

picked up speed follow­

thirty regular season

PLU softball team accom­

ing spring break, At one


stretch, they put together

Simon Fraser for the dis­


a twelve game winning


themselves to be a domi­

streak, with the last eight

Hoddevik said, "we fo­

of those being shut-outs.

cused mostly on a one

Pitcher p

and title.

beat-out Becky

plished their goals. In the

-Jesse Nelson

Becky Hoddevik fixes the mound while she psycho­ logically prepares to pitch Her

incredible arm has helped lead these women to a great season. - VeTIl Milts




nant force.


an excellent game!

t hey


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C�n'r.! W.",,�_ ,,'"

"1'1''''''''''')"'�htrOUI. 'noM'"

n.., J(uwu TrAil


P ure

b a c ksp in !

ShannonTiJly follows the ball as she sends it over the net to her opponent with astrong backhand.


Vert! Mills

Pure conc .. tratio n ! J o n i Roback has t h a t fiercelook of competition on her filee as she just fin­ ished with il forehand across the net to stun her opponent.


Vern Mills

Stro ng forehand! Joni Robackgradua tes leaving behind 4 years of success­ ful tennis a t PLU.





Women's Tennis

_ _ _ _ � � � � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ a .




Women's tennis team com­ bined youth with depth to achieve success. 1110 W""""'·..._

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f""u", '0 ,!\c .._'. OU<- "1"""Mt< balll , I . , ,, ,..,,, . <-.:I on Ioa>',,,, rood ",,,. " ", ·W, l1li,'-' fiU <Iffl;�< iI." Sbc hapll)W , ..""ull _lIMp> IIId � lot 01 I_ 0 1<0< "" ...,," do." he re- � y<v>. and "'" oIef,",..I) 1IId�"",.i'" """�"", AI.., ,,'• • (""d pion, to ""'to.... of,.. </It "._0..';<1Scfo.yrft

Backhand powerl

Sh�n"..� T,lly w u . Wong I"","" on It.. I",,�I. "'.m ,hi; y�'" Shoo "'•• foc�""d .nd gre>' .�iII Vmt Millo

C o urt

i c kne ss!

Rocky Poulin waits for the ball ready to slam it over the net 10 his opponent in hopes that he will be un· able to return it





Sla m min g

se rv e !

Scott Erickson has great power and often surprises his opponents with his serves. Erickson bega n his career a t PLU with an ex­ cellent season!




Men's Tennis .. .. ..a ,. .. .. .. .. .. ..


T I P-TO P Positive attitudes led the men's tennis team to a spectacular seaso n The m e n ' s tennis

was pretty much evenly

eryone gets along really

team enjoyed a spectacular

matched between sillgles and

well." Other key players

'93 season. Coach Mike


during the senson were Chris

Benson, in his 24th season,

However, Benson

Egan, who pluyed I st posi­

walked away with Coach of

recognized the key faclor to

tion, andJon Zepp. who held

the Ye.:1f, while key player

their success was in their

on to 3rd.

Scott Erickson earned the

positive altitudes. The rela­

Coach Uenson was

Ross C u n:er Award for

tionships on the learn were

really pleased w i t h (he

Playerofthe Year. The Lutes

close, and the players sup­

team's performance, and

fin ished up 1 sl at conference.

ported each other reaIly well.

was looking forward ( 0 next

3rd at districts, and an over­ all season record of 16-5.




year, when he hoped to w i n

Erickson's first year playing

districts. He closed by say­

Benson remarked,

tennis for PLU. He consis­

ing. ';It was a team J was

"Everyone gOI along really

tently hung on to the 2nd

very proud of. It came down

well. and they all moved u p

position. and he definitely

to their attitudes which were

IOgether." The players were

plans to continue playing


also really close agewisc,jus[

tennis after this year. He es­

sophomores and juniors. It

pecially enjoys the way " ev-

Wi nning fore hand!

B ac k ha nd

Andy Jansen


beats his

opponent. Jansen was in­

jured earlier but with d e­

termination finished the

season with an excellent record. - Vern Mills

-David Sci1l1'l'geJ

c nfi­

Shane Velez

sends the ball back over with


much force if not

more as i t came with. Vem Mills

The H.ugged Trail


Maximum strength Albert Jackson mentally prepares picturing his form as he begins tothrow the discus. Throwing the discustakesas much men­ tal focus as physical. Vent


Mills •

Hand o ff! Aaron Ander­ son recei ves the baton from Corey Bray.

