Rev. Mikkel Lono to
Be Chairman Thur
day Evening
. s
R gi t rat· 0 n To Be Monday' F acult Ses ion
I\nd lnakll]l!
opening IIbenlJ m nla
tration He vier Semester at Thi Parkland School
ews, Notes Of Pa kla nd
h I'
LlJdiC's' the c:l111rc, in
P" 1'101' luncheun "('tlne"u \' noun, TIli!> wint r lhr mon hly \'\ will' analn ReI'\, 11lncheon a U,C ,'hurch pllrIOl'''. th �econd Wednesday ('ach monl •
Homecoming Centers Aroun
Grid Game
Here Oct. 10 Thc 1;('1-011<1 wcclt-rnt! In ctol,cl' has be!'n II, l�al('r1 Hom" rorninj:r [01' 1\ tille Lu hi ran colr�VQtl II' ' alUmni ,nt! sludC'nt Cf'n flring- a houL the I', _,chrdFII nsbur;; fnotball �lIm, like! !tIl' 'sturdnv IIfternool1 ' Oetobe!' lO n Linc o1rl bowl 31'(' l>l'ing v1annl'd umlcr lh tlil'l'C't.\on ur lanl"y I onl, "tull nl hody pi !'ill nL A COlllhllll 1''1l1y IInti pm'n,]1' wtll br :;ulgctl F'r'idll..v rven!ng, b In 7 ning on the college . ampu9 ; o C'I"cl,
Satul'III,' !',,!'ninA" lhl' tudl'n! wlll �nl rlaln allln,ni II II mixer lo b Iii l d n he gymna.q\lIm • t (j'cJ Ick �h lrt-on -act 1'1 y, :0; v rnl ,tunt.�. nnrl m1J�ic will PI'('
lIver Tea n Mo ay
crr! [hI'! g!'ncral g't-toll thc[ and rcfl'cshmcnts. I n g("nCI"ll sludl'nt mix",' i� hi In rlnnnrd, llch dilled ror Sllt I hCI' ul'dny evening, Oct� brl' 3, mR trr h' {ol'e thr SllHknt bndv elk s ll'dion . an nr fr !lhrna ekctlan o! yeH learl'I'8 anrl an 88slstant football mana.J:"r This st.udent plection is schedulru IOl' Tucway,
Parkland Youths Off To Colleges
Tin"'el"tld Mrs, ·llffOl I 1r�, J.
a�nma. -Hart
mnk 0
: WI
P ul 1- Preu,'!, !lOll of MI., and r u. Parkland, Mrs, Paul _ left Thur cia ('venin'" tor Drcorah , low .JJ rc h e will b"gm hi� st.njnr y ar Rt Lu t bel' collI' ", \'\I'lIl1A,m P!JUrgl't' linn n Pror, Bnrf Mrl'. ,1, , p III"),;"T' ot f'uJ k Inot!, II fl f I' Columhu hln fnr ('.', pital 'IIni_ nl hi'f fina Ylllr \' l' ity, Roth ynung 111f 11 will gnul U1I e 11'1'11 in ti l utioll1' of whIch lhelr ia t !lCU ,ue gl'IlU\llllpll,
P. L.C. News And Events . O. T i njl,'{' !'lad nl('I'-
The \',n tna it
and friends together for an ftl'r Mrs. Tmgclslad's d • noon l)efor partw'e the lalter part nf the �hl' anti Pre IdPon wh n w� Tingel lmrl lPftve fIJI' mnnl h' \isil in mlrlrl!n \ est Ilnd east states. GUests Invllerl for tJ, i l; 0 fter noon were Mesda.meB J U Xa"lcr. N. J. Uon _ O. J. St un. Philip E. H:lllg' • Uwa B. Kreid]Pf, L 1. ,,\ . Ramstad. J, O. vlg LRIIiOD, Viet,)!, s. Edw Ive lrom. A, E. H. Bondy. Clifford O. Olson, J. P. I"f ueger Paul E. Prell:;. E. 1'1 els.'1on , Theollore Tillgf'jlllad. dah Dapp"r, H . . f L na. . fit.her
- I rhuok but YElL'Ell BJT1 It
ames New Officers
\' lillI' B iUl'I', 481 Ea t Dl 'j:dUll lh a_� ChUlIl'1l pl'esld n t 111\, Paclf,[ Lut heran college c) So'! I) 1 r 3 a t a speCial tud nt el etion. BiUer
nt, red 11
JUDi r.
H S.
avi, Miehrj N. Fr. nck, Oulse r. Or.·llIe Rynning. Taylor Lana E. A. Lar on. H. L. J. Dahl and _ ISS S -,po. R('nau, GI' dy
Gilhl'rt!'lon Johns{ n.
\'j ian
...lItlleran CIl!' Headm .... Pacific T nd (fairs lhil' W I'k :;nclal leg will be h parly for npw out-of by jointly given lown studen Phi Kappa In m mbenl nf D I Ule girl' dormItory and the :l:en's Dormitury Union, The e\' nt WIll form of an intiaUon, be in th beginning in the ollpg gymna <I t 7'30 Friday v ning. liss :>ill
H let- HoI cam I chairman. WIll be assisted by Milia L noT' Wlth nders<m Kathryn anl1 Mi TO in m"kin!, � neral RrraDl!"ements n<1 lD .carrying out an I pI ml'tu progtflm pl annr.rJ to bring' "ut DI'WIh hirld Il Uilcnt amongcom ,. Olh r '�!'I "tin 'n cnlllmillt'e. R · ('8 M:lII"PTet "!Ifpl\, r aTe M mnle Rusl, Oll:: a Hu�o. Hazel Ha:r IUP and 1.1ab I Heg em .
Celebrate Wedding Anniv rs ry
LAND TO HAVE NEW GYM-Building at Grade School Being Planned - See Page 3
P.L.C. News And Events P'L if c Lui hcran cnlll'g so cia] <t 'li\iti�'. will he rOl'mally npencd, 'atul'da,V C\ p.Jling "'hen fel nl! v 111emher' sri\' , lheir ,nllua] "('cell ion Lo U (' • tu d nis, honoring- especially the n -\I' TIl mllers of [lIe turlent iJolly,
Gr nl by U. S. Will Help Defray, Cost Of Struct e
of \ 'orll Of!!1!! jill:' a g ':lilt �18,! I lO\�anl Lhe propo!; 1 ;;)"111nn lum for the Parllwnd grade /lehnol has hecn J ecehed h� Ule school hoaru chair-maIl, GJ.rl Ost· lunr!, [rOUl \YllShinglOIl, D, C, This Ull!. together wltit 18,�OO vlILed y the rlislricL, and $5.000 flOIll he :;'ale will be used to conslru l a ;;ymnll�iUm-nLJI\it(lrium whicll \ 111 sea: nearly l,noO pprsnnl<. Thc Par klaml !lrhool has nCV"T J 1It1 · IrYIil a�illm of it", 0\\,11, al1U lUl11 1 Ci'f1 lHUllllcllfJl.lU I! I , stil l I� l'Ogl Rn! hy having til 1'I'nl 1118 to, 5 I" III' rOlr lhe 11 U1C' halll B "r I'hll ... ds. "11'''', O. A. Tina:: I I eI. \\ hn wll h r" Id"111 01 the. :Ur. Tluglestad, P.!'if! Lutll ran enl l I:C w il l I('u'" t.h.I5 \\ k rmd for :, IDOIIIlJ'. \.' II ill Ih" ntiddlf' w �' ;lJId ra'lII'l'1I PlllerTin II' tnd lr.,. lal{' . ,'ul/e.g h of women hllne faculty at l1er home Oil Ihe l'umpus T1mr"run afte.rnoon. complilJlI'nt F, lUll Y (Berdinr IT!;:.1 inlt" l·cretllr. In Pre<lld III J nlli" 'n), Tlnl:'ie<;t, d. Hl'r rnarriagl Willi ;'! mid summer �v .. nl ----- ��= ... ==�---- .
11,. P til A. f'rf'J" ill nter lain m"m1)cNi I'll Ih p, L. • Lu i h ..ran D ught 1"'. !'If '.bf' ReIorma ti, n n':JCI Thursrlay afternoon at 3:30 o'cJock. Tlu5 will be the first mf'etlng or the year. With Misa '01'1 PctitS, daugbt r 01 the house. In barge as n wly elec;led 'Ma.rvin J ensen of S ilv rton, Ore., preslt.l..nl.. 15 the new pre!5ldent �. the 18$ MaJ' arel, Rorem will SIll' k LlItherall college Men s DO. lll h Ory " I "Gettinf!" Acqu!l.lnte� with L. D, union. Other nl'W IifIleen; c 1t>cted R," Music will b� in the form of al t.he firsl f \I me -Ling ;,u, K�n- '\'lolln solo� by Miss Evelyn yver Ilclh AnlmSon of Burl;,� gtun, '/lce on and \'cl\:aJ 801m; b tiss Alma , lul'l1ll1e ' ill: , AlII h1 pn:sid nt, S lee. lUlU r, ·ulry-tteas�!t' ('r ... � Laj<ewood, OIl'! r nIlicC:1 s tra seon" on t.he Harold 11mb): III Lowdl, fire eht �I f.xccutJve CI]n1mil pe w til 1J6S the. III l soeml event For t.h ?reus will b" e l ec tcrl. ]'I r· • •1. nwn Joined dornll t o l Y gll'ls ';wj r i.q the Durn! , I'IIJW arh'i.l;,. of Dl"lt Phi Kapp en rt3i n in� IH'W �tudeJlts at a party Fl'ictay TIle . I.. C. MI. sHIn Soel. ty I"V ning g'j\le n in the (Ilit'lfC' :,ym meets \. l1esday ven n . he 1 first Jall meettng wlJI 1, on ('1I'g'31111.aUOIl. wilh Proi, J. p, 5' Auxiliary nUt'g"1' a� arlviser. Th gr' up w111 <llsc . p"'JJC'r. s Jor tip com· lng yp3r, meluding t h e Mada scar Mission work the Pocket Testa ment league, and the pClssiJ1Je 01' ganlzll Ion 1)( 1\ SundAY nlgll (liBIll'slon up.
To Hav'" Fall Rally
women of the Pa hhnd hold Junior Guild will lhE'il fall rally this f?vening in the church parlor!!, Eaeh lIl('mber will bring a" gil cst a PTOSPC.cUvP. Jllem b r, tuen will pr£' MIl'! F.JiDlbe h ssiRting her' :15 ent l'taining side. rne Jsa llostr.5SI'S will be hli 11 Tzabplle Svare and Miss son. Mia EI anOT Rydpr 'fhl' ('I 'Ogl'anl wIll \:I" presf'nted by Miss Dawn Me· CI�nRhll.m, vice presitinnt. avis, Miss GI'Tl. h35 Virginia I'ude Tingelstad and Miss H lI'n 01 .n I'''' ' charge of decora.tlon lint! AI'ranging' refr eshments arc Torma Pl'em;, M!:;.,<; Betty MI "v r& a nd Ii5� Babetto BrQltem, YOllnJ;"
The affair "Illll rp hf'ltl a ,'clo(!1 in Ihe Trillity chu\'t'h pRI' I I'll, whic:h wiU be rJecnrli E'.d In the autumn moUf, ;;.ally ('olar d leaves allli hll [Jow rs bcmg used about tb\! ,"omR. In WI' ,bo;n CI' I' Pn''lldel1t an.1 Mr,", ( , A. Tin£' Il!larl who lire a ell!!!n dncaLinnnl ('on[C'rences III th�� t, !lean no Mrs. Philip .FJ. HlI.guc will hr.1iI I the receiving lme, with Mrs. Lor B Kreidler, dean of wompn. Thl'O lore Nelsson, ,lean (If I. CU, and Mr . Nel/ison. FoHn '!ng" 11 nrmal weT nmr. by Oean H uge, a mm!\cal progrllffi will h.. glven. eluding numb!'!'s bv the faculty women's quartet. p iano solos ))y P of. Joscph O. Ed wal cis. antJ vocal 50JO!; by Paul A. f'l'PIiS. Rl'jr&<hml.'J1L,; HI Ill' �I'V€! hy womj'!I of hI' fa lIy gl'OUp, \ i h 1>fI GIl flyz; ('ITh Ilion in r.hn l-g\' , Ii.s 'h an Jnlmson will 1 VI' chal':;e 01 I.!cco tions. Olhrr member'l! of' the 8 'lsI corilmil Lee \ Illl M • l"reldll'l" ChAillllJm. al'{, h:l'ilb Reid anI.! Harold J, LerMa,
Un.ion. Elects Officerl .�aC;fiC
I '
Miss The rna DanIels T Wed Haro d T ruJson Engagement
Prominent Forme Pacific Lutheran College
Students Is Announced at Luncheon Tea of Wide Interest
1\[1'. and :Mr . Th odor Dani l' of Pall'land aIDloun d t dny the e .gag mc.nL of th i1' aughtel", Thelma, to Harold Trulson, son of l rr. and ...\11' H, . Tn1ls011 f Anacortes. The n W'" wn. first mad lmo\\ 11 at a !unl:heon gi\'el Y Mr . Daniel' with 1\11'5. Trulson. Mi s Eln Tl'ul on, �md inti m te friends of ]\li 's Dam 'Is present. In the uftel'lloon two score gu . l W I'e invited fo a tea. The t a tabk was 10\ ely with luce cloth ann crystal, spring flow r.. in t in ts of pink an tall bk taper.. A unt of the bride-to-be. 1\1rs. W. F. Daniels of Parkl. nd and Irs. H. L. Andel' ' on of Tacoma, reside . D u r i ng t e serving a cousin ndf'rSOD, dj� tributed heali-Rhaped bo ·e. con: :Miss Patricia taining candy and scrolls inscrii>ed \'ith th name. of th co lple. •
pe ople are former n ' ol leg studentl'l, aruels having graduated in MIss 19 6 'It highest honors. after Il. most c i ve school career. At 1'. L. � . she was o u tstamling In til'amauc anrl musical activities. editor of th e oUege annual. and May quc(·n. inee graduation she has been a membe of th' Park Ian IP:nde school teaching staff' and as an accompli lIed pianist ark In has ontinued her musical
Both ung PacllJe LUlhel
he community.
Mr. Trulson attended St ala college at or field. Minn.. aft r his ,'ork at p, L, C. and 's now attendi n g tho University of Wash ington, Lun�beon guests were Misse lone Madsen and Ellen Berg:llrom of Tacoma. Miss('.� Eline lienson Judith Ben s on of Parkland; an (Jea -MarIe Mrs. Joe Fenand I' Fowler) of Washougal; MlB8 Mir iam Helm ah' of Mt. Vernon nnd Mrs. Tru lson and MIss EIna Trul
son of AnaeOl·le8. Joming the l'OUP fo tea in lice the aItl'moon were Mi8lles ulh GrnibrC'lK. Ruth Warulon, folden, Inez Skogen. and Slyvia gtoraasli of Parkland; Me.•oam es A, T urner. William Gregory, Morfirl rill E. Ford. Martin Galstad OsUund, Ph1Up E. Hauge. urn B. Kreidler. G. G. lOl'aaali. W. T. Storaal'lli, ' . F, Janiels, and . . Daniels. jr., of Parkland; Misses Ann a Mikkelsen. G1atlya arlson. Lola Huff. �dred Small, ridge, Audn'Y Ann DRle, and tlctson of Tacom: Patricia . tax eton. Bernice • Clldnmes o,'d Parker (Estella Strom). (Amy Glib ·t1. \\, J. l- nutzen Cllnc1ler. and H. L, And '1I;On; MIss Margaret KrRft ot Shelton; fiss Rhoda Hokpn,'lad of Sno hOml!ih; :Uiss H elen H oltcamp of Sedra 'Ii 'olley; 118. P. Egtvedt of Senttle; MIss Esther N orga nI or Everett.
P. L. C. Debaters Going' to Or gon in April
Pacin Ll,ltI eran coilege dehat who hav been golng through
ers, R
crowrlerl activities 'cherluJe his SeRSl)n under Uleir club manager. Fred ult I. IU' /lO\\ IBnI1Jn� a lour in t o Ot'egon lh first w ek III Apl·il. The 1'1f! w11 inclurle meets Wilb Oregon :tnt coJleg V\iiJlam-' ntte llruvcrslly, 1.JO vcr COlunlbia JunIor collcge, Paciilc university. and others. A regu];:n' felt ture .e the rleba t'! club'R plogralll ;4t pre ont 1S the
LOJ'um hrl d each tUl'dc'Y evenJIIg r radi at tiur. KMO. �hl' ugh til courtesy of Dr L , Wllel slone. Curl'{'llt tuples of g nl'''<l.l ' intl'l'CBt 8rc rUsCUI;. d by th stu dent�, Intp"collcgiat rI�bRtcs hav!' be n held this firs part of the seas n with Sea U l e colleg . Ab I'fle�n JUDlOI' collcg and Pnciflt: lIn1vel' ,Jty, Membll's !If Lhe P. L. C. llquarj IIJ'P. Id Mar. HullS. Arne Makl, er 111 '. ""alt (' terba. Emil m i th. Rob l'l Snyrlel'. \\'111lam l'-n��. Eleanor Englund. RI)Y • chmandt. Corrinr • aIm,", Ru
ri(llph Moller.
. Utt",., nonall nn'. HalorrJlc Our!. GI('n GU!\ n In Am S l'lll1rl and Doro! hy Pet ]'Son.
� Parkland and
P. L. C. Nevvs
i.L.C. And P
the first ndVi er of th grou p. rs. A. \ '. Ramstad; lh mee ting of the missIon society :tarch 23 at 7 p. m. In the college recreation J oom; the freshman cia s �Ung pal ty t King 8 Rollel' l"ink [at· h 2i al 9.30 . m.; and tht fow't.h
the . Ties of lycoum numbers tu sponsol'ec.1 by the nssociated life dents a lecture on deep se The Ialtel I� by F10yd Schmoe. the puhllc . o en prll 1 is the daie set for t.h or annual Saga carnival, be efit earbook fund. MUll'; the college is in e elitor, Gemtz, Gold ne
f an
Pedro, Ilf. Mr. P ot erllon ia at present on a. tt'lp to Non '8y. Mr . and Mr8. Arthur Erlckll on a nd daughter, rralne, so spent the w l n t r In the tlOuthel cltiell, Mr. and .Mrs . JellS K las ey and us ugh tel'. oved Irom Sharon Bt'rdine. have P rkland 0 Morton.
AIlf'r pen Ing the winter n B lIingham. MI'. antI Mrs. Ro Boynton and da ughle . Pa lela, have re turne d to their h o m r in mong other returned Parkland. Parkland residents are Mr. nd Mrs. Loui Pet rISon and daugbterJ, Carol and Barbara . who spent the �'Int r in SRn Francisco and San
'avl r
P. L. C.
th Easler holidays Include the ectlng of the Mlslllon soc i e ty Wednesday eve ning t 7 0'c10c and the -Ed lub e;<lslon at :30 p. m. M:embera of the 1.11 sion lIoc iet re �rr ng'ing elr annual Lentf'n of- , fl'rlng toward a fund which 8Upports a na. lVe school boy of the adaJ;8l!car mission fields.
Sc m
t e r Regi tration . Jan. 31 At P. L. s
Ea:;ter vacation on he Parkl d ampus will be from Wedn ad y. April 1:3, 3 :30 p. m.. to Monday. Apri118 at 8:10 a. m.
Wl GI'E TAL Illu trated Lee t u re p, L. C. Thursda
p, L. C. ir
hmen have ameli th h' repre cntative
Don SlllV11Y 8,1; Ullen t huard of control to I,e the pJa e ot Miss Leala Lock \ oorl who b 'C me a m cmbet' of the II p homor e class at the beginning of the cuncnl scmester. Oher - ovde Is the new represent U\' (lC the IIOph(1)llOre normal IlISS, re nt cinS' Frank nger. ... ...
on tilt
Of Parkland
Th\1t':llday evening at the regular Lentpn mid-week evo llona l service at Park] nd Trinity Luth ran church. Palm unday services �11 be held Sunday mornlng at II 8. m. Mrs, Inge r inland will entertain the Ladles' Aid Wednesda.y atter noon in the church p arlor s. The Ladie!!' gu.lld mel Tuellday evening aL the home of Mrs . A. W. Ram ad.
'fbI fow' h in " R Ii nUmorl); undel' P. L C. student hnriv i\uRJ)icl'". orrn 0 the puhhl', pl'nll1lsc� to hI' l't1uc tl' n" 1 !l ' ell 1'I� ..njovI'll)lr. • chmnl'. \<hn i lrcafJ)' "rll 'nr) "n fo!' hi: 1'11:'1IIr�" of Ml. Til.
, tuslh
wlli pll'�"nl
allege gol! Pacific Lutller an 1 yen; are sponsoring a skaUn g , venlng at King 8 arty Frt ay 12 midnight. roller rink , 9;30 falr is to p rpose of the Th raise money to h p fmlll1ce ex-
penses of the gol! team ' s tours. . With the golf course adjolnmg oll eg the campus now under management, unusual interest has heE'n shown this lleason In g ol f . and e students are ut to encoura!\'e orne matches and attendance III RUPPOl' ot the layer represpnt in!\, P. L. C In intercollegiate com petllion. cComl1ck. Harry Bob Moe. . lImlcy Fries. Frank U n ger , Ford nd Lloy u 'l�hom plIl)n. a �e Villey In h 1'g.. of Fnuay v nlng II tho
I C(' \II e \ ':\ all • j)' i ('I'�n<l 11'" In ,·hal!!e .
lIlitI Wl\1I
!' ( .
Name Student Comnlitte ForHo e omi gAtP.L.C.
p, (Hie Lui heran ('ollege h(>me�nmin!!" IIrt for the week end of cupymg the atclobl'r 10, III 1<"ntio.! Ilf hoth alumnI and stunl'nl. as the P. r... C. "family" l ook !' forward 0 V!'lIts 'enlpred
lion, \, Iltt't hna.K nberg aJ II Boh S\' lrc. ent rtmnml"nt; .,,,dUh BcnllofJ . .Tun!' Walter. ,,'lId Blak·, Alvin Hogell, and Jesse P rl ueger, rr(reshll ..nls: Oak OUH',1'. Al M�· (lbrrt Lannn ,lack \'\'all , llnrJ t 101 Y edahi, r om arrange-
about lbe gll me wi h F,lI"n,'llIIl'g mrn{s. In Lincoln bowl. Rta Ford, stll<! '111 pl'('siilPnt A pep bJID . ping oTj{sniT.f'ci . hall "'l\ni�e!l , til it'll commltll'es, Palll Fm·qo, will make lL� first jnr the b::f'r following the game' nppN\ nCe durJng homecoming w en . he turlent body plays ho da '!. a re to till' visitors. In charg H len Hoilcamp, Irene dell and Eugenia p lC r, adverLlRing : catrke Siddel'. Link e erry, u I rh tit Pfluegel. Rolan ann aul F sso. dt"coraUuns. Tinge lst a ,sther N o rgaard. Evdyn y\' 'r-
l AV o For
Honored At S h o w e r
MiR� ThorCi Olson of
Tin'" 1 t'll
(If D!lpont \,111 be an v late Octoher, wn honorc I
Fhow!'1 pal y goi""n Fliday nin,.. hy Mrs, lng' S hnugg r I home . S8!! IcKtnley av .
A ftCI' gil RU; II om C ilia ,n() Dupont h, $I IIlhl!'cI, Mi!ls 01 011 was hr 11 ht . 10 lh hous . th vent B IIl'prise. Many eautiflll gifts or he new home l be c. lab U. II rl In Tacoml' T
First of Firesid Gatherings "Choosing a the t piC whIch \ 'Ill discu5:ll at Hour to b� nelll thi,q tllll I'll Pacific 1 ulh"rll' 011 .gC' All lUI! 'nLs nil I'iends j 1 I'PlIle will mpet In h c('pl1on room I'll
Su nurty ev('nill� or thiS fir t sr� sinn sponsorPl1 bv till' l('CCII Y or Hl1ized SUlldllY Night ;"UppCI 1 C1111!. MfRII pn'lgTam rtlnit:
L.. gill', anntlllnee th" t IJ. \' ek f1 om tl1l:1 wt'ck a.
R rem, M:.ugar!' "lulicnt at
Ol'n 81
C h u rcl ews at d W 0 en s S oc i ty ffa i r s Of W ek
M issio a ry
Fede r tion
Con E' nt i
T u sd y
.a t .,
avior'5 L uth era n C h u rch to Brin g
0u r
De le g ates fr om Oth e r Cities ' , m rn :
:\J i . )':i n a p�' 1 "c1 1"'n 1 i n ll ('O I I \'''\ 11 I' \(/n t 1 '1', 1 1 1 ,1I.l �;J yi ol" : LlI t h 1 n il ('11 u r( ' h , J 71 h :md .r st::;" ' 'ill hri ll.\!' f 0 TflC'Om rl dcl e�':'l ' r p l'p '('0 l i ,go '\ n m e n , :llC·j I ie, �f Lil t h pl" n (lng' )'!'g i Ill' i t j 11 l'on h P ll g'pl • (Iuncl a l"('a I ronl , ('at II' 1 n Oregon, Hu)' o r H n i za ion. will I I I I 1' 1' r ) " r • a \'i 11 ' · , h u rcl • togeth h tn t . er v i t.h HI'\!. a n 1\ir , Tit \ TU t':,hn
L wi. . 'Two
1 11
1l J'f> sched nler! , l h - fi l'.I, II I I n R . 111 , p. n . , wilh � l j 'l' , M. L. If
].lcll1b l'l'R of UJ(' Crystal will
pri r:s
meet Friday a
.he hom.!' 01 , II S , loCI hn 'd HalllH'D ' I ;:inning- w i th n In B l ( '( luI no-hilS 1111 cneall n 1 I'I' CI Ot'\I, 11 m !'m b rs Ul' • I[eo 10 b� PI' sl'nl 8, tilis 15 a n annual m " lelectt' I. rs \ ' 1 \1 b j u g And r !Ci ob. i5 the pl'r rR. j · e m 11 hal
n,,\vn on.
:-- e tt l
! felr. �k(ft l" nnni t rll' L, l nn J ulil h ron i n h! 1m a�d P. l lh
nioqd rI "
cruenL of all graduates seeking positions. Of the class of 36, two were hom makers who found Li m c if) cmNetc t h e Normal course and who ar again dcvoting f ul l time 1 t h I I' homes. The olb r two Hal Votaw and Bo b Martin of Ta� coma, 8 1 ' ontlnuing their d u c a t on t L1nfit1d ollegc in McMi IJle, O regon Following, i a list of thc leae)l' pr� who , t into the tea.ehing rRn k l' from P, , . this fal l as compiled by tbe acement service: ;
' dgefield, ArYl HlIl'old A nders n, old Anders on , E t Stanwood ; FranCIS A rchbold, hru SChN.I, raham : • -ordls A eson , Jssa q uah . mine Benson, Lak bay ' Ell! n B ' gs' rom. RI! ' : �Ol ge Bl'ock 'ay, , hellon ; G r l r u d e Brunner, Cougar Flats Gl'ac Card. Lalle lly; Marg re Cralt. S hel ton ; Thelma Daniels, PlU'k, l anuj John Dreibelbis. Pesh stin ; Evclyn Eklund, McKenna' Marie Fowl r, W shougaJ : th Fl'Oyen, Peshastin ; Eula-Mae G t', Longbranch ; Laura Hl\ug • Rue ester; Ray Htnderlie, cntral Val J y, Poul bo: Enid Hutson, �ood l an d ; H 1'(Ild Joll m,on, HVlUla ; Tumw:t lcl : Ru th Johns n Man taUon , chnol, lum Johnson. O ly rnpw ; EdIly Kelsey, Co lv i n
Lan/:,Iow T nin o ; • 'url'l Dewa to , ( ',(lol. HUlll Aport; !on" ladllen, f 1r-gI'OVC : J oal1na 1vhn. he ldon M oe, ousos, A.Word; T..a kewoofl · Evelyn MlmsDn, Fosler cattlc Robert .Munson, school I'l l'um Myhre, Tacoma; S la b :
. 'ovelle ' orllY.
Nagel, Ra:ndlc: V I borg \'8 o I.s\," , 0 UI stet' ; •
ROil unlc G I .e H IL h 0 1'; El ell.nal' Rll.udebaugh. McKenna: Gl.'rlrude KiJ v :
sc hOOl ,
t nberg,
BibI'. :
ennl .
?to . hl.'hali s : FI .u th B ll d' B(' II , Po l 'cr: R '1{ . Luod •
I'd J(1[
Svmth, Tay t ,
' g 1 , 1 cep -p rqon
P a r k l a n d P . L . C . N ews
t hell' wa - mto tho t('acblDg' field n varIous parts of the state, ThiS l a I'ep lilion of last yeru:'s rl'co rd w feb mran!! a hundred per cent
"Congregat iona l i\'ork '\.mun, " me'n of China " During the llllllinel'!R se1'� i l 'n n 1'1' e na lonlll W. 11: I , c"n pc 1 1 nf venUen helri I Min neapolis last J U n (\ will b prt'sen ler\ by 'I ns, I'l h u l' Kn utsen ot GIg' Hll.l'bcn' 10f t's, " le i or A Elevcstrom of PBl'k lanel w! l 1 pre}; nt the work of l h Pa llc Lu h e r Coli c DormiI'Y : u,'I1iary. A ' u nd ablr dlll '1/ Ion wil l be led by M rs, " H. O. EI"ickson, p �ts wil l e h,'cn by I he d rtmc ta l seeretR i ll'S. tr'g, L. C, F os s of ort m Rlak I , historian , Mrs, L. B , d I ot • eal Ie, C I d i e 1'01 1 ; Ml',�, lIllY Andl'r.<;on oC Sea I II', mil'. ion 1),,� ; frs , PhH!p E, Raugl' 01 Pl'Il'kla nrJ , thank offering' ; • rs , ,I. box work, • , . T ohnson at Abel'deen ,
Crystal S prin gs Garden Clu
O ' Con n Clumb. f OM n , � l(1 t.he
III c.i partruent. of P cific Lu ther an 'ollcg l ast !!pring have found
..1I:n t In
pI y 11 SII turday pft rnoon in Lm n Ix w I . MI . lss \'1 Bd ne L'i l ':a n nl :;:'l1norr i. the tud l'n t "h'('rlo r. I n II east \ ill 1. lice Cflok H a l' It I
93 '� _lo9. L� '-' � }!! � bo , ftl'aduatcd fl'Oll1 t h e Nor-
Tn th IIftt'rn o< n :M 1'3. , FllHWl k WIll r.nll ducl till' (' pf>nioJ; r t cYol i onnll', ","0 gr'OlJPs of 1IIm1)1'/ w i l l e Jr1wm �' � " ocRI triro tlm poRerl of MI'!'!, Phi lip E , Hall P, Irs "'1 1 fI 0 I'll 0 Olson ant[ , 1 'J! .r t)�pph ]1;,h ':l rril', nr'com pani d 11 t th<1 plane. h: Miss ElBa A ' neson a I I or Pa ll{llln rl . Th l' nllm ('I' \'111 bl', "H:lve Thine wn R V. Lot'd . " h\' St ebbms; " .Tesus, LO\'�l' or 111 Roul," by Holbrook ; " S we e t J.'l Th ' Mrl' Y. Lorel':' 11y al'nby I' PI' Hymn I:; nnel ' H;t l , the �, I n lin�': ' by M ory _ fl. lit B rgllot E"ansrrn wlll spt"111(
and Aha A , Mon�on of Tacoma. I 1 fl' m .mbl'lRblp : ml In M mOl'iam ' - 'I' 'lnl:' on Ih exec tiv, cotn millce wi h r11, '" '!g Ill' M I " L, J . FlO) f' n 0 POI l bo, ,;cc prelll ent. an n lrs. 'lItford , 01 on ll f P"I'I, nd , ' cl'etal'Y" t rea' u rc r, 11 wotnen i n! crested in U'e Work { I h'! ,,\' m('n'lI M issi on l'y feder a tion are i nvi le' 1 lo lb eonv Ii n en 'ctlngs.
"Uncle Bu b 's 'RI'lde . " R o n -a will til,. c nil'lImLl on IIf , , D)'ama <'lull t the rogl <m of Homeco ming !t'RLivltl"� planned for t hL' co m in g week- nr! Th e play II I be "h" n t u n!! ,: \'Cnj ng at l h E' mlx- ,' plllnn d I'r I vial fing Illtunol , fOllowi ng the gRlnf' ith Ilensburg N rmlll to be
com dy, thP p,
For ty Of P. L. C. Norm al's e a ch ing
'rht" momln� ,'!'i;SH'\D 11l opt"n "''i l h a n organ r hJdc by Mrs, O. f l'... . 0, _ t. nlln n ; n ;.: oi Tacoma. .T. 101Ol:'n pf III Sllvi r ' will , -:tpotl fnrma l w lcome. A Bibll' 'a 11 b ' Bc\', Lewis !l n r l vo ,a Eit'l ('Uon,� hy M rs. .COl'g" F i s cr wlJ n , Iude lhe m o rn m g p l'O/n·a m .
r'l lIl'
011 I"
sC'conri itt 1 : :J( prE', iding.
(.a nlen
Uf'ril Olh 1'. s " ad \ I e r h I he lym pIa high , ho 1, wil l he t h e guc<:t sneal, r a ' the first; fall meeti nll: of t lw P l'sonality clu a Pacific' L u t heran col lis� le 'C Th ur ay (>\' nino'. live!" !,: opi w i l l b "r,p t i ng long in the \Vorl d T od a ) . " ;\ 1 1 .
inviter! t o thill lub 7 o'clo c\(. fir,it for " 1' sen'cd which Will b Iga HUg'D, MiBs Beatrice by M iss Sidderl' a 0 Mi�s Ev I yn Tay l or . DUf'ing the venin iss fal'ion ohnson will p iay 1\ numoel f piano elec Ions, In charge of he Per 'nna l ity r lu b Gll'Is
a rc
mel'tins' at 'I'ellhmen
this semes er are Miss Louise R E'ndriekson, Miss Hel n Roltcamp Rnd Miss M l'ga l'ct ROJ'em, fiss , I rid A.n derRon :mrl 1.i�!l Eliza heth F er '� III ,\(,1'0 \':1 t t he girls' r p ' n room for this ursl meel n� isla 1: ont e Til will III 1'1 at t i e hOl11e ·cd. l' t " Hany rJ.l eh , Rrk ami Thursday afternoon, h ginn i n g "'l tll a c1l'ssCl't lu nc h e on fit 1 o ' c l o It Mrs, Ray Ren wic l( \ -ill prE' Ide \II'l n , the PI' g ram followin , Mrs B . Larld will present a ' pa n "Dish Gal dening," ]<..[1'8, nr':\o will speak n "Than.ksgi\'. ing Deco l'ahans ." nu "Taking 'p pre and Starin!: Bul hs" vil l b sented by Mrs, \"'i1 l1am Strnng.
r, in
stllt1l'l1iJl ga h" th l'l'ccl • J l l'ge reception 1'00n Sunday vening COl' lie first "Firef;llcll' H u'" 1; \'IOn501'r'} by t h (' Su nday Nigl!t c l l b, PI '/" .r. p pnurg'cr '\ 'I) the , pell.ket', The nex SllD, gr01 lp �'ln me t agai da ' evening- ;'Inri b " n.s gtles apral' " Dt', ohn nl, C'i Sea If', "Pl'C'blems Confl'onting U l ' -oung Ppopl ' i� his su bjed
WILL PARADE F IDAY NIGHT-P. L. C. I Planni g For It A nu I Homecoming-Page 8 I
/lth- I
The . L, C. Wompn '� etic aSSOcia tIOn sponsor II "Gym Frolic" Monda y sfternoo 'ror gi)'J� of th e bod ' Fol-
·;tilrj "ll t
P. L. c.
Homecom in
Be Staged This Week-End
Wil l
col i n sttla l rI fri nd� p rlltlcl Filaa cven m", pep vent sched uled [01'
Lu thcl'an
dcmtl! , alu lllni
patin s; in the paJ-atle, first homt'cr>mi n j;' acti 'l lk!; or lbis t il!' cn l le �r a l wf'('k-cnrl , ..... iII k " 7 . :30 p, m, Fridi\y u n ('I' hI' d l ee t ion f t h . tud!'n ounci! headed by tan · ord, preside nt. 'The caravan wi l l I' 0 C C e d throug h Soull T ('11 m to the city ('oL ' whc l' a progrll m oL yrlll1 an mU!'ie wi ll br prelicnl rI with 'Bnb Mitchell, Iren O dr·l l anrl EUl:'cnla Spl'nrrl' i n \.. h anv Vern er 'Bi ttel' h:1 /1 been nllmerf ch ai rma n of tbe rlrcor� f ing com ml leJ' In pr 11Iu'in ' fM Lho 1 11raell'. Tho I' \\ ho .... I..' h 10 hll" I'II 'R dcc rfttr'l hou lrl hrlnJ: thenl a l'ly lifter to 1 he ::0111'1:' I'rid ay 3 p. TIl . as po�. i bl !' Assilllmlo! B i t lel' Will bc rl:lIldo Al'pel', ug,'nil'l T'em�!'I', Tren/! rlc.H. Lar cn F"l'dlnllnd Rnnrlv, nel o l ll n rl \\'u�!lt. L . l'Oj;ra m "Ii'i l l b g'lven nvl'" I VI ThuJ'llrl"y c\' n l n g bC"�inning ". 1 0 : J 5. l1('ll'n Rolllimp is I I) ch!\l'ge of arr!lll g e
m l'ntJl.