Tn a

relay it is all aboul team work

a nd

t i ming


Anderson tries tocalch lip and overtake his o p po­ nents. - Verll Mills

So l i d effort!


Berger puts everything she has into the throw of her javelin. Berger was a senior and showed a great dealor personal improve­ menl this year.

- Vem



Track and Field


ST R E N GTH Cons istency led to exceptional success for both men and women's track teams Both [he men and

ing athlete. Wendy Cordeiro

Inking I st through 3rd i n both

women's [rack learns were

was the conferenceOulstand­

the highjump and longjurnp

exceptionally successful [his

irlg athlete and set a new

at districts.


dislrict record .




Hurdles and throw­

undefeated. winningthecon­

" There were a lot of

ing events were the strengths

ference and district meets.

season bests and personal

for Ihe women's learn. The

The women's only loss was

records in the championship.

women also had more en­

suffered at the district meet,

more than aJl lhe rest of Ihe

durance (han speed. with

when Lhey lost to Simon

year. This is the way we wam

their victories coming in Ihe

800 meters and longer.

Frazier. Yet. the week be­

it to be, We like to see people

fore. they won their 1 3th

peak at the end of the year.


That makes us very exci ted

strenghts of 1993's

about competing at the na­

Coach Moore predicts that

tional level," said Coach

next year's team will be even


championship. The team received great i n d i v i d u a l perfor­

Brad Moore,

Even with all Ihe team,

stronger. He said, "This

mances from Aaron Linerud.

The men's strengths

year's team is very young

Wendy Cordeiro. DJ Seydel.

included the field events,

and the recruiting has gone

and Casi Montoya. Aaron

such as the hammer, Shot,

well. We're very excited.

Linemd was named the COIl­

and discus, They were also

Next year could be

ference and districi outstand-

strong in thejumpingevents,

ger team." -Lisa Erickson



Catch up! Dan Seydel focuses on h i s opponent from Linfi eld w i t h de te r­ mination in a n extreme effort to beat him.

It is

one on one and up to you and only you! - Vern Mills


The Rugged Trail


E... Academics

scltool of tlte

A rt s

towards a

future �

P ' .: b.. Tbr!id 4 <II 1M ...... .... 1rIIId � _ _ _ .....t __, 111 110 _ " ..,.'..! daF' Ii'Ill " =_kth• "'*)'Nf _gr:1 _ . ....... . tlw drlal£ __ ,f ', ...... tUId ' , ,! !W, lw' f Uo« __ reed.. '" ","" II wllto ....... � .... _ ...... ;".... ...."""" . 9 " .....···..." III.MlMII 1"';:1" _ ... .. .. _ ....... Tb..s,........ ........... w *'I, a,,1ttD _....,·............. lIwtJ...aoll•......,. .. " n.. _ ....,. j,

, ,: ' ....... ,.


" ' ,' , , I ph 7 I " « ,7 "'



.''''& _7'7 '''' tN. a.,. Ib ' - ,


... .... ... ...

... _



Melodious Straills. Dr. Dave Robbinsshuffles through his music score as Elizabeth Cassado and Lynn Linder look on.


Liisa MatsoN

Practice Makes Per足

fect. Tim I-Io,Chris Baird, Darren Kerbs, Jennifer Gailbrand, Julie Reeder, and Jayne McNutt do


Park A v e n u e jazz re足 hearsal in Eastvold. -Liisa Mntsoll


The Road to Knowledge


school of tile

Arts Jmnlfeor"ow. Juniol'- Ed..... .... .. ..Did Flnr Am

IduJ Jolz

Id.>rol"".... ....y � <111< ...... . ....Id ...

....". .,.i. ,�


'It ... ... too."K' _..of)' I ..... ,,, do ,


h,r .1 .,_h... "'....

- ..

"""' ....

,...... ......

,.,.w", ...... ... _ W ..... """

"""','="'­ �- ...... = ... .. """ . .. .'i'" '"'"""It' _ .. ....... -


� .,....... ,.,;, ......