Pacific Luthera n Group Plans S u p p e r Club
A g roup o f ;l iIlc Lulil"l'an col Irgl' stud nls m e t Tllc!lday evening Irq, at th hom' of PI'"f, anr! Harold J. LC:I':l 8 !1 at Pa rkl nd to tentn v!'ly pl a n wha t wi l l h,. know n as lh(' S un d ay Night Sup per club. Mi it a1'gar"t P�ar. on pr!'sirled . Thr first meeting i l l be I1c l r] I, in Trini" Sunday r ening, ('t ty ch urch parI Ol's , openIng at 0 : 30 . m wi th a soclal hour und er 1h
rl l rccllon of Miss Irene Odell. Harold .J. Lerp a:5 assisted by t ill' gr up, Yo'ill ar (If m mbe r.· ra nge . upp r plans, fltwger Wi l l be the Prof. J . P.
rliseu. a ion cader. the plan belT1g lntl'O lhll a Spl cial topic will b tiu , rI by " s !'akpl . (ln'l dlse uesion following. Th , u nrl;1t y night IT'eelings wiJI 1 r r mpu!', pIsnn!'rl he II W I) af mcwh R t on th(' n - frr of iire�irlf' huu !'s rOl'n I I'I' l y held. Rn d s ll'ang-crl t tl s l l!'rn ;.] l r w i l h )-:unrlav ev n in!! Lutll"i I '''gue . ml'cl lng'S (.r r"llsor n" orI hol"(, I n .- l11'
M I I\ I . :) 1 m 3 l'l l nlrr, (Itld1. oMil"/! . '01 m� PI' us. .11 5 r'.B Knut/wn, fiJorNI LarBen. M I nnd t£>r Snl ) � . Forrl, Fl 1'8, as ProC and t . L
low in g!" th C OlmlLtees plann ing t h affair : Elsie Barre , . eha i 11l1l. ;'I-tary Ja e Dedrick a n d . I lle \ValterG, g am s ; B e a I' ce u la nd. ('h ai rm an . .T ync H SI'l'ing I on ? rI R Ith H ansen. refresh ments ; Connie Clumb H n d rene Odel l . g-ra n ti marc h . :u1d Ma h,,) -legg- n . ch airman , Tve Knu n, and Th lnl a 'ellS, roonl arrangpm ents
. pbe e. Mls.� ''''a den e a l avan . D!'l ta. Rho GRmIll II p resi dent. el comrd the 11 w gi rlR and p reSen NI h officers : Mis!; Alie.e ook, I'E'Rid n t ; Mi� Enin Bl ake, Tf' rrling
,<;('creta y . M is VirginIa \'to;. corre ponding I!ecretary; i. Mar�ar(>t Larse n . scrgcan t a t-arms , a n d Mrs, thpr H, v ;'" lid ' c1' " u ' cal umbr ':;; W l'e a vinlin Rnl b, Mill/> ylvi Mil l eI'. ae" c(lmpa n l Ii b r Mias velyn Syv r �on , vo It OUf"t, "Down in Jungle Town , " . i!lses Margaret R/')r em and Eljz!lbeLh Stu .n. accom pan lerl by :Mlss 01 rna P (,I1.� , and lin Improm ptu solo M i. Lt'ola cllW rI, onl' f th e iniUa ce. iss C ladvs Gilbertso n , w me mber 0 tht' faculty, wss called on fOl' an initi t i n speech, a nd resp ond d WI a lake-oft n Romeo and Juliet. A r adin by iSIl J eR AJ mOllr and a novelty n u m b ", by Miss Bir (' L udwi gson
he pl'oR'ra
PARKLAND Ch 1"1\ 1 Mci!'ty wlil �uml' !t , wor1-. thi.'1 Ial i wit h a m eUngo alle I I' ed n " sday evening. October 7, in the Paclfje Lut hnran .01\"£<' h a pel .
AI! m emhl'NI are askrd to b p pres enl at II o'clot'k, an \ n ... me",hers 1'1' in it('d Lo W.· flrll l !OlIlon. P ·of. .T oseph O. Ell .... dll ... j l l . gain be eirector Of lhi3 groll r , n wilh A . M. Frc(>man, Pl'f'.9I-
SeCl' etR!'Y dent · M rs , Har ry H I leh, u.�l', lre�r r, and Mrs . t111' X� lIeMon . Ian t.he "'ork for will ub ie appearancc will T r f rs when Han b e III Chr istm n.<i lime iven by l hi' wil " !liab "Me .I' t! n orchc· ·U· aod rus cho the
Issue of Moorin g Mast D istribute d
I !
T n i tilllinn of , w � j r's inlo Delta. Rhn Gamma . PA.clfic LutheJ"an 00 i Ing flay sludent orga niT.a lion . was I' l i mR ed w H h t l1C formal c;l.ndle liJ;hUng eremony Thu r rlR.,Y ev!'" nlnl; pl'ec tJe<:J by riin er i th co l ege di ning hall For the dinne l on g tahles w r "ct in II cam pus motif, lhf' center piece of the peakeI'll' table" bf'lllg a mima tllJ'P replica of Ihe I adi li on ? \ " ieking pas " a d '" 'ounds o f he we end of the campus, At t er ta le� were , jmil� r rep re cnta tions of the "foTlntain 0 yuul , " an d here and there were r, mal i fruit t rees and laddcrl! typi fym t ne or ch a rd . L lghler! can lleo; Rrldf'rl to th f sUV(I almoll- '
li S
mad '
appe rlln
II l l on Welln sday ;tftemoon , M i
Hagerup w i l l b e
as so lat.e e<1itc.t .
assisted t h i !! f I . orilla
bC'rs of t h e editorial IIta!! ntlvisorship of Mr" Ruth
m m 11m'!!'
cuI , . FJ'rtnrk of th Ed ito -al memb nnoune I In the first i e i1',('1 It\£> Russell Fr n Roland ,. uest, N orm an ry
Fales Martin, spo rts writers: Jack Odey. Walter chnackcnberJ!', I "cm neW A nens on a n d Ma r in Jen..<;f'n, RJ)('c la l wri terR ; Elva Bergma n, Jd' Men.. L avaun M C Il, LJew lIa D:n·ie.s. Ida Mae H081!, Eli zab' h Stllcn, 'Vadene C avan and 'Ir ginia Davis, reporters , AIda .Tnhn , 00, GOpy read 1'; Coni. ne Ms l mime a d In'Oe Od ell . typist'!. Oa]< OLne. , a.ssisted b )11 Elizab tI, PI iIi':. heads th e bu, in sta ft. Vir i nia Davis a n d Eliza be th Stu en are advertising m n 'tg r ; I{aUtryn Anderso n, ircuJ8' I on manager. 8SRist f! by H le n LlIJ and Thelma eSA ; Mabel Heggen, exchange editor, and Milt. guret La.rsen, V ivian Sm i t h . lind Ve rn ice Scott, a solici t or . PrOI . .T. S tueD will cont-inue a lacll ' l b sln('sl! ael \-!ser,
Mis,r.;io ociet .1 A t P. L. C. Elec t. ' �
Pac] ie Lu i 111'1' n 1'1 11 ge MI 11[('11 Ill!lr'ly ruc.rnbcl's c h ose AJvln RO.I:" n ! \\ ()(Iflbt u·n. t , as
0 1 J: /I n i7.:l UnJ'l mrll'T rhrJirm n h i p p' /litlnll t , Dru I h
P . L. C. News A d Notes 1\[1'
Head Circuit Luther Lea gue
1. A. llIi,.lpllSen , \\ Ito lui ten::;en l"I�centC;por.:"r FIsher, a ml'mber of I hl'! to Parkland fl' 111 L l I l h r L"�J:1H' r Cl n t rll l Lulh peak a ' I tori , will he ,.. r n c h u rc h , walt ejp.ctpd presid(' n t No\ c n e r meeting f the Pa- of th" , n uth uget . nund Irr:wt e ifi e Lp thel'a n college Lu th- L Ithrr L agllt a t the conve n Uon ran Daugh 1.ers of th TI e- hl'l d d lli ng th e past ....e I: end In f rn ia ti n. Sea tUe. A cording t.o a nI" ... I'ul ,
�.. jth ev. ly ill V d
rou! . Tho p r:<onn 1 of the :Pa ific �lIthf'rH-n s in gin g group annOUDC d toda.)' by Prof Edwards, followlI : Sopranos : Eu�nia Spencer. LongJ'lew: f ihlred Lars n, arlc a nd ; Paulinr ·Watts. Tacoma ; Ho m Is RUIlt . Ever tt; EVil Gjesual, E mor No. ak. ; 'ivian cllrr Sr mt' lon ; Mary MaLh l e , Tacoma : i rginul. Da is. Pa rkland ; Mar garf'l R()rem , Tacoma; l ma Sto lr. , VIUlC(')UVCT. Wash . , AIda. John � n. Sf' 1 tlf' : Inrla De Bert' ' . Innt·spc,h . .
Minn . ; B at ice Sidden! • cattle, , 1H1 arion JI mson. 'rahilI' KrIstensen , Sea t U e : stl ill
::\1 ·S.
ha., \Val' ed constan tJ y wi t omen's organizations of the Lutheran churc duri n,,· her lIlI.ll y years as a pastor' s wife. S11 if; ? pi Dne e r mem r n[ the \�'o rn' ' l'i On B l'Y F edera en
f which the L. D . R . is a group. In 1926, bGIr ,rc the L D. R was
n i D I"
I ol'�anizcd nationall y, I tens 'n ca m " In P. L.
C. to . ponam: t.he orgosl ization of the pre!;l e t L. D. R . . vorking wi th M n;, , . '\T. Ramstad. advls"r. first. 1 1"3, Christ('nl3 n can l;g'hUy h 11' found er of th e coll eg e call ed STOU p , and her appear
nee on
look d f orward to w i th a great d al (I{ in te res t by t e large membership of the PI' en
progr am i
urlln ton. arlit I 'Ihardt PlI Uf'ger, PIl I·kJaml. VT1 1 r a n ! J III " I Jl II vni('" and l'Iome nl )aM Yl'lIt ' l'. hol·� m!'mbers ret lI'n ng t.o II boo l , !.hr "Choir n( h W"lll, " aclflr Lu theran col i e honlN, has
IIrttJed down for t he lIeason 'lI li e liville!!. The Ilntl a.ppearance of hr ::: r(111 }, WRS a rhaI'�l hls }l n-
morn mg- . Thr lrr(lup
week: fn r U t,. 'hr 1 m cnncert. Thl" l l'1ldl t ltr fl 1\1" P r tlo n, Ifill hI" o r II"Tlielll r I Ihl y"a " thr choir
t. rt l n e:
r"pa ra l l o n
c hosen 8JI lreasut'\"f, League Albe t Erickson of Sl1atUe T m m anuel Lea g ue , Puc)c t Testa T,,(j l!ecre tary. L 8g-u menl Brl ·k. · n of I mma nuel and ' t.lwin R t' m IIC Fir t NrJrWl'giAn, Ta-
d mem I'r�- o. l a I' ",. 1'1\ as ?cd Mrs. O. L. H llavik atlv H 'I' . <'l d. d ,Tumor L g-u
(' o m n
)R r�e,
Gel h ll ... l LIU\(', &I Frienrb " ' . grA I lIll le nf 1 920 , hln� l' L, oeen in E"re t rI In folln llg hili work � � a sturl nt l i'<slnno l"y in lied fl', " cI 'M1'l' L:\nc �h i n R , 'Cl' " yf'/l r ;. �n , Rn<) (rom Sea l UI' t from llipir fir, ' !; tnPPIO J: plllce Hllnk \1 lhpy h VI.' l'pr�nlly het'n Sinych , to inlan<l 1 I'M errp rr lor. lPd a t Hnnl' , Th rr hI'\' 1 11\l'ion HmnE', an,l t h r Luth ran urly nf 1� nt h 'Ill con tinu h ;:;U8 e until aft I :hI illlml! , they xpect to S:O into aclh'e mill "Ion work , ALter leaving P. L. Co o J� m l' n n · coilege, Uml l'll hi:'! :'!ludv ' al Luthr.l Decora h , Iowa , and l a l I' a l 1.11 1.1 1 heY" Theologlq;tl � mlnlu'" in HI' is Il son of IV\". • f in neapoll1!. . Lltn nf Sea t "nd ]Ih s. • C(11 P' tle. R v , LRne se '''ell fOl' a lillie agent at Pacific Lu )1t'l'ILO a!I fi I
e , with Vivian Smitb a.nd · Ande�son . as stiDg .
The \Vomen 's Atllidic a.ssoeia IIponsOl I'd a skp.tlng party evening ::l King' Rollrr S turda ink, Judi th 3cted as Be son general c h a irm a n, an d had s h r assistan John,on, A Id a Ru th own ton and H elell Bc t, Prizes aWll rde th mOlt s ki llful w r skatrl'S as ell a e to arnateurs.
Mi.-'s Alma Stole(' .b<I. been na me Po ket Testament L ag e secretary connection with he dri ve f m em bers being s ansol'ed o c i ety. y the P L. �. Mission ChR pp.l speake .s during the past week spoke D toplcfl nnected With ia drive. A t the W dnps
(! vf)n i ng m ee ting' of bo Mi ", ro up Miss my Thoren, rIO t m'ned m issiona. ry fro Jhina, I gave a il us t ra.ted I c ure concel'ning be l' work
I aim
P. L. C. Graduate Luncheon Friday
Pacific Lutheran cnllege g radu atea will hold a luncheon at Fir Luthera n church. 6th a.ve. a nd I at., Friday at 12 : 1 - o'clock. in COD n"'ctlon with he V,', E, A. conven-
tlon .
Har'ry Southworth , '32, elected at ill..St year's luncheon as chair m a n J'OT thrR r�ar, will be m charge will In oI Ute pro g l's m . N umb!'1
'IudI.' \'0 'al , II) � bv MIt;: AnI a i k k hieD, now l .." cblng 111 �:h >1I ,n, a reading by MI. Vir� nla Davi s , and a piano '010 by I ill. 'orma reu!!. J4i .. Tbelma DAni 'I.' ot P rkland WIl l ceompaoy 1111 Mlllke/!!!'n and plav in gr u p Bingi
I 1
Under th e rllre ti rm of be d l'l l leader s, Bob Mitchell , IUll£ !llu a ri Eugen ia spence , P. L. C, d en - sta g I' d a prp rally lI,n d -pa
f on l'r ceding the . rade ltTi Ua.y me wi h B"lHnghllm Satu rday. wi th Thr event wa.s COnt ecled Halloween by the appearance of The 8. numbe r of mlUlke d tud en ta, t coope rat d col1('ge art d epa rtm in making witb the yell l e a de r of t h,. most 0101' lhe pllrad t' on
. ('rvI', offie l'lI. for will
wo yea I'S, r Cl!ntra l members ex· uthel'all were nam d on lb pcutivp board : Mias 'igne Byrll , vice pl'e.!!id�nL . and MIss Eleanor Mis" He lgrln 8UJ'ud. secretary, • lit Seattle v rson Of th
em erll 01 the freshman la.8 have chosen the firs t Tue day of �ach nlo ntb for tbeil' reg'ulal' noon m eetings, Stanl y Friel! has be n nam d c h a i rm a n of the social
FiBber ' o lh r n
wi h the a pel'io f Two nlh
time, The meeting will be held �-OY, 19 at the home of Mrs, T S va re, wi th Mr , J, P. Pfl ueger as join t hostess.
nenson .
staged for
The R t . R V H. L. Fol'-� of eat� tie, presi d nt or tbf' PaciIlc Dis riel h u rc b , BrO){e Sunrla.y Lulher an evening al t he "P. L, C, Frrc ide " .A musemen ts and Youth" hl.\ur, evotio� were COn was his topic ducted by Roy Schl'l18.ndt, and Miss Mildred La rs n. a ompanied g " How by Miss No rma Pr us , re Thy Dwel1in tr�," Top ic ovcly
WR� Ipd by Rl'v , J. p, t Fir ide Hour Thr n fl uegl'f. oificl'n;, WIll hn ..'nv. 8, "it h th ar OhnRO , pl'esirl t, Jl1 per !="arpl Pe3nOD , vic presiden , no ttnf.'8.". !<fercta,ry- easurer, Oak
r Hscussio
Llt£ ther Lcagu Convent ion Will e Held n ParkZa l cl
Be Of fered
rama Night
At P. L. C.
J'I hl" at p, eWe 1.\1'ill FrIday ('\'en mg when three 01 e-R t playg ",,1 11 he prellcn t ed b ' the P. L , C. Dra ( l ub Untj, I' the presidency of MIlIll Marga re t norem. The public I!; , viled 0 h is 1 1'. t lltlJ flP of the can pu, t hc:>plans, op ... nin g \ p, m , in t he coli go!' gymlasi um , .. u�inesR, and S ' OJ tb , " b, fo.bel F, John on, v. i l l be �i\' n II nd!'I' hE' o irf'ctOl :,;h lp of TesllC' Pl lue er ..,l'fi te I y Mis, BM I ' L land , , Ie Frank ha :let I. Hell'll l'ngel' Illl Lee GIUmSL Sta r as nn Howl' : Erlilb J 'nole:v 3S Bea hap I) : bel' la vii a' , BI'n , E. Fact!)r ; and R ol li (i \Vu s aill rl Till e1'\' 1.:111<1'1 Thel rn Nt's i�t II by Ve!"J1c'r mg "Eggsaa kly, " nne by {arlinA haractc1'l1 in clude B i l l ' -('n t. young g'l'Ocel'Y clerk. port ray",1 by Stanley FTi es ; J i m Mur phy, R IIR g"r of lhe 'Vhlle CaQl1 GroCel)', '\Va l �lI ekenb rg: 'A 'I'; nn W I\ eh 'I Sticki er, tic"' on er "Drama
th ran ["011 'g�
aranel' l
I he
F.llzabeth t h e ord('1 00) , Q I'''' n Jen, en : no F.li7.abcth 1. nrmon lh� girl. B('lly 11 I I . MilO!! H I n Sc"tt I :; h e dJ 1 r lo,' nf " 111 , pplp , al a(l ," by • '/11'1 'y .. . i' t ' n� 1 er i" >T i R. \'11' Mnol'e J: Jl1 i a Dlt ViI), wi h the foll wing cast · El'lt h I . '{)q raard as M r Dam I ; O t i s .loa m l !!. 1t'. Dau ' ('\ ; Rug Spencl' J ', :Mary B�t 1 \' ; � d Kenneth .A n enso n , MI', pC'11 ntes,
93i n i1n-ilRlion to hold lhe lIIllI " (l11vl'ntion of lh , 'firt h Plldflr. Di!'; j ' ct Young Pl'opl c's u l h l'J' LcaAlu' 11 t 1"3 I k l a n tl • )11'!i j;O , M \' 1 Rntl 2 , 1111. hpl'n at' ' e pt ... 'I, it i � announce'! hv I h t' f�ls l l 'i('L 1I'R�\lr prl'sldenl. Rpv, .\ 1 \'11 U L' n v i ol" L' ILl' wls, pas 01' of th emn hun'h , Rev, Ll'w i s lTIC't 111 all ,by li C ' "i on Tu c..� day a t t h e TRcom a hot I \ Ith mem f"l'� of th _ rI\snic! h01lr(l to o uWnl' h .. ('011\' n t i on a n d rJ i llu,,� othf' t' , ffairs of the ti i 5lJ'k an
of the P aci fic (llstrlcl L u th e ran church , wlJl pI ach t t h e an n u ruissi n se rviees to be h el d �undRY mo m!ng al 11 o'clock i P ar klan Trio ty Lu beran church of 'htch Ule e\' , T. 0, Svare il! pastor, the opening scrvice, Mr8, 180n "" ill sin CJlfford 0 L ilU Pra},er" by Hamblen , The ellolr \\'11 1 • In "The Vision of Chr l" Y F, (']ius Christiansen , n U n(l r th" clirection of Is • 0 1 ma Preus, th Junlo!' choir WIll sing "Jesus Shall Reign" bv Hat•
�!lt't ,
, presH.lenl
ton ,
Ilpecial oUel'ing [or Ihp mis , ion of lh ". ch nrch will be l ken, The lhera 1 rJ1UI'rh conducts missIon wnrl- i n hina, Madat:'alS CRr and Zul In ou lh Afnca and carlies on a n xtensive ho m c mis , ion p rogram , The la tf'r 'Deludes m issi on work among lhf' Jew , t he malntenanc or instit utions of mel'cy such lUI children's homes, homes for the aged, resc ue home3 a n d city slum mission/!, as well 8.5 the support ' of II 1l1rg(' nun t'r oC 'ollege-'1 , nOl'- I m R I schools and 'em i J, ariell,
, L. C. Drama C lub Will Prcscn Three Plays
' 'E U�ESDI \'
I I } 11 RSl'li:<ltrrj by \'i rpn i 'l Davi. : Jr.�R P f lut'g('r, B.s, isl tl hy B trice L()la n rl, :'l ncl Thehn • • ' ss, sislcd hy Yelll " I' BIller, Tbt,l'I JearlN-': :ll1 d a , RiAtant", \\ i l l p" (,I'<,nL hI(' -lid pIav� ,1 III i t, l r Il "rir am. lI ight," !<ch rl lli rJ IOI' lh fIr, l f delay in ',)v('mb[ r. til Mh. Dec. 4 WRll II as to(' ria le for th l � '!{f'] r 's nr 'c lla , Tu COllII'I wlLh th c1ul, , ,}\'Is"r, r -l'iLh I !o, Mi,�!' ROl'cm appolnt.cd th ... Jill (t\\ ing ('om m J l tcl" [I I I' 111,,1 11' ... t he sciC'clion of an nperctt l nnel t" � p pomt com m i l t rr� : f'alllJl1 ... \\ H ll . , _ra r v i n .Tenll 71 , nd A«tl'itl Andcl cot ,
ilia Thora
Ison , riauJ1,htr. r of Mr, an Mrs, T, Ii Olson of Park land, and Peter Wcstby, snn of trl!, HclJena \\ {'!'[ by, oi ,Iay lon, \\ lUlh , will or mil ' tier! "I'('tin sduy cv nIn!!.' in Parkl nrI Trmi y Lulh r 11 church. Rrv, T. 0,
�vll re '\i'LIl rrrform
Th f'
dc!r/! Il t (>s and RUnlct visiLors fl'rml I,Ilt.h I' T� UI' In the ()i�lnct cxtcntlin;! [I'um Brill h , Co l ll lnllhl t h l'ouJ;h 01 on . ""v<'r 1 h\l lv\ J'ed J'''o Ip bping �( d, Dt" ,', F, !,;u l l i . !lOll , ['pslurnl of Innd
wil l
1,l I lh r 'I h l'<))n�'i r' I '('m ill I y in l. " il l h I' invi! ,.. r 1 :;1.< llle convcntlnn p eal(e1'. Ylvi I(CI , •, . f, 1'• l l n t c rn a honal I'xI'ell tlvc S(,Cl'ct I • of [innc apolis, \ iII a Iso he in It I k lhl"'nH' of Lh(' Th a,q fl. s p l'n e r. eonv ntion , III b in h a r mo ny ilh I tH' pl'ogmm no\\ 11 Ing p l a n n 0 [Ot t ,. ill! rna lon a l l'nn'; l'n t l on of I h y, P II. L. rh idl ' ill ml' ,Iun \ i , 2::1-' i i ll • fin (,!lP 1\5. ev, A. A, M. kllmd pf IssR C) t J " h, Bri Camphell of Sil vcri. on, • ed I \'e rson or LaCOIYI A , aml Mrs , Je.qS Ii' l ' l ase\' [ P t ),Iond n nd Rev. 'p . " . SVR J ' \ '1'1''' <.IrI gR e to plan lh.. <.I 1:: t l'if'l c nven t ion pl'ogTa m. Pau l ,
P . L . C . N ews And
Nam D te For Mee ng.. Of Int re. t To Luthera lS
111 nl: I n rnn I t J l, nrl I..lIlhl'r li ntl n ju!'>t art H(>{flrmalion f !l l ivR I , r I'V. J , , ! 'rmAn O)l"On fi t Lop ngl'l will 1)1' I hl' convrn l lrrn prrll hrr, \"I'h. a I1nlf 4 I r· thp d ll lp IIn n0\111 prJ fill' � n t he}"ln PEl tn1':i' I nll i tutl' t o bp held El t Pllcifk lI l h mn cot11' 1' . Th", p l''nl: ro m plannp,l will h . . irr.lI. I til thal or lhf' "PaRlors' I'lrpal" 111' 1 on Lor Three sppaker1l a pu.q JOl'll '1'111' Sun,' y I ()n w i t h th
" " vir""
who have already ' cceptcd pellkIng as.9lg:nment� I Rev. " dell of ortland Dr, L, W, Bol'!. resident of St, Olaf collp.ge . In 1:In/1" and Dr. A rth ur orlhfi Id " P P 'om , f Chi s holm , l inn ,
L uth eran G I· T I o Ba Ii Tteams
p , L.
board of truele , wjJl C O ID -
meetin g i.n eccmb r, p l e te detailed plans.
" Sonia" Will Be Given By Club At P. L. c. "SII1II1." ,\ omJc opcreUa b Dnn \'Vtl!l" I. is thr flclE.'Cliun made (PI' the I'Icember IJr�.. nlatinl1 o f t h l" PacifiC Luthenm nBc!;r VI' m , (' l ull, Jnuer thr dlr('ct!on r l{ I h Rcid. club arlvisl't'. the p�l'cl!JI W i ll bl' iV1'11 i n lhe co l c�e J:Y01nll j{!W Lh first }l'rlday in De-
Party Fetes
B r id e, E Ject ,
M i . Th Ira OIl'on, ,\ h ose n1srria,.. e to Pet r W thy lIC I u po n t \\ ill be an em of htte OctolJE'l', wa surpri. eel In t week-end hy a group of I'lienns and office associates who c.\me to er home i n P rkland to art . in her h onor. hold T
p grrt\lp
first sl the bome
t , Carl Li dgrcn in Parkland �nmg from t herc n thr. lson home, where I rs, Pe , J HoYland, rs Elhel !ill8 I ene Baird And F' 110 1ng BuhrE' weI' hl'lsle.<;�e , 1 s t au pf!r, any b e- u t l 'ul gifts w"r presen tpd 0 �h.o; Ison for ht'r ne home wroch \\ 1 1 1 be mad in Tacoma Gu ll' wpre M('�dA.mes Leoia C:otl,IE'I' \ Ida Val'g , Vel's Ohis!!r, 01 "e B rI ass, M/U'y Val'go, KaLh prine Pi tman, B atric e Ha, e. , Swecney, Jennie Kiesel . Dorolh o
Bertha Vlotr!!, Bennett, rRnk . Bet h Brennan, Inl!3 �('bnugger, p rl Hovland I ez . Hlnllha \', Lucrrnc J'lcohso , Derothy 'lUlam, AnnC' Bahrt'k .A vis Meek, Hel en Taylor. Pea rl \Vlllis. Edilh My r ti e .Tllme!l, HI'J en
l !dsn.
, Ev 'Il McGovl'l'n, Gerria Gertrude 0 'ml'nl, B Ric incen 1-l�len Fick , E hd Buhr ., He I"n Logan , Esther A l ei, H len H"'pkins. A(!11e s LlOd !,;,ren , Mar
Ill' Fergu on, AnnA. (·'lll'll'e . Fred Hoflinger. BerthR nnste"m n, 11' ne BTe d, E lr n ' Palo; arv 'issrs Elsie Schuler. " Reed Roberta Carns, Cora Nel son, F..s lhpr Mortpnson , E5ma J"indl'lan CI\ rine Kelly, £1. ie HaJ'm, Rut h f1 hoo rl , oulsl'! KOf!R.�ler Eleanor M ryers, Ir np Baird, O rpha \\ ease " and Mrs, T . H . Olson, ,1:rs, Rohert. S. Cl a i r , Mis!! Arma Ol son 1I0e 1. I ric� of prelim i n a ry tryou ts and 1>[1115 Hel('n OJ. Oil , moUler A , for the vanOU9 "oles .. 1'1' 11 Id d u r- lind Illlllers of hI' hon o r Iwest. . lng thl' p8.8l w k . • onday aflel" ' _ . noon tinal t rynulS W 11 he b I j lind r 0 m, Paculc 1 EW !\c o r c . 11 t he CIl..'1 t Rnnounced Th ' Pt of · J · d · Luthe ran col l g , n I I' fonc lennI', t hree bRritoll . w Edwards, head �( th e mUSIc nu rano op !; one . Jl\l!; sopr'a . u lllCY.z Arran gcd a partm enl , has Just I' lhr also Rl''' . 1'1' o Th raJ n nl' c college fol' . the umb .r new ' p!l l'l� lind II choru s com · , 1\1' mcl', fpeak in repel' �Ire thUl Bf'lUion chot'u Ail, ki, i "" bnl"11 , 1 TlU!!I' of "l'Itud HOVland, Tbe musI c be ,tool , from ;irls." M rs. A !lh rs , and !I we , In D 1\lo.J r h, J 1m J"nsrn. SUit ih intlo duclI al H DR pel' physic , Bat'h , , Fo r the Sebu tiall oul g' kin or w " "Slst in t'rue or, 1 hte h ; . \.' " n t w h a is; wo r tions, t t � h'l!'U� presenta I<Onl c J ('on r 0
ccmbel'. A8�iBt 1ll ;: I his vear 's mllSl 11.1 d rama r, 1I1In(' \\'s.tts, s trid AmJ e rs 11 • uri ial'vln JI'1l {'n. I t Is i t.eres I .. n lbp club mcmbl?rs t o k new 0;' t l ' t lhe coml' .. r r " onia . " , li sen oC hiC g , v. as Dr . Reid !I Mo II. n t a her when he II. t ·nrl .
M l'S. H rnry
I Henderson,
. �• \
"Lord ' Pray er, SQlo earrles tbe word s \\ hll • the sccom the ('hoir h u m he ltal'''' I lituc lIJIiment, 1 h('. wit h throu gh ut, I'ato Ull init' t hi' ,'ow e l "0" ,'oi('c ill r. n t ra t to t he humm ltlg' r The " rd thf'T part1l, the r p l tlthroug h w l tbou ca r l" 'cept in t h" 18. t t\\ t,ion
To Ent rta ln C l u b
V i l lc w i l l 'n-
of lhl.' Pe rkJa
tl'rl ain rocro b T a cl 1 l h n l \11'1' home Sill I rna n Sl udy o'cl ock on 't'UI'!\dIlY 3 t 2 :30 1' , "01 11' uh lnp ic ior the yC'3 The (UI til"!" rlr bl' III l." men crn c;.o\' izabelh Hol m ,"elo ped hy • r5. Lut hcmn Hie PII lV' of dy ' Bon kinJ\ nn lh spf'a lty, (!lcn �p /'ell COli t · !:O\' , r h ol'jr8.niza tion ('If "Fl� ' anrl ' xie' ''DI rom pn!. (Ot' cho!; the Fre,," h Rve been P ollP ;ing ln� V, R m!;tarl will preMrs , A, Lhe preJrr:>m � i rlc a n r\ in charge ,.,f IIVI" e l ehlll r", au ) , Mrs , a rc M I'�, E, oem J1: and dra , \V, How ard
m a.!! U or th r ponn . Edw rds I' p rlly re 1\ b p ro ml s 5 t . ible lor w.bll. Ed PI of choral numbel . fin warus p lanne d the arrang menl of the Bach music some t ime ago ,'ovl<l e word but w s u na bJe to One da y which seemed to f i t . ' e l E' d the Mrs, Edwards s u Jt \'8S perfeeL. "Lord 's Pra 'e " scor ot th "rsl c e Ie Th sterda '. The were mime gTIlphf' d chorus w I try thc new composi ' k. tion n . \\'
Luther League's Se S lons Thi Week End In S attle
f any Lulh r league n embers of ci ty are expected to be in Sea t lle I.hiB w....k-end tor the annual fall convention the South Puget Sound Circu i t Luther League, openi ng Fri day eve ' g, 7 : 30 , m., at the Fir t NOI'Wegian Lu theran church, Boren and Virginia 5ts, A ll South Puget �ou II circui t Jeaguers oI Tacoma. lire expected l be fl'prel' n le-d by delegates and ' sHors, 8.Ild in \ldillon sevl'ral , Tacomanll 't!IIVP a \' r y < eli pSI'l lD the program 11$ officel's, spl'lIkerB 01' musicians. Frida;\'" "vl'ning-'s pl'ogl'arn will npl'n willi l1n ( I gan fl'c ital by EdEg'il La.rs n, U IJ Ill. wRT'rl K pr,,-jdl'nl of I h f' hrl�t 1 agul', ",,11 1 w,.. 1 rom " "i HOT , Ann ,rohn Klr-
E'la turd
16 Denomlnatlons Atten dIng · P L C •
Called To Oregon -
Dr , O. A. Tingc�
Lulhl.' l·R n college,
d , of PacifiC
left early Salur day for regon R 1 cr only I\. lev.' <lays sper l in arkland. following rl'cen l '�il t(1 the a�t. The pre3ine.nL wss called to .hi s foJ' mel' nOll1c i n Si l verton , re . , where both hl8 8f;'cd paren ts aI'e i l l . nl"turnin� to iIver ton, DI'. Tin gel8tllu plan:; to tal' in Portlauu , :> Il l] [ro m l llt'r. lrllvel I n SL hnny t n J;"et h I S car which wa; reeked 'vhen he ll nd r . Tin g e l I st�rJ were homeward bound a wl'''k 8 1;0. M r!l. T i n�el fllad, wlwse l' i ;;ht �' In WM [I'a-Clu J ed, a.<; ;,.-p. ct '<I . to J'c L l I 1'U �horUy from he Tatom . Gcnp.lnl bospitaJ , wh er e she WI\ ta ltl'n last "" Nlncsrlsy morning , lely upon h el' ann'al f rom I n tlncd la ldo.ho bv train . The "i'ingels lacls COVCl"CU 9,000 ' Y n U t o mn I)j' j e durm mile". 'J ' g 1 11 month 1!pt-n t in t h e eil fit, � t endln five lmpOl'tan me l Ugs In s t a tea as f a r lUI Texas.
Entert a in At Dinn er
MI'. .and en tertained
GUY grou p o
d rvoJ d
l eJat\vea McKin ley Roa
SiKtr('n c h u l"< h dl'nnm lnl' l!un!'l rcpl'cscnt,:d in �hc ,,11111' 'h : I'r l ]11'rr"I't'I1 " ('� of l 'a c i iic L U l lwrun rnll<'gc s lutJcnt..", I t lR l'l'vcn l rd hy fi� II " ('5 com p l h.t! in lhl' " "�j Fltl':1 J ' ,, TH hll l " Un n .' arc h,,""d 1m nUir!' . h e ttl ;l.l 1'111 I I menl "r :11�1 l) d;: l l c, I I hl'l' n ./I 1lJ1j:: ht hr (''{PI r r'1 . .,i l l I r'll t� l r�U . [ol'm i ll ;; on IV'I crn t. (, f thr �LlId"n t h'lIlv, rcpfe"rn LIIIl: Of t hI' ,\ or)jeA I J:: ,·l)ll jl�. nlll" 1� ,01 " 1' 1' rlt"n[Jl l l innti" n1i, I i w' 1'1"('t c l:Jllt ""'ol l r � 11'l\'1 in numbcr, :. 1 5 I'xpres$c.t1 Only 11 n( U1 dlOlcc, and [()\Jl' gave theI r on choie" a.� " i n tN·d('nmn i n a tional ." 'Tolal . W l i n l lons liated, includ ing tbe varioull Lu lbcl'an bod ies , merican Lut herlm ch u rch, f\l't ; ynou , Danl.-;h Luth t\ u1{u:;Lana ran Chul'c h , ICl'land le LlIlup.l·an , I h (' I' l;l. n Nl l I'We gi'll1 'h u t· h, J II ch, N u r w e " i II n LuthI" " 11 LutbC'r :ln chure-h . Unl tl'u " "()(I " 'is ,,;nll i n Lu Ll! a,." synod. Ba pti t. Cnlh, )hr· . Chu l'c'h Gml, Chrill ia n, eh 'l!'l l Jm !'!l'!' nc , !l, 'll1gl'!'g'a tiun al . Ep !;c pA l , FI"I�n 'I M('tht') dl"l, 81'1" hrrn , J\if<. nnnn i l f' PI'nle cosl:l l , CClvc n a n t . },USll t on d· Sevl'n l h Da y lC ri :< n , w Pre :;l · nrl Swell"nhnr gian, \'C'n lis t,
Rev. A , S, Be rg, pastor of in Ta OUvet Luthcmn urch cnrna. 111 lose the Sea tU con If I,(, !lce Friday as lbe speak l' )n the pl·Ogr8.lll to b giv en a.l " ]'I. m , t h cr speakers for he wcelc in S"llttJ e aI'e C V . Elmcr M . J ohnson (I'
ei al'l8 orga n ized \\ I th Insinlcto l , w i l l
in J1ublie sl1caking , oR["r Mo'-I'I on a , ; ta r,
at 7 � 3 p.m, in 1'lIom 113 at l'aciIlI; Lu heran cnlll'g-".
of p,
L. C. Is Be Prese nted
'ears a go. Mrs. S ovi k
A W.
O lympia , an d Rev. H . A . Sl l1 h, L. ''?Svig of SeaLU!'.
a 10 Rcv. M.
" radu'l t('d fl" lln Pa titie Lu theran Acade my at P arklann in lnoO, in lhe �am(' la. 8S Dr .... . O. Ting<'ista d , n:s nt r. L. r. prcmt1ent. AILC'r licl g nlllu: 1 LJ nt MJ'lI, Sovlk � rrvl'tJ un ! he . caderuy [!leulty 1I1lU! 191:l, whr n - he wen to Chin 3S a misl'lion a ry. The remainder elf h( r IiII', rx CFpt 101' bnc I furlough,;, was dc ,'oted 1 0 service in he foreign fiel(1 f We IIthetan chu reh. Mrl'. Soy lk leaves h <' I' husbanu, Edwarri, and hl'ec chi ldrt>n . a t. nl l "g present att ndin g s t . Olaf In Northfie ld , a da ugh ter. .Mar g1lrel and twin SOM , Ed ward anr\ AmI!.'
MI'S'j ?
Word ha E been receiv d by Park l;uld u'i ('nds of the de th If Mrs An n a Trn wlc k Sov l k Sh dicd ar\y .MC1l1day i n • oI'th!ield, < inn., lnllowing an WnE'/js lallti n e\'el-BI ' h bI'0 ug ht Mrs , Soyears 8 n d Wh. IC Vl!<- �nd her Ia m i ly ho e fl'Om the miSSIon fields 1) [ Chin ,arly two
. d The dIn ner table was a FO!ntc a l W I n p ink green a�d wh i t : f pmk chrysanthecentrrple c :Hua htl rmonlzed Plac... mum with the cnln!' Bchl'me and corSB ges marked Lhl' plll ces, Besj(jrR the plesls of honor who W " T preael1 tell .vi th /I ,rift for I ' h it, I'W homr, gucstl; wert' Eth('ll K JIIsey , n el M ·l;. <":eo rO'e ir ,,' , \Vchh, Walter llo..1 AlIPY M I� n d M r . Je.. . �. E . SmIt h . { r� \ l;ian Hansen and LeeteI' Laracl;l of SeIi tie,
f" 'y/!ral 'fllcomn.ru. arc :;chedulcc! to takr Il TI nc VIC part 111 tht, "T rca.chin · Mls:;; !ol1" Pl'OgTllp ' t ll be held TIC, ' ! wel'k In • c<lt l\c amnn� ( h<> Ll l t JtE'rM t'hu l ches . I'. A, 1\. Tlng I slJJ. U , 1" . L. prl'�ld"nl, will npcn lh<' 1 (' ·tUI"(' Suodll\, ';1'1' ('-5 wh<!J1 11(' ,'peal{l' evening' in GcthsellJ8.D t: chul'ch, 5 p, 1J1 . t 7 :30 p. 111 . the saml' dn • PI'('\[. ,r. P. Pfl u eger, head tiC l h P. L. C. Christl;! n i t:v .-JerRI" 111 n . � I I I �pcal{ in I mmanue l Lulberan
a their hom on reeen ly hon orin g' thch nephew an r l'! . •lcs� F. h u; brIde, M , . and ( Bernadlnr Knut�en ) 01 Kl asey
pro -
:VI I S PA ENT I President P C.
day progra m.
ke bo ')i T� �OITI H . con\'enliem prelli' n o" den "1111 11 rr�pond ife Ltve" ,",'iI1 hI' I bf' till p of lbe kf?v' 1 no 'Idore 1' I f' hf gi" n by Rev. L C Ma!l1-tl of I'Ip') kanF With Morris Tonik in cbarg'P the entire Sa urrlay m orning pmgram will be devoted to the Junior
gram will be t banqu I that eve. , where nln� at. the Y. M. C. R ev . Carl E. Ryd 11 of T com a will b the !!IpeakeI', introduced by Tory g"rn , circUit 'ce presldent. Sunday Bchool with convention B i ble cl asses, followed y re gula r orning servi ces will op en t e 'un-
Preachi ng M ission Will Be Hel d In Seattle
Pl'cl'id<?nt A. Tm IAt.ar! and ;l"I'OUjI oC students from Paclll<' Lut l1t'l'an college w ill gil lIJ I Ild Man ia.' p\'('ning to p r !.he � Il Ill!;' r Pacific L I I hrrnn 11' aL th (;] n!li g- se�;'\on r Ol'e)rr'n Cl rcul l <:on\ ent on £It
Lu L hC'l'l\D ( hu rch. Dr Ti ng c!J!ta d "'Ill hi' In (,Mrl!l! t>f t ile TII'esm laUon an I ,,1 1 1 short talk . :MiM Imll ,'t lee f VanCOU \'!'I', \Vash . . will ago, \\ :.11 "I' I oplerlld 01 SIIVCl'loTl,
01 e ., \'j w
'i1 1
tut.l 'nt\
Ch'tavlUII ,I I ' . L c , a n d Thol'laltB-,� un, from h:ob!, J!I!HUI. " II j!ive Ii ji:I'OIlP nC i(Jlln liollJlI. From POI' I nd, P I' f' s i d p n t �ingelsta wi l l g'� to Sil 'rrlon b lore rl'tul'ninJ:" to P< r land,
Alvin G, L e w i s Speaker
fit" . A l v in . Lewjs, pastor IJC (1 n ' Hvior'a Lu tllf'1"lI n chul·('h . lIpok" "'erl nclldllY evrn i n g III I h l' r g ) l l f\ l' meeting o f h e Paci!lc LU i h �rA.n Is� lon society. ,olle�e J;I'\'. Lpwis o uUin�d the pIece lind , !!P' nsiblUly of 11 P IIlll'll'nt 11 . ' t i "8 and problrm of 1b wn 'rl Mis!! Eva Jjesdal, e tud en t from 1'-:l lmore, No. Dakota, gave a vocal ,,010. Paul FOJ::so, from et.-.rll hurg' l aJl l,f1, player! n uml'PI'1I on Ih t rllmpel � n<l &1"0 ga VI:' a piann 1';� lpcti on.
Garl [ludell Ifill B � peake,. .
rt"" . C;� rl E . r 'y ' I' l l , p;1 �tt, r ,.. t F!1'1l LuLh f<1I1 hI! 'cl l , "' I l ! . PI I '7'lIc:-d,.I,· lllOl'T1 i nj; at "Pr.el'ie Lu h Cl I II (' 01 1 ., h pc: ( ;;C"l'e i , �'l. Th: ": i l l be fie" . H) (I Irs !litcontI ap pI" mnet' H_ 1:111 1 . .hl !Jr.1 I'l' Il l : 1', lh li l'lll llCll1g II ' 1 • h' ) 'C'Yl! l , rlur III/!" II yilli to " C 1l1VI h(OiIl!" Je :l( c!:'J1l d hi'! P
P. L .C. ews I And N o t e s
hlnley ' ord . P
L nrknt
cOillmi ltcl's
or arrangements for th. I ntl u:l l football ban U to IJc helll Tuesday. ·ttW'·m�.r 4. has pointed lh following I t n . decorations. B £'nnf'lt! • , I. chai rman. Pauline \\'all.&. EVl'lv/l 'i hili on. ubnt Lando, Ro�' l'hm8JI d l • Ib I'l Me ' • ' mPIlII . fa rgol' t f e l y r. h. i ·roll .' , r , th '11 no .&on. RtlmolR U t: pmgl'!llll Mar;rarel Rorcl11 , "ta. \ Ie �'ol' l ; heRrl wail re . Hall!"1 TIllgcrup; LickcLs. HeJeLl HIJl lelln I . . . uLllmng th l' UCliuonal Instil l ] ' The hl-inl]lJr-l will a !:,ain h held tiClns of the IIthl"ran Free c h urch, In th calk dinin � hall on tb M l.sIJ i l d n'ri I .a rsen fJ'Oill P. L. campus . . will .1ng rhup or 8on!=,s. charge
Date I s et or Di n ner
C. N e w s
l u efi ' k diull I' will he :erv cI Thllr uay f've n i n,2' i n
t h e c h urch parlors h y \\'omp.n
or PaJ"khll1d T 'i n i ty L u t heL'a l1 Ladi . . A i(l . begi n ning at � : :1(J o 'r! ck ,
A l lholl �h t h t" m a l , COll r!';c will hI' Lhl' lrstl i U I1nR I NOl'lIP h"l I<1a�' <Ii ollIeI' rb ' l ,.,.l'!'! will be "U")' I, In eluding "\£'fll ' lId pa \ ries M rs laudr . P 1I prcl!lldent nr lhf:' Ladies ' id, has I\Ppoin cd " I'll. E Antomlen 8S dinn ch81r mlln TlJ 8(' assiRtlO i elude Mrs. . K. K tt lapn. r�. Tygarrl, M I'II. E. Tn mpsnn, M I'S. K. ani anel [jal< , millll BcnrurJ .
Drs ,. tp J<J. T T � l l l:'{' of T '!lt'lhc LuLhl'!'. n t"o l 1eg'1' It'ft TII"!! day ('vl'n l n g tor hIli fO" 1l1l r hon R t l-fnwa r , I , ' . D , hO\' i n,l:' rl'CI i \' (I A t leg!' n TIIPsOll morning 81 11 1 In his fAther, L, J . H itll , c. \ .1"
AME SWA � of the Pa J!'C freshmen ciIk Lu lhl'r n ' it 'VIlli rjl'cirj,orl II h ld It fiwtmmmg A p rty t lr fIrst of D cem bel'. f , Cl\nt�iatl lll( financial cQln m l l l Eva, Gjcsdal. Clnybournc Will(cn , Geo r e l{nurlL"On R ntl La.vaun Mc Harolrl by Ca l l , \\'M :lppnintctl Hoiby treas\l1 r
L. C. Graduate Head f Lutheran S tu dents
very ill ,
A Y Uh£,e Tothrr, JA U I'rrll'1' f I , ' Il,lrP flf nrlVmd. m 't an H {:(' in TR ('o m a :1 m! ar t, . ,lll i " t lJ ' m a t M r. RA uge wil l l eturn to Pll.rl d 8 ntl • P\' o O .
I ,'
partici pation In fl S" SOil or m il, It! fl rl' !!oing on t PlI l'kJan unll r thl' d i re liun f Prot . • 1 I'.r1 v" rrj riircetCtr nr mU'l C l1 t Pllcific uthel'8D collcj:c
r(' (,lIta t (III of Inh" hl t h PArk In n Choral ucich " ill he _' u Dda� " 't' lIi ll � . D·ll e. 1 3. at Tri lli l � L Ull' ran (' h u n' b . Two fir I bl' olul t.. \I I II be 1\l r . C ha rI 'I ,,'rllu' f, �()prano. a nd M 1";, m. R. Tn ", l n r . t'un t T 1t ,., Two oloist a re "till to hI' :l lI(1ulI{'l'd. Th"
an ll1 1:11 I'
r· (1r the
t I" aoc! ly w i l l Ring w i th fu l l orchcl!llr'a aI" crmlpanim n l . The p ! y"I' w i l l I nclurJe mpmbel'/'i o l [ t he Tacom Philhnrmontc nt'ch tr3 and arl vnne .-I t url en " a l h coil Ire The nn'lsl co ncert of he co II' I' ch i wi I be b iven WE-dn Cll day , Dec . 1 , Th ollege r eh str:! w ! l l accompany Though It is 10 .. ('arl.\ to d flrlltd,' dett' rm i ne, t hr i t l ll f'fary fo1' thp a n n u 1 lflur or thr ('o lleg InJ; l ng g roup, the m tter is heln gil'en lome t hou!:,ht, The te nt U,' plan!! p ro\-Itle tour dIm II I h (, Oil t fllr :l Lo� Angl'll', In t : d nl t he 'orthwe!ot to ur, lil'st
Crysta l Sp rings Garden Clu b M 's.
'eOl'!! p
. In mr-mbt"1 n' Sprlm;'!! G ilI'd" \ club aftt"nlOtIIl, 1"1 ida t e l'
Pal h"
eW'> of Pa rk l nd
l a d ' 8 Kn u
Wi('b l' \"Ylill ( M� rg'a ' t Jacoh Ron ) of Sea ttl e were callers at Pa cific Lutheran ,ollege Tuesday. Botb re grarluR S of the Park l a nd Il( hool . M il'S Knutzen i!'; a t p I 1,,' n l \\"i l h t.b l' Marin .. • RUnn 1 blUl k in SMllle.
Ml"s Sylvia Lar, on v i ita Mon dRY al t he home of her pilrenls. It·, anrt MJ's, Lud....ig- Lar on al "r� lant! Shl' III ' gl'Il t! U t "r tb, I 'Idf c Lulh n cnll"" "nl E'� 1 1 1 r l. clleral hospi ta l . , h e i nn nn lh(' f i <1 f f n f i l� " h il o i ren's Orlhopedlc hospi 1 n • P 1 1 . j
Luthcra ll tttd nts Are To M et Frida nd Saturday
in h ('
i \lf"r 'tr
.• ,
declcrl fi t Salu roay.
tt c
Sea lUI'
rl' formal l y
Fathers and ons to Mee a t Trio ' ty Lu theran L u th ran B rolhel'h od :memOeI', or Pa.l l<lapd Trini t ) Lut heran hUI'e will l!'ll.lher Monday ve in in Ul(' c1.1Il'eh p.I I·lors lUI' hell' 1111 , I Father awl .'on, banquet, pCI ( III' at 7 o'cJo 'k, 1)1'. E. M. H egge , pastor Ot CCIl Tal Lutheran churcll, w ' l l be tht': ';-U"Iit speaJiel', H e will 11 tro1ueed by the lou, tmaslel', H. v M. \.. Christenscn l ate ly moved to 'al l<land [rom Asturia, 01". teJ' I' >menl fl'(·m aetive ' l Imstl'Y l. many Y'AU'S (1n the C� Paul A. PI·US. I' ' P l cscllting thc H t h I'S, amI • 'I mlln J Cll�el , p ak it)!' t he lion , \'ill IVe . hOl l .alks, Th P. L. ( . OI'Cbl'Stl • ( i 'e c�ed by Pre C. J IJ. 'pll ' • E .... al'ds. v,'i11 p I'e.scn a <- IOUp Ol I1 Wll bcI S. C fa lhers' IIUlil lcL ,ompmieu Rt'v. T. SVHre, Burt . Ray monu, ,r. O. Eclw I'd Iiml Paul A. I 1 £' 1 I!1 , will si 1 . nll also a 80n'$ qUII.l'l l compos<,d 01 Donald � \l a l' • N. r lnltll H.,gl'll. '()I'm all J 'n ell nJ Delmar Kn IdlsOIl. '''omen
I'l l
Tri l l i ty
GluJd sr unllin.. �'ith til. Brulh, I'll IUU ill III [lll.l illg I lh� han· 'co g. ', An'n 'on, BI'olb • r laO preSident, hOB appo nted
!ollowlUg grllrral ct.mmILLee :
ano :Mrs. J. (; . • 'a"'i 1'. Mp. ane! J'S. Ros ' BOYlltf'lll, .MI' 'lIld M .' , GCOTJ;C C. Ar('Jlsoll. M 's (Jcrhol'd Haal(el1�on will huv(' I'barge of wl\llr I'IIlC!l, 1r.
Parkland And j P . L . C. N ews 11jss Lou ise Hen l'ic k . on i: e or 1 1 f' l\ovembet' P" I' elf ' he p, J . I I "'h irh will be lPlrl a L 7 : 30 \'e i l g (' llr ge I'Pl'PIl ion •
1A"II:\ LOf" HYOod I "Pc/{Il" " in th 1 (' ('j I " Sonia ," tl1 hr. give 1 by I h l' P:w H j(, ut hnan c(l lIc-lt I'IR� f' • I IITI hnul F rida .\' 11 ' ;:-11 1 . Th nfhl'r I Link. I)rB" r Y. " ho ll l a\ . (' I ' r. ronal. 1 hI' I (h who l11ill,c� nil t he trouble..
,pPRker fl'om 1 11 T II"omR ' hnl'1' i I � t · rr \'1 1 1 I n k s TIl' � n rl l'O U p o r p i A n n .. nIOl<.
p.. L. C. SOPHOMORE HEADED BY TACOMAN QUI< GOlnd Of Tacom a ha!l been pn lel n of lhc Pllclflc I.nth ran coll('gl' so hnmol'e cl\UlS. GI'ande �e to P L . C. 11. a leader. fictive In hool affa i r/! lind also am cl
TA Ko c C. A.
Q,) bD
tri p t o Ca !i!l1rn ia un ! 1 1 RC'Il!o n (01 thi!l l'I Cl inn IS 1 93 . (OWl In thp fa l lha lhr. famr.1 h I F . 4 {(lr he pUtpOSP i Sl. Olaf coll�ge hair, olll at who!lp. will f pl annmj{ the crection (If the tl'all l t ions and I adcrship n ne I Pl'oposed library bui l d i ng at Ibe Dr. F. Ml'lm. bnsten!'!en 1h a n- p, I... C. C 011 and olh I si miJal t 1'111 U el! p !'.'Ilble da E', it l � no un e d by _ol lege (lfflc·al.� fol- org0l1lzaUons have grown. l� mak lo wing a 1'1' 1110 1' olll'd meetin g ing a wel' I n tour in 1 937, Indarkland Thursd aY al dr.nlally inrl ' l rj i n g Tacr.ma In It p orl l itinl'ra i '. The t l' leell hellI'd a (OIntnltl e confrom the building f the ('.ol l l'ge a n · istl ng o f R�v. Mlkl,I'\ Lo n a, c hai r - nll8 1 , " Salra ' wa: olllc!ally au s do . Iv. rs n, Th I - t ol'izcd man, h trust('ea. The staff . (1 n nd PI' iden! O. A , Tl n gl'l- will now be chosen by I h e J8cullv t a d , and aloo a state me n t from follOWing nomina t ion.!! marie by Lh ' .,n t , r 'l11 c odore Ncls90n. 11 Id ommitlee on publi :allons, _ pd\ ting- tha t excellent p l o �ess In midlh collect i n of t he l ibrary lPodge!! 1::1 llr in� made. I i\ n llll al nrpnrtr· B I� ('11 , a �el' Llln 'ig a nnl!, I [!n a n d !' 1 Ron !!ou bm l l t rrl hi t he hos H I showln!: t h at r port t colt e balsnccrl i t.:. bllri�d th (l!oFt fi a 1 ye81' enlilng for t h .l ulv U : TI <'1 1 8 I' ...mrl confl'l " I11'(, pC 'auiflc m thc 1 1 t h l'an Jlllr 111 _ Norlll' .�t WI I n1l'l't on the Pal'k was an l and campus F b. 3 ami committe c plan· nounC('C!1 by lb nin g t e 'progr Ill . composed or presi tr 1.1 Kra..!! bel. no ' Rc . dent. R '. L Ludvj� and Re\'. C. etalled S. Odell, a of POI tl nd. plans for the two·day sesl3lon were submItted to President Tin elstad ho hop :s to make aI\ ann UIlCC menl cOIlCCl'ning thl!" cven t , Ithm a week 01' more. WUl " t al,E' Trip The h.-.anl a ulhnrizerl th r the \. 5 " 0 m il l : ,. a I I <"lw tng 1'l' r � r sou t h ;u; E 1 01''' ' ' but \0 po lpOD ' lhe spec i A l m(>etlnjr "r the
Acili c l t"mplated
bl'l1\rri of t.r1lslCf's
P . L.
u :-C
nl'11 11
:E I E-
\l I CO
E- Q.. t.I.l � U)
l n fiC'n
M I l gal'
Trust es Of P. L. C. Are T Di cu Li rary On F �b. 4
= u:> .
,ud .... a.
work. QIJ tall. In Lulhf>J' Icugtl t' c )' ary ; Fl ll n k M a nll' m h l' ( lh . Tac ma Lu t heJ league C(Junci l HI� is n tv. q_ Ta(:'Jnla. lr rI. urel', and Ah . sar!r cobs of P u l ' l:m I yea.r foulba l l lcltt:l man t 1\- A I m .. , Mis:; Man", Wf'nb' l'g' IIf
Lv heran 1'011 ::: ,
� · z
E ER Makin Arrang ment s for Y. P . L. L . C n ventio n Dr. T
Minn ..
lind Dr. K
cxtcuti Il ationa.! eague,
F. Gu11lxson. pr(>sldent of ' eminar in S , lIul , secrr.tary
Young have
Yl vi!'!a.kcr,
the Tnt
PI' pi t" !'!
a ccppted
LI I her
lnvi l lllionl!
to speak " t tl � Pllclfir Nor hwcsl district Y . L. cODvp.ntlo IT Parkl nd this . pring, It 18 an· nounced by ev Vi G. I wiq, PAcific distnct JeR I!'ue preslden t. The Rccap nee oC thl' e t� 0 speak r8 is considereri n I Cort UDa.te b Luth e IpR1n1 I 1lllers plannin g for the ann ual rnn(er pnee, mec bot h IU'e utlO1anrling I e derll Luth Dt, �U Jlx5011 is known � Iln "XC I1cnt orator, havlnJl' m os t perfect corn man (If the English Ian \lag!' in R WRy that hllill la�d him In hi h e· m a nd here 'er a speakpr of high order ill wa nted. Yl 'i!m.kl'r. work r j thE' Lu t h ran youth m vement sine its organiZation , IJI an ever popular speak r among oung people, and his {req1lE' t visits to the COli.: l hAV (' dl' r rl him to f,uthl'T leIl$:'\! -rll thl'Ollghollt th dist i t. 011 t tr.lI' I he r.onfcrl'nrl' a r" ri 0, Mav 1 ant! ". " h n !le,'ul hundred yonngpople Wlll �at.her at Park!anrJ.
P . L . C. A nd P arkland N ews
1. 1·1I. \ i l l iBm S l lon� w i l l ('nterUt l n memhrrs "r th .. Monle \' Isla Gar!! n , Iuh Thur dilY. Mcrnb ,,111 mer 1 M ' . Stron g's h" me nn Pacific: avo>, ror II 1 2 0 cl c� In nl'rt luncheon, frs. II lTV it II " i l l �pe8k on " CIl1' l s tmal! Lf' e rI,, " AnoLhn' urle ttl b .. rJ '('lope I " Fe d n g or Winl r ird-." Ar "!Xt'h ngr. of � j(u; wUl r.ompl cte this _ rJslmas m" t ng. Ml I r"ing Selden is in cbarg
li t den ls "C;(11"O lhclI Icn"mg 1' ri U ti. ' 1111 Chl'lstmas " ncll tion,
Dorulh, hy ./Ill 'lIcol
consisted 1,1 11 r.ermal1 by Ii. P,.I,.,· "n , n. ' I ohn due EH'lyn 'y ' l'50n nt!
fIOl" 5
rllm In
cla"l11� Thoda kSS(lIl. fl pillno
bj M i l! in,; hy
010 onn:! r l'''119 fl n li a read-
" c luh prl' ''ir] cn 8i31cI', MIEl; Zilla MilicI', of Tacoma. Ch Iii ma8 cllrols were ung b,f all mbc]"a, o m m l ltCt'a a ppOInled bj 1)1 pro;rll m. !ii:il! • • Miller incluoi,. d in"jUllioJI Lavalln Pr f and I ·S. W, La "' .. nee I McCall, Ba. bara 1"1 ne Mardirulel' gue t..'!I arcl Larser ' rcIrCl!lhrr.. nls M I l · of attic n b of Prot. all I Mrs. Josf'ph O. Ed· dr d La ,·sell . 1 I ba F ney. He l en v enin
tal k ;
erz an Oliver the annual Iga Hu<>'o, Ida C /\,r ist ma s b glv at M. I·tillson , and entertall,mellt . ' d 'clock by tile P. , "Choir M chlf an Bub Mi ('bel l. of C '''(':It, ' ' 1'1 of . Edw I'ds i· I The Luther tll D" ll..,J1ter� tIL thl' ; r cl g. Prof Wn'nCl '. voice Il i , R fonllnU n wil l Ill. t ,/I p, L. C . ill"tn t"' l" li n d d ir<;ctor uf thl" In t h ' rf'<'l'J> .. �h l l l·.!<fl l\ ' nn mllOI vcrai l) ot \\- hin"lull churus, lla... Rf'Y C, rl E. RyrJ 1 1 , shown I n " ' '''5 in th 1'. L. C' t HIn room hI." I h \ :', p a �ll)r 1,1 F i l'l'l Lu nef"lI . Ch lJ �' h 'P rtm"" anrl m u si 1 IRR \ 11'· of I n T acomA, \\ 1 1 1 p,.,nlt. , �OInC of lire muslcal n u m b r , I'I'''tli J\l�' 'e II ",!I I ill,.. I " U ,.,· , l so h,.\n!!" 1Jl'cri b ' t h � g l nln Dn\'1 III "fie<! I 5 In gJ\'t'n by 1', L. C, I anr) Til unj" '� I l v c.horll . co cr ' ill b!' gl.... in P rl<I'lnd :. Is� E\'� Gjl' cia \ . • Tnni y ehu'" h IInti I. Of' 11 I " th k l�'" 8 1 l"''' 1 g "11 th" p ubli c ' ' I ' D I nf" I y p ro �Tanl '11\ Y I�" ' I f£" nl� <IV /; . wcpk l ' me"t hll" P J.. , 'J! . ot Mr, Edwartls , gJ'lIng a tl'o; i 011 otie v A VDca I 1'01 0 b, g. I� R P1f)la Ru..t :md a plano . " 5010 by .flll& DOI''lthy Andersoll lila Ehzllbe Ul , fil l�I' l\ S guelJt ' h l ch Wll ("d the 11 1' gram speake r at thr, Chi stmss m e ling c"'n clud . (111ow d by a short bUbrness meet· of the P. L. C. Peraona ily club Thursday even in . {i�!i :Mill r, a mg. • . memb l' of Gu deI'S n',o;, jtweler!l, sp ke on "ChrfstrUd _ , a Tim t r Gi ing. " The dub me Ibel', gath ereel R l the home of M I SS l<�ls" Arneson aL 7 o '<.;\..ck , ill rooms e . itl! B dec r a ted in hali J, t. ,It Chl'is lmas I, "C 1111 t h., (' nll'r v1 in the th ml', \lsic (JIl tb� p1'olrl'Jlnl , a r ·a n.., ed colby Mi� Hpll'll H ol lcnmp , ConSI,; . .., 1 of /I. "ornl �olo \" �fi.'� Leol u 'J hU I..�tlli Y 0 1 1 \VI I I U,CkWfl()d :tn I pi ' 11 0' numb rl! by to anti MI!<s Ell,s A mcllon. On t he rlpcorR inn.� commit WCJ'e Mil!� M ilriTer! L"l"81'11 a n d Mis his Vlrginill Dtl vi �, AJllIil'Unll' wl t l M ' �F RlIU, 'efreshm f' o�'!l Lon an(; "'.tne '. 1u; M\!II BloN/om wards
eeora t ons ,
I 1
Edwin. Tingelstad L at For Ea. -/
Th!' a nnu I pII J' l �' r. L. C Ucrman dull ' hrld a t U,e col cge 1 onl111 ' ",,' e· nin i ll L'1!' j'ccrcation room II.t 7 : 4. " o'clock, Mis;.; SylvIa Mill '. clu J pre id t, pre Iding-. th
tra nsform d lent a h o me·Ii �;e fltm phl're Iot· lhii< f i l st • , ,. . . lathering� a ml)ng thr P. L, C, th
Holiday <I rooms
cQrat ' om;
a nu
Linl,e Society A t P. L. C. I s Fornlecl
P . L . C . A n d P arklan d N ew H1"-
" )ril l f th··
L hefnrm a hrlslmS8 (
Fire al • a. m S mdRY lotally rl 1'0. 'ed he L. J. R�c j �I'ocel • and mca mark t 00 the Mountain hi .s::-hway at Par kl an d . Th ' sll'uc LuI' was � I. nrlm�l'k in hI.' subllrh. h� · � on of thf> first bUll clinl! .!' r ll" l er in Tbf' two II I klllnrJ. t r i J rl i n g: .. i� ""'1' f'd �- a dw lliuG" [ell th e n ed fa m i l y .
P . L . C. A nd P arkla nd N ews
prr i u rlc lark
P . L. C. PLANS FIG U R S S H O W M USIC D RAMA P. L. C. G OWlH Program To Be Given
Thursday Evening
('vl'ntn� I,n
' 11 Dappel', 1'1103t'! who ha vc vlewN! ill van nus pCI"formllnccs stag-en by M rll, Dappe!' d U I' i n her foul' y ars ;\11 dU'ector li t phYIHC>l 1 ,.,I uc a tion P, ' . C , w i l l w<'1collle h e oppo r t u nltv M � in;; TItUl'. day pl'O p'Rm, i nc !! I .... ill be one oJ: the. la t und,,!' , rr� Dapp J" s dh'l'cllon a P:u kland, 1 til I:lo.-e of h i , I'choot y e a r . he w t l l IC.'lilm oct m a ke her home 1 1 ' U::1!n ' M 'I ' d H V activities. schedull"rl fay 2 . \�'Ill i nclude II gol'OUp of JUm· b o s from her dcpnl·tment. ';1 rl<-t)' of "olld 10'01' ThU l , rlay i rs. Dupper
hilS 1<rl celru II varlety o f mooufi aJ,ld pi! ltcl'ns, hUU10l'OUS ami drllmal1(' to n 1= 1",. 1 w i th mU!lH:al . a eco n- I ! pilnlJn n \')�' R g l "up { f!"\r l s \\ ho h v e hI' n h er PUpU!! fur lh . Pllst . ":0 yellt . Th cul11'gf' orehe!llra 1 1 11'1 ,. rJ , rec1iol Of El '\ M. r .. T I '� Tn lrlne arJ , l anist. lind , • II'!! \ l \' l a n LunrJ, . .010 \·j,.,\101 , \\'jl l pi ovirlc 1 he mw,jcR ] !/ek, '.un,1 ostuming b ' the Clll�:, •
I i _ h l ing
, l il'ccled
Th o r La t . en �'1l 1 " LId 10 th beau1y of lh(' PI' ula ttoll�, :Misp SIg n £' I l if H�(!lf' ' j� !<� tllll!' l l'�. D<lPPI'I' \ l t ll ,ll.'t,l ll r . thr r Pr" l: fll m �mn h... � A nJon� 0 1111: ", tl r 1 11m be ·... II r.. "�l( l elt j, Dance ' Iiepic i ll J:' ... 1 o�1 i n , gl v<,yalll ; ' I n a Grl'CI�ll Gar·
d , " two mqd ... r � ' A , 1 10 . in BI ck and " hil� ' :'1 rJ "A St u iy \l1 ":l1sngle . " "Tb ... FUUl1 a m . " '1 (I 11 Hindu pCl!:o:an n u m b e r . hI' H a · \'e:1 " � , " i1 lJ rlone hy ;:: I'OUp,; , mon;: o l o,� i� onp. by Rull! '\ 'Rt · u " i pl'('sl"n ting t h e trl umpb o f 10"c in 1\ U'lal1,e-I" , :l l'Ipecl"lIy \'1'1 len n U ll brl 0\ F', . J . • 'lIl'd n\:', mll�ie . dl l'eel' l of I h,� FII'lI t r1 ('�b.'1 riRn ehll l'(�h n T ro m ll Mi.' " " l11 en 1\:1 I:l. P \'1 1 1 J: lv<' " A niO's'" Dan ''' , ' . R n rl � II Kn tlpp anrl !Ii ' ',� Zil l a • tiller " 11I p" csent (I (I u • "Jpy " On <OJ' 5 • [rl!, appel' will be honored at R banquet , ' members or th P. L, C, \\'nm<'ll . 1 hl"Uc aSJ oci ll l ·un. �rt)up whi 11 . h� 1'2'l'IUiz d Anel whkh j<; � tilll � tl'd WI1l1 , i tn r l a l I "up. un oth \. ile!,C' e ll IPll " Parl. lnnd Tri ni ty Luthpr n
East r worship will be h Ld Ilt 11 a . m. , Pastor T O. Sval'e �Iv ing t he serm on . 'ew members be fo rmal ly accepted into the congregation, ·'0 Morn of Beauly," Sibellu!I, and hfo ti'; "Christ. Our P sso\' r," will be sun by the senior eho r, and the children's choir will sing "ebri t th Lorn 1S Risen Toda , , " M.rs, Elmer Rllak nson will sIng "ChTIst 18 wi h vi I n ubll!!ato by feria Pflueger, The Sllndav school
Ria n,"
Easter pm
al 7 :30
inee 1 920
Ins titution Made
One of thr nlost dc1i!;hUUI ' m pus PI' sen t.ltion!! of Ule �pring Pacific Lutheran col lcJ:c IS I.h' ul'ical In lerprcLa lI"e rh'� rna.. Lak t he ill:: place Thur:-/la\' cot1c� " lllu a1iium at 8 clock und", th rlh'cct ion of I ·�. AoJa h
1\ uJ
Forward S t r i d e s at
. Ilhough lege
I ctJgnlzcd RS
ra n
of Taco·
rna's growing InsLltuti ns, figul CII rl"cp n Uy l' Ic.asetl by lh c ol l eg .. howing · the steadi y in cr RSlllg enrollml'nl givc o)el!r picture oL the ror; 'a I'd t;!.rid !' ma de b ' h Lutheran coll('ge on Its Pari I nil 08 pUll. In l D20 \'ben PaCific Lutheran IIca(\emy, founded ill Parkland in J8()<I , \ln i Cit \ Itb Columbia co leg of Everett to IOlln acifie uther· ell r w � car oJl col t 'S ', tbe . flr 1 I'j ed hl'uugl1 " ilb tiL enrollmcn r nly "S s tuden t ', Th en 11mcnt to ( Iale, 1 y I 1(.'1" is 363, over five .Lim 8 th !irst y , r. The :foil \, lng ligures �h w 110\\ 1\ III adily inc.I' mng (llurlen1 b Idl' o t p, 1,. , i jus ilylng til Ir:· dopOll'n1
!ul y anri onsl1n!lIl1vely rrl Ii ou , pIli on c:.I by lhe PI' si d t, DI', 0, , Ting'l'lsta.d, and with th librar ' buil llng ns th e proJI' c t now under way: 1 !120-:!l . 6 stu-
Il'l1ls; 1 11 2 1 ·22, 87; 19."·23. 8 .: J II23·24, l 1 , : 1 112,1 -25, 162; 1 02" .26,
1 3: I Z ' ·27, 1 �6; 1 927·28. 1 78 , 1 (12 -2rl, 1 7 ; 1 1l29-3 , 2U : } 9an :n . 237: 1!13 l-32, 1;2 : 1 9,,2·33 I !l33-�� :2 I . 1 !l3'1 -:\:1 . 2!lO, "S4 i 93�-3f" 302 :' Hl:: -37. 3 4 8 ; 1 !l37 38, 3 3,
P lan M ay Day F estivities ill Entertain
Park land N ews And N otes Parkland Ch o ir C o n cert -I To B e G i v e n ,New
t'm bE'l's of the Luthcllfrord O. Olson enterm!' 1)('1'!'! of the Pacific I r:ran Larlles' !d at hel' home Wednesrtay afternoon. The Perk Lut herlln Cl I gC nm Illi tory au; !lialy 1\ I I slmas patty at her l a n d l.uthcrnn church will ho lr! a hom Tup.;day t m oon . Year's walch er ·fee in the linrier till" dirp on of Mrs. PaUl ehul'ch at Brookdal e ew Year's A. Pre us a Pl'U am was p re- eve , with thl.' pastol', Rev. M_ Gal ' sent!!'I, opening WI 1 Cl,rislmas sta.d In charge. carol II hy a !I/o of P. . C gll'ls, . ew Y ' r' "'atch Party . ka DeMI ses El izabeth Stucn, The Lutheran B rotherh oo d of Berry and Jeanne Preu , accom- Parkland Trinity Lutheran church panied by Miss Mary Ell js sponsoring II New Year's watch ]·u . Mrs M. . !u'istensen aVe party, beginning with a p t'ogram in the church parlors a story of CW'lstmas i11 m y , and l une t 11 p . m. the conlands. Anothe l' gl'OUp of caro ,I at 8 . m. werl' sung by e col lege faculty f{l'egatio n will gather In the c hurch ladics' gu rt t. composed f 0 I' wOrllh l p, New dames Philip E. Hauge, lifford Ye.� � serv i ces wm not be held on Olson, • W. amsta d, aud J. ' . N w Y eal" s day, but on Sund ay a . m . The avicl' : at lh r t;g ular hour, 1 , of the congrega� n d C I'V - I An ("xchllngc CJf ;:;if (ng- r l'cil'I'llhmcn l<; conc l u ded 1 11 I lion w i l l b W("dnesday, Janual'Y .M I'I' . .T, P. Pflueger Il.S- , 1 2, begin n irig with Il dinn � r � t slsllng t he hnst ('sl'. 1 6 : O. prof. O. . St uen I S m ChHl'!:'C or the DominRting tilt" o\ ld Ent rI al" I Mr�. J ohn B n son n t rl't ni ned m itt !'. 6 ' '.r� 1 '1 51 • trl'. lainer!
Pacific Lll I lw r a 11 a nnual Ch l'i . l m . . h " i r con cerl will be pr . n t d \Lnd r t h diJ'cclion of Prof. • unn a t": .r. i\ ! almi n Th lll'SOU)' � vcn j l1 g , ,'c!o k, i n Par],] and 'I nn . I i t) u t h r 11 churc h . '1 he ' hoi !' of the \' . t" " ill t i d ' y t a I ' be au g-men led b y 1 ht! newly organized P . . ch or u. , OJ' 'econ� h oiI', and there " I ll ah!O b e number,' uy }k· . ) lal m i n al, lh,e ,I'g':! n and by U e r . L . ( , gull' t l l 0.