Attn GrNua11oto

., bkr 50 II'> I ....Id .olon>ool kor. _• ....t

...... "" juooI -

Why 111. M.atoc I .... . w.-l ",do

rd",, � but ..• $ :' III m.lIh I "ri_� n-.. ....t ....a. no: � ,,,",, I dldn' .."hr ....... "' • . c _ p-

Creativity a t Its Best. Crystal Donahue studies her piece to make that it is balanced and indeed finished. The painting room in Ingram was a place where creativity was everywhere, andwais produced from the minds of the many art students at PLU. -Uisa Malson

Chris Baird Junior 足 Graphic Design

" I am confi足 dent that I can


hold my own

Walla Walla, WA

in the world

Ideal Job

by combining

"One that would

business with

combine graphic

was interesting, and

ate degree in graphic

est in publishing."

J went from there."

design. Actually, rn

Why This Major

After Graduation

" Pure luck! I just

" Paying off my stu足

happened to take a

dent loans, working,

course that J thought

or getting my gradu-

design and my i n ter足

, n


probably do all once!"

3 at

art." Chris Baird, Graphic Design

The Ro.d to Knowledge



School of Business


school of

B u s i n ess The gon l of the School of Business was to provid•

modem learning background that

would assist gmduates in becoming leaders in the field. l1\b was done by promoting incisivo and sensitive decision making paired with ana­ lytical thinking. PlU's School of Business stood out as one of a se lect few that was fully accred­ ited. We were also privileged to have a student

chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, a national busi­ ness honorary StX'iety, on campus Along with Beta Gamma Sigma, students could participate

in a chapter of the American Marketmg Associa­ tion, A1pha Kappa Psi,and numerousotherorga­ nizations. Tht.> Marketing concentration



be a favored major within the School of Business. A variety of courses wereoffered i n Marketingin ad diti on to Interim trips that explored


structure in plact."S such as Switzerland. Market­ ing, and Marketing Management



courses that PlU students enjoyed. Students with this division of PlU will be our business leaders of tomorrow. Theyendured the tough as.�gnments and

end less group

projects, knowing that the benefits they would receive in the future would make the extra effort now worth the while


The Road to Excellence


school of

Busi ness 5



"I decided to be a finan-



cial consultant because it is compatible with my personality."

-fun Choe


== WIll, nil Mlfer?





. .. ,,_

Askanyone who to

Amy Newman

take for marketing and


they wilt sing the praises


of Dr. David McNabb.

He says "some­


times irs hard fnr people

Hometown Hill_boro. OR

Ideal Job: Amy would to work in th e Paofic Rim in a manag('l1lent po-


:��;:,� of� a �� multj-national i

1 �,��'n::

' "" hv

This M aj or? A

exchange stu­

was a major influ-

'ena and Amy

wants to i her language sk lls.


.. '




• .







. .


• • . . •• " b· . ' • .



. .


. . .

.. "

• •

" .

. .

always up and on a natu­


�. .- . . • Ie • '

to understand why I'm


• "


' ' '


ral high after a day of

teaching. I just love stu­

. .. . .

" "

• t






� '

dents and having them


, , - " • . _ · · .






Post-PLU Plans: Amy

around. Teaching is the best job I've ever had."

Future marketing

..:=======;.1 to learn that Dr. McNabb is going on sabbatical next


plans to work for a corpo­ year. He plnns on visiting Japan to finish research for ration fora few years, then a book on the business history of Japan and England.

go to graduate school to get her MBA.

The Road to Excellence



) •

---------- -----------




school of

Ed u cati o n We a U hear about the many Education majors that PLU tuOlS out every yefJT and the highly

accredi ted

School of Ed uca han thatis nestled in a small corner of the Adminis­ tration building. Yes there were more t h a n business classes taught in the Administ-ration building this year. Education classes were full of bright minks that have dedicated themselves toeducat­ ing children. They were a close knit group find take education seriously. It is this attitude that attributes to the success oi PLU's School of Education. The department is one of the few fully accredited schools at the University. The School of Education specializes in el­ ementary and secondary education. The depart­ ment foclIses not only on teachers, but all facets of faculty that make-up schools. This jncludes principills, admi nistration, special education te,lchers, Clnd guidc'l nce counselors. Elementary education majors are certified ki.ndergarten tl1rough eighth grade, and second­ ary education majors are certified fourth grade through twelfth grade. PLU's teachingaccredita­ tien is accepted in many other states, aUowing students to be flexible. Jesse Nelson


The Road to Excellence


school of


Education Aft« lout ,.....s uI

Jan �It. prof..