WiP- ,
of Mes- ab�it,oriunl
annual m�eting
como '
FuJlo\\' �vm :
11 "
11le pI'O�I'A m to �
r I
, B n tl
P. L . C. A nd P arkland N ews
H� u�(', M ra H . A . Doc\'in�. M I S. Mon'ls E, MrR. C l i-J(Il'1'1 0 OISOIl, Mrs• • 1. p, PC1 ue�('I", M I's PaUl • • PI'('U3, MI . A. W. n lll-
In Omaha, N e b raska Claude A , Pellet left last
week end fo/' OmAh , Nebraska on a busin ess trip. While there he will
P. L. C. Girls Hold ySiOLlseYDallal ourne\'
P A ci fi!' LlI h,.r:> n 0 1 1 ;:1' C()·�tl'!, G j erde . Co]'innl' M n lm i n ami Sl o:: n(' unrJl'J' n \l5pICt'/i of t h !' :\'nme n ' M i tltsat c r. r-.: nn :1 1 fl't'shmt'n E! l i t h r.ll1il!At hlet ic A �";OCj Rtipn , have bl'gun an en . CIIl'ol HaRVill, Gr:lCC 1 <I n a \' olll'vha lJ tOUI'D!lm rn \ , Cpmpll't£' lea rn!;. � pp(l i l1t . I b.- . pn. 1�tr,"l\rt' l Hl'gS:" ll , Oliv ('1. n V " t · " T�ylor . m I l �!:(,l', A I'(" : S('nt"r_� Holle, Ruth I.il rsen . fll(,T. Eh'fl R I ' m a n , Enltl Blake. Con ' li n d Ja n e' Olsnn. Llm-rAI A ru nil' Chl m h. A l i ce Cnoll . , t l'lb,, Ma ry Bcr:;:mlln . BaOI'Lll' BrottI'm . fo'l'!1 n ey. A na Til . J ohn� n . Ruhy r;l'Il"olh1(' Ger!'l ma n . Jcp n n l' P I 'I'II� Mon n a nll '�lhel" . 'oTga anl : . 1lb- ,Io-"ce P U:'l rica . F'rrd cl-j ,a Sch l � n "Utu ('�< . Janicr B ronc!!. V ivian b Jt;ch . ,l o�' Thompag nnd lal'j rurJ : lIubsti t tl l('s, Bar. Junp" ann O v edia H"Il�e. . o ph o - ; E1kn Tl1 l'P !;- F,II Ma" A dams. Gudrun 1 81'1\ K J' a m c ' , BrLL )' Pl"tr !lOll I\ n d Vi 'Ian Lund , • ellie-Jean Lois m i th. High . c:hool play!! H illS M i neI'. Ve 'a Ta:Jor, Mill' ':"'ct Ell. Kl'i3l(,TISen , Bct t. J o PorThompson , 1 ildn>d Toll fson And rester, Th!!J ma G " nl' . <)Sai l Ru t h Yatnc�' ; substit u t e" A: J.gol l .T nsen ;l nd Dorothy Tome hlc:k.
P. L. C. TO REOPEN ON MONDAY JAN. 3 Pl<cifle Luthrl'an on got whlel, closed F' lday fOT Chr!:;tma� and • '(Ow Y cal '8 \ ' 11 Cit lion �'1lI tl'Opcn 1111 M0I11B.". Jan. 3. The Bcconrj , ;t_ me"lel \\ ill end Friday, Jan. 2 , R g:J$ll'a Hun fOI' I h� seconr'! lien,"st 'l will b held on J a n 31, ,I onds\', " itll n w dO :.e bc�ln nill Tuell1lay, F e\1. 1 .
- Del ta Rho G a m m a Me etin 9 Pos tpo ned
T h.. I"8r lfh: LlIt hf'r Rn l'ol1 l�� tA. R h o G A m a l Umn a" m l'eti ng WhIch WAll 1 /'1 hav e bl'e n h � l(l Sat urday afle rnoon hal' bJol' n po� pan ed unt il n f t �r Chr ist mall �e cor ding 1 0 m"m bl"l' (If th .. L I ve com m i t tl"e. The ga t h ring \l'1l1I (0 h l\ \',. lak ..n TIlt " I' in PIU' '' land at lb.. hum Of II'S OJ I H gt'n l'.!II . A n m'lI ne m .. nt ' 1 1 1 b.. mad hHer 1\ to til .. new lbue ut n I
Held Feb. 1 1 in New Building
Elaborate prepa n tiona are un
der way for ded cati on ceremomes to be held
the new
P arklan
gymnasium on the eve n in g of Fe .
Tentative plan
drea es by , Martin,
cal l for ad l a rence D.
, Schools Stanley F. Atwood, and • Mr s. Louise S. Taylor, county J s c bool 8uperinteml ent. P arkland P. -T. A. members un der their presid ent, M . B . B. e Laird are takmg th e lead in ar ranging the program. The new stl uc ture re pr 1!en t!! an expenditure of nearly $4. ,0 0, $18,000 of which w a s a. fede 'sl grant to the district. COnst1'UC tl n was un er the supervision ! Mock & Morrillon, Tacoma a rcbl
t ct .
The building, which adjoins the element ary seh 01, give t e com munl ty a co mbination gy mna sium and audit rl with a floor s Rce of approximately 4,500 squ al' fe t. Th uncompleted basement is be ing fitted up as a pl ayroom for regular grade school use an d ·ill solve the problem of lack ing pi y space which has v xed school offi cials for several years. Members of the s chool boaro ar Carl Ostlund, P. E. Ha ug an A . R. Lehmann. Morris Ford 1 the princiPAl.
:\f ro and
II' . Thoma T ompson o f " rkhmd f oday mil e a n nou nu'ml'nt of the n ltagemrnt of t he i r ( fl u Jrhter, • n Id len , tl) U,)\\ l\.n l :\ 1 . DI'r1IJl,t e r o{ Seat UI', Bo th '11 Thomp hpr f ' nc B rp .:-rlldua te" of t h e ch ool ot l i be ral arts at the Lulh r a n cn\ J I'.!:" C.
1 N�
M� MH ��
I . l s ltda 011 an( P dnc fo rm
Com p limented on Birth day
Mrs. T. Rod was complimen ted by a number of friends with a noon luneh eo on her irthday Fl"id ay. Those prese nt were Mrs. Claude .-Pellet, Mrs. Oscar Olson, Parkland Light ana_- VITa tel' ('o m - Mrs. Ed Thompson, Mrs. J. Mc PallY '!lstees ill rglUllz for th e G uir e, Mrs. T. Thompson, Mrs. K. eurrent y e ar an the first Wedn $ittclson and Goldie Rod. bu one new day in February wit • • • membfr. lUI rellult. of the annual From Yellow stone for Visit meeting held this wcrk . Mrs. Karen Larson of Yell wHe I. Abel Rigney, \Vh was stone III 'siting her sister, Mrs. el ec ted 1 0 cnmpl c e t h f ur- ye . Peter VelBvlek f Pa rkland . M rs, un xplred term of VI' . B . Ke r , ice Larson arrived ree ntty fr m Los pre!lident, ho resi gned reeen y. Angell' where abe spent th early L. Ro�,;o. president throughout. the IIl't of the winter , pa l '('AI', Wnll re-elt'Cted for a • term of Iivp ·ears. Leaves for Ca lifro nia Other members of lhe board are MI'8. Edward Antonsen left un Ivar Johnson, ecret �ry ; O. J, clay night for San P dTO, Califor Sluen, t r asurer, and N. J. H on g. nia on an extended vl5lt with her The compan y was organ i zed i n da�gh t"r. Mrs. Arthu r Erickson of 914, Ilnd has enJoyed steady thRt ly. growlh . inee lbat time. Power ill • I purchased -from the cit · ot Ta-
Parkland Trustees Or. . ganlze In F eb ruary
In st allation Is el d Parkland Ch rch ffieer, £01' til lhl�
1'0 in stal l "
u hf'rlIn
'crk at Trlnl y
�Irch in Pal'kland. Rev.
T. O. SVR H' ia thc pastor. "Rore w Ul :tel as pr('!;iden Rev. Re v. . on �rega. jon of the Rll mlltad a 8 yice pre lrl l l , 0
!';luen as !leer tary, H eraa!' I\tI fin anci :< 1 secretary, and H J. Dahl as t r Murer. Boa.rrl nf trustees : J. And er Ion ( 1939 ) , G r.o. C Am , on 1 1 111 0 1 , Arthur G. Schultz ( 1!14 0 J . E, Tin H rm!! n LIlt' on geilltad. e 1 941 l ,
1 1 94 1 , '. '1'. Sllora llJ!ll ( 1941 ) . Melv in �bprg ( l 93!l ) , Bn srd of <lea ons . P. T. LRJ'l!On SCl\!' H vIand t l 1139 I , N. (1 3 9 ) , J, H ng ( 1 94 0 . .loh n C. Lien 1 19 4 0 ) , .T. • "lIvlr-r 1 11141) . Benson n 41 ) . T. R. 0l80n ( 1941 ) . Members c m e ry eommi e t' : Anton rg 1 1 {l39 , B. K. Fa fl\e�1 (194 0 ) , B. O. La ntJin::- 1 1 . 1 ) un e8 1J�her, Ph. E. HIlIIge; ay school lIupelintE'nd nt , lIfrll. A. W. Ramsla d ; auditln commiUee, . nes. Claro Paul A. Prells, B . ..nce Lund . I. Slt-and: pre, 1 lent of [.. adies Air!, MI. . E. An n80n; resident (. r Trin ty Guild, f t l!. G. Bask nson. pr,.lIlrteot of !'Ir lh r hood . Ger, . J 11Ion . jJrr.l'l,len M Lulher 1,""I'UI', Mi Eliz�b h Pl'��ld('nt ot .Tunl r 1!:1.11ld,
B' l
ews A n 0 t e�s�r-YZ:--'---�--M essi ah To Pa r k l a n d A n d P. c. B e P rese nted A t ark land l
Dt'. A n d 'Ir'R, Ha l'Olri J, I.el'aas alurday eVt1nUl� a l enterlainell their ho e In Pa1'klamf with a sup, Th e buffet. table was per pat!) fRld with ace cloUt and cen tel'cd wi b an trang e m nl. of pinc bran ches fla: ke by red candles, fl'e h Olida y bles A t smaller place card an Bingle red tapers, e em g were . iss Sharing Gladys <?lJberts �m , M iss Al ma Sto
I'. KeIth Reid. Michel M. Franck, Akre, p 'o , Elvin M Gunnar J, Malmln, M
Olai Hageness. Mr. and dore Nelsson,
McmhAJC nf D il l hi " A ppa D Ita Jlhu (Tll m rnlL 'Ill jnln in /I. social aHoJ i r a week from Tues rtav wlll'n tile11 IInnuAI 81u m"" th college !)a;'ty ' will hI' held in Rnd
Miss Mane W e n erl; dOrmltOry rou p iss Beatric<" iddeNl as g and a ir. aff the planning 'Ire ts rcsiden p ,
ly Members of Del ta Phi re cent " a nd Mr , gold • small ta. lnfl.gn new and , aClopted Greek ) t. and Mrs, pins lorme of cut-ou Rnd 1 irs, tel'S of the society, Miss Margaret rl; , Thco- T h ompson and Miss Iva Kn utsen new ' upen' ised the adoption of the
emblem. at • peal er Jeanne RIchardson wa IfIII'ElI. speakcr at the lea given\\.hIB nit rn 011 at Pa ci f i c Luther'an 001lege b) " Le I rc){' Franca i3 , " ci){ MI'll. R ic ha J'dsOl l c17(' FI'f n ch club l., once m in ' h r !Il l v ! I re j n SpO Il!, !<'rancf' a m ] the hnlida ' cu: toms of t ha t n un try . Rftc .. ivin g wi th M r.. . E. H. Bondy, (;Iub I\.I IVI.501', was the C'ne t
J.inll t' .' oc)r.t�' Meet ylvio. !lU l le l ' opened her borne on McKinley hill Th urstlay evening to membel'!! of til L. C, LJlnnc , ocl! lj', 01' anlz d science gro up on he cantpu , or a ho l id ay
oratorl , "Th •' DEL'S b ' the given .. siah," will oCi ety S l I n ri• Park l. d .hlll'lt! . I vl' llinf{, 8 p. moo In Parkl and Trllll',UI1I111l' Prof. h, churc ran Ii Lu I nlrnin tlireC'tlng. 'l'bl! 18 U I" J u �hlr( pr IIp.nla lion in Parkl nd, b the til' t uud r Ule d i r lion .,r Prof, Malm ln. HI:' succe ded PI • • J. O. EdwBI ell! who orgalll7.ed lb ted the Iii st chO l al gro\l p lind I l � 0 1:0llfel til. \\ I I
, lY
C. Pres in " Hospi tal With Ftactu d Hip
f'rellldl'nt. MI!!s MargI' t Demers, ro! In Fr en ch hy Ul(' CbJ'is!Jna.s group comp!l'led the musical part ot the pl'Ogram,
.�ocial gathf'l'lng . Newly I celetJ offi 1'S, in y. h s(' honor th e arCail' w, s h eld. were in s li·TIe c l II � follnws: F ret! He" y , pr slclen l ; Mi a Darc. I hy Peter>; n, vice prc�irlen t ; Miss Syl 'in Miller. ::IccI'd !I ry ; ltrC'd Sut tel', {rea.s ULI', and 'Wal ter JObn.�OIl , srrge n t-a t-arm."I. DI'. and M I'S, Hayold J , H'-'ra . organiz 1'8 of the gTOlJP, wt l l continue �s lldyiBOI'S. The com nll t tee ill eh. r c of a r· l'!l.n � j n � the part? cOllsisted t1f Ii, Golden Cerritz, rebJ' i n . pre" l(lcn l : M i s s M arl:'J'cte l.>emera, MISS Ida Mae Ho," , ML'iB Elva Bergman and \ al "r Sterb;l .
,'oin t Sodu l and erm/'ll cl Ubs j' p, L. C. h d II Joint 3Clc1a J fiah' in thl' form of II 8wimm.inl' party a t th y, W, C, A, Saturday "c Illng. Firt V s tudents s aJ'cd thc fun of swimrnlng' contp.sts and FI'ench
gllmt'S, intprrupled by Ute servin� 01 re[j'e.� hmenL.'1 towa ''fl Lhe cl o'll' .,[ h� ('\'enlng, MI�� Mnrj:!'r lc !1emers a.wl WlI l t,,\, Gnple('urJ, PI'''lIl,lf'n of I he \WI club!', and h-� E. H . B',ntly, ;. d SOl', he rico I h )!TflU I n cha rg
( hrl ' I mas l'url.r r. \. C, colle e fre hmen hel a Cltrll!tma. pal'ly ill Ibe gym n ll.'l i um Sa ur ISlY "" ('nin /:: , member com in� .1 '''sscd as "ki lls" lind hring II gift/) [01 an e 'c11an!! u nrl ('1' t h <" hl! I' brlo:tmas her. which I II _ hol l rlllv elf' Ol'Sl U \,I' cl'n !.P!' d mnUf Ertw:l rd Pe,j"l'lIen. clasa president , h t'HI I (\ the ,."cveral c om m i t t e s m ("ha rge 'fhl' rlall ari1\1i � .Ia rlyc G i l bt>1 tson, \ i"or t alII' I' Dr. rua 'I l:'h t We L u lh (' ra n coll('J;' .pni P I'(' E'Tl t h D�ef!mh ' col1('�(' Drama .'jg-II Flirl v !',"cnlng fi t tJ t'! P. L . C . auditori1Jm , A miracle pia\' will b .. /.!'l\'en by a 1<cn\ar ('MIt under rtudent dil"ec tgrsh ip nf Ml �s ill l ," B rgma n R he" j �fu1l('n hH8 b n lip/' IntI' gem:..a.1 chalrm::tn . th.-r co m mi L t('c IncJud Mis." T v a !lotte Gnp, Knll sen , cOl> u me s ; JI ttlrt , fAr�rel" n.em� I'1f It n d A rn e I rHnr], pI pnTI ('Ii; A Ihl"r McCay, ThoI' Ln rs('n n I TI"<I AlIhl',· , lid 1.10 ·(j '1'homp ' n , pro-
Otricl'r� !JI I h E' Chora l M" iely li re B utt H . R .yriwntl, p rl'sidc n t ; Mkhd '. Fran k, vl '(' pI eR c.Ien t
'tol , and mallag ' / ; &1 1 � Alma secretary lrC8Rur r, Il m l M r:l. J, U. ,'n"i('r, hb/'li l'lfl n . T h oraLOl io will b e rep"tlled y roup ''' ('tin arJ land h 11 ' r u ng , Dl'C . I n. ' t Puyal l up, 'l'1I 'Ill I' glv('.n in the Fir L concert it:Lh<ldlsl <"I1111'l h H l 7 : 4 5 p. m.
P. L.C. A nd P arkland N ews
atlO1181 LabOJ' Rela lions t Pa- ' That the k or ch llO l v la m m' reu [0 Luthera n c !E'ge Is anOUl!'1 B o ard shoul I b cl'ow i d \'llh pre nUtlay event� eJJrnl' p. arbl lralwn on II inrhu; n nu l u. ·' The., . a r J nn vacation t ri a l bdore slnMlll lea\ FlI'lay a f L c r n oon. noay after- deciston deb t �. a ff(,lI'olng p i ,lctit'C "('wI), 01'- before the r p;ular Intf'\"colleg ale noon nL 3 . 30 o ' c l ock luh hol?s debate season op<'ns. gnn i zerJ Sc a n rl l :n-i I itA first aIt mnon social !lrfail' In E n f ertAln lut. party the fnnn 01 a Clu'istm Parkland Trinily L die ' Il1ld h r "Ith g nulnc Scandinavian ef cs - was eItt rtained TlIesd y 'CI1lng
by M rs. Lora B Kreidler, n the ce)lI I.' rc eplion " oom, The Lad i es' . I (tf Tl:inlly hutch m t.. 1 the ( M rs , T. H_ ISOJl 'Ve(l homt' nesda aftern1m, with Mll!. P.olJert St. lair servin .
menta. Th rc will b roup s i n g th Ii V rat . candinavillll lon antl g-Il m €'s IIpproprla.Le t o the ol iday eao.;Ctn of lhe no rLb"m co readmg in Swedis h trl' .
! JtC \'. La lUI Ill'a.I,!!!" be gW'n bv MH'S Ele n l" ]<�gl ul1 nev. E, l'thur Larson w the a Norw gian voca l s olo by MiGs Eidc, na ti \'c-bo m Gyrl. 1"01"eakf'r a t the �hristmas mccthl g " egiAn , Iud n whose home is . in W dDesJa)" cvclling of I h P. L. C . AI·lak. Alallk . md a No rwegIan I ' " n llOciety, I[iI;S EVil GJeliclAl reus and I open du l by MLs Jeann lh servic!' W i th dl'vnti n , ltfllis A"lricl Ander on. i n tro c d by All reo KBrlstad, 'l1 mlllittecs a r ranging illi event p reside l. Robert S\·ar�. 'comme Strand. Glrnn Gust a\'· pa nied Ij_ al' : lIs� nrol ine Hoi!. and d ecora- M a rguel'i Imn and Marion John son . l-I.m!;cn ..accompanied Mll re d 1;1)' Mi:'"!1 Je ny Bardon. gave vocal lions; .Iarlc WEtDbcl'g , T Uer on ann Ellzab ttl 'tuen. re- nllmbl'M, (I' �hm n ls; Cl1fford H au g "ll . E lea In Janua 'y thr ' I s. 101 soc i l y Fi ster . will mrh;.,sl? n r Englund nd EIi1.abe thl' p. ket 'f 'Ia· derson m en t League a Miss Aslrid pr<'Rrnt t 11 plan p ro 'am. is pl'esidt'nt. of the organizali to all slud ·nts. f cha pel talkA celt 'S series Joint Chrl t.m:l Part ' . JI'I Lhen e. and ' 1 1 1 cen l ' bou La rgest of hollrlay affair in th 01 ganlzed IJ l ll '·. n.ov('mf'nt be I tmas Cbri week Will be the jnln Lhe so party Tuesda\' ev cning- of th a t h r g l i a r m tI "" . Ins Uss D Ita Rh " GarnDl!\ and Del ia Phi cl('ty Janua ry 3. wi
worn 'n's groups. Miss EUa Evans in c� argc of th he G rha rd Reitz 15 P. T. r l\airman ArlRms Is Mn an. committee. assisted by ram pr M issc Inez N�J on, Lin\ta DeBe ry and Edith 1:'ooif'Y, i!!s arian cCarmiel t rI!. i1t rta1nment. il1chldin g a gir t lai n cJ members of U1(! Pnrl{ md xc1ange, is being arranged y Four H Sewing club Salurday i f 1 b8 F nncy,' Alice Cook, on nil.' tern oo n at be ' home. Plans e.c Clumb amI Eugenia Sp en c e , m l;l d e for a at ty b held I ass stin g C mmlltce ue.,tlnll L en r ; Valeria January. and the 10E'bnkp.. Margaret Grass, Gyd. ing dt legate s l? Pull all for 111 E'de and Jenny Bardon. ref reSh- :-pring 'onVf'ntlon was pr s ntec!. men a : B('tty 1 1 .11 1 1 , MargaI' t Jean Miss Evangrline P eterson as vel cKinnon, Marth a Wallace and corned as a new member, C'('rl.rUrle Ting I�tacl. inv1taUollJ ; fnry Ellen Wiprud, GlndYll Sw non lanr/, Lois Morri. anr\ Caro\me Hn f, pnze : Rllth MorriBan. An g line Hah'l'!'son, gnes r cnd, l"appll.
1 1 11 Ie at Roce" t\on Music during the ,. ceptlan In be church pal'lnra wa B�ain furnished by thc quartet. s i nging "Love's 010 Sweel Song'," accompanied l)y irs. unnar J, Malm!n. Mrs, Elmer Haakenl!.on aang- " By Lbe B ntl of tile Rh'cr." bv Clara l'Jdwllrd,;. While Re\, . Svare acted M m 'ls tc r " r CI'I"t'n1nnies. brIef grCl'lInlrll anr] l''' n gTalull! tio n ll wen' l'xtf'ndcd hr Prot N . , Hl'lng. :lS Ihr olde t acquaint.ance of th o\1plp. by Prof. Phi l ip E Hauge nn beh I f nf PRcific Lutheran cnll egr. Ilnd by Mr. FiBher a nd 'fl". Tenwlck for t c fam i ly , A gift in keepin with the all v('l' anni versa1'y was prpl'l�ntl'd by Re\'. SV ll l'e frnm the many me ds. and Prof. and Mr9. X viel nth respo nde rl wi h WOI'ru, nC hanks. unch WIIS en'NI [ mm tw lonj:, lRcc-covered les, 0 c cen e ed WIth poinsettI!lS and ra "'per". Bnd i t h M r s . T nwick. :frs. FlshI' trs. Svare A n d MI'I1. A . W. Ramstad preSi din g MI·s. SV8.re wore brown and t a n Cl"l'pe, and 1\trro . Ramflt!!,rl whiLe laC''' u,'cr r , l-L 1 . J. Dahl. g 'ned darl.. in brown hiff n \'elv ... . preside(,l at the tabJe from wh c ll h e wed(ling thrl"c-U r d i'ake was �€rve a Ei l ver-and-whlte l�a.ke. fl anl(f' d by m on � o tbers assist rl'J tapf'l's. in;:r with the s rving we I'e 1rs. ud\'i � Larson, Mrs, Hans Beck enrinrf. M I-I;. Elmer Hll flkenson. Mrs. E. Tmgl cs lad n d Mr Paul A. Prf'1I5.
herrl",pn X, ' lI vler
I Otll'!I' ,
A r l nr.
Tay lor. decoralions; Mar· J:1l rit Bnnson. Elizabeth Reitz, 111. J oh n.�on llnd Ma. Pel1ctl, Hos:;. Car(ll ro m ' Irl '{Il. , Virgi ia Jahl' and Anll • nyd
H 0 0red . A n n lversary
A h ost f friend n reJal ives "at! ered i n the par or. f P rk land Trini t Lu heran church � I nday Yening L
L<lV Jny, f III'S. Linne Fi('ld Trip honor Prof. and Mrs. J, . Th _ !in!t open field tri p spa n - �T�lV i ('r on their twenlj -fifth or <l hy the Linne society, col lege w ed d i n g a n n i \'er aJ'y, Lal c aelen ol'gnni7.ation. wi l l At o'c lucl, R .:h 01t sen'lce " f\ plat: Tuesday afternoon wh n helrj i:l the church a uditorium , memb l' vlsil the aqua r ium a PL openi ng with the wedding march Defiance and th e Ferry M us urn, from Loh en rin as t h e rictal pair Obert Sovde. Lloyd Tho m pson and e n ('I' ri. iol lflwcd by their chUcll'en, Miu Doroth ' in i I'S B a e t e rson are rba ra and i Paul . a n d by hat'gp of lhe trip, willi Dr. Harold 1"3. Xa vier's two sis ers and their J . Leral15 of he bio l gy depar t- hU!lband , Mr. and Mrs. John Thnmenl as ad ·Iser. WIck of Aberdecn and Mr. and Mrs, Debate lub George Fish er of Tacoma. 1's. The P, L. . Deba e club bas ' 'avle r wore a long dress of lack completed orgamzation with t he satin fashioned with a cr am yok e adoption of a constitution an d a beaded with pearl and brllli nts. 'regular serle!! Of debates am ong He ' sisters w e r e gowned similarly m rob rl', open t i. i ll'lrr VI'ed- In dresses of winc and . gl' en chifn sdr;y eVl'ning e Maki IUld ion ,'rlv t. Mrs. Xavl r are a flss Ida. M e HOl;S. negalivp, anri COl ' g of rOS�R lin d bouvarr: [II., Il n Fr d Sutte a n d \ all!)r Stprba . t.h a tlendanLs wore gardenia!!. ur in g the s rvice II. aho rt serhandled the quaalioD, • Resolved. I mon was gJveIl by Rev, T. 0, Sv 1" ,
quart t. compos d
f MrF .
Ph il lp E. Hau gT: . t"li. Cllfforo Olsnn, Elvin U. kre an d Gunnar J, 80ng. th Malmin, sang :I brid words of Which had been w ritten by PIof. 1. DOTl"um 01 Luthel' col I c�e. Decorah . Jo a. a formor col iellgul' of Prof. XRvl .r nml a grad-
Choi r 0 the West R e a d y For Chris a s Concert
P ark land A nd P . C . New s .
at P Ilman
For Ga erln of uther n Group .
Padfic LutherlUl ollcgt' sl u" wi ll go to P ullm an rids. tf' attend e flnnual con-
" I.. Ion . cl .t y nc\'o 1 1' k cl :lIf. Lana. oU!!gc \ 1c pl'csiden , fillok . al the W('d n rlay ('v!'n l n g nll'E'ting of the P.
L, C. Mlssl"n 1'10 ' Iely Devnlion va led by erhar Reitz. Music consisted of II piano 010 by Miss Jenny Bardon and a yocal duet by Ima Stl'\ e c a nd M ISS M.lss har lott Goplr:l'U d.
', m
P. L.
I/� S . A 1\ . . L. C
P la n B ataar
c o- ed: 8 g'f'.:.i "n'm frolic' TUl'sdl\v atl rnOD in t b e 011 gf' ;:-ymn sill m , 11l1df'r th e eh rmllD hlp of Mis." EDill Blak ( .. il'l 'si. tin, .n plan were AaJro G rd(', Eugenia S p Dc"r Ellzaheth Stllen " aroline Gers tmann . Elva Bel'l: man , Helen StArk and Jeanne
F rl
, ' t a ndin:L ' i a n
Aftel a Ecri 8 of ga mps and exhibiUons, refreshments we re
,. vcd.
.' 1lralte r th
I lirela}" hI' dale
Roberl.!! ,
II� to .'le"t Dcc . .. , h been s",t
mr tln� Ilf '.I_.C. Delta Rho Gamma . l llnn p. Tll �rllup will m eet for a dell!! I t lun heen a t the bom f" t Mrs. 01al Ha�cnc88 in Parkland _ . m. H steSRI'S wi l l be Miss Thelma DII l'llels, 1i1:s Ellen Uel"gslrom, Evelyn 1 1" 'lin a NI Miss I n 1> ' 1 11 d en All ormc lnt?mbpTIi r D 1 a Rh l; mm arc ur cd t .U nd. Hnpp Honr . WIn" lib l 1' . C. A. PI"le entertained rnembel'� of the Happy Hour Scw
cluh Ilt hl"r borne I'ee�n I '. El� e Pitzl�l' wns appointed reCll"lI lion leal]el'. Jessalec SUles II R I m i L t d In l he clu J as R nc . mcmb r. Th DocemllFt' me tin !l b h ]d 1\ t lh hom of MarilUl ! J roiek. Ing'
l'I . the
tiC Ule fil l �enp.l'al lhp new ly rj1'A.nlzctl
Ill' 88 1 r. I'll fO B n l e time W 1'1<, novelties li nd S 'ln f:'l nc rll n ' I ,m b a ke!') I'l'nndl' will b I! i n . li l' � . Philip E. H auge hefld$ the : HI'I' I1�r on o m m l Lt�, grne l a l lI\cnt�. llnfl t he p !II ting emml t tc>"s 3 1'C li S fnllll\ 's : ['8. -I iffonl OI80n F:m cy worl,. . L. Dahl . • I ' �. I lai 'mlll " PI"({'I Vel�vik , Mis Ruth Swal1son : air> C'bri!'1tm a s l·ce . Mis.q An n I I I tI rh(> i l ' an ) . Millll Kalil IJn I: E . ' 1'1' . H. Turner. 8('11, 'f r� Fon l ' w h ile elephant bool h , M r s. h l'ls t ll � n ( chairman ) , .f. ' . X8\'lcl'. i[rs. Elvin M, tlS8 GIBdYlI 'a rlson : "I\I{l' l'e r r ' . A\nl!S E . VI" l:TIel' I chI! irlll' l ) . 1-1 1' . A . \\ . RalTIsLl!d . Mrs. \ . C. . 1 l' H. A . Gan�s : pub 01 " !lei �' a nd dpCOI'o th'nF, M rs, Ken lIr<l. t , n t h .In eb� ; r r hm ( I heh m a n l . M I ll P h I l i p F, HIIU�' ell r AI dt' 11011 M r:> G, ,I . 1 Imin,
� •
ladys il hcrt on , anti under dlrccllCm
cl h ndvis -of MI' Ad
Dapper, an n r pl'ctation hrl.stma mu Ic "ill bc gol\' n by severlll girls accomplI.n ed hy Mi. !I Maurine Waoc. Eoh Mullen will be master of cen'monl(>s.
Footbnll Bnnrluct
Th footba l l banqucL • n lurday evening is t h e h ighlight 1')[ Lhe w cpk ' s activIties. Dr. Christen Qllev] l has bC1'n InvUe Lo sp ak ' an d n A rande. sLl11Jenl prpsidcnt will b t h t(lSsLmaa ter. The stu: rl(> n t male q ualt 1. compo cd of urly Elmer, Dona l d 10nson , Rob "I' varc Olnd Richard \o\' i l'sl1cr VIII sing. and there w 11 be nll m b by the girls' \'oeol trio consist ing of isses h arl ot t c oplerud, JNtnn Preus an . 1 C.orinne Malm1n . Miss
'e\,f>lIl1 ROSR. viol lnis , will play a of f on l ba II tun . . Dean hi l i p E . Hauge �'ilI pre scm lhe foot bal l 8\ 'ards, in th group
absence of President Tin elsta(l. omm ittee chairmen In e11a' IfC h e a de d by Walter Coplerud arui Otis Grande of he: stUdent ollncil inc lUd e M:i.qs Alice Cook . Misa B tt Eva nson and Miss onnie �I b.
Parkland ( oral Society With several P. L. C. s uden l J0I 1ID ith mem be rs f the Parlt land Choral �ocie· • in the re ndi tion of "The Messlah , " by Hand!' l , u d a y evcnin/J in Park land a n d
• the
\Vcrlnesd y
Method ist
c h urc h
in Puy allup. 'ch eal'sa l ami coneel't hours fi l l t he day. Th ursdny eveni ng. Dcc. 6 . will be the ; nllll. I Chll!'<l mall concert of he 1' . i. t' "Chol 'cst." unciN th(' n . · 'il CJf th r tal'. Prot. �l1nnal J "Ie I mln Th newly rganized colleg ' hor liS will Bllgmcn t.he hall' 11\ on group of nl1m bms. as w i l l illg ing 11 g"1'0 IP al o ne , and 1'1 c tlOns will be given a I 0 by the gIl ls' t l io.
ndln;nlan lub Monday Iftrt'nnOn 1 t : : (I loc]{ lh!' member of till' Scandi an clul are baying "I so ' ls i . tuzs .A!!t riCI Andpl'8 D , 15 S pE"l"\'i sing nangeTe ' L
Speak Club i n RarkJand \
Burmeist ��\.!o .p
A ll
1 .Py
rn U II .
P a rkla nd and P .
blE"t1c ,,(,me l . noon girls of th association enj oyed a h lk (' . an 1 ses CK"n llv're was a busin . 1\ t si n ( r lhe Linnp society for tbl' conat i t u pu rpose of adopting
in .
monJol question. to b drl!I'uII ri r' th� c l ub m('�tin g \'\11 be lh h Of , e l tA Girls all11IUl !lUl l r nf pal'king stri ps. li nd th hI! d a meetmg Thursday lloon to 1/ po d p lM 101 tree1 bl'autl(icB·· h Ip complete !illS! p l a ns for the l ion bring ludi ecl by lh 1 jlJint 'loial aIfalr b('lnJ::' bel d n ext luh . n T1Je�da ' evening ,....11.11 members or Delta Phi Kappa. e-ni orf> 10 . i\,p r i ll,\' ellior cia !l Friday evening thr will presen t a Chnstmas mlraole
tlon .
play by Ad Isule C. Row 1 1 . " ntll The public s lh L sat uf These " I vited La hl� C11riBtm .s Drama I ' ht ud Ii'll'
al "
coli c Elvll I'l'ct(11" M L'lS
leI in th
p. I
MI .
C. Drama C ub A
( lIhll"" ) . J'nrt \, 1 1 \ tw !l TH' IIr the l' I')'llotl' "I,eakl' r ' a t t he 0 '11iI E:' ...... I o n of II, J'1I�1'I 'ollml ' \ _ 111' rO I l \' IIf 101l ( I rcult Lut h"r Frlll".\ /· \·rnln g. Thp. rIlI I tnl' till • 1'II1ll / n u i n g t h rt" e1:" • will bP 11I·ld ; t t he Fi.."t • 'orwf'jilan I.ut hl'r II rl'l> • •:0 , ] 2 1 11 ullcI I ..t -, I
. 1,
Tm \
\\ hn
1 ('h II
P . L . C . N ews A d E ve nts
G lad)'6 Gil Coli gl' Dr
club � hleh made it fir. 1 allil nTanl' oC t hl' � aT at t he "tu dent mixer Frlda�' \ c nln g \ hleh him red Al u m n i re t U n1ln� to t hc college at the \\"ePlc-end fo r the all II ual Ho mel'flrnl nji < lebra tion , t the mh,.r, lh Dram dub pre�eJ1ted the , hort sl\lt. "Who Gets t hC' 'ar Ton ig h t '?" IInr l r rldR � eveni ng. w i l l offlrl nl l;l' (l[lcn it c. o n fin Ib CAm pUS ematrllr!; with tbe fiT!>t "dram nheht" \\ ben t hr e one-act pia , \I i i he J:'h -1 uthe ra n
rtson, ma
pic ured a bove, ill ad" iser
P a r land and P . The
ocic ' ,
P . !"if'
the Pacific
tiSS(,!I BN1.lrlce Idclcl' . FrNicl" . i ll • hlan bw;h fl no O\'t'rlia Haug, . til I n cnll .. � Sri i'll c cl ub. Ruh rt. SVH I'�, Gel'har',ll Pfl ul'l:'cl ThuffHIAY f'\' nlng mr anrl ChffClrd Hau�cn, General hnm" n l hl' 31l\'j Ol�. iJl anrl M I cha irman , I I I hI' MUI'I'sy Ta ')01'. Ha 'JI I J r.I'TilA" 1m' ms II I J A iinn ,lOci prnduclJOn manng!'!'!'. Mi 51' "r nl" nfflC 1'5 u n der the pr cj_ Ma rgaret 1!�e:. cm , Bal el e. Bro tern and LI'r)la Lo kwo d . drncy rtf F red He ny. Pmf. .r . 1". Pflucgrr wnl give ,' ullurll:lD Stnd, ' tluh en 1I 111s1 ra eo lectlll'P n n "Common MI"'. EIi?ab l h Hn!m .Bon Iv will H w 1'n Iff n [y en crtnin mCDl hl'f5 of lhe T'a r\( lafll J uBh lI)ms I 1 n Tb m . " Th club � ' socia l lneet· SUburban Study oluh in thr. 1", L. ing WIll bt' in Dccem bel' , C, reccption room TlIe.�rl v, Nov. ::I. UruOlI. Igltf KL 2 o'dock A pl'ogram rJea llf! n t PaC' fi \'(0 111-:11 o( I he 'nrlhwc .. r pn Ird unl1 r cllon flf the lll'o/:,['am cnnl- ' fl'S T. var 1 M 's. I rs. .1 mi80n.
P . L. C. A n d Pa rkla n d News
Wed d i n g s Of I n t e r e s t The
\\' ddll1g }< !'iday e \ of l\Ii ', l lel('n Olson, youngest daughler of �I I·. an 1
n ing
church ,
Rev, T, O. vare performed I he ceremo ny In the c h u rch audio t orium. beautiful wJLh h \I . e ba k LII o f clll'ysunLhemumR, fp ns anti I y . and IKlttcnc wltb canrHe Prcc cling thp srl'vlce MIM Jlght Alice Ram;la.d al the urgnn play t & mculcy of soft bl'lrlat mUSI , a tapel"! el'e 11 hlcd hy 'IIS Iillallll' Gertrud and Mias
P . L . c.
n d P arkland N ews
S uen ; essrs.. J es. c Pflueger, jr., Gerhard Pi ueger. Or-vllle Schlan Bob busch, Lloyd Thompson. vart', ohn Stu!:'n, O rla n d Asper. S )ey Dahl. Paul Xa 'er nd George I-DUd son .
The old-fashioned , candi navian cus om of " J u le- ul," was carried ut in Pal' land c ga in t h is y r b. a group of t h e y u n ge r folk lecently. Thi old h olida ' fu n - mak r give young p .ople , in h morous disgui . t h e pJ'ivi lege of entering any h ome . nd remaining th erp. actin g '1U er Jy. until food i rve(l. Upon receiving refreshment s. th ey l ea v e as qu ietly and . ddenly as t h ey appeared. onl t e n t r ther homes " hel'e t hey may or may not b expec d . and on throu gh t e evening.
i tes for Hans G, Stub Held in Seattle
A n u m bl') nC T II· nmllne 11 1 I 'nrlrri h r nrr,') In , ,. l I Wrd nl'lI/lay • i l ",'noon n( H nil Gt'r hll rrl • lib. Jr., on1)' "nn nf R 'v en Mr . H. A. St ub. vhn riled ('.� J 1 �' Sunday mo, n l n � t hI' age t1 33. foll owing 1\ Ion . i l ln 88 . Slll Thl' youn g(' r g'J'lld ulIlrd fr m ut her college, Decol'1l h, Iowa, in 1 , 2 7 . a. cIa 'mllte of nach liUord O. I n 01 R· cific Lu t h el a n college. I''.- ' dent O. A. Tlngelsta , former l·'at:h"t a t Luth r. I 'ited to . si. t. n U1e fun ral service \Vlth Dr. ,1 . A . O. Stub of Mmneapol1:;. the d ce a Red and now I n e l f' of
Thl' grou pl ayed gam l'I un l' 1 : 30 'clo k. wh r n they went to Centr:ll L lhc!' church In Ta
coma to sin" a: a Chrilltmas p ar t y the L utheran Wel
"vu.iting" compl teu. t he ga he r"u at on nf t he rl carol on C8 fo ' a late supper s i nging, M e m ben. of th(' pa M' Mary u P r u • No rm a Pr"'u�. PatrI ci a rottem. Babette Bro tt(' m . OYCe P no. Eleanor yd r, Mi ldre Lar ,m, Evely Monson, Mild I' d {anso , Vl r gin i Da ' , lzabel\e ya r e a d :it'S s. L l oy d Be ty S" r IU' . StanThom pson , Paul K ley ahl Ralp rBhall, John alph Ma rsh al l. Paul Stuen. Xavie . Norbert EUingson, .Jel' e Ptlu�ge , Ge hardt P flueger, Bob Svare and Orla do er. _
, . E lain e Benso , Pa ci fi c Luthera n college g ·ad ua te who filiI'
Me mb"rs DC the junior boit' ho a ttended Mal' hn wCTe PC aeJ,:'er H l e n Ramsta d, Edith Sa lat r. Donnah II JI' cn. E m i ly " Hovla n rl , !I nri ir"'l I KlIrll' ,Jenson , �IIY And r�f'\n, R a l l tueD, Annie.> Lie n. Prisci l a Ani a Preu , E h e r Ve!E.; I,. Ru th Ve ls vlk . LiU i a n Gedm ke, Nor an .Jensen, Donald Svarc, Del mar Knudtson a nrl Alton 01 on.
I P. L.
presen a slo of Imm an uel Lui n ' (" U e . lh cm n ChUI
C. N e w s
js dOin,g her firs y r of teachin Lakeb " ntertained a grou r:.cifir J.u lh N;> n ",.ll l e p I<l llf l t n l o f fricnds at t he h ome .. C hrr I ve rh nl'l' ll Fl'h . 7 All 'hI' ria t� f paren , . SIId Mr... . Joh B hI' 1 1 11\1"1 1 tl ip tn MI . T" com n. SOl of Pa kJa d, Tu" ay "veninI!' TI1i 'cpr S , , " Ford. I'turJ n "rceGuests. ho pl ay ed monopol y nUl'iril nl. hl1" 8 1 pO in te d LJoyri Thllmp in� the e"t'n ing. were Mi Ev �(II li S c h a i rm A n of t 11' I rnn spw' I n Irwin . /\ 1 11 0 teaching at Laket ;j tion cnm mil ll'r. A <iFling a l'p b y and at her home i n ParkFC'rdlna nrl Bc,"!!\, . ,,",I I r"'II Hokl'n land fol' the h oli d ays , M r. an d , I n t ! A n t i GMr£!" I, IltltS(Jl1 . . Mr�. arre II M Ellr y and E' l'l � ' .$ Vlrg-irli " Pil ls will h h�lld B n1l n P al m er of P rldan <l , nf I I1\' rcfr "hmf'11 comm i t rr Stelrl'l nf Puy a l l up, ,fl M Audr y l ' m r rnh(,) lI III I h i s grnup :I'" ' B t cher and Mike Grabisa. of Ta.- n l h l" M i s . l'.:l iul bplh Sluen. L c EI� coma ) I I In 'n o hI' Ler /lIe , 11 '1 Stan Mr. :uJd Mr�. Philip K Haug Iry Prj(, .
. at
pastor of Central Lutheran church In MInneapolis. Hans Gerh ard S t ub , jl' .• is sur· " ived by his par en anl'l an nly 81S1 (" ' , Syl via His is II a mil y which hll'" ('cn VN'Y r mi rnt Hi, i ll t hl' Lu hI' h u rch . anrifllth r. .hr fi rsl Hllns Gel l> nl St ub in t h is cou ntry. was ,,1110 " pastol' . serving fnr II um· bl'r of yearl'l Il,.� prl'sldel1 t nf lh 'I)"v(' ian Lu h ,. n hw'ch of HIs fa th er III the
spoIlsored by f are societ y .
J . n1< , ' p cterJ
I' a ltlnu11
on nu r JII t ".!nl� " un ion. rClUlll fOI he hilnqIJcl ami i n order 1'1 flPP<'RI' 81 I hc IInd a y monlin 1'f'llni l l" ." ,,!'vl c" in Parl, I nn,l TrI"Ity 1I I h"" ., n rh ul'ch . t u I ll'n t (� t h-il i !'!< 'Ill' t hp R 11,,(1 scm 1''' ' '' 1 ' ",-ilt ten l ('I' II bllut p l ans fill' t his ., n n u::1 rc mlnn,
\, i l l
holid a y guest! in Park Mrs. Laurence an Hauge of Portland, Ore.
a n<i
Yea r's day dinner gucst of M rs. Esthf'T H. Da.\'is in Park l antl w re M r. and M rs, Hllrnl Dahl a nd sons. Dona ld anrl .ober t. of Tacoma ; MI·:;. Martin Fielrl of Bel lingha and Leonard Carl !Ion of S a n Franc.i8Co. New
BensQn spe t Nl"w Y ear'. "'nd th e week cnd wi h cattlc. friends in MiS!! Ju It
i e Ma' y "LnuO and Norm a 'Preu!!. d aughters of Mr and Mrs. Pau l K Preus of Par d a n d , cn tf'rtalned friendll of the i r brot.her, P ul K. Prf'UII, '''I'd sd l! ..ve· nint:. pr c "<l lng PRUl ' .. " " urn to L hf"r nile s", Vecorah. [OWA , in h i s ;; nJor y ,no h'" i '1\'" r
L. C. c1R.s�mfl s nd (nr li n lD" g'a h!'r"d ormal ('ven ing lI"rl I II te 8upppr w r" vl'lrt'. erMis8<>� Be> t.· runf' Rt pnber�. GI Rdy!'; S ·enJanrI • IIdreri Larl!en, . R ut tOllllIU!f'n. LIlli Fo , ) r s nd Ilzabelh
[ri em II
O f fi ce rs Are Lo Be Ch sen y Club In P arkland
Alttmni RCtLnion Banquet Of P. L. c. to Be Held Feb. 20
SII urd ay , Jo'eb. 20. wlll be Ul da te t h lnugh un d B Y, the h i gh l i g h t bl'- I . l·ob of lhe annua l P c.ifi� LU Ul I lln co l - i n � t h e banquet whic h will p II Iy lake pla ce in Tacom a. If>ge alumni reu ruon anq ) l J l !8 ciAl effort is bein g Th is year 0 s a nnounced by t h e p resi d en t ' t t h e m a de to h a v t" a large nurn e r of Lhe P. L. C. Alumni n.ssocia tion M y ron g'l'arlua tl'!I return to Parkland. . , K rf'Wlcl', '26. . also i e lude forA h ' m n i of p, L. we kl'nd of Wa shington" ' Til mer turlents of Pa cific Lutheran birt hday h3 s bl'eorn� t he t rrulition ll l I Acr. I ('my, fill t he pres�nt college time for lhis . n nu a l ga ther ng- o f known . ot. Co lumbia \·It. tOl 'm �I ('tlvities \\'ill luUI'IIls. tOIm er
v n in
I b ' CArl Svedb q�. of thl': uSllal curr4>nt for mil call, m('rn ber� '111 prcse t th r Jruests dunn;r this " pening feature of the pro
l nstcacl
gram, f th e The F"bTU I'�' meeting SUbu rban �I'Oll r is scheduled for J.� h. 9 at Ul' borne of M rs, T. O .
Election Is Being Held at P. L. C, T oday
n f r key posil! ns P: , It' 4t1thl!ran call ge a. h nu' I st !f w r submitted to t ill' 'vednesda ' . wi th an cl 1.'tlldent tllln slated for tod a y d uri ng the business JI';:;-ul I' w�kJy . tmlen _
1 aciIlc Lutheran 'oIl ge Al u m n i Rcunion !\ctlvllics rot' Frb. I n. ZO. B..:l d 2 1 wl'l'e o n t l lner! today hy Myron Kl' i l ler . president. n old - t i me se t lin g . wit h "Pul Bon n e t " as ,] ay on Your Old theme song. wi l l s trike t hr ey oltom 111'1 venls. noll' for all i!" arran1!'ing Ii ba,"ltclbal t gam vilh fo'l' Fl'i<lay C'Vl'ulng. I wf'l the as tca m.G pl aying alumni upl"ninj:l' activity, Sil turday aflrrnoon fOl'mer stu nenls and teache] s wil l g:l.lhcr on thl' coUc;:::-c carolUS for mlormal 0111' of t ill' A trllC lorrs viSiting. 'hibi L , f picl ur·e. wi ll I'll' Itn sbowm" a I" i v l lies "r fr >rmel' days, arn. nl;NI b ' Prof • • • J. Hon� anti Tra will be I 101 A Elvc.slrnm .
li nd eont mu e
'omin (>1'
P . L. C, Alumni P l an F or Three Day Announced
co l l t ge. whIch 0 erated In Everett, Illld of Spokane college. which opel'Il ted in Spoka�_ Under' th . direco O p en Home for tion of Pmf. N. J. Hong And Field ';uest Da y h 5e Agent V ic tor A.. Elvc.!! lrom, ing 'ontRcted en 'lltlel a lu m n i are Mrs . Cl!Uord 0, Olson will hm' new home nn Park av . , Pa k- an d urg d to [·r.tmn to the Park land day CA mpus th i s ye r. Dr. 0, A. Tingel land . for tl !' annual gues , rll ident, and one of Rtllr1, P. L. meetmg of the Suburban Stud club 'fues l::ty, A58lstin� hostesses the f rRt. gTa u ates of the form x I II lf i c Lutheran A. ade m y, is W . E. Henderson and ill b Mr t ·n dlng a sp ec i al invitation t o the hI, 1m H. L. J. rnemhf'1 1; and lh iT gue t8 o ld er students, togethC'r with PI' C• . HOn g Ilnd Mr. Elves1 I·0l1l . lnciden- ' 1'5 Ca.r 'ill m"et at 2 o'clock, ta lly, it i s forty years s inc e Prof. peak r. pr i l l b gues Ha l len II " hooi{ ramble." A rou p Hong c a m e to P a r'kland and joinl'd en tm h e s t aff of the aca.demy, ta ter be o! v c I IIl'iections will be given by p I' e !<J tl en t for many y�ars, 'ret! 'Iek h'ocl'pcr. aecorn- mg II begin F r idA\'
E 19
eX- 1
the vI-l tars. "I Lite lhree-,Iay l;cSSinl1 'viII he t hI' reunion ban qllet La he held in Tacoma 5alur My 'clock, [Jay ('yen l ng al 6 :3Q ron Krcirller wiII ha.vc barge of pl'ogl'am the anll ons, decor chail'man will be John Van J..eu tlsiness mecLing will be yen with t he ban on ne et io hel d in ;,el'\'oll
Most important
p , L. C. Faculty Mem bers And Students III
1n Iffli t f' of i l l n !< K in 1 h I' ci t y � t 1 , nila n cf' li t Pll C' i c LII h er� n 0 � c ri h il I' PO i� l' n o l f'ol ll'� it i� I'l' port"d. olls l y flee .. d. A flng: If til rf m e mbe n on I � sick quet. I i t du rin!:' th!' pnst ".... ek ""�I e . . Sundlly mnrntng P '('sident rlon. L. Lud"i Bu. i n e.. l1 M a nag'er Tingl'lstarl Wil l p reach I h H'rman 'lffice 'ho �'a s II bsent [rom hiR u f\t r union sl!M'icl's in Trimtv the m i dd l e o f the week, a n d A. ',\'. Silllr.lay tllel'an chuJ'ch. Parklan I, : i ns I'uctor. chemtstry H.a mslad, afternoon the "rhoi r 'J[ t he \\' st" con e "min .. i l l pl'CS� t .a htl Presi den t A. O. Tingcl s t a d w a s i. home the m ajor l'er t, ill' t il e w i n d - up oI their tfJur oulin d to k In Ol'egon a nll southwe.sl 'Vash pal't of the w . I'ton . :5 e v 'al minor illnesses 8 lUan g cxel;uth'f' boa rd'a The ill um n l s t ud en ts w e rep orted. Most Sfl'il Robert next meetin ::: ' i l l be 111' 111 SUl1fla v UII, ho ever, wall that S\'sre , eldest son of Rev. a.nd Mrs. Afternoon. Jan. :J J . on the P. L. C. T. O. Svare of Parkland, who wed - campu" . ne� day mOI'ning WIU! re moved t o Tacoma (,rn era l hospital because
Tholle propaRed by thf' faculty r he erillol'Ship arc Oti Grand Gel'! ilZ. Roy. rk and ; Goldell I Loul. e Hendl'lck n , Puya l h p I) ot pneumonl " . I ' busi n ess mana er 1 1 ye b ' enson, BUL' 11 mIn ted Kenneth I I nglon ; Lloyu Thompson . Pal'k l and 1\ d Vel'ncr Sltt . Tacoma FO l l o wi ng lh student body lee t on, \Vor'k on the "Sill{a.�' will 1:i gin immediately, the I'emaindel' of the sLaH being c hosen bv the etlltor-i1'1- hl(,[ and bURin!'!': m lln ('oll('!l'e to\\o8 l'd completi'lTl of t hp pl Nl ['8 Tn Rl!'l'l'emenl �ith l h Z Ulel' WI h the facull\' )II t'1'I·.h l l4>c t f r til dl'v('lup" n t p ro - n e "�"ary bl'fol'P IIcllH l l 1 u i l tlin II' p bll�RU(IDS lIrrun1tt e. head"d • '('l l'sCln re Th odol'!' �l'am (If P em!: L I l h e rll n CClIIt'gl' . , slarted . Prof. '. J, H ng. o/lpl' 1I Cln or til B. 1 l Rnd E . J . . m ar n � ' n " hll rg lI e . l h. ( ; "\'/l and ""port!! favor ble ,.f lerlg I t'd Bfl'Sf'mann b:lvl' been , 01 hI' \) pr gress. IlJ!l!ociat.. :l rchit!'cl,<; fOI ----be l1 i lctlOl=' to hI', rv - clo!<sloom
Arch itects el ctecl for P. L. C.' Library Btlilding
. l'ct"d
1 hr r�l'I(IRnd ra m'Pu�.
1 ndr annount!I'm!'nl WilR \' 111''', },tjkkel lorinO, rha irman pf anti I'1't>!I h ' bu l l ling committr ItIl'TIl O. A, Tin).!<'istad . Thp"r ]', C'1-11 I'cl� wHl II ·t .. mini' h · I!X r' t Th
1rl1':1 i ion of the buil(Hn;!. The . .i t � Ilmlt:r {;oml.ld ration is t il " t w e t oj " hap I. and iii tb b" colit'g pI lJllJ in .. n l 5il� a t presen t IIlU l \'nll hl ...
rocctin ;:: .A t til" annua l husin he Monte V ista Garden clun of held Thul'sday at the home . MileR Parro tt, M rs. "'a Ido 3 e l den was elected ]ll'es ldent 'uc Mrs. 1'5. Ray Renwi ck eeed ing ted "cn� \�a l do � orb!n was e1 li l('� Mr tf! 'v-lt'CaSUl'N', and
l of
Pai· ott, bislo n an.
fl'Poi n ted to committee Wll� work on vt"arbooks, MI'S, Jo:. 'Veg ['n neT'. Mrs. 'TrvlnR Relden , Ml'II RpTl it: k and Mrs. Parrntl. M!' as also apPOIn ted pubJi ity wick eh Irman, Febl'ua ry meet ing' Th Thll rsr1a '. lh(> eiS!hl p n t h,
P . L . C. A n d P arkland N ews
P a r k land A nd P . L . C . N ews
iI'S. .J ohn Bl'n8011 of I I . lIllt] Par l, llln' \'.r� honored on lhcU' 2l'it h w' lrJlr _ a nn l \' cl'sary at a sur iven Fri y I'venin I rli; part. " 1'a A. a t the h me of Mr. a.nd
50 ov of presen ce friends a nd members of the fam ily. t he honore d couple took their place e 8th an in: pro ised arch Mold In the
whIle •Uss Thelma. Daniels played R · . .Martin the wedding march. 'alstad, Lutheran pastor. g ,-e a bri f mesBag-e, following which pe n ce led thc gruup Mrs. Jacl Wcurhng "Sw(>(liah . inging n Bell . " venf the h;)l'" Towllrd th . Molden, "1'I5i.s led ing 11 s. old by hel' c1aug:h C", M iss Ru en, Ilnd o the r younger mf'mbels, servp Lhe wctl(l Ing collalio n from wed· lin with a table bc utll ' "3.mUI'JI. n nd r cnierpip<:e ca kf' pr Silv('r anlll ersa y gifts wei' C'lupl th(' by ' h r 0 senter! Bu( younge t son, V('slcy, a nd BcnJ'l 'lJin . J1 nr en (Ill 1 1'5.
o f clI I"I ' ('('n H nulng 'l aCI"ics vcning in fo rma l g t her unrlay rollege Lutheran P a c ific ins:;:;, IradrrsJl! 1 or tu denls undpr th let presidrnt. .Jasper Johnfjnn, 6 : 30 in the call Sunclay
'ppllon room for a flrcsli:l on hour. u I RIl e, Dean Philip E. f, q;arrt } r. r im.'ltatlon nf M I son, "ice p resid n lind progl'R n 'hairmat1, spoke 011 " Prohl rns of
Young People." A g-en c rn l rllscus Openin� devotions sinn followell . conducted by Clifiol'Ci Hau weI A vncal rluet \\115 �ivcn by �wn. Mum'me \\'ali Mil; Janice Peterson. The Mxt tll'c8lde
In 1 v n w (' ks.
ho lhe
'M. R. BenJR/Uin Blaclt an uisr Lehmann ) . latl'l_ of Ran j1'I·lmeisco. arc r c(llvlng 'ong-mlu of their l atlnllB upon the bir h lvm L Roy, 1 c hi l d, :t 80n r in T ('oma, 13 Janua.ry (
lira Ipa I'll [rll'nrl l�ck
n t:\ I;h; I Jn�' Ihl' lJlten� t � l'e MI' BUr l 1 1 . . Iyin
Lrhmann 1:1
g'1'adll a i c of
Lutheran co1 \ege
Paci lic Mrs
Emm\' • I I!!.'! of' tain memb.... I' Tri n i ty Lulhl'ran Tuesday evening.
. . P. rrol
will La n Ule Mon e V t Gard n club members at he r lOme on C dar at. 't he. ami Park ave. 'rhUl' day, al lunchcon w1l1 be a dessel 1 2 :30 ', 10..:1(. TlT i s is the Ilnnual husin " s 'inn, "I\u officrrs will ay Renwick p re be l'JC'cLcd, II'�. COnlin;; hI' [or Plan!'; sllling year Rn rl rJl"laii of i h 1 937 Y :\r I'C t oC th \ . nk w i l l tak,. up tI M r:;.
1.>h le
i v cl' aary
pat l tak party-foul'
l l
dRugh tcr�. Eline. Judltb, Hel e n and and threc 5Qns, Earl, Doree n, Fr iends PI' 11Ro f' l anti Wcslc '. " n L were Rev, and Mr . . Martin .J ohn MI·s. and MI'. Ga lslad, Salater ann rl 8 1 1 gh ter, Edi t h , .\{ r. 1 r. 'md :'l nri Mrs. h'c I" ,Tohn. ( Ill , 1\1rs. Carol M EIt'oy, r rmrJ • r. r. and Mrs. Terl Al bort Pn uJ son. Wa l £I Da ntels, :M I. and Mrs. Dani Is. MI', and Mra, rlhur AHrcrJ Ml·S. and Oa irIs, Mr. Benja min and : h illit' n . Peal'l nrl alii, Mr . Bu • . Mr. an d Ml T!:. B . A l thal' SolJ i . Mr and . I' ElJn�o n , Mr. and M � f!:d . n Lon . en . l.fl'. and Mrs .lack Sp on c 001'1'1 hy, Donn.1 dR Ug-ht",!" aD'1 Paul, MI'. a d M rs. Adol p h ol d 11, .\ frs. H an n ah Strom. Mr. . lngc hrog Griebrok M r . E . Rosso, Mrs . Hun ... . ina I T. aard. MI , O. Mis.'1 A m elia. Storaas l i iss Ma1'l1:' Moldl:'n, M is., storaasl' , MI l\ Cl a t· Helena Aa b!' 'g . Mla� Alice Gne brok MIS!' T lma D iels. 'Mit;. Es te l l I' Ru t h !lIoltlcn ann .\fl:; strom of Parkl an d : Mr . aD(1 MI' P. teiol' and almer stein. ul Spa na way , 1'11'. and 1'''. Gerhsn/ olden of Orilli ; Mr Jllck 'ort,," oC Seattle : Mr, nd :Mrs R " . it· l1'j fr Ell'Oy of Sbrltn , anti Irs. Harold Su di n of Olympl
hristensr n, formrr A. PV. M A1!lorlll, Pi! tor i pok'" I l vi ,; i n Parkl and , at hel l' c kl P. L. C, l\1.ission mce lng ' dnes Jay rv('ning 10 UI
M ills
collf'�1' recreation room. I I pl 5 H'j " nt . Rogrn Ivin ' IIrlr (! MIF!!'I opl'ning rlevolinn L r !!ang t • OCln"s, :oce.oll111 P;1 M 1Cd by M!/;& Norma Pr Preu also gav pill.no nun b r
Ic��u "
e II mong projects
Sing rs From Parkland
On Earl
W E }:; K ' S trip l'lr1\lth II� [P.I· Eu�cnn, 0t'1' .. h�s beell IIrnmJ:" ",I IoJ' UIC Padflc LUU1(;rRll coll ege "Cllo i l' or lhe ,,,'csl" hy Vict o)' A . Elv('.t rnm. ('hnh mRnagel , w hr, ret U l'nerl thll! w""lt from PlIrUand, So far. c-i,t:'lll f'oncl'rl:-: 11<1\,0:' heclI ciledu lcd , hegln n l n g Feh. l :i a t Canhy IIntl inc luding- Vancouve!' , Porthlll'l. Cn rva l l is, Albany, Eu
;;;1'111' ,
C il.�·
a nti
SUvP I'lon
t h l'oug-ho u! t h e " I'ck . 'fhe ('holr " 'I l l l'''\ l i n trl p� " kl <l n u Feb. 20 lrJ t ll \;r part In t h" a l u m n i rt'lInjnll f rslivit i c5 th a t w"el�·(:ntl. cspecilli l y to eing lit S l,nday m Ol'11ing �cl'''iccs in Parklaml Trin ity LUlheran -.l1i11 TI, . Thill Is th!' {h lit t i me ut'ga nlz:o llll1l hRIi lrllvel ...u
th a t the �o rnrl.v in t h e st ... �nl1, n1(1�t ()f lhc.. t rip:! hR\'inl:' hccn 111 11 t\C ,n "prO in olhel' yeal!'. FUl l h i f rca ,nn it h"l; bl'en 111'c('ssn r�' tn [oilm'" II �l TN"I(1U5 p nl c t ; . ... l'Icherll J 1 ... , !IridinI:' P il 1'l . . p hr.1I' ,al> lo lho" l'ct:'l1 l� l' h,-i -\' cckl y n1l'l'ti n r< "
DI!'rl'lol' Jot: - i h (J l;dw ... ... IA b tllr l r prrlo l rp � (u l l �rt·u p flf ll('W 11 1 l 11 1 hrn, which he h"pr" I,., h�ye rrHrly for t hC' -c f"arly conec rl,. ,\ mrll1g' I hem is hill n l'wc,.l l' nm pq �1 11o n . lI ll a1'l'angement. of Bnrll 11' (\'Om Sulle- D . usi ng the " ' ords f the Lord " T'l'ayel'. �'lrJeci tn
J'a d rle Ll l l ht'mll ( ,ul l�G'1' "( hoir o r the y,'c�t. " �n'lIl l Cl � . . o n t\lll r inlu Orl'J,;"UI1. Lect I II rl .::- h l , mrnlh" r, . .hOIl I1 A rl' : Front row-:\ I' l rid 'lIIdrrd Lar.'ot'JI, \'h' il\l1 J{rll('r, PaUlin e "':I l l .. , Marlon ,loh ll1\OIl. \ l rn';1 Sl o\rl'. "l!lIlrlllr " ,Ilk ; "N',l11f1 rnw-' i a c.,' 1\1 :1 ('lIlr, . I ud i l h "I'll ....'" . F;, n u Jr�,IIII, ' i 1'l;'l n lll f)a \,j�, Li n lm Dt'.BJl rr� , E' I�rl1lt1. "prm· e r. ,I a l l ke 1'('1 1'1'"011. " a l'J!ntrl Rnrl'm , I hl &'\1 rn\\ - F.I l·m hcl h SI III'II, f;"t tu'r � o rgrq 1'11, I\ra l ril:e "Iddr r>;, Pror. ,'O�" l1 h O. f.:.l \\'a rdll. EI�I' K rl.,t rll",'n. HUnlola fill"' . lIel" 11 r.ilja ; I nll rl h row-]o; !l I\':l I'<! :U a t'h ' ,. , (i crlr a rd t Pl hl(,I;'f'r. l .Io� ,1 'I' 1lO m f1�'lII. ['uul Rlkd, .Jr��r PfI I Jf'�l' r, RolA nd " 111'.,1 , Donllid ' I U" OI) II, RIIII,\ '-.Ime .. ; brie-I, rml - R khltrd Tllt t , ,,':l l t r r Sl'IlIl:lcl.en l... rl.'. ' I a n' i n .'ellsr ll, O n'i l l e i\1:hlul1 hl)lIl' h , 1�('II IlC' f ir :\ nr l l!'lnll. O l i � '; 1':1 11111', O l h c r lHa r t i ll.,o l l . t; rorge S l lle rme '. 'r"fI mt· ..... III·rc n ut 1'1" l ,iI·l l I r•. ( hN'allllr or i l lnesl'l ) a u Robert S"are :\lul A Ida ,'ltb n ..nn . I1(/PI·SOIl.
First Conce rt at Canb Feb. 13 for P. L. C.'s Ch oir �,
dent Of Luther Lea 1IJL e
P . L. C. R e gistration For Sem s t er Set For Monday
up n. · 8 cb. 1, with registration on that day. A num ber of new s tu,jpnts are xpected to enter this mid- y ea r, Increasln the year's total enr I1mE'n t whi h already is higher than it h.alil ver been pre viously . There will be no l hanges 1 / 1 th p' ent tea ching- sl1u (, ReCUt'dlng t o the ch cd ule announ ' d A II courses a re so 8IT<lnged t h a t . I J · dents CRn Nl si ly enroll • l the he· ginning 01 the s est e r tn tbl' high 8eho I, libera l Be l ts 0 1· normnl " 11 11 I ' h i l i l' d e parlmen t.,. HlIuge tIl'g e s conr p l e tltm vi r , f(i.•. tr� tion on the opening UU}, Mon Pacific
Luthera n
l lege
(' a
new semester :Monday,
Fl " llt of eve nts on th" ul leg" of ac l l vi Ues th HeC(lUfJ 8 ru III r i� th " r'llsto ra l con l eren('e nj Pn dfie list Luther pa.�tOt , F b. 3 a d 4 . A t 1I is ti . !I I . I' th eT' will be r tll � col l ege boB l'd 01 trus t " s, tUl Li t'I' t h e presidency I I I Rev. Alf ..M. Kr aa bel of POI' Usu d , Ore. The " Ch o i r of Ule '-tVe. t" It-;1Vt;l! II bout the middl ( Fehl'ul'Iry on 1\ tour of out h we., t \Va.'!hi gwn lind Orego n, retuming in time 10(' th .. a lumni reunion activl Ues laking place t h e week· end ot W 31I l n flg · d a ,\'.
c >< l <mli a l'
Easter I'e f' s this ye " will b :March 24 to 29, The Ill lfL W Ilk i n Ma y wlll see not only the · n l l a l elabora.t e M a y Day fe>ltivt It lOt the enlle e, bu t al so thl • orlh Pal'ific Distri t ('on ('nU,," 'Jf l b t' Young Peopl e . Luthl'l' 1, gUI � lit PA rkland. June 5, 6 lin d 7, \la l .l'l COl rIa � day, bacca laurea te sel ·vi ell II d commencement. will l'ln!'l! 1 be oUieial ca lendar f or 1 36- 7 s t u · d n t activities. ton's birthday.
I ParHan d Y o u ng People I Elec t Off icer s
�, l t h I' annua l cumru: < ' m2Cting f', the p, I ltIBnd Trinity -oung Pel,pl ;!I Luth!'l' League unda. ('von in/,; . 1i8.6 Mildred Larsen wa,. clt'cted pI aidcnt. succecdln '" John !': l lH'n. y('I'trulle Ting l�t�d Wll_ r] clcd \'I '� prr.sld n t , MI:=s Elllzn· til 'n , 'retal y ; tlnrl AU· 'Ill A 'IU?, lr p.R.!;lIrc l' .J a Ii Il ' 1" J('1hn:o;on was leeLoo Bccrt:'laQ " C lie pockel testament . :MIl'S La l·�e.ll has announced nc!' r rill boal d m eOng for Su nday af· : ternl)nn. Re\·. T. O. Svar , paa tor of ... Parkla nd Trinity Luthel'/Ul church. will meet with the grou r. Life Choices" WII.:! lhr u j ct d cussed by lliJ!I Thr hna KI aabel or Ta 'omll, 'durin� the pro;=ram uncI y "'ven ln g. MJRS KI'a;lbe1 i
a member of the Luther MemonaJ League, and form" !' president of the T 'oma Lu t her Le a gue� va ions erc len. by John S uen and a 'VDesl du"t was )riven hy .fiss LSI'I!en anrl Mis!> IsabellI'
Mosl In llnl' tant on the sprmg program of activlt les 101' lhl' ParklanfJ Leag ue wil l be llle DIs· trict Y P. L. L. conven on to be be l t! lh l1rsl of ?fa
<lr lh� Dr 11"" ew . hav(' been ap· cl u b " l P. poinll' J uy {iss Margaret Rorm'l . in charj:'e �t sta!:"� anrl prrslden 0 Nell. propl"rites w i l l he HrnTlel RJ5sisled 'J Joh ·Wf'nbl'r::!. Oliver S f ranr\ A'l1e �no Martinenn Robert Mitchell i now In barge oC �tat:'c Ilghtlll
Pro fes or at P. . C. I Confined t o Home T il f . n
. .1
f:turn . in.,! 1'\JClOl of
n nel lll olhr.mllUcs B l l'a I'i fit· LlItill!1'8n (. (1n C �l'. i cnnfinell Iv llis lhe- resu l t rot . 'r))
"Her Husban ' s Wife" at P. L. C. Friday Night
lively "H r Husba n d 's VUe," th ree-act com ed y by A. E. ThnmRB. I will be p r esented Friday venin� (l 8 : 15 o'clock in th Patilie LuLher-
an coli l a nd
ge gymnasium
Commum ty
A l'dy E . Edwa rd. directing. Miss Virgin i a Davll<, all
a. spoiled
wi fe
'I "
ar -
th e leadin�- 1'01 who seIer
husband's second w i f£>. 'Vhen llhe sees tha t her I ho, 'o n �ucc 9. or prove� too attract I C, R D hel' hU!� ba nd too compla 'cn t , IIh IpCQmes jea.lous, and is joJ LOd m lo l'{,aBOD
a n d health. The part
nC 8t 1l1l "t. R nil lpl . !.hI' hllilband . i.s cll n ler1 by Ken net h AnensOn . M' IS Thc1 1a a !lid D a '8 the ton h(,l" wf'lma n ." Emily Ladew. R a lph herUl as ohn Bel den , Gerha.rd Pflu b as ich I'd Belden. and Mrs. H pn Turner . ItS Nora., cnm l t the A5.. � is . g MrR EtlwlI 'ds in Il i . r ctin M Baroflky . rn cll g of sta/:e 3 1Tfl ng,.ml' nt,q Ilre Ray Reid. Ed • rd Wegne l'. \\ . regor . Stewa rt P a l m r IInlJ Ross Boynton. The pl'Ope t lcl! om mi tee includes Mrs. Roy c.rso n , Mr. McFarland and Mr. He.�s. Mrs. Morris E. Ford is chairman of the publicit y commit tee.
.. ..
I i
I '
Ten Names Posted F o r PLC St dent Election
T ominees were p os t ed at Pacific Lutheran college 1"1 iday m prcpa I'Rtlon fOI' til!' lection Tuell y
aHona l
student el ejlt ate 1 the L thl'l' Sturlen t,,' Union
. p held at COnCCJrdla : conven (' m In ., March d, coIleg . Moorh ; ,
fiss Eva w rc name I o. D lt k . ; Otis Gje�dlll of Edmore Grande, Pa l'k l and ; M l�s A.lda John s on . Seatll r : J I\$pe l' Johnson, F l le , tel'l, o. Da k . ; M iss Eva, Knutson,
La l'sen, M1ldre U.s e: del , Por t arkJand ; MISS Irene rcu!', land, Ore. : J.l i�!I • 'orma. ogen "'ood l\rin P a ·kla.n , a d burn , 01 . r The con 'cnllon the m e thi hr st. . Fau c1l'd ho e is ' "W the T • S. u. in lude Borne in 1 1 4 000 Lu!.heran s tud en ts their aim "to [net' r a Ilrist-llkl> spir! b� in chool life " f rbas vel" in edt
Debate Teams A t 1 P. L. C. Announced
. ,
various /lchoOls tudent� of th O!ll l ibute til the .'lupres n d jllslona l"1" !' on th for ign port of fielll , in connection wiLh til Young Peoplr 'l' Lu lh l' Lea!!,ll� m i ssionary •
JU·ogram. J U1 PacifiC deJegal . sen conventions sine ,onv n t iOlL on til ent l'tain d Lbl>ir n 'l1 Parkland C 111 pus. Til,. rep" . t"ntaU\' Lutheran Pacific last 'e' I' wall B J trum Myhre oi Tacoma
At P L e Ba quet
O F F E R CO EDY "Her Husband ' s Wife I s to be Repeated
. L. c. Trustee� Meeting Th ursd y 1 111\
�ol lrg PM' llIr. LUUIPI"\n "r ll'us l l' 1"8, Illct TI1U I'!l I, Y
onn a
the (·o11cf:'(' . nn the ill 1 h,' r<ll1sHI(,l'ation of L1H' blllhllng pI'< gn\lll,
ost imf\ol'l :l1l t
11,E:'w i Ubi'll I '
A 51'cond nlRltl'1' occupyin ,::- a UI(' q1lesLion ul an A I I I !" I fto� Lu thI I I I ['onft>l'rnt:(' pubhl'lI Inl1 nn I hI' r� ['iClt' Coall!. rctil'{'JOC'nl qllr�t i III of a Th lwl l1':' I l'gfll'l liJ1� 1 1 mlll'l 1)( UI L', II"gl , tllfI \I i l l , 1);(1 b(' Iliscu S 'Il rtf' , .\if • L KI·Il:lbr.J. PI' ' ilif'nt nf thl' bOHr , " htl �l'nvcd fmm rOl l J'lIlcl . 01'(' . . vV erinesdRY, lo � ttcn 1 \1 (' p!'lIll)t'�' lllsli ltl le. will ea ll the l (' n l i on is
llol.ll'c1 merlID'" Ili!ll"w'�inn�.