-..... """...... .-1.





of OIudyln,

Sorah Neloooo..


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UlII""''''yNdoo>nwofttl lfJ�!I.. ink�..,.".......

cl M_.-I workon bro""", ..JUG""'" Ibm<.

.� Edue.cion In 1M of Edu�.Uon,

$1>0_hoT IN<hingnp<­ ri.""• •nd knowl..dK" with;lud""c" Lcwblirod, I""f'Oring0Iud""ISfo<tn" d iv....lcy In In,,o:\.Issroom

tobch<-t�td...11engo> at Padlk Lulheran Un;, ''<1"Sicy.

f.vo"'� c\;>so isCllilol"",'s UM., In'"'- -n'SjuS!.n ncrt'd i iblrthin,10_ whocduldJ'1."fl Lew;,'

and odultJ (JOn dowith "'" "Y" � "'Tlwre 10. IDe

01 """",",1 t 10 insri",.nd mOO""•• kids.· L""';. "lIIIuol.<l from Oregon Stal. Un'v... s;ty.rod ... . ....... .. from [Lw.urod CIo,k Un'v.... llity_ Sht wenl "" ,.. ,.n;ve t...r doctor.,. fron, lho Un'''''lIy ''' cl Orrgtm .rod loUghl rI.'"enlary ,,,,Il<>0l for ten y,.... boef"", roming 10 PLU. ·

jay jensen, sopho路 more Physical Education major in the School of Education, wants loopen up kids minds through coaching cross country and track, and teaching P.E. a t the secondary

level. Jensen ventured to PLU knowing exactly what he wanted to do, as if he were following a yellow brick road. " 1 love working with kids and [ want to make a difference," says Jensen. "I want the students to see me as a role mode!." Jensen currently porticipates in ESL, a literacy program, where he tutors illiterate adults. This experience along with his favorite class, Learner in Society, help to prepare Jensen (or the real world of teaching. Learnerand Soctety isa basic methods class that prepares students for the advantages and disadvantages of teaching. jensen rl'Spects the uJrfront style of this class and hopes to apply his knowledge and grow further in a two year enlistment in the Peace Corp after graduation.


The Road to Excellence


division of

H u m an it i e s -....., Comprh,ing the School


of t-Iumanitiesare the En­ glish, Religion, Philoso­ phy, and �lnguage � partllll;'nl::.. Perhdp!:o Pub­ lic Relations and Special Events should be added. TheScho(l1 of Humanities j?rovided many 0EPortu­ nities OfT thC' PLU com­ munity to learn outsideofdassil" well a!-. in. Through­ out the year, ilwards were pr�enled in counjunction with the School of !-Iumanities.

The series. "Feminism and SchOlarship at PLU"

was held throughout tht' entire yl!ilr. Twdvc pn:.�n­ lations were presented by members of thc PLU fac­ ulty. In the


were held.

Also in the fall, was a program on the

nyo programs on racism and hate

Columbus Quincenlennial. Civil Rights wa" the issue in February, when noted theologi.lnand lecturer, JamesCone, presented "Mar­ tin and Maclom inAmerica". Thepresenlation brought

a full house in Chris Knutzen Hall. Cone studied the positive and negative effects Martin Luther King and

Makom X had on America, In April, gue ...t Jc.'Cturer Joyce Trible presented on "Feminist Scholarship and the Old Testament". Llter in April, John Cobb �poke

un "TraditiondL Diologue in Encountering World Re­ ligions",

A major addition to the English Depanrtlllent

occured with the formation of a new major: Fngli�h

with a Writing Emph,lsis, Even if not taking a Hu­ manities class. during 1992-93. one h.:,d the opportu­ nity to leam more about the Humanitil'S through a variety of lectures and programs.

-Jt'Cs.! Nelsotl

236 Division of



Pam Howard

Kristen Dullanty

Junior- English and Psychology

Senior-Graphic Design/ English

Hometown Eagle River/ A K

Hometown Spokane, WA

Ideal Job:

Ideal Job: Pam hopes to be a counseling pro­

ing chi ld ren, art- and min­

fessional working with


young adults.

Why This Major?

Post PLU Plans:

She has always had an

plans to goon to graduate

interest in human be­

school and work towards

havior and how people

her doctoral degree in


counseling psychology.


"One Ihal [

enjoy, preferably involv­

Division of Humanities


Why This Major?