�tlltl (' n l' . bUl ,., 0 1 1 1''' (' [,1 1 1 h (' l'll n tho:-,' Iff " , ] l I n bill LI I L l1l'l'lln (,QJI�;:;c \I hich uP/'I" l ll'd 11\ E""rct h [01:(' hr col1lil1 , " pl, ,'l or Ih.' u l l !'gt, . m rl :;lIlt! n l:< " I P a l i{ i, n d T''ltific Llllhi t'n n A Cll riC'my, whicJ1 """" t h l' nflJ11" oj 1h n l l'� rlll ill!lti· l l l l nll hrf 1'1' I l l< J ;" J l'gllm7.;t lit n ill J " zn, ,.IIe. '" j"'tin" 1 1. . 1'1n. \' i. Ih '. ,I . H nn� . Whl, h , S til \'111 thr '11rt 11 l� PRst w�ck I" ","yiflin . n[ "tude·nls as I fl l ' (Ill p,,�s lo lc, .in cr Lhill VCR I' � III'l'CI:;t i H • • n i" h"i n � ,1111<) r Ie> rrRch t ilt' II(JCll i l ed "nlll·tlln!.'!'!;: '·h ... rl mln:.; • rll m pr n l p l , hn h. n ,-nl:' ::: d [I " R h l l llni bhllfjuct l:ia l ul',I!I \' I!V !lin ::: . Thlls F'b . ZO. "l " :30 o cloc k. p l n nnln� I" a t t enu It]le11J I o I trl,.· f'hlln� IhI' c('"e)!," Uri r!flntl (}/17 , "I' Ahlmnl A ll!lCiR lIl)l1 it t ' I'l l / 1 h /II 11
P . L. C . Ce l
Will Be H el On F eb. 1 9 to 2 1
'h Glorv o f t b e Lord ' ! f rom The Mes&! h i , • • . • • • • • • • , . Hand�1
" AnLl
. ' " 11. .. . . . , ' . . 0" t.he . . . . . ·f'I·om t he t l h roll P · ,nl\1{ Choir!! of thl' vanous Lut hcrlLn Who Vlprcl In h c n grt'gati on. J'''PI' "I'n leel a lh,. .h0l1l 1 I nlron re a, krtl 1 0 i!lclud IIpr.e1l1 1 hI' n u m h r. In t h ir reheal"$ I befol Th" fi n a l . Jomt f he convl'n tJ 'm . rpheAr�al wi l l takr p lRct' li t PnJ'k 1 :tn<1 SnturdFlv rVl'n i lll: , MIlLY rlI F1J " h� l'Irol lowln� Lh,. Lu l hr, arlnr urch qu I I n Trinity R<\ UMII.\' , "Buil
Reu ion Program of P. L. Co. P I K DE EGAT E L. c: Co-e to Att� d Alumni Prove ucce sful I p.Meetmg Cone d
at r la n,lerspn, a humorous talk by evel'sl hunh'ed acilic LuthIUmni, ine l udml( I\l1 Boh Syarc, and /l nnvel ty nu l b r enllp.ge colJpge tuPa Wc L Lhera n ', co-cds, completed the unusua lly large number 01 " 01 - by p, L wi 1 , end MillS den targa r t Rore .mB..8 their repr sentat ive timers" who had b en issued 8p� evening'" 1'1"0 l'aID.. Nllw Jtepce nbtiyl' th e Lutheran Students' Union con CUll invitations, m ad e tile old, iv ' covl'red bUIlding at PHrltla nr l thl'll' v tion scheduled for March 5, 6 At Lhe blJat'd cl �ct!on , Mi!l!l I'd, F' Mal'l l!! Damel , mecca t his week pml ami parlkl Thelma and 7 at. Concordia college, Moor hea d, Min " pn trd in a rPtlnion program which Jesse PfJuegl'l' and Bert Myhre ' t is nnouncpn by Stanley wtui Intcrf1ltlng from "tart (0 fm werc ch osen a nl'w al u m n i repor , pnt. body I' si 1'1' ntelivcs, Retamed board mem d n t , after a spe ial elf etion ish, tI c- bt rll a1" Prof J p, . fl ue ge l' , Job Miss Rorem, IIC For the a nnua l banquet t'Dl ber of the K reid ler, ron graduating la a L u \' n d y venin g th {ason\c irm p Jc th e Nonn 1 deas pac -cd with fOT O.cal' J dining room nd rson, M rs, Jess F partment, is co mp eUng three D l'oLby Leh ye s of "tucy and Is mI'l stud nta wh cheered as thl' i-'Iassy ilnd artlcipation in c mp II aefail's which hav elalll' f 1937 , la rgest 111 h istOI'Y, mann. Thi 1!1'0UP wil l re-org nize made he nne of thl:' most p p lar ann ....'8.'1 rcc eolv i to lumn i I'anks y before Commencement. capable of My 1'on Kreidler, alum i prPllldent, lid nt !Hzo , Sbe is Prcl'ldt'nt 0, A. 'fingelstatl and as vic e presid e n t of Mfs Ma rgaret FOl'em, e a6socla e reachl'd t h,. r unio :sermon Sun st.udent , sings ' class president , pl edg ed luyalL y (lay m rning a t .servic�" at Trini ty t h e P. L, C, and add i tiona l supporl cboi r, an n is a m em b er 0 wom Lutheran ch U I' h . MUflle included p J,(,sfdent . \. Tmgc l slad out numbers by the junior an d senior en 's deb te team , Last semester I1neu rec�t. ollege progreBs, slat choirs and a '.I)cal solo by Mrs she was p residen t f the d ra ma ing thl t ground for th!' new library I' h l li cl ub, E. Haugf>, est, " r In her soph omore yea Miss hUllcUng wlU be ali en the firsl "Choi!' of the Th Rorem was ed itor-tn-chie of th part 0 Mn. , according to plans turnc Saturday a l 3 p. m . from co lege annual, " ap," and was Prof. now being comple ed A. ve i ts tour of O rego n 'llieR, preside t of the Lutheran Daugh ykland, VIC(, p re ::'lri ent of Ule home-coming ('once l't I T rinity era of the Reto matlon , In addi umber, '011 2' b011rrJ , as speak I' of lIle For the final hUi't'h. tion, ibe has [or spvera l years ve n i ng, n UllINI lhe mission of "Beau tifu l 8av1O I ," the pl 'es en t en aeti par in work f by for. l umnl oC a Ch" ;flUan Ins itu L inn a I mente Inl'!'crs W I" the You g People's Luth er league, In 8. wnrld 10oJ.tin� for m(,ll and m rr holl' "mhl'l'B, A l.-a im me with which the Lutheran students 'oml'n of cha 'a cter to m po!'\ rliatf'ly alte ward , t t ill' coll ege , ar ffili ted, and is k nown among . reidler, tions in every walk of l if OI'a B honorin;:: . pJln Tacoma league aJIl one of their Serve ao l"ea r ll concluded the festi" j Ue!l. nter , ting peakers, Mis!! Rore m Thp lima" of the evening came will lea\' lor Moorhea,:l the first ea Philip E, Hauge gave whrn e k, of toast t the past and pI' s('ntl'd . Pi'll!, '" T. Hong ann Pl'of, J. , lhe - ·avicr with plaqUl s n n wl ' a l l;mn i recognized the 3 years oC I>ervlce given by each oC these ml'n t Pacific Lu theran ollcg-e (II ' r- ' or U1(' v Iious hl'lll1c h nf �o � ,11' Pro!, ong was for III y yea rs u Ill' E' m nl " n ! . Son/.:8 by he I(rOll p II utheran rresiri ..n t (If Pacifi c \I" " " 'a, h l n on Stat e Song" ami Academy, as thr- coil ge was RUl'll 1 n�," - "'''P I he I 1 0 m I' . ir!' I' 'a n
Parkl an d
1!l20, an d 1s
known before its reorganization i n 8 t pre s en t Ili ,!!h schnol principal. Prof. . a\' )('r was act· president the fIr t ep. r of th
ews A nd N otes
In 'ol n ' hlrl ]1 rl; ' Turre wi l l c a log . lt l l r n ler ircE' , H l t l P lac C2I wI l l he milrkf'fl by U n ' !Jags. · u bu rb, n tudy club P. ' l{l n
organized st/lullon and lUI lIbra l'ia n since that tlrnl', i s pl ayew in' an IDteresUn� part in th buildmg pl'og-ra m.
n e m berll 1 1 1 meet Tul.' d?y a fter11Imn, 2 'cloC' I , at th" h ome or Mrs. T. 0, Svarc, " OUI' S tc ! �overnm('n1' ., II b l ill' lopic d�Mr�, '-ictot A. El vev lopeu b iU I f) t he y al" s st udy s lrom,
InCormld Tlllks
In comp l i m Un t c a cadem y l um" , lh ' a , retl ence , lhe p, L. group IVIi· Informal tall-s gi ven by p, W. Ler of Bellingham alld John T"n C of �berdeen, who we,'e ember ' '{ of lit' basketball team famuus
Int re!'llC!d in i
amonl!' , L, C. presen t -day athI t as the grou which ml't and defeated the Univl"rsit.y C \'VaahIngton in the 1 900's, Tribute was paid to three fo1'facu lty members who have nl Pli6 t>d 0 since the last reu nion Iomlcr PI' si den t 01 J Ord al. -Irs Anna Tenwick So 'I k, and P rot. vJn . Hol um . M u ic by the tonson quartet, Ami Id , ikkelsen, Miss Anna
Entert a in Tri nity Junior Guild
· ' B arl'ett 15 1II I" SS �I ', SIC t IJe new pre Iden t of Delta R h o C a n'tnil!, Pacific Lut he ra n coll e ge 19a nizaii o n o f da !;iudent gi 'I� ' e replac l'J S S 7 ad e ne a]}lvan, wh o headed the group the .fIrst ' me tel',
fi d -y ar
elections resul ted to naming o f Miss Marie Wenr� l'! VIce PI" jiJ n t. ; MIss Margrllt Df'mers, rec a rding tI"�r tary ; !lfi • Rurinl' V.'ade, cO!1'esponding M sec 'la n' ; R th D0W11 t.on, ea.sll r r, and Miss Rosalie Jeneen, /I l yeant-at-lIrms, .Mrs. Elsthel' H, DB\-I Imtinues 8.8 a dviSer. viti e w.blcb pri n ' I!. ll1 soon 0 Cup ' the a Llen on f D, R, G. member ' are lhe annual May Day festivities ' hic h they sponsor, and the week end house party which 15 usually beld at o ne of the Puget Sound Rllmm r amps. til
MislI Gel'h'ndl" Ti nlrelslad will "n l (,l'laln members of th e Trinity ,T u n lor Gllllrj at h I home T u esday ven ng at 7 :30 o ' c l ock 1l. Eli:c:ubl:'lh St u!:'n presie! n , has n n m ed M i �s in/:'!:'IIiLad \\5 g enera[ chairmAn of 11 buthrlay social which w i l l talle place F rIday even ing in Tnnlty church p ar I n I'E! , ant! th e. grOllP \'i iI compl e plans for lhi Ilflai ,
E lects ew p r e s 1' d e
W. F. .80\\ ! ' . nC !'; ul l. ste, Mich., ie .. hOl l�(' I:uc�l lli her m('tl' " n r l h I b, uri, . 1 1', ilnd a rklallrl. Mrs, 058 BOyn . tOll , of Mr . Bo" cr� r.xpccta Lo r rm am 0 th L unti l lhe nllddlc oC March, I MlSF El i brtll tU(,Il . prrllid I t or Parll l nd 'Tr i n it y Junior ul 1 d, llas named Il.SS Jert ud Tlng 1slar! as general cll'urman f a I'f)llO!I-lhe-year bu'thfl::l Y party t , giy n by the juniors riday, chUl h parlor'S, F e b. 26, in t he Mill S r rma p . us i. in harge f I '11' ... .
the progTom, 'J'hl' G u ild Will mel' '1'Ul'sday e," n lng, 7 : 3D p. m . . a t the h .... m of l�e pr sldpn t , .M1llS Stull n, t o m 1.1 fu r hl'r plal'l:<; . \" nmI'TI (Jf lht' '1'1 n i ty La t l i 5'
ClIilt.I m 1 in t hr c h urch parlor. rgull\r TUClll ll1:V I'vl' n i ll for ' h I Oll'eti n g'. which was o- host Il ffal ! . M r . T n. Svarr, Wife of I h" p n 0 1'. p"),' b ri f'i ly . ;\ l l h I u 'il f' ae8 in I h !' \ ttY and 111 t �c 'l'e�(,l11 d � r "decid�d L o wal or , anrl it \ unti l TaL r bclor � n R l'Vl1 - t h e pro!,;,Tam of �cU"itlrc . 1" b. ,,"a.r Ill , Tltllr!dilY (,\'Cllt I1J;' he G u i ld haE Im'i l ed Rev, f .fl. , Christen £n 10 speak ;It a oprll l11eeting on the topic, "The Pas Ion Play . "
Hauga n , The Rev. , \\" reprefield Minneapolis, M inn . , orelgn sen la lve of the oard 0 of t.he L theran Chur' missio \Vednesday llpoke Am I'iea, of ,r t ng of the Pa"" in a l lh Misslon lJege L u the ra n elfl' soc k y. Sunda ' the Rev . Ha u�ll n
of a � Ol(lM ng Ii r\'i ( Ikl 1111 Tl'lm h Lu t hr , n ct , u rc'h,
P . L . C. N e w s A n d N o t e s alum n i aion society. Mis.a Louise Hendrick PacUic Lutheran C() l J cg ek to son on th c \\'ompn's A th le t i c 8S maltl g the oomcward w k-end are �omg soc iatio n, and Miss H elen Holl Parkland lhi A on Delta Phi Kapp a, Id cam good, wcl com pt! 111 to b fasllion� way, according to preps numb r of musi cal selections will ade dlll' co mp le te the program. rsliollB t ha t have benn Miss Holteamp and Miss Hend The eoks. vel'al in g the past refr s hme nU!, alumn i acth'ities' calendar is pack rickson wU 1 serve ev£'n lncluding and wll be aBsi"te d wit arran ge vent. , with I.' iss Dorothy Pet raon rides to the co ll ege in a fa i lhful ments by "o n -borse shay" for thO!!!.' ;vho and Miss Signe Ness, the n ew In " lations, issued r.ome by street car, and aIt Inoon l1ise WtlHams and 59 girls y t,· S atu rday for "old- timers. " Mias Helen S o t, ha v ;> been a d n d ay even! g d evoted to With 55 Margl Arvesen. dresaed to visItors will I'ee the sports, tb US! rown , Mia/! ?1:arary R. L C va rsi ty in 11. conference J n Cord'm. M ISS Delin, jori With G rays Harbor Junjor gam Miss M e rri e Jeanne MaJcom, Miss P receding collegc or A berdeen. Mlss Sylvia and HUd ul' 01 en, this main even t will be. tw alumni 1'1Wayn e f Tacoma; Miss May gam es , on among the boys under lett a.nd Miss B ar ha r Xavirr of a dir ctlon of Carl Colton. an girlll in arkland : and do m l tor lu mni amI' In which an girls' 'T'hompson i.ss LQl-raln cl ud in g gmup wil l meet a P. L. C, tum j lvian Lunde 01 sea t Ie , and Mias ls� \\'adene Calavan charge of 11ss Hel n Lindberg, uya,l ! up ; . a Lur day aftt:'1' oon wi l l be de Silverton. HaJI, EllT.abeth Miss campus vr,t"d to visi ting on th Ore, ; Mi.,." Aagot Gerde and Miss dl3play of oldnd inspection of Margaret Thompson , P o r I II n . y Prof. time pIctures arranged Arlene Taylor. re : and Miss . Stuen 0, ont, laegow, "Pu on YoU!' Ol d Gray Bonnet" lheme tl) be carried out at i th the S tUl'day even in g �anquet In
ti e i Th lp" !a onic temp e. 6 ' 30 c,' cl ock . ac c o rd ing to Myron Kreidler, al u mni president, wh Speaker oas tmasler, will act a F ill b Prof. A, oL lhc even in g ' Mykland, superintendanl of schools ! Is aquall an d vi " presiden t o ru�tec!l. " hoard of . L, th Toasts to the pall \" presen t and .fu Dean P hil ip tUf will be glv n b E. H(lugc, PresideD I ngl eA, , ·tad anri Sta nley Ford. s tuden t body pref;ldl'nt Music wil, inc l u de solos by Miss Anna . C, ikk II' n, f rmer p, rere urns b J OI s t , chl)ir aIter his yea IInion fe!!tlvitics sevcral ye ars spent away from th C £1F t : selections by A11101d Anr)N' [onson , ongll by th son, and ompo ed of Evel 'l1, MiI tIUa.rt£"l , rlred , Bnb and Clarenc£ Monson , a There will a lso arkland. f Thelm novelty n u mb r by Ness, Mlss Wadene alavan and del l p, L. C, tude-nt!!. Mi88 Irene
II PI'csiden t 0, T. TingelsUld alumni at ser mo n lhe p reae Lu servicl"8 In Parllland TrinH unday moroitl g', 'hurch theran 11 'cl ock , At 3 p, m . lh " holI' of the ,vps t. " und".)' direction ot , 0 Eel ard s , w111 p 'e a Prof. b meconung chul'ch
nt red Pa i1ic Lu whn '-:11'1 emf'stf'l' ""ill nllege t his t h c ran b p entertam cf Thuri>day cvenin lull. m ept in l,l by the Person a IIty � l 7 ( 'clock 11l Lhl' college re ept lon room, 'I'h pros:-rllm has bN'n (tr ra n ge1 g i rl 8' "Dme of th n ll'orluf: In M l,'s campll:! acll 'I II?!! on IIIIe Ba rre l wl l l s eak on Drlla Rho Gamma, Mis Kalhrv n Ander Df the lIugh J\ Luther a n Sf) Refrll'l11a t i on 8 nd the P . L. C. Mis-
Madagascar M iss ionary At Parkla nd Church ev, F. . HaJlanger. Luthrran mlssionuy [rom M a d a"asca r . \\ I I I s p alt ,t Parkland T I'!n i ty Luth
r.ran chm' h TUUI'sday evening at 8 o'clock. Rcv, Hal langer, a gra dUAL eolopesl seminary in lhe auI, studied in Paris Ii yeaI' b fore ing to the m iss i on fi Id seven yeal' ago to l{e chaqle or the Boy ' hi�h Ilch 01 at Man- ' ntan tely. This sc hool , the onl territory one 0 tils kind wi th in oC 2,000 mllcs. PI' pares e young native!! fOl' the speCial � choo j training in evangelisti wo rk and teach ing, His e;.q,eriC'nce!! alll o n� the young men of Madagal!car wllJ be of special i n terel,t h ml'mb C� of the Pa ific 11 hran CQl lege Missio n sociely, smce that g t'r'lIfl Is � bou t to lee ts a nnu a l untl n Uerlng awa rd lhe !lUPP0l't of a lagaay boy, This PI'oj Cl has bren arried on for a n umb!"I' 1)( yea!'s by th e ol 1"� "r�a n izll lion .
Pacific Lut eran Colleg I Continttes Wi e Expansion I
From JRpan Lo \\ . COD.'�iu , fl'om will be :m'an cd at the April Al as k a Lo California, Pacific LuLh me Hng or tll" ("011, � e bo rd . 'lihe need of a dVl'nlitory tor er8J1 col le ge this 'ear hn" drawn ut of j:!irJs \8 IncrcsSlnglv f It. lit den !I beau fuI this need has gl own th Dormitory 342 its to campu!l t Parkland. south rot he A xIl1ary, which Ia now nlakmg ap n a tion wid. preliminary, city on the M Tacoma highway, " om n or the Luth be proach A to ta l of 802 . lu den Ls last yea.r eran chu rch who rna b Interl'l!t cstabJfsbed 8 rl'c ord enroll ment ull ' a nl'w borne cd In h el pi n g t tlllltion . but for tbis l'Ir<)win� I tnr �! r18 on lh lerg ly yea r ' s aur/i tIOt! or IIrrird On llind ('Ill,jlll:' Within th� fINlhlllan fnl kR, III th on Th ... lmilr,l i llg pro.H'cill ar grcatcRl .sin(:'I" inc!'!'8s!'. Iln rl may part n1 t he ,I \' I'lopmont rr \ R i ndi c a tive ( r t he s lrlllc8 J at.r.ly b hid, h"� bl'l!n r!utilncfl 1) ' �rll fTI being made In till: rI velnpment of Pr(,Sl d ('n t Tinge/stad, Wilhm th mot (I is "B u l l d tbl' school whn!" rogra past year a Il1.nscllping for Character " ha..'J been carrj rl on. and In th offers Pa.c.!ic Luthl!t'an colleg ht:'Ruttf1('atlon of the naturally at eRr three ! Bchool ol1nal tra 'Uv campus the colles:e III g to I'ertlfication in training Ie y a riell!rp to coopera oved elemen ta ry and junior big schools with the Mtolropol i la n p ark board_ til, and two year� of Liber The advancemen t made by � yea rs of h ' gh c hool . A l l fully fo l"al'kland college is couple!! wi h accredited . Pr sid nt O . A. Tin . In'owth o! th surrounding comstaff of t we nty-six Ie tad heads �It , At present a new gym member" incl uding Dean Phili p E. nasIum -audi torium J.s beintg con Hauge of the Coll ege DiVision, structed on Uw public !!Choot Prof. N. J, Hong, hIgh school grounds, This buil ding wm be a. , prinClpaJ , and Businell8 Manager natural center for the many com Ludvig Larllon, munity activi ties.. OO n Start Bul ldlnK N xt in the deve l o p m nt pro 'am of the school J.s the erec 'on f a nl'w l Ibrary- lasaroom build ing. Jrift of Ta orna anll i . ree coun t itizens Con r ction will begin t n ay, and i t Is probahle t hat round brpaking cel£"mr.nlct;
Reunion Tea
At P. L . C. ,
One of the
e l igh tful affairs
in connection wHI the Pacifjc I Lutheran 011 g lumni re- I union 0 t he week-end was the t e a gi ven unday afternoon by honor of 1\1rs. . l umni girls i , Lora B. Kl'eid le " bel oved dean f >vorn en , who h as been the "first 1 othel'" f th . L, family sine oming to t he col lege si 'ieen years ago.
Wi h Mn.
Kreidler as gucsts omen hon or were t he other ! the faculty an W I e� of the professors. Mr . Kreidl r was charmIng in a SID II rt llfternoon g-own of p rin ted epe as .:h gree ed the several s core of former student.!! wh o m to gree t her at lhis last of alumnl activ i ties before lea\'1n for lh l'eJlpeCUve of
ho m es . Bl'lllla freesiail
t scarl t. tulips and whi le in green ttery . flanked
e ta II scarlet tapers . graced a loth of wi te.a table deek lace, Pr Biding a t the ur 5 were Mr , Jess F. h '1ascy (Ber dine Knutsen ) and Miss Irene Dahl, alumni secretaries l tile r ent Miss P. L. C. adm inistration . Rhoda Hok en tad, now studying at. the mvel' ity f .va hington. by
played piano serving.
\ I i� ", I .h- I " I l u )):l\'il's, ('),:. i nnall 01 fhl' host f'ss ('orm n l t , .... I I I I' f l ... IlIIr ' �' b III� gl\' II S t ll nl a y t'\'t'lIiJlg by the l'"l'iflt, Lllt twrlU' d.a . ,,11.. 1 I .·� b nh'l1 . Thl! Iltll· ty will b... l it \'"lell 1 1 I1'! n lUtil , !{1\'l' 1I i t. l i t · . u l l .. . e 1'''1'''' d lull " 011111. S l au l.. ,\· [" 1'11 11, dlL .. � 1, . .e .. hh'lI t, i � IJI'Oj{'"' H t'!J, l r",a ...
A npv,' PI't',.j tlen L all(i l'IUppnt'l 1'!\ for the Pat ifie Luth ir$: " r l u h will be D , m eran <':0111';:: ('1 ·ti n 'Tllur�d I' . cllo�cn at It. 110 annnUIIC (J 1)' th� retJrul .... pr HI nt. MI, " iIflr�. I'cL R01' 11' . For pl'Psitlcnt 1I1i83 Ilelcn ldlja and l{ nnt'th Ant:nson n r ClU1di .Ia t 1>. IJl hn r �tutlpnt.s nominated nclll i£' Miss lice C k 1Ind Thon,pllon , " icE' I " sldl'nl ; ,,ris. Leo./te \V llhrnw <j nri MISR Jda Ml1e
Llu 'Ii
lTvss. SCCl'l'UlI'Y ; Donald �fnllson al1d 'Val te r GO&(l cmrl , llca.'lurpl': 1I. !I A�tl'ld Ahfl'� l'''on and M iss
IlnrklUl. llbHl.l'ian . flu Ian - I h Reid of t h . Iacull \' III tilt' F II wing tlle _ ,en '11 b 11.1,,15 r, dec inn. new gl' up I a I 1 " r'll '\'i11 br> narner! tn be' In chll Tg'. 0 the nn e- a Cl p l a ys rt'gularly IlI'clUI cnts . n ,I bv lh
To S p eak for Young People's Luther League
R",\' A lvin G. Le ·s. pastor of aviol" s Lu theran church and t:aclfic District preJlidenT. the Youog People's Lu ther Le agu e, ur
' 1 1 spea k Thursdav al the meet ing: of the Pacific -LUUl erB.n 01l pge Lut heran Da ghtel'3 of the Rp(Ol'm:tt!OD MI' . . J. Slur i npening her hom e at P l'k1ancl for this month's m eeting, and III joint bostesa with Mrs. Lora B. KI'eidler, P. L. C, dean of women. Music will colUlist of vocal y Mlas Astrid Anderson and 10 pllm umbers by MIss Marion Johnson.
Assisting abou t the rooms were alumni girls wh p lann e the iss Ell n Bergstr"n , US5 affa ir, Tone sdBen, Miss Novelle Na �eJ. MiS!! Eline Benson, s Margaret l: aIt , MiM Ele anor Raudebaugb, M s Tbelma Daones and Evelyn Ekl nd. This tea was the fIrst affair sponsored by the alumni girls wh o bope . oon t organize an alumol gro up of Dl'lta Rho Gam 11, and t addition to holdin social activi ties, the m mbe- rs hope to lay a L. part in the m obilization of • . alumni whicb is now be i ng outlined a 1 ns to brpak ground for ear the ew library bu ildin
compl tion,
COL LUTHER A N LEGE .s ingers, "The Choir of h E' Wesl," Pro!. J . O. Etlwards.
conductor. e ve Arly Sat urdAY morrung on lhe first lap or th e annual Northw st to u r. Th group will rf'tum the following Salurday, 01Feb. 20. to partlClpate in the i l'g'e re un i o n feativiti(>s. The an nual hom!' coenc:: ert will bl': gIven A t Parkland, Sucnrlay allemoon. Feb,
21. The ]1reRE'nl
tour will incitldf' only Ougon pOints.. Saturday night the grou SinglS . Canb : Sunday. Bethlehem church , orl lAnd; MondAY, First :M.ethndist c hu rch orval1is ; TUf'sday, A l ban y ; Wednesday. EUJt'rn e ; '.l'hUl"8-
day, Oregon Clly. Friday. �'il\'er
taD. The progt'sm for til" our \in cludes eompo1<i ollS by Bach, Lem ring, Greig, Mozart, Chrlslian. R ehmaninoCi and Kahnniko i There a1110 Will be a group or spu obI Cain. Pmf. Ed I uals by "'aTds' compo!! tlon, "The Tw nty Thlrd Psalm ' and hi!! arrangemCll l ot the Lord', Prayel .
P L . C. A nd P arkland N ews
Pe nn y A 1C';1 I ' nll'thrlny pA l ty 18 to 8 ,:: i vl'll Frld:ay al f\ p. ri1, In TI. rn r t�· C]l U l'ch parlors
of 11 .I I · ninr Gullrl The I'l'Op'Il m, ITR n r; "d II 'oum l onnl1. t.h.. cal l'nr)al by r ading PrelL'l, ·nl arm for Jan U I'I I'Y, b;V i5 Helen H oltC 11 1'. F"IJoWIng' w!l1 b� a "iolin �olo hy Ocl V IlL· Thol' l a l{ sson, a nCl\'rlty nu "b�r by MilSSe.:; arbl11'a Ia p 1 -8 'in ;. rl Ro."l\l i- Je ll�"
by mNn ber
. skit: hy I he ,"11l h :1 rnrmb r For May, Mrs, Cl JIfOl'd O. Oi'5on will sing- a Mother's Day Bong. June will be repr "<1:. ted by a Tom Thu m b w dding, "The StUl'S nd Stripes Fo 'ever" will be pl a.'. ed hw July by Prnf. J05 ph Edwards, August ",,111 be J' epl'e lI!'nled by [� tumbling act wi th Mi!'l1 Thpjma Ncs,q In charge, a n d fe)J S p te mbeJ' Don Sva re. Norman ,/('0 rn , Helrn R� m � ln d ani! .1an'' lin Pl l u egcl' will 1;ii) , SelIn n l Day ." niB n n rllIr h y Kronl' h A nen on li nd ' II ll el Srhnacl t l' nf i ss hv " hazo okA " �nl bpI'£'. T'l'i�('llIA I' I' U . � l'!,,, , i l ll J,' b' ' MI�:o V i r.z ln l ll lI<'vIF. Rll'l "Hf' P!,\ l rUI,lilY" h) 1 1 <: guel' , will cu ncl udc th .. flro�ra l11 f ,I' (':utrud e ' 'i n a 1 arl. - e n ·J t h era 1 chalr ma n a n d fi �1I Eh�!I. SLu �J1 . guilrl preSid ent. have 9 r- I I' gr'l birthday party refresh1:: m "n t.s which viI be served a t hI re{1 'e.sen t l n � e mon llB. FOI' til l)Ucst hllvin g his bir h day neares t the date of the birthda y wi l l b e par ty, Febru ary 26, there a pl'lz , and also an award for the th the mo..<rt. gil .t� . r\ tab! gen r I invita tion is gi ve n t o a l l In th P arkl nri co mmunit y. Moth l'l'-Dall l:h ter BanqllPt. A Mn ,el'-DRlIgll lt>r ha n q Ul\t , sp(ln,q al'pcJ annually by a r luR , rl Tri n i ! v Gu i l d . wi l l t " i� e nla rc In t hA ('!l u " ch pfl rlm'8 TIl Flld l1 Y evenln�, Il 3f1 p . m . . it is I m nnllnCf'rI l)�' M r� . f'ji ffoj'IJ O . Olson. "nel'al ch rnlll n A l l mo t hr " SlJld rla1ll!'h t f"r nf til" con rE'g<l l lnIl a d their frl ,..n rlo! a re inyi tFrJ, fp n� ph 0 E,j " rcl� 1' . . C. Gl'ej:(ol'Y Rn'l Br'8, S rn e r d Ol'blll I'll'''' 81'1''' nJ1:inb" the l'o£ r � ln . Mr�. P h !1 l p F:, Ra U i:' '' an rl f' Gla • G C? rilio � III df'c ors " a n d t blc!< will be In cruu·g .. of ' Mr, . !"-. ' . arustad, Mrl! E rlwin ! ri n g l!;tad and Mrs. Howani Doer ing.
cludes Ml's, A. L. ElJ n.t;'son, 1\o11's. G. Sl'hl anbusch a nd Mr,'!. . A. PplI t t. MfR. LOJ'a B . Kre.idlel' is
. Dr, WaITen E, Tomlinson, BBSO ::Iate piofesso r of German at tbe College of Pug t oUnd, will speak at 8 p m . W dne day in the chap at Paci!ic Lu theran c olleg e. His topic will deal with present-day af[�irs In Germany, and biB ex periences In that country where he /! tuilled before rt'ceivlng h1s doc tor' degree it the University of Bel'l1n In 1935.
w r>relll dc:n of th ... P. L , is 1,e C: M il'Sio n Socie , re pl , io g AI
v m Rogen wh Miss semester.
iir, t
[ Eva GJesdal E rlmo re, So. Dak., is ,'Ie -pl'eei dent, Merle Piue el', Pa r l a n d, 'ell Se(�I'('tnI'Y, and Mfss !'!i gne Th e f 'om : 1.(Ul wnod , trf.aSUl cr, for me ing is ann o unce nt>,.x Wedneaday, March 3. Mofhcl'-DlI u ghfPr Tl'a
MjR� Lnwsp. "-illillJ'l'll1 wil l head t hl' g1'l' \J - nf )"I l a Rhu G "' mma l an i hf'i l" h m r' m rl'll who � !.,. tn p 'l nn ual f Ll' ''r;;rl I " !' t,,!\ t h hrJrJ the 'l1 l rJr.l l e of A ar('h �t '3(' , r i c LuLberan C" l k� , 1101 1 -11 Elise (\,. ,.d , E'wl ' €kt.L rd prnident, in g �olllm lt I.!: C5 : prl"2'T m , Nevel l l! , . ap pall ted � follow lnJ: " , 1s tl' "1 �l'SO and t.1'cs f'l'ia Mobn ; r I' 11m 11 ts , 1!JVe1yn Tay- I lor, ?orothy , I a pphahn, F..nld I Bl ake , decoratlO,ns , Betty E\' n' lion, Sl g ne, dtsalor, Lenore '�ltT row ; mvltatiOD!!, Henri"tta
� �� ' I.
Ma ry
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
----.Ma ch e, I
.(,hAfle l exrrr.illl';' cron' rtu\ hy F'! o f . • 1 U IlV l er (lCfj ia l ly flpcn c<.l co n rl llcm s tcJ' at 1 acific t he Llltllcnm ol l epe Tu esda 'v morn I n g. Preceding [' rllf. X;1\'i I" s ,. � ( t � I PI'cllicicnl n. '\., TlngC'lstllrl ( ,f[l clally WC1 C0l1lCd new � l url l"nts Lo II ' c ll mpus, eOlll pl cLcd ' Ii B Rcgit'1tra I ion d onliuy li nd 'l'IIPllrl3Y . wlLh a numh, r of 11 l'W !O t lll l c n L� I'n L I'in� lhl' " Il I'iOIl� Ill']1al l Il'n lR, nnr! mSl I( jn� 1 hI' . I II t ' R t nt I ;. i ll'nrlll.l r. 33<1 by cnmplI l'c",j \\ re i n. llrlAy rl rt t'l'noon, W i t h Ill, YI'I11" 8 hi,l:h I)r 30:':.
P AST O sessions of 1 hI' Il nnual h r l' a /I pastoral confal'cm:e " h le h lire\\, 73 1 'orlll\\'£st pastor� t u Tacoma , ,,1'(' held TJ1Ul'�day fin el'nClOTI i\ t Pacific: LII rlln cul I (' � p al Pa l·kIRnd . He). . S. Uclcll nr PorI Icl1lu "" [1 � a fI'ntllred !Speaker at. " edne day's meelilll:!. The confcl'cnce inolulies l' epl'e,�entalive1l oi ohurches in BriLish � ' a!ih lng l Ol1 , Oregol ) and olumblll , 11
I FORMER STUDENT AT P. L. C. WINS TROPHY l Pll.� Paul F:strem a student Lutberan col l ege last yeal" is r Lhr championsh I p the winn e" rophy offered at ftn Intercollegiat e cltle
forensIc mee In which 14 1I0uthel'n col lege parUcipat ri, E9lt m, whQ l ives at Fergus Fall!', Minn ., 8 nO\v
Bttl'oding Er�klllC coJ l eg�
Editor of P. L. C. " S aga" arne Assistants
:[is!! Louis!' H nel ckson. cillo th Paclfi Luthe r'lln college annua l . "S3g' , " r 11 , hf1�l'n Miss Aid:;. .fohnson uti Olis Grande AS AlIl!li!'tanl cditnMl. 'n <'hllrge ('of thl1 art work w i l l hI! Rolf Wiprud, and Miss Gold n c GCl'1'ltZ will h e a d Ule of
�(1Ph- 1
p ublicity chai m a n
I' rl'�i ,ile nt or G e rm a n {:Iub M il'l/l ElIza b th Fl'lis \v1I� na me d prc�hJrnt f I he aclfie Lut heran College I'm a n Cl l b at the m id Y('81' elertl on . She :-rucceed� • [i ss AssisLi n!!, '_'yl� i a M i l l r, lis8 FrllS <)11 t he n w xccutiv,. bo a I'd
B rr John S 11 1' " , vicC-pl'l'Irhlon L , I .1 Is.: MariA]l J ntJll'r, secre tary , ",nrl M I vin Mv(;u1.chan, Ln!asut'er. r.lrs . Ellzabclh Hl)lm B IH.ly cunIInut'� li e a d 'i 01' 'fhp c l u b met. Thul'sda nO"Tn, rl" '''tin 1 1m €' Lo fitudyin th ' /'II lblti.m fl�.r for m a l ins Ilation ·f t1�t; new ofI i cers, Head !o J\�',,' n SOI'l f,r I D il l OlllCSJi, LIberal Al'V omora frol11 P tersburg. A la k a ,
f'rl i l illi!: or orS!HnizRtion llistol'\'. ClaM eill Drs lncludf' Mis:! Wit dene alava n , seniors. MIl'S nnni�
Clumb, sophnmor , f)tanlE'Y Frllll, lreshm n , Ionss Eisi Barret will head th e gIrls' R. l hlcUc departmen t , an� Roland 'uest is boy • �ports t'dllor Mis:! ema T'g/lInd will arrange Lhe pictUl e !' etlon depict In" sch oo l l i ff'. For assilllant llUsln SII manag('r V erner B it ter , U1Hnl1R'''1 , hAl' cIrCL e Llo 'r! Thompson a n J fiss _ icp ook. H a rold J hn son was n smen ma nag(' an.1 Boh circu l a ' on Soh Mitchell. ·ivertising Dlao·
agel'. The fa cul ty com m ittee on puhllatiolt asai lin with thp IInnua I !or till ye a r I'nns.ist:< oC N, J Hong, _ J . sturn, Mrs Lo!" B. l{ rP.ldl I', M '5 , M, N. F anck � n d MWi �ladY5 Giloertson. R maIn ing po sItio ns on hI' Saga Half will b appo inted thiS w('ck,
PLAN S E S S I ONS Luther League Meetings Will Be I n May
Our Life," based 011 4 : 1, will be I h e topic of the �"ortll Pacifi District Youn People' Lu ' h t· League C l\"cn tion to be held L)le fir 1 of 'lot ' at Park l and . according to Rc\'. Alvin G. Lewis, district preslr.1cnt, wlLh \'o lloDl Ih progHun corn vcnlng, m l t e met Tuesday 01 _ T, F. Gulli 'son of • l. Paul. Mlrw" pres ident of Lu t h r Thpo log i c al • eminary and Dr, . ./. Y Ivisakcr. exceuOv.. at'Cl ct.ary uf the InternatIonal Y. P. L. L" f rill Minne poli:z, w1l1 be the prlnC pa l $pli1akel',S, hul th lOP c wJll b • ub-t1h'l pn Int· a n tlmD r nr jlan I rllscllS/'1lons I d by L u th r L " \I "Chl'ist
Rl?V, M. " , ChrisLensell of PI\I'k Itlnd, furm l' pAllt' t· in Astana, 01'0.. lin" been �('Iecled as Lbe c on nl ion chaplain, Othel' program plans inclutle ' a gtE's t tieal or pc ' i J lUu.';ic, with "'c\'el'al o u Lstanding Luth("l'aD cboil's from Coas chul'c hes iu\'it d, a cunvcn l�(1n banqu t, j u n ior Jeaji;ue ses51011, lind chm'a} Urur.ill concert. Those rnecling wi t h Rev, Lp Tue.o;day wel'l� ],,[i/lfl );[ ll ul'ed LII . ("0, pl'esill r n t of P al'k l a.nrl Trio By League and Mrs. Berrlln Klas("y, membcr of t he Luther League be a I'd.
1 7,
Pacific Luthcl an, Colle e A umni H ldi g Rettnion
ClII C L th era n cull ge al umn i con llUed tu iIlTive 0 th campus at Pa rkl and Satur" , add in g to the lal'ge numbcl" of former stUvenin g d!'11 who &me I iday ttend the til t ho mecom i ng t'"pnt of lb .. week- 'I d , sOl'ies 0 , sketbnll gam s in the ooUegl' d ymn8siuITl, B\' evening a larK€' geth I inj!'
ri prson Mol"I'ul Ford, Clarence JUDd, Thplnl!l Daniell!, .J� s fl ueg · r I't l yhre, ElInl' B son , Sh rl , I c h l , George Grecnwood, .John John�"n, LeU KlIppe an d Ne1l1 ' 01 OD. PrPJlPn l l u m nl (, lle l' . "ervin!' ;vlth Pn· ictent Kre!rll,'" " I'e Call 'oIL 11 , vice preside n t ' Mis Kath er 'n Jobnson. secre , an . John I ""peeled to e on i'Jand {or lbe Vall euven. treasu re!'. 80a 1 rI hlghUght of rrunion I livltles. mrmb r1l-ai-llU'gt> arc 01i.s, th an nua l banquet 1 eg innlng al I'lt..hy hmann, Mrs . JeAA I{lase ', i o· (,ek in thl' f -:onlc tempi O. .1 . A mlerllon Prof J, p. d tnJllg !'Oom, 2nd and t, Hel enS Pt u ger and Clarenc Lemming. \'1' , The old-tim e tll me of "Put Un our 0) GI'sy Bonne \." wil l c"ll'l l' t he pvening'. p J'ogram , arr ng by Myron Kreidl r alumni presid en t and osstmasteJ , and th executive board Unde!' tb dll'cclion 1 PI'O!. J . O. Er)wfll'da, the p, L , orc (,'I;tra will play, Kl'eld)� I' wil l welcome e w 1\1l1on g I cal drama J:TOUpS lh� l umni. tho '\\111 1'1', (mel willi :11' t he " f>:II';kL"lnd Plav"!'ll." who o r�'\n i l, d TuesdAy \'en ing I\nd theil' "Alma Ma'c /!lung;, 3D1cd a 11 h' dir p 'lo]' Mrs JoTil I h'e 1 I'\n' I'r Edwa rd!!, CI;\J'l'nc� ronsep h tra ditional rite wlll bc the so n WII!! riCCII'd prcsidf' ; Millli \'In g of tb(' C U I rent J:radm . _ l'hl'lml\ [ tnl !'ls , li crrt3 l'Y , an,1 cJn " Into the al urn I' nl M II'Is 11l'll'n Holtcam p . uhHcity dic'la. s or 1 987 \\ Ill br J' PI' I'p� l n r. II II ted by i ts p" ;i n l \' l J r " Thp Yl'Jun� Idc1\ . ' by Noel Cow- , ' To a.s l B I Uel . who wUJ f ;\ d, III lhl' I1r� t pl'oducli n p l anned to the Future, " PH tnt O. A . Y I hI' , I'wly _ Q l'ganized players. T inge. �tad w i l l givl: a l08Bl to the IIrher in l hc SCl\llO D a n umber of P" en t Bnd De n Phlllp E HaugE, 1"1111\1 n<lit !; :<tag d t w r r�rnta11 pll t. peak r JL ti n& n( "HI' I' Eusban!!', \'Vi(I' , " nlng ..... 111 be P I t , A . l ' n t' Th e I n t.e r !; in hi pl a y pl'omptor I • '1uah . vic PI' It] nt (1f the (' d lhe ur�a n i�R u now om I ted, . liege board of trust 8, mect in� Part icipatinj::' in t he fi ', "Hem"m iler '\\-ay Back ' hen w rc , W. Gl'c/:,Ol'Y, Miss \, II'/:: i n ia lIS th llUe e,l a gt'fJU or 'oCll l 0 ' R l tel' Schnacken berg' M 'lI, qu 11:el p ] ecU ons " h l'esenlct! hy MI" e Mil lI'ed and Evelyn M r nson, Robert sno Clarence Monon ocal solo I! wi J bl; J:"!vcn by M Ann a Mikkelsen and Arnold nd(' lion, Helen J/oltcaf llp. Geol'�C John n, In ){ ing i l h lh" Id-Ume spiri t, � special numbO!' LcrhR.I' dt P(J II �gl'r an Mjss Eve] ' hy thl' old g ray m a re is lll'om Sy\'cl'son,
P ar kl an d PI ayers PI an P ro d uc t zon · I
, ,
i ed ,
To ICll'ct TI'II�tr.c A hOi t bUl!lne S lIeS:Hon lit the banquel will Ul Iude th election o tour new mem bel'� 10 (,)"\'C for 1 '\\'0 �e 1'5 the alumni boart! . Those n o m i nated are Herman An-
Mr, and Mrs, Peter elsvick of Parkland � " t c r t ain d Satul'dR.Y �\' ning at their home in honor of rll. Yes ICK' �iste. ., lI'ra, - " ren Larsen of Ypllowstone P rJ A 1h close f t he rv ning, ...prnl. nformally, l uncheon Wtls l'erw'lI from II buffet tlible decorated m Valentine motIf, a large red ('I'll t form ng" thl' c('nterpiece, GUpstll wt're Mr, and Mrs, ell rl E l lefBe," MI', Rnrl MI''', ThOl',iOUD Mr, F l i er f M in n polis, hnu!;e guest of M r, and M 's, Th or:oon, M.1', nnd M r. H, L, Rbi, and M r and Mr , Chri Troselh.
: Donate Cash In
Memory Of Ho/zJ ln
In m mnry nf Pmf M... I\ lr Holum, fnrmer in�trll nr a t I h r /:"n In:otilU " nf 'I pchnolooy, \" 110 di rrt recen til' R n"l' II )on/: 1 1 1 n 11", fi ve ol'ganizations pf the >"U I hl'01 Luthel'" n el <11 Jl . i1 POI Uancl of which Mr. H'nlum WR� It neml)er have cnn ribul. II l (1 t h l'aclf'c Lulhcl'cl n Col I!'g'!' De\' lop ruent assoc i ation , Pro f. HOlum I� n fonn I' Ta, til man, havln taugh l n th e tie pal 1m 11 Of omJll I'el' al PaCific l .u l ll.'l'an C()lJcgf' l'l21 -2 ,
A n n al P arty D e l i ghtfu Tlu'ee rreneratiom; of molh d, ugh el" ami g-r nd laugh1 era gather d 200 strong at Pal'klan TriniLy L theran vening for church Tue day
the ann aJ Mother-Dau ghter G u i ld y th banquet give member, .
0101' scbeme p inl{ Il1ld Bver I the attractive, long was UBe lver ho del'S tables, Modernistic tapers pin]many contai n i g wls of pussywOloW fl anke pink and OreJlon gra. pe a t each table, p yet Afler an opening tabl by Mrs. 1'. O. Svar , wife or Ole lll\!! l or and "first moth T' " of thE' , Edr.nl1p-regation, M I'!!, Josepll RI'dR, prog ram chni l'mo.n, Intro rlu cd Mrs, M , A. Christe nsen, who hrifilensen has T('\.l ret! v. ith Rev to Par l and aftel' man ' aclive vearll a.mong' congl'pg ion!!, had sit 1o her j ust I'e urned (rom a s ori whrre her Qwn ol d home in he pre.-:enl pll.'ltor's daughter is w fe, and h I' delightfully nformal Ilf " home and the b11dren" at Ii I wel' !<p cial ly appreciat d y the gl'Oil aRsembicd Prece ding' i\ \ el co mc J::"iVen by I the Gu It! presltl .n t. MrS, Gerhard Haakenson, M I'S, Edward led in the singing of t II pecial nlUIlbel'S, "M:othel'li," '\\ r1lte specially W. for th e occas ion by Mrs. mid membpr, and Ramstad, "What. a aithfu l F r l e n d is Molber, " wri tten hy the late Rev, George Henrickson, fot' 1'1' Park I <lite, Sp dng 0 beha lf of th daugbter, were Miss Verna Andel'SO grade schno l girls; Miss ertrud Tin elslR d, high !'cIlool /!1r1s. and J,! iss E!i;ab th Stuen, co llege Of speCial interest n all pl sen t \Va n le U er read y Mrll, Phlllp E, Hauge from the Parkland Child ren 'n H me loca led R.t Everett, WlUlh. . conc eI-n ln � the Guild's "adoption " for on(' yellr of a n ine year-old girl a the Ev relt bome.. The membel' officially 1\1; pted lhls girl as their augntp.r and sent speci greetmg;, ttl h l' from the banquet group, Thp ta lk f the v n1ng was given by Mrs, Lyle For D rushel uea of wo m en at the liege of PIIget Sou nd, Her accounts of ce wit h y u g peaI'll!, espe exp rl ciall iris, he) lh I\udicuce's cl osl.'st allenUo , oDcludl.ng number nn h pro �ram r.onsisted of songs )� th P. L. C. facu l ty uartet "SonJ!S Iy l\fotht'r Ta ugh t e, and Rhyme,," , :'\ t' " , ' IU' P , ill g, "l\'fQm i ng Sunshin", Tall<," by Miss Ylrgi ni a Davis, rmd a p!l\no solo" Paderew:-;k t's "Minuet. " by 'II , Cha 'IoU. Gregory, Thf' ha que nsed wll h the Il in�; n g of t ll doxology hv the gr up
Pacifi Ltttheran Colle Alttnl i Banquet Satttrda. lumnl Sl 1'[ form
rl'Uni Oll p rog n
Festivities upt'n
' I lh bas K ethall game b t ween ' I . it " t('� an d 1 11 coli "II! l. Marlin's o n ritlay night a n d \\ 1\1 ell) e II l 2 :30 l'.ullday altcrn 11 w th
S Ision 2 D a
On SIl urd y Y nlng thl' a l umni will pi hPf in el10wshlP h� U of lh , 1 "lilli t!'mp c lor h II' 1''' u nion h n 'l u (' t with Mv\'�m Kl'el·i IeI'. p.I' flid I FIR toastma!'ler F"t Om 8 to ' 30 o' clocl< the ban quet. progr"lll1 will be bl'oadcasl n '�I K VI. Tht' bl' adcnllL will i n cluth- It transcri bed g' ree tin� Ct...·m the ('011 !!',. prc�ill nt 0, . Tlngll'l'tarJ w11 i n a hosp i t!ll r('co\' rinl!' from (I b roken hlp .
$ 56 , 764 . 08 ,
of which $30.990 .00
was obtained by gIan ts . The cost to the district wa �5,774 .08, w hich amount was obWn('d by voting a special 25 mill levy. and from monies accumulated III the building f nd and throu an emergency appropriation f $ 5,000.00 granted by the county
CHOI R OF W 81 L AVES SU DAY B; r�r � E a
Pacifi c Lu heran call c's " Choir of the , ' pst ' und l' t he direction of Prof. ' un nar J, Malmin , leavl' on its annual sprmg c on c e r lour n S und ay mo rnmg , March 13. The .hoil' this sea son w il l c Vf'r mo:st of Vi' stem Washington go in!:" no to R E'l l ingha m . doubUn g back to benieen Ilnd then nur
t hrough the Ol ympic penins la to Po r t Ang-eles, !'etllrning hom e on March 2 1 . On their ' ay back from el1in "ham they will alop off 1'01' (t Tac a. once r t on the even Ing of Mal''1 1 8.
schl'dul f concert s folSpntt1r ( artt' rnoon and v('n ing ) Mal'l'll 1 3 ; Everett. , a l'ch 11 j Stall romJ , n r h 1 5 ; MOlmt lern (In, 1arch 16 ; elUl1J:'ham, Mar h 1 7 ; Tacr)ma March, 18i berdet'n, Tarch 1 ; P'II L An Irs arch 20 , Breml'rton, M reh 21. ]ows ;
TIll' third annual iTUltituie for Luth ron 8s torll opened at PSl elfi Luth ran college We ne!lda y rno ning with Rev Dr. S. , East voId, past ol' f the First Lu heran c hu rch. Eau Cl aire , Wis. , �pe llJdn g on "The Preacher 85 a Messenger
Parkland Voters Are to Name School Director
The annual IIchool el ec t i on for h oosing a directol' f or a thr ee ye ' tcrm for Pa rkland school The l' ' , ni g'!' l'O� l !1m :.1.0 call di strict No. 302 will be hel d at Louis , Cor l(l'eellngs b d r, . t h e school house a t Parkland, M cl onl Tavlor . counly "u perin- 5. Polls will be open from 1 ' to •. Goold. city en den , I rowa nl su ('1'1 ll'nden t , �nd . E. H In)� , S p. m, . andldatell deSiring to have t h 'll' e I I g" , ll"lIn <In I'cgistl'ar Th!'I " naml'� on tb ballot muat iil , '\'111 also hr. m u�i aJ n llm h t' l's of th I'OU P, from th Clll1ege anI! hy hI' dec! ration w i t h t.he cler sch 01 boa rd before Feb. 23. P a l'kl<lnl! !:!'l adl' �c:hno1. At the dedication of the new RC'v. 11 . Storlta", 1 i of }-! V rn on . school auditor um last week, the WR 11 " win (lel iv cl t he s r un � l o!<t of the n w bu i l din g was 8.n 'n thl" thl' prc i a l al u m n i scrylc" o unced a s SH,67 6. 0 8, and the COst Psrkl nd Trinity church a l 1 fo ' r em odel ing lavatories a n d in a m , un!llly . stalling a ncw heating pla nt in the o r tho'l' who w l li h le I �p nl! old buil d lD g , 12,088 . 00, a total for • a t lJrdRY on thp . R Ul Us , t hp. cn\th e buil di ng program at that d ate I £'e Cooed ('In\) i. !<ponsorl ng n
etur n Hom e On March 2 1
At Parkland
cl101r ('onccrL in Tlinity Lu h I nn church uncler thE' db (,c tion d Pro!, I \lrul al' Mal mi n , a
L . C . Singers Wil l
. 1n
I s H o n e>
of God "
In the. aCternoo n session, lh� th r guest speaker. R Y. Dr. M. u rofessor at Wa tburg ThCl'!10 'i�1I1 semi nary. Dubuqul', 1 '\Va, s po k e on "Do "vI' Need a New Dogma-t i ?" orning Dr Reu n Thursday wi I continu his talk on Lhe 8am� them e, while Dr. Eastvold wi!1 close the :sc" ion Ith a leoture on "The Pastor's T chnlque in His Q uest. for S ul&," Thu� day afll'!moon. Th'lre will be sn ""cning service of w ors hip at 7 : 45 'clock Wed nrsu\1.Y, open to the publ ic , to be fo i l wed by a reception Cor the visiting C'lergymen given Y e Cae lty of the coli gr. , Chairmen f r the &ell sl on 8 III order a re Rev, A. Oft hl f Spok ane, Rev. H. J. Thnrpf' oC E ne, re . Rev J. f. Gros chupf of pOK ane, and Rev ,J. A. M rUn of Warren, Ore. l�CUII810n l e a ders are Rev. E. E Kre� , J . Rcn of Le ...iston, Ida .. Rev. h ard of C lton , Or ., Rev . Mlkkel Lono of Parkland, and Rev. J . M.attson f Poulsbo, Rev C. S, Odel l. Re \, . Alf M . or abel and Rev. L. Ludwig ha\' arranged the in!ltilu
evea ed
Impor t a n t,
M art in Tells L a r ge
Group of Liste ners
at Gym De d icati on imm · diaLe )lnic secu n l y for t h e m a !! s e s . (r U\'. Clarence D, ! l arti n out lill d iJrie fly facmg the m aj o r }Jl' 1J1 e m . stat · and nation b fIJI' a l aJ')t e audience a cl 'tiic HtOI' e ' 1' new P a r l - lano ci. e · i n t i l , 't l'e�� i l l g
1 II
gym na, ium Fri da) n i ght. The g-o vel n or p oin ted flut thal thE' ('o m m onwt"tl l t h hael done 1Ttl1".h I n pl'ovidlrl Ilocial seeUl ily a nd old-age {in 'IlLance hUl tl:ta t t hese progl'struI could nol be e.·peel Nl to fu cti n p l'opnly u nles!; work an pru" ided Inr all wh , !'If'{'U and wllnt i t . ('oll nmi(' "ec' l I r i t y i n "Th i. ollr stat " call1lot hr :u' ; 'o m pU " d." he said. " unt i l pe pip rom t il rl"a li ze th Impor t ll n �'p ur in d lL', t n ' 111":)1" h oml'. Too Mtel/ t hf" publie i p roll e to t'OIlI'f"I'1I itsel f 1 no m Ul'l 1 with rt'mot.. problem.. ratbpr th u n to !'ure for t hr)�p 1I1"8T � . " Beside" Gov . MID [In's addrpsR congl'a ula !lons \'cI'e e t I1de, t he communiLy on completion of h new buil din!!." b y Mrs. lise S.
... .
oun l}' school supelin cnd ent, anti Stanley F . ALwood , t ate �upelinle ndenl of public lush'uc
l ion Thl" "emalnd t of till' pn>g:ram included the in 'ocRtion by v . •r . p, l'fl u gt'I', m usical numbc l , by the gy-ade school pupils unde l the d i.J:l'crion ot MIl'S Thelma DaD leI. . I'eporls by C Il l'i Dsthmd. '1"1 k (If I the school bOUl d. YflcR.1 solo"" by ' Miss nna }'{ikkE'lsen accompani ed by Miss Dal'li Is and introduction ot M I·s . B. B. Lllird. l'cpres nling • lhr P.-T. A" E. T Mock. r�pl'e� senUng Mock & Mon-lson, rchl If'ct!'l F. , Smi h . �cnl'l'al con It'actol" ; ,. A. �- bpr . plumhmg con tractor. a nu B, ri , La ,'mond, e.Jt-ctrica l nntractOl' I , E. Haug . h a i l man of the sch(1ol bo 1"1..1. preSided lit the pro-
�------�--� Saturday an nou nce d Tbel m ( p ictured above) to I the en/nlgement !If their d aug-ht r l\U H. L. Trnl on of l\ na.coort . • on of 1\1 1'. and 1\1,. Harold Trill o S.- \ of t he betrotha l wn s told firbt t a I nchenn for a fel' Intlmat frl nd " 111 1 luter In t.he da) at a tea given by Mn;. Dani.,)!! and h r ' Both . [iss Daniels and hcor arl' and. tq;ht r at t h eI r hom in fl lice are former rae·We Lufh ran College stullents.
. ..
A n n Iversa r y C e le brate d
Burlington , WI Rev. Rasmussen an d Lheir daugh ter L!!Ilor ; Mrs. August. Buschmann of Seattle with
Mi', Busch mann ; Ludvi g La rson of Parkland with Mrs . L arson and Ihre children, Mrll . Glenn Inge.r ' ophia Torger.son and thelr Ogden of Leaven orth, Edga.r /lnd P 'h;!j' T. Lar on were married Puul ; Miss TetUe Larson . Oscar 'n 1 7 at Burr Oak, 10wa . and Leonard LarRon of Seattle anli T hey rna Ie their home in Mrs H. C. LaVille nf Barstow. C Two of Mrs. LarAQn'S 51 tcrs .\ ri nnesota u ntil t he spring of U" in Tacoma were als preS1 908 whell they moved to who ent. They Were M.!' , Ie T, Ofte arkland, wh ere . 'unday they dabl and Miss Martena Torg{"I'Son.
eel IJrated their 60th wedding anniversary wi th a family l'e
hiloren of the couple who were preal'nl at the an niversary eelebra tioll \\ erc Mrs. L HllJ!ImllBSen of
Man fnel1d, gath ered during the afternoon to extend their good wish,. and a lhe morn In servi ce at. TI'i.nlty Luthen1 n chW'ch, Mr. no Mrs, Lal'son el' J;"ree el'l by
the congTega 'on and Mrs. La rson
gram ,
was pre.'lelltell wlt.h
oUQul'l of red carnationa hy the women's orga.n.i.zaUons of the church. TIntll rece Uy, hOU I Mr. and Mrs. Larson bave been aclive ork rs in the
church Congratulation!) .....ere also gl\'en durLng the day to Rev, Rnd Mrs, L. Rasmu6gen. who celpbrated their ninth wedding anniversary on
To Be Thro'lvn 11'1 Cr el" if P. L. Saga " Fall Dotv .
Time Set for Number Of Programs for Spring, Summer
Da ell for _ \' 1'al 1ceUngs of intere t tl) Luther l ayme n and pas t.ors have rece n t ) been I'e l e ased. a 'ch lEi , 17, an d J. , }w S outh Puget oll11d eircuit of lhe Norweglan Lutheran chUJ'ch "'i l l
convene at oul!'bo. March 31 to April 4 the ('lIlulll bia c onleren ce of the A ugu.<;tanll Synod 11l hold i 45th annual conven t iun in Bel lingham . The Firs t Lutheran churches of Boll· Ingham and C learbro o k, who at
H �m bs ' l'i pUoll1> for lhc P"C'tfil' LlI lhr.l:ln cfll l(';� an nuel, "Saga, " rio nnt fiLl! I :;00 hi!'; y a I ' , Cuaines!! • II n agCI' Vr l'l1 r · iI rt h Ii agrl'NI lo give ' I n'ulal lOll !; n:'1 er HI\!" nltl .Iohnf'on I h r· prn II g.' flf thl'OWIns:: UtI' fOl'm!'1 In C)(W"S 'reek, U le Ic ' .' [ 1 rJlm ' h ich flows Ull ugh lhc I')t 'hInd III Ih" nd of Ule " !illl ] 1 I 1 Il, it i.. lI nnol1nccfl by lhosr in rh arg (If phm f()I' lhe �ubs ' rlp tum urlv c nl th e P� l'klllnrl cflileg Thi� agn1cmrnl is a,ldlng in C l ' e.� t lo "LR I'\' clays ," schedule I til
and 35 t 1 a n iveI'S ries r pcCl ivel " will be hosts The 'Ol' th p� fie Distri t [ '!1.5tora! Confe rence VI'l1l b h Id in SealtJe, Apr il 6, 7, and 8. Tacoma LutlJer leagues lmder th prelli dency Of Mis.'; L ona Lindeman.n will sponso r lhl'il' ec ond ann ual Bible on!erenl; April 1 8-23. The m etlngs will be held in the il'llt Norwegian Lulhel'an cb urch, Rev. S. Michelaen . pa s The gu es t leachel' will be tor. Rev, Carl B. 'Ivlsakel', head of the de partment of religion, ononlia oollege, MIJ01'head, Mlnn, Young people mterested i n Bible Btu d at·c urge to attend. the same time celebrate theu' 45th
May 20-23 Ule Pacille Di!ltrict Luth an chUrch con 'f>t1CS in Port l and, Ore ., at Cenlra Lu theran
to at end, A ugust ] -8 is the time set for ual Bible Insti tllte con lhe it uucled at De Ollle s by u bel' Leagues of Ule Americ'ln 1.uU). ran Co crence _ ng l' gaUons In 1.11, ""t Soun d Br ea. The 'n!'ltiLulr, presi d ent. Rev. • , Kn oJ'/ , 810 West. rockett st" Seattl e, is in c harge of arrangement s. COllsl
YO Ullg p ople
Will Elect King, Queen For "Saga Sircus"
he pa ra.de In prepara tion f r 'Ichcduled as the pening of thl' " Sa ·a Sil'C US" at Pacific Luther . n co llege April 9, students will elect a king anti queen to head e p ara d e and reign ovcr this ' aDn a J carniva l, it is a nno u nced by Miss H el en H Itcamp, " enersl hai r man, Camlidatcs for queen, nominated fl m ilie freshman clas s, are Miss ulh Downton, MI�II Blossom
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ � __ __ __ __ __
V. tt, Miss Vi glnia Davis and MJ.., · Lorraine Thnrnp son, For kmy- t here are NQrman Fry "
CJ11!ELer Sol1e, erner Bitter and ArnoW TommerviJt , senior ' . "A penn)' II. vote" II! the rul ing e Ih carnival commUteI', Bnd man.tg rs for UJe candidates will
M i !> " l'WA rc t .R"'r�m, PlIclHr, L u UlerBli roUClre [JelE'!II" " t thr n� 'lOll 1 Lu h tr�n S� u(It�\] " convl'ntlon tl11 � w ee K-cnrl IlL onrordlR coll ege M" orn � !\d , In n " left 1 'i rain TuesI'll' " " n i ng , hJI t!' P CIt P .1, PflucR'h�du lrrl to I'r of th e facuJ � W " letl" Tar-om Wednc fin e,enlnl;'. OTem wi I Hr,. , � t,tend the MIM
c"" !�renc "
llr"� �
he r
I t! t"r
da '
<'r' l
(, j p le "
he m e , Ip."
A d v e n turo us
Pacific College Meets P. L. C. I n Parkland Pa.cific Luthet'an college
met SeR,l tie PaCifi c college t '(.\ms 1n tWl') non-ri clsion leba es Friday afternoon a L rl' pal kland SCll00!. William Sterba and Emil nms
P. Smith. n gatiye ,
nel Glt'M Gus-
avson RJ1 Jllsper Johnsml, afflrm ,I l i ve, represented p , L C. This was t.hc third in a series of debaleR !JJTIlnged for the Parkl md
Friis and :Mis9 Ida Mae Hoss, of fi mat! 'i?', oml the men ' negaLive t eam 1 t the G t·oys Har\)rJI' Junior Cal l g tlebRLers al AI , I'I.Ieen . 'I'hUI'!l{ y the :lam ,tel m went. to S('a ttl to hold uetJales � L eattle col\e�c, The next debatc ",11 b h Jd Til" d v. March 16 II t Mt. V 1 nun. iI'S Margarl.'t Rrore n anti ,U Llwclla Davies. negal h'e, , nJ Ule m n' negatlv ",'ill meet Mt. Ve r non Junion college a t th ' lalt er'/l W edn sday, Miss Elizabeth
dnt include Seattle Collcg , 1.Iru 11 10, and Jl,IL Vemon Jumol' Col lege , tarclJ. 30, at P:u:klontl. OUIer del I S wiLh Gonzaga unl y anti Cen lr Ua JUlIiol- ('oil twin d, school.
rk and Cl u b Me h to Gather M a rch 9
TIl.'- lay graol � ' h 1<)1 ,.udI tOl'ium. Whet h"r ' I' n t P I'klanil I' I 7.('119 wish to b' taken In 0 i, M e tropo l i tnn Pa rk area q uesuon to be pre ent..e!l by T 1 J. P. P Clue ','r, club re�itle.nt T ar.n affe , (j would 1)'" lh t � ndin g . ne �d On�-bllU m ' !'Ithe l' Slue Of Pacllic aI' the city limi 8 to the HOUth Spanaway lake. The park question WItS on
E B A T E r:L:��tl ;:�;:��!:��t�
Communi ty club In 1. Ii t m ('t , t � p. \t'nlng, March O. in
He Itur t Ii e k. er , . ot Lh hns bee n l n v i od t , , - k O U "The Gr c n u "' 50 ' n 1 [J H e r (1 ChrlstiRn Tl"'Ol l h Bel' l ee '.' part o f the �f'n ol1e
A Lu theran youth _onferenc . sponsored by I�uther Leaguers of flv . Lu t heran cburch bod i os. is u led In M !nnea oliB. M i nn. , scb June 23 -27. A nu m bel' [ \'\'csL
P. L. C. Delegate Leaves For East
meets sched ule
elc tcd l'esldenL , and oth(' cers nuw mcluu Morris , ord. \ presi dent ; Mr. itzl'r, t n'RSU an t Georg C. Arneson, St (r t Al ong oLh l' bllSin ULoo cun . lions. the txlard wl.'nt on 1 • La o. lng t hI! widf'nlng I) II . , and !SI' t April 3 11 11 1 m clean-up d ay, Th.... c qu fitl I al80 f' pl'esented at 1e 1m me e lirlg'.
tress Will Be
·d Monda" ..
P. L. C. A nd P arkland
who. with 'Mr�, A nh H Dapper, tll l'cclOl', at end d phYlllcsl duca tion conferenc � held In Tacoma during th week-end includ d t he Mlsse!l Tb 1mB. Ness. LouIse H nd lavan, He en rirkson, Wadenc HQlleatnp, Judith B nllOn, Louisc Willi mil, El:::i c Barrell, Ice Cook Mrl! Lora .8. col!. nnd Helen
l iege Presidents Meet
. Tin l:'E'1 lad, h ead ,tf l '/ll'l fic' '"ut lOra n c·ullcJ;'!' a t j "hCl\\,u ( left ) h<'l n g rl'l' tpt\ h;\' Dr, .T, ! ', B rowlI . l'fc�jdE'lIt , r 'nnc'ofllla rollr�p <If )foorhr[ICi , 'l inn., 111011 .\' artE'r-nno l l a t I hr 1'!1IlI'�e' I J ,1 1 � (' erd �. I I \ I I i I r. Tingl'!'itnd' fir"t \·1 11 t tit o Yl'mhE'r. Dr. B ro wn "·3" h I �1J1' , c' l1ml'ml lore hr " .. injuTl'd I n 11 0 \ 111 ('ornE' t I hI' 01'1 11'1.\'(' t 10 hI' E:uc.,t "P(,8 1(' I' 1 t r , ' nrl h Pnt'lf l(' d i �tri('t 1nuri f'<lpl c'!i Lllth r r Ira!:'u cnnv nllo held III t \I rrl nl'l I n ratt k, Pr!' itlent u.
I1r\danll .
Colorful Spring F tival l Held on Ca pu of P. L. C Vilillol'
lhl'on gcc1
Luthel'an college
. l grt oC the May qu ee n , ]1[1"" Alice 'oolt. and \ 'j �S, 0 <me of th 1110111 1'I101'rlli (Ie , 1' J.· inl{ f" IYIlIII , j'ling UU� hlipplneRs th.. fa t lhaL "r lh I>cc<'1�i(>n . ,. 1',' !rid 0 A Tin!;!'l ar! WII:; prellrn t , mnllln ;.. hi fir,� t . , tIl thc r.a m f'l' since nn In jury las l I'm • Lic� 'ln y. . uunlls IIJ the' lrllmpet lle appl'oari 1)[ Qucen hpJ' eulll tJudng mitHl ' l moou to ' dUl. ID� the I e
Ih I . r· '·, 0 er-rl eked thron" II rr a n g-I'd >1;;nlnsl th,. I .... y c vc r<" ) ....'ail. I'If th� fl'!'nt IIf Old Main , A s th orchl'. lrn playcri Edward El l gcl" :'! murCh, "Pomp and Cit'cu rn�taJlcl''' ' 1 .. :ril ls carryln� w hi t snlin rlbbolls advan ce d to m 8 1H� an
qUl'cn's ('/ttl'Mel' Wear Pille !up Lc.\d! & h" cou rt group WII th ' WI) 8('n lor aLll'ndan t . Mi1;.'l ' Euge in , pcnC"r and Ml . m n lr! B lake . WC'lI Ing gfl� n. of pa l e blu£" Follrlw1!lg were •f is� Ruth Onwnlon anr! 1I11s AUMot Gerde, supbomnl'l':I, ill peach dresses trimmc with bl u r �ash" . . Miss C8l'olinc H o ff anrJ MlM Dons H vry, tresh... 1'1' 10l �1 1I ' II l tcnd o l.1i , mcn g w n of blun-"I' n an 111 blgb school e!,r!::! .' MI !l .9111" I bara • 1 !.V lc- r n n d ),f 1:;S Prl clllll I'l'e ulI, , \ 'CI'C drCll.qC' rl in g re-en ol'j<Bn d lt's. Li ttl l' Gl'o"f"r A 8 k t'e , �on nf !Jcan ann M !'I'. Elvin M. k rr, ca r.rl c d 1\ . g'olrlen ('rown nn a gr I' n "lilt fl ll low ! · cxt. came Un ' 1ary nn 'IIn Rooy, nlccr I)f Mr A J a h H. lJ pper, J'!"tlring ph ",ic I ln l'tm 10 . stl'ewin flower pctals from a whl e basltel which Il{I"moruz I wit h h I' " own of whit gccrg ·ltc. aiI'll" for I hr'
0\\ 11
hec's vivid run t be uQ uee n t · 11£ f'nba n c c d b ' th cou rt g ';en she w rc made of \ 'b i le silk mar1'05'al1d rOws of tIny u i setl gra i n rib bon det ning thl' II rln g, a.q an Her bouqllet kil'l ti r ' I r lll vol rl-fa.,hipncrJ �1'I'angemcnt c nrJar stock and olbrl f1owcI'JI. in c... pi n g w i th 'lUaln l ca rnation and Bwcetpea nOS(!�ayR fif h er a t - , Her lon� Lr ill of while t�nrl fl n ts. shouJ,kr, taff c ta , falling II'01D I I 3rrird hy tw('\ Ilt t i l' 1!1I:la \\,II� Ta y l "r, wi (UI I , . 11 I b l on rl I rll Brl'HllJ1d ri a gh tet' o f r. a Ii onnl.. H n 1m. <111 g h Ta y l o r, and 1'S. J osc ph Hanson. t e l' of 1 r and of Th e il' fl oo r length rlr " S WCI whitl' nN oVl'r plrtl< and bl ('. OLl s r. rnnde . l11dcn t presIde n t , m all I hl' offici I May day pro clfIrrnti n 8 '1 tj'n mtroducecl Mrs. r, cou nty F upelina Lou u;(! S. Len dcnt of 81: o o l s, whn 'rowlled Queen A.l 1ce I. Mni. T. y l o l' Will; ' charming i r. 11 g ov"Il of j o lt tat fela , quain with corded !'Ikil't : m d p uff sl I'V ' 1 1'51 J\ thl' progra m ' ven hl:inrc thl ' eoul'l \\'flS a Illu�ICf't J Int( I'prc t n ti ltn , "Th .. F, u n n.i n ," J;' i vr. n hY :1 l':'J'Oup uf J: i rl s clnd in £11\1!{id ·l(' ri rc!<s('s nf bluC'. y IInw, I'O!! � n (1 r en, trimmed with silver li bbOll . Thk! n J: p ort WCTP. gi::ne t rI sa 1', Lol.G Mn ... MOrton , Rulh Wilt. nc , Berlh, L'IrROI1 . Sylvi a M i l le r. Nclllc-J lin P ,\erscn, Dorot h v M inC']' 'and EJlvQ BPI'1': man , Th� ma l e qUfIl lC't, consl. t lng of RichRr d Wiesner Don a l d l'1:oost n, Rudy Ehnrl' ano ' Robert Svsr , lh n "Orrum of Love. ' limber o\'e) h l'f' nt Z i l l a 'Mill r ' nd Mj s� CartI m n 'K n 1\J'1)'1 pI'C5entl'd a nuv('lty ti, nc", W <UI . 01 umber, and
Dr. Leraas of P . L. C . . One of 20 omg
Dr. H a l thl'
b i ology
Ii J. Lerall", he , J of t1cpallm nt at Pacific
h n s e lected C nf 20 out of a \llTge group of II pp llca ols o ve r the Un ited • tates n i l wil l b privileged .0 attend thi ycar's spssion (If I hi' . CJI'f'nlltc choo\ oi Fiel d .. 'at lral H istorv utheran col lege, has
1I!1 0
t'on Vl'nl'S
II m
.1 Ull E' 20 Q � ugulIl Ii. e m p h a l1.'8 b tan " In gr o l ogy, fi e l J wo rk
forclltry m ammalog-y, o l'n i lhology, n t ill\)io gy lUJ d nat )· gUiding'
Yo mite museum, Yosemile BUoll a l p u rk A two-week pack 11'lp jnto ierra the high is 1 h c1ima.x of Hcadqua lerll 81'e al lit lh
t h e sevell-week �ourlll'. Thos/' chosen for the cession are ' IE c· ed on the basts . of train ng a n d "X!' rleJ1 , 1'ea ,rnmendatioD. o f fo rm in structors. and person,lllty. Dr, Leraas, a �l'adui'lt" of Luther co llege. rec lvl'<1 hl s de �ree II I 1 he Univr.rsity of Mlchl!;,Rn, flll d has been at P. L. C thrc ' ycars,
to Receive Diplomas at SIME CONCERTS L <r Ex rei es ol1 June 3 .