[ love to think and creale.

Both majors give me the Crt."edum to express and explore the life Cod has blessed me with.

Post PLU Plans: What­ ever I end up doing, my goa I is to se.rveChrist, and I am confident that He is

going to lead me in be right direction.


_ _ _ � _ � � _ � _ � � � r--=__ --..,. .... .. ..,.. _ _ __ _ _ .

division of

H u m a n ities

Jayne Marek "My ideal life

Assistant Profes­

goal is being a

sor of English

p r o f e s s o r,



Cary, Illinois

lColLle.ges Attended:

consuming, of­

St. Olaf; Univ. of Nebraska at

Washington State Univ.;


fers a lot of ben­

Univ. of Iowa;

efits b ecause

Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison.

there's so much easons For Coming to PLU: I liked this area nd PLU has a reputation of drawing good student",

pleasure in do­


ing w h a t we do".

� deal Life Goal: l

-Jayne Marek

Enough HOle to read, wrile, and be

l lltdoors as much as

I want!

, ,


Road to Excellence





Div ision of Natural ScieJ1CeS

division of

N atu ral Sci e n ce Housed in the Rieke Science Center, the division of natural sciences is easily recognized on campus. The majors encompassing this area indudeapplied physics, biology,chemistry, earth sciences, computer science, computer engineer­ ing, engineering physics, engineering science, mathemCltics, and physics.

An electrical engi­

neeripg major was created last year, and math and computer science bec.:1me separate depart­ ments. While the curriculum is quite demand­ ing, the job prospects continue to be promising. PLU grads are attracting the attention of major companies like Weyerhaeuser and Boeing, as well as many prestigious grad schools. According to Dean Brian Lowe, the student­ "


," '"

faculty ratio is 17-1, and the professors really make an effort to get involved with students in variolls activities, such as piOlics and banquets. PLU's Natural Sci­ ences continue togrow. This past nearly all of the departments in-· creased . Lowe looks for the biology department togrowsubstantial1y in coming years. -Dnvid



The Road to Excellence


"I want to be a doctor for the disadvantaged due to experi足

Burton L. Nesset Associate Profes足 sor of Chemistry Hometown Palatine, IL

ences studying scripture, learning about,

Colleges Attended: SI. Olaf; Purdue Univ.

Ideal Life Goals: To enjoy, enjoy!

To be remembered as one who truely appreciated

and seeing the

Reasons For Coming

needs i n the

to PLU: I could teach the learn - who was willing to take the tough


-Jeff Perry


types of courses I wanted. I wanted a place where

studen twhoreaUy was willing to risk, and srruggIe t


because it would better prepare that person for tt future.

teaching was respected

To be remembered as one who wasa tough teach,

and the priority. I wanted

of lHe and Chemistry, and was willing to force sti

sma II classes.

Division of Natural Sciences

dents to be adult in behavior and attitude.




N atural Scie nce Mary Anderson Senior·Engineer­


i"g Phy�ics

Chemistry (!mplul·


l-Oortllll<=!, WA

ld�al Job:


1'<ld."..1 Way, WA

Sc""l.u.nd Prof"""r

Posl PLU " Ians: Coto Luth.. Nonhwe<tcrn "k>g;,.1 Scm!!"''>' tf) Tl...

p"'....... an \/,\ in ,hurd> II"t""" C'(""""tr'linl'; on

I!lf R..r,,'m�Hon< ,hen ronn'" t lot � !'!tD.


L,,'� .nd wnrk in • La"'" t neiGhborhood in 4>5 AnJ:C1es for ""'"' Why This Maior? E.. y""r,a.pon ofa Chri.. p<>SU'" to "nd ....pcri<'n<e t;.,nrommunily_ Th..., ill ,"" medial r..1d dn:'" hopdul1y ""er USC me to "on' In "'"� d....... .. .. m.:die.1 ochool_

f I


School of Nursing

school oJ

N u rs i ng With the enroll­ ment increasing



School of N ursing looks forward to the future. Under the supervision of Dean DR. Dorothy Kellmer-Langan, the graduates have had great success in the pas­ sage of State Board ex­ ams and placement into themedicalcommunity. This year, the school of Nu rsing re­ ceived accreditation for the next 8 years for the undergraduate studies and 5 years for the graduate school. With this national

honor, more prestige was brought to the school as this is the top level awarded to institutions. The PLU/BSN program is a highlight of the year as well. Beginning with the 93-94 school year, PLU will be offering eUl expansion program through Harrision Memorial

Hospital i n

Bremerton. This expansion allows for outreach to other areas and new opportunities for nursing students. Regency Advancement Awards were awarded to two members of the faculty. Professor Kilson (tnd Professor Aikin were given grants to further their research and advance their educa­ tional opportunities. Congratula tions to them and a job well done. Enrollment is becoming increasingly com­

petitive as more students have expressed interest in the School of Nursing. With the competitive nature of admissions, the future looks bright for the continued success of the program.