�v('nty - fh' I'i ' di p l om a s
Messiah Church Tue d ay, Parkland Thur day
I' aTet
K t hl.' Jl McIver, S a A nn Mill r, Tacom a ;
Ie ;
ICl'in. oeh ke, Be vercreek, Ore ; LoU. May Mol' on, Ta co m a, ; Ro ert FridFlY l'\'eDlng, J unl' , i l 15 R - • . J.[ullp , Tacom R ; Harold Stan . HaUl< ' ley • llllen , Evcrel ; E ther AUc nOllnced hy DCll n Philip l'\ol'g'aard , E verett ; Mll .r�aret E, f'ffty-ont' w I l l I! TnrlusLI' from lh Pea l'son . YakimA ; Tevella ,"V nd� l h l'pP-Yl'll t normll COUI'St>, 1 1> from RCI�!!, TIiCfJrn ; Aleda J " phin I h .. i Wrt-V al I l bC'rtll R l·ts course , ciel'sla.d. Poulsbo : B atric E l i za and c i g ill from the hi�h school beth S i dd e rs , Pu alb p ; Eugen i A dh 'lsi on . Chl'isU a " pen c e r, Longview : Arne Rev. Car E. Rydell, pesler S t ran d , Poulsbo; Helen M. S tark, I·'ll 1 L u t hel'an church. Ta 'am , Tacoma ' Eve! n Syverson, Taco vIII be the ommcncement spea ker. rna; Agnes Bernice Torvend, Sil Prcceding commenccmen t will be verto n , Ore. : M arie Lo ui se Wen baccalAureate s rvices Sunday eve berg, East Stanwood, and James
c l i ege camml'ncr m l' ll
I',' erc!sc
Orbt'n wil l
gTar d 'hol'ales anrl hymn in wbicll he S� si. different mslru cut . The rogl'1lm tarts a t o ' cl ock irue will also � prt'senlf'd Thursday \·eni n ... at t he lIam e ho I' In ' TrlnlLy Lutheran c hurch at Parkland. Sim . ow In hili 1 9th /leaso n toured tilt' eoallt In 1934. anrl his P rkland c n oert 1a 'ed the coUege hap I \'er eap ·ty. The presen t church au iltonum will m ake 1t possible for a. l arger a u d ience t heaT thl1l
Gig Harbol'; J, Hs ug • BUI'l Ingt<H'1 : Fr(' prick hri H r an y. Tacom ; Alvin Frl'derieJ< Jaco\). .. , T <l cfJrn a ; Evel y n Laul'!ne Jacohson a1'l, land ; Ana
Pla n Festival
ist E ven ts A t P. L . C.
Anacortes Youth To Be Student Body Head
ac ific U le 'a n 011 ge 8tuden t s a e l'owdillg' the i r l ast m n th of sch ool wiLh n u m rous ocial and l u b activi ties pre eding graduation day \ 'hich will be clima,-ed \ ith
normal school An acortes, will e st ude n t body p resi d en t a t Pac i f ic Lu the r an co ll ege ne t y e a r , 88 th nt t d el ec re$ul of R cl sel y d tion with Don ald Monson sta n Frif a l so on t he ba l lot, S ch ma nd t su cc"ds O tis Gr l d e who Roy
.rae .lohnson , Tacom ; D oro th y M arje ruiffcn. Puya l l u p : T BeT IlIce Knutson , Seattle ; , Fl'ed Marin Krueger. Orllng: Ho " /\ 'd .TamN' l{vinsland, olll sbo : < tl'nrr RlI nd o l p h l{yins], nd, Poulsbo' Paul \., ar� n, P:u-IdlUld : er' ha l..ll r �on , Fire!! ,-,pI So , a
unusual m Ulllcilln. Ime emphn61zes Llll! novel mu· 1" 31 Ins rumen1 , A mong them a re l.h thcramln, an ell' tric in s l-umen whlcb is pI a e by only a few artists In t h ill c oun try , an w hi ch a ttracted so much a tten tion four ears ago h reo Th arUst plays this radio-like i tl' u m ent w tholll tou ch1ngI the tonell b ing b ugh th,. han II oul pa s t h rough the air. Ot.her instru m ents ar.. the Nordic viol, zl t h I' h a rp , electric yufta l , fork cl io, melodlOn organ, Tn addItion, th1!1 !tlfted young man si ngs and g1\'ea (il'am a tic In lf'rpreta t1on�. S Im I' rd in a rlly tray 18 As under sponsQrshlp of tht> chure 1'1 I g-Ioll S pl'og-ra nil, and strcss s there will be , 0 adm ission, but l\ ollection w i l l The pub e tak n. lic is In\'ited.
chm Slldt ,
fl om
omm ncement
normal o t'pa r in June and will teach ext fall at thc \Ve erhaeu aer achool. Students chose Rober Kru ger of O rt i ng for v i ce-president, MII!!.'1
l'e",,'l gl'ftnrldnugb
Install ation of new offIcers WIll be
1'ty u nd : t f rn a brea]' In the h eavy Rchedul e. } l'}?' of hi : affa il' rc elen ::sta rk, Walter ohn8011, i\t J ba Fenne ' . . l'ne . h'and and Else
1i Il nl �lay (estiv a l l. bein� planned by "omen of Parl'land Trlnilv Lutheran adi e R' Aid (or 'i\' dnc-lIda ' '<ve nIng In til church p:U·(UI. . S IVID ur \'f! I'!nuII T or A agot G erd e of PortlSlld , secr 'UI b(' I .. I \\' gl n d' he 1 , In . . tary, and Ed Watts of Ta co ma, Don S loppy ot Ta oma Tl'mi ), treasurer. : !ll \\ ill folio, 1"1'0::- ' � IIm l �u!ld U1cels Tul's 8.' e\'ening i n will be com missioner of a dvertis the church pa r lorI', �f l'" ,I n '{'ph Ing , and completin g the stUdent of cont '01 will be the l aM I II n on enlr.rtaining. Tn l'('pl 'cscnl boar 'I t inity ch urch al l h !' nal i ona l representatives, with Miss Vi Ian in M i nn rtll!i � J u n e Lunde of Seattle for the seniors, 'un '('nllon Murray Taylo r, sophomores, and - H i, the c o nl?l ' I' Il l ion h s ( ho. I'n iIliam Rams ad of P a rk l an d , \\' . R R m g\:1tf , III school . Phillip ' orby of B ell i n g becom es co m ha m a u tomalical 1 missi on e r of athletics, repla cing Annou nce Birth horn he asI' � n d irs P -tel' WI:' tby of Ollliord Brun lan d sisted th 11 year, pent two yt'ar. c mandt has as an a c iv parli c ipa n at P. L. in actlvltle . H Is p re$i de t or the snpbomoX' elas , uslness man a. m£'mb r ager .o! th an nu al , I1n l...ams. a th l e tic lass of scv('ral
un ·
m ent
Headed by t.hell' pre ' j dent, Don A bner, lhe sen i r5 a l'e e pecially bu y, a.nd J'e look i ng forward to th eir 'ach t
------ g-ra dua\ s fro m th
Pn l'klancl I1r l '('ct!'iving on g r lU11Ii r th o� lhMl' !iI'si tll'ns on lhl' M.ay 1 0 a '. child , Gall Tlcnn, bpI ' harmg Tacoma Gc-nel'al h lip i ta l \11 good wishcs ar� the m a lt; rna l H IITllJltlpa renls, Mr. and �fr" , 1 . '110 w Ie m th(' baby as I on '
ime, nove l 'on ce r t arlJst, Rt h,.Ul d Tuesday e\'enm
si a h Luthel'an C li u rch , So. 1 2 t h n I T sts . . in 1111 l1 ou r' Pl'O am 01:
ning, ray 29, in Par land Trini ty Stanley Willis, Ort ing, Lutberan ChW'cjl , With Rev. E, G. Llbel'aI Art5-Woodrow Willard Wuest pl caclllng tlle sermon Rev, Al'neson , Gig Harbor ; L ink a Preua ''''-ueal is pastOJ' of Zion Lutheran DeBe rry, Minneapolis ; Paul Ol u l C h urch in Ol'egon tty, and father Moneluk 1! �os!,!o, Ketchikan, Alaska ; of Roland 'u('st, onr of the grad Ar nol d Gustaf J hanson, Puyallup ; UII t " , WlIller . Jo son , Almira. : Ba On clAM nlgllt Thursday , .Tune hat Jean Kl'lImt"r, Almira, en ", the sen OI'S will pl'p�('n In'!' rinn , ol vl'l g falmin, Sou t h Bend; c c mccly , "Big-Rl' I ll."d HrrbT n\ :M: hel {orril'l, Puy lup : Ruth It 1't E l l en 1 0l'1'lson, Ta co ma : Ervin L. Fnllowlng is UI . lis on OWI'n, PeondJe on, Ore . : He ' Gt> r oa tf'S for gl'aduR tion : hard Filue '!'1", P arklan d ; Mary n . o l'lnaJ dcpart men t Donald J. Ra m s t.a d , BeaCh, No. Dalt. ; Mary A bner, Tac o rn ; Tbpodorc Edga l Elizabe t h Stll n , P a.r kl a nd : B rR Tacoma , ,lenny Brr co � qbpl'l!,', liot {lIrlt' SVlII'l'. Pa rkl a nd . � n ti B� I'don, Se , LUI.' : Elva Wilh Imina Rol nd eorg Wuut., O re.gon Ber gman BUl"111 gton ; En Id Eliza Ci y. m bet Blake', Taco a : ,Ianice Mar High 5khool- B t ba n Elizabeth gal'ct Brone s , aughn ; 'ivian Eliz A l len , C Rper, Wyo. ; John Ollborn Silverton Ore. : ab eth B une 5, ou l s bo ; Julia Viola Mona E. B 'rd, 1'aco ma : Willia m C E rlcks n, Jo son , Fires eel, So. Dak. ; El l!i� Capps, Tacoma : onstance l um b. 01 mp ' ; Allc Mildrl'd Cook, Ta Marie Kri ten cn , Seattl e ; Alice M arg a re Ra ms a d , Parkland : S , coma Mil 'gre Marl Dt'mers. O n'ill toraa.s1i , Pa rk lan ri , Robert Tacomfl , : L" el a E\'ans , El rna : , Syal'e, Parkland, and John By Melba 101 Fennt'y , P8t'kJ nd ' 1elI'n E\'el 'll Genitz, Roy ' Will el Ion 'all , 'Woodland -�---E h' I d np\crud, Silverton Ore , ; o n s ,luhan G ra n de , Tacoma : Mary EllzabeLh Grass, 1'aco ma ; Glenn O. GII!<tavsen, Sc llie larta H a gt'n e !<� ,
h.rjsten 'el ,
Theodore . sborg is In charJrf' of o m m e Dcemont announcements. Richard Peterson h.ad/f the cap c
and go," omn J l Lt'e, R n d t hollc 1It>It>ctlng- a sui t a 1(' glf from t h e ol l egr rl' VIII gr dua trs t o th Hag 11 (, Ql, eria Moch ke, Mal'ia Paul Larson nd Ll oy d T ompso n . Seniors '111 meet 'cdn day with E. Philip Dean IUlvLsel', their H u e.
The annual ban qu e t of 1hr \ om A thletic al\Soc iaUon, a l'l.'I'ays en among co :!a l r an im po rt ant eds, hn1ds special sigDln an e th l ll yea , smcl' It m rkll the fo r mA l omen at hle l a to !arewell of t h thelr AdRh
retirjn� intltruc or, Mr . Oa ppel·. At th bRnq u t ,
156 G RAD UATE instructo T F A IF HI H
��r�;, � ; D��:7r ��f� Ih���� 1
e el
11 5 thc originator
of th!' asIlOCla lion nd 9.1' a be l oved du nit her four 'earl; at P. L t the clost o f the school :\'1:9
{rM. apper will maRl' her hom in ugene, Or . S will h s u e
cl'edtd by MI s Rhoda Hoken15 c Io Lo r mer L. C. pupil o! h (,T
graduates this spring frer Un iverllit of Washington . Assisting ith pI nA for the ha. que Are Enid B la 'e, Ma.rgar Thorn �on and Signe Midtsa te r. w ho
T rophy Awards M a de . a t E xerclse s by Sup t H a ll •
1Fifty-s ix � u d en ts r cel ved plomas at F ife hIgh school COm... • ... menc m nt xC'rcil,es h d Thur8P, L . C. IIt U en t bod aff i n b 8 udl t'nce of Will w ntl up with an a l l scho da y ev e ing efore an Span tw I v/' h undre d wh i ch packed the s ftemoon a piCniC Frida Fred Krueg er Is ge a udl �orill . away I ke c;alutaJoh nso n , W llm Ml �ra l chairman, with the foilowinl ente!' in to ri n , o pen ed a series o f Bt ud en t ommiltecs : I!.I ill tln g talkll by :<peakl ng on the opic, ment ' Clif on Bruland and ('onnl i M l o( (' rn Ed ca f(lod, B e t t " E, a nso ".N ':� Treno s n l um b ; She was follow d y t lss ( llai nll s n J . ' R I r i a Moehn k tl on .
J?lln, facu lty ho l ce RuU WA tney Dol o r es . AI' Slrand "pea k e l', Miss V I I' vlO la H rulsen , discussed "The P l ace o f t u denL traneporta Llon. ��re Bean ( chair r ent h ool , " and t he m a n ) , Lu her B OG and i1drrt G o v nm n •. c valetl ctol'la n , II'" Dorot h NonTollefson , sad , closed v'lth a talk on "Guid.. ... ... an cr," M iss E l izabeth Rei z o f l"airfi upe rl n t ndent Robert C. HAll , Lo be president of the L u t h rAI tropby prese n t ed th fol lowl n of the Reform a tion ugh t £ T . She suec ed: c u ps : "c holas! IC award, Do rot b . C, ne ' ycaf. p, d voca tiona l Il.gjrcl.lI u ral MUi. Eva Gje5da l , student fron N o rlRa a : �irl '. Tal(em ura ; Tom wllrd, Edmore, • . D. I'e nior actlvl y award, '''' l ima .l oh n �nn ; boy'!; l'Ienior nctivity �waTd. ama oto : Fife alumrll G org" m rilnrio III award , Vl rp n l ll Hansan. In addi Inn , two new pl!lqul'� were announceo, to In the fl)nn of ae rvl awards. \Vinn('rB \ tre Esther Tc ling, Rozo 1 uroda. nnd Margaret H eggcm, Pa uL La son 8m
Ie al I
To Pre ch I
Kant: Ku ro da cia!'!! Th was p r8/'n t ed by Pr Al i nclp a l ert K" Ita to Joe S, len of the hOBI .(1 "'h o awarded the iplo.,m' , J,{r. A llen poin cd o ut that e l a r ge 9 S a ma rk ed ontra t 0 lh t o.f ten y ea rs a�o. he.n onl fifteen en tM Since w ere graduated thl' tntal nrol imen t h 'i do bled
scho I
cln.'1s I
bulldingll h ay,' bC'ell a d d d . MUlli c col1lilllte ct of II. voce l ,; 10 , "Where'r r -oJ! ,y I k ." Handel, b)' Mis ' Lois Eg a , a 'iolin !loIn, " M ed i ta ion , " Masse el. by Hnrold W b clan, and two arches by t he hl�h school band. R v. M l ltkel Lono of Pacific u h ro n coil " gR\'r t he in voca tion . F.dwa ri'l Cl:ul . officprll \ 'en� Loidhl\m�r, pro �id"nl. i.l m 8 Johnson, \ice preslo en t . '.. iniIred Cnx, secr tary. lind S e\' nl!', Dolll , t reasurer. an
I • ... ... }'lIci( c L u h e lan college a cahi ll reatl' llt' IViCI'R will be held un 8 o'cloc!< In Parl<clay evening
land TI openin
im tv
Lulheran ch urch , he w.,..k at � en j o acliv i tl es which will .. nd w i t h commt'n cem.:nt t he foHawinl?;' Frl-
day when if!
raduates wlll rtCt'jve
di pl oma.� .
8 !;
topi c,
Dire cted b r, Malmm, lhe ChOIr
' harge t he sp cl program which a ll parent! nre in leU. This wUl b th last Sunda y IIchool sessi o n unlil fal l . bu t parochial school wil begin June 6. wi th Ml1I, malad In c harg . Pac' Ic Lutheran college baccalaul' at sel 'Ices will be held II n 'clo c k , \1lh Rev, ve nln g, d ay 'Vue a the prea her and the ('oilege choir glvlng sp clal . . . m U�lc llnlnllnul'l -:- unday c ho'11 nnd BIble class WlU be held at 9 : 30 8, m. At the- afternoon servicf' t 5 p, m , Rp\", H . L FOPlI, distrIct prcsldent,
r E, G. t ht' O e- I
Rl'v. E. G , '� II(, t, pllstr.r of h .. Am f'rlc n Lut heran c h u rch 10 gon C lty sennon . , will rreach crateu Life:'
Pa:rldand TrlnU." L u t h ron ...... Momlng wo nq hi p It Park l an ,1 Tdn Jt y Lu t h ran ( hurdl, 1 1 o'clock, w i t h Rev. T. O. Svar preaching on lhe theme. "And y " AlsQ �h81 1 Bear '''' ltnesR. '' Sunu ay 'hool pl'omotion services will be lleld a t 1 0 . m " with MI·s. A. W. Ramst ad
.unnar of the "'.
t· '
Class Day Events Held . B e f ore G ra d uatJon ... , receding
co mmencement
w i ll b
('.hu rch,
'clock in Parkland
Trinity Lutheran utb e ra n
college �
h eld a.
events Th u rs-
New stud en t body orri
erl' w
blnet pres nt in trorluced by h at chapel xcrcises, y chm a n d t, fai b ful plcdgPri pl'e.sirlent-elect, service Rnll cooperation on be half
DC , group for t h p. next In Lurn '\1\'&5 yea r, a.nd h fo l owe d by 0 h r mem b , r � he cabinet. Rob rt K rueger ueceedli Walter opl erud 88 v ice - pre id e n , Allce Co ok's s cr e ar y ship goes to e Aago G e r de , and Ed t ts b e-
of thP . chool
ill es treasur in plac of Betty 1S t. new Don S iop p manager, replac ing advertising Mill , Vivian Lunde beB et in re I' senta.liv s e ni o r om� place of Co�ie Cl umb, Murray
ornor s, the so Taylor represen nger and ObeT succeed In Frank Sovde, and Merle Pflueger of th high school is succeeded by Bill Ramstad, Philli p orby automat Ically becomes a thl tic manager, h vlng assis tcd Clifton B ulan this y ar. Following
in.'Jtalla llon,
D e 0.. n
h . 8 led Philip E, Hauge. h resident h ll' year in place of Tl ng lstarl, apoke on b€'half . th a(\ rnin.U<tr tio n an RssUlte
Is n in gi vin oach Clifforrl bn bId! o.skl'tb a ll , In wa rds lraek, tl'IlDIS and golf. The radiUo.nal Ivy plsn tinlt' to.o
imm iat Iy a!ler chapl'1 en ior pre.si'Imer. Donal l vy orll Uon dl'nt, dell\'ermg the Kristensen of ttl and MiM El ' high 8�oe] a. sUiting in the plant pIa
In g. "Big Hearted H r b rt," a tbrt'et acl omedy, was pI' en ed by th seniors Thursday eVf'ning. Lam d a Chl 10. in g cup a.wards made chos!" n
gra uRte� wer wh and �lu the f ac ul t d l'n ts having been of grea in rrpl ra t l on to their cl&..\'s ma te.s. Col 1 ge awardll went to Ma.ria Hage ness ODd OU.., Gran,1 , Julia John th \'all rece lv �n and Jack by
high school 8wa
P. L. C. 13 8 H a s Official Class Hym I LE T HOU f\RTYOUN G. Elia<5 Bl i x WT4Hn�lat�d b� � iT. H o n 5'- c,. J �d'mi,n . \ �
__ "..
• r � .. it- ,. . r."l W}ii t. ou a r t '1 o u nf. TE - mem -"e r ;l. Wh i le fhou a r t yo u l'lf5' r� - mern � i)(' r Wh i le t hou o d yount{: re - m e m - be r ;, . ... . A n d s o, wh i le �o u n �,. b�- / i eve i n ,. G o d, let 1h e re -r1ou r - I S � i n o u r
• co me
o'" v;-' &0
With e a. ch
G od ! G ood' G o d ! Wh ;le
God ! Ere G o d , Ere l a n d. J\
, fu.il
l'J e W m � r n
g r ief te lf
y O L.l i �
f r u.
r#! -
��� , J"'n . Soi
t u r n - ' '' � ;
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'that fI rm
Th at l e a d t o .And Tu e fl..d lIn d y ie ld 10
• � s e e d ;11 spr; n g m W .5 t r a - d ; C1 7'1 f h ope cl o t h � tho" th e v i. I thou. .s h alt o.l d. a " d.
• •
--- .�... � . G o d i n yo uth; From y o u. th t o age C o n � ive Ihy h e a r t t o � h id - de n fJea rt - life fru l) (mel {a. ir, Doth 2. 01' ., li ke b u ds, f(J da rk a n d �fe rn, Wh en h a r a i t /s e Vtl - n ; n � 3. comes a n fo i fh ma ke s fait- e s t y o uth m O f � lair, �h ed, h 0 ,, - o r o ' e r f h e. ... . R e - e e l' v e fheir c rovvn, that the olel wlJ o 5. le t
tfss . Hi s ir�th, '/r;jld
D. gift 0/
r; ra ce,
c.lUC tol onll Prof .
• ••
I!n trfl
pc 0r
a i. l' , ;l lighf .a n d rn , tu fo God.. J. al', h ..;. �,.ay - jng
l 1l're I
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(3 E'-
ry ,ih i'o _ rtor _
de -p a r t tro m witb c r o wn s fhe whi le to
� eld by j ailh'$
t mll�c
pro- , ot
u It 0( tbe w rk
L. Ihng and Pr r. G U nna r ,J. �Ialmill, head •
fa r
'J) q d i c 4t e d 1to l' L1C o C \ o. u of l C) )B. Pc r k I 4 t1 d , W Q S �., f�b r u 4 ry " , ' 9 � 3.
r the
on, t b .: r
Rn d lin d li n d
ni(' Us �· o'" . y�a r YJ e
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� / O YJ • 0
EnglWt and mu ir depact mrnt reo pectively at Padfic Lutbel"8n collrgeo anti Ilooleat (1 to fh.. c lass o f 1938. It will be sung at t h e rommencement, J une 3. 4
UGH collabora tion of N • T. •
Hong, h
rI of
partmen t , and Prot. Gunnar J. J... ' Mal mln, d i r ec tor of m us ic lit dIlc Lutheran coll ege. new mu ie, dedicated to the cl as s of 193 8, is being featured in the c ol lege com n· exercisell. It is m ncemen titled "While Thou Art Young. " The 'orus are front a poem by the Scandinavian author, lias Bllx, translated by Prof. Hon� . The wo rr l s were et t o mw;ic by Prof. Mal mi n . n ilI uminaled cop y of \vords and mush: don e by ihl' Rev. rville Rynnln/:" plUltor of Bl'thany Lu h !'1m church, Ta·
CaRla, has been h ung In t h e college chapel. For some Urne Prof. Hong had bee n wanting t write a hym n ba. cd on the 12th c hap er of Ec· le:liastes. While he was working on it he discovered the Bl lx poem In hieh the co m po ller seerne to have caught a nd exprell!!e th e thought h e had in mind. The first four versc!! are an exact t rans la as re·wrl tten t ion ; the fifth ,'ers He l) roug ht th e by Proi. Hong. Prof. Malmin wh o wrote vel'5e
music. with Pro!. Ho n g s connection began Lutheran col l ege Pacific more than 30 years ago wh e n the
school was known B8 Pacific: Lu· theran Academy. While the hool WfUI closed durtng the war hI' was head of the E ng lish department at LIncoln hJgh school. After the wa r he re tu rn ed to PacUlc Lu · theran sta!! und e r his former acad em y pupil, Dr. 0, A. Tlnge) stall. Now, over 70 yen!"s old, he does very l i t tle tea ch ln g but de votes m uch of his ti me t trans· latlng- po eh'y and researrh for the Pacific HlBtor'cal 0 I ty pf al Uc PeopleR. oC which he Is presi· dent, He h "'1'll en some poems transla ting or but does much
of Scandinavian wri ters, particu larly h rons and religious vene.
EXERCISES T THREE PlAYS \ PRE ENT PLAY P. l. C. FRIDAY TO BE IV EN I ON THUR 0 Y P. L . C /s Dr am a Clu b Pr esenta tions on Fri day Night
Rev . Car I Ry el l to Del iver Address to Gra dua tes
CommenCI'Tllf'n t e x en is(>� a t Pa cific' Luthe ran col l egp VI ilia\' ('vl'n· ParI lng will 1J �ln Il l !; 'clocl In 1'l n l lY I.lI t h ran hUrl'h , R ,'. Innd Lu t h Carl R 'rll'll. ptUltllr of 1"lrst up !'ran eh l I'eh In Tile m a , will , IIv r t h e ('omm ncemc nt atlclrel's ," u8ill� all hi!'; topic, "Op('n Doors fie lhl' m mhrr, vl'nl v-flv rla!<� of j fl3� will ta k (' their l ineI'll a� Mr. , Ou n na r .1 . Malm ln play the (l1'A"an procl'l'l'lonn l, " Po m p nml R('\'. by El ga r. Circu m!;lan c ." A l f M . Kran bol !'If l' rUllnr!, 'Prl'�i' tiPD t of llle boa ru f trlls e . , w l l l givp lh .. in '(,calion , . Ll m ,l.. I:Ino hUl's Mi5� Vivi�r
, i a l'�\It'rt tp Han, ('n , acc{)m pa �ied n by Mn:, Mal min will play 0. VIOl f l u d , IJandt'L q "Lal'gll ' "I'\vn 1I11m· h(,rs by tht' ('(,Ile 'e rll!l lc . quart al I'olllp o:lcd of Rud) Elm. r, Don val'e and Ri l [unsoll , R b I'
ip..·n 1 , ..... 111 hI' ' ' Lord . 1m OIl\' 0rn The d Offense.!l." M e n d e l ssohn,
Hai r H OIu'," by • ' (' Yin . "March be will Lemm on, PI HUrica l , " pl ay " d by Mrs. Maln� ln 8.'1 1\ ,'1' ceo lounl. fl l' I , O·,hIY r CPR . . In. �e. at p, I• . \"1l1 3gaJn 1.,· l,e I'l:! wi t h T he np nln� of th e Summe l' 1 :1, Junl' Monda )', on !le �Sl on pIaI'I' U1at Re"'ist rnlion , til Lal h I' Rnd claSl'ell will ;follow
M us ica l Re cit al CLt day P. L. C. on M onImln , <Ii. \
Prntes�nr ' l lnnB r 1. M
Pac ifiC LU U1rpclor of mllslc II rs. Ma lmln , M nd li l.' co ll e g present B will no, pia I I<'a che r of lal at I'cel tn en ( stuLl group c h ap � l. M dllY at the college WIl l p a rt on the pl'oj!! !'am llf'g pr, Bel le Jo be R:ly mnnd Ptl Dorntl1y Rut h Mor riso n, F or ste r rth llf l,er �1 " I ll n .
' .. ra n
, ��g
Ls, ' on: ClIl' olin e M e l' ,IIh lr 11, ui n l "\r... . LH 11'IO ll. Jr.. 110 I r • I Pet A l lce Ham , tad. Het ty Pllu l Fus u.
playS pre e Fina l in a s ries of college by Pacific Lutheran the Drama 0 bcrs mcm ent stud act pJa')'s ub will be three one· colle:;e the In cvening Frid a 'lllJUl1lium, 8 p . m . �1f!S Under lhr direction of C'f a hi,::h Bf'rtha. Lal'son m\:muers ewel l , cho ol C".st will p resen t "Far Those taltin;; palt �'uel '"", orld. " ara All n arE' Me r l e Pfl uel!cr, Barb . . .. 8n I Be tty Slenne::-. I� n "lP- 'I' Hon !'ymc>nn A":" . •DOrls Mi� h.' e v gi he LO the piny cas N c."\'i�, with • i l'{'I�hmlln Lornn V !lbul'g, Car· mv < Jacl. app , Rh . Wood Ilnd en Greenlaw , opho mol'es, D�n of A group d , Mel'l'le Monson, Leola Laelr,woo rles Fallstro� Jean Malcolm , Cha y . III b('rt Mllc h('Il , Will P and i M ISS "Be Home by Mldnl.,;ht," will
Cl as s Day Ex erc ise s for P . L. C . ; W ill N am e W inne rs r , " a. thr 1" "BIg Hearted H erbe
('5b g l nnln '" TtJ hil lp E. Dl'n g ,111 v morntn " , ( f \ Ill' "umdlT' CclOI 11 R Ugr i� t he 1111 ap· I. e . l," �I to m r :;,·!\ m ad scllC<.l UI e
F ('\\� .P
all'l .
TUson Jan ice Dirp.cted by MIss euy I com the: ool, of Clover P a rk sch a se1f. ad(' , ber Hcr � ut abo ce n te rs ee p det erm me d to man \".ho I� . p1a m people, of up gro a hiS fiunlly ollty or wealthy free from the friv Alvin J acObs . set Is !amllies in �d playln g t, �ar g . takes his leadin e, EI \Z8.beth, IS opposite a s hi.> WIf n. bso EVl' Iyn J aco and �erbert, Alle e, tb daught el', thlDgs '? the son who l8.k jf to shOW . their own han dJi Itude, extrem Is bls att ;father h penecr Elugf'nl are played by A t hiTd lci ud. and Wa lter Grtp ily ill n oun g er m ember of the ;fam ther IsXed by Jed. Wall. e rha rd t of the cas lITe G
nyrJcr dh'ec i C al'o l gene rnl Gel'de, Aago Mis a n i ght, chairman of this llUlt dnm owing will be assiste by the fo ll fa rg�r�t s, committee!; : propertie . l la Th m p s on , Roy Sehmandt , Vlrg � ad\'crtu; J a hr . \ 'altel' Simon on ; Lnrs(;ll , In '" E 1 vVa tt..q ; st, "' c , Thor Doro thca Swan!1on ; m'llt u p , Mal''' B �n . Hackel'll 811 regular
pl'e !lented by act com dy. wH \ be I ege s niors a. t coll an her Lllt iiic Pa� TSd ay e.s ·da y exereisl' TI1U their grade Lhe Park land I n m, p, g 8. Announceme.nt I<chool auditor Ium winners \\'11 1 be P y h p o r t of
e hav , :c nlhe reglllll r po l n tmrn t . [ bel S augm l'nl mf'm e up o W ill mak wh r! sta t ('!l chm g . ulty fac er tb summ
tl� ir
Goodrich, Es.thc r Morg a n lice 's bOY frie nd ; . nell' es Jim e ma id ' OU, G �� F'nlll'V as bls L-" 'rcnce' M e l ba lliI' Rnd �v · stanl ...y Wi .'if· . lind Mr ll, l s ' M a y M orton H �i Mr obert Mull e n and .aodrich, and and Mrs M r. as Blake
AndrE' ;v
Enid Hav enR .,
d Y AI'Ice Betty Mill!'r, a!lsillle an d Bertha Larson , Ervin U g"l'nlHa l . ha lrma i ny, Hea I Fre Sub· llcntallon . pl'e pla the for ertising, Fred commltteef< arc . Adv Doro th y Slnl'k, cn Hel er, ru("� ' l .ook.
rry ; prnper Knill f'n. Linkn DeB ElVa Be.rgm n, ge, Hau dia O\'e , t ies M !l.rgrote De· tener Kvinl<llUld, Brones. lce J9Jl up e· mak ; el'!! • oLheR Hnck001 , mon Pea rcl rga A b rg, Walter ('I'd ; lit ge, Ted n, .lobnRo
\ \
To Teach
center Earl Platt, elon gate on , guard, and P aul Lars gu ard eran
acifiC Lulh seaso n's p on ono d by w er e int q l1 tba a.alte b fina l student th a ell mal their on Thu rlld ay. body a.asembly have blJl na DlI'I will tt Fla
Preu t he P y 1 hon or r on hall t he fOr " hUe Ii ho norary capof being eled n. t . tain for t he p rds 41 a lbl e t lc Besides th ese awa ath t.o � j5trlbut em blems were win ter esen ted In Clve Paul en grav ed on the
a s ('.up Inspiratio nal l' irnt lonal am's mo t in
lete s repr wards . rt;!. Foc> ball II and spr ing spo year. th In ier earl were made Lo:
were Riven Bn!iketb811 awards plntl., urdl<on, EIlrl Bob RIll '\I�e.n 5tll Sl� Lell6lt. harHe paul Lm'� ou Falls rlt n. Chu onso im S lllt W Motz . Gt'r Itt Hard tkO, trom: Murrll)' TlI)·lor ch. orv!lle SchlanbUJ! Paul dll: :Earl Plll tt. Base�al\ awll.r SI0l:tfIY' }tvln.slnnd. Don Lanon Stt!neT oc, Boll mmervlk. Bill o':pps :ao To McDO Uglll1, Bob wuioY, obnllon, FrIUlk UOlie1, Ford Mullen, walt Joh Anl strand . MoConn Ie11: . Ooll a\\'lI.1'd8 : Rllrry SttUl peoD, l"T1Ul1r. Ung�r, LlO}'d Tb OJn Anl d,,; Rola !'ld W at, 1\ck Pr�Dla IIwar oTlle oalbrlll tll. Oe 1JlQl1. SW/lt old " Will I, Don Hepp. Fred Kru eaer, BO... TrIlClt award6 : or. }durrll TR . ltTU ecr r, Blair Tayl wftDoe Jungels, 10. Em!! Smith.]!)rIck on. Pete Bury. Mel
"Saga" Is Dedicated to Mrs, Adah Da ppe r Ed ited by Miss GoldenE' Gerrltz, membe r ni tbe nOl'mal graduating �1e.5S. the 1 93 annual , " aga," h I JUBt ott t h e press at PacifiC Lu' t.h re.n college. Dedlt'ation is filt ingly ma de to MI', . Adah H. Dapper, who III re
Uring [I'o m her position as heao of the wome ' a ph sical ducation department . a place which she has be l d since 1 934, and which she DOW leaves in 01'<11'1' to make her borne in Eugene, reo D scrIption and pictures of the layln!;' of the library buil din g cor nerston a complete version oI Prnf. N. J. Hong'!! ne 'ly published translaled bymn , " Whilp Thou Art Young, Rempmber God ." a number of new campus "i WI, incl uding nJJ:'bt plctUrc..� . and cle.scriptlon of BeVt'I'al new o rganization!! are fea tures DC the Saga'a contents. ThP OVPI' Cllrrles out lh colle ge colo!'!; in bony and gold and a Cl;III , m d m lyp ha.� been Wled, .. _- " 1 n ,. PlUne t.
ast or Spe a k's at Ch apel Ex er Cls e� •
H onored a t S m art P arty
Hon ring 1\1 i s s J u I i , · t r0I11 111C, b r ide-el ect. o f 1\1 1'. H ober t A u ne." , MI' . Llonalrl \\' a rter and 11. 8 11'ene T 11cf son were co-h os 'esses T uesday e 'eni n g at the h 111e f l\11's. , I'm n H a n , 0 n . M i . romme, who i the daugbter f M r. < nd 1 1' ... . ,J, St rom me, ha. ho en ,July 1:. a s t h e date o her weddi ng. ,_
Tue.day evenin Will! :; pen t lil ,' ln g b . dg . with 110n 1'1'1 going t n M illS Louise G br iel . Millll EI rna Toll ,.C30n lin d Miss Lillian Mull e n bruch. Li\teT in the evening Rift rcsente to lhe honor guest \vcr e nr! R buffet StlPPCI' wa.q 5cI"\'cd, �lji tl ng' t h hostcslll's in erv t g w er e Mr. J\ ndl'rw Cn ll i ns and :Mrs . F r o erlc k Go r don. Th t abl wa s aid with R l ac e oth and r e nte red with a bouquet of Vall Fleet. TOlles in R cry. tal bowl. Pln lt ta ors in r 'stal holdt'J'I! com pI" {'d the t able �tting. Gue t.B 'ert' Mr" l{arlo l Hanson, Mrs. William Tumel', M r.!l. Cl iffon'l 'I i �s obe rt Ho del', Eddy, M rs. D.'l'lyn Jllcob,on. Miss .Ma.ry deIlI.id" Ril ylx>ld , M , Homl)r " 'ebb, M l·�. ThE'orlQrl' R I k M rll. L AW' tc>ncl' L"lI'rt, 'MlI!III Lillitln . {nll en hruch. Mil',. Louise fr� . brl!'l . An rl rco ' 0 1 l i n8 . .11 rs. Lloyd Ro"�n
nf'W llast,?T Re , C. J . .lohoson, ran ch ur c h . In Lulh l Flr. th o! from 1'<1111'1\ oulh Ta com a, comin Cll y , MonL , spo ke W(1dncsrl Y Luthe ran col llVlI'ning at PaCIfic R \' . J oh n ' Miss c ha pel IIcrvice ' ) g
. Cam , Mr.... Micb el Yusk Mrs tr mm , MT$. Fr('d ericl� n "ligll r a � s a rl , �I'rlon, •frs. Ray S a: n dcgre , l.U� . Manh ncl!B," Tollefson , f rs. Ches el' I. s Thelm Daniels, m usIC lil- emma M r c or of th l'otltlam l g ra I rltlman ,lllcll t b Jacohson ) Mrs e t ' bOy� sex tel 1:91'olfl H anllon 811r/ irs. li' l'ancl� school , pree nted 1\ ('I n. J"CtlOll . � ......... " .,..........:tW1:��.:wiW...iS !\ n
. by PI'O!, "Christl spoke · on
ntrad uced
I'hyl l is
Paul i n