-Robin Mftyers


The Road to Excellence


Robyn Pickett Senior-Nursing Hometown Canby, OR

have wanted to b e a nurse ever since I can remember." -Robyn Pickett "I

Ideal Job:

I would like

to specialize in some area of nursing, possibly hime health or pediatrics. However, I would even足 htally like to be a nUTes manager or administra足 tor.

Why This Major: I have wanted to be a nurse ever since I can remember.

Post PLU Plans:

My plans are to work in a hospital for a couple of years to

get a good base for my skills. I would also like to work for some volunteer organizations, relax, and go on vacations!

school of

N u rs i ng


School of Tursing

Dorothy Detlor­ Langan

Julie Miller Senior-Nursing

Dean and Professor, School of Nursing

Hometown EI Dorado Hills, CA

Ideal Job: Working in

Years at PLU: 4

an leu in Portland, OR


Why This Major.

Spokane, WA

Hng. probably because

Colleges Attended:

I'm a new grad and am

Whitworth College, BS in NUTSilig; University of Maryland, MS in Nursing; Gonzaga University, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership

Reasons For Coming to PLU:


like the critical care set­

not burned out yet. All the eXdting things are new to me.

Post PLU Plans: Who knows? Hopfully get hired Moderate size,

comprehensive liberal arts based university with Chris­

in a hospital in the Northwest. Hopefully do some travelling- goof off.

tian environment and heritage. Positive reputation of School of Nursing.

Ideal Life Goal:To makea positive diHerence in U,e lives ofstudents and health care dients: to demonstrate Christian values in all aspects of my like; tocontinuaUy show my love and support for my family.



The Road to E x cel l ence


school of

P h ysical Edu cation

IO Wi .... .. ...

�, . ...

IrI· Ntl _ -;':: :" ,., � ", l. , 'I ysinl I 1 248 <:cnooI 1II

The Road to Excellence


Paul Hoseth "Excellence can

Professor, Health Education; Assis­ tant Football Coach

be acheived if you:

Care more than o t h ers think is



Two Harbors, MN

Risk more than others think i s safe.

Dream more than others think is practical.

Expect more than others t h i n k is possible."

-Paul Hoseth

Parkland, WA.

Colleges A !tended: Concordia CoUege, Morehead, MN (BA); Sou th Dakota State Univ, (MS); Univ, of Oregon, (Ed. D .).

Reason for Coming to PLU: It was an opportunity to teach at an excellent institution with a Christian emphasis in an area of the country where you didn't

have "to shovel snow 6 months of the year.

Ideal Life Goal: To become a more loving husband and father than I was yesterday. To become more Christ· like. Take life one day at a time.

• •

school of

P h ys i cal Ed u cat i o n 250

School of Physical Education

Nate Button ,unior-Physi(&1


[jiii -,




Min/)rs-Sped�1 EdLlc&lion. Religion. Co.>ching

Hometown �,IO


Ide.IJob: Allighod-o ..o"ily fOOlboU <OfI(h. I would _If<> Io.·e 10 � • f\'&Ular.odoronS.'"nby 'i&hl U'·f'

81a�. WA

IdulJob : I "·.nlob<.� Alhk-loc Oired.... ,.... . ..,...uodlool.nd1-"rE. I ..... ...anl ,,, � • high !lChooi ..."",!lmg «>IICh.

Judd Benedick


POSI PlU Plans: Ctl.

job 1Cadnn, P.E. at Iht, hl,h ..d ><>1 le'·el .",15 .. C<\lO�h v....,ly lOI}tba"

AIf<>.leven'u;oUy ,,·on, 10

goIrnuri<d.ndopenmy _·n.rt_",.no:!buy . Hark-y D.vid""" .

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